GopyrightN". 2d/ COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. TLe MINOR POET^o Ms MUSE— lj~ H is ^vue mou nasi ct Secret SooA. In which are 'treasured all the thoughts ofiryen Who find in thee and in thi/ toving tooA. The inspiration for a fru itfu t p en^ Inen thou hast those I fashioned fir om mt/ hearty Zmpressions noade up- on my iryohite i/oiith Bi/ thy stranc^e heauty and etusive art^ The tyrics of a pure and passionat truth. LJui in succeeding i/ears '6hou didsi fovgei: ^ And favored fairer Ihe^s^ wAilelfain Would s'till go singing on^ remenjjbeving i/el Though Lui:e and harp were sei io sadder si^rain Thy heauiy ha^h heen sung in greai:er song Than any said and signed by my poor nanoe^ And in Ihy liMe Secret SooA belong The tributes of men high in halls of fame. Ijti6 Tviih dim ei/es^ on some sweei pensive dai/^ ThoitU leaf '6hem o^ev^ and eve is closed 'Ihe^ covet* Wil^ sigh across dead uears -6o iDe and sat/ ^ Tie was nji/ conslanl^mi/ mosl failnful lover. J SONGS ^ SONNETS y EtviaDem Cocweu NEW YORK yrecLevic yaircnilcL /^r>ez*rnar> MCMIX ' C ( C^opz/ri^AiJyoJbt/ TreaericJ^ircJiiia j^nerz. IGLA252813 2ne C/ou^en'^s lUSCf JjneiMinorloe^ ^onisVlut. In SaUad of a ^oiz^/y y /opAea WiTnin aytia-jo/own Hose JA. /arnen'6- The Wat/ oJ^/i£e lr>e jL/irf-e fence Eas-^-^Wesi^ liAe Jxet* (Ja^ranTS CJnstzn^ A.Jei-6evrronj -^ne Ooun^n/ Axe moriesr 7) ■ Jn jAvcaay (^Li cL^vains ^'iz Iriumen^ Lyncef^ccin^t/ J\.Jo Jryi-^io On -^Ae ^eacn jDor)r>eT-i X^opardo aa L/inci on pairyir- in^ -6ne .Mono, Jisa iKlicisuiioiryezr' A/iUn'6 \7ao no-^^came Inee Moods Jr>scvip-i L^oCaezj LJzie Xove J\.no-6r>er Alt/ Zares U^J^rxx-^es yr> Season ^Jhe Uadei/ orlDeu^/)^ O onryoenscrui on Jr>scvip-cion in ±a.l^' W (en Iveasuvy nvoi -/o rmJl*j.o^r>er The BALLAD o-/-ct yovTH J 1 am no^ j-ait* as she is -fait*^ Wi^h a whi-6e spitrii: 's qrace; Nor can I '6ha'6 j^ine fervor yveav Thai looAs fovi/y/roir> her face. I am nci pure as she is puve — Sivancfe phaniorDs did invUe^ A^nd curious whispers came -60 lure Ml/ foo-6sieps -through the Night. And now/can jbuiAnow '^hai when Herfeei: irhe lilies l;rod^ I soizgh-6 -Ihe hidden haunvs of men And so /or^o^ ir>i/ God. Where smiles avehou- pany. One saw^now each re- i:izvninq Spring Made lime vivulels run A.nd quicAen i^o mad muviryuring J\.nd laugh-6er in i:he Sizn. uhe heard me Ihundev^ heads unvod A^ndfold awai/ Iheroisi, Thai even/ hizd and h loony and An oil Bi/ vainhoTV miqh-6 he Aissed. Ja^ sUvev sickle in ^ne ski/^ She saw -6k>e slendetr Moon, And froiT> ^he limpid licjfM hung k>i(jrh^ She craved a sdenlkoon. ohe saw -Ihe Aulunon hum i:o gold^ Dream on 'lo cetrlain dealh When WinJet* in his nyan-lle 's fold Crushed oul her quiei hveal^h. JI Ine ripple of i:he vising His poignani: prophesy In sprays of song ihrough dewy davA Slivvedhev wdh melody^ J\nd'6hvough long, lisl-^ less days ofjfune^ And full, iSaidsunynyev^s heair^ She sighed and sang in lender lune, Ripe^ liAe ine Seasons wheal. e in Wni^e roJbe ahoui whiii limhs sofaiv) She wound ana i^hen her Jig ad Ben J: lon^ in simpie^ si /en '6 pra t/e r) Before her fra^rani hed. Jrialfpar/ed Lips and red rose blush, Shi/ mrids of ecs^asi/^ Wide open eyes on mid- nicfhl hush^ Thus did she dream of me. Ill Ihrough changing^ crim- son sunset sAies^ Ml/ undelihevave jDUce Found her lAriirh -wisifizl^ wondering eyes-^ Andsivange^ moon-jbauni- ed-face. lall^ liAe her flag-flowers in vhe marshy Li^he^ like a lilg^ hlown By hree'zes ere ^heggrow loo harsh A^ndo'ev Ihe iDoovsmake moan. rJer smile was liAe ^he April sun; Her laugh like silvergrain, Which ere H died awag had run Slvaighl through uoghearl yvilh pain. k^he said-her voice was as a song— jAhj 'thouhas't coroeioiDe! I have been w^aviing for 'ihee long Down by ihe sounding Sea . " ohe said: And 'Ihouhasl come from far^ From some s'tvange^ un- known place; Wilh dusl and slain i:hy garments are^ Ajid 'lears have soiled Ihy face!^ Lyonye lei nie give -Ihee from my slove Ol honey and of meal; A. cup of wale r drinjk. before Tnouperisb in "Ibe heal. J-\. cooL^ clean gavmeni: sjfyal~6 ihou Tveav^ AJy^ lei: me dri^lhyiears! My home and hcLvvesi shall; -Ihou shave Through Ihe succeeding years. " ohe i:oojk m>y 'lived head lo vesi: As il she did hiz-l Anow I found ^h& haven of hev hveas-l By slumh ling sleps and sloTv. IV 1 airy noi(r fair as sne isfair^ Wi'^h a jvhi^e spi trie's grace; iVor can I i:ha^ fine fer- vor wear Thai: looAs fori/) from her face. 1 ano noi pizre as she is pure — Svrange phanionjs did inviie^ A.nd curious whispers canoe iro Cure My fooisieps through ihe Nighi. Jx.ich hounig from ihe perfect founi Of her virginiig, A.nd passion 's piigpar- anyounij She holds in leash for me. /X^ndfov ^his fvagran'6 chalice, chaste^ I can £>IjL'6 off er her JEj^^perience^ 'ioizcJied with -6he ^asie Of yrormiYOod and of 1-6 is no6 irhai Iwould he fvee For i^ha-l I love her well. J\^nd t/e-l i-l is Iieir Pizri^iJ noe my Heaven and Hell. IZogJ^ecf Vi/f6f>in a FlilL-Jbiown^se J. LOoAecL jviihin afuLL- hLowjD Rose.^ J\r>c[ fouDcl OL cdrop O'f RlcC izpon fold of ve A ve/ Cecif Hid i^ firoiry pccssincf view. 1 looA&cL jvi^Join t/oizr* ^nha TDertctCs wara close. ctiirLacL^ J^U pcLxiaiTtly I loosed each leccf^ ^Whcd v^ccdlly ^o jdc^ izi^/ttr'le df AIAMENT J\happi/^ nappy oircL Siis singinq in a, i:ree. ^he CMie song he sings Can only he fo2r noe. JTle seems ^o h^noMr nr>y heairi: Is achiny here alone^ I hear iv in his glacL^ J\.s in his plaini:ive 'lone. iJ-e has his liflLe Love jAK warm wilhin her neslr. jAnal—Ihave a dveazTy To fold iinlo ir>ghreasl. liarA^how ihe huhhling no^es His feathered i:hvoa'6 c[ilai:e / He seems /o sai/ ^onoe: O wavt, O iArcci'6^ O wav6/ " Oo mere ne sii:s and sings Up in i:he greenv[rood i:ree- Q if mi/ Love should hectr^ Shoizld hear^ and come 'to me/ TheWMofllFE kJ^ -ine ^wai/ of Life cfoes si:var>(^e[y^ Jbivt te^ noi: our /yeaiTTS (^^o^Ar old. T^houcjfh -wre leave 'ir^e lanes of d^ildhood^miss Ine arms i:hai: u,sedi:o foid. ^Whde £oe hlooim is on i:Jfye Jjillside^ ccnd ^J~>& hedcjfes full of soncf^ ZjooA- a li'Ule, love a lii- 'tie, foir l^he y\rai/ v^ill noT he lonq. \Jj -l:r>e -lears will conye i:o Llind us, jbul we al- Mrai/s snoile acfain^ And v^e love -Ihe sun £^e jbei:leir afleir days of cloud and rain. VVnue y^e Jbave i:he LH- 'tle childireDj ar>ct'the' fields iro roam among. L/ooA a LiH:le^ Cove a Ht-- i:le^ for irhe yvut/ wilt nci he long. 1 here aire hlossonos hi/ i:he roadside^ and enough for one andall^ uAnd Irheiir fragrance is no swee^eir for ^he gjreai: ihun fair ^he^ small Then hizi lisien i:o -Iheir gireeiings^ leave awhile Ihe bust/ Ihrong, LooA a IMle^ love a Id- lle^fojr i:he yvay lArill noT he long. Toe DiiTeirence Of CL y^ild^ ^w^airtoD^ hap- jDiroizcfrrt i:ecLirs ot ctn- cfizish '60 2101/ ei/es^ ±6 irIyinA. of tdi/ Cos^ JPoLz^cLclise. lectps izp ^ocCoLi/^ Q^foir> jhixTD iry A is T^oizucCeCcLi^f His sor>(^ is svsree^^ as sw^ec^ cctr> he-y jBecccizse miy Loves ve- irizTTDed 'tro jroe. EAST&WEST LJ^'6o ride iLasi:^ In "the early morn ^ Hopehic^h in 'ihe Jbeari: For Ihe day, new-horn! C/ i:o ride Wesi:, ihe day's worA. done. The sky all aglow Wi'lh ihe seidiny sun ! Ly, '60 ride iL/as'l, O, 'lo ride Wes-l, Q ever '60 ride Wilh one I love hesi! ZIKE HER lyoi: r>eirs i:r>e Joeauiy ^^/>ic/} /y?e violet holds- R.&iizir3r>ir)Cjf Sprirxjf^s SMreert^ ^welcome Jiccir^ Tsfoir does i:he splendid pcK^eani: Irhul unfolds O^eir noeadow- land and hill, resen^hle heir. Jyor yd irhe fullness o/ 'life SumiDeir^ide^ A he loncjf hushed dai/s, i:he fresh nidhl-coolincf sho^Areirs^ 'The lilies hendincji where 'the vipples hide Their arowsi/ n^urnjuv in de ep --pe irfum e d ho^veirs. Gjr ±jiz'6 moire Lih.e h irhe i:iir>e i:he sofi soui^ hree.'ze' Bvincfs roellow no'6es oi dleanevs in ihe covn. When purplish licjrh-6s cono e sh innme irincjf '6hroti(^h i:he '6rees, A^nct memories auicAr- enina^ pensive Inouc/his are Joovn. "VAGRANTS lluyv'tnovn and sweci-- brier^ apple Lea-f and vose^ Dandelions noa^ching fire wUh ihe cowslip glows, ucen-l of ihe nejv grass^ wind~oloy\rn and sweel^ Call dow^n 'Ihe long pass unre lizciani: feev. Wild on -ihe hillside^ gtrow -Ihe sw^ee-l peas; Deep in Iheir fragrance hide 'Ihe avdenr bees. On wi'lh a sly slip^ Luv^ ing us afler. Ripple and dip ^ dip^ goes ihe creeks laughver. \Jviole^ cardinal/ihrushs wild noi:e '^ SlacAhirds madrigal low^ in irhe i:hroal. I^avA's love madness izpward he flings^ Soars in his gladness^ sings^ soavs^ sings. Owifl shafts oj- sitn^ ligM drink, up xhe deiAr. bonder a crojvs flighl giii cAens ihe view. L)n^ on^ -Ihe woods bring more enticing ^ways^ On, on^ ihe birds sing more melodious lays. On. on^ ^he creeA calls lilt ii: is a rill^ Gurgling where Ihe Irail falls high fron^ a hill. L/n^ on, i:he ^ rail Leads-, who w^ould have ii: endl "The faiires't floweir mizsT needs be Jrnsi: around a bend. \Jn, ere ihe^une dusi: mavs -irhe bloom of- May, L/eir izs w^andeir, deair^ j:usi: vagiran^s foir a dai/ f UNSUNG- JhlOTv often 1 feel thai the iryadcap reel Of CL ship on a tossing secL^ Where the lArinds hiss low^ and the foany flecks blovsr^ Would be life of a kind foir roe. Iw^ouldnoeet the sway, and the dashing spray From the waves with a hungerincf glee^ A^ndthe Tears unshed, and the heart thathaln bled, Would be lost in the sob of the sea.. Hizi: nere.onli^ Jnere^ is ^e cairoLirxj/ cteair^ Of a hircL in a Jblossom^ in<^ iree: A son^ ir> /)is Jbireasi:, 'to Jyis mccta on I^eir JFie. poizirs fot*i:^ his ripe zDeiodiJ. I wis/} noi: '60 rue 'thai '6he sAies ure s'iill Jblue^ Thcci the clover* is deep ir) '6he leccj Bti-6 i:o he liAe ^ heat*d^ And me noeiryovy^Sweel, of thee / AlETTERfvoiry ihe. COUNTRY 1 aro down in -ihe sun^ ivt noectdows^ TJyui: sir>e{{ of iJie new^ mown ^au; The world is -the color of clover^ And decked for a hoLi- dcLtf. lr>e LcLvA. cctUs do^vn i:o -the hlossoms^ Bizrt his message is noi: more sweety Than I send yyi^h 'the' '^joihuvs i^hai rrusile ihe (grasses 'ihai qvow wt my feet. iJbey dip f-irom irhe^ jblue of- i:he heavens^ /^nd ga^hef 'the drops