e4G42 1 ■ t -'■ •■;■■. ■ ■■■? i ^ vi' J v-:^'\/ ^°^*^-**/ v^'s*"" CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF I SI THE CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, WITH LIST OF OFFICERS FOR 1893. PRESIDENT. JOSEPH T. ROTH ROCK, M. D. VICE-PRESIDENTS. BENJAMIN M. EVERHART, DANIEL W. HOWARD. DIRECTORS. WILLIAM D. HARTMAN, M. D., JOSEPH T. ROTHROCK, M. D., GILBERT COPE, JAMES MONAGHAN, GIBBONS GRAY CORNWELL. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. EDWIN A. BARBER. RECORDING SECRETARY. . GILBERT COPE. TREASURER. JAMES C. SELLERS. CURATORS. ALICE LEWIS, WILLIAM T. SHARPLESS, M. D. Giic Ihe Society 14F '05 CHARTER. Be it known that the subscribers, having associated them- selves together for the purpose in the following articles set forth, and being desirous of becoming incorporated agreeably to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved the Twenty -ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and its supplements, do hereby declare, set forth and certify that the following are the purposes, objects, articles and conditions of their said as- sociation, for and upon which they desire to be incorporated, /. The name of the Corporation shall be The Chester County Historicai. Society. //. The purpose for which the Corporation is formed is the acquisition and preservation of property and information of historic value or interest to the people of Chester County. ///. The place where the business of the said Corporation is to be transacted is West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylva- nia. /v. The Corporation is to exist perpetually. V. The names and residences of the subscribers are as fol- lows : NAME. Joseph T. Rothrock, Daniel W. Howard. Gilbert Cope, Edwin A. Barber, Geo. Morris Philips, J. Newton Huston, . Joseph Thompson, James Monaghan, Lowndes Taylor, Samuel Marshall, Gibbons Gray Cornwell, Charles H. Pennypacker, RESIDENCE. West Chester, Chester Co., Pa. RESIDENCE. West Chester, Chester Co., Pa Ercildoun, " (I a Phoenixville, " West Chester, " NAME. J. Carroll Haves, William P. Sharpless, Joseph S. Walton, G. WiNFiELD Moore, H. H. GiLKYSON, William D. Hartman, Mary I. Stille, Robert T. Cornwell, Alice Lewis, . Benjamin M. Everhart, Rebecca M. Hemphill, . Addison Jones, . S. I. Kremer, . Isaac Massey, Richard G. Park, James C. Sellers, Alfred D. Sharples, S. Emlen Sharples, . William T. Sharpless, . Julius F. Sachse, Philip P. Sharples, J. O. K. Robarts, R. Jones Monaghan, Edward H. Hall, Slater B. Russell, Alfred Sharpless, . Martha S. Sharples, George B. McCormick, V/. The Corporation has no capital stock. V/I. The Corporation is to be managed by a board of di- rectors consisting of five members, and the names and resi- dences of those chosen directors for the first year are, — Berwyn, West Chester, Phoenixville, West Chester, RESIDENCE. West Chester, Pa. NAME. William D. Hartman, Joseph T. Rothrock, . . " " Gilbert Cope, ... " " James Monaghan, ... " " Gibbons Gray Cornwell, " " V///. The 5^early income of the Corporation, other than that derived from real estate, shall not exceed the sum of Hhy thousand dollars. Witness our hands and seals this twenty-seventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninet}'- three. BY-LAWS. ARTICIvK I. Meetings op the Society. Section i . The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the Third Thursday of May of each year, at such hour and place as the board of directors may fix. Sec. 2. Stated meetings of the Society shall be held on the Third Thursdays of May, August, November and February of each year. Sec. 3. Special meetings of the Society may be called by the president in his discretion ; and shall be called by him upon the written application of five members, who may themselves call a meeting upon the inability or refusal of the president to do so. Sec. 4. The recording secretary shall give at least five days postal notice of the time and place of all meetings of the So- ciety. Sec. 5. Ten members shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness at an}' meeting of the Society. ARTICLE II. Membership. Section i. Membershipof the Society shall be of two classes, to be called members o-ndfellozi's. Sec. 2. Every person who shall apply for membership to the recording secretary shall have his or her application presented at the next stated meeting of the Society, and upon election and payment of the dues prescribed by these by-laws, shall be duly enrolled as a member of the Society. Sec. 3. Any member whose efforts in the interests of the So- ciety shall be recognized by the members generally, ma}' be chosen by ballot to be a fellow of the Society at any stated meeting thereof, having been nominated therefor by the board of directors at a previous stated meeting. Votes in favor thereof to the number of two-thirds of the members and fellows present shall be necessary for the election of a fellow. ARTICIvE III. Dues. Section i. Every person subscribing to the certificate of as- sociation or elected to be a member, shall pay an initiation fee of two dollars, and one dollar dues at each annual meeting thereafter, but one payment of fifteen dollars by such person shall be in lieu of said initiation fee and annual dues, and shall make him a life member. Sec. 2. Any member or fellow in arrears in the payment of his dues two years may be stricken from the rolls by the board of directors. No member in arrears shall be eligible as a fel- low. ARTICLE IV. Election of Directors. Section i. At each annual meeting, five directors, two vice- presidents, a treasurer and corresponding secretary shall be elected by ballot, to serve for the ensuing year, or until their successors are duly chosen. Sec. 2. The five persons having the highest number of votes shall be elected directors. In case a tie vote shall leave the re- sult of the election as to one or more undetermined, the election officers shall cast lots to determine which of those having such tie votes shall be declared elected. Sec. 3. The board shall declare vacant the office of any offi- cer who shall cease to be a member of the Society. In such case or in case of the death or resignation of an officer, or of his appointment to another office, the vacancy shall be filled by the board of directors. ARTICLE V. Duties of Directors. Section i. The directors shall elect by ballot the president and the recording secretary from their number, and two cura- tors, and appoint all necessary agents and employees. They shall make all contracts and exercise a general sepervision and control of the affairs of the Society. Sec. 2. Stated meetings of the directors shall be held as they may determine upon. Sec. 3. Special meetings of directors shall be held on call of the president. He shall be required to issue such call on the written request of three directors, who ma)^ themselves call such meeting in case of the president's inability or refusal to do so. Sec. 4. The directors shall present to the Society at each an- nual meeting an accurate statement of its financial condition, and appoint three members, who are not members of the board, to examine said statement and audit the account of the treasurer prior to such meeting. ARTICLE VI. Duties of Oeficers. Section i. The President shall preside at all meetings of the directors and Society, call all special meetings of the So- ciety and board of directors, appoint all standing committees, and sign all orders on the treasurer for the payment of money. In the absence of the president from any meeting of the board of directors the board may appoint a president pro tem. to act in his stead. Sec. 2. The older Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Society in the absence of the president, and in the ab- sence of said vice-president the other vice-president shall pre- side. Sec. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep clear and accu- rate records of all proceedings of all meetings of the Society and of the board of directors. He shall countersign all orders to the treasurer for the payment of money, and give notice of all meetings. He shall present to the Society all applica- tions for membership, and keep a roll of members. Sec. 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all cor- respondence of the Society, and perform all other duties which appertain to the office of secretary, except as provided for the recording secretary. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and pay out the same only upon orders drawn by the president, counter- signed by the recording secretary. He shall give bond in such sum as the board of directors shall require, with sureties to be approved by them, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. He shall make a clear statement in writing of the financial condition of the Society, to the board of directors, for each annual meeting, and at such other times as the board may direct. He shall exhibit his annual statement, together with his accounts, and all books, papers and vouchers relating to the same, to the auditors when required for their examination. ^M > . f He shall turn over to his successor in office all moneys or ef- fects in his hands or control belonging to the Society. Sec. 6. The Curators shall be the custodians of all the prop- erty and possessions of the Society, and provide for the proper care and cataloguing of the same. They shall receive all dona- tions to and purchases by the Society, and make report of the same to the Society. They may observe and shall report to the Society or board of directors, the existence of property, relics, papers, collections, &c., that it may be for the interests of the Society to acquire and possess, and look into the practi- cability of such acquisition or possession. ARTICLE VII. All bills or claims against the Society shall, before payment, be presented to and approved by the board of directors, and no orders upon the treasurer shall be drawn except by direc- tion of the board. ARTICLE VIII. The Society shall have a corporate seal, the design of which shall be determined by the board of directors. ARTICLE IX. The order of business at stated meetings of the Society shall be as follows : 1. Reading of minutes of last previous meeting of the Societ3^ 2. Reports of standing committees. 3. Reports of special committees. 4. Report of directors. 5. Report of curators. 6. Deferred business. 7. New business. 8. Elections. 9. Reading of papers. ID. Adjournment. ARTICLE X. The foregoing by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any meeting of the Society called for the purpose, but a no- tice stating particularly the nature and character of the proposed amendment .shall be posted in the rooms of the Society at least three months prior to said meeting. V-^ - 9 O 0^ -.v .0, I ■<^. 0' ^ f V : DOBBSBROS. V strW'* '^ \0 »"*<>-. %?■ LIBRARY BINDINQ ^, ^ a&SM^^'' 'r'j^ A"" »■.(?. ^ • ."V y-. ;?I0V 7 8^_ ^ ST. AUGUSTINE ; 33084 " * O^ I** o ■J." .