11' III ii!: ,,v •x^^- ■% 0' ^. ..^^^ %/ >:^^'^ ^■^ ''t.. "^j^ -^ -6."" v5 -^>. ./.< r. A^' ,.\^- '■^v "f^ s p ■'^-t •^V- S* '-(i .V ,0 o '50' •'.V ,cV' x^^' > ■/>,. '^ V "^ 9 "bo^ ^-. 20 11'5S V- V ; v \ 2nd CO.- 1898. 15927 COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR, SEPTEMBER, 1898 BY F. H. ABBOTT 314-316 Battery Street. San Francisco ppinter and publisher THE COLORS COLON'KL JOHN' R. IlKRRY Commanding Seventh California Infantrj', U. S. V., of the First Ilrigade, Independent Division, Eighth Army Corps. Phillipine Islands Kxpeditionary Forces FIELD AND STAFF JOHN R. BERRY, Colonel Commanding \i:k.NMENT sHuK> Aver, il C Bvers, R C Bryan, C :\I Beckwith, Herbert Barbour, Frank Barclay, E D Brooke, J M Barbour, F S Bingham, F J Chapman, F" C Colldweih, F Cox, E E Catherwood, Frank Carr, G S Dodson, T B t Drury, Walter T Devine, E O Ellis, J E Farmer, W il Gillespie, Frank Goldring, F. F Gentry, C K Hall, C L Harvev, Wm Israel,' H C Jenkins, E S Johnson, Fred Jolls, Nugent COMPANY San Diego RICHARD V. DODGE JOHN C. MIELKE GEORGE T. LEMON.. Captain Commanding First Lieutenant .--Second Lieutenant First Sergeant H. S. Johnstone Ouartermaster Sergeant C. E. Chase iHitv Sergeant- - II. C. Avres '■ J. M. Smith F. A. Heilbron A. E. Wright Corporal C. B. Ogden - - . F;. H. Donn J. .M. Loosh A. M. Pullman E. Dobler Krause, H C Kingston, J R Lapp, J F Lee, Frank Lemon, H C Lyons, W C Lemon, O J Maddox, J N Mailandir, F A Marshall, H R Marshall, O D JIartinson. C H :\Iiller, W J Jloulton, M M Mix, Howard McUermoth, C A McNealy, C F JlcCleary, J F McKenzie, George McClain, R D McConaughv, G F; McCollen" A J :\IcI)onal(l, Allan Noble, G W Parsons, H L Plaisanse, Chas Powers, FMward I'eddor, Aubrey Corporal Waggoner Artificer Musician Phillips, FJ Ranch, I) 1) Roberts, A ]■; Robert, Z R ide, R O RusssU, J P Rees, vS T vSampson, I) G Scott, J R Slack, J W Stowell, R L Swvcaffer, J Sikes, G P Severin, George Standish, F; M . . . . F. A. Gillen - N. C. Hansen R. B, Miller C. T. Tichborne -John Warren P. E. Woods G. R. Minter (;. W. Horder L. H. Arnold H. S. Griffith Traver, W A Tupper, F \\' Thompson, W M Thompson, E E Thompson, D Tossell, W F Treanor, A B Villa, Jose Warner, George * Worden, A D Wheeler, J W Wilson, J I) Watkins, J A Vates, Henrv * Deserted June 2 •98 Wl^*^ sg[«i;^^^';% "B" COMI'ANY — SAN DIEGO COMPANY CHAS. F. PANX H. J. BEDWELL. .. CHAS. B. BAVLEV First Sergeant H. H. :\IitchelI Ouartermaster .Sergeant ,j. T. Short Duty Sergeant F. D. Battles ... John \V. Horton ... .Wm. E. Thompson " E. R. Nicholson Corporal , .C. J. Baldwin F.J. Co.x ...D. F. Bell G. B. Cox E. A. Meacham Riverside . Captain Commanding First Lieutenant . Second Lieutenant Corporal Waggoner ^Musician F^. C. Johnson P. N. Van Slvck \V. P. Pann . . . C. C. Jarvis .\. I), (iage J. n. Boyd , E. A. Merwin F. E. Barney Bernard Goss C. F. Chamberlain Bloom, S 51 Bollinger, P J Babcock, W T Burnham, L J Brimacombe, "W II Ball, D A Beldin, C B Bowen H Bell, A D Bryau, J G Bridenstine, Frank Cook, J J * Cover, C A Campbell, G M Cunningham, H S Craig, \V D Craig, Louis Cleveland, J C Clevelai d, F R Chandler, H S Cameron, Dave Dix, T H Ditto, R L Donahue, C F;vans, Wallace Elwell, F ]•; F-airchild, Bert Fairchild, D G F'unk, Cecil Gardner, Ivdgar Gesslcr, Herman Grant, ICdw Goodrich, H K Godfrey, F F; Gofortli, C I' Hart, E A Hamer, J R Haskell, Henrv Harris, M L Hansen, H L Hender-son, R L Hoogandvk, Wm Horton, F JI Jacobson, Jacob I ones, F' C Kniss, Fred Runz, Nicholas Kratz, Gustave La Rue, Scott Labodie, R T Law, Alex Lewis, H L Loer, Frauk :Moriartv, D A Marsh, WJ Jleyer, R V ilercer, F;dw H Mort, O H Mon, E W .'Mack, C O Nelson, H F" Newcombe, I ) .V Nolanil, D V Nicol, T M TwogooS Willis, H C Woolman, C Yocum, C H "I " COMPANY — PASADKNA WASH-DAY IN CAM I' COMPANY Los Angeles FRANK L. REYNOLDS.. .Captain Commandiug L. S. CHAPPELEAR First Lieutenant J. A. WINANS Second Lieutenant I'irst Sergeant G. G. Ferguson (Quartermaster Sergt.. . .R. C. Prentiss Uutv Sergeant W. A. Wing H. E. Culver F. Harlan T. O. H. Bogalsky Corporal, . .R. M. Conly " L. E- Mevers .L. P. Neitz ■' K. E. Tonilinson C. Hewitt Corporal. . . Waggoner. Artificer . . Musician , . . . B. C. Robinson . . W. G. Tuthill W. A. Ball C. E. Chappelear . Jno. H. Drew A. E. L. Neitzke . . R. E. L. Bryan . ..J.J. Cheney R. -A. de Elwardo W. M. Morgan . . . . L. L. Adolph .Anderson, Frank L Allen, B Wt Bacon, G Bennett. N D Bennett, B .S K Benson, Wni Black, F M Borgniejer, F. J Brenner, Wm Bledsoe, F C Boedefeldt, F S Caulkins, P D Capell, H H Corbin, R G Coulter, O R Carson, G H Curtis, W W* Deets, W S De Los Rios, L Dalton, C -A Du Bois, J W Duntoii, H I. Earl. F J Fei?, J Florentine, L Fox, L Freednian, C Fiiilev, C C Fisk,"C E Fountain, J Gibson. E Guyer, S C Hathawav, H L Hahn, A C Heznialhalch, F C Henil), H H Hammond, L C Hugo, M Johnston, H Jones, H Keogli, E P King, W E Kearns, S L Kingsley, L E Knibbs, N L Lewis, R W Lockwood, G S Miller, C A McLean, E W Mitchell, J R Malone, F E McMullen, T J McGuire, F H McQuaid, F R Jloore, W A Morgan, H H Moesser, L S Norman, J B NeflF, W G Pugh. F G Price. J T Powers, J R Perdew, H B Roesen, T J Reade, F L Rissinger, M C Rov, D W Shuler, J G Scherrer, Jno Salomon, S Samuelson, C E Stone, A\' G Somers, F Swift, A J Stiles, E G Stokes, D .A Sv version, J L T'allv, H P Wilfson, W G Winder, J JI Willis, J T Welch, C A ^\■illiams, A Young, il 'Discharged July 26, '98 tDeserted July. 1S9S "F" COMPANY — LOS ANGELES COMPANY ROBERT WAXKOWSKI ..Captain Commanding HARRY A. B.ATES First Lieutenant ARTHUR \V. BRADBURY ...Second Lieutenant TAPPING THE CANTEEX Askew, F T Ayres, S N Barr, J C Bradshaw, C T Breen, J Brown, N S Bruce, A J Briist, Max Carleton, W H Carroll, L V Chapin, H C Christensen, C T Clark, B Connell, J D Cox, W L First Sergeant H. C. Miles Quartermaster Sergeant . A. S. Clark Duty Sergeant . . F. R. McReynolds " " Geo. O. Lockwood Frank 1). Shearer L, C. Wells Corporal . J t^- Specht . . . J. MacMillan L. E. Foster H. G. French Corporal . Waggoner Artificer. . Musician . . Craw, H E Dal ton, L C Dalton, IM M Davis, R Demmitt, B De Mott, E A C Desmond, R Dupree, Walter Eaton, C I Eaton, L H Evans, B C Fanning, B E Galbreth, R JI Galpin, A Garrett, R S Goetz, E P Good, C M Herrick, C Holt, W H Hopper, F, M Howard, I) A Howard, J R Isaacs, I L Jacques, J C Johnson, E H Johnson, L T Jones, J J Keohane, J W Klein, A M Krebs, T I Laventhal, J Lorance, f; Law, G A Lockwood, O I Lvon, W H afack, E J Macy, W H Magnone, J M McReynolds, C I Mevef, ^\• A Miller, C Morris, W R Morrison, W R Ottman, R G Parker, W B Los Angeles S. L. Holt , - . G. E. Austin ,C. T. BuUard L. T. McKee ("t. F. Mead . C. Elezalda , . . 1). B. Camp 1'. L. Schueddig F'. J. Beaver Pratt, C H W Prescott, F C, Jr. Reeve, C W Reeves, G A Rendler, J Rhein, C G Richardson, R N Riddle, J F .'lobbins, J Rowe. F P Russ, A A Rust, P A S:hmitz, C .Searle, C G Shuler, C E Sisson, F M Smith, H L Smith, J L Stearns, R S Stearns, E H Taylor, W H Thomson, C L Thompson, D J Van Grman, C D Velzy, F N White, I E Wilson, H C 'a" company — LOS ANGELES SOLID COMFORT COMPANY S. R. LANGWORTHY TRUMAN COLE J. A. HOLDEX First .Sergeant E. A. Laviii Quartermaster Sergeant, A. C. F. Dee Dutv Sergeant W. H. Courtney F. W. Hall A. R. Storv C. H. Brown Corporal . . .G. F. Wotnersly A. G. Coulson C. S. Church " H. O. Preston Los Angeles .Captain Comniamling First Lieutenant . . . Second Lieutenant Corporal Waggoner Artificer Musician . J. E. F. Aiken . C. B. I'omeroy C. Christy H. G. Whitlocic . H. H. Carter . . . J. B. Scott G. P. Dunn W. B. Higgins G. \V. Simpson Chas. Lehn Albrecht, J S AUinson. L Avery, R \V Aull, G E Beidle, C L Baker, E M Baker, C J Bowen, C H Bott, C H Bryant, C R Burke, J H Bottrof, D P Berrvman, A R Britton, S E Carson, T JI Cummings, Rofs Cleyeland, B J Clark, B R Clark, \V J Cole, H L Chadsey, B; I) Davidson, J S Davidson, C G Dodge, W Davis, L L Duncan, D P Fisher, G Fuller, C B Forquer, J C Grant, A R Gill, \Vm Griffin, G L Grey, Geo Hall, J C Hazeltine, A R Hann, O W Hickox, Ross Huff, L M Holmquist, C Ingraham, W V,' Kline, C Kupfer, F J Kurtz, S E Ledgerwood, J I Lemmon, R C Llovd, W F Lang, C P Laughlin, W D Meissoner, E Meisen, P T Miller, J J Molmark, B A McDonold, A L McEwen, C A Xightwine, F O'Donnell, W T Pollock, F J Pollard, B V M Prine, W S Quint, L Rees, B Rogers, R Rheinschild, A P Ross, B Smith, F H vSmith, R JI .Sheppard, C B vSchulz, E F Scott, T B Scott, R \V Schuddig, W H Service, H L Story, C R Titcomli, C C Thomas, O Thomas, E G Witmer, A Wellington, F JI Whitson, H H Whiteside, R O Woodward, F C Wood. C H Wilhnan, C G C COMPANY — LOS ANOELES iJiS^-f^^'- T^^^^^^P £i>^^7>^ A /' ^-Mn KOKMINt. LINK UF MASsLs iN IKKSIDIO BRIGADIER-GENERAL HUGHES IN FOREGROUND BKIGADE MASSED IN THREE LINES, I-IRST LINE MOVINC COLIMN FOURS THIRD BATTALION MAKCHTXH THIRD BATTALION AT REST COMPANY Santa Ana THE C<'I."NLL'> Adams, C K Adams. I^ H Adams, D I) Allen, M Austin, J A Barker, C W Barton, K F Bowers, W B Bowman, C K Bradbury, E R Brown, T J Bush, D Carmack, h Chandler, I. I, Chase, H A Clough, K A Colley, H Cooper, M C Dav, A Dillev, K Dilley, T V Dunham, W Ellis, J C Evans, E Farmer, I Field, I)"l) Field, C, M Fish, B H S. H. FINI,EY \V. A. GREENLEXF L. L. VESTAL First Sergeant G. H. Magill Quartermaster Sergeant, .A. F\ Smith C.iptain Commanding . . First Lieutenant -Second Lieutenant Duty Sergeant Corporal J. C. Abbev L. R. Brock C. \V. Hannah (i. Campbell L. A. Barrett B. t'. Johnson C. L Bishop . E. O. Glenn . .F. S. AVeber A. r. Dresser Cor]>ora1 Waggoner Artificer. . . Musician . . K. Collier . R. C. :McClav H. M. Day |. M. McRevnolds T. S. Hatfieldt . \V. A. Eades A. H. Sittou A. L. Walter . L. W. Baker* . . . L, E. Manuel B. E;. Nourse M. }•'.. Holderman Fox, G K Gladden, M L Glaser, W L Halladav, G N J Hickey,'E C Higgins, W Higley, H F Hossler, F C lines, C Johnson, T B Johnston, I) J Johnston, I Keplev, C'W Kolberg, C F W Kuizenga, U X Kurtz, O S Light, H B Littlefield, R W Love, J Lutz, B F Lutz, F W Lvon, P O M'cDivitt, W L McGougan, J O JIcMurrav, B C McNaught, C W Mefford, J Minter, C A Mufflenian. H J Nail , W P Newman, A Nig.i,'. W North, C L Northcross, B Northcross, N N Northcross, W P Ogborn, E F Overshider, C J Peabodv, H S Prichard, W \V Porter, A D Renner, W .Sissons, W K Shannon, S Smith, W C Steadman, A R Talbott, (V !•: Thomas, H Turner, C A Upliam, H Ct Vegelev, R F Waffle,' C E Wilms, J J Woodrome, H L Warling, (_) H Zerman, V E * Died July 22, lh9S t Discharged Juli' lu, 1S9S ; Died August 5, 1S98 I," COMPANY — SANTA ANA VV THE QUARI i:i. J. Hardison R. Mitchell C. C. Bell F. W. Cole Corporal J. T. Rolls " . |. H. Rogers C. M. Sackett Ferguson, G House, A R Ferrell, G W House, S B F'reeman, O L Henke. G A Flood, R J Jeffs, J H Flood, C R Kelsea. F M F'rench, C J Llovd, F W Franklin, E M Logan, C M Franklin, G il Logdon, E S Glazebrook, J L Lattemore, H G Granger, A E McKell, J R Green, \V P Mahan, R E Hick ok, R W Mullen, W Hobbs, E W McGhee, G Hewitt, C F Morris, J M Hanna, G P Pound, J L Corporal . Waggoner Artificer. . . Musician . . Puckett, C X Pruett, H * Perkins, H W Perkins, C M Rosenberg, T E Rosenberg, X I Rosenberg, A R Rice, C Russeli, F G Rector, F G Reillv, J M Smith, I E Smith, J Sharp, X' Shafer, T G W. T. Steele Z. G. Graham . \V. L. Hagenbaugh A. G. Thelin M. G. Jones M. G. Seeley , . . . G. M. Franklin C. F. Fernald HA. Burrows B. J. Wurch Sprague, O V Spilenian, }•'. H Stevens, R \V Stowell, A W t Thurmand. G \V Taylor, W C \'andaveer, W Weisbach, L C Williams, F B Williams, H L White, O S Wilder, A H Whitney. R W « Died May 25. iSqS X Died July 15, 189S "E" COMPANY —SANTA I'AULA 4 i^ :l^' COMPANY HARRY T. MATTHEWS Captain Coininaiiding JOHN A. EASOX First Lieutenant SAMUEL CRAWFORD ,. .. Second Lieutenant Pomona A COMPAXV STREET First Sergeant John W. Lee Ouartermaster Sergeant, E. F. Schoch Dutv Sertreant Corporal .C. E. Lmdlev A. M. Hurtt C. F. Spencer , L. F. Beckett . , O. A. Charlton C. M. Baughman . . L. W. Heath , . T. R. Mills . K. J. Mead Corporal -J. R- Crapo •' W. F^ Stevens I). Andrews " H. N. Barnes a. M. Varrell . W. F. Scott ■' R. L. Miner Waggoner I. L. kightmeir Musician C. H. Brown Artificer ■ C. C. Day Adams, Iv Blain, E Baker, F J Bowen, C F Bowen, M vS Butler, S Broaded, H A Bickford, H Bisliop, X J Buriiettc, P A Bradford, J H Carter, A A Caldwell, E V Cashon, J B Cornelius, A Cornelius, C Cosgrove, Freil Davenport. L Dowse, T Dorr, C W Ek, O T F'ischer, W C Froniyer, H F; F'erguson, J Caylord, G A C.ibson, J G Gould, J I' Harris, C W Hawkins, 11 Herwig. H F" Hill, J"h Hinton, C Hils, H Johnson, G \V Johnston, C A Kellar, E H Lane, H F: Linstruth, J Longwell, CP Latta, C E Ludden, M E Lichtenwalter, C F Lovelace, J A H ]\Iendelowitz, Ido Manchester, O B McKennon, W F McKennon, B McLachlan, C Meyer, W Mooney, Jos. Xewconil), .\ .\ O'Xeil, T E Peters, C M Pierce, M J Patton, E C Perceval, G D Page. G F Revnard, W G Ril'ev. R S Roberts, H Rothaerniel Stone, .\ L Staples, C R Simmons, J .\ Simmons, F" Snoke, E Snook, F A Searl, R F Svenson, E W Smith, A X F E Shafur, W E Talbtrt, C P X'nderwood, C Wright, F; S While, C P Woodv, F Wells,' B L Wilson, F E Watson. G E Ward, H E Warner, D Wallace, E L Yarrow, G W Youn.g, C B Ziegler, C "D" COMPANY — POMONA COMPANY Venlura A POrrLAR MAN Arnokl, G G Ball, WS Blackstock, F Biitler, F Barnard, J C Burnett. J Bushard, W H Craig, R Cook, C E Connelly, J Collins.'M Clark, J Churchman, H Cuplin, G W Carter, E h Corev, H V, Dan ford, !■ I, Donaldson Daly, G I^ Dutton, \V ■ Drown, J Eagan, WJ Evert, C Fahe, J Fitch, M h Flint, 11 1' Foltz, H C Fraser, J R J S ALBERT W. BROWNE Captain Commanding JNO. W. HAMMONS First Lieutenant J AS. R. DALY Second Lieutenant First Sergeant J. \V. Larmcr Corporal JJoy Ouarteruiaster Sergeant F. C. Hunt 1). p. Hickey Duty Sergeant . . , . G. W. Johnson R. D. I'idduck , L. R. Bates . J. R. Orton .. ,. S. P. Rowe " , O. T. Jones I. , . G. W. Baker " . H. C. Booth Corpora] . . J. M. Waterman ■' D. McRae • • C. A. Gandolln Waggoner J. O. Dockerv C. Houston Artificer . . . T. Wilden J. Hund IMusician A. O. B. Brown C. Eastiu ' ' , J. C. Tilden Friend, T Larrison, W A McFaddeii, J Staples, R F Fish, O Lavally, L H McRae, J J Sparks, K Ferris, J Lorenzana, S O'Donell, T •Swasey, A I Gillespie, C U Lynn, L Iv I'idduck, S R Smith; W Hunter, \V 11 llarchelaine, W Pinkerton, J H Smith, R W Hunt, H M Mosgrove, H C I'vle, Frank Sheldon, C L Hamilton, W Mikesel, J M Reynolds, R Sanchez, M L Hobart, INI C Jlungari, V Reynolds, A J Steep leton, C H Hudson, C Jlartin, W Rodibaugh, F H Sarp, A Hatten, I'atrick Mitchell, J Ruiz, G R Sharp, G Heard, F D Maguire, T Russell, A L Tripp, C A Ilenstein, W Maher, M Rowland, W A Tyson, S Jones, C Murray, G B Rice, S E Wilfong, J S Lehmc, H McDonald, J A Ramsey, R F Wilson, H E rs:^:JlS^^ 1 'S >-% r> ^ . t- " H " COMI'ANV — VKNTUKA CALENDAR Left Los Angeles. . . May 6th Arrived at Presidio . May 7th Mustered in ■ May gth Moved to Camp Merritt May 25th Assigned to steamship Indiana June 20th Order rescinded June 25th Assurances from Major-General Otis of going on fourth expedition . June 27th Left behind by fourth expedition July 15th Assurances from Brigadier-Geueral Otis of going on fifth expedition July 17th Left behind by fifth expedition July 23(1 Assurances of going on the Scandia July 2.Sth Assurances from General Miller of going on the Sydney and Australia . .August 22d Moved back to Presidio August 24tli OFF FOR MANILA !tKi:AKIN(. CAMP THE WRFCK BAND Alder, J. Brown, C. B. Dowse, T. S. Fountain, Jesse Hortoii, F. M. Holtaquist, C. W Jacquess, J. C. Jenkins, A. T. Jones, J. J. Ketchum, Grove Malone, F. E. Pierce, M. F. Randall, A. I,. Sisson, W. R. Spencer, Georo:; Sprague, O. \'. Tobias, H. Weed, T. B. Whitney, R. W. W'oolman, Claude SEVENTH REGIMENT BAND FIELD MUSIC I 1^:v :yei^}K^n-- h " COLUMN OF MASSKS CHANCUNl. DIRECTION TO THE KUiUf A CIVILIAN'S COMMENTS lHEY are makers of history, these vohmteer soldiers of ours : not only as a part of the great machine that has crushed out wrong, as embodied in the acts of Spain, but in a sser vet wonderful way, which Balzac alone could make plain to the casual reader. The company street is the soldiers' home, if they can be said to have one. If the tents are the " wall " kind, there is a row of them each side, with an average of eight men to a tent: but it thev are the large, round, peaked kind, there is but one row, with an average of ' ' twenty-five men in each. In the \ery early morning, move the tent-flap, and you will see the men packed like sardines almost, each rolled in his gray blanket, and down flat on the sand. There is a mould of each man in the sand when he gets up in the morning. Straw was allowed at first, but it was ordered away as not being preparatory for the hardships of actual field serv- ice. True, some have nice, soft boards to lie on; yet it's an unusual colonel who permits that. The air in these tents becomes very close before morning. I believe there are no regulations as to ventilation, so an outsider takes his inquisitive nose away very quickly after he has poked it inside. " Karly to rise " is not only a virtue but also a necessity here. They crawl out at the bugle call, a sleepy, sorry looking set indeed. Cold water brightens them, however, and they " Fall in for mess " with the active spirit of the day full upon them. The long line of eighty to one hundred men, each carrying his tin plate and cup, is indeed a sight. " Com-panee, atteu-shun ! Right face ! Forward,— march I " There they go, tramp, tramp, through the sand, with a great clatter of tin and much "jo.^hiug" down the line, for an as.sault on the cook ! Each comes straggling back presently, his loaded plate in one hand and his cup of black coffee iu the other. I call it good food that they get. It's coarse and plain, naturally, but it's clean and well cooked, and there's plenty of it. The soldier drills two hours and a half every morning, and the same iu the afternoon. This drill ma\' be in company or battalion or regiment. It ma>- be in light or heavy marching order; though usuall\- ill light order, which means simply the guu —no knapsack or blankets. Those who think soldier-life a desirable pastime ought to try a day of it, started with an early hour of "setting-up exercises " and con- tinued with two doses of drill. I should pause here to say that a company is made up of from eight\'-one to one hundred and ^ix men. A battalion comprises four companies and there are three battalions in a full regiment. luich battalion is commanded by a Major. Above the Majors are the Lieutenant-Colonel and the Colonel. Company drill is interesting ; battalion drill more so ; and full regimental drill, with all officers above Captains mounted, is a truly inspiring sight. When the regiment goes out, the band leads with stirring music, the color guard is iu the center, with the lionny flags waving high, and there are ideas of force and of symmetry about it all that rouse one and impel him to go along, too, and cheer ! They look verj' bus- iness-like, very ready, and intensely American, these troops iu this .shape. There is naught of the " tin- soldier " about them. One feels, aye, A'?!o:l's, that the\- will go into battle with the same steady cheeriuess that carries them yonder to the Presidio hill. Let us go back with them to the company street. Outside of drill and mess hours the time is pretty much their own, save the hours spent by each in turns on guard. They u.se it for washing and mending, for writing letters or reading, or for plain, ordinary talking. Here and there a card game is going. I notice that they play as they work — without limit. If it's not too hot, a baseball, a football or a pair of boxing gloves may be in sight. Any little unusual ojcurreuce seems to arou.se their curiosity quickly, and they come pouring out of their tents by dozens. Good-natured always, though. It is a testimonial to the marvelous virtue of discipline that so many men of so many kinds can be kept together with so little bickering. .So the day passes and comes the night. Slowly cease all sounds and stir of life. There remains silence, and a vista of closed tents. Peace seems to hover over this armed host. I douljt not that prayers arise, offered consciously or unconsciou.sly in the only privacy possible to a soldier, that of the night, and urged upward by the yearning of his loneliness I am sure that winged angels of tender thought speed swiftly up and away. East and South, to loved ones lingering there. The serious, solemn side of contest shows itself by night, and the soldier sees it, too. Two incidents are worthy of special mention here. The first was when the Seventh was out one morning for exercise to music. The regiment extended some three l)locks down street in two-pace forma- tion. Some enterprising, patriotic citizen had erected a flagpole about midway of the line. During a period of rest he hoisted his new flag, a beautiful, large, silk one. As Old Glory rose and spread itself to the breeze the regiment broke into long-continued and uncontrollable cheers ! It was condensed emotion vociferated, and very thrilling. vShortly after, the Tennessee regiment came by, on the move from Camp Merritt to the Presidio. Every man in the v^eventh turned out and yelled hiuLself hoarse for the boys who once wore the gray and now wear the blue. There was a significance of national import in that incident. I cannot close without a word as to the glory that rightfully attaches to the Seventh in this campaign. " They also serve who only .stand and wait." Camp life is trying and it is the hardest thing in the world to be patient. Heroism is exhibited as admirably in doing the dull duty of the passing hour as it should be done as in leaping to the front at the order " Charge ! " These men of the Seventh have had the very hardest part of the war to endure, and they have borne it nobly. No one who knows anything about them questions but that if the opportunity had come, or if it does come, nothing could or can stop the Seventh in the discharge of its duty, save complete annihilation. Therefore, all glory and honor to them, be their duties what they may. '--iSta.- ----^ tl^ X> HOME OF SEVENTH REGIMENT AT CAMP MKKKITT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI.. A FUTURE SOLDIER LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. (hap...!.... Copyright No.. Shelf.J.^.?i.c UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If ^^ cS-^ \. a\ , ~ r, „ -7- .^" ''^.. \V ■/! . V •'* v^-^ -"*. ^*y. c^' ^^ -"■-.^^ '<:^< v^^ ^>:^'% ,*^ o aV J'. • S ■?7. '' o« s" . .:i'" 'O o> A^^' "f,. s "^^ V* .•^^ •^. .•^ % ..:^^ '^A >^ ^^~^ -■^ '>, ,-^^' ■'■ "^. '^ "^A V* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS