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In the happy day to which we are now come, when the division between the sections, for years past one of sentiment alone, is fast disappearing, the Nation as a whole pays tribute to the lofty character, the sturdy Americanism, and the es- sential greatness of Robert Edward Lee no less than to that of Abraham Lincoln. If this little book, by making better known the character and purity of motive of Lee and those he represented, may in some degree hasten the time when the last trace of bitterness between the North and South shall have disappeared, the authors will feel that it has well fulfilled its purpose. There is a certain appropriateness in the year of its ap- pearance. As these words are written descend- ants of the followers of Lee, inspired by the same loyalty to their country which animates the sons of those who followed Grant, are testifying to X PREFACE the fact that, in accordance with the precept and example of the leader of the Confederate armies, they have been trained to be Americans. The survivors of the Confederate armies have just borne witness in Washington to their devotion to the flag of the united Nation. And we may- dare hope that in the fires of the struggle in which we now engage will be consumed the last obstacle to a perfect union of hearts for all Amer- icans. The book makes no claim to any great addi- tion to the sum of knowledge in relation to Lee. It is in the main drawn from secondary sources, but a good deal of material touching upon Lee's life is included which appears in no other of his biographies. The works which have been chiefly relied upon are : Jones, Life and Letters of Gen- eral Robert E. Lee ; R. E. Lee, Jr., Recollectio7is and Letters of General Lee ; F. Lee, General Lee ; Bradford, Lee^ the American; Adams, Lee at Appomattox ; and Dodge, Bird^s-Eye View of the Civil War, Other works which were also of particular value are: Bruce, Robert E. Lee; Vdige, Rooert E, Lee ; Taylor, General Lee ; Trent, Robert E. Lee ; Pollard, Life and Times of Robert E. Lee ; White, Robert E. Lee and the Southerji Confederacy ; Fleming, fefferson Davis at West Point ; Long, Memoir of Robert E. Lee ; and The Centennial History of West Point, In addition PREFACE XI several hundred articles bearing on Lee s char- acter and career have been studied carefully and material has been drawn from many of them. We are under obligations to the Reverend W. McC. White, of Raleigh, North Carolina, for un- published illustrative material, and we desire to make particular and grateful acknowledgment of the assistance of Mr. Edwin Greenlaw, of the University of North Carolina, who read the manu- script and made many helpful suggestions. J. G. DE R. H. M. T. H. Chapel Hill, N.C. June IS, 1917. CONTENTS I. Lee's Forbears i II. Boyhood 9 III. Life at West Point i8 IV. The Young Engineer .... 36 V. In Mexico 48 VI. Years of Peace, 1848-1855 ... 66 VII. The Cavalry Officer .... 76 VIII. State or Nation? 89 IX. A Year of Trial 107 X. In Chief Command 119 XI. Life in the Army 137 XII. Against Heavy Odds 151 XIII. Appomattox 162 XIV. After the War 177 XV. Lee and the Nation 194 Index 201 ILLUSTRATIONS General Robert E. Lee . . . Frontispiece From a painting by Theodore Pine (1Q04), in the pos- session of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Robert E. Lee 38 From a portrait painted about 1831 by West {son or nephew of Benjamin West), in the possession of Wash- ington and Lee University. The uniform is that of a Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. This, the first painting of Lee, is said to have been made shortly after his marriage. General Lee on Traveler . . . . . 148 From a photograph by Miley & Son, Lexington, Va. Robert E. Lee 174 From the painting by Pioto, in the possession of the Virginia Military Institute. THE LIFE OF ROBERT E. LEE CHAPTER I lee's forbears Lee, in character and personality, was a logical product of his lineage and training, and to be really able to understand him, one must know something of his race and his surroundings. The Virginia Lees were descended from the Lees of Shropshire, a family of high standing and position and one that had given many men of in- fluence to England before the time when Richard Lee set out for the New World. There was Lance- lot Lee, who took part in the battle of Hastings ; and Lionel Lee, who went with Richard Cceur de Lion on the Third Crusade to the Holy Land, and who, for his gallantry at Acre, was made the first Earl of Litchfield ; and Henry Lee, who won from Queen Elizabeth the coveted insignia of the Garter. Richard Lee, that ancestor of Robert Lee who first came from England to Virginia, was a tall, handsome man, possessed of great ability and strength of character. He settled in the Northern Neck, which was that part of the province lying 2 ROBERT E. LEE between the Rappahannock.and Potomac Rivers, and soon became prominent there. He was ap- pointed a member of the Council and also served under Sir William Berkeley as Secretary of the Colony. He was a devoted Royalist and brought all his influence to bear to hold Virginia loyal to the House of Stuart. It is said that, when Crom- well died, it was Richard Lee who induced Berke- ley to proclaim Charles II, ** King of England, Scotland, France, Ireland, and Virginia." Richard's son, also named Richard, succeeded to the high position that his father had held. A member of the Council, he was the intimate friend of Governor Spotswood, who said of him, ** No man in the country bore a fairer reputation for exact justice, honesty, and unexceptional loyalty." It is not improbable that he w^as one of that gal- lant band of gentlemen who accompanied Spots- wood to the crest of the Alleghanies and who there, after laying claim to the great West, formed the Order of Knights of the Golden Horseshoe. Thomas Lee, the fourth son of Richard, fol- lowed in his ancestors' footsteps and became a member of the Council, and was also for a time its president. In this capacity, he served a while as acting governor of the Colony, in which he w^as probably more distinguished than any other man. He was later appointed governor, but died before his commission reached him. He was the father LEE'S FORBEARS 3 of Richard Henry Lee, who proposed the Decla- ration of Independence, of Francis Lightfoot Lee, who, along with his brother, signed that immortal document, and of Arthur Lee, who was one of the envoys who secured the aid of France in the Revolution. Thomas Lee lived at ''Stratford" in Westmoreland County, and, having lost his house by fire, he built there the fine old mansion in which the greatest of the Lees was presendy first to see the light. Queen Caroline, from her private purse, sent him a considerable sum for the re- building of his home. This estate descended to Thomas's eldest son, Philip Ludwell Lee. A younger brother of Thomas Lee was Henry Lee, who married a Miss Bland and whose third son, also named Henry, was the famous '' Light Horse Harry" Lee of the Revolution and the father of Robert Edward Lee. It was through his wife, a daughter of Philip Ludwell Lee, that ''Stratford" passed into the hands of Robert Lee's father and so became the birthplace of that great man. "Light Horse Harry" Lee was born in 1756 and was educated at Nassau Hall, Princeton, from which institution he was graduated in 1774. Two years later he was placed in command of a cavalry company which was soon joined to the Continental Army under Washington. Lee was promoted to the rank of major and saw service 4 ROBERT E. LEE at Germantown and at Brandywine and in many lesser battles. His daring in capturing a British fort at Paulus Hook (now Jersey City) won for him a resolution of thanks from Congress and a gold medal besides. In 1780 he was made lieu- tenant-colonel, and the next year he joined Gen- eral Greene in the Carolinas. It was here, in the section already the scene of the exploits of Marion, Sumter, and Davie, that he won his greatest fame. After his brilliant feats in the Carolinas, his health failing, he returned to Virginia and there married his cousin Matilda Lee. Within a few years his wife and three of their four children had died, and later he married Anne Hill Carter, the daughter of Charles Carter of " Shirley," on James River, one of the most noted estates in Virginia. The Carters had given few illustrious names to Vir- ginia, but they possessed character, culture, and refinement, besides great wealth, and they had intermarried with most of the prominent families of the State. Anne Carter was a great-grand- daughter of Governor Spotswood, and was thus descended from Robert Bruce. " Light Horse Harry's " years of peace were not less distinguished than those of war. He was a member of the Congress of the Confederation in its closing days ; he served in the Virginia Con- vention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, where he acted with Washington, LEE'S FORBEARS 5 Madison, Marshall, and Randolph in securing the assent of the Old Dominion to the new form of government ; and, later still, he was a member of Congress. There, when Washington died, he pre- pared the memorial address containing the famous words *' first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his fellow citizens." He was a firm ad- vocate of the Union, but was nevertheless a de- voted believer in the sovereignty of each indi- vidual State, and, when he was defending the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions on the floor of Congress, he said, " Virginia is my country ; her will I obey, however lamentable the fate to which it may subject me " ; and he wrote to James Madison, " No consideration on earth could in- duce me to act a part however gratifying to me which would be construed into disregard of or of faithlessness to this commonwealth." This firm faith his son inherited. In 1794 he was appointed by President Wash- ington to the command of the troops sent to Penn- sylvania to suppress the so-called ''Whiskey Re- bellion." In 1812 he was made a major-general in the United States Army. Unfortunately, soon afterwards he was seriously injured in Baltimore while defending a friend from mob violence and so could not serve in the second war with Eng- land. Because of his broken health he went to the West Indies and lived there five years, but 6 ROBERT E. LEE his strength continued to fail, and he set out for home. On the voyage he grew rapidly weaker and begged to be landed at Dungeness on Cum- berland Island, Georgia, the home of General Nathanael Greene's widow. There he died and was buried, and there his body still rests. He was a man of fiery and impetuous spirit and made warm friends and bitter enemies. He was brave, generous, and the soul of honor, and was a fine type of the active, warm-hearted, able men whom the Old Dominion of that day produced in such numbers. From this lineage was born Robert Edward Lee, and into what environment? The Virginia of 1807 was little changed from Colonial Virginia. The life of the community was much the same. Means of transportation were not many and few people went often far from home. The great number of Virginians were farmers ; the plantation was the unit of the community; the negro slave the laborer who produced the staple crop, tobacco, which was almost as impor- tant at that time as in the days when it passed as money. The typical life of Virginia was its coun- try life ; a quiet life and an uneventful one, but one full of charm. The members of the leading class were closely bound together by association, by common interest, by friendships of long stand- ing, and by ties of blood. They intermarried until LEE'S FORBEARS 7 relationships were hard to trace clearly, and this confusion was increased by a pleasing habit of claiming as kindred those who were really only close friends, a habit which gave rise to the term "Virginia cousin," still known in the South as one indicating no close tie of blood. Year in and year out, the gentry of Virginia ruled over their plantations with patriarchal dignity and kindness, bred fine horses, raced and rode them, took part in politics, attended court, hunted and fished, and, not of least importance, danced and paid devoted court to the ladies. Everybody kept open house, paid visits which lasted for days, weeks, and even months at a time, and, in a sense, lived as one great family. It was a life of peace and happiness, but those who lived it were neither careless nor unworthy. America has had no finer type than those men who set the standards of this community. They exalted the State, womanhood, and religion, and practiced in their daily lives truth, courage, manliness, and kindness, and held firmly to the finest traditions of English life. They were un- touched by that progress which comes from con- tact with new people and new ideas, and were conservative from nature and habit, so that the love which their ancestors had felt for the Old Dominion in them became a passion for the State, and service for the State became an honor which no one was too lofty to accept. For the same rea- 8 ROBERT E. LEE son the will of the State commanded instant and absolute obedience. From this air Robert Edward Lee drew his first breath. CHAPTER II BOYHOOD Westmoreland County, Virginia, is a little county lying" between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers, which was originally cut ofE from Northumberland County. It is not more than thirty miles long and about half as broad, but it has probably produced more great men than any other spot of its size in the United States. George Washington was born there, and James Monroe, as were also the famous Lees — Richard Henry, Francis Lightfoot, Arthur, and " Light Horse Harry." James Madison was born not far away in Prince George County, which adjoins Westmoreland. Stratford, the Lee home, was one of the most beautiful and interesting of the Colonial mansions of Virginia. Its timbers were of solid hewn oak of great size, and the brick used in the building were brought from England. The walls of the first floor were two and a half feet thick and those above were two feet. The house was meant to be a permanent family home, after the fashion of English houses, and was very stately. It contained seventeen rooms besides the great hall, and on lo ROBERT E. LEE the roof were two pavilions or summer houses made with the chimneys for columns and con- nected by a gallery. From them was visible the broad expanse of the stately Potomac, and there at night in the olden time promenaded the ladies and gentlemen, while a band of negro servants played for them. Around the house were great oaks, cedars, and maples, and the drive through the grounds skirted a magnificent grove of the maples. There were, in addition to the house, four large offices, the kitchen, and stables to accommo- date perhaps a hundred horses. The buildings cost about eighty thousand dollars at a time when the purchasing power of money was much greater than it is now. The house is still standing. In this home, on January 19, 1807, was born Robert Edward Lee. The room in which he was born was the same one in which two signers of the Declaration of Independence had first seen the light. All the surroundings were full of tradi- tion, and all suggested culture and refinement, and stood for honor, sincerity, and patriotism. Here was a fit nursery of greatness, and the mind of the small boy, who was surrounded by books, by portraits of soldiers and statesmen, by beautiful silver and china and mahogany, must have been impressed to his future advantage. It has been seen that all of Lee's half-brothers and sisters save one died early. The one excep- BOYHOOD II tion, Henry Lee, was already a grown man when Robert Lee was born. Of his own mother's chil- dren, he was the fourth. The others were Alger- non Sydney, who died in infancy, Charles Carter, and Sydney Smith, and two girls, Anne and Mil- dred, both younger than himself. Charles Carter Lee, after graduation at Har- vard, became a lawyer, and was one of the most talented and popular men in Virginia. Sydney entered the navy at fifteen years of age and served with distinction for many years. He com- manded Commodore Perry's flagship in the fa- mous expedition to Japan ; was in command for a time of the navy yard at Philadelphia ; and, at the time that Virginia seceded, was commandant of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. True to the traditions of his race, he resigned and entered the Confederate Navy. He was the father of Gen- eral Fitzhugh Lee, of the Confederate Army, who was later, during the war with Spain, a major- general in the United States Army. Anne mar- ried Judge William Marshall, of Baltimore, and Mildred married Edward Vernon Childe, of Mas- sachusetts, and spent most of her later life in Paris. When Robert was four years old, his father moved with his family to Alexandria that his children might have better opportunities for edu- cation; but as the boy grew older he was often 12 ROBERT E. LEE at Stratford and spent much time at Shirley on the James River, which was the beautiful home of his mother's father, Charles Carter, a man of lofty character and princely generosity. At both places the past was vividly presented to him, not only by the things which surrounded him, but also by the old family servants who talked to him of its greatness. At both places he found com- panions in the many visitors, to whom the doors were always open wide, or, on the rare occasions when there were no visitors, in the little darkies, who loved to do ** young master's" bidding, and act either as servants or as play-fellows to him. At both places he took part in the sports and games of rural Virginia : shot partridges, ducks, and geese ; fished, rowed, and sailed ; swam in the summer, and skated in the winter. He spent much time on horseback and became an expert horseman. He roamed freely through the woods and fields and came to have a love for the open which he never lost. In later years he often re- called running the fox on foot all day. It was not strange that he never lost his love for these two old places. In 1861, after the seizure of Arlington, he wrote his daughter : — Stratford is endeared to me by many recollections and it has always been the desire of my life to pur- chase it. And now that we have no other home, and the one we so loved has been so foully polluted, that BOYHOOD 13 desire is stronger in me than ever. The horse-chest- nuts you mention in the garden were planted by my mother. You do not mention the spring, one of the objects of my eariiest recollections. How my heart goes back to those early days. In 1867, he wrote: — I wanted, if possible, to pass one day at Shirley. I have not been there for ten years. It was the loved home of my mother and a spot where I have passed many happy days in early life, and one that probably I may never visit again. It was two years after the Lees moved to Alex- andria that General Henry Lee went to the West Indies, that journey from which he never returned to Virginia. When he died, five years later, Rob- ert was only eleven and he never saw his father's grave until 1861. He was at that time in charge of the Confederate defenses of the Southern coast. One who was with him says : '* He went alone to the tomb and after a few moments of silence plucked a flower, and slowly retraced his steps, leaving the lonel}^ grave to the guardianship of the crumbling stone and the spirit of the restless waves that perpetually beat against the shore." A few months before his death, he again visited the grave, this time with his daughter, who cov- ered the mound with flowers. Although Robert's father went out of his life so early, his mother was left to him. She was his in- timate friend, for she was the sort of mother a boy 14 ROBERT E. LEE could have for a friend. Her thought of her chil- dren, left entirely to her care, was unceasing, and her life was filled with good works. She was a woman of unusual gifts, and, when her two older sons left her, one for Harvard College, the other for the navy, she gave all her attention to the little fellow who was left at home and his two little sisters. His father wrote of him from the West Indies, *' Robert was always good " ; and, striving to keep him so, Mrs. Lee impressed upon him principles and habits of action and thought destined to remain with him throughout his whole life. He was taught industry, self-denial, self- control, truth, religion. He was taught the les- sons of honor and pride of race along with mod- esty and self-efTacement. Patriotism he was born to, and it was fostered in him through his school days at Alexandria. The place was full of asso- ciations of " the Father of his Country," and, as Washington became there the hero and the ideal of Lee's boyhood, so he was in many ways the model of his manhood, and study of Washington teaches patriotism. Robert's first teacher in Alexandria was an Irish gentleman named Leary, under whom the boy made rapid progress. He did particularly well in Latin and Greek, for which he always kept his fondness. He and Leary were always thereafter devoted friends. BOYHOOD 15 Later, after his appointment to West Point, Lee went to a well-known school in Alexandria conducted by Benjamin Hallowell. This gentle- man was a Quaker and a very strict teacher and the boys called his school ''Brimstone Castle.'^ He wrote in later years of his pupil : — He was a most exemplary student In every respect. He was never behind-time in his studies ; never failed in a single recitation; was perfectly observant of the rules and regulations of the institution; was gentle, manly, unobtrusive, and respectful In all his deport- ment to teachers and his fellow students. His spe- cialty was finishing up. He imparted a finish and a neatness to everything he undertook. His mother was an invalid and he spent most of his time when out of school with her. As soon as school was over he hurried home to take her driving and often carried her to the carriage in his arms, placing her comfortably and seeking all the while to amuse her with cheerful conversa- tion. The carriage was old and he would put newspapers up to keep out the wind, and, though the plan may have been, and probably was, a failure in keeping out the air, it amused Mrs. Lee greatly and that, after all, was what her son sought to do. As her strength failed, the boy took other cares upon himself. He went to mar- ket, took charge of the keys, and saw to the horses and to all the many details of the home. i6 ROBERT E. LEE It is not a matter for wonder that, when he left for West Point, his mother said : ** How can I do without Robert? He is both son and daughter to me." In spite of his gentleness and tenderness and his affectionate nature, there was in him no lack of manliness. All sports appealed to him, and he had a keen sense of humor accompanied by a great fondness for jokes. These character- istics remained with him always. Like his father, he had a furious temper ; unlike his father, he had almost always absolute control over it. It is told of his father that, as he lay on his death-bed at Dungeness, being waited upon by ** Mom Sarah," an old family servant of the Greenes, he greeted her entrance into the room one day by seizing a boot which lay near the bed and throwing it at her head. She picked the boot up and returned the fire and thereby won such a place in his heart that he would thereafter have no other attendant. It would be hard to picture Robert Lee's throw- ing a boot at any one's head or having it thrown back. As Lee grew towards manhood, he began to plan for the future, for, as there was no fortune at his command, he was anxious to be self-sup- porting. So far as we know, he consulted no one in his choice of a profession, but, guided largely by the fact that his father had been a soldier, chose that as his career. His brother was already BOYHOOD 17 in the navy, so Lee turned his eyes towards West Point, and, in 1824, applied for an appoint- ment, and received it for the term beginning- in 1825. There is a tradition that the appointment came to him through General Andrew Jackson's influence, but it is scarcely possible that this is true. As has been seen, he at once began special preparation for the new life, and, on July 2, 1825, he entered the United States Military Academy and became a part of that great institution. CHAPTER III LIFE AT WEST POINT The United States Military Academy at West Point was established by act of Congress in 1802, and was opened on July 4 of the same year. Its first superintendent was Colonel Jonathan Wil- liams. As first organized, it was the headquarters of the Engineer Corps of the army, and all the superintendents until 1866 were from that branch of the service. The number of cadets was at first very small, only fifty, increasing to two hundred and six in 1808, and to two hundred and sixty in 18 1 2. The cadets were appointed by the Presi- dent upon the recommendation of the Secretary of War, and Lee was thus appointed by Presi- dent Monroe, acting upon the advice of John C. Calhoun. It soon came about that the Secretary was much influenced in his choice by the sugges- tions of members of Congress, and later the num- ber of cadets was made to coincide with the number of Representatives, who then began to name the cadets. The exact status of the cadets was in doubt until 18 19 when it was decided that they formed a part of the land forces of the United States. LIFE AT WEST POINT 19 The requirements for entrance at this time were very low — simply that the candidate should be " well versed in reading, writing, and arithmetic," or, as they were commonly called, **the three R's." The age of appointment was between four- teen and twenty-one years, and the applicant had to be at least four feet nine inches in height. These requirements remained unchanged until 1866. In spite of its establishment in 1802, and its re- modeling in 181 2, the real West Point did not begin to exist until fifteen years after the open- ing. There was neither discipline nor system, and the instruction was most uneven and incom- plete. An ofBcer who was there during those first years wrote of it : " The Military Academy was then in its infancy. All order and regulation, either moral or religious, gave way to idleness, dissipation, and irreligion. No control over the conduct of the officers and the cadets was exer- cised." In 181 7, with the appointment as superintend- ent of Major Sylvanus Thayer, a graduate of the class of 18 1 2 and a veteran of the War of 18 12, who had studied abroad, the spirit of West Point was born. He remained as superintendent until 1833 when he had a quarrel with President Jack- son and resigned his position. In those sixteen years, he made West Point and earned the just 20 ROBERT E. LEE title of ** Father of the United States Military Academy." Under him discipline became steadily more efficient and severe, the teaching more and more thorough, and the course of study longer and better. Colonel Thayer was superintendent during the whole period of Lee's cadetship. West Point is beautifully situated. On the north and east it is hemmed in by the majestic Hudson River ; on the west and south by the Highlands. The Point itself is a plateau, which since Lee's time has been increased by filling, pardy enclosed by redoubts that date back to the Revolution. The natural scenery was beautiful then as it is to-day, but, when Lee went there, man had done little to help nature. The rough, rocky plateau was almost without trees ; there were no made walks, but only twisting footpaths. A public road of the State of New York ran through the grounds — the State still claiming jurisdiction over the place. On the south there was a rough fence to keep out the cows of a farmer who lived in that direction, and the woods came almost to the Academy grounds. None of the present buildings were then stand- ing. Instead, there were cottages for instructors, the Long Barracks, where lived the regular troops stationed there, the North Barracks, the South Barracks, the Mess Hall, the Academy, and the Hospital. Even at this time West Point had a fine repu- LIFE AT WEST POINT 21 tation and thousands applied for appointments who never received them. Many failed on the entrance examinations, simple as they were. Lee had received special preparation from Mr. Hal- lowell and so was able to pass them without diffi- culty, and of course the physical examination gave him no trouble at all. Having passed his entrance examinations, which were oral ones, be- fore a board, Lee was admitted on probation until the following January, when the appointment be- came permanent. Upon his admission, under the law Lee entered the military service of the United States and became entitled to the pay of twenty- eight dollars a month. As soon as he was admitted to the Academy, he was measured for his uniform. It was not un- like that worn by the cadets of to-day. The coat was of gray cloth with black trimmings and with three rows of gilt buttons in front, and with the skirt, collar, and sleeves also trimmed with them. The collar was so high that it touched the tips of his ears. A gray or white vest with gilt but- tons was worn with this. The trousers, of which he was required to have two pairs, were of gray kerseymere with black stripes down the sides. In summer white linen trousers were worn, each cadet having at least four pairs. The trousers were all very baggy and so short that they came well above the shoe-tops, in spite of having straps 22 ROBERT E. LEE which went under the feet. The cap was seven inches high. It was made of leather and was orna- mented with a plume, a cord, and a gilt medallion with '* U.S." on it. It was so uncomfortable that few cadets wore it except on duty, but it had the advantage of being an easy means of smuggling food into barracks. The luxury that the cadets of to-day have was unknown to Lee and his fellow cadets. The build- ings were badly constructed and were hot in summer and cold in winter. The rooms in the barracks were only about twelve feet square and there were three, four, or even more cadets lodged in each. The furniture was the same in all the rooms and consisted of nothing more than a table, a book-shelf, a rack over the mantel for muskets, and a chair for each cadet. At night, narrow mat- tresses were spread on the floor. The only heat was supplied by fireplaces, and the wood for these was kept in great boxes in the halls. The cadets had to make their own fires, and, as in those days there were no matches, the blaze had to be started with flint, steel, and tinder. Each room was in charge of the cadets, serving in turn as orderlies. At the time Lee entered West Point, all the water had to be brought by the cadets from a spring on the grounds or from pumps, but in 1826, a water system was installed. Until this change was made there was not a bathtub at West Point. LIFE AT WEST POINT 23 The Mess Hall contained classrooms as well as the dining-room. The latter was furnished with long, bare tables and wooden benches. The table- ware was all of tin or iron. Here a Mr. Cozzens furnished board for the cadets at ten dollars a month. The fare was usually plentiful, and, though it was plain, it was very good. At times there were exceptions in certain dishes, for one cadet wrote home that the soup was bad and *' that a most filthy kind of Orleans molasses was served with some black-looking stufT contained in a tin pan which was honored with the name of pud- ding." Cozzens held the theory that ** if you give young men plenty of first-rate bread and potatoes, they will require little meat and never complain." The cadets were very fond of his bread and often carried quantities away in their pockets and caps to eat later in their rooms. At each table one of the cadets did the carving and was responsible for the good order of his table. The course of study which was followed for the first year had only mathematics and French. Six hours a day were given to the former and three to the latter. During the second year the same amount of time was given to mathematics, but drawing alternated with French. In the third year natural philosophy was studied five hours a day, chemistry and drawing each two hours. In the last year the time was divided in this way : engi- 24 ROBERT E. LEE neering, five hours; chemistry, two hours; and constitutional law, ethics, and rhetoric, two hours. Every summer was spent in camp and the time was largely taken up with drilling and other out- of-door occupations. Soon after Major Thayer became superintend- ent, he planned a course based upon three funda- mentals : (i) that every cadet should be trained in every subject taught ; (2) that each should be proficient in all the subjects ; and (3) that every cadet should recite every day. That plan has been followed ever since. Cadets at West Point never bother their heads with wondering if they are going to be called on the next day and if it is worth while preparing. They know that they will be called on to recite in everything and that it is well to be prepared. In Lee's time, as now, the classes were divided into small sections in order that each cadet might recite every day and also that each might receive individual instruc- tion. The grading of the work was on a basis of three as perfect down to zero indicating an entire failure. Like most men Lee must have been strongly influenced by the men under whom he studied. The professor of mathematics was Charles Davies, who was a very distinguished writer in his field and whose textbooks are still often used. The cadets called him " Old Tush " because of his LIFE AT WEST POINT 25 projecting teeth, but they liked him personally and as a teacher. Another teacher of mathe- matics, Ross, was also excellent. He had long whiskers which he pulled nervously as he talked and he chewed tobacco all the time. The course in mathematics for the first year included alge- bra, geometry, and trigonometry ; for the second, descriptive geometry, conic sections, and analyti- cal geometry. The professor of French was Claudius Berard, and both the grammar and introductory book he used were written by himself. A reading and writing knowledge of the language were the chief things sought after in the course, and in the two years Lee read **Gil Bias" and Voltaire's "Charles XII." Drawing was under the direction of Thomas Gimbrode, a Frenchman. For the first two years there was little attempted in this line beyond copying drawings of heads and figures, and map drawing, which was of course important. In the third year there was some work given in land- scapes and topographical drawing. Natural philosophy, which included mechanics, physics, astronomy, electricity, and optics, was taught by Jared Mansfield. He was really a fine teacher, but was not very strict with the cadets. He looked old and was near-sighted, a misfor- tune of which the cadets took advantage. 26 ROBERT E. LEE Chemistry was under W. F. Hopkins. The course was almost as full then as it is to-day. It included in the fourth year geology and miner- alogy, but there was no collection of minerals and there were no chemical laboratories. The most important study of the last year was en- gineering, including civil and military engineer- ing and architecture. David B. Douglas, an experienced teacher, and later a distinguished engineer, was professor. Only French textbooks were used in this course. The very last group of studies, taken up only in the fourth year, was that including geography, history, ethics, rhetoric, political economy, and constitutional law. The instructor was Thomas Warren. Of the course itself, as studied by Lee, we know little. Perhaps the most interesting fact that has come down to us about it is that one of the textbooks used in the course was Rawle on the Constitution, a book on Constitutional law, written by a distinguished lawyer and judge in Pennsylvania, which set forth in unmistakable terms the doctrines of state sovereignty and of secession. The following extracts show the nature of this teaching : — If a faction should attempt to subvert the govern- ment of a State for the purpose of destroying its re- publican form, the national power of the Union could be called forth to subdue it. Yet it is not to be under- LIFE AT WEST POINT 27 stood that its interposition would be justifiable if a State should determine to retire from the Union. It depends on a State itself whether it will continue a member of the Union. To deny this right would be inconsistent with the principle on which all our po- litical systems are founded, which is that the people have in all cases the right to determine how they shall be governed. The State may wholly withdraw from the Union. If a majority of the people of a State deliberately and peaceably resolve to relinquish the republican form of government, they cease to be members of the Union. The secession of a State from the Union depends on the will of the people of such a State. It is likely that the influence of this book on Southern men has been much exaggerated as the doctrine of States' Rights had been learned first at home by them all. The whole country had believed in States' Rights at first and as yet no question concerning the doctrine had arisen to force a decision. One other man whose influence must have been felt by Lee was the chaplain, Charles P. Mcllvaine, later Episcopal Bishop of Ohio. He left the Academy in 1827, so that Lee never studied under him, but the effect of his character and preaching had been to change the attitude of the whole Academy towards religion, which, until Mr. Mcllvaine's time, had been often a sub- ject for scoffing and ridicule. No cadet had 28 ROBERT E. LEE ever knelt at prayers until, during Lee's first year, Leonidas Polk, of North Carolina, later Bishop of Louisiana and a Confederate major-general, set the example, which others followed. Scarcely less important than the classwork was the military drill and instruction in military tac- tics. The cadets were formed into a battalion of four companies under the commandant. When Lee entered West Point, Major William J. Worth was commandant and remained so until some time during his last year, when Captain Ethan Allen Hitchcock succeeded him. Major Worth was an able commandant and a true soldier. He later served with distinction as a general in the Mexican War. The cadets called him '' Haughty Bill," but they were devoted to him, and the value of his influence in setting the standard of officers and gentlemen can hardly be estimated. Captain Hitchcock, known among the cadets as ** Old Hitch," was not nearly so popular. Infantry drill took place every day; artillery drill less often, and cavalry drill, at that time, not at all. The superintendent constantly asked for horses that the cadets might not forget how to ride. Lee stood in no danger of forgetting, as riding had long before become second nature to him. The infantry drill was modeled upon the tactics of the United States Army, and was complete in LIFE AT WEST POINT 29 every way. Artillery drill was very severe, as, lacking horses, the cadets themselves had to put on the harness in turn and drag the heavy can- non over the parade ground. Lieutenant Kinsley was the instructor. In addition to drill regular classes in military science were held for the first class, that is, the highest class, in the Academy. To Lee even as a cadet, all things military were attractive. He was a born soldier, and he was steadily promoted until in his last year he won the coveted post of adjutant of the battalion. His son, George Washington Custis Lee, gained the same honor just twenty-five years later. The Academy maintained the strictest discipline. The breaking of regulations was promply pun- ished by demerits affecting class standing, by extra sentinel duty, by confinement to rooms or guard-house, or, in the more serious cases, by trial by court-martial and dismissal upon convic- tion. Lee, during his entire four years, never re- ceived a demerit or subjected himself to pun- ishment. The cadets^ day was filled with work. At 5.45 in the morning, reveille sounded. This was fol- lowed immediately by roll call. The rooms in barracks all had then to be put in order for a close inspection before 7.45, when the squads of cadets marched separately to breakfast. No talking was allowed during this or any meal, and class-work 30 ROBERT E. LEE began immediately afterwards and lasted un- til 12.30. One o'clock was the dinner hour, and classes were taken up again at two and lasted until four, when drill began. At sunset, there was parade, followed by prayers and supper. At eight all cadets had to be in their rooms and at work. At ten taps sounded the signal for the lights to be put out. In spite of the hard work and rigid discipline, fun was not lacking at West Point. There was not then the gay social life the place has to-day, for it was out of touch with the outside world and very hard to reach. There were no dances, though dancing was taught for the purpose of keeping the cadets from awkwardness. Nor was there the flock of pretty girls making the cadets feel im- portant and lessening the number of brass but- tons on their coats. But every Saturday was a half-holiday and the country surrounding West Point gave opportunity for long, delightful walks and for some good hunting. All winter the skat- ing was good and almost every cadet learned to skate, an art which Lee had already learned in his boyhood in Virginia. Strong ties of friend- ship were formed, many of them to last through life. At West Point with Lee were Albert Sidney Johnston, Joseph E. Johnston, Jefferson Davis, Leonidas Polk, John B. Macgruder, William N. Pendleton, T. H. Holmes, A. G. Blanchard, LIFE AT WEST POINT 31 L. B. Northrop, Philip St. George Cocke, G. B. Crittenden, Hugh W. Mercer, Gabriel S. Rains, Richard C. Gatlin, and Thomas F. Drayton, all of whom later became distinguished Confederate officers. Among those who became prominent as Federal officers were A. B. Eaton, Silas Casey, S. P. Heintzelman, Philip St. George Cooke, O. A. Humphreys, W. H. C. Bartlett, Benjamin Alvord, R. C. Buchanan, T. A. Davies, R. B. Marcy, T. J. McKean, and William H. Emory. A. E. Church was a noted professor at West Point, and O. M. Mitchel won fame as an as- tronomer. Lee was not given to forming intimacies quickly, although there was about him no trace of snob- bishness or aloofness. One deep friendship was formed which lasted all his life. This was with Joseph E. Johnston. When they met in after years, it was with all the demonstrativeness of school-boys, and for years they wrote to each other regularly. Johnston's tribute to Lee is sig- nificant. He said : — We had the same associates, who thought, as I did, that no other youth or man so united the qualities that win warm friendship and command respect. For he was full of sympathy and kindness, genial and fond of gay conversation and even of fun, that made him the most agreeable of companions, while his cor- rectness of demeanor and language and attention to all duties, both personal and official, and a dignity as 32 ROBERT E. LEE much a part of himself as the elegance of his person, gave him a superiority that every one acknowledged in his heart. Speaking of him at another time, Johnston said : — He was the only one of all the men I have known who could laugh at the faults and follies of his friends in such a manner as to make them ashamed without touching their affections. Lee and Jefierson Davis were good friends without being on terms of intimacy. They were destined to be thrown closely together in the future, and their friendship, steadily increasing all the time, carried them through many rough places. One of the favorite amusements of the cadets was a trip to Buttermilk Falls, two miles away, where one Benny Havens sold food and drink, peculiarly adapted to the taste of a cadet. This was a forbidden pleasure, and Lee's passion for duty kept him away, but many adventurous cadets, including some of the best and strongest men at West Point, went often. The two John- stons, like Lee, did not, but Jefferson Davis was court-martialed for drinking there, and, on one occasion, in escaping, he fell sixty feet over a cliff and received injuries that came near being fatal. Benny Havens lived until 1877, and West Point- ers still sing a song of many verses called ** Benny Havens, Oh." LIFE AT WEST POINT 33 At Christmas of Lee's second year occurred the ** great riot." The cadets had planned an egg-nog party, and invitations had been sent around and accepted by many. Among those who decUned were Lee and J. E. Johnston. News of this plan leaked, and the authorities kept care- ful watch, and, just as the aflair was beginning, officers stepped in and broke it up. A serious riot followed, and the cadets, hearing that the regular troops stationed at West Point had been called out, formed what they called 'Hhe Helve- tian League " to protect themselves. Nine cadets were later dismissed from the Academy for par- ticipation in all this. This sort of thing had litde attraction for Lee. Throughout his whole life he was extremely abstemious, never using tobacco, rarely touching wine, and never using whiskey or brandy. In 1828 Lee took the usual furlough and re- turned home for a visit of some months. This visit was marked by a great event in his life. He met again Mary Randolph Custis with whom he had played in childhood at Arlington. She was the daughter of George Washington Parke Custis, a grandson of Mrs. Washington and the adopted son of Washington. Mary Custis had grown into a charming young woman and Lee into a handsome young soldier, and, as the re- sult of this meeting, Lee returned to West Point 34 ROBERT E. LEE engaged to be married. A cousin of Lee's wrote of him at this time : — The first time I remember being struck with his manly beauty and attractiveness of manner was when he returned home after his first two years [three was correct] at West Point. He came with his mother and family on a visit to my father's. He was dressed in his cadet uniform of West Point gray with white bullet buttons, and every one was filled with admira- tion of his fine appearance and lovely manners. Lee returned to West Point for his final year. As adjutant of the battalion, he was the most prominent and commanding figure among the cadets. Up to this time, he had held the second place in his class, the first being held by Charles Mason, of New York, and he succeeded in keep- ing it during the final year, graduating second in a rather unusual class of forty-six members. The ideal of West Point has been always that each of its graduates should be an honorable, courageous, clear-thinking man, well trained for his profession, not only in technical military sci- ence, but also in all that goes to make an able officer. The Academy has been wonderfully suc- cessful in achieving this. The scroll of the Acad- emy shield bears the significant words, *' Duty, Honor, Country," and devotion to these three has been characteristic of the sons of West Point. All three had been taught Lee in his childhood, LIFE AT WEST POINT 35 but his life at West Point emphasized them and left its stamp upon him, as it has upon the vast majority of those who have there been trained to answer the call of country in peace as well as in war. CHAPTER IV THE YOUNG ENGINEER The Engineer Corps of the United States Army- has been, ever since the establishment of the Mili- tary Academy, a body of men of high distinction. The West Point cadets who have achieved first honors are those assigned to it upon their pro- motion to the Army, and it is thus made up of scholarly men who have shown themselves capa- ble and obedient soldiers. Many distinguished men and able soldiers have served in the corps. These men have charge of coast defenses and forts and other fortifications. They also plan and direct the government work on rivers and har- bors. In recent years they have done a wonderful piece of work in the construction of the Panama Canal. To this body Lee was assigned upon his grad- uation and was commissioned a second lieuten- ant. At this time the life of the ofBcers in other branches of the service was not, as a rule, attrac- tive. The army posts were often remote and sometimes practically cut ofE from the civilized world. The life was narrowing, with little incen- tive to study or hard work of any kind, and this THE YOUNG ENGINEER 37 fact, combined with the dullness of the life, formed a strong temptation to dissipation. In the Corps of Engineers, life was very different. Most of its members were regularly assigned to work close to some city and so were in close touch with the world. They were apt to lead a somewhat gayer life than other officers, but usually it was a fuller life as well and one with greater opportunity for self-development. After the usual short leave of absence or fur- lough, Lee was stationed at Fortress Monroe, in Virginia, the oldest of the coast defenses of the United States. He was delighted at being sent back home, and he enjoyed the five years he spent there as assistant to Captain Talcott, seek- ing to strengthen the defenses of Hampton Roads to a point where they could never be taken. It was while Lee was there that the famous negro uprising at Southampton took place, in which more than sixty white persons, the majority of them women and children, were murdered. Lee, like every one else, felt the horror of the thing deeply and it made a great impression upon him. Soon after he went to Fortress Monroe, Lee was summoned to his mother, who was dying at ** Ravensworth," in Fairfax County. Her death was a great sorrow to him, for he had with in- creasing years come to understand her better and to appreciate her worth even more than in his 38 ROBERT E. LEE early years. In 1869, the year before his death, he visited ''Ravensworth," and, as he passed the door of the room in which she died, he said: " Forty years ago, I stood in this room by my mother's death-bed I It seems now but yesterday.'* Lee was married on June 30, 1831, at Arling- ton, to Miss Custis. The newspaper notice of the wedding was simply : — - Married June 30, 1831, at Arlington House, by the Reverend Mr. Keith, Lieut. Robert E. Lee, of the United States Corps of Engineers, to Miss Mary A. R. Custis, only daughter of G. W. P. Custis, Esq. f The party gathered at Arlington must have been one of the gayest the house had ever known. The place was filled with guests, including six bridesmaids and six groomsmen, five of the lat- ter being officers in the army or navy. As wed- ding journeys were not the fashion in those days, the young couple and their guests made merry for a week and the house was full of life and gay- ety. Then the Lees settled down to life together, a life to be marked throughout by the deepest devotion and most perfect understanding. Mary Custis Lee was a woman of unusual strength of mind and character and she had received a fine education. She proved herself a fit mate for a great man. The demands of Lee's profession took him often from home and this fact had been brought ROBERT E. LEE THE YOUNG ENGINEER 39 forward by Mr. Custis, who had at first opposed the engagement, as one of the reasons against the match. Lee's bride was the only child of a very wealthy father, but she chose to fit her life to her husband's very modest income and for years they lived upon that alone. Later, she in- herited two splendid Virginia estates, Arlington, and the White House on the Pamunkey River, in New Kent County. Arlington was one of Vir- ginia's most beautiful homes. It was built by George Washington Parke Custis. It occupied a commanding site upon the top of an elevation more than three hundred feet above tide-water of the Potomac and half a mile from the river's shore. The building was of brick and had a frontage, including the main building and the two large wings, of one hundred and forty feet. In front was a grand portico with eight magnifi- cent Doric columns. It was sixty feet across and twenty-five feet in depth. It was modeled after the Temple of Theseus at Athens. The house held many relics of Washington and other con- nections of the family and was filled with memo- ries and traditions of the good and great. In front of the house was a fine park of two hundred acres, sloping to the Potomac, dotted with groves of oak and chestnut trees and with clumps of evergreens. Behind, was a dark old forest con- taining many magnificent trees, most of them 40 ROBERT E. LEE very old, and covering about six hundred acres of hill and dale. Through a part of this forest, wound the road to the house. The view from the house was, and is still, superb. One looked out upon the Potomac and across to Washington and Georgetown with beautiful views of the Cap- itol, the White House, the Smithsonian Institu- tion, and the Washington Monument. The view of the river is particularly fine. On the grounds at the edge of the river was a magnificent spring set in a grove and coming out of the roots of a splendid oak. Here Mr. Custis, who was the soul of hospitality, had built a wharf, storeroom, kitchen, dining-room, and dancing pavilion. This place was very popular with picnic parties from Washington who were welcome to come any day except Sunday, provided no liquor was sold there. In 1852, it was estimated, twenty thousand people visited the place. On the grounds was a willow tree, called " Pope's Willow." It had grown from a slip planted there by a British offi- cer in 1775. The slip was obtained from a weep- ing willow which had grown from a slip brought from the East and planted in Pope's villa at Twickenham, in England, which became the par- ent tree of all the weeping willows in England. The one at Arlington is the parent tree of all the weeping willows in the United States. Here at Arlington, Lee and his wife lived with Mr. and THE YOUNG ENGINEER 41 Mrs. Custis ; here their children were born ; and, to them all, this home was associated with the greatest happiness of their lives. The other estate, the White House, also had its historic associations. It was there that Wash- ington courted the widow Custis ; there they were married and spent their honeymoon of three months. The house was no such imposing mansion as that at Arlington. It was a simple country house, comfortable for its time. It was built by William Claiborne, Secretary of the Col- ony of Virginia, to whom the place had been given for a victory over the Pamunkey Indians. Claiborne, it will be remembered, was the man who defied Lord Baltimore in regard to the own- ership of Kent Island in the Chesapeake, and act- ually began armed hostilities against the Mary- land settlers who interfered with his rights. It was for this estate that the President's Mansion at Washington is named. Lee, unlike many officers of his day, did not stop his studies with his graduation from the Academy. In his branch of the service, promo- tion came in no other way than through work, and Lee, with all his modesty, was properly am- bitious. He studied his profession with the same earnestness he had shown while learning his les- sons at school, and he made rapid progress. In 1834, he was ordered to Washington as assistant 42 ROBERT E. LEE to the chief engineer. This suited him well, as it enabled him to live at Arlington and ride in to his office every day. Many of his old friends were already in Washington and he rapidly made new ones. A group of his friends had a "mess" at Mrs. Ulrich's, whose house was on the spot where the Riggs House was later to stand. In this group was Joseph E. Johnston, Lee's intimate friend, to- gether with several others, including Mahlon Dickerson, Secretary of the Navy ; William C. Rives, former minister to France, then a Sena- tor ; Hugh S. Legare, an eminent South Carolina lawyer, then in Congress ; and Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War. Lee was often cut off from home by bad roads and at such times was one of this gay and joyous group of congenial friends. One of the number was John N. Macomb, who had been at West Point with Lee, but in a lower class. One day, as Lee was mounting his horse to start for Arlington, he saw Macomb approach- ing. He called, ''Come, get up with me." Ma- comb leaped up behind him on the horse and the two galloped off down Pennsylvania Avenue. As they passed the White House they met Levi Woodbury, the Secretary of the Treasury, w^hom they greeted with a great assumption of dignity, much to that gentleman's bewilderment. In 1835 Lee was made assistant astronomer of the commission to run a boundary line between THE YOUNG ENGINEER 43 Ohio and Michigan, and the next year he was promoted to first lieutenant of engineers. A year later a great task was intrusted to him. The city of St. Louis was in great danger because of the de- flection of the current of the Mississippi River to the Illinois side, with the practical certainty that, unless something was done to prevent it, it would cut a new channel and thus leave St. Louis ''high and dry," which would, of course, mean ruin to the city. Whatever was to be done had to be done quickly, and General Scott was asked for aid. His reply was that he knew only one man equal to the task and that was Lieutenant Lee. *' He is young, but, if the work can be done, he will do it." So Lee left Arlington and his work in Washington with the large order to make the Father of Waters behave. He was also directed to make surveys and prepare plans for improv- ing the navigation of the river in the neighbor- hood of St. Louis and above. Lee left Washington in June and went by canal to Pittsburgh and from there traveled by steam- boat to St. Louis. It was a most exciting trip, for again and again they came near disaster, and did assist in the rescue of some who had been wrecked. After careful inspection of the river, Lee recom- mended the building of a system of piles and dams. His report was accepted by the War De- 44 ROBERT E. LEE partment, and Lee was given charge of the con- struction work. The plan seemed absurd to the people of St. Louis, who knew little or nothing of engineering, and they became much excited. The large appropriation which the city had made for the work was withdrawn. Lee said quietly when he was told of this, ** They can do what they like with their own, but I was sent here to do certain work, and I shall do it." He and his men were threatened and abused, and cannon even were brought to use against them. In spite of it all, heedless of criticism, Lee carried his task to a successful end. Not only was St. Louis saved, but this was the beginning of the improve- ment of the navigation on the Upper Mississippi. In 1838 Lee was promoted to the rank of cap- tain of engineers and was kept in the West for a number of years. A part of the time his family were with him, but, now that there were children, they lived most of the time in Arlington. There were seven children, three sons and four daugh- ters. They were George Washington Custis, William Henry Fitzhugh, Robert Edward, Mary, Annie, Agnes, and Mildred. Lee called Custis, "Boo," and William Henry Fitzhugh, *'Rooney," and Mildred, his youngest daughter, *' Precious Life." His devotion to them all was deep, and his letters are full of allusions to them which show his interest in what they were doing and THE YOUNG ENGINEER 45 also his strong desire to be with them. His love for children went further than his own, and chil- dren always knew that he loved them and so were never afraid to approach him. The fol- lowing letter to his wife shows his feeling for them : — St. Louis, September 4, 1840. A few evenings since feeling lonesome, as the saying is, and out of sorts, I got a horse and took a ride. On returning through the lower part of the town, I saw a number of little girls all dressed up in their white frocks and pantalets, their hair plaited and tied up with ribbons, running and chasing each other in all directions. I counted twenty-three nearly the same size. As I drew up my horse to admire the spectacle a man appeared at the door with the twenty-fourth in his arms. "My friend," said I, "are all these your children?" "Yes," he said, "and there are nine more in the house, and this Is the youngest." Upon further inquiry, however, I found that they were only tem- porarily his, and that they had been Invited to a party at his house. He said, however, he had been admiring them before I came up, and just wished that he had a million of dollars and that they were his in reality. I do not think the eldest exceeded seven or eight years old. It was the prettiest sight I have seen in the West, and perhaps in my life. In 1840 Lee returned to Washington, and in 1842 he was sent to Fort Hamilton in New York Harbor to take charge of the work of improving the defenses of that city. Two years later, while still engaged on this work, he served on the 46 ROBERT E;. LEE Board of Visitors of the Military Academy, an assignment which was particularly pleasant to him. He remained for several years at Fort Hamilton, and very happy years they were, for his family were all with him and his surroundings were delightful. He gathered around himself here, as he had everywhere done, pet animals to which he was strongly attached. Chief among these, was a black and tan terrier named ''Spec.'* Spec's mother had been saved from drowning in the *' Narrows" by Lee, as he was once crossing to Staten Island, and carried home, where she soon became a great favorite with the entire family. Spec was born in the fort and was con- sidered a member of the family. He soon devel- oped a habit of going everywhere the other members went. When he began to go to church with them, Lee was much annoyed and tried in every way to discourage the habit. He finally shut the little fellow up on the second floor of his quarters, only to have him jump bravely down and join the family party. Lee's affection for him is shown in a letter written from the fort while his wife and children were at Arlington on a visit. He says : — I am very solitary and my only company is my dog and cats. But "Spec" has become so jealous now that he will hardly let me look at the cats. He seems to be afraid that I am going off from him, and THE YOUNG ENGINEER 47 never lets me stir without him. Lies down in the office from eight to four without moving, and turns himself before the fire as the side from it becomes cold. I catch him sometimes sitting up looking at me so intently that I am for a moment startled. Later, he wrote from Mexico : — Can't you cure poor "Spec"? Cheer him up — take him to walk with you and tell the children to cheer him up. Again he wrote : — Tell him I wish he was here with me. He would have been of great service in telling me when I was coming upon the Mexicans. When I was reconnoiter- ing around Vera Cruz, their dogs frequently told me by barking when I was approaching them too nearly. Upon Lee's return from the Mexican War, "Spec's" delight was without bounds. From the happy, peaceful life at Fort Hamil- ton, Lee was called by the outbreak of the war with Mexico. CHAPTER V IN MEXICO In 1846 there was an outbreak of war between the United States and Mexico along the frontier. In command of the United States troops in Texas was General Zachary Taylor, a Virginian by birth, who had gained some little reputation in the long- drawn-out struggle with the Indians. The early battles of the war were fought under his direction and command. It was entirely due to the renown he won in such battles as Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Matamoras, Monterey, and Buena Vista that he was later elected President of the United States. He possessed genuine military genius and was a silent and a stern man. His lack of formality and ceremony had already gained for him the nickname, ** Old Rough and Ready," in contrast to that given General Scott, *'01d Fuss and Feathers." When it became evident, after hostilities had actually begun, that this war was really a serious one, three lines of attack by the United States were decided upon. One army, under Taylor, was to go by way of Matamoras, on the Rio Grande, into the interior; a second, under General Kearny, IN MEXICO 49 was to invade New Mexico and California ; and a third, under General Wool, was to descend upon the northern part of Mexico. With this last army Lee went for the first time into the field. In the war he served with such distinction that it may be said that his whole later career was the result of this brilliant beginning. The life he led at this time was described in his letters home. In one to his wife, written soon after he reached Mexico, he says : — We have met with no resistance yet. The Mexicans who were guarding the passage retired on our ap- proach. There has been a great whetting of knives, grinding of swords, and sharpening of bayonets ever since we reached the river. Writing to his two oldest sons on Christmas Eve of 1846, he says: — I hope good Santa Claus will fill my Rob's stocking to-night; that Mildred's, Agnes's, and Anna's may break down with good things. I do not know what he may have for you and Mary, but if he only leaves for you one half of what I wish, you will want for nothing. I have frequently thought if I had one of you on each side of me riding on ponies, such as I could get you, I would be comparatively happy. They had been asking about the horses and ponies in Mexico, and he continues in the same letter : — The Mexicans raise a large quantity of ponies, donkeys, and mules, and most of their corn, etc., is 50 ROBERT E. LEE carried on the backs of these animals. These little donkeys will carry two hundred pounds on their backs, and the mules will carry three hundred on long journeys over the mountains. The ponies are used for riding and cost from ten to fifty dollars, accord- ing to their size and quality. I have three horses. Creole is my pet; she is a golden dun, active as a deer, and carries me over all the ditches and gullies that I have met with ; nor has she ever yet hesitated at any- thing I have put her at; she is full blooded and con- sidered the prettiest thing in the army ; though young, she has so far stood the campaign as well as any horses of the division. Lee's duty as an engineer was to learn the country thoroughly so that the movements of the army might be directed to the best advantage ; to choose positions for troops and artillery ; to gain accurate information ; and to draft maps, cut roads, and build bridges. In all this he showed great ability, but it was in searching out the land that he won special notice. General Wool was told at one time that Santa Anna, with a much more powerful army than his, had crossed the mountains and was only twenty miles away. It was imperative that the truth be- hind this rumor should be learned, and Lee vol- unteered for the task. It was arranged that he should have with him a troop of cavalry and a guide, but in some way orders were confused, and he missed them. Having no one with him except a Mexican boy, who could be trusted only because IN MEXICO 51 Lee had told him that he would shoot him if he played false, he set out. Employing a boy as a guide Lee went on, not daring to lose any time. After a ride of many miles he came upon a road heavily worn with tracks of mules and wagons. He believed that he had found the traces of a detachment of troops, and he determined to go on until he reached the outposts of the enemy. Finally, he came within sight of camp-fires, and his guide at once began to beg that they go back, urging that this was Santa Anna's army and that death for both was certain if they went on and were captured. Lee then left his guide and rode forward alone. He was challenged by no pick- ets and came at last to where he could see what seemed to be white tents, and could hear loud talking. Hoping to learn the size of the force, he rode forward still further and discovered that the supposed white tents were sheep in tremendous numbers, and the army nothing but drovers with a large train of wagons going to market with herds of sheep, cattle, and mules. From the dro- vers he learned that Santa Anna had not crossed the mountains, and he at once returned to camp with the good news. Everybody rejoiced to see him safe, *'but," said Lee, "the most delighted man to see me was the old Mexican, the father of my guide, with whom I had last been seen by any of our people and whom General Wool had ar- 52 ROBERT E. LEE rested and proposed to hang if I was not forth- coming." Although Lee had already ridden forty- miles that night, he rested only three hours before he headed a troop of cavalry on a scouting expe- dition far beyond the point where he had come upon the sheep. On this search Lee learned the exact position of the enemy. About this time a change was made in the gen- eral plan of campaign which vitally affected Lee. It was decided that the quickest way to end the war was to strike directly at the City of Mexico — " to conquer a peace," as General Scott put it. General Scott, at this time the commanding gen- eral of the United States Army, had been impa- tiently waiting in Washington for a chance for active service, but had been kept out for political reasons by the President. He was now placed in command of a new force raised for the expedition. Scott was a native of Virginia, and had been a lawyer before he went into the army. He had won high reputation as a soldier in the War of 1812, and, at the time of the war with Mexico, had reached the age of sixty years. He was rather vain and self-important, but he was a fine soldier and a great and good man. Scott's high position enabled him to have his wishes carried out and he determined to surround himself with able officers, particularly from the Corps of Engineers. He soon drew from that IN MEXICO 53 branch Colonel J. G. Totten, J. L. Smith, R. E. Lee, P. G. T. Beauregard, G. B. McClellan, J. G. Foster, Z. B. Tower, I. I. Stevens, and G. W. Smith. Almost at once he placed Lee on his per- sonal staff. In this way the two men grew to be close friends and Scott came to have great confi- dence in Lee and a great admiration for him both as a man and as a soldier. While on his way to Vera Cruz, from which place the expedition was expected to start, Lee wrote his sons the following letter : — Ship Massachusetts, off Lobos, February 27, 1847. My dear Boys: — I received your letters with the greatest pleasure, and, as I always like to talk to you both together, I will not separate you in my letters, but write one to you both. I was much gratified to hear of your prog- ress at school, and hope that you will continue to advance and that I shall have the happiness of find- ing you much improved in all your studies on my re- turn. I shall not feel my long separation from you if I find that my absence has been of no injury to you, and that you have both grown in goodness and knowl- edge, as well as stature. But oh, how much will I suffer on my return if the reverse has occurred ! You enter into all my thoughts, in all my prayers; and on you, in part, will depend whether I shall be happy or miserable, as you know how much I love you. You must do all in your power to save me pain. You will learn, by my letter to your grandmother, that I have been to Tampico. I saw many things to remind me of you, though that was not necessary to 54 ROBERT E. LEE make me wish that you were with me. The river was so calm and beautiful, and the boj^s were playing about in boats, and swimming their ponies. Then there were troops of donkeys carrying water through the streets. They had a kind of saddle, something like a cart saddle, though larger, that carried two ten- gallon kegs on each side, which was a load for a don- key. They had no bridles on, but would come along in strings to the river, and as soon as their kegs were filled, start off again. They were fatter and slicker than any donkeys I had ever seen before, and seemed to be better cared for. I saw a great many ponies too. They were much larger than those in the upper country, but did not seem so enduring. I got one to ride around the fortifications. He had a Mexican bit and saddle on, and paced delightfully, but every time my sword struck him on the flanks, would jump and try to run off. Several of them had been broken to harness by the Americans and I saw some teams in wagons, driven four in hand, well matched and trotting well. We had a grand parade on General Scott's arrival. The troops were all drawn up on the bank of the river, and fired a salute as he passed them. He landed at the market, where lines of senti- nels were placed to keep off the crowd. In front of the landing the artillery was drawn up, which received him in the center of the column and escorted him through the streets to his lodgings. They had pro- vided a handsome gray horse, richly caparisoned, for him to ride, but he preferred to walk with his staff around him, and a dragoon led the horse behind us. The windows along the streets we passed were crowded with people, and the boys and girls were in great glee — the Governor's Island band playing all the time. There were six thousand soldiers in Tampico. Mr. IN MEXICO 55 Barry was the adjutant of the escort. I think you would have enjoyed with me the oranges and sweet potatoes. Major Smith became so fond of the choco- late that I could hardly get him away from the house. We remained there only one day. I have a nice state- room on board this ship. Joe Johnston and myself occupy it, but my poor Joe is so sick all the time, I can do nothing with him. I left "Jem" to come on with the horses, as I was afraid they would not be properly cared for. Vessels were expressly fitted up for the horses, and parties of dragoons detailed to take care of them. I had hoped they would reach here by this time, as I wanted to see how they were fixed. I took every precaution for their comfort, provided them with bran, oats, etc., and had slings made to pass under them and be attached to the cov- erings above, so that, if in a heavy sea, they should slide or be thrown off their feet, they could not fall. I had to sell my good old horse "Jim" as I could not find room for him, or, rather, I did not want to crowd the others. I know I shall want him when I land. Creole was the admiration of every one at Brazos, and they hardly believed she had carried me so far, and looked so well. Jem says there is nothing like her in all the country, and I believe he likes her better than "Tom "or "Jerry." The sorrel mare did not ap- pear to be so well after I got to the Brazos. I had to put one of the men on her whose horse had given out, and the saddle hurt her back. She had gotten well, however, before I left, and I told Jem to ride her every day. I hope they may both reach the shore again in safety, but I fear they will have a hard time. They will first have to be put aboard a steamboat and carried to the ship that lies about two miles out at sea, then hoisted in, and how we shall get them ashore again I do not know. Probably throw them 56 ROBERT E. LEE overboard and let them swim there. I do not think we shall remain here more than one day longer. Gen- eral Worth's and General Twiggs's divisions have arrived, which include the regulars, and I suppose the volunteers will be coming on every day. We shall probably go on the first down the coast, select a place for debarkation, and make all the arrangements preparatory to the arrival of the troops. I shall have plenty to do there, and am anxious for the time to come, and hope all may be successful. Tell Rob he must think of me very often, be a good boy, and al- ways love papa. Take care of "Spec" and the colts. Mr. Sedgwick and all the officers send their love to you. The ship rolls so I can scarcely write. You must write to me very often. I am always very glad to hear from you. Be sure that I think of you, and that you have the prayers of Your affectionate father, R. E. Lee. In the early winter of 1847 the Scott expedi- tion laid siege to Vera Cruz, which had defenses supposed to be almost impossible to take. Lee, as an engineer, was kept very busy here. He had the chief direction of the placing of batteries, and for two weeks he worked both day and night. His work was so well done that General Scott said in his report that Lee had greatly distin- guished himself. Here Lee came near to death from one of his own men, a panic-stricken sentry firing at him so close that his coat was burned, while the ball passed between his arm and his body. An amusing incident occurred in connec- IN MEXICO 57 tion with Lee's work. He received orders to throw up earthworks to protect a battery to be manned by the sailors from a man-of-war. The sailors did not like the digging and the captain of the frigate protested, saying that the only use his men would have for earthworks would be to fight from the top of them. Captain Lee was deaf to all such protests and gave his attention to pushing the work rapidly forward. It was barely finished when the Mexicans opened fire and all the sailors gladly took refuge behind the despised "bank of dirt." Not long afterward the gallant sea captain apol- ogized for his comments, and then said, "The fact is. Captain, I don't like land fighting anyway. It ain't clean." At Vera Cruz Lee found his brother, Lieutenant Sydney Smith Lee, of the Navy. In a letter from there, Lee said, after describing a certain bat- tery : — The first day this battery opened, Smith served one of the guns. I had constructed the battery, and was there to direct its fire. No matter where I turned, my eyes reverted to him, and I stood by his gun when- ever I was not wanted elsewhere. Oh! I felt awfully, and at a loss what I should have done had he been cut down before me. I thank God that he was saved. He preserved his usual cheerfulness and I could see his white teeth through all the smoke and din of the fire. I had placed three 32 and three 68 pound guns in position. . . . Their fire was terrific, and the shells thrown from our battery were constant and regular 58 ROBERT E. LEE discharges, so beautiful in their flight and so de- structive in their fall. It was awful! My heart bled for the inhabitants. The soldiers I did not care so much for, but it was terrible to think of the women and children. Vera Cruz was at last taken, and Scott moved towards the interior, but at Cerro Gordo, Santa Anna confronted him with a large army, holding a position of great strength. General Scott's own account tells best what followed. Said he : — Reconnoissances were pushed in search of some practicable route other than the winding zigzag road among the spurs of the mountains, with heavy bat- teries at every turn. The reconnoissances were con- ducted with vigor under Captain Lee at the head of a body of pioneers, and at the end of the third day a passable way for light batteries was accomplished without alarming the enemy, giving the possibility of turning the extreme left of his line of defense and capturing his whole army, except the reserve, that lay a mile or two higher up the road. Santa Anna said that he had not believed a goat could have ap- proached him in that direction. Hence the surprise and the results were the greater. As a result the Mexican left was turned and the Mexican army defeated. Again Scott reported : — I am compelled to make special mention of Captain R. E. Lee, Engineer. This ofiicer greatly distinguished himself at the siege of Vera Cruz; was indefatigable during these operations of reconnoissances, as daring as laborious, and of the utmost value. Nor was he IN MEXICO 59 less conspicuous In planting batteries and conducting columns from stations under the heavy fire of the enemy. These reconnoissances, or scouting expeditions, were very dangerous. Once when Lee had gone too far on one of them, he had to hide under a fallen tree near a spring to which the Mexicans came for water. He could hear the hostile soldiers talking and got very anxious to escape, but he was obliged to lie there until the coming of night made his escape possible. Several times parties crossed the very log under which he lay. Lee wrote his son Custis about the battle of Cerro Gordo and said : — I thought of you, my dear Custis, on the i8th in the battle, and wondered, when the musket balls and grape were whistling over my head in a perfect shower, where I could put you if with me to be safe. I was truly thankful you were at school, I hope learning to be good and wise. You have no idea what a horrible sight a battlefield is. The army, marching on, reached Contreras only to find it so strongly defended that the reg- ular road could not be passed over. It ran be- tween a deep swamp and an apparently impas- sable lava bed, but Lee found a mule trail over the Pedregal, as the lava field was called, and this he opened up. He then led over it the com- mands of Generals Pillow and Worth, who cap- 6o ROBERT E. LEE tured the village of Contreras. It proved necessary for them to push on at once and engage the en- emy, and Lee volunteered to return and tell Scott of the plan so that he could assist. Alone, in the night, in the midst of a terrible tropical storm, Lee made his way across the Pedregal, which was infested with roving Mexican bands, back to Scott, and then returned to take part in the morning's assault. Scott, who had already sent seven officers in turn to cross the Pedregal and had seen them all return unsuccessful, declared Lee's trip ''the greatest feat of physical and moral courage, per- formed by any individual, to my knowledge, pending the campaign." In the battle of Contreras, Lee guided the left wing of the army to the attack. In his report of this battle Scott commended his staff, and after Lee's name said, *'as distinguished for felicitous execution as for science and daring." The army was again victorious at Molino del Rey, and then followed a series of brilliant and daring recon- noissances by the engineers, chief of whom was Lee with Beauregard assisting him. The army then stormed the heights of Chapultepec and suc- cessfully carried them, thus opening the way to the City of Mexico. In this engagement Lee was wounded. Scott's report again mentioned him, saying, *' Captain Lee, Engineer, so constantly distinguished, also bore important orders from IN MEXICO 6i me until he fainted from a wound and the loss of two nights' sleep at the batteries." Scott's reports make very clear his opinion of Lee, and later he said that his '* success in Mex- ico was largely due to the skill, valor, and un- daunted energy of Robert E. Lee." He also said of him that he was the ** greatest military genius in America, the best soldier that he ever saw in the field, and that, if opportunity offered, he would show himself the foremost captain of his time." Scott's opinion was shared by otliers. Every com- mander with whom Lee served in Mexico spoke of him in the same strain. One of his biographers, speaking of his work in Mexico, says : — The high estimate of Lee's military abilities formed by all who associated with him in the Mexican War was not based upon mere partiality for the man be- cause of his winning personal qualities. His services at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, and Contreras especially, were marked by those striking qualities which won him so much celebrity in the War of Secession; namely, quick perception, fertility in expedients, sound judgment, energy, audacity, and perfect in- trepidity. As a result of his brilliant work, promotion fol- lowed. He was given the brevet rank of major for his work at Cerro Gordo, brevet lieutenant- colonel for that at Contreras, and brevet colonel for that at Chapultepec. When Lee's father-in- law wrote him of the anxiety of his friends that 62 ROBERT E. LEE his bravery and his services should be suitably rewarded, Lee characteristically replied : — I hope my friends will give themselves no annoy- ance on my account, or any concern about the dis- tribution of favors. I know how those things are awarded at Washington, and how the President will be besieged by clamorous claimants. I do not wish to be numbered among them. Such as he can con- scientiously bestow, I shall gratefully receive, and have no doubt that those will exceed my deserts. He was sincerely modest about his part in the war and wrote to his brother : — As to myself, your brotherly feelings have made you estimate too highly my small services, and though praise from one I love so dearly is sweet, truth com- pels me to disclaim it. I did nothing more than what others in my place would have done much better. The great cause of our success was our leader. While the results of the war were being settled by diplomacy, Lee remained in Mexico until June, 1848. He studied a great deal during this period, but he also spent many hours on horseback en- joying the beautiful scenery and the wonderful plants and flowers. His letters home were long and full of interesting details. When General Scott, for political reasons, was ordered before a court of inquiry, Lee was very indignant and wrote, '* Gen- eral Scott, whose skill and service has crushed the enemy and conquered a peace, can now be dismissed and turned out as an old horse to die." IN MEXICO 63 His home-coming was full of joy for Lee. He wrote his brother : — Here I am once again, dear Smith, perfectly sur- rounded by Mary and her precious children, who seem to devote themselves to staring at the furrows in my face and the white hairs in my head. It is not surpris- ing that I am hardly recognizable to some of the young ones around me and perfectly unknown to the youngest. ... I find them, too, much grown and all well, and I have much cause for thankfulness, and gratitude to that good God who has once more united us. He brought home with him the horse he had ridden in Mexico, Grace Darling, and for her sake took the long trip up the Mississippi instead of coming directly home. She had been shot seven times, which showed in what sort of places her master had been in the habit of going, and he, naturally, was devoted to her. He also had a small pony, named Santa Anna, sent home by sea for his son Robert, which soon became a fam- ily favorite. The Mexican War was in many respects a small affair, a struggle with only a narrow scope. Its great importance in American history lies in the fact that in it were developed many of the men who were to be the leaders, on one side or the other, in the great struggle for the Union then near at hand. Of the subordinate officers in the Mexican War, Lee gained the greatest distinction, but 64 ROBERT E. LEE there were many others not far behind him. Of these Scott ranked George B. McClellan next to Lee. In Scott's army were Ulysses S. Grant, twenty-five years old, a lieutenant of infantry, who for gallantry, won by brevet the rank of captain ; he had been with Taylor at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterey, and joined Scott at Vera Cruz ; George B. McClellan, twenty-one years of age, an engineer, for bravery was breveted first lieutenant and later captain ; George H. Thomas, a first lieutenant of artillery, was breveted three times for gallantry; John Sedgwick and John G. Foster were twice breveted, and Winfield Scott Hancock, a second lieutenant of infantry, was also breveted; Irvin McDowell, later to be the first commander of the Army of the Potomac, was in Mexico as an aide-de-camp ; Joseph Hooker was also a staff officer and Ambrose E. Burnside joined the army with a party of recruits while it was on the march to the interior. These were the most important of the number who later were distinguished as Federal officers. Many of the men who were to be Confederate leaders also took part in the war. Albert Sidney Johnston was there with a Texas regiment ; Joseph E. Johnston, who was then a lieutenant-colonel, was twice wounded and breveted three times ; Braxton Bragg, a captain of artillery, was the first to plant the colors on the ramparts of Chapul- IN MEXICO 65 tepee ; Thomas J. Jackson, a lieutenant of artillery, won high praise from his superiors ; John B. Mac- gruder was wounded once and breveted twice while in Mexico ; Richard S. Ewell and P. G. T. Beauregard were twice breveted, and Edward Kirby Smith three times. Others there were A. P. Hill, D. H. Hill, Jubal A. Early, Samuel Cooper, Simon B. Buckner, and many more. With Taylor were James Longstreet, W. J. Hardee, Richard Taylor, and a host of others. Jefferson Davis, who, as President of the Confederacy, was to be- come commander-in-chief of all its armies, was there in command of a Mississippi regiment. All these young fellows together braved hard- ship and toil and danger. They suffered and fought side by side, under the same flag and for one cause. Little did they dream that fifteen years later they would be ranged, some on one side and some on the other, in one of the greatest wars of history, in which, be it said to their credit, they never lost their respect nor, in many cases, their affection, for each other. CHAPTER VI YEARS OF PEACE I 848-1 855 After the hard service of the Mexican cam- paign, Lee found the greatest enjoyment in the peaceful years at home which followed it. He was in the prime of life and still kept his youth- ful activity and beauty. He was five feet, eleven inches in height, although he always seemed taller, and weighed one hundred and seventy- five pounds. His hair, which curled slightly at the ends, had always been jet black, but was now very slightly touched with gray. His clear, direct eyes were hazel ; his face was clean-shaven ex- cept for a closely clipped mustache. He carried himself superbly and well deserved the reputa- tion of being the handsomest man in the army. Fifteen years later, Stonewall Jackson said Lee's was **the most perfect animal form" he had ever seen. He was rarely, if ever, sick, and was full of gayety and high spirits, especially when with his children. He was never tired of romping and joking with them, and, even in the early morn- ing, he had the two younger children climb into his bed for a story-telling hour. During these YEARS OF PEACE, 1848-1855 67 years he formed a close friendship with his chil- dren which lasted through his life. He was vitally interested in their education and insisted that he would not be satisfied with anything less than the highest standing. He was always ready to help with a difficult lesson in mathematics or Latin, not by finding the answer or reading the lesson, but by guiding the children to win victory for themselves. He was no less interested in their physical edu- cation. He made his sons stand erect and he saw that they learned to ride, shoot, swim, coast, and skate. His son Robert tells how he himself was encouraged by his father to take care of his own room, which was inspected just as the rooms of the West Point cadets were. His father gave him a gun and offered him a reward for every crow scalp he would bring in, advancing to him enough money to get powder and shot. The boy expected to make a fortune, and this hope was increased when he killed two crows very soon after he got the gun. He showed them to his father with much pride and told him that he would soon be able to repay the loan. His father's eyes twinkled, and he smiled, but he said nothing. The son tried, as he says, "hard and long," but never killed an- other crow. A letter from Lee to his son Custis, or "Boo" as he called him, shows his feeling for his children. 68 ROBERT E. LEE Baltimore, May 4, 1851. My dearest Son: — Your letter of the 27th ultimo, which I duly re- ceived, has given me more pleasure than any that I now recollect having ever received. It has assured me of the confidence you feel in my love and affection, and with what frankness and candor you open to me all your thoughts. So long as I meet with such return from my chil- dren, and see them strive to respond to my wishes, and exertions, for their good and happiness, I can meet with calmness and unconcern all else the world may have in store for me. I cannot express my pleas- ure at hearing you declare your determination to shake off the listless fit that has seized upon you, and arouse all your faculties into activity and exertion. The determination is alone wanting to accomplish the wish. At times the temptation to relax will be hard upon you, but will grow feebler and more feeble by constant resistance. The full play of your young and growing powers, the daily exercise of all your ener- gies, the consciousness of acquiring knowledge, and the pleasure of knowing your efforts to do your duty, will bring you a delight and gratification far surpass- ing all that idleness and selfishness can give. Try it fairly and take your own experience. I know it will confirm you in your present resolve to **try and do your best," and if that does not recompense you for your devotion and labor, you will find it in the happi- ness which it brings to father and mother, brothers and sisters, and all your friends. I do not think you lack either energy or ambition. Hitherto you have not felt the incentive to call them forth. "Content to do well," you have not tried "to do better." The latter will as assuredly follow the effort as the former. YEARS OF PEACE, 1848-1855 69 Every man has ambition. The young soldier espe- cially feels it. Honor and fame are all that he aspires to. But he cannot reach either by volition alone, and he sometimes shrinks from the trials necessary to ac- complish them. Let this never be your case. Keep them constantly before you and firmly pursue them. They will at last be won. I am very much pleased at the interest taken by the cadets in your success. Surely it requires on your part a corresponding re- turn. They desire to see you strive, at least, to gratify their wishes. Prove yourself worthy of their affection. Hold yourself above every mean action. Be strictly honorable in every act, and be not ashamed to do right. Acknowledge right to be your aim and strive to reach it. I feel, too, so much obliged to you for the candid avowal of your feelings. Between us two let there be no concealment. I may give you advice and encouragement and you will give me pleasure. His [Rooney's] anxiety is still to go to West Point, and thinks there is no life like that of a dragoon. He thinks he might get through the Academy, though he would not stand as well as Boo. I tell him he would get two hundred demerits the first year, and that there would be an end of all his military aspirations. Devotedly, your father, R. E. Lee. Lee was fond of reading and was familiar with Scott's poems and other works, but his life was so filled with action and responsibility that he had little time to read and so could hardly be called a reading man. The family was much at Arlington and found much brightness and 70 ROBERT E. LEE happiness in the Hfe there. In the following let- ter, Lee describes Christmas there, a typical Christmas of the old South : — Arlington, 2Sth December, 1851. We came on last Wednesday morning. It was a bitter cold day, and we were kept waiting an hour in the depot at Baltimore for the cars, which were de- tained by the snow and frost on the rails. We found your grandfather at the Washington depot, Daniel and the old carriage and horses, and young Daniel on the colt Mildred. Your mother, grandfather, Mary Eliza, the little people, and the baggage, I thought load enough for the carriage, so Rooney and I took our feet in our hands and walked over. We looked for the Anne Case, in which to get a lift to Roop's Hill, but congratulated ourselves afterwards that we missed her, for she only overtook us after we had passed Jackson City, and was scarcely out of sight when we turned up the Washington turnpike. The snow impeded the carriage as well as us, and we reached here shortly after it. The children were de- lighted at getting back, and passed the evening in de- vising pleasure for the morrow. They were in upon us before day on Christmas morning, to overhaul their stockings. Mildred thinks she drew a prize in the shape of a beautiful new doll; Angelina's infirmities were so great that she was left in Baltimore and this new treasure was entirely unexpected. The cakes, candies, books, etc. were overlooked in the caresses she bestowed upon her, and she was scarcely out of her arms all day. Rooney got among his gifts a nice pair of boots, which he particularly wanted, and the girls, I hope, were equally well pleased with their presents, books, and trinkets. YEARS OF PEACE, 1848-1855 71 Your mother, Mary, Rooney, and I went to church, and Rooney and the twins skated back on the canal (Rooney having taken his skates along for the pur- pose), and we filled his place in the carriage with Miss Sarah Stuart, one of M's comrades. Minny Lloyd was detained to assist her mother at dinner, but your Aunt Maria brought her and Miss Lucretia Fitzhugh out the next day, and Wallace Stiles and his brother arriving at the same time, we had quite a tableful. The young people have been quite assiduous in their attentions to each other, as their amusements have been necessarily indoors; but the beaux have successfully maintained their reserve so far, notwith- standing the captivating advances of the belles. The first day they tried skating, but the ice was soft and rough, and it was abandoned in despair. They have not moved out of the house since. To-day the twins were obliged to leave us, and when the carriage came to the door, Minny Lloyd and Sarah Stuart reluctantly confessed that their mamas ordered them to return in the first carriage. We have only, therefore, Wal- lace and Edward Stiles, and Miss Lucretia Fitzhugh in addition to our family circle. I need not describe to you our amusements, you have witnessed them so often, nor the turkey, cold ham, plum-puddings, mince-pies, etc., at dinner. I hope you will enjoy them again, or some equally as good. The weather has been bitter cold. I do not recol- lect such weather (I can only judge by my feelings) since the winter of 1835. I have not been to Washing- ton yet, but will endeavor to get over to-morrow. I am writing this to mail then. The family have re- tired, but I know I should be charged with much love from every individual were they aware of my writing, 72 ROBERT E. LEE so I will give it without 15idding. May you have many happy years, all bringing you an increase of virtue and wisdom, all witnessing your prosperity in this life, all bringing you nearer everlasting happi- ness hereafter. May God in His great mercy grant me this my constant prayer. I had received no letter from you when I left Balti- more, nor shall I get any till I return, which will be, if nothing happens, to-morrow a week, 5th January, 1852. You will then be in the midst of your examina- tion. I shall be very anxious about you. Give me the earliest intelligence of your standing, and stand up before them boldly, manfully; do your best, and I shall be satisfied. R. E. Lee. In spite of the close intimacy between Lee and his children, he maintained the strictest discipline. He expected to be obeyed and he was obeyed. His feelings and motives are well shown in the following- letter to his wife : — Our dear little boy seems to have among his friends the reputation of being hard to manage — a distinc- tion not at all desirable, as it indicates self-will and obstinacy. Perhaps these are qualities which he really possesses, and he may have a better right to them than I am willing to acknowledge; but it is our duty, if possible, to counteract them, and assist him to bring them under his control. I have endeavored, in my intercourse with him to require nothing but what was, in my opinion, necessary or proper, and to explain to him temperately its propriety, and at a time when he could listen to my arguments and not at the moment of his being vexed and his little facul- YEARS OF PEACE, 1848-1855 73 ties warped by passion. I have also tried to show him that I was firm in my demands and constant in their enforcement and that he must comply with them, and I let him see that I look to their execution in order to relieve him as much as possible from the temptation to break them. He also required from his children persistent labor at their tasks, punctuality, and devotion to duty. **Duty, then," he said, *'is the sublimest word in our language," and no man ever lived a life more in accord with a principle than Lee's was with this. In every relation, in every problem of life, the difficulty lay only in seeing where duty lay ; its performance when once seen was certain. This devotion to duty was the keynote of Lee's whole life. In 1849 Lee was sent with a number of other engineers to Florida to examine the coast de- fenses and to recommend locations for new ones. His next work was the construction of Fort Car- roll at Soller's Point, eight miles below Baltimore. This constant choice of Lee for fortification work was the highest possible praise of his ability in his profession. Indeed, it was thought by those in authority in the army " that no officer of the Corps of Engineers had a quicker eye to grasp the military requisites of a situation and make the best possible provision for its defense." This work kept him in Baltimore for three years. It 74 ROBERT E. LEE was pleasant to be near his sister again, and he and his wife soon gained great popularity there, and both made many close friends. It was at this time that Lee was selected by the Cuban Junta of New York to take command of a revolutionary military force in an effort to secure Cuban inde- pendence from Spain. This offer carried with it both a high salary and high rank, and Lee gave it careful consideration. He discussed it with his friend, Jeflerson Davis, then Senator from Missis- sippi, but finally came to the conclusion that hav- ing been educated for the service of the United States, he had no right to decide to serve in the army of another power while he still held his com- mission. And, as always, having found the course he believed to be right, he followed it, and de- clined the ofTer. In 1852 he was appointed superintendent of the United States Military Academy. His admin- istration lasted three years and was notably suc- cessful. He had not desired the post and had protested against his assignment to it, but after he went there he devoted every ability and every energy to his task. His aim was to be in personal touch with all the cadets, and to this end each Saturday night found a number with him for sup- per. Their shyness, evident at first, soon wore off under the influence of Lee's charm of manner and his heartfelt cordiality. Among the cadets at YEARS OF PEACE, 1848-1855 75 this time were his son Custis, who led the class of 1854, and his nephew, Fitzhugh Lee. General Oliver O. Howard tells of Lee's habit at this time of spending as much time as he could with the cadets who were on the sick-list, and expresses the admiration he formed for Lee whom he came to know while he was himself a cadet and in the hospital. General John B. Schofield says that Lee was the personification of dignity, justice, and kindness, and was respected and ad- mired as the ideal of a commanding officer. In spite of the many pleasant things about his service at West Point, the responsibilities weighed heavily upon Lee, and he felt great relief as well as some regret when he was transferred. Some of the cadets at West Point under Lee who later became prominent were D. M. Gregg, Oliver O. Howard, J. B. McPherson, John M. Schofield, Thomas H. Ruger, George D. Ruggles, Philip H. Sheridan, J. W. Sill, T. L. Vinton, and A. S. Webb, all generals in the Federal Army ; and Robert H. Anderson, E. P. Alexander, John B. Hood, Fitzhugh Lee, G. W. C. Lee, Stephen D. Lee, Thomas M. Jones, John R. Chambliss, L. L. Lomax, William D. Pender, and J. E. B. Stu- art, generals in the Confederate Army. Among the instructors at this time were Robert S. Garnett, commandant of cadets, and Edward Kirby Smith, both of whom became Confederate generals. CHAPTER VII THE CAVALRY OFFICER In 1854, after a bitter fight against it in Con- gress, the regular army was increased hy the addition of two regiments of cavalry, the first in the service, although there had already been troops of dragoons. These regiments were organ- ized by Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War under President Pierce. Albert Sidney Johnston was appointed colonel of the Second Cavalry and Lee, lieutenant-colonel. It was with deep regret that Lee left the Corps of Engineers. He had been in that branch of the service for twenty-six years and stood among the first in the profession. The change meant not only giving up the work he loved, but also going into work of a very dif- ferent character. However, next to the engineers, Lee liked the cavalry. He was devoted to horses, and underneath his calm exterior lay a fiery na- ture to which this branch of the service appealed more than he himself knew. Of course he had to learn much of cavalry tactics, to begin study anew, as it were, but Lee believed in accepting promotion w^hen it came, and, in view of the usual slowness with which officers in the army THE CAVALRY OFFICER 77 rose in rank, the leap from captain to lieutenant- colonel was very gratifying. The officers of these two regiments formed a remarkable body of men. Among those in the Second Cavalry were Albert Sidney Johnston, Lee, Thomas, Hardee, Van Dorn, Hood, Fitz- hugh Lee, Palmer, Emory, Oakes, Stoneman, Garrard, Cosby, Lomax, Major, Byres, Evans, Kirby Smith, O'Hara, Bradfute, Travis, Brack- ett, Whiting, and Johnson, all generals in the Federal or Confederate armies. In the First Reg- iment were Sumner, Sedgwick, Stanley, Carr, and Joseph E. Johnston. In the absence of Colonel Johnston, Lee took command of the regiment at Louisville, Kentucky, in April, 1855. A little later the regiment was re- moved to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, for re- cruiting and organization. In this work Lee was very valuable on account of his wonderful power of discipline and organization, and he rendered great service. In the fall the regiment, numbering about seven hundred and fifty men, with eight hundred horses, started on its long march to Texas. Lee did not go with it because at the time he was serving as a member of a court martial, or military court, but he joined it in Texas in March, 1856. The troops were sent to Texas to protect the settlers there from the Indians. The State was 78 ROBERT E. LEE so large and so sparsely settled that the regi- ment had to be divided into small detachments so that it might spread over a large territory. Lee was stationed at Camp Cooper, on the Bra- zos River, in command of two squadrons, charged with the duty of watching the Comanche Indians, who were very hostile and dangerous. In a let- ter home Lee described his first interview with the chief, and expressed the opinion that the entire race was very uninteresting. In June Lee was sent with several companies on an expedi- tion against some scattered bands of Indians, but failed to locate them. This small body of troops was the largest Lee had ever had under him in actual service, and he commanded no other as large before the outbreak of the war between the States. In a letter written to his wife while he, was on this expedition, Lee said : — I hope your father continued well and enjoyed his usual celebration of the Fourth of July; mine was spent, after a march of thirty miles on one of the branches of the Brazos, under my blanket, elevated on four sticks driven in the ground, as a sunshade. The sun was fiery hot, the atmosphere like the heat of a hot-air furnace, the water salt, still my feelings for my country were as ardent, my faith in her future as true, and my hopes for advancement as unabated as they would have been under better circumstances. Life on the frontier was not pleasant. Roving bands of Indians constantly attacked the settlers THE CAVALRY OFFICER 79 and there was never any certainty of their safety. The posts, or forts, were lonely spots in wide un- peopled prairies, and there was little communica- tion with the outside world, as there were no railroads, no telegraph, and no telephone. The army quarters were poor and utterly without comfort. The weather was changeable, and, even as late as April, freezing temperature was not unusual. Bread and beef were the chief articles of food, so there was usually little variety. There was much sickness, and the death of little chil- dren wrung Lee's heart. There were other dis- comforts not easily endured. Lee wrote his wife : ** Every branch and leaf in this country nearly is armed with a point and some seem to poison the flesh. What a blessed thing the children are not here. They would be ruined." The greater part of the military work here was done by the lower officers, but those of higher rank had the responsibility of deciding what was to be done and of seeing that it was all properly carried out. This was the part that fell to Lee, and he studied with the greatest care each prob- lem that arose. Stern as was his sense of duty, it was no barrier between him and those with whom he worked, and he always had their ad- miration, confidence, and warm affection. His letters home at this time still dwell upon his affection for animals, especially for cats. This 3o ROBERT E. LEE last fondness he had come to have through his association with his father-in-law, for Mr. Custis was especially devoted to them. The following are characteristic examples of such allusions : — Tell your father Mrs. Colonel Waite has a fine large cat which she takes with her everywhere. He is her companion by day and sleeps on her bed at night. In public conveyances she leads him in the leash, and carries along a bottle of milk for his use. In her own carriage he sits in her lap. I have been trying to per- suade her to let me take him to Camp Cooper, but she says she can't part with him. He must go to Florida. I have seen some fine cats in Brownsville in the stores kept by Frenchmen, but no yellow ones; the dark brindle is the favorite color on the frontier. In my walk the other evening I met a Mexican with a wild kitten in his arms enveloped in his blanket; it was a noble specimen of the Rio Grande wildcat, spotted all over with large spots like the leopard. I tried very hard to buy him, but he was already sold. I should prefer one of those at Camp Cooper. I fear, though, I should have to keep him chained, for they are very wild and savage. In a letter to his little girl, he said : — You must be a great personage now — sixty pounds ! I wish I had you here in all your ponderosity. I want to see you so much. Can you not pack up and come to the Comanche country? I would get you such a fine cat you would never look at "Tom" again. Did I tell you Jim Nooks, Mrs Waite's cat, was dead? He died of apoplexy. I foretold his end. Coffee and cream for breakfast, pound cake for lunch, turtle and oysters for dinner, buttered toast for tea, THE CAVALRY OFFICER 8i and Mexican rats, taken raw for supper. He grew enormously and ended in a spasm. His beauty could not save him. I saw in San Antonio a cat dressed up for company. He had two holes bored in each ear, and in each were two bows of pink and blue ribbon. His round face, set in pink and blue, looked like a big owl in a full blooming ivy bush. He was snow white. . . . His tail and feet were tipped with black, and his eyes of green were truly catlike. But I ''saw cats as is cats" in Sarassa, while the stage was chang- ing mules. ... I left the wildcat on the Rio Grande; he was too savage; had grown as large as a small- sized dog, had to be caged, and would strike at any- thing that came within his reach. His cage had to be strong, and consequently heavy, so I could not bring it. He would pounce upon a kid as Tom would on a mouse, and would whistle like a tiger when you approached him. In still another, he writes : — Tell Mr. Custis I at last have a prospect of getting a puss. I have heard of a batch of kittens at a settler's town on the river, and have the promise of one. I have stipulated if not entirely yellow, it must at least have some yellow in the composition of the color of its coat; but how I shall place it — when I get it — and my mouse on amicable terms I do not know. Lee's second son, William H. F. (''Rooney"), was graduated from Harvard in 1857, ^^^ was at once, through the influence of General Scott, ap- pointed a second lieutenant in the army. When he joined his command, his father wrote him : — You are now in a position to acquire military credit, 82 ROBERT E. LEE and to prepare the road for promotion and future ad- vancement. Show your ablHty and worthiness of dis- tinction, and if an opportunity offers for advance- ment in the staff (I do not refer to the Quartermaster's or Commissary Departments), unless that is not your fancy, take it. It may lead to something favorable and you can always relinquish it when you choose. I hope you will be always distinguished for your avoidance of the "uinversal balm," whiskey, and every immorality. Nor need you fear to be ruled out of the society that indulges in it, for you will rather acquire their esteem and respect, as all venerate if they do not practice virtue. I am sorry to say that there is a great proclivity for spirit in the army in the field. It seems to be considered a substitute for every luxury. The great body may not carry it to extreme, but many pursue It to their ruin. ... I think it better to avoid it altogether, as you do, as its temperate use is so difficult. I hope you will make many friends, as you will be thrown with many who deserve this feeling, but indiscriminate intimacies you will find annoying and entangling, and they can be avoided by politeness and civility. . . . When I think of your youth, impulsiveness, and many temptations, your distance from me, and the ease (and even innocence) with which you might commence an erroneous course, my heart quails within me, and my whole frame and being trembles at the possible result. May Almighty God have you In His holy keeping. To His Merciful Providence I commit you, and will rely upon Him, and Efficacy of the prayers that will be daily and hourly offered up by those who love you. Some months later, he wrote : — I cannot express the gratification I felt in meeting Colonel May in New York, at the encomiums he THE CAVALRY OFFICER 83 passed upon your scholarship, zeal, and devotion to your duty. But I was more pleased at the report of your conduct. That went nearer my heart, and was of infinite comfort to me. Hold on to your purity and virtue. They will proudly sustain you in all trials and difficulties, and cheer you in every calamity. I was sorry to see from your letter to your mother that you smoke occasionally. It is dangerous to meddle with. You have in store much better employment for your mouth. Reserve it, Roon, for its legitimate pleasure. Do not poison and corrupt it with stale vapors or tarnish your beard with their stench. In 1857 Colonel Johnston was ordered to Wash- ington, and Lee took command of the regiment. In the fall of that year Mr. Custis died, and Lee returned to Arlington to act as executor and to be with Mrs. Lee. Mr. Custis in his will had or- dered that all his slaves be set free at the end of five years, and in 1862 Lee carried out this pro- vision in the midst of the tremendous military campaign of that year. The few negroes he him- self owned he had already freed at the beginning of the war. Arlington was left to Mrs. Lee during her life, to go at her death to her son Custis. The latter at once deeded it to his father who replied to the graceful act in the following letter : — Arlington, ijth March, 1858. My dear Son: — I received to-night your letter of the i8th February, and also the deed relinquishing to me all your right 84 ROBERT E. LEE and title to Arlington, the mill, adjacent lands, per- sonal property, etc., bequeathed to you by your grandfather. I am deeply impressed by your filial feeling of love and consideration, as well as your tender solicitude for me, of which, however, I required no proof, and am equally touched by your generosity and disinterestedness. But from what I said in a previous letter, you will not be surprised at my re- peating that I cannot accept your offer. It is not from any unwillingness to accept from you a gift you may think proper to bestow, or to be indebted to you for any benefit, great or small. But simply because it would not be right for me to do so. Your dear grand- father distributed his property as he thought best, and it is proper that it should remain as he bestowed it. It will not prevent me from improving it to the best of my ability, or of making it as comfortable a home for your mother, sisters, and yourself as I can. I only wish that I could do more than I have it in my power to do. I wish you had received my previous letter on this subject in time to have saved you the trouble of executing the deed you transmitted me. And indeed I also regret the expense you incurred, which I fear in that country is considerable, as I wish you to save all your money and invest it in some safe and lucra- tive way, that you may have the means to build up old Arlington, and make it all we would wish to see it. The necessity I daily have for money has, I fear, made me parsimonious. Lee remained on leave until the summer of 1859 when he went again to Texas. He was there only a short time, returning almost imme- diately to Arlington, and was thus in easy reach of Washington in October, when a sudden and THE CAVALRY OFFICER 85 dangerous crisis caused the Secretary of War to call upon him for service. On October 16, 1859, John Brown, an abolitionist fanatic, who was then a fugitive from Kansas where he had par- ticipated in the Pottawattomie Massacre, led a small force of men into Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He had organized and armed them for the pur- pose of stirring up a slave uprising all over the South. He planned, as the slaves joined him, to arm them to fight for their freedom, and, in order to get a supply of arms, he took possession of the United States Arsenal in the town, which was well supplied but poorly guarded. News of this action reached Washington quickly, and Secretary Floyd, who knew that Lee was at Ar- lington, called on him to take command of a detachment of marines and go to Harper's Ferry. On reaching there, Lee found that Brown's plan to rouse the slaves had failed because of their refusal to rebel against their masters, but he had captured a number of the leading citizens of the town and was holding them as hostages while he was besieged in the engine-house of the Arsenal by the militia companies, which had arrived promptly. Lee at once surrounded the place and then sent his volunteer aide. Lieuten- ant J. E. B. Stuart, with a flag of truce, to de- mand the surrender of those within. Brown 86 ROBERT E. LEE declined and demanded that he be allowed to march his men out under arms and to take his prisoners with him. This demand was flatly- refused, and Brown's reply to this was a threat to kill all the prisoners. Among these was Colonel Lewis Washington, who called out, *' Never mind us, fire I " and at this Lee said, ** The old Revolu- tionary blood does tell/' Acting on a plan of Lee's, Stuart now raised his hand, and, at the signal, the marines rushed in, forced the door, and captured the building before the threat of killing the prisoners could be carried out. The entry in Lee's memorandum book is brief : — October 17, 1859. Received orders from the Secre- tary of War in person to repair to Harper's Ferry. Reached Harper's Ferry at 11 p.m Posted marines in the United States Armory. Waited until daylight, as a number of citizens were held as hostages, whose lives were threatened. Tuesday about sun- rise, with twelve marines, under Lieutenant Green, broke in the door of the engine-house, secured the in- surgents, and relieved the prisoners unhurt. All the insurgents killed or mortally wounded, but four, John Brown, Stevens, Coppie, and Shields. Lee then turned his prisoners over to the Vir- ginia authorities and returned to Arlington. Brown and his confederates, who had killed as many as five people, were soon afterwards tried, convicted, and executed. In February, i860, Lee again returned to Texas THE CAVALRY OFFICER 87 as commander of that military department. Here he spent many months trying to capture Cortinas, a famous and very wily Mexican bandit, who had crossed several times into the United States, burn- ing houses and driving off cattle. The situation is best described in this letter from Lee : — I have but little Rio Grande news. I have de- scended the left bank of the river from Eagle Pass, and could find no armed parties on either side of the river. Everything was quiet. Robberies will be com- mitted by Indians, Mexicans, and border men when it can be done with impunity and always has been done. The last authentic accounts I could get of Cortinas was that with his wife, children, and two men he was making his way in Mexican ox-carts into the interior and was 135 miles off. The Mexican authorities with whom I am holding a sharp correspondence said they had sent an express to the authorities to arrest him. General Garcia, commanding in Matamoras opposite to me, repeated the assurance. Still I do not expect it to be done and do not like to enter into a blind pursuit after a man so far into the interior, with broken- down horses. It is the want of food for them that stops me more than anything else. I cannot carry it and do not know that I could find it. The delay in finding it would defeat my object. If it was a prairie or grass country in which the horses could live, I would try him. During all this period Lee's promotion was much talked of. In a letter to his wife in 1856, he said of the talk : — Do not give yourself any anxiety about the appoint- ment of the brigadier. If it is on my account that 88 ROBERT E. LEE you feel any Interest In It, I beg you will discard It from your thoughts. You will be sure to be disap- pointed; nor is It right to indulge improper and useless hopes. It besides looks like presumption to expect it. In i860 John B. Floyd, the Secretary of War, appointed his cousin, Joseph E.Johnston, Quarter- master-General, with the rank of brigadier-gen- eral, promoting him over Albert Sidney Johnston, Lee, Sumner, and others who outranked him. Lee's comment is characteristic : — My friend Col. Joe Johnston Is a good soldier and a worthy man and deserves all advancement, when it can be done without Injustice to others. I think It must be evident to him that it was never the inten- tion of Congress to advance him to the position as- signed him by the Secretary. It was not so recog- nized before, and In proportion to his services he has been advanced beyond any one In the Army, and has thrown more discredit than ever on the system of favoritism and making brevets. A little later he wrote : — I rejoice In the good fortune that has come to my old friend Joe Johnston, for while I should not like, of course, that this should be taken as a precedent in the service, yet so far as he is concerned he Is In every way worthy of the promotion, and I am glad that he has received It. In February, 1861, Lee received orders to "re- port to the commander-in-chief at Washington," and he reached there the first of March in time to see Lincoln inaugurated. Now for the last time he and his family were together at Arlington. CHAPTER VIII STATE OR NATION? In the years which followed the Mexican War a violent dispute over slavery arose in the United States. Lee took no part in it, of course, and, so far as can be seen from his letterS)^ he seems at first to have been entirely absorbed in his military duties and in his family and to have paid no at- tention to this discussion. So far as slavery was concerned, Lee, like many Southerners in the Border States, never doubted its evils. Opposi- tion to slavery was particularly common in Vir- ginia, and until the abolitionist crusade began, there was every indication that slavery would be abolished within a few years. As has been seen, Lee freed all the slaves he owned before the war began, and it is not unlikely that it was his influ- ence that caused Mr. Custis to provide for the freeing of his own. Lee's feeling toward slavery is best shown in a letter written in 1856 in which he said : " In this enlightened age there are few, I believe, but will acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race, and while my feelings are strongly interested in 90 ROBERT E. LEE behalf of the latter, my sympathies are stronger for the former." As time passed, the disagreement over slavery involved the question of preserving the Union. In the North the Republican Party, the first polit- ical party in our history confined to one section, was organized on the principle of opposition to the spread of slavery in the Territories, and it gained strength with great rapidity. Its pledge to prevent the extension of slavery caused great alarm in the South, where it was claimed that it was the right of any citizen to carry his property into the Territories which were the common prop- erty of all the States. This view had been upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the celebrated Dred Scott decision which the anti- slavery advocates denounced and declared not binding. To the argument of the South that slav- ery was protected by the Constitution, came the reply that there was a law higher than the Consti- tution, that is, the moral law. Because of the avowed purpose of the Republican Party and the opinions of its leaders, the South came to feel that its success would mean grave danger to the peace and safety of that section, since the Constitution might not be regarded as binding. The North was deeply opposed to slavery and determined to check its growth. Therefore, when Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate, was elected in STATE OR NATION? 91 i860, South Carolina, the most extreme of the Southern States, followed in turn by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, the so-called "Cotton States,'' called conventions, which were supposed to exercise the sovereign power of the States, and through them withdrew from the Union. In February delegates from these States met in Montgomery, Alabama, and organ- ized the Confederate States of America. An effort was made to induce the Border States, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee, to follow, but in those States the majority of the people felt that Lin- coln's election alone was not sufficient cause for so grave a step as withdrawal from the Union. Lee, from Texas, watched these movements with sorrowful forebodings. By this time he was alive to the gravity of the situation. He wrote his son : — My little personal troubles sink into insignificance when I contemplate the condition of the country, and I feel as If I could easily lay down my life for Its safety. But I also feel that It would bring but little good. A little later he wrote : — If the Union Is dissolved, which God In His mercy forbid, I shall return to you. Still a little later, writing of this same possibil- ity, he said : — Major Nichols thinks the Union will be dissolved 92 ROBERT E. LEE in six weeks. ... If I thought so, . . . I would return to you now. I hope, however, the wisdom and patriot- ism of the country will devise some way of saying it, and that a kind Providence has not yet turned the current of His blessings from us. The three proposi- tions of the President ^ in his message are eminently just, are in accordance with the Constitution, and ought to be cheerfully assented to by all the States. But I do not think the Northern and Western States will agree to them. It is, however, my only hope for the preservation of the Union, and I will cling to it to the last. Feeling the aggressions of the North, resenting their denial of equal rights to our citizens to the common territory of the commonwealths, etc., I am not pleased with the course of the "Cotton States," as they term them- selves. In addition to their selfish, dictatorial bear- ing the threats they throw out against the ''Border States," as they call them, if they will not join them, argues little for the benefit or peace of Virginia should she determine to coalesce with them. While I wish to do what is right, I am unwilling to do what is wrong, either at the bidding of the South or the North. Lee, as has been seen, was ordered to Washing- ton and reached there in March. He remained there for six weeks, during which time he was 1 President Buchanan in his annual message to Congress had recommended the passage of an explanatory amendment to the Constitution of the United States which would expressly rec- ognize the right of property in slaves where slavery already existed or might afterwards exist; which would declare it the duty of the United States to protect this right in the common Territories of the United States while they remained Terri- tories; and which, declaring the right of a master to the return of a fugitive slave, would make unconstitutional the so-called "Liberty Laws" passed by the Northern States to prevent the recovery of slaves who had made their escape. STATE ON NATION? 93 promoted to colonel of the First Cavalry. From Arlington he watched the progress of events with the deepest interest and anxiety. Virginia had called a convention, but it refused to secede, and waited for developments ; a great peace confer- ence, composed of delegates from the States, summoned by Virginia, met in Washington and attempted fruidessly to settle the questions at issue ; Congress was entirely given over to efforts to bring about some compromise which would effect a peaceful settlement. In the North many were inclined to take no steps to prevent the secession of the Southern States. General Scott suggested to President Lincoln that he should say, *' Wayward sisters, depart in peace," a view also held by Horace Greeley, the great editor of the ** Tribune." But others opposed such a course, demanding the preservation of the Union, and Lincoln himself had no idea of admitting the right of a State to withdraw from the Union. He waited a month before taking any steps against the seceded States. Then he decided that Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, which was still in the possession of Federal troops under the com- mand of Major Robert Anderson, should be re- inforced. It was recognized that the Confederacy would regard this as an act of war, and when the attempt was made the fort was at once bombarded and the garrison forced to surrender. 94 ROBERT E. LEE On April 15 President Lincoln issued a procla- mation, calling for seventy-five thousand volun- teers to force the seceded States to return to the Union. He demanded that the Border States fur- nish their part of this number, but the governors of all of them flatly refused. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, replied, " You have chosen to inau- gurate civil war, and you can get no troops from Virginia for any such evil purpose." On April 17 the Virginia Convention, which was still in ses- sion, passed an ordinance of secession. The same action was taken during the next five weeks by Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. The other slave States — Delaware, Maryland, Ken- tucky, and Missouri — did not secede. Delaware had no leaning towards secession and Kentucky chose to attempt to remain neutral, but Missouri and Maryland were only prevented from seced- ing by force. Lee now faced an enormous and terrible prob- lem. His devotion to the Union amounted to a passion, and his resignation from the army would mean a wrench of his whole being. His own per- sonal interests could be served only by remain- ing in the service of the United States. Over against this was Virginia's call to him — one not lightly to be disregarded by a Lee. While he weighed the question, trying to see his duty clearly. General Scott was imploring him to re- STATE OR NATION? 95 main in the army. Scott had recommended him to President Lincoln, and the latter, on April 18, through Francis P. Blair, offered him the chief command of the United States Army. Lee's re- ply was what might have been expected, ** If I owned four millions of slaves, I would cheerfully sacrifice them to the preservation of the Union, but to lift my hand against my own State and people is impossible." Just after receiving the offer, Lee had an inter- view with Scott who still sought to change him from his purpose of resigning. Lee's reply was simple, ''I am compelled to ; I cannot consult my own feelings in the matter." All that day and the next, Lee pondered the question. The night of April 19 he spent walking the floor or kneeling" to pray for God's guidance in making his final decision. At last he saw where his duty lay. He came down stairs and said to his wife, ''Well, Mary, the question is settled. Here is my letter of resignation and a letter I have written General Scott." These were the letters : — Arlington, Va., April 20, 1861. General : — ■ Since my interview with you on the i8th inst., I have felt that I ought no longer to retain my com- mission In the Army. I therefore tender my resigna- tion, which I request you will recommend for accept- ance. It would have been presented at once but for the struggle it has cost me to separate myself from a 96 ROBERT E. LEE service to which I have devoted all the best years of my life and all the ability I possessed. During the whole of that time — more than a quarter of a century, — I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors, and the most cordial friendship from my comrades. To no one. General, have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uni- form kindness and consideration, and it has always been my ardent desire to meet your approbation. I shall carry to the grave the most grateful recollec- tions of your kind consideration, and your name and fame will always be dear to me. Save in defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword. Be pleased to accept my most earnest wishes for the continuance of your hap- piness and prosperity, and believe me, Most truly yours, R. E. Lee. Arlington, Washington City P. O., April 20, 1861. Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Sir: — I have the honor to tender the resignation of my commissson as colonel of the First Regiment of Cavalry. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, V R. E. Lee. He also wrote a letter to his brother Smith, and one to his sister Mrs. Marshall, who had followed her husband in support of the Union. They follow : — STATE OR NATION? 97 Arlington, Va., April 20, 1861. My dear Brother Smith: — The question which was the subject of my earnest consultation with you on the 1 8th inst., has in my mind been decided. After the most anxious inquiry as to the correct course for me to pursue, I concluded to resign, and sent in my resignation this morning. I wished to wait until the ordinance of secession should be acted up^n by the people of Virginia; but war seems to have commenced, and I am liable at any time to be ordered on duty which I could not conscien- tiously perform. To save me from such a position, and to prevent the necessity of resigning under orders, I had to act at once, and before I could see you again on the subject, as I had wished. I am now a private citizen, and have no other ambition than to remain at home. Save in defense of my native State, I have no desire ever again to draw my sword. I send my warm- est love. Your affectionate brother, R. E. Lee. My dear Sister: — I am grieved at my inability to see you. I have been waiting for a more '* convenient season," which has brought to many before me deep and lasting re- gret. We are now in a state of war which will yield to nothing. The whole South is in a state of revolution, into which Virginia, after a long struggle, has been drawn ; and though I recognize no necessity for this state of things, and would have forborne and pleaded to the end for redress of grievances, real or supposed, yet in my own person I had to meet the question whether I should take part against my native State. With all my devotion to the Union, and the feeling of 98 ROBERT E. LEE loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have, therefore, resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State — with the sin- cere hope that my poor services may never be needed — I hope I may never be called upon to draw my sword. I know that you will blame me; but you must think as kindly of me as you can, and believe that I have endeavored to do what I thought right. To show you the feeling and the struggle it has cost me, I send you a copy of my letter of resignation. I have no time for more. May God guard and protect you and yours, and shower upon you everlasting blessings, is the prayer of Your devoted brother, R. E. Lee. Two days later Lee bade Arlington a long and sorrowful farewell. He was destined never to see it again. He went immediately to Richmond in obedience to a summons from the governor, who at once nominated him major-general and com- mander-in-chief of the forces of Virginia. He was at once unanimously elected to the position by the convention, and invited to ap- pear before it. In spite of Lee's strong dislike of publicity, he felt that he could not refuse, and, in the presence of a great audience, he was pre- sented to the convention and welcomed by its president, who, after an eloquent address of wel- come, said : — STATE OR NATION? 99 Sir, we have by this unanimous vote expressed our convictions that you are at this day among the living citizens of Virginia, ''first in war." We pray to God fervently that you may so conduct the operations committed to your charge that it will soon be said of you that you are "first in peace"; and when that time comes you will have earned the still prouder distinction of being "first in the hearts of your coun- trymen." I will close with one more remark. When the Father of his Country made his last will and testament, he gave swords to his favorite nephews, with an injunction that they should never be drawn from their scabbards except in self-defense, or in defense of the rights and liberties of their coun- try; and that, if drawn for the latter purpose, they should fall with them in their hands rather than re- linquish them. Yesterday your mother, Virginia, placed her sword in your hand, upon the implied condition, that we know you will keep to the letter and in spirit, that you will draw it only in defense, and that you will fall with it in your hand, rather than that the object for which it was placed there shall fail. Lee, in dear tones, replied briefly : — Mr. President, and gentlemen of the convention: Profoundly impressed with the solemnity of the oc- casion, for which I must say I was not prepared, I accept the position assigned me by your partiality. I would have much preferred that your choice had fallen upon an abler man. Trusting in Almighty God, an approving conscience, and the aid of my fellow- citizens, I devote myself to the services of my native State, in whose behalf alone will I ever again draw my sword. [f loo ROBERT E. LEE Alexander H. Stephens,* the Vice-President of the Confederacy, was present and said of the scene : — As he stood there, fresh and ruddy as a David from the sheepfold, in the prime of his manly beauty, and the embodiment of a line of heroic and patriotic fathers and worthy mothers, it was thus I first saw Robert E. Lee. I had preconceived ideas of the rough soldier with no time for the graces of life and by companionship almost compelled to the vices of his profession. I did not know then that he used no stimulants, was free even from the use of tobacco, and that he was absolutely stainless in his private life. I did not know then, as I do now, that he had been a model youth and young man ; but I had before me the most manly and entire gentleman I ever saw. Behind Lee's decision to obey the call of his State lay the whole history of the Union. When the Constitution of the United States was adopted, nearly every State which ratified it had already a separate history of its own which had then lasted more years than have passed since. Each had its own laws, customs, and traditions ; each, largely because of the long struggle with England for the right of self-government, was intolerant of outside power or influence. During the Revolu- tion they had needed each other and had acted together, but even then they would consent to no stronger form of government than that provided by the Articles of Confederation, which gave the Central Government so little power that it was STATE OR NATION? loi dangerously weak. At the close of the Revolu- tion England had declared each one a "free, sovereign, and independent State." Once again the needs of all led them to act together, and the Constitution was adopted in convention and rati- fied by the States. North Carolina and Rhode Island refused to ratify at first, but finally joined the new Union. If the Constitution had forbidden any State's withdrawal at will from the Union, not a single State would have ratified it. As it was. New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia, at the time of ratifying, all stated their right to withdraw, Virginia declaring, " that the pow- ers granted under the Constitution, being truly derived from the people of the United States, may be resumed by them whenever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression." No one questioned this right openly, if indeed any one thought the opposite. As Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge says, ''When the Constitution was adopted by the votes of the States in convention at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of the States in popular conventions, it is safe to say there was not a man in the country, from Wash- ington and Hamilton on the one side, to George Clinton and George Mason on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an ex- periment entered upon by the States and from which each and every State had the right peace- I02 ROBERT E. LEE ably to withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised." From the beginning of the new government, secession was accepted as a possibility. New England, with Massachusetts in the lead, often threatened it. Webster, the eloquent prophet of our later national unity, began his public life as a secessionist. In the early years under the Con- stitution, individual States, and both North and South collectively, had at times looked toward secession. But as time passed, the political theory of the North began to change, and many people in that section denied the existence of the right. The rise of manufacturing, the flood of immigra- tion, the progressive tendencies which come from the growth of cities and the spread of public edu- cation, all contributed to this. But the most pow- erful cause of the change was the rise to power and influence of the great West. With no traditions of existence apart from the Union, States' Rights theories had not found there a fertile soil. The North and the South talked of secession, and such States as Virginia and Massachusetts were proudly conscious of their noble history as indi- viduals, but the West, with its face to the future, thought only in terms of the Union, and claimed the glories of all the original States as the com- mon heritage of all Americans. To-day, in the cool light of history, there can be found no room STATE OR NATION? 103 for doubt of the historical and constitutional right of secession, but the occasion for putting that right into practice did not occur until both the North and the West had developed a point of view in which secession seemed simply rebellion and the sovereignty of the State a delusion. To the South, putting the theory to the test, it was still the corner-stone of government. The State was sovereign, secession was merely the exercise of an undoubted right, and the first duty of every citizen — his paramount allegiance — was owed to his State. In no State was state pride and feeling stronger than in Virginia. The making of the Union was largely due to her, and she loved it, was proud of it, and even felt a sort of maternal tenderness for it ; but in all things, according to Virginia theory, Virginia came first. She did not want to leave the Union, and her safety as well as her interest and sentiment urged that she should not ; but the choice of remaining carried with it the necessity of fighting those States most closely allied to her by ties of blood, friendship, and common interest, all of whom were acting, if unwisely, still in the exercise of what she considered their undoubted right. There could be for her no thought of such a choice, and Virginia cast her lot with the South. In the atmosphere of States' Rights Lee had been born and reared. His education, even at 104 ROBERT E. LEE West Point, had carried him on to mature belief in state sovereignty. In this crisis it seemed to him that a struggle must be made to preserve the government of a federal union, as established by his fathers, from the threatened change into a national government. Of this he said later, " I had no other guide, nor had I any other object than the defense of those principles of American liberty upon which the constitutions of the several States were originally founded, and unless they are strictly observed, I fear there will be an end to republican government in this country." At the close of the war, he said, "We had, I was satisfied, sacred principles and rights to defend for which we were in duty bound to do our best, even if we perished in the endeavor." In making his decision Lee was without thought of personal advantage or reputation. His choice, too, was for himself alone; he had no criticism for those who chose the opposite course. Even to his own son he sent this message : *' Tell Custis he must consult his own judgment, reason, and conscience as to the course he may take. I do not wish him to be guided by my wishes or example. If I have done wrong, let him do better. The present is a momentous question which every man must settle for himself and upon principle." In these words Lee stated the case. There was a divided allegiance, and every man had to de- STATE OR NATION? 105 cide which was paramount. As Charles Francis Adams, the distinguished historian, himself a soldier of the Union who fought against Lee and the South, says, ** Every man in the eleven States seceding from the Union had in 1861, whether he would or no, to decide for himself whether to adhere to his State or to the Nation ; and I finally assert that, whichever way he decided, if he only decided honestly, putting self-interest behind him, he decided right." Lee knew far better than most men in the South the strength and resources of the North, and he had no illusions as to any easy victory. He knew that the chance of victory was a doubtful one. And yet he declined the highest rank in his pro- fession that he might serve his own State. And he did this simply because he sought always to do the right as God gave it to him to see the right, and for him, a Lee of Virginia, there was no other choice. " Duty," he said, " is the sub- limest word in our language." "There is a true glory and a true honor, the glory of duty done, the honor of the integrity of principle " ; and finally, these words to his son Custis : *' I know that wherever you may be placed you will do your duty. That is all the pleasure, all the com- fort, all the glory we can enjoy in this world." In these words, the keynote of his whole life, lie the explanation and defense — if there still be any io6 ROBERT E. LEE need of defense in this day- of a united and un- derstanding country — of Lee's decision. At the time of the centenary celebration of Lee's birth, the ** Outlook," in an editorial, ex- pressed the best thought of the Nation to-day as to the choice of Lee and his comrades : ** If will- ingness to sacrifice what is passionately prized next to honor itself is any criterion as to the de- gree of patriotism that begets such sacrifice, then the Southerners of whom Robert E. Lee is the type are to be counted among the patriots whose lives constitute the real riches of the nation." CHAPTER IX A YEAR OF TRIAL No one can appreciate Lee's great military achievements who is not fully aware of the ob- stacles that beset the path of the Confederacy from the moment of its birth. These were all se- rious, and all the great advantages were with the North. The first of these advantages was having an organized Government with the departments in good working order. Of course the most im- portant of these were the War, Treasury, and Navy Departments. The army was small, but it was well officered and trained. The navy, also small, was fair. The financial system of the Gov- ernment was well established. The Government of the United States also had old and friendly relations with the various foreign powers, a thing which proved a great difficulty to the Confeder- acy when it sought recognition abroad as an in- dependent power. In the second place, the South was far outnumbered. The eleven States which seceded had a little more than nine millons of people, of whom about three and a half millions were negroes, most of them slaves. In addition, there was strong Union sentiment in the western io8 ROBERT E. LEE parts of Virginia and North jCarolina and in east- ern Tennessee, and these sections furnished many troops to the Union. The twenty-two States which remained in the Union had more than twenty-two millions of people. In the third place, the immense area of the South was difficult to defend and easy to attack. All the Southern States touched the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico, except Arkansas and Tennessee, and all of them had inland waterways formed by sounds and rivers, the latter extending- far into their bor- ders. And between the North and the South there was no natural boundary. In the fourth place, the Confederacy was made up entirely of agricultural States and was entirely dependent upon the outside world for most of its manufac- tured goods. The South could not supply its ar- mies with shoes, clothes, medicines, arms, and ammunition. It has been well said that the South ** could scarcely manufacture a tin cup, a frying- pan, a wool-card, or a carpenter's tool." It had difficulty in supplying itself with so universally necessary a thing as salt. All the bells in the South, practically, were melted down to make cannon. Old flintlock muskets, rifles, and pistols were brought out, and a number of Southern regi- ments went into the war armed with home-made pikes which they used until they were supplied with arms by the Government or were able to A YEAR OF TRIAL 109 pick up muskets on the battle-field. The South also lacked sufficient railroads to transport sup- plies and troops rapidly from point to point, and so it was impossible, in spite of the vast supplies of food, to feed the armies properly. As the blockade of the coast tightened, all these diffi- culties were increased. Finally, the South suf- fered from the lack of a trained business class — manufacturers, financiers, engineers, and admin- istrators — to help the Government carry on the war. As the war progressed, these conditions grew worse, and through them the Confederacy at last met defeat. On the other hand, the South had at the be- ginning of the war certain advantages over the North. Her men were out-of-door men, most of them trained horsemen and almost all good marksmen. The ranks of the army were made up of men from all classes fighting with the common purpose of resisting what they counted invasion and oppression and of saving their homes and hearthstones from the enemy. It seemed to them that this was a repetition of the Revolution, which to the unchanged South was still a living memory. Thus there was created a unity of spirit, an enthusiasm hard to defeat. There were but few military schools in the South, but from these few, such as the Citadel, or South Carolina Mili- tary Academy, in Charleston, and the Virginia no ROBERT E. LEE Military Institute, at Lexington, came a trained group of men who were now called upon to serve as officers. There were also a large number of Southern officers in the United States Army, West Point graduates, who, like Lee, followed their States and became the leaders of the armies of the Confederacy. Colonel Henderson, a noted English student of the war, said, *' Lee and Jack- son were worth two hundred thousand men to any army they commanded." Yet Lee spoke truly when he said, " It will be difficult to get the world to understand the odds against which we fought." Lee had been appointed a major-general in the Army of Virginia, but when that State joined the Confederacy, he at once lost his rank. He could, with a word, have kept Virginia from joining the Confederacy until his future high rank was secure, but he said no word. He did not know what his rank would be and was preparing to enlist as a private in his son's cavalry company. Vice-Pres- ident Stephens, on the day of Lee's acceptance of the Virginia command, had a long interview with him and discussed this aspect of the situa- tion. Lee did not hesitate a moment in urging that his own personal interests should not stand in the way of union with the Confederacy. Ste- phens said later: "I had admired him in the morning, but I took his hand that night at part- A YEAR OF TRIAL in ing with feelings of respect and reverence never yet effaced. I met him at times later, and he was always the same Christian gentleman. I regard Lee as one of the first men I ever met. I was wonderfully taken with him in our first interview. I saw him put to the test that tries true charac- ter. He came out of the crucible pure and refined gold." By this time, Arlington, Lee's loved home, was in the hands of Federal forces. At first every care was taken to protect the entire property, but later the trees were cut down and the many relics of the Washington, Parke, Custis, and Lee families were seized. Some of these were taken to Wash- ington and were finally placed in the National Museum ; but the greater part of them were stolen by individuals and became scattered. After the war, in speaking of this, Lee said : ''I hope the possessors appreciate them and may imitate the example of their original owners whose conduct must at times be brought to their recollection by these silent monitors. In this way they will ac- complish good to the country." Mrs. Lee, after the war, sought to secure the return of the relics stored at Washington, but Congress forbade their restoration, the committee in charge of the matter declaring her request "an insult to the loyal people of the United States." But shortly before his death, President 112 ROBERT E. LEE McKinley ordered them returned to the Lee family. ArHngton itself was sold for taxes, though payment was offered by friends of the Lees. The Government bought the place and at once con- verted it into a military cemetery. Years after- wards the Supreme Court of the United States decided that it had been illegally taken and or- dered it restored to General Custis Lee. But with sixteen thousand Union soldiers buried there it was impossible to give it up into private hands, and so it was purchased by the Govern- ment. It is so definitely associated with Lee, as well as with those who died to save the Union, that one likes to think, to-day, that the time is not far distant when to patriotic Americans it will seem also a cherished memorial of an undi- vided country. As soon as the war began, Lee was made a brigadier-general in the Confederate Army. He was at this time busily engaged in organizing the raw volunteer troops who poured into Rich- mond, and, before two months had passed, he had sent to the front sixty regiments of infantry and cavalry and many batteries of artillery. When Virginia seceded, Richmond became the capital of the Confederacy. Its capture now be- came the chief end and aim of the Washington Administration. The South, on the other hand, bent every energy toward preventing its fall. In A YEAR OF TRIAL 115 June Lee was made military adviser to President Davis, and in this capacity directed the move- ments of troops and chose the points in Virginia which should form the line of defense. It was his plan of defense which resulted in the battle of Manassas, or Bull Run. At this time the Confed- erate plan of campaign was to stand entirely on the defensive. The Confederate Government had no wish to attack the United States, but was most anxious to remain unmolested. This was the chief reason why, immediately after the battle of Manassas, when the road to Washington lay open to the Confederates, there was no attempt made to capture the city. Soon after the battle Lee was sent to north- west Virginia to take command there. It was a section where there much opposition to the Con- federacy ; and General George B. McClellan had been sent into it from the West to gain the en- tire region for the Union, and, in particular, to hold the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road. The Confederate forces there were then under the command of General Garnett. The Confederates at first held Harper's Ferry, but later abandoned it. McClellan at once seized the mountain passes and fortified them. Garnett's force, divided into two parts, was then defeated, and McClellan reported that he had "annihilated two armies." This report was believed in Wash- 114 ROBERT E. LEE ington, and, after the defeat at Manassas, he was called to take command of the Federal army be- tween Washington and Richmond. He was re- placed in the West by Generals Reynolds and Rosecrans. Garnett in the meantime was killed, and the Confederate forces, under two rival briga- dier-generals who had been chosen for political reasons, were steadily losing ground. This was the difficult situation which Lee had to meet when he took command. Just at this time he was given the rank of general, that grade having been established by the Confederate Congress. He was outranked only by General Samuel Cooper, the adjutant-general, who had been ad- jutant-general of the United States Army, and Albert Sidney Johnston, who had outranked him also. When he reached the mountains, a long rainy season had set in and the roads were almost im- passable. The Confederate forces were also in the grip of epidemics of measles and typhoid fever. General Reynolds had taken up a position on Cheat Mountain and Valley River. This was too strong to be attacked on the front alone, but a way was found to flank it and attack it from all sides at once. The plan failed. The signal for the attack was to have been given by a colonel in com- mand of one of the attacking parties. False re- ports heard from prisoners caused him to believe A YEAR OF TRIAL 115 the Federal force much larger than it really was, and he did not give the signal. The other attack- ing parties waited until there was no chance of a surprise attack, and Lee then had to give the signal to retire, and fell back to Valley Moun- tain. In the middle of September Lee went to the Kanawha region. Here the rival generals, Wise and Floyd, were in intense and bitter disagree- ment, and Lee found it difficult to reconcile them. General Rosecrans was in command of the Federal forces and occupied an unusually strong position on Big Sewall Mountain. Lee took one equally strong on a parallel plateau and here waited for an attack to be made upon him. Time passed and none was made, so Lee planned a flank movement. He was prevented from car- rying this out by Rosecrans's retreat, and, as his own force was in such poor condition, and as supplies could only be procured day by day, Lee thought a long pursuit over the terrible roads would be poor policy and kept it up only for one day. Winter came on and put an end to the campaign, and the Confederacy abandoned its efforts to hold the region. Its people leaned strongly to the North, and, during the following year, split off from Virginia, and set up the new State of West Virginia, which was soon admitted to the Union. ii6 ROBERT E. LEE Lee came out of this campaign with a dimin- ished reputation. Few people outside the army understood how difficult his task had been, and the newspapers criticized him bitterly. They said that he had been overrated, that all he had was a *' showy presence " and an *' historical name," and that he could " dig entrenchments " better than he could fight. They sneered, too, at his **West Point tactics," and called him ''Evacuat- ing Lee." But President Davis's faith in him held fast and he looked forward to a time when he could place Lee in a post of greater importance as well as of greater opportunity. Lee returned to Richmond, and was soon or- dered to take charge of the coast defenses in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. In the summer of 1861 a Federal fleet under Admiral Goldsborough and a military expedition under General Burnside had captured several important points on the North Carolina coast. A little later Port Royal, in South Carolina, was taken, leav- ing Savannah exposed. Charleston was also in danger, and it was clear that some decided action must be taken to strengthen the Southern coast defenses. Lee was by far the best person to plan and direct this work. He was already familiar with the coast and at once chose the points most needing fortification and placed there a few fine cannon brought through the blockade. After a A YEAR OF TRIAL 117 close examination he decided to abandon all the islands and other exposed points and make a strong interior line of defenses against which ves- sels of war would be useless. Strong fortifications were made, and it was not long before the Fed- eral attacking forces found themselves attacked. By this time the Confederacy was making its own heavy guns instead of depending on those brought through the blockade, and there was no longer any lack of cannon. Lee's plan and the defenses erected were so effective that the coast was en- tirely protected until an inland attack was made upon it just before the close of the war. By the time Lee's work in the South was fin- ished, spring was at hand. The outlook for the Confederacy was bad. Forts Henry and Donel- son, two important posts in Tennessee, control- ling the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, had been captured by a comparatively unknown Fed- eral brigadier-general whom Lee had once met in Mexico, and whom he was destined to know better. His name was Ulysses S. Grant. This capture not only opened the rivers to the Federal forces, but exposed a large part of the interior of several States. Nashville, the capital of Tennes- see, at once fell, and for the rest of the war was in the hands of the Federal forces. Even worse for the South than all this, Rich- mond was threatened by a large Federal army, ii8 ROBERT E. LEE superbly equipped, and nowj thanks to the won- derful work of General McClellan, splendidly organized, disciplined, and trained. On account of this situation Lee was summoned back to Rich- mond, and, on March 13, 1862, again became military adviser to the President and was charged with the duty of oversight of all military opera- tions under the direction of the President. CHAPTER X IN CHIEF COMMAND When Lee returned to Virginia from the South, he saw his devoted wife for the first time since they had parted at Arlington. There was little time even now for him to be with his family, for the call for him to go to Richmond as President Davis's chief military adviser came almost at once. Mrs. Lee and her daughters were then at the White House, but, as McClellan advanced in that direction, they also went to Richmond. On the door of her house Mrs. Lee left this card : — Northern soldiers, who profess to reverence Wash- ington, forbear to desecrate the home of his first married life, the property of his wife, now owned by her descendants. A grand-daughter of Mrs. Washington. I McClellan chose the place as his headquarters, and one of his officers wrote beneath Mrs. Lee's card : ** A Northern officer has protected your property in sight of the enemy." But when the change of base was made by McClellan, the house was burned. No military operations of importance had taken I20 ROBERT E. LEE place in Virginia since the battle of Manassas. General McClellan was busy organizing and train- ing what was to become that superb fighting ma- chine, the " Army of the Potomac." The North clamored for the capture of Richmond, so the Washington Administration centered its atten- tion upon this. There were four possible ways of reaching the city. An army might go by the Chesapeake and from there up the Peninsula be- tween the Potomac and York Rivers. A second way was by the Chesapeake and the Rappahan- nock River. Another was by Manassas, which was still the most important point in central Vir- ginia because of the junction of important rail- roads there. The fourth was by the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville. The Administration favored another attempt at Manassas, where Gen- eral Joseph E. Johnston commanded the Confed- erate forces, because that method would keep the Federal army between the Confederates and Washington. McClellan preferred the route by the Rappahannock, but he was forbidden to try it. He then selected that by the Chesapeake and up the Peninsula, and in March, with an army of over one hundred thousand men, he sailed for Fortress Monroe. From there the army advanced slowly up the Peninsula. The small Confederate force at Yorktown, under General Magruder, re- sisted his advance vigorously and succeeded in IN CHIEF COMMAND 121 delaying him a month. In the meantime General Johnston assumed command and evacuated York- town before it could be bombarded. At Williams- burg, the colonial capital of Virginia, McClellan attacked the Confederates, now between thirty and forty thousand strong. He was repulsed, and so failed to prevent the successful retreat of the Confederates across the Chickahominy River in the direction of Richmond. McClellan followed slowly, making only fifty miles in two weeks. He thought Johnston's strength much greater than it really was and con- tinually asked for strong reinforcements. These were not sent because the President feared that Washington would be captured by Jackson. Gen- eral Thomas J. Jackson, who had won at Manas- sas the name of "Stonewall," was in command in the Shenandoah Valley against the forces under Generals McDowell, Banks, and Fremont. Acting upon Lee's suggestion he now began his famous Valley Campaign. With a force of fifteen thousand men, in a space of forty days, he marched four hundred miles, thereby winning for his men the name of "Jackson's Foot Cav- alry," fought three important battles and two minor ones, winning them all and almost de- stroying three Federal armies whose combined force was more than forty thousand men. He took thirty-five hundred prisoners and also cap- 122 ROBERT E. LEE tured valuable supplies. He also prevented the sending of reinforcements to McClellan. In the meantime Norfolk had been evacuated by the Confederate forces, the Merrimac, unde- feated, had been destroyed, and Federal gun- boats had taken possession of the James River up to Drewry's Bluff, just outside of Richmond. But in spite of this assistance, McClellan had still delayed. He finally divided his force, and John- ston, taking advantage of this, attacked one wing of his army at Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, and fought an inconclusive battle, in which Johnston was severely wounded. Apparently the Confed- erates lost this battle only because of General Longstreet's delay in coming up, which turned it into a Union victory. Richmond came near to being taken, McClellan's army coming in sight of its church steeples, and one corps reaching a point only four miles from the city. At this crisis Lee was directed by the President to take per- sonal command, and, on the ist of June, he joined the army. The force at Lee's command was only eighty thousand men to oppose the one hundred and fifteen thousand commanded by McClellan, but McClellan, as always, firmly believed that he was outnumbered. Many people still thought that Lee was fitted only for defensive work. He now began to prove his ability along other lines of IN CHIEF COMMAND 123 warfare and showed himself possessed of a dash and daring far beyond that of most commanders. Withdrawing his army nearer Richmond, he im- mediately threw up strong earthworks, thereby protecting his whole line of defense, and called in all the troops he could get. McClellan was in- active, but Lee had no notion of remaining long within the entrenchments. He prepared for an aggressive campaign to drive the enemy away from Richmond. His first move was to send Gen- eral J. E. B. Stuart with a small force of cavalry to locate McClellan's right flank. Stuart, who was one of the world's great cavalry leaders, took his force completely around the entire Federal army. Those forces which opposed him were driven back and a great quantity of stores was captured. One corps of the Federal army was on the north bank of the Chickahominy, protecting the line of communication with the base on York River. The breaking of this line would cause a dangerous retreat. Jackson was now secretly summoned from the Valley to fall on McClellan's right flank and rear, and, in order to deceive McClellan, at the same time troops were detached from the main army in front of Richmond and apparently started for the Valley. The plan was a bold one, for, if Mc- Clellan should move forward, he would be much nearer Richmond and in a much stronger posi- 124 ROBERT E. LEE tion and with only twenty-five thousand troops before him. Lee, however, possessed the gift, which means so much to an army commander, of foreseeing what the enemy would do, and he felt sure that McClellan would once more over- estimate the Confederate force. With character- istic boldness he divided his force, and, for a time, the main body of his army was farther from Rich- mond than the Federal army. On June 26 there began what are known as the Seven Days' Battles. Jackson had counted on greater speed from his men than was possible for them and was a day late, so that the Confed- erate attack was repulsed before he arrived. But on the next day, at Gaines's Mills, Jackson and his men having reached the battle-field, the Fed- eral right wing was shattered and the army forced to retreat. McClellan now determined to change his base to the James River and, thus completely deceiving Lee, was able to bring his army together, burn his stores, and retreat in good order. Late the next night the Confederates finally discovered the plan and followed McClel- lan. Hotly contested battles took place, one at Savage's Station without decisive result, and one at Frazier's Farm, which was a victory for the Confederates. Finally, the Federal forces in re- treat took a strong position at Malvern Hill. Here, after a furious battle, the Confederate at- IN CHIEF COMMAND 125 tack was repulsed. McClellan, still retreating, however, sought the protection of the Federal gunboats at Harrison's Landing on the James. Lee, with an exhausted but exultant army, re- turned toward Richmond, having succeeded in his purpose of raising the siege. He had- cap- tured many prisoners as well as a large amount of artillery and small arms and other supplies of great value to his army. It was the failure of those under Lee to obey his orders during these operations which prevented his dealing a crush- ing blow to McClellan's forces, but the Federal army had fought with superb bravery and splen- did dash and daring. It was plain that it was not likely to suffer again such a rout as that at Manassas. Lee on this occasion displayed the weakness — which was his greatest one as a com- mander — of being inclined, through tenderness of heart, to overlook such failures in obedience from his subordinate commanders and to let them go unpunished. In spite of this repulse of the Federals, Richmond was in grave danger. McClellan was only a few miles away and it was possible for him to cross the river and attack Richmond on the south and also cut the Rich- mond and Danville Railroad by which Richmond was connected with a valuable source of supplies. President Lincoln now called for five hundred thousand volunteers and appointed General H. 126 ROBERT E. LEE W. Halleck commander of the Federal forces. He placed at the head of the army in front of Washington General John Pope, who had gained some small success in the West. Pope, who was boastful, had made much of this and hoped to replace McClellan. Lee now detached Jackson's command from the army and sent him to meet Pope. McClellan, on the other side, was ordered to leave Fredericksburg and join Pope, whereupon Lee sent Longstreet to aid Jackson and he him- self followed almost immediately. Before McClel- lan's army could reach Pope, Lee succeeded in sending Longstreet and Jackson around Pope's right flank to a position between the Federal army and Washington. The second battle of Manassas, or Bull Run, was then fought, in which Lee's army of fifty thousand men overwhelm- ingly defeated Pope's army of seventy-five thou- sand and pushed it back to Washington. Pope was at once removed from command. Lee, after much consideration of the matter, now decided to invade the North. He hoped to draw Maryland to the support of the Confeder- acy, and he felt, too, that such a move would so alarm the North that the Federal troops would be withdrawn from Virginia in order to defend Washington. The Confederate Army, singing *' Dixie" and ** Maryland, my Maryland," crossed the Potomac near Harper's Ferry. They expected IN CHIEF COMMAND 127 the people of Maryland to rally at once to the Stars and Bars, and Lee issued a proclamation urging them to rise against the North. He gained little response, for there was a good deal of Union sentiment in that part of Maryland, and an even stronger desire to keep the war out of the State as far as possible. Lee's army was ragged, barefoot, and hungry. The inhabitants would not sell supplies, and Lee had forbidden foraging, so the half-starved soldiers were tantalized by the sight of orchards hanging with autumn fruit and by food supplies of all sorts. The order against foraging was strictly enforced and Lee went so far as to order the execution of a soldier who had stolen a pig. The urgent need of supplies would be met by the capture of Harper's Ferry and that would also open up communication with the Val- ley, so Lee sent Jackson to take it, and, on Sep- tember 15, it fell, and its vast supplies of arms, clothing, and food thus came into the possession of the Confederates. McClellan was now again placed in command of the Federal forces. At first he acted with great promptness. Then there fell into his hands a copy of Lee's order outlining his plan of campaign. This was found where General D. H. Hill's tent had stood, and it is supposed that it was left there by one of his staff. With this to guide him, McClellan became too confident and acted so 128 ROBERT E. LEE slowly that Jackson had captured Harper's Ferry and had turned back to rejoin Lee before Mc- Clellan made an attack. The preliminary battle was fought at South Mountain in which the Fed- eral army gained the advantage. This was fol- lowed by the battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam. For its length this was the bloodiest battle of the entire war, the Federal losses being more than thirteen thousand, and Lee's more than eleven thousand. McClellan's military tactics were not of the best, while Lee's were very skillful ; but the Federal army was more than twice the size of Lee's and this was a Federal victory, though not at all a decisive one. Lee's advance was checked, how^ever. He would not cross the Poto- mac, but waited eagerly for the attack which he believed McClellan would make. He considered renewing the battle himself, but, as McClellan was receiving reinforcements, it seemed at last a wiser policy to retire into Virginia, a movement executed without interference from McClellan. The truth was that McClellan did not dare make the attack, and, during the five weeks that he waited to do so, Stuart again rode around the entire Federal army and captured a thousand horses. In the North there was strong feeling against McClellan, and he was soon removed. He was succeeded by General Ambrose E. Burnside, who IN CHIEF COMMAND 129 at once recommended a rapid advance toward Richmond by way of Fredericksburg. Lee, who had again divided his army by sending Jackson to the Valley, now reunited his forces at Freder- icksburg. Here he mustered about seventy-eight thousand men and took a position of great strength. On December 13 Burnside sent his army of one hundred and sixteen thousand men across the river in three divisions against the Confederates, who inflicted a terrific defeat upon them. The Federal troops fought with the great- est bravery and dash, but they faced an impossi- ble task here and their losses were very great. After the battle both armies went into winter quarters just where they were. Burnside was re- moved from command and his place filled by General Joseph E. Hooker, known, on account of his readiness to fight, as ''Fighting Joe." He soon had a splendid army of one hundred and thirty thousand men under him, with four hun- dred and twenty-eight guns, while Lee had only fifty-seven thousand men and one hundred and seventy guns. In April, 1863, Hooker crossed the Rappahan- nock to move on Richmond. At Chancellorsville he was confronted by Lee and Jackson, and a furious batde took place. Lee had foreseen Hooker's strategy and was thus able to block it, and the Federal army was driven back across the I30 ROBERT E. LEE Rappahannock in confusion and with heavy losses. But Lee and the Confederacy had lost Jackson. He and his stafif were returning from a scouting expedition when, through a mistake, his own men fired upon them, wounding Jackson se- verely. He died a few days later, saying, '' Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees." When Lee heard of his wound, he wrote Jackson, " Had I my choice I would for the good of the country have fallen in your place" ; later he sent this message to him, ''You have lost your left arm, but I have lost my right " ; and he sent word to him also that the credit for the victory at Chancellorsville belonged to him. This was a generous message, but the victory was really Lee's, and perhaps it was his greatest one. Lee now decided to force the fighting and draw the Federal army away from Richmond by again invading the North. He asked that Beauregard be sent to threaten Washington in order to keep the Federal army well divided, but the Confeder- ate Government did not heed this request. Lee first crossed the Blue Ridge and marched down the Valley, then crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and moved across Maryland into Pennsyl- vania. Again, he forbade foraging and issued the following general order: — IN CHIEF COMMAND 131 General Orders No. 73. Headquarters Army Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. The commanding general has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the troops on the march, and confidently anticipates results commen- surate with the high spirit they have manifested. No troops could have displayed greater fortitude or better have performed the arduous marches of the past ten days. Their conduct in other respects has, with few exceptions, been in keeping with their character as soldiers, and entitles them to approba- tion and praise. There have been, however, instances of forgetful- ness on the part of some that they have in keeping the yet unsullied reputation of the army, and that the duties exacted of us by civilization and Christian- ity are not less obligatory in the country of the enemy than in our own. The commanding general considers that no greater disgrace could befall the army, and through it our whole people, than the perpetration of the barbarous outrages upon the innocent and defenseless, and the wanton destruction of private property, that have marked the course of the enemy in our own country. Such proceedings not only dis- grace the perpetrators and all connected with them, but are subversive of the discipline and efficiency of the army, and destructive of the ends of our present movements. It must be remembered that we make war only upon armed men, and that we cannot take vengeance for the wrongs our people have suffered without lowering ourselves in the eyes of all whose ab- horrence has been excited by the atrocities of our enemy and offending against Him to whom vengeance belongeth, and without whose favor and support our efforts must all prove in vain. 132 ROBERT E. LEE The commanding general, therefore, earnestly ex- horts the troops to abstain, with most scrupulous care, from unnecessary or wanton injury to private property; and he enjoins upon all officers to arrest and bring to summary punishment all who shall in any way offend against the orders on this subject. R. E. Lee, General. Lee was urged to allow reprisals for what the South had suffered, but replied that, if he did such a thing, he could not ask the blessing of God upon his arms. It was the influence of Lee and this order which enables Charles Francis Adams to say, " I doubt if a hostile force of an equal size ever advanced into an enemy's country, or fell back from it in retreat, leaving behind less cause of hate and bitterness than did the Army of Northern Virginia in that memorable campaign which culminated at Gettysburg." The same writer says that possibly Lee's greatest title to fame was ** his humanity in war." Lee's advance threatened the rear of Washing- ton, and also Baltimore and Philadelphia. New York, even, was greatly alarmed. This city was now in the midst of the draft riots and thought- ful people all over the country saw in an invasion of the Confederates great danger to the Union cause. Hooker followed on Lee's right, his army rapidly increasing in numbers as he went. On June 28 he was displaced by General George G. Meade, an energetic and soldierly officer, who had. IN CHIEF COMMAND 133 however, never before held an independent com- mand. On July I the two armies came together at Gettysburg, a little town in Pennsylvania. Lee counted on Stuart for information as to the where- abouts of the Federal army, but Stuart had been drawn too far away for a report and the meeting came somewhat as a surprise to Lee. Meade had taken a position on the crest of a range of hills to the south and east of Gettysburg, known as Cemetery Ridge. The Confederate army at once occupied the hills opposite, called Seminary Ridge. The battle lasted three days. On the first the Confederates swept back a large Federal force through the town and to the hills. On the sec- ond day the Confederates again attacked, but Longstreet, who was bitterly opposed to Lee's plans, failed to obey orders, and the attack was made much later in the day than Lee had di- rected, a delay the Federals did not fail to take advantage of to strengthen their position. There was no decided victory, but Lee was encouraged to hope for success on the following day. On the third day Longstreet again failed to obey orders, still protesting against the battle. But Lee said : *' The enemy is here ; if we don't whip him, he will whip us." On that day, after a furious bom- bardment of some hours, Lee ordered an assault 134 ROBERT E. LEE by Longstreet's corps on -the center of Meade's line. Three divisions under Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble were to cross the open valley, three quarters of a mile wide, and, after attacking the Federal lines, receive the support of Longstreet's entire force. As they started there was a lull in the artillery firing for a little while, but, as the gray line swept on toward the Federal position, the cannon poured a deadly hail into the advanc- ing line. On they rushed in spite of it. Many of them reached the stone wall behind which the Federals lay pouring a destructive fire upon them ; some even crossed the wall and engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict. Longstreet should have come at once to their support, but he failed to advance. The high tide of the charge rolled back and the battle was lost. With the turning of the tide of battle came the turning-point in the fortunes of the Confederacy. From this time on, in spite of some brilliant successes, the Confeder- ates fought a defensive fight and a losing one. By this defeat hope of foreign recognition was lost and the Confederacy was doomed. The next day the capture of Vicksburg was added to the Federal victories. Lee, always generous, took the blame of the failure upon himself. A little later he even offered to resign in favor of some younger and abler man. There were many younger men, but where IN CHIEF COMMAND 135, was an abler one than Lee to be found ? Pres- ident Davis, of course, refused this, saying-, *'To ask me to substitute you by some one in my judgment more fit to command, or who would possess more of the confidence of the army, or of the reflecting men of the country, is to demand an impossibility." Lee said later, *' If I had had Stonewall Jack- son at Gettysburg, I would have won that battle, and a victory there would have given us Wash- ington and Baltimore, if not Philadelphia, and would have established the independence of the country." It is to-day, in the light of later knowl- edge, not at all certain that all that Lee believed would have come to pass, but there is little doubt that, if Jackson had been at Gettysburg, the bat- tle would have been won by the Confederates, and probably decisively won on the second day. All the day after the battle Lee waited for a Federal attack. None was made, and, as his am- munition was almost gone, he retreated slowly and with great skill across Maryland into Vir- ginia, followed by Meade, who, however, ven- tured no attack. During the rest of 1863 there were no real battles fought in Virginia. There was much manoeuvering in which Meade showed great skill and Lee even more, but the two armies never tried conclusions. Lee would again have crossed the Potomac but for the fact that 136 ROBERT E. LEE his men were without shoes and almost without rations. In November Lee overcame a plan of Meade's to surprise him, and immediately afterwards went into winter quarters. This was a terrible winter for the Army of Northern Virginia. A large part of the army lacked shoes, blankets, and over- coats ; most of them were clothed in rags ; and they even lacked sufficient food both for them- selves and for their horses. But, having always before them the example of their great com- mander, they withstood hardship and privation with the fortitude that their ancestors had dis- played at Valley Forge ; and even with a gayety of spirit, they waited for the renewal of fighting which would come with the spring. When the Spring came Lee found a new op- ponent before him. General Ulysses S. Grant, after brilliant successes in the West, had been promoted in March, 1864, to the chief command of the Federal armies, and had at once assumed personal direction of the Army of the Potomac. From this time his was the most dominant figure on the Northern side in the history of the war. CHAPTER XI LIFE IN THE ARMY At the time when Lee resigned from the United States Army and entered the service of Virginia, he was just fifty-four years old. He was still in his prime, still strong and active, and looked younger than his years. His face was ruddy from his life in the open and, except for a small mustache, was clean-shaven. When he entered upon active service, he let his beard grow, and his face is best known to the world as full-bearded. He aged rapidly during the war, and in 1862 thus described himself to his daughter-in-law : — My coat is of gray, of the regulation style and pattern, and my pants of dark blue, as is also pre- scribed, partly hid by my long boots. I have the same handsome hat which surmounts my gray head (the latter is not prescribed in the regulations) and shields my ugly face, which is masked by a white beard as stiff and wiry as the teeth of a card. In fact an uglier person you have never seen, and so un- attractive is it to our enemies that they shoot at it whenever visible to them. When Lee first entered the service of the Con- federacy, his duties kept him at headquarters in Richmond and he was thus spared any severe 138 ROBERT E. LEE hardships. But with his service in western Vir- ginia he began to share to the full the life led by his men. After he took the chief, command his headquarters tent was always the scene of much work on the part of Lee and of his staff, and lit- tle form or ceremony was observed there. His own living arrangements were simple. He car- ried little baggage and used the same small tent through the greater part of the war. Almost always he slept in his tent rather than make his headquarters in a private house, as he was con- stantly urged to do. Even on his way back to Richmond after the surrender, he spent the night in his tent rather than in his brother's home. When defending Petersburg, however, his head- quarters were necessarily, and for the first time since 1862, in a house. His camp headquarters, as described by a vis- itor after the battle of Fredericksburg, consisted of four or five wall tents and three or four com- mon tents, set up on the edge of an old pine field, which cut off the wind, and near a forest, which furnished firewood. It was dismal enough look- ing from without, but within it was usually made bright and lively by Lee's geniality and quiet humor. He was attended by a devoted Irish- man named Bryan who was his mess steward. Throughout the war Lee used a camp set of tin dishes, plates, and cups, which he had owned LIFE IN THE ARMY 139 before the war began, and always his fare was of the simplest. It was at first bountiful, but as times became hard, it decreased in quantity and qual- ity. Many gifts of food and clothes of every kind were sent to him, but they generally found their way promptly to the hospitals. Lee's letters con- tain constant references such as the following : — Camp, Petersburg, July 5, 1864. My Precious Life: — I received this morning, by your brother, your note, and am very glad to hear your mother is better. I sent out immediately to try and find some lemons, but could only procure two — sent to me by a kind lady, Mrs. Kirkland, in Petersburg. These were gathered from her own trees; there are none to be purchased. I found one in my valise, dried up, which I also send, as it may be of some value. I also put up some early apples, which you can roast for your mother, and one pear. This is all the fruit I can get. Camp, Petersburg, July 24, 1864. The ladles of Petersburg have sent me a nice set of shirts. They were given to me by Mrs. James R. Branch and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Branch. In fact they have given me everything — which I fear they cannot spare — vegetables, bread, milk, ice- cream. To-day one of them sent me a nice peach — the first I think I have seen for two years. I sent it to Mrs. Shippen. December 30, 1864. Yesterday afternoon three little girls walked into my room, each with a small basket. The eldest I40 ROBERT E. LEE carried some fresh eggs laid by her own hens; the second, some pickles made by her mother; the third, some pop corn which had grown in her garden. They were accompanied by a young maid with a block of soap made by her mother. . . . The eldest of the girls, whose age did not exceed eight years, had a small wheel on which she spun for her mother, who wove all the clothes for her two brothers — boys of twelve and fourteen years. I have not had so pleas- ant a visit for a long time. I fortunately was able to fill their baskets with apples, which distressed poor Bryan, and begged them to bring me nothing but kisses and keep the eggs, corn, etc., for themselves. It was while in camp after the battle of Freder- icksburg that Bryan, discovering that a hen he had procured was laying, spared her life. She soon made herself so much at home in Lee's tent that each day she laid an egg under his bed. This was kept up for weeks at a time. Her roosting- place was a baggage wagon and she was present with the wagon both at Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg. She finally grew too fat to lay, and one day, when an unexpected visitor of some im- portance dined with Lee, Bryan killed the hen for dinner. At another dinner when Lee had guests, a plate of cabbage was served in which there was a very small piece of bacon. Every one out of politeness declined the meat, and that night Lee asked for a piece of it. The reply was that it had only been borrowed for the occasion and had already been returned to the owner ! LIFE IN THE ARMY 141 Some of Lee's younger officers were very fond of a drink, and on one occasion, soon after he had seen a jug brought to their tents, a demijohn was brought into his tent. A Httle later he invited the younger men to come and share with him a demi- john of *' the best." Surprised, yet delighted, they accepted ; the demijohn was brought out, and from it Lee filled the glasses with buttermilk! His quiet enjoyment of the trick was great enough to be contagious, and everybody laughed heart- ily. This sense of humor, like Lincoln's, must have been a great safety-valve when care became almost too heavy for human endurance. Once, when irritated as he was at times by the news- papers, he said to Benjamin H. Hill : *' Why, sir, in the beginning we made a great mistake. We appointed all our worst generals to command the armies and all our best generals to edit the news- papers." Even on the morning before the surren- der, when General Wise, after washing his face in a mudhole, wrapped himself in a blanket and walked up to Lee, Lee was able to smile and say : ** Good-morning, General Wise. I perceive that you, at any rate, have not given up the contest, as you are in your war paint this morning." Lee kept up the most friendly relations with his offi- cers, but on the rather rare occasions when his temper got the best of him, his staf? suffered. At one of these times he noticed that one of them 142 ROBERT E. LEE had grown somewhat restive under his outburst, and he exclaimed, "Colonel Taylor, when I lose my temper, don't let it make you angry." In spite of his high temper, Lee never spoke in harsh terms of his opponents. Perhaps his near- est approach to bitter words was contained in his letter home when he heard that his beloved Arlington had been converted into a cemetery for his enemies. Most of the soldiers of the North and South could not find enough harsh things to say of the enemy, but Lee called them nothing worse than ** these people," ** our friends across the river," "General McClellan's people," "Gen- eral Grant's people," or " our friends, the enemy." One day one of his officers, as he looked at the Federal army, said bitterly, " I wish all those people were dead." Lee's reply was, " How can you say so. General ? Now I wish they were all at home attending to their own business." At Gettys- burg a wounded Federal soldier shouted, just as Lee passed him, " Hurrah for the Union." Lee bent toward him, and in a voice full of sympathy said, " My son, I hope you will soon be well." The soldier said afterwards: " If I live to a thou- sand years I shall never forget the expression on General Lee's face. There he was defeated, retir- ing from a field that had cost him and his cause almost their last hope, and yet he stopped to say words like those to a wounded soldier of the op- LIFE IN THE ARMY 143 position who had taunted him as he passed by I As soon as the General had left me, I cried my- self to sleep there upon the bloody ground." Lee with his whole heart longed for peace. He had no thirst for glory and no love of battle to deceive him as to the real nature of war. He wrote his son in 1864, ** I have only one mighty want, that God in His infinite mercy will send our enemies back home." And as the war stretched out its dreary length, and hope of success grew less and less, he desired the more that victory and peace might come quickly. He was sur- rounded by want and misery, but he felt that he must keep up his spirit and that of those about him. Sorrow also touched him heavily. In 1862 word came to him of the desperate illness of his most loved daughter, but he could not go to her, and, a little later, the news of her death came. This found him attending to important business which he could not leave, and he was obliged to control his grief until the work was finished. In the year following this, his son. General W. H. F. Lee, ** Rooney," was seriously wounded, then captured, and, while in prison, his wife was taken seriously ill. Her only hope of recovery lay in the release of her husband, and General Custis Lee offered to take his brother's place in prison that he might be released, but the request was not granted by the Federal authorities. Soon after- 144 ROBERT E. LEE wards Mrs. Lee and both of her children died. This loss was to Lee as if he had lost another daughter, for he had deeply loved his son's wife and children, and the thought of the grief his son would have to bear distressed him greatly. As food and clothes for the army grew scarce, Lee became deeply concerned at the sufferings of the men, and tried in every way to get supplies. It was a trying duty to endeavor to persuade the inefBcient commissary department of the Con- federacy to furnish the army with the necessaries of life. He even had to beg for soap. In addition to inefBciency, it must be added that the natural difficulty of securing supplies was very great on account of poor and broken-down railroads and the destitution in the South. His men knew of his efTorts, for Lee was always kind and sympa- thetic and the soldiers found it easy to approach him. They idolized " Uncle Robert," or " Marse Robert," as they called him, and, ragged and barefoot as they were, they never lost hope and were willing to go anywhere or do anything at Lee's command. Lee, knowing this, said : " There never were such men in an army before. They will go anywhere and do anything, if properly led." Some military critics have said that Lee's greatest fault as a commander was his eagerness and audacity in battle. He had absolutely no LIFE IN THE ARMY 145 sense of fear. At the Wilderness and again at Gettysburg, he tried to lead a charge in person, but his men cried, *' Lee to the rear ! " ^'General Lee, go back!" and he was forced to give way. But in almost every battle he was under fire with his men. Once, while reconnoitering in an ex- posed position, he ordered his staff back and started with them. He suddenly turned back a few steps and, stooping, picked up a sparrow which had fallen out of its nest and replaced it. Only once was he near capture. That was in 1862, when with his staff he rode suddenly upon a squadron of Federal cavalry. Before Lee had been seen by them, his staff begged him to retire rap- idly while they drew in line across the road. This fortunately led the Federal soldiers to suppose it the head of a column and they retreated. Lee was thus saved from what had seemed almost certain capture. He was often visited in camp by foreigners who were all anxious to see him. Among those who came was Colonel Garnet Wolseley of the British army, who later became Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley. He says of his visit to Lee : — He was the ablest general, and to me, seemed the greatest man I ever conversed with; and yet I have had the privilege of meeting Von Moltke and Prince Bismarck, and at least upon one occasion had a very long and intensely interesting conversation with the 146 ROBERT E. LEE latter. General Lee was one of the few men who ever seriously impressed and awed me with their natural inherent greatness. Forty years have come and gone since our meeting, yet the majesty of his manly bear- ing, the genial winning grace, the sweetness of his smile and the impressive dignity of his old-fashioned style of address, come back to me amongst the most cherished of my recollections. . . . His was indeed a beautiful character, and of him it might be written: "In righteousness he did judge and make war." A very real part of Lee's life in the army had to do with his horses. He had a number during the course of the war and loved them all. His mare, Grace Darling, that he had ridden in the Mexican War, was too old for service and was sent to the White House when Lee left Arlington, and was later captured by a Federal soldier. One of his horses was Richmond, a big bay given him by the citizens of Richmond. He broke down under the hard service of the campaign against Pope and died, Lee thought him the most beautiful of his horses. Brown Roan also died. Ajax, a large sorrel, was too tall, and Lee rode him very sel- dom. In 1862 General Stuart gave Lee a quiet little sorrel mare named Lucy Long. She was stolen, but was later recovered. She survived the war and was living as late as 1891. The best known of Lee's chargers was Traveler, and one writer has said that he was almost as well known as his master. Sheridan called Traveler a LIFE IN THE ARMY 147 " chunky gray horse." Lee himself described him in the following interesting letter : — If I was an artist like you, I would draw a true pic- ture of Traveler, representing his fine proportions, muscular figure, deep chest and short back, strong haunches, flat legs, small head, broad forehead, deli- cate ears, quick eye, small feet, and black mane and tail. Such a picture would inspire a poet, whose genius could then depict his worth and describe his endurance of toil, hunger, thirst, heat, cold, and the dangers and suffering through which he has passed. He could dilate upon his sagacity, affection, and his invariable response to every wish of his rider. He might even imagine his thoughts through the long night marches and days of battle through which he has passed. But I am no artist, and could only say that he is a Confederate gray. I purchased him in the mountains of Virginia in the autumn of 1 861, and he has been my patient follower ever since, to Georgia, the Carolinas, and back to Virginia. He carried me through the seven days' battles around Richmond, the second Manassas, at Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, the last day at Chancellorsville, to Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, and back to the Rappahannock. From the commencement of the campaign in 1864 at Orange till its close around Petersburg the saddle was scarcely off his back, as he passed through the fire of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and across the James River. He was in almost daily requisition in the winter of 1864-65 on the long line of defenses from the Chickahominy, north of Richmond and Hatcher's Run south of the Appomattox. In the campaign of 1865 he bore me from Petersburg to the final days at Appomattox Court House. 148 ROBERT E. LEE You must know what a cbmfort he is to me in my present retirement. He is well supplied with equip- ments. Two sets have been sent to him from Eng- land, one from the ladies of Baltimore, and one was made for him in Richmond ; but I think his favorite is the American saddle from St. Louis. Traveler was of Gray Eagle stock and was born near the Blue Sulphur Springs, now in West Virginia, in April, 1857. As a colt he won, in 1859 and i860, under the name Jefi Davis, the first prize at the Greenbrier Fair, a high honor in that land of good horses. He was sixteen hands high, weighed eleven hundred and fifty pounds, and was unusually strong. His walk was springy and he had a bold carriage, holding his head well up. He was very gentle, but was also very brave and spirited. He loved a battle, and at the Second Manassas he grew so spirited that, jumping sud- denly, he hurt both of Lee's hands, breaking a bone in one. Lee was in an ambulance for a time and never again held the reins in the usual way. Traveler and Lee were devoted to each other and were separated only by death. Lee, mounted on him, was a familiar figure in Virginia from 1862 to 1870, and the picture of them is familiar to the w^orld to-day. Lee sat erect in his saddle with his weight on the stirrups, and the movements of his body were in perfect unison with those of the horse under him. Captain Gordon McCabe, the ^ i hHK "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H m ■■■■kf^ -<^v-isi^^'i^^^^^^HHHH^H^H LIFE IN THE ARMY 149 famous Virginia teacher, said that Traveler, when Lee was riding him, "always stepped as if con- scious that he bore a king upon his back." During these years Lee's letters and reports show how hard was his task of taking care of the army and how little time was left for him to rest. For three years the whole burden of the army rested upon him. To the army he became in a sense the cause for which they fought. With him they dared anything ; without him they were lost. With the years Lee aged rapidly ; illness came to him and a loss of strength of which he was fully conscious. The war was an experience to test the soul and the heart of a man, and a fine light is thrown upon Lee's character by the fact that he came out of it all with the essential sweetness of his spirit untouched. Of him in the struggle, Presi- dent Wilson says : — It is a notable thing that we see when we look back to men of this sort. The Civil War is something which we cannot even yet uncover in memory without stir- ring embers which may spring into a blaze. There was deep color and the ardor of blood in the contest. The field is lurid with the light of passion, and yet in the midst of that crimson field stands this gentle figure, — a man whom you remember, not as a man who loved war, but as a man moved by all the high impulses of gentle kindness, a man whom men did not fear, but loved ; a man in whom everybody who ap- proached him marked singular gentleness, singular sweetness, singular modesty, — none of the pomp of I50 ROBERT E. LEE the soldier, but all the simplicity of the gentleman. This man is in the center of that field, is the central figure of a great tragedy. A singular tragedy it seems which centers in a gentleman who loved his fellow men and sought to serve them by the power of love, and who yet, in serving them with the power of love, won the imperishable fame of a great soldier. CHAPTER XII AGAINST HEAVY ODDS The beginning of the campaign of 1864 found the Confederacy in sore straits. Almost all its able-bodied men were in the army, and the boys were now enlisting, and, as Grant said, "the seed corn" was thus taken from the South. In the West the Confederate cause had met disaster as early as 1862 with the capture of Forts Donelson and Henry by Grant, the battle of Shiloh with the death of the gallant Albert Sidney Johnston, and the fall of Nashville and New Orleans. The loss of Vicksburg in 1863 had given the last strong- hold on the Mississippi River to the Federal forces. The blockade had become so effective that only Wilmington, North Carolina, remained open, and the blockade-running there steadily became more and more difficult. The South was like some animal confined in a glass bell from which the air is slowly being drawn out. In the South the railroads, which had been poor enough at the beginning of the war, were growing hopelessly inefficient. Rails, cars, and engines, as they wore out, could not be replaced. Want and distress were widespread, and, in many 152 ROBERT E. LEE places, supplies of food, even of the simplest sort, were scarce. Prices, because of this and because of the great quantity of paper money in circula- tion, were very high. Country jeans sold for twenty-five dollars a yard, calico for thirty dol- lars, a pair of cotton socks for ten dollars, a wheat-straw hat for twenty dollars, and a bushel of meal for twenty-five dollars. There was no tea, no coffee, and little sugar. Salt and soda were both very scarce. The following accounts, written just at the close of the war, give a good picture of conditions in parts of the South to which the Federal armies had not penetrated : — Many families of the highest respectability and re- finement lived for months on corn-bread, sorghum, and peas; meat was seldom on the table, tea and coffee never ; dried apples and peaches were a luxury ; children went barefoot through the winter, and ladies made their own shoes, and wove their own home- spuns; carpets were cut up into blankets, and window curtains and sheets were torn up for hospital uses; soldiers' socks were knit day and night, while for home service clothes were twice turned, and patches were patched again ; and all this continually, and with an energy and cheerfulness that may well be called heroic. Every available bit of paper, every page of old account books, whether already written on one side or not, and even the fly leaves of printed volumes . . . were ferreted out and exhausted. Envelopes were made of scraps of wall-paper and from the pictorial pages of old books, the white side out, stuck together In some cases with the gum that exudes from peach trees. AGAINST HEAVY ODDS 153 Between the South and the final defeat lay now Joseph E. Johnston's army in Georgia, a small force in the West, and Lee's army of Northern Virginia. There was no new supply of men for them to draw from, and every man lost meant a permanently decreased force. Opposing these ar- mies were strong, well-equipped Federal forces, backed by unlimited money and fresh men, as well as supplies of every sort in limitless quanti- ties. No army in the history of the world to that time had ever been so splendidly supplied and equipped as the Federal army. In spite of its ter- rific losses the North grew steadily in wealth and prosperity during the war. Also it suffered scarcely at all from the presence of armies, since the South was the battle-ground of the war. Grant's plan of campaign provided that each of the Federal armies should try to hold the attention of the entire Confederacy and thus prevent any attempt of one Confederate army to reinforce another. He planned that the Army of the Potomac should move toward Richmond from the north, and said that he proposed **to fight it out along that line if it takes all summer." General Butler was to come up the James from Fortress Monroe, and it was believed that by these methods the summer would see the close of the war. Early in May Grant, with an army of one hun- 154 ROBERT E. LEE dred and twenty thousand .men, crossed the Rap- idan and entered the Wilderness, a region so named because of its tangled thickets of pine, scrub-oak, hazel, and chinquapin. Here there were hardly any inhabitants and only two public roads. As soon as the Federal army had got well into the Wilderness, Lee attacked it, and there followed a terrible battle which lasted two days. Longstreet was once more late, and it is possible that he thus prevented a complete victory for Lee. The horror of the battle was many times increased by the furious burning of the woods, together with the dead and wounded, the under- growth having caught from the firing of the guns. For many days a heavy pall of smoke hung over all the country. In spite of his great losses and defeat. Grant did not retreat. He had all the tenacity of a bull- dog and did not consider such a thing. Instead, by a flank movement, he pressed on toward Richmond. Lee then fell back and met him at Spottsylvania Court House, where, between May 8 and May 13, a series of furiously contested bat- tles occured in which Grant failed to break the Confederate lines. Here was the famous " Bloody Angle," first in the possession of one and then of the other side during the whole conflict, and noted for the frenzied fighting which took place there. Grant, upon receiving reinforcements, AGAINST HEAVY ODDS i55 again attacked, but without success. He then again moved by the left flank, but at Cold Har- bor Lee succeeded in establishing himself in such a position that another flank movement by Grant would carry the Federal army beyond Richmond. Just at this time Stuart was killed, and his death meant a heavy loss to Lee and to the Confeder- ate cause. On June 3 Grant tried to break the Confederate lines by direct assault and lost twelve thousand men in twenty minutes. This crushing disaster ended the campaign, one remarkable both for the brilliance of Lee's defense and for the splendid energy of Grant's attacks, which last would have been impossible in the face of such losses but for the superb bravery of the Fed- eral troops. Since crossing the Rapidan Grant had lost more than sixty thousand men, or al- most as many as Lee's whole army. Lee had lost twenty thousand, and he could ill afford the loss, since there were none to take the places of those who had been killed. The men in the Confeder- ate army had fought a large part of the time on a daily ration of three crackers and a small piece of salt pork, and they were now almost exhausted. Grant now abandoned his plan of campaign and, skillfully swinging his army across the James, moved on Richmond from the south. At Petersburg, twenty miles from Richmond, there were strong fortifications which had been erected 156 ROBERT E. LEE under Lee^s orders in 1862,. and into them Lee at once moved his army. Attempts of the Federals to carry them by storm failed, and a plan to mine them resulted in an engagement known as the ** Battle of the Crater" in which the Federal losses were greater than those of the Confeder- ates. Grant then settled down for a siege. He threw up the most powerful fortifications used during the war, and then succeeded in cutting the railroad running from Petersburg south, by which the Confederates received most of their supplies. The further defense of Richmond, from a mili- tary standpoint, was a mistake, and Lee advised giving it up. But President Davis regarded the continued possession of the capital as of first im- portance to the Confederate cause and would not consent to its abandonment. Lee, like the good soldier he was, sought to make the best defense possible. He knew, of course, that the strength of his army would be lessened after standing a siege at Petersburg. He saw, too, the difficulty of combining with the other Confederate armies when such a combination should become neces- sary, that being, as he said, '* a mere question of time." In the meantime General Butler had been, as Grant said, ** bottled up" at Bermuda Hundred by General Magruder. The Federal forces in the AGAINST HEAVY ODDS 157 Valley, sent there to cut off supplies from Rich- mond, had met with spirited resistance. In the battle of New Market even the little boys from the Virginia Military Institute took part in the fighting and gained a victory. The Federals were finally driven out of the Valley by General Early, who then invaded Maryland and finally took up a position in front of Washington and in sight of the dome of the Capitol. Hearing that fresh troops had come against him in large numbers, he succeeded in retreating in good order. Later in July one of his subordinates burned the town of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. The operations of the Confederates had become so vigorous that Grant sent Sheridan into the Valley, ordering him to destroy everything that could support an army, thus preventing Early's staying there, and also any future Confederate menace to Washing- ton. Several batdes were fought and Early was at last driven from the Valley. Sheridan, in car- rying out Grant's orders, burned two thousand barns filled with grain and seventy mills filled with flour and wheat, and drove off most of the catde and other stock. He then reported that " a crow flying across the Valley will have to carry its own rations." The siege of Petersburg, which lasted the rest of the summer of 1864 and all of the following winter, brought intense suffering to the army. 158 ROBERT E. LEE Food was scarcer than ever, and all the soldiers were in rags and most of them without shoes through the bitter cold weather. The daily ration at best was one pound of flour and one half a pound of beef, but there were sometimes days and days together when the beef was lacking. Lee had only thirty-five thousand men to defend a line thirty-five miles long, and there was no hope of any important reinforcements. In the West the Federals under Thomas had decisively defeated Hood, who had replaced John- ston in command. Sherman, after his march to the sea, captured Savannah, and later, as spring opened, moved north, capturing Charleston and Columbia, and invading North Carolina. As his army moved it stripped the whole country bare of food and all valuable movable property. Con- fronting him was Johnston, who was again in command, with a fairly large army. On January 15, 1865, Fort Fisher, at the mouth of the Cape Fear below Wilmington, fell, and the last gate- way between the South and the world outside was closed. Grant began the campaign of 1865 at the end of January and spread his force out south of Petersburg to cut off Lee's retreat and also his sources of supplies. Lee now wished to abandon immediately both Richmond and Petersburg and join Johnston, but he was forced to give up the AGAINST HEAVY ODDS 159 plan because his half-starved horses could not pull the cannon and wagons over the soft roads. On January 31 Lee was made general-in-chief of all the armies of the Confederacy. He accepted and took charge at once. Had this been done two years before, great results might have fol- lowed, but matters had gone too far for him to be able to accomplish anything through his new power. Shortly afterwards he recommended the enlistment of negroes in the army, and Congress consented to this, but there was only time to en- roll a very few, far too few to help the cause. Late in March an effort on Lee's part to break Grant's line was partially successful, but men were lacking to follow up the advantage. Lee had already seen that Richmond must soon be abandoned and had notified President Davis of the fact. Supplies had been sent to Danville, a little town on the southern border of Virginia, so that Lee could leave his lines rapidly and, join- ing Johnston, with their combined forces attack Sherman before Grant could bring help. Grant foresaw this plan, and on April i attacked Lee at Five Forks, where the Confederate line was so weak that the men were seven yards apart. Lee at once notified Davis that he would move south toward Amelia Court House, where he had di- rected the WsiT Department to have an abun- dance of supplies for his men. Richmond was at i6o ROBERT E. LEE once evacuated and the Federal forces entered it just at the time that Grant was entering Peters- burg. Here Grant was joined by Lincoln who later went to Richmond. The Confederates had in the meantime gone to Danville, which Davis reached on April 5. Lee moved his troops as rapidly as possible to Amelia Court House, and was followed closely by Grant's columns. The Confederates, number- ing less than thirty thousand men, were flushed with the joy of getting out of the trenches into the open fields, and they eagerly hoped that victory might yet be theirs. But when they reached Ame- lia Court House, there were no supplies there. Nearly twenty-four hours of precious time were lost in attempting to gather food and forage enough to enable the army to push on. There was an abundance of both at Danville, but here there was practically nothing. The hungry army could be furnished with nothing better than raw corn, and of that only one handful to each man, but not a man complained. In the meantime, thanks to this delay, Sheridan had been able to place a force of cavalry across the proposed line of retreat to Danville. This forced Lee to turn westward toward Farmville, in the hope of being able to effect a junction with Johnston on the North Carolina line. At Sailor's Creek part of the army was cut off, but the main AGAINST HEAVY ODDS i6i body pushed on to Farmville, where on April 7 a small supply of food was secured after a Fed- eral force in the path had been repulsed. All this took time, and Sheridan reached and captured Appomattox Court House, the place at which Lee had counted on getting more supplies. Lee did not learn of this until April 9. CHAPTER XIII APPOMATTOX Lee had now a choice between two courses only. Either he must disperse his men and send them south to continue resistance at a later time and so keep up hostilities indefinitely ; or he must surrender his beloved army, which would mean that the cause of the Confederacy would be hope- lessly and finally lost. The first plan was generally expected. All of Europe looked to see the war drag on and on through fighting by scattered par- ties, such as had taken place during the Revolu- tion throughout Georgia and the Carolinas. In the South most of the people refused to believe in the possibility of final defeat and desired that the struggle should go on, no matter how long it took to reach a victorious end and independence. President Davis, by proclamation on April 4, an- nounced this as the policy of the Government, and the Federal leaders greatly feared that it might be carried out. There is no doubt that in this way the contest could have been indefinitely prolonged, as in the case of the Boer War, but at the cost of frightful loss of life and at the greater cost of all humanity on both sides. APPOMATTOX 163 The very thought of surrender broke Lee's heart. On April 7 he was approached by several of his corps commanders who told him that the army could not hold out any longer. Surrender was suggested. Lee's eyes flashed and he said, " Surrender 1 I have too many good fighting men for that!" On April 7 also Grant wrote Lee and pointed out the hopelessness of further resistance, and, for the sake of putting an end to bloodshed, sug- gested that he surrender. Lee, in reply, declined to admit that his cause was hopeless, but asked Grant what terms would be offered. The next day Grant wrote that, since peace was his great desire, the only condition he would insist upon was that the officers and men surrendered should be disqualified from taking up arms against the United States until exchanged. He also sug- gested meeting Lee to arrange the terms of sur- render, but Lee replied that he had not proposed surrender, but, desiring peace, he wished to learn how General Grant proposed to effect it, and suggested a meeting at ten o'clock the next day. Grant replied that, as he had no power to treat for peace, a meeting could do no good, and continued : — I will state however that I am equally desirous of peace with yourself, and the whole North entertains the same feeling. The terms upon which peace can i64 ROBERT E. LEE be had are well understood; By the South laying down their arms, they would hasten that most de- sirable event, save thousands of humanjves, and hundreds of millions of property not yeffll^stroyed. Seriously hoping that all of our difficulties may be settled without the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, etc., U. S. Grant, Lieutenant General. General R. E. Lee. Lee had hoped that a general peace might be arranged, but he now saw that Grant would not discuss this. On the evening of the 8th, Lee di- rected a last attack, and early the next morning his troops with dash attacked Sheridan and drove his cavalry back in confusion. But timely Federal reinforcements came to Sheridan's aid and the way of the Confederates as an army was finally barred. When Lee saw the situation, he said, ** There is nothing left but to go to General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths." At this one of his staff exclaimed, '* Oh, General, what will history say of the surrender of the army in the field?" Lee replied: **Yes, I know they will say hard things of us ; they will not under- stand how we were overwhelmed by numbers ; but that is not the question, Colonel; the ques- tion is, is it right to surrender this army ? If it is right, then I will take all the responsibility." He had already talked it over with several of his ofBcers. General Alexander had urged him to dis- APPOMATTOX 165 perse his army for the purpose of further resist- ance, and had received this notable reply : — No! C^peral Alexander, that will not do. You must remember we are a Christian people. We have fought this fight as long as, and as well as, we knew how. We have been defeated. For us as a Christian people, there is now but one course to pursue. We must accept the situation; these men must go home and plant a crop, and we must proceed to build up our country on a new basis. We cannot have recourse to the methods you suggest. But surrender was, even if right, a bitter task for Lee. ''How easily," he said, *' I could get rid of this and be at rest. I have only to ride along the line and all will be over. But it is our duty to live. What will become of the women and children of the South if we are not here to pro- tect them ? " So Lee now wrote Grant, asking for a meeting to arrange terms for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. Grant agreed, and the two met at the McLean house, which was of brick, set back in the trees, with rosebushes dotting the lawn. Lee and Colonel Marshall, one of his staff, were first to arrive. Traveler was freed of his bridle and turned loose to graze, a great treat after what had gone before. Shortly afterwards Grant with his staff came up, and Grant joined Lee. The appearance of the two men was in striking contrast. General Horace Porter, an eye-witness of the scene, thus described I66 ROBERT E. LEE Lee, who, in honor of his last appearance as commander of the Army of Northern Vijginia, had put on the very best clothes he posse|^l : — He wore a new uniform of Confederate gray, buttoned up to the throat, and a handsome sword and sash. The sword was of exceedingly fine work- manship. It had been presented to him by some ladies in England who sympathized with his cause. He had a thick head of hair, except in front, where it had be- come a little thin. His spurs were handsome and had very large rowels. He wore a pair of top boots which seemed to be perfectly new and which were stitched with red silk. His gray hat, matching in color his uni- form, and a pair of gray gauntlets, apparently new, had been thrown on the table by his side. Of Grant, General Porter wrote : — General Grant was forty-three years of age, quite slim, and weighed only one hundred and thirty pounds. He was five feet, eight inches in height, with shoulders slightly stooped. He wore a soldier's blouse and soldier's trousers, with nothing to indicate his rank but the shoulder straps of a lieutenant-general. His slouch hat was lying on the table. He had on a pair of partly worn brown-colored thread gloves, which he took off soon after he went into the room. He was without sword, sash, or spurs. He wore a pair of ordinary top boots with his trousers inside. These as well as his clothes were spattered with mud. His hair was a dark brown with no trace of gray. At meeting, the two generals shook hands cor- dially, and at once began to speak of their previ- ous meeting in Mexico. Some time was passed APPOMATTOX 167 in this way until at last Lee recalled the real ob- ject of their meeting to Grant, who had delicately refrain^^Bfom alluding to it. Lee said : '* General, I am here to ascertain the terms upon which you will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia ; but it is due to proper candor and frankness that I should say at once that I am not willing to discuss, even, any terms incompatible with preserving the honor of my army, which I am determined to maintain at all hazards and to the last extremity." Grant replied : " I have no idea of proposing dishonorable terms, General, but I should like to know what terms you would consider satisfactory." Lee answered that he felt that the terms offered by Grant in his letter were fair enough and asked that they be put in writ- ing. Grant immediately asked for his order book and rapidly wrote the following letter : — Gen. R. E. Lee, Commanding C. S. A. Appomattox C. H. April 9, 1865. In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst., I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made In du- plicate, one copy to be given to an officer designated by me, the other to be retained by such officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual parole not to i68 ROBERT E. LEE take arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged; and each company or regimental commander to sign parole ffl^he men of their commands. The arms, artillery ,^pi public property to be packed and stacked and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side arms of the officers, nor their private horses, nor their baggage. This done each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authorities so long as they observe their parole, and the laws in force where they may reside. Very respectfully, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General, Lee put on his glasses and read it slowly, and as he finished, said, "This will have a very happy effect upon my army." Grant asked for suggestions, and Lee called his attention to the fact that the Confederate cavalrymen owned their own horses, and asked if they would be allowed to keep them. Grant at first said that only offi- cers might do so, but, noting Lee's keen disap- pointment, he added that he knew crops could not be raised without horses, and so, without changing the written order, he would give in- structions to his officers to let the Confederate soldiers keep their horses. Lee immediately showed his relief and said : ** This will have the best possible effect upon the men. It will be very gratifying, and will do much toward conciliat- ing our people.*' While the letter was being APPOMATTOX 169 copied in ink, Lee had this letter prepared and signed i^ # [eadquarters Army of Northern Virginia, April 9, 1865. General: — I have received your letter of this date containing the terms of surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, as proposed by you. As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th inst., they are accepted. I will pro- ceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee. Grant now offered to send twenty-five thou- sand rations to Lee's men who had been living only on parched corn. When he noticed that Lee wore his sword, he apologized for the ab- sence of his, saying, " I started out from camp several days ago without my sword, and as I have not seen my headquarters baggage since, I have been riding about without my side- arms." At nearly four o'clock in the afternoon the interview closed. Lee shook hands with Grant, bowed to the other Federal officers in the room, and went out on the porch. As he stood waiting and looking over toward the gallant army he had just surrendered, he struck his hands to- gether three times and then mounted his horse I70 ROBERT E. LEE and rode away to his men. At his appearance the ** rebel yell," as given by the Arm^^f North- ern Virginia, sounded for the last tim^^he men crowded around him to touch his han^^ind hear his voice once more. His words to them were brief. '* Men," he said, "we have fought through the war together. I have done my best for you. My heart is too full to say more." The behavior of both Grant and Lee during that momentous meeting was fine in every way. Both hated anything theatrical and their inter- view was marked throughout by its utter simplic- ity. Grant showed no elation and said himself of the surrender : ** My own feelings, which had been quite jubilant on receipt of Lee's letter, were sad and depressed. I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and so valiantly and had suf- fered so much for a cause." He sought in every way to save Lee and his army from humiliation and, by his generosity, he won the gratitude and affection of the whole South. Lee, though in deep dejection, was calm, dignified, and, as usual, impressive. He proved here and in his later life the truth of his own saying, " Human virtue ought to be equal to human calamity." General Morris Schaff, a Federal officer, referring to the surrender, at which he was present, said of Lee : — APPOMATTOX 171 He was one who, though famous, was not honey- combed wth ambition or tainted with cunning or cant, ar^Bhough a soldier and wearing soldier's laurels, ^^^ever craved or sought honors except as they bloomed on deeds done for the glory of his law- fully constituted authority; in short a soldier to whom the sense of duty was a gospel and a man of the world whose only rule of life was that life should be upright and stainless. I cannot but think that Provi- dence meant, through him, to prolong the ideal of the gentleman in the world. ... It is easy to see why Lee has become the embodiment of one of the world's ideals, that of the soldier, the Christian, and the gentleman. And from the bottom of my heart I thank Heaven ... for the comfort of having a char- acter like Lee's to look at. As soon as the news of the surrender reached the Federal army, the firing of salutes began. Grant, full of that noble generosity which distin- guished his conduct throughout the whole period of the surrender, ordered the firing stopped with this message, *'The war is over, the rebels are again our countrymen, and the best way of show- ing our rejoicing will be to abstain from all such demonstration." On this principle he refrained from going to Richmond and from entering the Confederate lines. The lofty standard of consider- ation and courtesy thus set by Grant was lived up to later by his officers. On April 12, when Gen- eral Chamberlain, of Maine, received the sur- render of the Confederate arms and colors, the 172 ROBERT E. LEE remnant of the Confederate army struck their tents, seized their muskets, unfurled an^elevated their flags, and, for the last time, f(^Aed that "thin gray line" which they had rnsrae world renowned. As the column came up a bugle sounded and the whole Federal line came to " carry arms," the marching salute. It was a fine tribute of brave men to brave men and was part of the cementing of the Union which w^as to fol- low war. General Chamberlain, in describing its reception by the Confederates, who were headed by General John B. Gordon, says : — Gordon catches the sound of shifting arms, and, catching the meaning, wheels superbly, making with himself and his horse one uplifted figure, with pro- found salutation as he drops the point of his sword to his boot, then facing to his own command gives word for his successive brigades to pass us with the same position of the manual — honor answering honor. On our part, not a sound of trumpet more, nor roll of drum; not a cheer, not a word nor whisper of vain- glorying, nor motion of men, standing again at the order ; but an awed stillness rather and breath holding as if at the passing of the dead. There thus passed away one of the most won- derful armies in the world, an army to whose valor its opponents have consistently borne wit- ness. Hooker said, "That army has by discipline alone acquired a character for steadiness and effi- ciency unsurpassed, in my judgment, in ancient APPOMATTOX 173 or modern times." Swinton, the historian of the Army of the Potomac, says : — Nor CM there fail to arise the image of that other army that-was the adversary of the Army of the Po- tomac, and who that once looked upon it can ever forget it? — that army of tattered uniforms and bright muskets — that body of incomparable in- fantry, the Army of Northern Virginia, which for four years carried the revolt on its bayonets, oppos- ing a constant front to the mighty concentration of power brought against it, which, receiving terrible blows, did not fail to give the like, and which, vital in all its parts, died only with its annihilation. And Charles Francis Adams, the son of that Charles Francis Adams who, while Minister to England, proudly answered Englishmen who sought to twit him with the victories of the Con- federates, *' They, also, are my countrymen," says : *' My next contention is that Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia never sustained defeat. Finally, it is true, succumbing to exhaustion, to the end they were not overthrown in fight." As commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Lee's place in military history is secure. Colonel Henderson, the English military critic, says, " Lee stands out as one of the greatest soldiers of all times." Again, he spoke of Lee as *' undoubtedly one of the greatest if not the greatest soldier who ever spoke the English tongue." Colonel Liver- more calls him *' the greatest general of the day." 174 ROBERT E. LEE Captain Battine, in closing an estimate of him, says, **Such as he was, brave, chivalrous, and conscientious to a fault, he will remain the most attractive personality among American heroes and one of the most famous of the world's great generals." Theodore Roosevelt says, *' Lee will undoubtedly rank as without any exception the greatest of all the great captains that the Eng- lish-speaking people have brought forth — and this although the last and chief of his antagonists may claim to stand as the full equal of Marlbor- ough and Wellington." And Colonel Dodge says, " A dispassionate judgment places Robert E. Lee on the level of such captains asTurenne, Eugene, Marlborough, Wellington, and Von Moltke." There is no need to add to the already lengthy discussion as to whether Lee or Grant was the greater general. Both were superbly great, and no finer memory has been left to Americans than the meeting of the two at Appomattox as the leaders of two noble American armies struggling for conflicting theories of government. On the day following the surrender Lee and Grant had a short interview. A number of Fed- eral officers who had known Lee called also. General Meade, who had known him well in the Corps of Engineers, was among them, and Lee said to him, "Meade, years are telling on you, your hair is getting quite gray." "Ah, General ROBERT E. LEE (From the painting by Pioto) APPOMATTOX 175 Lee," was Meade's reply, "it is not the work of years ; you are responsible for my gray hairs." On that last morning, Lee published to his troops this farewell address : — Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, April 10, 1865. After four years of arduous service, marked by un- surpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of North- ern Virginia has been compelled to yield to over- whelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them; but feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continuation of the contest, I have de- termined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their country- men. By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes, and remain there until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that pro- ceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully per- formed; and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you His blessing and protection. With an unceasing admiration for your constancy and devo- tion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration of myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell. R. E. Lee, General. On the same day he rode away from his army, setting his face toward Richmond and his 176 ROBERT E. LEE loved ones there. An eye-witness of his arrival in the city gives the following account of his return : — Next morning a small group of horsemen appeared on the further side of the pontoons. By some strange intuition it was known that General Lee was among them, and a crowd collected all along the route he would take, silent and bare-headed. There was no excitement, no hurrahing; but as the great chief passed, a deep, loving murmur, greater than these, rose from the very hearts of the crowd. Taking off his hat and simply bowing his head, the man great in adversity passed silently to his own door; it closed upon him, and his people had seen him for the last time in his battle harness. CHAPTER XIV AFTER THE WAR After a short stay in Richmond with his fam- ily, Lee began to think of the future. His chief desire was to go from the noisy city to the peace and quiet of the country. He loved the country and was never really content away from it. He said, " I am looking for some little quiet home in the woods, where I can procure shelter and my daily bread, if permitted by the victor." Crowds of people flocked to see him, and the burden be- came too great for his good. Accordingly, some time after the surrender he moved into a rented house in Powhatan County and there stayed for the rest of the spring and summer. In the meantime, of course, the Confederacy had collapsed. Johnston had surrendered to Sher- man in North Carolina the week after Appomat- tox, and Kirby Smith had soon after surrendered the Confederate forces in the West. President Davis had been captured and was confined at Fortress Monroe. Lincoln had been assassinated, and the country was thus deprived of the soften- ing influence of his great soul and tender heart. He, like Lee, had no hatred or bitterness in his 178 ROBERT E. LEE make-up, and above all things he wished for a genuine reconciliation of the two sections. For ithis reason he had determined that there should 'be no punishment of Confederates if he could prevent it. The South lost the one friend that could help it in its distress, and the Nation lost a guiding hand that would have prevented many disastrous mistakes during the next few years. He was succeeded as President by Andrew Johnson of Tennessee. On May 29, 1865, Presi- dent Johnson issued a proclamation offering par- don to the late Confederates if they would take the oath of allegiance to the United States ; but he provided that those who held high rank or who had left the service of the United States to join the Confederacy could receive pardon only after a special application for it. In June a grand jury at Norfolk, composed of both jafegroes and white people, indicted Lee for treason along with Jefferson Davis. Of this Lee said : ** I have heard of the indictment by the grand jury at Norfolk, and have made up my mind to let the authorities take their course. I have no wish to avoid any trial the Government may order, and I cannot flee." But fearless as he was as to the result of any trial, there was an- other thing to be considered. By the terms of the surrender Lee and his army were not liable to trial, but if Lee consented to standing trial, it AFTER THE WAR 179 would mean much trouble, expense, and possibly danger to his men. So he at once wrote Grant the following letter : — Richmond, Virginia, June 13, 1865. Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant, Commanding the Armies of the United States. General: — Upon reading the President's proclama- tion of the 29th ult., I came to Richmond to ascer- tain what was proper or required of me to do, when I learned that, with others, I was to be indicted for treason by the grand jury at Norfolk. I had supposed that the officers and men of the Army of Northern Virginia were, by the terms of their surrender, pro- tected by the United States Government from molestation so long as they conformed to its condi- tions. I am ready to meet any charges that may be preferred against me, and do not wish to avoid trial; but, if I am correct as to the protection granted by my parole, and am not to be prosecuted, I desire to comply with the President's proclamation, and there- fore enclose the required application, which I request, in that event, may be acted on. I am, with great respect. Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee. [Enclosure] Richmond, Virginia, June 13, 1865. His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. Sir: — Being excluded from the provisions of amnesty and pardon contained in the proclamation of the 29th ult., I hereby apply for the benefits and full restoration of all rights and privileges extended i8o ROBERT E. LEE to those included in its terms. I graduated at the Military Academy at West Point in June, 1829; re- signed from the United States Army, April, 1861; was a general in the Confederate Army, and included in the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, April 9, 1865. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee. Grant replied at once that Lee's opinion of the case was correct and told him that he had for- warded the letter to the Secretary of War with the following communication: — In my opinion the officers and men paroled at Ap- pomattox Court House, and since, upon the same terms given to Lee, cannot be tried for treason so long as they observe their parole. This is my under- standing. Good faith, as well as true policy, dictates that we should observe the conditions of the conven- tion. Bad faith on the part of the government, or a construction of that convention subjecting the officers to trial for treason, would produce a feeling of insecurity in the minds of all paroled officers and men. If so disposed they might even regard such an infraction of terms by the Government as an entire release from all obligations on their part. I will state further that the terms granted by me met with the hearty approval of the President at the time, and of the country generally. The action of Judge Under- wood, in Norfolk, has already had an injurious effect, and I would ask that he be ordered to quash all in- dictments found against paroled prisoners of war, and to desist from the further prosecution of them. AFTER THE WAR i8i Grant did not stop with this. He recommended Lee's pardon to the President and went to see him about the indictment. He threatened to re- sign his command of the army unless the pro- ceedings were stopped. He said : — I have made certain terms with Lee — the best and only terms. If I had told him and his army that their liberty would be invaded, that they would be open to arrest, trial, and execution for treason, Lee would never have surrendered and we should have lost many lives in destroying him. Now, my terms of sur- render were according to military law, and so long as General Lee observes his parole I will never consent to his arrest. I will resign the command of the army rather than execute any order directing me to arrest Lee or any of his commanders, so long as they obey the laws. Senator Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, one of the most eminent lawyers in the United States, when he heard of Lee's indictment, wrote at once ofTering to defend him. But the indictment was dropped, though President Johnson paid no atten- tion to Lee's application for pardon. However, on Christmas Day, 1868, just before the close of his term of ofhce, he issued a proclamation, pardoning all the Confederates who were still unpardoned, including not only Lee, but Jefferson Davis. To Lee the question of the way he should sup- port his family was, of course, of the greatest im- portance. Most of his personal property, never 1 82 ROBERT E. LEE large, had been swept away, and there remained to him and his wife only their plantations, not of great value in the confused years following the war. Lee was too old, also, to undertake the hard work required to make them profitable. There were many offers made him, during the next few years, of houses, estates, money, and positions. One English admirer offered him a valuable es- tate in England and an annuity of three thousand pounds, but he replied, *' I must abide the fortunes and share the fate of my people." He was urged to become the president of a New York company for Southern trade, with a salary of fifty thousand dollars, but he again replied : *' I cannot leave my present position. I have a self-imposed task. I have led the young men of the South in battle. I must. teach their sons to discharge their duties in life." An insurance company offered him a salary of ten thousand dollars. He declined on the ground that his knowledge of the business was not suffi- cient to enable him to discharge the duties of the position. The answer was that there were no duties; his name alone was worth that salary. Lee's eyes flashed, and he replied that his name was not for sale. One of his daughters said, " They are offering my father everything except the only thing he will accept — a place to earn honest bread while engaged in some useful work." AFTER THE WAR 183. Finally, in August, 1865, Lee was offered the presidency of Washington College, in Lexington, Virginia, with a salary of fifteen hundred dollars. This college had been started as *' Liberty Hall Academy" in 1749, and was the first classical school in the Valley of Virginia. Washington en- dowed it, and its name was changed in his honor to Washington College. In 1870, after Lee's death and in his memory, its name was again changed, this time to Washington and Lee University. When Lee was offered the presidency the college had been almost ruined by the war. Its buildings, books, and apparatus had all suffered at the hands of the invading armies, and its endowment was, for the time being at least, practically worthless. There were but four professors left, and only forty students were present. The trustees felt much hesitation over Lee's election, feeling that he might think the position too unimportant and the salary too small for him to accept. But the mem- ber of the board of trustees appointed to see Lee on the subject, having, in honor of his distin- guished mission, borrowed a suit of clothes that was not ragged, set out boldly and laid the case before Lee. Lee, on his part, hesitated for other reasons than those which the trustees had feared. He did not feel strong enough to teach and he did not know whether the college could afford to employ a president simply for the duties of that i84 ROBERT E. LEE office. Since he was unpardoned, he thought his connection with the college might injure it. On the other hand, he longed to help in the cause of education in the South, a cause which he felt was of vital importance to the people of the section. He set these facts before the trustees, and, when they still urged him to accept, he did so. Lee's four years at West Point as superintend- ent had given him some preparation for work of the kind that now lay before him. In the latter part of September he mounted Traveler and rode to Lexington to make preparations for moving his family there. On October 2 he was inaugur- ated as president with the utmost simplicity and at once took up his duties. As he saw it, his po- sition must be something more than a name, and for the rest of his life he gave the best of himself to the upbuilding of Washington College. He was at his office regularly, carefully examined all the many letters, answered most of them person- ally, and constantly visited the classrooms both for recitations and examinations. He planned a great educational extension within the college to be brought about by the development of the sci- entific courses. Under him the institution grew until the number of students was greater than in any other Southern college, and the number of professors was steadily increased. Large gifts of money came to it because of Lee's connection AFTER THE WAR 185 with it, and there is no doubt that its later pros- perity began in this way. Lee did not confine himself to office work. He personally supervised the repairing of the buildings and the beautifying of the grounds. As this example was quickly fol- lowed by the Virginia Military Institute and by the residents of the town, the results of Lee's activities along this line were soon apparent. Lee's relations to the students were especially fine. He had no wish to introduce military train- ing, but rather inclined against that discipline. He urged the professors to make few rules and only those they were able to enforce. To the boys, many of whom were no longer young in experience, since many of them had fought through the war and were seasoned veterans, he said, *' We have but one rule here, that every student be a gentleman.'* When a member of the faculty pointed to a prec- edent and urged that persons must not be re- spected, Lee answered, " I always respect persons and care little for precedent." He knew the record of every student and worked always toward per- sonal relations with each one, and for the encour- agement of the greatest effort from them. Lee's character and personality, together with the power of his name, made him a great leader of students just as he had been a great leader of soldiers. During the years at Lexington Lee rode a great deal. Mounted on Traveler, and usually with one i86 ROBERT E. LEE of his daughters beside him riding on gende litde ** Lucy Long," he explored all that beautiful coun- try which surrounds Lexington. A letter written one summer, while he was away from home, shows his affection for the horse he had ridden both in war and in peace. He says : ** How is Traveler? Tell him I miss him dreadfully, and have repented of our separation but once — and that is the whole time since we parted." A story which gives a glimpse of Lee's love for his faithful companion has been told by an eye-witness of the incident. Lee was about to mount his horse when one of the ladies of whom he was taking leave put out her hand to pull a hair from Traveler's mane. Many people had taken souvenirs of the kind and his master could not bear to see him even so slightly hurt. So, holding his hat in his hand, he bowed low before the lady and said, " Please, madam, take one of mine instead." Everywhere Lee went there were public mani- festations of the deep affection in which he was held. Even in the heart of the Virginia mountains the people recognized him and greeted him with joy. One day, while riding alone along a lonely forest road, he met an old soldier who stopped him and said, " General Lee, I am powerful glad to see you and I feel like cheering you." Lee told him that as they were just two and alone, there was no need of cheering. But the old soldier be- AFTER THE WAR 187 gan to wave his hat about his head, and rode off shouting, ** Hurrah for General Lee ! " and the cheers kept up as long as the general was within hearing. Early in 1866 Lee was called to Washington to appear before the Reconstruction Committee of Congress. He testified with perfect frankness and with a manifestation of the finest feeling. In 1869, being again in Washington, he called upon General Grant who had just become President. During all this period he was firm in his deter- mination to take no part in politics or in any po- litical controversy. He was urged to become a candidate for Governor of Virginia, the only civil office he had ever had any desire to hold, but he refused to consider it. While he believed with truth that Reconstruction was a grievous wrong, he did not feel that he could right it by anything he might do or say, and he never discussed it except with his closest friends. In 1869, while at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, in answer to an inquiry of General Rosecrans as to the feeling in the South at the time as to secession and as to the negroes, Lee wrote a simple, candid statement to the effect that the South had for all time abandoned any thought of secession, but had, on the contrary, accepted the result of the war in perfect good faith ; that there was every disposition to treat 1 88 ROBERT E. LEE the negroes justly in every respect, although there was a firm belief in the South that the granting of suffrage to them had been a terrible mistake. This statement was signed by himself and thirty-one other prominent Southern men who were present at the time. This was his near- est approach to political discussion. The years through which Lee was now passing were years of service and peace. They well de- serve the comment of Charles Francis Adams : — From the beginning to the end these parting years of his will bear the closest scrutiny. There was about them nothing venial, nothing querulous, nothing in any way sordid or disappointing. In his case there was no anti-climax, for those closing years were dig- nified, patient, useful, sweet in domesticity, they in all things commanded respect. As the years passed, Lee's strength visibly failed. A sore throat, contracted during the war, had led to frequent colds and rheumatism which finally weakened his heart. He failed rapidly, and his physicians finally ordered him to the South. He spent the spring of 1870 in Florida and Georgia. Passing through North Carolina, he stopped at Warrenton to visit for the first time the grave of his daughter Annie who had died while at school there during the war. He wrote before going : — I wish also to visit my dear Annie's grave before I AFTER THE WAR 189 die. I have always desired to do so since the cessation of active hostilities, but have never been able. I wish to see how calmly she sleeps away from us all, with her dear hands folded over her breast as if in mute prayer, while her pure spirit is traversing the land of the blessed. Everywhere he went on this Southern trip crowds poured out to greet him and pay their tribute of affection and respect. Always modest, and now in feeble health, he tried to avoid the crowds, saying : ** Why should they care to see me ? I am only a poor old Confederate ! " He improved slowly throughout the trip and enjoyed meeting many old friends, though he knew well that it was for the last time. On the way back home he made several visits in Virginia and went both to Shirley and to the White House. During his absence from Lexington an appro- priation was made by the college for a home for Lee and for an annuity of three thousand dollars, to pass at his death to his family. But Lee re- fused both. Upon his return he again took up his duties, but when the summer vacation came, he went once more to the Hot Springs with the hope of gaining strength. He returned home in Septem- ber and gave himself to the work of the opening of the session. One wet afternoon he was kept for three hours at a meeting of the vestry of the I90 ROBERT E. LEE Episcopal Church of which he was a devoted member. At the close he was very tired. He went home and found that the family were wait- ing supper for him. Mrs. Lee described the scene : ** My husband came in, and I asked where he had been, re- marking that he had kept us waiting a long time. He did not reply, but stood up as if to say grace. No word proceeded from his lips, but with a sublime look of resignation he sat down in his chair." Physicians were called in at once and the patient rallied slightly. For two weeks it was hoped that he might recover, but at the end of that time he began to sink and grow rapidly worse. In these last hours his mind wandered to the past, and once more he led " the thin gray line " to victory. His last words were, "Tell A. P. Hill he must come up." Jackson in his dying moments had said, " Tell A. P. Hill to prepare for action." Lee died early on the morn- ing of October 12. He was buried beneath the college chapel, not far from where Stonewall Jackson, his " strong right arm," sleeps. To- gether, having crossed over the river, they rest under the shade of the trees. The South mourned the death of its great leader, one whom it, with Benjamin H. Hill, held to be '* a foe without hate, a friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty, and a victim AFTER THE WAR 191 without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices, a private citizen without wrong, a neighbor without reproach, a Christian without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was Caesar without his ambition, Frederick without his tyranny, Napoleon without his selfishness, and Washington without his reward. He was as obedient to authority as a servant and royal in authority as a king. He was as gentle as a woman in life, pure and modest as a virgin in thought, watchful as a Roman vestal, submis- sive to law as Socrates, and grand in battle as Achilles." Nor was mourning confined to the South. The North joined in paying tribute, not only to a great soldier, but to a great character. There can be found no better expression of what the North had come to see in Lee than the words of the ** New York Herald " at the time of his death : — On a quiet autumn morning, in the land he loved so well, and, as he held, served so faithfully, the spirit of Robert Edward Lee left the clay which it had so much ennobled, and traveled out of this world into the great and mysterious land. The ex- pressions of regret which sprang from the few who surrounded the bedside of the dying soldier, on yes- terday, will be swelled to-day into one mighty voice of sorrow, resounding throughout our country, and extending over all parts of the world where his great genius and his many virtues are known. For not to the Southern people alone shall be limited the tribute 192 ROBERT E. LEE of a tear over the dead Virginian. Here in the North, forgetting that the time was when the sword of Robert Edward Lee was drawn against us — forget- ting and forgiving all the years of bloodshed and agony — we have claimed him as one of ourselves ; have cherished and felt proud of his military genius as belonging to us; have recounted and recorded his triumphs as our own; have extolled his virtue as re- flecting upon us — for Robert Edward Lee was an American, and the great nation which gave him birth would be to-day unworthy of such a son if she re- garded him lightly. Never had mother nobler son. In him the military genius of America developed to a greater extent than ever before. In him all that was pure and lofty in mind and purpose found lodgment. Dignified without presumption, affable without familiarity, he united all those charms of manner which made him the idol of his friends and of his soldiers, and won for him the respect and admiration of the world. Even as, in the days of his triumph, glory did not intoxicate, so, when the dark clouds swept over him, adversity did not depress. From the hour that he surrendered his sword at Appomattox to the fatal autumn morning, he passed among men, noble in his quiet, simple dignity, displaying neither bitterness nor regret over the irrevocable past. He conquered us in mis- fortune by the grand manner In which he sustained himself, even as he dazzled us by his genius when the tramp of his soldiers resounded through the valleys of Virginia. And for such a man we are all tears and sorrow to-day. Standing beside his grave, all men of the South and men of the North can mourn with all the bitterness of four years of warfare erased by this common bereavement. May this unity of grief — AFTER THE WAR 193 this unselfish manifestation over the loss of the Bay- ard of America — in the season of dead leaves and withered branches which this death ushers in, bloom and blossom like the distant coming spring into the flowers of a heartier accord. CHAPTER XV LEE AND THE NATION When he had surrendered at Appomattox, Lee gave himself to the South and, in no lesser sense, to the Nation. His very surrender, made against the will and desire of those who believed in retiring to the mountains and drawing out the struggle indefinitely, proved Lee's belief that, the cause being lost, it was for the good of all that it should be abandoned. No man can ever know how great was the temptation to prolong the struggle to the death. The responsibility of the decision rested upon him alone, and it was fortu- nate for the South and the whole country that he was a man able to face great responsibility. From out the wreck he now looked across the time when passion, hatred, prejudice, and con- tention would prevail, to a day of peace, of broth- erhood, of real union, of nationality. Though Lee had fought for four years with all his great powers to dissolve the old Union, he became, at the end of the war, together with Lincoln and Grant, one of its preservers. These three great men, combined, gave to us the priceless heritage of a united country, united, not by law and force LEE AND THE NATION 195 alone, but by the stronger bonds of devotion and a common patriotism. Each one of the three played his part. Lincoln died too soon to carry out his heartfelt longing " to bind up the Nation's wounds," but his fine spirit remained to brood over the people of the whole Nation for whom, regardless of their section, he had such a great and abiding love. Grant's great, generous soul, through his deal- ings with the South at Appomattox, gave the first impulse toward union, reconciliation, and affection between the North and the South. Had he been less big-hearted, had he been bitter or revengeful, had he demanded such harsh terms as to force the continuation of the war, he would have left a lasting bitterness in the heart of every Confederate soldier. As it was, he did much at Appomattox to replace bitterness and hatred with admiration, respect, and liking. Lee did his part equally well. It was not only his to bring the war to an end as soon as he knew his cause to be hopeless, but also to recon- cile the South to what it had lost, to give it cour- age for the future, and to encourage a determi- nation in its people henceforth to bear their part in the common fortunes of the United States with courage and with credit. Through his example he became the greatest force in the country toward the creation of a real national spirit. He 196 ROBERT E. LEE sought no prominence for himself and longed only for peace and quiet. The truth is that the failure of the Confederate cause had broken his heart. He was never again the same, but in spite of the greatness of his grief, he never gave way to it, nor is there any record of a single word from him of complaint or bitterness. The life he led in the five years following the war is a priceless heritage to the South and even more to the Nation as a whole. From the first he set the example of loyalty and submission. Nor was that all. Without making himself con- spicuous, he threw his entire weight on the side of conciliation and of restoration. He renewed, whole-heartedly, his allegiance to the United States, and he encouraged the whole South to do so, not as a mere act of necessity, but as a guiding principle for the future. He did this pur- posely, for, in spite of a very real modesty, he could not help knowing the power of his name and the force of his example. As Gamaliel Brad- ford says : — When he said that the career of the Confederacy was ended; that the hope of an independent govern- ment must be abandoned; and that the duty of the future was to abandon the dream of a Confederacy and to render a new and cheerful allegiance to a re- united government — his utterances were accepted as holy writ. No other human being upon earth, no other earthly power could have produced such LEE AND THE NATION 197 prompt acceptance of the final and irreversible judgment. Grant said of Lee in the same strain, " All the people except a few political leaders in the South will accept whatever he does as right and will be guided to a great extent by his example." It was partly for this reason that he declined to leave Virginia or to accept any one of the offers of positions which gave no opportunity for the serv- ice of his people. In the same spirit he made his application to the President for pardon, saying to his son that it was right for him to set an ex- ample of making a formal submission to the civil authorities and that he thought by so doing he might possibly be in a better position to be of use to Confederates who were not protected by military paroles, especially Jefferson Davis. Of course it was true that the outcome of the war had in no wise changed Lee's belief that the course he took was right. His application for pardon was in no sense an admission of guilt, for he felt none ; but simply the acknowledg- ment of authority and therefore the act of a good citizen. In 1869, in speaking of this to General Wade Hampton, he said, " I could have taken no other course save with dishonor, and if it were all to be gone over again, I should act in pre- cisely the same way." While Lee's pardon was not granted until 198 ROBERT E. LEE 1868, he had no feeling of being an alien or an outcast. ** I believe it to be," he said, " the duty of every one to unite in the restoration of the country, and the reestablishment of peace." Again he said : '* The interests of the State are therefore the same as those of the United States. Its pros- perity will rise or fall with the welfare of the country. The duty of its citizens, then, appears too plain to me to admit of doubt. All should unite in honest efforts to obliterate the effects of war, and restore the blessings of peace. They should remain if possible in the country ; pro- mote harmony and good feeling ; qualify them- selves to vote, and elect to the State and general legislatures wise and patriotic men, who will de- vote their abilities to the interests of the country and the healing of all dissensions." Still again, he said, "It is the duty of every citizen in the present condition of the country to do all in his power to aid in the restoration of peace and har- mony, and in no way to oppose the policy of the State or General Government directed to that object." For these reasons Lee also set his face firmly against a proposed wholesale emigration from the Southern States to Mexico or South America. In the same spirit Lee discouraged all personal bitterness. He said: "All controversy will only serve to prolong angry and bitter feeling and LEE AND THE NATION 199 postpone the period when reason and charity may resume their sway. I know of no surer way to exact the truth than by burying contention with the war." On one occasion, when a minister was expressing in very bitter terms his indigna- tion at Lee's indictment, Lee quickly changed the subject and later said privately to the minister ; " Doctor, there is a good old book which I read, and you preach from, which says, * Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.* Do you think your re- marks this evening were quite in the spirit of that teaching?" The minister apologized for his bitterness, and Lee added : *' I have fought against the people of the North because I believed they were seeking to wrest from the South dearest rights. But I have never cherished toward them bitter or vindictive feelings, and have never seen the day when I did not pray for them." When one of the professors at Washington College, in Lee's presence, criticized Grant rather harshly, Lee said, ** Sir, if you ever presume to speak dis- respectfully of General Grant in my presence, either you or I will sever his connection with this college." To another bitter Southerner he said : *' Madam, don't bring up your sons to detest the United States Government. Recollect that we form one country now. Abandon all these local 200 ROBERT E. LEE animosities and make your sons Americans." These words have since that time been to thou- sands of Southerners a trumpet call to patriotism. By his Hfe of work, of service, of submission, of loyalty, of patriotic Americanism, during the years after the war, Lee set a standard for South- ern men. As one writer has phrased it, ** Robert E. Lee was not only the consummate flower of the old South ; he is also the beacon and prophet of the new." His place in national history has probably been best stated by Charles Francis Adams, who closes his essay with these words : — The bronze efifigy of Robert E. Lee, mounted on his charger and with the insignia of his Confederate rank, will from its pedestal in the nation's capital, gaze across the Potomac at his old home at Arlington, even as that of Cromwell dominates the yard at Westminster upon which his skull once looked down. When that time comes, Lee's monument will be edu- cational, — it will typify the historical appreciation of all that goes to make up the loftiest type of char- acter, military and civic, exemplified in an opponent, once dreaded but ever respected; and, above all, it will symbolize and commemorate that loyal accept- ance of the consequences of defeat, and the patient upbuilding of a people under new conditions by con- stitutional means, which I hold to be the greatest ed- ucational lesson America has yet taught a once skep- tical but now silenced world. THE END INDEX INDEX Adams, C. F., Sr., quoted, 173. Adams, C. F., Jr., on right of secession, 105; on Lee's "hu- manity in war," 132; on Army of Northern Virginia, 173; on Lee after the war, 188; on a statue to Lee, 200. Alabama, 91. Alexander, General E. P., 75, 164-65. Alvord, Benjamin, 31. Amelia Court-House, 159-60. Anderson, Major Robert, 93. Anderson, Robert H., 75. Antietam, Battle of, 128, 147. Appomattox Court-House, 147, 161, 164-69. Arkansas, 91, 94, 108. Arlington, 12, 38-41, 69-71, 83, 88, 93, 111-12. Banks, General N. P., 121. Bartlett, W. H. C, 31. Battine, Captain, estimate of Lee, 174. Beauregard, P. G.T., 53, 65-66, Berard, Claudius, 25. Blair, Francis P., 95. Blanchard, A. G., 30. Brackett, A. G., 77. Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr., on Lee's influence in the South, 196-97. Bradfute, W. R., 77. Bragg, Braxton, 64. Branch, Mrs. James R., 139. Branch, Mrs. Thomas, 139. Brown, John, Harper's Ferry raid, 85-86. Buchanan, James, 92 n. Buchanan, R. C, 31. Buckner, S. B., 65. Buena Vista, Battle ofT^S. Bull Run. See Manassas. Burnside, Ambrose E., in Mexican War, 64; captures Southern coast positions, 116; commands Army of the Poto- mac, 128; at Fredericksburg, 129; replaced by Hooker, 129. Butler, B. F., 153, 156. Calhoun, John C, 18. Caroline, Queen, 3. Carr, E. A., 77. Carter, Ann Hill. See Mrs. Henry Lee. Carter, Charles, 11. Casey, Silas, 31. Cerro Gordo, Battle of, 58. Chamberlain, General J. L., 171-72; on surrender, 172. Chambersburg, Pa., burning of, 157. Chambliss, John R., 75. ^1 Chancellorsville, Battle of, 129-30, 147. Church, A. E., 31. Claiborne, William, 41. Clinton, George, loi. Cocke, Philip St. George, 31. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 147, Confederate Army, Adams on, 173; Hooker on, 172-73; Swinton on, 173; sufferings of, 135-36, 144, 155, 157-58; surrender of, 162-72. Confederate States of America, foundation of, 91 ; advan- tages in the war, 109-10; dis- 204 INDEX advantages, 107-09; condi- tions in, 151-53. Contreras, Battle of, 59-60. Cooke, Philip St. George, 31. Cooper, Samuel, 65, 114. C^, G. B., 77. Cozzens, Mr., 23. Crittenden, G. B., 31. Custis, George W. P., 33, 39, 70, 80, 83, 89. Custis, Mary R. See Mrs. R. E. Lee. Danville, 159-60. Davie, William R., 4, Davies, Charles, 24-25. Davies, T. A., 31. Davis, Jefferson, 30, 65, 74, 76, 116, 135, 156, 159, 162, 177, 181, 197. Delaware, 94. DeLeon, T. C., quoted, 176. Dickerson, Mahlon, 42. Dodge, T. A., on Lee, 174. Donelson, Fort, 117, 151. Douglas, David B., 26. Drayton, Thomas F., 31. Early, Jubal A., 65, 157. Eaton, A. B., 31. Emory, William H., 31, 77. Engineer Corps, 36. Evans, N. G., 77. Ewell, Richard S., 65. Fair Oaks, Battle of, 122. Farmville, 161. Fisher, Fort, Fall of, 158. Five Forks, Battle of, 159. Florida, 91, 116. Floyd, John B., 88, 115. Foster, J. G., 53, 64. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 124. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 129, 147. Fremont, John C, 121. Gaines Mills, Battle of, 124. Garnett, Robert S., 75, 113-14- Garrard, Kenner, 77. Gatlin, R. C, 31. Georgia, 91, 116. Gettysburg, Battle of, 132-35, 147. Gimbrode, Thomas, 25. Goldsborough, L. M., 116. Gordon, John B., 172. Grant, Ulysses S., in Mexican War, 64; captures Forts Donelson and Henry, 117; assumes chief command of Federal armies, 136; plan of campaign of 1864, 153; at Spottsylvania Court House, 154; at the Wilderness, 154; at Cold Harbor, 155; at Petersburg, 155-59; cam- paign of 1865, 158-59; enters Petersburg, 160; at Appo- mattox, 165-69; correspond ence with Lee, 163-64 terms of surrender, 167-68 described by Porter, 166 generosity, 169-71, 194-95 visits Lee, 174; prevents prosecution of Lee and his men, 180-81; criticism of resented by Lee, 199; letters of, 167-68, 180; quoted, 167, 169, 181, 197. Greeley, Horace, 93. Greene, Nathanael, 4. Gregg, D. M., 75- Halleck, W. H., 126. Hallowell, Benjamin, 15, 21. Hamilton, Alexander, loi. Hampton, Wade, 197. Hancock, Winfield S., 64. Hardee, W. J., 65, 77. Harper's Ferry, John Brown at, 85-86; captured by Jack- son, 127; Lee at, 85-86, 130. Heintzelman, S. P., 31. Henderson, Colonel, G. F. R., on Lee, no, 173. Henry, Fort, 117, 151. Hill, A. P., 65, 190. INDEX 205 Hill, B. H., 141; on Lee, 190- 91. Hill, D. H., 65, 127. Hitchcock, E. A., 28. Holmes, T. H., 30. Hood, John B., 75, 77, 158. Hooker, Joseph E., in Mexican War, 64; assumes command of Federal army, 129; at Chancellorsville, 129-30; re- placed by Meade, 132; on Confederate army, 172. Hopkins, W. P., 26. Howard, Oliver O., 75. Humphreys, O. A., 31. Jackson, Andrew, 17. Jackson, T. J., Stonewall, 65- 66, 75, no, 121, 123-24, 126- 27, 129-30, 135, 190. Johnson, President Andrew, 178, 181. Johnson, Reverdy, l8l. Johnson, R. W., 77. Johnston, Albert S., 30, 32, 64, 76-77, 83, 114, 151. Johnston, Joseph E., 30, 32-33, 42, 55, 64, 77, 88, 120-22, 153, 158, 177; on Lee, 31-32. Kentucky, 91, 94. Kinsley, Z. J. D., 29. Kirby Smith, Edward, 65, 75, 77, 177- Lee, Agnes, 44. Lee, Algernon S., 11. Lee, Anne, Mrs. William Mar- shall, II, 96-97. Lee, Ann Hill Carter, Mrs. Henry, 4, 14, 15-16, 37-38. Lee, Annie, 44, 143, 188-89. Lee, Arthur, 3, 9. Lee, Charles C., 11. Lee, Fitzhugh, 11, 75, 77. Lee, Francis L., 3, 9. Lee, G. W. C, 29, 44, 67, 75, 83, 143. Lee, Henry (i), i. Lee, Henry (2), 3. Lee, Henry (3), "Light-Horse Harry," 3-6, 9, I3, 16. Lee, Henry (4), 11. Lee, Lancelot, i. Lee, Lionel, i. Lee, Mary, 44, 71. * Lee, Mary Randolph Custis, Mrs. Robert E., 33, 38-39* 70-71, III, 119; quoted, 190. Lee, Matilda, Mrs. Henry Lee, 3-4- Lee, Mildred, Mrs. E. V. Childe, II. Lee, Mildred, 44, 70. Lee, Philip Ludwell, 3. Lee, Richard (i), 1-2. Lee, Richard (2), 2. Lee, Richard H., 3, 9. Lee, Robert Edward, birth, 10; environment of his boyhood, 6-8, 10; his boyish pastimes, 12; visits his father's grave, 13; influence of Washington upon, 14; relations with his mother, 14-16; his choice of a career, 16-17; enters West Point, 18-21; life at West Point, 21-34; friendship with J. E. Johnston, 31-32; with Davis, 32 ; abstemiousness, 33; his engagement to Miss Custis, 33; appearance in 1828, 34; graduates from West Point, 34; enters engi- neer corps, 36; at Fortress Monroe, 37; his marriage, 38; his studies, 41; stationed in Washington, 41-42; on boundary commission, 42- 43; promoted to first lieuten- ant, 43 ; stationed in St. Louis, 43-44; promoted to captain, 44; his children, 44; sta- tioned at Fort Hamilton, 45- 47; fondness for children, 45, 66-69, 79~8o; fondness for pets, 46-47, 50, 63, 79-81 ; on West Point board of visit- 206 INDEX ors, 46; in Mexican War, 49- 61; at Vera Cruz, 56-58; at Cerro Gordo, 58-59 ; at Con- treras, 59-60; at Molino del Rey, 60; at Chapultepec, 60- 61; wounded, 61; brevetted for gallantry, 61; on General Scott, 62; returns home, 63; companions in Mexico, 63- 65; description of in 1848, 66; advice to his son, 68-69; 81-82; Christmas at Arling- ton, 70-72; his strictness with his children, 72-73; sta- tioned in Florida, 73; sta- tioned in Baltimore, 73; re- fuses offer of Cuban Junta, 74; superintendent of West Point, 74-75; lieutenant-col- onel of Second Cavalry, 76; joins regiment and organizes it, 77; stationed in Texas, 77-88; life on the frontier, 78-80; declines gift of Arling- ton, 83-84; suppresses John Brown's raid, 85-86; on pro- motion in the army, 82, 87- 88; present at Lincoln's in- auguration, 88; views on se- cession, 91-92, 103-05; pro- moted to colonel, 93; his de- cision in 1861, 94-98, 100- 06; offered command of the Federal army, 95; resigns, 96; leaves Arlington, 98; elected to command Virginia troops, 98; appears before Virginia Convention, 98-100; brigadier-general in Confed- erate army, 112; military ad- viser to President, 113, 118- 19; in command in western Virginia, 1 13-16; promoted to general, 114; criticism of his failure, 116; stationed in South Carolina, 1 16-17; as- sumes command of Army of Northern Virginia, 122; in Peninsular campaign, 123- 25; ability to read opponents, 124; in Seven Days' Battles, 124-25; at Second Manassas, 126; invades Maryland, 126- 28; forbids foraging, 127, 130-32; at Fredericksburg, 129; at Chancellorsville, 129- 30; on Jackson's wound and death, 130; invades North, 130-35; on reprisals, 132; at Gettysburg, 133-35; offers to resign, 135; in winter quar- ters, 1863, 136; describes his appearance, 137; simplicity of life, 138-39; fondness for fun, 141; lack of bitterness, 142, 194-200; burdens of his position, 143-44, 149; his influence on his men, 144, 196-97; his audacity in bat- tle, 144-45; his horses, 146- 49; his description of Trav- eler, 147-48; at the Wilder- ness, 154; at Spottsylvania Court-House, 154; at Cold Harbor, 155; at Petersburg, 155-59; advises evacuation of Richmond, 156; prepara- tions to retreat, 158; general- in-chief, 159; abandons Pe- tersburg and Richmond, 159- 60; ordersnot carried out, 160; responsibility for surrender, 162; correspondence with Grant, 163-64; at Appomat- tox, 164-70; described by General Porter, 166; estimate of by Schaff, 171; by Hen- derson, 173; by Livermore, 173; by Battine, 174; by Roosevelt, 174; by Dodge, 1 74 ; his farewell address, 175; leaves army for home, 175; returns to Richmond, 176; retires to country, 177; in- dicted by grand jury, 178; appeals to Grant, against in- dictment, 179; applies to President for pardon, 179-80; INDEX 207 Grant stops indictment, 180- 81; pardoned by President, 181; problem of support, 181-83; refuses business of- fers, 182; refuses annuity, 182, 189; becomes president of Washington College, 183- 84; his work as president, 184-85; his hold on the af- fections of the Southern people, 186-87; appears be- fore Reconstruction Com- mittee, 187; refuses political office, 187; on results of the war, 187-88; his health fails, 188; his death, 190; feeling in North towards, 191-93; his nationalism, 194-96; his na- tional influence, 194-200; C. F. Adams on, 200; letters from, 45 53, 56, 68-69, 70- 73, 78, 80-84, 86-88, 91-92, 95-98, 139-40, 179; quoted, 12-13, 45-47, 49-50, 53-59, 62-63, 79, 99, 104, 133, 135, 137, 141-42, 163-65, 167-68, 170, 174, 177-78, 182, 186, 188-89, 197-200. Lee, Robert E., Jr., 44, 67. Lee, Stephen D., 75. Lee, Sydney S., 11, 57, 96-97- Lee, Thomas, 2-3. Lee, W. H. F., 44, 69-71, 81, 143-44- , ^ Legare, Hugh S., 42. Letcher, Governor John, 94. Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 90-91; views on secession, 93 ; calls for troops, 94; disagrees with McClel- lan, 125; visits Petersburg and Richmond, 160; assassi- nated, 177; lack of bitterness, 177-78; part in preservation of the Union, 194-95- Livermore, W. R., quoted on Lee, 173. _ Lodge, Henry C, quoted, lOi. Lomax, L. L., 75, 77« Longstreet, James, in Mexican War, 65; at Seven Pines, 122; at Second Manassas, 126; at Gettysburg, 133-34- Louisiana, 91. Lucy Long, 146, 186. McCabe, Gordon, on Traveler, 148-49. McClellan, George B., in Mexi- can War, 53, 64; in West Vir- ginia, 1 13-14; organizes Federal army, 118, 120; in Peninsular campaign, 1 19-25; replaced by Pope, 126; re- sumes command, 127; at An- tietam, 128; replaced by Burnside, 128. McDowell, Irvin, 64, 121. MacGruder, John B., 30, 65, 120, 156. Mcllvaine, Bishop Charles P., 27. McKean, T. J., 31- Macomb, John N., 42. McPherson, J. B., 75- Madison, James, 5, 9- Major, J. P., 77- , ^ Malvern Hill, Battle of, 124- 25. Manassas, Battle of, 113, 142. Manassas, Second Battle of, 126. Mansfield, Jared, 25. Marcy, R. B., 31- Marion, Francis, 4. Marshall, Colonel Charles, 165. Marshall, John, 5. Maryland, fails to secede, 91, 94; invasion of, 126-28. Mason, Charles, 34. Mason, George, loi. Massachusetts, 102. Matamoras, Battle of, 48. Meade, George G., commands Federal army, 132-33; quoted, 174-75- Mercer, Hugh W., 31- . Merrimac, destruction of, 122. 208 INDEX Mexican War, 48-65. Mississippi, 91. Missouri, 91, 94. Mitchel, O. M., 31. Moiino del Rey, Battle of, 60. Monroe, Fortress, 37. Monroe, James, 9, 18. Monterey, Battle of, 48, 64. Nashville, 117, 151. Newmarket, Battle of, 157. New Orleans, 151. New York, loi. New York City, 132. New York Herald, on Lee's death, 191-93. Norfolk, 122. North Carolina, 91, 94, loi. Northrop, L. B., 31. Oakes, James, 77. O'Hara, Theodore, 77. Outlook y on Lee, 106. Palmer, L N., 77. Palo Alto, Battle of, 48, 64. Peace Conference, 93. Pender, W. D., 75. Pendleton, W. N., 30. Petersburg, siege of, 147, 155- 59. Pickett, George E., 134. Pierce, Franklin, 76. Pillow, G. J., 59. Poinsett, J. R., 42. Polk, Leonidas, 20, 30. Pope, John, 126. Porter, General Horace, on Lee and Grant, 166. Rains, Gabriel S., 31. Randolph, Edmund, 5. Ravensworth, 37-38. Rawle, William, book quoted, 26-27. Republican party, foundation and principles of, 90. Resaca de la Palma, Battle of, 48, 64. Reynolds, J. J., 114. Rhode Island, loi. Richmond, 120, 121, 160. Rives, W. C, 42. Roosevelt, Theodore, on Lee, 174. Rosecrans, W. S., 1 14-15, 187. Ross, R. H., 25. Ruger, Thomas H., 75. Ruggles, George D., 75. Sailor's Creek, 160. Savage's Station, Battle of, 124. Schaff, Morris, on Lee, 171. Schofield, John B., on Lee, 75. Scott, General Winfield, 48; sends Lee to St. Louis, 43; places Lee on his staff, 52-53 ; arrives in Mexico, 54; on Lee, 56, 58-61; Lee on, 62; se- cures appointment to army of W. H. F. Lee, 81; on se- cession, 93 ; seeks to persuade Lee not to resign, 95. Secession, of the Southern States, 91; theory taught at West Point, 26-27; origin of theory, 100-03. Sedgwick, John, 64, 77. Seven Days' Battles, 124-25, 147. Seven Pines, Battle of, 122. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 128, 147. Sheridan, P. H., 75, 157, 160- 61, 164. Sherman, W. T., 177. Shiloh, Battle of, 151. Shirley, 12-13, 189. Sill, J. w., 75. Slavery, Lee's feeling toward, 89; a subject of party dis- cussion, 89-92. Slaves, Mr. Custis emancipates, 83; Lee emancipates, 89. Smith, G. W., 53, 55. Smith, J. L., 53. South Carolina, 91, 116. South Mountain, Battle of, 128. INDEX 209 Spotswood, Governor Alexan- der, 2, 4. Spottsylvania Court-House, Battle of, 147, 154- Stanley, D. S., 77. Stephens, Alexander H., on Lee, 100, iio-ii. Stevens, I. I., 53- Stoneman, George, 77. Stratford, 3, 9-10. Stuart,J.E.B., 75, 85-86, 123, 128, 133, 155- Sumner, Edwin V., 77, 88. Sumter, Fort, 93. Sumter, Thomas, 4. Swinton, William, on Confed- erate army, 173- Taylor, Richard, 65. Taylor, Zachary, 48, 65. Tennessee, 91, 94, 108. Texas, 91. Thayer, Sylvanus, 19-20, 24. Thomas, George H., 64,77, 158. Totten, J. G., 53- Tower, Z. B., 53- Traveler, 146-49. 165, 185-86. Travis, Charles E., 77. Union, argument for its suprern- acy, 102-03; advantage of in the war, 107-09. Van Dorn, Earl, 77. Vera Cruz, Siege of, 56-58, 64. Vicksburg, 134, 151- Vinton, T. L., 75. Virginia, 6-8, 91-92, 94, 10 1- 03. Warren, Thomas, 26. Washington College, 183-85, 189. Washington, George, 5, 9, 14, lOI. Washington, Lewis, 86. Webb, A. S., 75- Webster, Daniel, 102. Westmoreland County, Va., 9. West Point, history, 18-20; re- quirements for admission, 19; described, 20; uniform, 21- 22; life at, 22-23, 30, 32-33; curriculum, 23-30; ideal of, 34- White House, 39-41 » 119, 189. Whiting, W. H. C, 77- Wilderness, Battle of, 145, 147, 154- Williamsburg, Battle of, 121. Wilmington, N. C, importance of, 151; fall of, 158. Wilson, Woodrow, on Lee, 149- Wise, Henry A., 115. Wise, JohnS., 141. Wolseley, Lord, 145-46. Woodbury, Levi, 42. Wool, John, 49-51- Worth, William J., 28, 56, 59. Yorktown, Siege of, 120-21. CAMBRIDGE . MASSACHUSETTS U . S . A .0^ /..;^.> .•^^\.^.\ ,/^c^^> , 3 * V/^-\/ "°^''3^-/ *<./^-\/ ^.* .^^ -^^ 1^ - " ♦ o. l^' '>t~. <^ ^^^^ > V ' ' • • *°-^*. \,^^ ^'^ ■^^^^' i