r- ^w. :<*, 'LIBIUM OF CONGRESS.? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. | w PRICE, 25 Cents. DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION, AND ITS INEVITABLE RESULTS, UNLESS NATIONAL PRAYERS ARE OFFERED UP TO THE SUPREME RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, EMINENT DIVINES AGAIN INVOKE THE AID OF HEAVEN TO PRESERVE THE I'NION UNIMPAIRED TO THE LATEST POSTERITY. BY NATHAN FARRAR A SELK-EDUCATKU CITIZEN OF ARKANSAS. LOUISVILLE, KY.: PRINTED BY F U L L I L O V E & CO 18 6 0. DISSOLUTION OP THE UNION, AND ITS INEVITABLE RESULTS, UNLESS NATIONAL PRAYERS ARE OFFERED UP TO THE SUPREME RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, EMINENT DIVINES AGAIN INVOKE THE AID OF HEAVEN TO PRESBRVB THE UNION UNIMPAIRED TO THE LATEST POSTERITY. / BY NATHAN ^FARRAR, A 8BLF-EDUCA.TBO CITIZBN Or ARKANSAS. LOUISVILLE, KY.: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. 1860. f-^^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by NATHAN FARRAR, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Missouri. INTRODUCTION, In giving myself an introduction to the public for the first time, I have not many apologies to make, as my position speaks for itself, when it becomes well known to the American people, that I have not the honor of being a collegian or professor of practical philosophy. Therefore, I deem it expedient to say as little as possibhi in praise of myself or literary productions. Let pub- lic mind give an unprejudiced verdict, whether I shall have the freedom of this entire confederacy in introducing my work in this enlightened age of progress, and I will abide the decision of my countrymen, where it does not come in direct antagonism to the obligations that I am* under to the Supreme Kuler of na- tions. The problem is about being solved, to prove to the civ- ilized world whether man is capable of self-government, or national jurisprudence, in its energetic measures, is competent to triumph amid political factions ; and whether our national law-givers in their collected wisdom, will meet the impending crisis with invincible prowess, and put down disunion forever, and its coadjutors as traitors to their country, branded in eternal infamv. DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION: AND ITS INEVITABLE RESULTS BY NATHAN FARRAB, A Self-Educated Citizen of Arkansas. CHAPTER I. That a corrupt press should pander to the baser passions of men, inciting corrupt morals, engendering a morbid state of the public mind, is a fallacy upon a nation's cupidity, and proves that "something is rotten in Denmark." That a Northern revo- lutionary element is moving its ponderous machinery to extin- guish constitutional slavery in the Southern States, is evident from the signs of the times. What is the South to do upon these disruptions of civil war ? To sit supinely inactive, and sell their birth-right for a mess of pottage, while the incendiaries' torch is firing their dwel- lings, and abolition conspirators are murdering their wives and children. "In times of peace, prepare for war." But the South will not be justifiable by the mandates of heaven in making war upon the North, only to stand upon the defensive. When a hostile Northern army invades Southern soil, then the Union is dissolved forever; and no diplomacy can ever again cement our moral, social, commercial and political bonds in a nation's brotherhood, and our death-knell will be sounded in a dirge to human liberty; then, and not till then, will the South have the inalienable rights to withdraw from the North, gain its independence and assume its position among tJbie nations of earth. When Congress ceases its protection to Southern [ 6] institutions, the tenor of these grounds will be feasible, and should be written upon the tablet of the human heart. The laws of nations cannot abrogate this universal suffrage, P may by an arbitrary power of war, force a nation to become vascillating slaves; but it can not annul the immutable laws of God, planted within the human soul. The Constitution of the United States has various powers delegated to the instniment. It recognizes slavery in the Southern States, but has delegated its powers to the respective States, and the slave-holders; therefore, rendering its supervis- ion futile as to liberating the slaves. Slaves are recognized as bona fide property of the Southern planters, which I construe in the abstract meaning of the term, the same as real estate. No internal or external combination can supplant a citizen's right in his possession by establishing or changing a govern- ment, either by foreign or civil war; nor the mutual consent of contracting parties seize or transfer individual real estate and personal property, only in case of invasion, when a citizen flees his country, and confiscates his possessions to the fortunes of war. Even a sovereign State, in its jurisdiction, has no delegated power to abolish slavery in its domain. There is no power but heaven; and the owners of slaves themselves, that has a legal and divine right to set the slaves free, and then not till the sanction of divine law is fulfilled, by the redemption of the entire continent of heathen and benighted Africa from a state of barbarism, and the curse placed upon the black man, by the Almighty, is removed. When Africa becomes civilized, enlightened and christianized throughout its vast domain, this grand design, planned by the wisdom of the Supreme Ruler of nations, will take a long line of centuries to accomplish, as the infant colony of Liberia, founded upon African shores in 1821, is making but slow ])rogres8 in the grand drama of human des- tiny. The freedom of the seas — a highway of nations — is open to the commerce of the civilized world; a peaceable merchant ship sailing from New- York to Canton, can not be interupted or seized upon the ocean by treaty stipulations of international law. [7] CHAPTER 11. r The question of intervention, or non-intervention, may come up in the present congress, 1860. All that congress has any kgal right to do by constitutional law, is to admit slavery into the territories antf'to protect the institution so long as territori- al government is recognized, and when admitted into the Union as a sovereign State, the powers of congress are abrogated . So far as slavery is concerned the people have an inalienable right to form their constitutional laws in protecting their person, property, and in pursuit of happiness, by acknowledging their obligations to the general government. There is a more serious matter of controversy dragging its ponderous length along by the way side, shedding crocodile tears for the better condition of well fed and well clothed slaves of the South, than northern freedom, dare have the pusillanimous presumption to give their idols, the southern slaves, whom the North fains to worship in mock adulations of heathenish sacrilege ; and in their hypocrisy to worship mammon as the pretended god of their aspirations in all earthly avocations, their pretenses are false and vascillating as an emperor's iron will. Need I mention old Brown with his myrmydon at Harper's Ferry ? This is only a vanguard of Black Republicans from the North ; emmissaries of treason and conspiracy, to force the South into civil war, or give up their slaves to the cupidity of Northern amalgamation, rapine and mur- der. This, the South will never do, but exclaim in the lanuage — if I mistake not, of the immortal Emmet, who exclaimed to the tribunal who had condemned him to death, that "the liberty 1^1 of his country could never be enslaved, only by walking over his dead body." This hydra-monster begins to asssume a for- midable shape, and will have gained culminating points in its position of oligarchy, when congress has two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. Then the South may truly have some just grounds of alarm for their do- mestic institutions ; but no fear of personal cowardice can be imputed to Southern patriotism. The love of wife and children, home and country, causes warm Southern blood to flow within their veins with pulsations of human philanthropy. Let an in- telligent down-east Yankee from the State of Maine, who has responsible references, travel even in the State of South Carolina, and call at a wealthy planter's house, he will be received with true Southern hospitality ; invited into the j^lor, and present- ed with a jack-knife and shingle to keep him from whittling the mahogany furniture ; but the defenseless Southern citizen in protecting their wives and children from the inroads of North- ern conspirators, polluting Southern soil with disunion and civil war, calls for a united action of Southern element to counteract this dogma, that is about to dismember this Union and engulf it in the vortex of revolutions. And the putrilica- tion of ages will only serve to sink this republic still deeper in oblivion's silent chambers, and the dark mass of human pollu- tion, will receive its inevitable doom amid the wreck of time and the crush of worlds. To avoid this direful calamity of a nation's dissolution, and a continent becoming vascillating slaves to the grasping ambition of European despotism, that is only waiting until our funeral dirge to human liberty is wafted across the ocean, then the British Lion will sound the tocsin of war, and the combined powers of Europe will blot out this republic from the list of nations, and it will no longer remain on the map of North America. Let the American people again unite in a sublime compact and grand pavilion of united freeman, who know their rights and will maintain them and keep the Union together at all hazards. Let these words " union at ail hazards," be inscribed in letters of gold upon our country's banners, and [9] our national flag ; let an executive committee be organized at Washington D. C, to appoint the Fourth of July to hold a national mass meeting to get signers to the Union, now and for- ever, at the Capital of the United States, and should tne major- ity of voters throughout the confederacy pledge their names, their lives, and their sacred honor, and whatever differences of opinion as to domestic intitutions, that they will still remain in a consolidated brotherhood of a national compact, and that no foreign foe can ever enslave their country, only by walking over their dead bodies. And also, let a national thanksgiving be held, offering up the prayers of the continent to the Disposer of human events, and the sublime conclave will be heard in heaven, and the Union again safe from intestine faction and foreign war, notwithstanding there is visible in the North a black and threatening cloud, hovering over the political horizon that portends an approaching tempest. However, be this as it may, let not the Southerners flee to the mountains for safety, but remain upon the plain where it requires united action to present a formidable front, by Southern legislatures appropriat- ing munitions of war in the case of necessity, that a black re- publican mongrel, or amalgamationist should take his unenvied seat at the White House on the fourth of March — before one year had recorded its annals in history, the black president, (that is in principles) preferring the disinterested interest of black negroes to the essential interest of the white men, he would wish himself private Secretary or Prime Minister to a heathen king of central Africa, to represent his barbarian gov- ernment at the court of St. James, and refused. A peaceable withdrawal of the South from the North on amicable terms which my reputation will stand or fall upon, the prediction of these issues. I have lived too long in the South not to know something of the public Southern mind upon political questions, that causes their arteries to vibrate and keep in motion their living souls. If the North refuses to give up the South only through the power of civil war, then the South wil no .longer remain idle with luke warm Southern fire-eaters ; it will, upon [ 10 ] short notice, hold a Southern convention, setting forth a de- claration of independence and a constitutional government, containing provisional powers, that will guarantee protection of person, property, pursuit of happiness. It is self-evident from passing events, and the signs of the times, that the prediction of wise men will be verified ; even the founders of this Repub- lic had their misgivings as to the permanent duration of this grandest achievement in the annals of time, or in the modern progress : the founding of a government based upon the sover- eign rights of the people, but has emerged from the thraldom of England only to get into civil war, fraught with more direful calamities of human suflering than the time that tried men's souls; when Washington's men were marching in the colony of New Jersey, and could be tracked bare foot by the blood upon the snow, to secure the liberty we now enjoy, which are about slipping from our grasp, to embrace christian liberty, as North- Methodist have withdrawn from Southern — one of the most fatal fallacies to the dismemberment of this Union, though religion is not connected with government only under its protection, still it has a tendency to estrange different portions of our common country and scatter seeds of discord that will root out every principle of liberty, and establish upon its ruins a Republican despotism. [11] CHAPTER III. Eminent divines and popular statesmen have written ponder- ous volumes upon the momentous question of solving a prob- lem that has kept the civilized world in a state of feverish ex- citement for the last quarter of a century, of the wisest plan to free Southern slaves, without coming to any ultimate results as to bettering the slaves or ameliorating their condition, or re- conciling the masters to part with what the God of heaven had given them to keep as their own, acting as appointed stewards by the Law-Giver of nations, until the consummation of those divine blessings bestowed upon the slaves Bhall have reached the benighted regions of African barbarism. Then it would be reasonable to suppose that the masters of slaves would be willing to be governed by the mandates of heaven, as a wicked rabble of Northern fanaticism and European element had failed thus far to convince the slave-holders that they were committing an imaginary ein, which, in fact, proves that they were only obeying Deity's higher law, while the North was groveling in a servitude more servile and vascillating than Southern slavery, the hired servants of Northern aristocracy. Kind reader, if I am too personal in my views upon abstract questions, and should wound the refined feelings of human nature, I beg your pardon and humbly ask forgiveness for my Aveakness, as no personal fear of my own should be an obstacle in my pathway, to do my duty to my God and my country. But my general views will be understood as national, which the liberty of speech and the press gives its sanction, to correct abuses and (12] institute njitional reforms that shall give a religious tone to so- ciety, and a healthy action to public sentiment, which has a moral tendency to remove a sickly sentimentality that pervades the public mind in popular credulity, that causes the masses to flock to the standard, be it a Jew or pagan, thus the various isms of the day are fast approaching a climax, that will prove a fallacy of contradictory absurdities. My province is to notice national errors, and political corruption that does not coincide in accordance with truth and justice, new inventions, the art and science are progressing, while the moral hemisphere is blighted with mill dew, and domestic affairs are fast verging into barbarism, putrifaction reigns in the Senate house, while fanaticism gathers around the volcano of vampires to be engulphed in one common ruin; but as a modern Cataline was about conspiring against the laws of his country, a wailing was heard. Stephen A. Douglas had arisen with the fire of patriot- ism, enkindling his love of Union, and exclaiming in the lan- guage of the immortal Jackson, "By the eternal, let the Yankee abolition conspirators come on by legions, I do not fear them all, I will vindicate the honor of my country, and stand up to the Union until the enemy walks over my dead body, or until the aid of heaven preserves this Union, unimpaired to the latest posterity." The traitors cowered beneath his potent sway and invincible prowess. Fellow-citizens of the Senate, the most auspicious moment has arrived, in the annals of the world, the long pent-up fires of popular delusion is about assuming its zenith of power, and forms a striking contrast to the tyrant Nero, who played upon his harp while Rome was burning. Time will prove whether this nation is to be broken up into fragments, and cast to the four winds, and a despot's iron will to desecrate the tomb of Washington. Oh, sacred liberty! hast thou listened to the siren's song, until the heavens are darkened and the sun refuses to shine upon a nation of slaves that have foundered upon the last wreck of human rights, while the bois- terous ocean, as if in mockery of the last expiring hopes of freemen, wafts the frail bark upon heathen shores, and there to [13] ielve for centuries in barbarism, with the lineal descendants of Bam, in a charnel-house of putrifaction. This may, conse- quently, be the inevitable doom of Northern Yankee conspira- :ors who are not so fortunate as the leaders of disunion, to re- 3eive their retribute justice, by being hung upon the gallows as tiigh as Haaman. The question arises, what is the wisest policy Df Northern conservative union men, in case of necessity, 5vhich is the mother of invention, would indicate to unite with ;he South in founding and forming a Southern republic, upon a basis with principle, as broad as the universe, and as high as the heavens, invoking the divine aid of the Law-Giver of uations, embracing the sublime religious ordeal of man's des- tiny, and to ignore every innovation of demagogues to im- molate or undermine the fairest fabric ever established by the honor of man, which implants upon all a true sense of their obligations to their God and to their country ; and with im- maculate accuracy to the solution of their happiness here on earth and in heaven, that the capacity of self-government is interwoven with the inalienable rights of man. No observing mind can deny that there are rights to which man is created, that no sophistry of government can abjure or abrogate. Man, the noblest work of our Creator, stands pre-eminent in his exalted being — circumnavigates the globe, plants colonies upon foreign shores; establishes governments that rise and fall in a succession of succeeding revolutions, without even solving the problem that man is as free as the air of heaven he breathes ; and lovely woman, a little lower than the angels, like the tresiled vine around the sturdy oak, entwines her caressing affections around man's asperity, and softens his cares to the tomb. To return, again, to the subject in question, what is to be the area, and boundary, of this greatest achievement in the annals of the world, or in modern times. A Southern Con- federacy is to extend from north latitude, thirty-six degrees to the Isthmus of Darien, and from the Atlantic to the Sand- wich Islands, including the entire Archipelago; also, includ- [14] m(j; the Queen of the Antilles — Cuba — with its sunny clime; and the Capitol to be built upon the mins of Montezuma's Palace, in the environs of the City of Mexico. However, it is reasonable to suppose that the first Congress will convene in Memphis, Tennessee, and open its deliberate body of wise statesmen to organize a provisional government in Mexico, and Central America; and after having reconciled those re- fractory colonies as recognized citizens, in the Southern North- American Ilepublic, the seat of government will be removed to the City of Mexico; and it is not likely that the noto- rious fillibuster. Walker, will even get an appointment in the Cabinet, as he holds to a manifest destiny, that the whole continent is ours ; but this is grasping too much and engen- dering the very element of liberty into a despotism. When a body of men gets into profligacy and effeminate luxury, they will fall into loathsomeness and ruin, and their enemies will pillage their dwellings, committing upon their defenseless wives and daughters rapine and murder until the hearts of those demon fiends have become callous in gazing upon the hecatomb of human skulls of their slaughtered victims, a mournful monument to the degeneracy of mankind, that walks in a list- less apathy; that, ignoring the very noblest emanations of the human heart. A Hogarth could not paint the scene of dark despair that hangs as a funeral pall over a nation of thirty-three millions of living souls. Our liberties are about passing under the car of Juggernaut, and a nation's virtue is lost in trying the test of contending factions, by the heart-rending alternative of civil war, which will be but a mockery of the Reign of Ter- ror in France. When the inhuman monster, Robespiere, hur- ried ofi" innocent men to the guillotine, until the sewers of Paris run with human blood, when the Southern Confederacy has established a footing commensurate with its geographical location, commercial treaties will be ratified with all civilized nations, and when the minister from the Northern American Republic presents his credentials to the Cabinet, at the Capital in the City of Mexico, due courtesy will be shown him even if [ 15 ] ' he is accompanied by his black wife and children, in order to be on friendly terms with the Black Republican govern- ment which he represents, as it is better to have friends than enemies. But still it would have been more in accordance with the principles of his government to have sent him either to Li- beria or Hayti — then his black family would have been taken into the president's house, and the best parlor given up to him. The following railroads will in due time occupy the attention of Congress, and eventually may be chartered: Memphis and Central America to the City of Mexico, and Isthmus of Darien; Vera Cruz and Acapulco, New Orleans and San Diego. These main arteries of commerce, will have a tendency to fraternize the civilized world. [16] CHAPTER IV. The civilized world has arrived at a period the most auspicious in the annals of time. Moral and enlightened progress is undermining rotten dynasties, and causing European Empires to marshal its forces ; and, like the dying gladiator, to conquer or perish Tn the combat, and establish perpetual despotisms or universal liberties ; and the United States, after a lapse of three quarters of a century, has gone into the annals of the past. Since the thirteen united colonies became free and independent, some pre-eminent statesman has made the discovery — I do not claim the honor of the discovery, only to make some prelimin- ary proposals, to bring it into a compact shape, that the issues may become plain to every intelligent mind — that majorities and minorities are in a direct antagonism to truth and justice in all deliberate bodies, in Congress, State Legislatures, and all other minor offices, in which constitutes the law-making power in every department of moral and civil government. I consider all laws void that is not founded upon the laws of our Creator, and no government can stand that sets at naught and tramples under foot the immaculate laws of Deity. Majorities claim the prerogative to make laws for the minority in which it has no representatives, as an equilibrium and bal- ance of power to prevent the majority from monopolizing and enslaving the minority. The minority should be equally repre- sented in the government ; that is, in a proportional ratio to the greater or lesser number of the majority. This reform of the people's rights should be adopted as an amendment to the Con- [ in stitution of the United States, and inserted in article thirteenth of amendments ; and all the officers of government should be reduced so far as to allow the minority the right to elect men to office to make up the number, the same as before the amendment was ratified. The majority is a distinct party from the minority, and the number of votes over the minority is not taken into account ; but the whole numbers of each party is summed up seperate, and then in equal proportions to the respective num- bers of each party are the law-givers of the land placed at the head of national affiiirs. This way of reasoning would not give any advantage to the minority, but would place in check the majority from placing burdens upon the minority in electing a president. Count all the electoral votes of the majority party, and then count all the electoral votes of the minority party ; subtract the minority votes from the majority, then add the minority and majority together, in which sum, divide the votes that was over and above the minority, and as many times as it goes, those are the votes to take out of the whole number of votes in the majority party ; and then count the balance in the said party ; also count the whole number in the minority, and then the candidate that has the highest number of votes is the President. The reason I lessened the majority was in order to bring in the minority. Had I not have done so, it would have had no power in the choice of presidents ; this question of majority and mi- nority will in some future day shake the Union to its center. I will illustrate and see how far my opinion is true, as it is generally conceded that minorities do not rule. Should the State of Kentucky hold a convention to frame a new State constitution excluding the domestic institution of slavery, here the minority could no longer hold slaves, as it would be unconstitutional, and would be forced to the alter- native of being robbed by wholesale of slave property, and tamely submitting to injured wrongs, or sell the slaves and move out of the State. Philanthropic men of Kentucky with its salubrious clime, do yon call this the rights to which the God of nature entitled that freeman should enjoy ? L 18 ] This is calleil a free Republic, but wliat will all its bles- sings of civil liberty amount to ^ when the risini^ generation takes the place of its predecessors, the slave holding States is the minority in Congress, what assurance then has our pos- terity, that Southern slavery will become a permanent institu- tion as lasting as the decrees of the Almighty, which will remain unalterable until the ordeal of His sublime law is consummated, heaven will protect Southern planters in holding on to their slaves with a tenacious grasp, bordering upon despair, who were given to them in order to christianize benighted and heathen Africa. Notwithstanding Southern slavery may cause the unenlightened public mind to be swallowed up in a vortex of succeeding rev- olutions, still the Guardian Protector and Governor of the Universe, will eventually sustain the Southern slave planters, until contending Northern factions have become obedient to Di- vine law, but before this unction takes place, it is very evident that a Black Republican President will be elected to a seat in the White House in Washington City, then will commence an era fraught with the most important events in our nation's his- tory that will shock the refinement of the civilzed world. Then a Southern united element will absolve from further allegiance to a Northern revolutionary element, then the very flood-gatea of human blood will be opened, the repeated wrongs of Southern rights, which forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, will vindicate its honor. Although the South may be weak in the number of able-bodied men and its maritime defence, still it* glorious cause will be sustained by Heaven, in contending against Northern legions. The Northern hosts will cower beneath the displeasure of tho; Almighty when discovering that the Southerners will conquer or die upon the battle-field, while Black Republicanism is in power, and the slave-holding States remains in the minority. What assurance is there in the security of slave property when the general government uses its powerful engine to extinguish Southern slavery, which it will attempt to do as soon as it has ihe power by Congress to commit a M'holesale robbery of tho [19 J entire South and its slave property, including all the slave-hold- ing States. This national robbery will betiuconstitutional, and where is the right of government to rob its subjects, or even to dictate what kind of property the citizens shall hold, if gained by honesty and true justice. It appears evident from the nature of our political system that the governing power does not own slave propert}^ only as it degenerates into barbarism, and enslaves its white inhabitants in a monarchical despotism which this government is fast ap- proaching upon ; a political tyrany more direful than the fabled furies when human reason gives waj^ and the combined elements are rising and falling like ocean tide; no power but that of heaven can stay the bloody attrocities of civil war ; still it is better for the South rather than submit to lose its slave property and come under the iron rule of Northern despotism, to absolve all obligations, allegiance and sovereignty, and estab- lish a Southern confederacy independent of Northern oligarchy, instituting internal combinations, proclaiming its position a- mong the enlightened nations of the earth. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that whenever a majority ignores the prosperity, welfare and happiness of the minority, and tramples upon its rights with impunity, that it is the inalienable rights of the minority no longer to tolerate a government, that by its majority refuses to protect the minority in person, property, and in the pursuit of happiness. Heaven grant the right to the minority to absolve all allegiance with the majority and establish a government commensurate with the laws of nature and nature's God that is implanted within the human soul by the wisdom of Deity. These truths can not be confuted by the dogma of the most notorious demagogues or the blindest skepticism. You may pore over the musty volumes of the heathen mythology,, and what do you discover but a fable of heathen superstition : you do not discover the attitude in which man stands to government, and government to the Supreme Ruler of nations. I make still another statement : Amend the United States [20] constitution so as to give the minority the right to elect one-half of the officers of go^Tnraent, whicli constitutes the law-making power throughout every department of tliis confederacy, or in other words, as there consequently will be but two opposing political parties, that each party shall share equally in the gov- erning power, and in order to give slave-holders some assurance in the safety and the protection of their slave property, I will mention the names of two national parties, free-soil and pro- slavery ; this will furnish an equilibrium of national sovereignty in the elective franchise. There will be a sufficient Northern Union element to unite with Southern, that no misgiving in the rupture of the government seed be apprehended with the co- operation of the Union, I have concluded to let Black Kepub- licanism sink into eternal infamy. I would have recommended a distinct Union party, but it does not culminate at this time. February, 1860, with Southern sentiment, as the wound has not been healed, inflicted by Old Brown and his Northern con- spirators at Harper's Ferrry, Virginia; and until Congress passes a law to protect Southern rights, and pay Virginia one- hundred and fifty thousand dollars the expense of executing the abolition conspirator, before the South would unite with the North in organizing a party styled National Union. But I consider the pro-slavery under the cognizance as National Union, nor do I sincerely believe that the South would withdraw from the North, providing that Congress guaranteed ample protectioii and insured Southern institutions upon a firm basis, that would stand until -abrogated by heaven's supreme law, that slavery shall remain in force until divine power sees cause to remove it from the face of tlie earth. When fanaticisin seti^ itself up as an arbitor of heaven's law, then the Union is in danger of tumbling down and becoming a pile of smoldering ruins. When a nation's virtue and Christianity is acknowledged, then a nation's welfare is progressing and the sunshine of hope will again illume the public mind that the rubicon is past, and the vampires are no longer preying upon religous liberty. [ 21] CHAPTER V. I will give a brief abstract of my position to keep the Union together at all hazards, and to give slavery the same powers that is bestowed upon freedom, drawing no geographical line to confine slavery to certain limits. It is entitled by the Constitu- tion to all the rights that freedom enjoys, and I pledge my sacred honor that I shall give my suffrage and influence in sup- port of Southern institutions, that slavery may not be trampled upon by Northern despotism ; that a territory is not a sovereign power ; that slavery may be tolerated, and a territorial legisla- ture has no power to exclude slavery ; that a territory is the common property of the nation, and when it becomes a State admitting slavery, that for Congress to reject receiving it into the confederacy, is unconstitutional ; that the people of a terri- tory, in forming a State constitution, have the right and sover- eign power to receive or reject slavery ; that Stephen A. Douglas is the only available candidate for President, to take his seat on the 4th of March, 1861. The Honorable Stephen A. Douglas is the only wise statesman at this juncture that can reconcile Northern rabid abolition element with Southern fire-eating element, and four years of his presidential term will give slave- holding States time and opportunity to investigate a subject, which, in a measure, concerns the future destiny of slavery and the welfare of slave-holders. The momentous question is to be settled by the slave-holding States holding a general Convention at some central point, Nashville, Tenn., or Atlanta Ga., to remain in the Union or withdraw, and declare its independence by estab- [22] lishing a Southern North American Republic, assuming its posi- tion amons: the nations of the earth. 1 do not advocate so extreme a measure as the South withdrawing from tlie North, only upon the principles of right and justice, to which every rational being is created with. In the sense to which this paragraph is writ- ten, I make no allusion to the descendants of Ilam and tlie kind of slavery that the God of Heaven has instituted as a Divine Law, that no edicts of Northern amalgamation can abrogate. That the last council fires of Union has gone out and extinguished forever by Northern despotism, and the last expiring hopes of a united nation buried in one common tomb ; that is, a nation that was once united, but now upon the eve of a mighty revolu- tion that will distinguish the ninteenth century in the annals of the world. Were these my dying words, and 1 expec;ted soon to be in my grave, I would say to the South, bear, for a time, indignity and insult before a final separation from the North as the last alternative, which is necessity, the mother of invention and self-preservation is the first law of nature. But never, while warm Southern blood runs within your veins, suffer Washington's tomb to be desecrated by Northern despotism. Let his tomb remain sacred forever as his soul is mourning over the ruins of an enlightened republic, which is upon the eve of making ineffectual attempts to establish an empire subject to a despot's iron will. The North is about to forfeit every claim and every honor in the protection of Washington's tomb; and when the thunderings of cannon shall reverberate over his tomb in the conflict of civil war, and the very flood-gates of disunion will be opened as a sacrilige upon Washington's memory, and _^no palliation of Northern inroads can appease Southern honor auel heal the wound of union, unless Black Republicanism becomes a sacri- fice to save*a nation from pillage, rapine and murder; that is, the entire disbanding of Black Republicans in rank and file, and to be cast to the four winds and no longer cumber the earth with a dogma that resembles a charnel-house of putrification, fit inmates of pandemonium. [23] Should "black republicanism cease its eternal hostility upon Southern institutions, by the election of Stephen A. Douglas to the presidency, there will be some just grounds for remaining in the Union; by the continued agitation of black republic- anism the conflict would come sooner or later, and this is no way for an enlightened people to live, in a painful suspense that estranges our happiness, and prevents agriculture and commerce from becoming true sources to a nation's welfare. But in the case of the impending conflict coming to pass, instigated by the notorious Helper in his infamous book known as the " Impend- ing Crisis;" and what can sustain the author from sinking int» eternal intamy ? A nation's apathy and the world's credulity cannot save him from oblivion's gulf. I will advocate a measure that has a tendency to civilization and to enlighten a continent : the North and South to hold separate conventions, irrespective of party entangling alliances, and each convention to appoint twenty-four of its wisest statesmen, to meet in a general ratify- ing convention, with full powers to draft a treaty stipulation to a peaceable separation of the North and South, from all entang- ling alliances forever, and to be two distinct nations, the North to be called the North American Republican Monarchy, under the influence of British gold, and in treaty stipulations with the Black Republics of Liberia and Hayti. The South to be styled the Southern North American Republic, dependent upon its own re- sources and treaties of amity and commerce with all civilized na- tions, excluding all negro republics until the entire continent of Africa becomes enlightened and Christianity prevails throughout that benighted land of barbarism; and then, when slaves havebeen ransomed by the Disposer of human events and supplanted up- on African soil, which, should it ever take place, will be by Divine Power, and no power on earth can prevail aj,ainst Heaven's irrevocable commands ; where will bo the inconsis- tency of extending a national courtesy to what God has acknow- ledged as a supreme unction ? Who would be the gainer to fall out and get into civil war? Would it make us better christians or more loyal subjects to the power that enslaved us, after [24] thousands of brave men were slain in battle? Who would wipe awaj the tears of mourning widows and orphans who were weeping in heart-rending anguish for the loss of father and friends ? I wish to be a peacemaker, and not an instiga- tor of civil war. Let the laws of nature and nature's God be carried out in every department of government. [25] CHAPTER VI. The intelligent reader may have some curiosity to know what induced an illiterate author to present himself to the public mind, and selected from the world of authors in which criticism will cast an odium upon my name and character, unless by Christianity and virtue, I can vindicate my honor before the world, I will say to the learned critic that while he is getting the beam out of my eye, to not forget and remove the mote out of his own eye, as none are perfect, no, not one. My answer is in worshiping God with a true christian spirit, and the love of virtue, the greatest of all causes combined together, with the love of country which buoys me up amid the most groveling sensuality, and the disunion disorganizers of our country. I will stand to the Union until the relics of independence are vio- lated, and the Union demolished in a funeral pyre of smoldering ruins, which the abolition conspirators are fast hastening to bury our liberties in one common tomb, and this will be the in- evitable result, whenever Congress attempts to use its power oi civil war to enforce the slave-holding States to abolish slavery. Then again the power of government may be futile as its armed legions may refuse to war upon fathers, brothers, and friends. Then I consider the Constitution broke and the government a wreck, foundered upon the political sea of commotion; then the first steps to be taken in periling our lives, and our sacred hon- or, is to found and establish a Southern confederacy, commen- surate with the advancement and progress of the nineteenth century, to which the signs of the times are tending. The old [ 26] world 13 upheaving- like a volcanic cauldron. England is marching its army to the capital of China, and peradventure may quarter its soldiers in the palace of the Emperor of the Sun ; while at home it is trembling in fear of Louis Napoleon the III, to avenge the cruel treatment of his Uncle upon the Island of St. Helena. Spain is carrying on an exterminating war with Morocco. Italian affairs are unsettled. Hungary is upon the eve of a revolt, and universal liberty, like an infection, is catching; and, by the time that tlie Hon. Stephen A. Douglas retires from the arduous duties as President, the influence of liberty will be wafted across the Atlantic, and the culminating point in the future destiny of half a continent will have arrived, the slave- holding States to come under the vascillatiug bondage of North- ern despotism, or like the immortal Patrick Henry, " Give me liberty or give me death !" Should there be no possibility of the North and Soutli living together in a harmonious Union, would it not be wise policy to divide the Union, separate in peace and form two distinct governments. Upon a more exten- sive view of this august question, Christianity demands it, as there is not a union of christian denomination. North and South; civilization demands an extension of religious liberty throughout the imbecile government of Mexico; and it is fast verg- ging to become an easy prey to be annexed to a Soutliern re[)ublic, and then those armed bands of robbers and murderers would be arrested and brought to justice; there would then be some degree of protection and safety to person and property. This is the only way that the intestine factions of Mexico will ever be settled upon a firm basis. Also, enlightened progress de- mands a civil government in the Central American provinces, including Yucatan and Isthmus of Darien. As long as the North and South remain together in an incessant broil upon the question of slavery without coming to ultimate results, a barrier will be placed upon any further extension of Southern territory in the shape of waning and declining governments upon our south-western border, which, under the protecting wing of L 27] the bird of Jove, will contribute to an embryo nation in wealth and prosperity, which the slave holding States will eventually establish upon a firm basis guaranteeing all the inalienable rights which man is created with, and obeying the laws of God as paramount to those of man, or nations; and no government can prosper that ignores the divine mandates of Heaven. The commands and laws of our Creator should bear an impress to the tomb, that our lineal descendants may transmit to posterity an admiring awe of the Great Architect of the universe. When barbarism seeks to impugn an enlightened people in a chimera of delusive phantasma, its virulence recoils back in the sources from whence it came. Thus it is with the Northern abolition conspirators in the Harper's Ferry insurrection, more vindictive in its horrors of human atrocity than a Cataline, in attempting to arm the Virginia slaves with pikes and weapons of death, to commit rapine and murder upon innocent virgins. O, Hu- manity ! where is thy blush ? Oh ! Indignation, where is thy victory ? Oli ! Justice where is thy avenging power, when in- carnate fiends in the shape of Northern negro-worsliippers, John Brown as chief, must have either been insane or a dupe to the influence of British gold, to have the audacity to embroil an empire in a civil war. I endorse the brave patriotism of Gov- ernor Wise, in executing a retributive justice upon the doomed victims that polluted Southern soil. Still I am inclined to some mitigation, but martial law demanded the sacrifice, as the Gov- ernor of Virginia had established marshal law in the inlected dis- trict, at the time of John Brown's execution, as an alarm had reached the Honorable Mr. Wise that an army of one thousand men from Ohio, were marching to rescue the prisoners; but it was a false alarm, and the sequel will fill up the results of those Northern vampires, and recoil back in thundering tones upon Northern commerce, and shake New England to its center, as the cotton mills of Lowell will share in the common ruin, in a blight of mill dew, and when the streets of Boston are grown up in grass negro shepherds can find employment in herding goats and swine upon Boston common, while the charitable institu- [28] tions of modern Athens, hurries off an envoy by Adams & Co.'s Express to confer witli the corporated authorities of New- Orleans, arrives at the Mayor's office, enters, hat in hand, makes a low bow, gets down upon his knees, your most obedient servant. " Dear Sir : have I the honor of addressing the au- gust mayor of this cotton and sugar metropolis ?" " You have that honor." " I am sent here by the City of Notions as a minister on a humane mission. I have fourteen dollars in clear cash, and that is not my own. I want to purchase one-eighth of a cotton-bale to take on to the spindles and looms of Lowell, to get it manufactured into relics as memorials of the past, as our prosperous days are gone forever, and succeeding revolu- tions will swallow up the past in oblivion. Still, we wish to transmit some memento of our doom to posterity." The Yan- kee ambassador, not having the money to bear his expenses to his cold northern liome wanders about the city and strolls into a Cumberland Presbyterian Ciiurch, where a large and respect- able congregation were taking up a donation to send to the starving operatives of Lowell. The Yankee's mission becoming known to the officers of the Church, he was entrusted with the funds, and was soon on his way to Louisville, Ky., and laid in a supply of provisions, proceeded on to gladden the hearts of famishing females, caused by a northern intestine faction of deluded men, whose fate is sealed, and no monument remain- ing; and the only monument remaining in the destruction of Sodom, is Lot's wife in a pillar of salt. In a few years there will be withdrawn one hundred millions of dollars, which will cause the Yankees to open their eyes and shake the dust from their garments ; and it is to be hoped by all that's sacred upon earth in heaven, that a Northern convention will have the wisdom to let the slave-holding States alone and remain in peace, by signing a treaty to a Southern confedercy. In conclusion, I will add, that, in order to gain the public confidence of my Southern compeers and Northern conserva- tives, who will stand up in defense of southern rights and institutions, I am willing to be placed under oath, and solemnly [29] make the statement that not one drop of abolition blood runs through my veins. I am as clear of the foul leprosy as the most zealous conservative pro-slavery planter of Louisiana, who owns five hunpred slaves. I have not aimed my indig- nation as personal. It is true, I have mentioned the name of John Brown, which will sink in eternal infamy. The reader will please to take my views in the broadest sense of the word, as national, which the liberty of speech and of the press are the main pillars in the temple of human liberty. It is strange, passing strange, that intelligent men will, with tenacity, cling to blind opinions, which warp their judgment and doom them to continual error. It requires the clue of an Ariadne in all the love she could bestow on Thesus. Americans, come out of this Cimerian darkness disentangle yourselves from these murky clouds that envelope you in a charnel-house of putrifaction. Should this illiterate treatise be rejected by the American people, and after I have gone " to that undiscovered countrv from whose bourne no traveler returns," do not dishonor mv name. All I ask of the world, is the charity of its sileace. EXPLANATORY. The author does not come before the ])iiblic with a view to, presses for packing powders, and pressing herbs and roots, of altogether improved patterns, and can vie with the Shakers or any others in this dejiartiiient; and our Laboratorj', for the manufacture of all Extracts, and Pure Medical Preparations, is unsurpassed. At tlie same time we keep a perfect assortment of Foreign, as well as American Medicines, together with Shop Furniture, Implements and Instru- ments, to enable us to fill all orders of Physicians witli facility and satisfaction. We class our Stoi'V under the following heads : 1st. The Isolated Med icintvl Principles — Such as the Resinoids, Leptandrin, Podophyllin, Hydrasline, Macrotin, Sanguinarine, and others of that class. 2d. Essential Tinctures, — Tlu-.se constitute a new class of Medicinal Agents, lately introiluced by us, made from almost all articles of the Vegetable Materia Medina, and are mor(' concentrated, perfect and unchangeable than any other liquid preparations ever before offered to the Profession. 3d. Fluid Extracts. warranted to be unsurpassed by any other establishment. 4tli. Alcoholic and Hydro Alcoholic Extracts — All of the most reliable characu r, warranliti to Keep in any climate. 5th. Medicinal Syrups, Hitters, Cordials, and other Compound Prepara- tions, made by improvfd Apparatus, so as to retain all their virtues unimpaired, and much ^trongt^r tlian usually made. (ith. Plasters and Ointments, As Black Healing Plaster, Irritating Plaster, Fire Kxtractt>r, I'ile Ointment, Eye Balsam, Strengthening Plaster, 4c. Till. Herbs of all kinds, packed in l^^b, ;J^lb and 1 oz. papers. Also, Jinrly pulcrrized. f^th Roots and Barks, Cnide, ground and in superfine powders, in bulk or packed. VVe would especially call the attention of Iron Founders to our superior FACINO MaTERIAI S, which, in a room separate from our Drug Mill machin- ery Wf manufacture ii' ivimv ^ ariety, vix.; Pure powdered Soapstone, Soa/jstone and Block Lead, Improved Co'mimiiul Facing. East India Lustre, German Black Lead, Powdered Charcoal, Powdered Stone Coal, ^c Also. Superior Marble Dust for Mineral Water Makers For fiiriher particulars send for our Catalogue and Prices Current. WM. S. 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