|GB 1025 C2 E2 [Copy 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Albert B. Fall, Secretary United States Geological Survey George Otis Smith, Director WATER-SUPPLY Paper 468 RECORDS OF WATER LEVELS IN WELLS m SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BY F. C. EBERT Prepared in cooperation with THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA vyashington GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Albert B. Fall, Secretary United States Geological Survey '' George Otis Smith, Director Water-Supply Paper 468 RECORDS OF WATER LEVELS IN WELLS m SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BY F. C. EBERT Prepared in cooperation with THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 :1 ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS s> ^ g CONTEISTTS. Page. Introduction 5 Scope and purpose of investigation 5 Causes of fluctuations of water table 6 General conditions shown by the records 7 San Bernardino Valley 7 Foothill Belt 8 Coastal Plain 9 San Jacinto Valley 10 Explanation of records 10 The records 12 Valley of southern California 12 San Diego County 126 Index 153 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Map of a part of southern California showing locations of observation wells and certain precipitation and stream-gaging stations In pocket. II. Graph showing fluctuation of water level in the Williams well, in San Bernardino Valley, Calif., together with precipitation at San Bernardino and discharge of Santa Ana River 8 III. Graph showing fluctuation of water level in well No. 42, in the foot- hill belt, between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, Calif., together with precipitation at Los Angeles and discharge of San Gabriel River. 8 IV. Graph showing fluctuation of water level in well No. 41 (Neff well), in the Coastal Plain of southern California, together with precipita- tion near Tustin 8 Figure 1. Graph showing fluctuation of water level in well No. 72, in San Jacinto Valley, Calif., together with precipitation at San Jacinto.. 11 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/recordsofwaterleOOeber RECORDS OF WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. By F. C. Ebert. INTRODUCTION. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION. The valley of southern California, as defined by W. C. Mendenhall,* is the lowland region that is limited on the north by the San Gabriel Range and is separated from the Mohave and Colorado deserts on the east by the San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountains. Toward the west it is open to the Pacific, and on the south its limits are irreg- ular and to a certain degree indefinite, the lowlands gradually giv- ing way to the highlands of San Diego County. The wells whose records of fluctuations of water level are given in this report are chiefly in this lowland region, which includes San Bernardino Valley, the foothill belt between San Bernardino Valley and Los Angeles, the coastal plain west and south of Los Angeles, and San Jacinto Valley and adjacent areas. (See PL I.) A few records are also given for wells in San Diego County (pp. 126-151). The prosperity of tliis important region is very largely dependent upon its ground-water resources. Most of the water supplies, whether used for domestic purposes or irrigation, are obtained wholly or in part from ground water. In 1905 MendenhalP estimated that two- thirds of the land at that time under irrigation in this region obtained its water from subterranean sources during the protracted period of low run-off then prevailing. Since that time much more land has been brought under irrigation, and the proportion of land supplied with ground water has probably been increased. In 1900 the United States Geological Survey began a series of studies of the occurrence, amomit, distribution, and use of the ground water in the region, and published reports on the ground-water re- sources of San Bernardino Valley,^ the foothill belt,* and the coastal 1 Mendenhall, W. C, Development of underground waters in the western coastal-plain region of southern California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 139, pp. 9-10, 1905. 2 Mendenhall, W. C, Proceedings ol second conference of engineers of the Reclamation Service with ac- companying papers: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 146, p. 119, 1905. 3 Mendenhall, W. C, The hydrology of San Bernardino Valley, Calif.: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 142, 1905. * Mendenhall, W. C, Ground waters and irrigation enterprises in the foothill belt, southern California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 219. 1908. 5 6 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. plain. ^ A report on San Jacinto Valley and adjacent areas has recently been published.^ For such studies, records of the fluctua- tions of the water table extending over long periods are very valuable, because they show the extent of the depletion of the subterranean supply during times of light precipitation and heavy pumping and the extent of replenishment of this supply during the times of rela- tively heavy precipitation. When the work was begiui it was found that records of water-level fluctuations were available for only a few widely separated wells. Typical wells, properly distributed over the region under investiga- tion, were therefore selected for observation, and measurements of the depths to the water level in these wells were made from time to time. In recent years additional wells have been selected and at least two measurements are made every year in each of the observa- tion wells — one measurement in the spring, when the water level is generally highest, and one in the fall, when it is generally lowest. The Gage Canal Co. has furnished a record of a large number of measurements of a well known as the Williams well, near San Ber- nardino (see p. 121 and PL II), and Mr. J. B. Neff has furnished a record of measurements of his well near Anaheim (see well No. 41, p. 44, and PI. IV). Most of the data collected prior to 1912 have already been pub- lished ^ in water-supply papers, but, for the convenience of those who wish to use the records, all the data are included in this report. CAUSES OF FLUCTUATIONS OF WATER TABLE. The supply of ground water in the valley of southern California is derived from the following sources : 1. The streams which rise in adjacent mountain regions and flow over the valley areas, where their water percolates into the under- lying gravels. This is the source of most of the ground water, but, owing to the intensity of rainfall and the resulting rapid run-off in floods, much of the surface water escapes to the sea. Several methods of preventing this waste have been tried, the method most 5 Mendenhall, W. C., Development of underground waters in the eastern coastal-plain region of southern California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 137, 1905; Development of imdergroimd waters in the central coastal-plain region of southern California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 138, 1905; Devel- opment of underground waters in the western coastal-plain region of southern California: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-supply Paper 139, 1905. 6 Waring, G. A., Ground water in San Jacinto and Temecula basins, Calif.: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 429, 1919. ' Clapp, W. B., The surface water supply of California, 1906, with a section on ground-water levels in southern California (Great Basra and Pacific Ocean draiuages in California and Lower Colorado River drainage): U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 213, pp. 189-205, 1907. Clapp, W. B., and Martin, W. F., Sm-face water supply of the United States, 1907-8, Part XI, California, prepared under the direction of M. O. I.eighton: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 251, pp. 338-348, 1910. McGlashan, H. D., and Stevens, G. C, Surface water supply of the United States, 1912, Part X, Pacific ccast basins in California: U. S. Geol. Svu-vey Water-Supply Paper 331, pp. 42S-434, 1914. INTRODUCTION. 7 generally used being to increase the percolation area by spreading the flood waters over the debris cones where the streams enter the valley areas. 2. The rain which falls upon the valley areas. The amount of absorption from this source depends largely on the perviousness of the soil and underlying deposits. 3. The water applied in irrigation. During the irrigating season practically all surface water is conveyed through pipe lines or canals from the can5mns to the points of application. After being applied to the land a considerable portion of the water sinks into the gravel and is added to the ground-water supply. The supply of ground water is depleted by the following causes : 1. Pumping from wells for irrigation and domestic supply. 2. Discharge of springs and flowing wells. 3. Transpiration from vegetation. 4. Evaporation from sloughs and other low lands where the water table is near the surface. A record of the fluctuations of the water table extending over a period of years will show the depletion and replenishment of the supply of ground water. Such a record, when studied in connection with records of precipitation and run-off, will show whether the supply, which has been depleted by superimposed draft due to in- creased use of ground water in addition to the natural depletion during dry years, is renewed during years of abundant rainfall. In a basin in which this does not take place either the replenishment must be increased by water spreading or other means, or else the with- drawals must be reduced by preventing waste or decreasing the pumpage. Otherwise the water table will be lowered to such a depth that it will no longer be profitable to pump the water. GENERAL CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THE RECORDS. To illustrate more plainly the favorable and unfavorable periods of replenishment and their effect on the ground-water level, graphs have been prepared showing precipitation, run-off, and fluctuation of the water table in the four principal areas — San Bernardino Valley, the foothill belt, the coastal plain, and San Jacinto Valley. The rec- ords of measurements during 1920 are given, but it has not been possible to bring the graphs up to date. SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY. San Bernardino VaUey lies near the eastern end of the valley of southern California and consists of the lowlands in San Bernardino County, in the Redlands and San Bernardino quadrangles. (See PL I.) The hydrology of this region has been treated in Water- Supply Papers 60, 61, and 142. For this area there are several a WATEK LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERK CALIFORNIA. fairly long records of water-level fluctuation, which are of interest in a study of ground-water conditions. The principal source of ground-water replenishment is Santa Ana River and its tributaries. The Geological Survey has measured the flow of Santa Ana Eiver near the mouth of its canyon since 1896. (See PI. I and table below.) The longest record of precipitation in the valley is that at the city of San Bernardino, kept by the United States Weather Bureau since 1870. (See PI. I.) The Gage Canal Co. has kept a record of the fluctuation of the water level in the Williams wefl, about 4 J miles east of San Bernardino, since 1892. (See PL I and p. 121.) Plate II shows the departure from the average annual precipitation at San Bernardino, the annual discharge of Santa Ana Eiver at the mouth of its canyon, and the fluctuation of the water surface in the WiUiams well from observations made by the Gage Canal Co. Observation wells Nos. 64 to 68 and 86 to 135, inclusive, are located in San Bernardino Valley. (See PL I.) Discharge, in acre-feet, of Santa Ana River at mouth of canyon, entrance to San Ber- nardino Valley. Year. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. Total. 1896-97. 4,753 4,353 4,124 4,372 2,148 2,435 4,179 10,282 7,637 8,899 4,690 4,723 62, 600 1897-98. 5,077 4,628 3,968 3,347 2,678 2,040 2,987 2,688 2,448 2,333 •3,727 2,840 38,800 1898-99. 2,625 2,653 2,223 1,571 1,285 1,364 1,593 1,516 1,949 1,458 1,365 1,315 20,900 1899-00. 1,371 782 690 1,015 1,268 1,427 1,414 1,222 1,414 1,488 3,505 1,309 16,900 1900-01. 1,168 676 714 861 6,367 1,722 4,796 10, 774 4,181 2,559 2,582 2,202 38,600 1901-02. 2,337 3,074 2,916 2,951 1,547 1,476 1,470 2,110 4,858 3,035 2,214 1,964 30, 000 1902-03. 1,599 1,537 1, 428 2,398 1,428 1,353 2,029 2,666 9,100 20,945 5,657 3,808 53,900 1903-04. 3,136 3,382 3,094 2,890 1,785 1,660 1,599 1,898 3,935 3,154 2,521 2,618 31.700 1904-05. 2,767 2,828 2,975 2,951 1,190 1,230 2,251 5, 420 7,993 5, 385 10,580 4,624 50,200 1905-06. 3,867 4,107 4,064 3,025 2,827 2,362 2,880 3,500 32,600 16,300 15,100 10,200 101,000 1906-07. 7,320 4,950 3,810 4,390 3,590 6,820 14,700 16,200 41,900 32, 800 14,500 10,200 161,000 1907-08. 8,300 5,550 4,360 5,180 7,080 3,710 5,050 7,760 7,690 5,880 4,690 3,670 68,900 1908-09. 3,950 3,920 3,500 3,550 2,550 2,670 7,380 13,200 11,300 12,400 9,720 5,790 79,900 1909-10. 4,240 3,950 3,680 3,560 3,150 8,360 03,090 6,220 6,330 6,250 5,220 4,130 58,200 1910-11. 4,000 3,840 3,870 3,780 2,800 2,730 7,870 10,900 27,900 12, 700 7,990 6,150 94, 600 1911-12. 5,470 3,970 3,920 3,730 3,000 2, 850 2,740 2,340 5,760 6,010 5,320 3,750 48,900 1912-13. 3,730 3,700 3,520 3,370 2,330 2,250 2,100 2,480 3,340 3,650 3,590 3,420 37,500 1913-14. 4, 080 3,600 3,430 3,310 1,990 1,770 10, 500 15, 300 8,550 7,440 8,730 6,840 75, 500 1914-15. 5,370 4.370 3,800 3,630 2,850 3,030 4,700 15,900 11,100 14, 400 18,900 14,000 102,000 1915-16. 9,840 6;i5U 4,840 4,3.90 4,020 3,880 b 5, 500 c27, 400 47,200 23,700 15,600 10,900 163,000 1916-17- 8,610 6,640 6,430 6,700 5,300 4,970 5,260 5,530 6,330 7,200 8,050 6,050 76, 100 1917-18. 5,680 6,520 6,010 i a Jan. 23-31. b Jan. 1-17. c Feb. 11-29. FOOTHILL BELT. The foothill belt of the valley of southern California is the area eastward from the Arroyo Seco, near Pasadena, along the base of the San Gabriel Range, to the west rim of San Bernardino Valley. It includes the Cucamonga Plain and the San Gabriel Valley and the divide separating them. The Cucamonga Plain is the lowland west of San Bernardino Valley and above Santa Ana Canyon, where the river breaks through the Santa Ana Mountains. San Gabriel Valley is the area drained by San Gabriel River and its tributaries above 3^'* HJli.' Inch 20 inche; U. S. QEOLOGICAI, SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 468 PLATE Inches 1 DEPARTURE FROM AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION 1 1 AT SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA , 1 1 Line A-A is average for 47 years, 16 IS inches 2 . r- (D (I) (D m 01 m ou OJ 01 ;.:.. :m.;.?u4; J V\\ J3V3J «3T4;,V INTRODUCTION, 9 Paso de Bartolo except ^Vrroyo Seco. The foothill belt is shown on the maps of the Cucamonga, Pomona, and Pasadena quadrangles. (See PL I.) The principal source of ground water is the upper San Gabriel drainage basin. Important secondary sources are San Antonio, San Dimas, and other streams draining southwest from the San Gabriel Mountains. The United States Geological Survey has main- tained a gaging station at the mouth of San Gabriel Kiver Canyon since 1896. (See PL I.) The resulting discharge data, given in the table below, and the record of precipitation for Los Angeles, which has been kept since 1S77, show the favorable and unfavorable years for augmenting subterranean storage. Hence, a comparison of these two records with the fluctuation of the water level in we'll No. 42 (p. 47), at Baldwin Park, is of interest. (See PL III.) Observation wells Nos. 23 to 33 and 42 to G3a. inclusive are located in the foothill belt. (See PL I.) Discharge, in acre-feet, of San Gabriel River near Azusa, Calif. Year. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. Total. 1896-97.. 738 861 774' 1,476 1,131 1,353 3,617 19, 146 28,623 17,519 8,851 4,033 88, 100 1897-98.. 2,343 1,613 1,226 5,564 1,860 1,875 2,453 2,241 2,131; 1,950 2,213 1,159 26, 600 1898-99.. 672 456 467 633 680 832' 1,414 1,244 l,023j 1,262 842 665 10,500 1899-1900 221 295 220 683 847 l,247i 1,968 1,111 1,230 1,012 2,275 893 12,000 1900-01.. 369 246 238 307 11,068 1,269 10,391 37,765 13,589 6,545 7,440 3,749 93,000 1901-02.. 1,845 1 240 1,012 1,476 1,904 1,6601 1,722 2,055 6,088 3,928 2,398 1,190 26,500 1902-03.. 676 430 298 430 1,131 1,968 9,100 5,665 15, 802 47, 127 13,343 5,653 102,000 1903-04.. 2,644 1,783 1,488 1,476 1,428 i,476i 1,500 2,744 6,813 5,337 4,089 1,517 32,300 1904-05.. 861 793 643 738 762 1,039 2,251 25,880 75, 140 19,580 17,090 8,271 153,000 1905-OG.. 5,103 2,631 1,869 1,771 2,660 2,466 4,190 3,780 133,000 34,400 21,000 15,600 228,000 1906-07.. 9,530 4,480 2,840 2,450 2,400 11,600| 58,400 47,100 116,000 58, 400 21,500 15, 100 350,000 1907-08.. 8,360 5,390 3,580 4,090 3, 800 3, 600 11,100 15,009 12,700 9,280 7,190 4,190 88,300 1908-09.. 2,560 2,2i0 1,820 2,070 1,960 2,870 25,500 59,400 26,300 28,000 15,200 8,570 176,000 1909-10.. 5,040 3, 120 2,320 2,310 2,880 20,900 69,500 11,500 9,590 8,270 5,050 3,560 144,000 1910-11.. 2,450 1,710 1,370 l,5b0 1,870 2,020 37, 200 44.300 122,000 28, 200 16, 600 7,500 267,000 1911-12.. 5,230 3,610 2,830 S,UO 2, 800 2, 870 2,800 2,230 23,000 18,000 10,900 4,990 82,400 1912-13.. 3,060 1,960 l,5o0! 1,830 1,730 1,760 2,910 13, 200 10, 200 7,140 4,970 2,890 53,209 1913-14.. 1,690 1,070 893 910 2,280 2,170 61,400 121,000 48, 000 21, 400 16,900 9,580 287,000 1914-15.. 5,570 3,630 2,730 2,770 2,440 4,290 7,380 30, 200 21,500 17,300 20,400 11,400 130,000 1915-16.. 7,010 3,980 3,270 2,770 3,010 3,580 148,000 39,400 34,800 19, 900 10,400 5,830 282,000 1916-17.. 4,770 3,570 2,810 7,010 4,130 13,600 9,280 13,200 13,600 10,500 8,610 5,270 96,400 1917-18. . 3,140 2,200 1,510 i 1 COASTAL PLAIN. The coastal plain has an area of approximately 775 square miles. It consists of the lands between the Santa Monica Moimtains and the San Joaquin Hills and extends from the Santa Ana Mountains and Puente Hills to the Pacific. The drainage consists of Santa Ana Hiver below the lower Santa Ana Canyon, San Gabriel River below Paso de Bartolo, Los Angeles River, and Santiago Creek. The region is shown on the maps of the Santa Monica, Redondo, Downey, Las Boisas, Santa Ana, and Anaheim quadrangles. (See PL I.) The principal sources of ground water in this area are the flood waters of the streams that traverse the area. Plate IV shows the 10 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. fluctuation of the water level in well No. 41, based on a record kept by the owner, Mr. J. B. Neff (see p. 44), and the variation of the annual precipitation at the Irvine ranch, near Tustin. (See PI. I.) No gaging stations are maintained within the area, but the run-off records of Santa Ana Eiver and San Gabriel River (see PI. I and pp. 8, 9) are applicable in comparing the causes of replenishment and depletion of ground-water supply as shown by the fluctuations of the water table. Observation wells Nos. 1 to 22c and 34 to 41, inclusive, are in the Coastal Plain. (See PI. I.) SAN JACINTO VALLEY. San Jacinto Valley is the lowland area in the San Jacinto River drainage basin above Railroad Canyon, which is a few miles south- west of Perris. The region is showTi on the maps of the San Jacinto and Elsinore quadrangles. (See PI. I.) The replenishment of groimd water in this valley is largely by percolation from San Jacinto River during periods of high water, but, owing to the low permeability of the soils, the percolation is slow. That there is an overdraft in some portions of the valley is indi- cated by figure 1, which shows the fluctuation at well No. 72 (see p. 75), and the departure from the average annual precipitation at San Jacinto. (See PL I.) It will be noted that in spite of favorable precipitation in the past four years the water table has been con- stantly lowered. Observation wells Nos. 69 to 85a, inclusive, are in San Jacinto VaUey. (See PI. I.) EXPLANATION OF RECORDS. In 1900 Lippincott made measurements of the depth to the water level in approximately 900 wells in San Bernardino VaUey.*' In 1904 Mendenhall measured the same wells.^ A large nimaber of these weUs have never since been measured by the United States Geolog- ical Survey and are not considered herein. At a few wells, however, measurements have been made at irregular intervals, and these measurements are included in this report. In 1913 the wells still in existence and a few companion wells were given new numbers (Nos. 86 to 135, inclusive), and are designated by these new numbers in the following tables. Data collected prior to 1913 from the wells which had been destroyed or were inaccessible in 1913 are published in a separate table (p. 120) under the numbers by which they are designated in Water-Supply Paper 142. 8 Lippincott, J. B., Development and application of water near San Bernardino, Colton, and Riverside, Calif., Part II: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 60, pp. 97-141, 1902. 9 Mendenhall, W. C, The hydrology of San Bernardino Valley, Calif.: U. S. Gecl. Survey Water-Supply Paper 142, 124 pp. 12 pis., 1905. INTRODUCTIOl^r. 11 In addition to these wells in San Bernardino Valley, Mendenhall, on the commencement of his studies of ground water in the valley of southern Calif orj^iia in 1904, selected for observation a series of wells located in the coastal plain, foothill belt, and San Jacinto Valley. These wells, which are designated as wells Nos. 1 to 85, inclusive, were considered more or less typical for these important ground-water dis- tricts. The water levels in them were measured at irregular intervals prior to 1913 and have been measured more regularly since 1913. Inches 10 DEPARTURE FROM AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION AT SAN JACINTO. CALIFORNIA Line A-Ai5avera|efor25years,13.15inches n -t (0 m (V) _ w n 4- »0 U) r- CD m o n 4- 10 <.o r- (T) 2 CD en 2 0) 2 CD (D 2 i o o (J) o 0) O o CD ff) (T) o 0) (5) (D cn CD cn m (J) 2 (VI n 4- 10 iO r:- cn (T) o 1 m 4- ax (T) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (!) (D 0) 0^ (S) 0) m 01 o o o o O o n — (VJ n 4- 10 ID CO CD 0) ou CO ou 0) CO 01 ff) o 0) C) cn (T) (Tt (J) cn 0) CD (D 0) O (T) (!) 20 30 W 50 60 — — — — — — ~ — — — — — — — — — — — — - — - — - — y \^ \ V. V, 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 WATER LEVEL IN WELL No.72 ^v PERRIS, CALIFORNIA ^ ^., A v.^ - - - Figure 1.— Graphs showing fluctuation of water level in well No. 72, in San Jacinto Valley, Calif., together with precipitation at San Jacinto. For each well in the series now imder observation (Nos. 1 to 135, in- clusive) is given the owner's name, the location, and other available information. The location of each well is shown on the map (PI. I). For most of the wells is also given a description of the bench mark from which the distance to the Vv'ater level is measured. The alti- tudes given for many of the wells from Nos. 1 to 85, inclusive, are the approximate altitudes of the surface of the ground at the wells ; the 12 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. altitudes of bench marks of wells Nos. 86 to 135, inclusive, were determined by instrumental leveling and are believed to be accurate. For wells Nos. 86 to 135, inclusive, the bench marl^s described were not located until 1914, and all measurements prior to this date were made from the surface of the ground. Most of the wells have been described in earlier water-supply papers, and references to these papers are given under these wells. In order to perpetuate the series, companion wells are being chosen, wherever possible, for wells in bad repair. Observations of the pressure of a few flowing wells in San Bernar- dino Valley have also been started, and the data thus far obtained are given on pages 1 1 7-1 1 9, THE RECORDS. VALLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California. 1. Richard Eidson, corner Forty-ninth and Main streets, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 52 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk about 1874; elevation of surface, about 165 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 840 parts per million of dissolved soUds, Bench mark from wliieh measurements were made is not knowTi. Well No. 818, Water-Supplj'^ I'aper 139, p. 94.] Date of measurement. 1905, Jan.3 Feb. 6 Mar. 14 Apr. 10 June 9 July 10 Aug.8 Sept. 11 Nov.3 Dec. 14 1906 Jan. 22 Mar.l9 May2 June 21 July 27 Sept.l7 Dec. 14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 44 1 44 6 44 4 44 1 44 4 44 9 45 3 45 11 46 2 45 10 46 10 47 7i Date of measvirement. Feb. 5.. May 1.. Aug. 21, Dec. 24. Apr. 29. June 26. Oct. 20. Mar. 30. July 7 . . Oct. 7 .. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Jan. 27 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 46 3 45 4 46 2 45 9 THE RECORDS. 13 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued . 2. Chinese gardeners, half a mile southwest of Slauson, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 146 feet deep; sunk 1896; altitiid? of surface, about 145 feet above sea level; method of lift, ^\^nd; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 470 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark from which measurements were made is not kno\\Ti. Well No. 800, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 92.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept. 1 Oct.3 Nov.4 Dec. 6 1905. Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar.l4 Apr. 10 Ma5'3 June 10 July 10 Aug.8 Sept. 11 Nov.3 Dec.l4 1906. Jan. 22 Mar. 19 June 21 May 2 July 27 Sept. 17 Dec.l4 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. . 1 m. 1 25 2h 22 ^ 22 7^ 22 2 21 10 21 9 21 H 20 5 20 5 24 6 23 24 24 7 23 6 23 i 22 6 22 1 23 6^ 23 1 24 ^ 25 3 23 8^ Date of measurement. Feb. 5.. May 1.. Aug. 21, Dec. 24. 1907. 1908. Apr. 29. June 26. Oct. 20. Dec. 17. Mar. 30 (drv). July7(drv).- Oct.7(dry).. 1909. 1910. Jan. 27 (dry at depth of 21 feet). 1912 May 20 (well destroyed) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 23 8 22 i 24 10 23 IJ 23 3 25 1 24 10 24 8 3. Eliza Connelly, Seventy-ninth and Budlong streets, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 108 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface about 140 feet; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 450 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, level with surface. Well No. 733, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 90.] Date of measurement. Jan. 3 . . Feb. 6.. Mar. 14. Apr. 10. May 3.. June 9.. Julv 10. Nov.3. Dec. 14. 1905. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1906. Feb. 5.. May 1.. Aug. 21 1907. Apr. 29. June 26. Oct. 20. Dec. 17. 1908. 22 7 22 7 23 10 23 5 24 6 24 8 24 4 Ft. in. 22 5 22 6 21 11 21 6 21 5 22 7i 23 6 23 10 23 i Mar. 19 1 22 6 May 2 | 22 7^ June 21 23 9^ Sept.l7 24 4* Dec. 14 23 7' Date of measurement. Mar. 30. July 7.. Oct. 7.. Jan. 27. Aug. 13. Dec. 20. 1909. 1910. 1912. Mav 20 (pumping slowly) , July 21 Oct. 14 Oct. 1913. Apr. 6... June 3... Aug. 15. Nov. 18. 1914. May 28 (well filled). 1915. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 23 6 25 11 26 24 7 28 27 30 6 33 1 31 11 37 21 27 3^ 28 11 29 2i 29 3 14 WATEK LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 4. Mrs. Bedell (former owners, Demmy Till and Mrs. Mary Vigus), Ninetieth Street and Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 110 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 145 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 680 parts per million of dissolved sohds. Bench mark: Top of casing, 5 inches above surface. Well No. 713, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 89. On July 21, 1912, found 2 feet of casing removed. Observations since that time have been corrected by adding 2 feet.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept. 1 Oct. 3 Dec. 6 1905. Jan. 2 Feb. 6 Mar. 14 Apr. 10 May 3 June 9 July 10 Aug.8 Sept. 11 Nov. 3 Dec. 14 1906. Jan. 22 Mar. 19 May 2 June 21 July 27 Sept. 17 Dec. 14 1907, Feb. 5 May 1 Aug. 21 Dec. 24 190S. Apr. 29 June 26 Oct. 20 Dec. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 29 10 32 U 31 11 29 7 29 6 29 1 28 7 28 8 29 4 29 5 30 1 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 30 7i 30 9 30 7 31 32 8 31 4i 30 29 4^ 30 10 31 2 31 2 31 9 32 3 32 3 1 Date of measurement. Mar. 30 July 7 (pumping). Oct. 7 Jan. 27 . Aug. 13. Dec. 30. 1909. 1910. May 20. July 21. Oct. 14. Oct. 15.. Apr. 6... June 3... Aug. 15. Nov. 18. May 28. Nov. 5. 1913. 1915. 1916. May 15 Nov. 13 (well destroyed) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 30 11 32 3 34 34 2 35 36 10 37 4 39 10 37 7 38 2 39 7 39 11 38 6 40 2 36 10 4a. Fred W. Lofland, 1131 West Ninety-second Street, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Well, 85 feet deep, 8-inch casing; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Companion well for No. 4. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet 7 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Nov.18 1915. May 28 Nov.5 1916. May 15 (pumping) Nov.13 1917. May 29 Nov.19 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 54 8 55 5 55 8 78 57 4 55 56 8 Date of measurement. May 13. Oct. 16. 1918. May 8. . Oct. 20. 1919. 1920. May 6 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 54 10 56 1 54 11 56 5 THE RECORDS. 15 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 5. J. B. Brockley, comer Vermont Avenue and Garfield Street, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 120 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1884; altitude of surface, about 185 feet above sea level; method ot lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 440 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Too of casing, 10 inches above surface. Well No. 700, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 88. Hand pump installed since description given in Water-Supply Paper 139.] Date of measurement. 1904, Oct.3 Nov.4 Dec. 6 1905, Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar.l4 Apr.lO Mays June 9 July 10 Aug.8 Sept. 11 Nov. 3 Dec. 14 1906, Jan. 22 Mar. 19 May 2 June 21 July 27 Sept.l7 Dec. 14 1907, Feb. 5 May 1 Aug. 21 Dec. 24 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 83 7 83 9 83 9 83 8 83 8 83 5 83 5 83 4 83 8 84 2 84 7^ 84 11 8,") 1 84 9 84 ^h 84 6^ 83 4 85 n 85 1 85 9 87 2 86 10 85 3 85 1 84 9 Date of measurement. Apr. 29. June 26 . Oct. 20. Dec. 17. Mar. 30. July 7.. Oct. 7.. Jan. 27. Aug. 13. Dec. 30. May 20 (dry). July 21 (dry). Oct. 14 (dry). Oct. 15 (^ry). Apr. 6 (dry).. Nov. 18 (dry). May 28 (dry). 1908. 1909. 1910. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 84 8 87 86 86 10 85 2 86 5 87 6 87 2 87 2 87 2 87 2 87 2 5a. Mrs. Bates, one-eighth mile west of Vermont Avenue on Garfield Street, Los Angeles, Redondo quadrangle. [Well, 104 feet deep, 6-tnch casing; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Companion well for No. 5. Bench mark: Top of pipe bracket, 10 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 15.. 1913. Ft. in. 98 5 96 10 97 98 8 99 5 97 8 100 5 98 6 100 4 1917. May 29 Ft. in. 98 5 102 6 1914. Nov. 19 Apr. 6... 1918. May 13 June 3 - - 99 4 100 10 Aug. 15 Oct. 16 Nov. 18.-- 1919. May 8 1915. 99 7 102 1 May 28.. Oct. 20 Nov. 5..- 1920. May 6 1916. 99 10 May 15.. Nov. 18 (dry at 102 feet) Nov. 13 16 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Con.timied. 6. F. H. Carrel, 1^ miles southwest of Gardena, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 400 feet deep; sunk about 1900; altitude of surface, about 55 feet above sea level ; water not used. Bench mark: Top of casincj, level with surface. Well No. 1001, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 99.) Date of measurement. Dec. Jan. 3... Feb. 6... Mar. 14. Apr. 12. May 3. . . June 9.. July 10. . Aug. 8.. Sept. 11. Nov. 3.. Dec. 14.. Jan. 22.. Mar. 19.. May 2... June 21. July 27.. Sept. 17. Dec. 14.. Feb. 5.. May 1.. Aug. 21. Dec. 24. Apr. 29. June 26. Oct. 20. Dec. 17. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. May 30 July 7 Oct. 7 (obstruction at about 30 feet). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 1 26 5 25 7^ 25 7 25 8 25 8 29 10 29 7 28 26 6J 26 2 25 1 26 8 28 10 30 1 29 8 26 11 26 \h 27 2 30 5i 26 10| 29 \ 30 6 28 8 27 4 26 11 30 9 Date of measurement. Jan. 27. Aug. 13. Dec. 30. 1910. 1912. May 20 July 21 (obstruction at 32 feet) . Oct. 14 Oct. 15. June 3.. Aug. 16. Nov. 18. May 28. Nov. 5. May 15. , Nov. 13. Mav 29. Nov. 19. May 13. Oct. 16. May 8. . Oct. 20. May 6. . . Nov. 18. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1918. 1919. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 20 Hi 31 11 28 8 30 6 '3i'"'5' 34 7i 32 34 32 11 6 2h 31 31 1 11 31 31 2 11 31 32 10 34 35 1 4 34 35 1 9 36 10 7. A. B. Caldwell, one-fourth mile south of Moneta, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 163 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; simk in 1897; altitude of surface, about 35 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 360 parts per million of dis- solved solids. Bench mark not knovra. Well No. 406, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 76.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept.l Oct. 3-- Nov. 4 Dec. 6 1905. Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar.l4 Apr.lO May3 June 9 July 10 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 41 11 32 6 38 11 25 7 26 5 41 9 23 10 48 2 42 10 32 2 33 Date of measurement. 1905— Continued Aug.8 Sept. 11 Nov.3 Dec. 14 1906. Jan. 22 Mar. 19 May 2 June 21 July 27 Sept. 17 Dec. 14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. i 32 6. 33 28 4 24 11 24 6 23 8 27 11 32 3 32 6| 30 8i 25 THE RECORDS. 17 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 7. A. B. Caldwell— Continued. Date of measurement. 1907. Feb.5 May 1 Dec. 24 1908. Apr.29 June 26 Oct. 20 Dec. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 24 4J 27 7 24 11?, 32 7 33 6 27 6 25 7 Date of measurement. Mar. 30 1909. Ft. in. 25 July 7 33 6 Oct. 7 - 30 1 Jan. 27 1910. 25 4 Aug. 13 35 (?) Dec. 30 ( well inaccessible) . Depth of water level below bench mark. 8. C. C. Jorgensen (formerly owned by H. J. Harris), half a mile north of Moneta, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 205 feet deep; simk in 1902; altitude of surface, about 55 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind. Bench mark: Top of 1-inch cover over casing, a foot above surface. Well No. 295, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 72.] Date of measurement. 1904 Sept.l Oct. 3 Nov.4 Dec. 6 1905 Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar.l4 Apr.lO May 3 June 9 July 10 Aug. 8 Sept. 11 Dec. 14 1906 Jan. 22 Mar. 19 May2 Jmie 21 July 27 Sept.l7 Dec. 14 1907, Feb.5 Mayl Aug. 21 Dec. 24 1908, Apr.29 June 26 Oct. 20 Dec.l7 1909, Mar.30 July7 Oct. 7 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in 39 3 37 9 35 32 4 26 5} 25 11 25 8| 25 6i 29 1 34 34 8 33 31 10 Date of mea.surement. Oct. 15. 1913 1914. Apr. 6 June 3 (hive of bees in casing). Aug. 15 (pumping) Nov. 18 1915. May 28 (pumping slowly) . Nov.5 1916. May 15 (pumping strong) . Nov. 13 (sealed) May 29 (sealed). Nov. 19 (sealed). 1917. May 13. Oct. 16. 1918. May 8 (pumping) . Oct. 20 (pumping) . 1919. May 6 (pumping) . Nov.18 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1910. Jan. 27 Aug. 13 Dec. 30 1912. July 21 (windmill running very slowly). Oct. 14 (windmill running very slowly). Ft. in. 26 9 36 8 28 10 39 8 35 1 36 i 30 3J 42 2i 31 11 38 10 35 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 18 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 8a. Ben Long, five-eighths mile northwest of Moneta, Redondo quadrangle. [Companion well for Nos. 8 and 9a; 185 feet deep, 8-inch casing; method of lift, Avind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface.] Date ofmeasui'ement. 1914. Nov.18 1915. May 28 Nov.5 1916. May 15 (pumping) Nov. 13 1917. May 29 Nov.19 Depth of water level l)elow bench mark. Ft. in. 37 7 41 10 37 6 39 8 36 5 41 8 38 2 Date of mejisurement. May 13 (pumping). Oct. 16 , 1918. May 8. Oct. 20. May 6.. Nov. 18. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 42 42 9. Ben Long (formerly owned by Stanley Bates), three-fourths mile northwest of Moneta, Redondo quadrangle. tBored well, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1903; altitude of surface, about 62 feet above sea level. Water contains 1,040 paits per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark not known. Well No. 284, Water- Supply Paper 139, p. 71.] Date of measm-ement. 1904. Dec.6 1905. Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar. 14 Apr. 10 May 3 June 9 July 10 Aug. 8 Sept. 11 Nov.3 Dec. 14 1906, Jan. 22 Mar.l9 May 2 , June 21 July27 Sept. 17 Dec. 14 , 1907. Feb, 5 , Mayl Depth of water le\ el bel ow bench mark. Ft. in. 36 4 36 1 35 5 35 3 35 1 35 3 36 36 8i 37 u 37 4 37 36 3i 36 34 33 4^ 32 3 39 2 39 2 36 3 35 6 36 8 Date of measurement. Aug. 21. Dec. 24. Apr. 29. June 26. Oct. 20. Dec. 17. 1907— Continued. 1908. 1909. Mar. 30 July 7 (pumping plant across road in operation) Oct. 7 (pumping plant across road in operation) 1910. Jan. 27 Aug. 13 (pumping plant across road in operation Dec. 30 (pumping plant across road in operation) Abandoned Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 40 2 36 6 40 1 43 h 38 lU 39 6 38 11 87 6 74 63 47 3 53 10 THE RECOKDS. 19 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Con,tiiiued. 9a. W. G. Summers, five-eighths of a mile northwest of Moneta, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well. 171 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893; altitude of surface, about 60 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 600 parts per milUon of dissolved sohds. Bench mark; Top of casing 1^ feet above surface. Well No. 285, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 72. Com- panion well for No. 9.] Date of measurement. 1905. Nov. 3 Dec. 14 1906. Jan. 22 Mar. 10 May2 June 21 July 27 Sept. 17 (pumping) Dec. 14 1907. May 1 Aug. 21 (pumping) Dec. 24 (pumping) 1908. Apr. 29 (pumping) Jime26 Oct. 20 Dec. 17 1909. Mar.30 July7 Oct. 7 1910. Jan. 27 Aug. 13 (pumping) Dec. 30 (pumping) Depth of water level be] ow bench mark. Ft. in. 33 4 33 5 33 32 5 33 7 34 9 37 11 38 33 35 6 38 35 7 39 5 38 11 36 31 3 .33 6 39 8 30 8 33 10 40 11 35 6 Date of measurement. May 20 (pumping). July 22 (pumping). Oct. 14 (pumping) . Oct. 15 1912. 1913. Apr. June Aug. Nov, 1914. 6 (pumping) 3 (pumping three-lourths of an hour ) . 15 (pumping hard) 18 1915. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 40 8 42 38 11 38 10. A. P. Johnson (formerly owned by Post & Lockhart), 2 miles west of Howard Summit, Redondo quadrangle. [Bored well, 200 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1895; altitude of surface, about 62 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 430 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of blocks resting over casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 255, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 70.] Date of measurement. 1904, Dec. 6 1905 Jan. 3 Feb. 6 Mar. 14 Apr. 10 May3 July 10 -. Aug.8 Sept. 11 Dec. 14 1906. Jan. 22 Mar. 19 May 2 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 35 Ih 36 34 3 33 4^ Date of measurement. June 21 . July 27.. Sept. 17. Dec. 14.. May 1.. Aug. 21. Dec. 24. 1906— Continued. 1907. 1908. Apr. 29 (pumping) . June 26 Oct. 20 (pumping) . Dec. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 38 37 37 37 4i 10^ 20 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 10. A. P. Johnson — Contmued. Pate of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1S09. Mar. 30 Ft. in. 36 3 38 4 39 4 36 10 43 1 49 38 6 53 8 42 3i 54 0" May 28.. 1915. Ft. in. '>4 A Julv 3 41 10 Oct. 7 May 15.. Nov. 13. 1916. 1910. 41 5 Jan. 27 41 8 AuR. 13 . May 29.. Nov. 19. May 13.. Oct. 16.. May 8 . 1017. Dec. 30 41 4 1912. Mav 20 1918. 42 6 1913. 42 9 Oct. 15 (pumping) 1919. 43 Oct. 20.. Mav 6... 43 6 1920. June 3 (probably had been pumping) Aug. 15 (pumping) 43 3 Nov. 18 ". 42 3i Nov. 18. 44 3 11. E. L. Doheny (formerly owned by William Bayley), 10 Chester Place, Los Angeles, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 88 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, aliout 205 feet above sea level; water used. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot above surface. Well No. 962, Water-Supply Paper p. 59.] not 139, Date of measurement. 1904. Dec. 9 1905. Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Mar. 18 Apr.lO May 6 June 10 July 11 Aug. 9 Sept. 12 Nov.4 Dec. 15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar.20 May 3 June23 Julv 28 Sept. 18 Dec. 15 1907. Feb. 6 May 2 Aug. 22 Dec. 23 1908. Apr.30 June 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. In. 69 2h 5 9 8 8 8 10 IJ 4 5i 70 6* 70 4 70 6^ 70 7 70 7 70 9 71 71 * 70 6 70 1 70 2h Date of measurement. 1909. Mar.29 Julys Oct. 8 1910. Jan, 28 Aug. 12 Dec. 31 1912. May 21 Oct. 12 1913. Oct. 24 1914. June 3 Aug. 15 Nov. 18 (dry, well filled in) 1915. May 29 Nov. 5 (wet sand) 1916. May 15 Nov. 13 1917. May 29 Nov. 19 1918. May 13 Oct. 16 1919. May 8 Oct. 20 1920. May 6 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 72 1 72 2 72 7 72 10 72 8 87 79 THE RECORDS. 21 Records of water levels in the valley oj southern California — Continued. 12. Tony Bright, northwest corner Jefferson Street and Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored "Well, 135 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1894; altitude of surface, about 184 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 640 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark not known. Well No. 186, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 29.] Date of measurement. 1904, Dec. 9 1905, Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Mar.18 Apr.lO Maye June 10 July 11 Aug. 9 , Sept. 12 , Nov. 4 Dec. 15 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 48 6 48 8 48 10 48 8i 48 4 48 1 48 6 48 lOi 49 Ih 49 4i 49 6 49 8^ Date of measurement. Jan. 23.. Mar. 20.. May 3. . . June 22. July 28. . Sept. 18. Dec. 15.. May 2. . Aug. 22. 1906. 1907. 1908. Well filled; measurements discontinued. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 49 8 49 4 49 4 49 6i 49 10 50 1 50 49 3i 49 8§ 13. Mrs. Showers (formerly Mrs. Emelie Hertel), 1870 West Jefferson Street, Los Angeles, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, (K) feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1897; altitude of surface, about 157 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 410 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark not known. Well No. 198, Water-Supply Taper 139, p. 29.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct.3 Nov. 7 Dec. 9 1905, Jan.O Feb. 10 Mar.18 Apr. 12 May 6 June 10 July 11 Aug.9 Sept. 12 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 33 8 33 9 33 6 33 6 33 32 2* 32 1 32 9 33 33 9 34 4 34 7 34 9 34 3 Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Jan. 23.. Mar. 20.. May 3... June 22.. July 28.. Sept. 18. Dec. 15-. 1906. Feb. O.- May 2. . Aug. 22 . 1907. 1908. Well filled; measurements discontinued. Ft. in. 34 1 33 3 33 6 33 11 34 7^- 35 3 34 9 34 2i 33 6 34 9 22 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 14. Artesian Land & Water Co., Montclaire Street, three-fourths mile north of Cienega station, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 12 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 140 feet above sea level; method of lilt, wind; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 520 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 7 inches above surface. Well No. 46, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 23.] Date of measurement. 1905. Feb.lO Mar.17 Apr.13 May 6 JunelO July 11 , Aug. 9 Sept. 12 Dec.15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar.20 Mays June22 July 28 Sept. 18 Dec.15 1907. Feb. 6 May 2 Aug. 22 Dec. 23 1908. Apr.30 , June 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 18 1909. Mar.29 Julys Oct. 8 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 11 5 8^ 5 10 6 1 7 2 7 9 8 4 8 9 8 1 7 1 7 10 7 3i 7 10 9 9 6 8 b\ 7 ^ 7 4 8 6i 9 7 7 7 11 9 8 6 7 3 7 10 8 8 Date of measurement. Jan. 28 . Aug. 12. Dec. 31. 1910. 1912. May 21 July 23 Oct. 12 1913. Oct. 15 (windmill pumping) . 1914. Apr.6 June3 Aug. 15 (piunping hard) Nov.18 May 28. Nov. 5. 1915. May 15 (piunping) . Nov.13 1916. May 29. Nov. 19. 1917. May 13. Oct. 16. 1918. May 8.. Oct. 20. 1919. 1920. May 6... Nov. 18. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 5 9 2 9 2 10 7 11 7 12 5 10 11 11 11 17 12 2 13 5 18 2J 11 4 15 5 12 8 11 3 14 2 12 11 15 6 12 8 14 2 15. County well. Ivy station, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Borea well, 47 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1901; altitude of surface, about 102 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind: use, roads and stock. Water contains 770 parts per milUon of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface. Well No. 606, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 45.] Date of measurement. 1904 Dec. 9 1905 Jan. 6 Mar.18 Apr.13 JunelO July 11 Aug. 9 Sept. 12 Nov. 4 Dec.15 1906 Jan. 23 Mar.20 May 3 June22 July 28 Sept. 18 Dec. 15 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 11 13 12 1 12 12 3 12 7 13 13 4-^ 13 3 13 3i 13 1 12 5 12 2 9 8i 12 10 13 3 13 3^ Date of measurement. Feb. 6... May 2.. Aug. 22. Dec. 23. Apr. 30. June 27 . Oct. 21. Dec. 18. Mar. 29. July S.- Oct. 8.. 1907. 1908. 1909. Jan.28 Aug. 12 Dec, 31 (pumping) . Abandoned 1910. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 n 11 21 12 5 12 10 12 4 12 8 13 4 13 2 11 7 12 4 13 THE RECORDS. 23 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 16. M. P. Kane, Palms, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, about 250 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1901; altitude of surface, about 125 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 650 parts per million of dissolved- solids. Bench mark not knowTi. Well No. 820, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 53.] Date of measurement . Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Sept 1 1904. Ft. in. 50 8 49 6 49 6 50 2 49 9 49 4 49 4 49 8 49 11 49 7 49 5J 49 6 49 2i 49 5 49 5i 49 10 49 11 1907. Feb. 6... . Ft. in. 49 6i 50 8 Oct. 12 May 2 '.'.'.'.'.'.... Nov. 7 Aug. 22 50 2 Dec. 9 - Dec. 23 50 3 Jan. 6... 1905. 1909. Mar. 29 50 10 Mar. 18 Julys 51 5 Apr. 13 Oct. 8 51 5 July 11 1910. Jan. 28 Aug 9 . Sept. 12 51 2 Dec. 15 - - Aug. 12 53 6 1906. Dec. 31 52 Jan 23. 1912. Well inaccessible Mar. 20 June 22 July 28 Sept. 18 Dec. 15.. 17. E. P. Bojorquez, Palms, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 66 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1891; altitude of surface, about 100 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 300 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 8 inches above siu-face. Well No. 833, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 54.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 13 Nov.7 Dec. 9 1905. Jan. 6 Mar. 18 Apr.l3 May6 June 10 July 11 Aug.9 Sept. 12 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar. 20 May 3 June 22 July28 Sept. 18 Dec.15 1907. Feb. 6 May 2 Dec. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 42 2A 42 4 45 5 42 9.V 43 3 43 44 43 6 43 6 43 8 43 11 44 1 43 6 45 7 44 5 44 2 44 7 46 44 f..\ 44 6 44 8 44 1 46 ^ 44 7h Date of measurement. 1908. Apr. 30 June 27 , Oct. 21 Dec. 18 , 1909. Mar. 29 July 8 , Oct. 8 , 1910. Jan. 28 , Aug. 12 Dec. 31 , 1912. May 21 (pump off 15 minutes) July 23 , Oct. 12 , 1913. Oct. 15 1914. Apr.6 , June 3 Nov.17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 46 2 48 3 45 5 45 7 45 10 45 9 46 46 48 8 47 9 50 2 48 7 49 1 49 48 2 48 24 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Co^ti^ued. 17. E. P. Bojorquez— Continued. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1915. May 28 (pumping slowly) Ft. in. 50 7 48 9 47 5 46 7 48 48 2 1918. May 13 (gasoline pump working) . . . Ft. in. Nov. 5 Oct 16 46 4 1916. May 15 (gas engine installed) 1919. May 8 47 11 Nov, 13 Oct. 20 . .... 48 5 1917. May 29 1920. May 6 48 8 Nov 19.. Nov 18 48 18. G. A. Cortelyou (formerly owned by Jose Sesma), quadrangle. mile north of Ivy station, Santa Monica [Bored well, 50 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893; altitude of surface, about 160 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 790 parts per milhon of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 4 inches above surface. "Well No. 661, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 47.] Date of measurement. Dec. 2. Jan. 6. . . Feb. 10.. Mar. 18.. Apr. 13.. June 10. July 11. . Aug. 9. . . Sept. 12. Nov, 4 . . Dec. 15.. May 3. . June 22. July 28. Dec. 15.. Feb. 6... May 2. . Aug. 22, Apr. 30. June 27. Oct. 21. Dec. 18.. Mar. 29. July 8. . Oct. 8.. 1904, 1905. 1906. 1907 1908. 1909. 1910. Jan. 28 Julys Oct. 8 (pumping) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 43 3 43 8 43 10 42 9 43 Hi 44 n 45 2J 44 4 44 7 44 9 44 10 44 11 45 44 11 44 9 44 9 44 9 45 1 Date of measurement. 1912. July 23 Oct. 12 1913 Oct. 15 1914. Apr. 6 June 3 Aug. 15 Nov, 24 1915. May 28 Nov. 5 1916. May 15 Nov. 13 1917, May 29 Nov. 13 1918. May 13 Oct. 16 1919. May 8 Oct. 20 1920. May 6 Nov, 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 45 45 11 45 8 46 45 7 46 1 46 1 45 11 45 11 THE RECORDS. 25 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 18a. H. R. Brinkerhoff (formerly owned by M. Amez), 1 mile north of Ivy station, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored weU, 70 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 170 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 800 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 2 inches above surface. Well No. 662, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 47. Companion well for No. 18.] Date of measurement. Nov. 24. 1914. 1915, May 28 Nov. 5 (pumping). 1916. May 15. . Nov. 13. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 65 10 66 3 67 8 Date of measurement. May 29. Nov. 19. May 13. Oct. 16. May 8. . Oct. 20. i9i: 1918. 1919. Nov. 18 (pumping) . 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 66 10 66 10 66 4 66 7 66 11 66 6 19. J. H. Whitworth, 2 miles south of Sherman, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 61 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter; sunk in 1887; altitude of surface, about 125 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 800 parts per milUon of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top or casing, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 514, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 42.] Date of measurement . 1904. Dec. 9 1905. Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Mar. 18 Apr.l3 May 6 June 10 July 11 Aug. 9 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar. 20 May3 June 22 July 28 Sept. 18 Dec. 15.: 1907. Feb. 6 May 2 Aug. 22 1908. Apr. 30 June 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 18 1909. Mar.29 July 8 Oct. 8 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 9 6 11 7 7 5^ 3 9 5 2 4 10 Date of measurement. Jan. 28.. Aug. 12. Dec. 31.. 1910. July 23. Oct. 12. 1912. 1913. Oct. 15 (not accessible).. 1914. Apr. 6 (not accessible). June 3 (not accessible) . . Aug. 15 (not accessible) . Nov. 24 May 28. Nov. 5. 1915. 1916. May 15 Nov. 13 (flowing slightly) 1917. May 29 (flowing slightly) Nov. 19 (gas pump installed, pumping) . 1918. May 13 (flowing slightly) Oct. 16 (flowing slightly) May 8. . Oct. 20. 1919. May 6. . . Nov. 18. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 4 8 lOi 5 3 19 5 9 8 8 9 1 1 10 5 26 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Conttaued. 20. Hammel & Decker, 1 mile south of Sherman, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 6 13 6 12 114 11 9 11 6 11 7 11 10 12 1 12 4 12 10 13 12 10 12 44 12 n 11 94 12 1 12 74 12 104 12 6 Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Dec. 9 1905. Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Mar.18 , Apr. 13 May 6 June 10 July 11 Aug. 9 Sept. 12 Nov.4 Dec. 15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar.20 May 3 June 22 Julv28 Sept. 18 Dec. 15 Feb. 6.. May 2. . Aug. 22. Dec. 23. Apr. 30. June 27. Oct. 21. Dec. 18. 190f. 1909. Mar. 29 July 8 (not accessible). . Oct. 8 (not accessible) . . 1910. Jan. 28 Aug. 12 (not accessible). Dec. 31 (not accessible). Ft. in. 11 2 10 § 11 i 10 11 10 8 11 2 12 29 1 12 6 21. William Niles, three-fourths mile south of Sherman, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 150 feet deep, 14 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 170 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. AVater contains 1,030 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of board cinbing, 2 feet 4 inches above surface. Well No, 518, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 42.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct 14 1904. Ft. in. 9 9 2 9 3 7 6 6 2 1 3 6 6 6 8 7 8 2 8 10 9 5 7 6 7 3 7 4 7 8 8 5 8 2J 9 64 7 2J 5 3 5 f 7 i 1908. Apr. 30. . Ft. in. 8 3 Nov. 7 June 27 9 Dec. 9 Oct. 21 8 3 1905. Dec. 18 , 7 1 Jan. 6... 1909. Feb. 10 7 5 Mar. 18 July8....'...' Oct.8 1910. Jan. 28 Apr. 13 . ... 8 5 May 6. June 10 July 11 Aug 9 6 9 Sept 12 Aug. 12 7 4 Dec 15 Dec. 31 6 Jan. 23.. 1906. 1912. 6 10 Mar.20 . July23 .. Oct. 13 (pumping slowly) 1913. Oct. 15 1914. Apr.6 June 3 7 11 11 7 May 3 June 22 July 28 Sept. 18 11 6 Dec. 15 -- Feb 6 1907. 8 5 May 2 8 3 Aug 22 "* .". Aug. 15 9 11 Dec. 23 1 Nov. 24 10 7 THE RECORDS. 27 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 21. William Niles — Continued. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. May 28. . 1915. Ft. in. 7 6 9 4 6 8 6 4 6 5 2 May 13. . Oct. 16.. May 8. . . 1918. Ft. in. 5 10 Nov. 5;.:::;:;:;:;;:::::::::::::::;:::::: 5 10 May 15. . 1916. 1919. 4 10 Nov. 13 Oct. 20.. May 6 5 2 May 29. 1917. 1920. 5 1 Nov.19 Nov. 18. 4 22. County well, 1 mile east of Sherman, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 102 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 295 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 530 parts per million of dissolved soUds. Bench mark not known. Well No. 616, Water-Supply Paper 139, p. 45.] Date of measurement. 1904 Dec. 9 1905 Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Mar.l8 Apr.l3 May 6 June 10 July 11 Aug. 9 Sept. 12 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 1906. Jan. 23 Mar.20 May3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 84 3^ 5^ 84 6 86 3 86 5 Date of measurement. June 22 . July 28. Sept. 18 Dec. 15. May 2... Aug. 22. Dec. 23.. Apr. 30 June 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 18 (dry). Well destroyed 1906— Continued. 1907. 1908. 1909. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 86 87 87 in. It 10 28 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. "Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 22a. H. E. Lodge, 6010 Willoughby Avenue, Hollywood, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Bored well, 52 feet deep; 7 Inches in diameter; method of lift, wind; nse, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, level with surface. Measured in conjunction with observation wells but record not published heretofore.] Date of measurement. Dec. 15 (pumping) . 1905. 1906. Jan. 23 (pumping).. Mar.20 May 3 (pumping). . . June 22 (pumping). July 28 (pumping) . Sept. 18 (pumping). Dec. 15 Feb. 6 Aug. 22 (pumping). Dec. 23 1907. Apr. 30 June 27 Oct. 21 (pumping). Dec. 18 1908. Mar. 29 Julys Oct. 8 (pumping) . 1909. Jan. 28. Aug. 12. Dec. 31. 1910. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 40 1 44 6 43 3.^ 43 8 44 1\ 46 9' 48 8.\ 50 3i- 27 7 26 25 2 24 2 24 8 24 10 Date of measurement. May 21. Julv 23. Oct. 12. 1912. 1913. Oct. 15 (pumping) . Apr. 6.., Juno 3. . Aug. 15. Nov. 24. 1914. May 28. Nov. 5. 1915. May 15.. Nov. 13. 1916. 1917. May 29 (well filled)... 1918. May 13 (well filled)... Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 31 8 49 6 41 11 25 10 23 7 24 2 25 23 10 26 20 10 19 7 22b. Mrs. Sesma, corner Willoughby Avenue and Seward Street, Hollywood, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 22a. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Nov. 24 . 1914. Ft. in. 17 6 16 11 18 7 15 8 15 3 1917. May 29 Ft. in. 13 11 1915. Nov. 19 14 May 28. 1918. May 13 Nov. 5 14 9 1916. Oct. 16 ... 14 2 May 15.. 1919. May 8 (well destroyed) . Nov. 13 THE RECORDS. 29 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 22c. H. A. Slack, 5310 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, Santa Monica quadrangle. [Open well, 63 feet deep, 4 feet in diameter; method of lift, vdnd; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of 4 by 6 across curb, 2 inches above surface. Has been measured in conjunction \Adth observation wells but record not published heretofore.] Date of measurement. 1906, July28 Dec. 15 1907, Feb. 6 May 2 , Aug. 22 (pumping) Dec. 23 1908 Apr. 30 June 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 18 1909, Mar. 29 Julys... Oct.8 1910, Jan 28 Aug. 12 (pumfHng) Dec. 31 1912. May 21 July 23 Oct. 12 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 53 5 46 1 44 6* 42 5 47 9^ 42 10 42 i 43 43 42 11 41 41 41 40 11 45 40 11 38 39 41 2 Date of measurement. 1914. Apr. Jurie; Aug. 15 (pumping hard) . Nov.23 May 28. Nov. 5. 1915. 1916. May 15 Nov. 13 1917. May 29 (well filled)... 1918. May 13 (well filled).... Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 43 7 34 39 4 36 38 4 36 3 32 7 32 5 23. F. E. Wilcox (formerly owned by Mr. Hurlbut), Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 1,300 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 816 feet above sea level; water not used. Benchmark: Top ofcasing, level with surface. WellNo.56,Water-Supply Paper219, p. 162.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Sept.2 Ft. in. 73 3 73 10 73 11 74 6 74 6 74 4 73 8 73 5 73 5 74 74 5 75 75 75 9 74 6 74 9 74 6 75 3i ■^6 li 77 1 Feb. 8 1907. Ft. in. 76 3J 74 101 74 9 Oct.5 May3 Nov.8 Aug. 24. Apr. 28. June 30 . Oct. 12.. Dec. 19.. Mar. 27. July 16.. Oct 9 Dec. 10 1908. 1905. 72 2h 73 2 Jan. 4 Feb.9 75 2 Apr. 12 75 2 May 10 1909. June 13 . . . . July 12 72 11 Aug. 10 72 7 Sept.l3 73 8 Nov.7 Jan 29... 1910. Dec. 18 ,.. 72 1906. Aug. 15. Dec. 29.. May 23.. July 25.. Oct. 13.. 72 9 Mar. 22 74 3 May5 1912. June 25 July 31 ,... 79 8 Sept. 20 73 8 Dec.l7 76 1 30 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contin,ued. 23. F. E. Wilcox— Continued. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct 16 1913. Ft. in. 85 2 77 2 76 10 76 8 77 10 77 11 74 1 75 8 73 73 3 May 2S 1917. Ft. in. 68 1 1914. Nov. 27. June 6.. 73 6 Apr. 3 1918. May 4 73 Oct. 5 75 2 Sept. 3 May 8 . 1919. Nov. 23 1915. 74 10 Oct. 21.. May 7... 79 6 May 13. 1920. Oct. 11 - 1916. 79 8 Nov. 25. 84 4 May 19. Nov 18 24. L. V. Harkness, southwest comer Colorado Street and Sierra Bonita Avenue, Pasadena, Pasadena quadrangle. (Bored well, 272 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 787 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark not known. "Well No. 17, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 161.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept. 2 Oct.5 Nov.'S Dec. 10 1905. reb.9 Mar.l7 Apr.l2 May 10 Jtme 13 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Nov.7 Dec. 18 1906. Jan. 24 Mar. 22 May 5 June 25 July31 Sept. 20 , Dec. 17 Depth of water le\ el below bench mark. Ft. in. 122 4 122 2h 122 7 122 6J 122 2 122 2 122 2 122 1 122 4 123 3 123 5 1 124 124 1 123 7 123 3i 122 2^ 122 11 122 8 123 6i 123 10 123 li Date of measurement. Feb. 8.. May 3. . Aug. 24 . Dec. 28. Apr, 28. June 30. Oct. 12. Dec. 19. Mar. 27. July 16. Oct. 9.. Jan. 29 Aug. 15 Dec. 29 Well destroyed. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 122 5 120 11 120 4 118 1 117 119 1 li8 6 118 1 117 10 119 7 118 6 116 8 119 5 121 THE RECORDS. 31 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued, 24a. Mr. Hislop (formerly owned by I. McCollum), southeast corner Colorado Street and Sierra Bonita Avenue, Pasadena, Pasadena quadrangle. [Well, lolfeet deep; altitude of surface, about 785 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 3 inches above surface. Well No. 12, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 161. Companion well for No. 24. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wefls, but record not published heretofore. ] Date of measurement . Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1905. Nov 7 Ft. in. 127 10 129 9 127 3 127 10 127 5 127 6 128 1 128 5 127 1 126 6 125 4 124 4 122 6 120 7 121 121 3 121 1 120 4 120 2 120 4 119 5 122 121 4 May 23. . July 25. . Oct. 13.. Oct. 16.. Apr. 3... 1912. Ft. in. 130 121 4 129 4 1906. Jan. 24 1913. Mar 22 127 5 May 5 . 1914. July 31 125 4 Sept 20 June 24. Sept. 3.. Nov. 23. May 13. . Oct. 11.. May 19. . Nov. 18. May 28.. Nov. 26. June 6 125 Dec. 17 125 9 125 <1 1907. Feb. 8 1915. Mav2 119 11 Aug. 24 121 4 Dec 28 1916. 1908 119 6 Apr 28 . . . . 119 8 1917. Oct. 12 117 5 122 1 121 6 Dec. 19 1909. Mar 27 1918. July 16 Oct. 5 127 11 Oct.9 May 9. . 1919. 127 6 1910. Oct. 20.. Nov. 25. 132 6 1920. Aug. 15 Dec 29 139 6 25. Titus ranch. Sunny Slope station, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 132 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 620 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark not known. Well No. 475, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 175.] Date of measurement. 1904. Dec. 10 1905 Jan.4 Feb. 9 Mar.l7 Apr.l2 May 10 June 13 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Nov.? Dec. 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 6 1 2 2 12 10 10 7 Date of measurement. Jan. 24.. Mar. 22.. May 5. . . June 25.. July 31. . Sept. 20. Dec. 17.. 1906. 1907. Feb. 8 May 3 Aug. 24 Dec. 28 (destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 9 10 18 3 16 9^ 14 2h 11 4^ 10 8 15 32 WATER LEVELS IN WBLLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valleij of southern California — Continued. 26. John McClain estate, 1 mile south of San Gabriel, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 130 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1896; altitude of surface, about 342 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark not known. Well No. 107, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 163.] Date of measiu-ement. 1904. Dec. 10 1905. Jan. 4 Feb. 9 Mar.l7 Apr.l2 June 13 July 12 Aug. 10 Dec. 18 1900. Mar. 22 May 5 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 72 11 72 10 73 72 10 73 72 8^ 72 7J Date of measurement. June 25. July 31.. Sept. 20. Dec. 17.. 1906— Continued. Feb. 8.. May 3. . Aug. 24 . Dec. 28. 1907. Mar.27 Not accessible. 1909. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 72 8 72 3J 72 1 71 4 70 6 68 11 69 4 66 9i 64 4 27. W. S. Torbert (formerly owned by F. E. Wilson), 2 miles south of San Gabriel, quadrangle. Pasadena [Bored well, 36 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter; sunk in 1901; altitude of surface, about 287 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, originally 1 foot 8 inches above surface. Between Nov. 20, 1917, and May 11, 1918, 1 foot of casing was removed. Beginning with May 11. 1918, 1 foot has been added to the measurements to make them comparable with earlier measurements. Well No. 102, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 1&3.] Date of measurement. 1904. Dec. 10 1905. Jan. 4 Feb. 7 Mar. 17 Apr.l2 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Nov. 17 Dec. 18 1906. Jan. 24 Mar.22 May 5 June 25 July31 Dec. 17 1907. Feb. 8 Mays Aug. 24 Dec. 28 1908. Apr. 28 June 30 Oct. 12 Dec. 19 1909. Mar.27 July 16 Oct.9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 23 5i 23 6 23 3 22 S\ 21 21 4 22 6 22 3 22 8 22 11 22 3 23 22 8 21 8 21 4 21 11 21 9 18 9 18 3 19 6 18 6 19 3 19 3 19 7 16 6 15 10 16 6 Date of measurement. Jan. 29.. Aug. 15. Dec. 29.. 1910. 1912. May 23 (piunping slowly) . July 25 (pumping slowly) . Oct. 13 (pumping slowly) . 1913. Oct. 16 Apr. 4. . June 4. . Sept. 3.. Nov. 16. May 13. . Oct. 7... May 16. Nov. 11. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. May 28 Nov. 20 (gas pump installed; pumping). May 11. Oct. 5.. May 9. . . Nov. 10- May 12. . Nov. 23. 1918. 1919. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 16 i 17 4 18 4 16 10 17 6 17 8 18 2 #» 12 2 13 10 15 1 15 7 11 5 13 11 11 11 11 10 14 2 THE RECORDS. 33 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 28. G. B. Renfro, three-fourths mile southwest of Savannah, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 46 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 300 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, level with surface. Well No. 476, Water- Supply Paper 219, p. 175.] Date of measurement . Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measiu-ement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Dec. 9... 1904. Ft. in. 19 6 20 IJ 20 19 3 18 4 17 8 18 7 18 11 19 2 20 20 3 19 10 18 11 18 1 18 4 18 8 18 8 16 11 15 9i 16 6 16 2 15 6 15 8 16 15 5 13 14 11 14 5 Jan. 29.. Aug. 15. Dec. 29.. May 23.. July 25. . Oct. 13.. Oct. 16.. Apr. 4. . 1910. Ft. in. 12 10 1905. 13 11 13 7 Jan. 4. 1912. Feb. 9 Mar. 17 13 1 Apr. 12. 13 1 May 10 13 June 13. . . 1913. July 12 Aug. 10. . . ... 14 Sept. 13 1914. Nov. 7 - 1906. 9 3 June 4. - 10 11 Jan. 24. Sept. 3.. Nov. 17. May 25.. Nov. 3.. 12 6 Mar 22 12 1 Mays 1915. June 25 July 31 10 5 Decl7 11 8 Feb. 8.. 1907. May 16.. Nov. 14. May 25.. Nov. 21. May 11.. Oct. 5... 1916. 9 5 May 3. . 9 11 Aug. 21 1917. Dec.28..- 1908. 10 8 Apr. 28. 1918. June 30 9 3 Oct. 12 . 10 11 Dec. 19 May 9. . . 1919. 1909. 10 8 Nov. 10. May 12.. Nov. 23 13 1920. July 16 Oct. 9 12 2 (destroyed) 28a. G. B. Renfro, three-fourths mile southwest of Savannah, Pasadena quadrangle. [Dug well, 5 feet in diameter for 24 feet, then 12-inch bore for 63 feet. Method of lift, wind and gasoline engine; use, irrigation and domestic; situated 50 feet south of well No. 28. Bench mark: Originally bottom of a 10 by 10 inch timber across curb, 4 inches below surface. Between May 26, 1917, and May 11, 1918, the 10 by 10 inch timber was removed. A new bench mark was established as the top of the west side of the curb, about 1 foot 4 inches higher than the original bench mark. An addition of 1 foot 4 inches has been made to all measurements previous to May 11, 1918, to make them comparable with measure- ments from the present bench mark.] Date of measurement . 1914. Apr. 4 June 4 Sept. 3 (windmill pumping) Nov.17 , 1915. May 25 , Nov.3 1916. May 16 , Nov.14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 8 10 2 13 6 12 5 11 8 11 11 10 10 6 Date of measurement. 1917. May26 1918. May 11 1919. May 9 Nov. 10 1920. May 12 , Nov. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 9 11 11 12 5 13 11 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 34 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Coutiniied. 29. John McCoy (formerly owned by J. A. Law), half a mile east of El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 50 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 282 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 9 inches above surface. AVell No. 141, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 1G4.] Date of measurement. Dec. 10. Jan. 4 . . . Feb. 9... Mar. 17. Apr. 12. July 12. . Aug. 10. Sept. 13. Nov. 7. . Dec. 18.. 1905. 1906. Jan. 24 Mar. 22 May 5 Jime25 July 31 Sept. 20 12 Dec. 17 Feb. 8.. May 3. . . Aug. 24. Dec. 28, . 1907. 1908. Apr. 28. Jtme 30. Oct. 12. Dec. 19. Mar. 27. July 16. Oct. 9.. 1909. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 16 2 16 IJ 16 3 13 8 13 2 13 1 13 b\ 14 4 14 1 13 9 13 8^ 1 12 6 1 11 8 11 5 11 10^ 12 2i 11 9 10 li 8 5i 10 9 6 8 7 10 3 10 3 9 4 5 11 8 11 9 2 Date of measurement . Jan. 29. Aug. 15. Dec. 29. 1910. May 23. July 25. Oct. 13. 1912. Oct. 16. Apr. 4. . Jvme4.. Sept. 4., Nov. 17. 1913. 1914. May 25 Nov. 3 (pimiping). 1915. May 16., Nov. 14. 1916. 1917. May 26. Nov. 21 . May 11 (pumping). Oct. 5 1918. 1919. May 9. . . Nov. 10. May 12. . Nov. 23. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. 17 10 8 9 9 5 10 6 10 4 9 6 12 10 10 1 9 1 10 4 10 4 11 1 10 7 13 6 12 13 2 29a. Mr. Ward (formerly owned by Mr. Beck), half a mile east of El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 275 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot above surface. Well No. 477, Water-Supply Paper 21i , p. 175. lias been measured in conjunction with observation wells but record not published hereto- fore.] Date of measurement. 1905, Nov. 7 Dec. 19 (pumping) 1906 Jan. 24 Mar.22 May 5 June 25 July 31 Sept, 20 Dec. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 11 15 5 Date of measurement. 1907. Feb. 8 May 3 Aug. 24 Dec. 28 1908. Apr. 28 June 30 Oct. 12 Dec. 19 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 10§ 9 11 10 4 10 7 9 10^ 10 10 11 9 10 THE RECORDS. 35 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Coutimied. 29a. Mr. Ward— Continued. Date of measurement. 1909. Mar. 27 July 10 Oct. 9 1910. Jan. 29 Aug. 15 Dec.29 . 1912. May23 July 23 Oct. 13 1913. Oct. 16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 2 9 7 10 5 9 11 12 3 14 10 13 7 15 12 Date of measurement. Apr. 4... June 4.. Sept. 4.. Nov. 17. May 25. Nov. 3. May 15. . Nov. 14. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. May 26 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 3 13 8 14 7 14 4 30. M, Ritter, El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 60 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 275 feet above sea level. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 3 inches above surface. Well No. 478, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 175.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement . Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Nov 8 . Ft. in. 22 5 22 6i 22 6 21 9 20 1 18 1 16 8 16 11 17 5 16 8 17 5 18 2 18 18 9^ 17 3 14 4 12 9i 12 Hi 14 1 14 7^ 13 7 10 9 9 10 8 10 10 2 12 5 12 10 8 3 9 7 10 9 Jan. 29.. Aug. 15. Dec. 29.. May 23. . July 25 1910. Ft. in. 9 5 Dec. 10 10 6 13 4 1905. Jan. 4 1912. Feb 9 . 11 4 Mar 17 12 5 Ai)r 12 Oct. 13.. Oct. 16.. Apr. 4... 13 7 May 10 1913. June 13 July 12 16 6 Aug. 10 1914. Sept. 13 Nov. 7 10 4 Dec. 18 Jtme 4 9 3 Sept. 3.- Nov. 17. May 25. . Nov 3 11 1906. 11 6 Jan 24 1915. Mar. 22 Mav 5 9 7 June 25 . 11 10 July 31 May 16. . Nov. 14. May 26. . Nov. 21. May 11. . Oct 5 1916. Sept. 20 Dec. 17 10 1 10 8 1907. Feb. 8 1917. May 3 10 5 Aug. 24 12 10 Dec. 28 1918. 1908. 10 11 Apr. 28 13 7 June 30 May 9 1919. Oct. 12 Dec. 19 14 5 Nov. 10. May 12. . Nov. 23. 17 7 1909. Mar 27 1920. July 16 16 10 Oct. 19 18 4 36 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 30a. County well, 1 mile southeast of El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 30 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 284 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, stock. Bench mark: Top of 1-inch cover over casing, level with surface. Well No. 163, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 165. Companion well for No. 30.] Date of measurement. 1914. Nov. 17 1915. Mav25 Nov.3 1916. May 16 Nov. 14 1917. May 26 Nov. 21 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 11 Date of measurement. 1918. May 11 (pumping slowly) Oct. 5 1919. May 9 Nov.lO 1920. May 12 Nov. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 9 10 12 5 12 10 16 11 14 6 18 8 31. C. H. Clark (formerly owned by Mrs. McClure), three-fourths mile south of El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 61 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 265 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Benchmark: Top of casing, 1 foot 10 inches above surface. Well No. 479, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 175.] Date of measurement. 1905 Jan. 4 Feb. 9 Mar. 17 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Nov. 7 Dec. 18 1906. Jan. 24 Mar.22 May 5 June 25 July 31 Sept. 20 Dec. 17 , 1907. Feb. 8 May 3 Aug. 24 Dec. 28 , 1908. Apr.28 June 30 Oct. 12 Dec. 19 1909. Mar.27 July 16 Oct.9 1910. Jan. 29 Aug. 15 Dec. 29 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 16 6 15 10 14 2 12 5 13 9 14 8 13 6 13 6 13 1 12 10 10 6 8 1 7 8 6^ 8 3 Date of measurement. 1912. May 23 July 25 Oct. 13 1913. Oct. 16 1914. Apr. 4 Jime25 Sept. 4 Nov. 17 1915. May 25 Nov.3 : 1916. May 16 Nov. 14 1917. May 26 Nov. 21 1918. May 11 Oct. 5 1919. May 9 Nov.lO : 1920. May 12 Nov.23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 9 4 11 4 12 6 9 5 8 10 10 4 10 4 10 8 10 11 13 3 12 1 13 8 THE RECORDS. 37 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contiii,ued. 31a. C. H. Clark, three-fourths mile south of EI Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bench mark, bottom of 12 by 12 timber across curb, level with ground, marked with white paint. Com- panion well for No. 31, 175 feet northwest of No. 31. Engine and pump house.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1918. Oct, 5... Ft. in. 8 G 8 10 11 4 1920. May 12 Ft. in. 10 1 Nov. 23 11 11 1919. May 9 Nov. 10... 32. L. Bcrgstrom (formerly owned by T. D. Andrews), 11 miles southeast of El Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 25 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 275 feet above sea level; method of lift, hand pump; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of 2-inch cover over casing, 2 feet 5 inches above surface. Well No. 164, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 165.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Dec. 10 1904. Ft. in. 21 5i 21 5 20 8 17 10 15 10 14 8 13 8 13 9 15 9 16 10 17 3 17 17 4 15 4 12 8 11 9 12 2 11 f '? 11 9 9 9 10^ 9 6 10 9 12 2 11 10 8 2 9 2 10 G 1910. Jan. 29 Ft. in. 8 1 1905. Aug. 15 11 7 Dec. 29 12 4 Jan. 4 1912. May 2.3 Feb. 9 Mar.l7 10 1 Apr. 12 July 25 U 7 May 10 Oct. 13 12 8 June 12 1913. Oct. 16 July 12 Aug. 10 15 10 Sept. 13 . 1914. Apr. 4 Nov.7 Dec. 17 8 1900. Jmie 4 8 Sept. 3 9 11 Jan. 24.. Nov. 17 10 5^ Mar. 22 1915. May 25 May 5 8 4 July 31 . . Nov. 3 11 9 Sept. 20 191G. May 16 Dec. 17.. -- 1907. 8 5 Nov. 14 9 2 Feb. 8 1917. May 26 May 3 Aug. 24 9 11 Dec. 28 - -- Nov. 21 11 9 Apr. 28.. 1908. 1918. May 11 9 7 Jnne- 30 Oct. 5 12 10 Oct. 12 .... 1919. May 9 . .... Dec. 19 1909. 13 2 Mar. 27.. Nov. — (gas pump installed; can not measure) July 16 Oct. 9 38 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CJALTFORNTA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Coutinued. 33. Jackson Freer, 2 miles southeast of EI Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 290 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark not known. Well No. 173, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 165.] Date of measurement. 1905. Feb. 9 Mar. 17 Apr. 12 May 10 June 13 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Nov.7 Dee. 18 1906. Jan. 24 Mar. 22 May 5 , June 25 , July 31 , Sept. 20 , Doc. 17 1907. Feb. 8 May 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 5 23 4* 20 2 20 8 18 6 19 9 21 22 4 23 3 22 9 19 10 22 11 18 n 18 u 17 3 18 9 19 10 15 13 n Date of measurement. Aug. 24. Dec. 28.. Apr. 28. Jvme30. Oct. 12. Dec. 19.. Mar. 29. July 16. Oct. 9.. Jan. 27. Aug. 15. Dec, 20. 1907— Continued. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1912. No longer accessi])le Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 15 9^ 16 n 15 5 17 1 18 4 17 9 15 1 16 2 16 9 33a. Jackson Freer, 2 miles southeast of EI Monte, Pasadena quadrangle. [Bored well, 7 inches in diameter. Situated 200 feet southwest of No. 33. Small gasoline pumping i>lant. Bench mark: Top of casing, 3 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1913. Oct 16 (pumping slowly) Ft. in. 20 1 11 10 12 1 14 14 3 11 4 14 6 ai 8 12 8 May 26. . Nov. 21. May 11. . Oct. 5... 1917. Ft. in. 13 11 15 10 1914. Apr. 4 1918, June 4 14 3 Sept. 3 17 2 Nov. 17 May 9 . 1919, 1915. 15 5 May 25 Nov. 10. May 12. . Nov. 23. 21 6 Nov. 3 1920. 1916. 18 11 May 16 22 3 Nov. 14 THE RECORDS. 39 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 33b. A. Elliot, half a mile southwest of well No. 33a, Pasadena quadrangle. [Well bored 45 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Companion well for Nos. 32 and 33a. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 4 inches above smface.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measm-ement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct 16 1913. Ft. in. 12 7 8 10 9 1 10 9 11 8 7 11 4 9 11 9 May 26. . Nov. 21. 1 May 11. . j Oct. 5... 1917. Ft. in. 11 1914. 10 11 Apr. 4... 1918. June 4 9 5 Sept 3 12 Nov. 17 May 9 1919. 1915. 11 7 May 28 . Nov. 10. May 12. . Nov. 23. 14 6 Nov.3..- 1920. 1916. 13 3 May 16 . 15 3 Nov. 14 34. E. Gurado, 3 miles southwest of Whittier, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 41 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 180 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind: use, domestic. Water contains 260 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark not known. Well No. 2867, Water-Supply Paper 138, p. 143.] Date of measurement. 1904, Oct. 4 Nov. 8 Dec. 7 1905 Jan. 5 Feb. 7 Mar. 15 Apr.ll May 5 June 12 July 14 Aug.ll Sept.l4 Nov. 6 Dec. 16 1906 Jan. 25 Mar. 10 May 4 June 23 July 30 Sept. 19 Dec. 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 2 13 4 12 1 11 6 11 2 10 3 10 5i 10 1\ 11 8 12 * 12 6 13 11 10 11 3 11 11 10 3i 9 6^ 11 3 9 8i 10 9 n Date of measurement. Feb. 9... May 4. . . Aug. 22. Dec. 27., Apr. 27. June 27. Oct. 19. Dec. 24. Mar. 31- July 6. . Oct. 11. Jan. 31 . Aug. 12. Dec. 28. 1907 1908. 1909. 1910, 1912. Engine and pump installed; wqYL not ac- cessible Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 3i 8 10 9 9 3 8 11 40 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Oontiuued. 35. Mrs. Mary Theland, 2 miles southwest of Whittier, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 72 feet deep, 4 inches in diameter; sunk about 1874; altitude of surface, about 157 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; water contains 390 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark not known. Well No. 2902, Water-Supply Paper 138, p. 145.] Date of measurement. 1904. Nov 9 1905. Jan. 5 Feb. 7 Mar.15 Apr. 10 May 5 June 12 July 14 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 Nov. 6 , Dec. 16 1906. June 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 15 3 14 llj 13 10 Date of measurement. July 30. . Sept. 19. Dec. 18. 1906— Continued . Feb. 9.. May 4... Aug. 22. Dec. 27. 1907. Apr. 27 June 29 Oct. 19 (well closed). Dec. 24 (well closed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 9 17 10 12 6§ 11 2 11 1 11 4 11 5i 10 11 11 5 36. J. C. Buckmaster (formerly owned by H. C. Baldwin), half a mile southeast of Whittier, Downe quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Date of measurement. 1904 Sept. 8 Oct. 4 Nov.8 Dec. 7 1905 Jan. 5 Feb. 7 Mar.15 Apr.ll May 5 June 12 July 14 Aug. 11 Sept, 14 Nov. 6 Dec. 16 1906 Jan. 20 Mar. 10 May 4 June 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 129 2 128 4§ 128 5 128 7J 128 6 128 7 128 8 128 4 128 3 128 4i 128 8 128 10 128 11 129 128 10 128 8 128 8 127 5| 128 6 Date of measurement. July 30.. Sept. 19. Dec. 18. 1906— Continued . Feb. 9.. Mav 4... Aug. 22. 1907 Mar. 31. July 6-. Oct. 11. 1909. 1910. Jan 31 (well closed). 1914. Nov. 16 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 128 6 128 6i 128 6 127 lOJ 127 127 THE RECORDS. 41 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contiiiued. 37. R. A. Wallace (formerly owned by C. A. Landreth), 1 mile south of Whittier, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 78 feet deep, 4 inches in diameter; sunk in 1901; altitude of surface, about 191 feet above sea level; method of lift, hand pump; use, domestic and stock. Water contains 1,020 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of hand pump base, 2 feet above surface. Well No. 2979, Water Supply Paper 138, p. 147.] Date of measurement. 1904 Sept. 6 Oct. 4 Nov. 9 Dec. 7 1905 Jan. 5 Feb. 7 Mar. 15 Apr. 11 Mays June 12 July 14 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 Nov. 6 Dec. 16 1906, Jan. 25 Mar. 10 May 4 June 23 July 30 Sept. 19 Dec. 18 1907, Feb.9 May 4 Aug. 23 Dec. 27 1908, Apr.27 June 29 Dec. 24 1909, Mar.31 July6 Oct. 11 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 33 51 33 7§ 33 5 33 5§ 33 8 33 3 32 6 31 10 32 10 30 11 28 7 30 8 30 i 29 3 29 8 29 5 Date of measurement. Jan. 31 . . Aug. 12. Dec. 28. May 22. July 21. Oct. 10. Oct. 16. Apr, 5. Junes. Sept. 3: Nov. 1!) May 13. Oct. 7.. May 8. . Nov. 11. Mav28., Nov. 21. May 11. Oct. 15. 1910. 1912. 1913. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. May 9 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 26 11 27 8 28 28 23 25 26 26 24 26 1 6 25 25 1 25 26 10 6 24 24 11 10 42 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — ( •ontimied. 38. L. A. Brunson (formerly owned by J. W. Sharp), Santa Fe Springs, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 380 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk about 1877; altitude of surface, about 150 feet above sea level; water not used. Benchmark: Top of 8 by 8 timber over well curb, 10 inches above surface. Well No. 2099, Water-Supply Paper 138, p. 117.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Sept. 6 Ft. in. 27 3i 26 9^ 27 2 27 7 27 26 2 25 7 25 25 U 26 26 8 27 2 27 4 27 3 26 1 25 4 24 6 24 5| 24 9 25 8 26 9 25 1 23 10 23 2i 24 23 8 23 6 24 2 24 9 24 li 1909. Mar. 31 . . Ft. in. 22 7 Oct. 4 ... July 6. 23 4 Nov. 9 Oct.ll 23 11 Dec. 7 .. .. 1910. Jan. 31 1905. 23 1 Jan. 5 Aug. 12 (not accessible) Feb. 7 Dec. 28.. 24 8 Mar. 15 1912. Apr. 11... May 5 25 4 Jimel2.. July 21 (pumping slowly) 27 11 July 14 28 8 Aug. 11 1913. Oct. 16. Sept. 14 Nov. 6 28 7 Dec. 16 1914. Apr. 6 1906. 24 Jan. 25 June 3 . 24 10 Mar. 10 Sept. 3 26 4 May 4.. . . Nov. 16 26 5 June 23 1915. May 13 July 30. Sept. 19 24 7 Dec. 18 Oct. 7 . . . 26 11 1907. Feb. 9 1916. May 9 24 9 May 4 ... Nov. 11 25 10 Aug. 23 1917. May 28 Dec. 27 25 4 1908. Apr. 27 June 29 Nov. 21 (building burned, well filled) Oct. 19 Dec. 24 38a. W. H. Kuntz, Santa Fe Springs, Downey quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 38; 7-inch casing, method of lift, wind; use, domestic; situated about 300 feet northeast of No. 38. Bench mark: Top of casing, 5 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. Nov. 16. 1914. 1915. May 13. Oct. 7.. 1916. May9 Nov. 11 (sealed pumping). May 28. Nov. 21 . 1917. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 26 i 24 4 26 10 24 10 26 6 27 5 Date of measurement. 1918, May 11 Oct. 15 1919. May 9 1920, Nov. 11 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 25 6 27 11 27 5 31 4 THE RECORDS. 4a Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 39. John H. Borden, IJ miles north of Norwalk, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 38 feet deep, 5 inches in diameter; sunk in 1903; altitude of surface, about 125 feet above sea level; bench mark not known. Well No. 2112, Water-Supply Paper 138, p. 117.] Date of measurement. 1904 Nov.9 Dec. 7 1905 Jan. 5 Feb. 7 Mar. 15 Apr.ll May 5 June 12 July 14 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 Nov. 6 Dec. 16 1900 Jan. 25 Mar.lO Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 10 8 5 7 11 6 10 5 10^ 5 4 5 1 6 6 7 2 8 8 8 8 7 7 1 Date of measurement. May 4. . . June 23 . July 30. . Sept. 19. Dec. 18.. Feb. 9.. May 4. . Aug. 23. Dec. 27. 1906— Continued. 1907 1908. Apr.27 June 29 Oct. 19, Dec. 24 (casing cut off; datum destroyed) , Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 4 10^ 5 6i 7 dh 6 n 5 10 40. Norwalk Builders Association, Norwalk, Downey quadrangle. [Bored well, 97 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893; altitude of siu-face, about 100 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 510 parts per million of dissolved solids. Benchmark: Top of casing, 1 foot 2 inches above surface. Well No. 2125, Water-Supply Paper 138, p. 117.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Sept. 0. Oct. 4.. Nov.9. Dec. 7.. Jan. 5... Feb. 7... Mar. 15.. May 5... June 12.. July 14.. Aug. 11. Sept. 14. Nov. 6.. Dec. 16.. Jan. 25 . Mar. 10. May 4.. June 23. July 30. Dec. 18, Feb. 9.., May 4.. Aug. 23. Dec. 27. 1905. 1906. 1907. Apr. 27 (pumping). June 29 Oct. 19 Dec. 24 1908. Ft. in. 19 5 15 8 16 4 17 4 15 10 16 11 17 9 15 4 14 7 13 8 16 11 16 3 15 6| 15 4i 15 12 1 14 1 14 10 12 5 14 3 13 4 12 11 Mar. 31. July 6.. Oct. 11. 1909. Jan. 31 Aug. 12 (pumping). Dec. 28 1910. 1912. May 22 (pumping very slowly) July 21 (pumping before measurement). Oct. 10 : Oct. 16. 1913. June 3 . . Sept. 3-. Nov. 16. 1914. May 13 (pumping) . Oct. 7 1915. 1916. May 9 (pumping slowlv) . Nov.ll May 28. Nov. 21 . 1917. 1918. May 11 (1 foot casing removed; correction made) Oct. 15 (well destroyed) Ft. in. 15 2 16 11 12 2 43 3 16 7 26 7 34 1 16 8 44 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS TN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of ivater levels in the valley of southern California — Contimied. 40a. Bank of Norwalk, Norwalk, Downey quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 40. Four-inch casing; method of lift, wind; use, domestic; situated 50 feet south- east of No. 40. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 5 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. Nov. 16 1915. May 13 Oct. 7 (casing obstructed) . May 9. . Nov. 11. 191G. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 11^ 13 2 13 8 Date of measurement. 1917. May 28 (pumping s]owlv) - Nov.21 "... 1918. May 11 Oct. 15 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 17 2 14 8 40b. G. B. Banta, Norwalk (Rose Lawn), Downey quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface of ground. Companion well to No. 40a; selected Oct. 15, 1918; formerly flowed; 397 feet deep; 20 feet of 4-inch casing, remainder 2-inch.] Date of measvu-ement. Depth of water level below bencji mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 15. 1918. Ft. in. 8 11 May 9.. 1919. Ft. in. 10 10 Nov. 11 12 2 41. J. B. Neff, IJ miles south of Anaheim, Anaheim quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of curb, 50 feet 4 inches above top of casing. Records furnished by owner.] Date of measurement. Feb. 22. May 26. June 20. July 1.. July 18. Aug. 18. Sept. 1. Sept. 10 Oct. 3.. Nov. 14 Nov. 30. Dec. 15. Dec. 27. Jan. 14. Feb. 7.. Mar. 6.. Mar. 31. Apr. 27. May 13. May 29. June 28. July 20. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 23 4 25 25 10 26 2 26 10 29 10 30 30 6 31 31 6 31 11 32 2 32 11 33 5 Date of measurement. 1899— Continued July 30 Aug. 14 Aug. 20 Sept.l Sept. 13 Oct. 2 Oct. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 28 1900. Jan. 11 Jan. 30 Feb. 26 Mar.29 Apr. 28 May 29 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Oct. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Dec.l2 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 10 THE RECORDS. 45 Records oftvater levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 41. J. B. Neff— Continued. Date of measurement. 1901. Jan. Jan. 18.. Jan. 29.. Feb, 6... Feb. 18.. Feb. 25.. Mar.l... Mar. 13.. Apr. 1... Apr. 19.. Apr. 30.. May 31.. June 30. July 10.. Aug. 1 . . Aug. 28. Sept, 28- Nov. 8.. Dec. 2... 1902. Jan. 3 . . Feb. 3.. Mar. 2.. Apr. 1., May 1.. June 1. Julyl.. Aug. 1 . Sept. 1. Oct. 1.. Nov. 8. Dec. 1.. 1903. Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar.l Apr. 1 Apr. 18 Apr.2G Apr. 30 May 19 June 3 .^. July 4 ^. Aug. 1 Sept.l Oct.l Nov.8 Dec.l 1904. Jan. 1 . . Feb. 0.. Mar.l.. Apr. 1.. May 1.. June 1 . . Jime 15. Julyl.. July 31. Aug. 31. Oct.l.. Oct. 31. Dec. 1.. Jan. 1 . . Feb. 1.. Mar.l.. Mar. 31. Apr. 30. May 18. May 31. Julyl.. July 31. 1905. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 40 11 40 9 40 8 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 41 39 11 40 2 40 8 41 41 3 41 3 41 9 42 1 42 4 42 5 42 9 44 44 7 44 8 45 45 45 2 45 2 45 4 45 5 45 45 6 44 11 44 7 44 G 44 4i 2 44 11 45 3 45 5 45 5 45 4 45 4 45 6 46 46 3 46 6 47 48 4 49 49 6 50 3 50 10 50 8 50 8 50 9 51 50 11 50 7 49 10 49 6 49 7 50 2 51 4 51 7 Date of measurement. 1905 — Continued Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Nov. 1 Dec.l IDOG. Jan. 6 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 19 June 1 June 9 June 18 Julyl July 16 Julv30 Aug. 7 Aug. 16 Sept. 2 Sept. 27 Nov.l Nov.30 1907. Jan. 1 Jan.l4 Feb.l Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 May 14 May 25 May31 June 16 June 30 July 27 Sept.3 Oct. 1 Oct. 23 Nov. 7 Nov. 28 Dec. 31 1908. Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 12 Feb. 28 Apr. 1 Mayl June 1 July 31 Aus;.31 Oct. 6 Nov. 1 Nov.28 1909. Jan. 1 Jan. 31 Feb. 27 Mar. 31 Apr. 17 Apr. 30 May 31 Jiuie 15 Julys : July 11 July 31 Sept.6 Nov.2 1910. Jan. 1 Jan. 28 Feb. 28 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 52 7 52 4 51 10 51 5 51 4 51 2 50 10 49 5 49 2 49 48 10 48 10 49 7 50 2 50 6 51 3 51 2 51 1 50 9 50 2 49 5 49 1 48 8 47 8 45 11 42 9 39 11 39 4 39 2 39 5 38 10 39 1 40 5 •10 39 7 39 38 10 38 10 38 6 38 10 38 1 37 5 37 4 38 4 30 10 42 7 42 8 41 7 41 6 41 7 40 10 38 11 37 4 46 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California- -Gontinned. 41. J.B.Neff— Continued. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench 1 mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1910— Continued. Mar. 31 Ft. in. 37 1 37 6 38 11 39 7 43 1 43 42 10 42 6 42 3 40 4 39 10 41 44 44 9 43 7 44 4 46 7 45 1 45 4 48 6 50 52 1 52 6 52 2 51 6 51 5 51 5 51 2 51 8 53 1 53 5 51 57 5 59 5 60 10 60 5 59 5 58 7 57 4 57 2 56 2 55 55 55 10 56 10 57 1 58 6 58 6 58 4 57 4 56 6 56 1 54 4 52 6 52 6 52 10 54 6 55 4 55 6 53 8 52 6 1916. Jan.2 Feb. 6 Ft. in. 51 7 Apr. 22 49 5 Apr. 30 Feb. 13 48 1 May 22 Feb. 21 . . 47 July 28 Feb. 26 4(5 4 Aug. 28 Feb. 29 45 8 Oct . 28 Mar.20 42 8 Dec. 24.. Mar. 29 41 4 Apr. 29 40 10 1911. June 1 39 10 Feb. 2 July 3 41 4 Mar. 29 July 21 42 Apr. 8 Aug. 1 42 May6 Sept. 28 41 4 July 25. Oct. 34 .. 39 4 Sept. 13 Nov. 29 40 9 Dec. 25 1917. Jan. 1 1912. 39 Feb. 6 . . Feb. 7 37 5 Feb. 29 Mar. 4 36 4 Apr. 1 May 1 38 4 Apr. 30 June 4 39 10 Aug. 3 44 10 July 1 Sept. 7 45 2 Aull Oct.l 45 3 Sept. 4 Nov. 1 45 3 Sept. 30 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 44 9 1918. Jan. 3 Nov. 28 44 8 1913. Jan. 27 44 4 Jan. 2. Mar.l 44 4 Mar 3 Apr. 12 44 10 Apr. 1 May 16 46 4 Apr. 18 . . .. . . June 4 47 4 Apr. 30 July 1 49 6 June 3 . . . . July 11 50 4 July 1 Aug. 6 53 Aug. 1 - . . . Sept. 1 53 4 Sept 1 Nov. 4 52 4 Oct. 5 Dec. 4 52 3 Nov. 1.. Dec. 31 50 10 Dec. 1 1919. Feb. 9 1914. 50 11 Jan. 27. Mar. 8 50 5 Feb 10 Apr. 1 51 4 Mar.l June 2 54 4 Apr. 1 . . . July 10 02 4 \pr 27 Aug. 6 63 3 May 30 Sept. 6 62 7 July 1 Oct. 31 62 2 Aug. 1 Dec. 1 58 4 Sept. 1 ... 1920. Jan. 6 Oct. 1 57 6 Dec 1 Feb. 27 57 10 Mar. 30 57 1915. Apr. 29 58 2 Jan 1 May 30 59 9 Feb. 1 Julyl 63 4 Mar.l Aug. 11 63 11 Apr. 1 Sept. 17 64 7 May 1 Nov. 17 64 1 Dec. 9 63 2 July 1 Aug.l \ug.28 Oct. 19 Dec. 2 . THE RECORDS. 47 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Comtinued. 42. Abandoned school, Baldwin Park (formerly called Vineland), Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 140 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 382 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 270 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 4 feet 1 inch above surface. Well No. 87, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 155.1 Date of measurement. 1904. Dec. 14 1905. Jan. 12 Feb. 21 Mar.lO Apr. 15 May 17 June 22 July 21 Aug. 16 Sept. 20 Nov. 12 Dec. 21 190G. Jan. 27 Mar. 15 Mays Jime 7 Aug. 1 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 1907. Feb. 12 May 16 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr.21 June 23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 1909. Apr, 5 July 10 Oct. 13 1910. Feb. 2 Aug. 9 Depth of water le\ -el below bench mark. Ft. in. 104 1 104 6 102 10 98 9 93 11 90 8 90 11 91 4 92 2 93 9 95 9 96 7 97 95 3 83 4 81 11 10 10 82 85 88 78 64 70 76 17. 5 4 74 10 81 83 70 1 1 67 2 73 70 7 2 75 7 Date of measurement. Jan. 4. 1911. 1912, May 24 July 26 Oct. 22 (several pumping plants running within a mile) Oct, 17. 1913. Apr. 5 June 2 Sept. 3 (pumping). Nov. 17 1914. May 13 (pumping) . Oct. 11 1915. May 19. . Nov. 17. 1916. May 26. Nov. 21. 1917. May 11. Oct. 5.. 1918. May 14 Nov. 8 (piunping). Nov.lO 1919. May 13. . Nov. 23. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 82 1 77 7 74 10 84 8 60 11 59 10 66 6 72 61 11 72 6 57 5 68 7 66 2 72 8 65 5 73 76 5 87 83 4 92 5 48 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 43. G. F. Chamberlain, 2 miles southwest of Covina, Pomona quadrangle. [Dug well, 118 feet deep 3 by 3 feet in cross section; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 422 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 220 parts per million of dissolved solids. Beach mark: Top of 2-inch cover over casing, 1 foot 5 inches above surface. Well No. 96, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 155.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 8 Nov.17 Dec. 14 1905. Jan. 12 Feb. 20 Mar.ll Apr. 15 May 17 July 21 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov. 12 Dec. 21 1906. Mar. 15 May 9 June 27 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 1907. Feb. 12 May 16 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 21 June 23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 1909. Apr. 5 , July 10 Oct. 13 1910. Feb. 2 Aug. 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 119 119 6 120 9 120 11 120 9 120 1 118 1 117 9 112 C 111 6 111 6 112 6 112 11 113 7 109 6 105 3^ 104 4i 108 1 103 7 94 6 89 6 91 5 90 9 91 2i 95 1 96 9 93 7 86 10 88 8 89 3 89 6 Date of measurement. Jan. 4. 1911. 1912. May 24 (pimiping) July 20 (pumping slowly). Oct. 22 Oct. 17.. Apr. 5... June 2.. Sept. 3.. Nov.17. 1913. 1914. May 13. Oct. 11. 1915. May 18 (piunping) . Nov. 14 191G. May 28.. Nov. 26. 1917. May 11. Oct. 5.. 1918. May 14 Nov. 8 (pumping). May 13.. Nov. 23. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 94 4 117 5 112 1 115 8 101 6 89 8 84 3 87 5 85 10 81 5 91 10 89 10 80 10 78 4 85 4 86 8 90 8 94 10 102 106 THE RECORDS. 49 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 44. H. Heinze, Puente, Pomona quadrangle. (Bored well, 127 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1896; altitude of surface, about 323 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 590 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, originally 1 foot 7 inches above surface. Between Oct. 14, 1918, and May 10, 1919, 1 foot of casing was removed. Beginning with May 10, 1919, 1 foot has been added to the measure- ments to make them comparable with earlier measurements. Well No. 117, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 155.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 8... 1904. Ft. in. 30 29 10 30 29 2 28 4 25 7 28 6 27 2 27 11 28 3 28 4^ 23 9 25 6 23 n 26 Ah 19 2 17 20 9 21 1 19 6 20 8 22 1 22 2 26 8 16 11 19 2 14 9 21 11 1911. Jan. 4 Ft. in. 21 5 Nov. 17 1912. May 24 (pumping) Dec. 14 1905. 28 Julv 26 21 5 Feb. 21.. Oct. 22 (pum^iing hard) 30 Mar. 11 1913. Oct. 19 Apr. 15 June 22 23 1 July 21 1914. Apr. 4 Aug.16 Sept. 20 .... 14 1 Dec. 21 June4 16 4 1906. Sept. 4 18 8 Nov. 17 (pumping) 28 Mar. 15.. 1915. May25 May 9 . . . June 27 14 8 Sept. 25 Nov. 3 Feb. 12.. 1907. 1916. May 15 (pumping) May 16 Nov. 14 16 6 Aug. 26 1917. May26 Dec. 30 1908. 14 11 , Nov . 26 16 4 Apr. 21.. 1 1918. May 11 June23 Oct.l4 13 5 Dec. 27 Oct. 14. Apr. 5... 1909. 1919. May 10 (windmill down) July 10 18 9 20 5 Oct. 13 Nov 7 Feb. 2... 1910. 1920. May 12 19 6 22 8 Aug.9 Nov. 24 1820°— 21— wsp 468 4 50 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 44a. E. Fickewith, 2 miles northeast of Puente, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, about 300 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 352 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 260 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, originally 1 foot 7 inches above surface. Between Nov. 20, 1917, and May 11, 1918, 1 foot of casing was cut off. Beginning with May 11, 1918, 1 foot has been added to the measurements to make them comparable with earlier ones. Well No. 98, Water-Supply Taper 219, p. 155. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record has not been published heretofore.] Date of measurement. 1905. Dec. 21 1906. Jan. 27 (pumping) Mar. 15 (pumping) May 9 June 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 1907. Feb. 12 Mav 16 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 21 June 23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 (pumping) 1909. Apr. 5 (pumping) July 10 Oct. 13 1910. Feb. 2 Aug.9 1911. Jan. 4 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 52 9 .-W 3 53 11 47 9 45 6 46 7 46 i 46 11 43 3 34 2h 34 6 36 4 35 36 2 38 11 40 40 2 31 7 34 7 32 6 35 5 38 4 Date of measurement. May 24 (pumping). July 26 Oct. 22 1912. Oct. 19. 1913. 1914. Apr. 4.. June 4.. Sept. 4. Nov. 17. May 25. Nov. 3. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 39 4 36 6 41 8 May 16. Nov. 14. 1916. 1917. May 28. Nov. 26. 1918. May 11. Oct. 14. May 10 . Nov. 7. May 12 . Nov. 24. 1920. 31 33 31 32 6 6 7 28 33 2 6 28 28 5 2 30 32 11 32 34 2 4 39 2 11 45 46 5 44b. County well, half a mile west of Puente, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 58 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 320 feet above sea level; method of Uft, wind; use, roads. Water contains 530 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot -1 inches above surface. Well No. 107, Water-Supplj^ Paper 219, p. 155. Companion well for No. 44.] Date of measurement. May 26 No reading in November. Depth of water level below bench mark. Nov. 17 . . . 1914. May 25 1915. Nov. 3 May 15 1916. Ft. in. 6 10 3 8 7 Nov. 14 1 4 2 1917. 3 9 Date of measurement. Oct. 14. 1918. 1919. May 10 Nov. 7 (casing filled to 5 feet 6 inches) 1920. May 12 (filled above water surface). Depth of water level below beneh mark. Ft. in. 7 6 THE RECORDS. 51 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 45. William Rowland, one-fourth mile south of Rowland, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 90 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1902; altitude of surface, about 350 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot above sur- face. Well No. 256, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 160. ] Date of measurement. 1904, Oct.8 Nov.17 Dec.l4 1905, Jan. 12 Feb.21 Apr.15 June 22 July 21 Aug. 16 Sept. 20 Nov. 12 Dec. 21 1906, Jan. 27 May9 June 27 Aug.2 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 1907. Feb. 12 May 16 Aug. 26 ■ Dec.30 1908. Apr.21 June 23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 1909. Apr. 5 July 10 Oct. 13 1910. Feb. 2 Aug. 9 1911. Jan. 4 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 26 10 25 7 24 9 23 1 22 8 23 9 24 8 24 10 26 24 5 23 5 23 5 22 11.V 27 7" 25 4 27 23 8 23 6 24 2 25 2 21 11 23 6 25 4 23 5 22 6 21 10 25 5 21 10 20 4 25 4 22 3 Date of measurement. 1912. July 26 (pumping plant across road in operation) Oct. 22 1913. Oct. 19 1914. Apr. 4 June 4 (pumping plant across road in operation ) Sept. 4 (pumping plant across road in operation) Nov. 19 1915. May 25 Nov. 3 1916. May 18 (pumping plant across road in operation) Nov. 14 1917. May26 Nov. 26 1918. May 11 (pumping plant across road in operation) Oct. 14 1919. May 10 (pumping plant 150 feet west in operation) Nov. 7 1920. May 12 (new pump installed; could not get tape down) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 26 2 24 2 20 10 22 8 20 10 22 2 23 4 25 8 52 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contimied. 45a. William Rowland, one-fourth mile south of Rowland, Pomona quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 45; 12-inch casing; abandoned. Situated across the road and about 100 feet west of No. 45. Bench mark: Top of casing, 4 inches above surface. ] Date of measurement. 1914. Nov. 19 1915. May 25 Nov.3 1916. May 18 (dry at 33 feet; pumping plant 25 feet west in operation) Nov.14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 22 8 20 10 Date of measurement. May 26. Nov. 26 1917. 1918. May 11 (pumping plant adjoining in oper- ation) Oct. 14 (destroyed) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 21 10 22 6 46. B. Yorba, 1^ miles east of Rowland, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 50 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 395 foct above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Water contains 600 parts per million of dissolved solids. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 10 inches above surface. Well No. 135, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 156.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 8 Nov.17 Dec. 14 1905. Jan. 12 Feb. 20 Mar. 11 Apr. 15 June 22 July 21 May 20 Nov. 12 Dec. 21 1906. Jan. 27 Mar. 15 May 9 June 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 25 1907. Feb. 12 May 16 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 21 Jime23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 1909. Apr. 5 July 10 Oct. 13 1910. Feb. 2 Aug. 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. FL in. 35 6 35 Wl 33 5 30 8 29 9 30 10 31 32 11 33 2 33 11 33 31 5 31 7 28 2i 31 6 30 8 31 11 32 11 28 2 28 8* 31 2" 27 7 29 2 31 5 30 9 29 5 27 8 29 6 31 1 28 3 31 4 Date of measurement. Jan. 4 . 1911. 1912. May 24 (had been pumping) . July 26 Oct. 22 (pumping slowly) . . . Oct. 19. Apr. 4. 1913. 1914. June 4 Sept. 4 Nov. 19 (pumping hard) . May 25. Nov. 3. 1915. 1916. May 18. , Nov. 14. May 26 (pumping) . Nov. 26 1917. May 11. Oct. 14. 1918. 1919. May 10 Nov. 7 (pumping strong). May 12. Nov 24 1920. Depth of water level below benci,h mark. Ft. in. 28 3 34 10 35 29 11 28 11 31 11 37 8 32 3 27 2 28 33 5 31 4 33 9 32 1 32 5 THE RECORDS. 53 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 47. Mrs. Sadie G. Persons (formerly owned by F. Bowers), Walnut (formerly Lemon), Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 40 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 525 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Benchmark: Top of casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 257, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 160.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level to bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level to bench mark. 1904. Oct 8 Ft. in. 27 10 25 4 25 5i 24 4 23 10 23 6 20 5i 23 S 24 25 10 25 h 23 4 22 21 6 21 4 21 10 24 8J 25 8 25 4* 17 18 4 21 7 19 9 19 8 20 3 23 1 20 6 18 10 18 G 18 9 Feb. 2 1910. Ft. in. 16 5 Nov. 16 Aug. 9 . . 20 2 Dec 14 Jan. 4 . 1911. 1905. 19 Jan. 12 » May 24 . 1912. Feb 20 Mar. 11 18 8 Apr. 15 July 26 21 10 June 22 Oct. 22.. Oct. 19 . 1913. 17 10 July 21 Aug 16 . Sept 20 21 4 Nov. 12 Apr 4 1914. Dec 21 14 10 1906. 18 4 Sept. 4.. Nov. 19 19 5 19 1 Mar. 15 May 9 May 25. . Nov 3 1915. June 27 15 8 19 11 Aug.2 Sept. 25 1907. May 18. . Nov. 14. May 26. . Nov. 26. May 11.. Oct. 14.. May 10. . Nov. 7 1916. 18 3 Feb. 12 15 9 May 16 1917. A ug. 26 Dec. 30 17 8 18 7 1908. Apr 21 1918. Tll-no OQ 19 10 21 6 1919. Dec. 27 21 2 1909. 20 8 Apr. 5 May 12. . Nov. 24 1920. July 10 Oct. 13 20 10 19 11 54 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 48. S. E. Hicks, one-fourth mile west of Spadra, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 78 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 700 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 7 inches above surface. Well No. 258, water-Supply Paper 219, p. 160.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct 8 1904. Ft. in. 33 8 32 9 32 9 32 31 8* 31 5^ 32 7 34 2 35 2 36 6 36 2 35 7 35 5 34 8 34 8 38 Ih 40 2 39 3 34 10 31 2\ 34 6 32 6 31 11 36 7 36 8 36 10 30 5 31 11 31 10 27 4 28 11 1911. Jan. 4 . . Ft. in. 26 8 Nov. 17 1912. May24 Dec 14 - . . . 1905. 24 1 July 26 26 5 Jan. 12.. Oct. 22 (pumping plant one-fourth mile Feb. 21 . . . 26 8 Mar. 11 1913. Oct. 19 June 22 July 21 30 8 Aug. 16 1914. Apr. 4 Sept 20 . . . . Nov. 12 21 4 Dec 21 - - - - June 4 22 10 1906. Sept 4 27 2 Nov. 19 24 8 Mar. 15.. 1915. May 25 (pumping hard) : May 9 June 27 . Aug. 2 Se«t 25 Nov. 3 (pumping hard) Dec. 11.. 1916. May 18 (pumping) 1907. Feb 12 1917. May 26 May 16 Aug 26 17 8 Dec 30 Nov. 26 (pumping) Apr 21 1908. 1918. May 11 ... .... 18 7 June 23 ' Oct. 14 21 5 Oct. 14 1919. May 10 Dec. 27.. 1909. 22 5 Nov. 7 22 1 Apr 5 1920. May 12 July 10 Oct. 13 26 2 1910. Nov. 24 24 10 Feb 2 Aug. 9 THE RECORDS. 55 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contiixued. 48a. County well, Spadra, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 55 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 705 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, roads. Bench mark: Top of casing, 5 inches below surface. Well No. 259. Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 160. Companion well for No. 48. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record has not been published heretofore. ] Date of measurement. 1905 Nov. 12 (pumping) Dec. 21 1906 Jan. 27 Mar. 15 May 9 (pumping) June 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 1907 Feb. 12 (pumping) May 16 (pumping) Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908 Apr. 21 June 23 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 1909 Apr. 5 July 10 Oct. 13 Depth of w ater level below bench mark. Ft. in. 36 10 36 36 10 36 7 38 6 37 2 39 3 40 5 39 9 35 2h 31 2 35 2h 32 9 32 36 11 37 1 34 10 37 6 32 4 32 Date of measurement. Feb. 2. Aug. 9. Jan. 4. May 24. July 26. Oct. 22. Oct. 19. Apr. 4.. June 4., Sept. 4. Nov. 23. May 25. . Nov. 3.. May 18. . Nov. 14. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 191< May 26 Nov. 26 (well filled).. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 2 28 8 28 26 31 9 27 4 30 8 20 9 22 9 29 26 3 20 5 25 7 18 9 17 11 19 11 49, Sidney Deacon, 2 miles west of San Dimas, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 160 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 825 feet above sea level; method of lift, steam; water not used. Bench mark not kno\Tn. Well No, 149, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 156.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 7 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 1905. Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 10 Apr.l4 May 17 June22 July 21 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov.ll 1906. Jan. 27. Mar. 15 Mays June27 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 124 3 124 124 123 123 127 125 124 125 125 125 125 126 124 6 124 3 125 2 124 6 Date of measurement. Feb. 11 . May 15. Aug. 26 . Dec. 30. Apr. 20. June 22 . Oct. 13. Dec. 26. Apr. 4 . July 9.. Oct. 12. Feb.l. Aug. 9. 1907 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Jan. 3 1912. May 25 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 35 3i 47 11 49 3 62 7 67 5 65 4 71 9 75 76 8 82 4 86 4 56 WATEK LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records oftvater levels in the valley of southern California — Contin,ued. 50. William Terry, li nules southwest of San Dimas, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 222feet deep, lOinches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface^bout 855feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 144, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 156.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 7 . 1904. Ft. in. 199 8 199 10 199 10^ 199 9^ 199 8 199 8i 200 4 200 i\ 200 6 200 7 200 7 201 201 201 3 201 3 201 2 201 5| 201 9 201 7| 202 1 207 2 202 4 202 1 202 8 202 9 203 203 4 203 3 203 6 203 7 Feb.l.. 1910. Ft. in. 203 4 Nov. 16 Aug. 9 203 3 Dec. 13.. - - Jan. 3... 1911. 1905. 205 Jan. 11.. May 25.. 1912. Feb. 21 Mar 10 211 5 Oct. 21.. Oct. 17.. Apr. 4.. 204 8 June 22 1913. July 23. Aug 16 205 11 Sept. 21 1914. Nov. 11 Dec 20 207 4 1906. June 6 207 Aug. 14. Nov. 17. May 13. Oct. 1] . May 16. Nov 18 205 8 201 10 1915. Mar. 15 May 8 201 7 June 26 191G. Sept. 24.- - - 1907. 203 8 201 8 Feb. 11 . May 27.. Nov. 21. May 10.. Oct. 15 1917. May 15 Aug. 26 200 10 Dec. 30 200 10 Apr. 20 1908. 1918. 200 11 June 22 201 Oct. 13 May 14. Nov. 7.. May 12.. Nov. 23. 1919. Dec. 26 1909. 201 Apr. 4 . . 1920. July 9. 200 6 Oct. 12 201 2 THE RECORDS. 57 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 51. Azusa Irrigation Co., San Dimas Wash, Pomona quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 7... 1904. Ft. in. 97 2 97 8 98 11 99 1 98 4 97 4 95 6 94 3 94 1 95 4 96 4 97 4 98 6 99 97 10 97 2i May 8. . . 1906— Continued. Ft. in. 93 2 Nov. 16. June 26. Aug. 1.. 91 IJ Dec. 13 92 4 1905. Sept. 24. Dec. 10.. Feb. 11. Apr. 20.. June 27. Oct. 13.. Dec. 26.. Feb 1 98 7i 100 11 Jan. 11.. 1907. Feb. 20.. . Mar 11 93 1^ Apr. 14 1908. May 17 June 22 52 July 20 53 7 Aue. 16 56 11 Sept. 21 59 9 Nov. 11. .. 1910. Dec. 20 1906. 53 6 Aug. 9 (V ^ell filled) . . . Jan. 27.. Mar. 15. 52. J. R. Dennison (formerly owned by Emit Firth), San Dimas Wash, Pomona quadrangle. [Method of lift, gasoline engine; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of pump base, 2 feet 6 inches below surface. Well No. 246, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 159.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1 Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Sept 7. . Ft. in. 110 C, 111 7" 113 2 113 11 114 8i 113 11 113 7 106 10 104 9 104 4 105 6 105 10 106 7 J 108 H 108 1 107 6| 108 2 87 10 92 11 97 4i 96 11 80 6 56 8 72 3 82 6 1908. Apr 20 Ft. in. 86 9 Oct. 7 June 22 86 5 Nov. 16... Oct 13 91 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 26 94 9 1905. 1913. Oct. 17 126 11 Jan. 11 1914. Apr 3 Feb. 20.. . 72 8 Mar. 11 May 7 64 6 Apr. 14 June 6 (pumping) May 17 .Tune 25 77 June22 Aug. 14 (pumping) . . . July 20 Nov. 23 114 Aug. 16 1915. May 13 Sept. 21 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1916. Mays . 1906. 61 1 Nov. 11 90 6 Jan. 27. . 1917. May 17 Mar. 15 86 6 Nov. 23 105 3 Sept. 24 1918. May 10 . . Dec. 10 94 11 Oct. 15 106 6 1907. 1919. May 14 102 2 Oct. 22 122 6 1920. May 12 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 120 11 Nov. 23 122 6 68 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IK SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 53. Charles Alley, 1 mile northwest of Lordsburg, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 175 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 1,120 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, stock. Bench mark: Top of casing, 10 inches above surface. Well No. 250, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 159.] Date of measurement. Oct. 7.. Nov. 16. Dec. 13.. 1904. Jan. 11.. Feb. 20-. Mar. 10.. Apr. 14.. June 22. July 20. . Aug. 16. Sept. 21. Nov. 11. Dec. 20.. 1905. Jan. 27 . Mar. 15. May 8. . 190G, Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 145 4 146 10 146 10 June 26 149 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 Feb. 11. May 15. Aug. 26. Dec. 30. 1907. Apr. 20. June 22 . Oct. 13. Dec. 26. 146 9 147 5J 147 6^ 147 7 146 8 150 8 150 ^ 150 11 152 7 152 151 5:^ 149 2^7 149 6 149 i 153 U 154 U 154 7 152 4 144 8 145 2 143 6 140 5 142 2 153 6 147 7 Date of measurement. 1909. Apr. 4.. July 9. . Oct. 12. Feb. 1. Aug. 9 Jan. 3. 1910. 1911, 1912. May 25 July 27 Oct. 21 1913. Oct. 17 (obstruction at 183 feet). 1914. May 7 June 24 Sept. 4 Nov.23 1915. May 28. Nov. 3. May 5. . , Nov. 18. 1916. 1917. May 17 Nov. 23 (dry at about 140 feet) . May 10 (dry). 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 143 3 143 4 144 10 142 144 153 142 143 168 134 145 5 144 7 145 6 164 11 143 4 145 7 137 1 135 5 54. George Silvey (formerly owned by Mr. Massey), three-fourths mile northeast of Lordsburg, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 200+ feet deep, lOinches in diameter; sunk in 1898; altitude of surface, about 1,165 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 5 inches above surface. Well No. 67, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 153.] Date of measurement. 1904 Oct.? N0V.I6 Dec. 13 1905 Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar.ll Apr.l4 May 17 Jime22 July 20. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 207 2h 199 1 199 3 199 11 199 lOh 199 9' 200 199 11 199 4 200 2 Date of measurement. 1905— Continued Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906. Jan. 27 Mar.l5 May 8 June 26 , Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 , Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 199 9 200 202 10 200 11 201 200 198 41 197 6 196 5h 196 197 THE RECORDS. 59 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California- — Continued. 54. George Silvey— Continued. Feb. 11. May 15. , Aug. 26. Dec. 30.. Apr. 20. June 22. Oct. 13. Dee. 26. Apr. 1.. July 9. . Oct. 12. Date of measurement. 1907. 1909. Feb. 1 (pumping) . Aug. 9 1910. Jan. 3. May 25. July 27. Oct. 21. 1911. 1912. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 196 3 191 1 183 7 163 6 147 1 146 151 3 152 6 151 6 153 155 3 149 154 147 150 8 155 10 Date of measurement. Oct. 17. 1913. Apr. 3 June 24 (pumping) . Sept. 4 Nov. 23. May 28. Oct. 11. 1915. May 5 (pumping) . Nov. 18 1916. May 17 (piunping). Nov. 23.... 1917. May 10. Oct. 15. 1918. May 14. Oct. 22. May 14. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 173 6 169 154 4 157 1 123 10 143 148 163 8 5 167 186 10 11 55. Ontario Water Co., 1 mile north of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 160feetdeep, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 1,265 feet above sea level; method of aft, compressed air; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, l.O foot above surface. Well No. 265, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 150.] 1904 Nov. Dec. 13 1905 Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 10 Apr.l4 May 17 Jime22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906 Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907 Feb. 11 May 15 Dec. 30 'Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 62 1 61 10 62 2 62 1 61 10^ 59 4 59 U 57 5 57 59 7 58 6 58 H 57 3 56 9^ 53 2h 54 4 53 3i- 64 1 53 3^ 56 10 56 2 52 1 54 Apr. 20. Jime22 Oct. 13 (piunping). Dec. 26 Apr. 4. July 9. . Oct. 12. 1909. Feb. 1 Aug. 9 (pumping). 1910. Jan. 3. 1911. 1912. May 24 (company's record). July 8 (not pumping) Oct. 3 (not pumping) Oct. 16. 1913. 1914. Apr. 3 (well destroyed) . 59 36 47 8 54 10 61 64 60 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 55a. Ontario Water Co., 1 mile north of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 225 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about l,265feet above sea level; method of lift, compressed air; use, irrigation. Benchmark: Top casing, 3 feet 3 inches below surface. Well No. 265a, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 150. Companion well for No. 55. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not published hitherto.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1905. Nov. 11... . Ft. in. 36 3 35 7 34 3 32 6 31 6^ 31 m 30 61 33 10^ 33 8^ 30 8 May 14.. July 8 1912. Ft. in. 34 1 Dec 20 . 40 6 Sept. 6.. Oct. 16.. Apr. 3.. 64 11 1906. Mar. 14 1913. May 8 47 2 June 26 1914. Aug. 1 40 1 June 24. Sept. 4.. Nov. 23. May 25-. Nov 3 31 11 31 4 1907. Feb 11 1915. May 15 31 6 34 5 Aug. 26 (pumping) Dec. 30 31 8 32 4 34 8 May 18. . Nov. 18. May 26.. Nov. 23. May 10. Oct. 14.. May 14.. Oct. 22.. May 12.. Nov. 23. 1916. 1908. 17 8 Apr. 20 24 11 June 22 1917. 37 31 10 18 2 15 7 17 11 39 1 39 7 1909. Apr. 4 1918. July 9 47 1 Oct. 12 1919. 1910. 44 8 Feb.l 54 7 Aug 9 (pumping). 1920. 1911. 27 5 45 6 Jan 3 44 2 55b. Ontario WatCF Co., 1 mile north of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 225 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 1,270 feet above sea level; method of lift, compressed air; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 6 inches below surface. Well No. 265c, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 150. Companion well for No. 55a.] Date of measurement. 1914. N V . 23 1915. May 25 Nov.3 1916. May 18 :.. Nov. 18 1917. May 26 (pumping plants in vicinity in operation) Nov. 23 (pumping plants in vicinity in operation) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 44 5 42 1 51 9 31 4 34 6 55 10 55 Date of measurement. 1918, May 10 Oct. 14 1919, May 14 Oct. 22 1920, May 12 Nov. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 56 2 65 THE RECORDS. 61 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 58. Robert Bieley, Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 117 feet deep; 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 1,155 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Bench mark: Top of casing, l foot 6 inches above surface. Well No. 250, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 149.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 8 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 1905. Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 10 Apr. 14 May 17 , June 22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Dec. 20 1906. Jan. 27 Mar. 14 Mays June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907. Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 20 Jime22 Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909. Apr. 4 July 9 Oct. 12 1910. Feb.l Aug. 8 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 97 4 97 6 98 n 97 92 5 91 2 89 9 88 10 92 97 93 97 9.^ 84 10 82 4 hi 2 76 3 65 5 49 9 40 4\ 23 5' 7 2 7 10 14 3 17 6 27 4 26 § 28 1 34 31 23 7 27 8 Date of measurement. 1911. Jan. 3 1912. May 25 July 27 Oct. 21 1913. Oct.l7 1914. Apr. 3 June 24 Sept. 4 Nov.23 1915. May 25 Nov.3 1916. May 18 Nov. 18 1917. Mav 26 Nov. 26 1918. May 10 Oct.l4 1919. May 14 Oct. 22 1920. May 12 Nov.23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft in. 26 11 31 11 31 8 32 10 37 2 42 9 15 9 3 24 10 43 2 50 5 62 3 66 5 76 10 78 2 85 7 62 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 57. San Antonio Water Co., half a mile southwest of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 558 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter; altitudeofsiirface, about 1,121 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark not known. Well No. 242, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 149.] Date of measurement. 1904 Oct. 6 Nov.16 Dec.l3 1905 Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 10 Apr. 14 May 17 Jime22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov.ll Dec. 20 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 158 5 156 2 155 153 151 150 148 147 148 150 10 150 8 152 6h 152 l" 149 1 Date of measurement. Jan. 26.. Mar. 14.. May 8. . . Aug. 1 . . Sept. 24. Dec. 10.. Feb. 11. May 15. Dec. 30. 1906. 1907. Apr. 20 (filled). 1908. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 149 144 141 146 149 149 143 8 102 7 29 llj 57a. J. W. Romick, half a mile southwest of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Well about 200 feet deep; altitude of surface, about 1,125 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, irrigation. Benchmark: Top of casing, 3 inches above surface. Well No. 300, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 151. Companion well for No. 57. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells but record not published heretofore.] Date of measurement. 1905 Nov. 11 (pumping) 1906 Jan. 26 Mar. 14 June 26 Aug. 1 (pumping) Oct. 6 1907. May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908 Apr.20 June 22 Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909 Apr. 4 JulyO Oct. 12 1910 Feb.l Aug. 8 1911 Jan. 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 156 8 130 129 122 147 144 101 100 57 10 58 8 75 8 87 7 59 1 75 7 Date of measurement. May 31 . . June 27. Oct. 21., Oct. 17. Apr. 3... June 24. Sept. 4.. Nov. 23. May 26. Nov. 3. May 18.. Nov. 18. May 26. . Nov. 26. 1912. 1913. 1915. 1917. May 10 (destroyed). 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 68 8 90 10 85 6 102 89 4 101 3 101 101 4 80 11 101 2 69 5 45 4 81 9 101 6 THE RECORDS. 63 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 57b. Bradley Bros., three-fourths mile southwest of Claremont, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 200 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; siuik in 1899; altitude of surface, about 1,085 feet above sea level; method of lift, gasoline engine ; use, irrigation. Water contains 210 parts per million of dissolved solids. Benchmark: Top casing, 5.0 feet below surface. Well No. 240, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 149. j Date of measurement. 1914 June 24 Sept. 24 Nov. 23 1915. May 25 Nov.3 1916. May 18 Nov. 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 104 10 130 8 133 5 62 111 11 Date of measurement. May 26. Nov. 26. 1917. May 10. Oct. 14. 1918. 1919. May 14, pump mstalled; can not measure. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 81 8 92 111 6 140 7 58. H. R. Hopkins (formerly owned by Dr. A. R. Reed), 1| miles northeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well. 200 feet deep, 9J inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; altitude of surface, about 1,010 feet above sea level; method of Uft, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing level with surface. Well No. 284, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 151.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept. 7 Oct. 6 Nov.16 Dec. 13 1905. Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 10 Apr. 14 May 17 June 22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 21 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906, Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907 Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 75 2 75 4i 74 6 74 3 66 65 11 63 11 62 11 66 8 70 10 71 11 73 5 70 4J 67 64 9 62 10 59 8i 52 9 46 7§ 19 5 Date of measurement. 1908. Apr.20 June 22 Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909. Apr. 4 July 9 Oct. 12 1910. Feb. 1 (flowing ) Aug. 11 1911. Jan .3 1912. May 31 (flowing) July 27 Oct. 21 (quiet) 1913. Oct. 17 1914. Well covered with storm debris; could not be fotmd. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 7 10 9 14 10 11 2* 10 9 13 9 16 5 10 8 17 8 20 10 46 6 64 WATER LEVELS IIT WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 58a. Cathcart estate, 1§ miles northeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well— one of a group of 5 wells— 300 to 600 feet deep; 12 inches in diameter; sunk about 1886; altitude of surface, about 980 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of concrete casing, 9 inches above surface. Well No. 299, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 151. Companion well for No. 58, 58b, and 58c. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not pubhshed heretofore. About 8 or 9 feet below surface these wells flow into a common main leading to Chino.] Date of measurement. 1905. Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906, Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907. Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 20 (flowing) Jiuie22 (flowing) Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909, Apr. 4 July 9 Oct. 12 1910 Feb. 1 (not flowing). . . Aug. 8 1911 Jan. 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in 71 5 68 8 65 1 62 J 65 10 53 m 48 9 19 10 10 4 14 2 17 11 16 5 Date of measurement. 1912. May 31 July 27 Oct. 21 1913. Oct. 17 1914. Apr. 3 Jime24 Sept. 4... Nov. 23 1915. Mav25 Nov. 3 1916. May 18 (not flowing into main) Nov. 18 (shut ofl" from main). . . 1917. May 27 (shut olT from main) Nov. 26 1918. May 10 Oct. 14 1919. May 14 Nov.7 1920. May 12 Nov. 24 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in 9 8 18 4 21 5 47 8 34 1 40 11 47 41 5 24 4 32 10 4 6 3 5 2 12 10 24 40 6 64 10 77 2 THE RECORDS. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 65 58b. Cathcart estate. miles northeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well— one of a group of 5 wells— 300 to 600 feet deep; 12 inches, diameter; sunk about 1885; altitude of surface, about 980 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of concrete casing, 1 foot, 5 inches above surface. Wells No. 299, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 151. Located 75 feet east of No. 58a. See remarks on No. 58a.] Date of measurement. 1905 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906 Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907 Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908 Apr. 20 (flowing) June 22 (flowing) Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909 Apr. 4 (flowing) Jiily 9 (quiet) Oct. 12 1910 Feb. 1 (flowing) Aug. 8 (quiet) 1911 Jan. 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 70 9 67 6 65 5J 64 4 61 64 7 66 11 67 3 64 6 60 1 52 10 8 9 11 5 16 7 8 11 11 11 14 10 Date of measurement. 1912. May 31 (flowing) July 27 Oct. 21 1913. Oct. 17 1914. Apr. 3 June 24 Sept. 4 Nov.23 1915. May 25 Nov.3 1916. May 18 (not flowing into main). Nov. 18 (not flowing into main) 1917. May 37 (not flowing into main). Nov. 26 1918. May 10 Oct. 14 1919. May 14 Nov. 7 1920. May 12 Nov. 24 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 9 24 9 27 1 49 11 37 10 43 8 48 7 44 22 9 30 4 9 11 10 5 9 1 19 1 29 6 43 8 45 11 59 4 1820°— 21— wsp 46J 66 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Contiaued. 58c. Cathcart estate, 1^ miles northeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, one of a group of five wells, 300 to 600 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 980 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of concrete casing 1 foot 3 inches above surface. Well No. 299, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 151. Located 75 feet east of No. 58b. See remarks on No. 58a.] Date of measurement. 1905. Nov.ll Dec. 20 1906. Jan. 26 Mar. 14 Mays June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907. Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 20 (flowing) June 22 (flowing) Oct. 13 , Dec. 26 1909. Apr. 4 (flowing) July9 Oct. 12 1910. Feb. 1 (flowing) Aug.S 1911. Jan. 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 72 68 9 68 6 67 4 62 5 65 8 67 11 68 2) 65 11 61 6 ,53 10 46 9 18 5 10 7 10 9 14 10 11 2h 10 9 13 1 IV 10 9 13 9 16 5 Date of measurement. May 31 (flowing). Julv27 Oct. 21 1912. Oct. 17. 1913. Apr. 3.. June 24 . Sept. 4 . Nov. 23. 1914. May 25. Nov. 3. 1915. 1916. May 18 (not flowing into main). Nov. 18 (shut oflf from main) . . . 1917. May 27 (shut off from main) . Nov.26 1918. May 10. Oct. 14. 1919. May 14 Nov. 7 (destroyed) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 10 17 20 45 59. B. Linastruth, Pomona, Pomona quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Date of measurement. 1904. Dec. 14 1905. Jan. 12 Feb. 21 Apr.l5 May 17 June 22 July 21 Sept. 20 Nov.12 Dec. 21 1906. Mar.15 June 27 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 90 6i 91 6^ 92 92 lOi Date of measurement. Aug. 2.. Sept. 25. Dec. 11.. 1906— Continued. 1907. Feb. 11. May 15. Aug. 26. Dec. 30. 1908. Apr. 21 . June 23 . Dec 26 W®^^ closed, engine installed. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 95 6 96 95 2 95 THE RECORDS. 67 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 59a. Mrs. Meyers, Pomona, Pomona quadrangle. [Bored well, 97 feet deep, 9^ inches m diameter; altitude of surface, about 950 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 6 inches above surface. Well No. 261, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 160. Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not published heretofore.] Date of measurement. Dec. 20. 1905. 1906. Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 (pumping) . . Jime26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 (pumping). Dec. 10 Feb. 11 May 15 (pumping) . Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1907. 1908. Apr. 20 (pumping) . June 22 (pumping). Oct. 13 Dec. 26 1909. Apr. 4 (pumping) . July 9 Oct. 12.... Feb. 1 (pumping). Aug.8 1910. Jan. 3 . May 31. July 27. Oct. 21. 1911. 1912. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 37 3 36 4 35 5i 39 6 37 4 48 56 9 42 lOJ 33 35 10 33 8i 9 9 9 2 12 12 10 6 8 7 6 11 6 12 11 11 10 14 7 19 4 13 5 Date of measurement. Oct. 16. 1913. 1914. Apr. 3 June 24 Aug. 14 (pumping). Sept. 4 Nov. 23 May 25 (pumping) . Nov. 3 1915. May 5 Nov. 18 (flowing) . 1916, May 26 (flowing). Nov. 26 , 1917. May 10. Oct. 14. 1918. May 14. Nov. 6. 1919. Mav 12. . Nov. 24. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 31 7 22 8 27 11 33 11 28 23 11 10 6 11 2 2 11 22 3 11 24 43 4 7 44 43 2 60. J. J. White, Pomona, Cucamonga qnadrangle. IBored well, 67 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1884; altitude of surface, about 830 feet above sea level; method of hft, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark not known. Well No. 201, Water-Sup- ply Paper 219, p. 147.] Date of measurement. 1904 Oct. 6 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 1905. Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar.lO Apr.l4 May 17 June 22 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 58 9^ 60 3 60 6i 60 10 61 U 61 4i 60 8 60 11 61 1 Date of measurement. 1905— Continued Aug, 16 Sept, 20 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906. Jan. 26 , Mar,14 Mays Aug.l Sept. 24 Dec. 10 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 61 6 61 10 62 4 62 5 62 3i 64 11 6S WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 60. J. J. White— Continued. Date of measurement. 1907 Feb. 11 May 15 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908 Apr. 20 June 22 Oct. 13 Dec. 26 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 63 5 65 4 63 5i 63 62 9 62 9 63 2 62 9 Date of measurement. Apr. 4 July 9 Oct. 12 (clogged). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 62 6 62 7 61. F. R. Allen (former owners, Mrs. Tieg, W. J. Huebsch), IJ miles southeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 341 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; altitude of surface, about 835 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark: Top of 10 by 12 timber over curb, 1 foot 2 inches above surface. Well No. 177, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 147.] Date of measurement. Sept. 8., Oct. 6.. Nov. 16. Dec. 13.. Jan. 11.. Feb. 20.. Mar. 10.. Apr. 14.. July 20. . Aug. 16. Sept. 20. Nov. 11. Dec. 20.. Jan. 26.. Mar. 14.. Mays... Aug. 1 . . Sept. 24. Feb. 11., May 15. . Aug. 26. Dec. 30.. 1901. 1905. 1906. 1907. Apr. 20 June 22 (pumping). Oct. 13 (pumping) . Dec. 26 1909. Apr. 4 (not accessible).. July 9 (pimiping) Oct. 12 (pumping) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 89 88 10 88 lOi 88 10 92 90 6 89 7 92 2 92 2 91 6J 90 3| 91 7 90 Date of measurement. Feb. 1. Aug. 8. 1910. Jan. 3. May 31 July 27 (pumping) . 1911. 1912. 1913. Oct. 17 (pumping). 1914. Apr. 4 (pump house locked) . Jime26 Nov. 19 May 25 (pumping) Nov. 8 1915. May 5 (pimiping) 14 (pump house locked) . 1916. , 5(pimiping). Nov. 1917. May 26 (pumping) Nov. 26 (pump house locked) . 1918. May 10 (pump house locked) . Oct. 14 (pump house locked) . 1919. May 10 (pinnping) Nov. 7 (pump house locked) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 88 10 94 J 89 92 1 125 97 92 8 THE EECORDS. 69 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 62. Lee & Gilmore (former owners, R. Reimers, H. Arnold), 2^ miles southeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, GS feet deep , 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1894 ; altitude of surf ace, about 770 feet above sea level; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 3 inches above surface. Well No. 181, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 147.] Date of measurement. 1904 Sept. 8 Oct. 6 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 1905 Jan.ll Feb. 20 Apr. 14 May 17 June 22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 20 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 1906 Jan. 26 Mar. 14 May 8 June 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907, Feb. 11 May 5 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 1908. Apr. 20 June 22 Oct. 13 Dec. 26 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 34 34 10 37 37 1 36 Date of measurement. Apr. 4.. July 9. . Oct. 12. Feb. 1. Aug. 8 Jan. 3. May 31- July 27. Oct. 21. Oct. 17. Apr. 4... June 4. . Aug. 14. Nov. 19. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. May 2.5 Nov. 3 (sealed). 1915. May 10 (sealed). 1919. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 35 1 37 3 37 4 36 34 11 37 2 39 4 40 32 7 33 1 36 11 37 10 31 10 62a. Lee & Gilmore, 2J miles southeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Companion well about 500 feet north of No. 62. Benchmark: Top of 10 by 12 timber over pump pit, 1 foot 2 inches above surface.] Nov. 19. May 25. Nov. 13. Date of measurement. 1914. 1915. 1916. May 5 (pumping) . Nov. 14 May 26. , Nov. 26. 1917. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 41 9 40 6 41 3 35 6 May 10. Oct. 14- May 10- Nov. 7. Date of measurement. 1918. 1919. May 12 (pumping). Nov. 24 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 35 35 36 6 34 7 70 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 63. C. P. Brown, 2f miles southeast of Pomona, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Bored well, 160 feet deep, 9^ inches in diameter; altitude of surface about 730 feet above sea level; water not used. Bench mark not known. Well No. 214, Water-Supply Paper 219, p. 148.] Date of measurement. 1904. Sept. 7 Oct. 6 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 1905. Jan. 11 Feb. 20 Mar.lO Apr. 14 May 17 June 22 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 20 Nov.ll Dec. 20 1906. Jan. 26 Mar.l4 Mays Jime26 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 1907. Feb. 11 Aug. 26 Dec. 30 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft in. 8 9 6 6^- 3 10 3 3 5 5* 5 12 10 12 2 11 10^ 4 7| 4 1 3^ 10 13 10 15 13 4 10 4 4 12 1 5 7 Date of measurement. Apr. 20. June 22. Oct. 13. Dec. 26. 1908. Apr. 4 . July 9. . Oct. 12. Feb. 1 Aug. 8 Jan. 3. 1910. 1911. 1912. May 31 (pump near by in operation) . July 27 Oct. 21 1913. Oct. 16 1914. Apr. 4 (inaccessible) . . . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 12 11 1 6 11 4 1 2 6 17 6 7 6 2 4 15 4 3 7 9 4 19 10 9 1 18 63a. E. G. Nelson, Bellfleur ranch, 11 miles east of Chino, Cucamonga quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 63. Four-inch well, 165 feet deep; method of lift, wind; use, domestic; gener- ally flows during winter. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface.] Date of measurement. Nov. 19, 1914. 1915. May 25 (pumping; flowing on May 24) . . . Nov. 3 1916. May 18 (pumping) Nov. 14 (flowmg about 1 miner's inch) . 1917. May 26 (flowing slightly). Nov. 26 (flowing slightly) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 5 2 4 2 4 8 Date of measurement. May 10 (flowing) . Oct. 14 1918. May 10 (flowing). Nov. 7 (flowing). 1919. May 12 (flowing). Nov. 24 (flowing). 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. THE EECOEDS. 71 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 64. Mr. Haley, one-fourth mile west of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Date of measurement. 1904. July 5 Aug 4 Sept. 1 OQt.3 Nov. 1 Dec.l 1905. Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar.l Apr.l Mayl June 1 Julyl Oct.l Nov.l Dec.l Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. H6 7 38 2 37 3 37 1 38 n 39 10 37 2 33 30 7 29 9 30 1 37 7 39 40 G 36 10 33 8 Date of measurement. 1906. Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar.l Apr.l May 1 J uiie 1 Julyl Oct. 22 1907. June 1 November Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 33 8 9 2 14 3 65. C. W. Rogers, 1 mile east of Colton, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bench mark not knovvTi.] Date of measurement. 1904 Julyl Aug. 4 Sept.l Oct. 3 Nov.l Dec. 1 1905 Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar. 1 Apr. 1 Mayl Junel Julyl Aug.l Sept. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 21 10 9 4 12 9 15 11 Date of measurement. 1905— Continued Oct.l Nov. 1 1906. Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar.l Apr. 1 Mayl June 1 Julyl Oct. 22 1907. June 1 November Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 18 5 18 3 72 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Co^ti^ued. 66. Riverside Water Co., 2 miles east of Colton, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Aue. 1 - Sept. 1 . Oct. 3.. Nov. 1, Dec. 1 . Date of measurement. 1904. Jan. 1 Feb. 1 (capped). Mar. 1 (capped). Apr. 1 (capped;. Mayl June 1 Julyl Aug. 1 1905. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 8 4 5 5 2 4 5 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 6 5 2 Date of measurement. 1905— Continued. Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 (capped) Jan. 1 (capped). Feb. 1 (capped). Mar. 1 (capped). Apr. 1 (capped). May 1 (capped ) . June 1 (capped). Julv 1 (capped). Oct. 22 1906. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 8 4 1 4 4 67. Riverside Water Co., Third and Waterman streets, San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bench mark not known.] Aug. 1 . Sept. 1. Oct. 3.. Nov. 1. Dec. 1.. Date of measurement. 1904. 1905. Jan. 1 Feb. 1 (capped). Mar. 1 (capped). Apr. 1 (capped). May 1 (capped) . Jime 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 121 121 112 116 116 117 118 116 111 115 117 Date of measurement. Nov. 1 (capped). Dec. 1 (capped). 1905. Jan. 1 (capped). Feb. 1 (capped). Mar. 1 (capped). Apr. 1 (capped). May 1 (capped). June 1 (capped). Julyl Oct. 22 Jtme 1 (capped). November 1907 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 149 6 104 11 140 10 THE EECOEDS. 73 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued, N. B. Hinkley estate, three-fourths mile west of Eryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Bench mark not kno\vn.] Date of measurement. 19(M Julyl Aug. 1 Sept.l Oct. 3 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 1905 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 June 1 Julyl Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. S5 11 82 8 84 6 80 80 7 80 10 81 80 10 80 8 Oct. 1. Nov. 1. Dec. 1. Jan. 1.. Feb. 1.. Mar. 1.. j Apt. 1.. I May 1.. I June 1 . I Julv 1.. I Oct. 22. Date of measurement. 1905— Continued. 1900. June 1 November. 1907. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 79 4 81 79 6 69. County well, 2}^ miles south of Alessandro, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface. Well No. 10, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 53.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 18 Nov. 18 Dec. 15 1905, Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Mar.24 Apr. 19 May 19 July 22 Aug. 18 Sept. 22 Nov. 9 1906. May 11 June 29 Aug. 3 Sept. 26 1907. Feb. 13., May 17 (pumping) Aug. 30 Dec. 31 1908 Apr.22 June 24 , Oct. 16 Dec. 29 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 52 4i 51 10 51 7} 51 8.V 50 5' 49 6 49 2 49 1 50 4 50 8 50 11 51 i 51 9.V 52 4 52 9 52 8 51 3 61 8 52 52 1 52 53 4 52 5 52 3 Date of measurement. Apr. 3. Julv 12. Oct. 15. Feb. 4.. Aug. 11. 1910. 1911. 1912. May 28 (pumping slowly) . July 27 , Oct. 18. Feb. 5 Apr. 16 Mays (pumping). June 25 (pumping) Aug. 13 Sept. 15 Nov. 20 1915. May 23 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 51 11 52 2 52 6 51 7 51 8 54 7 52 5 51 1 52 11 51 8 51 5 59 3 57 8 51 11 74 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 69a. J. W. Lancaster, 2^ miles south of Alessandro, Elsinore quadrangle. [Well, 93 feet deep, 12-inch casing; small gasoline pumping plant; use, irrigation and domestic; situated 250 feet southeast of No. 69. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 6 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Apr. 16 Mays June 25 Aug. 13 Sept. 15 Nov. 20 1915. May 23 (pumping) Oct. 30 (pumping) Oct. 31 1916. Feb. 25 May 5 Nov.16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 46 8 46 10 47 9 47 11 48 2 47 11 57 11 53 6 47 9 46 5 48 6 47 10 Date of measurement. May 20. . Nov. 25. 1917. 1918. May 4 (pumping 4 hours). Oct. 13 May 10 (pumping). May 11 (pumping). Oct. 12 1919. 1920. May 18 (pumping 3 hours). Oct. 16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 47 7 47 1 «8 6 46 1 45 10 64 10 45 5 70. Edward Poorman, 4 miles northeast of Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface. Well No. 12, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 54.] Date of measurement. Dec. 16. Jan. 14.. Feb. 22. Sept. 22. Nov. 9 . . Dee. 23.. Jan. 30.. Mar. 16. May 11.. Aug. 3.. Sept. 26. Dec. 20.. Feb. 13. May 17. Aug. 30. Dec. 31. Apr. 22. June 24. Oct. 16. Dec. 29. Apr. 3. July 12. Oct. 15. Feb. 4.. Aug. 11 . 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 32 5 32 31 6 28 5 29 29 4 29 4 29 3 29 7J 29 Hi 30 i 30 2h 30 4 30 4 30 7i 30 9 30 4 31 2 32 6 31 7 31 10 32 3 32 7 Date of measurement. Jan. 6. 1911. 1912. May 28. July 29. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. 1913. 1914. Feb. 5 Jvme 25 Aug. 13 (pumping plant, one-eighth mile east, in operation) Sept. 16 Nov. 20 Oct. 30. . Nov. 35. May 4. . Oct. 13. 1915. 1917. 1918. 1919. May 10 Oct. 12 (dry at 76 feet 8 inches) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 34 9i 37 2 37 1 38 11 49 6 50 1 52 4 55 7 54 6 55 2 56 67 11 69 4 74 7 75 4 THE RECORDS. 75 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 71. C. S. Phillips (formerly owned by C. Lossman), 2^ miles north of Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark not known. Well No. 24, Water-Supply Paper 429, p, 55.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Dec. 15. Jan. 13.. Feb. 22. Mar. 26. Apr. 19. May 19. . June 20 . July 22. . Aug. 19. Sept. 22. Nov. 9.. Dec. 23.. Mar. 16. May 11.. June 29. Aug. 3.. Sept. 26. Dec. 20.. Feb. 13. May 17.. Aug. 30. Dec. 31. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. Apr. 22 June 24 (pumping). Oct. 16 Dec. 29 Ft. in. 63 3i 63 ^ 63 62 6 62 3^ 65 63 3h 67 9' 63 11 64 64 1 1909. Apr. 3 (pumping). July 12 Oct. 15 Feb. 4. Aug. 11 . Jan. 6.. 1910. May 28 (dry). July 29 (dry). Oct. 18 (dry). 1911. 1912. Oct. 18 (dry/). Dry Dry 1913. 1914. 1915. Ft. in. '67""7* 69 10 72 11 74 8 76 76 76 76 72. Santos Moro (formerly owned by Crawford Carter), Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet 6 inches above surface. Well No. 30, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 56.] Date of measurement. 1904 Oct. 18 Nov.18 Dec. 15 1905 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Mar. 26 Apr. 18 May 19 June 20 July 23 Sept. 22 Nov. 9 Dec. 22 1906, Jan. 29 Mar.16 June 28 Aug.3 Sept. 26 Dec. 20 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 33 4 33 3 33 4 32 6 31 9h 30 10 30 7 30 2J 30 30 11 31 4| 31 8 31 8 31 2h 31 9 32 4i 32 Date of measurement. 1907. Feb. 13 May 18 1908. Apr.22 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909. Apr.2 July 11 Oct. 14 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 10 1911. Jan. 5 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 32 32 2| 34 11 36 37 5 37 3 37 3 38 4 39 6 42 76 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 72. Santos Moro — Continued. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912. May 28 Ft. in. 45 6 47 2 55 2 50 6 50 4 51 7 51 9 52 3 53 53 8 73 63 10 55 6 Feb. 25. May 6... 1916. Ft. in. 55 10 July 29 ... 54 9 Oct. 18 (pumping slowly for 3 hours) 1913. Oct. 18 Nov. 15. Mav20.. Nov. 25. May 4... 55 2 1917. 55 4 56 11 1914. Feb. 5 Apr. 17 1918. 55 8 Oct. 12.. May 11.. Oct. 12.. Mav 18. . Oct. 10 . 55 3 June 25 1919. Au?. 14 Sept. 15. 55 4 55 1915. May 21 1920. 57 4 Oct. 31 58 3 72a. Paul Moro, Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 72; 3 by 3 open curb, 55 feet deep; use, domestic; situated 300 feet north of No. 72. Bench mark: Top of curb, 0.9 foot above surface.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below "bench mark. Nov. 21. 1914. Ft. in. 41 11 50 10 53 4 .52 11 51 9 53 1 53 2 53 10 1918. May 4 Ft. in. 53 2 1915. Oct .12 53 10 May 21 1919. May 11 (gas pump installed' pumping) Oct. 31 - 1916. Oct. 12 54 7 Feb. 25 . 1920. May 18 May 6 Nov. 15 55 6 1917. Oct. 16 56 6 May 20.. Mov. 25 THE RECORDS. 77 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 73. Mrs. L. E. Harford, 3i miles east of Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark not known. Well No. 34, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 57.] Date of measurement. 1901. May 1902. July Oct. 25 Dec. 15 1903. Feb. 28 Apr. 11 May 14 Sept. 15 1904. Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 3 Mar.29 May 1 July3 Sept. 15 1905. Sept. 23 Dec. 22 1906. Jan. 29 Mar. 16 May 12 June 28 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 28 11 40 2 41 7 42 9 38 7 37 6 38 2 43 4 43 4 41 IH 41 9 40 11 42 10 44 10 45 5 44 9 43 42 3 42 2 40 2.> 38 H Date of measurement. 1906— Continued. Aug. 4 Sept. 27 Dec. 21 1907. Feb. 14 May 18 Aug. 31 Dec. 31 1908. Apr.23 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909. Apr. 2... July 11 Oct. 14 .^. 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 10 1911. Jan. 5 1917. May20 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 41 7 42 51 43 6J 41 10^ 40 4 40 9 43 1 41 11 43 5 46 6 46 8J 44 7 43 11 46 11 46 6 45 11 49 11 67 6 74. E. E. Waters, Ethanac, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark not known. Well No. 45, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 59.] Date of measurement. 1904. Jan. 29 Feb. 27 Mar.27 Mar.27 May27 July2 1905. Feb.20 Apr. 5 June 18 Aug. 5 Sept.l Oct.l Nov.6 Dec. 22 1906. Jan. 29 Feb. 4 Mar.16 Mayl2 June28 Aug. 4 Sept., 27 Dec. 21 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 44 2 41 4 40 5* 43 4 41 7^ 46 44 8 43 U 45 5.^ 46 11 47 6 47 10 48 2 44 8 42 10 42 4 42 8 41 2 44 m 45 47 6^ 45 3 Date of measurement. 1907. 1908. Feb. 14. Aug. 31 . Dec. 31 . Apr.23. June 25. Oct, 15. Dec. 28. Apr. 3 July 11 Oct. 14 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 10 (not accessible) . 1911. Jan. 5 (not accessible) . . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 43 3 49 47 in 39 1 45 7 46 3 45 4 50 78 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 75. Temescal Water Co., IJ miles west of Ethanac, Elsinore quadrangle. (Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface. Well No. 43, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 59.] Date of measurement. 1904 Oct. 18 Nov. 18 Dec. 15 1905, Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Mar. 26 Jtme20 July 23 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 Nov. 10 Dec. 22 1906, Jan. 29 Mar. 16 May 12 .-. June 28 Aug. 4 Sept. 27 Dec. 21 1907. Feb. 14 May 18 Aug. 31 Dec. 31 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft in. 29 10 30 4 30 7 30 3i 26 10* 25 10 28 28 9 29 5 29 8 30 3 29 8 29 7-^ 28 8^ 27 9 27 9 28 7 30 1 30 2 29 2', 27 11 31 31 11 Date of measurement. 1908. Apr.23 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909. Apr.2 July 11 Oct. 14 1910. Feb.3 Aug. 10 1911. Jan. 5 1912. May 29 July 30 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 (dry, filled in).. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 31 7 33 5 35 35 3 33 9 35 1 36 3 35 4 39 41 8 47 2 48 49 11 43 76. Dr. Reese, 2^ miles south of Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, level with surface. Well No. 42, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 58.] Date of measurement. 1904. Oct. 18 Nov.18 Dec. 15 1905. Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Mar.26 May 19 June 20 July 23 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 Nov.lO Dec. 22 1906. Jan. 29 Mar.l6 May 12 Jime28 Sept. 27 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 21 10 19 18 9i 18 5 10 9 9 7h. 11 11 13 4 13 3 13 4 15 6 15 8 15 10^ 15 9 15 7 15 2 15 5 16 2i Date of measurement. 1907. Feb. 14 May 18 Dec. 31 1908. Apr.23 Jime25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909. Apr.2 July 11 Oct. 14 , 1910. Feb.3 Aug. 10 1911. Jan. 5 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 15 8J 15 9 16 7 2D THE RECORDS. 79 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 76. Dr. Reese — Continued. Date of measurement. 1912. May 29 (pumping slowly) July 30 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 1914. Feb.5 May 15 June 25 Aug. 14 Sept. 15 Nov. 21 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 8 25 1 26 4 30 31 2 31 6 31 10 32 2 32 6 33 1 Date of measurement. Mav 21. Oct. 31. 1915. May 6. . . Nov. 15. 1916. Nov. 25 Oct. 12 (filled) . 1917. 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 31 10 32 2 20 77. William Newport, 4^ miles south of Perris, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot above surface. Well No. 51, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 60.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1904. Oct. 18 Ft. in. 37 3 37 10 38 3 38 8 38 37 h 36 7 36 H 36 8i 37 9 38 2 38 7^ 39 5 39 4 38 6 38 5i 37 4h 36 3 37 38 38 5h 38 9 38 10 40 5 1908. Apr.23 Ft. in. 39 6 Nov. 18 June 25 40 6 Dec. 15... . Oct. 15. . 42 8 Dec. 28 43 7 1905. Jan. 13 1909. Apr. 2 Feb. 22 43 Mar. 26 July 11 42 7 Apr. 18 Oct. 14 43 7 MEyl9 1910. Feb.3 June 20 July 23 43 10 Aug. 19 Aug. 10 45 5 Sept. 23 1911. Jan. 5 Nov. 10 ... Dec. 22 49 1 1906. Jan. 29 1912. May 29 53 2 Mar. 16 July 30 56 1 May 12 Oct. 18 57 8 Jime 28 1913. Oct. 18 Aug. 4 Sept. 27 63 5 Dec. 21 1914. Feb. 5 1907. 64 4 Feb. 14 Apr. 17 . 63 Aug. 31 June 25 (destroyed) Dec. 31 80 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 78. William Newport, Menifee Valley, Elsinore quadrangle. [ Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 53, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 66.] Date of measurement. 1901. Oct. 18 Noy.18 Dec.l5 1905, Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Mar. 26 Apr. 18 May 19 June 20 July 23 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 Nov.9 Dec. 22 1906, Jan 29 Mar. 16 Mavl2 June 28 Aug. 4 Sept. 27 Dec. 21 1907, Feb. 14 May 18 Aug. 30 Dec. 31 1908, Apr.23 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909 Apr.2 July 11 Oct. 14 Depth of water level bel ow bench mark. Ft. in. 28 2 28 3.V 27 7 27 37 24 21 7^ 21 9 21 6 21 9 22 6 22 2 21 7 21 11 22 11 22 11 21 9 19 m 19 m 21 21 7 21 10 19 lOJ^ 18 3 19 8i 20 8 19 7 20 5 21 6 21 11 21 6 22 5 23 4 Date of measurement. Feb. 3.. Aug. 10. Jan. 5. May 29. July 30. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. Feb. 5... Apr. 17.. June 25. Aug. 14 . Sept. 15. Nov. 21. May 21, Oct. 31. May 6... Nov. 15. May 19. , Nov. 25. May 4.. Oct. 12. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. May 11 (well destroyed). Oct. 12 (well destroyed). Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 22 22 11 23 25 2 26 8 31 9 30 3 31 11 31 6 29 5 30 2 30 11 31 10 26 9 28 10 23 5 26 9 27 11 31 2 30 6 32 2 78a. Menifee School, Menifee Valley, Elsinore quadrangle. (Companion well for No. situated about 300 feet south of No. 78. surface.] Bench mark: Top of casing, level with Date of measurement. 1914. June 25 Aug. 14 , Nov.21 1915. May 21 (had been pumping) Oct. 31 1916. May 6 , Nov. 15 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 32 9 33 2 33 2 Date of measurement. 1917. May 19 Nov. 25 1918. May 4 Oct. 12 1919. May 11 Oct. 12 (pumping) 1920. May 18 (pumping strong) Oct, 16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 30 11 34 6 38 7 36 1 THE KECORDS. 81 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued, Mr. Ainley (formerly owned by H. H. Lindenberger), 4 miles southwest of Winchester, Elsin quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface. Well No. 56, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 67.] Date of measurement. 1905. Feb. 22.. Mar. 25.. Apr. 18.. May 19. . Julv 23. . Sep't. 23. Nov. 10. Dec. 22.. 1906. Jan. 29. Mar. 16. May 12. June 28. Sept. 27 Dec. 21.. 1907 Feb. 14. May 18. , Aug. 30. Dec. 31.. 1908. Apr. 23 (pumping) June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 (pumping slowly) . Apr. 2.. July 11. Oct. 14. Feb. 3 Aug. 10 (pumping). 1910. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 18 18 3 16 9 16 9 16 Hi 16 10 13 6 11 13 4 14 2 9 2 11 10 11 16 4 20 2 18 4 Date of measurement. Jan. May 29. Julv 30. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. Feb. 5... Apr. 17.. June 25 . Aug. 14. Sept. 15. Nov. 21. May 21. Oct. 31. May 6. . . Nov. 15. May 19. . Nov, 25. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917 1918. May 4, new pump installed; can not get tape down Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 19 3 20 9 21 4 21 9 22 6 19 11 19 19 11 20 16 1 15 1 16 5 9 10 13 8 16 1 17 2 79a. W. M. Eason, 4 miles southwest of Winchester, Elsinore quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 79, situated \ mile west of No. 79. Bench mark: Top of curb, 2 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Feb, 5 Apr,17 June 25 Aug. 14 Sept, 15 Nov. 21 1915. May 21 Oct. 31 1916. May 6 Nov. 14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 10 11 2 11 11 12 5 12 10 13 5 Date of measurement. May 19. Nov. 25. May 4.. Oct. 12. May 11. Oct, 12. 1917. 1918. 1919. May 18, mud at, Oct. 16 (dry).... 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 12 9 11 3 13 8 15 3 17 8 18 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 82 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTfeERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 80. Miss T. Patterson, Winchester, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of cover, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 64, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 40.] Date of measurement. 1904, Oct. 18 Nov. 18 Dec. 15 1905. Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Apr. 18 May 19 July 23 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 Nov. 9 Dec. 22 1906. Jan. 29 May 12 Aug. 4 Sept. 27.. Dec. 21 1907. Feb. 14 May 18 Aug. 31 Dec. 31 1908. Apr. 23 June 25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 22 3i 21 5 19 10 20 1 20 4 19 3 20 19 Hi 20 1 20 2i 19 8 18 10 18 10 19 2 Date of measurement. Oct. 15. Dec. 28. 1908— Continued, Apr. 2 Julv 11 (pumping) . Oct. 14 1909. Feb. 3... Aug. 10. 1910. Jan. 5. May 29. Oct. 18. Oct. 18. 1913. 1914. Feb. 5 Apr. 17 June 25 (pumping) Aug. 14 (pumping) Nov. 21 (inaccessible).. 1915. Well tightly closed Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 19 7 19 7 19 9 19 10 19 6 19 10 20 8 21 4 22 3 20 4 21 8 80a. Milton Thomas, Winchester, Elsinore quadrangle. [Companion well for Nos. 80 and 80b; situated one-eighth mile south of No. 80. Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Aug. 14 Sept. 15 Nov.21 1915. May 21 Oct. 31 1916. May 6 Nov, 15 (pumping hard) 1917. May 19 Nov.25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 19 19 20 14 18 13 21 15 6 16 9 Date of measurement. 1918 May 4 Oct. 12 1919 May 11 Oct. 12 1920, May 18 Oct. 16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 15 7 16 9 17 18 2 THE RECORDS. 83 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 80b. W. S. Haslam, Winchester, Eisinore quadrangle. [lias been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not published heretofore. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 1 inch above surface. Well No. 63, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 39.] Date of measurement. 1905. Nov.lO , Dec. 22 1906. Jan. 29 Mar.16 May 12 June 28 Aug. 4 Sept. 27 Dec. 31 1907. Feb.l4 May 18 Aug. 30 Dec. 31 1908. Apr.23 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 1909. Apr.2 July 11 Oct.l4 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 10 1911. Jan. 5 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 20 20 5 20 2 19 6 19 8 20 5 19 7 19 6 19 4i 18 5§ 18 9 18 18 ii 18 18 6 19 5 19 4 18 6 19 3 20 1 19 27 11 29 Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912. May 29 July 30 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 1914. Feb. 5 Apr.l7 June 25 Aug. 14 Nov.21 1915. May 21 (had been pumped) Oct. 31 1916. May 6 Nov. 15 1917. May 19 Nov.25 1918. May 4 Oct. 12 1919. May 11 Oct. 12 1920. May 18 Oct. 16 Ft. in. 20 3 20 8 24 6 16 17 1 18 8 21 8 19 10 21 7 84 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 81. Mrs. IVIaud F. Walker, 3 miles southwest of Hemet, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 73, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 33.] Date of measurement. Mar. 25. Apr. 18. May 19. . June 20. July 23.. Aug. 19. Sept. 23. Nov. 10. Dec. 22.. Jan. 30.. Mar. 16. May 12. June 28. Aus;. 4. . Sept. 27. Dec. 21.. Feb. 14. Aug. 30. Dec. 31. 1905. 1906. 1907 1908. Apr.23 June 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 (not accessible). 1909. Apr. 2 July 11 (pumping). Oct. 14 (pumping). Feb. 3.. Aug. 10. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 6 10 6 10 10 10 6 10 6 10 7h 11 1' 10 11 11 2^ 9 8} 9 8J 9 4 9 6 20 6 Date of measurement. Jan. 5 (pumping) . 1911. Mav 28 (pumping) . July 20 Oct. 18 (pumping). 1912. Oct. 18. Feb. 5. 1913. 1914. Apr. 17 June 25 Aug. 14 Sept. 15 (pumping). Nov. 21 1915. Mav 21 (had been pumped) Oct. 31 Mav 6. . Nov. 14. 1916. May 19. Nov. 25. 1917. May 4. . Oct. 12. 1918. 1919. May 11 (sealed; new pump installed). Oct. 12 (sealed) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 38 1 16 5 9 11 24 12 11 16 8 11 5 10 1 10 1 14 2 13 8 16 10 17 81a. L. Willielm, 3 miles southwest of Hemet, Elsinore quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 81; situated one-half mile northwest of No. 81, at abandoned ranch house. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Aug. 14. Sept. 15. Nov. 21. Oct. 31. 1915. 1916. May 6 Nov. 15 (pumping hard) . 1917. May 19 (pumping) . Nov. 25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 16 4 Date of measurement. May 4 Oct. 12 (pumping). May 11 Oct. 12 (pumping). 1919. May 8. . Oct. 16 Depth of Avater level below- bench mark. Ft. in. 11 8 22 4 20 4 17 10 THE RECORDS. 85 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 82. J. E. Garrigan, 1 mile west of Hemet, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing, 11 inches above surface. Well No. 114, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 34.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Dec. 15 1904. Ft. in. 33 3 33 5 33 3 33 n 33 1 33 33 2 33 1 34 33 6 33 32 9 32 5 32 m 32 (1 32 9 32 7i 32 Ci 32 32 6 32 6 31 10 31 11 31 9 31 1 31 8 31 7 31 6 31 4 31 2 31 1 1911. Jan. 5 Ft. in. 30 10 Jan. 14 1905. 1912. May 28 32 3 Feb. 23 July 30 30 6 Mar. 25 Oct. 18 34 2 Apr. 18 1913. Oct. 18 . . May 18 . June 20 31 7 July 23 1914. Feb. 2 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 30 7 Nov. 10 Apr. 17 30 8 l9or,. June 2.T 30 10 Aug. 14 31 1 Jan. 30 Nov. 21 30 11 Mar. 17 1915. Mav 21. May 12 June 29 31 2 Aug. 4 Oct. 31 31 Sept. 27 1916. Mav 6 Dec. 20 1907. 29 11 Nov. 15 29 10 Feb. 13 1917. May 18 Aug. 31 Dec. 31 Nov. 25 31 Apr. 23.. 1908. 1918. 31 5 June 25 Oct. 12 (pumping slowly) 39 8 Oct. 15 . 1919. Mav 11 Dec. 28 1909. 30 1 Oct. 12 31 5 Apr. 2... 1920. May 18 July 11 - Oct. 14 31 7 1910. Oct. 16 32 8 Feb. 3... Aug. 11 82a. Mr. Smyres, seven-eighths mile west of Hemet, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 82, situated about 600 feet east of No. 82. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface./ Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1914. Nov. 21 Ft. in. 38 1 40 38 5 37 5 38 10 36 11 37 5 1918. May 4 (had been pumping) Ft. in. 39 5 Oct. 12 43 4 1915. May 21 1919. May 11 Oct. 31 38 6 Oct. 12 39 11 1916. May 6 1920. May 18 Nov. 15 (pumping slowly) 39 10 Oct. 16 41 2 1917. May 19 Nov. 25 86 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 83. H. R. Kumler (formerly owned by Mrs. Ruby Hewitt), one-half mile east of Bowers, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Bench mark not known. Well No. 126, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 29.] Date of measurement. Oct. 19.. Nov. 19. Dec. 16., 1904. 1905. Jan. 14 Feb. 23 Mar.26 Apr.l9 May 19 (flowing a good stream) . June 20 (flowing a good stream) . July 22 Aug. 18 Sept. 22 Nov. 10 Dec. 22 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 5 11 9 Date of measurement. 1906. Jan. 30 Mar. 17 May 11 (flowing 5 miner's inches) . June 29 (flowing) Aug. 3 (flowing 7 miner's inches). Sept. 26 (flowing) Aug. 30 (flowing). Dec. 31 (flowing). 1907 Apr. 3 (flowing). 1909. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 5 5 6 83a. J. A. Barger (formerly owned by W. D. Baisley), 1 mile northeast of Hemet, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Has been measiured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not published heretofore. Bench mark: Top of casing, Sinches above surface. Well No. 118, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 35.] Date of measurement. 1905. Nov. 10 Dec. 22 (pumping) 1906. Jan. 30 Mar. 17 (pmnping) May 11 (pmnping) Aug. 3 Sept. 26 Dec. 20 1907. May 18 Aug. 30 Dec. 31 1908. Apr. 22 June 24 Oct. 15 Dec. 29 1909. Apr. 3 July 11 (pumping) Oct. 14 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 11 1911. Jan. 5 Depth of water level below beach mark. Ft. in. 57 4 60 2 58 56 lU- 64 9" 68 2i 58 IJ 57 11 57 3 62 10 57 3 57 2 57 3 57 5 57 2 57 1 58 57 56 4 55 11 55 10 Date of measurement. 1912. May 28 July 29 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 1914. Feb. 5 Apr. 17 June 25 Aug. 14 Nov. 21 1915. May23 Oct. 31 1916. May 5 Nov. 15 1917. May 20 Nov. 25 1918. May 4 Oct. 12 , 1919. May 11 Oct. 12 1920. Mavis Oct. 13 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 56 11 56 54 9 55 6 55 11 56 6 57 56 6 55 7 56 5 55 5 56 57 2 57 5 57 1 57 11 THE RECOKDS. 87 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 84. C. A. Holmes (formerly owned by J. Carmichael), Bowers, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Benchmark: Top of casing, originally 2 feet 2 inches above surface. Between Oct. 12, 1919, and May 18, 1920, a pumping motor was installed and 2 feet of casing removed. Two feet was added to the measurements made May 18 and Oct. 13, 1920, to make them comparable with previous measurements. Well No. 125, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 28.] Date of measurement. Oct. 19.. Nov. 19. Dec. 16.. 1904. Jan. 14 Feb. 22 Mar. 26 Apr. 18 May 19 (flowing) . June 21 (flowing). July 22 (flowing) . Aug. 18 Sept, 22 Nov. 10 Dec. 22 1905. Jan. 30 Mar.l7 May 11 (flowing).. Aug. 3 (flowing)... Sept.26(flowmg). Dec. 20 (flowing).. 1906. 1907. Feb. 13 (flowing) May 18 (flomng) Aug. 30 (flowing 1 miner's inch) Dec. 31 (flowing 1 miner's inch) 1909. Apr. 3 (flowing) July 11 (flowing about 1 miner's inch). Oct. 14 (flowing) 1910. Feb. 3 (flowing) Aug. 11 (not flowing)... Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 7i 7 10 8 Date of measurement. 1911. Jan. 5 (not flowing) 1912. May 28 (not flowing) . . . Oct. 18. Feb. 5.. Apr. 17. June 25. Aug. 14. Nov. 21 . 1913. 1914. 1915. May 23 (flowing slightly). Oct. 31 1916. May 5 (flowing) Nov. 16 (flowing slightly) . May 20 (flowing) . Nov. 25 (sealed).. 1917. 1918. May 4 (would flow; capped). Oct. 12 May 11. Oct. 12. 1919. May 18. Oct. 13 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 3 4 8 5 8 13 10 5 8 4 10 8 8 13 2 22 4 11 1 84a. Jose G. Estudillo, Bowers, San Jacinto quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 84, situated about 300 feet east of No. 84. Bench mark: Pump base, 1 foot 10 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914. Nov. 21 1915. Oct. 31 1916. May 5 Nov.15 1917. May 20 Nov.25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 8 2 6 4 10 3 1 6 3 Date of measurement. 1918. May 4 Oct, 12, 1.8 feet of casing removed; cor- rection made 1919. May 11, well destroyed. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 4 7 88 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 85. Albert McDonald (formerly owned by K. D. Harger), Lakeview, Elsinore quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of casing; 6 inches above surface. Well No. IS, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 44.] Date of measurement. 1904. Nov. 19 Dec. 16 1905. Feb. 22 Mar. 26 Apr. 19 May 19 June 21 July 22 Aug. 18 Sept. 22 Nov. 9 Dec. 23 1906. Jan. 30 May 11 June 29 Aug. 3 Sept. 26 Dec. 20 1907. Feb. 13 May 17 Aug. 30 Dec. 31 1908. Apr. 22 June 24 Oct. 16 Dec. 29 1909. Apr.3 July 12 Oct. 15 1910. Feb. 3 Aug. 11 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 30 1 29 10 29 5 29 2i 29 28 11 28 10 28 11 29 1 29 3 29 5 29 7 29 ii 28 9 29 1 29 4 28 10 28 10 29 1 29 i 28 8 28 8 28 10 28 Date of measurement. 1911. Jan. 6 1912. May 28 July 27 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 1914. Feb. 5 Apr. 17 June 25 Aug. 13 (pumping slowly) Sept. 16 Nov. 20 1915. May 23 Oct. 30 1910. Mays Nov. 16 1917. May 20 Nov. 25 1918. May 4 Oct. 13 1919. May 10 Oct. 12 1920. May 18 Oct. 12 Depth of water level below bench mark. 30 THE RECORDS. 89 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 85a. County well, Lakeview, Elsinore quadrangle. [Has been measured in conjunction with observation wells, but record not published heretofore. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet above surface. Well No. 19, Water-Supply Paper 429, p. 45. Companion well for No. 85.] Date of measurement. Nov. 9. Dec. 23. Jan. 30.. Mar. 16.. May 11. . June 29. . Aup.3.- Sept. 26. Dec. 20.. Feb. 3... May 17. . Aug. 30. Dec. 31.. Oct. 16. Dec. 29. Apr. 3.. July 12. Oct. 15. Feb. 4.. Aug. 11. Jan. 6. 1905. 1906. 1907. 190S. 1909. 1910. 1911, Depth of water level below bench mark. Ff. in. 34 10 34 11 Apr. 22 34 June 24 34 34 7 34 2 34 9 34 4 33 11 33 10 34 33 9 33 10 33 10 Date of measurement. 1912. May 28 July 27 Oct. 18 1913. Oct. 18 1911. Feb. 5 Apr.l7 June 24 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 Nov. 20 1915. May 23 Oct. 30 (had been pumped) 1916. May 5 Nov. 16 1917. May 20 Nov. 25 /.... 1918. May 4 Oct. 13 Itl9. May 10 Oct. 12 1920. May 18 Oct. 12 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 33 5 32 34 2 34 34 9 34 5 34 10 39 11 41 6 90 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 86. Mr. Woodbridge (formerly owned by A. W. Bemis), 2 miles west of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 48 feet deep, 8-inch casing; sunk in 1890; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casinsr, 1 foot 7 mches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,130.8 feet above sea level. Com- panion well for No. 441, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 116, which was destroyed.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October. 1900. Ft. in. 17 37 13 9 Apr. 28, May 25.. June 16. July 17.. Sept. 2.. Sept. 24. Oct. 15.. Nov. 2.. Mar. 15. June 7... 1915— Continued. Ft. in. 11 8 1904. 13 6 15 2 October. 16 5 1909. 18 5 19 2 Oct. 15-17 19 10 1912. 22 4 Oct. 16 . . 1916. 1914. 5 4 Depth of water level below bench mark. 8 11 Nov. 17. May 17.. Nov. 23. May 2 8 8 1917. 8 8 7 1918. 8 Ft. in. 17 4 15 7 11 10 9 12 9 11 11 Oct. 22.. May 13.. Nov. 5.. 10 1 Oct. 26... 1919. 1915. 10 5 Vay, 94 13 7 Mar.8 May 17.. Nov. 1.. 1920. Mar. 15 ... . . Apr. 20 87. G. Renwick, If miles south of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 186 feet deep, 6-inch casing; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, at surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,100.85 feet above sea level. Well No. 277, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 109.] Date of measurement. October... October... Oct. 15-17. Oct. 16-18. 1900. 1904. 1909. 1912. 1914. Oct. 26 (wet sand at 43 feet 6 inches). 1915. Feb. 24 Mar.8 Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 35 40 22 10 15 10 Date of measurement. 1915 — Continued. Mar. 15 Apr. 15 May 6 May 14 May 25 May 29 June 8 July 17 (dry) Oct. 2 (dry) Oct. 15 (dry) Nov. 2 (dry at 42 feet 6 inches) . . 1916. Mar. 15 , Jvme 8 (filled in to about 18 feet). Nov. 17 (filled) Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 23 5 21 9 12 3 17 I 39 2 41 7 41 7 41 6 41 6 41 6 8 10 THE RECORDS. 91 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 88. S. A. Jackson (formerly owned by M. D. Reynolds), IJ miles northwest of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 40 leet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1898; method of lift, wind use. domestic. Benchmark: Top of casing, 1 foot, 7 inches above siirface. Well No. 450, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 116.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 22 40 50 6 41 2 23 8 16 1914. Oct. 26 . . Ft. in. 19 10 1904. October 1915. May25 19 4 Nov.2 21 10 1906. October 1916. June 8 (pimi ping slowly) 16 6 1907 Nov. 17.'... * " 14 5 Aug. 30 1917. May 18 1909. 11 1 Oct. 15-17 Nov. 23 10 10 1912. Oct. 16-18 1918. May 2 8 11 Oct. 11 9 10 . 1919. May 13 11 1 Nov. 5... 14 7 1920. Mav 14. . 15 9 Aug. 24 19 5 Nov. 1 20 11 89. Mrs. M, J. Bemis (formerly owned by Dexter Field), H miles northwest of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. (Well, 45 feet deep, 6-inch casing; sunk in 1870; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot above surface, .\ltitude of bench mark, 1,155.47 above sea level. Well No. 375, Water- Supply Paper 142, p. 113.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 35 58 35 1 24 1914. Oct. 26 Ft. in. 31 7 1904. October 1915. May 25 32 2 May 26 32 1 1906. May29 32 1 July 20 . 32 10 October (dry at 65 feet). Sept. 2 . 33 3 Sept. 23 33 6 1907. Oct. 15 33 9 Nov.2 33 11 Aug. 30 (dry at 55 feet 2 inches). Nov. 5 33 11 Nov. 27 . . . 34 1909. Dec. 24 33 10 Oct. 15-17 1916. Jan. 26 1912. 33 3 Oct. 16-18 Mar. 8 31 4 Mar. 15 30 10 June 8 28 Nov. 17 . . . 26 4 1917. May 18 19 11 Nov 23 (well filled). 92 WATEE LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — (^.ontinued. 90. F. Alvarado, 2{ miles northwest of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 93 feet deep, 7-inch casing; simk in 1900. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 2 inches above surface. Altitude of benchmark, 1,186.59 feet above sea level. Well No. 364, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 112.J Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. Ft. in. 53 70 78 2 54 10 47 5 42 1915- Continued. Mar. 19 Ft. in. 49 5 Apr. 14 . 50 1904 Mav 6 48 5 May 20 48 8 May 25 (pumping) 55 4 1906. June 8 48 9 October Julv31 51 10 Sept. 18 54 9 1907. Ane 30 Nov. 8 53 5 Nov. 27 52 10 1909. Dec. 24 51 10 Oct 15 17 1916. Jan. 26 1912. 50 1 Mar. 8 40 10 Oct 16-18 (pumping) . . Mar. 15 39 11 Juno 8 37 7 Depth of water level below bench mark. Nov. 17 36 11 1917. Mavis 30 Nov. 23. 33 3 1918. May2 31 11 Oct. 11 1919. May 13 1914. Oct 26. Ft. in. 52 4 51 4 51 3 48 8 50 9 50 2 39 2 1915. Nov. 5 46 7 Jan 22 1920. M ay 14 Feb. 4 Feb 26 47 4 Feb 27 Aug. 21 55 5 Mar 3 Nov. 1.. 57 11 91. S. W. Harmon (formerly owned by Mr. Orric), 2 miles northwest of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 83 feet deep, 7-inch pipe; sunk in 1882; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irrigation. Bench mark: Top of blocks, 3 feet 1 inch above surface. Well No. 393. Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 113.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912. Oct 16-18 Ft. in. 38 1 June 8 1916. Ft. in. 42 8 Nov. 17. May 18. Nov. 23. May 2 . 39 6 Depth of water level below bench mark. 1917. 30 5 30 4 1918. 31 5 Oct. 11-. May 13. 32 5 1919. 1914. 48 48 1 49 2 35 4 Oct. 26 41 2 1915. May 25 Nov. 2 THE RECORDS. 93 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 92. Mrs. Sarah Green (formerly owned by J. H. Lytle), 2 miles northwest of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 79 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1885; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, at surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,165.40 feet above sea level. Well No. 400, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 114.] Date of measurement. October- . . October... October... Aug. 30... Oct. 1^17. Oct. 16-18. Oct. 26.... Apr. 5.. Apr. 19. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1907. 1909. 1912. 1914. 1915. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 31 80 73 7 60 5 40 10 29 34 1 34 5 34 3 Date of measurement. May 8. Mav 25. May 28. July 20. Sept. 1. Sept. 23. Oct. 15. Nov. 2. Nov. 3. Mar. 16. Jime 8. Nov. 17- May 18. Nov. 23. 1915 — Continued. 1916. 1917. 1918. May 3 (well filled) . . Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 31 11 28 3 22 11 93. N. M. Swarthout, If miles north of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 75 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1S85; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of blocks, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 398, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 114. J Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Denth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October . Ft. in. 27 48 55 7 46 10 28 7 19 Oct 26 1914. Ft. in. 21 3 1904. October May 25. Nov. 2. June 8. Nov. 17- Mav 18. Nov. 23. May 2. Oct. 11. May 13. Nov. 5. May 14. Aug. 24. Nov. 1. 1915. 20 7 22 1 1906. October 1916. 15 10 1907. 12 7 Aug. 30 1917. 1909. 8 '4 Oct. 15-17 8 3 1912. 1918. 6 9 Oct. 16-18 (pumping) 9 11 1919. 11 1 15 3 1920. 17 1 20 1 22 94 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 94. S. F. Kelly, 2 miles north of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. (Well, 115 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1897; method of lift, wind; use, irrigation and domestic. Bench mark: Top of blocks, 2 feet 10 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,171.03 feet above sea level. Well No. 354, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 112.) Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October 1900. Ft. in. 49 75 77 8 62 10 48 36 1915— Continued. May 25 Ft. in. 39 8 1904. May 28 40 9 July 27 40 5 Sept. 1 41 3 1906. Sept. 23 43 4 Oct. 18 42 3 October 42 9 1907. Nov 3 42 8 Nov. 26 42 1 Aug 30 Dec. 28 41 10 Oct. 15-17 1909. 1916. Jan. 30 41 7 1912. Mar. 8 38 Mar. 16 37 9 Oct. 16-18 33 3 1914. Nov. 17 29 4 Depth of water level below bench mark. 1917. May 18 25 1 Nov. 23 26 9 1918. May 3 25 10 Oct. 11 29 8 1919. May 13 Ft. in. 41 10 43 3 40 8 40 6 40 3 31 3 Nov. 5 1915. Mar. 8 1920. 36 11 41 6 43 6 Apr. 5 Apr. 19 Vfnv 1 May 8 THE RECORDS. 95 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 95. S, H. Johnson, 2^ miles north of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 84 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1885; method of lift, wind; use. domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 7 mches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,182 feet above sea level. "Well No. 357, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 112.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 60 100 89 4 1914. Oct . 26 Ft. in. 53 9 1904. October 1915. May 25 50 10 Nov. 2 (pumping) 1906. October 1916. June 8 . . . 41 6 1907 Nov. 17 40 9 Aug. 30 (pumping) 1917. May 18 60 6 49 36 11 1909 Nov. 23 38 3 Oct. 15-17 1918. May 2 1912 37 2 Oct 16-18 Oct. 11 41 11 1919. Nov. 5 49 5 1920. May 14 48 10 Aug. 24 53 8 Nov. 1 55 8 96. H. N. Stones, 2 miles northeast of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 85 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1884; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Bench mark: Top of casing, at surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,151.84 feet above sea level. Well No. 341, Water-supply Paper 142, p. 111.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. 1900. October Ft. in. 54 63 70 6 49 8 40 4 40 5 37 4 35 8 35 7 34 8 34 2 34 3 36 3 37 6 39 6 39 5 39 11 Oct. 16. . Nov. 2.. Nov. 3 . . 1915— Continued. Ft. in. 40 7 40 1 1904. 40 6 October Nov. 26. Dec. 28.. Jan. 30.. Mar. 8 . . 39 7 38 8 1906. October 1916. 36 8 1907 31 4 Aug. 30 Mar. 17. June 8 . . 30 2 23 11 1912. Nov. 17. May 17.. Nov. 23. May 2... 26 5 Oct. 16-18 1917. 1914. 24 7 Oct. 26 30 7 1915. Mar. 10 1918. 28 1 Apr. 5 Oct. 11.. May 12.. Nov. 2.. May 14. Aug. 21. Nov. 1.. 35 Apr. 14 1919. May 10. May 25 34 10 June 3 39 10 July 14 1920. July 27 Aug. 24 . . 34 11 Aug. 31 43 4 Sept. 22 43 96 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 97. Albert Hart (formerly owned by James Dickson), 2 J miles northeast of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 44 feet deep, 10-inch casing; sunk in 1888; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 5 inches above surface. Well No. 319, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 111.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Fl. in. 34 48 30 3 June 8 . . 1916. Ft. in. 17 5 Nov. 17. May 18.. Nov. 23. May 2... 18 6 1904. October 1917. 16 11 1912. 21 11 Oct. 1&-18 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. 22 9 Oct. 10.. May 12.. Nov. 2.. May 14. Aug. 24. Nov. 1.. 26 3 1919. 28 4 28 2 1920. 23 7 Ft. in. 36 5 23 5 28 7 31 8 1914. r\nf OR 31 2 1915. May 25 Nov. 2 98. E. J. Stiles, 2\ miles northeast of San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 48 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1898; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and stock. Bench mark: Top of casing at surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,126.28 feet above sea level. Well No. 318, Water Supply Paper 142, p. 111.] Date of measurement. 1900. October 1904. October 1906. October 1907. Aug. 30 1912. Oct. 16-18 1914. Oct, 26 1915. Apr.l3 May 10 May 25 June 3 June 27 July 3 July 6 July 7 July 12 July 14 July 15 July 17 Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 39 50 48 6 35 10 32 8 30 25 3 24 1 23 11 24 6 25 1 24 11 Date of measurement. 1915— Continued July 18 July27 Aug. 10 Aug. 31 Sept. 22 Oct. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 1916. Mar. 17 June 8 Nov. 17 1917. May 17 Nov. 23 1918. May 2 Oct. 10 1919. May 12 Nov. 2 1920. May 14...; Aug. 24 Nov. 1 Depth of water level below surface. Ft. 26 26 27 28 29 30 29 29 25 3 29 7 25 32 7 32 THE EECORDS. 97 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 99a. W. R. Severence, three-fourths mile northeast of Valencia, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bench mark: Top of cast-iron cap, at surface. Companion well for Nos. 99 and 99b.] Date of measurement. Oct. lfr-18. 1912. Oct. 26. 1914. May 25. Nov. 2. 1915. 1916. June 8 Nov. 17 (pumping) . May 18 Nov, 23 (pumping) . 1917. I Depth ! of water [ level below surface. Ft. in. 147 6 144 132 11 144 113 119 7 Date of measurement. 1918. May 2 (pumped May 1). Oct. 11 May 12. Nov. 5. 1919. 1920. May 14 (pumping). Aug. 21 Nov. 1 Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 125 7 136 2 136 5 144 10 146 1 148 4 99b. M. S. Severence, half a mile northeast of Valencia, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Altitude of bench mark, 1,251.3 feet above sea level. Companion well for Nos. 99 and 99a. Bench mark: Top of casing 1 foot 5 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. 1914 Oct. 26 1915 Apr. 9 M!ay 10 May 25 May28 July 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 21 Oct. 16 Nov.2 Nov. 3 Nov. 26 Dec. 28 1916, Jan. 30 Mar.8 Mar. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 110 8 102 100 99 99 105 108 109 110 110 110 110 109 103 87 1 84 3 Date of measurement. 1916— Continued Apr. 5 June 7 Nov. 17 1917. May 18 Nov.23 1918. May2 Oct.ll 1919. May 12 1920. May 14 Aug. 21 Nov. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 80 7 82 11 90 8 87 10 96 8 93 7 102 7 103 2 101 6 118 114 4 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 9(S WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 100. Geo. M. Cooley, 2 miles southwest of Patton, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 66 feet deep, 7-inch casing; sunk in 1892; method of lift, wind; use^ irrigation and domestic. Bench mark: Top of blocks over casing, 1 foot 4 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 145.36 feet above sea level. Well No. 316, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 110.] Date of mea,surement. 1900. October 1904, October 1906 October 1912 Oct. 16-18 Oct. 26. Anr. 19. M^y 12. May 25. 1914. 1915. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 42 60 61 40 3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 42 32 2 31 2 37 10 Date of measurement. 1915— Continued. May 29 July 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 21 Oct.l6 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 1916. Mar. 23 June 8 (100a and 100b being pumped) Nov.17 1917. May 18 (pumping) Nov. 23 1918. May 2 Oct. 10 1919. May 12 Nov. 2 1920. May 14 Aug. 24 Nov. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 31 7 31 11 32 3 32 3 32 8 40 7 32 9 27 6 32 8 33 4 32 10 32 8 36 7 38 11 39 10 100a. Geo. M. Cooley, 2 miles southwest of Patton, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 80 feet deep, 11-inch casing; sunk in 1895; method of lift, gasoline engine; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of 8 by 8 blocks over casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 317, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. IIO.J Date of measurement. 1900. October 1904. October 1906. October Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 42 60 61 Date of measurement. Oct. 26 (pumping). 1914. May 25 (pumping) . Nov. 2 (pumping)., 1915. Nov.17. May 18. Nov. 23 1916. 1917. May 2 (pumping) . Oct. 10 1918. May 12 (pumping) . Nov.2 1919. May 14. Aug. 24. Nov. 1.. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 26 4 31 8 33 8 37 35 7 37 8 38 6 THE RECORDS. 99 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. lOOb. George M. Cooley, 2 miles southwest of Patton, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well, 80 feet deep, 10-inch casing; sunk in 1895; method of lift, cylinder pumps; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of block over casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 317a, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 110.] Date of measurement. October. October. October. 1900. 1904. 1906. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 42 60 61 Date of measurement. Oct 26 (pumping). 1914. May 25 (pumping) , Nov. 2 (pumping).. 1915. Nov. 17. May 18., Nov. 23. 1916. 1917. May 2 (pumping) . Oct. 10 1918. May 12 (pumping) , Nov.2 1919. May 14.. Aug. 24. Nov. 1.. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 27 10 25 10 30 8 33 3 37 35 4 37 2 38 1 101. Riverside Trust Co. (formerly owned by C. Cutting), three-fourths mile northwest of Idlewild, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Bored well, 170 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter: sunk in 1894; method of lift, cylinder pump and gasoline engine; u-lS 1915. May 26 25 10 Nov. 2 39 6 1916. May 18 13 10 Nov 17 20 7 1917. Mav 17 20 1 Nov. 23 34 1918. May 2 20 October (destroyed) 109. L. Lyons, 2| miles northeast of Mentone, Redlands quadrangle. [Dug well, 4 by 6 feet in cross section; sunk in 1900; method of lift, cylinder pump and gasoline engine; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of wooden curb, east side, at surface. Well No. 9, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 88.] Date of measurement. October... October . . . October... Oct. 15-17. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1909. 1912. Oct. 16-18 (a well 30 feet east was being pumped) Oct. 27. 1914. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 23 13 14 4 4 14 5 Date of measurement. May 26. Nov. 1. 1915. June 7 . . Nov. 16. 1916. May 19. Nov. 24 . 1917. May 2 (wrecked). Oct. 10 (wrecked) . 1918. May 11 (wrecked). 1919. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 104 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 110. R. P. Mcintosh, 3 miles northeast of Mentone, Redlands quadrangle. [Dug well, 27 feet deep, 4 bv 4 feet in cross section: sunk in 1879; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of wooden curb, west side, at surface. Well No. 5, Water-Supply Paper 112, p. 88.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. October.. 1900. Ft. in. 25 17 21 14 11 191.). May 26 (could not get to well; Mill Creek too high) Ft. in. 1904. October.. Oct. 31 8 1 Oct. IG-IS 1912. 1914. 1916. June 7 (January flood destroyed well) . . Oct. 27. 110a. R. P. Mcintosh, 3 miles northeast of Mentone, Redlands quadrangle. [Companion well for No. 110. Situated 100 feet north of No. 110. Bench mark: Top of wooden curb, at surface.] Date of measurement. Oct. 27. 1914. 1915. May 26 (could not get to well; Mill Creek too high) Oct. 31 June 7 . . Nov. 16. 1916. May 19. Nov. 24 . 1917. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 11 6 1 1 4 4 3 14 4 Date of measurement. May 2. . Oct. 10. 1918. 1919. May 11 (small quantity of water flowing in Mill Creek) Nov. 6 (dry at 15 feet) May 15. . Aug. 24. Oct. 29. 1920. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 5 6 9 8 12 8 111. Ward, Mills & Co., 2 miles east of Mentone, Redlands quadrangle. [Dug well, 125 feet deep, 4 by 6 feet in cross section; sunk in 1900; method of lift, gasoline engine. Bench mark: Top of well cover, south side, at surface. Well No. 2, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 88.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. 1900. October Ft. in. 72 50 28 6 46 7 35 3 1915. May 26 Ft. in. 33 9 Nov.l 36 11 1904. October 191G. 27 4 1906. Nov. 16 36 October 1917. May 19 (well caved in) . 1912. Oct 16-18 1914. Oct. 27 THE RECORDS. 105 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 112. R. P. Mcintosh, 1^ miles east of Mentone, Redlands quadrangle. [Dug wcll^ 103 feet deep, 4§ by 4J feet in cross section; sunk in 1900; method of lift, cylinder pump and gaso- line engme; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of curb, south side, at surface. Well No. 7, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 88.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. October . 1900. Ft. in. 92 78 57 66 4 71 6 62 11 66 11 63 11 1916. June 7 Ft. in. 64 5 1904. Nov. 16 .... 64 2 October . 1917. May 19 1906. 68 5 Nov. 24 (dry at about 85 feet) October 1918. May 2 (drv at 74 feet) Oct 16-17 1909. 1912. Oot 10 (dry at 74 feet) Oct. 16-18. 1919. May 11 (filled) 1914. Nov. 6 (cleaned out) 77 G Oct. 27 1920. May 15 (wet sand) 1915. 79 May 27 Aug. 25 71 10 Nov. 1 Oct. 29 ... 69 9 113. Garland estate, 2 miles east of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1900; method of lift, cylinder pump and gasoline engine; use, irrigation. Benchmark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot below surface. Well No. 28, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 89.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 176 200 249 8 1914. Oct. 27 Ft. in. 265 1 1909. Oct. 15-17 1915. May 27 . 263 4 Nov. 1 (well covered up) 1912. Oct. 16-18 1916. Nov. 16 (buried; could not be found) . . 1918. May 2 (buried; could not be found) 106 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 114. C. L. Hayes, Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 428 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1899; method of lift, cylinder pump and gasoline engine; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, 8.0 feet below surface. Well No. 42, Water-Supply Paperl42, p. 89.] Date of measurement. 1900. October 1904. October (dry at 180 feet). 1912. Oct. 1&-18. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 150 Date ol measurement. Oct. 27. May 27. Nov. 1. June 7.. Nov. 16. May 19. Nov. 24. May 2. . Oct. 11. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1919. May 12 (pit covered) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 129 5 127 1 122 114 107 1 103 102 1 103 11 106 2 115. Willis Miller, 1 mile northeast of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 123 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 10 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark 1,289.97 feet above sea level. Well No. 102, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 91.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October . 1900. Ft. in. 87 103 91 7 77 8 69 4 1914. Oct. 27 (windmill pumping slowly) 1915. Mav 27 . . Ft., in. 70 2 October 1904. 65 7 1906. Nov.l 65 2 October 1916. Nov. 15 1909. 49 11 Oct. 15-17. 1917. Mav 19 (pumping) 1912. Nov. 24 (sealed) Oct 16-18 1918. May 3 (sealed) Oct. 11 (sealed) 1919. May 12 (sealed) THE RECORDS. 107 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California- — Continued. 116. J. F. Boyd, 2 miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Two bored wells respectively 100 and 110 feet deep; 10 inches in diameter; sunk in 1896; not used. Bench mark: Top of casing, level with surface. Well No. 123, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 93.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. 1900. October Ft. in. 110 110 90 77 6 70 65 57 11 June 7 1916. Ft. in. 44 1 Nov. 15 46 1 1904. October May 19 1917. 44 8 1906. Nov. 24 (dry) October Mays . 1918. 1909. 47 9 Oct 15-17 Oct 12 (dry) 1912. Oct. 16-18 May 12 (dry)... 1919. 1914. Mav 12 (drv) 1920. Oct. 27 (dry; filled in with rocks) . Aug. 24 (dry).. Oct. 29 (dry) 1915. May 27 Nov. 1 (obstructed at 58 feet) 117. S. Ronzone, 2 miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 98 feet deep, 9 inches in diameter; sunk in 1899; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irriga- tion. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet 7 inches above surface. Altitude at bench mark, 1,255.71 feet above sea level. Well No. 117, Water-Supplv Paper 142, p. 92.) Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October 1900. Ft. in. 65 91 74 64 62 10 56 7 1914. Oct. 27 (pumping plant 300 feet south was pumping 140 miner's inches). 1915. May 27 Ft. in. 58 6 October 1904. 1906. 47 6 Nov. 1 49 10 October 1916. June 7 1907. 38 7 Aug. 30 Nov. 15 36 6 Oct. 15-17.... 1909. 1917. May 19 37 1 1912. Nov, 24 41 2 Oct. 16-18 1918. May 19 37 1 Nov 24 41 2 1919. May 12 45 Nov. 6 45 11 1920. May 17 46 8 Aug. 24 . 52 11 Oct. 29 53 4 108 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 118. M. R. Gay, 2^ miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Well, 200 feet deep, situated 600 feet south of well No. 120, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 92. For measurements of No. 120 prior to October, 1912, see table on page 120. Bench mark: Top of casing cap, 1 loot 4 inches above surface.] Date of measurement. Oct. 16-18. Oct. 27. 1912. 1914. 1915. May 27 Nov. 1 (pumping with air lift). Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 54 10 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 52 10 39 8 Date of measurement. June 7. . . Nov. 15. 1916 May 19 (pumping) . Nov. 24 1917 May 3 (pumping). Oct. 11 1918. 1919. May 12 (piunping; air lift). Nov. 6 May 17 (pumping). Aug. 25 (pumping). Oct. 29 (pumping). 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 34 r> 34 10 30 2 41 4 45 4 119. Emmet Martin (formerly owned by William Lindenberg), 2^ miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 93 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893; method of lift, wind; use, irrigation and domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 7 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,205.50 feet above sea level. Well No. 124, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 93.] Date of measurement. 1900 October 1904 October 1906 October 1907 Aug. 30 1909 Oct. 15-17 1912 Oct. 16-18 Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 40 65 57 50 5 42 8 34 2 Date of measurement. 1914. Oct. 27 1915. May 27 Nov. 1 1916. June 7 Nov. 15 1917. May 19 Nov. 24 1918. May 3 Oct. 11 1919. May 12 Nov. 6 1920. May 17 (pumping slowly) Aug. 25 Oct. 29 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in, 33 8 25 11 22 8 THE RECORDS. 109 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 120. E. Norwood (formerly owned by A. Gregory), IJ miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well. 100 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1890; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 3.0 feet above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,236.54 feet above sea level. Well No. 113, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 92.1 Date of measurement. October.. - October... October... Aug. 30... Oct. 15-17. Oct. 16-18. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1907. 1909. 1912. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 51 70 65 2 60 2 51 38 Date of measurement. Oct. 27 (windmill pumping slowly). 1915. Mav 27. Nov. 1. June 7 . . Nov. 15. 1916. 1917. May 19. . Nov. 24. 1918. May 3 (pumping slowly) Oct. 11 (2.7 feet of casing cut ofT; correc- tion made). 1919. May 12 (gas pump installed; covers top of casing) Nov. 6 (gas pump installed; covers top of casing) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 42 121. J. Champion (formerly owned by C. A. Shaw), l\ miles northwest of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 96 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; stmk in 1893; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irri- gation. Bench mark: Top of casing, 10 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,259.57 feet above sea level. Well No. 109, Water-Supply Paper 112, p. 92.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of 'w ater level below bench mark. October... October... October... Aug. 30... Oct. 15-17. Oct. 16-18. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1907. 1909. 1912. Ft. in. 50 82 74 6 67 3 58 6 41 1 1914. Oct. 27 (windmill pumping slowly). 1915. May 27 Nov.l June 7 . . Nov. 15. 1916. Mav 19. . Nov. 24. 1917 May 3 (pumping) . Oct. 11 1918. 1919. May 12 Nov. 6 (measured twice). 1920. May 17 Aug. 25 Oct. 29 Ft. in. 52 11 44 10 37 1 26 1 21 11 21 11 23 11 37 28 10 29 10 35 9 39 11 38 4 41 9 110 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Coutinued. 122. W. A. Nichols, 1.^ miles west of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 122 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1891; method of lift, hand pump; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface. Well No. 94, Water-Supply Paper 142, p, 91.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 54 70 51 50 5 38 6 1914. Oct. 27 Ft. in. 42 3 1904. October 1915. Mav 27 39 Nov. 1 37 3 1906. October 1916. June 7 31 8 1909. Nov. 16 27 2 October 1917. May 19 1912. 24 7 Oct 16-18 . . Nov. 24 . 23 9 1918. . May3 23 5 Oct. 12 23 11 1919. May 12 26 Nov. 6 28 7 1920. May 17 31 Aug 25 30 7 Oct. 29 31 1 122a. W. A. Nichols, 1^ miles west of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 284 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter; method of lift, cylinder pump and gasoline engine; use, irrigation. Bench mark: Top of metal casing, at surface. Well No. 95, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 91. Companion well for No. 122. Record kept by owner; can be measured only when pump rods are pulled.) Apr. 9. Feb. 6... June 19. Aug. 15. Aug. 20. Nov. 6. Jan. 7.. Apr. 25. Aug. 13. May 15. Nov. 14. Jan. 26. Mar. 18. Apr. 3.. Date of measurement. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 39 3 48 9 52 9 54 9 56 2 68 10 Date of measurement. Feb. 2.. Oct. 21. July 12. May 6. . August.. October. Nov. 14. Aug. 30. Mar. 10. July 10. . 1906. 1907. 1908. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 66 6 54 44 6 41 10 27 6 27 29 6 36 6 33 6 24 10 THE RECORDS. Ill Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 123. Mrs. S. W. Sylvera, IJ miles southwest of Redlands, Badlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 90 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1891; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of blocks over casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 80, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 91.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 30 63 50 6 45^ 2 44 2 39 Oct. 27.. May 27.. Nov. 1.. 1914. Ft. in. 35 8 1904. 1915. 32 10 31 4 1906. October June 7. . . 1916. 26 2 1907 Nov. 16. Mav 19. . Nov. 24. Mav 3... 22 Aug. 30 1917. 1909 19 2 Oct. 15-17 16 6 1912. Oct. 16-18 1918. 17 7 Oct. 12.. May 12. . Nov. 6.. Mav 17. . Aug. 25 18 2 1919. 19 7 22 1 1920. 23 9 23 5 Oct. 29 . 23 11 124. O. J. Fisk (formerly owned by S. Mansfield), three-fourths mile northeast of Bryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 109 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter: sunk in 1890; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irrigation. Bench mark: Top of casing, at surface. Well No. 83, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 91.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. 1900. October Ft. in. 39 50 47 10 43 10 40 5 31 8 31 11 Mav 27. . Oct. 31.. June 7 1915. Ft. in. 31 5 26 10 1904. October 1916. 22 3 1906. Nov. 16. May 19. . 19 7 October 1917. 1907. 16 6 Aug. 30 Nov. 24. May 3. . . 16 6 1909. Oct. 15-17 1918. 14 11 Oct. 12. 15 6 1912. Oct. 16-18 May 12. 1919. 16 6 1914. Nov.6 18 6 Oct. 27 (had been pumping slowly for 2 hours) May 17 1920. 18 1 Aug. 25. Oct. 29.. 18 18 11 112 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 125. H. Bermudas, Bryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 112 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1893: method of lift, windmill; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 10 inches above surface. Well No. 56, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 90.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October 1900. Ft. in. 54 77 10 65 7 57 1916. Juno 7 Ft. in. 46 2 1906. Nov. 16 45 3 October 1917. May 19. 1909. 49 7 N ov. 24 41 9 October 1918. Mav 3 (pumping) 1912. October Oct. 12 40 6 1914. 1919. May 12 Depth of water level below bench mark. 39 10 Nov. 6 43 2 1920. Mav 17 43 4 Aug. 25 43 9 Oct. 29 44 1 Oct 27 Ft. in. 56 4 51 2 Nov 1 1915. 126. A. C. Fowler, Bryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 170 feet deep, 9 inches in diameter; sunk in 1898; method of lift, windmill; use, domestic Bench mark: Top of casing, 6 inches above surface. Well No. 45, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 89.] Date of measurement. 1900. October 1901. October (dry at 170 feet) . 1906. October ("sealed ) 1909. Oct. 15-17 1912. Oct. 16-18 1914. Oct. 27 (pumping) . 1 May 27 (pumping) . Nov. 1 (pumping). 1915. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 110 120 11 96 5 Depth of water. 1 evel below bench mark. Ft. in. Date of meapurement. June 7.. Nov. 16. May 19. . Nov. 24. Mav 3. . Oct. 12. May 12. Nov. 6. May 17. . Aug. 25. Oct. 29.. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 101 1 99 1 95 97 11 100 10 99 11 99 6 THE RECORDS. 113 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 127. Mrs. F. Morris, three-fourths mile northwest of Brookside, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 125 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; stmk in 1890; method of lift, wind; use, irrigation and domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 7 inches above surface. Well No. 155, Water-Supply Taper 142, p. 94.1 Date of measureiueut. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October . . . Ft in. 65 95 96 4 84 1 76 1 Oct. 27. May 27.. Nov. 1.. June 7.. 1914. Ft. in. 75 7 1904. October 1915. 76 5 77 8 1906. 1916. 65 8 1909 Nov. 16. May 19. . Nov. 24 . May 3. . . 63 8 Oct. 15-17 1917. 1912 60 10 Oct. 16-18 61 8 1918. 62 5 Oct. 12. May 12.. Nov. 6.. May 17.. Aug. 25. Oct. 29.. 65 7 1919. 60 2 63 10 1920. 63 65 8 65 3 128. Mrs. Parker (formerly owned by E. Vache), one-fourth mile north of Brookside, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 140 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1885; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2.0 feet above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,260.00 feet above sea level. Well No. 48, Water-supply Paper 142, p. 89.] Date of measurement. October... October... October... Oct. 15-17. Oct. 1&-18. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1909. 1912. Depth of v/a+er level below surface. Ft. in. 60 78 78 3 81 9 67 4 Date of measurement. Oct. 27 (pumping). 1914. May 27. Nov. 1 . Jtme 7.. Nov. 16. May 19. , Nov. 24. May 3.. Oct. 12. May 12. Nov. 6. May 17.. Aug. 25. Oct. 29- 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920, Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 70 2 63 8 66 5 62 7 65 7 69 1 63 4 62 11 65 62 11 66 5 63 65 6 66 2 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 114 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Coutimied. 129. T. P. Arnold, 1 mile southeast of Bryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Dug well, 83 feet deep, 3 bv 3 feet in cross section; sunk in 1898; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 10 inches above surface. Well No. 46, Water Supply Paper 142, p. 89.] Date of measurement. October. 1904. October (dry at 90 feet) . 190G. 1912. October... Oct. 16-18. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 80 116 8 62 10 Date of measurement. 1914. Oct. 27 (dry at 80 feet).. 1915. May 27. Nov. 1. June 7... Nov. 16. May 19. , Nov. 24. 1917. 1918. May 3 Oct. 12 (not measured). 1919. May 12. Nov. 6 . May 17. . Aug. 25. Oct. 29.. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 78 78 2 72 10 72 4 76 5 70 5 75 70 1 73 9 71 11 74 1 74 8 130. O. J. Fisk (formerly owned by R. T. Curtis), Bryn Mawr, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 86 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1895; method of lift, wind; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,188.50 feet above sea level. Weil No. 60, Water-supply Paper 142, p. 90.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. Ft. in. 50 68 70 2 65 10 57 2 49 1 1914. Ft. in. 49 4 1904. October... 1915. May 27 1 42 7 Nov. 1.. 41 3 1906. October 1916. June? 39 1 1907. Nov. 16 36 1 Aug. 30 1917. May 19 1909. 33 4 Oct. 15-17 Nov. 24 . 33 2 1912. Oct. 16-18 1918. May 3 32 9 Oct. 12 31 8 1919. May 12 31 2 Nov. 6 34 7 1920. May 17 32 9 Aug. 25 33 11 Oct. 29 34 4 THE RECORDS. 115 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 131. Frink Bros, (formerly owned by Gansnor & Renwick), 1 mile southeast of Idlewild, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 200 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1898; method of lift, wind; use, domestic and irri- gation. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 66, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 90.) Date of measurement. October... October... July 15.... Oct. 15-17. Oct. 16-18. 1900. 1904. 1906. 1912. Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 30 55 6i 37 Date of measurement. Oct. 27. Nov. 1. Jime?.. Nov. 16. May 19. Nov. 23. Mays.. Oct. 12. May 12. Nov. 6. 1914, 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. May 17 Aug. 25 (pumping slowly). Oct. 29 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 34 10 35 28 28 7 26 26 5 8 25 24 4 10 25 27 5 8 26 28 27 2 6 4 132. F. Buehler (formerly owned by A. Lenanon), 2 miles west of Redlands, Redlands quadrangle. [.Bored well, 130 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; simk in 1895; method of lift, windmill; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot above surface. Well No. 84, Water-Supply Paper 142 p. 91.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. October... 1900. Ft. in. 30 55 53 46 4 42 6 34 7 1914. Oct. 27 Ft. in. 34 8 October... 1904. 1915. May 27 31 8 1906. Nov. 1 (piiTTipinp) 46 6 October... 1916. June 7 fhad be^.n piimpinp) 1907. 35 10 Nov. 16 22 6 Aug. 30... 1917. May 19 (had been pumping) 1909. 27 Oct. 15-17. Nov. 23 20 10 Oct. 16-18. 1912, 1918. Mqv ^ (puTTipinf strrniP') 39 May 4 20 8 Oct. 12 20 4 1919. May 12. 20 4 Nov. 6 23 1920. May 17 27 11 Aug. 25. 30 1 Oct. 29 23 3 116 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in the valley of southern Calif omin — OoEtinued. 133. James Smith, one-fourth mile east of Drew, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 90 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1892; method of lift, windmill; use, domestic. Bench mark; Top of casing, at surface. Well No. 126, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 93.] Date of measiu-ement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. October 1900. Ft. in. 31 44 2 33 8 58 2 27 10 31 5 191('.. June 7 Ft. in. 23 11 1904. Nov. 15 . . 21 7 October . . 1917. May 19 (large pumping plant, one-fourth mile north, was in operation) . 1909. 34 7 Oct 15-17 Nov. 21 . . 2-1 6 Oct. 16-18.. 1912. 191S. May 3 (pumping) 1911. e pumping plant, one-fourth May 4 22 5 Oct. 11 28 4 Oct.27(larg 1919. May 12 1915. 21 11 Nov. 6 23 10 May 27 1920. May 17 (pumping plant, north of well, in operation) Nov. 1 39 Aug. 25 Oct. 29 (pumping plant, north of well, in operation). 27 50 134. H. H. Cole, three-fourths mile east of Idlewild, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 82 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter: sunk in 1888: method of lift, wind: use, irrigation and domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, originally 4 inches above surface. Between May 12 and Nov. 6, 1919, the casing was raised 1 foot. Beginning with Nov. (i . 1919, 1 foot has been subtracted from the measurements to make them comparable with earlier measurements. Well No. 132, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 93.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below surface. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1900. October Ft. in. 32 45 47 35 10 32 11 Oct. 27.. Nov. 1 . 1914. Ft. in. 30 3 1904. October 1915. 25 5 1906. October 1916. 17 8 Nov. 16. May 19.. Nov. 24. May 4... 17 2 1909. Oct. 15-17 1917. 15 10 1912. 18 1 Oct. 16-18 1918. 17 7 Oct. 11.. May 12.. Nov. 6.. 15 8 1919. 15 6 16 11 May 17.. Aug. 25. Oct. 24.. 1920. 15 10 17 6 16 6 THE RECORDS. 117 Records of water levels in the valley of southern California — Continued. 135. E. F. Van Leuven. one-fourth mile south of Idlewild, Redlands quadrangle. [Bored well, 48 feet deep, 7 inches in diameter; sunk in 1890; method of lift, gasoline engine; use, domestic. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1.0 foot above surface. Well No. 145, Water-Supply Paper 142, p. 93.] Date of measurement. 1900. October 1904. October 1900. October 1909. Oct. 15-17 1912. Oct. 16-18 (vrindmill pumping slowly) . Depth of water level below surface. Ft. in. 20 33 26 20 7 25 8 Date of measurement. 1914. Oct. 27 1915. May27 1915. Nov.l 1916. June 7 Nov.16 1917. May 19 Nov.24 1918. May 4 Oct. 12 1919. May 12 Nov. 6 1920. Mayl7 Aug. 25 Oct. 29 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 14 1 10 9 11 9 9 8 12 6 9 5 10 3 10 2 Records of pressure of water inflowiiig wells in San Bernardino Valley. A. Mrs. Murray, 781 West Seventh Street, San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well 158 feet deep, 2 inches in diameter. Overflows part of time. Bench mark: Top of hexagonal, li-inch nut; 1.4 feet above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 1,081.63 feet above sea level. Well is fitted with pressure-gage fixtures.] Date of measurement. July 3... July 6... July? .. July 9... July 12.. July 15.. July 18.. July 21.. July 22.. July 31.. Aug. 9.. Aug. 16. Aug. 19. Sept. 11. Sept. 15. Nov. 4. . Nov. 27. Dec. 27.. 1915. 1916. Jan. 26 Mar. 7 (plugged) Mar. 25 (flowing) June 6 (0.98 foot below bench mark) Nov. 17 (water just flowed over gage cock; no pressure) Pounds per square inch. 5.68 5.67 5.47 5.58 5.67 6.08 6.21 6.55 6.50 6.41 5.80 6.22 7.32 7.98 6.58 6.97 4.48 3.73 2.27 .00 Date of measurement. 1917. May 18 (pressure gage did not register such a small amount; jet was about 6 inches high) Nov. 24 (pressure gage did not register such a small amount; jet was about 6 inches high) 1918. May 2 (pressure gage does not register such asmallamount; jet about 6inches high) Oct. 11 (pressure gage does not register such a smal 1 amount ; j et about 6 inches high; began flowing Oct. 10) 1919. May 13 (3 inches below bench mark) Nov. 19 (2 feet 2 inches below reference point) 1920. May 17 (2 feet 11 inches below bench mark) Nov. 1 (6 feet 7 inches below bench mark) Pounds per square inch. 118 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHEEN CALIFORNIA. Records of pressure of water inflowing wells in San Bernardino Valley — Continued. B. Mrs. Hows, 887 D Street, San Bernardino, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Well is 370 feet deep. Altitude of surface, 1,078.47 feet above sea level.] Date of measurement. 1915 July9 July 12 JuIvK July 15 July 18 July 22 July 23 July 31 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 19 Sept. 11 Sept. 15 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Dec. 27 1916. Jan. 26 Mar. 7 Pounds per square inch. 5.0 5.1 5.1 4.2 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.7 3.2 3.0 None. None. 2.0 4.6 4.6 5.2 Date of measurement. 1916— Continued. Mar. 25 Jime 6 Nov. 17 1917. May 18 Nov. 24 1918. May 2 Oct. 11 1919. May 13 (some leakage past valve stem) Nov. 19 1920. May 15 Nov. 1 Pounds per square inch. 8.0 5.6 8.5 8.7 8.0 6.2 5.0 6.0 3.6 C. Riverside Water Co., Garner tract, fourth easterly v/ell, 150 yards southwest of San Bernardino pumping plant; nearest well to car line, San Bernardino quadrangle. [Altitude of surface, 1,047.37 feet above sea level.] Date of measurement. 1915. Feb. 26 Mar. 2 Mar. 10 Mar. 15 Mar. 29 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 Jime 1 Junes June 11 June 15 June 22 June 27 June 30 July 2 July 3 Pounds per square inch. 26.0 24.0 24.5 23.0 24.5 30.0 31.0 30.0 30.8 30.2 28.7 28.6 28.1 26.0 25.6 26.6 25 6 26.3 26.3 26.7 Date of measurement. 1915— Continued. July 6 Julv7 July 12 July 15 (open) July 18 (oi)en) Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Mar. 31 . June 6. . Nov. 17. 1916. 1917. May 18 Nov. 24 (well wrecked; casing filled). 1918. May 2 (wells in tract flowing) Pounds per square inch. 22.5 22.3 22.8 12.8 18.2 35.0 31.0 26.6 25.0 THE RECORDS. 119 Records of pressure of water inflowing wells in San Bernardino Valley — Continued. D. Riverside Water Co., McCrary tract, 150 feet southwest of barn, second southerly well, San Bernardino quadrangle. Date of measurement. Povmds per square inch. Date of measurement. Pounds per square inch. 1915. Feb. 26 . . 15.0 15.0 12.5 18.0 20.0 20.5 19.6 20.4 20.0 19.2 18.5 18.0 18.0 17.7 17.4 13.2 17.7 17.9 16.7 16.1 14.0 15.2 15.2 16. 1 Aug. 18. Aug. 19. Aug. 20. Aug. 23. Aug. 30. Sept. 3.. Sept. 17. Oct. 23.. June 6 . . 1915— Continued. 14.4 Mar 8 14.2 Mar. 16 12.8 Apr. 20 13.5 Apr 21 12.2 Apr 27 15 7 May 4 . .. 16.0 May li 17.2 May 18 1916. May 25 June 1 . 20.1 June 11 Nov. 17. May 18.. Nov.24. May 2... 21 6 June 22 1917. June 27 . July 3 21.4 July 6 19.5 July 7 . 191S. July 12 July 15 18.5 July 18 Oct. 10.. May 12.. Nov. 2.. May 15.. Nov. 27. 13.0 July 31 1919. Aug. 4 Aug 5 . 18.0 Aug. 6 12.5 1920. Aug. 14 . . . 14.7 15.1 ■ 15.0 Aug. 16 18.3 Aug. 17 . 17 7 E. Urbita Hot Springs Co., at ro ad comer east of resort, San Bernardino quadrangle. Date of measurement. Potmds per square inch. Date of measurement. Pounds per square inch. 1916. June 8 5.1 7.8 5.3 7.0 5.9 5.9 May 13. . Nov. 19. May 17. . Nov. 1.. 1919. 5.8 Nov 17 . 6 3 1917. May 18 1920. 3.9 Nov.24 8.7 1918. May 2 Oct. 11 . 120 WATER LEVELS m WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Bernardino Valley that have not been available for measurement since 1913. Redlands quadrangle. Owner. Location. Depths of water level below surfeice. No.a Octo- ber, 1900. Octo- 190^. Octo- ber 1906. Aug. 30, 1906. Oct. 15-17, 1909. Oct. 16-18, 1912. 1 Doctor Meeker W.J. French 0. W. Harris M.R. Gay H.S.Drew H. R. Scott . Sec.5, T.IS., R.3 W. Sec.l9,T.lS.,R.2 W Sec. 34, T. IS., R.3 W Sec.l7,T.lS.,R.3W Sec.l9,T.lS.,R.3W. ..do Ft. in 278 160 200 50 34 12 67 40 32 Ft. in. 6281 164 6205 75 30 620 93 55 46 Ft. in. Ft. in. Ft. in. 14 43 120 1?5 139 89 1 58 "m'^s' 126 2 218 10 Sealed 36 24 Inacces- sible. Do. ISQ ?84 N.Sutherland R. F. Cuimingham California State Hospital. Sec.3, T.IS., R.3 W. Sec. 5, T. 1 S., R. 3 W. .do..... Filled. W? Destroyed. Filled S86 Filled. Filled. San Bernardino quadrangle. 73 W. L.Zader Mrs. B. R. Atkins. W.D. Sores G.W.Curtis W. A. Thomas Sec. 29, T. 1 S., R. 4 W Sec. 30, T. 1 S., R. 4 W do Sec.24,T.lS., R.4W. . ..do 50 42 4 25 2 60 77 48 55 7 145 20 28 52 31 11 10 15 60 57 12 43 10 42 82 60 62 21 173 35 50 77 46 16 26 24 61 2 57 12 5 37 31 4 45 3 77 6 56 5 Filled. Sealed ...do... ...do... (d) 85 6 55 1 26 2 Sealed. 20 •"•-•■• 57 46 11 30 8 47 76 56 10 8 2 8 5 76 78 178 181 189 E. M. Cooley Washington School Fred Pooles E. M. Emery C.H. Westmyer. M.S. Severence... D.W.White E.L. Holcomb.... S. E. A. Palmer... H. H. Ham J.F.Cadd H. E. Gardner Chas. Morris Sec.27,T.lS.,R.4W. do IW '>01 Sec.33, T.1S.,R.4W Sec.20,T.lS.,R.4W Sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 4 W Sec.2^,T.lN.,R.4W Sec.4,T.lS.,il.4W.. Sec.33, T. IN., R. 4 W do Sec.34,T.lN.,R.4W Sec.4,T.lS., R.4W.. Sec.5,T.lS.,R.4W.. Sec.26, T. IS., R. 4W 280 282 329 Seaied ...do... 70 5 46 3 16 5 Sealed. Filled. Sealed Sealed. 367 370 389 416 457 458 470 20 34 46 Filled. ...do... Sealed. Filled. 6 11 Sealed. Filled. Casing stopped up. Filled. Do. Sealed. Filled. a These are the numbers by which the wells are designated in Water-Supply Paper 142. For further information regarding these wells see that paper. b Dry at depths given. c See well No. 118, p. 108. d Dry at 43 feet. THE RECORDS. 121 Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4\ miles east of San Bernardino. o- Date of measurement. Depth of • water level below top of original well. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below top of original well. 1892. Feet. 0.00 .00 1.25 3.00 10.80 14.25 14.25 15.11 22.41 25.66 25.00 28.33 27.31 25.30 21.66 19.60 19.80 20.35 22.21 23.21 25.21 26.75 26.92 28.85 29.42 30.21 30.78 29.90 31.92 32.10 32.92 33. 50 35.60 36.70 37.95 36.45 33.40 31.27 30.25 30.00 29.94 30.00 32.46 33.86 34.50 34.71 35.15 35.35 35.98 36.17 36.42 36.54 36.83 37.06 1904. Jan.9 Feet. 37.31 Jan.16 37.56 1893 Jan. 23. . 37.68 April Feb.l 37.79 Feb. 15... . 37.96 1894 Feb. 29 38.23 MovPTTiVipr Mar. 10 38.37 Mar. 30 38.56 1896 Apr. 9 38.33 June 13 38.08 July 12 38.60 1898 July 29 38.95 Aug. 5 39.12 Nov 28 Sept. 26 40.29 Oct.3 40,59 1899 Oct. 10 40.82 Jan 17 Oct. 17 40.96 Mar 4 Oct.24 41.11 Oct 7 - ... Nov. 7 41.44 Nov. 15 41.84 1900 Nov. 21 42,01 Januarv Dec. 3 .... 42.17 Jime22 . . Dec. 10 42.37 Oct 25 Dec. 17 42.62 Dec. 10 Dec. 24 42.66 1901. Feb. 19... . 1905. Jan. 2 42,78 Mar 15 . . Jan. 9 .' 42,87 Mar. 28 Jan. 13 42.20 Apr. 3 . . Jan. 20 42.36 Apr. 13 Jan. 27 42.44 May 4 Jan. 31 42.47 May 29 . . . . Feb, 4 42.47 July 8 Mar. 6 39.76 Aug. 7 Mar. 16 39.04 Aug. 10 Mar. 28 34.92 Sept.6 Apr. 3 34.18 Oct. 12 . Apr. 7 33,33 Nov. 4 . . . Apr. 12 32,56 Nov. 19. Apr.l9 31.43 Dec. 5 Apr. 25 30.20 May 3 29.12 1902 May 10 27,96 Jan .30 May 17 ^ 26. 19 Jan. 31 •- May 24 24,50 June 11 May 31 23.82 July 26 23.40 Sept.22 June 14 23.21 Dec 9.. June21 23.21 June 27 23.28 1903 July 7 - 23.43 Feb. 5 July 18 24.01 Mar. 23 July 26 24.68 Apr. 13 . Aug. 2 25,19 Apr. 25 Aug. 11 25.00 May 10 Aug. 19 26.50 May 15. Aug. 26 27,12 May 25 Sept. 2 27.76 May 27 Sept. 9 28.42 Sept 8 Sept. 16. . . 28,98 Sept. 30 Sept. 23 29.47 Oct. 23 ... . Sept. 30 . ... 30,02 Oct 31 Oct. 7 . . 30.50 Nov. 9 Oct. 14 31.00 Nov. 16 Oct. 21 31.43 Nov 28 Oct 28 . 31.93 Dec. 5 Nov. 4 32.72 Dec. 12 Nov. 11 . ... 32.97 Dec 19 Nov 18... 33.02 Dec. 26 Nov. 25 33.05 Dec. 31 Dec. 2.. 33.07 o Record furnished by the Gage Canal Co. 122 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4^ miles east of San Bernardino — Contd. Date of measurement. 1905— Continued Dec. 9 Dec.16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 1906. Jan.3 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar.l9 Mar. 27 Mar.31 Apr.7 Apr. 14 Apr.21 Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 June2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30 July7 .• July 14 July 21 July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept.l Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov.3 Nov.lO Nov.17 Nov.24 Dec.l Dec.8 Dec. 15 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec, 29 1907. Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Jan.l9 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb.9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 Mar.2 Mar.9 Mar.l8 Mar.23 Mar.30 Apr. 6 ) Depth of water level loelow •top of original well. Feet. 33.08 33.06 33.05 33.08 33.30 33.36 33.47 33. 50 33.32 33.16 32.94 32. 61 32.16 31.84 29.07 24.42 21.37 18.61 16.79 15.66 14.83 14.18 13.97 13.98 13.87 13.44 12. 58 12.28 12.22 12.23 12.47 12.69 12.97 13.43 13.83 14.27 14.83 15.37 15.98 16.27 16.70 17.15 17.58 18.18 18.59 19.09 19.60 19.92 22.46 23.12 23.28 23.41 23.44 23.45 22.78 22.50 21.28 18.31 17.43 14.73 13.75 13.50 13.06 12.66 12.33 11.47 10.97 10.08 9.73 8.81 8.10 Date of measurement. 1907— Continued Apr.13 Apr, 20 Apr. 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May25 June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 20 July27 Aug.3 Aug. 10 Aug.l7 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 : Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Sept.23 Sept. 30 Oct.5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov.lO Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 1908. Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 27 Feb.l Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar.l4 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr.7 Apr.ll Apr.l8 Apr.25 May2 May 9 May 16 May25 May 30 . . Junel June6 June 13 June20 June 27 July4 July 6 July 11 July 13 July 18 July 20 July 25 Aug.l THE RECORDS. 123 Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4^ miles east of San Bernardino — Contd. Aug. Aug. 15. Aug. 17. Aug, 22. Aug. 29. Sept. 5 . . Sept. 12. Sept. 19. Sept. 26. Oct. 3... Oct. 10.. Oct. 17.. Oct. 24.. Oct. 31.. Nov.7-- Nov.14. Nov. 24. Nov. 28. Dec. 8... Dec. 12.. Dec. 19.. Dec. 26.. Jan. 2 . . Jan. 9.. Jan. 16. Jan. 23. Jan. 30. Feb. 6.. Feb. 13. Feb. 20. Feb.27. Mar.7.., Mar. 13. Mar. 20. Mar. 27. Apr.3.. Apr. 10. Apr. 17. Apr. 24. May 1... May 8. . . May 15. May 22. . May 29. . Junes.. June 12. June 19. Jtuie26.. July 3... July 10. . July 17.. July 24. . July 31.. Aug. 7.. Aug. 14. Aug. 21. Aug. 28. Sept. 4.. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Sept. 25. Oct. 2... Oct.9... Oct. 16.. Oct. 23.. Oct. 30.. Nov. 6.. Nov. 13. Nov. 20. Nov. 27. Dec. 4... Dec. 11.. Dec. 18.. Dec. 25.. Feet. 17.14 17.31 17.35 17.84 18.46 18.74 18.81 18.94 19. 05 19.17 19.33 19.84 19.98 20.17 20.37 20.48 20.81 20.83 20.88 20.93 20.90 20.90 Jan. 8. Jan. 15. Jan. 22. Jan. 29. Feb. 5... Feb. 12. Feb. 14. Feb. 19. Feb. 26. Mar. 5... Mar. 12. Mar. 19. Mar. 26., Apr. 2... Apr. 5... Apr.9,.. Apr. 16.. Apr. 23.. Apr. 30.. May 7. . . May 14.. May 21.. May 28. . June 4... June 11. June 18. June 25. July?... July 9... July 16.. July 23.. July 30. . Aug. 6.. Aug. 13. Aug. 20. Aug. 27. Sept. 3.. Sept. 10. Sept. 17. Sept. 24. Oct. 1... Oct. 8... Oct. 15-. Oct. 22.. Oct. 29.. Nov. 5.. Nov. 12. Nov. 19. Nov. 26. Dec. 3... Dec. 10.. Dec. 17.. Dec. 24.. Dec. 31-. Jan, 7.. Jan.l4. Jan. 21. Jan. 30. Feb. 4.. Feb. 11. Feb. 18. Feb. 25. Mar. 4.. Mar. 11. Mar. 18. Mar. 25. Apr. 1.. Apr. 8.. Apr. 15. Apr. 22. Apr. 30. May 6. . May 13.. 1911. Feet. 8,00 7,13 6.67 6.33 6.13 6.01 5.99 5.98 6.02 6.10 6.27 6.32 6.39 6.38 6.32 6.31 6.25 6.23 6.90 7.46 7.78 8.04 8.32 8.75 9.25 9.58 9.96 10.95 11.15 11.76 12.01 12. 30 12.52 12.86 13.22 13.56 13.84 14.14 14.44 14.71 14.84 15.11 15.41 15.47 15.52 15.62 15.64 15.68 15.68 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.52 15.43 15.49 15.06 14.19 12.70 9.79 9.79 37 5 5, 5, 4.91 4.77 4.75 4.68 4.66 4.61 4,78 124 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN- CALIFORNIA. Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4h miles east of San Bernardino — Contd. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below top of original well. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below top of original well. 1911— Continued. May 20 Feet. 5.00 5.16 5.32 5.70 6.10 6.44 6.76 7.13 7.31 7.49 7.' 87 8.00 8.20 8.39 8.58 8.82 9.08 9.31 9.50 9.67 9.85 9.99 10.16 10.27 10.36 10.46 10. 53 10.67 10.76 10.83 10.93 10.99 11.08 11.11 11.15 11.21 11.27 11.30 11.35 11.40 11.49 11.56 11.55 11.42 10.51 10.04 9.61 9.10 8.67 8.26 8.10 7.87 7.84 7.83 7.93 8.04 8.21 8.37 8.80 9.10 9.23 9.79 10.21 10.68 11.26 12.05 12.87 13.05 13.29 13.52 13.88 13.90 1912— Continued. Oct 19 Feet. 13 97 May 27 Oct. 26 14 02 Junes Nov. 2 14 20 June 10 Nov.9 14 23 June 17 Nov. 16 14 26 June 24 Nov. 23 14 34 July 1 Nov. 30 14 43 Julys Dec. 7 14 53 July 15 Dec 14 14 62 July 22 Dec. 21 14 68 July 29 Dec. 28 14 75 Aug. 5 1913. Jan. 4 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 14.80 Aug. 26 Jan. 11 14 85 Sept. 2 Jan. 18 14 88 Sept. 9 Jan. 25 14 88 Sept. 16 Feb. 1 14 82 Sept. 23 Feb. 8 ^ 14. 80 Sept. 30 Feb. 15 .4 Feb. 22 14 71 Oct. 7 14.55 Oct. 14 Mar. 1 14 22 Oct. 21 Mar. 8 ... 14 03 Oct. 28 Mar. 15 13.70 Nov. 4 Mar. 22 13.39 Nov. 11 Mar. 29 13.16 Nov. 18 Apr. 5 13.07 Nov. 25 Apr. 12 13.06 Dec. 2 Apr. 19 13.08 Dec.9 Apr . 26 13.19 Dec. 16 May 3 13.41 Dec. 23 May 10 14 16 Dec. 30 May 17 15.25 May 24 . . 15.89 1912. May 31 15.93 Jan.6 June 7 16.10 Jan. 13 June 14 16 13 Jan. 20 June 21 16.20 Jan. 27 June 28 . . . ... 16.27 Feb.3 July 5 16.45 Feb. 10 July 12 16.65 Feb. 17 July 19 17 42 Feb, 24 July 26 17.64 Mar.2 Aug. 2 . . ... 17.80 Mar. 9 Aug. 9 18.00 Mar.l6 Aug. 16 18.22 Mar. 23 Aug. 23 18.47 Mar.30 Aug. 30 18.64 Apr. 6 Sept. 6. 18.74 Apr. 13 Sept. 13 18.90 Apr. 30(?) Sept. 20 19.04 Apr. 27 Sept. 27 19 19 May 4 Oct. 4 19.42 May 11 Oct. 11 19.60 May 18 Oct. 18 19.76 May25 Oct. 25 19.90 June 1 Nov. 1 20 05 June 8 Nov. 8 20.51 June 15 Nov. 15... 20.56 June 22 . Nov 22 20 57 Jime29 Nov. 29 20.47 July 6 Dec. 6 20.32 July 13 Dec. 13 20.03 July 20 Dec. 20 19.93 July 23 Dec. 27 19 86 Aug. 3 1914. Jan. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 19.56 Aug. 24 Jan. 10 19.33 Sept. 7 Jan. 17 19 01 Sept. 14 Jan. 24 18.17 Sept. 21 Jan. 31 14 83 Sept. 28 Feb. 7 14.04 Oct. 5 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 14.06 Oct. 12 11.06 THE RECORDS. 125 Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4h miles east of San Bernardino — Contd. Date of measurement. 1914— Continued Feb. 28 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar.21 Mar.28 Apr. 4 Apr.ll Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 May 9 May 1() , May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 Jime 20 June 27 July 4 July 11.. July 18 July 25 Aug.l Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct, 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 1915. Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 3 Apr. 10 Apr.17 Apr. 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 June 5 Jimel2 Jime 19 Jvme26 Julys July 10 July 17 Depth of water level below top of original well. Feet. 8.53 7.60 7.38 7.30 7.25 7.06 6.87 6.83 6.77 6.45 6.01 5.75 5.57 5.53 5.47 5.43 5.61 5.95 6.38 6.81 7.20 7.70 8.04 8. lo 8.87 9.26 9.65 10.08 10.39 10.75 11.11 11.48 11.74 11.87 12.03 12.11 12.17 12.20 12.32 12.36 12.44 12.46 12.45 12.37 Date of measurement. 1915— Continued July 24 July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct.l Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov, 20 Nov. 27 Dec. 3 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 25 1916. Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 Mar.ll Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 Jime 3 JvmelO June 17 June 24 Julyl Julys July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov.ll Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec.2 Dec.9 Depth of water level below top of original well. Feet. 4.85 5.24 5.51 5.85 6.16 6.27 6.69 7.01 7.30 7.53 7.84 8.14 8.37 8.54 8.69 8.83 8.84 8.62 8.55 8.52 8.33 7.99 7.72 126 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Record of water levels in the Williams well, about 4^ miles east of San Bernardino — Contd. Date of measurement. Dec. 16. Dec. 23. Dec. 29. Jan. 6 . . . Jan. 13.. Jan. 20.. Jan. 27.. Feb. 3.. Feb. 10. Feb. 17. Feb. 24. Mar. 3.. Mar. 10. Mar. 17. Mar. 24. Mar. 31. Apr. 7.. Apr. 14. Apr. 21. Apr. 28. May 5.. May 12. May 19. May 26. June 2.. June 9 . . June 16. June 23- June30. July 7.. July 14. July 21. July 28. Aug. 4.. Aug. 11. Aug. 18. Aug. 25. Sept. 1 . . Sept. 8.. Sept. 15. Sept. 22. Sept. 29. Oct. 6... Oct. 13.. Oct. 20. . Oct. 27.- Nov. 3.. Nov. 10. Nov. 17. Nov. 24. Dec.l.. Dec. 8.. Dec. 15. 1916— Continued. Depth of water level below top of original well. Feet. 2.33 2.30 2.24 2.08 1.93 1.78 1.61 1.50 1.35 1.32 1.26 1.25 1.22 1.13 1.07 1.07 1.12 1.23 1.34 1.42 1.46 1.57 1.62 1.66 1.72 1.82 1.94 2.12 2.37 2.64 2.91 3.13 3.37 3.51 3.67 3.88 4.08 4.23 4.36 4.52 4.65 4.81 4.93 5.08 5.15 5.20 5.24 5.23 5.22 5.16 5.09 5.01 4.93 Date of measurement. Dec. 22. Dec. 29. Jan. 5 . . Jan. 13.. Jan. 20. Jan. 26.. Feb. 2.. Feb. 9.. Feb. 16. Feb. 23. Mar. 2.. Mar. 9.. Mar. 16. Mar. 30. Apr. 6.. Apr. 13. Apr. 20. Apr. 27. May 4.. May 11. May 18. May 25. June 1 . . June 8.. June 15 . June 22. June 29. July 6.. July 13. Jul V 20. July 27. Aug. 3.. Aug. 10. Aug. 17. Aug. 24. Aug. 31. Sept. 7.. Sept. 21. Sept. 28. Oct. 5... Oct. 12.. Oct. 19.. Oct. 26. . Nov. 2.. Nov. 9.. Nov. 16. Nov. 23. Nov. 28. Dec. 7.- Dec. 14. Dec. 21. Dec. 28. 1917~Continued. 1918. Depth of water level below top of original well. Feet. 4.87 4.79 4.73 4.67 4.64 4.63 4.55 4.47 4.44 4.42 4.30 4.04 3.17 2.50 2.38 2.32 2.32 2.37 2.47 2.63 2.74 2.87 2.93 2.97 3.07 3.25 3.51 3.65 3.85 4.00 4.17 4.39 4.58 4.77 4.98 5.20 5.38 5.82 5.95 6.21 6.20 6.26 6.31 6.41 6.56 6.62 6.62 6.64 6.63 6.54 6.33 THE RECORDS. 127 SAN DIEGO COUNTY. In addition to the records of wells in the valley of southern Cali- fornia, records are given below for a few^ wells in the western part of San Diego County. Observations on the water levels in wells in that region were begun in 1912 by Arthur J. Ellis and Charles H. Lee. The data for many of these wells for the years 1912 to 1915 were published in Water-Supply Paper 446, in the form of diagrams showing graphically the fluctuations of the water table. Many wells that were measured during that period were destroyed by the floods in January, 1916. In the present report the basic data for all wells that are still being measm-ed are given complete since 1912, and data for a few new wells are included. The numbers cor- respond to those in Water-Supply Paper 446. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California. C7a. Well at Fairview Hotel, SW. \ sec. 20, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., Bonsall. [Dug well, 3 feet in diameter, dry rock curb. Bench mark: Top of 2-inch cover over dry rock curb. Alti- tude of bench mark, 162.14 feet above sea level. Companion for C7 in Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126.) Date of measurement. 1917. Feb. 11 May 25 Nov. 16 (cover removed, estimated). 1918. May 5 (cover replaced) . Aug. 26 Oct. 31 1919. May 19 June 17 (piunping). July 16 (pumping). Aug.l4 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 10 9 10 9 3 10 6 10 4 9 10 Date of measurement. ■^ 1919— Continued Oct. 2 Nov. 5 Dec. 3 1920. Feb.lO Mar. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 21 May 4 Jiuie9 Julvl5 Sep"t.l4 Oct. 7 Nov. 16 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 11 11 8 10 8 9 10 9 6 9 4 9 5 9 7 10 2 10 9 10 11 12 11 1 128 WATEK LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. C9. Well at east end of Monseratte rancho. [IJ-inch pipe 12 feet long driven on bank of San Luis Rey River. Bench mark: Top of pipe, 3.7 feet above surface, 268.72 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and Tl. XLII.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912. Apr.9 Ft. in. 4 10 4 10 4 1 4 3 5 5 2 5 5 7 5 \ 10 5 3 4 10 4 11 4 11 5 5 2 7 7 1913-Continued. July 25 (pipedrv) Ft. in. A r\r 1 Aug. 30 ( pipe dry) A T^f 10 Dec. 9 .*. 4 11 Mav22 1914. Jan. 23 . . . June 25 Jul v 11 4 11 Jul V 20 Mar. 1 4 11 Oct. 30 \pr.25 5 3 Dec. IS May 9 5 6 Aug. 19 7 3 1913. Jan. 2 1915. Aug. 2 Jan. 19 4 9 Feb. 20 Oct. 10 4 7 Apr. 18 1916. Destroyed by January flood May 9 June 13 CIO. Well in SW, J sec. 32, T. 9 S., R. 2 W., near Pala, locally known as Dal Higgins ranch. [Dug well. Bench mark: lO-p^nnv nail in top of 2 by 4 inch curb collar at northeast comer at surface, 313.06 feet above sea level. Watcr-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XLII.] Date of measurement. 1912 Mar.28 Apr.l2 Apr. 19 May 22 June 25 July 11 Sept. 20 , Oct. 30 , Nov. 26 , Dec. 18 1913 Jan. 2 Jan. 18 Feb. 20 Apr.l8 , May9 June 13 Juno 21 Julv25 Aug. 30 Oct. 6 Dec. 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 7 5 5 Date of measurement. Jan. 23.. Mar. 1 . . Apr. 25. Mav 9. . . July 29. Aug. 19. Nov. 12. Doc. 8... Dec. 22., Jan. 9.. Jan. 23. Feb. 5.. Feb. 24 . Mar. 12. Apr. 17. May 5. . May 31. July 5.. Aug. 2.. Oct. 10. 1914. 1915. Destroyed by flood. 1916. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 6 5 5 7 7 THE RECORDS. 129 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. F3. County well in SW. J sec. 18, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., San Luis Rey. [Dug well, 12 feet 8 inches deep, 5 by 5 feet in cross section. Bench mark: Upper surface of cover, south west corner of wood curb 3 feet above surface, 35.10 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446 Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measurement. Mar. 28 Apr. 13 (pumping). Apr. 18 Apr. 19 May 21 Jime 15 June2t July 10 Sept. 22 Oct.31 Dec. 31 1912. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1913. Jan. 2 Jan. 18 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Mar.8 Mar. 21 (pumping) Apr. 8 May 8 (pumping) June 12 June 21 July 26 Auc.19 Sept. 29 (pumping) ... Oct.l Dec. 9 Ft. in. 7 2 6 11 6 7 6 5 6 10 7 11 7 8 8 2 Jan. Mar. Apr. May July Aug, Nov, Nov. Dec. Dec. 1914. 28 (pumping) . 19 14 25 (pumping). 14. Jan. 9.. Jan. 24. Feb.5... Feb. 24. Mar. 12. Apr. 18.. Apr. 29. May 5.. 1915. 8 1915— Continued. May 31 July 6 Aug.3 Sept. 16 (pumping) Sept. 17 Oct. 10 Feb. 24., June9... June 21. Aug.3.. Sept. 17. Nov. 21 . Feb. 12. Apr. 11. May 25.. June 9.. Nov. 16. May 5.. Aug. 26- Oct.31. Dec. 5.. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. Feb. 3 Mar. 20 Apr. 23 May 18 June 17 July 16 Aug. 14 Oct. 2 Nov.5 Dec. 3 1920. Feb. 2 Mar. 4 Apr. 21 May 4 June 9 July 15 Oct. 7 (wet sand at 12 ft. 4 in.). . Nov. 19 (wet sand at 12 ft. 4 in.) , Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 8 10 3 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 10 11 1820°— 21— wsp 468- 130 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued, F13. Charles Forman, SW. \ sec. 18, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., San Luis Rey. [Dug well, 10. 3 feet deep, 3 by 3 feet in cross section. Bench mark: Two copper tacks in top of curb post at northwest comer of curb at surface, 27. 87 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XLII.] Date of measurement. 1912. Mar.28 Apr.l3 Apr. 18 May21 June 15 June 26 July 10 Sept. 22 Oct. 31 Dec. 5 1913. Jan. 2 Jan. 18 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Mar.8 Mar. 13 Mar. 21 Apr.8 May 8 June 12 July 26 Au?. 19 Sept. 29 Nov.l Dec. 9 1914. Jan. 30 Mar. 9 Apr. 18 May 9 July 28 Auij. 19 Nov.14 Dec. 9 Dec. 14 1915. Jan. 9 Mar. 18 May 31 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 5 3 4 4 3 Date of measurement. July 6. . . Aug. 3.. Sept. 16. Oct. 10. . 1915— Continued. Aug. 3.. Aug. 16. Sept. 17. Nov. 25. 1916. Feb. 11... Apr. 11.... May 25. . . Jiuie9.... 1917. 1918. May 5 (pumping) . Aug. 26 Oct. 31 (pumping). 1919. Feb.3 Mar. 20 Apr. 23 (pumping). May IS(piunping). June 17 (pumping). July 16 Aug. 14 Oct. 2 Nov. 5 Dec. 3 1920. Feb. 10 (piunping). Mar. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 21 May 4 June 9 (pumping) . Oct. 7 Nov. 19 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 5 6 6 8 7 4 7 5 7 5 8 1 10 4 9 9 5 9 10 9 9 9 11 7 6 7 5 7 7 1 9 4 11 11 5 THE RECORDS. 131 Records of water levels in ivells in San Diego County, California — Continued. F17. Charles Forman, SW. i sec, 8, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., San Luis Rey. [Dug well, 14.8 feet deep, 7 feet in diameter. Bench mark: North side of cover of opening through wooden deck 4 feet above surface, 51.82 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and Pl.XLIL] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912. Mar. 28. Ft. in. 10 4 10 1 9 8 9 8 9 11 10 3 11 2 11 4 11 11 11 1 10 11 10 9 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 8 11 11 1 U 4 11 7 11 11 11 5 11 4 11 5 8 10 8 U 9 5 10 10 10 11 1 11 5 11 11 10 8 10 7 8 9 7 8 8 4 8 9 8 2 9 1 1915— Continued. July 6. Ft. in. 9 9 Apr 13 Aug 3 10 3 Apr. 19 Sent. 16 11 4 May 21. Oct. 10 11 2 June 24 1916. Jan 12 July 10.. . Sept 22 10 6 Oct. 31 Feb.24 7 7 Dec. 31.. June 9 9 10 July 18 10 4 1913. Aug. 19 10 9 Jan. 2. Sept. 17. 10 11 Jan. 18 Nov. 24 10 11 Feb. 14.... 1917. Feb. 12 Feb.21 Mar. 8 9 6 Mar, 21... . .. Apr. 11 .. 9 4 Apr 8 May 25 9 6 May8 June 9 9 8 June 12 Nov, 16 11 2 June 21 1918. May 5 July 26... Aug, 19. 10 4 Sept. 29 Aug. 26 11 3 Nov. 1 . . . Oct. 31 . ... 11 10 Dec, 9. 1919. Feb.3 1914. U 9 Jan. 30 Mar. 20 U 9 Feb. 28 Apr 23 11 1 Mar, 9 May 18 11 3 Apr. 18 11 4 May9 . . July 16 11 8 Aug. 19. . Au'' 14 11 11 Nov. 13 Oct. 2 12 2 Nov, 25 Nov 5 12 5 Dec, 9 Dec, 3 12 6 Dec, 14 1920. Feb. 10 1915. 12 4 Jan. 9 . . Mar 4 12 2 Jan. 24 Apr. 6 11 11 Feb.5 Apr.21 11 9 Feb, 24 May 4 11 8 Mar. 12(piiTnping) June 9 11 3 Apr, 18 July 15 11 3 May 5 Oct 7 12 4 May 31 Nov. 19 12 8 132 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. F20. Edm. E. Richmond, SE. I sec. 5, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., San Luis Rey. [Dug well, 12.3 feet deep. Bench mark: Tack in top of cnrb at northwest corner, under cover 1 foot above surface, 64.55 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XLII.] Date of measurement 1912. Apr.15 Apr.l9 May 21 (affected by irrigation) June 24 July 10 Sept. 21 Oct. 31 Nov. 26 1913. Jan.2 Jan. 18 Feb. 14 Mar.8 Mar.21 Apr. 8 (affected by irrigation) . Mav8 June 12 June 21 Julv26 Aug. 19 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 Dec. 9 1914. Jan. 30 Mar. 9 Apr.l8 May 9 (affected by irrigation) . Julv28 Aug. 19 Nov.13 Nov. 25 Dec. 9 Dec. 14 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 7 7 6 5 7 7 2 7 8 9 3 9 10 10 2 10 7 10 11 10 5 9 1 8 4 4 3 7 5 8 4 8 11 9 4 9 11 10 6 10 8 11 4 11 7 4 6 8 3 7 8 4 8 10 10 1 10 2 10 5 10 5 Date of measurement 1915. Jan. 9 Jan. 24 Feb. 5 Feb. 24 Mar.l2 Apr.l8 May 5 (affected by irrigation) . May31 July 6 (affected by irrigation) . Aug. 3 Sept. 17 Oct. 10 Jan. 11.. June 9... June 28. July 1... Aug. IS. Sept. 17. Nov. 25 . Feb. 12., Apr. 11 May 25 June 9 Nov. 16 1916. 1917. 1919 Feb. 3 Mar. 20 Apr. 23 May 18 June 17 (filled with sand) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 6 10 7 9 1 6 6 THE RECORDS. 133 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, CaZi/orma-— Continued. F21. Escondido Mutual Water Co., SW. \ sec. 4, T. 11 S., R. 4 W., San Luis Rey. [Dug well, 13.5 deep, 4 by 4 feet in cross section. Bench mark: Top of 3 by 4 inch timber under cover 2 feet above surface, 68.94 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measurement. 1912. Apr. 15 Apr.l9 May 21 (aflfected by irrigation) June 24 JulylO Sept. 21 Oct. 31 Nov.26 1913. Jan.2 Jan. 18 Feb. 14 Mar.8 Mar. 21 Apr. 8 (affected by irrigation) . Mav8 June 12 June 21 July26 Aug. 19 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 Dec. 9 1914. Jan. 30 Mar. 9 Apr. 18 (affected by irrigation) May 9 (affected by irrigation) . July28 Aug. 19 Nov.13 Nov. 25 Dec.9 Dec. 14 1915. Jan. 9 Jan. 24 Feb.5 Feb. 24 (affected by irrigation) Mar. 12 (affected by irrigation) Apr. 18 (aflfected by irrigation) May 5 (affected by irrigation) . May 31 (affected by irrigation) July 6 (affected bv irrigation). Aug.3 Sept. 17 Oct.lO Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 2 7 11 6 1 8 10 12 9 13 12 1 9 6 9 1 10 2 10 3 10 5 12 12 9 13 1 13 6 11 9 7 9 6 4 fi 9 10 10 5 12 12 2 12 4 12 5 12 7 12 6 9 8 6 11 7 7 5 8 7 6 5 8 9 10 1 10 7 Date of measiu-ement. 1916. Jan. 11 Jime 9 June 21 (affected by irrigation) July 1 (affected by irrigation) . July 18 Aug:. 17 Sept. 17 Nov.25 1917. Feb. 12 Apr. 12 May 25 June 9 Nov.16 1918. May 5 Aug. 26 Oct. 31 Dec. 5 1919. Feb.3 Mar.20 Apr. 23 May 18 June 17 July 16 Aug. 14 Oct.2 Nov. 5 Dec. 3 1920. Feb. 10 Mar. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 21 May 4 June 9 July 15 Oct. 7 Nov.19 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 8 9 9 2 9 5 9 5 11 11 9 7 11 4 12 4 U 1 11 10 12 8 13 13 4 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 2 10 7 11 8 13 13 10 134 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. G37. Santa Fe ranch, San Dieguito land grant, San Dieguito Valley. [Drilled well in bottom of shallow pit, casing 10 inches in diameter. Bench mark: Top of concrete at cast-iron cover over casing, 39.88 feet above sea level. Altitude of surface 43 feet above sea level in 1917. From Feb. 10, 1915, to Mar. 3, 1915, measurements made from surface. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 33, p. 134, and PI. XLI.] Date of measurement. 1913. Jan. 26 Mar.3 May 18 MaySl Jime 15 June 30 July 15 July 31 Aug. 15 Aug. 31 Sept. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 30 Dec. 15 Dec. 31 1914. Jan. 15 Jan. 31 Feb. 15 Mar.l5 Apr.l Apr.l5 Apr. 30 May 15 May 31 June 15 June 30 July 15 July 31 Aug. 15 Aug. 31 Sept. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. 15 Oct. 31 Nov. 15 Nov.30 Dec. 15 Dec. 31 1915. Jan. 15 Jan. 31 Feb.l Feb. 2 Feb.3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb.l4 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb.l7 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 10 8 10 10 11 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 2 3 1 3 11 7 1 7 8 10 8 11 8 11 9 4 8 5 8 10 8 3 8 10 8 11 8 11 8 11 9 1 2 2 Date of measurement. 1915 — Continued. Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb.27 Feb. 28 Mar. 1.. Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar.8 " Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 18 Mar.21 Mar.22 Mar,31 Apr. 1 1917. May 15 May 28 June 6 Jime 9 June 10 June 21 Julv7 Aug. 1 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 Sept. 2 Sept. 12 Sept. 16 Sept. 24 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 28 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov.17 Nov. 24 Dec.l Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 1918. Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb.9 Feb. 23 Mar.2 Mar.9 Mar.16 Mar.30 Apr 6 Apr.l3 Apr.20 Apr. 27 May 4 May 18 May 25 Jime 2 THE RECORDS. 135 Records of water in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. G37. Santa Fe ranch— Continued. Date of measurement. 1918— Continued. June 9 June 16 Jime23 June 30 July7 July 14 July 19 July 27 Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Sept.7 Sept. 15 Sept. 21 Sept. 30 Oct.5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov.24 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 1919. Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 9 8 1 8 5 8 5 8 11 9 1 9 9 10 3 10 5 10 4 10 1 10 10 10 4 9 11 10 10 1 10 3 10 6 9 9 8 8 8 6 8 4 7 10 7 6 7 11 7 11 7 10 7 11 8 8 1 Date of measurement. 1919— Continued Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Mar.l Mar.8 Mar. 15 Mar. 22 Mar.29 Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 June 7 June 14 June 21 Jime28 1920. Feb. 10 , Mar. 9 , Apr. 10 May 10 June 10 July 10 Sept. 16 , Nov. 19 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 1( 7 ( 7 < 7 10 4 10 6 10 10 10 6 11 10 10 11 11 4 J. H. Dinsmore, SE. i SE. I sec. 6, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., San Dieguito Valley. [Driven pipe, 2 inches in diameter, 18 feet deep. Established by the San Dieguito Mutual Water Co. for observing the depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of casing 3 feet 1 inch above surface, 20.98 feet above sea level.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Aug. 7.. 1918. Ft. in. 8 2 8 4 8 8 8 10 8 10 8 7 8 1 7 11 1919— Continued. June 17 Ft. in. 8 7 Aug. 24 July 9 8 11 Sept. 17 Aug. 5 . . 9 3 Oct. 12 Aug. 14 9 4 Nov.8 Aug. 26 9 4 Dec. 6 Oct. 1 9 7 1919. Nov. 6 9 10 Dec. 3 . 9 10 Feb. 3... Apr.23 136 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, Calijornia — Continued. HI. Roberts place, NE. J SW. i sec. 33, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., San Pasqual. [Curbed well , 24 feet 6 inches deep, 4 by 4 feet in cross section ; method of lift , gasoline engine and centrifugal pump. Bench mark: Top of 3 by 4 inch curb post at northwest corner, 3 feet 6 inches above surface, 382.73 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XLI.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912 Apr. 22 Mays May 15 May 23 June 22 July 13 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 Dec. 16 1913 Jan. 20 Feb. 14 Mar. 13 Mar. 19 Apr. 10 May 12 June 16 June 24 July 25 Aug. 20 Oct. 29 Dec.5 Dec. 22 Ft. in. 4 10 5 2 5 5 5 10 5 8 6 9 Date of measurement. Jan, 19. Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 13. Mar. 27. Apr. 3.. Apr. 11. Apr. 25. Mays.. May 27. July 14. Oct.l.. May . . . July 14. Aug. 2. Oct. 8.. 191i. 1915. 1916. Destroyed by January floods. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 7 5 4 4 9 5 5 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 3 11 5 4 5 1 6 1 THE RECORDS. 137 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. H5. F. M. Judson, SW. i sec. 35, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., San Pasqual. [Dug well, 11.0 feet deep, 3 by 3 feet in cross section. Bench mark: Tack in top of 2 by 3 inch curb post at southwest corner, 4 inches above surface, 419.44 feet above sea level. Water-Supplv Paper 446, PI. XLI.] Date of measurement. Apr. 22 May 5 May 15 May 23 June 22 July 13 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 Dec. 16 (pumping) . 1912. Jan. 20 Feb. 14 Mar. 13 Apr.lO May 12 June 16 June 24 July 28 Aug. 20 (pumping). Sept. 30 Oct. 29 Dec. 5 Dec. 15 1913. Jan. 19. Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 6.. Mar. 13. Mar. 27. Apr. 3.. Apr. 10. Apr. 25. Mays.. May 27. Oct. 14. 1914. Jan. 25. Aug. 2. Oct. 8. . 1915. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 5 6 11 6 1 6 1 Date of measurement. Jan. 12 Feb. 12 Apr. 12. May 21. June 8.. Nov. 17 Dec. 25 May 5. Oct. 6. Oct. 31. Dec. 5. Feb. 4. Mar. 18 May2 May 19 June 17 (pumping). July 9 Aug. 26 Oct. 1 (pumping). . Nov. 6 Deq. 4. Jan. 20. Feb. 12 Mar.5 Mar.29 Mar.30 Apr. 6 Apr.22 May 3 (pumping). June 2 June 24 Aug. 9 Sept. 27 Nov. 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 2 6 3 9 138 WATER LEVELS IK WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in well^ in San Diego County, California — Continued. H31. H. S. Meyers, NE. i SE. i sec. 33, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., San Pasqual. [Dug well, 4 by 4 feet in cross section, 7 feet deep, not used. Bench mark: Tack in top of 2 by 4 inch post at northwest corner of curb, 3 feet above surface, 384.97 feet above sea level. Water-Supplv Paper 446. Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XLI.] ff^f Date of measurement. 1912 Apr.22 May 5 May 15 May 23 June 22 July 13 Sept. 24 Dec.16 1913, Jan. 20 Feb. 14 Mar. 13 Mar.l9 Apr. 10 May 13 June 16 June 24 July 25 Aug. 20 Oct. 29 Dec. 5 Dec. 22 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. Date of measurement. Jan. 19. Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 0.. Mar. 13. Mar. 27. Apr. 3.. Apr, 10. Apr. 25. May 8.. May 27. Oct. 14. Jan. 2.5. Mav 4.. Aug. 2. Oct. 8.. 1916. Destroyed by January floods. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 6 3 2 3 3 4 3 H31a. Well in NW. J SW. J sec. 33, T. 12 S., R. 1 W., one-fourth mile west of San Pasqual Creamery. [Curbed well; method of lift, wind. Bench mark: Nail in top of 4 by 4 inch timber on north side of curb under cover, 2 inches above surface, 379.16 feet above sea level. Companion well for Nos. H31 and HI, Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measiu-ement. 1917. Apr. 12 June 8 Nov. 17 Dec. 25 1918. May 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 31 Dec. 5 1919. Feb. 4 Mar.l8 , May2 May 19 June 17 July 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 3 3 3 5 6 2 5 7 Date of measurement. 1919— Continued Aug. 26 Oct. 1 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 1920. Jan. 20 Feb. 12 Mar. 5 Mar. 29 Apr. 6 Apr.22 May 3 June 2 June 24 Aug. 9 Sept. 27 Nov. 9 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 8 7 8 11 8 9 THE RE COEDS. 139 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Contimied. H34a. San Diego County highway bridge over Santa Ysabel Creek in NE. J NW. i sec. 35, T. 12 S., R, 1 W., San Pasqual. [Bench mark: Nail at V notch in upstream side of pile at northeast corner of bridge, 426.27 feet above sea level. Companion for well No. H34, Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126.] Date of measurement. Feb. 12. Apr. 12. JvmeS.. Nov. 17. Dec. 25. 1917 Depth of water level below bench mark. 1918. May 5 (estimated 5 second-inches in river) Dec. 5 1919. Feb. 4.. Mar. 18. May 2. . . May 19. . June 17. July 9... Aug. 26. Ft. 2 2 2 3 5 3 7 Date of measurement. 1919— Continued Oct. 1 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 1920. Jan. 20 Feb. 12 Mar. 5 Mar. 29 Apr. 6 Apr. 22 Maya June 2 Jmie24 Aug. 9 (river flowing) Sept. 27 (Tlver flowing) Nov. 9 (river flowing) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 4 4 4 H37. H. A. Miles, Valle de Pamo land grant, Ramona. [Dugwell,32 feet deep, 5 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of concrete curb, at southwest side, 0.5 foot above surface, 1,438.50 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126, and PI. XLVII.] Date of measurement. 1915. Aug. 2 Oct.l 1916 June 10 Dec. 9 1917 May 21 Dec. 31 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 30 6 27 9 Date of measurement. May 6. Nov. 7. 1918. May 19. Jan. 31 Apr. 28 (pumping). Sept. 22 1919. 1920. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 25 6 26 7 26 11 28 4 28 140 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. H38. Mark Kearney, Valle de Pamo land grant, Ramona. [Dug well, 38 feet deep, 5 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of concrete curb, at southwest side, 2 inches below surface, 1,424.56 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126, and PI. XLVII.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Aug. 2 1915. Ft. in. 10 1 11 5 9 6 11 7 10 11 10 4 9 6 12 6 1919. May 19 .... Ft. in. 11 3 Oct. 1 1920. Jan. 30 1916. 13 1 Jvme 10. Apr. 28 8 11 Dec. 8 Sept. 21 12 8 1917. Feb. 10 9 8 Mar. 4... 9 9 May 21 May 5 9 8 Dec. 31 June 2 9 11 1918. July 1 10 1 Aug. 14 ... . 10 8 May 5. . . Sept. 16 10 11 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 11 2 K31. L. H. Icovich, Ex Mission San Diego, Mission Valley. [Dugwell, 24.3 feet deep, 6 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of concrete curb, at east side, IfootSinches above surface, 95.70 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126.] Aug. 1 . Oct. 1. Date of measurement. 1915. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 16 9 21 5 Date of measurement. 1920 Apr. 29 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 4 10 3 K33. G, S. Beach, Pueblo Lands of San Diego, Old Town. [Dug well, 8feet deep. Bench mark: Notch in 2 by 4 inch post ac southwest comer of curb, 4 inches below suriace, 10.89 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Aiif 1 1915. Ft. in. 6 2 6 6 1 9 5 5 2 11 1918. May8 Ft. in. 3 11 Oct. 9 Oct. 31 6 June 15 1916. 1919. May 21 5 6 Dec. 23 1920. Feb 2 1917. 6 2 May 25.. Apr.29 Aue. 9 4 5 10 Sept. 23 6 2 THE EECOEDS. 141 Records of ivater levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. K84a. George W. Johnson, Mission Valley, near county poor farm. [Drilled well, 77 feet deep, 8-mch casing, sunk in April, 1916. Benchmark: Top of casing at surface. Com- panion well to K84. Water-supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 126.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Mar. 6 1918. Ft. in. 5 11 14 8 16 11 16 7 1920. Feb.2 Ft. in. 7 6 Mays Apr. 29 16 4 Oct 31 June 2 17 2 1919. Sept . 23 18 May 21. L5. G. E. Philbrook, El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Dug well, 7 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Tack in top of wood curb on west side, 1 foot 5 inches above surface, 413.40 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127.] Date of measurement. Oct. IS., Nov. 17. Dec. 27. 1912. 1913. Apr. 12 May 12 June 17 (pinnping). Aug. 23 (pumping). Oct. 1 (pumping). . Oct. 30 Jan. 21. Mar. 5.. Apr. 20. July 12. Oct. 13. Aug.2 Oct. 1 (pumping). Oct.8 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. 1 n. 12 4 11 3 11 9 3 10 2 15 9 15 2 17 5 13 8 12 3 9 6 10 11 10 2 13 2 10 4 16 12 Date of measurement. 1916 June 10 (pumping) Dec. 14 1917 May22 Dec. 22 1918 May8 Oct. 31 1919 May 19 1920 reb.3 Apr.24 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov.17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 4 8 2 7 10 10 9 8 3 13 6 11 9 7 10 12 7 12 3 12 1 142 WATER LEVELS IN^ WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L7a. Cuyamaca Water Co., EI Cajon land grant, Lakeside. [Dug well. Bench mark: Three notches in top of curb arc, on east side, 3 feet below surface, 435.25 feet above sea level. Prior to October, 1914, measurements were made from top of curb cover, about 1 foot 1 inch higher than bench mark. Water-Supplv Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and Pi. XL.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1912 June 25 July22 Aug. 15 Sept. 10 Oct.9 Dec. 27 1913 Jan. 22 Feb.17 Mar.l5 Apr.l2 May 13 Junel9 Aug. 23 Oct.l Oct. 30 Ft. in. 6 3 6 11 7 8 8 8 6 7 8 Jan. 20.. Mar. 3... Apr. 20. May 13.. Aug. 21. Sept. 3.. Sept. 10. Aug. 1. Oct. 1. 1915. Jan. (.destroyed) . 1916. Ft. 8 5 6 5 8 9 9 in. L7e. Cuyamaca Water Co., El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Drilled well. Bench mark: Top of casing 1 foot above surface, 436.57 feet above sea level, well to L7a. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127.] Companion Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1919 Aiig. 21 (pumping) Aug.2S Sept. 3 (pumping) Sept. 8 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 (pumping) . . . Oct. 3 (pumping) Oct. 10 (pumping) Oct. 17 (Dimioing) Oct. 24 (pumping) Oct. 30 (pum ping) Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov.18 Nov.25 Nov.30 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Ft. in. 15 11 15 6 15 6 13 11 10 11 3 1919— Continued Dec. 19 Dec. 26 Dec. 31 1920. Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 16 Feb. 3 Feb.25 Apr.l3 Apr.27 May 18 June 10 July 10 Sept.l Sept. 20 Nov. 12 Ft. in. 9 11 4 10 THE KECORDS. 143 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. Lll. James Ballantyne, El Cajon land grant, Santee. [Dug "well, 26 feet deep, 5 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Roofing tack in top of curb, on west side, 7 inches above surface, 354.61 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and Pi. XLVII.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1913 Jan. 28 Apr.l2 May 15 June 20 (pumping) Aug. 23 (pumping) Oct. 1 (pumping) Oct. 30 1914 Mar.6 Apr.4 Oct. 13 (pumping) 1915. Aug.l Oct.l Ft. 17 16 16 IS 19 19 17 17 10 17 . 6 18 11 1916. Jmie 12 Dec. 19 (pumping) , 1917. May 23 , Dec. 31 (pumping by electric motor) . Mays.. Oct. 31. 1918. May 21 (pumping) . 1919. Feb. 3. Apr. 24 . 1920. Ft. in. 12 8 13 4 14 6 17 5 18 10 16 9 L63. Father Ummerman, El Cajon land grant, Foster. [Drilled well, 70.0 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter. Bench mark: Top of casing in concrete pit, 3 feet 2 inches below surface, 425.09 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127, and PI. XL.] Date of measurement. Aug. 2. Oct.l.. 1915. 1916. June 10 (January floods filled pit with debris) May 22. Oct. 31. 1917. May 8. . Oct, 31. 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 2 10 4 8 Date of measurement. 1919. May 19 1920. Feb. 3 Feb. 25 Mar. 16 Apr. 6 Apr. 24 May 25 Julvl4 Aug. IS Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov.17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 4 9 4 9 2 8 10 5 9 4 5 3 9 5 6 6 6 144 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L63a. Sumner ranch. El Cajon land grant, Foster. [Driven well, 2 inches in diameter, equipped with well point. Installed by Cuj'amaca Water Co. for observ^ing depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of casing 3.5 feet above surface, 432.85 feet above sea level. Companion well to L63. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127.] Date of measurement. 1919. Oct. 21 Nov. 4 Nov.21 Dec. 20 1920. Jan. 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 14 11 13 11 13 11 13 6 Date of measurement. 1920— Continued Mar. 16 Apr. 6 Apr. 2S May 25 July 14 Aug. 18 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 3 4 9 5 10 7 8 L65. G. E. Philbrook, El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Dug well, 7 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of curb on east side, 2 inches above surface, 4l2.20feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 146, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XL ] Date of measurement. 1912. Oct. 18. Nov. 13. Dec. 27. 191.3. Jan. 28 Apr. 12 May 12 June 17 (pumping). Aug. 23 Oct. 1 (pumping) . . Oct. 30 Jan. 21., Apr. 20. May 12. . Oct. 13.. Nov. 10. 1914. Mar. 11 ... . Aug. 2 Oct. 1 (pumping). Oct. 8 1915. 1916. June 10. Dec. 19. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 11 10 3 10 5 10 9 9 11 12 16 7 12 4 12 10 12 1 10 7 9 10 12 10 13 4 6 11 10 8 11 11 5 10 Date of measurement. 1917, May 22 Dec. 22 1918. May 8 Oct. 31 1919. May 19 Oct. 21 Nov. 4 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 1920. Jan. 16 Feb. 3 Feb. 25 Mar. 16 Apr. 6 Apr. 24 May 2.^ Julv 14 Aug. 18 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov.17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 4 10 7 9 4 11 7 11 9 11 11 11 8 THE RECORDS. 145 Records of loater levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L65a. Barttell ranch. El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Driven well, 2 inches in diameter, equipped with well point. Installed by Cuyamaca Water Co. for observing depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of casing, 3 feet 7 inches above surface. Altitude of bench mark, 408.51 feet above sea level. Companion well to L65. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1919. Oct 21 Ft. in. 8 5 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 8 6 9 1920— Continued. Mar. 16 Ft. in. 5 6 Nov. 4 . Apr.6 3 10 Nov 21 Apr. 24 4 5 Dec 20 May 25 5 July 14 6 11 1920 Aug. 18 7 11 Jan 16 Sept. 20 8 5 Feb. 3 Oct. 22 8 7 Feb 25 Nov. 17 8 6 L70. U. S. Geological Survey, El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [River gage. Zero of gage, 5 feet below surface; 405.00 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XL.] Date of measurement. Gage readings at water piano. Date of measurement. Gage readings at water plane. 1912. June 25 Ft. in. 2 8 1 8 1 3 1 8 2 4 2 5 1 10 5 -5 5 2 1 -5 1915. Aug. 2 Ft. in. 1 10 Aug 17 Oct. 1 . 6 Nov. 13 1916. Dec. 4 (estimated 10 second-feet in river) . 1917. May 23 (estimated 20 second-feet in river) . Dec. 27 1913. Jan. 28 4 6 May 12 (0. 2 second-foot in river) .... June 19 5 Aug. 24 1 10 Oct. 1 1918. May 8 (estimated 0.2 second-foot in river). Oct. 30 1914. 4 70 _1 Apr. 20 Aug. 21 Oct. 13 L70a. H. Thum, El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Driven well, 2-inch pipe, equipped with well point. Installed by Cuyamaca Water Co. for observing depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of casing, 3.5 feet above surface, 414.85 feet above sea level. Companion well to L70. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measurement. 1919 Oct. 21 Nov. 4 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 1920 Jan. 15 Feb.3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 12 2 Date of measurement. 1920— Continued Apr.l3 Apr. 24 May25 July 10 Sept. 1 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 10 2 11 11 12 2 12 4 12 3 1820°— 21— wsp 468- -10 146 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L75. EI Monte ranch. El Cajon land grant (Cape Horn), Lakeside. [Drilled well, 20 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter. Bench mark: Top of casing at surface. Water-Supplv Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PI. XL.] Depth of water Depth of water Date of measurement. level below bench mark. Date of measurement. level below bench mark. Dec. 12. 1913. Ft. in. 19 3 9 3 Jan. 16. May 10. Aug. 1 . . Oct. 1 1915. Ft. in. 18 5 1914. 6 3 8 6 July 1 . 12 June 12. 1916. 8 7 L75a. Cuyamaca Water Co., EI Cajon land grant (Cape Horn), Lakeside. [Driven well, 3-inch pipe, equipped with well point. Installed by Cuyamaca Water Co. for observing depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of casing, 4.5 feet above surface. Companion well to L75. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130.] Date of measurement. 1919 Oct.21 Nov. 4 Nov. 21 Dec.l9 1920 Jan. 15 Feb.3 Feb.25 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 25 2 25 6 25 11 22 11 Date of measurement. 1920— Continued Apr.l3 Apr.27 May 18 June 10 July 10 Sept.l Sept. 20 Nov. 12 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. L78. Gay estate, El Cajon land grant. Lakeside. [Drilled well, 52.8 feet deep, 12 inches in diameter. Bench mark: Top of casing, 10 inches above surface, 401.66 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127, and PI. XLIII.] Date of measurement. 1915. Aug. 2 Oct.l 1916. June 12 Dec. 14 1917. Dec. 22 1918. May 8 Oct. 31 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 1 13 4 10 7 5 11 Date of measurement. 1919, May 19 1920, Feb.3 Feb.25 Mar. 16 Apr. 13 Apr.24 May 25 July 10 Sept. 1 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 Nov.17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 9 5 THE RECORDS. 147 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L83. San Francisco Savings Union, El Cajon land grant, Santee. rDrilled well, 68 feet deep, 10 inches in diameter. Bench mark: Top of casmg, 1.5 feet above surface, 364.48 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127, and PI. XL. ] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Aug. 1 . 191.-. Ft. in. 6 8 8 6 1916. Destroyed by January floods Ft. in. O^t 1 L83a. Cuyamaca Water Co., El Cajon land grant, Riverview. [Driven well, 2-inch pipe, equipped with well point. Installed by Cuyamaca Water Co. for observing depth of water plane. Bench mark: Top of pipe, 4 feet above surface, 370.81 feet above sea level. Chosen for a companion for well L83. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127.] Date of measurement. 1919. Oct. 21 Nov. 4 Nov.21 Dec. 20 -- 1920, Jan. 15 rcb.3 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 7 11 7 9 7 5 7 3 7 3 Date of measurement. 1920— Continued. Feb. 25 Apr. 13 Apr, 27 May 25 . . .-. July 12 Sept. 1 Oct. 22 Nov. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 6 7 6 5 6 7 L85. William Thum, El Cajon land grant, Santee. (Dug well, 22.8 feet deep, 10 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of curb on west side, at S'lrface, 335.00 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. ^ 27.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 21 . 1919. Ft. in. 12 5 12 5 12 8 12 3 12 2 12 1 1920— Continued. Feb. 25... Ft. in. 10 1 Nov. 4..- - Apr 13 8 7 Nov. 21 Apr. 27 8 2 Dec. 20 . May 25 8 3 1920. July 12 9 9 Sept. 1 . . 10 9 Jan, 15 . Nov. 17 11 1 Feb.3 148 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. * Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. L96. El Cajon land grant. El Cajon. [Dug well, 26 feet deep, 6 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of hexagonal wood cm-b on west side, 2 inches above surface, 441.80 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 31, p. 130, and PL XLVII.] Date of measurement. 1915. Aug. 1 Oct.8 1916. June 12 Dec. 15 1918. Jan. 1 May S Nov. 1 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 4 12 1 12 11 10 13 8 Date of measurement. 1919. May 21 1920. Feb. 2 July? Sept. 17 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 13 8 15 4 15 4 16 3 018. L. C. Kincaid, La Nacion land grant, Sunnyside. [Dug well, 12 feet 8 inches deep, 8 feet in diameter. Bench mark: Top of concrete curb on northwest side, at surface, 89.48 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 127, and PI. XXXVII.] Date of measurement. 1915 Jan. 7 Feb. 19 Aug. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 9 (pumping) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 8 3 5 4 6 11 7 10 11 3 Date of measurement. 1916. January (destroyed by floods) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 018a. L. C Kincaid, La Nacion land grant, Sunnyside. [Drilled well. Bench mark: Top of casing, 2 feet below surface. Lift, gasoline engine and centrifugal pump. Companion well for 018. Water-Supply Paper 446,Table 30, p. 127. Well 200 feet northeast of 018, which was destroyed by floods of January, 1916.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 11 6 Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1920. Apr. 29 1920-€ontimied. Oct. 24 Ft. in. 12 11 THE RECORDS. 149 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. 029. F. M. Winship, La Nacion land grant, Chula Vista. [Dug well 57.0 feet deep, 4 by 4 feet in cross section. Lift, windmill; use, domestic purposes. Bench mark: Top of wood curb on north side, 9 inches above surface, 62.14 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 128.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Dec 5 1914. Ft. in. 51 3 50 8 50 8 51 2 1916. June 16 Ft. in. 49 10 1915. Dec. 17 50 9 1917. May 22 Aue. 1 49 5 ocLQ."::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- 1918. Jan. 2. . 49 5 May 8 49 7 Oct. 31 (destroyed) " [Dug and drilled well, 90 feet deep. 56.30 feet above sea level 039. W. F. Clark, NW. i sec. 23, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., Otay. Bench mark: Top of concrete curb on east side, 1 foot above surface, Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 128, and PI. XLV.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. i Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1914. Oct. 2 Ft. in. 36 5 35 5 32 8 38 4 May 24.. Jan. 2.. 1917. Ft. in. 29 10 Oct. 30 1918. 1915. 31 2 Mar. 3 May 8 31 7 Aug. 1 . - Oct. 31. May 21. Feb. 2.. 31 7 Oct. 9 (pnmpiTip) 1919. 1916. 32 2 Jan. 27 (was overtopped 7 feet during flood caused by failure of Lower Otay dam)... 1920. 32 10 Apr. 29. Oct. 24. 31 8 June 14. 30 9 30 6 33 1 Dec. 17 083. San Diego Construction Co., La Nacion land grant, Chula Vista. [Dug well, 63.0 feet deep. Bench mark: Top of timber on south side of wood curb, at surface, 57.60 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 128.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Dec. 5... 1914. Ft. in. 50 1 49 9 50 2 49 2 50 4 1917. May 24 Ft. in. 49 1 Aug. 1.. 1915. 1918. Jan. 2 47 8 Oct 9...:. May 8... 47 11 1916. Oct. 31 48 11 June 14. 1919. Dec. 17.. 150 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. 089a. J. Rhodeos, NE. \ see. 24, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., Otay. [Dug well, 33 feet deep, 3 by 3 feet in cross section. T.ift, wind. TTsed for domestic purposes and irrigation. Bench mark: Top of 2-inch wood curb, 1 foot 5 inches above surface. Companion well to Nos. 088 and 089. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 128.] Date of measurement. June 14 . Dec. 17. 1916. May 24 (pumping) . 1917. Jan. 2. May 8.. Nov. 1. 1918. Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 20 2 19 10 21 20 8 21 6 Date of measurement. 1919. May 21 1920. Feb. 2 Apr. 29 (pumping slowly) Oct. 24 (pumping) Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 22 4 22 10 22 8 30 4 O104. Alfonso Fredericks, SW. i sec. 28, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., Nestor. [Drilled well, 70 feet 6 inches deep, 12 inches in diameter, not used. Bench mark: Top of casing between timbers, 1 foot above surface, 53.30 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 129, and PI. XLV.J Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Nov. 5.. 1914. Ft. in. 49 8 47 3 47 6 47 8 45 1 45 8 44 10 Jan. 2.. 1918. Ft. in. 46 1915. May 8.. 45 8 Nov. 1. May 21. Feb. 2.. 47 2 June 29 1919. Aug. 1 Oct. 9 47 4 June 14. 1916. 1920. 48 1 Dec 17 Apr. 29. Oct. 24. 47 11 1917. 49 8 May 24.. 0118. Well in SW. i sec. 33, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., Tia Juana Valley. [Driven well, 16 feet 6 inches deep, IWnch pipe; not used. Bench mark: Top of flange at head of l^inch pipe, 1 foot 10 inches above surface? 26.80 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 129, and PI. XXXVI.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Oct. 30 . 1914. Ft. in. 17 2 7 2 9 4 10 6 6 3 6 11 1917. May 24 Ft. in. 6 8 Apr 10 1915. 1918. Jan. 2 9 4 Aug 1 May 8 (destroyed) Oct. 9 .Tune 14 1916. Dec. 17 THE RECORDS. 151 Records of water levels in wells in San Diego County, California — Continued. OllSa. Well in SW. J sec. 33, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., Tia Juana Valley. [Due well. Lift, gasoline engine and centrifugal pump. Bench mark: Top of 1-inch cover, at surface. Companion well to 0118. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 129.] Date of measurement. Mays., Nov. 1 . 1918. 1919. May 21 (pumping) . Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 7 7 9 Date of measurement. 1920 Feb. 2 Apr. 29 Oct. 24 Depth of water level below bench mark. Ft. in. 10 11 7 8 10 4 O140. Little Landers Colony, NW. J sec. 1, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., Tia Juana Valley. [Drilled well, 30 feet deep, 12 inchesin diameter. Bench mark: Top of casing, 1 foot 2 inches below sur- face, 52.22 feet above sea level. Water-Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 129, and PI. XXXVI.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. 1915. Jan. 19 . . . Ft. in. 6 3 2 ' 8 3 3 3 10 1916. Jime 14 Ft. in. 2 2 Jiuie 5 Dec. 17 2 5 Aug. 1 1917. May 24 (covered up) Oct. 9 . . .. .. O140a. Mrs. A. W. Jackson, near center of sec. 1, T. 19 S., R. 2 W., Tia Juana Valley, [Drilled well, 18 feet deep; lift, gasoline engine and centrifugal pump; used for irrigation and domestic pur- poses. Bench mark: Top of board casing, 6 inches above surface. Companion well to O140. Water- Supply Paper 446, Table 30, p. 129.] Date of measurement. Depth of water level below bench mark. Date of measurement Depth of water level below bench mark. Mar. 15. 1918. Ft. in. 5 7 6 7 6 1 1920. Feb. 2 Ft. in. 8 6 Nov. 1 Apr. 29 5 6 1919. Oct. 24 7 9 May 21. INDEX. A. Page. Ainley , — , record of well of 81 Alcssandro, records of wells near 73-74 Allen, F. R., record of well of r,8 Alley, Charles, record of well of 58 Alvarado, F., record of well of 92 Anaheim, record of well near 44-J6 Andrews, T. D., record of well of 37 Arnez, M., record of well of 25 Arnold, H., record of well of 69 Arnold, T. P., record of well of 114 Artesian Land & Water Co., record of well of. . 22 Atkins, Mrs. B. R., record of well of 120 Azusa, discharge of San Gabriel River near. . 9 Azusa Irrigation Co., record of well of 57 B. Baisley, W. D., record of well of 86 Baldwin, H. C, record of well of 40 Baldwin Park, record of well near 47 BallantjTie, James, record of well of 143 Bank of Norwalk, record of well of 44 Banta, G. B., record of well of 44 Barger, J. A., record of well of 86 Barttell ranch, record of well on 145 Bates, Stanley, record of well of 18 Bates, Mrs., record of well of 15 Bayley, William, record of well of 20 Beach, G. S., record of well of 140 Beck, —, record ofwellof 34-35 Bedell, Mrs., record ofwellof 14 Berais, A. W., record of well of 90 Bemis, Mrs. M. J., record ofwellof 91 Bergstrom, L., record of well of 37 Bermudas, H., record ofwellof 112 Bieley, Robert, record of well of 61 Bojorquez, E. P., record of well of 23-24 Bonsall, record of well near . . 127 Borden, John H., record of well of 43 Bowers, F. , record of well of 53 Bowers, records of wells near 86, 87 Boyd, J. F., record of well of 107 Bradley Bros., record of well of 63 Bright, Tony, record of well of 21 Brinkerhoff, H. R., record of well of 25 Brockley, J. B., record of well of 15 B rookside, records of wells near 113 Brown, C. P., record of well of 70 Brunson, L. A., record ofwellof 42 Bryn Ma'nT, records of wells near. . . 73, 111-112, 114 Buckmaster, J. C. , record of well of 40 Buehler, F., record of well of 115 C. Cadd, J. F., record of well of 120 Caldwell, A. B., record of well of 16-17 California, southern, map of part of In pocket. CaUfornia State Hospital, record of well of. . . 120 Carmichael, J., record ofwellof 87 Carrel, F. H., record of well of 16 Carter, Crawford, record of well of 75-76 Cathcart estate, records of weUs of 64-66 Chamberlain, G. F., record of well of 48 Champion, J., record of well of 109 Chinese gardeners, record of well of 13 Chino, record of well east of 70 Chula Vista, records of wells near 149 Cienaga station, record of well near 22 Claremont, records of wells near 59-63 Clark, C. H., records of weUs of 36-37 Clark, W. F., record of weU of 149 Coastal plain, depletion and replenishment of ground water in 9-10 previous work in. 5-6 . Cole, H. H., record of well of 116 Colton, records of weUs near 71-72 ConneUy, Eliza, record of well of 13 Cooley, E. M., record of well of 120 Cooley, George M., records of wells of 98-99 Cortelyou, G. A., record of well of 24 County well at Ivy station, record of 22 at Lakeview, record of 89 at San Luis Rey, record of 129 at Spadra, record of ,55 near Alessandro, record of 73 near El Monte, record of 36 near Puente, record of 50 Covina, record of well near 48 Crole, C. F., record of well of 100 Cunningham, R. F., record of well of 120 Curtis, G. W., record of well of 120 Curtis, R. T., record of well of 114 Cutting, C, record of weU of 99 Cuyamaca Water Co., records of weUs of. 142, 146, 147 D. Deacon, Sidney, record of well of 55 Dennison, J. R., record of well of 57 Depletion of ground water, causes of 7 Dickson, James, record of well of 96 Dinsmore, J. H. , record of well of 135 Doheny, E. L., record of weU of 20 Drew, H. S., record of well of 120 Drew, record of weU near 116 E. Eason, W. M., record of weU of 81 East Highlands, record of weU near 103 El Cajon, record of well near 148 Elliot, A., record ofwellof 39 Ellis, Arthur J., work of 127 El Monte, records of wells near 34-39 El Monte ranch, record of well on 146 Emery, E. M., record of well of 120 Escondido Mutual Water Co., record of well of 133 Esler, B. T., record of well of 102 Estudillo, Jos6 G., record of well of 87 Ethanac, records of wells near 77-78 Explanation of records 10-12 153 154 INDEX. F. Page. Fairview Hotel, record of well of 127 Fickewith, E . , record of wel 1 of 50 Field, Dexter, record of well of 91 Firth, EmiJ, record of well of 57 Fisk, O. J., records of wells of 111,114 Flood water, conservation of 6-7 Flowing wells in San Bernardino Valley, records of pressure in 117-119 Fluctuation of water table, causes of 6 Foothill belt, depletion and replenishment of groiuid water in 8-9 previous work in 5 Forman, Charles, records of wells of 130-131 Foster, records of wells near 143-144 Fowler, A. C, record of well of 112 Fowler, G. J., record of well of 102 Fredericks, Alfonso, record of well of 150 Freer, Jackson, records of wells of 38 French, W. J., record of well of 120 Frink Bros., record of well of 115 G. Gage Canal Co., well record supplied by 121-126 Gansnor akeview, records of wells near 88-89 Lancaster, J. W., record of well of 74 Landreth, C. A., record of well of 41 Law, J. A., record of well of 34 Lee, Charles H., work of 127 Lee & Gilmore, records of wells of 69 Lemon, record of well near 53 Lenanon, A., record of well of 115 Linastruth, B., record of well of 66 I^indenberg, "VVilham, record of well of 108 Lindenberger, H. H., record of well of 81 Little Landers Colony, record of well of 151 Lodge, H. E., record of well of 28 Lofland, Fred W., record of well of 14 Long, Ben, records of wells of 18 Lordsburg, record of well near 58-59 Los Angeles, precipitation at, graph showing 8 records of wells in 12, 13-15, 20-21 Lossman, C, record of well of 75 Lyons, L., record of well of 103 Lytle, J. H., record of well of 93 M. McClain, John, estate, record of well of 32 McClure, Mrs., record of well of 36 McCollum, I., record of well of 31 McCoy, John, record of well of 34 McDonald, Albert, record of v.^ell of 88 Mcintosh, R. P., records of wells of 104, 105 Mansfield, S., record of well of Ill Martin, Emmet, record of well of 108 Massey, — , record of well of 58-59 Meeker, Dr., record of well of 120 Mendenhall, W. C, work of 5,6,10 Menifee School, record of well of 80 Menifee Valley, records of wells in 80 Mentone, records of wells near 103, 104-105 Meyers, H. S., record of well of 138 Meyers, Mrs., record of well of 67 Miles, H. A., record of well of .•. 139 Miller, Willis, record of well of 106 INDEX. 155 Page. Mission Valley, records of wells of 139, 140 Moneta, records of wells near 16-19 Monseratte rancho, record of well on 128 Moro, Paul, record of well of 76 Moro, Santos, record of well of 75-76 Morris, Charles, record of well of 120 Morris, Mrs. F., record of well of. 113 Murray, Mrs., record of well of 117 N. Neff, J. B., acknowledgment to 6 well of, graph showing fluctuation in 8 record of 44-46 Nelson, E. G., record of well of 70 Nestor, record of well near 150 Newport, Wiliam, records of wells of 78, 80 Nichols, W. A., records of wells of 110 Niles, William, record of well of 26-27 NorwaLk, records of wells near 43^4 Norwalk Builders Association, record of well of 43 Norwood, E., record of well of 109 O. Ontario Water Co., record of well of 59-60 Orric, — , record of well of 92 Otay, records of wells near 149, 150 P. Pala, record of well near 128 Palmer, S. E. A., record of well of 120 Palms, records of wells at 23-24 Parker, Mrs., record of well of 113 Pasadena, records of wells in 29-31 Pattee & Nye, record of well of 102 Patterson, Miss T., record of well of. 82 Patton, records of wells near 98-99 Perris, records of wells near 74-77, 78-79 Persons, Mrs. Sadie G., record of well of 53 Philbrook, G. E., record of well of 141, 144 Phillips, C. S., record of well of 75 Pomona, records of wells near 63-70 Pooles, Fred, record of well of 120 Poorman, Edward, record of well of 74 Post & Lockhart, record of well of 19-20 Puente, records of wells near 49-50 Purpose of the investigation 5-6 R. Rain, ground water supplied by 7 Ramona, records of wells near 139-140 Redlands, records of wells near 105-111, 115 Reed, Dr. A. R., record of well of 63 Reese, Dr., record of well of 78-79 Reimers, R., record of well of 69 Ronfro, G. B., records of wells of 33 Renwick, G., record of well of 90 Reynolds, M. D., record of well of 91 Rhodeos, J., record of well of 150 Richmond, Edmund E., record of well of 132 Ritter, M., record of well of 35 Riverside Trust Co., record of well of 99 Riverside Water Co., records of wells of. . 72, 118-119 Riverview, record of well near 147 Roberts place, record of well on 136 Robertson, W. B., record of well of 102 Rogers. C. W., record of well of 71 Page. Romick, J. W., record of well of 62 Ronzone, S., record of well of 107 Rowland, WUUam, records of wells of 51-52 Rowland, records of wells near 51-52 S. San Antonio Water Co., record of well of 62 San Bernardino, precipitation at, graph show- ing 88 records of wells near 71, 72, 90-96,117-119,121-126 San Bernardino Valley, depletion and replen- ishment of ground water in 7-8 discharge of Santa Ana River at entrance to 9 previous work in 5, 10 San Diego, Old Town, record of well near ' 140 San Diego Construction Co., record of well of. . 149 San Diego County, records of wells in 127-151 previous work in 126 San Diego River at Lakeside, record of 145 San Dimas, records of wells near 55-57 San Francisco Savings Union, record of well of 147 San G abriel, records of wells near 32 San Gabriel River, discharge of, graph show- ing... 8 discharge of, near Azusa, Cahf 9 San Jacinto, precipitation at, graph showing. 11 San Jacinto Valley, depletion and replenish- ment of ground water in 10 previous work in 6,11 San Luis Rey, records of wells near 129-133 San Pasqual, records of wells near 136-139 Santa Ana River, discharge of, at entrance to San Bernardino Valley 8 discharge of, graph showing 8 Santa Fe ranch, record of well on 134-135 Santa Fe Springs, records of wells near 42 Santa Ysabel Creek at San Pasqual, record of 139 Santee, record of well near 143, 146, 147 Savannah, records of wells near 33 Scope of the investigation 5-6 Scott, H. R., record of well of 120 Scott, J. P., record of well of 101 Series of wells measin-ed 10-12 Sesma, Jose, record of well of 24 Sesma, Mrs., record of well of 28 Severence, M. S., record of well of 97, 120 Severence, W. R., record of well of 97 Sharp, J. W., record of well of 42 Shaw, C. A., record of well of 109 Sherman, records of wells near 25-27 Showers, Mrs., record of well of 21 Silvey, George, record of well of 58-59 Slack, H. A., record of well of 29 Slack, — , record of well of 103 Slauson, record of well near 13 Smith, James, record of well of 116 Smyres, — , record of well of 85 -Sores, W. D., record of well of 120 Sources of ground water 6-7 Spadra, records of wells near 54-55 Stiles, E. J., record of well of 96 Stones, H. N., record of well of 95 Streams, ground water supplied by 6-7 156 INDEX. Page. Summers, W. G., record of well of 19 Simmer ranch, record of well on 144 Smmyside, records of wells near 148 Simny Slope station, record of well near — 31 Sutherland, N., record of well of 120 Swarthout, N . M . , record of wel 1 of 93 Sylvera, Mrs. S. W., record of well of Ill T. Temescal Water Co., record of well of 78 Terry, William, record of well of 56 Theland, Mrs. Mary, record of well of 40 Thomas, Milton, record of well of 82 Thomas, W. A., record of well of 120 Thiim, H., record of well of 145 Thum, William, record of wellof 147 Tia Juana Valley, records of wellsin 150-151 Tieg, Mrs., record of well of 68 Till, Demmy, record of well of 14 Titus ranch, record of well on 31 Torbert, W. S., record of wellof 32 Tustin, precipitation near, graph showing ... 8 U. Ummerman, Father, record of well of 143 U. S. Geological Survey, record of well of. . . 145 Urbita Hot Springs Co., record of flowing well of 119 V. Vache, E., record of well of 113 Valencia, records of wells near 97 Valley of southern California, defined 5 Van Leuven, E. F., record of wellof 117 Page. Vigus, Mrs. Mary, record of well of 14 Vineland, record of well near 47 W. Walker, Mrs. Maud F., record of well of 84 Wallace, R. A., record of wellof *1 Walnut, record of wellnear 53 Ward, — , record of well of 34-35 Ward, Mills & Co., record of wellof 104 Washington School, record of well of 120 Waters, E. E., record ofwellof 77 Well No. 42, fluctuation in, graph showing. . 8 Well No. 72, fluctuation in, graph showing . . 11 Wells not measured since 1913, records of 120 Westmj-er, C. H., record of wellof 120 White, D. W., record of well of 120 White, J. J., record of well of 67-68 Whittier, record of well near 39-41 Whitworth, J. H., record ofwellof 25 Wilcox, F. E ., record of well of 29-30 Wilhelm, L., record of wellof 84 Williams, L. H., record ofwellof 101 Williams well, graph showing fluctuation in . S record of 6, 121-126 Wilson, F. E., record of well of 32 Winchester, records of wells near 81-83 Winship, F. M., record ofwellof 149 Woodbrldge, — , record of well of 90 Y. Yorba, B., record of well of 52 Z. Zader, W. L., record of well of 120 w / MAP OF A PART OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, SHOWING LOCATION OF OBSERVATION WELLS AND OF PRECIPITATION AND STREAM-GAGING STATIONS FOR WHICH RECORDS ARE GIVEN IN THIS REPORT. f