Class. Book- f l4(o ^ 'iA MISCELLANKOUS PAPERS, 1812-14. DRAFTED TROOPS, 1812-14. (1) 1— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. (2) DRAFTED TROOPS, 1812-14. w w H •6 a 'O T3 '0 *0 *0 ^ OJ dJ CJ ^ CJ - O ji t; vi t; t; ; tf « g g g g o ^ Q Q Q Q Q > „ 00 =c « o C ^- 5^ i-H H I'BJOi 3 H 1 ti m 1 th iJis M irt t- t; °2 1 -saiBAiJa o >* 1 H iJ ^ rH : • M ^ 2 -saaj!^ : fe 1-5 • ' _ — '. P S aatuiunaa 13 P (M : : U, .£ n E5 1 -si-eJoclJoo 1 : 1 (t tz CO - 'O 2S S S =» 1 S ■S1UT3S3J3S CO : : " 1 « •suSisua -^ : w T-i ^ '^ in .2 2 ~ £ H H-3 ^ ^ H il >-i w «c o Z H •s}u-Bua?n3!T 3;^ ^ ^ rH rH .-< '-' «0 i 'be ■&■& " g". •suiBjdBO ■- Oi 01 Oi dj O — ^ .c x: js -d S ^ !! A >, C^i 1^ K Z II E ^ a Oj r I^ 6 C £ o O £ fa fLi til 01 o tf P e . a '■5 c oS ffl •„ C - C f t- > — r J3 -c t- 2 -E 3 ;S := -^ >: >. "^ S £ " ^ S 1 £ 5 £ o J W ►-: P- > w H ^ ^ P II !« ■ (U tn 8 75. Elias McClelland 30 76. James Walker 24 77. James Welsh, 37 78. James Ramisey, 22 79. Peter Noah, 34 ReeapiJation. 2 — ^Captains. 2 — Lieutenants. 2 — Ensigns. 79— Privates. 85— Total. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and Just list of all the Names & surnames of the officers drafted out of the 46th Regt. Pa. Militia. WILLIAM HARVEY. Adjutant 46th Regt. Pa. M. Williiam Moore, Esq. Birigade Inspector of 2d Brigade P. M. ' ^ MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. (25) (26) MUSTEK ROLLS, 1812-14. 27 LIST OF THE CARLISLE INFANTRY COMPANY COM- MANDED BY CAPTAIN WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Captain. William Alexander. Lieut. Lindsey Spotswood. Ensign. William Wright. Musicians. Edward Johnston. George Stine. Sergants. James H. Hutten. John L. Hays. Corporals. Fredk. Boyer. George Miller. John Wynekoop. Cornelius Wynekoop. Francis McManus. Christian Homan. William Roney. Conrod Bolander. William Graham. John Otto. William Alexander. James Spotswood. Isaac Bell. Samuel Brumbaugh. William Bullock. Samuel Armor. William Creven. James Boyd. John Sponsler. Private. Edward Armor. Robert Parkinson. Elisha Doyle. James Dawson. John McCartney. Wiliam Laird. George Kline. Alexander McGee. Michael Holcomb. Andrew Eaken. Robert McCay. did not march. George i^. Rine. John Armor. Andrew Armstrong. 28 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Saml. S. Smith. John Ramsey. John Moore. Andrew Ellison. Joseph Brown. William J. Thompson. James Armstrong. John Davidson. James McCartney. Wiliam Taylor. John Gilmore. Enoch Pagan. James Wheeler. John Butler. John Scott. John Richardson. William Bowers. John Foulk. John Steel. Joseph Bo-rcland. Joseph McKean. John McKean. William Walker. Charles Fagan. Isaac Hoffer. Daniel Miller. Thos. Sullivan. Thompson Walker. Henry Maughman. Martin Weibley. William H. Smith. John Miller. John Fritzell. John Maurice. William Alexander. Daniel Dowling. Emanuel Philips. Charles Cooper. John A. Ramsey. John Evans. James McClure. John Gibson. Jacob Mull. Carlizle, 1st March 1814. I certify the above and foregoing to be a true list of officers non Commissioned Officers and Privates now willing to march in the above named Company WM. ALEXANDER Captain JAMEIS FENTON Colonel Commandant. A MUSTER ROLE OF THE MILITIA OF THE 94 RET FOR THE MARCHING ORDER TO MARCUS HOOK ON THE DILAWARE SEPT. 23RD, 1814. Captain. Jacob Hersh Lieutenant. Jacob Newhart Ensign. Chris Melsker MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 29 Captain. -» Jones Hicker. 3th Class. 3th Jacob Brishe. 4th George Fisher. Peter Loutanslager. 5th Daniel Buchman. George Diehman fifer. Captain. George Holfrech 3th Joseph Long. Jones Yound. Nichs. Meyer. Mathes Elyen. 4th John Rotli Jur. Daniel Roth. Joseph Keider. 5th John Loutenslager. Henry Bropts. John Hill. Captain. Abraham Herlocher Slh Fred Kemery. Michel Powe. Abraham Luchenbach. Henry Kemere. Adam Rickert. 4th George Nise. Georg Lane. Georg Kreeling. Georg Duth. 6t-* Solomon Finch. Peter Willth. Joseph Rose. Michel Sendle. Conrad Weile. Joseph Nogle. Captain. Joseph Hicker Class 3th. Abraham Bidleman. Henry Harlman. 4th Jacob Nagle. 5th John Sesler. James Kentinger. Henry Omheiser. Captain. Jacob Hersh 3th None. 4th Adam Shrieber. George Hotz. 5th Peter Dinckey. 30 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Captain. Daniel Meyer 3th Michel Good. 4th Thomas Gaungwear. John Bauchman. 5th Abraham Meyer. John Frane. Peter Hoffman. Michel Frieman. Jacob Frock. Henry Good. Daniel Steikel. Pitkin Minor. Captain. Henry Mertz. 3th Solomon Good. Solomon Robennola. John Flexer. Jacob Hammon. Solomon Bartz. 4th John Keep. Henry Schantz. Michel Druckenmillir. John Miller. George Hill. 5th John Robenneld. John Miller. Daniel 0. Daniel. Goberal Wotring. Henry Gross. CAPT. WM. McGUIRE'S CO. 12 TO 24TH. NOV. 1814. Lieut. Thomas McCammaoh. Ensign. Samuel Allison. Sergt. Hugh Daily. John Shannon. Corpls. John Simmons. Wm. Bryson. Wm. Scott. John Huntington. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 31 Daniel Brewer. Arthur Bones. Wm. Cathcart. Geo. L. Carson. Andrew Foster. David Farley. Robert Foster. David Graham. James Hamilton. Joseph Huntington. Isaac Waner. Ezekiel Lunger. W. Daniel Moore. Robert Bryson. James Beard. Wm. Beard. James Bryson. Mathev/ Coney. James Douley. James McKinsey. Privates. John Rowland. John Henry Rector. Robert Riddle. James Riddle. Wm. Smith. Wm. Tinbrook. Thomas Taylor. Wm. Vanlew. Philip Whipple. Samuel Whipple. A.ndrew Guffy. John Shaeffer. Following have applied. Capt. Wm. Guire. Sergt. David Reed. Joseph McGuire. Privates. Wiliam James A. Scott. Thomas Toner. John Tweed. Wm. McKinsay. Joseph Oakes. MUSTER ROLE OF THE NO. OF SOLDIERS IN THE COM- PANY COMMANDED BY LIEUT. ELIPT. MASON. 1st Lieut. Eliphalet Mason. 1st. Sergent. Henry L. Merrill. 32 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, 2nd. Serg't. David Carter, 3rd. Serg't. Benjamin Landon. 4th Serg't. Albagence Stevens. 1st. Corpl. William Gough. 2nd. Corpl. Benjamin Stone. 3rd. Corpl. Nathan Streets. 4th. Corpl. Ethen Baldwin. Fiefer. Joseph S. Browning. Drummer. Isaac Wheeler. Benjamin Bennet. George Brown. John Stalford. George Davidson. David Benjamin. David Voke. Freeman Wilcox. Rowland Wilcox. John Head. Wiliam Bufflngton. Joseph Lint. John L. Elliot. Ebenezer Tersy. John Luick. Privates, James line. Daniel Drake. David Baily. Samuel Rookwell. Ezra Baily. Samuel Coll. R. Vine Rogers. Horace Spalding. Daniel Miller. Horatio Ladd. Amasa Bowen. Humphrey Gough. Charles W. Keelen. Cyrus Wells. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 33 Stephen Crammer. Thomas Uptegroff. Eiom Roberts. Eligah Coleman. Abraham Lint. Oliver Gilbert. Acadias Voke. John Burney. Seth Doran. Darias Shumway. Samuel Griffin. Thomas Cox. Aaron Carter. Warner John Foster. Edmond Fairchild. John D. Wead. Philemon Stone. Harry Ingraham. Samuel Landrus. James Brink. Isaac Smith. John W. Bingham. Lemuel Landras. Abel Prince. Joseph Prince. Samuel Picket. Amos Strickland. Amasas Streeter. David Green. John Swuton. Elisha Foster. Amos Gough. Stephen Beeman. James Arnold. Ebenezer Drake. Frederick Shrader. Joseph Bebee. Wilson Camfield. Albert Camp. Erastus Jones. Amos Camfield. Joseph Mattersou. Jonathan deworth. ELEPT MASON. Lieut Comdt. COPPY OF A MUSTER ROLL OF A PART OF THE DETACH- MENT THAT MARCHED FROM THE 2D. BRIGADE 9TH DIVISION P. M. UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE 15TH & BRIGADE ORDERS OF THE 26TH OF OCTOBER LAST COMMANDED BY LIEUT. ELIPHLET MASON OF THE 144 REGT. REGIMENTAL RElNDEZVOUS WAS ON THE 5TH NOVR. 1814 & WERE DISCHARGE AT DAN- VILLE ON THE 24TH & 25 OF THE SAME MONTH. 1st. Lieut. Eliphlet Mason, Comt. 1st. Sergt. Henry L. Merril. 3— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 34 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Benjamin Bennet. George Brown. John Stafford. Gearge Davidson. George Davidson. Daniel Benjamins. DavM Yoke. Freman Wilcox. John Head. William Bufflington. Joseph Lent. John L. Elliott. Ebenezer Ferry. John Quick. Amasa Holley. Stephen Benson. 2d. Sergt. David Carter. 3d. Sergt. Albegence Hewing. 4th. Sergt. Benjamin London. 1 Corpl. William Gough. 2 Corpl. Benjamin Stone. 3 Corpl. Nathan Stretor. 4 Corpl. Ethan Baldwin. Drummer. Isaac Wheeler. Fifer. Joseph S. Browning. Privates. Oliver Gilbert. James Lint. Daniel Drake. David Bailey. Samuel Rockwell. Ezra Bailey. Samuel Cole. Auvine Rogers. Horrace Spalding. Stephen D. Sullard. Daniel Miller. Amasa Bowele. Horatio Ladd. Humphrey Gough. Charles W. Reeder. Cyrus Wells. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 35 Daniel Gilbert. Stephen Crommer. Thomas Uptegroff Eliam Roberts, James Arnold. Ebenezar Drake. Elijah Coleman. Abraham Lint. James Brink. Aeddias Voke. John Bumey. Seth Daan, Darias Shamway. Samuel Griffin, Thomas Cox. Aaron Carter. Warner Ladd. John Foster. Edmon Farchild. John D. Weed. Philemon Stone. Harry Ingram. Samuel Landers. Isaac Smith. John W. Bingham. Lemuel Landers. Abel Prince. Joseph Prince. Samuel Picket. Amos Streetor, David Green. John Scouten. Elisha Foster. Amos Gough. ISAAC PAST, Inspector 2d Brigade 8th Division P. M. Asbury May 31st 1815. Sir: As no Orders of the fifteenth of October last were EVer rec'd by me, in order to comply with your Commands of the 10th March last. I have written Mr. Isaac Post upon the Sub- ject, who has furnished the within, as copied of the Muster rolls of the Militia that marched from the 2 B. G. D. P. M. under orders of the 15th Octr. last directed to him. Very respectfully Se. EDW. HERRICK Ins. 2. B. G. D. P. M. LT. MASON'S ROLE NOV. IITH, 1814. Non Commissioned Officers. Sargents. Henry L. Merril. David Carter. Benjamin Landon. Al'begence Stevens, 86 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Benjamin Bennet. George Brown. John Stalford. George Davidson. David Benjamin. David Naught. John D. Saunders. Freeman Wilcox. Rawland Wilcox. Darius Brainard. John Head. Wm. Buffington Wm. Bradshaw. Joseph Lent. John L. Elliot. Ebenezer Perry. John Gerick. James Lent. Daniel Drake. Amas Streckland. Daniel Bailey. Samuel Rackmell. Ezra Bailey. Samuel Call. Ruine Rogers. Daniel Stone. Horace Spalding. Stephen D. Sullard. Daniel Miller. Edward Mills. Abraham Foster. Amaser Bowen. Horatio Ladd. Humphrey Gaugh. Corporals. Wm. Gaugh. Benjamin Stone. Nathan Streeler. Ethan Baldwin. Musicians. Joseph S. Browning. Isaac Wheeler. Privates, Amos Gaugh. David Horton. Charles W. Keeler. Cyrus Welles. Daniel Gilbert. Absalom Carr. Stephen Cramner. Stephen Beemer. Thos. Updegraff. Jesse Hancock. Elom Roberts. Tames Arnold. Raphael Stone. Ebenezer Drake. Elijah Coleman. Abraham Lent. Amos York. Daniel Hill. Peneral Corbin. Oliver Gilbert. Mathias Vaught. John Barney. Seth Doan. Thos. Brink. Darius Shumway. Samuel Griffin. Thos. Cox. Aaron Carter. Warner Ladd. John Foster. John Sempkins. Lemuel Landress. Edmund Fairchilds. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. J 7 A ROLL OF OFFICERS NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES TAKEN ON A DRAFTED AND MARCH- ING AS A DETACHMENT FROM THE 144TH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA MALITIA UNDER ORDERS FROM THE GOVERNOR DATED OCTR. 15TH. 1814. Lieut. Eliphalet Mason, 2nd Co. 1st Serg't. Henry L. Morril. 2nd Serg't. David Carter. 3d. Serg't. Atbirgence Stevens. 4 th. Serg't. Benjamin Landon. 1st. Corp'l. William Gough. 2nd. Corp'l. Benjamin Stone. 3rd. Corp'l. Nathan Stutor. Drummer. Isaac Wheeler. Fifer. Joseph S. Browning. Benjamin Bennet. George Brown. John Stalford. George Davidson. Daniel Benjamin. David Voke. Freman Wilcox. Rowland Wilcox. John Head. William Buftington. Joseph Lint. John L. Elliot. Ebenezer Ferry. John Quick. 38 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. James Lint. Daniel Drake. David Bailey. Samuel Rockwell. Ezra Bailey. Samuel Cole. Aavine Rogers. Horrace Spalding. Stephen D. Sullard. Daniel Miller. Amasa Bowel. Horatio Ladd. Humphrey Gough. Charles W. Reeaer. Cyrus Welles. Daniel Gilbert. Stephen Cranmer. Thomas tiptegi'off. Eliam Roberts. James Arnold. Ebenezer Drake. Ethan Baldwin. 4th Cor. Elijah Coleman. Abraham Lint. Oliver Gilbert. Eddias Voke. John Bumey. I certify the above to be Return. Seth Doan. Darlas Shumway. Samuel Griffin. Thomas Coxe. Aaron Carter. Warner Ladd. John Foster. Edmund Fairchild. John D. Weed. Philemon Stone. Harry Ingram. Samuel Landers. Isaac Smith. John W. Bingham. Lemuel Landers. Abel Prince. Joseph Prince. Samuel Picket. Amasa Streetor. David Green. John Scouten. Elisha Foster. Amasa Hulleg. James Brink. Amos Gough. Stephen Beman. a Copy of the original and a true JOSIAH BOSWORTH Adgutor of the 144 Rigement MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 39 LIST OF THE NAMES AND SURNAMES OF THE OFFICERS AND PRIVATES DRAFTED FROM THE FORTY SIXTH REGIMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA TO SERVICE THEIR TOUR OF DUTY AS MILITIA MEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, CAP- TAIN HENRY WHARTON. Captain. Henry Wharton. Lieutenants. David Patterson. Samuel Parsons. Ensign. Joh.n B. Hays. Private Names. Ages. 25 29 23 23 39 28 27 28 35 28 27 21 29 23 22 35 25 24 34 24 23 27 2 Compy. 3d Co. 6th Co. Mathew Gilleland James Orr, Adam Stong Jacob Bolinger William McCIain -. George Wilson Robert Clemons George Smise, Henry Fitzsimons Samuel Morehead Joseph Hudson Nathan Chilcote Jacob Cornelius Dutton Lane Tliomas Hooper John Kyler James Madden Jacob Keith Thomas Rodgers 3S 30 31 James Fletcher Robert Madden 40 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. A LIST OF THE NAMES AND SURNAMES OF THE OFFICERS AND PRIVATES DRAFTED FROM THE F0RT7 SIXTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. — Continued. Private Names. Joshua Hooper, Robert McCarrell. . John Blair, Esqr., .. James Ramsey, Hugh Bingham William Chambers, . Hugh Campbele Joseph McCarrell, .. William .Tohnston, .. Thomas W. Neely, . . AVilliam Wilson Robert Fleming- Thomas Johnston, ... John Bingham, Elias McClelland. .. Peter Noah, James Walker James Welsh •Tames Morrison, .... Patrick King Samuel Wharton, Jr. Thomas Booth John Gardner Peter Seegrist Daniel Seegrist Thomas Gardner, . . . Samuel McGeehon, .. Matthew Thompson, Reese Thompson, Ji. Simeon Smally Robert Gardner, Jr., Henry Waggoner, . . Jacob Walls James Gleen John Green, John Ashman Henry Knight John Hudson Jacob Cutshall John Lockhart George Green Blisha Green Richard Bradley, George Shreder, Frances Crouthcrs, William Galbraith, . Andrew Gilleland, . John Price John McCammond, . Isaac Burns Ages. 1st Co. appears by substitute. discharged. discharged. .'■.th Co. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 41 A LIST OF THE NAMES AND SURNAMES OF THE OFFICERS AND PRIVATES DRAFTED FROM THE FORTY SIXTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. — Continued. Private Names. Robert McCormick, Samuel Clark Rodney McKin.strey by his Substitute Samuel McGiffen, Henry Bateson, Jr. George Dean Samuel Irwin, William Curvy, ... Nicholas Beatty, . Nicholas Ijjewell, . David John, Michael Swartz, Henry Kemborling, Sezekiah Rickel, Ages. 8th Co. 42 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. "^ CQ H ^ ff5 Q H a >" Q S Z . ^d - Z R K W "^ H ►^ M -H H g W P^ 5^ Z ^^ -^ fo ^ o g H H " ^ 5 H r '^ H CO w ^ ^ Q > ^ g Pi W D H E Ph W H M M ^ ^ ^ ^ !> t3 « ^ ^ fa 2 ^ !^ ^ q Z Pi t- cti pj rt rt rj 000 u u u u u "MM'*P-lPH(i|PL|PH Z? ?i « " 1:3 c M S^ WfJ 5- Ml 1^ t-" 0- dj 1 r/2 ^ aJ iT 0)' 6 aJ d' d' i;" v ij oJ oJ o aj a)' aj a; aT n' aT aj" aT ^" aT aj aj aj « aj ^ ^ i ^ ^ i b i; ^ i: i .c i; .- .- i .- i .i: .:: .c •- •- •- ~ •- ■- •- •- ~ t. o; £ £ &; (i; £ (i; &; (5: &; ohiS &: £ £ p: ^ a. ph d, cu ph p. ph &. s ^ ^ ^ o- O ;ii'x2 aigaj5ci!'ooS'Str^Soi;ci(8 3 t. . o ■ Si »r M CJ c S "1 ■5-2 o w Q w fa [ii '-' t; s- c c c 5 c ^ 5 j: £ j= -S -c ?; (C o o o o o >- U c, 1-! i-j '-s t-s fa - ffi bo a> g- fe c c a) ' 0P5 Q c "i S h ^ -t-J hH c!j c •: '^ a' „■ _^ •'^ to pi 2 "n 44 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. >>>>>>?.>>>>>>> .2 ^ ; d a n S ■ • a o rt .S c 2 — > aJ t5 ■5 J-J . - t- nf fe d) £ 3 « Q 3 %^ '^ tJ J ^ rt rt !H ^ '^ m 2 2"^" C c I* > i; o E oj — o C » C - C MUSTER ROLLS. 1812-14. 45 •^ \4 ^ l^ ^ t^ l^ ^ ^ U, '„ (^ i^ U* i^ ^ t~i i^ !~> i^ ii Ut i- Ul i-t U* t^ i^ i^ t^ Ut i* i^ £ a 46 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Q rl 4. '■w < fl % rS % O 1. d S W rrl Uh H H a; Z H w ■^ § p ffi CJ >H - I qJ dj 0) ^ OJ ri rt ri c^ ctf Qh 111 &< Ph Pm CI o o 'o o cs -^ dj o; <3j 3 -Z. ~ 't. 'u Q k CM CU Ph U P W o o c o o H U w U O MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 47 •sieaoJaoo •sjuBaSjos •uSisua -jnan pJiux •jnan PU0D9S -jnan ?sJ!^ •uCBicI-BO U'^ o r^ CO f-t ?.- o O « 1 M : « "' : '^ CO 1 "•' : 1 '^ : 1 ^ ^ : '^ ■^ : -' " : - s ? i^ c ^ «• ^" P ■" t/2 S tM •r. 3 « S W a) p tf .c X S E >■ E 5 - .^ .H c c c O O O 5 S Q Q o c S-5 K J, •c E o o 1^ i; X •a *^ ■S ri O ° Q £ K ^ o ^ 48 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Samuel Creamer. John Hawk. Benjamin Long. John Crotzer. Philip Rone, William Reed. Samuel Devenport. John Stake. John Swanger. David Trindle. John Smith. John McDowel. John Brant. John Boggs. Jesse Beams. Henry Holby. George Pluher. George McComb. John Erwin. Adam Myers. William Nevel. Captain. Jacob Stake. Lieutenants. 1st. John Favourite. 2nd. Robert Foot. Ensign. William Miller. Sergeants. 1st. John Snively. 2nd. Jacob Baker. 3rd. Samuel Baker. 4th. William Waistcoat. Corporals. 1st. John Over. 2nd. Jacob Keever. 3rd. John M. Shannon. 4th. Thomson Scholes. Privates. John Young. John Miller. Barnabas Clark. Hugh Baker. John McLay. Robert Hunter. Jacob Staily. George Rist. John Young. Samuel Meteer. Matthias Bender. Fredc-rick Boraugh. Alexander Brackenridge. Robert Johnston. David Johnston. Jacob Leopard John McNeal. William McClure. George Byard. James Keever. MUSTER ROLLS, 1812-14. 49 Abraham Flesh. Charles Runion. John Beaty. George Harmony. William Ramsey. Elisha Lilly. .Jacob Stoufer. William Kline. William Sheets. Joseph Fipps. John Marshall. Edward Hill. Jacob Frush. Hugh Henderson. George Ensminger. William Clapp. I do hereby certify th composing my company Witness my hand this John McConnel, Thomas Allen. James Early. John Baker. John Carver. George Neff. Benjamin Davis. John Stewart. Mich Frits. James Campton. James Morehead. John Cunningham. Peter Baker. James Hardy. Thomas Cummins. Robert McConnel. at this is a true list of the members this 18th of March 1814. JACOB STAKE, Cpt. JAMES WOOD, Major. 4— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. (50) PAY ROLLS. 1812-14. (51) PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 53 O •juaiuaujes sim ju .10 'aoiAJas JO uoijBJirtxa Q 11 -jas Bim JO JO 'doiA f-< !! -jas 10 juaiuaauaiuiuoo 00 00 00 00 00 00 ■^ ■'i^ -^ ■^" "^ "^ UlbObObObikbCbilUlbCbfll:^ tc 5 J c ^- *; «• w £ _r „• «- ^- «- : S; wMbcfcto aaaaQp WW Q . 7^ - ai - - ^" • — " CU i-s E E j:^ M fl( H m rt r/i a x: £ H H P3 -^ ■■Si 3 >. 1-5 h^ < l-S ^C^CO-^lrtOt-CO^-^ ; ■ . . vi : - 0) ^ 3 " r^ c ^ M W o O ^ L. A- QJ (_. . - S c £■ £ c E^ o ^i S « ,i c5 ,^■ l-! S tAi Hi tii K fiH 54 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 'aoiAJas JO uonujidxa •juauien -jas Bim JO JO 'aoiA -JDS JO iuatuaDuauiuioj if3 lo in »« ira »o lo IP »(5 »A , IP lo lo lo m oooooooooooooooooooo .oococooooo C C C C C C C C C d • C C C C C l-!'-S'-:l-:'-3'-3l-3l-5l^'-5 .t-Sl-3>^>-5»-3 ■^" ^ ^ ^ ■*" V •** M^*" ■<*''"'»*''" "^ -H^" -^ •* -^ ^ *" OO" 00 00 W » » 00 OO" rH* «" 00 00 oo" oo" ^ ■ a - n C5 a 5 ^ rt a 4 4 c 4 4 1) s tiCC^cufLiPkfiiaiai^fciiiiiH^fcai t.tlt,tlt.lHt^ M CSI W E .c j= o 1-1 S PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 55 C • c C 5 c d 1 S c c c or. B » 5 d c Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 Jan. 4, 1815 .Tan. 4. 1S1R c 5 C C 1-5 1- 5 c c 5 4 00 r: 00 00 ;-= CO 00 ^ 00 00 ^- S S L. L- t. ^ ai(i<(iiPHaHfHCLia(aHCu{^b&>.. . . • . • • . . BO .^^X& a .§5,2 .■sij^^S 52-^ o-'^cEggCdg' co- s£3-Scc"gx-g3Sccki=E3.c-ci;rcEcti)t:j:t;t;>>E'S 3oO--tl)S — ■So5o~onni030c33cl.~f-5j5(UOO ri c c c c c '■ |->|-!l-!^^^|-:l-5l^Z^^|^l^|-5^-5»-! . •juauian -;as Sim jij .to 'aoiA -jas JO }uauiaououiuio,j Aug. 24, 1814 Oct. 2, 1814 Aug. 24, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Aug. 28, 1814 Aug. 20, 1814 Aug. 20, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 1814 Sept. 8, 181^ Aug. 4. 1814 c .t > .S i: c t. h i: .i; .i; i: .i .i: .i .i: ^ 't, "u "u '^ u u w. 'u "u 'u u u u u u X- cuciHa^l-3l-5'-5l-5'^l-5'-5l-3l-5'-3l-5l-3l-5l-3l-5l-5>-3 '*2?2S^52<»^7=«5°^'»''''>t!£S25£^i>^S2o5 CO oc c/c w: K-g tSS m a< p C-- 2i -■" ii~ P S^ u ■tj c .- CO >. hs crt t: .a ■ Ml (sj c^ i ^- .2 ^ S '^' toe p? p; p ^ tS ^ W C rH Cl M 58 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. fa O O H Pi o fa cq" <3 ^o og fa Q <3 g . O > fa m fa H fa O fa o •sjuao 4-1 O 1 ^ sjuao E < •s.iBiioa 0. J5 •sjuao >H z «< 0. ^ o o ^§ fa O H T) 3 a o ^s 1 Pk •saBiioa O J3 •sxBa E 4) •KLIlUnlv >-( >-l T-l o o o o^gpgoo :S PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 59 O O c^l M N OO — ) CO 00 ?-• r-t .H •»»• CO CO CQ CC CO CO CO OCiClOO'^OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO^CQ^==^'^§5°5 M -^ -* CO OOOOOOOOOCMODOCOOacOOOOOOOOOOW^OOOOCC oeoo looooooooooooft lo CO CO Tf -^ ■<*• CO >> C c^ *-• <^ .•«o gwu-t; £ -I X x: K o t. K ^ ^ "^ 5 >. ,_; „- - Q WW O Oh S2S^So.S2Sg£" ■ mfebHP3D5PQP3cqWM .s »: b £ ca o 2 w o O O O 5 C CO c C C tao o o o K fe fc >-l rt 1-1 r1 M O rH C3 CO Tf o -a - ill O O O K K ffi ■» ^ •» 60 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. X H O m $ m Q H W H O U I— I H ^ O O Eh -d O S "^ !>H ^ V ^« I ^ •sjuao d H •sjBiioa . o 0, E •s.iBiioa 1 !^ ■d s.tBa o £; h t.1 4) 0) 1 > ■SlllUOK C) T-t GO • C^ 00 -M l?3 to • CM UD S^SSSSSSJ M « ^ ■ tn CO f^ "="""" " e^^JO00000000000(y>000r)0000CCO0 COMOOOOOOO(Z)OOCOOOt» coTr'^-*,-i-^Tt<'« ^ - £ — *^ ■:: > >- 1.^ c •§, ^' S i >: G . o3cca3a~> c Ml tl j: t; ^ .„ aj O O 4; .- ^ ^ O h1 J hJ hJ PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 61 01 - u 2< lO >» a> Q, i ^ S ■ c i:^ f-i eo eo OC CO OO CO cooooo«>«oooo«,« „<»«.«oo«!=oco««.co«)oooooooocooo«. ^T--a'M-''COCOf»5" s f fa cQ . . . c ''sa^as : ^ Tt< eo V CO ^ l--5-§,^u i«l 5^ t^ >. E .^ O '1' J -; J -■^ tie '^ ■^ ^ — '^ -■ >■ c ^ o r-i ri CO -J- I'J JO ri g F- i- I- t- t- •- :3 £^ o o o s s s s?. . . — .c -o . c (J- q . o •: • g J o ;= fc p - t h^ c U t» ^ . o W 1 - * *.• . t fc >■: ;z;g(i:eL,«Pi«p; 62 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a o • ul^ PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 63 CO oo on 00 GO 3^ o o o sssss «-) ^ ^ ^f* eo CO M CO 01 E f^ £ •°^ g t. u 5 u 0) d 2 L. — 0) G bo 2m e^ si c s M o O g- eg >.f= •" rt n - o 0) OJ ^^ c S" E ■C to in - E u ^» >'f1 eOl 64 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. WJ m >> ■S1U90 V ^ ^ S iioa < CD !5S C c (1) •<, ^ lO ira cj ^ ' -o -a "» 'o 'o ■o^ ii 5 ^ E E 0/ "S — — <" o o 'r\ — 'Cl iZ <^ ^- '- Q 03 A ^ H^ cu a< sssssssssssssssssss^sssssssssssss 'C 'C "C 'C 'C 'C 'C fc pH D- Pi (X &. C- •Q -w" = rn 2 -S - a* a: s: 5— Vol. IX.— 6th— Ser. 66 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. pi tx _; S o d ^ * n w > Q £ R -^ o o pa p Ph H Q H < H o d J P5 •sjuao ■M o < •lioa 9, gg SS 5 3 o S aM T) > cu CL< &< PAY ROLLS. 1812-14. 67 w Q tf H W H H P-H ;5 Z u> P J w o LU > H fe r/3 o W H U Pi W Q CQ H ►-I E 12: z < X Ph O ^5 ci § J fc o ^ Q H M Z ^ ;!S >3ti-"'§|Sffi - Oh a. Cu n, PH|l|PH|lH(l(P^e^PH&H(l|fcPHCL4(l,(l, 0. (LI O O c .c E - 5 ft fc o e ft cd c ^ ■r; £ S fa M "£ >i aJ t. 3 ft5c^-'^-^" "S S ft.- " c S ^ ^S Q •^ m a ^ •^ •- S S M s ° = ^ 2 O «J irt b. K H5 W l-J t> c W - S ]McgSScoeccccv3eo PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 69 d Q SOW ',1 J2 W ■O m OJ o! .^ t: s: HH W Eb 3 C ■O -! I w ^ « X rt -^ c « o o 2 t;2^ 5 3 «i o ?" ,X s = " o a. tf « ^Ot- M S E E ^ .2 ^1^ be = 5 c ■§ o ■ d 01 Q O ^^W I S? 5 S S >• c ^ t- . to — — -CO m 01^ o *Xr~ E^K w E d 3 _• E d ~ O ' ° E m ^ 1 ^ 70 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. HH i—t »-^ H tf cc t; fc-H 00 H < O ci " oS 9 Q ^ Q H ffi Z Q H o I b S ^ O * Q Q o ■Avj, T3ajX5l •° 22 S ^^ d . ^3 TJ > > >^tO ^^ rt M M rH PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 71 Si o CO 0) .5 Q 4) >SJ >H .fe •o ^ S & Q O ■" ai o 5 1= 5 U Q 'O 'O 'O fO 'O Q Q Q Q Q Q « p g ? ? c e f,? ggg? gf 0. a a 0. a a a a ■d 0. tt naftc,'c,p,'Sa'Eftnft& ^uu^t^^^u^t^u diCu a> (S > t. ^ i ^ n K GO 01 O *-H (?fl ' »H t-l (M M CM '«fW3CDr:^OOOaOrHIMOQ^iOeO^*COtfaC>T-t(MC05llfi5£' c555cSc4S t p. > X 0. X p. t- a c c c c c c c c fl. C c c J c c s > c j: c E p: .;< > £ ■ > c g - e a "C , K ^ <*- c % & a < > c a c p: Q OJ c c c c c c 1-5 o- g J^ f. fr- ■«t - ¥ « o^ O •d ^ d O pq d O W g Eh d . K 5^ fTt j: << ft IT E 0) Sfe 0) d J3 H d 0.' ^• x. ft ♦- d , , O d j~ o r. a s £ .c XI ^ -n ,_, o o ^ « Ph ^ 0- x: 3 u c m d ^ *^ o >> PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 73 2 o H H " I •aoiAaas JO iiuin aioq^u. •qjuoiu aad XBd •auioq aouBjsia •8DtA -JJB JO UOIJ'BJldxa JO ^uaiudouauiuioj w m m m s ta cii ta ■a "3 "O 'O to w n m c^ cd cd 0] ^3 TJ 73 'O 1h S 13 in tn ^ tn Ih 'O 'O 'O T3 C C C B cd cd A cd 'O XJ 'O 'O c c c c rt ^ cC rt E £ E E o o 9 o O O O O ^ So GO oo tin iiG bs til] 3 3 3 3 <<<< • 3 E C C d 1 I- c (U c Cl- E E E E 01 E 1 (» 09 m OJ flJ CJ £ E E o C& CO &5 CO 00 00 be tio im bo 3 3 3 3 H t-5 1-3 < c o >-5 X 0) s m & SI (rt C E o > o o OS (1> &QZ< 74 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •muoui. J9d X^j •aiuoq 90UBJSIQ •aajA -J9S JO UOlJ'RIldXQ ■301AJ3S JO iuatUdOuotuuioQ SS g g s g c s g 8 S ir* ir in ir tr ir ir in ir iO to lO iO to m m m tn m m m" tf >, W > >t>j>j»>it^>)>i>>t>i>>>i ci a CI rr c« rt ff n ca c •O re -0 -C ■O -c ■c IT -o -c T3 'O 'O 'O •a v ■C rr •o -c r ,- r -a T c c C C c c c C c c c C C C C cs n n ct ctf cc cc C5 C< cfl cc cO oj cC Cj o c c o c r c o c o o o £ e E EE£E£ES£E£EE ^ - •^ ^ ^ - r-. ^ w w ^ ^ o c c ir tf !« V If V m" tr •V Q. 0, a oj a a a a 01 a dj 0) 0, S £ P c E E E £ £ E £ E £ E E ^N^ rt <- "" ■" r1 r- "" *" ^ ^ ^ ^ ■Tt ^ Tf ^ ■" ^ J~* f- -M -1- ^ ^ ^_ ^ ■M -*- +j 4J +j *j c oc OGOCOOOOOOOOO CO cr ^ cc t£> cr ^ «c s J? S S S S ■^ rt ■^ ■^ rj 5 f?l .7 7 c? !7 oo S 53 M So So '- t- w ^ ^ ^ - *; 4- ^ • ^ ^ ^ *J • • ^ ^ blj b 1 MbobublttbflbtlUiMitljtLijttbt 3 r ^ 7 3 " ^ ;_ 3 3 3 3 3 3 < < p c PH t ' c a IS C < a. < c £ £ < bi . o! cc "5, •5 cl| CQ ^ cc " V w < i- «^ b "5 c tn rt K ^£ £ c ' r ?^ F ^ £ 1^ ■g Eo E c rt ^ c c c ct is cc ^ V < cc % CS PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 75 lO in lo 1.-5 u'3 lo u-tt lo ID ift ira ira ira in lo ira tra U3 in w^ lO 1(5 ijrs '^ ic lo in in lO lo lo irt I in ■'3 1-; 1-^ in m in i^ m in m m m m in in in >n tn tn m m m in*in m in in >n in m ir: »n cccccccc^tcccccccccccccccccccccccc 666666666666666666606666606666666 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBBEEBBBBBBBBBBBS BBBB 5 E i E E £ E E E £ E E E £ S g £ £ E £ E E E E E E E E £ OOOCOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO &OCO(»OOlXCCCOCCQOI>OC»C>OOOCOCOOOCCOOCCCOCOCCGO<>DGO<»(XI(>OtWOOC>000 OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOCOOOOOCOOOO UlbSilOUlMUtiCtlOllIllllliUltlllUlttiUibllliCtiCtXiUlUlilCUltltlUlbtUlbGbDtXItlllbCtll) 333333333333333333333333333333333 - "O : . ; : • : : ■ • : • q - : : : - E : • 6<).2.!2^3^^^.2i'5g.ji2-S3S,>.^-g2.S&5^-l3|t^ o3SS^g88g5ocSSE^5gSSESo&jg§|&^n|^^ OI?t>l-,|i^|-Jl-5>-3QOEHQ►^'^VlOl-5Wl^'-5►^fS!^^Jj^^fcKW•-sWC5l-Jl-s 76 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. "Hjuoiu aad Abj •euioq ui o J } aouBjsici "aoiA -Jas JO uoHBaiaxa •301 A JOS JO luauiaouaiuuioo 8SS88S8S8S 8 88 8 8 888 in lO S ig lO iO tH i2 lO in 15 13 13 13 tH tH 13 '-' : T rn m m m r/i m t'. >, >. >. >. >. >. !>, >, >, >. >> >. >. ^, >-. t>. >. c3 nt n1 M rt m rt cfl rt efl Bl crt 01 tfl (fl rt cfl n! ■a -O •a '0 'O "O XJ ■O •a "O -0 TS -a ■a 'a •c ■a ■a i^ t3 t3 rH 13 15 lO 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 IS •o -O •n T! T) Tl ■rt T! T) 13 w T1 -0 T) ■a -o •o •c c C c C C c a C C c B C c c c c c CB cd cd CS ni CS a « ni cd a 0! n( Cl! rt BJ rt cfl o o o o o O o O o o o o o o o o o d gegEEESESSeeSSSESE r-l tH i-i -y "- rH 4 rH n 4 iH 4 tH 4 iH I-t r-t m" 4 m -| 4- m' m" m" m" bT m" bT m oT 0) 41 Si 1) ^ ii 01 0) , 0) ctf « ^ £ r^ w g 'S o r5 Fi s r^ E S ■4-* 1-3 ^ (U *-3 4) ^ 'r;' W M ^ 0) O |1h 'g^^«..££^^ ^ K m "2 » £ c c, O oj ■c hi! -iCi-i^h^ PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 77. 8SSS8S t3 T? 'O 'O 'O T? c c c c c c d ^ ^ d ui a 6 6 6 6 6 6 S E E E S S m tn t/1 m oi tfi a* oj oj oj w a; ESS o o o U U CI o o o O O O O O O U iio ttc e>s ui tto 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■ o 4. a; » »- i2 t? ^ 3 CP ^=5 78 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PAY ROLL OF THE FIRST COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF ADAM HAWK CAPTAIN IN THE FIRST DETACHMENT 2ND BREGADE OF DRAFTED MI- LITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COM- MANDED BY CHRISTIAN J. HUTTER COLONEL. Captain. Adam Hawk. Lieut. Abram Sailor, on furlough returned. 2 Lieut. Cornelius Coolbach, Promoted Oct. 10th, 1814. 3 Lieut. Wm. Gorden, Promoted Oct. 10th, 1814 Ensign. John Hugh. Sergeants. 1 Sergt. Jacob C. Schoch. 2 Sergt. John Troxel. 3 Sergt. John L. Knougs. 4 Sergt. Peter Belles. Corporals. j 1 Corpl. Wm. Fritz Randolph. 2 Corpl. Samuel Walter. 3 Corpl. Fredk. Wilhelm. PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 79 John Rohn. John Roth. Thomas Pegg. Henry Burlenger. Nicholas Grulear. Fredk. Prius. John Kriedler. Daniel Sirick. Adam Neiterhour. James Jones. Henry Buss. Peter Hess. Jacob Walter. Isaac Snell. Henry Emiik. Abram Hackman. George Herlew. John Kern. John Kuhn. Andrew Wilhour. Peter Walter. Joseph Hilliard. Jaocb Kettir. Fredk. Miksh. Nicholas Duwalt. Robert Arnold. Michael Swarts. John Roup. John Sucker. Adam Juniper. Jacob Winner. John Daniels. George Fry. Michael Kouhlein. William Hulfish. John Jentry. Horatia Coffin. John Bauder. Peter Odenwalder. 4 Corpl. John Lawry. Private. William Walter. Jacob Cuplin. John Walter. Christian Medsker. William Raap. Christean Stocker. Michael Nauman. Jacoh Siglin. John Nogel. George Shoop. Jesse Siglin. John Hawk. George Felker. Peter Daniel. Henry Detrich. John Keller. Peter Shoop. Joseph Felker. Jacob Fushamer. John Putz. Andrew Rimel. Silvanus Strang. James Wismer. Burns Mantonie. Abram Gorden. Joseph W. Drake. Wm. Sayre. Jesse Lee. Peter Hawk. John Storm. Henry Wigs. George Ketts. Peter Andrew. Adam Arnold. Meliher Smith. Daniel Brevrier. John Prong. Abam Depew. John Strole. so MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. George Housser. Jacob Smith. Joshua Prim. Jacob Transue. John Kemrey. David Lee. John Bash. Samuel Pugh. Adam Ult. Peter Kleinlup. John Prichard. Peter Putz. Adam Dennist. Adam Kailor. John F^'ise. John P. M. Car 1 Sergt. Reduced Oct. 19, 1814 to a Private. Jesse Ransberry, Private, Deserted 8th Oct. 1814. Benjamin Price, Private, Deserted 8th Oct. 1814. Garret Broadhead, Private, Deserted 8th Oct. 1814. Stephen Beach, Private, Deserted 15th Oct. 1814. I do Certify on honour that this Muster Roll Exhibits a true State of the first Company in the first Detachment 2d Brigade of Pennsylvania Militia that the Remarks set opposite the Names are accurate & Just. ADAM HAWK, Capt. I believe the above to be a Correct muster or Pay Roll CHRISTN. J, HUTTER Lt. Colonel Command. I certify that the company Commanded by A. Hawk Capt. is in the 4th service of the United States under orders of the General Commanding Military District. H. SPIRING, Brig. Genl. Oct. 25, 1814. PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 81 X X og j 'aDiAJas JO uonBJHlxM -jas Sim JO JO 'a.TiA -jas JO juauiaoujiuuioo •l{urji lo" 1-i 1-5 si X. c c C C Jany. 4th, 1815 Jany. 4th, 1815 Jany. 4th, 1815 Jany. 4th, 1815 Jany. 4th, 1815 Jany. 4th, 1815 p c. w ?.? ■*-* 4- a c to V jr j: x: j: j: x ci ?j (?i (M n c I C. C. C. G C, C 0) (1) 4) > c .5 .S u 4-> o ■^ iH ll; :CCCCCC00TOCO0O«iO0 0CCOQOCOCOGC0CCCCO00GC0O si s: s: si si si si ^ si si si si si ^ ^ £ x" ^ ^ £ 5 5 £ ^ ^ 5 5 5 £ 5 ^ tg ■£ £ >,>>>>>>>>>,>,>.>.>,>>>> >l>.>i >->*>*>>>»>> CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC >-!>-5l-5'^•^|^t^l-3^-sl-3H5l-3l^l^l-3l-l-5l-;l-5l-;l-;l-5l-!l-:l-3l^l-5l-:^-5l-5l-3l^l-5l^ W W 03 03 W M W W W '/! tC K Ol W K a. EC CC ». K W K K K «j K M K K K K «. K CC t.£i;i.i;p.:-£s-c-t.t.t.c-^PHp-ci,£cu&-ccuP-eL.tfc(i. .5 i£ I-" >^ iS £ a* — u r ; § =^ iS S i = 9 J: .== csr a k. rt c 3 H c £: &. rt ^ c (- C S IS . 3 . 55 u c c ^. «-. S t3~CcE-52n X^S^K 3 d a .a c .r — i-» o .- c^^-!2 E ^ h Q I-! o: 1-5 1> t-i x: o 5 d — o d ^ P r IV v: c; O »-h' gdoic«coo>do0.o.oo >* X !E 3 C .a pM t. d ~ C *J>*'/:"J^^>:',™,l'Lr:i™i5uSi2»2t2lSH5 c^cdcdcdddrtcdc^cSdcdcdcicjcdd^cdc^rt oooo(y>c C; dcocicacjciacacflcjcj tC n! cil (S CO n X a' ro . ~ — ~ 3 Ci Bi " - S P .- y (i, >> a) a *^ js -s 5 : ^ 5i ■? -^- s si«^-|ss5^5ig £ £ »2 3 c w S "^'^^h^^ I? 1^ 0) •J c OP 86 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 3 tl< ftj= •sjuao •s;u90 •saBHoa 5 >. o •Abq "O 'O 'O 'U 'O c c c c c 5 5 S 5 S c _c c c c c c c c c 6 ^ s: -^ & 2 g £ g S 'O 'O t? 'O 'O c c c c c o o c o o (D Gj C; iD (1> C C C C C O O O O O •sil^uoH 1^- t" t— r-- r- CD CO CO ^^ CO CO CO ,-(r-4»-li-IOC500 CQ « K ^S g'fc E E g8 6g'c'oddd8HS-5§g ■^ lO ?£> t-- to PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 87 yay;y (M M W W OO QO CO OO 00 CO ' CM n W C I (?-J N I oooccccococoooooococco ococcoooocococooooooccoo M M C^ CI C O c S .hi >.« S •S •§ ? .s . s o S S !i^ .o £ S —

-:Ki-!l>E-i^» <» Q n ?i rr i:-5 -.D t- CO K p; ■^ 3 E S 65^x s§ ^ 88 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ID ■£ g 5 c 3 o E < o H •s;u30 •sa-Biioa o ■sjuao •sJBiioa Pay per months. •s;uao •saBiioa Term of ser- vice charged. ■^•BQ •sqiuoH n s ^;:J5^JJ?3?iJJJ:jyaS:iSJ I ' M C^ CM ooooooooooooooooooooooc* C^ CJ CJ CI C4 CJ CJ C-1 Cm c^i N C 5 * oo 00 oo ) • (M CI -: W (»l-s CO t^ OC 0-' O r-1 C-l Co •-1 >- PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 89 Sia jaa OQ 00 OO OO CO 00 oo ?S??SS2S?S2S?J2S2!5S!52®2^2S^ 'oooooooooooooooooooooo ^U£3<^cMcvi •c^OOOOOOOOO^bC>00«) 0000 -oooocoooogooaoooosoooo eo n _ ffi CL, >-K C Ph i . 5 >. . ^ ^ ■- u , ■e^ S oT 'XI t- oo OS o r-i Cvj eo M* W3 CO r-^ c« <^' ^ '"' ^' ^* '^ 1"* ^' t^ oo' ci o i-^' c^i «o«>cowt-t-t-t-t-t-t~t-St-ooooccoooooo»ocoooom5>c! l-J PU l-H *s c c £ K "- 3 a. Saml. Geo. Wm. Caleb 90 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Ah ■S1U90 C-. c, c., c^, ^, c-1 ri ot iM r 1 CI C, CI C. CI c, c^ 00 00 00 00 CM iM 5s M 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 -1 53 rt rt » w

  • h o rn w H u H > <1 cd w « m w H H Pi s cd o ;z; m O ^ S H < O -j ►, w H PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 93 a 3 -0 0) 1) a) Sii: -« X a> to jlj g S- g t^ 3j (A c4 ,C O ^ _0 3 ^ o o .!£ 3 C 3 in .- Q fa fa Q QQ §§ : : ; is : : gg' s o a, a, ; : ■ -d ■ : "d "ri d •.a, : ; c< c- 0- ig, ail ons 5ll -■ 5! C . Hav el L. Hand Park Philip Samu Cats John 1 Jame Char Math Theo John fe O « 2P 94 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. z M o Q >* w J W w H H <: < H J n W Z H P a; o H > h. r/: W w H u > Q w W w H ffi Z H D •4. fc Pi O H 1 >H ^ y. < tii Oi tf ^ w o ffi o z CO 1-i 00 04 ffi 1—1 3 <-> H C^ ffl Pi 1^ (i< 1-5 <3 ■z < X X § H o "-3 fc CO CM n P a ^ II4 S r/2 ^ fl> cd ctf ?d (t] Ri c4 ^3 ?'?'"'£'£•£'>___ '_ J T. x X o o o Ph ft, a< di Ch Oi a. eu cu c- s, ix cu ;i. S W « U! Sf § 1^ S Q •" ■= i 5i « ^ c c -3 5 a o " H 2 ft- 2 2 « .^- rt j: ^ 2 E o »= "J = « C3 "^ CIS e E C M E g c ■g = Ni^sIe^ j c i s = PAY ROLLS, 1812-14. 95 „ j= fj ■S o ^^ o« Q 4-> x: '^ o •rt s: t! X "^ o c c o> 2 S s: 3 ■a T3 "O 15 ^« K D n! oj cd •c o „ o £ £! J3 .2 3 c 3 o c o Id to Q h to « QO o o o o o GJ i3J 4J CJ QJ rt rt cd cC cj Oh 111 (Ih 111 f^ t» CG en CO en 01 <1> 0) O cti nj ?j ?j ^ *aj ffi oT c = ?^ r, w s ■Set; h ^ 3 £ o :i%^ == S Si a u S h ►^ U d ►3 S ►^ . hi 96 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PAY ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA COMMANDED BY CAPT. JOHN REA OF THE135 REGT. 16 DIVISION IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FROM THE MONTHS OF JULY 26TH 1813 TO AUGUST 3D 1813. 0) Amount of Pay. ^1 O Names. o at iA P ri 0) c C -c CS a; o M o K h fe Q c *John Ray, Capt., Isaac Gibson Lieut., Francis Scoott, Knsign, Jas. Waugh, Ser^t., Ouorge Pearson Serejt., Robert Marquis Sergt., Samuel McCreary Sergt., Wm. Reed Corpl., .\rchabald Thompson Corpl., Natlianiel Stanley Corpl., Samuel Marquis, Corpl., Jas. McCready, Private, Wm. Zover Private, Wm. Buchannon, Private, Wm. Hodge Private, Andrew Zoover Private, Jno. Watt Private, Wm. Painter Private, Robert Crocker | Private, Wm. Thompson I Private, tisaac Donnaldson, | Private, Thomas Mitchel, j Private, Robert Buchannon I Private, Jno. McCready | Private, Thomas Wilson | Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Jno. Teates, Robert Reed, Jas; Pettet Robert Moore Henry Nicholdes , Private, Thomas Pearson j Private, Charles Painter \ Private. Jno. Zoover | Private, Wm. Younge ' Private, Thomas Porter j Private, Wm. M. Thompson i Private. Christlen Flockmon i Privat-^. Wm. McCIung \ Piivate, Daniel Means, Private, Jas. Carpenter, Private, IS IS 15 IS 16 18 1.5 15 IS 15 15 18 15 IS 15 15 15 15 IS 18 18 IS IS IS IS IS IS 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 18 IS IS IS IS IS 40 21 W> 30 IS 00 20 10 00 12 7 20 IS 6 40 12 7 2o 12 6 00 11 5 50 11 « 60 11 5 50 11 5 50 10 6 00 10 5 00 10 6 00 10 5 00 10 5 00 10 5 00 10 5 tw 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 6 00 10 A 0 M " Rank. Names. 3. c > """ w .S o S o 5^ .^ CO 3 -3 "^ H y, Capt Lieut Knsigfn, . . 1st Sergt. 2nd Sergt 3rd Sergt. 4th Sergt. 1st Corpl. 2 Corpl.,. 3 Corpl.,. priv., Joseph Camp Joseph Lott llobt. Reyndels Henry Felton, Timothy Alworth , Daniel Cooley Henry Tayton Saml. Simons Nathaniel Semeral, William Slage Azariah Urton Wm. Stark John Shaw Josiah Welsh Jesse E. Potter Fred Miller Jacob Hale Isaac David Marshal Dixon John Rosaerone Jesse Elis Ransom Wetncy Josiah Wood Seth Henry Abram Lott Abraham Miller David Young Joseph B. Wheler, .. Elzekel Mowry, ^ Elisha Back Ebn. Lacy Geo. Hall Geo. Hewely Isaac Place, , Ira Reeney , Michael Smith Moses Overfield Paul White, Christopher Reynolds, Stephen Reynolds, ... Seth Dawn, Geo. Garner David Wall Christian Reynolds, .. days 1 day. 5 days, 3 days. 2 days, . Absent, 3 days Extra, no MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. LIST OF BACK RATIONS. THE AMOUNT AND TO WHOM DUE, WITH AMOUNT ANNEXED TO EACH NAME.— Con- tinued. Rank. S £ 0) it St5 rt^S Sot 3 7. t Aron Philips John G. Lecmeren, Silas Blanchor William Stanton, Sanson Wright, Samuel Nolcn William Robison, .. John Micleson Tomas Tayton Joseph Lutes James Evens Jesse Carney Thomas L. Grist, . . Cornelius Wootlcock Tomas Carney Daniel Whcelock, .. James Ilulse, John Muleson L'nd, Samuel Wilmone, .. William Frean Ferbes Lee Adam .Shafer Anderson Leofield, . Hulard Ilad.sell, ... John Eialden Josiah Rogers John Lee John Gadner Lewis Jones George Quick Elisha Cogswell, .. Asa Whitney I certify on honour that this is a true Return Nov. 11th, 1814. JOSEPH CAMP— Capt. RETURNS, 1812-14. CAPT. PHILIP FISHERS RETURN. Ill Sergeants. Abraham Shantz. Henry Fetzberger. Matheias Greenawalt. Henry Peiffer. Jacob March. Samuel Elliot John Huber Johnson. William Shertzer. James McCord. John Mokefee. Peter Garte. Jacob Thomas. John Shell. William Glenn. Conrad Gerhart. Peter Meyer. Christian Shoravely. John Gebhard. Philip Reinoehl. Jacob Dillier. Philip Waltz. John Fulmer. Jacob Goodhard. George Hess. John Huber. John Brucker. Nathaniel Koehler. Joseph Hartman, R. George Karch. David Hoffman. Philip Ellinger. Privates. John Hamelton. Sameul, Fogel, Rifle C. John Meyer. Henry Boyer, R. C. George Reinoehl. William Sherrer, R. C. Samuel Backly. Abraham Rowland. Christian Miller, Lin. Tobias Reinoehl, Lin. John McCloud. Second Class. Daniel Keller. Michael Spang. David Welsh, Reifle. William Hubly, R. C. Philip Huber, R. C. Philip Hornavius. Jacob Acho, Captain of R. Samuel McColloch, Lin. Samuel Mellinger, Lin. Jacob Reinoehl. Peter Marxs. Benjamin Haller, Lin. Samuel Shaeffer. Third Class. John Reinoehl, Lin. George* Gerhard, Lin. Ludwig Doebler, Lin. Andrew D. Hubly. Henry Doebler, Capt. Lin. 112 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. John Johnson, Lin. John Mellinger. Israel Uhler, Lm. Jasper Smith. Kedreck Fassenacht, Ens. Lin. Philip Embich. Martin Yensel, Lin. Christopher Reinoehl. Joseph McCool. ^ John Yaeger, Linfan. David Krause. .John Rowland. Fourth Class. John Ott. Jo:?eph Reinhard. John Helms. Enoch Ritler. Liulwig Gilbert. Paul Boger. Joseph Shree, R. ' John Herrison. Joseph Lantz. Adam Rice. Jacob Stoever. Jacob Shindel, Lin. James Marshal, Lin. Jacob Nagel. Michael Uhler, Lin. John Beam, lienry Rawn, Lin. FOR THE USE OF CAPT. GORDON A LIST OF THE MEN UNDER MARCHING ORDERS MARCH 2, 1814. Names. Adam Brown. Henry Unger. David Zahniser. David Boyd. Wm. King. George Glaze. Mathew King. John Fisher. Joseph Hoffman. John Ritter. Philip Washington, Mason. John Coons. John Kershner. James Hardy. John Graham. William Edwards. Frederick Stumbaugh. John McCawley. John Craig. Joseph Arthurs. John McNeal. Charles Porter Mills. Richard Cochel. William Harden. Michael Bohrer. Adam Rankin. Mordock Mitchel. John McConnel. Jacob Deemer. William Mahaffee. Alexr. McMullen. William Clark. Henry Weaver. John Davis. John Greenley. Joseph Tice. Philip Myers. Peter Myers. RETURNS, 1812-14. 113 William Surges, Peter Keffer. Mauney Tetrick. James Thompson. Juhu Redman. James Scott. Wm. Ring. Dan'l. Davis, Ag't. 1st Reg't. John Jeffery. RETURN OF CAPT. JOSEPH HALBERTS COMPANY OP VOLUNTEER INFANTRY BUSH HILL CANTONMENT SEPT. 16TH 1814. Capt. Joseph Halbert. Lieutenants. 1st Samuel Thompson. 2nd. James Alexander. Sergeants. 1st Thompson Brown. 2nd Alexander Brackenridge. 3rd James S. Craft. 4th John Cairns. Corporals. 1st Thomas Jones. 2nd David W. Hulings. 3rd Nicholas Ulerick. 4th Alexander Mahon. Agnes, Thomas. Allen, John. Alexander, John. Anderson, Joseph. Armor, James. Armstrong, James. Biggs, James. Bigham, Thomas. Blackiston, Samuel D. Blair, Andrew. 8— Vol. IX.— 6th Privates. Boon, James. Bobst, Michael. Breden, James. Brent, George. Brown, William. Brown, Robert. Bell, William. Cart, Jacob. Dickenson, Festus. Edwards, Joseph B. Ser. 114 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Faust, Jacob. Fetter, Jacob. Fisher, Danel. Foster, Crawford. Fought, Thomas. Frank, Danel. Gallaher, James, Sick Given, Joseph. Gorgas, Samuel. Grayson, George A. Hays, John. Herr, Henry. Hoffman, Jacob. Hunter, Joseph, Irwin, James. Irvine, "William. Kauffman, George. Keepers, Stephen. Keller, John. Laird, Francis. Laird, Robert. Leonard, Edward. Linton, John T. Ludlam, Benjamin. Madison, Robert. McClure, John. McGinnis, John. McKim, James. Miller, William. Minich, Peter. Mitchel, George. Eyler, Peter. Phillips, George. Ramsey, Samuel. Rovey, Charles. Rutledge, William. Searight, Alexander. Semple Joseph. Simison, Robert. Shrom, Joseph. Smith, George. Smith, John. Snyder, Jacob. Sponsler, Louis. Wheat on, Levi. Wilson, William. Walker, Duncan S. Wolf, Peter. Woods, James. Zolinger, George. RECAPITULATION. Commissd. officers 3 Non-com. officers 8 Privates 71 Musicians, 2 Total 84 A JUST AND TRUE RETURN OF ALL THE MEN IN THE 1ST. 2ND. 3D & 4TH CLASSES IN MY COMPANY. Captain. Adam Light 3rd. Lieut. Thomas Woodside. Ensign. John Mack. RETURNS, 1812-14. 115 Michael Shoop. Christian Shott. Johu Noll. Joseph Rush. first class. Abraham frank. Jesse Nauvinger. Daniel Flisher. George Forney. Dewalt Nauvinger. John Diddee. Michael Lenker. George Flisher. Second Class Ludwig Fowl. Henry Moyer. third Class. John osman. Frederick Shal'fner. Abraham Bixler. Fourth Class. Jacob Weaver John Nauvinger. John Wart, first Sergeant. John frank. Joseph Shoop. Given under my hand this 11th Day of August, 1814. RETURN OF THE VOLUNTEERS NOTIFIED BY CAPT. WM. McGUIRE TO APPEAR AT DANVILLE ON THE 14TH INST. Lieut. Thomas McCormick. Ensign. Samuel Allison. Hugh Donly. David Ried. John Shannon. Joseph McGuire. James Watson. Wm. Bryson. Wm. Scott. Jno. Hutchison. Wm. McKinney. Danl. Airs. Joseph Mackey. Samuel Clark. Robert Bryson. John McKinley. Andrew Reid. John Parks. 116 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. James McKinney. Mathew Corry. James A Scott. John Burrows. Wm. Davis. John Lunger. Ezekiel Lunger. John Tweed. Henry Reater. George Reeder. John Simmons. James Beard. Wm. Cathcart. John Staddon. John Smith. Wm. Vanlew. James Hamilton. Robert Riddle. James Bryson. David Graham. Robert Forster. James Donley. Henry Wolfinger. John Guffy. James Watt. Abraham Gross. John Watt. Samuel C. Stewart. James Kirk. George Gray. Joseph Welsh. John McKinney. John Murry. Kerr Russel. John Hart. Adam Hart. Carlton Irwin. Robert McCarter. Robert Gaston. John Vincent. Wm. Barnet, Thomas, Toner. Andrew Forster. Danl. More. Joseph Hutchison. James Riddle, george L. Conn. Wm. Parks. Wm. Beard. John Shaffer. Danl. Brewer. Isaac Harran, James Ellis. Thomas Taylor. Arthur Burrows. George McCoy. Joseph Oaks. Wm. Tinbrook. Frederick Heitzman. Phillip Whipple. Samuel Whipple. John Nowland. David Farley. A TRUE RETURN OF MY COMPANY FOUR THE DRAFTED OF THE MILITIA AUGUS THE 16, 1814. JOHN MUSSER Cap. Daniel Fournwald. Andrew Rapp. 6th Company. First Class. John Meismer. RETURNS. 1S12-14. Ill John Grove. Fredrig Longsdorf. John Ballem. George Geiss. David Mottay. George Bennedum. Samuel Mattay. George Noll. John Shultz. Philip Person. Rudolph Stoner. Joseph Rutter. Second Class. Jacob Wolf. Third Class. Wiliaui Stout. John Uly. MioUel Hatormau. Fourth Class. Peter Newman. Henrey Foltz. Jacob Noll. Christian Hertzler. John Savior. Samuel Dingier. A JUST AND TRUE RETURN OF THE THREE Cl^VSSES WHICH ARE CALLED OUT INTO ACTUAL SERVICE OF THE STH COMPANY IISTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVA- NIA MILITIA AS Iooo£ *^- be bi: b£ fc£ a "H. a H yja^oja-a-oooo- T-. Tl r5 -t- O rH (M (TC ss ■ o" ' • '** •*". ^" ^ Ti T" ..-: w w |^ Q i^ « o ^ a r fc .I- n Z^ M j: £ ~ j^' S ^ „ '^ S ^ c a o T" a '^ -^ u c o C s: . — ' c co 1-5 Q H, |S d^ 5^ lit! CO !> 90 ca o T-H 126 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. w ffi H h. O m (1) W 3 H a < "Xi > o O CU 1 Q Pi > o r/) < « J H <1 U u 1— I s u S Z >" iij D <1> <1> C^ UJ dJ dddddddoddddddooddddoddoddop ooccop rteSrtcdcadcSSca(flcicrtttfcScacdctfcOrtoj3o!ojnJo!rtcicSdcSoj5icdn! L. u u u u Li i> u t. L. ai^W he o s: 4) o O w l5 3 4) C m . - >. -= S S ^ o '^ s: K ~ S (i;^fc I- c s- c :3 „ ,- ^ s: o si " s: x: C " 1-1 1-^ ~ Q M >> > .• r*' M ■ ■ Q^ r^ 5 = ^ o -a to P 2 Q O M 128 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. & & h|x< fd'a'0'0'w'*:^i3'^'C'C'0'd'd'd'0'0''^'^'0'd'0'7:;'^ z^ 'J zj o a o o o o o oooooooo l-i ^ a.'iij(LiOj 1-5 3 rt (i< .5 o t. 5 c F = J2 w . cs £ 4., < Q < P, O 0, ht 0; a- CO 1-5 & o O 0> 9i A 130 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates o£ the Volunteer Company cald. N. L. W. Rifle Rangers Comd. by Lieut. Peter Deal as a part of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Divis- ion Pennsylvania Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the Preis'ident of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, as part of our additional pay allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under the act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Under command of Lieut. Col. Joel B. Sutherland 20 Nov. 1814. Serjeants. Russel T. Briggs. Hugh Gray. Dennis Dailey. John Millward. Corporals. William Cooper. Thomas Searls. Francis Rohman. George McKoy. Privates. John Myers. Peter Sheetz. John Sharp. Elicom Hillman. Edward McCUe. William Holland. John Coombs. Wm. I. Trotter. Benj. D. Jefferies. Wm. H. Wilson. Cyrus Gamble. Job Wilson. Lewis Dayton. Henry Moses. John McFate. John Meredith. Joseph Sutton. Joseph Heller. James Kelly. John Ruckstoll. Saml. Weasey. Reuben Jarman. Peter Ebert. David Swinney. Wm. Strattan. John Avis. Philip Steller. William Ray. - PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 131 John Cooper. George Wister. John Bullinger. Joseph Hutchinson. Henry H. Pote. James Fetters. Martin Painter. Jacob Sugar. Wm. Fullingabee. John Parker. Jolin Stevens. Henry Green. Peter House. William Turner. Antony Hoover. Abraham Hunter. David D. Camp. Francis King. Wm. Wunder. Osber Sutton. Abraham Baisly. John Hearboch. David Emrick. Jacob Hill, Jun. John Cooper. John G. Sharp. Conrod Smith. Saml. Rookstooh John H. Ayars. John M. Toy. Joseph Town. Jonathon Caster. Paul Hemrick. Isaac Porter. Zadich Tubbs. Alexr. Hopkins. George Vandegrif. Crispin Swift. Thomas Jurden. John Weyneman. John Sanson. Joseph Russell. Godfrey Adle. William Patton. James Matlock. Archibald Hamilton. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the (?) Company com'd by Lt. I. Dibblebriz Regiment of a part of the Militia of the State of Pennsylvania the services of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of -us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars in advance, as part of our additional pay allowed by act of assem- bly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814, Under com'd of Lt. Col. G. Weirick. November 10th. 1814 Sarjeants. 1st Samuel Auchmuty. 2nd John Colshir. 3rd Thomas Warner. 4fh Pptpr Hull 132 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Corporals. 1st Adam Kahn. 2nd John Martz. 3rd Thomas Snyder. 4th George Wyall. Privates. John Fry. Adam Gilger. Charles Hull. Daniel Hinkle. John Reicher. George Herner. Solomon Kreig. John Casuer. Conrad Casner. Lewis Ayres. Ellis Ayres. Fredk. Tyoy. Christopher Wentzel. George Waggoner. Arthur Rogers. Adam Smith. George Goodman. Arthur Achmuty. John Fagley. George Dork. John Leader. George Hirne. John Carus. M. Drumheller. Abm. Drumheller. John Kimble. Fredk. Kauble. Henry Daniel. Leonard Farster. George Sitz. Michael Read. Henry Kimble. Adam Slise. John Kesler. Michael Roboch. Jacob Foulk. M. Druchamiller. Peter Boyer. Conrad Roboch. John Kline. Henry Roboch. John Beisel. George Ritz. John Hirne. John Martin. John Lewis. Danl. Martin. Henry Huffman. John Person. Joseph Fox. Solomon Hammel. Solomon Moyer. John Holwig. Henry Geisse. Martin Griem. Saml. Bower. Levy Cocher. John Harter. Henry Fisher. Saml. Giesse. Leonard Read. George Litzel. Henry Hepner. Valentine Hanabach. Jno. Buckner, Robt. Farnsworth. H. Creasinger. Jere. Haught. Saml. Foy. John Fisher. Adam Tawney. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 133 Conrad Sawer. Elijah Shipman. Peter Heckert. J. Dongleberger. Peter Sawer. Peter Melig. Jacob Almond. Saml. Seasholtz. Joshua Heckert. Philip Hahn. Leonard Deiter. Willm. Randol. Michael Bower. Daniel Blottenberger. Danl. Snyder. John Klook. Danl. High. Fredk. Kehler. Ephraim Leth. October 20th. 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of the Volunteer Company called the Independent Frank- ford Riflemen, commd by Capt. J. Fesmyer as a part of (mu- tilated) 2nd Brigade, 1st Division Pennsylvania Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance as part of our additional pay allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Under the Commd. of Lieut. Col. Joel B. Sutherland. Sarjeants. Jeremiah Northrop. Samuel Rogers. Peter Wert. Jacob Smith. " Corporals. Joseph P. Shearer. John Rupert. Samuel Folkrod. Henry Leister. 134 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Saml. Pekey. Henry Rich. David Hunter. Hugh Evans. Jacob Barnet. Saml. Duffield. Caspar Conrad. William Enyard. Henry Young. David Barnet. Samuel Foster. Jacob List. Jacob Dingast. William Barrington. Jacob E. Henry Grubb. Bartholomew Mallane. Goufrey Slyhoof. Thomas Lear. Joseph Engle. John Grubb. Mathias Tallman. Lewis Price. JamesAres. Jacob Engle. John Shearer. John Snyder. Jonathan Davis. George Brail. James Miller. Abner Stapleton. David Leahy. Jacob Foster. Benjamin Collom. David Roner. Jessy Vanpoper. Jos. Strous. Francis Thomas. Privates. Thos. Glenn. Levi . andergrilt. Joseph Glenn. Joseph Brown. David Brien. Isaac Starn. Jacob Carson. Jonathan Saurman. Jonu Smith. William Starn. George Newkirk. Jacob Wright. John Simon. John Whartonbee. Powel Clift. Andrew E. Lear. John Watson. Wm. Fletcher. John Giberson. John Todd. Joseph Lear. Robert Barrett. John Liester. - Wm. Smith. John Gordon. Fredk. Slaugh. David Evans. Joseph Gilbert. Samuel Thomas. John Carter, deserted. Samuel Shitsllne. Martin Eger. George H. Riehl. Henry Davis. David Glen. Wm. Wilson. John Fesmyer, Jur. Peter Fesmyer. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. CAPT. JOHN FULMER'S COMPANY. 13.5 We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar, sixty seven cents, additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and pro- vided. 1 George Saylor, Q. M. Serg. 2 Henry Thompson, Serg. 3 Samuel Hart, Serg. 4 Jonan Houghf, Serg. 5 John Bowles, Serg. 6 William Roop. Corporal. 7 Richard Greening, Corporal 8 John Goodyear, Corporal. 9 Jacoh Brown, Corporal. Privates. 10 Samuel Penagar. 11 Benjamin Joyce. 12 William Davidson. 13 Conrad Cain: 14 Henry Mills. 15 Thomas Peckworth. IG John Birmingham. 17 William Roberts. 18 James Brant. 19 Edward McCullough. 20 Samuel Pearson. 21 Thomas McDurmand. 22 Gotleib Grose. 23 John Pipher. 24 Casper Ervin. 25 Edward Fincham. 26 Joseph Turner. 27 George Mills. 28 John Burns. 29 Dennis Cannon. 30 George Wentling. 31 Jacob Arms. 32 John Burdine. 33 Timothy Haris. 34 Lewis Tegmeyer. ■35 John Parent. 36 William Zebling. 37 John Powers. 38 Peter Gideon. 39 Peter Holladay. 40 Abraham Ford. 41 George Snyder. 42 German Name. 43 John Fisher. 44 John Mills. 45 John McLaughlin. 46 John Moore. 47 Henry Young. 48 George Hess. 49 Frederick Heyemen. 50 George Shields. 51 Abraham Smith. 52 Philip Shepperd. 53 Lewis Beck. 54 Peter A. Davis. 55 Ezra Evans. 56 Henry Gessner. 136 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 57 Jacob Sturck. 58 Adam Lake. 59 Peter Deroache. 60 David, Davis. 61 Job, Harvey. 62 George Myers. 63 John Higgins. 64 James Dory. 65 Jeremiah Hornketh. 66 William Goucher. 67 Caleb Thompson. 68 George Barthel. 69 John Root. TO Stephen Turner. 71 John Jones. 72 John Glover. 73 Nicholas Settle. 74 Frederick A. Bock. 75 Barney Smith. 76 Frederick Kline. 77 Wm. Louderback. 78 Jacob Riffert, omitd. in for- mer Muster Roll. 79 John Wilson. 80 John Lasal. CAPTAIN RUBEN GILDERS COMPANY. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the 2nd Company, 1st Brigade, Drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby asknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia the sum of Two Dollars & fifty three additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Names. 1 Thompson David. 2 Brock, John. 3 McGlathery, Mordicai. 4 Clarck, John. 5 Cox, Anthony. 6 Cline, Henry. 7 Brittingham, John. 8 Benjamin, Buckman. 9 Yammer, H. William. 10 Askins, John. 11 Askins, John. 12 Archer, Samuel. 13 Andrew George. 14 Burck, James. 15 Benjamin, Caleb. 16 Bochm, Joseph. 17 Bower, Jacob. 18 Baker, William. 19 Blanford, George. 20 Brown, John. 21 Brady, James. 22 Currien, John. 23 Cremer, George. 24 CarloR, Robert. 25 Crous, William. 26 Campbell P. James. 27 Cook Joseph. 28 Denny Jacob. 29 Denny, Dennis. 39 Dimond, John. 31 Elton, Thomas. 32 Francis, John. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 137 33 File, William. 34 Galaher, Patrick. 35 Gibyon, Alexander. 36 Gibson, Joseph. 37 Gilbert, Thomas. 38 Hawk, George. 39 Hamill, John. 40 Hardin, George. 41 Hill, Charles. 42 Hanna, Samuel. 43 Johnson, William. 44 Jones, Evan. 45 Jeffries, Richard. 46 Kinsley, George. 47 Keel, Ellis. 48 Kerlisle, William. 49 Knorr, Henry. 50 Kilter, Charles. 51 Longrue, S. Sidney. 52 Lippencott, C. William. 53 Livingston, James. 54 Lowler Uriah. 55 Marker George. 56 Mulhollin, John. 57 McEntee, Bernard. 58 Nichuals, Thamer. 59 Newman, John. 60 Nayl, Johp. 61 Post, Henry. 62 Pickens, Lewis. 63 Peck, Joseph. 64 Pettit, C. Amos. 65 Riley, Hugh. 66 Roberts, Joseph. 67 Reves, Lemuel. 68 Richman, Jacob. 69 Reese, Henry. 70 Reynolds, William. 71 Smith, John. 72 Shaffer, Joseph. 73 Stuart, Francis. 74 Taylor, Jeremiah. 75 Taney, Jacob. 76 Walmer, Philip. 77 Warnick, Daniel. 78 Warwick, Charles. October 24th. 1814. the Subscriber non-conimissou officers & Privets of the Fourteents companey Capt. Georg Hess, Jr. first Rifle Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the service of the United States under the Proclamation of the govener of the 27th of August 1814 Do each of us hereby acknowlidge to have re- ceived severally from Danil Bussier Paymaster of the Militia the sum of six Dollars in full for three month additional pay allowed by act of assembly the said sum of six DoUers Being paid to each of us by order of his Exsellency the Govener under act of assembly of February 22nd 1814 — under the Com- mand of Col. Thomas Humphreys. Officers. 1 Phillip Bohm, 1 Serjt. 2 Daniel Beaver, 2nd Serjt. 3 Christ Bachman. 3rd Serjt. 4 William Lynn, 4th Serjt., Sick, absent. 5 Wm. Lerch, 1st Corp. 6 Isaac Ecker, 2nd Corp. 138 MISCEIJLANEOUS PAPERS. 7 Geo. Ruch, 3rd Corp., Sick Absent. 8 John Heun, 4th Corp.. Sick in Hospital. 9 Jov5jph Wever, Mus. 10 Win. Hinkel, Mus. Privates. 11 Adam Brown, sick absent. 12 Michael Moser. 13 John Fteeman. 14 John Sherer, on Furlough. 15 Sam. Emry. 16 Jacob Backman. 17 Christ Lawbach. 18 John Sifert. 10 John Maun. 20 Henry liee. 21 Michael Sloyer. 22 John Knochel, sick absent. 23 Frederick Sighy. 24 John ohl. 25 Phillip Boil, sick absent. 26 John Leidy. 27 Wm. Long, sick absent. 28 Daniel Sloyer. 29 Abraham Rich. 30 Joseph Leidy. 31 Georg Dony. 32 Henry Rosmy. 33 John Mill. 34 Jacob Henn. 35 John Boil. 36 Peter Bever. 37 Thomas Miller. 38 Androw Emry, sick absent. 39 Geo. Wever. 40 John Klase(?) 41 Michael Bieecer. 42 Frederick Fogel. 43 Jacoh Clase. 44 John Bost. 45 Lenard Derr. 46 William Graham. 47 John Lynn. 48 Phillip ohl. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 139 CAPT. HOFFMAN'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Rifle Rangers Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814 and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ack- nowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, Pay- master of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and forty cents additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 1 Jesse Luplee, 1st Sergeant. 2 Samuel Smith, 2nd Sergeant. 3 Thomas Miller, 3rd Sergeant. 4 George Blunckly, 4th Sergeant. 5 John Ritter, 5th Sergeant. 6 John Furlong, 1st Corporal. 7 Amer Ramage, 2nd Corporal. 8 Andrew Salbsburg, 3rd Corporal. 9 John Hall. 10 John D^r. 11 Edward Heston, Buglar. 12 Frederick Gaul. 30 Joseph Rudolph. 13 James Brown. 31 John McConoghy. 14 Benjamin Lobb. 32 Jacob Guskill. 15 William Saunders. 33 Thomas Banfield. 16 Joshua Pearson. 34 Alexander Kid. 17 Francis Degorgue. 35 William Butler. 18 Herbert Fentons. 36 William Crawford. 19 John Fisher. 37 James Ray. 20 Benjamin Penegar. 38 William Hillyards. 21 Henry Brickley. 39 Philip Donohoner. 22 David Wright. 40 Garret Williamson. 23 David Rambo. 41 John Sturges. 24 Charles C. Carseley. 42 Jacob Stone. 25 James Lewis. 43 James Conner. 26 George Hughes. 44 Isaac Roberts. 27 William Rose. 45 Owen Jones. 28 Hugh Lewis. 46 James Logan. 29 Benjamin Smith. 47 William Hausel. 140 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 48 George Twiner. 58 Charles Donely. 49 Joseph Campbell. 59 John W. Eaton. 50 Reuben Rogers. CO Abraham Richardson. 51 George Wiles. 61 Joseph Hansell. 52 Henry Brame. 62 Jacob Hoffman. 53 William Delany. 63 John Davis. 54 Joseph McDermond. 64 Lewis Kuhn. 55 Peter Shrank. 65 George Fitzpatrick. 56 Henry Kline. 66 Samuel Baker. 57 Jacob Campbell. Philadelphia County Ss: And now September 28th, 1816, personally appeared Lydia Pearson, mother of Joshua Pearson, late a private in Captain Hoffman's Company of Riflemen, lately in the Service of the United States, who being duly afllrmed doth declare and say that the said Joshua Pearson departed this life on the seven- teenth day of November last past, and further saith that LYDIA (her [X] mark) PEARSON. Aflirmed & subscribed as above before me. D. M. ALMED, Justice peace CAPT. JOHN HOUSTON'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Volunteer Riflemen Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ack- nowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Pay- master of the Militia, the sum of one dollar & forty cents, additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Captain. John Houston. Sergeants. William Houston. Jacob Fisher. Reuben Holgate. Conard Nell. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 141 Q. M. Sergeant. Frederick Dutweiler. Corporals. Abraham Justin. Samuel Hinkle. John Roop. Charles Nice Junr. Peter Amaigh. Francis Anderson. Jacob Bechtel. George Bechtel. John Bicking. Joseph Bicking. Jacob Burnhetter. Henry Book. Henry Datz. John Dehaven. James Donoho. Henry Deatz. Michael Drace. George Freas. Jacob Freed. Benjamin Guyer. John Goodman. Abraham Holgate. Jacob Henry. Griffith Holgate. Abraham Hein. Martin Jacoby. John Kirper. Samuel Kibler. Charles Knouse. Frederick Kupp. John Lightcap. Michael Lightcap. Charles Livezey. Privates. 1^'rancis Mould. John Nice. Henry Nicholas. Samuel Ryland. John Rynick. Jacob Smith. Simon Sign. Peter Sassaman. John Sign. George Sign. William Streped. William Streeped. John Sassaman. John Stallman. Charles Shaffer. Adam Saunders. George Shingle. John Smith. Isaac Saunders. Jacob Sassaman. Andrew Shaffer. Philip Tyson. Samuel Tarter. Vv^illiam Tolan. John Unruh. George Wampole. Jacob Wyndolph. Frederick Fleming. 142 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. CAPT. HARTMAN KUHN'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of a company, 1st Brigade, Volunteer Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the Presidnt of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsquent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum^ affixed to our respective names additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. William Ker William Ij. Soontag, Jur Joseph H. McKean William Young, 4th Sergeani William Phillips j 5th Sergeant, Thomas C. Rockhill 1st Corporal, Edward D. Coxc, : 2nd Corporal, Peter F. Fontanges ; 3rd Corporal, Thomas Willing, Junr 4th Corporal, John C. Patton ' 5th Corporal, Joseph T. Clement Cth Corporal, Joseph D. Erode, Musician Jacob Adams Samuel H. AUvvard i Joseph Alman i Thomas Altemus Nathan Baker James J. Barclay, ; Samuel Barclay, j Robert C. Barnhill Peter Bertrund i .lacob Bickley William Billington j James Boggs Thomas Bond William Boyd I John Breban I Charles Brittin James Brown, John B. Budd Henry C. Carey, Henry Charles, . Peter Choupeau, John Christine, ., Henry Clark James II. Cole, . . George Collin, .. .Tolm M. Connelly, 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 53 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 20 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 20 67 67 67 67 60 67 13 20 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 14R CAPT. HARTMAN KUHN'S COMPANY— Continued. 39. Charles S. Coxe 40. John Curry 41. George Davis 42. Philibert Droz 43. John Ducker 44. Thomas Dunlap, 45. Edward Fox, Junr., .. 46. Jacob Frick, 47. Philip H. Friend 48. William Friend 49. Baldwin Gardiner 50. Edward Goodwin 51. Thomas F. Goodwin, .. 52. John K. Gravinstine, .53. Edmund Green 54. John S. Green, 5.5. Charles Grice 56. Samuel Grice, 57. Charles V. Ilagner 58. George Hagner 59. John S. Henry 60. Augustus Hildebrant, 61. William L. Hodge, ... 62. Thomas Hopkins, ... ^3. William Humes 64. Samuel Israel 65. Charles Kay, 66. Joseph L. Kay 67. John B. Keen 68. Joseph Keen, Jur., .. 69. Isaac P. Kennedy, ... 70. Samuel Kennedy 71. Gabriel Kerns, Junr., 72. Jacob C. Kline 73. Henry S. Kline 74. John Ligget 75. John Loughery 70. Alexander McAlpin. 77. John McClenachan. . 78. Benjamin Molineux, 79. Samuel Nevins 80. Stephen F. Nidilet. . 81. Abraham B. Nones, 82. William North S3. James B. Ogle 84. William Okie 85. James T>. Olds 86. James Page 87. Joseph Parham 88. Nicholas Parmantier, 89. John Pemberton, . . . 90. Nathaniel Pemberton. 91. John W. Peril Cts. 2 67 2 67 2 6? 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 46 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 ■ 67 9 67 2 67 2 67 2 33 2 67 2 ! 67 2 67 1 20 2 67 2 67 2 : 67 2 1 67 2 67 9 67 2 67 2 67 94 1 20 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 1 20 2 67 2 67 2 ! ^' 2 67 1 60 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 1 20 2 67 2 67 2 67 144 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. CAPT. HARTMAN KUHN'S COMPANY— Continued. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 9S. 99. 100. ICl. 102. 1C3. 104. 105. 106. 107. lOS. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. .loseph Pliillips William Pinchin Peler Pollin, Joseph Ray Joel Z. Reynolds, ... William Richardson, John Rink Wm. Riltenhouse, .. Joseph Robard Charles F. Roberts, Joseph Rogers, Junr. John Roset, Samuel Rush George Schively James Selby, Kendal Selby Robert H. Small, ... Lucien Soulie James B. Stiles John T. Sullivan George L. Tallman, John Topham Alexander Watt Joseph H. West Samuel P. Wetherill, Samuel Withington, George Worl William Worrell Andrew Wray Thomas Youns;, $154.98 $158.05. CAPT. JOSEPH McCOY'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Company 2nd Brigade, Volunteer Riflemen Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent there to, do each of us hereby acknow- ledge, to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, Pay- master of the Militia, the sum of one dollar and forty cts. additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Names. 1 Nathaniel Crowell, 1st Sergeant. 2 Thomas D. G rover, 2nd Sergeant. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 145 3 William Fench, 3d Sergeant. 4 William Lecture, 4th Sergeant. 5 William Cooper, 5tli Sergeant. 6 George Sheaffer, 1st Corporal. 7 Patrick Fury, 2nd Corporal. 8 Alexander Campbell, 3rd Corporal. 9 Charles Wood, 4th Corporal. 10 Jofeph Ailes, 5th Corporal. Privates. 11 William Abraham. 12 David Auld. 13 Thomas Black. 14 James Bell. 15 John Boyd. 16 Robert Bailey, deserted about Nov. 1st, 1814. 17 William Cook. 18 William Cope. 19 Charles Christison. 20 Joseph Connelly. 21 Alexander Donelly. 22 Alfred Devenport. 23 James Dumphy. 24 Robert Eumell. 25 John Fury. 26 Daniel German. 27 Job Green. 28 Edward Gary. 29 John Hill. 30 John Hopkins. 31 Moses Hale. 32 Warwick Hale. 33 James Hood. 34 John Hunterson. 35 Joseph Hassell. 36 George Hurley. 37 John Hawkins. 38 Richard Hoffnor. 39 William Johnston. 40 David Jones. 41 Henry Johnston. 42 Thomas Johns. 43 David Keller. 44 Thomas Keho. 10— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 146 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 45 William King. 46 Joseph Lyons. 47 Caleb Lomax. 48 Oliver Lockwood. 49 Charles Lawrence. 50 John McFiely. 51 William McComl. 52 Patrick Hughes. 53 John McClemens, tleserted in Nov. 1814. 54 Daniel McCarly. 55 Andrew McCalla. 56 John McFerren. 57 John Marker. 58 C. E. Marseles. 59 Bernard McNeely. 60 Daniel North, Deserted November 1814. 61 William Nailer. 62 Henry O'Donnell. 63 Joseph M. Pile. 64 John Pister. 65 Semuel Painter, appointed Q. M. 66 John Rhoads. 67 Walter Ross. 68 George Rivell. 69 Thomas Richards. 70 James Singleton. 71 Hugh Sweeney. 72 Tunis Stagg. 73 George Shedd. 74 Joseph L. Shaffer. 75 Arthur Toole. 76 Joseph Thomas. 77 David Tittermerry. 78 Hezekiah Vezag, 79 John Wiler. 80 Petitt Wiggins. 81 Caleb Whitehead. 82 James Weldon. 83 Samuel White. 84 Charles Wilman. 85 Thomas P. Allen. 86 Thomas Tniet. 87 Thomas Linnard. 88 Thomas Grady. PAY MASTER. 1812-14. 147 89 George Young 90 Samuel Irwin. 91 John Hasser. 92 John Hill, Bugler. 93 George Biddle, Waiter. CAPT. HENRY MEYERS COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of a Company, 1st Brigade, Volunteer Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814. and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of one dollar additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 1. AmlVew Geyer, 1st Sergeant. 2. George Benners, 2nd Sergeant. 3. George Richards, 3rd Sergeant. 4. George Harman, 4th Sergeant. 5. Jacob Heyberger, 5th Sergeant. 6. William Dungan, 1st Corporal. 7. Joseph S. Colloday, 2nd Corporal. 8. Peter C. Myers, 3rd Corporal. 9. Thomas Worn, 4th Corporal. 10. Thomas M. Rush, 5th Corporal. 11. Jacob Burkert, 6th Corporal. Privates. 12. Nicholas Andrews. 13. Ezekiah Buzby. 14. Jacob Burrows. 15. Henry Benners. 16. Tobias Bealer. 17. William Bruce. 18. Peter Bartleson. 19. John Buck. 20. John Brock, Junr. 21. Stacy B. Barcroft. 22. Isaac Barnes. 148 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 23. Joseph Bartholomew. 24. Charles Bicknell. 25. John Barry, 26. George W. Brackenridge. 27. John Boyer. 28. Wm. Colladay. 29. James Cooper. SO. Walter A. Correy, Died Novr. 6, 1814. 31. Joshua Comly. 32. Thomas Christian. 33. David W. Clark. 34. Jacob Clymer. 35. Sallows Dunlap. 36. Jona. Everitt. 37. William Gravestine. 38. Theodore Gillies. 39. John Garrison. 40. Robert Gardner. 41. Jacoh H. Gardner. 42. Christian Gobright. 43. Courter Goodwin. 44. James Hansell. 45. Henry Hollenbush. 46. Peter Hartzog. 47. John Hause. 48. Joseph Hill. 49. Jacob J. Harman. 50. John Hamilton. "1. Henry Houpt. 52. John Hollahan. 53. Nathan Jackawey. iS4. John Kcokagy. :' 1. Joseph King. 56. Joseph Keyser. 57. Isaiah Ktusht. Dlc-d Nov. Hh 1814 58. William D. Kennedy. "0. Fr->viel ilermblc 60. John Kreider. n. PeiQv Londc-rback. 62. Peter Link. 63. John Link. 64. .John La sky. 65. Mordecai Lyons. 66. Joseph A. McClintcck. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 149 67. George G. Meyers. ttbi. Smith MilLs. 69. John Murphey. 70. John Mingle. 71. John Morris. 72. Hugh S. Maghee. 73. Elijah Mitchell. 74. Daniel McDowell. 75. Joseph G. Noxen. 76. Daniel Newman. 77. Owen Owens. 78. Samuel Peterson. 79. John Pollock. 80. Isaacher Price. 81. Robert Parham. 82. Wm. Pool. 83. Henry H. Pennell. 84. McKinney Porter, Absent without leave. 85. Joseph Reiley. 86. Alexander Reid. • 87. John Rush. 88. Philip Riebson. 89. Israel Roberts. 90. Peter Snyder. 91. Samuel H. Sagers. 92. George Stout. 93. Wilham Skinner. 91 Caleb Shinn. 95. Lawrence Shuster. 96. Isaac Shunk. 97. Joseph Smith. 98. Jacob Smith. 99 Joshua C. Seekel. 100. Joseph Strock. 101. Isaac Shingle. (Note the original Muster Roll it is Jacob Shintle.) 102. Peter Saunders. 103. Thomas M. Stranger. 104. Jacob Slahter. 105. Thomas Thompson. 106. William Van Stoverin. 107. John A. Wilstack. 108. Wm. Weiss. 109. Richafn L. West. 150 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 110. John Warnock. 111. Joseph Yeager. 112. Jerh. Scanlin, Drummer. 113. J. L. Benner, Fifer & Deserted. We the undersigners members of the Union Rifle Volunteers from Union County Pennsylvania commanded by Capt. Ner. Middlesworth attached to the Rife Battalion commanded by Capt. John Uhle in the Light Brigade commanded by Brig. Genl. Thomas Cadwalader do hereby confees & acknowledge that each of us haA'e had and received of & from Daniel Busser pay-master Pennsa. Legally authorized to pay the same six dol- lars it being" extra pay agreeable to the act of assembly in such case made & provided. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands at Camp Dupont October 29th, 1814. Witness present at signing Cept. U. Volunteer. Ner Middlesworth. Ensign. Daniel Devore. Non C. Officers. Sergt. first Jacob Fryer. 2nd Daniel Weiser. 3rd Frederick Stees, Jun. 4th George weikel. Corpls. 1st Abraham Fredrick. 2nd Daniel Layer. 3rd Jacob Long. 4th Albright Swineford. Privates. 1 George Moyer. 4 Jacob Millard. 2 Jacob Gilbrot. 5 Peter Loehr. 3 John Wales. 6 Jacob Beitler. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 151 7 James Smith. 8 Ludwick Freadley. 9 Samuel Baier. 10 Melchor Hock. 11 Heinrich Kreutcer. 12 Jacob Frob. 13 Jacob Gill. 14 Joseph Loehr. 15 Jacob Droecksel. 16 Henry Dreese. 17 henry Sheneb. 18 Heinrich Herich. 19 John Kuhns. 20 Daniel Bowersor. 21 Jacob moyer. 22 George Wiant 23 Samuel martz. 24 george Clemence. 25 abraham Shuli. 26 Asher Ely. 27 John Bird. 28 Daniel Miller. 29 Izrael Thirster. 30 Robert gilmore. 31 Henry W. Carrol. 32 Elias Campbells. 33 John Mitchel. 34 John Slaky. 35 John Katherman. 8 non commissioned offecers, 43. $258 CAPT. JOHN R. MIFFLIN'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non commissioned officers and privates, of a Company, 1st Brigade Volunteer Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ack- nowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Pay- master of the Militia, the sum affixed to our respective names addilional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Names. Dolls cts 1. John Milner. Jr., 2 60 2. Thomas Davis, 2 60 3. Charles Carpenter 2 60 4. John P. Moore, 2 60 5. George Nice, 2 60 6. William B. Emerick, 2 60 7. Charles B. Reese 2 60 8. George Bedwell, 2 60 152 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Names. Dolls cts 9. William Revondt, 2 60 10. Charles J. Cox, 2 60 11. David P. Benson, 2 60 12. John Christie, 2 60 13. Robert Christie, 2 60 14. George Able, 2 60 15. Edwin Anderson, 2 60 16. Richard Allen, 2 60 17. Alexander Austin, 2 60 18. Isaac Ashmead, 2 60 19. William Burger 2 60 20. Valentine Burkhart 2 60 21. Adam L. Burkhart, 2 60 22. Thomas Breintnall, 2 60 23. Peter Burkhart, 2 60 24. John C. Bryant 2 60 25. B. B. Bringhurst, 2 60 26. Cophias G. Childs, 2 60 27. Wm. Christie, 2 60 28. John R. Cox, 2 'BO 29. Thomas W. Carson, 2 60 30. William Cotton, 2 60 31. John Capp 2 60 32. George B. Clinton, 2 60 33. Ephraim Campbell, 2 60 34. John Clause, 2 60 35. William Coudon, 2 60 36. Jacob Catz, 2 60 37. C. C. Chevalier, 2 60 38. Robert Campbell, 2 60 39. Edward Clayton, 2 60 40. Thomas Christine, 2 60 41. George Deliker, 2 60 42. John H. Duncan, 2 60 43. Andrew Donnaldson, 2 60 44. John Durborrow, 2 60 45. Holstein De Haven 2 6lj 46. Anthony Eldridge, 2 60 47. Israel Elliott, 2 60 48. Thorns W. Ewing, 2 60 49. David Earnest, 2 60 50. Anthony Freed, 2 60 51. Thomas Folwell, 2 60 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. ^53 ^- Dolls cts Names. 52. John Frees, " 53. William Gordon, ^ ^^ 54. Samuel N. Gray, ^ ^|J 55. William Graham, 2 fiO 56. Henry Grine, ^ "" 57. George Goodman, 58. Thomas D. German, 2 60 59. Nicholas Hartley ^ ^^ 60. John Hicks, ^ ^^ 61. Thomas Hill, ^ ^° 62. George W. Hockley, 2 60 9 fiO 63. John Harper, 64. William Hay, ^ ^^ 65. Frederick Hailer, 2 60 66. Robert Huckel ^ ^^ 67. James Hutton, ^ ^^ 68. Andrew Humphries, ^ ^^ 09. Samuel Jobson, ^ 60 70. Tench C. Kentzing ^ ^^ 71. Harbeson Kentzing ^ ^^ 72. James C. Keen, ^ 60 12. Joseph B. Kempton, 2 60 74. Joseph Keyser, 2 60 75. William L. Lees, ^ ^'^ 76. Henry Lesh, ^ ^^ 77. David Lauk, ^ ^^ 78. William Major, ^ ^^ 79. John Metzker, ^ ^^ 80. J. J. Mahany, 2 60 81. Lemuel Mifflin 2 60 82. James Morrell, ^ ^^ 83. Wm. McMullin 2 60 84. Ephraim Mills 2 60 85. William Newell 2 60 86. Washington Nice 2 60 87. James L. Orr, 2 60 88. Henry Porter ^ 60 89. James D. Pratt, 2 60 90. John C. Pinkerton 2 60 91. Benjamin Phillips, 2 60 92. Peter M. Potter, .: 2 ^"^ 93. Robert Rogers, 2 60 94. James Robbins, 2 60 95. Benjamin Robbins 2 6® 154 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Names. Dolls cts. 96. William L. Smith, 2 60 97. Charles Service, 2 60 98. John Shreeves, 2 60 99. Adam Sybert, 2 60 100. Robert Scott, ., . 2 60 101. C. Stager, 2 60 102. Joseph M. Turner, 2 60 103. James Thompson, 2 60 104. Joseph Thornton, ^ 2 60 105. James C. Thomas, 2 60 106. Thomas Tustain 2 60 107. Edward Turner 2 60 - 108. J. C. Thompson, 2 60 109. William L. Wager 2 . 60 110. Joseph Witaker, 2 60 111. William Wright 2 60 112. Thomas Wilson, 2 60 113. John Webb, 2 60 114. Benjamin Whiteman 2 60 115. John R. Wuckerrer, 2 60 116. Joseph Wetherstine, 2 60 117. Joseph H. Wittberger, 2 60 118. James Watson 2 60 119. Isaac Witteburger 2 60 120. William Strickland 2 60 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 15f WE, THE SUBSCRIBERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF CAPT. THOMAS F. PLEASANTS COMPANY, 1ST BRIGADE PENNSYLVANIA VOLUN- TEERS MILITIA OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, LATELY IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, UNDER THE REQUISITION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE 4TH OF JULY, 1814, AND SUBSEQUENT THERETO, DO EACH OF US HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE, TO HAVE RE- CEIVED SEVERALLY FROM DANIEL BU9SIER, PAY- MASTER OF THE MILITIA, THE SUM AFFIXED TO OUR RESPECTIVE NAMES, ADDITIONAL PAY ALLOWED BY ACT OF ASSEMBLY IN SUCH CASE MADE AND PRO- VIDED. John B. Dickinson, ., Samuel B. Harrison, John L. Howell, .... Samuel L. Shaber, . . Thomas S-yurhawk. Joseph Burn, Jr., .. William Smith George Willig, George W. Richards, John G. Williamson, Jacoli Alter Andrew Armstrong, . James C. Biddle, ... Thomas Bell Daniel D. Bicknell, . John P. Bankson, ... William Blackwood, •John Carrell, Jr., .. David C. Claypoole, . James Claypoole Jacob Clement, William L. Coxo, ... Robert Catherwood, James Carson William C. Caldwell, Paul Durney, Richard Dab Wm. H. Dillingham, Thomas Darrach, ... Jacob Erringer Rhoads Fisher John I. Griffith Charles Govett Robert Govett William Gullager. . . Elmslie Garrigues, . James Garrigues, . , paid In full. paid in full. 156 MISCELl^NEOUS PAPERS. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF CAPT. THOMAS F. PLEASANTS COMPANY.— CONTINUED. James Glentworth Jonathan Guest, James H. Hopkins John Hopkins, Jr. John H. Hampton, John H. Houston, Thomas M. Hopkinson Francis Hopkinson, William Hawkins, Samuel Hildeburn, Charles Haverstick Edward P. Jones, Joseph Israel, Thomas Lake, David Lapsley Joseph P. McCorkle. Thomas A. Marshall Ralph Medintock. Renjamin Mitchell William Mills Samuel P. Montgomery, James Montgomery, Charles J. Monigault William McSparran, William Musser, John W. Peter, William Philpot, Joseph R. Purden A. G. Richards, Allen Roberts, Andrew Ramsey, William Ramsey, Joseph Rush, George Russell Marshall B. Spring, Washington Stewart, Charles Snowden William Smith John R. Shubert Levi Taylor Robert B. Taylor, Benjamin A. Thompson John Todd William Thackara, Edward C. Watmaugh John F. Wells, Joseph Wasson, ■U'illiam Warrance John Weaver, C. Wurtz PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 157 We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Rifle Company Comd. by Capt. Ravlin as a part of the Regiment under the care of Col. Humphrey Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and sub- sequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, as part of our addi- tional pay allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Elijah Elwell. William Tunis. John Magee. Jno. Vaughan. Geo. Sedenger. Simon Litzenberg. William Smith. Willm. Sedenger. Geo. Rommer. Henry Fritz. Wilmi. Young. Joel Carpenter. John Wills. John Grant. John Grim. Wilm. Holfman. Wilm. Smith. Wilm. Hurley. Captain. Ravlin. Privates. John Sedenger. Saml. Hellyln. Jona. Robeson. John Colyan. Maurice Williamson. John Jone. Thomas Dougherty. James Holten. John Stillwagon. .John Jarrett. David Oolflesh. James Murfey. Wilm. Hown. G. Turlenden. Wilm. Hurst. Charles Fayer. Christopher Lentz. November 24th, 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the fourth Company, first Regiment of Volunteer Riflemen of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States under the proclamation of the Governor the 13th of 158 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. August 1814, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the militia, the sum of six dollars, in full of our additional pay allowed by act of Assembly the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Captain. James Robinson. Serjeants. 1st Samuel Ladd. 2nd John Boggs. 3rd Samuel Maires. 4th George McClelland. Corporals. 1st Andrew Kittler. 2nd Philip Koplin. 3rd John Hamer. 4th Abrm. Gregory. Charles Vandike. Francis Mather. Jesse Zane. R'jbert Carr. John Brough. John Hesson. Henry Dewees. Peter Razor. Nathan Sturgis. John Keesey. David Keesey. William Teany. Abraham Jones. I.t'vi Williams. David Daniels. William Kidd. Saml. Keyser. Frederick Nuss. Joseph Tyson. Privates. William Keesey. Peter Betson. Philip Peters. Joseph Beard. John Beard. Joseph McClellan. John Hiltner. John Porter. Wm. Crawford. Saml. Gilkey. Wm. Griffith. Wm. Hiltner. Nathan McCalla. Michael Byrne. Henry Katz. Jeremiah Fogerty. Thos. Cleaver. John O'Neill. John Llewellyn. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 159 John Reed. Jacob Keesey. Peter Streeper. George Painter. Zachariah Davis. Frederick Clare. John Stroud. John Fisher. Wm. Mather. John Goldy. David Schrack. William Bean. John Saylor. John Walker. Edwd. McNabb. John Neal. David Rees. Ralph Walker. Thos. Whiteman. Isaac Tyson. Israel Jones. John Kinsey. Hezekiah Newcomb. Aaron Razer. Jonathan Moore. Abraham Tyson. Isaac Milner. Arthur Curren. Francis Hughes. Jesse Keesey. Mathew Neilly. John Miller. Geo. Foster. Levi Roberts. Jacob Zieber. Conrad Leidy. Philip Leidy. John Gonrad. Jacob Walker. John Royer. Wm. Kitler. John Hippie. John Boggs. John Van Fossen. Benj. Thompson. John Mitchel. Zopher Smith. Nathan F. Zane. John Boyer. Jacob Dewees. The undersigned Members of the Selinsgrove Rifle Volun- teers from Union County, Pennsylvania, Commanded by Lieut. Jacob Rhoad Attached to the stifle Battn. Commanded by Capt. John Whler in the Light Brigade Commanded by Brig. Genl. Thomas Cadwallader. I do hereby confess and acknowledge that each of us have had and received of & from Danl. Bussier paymaster legally authorized to pay the same Six dollars it being the E-xtra pay agreeable to the act of Assembly in Such Case made and provided. In Witness hereof we have hereunto set our hands at Camp Dupont, October 29th, 1814. Witness Present. Sergents. Mathias tomborough, First. Jacob Sehriner, Second. Isaac Harlan, Third. Philip Gruber, Fourth. 160 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Corporals. John Hauseman, Fiist. Daniel Lebo, Second. William S. Bearing, Third. Conrod Stees, Fourth. First Lieutenant. Jacob Rhoad. Second Lieutenant. A. C. Selin. 9 Henry Hibbish. 10 Henry bluin. 11 Heinrich Hultz. 12 Heinrich Kieffer. 13 Heinrich Ulrich. 14 John Miller. 15 John Filman. 16 Johaimes Goal. 17 Johames Ulrich. 18 John Rheim. 19 John Resthater. 20 James Mayes. 21 James Harlin. 22 David Fisher. 23 George Hawks. 24 George Bottorff. 25 George Beigle. 26 George Weiser. 2-7 Benjamin Ulrich. 28 Samuel Harslet. 29 Solomon Coldron. 30 John S. Maus. 31 John Essig. Capt. Snyder. 53 men. 6 318 Collars Privates. 32 William Steele. 33 William gaugler. 34 Johannes Sasamon. 35 Peater Arnold. 36 Isaac Robison. 37 Jacob Strayer. 38 Jacob Varande. 39 Jacob Wallower. 40 Peter Sehlotter beck. 41 Ben Shiftman. 42 William minner. 43 Thomas Silverum. 44 Pacel Leke. 45 John Rupp. 46 Christian Wise. 47 Joseph Lambert. 48 Samuel Holy. 49 Valentine Hair. 50 Thomas Thursby. 51 Samuel Gemberling. 52 James Vandyke. 53 Carl Andy. No. 61. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 161 CAPT. JOHN SCWEPPENHEISER COMPANY. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the 6th Company, 2nd Brigade Drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814 and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ack- nowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and seventy three cents additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Sergeants. 1st John Weiser. 2nd John Shafer, Junr. 3rd Henry Smith. 4th William Derick. 5th Mathias Slemmer. Corporals. 1st George Miller. 2nd Benjamin Dubois. 3rd Nathan Stetch. 4th George Shane. Privates. 10 Samuel Crummel. 28 Benjamin Garrison. 11 Benjamin Brown. 29 George Goldsmith. 12 Nicholas Boyer. 30 Valentine Center. 13 William Baker. 31 Henry Graff. 14 John Brumm. 32 John Hickey. 15 William Bunting. 33 Jacob Hummel 16 James Brown. 34 William Hines. 17 Christian Bauckman. 35 Alexander Harris. 18 Solomon Bruner. 36 Conrad Hinkle. 19 John Crossdill. 37 George Hoe, Deserted 6th 20 Benjamin Comly. Novr. 21 John Coleman. 38 Jacob Hance. 22 John Commerlo. 39 George Harrison. 23 John Danely. 40 Saniurl Ilubbert. 24 Jacob Emery, Discharged 41 Jacob Irving. 31st Octr. by order of the 42 William Jones. Doctor. 43 Andrew Kennedy. 25 Jacob Frick. 44 Michael Krull. 26 Joseph Gladding. 45 John Knapp. 27 Nicholas Genter. 46 George Lee. 11— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 162 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 47 John Lindsey. 48 Christian Lisley. 49 Andrew McMahow. 50 James Maine. 51 John Miller. 52 Christian Mingle. 53 Simon Millich. 54 George Miers. 55 Nathaniel McGronogal. 56 John M. Waber. 57 Henry Newman. 58 John O'Coner. 59 Adam Painter. 60 Charles Pember. 61 Isaac Richmond. 62 Daniel Roberts. 63 John Ross. 64 Benjamin Robison. 65 Henry Schockan. 63 Adam Shafer. 67 Frederick Senterling. 68 Andrew Snell. 69 Philip Schweppenheiser, Drummer. 70 John Schafer. 71 John Samson. 72 Abraham Smith. 73 Jacob Shafer. 74 Stephen F. Wood. 75 Lemuel Taylor. 76 Hugh White. . 77 John Wipert. 78 Adam Walters. 79 Alexander Weaver. 80 Henry Wilt. 81 John Williams. 82 Jessy Wible. 83 Henry W. Hull. 84 Andrew Young. 85 Jacob Zigler. 86 George Rusk. 87 William Etinger. 88 Thomas Young. ho John Thorn. November 24, 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Sixteenth Company Com'd. by Captn. Sensenderfer Regiment of Vollenteer Riflemen of the State of Pennsyl- vania, in the service of the United States, under the Proc- lamation of the Governor of the 27th of August 1814, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Busier paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in full of our additional pay,, for the three months from the 20lh September to the 19th December 1S14, allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under the act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Under the Com'd. of CI. Thomas Humphrey. Sergeants. 1 Jacob Smith, Sick on Absance. 2 Deiter Bucher. 3 Danl. Smith. 4 George Smith, Sick Absance. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 163 Corporals. 1 Danl. Stitzer. 2 Jacob Susaman, Sick Absance. \ 3 John Gilbert. 4 Matthias Gilbert, Sick Absance. Privates. 9 George Smith, Sick Ab- 23 Markz Yerger, Sick Absance. sance. 24 Peter Decker. 10 John Yergy. 25 Isaac Yerger. 11 Jacob Gilbert. 26 John Kepner. 12 Peter Heepst. 27 Lewis Linsenbigler. 13 John Winch, Sick Absance. 28 Danl. Swinehard. 14 H. Linsenbigler. 29 David Swinehard. 15 Jacob Reifsnider. 30 Math. Yorgy. 10 Conrad Drieze. 31 Conrad Regner. 17 George Dengler. 32 Conrad Wise. 18 Anthony Gilbert. 33 Peter Hauberger. 19 John Yeiger. 34 S. Beydenman. 20 John Deaker. 35 John Fredrick, Sick Absance. 21 John Drase. 36 Michl. Kortz. 22 John Herpst. 37 John Erb. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of Capt. James Serrills Company, 1st Bigade, Volunteer In- fantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania lately in the ser- vice of the United Stales under the requisition of the Presi- dent of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One Dollar additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Captain. James Serrill's. Names. John B. Pearson. David Rose, Jr. Richard R. Jones. Joseph Oakford. 164 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Henry Wood. Joseph Shalleross. Andrew Urian. John C. Farrell. Robert Holmes. James Warner. Thomas Ash. Thomas P. Ash. Charles Atmore. Charles Bonsall. Enoch Bonsall. Reuben Bonsall. Evan Bonsall. Jonathan Bonsall. Joshua Bonsall. Samuel Bonsall, Jr. Samuel Bonsall. Thomas Bonsall. David Bonsall. Samuel Bunting. John Brown. Isaac Brooks. William Cox. Robert Clark. John Dobbins. Jacob Duey. Andrew Enberg. Thomas Fleming. William Fines. John Fraser. William Glover. Charles Gibson. William Humphrey. William Helms. Aaron Helms. Cadwallader Helms. Clement Hance. Jofceph Hooper. Nathan Hayes. John Hahn, Junr. George W. Johnson. William Jones. William Kinsey. John Luskin. Peter Long. Thomas J. Martin. Mathew McNulty. Miles McSweeny. William McCormick. John McClain. John McCleester. John Myers. George Myers. Cornelius Mackey. Thomas Merrion. John McGilton. Daniel McGinley. Andrew Noblit. Edward Ormsby. Jesse W. Paschall. Samuel Palmer. Philip Painter. Jonathan Quicksall. John Rively, Junr. Andrew Rively. Lewis B. Stanart. John Stroop. Daniel Smith. Marshall Siddens. John Shaw. Davis Smith. Clement Smith. David Smart. John Statton. Casper TVites. John Wetherell. George Williamson. Moses Wells, Junr. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. CAPT. WILLIAM I. TROTTER'S COMPANY. 165 We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the 3rd Company 2nd Brigade, Riflemen Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ack- nowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of one dollar & fifty three cents. additional pay allowed by Act of Assembly in cuch case made and provided. Captain. William I. Trotter. Sergeants. Russel T. Brigs, 1st. Hugh Gray, 2nd. William H. Wilson, 3rd. Benjamin D. Jefferis, 4th. Q. M. Sergeant. Cyrus Gamble. Corporals. William Cooper, 1st. Zediac Tubbs, 2nd. John M. Toy, 3rd. James Matlock, 4th. Bugler. John Ayres. Privates. Jonathan Caster. Dennis Dayley. Lewis Daten. Peter Ebert. David Emeriek. James Fetters. William Fullingsby. Henry Green. John Avis. John Bullenger. Godfrey Adle. Abraham Baisly. John Combs. John Cooper. David Decamp. .lohn Kucer. 166 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Elikum Hilman. William Holland. Joseph Heller. Joseph Hutchinson. Peter House. Jacob Hill, Paul Homerick. Alexander Hopkins. Anthony Hoover. Abraham Hunter. Archibald Hamilton. Thomas Jordan, licubeu Jerman. James Kelly. Francis King. John Kerbough. John Mayers. Edward McCa. John Milward. Henry Moses. Jehu Meredith. George McKoy. John McFate. Martin Painter. Henry Pote. John Parker. Isaac Porter. William Fatten. John Rookstool. William Ray. Samuel Rookstool. Joseph Russell. Francis Roman. John Samson. Thomas Surles. Conrad Smith. John G. Sharp. Ozwin Sutton. John Stevens. Jacob Suker. Philip Stutler. William Stratton. David Sweany. Joseph Sutton. John Sharp, Jun. Peter Sheets. William Tlirner. Joseph Town. George Vandergrief. Job Wilson. Samuel Wasey. George Wister. William Woomer. John Winemore. Chri^pin Swift. The following was attached to the Muster Roll. This certifies whom it may concern. That Mr. Silas Gamble and Miss Mary Havens. .. .both of Philada. Pennsa. were united in marriage at Philadelphia on Saturday. .. .the twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. By me, JOHN P. PECKWORTH V. D. M. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 167 1st. Division, 1st. Brigade. We the undersigned members of the Independent Rifle Company of the City and County of Phila. Comanded by Capt. Uhle attached to the Rifle Battalion Commanded by Capt. J. Uhle in the Light Brigade Comanded by Brigr. Genl. Thos. Cadwalader do hereby Confess and acknowledge that Each of us have had and received of and from Daniel Bussier, pay master. Legally authorise to pay the Sum" of Six Dollars, it being the Extra pay agreeable to the Act of Assemhly in such case made and provided, in Witness Whereof we have hereunto Set our hands at Camp Dupont. Witness Present at Sign- ing. JOHN UHLE, Capt. November 21st, 1814. Serjeants. Henry Rittenhouse. David Freed. i Lewis Deey. Wm. Morrison. Corporals. John Harple. Adam Cooper. Richard Gardiner. Charles Seiders. Privates. Jacob Beischer. Henry Goukler. Adam Katz Joseph Yergar. John Brandt. Francis Zenss. Charles H. Eckert. Thomas Norris. Thos. (his [X] mark) Best. Lewis Thomas. David Davison. Benjamin Berkenbach. George D. Moore. John B. Allison. William Stiner. 168 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Thos. Williams. Stephen (his [X] mark) Barker. Jesse C. Earl. Benjamin (his [X] mark) Yager. George Cooper. George (his [XJ mark) Sink. Augustus (his [X] mark) Venst. Wm. (his [X] mark) Day. Adam Pessenger. William Kurtz. John Eckert. Peter Hess. George Weaver. Marshal (his [X] mark) Hays. Nicholas Getman. John (his [X] mark) Dehaven. Jacob (his [X] mark) Dygel. Jeremiah Trout. Samuel Ridey. George Baumgard. Heinrich Schroeder. Wm,. F. Bender. Bazel Wood. George Sbaubel. Friedrich Stuedy. Francis (his [X] mark) Wang. John A. Fass. John Pfeil. James (his [X] mark) Charles. Johannes Bruny. John H. Gesen. Adam Slater. Henry Teter. Robert Burnell. Henry Page, Bugler. John Greenawalt. Christian (his [X] mark) Asmus. Henry Adlr. John Blume. M.OSCS Furter. 7'einlni! (his [X] mark) Crno!. John Rudy. Martin Miller. Wm. (his [X] mark) Deel. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 169 Joseph (his [X] mark) Mens. Joseph Ley. Gottlieb Siebert. Christopher (his [X] mark) Stinmetz. John Warner. David Wonderley. John Pearson. Christian Rider. Christian Lower, Bugler. • John Snyder. Cornelius Dubois. William Eckstein. Thos. Love. CAPT. C. W. WESTPHAL'S COMPANY. We the Suljscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Company, 2nd "Brigade, Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and forty six cents addi- tional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 1. Wolf Alexander. 2. Henry Annadecon. 3. Henry Bosick. 4. George Bartle. 5. Thomas Barris. 6. Jacob Blecker. 7. John Baily, Deserted. 8. James Beverlen. 9. Frederick G. Buck. 10. Isaiah Bates. 11. David Burch, Indisposed when Trocps left Camp Mifflin & never returned to duty. i 12. Frederick Baker. y 13. John Barnholt. 14. John Bentley. 15. Edward Britton, deserted; caught & then mulcted of 1 months pay. 170 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 16. George Clymer. 17. James Cooper. 18. Samuel Cryser. 19. Merrion K. Cox. 20. Mathias Cake. 21. Nathaniel Duncan. 22. James Deboufre, acted as Corporal until 2n(i December & then degraded. 23. Henry Emery. li. Michael English, Furlough 20 Sept. indisposed & never returned to duty. 25. Joseph Eyres. 26. Samuel Fox. 27. Anthony Fox. 28. Henry Franks. 29. George Gaun, Discharged. 30. Jeremiah Goldsmith. 31. John Harman. 32. Oliver Hillman. 33. Richard Howard. 34. William Hughes. 35. David Hoover. 36. John Hamilton, deserted from his post. 37. Robert Hains. 38. Charles Heartly. 39. Adam Hemphill. 40. William Hargroove, Unfit for duty on account of old age. 41. Frederick Higgins. 42. John Hollingsworth. 43. Jonathan Jaggers. 44. Benjamin Jackson. 45. Daniel Johnson. 46. Joachim Koch. 47. Martin Kessler. 48. Thomas Kerum. 49. Thomas Lowe. 50. Isaac Ludlow, Deserted. 51. Nathaniel Loche. 52. John Moxley. 53. Robert Montgomery. 54. William Miller. 55. Arthur Murphy. 56. Nicholas Morgan. 57. Jacob Nace. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 171 58. John Pool. 59. Nathaniel Parker. 60. William Ouinlir, Sergeant until 11 Deer. 1814 & then de- graded. 61. Jacob Rudy. 62. John Riter. 63. Jacob Rookstall. 64. William Seybert. 65. Jacob Stout. 66. Adam Steiner. 67. Thomas Stell. 68. Henry Smith. 69. Dennison Stevenson. 70. Philip Smith, desert'd. 14 Nov. 1814, absent 3 weeks then permitted to absert by Genl. Worral. 71. John Stone. 72. Christian Smith. 73. Jacob Thomas. 74. Jonathan Trexler. 75. Robert Thompson. 76. Constant Thompson. 77. William Thomas. 78. Israel Thomas. 79. Frederick Ulrich. 81. Samuel Worman 82. John Weever. 83. Christian Watson. 84. Jacob Younker. 85. John Young. CAMP MARCUS HOOK. OCTOBER 20. 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Volunteer company of Penna. Rifle Rangers Regiment Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel J. B. Sutherland, 2nd Brigade 1st Division, Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814 and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknow^ledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, pay-master of the Militia, the sum of six dollars in advance as part of our additional pay allowed 172 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of .^.sembly of Feb. 22, 1814. Commanded by Capt. Jacob Hoffman. Sergeants. Jesse Suplee. Samuel Smith. Thomas Miller. George Blankley. John Rilter. John Furlong. Amer Ramage. Andrew Saltsbong. Musician. Edward Hestou. John Houll. John Der. Fredericlc Goul. James Brown. Benjamin Labb. William Saunders. Joshua Pearson. Francis Degorgue. Herbert Fenton. John Fisher. Beuj. Penegar. Henry Beckley. David Wright. David Rambo. Charles Carberey. James Lewis. George Hughes. William Rose. Hugh Lewis. Benjamin Smith. Joseph Rudolph. John McConeghy. Jacob Gaskill. Thomas Bamfield. Alexander Kidd. Privates. William Butler. William Crawford. James Ray. William Hilyard. Philip Donobower. Garret Williamson. John Sturgis. Jacob Sloan. James Conner. Isaac Roberts. Owen Jones. James Logan. William Hansel. George Turner. Joseph Campbell. Reuben Rogers. George Wiles. Henry Bra me. William Dclany. Joseph McDermond. Peter Shronk. Henry Kline. Jacob Campbell. Charles Dannelly. John W. Eaton. PAY MASTER, 1S12-14. 172 Abraham Richardson. Joseph Hansen. Jacob Hoffman. John Davis. Lewis Kuhn. George Fitzpatrick. Samuel Balden. George W. Maxwell. Thomas Lewis. We the Suljbciibti's, nou-Commissioned officers and Pri- vates of the tenth Company First Rifle Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers tlie Servis of the United States under the Proclomation of the Governor of 27th of August. Del Each of uri hereby ackncwledge to have received Severally from ;cl Busier, Pay Master of the Melito the Sum of Six Dol- lars in full for three Montz of our additionely Pay alowet by act of Asambley the State Sum of Six Dollars Being Pait to Each of us by order of his Exclincey of the Governor under act of Asembly of februrary the 22nd, 1814 under the Com- mend of Tomas Humphrey. October 13: 1814. Sergeants. 1 Daniel Saeger. 2 John Lentz. 3 Christian Traxel. 4 John Beiper. Corporals. 1 Casper Deck. 2 John Kelley. 3 John George. 4 Henery Meyer. 1 John Andwald. 2 Solomon Sheirer. 3 Frederick Backer. 4 Jacob Rencke. 5 John Schlosser. 6 Jacob Schnyder, Junr. 7 Wiliam Sigfried. 8 Samuel Snyder. 9 Conrod Meyer. 10 Migel Zillner. 11 Daniel Meyer, Bugel. 12 Frederick Handwork. 13 John Moses. Privates. 14 John Schad. 15 John Yeall. 16 Solomon Sigfrid. 17 Godfried Meyer. 18 Peter Sigfrid. 19 Joha Shnyder. 20 Peter Decherd. 21 John Schnyder. 22 Andrew Sigfrid. 30 Men. 6 1180. 174 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. CAMP DEPONT, 18TH NOV. 1814. A TRUE LIST O FCAPT. DINCKEYS COMPANY OF THE 18TH LETiON OF RIFLEMEN COM'D. BY COLONEL THOS. HUMPHREY. Serjeants. 1 Daniel Saeger. 2 John Lentz. 3 Christian Trexel. 4 John Beiper. Corporals. 1 Casper Deick. 2 John keley. 3 John George. 4 Henry Meyer. Privets. 13 John Moser. 14 John Schad. 15 John Yeal. IG Solomon Sigf ri d. 17 Godfried Meyer. 18 Peter sigfrid. 19 John Shnyder. 20 Peter Decherd. 21 John Shnyder. 22 Andrew Sigfrid. 23 Jacob Haas. 1 John Andwold. 2 Solomon Shelrer. 3 Freidrick Backer. 4 Jacob Rencker. 5 John Schlosser. 6 Jacob Shnyder, Junr. 7 William Sigfrid. 8 Samuel Shnyder. 9 Conrod Meyer. 10 Migel Zillner. 11 Daniel Meyer, Bugelman. 12 Friderick Handwork. I tic Certify on Honor that the Compy. Com'd. by Capt Ceorgo Dinckey is in the Sei'vice of the United States under the command of the Genl. Comd'y of the Fourth Military Dis- trict. THOS. CADWALADER. Brig. Gen. Camp. Advance L. B. Camp Dupont, Nov. 26, 1S14. I do certify that the within List is a True Statement on honor this thirteenth day of November, 1814. CAPTN. GEORGE DINCKEY. THOS. HUMPHIiEY, Col. 1st Regt. P. V. R. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. CAMP DUPONT— OCTOBER 7TH, 1814. 175 We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of the Militia Company of Mifflin Guards-ment of Penn- sylvania Volunteers under the Command of Colonel C. C. Bid- dle as quota of Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, as part of additional pay allowed by act of assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to oach of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. In the Command of Cap- tain S. Anderson. Captain. S. Anderson. Sergeants. John Caldwell, 1st. Benjn. Haskins, 2d. William Evans, 3d. Henry Thome, 4th. Corporals. John Thompson, 1st. George Hawkins, 2d. John Marshall, 3d. Joseph Derrick, 4th. Privates. Thos. Kille. Saml. Edwards. John Lambert. Joseph Hall. Joseph Martin. John Hawkins. Daniel Broomall. Thos. Peddrick. James Burns. William Beatty. Robert Beatty. Lazarus Martin. John Stevenson. Edward Marshall. John Garrett. John Lloyd. 176 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. David Fisher. Levi B. Martin. Thomas Paxson. Jeremiah Brown. Thos. Painter. Thos. P. Smith. James Evans. Charles Lear. John Pywell. William Geary. William H. Marshall. John Locke. Daniel Mitchell. John McKee. Joseph Wilkerson. John Martin Hook. Leonard Cole. William Cummings. Thomas Bower. Thomas D. Barnard. Charles Justus. John Dunant. James Cleary. Richard G. Martin. Charles G. Snowder. James Pyle. William Lindsey. George Caldwell, uavid Cummins. James Bratton. John Martin Chester. Aaron Morton. Joseph Kibbert. John Hansall. Jos. T. Yohns. Wm. Tawrence. John Dermont. Wm. Grubb. John Bradford. November 24th, 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Seventh Company of the first Regiment of the Volun- teer Riflemen of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the Proclamation of the Governor of the 13th of August 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Busser, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars in advance, in full of our additional pay for the months allow- ed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Captain. John Grosscup. Sergeants. 1st Edward Thompson. 2nd Simon Campbell. 3rd William Grosscup. 4th Benjamin Treas. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 177 Corporals. 1st Jacob Kerper. 2nd Joseph McCally. 3rd Robert Boyle. 4tli John White. Bugler. John Gilinger. George Grafly. George Kiipp Jacob Wack. John Ricker John Hats. Auam Mink. William Francis. George Heydrick. Joseph Wigley. Joseph Surber. John Townsman. Thomas Shepard. Joseph Shepard. Anthony Shull. Henry Shermer. Peter Dager. John Yost. John William Grafy. Henry Dishing. Isaac Artman. Privates. Abraham Shafer. George Shafer, Junr. John Sell. Thos. Rodabough. Nathan Heyser. John Dager. George Shafer. John Dull. Robert Van Horn. Jacob Dager. Daniel . Charles Francis. John Harris. Amos Thomas. Jacob Hentz. Peter Welch. John Tarrence. James H. Welch. Isaac Billger. Henry Hoffman. CAPT. JOSEPH HARGESHEIMELS COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of the 3rd Company 2nd Brigade, Militia of the State of Penn- sylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and sub- sequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the 12— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 178 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Militia the sum of one dollar and sixty cts., additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. George Shugart. George Somerlet. William Vanhorn. Peter Warner. Abraham Zimmerman. Frederick Link. John Good. William Henry. George Shingle. John Selcer. David Merony. William Clouse. Jacob Hellerman. Henry Hornmiller. Frederick Stoerer, Junr. Yost Berklebock. Bright Pinyard. Jonathan Wexler. Christian Duy. William Phillips. Michael Kerlock. John Strouse. John Mann. John Moul. Martin Young. John Snovel. Adam Ketler.. John L. Duy. Edward Tusten. Philip Warner. George Knor. Henry Stroup. Henry Selcer. Alhanon Omensotter. Jesse Widdis. Jacob Bentz. Jacob Gisel. John Tener. Henry Gress. Jacob Link. Names. George Simon. Benjamin Gorges. John Gorges. Mark Silvins. Daniel Sharpnack. Samuel Nell. George Lehman. John Light. Philip Fulmer. William Somerlet. Jacob Shafer. Jacob Reeker. John Wentz. Jacob Hoffman. Edward Snyder. Jacob Benner. Christian Peters. John Hess. Elijah Luckens. John Didier. Enoch Keiser. Leonard Martz. William Rearer. Abraham Done. Mathias Lawson. Frederick Fox. Michael Young. Walter Camel. Charles Showaker. James Dull. Peter Stroup. Christian Nicholson. Joseph Peeky. Henry Felty. David Relinson. Peter Mann. John H. Gorgas. George Green. John Stace. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 179 John Flue. Jacob Derr. William Taylor. Daniel Couher. Benjamin Shellireys. Jacob Zimmerman. Joseph Smith. Samuel Fichthorn. November 24, 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of the Sixth Company of the first regiment of Volunteer Riflemen of the State of Pennsylvania, in the service of the United States, under the Proclamation of the Governor of the 13th of August 1814, and saibsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, in full of our additional pay for three months allow- ed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under Act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Capt. Samuel Mathers. 1st Sergeant. John Rogers. 2nd Sergeant. Wm. Edgar. 3rd Sergeant. Isaac Jones. 4th Sergeant. Robert Boyd. 1st Corporal. Paul Warner. 2nd Corporal. Samuel Strotters. 3rd Corporal. Thomas Clark. ISO MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. David Ranson. Lewis Wensell. Christian Oblinger. Henry Tolon. James Honritton. Wm. Rutherford. Hamilton Roney. Benjamin Webster. Samuel Barnell. Thos. Stemple. John Bisbing. Joshua Doan. Casper Shane. Charles Hertzenburg. Issachar Tomlinson. Ezra Melroy. Cyrus . Gabriel Dull. George Edleman. Peter Brooks. David Davis. Peter Vandeveer. 4th Corporal. John Miller. Musician. David Webster. Privates. Jesse Clime. John Crotz. John Caskey. Charles Melroy. George Elkins. Henery Newman. Isaac Hall. George Pownell. Daniel King. Antony Kelty. Wm. Collons. Henery Tomners. Wm. McCalla. Jacob McVey. Antony Wensell. Wm. Hemelwite. David Germon, Deserted. John Royle, Promoted. John Vandergrift, Deserted. James Madegan, Illegible. Samuel Rutherford, Dischorged. CAPT. DANIEL OLDENBERG'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a company, 1st Brigade Volunteer Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of two dollars and sixty PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 181 cents additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Orderly Sergeant. 1st Walter Allison. Sergeant. 1st Robert McClure. 2d Kenneth McCoy. 3rd John Wile. 4th Charles Colladay. Corporal. 1st Benjamin Emerick. 2d Edward Buckingham. 3rd Francis Savoy. 4th David Snyder. Charles Bastian. John Butcher. William Bates. Henry Bolin. Joseph Bucker. James Broadnix. Maurice Brov/n. William Blair. George E. 'Clark. George Clark. Charles Cable. Peter Critz. Christopher Countryman. William Course. Robert Davis. Ellis Ivins. Henry Finn. John Frasier. Benjamin Hall. Henry Hute. Daniel Hasset. Andrew Harman. Henry Hulan. William Hamilton. John Hollick. Edward Mullock. George Kirkland. Benjamin Kellam. Daniel Linch. John Lincoln. Jacob Marker. Philip Marker. John Morris. George Makeson. Henry Makeson. Conrad Mack. John Morgan. Henry Myers. Daniel Mackaraher. Samuel Olwine. Edward Paskel. David Rambow. Jacob Ritting. Samuel Sinclear. John Shuster. Thomas Smith. John Spregle. John Scrivinger. Joseph Stevens. John Sifert. 182 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Peter Thompson. Richard Tichner. John Turner. John Wright. Alexander Wattles. Thomas Wray. Daniel Stinger. William Weaver. October 18, 1814. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Ninth Company of the first Regiment of Volunteer Riflemen of the State of Pennsylvania in the service of the United States under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814 and subsequent thereto, do, each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia the sum of six dollars in advance in full of our additional pay for three months allowed by Act of Assembly the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under Act of As- sembly of February 22, 1814. 1st. Samuel Hart. 2d. Lewis F. Hart. Sergts. 3ixl. William Hart, Junr. 4th. Lemon Banes. 1st. William Hart 2d. Ashfordly Jones. Corporals. 3rd. John Hart. 4th. Joseph Carrell. Privates. John Kirkpatrick. Wilhelmus Vansant. Thomas Coughlln. Samuel McDowel. Henry Darrah. James Polk. James Graver. James Brown. William Harvy. Lewis Scout. Malichia Tyson. Jesse Washman. John Gill. Aaron Bennett. Benjamin Brady. John Crawford. Daniel Roberts. William Silvy. John Wells. John M. Craven. Abraham Shelmire. Samuel Young. PAY MASTER, 1S12-14. 183 Thomas Neal. Samuel Leedom. John Bodle. Benjamin Corson. Barnet Slack. Joseph Orem. Ezechal Wilson. David Jones. Isaac Buskirk. Josiah H. Wood. Andrew Yerkis. George Bennett. William Vansant. Charles Webster. William Vanhorn. James Sarch. John Baird. Lot. Sarch. William Long. James Rodgers. William Daniels. Robert Rosman. David Dougherty. Benjamin Thomas. Watson Robson. Joseph Carr. Andrew Scot. Benjamin Thomas discharged at one months eand and Rec'd but two dollars. I doe Certify upon the Honor of a Soldier that each person here named has Received the above sum of Six Dollars except Benjamin Thomas who Rec'd but two dollars he being dis- charged at one month's eand. WILLIAM PURDY, Captain. CAPT. JACOB F. SPARK'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us herehy acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of 1 dollars and 67 Cts. Additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Officers. 1st Sergeant. 1 William Arbigust. 2iid Sergeant 2 John Keanny. 184 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 9 Jacob Copple. 11 Joseph Talbourt. 12 William Berk. 13 Daniel Bowman. 14 Casper Bowman. 15 John Boyer. 16 Henry Boyer. 17 Joseph Butler. 18 William Bryant. 19 Samuel Brown. 20 John Chathan. 21 George Copple. 22 Jacob Cubler. 23 John Creely. 24 John Dixey. 25 John Ervine. 26 Robert Ellott. 27 George Fawpell. 28 John Flood. 29 George Griner. 30 William German. 31 Christopher Gosner. 32 John Harden. 3rd Sergeant. 3 Thomas Martin. 4th Sergeant. 4 John Kettler. 1st Corporal. 5 John Gardner. 2nd Corporal. 6 George Shisler. 3rd Corporal. 7 Israel P. Boake. 4th Corporal. 8 George Gettz. Musicians. 10 Remond Gassey, Privates. 33 Jacob Hempshire. 34 Jones Havenstrite. 35 James Harvy. 36 George Hartrums. 37 Jacob Ireland. 38 Job Johnson. 39 David Kettler. 40 Thomas Kegler. 41 George Lesher. 42 John G. Lutz. 43 John Louderback. 44 Samuel Lyons. 45 James Lawrence. 46 Samuel Mettia. 47 George Moore. 48 William Morrow. 49 Charles Manderfleld. 50 Isaac McKover. 51 John McCowen. 52 Bernard McCarty. 53 Edward McCoy. 54 Alexander Morrison. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 185 55 Richard Monnery. 56 Benoni Nordike. 57 William Ross. 58 John Kossnicle. 59 Wiliiam Riaki. 6«J Henry Rutter. 61 John Rue. 6L^ William Reid. 63 Jonathan Smith. 64 Robert Smith. G5 VViiliam Stevenson. 66 Joseph Sturges, 67 John Siddens. 68 William Story. 69 James Taylor. 70 Joshua Thomas. 71 Jacob Ulirick. 72 William Wright 73. George Westenberger. 74 Richard Wilson. 75 Jacob Young, Jur. 76 Jacob Young. 77 Samuel Young. 78 Thomas C. Shaffer. CAPT. JOSEPH STARNE'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of the Roxborough Volunteers 2nd Brigade, Militia of the State cf Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814,' and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge', to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of one dollar forty Cts, additional pay allowed by Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Names. Daniel Tibbon, Sergeant. George Kerper, Sergeant. Charles Righter. Sergeant. Jacct) Strouse, Sergeant. Charles Levering, Corporal, John Levering, Corporal. Michael Riter, Corporal. Jacob B. Smith, Corporal. Jacob Adams. James Ashton, Music. Samuel Bloom. Enoch Bloome. James Coulston. James Culp. George Goodman. John Green. Samuel Gorgas. Jacob Graham. Peter Hinkel. Windell HoIIaway. William Hanshary. Peter Kein. John Himmetwright. Joseph Ingram. George Keely. Charles Keely. John King. Jacob Keely. Christopher Kirtchner. William Hart. Joseph Levering. John Lawrence. 186 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Charles Moore. Charles Shuster. Joseph Moyer. John Shinkle. Samuel McClennan. William Snyder. George Miller. Joseph Streeper. Archibald Maguire. John Streeper, no pay due. John McCann. Peter Stritzall. Benjamin Moyer. John Tibben, no pay due. - Peter Merwine. James Taylor. Charles Merwine. Samuel Tool. Joseph Oziers. John Ulmor. Henry Rex. Samuel Weaver. John Rex. John Wilner. Francis Rex. William Henry. Abraham Rittenhouse. William Dehaven. Joseph Stritzall. William Dehaven, did not 3 Jacob Shuster. months. Samuel Spencer. Christopher Wills. William Shane. Caspar Fight. The following was attached to the Muster Roll: I do certify, That Jamea Culp and Jane Suiter, single per- sons of the City of Philadelphia were lawfully joined together in holy Matrimony on the seventh Day of June A. D. one thou- sand eight hundred and four. Witness our Records, and my Hand and Seal. Philadelphia the 7 Day of June 1804. Evidences J. FREDRICK SCHMIDT Minister of the Lutheran Congregation at Philadelphia. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the seventh company of the second Light Infantry of Pennsylvania volunteer Militia in the service of the State agreeable to the proclamation of the Governor do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, as part of our additional pay allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under act of Assembly of February 22. 1814. 1st Sergt. 1 Charles Shippon. 2nd Sergt. 2 James A. Torbet.- PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 3rd Sergrt. 3 John Draul. 4th Sergt. 4 Henry W. Raguet. 1st Corp. 5 John W. Wynkoop. 2nd Corpl. 6 John Huddleson. 3rd Corpl. 7 Joseph Biirrours. 4th Corpl. 8 John Blaker. Flfer. 9 John Kelly. 187 Privates. 10 Charles Alexander. 11 Wm. Atkinson. 12 John Burns. 13 Joseph Bollinger. 14 vVilllam Burrows. 15 Sanil. Caftey. 16 Wilhelmus Cornell. 17 James Crawford. 18 John L. Dick. 19 Jona Du Bois. 20 David Doan. 21 James Divine. 22 John Flemings. 23 John Featherby. 24 Timothy McGinnep. 25 Joseph Graham. 26 Robert Harman. 27 Morris Hartwick. 28 John Hubbard. 29 John Johnson. 30 Eli Kitchen. 31 Jona. Lefferts. 188 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 32 Charles Logan. 33 Peter Louderstater. 34 Leffert Lefterts. 35 John Levi, enlisted. 36 William Marten. 37 Joseph Mitchell. 38 John Miluor. 39 John Martin. 40 Thos. N. Meredith. 41 George Opdike, Sick absent. 42 Hart Opdike. 43 Joseph Opdike. 44 John Parker. 45 Saml. Philips, Sick absent. 46 Amos Parker. 47 George Price. 48 Josiah Prechard. 49 John P. 50 James Philips. 51 James Patten. 52 David Sibbet. 53 Aaron Slack. 54 Wm. Sitgreaves. 55 Saml. Wood. 56 Stewart Wilson, Sick in Hospital. 57 Abram. Seimmerham. 58 Zacheus Praul. 59 Thadeus Henry. CHRISTOPHER VAN ARTSDALER. Captain. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of Capt. William (mutilated) Company, 1st Brigade Volunteer Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and ninety four cents additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Names. Benjamin Burden. William Butcher. Peter F. Fritz, Q. M. Michael Gross. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 189 John Smith. Theodore Schreiber. William Allen. William McGinley. John Branson. Solomon Clayton. Paul Gold. George Mitchell. Jacob Anderson. John Aston. Gowen A. Brown. James Bready. Joseph Brown. Simon Boric. Augustus Boulou. James Barbazet. Jacob Barbazet. Thomas Brown. Henry Bruner. James Brown. Aaron Davis. Conrad Bomb. John Barth. Michael Bright. Alexander Bready. Thomas Bruce. William Caruth. Joseph Couden. Joshua Carpenter. Samuel Couden. Wm. Commygess. Joseph Combes. George Carpenter. Jacob Crumbly. Michael Curby. Edward Cathrall. George Deforest. Benjamin Davis. David Downie. John Dutheyou. Samuel Devous. John W. Dennis, Benneage English Gscrge Eckfeldt. Louis H. Foote. Adam Fries. George Gravel. Patrick Gray. Jacob Gross. Henry Hesslepoth. Robert Haywood. William Houck. Isiah Ivins. Joseph Jones. Anthony Kreider. John Linton. John Lutz. Jacob Lutz. John Lower, paid in full. Wm. L. Laycock. Joseph Latowna. David R. Mills. John W. Myers. John Miles, paid in full. Luke McGlue. Henry McCormick. John Mcllheuny. Richard McDonald. William McAllister. Eli Newman. Philip Poulain. William Pickering. James Porter. George Payne. John Pringle. George Rawlins. Rhinehart Joseph. William Robinson. Peter Rumph. Samuel Reese. David Ryan, Deserted nth, 1814. Samuel Stackhouse. William Shreiner. Nicholas Shrewer. paid in full. Joseph Shaw. Samuel Smith. Octr. lao MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. John Strickland. James L. Stever. William Stevens. Isaac Shubert. Joseph Tacy. John Tanier. Thomas Thomas. Charles Thatcher. Edward Wallis. William Thibault. Samuel Williamson. John Wallace. Jacob Yard. William Smith. November 13th, 1814. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the fifth company first Regiment of Volunteer Riflemen of the State of Pennsylvania in the Service of the United States under proclimation of the Governor of the 13th of August 1814, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have Received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six Dollars in full of our additional pay allowed by Act of As- sembly, the said sum of six Dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor under act of Assembly of F^eby. 22nd, 1814. David Marple. Cyrus Lukens. Simon Snyder. John F. Schreder. Abraham Hazlett. James Rice. Jesse Barnes. David Roberts. David Willard. Jos. Cadawallader. Wm. . Philip Yerkes. Robt. Barnes. John Grubb. David Lloyd. John Leard. Daniel Shelmire. Isaac Cadwallader. John Warnor. Thos. Roberts. John Beans. Jciso Beans. Tbcs. Fisher. Wui. Sutch. lia.-let! Dunlap. John C. Stackhaus. Elias Y. MarplCv B>^i.'j;imin Barnes. John Luch. Jacob Barnes. Abel Fitzwater. Clement Barnes. James . William Grace. Henry Sandman. Thos. Hews. George Hokinsock. David Lerry. Abner Milner. D3,vid Yerkes, PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 191 Jonathan Guy. Amos Dungan. Joseph Luch. John P. Roberts. Wm. Beal. William Sandman. November 29, 1814. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the second Company of the Second Regiment of Light In- fantry Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 27, 1814, Militia in the state agreable to the proclamation of the Governor of the State of Penna., do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars, in advance, as part of our addi- tional pay allowed by act of Assembly, the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor, under Act of Assembly of February 22, 1814. Sergt. John Jamison. 2nd Sergt. John Hauss. 3rd Sergt. Richd. Osborn, sick absent. 4th Sergt. Nathan Lewis. 1st Corpl. John Boughman. 2nd Corpl. Job Lowry. 3rd Corpl. Jesse Coulson. 4th Corpl. Abraham Lutz, sick absent. Drummer. John Kline, 3 92 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Fifer. Jacob Weber. Saml. McGlathery. Paul Custer. Wm. Buck. Adam Deem. John Dyer. Philip Spare. John Roberts. Henry Deem. David Roberts. John Pluck. John Baker, Sick, absent. Jacob Baker. Henry Corney, Sick, absent. Wm. R. Bisson. Privates. Wm. Barton. Samuel H. Morris. Benj. Boyer. Jacob Levering. Jacob Zearfoss. Owen Thomas. Isaac Bender. George Pluck. Henry Dyer. Jacob Shearrer. Nicols Gearhard. John Barret. Joseph Hendrick. John Martin. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of the third company, first rifle Regt. of Pennsylvania Vollun- teers now in the service of the United States under the requis- ition of his excellency the Governor of the State of Pennsyl- vania, do herby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, paymaster of the Militia the sum of six dollars in full of advance pay allowed by act of Assembly of Feby. 22nd, 1814, Novem'r 24, 1814. 1st Sergt. 1 D. Trueman. 2nd Sergt. 2 Wm. Clingan. 3rd Sergt. 3 David Stott. 4th Sergt. 4 J. Rankin. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 193 8. John Wilson. 9. Wm. Parke. 10. Thos. Dewis. 11. Jas. Kaslett. 12. R. Coehsan. 13. S. Mann. 14. J. E. Grier. 15. W. Withrow. 16. A. V/allace. 17.*Jeese Stott. 18. D. Cochran. 19. B. Harry. 20. H. Hope. 21. D. Parke. 22. D. Moore. 23. B. Wilson. 24. J. Cowan. 25. N. Davis. 26. W. M. Ginis. 27. D. McKim. 28. Thos. Hollis. 29. R. Jones. 30. J. Byran. 31. J. Smith. 32. S. Glas. 1st CorpL 5 Ezekl. Mann. 2nd Corpl. 6 J. Humphrey. Musician. 7 R. Hope. Privates. 33. C. Eiffert. 34. J. Parke. 35. J. Richmond. 36. Thos. Scott. 37. J. Hoover. 38. G. Date. 39. J. Hauly. 40. S. C. Gibson. 41. R. McWilliams. 42. P. Little. 43. J. Lasley. 44. J. Way. 45. W. Hayburn. 46. J. Thompson. 47. E. Moore. 48. J. S. Fleming. 49. J. Oglesly. 50. J. Peirsol. 51. J. Whitelock. 52. Eli Mann. 53. Jos. Fleming. 54. A. Gibson. 55. Wm. Welsh. 56. R. Cunningham. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the thirteenth company at Rifle Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the service of the United States under the Proc- lamation of the Governor of the 27th August, 1814 do each of us hereby acknowledge to have Received Severally from Daniel 13— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. U)4. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six dollars in full for three months additional pay allowed by Act of As- sembly, the Said Sum of Six Dollars Being paid to each of us By Order of his excellency the Governor under the act of Assembly of February 22d, 1814 under command of Col. Thomas Humphreys. Remarks. 1 ; Richard Perry, ] Seigt. , 2' John Lessig 2(iSergt.,., 3: Wm. Rossnidcr SdSergt... 4' Michael Niman, 4th Sergt., 5 Saml. Yeager IstCorpl.,. 6 John Bechtel 2d Corpl.,.. 7 William Niman 3d Corpl.,.. 8 Wm. Sands Bugler 9 Jacob Rhoads 10 Abraham Zimmerman 11 John Albright. : 12 . Jacob Strohman, 13 John Levenguth, 14 George Grove 15 Joseph Rafsnider 16 John Wesnor 17 John Grove 18 David Yocom, 19 Andrew Keen 20 Solomon Missinor 21 Samuel Ruth, 22 Joseph Levenguth, 23 Jacob Fritz 24 Bartho. Wamback 25 Martin Manger 2C Joseph Shaner 27 Henry- Kyser 28 Henry Wesnor 29 George Ritmier 30 George Bowman 31 Thomas Conrod 32 John Wartman Sick on forlow. Sick on forlow. Sick on forlow. Extra Duty. Sick on forlow. Sick on forlow. Sick on furlow. We the subscribers, non Commissioned officers Privates of the Second Company first Rifle Rigment Pennsylvania volun- teers in the Service of United States under the Proclamation of the Governor of the 27th Day of August 1814 Do each of us hereby acknowledge to have Received severly from Daniel Bussier Pay Master of the Militia the Sum of Six Dollars in ful for three Monts of our additional pay allowed by act of Asemly the sum of six Dollars Being Paid to Each of us by order of His Excellency of the Governor under act of As- PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 196 embly of February 22th 1814 under the command of Col. Thomas Humphry. John Ott Captain. 1st Sergt. 1 Frederick Wittman. 2nd Sergt. 2 Jacob Knepply. 3rd Sergt. 3 Martins Ox. 4th Sergt. 4 Peter Wind. 1st Corpl. 5 Thomas Genners. 2nd Corpl. 6 Elias Heller. 3rd Corpl. 7 Melcher Herben. 4th Corpl. 8 William Fogel. 1st Surg. 9 Henry Weber. Privates. 10. Peter Shaforn. 27. John Boskerg. 11. Daniel Nederouer. 28. Lenord Bigenberg. 12. Philip Hoyer. 29. Peter Beuhaker. 13. Philip Jacoby. 30. Simon Shafer. 14. John Brown. 31. Henry Masteller. 15. Jacob Gangrer. 32. Henry Boester. IG. Frederick Stoll. 33. George Thapp. 17. John Hofman. 34. Philip Hewline. 18. Matias Dotror. 3.5. Peter Weber. 19. Samuel Paul. 36. Peter Will. 20. John Trapp. 37. Eavhard Weber. 21. Philip Bucheker. 38. Philip Jacoby. 22. Daniel Romig. 32 23. Henry Myer. 6 24. John Henn. 25. John Givt. 22§ 26. Daniel ganger. i 196 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of the eight Company first Rifle Regiment Pennsylvania volunteers in the Service of the United States under the proc- lamation of the Governor of the 27th of August 1814 Do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier paymaster of the Militia the sum of Six Dollars in full for three months of our additional' pay allowed by Act of Assembly the said Sum of Six Dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor under act of Assembly of February 22d 1814, under the Command of Col. Thomas Humphrey October 13th 1814. Abraham Rinker Captn. 1. Peter Knause. 2. Peter Lahr. Sergeants. 3. Jacob Marks. 4. John Strous. 1. John Shiffert. 2. George Nunamaker. Corporals. 3. Conrad Stare. 4. John Kaek. Musecan. 5 Fertenant Wotring. Privates. 1. Henry, . 2. Daniel, , Sick on fur- low. 3. Henry Hartzel. 4. George Mayer. 5. Adam Smith, sick on fur- low. 6. Jacob Hartzel. 7. John Rinbold. 8. Solomon Luckes. 9. George Strous. 10. Jacob Yoke. 11. Christion Deily. 12. Adam Hartzel. 13. Peter Steinberger. 14. Conrad Karsner. 15. Henry Frantz. 16. Charles Doll. 17. Solomon Kleikner. IS. John Whiteman. 19. Michael Shoudt. 20. Henry Nunemarker. 21. David Kark. 22. Michael Lahr. 23. Adam Lahr. 24. Adam Mansch. 25. Andrew Hartzel. 26. Jonathan Diffenderfer. 27. Jacob Deily. 28. Nathaniel Youst. 29. Jacob Whiteman. 30. George Maritz. 31. Solomon Hartzel. 32. Jacob Gordon. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 197 33. Greorge Harlacher. 34. Adam Good. Louse Kunkel. Jacob Beidelman. Adam Heiker. Michael Lawer, sick furlow. Henry Swander, sick furlow. George Shaffer, sick furlow. 41. John Billig. 42. Daniel Eshenhach. 43. George Bartz. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 44. Frederick Newhart. 45. Jacob Stinberger. 46. Jonas Spangler. 47. Adam Sharrer. 48. Jacob Barkman. on 49. Peter Mall, he is at work in the Corn factere with on Henry Darringer. 50. Daneil Fetzer. on 51. John Rau. 52. Peter Klatz, sick on furlow. 53. John Ealer. 54. Peter Manch. We the Subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the first company first Rifle Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers in the service of the United States under the Procla- mation of the Governor of the 27th of August 1814, Do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Pussier, paymaster of the Militia, the sum of six Dollars in full for three months of our additional pay; allowed by act of assembly, the said sum of Six Dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor under act of Assembly of February 22, 1814 under the command of Col. Thomas Humphrey. Camp Snyder, October 13th, 1814. 1st Sergt. Josiah Biglow. 2nd Sergt, 2 Melchior Horn. 3rd Sergt. 3 Frederick Mattes. 4th Sergt. 4 Charles Hay. 1st Corpl. 1 Samuel Moore. 1»8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 2nd Corpl. 2 Ebenezar Fortner. 3rd Corpl. 3 Jacob Shipe. 4th Corpl. 4 Joseph Dill. 1. William Thompson. Music. 2. Joseph Horn. Privates. 1. John Luckenback. 2. Conrad Bowes. 3. William Mixsell. 4. William Evans. 5. George Lottig. G. Jacob Bossier, absent. 7. Peter Miller. 8. Nicholas Deatz. 9. Hiram Miller. 10. John Doan. 11. Thomas Shank. 12. Frederick Warmkessel. 13. Francis Jackson. 14. John Hartley. Iri. Jehu Mesene. 16. George Shewell. 17. John Bossier. 18. David Roth. 19. John Seiple. 20. Wm. Berlin. 21. Henry Willhelm. 22. Jacob Smith. 23. Aaron Keisselbach. 24. Charles Carey. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. John P. Breidenbach. Peter Stucker. John Grub. Alexr. H. Barthold. Isaac Keider. James Kelso. Andrew Grub. John Falkener. Hiram Price. Wm. Shick. Eli Mettler. James Barns. John L. Jackson. Jacob Killpatrick. Andrew Hay. Charles Genther. Adam Ward. George Dingier. John Shipe. 58 men 6 318 ABRM. HORN. JR , CAPT. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 199 We the Subscribers, noncommissioned officers and Privates of the fifteenth Company of Capt. John Hurst, First Rifle Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the service of the United States under the Proclamation of the Governor of the 27th August 1814 do each of us hereby acknowledge to have Re- ceived Severally from Daniel Bussier Paymaster of the Militia the sum of six Dollars in full for three months additional pay allowed by Act of Assembly the said sum of Six Dollars Be- ing paid to each of us By order of his Excellency the Governor under Act of Assembly of february 22nd, 1814 under com- mand of Col. Thomas Humphrey. 1st Sergt. Henry R. Brown, dead. 2.nd Sergt. Henry Smith. 3rd Sergt. Abrm. Wonner. 4th Sergt. Enos Beam, Sick absent. 1st Corpl. Thomas Dewees, Sick absent. 2nd Corpl. Jacob Dewees. 3rd Corpl. John Spare, Sick absent. 4th Corpl. Jacob Hampshire. Bugler. Abm. Stong. Q. M. Jacob Weber. James Glen. Benjamin Wentz, sick, absent. James McKiney. James Thompson. Charles Thompson. James Stilwill. John Wonner. Samuel Dietz. 200 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Robert Ingham. Michael Arny. Benjamin Johnson, U. S. John Davis. Jacob Keyze. John Sabolt. Enoch Miller. John Triple. Mark Baird. Enlisted Daniel Heller. Jacob Weber. David Thomas, sick, absent. John Owen, sick, absent. John Snyder. Jacob Hurst. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of the seventeenth company first Rifle Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the service of the United States under the procla- mation of the Groverncr of the 27th of August 1814 Do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received Severally from Daniel Bussier paymaster of the Militia, the sum of Six Dollars in full for three months of our addition pay, allowed by act of assembly the said sum of six dollars being paid to each of us by order of his excellency the Governor under Act of As- sembly of February 22d 1814 under the comand of Col. Thomas Huniphries. Serjent. 1. John Ellwin. 3. Jacob Humel. 2. John King. 4. John Wagner. 1. John Wolf. 2. Henry Wolf. Corp. 3. John Buss. 4. Nickl. Kaemerer. 1. Abr. Stoehr. 2. Michel Lawall. 1. John Koehr. 2. John Beil. 3. David Fry. 4. Michel Fry. 5. John Fry. 6. John Blum. 7. John Clayder. 8. Samuel Gross. 9. Christ Beher. Mus. 3. Peter Lawall. Priv. 10. Joseph Coleman. 11. Jacob Colver. 12. George Engel. 13. Jonas Flick. 14. Jacob Handsher. 15. Levy Culling. 16. John Dorwart. 17. Fredr. Dreher. 18. John Hinkel. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 201 10. John Hinkel. 29. John Santee. 20. Peter Junken. 30. Will M. Swain. 21. Isaac Kinart. 31. Math France. 22. John Kirkenthal. 32. John Unangst. 23. Joseph Moser. 33. George Wagner. 24. Daniel Kreidler. 34. George Young. 25. Casper Roth. 35. George Heberling. 26. Jacob Roth. 30. Conrad Fry. 27. John Roth. 37. David Overly. 28. George Lawall. 38. Jacob Ziegeususs. We the Subscribers, non Commissioned officers and Privates of the Twelfth Company First Rifle Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Service of the United States Under the Proc- lamation of the Governor of the 27th of August 1814 Do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received Severally from Daniel Pussier Paymaster of the Militia the sura of six dollars in full for three months additional pay allowed by Act of Assemhly the said sum of Six Dollars Being paid to each of us by Order of his Excellency the Governor under Act of As- semiyiy of February 22d 1814, under command of Coll. Thomas Humphreys. 1st Sergt. 1 Jonah Markley. 2.Dd Sergt. 2 Jacob Bartman. 3rd Sergt. 3 George Burger. 4th Sergt. 4 Jacob Wauemaker. 1st Corpl. 5 Peter Burger. 2ud Corpl. 6 Peter Yost, Sick on furlow. 3rd Corpl. 7 Lennerd Shuler. 202 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 4th Corpl. 8 George Houck, Sick on furlow. Bugler. 9 Henry Yost. Privates. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. George Kulp. 37. Samuel Detwhiler. Lewis Jones. 3S. Abraham Neas, sick on fur-39. low. 40. Samuel Esterline. Anthony Bitting. 41. George Fryer. ' 42. Henry Specht. 43. Frederick Shafer, sick on 44. furlow. 45. John Sweesholtz. 46. Abraham Zarn. 47. John Smith. 48. William Burger. 49. Samuel Witman. 50. Jonas Fetzer. 51. Henry Bickel. 52. Daniel Houck, sick on fur- 53, low. 54. Daniel Yost. 55. William Brecht. 56. Jacob Smith. 57. Richerd Bitting. 58. Benjamin Smith. 59. Henry Royer. 60. .Jacob Fryer, sick on fur-61. low. 62. George Mourer. 63. Henry Sechler, sick on fur- low. Daniel Ale. Peter Horlocher, sick on furlow. David Herb. Peter Foust. Jonas Slownecker, sick on furlow. Frederick Fox. Adam Zarn. Jacob Hunsberger. John Dutterer. Michael Helbart. Barny Fox. John Smoll. Conrad Dudderer. Peter Erb. Daniel Sheifly. Jacob Neidemoyer. John Hoffman. Peter Trace. George Ruder. Jacob Hartzel. John . Daniel Hoff. John Royer. John , sick on furlow. Jacob , dead. Jacob , dead. 61 men. 6 366 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 203 We the Subscribers, Non Commissioner Officers and privates of the Eleventh Company in the first Rifle Regement of Penn- sylvania Volunteer Commanded by Col. Thomas Humphrey in the service of the United States Under the Proclamation of the Governor of the Twenty seventh day of August 1814 do each of us hereby Aclvnowledge to have Received severally from Daniel Bussier paymaster of the Melitia the sum of six Dollars in full it being the aditional pay allowed for three Months by the Act of Assembly February the Twenty second 1814 and paid by order of his Excellency tlie Governor Simon Snyder. Camp Snyder, October 13th, 1814. 1st Sergt. 1 James Robinson. 2nd Sergt. 2 Isaac Stelle. 3rd Sergt. 3 Arcturus Todd. 4th Sergt. 4 Joseph Mathew. 1st Corpl. 1 David Evans. 2nd Corpl. 2 Benjn. Robison. 3rd Corpl. 3 Wm. Harrah. 4th Corpl. 4 John Heath. 1. John Mekinney, Bugler. 6. Nicholas Cisler. 2. Joseph Anderson, sick, ab- 7. John Dennison. sent. 8. John W. Doyle. 3. John Bear. 9- Wm. Dennisson. 4. Robert Barclay. 10. Isaac Dunlap. 5. Paul Bruner. 11. Joseph Engles. 204 M I S(;i'J(>LA i\ illOUS PAPERS. 12, John Exerltt. 37. V/m. E. Pattfroou 13. Christ, Fritsiuger, 38. James Picker. i 1. Joseph F'riece. c'j. LhrisLian Ruth. 15. David Fell. 40. Anthony Rich. IG. Jacob Friece, 41. Saml. Rodman. 17. Coodeu G. Hall. 42. Job. Simpson. IS. Benjn. Hare. 43. Samuel Smith. 19. Septimus Harrali. ■11, John W. Stover. 2l;. Samuel Hughe. 45. John Svyfartzlander. 21. Saixil. Hubbert. 46. Morgan N. Thomas. 22. Benjn. James. ^ 47. Wm. Thomas. 23. Maaon James. 48. John Toy. 24. Joseph James. 49. Philip Trumbour. 25. Andw. Kirkpatrick. 50. Mark Tanner, Bugler 26. Jesse Lacy. 51. John ¥/illiams. 27. Ephraim Lewis. 52. John Whitingham. 28. Wm. Marshel, sick, absent. 53. Jant. Wood. 29. Daniel Macintosh. 54. Joseph Pool. 30. Sem. Moyers. 55. Robert Roherts. 31. Nathan Mekinsty. 56. Saml. Horn. 32. Benjn. S. Mann. 57. Wm. Horn. 33. Isaac B. Medary. 58. John J. Daniels. 34. John Morris. 59. Joseph Hunter. 35. Danl. Markely. 60. Robert Patterson. 36. Wm. Megachen. JOSH. HAIRB. Lieut. Commanding. CAPT. DAVID ALTEMUS' COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Light Infantry Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby ac- knowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and forty six Cts., additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 1st Sergeant. Joseph Hallowell. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 206 2nd Sergeant. Samuel Vanhorne. 3rd Sergeant. John McNelly. 4th Sergeant. Zephania Clayton. 1st Corporal. Striclen L. Foster. 2nd Corporal. Joseph Vandergi'ift. 3rd Corporal. Caleb Clark. 4th Corporal. John Reed. Musician. William Adair. Jonathan Altemus. Samuel Acuff. Thomas Britton. James Bodine. George Beish, deserted in service and never returned. William Burk. John Cuckle. John J. Crewson. Jesse Crewson. Benjamin C. Curtis. William Crewson. John Deprefontaine. Charles Engle. Rohert Edwards, Sergeant Major. George Farr. George Fritz. John Hamilton. Josiah Hendricks. John Henderson. Elias Johnson. William Kelly. Aaron W. Lyons. Bernard McNelly. John Mooney. John Miller. John Minvine. Charles Mann. Solomon Merkle. John Otterson. Owen Owens. Rodney Senix. Robert Thompson. Benjamin Vandegriff. William Walton. Hugh Wybrant. Britton Walton. John Whartenby. 206 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. CAPT. JOHN BAKEOVENS COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a company, 2nd Brigade, Drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknow^ledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of One dollar and seventy three Cents addi- tional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. 1st Sergeant. Jacob Moser. 2nd Sergeant. Samuel Baker. 3rd Sergeant. William Shepperd. 4th Sergeant. Richard Fordham, 1st Corporal David Henderson. 2nd Corporal. ' John Mood. '■ 3rd Corporal. Jacob Mood. 4th Corporal. , Isaac Fauner. Fifer. I Casper Stinsman. Anthony KeiTer. Jacob Hoffman. Privates. John Morris. James Cornwell. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 207 Adam Hoffman. Luke Morgan. Peter Baker, Jr. Jacob H. Pote. George Upperman. Rudolph Cramer. Isaac Toy. James Shillingsford. Adam Grissim. James Duffy. William Wright. Jacob Smith, Jun. Henry Wall, Junr. John Sheetz. Michal Kreely. Johannes Gardy. John Bennett. John Vance. John Crow. William Johnston. John Sickfret. John Montgomery. Nicholas Alexander. Conrad Kinsey. John Smith. John Denny. John Foster. Joseph Crist. John Curts. Michal Crist. Henry Stockpine. Frederick Bauldt. John Sheps. John Shipe. Jeremiah Peterson. George Conser. Jacob Neiser. James Ar.rons. Theophilus William^ Mitchel Walters. William Dickerson. John Gann. John Elliott. Lewis Fox. John Earle. James Penick. George Parker. Joseph Riffert. Adam Dadeker. George Geiger. James Campbell. Nehemiah Knox. John Newton. Lewis Fitzell. George Cantrell. Josiah North. John Thopp. Eben Willits. Jesse Harmer. Peter Tees. Thomas Mahan. Alexander McCleary. Philip Deiker. Christ. Keppele. Thomas Gill. Henry Abraham. Henry Weaver. John Fields. William Wallace. John Wagner. William Price. George Chilcot. Henry Crist. George Aflerbach. Frederick Erhard. Richard Tull. 208 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. CAPT. PETER A. BROWNE'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of A Company, 1st Brigade, the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1S14, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acivnowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of two dollars and 67 cents, additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. George Buchanan. Henry Bolton. Ringham Bingham. Charles Brouster. Auron Buckious. Jesse Bowers. John Best. Alexander Brown. John Clayton. Hugh Cassiday. John H. Cress. William Caldwell. John Caldwell. Daniel Cornwell. Charles Cochran. John Cunningham. Charles Dougherty. Henry Dicks. William Eginton. Henry Hancyan. John Fox. John Finn. James Gibbons. Casper Gouldey. Patrick Gilmore. David Henderson. John Hanna. James Hagan. James Holland. Alexander Hemphill. Frederick Houke. Henry Hubermill. Abraham Hulings. Alexander Henry. William Hilton. Jared Irwin. George W. Jones. Andrew Jameson. Andrew Herrick. James Louge. ihomas Lott. Ger-vge Lihn. John Little. Charles Little. Joi^eph Lloyd. Samuel Lemmine. Alexander McNeill. James McLauglin. Thomas McGeaugh, see general receipt roll. Fraucis McCormick. George D. Murdock. Hugh Miller. Nathan McKinley. Peter Maley. John McCartney. Henry Monaghan, Transferd to Capt. Bach's 7th Nov. 1814. John McMichael. Joseph Moore. John McNally. John McNulty. Stephen McFaden. George McKnight. Thomas McKee. Hugh McAlonan. Simon Nickles. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 209 James North, See general re- Jacob Smith. ceipt roll. William Savidge. John Oldenheimer. David Thomas. George Priest. W. H. Trimble. William Park. Henry Friedy. Morris Reese. David Wineburner. Daniel Roberts. Samuel Wester. John Rutherford. Joseph Wilson. Bernard Roney. Jacob Wagner. Michael Reilly. Thomas Wise. William Ryan, Deserted 10th William Warnick. Oct. 1814. John B. Ware. Aaron Snyder. Matthew Young. James Liscoe. Samuel Yoke. James Shannon. Edward Fletcher. Peter Slatter. Thos. Broch (omited). Hugh Sloan. Capt. DAVID COOK'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates, of a company, 2nd Brigade drafted Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July 1814 and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of one dollar and forty six cts. additional pay aiiov^^erl by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Offlcers. 1st Sergeant. 1 John Rivell. 2nd Sergeant. 2 Joshua Vulmer. 3rd Sergeant. 3 David Farrel. •ith Sergeant. 4 George Yarmer. 14— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 210 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 1st Corporal. 5 Michael Yager. 2nd Corporal. 6 William C. Niles. Srd Corporal. 7 Joseph Craycroft. 4th Corporal. 8 Michael Harris. 9. Thomas Walice. 39. 10. Robert Hunter. 40. 11. Hugh Whitte. 41. 12. William Mackingtire. 42. 13. Anthony Shafer. 43. 14. John Bennet. 44. 15. John Snider. 45. 16. James Cooper. 46. 17. Ekonoher Richardson. 47. 18. John Leunis. 48. 19. John Rutter. 49. 20. Thomas Bozarth. 50. 21. Daniel May. 51. 22. Charles Cannon. 52. 23. Patrick Finney. 53. 24. George Lodge. 54. 25. James Shannon. 55. 26. Jacob Craven. 56. 27. John Cuglar. 57. 28. John Pratt. 58. 29. John Williams. 59. 30. Conrad Edwards. 60. 31. Amer Cobb. 61. 32. Joseph Dickson. 62. 33. Dennis Denny. 63. 34. John Stuard. 64. 35. William V/hitcraft. 65. 36. George Hauckings. 66. 37. Samuel Fogg. 67. 38. Robert Rodgers. 68. Michael Campbell. James Hines. Peter Adams. John Pollard. George Rider. Prichard Sparks. Amer Thomas. Abijah Bishop. John Taylor. Jacob Wolpart. Isaac Wright. George Fitchgarle. John Smith. Andrew Stuard. Henry Smith. John Skillman. Henry Lithtel. John Christy. John Francis. William Harvey. James Tully. Richard Thomas. John Krigmire. James Ellis. Peter Buckes. Michael Owens. William Grimshow. Benjamin Story. William Dilmore. Joshua Sharp. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 211 69. Joseph Hendrickson. 70. Perry Stephenson. 71. Daniel Gillians. 72. William Rice. 73. James Harigan. 74. Robert Cooper. 75. Bartholomew Kelly. 76. John A. Moss. 77. James Handey. 78. Jinking Zutton. 79. Edward Carrey. 80. Stephen Burel. 81. Peter Renels, Drummer. 82. Samuel Powell, Fifer. CAPT. HENRY L. CORYELL'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Company, 2nd Brigade, Ritlemen Militia of the State of Pennsylvania lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge, to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of two dollars additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Samuel V. Davis. Lewis Davis. John Deamer. William Dunwick. David Elsworth. Anthoney Frazure. Charles Guskey. Curtis Grover. James Galbreath. John Glading. James Gillian. David Griffith. Richard Gordon, discharg- ed 5th Oct. 1814. Joseph Glasby. George Holster. Benjamin Hammit. Jacob Hawk. William Hendricks. George Hall. John Holmes, Desrd. Sept. 21st 1814. No Names. 21. 1. Joseph Dodd. 22. 2. Bernard Adler. 23. 3. John Adams, Senr. 24. 4. John Adams, Junr. 25. 5. George Apple. 26. 6. Lewis L. Austin. 27. 7. John Allison. 28. 8. Hartman Blair. 30. 9. Philip Barns. 30. 10. Robert Blair. 31. ii. William Black. 32. 12. John Budd. 33. 13. Allen B. Bissell. 14. Thomas Broom, See Genl. 34. Roll. 35. 15. Josiah B. Barry. 36. 16. John B. Benniet. 37. 17. William Coulter. 38. 18. Arthur Corgee. 39. 19. Emerson Cornwell. 40. 20. John Carrol. 212 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 41. Thomas Harvey. 42. Ezekiel Hand. 43. John Harrar. 44. Samuel Hubble. 45. Stephen Jame.son. 46. Philip Kirk. 47. George Kane. 48. David Keemer. 49. John Kelly. 50. John Knox. 51. Jacob Kennard. 52. James Kennard. 53. William Lower. 54. Peter Louderback. 55. James Laferty. 56. John Lepo. James Long. Samuel Mertitis. 59. Ezra Martin. 60. Orson Munyan. 61. William McKean. James McGill. Gabriel McKee. George McDonnough. 57. 58'. 62. 63. G4. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Charles McDonald. John McKeever. Isaac McMuUin. Bernard McKay. John McCall, discharged 27th Sept. at Camp du- Pont. George Nolen. Norris Powers. Henry Parker. John Remick. William Rowland. John Rhodes, Transferred from Capt. Gilders Co. (see general receipt roll.) Jacob Rudy. James Sheerwood, Tranfd. to U. S. Navy 24 Oct. John Sheerwood. William Sheerwood. George Starkey. George Shrank. Stokes Tumlin. CAPT. JOHN P^ESMIRE'S COMPANY. We the subscribers, non-commissioned officers and privates of a Company 2nd Brigade, Rifleman Militia of the State of Pennsylvania, lately in the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President of the 4th of July, 1814, and subsequent thereto, do each of us hereby acknowledge to have received severally from Daniel Bussier, Paymaster of the Militia, the sum of one dollar & flfty-three cts., additional pay allowed by act of Assembly in such case made and pro- vided. Orderly Sergeant. 1. Jeremiah Northrof. 2nd Orderly Sergeant. 2. Samuel Rodgers. 3rd Orderly Sergeant. 3. Peter Werts. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 213 4. Jacob Smith. 5. Powel Clift. 6. Joseph P. Shearer. 7. John Rupert. 8. Samuel Foulkrodd 9. Henry Leister. 4th Orderly Sergeant. Musician. Corporal. 2ncl Corporal. 3rd Corporal. 4th Corporal. Privates. 10. Henry Rich. 11. Samuel Peaky. 12. David Hunter. 13. Hugh Evans. 14. Jacob Barnett. 15. Samuel Duffield. 16. Gasper Conrad. 17. William Enyard. 18. Henry Young. 19. David Barnett. 20. Samuel Foster. 21. Jacob Dingest. 22. William Bavington. 23. Jacob List. 24. Henry Grub. 25. Bartholomew Mallain. 26. Godfrey Slyhoof. 27. Thomas Leavi. 28. Joseph Engle. 29. John Grub. 30. Mathias Tallman. 31. Lewis Price. 32. James Aris. 33. Jacob Engle. 34. John Shearer. 35. John Snyder. 36. Jonathan Davis. 37. George Brill. 38. David Leahley. 39. Jacob Foster. 40. James Miller. 41. Benjamin Collum. 42. David Roror. 43. Jesse Vansossen. 44. Joseph Strous. 45. Thomas Glenn. 46. Francis Thomas. 47. Levi Vandergrift. 48. Joseph Glenn. 49. Joseph Brown. 50. David Barnett. 51. Isaac Starne. 52. Jonthan Sowrman. 53. John Smith. 54. William Starne. 55. George Newkirk. 56. Jacob Wright. 57. John Simons. 58. John Wartenhee. 59. Andrew E. Lear. 60. John Watson. 61. William Fletcher. 62. John Giberson. 63. John Todd. 64. Joseph Lear. 65. Robert Barrett. 66. John Leister. 67. William Smith. 68. John Girdon. 69. Frederick Slaugh. 70. David Evans. 71. Joseph Gilbert. 72. Samuel Shisline. 214 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 73. Martin Egee. 76. David Glenn. 74. George H. Rohiel. 77. Jolin Fesmire, Junr. 75. Henry Davis. 78. Peter Fesmire. ROB'T LAMBERTON, PAY MASTER, 1812-14. (215) (216) PAY MASTER, 1812-14. »? September 21st, 1814. We whose names are hereunto subscribed belonging to Captain Allexanders company of Volunteers acknowledge to have received from Robert Lamberton pay master of the 5th Detachment of Militia of Pennsylvania called into the Service of the United States under the Command of Col. James Fenton Six dollars pr. man in full of additional pay or Compensation allowed by an Act of the Legistlature passed the 29th day of March 1813 and agreeably to an Act passed the 22nd day of February 1814. 1. Jno. L. Hays. 2. Joseph McKean. 3. Joseph Brown. 4. Isaac Bell. 5. James [his (X) mark]" Dawson. 6. 7. Edward Johnson. 8. John Richardson. 9. Wm. Walker. 10. Christian Hoffman. 11. Daniel Miller. 12. Daniel Dowling. 13. James Base. 14. Geo. Kline. 15. Wm. Alexander, Jr. 16. Michael Holcomb. 17. James Spotswood. IS. George D. Rine. 19. Andrew [his (X) mark] Ellison. 20. James McCertney. 21. Joseph Borland. 22. John [his (X) mark] Morrice. 23. Alexr. Magee. 24. Heny Mahmore. 25. James H. Huttan. 26. Robert Parkison. 27. Frederick Beyer. 28. John Armor. 29. Wm. Craven. 30. John Wynkoop. 31. Wrily. 32. Thomas [his (X) mark] Sullivan. 33. John Butler. i^ 5^« (220) JOHN PHILLIPS. PAY MASTER, 1812-14. (221) (222) PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 223 m H d ^ Q S « H &H H-l CC ►7 O tn S o f^ o O Ph Its fa O Q > ^ > >^ O fr-i O Ph Q a O CO CH M M ^ H 73 pa Q >:. 3 -o o.5i •sXeq 8SSSS§SS§§S§§gg§g gOOOJPOOOOO ; ^ ^ tH a : CD CO eo cc CO Cp CO CO So. c in M be M) ^ t; fe sh .c x .i .„.::.£ .i .:; c o o a o m o a o -o £ -a CO •rk '^ • g E S m4^ S Cm -g t, fe o 5 ■o -□ lid E (1^ C a; 5 oi 3 C oj to ii m m C 000~cSf!>.ci'SroT- i-5l-5i-;Hl-5yKlt-,- gooogoo i§8 ooggoog S88 g ?i S S! S gi Si SS o O t^ O O O tp ggs ^ ^ : ^ "-" to to OJ 0/ 0^ c; OJ OJ CJ oc *-. f d 1) S 3 *^ ■^ U S K S -^ o c c -• c ^ •5 d O o b» o 5 ^« ^ fso <; o ^ p: S w >2 X PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 5^25 OOQ ^ ^ Jh >> s §§ c S ggggggggSgg g gggg g ggSSS : ss CatMCMCvlCMCsI^C^O'l S ssss g SBS CD (D CD CD O -l; OJ QJ a* fc CL< PU a. 0, ;:^ (Laiii,(i;pi,ii,(i,a,(i,fiHfoPH^ciHa,fi-ai ■3 ^ -^ C :d e5 t* 5 c ■ C a> *-* t^ bo M ,3^ O) r; Co i- •= e: w tc 5 t^O^ ? S.a^ . t, o a) C £ S e S £ PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 227 o o o a X « 1 ■d Q o d rt w y, ■a t: U 0) U SSS^'^I^^^M^MCvj^^^irj^C-IC^lSS'M SSc^^^^^S S tiCbDbOtllltillbCbSbllbllbflbCbOhllbDiiCUltlCtKlbOblilllilC bCtmilCUlilDitllbllbl) 3333333333333333333333 33333333 <<<<<<<< -^ <■<<<<<<<<<<< < <<<<<<<< r-t-t^t--t-t^t:-r— l^r^l>.r>.r>.t~-'r— r--r~-f^r™r---h-c» r--t— r-r-h-r-.h-r~-" 3 >» ^ rt C c !lOtaOb«U)tJ]tIlW)bCbBMM)tK)bEti£aC'MDMlllltl)tDfc£lbc tlbB&DMtHltBtBbB 3333333333333333333333 33333333 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< 228 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. < M ••BIU-BAl^S -uu3a JO a^-B^S 9111 -Jas JO ■aoiA uoijBaidxa 0) n X o OH Q •aojAaas JUDUIOOUOUilUOO •a 'O "Td ? ■- o p — f^^ W e S 1= E 5 ' "E o be c £ N J3 o F F o E ^ H ^^ PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 229 We the Subscribers Members of Capt. Fredk. Hoffs Com- pany do acknowledge to have received of John Philips, Pay- master the respective Sums anexed to our Names. Term of Ser- vice Charges. Names. Rank. d o o Frederick Hoff, .. Peter Huston Jacob Saylor, Wm. Cooper, Wm. McGinnis, .. Henry Fantlinger, Jacob Anawalt, . Mathlas Swenhart, Wm. Larking, . . . Jacob Fields John Fox, John Lint William Gruber, . John Kritzer, Levi Gribble Valentine Houpt, John Graft Jacob Cover Arthur Nelson, . . Jacob Saylor, Thomas Faith, .. George Kennedy, Saml. Jones Jacob Serley, Henry Gray Saml. Gray Garret Rush Adam Snyder, ... Philip Nedrow, .. Peter Nedrow, . . Andrew Hipsher, John Cramer, John Sterner Michl. Lingafelter, John Houpt James Pennel, . . . David Stall Jacob Hartzel, ... Tobias Johnston, George Woods, . . John Whysong, . . John McKnight, . John Drury Joseph Bosh John Commings, Danl. Howard, .. Alex. Linn Capt Llet Ensign 1st Serjt., .. 2nd Serjt., . 3rd Serjt., . 4th Serjt., . 1st Corp., .. 2nd Corp., 3rd Corp., . 4th Corp., . Dum Major, Private, I'rivate, Private Private, Private Private Private Private, Private, Private Private Private Private Private Private , Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Private, Private 6 15 6 G 15 6 6 15 6 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 20 fi 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 G 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 fi 15 26 6 15 26 8 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 fi 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 20 6 15 26 6 20 6 15 26 6 20 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 28 6 20 6 15 26 6 13 2G 8 15 20 6 r. 26 fi r, 26 G 20 6 1-. 28 6 ir, 28 8 r. 2fi 8 15 21! 8 15 zr, fi 15 28 fi 15 2fi fi 15 28 6 15 2C 230 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. We the Subscribers Members of Capt. Fredk. Hoffs Com- pany — Continued. Term of Ser- vice Charges. Elija Wright, Peter Henry, John Davis, Private, Private, Private, 6 15 26 6 15 26 6 15 26 $1204 We the Subscribers acknowledge to have received of John Phillips, Paymaster the sum annexed to our respective names being the amount in full of our extra pay from the State of Pennsylvania. Mathew Johnston, . . . Charles Rowan John Harvey James Caughey, James Withrow Abraham Wolf James McElheny, Daniel Knight John Kurkendall Daniel Raysinger, ... Henry Small, John Bridgeman Isaac Lozien David W. Quiston, .. Solomon Mane James Steel, John Latta Henry Konkle John Tho. waiter David Scot John Weatherspon, .. Thomas Thorntiurger, Robert Tj. McKain, . Daniel McKain William Hanna Captain, Lieut., . Insign, . Sargents, Corporis, Privets, . fi fi Ci G 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 fi 20 6 20 G 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 G 20 G 20 6 20 6 20 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 231 We the Subscriljers acknowledge to have received of John Phillips — Continued. Robert McNeely James Moor John Clark David Henry, William Hammon, Alexander McCurdy, James Wiley Edward M. Connehey, Lsaac Ganiis, Henry Campbell Conrad Grim, Frederick Bridgeman, Samuel McCurdy James Thomson Joseph Ccoley, David Park Daniel Jamison, William Smith Charles Clark John Diveen, ...» Samuel Thomson, James Hall, Isaac Wolf Jacob Yoho Samuel Polinger, Samuel Kelley Thomas Blair George Ford Daniel Imally William Shields Edward M. Doherty, . John Thomson 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 232 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. W H H f^ > Ph CO S W H pBAiaosj ^unouiB tb^ox -J'S JO •aoiA UOIIT3JICIX3 II II II • aoiAJas juauiaouaiuiuoo o o o o o o ep C^ CM Csi d Cvl C^mPU>^ P4 rt rt w K o 01 3 t. F t: aj C!J r^ o PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 233 M -^ <^ 5 ^(UQiOUQjajQjaJ(P b t. t< tH U a>OJ(D(t> .S ^ .& ^ i: .j; .b .^ — 'u "Ci "u U Xi Ck PM Pn a, Ph CL, Pn (1< a, £ fU fL, PL, CL, PM p^ d, Oh Ph PL, Ph CL, P4 PU PL, CL, d, p. Ph fc p. Ph ^ -o a 3 1 ° •§ '^ 1:; s 2 cq c - c a ■J a r s ij N t: o. '^ .2 oS'o^^SalS [id gj="gg£:gSc~£j'^5j3S2«i K^-5^-,fetC^Kl^l-,t>^^t^^^l-:>^<)HI? H "O „ O O ii rr ^. e O 9 y. c ■=. % 'i' f c 284 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. M M IM IN M ■p3A!9oa.i junoiLii; i-^ox dj s s : 13;3 13 S i3 •SABQ ^ M o to O t£> to to tototototototoco to^^^tO 4! B •sqiuoH h .-; >> d 3 aoiA 813. 813. 1813, 813. S13 813. 1813. 1813, 1813, S13, 813, 813, 813.. Jan 1813, 813, 813, 813, -ass JO uunB.iidx3 ... "^ 'O . " l|J|lll|sltlll p, ft B' a 5 <; << < O* (P Q^ QJ 1) OJ 'E 'E 'E 'E 'u 'E 'E 'E 'E "E 'E 'E 'E 'E pMPL4|:L4fI||l||l4|l4Cl4PL4PkEL|p.- c c C c • c c P: c c C < c a 1 < s £ ^ - K £ c c c C £ e a t: c r < C £ c - c c IS < - Sc a £ OJ 3 c c G PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 235 00 q) CO n) •2 "-a « 5^0 fi (1) ID ii > 04 P4 Ph a, H Q i-s cc 236 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Tw^^J — — — eS ■*^ 3 -r^ •r-i •r-i Ml & Ml > i^ a ■1-1 «^ n! ? •»; 1^ << be • 5 ■= ai £ o 6 fe fq S N 1-5 CL| rt a! S M ~ -= S „ „ . nj c t« w o g d C D. 13 T! CI* ^ ^ M h fe PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 2 '" " S ^ S [£ -•-• r-( W Oi '-' tb be ^ u. fe Q „ ^ (-» CO > ri o „- c r '^ S a,- !3 I ^ ^ u » S .3 „ I i 5 « :^ ^ S5 5 ? -S p Ol n n ^ W > m B o^ 238 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. We the Subscribers, Members of Capt. John Wallace's Com- pany, do acknowledge to have received of John Phillips Pay- master the Respective Sums, annexed to our names. John Wallace John McCormick, .. James Stewart, George Mabon, Benoni Williams, .. William Hopkins, ... John Brady William Evans, Armour Persons, ... Thomas Meredith, Lewis Wilson William Wilson, George Willson, Thomas Stephens, . John Girt Jacob McLain David Phillip William McCollough, William McKee Joshua Ray Stephen Talkontine, Jacob Fiscus Isaac Leninglon, .. John Painter, Jun., Phillip Moirs, James Luke George Flyme James Milegan Andrew Keers Stephen Gasten William Bell Patrick Mclnulty, . James Guthrie, John Jones George Titus '. . Charlos Foreman, .. Daniel Morton David McKibens, .. Peter Barnet Peter Latshaw James Stephenson, , James Finley John Fallaam, Jame.^ Williams David Collin James Evans Henry Graham, Alexander Gutheric, John Wilson Capt Lieut., .. Ensign, . 1st Sergt. 2d Sergt., 2d Sergt., 4th Sergt. 1st Corpl. 2d Corpl., 3d Corpl., 4th Corpl. Private, Pri\ate, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Frigate, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . I'rivate, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Prixate, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2f) 20 20 2pO 20 20 20 20 20 if) 20 2« 'M 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 '3) 20 20 ao 2f1 20 20 39 20 PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 239 We the Subscribers, Members of Capt. John Wallace's Com- pany — Continued. James Kirpatrick Abiham Smith. Joel Stout, John Man Peter Everart, . John Jack Joseph Shields, . Henry Kinter, . . Samuel Reding, Robert Alison, . John Painter. Senr Isaac Simpson, ... Thomas Thompson. Private, I'rivate, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private. Private. Private. Private. I'rivate. Private, Private, 20 20 20 20 20 20 &■> 20 20 20 a) (?1192.00) 240 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. p n Q X oi o n Tn H A C/J W o K ■iioa sXeq •smuoj^i •}U3tU3in3S JO UOUBJKlxa ■;u3uiamag sun JO ;uaai80u3Luaio.) o Cl 05 m ^ _ lO c; rti ,^ in ^ m I-H lO C3 50 «c cc -!t eo to (M to tD to to te to to ti x;' - . . . . ^. ^. ^- ^. *"* ttf a a u a • a a> < p a a a p. a a n cccccccccccccccc OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO t;.S-i-;*^?2=^oSo5'^rtd'Srt'e3rt Ki-sH:i-ji-:|S . C 'S be . S M 3 =: c c ? c ;- ^ c .c j= c j:: " c x: o o ai o > cj O ^ o o PAY MASTER, 1812-14. 241 OiOic^Oi^oiOiOiddOiOi CCCO<0<0CDC0iOtf>CCCC _„- ■ :: Eg ^ ^ 1-t i^ ^ i^ S "^ t-t T-H lii "W T-7 'n •o ■o ■a -n-5 •6 •n Tf "o -a c c c a C "^ c c c c c '•■' ■-■' s: '• ' '•■' '■' C-l C-l 1 , ; , -.. I,. ^ ;h ^ ^ u ;_\ c. c. c. ii ti u. c. o. < < < -^ <; < <^ -< •< <; < <^ i 1 ^ i s" 00 X XI i 1 ii COOOOOOOOOOOO U V o u o o o o o o COCOOOOOOOOOO - O . CD er A D 1813 and who were engaged in the Battle fought on that day and aided to Capture the British fleet Commanded by Commodore Barclay — have constituted & appointed & by these presents do constitute and appoint Col. William Smyth our true & lawful Attorney for us & in our name & for our use to call upon Samuel D. Ingham Secretary of State and receive from him the Medals voted us by the Legislature of our Native State (Pennsylvania) and on receipt of the Same acquittances, Recipts, or other Sufficient dis- charges for us & in our names to make Seal and deliver and generally all & every other act or acts thing & things, in the law whatsoever needful and necessary to be done in and about the premises by virtue hereof — as fully to all intents & purposes as we could so v/ere we personally present — In wit- ness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & Seals the 29th Jay of November A D Eighteen hundred & nineteen — HENRY McEWEN [Seal] SAMUEL McKINNY [Seal] NOBEL LUCAS [Seal] JOHN LUCAS [Seal] WILLIAM MURRAY [Seal] JOHN SHIRK [Seal] Sealed & delivered in presence of us JAMES PETRIKIN John Shirk's name enterlined before signing WM. PETRIKIN Centre County Ss. Henry McEwen, Samuel McKinny, Nobel Lucas & John Sherick Junior, John Lucas, William Murray, came before the 18— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 274 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in & for the County aforesaid & acknowledged the above Power of Attorney ta be their acts & deed and desired tliat it might be recorded as such Witness my hand and Seal the 29th day of November A D 1819. WM. PETRIKIN [Seal] Centre County Ss. I William Petrikin Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania duly Commissioned & Sworn residing in the Borough of Bellefonte in the said Commonwealth do Certify that Samuel Hambleton Purser on board of Commodore Perry's Peet remitted to me the Prize money, allotted to each of the within named Subscribers to the within Power of Attorney being the Sum of two hundred and nine dollars & thirty one cents & an half each share, and that I had in my possession each of their Prize tickets, & that I am personally acquainted with them and know them to have been inhabitants of Centre County at the time they marched and Still continue to be in- habitants of the said County. The said prize money was ad- judged to them for their Services in assisting to capture the British fleet on Lake Erie on the 10th day of Septembre A D 1813— In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Notarial Seal at Bellefonte aforesaid the 29th day of No- vember A D 1819. WM. PETRIKIN. not. pub. [Seal ] The medals for Henry McEwen, Samuel McKinney, Nobel Lucas, John Lucas, John Shirk and Wm. Murray were deliv- ered to Colo. Wm. Smith Member of the Legislature for Cen- tre County — fee Receipt book of the date of Deer. 14th 1819. Centre County. Henry McEwen, Samuel McKinney Noble Lucas, John Sher- ick, John Lucas & William Murray each of them on their Sol- emn oaths duly administered according to law did depose & say that they were each & every of them on board of Commo- dore Perry's fleet on the 10th day of September A D 1813 & assisted in capturing the British fleet on Lake Erie on that MEDALLISTS. 275 day, that they were inhabitants of Centre County, Pennsyl- vania, & marched from Bellefonte in Captain Records' Com- pany of Militia & after being discharged from the said fleet re- turned to Centre County where they now reside & where they did reside at & before the time they marched— That they vol- unteered to serve on board said fleet and continued until hon- orably discharged. SAMUEL McKlNNEY HENRY McEWEN NOBEL LUCAS JOH NLUCAS JOHN SHIRK WILLIAM MURRAY Sworn & Subscribed the 29th day of November A D 1819 Before me — WM. PETRIKIN one of the Justices of the peace for said County. Centre County Ss. Samuel McKinney and William Murray on their solemn oaths saith that the within named William Blair was on board of the Niagara one of the Vessels belonging to Commodore Perry's fleet on Lake Erie; that the said William Blair was engaged in the Battle of the lOlh September 1813; that they fought along side of this deponent on that day; that he march- ed with these deponents from Bellefonte in Centre County in Captain Records Company of Militia to Erie— That he volun- teered to go on board of Perry's fleet with these deponents — And that he returned to Centre County Pennsylvania of which County they were residents before they marched — SAMUEL McKINNEY WILLIAM MURRAY Sworn & Subscribed the 29th day of November A D 1819. Be- fore me — WM. PETRIKIN one of the Justices of the peace for said County. This is to Certify to all whom it may concern That the Bearer hereof Jesse Taylor, belonged to my Company attached to the Regiment Commanded by Col. Rees Hill at the town of Erie in the year 1813, and Went on board the Fleet as a Volun- 276 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. teer, under the Command of Commodore 0. H. Perry and after The Capture of the British Squadron he left the Fleet at Erie, where he received his discharge. Witness my hand the 30th day of November One thousand eight hundred and nineteen 1819 ISAAC LINN. I Jesse Taylor of Fayette County do authorize and appoint Dr. Daniel Sturgeon to receive my Medal as granted by the state of Pennsylvania areeably to the within certificate — Witness my hand and seal the third day of Jany 1820. JESSE TAYLOR Test THOS HADDEN Acknowledged before me the same day THOS. HADDEN Not. Pub. This is to certify to all whom it may concern That the Bear- er thereof John Beeson belonged to my Company, Attached to the Regiment Commanded by Colo. Rees Hill at the Town of Erie on hte year 1813. And went on board the Fleet as a Vol- unteer under the Command of Commodore 0. H. Perry, and after the Capture of the British Squadron he left the fleet and joined his Regiment at Sanduskey, returned with us to Erie, where he received his discharge Witness my hand the Thirtieth day of November 1819 ISAAC LINN I John Beeson of Fayette County appoint and authorize Dr. Daniel Sturgeon to receive my Medal as I suppose I am author- ised to receive agreeably to the within certificate. Witness my hand and seal the first day of Dec. 1819 JOHN BEESON Test. THOS HADDEN Acknowledged before Thomas Hadden the same day Not. Pub. MEDALLISTS. 277 New York, Decbr. 2d. 1811): Sir, 1 have Receivd. your letter of 24th of Novr. & have given those two Medalls with right names on to Mr. Theophilus T. Ware Designated Collector of Harrisburg to be Dellivered to you. The list of names I have Receiv'd of Mr. Boiloe former Secretary, where you can make Enquiry if it is Corect, indis- position of Health has obliged me to make a journey— is the reason of writing this letter to you from this City—, but I will soon be in Philadelphia again. I am Sir Very Respectfully your obt. & humble Sert. MORITZ FURST The Honorable S. D. Ingham Secretary of Comonwelt Pensilvania. I William Henry Junr. do constitute and appoint my friend Joseph Milliken, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and for my use to ask demand and receive of and from S. D. Ingham Esq. Secretary of State the silver Medal (in pur- suance of a resolution of the legislature of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the 31st January 1814) and to do all lawful acts requisite for effecting the premises hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney shall lawfully do by virtue hereof. In Witness whereof,! have hereunto set my hand and seal the 7th day of December A. D. 1819. WILLIAM HENRY Junr. [Seal] Sealed and delivered in the presence of SAML. EDMISTON WM. A: PATTERSON Mifliin County Ss. [Seal] On the seventh day of December 1819 before me the sub- scriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the said county came the above named William Henry and acknow- ledged the above letter of attorney to be his act and deed and «78 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. desired that it miglit be recorded as sucli according to law. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written WM A: PATTERSON I John TMcNitt, do constitute and appoint my friend Joseph Milliken, my true and lawful attorney for one & in my. name & for my use to ask demand & receive of and from S. D. Ing- ham Esq. Secretary of State the silver medal (in pursuance of a resolution of the legislature of the commonwealth of Penn- sylvania passed the 31st January 1814) and to do all lawful acts requisite for effecting the premises hereby ratifying & con- firming at that my said attorney shall lawfully do by virtue hereof. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 8th day of December A. D. 1819. JOHN McMIT [Seal] Sealed and delivered in presence of F. HORRELL. Mifllin County Ss. On the eighth day of December A D 1819 before me the sub- scriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the said county came the above named John McNitt, and acknowledged the above letter of Attorney to be his Act and deed & desired that it might be recorded as such according to law. In Tes- timony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written WM. A. PATTERSON. Harrisburgh, December 10th 1819 Sir, In conformity with your orders I proceeded to New Port Rhode Island to deliver to the representatives of the late Com- modore Perry a Gold Medal together with a Copy of the Reso- lution of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, directing its procurement and delivery, and a letter from your Excellency to Mrs. Perry. Immediately on my arrival I addressed a note to Mrs. Perry requesting her to inform me at what time I might have the honour of waiting on her to present those testimonials of the feelings of Government of Pennsylvania elicited by the glor- MEDALLISTS. 279 ious and splendid events to which they referred — On the follow- ing Day Col. C. Champlin (the Uncle of Mrs. P) called and in- formed me Mrs. Perry would receive me at 4 Oclock P. M. at which time accompanied by Col. Champlin I proceeded to her residence & in the presence of her friends and family presented her with the Medal and Resolution; the letter of your Excel- lency having been previausly delivered — Mrs. Perry desired me to tender to you and thro, you to the Legislature her thanks for the distinguished marks of consid- eration, and approbation which the Government of Pennsyl- vania had manifested for the services of her much lamented husband — Very respectfully I am Your Excellency Mo. Obedt. Servt. W. N. IRVINE His Excellency W. Findlay— I certify that M. Wm. C. Keen, of Pennsylvania, volunteered his services on board of Comm-odore Perry's Fleet on Lake Erie; and was actually on board of the Lawrence Brig, in capacity of Master at arms, at the Capture of Cbmmodore Barclay's Fleet on that Lake on 10th September 1813. S. HAMBLETON Late Purser of the Lake Erie Fleet. Geo town. Dec. 16. 1819. Samuel D. Ingham Esq. Secy, of State. Harrisburg, Penna. The State of Indiana, Switzerland Coy. Ss. Personally appeared before me John Gilliland, a justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, this twenty seventh day of December, A. D. 1819. William C. Keen, late of Mercer county, commonewalth of Pennsylvania, who after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he was born in Berks couty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, near Shoutts' church, above Wommelsdorf— that he marched to Erie, in 1813 under the comma Qd of Captain Samuel Clark, of colonel Hosack's regiment as a private soldier— that he volunteered his services and served on board of the United States brig Lawrence during 280 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. the engagement on the 10th of September A. D. 1813, as Mas- ter-at-arms, that he received his pay as a Militia man fi'om Mr. Hamot, of Erie, on whose pay roll his name will be found and further saith not. WILLIAM C: KEEN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of Decem- ber A. D. 1819. JOHN GILLILAND. Justice of the Peace. Know all men by these presents that I William C. Keen, late of Mercer County, Pennsylvania have appointed and by these presents doth appoint Henry Hurst, Esq. a Member of the Senate of Penna. my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, to ask, demand and receive from the Secretary of the Commowealth of Pennsylvania, a Silver Medal which was voted to me, by the legislature of the commonwealth aforesaid, on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1814, as a volunteer on board the American squadron on lake Erie, September 10th 1813. — hereby ratifying and confirming whatsoever my said attorney shall do for me in that behalf. Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of December A. D. 1819. Witness WILLIAM C: KEAN. The State of Indiana Switzerland county, William C. Keen, this day appeared before me and acknowledged the above to be his voluntary act and deed. Deer. 28, 1819. JOHN GILLILAND, J. P. The State of Indiana, Switzerland coy, Ss. I John Francis Dufour, clerk of the Circuit court in and for the county aforesaid, do certify that John Gilliland Esq. before whom the annexed aflidavit and acknowledgement of William C. Keen appears to have been taken, was at the time of taking said affidavit and acknowledgement, an acting Justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, duly elected, commis- sioned and sworn into office, — that full faith and credit is and of right ought to be given to his official act as such. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the said Switzerland Circuit Court, at Vevay. this 27th day of December A. D. 1819. JOHN FRANCIS DUFOUR Clk. MEDALLISTS. 281 Know all men by these presents that I Henry Petrikin At- torney in fact for Alexander McKillip one of the volunteers on board of Perry's fleet on the 10th Sept. 1813 from Centre County Penna. have constituted and appointed and by these presents do hereby constitute and appoint Col. William Smyth of the House of Representative of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name and for and in the name of my constituent and for his sole use and behoof to call at the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and receive the silver medal bestowed to the said Alexander McKillip for his services on board of the said fleet in the action with the British fleet on the said tenth of September 1S13 and on the receipt or receipts for me and in my name and in the name of my constituent for the same as may be deemed necessary and proper and generally to do and perform all matters and things in and about the premises as fully as I myseii could do by virtue of the powers granted me by the said Alexr. McKillip and as fully as he himself could do were we or either of us personally present. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal the thirty first day of December, Anno Domini 1819. HENRY PETRIKIN [Seal] Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Wm. Petrikin. James Petrikin. Centre County ss. Before the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the said County came Henry Petrikin in the above power of attorney named and who executed the same in my presance and acknowledged the sums to be his ami deed de- livered for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand & seal at Bellefonte the 31st Deer. 1819. WM. PETRIKIN [Seal] Know all men by these presents that I John Hull of the Township of Spring in the County of Centre & State of Penn- sylvania late a volunteer on board of the Caldonia belonging to Comodore Perry's fleet on Lake Erie and who was engaged in the naval Action of the said Lake on the 10th of Septembef A. D. 1813 — have I by these presents do nominate constitute & appoint Colonel William Smyth, a member of the General As- 282 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. sembly of Penna. for me and in my name and for my use to call at the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and receive the medal voted to me by the Legislature of Pennsyl- vania in Consideration of my services in the said engage- ment on the said day— giving & grantng unto my said Attorney by these presents my full and whole power strength & aTi- thority in & about the premises and upon the receipt of the said medal acquittance or other sufficient discharges for me & in my name to make Seal & deliver as fully largely & amply to all intents & purposes as I myself might or couW do were I personally present. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seat the 31 day of December A. D. 1819. JOHN HULL Sealed and Delivered in presence of us, JAMES PETRIKIN [Seal] WM. PETRIKIN [Seal] Centre County ss. Before the Subscribers one of the Justices of the Peace in & for the above Letter of Attorney to be his Act & Deed and desired that it might be recorded as Such. Witness my hand and seal the 31st day of December A. D. 1819. WM. PETRIKIN [Seal] Centre County ss. Before the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in & for the County aforesaid came John Hull in the above Letter of Attorney named and on His Solemn oath duly administered according to law doth depose & say that he was actually on board of the Fleet above mentioned in the naval engagement tm Lake Erie on the 10th September 1813, that he marched, from Aamnsburg in Centre County on the 14th day of April 1813, to Erie, and there volunteered his services to go on board the said Fleet on the 26th of July in the Same year and according to the best of his knowledge in November following he was discharged and that he received his extra pay and prize money for his services aforesaid. JOHN HULL Sworn and Subscribed the 31st day of Deer. 1819 before me, WM. PETRIKIN. MEDALLISTS. 8S3 I am confident the above named John Hull is the person entitled to the aboive mentioned medal and that there is no deception or imposition on his part. This I believe Col. Smyth can also certify. WM. PETRIKIN. I do certify that the within named John Hull is the person who is repaled to have volunteered and to have been on board the fleet under the command of Com. Perry in the Naval En- gagment on Lake Erie on the 10th September 1813. WM. SMYTH. To the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: I Elijah Davis a Justice of- the peace in and for Mifflin County do hereby Certify that Jacob Toole the person making application for a Medal Struck for those who Served on bord of Captain Perry's Squadron on Lake Erie is the Identical Jacob Toole who got his discharge for having served on bord of the Scarhein one of the above Squadroni I was personally acquainted with the said Jacob Toole before he left the Ctounty & after his return home Certified this third day of Januy A. D. 1820. ELIJAH DAVIS. Respected Sir: You will please to Present this obtain my right and Claim as you have a knowledge of my right to call on it (my meddle I mean) I expect you are fittest person I could aply to. Please direct it to Anthony Elton, Post Master, Mtincy town. Com- pliance will be Remembered by your F. O. H. S. JAMES TOOL. John Cumins Esqr. Harrisburg. I certify that Jacob Toole, Landsman, was on board the Scarpion, one of Commodore Perry's Squadron, in the Action of the 10th of September 1813, and is entitled to a share of the Prize Money that may accrue from the captain of the British Squadron of the day: Per order of the Commodore. S. HAMBLETON, Purser. 284 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Know all men by these presents that William Pace of Plymoiith Township in the Ooimty of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, have made ordained and appointed by these presents Do make ordain Constitute and appoint Col. Benja- min DoTrance of Kingston Township County and State afore- said my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name on my behalf to ask and Receive from the Secretary of this Commionwealth (or any other officer appointed for that pur- pose) a Certain Meddal which was granted toi me as well as others who voluu/teered on Board of the United States Squad- ron on Lake Earie in the Summer of 1813 and was in the action of the ICth of September of the said year on Board of Comodioi e Perry's Fleet, hereby authorize my Said At- torney for me and in my name to give any neeessary Receipt or Receipts for the Said Meddal as fully in every Respect as I might or Could do. if personally present, and dO' hereby agree to Ratify and confirm all and whatsoever my Said Attorney shall lawfully do or Cause to be done in and about the Said premises by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof I here unto Set my hand and seal January 3rd 1820. WILLIAM PACE, in presence of Samuel Thomas. Alexander I^ord Drummer. I do Certify that the within named William Pace was at Erie under my command in the year 1813 in the Service of the United States and volunteered on board of the UnitedStates Squadron at Erie under the command of 0. H. Perry on the 26th ron at Erie under the Command of O. H. Perry on the 26th day of July of that year, and was on Board of the Schooner Summers in the memorable action of the 10th of Sept. on Lake Erie and Continued on Board until discharged at Erie in the month of November of that year. Witness my hand at Kingston Township the 4th day of January A. D. 1820. Samuel Thomas, late Capt. of Artillery Company in Col. Rees Hiill's Regiment Penna. Millitia. MEDALLISTS. • 2S5 Luzerne County ss. On the 6th day of January A. D. 1820 before Samuel Thomas Bsqr, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the Said County personally Came William Pace the within Subscriber and am acknowledged the within power of Attorney to be his and deed for the purposes tlierein mentioned. Witness my hand and Seal at Kingston Township the: date above written. SAMUEL THOMAS. Justice of Peace. Know all men by these preasents that I Alexander Mc- Ctoiskey of North East Township County of Erie & State of Peninsylvania volunteered on board the United States Squad- ron under the command of Oliver H. Perry on Lake Erie the sumer of 1813— serving in the capacity of a marine on board the Schooner Tigras of said Squadran, and by these presents do make my trusty friend Henry Hurst Esq. Senator now at Harrisburgh my true and Lawful attorney, for me and in my name and for my use to ask, demand and receive of and from the Secretary of this commonwealth the Medal v/hich was Voted to me agree- able to a Resolution of the legislature of this Comonwealth passed the 31st Jany. 1814 — giving and hereby granting unto the said attorney full and whole power to take and pursue and foll'ow such legal course for the recovery recelvinig and obtaining said Medal as I myself might or could do, ware i personally present, and I do hereby ratify alow and confirm all and whatever my attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and about execution of the premises, by virtue of the preasents. In witness Vv^hereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this 18tb day of Jany. 1812. ALEXANDER McCLOSKEY [Seal] Erie County ss. Personally came before me the Subscriber one of the Jus- tices of the Peace in and for the said County Alexander Mc- CLoskey and acknowledged the within power of attorney to be his act and dec'd. FRANCES BRAWLBY, January 29th, 1820. 286 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Erie Ct)unty, ss. Personally came before me the Subscribers one of the Justices of the peace in; and for the County of Brie John Phillips who being Sworn according to law doth depose and Say that to his certain knowledge that the above named Alex- ander McClaskey was enrolled in Captain George Records Company Served in the Regiment Commanded by Col. Reese Hill at Eirie, volunteered on Boird the fleet under Commodore O. H. Perry on Lake Erie and that to my certaini knowledge I know the above named Alexander McClaskey to be the same who Served on board the Scooner aforesaid (in the power of attorney) and that I saw the price ticket be removed. JOHN PHILLIPS. Sworn & Subscribed January 29th 1820 before me Ftancis Brawly. North East, Jany. 29th, 1820. I do hereby Certify that from my personal aquaintance with John Phillips Esq. whose depisition is affixed to this paper that I know him to be a man of varasty. FRANCIS BiRAWLEY. Know all men by the presants, That I James Sims formerly of Mifnin County now of Washington County in State of Pennsylvania, have made constituted and appointed and by these presants do make cons. -.ate and appoint and in my place and stead put and depute Walter Craig Esq. now a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania my true and lawful attormey for me and in my name and for my use to ask and receive from the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a Silver Medal that was awarded to me by the Legislature of Pennsylvania for my service as a volunteer on board of Commodore Perry's Squadron in action of the 10th of Sept. 1813 on Lake Erie. In witness whereof I have hereunto Let my hand and Seal this 19th day February A. D. 1820. JAMES SIMS [Seal] — attest — ABN. ADAMS. JAMES THOMPSON. MEDALLISTS. 287 Copy of Prize Certificate. I certify that James Sims, Landsman, was on board the Scorpion one of Commodore Perry's Squadron in the action of the 10th of September 1813 and is entitled to a share of the prize money that may accrue from the capture of the British Squadron that day. Per order of the Commodore. S. HAMBLETON Purser. Personally appeared before me Alex. Adams a Justice of the peace iu and for the County of Washington James Sims and being daly Sworn Saith that he the Said Sims served as a Pennsylvania Volunteer in the actions of the 10th of Sept. 1813 on bliard of Conimodare Perry's Squadron and that he is the same James Sims to whom the above Certificate was issued and that it is the best testimony that he can now pro- duce to obtain his medal for the above mentioned services. Sworn and subscribed before me this 19th day of Febry. 1820. JAMES SIMS. ABN. ADAMS. Kingston, February 22nd, 1820. 1 do Certify that Godfrey Bowman volunteered on Board of the United States Squadron at Erie on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1813 under the command of Oliver H. Perry, and was on Board in the memorable action of the 10th of September of the same year and continued on Board until discharged at Eirie in the month of November following. Samuel Thomas late Captn. of Artillery Compy in Col. Reese HilU's Regt. Pemia. Militia. Said Bowman now resides in Deai-field Township, Tioga County. S. THOMAS. Know all men by these presents that I Godfrey Bowman of the Tov/nship of Deersfield in the County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania Do make Constitute and appoint and by these presents have made Constituted and appointed John Ryon Junior Esquire my true and lawful attorney for me in my 288 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. name to demand and Receive a Certain Medal which I am Legally entitled to for my Services in the action on Laive Erie with Commodore Perry. It witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of Febru- ary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. GODFREY BOWMAN [Seal] Witness John Cook. Personally came and appeared before me Cyprian Wright Esqr. one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County of TiO'ga, Godfrey Bowman and acknowledged the signing of the above Power to be his free act and deed for the purpose therein expressed and wished the same to be Recorded as such given under my hand this twenty fourth day of Feb. in the year of our Lord our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty. CYPRIAN WRIGHT JUST. P. To Godfrey Bowman Power of Attorney. JOHN RYAN ESQ. I James Gray Do authorize and appoint Dr. Daniel Sturgion as my Attorney in my name and place and for my use to demand and renew a Silver Medal Presented to me in Con- sideration of my services as a Volunteer on board of Com- modore Perry's fleet. Given under my hand and seal the tenth day of March 1820. JAMES GRAY [Seal] Test. NATHL. MITCHEL. THOS. HADDER. I hereby certify that James Gray was a volunteer on Board Commodore Perry's Squadron on the 10th Septr. 1813 and the said James Gray now lives in the county of Fayette near to Hopwood, and that I have good reason to believe that he is the same James Gray who has signed the above order tO' Dr. Sturgeon to receive this medal, which was accorded to him for that service. REEiS HILL. MEDALLISTS. 289 Philada. May 31, 1820' Sir. Understanding the Medals voted to the Lake Erie officers by the State are ready for delivery, I have to request that the Medal to which I am entitled my be forwarded as sooa a& pos- sible to William Rush Esqr, at this place, as I am about pro- ceeding on a cruise to sea. With much Respect your obd't. S^ervant. ROBT. P. TATBM. S. D. INGRAM ESQR. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvama. To his Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg or the Secretary of the Com- monwealth. Phila. July 4th, 1820. Sir. I enclose you the Letter of Attorney of Jesse Williams (a colored man) and one of the crew of the Lawrence in the Squadron commanded by Commodore Oliver H. Perry on Lake Erie at the memorable battle of the 10th September 1813 for to obtain the prize medal designed and ready kept to be presented as one of the brave victors of Lake Erie by the generous and patriotic State of Pennsylvania. With sentiments of esteem I am your most Obedient very humble Serv't. PETER H. SPROUT. To His Excellency Wm. Findley Esq. Governor of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania. N. B. The widow of Isaac Harely killed in the Niagra has authorized me to transact his business as heir. And is she entitled to a Prize medal? June the 15th 1820. Dear Sir, After my respects to you I request the favour of you to call on the Secretary of State and Get My Son, William Gray's Meddle and send it By Mr. Israel^ Miller or some other safe hand to me, as my son has been away near three years in South America, whither Dead or living I cannot say and I 19— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 290 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. would wish to have the Meddle to keep for his rememherance until! his recurn if ever this. From your Friend. Your Com- plyance with the above will confer a Perticular favour to your friend and flumble Servant. JOHN GRAY. WM. CLARK Secty. of the Land office. I certify that I am acquainted with John Gray who applied for a Medal which he claims on account of the Services of his son William Gray, I am also acquainted with his son Wm. Gray and am fully satisfied from several reputation that he was actually on Board the American Squadron in Lake Erie and I have also understood that the said Wm. Gray has gone from home and has not been heard of for two years. July 28 1820. ISRAEL MILLER. Know all men by these presents that I Robeit Eaken of the Township of Heanes and County of Centre, in the State of Pennsylvania Farmer, Have made Constituted and appointed and by these presents I do make Constitute and appoint and in my place and Sted put and depute William Smyth Esqr. of the Township of Walker and County and Slate aforesa'd Farmer my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my place and name and for my use to ask demand recover and receive one silver meadle which was granted to me by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania in token of Respect for my ser- vice as a volenteer under the Command of Commodore Perry, in the naval action on Lake Erie, In whose hands so ever the same may be found giveing and granting unto my said at- torney, by these presents my full and whole power strength and authority in and about the premises to have use and take all lawful weys and means in my name to do, and execute and perform, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as I myself might or could do if personally present. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. ROBERT EAKEN [L. S.] JAMES McCALMON. MEDALLISTS. 291 Centre County Ss. On the twenty fifth day c£ November in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty, Personially ap- peared before me the Subscriber, one of the Justices of the peace, in and for said County the above named Robert Eakeo, and acknowledged the foregoing Letter of Attorney tO' be his act and deed. Witness my hand and seal on the day and year above written. JOHN McCALMIO'NT. Wilson Smith Esqr. Erie, Feby. 7th. 1821 Respected Sir Net having the pleasure of seeing you immediately be- fore you left Erie, I could not avail myself of the opportunity of handing you a power to receive my Medal for me. I therefore take the Liberty of requesting you to present the Order accompanying this as I have Reason to believe it will afford you pleasure to receive and Receipt for a Medal Earn'd by one who has always been your friend and well wisher With sentiments of Respect and Esteem I am yours *** EBENR. L. BURLING P. S. Not knowing whom to address the order to. Please supply the deficiency. E. L. B. His Excellency Joseph Hiester Gov. of the Comn. of Penna. Sir, Please deliAler Wilson Smith Esqr. the MIedal granted to me by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylva- nia for my Services as a Volunteer on board of Com. Perrys fleet in the Action of the 10th Sept. 1813, And for which his Receipt will be sufficient Erie Feby 7th. 1821 I am Yours &cc EBENR. L. BURLING. Harrlsburg, February 21st, 1821. 1 certify that I am well acquainted with the within named E. L. Burting of the Town cf Erie in the County of Erie, in this Commonwealth, and believe he was actually on Board the 292 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. American Squadron on Lake Erie, in the Naval engagement on the 10th of September 1813 WILSON SMITH Brounsirble Febry. 9 1821 John With row Esqr. Sir For my services as a volunteer in the Action of the 1st. Sept. 1813 between the American & British fleets on Lake Erie I am entitled to a Medal granted by the state of Pennsyl. having understood that those medals are finished and ready for delivery. I wish and hereby authorize you to receive the same for me from the person in whom charge they were placed and bring the same to me on your return to this county at the close of the present Session of the Legislature and oblige Yours &CC LANDEN COCHRAN N. B. If the above order should not be deemed sufficient please write me immediately what will be and I will forward the same to you Fayette County Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Ss. [Seal] Be it remembered that on the 27th day of February Anno Domino 1821 Personally appeared before Thomas McKibbeu Esqr. one of our Commonwealth Justices of the peace Landon Cochran, who having been sworn as the Law directs deposes Saith that he is the same Landon Cochran, who served as a Volunteer on Lake Erie on board the Niagara and was in the Action with the British fleet on the 10th September 1813— for which service he has obtained certificates from Commo- dore O. H. Perry, Jesse D. Elliot & Th. Magrath Purser LANDON COCHRAN Sv/crn and subscribed before me THOMAS McKIBBEN Brounsville Febry. 27. 1821 Sir Herewiih I forward you. certificates of Com. Perry, Capt. Elliott & Margarth Purser which I hope will be sufficient MEDALLISTS. 293 vouchers to obtain my medal. If there was any officer con- venient to this place I would freely obtain their certificate as there is not I hope the papers enclosed will be sufficient- should they not be I wish you to preserve the papers and re- turn them to nic on your return. Should you ever obtain the Medal I wish you also to return the papers considering them a prize worthy of preservation Yours &cc LANDON COCHRAN John Withrow Esqr. House of Representative Harrisburg Pa. Personally appeared before me Josiah Chaphin a Justice of the peace in & for the county of Ohio, William Scales and after being solemnly Sworn deposeth and Saith, that Thomas Tuff Volunteered on the Ship Laurance commanded by Com- n^oiiore Porry and he saw him afterwards with the fleet at Putinbay Island and he believes he was on board the fleet during the engagement and further this deponant saith not. Given under my hand & Seal this 14th day of Octr. 1822. JOSIAH CHAPHIN J. P. Virginia Ohio County ss I William Chaphin jr. clerk of the county aforesaid do hereby certify that Josiah Chaphin Esq. before whom the foregoing deposition was taken is an acting Justice of the peace in & for the county of Ohio duly commissioned & qualified as such & that full faith and credit is due to all his efficial acts as such. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed the Seal of my office this 14lh day of Octr. 1822 and 47th year of the Commonwealth. Ls WM. CHAPHIN, JR. Col. Wheeling Octr. 14th. 1822 Dr. Sir: You will oblige me by mending the medal and the twenty 2&4 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. four dollars which will be coming to me to Josiah Chaphin in Wheeling. Yours. THOMAS TUFF. To the Secretaiy of the Trea.sury Harrisburgh Pennsylvania. Millford, January 13th 1822. Andrew Gragg Esqr. Dear Sir: — Pleas to let William Kirh have John Selheimers Medal on my Account. Yours Respectfully WILLIAM SELHEIMER. Lewistown Nov. 18th, 1822 Dear Sir: I have understood that there was a medal prepared for John Sillhamer who was Killed in the Mewscable Action on Lake Erie en the 11 Septr. 1813. At the request of his friends & for the purpose of drawing his pay for his brother I took adwv. of his Estate. His father is dead & his Elder brother Mr. William Sill- hamer of Miffliu County wishes to preserve the medal in the family. You will please to deliver it to Mr. William Sill- hamer at his order Very respectfully Your obt. sevt. Andrew Gregg Esquire Scety of the Comth. • Medal delivered to Wm. Kirlv agreeably to the within order. January 16. 1823. To Andrew Gregg Esquire. Scety of the Comwth. Harrisburgh. Know all men by these presents that I, Martin Cronemiller of Potters Township Centre County and State of Pennsylvania, one of Commodore O. H. Perrys Volunteers on Lacke Ery in the year 1813 have made Constitudet and apointed, and by these MEDALLISTS. 295 presents do make, Constitute and apoint, and in my stead put and depute my beloved friend Jacob Herring Esquire of Hains Township, County and State aforesaid, my true and Lawfull Attorney for m.e and in my name and Stead to Draw my Medal and letter that I am to get at Harrisburgh and his Attorney Shall be your Receipts for tne Same as Witness Whereof I have Set my hand and Seal this 28 day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty three. MARTIN CRONEMILLER [Seal] February 28, 1823. Delivered to Jacob Herring Esqr. March 5th, 1823. P. FRAZER. Mifflintown, Mifflin County, Sept. 12, 1824 J. A. Shulze Esq. Governor of Pennsylvania Sir: A gentleman, at present a resident of Maryland, by the name of John Adams, has requested me to enquire of your Ex- cellency whether or not a Medal has been forwarded for a man of that name. He was under the command of Commodore Perry on the 10th of September on Lake Erie on board the Lawrence (I believe in the character of a volunteer) he is at present in our county and wishes to know if there is a Medal for him in Harrisburg, and if so he will pass through that place on his return to Maryland. If you will, Sir, be so good as to drop me a line by the next stage, containing the neces- sary information, you will confur a particular favour upon us both, as he wishes to return as soon as possible to his own State. Yours Respectfully, THOMAS McDONNALD. J. A. Shulze, Esq. Dear Sir, Early tomorrow morning will leave Lebanon for the City — would request Mr. Trimble to be pleased to drop a line in ans- wer to within enclosed letter. I for my own part have no knowledge whatever of the medal Mr. McDonald makes men- tion of — Should you have any knowledge respecting the same 296 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. be pleased to say so to him. With sentiments of respect, I am, Dear Sir, Your friend &c. J. ANDW. SHEELZE Lebanon Sept. 16, 1824. .Trtnes Trimble Esq. Deputy Secretary N. B. As soon as I return from the City will give you the information. Mifflin County Ss: [Seal] Before me David Glenn Esq., the subscriber one of the Jus- tices of the peace in & for said County Pesrsonally Came John Kennedy of Milford Township in said County who being sworn as Law as Law directs doth Depose and say that he the said Deponant was on board the Lawrence — Brigg on the tenth Day of September in Eighteen Hundred and thirteen, when she was in action under the command of Commodore Perry and said Deponant saith that he was Personally ac- quainted with John Adams Both Before and after the action and that the said John Adams was on board the Lawrence Brigg the time of the action and Rendered services in said action and further saith not JOHN (his [X] mark) KENEDY Sworn & Subscribed September the 28th, 1824 Before David Glenn. Mifflin County ss: [Seal] I do hereby Certify that the Bearer John Adams is the man that the Deponant intenals and no Other as Wittness my Hand and seal this 28th September 1824 DAVID GLENN. I do Certify that I was well acquainted with John Adams late of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, the person of that name who volunteered his Services and Served on board of Com- modore Oliver H. Perry's fleet on Lake Erie, during the en- gagement with the British fleet, under Commodore Berkley on the tenth day of September 1813, and at the same time I did MEDALLISTS. 297 believe him to be a Citizen of said State, and I do believe that the person who called v/ith me at the Secretaries office this day, for a Medal is the same John Adams who was reputed to have served on Board of Said Fleet. JAMES ALRICKS October 7th, 1824. To James Trimble Esq. I concur in the statement of the foregoing certificate. Octo- ber 9th, 1824. B. Dauphin County Ss: Before me the subscriber, one of the Justices of the peace in and for the said County, personally appeared John Adams, formerly of Mifflin county in this Commonwealth, now of the State of Maryland, who, upon his solemn oath, doth depose and say that he the said Deponant was on board the Brig Lawrence, one of the Vessels under the command of Com- modore Perry, at the time of the engagement v/ith the Brit- ish Squadron, on the 10th of September 1813, and that he then was a citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. JOHN ADAMS. Sworn & Subscribed October 7th, 1824, Before, me. JAMES ALRICKS. Washington City Feb. 22. 1826. Dear Sir Samuel Sweesey formerly of Pennsylvania now a citizen of Jefferson county State of Indiana is entitled to a medal from your State as a volunteer on board of Perry's fleet. He was on board the Porcupine commanded by George S He was of the Penna. Militia, Volunteered at Erie. Was in Company of Capt. Rogers in Regt. of Col. Reece Hill. On this subject I addressed a line in Deer, or Jany. last to your pred- ecessor but was not so fortunate a= to receive an answer. Will you be good enough to give me a reply by the Honorable Robert Orr Junr. who is the bearer of this and if Mr. Sweesey be entitled to a medal please send it by Mr Orr. Yours very respectfully WILLIAM HENDRICKS Genl Isaac D. Bernard Secy of State Harrisburg Pennsylvania " 298 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Washington City 12 March 1826 Dear Sir I have the pleasure of acliuowledgiug by the hand of Col Orr, yours of the 27th ult. Accompanied by the medal of Mr Samuel Sweesy With the greatest respect Your obdt Sert WILLIAM HENDRICKS I. D. Barnard Esq. Territory of Michigan ] County of Wayne j Be it remembered that on this first day of February One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, personally came before the undersigned, one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace within and for said County, Jonathan Stratton of the County of Washtinaw in said Territory, of lawful age, who on being duly sworn deposeth & saith that he has been personally acquainted with John Rupley since the year One thousand eight hundred & twelve; that he knew of the cir- cumstance of the said John Rupley's volunteering to serve as a seaman on board the Schooner (or some other vessel belonging to the United States), Tigris at the time of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie — that Deponent saw the sd. John Rupley at Erie soon after said victory, and knows, that the same in- dividual is now a resident of the Township of Bucklin, in the County of Wayne in said Territory and further Deponent saith not. J. F. STRATTON Sworn and subscribed before me this 22d day of Feb. 1827 this first day of March 1827. JAMES ABBOTE Justice of the Peace J. D. Barnard Esquire Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penna. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Wilkes Barre 11th May 1827 I. D. Barnard Esq. Sir, A law to annul the charter of the Northern Bank of Pennsa. is received by the Trustees, but as it may be neces- MEDALLISTS. 299 sary to obtain the certificate of the secy, of the commonwealth as legal evidence of the law before they can with safety act; They would therefore Qiank you to forward as soon as con- venient to the undersigned such authority as may be proper for them to take immediate mea.sures for the security of the funds of that institution so that "equal & exact justice" may be done (as nearly as can be) to those concerned in it. Very respectfully Your most obt. E. CAREY 'Ihis application is made by request of the persons con- cerned ^' ^• Philadelphia May 21st, 1827 Respected Sir. Since I came into this city, I received a letter from Josiah Goodrich, who served as a volunteer on hoard the Porcupine under Comodore Perry, &. was in the battle on Lake Erie, re- questing me to procure a medal for him according to a reso- lution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania passed 1814. If you will be so good as to write to me Stating what evidence is necessary to enable him to receive said Medal, You will oblige a brave soldier & one who fought well for his country. Yours with considerations of highest esteem JONATHAN LESSLIE J. D. Barnard Sec. of the Com. Penn. Please to direct to me in Philadelphia. To the Secretary of the Commth. of Penna. Sir. Please deliver to Stephen Woolveerton Esq. My Medal now in your office at Harrisburg x\nd oblige yours &c FREEMAN WEST Erie November 29th, 1827. Harrisburg January 1st, 1828. Dr The State of Pennsylvania To James Nelson Editor of the Mercer Gazette For pub- lishing in the said Gazette a notice from the office of the Sec- 3U0 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. rotary of the Commonwealth signed Isaac D. Barnard Secre- tary, to certain Volunteers who served on board Commodore Pcrrj^'s fleet on Lake Erie in the year 1813 to apply at the said office and receive the Medals to which they are entitled under the provisions of a Resolution of the General Assembly passed in the year 1814 4 squares $4.00 January 1st, 182S Received of James Trimble Deputy Sec- retary four dollars in full of the foregoing JOHN LEECH for 4 dollars. Detroit Aug. 14th, 1829. Sir— A silver Medal was granted to me by the State of Pennsyl- vania in 1814 I think, for sei vices rendered by me as a Sea- man on board the U. S. Schooner Tigress in Battle of Lake Erie with Come Perry against Come Barely. The Medal I have never reed. yet. But from an advertisement in the Erie paper some three years since I learn that It is still in your office. I should be very glad to get it, & if you have for- warded it to or B. I. H. Witherell at this lege, by some private conveyance, or by mail. I shall remain under obligation.s to you, if any thing prevents it being forwarded I should like to be informed of the reason I am Sir Yours &c &c '■ • JOHN RUPLEY To the Treasurer of the State of Penua. I, William Alexander late captain of the Carlisle Infantry a Volunteer company attached to the 5th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers and Militia commanded by Colonel James Fenton in the year 1814 Do certify that when the said Regiment was in the service of the United States in the late war Daniel Dow- ling a private in said company crossed the lines to the Prov- ince of Upper Canada and entered into the said Province in an expedition to Lory Point and Dover in the Month of May 1814 with the Detachment of the United States Army. And that the said Daniel Dowling remained in the Province of Upper Canada faithfully executing the orders of the superior officers of his detachment until regularly ordered to recross MEDALLISTS. 301 to the Territory of the United States and never refused to re- turn Into the said Province if ordered so to do. And further that the said Daniel Dowling rendered other services as a Vol- unteer on Lake Erie and at the Niagara previous to and at the time of the capture of Fort Erie by general Brown in July 1814. WM. ALEXANDER. 5th Nov. 1831. Cumberland county, ss. Personally appeared before the subscriber one of the Jus- tices of the Peace in and for the said county Captain William Alexander and he being duly sworn according to Law doth depose and say that the facts set forth in the within certifi- cate are true. • WM. ALEXANDER. Sworn & subscribed the 5th Nov. 1831 Before me JACOB SQUIN. To Samuel McKean, ?]sqr. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penna. Please to give the Bearer James Moorhead Esquire the Sil- ver Meddal that is in your office for me who was a volunteer under Comader Perry of the late War. JAS C. TANNYHILL New Alexander Deer. 31, 1831. (Copy) L Lyman Griswold of Murray in the County of Greene and State of New York, do hereby constitute and appoint Alfred Hodge of the Town of Erie in the State of Pennsylvania, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, to receive in my behalf all the sum of my share of the Prize money, which the Crew of the Brig Niagara are entitled to, for their services as before received in the action of the 10th. Sept. 1813. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 7th. day of July in the year of our Lord 1814. LYMAN GRISWOLD. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of WITTER STEWARD. (Copy of receipt on the back of the same) 302 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Received of Saml. Hambleton, prize Agent, two hundred & fourteen Dollars 89 Cents in full of the within Sept. 18, 1814 214:89 ALFRED HODGE. 1 Certify that the above is a correct transcript of the Power of Attorney given by Lyman Griswold, a private on board the U. S. Brig Niagara, on the 10th Sept. 1813; and of the receipt of Alfred Hodge, Attorney of said Lyman Griswold, for the share of prize money due to him as one of the captors of the British fleet on Lake Erie, on the 10th Sept. 1813, as filed with the accounts of Samuel Hambleton (Purser), and Prize Agent for the captors, in the ofiice Treasury Department 4 Auditors Office 8th April, 1843 • T. W. GILLISS Chief Clerk. Dr. Sir I Notised in the Baltimore Sun of the 3d Inst, a Slip stating that you had advertised Six Medals in your possession Voted by the Legislature of Penna. to the Volunteers on Board the American Squadron on Lake Erie in 1813 that one of them Bares my name which I should be pleased to Receive. I have procured the foregoing Copy & Certificate from the War of- fice to Prove my Identity if further Proof is Necissary advise me immediately as I Expect to Leave town Shortly if not and that it can be sent by Mail Please sent it to Georgetown. D. C. Please let me hear from you shortly. Yours with Respect LYMAN GRISWOLD. To the Secretary of the Commomoalth of the State of Pensyl- vania. Sir Having seen a notice of yours in the public prints that there were certain Medals &c. deposited in the Secy. Comth's office of that state & among the names of those to whom Medals were presented by the Legislature of that state we saw the name of .Josiah Goodrich. MEDALLISTS. 303 We the undersigned feeling a deep interest in this matter hereby present you with the following statement of facts. Josiah Goodrich enlisted into the Navy on Lake Erie at Erie, pa. in the last war was in the battle at perrys Victory & at the close of the war settled on a farm in this Township (Madison, Lake County, Ohio), married a wife, raised up a family & was a respected citizen of the place until the day of his decease which took place about 10 years ago & since that time six sons & the widow have removed to the western part of Illinois where they now reside — We are prompted by the same motive in addressing you on this subject as was our Legislator. To wit a high respect for his name as a patriot soldier & respectable fellow citizen. We hereby request you to forward to us the 3d Medal by the bearer Saml. Barker who is a citizen of this county & we will be faithful to forward it to the widow by her son who will be here on business within a few weeks & by so doing you will confer a favour on Your Humble Servants D. R. PAIGE, Associate Judge Lake County. Ohio JOHN KELLOGG guardian for the heirs of said Goodrich and Commis- sioner of Lake County. ANDREW MERRIMAN M. D. SAMUEL A. BARKER JASPER BREWSTER Madison Lake, 6d Ohio Oct. 24, 1843. I Samuel A. Barker Ijeing duly sworn according to Law do depose and say that to the best of my knowledge the facts set forth in the within statement are true — That I have seen Josiah Goodrich within mentioned and that the general belief among his neighbors was sir, that he was the Josiah Goodrich who was in the battle of Lake Erie on the 13th Sept. 1813— De- ponent further says that he is well acquainted with D. R. Paige & John Kellogg and Andrew Merriman and Jasper Brewster whote names are attached to the within statement, that he was present when they signed the sd. statement and that they are men of veracity and worthy of belief — SAMUEL A. BARKER. Sworn & Subscribed this 3rd Day of November 1843, Before me CHAS. McCLURE Secty. of the Comth. 304 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Rec'd cf Charles MrClnre Secy, of ConUh. of Penna. the Medal of Josiah Godrich mentioned in the above statement. SAMUEL A. BARKER. Received of the Sect of the State of Pennsylvania by the hand of Samuel A. Barker a silver medal voted to Josiah Good- rich by the State of Pennsylvania to him for his services in the battle of Lake Erie 1813. John Kellog the Madison Deer. 23rd 1843. Appointed guardian of the heirs of said Josiah Goodrich de- ceased. N. B. Mr. McClure Sir: Mr. Barker wishes you to send the receipt that he left with you to the Post office in Painsville, Lake County, Ohio. RECAPITULATION, 1812-14, (305) 20— Vol. IV.— 6th Ser. ( 306) MEDALLISTS. 307 MEDALLISTS. Adams John, Millorcl Twp., Mifflin Co., Pa., served as a private en Ijoard tlie Lawrence Brig. Beeson Joliu, of Fayette Co., Pa., served as a private in Capt. Isaac Linn's Company, Col. Rees Hill's Regiment. Biair William, Maiclied from Belief onte. Centre Co., Pa. as a private in Capt. Records Company, and served on the Nia- gara, of Capt. Oliver Perry's fleet. Bowman Godfrey, of Deersfield Twp., Tioga Co., Pa., served as private in Capt. Saml. Thomas Company, Col. Reese Hill's Regiment. Burling Eben'r L., of Erie, Erie Co. Pa. Cochran Landen, served as a private on board the "Nia- gara." Cranemiller M., of Potters Twp, Centre Co. Eaken Robert, of Heans Twp., Centre Co., Pa. Goodrich Josiah. of Erie Pa. served as a private on board the Porcupine. Gray James, of Fayette Co. Pa. Gray William. Griswold Lyman, private on U. S. Brig. "Niagara." Henry William, Junr. Hull John, of Spring Twp., Centre Co., Pa. served as a pri- vate on the "Caledonia." Keen Wm. C, from Mercer Co., Pa. served as master-at- arms, in Captain Samuel Clark's Company, Col. Hosack's Regiment, on board the Lawrence Brig. Kennedy John, served as a private on board the "Law- rence Brig. " Lucas John, Junior, marched from Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa. and served as a private, in Capt. Record's Co., on board the "Niagara." Lucas Nohle, marched from Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., in Capt. Record's Company, and served as a private on board the "Niagara." McCIosky Alexander, of Noith East Twp., Erie Co., Pa., served as a private in Capt. George Record's Company, Col. Reese Hill's Regiment, on board the U. S. Schooner Tigress 308 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. McEwen Henry, Marched from Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., as a private in Capt. Record's Company, and served on board the "Niagara." McKillip Alexander, marched from Bellefonte, Spring TWp., Centre Co., Pa., in Capt. Record's Company, and served as a private on board the "Trip." McKinny Samuel, marched from Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., in Capt. Record's Company and served as a private on hoard the "Niagara." McNitt John. Mitchell James. Murray William, marched from Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., and served as a private in Capt. Record's Company, on board the "Niagara." Pace Wm., of Plymouth Twp., Luzerne Co., served as private in Capt. Sam. Thomas' Co., Col. Reese Hill's Regiment on the Schooner Summers. Rupley John, served as a private on the U. S. Schooner "Tigress." Selheimer John, served as a private on Sept. 10, 1813, but was killed in the Newscable Action Sept. 11, 1813, but received medal. Sherick John or Shirk (?) Junior, marched from Belle- fonte Centre Co., Pa., and served as a private in Capt. Record's Co., oo board the "Niagara." Sims James, served as private on board the "Scorpion." Sweesey Samuel, served as a private in Capt. Rogers Com- pany, Col. Reese Hill's Regiment on board the "Porcupine." Swisher Daniel. Tannyhill Jas. C. Tatem Robt. P. Taylor Jesse, of Fayette County, Pa., served as a private in Capt. Isaac Linn"s Company, Col. Reese Hill's Regiment. Tuff Thomas, served as a private on beard the "Lawrence." Tool Jacob, Private on "Scorpion." West Freeman. Williams Jesse (Coloured), served as marine on board the Lawrence Brig. PKNSIONE^RS, 1812-14. (309) (310) PENSIONERS. 311 ■d a E o O >, u — : F-T 0, 5 o O o a> E 0. Mark. 0. May. Fisher, m. Byers. 0. Zieber. lla. Badge McCoy. Kuhn. Li. Correl m. Rawle. Stearn. Bordon. s. Lennar Borden, rkins. Jno. Collum. Jno. Hurst. Wm. Harpe J. Achey. Nungesser. 0'^f^^0KK,-Wtl3^H,-tfi^ M^ ao,p,o,8 > FL^>^W>^<;Qfc s.p,s.fto.Gc.p.GP.c.p.o.o.ftae.aGaG o o o o -,' 'J c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OJ O C* Oj rt cC rt cJ UflHfeil,^CCCUPH|l|PL,aHpHfc(l|P-|PHAfcP-,Cl i g S ■« ^b ,^ ^' « ^ % ra ^ 5 c c ^ t^ rt ra c3 PI t- ^ ^ p ,i; 3 t. t- c t. S^ g ■= ^h /- C3 X Ko ~ /r on . C . r; c a-j o~5 n a. >> c < < u o > ■" te ~ fc. 0) o >.M w rt . s 0) ^ .i! t< o £3 0. pa S S ^ r?i 5 5 •^ &i . £ c t' c fl.s ^ £^ 3 E t °" ° ^ rt S 1^ . S m ^; Oh S -- E O m ^ g S ?, I a a Q. o, d c^ cd C3 O CJ U U ! . c. a CO rt ^ ^ ^ *H *J ^• ^■ ; ^- ^ & ^ ^ a n p. cj cj C3 01 rt n cs m rt O O U U U V O U O o > > ^ > > E u oj 'E 'C 0) QJ (y a;

    > > > > C 'C 'E 'E ^'^"^^Sfap^g^ : ;^^^££o:£(5;p:a;a;o£(5;p:£££££(5:A; : m o : : - (H : : cM S^ •^ fc : . o -S J-. : o S : Solo Jam Chr (Ler : c o a) ,1; fc, a m >. < 3 > > > >;»>>>>>> PMi^CL^pi^d^diaii^P^i^CMi^i^PMfui^i^i^ciia^iiiC a> m •>-> .-! Ph M H^ H O K r a - ■= ■-'^ ^ t!, ^S -^ i-i : - C ' C - C t." - , ;2 3 - 2 fc "" '^ "3 I t. ■ ^ ^ I n ci rf ° ^ K ^ - . o . . ^ C o P3(BWCQ«MM«MW PENSIONERS. 315 ►,• Q n' Hi H," s ^ ^ h; >-; ^^' ^' .-; H,- 3: cj < p: 1-; K &< r^ Oh i-i w « p H. «■: >:j" v" 0^ (U a; oj' iT oT u" o oT oj" Q^ oT oJ oT oT C a> C oj a^ o; Oj o; oj a; G^ Oj oj ^ p rtcsic3dda)'Sdcaa!=;cScartoJ«cScac3oniaJt!icdaic«cflrtoicSdcJJJ.Elf > > ;> > > > > -^ > > .0 ;^ > > > > j^ > > tic > Wl > ;; > ,1^ .1; .^ ^ .^ .;; _^ M 01 'Z 't, 'u 'Z 'C 'Z "C 'C 'u 't. ^ 'Z 'Z 'Z 'Z 'u 'Z 'Z 'Z cu ^ v'^i-J'Jri'JrFi'i'i' '^ m &^|ll|l^(l^C^C^fL^P^a^|l|ga^P^fL|a^a-&^^(i;cceUa2fl^^^^^lCL^^C^|l^alM^J Tl "1 cn 3 ■c 1 J 5 F ,-; -I Is c >-> <: >^ tsa ■ ^ -■•§ >. p o ■5 M -' ■►J t' c ? c S =- = ra f^ CQ « •2 'S ^ -^ o .. o r c) r; o o «;:'«« I-: rJ l-J 1-3 ■c d^ ^ ^ u ^ X! H y. y' H ^. & < 1^ ^^^ - ca S i' W '^ ►^ S ^ -a a: fi C £ — - — o cj 3 v 3 CD c t. C ^ ,g ^ ■o „- ^ S I. e c W P3 fQ K « ■^ t3 a — S n1 t- .M a. ^ (H en Cj SaffiP5 '^ ™ C t: - S z: >> '^ C C 'u o g ca fc; -^ 2 -S t- o t. 3 rt en > > > > a « .5 E o o 3 3 M m E"S (5 W CQ o

    ^ 3 3 k. ^ W PQ PQ M 03 cq 2Q CO ; c c: .c .s ;s 5 rt 'O c X be N >,=: „ 3 - PQMiS5m(5KMBmMmM« „ oj t- C fc. t> (H t. cJ 3 « nj PENSIONERS. 317 -O _Ul *-• 0) C cd o Ld *■■ "^ wo 6 E o ,2i ^ S "O Td »-^ c5 •- ^ o o o C ~ ~ 3 9 ,D Cd H Eh h •§ ^ 53 c S3 S '^i • 5 . W ■ 5 '3 o 'J o r1 r1 o .'^ r°? r=1 « "1 ,<«, (^ «i d Is is §■ rt rt rt d^ d rt §• p. a a ft o, ft o. ci d cd cd cd (^ cd O U O O CJ o o S 2 S i 2 ii 2 2 2 2 5 2 5 i! 2 w i 2 2 2 5 *" '^" <"" '^" '^' "" '^' «'" <>'' ^' '^'' a;" * o 2 o fo a, H ^r ^ q E S fi •MOOOt-gcSo < O O O << (2 >^ ■= >: H c ■? ^ a g < ^ ^ -< M « S in C -CO - 53 •M '^ ti ^" -^ >> u 3 ^ to ^ "l" 5 w w SiSm ° S 5S ^ § g c j= c oj >; : & E ^^w^»-uo3fcHOca.;; P3M(:qMeQCQCQpqcqcqMpq d u "o JS rn ~ a f) < »^^'' ,j" w ^ o m ii »■ c .J o ^^t^-.-§-< ;a si P i3 3 cd o! <- — 3 N .08 n c to EI £1 f-< ^ cd >. J > o JTl c o O Tl 2 S w^ hC ^ ^ T c,aaaao.a2.cip.p.Gftp, ^ aj ^" 0) oj oj 0) oj ii) ^ ij 1J ij "_ 0) a> ^ a> a> ^ ^ fl^ CL(pHpH&. "5 ij • *J -^ •-' .ili •I? ^ PENSIONERS. 319 ws^^ss OJ i) be bo C CO >< I* „• c 0<) ^m^ r^ O . O ^;1J O O S E . ^^ ^ « x: 60 _□ = =^ M ^ c ™ e; - d rt 3 b ^ n! S^ O :> bo i; J2 60 o c -c :, s- .-j o r_ C o o ^' - C g a* •— 5ffiMWWWmKMWf3WEcqWWWMpqpqm 320 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c a ■5 ^ f^ "^ be '^ ~ ^ S g S '5 -3 . . . o CQ a; ,=3 ^ 6 a W ^ ^^ tH 0, p, ft ■56. , Clt A P« P< p4 C C:. ci oj c6 cJ cij ^ aj o o a o o o o I , a a a a of cs O a B oT oj oT ^ 0)' oj' ij' aj' oT CJ aj• nj si o c ° CQ CQ 6 E g c c <; CQ ,- h, ™ S N CO "j " . Cfi . f*' *j ^ 2 41 £ ^ . . . . "O . ^ ^ ^ c ^ .>:ic)i: ■3 . "^ ?? ? - ; ^' "^ ■ 5' tS cq - be o in -2 w ■o _; d o S H; K CO cS 0) (U tl! 3 03 3 5^ £! 3 d 0) fi al Oil a) m w CQ 01 W5 ^ 6 t^ ^ W tc ' H O ■ W o o' ^ - rf ^ a o X ^.; I-; «■ « aa « cq M 3L'4 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a; !c "5 o o ti rt PL, K P 3 o c3 O Ph 6 r, is |^ CO is^ t-5 hi K K hi ^■ J ^; ^•, , ; +J -M ^ a ft tt 0. ft ft ft ft rt oj m Cj ct £3 rt eS o ouoooooo S 3 g E >, S .S ^ c nC.-tn'a o eoi ^ ''^ o . 6 . is S . C GOOUOOOOOOo 0) CL ai 5 I* ^' 01 Q; 1) > K- > > ',- ..' '' > K* -^ .^ r* ^ ^ r* r* v* ^ ;^ t. '" b i- i. u --^ u i. ^ :« ;- u ^ ^ ^ I. k. t4 u fi. £ p: 2 o 3 o o i? o V O U U O O O PENSIONERS. 325 -: .Q « c ■ 0) o O ■a O c o . 0) ^o^c3'-^co• d " C 'u 'u 't, "C "u h "C 'S 'E 'H 'C 'ti 't, 'u 'u *i 'u V, i:' ^ T, ^ 'u 't: Xi 'm h h « 'J o S5 S'S O ,=^ c a O d o I/: o^o^|o5 O >^ -< O ^ d g C d 1-3 m 8l o 1-3 Q o o S E ft > o j; Q H 1^ d s-5 -te-S. d d o si W d a M III d rt c u £1 tfi ^ g x" ^ c '^ 3 c M ^ J3 d O ooooaoooou 55^5£'5 I fi a .S iJ i'"' fa S .2 - fc" ''• „- ^- •^ a .S a a £ r- N r- g „ K 3 H d ■ a £ d d — dooodd!;ddoooj30t.3ooo^i-iOd 326 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c ad « S S •2 .2 .2 t: . -2 ^ J? o c -p te . g gg •^gg^S^^l.^ogsssIl^ o auooooooOoouoooouooo fc." • ' • i." ■- .S; - 5 3 .S •- •- •- .£: .S .£: .•; ~ ~ .^ .£; '<« .i .S a •- o c ^^ w>?(i;»i; li ^ y O > o -" « U o {) (J O ci U OM ,~-. , ; ^^ f " 1- n c a w 1-: rt fc g C 1-3 << '^ cij S n ^ '^ <; d S -fi c ■? c ■g S - .2 Es P b 3 ' - .. „ c . •- ^ S .2 ° 2 >^'3 : tf .2 S ^ i; i: c .« i :^ _- > I _- -S ^- I." ^ OOOOOOOOOCJOUUUCJODO OOOO PENSIONERS. 327 K s-sg ° 3 rj H5 Pi &^ J « S ci 0) £2 ^3 legh. nson. s. Ne Hag« t. Kir . Pure chel. key. . Sha tin. herup -shall. McKa Nel Rob The Jno Rob Mit d c S i^ =5 • -1 ►^ S F^S « 0^ S OJ Oi <1) 0) O cp ^ -.„ u ««.--, ^ -, - ^ .« ;^ ■ i-:. ■ - ■ - ?^ ":: ^' 'c ^ *^ ^ ^ '^ ^ S -ii. — "3 oi 3 H § O E CO o cu .5 o u o E 2 W^ - X „■ . ^^ . • "^ ^- „• oSSuCt^EE CaJt>W^d!8oi g E m E = E So E 5 s ; ^ S" ^' OJ ft > >> C ca o m fc. o u u - oi in .Q *"i en tS tJ w 0) a .-^ S ~ d fS . w J? ,5 .„■£ 6g . - - '*^ ^ c n, pojcsi^o!!---;': OOOUUOOO C < d . o d fi .i- -< "v I-! q w ^ ff. ti s ft E .s X o P. o d r> n U O O O O 328 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. v S Oh S 2 ." t: a ^ r aj cdcdcd""r?icdrtc3GJcdcicdd Qj a* a> qj rt rt ci rt fufL,i£JS£pH[ii(iJpLHpH£fL(fLifq CLi£nHCLiCua^(iJ M Trt ?: C '^ ~ c p « S g =3, ^ ^ ^ — ^ — c b g c '1- '1' 3 u p^ K re -^ - S 5 o ^WP5 £.5 I ^ ^ I I «• 1' c 5 - ■5 c ii a .^ c ft c fc< .t; o c c o c n t- o p nJ o c nj O U O O O O O PENSIONERS. 329 s s S " .°i ;^ . ^ 3 iS - pi t^ K > '-' c . ■" t: <" }; r L, o o g ::i "O ^ o c ^ ci * J^ i^ P 1-3 t-i y: .-•'<< a hn oil c c •n O t(( OS 1 r C o E ^ U fi ft; « ra 2 e E- ^ .,• &; s ^ o Sfc n- C5 Hi ^ « >^ C 1 p.o,aar^ic-c.c.5. I U O O U - O O ^J O O -*J-t-J*-»*J-t-'W-t-J*J4-» "C 't. E 'C 'E 't, 't. 'E 'E iaj 'C 'C 'k. 't- i- •- 'in 't- o i- 'C 't, i. « t. >. 'j. p ■(- t. u O :tj •-^ &- fe e o t« 5 n . - O C3 as O 5 c ft > C o S' O rt O '> u d d d .2 c o o 1-5 3 Ot O , ■o •^ E ,r t4 0/ u o 4? c ^ .:.. d; .Q c p d o O O O O U O U s w d g S .d c -i; "^ j^ 5 c H S . CJ c ~ M O V *-5 S offi W) f^ ^"2 fe ^- a :; S w f= o o o o C ' E p5 a a H -a d d !-. > 0) o ^ o b c r 5- c r= ;-. ^ d d d 3 n >. o ft fl fi C Q P « d ^ !- ~ d OS o c c 330 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. W J W 0) CD >> O E a; §;^ «u S . E ^ ii S 7^ W K p a -a ffi > "'-ml t; ^ 1^ K Q O ^ fe H w H=- k; m ^ "^ H^ Hi h:' h,- i:io.ftc,ac,c,c.P.iiac.c.e.c.c.c.c.c.GftG cJcacdcScjcartcSnjjjitacJcsioicdoJoiciijioJcScC U O O O U O O O O O O a C rj c O O U O O O O >>>>>>> > > > > > tm flHfL,|l,fl4p4(l,fL|(lHPH|l(CLHCufL|0iCL^(I|(lH(lH|l|CL|m . at O E i: .ii a) cs S: . 2 Q O a-o •^ . . « i t; > ^ § c fc. S O c o o 5 o o Q ^ ;o!? m ~ Hi s 41' aT <; 3 O c 3 oT "'' •2W J: o w c 6 > ? C OC Q Q C Q PENSIONERS. 331 ^^ 'r^; Z ft, .mm .0* o o o o oj J3 -C j: Oh O H H H B . o J C 01 ^f. o ,-fi M S« O S 1^ 1^ — — c .„ .- -- ■- g M O tc " >. >. c t- = b o M 'E <-' n ^- 'a^ 9 o- S .2 u o ■_> 'J o :j :j L; u "J v u u '.> o u ■-) ;j ^ o S aaaaaaaaaanaa O O 'J o o o o o o o o o u >>>>>> >>•->>> ki U I-. bi u h s> L- b t< b ai&<^aiCL,CM^MiiK^P4&<^p^ii,ii h. o 1-5 GP.aaop.iiftQgiao. cCcJc1i^cdctJ0Jcdcd»dc^ fjOOUOUOOOOOO >>>>>>>>> m > ^ > 7' > > > > > > > > 'u 'H 'u Vi 'u u 'u X. 't, ^ P 0" "^ ^ 'Z. u 'u i^ u '-' u 't^ Q G S c o ^~ -s D sii O bt Q 'S CO . 4= 5q ra --• -E ri C * - O ^ C rt £ SO G o ^" C o . !- "-J 2 ea c« ^5 -.^'"S m 0) O — _ * »; S ^ ^ c 0& •5 := & s •; E 3 c .-•: s c 3 01 ii o 0^ PCPPOCCC C R e CC PENSIONERS. 333 d u'^^ a) 11 .5 V S^^ s 5 -c M *i J3 H o o ,■• O »o 3 ^S-5 a .<-g« H K<< p M •2 .5? u o u o o o o o o o a; Tl (1) E E /5 n o ^ c s: KO M Hh H 1^ j:; P ffi o fe O ^ 01 ^ ri .C^ o s r. F t4 W J2 ■-■ o c E S t/i s O ;i; o N CO I M o- .: c • ^- ^ OJ m "^ "t^ c x| « ni -= H ^ O qQQ j= E 3 c Q ■J 3 o m n ^ — X 3 ^ Q .E Q Q c Q 5p ■3 o Q Q Q Q 6C 3 O W B oc c o 1^ he 'O /3 0) 0) F Q a; 71 4) F _4> i1 P 01 3 F J5 » eS Ph O Q K O OJ o 1-5 rt 1-5 J3 O ^ ?? . aJ : ri •n d 3 ^1 S 1-5 rt . H 3 c >. X? P .-, d n Q Q a QQ Q rt ., m Is .S ctf 5. 5 d d .- «^ « d •S .=« .§ Q QOQQOaQOQQQ 5 vS t-M ^ S ^ '^ ^" d W ffi <5 C ^ ^ S - ^ c c c "£ 3 d 3 3 d M 0) , C A d M d d Q Q OJ (>. ^, " - „ ~ •- ,S M .-soodcicn QQQQQQWH 334 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ^ oj whwwwSkwwwSSww WWWHKWUW PENSIONERS. 335 .ti iS ^^ ^S a> Qj oj 0) "i* oj cj ^ cj oi ajajajaja'a)'ajai3a;a>a'a)aja>4^-^-t-'-«-i-fa^-i-l.i_>.i->-«-) > > :i. > :c ^a. > > > > >>>>>> t u u u u u -^ u u u ■-: f:i u i^ u^ i-, u u u ^ u u u -^ u -^ ^|l,(lHPH(l OJ w w al ^ W W s s w w E £ w w 336 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 5 W J iJ O > W . 1-1 "^ o ?^-2 F «^ , -■ p o n- h; o ^ o H N P3 E-iKWoooooooooooouoaooua Qj Oj ^ Q; Oj > .' r !-: to 0) 3 >> C - .,- OJ 5 o S d f" C d c 0- H, 1-5 Hj t« 53 ■" ; i; o 2 N 1-3 - fa W .>. g ^S -ug O .K 5^ o He c i c -■ >v 3 — " i3 ri ja; — ^ ,, •-: ^ j^ ca ;>: ~ r; c::: — .t;^>. j-cc« s E « i; ,!- ci! t- O o aj 3 « PENSIONERS. 337 . c 0) ^- .^ •^. •- -^ +r -i L» ^ i> L» !> L» ^ !;. "^ ^- OeMp4feQflHP4fL|PHPH!J(l|PHCL,CL|P4(l<(l,PHPL b 1-. E fe O-cjC — W GoSo-*-' . .,-Q o ^ 2 -S ■K -c — .2 C * ^ a; ^ ^- 'd E M g 5 rt oj bfj a > 0) (1> OJ CJ 1J 0> nj CO rt cd cd cd cd d tl aJar(ir(i;'aj"a>a>*vl>QJW ti "u c jn ^ t- "■" *n 'n u tn 't- t- t- u fc- oj n *-■ t- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *^ ^ ^ ''^ ^ *■ ^ t" aHfi,fcMof^a< ;- 3 g ■J 3 is: C o x' 01 t^' i2 _a; ■^ o fafcfcHfeP:.[i,fcfefa[l.PL,&Hfakfa ■ fa 2 Q .- c •= i c5 ^ *^ fa ^ 5 « S "■ tn O (l( fc fa -- C .c ?* • I:' S C — i 2 ;- trt OJ 1 O O O) cO i fa fa fa fc 240 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. o ■a S a o O o >, ^1 13) ^ .Q rt >> a a W ■J 2 •a 3 N 01 12 cW o * g & s ^>^ . J E 4i: "' o •o ^J jj' J.; ■!-'■ as £ == m 3 -, o h .i-i J3 » » O, ana Z ^S^ «H^^ h S ts« ^ oi d C3 es c d ffl O U O U O U OJOJOJOIOJOjOJOjOIOJOJ aanaaaaaaaaPHPHpHPHpHPHpHliiCiHl^pH 2 >.*^ ■g . 4" OJ r_:j s: '^ a •° ^ M — ^^ «•■& ^ ^ i= c^ d u rt s 2 -? ^ K O U > U CLi 0, N 'i.% - !« ?* ^ . ~ s S; i! -S ? _> ^ 3 -^ !- 0, C!< PENSIONERS. 341 ^ Bd Gordon. Miller, er Middle Lackay. Hartman cLauglilin Richards i a E J CO J= «i K 12; ^" K « K >-5 >-! ?- >-2 In 1-3 tc m .5 S "J ■ o 0) "i 2 g 'T. E •* ^ O ^ tf « I < ^ ^ ^- O g K •^ ,1 1^ ^ W hi' I-; W O M Oi h-i ^,■ < e CLi E-.' e +j ^■ ^■ ^j- ^; ^ ^ ; ^ ; ^• +->" -M ,; ^ ; _j_; _j 1 ; ^ ^ _J ^ ^• .J ^j ^• ^j .J ^j ^J ^ ^ c. a u u a r;, n, a n, a r, a a a a a o. a a a a u CS rt rt Tl rt n1 n1 cS rt fTl M rt rt !« O U O O oOooOuOoOOu CJ OCUOUOOUOOtJUUUUO >>>>>> C j= Oi B§?^ 05- u C > a; -c d E' —■ d m oT iT J £ eo > > > > > > > > > >; .i: > > u i^ 1- u 3(3ciHP4(i, .UI C ■o i; d jU d 00000 ^* ^ cj ri cS s^ .s -•" Kg ^ & 2 d « F^ .V C d be c • d k C d ^vEte .s 5^ di tt ooooooooooooo 342 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. m o -a .S (P o J fe Q K o iti d K § CQg ^ '^ "S r «• uj i_i xj c <« -c lS "* /^ (^ h K K -^ a* x; y ^- 3 ^ 3 S -5 S M S ^• a a a a a a t?, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a oS ITl 01 rt rt Tl m n1 to c« rt m d n1 cU rt ea oj nt ClJ of f^ ^ o o O u O O o '-< u U O O O o O O U O !J *-/ 2 t^ a - nj o m c ■C c a; p ^ „ . d £ ;= ^ O 5 5 O C C PENSIONERS. 343 Q ^ £1 u s: S 2 ,0 K K _; S 'S rt r*^ C S S .2 P 33 •'-»a7j'-'j:oO<" ^ o o iq Hh o ouoouououoooooooau 0000060000000000 a)aia>^(Pajaj(i)Qjajaja;aj'i'''"'"'-i^'"'-'-'t"t< i^ t. L. t< t, u (> u U t~i i^ aia. OO g I ■ ■>, °* 2 j;- >^ £: Bi _ . g C tc o C P- OJ H j3 §:; o 15^ ^O'^ -J =^ •§•2 " rtO^ -^ « «i S S k ^ ■ •- C -M rt N =5 O t, » ; 1-3 .' " 2 ii t^ S :• s H '^ ^ a '^ r ^ -^ •- ^- . a « ^"^s^; o w ^- o ^■ •— SH^t^PcOt^i-— ^ort^c«ai"— .c™c>st-c- ooooooooocoocooouuooooocc c — o o 5 £ 5 5 344 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. i; p -o 2 2 ° £ti K « w S Cd 0) Oj O Oj f-^ d d o c aQp,aaaaac.aQ.onftp.GD.nftao.a CjkticdcdcdticQcj^cdcjcJcdcdcj.dcd^cdcd^nJ OOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOO ^ .^ .i; .S i; £: .^ .£; .S ^ .ii .- a .« .£; .i; i .^ h .£; .« 'E 'tl 'n 'C 'E 'E 'E "E 'E 'E 'E 'C t. 'E 'E 'E 'El 'u "C 'u 't, . S 5 15 = r-' -a "" ? o 5 ^ . OJ ffi ^ ^ 1 ^ 5 €' •-' HH n] 2 •§ c bS -a ti rt ^ « oj S c n1 r. M ■p ca c r? ii rt <5 J -; '^^ >-x ^; ^; ^; ■ • • ^., ,; ,; ^ ; .; ,; ,; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^j ^ ^ -M ^ ■m" -J -J jj ^ ^ ^• *: n, Pi n. ^, n. p. »l n, n 0. ft rt .-1 rt ITl (Tl rt (fl rt rt iU d d u u uoocJ00uoo0oooaooouo''-'O '_) U W rtc«cSdi3iddoidcijajoiBiisicjdcltiJcod0?irt?SjirfnidoJc^o!o! > > > tl 'E 'E 'u ^^ > > h S-. ;< Ui-i^UU^UU l,CL^^0^il,^P^P^PH(l,^(l^^P4^(SP4^&^|l,&^(l^P^P^(l^^ll^PH^^Il^Cl^(^i^ ^ " K 2 ° n"S f^ K B 3 C[) hH 1) O C — .0 w ci (S m " ■g W K g p ^ p - w § ^^^0 ^ - ^ !- I. fl d c ro d ? o fc o m ■a K ; -E ^ -g - rt f-5 a £i cd P->>tI)>>>>> >;>>>>>>>>»>> CUPHflHfettlfLlPLifeCUftHCLiflHeHPU&HfllPHl^PHUfcPU .- M ffi 5 -S S B a o o s d 4: ^ 5 « „- & la 1; . 3 ^ ^1 W o " —• — . ^ ^fa <; ►^ H, W .» -S «i !: S 5w r"^ O 2 S M i; ;§ _§ E " '^ — "oj "oj E 5 S >> i a c id 5 t: aid ^ _ o cs o o o .t; 3 PENSIONERS. 347 -o (: > >, ui >, $ .- ^^b'§-2S^I -§§2 ••■^°-S^|Sg§S222£2'§3 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0.0.0, 0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0.0,0.0.0,0,0,0,0. OUOOOOOUCJOOUOO OOOOOOOOC'OOOOUUOOOO i .- .- .^ ~ .S a .t ~ ^ t ~ c i .£: i .£; .ii i .i: i .^ ^ .- i .£; ■- .i; .S .S •- ~ .- .S: ^^ ^^ n t- r^ .^ ^^ Pi :d IS W K ,2 t: J2 x: CO 3 rt s s ■" ca 1' ?; -^ £ CB O o ^ N ^ - rt o! s 5 - -• n j2 S c x: .«i . . -2 .pi; c" -« .SS .•2 .P a! g' o - =. M ^ s 3 K i ^"g S -g " ^ § -^ "^ ■ in p. c ,; O 'A ' ru >, ^ K S o." 5 1- N oPdo.;^:30c:3:3oa30cd3cdajooc3ccaiOaj<3JQj X aj . K ;n.o.ap-3 l-l O M^ S « 2 ^, £ S, a;' h J ^ -c ^. K^ W H oT oT o" oT tt Vt ^ f~i ^ tH ^^ "i- *t-i ^< c "^ ^^ *fc- i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (C /-^ ^ - c w ^ i2 w ^ .5 K W K W ^ *^ I d oi 6 2 o o ;:: o •2 o <) m ■35 Cm S s u rt 3 - c .. WJ 0) rt t^ nJ N C ■w I' rt c P u C IS - a D c o XXXXXKKK SK .d P X ffi ^ K o tC tf o s 3S "2 ;=: ,2i ^S g^' XXXK .W ^ '^ - ° -2 N - L .1-! CS t. 5 C 1, M - (B "S c« -- 0) C cc r , bo S N . cj ^ I £ i I B ^' -■ II ^ II II K ffi ^ £ S w w K s i£ £ £ f, c bl' Ml ~ Si? r: >-! ^ C o a; r i5 ''^ K '^ "^ >j -^ S c 01 c o o c *-• O E-i O CLi ^ H K W nt rn o ^-» f » X s: "rf) To u a K W K K S « C o = . a* f! (i< z; "-J w c f^ S s >- ? •=£;>» ^ S ^- ^ <; fe S . C - ^ !- >■ ■^. 2 o >: ~ m c c ? PENSIONERS. 351 b^ n. Smith. gton. c. Hoffma dger. 0. Heitze ml. Wilso ewar ker. iristi t. .Si s. St Rin ryell 0. C t^ ts 1-5 ra m ^OS ^ J P. ^ ^ < O y-. u y, ^ ccr=iCKK^fc'*ffi»-'gOi-50H'-5 .s ; a o "^ >;•£ £.5fd m c.GC.o.Qc.aa'S.c.aSc.a'S. a; 0) .-; .X .S " .^ -^ »* -^ '^ > '^ >>> ^ >>>!* .i > > JH /^* .H rt^ i^ ^ ^ h* ^ *-■ -^ ^ "^ ^ ^1 i2 t- "t^ C *n 'C *C *C "fc< 'tl 't! *C Sh *fcl *C (h ti 't^ u :o g Ji! „- „- - TS S y«^^5 ^^ll"i ls§n^ =2 K K Oi Cj c Cj3«;^x:5=;^Eom"'^o£MaiZ££j3.Q£a;'rogE F'l-Jl-^l^CCt>l-:t0^-:^-Sl-!l-,l-3Oall^^^^TKl-^[i,• c - E c to.E crt d 3 rt o oi a K Ph K WW rt i;i.2 cS N «g 3 H aj C ii S .Q ^ t. .c Hi, :§ ^ >. Cj M cS N o ^11 - .~ S- I- £ t: .a C 3 c« c c c 3 xj c tn a COa3ajri:3ajciocjcj cj C tl t: £ O 352 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. S a E to jj p - r O C 2 _; C ►^ c . S '5 ^ i ■§ d 5 • C CO t=x UOOUOOOOOOO-OOUOni-,n >? d o o d K ^ " to fp ffi . = s ^ E -o C d c ,2 ^ ^ ►^ << i-s 1-! S ^ «J "^ '^ p " i-s O Ph ♦J ." * >» '*■ S X s 3^ S;-<^ & E ■a T3 ; 5 c ■ m 3 = I ^ ^' s 3 U C 3 C CO N to ;::, 1^ racjocciJdrtOcaa)cJc3. n >> 0) ^^ b m > o HH ■a '^ ^^ rt t, F 73 OJ K w a, c S 9 O X 1-5 1-3 03 m :::? XI .2 Ci ■? S h S £ * Q a;.s . *j -; 1-5 >-: 23— Vol. IX. 6tli Ser. 354 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 0^2 •Q 2 o oi 1^0 = bo = C C £ t. oi ~ Si O ~ J3 O U n ft a ft a c. d d d c3 0000 ddoiiScJdcojJcJpoititin?* ^ .S ^ .S ^ ~ ~ — i; ■- .S: S t? & — "~' "^ "^ 't^ "u ^ j^ ^ "u J:' t, - ^ t. d) 0) ^ 4) ^ a> +j *j +j +j +j *j si ra ri cii cd rt (l-3l-3f-5l-3|-3l-j(-5l-5 dj a> o O' C .«• £ C -o C >^ aJ o o o o rt i> Kj l-s 1-3 I-, l-j ^ PENSIONERS. 355 O — O (- o O o j= « ^ « «j aj ^ ui — ' O J2 H O H Q ►^ c .a ■ ■ o vv ■" Ti — '^ „■ o r- — — ■ .-; . S £ ■ I' b •- S -; K 1 1 w ffi I « 5 <« c ; d ^ H W O ° t: ~ ~ "' a H' oi 3 X! Q.ap.p.acaaaS'S'^'O'ao.SaSaQ.aQ.Sc.S'^'c^o' < *J *j W M g r 1 O n ' J r 1 r , '^ == (0 ^f^ ra (0 CO C3 c5 s (3j (S ca <-• Q 0. a o c o d S •S tii m a! S ai ^ 5 t. tS M « S a c o O CD b n cd W ^ c tsi S N 3 C W -i w w o c tf" c a 0) a< c c G- - 'X)4'X)4)4 :^ cd N to t. a ^ 5 w ►^ cd Cu C O tog . t B I- '^ c cs cd C .^ ^ cd cd U SO K C ti ::ci ir; li' w u< w S £ ? .£ o £ .E ^ i2 (^ 5 ui £ £ 2 c >? t£ c .c 5 C C i (- t- — '^ « a -'i-!''-Jffit3KHt^(„-Hi^40'^ > > > > > > > ft .ii i; > i > tT > > > ^ .^ i: " itl ^1 0/ l/J aj W Oh UJ -5 O 0, I-! fe Q t; s M ^ t" K '^ c 1 'O 3 — N •- — WW PENSIONERS. 357 ° W W eij « E h ^ tf fe ,•« ti • SJ C t-' 3 ^ . =3 0-5H .^ £ . § 2 •?■« . V . •n M C cS C OJ .note So r*^ r'x r ^ ea rt ea rt (^ cd oi « o! Jd to jS cS « d CO rt cj CO .» .- w ™ .. -. .- -- ., ^j - 0) a7 a) iT 4)" d" d" (u m" . iT cp" oT oj" "^ > c. > b '^ ^ ^ > .'s M) .& S; ":; .S •- .S .S " .S .i. .- .^ .- .S 'i. .- .- ~ & S •- ~ •- 'iH "" ca "fc^ *C 'u "C 'C C *C 3 'H 'C C "C t-i 'C v- c! t- 'C fc- t* t- I-- (- *-« t- ^ o i- ^ *-• ^ jHCL,!-'^a,CLj W to wO O t- r2 i-,ot-igH:cO.-z;" c0i-5O« tCScO'^ •S ■^ i -o r H Cu <; U 51-^ >. 1'

  • -5 S>5 - J3 4) bo J .^ = s WW ww ;i _ ~ 5 <" s ^^ So WS CO 5 IS m S N oj I-: r; O 0) J- .^ K' E c ^ X . g ^. g S 5 _ „ S o ~ ^ ,„ 1' c .^ o t. i. ^ 1) 01 t. o t4 W W tf W w w w w w w w w w w w m 0^ 3 $ W W S c 0) c jn' c 4J 4) aj OJ — •— w w W W W W hi) n --i cO "p s (-* ;h ^ p ,1 iK U) l-n r. al ^- 4J ^ 0) £ C WWW h4 w w 358 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. P. is (S ;s o § » ^ -^ 2 S ^ -S S I -3 ^ o- ^ 2 § o I g 2.C. tyaQ,aaaP.GGP.Gc.c.D,aftnap. > t 'i. .t -C t .^ i .i: .- ■- •- ■- •- ■- ~ .ii .£; .£; ■- .£; •- "C "C 't< "u X- "^ X* "u --* "C u u u u u u u "u 'u u 'u 't- i. "U S .5 '^ UJ y K^ CC ffi i-j 1-3 C ~ b. "^ V ^ ■a 8 o 2 c C jj 0) 0) o 2 O ^ u N . o ^ . « W.h HI 1^ a d) s 0) K £; nf CO .c F to 5i 1-3 0/ -4- ■K - Ss ^ a s: '3 '3 W i^ A W t^ ►^ >4 a> a> .^ ^ C C t; -^n c aj =t -: . o c m c r; - i? - ^^ 2 ^■' '^'^ ■"■ c^ '^ a). S coo— WO) PENSIONERS. 359 « S crt M 1 1 I |l 5 -2 £ I ^ ^ -g E ° I ^ W (^ ^ . OJ 0) y . . .3 . >.• CD "O • ►,• ^ ■ I'.r tS ^ - ^ '^ " 't) 'E 'C 'C 'n 'D c E E 'E " E u t. 0) t- "rt '-' i* ^0HaH&HfiHueL|JpHQA<(i(Qfe(iiCLieLifi " -■ -S S Jt £:■ 2 £ E ^ o S c .S 'H CO V C O CS r; « w Hi S O - rt g c 2£ W a 5 Oj dJ 3 1-1 h3 o 1-1 c ca P W O ^ W E ^iJhJ 3 J J 1-3 J iJ h ^ - d q; O 1-1 ►J h1 ■7. M' o u- 5 .™ ra h1 J 1-1 iJ J h^ 1-1 J J =« 5 ;s!" > o ,Q <\> n' <1) i2 c 3 3 U 0) 1-1 J o ^ .360 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. = o •£ 2 .rl CD o W 5 3; £ . 2 . g O cd >>■ -^ •« ^ H U ^ ^ . OS oj cij Q C. . a d O U I , ap.aaaac.e,aa&ac,n i O O CJ U U CJ O C O U O o U O tio N -r: ■ . ' ^ -^ J- -n *-• Z^ jv> r^ 0) i-, CO rt t^ 01 « "^ nl ^o C X E g C — o -. r'^ ^ ■9 B *j'0N'CpNcj£:T30*J J J J 3^:4 c ts c c t; c ^£o.«caSN PENSIONERS. 361 J) ' 5 . x: - t/. Johnston. . Gei. Hetzelbergf J. Marshall. J. Snyder. . Sensenderfer. Wm. McGlathery. . Adam Diller. . Peter Hanley. . Peter Hanley. . Jacob Wentz. Wm. Holgate. . Jno. Rawlins. . Wm. McGlanther . J. Wentz. o o < . Dreibeebies. . J. McKean. . Ner Middleworth . Wm. F. Byers. . M. K. Spangler. . M. K. Spangler. . Philip Fisher. S. Mathers. . Jno. Manger. . Wm. Magill. . H. L. Coryell. . H. Evans. . G. Henry. .-, ^A'^'C.aao.cD.ftc.acp.c.c.iic.c.ftD.aaGao.QC.Gaac.c. c3:0c'^c0Hcdc5c0C0c0cticdrteCrtc3:3cdPJcortc0cCc0c0deC^^^'^^-^ w -■ c) '-' a 'J u 'J - <-> o o cj u u u o ■_' o o u o o o o o o o cj o c o o o i-i %4 i^ %^ Qj i^ i^ j^ Ui i-t i^ i^ i^ i~, i^ t^ \^ \. i^ u> ^ i~i ^ •~> i~t i-i i-- c >-• ^ ^ ^ h* ^ s -e § S B ^,(ia^ . a (-^ W N — x: "K ^ x; ^- ^ 'Z' xj OJ r-' . X! .i-. .3 O C hJ J 3 J ^ E 5 2 3 'I - o - 'J c .a & 3 C 3 o 5 ^ H 5 O .. J J J J J ^ yj ^ ^ tfi X- — , .^ ^.^ >. dJ = > 1- 'H Qj p 1) IJ X c u 1-1 I-! J ^J J J Eh c . c >. W ' "H e' t^' ^ ^ rn" c bi § ^ E ^ ~ C C M S ^ ^ !S .- 3 C C 4/ ._ <1. ^ J J K^ h:; h! J I PENSIONERS. 363 aaaaj^ aaaaaaaaaaa a)CQjajajaj(jjoa'^^^"lJl^QJi^^ 'V. C g g C3 6 M > rt 3 a r i-i •S '^ ^ ~ ^ >- ..- U d ( ,-1 t, ' . c >> ; « ■- a 1 c c -3 i3 3 J c j:; s III m « r -1 £1 n 3 fc; crt J J J c « f?c ^"1 ^ 3 i £ s - s ^ a 3 •- o o o 364 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. i o o c 3 •Is: c 3 s 0) c CQ W K c cfl K -< M ^ c ►^^ a pj ^ ci ^7." Oh' pg is ;-; e o s ;^ ■d e «■ g W 3 IS I-! ffi w w ■ij " . o . g o S K cl; s ^, c,aaQaaanGQaaaSaaaftQftaoa"c.c.Q.c."' o o n n M r ) m A ?{ r\ rl /-I ,°1 r°5 r*, i?? » ."^ ^=^ ,=^ "! rt « OS B> a ca a CO rt ra ra cT » ra 0/ 3 c o ^ 0) c t; W ■S c ^ * o c <■■ ss S S S SSS M U 5 S i3 gS ■a < • rt E -Q ^§2 u a P ^M ■P ^" t-" .°. & j2 O .tj := £ o .2S t! s -2 i 5 r ra jr M o ^ ra C3 r%K •. >» >. 11 0) u w ^ w o s s g O C C S Jd ^ Xi to o .2 „, '- Pi r: — W <; ~~ 2 V - w -- ,v vk. - ^ w o IJ " O O CO cd -J O ^ z m P3 366 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. u •a B B o C J, O cs u^ ame ot Company lliday. Zimmei lit. Alexan A. Br ug-hlin. 1. hetherb Harper ts. "a c« "3 oore. ■son. haley. haley. eobler. ng. >-5 o K* . A. M . Patte . J. W . J. W . H, D R. K 'S.c.&'S.c.Gaoa'Saa a ■^, ■g^ D. c. c, G a p, % w t« m CS o o o u c o u c; O U O O G u u o o o u a o u *; 3 _ _ _ _ 0^ 0) oj oj cu a>" a> iT -" oT il w ^ S C « .D OJ be — *r .in — (V c 15 Q O .^ ^ ■• ■ _- . c c ^ E _ - •5 t. S o S fc'C pi U U B rhj _0C W cSg^«SffiK|3_^3g|| " 'V .„■ c c ,-; N ai rf 1, o M DC " - -2 C M- XI ii r„- P P O N «^ J2 t? ? OJ c d m 'til F. Byers Markle. McQuade olvin. olvin. 4) •Si's c PI c I. ^; a pg ^ m^^ .^ r— ' o S »■: o t: U i-: CC c 1-5 (S^HKK ? CO 'J s,c.c.aao,ao.c,ft cddedddddcscdcd oouooououu a d O e-aacacaa cjdddPSddcd o u O O o u o o a d d O 4-J a d O 4J a d 5' a d a a a a c. "S. d d d CO w c^ o o o o o o I oT oT (U oT oT aT i y w ^ :3 5 d S O 1-5 03 1-3 . d ?:£ -O c - - 3 a s 2 5 5 S 5 w o33o~.r^oo d S .2 d d o Ol w d r. tH C i3 d W "-J w W c c << 01 O s s c j; u d tT t." C n" d d ;J .J d d sss 1^ s g s « ss g ii r "s is SH . vu ■^■^^ ^^ A A ■, Si (J 2 % i a CQ 13 o O ^ .ii t! Ha on ker tin tin e. tin er. on R Mi lin? S H Ale ton Ihe art er. o V E a Q > a a o. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa'S.ft&'S.c, 'A a m Ctictic0c3recdracicjrtrt^rtrt:dc3?;cdcj U !J O O O O O O U O U O O O O O O 'J O O 'J .^ .S .i; .i .S .^ .£: .^ •- .S .b .^ .S .^ .ic .i; .i .i',^ 'c '•' ~ ?ii - O o ^ o aj s ^ Uy . J= o o >• S ^ a; 5 '2' ■- S >^ K K 1^ .0 !5'g ■^ J3 "p S; C b ;z; O — S o 0- S o £ i S nl pq t. ac o , .;:: li w'j .« ^ o o >■. o SoSwrtfc'E>, >;t^o:2 o o >> c O C3 o c =: t- >> kgss;?s'sa;^s:^sssssg^:iSs:s PENSIONERS. 369 . Q] ^rj bw w .u ^ w h. M ^v «» <•» --v •« «v » w w oooooooddoooouoooucoocoooouuoouodcj i3(iinioJcaW'=^''i''it'3'Sc3daJeScScddc3c3c3''nic3pnrtciaieicdrtrtni .£; .S .S .i .i; "i .i; .t: .S: i i h i, t. i. h c .S i i .i & .■: .i c i ~ .£; •- '~ .- •- •- .S fcn t- t4 u 'H ^ 't^ TI *C "E!^ "t^ u 'C X* 'u "u "C *C "u "C* *C c: 'C "t- "C "u "C "u '^ u "u "C '^ 'H C C I- C . t, Q «J F t.- t. y ^ * 5 5 — o < iH ~ " s 3 « ?. s s ^^ '^. n ■ c C C rt H •< 1-5 H, 1-5 CC ;-! F g -i 0) o o ":: cc •< Ha 1-3 d .:; g ;- <• oj " E a o « g a a •- c Cl< '-:'-! D M *< t; S ■=< 1^ 2 i: ^ Oi CD ^ w o a OS o o • '-^ M s ' - . E o d d r " S > '^ 5 ■° C 2 o >• S ,<«^ s ai S 0) it; S. . K c tj Oi be .« .- ™ o n cj tij n D C rt o :j .« o o o rt — o o .- <^ 3 o — o — o a* 24 S S S —Vol, IX.- ss -6th Ser. 370 ANEOUS PAPERS. b. o ^ tm CiftCcaaanac.aaaaaP.Qaaaaftci. O O O U O O O U O U O O O O U O 'o O O CJ o o •' i. 'c « .- 'i; .- 'i. i; .S; i ^ i; .ii .S .- .- 'c 'ci. S — " "C 'S n 'E "u "u s 'S n fc! "E 'S "u x> 'E n 'e in 'e 'c x ^1 ?^ ^ o O < <1 ■£0 o C WK xT cu fa cs" -n H •CO b! ^ 13 . ii t'J ^cS5 0) j3 ^ ^^ a O c :.-^ S .-•?! -^^ bT = M >> "2 — 1> PENSIONERS. 371 ^1 j^ 60 ;= to' o — CM '^ § . §> ^^ S ^- 1 S " p _• . c « . ^ -S C5 . g E E 5 . g fc >• .S £ ^ ^ 5 Ss n » a ^ iS c n m cj n! rt (S rt a rt d rt d rt ej d CO ca , (S Kl d a cfl n m ed n CO d a 5' o a a CO CO ^ i" i" ^ ^ -'" >* >* '^ '~ ^ t. 'C 'tl "d 'C 'C 'E S 'ti 'E ~ 'E 'Z 'i^ 'u 'C "C 'u 'Z, u 'C SSg CJ « ■" ■J ~ K =^ a « K ^ -g £ S _ — 5 - 5 o o £ ~ 5 ^ \ d cd c o o o o : ;^ ;^ ^s s s s 372 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. If o be o n 01 111 p o XI ^ V « 03 rt CC rrt •'-• ^ C _• « fc; fe cq J2 >, r. l^ ^^ o >, t) id oi r/? o d C n. iM ^ t/J i-j In O I-: O ILl H m 7J Ph n c W £ O -^ ^l>D(yi''Dil> > > > > > t4 I-< U ;h Ch Eh U ^4 tt '^ 'u *n 'C A^lliflHllHtiHClHa^liiP^fUCl^PkPUAiP^f^fMfUCfi P.&P. 1^ S 5 5 £| -^ n! o fc ►^ 1-! & - N m o w s n1 rl »■ « t' trt C J3 cU c rt S S % s MM '^ ^ ^ S g rt o iS P < .^ c Q Tl »-! .- O l-H 2 = oT p ffi CO Si CO c eii o « . CO •-! CQ C to N 03 S Is 5 cd O CO S M C ^ |1« u CO _ ti, -M S w .t^ ^•^ fc S ^ 3 G t; = 5 r; ~ o o PENSIONERS. 373 e; K 1-5 W ES ■ pi O to (h' I 'y •3 K d s! 3 fc -2 . ^ £«E^ ££• p! = i: ^ '5 ■J O ^ >-< w o m J3 _ T) S ^ =^ o O d M o «^ ^r . .C ■ ■Sj SM < '-s M 1-3 H3 i-a sss - ^ B 4) OJ o o >. y E S S s ?^ 5 c & n M - UOOOOUOOOUOOOOOO c > 03 > CO -w iJ ni be > .£ -t .t .^ > .S .£; > > r (i;ii;(i;(i;(i;ii;(i;(i;£p;;(i;(i;^£p;£(i;i5,i;p[;£|£ o -a d o 2 o <-■" ? ^ - 5 1: S a W S I g ! - .^^-£15 Eg > a> 2 ° EiioSo^r- WS 4; c E .,; cS a EC 1-5 .>3 S J=" j2 t; -a c c oi - 0=0 ■S c iz; :^ b -c s § i{ 5 5 S« :t;s-5S| ?a::S = «t;f ^^ £ S ;s 3 oO Q^^ -S S c S S .-W c 3 s 5 s ■^ C - 9 ij 0) -.^rtiuajo'^ w Mo O O O O ? o o - t3 =: -5 S >J ^ m c J3 c Tl 3 -< I-! < c ■3 C 3 £1 CU ^ E E „- I s s s s g i s S s s i S g ^ ;^ ^ g 374 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. . s M ■a a o c B c r; t. u o •- K bo ,■ CO t, ^ . O.S UOUOUOOO O O OOOUOOOO cSt!lneS>>>bi)tn)>>>>>>r'>>>>> S- ^ ^ .i' :i ^*; PENSIONERS. 375 2 2 D. D. B. Ke J. Burnham Gordon. McMillen. Wm. Haines. Bockins. Serrill. Fred'k Huff. & Barr. ^ ^ ?. . bB to i; t< 3 d >■. n a a I a)(irQJ'i'(yE^<;raJG7^c5a.>^(i<^C3:P 6 E c^ g S?; .< C m be to N t; a: y oocooooc £ £ m " C - ^ !5 — S 1. J" 'LQ-' tJ) > > ^ ^ p, > 6c "' tH q; 2 E -d ^ Cj ^ rl "L' -< fl^ ill j: ir; On a o s: ^O'A . he a • 'S o S K im ~ . « 5 E = ;:: ;s O h: © o — <^ ■" n. - ■" E-- ~ o R ^ u (U CL rt m cB P4 ^ , j: O aT oi 4J ol iP t CJ ^ o ft(^ft(ii,PH|i< ii S o o a. (m 37S MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ti .S t^ at III d^-3§^-| i == g d = S :„■ § d ^ ? ^ i! g £ c - X =• ^■ s.'^'s. — ^^z.'z.i^z.z.c. — 0, — C.D.C aaatift da3iS:3ds3c3c3acan!a«c3i:SGjBOe8 u :j '-) o o 'J ^> :j o -J -J u u o o u H o o o u c — "T" OQ X r <" ij" 5 f = £ ;? 5 = 5' S ii -^t d c d ■= ^ !5 i- o Oh - - E- >, J 1-3 o . O i H j^ o u 01 ^ o o o a) c iS = d -5 ^ 3 E Cl — s - £' ^ B "3 <= a- I a,p,s.3.^!i,PHM»;::.&ifi O -C o t. c &< flL, (1h Ch Al Ph CU PENSIONERS. 379 c ■= & Hi a z C 3 t. sac ei ^ 5 ~ ic 5 Fj M „• ~ c" < K r g M o O C £ ^ ^ tt s- a, — - Qj i ? 2 £ S P o c c 5 ° n N I i „■ S C A- c i- E - d ^ £ S 5 - ■r it t-K CflCSJ03C3flC3c3sr'C3;^rirtrtHrrtCm(Sr> - S ^ c = t ^ ^ X 2 s§ Gi XI be J. Starne. Reynolds. A. Horn. S. Wither o,o.aaaaaan»aaa aaaaaaaa CJOOOOOOO (X) <3J Q) <^ ^ ^a)Q)fu^oj!viJ (U oj Oi 11 0) d d d cd cd d ai ciddrtcdcdrtc3 ca M d aj C3 cd Gj > > > > > > > >>>>>>>> > > .S .i^ > > > (-*[-« tj (h (-« t< (h t^ (h Vi Ih (-" j- f-i J-< Vi t-i t- t^ f^ ^a4PUP4pH(l||lHfl<|l4P4PH|l||l,PL,PHPH(l|p4|lHCMfM^ d J3 "O PH ?* K c d w £ t- d E.g fa>^|?<-s >-5 F- cc 5 5 "S Dh r3<£ W o .^*^. P-i u t. C 7= S "„ ■Q ..: CB O^ .tJ O) C ■a .Q -w w c « tf «(i;««Ktfft;cc rt « PENSlONEliS. 381 W ^•,QQac.aG&e.o,c.c.c.c.Go,p,p,c.c. OOOOOOOOOUOOUOOOUOOOUOOOUOOOOOO a a 1^ ni i: O XI 3 K 05 o ^^W - s 3 O ■'^ •S .S- ^ ^ « & t! s ^ S ? c CQ dn > 4? P W So H a " (D 5 tf „ c g c a

    ! H O ^- ' . c e« o - S.S « O O; 3 « « « &„- fc O =5 C C - •a a «i c •r" — c ^ . C :: •= J3 B o ni 5 f o o ¥ 'O Q Ph i-s o o <; ah O1^V W = E oooo5S5S555555 55£5S^"^o|£|^ O '5 t< S tn t- § 2 5 c o " =: M „• P . • E . w >: >: .2 .- « S > ^■ s s s ;q- ^ 2 .- .- ..- s : K : £ K :■ & ; « g « K K I •■ ^ • c E E ^ -• >-: K < ►-, tc p ^ c >;p ■c" S-'W ,^ c ^ Q ■ . - m" cf 5 • — i: a> £ E o '^ s o 01 .- ^" O 60' [Qm -.000 S, E "^ O 3! oi K K ««2(2wtf Sw I?? piss - ? - ; ■S .J: "c I O C oj ' « K K C 3S4 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS o '-mm g w H S -< t^ a a -^ o S C3 .1) h & ^Sg pa 'a tc K £ > 2 F c o =* 5 9 cS j: cc Q K m >s X U H 5^ fc c >. Q ^ w h; H^ K Si :^^^gg w " g| E ^ «• ^- ^ d ?: ^ c. c & a iJ £ ^ oi ctf ej re C W < O O O C 0) CJ 0) OJ tP 0^ cd rt rt cc ri rt (U QJ , x: be 0- ■7* £ a; .c •^ cc w m ^- c. XI e (U 01 m W 1-3 ^^ o ^ X K o 0) H H csi a J r1 u 1) c" •o c 3 ^ c P5«p;;piPiQ:Kp; -'I CO •= -; C be tf « o 3 .£ o i; -g 2 K Pi K pi M a cfj CTi M r/j PENSIONERS. 385 J) oj ^ bo OJ t, 1 C C OJ i oj .!:: ■^ I 3 5 H S ^ 2 ° ° O f^ <-> t-3 >-3 oj ij o • Dj =: o >. X i2 _• S .2 E . o g o fe '^ fe +j t-i fr-1 (U *© J-. -H « ^ '^ £ ^' I 6 S ^ S o ^fS 5^ o M M ^' M ^' g M ^ CO p &; of ^ \^ 5 o I h; a S w M 1^ o o I w r1 -'^i M n r°^ r1 f1 r ) r1 -"^ r1 r=1 --=1 r=*, ^1 .=^ «.=«.«*=«« M < o 9- > >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> > bo > > > ,^' '" ,^' ,J^ i" ^ >■ -i^ '^ o 's- 'u (-, 't. 'fc, 'i- 'E 'C 't, "C 'C 'u 'C 'C 'Z 'C 'E 'C 'C ^ "E 'C 'C 'C ^«S O rj2 m u re ^ 1-3 >-: K U O c .a >> J- -r: c -5 O -C In > .2 ^ ^ 5 5 ;2 § a 1^ -< N J3 0) .C bo tt •ji 'Ji V2 oi m m m Si iii (h m m 0) ^ - F 01 C8 N t^ o bo bo W c3 o oi rt Si s: 'Ti >. C o a ^ CU..Z ~ a 25— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 5 5 C 0) £ •;-; SH . . . . p t, G — ' p fe S -^ i" C :=^ 'iJ Jl XIi Ji m rfi rsi ifi ifi ui ^ XlliSi • 0) 2 c VIVaVi 386 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. '^ .^. ^^ E S K M f5 |i< fc p; ^ M O.P,&P.P.C.p,ftP I'cacSQEiKjfcninitsartalrtdoiajni ^ "t^ 'C o "^ "^ it "^ "^ "^ ^ "^ "^ "^ "^ '*- '^ '^ ^ 5 Cfi CO r:% i; c E c. o E cc '/J h ""J „ K ^^ Hj i-s g ^ € 5 •^ « ^ £ i 02 CC CO EC CC s s CO CO CC CO O aT 5S.£a£cEi cococotccocococo & E CO K £ o g CO CO CO PENSIONERS. 387 h;.i;H '^ A! m 0) fe ^ s J3 sw 3 O 0) cq J3 P P3 o in K'^ i-j l-j d •-3 1-5 f; »-= ft a ft ft ft ft ar2(u*a)"oj(Daja)a)iiJii> ^ -S 3 .^ .^ t? '^ -^ « -^ S" .^ ^ .!; .^ ^ .^ .^ > .i: .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h X .ii .c i:: ^ .b .t'}^ 'C tn t- t-. 'C Qj 'EH 't^ "C '(-. o C 'EH *fr^ 'C 'u 'tt *n "EH 'EH t* *C 'C 'H 'C t-. tH ;- C t- 'C 'f, t- 'C m m in ffl o . CO CO to tB to tB to ^ x: >, j3 01 ^ •- ctf" Tl C cj aj ^ m C S «S^-3<^^ 1-] bo .S J5 £ i 1 ^- fe' i" J3" S Fi ~ >■. 01 ca >, ■J, 01 rt .c fC 01 *-* fi to to mviifiVimvi «J H '^ =; c « H y iSi .% ^ 5 i3 to m 3Sg MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 3 S" 3 -M . fc S W a; •a o M) o o W c =: 5 -^ ^ 'o a; 0) 0) ■ H "S f'* £ E ^ K H ffi g m cQ ^,- H,- H ^^' ^ ^ H ^ ^ i-i ^ •-; w I-; ^^« p,p,,p,c.p, np,p,ap,p. OOOUcjOUUUOOUCUOiJOOOOUU >>>>>>> > > C^FLlPHdlPHlllPH&H&Hp-lClHP-lCUP-lfcC^P^PHpM^fcCLl 13 O 1^ >■ " G M) o m r- ^ ^ 3 *- -c- -; £2 W U3 . ■!) g _c rt "^ 5 ^t^. H ,^ tH O w - W •^ ,5So t: So 3 >- O t; 5 to rt . vi ^ -ji m vi w. m Ui V'' v. oi Vi PENSIONERS. 389 V w KQ w |^ <; a Q <^ Eh .2 :J o ~ ^1 X ^ ;i a ^ 5 .tl '3 01 ^ a .i; 32 c ,5 s: rj2 VI VI 1^ V2 to CO r-' O . o . C o O cj o cfl f. ■ J3 E a CO E V '■ o E c : V] CO • CO a x; CO o C -3 Ph : = H •r 5 x: J oJ 0) - ra - _Q _- >, W CO VJ CO CO CO ^ I ~ 0) .t; : E ? E ! 02 CO CO O! W ^ . J2 g t,- _ «; 0) -a ■^ — ' — • >> a ^>, e _« ? .- 5? — o 1^ " _- °s cu . c E ii" ; - m ! >> O ) c ^ ^ VI m vi m m mmm VI ui vi m m E ^ ^ „ CO CO O! to CO 03 _- "O 390 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. f, .• c B c - "n -> B 3 0) J3 5 d o o a! J- a) g m z :::: x: 11 m E 5f E_g = ■;: b IS 5 ^ £ M £ C c t." o o to" '^ g .S ^ 1 .S i E E E I 2 E S E « WMCCMWMWMWt/attlMl/iMW _ >> . ^ r! St; w ? E m m tn ui > PENSIONERS. 391 I 3 :Si ^ •^ Oi ■2J C3 -d ^ '- l^«ISw^ QtSK|;2a;S|^s|^ si w '-' c J! S •a > 4; O c c e c c • s <■ s s a s ^ ^s :3cdcartdcJc3dcticJc3riccrirtcdrtc3cdc3ctidcCaJrtni^^c38iCCcdctcJ >>>>>>> > > > > PH|ll{l|pHPU(lia4P^P^I^hl^pHPHfU(l<|l((^PkE^PLP4 .S ^ s ?• ni .2 5-5 ^ ^ - ca tic . s C CO W rt c u u o ■S .W U ^ £ X! £•3 . .Q o « C! oj tC t/2 U2 £ ^ £ 72 EC CO 1 ^" ^ C I O 3 >v Oj .^ a *-» a a Qj yj CO CO CO CO c « oJ ™ CO CO ■" w a o a 01 ~ — Swcococflcocococococccoco ,C t- t, C i-J x: 0) o dj 392 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. u & y s ^•« 1-1 )M yj 7-; W Kh ^ (IJ tn ^ OtJUOOOOOOO ^ I ^- ^ o "^ e .^ .2 OJ 0) cd ri rt cd 0) 0) OJ 9 0) ri rt nj cd ri > > > > > PH(i,aiiii(iiMeLi(i. E S .^ S s w .^ ft E c 2 1/2 U2 U2 (Tl • ^ H -g^ iS W bo oj --' (h ^^ . >. -t; -O Z C E uj m in m m m iri m PENSIONERS. 393 ^ e = . .CO CJ flj in ^ m a M S — ■ W fr; S !s K 3 ™ u w^H^wg^^M^Srt^^^pq^KoSog-^OKK^'Mmni ^^ CS .El ~ OJ • a3 „■ o d . £ c r? c ■ ^' S I ^ e !? .m s — a: m CO 9 E rt J^ 3 § <» ■ fc i: c c tf ^ £ «- g ^ £ £ £ o g <« .2? 'S ? tfl >. o oi ^ c c c ■" "> mm VI ui m V. vi m m m Vi Vi ui VI w 394 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. W cS 2 u . u X X X r:! ^"^ 9 ^ ^ (i Q r^i Qj '"' ci c3 rt ^ K .XKK m c S ii £ ■S 2 a. j-j O o g k" So CO o "^ ii «5' £ . • iS =« c.QC.QC.c.p,a&,Q rtcirtdcicinJrtcCP3cticjrtrtcCc:cjCiccrtcJ o o o a o o o o o '■. o o o o c o cj o u o o ( a)a>aj(UQja)(u eq _- =^ o 2 3 S ■§ § ^ ^ K in n 72 & O S -a 2 F* 2"S5ol=mg J= & ^■§ pSji ^ c N cS 5 S ^ Sm° ^-^ ^3 7:2 S ^ p. ri ir< s d e -u o a 0) O ^ ^ CJ cj cj cd cj cj ci C o cj oj rt rt ri 2 jj .- .2 .S .- .2 .2 .2 -S £ •- i ^ .S .S ^ .S a ~ .2 .S 2 .2 .2 .2 .2 2 ~ 2 i .2 2 2 3 "E 'fc. 'E u I! 'fcl 'C 'E 'E E E "E o ^ '^ 'E 'E rt "E 'E 'E E E E E E 'E E E E E E E ►, C t- rf ■I' O S pr^'tCCniiritia) S 03 E -1 rn 7J Q — rr^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0) ^ c ii p p X^ n] Oj a. Q 0. 7} as 73 l> dj CO J Q 0) X j^".tl 03 -^ « 03 J: J2 II j: bD m a! 2 iS ."K * o ."H oJ t* "^ , > t n" . "E ■^ cd ■- . C 03 n Sow oT m t^ ^ U2 03 maim m m m mm ■3 5 * - ri 03 ii "O 2 .-s "" ji .t; ^ 3 S .i; -^^ . .t:C|S.S!3iJj3o-i-iC mmmmmmmmmm CO ft .C H ■? PU Cj rt g 396 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ft; m w w Q. Vi OJ C n, pL, js c :: E -5 . ii i5 W &u ^>J S S .^ S .^ .^ .i .^ .£; .^ .ii .^ ^ .i; .■; S .':: c 'c t? ^ ■- m -w ? '^ ^ oj n m M ■£ ' "3 m -^ S S & S - 5 ^^ Ui >. m S C C ni ol o S 7. •= 9 X C C W '-1 1^ t^ O t^ W <-' tf S .g & C^ OJ ■. ^ — ^. t, :i cc OJ c xji VI ID Ui Ui ^ m ::: c t. '^ S~ N c^ 'S u o c t;^ H CO c ^ .C ?i;^ 4) - o o c5 S S n o >■ t/J Vi Vi Vim m C/i Oj Oj t/i PENSIONERS. 397 c j: G o 0) o cij tu K "^ i-s O C 0) c • ^ c CS !U SgM iwi "^ rj H TO M^ « E g -• . . - ^ r? H, M iS o tj) E 5 = y S fa i^l^oS Itf ^ 03 (S K c Q O S ^ d ^ C C "O 1) ^ w m ,««S^ gffi >^ uc ,°* -< -r c .ci C

    -: CO 0) HHHHHhhHEHj-ir-BEH •. I 'S. O t. tj C "S. ; oj ts x: 3 t. o cj I H fn t-i ^1 t^ h 8- 398 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. OOUUUUOOUO s s 1 ^ M C n O pt. Wm. H. Span 3. Burgoo 5. Kerr, ter A. Br chard Ba > > > > > > > > > |l4^pL4PUa4|l(f^l^P^PH 0, •- M bj] • "S^ o t- "p .- c o 5 t, c 0) ts x; < O P O — o H -.2 Eh ^ -Q a , 2 P ° ° "i o > o ■" S -c ^ XJ .C H H K >-5 03 H J> OJ rt lit w Ph t. OJ nt J= E n d .« .1^ H H .E ^ d i .2 d n .-i gocqo aj o o rt o c ^ c o o c !? 2 * H H H Eh H B . d o 2 =S i: £ .c I d g B NO .MO M ° ..= . c p, " sj ♦J O C O 3 3 .-. C j; o 5 >> o S t. u m ^ ^ s: Eh H H b F Eh Eh i^Sp. W d d § ", d PENSIONERS. 399 s s: C Jf J? E ■a ^ V ~ "■■S^ S£0 . a> ~ «j jq Cm cj o -^ "^ "^ E 0! ^ H ■ ^ Si & '< ^K vO o. ft S d ed «^ U O W' (SdcaacdsJcSrtnjcdddcSoiaiacScajSoJraOtjMoJ OUOCJUOU'-iOUUOOOOCiUUUOOOuO'J a a a a a a ca ra 0) n) 01 U O O U O O ^ >. n1 ._:, rd n 01 K O rrt < s m m < a S o" s 3 E oj -C H H h Ui y p 'hJ P 0) ^ s s p p 400 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •^ m O CO 6 ^ a p. OJ (S O U u H oj m' u »1 •a H 6 c c o 3 s u o Q 0) C '3 U o & c 3 1-5 < fa CO fa ►-5 p E a 1 1-5 u (U >, E M 4) fa 1-5' •a ■u K ^• ^ ^• ^■ ^ ^ ^• ^• 4J -W -4J J ^ ^• ^- +-» W u o. a 0. a u u. o. a u a 0. a a a b! d (Tl of Cj Cj Ot Bl « oi o! (Si oi nS nt cfl ni o ouuoouou OOOOOUOO o ^ >t 0* u "u 'u "C* "C"C. "u "C "C -^ U u u u "^ >-^ 'u 'C '^ 'C PL^Mf^-" ° t," o t." ho > iJ Jr }^ ir' i* ^ i^ oj i-i t-< t* 5 ^ 'tZ 'u 'il, 'tZ S C t^ "E *C 'C "C 'C 'C C fc 1h — 'C "t^ 'u "H ^^K ^j; -OJ5 2^:^ . o ^•e^t^"^ OrtOOOoOOOj?^ «; ,1- c c c rt c c ,t- [-; <; o 1-5 S,< •■?'< C .^ M _£- 0) oj . 'ii; ij S m .- - ts^ ■-cos-MprSc 26- Vol. IX.— eth Ser. C S r- >- S ~ ■§ I _ . d X! CO is t? p ^ p: ^ fS i M tS >^ .^ ^ ^ S3 C t. N rt 5 2 g 5 > g ^ 71 y] tfl tfi I> t> nj 01 oj Q) OJ |> ;^ ^ k: > fe CD o ^ c; QJ OJ ^ J J J J o •< a S« ,• C " —" PENSIONERS. 403 oj K '^ . 5 ri u ^ ■9 ma)-? H w ►^ m ' e o C >- 5 3 ^J :S O c 5,ac,o,c.aa&c,,,ci.D,p. .£; i; .S ^ i .i; .S .S .S S .£; .^ .^ .£; .j; .5: .S i .i; S: ^ .£; S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ & ^ £; "^ i" ? ? ? >■ .? ? i* ? ? ? ? P '^ ? ? ^- "^ '^ .P '^ ? '•- s- i- 'E! ">• "E 'E 'E o "H 'E 'C r^ *-' fe ^ c • J3 E o o > e 1-3 P 1-5 ^^SS -si -Sis 6 ^ oB ^"^ I-! H^ H^ W •«! P Sfe tic b£ > 71 c c g - C ^ C3 OJ - m 5 I" M > I) II .s ? ^ I c' ^ § s * 6 .« ^5 C ^ m m J ■< 1-5 tti S g K dJ OJ tm CO - c S Sj b > tn 1 d 'c d w E s nj a; K Q U -•el- c p > ^^ cc p m S 2 E o c ^2 ■g B ^ >; E 1^^ ^ " y^ M c ■S -^ .K ■- tad ly « — . M £ Oi CiJ cS ^ O !- Q O bi"i " !5« ^ S .Cm W CJ w ■« -S (B - H^ — f^ 1-^ '^ ■a C 3 2 "i o P -5 - « -S i .i 5 ^- £ if ^ i' ^ S & ^ ^^ ^ fe:^^ ^p i? !-• cn ^ 1i C3 ^ ^ 406 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. d ?3 SS fa c 6 5 tS o g & g -S « -E 1^ S o e .c .^=25 ^ «■;;•-■- S o = ° o si S3 << >H Q Ki K K ii,SP4CLi& ^ ^ ^ ^ p: >• ^ ^- .2- & o S . «ls g ^ 2 a a o o S2 P ^s .2 fc. M, & . _• _■ 3 - o I E »• 1 W , M CO " C c ri ■-■•'- -^ cJ PENSIONERS. 407 c S Mo O j3 o" w g ^ 0) 0) ►, o ^ M HH- «• a ^ w &; §; Si -; s s? 3 w u rW 3 ^ ■sS|eS^^ c "3 ■«§SS^3 S" ffi ^- ^ a c o. rt *; M :^ W o : : : S' ^ i 3 £ S £ 2" £ <» S '^' <^' <"' '^' § <"" * oT oT » <^ o aJ o : J J J I I I I I II II >> I I I I ^ II I f I I I I i r 408 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. H O g "3 =3 -S ^ ^ ^ .■§ . TO C yj L c C o P S ^ ■S S © " "^ K s 'o >^woi-0 ^S-mCbj .£ +-»* +J +J +J +^ ■W 4J +j +-» -M *J +J +J +^ C cdcOdcwflJcOcycanJdTOcidaJtncddcdcoo E: E: .r^ .^ .« .t .^ .^ .^ -^ .t -t > .c ^ .t .^ .b .c x ^ tsi >. J3 t- sw m' CO rt »-t fi ^ n' o r/j m m j:3 <; O ^>. g S S S s? < .= w H Ph d N O 3 O Hi a 2 ■5 E 4 (^ (5 •= J3 3 ■ 3 H tf g Otf Hi h^ <; d h] ooooooooooooooo UOUOUOUOOUOUOOO tc z e x: 3 m D oi w ^ w £ g HJ < In' Hj" t^ m a d O O O G o o o U O O O O O O ■M 3 j: g S O set: <<< fcD Q d . > . tl 0) J3 m m o m „-3S3o-2Co >. > S J fM CQ O K M S W h:1 Ph Pk 2 .5 .^ cuKS?:j5ccSK S S « 333 ^- N N W K W 033 ■ ■ • Uj t— ' I— ' o o o i: j: . W i-j 1-3 H H O o o o o 'o o rj O O U O O t; « o' C » 2 £58 5 5 2 C^ ^i Oh W s •- ''5 ^ oj tj 5 1^ S ai g W to I* . M o u . o ^ .00000 oooooi-;ow .5 -.= b u fe \^> ^ u -^ C - fe JTl ,-,- a ra ■r j: 61 2i - <^ w -> c H S s b Si z bo trS 3 ^ . O O Qli as +j T3 'O ^^ L, o C ca nj >> o ^' pj OJ Q o o 3 O W (£ (1, Eh ^ o 2 bo «) « - 3 M r -n 2 ^ . ^ E2 w K J5 H Q C = - - - i-i > 0) -WW fci w M 2 M D . „ o '-' ^ m C .^ d -^ S « ^ ^ ca i; _- >i ii o e ^ M w d g C >? .4) n ^ O H,- ^- U M 3 o o o o o o E E • •§ « M -S •-s O O W ----»w — - o'oo'op UOOOOOO UUUOO .-^ C CI ^ C 3 II . iT ^ rj ^ O t< o t, ts 3 3 M « W CQ W 412 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PQfqfqCQfCWQOOUOU «w u 3 O ^ ^SKKi^^^sS?; S H S 5! rt CS j:i j:^ f o a o Wt4 W odd d H W d H, p:i i^' >-; J —. rl W Q Ills' ittxjrj^ ^ «i M ■< B ^^' I-?' d 6 *< OOOQOOOOOOOO W M tT . tl w" ■g w c c c r; ^ _- - M . ^ M Kffii? " M ^ E ^ n:! "O r- ^' 0) ■►J 3 C 4^ '' *-^ q M W M M P3 CQ ■S"C a ■^X. 3a!aja'Octfa;(-«o pq CQ « B M M w M n fQ H M M » M PENSIONERS. 413 rt rt n\ rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt ri n\ rt rt rt rt n< n1 rt m d Gl CH d as' d (fl rt n< 03 oj ni Tl T! T) ■n ■3 ■a •0 'O ■n t3 ■o 13 T) T) T) T} ■n -a -o 13 13 T-, T", ■71 T1 ■o 'O 'd -d •d T) m ca ca aj ca d tS a nj CU tS C3 C3 ca rt ca rt ri CC cc OJ to « C« m K a! a ctf Ctf nj aJ si J3 J3 fi .C ■^ x: s: Xi J3 ^ i: r. x; ■;:: £ j:: ,c "^ n r. ^ i3 JS x; 15 i; J2 ,fi ,c i: j: s: ^ PL| Ph Ph |1< II4 Ph PhOiPhCLiPhP^^iIi ^ ^ 0. Ph PH pH P, '^ P< P^ Ph Oh hH P^ Ph Ph Ph p4 Ph - -a -J ^ • g O OJ oJ * -4-1 aJggs!3Soo!gSj3Sio ^ ^ ^ ^ s ^ S O « o ^ Sh M M '^' « e^ o •5 5 iS 3 Op3 ra ca cs si J P3 Ph' n' P5 H E .a p -^ m K W ^^' K ^- 0" !^ K d oiSoo'o'o'oo O r< O O O O O C' ■S ^ S-; s m 0; W o cc •J3 Q . Si J 5 "^ ^' ^- M U H ^ c" ^ « > fo " •S W «■ M — CO • ra fc- 3 . p. , • S • 13! ft • t3 . . . • .§ " Hi 1-5 cfi c5 Ph d *<" aj H S '0'0'oo.oooco'o OCJUOOOUOOO ■O l^ . o C oT o " a; t. to o ^ m S 3 '^ ^ . ■ • r f^ S ij C ^. 4 H o J ^ ^ E ^. W I W o i^' >-; d 1-; d d w 1^ p;' H pi 'ooo'o'o o o'oo'oo'o OOQOUOCiOCJOoO o >> .2 E S £ 5 g . c E E — -5 & & ^' Tr ^ E p d "o c -t: a: be u o cs 3 3 ^ u ^ u c% ^ o CO L. P3 « PENSIONERS. 415 b ;J t4 t.' b C oi 1) ii i ii a > >. e e c B c (ij ;J d Cli c 0) d ITl rt rrt rt rt £ xi 01 <1J P^^^ J J J J ^^ J O Hi < < hJ J i5 i5 g E G S E o o be bs a^ 2 2 s s __EES5SS i? ^ -^ £ £ ~ t; := 3 3 3 x i: .c .G a o o o xsi m m xfi "A ^ ^ ;::; tfl ■" S J J ft ft is is H H 0) c c U-i C8 rt c c O c . O ^ : o d Oh & V X a. ■ Son & ^ fU :? l>t.t.oc«3t.3c i s s s ■" .C 3 -S o o o -^ 0, tc w • t. : a c c c £ £ C c k 1/ s ^ i :f fc £ K is" ^ o r"^ ,^ =• o •§ ■? y is 4 ^ ^ iS 4 ^ r; 5 hJ' >^ 4 K <;■ <■ <■ w n i ^ s xj & 3 . t!3 ,J ^ s ft E P- b^^^^Kw ooo_oooooooooooo o o o o Q o o o o o o u o ':.; o o G o o c c; a o u o u o a u . t. I. CI - - . - p t. ^ t- .- :v. — .- >i o C o . J o S .§<" = c — " c 3 C ,■2 & .2 |s c o 1-71 W '-^ ^' - 0/ (-. s-g U -M .a 0; ^ O3;.oo3t,oci1..ioi'',-.oi!-cu oj— o3C cjt-^St-oojo-ccLoi a p5 w a w cQ « H fQ « m n H « cp « a pq cq « w fq pq w m p3 pq pe « wca 416 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c r: _2 c ^ V a a c c B . ... fe--«^ii&t;^ g x) o o o S t;, ;< ^ - — e w c'i ce 5^ c S o rt t- .rs' .ry 5) g 3 o « fe J ^ Z .5 ^ .2 U 01 t> tU O -2 2 -S S ? OotSi^iUJi3;3a)J:t,crta3i2e,.Ori IH W S S > O (i< u U w M J J Ph P m i <1> 0) 0) lU ^ ' * . EEES--..-~S ^h' ,cj3pooo"ScSrirt.^.;i:,i: . x) c ^ .M g S E aotifiM'Minitic'a'a'O'a'r'T'TSr,;^, . a 'p ^ ^ g| 5 t t S S 2 ■^- cS S' ^ « « - to "2 X3 27- w m M cQ m !•) c 3 P a S fq . * tfi 1/J W Brewe Baker, Bachm Buss, Bower, Black, Beck, Brown Brigle, a C5 41S MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. .si ?! ?i w> rt Pi cd 5 c^ O TO TO t\ ^ CQ t: 3 iS c n: :;: ^ i-lgggtSWOUOQKJJ&H&^O^CL, >Hpog^ c OJ J- I"? -2 < fe N 2 ^ ft § ftii" ,-0 CQfqw p3eQMfQfq PENSIONERS. 419 ■6 5 . . e m Q § S E w o o 2 L, r^ i-H H CO ■c ^ m m .5 C t: S ?; 3 "0 'H P . 3 ts £ ) X! O t-l > t; .2 c I £ te "^ ) CO OJ ti I S J O 3 ctf : ~ o om : K tf ■A E oi 3 : n , r5 "O P N t- S .i" S 3 dJ o m K ^.^5 M O S -S VT^ 0) +J O P S- (- r' o ^^ d 1^ ci ~—. •• >• F S 1^ « s -^ 'S & i; :: <- h I* H - E W ^ 5 •g ^ 3 C ^ ^ ^ ■^ 41! ■• 3 4-. -- t. O CJ to Sfe ^ K m -^ 02 '-^ ^-^ (1|'=^WHH o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'oo'o SI" 3 ^ Ai 3 0,^ « 5 5 C CO w i-i>-jd'-=i-Ji-j'«J!»i-i-. „ J CD 1^ O M P fq Cq CQ cq a; 3 oj « W < 0/ 1-5 a) K N hn . . f^ w c ,a a c C r-. !-; u J-; d ;h u U 1^ s W h1 ts S ^ 3 P- S I n s s s o e: _ „.,rt3t.cCOO oooouoaooo S ° 5 422 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ClHCU^|lH(l,fL|CL<(l,PH|l|fl||XP^|liaH&HPH(l m w ■" •" N S i> •-• i- "u I' t*' M a '^ r 'S ,g M M J >-l HjH lO lO CO ,5 p . ^ M 'O (Si ::: CO O M i^ 00 " CI S iO rn (1) cc in 'A ^^- (.'J r3 55 w cS t- cq hJ oM ^ o p^' E-i m iJ cJ 00000 - t, - tw si = - - oao>j;-;3s .„aSaS:£i2'S ^ O 1-^ o Ul '^ ^ • . £ . ; J3 • • ooooooooo'o UOOOOOOOOO 0000 c i^ & ,c >> PJ ffi •Jl K ji; CO (0 (C m 'Wl c J3 ,a* 3 +-- h r!l & C n rt u V U > a; _■ r 0) ni P ^ uj S 01 c c C >? . o " '2 ? o'Eo&oJcSs^ oJ^hSoos^o ooauooou o oi g 5 £ C ,2: £ P . 5 PENSIONERS. 423 2 C C C C - . — — ' — — a! '^ £ £ ^ j3 > (U a a Q a 2 1;; 3 3 3 3 i5 S Cli Cli of n1 oJ oj bJ ci oJ d cd Oj Oj oi d 03 Cj r ■o ■a -a -d ■a ■-3 T) T) •a -a T) -a -o T1 •a 'O cd oj ClJ ci oj oj n1 n1 ai oJ at rt rt a! aJ oS nt > sssz u *-5 CO C3 R = - ■ a) — o oi O O U Oj cl :s5 M •^ P-" 5 K 02 (^ oj afe S S S S ^- ^ ^ ^■ -S ^ a.S-St| O - J IK - - 01 o ■s =? =; 3 >i 3 o o o x; I. o o o u o o 424 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a> f^ "d Ti^ 'd b*. fc, t, tc S-. ,• 5 ' X tM fiqhq ■;: 3 ■ffi^ O !* .CM .5^5 o p ?r o c^ » .:: w :i ao r; u^ ^ CO KffiQhii; J o ^ o o J2 m (B m 2 5 Eel CO 0) J -iJ o ^ i-^ -J ^ ►,- d ^ cj o o o o o o o O O O O O O O gg III go "oooooooi? O O O O U O O g ■►J 1) C! W Q 0, C 1-1 < Ph ^^ ?, 3 o U u o S 1^ ^ . n ^ r i- _"i c g £ S JS •5 J? ni ^S ^ c ■o c: 3 ■-5 .5 o 0) ^- .i^ p: 0) Ih ca m £ O O O O O o 53T:t:o>>3So.t; .ooooooooo;^ uooooooooo ■S 5 5 >;• s t ° g '^ s i .2 .c rt J U O o PENSIONERS. 4^5 ti a d fH ^ r/j K « fe W PI t/2 2 ^ c S ? ^1^ . . « CO X p. a .,- 3 aJ f ii C C !S a r -^ 3 ^ "* "^ .C O C i to 'OJ !- [/j Z cc X iJ J Ci be M E -< cc •-. *^ o — C !* C S5 >> ^2 t^ ^ ^ o O ra (h o cO U ■H e R 1) S ■? >-3 5 o O Cj t) -^' o g N !S W ^- X (J u :s s-o X T) O rf 'T^ ^ fe S « •! S C -?, § ^ -^ _ = .•3 IT! q o a a_^- o S £ o 0;S c ^ O t-i o cO Ji t«. j= w ~ K !. 3 CC D •^xza^-^xo ^:«S . c 5 i3 S S IT- '- ^ O 3 O) aj 41 E M IS O ^. 0. S K K U! '.s tf. OJ 5 - W •c C =^ £ E C "e 2 E tf C dj w — ■ — . 1^-5 = = 'i r S 5 ^ = ~< f^ B ■5 g c rt to 1^ c 'S,'^. u oo - - .- ^ ^ ^ m O O Cj u u o o c ■: ~ ii c. o c C 5l c E O O - „ - _ ^ <~ > a ci ^ p £ PENSIONERS. 427 H & o .S " b « o- " «>■ 0) 01 c — •- ~ ~ S S iS i; X .i! .i: m J o t>o 1-1 hJ < dn J Q 1^ dn hJ g w cQ cQ fq m o o o fe £ f^ £ S; £ & c Q^ ^(5 >^ CO ^-5; i^" W =: o ? s *^ 3 Wk K s| ^>" awford mpbell rtis, C rson, C awford rl. Cat oper, J saver, y u oy^ooooC . c! CO O K Q c i; K K K ■^ a c c o X oc" ° fc i f CM "31 CS !* s! P 0/ 3^ Q *^ p: ^ J S5 r; 3 «2 K 'A G K o t; SPSS C >i C o t. m c c. a oj ■^ I-; K,- ^' h H-- h C5 O oooooooooooooo ooouoouooooooo >> 3 E g -^ rt 5 offi C3 jj — C •C »* itn^Or'^^'^'— •'3-' g S --; 5 C C C C >. rt — cd 'i' QocaoroqQ 428 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O o m O _ 3 ;^ £ m ^ *^ ui „. 5; >3 c w 5; m m^ CO cc IN 5 ci> 00 O I r-t (I) 0) O I g o o o EC ^- 7: CQ S a « a ^ ^ S S c^ E«^ S.^'^2 S^j|5^ ^B«Hj|^^ !-,• d 1-,- "^ "^ '^ 1^' S CO ^,- -^ ,,- H ooooopoooooooo •^ a a as 3 q -1) •- cc 5 Pi r . . i . p aj CC H J f^ ■« o ^^ l-j >-i It- K ccoocoooc 'J 'J ■•-) o o o o o o o o o o c o c; o o u c D u o 05 • ,:Ci as s S 5 <= s "^ 6< <£ 53 :^ Tl 1-1 C5 01 ^5 W C n. C - - E F c ^ pS 1 0) .:::: w. ct r. >. t c d -^ Gi 3 rt QQQOQflOO O G PENSIONERS. 429 &&bbbb|| § I. i.' u fc.' u 0) oj W ra ^ d ^ ^ K> oi ^ ^ ii < f- ^ c S e: rt o! O 3. 430 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. S £ E ■g "S S E M g ^-c > g^OOj^PHH^O III M > » J:^ c, S ■SI S - ■" c U ffi Hh H E- ^ > l^'c P h & d, t ^ O p C •a ^ *j ^ CS Cl! O ._ _ .. g H K Z S ^ K d< X E . ■■?K E 2 <"W'^^K^«M«dd 'Hoo3'ooo QQ Q = fc U W ,/ .g u '^ o o o o p O O O O 1-1 J2 ^ W ^ aj g ._- J5 3 ■S u r .t^ ^ m s . S ^ g e t - 1 "■■ f= E W . o M " t- *- •>; n 'i' , w ^- 0/ OJ — 5 ^ ;>: W! __ . _• — tT Ml Ml .a: bi • j; .2.' j: 2 <^ PENSIONERS. 431 S ^ d '^ o j3 -2 O O H t. c rt c y o ■i c C t: ClJ „; m t/ ■Hi ii ;<: ^ iS 7; \-. t4 (1) C CQ H w ca W a c ii % > 6. ■o" - H 2 ^ ri ^ ■-- ^ 2 t; " i< H rt t, M 3 c-1 C o t; o d o d t^ cH ;::; == „ . „ OS C 3 .3 „• a; s o- E § S 1 4) (U CD rt ^ ._ g -BE - oj E rt w-S p; m . « a W q >;fe « K W '^ •;5rcC3'gc-£-g.t; . (S S oJ 3 O -S 3 > 3 3 3 3 CTl rt Q Q a Q Q Q 3 t^ f-* 2 > c i5 cS 3 S S E _ . ni 3 3 ° J= J3 J U U ^ fc O c c . • - o o — • « in CO 4) ■ -H u >- ft 2 t« tS 2 k." (5 f^ c^ o -a . V ■; cfi >, U J I-! c 1-; ^ o" '^" '^ "o o o "3 o >> (fl u w Q Q Q O >. I? iS c 5 -j;; rt W < O 3 •= E cs i/j ^- W; m p5 _• ^ 2 «) _: .^ ^- S »i c o 2 QOCQQQQWKWWW 432 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. v 0) — ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ._ ~ .- .- .- 3 p j:; >> c c t ° I 5 5' ft t. m "2 « •« rn -S ^ S 2 ^ "" .2 ^ S ^> 5 1^'J -^!2; a^ m S U Z o cp - (U ttl 01 N ^ 1^' Hid .,- S ^ • S £ g S s ^ » (i; H P a; . SS i-i oi § S W d n 4 S -^ ;n HHWHWHWH PENSIONERS. 433 Oc a o< S S S £ S • s rt ca — t^ x: Si ji >; Si & b2 a» ; MM Eg . cs m f^ U3 W o ^ -^- 3 ^ 3 "" ni d >-i JS m m *-' JS '$, — C ii c ^ 3 •£ „- iJ „- ^.a!aJ~3Jaj-2^t, <^t^.-^.^^^ r^S « 28— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. t.' O 3 C m ^ rt nJ •^ S ?. s i § KWHWWWWUWy .3 «lJ cd MJ= .^ s n W S £ 434 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. • X! ^- — t! fc, H >> 2 m o ai t; ni 3 3 M 2 M aj fc. o o j>»>i>i>>>>0 O EESEEEEEE OOOOOOcdc33 ■Z. S^ -^ -^ m »ra (M rr w to go JE is C u -2 (1> OJ C'i OJ M m S C cj c j3 x; a p. E E- 3 3 • o •;: o o ^ ■- ^. • -^ J= ^ . • ^ c ocog'oc'o O C U O O O w' O t^ o o ., _ „ ^ Pl4 [X4 [£< [Zh P^ N HH S ; ^ - C ^' W ^ 5 ?? ' S' I oj ^ Z 5 C S S E5 W ;= Kcc t;, ;>) y, I- ^ >. i- 5 c tm _- o fe fe O O ^. fc, ri g M o CSP--.-, ^„„ CC o <^ '*> 436 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 0) (U c; r" —^ a Tr ^ r'. H " 2 ^:s c i CD D _3 •" C e 3 O Ph' M 3 » -is 3 -S M ^ 2 •^ S ^ |x< 3 — c yj ^ * 5 ^ o o ;^. bf; C> OJ ^ > ;* " o o ;;5 M w '^ *j *j -o - ■-: 1^ ^ O ^ CJ d O o r: ^ c. o o o c c o o o a u o o o o u o a § c; h fe |i| h •p, W fi X ^ >'. r2 u 'm u< .^-^ I) ■« S .2 •: nj ^ C S 3 fa fc fa PlH s s fa fa fa fa PENSIONERS. 437 o a si & nr t x: •a y fcl J J i i s ^ ^ •S i Oj Ei aJ « -5 . o ^ . m be c "t^ = ° £ c 5 ^ fe Pm 33 S a: 5 S & > i2 p t- rt >- oi ni ■- r >^ O ^ O O ^ S ii - c d « t; . M i« 3 S 22 a' «S.S,-2«C"i i3 H '-' ; tP|K *< W 4 u m CO !r & ■Pi^^ ij cy Ofe o £ S § 1 ._ ^ 1' ^ ^.5^ E t) 'C >> g| . x: < o ^ .^ - o V a u fet, 4^ 3 fc fa S >" 2 - :« - ^ X cti •= .t; := pL(fL,plHfafcpI(fl.[i, 2 - f= te UJ ITl . ?! ^ ■g fa fa fa fa 5 ^ 4, C >> 5 t. fafa Faulk, Folty, Fogel, Fereres Faber, fa fa .2 t! E. -o c S - C a; S - k -2 ^ e o ^' ^ ^' ■ S c i fefehfehh& J J J "-I o i .«5 -c-o J .- o . ,° 12 5 rt .H i-H m It -C ""= i-H CO ri 05 Cl i-H r-1 rH C r-. ,-. L>D bJ3 C M as o , - - P Q ^ '° ^ ii S. ~ > 5 •a 'O S&HEtw'^KS"W«CLH-gwS^^33 ^ -ia: o<^ ^^ 6 o^^ J o tf « W ^ ^ ooo^oooo ooooooooo oo . o 2. -2 SZ w" O O W c c cs ~ .2 c HCQpqmoOl-l S J ° ■ s c i a! o £ ! ^ m ^ M C -• i s w '-' ^ •« ° J; -a'E W ,^ fe 1^ o (1, ^ J '^ ,^ d 1-: 1-; O 1-5 O o o o o o O O Cj O O CQ -g s -" 1:^ = 2 d w w i i S £, Z o -Jj y-l J y^ ;^ W ^ Z i^ S 1-1 o K C o ca f: . 3 K &H = o o o o o O U O O U S^ "2 e -2 r^ .S M ■ M - C - 1^ O) o S, "i ■S 2^ W i2Sr .§« M H ~ — t^ -td •W w ■H ? S - =^ O O O O O c £ ii S O O S a t-. CD t, ~ I-. O O C) O O O O cd cd C2 O . S ti).2 - p S E c .S c3 td t- C cd td Uy OJ t^ ^ O O O O 442 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. o ^ S b£ aj c ^ bi g K S Ce; CL, K >-i i-j i-j '-' hi h! >-5 i-i i-J 02 1-5 SHE 3 3 3 odd oooooooooooooooooc OOOOOOUUOOOOUOUUOO rt c >. X! g s rt CS nJ ^ O W >Tl .c t Tl CO o O O O C J3 ■« ££g : - £ s ^ Qj o) f> - . r: ■a t: tl Tl C ^ c n CD di C £ CJ in - ^« -Kg S« cl ^--^ PENSIONERS. 443 p^ -j (.U l.\; i.\j _ (iip4PMfL,PL,^CL,(i(PH|i,CQoPH(i,QQ0fi0i-!i-lP^pH rt as oj c3 wrararararaTOTOTOraijj^raTO ai ai si -^ ■? C ?1 (S tC '^ 5 <-! ■-1 >> C ^- ^ ^ s "^ ^ A ° S S Si 5h W ^1 5 o *- d OJ ri 0; W g K cc " >'. '^ 2, '^ C r^ rr. ^ '^ ^ '^ '^ 'r' (V U Oi ^ g J >-; M h O O 7J pq m pQ w 1 T -i m -C hC a. h-i M h-l o O ^ X ^ * S t-S ^-3 ^ H f^ 1^ ^ ooooooooooooooooooooooo K-B r.-H O c ? - p to tJ K i K < ^^ ^ i: i: ti c e _ __ 33^?iPi ova; 446 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. H m Z o C H OJ ■a • b£ C t. £ a! ;= _ _ _^ ___ _^ 5 3"iS CO ExiSSS Oj Oj - o o ^ c c c c t! oj o c c o Sf ^ x: o c c & $ - aj o ^ K" tH < < h <: . O 4J ^ to ■a £ f- r ^ r C Ol ^ O t, (3j CO Cu CO fe ^ g £ E 2 ~ "C jr S H O <;s £ cj 4, fc a, M § y M) 13 -S ,5 '-5 Oj S -■" r"^ 5 .° ^•5 c c' c aJ fc CLi -O ^

    . M M £ >. c o ■- t- C 0) rt — s d I' W s K K K K I) £ t; ? h^ ra « J ^* t, .il ..- i 2 - al m S kS« PENSIONERS. 449 •"■ . t-i U '^ Xi •^ C '^ '^ ^ c . . ffl • r" zS, rn rA C , 0) c 2 c3.Qcw)s>.rtSScit: 3rt3 ft "O 2 " wwwwwwww 9 61 ko MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. P < o w W 0) f2 60 Cj -O ■d C u n 01 0) B 3 AJ Id A! ^ 41 ti •0 C3 ;m3M3PcigCoJ )rtdcjocaa)t8eS«) E •S E oi d WW crt ^ r\ s: s: d N >. > > S W s m 111 C E 1) E ■o B N d F t c n! 3 ol a ^n ;ij pij »c (ij K X W PENSIONERS. 451 d d d Bi" ci J3 s: x: JS XI a 0, o, n a; oj a; cu oj cfl d b & ° ° oj a> a ft . i i E E d d in S S S S S a ii o o S u S ■^■M"*-'*Jii'-'>K,K.dd • rtrfr:-"-"da)iDM)6o_c^m o S to i- ^

    « 5 £ 3 . O O O (J fc M m C o a; r r: ? E o o ■ c o o ^ E CO •- E MH l-i O w b ^ ^ fc s «■ d i-s I-;" >^' o i-i I-; d « J 4 =:• I g S cj J 1-; hJ pq K ^ ft; 2 ^ J= ;C D, a a c. : >^ S E I I *j 3 3 3 3 : n' ~ .2 pij K IB K E 3 T1 d o o C3 t^ w E d ^ t; • f^ poooooopooooooo oooocooooooooo ooooooooooudodddoddddodouoooo 1^ "? ■"" JO tic J= O t; b a d = d W CO E5 d t. c d >i x: ^?j5di5^HSUii|£dcfg5SS^«^ _- „- -- S . c n$ ttt ., tn a> d S a S £ - E d d ! tn to* nj d oT m" m" S m" to M m w ■-! to bT jccuocccEcx^^E^jac loooeflooodooood4>oo l>^>lHjH5l-5l-j>-3h)>-}h,H5l-5l-ji-s».,»-s >. >i o o o : o) ^ B I o « o I "^ "^ "^ 452 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c4 (P a; >- . ■" ^ J3 ^ ii oi oi oi m m m oi • S . O .: m bo ti t! "5 M y bo c bo 2 d a j: tH r te "^ •«! '-' »-; m "< W I-5' o o o o o o o o o o 3 c a ^ n' ,^- ^- ^,- W ^ Hi d ooooooooo OOOUOOOOO r tj c K >rE ::; j:; >> >i c c M c n - _- _- '%t §11^1 3 tS C ^ .5 ni C (U B (U ^ B ooQOnjoojo Hji-ji^ini-ji-ii-sH, C D 4) O 4) £ ^ XI c -o c >. C 'S ni cj PENSIONERS. 453 'dO'd'cJ'C'OTa'O'a'O'ci'd'O^'d'd'O'a'O'd'a'OTa'd'a "Oja-c-^^^^SiSiS CS M ■ ■ W OJ v « CO CO tH rH lO O — £ be a> '^ 5j« s (U M ;C> (M rH rH O O w W CT Si w w^ M s a Ea s o c bo SdSg§^5 5 m 0) 0) ) t, 0) 1} 5« w w w « w 454 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O Oi Z o CO Z w ■a "o . . . c c c c c b b b ° ° 2 _ _ d rt ^ t^t^^J <1><1><1>Q,0,0. ^ — ■ oj c) 0) 2 S ^ . E E S E S e s s s « p ass^^^ b i II4 >. >v C C . _ _ bB h Schu Schu West West York York York Mont Butle g o 3 3 >. p o ^ ^ O W CO u o tl > 3 ^ - c 3 .SJ m C a; 5 •? -5 • t. 5 a S 2 ^ ^ M 2; £-1 H M O w P K o ,3 S ° m i^ •?-K oH 0) 0) - £ K W . . ^ O O Eh C a • ^ o ? 1." " d o ^ f^i^ CM^q 0000000000 0000000000 00000 OOOOO^CJ^ .^b£^^ 5 £ S "^ " -- , m M d o tc s I-, O P! K ►^ c" S « C o I _rt ^ d t. I (1h O w ^ d .-^ .■5 ? J J ffi < tc fcl -c •« _r 5 G ft S 5 E E2 w fa ^ w W W II _- S 1^ i5 3 W' m m . ■> 1-: !- E ri n m —. *^ m _ O ai -; I I-, ^ fH '^ '^ ^ J, ^ o o o o o o o o o o o c o p ^o o OOOOUUOOOOOOOOOO M U _(1| x: rS •i i? '^ ■== 'C W ffi si *^ O m • a; ^-3 < « d o o o o o u o u 4-» r 1 H-t .2 ii '-'S •« -5 '^ 3 o ' c 2 ti-S 5 3 E cj - 3 a « 1-1 ^ M . c -J .S .„- (V j:3 <1J >^ -^ h^S W HH HM ►^ w« -E ■^ .2 a) — X3 •- S t; V 60 § C E '^ a o he aJ "5 MM 456 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •S >.r' S 3 'a s o if s J3 o H a 0) m o o Id £ n1 2 . ft « c 3 ~ r o ^S^ 3 -«; fc ^ 3 P4 << Q Ph P "* S M H 01 oj t. — m ^ S-H^ 3S ^ S a; Q -t-S'oc.tlc:^ r-" CO .— CJ ra s^ C3 W < fL( O O O U 5 ft J!«' o ^ c" (vt^W^jccWP3fi|W oooooooooo OODOOOOOOO B o CD k! P3 S yw P5 |1h .a o! c; d d J= Q .;; - s c d d" N s d d c 1 d O >. , ^ ' f * c 01 ft t* S V N fi i) eg -TT in ra TO 5 ;3S«p^«^s ;. - — d » d d d M !3 J" n - tn ■ ■'^ -C c . „ M) •»-' — c a M) tie .-0) a OJ .- - c ' C cj o ;- O) ~ o . Oj t- — . « OJ — ' ^- O) .« C OJ O — . OJ 01 C c^ C' ^ OJ — . o .Xi PENSIONERS. 457 wc^^c^c^^^ritiri^^c^^c^ci ztQi^Q)^ .i!£d'2'!Bm'2''5o!oJcSi3ii3n^Ma!n!aJc3c3cac«nJnJciirt(33cJc«rt m -;■ t" I-,- o &, I-; u i-i cJ o "^ oo'o'ojo'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'c'o'o'o'o'o^'o « s §s ^11 ■-■■ h -tf 3 dj ;- ^ , ^ ■5 '3 •" -S '3 5 T3 -O -g 0"0 a "O « S w § M S W d d fa c3 w d d d i-i ^ d "^' d M fa 'o'o'o ooifSoo'o'o oooooSoooo Hi d d fe i-s" i-j 1^ J Hi §2 §^ c - E ? != oj <; ^ . .1-5 .S N o j:^ ^o o -*-' J^^ O) — r- i^ o; OJ ;- ^ £ o ^ c a ^ 03 CS O 3 c« O o J J h3 h^l 1-1 hJ H? O OJ O "T « J J h3 hJ '^ £ 2 .5 3 -S ►q J J J J hJ PENSIONERS. 459 m i_; hj .h E __^ _ O O '^ '^ S OS o o d J P J d H B d d P o cc Q p o o o o o p o O O O O o o o o o d d d d o d o o o o o o O O O O O S 6 ho 7; poooooooo'oo 1^ W ►!? °^ S ,=^ S S)5 ^- tc c c S ^ G G -^ r- • H Ss ■a 2 iJ J J iJ ►J J J ^ rt C; rt N 2 W ,2 o £ p . 5 J>j', 460 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a G o o a p. E S 5 £ cj I. u " o o x; Z z a, c c 5 -S j: <2 S 3 c ^ , eIeI .e W fc ^ 3^ g 3 ^ O o '2 — PS ^" c oT ►^ ^ 01 f f «" 2 Ol CO M fc fc O a cq 00000*0000 OUOOOOOOO •£ 5 o S .i; .r 3 o o I ,j ^q hJ J h; h3 hI S > k. ^ ;i; js ^ o ™ ^ ^ ^ _,• 5:? m • 1^ ^ M 9 5 S 5 m o *J ^J w .c =* K iS " •SS «ti o o • a) d (Si o 2 2 i >-i r," ^^' D d d fc; . ; „• „• .-• „• _• „• „• a c, OOOOOOOracd OUUODOUOO p: .& = S -^ fe ^ -' w ^ J rj *^ H^ g- J-- -o -a g. -o 35WWE2-2.2 c c c CQ ca cs S Hi Hj" d d >^o m m ■ u O Oh CU ^ _o o o o o o o I OQOOD OOUOOOOSSOOU d a; ctf g g t; -• 5 N = 4; ra _;^ ^ ^* J S S 2 S -5 - o i: — ^ ■" . fj; <; K ^- K 5 ^ -^ * >. Oi I-: 'WS 2±S 2S ^ ^ 5 -i "* ^ 462 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PL,eL|PHPkCl|^(l|PHPH3H(^PMP4PHpH|l'PHCL|CMp4PU&(|l| P3 S m : 02 § 9 2 $S5 --. '^ '- fac o ■— Ml 2 c P he ^ 15 c &l""^5 M M S?<^"' ■= ■- J2 ; o cc; s r-4 r^ Vi ' q d f^ •-; •-; d < "^' '^" W o f^ o H^' d fQ E E eS cS o o ^ B. J3 .C o K h Eh M . . . tc i-i >-l l-> I 'oJ5o'o'o'o'o'o'o'c™'o'c'o'o'o, poooooS c-S g c - be •S — I" * s ffis C nj K ^ c >. C ;3c3Ooa3OO03-«n] • r-* tS'O'O'O 4)4)4)4) ^^^^^^^■^2s2°'25aH2 2HSS5?g-3 ^w h5 a) t^ g > >; >c iOocOni>iOo:;2 4«4 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. &fc& s . aiojojaiajajajajoj EHc X S JiiitliitiiltS^caoicaeOrtcOcaaiajn btoicji C OJ >,>.;>.>>;*. ^. ccsccccccs-s-t-gcc ■- cj c3oJc(SoJrtc!!c3c!rtciJc!!eti(flniiJi«^<2a|OCC fc fc &L,fafafefcC^iJ>Ji-lJh:iJiJ)-U§SS§SS u P a c ►J S E E g;?. I S o ^ -Zi s s N ■ pi «■ « K |i^ fti pj H,- fe WW ■a 01 H fc o ^^ K cn irfl ^ r; ooooooocoo OO.OOOCCOCCOC ooooooooooooaooouocuooc • . rt S 'O - ■ . 0) 61) — ' T .G - - bB h ri il^ ^ G X t. Oj W ™ I- J= 4) O 5 aj c ■*j . CJ *J M « I 5 r^^ & E S c fs « S S "2 issssssl^ = o c K -^ o -^ a; o o 3 3 o ~ o c ox:'*-' C C .o *. t. O H c, o cc rt c3 PENSIONERS. 465 ggSSSSgE 00000033 be tE bi, bn be bt} ^ j^ cccc c a t. V. OOOOOOOO ^H ^ 0^ O^ t- >> >. >> * c c c 3 3 C — = .I'^OOOOoi — SS9^P3 SSS^SS;?ga^Sp^pJHh^^j<^^w«wM«««Mmwwo ;^ .-S-S ss c o c — _ -, _ _ _ ., rt c oj — ai •- 1) 30— Vol. IX.— €th Ser. SS^ % ^ >^ >i o . rt s i: J a ns >> ■s?. w ^ £ O c c -^ .^ ■c -c 5 ~ «^ M o !^ J H ,o d £ o 5 S ■1' -■i .t: 3 m o (^ c ffi -a c H,?H«^dEH -o WW U^ CA ,:su H H o ? u, rl M o o m f-i ^ PENSIONERS. 467 be B t i; 1 2 2 2 ■ . 6 b b Ix ih i % a o. Q. a .S .5 ^ ^ ^ ^ .S S E E E E E ai o p:c3c3csEW)!iiite ^ ^ a; S S aaScccoCcc ™ ^^ ja x: £55 bi ^'^l^ E E W U W O O E> S ^ Jii P & t- a ■" 1 r ■a ^ M o t- X .S " I* -, o .2 t? 5 o - r "" 1^ ■" O & 5 2 2 &; « c" fe o !q !d cc o t^ <" Cl. <; < K S H ^ & ^ c .2 .21 "i 3 t§ t- u t- ■c J3 -c c a a n . - o E E E2 S 3 3 3 *J 03 o o o hi J AAA Eh H H o H,- 1^ iS' r pm h3 J * o „ ^ ^- .^ d 5 g 3 4> > c :r £ E C a E ooooopooooooooo'ooooo'o'oo'oooo'co'c'c'c'co El E n! ^ fe 5 K J= s m t^ "I' a c E .2 2 c O ^ 5 g^sssssssSss d S s . .^ c n £ <; fr S g s g >. 0) bo "Ten 5 Oj "-^ 3 O t« -•:=.«) 3 - .■;cO . Vi X ^ ^^ 11 .'O Adj ►''O'j^oi-.Om-HoiM — c cd 5 >- -O CO SS 01 cj gg 4G8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ~ e Miii ^ p: & is ;s P :3 g g 2 ■ -< M CQ O O O .n; C C ro 5 0) -o M »i M i? m r- !Srtc!!.Go:=;a(3jaJa)c .S g to « o o -S § S ^ - ^ 5 S rt =3 i; g M S to iJ H K^ U re! -t-J -C S >^" a ^-2 o O g "l* ^ Q >«! .t: o o .2 S S „- bo M tn -^ li C m 3 oj ?i z: E s O C? a; .S^ g d i^ C S O O £ S.2 g.2S - m '5 ° = s^ PENSIONERS. 469 . .5 .S" .S a . bb iS H !S . . c . "^ .B 2 "3 "aj i' >-' o s-" "^ "S --^ ^ ^ ^ •'2^ 1^ S a. a; ^ o ol g P oj c cti ,C 3 k5 O 1-1 PSO fi J= JS ^ G Q fi S3 cs a! ^ ■a "O fi C "O "5^ Cfl cs ^ iS 3 ^ £ S -n XI Ph Ph < J3 r< :^ 5 ci ^ " 00 O . P4 Ph 2 ^ ■C 'O 60 (V o g (u c c C.S t; L- t:- vL' O "^ ^ tfl ,^ ^s^^3£3»S2<^pt;jgso^swtf^^ rh O C 3 i- . S 2 ffi S ■« Sou .St. ■q "o o o o o U O O O U O - a c P - . ta CS ra ^ 55 ^'ii m 1 - u! a 1 s . E ^'^ 0) c .5% m ■2 cd -; ■S3. >. c 3 J= £ ■ -2 t: S g O o 3 ;^- _ o 03 . OS n3 SS ssss 470 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. t ^. a ^ ^ »^ b ^ ^ Siirt-woii; £ e -o c c l~i £ L». '^ tfi t- tw 01 u i' -e "■ ■ K ^ ii ^ o c; rt .S CQ fQ CQ o u w g m w (S cl^ u m w o w ^ o Ejko 3rtt;£i33 '-r'^^ Town. d c to si -I o ^ p: > t c p: r c c - c c c c c c c * i c < .S-5 2" o C G * c c < Name of Regimental Comm'dr. ii V o 4 c C > 3 " a c C . o c 1 • > s c ' o oi c > c £ s c c e E c c oi OJ c 3 c cJ o, p. < o 0) S S3 u Ki w o; 3 s c 01 w OI Q o ■♦-J v u ■ ^- . c b. c u 1 01 K c — 01 L. M hi ;^ o o U E si 0) 1^ J3 0) 01 c o 1 ii cS 5 OJ u o o o o 0) .Q a c s g n C c < c g > c Oj 'A 4- o E 0) Q o g o c C3 0) W C o E g C c < OJ g >- t. g 01 5 g J3 K m g OJ c 4) ■a 3 L. £; 6j C g c g 1 a g .c a K >C 0) c g g oj oi g tS 3 g PENSIONERS. 471 g - ^ .Q tin m C3 SSffi 3 3 3 Q .-&• ^«WM&.Wg&^O^C^^ p .« S w aJ oJ oj . . J5 i-*N ^ cq « o J >-;•-; ^ w w d »^' <;■<;■ pj" « hJ >> CS >> .2 M „- aj »^ 5 S t.mvimgojcaSD'S o3ooooo"oj — o .a" M •c c 2 c" d - . P- « K •g 3 2 _• E . S S .c o h ^ .2 -c '- c E ■" X W g d N £; N — c .^ i3 6i to . o c c r T .C Tr bi.t;L2Ln°°'''^od~.-ooo«~ m tc _2 472 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c ■"' o _■ . ■ 'O s "O e C "J o ^ ^2 ^ g .S .5f i; .£f .5f i = ^ ^ c t; Q 0, 4J -a g K S « M o S x: ^ "O "O fc, tm w a-ss .- C ft lU rt 5 ft = fe J t <; O c 5 oT 0," & :S ir =S O rt ^ < , ;2 ;:; b^ S cf c =^ ^ ^ ^ >-5 s 5 "S rn c f-3 W c be 3 B 3 ^ r; to 7. r/; s c c c 3 1) to of G jj' ■5 ^g^S;;2;^^;2;Z^^f5 >^ .§ ^ .2 t: ^ o .;:< 0^ ^ S _- oi ': ^ O >■. C O "U ij -^ I' ~ a! m 'C .Q -o t* PENSIONERS. 473 CO , . . 6 . . . u u o3 d' cS d oS C -S a ft •§.!»>? . c . c Sec rt S rt S . 41 2 5i is!£ o!5i! "i ^ ¥> X X ■" E * d T" ri rj (11 ^ —^ 1_^ ._> -M .^ C*- -^j ^ »>i t_. ■♦^ " I tlJ ^ -^ »-■ .« ^ C — .^ f^H ^^ ^^ 35 o S > 'S ° P ? 5' E E « M ^ C ^ c I* ^ O M O en 2: s of -^^ OS ^ ^ ^ T-^ -V Z J« ^ 4) u 1-; g i ^" j: £ J M S >-=■ P^ tJ «ii OOOOOOOO OUUOOOUU d N n: O ~ M 3 "^ i: o o o o o o ft •-• 2S PZ &' o ^ b ;;; J *^ -^^ m -^ .■:: . 2 (3 3 ^ H w H t> m p. E 3 oi m p^ ft E 3 6 h3 g ^ H d 1^ Q 00000c o o o o u o "£ £ ^ 5 = ^ « c o o o o o o .2K c c 0) c So b o ml V o 6 E g .2; 1^ IS g a< -< tf ^- 02 0) d) „" >> « X £ oi E W W <; H E-i" d d -; -h" — ■ c c o o o ^^ I-; u o o oi «2 -5^« 5 t^ S c d o K W E o. S^ O O o o si o o ■►J o ai Ph Ph Ph 474 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. cd c4 cd cd cd cd tS 'O 13 'O 'O T^ oj cd c3 rt rt cj cjcdc0a!c3a3driric3cicjcjri cCcticdcdrtcdCurt^cdc3cOcCcd B >> >> .^ .rH .-. ..-, .« .^ .r^ .M .rH .» .^ .^ .rH •-< •.- •■»• •.-< ^ -^ — H CM W ■a n"*. V lii t- .12 ■a <5j S g t> « S "2 ,^ m S So^lw^S ; -^ 5 5 2;«s s m CD C> p " >, p p ■5.^0 MP tfl <-• cd o >-> '•-> > OJ 0) c 9 CJ O) -- -^ _ ; 1^2 2 a§ ,,-i _, ^ ^, -^ ij CO -= o 4 u i4 -• -S iS iS - E S :5 j2 TO TO cQ ra TO E:S E-1 &< d ~ 5 S ^ 2 ^ 'H' g ° S ^ o " Go &5 a> to ^ c h c. -a ii *-> ^ -H h ^^^5^ 5 >- P3 a) ^ c <; (S o ■o 61 eU C J3 Li a ti d .2 pj p4 w i; Q - t. - d g d d *n PU 'C W u rf) s M a ij u ^ W « •^ < 1-5 < H •E a o Q d w < « ^- d -in w d fa =: d h3 &£■ > . S ■" >;cu oooooooooooooooooocoo G O O O O O O O O O U O tj O O O U O O O O O U O O O O OOOUOO £ C 45 .c 2 S d -o O U O d 5 ^ d ' d rt OS - N 2h d ■- SS d N . . — d" -"^ ■fa r d .i5 d m t-" fc- C S h tl a* t:: t^ H 5 5 ^ do„.. __ - - {_ d u 0) p o a> « i-i d d Hi P>i xss-s g-g-Sstis-s bo cfl 3 0) fa fa d -M fa fa t;t:o^^3d'S -2 5oii3il>Ht. ?i o |1( ^ ■ g 0) O O 5^'S o -* M s 5 ^ So .5 S 5 c S O m jH '-' X! 3 a M) ~ ... . ^ CC e^ „ Z W wi o- o g KS aJ 3 -^^ oj & « ;- Wi C- a p. C. c ft c crt ci nt ,r; pC ;C n yj 111 m cu E S tB '-^ CO w ! i-j "^ 1-5 d I ■?: W oo o'o'ooo'oooooo >> S p. c a g -S p. (u Cg^£&2§t;^ o _2 . p. . &»§■£" sell ■ . 4) rt S M 1-3 < £ ? +J o o c C £ .£ 3 „ - - ■ - - ^ d cu- £ ■? ~ J=- -S £• F 5.c- = 11 f Pi (X K fc (£ K p: c c 3 c 478 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ■a "O . • • . U. t; c c c Oi u u i; c c 0) QJ 0) (P <0 Q> E E E E E S (P M be bt tj) M bl) ._ „ iS aJ 'ooo'o o o'o'o o'o'o'o'o'o o o o o o ooOoooouooooooooooooua K o CS OS S' .2 o « ■? „ 5 ::: -g 2 C^ K ^ p. be'O.S'oO'^^-'^dSNJSiu. mEES u.-,jOc«B!OJ3^rtO(UO03Oa,3o.5£ai te £ i ^ o ei! PENSIONERS. 479 a) a) 4) g B E. •0 'O 'O 'O i: i: !c oooooooodjC.i; m iS ■ 2'^ 00 t, ^ •- tl > o . P; ,^'4i2iHHWhM«i4(i-PP>^Ww, O (8 . B C o ■ l-J CO l-S 1-5 "^ oooooooooopoo tf « -O 'O 5 a N ■So::: 0) tc r E o > 3?-*-* *J .oC o ■ d > q 01 o 3 o aaua 480 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c 2 E c ~ m p a p. o ■" ^ s c g d o! 3 ;ij f:

    > ? c n! 0) • CO CD o ■g 2 fc cJo30oHS'g32rtaj3n!rtoJa;5-o;>.x;,2 ° 5 &< « » o g S J PL, J ^ .; Jfc M ^ i; ? t» r. . Sii S - !1 S •a I 0! h t- £ c " ^ P4 Q Oi-^CoJOlJcSaj 5 "^ o > ^ CQ o o ;^ S o ■COS r- t> ■ Pi • . . 5 o oooooooooo UOOOOOOOOO (1h „- be —• OS cH ^3 £ ^ oi H >. >. . ''3 ? —T ni u IS - •^ S C iS Is ■ ■w^ 1 c e. S I ea o) J: c c. .Q aj M ■a S — ^ Cl rt» O _■ 111 ^ oT fc f ■3 3 3 ii 3 .2 d 5 - C5 « tf PENSIONERS. 481 01 2o^^goSSj5333grt03§5'^325=i SsMOi-;s;z;ua(&HCflMMOH?:;p5jfcpp3!ji-!,vci:ososi: 482 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. t: t- t- o o o o 3S33nS333333 ti ^ "O 'd "O . a) ^ x: c - ,^ .. •^ <: .S " ►^1"= U) u C t-' mm mmmm mmaii ^•E Ei in u PENSIONERS. 483 4) '^ oJ oj OJ 6 cj 0) - t- t- .b d c8 rt Oj Qj O) ^ > CM fc di 4 vj' K^ PH fe E „ „ ^ ^ W M w 5 H," n" i-s" i-i i-i E^ d S3 CQCC O" » CJ Hi CO CO .- jj -J > ti 0) ° w Ph !; e o S S s So :oop 00000 00000000 dououoououOoooo X d (0 in I- m .C (u ^ - o _- a B X3 ■g - ,'i E J= C d >, g ; & ^ •§ -^ § .2 c S I '^ o C • . c ■"" > 0) N t. t. <; t- 5 o CD 3 -o ■a .5 mwcccococococo O) OJ rh d ra _ ■£ S 5 S J d d n' d cJ OJ F?^ > m G n -0 x: 3 CO ^I t4 p^ E E x: a: CO 0. CO pa pa 3 CO CQ §"a IS H H J pa 'o'o'o^'o 0.00 o o c 6 6 6 s O O U U C O to ss ^ c a %,^ L-sl5^tf i: E M aj - J3 CO CO S.E £ 2 ■•=£££ 4) S O 4)' . Ml £■ : J £■§ d d op;; ~ 3 5 c: o t- IS d E \ CO CO E E.S CO C/^ CO E E CO CO - d — i ^ E CO CO CO 484 MISCELL.ANEOUS PAPERS. X ^ ^5^; ' 5 J= CO & « ■a S ^ c 2; c z ■^ s -^ ,- ^ f^ O LS fi^ « *-( *-" CS Cl Ci fa sss s s c c c o o o ra en CQ en A C. C. B. ^" o E e I o — o o o 00 t- j: x: js ^ " '^ "^ i5 d "-J "^ "^ — X . ^ o d ^ *r s _ cq C-: ^ CO (M .C S G S M S 2 c o c, t. o K c ^ ^ a c £ -a CO E G 3 -»-»" * ^ ^ ^ P 03 - "E "E £ 5 O 4) 4) 0) G ~ nil §1 S d H d g ^ H g jg ^ g I K K ^ < d •-»■ "^ H <^' o E^ h; c; ^,- £^ tti 4 •-» 4) u dh," do 000000000 000000000000*0 O O U O O O 'J O O O O U U O C O '_ ■-_ C C O O O r: :i r^ ^ ^^Sga £f3 p. £ 5 it 3 E£ ■u c S E 3 ^ J= c ^ a CD CQ Ki tn cA cQ o . U) u 0) ^ w — .c O 60 2 »o I (M H x; B to " OJ ^_i 3 ft 3 u 3 B g K Hi M § I g a CQ' B a a .... . _- >> d a ft ?i o o 0) -O tJ : 111 W w : S o cQ » c fc- cd 0) C CJ *J CO w m 03 Ko'^w -K 2 .55 2 ^ - - >> S ii |^S^o^3 .- r„ v' _«" £■ h? •" t<' S "m ^ ■« 3 s* S oSEE5£;*ja)J3*jj3o-^c^-w.K'-wrai-tD COcncOCOCOtOCOCOCCCOCQCOCfltOCOCOCOCOCOCfiCO 486 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •a Q u CO O M W •13 'O 'O 'O „ tH ^H t-. C *- o O O O '^^ cJ 3 " r i; ^, t. rt 0* oj t- rt 3 co CQ rt (^CLifeCQoOfcOOOOQQ^JJiJfet^fofehJi-lhq Z tf a •o c 7J « JZ W 3 u « n O ■J ►-«' -I 3 £ ^ — o ° 3 ^" ■> t- '-' "* s ^ .s 4: ° - & o ^ i=0 ca W • o c. £ E {J f-l l-J 1-5 f^ :K O 3 ££5 5i 3 3 t^ t" S h,- K m J to ^ o ooooooooooocooooo s o - w 4) IX! ~ V 03 3 w ca CO •".2 c o — c il : -a c . ^ w 1^ ^- _ oq -a li; ■Sc2E-5.c&E&EE.2'g c X 'a XI ^ PENSIONERS. 487 >>>.>.>>>.>>>.>>>.>.>> U U-M-M-M-MW-M O a a a c c Mtfl^ .■^o«oop ooooooooooo hotlCUltllltlllbDbcUliiCbllbJ] c d c d d d n n o o O o a D. c. G a a B £ B E s E a a cfl d > u u E E , o o .• E &< i 'O c ^fed,- • C C to ^ ^ +J ; o o a £ a; ~ rt 1 S g K w M Q CQ E_- e'Q w J w o o o o o o O O U O U U ^ C t. o U O a a E E j= x: .c a a a E E E 3 3 3 WWW oooooooooooo OOUOUOOOOOOU u u a a : a 3 E E BB 3 3 J- 3 X WW § Wii m 10 c! in rf O o j; o •w -u c ;o d *-3 1-5 d d ooooooooooo C C s w ■2 ^ t. o ~ i-s •a 2 '2 ^' .-S 5g.2W^g Ng ■O^S S3i o= =. w c w a c E^ 3 .ti c m CO CO « -S ! to "M ^l-S g^^E^ I SE 112111.2 i:ci3 3c.cofcx;oc:bfci-se.2t:j=a).c;;;;cx: ccccwcotcaacctcaiWtoaicccocowwcot/itotOMtoaicc 488 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. X X ^ X ^ ■ a> a> 0) (V > e^ •? "i 3 o ^ ^ aj n '^ '^ u :^ qj t* d n f- 9 _-_-„- o ^ . . o 5 g, c :§g^g_g^.>:£cc-fcG« .„ l^ I-i« W« 7: M .-H .« i~- fl, _j -» - ^ OMWM •CD^'-' . • . .Mo O ^^ w ifl L, m — ' • • • •1' . ^- ^- a ni £ S . i-; o'c'o'oo'o'o'oo'o'o'o'o'o'o t- tn t, t- r ^ _a; _ai j; S o o o o o o o o o a o Z ■ £^ - a bo . oj C u fc. ?; . c: N J- o o " . c (S r; 2 .Q C5 ■ - C 72 W "^ 0) '-' CM -W^ 35 S Ah .- ^„, ^ ^ X ^ s a-M p.a,ai Ej3." wcccOMWWtcwccwwwMoaaiMaj ■^ ^ »< •^ o nl a =S ■t-J .M ^ ■*-» PENSIONERS. 489 u i-< U O, M QO bt bo S 2 S S 2 S ^ CO a> (u 0' o) U J iJ iJ J ESS M W) M 5; 2 5 S" 2" d ni oj 'S'S-S3°ooOj::j2J3t3°5S.C,ScS3 e j3 J3 "5 6a bp o o ^ ^ ^ ^ c o o S oi CI 5 C — " a; t. ^ 2 1^ p:S n o :? ■^ Si x> ^ V Hi ;i > d n 1) J Q O Wm o ■a 6tl c e' ^; & ^ ID ii r () : s S 3 g Ww E S E 5 S w - g - a) t. - (h n QJ M ^ C m c 3 •« *j Q, O ■•-' -*-• W W M M CQ Ui ■*^ rt -^ wS ?= S N 2 ^ 5 E J3 .C a E 3 o -1 -^ ■" M 3 E t! C 15! S "l* £ H W 5 rt H - .C <1J 0) ^ 490 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 'O *0 'O 'O G C C C , ti cd cd c4 M >i fcl "E "E in' "E o t^ 0; oj oi ^ OJ -*-» . 0,333 . r mo^£5'-3 . . Hi C si Xi OoooS3J3t-'oS33— *cj=.COcsja)(U o ^ c " c t< ij fa Z »j .•.- fe = w QJ ift Q o . o •e o OOOOOOOoO ouoooootno CO fe ■*■ N 'l3 Ei ai i; g c g w K M £ ai ft O a ^ 02 i K ■^ ^ ' - "O C3 i; C c a '^ P (u a E . ^ ^ ^ to to r^ < < ft ft E E 3 3 V ■ 33 " .33 fe .Ch E N K W 3 a . -^ S »-" 2 W E Sw S - ■a it t;3uci,giis>. cococctnuicococo CO CO PENSIONERS. 491 o t H t: Q) dj D 0) * t> t. t< £ S m fe t. tfl CO P-( fc > ? 2 £ S 5 t* ^. : S •S ' ° 3 C ^- ^" -T ^- I K W W t c „ .> x^ o 6 'S o c c c ■« O) OJ > o 5 •a w C E .S E is IS ^^ — O 3 ^ >. t. QJ O C..2 p -a 32 ° 3 00000 : o o o o c U O O U U • O O O O '_) !^. -S - 1; n/ n! PQ « r c S S, c rt .2 ^"

    S „ r. C O 01 iS^ "j Eo S^2K£g|3|,^|5|g2xSg 4) .Q ^ • - -W fe M M p:; 0^ H, M o o o o o o o O U O O U U O o o 0. -S i! G

    > . c w o .E ts »; c -9 J-" >-• 5 c * s t>3 >^ lu ..- f* . ■a 1-5 (D 1-5 5 5 S ?J oJ •>', ~ . W CO g^-^ 5^.t S - •£ £ c 5 g t £ ^ o c ^ ^ c o ~ £ c .5 S c d S ^ £ "S J o 2 p te c p o oz;S££i:E-c=co3oi;i'x;a_cPrc:^ wwtowww73MwaiMMaimccMaiw(:>.^ e e £ oj I- c >; Oj C C r; — OS X g o £ ^5 4) bo •?' W 4)" ^ CQ . E SU dm o W h o u o J3 O -M C mmvi m 'O S ■ M O t- ^ . w H e W '■-^ « CS _.•■ •>, 0) X3 ? s - .s.s«S'£.Sg^c S„ -Jo - . cd a» CO M "5 .c ■s ;i c o ft E §, ^ 5 E E mm m ui m mm >- y te m m m m 01 494 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. c Z ^ cc *:; -■ w m ^" bo E . t! C t:^ o a! Cl r^ O i-( „ 1! C c ij C c C m m . CO G 3 C. a (J) 3 x: o »-i CD o w o Eh h '-='-»^i-j"hs'i-3H"^Oi-5 C 73 m - CL, 'o Q J= S !2 - "^ g S p m m -S M a d H I 6 a f^ J O O ^^ (U\ '^ T, K S 2 ►< <; h a ooooooodo o_ooOoooooo ooSooooooaougC'OoOoooooc rt rt" <5 j; x: ■^■^■g^o- C .CSJ •? S C J3 be « *< 'S C rt S E S S 5 = SS S -o t. 2 2 oj M w H H i I -g J5 S i E g I ) XI .- t^ >■, t» t. 3 JS PENSIONERS. 495 >. >> o a) s«^ S • «s £ n ^ u ^.^S B C . OS t. •a o bc C s: ft 3 o 6* ^o l3tf ^ • ^ H .H Ci • c o : b 0) . 01 s •S ^ ••^ 2 S 3 2-^ Z,^ o o - > ■ i; 5 2^( J2 - fe ^Q \<^><^^^ :< Lebanon, — 1758 Alder St. West Philad' West Chester 1020 Coates, York, Ebensburg, Wrightsville, Philadelphia, 2 o u u S ti t- M ,C (p o cd CM g Z W xi .c j: >- - a a ft ° fe : a 3 3 3 (U 3 W W W d, a t!* S CQ Cfl S .S 2 iS fcW eij ^J- : H o3 : ^- T.S?? hH S"wlaS3".^ig bn .-■=i, o ■• ij t- c - d o e iS ui o « ft CO - E E >> 2 2 H H t-i ca n eij .c 3 H H B h H d ™ rh 3 - t.' d J3 tn v. o C ^ ;>> o d ft o rr Tl g u d d d 2 E -• E d d E'S w ft !ll i: ft S "1 1-- 2 E,g §2 d "O C W) C d is o cc; ./T d • 2 g ; d j3 496 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. w O O P. -^ cti rt rt co d u ^ CO »-< 61) ■ a is 3 . H „ a u - ?5 .2 i; >, SS3 S * C3 s X Q pa u w uiK ^^ 41 E C -^ • I W fc i-i o 0000000 O U O O O CJ o . c c - H S ^ V ■ l^ m (200000*00 mOUOUOOO N (1) 3 S C nJ I- C C S H H H P !2 1^ tc CO ,i< S t« P3 -Jj g c5 § Mi i2 o t. c C oJ c ca C Oi -ij c o fxi m .. „ ^ b£ O O) OJ 3 J3 -O -O ■= ■^■■^v .-^ ppp :i; -5 =a c 3 3 j:: C C cS rt nj p p p > > > ■o 'a j: „ ^ .. Ml C cc " cd O cj t> > > >> PENSIONERS. 497 -." a5 b tc M s- . r o "^ t, cs N "D „- d ~ £ C ■a i .S g g o -S .S = r r .3; ^ g ^ .=^ r 33— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 498 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. U cdcti^oJ^oJoJric3^cd^cdcdoJc)^cJrin}ticdoj m ^ -■ J-: *J o ■ 3 ^ = "^ 2 c « ^1 P- tc 5 o fe O «5 .c t; o cs o X c-j t- 1-1 O C^ ?5 JJ 0) n a ■a 5 £ WW W dog . . -s u o y ■a "a 2 -c -c Td -M -iJ W w 02 d w m 6 !-,■ h,' cc ,4 2 S S j3 >^ - .o S ^^ i^ C 5 . .Q F c S OJ 3 O • 3 & 3 & i-i C3 r^ in r-l i<^ ^ |i^ J W . S H CU J £ tn M ooooooooooooooooooooooo UOOUOOOOOUUOOOOUOOOQUOO S S g •^ S .cs ; -s s i^ -< a) W 2 S<: c "^ r; «! ci r5 S^ -W^^ by W) 2 .-€-< 0) C _£; 1> O) _ :2 • "^ ^ • S c - : ■S - -K c r S ^ O) >. 0) OJ o PENSIONERS. 499 d « CS * a m s s: s i> Oh Ch Oh ^ c c t- .5 t* t^ M c ca ta *j oj o o o 0) 0) cv I E E c c c c c OOOOOt-tit- •- ^ ^ J2 ^ ,Q t. t. t. c c x^ ego !-i fc O S ^^ -3 ^ E (^ X ™ -^ hn ^ ^_» r^ CO W !fj '^ > > ^:^ u^ ■^ '=' ° r^ O M c & & ^5 2 c ^ S >. >. >■ . £ d .oin-g E J3 "3 c 3 aj" H,- m <; « o) 1^- « g ; CO Eh i o ■* ^ • - ^ CD 2 ^ c. . O > -" cU nJ-N o ^ m ^ x: X S Ph pa ^ ^ >§ o ^^ ^ M J pj' O a;' W i-,' i^' '« Pi ^ .M ^ E E W W E E c ts ts J to' K niajSMg'-'oo "o 'o ^"5 2 2 . x: XI ca o o o _o o o o o o o o "3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o q p o o o OOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOUOOO d >!*>■?=« 2^ E cj tifl U) 3 W) U S 3 1^ .5 ^ ^ ^ ^ J3 . (0 01 s c s 3 1-9 a> « - 0) S " S g ^ I ^' •s i; t: > Ol OJ OOOOOOOOOOCOOQOOOOOOOOO bs o: c c ■ £ m c d .Q >> 3 O M .¥ -^ o r„ s £ S ^ -H .^2 >> . > ^ « « rt d a; X W W o Q J hJ h3 S ^ Z e^ >H ^H H k" PQ S fM CL, fq CQ ^ ^ ^ "S s -^ J CLi W ^s OPiWOu;jfaW S S Oi M C g ^ g m W iJ S P4 'O . H fe p J ?? 3 Hi C C C __ .2 jg O " - a> 01 0; U U S P. a ■2 .-.•«" s oooooooooo 3 w faS ooooooooooo o o o o o o p OOOOOOOUOOU OOOUOOO eS - .2 W M S'Sh S MH ^^ . w M . '-J £S ID B be a V If gang aver, ddle, msher Si o 0) o! oi 4) — ^p:^^^^^^ 01 c/i - - feO o H S fc -g-S' W ^ K <^' S . — 2 y^^^ii— ** m X — a "^ '^ ^^^t^^^^^^^ ==2 6 ^^ 502 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. W f O C" C OJ O C 00 •— a> -4-* u — C .C J3 *i -u nS E Ol H E E H o O P ^ H d O C tf E O M ca « m t-4 o o 0) E m ^ H 0^ fc - o o 2 .S E o P 0) O ^ O 3 Oh l> &< W t- — ^ I^K^ S ^^ tc V OOOOOOOOoOO OUUOOOOOUOO 5? S J £ & S .2 -2 c ^ 3 O o o ^ o o u o T (u o ^ '^ ^ d '^ ^ 9i J^ s: ^^iS^.^ a o "C rt s 0) ^^l c i^h ID o ■n K -a c a C3 ~ cU 0) is r» &p:^ S " c M . g 3i -S E -a E 5 3 cd IpS _• E £ gPh o s o - >-5 c o , ■ ~ o cj 1! o J= .c Esfjtsi?i?^t;^f?^^if^^^^t5 PENSIONERS. 503 S "J'S S 5 "v % ,- S x^ be n. ^ o D u c E o o c ic a 0) c ^ E 0) 1) c X n U J3 HI) 01 s tfl •rl J2 c J c Ij ^ (1) « 5^ S £ ^ 1-5 «< Q w M S a; ^ fe S ^ ° d cs ^ pE, t> M PL4 n to > a n a ft d d .Ph Si^S d a " £ i:"5 ^ i-i 2 S S £ = -< ^< OH^J t- o — ~ © m ^^ m ^^ ^^^ m 2 M -o m — c o d d oj o c .Q d d >• w r ^, ^^ o tf W M - E d ~ d _5 2 01 d 4) ^^t? F» ^ ^ r^ 1-1 fa ^ Ph — ;- «S = - d ,2 •£ H >. J3 .2 S d)' d h; 2 ri CO - d i; W . be E d ci ~ ~ S t- rt21j.ti-*-»-'ti c n d*" — " d d- da)a)di;dj::>>a)aij:j:j:'ai^ >i >i 5 u u u a a 'SSnE£:::n::::n:~3CCi3St.t.rP^r M > ■a ■w -J ." c "S 5 O M 2 E ■« ^ M W -M J3 « « M O - . > C C 1-5 *J r| (^ - ^, s e ^ - c § E 3 S 5 ■o o O Sffi cT 2 ^ =: > ^ ^: o a; o o x: a M M iz; M Ph ti _ " „ o o a a a m* n m s§ el E-S ■a a g W 6 S .« ^r E 2W ooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOUUUOOOUOOOOOOUOOO fe -.--w..P.^^ E333333=lcSPE:T:m33m3^m ooooooooajoajojoooooojo PENSIONERS. 505 & & o o5:5 o"» o Wi :*> e! -C M ^ -5 o •S.-S E £1 .c C 2 3 o ^ c, c uSkJ S S tf 2 iz; a ^ 2 5 ^ •E s E g> ^ -n iz; « tH Ch K K Ch g H,- g g g w m J u < i-i iri d >A i~: o o o o o o o o o o u u o u W c a ft 5S ■^ h^ n^ is o K ■a ■-- W ts' ?^ -S « 1^ 'C ti'^ c ci n •j^ 3 O :^ t. OJ TTn X o c N N tSJ N i; "^ c C 5 c , -c S E»? rt oj B a, . t^ 3 t. ^ oi 01 ni . E 1^ E I !:■ P E >> 5 H • ! -3 .§ - E 5^ .2 fe C INNNNnNNN c a> N N E ~ 506 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ■S I ■ -naao JO -ON 5 5 5 ■^ s ■* (M C^ C4 d ^ a! g2g2 as 3^3 33 -a :x -a Ah *^ ^ " V 3 ss '5 3 <£> 1 1 i i g s s 1 i i i i i 1 g 1 1 i 1 i >r >> >i >>" >; >c >>" i^ t^ >i >." >^ >^ >^ tc >c >i >» >r >; >, >l X 3 3 1-5 3 3 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 l-s 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 1-5 3 >-> 3 3 1-5 3 l-s 3 1-5 3 1-3 3 1-5 to g £ OS .?5 d o -''P d . d d 1 d 41 m e ft 5 £ ft5 a "o << c ^ d .2 . "^ H .ii •< g CQ I; C iT aT . S -I fc- >>>>.>.>.>>> 3333333333333 l-jl-Jf^l-jl-Si-jl-St-sl-jl-jl-s^,!-, _^ (u tv 01 ii : * c N (^ 5 a ~ c3 t ^ 60 ■a s c ii <; < <<< 508 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. V Y P < O ^^ O I— I fin ?2 & a ES 00 fS £2 R ^ s . ^ Si s ^ « ^ ^ & 1 ^ 1^ w ^ tH S •" rH a t3 c; M* T- ts c 1 1 bo >i 5 7 77. f^"f^^ M i "" L r-t CO n r^' ft*- ' • • • ■ • ' - • -»«0 JO -OK I iH . O" 2" V 3 >''3 >> >. >. l^ >. V V, >>>>>. d ii oi a d o3 d c3 CIS OS §ps S SSS QOggS 1868. 1868. 1S68, 1868. 1868. 1868. 1S68. 1868. 1868. 1868. 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868. 1868. 1S68, 1868, 1868, 1868. 1868, 1868 1868. 1868, 1868, 1868 |^t-^^-3^-5Hsl-5l-5l-5l-3l-Jl-5l-Jl^^-3l-3l-^l-5)^|-5l-sl-3H3l-Jl-3^-J >->>r>i-)>->isi-)>-)i-> « 1= « -^ - ., oi C t. m S 3 ■ M s '^ c 3 -5 >. >> d t- -a 3 ' o m fl ;a -■5"22Wtf £5 s P J3 ^" t*" — " . m C O t^ i;iii ^-J C O) S m C S o >. g S •-5 C t^ O >-s _^ "^ 510 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ■a 13 i i II i i 1 i 1 i 1 II i rH i 00 II S 1 s ^ t^ >, >, >^ tc >» >^ >>' >i >i >• >, >^ >^ >^ >^ >, >. >C >^ >> 3 1-3 3 1-! 3 3 ►-7 I-, 3 >-3 3 1-5 3 3 3 3 3 1-5 3 3 *-5 >-! 3 3 3 3 >-3 3 3 i-s 1-5 3 1-5 3 l-s 3 1-5 (M C<1 > tc n (a |» ^ PD ^ P3 CQ PENSIONERS. 511 SIS >> >> << u u . «> -*< W ) U O O o o t. o nJ 3 3 I- •- P3 « cq pq M PQ M "H -^ rt 0) - ' O o OJ , M W M I .-6 £ £ 2 S = jD--S'5 « t. ni 3 a m M m fq M o ^ t- o M ffl i.oiHefc.3iH.'r"s 3;;Oo3fc.ooj._n! MMfqMfQWMfqpQK 612 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •9JBDB -UJoo JO -ON :< <3i eU a, 0OOOi-lT-ir1,H^HrHo1c^cqMC-lWOJC; ■ - cd 01 . c W S K rr r- ■— hr, 1- ^ g3 (Q (Q ca 93 ca „_3(ai:~mo MiaCQMBlEaFO F N c" a m o i-s ^ w O CO 01 u 41 X fc is o ii >. A! n O ffl fa B a PQ W PENSIONERS. 513 § " d * cS cj - --I |2 p p p ■J i? o So " ^ c * o ^ ^ • * ' ^ • I * ■ - I ; t ; I ; r 1 ; ; : * ; : ; : ; : '•' s: ^ '• u '•••''''''•'•''•' ^ '••'•'•'. '. . : : : ° g ^3 S S 15 5 ^ o « ^-1 5 : --S^ = o S ^ g ^ S 5 I S :2 ;S ^ 5 " o n!3!DCo]ou.t;r?oa>aj5oacaci!fc:32o3oo!T;.2ooo3-CGi- ixia«(ac5cacqp3amwmaomMiaMcqwp3mD2ramp3««MW«wcq53 33— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 514 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. pi S ^ 2 S p.' n! be d t. ^ *j' c - 2 i^ I." m .- P £ cs S i- -c X: sT o! be J C eg o 5 c « S K c oj -^ i> > — ■T, x: C -e^ 0^ 3 g « S 2 r S .t: c. ^ £ .S mwmcQcomMcqcqmeqmmcQM y o PENSIONERS. 515 s;^ Ill 'W (M > >. g g >. >. >. i ,-H t— I '^^■i 6^ ira ira Oi c^ lr-ti-Hi-''-*THi-(iHi^ c^cviS^j^JjM^i^^^c^g:! O X cd c o ^ cfl I S 5S5 5 -" fa W G ^ a,' q; 'i . Oj ^ ■ O no o c4 C Z ^: S>S S § ^ s c n pq n n S ^ £ fc F 4) c c fqWMCQWWMpQMMMWMSKWmWMmmm !iS£t°'"— ^'-'t^t'" a! •a >> K 1-1 ta C S 3 til c" d E £ J3 o www 516 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. & >• >. >, p. ™ rt oj CS y^ g s rH O ■" >H (M ° o o II ■< < II u u . "O -c "r. c ^^ c c p P ;j 02 ss o s s ^ ^£ s< t- ij j^ T! f: c .- S '^ S ^ -« S o- . *^ "O g S -2 St-- CO 'c 3 ca J S O E S -HJaO JO -ON 5 " .2 .2 .S2 ■- «■ -^ — m 01 o o o P o p . . ft £; "^ fc fc S:; ^•«- P0SS2SSS ►4 hJ J ' 5? li O. Q. Q. Q. -w -u > " O 6 <:. cl « . - o c £ ■ X • •- i2 V * • o .^ 2; h c c M. ra cj :£ u. u T c PENSIONERS. 517 o- ^■■ Ol CO 0) ~?S'g ^ 8 a> a) ^ 03 ci . 3 3 a ai s a s o ss ^ 51 Qj • ■^ i! =■ ^ ^^ H o 88 «^ S 2 ^ ^- 1 (Si =s - " S 0. Pi g . ?: g =^ ^ 6 CO f^^ ^ S <;3 Xz s S ^ 5 p 13 Ph S S 2i c5 ^ 3 S rt eO rt c^ cd O O c o o << <<< (- Ui t. t- *-• •a ^3 «n fo -O C C c C C P P p P P 8 8 8 g 8 12 t2 {2 !2 KJ &^ 40 ao- sfi' ■*«■ S ^ S 2 'O ■ Ci ^ rt cfl TO 1^ £ 3. n* -1 =^ 2 =« ^'i P4'^fL|3Hjl|'-'fL,|l| Tl ^ ' ' f* i-i .^ ^ » > in rH » Si ;h SI3 N " ^-^ i>^ ■* ■S2 31 3" D. c »-3 June 30, 1870. June 30, 1870. June 30, 1S70. June 3u, 1870. November List, .. November List, .. July 1, 1S71 July 1, 1871. July 1, 1871. July 1, 1871. July 1, 1871 Aiiu- 1S72 < 'in 1 ^ •< t- bi 3 o >. J= 5 5 a IS c 3 w s ' < HS o s o . W IK 3 o j£ '3 .a 1. c" H«WCQP3«ffiM K Si2K Oi- ls -^ N " .- = S c c £ - o fcc o 9 t. CJJ 3 .i2 « ca M w u oj d 5 t; b fc ^ oi - . " - 2 C -i c '3 bB t- ^ ■- 'O C ca o u ■- .- p:) m n n n - .-3 c .c 5 s iitii: a;.!i"cs& nj *^ .a: oi 3 >. O OJ 3 crt *L' tn O W m P5 W Cq W M PQ « 518 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Q H Pi m o I— » I- 0) £ d S 00 s iH f2 5 oo K s <*-< s ^ O >> d ! ■a o ».o o o o d ^> >> .2 d d a'Sa'a'Saa'S'Sp'Sp'Ssaa'a'Sa l-5^-3l^|^|-3l^|-5•^l-J|^^-s•-5l^|^'^'^^^l-5^-5 >^ >; >> 3 3 3 •-3 |^ i-s oj" S J= ° 'ilod't'p^dqjs E 5 : a : es >, •- - d . J3 x: ' ?; w C C '£ t- _o .JT i"" '^ — ot;^; . .■S^;a)d n-D-MOoCdOnid r^-r w ^ .- 75 C — — o.cdo^o.couJSd3bidood codo oooooouooooytjoouooo ooo PENSIONERS. 519 f2 SS tipp T3 -a .^ ■5 '5 ^ ^ ^ '^ ss s ^" s" ^" s" s" fig O o o o 9; a, aj a; ^ — ij.i' -^ '^^ '*'^ -^ '^^ "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ >■ ''• >• "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^i^i — l-jl-Jt-Jl-sh^l-sl-jl-jl-si-sl-sl-sl-sl-sl-jHjI-sl-jHsHsHjl-jl-sHjHjl-jl-jHjh-sHjI-jl-sl-^l-s S c3 S c5 ?S M S « M M CO tf^ M CO 'c?^ — C ^^ E M ^ O ~ • d " -w • ~ ■ a 2 'S 000 o u o 2 '^ c .=? S -c M s =^ rt =*■ a >- !- m cc ^ U l«S|g r&jf a r ? s, - i: • ; o J^ ~ i O U O O (S 0; C n! X i c r, rt ■1 r; 3 0) S XI a ^ •Ji c ■a ^ r _- C c x" J= c h OOOQOOUU .* rt * a* rt ^ — 5 S c « ^ rt s tc >j '^ „; fcT aT a . Oi -- -2 3 £ N M g >,5 d di d eS o i2 5 O O U U O U O t; W 520 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. HJao JO -on I s s s g ?g i s s s i s s s i s g i sg g '-5'-^|-5l-3l-3l-sl-5l^'-^'^•-»•^'-5'^'^|-5>-J|-5l^l^|-3•-3 t* 00 «i nJ S S S (M CO oo Oi »-( CO ;^ C» o o o »-j *^ ^ 5T t. y -e o - ^1 tfl ca o u 5 W E . o o a S cs to M m . a) p o ra rt a] ti( -p h^ t^ u EiSo;=3xSsS.ii=:i53 ■ " " 0J=0>,300.0J= 2 N ^ •e w ^ c j_- a) 0) fcT " ;< "' c = ^ W •?.!CooJ20>,3oooJ=t.ort,i;oj PENSIONERS. 621 as II << pp Kgg S fS oo^^Tl.lntD05^Me^lgeD«g-= < d ^ ■;: § .r r22 &i ■^ <1 • Q t _ :;: I. ^- ™ .„ ^ i: <* O U C QJ -^ S - <1' C rtj' a t» <1^ C ■^- C _2 '^ CO >Juwwu^OOt.OSO0i^X:ctlOn!>-O0it.!-^t,t. UOOUOOUUUOOOOcjOUOCiOCOOOOOO o o o o o o OO 522 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. -pjao JO -OM 4) S2 t3 rf fi s c a oj ^- T3 r-( • ^ ^5 T-(i-li-lrHr-ltHTH,HrHrHTH cJ d d d d d d d d d d ft; s ff ri p a: s gs S-2 B'>-?, . rt >. r-' H EN t< -5 ^ H S I I p eiS rt |3 pi rt (s rt c 23 J^ M so -j; _- "^ •:r -•:;- 1-5 „- rt S z: < K c aj <" C c. o) ^ -^ <^ c ^ t- N C p c J<: ■;: -M ft c C o S o o - - - _ .. _ CC ci o o c c PENSIONERS. 523 B rt >. >. >• >> >. S cS aJ rf ss o o o O ''<<< -> C^ ^M g a; 0; (1/ 'T" ir^ -n m L CO N S g '- d Sf^ tH fli ^ 3 £2 =>" 1- ^ OS ■a t-" T3 tU hr u >. 3 < TJl ^"3 5> o o" S iJ ^ ^ 00 CC . ^ .2 -^ tn -2 ••; i2 .2 -= M .2 ■ w o ■£ S£ ^ ff Ci Fi' ^ 00 og 00 ■^•rH- fe '•< a ^ij^-^oj ^ ss tn bo 3 3 , J ,_( ^ -^ ,_^ _j ,-1 ..M ,-t , ^T f>i f>5 ci c^ o? M 5C -^ it- "^ "*• -:h irt ift lo I -7 1 '- cr o ! cvi cv» ?i S'l ?^ c1 oi cj CI (Kj fi c-1 i^l c^ ^ ?S ri ?] ^ ?; ?I C-1 CJ c-i "M CM C-i C-\ C-1 . >> M " S § << << PP P p P PP oS Paid Paid Paid appl 2 . ^ 2^ SI 5 5 ?2 CM t-T Ja . t--S ^" >. t>. ij SggQ § S O 33333333 333333333 ^,:^H;H;^H5i-sV-,i-s^t^H,i-,l-,h, ^^l^H3^-3l-3l-5^^l-!l^'-=l-3 ^% o oj j; -■e ffi o -p be cd cd Si ol ^V .. .1^ 0) ^ ■'- > - -; i- t< CO 2 o c ■ s: B ^ 'S ^ w w w t-t ri 3 ri o c5»"■ u ^ w 0« s E s Qfi ni3iut,rt3a)3nicij_ OQGQQQQQQQQQQ o 3 n! PENSIONERS. 527 S|S *j ^j +-» o o o ^ -! O Q Z Q sgss sss 0> g g g JO M [::k g g lA C?S t- (M 00 t- tg c^ t>. cs d rt" iH in in Si £! iH" ^- ^- 33 23 3 6 d c CO c 1-5 d 1-3 t. t. r a ft >> CO 0) c 3 1-5 3 1-! ^ ^ . ire M in ^ rl ^ lO M O i s sa S i M J3 M S M mS3 S3 s: S 2 N OS >> ej H m M 3 S 15 oi rt >-5 5! *^ <-- rt C Z -i " !=' fc K 2- fa 3 01 Q Q "^ 0) >> ti . " g .g ^ ^1 •« - di a) •- S -2 3 Q Q ft Q OQ 1) C oj ?' „• - tT tt M ;>: c: = > E 3 c 3 Oj 3 ra QJ O OJ t- Q a Q Q QQ 3 > ti > S "3 3 o cd ~ eS 3 ~ o Q Q QQ Q o c ^ 1-5 ►in s c o 3 >►, >. C ^,fl .« <1) ."3 t;:^ C C 3 ITl rt rt 3 QO GO OO fi O c §• 3 S ~ 'S 3 Q OOP 528 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. S 3 !z; s ) S sos; E g o S !;; "" c OS'S » 4 -Si „ |W^^ S S Sg ^iJ . 01 ;2 S 1^ ,"^ ri3 <3> d S, s S < S •W '^ 4-1 O VJ O 6^ ^ 'O P5 0, o e. o oo i^ i^ t- ^ '^ ^ sf ^ • . . E 3o SC 3 J .?2 . .„-S3, g in. t~ 2 "^ <^ -^f o^ <^ '^ — , . I- .-*< CO t- Ci c^l c-^ c4 d ^ c^ -^ cp (5i O O^ O fH ca t- oo Oj g o <-■ o •2 § - 3 Cd Cj tn j; . w s t; M 3 3 ai •S &" K I • .S - Oj CD 'i d tS <-. fi c M £^ £; .c oj p, f^!>13 .Z S *^ "^O W ^ s i r t' c ip. >" c t,- - s ■S ^ 2 ^ S '^ ^ •- PENSIONERS. 529 a S f2 g2 3S 00 >, O as ^ s II oq 01 oo 00 l-5'-3l-5>-5'-51-5l-5l-3 00 on GO (M oo oc M CC CO 55 M 05 I >i >i >> >» >i >» >» 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 >-S H-j 1-5 (-5 Hj 1-5 H; t^ 00 CJi O 3 3 3 33'33'33'33 33 •-5l-3'-5l-5l-:l-5l-!l-5l-5l-5l-5'^l-5 S E M c c5 .2 r c ♦J « " ^ by 13 t- fc, w fJ G 13 -g " S > s . «i o ai ri tj- .2 I- W '-= Q .2 c ^ o ^ W W H E S 34 3 t, a) t- • ■ == M ® s I ^- X! -a ^ S H.i^^ .S o —Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. .5 a; J _ ^ Q ■w >- wo ^ ^ i:M~ ^a go) ^ d — ^ o) ~ 530 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 811300 Ph c. m j° I- So .£ " ^ S Sa I '^s s 2 f- r^ t' t- t^ t' xtS Sd ^ „ ... p ■^ g « rt - rt rt" rt -a-" '^ >. >v >. >i ■■»> OQl-5S*^l-5l-5l-5loH5l-3V^ CO "* "^ i?i C-I C^J (M ff^ (>J Cl C>4 C-J 5S E >-! S ca OS J2 m H W xT •r M 5! w w E w w » fr, ^ 4..- ti m" M e S 5 >r CM>;, S m a o >tJ o « •? Q fa 00 OO 00* S do) ■a 60 «rt» ■o rO TS S Ah n rt d h Ph eg tr 86S. 1868 868. 1868 868. 1868 1868 868. 186S 1868 1868 1868 18«8 868. 186S 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 SS 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 "^ i-t ss'osaas'Saas'pss'Saa'S'H'Ss'aspa Hjl-3l-5l-sl-jH3Hsl-5(-5h-sl-5l-5l-5l-5l-jl-5l-5H5Hsl-5l-3l-sl-5l-jl^ 3 3 1-3 >-> >! >> ^ >! >f >; >^ 3 3 "3 "3 S 3 3 l-S l-j P-s 1-5 1-5 h, 1-3 ira Ji o '-< 1-1 d M , 553 "^ LD cp tr- (?S O rH (M C?1C7><71000 of S w D S ~ — ._ S >> Sh •- fc, O t, .-, ti |£| fa [l< fa [l4 fa fa ni a - ^ r- ^' ™ a 6?,a^» 'Cb^r. '^ . W -o" C S --^-^ - fa fa Cnlt.cd33wEmt^Ci^a)m~32'- a'i-rit^oo g C 'ti _- fa fa fa fa "4, <" o 6 E 532 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. m W •^ H ■a P 3 H tH . o ^ o-g^-^^5 cwS 3 ^ "O '3 .:; -i £: .S 5 rt S «i g S c [£,[l,pL|[£,[X|[iH(^b(IHp^[I4^&P^ o o >. L. n1 J3 >. r. u X :5 >. pCi [iH tn 1^4 b b PENSIONERS. 533 °° ^ M ^ ^ '^ <^- ^- d d E ■^^>. .■0 ; a __" : ■! 3 ^ >i c c 5 =: c£ ?; •?. -o ii. iS pL, ' ■— '7^ >. ^ : £ i "c' s; ■3 *1 ■ Ml lit ^- £ C S £ 2 C-^ Ei [^ V S ® ce == ^ ? •:; rt a, 4) 3 fa pH fe fe 534 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. << P^ 0) a <<: 5p TO ^- Ph f^ E 2 " ■-I ""^ «J! ^ sr a S tA M II Pp QQ ■faj 77 *j m t/3 +J -M -M *J rH rt- ^- g- 14 iJ 2 3 J h1 3 ~ ~ ^. •, ?; aj k:5 ^4 hJ hJ h3 d c S £ ii ^ >- 't- b b c c ^ ^ ^ t"" ^ c. ■S J-; > d 6 00 Lt o^ O 12 ^ t- t— fr- o: £;^ -^ lA ifi t— r- c^ <^ T-i r-i CO f -^ rH(^^<^^<^^^(^lcs^(^lc>i(^^<^^(^^^^^(^3(^^(^^c^l(^^c^^^l{^l<^^<^» • £ ' cT : ^ • • • • • • ' ,c - r - ' ' • " * loj ^ckS • • • ' —--■^£cJ2 -^ ■£ - ^ > ^ ' C^ frt Oj "< . S o S >.§ cd «(-< o cS di so g^ 3 2 - ^?:d^^^ "■ d d e c M M „• g' ^cS I3i 335J^^* ^^co'~'S^^^^^^^*^*^'^^^ >j >;. >. >j _^ , O SJ p 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 '3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1-3O Oco'^i-^'-ji-s'-j'^'^'^'^'^'^^'^'^'^'^'^ OD CO CO t- M -1* ri; ^ - ^ I .s' 5 E S £ i ~ >< I- K -- ? fe h fL, P:, Pl, fa fe s: s: fi K W 0- J2 c C3 tT J: P « <^ Vl t/j a, 4 w to c 0) W K CQ i: ■J c ;-. u h h h 'm fa fc fo t. E M •'^ ^- S C of ° SI •? O -"^ m C r * S 3-2i-oc!t-=::;~?i!~£t'3o5 OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO 53G MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. g g 2§ 00 3 g s s gg s s S s § <£> i g s S s S s" tH '-' '-' T-l •^ ^ '-' iH '-' *H '-' '^ rH r-l tH ^ r-* "-^ '-' '^ >, >r >^ >; >^ >^ >! >^ >" >^ >c >^ >i >C >." >^ >; >C >>" >c !^ >c 3 n 3 3 3 3 3 3 •^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 >-> i-j >-5 t-s 1-5 1-5 1^ Hj t-: *-5 1-3 1-5 1-J 1-5 H^ •^ 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-3 1-3 ^ -rf IL-: CO I- M (M CM M C] Ci C-. <5; O O O j:; ^- a S a! o ^- £ : >>" - ■" ^ iT « t; r- 1- — S ^ £ r1 5 =« <" •S N . t ^ d ^ f: - - 5 — 01 5 fciOt-t-l-(-it.O ouoooooo •p ■^ ^ ^^6 W . oi w ^- - c T) 02 >-5 CO "^ c 0! . >> a nt gs > ^ 3 3 5 u N CO O ^^^ fp Eg ^ ^ X? 'O 0- 5 *t^ t- ■— ij o rt 0000000 538 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. -n-iao JO -ON S 2 s s •W -M O - l-I d s"s n '" '" f ^ ^ ;3 2 J 3 J ^ ^ 5 ^ 2 ;3 O rt CO ^ o O^jeDT-IOOCOrHOO^THCar'tHCOCO '*tr-COO.2 _:<;-. » t3 ■* ►^ |S -^ "53 TO CO eg (j; >. ^2 CO CO 00 in a < - 00 bo "' - 4J >i T-i ""^ "v^ t:? t:! m ^ tn m ;5 ;^ ;5 S Q ■^ ■^ ■^ •= •S >" >> >> 2? >? 5? i? -2 X- ^i' - - -^ ■;= -;^ O 00 M W >, >J >. 9 3 3 1-5 1-5 ►n 3 3 3 ►-5 *-5 >-! q M .2 >> oT oi O « S S J^ S H S j: j3 £1 bi L. kr k. ^ 5 c rt 5 5 ; if 5 "S M tl ^ iS p -Si OOOO O OOOWSK t" 5 a> 0) P - . e KM BBBii a! o lu rt Tl a S M ta KXK 540 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. S ^ S < « 8^ S •O 5^ 2 ^ 1^ ':: t-t ^ (S «> S ?2 o >. '^S '^ Sh • 1-H s -.- S T"* ■a 5 S O 3 o i: ^^^|-5'-3>^^^|-3►-5l-JH5l-5l-5l-3l-3l^|-5l-3►^|-:'-5 ^ ^ CO CO CO CO o CO r- 00 A OS o o t. C — rt _r d 5S g ??■■ S S ffi X s - u -^ ^ t- V ; ^ 4; « * 3 -2 ^ -^ PENSIONERS. 541 CO ^ !P S s Si •0P4 1-1 o ^ S S ?! Jg '^^ i? '■'• ^ ':i ^ ^ '■'■ h h ^ h ^- £ ^' h £■£■£■ S — ' ^- 1' i:- }i- h S ^ £ ^ t- i^ S S .H 'S o . S C J= rW s< - N X ►: c — . D f. S =5 S 3 •S -S S K '5 ^ C S N c Q C3 02 c" oi c o 1-3 J3 1 d c o 1^ >-3 B 3 St: c i ^' Si o c a; c S >, E ^- o (Tl XKWffiKXffiKKffiKWW PENSIONERS. 543 OO fe PP Pm CM « S5?2 r-t W >» >» d d Oj ^ SS S| •s^ o-g, 3" *<^ u u " i< "O "O ■o i! c a ►^ c PP So ==s "d "o s ^ rt o3 rt -2 ^ Ph tJ*" oi" S g OS 8SS M f, 'E ' 2; >> r-' oi 5 M tJ) C ~ - eS C - ■= to C 01 Ki ~ ? >■: ^ o .5f . . . * r rt . u I- m ■« "^ -a ir. . " 01 HI m f £ -^ ^ -g £ C .S & J- - C X C cS fc. t. E 2 ^ fe S E tJ ? cd 3 -^ ^ 5 ft 5 C 4 "Z 5f ^ S .5 5 ,!^, : ^. cu s = !n--B - •S J c ^• cj Ss -S • 3 O O 3 " - -^ "' SwKSKiSwWKftKKWKffiKWffiWK 544 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O ■3%V0U -n-iao JO -OM S 2 jr TO ,-( M 00 Ol O gJ w - <; 5 'S r-' i: S ^S 5 .£ w cScEiSstSst; ■§)■£ M -^ O ^- ^ XKKWKKKKffiffiKKKKffiKW PENSIONERS. 545 <->i->i-3^aimOZZQi-i cc t^ t^ t^ r^ ri o '^ ,A £r '/^ S hJ d (^^ ^ s p C t* "^ c c W J:: ■fl be rt 3 3 a c c c C C X? oi 3 3 3 3 3 H5 Hj Hs I-; 1-3 Ho cc 1^ t-j 1-5 <; S g ^ ?i?t -r ri I- (M 1 J e c- rr c - X i s: c p " j: ? C T- n - s c cd •S^ fe '^ ^ FM ^ o _- fcC . - W «i ^g OJ S s.^^: w|« . £ C -S , . - - - ^ .. ~ cd nj oj CO; .2 .1::^ 3 35— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. ts S W cj E c iio i s: be X oani3cSOrtc KKKffiKWKK N c *: ?^ £ ■ w ffi w 546 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. -*» ^ c ;^ o rt o3 S •0 a) 00 1 2 (4 OO OO 1-t ■^" 00 '"' OO tH t^ t- 00 . -1-"'^ >. OO •^ "^ P^ o •a c • D t^ a ss .DS S . t'. S ^s ■a 2 t2 ^ sgs T 8-2 S '5 n he "2 ^' • hi >. S == =i n -0 ■« •d S PU 3 ^ "3 ft ft I o ^• ai c CO - <^ '"' S " . GO r~ M- 1-1 00 OO M T-H ^ rH 1 en i 1 as S ^" '^ B^r, (M CM N 00 ?3 S4 . ; "^ >- >. >j > r-j J"" cO cfl cd c (P w . C CO n c - « !r '5 D i- - i: oi s N ~ (u c 3 rt .2 ■C d O c c a t. a til c ' c ' E to" T oi c (1) -a 3 Ph tT 0/ t! j: iJ & c o c c £ C tD- >- ri Cj C t! Bi = "3 c O d ctf a< c 5 3 a. d c Oj (L 1 Oj IJ o S: H H S tl K tr S 3: tl S ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft PENSIONERS. 547 00 OO ,H i-H a -o o fci d o d !U to ■« d d WW •s e w s-2 s? m 3 t. tH M » t^ rt d; nj rt CT* |I^ S h^ tin hM W S2.S ddSoddodf WWWWWWWWft 3 S >> te X! 4) !bh^t-^~^S:ii:x2 333;3333:3;3P33333 ^H3H3l-5l-sl-3i-)|-)t-5H5l-:l-5 t-SHjI-^H-sl-sl-st-st-a CO -^ in th ** :ri 'H r^ ;^ ^ e^ ^ '-r^ o o o 1-1 S) fc « 5 m •§ ■S - £1 M, £ ni S 5 ■a S - fcr; -• P 9 .owe K M C O o E-i oj M o a -- H, l-l Hj '=' c c „• A* g OOCctfOOOoj l-ll-^l-l•^l-3l-^^-5l-sl-5>^^-5^-5l-3l-3l-5l^l-;(-Jl-3 PENSIONERS. 549 «4_, «(_, -: '-ji-si-s'-ji-j (M CI o «5 r! d '3 c 3 ■S .2 0/ £; oi o 00 C < „ . „ !?! o m m a> o o A! ^ J^ 0- ^ R o o o o O oj d a CS cj O (U >-) *-} -5 Hs l-i 1-1 3 oj j: _■;=; S K ^ S H .0 S c c t; c ■-! " k! ooooomofflooo "-ji-si-j'i-ji-ji-jt-ri-ji-ji-si-j — O.CoiO'CJcS 3 £ be' c c S" i: S 3 « W W 550 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. -n.isO JO -ON s; 00 tc; S K 2 I S Is I g CM Ph S3 ° 3 6 t- +j Z in >^|-5•-3l-3^-5l-3l-5l-3l-3l-3l-3l-3^-3^-5l^^-Jl-^l-^l^l-5l-5l-^^-3 Hi 5 »3 V a X J3 C 0. c C8 ■t-j > J3 1) >- j; a r: ijo r; .W a !« g f?5 M g w d a . « M >; t, a; ni d *^ M ' C U -^ nl CO H C — C " C C be m c p? bj) a g a; S 5 a> 5 i' 3 S; :t S .!= .t: ■J .i; o i .i: S S 5 .S S rt PENSIONERS. 651 CO oo 00 5 -^ 5 ^i << S ^d M -.ii 1^ M In"* 53 ?; M s ►-3 < Q ^-5 00 00 00 GO 'Ssp'SB'SssBps'aa'SBB'Sss 33 3 3 s 3 s "5 'pS "s •-sl-3^-Jl-5^-3l-3l^^-3l-^l^^^|-3l-3'^•^l-3'-3'^•^'^'^'^^^'^'^*^•^|-^H^l-^ rH in o »o o o o o Q tr ^ P3 Ci O lO C o) •? 1-3 I. O a be ^ I ° s .2 a; rt - O cc S J J3 ^ " ■- MOO -- & S - ^2 1^ 03 XJ si Jd ■2 tS rt H dpH 5 S £ " -- - =^ £ b - t. o t- >5 I-: td t, ,5i2f^^ „^ O! 1-5 O 1^ fl t. t, c c N — a) ~ s^sst:^. g.t:-c^ "-e-T^ fl S »^ -p. 3 ^ .::; ^ O .>^ i- u cj .^ .-!- o u 0) o OJ I- .- ~ 0) o -•••-■-; -;: 552 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 5 5 as < < '5 rf -tjaaO JO -oivi M t- VJ ^ ? a r 5 ^' O Clj CO C X. a 3 r/1 oj H< J= N pL, < u - !« w b> ?! (U ^: t." O c g N X 0) S 3 — !tl >> tS 3 Jh ^ m M 5 :S5 i! S OJ 2 M M S c (u (U 4) -M 13 eft WW PENSIONERS. 553 -■S i^. 3 < < UP P "2 H '5 '5 SSS S g d a! 'O t--S " .c >^ §' ;5 2 1^ >. ^ ^ rt ^S "S s (V "-I 'C t4-l O < C --1 ^- .. Bs'g 0) p ■a c P "O OS'S Si O n ^ "' Q '& a 6 o a ■^ < P J''^ •a - o ^ Ol Q t'' ^' £ -^ CD 2 OJ I- s 01 ss § 1 ""H 5 d «."<§ oj C ''^z c c ^" t2 0. -. 1-J p •S-S =■« u ^ 3 :^ K- 15 1^ o OO n! a p.. s < 2S ra i: K E E E •=" J? I ._ ^ S S 5 5S •= £ ■ - o d -^ O I, ^ OJ o "^ i-j 'O > 03 s'35 g tc S July 24th, Apr. 2, IS July, 1S68. July, 1868. July, 1868. July, 1868. t-i I- cci CM « ^ C^ cq ^ ^ J5S N 05 03 N -'I CJ 03 P^ M 1^ Oj ^ ■pH - CQ S byp; C Oi !- ot 2 ^ -g oj =: 5 SS P^^^ ~ J" M tn S £ i' '3 .S .G l4 1^ l4 h^ PM .S s OJ CJ C.E C. t$ S .S N « W .^ ;!:^ OJ « C g; o t^l h4 hH l^ h4 W 14 S £ jf b m' 3 - =« a b tf 2 i-* .c ^ cfl ,3 f2 - oj 3 C 01 t. C t- .5 E a. w, bB 2 o" 'O .S 5 S c 01 c i- 0) •= o .S ^ .= 554 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Eh < z o Oh £ 5 Cg^C^C^CO^OCOOg^O^COOOOOOOgtOCOC/rCOTOCOCO rt . OJ hf c .Pi >. & : x: t? i; CO W V C £ q S n .S CO *j" : "^ !3 £ C - o >x f -a '^ be S ajc.t^rtcJOQJ— cd>>c3— Gia;a^ PENSIONERS. 555 §fl lo CO 1-- oo C5 Q T-H fM r^ -r to to c- CO (7- ' m ira L/^ 11? m Lr3 u3 in in m lo lo iq if^ i« O Q rH Cfi s . c >> 0) t. oJ ni h 15 -S iS S - fife S, -^ 2 I I X)' 2 N 1 £ ^" -g S ^' II ^" g ;SS^ c 5 Si ^ C cS kr (D Li .c - ^ «! m S ►4 h4 aj pO ■s t; o o ; -w (t— ■— OCJ>>0iO3iv >i>OtC'Q.>>>!lllo 3SSS8SaSJqS3M§JS^53 0) u' (V ;^. _j_- CO r< s c . — O O Bj K V, ™ ^ — >> ^ a! ■g g ^ E 5 S o ^ J hJ -! J c« .Eh ^ rt x; ■ 0) J 1-3 ,-1 J _ ■- r.l .^ _2 (J 2 „ - H 03 -^ i [li m - _■ M cS rt w c j= cs ^«Q^ J J J J J J 558 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a Hi 5 V £5 =5 as O o < <; «• o 28 -o S ;2;3 So <:§ J2-«" s4 '5 S ■« js *s S o l-JI-sl-Sl-jt-sl-jl-sl-^l-sl-sl-sl-ih^l-jhjI-jHsHsl-j ■n* Oi c^ o^ c^ 5' .2 5 _rt I tZ « '^ ' ^ ^ 1 s j^ fc i C 5? J . ^ 3 ■3 o >, -^ ^* ^ J Hi ^ ?. )?. ;^ g ^. ^ s ; r, Q :^ 3 "" 0--'0!2l--C22;?n=iQSI "Tl to ir^ Irt iCt li*^ lO in U3 ira Irt li^ ta lO »-0 lA UQ lO »tti 'O »'T "J 1- 05 <5 iH I irt 3 to ■ -■ ^ >^ Jj . H >3 t? >^ . - - - > -2 d ^ "3 — I— M "^ ^^ :3 51 2 tT c =* . ^^ . sgss o O Oj U2 c .5 3 5 CO M o a) C 3 M 0) (1) 3 c o ^ 01 c iS c tS IS fJ ■£ V ^ c -i >, U! a; m 3 d o S S !<* s s S :ss;^;^ 560 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. i S < ^ nl - -u s CO rO " a A >^ o o i^ -: -n-i3D JO 'OM <; . CLi 0) ,C b rt j t- ^ ro g- 02 "^ . fe -< Kl O . C r - - - 4J - >* C ,- rn t. S S S ^5 rt sss Is cS ci ^ * era F3 ^ 2 « ro Oj c N be c ■- t- o n oi J3 >^ .0 K M .g ho a o = s -c r o o ■'^ ■►^ •- o o ri c: w ^gglssSsssss^^s 562 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. i a S a S o tM tl 4j <) o -Sl-5Hjl-5l-j lO lO 'rt T-H »-< T-t CO "* C£> ^ Ci (^ t-H PENSIONERS. 56:? J3 J3 SS PP P. B '3 '5 ^ -d a^ Q iz; ,HM.-lrHl-lc5MCO T-l IM O S Q ctf J i: ^1 § M ■* ^ S ~ o 0" o - o >> o -25 y W « ii; Ml o g "S K ,i;5rt2i«^cS§ ^^.'O .<< W Hj = ^' 5 ^ r^j « Q « ^ O .►^ SS ^ (V i^ >> >. \^ O •-! ,=5 5 S £ fe -e S o « o o :5 ;= >. o « t: ?. O i! •?! 564 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. p o w -nJ3D JO -ojsi (Si o r* *"• £.5 Hi s o S 5 E H :« £ e e s w c o s cs ^ cs ,"i, ^ £! 3 cs ?; o ^ « _ 04 C "ri ^ ts o o «^ <5 ^ ^ <, « iti ^ S E S 3 -^ ,>■ ■- PENSIONERS. 565 SgS •a u lO o 5t^ o o ? '3 ? S 5 c % "5 1n S S « oil CD 00 CO CO ^ QC OOOOOOCC S 3 ^ ^ ^ "S crt m* K ' o := * 1 H Tr 5 "- t- >i oj j;: :3 X. dj a, * !« .1^' o O o w , t- o is S SSSS :::'--■ ^ — "^ Zi y::; _• b£ bxj t- r; rt ^ -"^ i: a! oj 2 -W - ss w ■ ?; .c; ^J ^ c 's =: 3 o i' cS oi £ d"o a C (-' r. u n: o o o CO sss s gs a s ,- H ^ ;;• c: £ ^J ^. .s cj o D c n) o " o 1; 566 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ^ S ^ '5 5 5 <3s Oi O"- cr- Ci -T t-H ,H ^-1 tH «D tn tn tc ™ jT ^_r +j j:: j:: ^ *? SSSsirinrtSS .2 W H . . a) o Kri'?- — 5j ni fa.£oo >:S5 £ ° o W o M O t »;0 -" _ - - . , - . o ^ " PENSIONERS. 567 tecS 3 O >- ft 5 Q OJ ^ < ^ ^ rW '^ «^ '-^ r: h^ ^ S E ° WP- C 1-5 < d O ' ? ^; s J -i l-H 01 5 dO- ■a 6 o -o o HI E ei Oh E O 3 t- s ?5 ■< .a ^ « ^K^ J J J J kJ h3 J M « -■ > > O C c3 C4 C>4 (M c3 c3 ?3g3 £ S g <=" S £; S f" ^ .2 M S -^ »-* *-• *-^ i-< 1-1 £ ) o ^" tH ^ s I S g ^ ^ ^ t[ ^ ^ rt33M33 -''^^►X^ l-jHjI-SI-jl-jl-s ■<J _ I— dj Cj -; ^^9 gss 568 IMISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •9JB0U n-ieo JO -ON rt g t; fe >, . 5 •« SgS O *J ^ *j <: o o o TS 0) 0) (D C 'O 13 'O tJ C C! C = o t- o ^ fC ^3 "73 &< 'S '5 "S t, Ph d, oo ?i ai eft Pi P- c- t- ' a d d gg g ■^ 5 s js" ■'^ "N ^ iM i; -t-j g|g^." ^^^gg "s ^ i; « -M o o "^ o c> S o § oi . ■^5 Si i:; it: < g ►^ c g ^ ^-^ fl'coS S'« ^§ H to • -g. >? bii bi ■;:; -S' >■ o c ^ b <;oto>^ - W £ rt £ o ^ - 2 .£ £ r-' — u re c o a •- s W . j£ ^ .t: c "s 5f M t. a>ajajaj3«^rerto M o — 5 ■?. t^ 570 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. o -n-iaO JO "ON 7j -? "Tl 5 *! 5 <^i i! ii >>^ d >. >. ^ o o < ^. C 13 Ph cj d5 fcS ^S ^ri <> >> tab >-3 S •< ^« Ol-!H3l-5l-5H5l-,l-5l-5l-3H5l-3l-5l-5l-5 ?3^ «3 1-1 tH :^ ~ : j= -5 ,- -c S~^- ■CO o ii ^^ ^?^ Is o a s E 3 aj ril ^ ;;■ Q ■o c o O O O O ^ '^ ii & £, 4 tB a E y t; =: ^ o o o o o o o ob PENSIONERS. 571 4-1 O S S -a ^ s CJ < ■w ^ ^ ■a r; c P Q ci 2 s * c§ ■ oo oo 0«3 oo g g fg oo CO cc CO VH S g S g S oo- § 0) '-' M-" h) rt" >) >. >.>>>. >>>.>. >.>>>.>. >. >. >r >r >^ ^" >; >- 3 • P P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 >-s . y In 1-5 1-5 n l-s l-s 1-5 l-s 1-5 1-5 1-5 l-s I-! 1-5 *-*tHrHt-(WT-(rH'-«ir4 CMC4c5 c3 ^ O C> <^ O O o p K <; « > n V- ■ - ~ > -^ v !=• — : >> . S c S dSd'na^d(ji5Sj=.bj5o^ooof: .O fU fe 572 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ^ ^ o ^ p^ "3 ii< .2 tS l-3l-5l-3l-;H3i-jl-,l-5H5f-5l-3l-5l-3l-3H3l-3l-5 5 E 5 ^ f^ ^W . c bo — cs c H o ci cj Ck fe ^ c^ a, CL, = 5 c m -< ^ =5 d = C lU! S = « - N ,fr- a> oj C 2 'C o rt b i; cj ZZ c^ aHfHOifMiiiS&iliiSfeliifiifc^PHPH PENSIONERS. 573 ^ a ^ ^ ''i S f^ f^ o 'A J w o S 'p "d ca rn O ti » %-• :" £ "S ? gffi S "S h-c ^ -fs P o o 'c« t; g; tn J£ [fi tfi 4-r +j' -4-'* ,^ -h* tc ^ ,3 5333352 f,£ra3 a;g5Sw3, 3 3333333 frc 3 3 '3 3 0, 1-5 ^^ i-s < Oi t>I i-j ■3 Q ;^~ N J2 as N S t-' ca 03 U3 S H d g C OS ►-3 3' c J' n, 01 ,3 ti (U :1h' ,M ii 0) rt 3 n rt ot fi,fofL,fcia,&^CL,ii,ii(P,(i< ° 3S«^ lU i. 5 M ^ 3 41 O — 3 i; t, CU A< A< fU fM CU Sarah Saniu Lydi£ , Pet Elizj Abag Susa Eliza W 3 W 3 - ^ c — Foley, Peters, Porter, Phillips Powell Pratt, Powell Porter, Follins Patters Powell Patter? Parsha Powell OS 5 ,:^ ;: i- -3 674 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O -Il-iaO JO -ON s: Si di cii <; <: 73 « S 2 15 "5 PL| Ph C4 CM K,l-JI-jl-ll-3H5l-;(-5h-:l-,l-:i-3l-^l-5l-3l-,l-3l-3l-:l-;H3 ^ CD rH -^ O tH M : E ►^ffi aoo ^ s: o C P J3 n X <1 u a < ■a 3 1-3 .2 S tT !/2 3 N J3 ft 0) O V o 03 1-5 o 0) m 3 X o ■a c C g .C 3 0) ft ft 3 73 U 0) O 2 o 73 >. C ■3 C n _aj C 3? £ u 01 3 a tf«p:;«rtC£!«««Kfr;K««««tfK tf « PENSIONERS. 575 o d m .2 c >, x; as >^ . c u cf i: 0) rrt - « £3 < x: S lU WJ rt s J3 3 £ c c c S V K s hJ c i: X! i M -^ J3 r/1 M 'O n D '1 rt tf«rt««KP5ii;fc;« t; t; f^ >. a .o J5 a — ^ — ° Sow S = Di -W 576 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. U 30 JO -ON as o o ^ _- « ■5 -S = i: t« §1 ' >> *^ r ■ - £ t- .- 5 ca E o a; *L O ;- c I-: >, r^ CS c =• £ in p 01 3 Pi a: K < PENSIONERS. 577 •5 o ^ c5 CO O O n si •,1^ CS a m J3 ^ h ss - S p ti . d w) 8 5 •c " ^>:>OQJo3 37— Vol. IX.— eth Ser. 1) h u O W oT ■3 T1 ■o o m d ^ c "3 x: c ■M -M ^ vi ■a IJ % m 4) o (ij (IJ o o o QJOiClPiilXtiQ^tftf ■ t< g cS C^ tf « « 578 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. P < O M z o 1-4 Oh -mao JO -ON <3 ^6 !2 '^ as >i a; >««*-< o c OJ .— >» 0* 3 (i; (c; tf K Ch (^ d; « « PENSIONERS. 579 8 s M . .2; u ^ t* Ctf 03 t. cd CC S &H S 30, 1870 30, 1870. 30, 1870. 31, 1S70. .. List. 1. 1871. , 1872. 23. 1877. 24, 1877. 24th, 1878, ... 27th, 1878. 1S7S Sth, 1878 18th, 1879, ... 186S. 186S. ISfiS ^ S « 1868. 1868. 1S68. 1868. 1S68. iSfiS "i June June June Aug. Nov Dec. July Aug. Oct. Dec. July Sept May June July July Julv 3 3 3 '-3 1-5 1- 3 3 3 3 3 "3 1-5 1-3 1-! 1-5 1-5 1- 3 1-5 as c9 ^ s n1 >. _- M K >cii X! c t^ 5 ■£ b c ■ in ^ *J O) o o 580 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 5 3 S =« .S 3 £ o rt 1-3 w >." >, >, >>"^^^>?>>>>^^^>>>?^^^>>^ >; ^^ >> ^-:l^l-5l^'^l-3'-!l-5^-5'-=•-5l-3l-5>-:•-s'-5l-5l-5l-:'-5^Z'-!l-:^-5 t^OOa30»HC3cO-: I 5- ^ .-il -g'S ^^ I ^- ^-O ^ III >. 8 :2 ^ »^'" «■■ ;^ 2 fe - S" N £ - E - - „■ ^ ii -2 s-" t: <; ^ 2 c PENSIONERS. 581 ■w « O ^ o +j w ^ <^ < •a a °-B <-> t~ Hi ^^ »J (^ 5 i^ Is I >> ^ >; >. 3 3 3 3 •-J |^ Hj 1-5 |g 3 5 ?i 2 O . S oi ca -, .Q o M tj) •S ° i! t, f cS o OS ca .=3>^'S ■ a; ■? -^ ' J3 .C ; ^- -S. a j= ^s ■^ .g O K H^ t* i: p 3 ! .2i .S .5 d ■" § g 5 w> PQ G oi 5 1-5 OJ N s s 3 5 5--*^ o — •- . o rt ■- . o •? 3 :i :::■ 0) CD E p o J= 3 582 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, -U-iaO JO -on S S ■^ ■" iJ >>>>>> C^ Cd M * - !n 5 K S - - rt = ^ tf _„. ,- |5 0) o CK x: g ci> c c -^ '^ -^ *J (l; S S -c . ^. ^ M ^. S _^- ^ -^^ ■' e te E: PENSIONERS. 583 eg I ° pp (^ &H S-< I I 5S >>>>>,>.>.>. O -1 I-l p o => OC>r-l,-(rtr-l^,-Hr- 00 00 _-^ Jacob iza, ulian usan, nry, Han ■-J .2 '^ nj £ e ivi - iJ S oi 1-5 oj -S^^w.- c ffi choc cott, mith mith toy, hum elner hetzl trick hales cout, 3 OJ M CG CO CO w cc m ui m m VI m C/i CO 5 -2 g g n « g d •c o -r. a! ?i O-" 5 ;H 2 ai g ■= .£• o g i3i3-Swc!C5i-S-SaiC^Cci;J3P cotncocoojcococoMcocococococowai ° ? ^ S M=: c M -a 584 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. l^l-5l^l-:l-5l-5l-3i-sl-5^,l^^-JH5l-Jl-5l-5l-Jl-sl-5l-sl^H3 Ol o o o O O O CS o •■ O) t, rt t- o ^-j E c 5 t c' = f £ !e ^ ^ S PENSIONERS. 585 S S do QO S P. JS s i- S g ' OO CO OO 50 t »-1 r-l rH rH ^^^^^>^|-5l-3>^l-5•^'^'^ ^^T-fr-liH.-HTHrHr-frHrHT-'THi-HrH.-HrHrH^i-irHTHr-ir-tr-l.-t'^'"^'"'^*^'"'^'"' a 2i i> oj g S e ^ .5 2 "n •« M CO Ki M : E 5W . S .2 ^ g g o S ■5 5+^ ii" ■ S S -M 2 M 02 CC M I CO CO E ■? S tJ —" O. t ■^ £ u " X ■^ ^ _ c fc. c o u cowaicococQcomcococococQ 3 -^ o cd 586 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ^ I -IJiaO JO -OM S^ o o O O 6^ •» ■a 'd Hi Ph ss -K 2 t: .o C 2 ■- -c c .:: c _-_ — ^ ^ -^ s: oi o cL<-.c m m vi m ui Vi vi tfi ui Vi Vi m V. PENSIONERS. 587 S g C -O OJ ctf <: g mtnm l3 — 05 6S8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O £ £ >> a 1 -t-* o < < TS T) C a D <>>>>)>>>» >? tfi tji m ^ ^-) a a a a R a a fe fc « J3 i5 d d ss M M M ^ ^" rH* . - '-' "^ "^ "^ J 13 iJ l-j >-5 1-5 ;2 ^ 3 i3 sei -^ •- ^ S S £■ c ' ^ la < £ r a M d CQ Is d .2 oT .Q "S . . M d g I '<% ■ g" d d N E - dj" C ^ -? ^ , a ^j ^ -> CC W CO M tC U2 M _ . >„ oj' S - 5 Ei m VI ui d u ^- •ti E £•= tc CO W^ o << C 1-5 d ~ 2 3 2 'S c 3 o 7J 01 «2 M C/J Ul 590 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. C '3 ^5 rt hrt PL, W O O ts M Z Z -^ . . o J 2 "^ -^ O o S J3 s: *J c5S >i >, ert S ,l 1 o o o o •«-> Hi < <1) <\> -o -a ■a h-l D S g •o T! CS a Oi S <-> ^ - SI ,< S £ 5 Z n! cj 3 x: d 0^ . Z K S :; Q d& June 30, 1870 June 30, 1870 June 30, 1870 June 30, 1870 June 30, 1S70 June 30, 1S70 June 30, 1870 July 31, 1870 Aug. 31, 1870 Aug. 31, 1873 Sept. 31, 1870 Oct. 31, 1870 July 1, 1871 t— r-i ,_, -mm >^ > > ^ o o •31-BDU -nJ3D JO -OX 2378 2411 2412 241S 2417 2419 2423 2436 2443 2247 2453 2458 2492 2505 2525 2527 2,544 cS - .a at a» '^ £•« &3 X - S "= .s B ^. ... ^ _ m m xn lii m ui \ti VI VI m VI m m ViViVi vi a o-M K s:. :^ s, s^ PENSIONERS. 501 ^< 5 5 S S s s >.J5 CJ o .^ >. >. ^ o ». ^ O . M ti >" is « 05 ;3 3 O oj ^^ § 5" ** o rt b OJ ^ f^ oj 5 uJ nj £; i: £ t^r^ t^t^t^t—t-t- 13 ^ >> m ^ eo CO 00 i^i &I ^ y ci LC? s 3 3 3 3 3 l^ 1-3 f-s 1-3 1-5 13 S c3 M O, . I. S ■§ b ■fi" !« S S s ::"■!' -S^ -a •«. -c 0) ^ t. "X E - . .- •S ■~. u i: > a a E £ a 0202 M M WCOtOMmwMM ^- 9 «s — — 1- ^ c: o ■ - 2E£ciio2i^a'E.£;oS^.c£ COWMCOMMMCOMWCCMCOE-lE-lHt-lEJ 592 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Q H m O hH s w i S 1 1 i i i S i i 1 i 55 oo i i tH CO 1 1 ^ >> >. >, >- >. >, >i >. >^ >, ^ >, >. >, >r >; >^ >," >. >c >^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■-5 1-3 1-3 1-5 >-5 i-J i-s 1-3 1-3 I-; 1-3 »-3 t-3 1-3 ^ 1-3 •-3 1-3 1-3 h! 1-3 1^ (^ (^ t- I— ••^ aj (1) 1-3 fc >.'•= -»:^ ta ,Q C cB - - " C n o r^ . ii oj ^- w > &1I c >, c CO ™ n o 2 i: - S % ca -^ t< oj o f s t, t, 3 -C 3 d o c - E h >, o O J3 «£ = e E 2 _- - E PENSIONERS. 593 5 -c ^ i2 .o g <; ^6 ■ *^. T '^ ^S ^S ^< ~ TS :- f? f^ r?" CM Cu H5 5-- CO c~ cS £5-=' ^g f; <3 fo fc S v3 2 [0 2 g' a" o" CO B ^ '*'■^- >i >. >> tT o CS CO CO C 3 1-! bh ■ I t" d c-1 CO OS ic (M Lo *-< tC>OCOOrH:^t—^,-«-rr to t- tH <0 t- g m " W =; h B h ca 00 "* ■ ^ "S ^- -s E > o c < s ^ fQ < cU c 01 qj eg ctf Cli ^" 3 I-^ 594 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. OO t- 00 P° t* t- t— a 3 rH s ^ £ ^ . iT S ■^ J3 ^ M ^ i >> d >. >. O CM ^ o O O o s .^j ■•-» to ■4-» -< < < X (U u u ^ -a u V a CD c P -o B P p o 8 '^ § S o ira &» lO- r- ««■ 4* sd '5 S '3 'cfl •p '5 -pjao JO -ON ^ ^ '^ d 6 O '-^ O A t* 41 >, L< Ri C3 S^H s g: s ■* ^ JJ rt 00 ,-c M ^ cc T^ o'J CO T-t cy:. c c^ c-^ CO 's;^ ,; ►^ ^ -»-* n t; M Of <3l E c:-tf d E»2, - "O PP p p P^Jkt>>>l^> o ca t: S M >;2; ^ c c c e 5 ^^ >■ > t* > PENSIONERS. 595 TO J5 << f^t:) S ^ ■s: j3 j: ^^ SS >■ a SIS ^l-jl-5H5l-;l-5P-5l-3n « t- oc C5 O T-l to lA in lO eo «C> t^ t- t- t- t- t* t' t^ t^ l>- I (31 J3 -a 61 Xi rt «! s . ft 0) 5 a CO ■<■£ ;0 rt 6 5f t-' t-" " ^' *- -J" O) I) C Oj C' >> a s J5 .^ x: OJ M J= ^^ ^ .a > b 0) v" S w" c ^- .-^1 d C ■? -C -• E F o rt 3 o OJ J5 rt 596 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. oc 00 « g2 06 S2 '-' £; 00 00 t^ <--- t™ a .3 -gsl t- s * ^ £ ■s .£- J3 f May a4) May 24th May 24t May 24th d >> d ^ (M •*-i o _^ ^ " c +J U .I-' (0 1 •^^ (< 4-> < < X u ■S fe fc t u E a P o o C -0 So SSS8 Ci c^ &s |2 ©9- €« 13 ^«*«* » .2 t ■3222 2 d ft ■3 (1< CIS ^(Sft^ 1 d Ph ft ft Oi oi a sg g CT OT cr ?5 T- ^ iH i-< t- f-( si ' ■o" . - c Si ^ C * C fl pC £ .c t> to *J (M 00 ti ir p +j rH > >> >. >>>.>. t ■c " ^ >c > . >, > 'i 3 3 5 3 3 ■-s l-J h! 1- 1-^ 1-1 ~co S S 1? (M c^ T ir, to t- 00 o- r- (N »■ ^ g « iH 93 C4 t- !>■ t; !,:: [r r: f:: f: 3Q (x; 00 OC rt^ t- t-- •a^Boy t- 1-- [- t> t- C- I- t- I- t' r- 00 GO 00 -IlJaO JO -ojs: c cS o a Q, < ■ • 5" o 1) • d Q) t C • N . _e • £ - x; E > d " ." c 1-5 c , Angeli arah, ... eycr, Eli Susannah Elizabetl 1 - i d >- 0) J' c E < |E^ m C _ ":; c c ^ „- 4- N ^ d c - 2 c t: ■- - u c ^ M !- -C .in c a >. ^ (1) a; d j: d :; C J3 ." d js •=: i^ ^^ ■^ t?^ E^^b ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ (S C£ ^ is ^ ^ ^ PENSIONERS. 597 S J3 <1^ S ^ i! S "O ^'S ?! ^1 1 °"S o i-H c (i c S^ s<: s ^- S -n C oi H-; ^ a- c2 5£ 6 ^ tfl .55 rt 2 ^' S c ^ ' P " rt -o is S:^^ |i|||fc| !-" o . tT -S ^ C J!, i; I' <«. S - * 0) o p" ^ 1) M .S E — ' O n T o O s! ■^^^^ 598 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. •311300 -naao JO -ois: s s S o ■« O -u O t1 & ^1 <^ t- «s fe ^ "2 J= "= "§ P 2 ^P o tC = 8 {2 (D . '- '^ f p^ N C O C aJ 3 -^ .2 5 03 (J •2 g ^ S S ;H ^ c c - ;:i . S !::! . fA ^ ^ "3S^i?SSt^ r." c . CO - c & ^- S ' . "i" C o a; .2 0) .Q cfi !- t, ■ • bi) CO ■;-> fO C5j t, N S - '- t; O ■° 5 „■ CO cri 2 3 c in 'C "S M .2 i-i (^ .- 1) (U nj j3 a) O ^Q ^" "U -C -■ " E ^ 5 S M :g S" - •S .iT I S :i S !£-S :i S.S 25^— '-s^'C t; c J^ • CO •' CO CO ^' »* CO N d ^ >, r" . K = (-' g h5 -' to H ^ _- ■- c "^ u '2 *^ ^ -c ^ ., o cC C .« CO OJ 600 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O CO O -nJ90 JO -CM 5 5 S i S § is t-TrH J II ."■ ■o -d El S -a o ^ c c rt cii . . K K O O 2 m S >> b oJ .Q Si R 01 o "s . >. OJ 0) t, > d .t; 0) o J3 J3 - 0) 10 >> .Q a c cs 6-a> >. >2 5 Sg • O o Sg2 <> ^ ^ t3p ^ t^ t1 t^ ■" ro -a < << a 5 Ph fin ^ *^ -S ri t^ V . be >. >. >. a! ^ 3 3 3 3 ►4 S -5 ,H > J2 rt ri c t< N was bt bo si ■3^ = .2i^-|l r: h-, ^ VI n . l: _*? 7:; ' X X3 J3 .^ o (-> c . d) M Q "^ " — S boC bD^-M"= C^-l=-*:-MMS«i ""uTrO 3aj3t:s:i«33m3.Cui3l3S,t!oiSS'c PENSIONERS. 603 u eS "'5 Si >, o! S Ji S o 52 _ ^ O T-H O U5 S '^ "* £ >■ •- ? ^£'1 -^" ir^ -^ ^ x: ij Ph ^ P S O SS >.>>>> >j >j >> 9 3 3 3 3 3 1-3 l-J ►^ Hj 1-5 hs ^-^-4 ^T' w I- ^-^ rj OJ ^ a> A SSJS ^ :i b '^ c" e .5 c M £ s = £ K f^j"l| oj ^ cd a> ctJ -E 5 E -^o!sS"E=Ei:t;«-n^gE5E (604) EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1812-14. (605) ( 606 ) EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 607 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES 1812-14. Marching Militia. Under General Orders of 24th August 1812. rendevous Meadville. Statement of expenditures by Wm. Mc- Clelland Inspector of the 2d. Brigade 7th Division of Militia in marching 240 men to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor 25th August 1812, founded upon Orders from the General Government. Waggons, 999 00 Rations, 371 60 Incidental expenses, 88 66 40 Camp Kettles, 44 00 Medicine & Medicinal Services, 32 00 Major McClellands services while on the march with the Militia & returning home: 35 day's pay at $50 pr month, $58 33 Rations 140, 28 00 Forage $10, 11 67 98 00 1633 00 Organizing &c. &c., 40 00 The Comm'onwealth of Pennsylvania to Wm. McClelland Dr. To cash paid sundry expenses on the March to Meadville as pd. Rects. 1812 Sept. 5. To Cash pd. George Cook as Per Rec't No. 1, 6 00 608 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Sept. 6. To Cash pd. John Braver as Per Rec't No. 2, 5 10 Sept. 7. To cash pd. Adam Leonard as Per Rec't No. 3, 5 80 Sept. 8. To Cash pd. Hugh Denison as Per Rec't No. 4, 7 75 Sept. 9. To Cash pd. William Reynolds as Per Rec't No. 5, 5 60 Sept. 9. To Cash pd. William McEnze as Per Rec't No. 6, 2 00 Sept. 10. To Cash pd. Jacob Hilligas as Per Rec't No. 7 1 00 Sept. 11. To Cash pd. George Graham as Per Rec't No. 8, 1 60 Sept. 12. To Cash pd. Thomas Fisher as Per Rec't No. 9, 1 50 Sept. 13. To Cash pd. George Gibson as Per Rec't No. 10, 2 68 Sept. 14. To Cash pd. Samuel Sliver as Per Rec't No. 11, 3 50 Sept. 15. To Cash pd. Jeremiah Snyder as Per Rec't No. 12 6 40 Sept. 15. To Cash pd. Samuel Sliver as Per Rec't No. 13, 4 12^ Sept. 18. To Cash pd. James McDowell as Per Rec't No. 14 4 65 Sept. 19. To Cash pd. John L. Baker as Per Rec't No. 15 3 90 Sept. 20. To Cash pd. John Bronwn (of Oliver) as Per Rec't No. 16, 2 90 Sept. 21. To Cash pd. James McClaran as Per Rec't No. 17 1 00 Sept. 22. To Cash pd. Joshua Mc- Cracken as Per Rec't No. 18, 4 00 Sept. 22. To Cash pd. Samuel Evans (Forriage) as Per Rec't No. 19, 2 00 Sept. 23. To Cash pd. Hugh Williamson as Per Rec't No. 20, 4 00 Sept. 28. To Cash pd. John Davis as Per Rec't No. 21, 2 20 Sept. 17. To Cash pd. D. Bathrick (Ferriage at Pittsburg) as Per Rec't No. 22, 5 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 60S Sept. 24. To Cash pd. Jeremiah Snyder for 3 Teams as pr. receit 23, 585 00 Sept. 24. To Cash pd. Patrick Hays for 1 Team as pr. receit 24, 195 00 Sept. 24. To Cash for 1858 rations fur- nished at 20d each, 371 60 Sept. 24. To Cash TVo quarter Caslis of Powder 25, 33 00 George Pennel acc't, 6 83 John Wicltham acc't 219 00 $1492 26 2. Statement of Expenditures by Robert Smith Inspector of the 1st Brigade 9th division of Militia in Marching 226 men to Meadville under General Orders of the Governor of 25th August 1812, founded upon orders from the General Government. Waggonage, viz: J. Fary, Petr Retry, A. & J. Kline, Jacob Krider, 603 00 Powder & lead 18 23 Ca'mp Kettles, 52 00 Incidental charges, 22 21 Major Smith services while on the march with the Militia and returning home say: 30 days services at $50 pr. month, $50 00 Rations. 120, 24 00 Forage $10, 10 00 84 00 779 43 Organizing &c. &c 65 20 39_Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 610 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 3. Statement of expenditures by John Fruit, Inspector of 2nd Brigade 9th Division of Militia in Marching 193 Militia to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor of the 25th August 1812 founded upon Orders from the General Goverment. Camp kettles, 25 32 Waggons for baggage. Viz: Soloman Levan, $189 00 Wm. Boyd 229 00 Israel Inman, 165 00 Hugh Allen & William Bigger, 189 00 ♦ John Kirk, 45 00 Peter Hoeman, 24 00 Daniel Lantz, 5 00 846 Incidental Expences, 47 02 Major Fruits services while on the march with the Militia and returning home distance 220 miles. 23 days at $50 pr. month, ... 38 33V^ Rations 18 40 Forage at 10$ pr. month, ... 7 66V^ 64 40 982 74 Organizing &c. &c., 34 80 Statement of Expenditures by John Young Inspector of the 1st Brigade 11th Division of Militia in marching 90 men tO' Meadville under the General Orders of the Governer of the 25th August 1812, founded upon orders from the General Government. Rations, 354 40 Wagons, 328 50 Camp kettles, *. 8 8 EXPENDITUREa BY THE STATE 611 Incidental including some powder & lead, 15 62 Major Youngs services while on the March with the Militia and returning home — distance 216 miles. 23 days pay at $50 pr. month, $38 83 Rations, 18 40 Forage at 10 Dolls, pr. month 7 66 64 04 771 Organizing &c. &c., $59 11 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. to John Young Inspector 1st Brigade 11th Division. Dr. For furnishing subsistances & other necessary accom- modations for a Detachment of ninety fiv© men. Volunteers from the first Brigade 11th Division on their march to and at 'Mieadville. For 972 rations for Captr. McGarrys Company. For 800 rations for Captr Kleckners Company No. 1,1772 rations at 20 354 40 For William Thompson 28i/^ days haul- ing No. 2, at 60, 171 For Jacob Hubler 25 days hauling No. 3, 150 Camp Kettles bought at Sundry places No. 5 8 80 Henry Hubler hauling Flour to Belfonte No. 4, For Ferriage at Helemans No. 6, . . For 2 Loads of Firewood at Meadville No. 7, For Straw for tents at Meadville No. 8, For Powder and lead bought at sundry places No. 9 707 32 7 50 2 00 1 37 45 11 80 612 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Statement of expenditures by Wm. Moore Inspector of the 2d Brigade 11th Division in marching 75 Militia to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor of 25th August 1812 founded upon orders from the General Government. Waggons, viz: James Johnson hauling 16i^ days No. 16 at 600, Moses Thompson hauling 22 1-3 days No. 17 at 600, Charles Feger hauling 22 1-3 days No. 21, Expenses of hauling Camp Kettles No. 23, Provisions, 143 35 Incidental, 63 21 Medicine & physicians pay, Major Moores Services whUe on the march with the Militia and returning home — say 30 days pay, $50 00 4 rations pr. Day, 24 00 Forage, 10 00 Oi'ganizing &c., 99 134 00 2 50 2 50 160 77 45 79 36 00 84 00 564 48 44 48 V 1812 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. Oct. 19 To "William Moore for Public service, ... 2 75 To Cash paid postage, To Cash paid ostage, 12% To Cash paid postage 75 To Cash paid postage, 25 To Cash paid postage, 5 50 To Cash paid postage, 62% To 1 Year Salary for 5 Regts at $30 per Regt 150 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 613 To Furnishing BlanlvS for 5 Regts at $10 per Regt., 50 00 To Beef for the use of the Army Rec't No. 1, 13 00 To 3 Barrels flour for the Army Rec't No. 2 @ 6.50, 19 50 To Blacksmiths Bill for dressing meat vessels Rec't No. 3, 1 69 To Hauling baggage Rec't No. 4, 2 50 To Sundries got of C. Garbers (Store) Rec't No. 5, 3 llVz To Axe Rec't No. 6, 1 50 To Beef Rec't No. 7, 8 50 To Flour Rec't No. 8, 9 62 To Whiskey & Flour Rec't No. 9, 14 72V^ To Bag Rec't No. 10, 1 00 To Cash paid Boyers Rec't No. 11, 3 77 To Beef Rec't No. 12, 10 00 To Pans & Skillets Rec't No. 13, 4 00 To Beef Rec't No. 14, 9 00 To Whiskey Rec't No. 15 10 00 To Cash paid James Johnson for hauling baggage Rec't No. 16, 99 00 To Cash paid Moses Thompson for haul- ing baggage Rec't No. 17, 134 OO To Expense at Meadville Rec't No, 18, . . 15 nV2 To 12 Camp kettles $1 Rec't No. 19, 12 00 To 2 pad locks Rec't No. 20, 75 To Cash paid for hauling kettles & arms Rec't No. 21, 2 50 To Cash pd. H. McConnel for Frying Pans Rec't No. 22, 8 40 To Expense for bringing Frying Pans Rec't No. 23, 2 50 To 1 Bbl. whiskey 331^ gals, at 67c Rec't No. 24, 22 33 To 1% Bus Salt 4.00 Rec't No. 25, 6 00 To Cash paid Logan Rec't No. 26 50 To Cash paid Lehmer Rec't No. 27, 50 To Bill at Agnews Rec't No. 28 1 25 To Bill at D. Williams Rec't No. 29, 2 50 To Bill at Monsters Rec't No. 30 1 00 To Cash paid for a Sack to carry flour in Rec't No. 31 50 614 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. To Bill for myself and Assistant at Ebensburg Rec't No. 32, 2 S,1V2 To Cash pd. for Sacks & linnen Rec't No. 33, 2 52 To Bill at Rowlands Rec't No. 34 50 To Bill at Grifliths Mill Rec't No. 35, .... 62i^ To Bill for myself & Ass't & baking Bread Rec't No. 36, 2 50 To Cash pair for shoeing a horse Rec't No. 37, To Bill at Adams Rec't No. 38, To Bill at Indiana Rec't No. 39 To 11/2 Bus. Salt at $3 Rec't No. 40, . To Bill at Cochrans for myself & Asst. Rec't No. 41 To Bill at Woodwards for myself & Asst. Rec't No. 42, To Bill at Kittaning for myself & Wood Rec't No. 43, To Bill at Georges for myself & Wood Rec't No. 44 To Bill for -expenses & baking Bread Rect No. 45, To Bill for baking bread & Expense Receipt No. 46 To Bill at Donaldson provisions Receipt No. 47, To Bill at McClains for myself & Ass't. Receipt No. 48, To Bill for Potatoes Butter & Eggs Re- ceipt No. 49 To Bill for self Asst & men included & baking Bread Receipt No. 50, To Bill for Ferrying the men across French Creek Receipt No. 51 To Bill for Straw at Meadville Receipt No. 52 To John Baiber for Candles & Soap Receipt No. 53, Contra Cr., 678 53 Error By Cash rec'd by Conrad Bucher $87 37y2 75 25 60 4 50 1 25 2 00 1 4 1 121/2 1 14 2i ISVa 1 25 75 2 15 3 61 5 621/2 69 1 25 6 49 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 615 By Cash rec'd by Samuel Maxwell, 37 33 124 701/2 553 82V2 Amount of the ac, 678 53 Deduct Salary, $150 00 Deduct Blanks, 50 OO Deduct Postage, 10 210 00 468 53 6. Statement of expenditures by George Graham Inspector of the 1st Brigade 12th Division of Militia marching 131 Men to Meadville under General Orders of the Governor of 25th August 1812, founded upon orders from the General Government. Rations, 479 74 Waggons 323 50 Blankets, ^^ ^^ Shoes, ^ ^^ Wood Straw Ferriage &c., 31 36 Major Grahams services while on the march with the Militia and returning home 21 days pay at $50 pr month, $35 50 Forage at $10 month 7 00 58 80 994 90 Paid to Henry Bever acting as Com- missary & procuring provisions. Organizing &c 46 20 616 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To George Graham B. laspeetor. For Furnishing Captn. Casper Kellers Company of 40 menl with complete rations for 17 days at 17 cents pr. rations, For Furnishing Officers with rations for said time, For Ftirnishing Captn. Peter Lanes company of 36 men with complete rations for 17 days at 17 cents pr. rations, For Furnishing Officers with compleat rations for said time, For Ftirnishing Captn. Jonathan Rhoads company of 32 men with compleat rations for 17 days at 17 cents pr. ration, For Furnishing Officers with complete rations for said time, For Furnishing Captn. Richard McGuires company of 30 men with rations for 17 days at 17 cents per Rtiticns, For F,urnishing Officers with rations for same time, For Cash paid Isaac Wendle for 9 days work with a team, For Cash paid Aaron Deets for 3 days hauling from Berlin to Sloystown at 5.50 per day, For Cash paid Isaac Mener for 16 days hauling with a team from Turtle Creek to Meadville and back at 7 Dolls pr. day, Cash paid Henry Beaver for 25 days hauling with a team at $6 per day, For Cash paid Benchall & Boggs of Pittsburg for 8 pairs of Blankets, For Cash pd. Owen McDonald of Stoystown for 1 pr. do., For Cash pd. Owen McDonald of Stoystown for 2 pr. shoes, For Cash pd. John Means for Straw & Wood, For Cash paid for Straw at Pittsburg, For Cash paid M. Battrick for Forage, For Cash paid Balser Good for Straw & Wood, For Cash paid Mr. Roup of Harmony for straw & wood, 5 00 115 > 60 2C 1 23 104 04 20 23 92 48 20 23 86 70 20 23 45 00 16 50 112 20 150 00 50 00 8 00 3 50 1 00 75 7 58 2 50 'EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 617 For Cash paid Nicholson for straw & wood, For Cash paid James Clark for straw & wood, .... For Cash paid Dr. Clark for medical Aid For Cash paid Mr. Shekley for straw & wood For Cash paid Mr. Davis at Meadville for straw & wood For Cash paid Dr. Kennedy for Crossing his bridge 1 25 2 66 75 2 97 1 00 4 94 895 34 Statement of Andrew Mann Inspector of the 2nd Brigade 12th Division of the Militia in marching 112 Militia to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor of 25th August 1812 founded upon Orders from the General Government. Wagons, Provisions, Incidental, Major Manns services in marching his quota of militia from Bedford to Mead- ville distance 200 miles and returning —24. days pay at $50 pr. month, $40 00 Rations ^^ 20 Forage, ^ ^^ Organizing, 306 20 228 01 16 78 67 20 618 19 37 13 1812 Sept. 9 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To Andrew Mann B. I. 2 B. 11 Div. Rec't No. 1. To Cash paid William Reynolds for 4 Bbls. Flour 1 To Cash paid Thos. Heydon, 10 Gals. Whiskey, 2 51 36 6 84 618 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE To Cash paid Lawrence Har- man for 180 lbs. Beef, 3 To Cash paid Thos. Moore for 1 keg 5 To Cash paid for Tarrance Campbell for Tin ware, 4 To Cash paid David Mann for 2 Bbls & 1 Box, 6 10 To Cash paid William Barrick house room for Capt. Gibson & Company, To Cash paid John Fleming for for 4 lbs. Butter, S To Cash paid Marcus Metzgar for 28% lbs. Butter & To Cash paid Marcus Metzgar for 1 keg, 10 11 To Cash paid Jacob Weyand for 400 lbs & Baking Bread 11 & 12 To Cash paid Andrew Clinesmith for Boiling Beef, 13 12 To Cash paid John Fantlinger for 1 Bush Salt, 14 To Cash paid Alexander Cummins for 191 lbs Beef 15 To Cash paid Catharine Lint for baking Bread, 16 To Cash paid Robert Philson for 5 gals Whiskey, 17 13 To Cash paid Robert Philson for boiling Beef, To Cash paid Rober Philson for 5 lbs Butter To Cash paid Samuel Wilson for 6 bushels Wheat, 18 To Cash paid Catharine Painter for Salt, 19 14 To Cash paid Abner Hisen for 373 lbs Beef 20 To Cash paid Samuel Pool for 16% Gals Whiskey, 21 To Cash paid Saumel Pool for Baking Bread 22 11 77 1 00 3 25 1 00 2 00 50 3 80 25 19 25 1 00 2 00 7 91 1 00 2 50 25 50 6 00 1 50 14 25 8 33 1 50 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 619 To Cash paid Jacob Philips for boiling Beef, 23 15 To Cash paid Mrs. Powell for boiling Beef 24 16 To Cash paid H A Gornsly for 2 lbs. Flour, 25 To Cash paid H. A. Gornsly for lYz Bus. Salt & Bacon, 26 To Cash paid H. A. Gornsly for Straw 27 To Cash paid H. A. Gornsly for Wood 28 To Cash for hauling, 29 To Cash for hauling 3 Barrels Flour to Baker, 30 To Cash paid William Torin for 8 gals whiskey, 31 To Cash paid William Torin for Straw, 32 To Cash paid Richard Saunderson for 440 lbs Beef, 33 To Cash paid Johnsy McCarty for Baking Bread, 34 To Cash paid Johnsy McCarty for Barrel, 35 To Cash paid John Hanna for 157 lbs. Bread, 36 To Cash paid D. Bathrick for Ferriage, 37 To Cash paid John L. Baker for 284 lbs. Beef, 38 To Cash paid John Baker for 120 lbs Bread, 39 To Cash paid John Baker for 1 Barrel Flour, 40 To Cash paid John Baker for 14 Bushel Salt, 41 20 To Cash paid for Whiskey, 42 21 To Cash paid for Straw, 43 21 To Cash paid Henry Evans for 4% gals whiskej^ 44 21 To Cash paid Henry Evans for Straw & Candles, 45 & 6 To Cash paid Daniel Reed for 297 lbs Beef, 47 1 00 50 10 75 13 40 50 75 25 371/2 4 00 50 19 98 1 50 25 6 25 3 00 12 78 2 67 3 75 621/2 671/2 50 3 56 52^ 11 88 620 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 22. To Cash paid Simon Nauasdell for ZV2 Bushels Potatoes, 48 1 40 To Cash paid Simon Manasdell for Straw, 49 50 To Cash paid Samuel Evans for for Ferriage over French creek, 50 1 00 23 To Cash paid Isaac Bunnel for 100 lbs. Flour, 51 3 00 To Cash paid Isaac Bunnel for 41/2 gs. whiskey, 52i . 4 50 To Cash paid Isaac Bunnel for Straw & Baking Bread, 53 & 4 1 OO 24 To Cash paid John Williams for Straw 55 75 To Cash paid White & Roberts for Beef flour & Candles 56 4 37 To Cash paid Hugh Wilson for hauling the Baggage of Captn. Pipers company from Bedford to Meadville, 57 160 20 To Cash paid Charles Cisna for hauling Baggage of Gibsons Company, 58 146 00 550 45 Statement of expenditures by Jas. Dunlap Inspector of the 1st Brigade 14th Division of Militia in marching 186 Militia to Meadville under General Orders of the Governor of 25th August, 1812 founded upon orders from the General Government. Rations (4314) , Waggons, Incidental, Major Dunlaps services while on the march with the Militia & returning home — say. 20 days pay at $50 pr. mo., $33 33i^ Rations 16 00 Forage at 10 pr. month, . . 6 GGVz 862, 80 727 00 18 06 Organizing &c., 56 00 1663 86 14 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 621 Statement of expenditures by Samuel Huston Inspector of the 2d Brigade 14th Division of Militia in marching 88 men to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor of the 25th August 1812 founded upon orders from the general government. Rations, 357 20 Waggons, viz: Elias Flannigan, 22 days at $6, $132 00 Arthur Chamberlain, 42 00 William Chamberlain 15 days at ?6, 90 00 264 Incidental expenses, 44 89 Major Hustons services while on the march with the militia and returning home. 30 days pay at $50 pr. mo., $50 00 Rations, 24 00 Forage, 10 00 84 00 750 09 Organizing &c., 42 00 lOtn. Statement of expenditures by Samuel Cochran Inspector 1st Brigade 15th Division Militia in Marching 192 men to Meadville under General Orders of the Governor of 25th August 1812 founded upon orders from the general government. Waggons 532 51 Provisions & Rations, 451 08 Incidental expenses, 33 08 Waggons & Forage Masters accounts, . . 74 76 Major Cochrans services while on the march with the Militia & return home, 15 days pay $25 00 Rations, 12 00 Forage 5 00 42 00 1133 43 Or^qnizins: &c 46 70 622 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dr. To Samuel Cochran, Brig. Insp. Voucher No. 1812 For Cash paid John Gillfillen for Sept. 10. hire of Ms team, hauling, public arms, &c., 1 9 25 14 For Cash paid Adam Craig for Ferriage Captn. Tor bets &c., . . 2 2 00 F'or Cash paid James Gray for John McGregory furnishing Captn. Scotts Company 2 days & Coopers & Sitlicots Com- panies. For Cash paid each one day 3 60 00 For Cash paid John McMasters for furnishing Capt. Torbets Com- pany 4 34 50 15 For Cash paid William McCul- louch for furnishing Captain Alters Company 5 27 00 For Cash paid George Bell for Straw, 6 1 50 16 For Cash paid Daniel Bartrick for ferriage of teams and the De- tachment over Allegheny 7 8 00 17 For Cash paid E. Denny for rations 8 329 BSVa 18 For Cash paid Jas. McDowell for Wood & Straw, 9 3 00 19 For Cash paid John Baker for Wood & Straw, 10 4 27 20 For Cash paid John Brown for Wood & Straw 11 2 00 21 For Cash paid McClaren for Wood & Straw 12 2 00 22 For Cash paid Robert Greenlie for Wood & Straw, 13 2 00 23 For Cash paid William Lindsay for Wood & Straw 14 3 00 24 For Cash paid William McFoddle for Hauling straw 15 37 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 623 24 For Cash paid Edward Grimes for Straw, 28 For Cash for Evans for ferriage over French creek & D. Mead for straw, ^"^ For Cash paid B. Robina for Waggon hire Bal of Forage & ^^ ^^ Rations due, For Cash paid John Gillfillen for Waggon hire Bal of Forage & ^^ ^^ Rations due, For Cash paid John Stengeon for Waggon hire Bal. of Forage & ^^ ^^ Rations due, For Cash paid Daniel Tom for , - 21 'i ""^ Waggon hire, For Cash paid J. Smith for ^^ ^^ Waggon hire, For Cash paid Jas. Smith for ^^ Target & Rations due, ^-^ For Cash paid Daniel Tom for ^^ Forage & Rations due ^^ For Cash paid J. Smith for 40 Bushel Oats, For Cash paid Dan'l Tom for 43 Bushel Oats, For Cash paid Gillfillen for 56 Bushel Oats ■ For Cash paid J. Sturgeon for 39 Bushel Oats, B'or Cash paid B. Robins for 43- ^^ ^^ 221 Bush., For Cash paid Jas. McDowl Em- ployed to conduct the waggons ^^ ^^ & provide forage, For Cash paid John Gillfillen ^^ ^^ Quarter Master, For Cash paid John Ayres Gun Smith for cleaning & repairing 76 stands of Arms and making ^^^ ^^ 21 new Bayonets 1241 451/2 624 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 11th. Statement of Expenditures by Robert Beatty Inspector of the 2d. Brigade 15th Division of Militia in marching 105 Mi- litia to Meadville under the General Orders of the Governor of the 25th, August 1812 founded upon orders from the General Government. Provisions instead of rations and ex- penses in procuring, Waggons & Feed, Incidental Expenses, Medicine & Physicians, Mayor Beattys services while on the march with the Militia & Returning home say 23 days at $50 per month, $38 33 92 Rations at 20c, 18 40 Forage at 10. p. month, 7 66 Rober, Organizing &e, 437 66 313 75 38 60 24 00 64 39 878 40 47 21 12th. Statement of expenditures by Wm. Clark Inspector of the 1st. Brigade 16th. Di- vision of Militia in marching 77 men to Meadville under the General Or- ders of the Governor of 25th. August 1812 founded upon orders from the General Government. Rations, 93 75 Waggons, 24 00 Incidental Expenses, 1 50 Major Clarks services while on the march with the Mi- litia & returning home — 10 days pay, $16 67 8 00 3 33 28 00 Organizing &c.. 147 25 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 625 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To William Clark B. Ins. For 595 compleat rations at 15c p. voucher N. 1, For 30 compleat rations at 15c p. vouch- er N. 2 Moses MPheters hauling baggage, For Joseph Hachney hauling Wood 4 50 24 00 1 50 119 25 13th. Statement of expenditures by Sam'l Powers Inspector of the 2d. Brigade 16th. Division of Militia in marching 215 men to Meadville under the Gen- eral orders of the Governor of 25th. August a 5th. of Septr. 1812 founded upon orders of the General Govern- ment. Rations, 437 40 Waggons, 339 00 Axes, Straw, Ferriages &c., 19 11 Major Power's services while on the march and returning home 22 days pay at $50 p. month, $36 67 Rations 66, 13 20 Forage, 10 p. month 7 33 57 20 852 71 Oragnlzing &c., 12*0 46 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To Samuel Power B. Ins. For 9 days Rations for 215 men on march to Meadville 387 00 For 3 days Rations for 84 men to Pitts- burg, 50 40 For Cash paid for straw 2 00 For Cash for Ferriage at Big Beaver, ... 50 For Cash paid John Negley hauling Bag- gage 108 00 40 -Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 626 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. For Cash paid Jas. Gibson hauling Bag- gage, For Cash paid J. Coulter hauling Bag- gage For Cash paid James Shaw hauling Bag- gage, For Cash paid Joseph Gibson hauling Baggage, For Cash paid for putting handles in & grinding 24 Axes, For Cash paid for Grindstone for Vol- unteers, For Cash paid hauling Camp Equipage from Pittsburg to the Encampment, . . For Cash paid for Straw & wood in march to Meadville 93 00 78 00 42 00 18 GO 6 00 2 25 2 00 • 6 36 795 51 General Order 5th. Septr. 1812. 14th. Statement of expenditures by General Jacob Sayler marching 56 militia from the 1st. Brigade 12th. division to Pitts- burgh under the General Orders of the Governor 5th. September 1812 in pur- suance of Orders from the General Gov- ernment. Rations (provisions) 76 48 Waggons viz Elijah Penrad, 85 00 Oats, 6 47 Incidentals, 14 15 Commissary Riddles pay 56 88 Gen'l Saylors services marching viz 15 days pay (Captn. pay), $20 00 Rations 9 00 Forage 5 00 34 00 Organizing &c 113 94 272 98 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 627 15th. Statement of expenditures by Gen'l. John Noble marching 56 Militia from the 2d. Brigade 12th. division to Pitts- burgh under the General orders of the Governor of the 5th. September 1812 in pursuance of orders from the General Government viz., Provisions, Waggonage, viz, Daniel Coyle 20 days at $6 p. day 120 00 Daniel Foulk 20 days at $6 p. day, 120 Foriage H. H General Nobles service marching as a Captain viz: 18 days pay at 40 p month $24 00 Rations, 10 80 Forage, 6 00 Organizing &c 287 84 240 00 35 27 40 80 603 91 40 00 16th, Statement of expenditures of Major George Armstrong Inspector 1st. Bri- gade 13th. Division of Militia in march- ing 331 Militia from his Brigade to Pittsburg under the General Orders of the Governor of the 5th. September 1812 in pursuance of orders from the General Government. Waggonage viz Forage & Incidental, 210 00 97 66 307 66 Major Armstrongs services viz: 20 days Pay $50, $33 33 Rations, 16 00 Forage, 6 67 Organizing &c 56 00 363 66 56 00 628 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ITth. Statement of expenditures by Uriah Springer Inspector of the 2d. Brigade 13th. Division of the Militia in march- ing 322 militia from his Brigade to Pittsburg under the General Orders of The Governor of the 5th. Sept. 1812, in pursuance of Orders from the General Government. Rations, Waggonage, Forage, Incidental ferriage, camp kettles • &c.,. . . Major Spring'ers Services, viz: his pay 35 days at 50 p. mo. $58 33 Rations, 28 00 Forage, 11 67 Organizing &c., 509 60 198 00 113 40 49 44 98 00 96S 44 68 99 Abstract of Provisions issues by Levi Springer Comsy. to the Detachment of Militia 2id. B. 13 Div. P. M. . >> d a c a a K d ft ni o a "3 a d a C HI B >, ri _o 6 a 01 M) (D o a g C o « 10 s 'O a, d d o C tri 4) O H U 'A 'A 'A b U a Sept'r 26th, 1S12, Oct. 2d. 1S12, 6 12 322 7 364 254S 509 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To Levi Springer (Commissary for his contingencies For 2548 rations at 20c For 324 rations of Forage at 35c, 509 60 113 40 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 629 For Cash paid Jas. Whaley for hauling Baggage to Brownsville and for billet- ing the Troops, 1 24 00 For Cash paid Peter Hertzog for 3 days hauling Baggage to Brownsville at $6, 2 18 00 For Cash paid Andrew Moore for 2 days hauling Baggage at 6, 3 12 00 For Cash pd. Robert Patterson for wood & kettles at Brownsville, 4 15 00 For Cash pd. James Patterson for haul- ing Camp equipage & wood 12 days at $6 5 72 00 For Cash pd. Joseph Harris equippage & wood, 12 days, 6 72 00 For Cash pd. John Weis for 4 Axes $2, . .7 8 00 For Cash pd. for the Ferriage of the Foot troops, crossing the Monongahela in all 313 men, 3d., 8 9 35 For Cash pd for ferrying 27 Light horse at 6%c., 9 1 68% For Cash pd. for Ferrying 2 Waggons with Baggage, No.lO 1 00 For Cash pd. J. Bathrick for Ferrying troops and Waggons across the Alle- gheny, No. 11 10 87^ For Cash pd. D. Pickett for Ferriage across the Allegheny, 12 3 00 869 95 We believe that the charge for conveying of the Baggage of the fourth companies drafted from Fayette county to Browns- ville to be correct. JOHN ST. CLAIR HENRY HEATON I do certify that the foregoing Abstract of Expenditures is truly stated & have been paid by Levi Springer who at my re- quest undertook to furnish the detachment of Militia from the 2d. Brigade of the 13th. Division of Pennsylvania Militia from Fayette County to Pittsburg as p. Vouchers shown: URIAH SPRINGER Brigadier Inspector 2nd. Brig. 13th. Division P. M. Pittsburg 9th. Oct. 1812. 630 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ISth. Statement of expenditures by Gen'i Thos. Acheson in marcliing 101 Mi- litia from the 1st. Brigade 14th. di- vision to Pittsburg under the General Orders of the Governor of the 5th. Septr. 1812 in pursuance of Orders from the General Government. Subsistence, 124 82 Forage 10 00 Waggons, 60 00 Incidental 8 94 Generall Achesons services viz: Pay of a Lt. Col. for 10 days at $60 $20 00 Rations 5 p. day 20c., .... 10 00 Forage, 3 33 33 33 Organizing &c., 17 67 Pittsburg Oct. 3d. 1812 Gen. Thos. Acheson. To Henry Westbey Dr. To Subsistence for 107 men & 6 Troopers horses, from their assembling at Wash- ington till their encampment at this place being 5 days as follows: To 825 lbs. Beef, at 5-100, To 6 Barrels Cyder, 2.50, To 500 lbs. Bread (no flour) 2%-100.... To 154 Crackers (no bread to be had) 5-100, To 15 Gals. Whiskey, 40-100, To 3 pecks Salt, 3.00, To 150 lbs Cheese, 9-100, To Oats and hay for Troopers horses, . . To Ferrying Men, Waggons & horses over Monongahela River, 4 25 To ferrying men, Waggons & horses over Allegheny River, 4 69 To 2 Baggage Waggons 6 days at $5 60 00 To Cooking meat and issuing rations during 5 days, the men having no camp equipage, 25 00 203 76 41 25 15 00 14 12 7 70 6 00 2 25 13 50 10 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 631 19th. Statement of expenditures by Gen'l Richard Crooks marching 226 men from the 2d. Brigade 14 Division to Pittsburg under the General orders of the Governor of the 5th. Septr. 1812 in pursuance of Orders from the General Government. Rations v^ Waggons, Forage rations at 35c Incidental To General Crooks pay & Enrolment, 1138 84 ABSTRACT OF PROVISIONS ISSUED BY THOMAS BBALL COMMSY. TO THE DETACHMENT OF MILITIA 2D. B. 14TH D. W. & G. CO. P. M. 538 00 350 00 130 90 34 74 1053 64 85 20 0. eS bi) G >t a! E o ^ S "a G bij ■»-> c V Q O o s E Kndin ft 1 3 o O d >, O 73 3 3 e5 ' o ■o U 2 2 Z H -^ tJ Sept'r 27th, 1812, .. Octr 6th, .. 5 8 2.3S 10 269 2690 538 00 I certify on honour that the above account is just as it stands stated. RICHD. CROOKS. B. G. 2d. D. P. M. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To Thomas Beall Commissary. To 2690 Rations at 20c p. ratn To Forage for 35 Troopers 10 days. 538 00 216 55 632 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. To Forage for 6 Troopers 4 days, To Cash as Ferriage at the Allegheny, . . To Cash pd. Mr. Roherts Waggoner as p. rect., To Cash pd. for Wood & Straw, To Cash pd. Mr. Holesworth as Wag- goner 13 days at 6.00 To Cash pd. J. Awecost, as Waggoner, 6 days at 6.00, To Cash pd. J. Frederick as Waggoner, 10 days at 6.00 To Cash pd. J. Handsucker as Waggoner 12 days at 6.00, To Cash pd. 12 days services as Comsry. Quarter Master and Waggon Master at $3.00 pr. day To Cash pd. contingencies as Pr. Mr. Harpers Rect., To Cash pd. William F. Hays for 2 teams 71^ days at $6, 1195 07 For Gen'l Crooks pay. and enrolements Error as Brigadier General 15 days. Deduct from the Forage Rations the dif- ference be*ween 35 cents p. Ration & the sum charged, $105 43 Deduct also the compensa- tion claimed, 36 00 141 43 19 78 9 78 14 00 2 00 78 00 36 00 60 00 72 CO 36 00 12 20 1105 07 90 00 20th. Statement ♦ of expenditures by Col. John Sloan in marching 81 Militia from the 2d. Brigade 15th. Division to Pitts- burg under the General orders of the Governor of the 5th. Septr. 1812 in pursuance of Orders from the General • Government via. Rations 97 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 633 Waggonage, Incidental charges, Col. Sloans service marching viz. 12 days pay at $60 $24 00 Rations, 12 00 Forage, 4 40 Organizing &c 66 00 30 00 193 80 40 40 234 20 84 16 RETURN OF PROVISIONS ISSUED TO A DETACiHMENT OF MILITIA FROM THE 2ND. BRIGADE 15TH DIVISION P. M. ON MARCH FROM KITANSAN TO PITTSBURG— GEN- ERAL RENDS. s o ft o a >> m .2 p, cd o a >> S tf ^0 c o 1 o o o c c o o 6 E-= •It W ^ ^ ;5 Z <^ o Sepfr 26tli, 1S12, Sept'r 29th, 1S12, I ■ w c j^^' o ri c C3 rt p a « tw o c ° >. ^ o 6 ■2 ^ Z » h 40 4 40 160-4S9 122 634 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr To Nathaniel Stewart. To 489 complete rations at 25c To 10 days service with man & horse at To 10 days hire of waggon & horses at, 122 25 3 00 30 00 $6 00 66 00 21st. Statement of expenditures by Major Wm. Clark Inspector of the 1st. Brigade 16th. Division of Militia marching 257 men from his Brigade to Pittsburg un- der the General orders of the Governor of the 5th. Sept. 1812 in pursuance of orders from the General Government. Rations, Waggons Incidental, Major Clarks services, viz: 15 days pay at $50 pr month $25 00 Rations 12 00 Forage, 5 Organizing &c., 218 25 311 55 298 00 15 85 625 40 42 00 667 40 66 00 $733 40 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dr. To William Clark Brigade Inspector of the 1st. Brigade 16th Division of Pennsylvania Militia for money expended in march- ing a detachment of militia from the aforesaid Brigade to Pitts- burg as directed by General Orders dated Harrisburg Sept. 15th 1812. Items of this acct as herewith rendered as per the following numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 635 Sam'l Powers acct of marching to Pittsburg included in Meadville ace. 03 1> c a o s o o u o o u O ■'-' d ;z; A P Amount of the 15 Items above stated Amount of rations issued as pr. provisions re- turns herewith rendered, Deduct 30 rations over, $313 S5 316 05 |629 90 4 50 $625 40 Erie 31st. March 1813. 22D AC. NO. 1 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY MAJOR JOHN YOUNG INSPECTOR OF 1ST. BRIGADE IITH. DIVISION MARCHING 299 MILITIA CALLED FROM HIS BRIGADE TO ERIE UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR 31ST. MARCH 1813 IN PURSUANCE OF ORDERS FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. Rations, 991 00 Waggons, 842 50 Forage &c., 22 50 Incidentals 2 00 Camp kettles & pans, 35 90 1893 90 Major Youngs services (to wit) 20 days par at 50 pr mo., $33 33 Rations for same time, 16 00 Forage 6 66 55 99 Boarding & attendance of a sick man 44 dollars, . . 1949 89 Organizing &.Q. 70 01 2019 90 636 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. MUSTER ROLL OF THE COMPANY COMMAND BY CAPTN. GEORGE RECERDS 1ST. BRIGADE IITH. DIVISION P. MILITIA FROM CENTER COUNTY ON THEIR MARCH TO ERIE Quota 89th. Regiment. 13 C . rt J2 > >> c« >. (d 13 d ■a a •a u o & p. a in a a ■* CQ M u C o ^ 3 s a ClJ c s o ^A W 1 I a ^ b -^ o 3 -a 2 I K 2 (?) 6 264 ISS 413K ♦Number of Rations. J. YOUNG Brig. Inspr. Erie May 7th. 1813 Ration return of the Drafted Militia of Mifflin county belong- ing to the 1st. Brigade 11th. Division P. M. Commanded by Major John Young Brigade Inspector who were ordered to march into the service of the United States agreeably to the Orders of his Excellency the Commander in chief of this State dated Harrisburg March 31st. 1813. The quota? from their respective Regiments commenced marching viz. No. 83 & 52 on Monday April 12th. 1813 the quota from Regt's. No. 74 & 11 on Tuesday the 13th. the 41— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 642 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Quotas aforesaid arrived at Bellefonte the place of Brigade meeting on Wednesday the 14th. on their march to Erie the place of General Rendezvous. ' >> u 9> >. d o P. d d -a •a o .2 3 ^ o, ■a d C d '0 m ■2 ft C o o S . o g . ft d ■a d m *•* a rH ID DO 3 o arters. £ CO 1-1 -^ C (P « u o =8 «*-! •a > 2 § Q i g^S Remarks. ■a e t< 0) • c C Eh c B c c E a et 4 c c c c -JO XuBCluioo 30 >IUBH c .51 c c c C ' ■% c E EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 655 •s • o o o c o * o 922 41 21 OO 3 80 3 20 10 40 6 60 27 80 25 20 25 20 ^ i? •»** , s to :S3 ^ to 3 a - c c c c a Q i c b a c - c £ o 3 E o u 2 -a > d K c C c 5 c c c > d c j: c a C c z hi i? o — a c in c c o! -C o c C a > 5 K C n a C o c c P c C B c L. '1 ■ c tu c C C - c e c ■t - c •J 1 C - ■ c c 1 656 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 1st. Pay Roll of Captain. John Morris Company 17th Reg't. P. Militia Lieut. Col. John C. Wallace Commandant from the 1st. day of July till the 29th. ditto inclusive. . c o Names. Rank. m E U >. >- "-^ I3J P Q John Morris John Hay John Woodside, .. John Sloan, John McDonald, . P. S. V. Handot, Michael Riblet, .. Hugh Cunningham James Mocre. Jonah Cowgill, Sam'l Bunting, .. Sam'l Hays, Wm. Henderson, Barnabns McCue, Henry Miller, Geo. Brown Rich'd Hardiker, Jno. Lininger, Joseph Ebersole, Will'm Euyler Thos. Langrey, .. Francis Graham, . Wm. Lattimore, .. Thomas M Miller, William Arbuckle, John Gray John Casper Holmes Reed, John Gardner, James Henry. David Fowzer, ... Shelden Ball Samuel Wheeler, Elihu Crain. Captain, . . . Lieutenant Ensign Sergeant, .. Sergeant, . . Sergeant, .., . . Corporal, . Corporal, , Corporal, . Corporal, . Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private. .. Private, .. Private, . . Private, . . Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private, . . Private, . . Private. .. Private, .. Private, . . Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private, .. Private, . . Private, .. 29 26 le 23 20 26 25 23 29 2'.) 25 29 24 24 29 10 23 24 26 27 27 19 27 2S 2S 2S 10 25 12 26 8 20 S Doll's. 1 40 \ 30 1 S s 8 7 7 7 7 5 38 67 26 00 10 6G% 6 02 5 S914 6 91 6 67 5 37 6 76 1/2 6 761/2 5 83 4 831/2 4 00 4 00 4 83 1 661/2 3 S31/2 4 00 4 33 4 491/2 4 491/2 3 161/2 4 491/2 4 66 4 66 4 66 1 66I/2 4 00 4 16% 2 00 4 33 1 33 3 33% 1 33 209 S21/2 I hereby certify on honor that the above pay roll is correct to the best of my belief. JNO. MORRIS Capt. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 657 2. Pay roll of Captn. John Morris company of Pennsylva- nia Militia attached to the command of Major James Hall from the 30th day of July to the 2nd day of September inclu- sive A. D. 1812 of the commanded by Brigadier General John Kelso. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 2:4 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Names. John Morris, John Hay, John Sloan Michael Riblet, WiUiam Kelly, James Love, Hugh Cunningham, .. James Moore Jonah Cowgill Sam'l Bunting, William KeUy, William Deity Moses KeUy, Joel Bradish, William Henderson, Marmaduke Curtis, . John Lininger John Gray Thomas I^ughary. .. Thomas M. Miller, .. William Ayler Henry Miller, Elihu Crane Barnabas McCue, ... Joseph Porter Jeremiah B. Brown, William Miller Benjamin Miller, ..• Caleb Lewis John Norcross Abraham Wagner, ... Patrick McKee, George Reed John Evans Calvin Foot, John Millich, Michael Sterret John Caughey John Ryan John Porter William Porter, .... Adam Lauglin Cardiff Faggert, Rank. Capt Lieut., 1st Sergt., 2d Sergt., 3d Sergt., 4th Sergt., Corprl., .. Corprl., Corprl., Corprl., Fifer Fifer. Fifer Fifer, Private, . Private, Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private', . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Time Serv'd. Am't of Pay. John Swan J Private, 5 5 5 5 2 13 5 5 5 5 3 2 3 2 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 46 66% 35 00 9 331^ 9 33% 8 53 3 46% 8 17 8 17 8 17 5 17 6 60 6 40 6 60 6 40 5 SSVs 5 831/3 5 83y3 5 831/3 5 83% 5 83% 5 83% 5 S3% 5 83% 5 83% 5 33% 5 33% 5 33 5 33 1 16% 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 42— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 65S MISCELL-\XEOrS PAPERS. 2. Pay roll of Captn. John Morris Company — Continued. Names Rank. Time SeiVd. Am't of Pay. c; E z 1 H Dolls. Cts. Saml. McCreaiy, ' Private, Robert Kennedy \ Private, Jeremiah Sturgeon, Private, Saml. McCTeary, Private, Saml. McClelland '. Private, Private, Private, Pri^■ate, Francis Coughey Rol>ert Pollock, Benjn. Grant, John Long, Private, Seth Stancliff ; Private, Xathl. Martin i Private, Cyphyan Rudd, Private, r>avid Gitchell Pr;\-ate, Thomas McKee Private, Edmund Brush, Pri\-aie, James Crawford, ' Private Royal Kenneday Private, Danl. Acres Private, James Salsbury Private, Jacob Sherritz. Private, Amphleas Cole, j Private, James Culbertson Pri^-ate, Andw. Culbertson, | Pri-s-ate, James Graham. Private, Alfred Hodge Pri^-ate, James Dunn Prn'ate, Wm. McClelland | Private. Richd. StUlweU Private, David Fouzer Private, 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 IS 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 13 2 17 10 1 66=i 13 2 17 3 50 13 2 17 S 1 3314 ao 133% I do certify upon honor the above pay Role is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN MORRIS. Captn. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 659 3. Pay roll. Captain John Morris company of Pennsylva- nia Militia attached to the command of Lieut. Col. Andw. Christy in the service of the State of Pennsylvania at Erie from the 3d. day of September to the 21st October included A. D. 1812 of the Corps commanded by Brig. Genl. John Kelso. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 30 40 41 42 43 Time Serv'd. Names. Rank. Dolls. Cts. 1 H e >. o c3 V- S John Morris, Captn, John Hay Lieut., John Sloan 1st Sergt., Michael Riblet, 2 dSergt., William Kelly 3d Sergt., James Love 4th Sergt., Hugh Cunningham 1 Corpl., .. James Moon, 2d Corpl., Jonah Cowgill 3d Corpl., Saml. Bunting 4th Corpl., William Kelly Fifer William Deitz, Fifer Moses Kelly Drumer, . Joel Bradish. Drummer, William Henderson, Private, . M. D. Curtis. Private, . John Lininger, Private, . John Gray Private, . Thomas Laugher>' Private, . Thomas M. Miller Private, . William Ayler Private, . Henry Miller, Private. Elihu Crane Private, Barns McCue Private, Josh. Porter Private. Jerh. B. Brown, Private, William Miller, Private, Benjn. Miller Private, Caleb liewis John Norcross Abm. Wagner ^. . Patk. McKee Ges. Reed ! Private, John Evans i Private, Calvin Foot Private, John Milch j Private^ Michl. Sterret. ' Private, John Caughey, ' Private, John Ryans Private, John Porter, Private, William Porter I Private, Adam Lauglin Private, Cardiff Sagart. Private, Private, Private, Private, 18 64 00 27 27 00 26 6 93 26 ■ 6 93 29 7 73 18 12 80 26 6 06% 26 6 06% 26 6 06% 26 6 06% 26 5 20 29 5 80 26 5 20 29 580 26 4 3314 26 4 3314 26 4 33V4 25 4 33% 26 4 33% 26 4 3314 26 4 33y4 26 4 33% 26 4 33% 26 4 33% 29 4 83% 29 4 83% 29 4 83% 29 4 83% 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 33% 8 00 8 00 8 00- 8 00 83% 67 800 660 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 3. Pay roll. Captain Jolm Morris Company. — Conitinued. Rank. Time Serv'd. m Si a >> ctf ^ Q Dolls. Cts. John Swan Saml. McCreary, . . . Robert Kenedy, Jeremiah Sturgeon, Saml. McCl-eary, Saml. McClelland, .. Francis Caughey, .. Robert PoUoch Benjn. Grant John Long Seth. Stuncliff, Nathl. Martin Cyprian Rudd, David Gitchel Thos. McCee, Edmund Brush, James Crawford, Royal Kenedy Daniel Aicres James Salsbury Jacob Sherretz, — Amplius Cole, James Culbertson, . Andrew Culbertson, Alfred Hodge William McClelland, James Dunn Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, IS S 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS S 00 IS 8 00 3 50 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 18 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 18 8 00 18 8 00 18 8 00 18 8 00 IS 8 00 IS 8 00 18 S 00 18 50 S N. B. To the term of service here stated are added two days previous to marching & one day for every 15 miles re- turning home. I certify that the above pay role is correct to the best of my belief & Knowledge. John MORRIS. I, .John Morris Captain in the above receipt roll do certify that the Officers Non Commissioned Officers and Privates in the same Receipt Roll have duly rec'd o^ Wilson Smith Esqr. Quarter master General the sums annexed to their respective and in my presence several! acknowledge to have rec'd the EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 661 same in full payment and satisfaction for the service therein mentioned. $922.42 2-3 JOHN MORRIS, Captn. See role on the other side. Subsistence Accounts. For John Morris Captn. for 49 days commencing 3d. of September & ending 21st. Octr. inclusive 1812. 147 rations 29 40 To do Commencing 30th July & ending 2nd September 1812 *. 21 00 For John Hay Lieut, commencing 1st. & ending 31st. of September inclusive 12 00 Duly certifified 62 40 662 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. O m H \^ > X o oa fa o o w p Pi o o fa H pq m < o ^§ o o u >pi- go. ^' s ta . 00 m J "-< '"' 8 a; H " w <^ ^' " - § o Pi fa g S HI Pi g H t) ^ fa g H ffi oi Pi H iyj P rh >^ ^ Q •ABa bo c 1^ rj o o o o o ^^ <£) O 1-1 o M CO .2 f- S S » S '^ "o Q o o J3S3'-'S!3 8SSSSSS8 88 moc>c>oooc>S Ugggoomoo P t- - - be bo O u u u u •r> (i> o) 0) oj u • • • gS s s . . ^- c c c 5 ^ S S ^ ^ .2i c3 aj d 'O m tJ tn' ,4 S S S < M ac-aa •S m 5 « - O .SO >. 2 •S ^ -5 2 ■g •§. « ^ ^ ^ t: s g g ^ -a ^ - i2 <; ■ ^ (£ - S -a - l" r** »- rr -ij _-■ 'S-gro-goijogcid . CD c "^ m fe Q [i( Sun EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 663 664 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. §8 Q ^ M O E^ Oh O H ^ o 2g "I ^ > ai O g o , « 8 ^ S '^ H H «D . o i' T~i l-l 1-1 D. Cts. 12 00 10 00 10 CO fi no g 2 o --:s ^ .° .° .^ .^ M c 2 & 2 " t, ■1' "5 ^ oi fc -a S .oi fc^ o W |S^ ^0 ^ '_;-< "^ C ci - ol C d « 1^ EXPFNniTURES BY THE STATE 6G5 < ?^, K 3 <11 n ^ < 1-5 H y, o O < > yj J M 'A P H-l O fa P 2 Z w O H ^; W << fa Q o o <5j >* fa 2 Qi < p 05 O fa > O C5 fa S fa ffi fa ffi H o H fa fa < fa O H Di ?^ 111 fa fa P ,1 p o o o fa m H fa fa P fa m ^ K H fa o fa n pi >-' o ►-5 p^> P S o Q Oh ^1 ;! cc 6 •i^BQ o > (U H •SOK H h ii >. o m CO •a S o CC SSS s s D. cts. 10 00 S 00 10 00 D. Cts. 5 OO 5 00 5 00. D. Cts 50 00 40 00 45 00 8 00 S OO £ c C c cs < ■I a c % - c t a c c a <- c t E c 1 c K C < I ^ 666 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. IJ a H o in (^ £ H w ^ n ^ H o O Q f^ f^ 5 Q Q Q o Q H hJ H fo ffi 1^ O w p ^ ^ 2 H Pi <^ ^ 2 >^ « 5 J y g t^ H <5 1-5 im o •sXbq :^ ;^ 5f3 ;f2 ;?2 ca (M T}4 a> 05 tn O o o C> o ■*-' o o <^ ^ S >^ Ci (=1 ,-> (^ ir, ""SS ^ o o - be S CO CO "O fci 3 .„ t. S § •< C M fe Q I* - ol — < ^ ^ .2 ^ ^ O ^ -3 m o t. t, K O 5; c a; jj c 3 S u o o o 3 S ^fa K« -^P^ « EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 667 < J^ ^ o m Uj § J < Q r/j m ^ ffl ^ Q H H 2 cq Oh <1 fa n Pi fa o H H z Z tf C5 W fa Z § > r~i m o C5 ^ M < fa ^ Q O fa' > £j ; ca CO o t^ Q lOOTQOOSCTjlrtlrtt^eO .-1 rH tH tH rH r-( r1 ■sAvd > ^ (U W CD g H •sow u i S S 8 § <^ o » f^ o o o cc M c ca o » o g o fe Q ™S8888§SSS «5 Gggg§'="§°>!gg ^ C i2 o Q S o tT 1 1 o o c Adjutant, Sergt. Majo Qr. Master, Qr. Mr. Se Surgeon, . Surg. Mate, to i 1 1 E ci ^ o c - . "" 1 " >, O S Marlin, Nelson, Ferrill, Comritoi Allee, .. Wade, .. McGrard . Wallac E. Step .c •o T- -a - ^ -^ p, .„ oj _ 1- X J ni 1 p: ? 1 CC c z c ° 1 GG8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS ATKINSON'S COMPANY OF VOLUNTEERS ATTACHEiD TO THE 137 REGT. PENNA. MILITIA RALPH MARLIN LIEUT. COL. COM- MANDANT COMMENCING THE 26TH DAY OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE lOTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. Time .c Served. c o Rank. s rt C >> >. a Ki o (U g Q H 1. Thomas Atkinson, . 2. Robert MoClenahon, 3. Brail Sinclair 4. William Shannon, . 5. John Daniel 6. Crispin Daniels, ... 7. John Sinclair, S. Nathan Brown, 9. William Townly, . 10. Saml. Clark 11. Hugh Lowry 12. Jacob Height, 13. James Allee, 14. Simon Dunn 15. Owen David 16. Alexr. Bell 17. Wm. Buckley, IS. Elijah McClonahen, 19. Peter Mitchell, — 20. Jacob McBride 21. Albert Hains ■>2. Thos. B. Bloomfield 23. Stephen Shught, .. 24. Alexr. Holman, 25. David Height 26. Saml. Canol 27. John Vancort, 25. Edward Ryan, .... 29. Samuel Martin 50. Thomas Gibson, 51. Robert Clark 52. Danl. Philips 33. Wm. Skelton 34. Joseph Adams 35. Thos. Dufney 36. John Rodgers 37. John Dunn o8. Wm. Foster 39. James Loury, 40. John Maguire 41. Daniel Williams, ., Captain Lieut. Ensign 1 Sergt 2 Sergt., 3d Sergt., .. 4 Sergt 1 Corporal, .. 2 Corporal, .. 3 Corporal, .. 4 Corporal, .. Private Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Prviate Private Private Private, Private Private, Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private Priv.ite $40 00 30 00 20 00 S OO 8 00 8 00 8 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 14 $20 00 14 15 00 14 10 00 14 4 00 14 4 00 14 4 OO 14 4 00 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 5C 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 -0 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 669 PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS ATKINSON'S COMPANY — Continued. 42. James Randolph, . 43. Robert Henderson, 44. Sanil. Steel, 4'. .Tames Anderson, 46. John Johnson, 17. Phillip Foster, .. 45. John Williams, .. .c Time o Served. >> S ft e. m d >, a & o Ck § B Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 14 2 50 $167 50 Duly certified, by THOMAS ATKINSON Captain Approved by. R. MARLIN Lt. Col. Comdt. Subsistance Account. For Thomas Atkinson Captain commencing on the 28th day of Augt. and ending on the 10th day of Sept., 1812 both days inclusive ^ ^' Pay Roll of Captain Harlin. 670 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. NO. 1. PAY ROLL OF CAPTN. JOHN McDOWELL'S COM- PANY ATTACHED TO THE 137TH REGT. PENNA MILI- TIA RALPH MARLIN LIEUT. COL. COMMDT. COMMEN- CING THE 26TH OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE 13TH OF f^EPTEMBER 1812 INCLUSIVE. Time Served. m o oj S Q >. John McDowell, David Stewart Abiaham Jackson, .. Andw. McMaster, ... John Campbell, Thomas Espey James Henry Joseph McGuire Joseph Seily William Dickey, David McKee Saml. Johnston James Dickey Joseph Allen Saml. Garwood, John L. Shight Andw. Davidson, Jeremiah Gilvin, Jr., John Rallye Jeremiah Gelvin Patrick Davise Moses McCoy, Andrew Thompson, .. Captain, ... $40 OO IS Lieutenant, 30 OO IS Ensign 20 OO IS 1 Sergeant, S 00 IS 2 Sergeant, S OO IS 3 Sergeant, 8 OO IS 4 Sergeant, 8 00 IS 1st Corporal, 7 00 IS 2 Corporal, .. 7 00 18 3 Corporal, .. 7 00 IS 4 Corporal, .. 7 00 IS Private 5 00 18 Private 500 18 Private 5 00 IS Private 5 OO IS Private 5 00 18 Private 5 00 IS Private 5 00 IS Private 5 00 18 Private 5 00 18 Private 5 00 18 Private 5 00 18 Private 5 00 18 $24 00 18 00 12 00 4 80 4 SO 4 80 4 80 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 $126 00 Certified By J. MCDOWELL. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 671 2. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN NATHAN PRICES COM- PANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 9TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER AND ENDING THE 13TH OF OCTOBER 1812 ATTACHED TO THE 137TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION P. MILITIA RALPH MARLIN LIEUT. COL. COMMDT. To which is added iu the following account 2 days previous to marching & the time talven up in marching to Headquarters at Brie. Time s. Service. a o Names. Rank. S >^ c. f p. m o o Nathaniel Price, Daniel Horn Person Conklin, .. James Wender, . . Alexander Glance, James Culbertson, Randall Evans, .. Dubiub Rumple, John Fitch Matthew Lynn, .. Andw. Bloomfield, Paul Han f man, Henry White, David Steel Cookson Long, Saml. Pragg Saml. WiEton, ... Joseph McCray, . . Bradley Winton, Daniel Phillips, .. James Fulton. ... Patrick Brannon, Hugh McGuire, .. John McGinnet, Robt. Fulton, ... John Fulton, Jacob Wilson, Humphrey Miller, Isaac Davis Benjamin Miller, John B. Page Arthur Andrews, Thomas Laughry, Hugh McNalr, ... Amasa Ransom, . Caotain, .... $40 00 1 8 Lieut 30 00 11 Ensign 20 00 12 1 Sergeant, S 00 S 2 Sergeant, 8 GO 10 3 Sergeant, S 00 9 4 Sergeant, 8 OO 10 Corporal 700 11 Corporal 7 00 11 Corporal 7 00 11 Corporal 7 00 11 Drummer, .. 6 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 9 Private 5 OO 8 Private, 500 9 Private 5 OO 9 Private 5 OO 1 9 Private, 5 00 9 Private 5 00 9 Private, 5 OO 9 Private, 5 00 9 Private 5 00 9 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 9 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 11 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 10 $50 66 11 00 7 92 9 54 10 73 9 SO 10 72 9 53 9 53 9 53 8 84 8 84 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 44 6 25 fi 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 44 6 60 6 60 6 76 6 60 6 60 672 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN NATHAN PRICES COMPANY- Continued. Time served. 36. William Bailey, .. 37. Saml. Ford, 38. Charles Marsh, .. 39. Joseph Cole 40. Abraham Medoch, 41. James Arthur, 43. Thomas Ai'thurs, 43. James Kerr 44. Elihu Crane 45. Salvanis Munson, 46. John Chandler, .. 47. William Rozell, . 48. John Dixson, 49. Caleb Winder, ... Captn. Waiters, . J/ieut. Waiter, Ensign Waiter, . . Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Priviite Private Private, Private, Private 5 00 D 00 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 G 60 10 6 60 11 6 76 11 6 76 11 G 76 10 6 60 10 6 60 6 5 96 11 6 76 11 6 76 6 5 96 6 5 96 11 6 76 8 6 2S 8 6 28 9 6 44 12 6 44 $113 67 Duly certified by NATHAN PRICE Captn. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 673 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. NATHAN PRICES COM- PANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 14TH DAY OF OCTR. AND ENDING THE 31ST OF DO. 1812. ATTACHED TO THE 135TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PBNNA MILITIA ANDREW CHRISTY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT. Nathan Price, Danl. Horn Pierson Conklin, James Wender, Alexander Glance, James Culbertson, Randall Evans, David Dulrumple, John Fitch Matthew Lynn, Andrew Bloomfleld, Thomas Morrel Paul Huffman Henry White, . . . . David Steel, Coolvson Long, Saml. Pragg David Winton Joseph McCray, Bradley Winton, Daniel Phillips, James Felton, Patrick Brannon, Hugh McGuire, John McGinnet, ... Robert Felton, John Felton .facob Wilson Huniphrey Miller, . John B. Page Arthur Andrews, ... Thomas Laughy, .. Hugh McNair, Amasa Ransom William Baily, .... Samuel Ford Charles Marsh Joseph Cole Abraham Medoch, .. James Artura Captain, . . . Lieut Ensign, ... 1 Sergeant, 2d Sergeant 3d Sergeant 4 Sergeant, Corporal, ... Corporal, . . . Corporal, .. . Corporal Flfer Drummer, . Private Private, Private, Private Private Private, Private, Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Priv.ate Private Private Private, . Private, ... Private, Private Private Private, . , . . $40 00 30 m 20 00 8 00 S 00 5 00 s oo 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 6 00 6 OO 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 OO 5 00 5 00 ■ 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 ,^ CO a 00 5 CO 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 m 00 18 00 12 OO 4 80 4 80 4 SO 4 SO 4 20 i 20 4 2lO 4 20 3 60 3 60 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 16% 3 00 3 OO 3 CO 3 00 3 00 3 no 3 fO s 00 3 CO 3 CO 3 00 3 00 43— Vol. IX.~6th Ser. 674 AirSCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. NATHAN PRICES COMPANY — Continued. Time >> Served. 6 B o £ < o >, ft >> PL. 41. Thomas Aiturs Private,. 42. James Kerr, j Private,. 43. Elihu Crane, ' Private,. 44. Isaac Davis, i Private,. 45. Benjamin Miller, ! Private,. 46. Salvanus Munson, 47. John Chandler. .. 4S. William Rozell, . 49. John Dixon 50. Caleb Windber, . Captn. Waiter, Lieutn. "Waiter, . Ensign Water, .. Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 OO 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OO 3 00 1215 36% Duly certified by NATHANIEL PRICE Captn. 4. PAY ROLL OP CAPTAIN NATHANIEL PRICES COM- PANY OP DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 1ST DAY AND ENDING 13TH OF NOVEMBER 1812 AL- LOWING 4 DAYS MARCH AT 15 MILES PR DAY AT- TACHED TO THE BATTALION COMMANDED BY MA- JOR JOHN ANDREWS. Names. I.Nathan Price [Captain, 2. Pierson Conklin j Ensign, 3. Faml. Winder 1 Sergent 4. Alexander Glance 2 Sergent 5. James Culbertson I 3 Sergent $40 00 13 20 00 13 8 00 13 , ..' S 00 13 8 00 13 $17 33 8 66 3 46 3 46 3 46 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 675 s: c -a o a g > a! S PL, < Sam'l Withrow, James Herriott, .. Sam.'l Holbs, John Work, Thomas Fleming, Richard Patch, ... Saml. Davis William Kennedy, Joseph Douglass, . William Compton, David Phillips, Joseph McMoullrio, Captain, . . . Lieutenant, Ensign, ... 1 Sergeant, 2 Sergeant, 3 Sergeant, 4 Sergeant, Corporal, ... Corporal, . . . Corporal, ... Corporal, . .. Pifer $40 00 30 00 20 OO S 00 S 00 8 00 8 00 7 00 7 OO 7 OO 7 OO 6 00 $25 331/3 19 00 20 66 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 3 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 677 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPT. SAM'L WITHROWS COMPANY — Continued. Charles Abby John. Carr Edward Primes James Hunter William Burnside, ... James White, Peter Bailor Geo. Hick, David Black Richard Dennis James Herriolt, Junr. David McFaden, Andrew Radley David Hammond, ... Michael Ryphe-r Henry Minium, John Humes James Humes, Sam'l Berlm George Smith, James Johnson, John Hemphill, John Findley William McWhite, Johnson McFadan, . Charles Thompson, . Rank. Drummer, . . 600 3 80 Private 5 OO 3 16% Private 5 00 3 16y3 Private 5 00 3 161/3 Private 500 3 16% Private 5 00 3 I6V3 Private 5 OO 3 16y3 Private 5 OO 3 I61/3 Private 5 00 3 161/3 Private 500 3 161/3 Private 5 OO 3 16% Private 5 OO 3 161/3 Private 5 00 3 I6V3 Private 5 OO 3 16y3 Private 5 00 3 16 1/3 Private, 5 00 3 16y3 Private 5 OO 3 16% Private 5 00 3 16% Private 5 00 3 16% Private 5 00 3 16% Private, 5 00 3 16% Private 5 OO 3 16% Private 5 00 3 16% Private, 5 00 3 16% Waiter 5 00 3 16% Waiter 5 OO 3 16% 1181 75% 678 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN FISHER'S COM- PANY COMPOSED OF VOLUNTEERS AND DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 25TH OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE 13TH OF OCTOBER A. D. 1812 INCLUSIVE ATTACHED TO THE 137TH REGT. P. MILITIA RALPH MARLIN LT. COL. COMMDNT. Time S€rved. John Fisher Captain, ... Joseph Williamson | Liieu,tent. , . . Saml. Moak, ! Sergeant, . Robert Wallace 2 Sergeant, Wm. Watson, i 3 Sergeant, Nathaniel McElevey ! 4 Sergeant, John Sanckey ! Private Burton Ricst I Private, Rlchd. Johrieston, Private Geo. Ashton I Private, William Reed 1 Private William Nelson Private, H. Martin j Private Wm. Sankey, Private John Mitchel Private Wm. Summerville, Private N. Riley i Private D. Williamson Private John Anderson i Private D. Young I Private The mas Mayberry Private Alexander Mayberry [ Private John Watt Private John Doran Private William Paucter, ' Private John McFarland Private,.... John McGranahan, Private John Rogers Private William Crawford, Private Jonathan Logs, | Private A. Gibson Private, James Murdock Private Jno. Hand Private Captains Waiter, Private, Lieuts. Waiter, Private $40 00 1 19 30 00 1 19 S CO 1 19 S 00 8 OO 8 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 OO 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 500 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 5 00 19 500 19 5 00 19 5 OO 20 5 00 20 5 00 20 5 00 20 5 00 18 5 00 15 5 00 1 5 00 19 5 00 19 $65 33% 49 00 13 06 13 06 13 06 13 06 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 S 13 S 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 8 13 S 13 8 13 8 29 S 29 8 29 8 29 7 90 7 40 5 10 8 10 S 10 399 25 Duly certified by J. FISHER Captn. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 679 COMMENCING THE 14TH OCTR. AND ENDING THE 2ND OF NOVEMBER 1812. Time c Served. >^ o Rank. s FM vj c o p. m +j ** >, o s 0, s W < John Fisher, Joseph Williamson, . Saml. Moah, William Watson Nathaniel McElevcy, James Murdock George Ashton Burton Rust, Richard Johnson, ... Wm. Reed Wm. Nelson, Henry Martin William Senkey, Thomas Mayberry, .. Alexander Mayberry, David Young, John Watt John Anderson, John Mitchel John Dixon, John Sonbey John McP^irlen, Wm. Summerville, .. Abner Gibson, Wm. Painter Nathan Riley, Wm Crawford Jno. Hamill, David Williamson, .. John Rodgers John McGrenahan, . Jonathan Lodge Captains Waiter, Lieutenant Waiter, Captain, ... $40 00 20 1 06 J Lieutenant, 30 00 20 06, 1 Sergeant, S 00 20 06 ! 2 Sergeant, S 00 20 06 3 Sergeant, 8 00 20 06; ■i Sergeant, 8 00 20 06! Corporal 7 00 20 06: Corporal, . . . 7 00 20 06i Private 5 OO 20 oej Private, 500 20 06 i Fhrivate 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 OO! Private 500 20 061 Private 5 00 20 06| Private 5 GO 20 061 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 500 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 5 00 20 06 Private 50O 20 061 Private, 5 00 20 06 ; Private 5 00 20 06, Private 5 00 20 061 Private 500 20 06 Private 500 20 4 Private 5 00 20 4 Private 5 00 20 4 Private 5 00 20 6 Private 5 00 20 6 $26 66% 20 00 20 00 5 23% 5 231/3 5 23% 4 66% 4 66% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 33% 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 33% 3 33% iU62 301/3 Duly certified. SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. For Captain Fisher & Waiter commencing 25 Aug. & ending 13th Octr. 1812. 1 mo. 19 days, 39 20 For Captain Commencing 14th Octr. and ending 2d. of November inclusive. 20 days, 16 00 55 20 680 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. For Lieut. WilMamson & Waiter 1 mo. 19 days commencing & ending as above 29 40 For Lieut. Williamson & Waiter 1 mo. 20 days commencing & ending as above, 20 12 49 52 104 72 4. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL MILLERS COMPANY OP MILITIA ATTATCHED TO THE 1ST BAT- TALION 17TH REGT. 16TH DIV. PENNA. MILITIA COM- MENCING THE 15TH DAY OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE 2ND OF SEPTEMBER 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. JAMES HALL, MAJOR COMMANDING. Time Served. Micliael Miller, .Tosliua Fennel, .. George Stright, .. David Garner, ... William Beans, .. James Davidson, David Looper, ... .John Brown James Robinson, Joshua Mattocks, Jacob Lindsey, .. John Miller, Sam'I Patterson, David Adams, ... James Birch Thomas Frome, . James Frome, Michael Froust, . Henry Blair David Davis Andrew Linn. ... Thomas McDowel Chancy Stanley, Amos Baird, James Jones, David Looper, William Mattocks James Davidson, Wm. Burney, Daniel Dunn Oliver Johnson, . Capfn $40 00 Lieut 30 00 Ensign 20 00 1 Sergt S CO 2 Sergt S 00 3 Sergt 4 Sergt Corporal 7 00 Corporal, 7 CO Corporal Drummer, . . 6 00 Fifer 600 5 00 Private Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 DO Private 5 00 Private, 5 00 Private 500 Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 s < $25 33% 19 00 12 66% 5 06% 5 06% 1 se% 1 S6% 4 43% 4 43% 4 431/3 3 SO 2 40 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 3 16% 2 00 3 16% 2 00 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 681 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL MILLERS COM- PANY— Continued. s: Time Served. ^ o a Rank. S Ph %j '^ c a V, ^ Oh o £ 22. John Stephens, 33. Jonathan Allen, 34. George Shallito, . 35. Alexander McTier c6. Moses Bisliop, ... [7. Thomas Patterson, 3S. William Hill, ... ;i9. George Foust, ... 40. David W. Smith, 41. Walter Denny, .. ■52. Wm. Siiodgrass, . 43. Elias Kets 44. Robert French, . 45. Samuel Moore, . . . 46. Samuel Rankin, 47. Joseph Muttoeks, 4S. James Hood, 49. Robert Power, ... 50. -vViltiam Clark. .. 11. Pet.r FouKl 52. John Mattocks, . Private 500 8 Private 5 00 7 Private 5 CO 8 Private, 5 00 S Private 5 00 S Private, 5 OO s Private 00 s Private 500 s Private 5 00 s Private 5 00 s Private 5 00 s Private 5 00 s Private 5 00 8 Private 5 00 S Private 5 00 8 Private 5 CO S Private cOO S Private 5 00 8 Private 5 00 8 I'rivatc 5 CO 8 Privatr- 5 00 s 1 33% 1 16% 1 33% 1 33Mi 1 33"^ 1 33% 1 SSVa 1 3Sy3 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 33% 1 3!% 1 33% U70 533,4 Duly certified. 682 MiaCELl^NEOUS PAPERS, RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN MILLERS COMPANY OP MILITIA ATTACHED TO THE 1ST BATTALION 135TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNA. MILITIA COMMENCING THE 3RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER AND ENDING THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. AN- DREW CHRISTY LT. COL. COMMANDING. Duly certified. Time Served. >> s: o o "s y Q < 1. Michael Miller, .. 2. Joshua Pennel, .. 3. George Stright, . 4. David Garner, 5. Wm Beans 6. James Davidson, 7. David Looper, . . S. John Brown, 9. James Robinson, 10. Mcses Bishop, ... 11. .fosliua Mattocks, j2. Jacob Lindsey, .. 13. Joshua Mattocks, 14. Samuel Patterr;on, 13. David Adams, 16. James Burch, .. . 17. Thomas Frame, 18. James Frame. ... 19. Michael Foust, .. 20. Henry Blair, 21. David Davis, ... 22. Andrew Lynn, .. 23. Thomas McDowl, 24. Chancy Stanly, .. 23. Amos Baird, "C,. James Jones, 27. David Looper. 25. Wm. Mattocks, . 29. James Davidson, 30. William Burney. 31. Daniel Dunn, 32. Oliver Johnson, . 33. Jchn Stephens-, .. 34. George Shallito, 35. Alexr. McFeer. .. 36. Thomas Patterson S7. Wm. Hill George Foust, ... David W. Smith, Walter Denny, ... Captain $40 00 1 22 Bieutenant, 30 OO 22 Ensign 20 OO 22 Sergeant, . . S 00 22 2 Sergeant, S OO 22 3 Sergeant, 8 00 22 4 Sc-rgeant, 8 00 22 Corporal 7 00 22 Corporal 70O 22 Corporal. 7 00 22 Corpoi^al 7 00 22 Drummer, . . 6 OO 13 Fifer 6 00 5 00 22 22 Private Private 500 1 Private, 500 22 Private 5 00 22 Private, 5 00 22 Private 5 00 22 Private 5 OO 1 22 Private 5 00 22 Private, 5 OO 22 Private 5 00 22 Pi'ivate 5 OO 22 Private, 5 00 22 Private, 5 OO 22 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 20 Private 5 OO Private 5 00 22 Private 500 22 Private 5 00 22 1 Private 5 OO 22 Private 5 00 22 Private 500 22 Private 5 00 22 Private 5 00 22 Private 5 00 22 Private, 5 00 22 Private 5 00 29 169 33% 52 00 34 66% 13 86% 13 86% 13 86% 13 86% 12 13% 12 13% 12 13% 12 13% 2 60 10 40 8 66% 16% 8 66?^ 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% S 66% S 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% S 66% 8 66% S 66% S 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 1 50% EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 683 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN MILLERS COMPANY— Con- tinued. Time Served. >. K^ ta Names. Rank. r^ >-. o t-> c c ^ cS B S § M < William Snodgrass Elias Belts, Robert French, ... Samuel Moor Samuel Rankin, .. James Hood, Robert Power, Wm. Clark Peter Foust John Mattocks, James Melntire, .. Jacob Lindsey, ... Duly certified. Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, I^ivate, Private, Private, 5 CO 29 5 CO 29 5 00 29 5 00 2,3 5 00 1 29 5 00 1 22 5 CO 1 11 5 CO 1 22 5O0 6 5 00 1 22 5 00 1 22 5 00 1 9 1 50% S 6«% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% S 66% 1 50% S 66% 1 00 8 66% S 66% 6 50 {561 SS'/a 684 MISCEJ.LANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL MILLERS COM- PANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA ATTACHED TO 1ST BAT- TALION 17TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNA. MILITIA COMMENCING THE 25TH OF OCT. AND ENDING THE 31ST OP THE SAME MONTH 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUD- ED. INCLUDING ALLOWANCE OF 1 DAY FOR EVERY 15 MILES RETURNING HOME. ANDREW CHRISTY LT. • COL. COMMANDING. Time Served. Michael Miller, . . Moses Bishop Joseph Mattocks, Wm. Buniie, .... John Loper, Oliver Johnson, John Stephens, George Shellito, .. Alexander McTeer, Thomas Patterson, Joseph Ware George Foust David W. Smith, John Gray, Ellas Iletts, Robert French, h-amuel Moor, Abner Jackson, .. James Hood Wiiliani Clark, .. John Matt'cks, ... Captain, Surgt., . Fifer, ... Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, $40 00 7 8 OO 7 6 00 7 5 00 1 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 OO 7 5 OO 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 $9 33% 1 76% 1 40 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 1 16% 133 50 Duly certified. SUBSISTANCE ACCOUNTS, For 1 Captain and Waiter attached commencing 3d. Sept. and ending 31st of October 1812. 59 days 47 20 For 1 Lieut. & Waiter for samie time, 31 20 For 1 ensign & Waiter for same time, 31 20 109 60 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 685 of Which the Capt. rec'd in cash, $22 00 of which the Lieut, rec'd in cash, 13 20 of which Ensign rec'd in cash 13 20 48 40 And the remainder in Rations. 5. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN GILLILANDS COMPANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 25TH DAY OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER A. D. 1812 INCLUSIVE ATTACHED TO THE 137TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION P. MILITIA RALPH MARLIN LT. COL. COMMANDANT. Time Served. P-i Si a >> E g Q > a p. Names. o s: s: B o o S rge McCord. | Private,. Henrv Bayls Private,. John Wilkinson Private,. David AVilty, Private,. Paul Warner, Private,. .John Barnpson. Private,. Andrew .Scoven, Private,. James Duff | Private,. William Havin Private,. Janus Clark Private,. Jfhn Johnston i Private,. William Clingan Private,. Samuel Carrel Priyate,. Jamts Reed Private,. Nathan Stanly. : Private,. George Amnion Private,. Robert Gormley Private,. James Pettit Private,. Samuel Forster Private,. Richard Gray Private,. Jimes Rrown I Private,. John Dock Private,. Amos Hacon Private.. David Boyls William P.ud. William McGrnnahan. Wi liam Arm Id. .... William Simontnn. John Thomas Private Waiter Private Waitrr. Private Waiter. Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private. . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . 5 00 20 5 00 20 5 00 18 500 18 5 00 IS 5 OO IS 5 00 IS 5 00 20 500 IS 5 00 20 5 00 20 5 00 20 500 20 5 00 20 5 OO 20 5 00 IG 5 00 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 1 500 16 5 00 16 1 50O 16 5 00 16 500 16 5 00 16 500 10 5 00 12 5 00 20 5 00 18 500 5 00 20 3 00 20 3 00 20 8 33% 8 33% 8 OO 8 OO 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 S 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 7 66V4 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 7 66% 666 7 00 8 33% 8 00 500 8 33% 8 33% 8 33% Duly Certified $672.52. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 687 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. JOHN GILLILANDS COMPANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE. BY OR- DER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 14TH DAY OF OCT. AND ENDING THE 1ST DAY OF NOVR. 1812 INCLUDING 5 DAYS IN THE RETURN HOME. AT- TACHED TO 135TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNA. MI- LITIA ANDREW CHRISTY LT. COL. COMMANDING. >> "O Ph OS a Names. Rank. p. o m c o H E ^ H » cd >> Ph 03 Names. Rank. o >. r^ c s o S . ;-! a rt ^ CU Rank. >, s c m o ri' B S s Q < 1. Daniel McComb 2. William Thompson S.Thomas Plat 4. Peter Wilson 5. Andrew Allison, 6. Nicholas Keily T.John Dunnwoocly, S.John McFadden 9. Abraham Vansickel 10. Robert Scott U. James Brown "2. James Alexander 13. John G«ather, 14. John Kelly 15. John Mellin 16. William McMasters, 17. William Cousans, 18. John McCurdy 19. John Mason 20. John McFate 21. John Carter 22. Samuel Proper 23. Henry Prather 24. James Irwin, 25. James Hamilton, 26. Burnabas Griffey, 27. Isaac Walls, 28. William Tuttle, 44— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser Captain $40 00 Lieutenant, 30 00 Ensign 20 CO 1 Sergeant, S 00 2 Sergeant, S 00 3 Sergeant, S 00 4 Sergeant, 8 00 Corpl. 7 OO Corpl. 7 00 Corpl 7 00 Drummer, .. 6 00 Private, 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, 5 CO' Private 5 CO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Priv.ite 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 CO Private .'■. 00 Private .5 CO Private n no $66 66 CO 00 26 00 13 33 13 33 13 33 13 33 11 G6 11 C6 11 66 10 OO S 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 S 33 8 33 8 33 S 33 S 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 b'90 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. DANIEL McCOMBS COMPANY — Continued. "U'illiam Kerrans, Private,. Jacob Wiensell I Private,. John Hues I Private,. .Tames Piatt Private,. Thomas Morsaii, Private,. Jacob Switzer, Private,. Benjamin Keiffer Private,. Grislivis Shaw Private,. John Strawbudy, Private,. Jacob Keper, Private,. John Sweitzer, Private,. John Bell, Private,. Marcus Huling Private,. Thomas Martin Private,. Alexander Siggin Private,. Archibald McSharran Private,. William Davidson Private,. Philip Serenack Private,. Ernest Baker Private,. James Craig, Private,. John Aikins, Private,. Jesse Dolty, Private,. John Culbert.son Private,. John Riddle Private,. Jame.s Graham, Private,. John Huffman, Private,. James Hughes Private,. Thomas Barron Private,. Joseph T^ayton Private,. Robert Thompson Private,. Thomas Anderson, Private,. John McGee Private,. James Allender Private,. Joseph McCassland Private,. John Akison Private,. Christian Sutley Private,. Daniel Floming Private,. William McCall i Private,. Captains Waiter j Private, Lieutenants Walter Private,. Time Served. tii OJ >> o a s Q 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 5 00 1 1 5 00 5 OO 5 00 500 1 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 5 OO 500 1 5 00 1 5 OO 1 ' 5 00 1 5 00 1 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 1 5 00 1 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 j 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 OO 20 S 33 20 S 33 20 8 33 20 S 33 20 S 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 2t> 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 ao 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 833 ao 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 S 33 20 8 33 20 S 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 S 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 20 8 33 712 44 Certified by the captain. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 691 PFCEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. DANIEL McCOMBS COM- PANY OF A DETACHMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA MILT- T^A IN ACTUAL SERVICE UNDER COMMAND OF BRIG- ImER GENEKAL JOHN KELSO AT ERIE. HEAD- QUARTF?RS OF THE 1ST BRIGADE 16TH DIVISION AN- DREW CHRISTY OF 135TH REGT. LIEUT. COL. COM- SInDING COMMENCiNG THE 14TH OF OCTR. AND ENdInG THE 30TH OF THE SAME 1812. BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. 1. Daniel McComb 2. William Thompson, 3. Peter Wilson, 4. Andrew Allison, .... 5. Nicholas Keely, ..■• 6. John Dunnwoody, .. 7. John McFadcien, ... 8. Abraham Vansickel, 9. Robert Scott, 10. James Brown, 11. James Alexander, .. 12. John Geathers, .... 13. John Kelly, 14. John Millin, 15. William McMasters, 16. William Cousins, .. 17. John McCurdy, ..■■ IS. John Mason, 19. John McFate, 20. John Carter, < 21. Samuel Proper, .... 22. Henry Prather, ... 23. James Erwin, 2A. James Hammilton, 25. John Strawbridge, 26. Isaac Walls, 27. Barnabas Graffey, 28. William Tuttle, . 29. William Kerns, .. 30. Jacob Wentzel, .. 31. John Huves, 32. Thomas Morgan, . 33. Jacob Sweitzer, .. 34. Jacob Keeper, .... 35. Benjamin Keeper, 36. John Sweitzer, ... 37. Gustavus Shaw, .. 38. John Bell S9. Thomas Martin, .. Captain, ....| $10 00 I.ieut 30 00 CO 8 OO j 8 00 5 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 OO '5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 Private I 5 00 1 Sergeant, 2 Sergeant, 3 Sergeant, i S-ergeant, Corporal, ... Corporal, ... Corporal, . .. Drummer. . Private, — Private Private, . . . Private, .. - Private, ... Private, .. . Private, ... Private, . . . Private, .. - Private, . . . Private, ... Private, . . . Private, Private, . Private. . Private, . Private, . Private,. Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private. 00 .-) 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 O-) 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 CO 5 00 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 $22 66 17 CO 4 53% 4 53% 4 53% 4 53% 3 97 3 97 3 97 3 40% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83y4 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 S3% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 83% 2 S3% 592 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. DANIEL McCOOMBS COM- PANY — Continued. Time Served. ^ Rank. Cl, Names. o Si m ^J c o 6 § S 1 Q , >> CS Names. Rank. Ph fe J3 O in o c3 S ^ ^ a < William Smith Peter Lake Thomas Davidson, Henry Taylor David Boj'd David Philips James Doncan Solon Benedick, ... John Moorhead Thomas Green George Melich William Ellison, .., Sam'l King Charles Colt Robert Pollock Benjamin Cotterell, Nathaniel Colt, Thomas Block, .John Hord Sani'l Dundass, ... Alexander McElroy Henry Clark George Isherwood, . James Oliver •Tames Hamilton, . Wlllm. Frampton, Captain, .. Lieut Ensign, .. 1 Sergeant 2 Sergeant 3 Sergeant i Sergeant Corporal, . . Corporal, .. Corporal, .. Corporal. .. Drummer, Private, . . , Private, .. Private, . . Private, . . Private, . .. Private, . . Private, . . Private, .. Private. .. Private, .. Private, . . Private, . ., Private, . . Private, . . $40 00 17 30 OO le 20 00 ic 8 00 16 8 00 16 8 00 16 8 00 16 7 00 16 7 00 16 7 00 16 7 OO 16 6 00 16 5 00 16 5 OO 161 5 OO 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 500 16 5 OO 16 5 00 16 5 00 16 5 OO 16 5 00 16 5 00 IG 5 00 16 5 00 16 $22. 66% 16 OO 10 66% 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 3 73 3 73 3 73 3 73 3 20 2 66% 2 96% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 6t>% 2 66% a 66% 2 66% 2 66% 694 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SMITHS COM- PANY— Continued. Time Served. James Ross, James McKay, ... Israel Miller, Kobert Culbertson, Henry Stroman, .. Solomon Snell, Kobert Lattimore, Thos. King John Campbell, .. John Dearmond, Armon Martin, .. Thomas Crawford, Thomas Beard, ... William Beatty, Arthur Taylor, .., Lanson Wilkinson, Jared Benedick, . Willi Gustard, ... Lemuel Brown, ., George Moorhead, Robert Jacks, Wiram Newton, . James Silamon, .. Harry Newton, .. James Donaldson. Robert Carnihon, William Wilson, , Charles Ljndes, Joseph Berry, Jo.iathan W^eber, William Smith, .. Henry Lumis, ... Sirus Robinson, Jacob Hock, — Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . .. Private, . . . Private, Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, .. . Drum Mgt Private. ... Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, .. . Private, .. . Private, ... Private, Private, . . . Private, .. . Private, . . . Private, . .. Private Private, I^rivat", . . . Private Private, . . . Private, .. Private, . . . Private Private, ... Private Private, .. Privat'- 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 a OO 5 OO 5 CO 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 CO 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 00 5 00 00 5 00 .5 00 5 00 3 CO 5 00 5 OO 5 00 3 CO 5 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 16 2 66% le 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 266% 16 2 662'3 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 6G% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 ee% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 266% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 16 2 66% 1211 62'/i Duly Certified in Pay roll. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 695 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SMITHS COM- PANY IN THE 1ST BATTALION 135TH REGT. PENNSYL- VANIA MILITIA CAPT. ANDREW CHRISTY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDING COMMENCING THE 3RD DAY OF SEP- TEMBER & ENDING THE 22D OCTR. 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Time Served. wimam smith ^T:::.T^Z Peter Lake, , „ .Jl I 20 00 s 00 S CO S 00 8 00 7 00 Lake, Thomas Davision, Ensign, . Henry Taylor, ..• Sergeant. Solomon Snell Sergeant. James Duncan ; Sergeant David Phillips. I Sergeant, Solon Benedick, Corpora,. John Moorhead Corpora,. Thomas Green i Corpora., Geo. Mulich Corporal, William Ellison, Drummer Sam'l King Private,. Charle.5 Cott l-nvate,. Robert Pollock Private,. Benjamin Cotterel •' Private.. Nathaniel Catt Priv.ite.. Thomas Black Priv.ate, . John Herd, Private,. Saml. Dundass Private,. Alexander McBlrcy Private,. Henry Clark, ' Private,. George Ishewood, Private,. William Findley Private .lames Oliver, James Hamilton, Private, William Frampton !^'"1^'^*'^ James Ross, .. McKay, Israel Miller Private, . Private, . Private, . Robert Culbertson , Private,. Henrv Stromon Private,. David Boyd I Private,. Robert Lattimore ; Private, Thomas King, Private. . John Campbell Private,. John Dearmond j Private, Thomas Crawford, 1 Private. Thomas Beard. [ Private, William Be.atty I Private, Matthew Tayton, 1 Private. Lanson Wilkeson j Private. Jerred Benedick, 1 Private, William Custard 1 Private, 7 00 7 00 ; 6 00 I 5 00 \ 5 00 1 5 00 j 5 00 5 00 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 ; 3 00 I 5 00 1 Private j 5 00 1 5 00 5 00 5 00 I 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 I 5 00 &00 5 00 ! 5 00 5 00 j 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 I $66 66% 19 j 49 00 19 52 66% . . . 8 00 19 I 13 06 13 06 19 I 13 06 19 j 11 37 19 11 37 19 1 11 37 19 1 11 37 S 73 19 19 19 19; 19 1!1 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 I 19 I 19 I 19 19 19] 19 i 19} 19 19 20 19 5 3 19 19 19 19 19 i ^^ 19 8 16% S 16% 8 16% S 16% S 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% S 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% S 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% S 16% 8 16% 10 00 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 696 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM SMITHS COM- PANY — Continued. Time ■ Served. o "s < Names. Rank. c o Mos. Days. George Moorhead, Robert Jacks, ... Lemuel Brown, . Wirum Newton, James Sillaman, Harry Newton, .. James Donaldson, Robert Carnihon, William Wilson, Charles Lynds, .. Joseph Berry, ... Jonathan Weber, Wm. Smith Henry Lumis, ... Sirus Robeson, .. Jacob Hock, Private 5 00 19 Private, 5 00 19 Private 5 CO 19 Private, 5 CO 19 Private 5 00 19 Private 5 00 19 Private 5 00 19 Private 5 00 19 Private, 5 00 19 Private 5 00 19 Private, 5 OO 19 Private 5 00 19 Private, 5 00 19 I'rivate, 5 00 19 Private, 3 00 19 Private 5 00 19 S 16% S 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% S 16% 8 16% 8 1S% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 8 16% 1628 05 SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. For Captn. Smith & Walter for 17 days as pr. Receipt roll first, 13 60 For Captn. Smith & Waiter 1 mo. & 29 days com- mencing & ending pr. Rec't. role second, .... 39 20 For Ensign Davison & Waiter 17 days as above, 9 60 For Ensign Davison «S; Waiter 1 month 19 days as above 28 SO 52 80 38 40 of which the Captn. lec'd in rations, ... 30 00 of which the Ensign rec'd in rations, . . 20 00 91 20 50 Certified. 41 20 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 697 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. THOMAS FORSTERS COM- PANY ERIE LIGHT INFANTRY ATTACHED TO THE 17TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA NOW DOING DUTY AT ERIE LIEUT. COL. JOHN C. WAL- LACE COMMANDING COMMENCING THE 30TH DAY OF JULY & ENDING THE; 29TH JULY INCLUSIVE 1812. Time Served. >i o C3 rf Q Thomas Forster, Captain, ... Robert Irwin, Lieutenant, Thomas Rees Ensign, ... Thomas Willtins, Sergeant, . Thomas Stewart, Sergeant, . Robert Brown, Sergeant, . Geo. S. Russel Sei-geant, . James E. Heron, Corporal,... Enoch Mawin Corporal,... Peter Grawotz Corporal, . . . William Duncan, Corporal,... Rufus Clough, Fifer Ira Glazier Drummer, . Adam Arbackle Private Joseph Aikins, Private, John Bell, i Private, Isaac Buckingham Private Simeon Dunn Private, Ebenezer Dwinkle I Private Griffith Hinton Private Thomas Hinton I Private Joseph Glazier | Private George Kelly, ' Private Thomas Lain Private John E. Lapsley, Private Robert Murray, ' Private Francis Scott ' Private, John Teel, Private James Wilson Private, James B. Wilson Private Stephen 'Uashington, Private George Stough Private Benjamin Aikins Private $40 00 30 00 20 OO S 00 S CO S 00 S OO 7 00 7 00 7 00 ■, 7 00 6 00 6 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 5 00 5 5 00 5 5 OO 5 5 00 5 5 CO 5 5 00 6 $40 00 30 00 20 00 8 CO S 00 8 00 8 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 G CO 6 00 a 00 s no 5 00 5 OO 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 3 49 :. CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 CO 5 00 500 5 00 1 S3 1 S3 $246 32 Certified in pay roll. 698 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS FORSTERS COM- PANY ERIE LIGHT INFANTRY ATTACHED TO THE 17TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA NOW DOING DUTY AT ERIE. JAMES HALL MAJOR COMMANDING COMENCING THE 30TH JULY & ENDING 7TH SEPTR. 1812 INCLUSIVE. Time Served. ^ Rank. 0, tM Names. ^ >. J= 10 3 a to c B S g a < Thomas Forster, ; Captain, ... Robert Irwin. 1 Lieutenant, Thomas Rees, I Ensign, ... Thomas "U ilkins Sergeant, . Thomas Stewart Sergeant, . Robert Brown Sergeant, . George S. Russel Sergeant, . James fi. Aerron Corporal Enoch Maurin, I Corporal,... Peter Grawotz ' Corporal,... AVillianr. Duncan, Corpoi-al, ... Rul'us Clough P'ifer Ira Glacier. Drummer, . Robert Irwin Drummer. . Adam Arbuckle Private Joseph Akins Private Benjamin Akins Private John Bell Private Isaac Buckingham, Private Simeon Dunn, Private Jonsis Duncan Private Ebenezer Dwii.kle Private Griffith Hintor Private Thomas Hinton j Private Joseph Glazier | Private George Kelly ' Private Thomas Laird Private John E Lapsley | Private Robert Murray ' Private George Strough, Private John Teel ' Private, James Wilson, F*rivate James B. Wilson Private Stephen Woolverton Private Leaton Dick Private $40 00 1 s 30 00 8 20 00 8 S 00 8 800 8 S 00 8 8 00 8 7 00 8 7 00 8 7 00 8 7 00 8 C 00 8 6 00 8 6 00 s 5 00 8 5 00 8 5 00 S 5 00 8 5 00 8 5 00 8 1 a 00 8 5 00 8 5 00 S 5 00 8 5 00 S 5 00 8 5 00 8 5 00 S ■ 5 OO 8 1 5 OO 8 500 8 5 00 8 5 OO 8 5 00 8 5 OO 8 $50 66% 38 00 25 33% 10 13% 10 13% 10 13% 10 13% 8 86 S 86% 8 S6% 7 60 7 60 1 00 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% e 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% 6 33% G 33% EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. 699 For Thomas Rees, Ensign lor 30 days oommencing & ending as pr. Rect. roLe first, $12 00 For Tliomas Rees, Ensign for 37 days commencing & ending as pr. role above 16 00 28 00 ROLL & MUSTER OF CAPTAIN DAVID ROBINSON'S COM- PANY VOLUNTEER Rlf I EMEN ATTACHED TO THE 135TH REGT. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA ANDREW CHRISTY LT. COL. COMMANDING COMMENCING THE I2TH AND ENDING THE 31ST OF OCTOBER 1812. Captain. David Robinson. Lieutenant. Hugh Jameson. Ensign. Isaac Taylor. Sergeant. William McMiJlon. William Hamilton. Thomas Love. Henry Brandon. James McDowell. James Stephenson. Thomas Miles. Corporal. James Foster. Andrew Clark. Musician. Wi' Holliday. Robert Glen. James McCammon. John McCammon. Privates. Padcn Craig. Jacob Rose. roo MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Samuel White. John McKee. Robert Moore. Samuel Wallace. Thomas McKee McMillin. John Bradou. Isaac Rose. John Walolford. Clement Pesron. William Dougherty. John S. Barber. Smith Neel. James George. William Smith. Jacob Rose. Samuel Hagon. Isa.-^iC Davison. William Campbell. James Campbell. Alexander Anderson. Matthew McDowell. Robert McDowell. William Forster. George Duccanon. William Edwin. Thomas McCoy. Samuel Glen. William Cunningham. James Rose. John Green. Hugh McKee. Receipt roll for the above wanted. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID ROBINSONS COM- PANY OF RIFLEMEN VOLUNTEERS NOW DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR BEING A PART OF A DETACHMENT COMMANDED BY MAJOR JOHN ANDREWS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIGA- DIER GENERAL JOHN KELSO COMMENCING THE 1ST DAY OF NOVR. AND ENDING THE 21ST DAY OF THE SAME 1812. BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. Time Served. tx c« >1 Xi a tn* >. c o d g % Q 1. David Robinson, .. 2. Hugh Jameson, ... 3. Isaac Taylor 4. WiUiam McMillon, 5. W'iUiam Hamilton, 6. James Stevenson, 7. Thomas Miles, ... S. Thomas IjOvo, 9. H( my Hrandon, .. to. James Foster 11. Andrew Clark, ... Captain, .. Lieutenant Ensign, .. Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, .. Corp.iral. . . Corporal, .. Corporal, . . $40 00 30 00 20 00 8 00 S 00 8 00 8 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 $2S 00 21 00 UOO 5 60 5 60 5 eo 6 eo 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 701 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID ROBINSONS COM- PANY — Continued. Musician, Musician, Pi-ivate, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, 12. James McDowell 13. William Holladay 14. Robert Glen 15. James McCammon 16. John McCammon, 17. Paden Craig, IS. Jacob Rose, ! Private, 19. Samuel White I Private, 20. John McKee ' Private, 21. Robert Moore 22. Samuel Wallace, 23. Thomas McMillon, 24. John Braden 25. Isaac Rose 26. John Wolford 27. Clement Person, 1 Private, . 28. William Daugherty, ! Private, 29 John S. Barber, , Private, SO. Smith Neel , Private, 31. James George Private, 32. John McMillon Private, 33. William Smith, 1 Private, 34. Jacob Rose j Private, 35. Samuel Hagan | Private, 36. Isaac Davison ■ Private, 37. William Campbell 3S. James Campbell , 39. Alexander Anderson, 40. Matthew McDowell, Private,. 41. Robert McDowell , Private,. 42. William Foster ' Private,. 43. George Buccannon i Private,, 44. William Erwin, ! Private, 45. Thomas McCoy I Private. 46. Samuel Glen I Private, , 47. William Cunningham ' Private, 4S. James Rose I Private, 49. John Green I Private, 50. Hugh McKee. Private, Private, . Private, . Private, . Time Served. 6 00 6 00 & 00 6 CO 6 00 G 00 G DO C 00 6 00 6 CO 00 6 00 6 OO 6 00 I 6 00 6 00 G 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 G 00 G 00 6 00 G 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 6 00 6 OO 600 6 00 6 OO 6 00 6 CO 6 00 6 00 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ai 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 4 20 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 S 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 5a 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 $238 70 Duly cei'tified. 702 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID ROBINSONS COM- PANY OF RIFLEMEN VOLUNTEERS NOW DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR BEING PART OF A DETACHMENT COMMANDING BY CAPTN. DAVID ROBINSON UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO COMMENCING THE 22ND DAY OF NOVEMBER AND ENDING THE 5TH DAY OF DECEM- BER BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE ALSO 6 DAYS FOR RE- TURNING HOME 90 MILES. Time Served. - >> a Names. Rank. a (1| >. <4-) J3 a b ^ * E S s <; David Robinson, . . Hugn Jumeson Ifiaac Taylor \Vm. Smith, William Hamilton, James Stephenson, . Thomas Milss, Thomas L';ve Henry Brandon .lames Foster i^ndrew Clark James M'jDowell, .. AVilliam HllPtlay, . Robert Glen James McCammo'.i, John McCnmmon, Poilen Craig Jac( b Ropse Samuel White John McKee Robert Moore Samuel Wallace, Thomas MeMillon, . John Braden Isaac Hose John V/olVord Clement Person, ... John S. Barber Smith Neel James George .Tohn McMillin, Jacob Rose B., Samuel Hngan Isaac Davison, William Campbell, James Campbell, .. Alexander Anderson, Matthew McDowell, Captain, ... Lieutenant, Ensign, . . . Serjeant, . Sergeant, . Sergeant, . Sergeant. . Corporal, ... Corporal,. .. (Jorporal, ... Corporal. ... Musician, . Musician, . Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private, Pri^•ate Private Private, ■ .. . Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private $40 00 30 00 20 0« S CO 8 00 S 00 5 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 6 00 6 00 5 OO 00 5 00 I 5 00 \ 5 00 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 S 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 $1S66% 14 00 9 33 V& 3 731/3 3 73% 3 73% 3 73% 3 26% 3 26% 3 26% 3 26% 2 80 2 80 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 233% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 233% 2 3S% 2 33% 2 83% 8 23% EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 703 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID ROBINSONS COM- PANY— Continued. Robert McDowell, .. William Foster George Buchanon, .. AVilliam Ewin, Thomas McCuy, Snmuel Glen, James Rose John tJreen William Cunningham Hugh McKee William Dougherty, Time Served. a >. 1^ • >> c o o >> ctf Q o Private 5 00 14 Private, 5 00 14 Private 5 CO 14 Private 5 00 14 Priv.ite 5 00 14 Private, 5 Ofl 14 Private 5 CO 14 Private 5 OO 14 Private 5 OO 13 Private, 5 OO 14 Pri\ate 5 00 14 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% 2 33% ;i62 05% SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. 1. For Captain Robinson 18 days commencing the 14th and ending the 31st Octr. 1812 included, $10 80 2. For Captain Robinson com. 1st & ending 31st November inclusive 10 20 3. For Captain Robinson 13 days commjencing November 22nd & ending the 5th Deer. 1812 inclusive, 7 80 For Lieutenant Jamison 18 days com- mencing & ending as above, 7 20 For Lieutenant Jamison 17 days com- mencing & ending as above 2d, 6 SO For Lieutenant Jamison 10 days com- mencing & ending as above No. 3, 4 00 For Ensign Taylor 18 days as above, 7 20 For Ensign Taylor 17 days as above 6 80 For Ensign Taylor 10 days as above, 4 00 28 80 18 00 18 00 64 80 704 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARREN FOOT'S COMPANY OF MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO JOHN C. WALLACE LIEUT. COL. COMMANDING COMMENCING THE 1ST AND ENDING THE 7TH DAY OF JULY BOTH INCLU- SIVE IN THE YEAR 1812. Names. 1. Warren Foot, John Zuck Hamlin Russel, Captain, Ensign, , Sergeant, Jacob Norcross ! Sergeant, David McCreary, Andrew Caughey Wm. Heny Jesse Farble Spencer Shattuck, ... Joseph Arbuckle, — John Brooks, David Burton, John Call, James Dumars John Evai.s Calvin Foot, John Grubb John Henry, Christian Kreeter, ... Jas. Dove, Jacob Lyons Patrick McKee, Joseph F. McCreary, Thomas McGlauchlin, Hugh McElroy John Mallock, George Nicholson, Gotlip Nyman John B'ecin Geo. Reed. Robert Noney Wilson Smith, George Stough, John Stough, Abraham Waggoner, Samuel French John Ryan Andrew Martin, Saml. Conrad, Robert Heny James Forstcr John Caughey, ,,.,., Sergeant, . Sergeant, . Corporal, ... Corporal, . .. Corporal, . . . Corporal, ... Private, Private Private Private Private Private, Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private, Private John Norcross I Private, Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . ^0 00 20 00 S 00 s oo S 00 S CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 7 5 OO 5 00 5 OO 5 00 3 5 00 3 5 OO 5 500 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 OO 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 CO 7 5 00 7 5 OO 7 5 00 7 5 00 4 5 00 7 5 00 7 5 00 7 B OO 7 6 00 7 $9 33 4 66 1 S6 1 86 1 86 1 86 93 1 63 1 63 1 63 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 50 50 83 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 I 16 1 lb 1 16 1 16 66 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 116 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 705 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARREN FOOT'S COM- PANY— Continued. >t -* Dh c-< s: w . 4_, c "^ u] 3 O o c ^ S < John Caldwell, .. James Duman, Solomon Riblet, . Joseph Arbuckle, John Gardner, Andrew Norcross, Benjamin CoUum, John Dunlap, . . . Captain Waiters, Private 14 14 I'J 12 19 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 2 33 2 33 5 16 2 00 3 16 $98 95 Duly Certified by the Captn. Kij:CEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARREN FOOTS COMPANY OF VOLUNTEERS MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR BEING PART OF A DE- TACHMENT COMMANDED BY CAPTAIN DAVID ROB- INSON UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIG. GENL. JOHN KELSO, COMMENCING THE 22ND & ENDING THE 29TH OP NOVEMBER 1812 INCLUSIVE. Time Served. >, o Names. Rank. S PM [_; o P. m 4^ >» § & B Pn ?. fl < Warren Foot, Jacob Norcross, . George Nicholson, James Campbell, John Porster, ... John Zimmerman Oliver Dunn John Patterson, . John Nelson, Captain $40 00 8 Sergeant, .. 8 00 8 Sergeant, .. 8 00 S Corporal 7 00 8 Private 5 OO 8 Private 5 00 8 Private 5 00 8 Private, 5 OO - 8 Private 6 00 S $10 66 2 13 2 13 1 86 133% 1 33V4 133% 1 33V4 1 33V4 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 707 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN WARREN FOOT'S COM- PANY— Continued. -,..-] :1 is. ■ Time Served. >> >» Rank. Q^ Names. A o o l>> B S S Q < John McCann, .. Peter Lungan, .. Andrew Martin, . James Foster, John CaldweH, ... James Dumars, . Solomon Riblet, James Arbucklf, John Gardner, . . Andrew Norcross, Benjamin CoUum, John Dunlap, ... Captain "Walter, . Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 OO 5 OO 5 00 5 00 331/3 331/3 331/3 331/3 33% 331/3 331/3 33% 331/3 33% S3% 33% 33% J40 78 Duly Certified by the Captn. SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. For Captain Warren Foot 17 days com- mencing the 1st & ending the 7th of July 1812 inclusive, 3 For Captain Warren Foot 19 days com- mencing the 3d ending the 21st Novem- ber 1812 incusive, 11 40 For Captain Warren Foot 6 days com- mencing the 22nd and ending the 29th Nov. 1812 both days inclusive, 3 60 For Ensign Puck 7 days commenicing the ending as above (1), 2 18 00 20 708 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 11. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. JAMES DENNISTON COMPANY IN THE 135TH REGIMENT 16TH DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA ANDREW CHRISTY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT COMMENCING THE 30TH DAY OF AUGT. AND ENDING THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEM- BER BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE, COUNTING 2 DAYS BE- FORE MARCHING AND ALLOWING 6 TO GO HOME AT THE RATE 15 MILES PR. DAY Time Served. >. 03 rt Rank. Ch CL| Names. >. -.-1 o o >. 6 s S Q < 1. James Denniston, 2. Jesse Kilgore 3. Samuel Thompson, 4. John Forrest 5. John Thompson, .. 6. Jonathan Lace, 7. John MeDall 8. Forrester Brown, . 9. Stephen McKinley, 10. John Dilly 11. James Brush 12. James Thorn, 13. George Knox 14. ■William Denniston 15. Hugh Hagins, 16. Alexander Blair, .. 17. William Givener, . IS. Richard Lynch, . . . 19. Benjamin Woods, . 20. James Barns, 21. David Mickles, ... 22. John Grace 23. William Nown, ... 24. Amos Ball 25. William Westlick, 26. John Ford 27. Joseph Swim 2S. Andrew Davison, . 29. David Garner, 30. John Robson 31. Samuel Clark 32. Richard Davis 33. Job Crozod 34. Joseph Street 35. Joseph Osborn 36. David Kilgore 37. Thomas Nelson, ... 38. John Gawin 39. Joshua Buckmaster, 40. John L. Street Captain, .. Lieutenant Ensign, .. Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, .. Corporal, . . Corporal, . . Corporal, . . Private, . . . Private, . .. Private, . .. Private, . . . Private, .. . Private, . .. Private, ... Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, ... Private, ... Private, . .. Private, .. . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, . . . Private, ... Private,... Private, ... Private,... $40 00 2 9 30 00 2 9 20 00 2 9 S 00 2 9 8 00 2 9 S CO 2 9 S CO 2 9 7 OO 2 9 7 OO 2 9 7 00 1 21 7 00 2 09 5 OO 2 09 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 OO 2 9 . 5 CO 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 OO 2 9 5 00 2 9 500 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 CO 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 00 2 9 5 OO 2 9 192 00 69 00 46 00 IS 40 IS 40 15 40 18 40 16 10 16 10 11 89 16 10 1150 1150 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 U 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 12 96% U 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 709 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. JAMES DENNISTON COM- PANY— Continued. Names. Time Served. « >. S Q 41. Thomas Fowzer 42. Joseph Law, . . 43. John Cooper, .. 44. John Hoge, 45. Henry Rickle, 46. Thomas Elwood, 47. John Caldwell, . James Lock, . . . John Robinson, Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 OO 2 9 11 50 2 9 11 50 2 20 3 331/3 1 20 3 33% 2 20 3 331/3 2 9 11 50 11 50 11 50 11 50 1754 75% Certified by Capt. SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. For Captain Denniston 67 days as above, 40 20 For Ensn. Thompson 67 days as above 26 80 07 00 710 MTSCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN ANDREW COCHRAN'S COM- PANY OF RIFi^EMEN ATTACHED TO THE 1ST BAT- TALION 17TH REGT. 16TH DIV. PENNSYLVANIA MILI- TIA BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR NOW DOING DUTY AT ERIE. UNDER THE COMMAND OF JAMES HALL MAJOR COMMANDING COMMENCING THE 3D & END- ING THE 19TH OF AUGUST BOTH DAYS INCLUDED ALLOWING 2 DAYS PREVIOUS TO MARCHING & 1 DAY PR. 15 MILES RETURNING. Names. Time Served. Andrew Cochran, George Haybarger, . . John Hewit Leman Jackson John N. Miller Benjamin M. Gardner Henry Lebarger John Law John Rea, Silas Walker Isaac Miller George Elliott, George Griffey Allen Miller Moses Hanna Thomas N. Miller, ... Mathias Forguson, ... Samuel Rea John Eaton Caleb Lewis. Samuel Hunter, Samuel Gulliford, ... John Eaton Captain, .. Lieutenant Ensign, .. Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Corpora!, .. Corporal, .. Corporal, . ., Corporal, . . , Private Private Private Private Private, Private, Private Private Private Private Private Private $40 00 30 00 20 OO 8 OO 8 00 8 OO 8 00 7 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 CO 5 OO 5 00 5 OO 17 $22 66% 17 17 00 17 13 SSVa 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 3 96% 17 3 96% 17 3 96% 17 3 96% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 130 00 Duly Certified by the Captain. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 711 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES McKNIGHTS COM- PANY OF MILITIA DOING DUTY AT ERIE. BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE 16TH OP AUG- UST & ENDING THE 2ND OF SEPTEiMBER 1S12. AT- TACHED TO THE 1ST BATTAuION 17TH REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. JAMES HALL MA- JOR. COMMANDING. 1. James McNight 2. Robert Gill 3. John Sarber 4. Joseph Johnsori 5. David Foster 6. John Williams, 7. Samuel Phillips, 8. Jacob Waggoner, ... 9. John Vancort 10. Nicholas Caldwell, . 11. John Ray 12. Joseph Fleckner 13. Robert Dixon 14. James Freeman 15. Jesse Powel 16. John Fleckner 17. William Ewing, ... 18. William McKinney, 19. Thomas McFadden, 20. Hugh McDill, 21. Bariah Butler, 22. Samuel Seely 23. George Cassaday, . 24. John Glen 25. Jacob Wheelen 26. Samuel Graham, ... 27. Isaac Braden, 28. Joseph Megraw, ... 29. John M. Clark, .... 30. Martin Wheelen, ... 31. Jacob AUenton, 32. William McFaddon, 33. Adam M^ensil 34. Henry Sarber 35. George Dixon S6. Thomas Osburn, ... 37. Sam'l Burchfield, . 38. Alexander Humes. 39. Isaac Kelly, 40. William Fullerton, 41. John Lesher 42. John Seroggs Time Served. Capt'n $40 00 Lieutenant, 30 CO Fnsign 20 00 , Sergeant, .. 8 OO Sergeant, ..' 8 OO Sergeant, .. 8 OO Sergeant, .. 8 00 Corporal i 7 OO Corporal 7 OO Corporal 7 OO Corporal 7 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, 500 Private 5 OO Private 500 Private, 5 CO Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 00 Private, 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 500 Private i 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, 5 00 Private 5 OO Private, 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 OO Private 5 00 Private. [ 5 00 i. 17 22 66% 17 17 00 17 11 33% 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 4 53% 17 3 96% 17 3 96% 17 3 9a% 17 3 96% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 17 2 83% 712 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OP CAPTAIN JAMES McKNIGHTS COM- PANY— Continued. Names. Time Served. >. >. a C3 CM .c c B o o ts g f^ Q <; 43. Amos Peterson, 44. Steephen Wheelin, . 45. John Stephens 4n. John Gross 47. Henry Peters, 48. Isaac Hunt, 49. Jesse Gibson, 50. Christopher Siberlin, 51. lyaac Playstone, 52. John Gil more, 53. Henry McGill 54. Jesse Bunnet 55. Andrew Morrow, ... 56. ,Tohn Riddle 57. James Pain Private 5 CC 17 Private 5 OO 17 Private 5 m 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 Private, 5 00 17 Private 5 00 17 2 SSVs 2 831/3 2 831/3 2 SSVs 2 831/3 2 831/3 2 S31/3 2 83% 2 831/3 2 831/3 2 831/3 2 S31/3 2 831/3 2 83% 2 83% EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 713 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTN. JAMES McKNIGHTS COM- PANY OF DRAFTED MILITIA DOING DUTY AT BRIE^ BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR COMMENCING THE ?D DAY OF SEPTEMBER AND ENDING THE TWENTY FOURTH OF OCTOBER 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUDED AT- TACHED TO THE 1ST BATTALION 135 REGT. 16TH DIVISION PENNA. MILITIA ANDW. CHRISTY LT. COL. COMMANDING. Time Served. >. a -^ Ph o m ♦J c >, £ S Q < 1. James McNi: 2. Robert Gill, 3. John Sarber 4. Joseph Johnston 5. David Forster. 6. John Williams, 7. Samuel Phillips. S. Jacob Wacgoner, 9. Nicholas Caldwell, 10. John Ray, n. Joseph Fltckner 12. Robert Dicksr.n, 13. Jam. s Freeman, 14. Jesse Powell, 15. John Fleckner 16. William Ewir.g, 17. William Kemmey, IS. Thomas McFadden 19. Hugh McDill 20. Barriah Battles. 21. Samuel Seely, .. 22. George Cassaday, 23. John Glenn 24. Jacob Wheelin, 2.5. Samuel Graham, 26. Isaac Braden, .. 27. Joseph McGraw. 28. John McClark, ^" t £9. Martin Wheelen ] Private 30. Jacob Allinton, .. 31. William McFaddin, "2. Adam Wensil 33. Henry Saiber. ... 34. George Dickson, . 35. Thomas Osburn, . 3fi. Sam'l Burchfield, 37. Alexr. Humes, ... 38. Isaac Kelly, 39. William Fullerton, 40. John Lishe Private, Private, I 5 OO Private 5 00 Private 5 OO Private 5 OO Private, 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private 5 00 Private, . . . . . 5 OO Private [ 5 00 \ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 U 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2i2 22 $69 33% 52 OO 34 66% 13 86% 13 86% 13 86% 13 86% 12 13% 12 13% 12 13% 12 13% 8. 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 6«% 66% 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 714 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OP CAPTN. JAMES McKNIGHTS COM- PANY— Continued. Names. Duly certified. 41. John Seroggs, . . 42. Amos Peterson, 43. Stephen Wheeiin, 44. John Stephens, . 45. John Gross 46. Henry Peters, .. 47. Isaac Hunt 4S. Jesse Gibson 49. Christian Siverlin 50. Isaac Plystone, . 51. John Gilmore, 62. Henry McGill, . 53. Jesse Bunnel, 54. Andrew Marrah, 55. John Vancoort, .. Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private. . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Private, . Corpl., .. Time Served. SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. 5 00 22 5 OO 22 500 22 5 OO 23 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 OO 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 5 00 22 S 66% S 66% S 66% 8 66% S 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 66% 8 6C% 8 66% S 66% 8 66% 8 66% For Captain James McNight 17 days & com- mencing 16th Augt. &. ending the 2ind. Sept. 3 80 For Lieutenant Gill 17 days as above, 3 20 For Ensign Sarbei- 17 days as above. 6 60 For Ensign Sarber 52 days as above com- mencing 3d Septn. & ending the 24th Octr. 1812, 10 40 24 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 715 RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COCHRANS COM- PANY OF RIFLEMEN COMMENCING THE lOTH DAY OF AUGUST AND ENDING THE 2ND OF SEPTEMBER 1812 INCLUSIVE MAJOR JAMES HALL COMMANDANT 1ST BATTALION 17TH REGT. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. Time Served. James Cochran Henry Heath John McClelland, ... James McDill, Robert Defrance, Marcus Hulingr William Dean Thomas Burchfield, . John Adams Archibald Stewart, Aqula Barrickman, . . Thomas Morrel Jacob Hamims, Nathan Greer William Cochran, ... Kennedy Hunter, ... Peter Stainbrook, Robert Hervey, David Hunter John Defrance Michael Heitlinger, . John Cochran, Alexander Johnston, . Josiah Bailey John Thompson Samuel Bean James Masteis, James Burchfield, .. Allison Defrance George Keitlinger, ., Lewis Woodworth, .. William Thompson, Alexander I. Cochran Thomas McKnight, .. Robert McNight Samuel Bonnel Adam Stainbrook, Robert Cochran, John Grerr Thomas Fisher James Wilson Captain $40 00 23 Lieutenant, 30 00 23 Ensign, 20 CO 23 Sergeant, .. 8 00 23 Sergeant, .. 8^0 23 Sergeant, . . 8 00 23 Sergeant, .. 8 OO 23 Ccrporal, 8 00 23 Corporal 8 00 23' Corporal 8 OO 23 Crrporal 8 00 23 8 00 8 OO 23 28 Private Private 8 00 23 Private, S CO 23 Private 8 00 23 Private S 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private, 8 CO 23 Private, 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 OO 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private 8 00 23 Private, 8 CO 23 Private 8 00 7 Private 8 CO 7 Private S 00 7 Private 8 CO 7 Private 8 00 7 Private 8 00 7] Duly certified in pay roll. 716 - MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES COCHRAN'S COMPANY OP RIFLEMEN ATTACHED TO THE 135TH REGT. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA ANDREW CHRISTY LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT COMMENCING THE 3D DAY OF SEPTEMBER & ENDING THE 12TH OF OCTR. 1812 BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Time Served. >> a Rank. (C , >, o J3 C >. -_ fc S s ^ < Janies Cochran, Henry Heath, John McClelland, James McDill, Robert Delrance, Marcus Huiing William Dean, Thomas Burchfield, .. John Adams, Archibald Stewart, ... Aquila Barricknian, Thomas Morrel, Jacob Hannims, Nathan Greer William Cochran, Kennedy Hunter, John Cochran, Peter Stainbrook, Robert Hervey, David Hunter John Drfr.ance Michael Keitlinger, .. Alexander Johnson, . . Joslah Bailey, John Thompson Samuel Bean James Masters, James Burchfield, ... Allison Def ranee George Keitlinger, Jr. John McFadden, George Keitlinger, Lewis Woodworth, .. William Thompson, .. Alexander I. Cochran, Thomas McNight, .. Robert McKnight, ... Captain %iO 00 10 Lieutenant, 30 00 10 Ensign, 20 00 10 Sergt S 00 10 Sergt S 00 10 Sergt S 00 10 Sergt S 00 10 Corporal 7 00 10 Corporal 7 00 10 Corporal, 7 00 10 Corporal 7 CO 10 Fifer, 6 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private, 5 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private, 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private, 5 00 10 Private 3 OO 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Pi-ivate 5 00 10 Private, 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 OO 10 Private 5 00 10 Private 5 00 10 $53 331/3 40 00 26 661^ 10 mVs 10 66% 10 66% 10 66% 9 331/3 9 33% 9 33% 9 33% 5 00 6 6«% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% G 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 6 OeVa 6 66% 6 661/2 6 66% 6 661/2 6 60% G 661/2 6 66% 6 66% 6 66% 5 66% 6 66% 374 62% Duly certified. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 717 SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNTS. For Capta. James Ccchraa & Waiter 23 days commencing lOth Augt. & ending 2nd Sept. 1812 inclusive, 18 40 For Captn. James Cocliran 40 days com- mencing the 3d of September & ending 12tli Uct., ^2 For Lieut. Heath 23 days commencing and ending as above, 13 80 For Lieut. Heath 40 days as above, 24 For Ensign McClelland 23 days as above, 13 80 For Ensign McClelland 40 days as above, 24 126 Capt. Cochran rec'd in rations, $12 60 Lieut. Heath rec'd in rations, 12 60 Ensign McClelland rec'd in rations, ... 12 60 37 80 88 20 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS PAID BY WILSON SMITH. Adjutant Comptons subsistence for 24 days, 9 60 Captn. Thomas Forsters & Waiters for 23 days, 19 40 Pay of Captn. Ilavlins Company for 14 days, 72 50 Paid Joab Vancourt for ferriage of the detachment of militia on their March to Erie, 9 81 Paid Edward Hicks for feiTiage of the detachment of militia on their march toi Eriei, 10 ^4 Paid Robert Knox postage of Letters & Co 4 40 718 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. s' 9 ^ ^ «J M •aoua^sisqng ;unoDOB uo piBd 86 40 10 00 11 60 26 SO 28 00 33 60 31 20 20 00 14 40 60 00 7 60 21 90 12 60 21 00 57 60 11 60 "sSbjo^ l.OD'B uo piBd : ; ; : : : : ; ig ; : : is : ::::::::: a :::: s; : ABd sq? uo piBj; 100 00 42 50 42 93 40 93 70 OO 84 00 54 16 36 00 82 33 125 00 40 00 42 00 68 OO 14 09 120 00 42 93 1^ Remarks. c c c o o eS C o • >, >, : oj oi . 0. c : £ £ • p p bJD bo . £ £ 3 3 B B II i X c c c c a p c c 5 c _c t. c s If C5 a E u i, C < c S K c a Q u E c E a E ►-3 ■a c o >- w c c c c o o >^ '-i 1 t 3 .D O EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 719 3 p 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OOOOOOOOOO .- t. t, M =r >-uot,.^.^ c« M 720 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. H H fa ^ ►^ fc1 g^ g § p^ .- > w z ^ m P o -s m ^ H ^ ^ Z Q o P3 E-S m ^ Q O ' ' fa Pi fa H -^ a ^ ^ en H 'A V n CQ 'J^ HH O r-) < ^ 8 g [2 g !-=:5 0<=50C3>OC>(>JOOIO s'te-g C3 .M . _.- M ~ " c^ •§ ►^ a- bp . ^ . •3 .£ ^ .S C C X. ■" ^ <- '•" .5 d C H^ i: c a p. ? 5 ^ ■*-' r?. 'Z „ =t^ rt * i! « 'i fi i£ c < ^ '^ h* ^ < & ^ EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 721 46— Vol. IX.— 6tll Set. 722 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. DR. MAJOR WILLIAM CLARK AC. OP MONIES RECEIVED AND EXPENDED FOR THE USE OP THE MILITIA UNDER THE ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR FOR THE DE- FENCE OF THE TOWN OP ERIE &C. &C. To amount in the Branch Rank of Pittsburgh to his credit, ■. 4000 00 To amount Received of Wi/lsou Smith, Esqr. Quarter Master General as follows. Viz. Amount pr. Receipt of December 5, 1812, 3555 liVz Amount per Receipt of December 9th 1812, . .' 253 00 Amount per Receipt of December 12, 1812, lOOO $8808 74 Balance, 875 26 9684 00 By amount of Account furnished Wilson Smith Quarter Master General Viz. By amount of Abstract A, 6235 48% By amount of Abstract B, 527 07 By amount of Abstract C. Rations 246 60 By amount of Abstract D, 21 40 By amount of Abstract E, 17 81 By amount of Abstract F, 105 15 By amount of Abstract G 2401 II14 9554 63 - add, , 129 37 $9684 00 MARCHING MILITIA UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE 31ST MARCH 1813 RENDEZVOUS AT ERIE. 26. Statement of expenditures by Major Andrew Mann inspector of 2nd Brigade, 12th division, in marching the Mili- tia, the quota called from his Brigade by the general orders of the 31st March 1813 in pursuance of Orders from the General government, viz: EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 723 Waggon 198 Provisions 146 95 Incidental 20 98 Commissary 35 00 400 C3 Major Manns Services Viz. 25 days in marching the Militia & returning at 50 dol- lars per month 41 07 Rations 15 forage at 10 dollars per Month 8 33 465 93 55 29 Organizing &c 521 22 ACCOUNT OF MONEY EXPENDED IN FURNISHING THE MILITIA OF BEDFORD COUNTY ON THEIR MARCH TO ERIE. APRIL 1813. Pa pa: pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa; pa pa pa pa d Michael Stahl for Bacon d Henry Stahl for bacon and Bread d John H. Mann for Bacon d William Lavering for Bacon d John Swisher for flour d John Davis for flour d Samuel Torbett for Whiskey. d John Straw for Ferriage d Henry Bole for Whiskey d James Shields for Bacon d William Chambers for Bacon d James Lynn for Sundry provisions d Elias Pitman for sundry provisions d John Hanna for Bread d Andrew L. White for Whiskey d Henry Evans for Whiskey d Simon Vanusdall for Whiskey d James Evans for ferriage d Mr. McKee for medicine & attending a sick man d A. Bathrick for ferriage d Thomas Cochran for Whiskey & Bread d John Brown for Whiskey 62 1/^ 16 00 17 50 11 20 25 20 6 00 3 92 871/2 371/2 50 10 6 90 5 1 70 12 371/2 99 621/2 50 90 1 00 3 50 1 724 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. paid Daniel Bunes for Medicine & attending on a sick man 1 paid Barbara Richard for boarding and attending on a sicli man 4 paid E. W. Reed for Whisliey 1 12yi paid J. H. Breidenthal for finding himself to Pitts- burg 3 paid Benjamin ForsLer for carrying riotice to Cap- tains Freter Grove and Faulivner 3 paid Jacob Mann for carrying do to Capt. Stahl 62i/^ paid Jacob Truax for do do to Capt. Ketcham 50 paid Francis Welch & Obadiah Stillwell for holding Appeals 2 paid Thomas Hunt and John Peper for do 4 paid Thomas Heydon for Sundries 22 paid John Ewalt for Whiskey 36 paid John Bennington for Soap 27 paid John Stotler for Sundries 88 paid John Burns for Whiskey 75 paid Wm. Lehmer for do 60 paid Margaret Reter for baking Bread 75 paid John Dunn for Whiskey 50 paid John Reister for sundries 4 paid John Roberson for f3rriage 70 paid Moses Powel for do 1 paid Samuel Weaver for Whiskey 1 paid Joshua Armitage for a Box 50 paid John Mann Waggoner 19S paid John H. Mann Commissary 35 Contra Credit 418 24 By Cash paid by Col. Hill $250 00 By Error in Elias Pittman & Bacon Sold 7 83 By warrant for the Balance 160 41 418 24 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 725 27. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY URIAH SPRIN- GER LATE INSPECTOR 2ND BRIGADE 13TH DIVISION FOR MARCHING THE DETACHMENT OF MILITIA CALLED FROM HIS BRIGADE BY THE GENERAL OR- DERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE 31ST OF MARCH 1813 FOUNDED ON A REiQUISITION FROM THE GEN- ERAL GOVERNMENT, VIZ. Rations and provisions in lieu of Rations including Liquor, and Retained Rations $428 93 Waggonage including Hay Oats &co &56 43 Incidental expenses 62 74 Major Springers Services in marching with his men and Returning home. 1 Months pay $50 00 forage 10 GO Rations 24 00 84 00 $1,132 10 THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. TO URIAH SPRINGER LATE INSPECTOR 2ND BRIGADE 13TH DIVIS- ION DR. FOR THE FOLLOWING DISBURSEMENTS BY HIM IN MARCHING THE MILITIA CALLED FROM HIS BRIGADE BY THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE 31ST MARCH 1813. VIZ. NO. 1 To George Boyd for supplies 65 83 2 John Jameson ferrying Waggons and Troops 3 3 Nathaniel Reed Hauling and Oats 3 87i^ 4 William McClean Oats (No 54) no receipt 37 68 5 Mary Michael Bread 6 75 6 Edward Mulrisel repairing Drum 1 58 7 George Evans & Co. flour 48 00 8 William Steel Steelyards 4 9 John Nesbit hauling provisions 1 12^4 10 Lewis Warner Wood and Oats , 15 25 11 Edward Mulrisel for Drum heads 1 58% 12 D. Bothriclv ferrying Troops 9 12 13 George Kirney ferrying Tfoops 5 50 14 Robert Stewart for whiskey 12 25 15 Daniel Logan Two Axes 4 00 726 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 16 Jahiel Carman Bacon for Troops 19 90 17 John Brown Oats and Hay 6 25 18 Robert Boggs Oats and Hay 4 SlVz 19 Andrew White Oats and Hay 5 75 20 Henry Evans Oats and Hay 6 12i/^ 21 Ephraim Harris straw 1 06% 22 Simon Vanasdol Hay Oats and Straw 7 00 23 John Lindsay Beef for Troops 17 00 24 John Martin Ferriage and Whiskey 5 14 25 James Cochran for Oats, Rye &Co 5 71% 26 John G. Brow Oats and Hay 9 40 27 Orver David Whiskey and Straw 6 00 28 Thomas Fullerton Oats and Hay for the Teams. 8 00 29 John Boyd Bacon 25 62% 30 Thomas King Oats for the teams hauling baggage 24 37% 31 Martin Thong Toll for Waggons 3 00 32 Martin Thong Toll for W^aggons 1 12% 33 John Peebles hauling Baggage 107 75 34 Samuel Smith Ensign retained Rations 15 40 35 John McClean Capt. retained Rations 12 00 36 William McClean hauling Baggage 170 57 37 Abss Jennings Oats and hay for Teams 6 25 38 John Peebles hauling from Pittsburg to Erie on act 30 00 39 James Cochran Oats for Teams 4 00 40 William Patterson Oats for Teams 3 50 41 John Martin Oats for Teams 5 62 42 Joseph Vann Oats for Teams 5 50 43 Thomas King Oats for Teams 25 67% 44 Robert Boggs Oats for Teams (In Peebles Rec'd) 7 60 45 Andrew While for use of Teams, ditto ditto 5 00 46 Martin Thong Hay &c Teams 3 40 47 George Sanford Whiskey 3 00 48 D. Bothrick ferrying flour pork and Men 2 25 49 Cromwell & Robinson for Sundries (receipt want- ing) 182 13% 50 Robert Spencers for pork 37 50 51 Isaac Kimber for 9 gallons whiskey 9 00 52 John Lynn on Act of hauling Baggage 15 00 53 Hugh Williamson for 10 Bushels Oats 10 00 54 John McCarty flour & Baking (receipt wanting) 9 40 Amount Carried forward $1046 38i4 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 727 Amount Brought forward 10^6 SS^A 55 D. Bothrick ferrying men $7-&2 Bushels Oats $1.50 receipt wanting ^ ^^ 56 Jonas Bothrik ferrying men 1 00 $1065 88% No. Deduct for the present for the want of Receipts 4 William McClean called (No. 54) $37 68% 49 Cromwell & Robinson bill of Sundries. ..182 13% 54 John McCarty bill of flour & Baking .... 9 40 55 D. Bothricks bill, Oats 150 230 72i4 $825 16 STATEMENT OP 28 Expenditures by Captain Samuel Thomas in marching his 7 Company of Artillerists from Wilkes Barre Luzerne County to Erie under the General Order of the Governor of the 31st March 1813 in pursuance of Orders from the general government, Viz: waggons ?192 00 . . 177 07 Provisions -^ " incidental 35 92 404 99 State of Pennsylvania To Samuel Thomas Dr. April the 14th 1813 For paying Joshua Pettebone for flour as per Receipts ^ 20 April 14th for paying Stephen Vanloon for wheat as per receipt April 12th for paying Samuel Maffet for printing Receipt & Co • April 15th for paying John Carkhuff for bake ket- tle &Co. as per receipt April 14th for Pork and whiskey 27 19 April 16th for paying Elihue Parrish for the freight of the Artillery Company 52 Miles on a raft per recept 5 33 2 00 8 75 5 17 728 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. April 17th for John Karkhuff for flour (per receipt) 5 60 19th for paying John Carlihuff for bacon flour &c per receipt, 41 64 April 18th foT paying John Carkhuff for rations is- sued to the Artillery Company 16 02 April 17th for paying A. Roberts for ferriage for Artillery Company, 1 00 April 2Gth for paying John Carkhuff for Soap, 5 33 May 1st for paying Elijah Shoemaker for carryingg the baggage for Matross Company from Kings- ton Luzerne County to Erie, 192 00 May 4th for paying Lieut Underwood for back rations 9 20 May 4th for paying Lieut. Z. Hoyt for back rations April 23 for paying John Carkhuff for provisions furnished for the Artillery Company 38 56i/^ May 4th for Back rations from Kingston to Erie. ... 13 80 $385 991/2 A MUSTER ROLL OF THE COMMISSIONED AND NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS MUSICIANS AND PRIVATES OF THE ARTILLERY COMPANY IN COL. HILLS REGI- MENT OF PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA WHEN ORGAN- IZED AT ERIE MAY 5TH 1813. st Capt. Samuel Thomas Luzerne County 1 1 Lieut Phinehas Underwood Luzerne County 2 2nd Lieut. Ziba Hoyt. Luzerne County 3 3rd Lieut. Andrew Sheetz Bedford County 4 Ensign Edward Gilchrist. Fayette County 5 1st Sergeant John Carkhuff. Luzerne County 6 2ud Sergeant Jacob Taylor. Luzerne County 7 3rd Sergeant Absolom Roberts, Luzerne County 8 4th Sergeant Henry Jones, Fayette County 9 5th Sergeant George V/. Smith Bedford County 10 6th Sergeant John Bowman, Luzerne County, 11 1st Corporal Christopher Miner Luzerne County 12 2nd Corporal Daniel Cochanour, Fayette County, 13 3rd Corporal Samuel Parish. Luzerne County 14 4th Corporal Ebenezer Freeman. Luzerne County 15 5th Corporal John Blane. Luzerne Counuty 16 1st Gunner Stephen Evans Luzerne County 17 2nd Gunner Isaac Hollister. Luzerne County 18 3rd Gunner John Pierce. Luzerne County 19 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 729 20 4th Gunner James Bird. Luzerne County 5tli Gunner Morris Cranmer Luzerne County 6th Gunner Festus Freeman. Luzerne County ^^ 7th Gunner James Devans. Luzerne County Drummer Alexander Lord. Luzerne County ^^ Fifer Araba Amsden Luzerne County ^^ Daniel Hoover Luzerne County ^^ John Daniels Luzerne County ^^ James W. Barnam Luzerne County ^^ William Pace Luzerne County ^^ James Bodfish Luzerne County, ^^ Godfrey Bownman Luzerne County ^^ Benjamin Hall Luzerne County ^- Solomon Parker Luzerne County ^_ Ezekiel Hall Luzerne County ^^^ Sylvenus Moore Luzerne County ^^ Hallet Gallup Luzerne County ^^ John Chamberlain Bedford County, ^^ John Steekman Bedford County ^^ Philip Wallick Bedford County ^^ John Fight Bedford County ^^ Samuel McAfee Bedford County ^^ Thomas Castle Berford County ^^ Jacob Wolford Bedford County ^^ John Moyer Bedford County, ^^ George Rice Bedford County ^^ George Sliger Bedford County ^^ Jacob Fligle Bedford County, ^^ Henry Bridentall Bedford County ^^ Thomas Crossen Bedford County ^^ Henry Jones Bedford County ^^ Robert Booth Bedford County ^^ James Stillwell Bedford County ^^ Andrew Beavers Bedford County, ^^ John Graham Bedford County ^^ Arthur French Bedford County ^^ Nicholas Hamler Bedford County William Pittman Bedford County William Frederical, Junr. Bedford County &« William Frederical Bedford County John Z. Whimset Bedford County ^^ George Easter Bedford County ^^ John Kitzer Bedford County Edward Shreaves Bedford County 730 , MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Jacob Fenstiinmaker Bedford County 65 Levi DonilsLon Bedford County 66 Benjamin Craig Bedford County 67 John Brown Bedford County 68 John Richey Bedford County 69 Martin Giles Bedford County 70 Henry Becher Bedford County 71 Simpson Montgomery Fayette County 72 Joseph Osburn Fayette County 73 John Miller Fayette County 74 Joseph Fleck Fayette County 75 Andrew Rion Fayette County 76 Isaac Williams Fayette County 77 Landcn Cochran Fayette County 78 James Marsh Fayette County 79 Abraham Pratt Fayette County 80 William McGinnis Fayette County 81 Frederick Guyer Fayette County 82 Andrew Walker Fayette County 83 James Gray Fayette County 84 John Riddge Fayette County 85 Samuel Harbert Fayette County 86 Jacob Shank Fayette County 87 Jacob Miller Fayette County 88 William Hains Fayette County 89 Thomas Norris Fayette County 90 Lewis Ruffcorn Fayette County 91 John Martin Fayette County 92 Elijah Conell Fayette County. 93 John Richards Fayette County 94 Joseph Sharp Fayette County S5 Jacob Weyer Bedford County 96 GENERAL ORDERS OF FEBY. 1814. Statement of Expenditures by George Welch Inspector 2nd Brigade 5th Division of the Militia in marching a detachment from his Brigade to Erie under General Orders of the Gover- nor of the 7th February 1814 in pursuance of a requisition from the Department of War. 1. Waggons, $1768 43 2. Forage 710 81 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 731 3. Wood & Straw 309 16 4. Medicine, 483 04 5. Camp Kettles, 185 05 G. Incidental, 119 77 7. Rations drawn, 2416 21 Retained rations, 18 40 See other page for additional sum. Also for. ■ 6010 87 359 20 16370 07 32 00 No. 1. WAGGONS. 1 Five Receipts, 1694 00 2 Pr. Receipt book, 20 00' 62 Allowed, 14 99 64 Expences 25 70 Wages Waggn, 9 25 78 Genl. Meads Team, 9 94 81 5 Days Hauling 20 OO $1768 43 No. 5. CAMP KETTLES. 9 Pr. Receipt book 54 Tin pans, 69 Tin pans 100 Pr. Receipt book 80 00 75 41 80 62 50 $6402 07 $185 05 No. 7. RATIONS. Capt. McMullen, 4511 Capt. Sturgeon, 4808 Capt. White 4564 Orders wanting for — ^explaineil by No. 50, 330 $14213 at 17 cts. 2416 21 732 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 2. FORAGE. 1.5 Oats, 16 871/2 16 Oats & Hay 18 371/2 18 Oats & Hay, 18 871/2 23 Oats & Hay 18 871/2 24 Oats & Hay, 18 ZlYz 27 Oats & Hay, 17 70 38 Oats & Hay 35 04 41 Oats & Hay IS 37i^ 42 Oats & Hay, 12 20 43 Oats & Hay, 18 75 46 Oats & Hay, 18 72 48 Oate & Hay, 11 90 50 Oats & Hay, 4 18 55 Oats & Hay, 7 10 58 Oats & Hay, 17 75 59 Oats & Hay, 16 87% 61 Oats & Hay, 10 90' 2d. Reet. 42 Oats & Hay, 42 25 43 Oats & Hay, 24 70 44 Oats & Hay, 32 50 46 Oats & Hay, 17 62 48 Oats & Hay, 48 25 49 Oats & Hay, 4 70 50 Oats & Hay, 2150 51 Oats & Hay 12 52 Oats & Hay, 16 55 Oats & Hay, 28 I21/2 56 Oats & Hay 20 57 Oats & Hay, 20 58 Oats & Bag, 5 59 Oats & Expences 10 61 Oats & Expences, 4 871/2 62 Oats & Hay, 11 63 Oats, 4 50 65 Oats, 23 69 66 Oats, 4 67 & 70 Oats, 18 50 80 & 83 Oats, 49 10 84 Hay, 150 90, 101 & 102, Oats & Hay, 16 14 ?710 8I1/2 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 733 ,. „ WOOD & STRAW. jNO. o. 6 30 1 Pr. Receipt book, ^ 3 Straw, ^5 4 Wood & Straw ^2 6 Wood & Straw 2 40 7 Wood & Straw, 2 25 12 Wood & Straw, ^ ^^ 13 Wood & Straw, ^^ g^ 16 Wood & Straw ^25 17 Wood & Straw, 2 70 19 Wood & Straw, 2 §2 20 Wood & Straw, g 21 Wood & Straw, ^ ^^ 22 Wood & Straw, ^ ^^ 24 Wood & Straw ^ 25 Wood & Straw, ^g 28 Wood & Straw, ,^25 30 Wood & Straw, ^ 31 Wood & Straw, ^ ^^ 32 V/ood & Stray/, ^23 34 Wood & Straw, ^^ 36 Wood & Straw, ^ ^g 41 Wood & Straw ^ gg 42 Wood & Straw, g 25 43 Wood & Straw, g 47 Wood & Straw ^ ^21/2 49 Wood & Straw, ^ 51 Hauling straw, 2 52 for Straw, 2 50 53 Wood, -j^ 50 50 Wood & Straw, g ^^ 58 Wood & Straw ^^ ^^^ 59 Wood & Straw, 12 24 2d. 60 Wood 22 40 Wood & Straw, ^ gg 46 Wood & Straw, ^ gg 47 Wood & Straw, 2 2^ 49 Wood & Straw, ^ 53 & 59 Wood & Straw g 63 Wood & Straw ^g 44 86 & 87 Wood & Straw, • $309 16 734 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 4. MEDICINE. 33 Receipt book, 1 371/2 39 Attending sick 2 40 Salts, 1 65 Boarding sick, 4 50 68 Mede. & Attendance, 11 50 2nd. 44 Expences Sick, 25 74 Expences Sick, 1 55 Expencey Sick, ." 5 62V^ 76 Expences Sick, 1 43 78 Doctr. Bill, 3 79 Spring Lancet, 1 25 85 Attending Sick, S 91 Attendance Sick, 27 75 92 Doctr. Dawson's Bill, 110 771^ 93 Doctr. McCuIloch, 89 94 For Coffins, S 95 For Coffins, 8 96 J. Sturgeon, 87 «7 98 Removing sick, 24 99 Removing sick, 27 0i> 103 Digging graves, ^ 104 Privelege Burying, ' 4 105 Privelege Burying, 4 106 Sundries, 48 46i^ ?483 04 No. 6. INCIDENTAL. 5 Receipt book, 3 62 8 1 Spade, 1 20 10 Tent poles, 3 56 11 Tent pins &c 13 50 14 Axes & helves, 7 50 26 Gate Toll, 8 29 Rep. 9 T. poles 12i^ 35 Rep. 9 T. poles, 75 37 Attending C. 2 41 Ferriage 10 45 Handcuff, 50 54 Ferriage 8 57 60 Ferriage, 6 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 735 64 Axes, 15 65 68 Smith work, 2 69 71 Desertion Expe., 11 83 72 Desertion Expe., 5 80 73 Desertion Expe., IC 82 Smith v/orlv, '. 1 49 88 Biedcords, 1 20 89 Printing, 5 50 102 Desertion expeue., 3 $119 77 No. 106 pel. to Jos. Smith, Capt. Sturgeon, Willm. Cooper & Henry Jel-Les for Ivlecle. and attendance of sick near Pittsg. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNA. IN AC. WITH GEORGE WELSH. 1814 Feby. 26 To Cash paid G. Bircaw for straw. No. Rect. 1, 6 30 March 3 To Cash paid G. Lashell' pr. Receipt. No. 2, : 20 00 3 To Cash paid .1. Schriver pr Receipt No. 3 3 7 To Cash paid S. Casset pr. Receipt No. 4, 15 8 To Cash paid W. Smith pr. Receipt No. 5, 3 62 8 To Cash paid Danl. Heek pr. Receipt No. 6, 52 9 To Cash paid P. Culp pr. Receipt No. 7, 2 46 9 To Cash paid Cobean & Dobbin pr. Re- ceipt No. 8, 1 20 10 To Cash paid C. Wamples pr. Receipt No. 9, 80 10 To Cash paid A. Gifnn pr. Receipt No, 10, 3 50 736 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 10 To Cash paid G. Gyer pr. Receipt No. 11. * 10 To Cash paid Chn. Shank pr. Receipt No. 12, 10 To Cash paid H. Settle pr. Receipt No. 13, 10 To Cash paid Livesberger pr. Receipt No. 14, 10 To Cash paid R. Lashell pr. Receipt No. 15, 12 To Cash paid A. McKune pr. Receipt No. IG, 13 To Cash paid J. McDowel pr. Receipt No. 17, 13 To Cash paid J. pr. Receipt No. IS, 13 To Cash paid G. Favorite pr. Receipt No. 19, 13 To Cash paid Wm. Beckwith pr. Re- ceipt No. 20, . . . , 14 To Cash paid Wm. Humbeit pr. Receipt No. 21, 14 To Cash paid A. Cooper pr. Receipt No. 22, 14 To Cash paid Wm. Scott pr. Receipt No. 23, 15 To Cash paid G. Ensly pr. Receipt No. 24, 15 To Cash paid C. Topheensly pr Receipt No. 25, 15 To Cash paid H. Denison pr. Receipt No. 26 16 To Cash paid Myer pr Receipt No. 27,.. 16 To Cash paid J. Barndoiler pr. Receipt No. 28, 16 To Cash paid pr Recept No. 29, March 16 To Cash paid J. Tate pr. Receipt No. 30, 16 To Cash paid E. Farte pr. Receipt No. 31, 16 To Cash paid J. Koch pr. Receipt No. 32, 13 50 2 25 1 50 7 50 16 87 28 70 4 25 18 37 2 70 2 82 6 •> 50 18 37 21 70 5 8 17 70 16 12 7 25 4 1 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 737 16 To Cash paid H. Hofuse pr. Receipt No. 33, 1 371/2 16 To Cash paid A. Nagle pr. Receipt No. 34, 3 33 17 To Cash paid A. Tiexler pr. Receipt No. 35, 75 17 To Cash paid J. Fletcher pr. Receipt No. 36, IS 17 To Cash paid D. McElroy pr. Receipt No. 37, 2 17 To Cash paid J. R. Reed pr. Receipt No. 38, 35 04 18 To Cash paid A. Pence pr. Receipt No. 39, 2 18 To Cash paid pr. Receipt No. 40, 1 19 To Cash paid J. Burns pr. Receipt No. 41, 25 85 20 To Cash paid F. Kromer pr. Receipt No. 42, 24 08 21 To Cash paid Jo. Dennison pr. Receipt No. 43, 27 08 22 To Cash paid S. Adams pr. Receipt No. 44, 31 22 To Cash paid J. Adams pr Receipt No. 45 371/2 32 To Cash paid H. Reed pr. Receipt No. 46, 14 341^ 22 To Cash paid M. Wist pr. Receipt No. 47, , 9 22 To paid J. Armor pr. Receipt No. 48, 11 90 23 To Cash paid J. Armor pr. Receipt No. 49, 5 621/2 23 To Cash paid H. T. Seman pr. Receipt No. 50 4 18 23 To Cash paid J. Koch pr. Receipt No. 51 1 23 To Cash paid J. Koch pr. Receipt No. 52 2 24 To Cash paid pr. Receipt No. 53 2 50 24 To Cash paid J. Krider pr. Rece'pt No. 75 47— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 738 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 24 To Cash paid Eliza Horback pr Receipt No. 55, 7 10 24 To Cash paid A. WilHiams pr. Receipt No. 56, 1 50' 25 To Cash paid H. Barton pr. Receipt No. 57, SlVz 26 To Cash paid Willm. Larimer pr. Re- ceipt No. 58, 24 50 26 To Cash paid Wm. McCall pr. Receipt No. 59, 27 27 26 To Cash paid A. Hill pr. Receipt No. 60 12 24 28 To Cash paidi H. Iches pr. Receipt No. 61, 11 90 28 To Cash paid' H. Muse pr. Receipt No. 62, 1 37 21^ 28 To Cash paid Wm,. McCtillough pr. Re- ceipt No. 63, 100' 28 To Cash paid C. Cowen pr. Receipt No. 64, 15 28 To Cash paid J. Harmani pr. Receipt No. 65, 4 50 28 To Cash paid Wm. Nixon pr. Receipt No. 66, 27 11 28 To Cash paid J. Orange pr. Receipt No. 67, 18 80 29 To Cash paid Doctr. J. F. Bryson pr. Receipt No. 68, 11 50 29 To Cash paid R. Cochran pr. Recept No. 69, 41 80 29 To Cash paid C. Budd pr. Receipt Nc. 40 32 29 To Cash paid P. Server pr. Receipt No. 41, 10 29 To Cash paid Willm. McCullough pr. Re- ceipt No. 42, 47 25 31 To Cash paid B. Garvin pr. Receipt No. 43, ,. 24 70 April To cash paid J. Koch pr. receipt No. 44, 32 75 April To Cash paid pr Receipt No. 45, 50 1 To Cash paid A. S. White pr. Receipt No. 46, 19 25 2 To Cash paid J. Brown pr. Receipt No. 47, 24 27 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 739 2 To Cash paid R. Reed pr. Receipt No. 48 11 25 3 To Cash paid H. Evens pr. Receipt No. 49 7 82 April 4 To Cash paid S. Simcox pr Receipt No. No. 50, 2150 4 To Cash paid A. Henderson pr. Receipt No. 51 12 4 To Cash paid F. Whan pr. Receipt No. 52 16 6 To Cash paid J. Martin pr. Receipt No. 53, 3 50 6 To Cash paid J. Martin pr. Receipt No. 54, 8 7 To Cash paid J. Wentwoith pr. Receipt No. 55, ' 28 121/2 8 To Cash paid Wm. Gill pr. Receipt No. 56, 20 8 To Cash paid H. Menum pr. Receipt No. 57, 20 8 To Cash paid P. Magill pr. Receipt No. 58, 5 8 To Cash paid S. Galloway pr. Receipt No. 59, 11 50 9 To Cash paid Margaret Hicks pr. Receipt No. 60, 6 10 To Cash paid J. Armstrong pr. Receipt No. 61, 4 871/2 11 To Cash paid J. Kock pr. Receipt No. 62, 11 11 To Cash paid J. Pollock pr. Receipt No. 63, 10 50 11 To Cash paid J. Pollock pr. Receipt No. 64, 25 11 To Cash paid A. Watson pr. Receipt No. 65 23 69 11 To Cash paid Wilson Smith pr. Receipt No. 66, 4 12 To Cash paid Wm. Burnic pr. Receipt No. 67, 12 13 To Cash paid C. Newcomer pr. Receipt No. 68 2 14 To Cash paid T. Spence pr. Receipt No. 69, 30 740 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 15 To Cash paid S. Galloway pr. Receipt No. 70, 10 75 16 To Casii paid G. Gitt & J. Burker pr. Receipt No. 71, 11 83 16 To Cash paid G. Gitt & J. Burlier pr. Receipt No. 72, 5 16 To Cash paid J. Armstrong & J. Burker pr. Receipt No. 73, 10' 16 To Cash Paid A. Long pr. Receipt No. 74, 1 16 To Cash paid S. BIythe pr. Receipt No. 75, 5 621/2 16 To Cash paid A. Pep pel pr. Receipt No. 76, 1 43 16 To Cash paid P. Knop «6; J. Benner pr. Receipt No. 77, 9 94 16 To Cash paid Saml. Sheet pr. Receipt No. 78, 3 17 To Cash paid G. W. Spencer pr. Receipt No. 79, 1 25 18 To Cash paid M. Strong pr. Receipt No. 80, 27 50 19 To Cash paid D. Mead pr. Receipt No. 81, 20 April 5 To Cash paid J. Ray pr. loose Receipt No. 82, 1 49 5 To Cash paid pr. Receipt No. 83 21 60 5 To Gash paid P. Patterson pr. Receipt No. 84 1 50 27 To Cash paid J. Reed pr. Receipt No. 85 8 May 2 To Cash paid J. Middlekauf pr. Receipt No. 86 4 4 To Cash paid P. Pifer pr. Receipt No. S7, 6 44 6 To Cash paid B. Gilbert pr. Receipt No. 88 1 20' Feby. 14 To Cash paid R. Harper pr. Receipt No. S9, 5 50 16 To Cash paid J. Coulter pr. Receipt No. 90, 4 58 16 To Cash paid Doctr. Wm. Watson pr. Re- ceipt No. 91 27 75 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 741 April 23 To Cash paid Doctr. G. Dawson pr. Re- ceipt No. 92, 110 771/2 23 To Cash paid Wm. McCullough pr. Re- ceipt No. 93, 89 23 To Cash paid Jas. Legget pr. Receipt No. 94, 8 23 To Cash paid Jas. McPherson pr. Receipt No. 95, 8 • 23 To Cash paid J. Sturgeon pr. Receipt No. 96, 87 07 24 To Cash paid Lieut. Chamberlain pr. Re- ceipt No. 98, 24 23 April & 30th Mar. Jas. Seabrook pr. Receipt No. 99, 27 25 25 Paid James Burns, pr. Receipt No. 97, 10 26 Paid Toll at 2 Turnpike gates, 3 62 26 Paid Repairing Tent poles at Bedford, 12% 26 Paid H. Moose pr. receipt No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 102 17 50 26 Paid H. Iches pr. receipt No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 103, 3 18 26 Paid for taking Wm. West a desierter, 5 26 Paid C. Wampler the balance of his bill, pr. Receipt No. 100, 62 5o 26 Paid Majr. Samuel Galloway pr. Receipt No. 101, 75 20 Paid Horse hire for a Horse I Bought at Pittsburg on our rout to Erie for H. Moses Team 30 days a $0.66, 19 80 26 To Amo. of Waggoners ac. $1694— De- duct $10, 1684 26 To Rations furnished the detachment agreeably to lists herewith 14213 at 17 Cts., 2416 21 26 To 92 retained Rations for Capt. Stur- geon and 2 Subalterns at 20 Cts., 18 40 Amount of Majr. Welch's ac, ?6142 76 742 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JAMES LAMBER- TON INSPECTOR OF THE 1 BRIGADE 7 DIVISION MI- LITIA FOR MARCHNG A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE TO ERIE UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE 7TH FEBY. 1814 FOUNDED UPON ORDERS FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. 1 For Waggonage $3220 00 2 For Rations, 3062 89 3 For Retained rations, 231 40 4 For Wood & Straw, 589 49 5 For Camp Kettles 165 6 For Medicine, 39 70 7 For Incidental Expences, 251 291^ 8 For Forage Col. Bull, ^ 13 75 9 For Forage Surgn. Mealy, 13 75 See other page for this sum 7587 271/2 723 22 $8310 491/2 1. Waggonage. 1 David Morland 308 2 Andrew Mitcheal 308 3 John Drums, 280 4 Gilbert Searight 168 5 William Stewart, 308 6 Robert McCoy, 308 8 Samuel Haslet, 308 9 William Haslet, 308 10 Francis Noble, 308 11 Alexr. Lam/bertoa 308 12 John Noble 308 $3220 00 r 1 Express hire, . . . . Incidental. 9 00 2 Express hire, . . . . 5 3 Tent pins &c 14 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 743 4 Damages to fences, 5 Damages to fences, 6 Notices Pr. Rec't Book, 7 Axes, 8 Axes & Spades, 9 FeiTiage, 10 Spades, 11 Spades, 12 Axes &c 13 Ferriage, 14, Ferriage, 15 Ferriage, 16 FeiTiage, 17 Ferriage & Toil 18 Paper Blanlt Wts., 19 Tin pans 20 & 21 Chargd. to Med., . . , 22 Damages to fences, 46 67 12 50 10 9 7 «7M! 10 4 50 3 75 20 20 19 8 15 20 7 6 4 ?251 291/2 4. Wood & Straw. 1 Wood, 2 Wood, 3 Straw pr. Receipt B., 4 Straw pr. Receipt 5 Wood pr. Receipt, 6 Wood pr. Receipt, 7 Wood pr. Receipt 8 Wood pr. Receipt, 9 Straw pr. Receipt, 10 Straw pr. Receipt, 11 Wood & Straw, 12 Wood & Straw, 13 Wood & Straw, 14 Wood & Hay, 15 Wood & Straw, 16 Wood & Straw, ' 17 Wood & Straw 18 Wood & Straw 19 Wood & Straw, 3 50 10 50 3 50 3 5 10 1 50 21 6 2 25 6 33 10 30 11 10 8 09 9 24 2 4 744 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 2i0 Straw 21 Wood 22 Wood 23 Wood, 24 Wood, 25 Wood & Straw 26 Wood & Straw, 27 Wood & Straw, 2'8 Wood & Straw 29 Wood & Straw 30 Wood & Straw, 31 Wood & Straw 32 Straw, 33 Wood, 34 Wood & Straw, ; 35 Straw, 36 Wood, 37 Wood, 38 Straw, 39 Hauling Woods, 40 Wood, 41 Wood, 42 Wood 43 Wood & Straw, 44 Wood & Straw, 45 Wood & Straw, 46 Wood & Straw, 47 Wood & Straw, 48 Wood & Straw, 49 Wood & Straw, 50 Straw & hauling. 51 Wood & Straw, 52 Wood & Straw, 53 Wood & Straw, 54 Wood & Straw, 55 Wood & Straw, 56 Wood & Straw, 57 Straw, 58 Chargd in Incidl^ (5) , 59 Wood, 9 60 Straw 60 61 Wood, 16 62 Chargd. in Incidl. 4, 63 Wood, ^ 7 40 12 6 50 13 50 1 50 3 6 6 5 10 13 6 4 50 6 3 22 6 50 18 21 2 621/2 5 25 3 12 10 19 15 6 13 75 12 11 7 5 30 10 60' 8 75 7 1 3 75 48 10 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 745 64 Wood & hauling 9 65 Wood & hauling, 16 66 Wood & . hauling 6 $589 49 Medicine. 1 Doctr. Dawson, 2 Doctr. London (8) 66 Col. Bulls Forage, (9) 67 Surgeon's Forage, 28 62 11 081/2 39 701/2 13 75 13 75 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AGREEABLY TO GENL. ORDERS ISSUED BY THE GOV- ERNOR FEBY. 7TH 1814 TO JAMES LAMBERTON IN- SPECTOR 1ST BRIGADE 7TH DIVISION OF MILITIA FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT OF MILITIA FROM SAID BRIGADE (CARLISLE) TO ERIE. Rations 19184 at 17 Cents, . Waggons & sundry hauling, Wood, straw &c., Incidental expenditures, . . Camp kettles, Miedicioe Coll. Bulls forage Forage for the Surgeon, . . Blank warrants at Erie, . . Additional charge on 1157 Retained rations of 3 Cts. each 3261 28 3220 632 49 202 29 165 39 70 13 75 13 75 7 7555 26 34 71 $7589 97 746 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY WILLIAM McCLEL- I^AND INSPECTOR OF THE 2ND BRIGADE 7TH DIVIS- ION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRI- GADE TO ERIE UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE 7 FEBY. 1814 IN PURSUANCE OF ORDERS FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. 1 Rations 7402_ at 17 Cents, 2 Waggonage, 3 Inicidental, 4 Camp Kettles, 5 Wood & Straw, Major Woods Forage Additional sum on other page, 1258 34 1460 75 55 118 37 186 09 10 30S7 55 253 75 No. 2. Waggonage. 1 William McClelland, 2 Joseph Stake, 3 Elisha J. Nawlin, 4 McCuchin & Long, 5 Robert Carson, 6 Patrick Hays 7 Samuel Slider, 8 Stephen Wilson, 9 Alexr. McCHelland 10 Robert Criswell, $3341 31 14 25 3 140 314 302 302 8 3 50 308. 66 $1460 75 i. Incidental. 1 Tent pins, 2 75 2 Printing notice, 3 3 Bugle horn 12 4 Toll, 4 5 Ferriage 16 50 6 On'e Axe 2 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 747 7 Ferriage, 2 S Toll &c., 7 50 y Ferriage, 5 25 155 00 4. Camp Kettles. 1 Tin pans, 67 37 2 Kettles, 51 Statement of Ration's Issued to a detachmemt, Majr. Clel- laml Brigade 2 days before & 28 days on their March to Erie To the following officers non coimmissiond. offn. & Private. 1 Major, 30 days at 4 rations pr. day, 120 3 Captains, 30 days at 3 rations pr. day, 270 5 Lieutenants, 30 days at 2 rations pr. day, 300 2 Ensigns, 30 days at 2 rations pr. day, 120 221 Privates, 30 days at 1 ration pr. day, 6630 7440 deduct (for deserters) 38 rations not drew, .... 38 No. 5. Wood & Straw. 1 Wood 10 50 2 Wood & Straw, 36 92 3 Wood & Straw, 11 40 4 Wood & Straw, 6 5 Wood & Straw, 18 15 6 Wood & Straw, 2 7 Wood & Straw, 14 8 Wood & Straw, 4 9 Wood & Straw 5 10 Wood & Straw 8' 11 Wood & Straw, 5 12 Wood & Straw, 7 13 Straw, 1 50 14 Wood & Straw 10 6214 15 Wood & Straw, 4 50 16 Wood & Rent, 6 50 17 Wood & Straw 5 18 Wood & Straw 5 748 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 19 Wood & Straw 5 20 Wood & Rent &c 9 21 Straw, 2 22 Wood, 2 75 23 Wood, 3 24 Wood, 2 25 185 09 THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. TO WM. McClelland brigade inspector. 1814. Apl 30 To seven thousand three hundred & forty nine Rations furnished the detachment from Franklin County at 17 Cents, 1249 33 To cash paid Major Wood Forage for One horse 1 month, 10 To- cash paid the Expences of Transportation pr. Rect., 1751 84 To Fifty three Rations furnished at London to Capt. Gordons Company at 17 Cents each, 8 01 Toi 80 Camp Kettles furnished detachment by Jacob Heyser, 67 37 Error in calculation of last Chargd. rations ?1.00, $3086 55 Additional to Majr. McClelland ac. as stated on page 99. Additional account of rations 40 97 Majr. Mctl'lellands compensation, organizing & marching the Militia 2 months. & 16 days pay & em- oluments as a Major, 212 79 253 76 Additional to. Majr. Lamberton ac. as stated in page 96 Camp Kettles, 96 40 Rations furnished two detachments of Militia which marched to Philada. Viz 928 rations at 15i^ Cts., 143 84 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 749 Additional allowance of 3 cents pr. rations made to the Contractor, 222 78 General Mitchell retained ratio^ns, 2^ ZU Major Lamberton's services 2 nxonths 25 days pay &c. as a ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ Major STATEMENT OP EXPENDITURES BY JOHN JO^ES IN- ^PlfpTOR OF THE 1 BRIGADE 8TH DIVISION MILITIA /or MARC H Jg A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE Inu ^KFFmloFFmi.P.BEl.^mA UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THe'^GOVERNOR OF THE 2eTH AUGUST 1814. ... 1390 03 1 Rations, ^^^^ ^^ 2 Waggouage, ^^^ ^^ ^ Forage, 3^^ oeVa 4 Camp Kettles, 130 92 5 Wood&Straw, • ^^ g^,/^ 6 Incidental, 'li i^ 7 Provisions, " ^ ^^^^ g^^^ 5^21/2 8 Medicine, Major Jones services, 68 00 $3729 I2V2 2. WAGGON AGE. 44 Soloman Deutler 45 George Long, ^.^^ 46 Abm. Troxal, ' ' ' ^Q,g 47 Hugh Harrison, ' ' g^ 48 John App, . • • -^54 51 Henry Crafford ^^2 53 George Rockey, ' ' " 24 56 Philip Rosle, 24 57 Masheck Hull, 87 00 94 750 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 58 George Kuntz 178 59 Thomas Giberson 160 63 Isaac Wertz, 1 50 65 Jacob Wann, 178 69 Henry Shatter, 8 $1371 1. RATIONS. Furnished by Mr. Sidel 5243 at 17 Cts 891 31 Furni.shed by Self 5376 a 20 Ct 475 20 Furnished by Self 147 a 16 Cts 23 52 1390 03 CAMP KETTLES. 1 Kettles & pans, 48 50 4 Camp Equipage, IS 4 Camp Equipage, 9 5 Kettles & Pans, 52 84 6 Kettles pots & Pans, 45 17 11 Kettles & Buckets 19 50 13 Kettles & pans, 12 25 17 Tins pans, 66 IS Camp Equipage 43 Oli^ 23 Kettles, 25 90 'iii Frying pans, 6 3S Equipage, 10 65 40 Kettles 4 68 Tin Ware 3 58 71 Frying pans, 3 $302 O6V2 WOOD & STRAW. 2 Wood & Provisions 5 00 7 Wood & post Burned, 13 25 20 Straw, 5 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 751 32 Wood, 15 35 Wood 17 19 Wood, 1 72 11 Wood, 9 49 Wood &c , 14 33 61 Straw, 1 02 66 Wood & Straw, 34 60 42 Wood 15 130 92 6. Incidental. 12 Axes, 10 50 3 Ferriages 27 19 24 Cords- &c. for Drum, 68 10 Empty Barrel 50 28 Ferriages, 8 06 34 Iron, 75 50 Repairing drums 2 25 62 Sundries, 2 781/2 70 Blanket, 3 25 $55 961/2 3. FORAGE. 9 Oats & Hay, 4 50 14 Oats & Hay, 3 621/2 21 Forage 30 10 39 Forage, 74 621/2 30 Forage, 33 50 53 Forage. 192 IO1/2 25 Forage, 10 64 Forage, 30 34 $378 791/2 752 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 8. MEDICINE. 43 Expences sick, 8 Attending sick, 22 Attending siick, 29 Attending sick, 15 Attending sick 54 Hauling Mede., , 16 Attending sick, , 621/2 2 75 50 1 50 1 1 7 371/2 7. PROVISIONS. 26 Salt, 27 Beef & Whiskey, 33 Soap &c., 55 Sundries 60 Killing Beeves 67 Soaps, 6 93 2 77 5 2 1 78 24 48 DR. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TO JOHN JONES BRIGADE INSPECTOR 1 BRIGADE. 8TH DIVISION. 1814. For the following expenditures in marching the Militia called from my Brigade for the defence of Philadelphia to Maicus Hook under General orders "of the 22d day of July 1814. Sept. 20 To Camp Equipage and Materials at Sun- bury pr. Vouchers No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... 209 95 To Camp Equipage & other Materials, such as Expences of forage &c. &c. Vouchers No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 230 301/2 To forage wood straw & other Equipage pr. Vouchers No. 32, 33, 34, 35, 3G, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 160 42 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 753 To Carriage forage & other Equipage pr. Vouchers No. 44. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. 59 1398 eOVo To (Carriage forage & othei- E^iuipage pr. Vouchers No. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 267 75V3 2267 031^ I'o abstracts furnished from Sunbury to Reading Number of Rations. Acc't of Provisions issued to detachment of U. S. Troops from Rearling to bush hill from the fourth to the seventh day of October inclusive. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY MATHEW STAN- LEY INSPECTOR 2ND BRIGADE 3RD DIVISION MIi^ITIA FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE UNDER GENERAL OR- DERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE 26TH AUGUST 1814. No. 1 Rations 389 80 2 Waggonage, 97 3 Incidental, 93 90 $580 70 WAGGONAGE 5 John Powell 20 00 William McPhadin, 22 James Lewis, 24 James Ross, 22 Daniel Townsend 9 97 70 48— Vol. IX.— 6th Ser. 754 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 3. INCIDENTAL. 1 Ferriage Susqucha., 40 00 2 Toll at Witmers, 3 23 3 Toll, 3 94 4 Toll, 60 5 Toll, 1 6 Toll, 32 7 Toll 139 8 Toll, 125 9 Toll, 1 26 10 Toll, 1 391/2 11 Toll, 1 301/2 12 TolK, 3iy2 13 Toll, 32 14 Toll, 52 15 Toll, 24 16 Toll, 1 16 17 Toll 37y2 18 Toll, 30 19 Toll, 18 20 Ferriage, 32 21 Toll 72 22 Ferriage, 1 20 23 hauling Arms, 1 50 24 hauling Arms, 5 25 hauling Arms, 10 26 Collecting & Hauling, 10 27 Collecting & Hauling, 6 93 90 RATIONS. 2 1304 at 20 Cents, 260 80 3 240 at 20 Cents, 48 4 345 at 20 Cents, 69' 17 Officers retained. 12i 389 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 755 The Commonwealth of Penna. to Mathew Stauley Inspr. 2 B. 2 Dn. to expenditures for Marching a detachment of Militia from his Brigade under the Orders of the Governor of the 26th Augt. 1814. To Cash pd. Toll & Ferriage on their march , ^ , 59' 90' to York, To Cash pd. 1304 Rations pr. Return rolHs. March 2, ^'^ '' To Cash pd. Titus Taylor for Rations on March 8, "^^ To Cash pd. Capt. Christian Wiglon for Rations on March 4 ^^ To Cash pd. Sundries for Hauling pr. Recpts. March .5, ^^ To cash pd. Dav'd Townsend for moving baggage. March 6, ' ^ To Cash pd. Collecting and hauling arms. ,/r 1 T .... 32 50 March 7, To Cash pd. 6 Officers back ration pr. Rec't. March 17 1^0^ 579 20 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JOHN LIGHT IN- SPECTOR 1 BRIGADE 4 DIVISION MILITIA, FOR MARCH- ING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DE- FENCE OF BALTIMORE AND GENERAL ORDERS OP THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814. 1 Rations 213 821/2 2 Hauling 1^1 981/2 3 Incidental, '^^ ^^'^/a above ac. in detail 448 31 V2 Ma jr. Light's expenses 9 days at $2, 18 OO $466 3IV2 756 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 1. RATIONS. 1 835 at 151/2 Cts., 137 17% 2 390 at 151/2 Cts., 60' 45 Barrels for Whiskey, ■ 3 50 9 H. Hibshman Ra., 12 70 1213 82 2. HAULING. 3 John Hatz, 93 00 4 John Ferree 12 5 Samuel Geehr, 40 98 6 Abraham Buck 12 10 Conrad Stormfelty, 4 $161 98 3. INCIDENTAL. 7 Ferriage, 60 75 8 Wood & Toll, 6 99 11 Toll, 1 07 12 Toll, 72 13 Toll, 1 08 14 Toll, 461/2 15 Toll iQYz 16 Toll, 961/2 72 501^ The Commoniwealth of Pennsylvania in ac. with John Light Inspector of the 1 Brigade 4 Division for Marching a detachment of his Brigade under General orders of the Governor of August 1814 for the following expenditures No. 1 Martin Miller for Rations Dr 137 17% 2 Martin Miller for Rations, 63 95 3 John Hatz for Hauling, 93 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE 757 4 John Teree for Hauling, 12 5 Cbll. Samuel L. Geehr for Hauling, 40 98 6 Abraham Burk for Hauling 12 7 Tempest Wilson Ferriage of men & Bagga:ge Waggn, 60 75 8 John Reitzel for Wood Toll &c., & 99 9 Henry Hibshman Rations, 12 70 10 Conrad Stormfeltz hauling Arms, 4' 11 John Martin for Toll, 1 07 12 John Newcomer for Toll 72 13 John Keller for Toll, 1 08 14 Philip Ferree for Toll for Baggage W. 46i^ 15 Jacob Brenheisen for Toll, 46% 16 Jacob Brenheisen for Toll, 96% ?448 31% STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY NATHANIEL W. SAMPLE INSPECTOR 2 BRIGADE 4 DIVISION MILITIA FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE UNDER GENERAL OR- DERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814. 1 Waggonage, 49 00 2 Rations, 267 15 3 Incidental, 42 42 358 57 Major Samples expences, in march- ing & Returning home, 16 Detail expenditures Col. Ankrim & McClure, 30 00 $404 57 RATIONS. 3 Whiskey, 125 4 Whiskey, 1 25 8 Whiskey, 125 758 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 15 Capt Good, 58 40 16 Capt. MteCullough 78 17 Capt. Robinson, 75 18 Capt. McClure, 4} 20 Capt. Fcltz, 12 WAGGONAGE. 14 Joseph Wentz, 20 19 Abm. IJaker 20 27 John Greenleaf, 9 INCIDENTAL. 5 Expences militia, 4 30 6 Ferriage, 1 10 Ferriage 23 11 Steelyards, 3 12 Ferriage &c., 8 13 Jug for militia, 1 25 22 Ferriage, 75 23 Ferriage 62i/^ The CO'mimonwealth of Pennsylvania in ac. with Nathaniel W. Sample Inspector 2 Brigade 4 Division, for marching a detach- ment from his Brigade to York under Genl. orders of the Governor for the following expenditures — Dr Paid John Cameron for 2 Quarts Whiskey No. 3, 1 25 Paid Ludwick for 5 Quarts Whiskey No. 4, 1 25 Paid Sarah Ring for expences militia No. 5, 4 30 Paiid J. S. Wallace Troops crossing Columba. B. No'. 6 1 Paid for Whiskey No. 8, 1 25 Paid Tempest Wilson ferriage of Troop Susqua. No. 10, 23 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 759 Paid Lewis Rosemiller for Steelyards No. 11, 3 50 Paid George White Majr. Contingent expences No. 12, 8 Paid George Hall for a Jug for Militia Dett. No. 13, 1 25 Paid Joseph Wentz for hauling baggage No. 14, 20 Paid Henry Good Capt. for 2 days rations 66 M & 3 off. No. 15, 58 40 Paid James JMcCullough for 2 days rations 116 M & 6 off No. 16, 78 Paid John Robinson for 2 days ratiorns 110 M & 6 off No. 17, 75 Paid John McClure for 2 days rations 85 M & 6 off. No. 18, 4& Paid Abraham Baker hauling baggage No. 19, 20 Henry Foltz Rations for 26 men & 2 officers No. 20', 13 Jacob for Ferriage of Rifle men No. 22, 75 John G. Defevre> Ferriage of detachment of Militia No. 23, 62i^ John Greenleaf for hauling for Militia No. 27, 9 Coll. Ankrim for expenditures, 20' Coll McClure for expenditures 10' 388 17% Majr. Samples own expences in Marching & reting home, 16 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CHRISTIAN SPAYD INSPECTOR 1 BRIGADE 6 DIVISION MILITIA FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814. 1 Rations, 1386 16 2 Waggonage, 235 3 Incidental, 415 81 4 Wood & Straw, 54 75 2091 72 760 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RATIONS. 2 280 at 18 Cents, 50 40 11 Quarters & rations, 70' 18 John George pr. Ren., 54 23 1119 at IS Cts 201 42 25 4877 at IS Cts., 877 86 26 582 at 18 Cts 104 76 27 154 at IS Cts., 27 72 $1386 16 WAGGONAGE. 1 George Seltzer 54 00 3 George Metzger, 5 5 Samuel Miley, 30 9 James Reed, 30 00 10 John Bower, 30 16 Jacob Wetty, 18 34 John Scott, 58 235 00 WOOD & STRAW. 4 Wood, 3 4 Wood 9 7 Wood, 3 22 Straw, 5 24 Wood, 18 Wood 6 Wood, 10 54 75 INCIDENTAL. 2 Toll, 8 14 3 Ferriage, 5 821/2 5 Selling Boards 1 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 761 6 Ferriage, 40 92 7 Ferriage, 1 ^^ 8 A part of Ferriage, 6 12 Toll, 5 ^^ 13 Tolli, 4 22 14 Ferriage, 3 75 15 Ferriage 1^ 17 E^xpress' hire, 10 19 Ferriage, 38 140 43 20 Boards & Scantling for Huts for militia before the received their Tents, 253 831/2 LI Work dene at Huts 1 26 28 Nails for Huts 6 25 29 Work for Huts 1 30 Work for Huts, 5 31 Work for Huts, 1 50 32 Scantling for Huts, H 10 279' 93 Cr. By and Sales off Boards, after Militia returned home, 99 93 180 001/2 33 Boxes for Packing Arms in 85 37% Melchoir Baum for marching Troops To Baltimore, ^^ $415 81 DR. THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA IN AC. WITH CHRIS- TIAN SPAYD BRIGADE INSPECTOR. Aug. 9 To Gash paid Samuel Eglee, for Music. No. 1, Sept. 1 To Cash paid Abraham Guldin for 280 rations at 18 Cts. No. 2, 50 40 2 To Cash paid .Jacob Cornhoas ferriage of men &. No. 3, 5 821/2 762 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 6 To Cash paid Jacob Hershy for Wood. No. 4, 3 75 5 To Cash paid Samuel Mlley in part for Hauling. No. 5, 30' 8 To Cash paid Daniel Etter for ferriage of men & W. J. No. 6, 40-92 8 Toi Cash paid Balser Rolin forrage for Horses. No. 7, 1 25 9 To Casih paid Jacob Selzer for Ferriage, a part of No. 8, 6 11 To Cash paid James Reed on Acc't for Hauling. No. 9, 30 11 To Cash paid John Bower on acc't for Hauling. No. 10, 30 15 To Cash paid Daniel Maurer for Quarters & rations. No. 11, 70 20 To Cash paid John Barr for Ttirnpike fare. No>. 12, 5 34 20 To Cash paid John Stock for Turnpike fare. No. 13, 4 22 26 To Cash paid Jacob Ro ferriage Capt. Carothers Compy. No. 14, 3 75 26 To Cash paid Gawin Henry for Carriage anid ferriage and ferriage over sus- quch. No. 15, 16 Oct. 3 To Cash paid Jacob Wetty hauling to York, Pa. No. 16 18 10 To Cash paid A. C. Price riding express twice & expences. No. 17, 10 Nov. 15 To Cash paid John George for rations pr. return roll. No. 18, 54 1818 Jany. 18 To Cash paid George Barnet for ferrying Militia Swatara. No. 19 38 , Feby. 11 To Cash paid Enoch Speer for Boards & Scantling. No. 20 253 831/2 21 To Cash paid Michael Work done at Wooden Tenits. No. 21, 1 25 28 To Cash paid George 100 Bundles Straw. No. 22 5 28 To Cash paid William W. Hite for 119 rations at 18 Cts. No. 23, 201 42 28 To Cash paid Elisha Green for 6 Cords Wood at $3. No. 24, 18 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 763 Jany. 4 To Cash paid Melchior Rahm for 4877 rations at IS Ots. No. 25 877 86 4 To Cash paid Christian Young for 582i rations at 18 Cts. No. 26, 104 76 4 To Cash paid Melchior Rahm for 154 rations at 18 Cts. No. 27 -. . 27 72 March 4 Tt> Cash paid George Seltzer for Nails. No. 2'8 6 26 To Cash paid Frederick StraAV for buiMing Huts. No. 29, 1 To Cash paid George Gross for work done at Huts. No. 30 5 To Cash paid John Dennis for work done at Huts. No. 31, 1 50 To Cash paid John McC. for Scantling for work done at Huts. No. 32 11 50 To Cash paid Christian Baum for Boixes for Muskets. No. 33, 85 37i^ To Cash paid John Scott for hauMnig Muskets to Baltimore. No. 34, 68 Wood delivered the Troops, 6 Quarters for Troops, 10 To Cash paid Melchior Rahm for taking Troops to Bait 10 Settled 17th March 1815, 2111 511/2 No. 5 To> Cash paid Cryer for selling boards, 1 1 TO Cash paid George Seltzer for hauling 54 2 To Cash paid R. McClure Toll at Bridge, 8 14 3 To Cash paid George Metzger Hauling 5 4 To Cash paid William Hite for Wood 9 7 To Cash paid Jacob Ackey Wood &c., 3 $2191 65 Deduct Amo'. Sales of Boards, 99 93 Charged to the U. States, |2091 72 764 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JOHN FOGEL IN- SPECTOR 2 BRIGADE 7 DIVISION MILITIA FOR MARCH- ING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DE- FENCE OF PHILADELPHIA UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814. No. 1 Rations, 2 Waggonage, 3 Forage, 4 Wood & Straw, 5 Medicine, 6 Incidental, Deduct error in No. 2, 6, 44— $2— 69 $1650—73, Maj. Fogels expences, 1039 93 518 45 35 37 12 10 46 2 56 $1653 42 52 00 1702 73 Waggonage. 7 Henry Denhart 14 00 8 Danil. Hickner 36 11 Jacob Hartzel 21 32 Saml. Robinson, 12 34 Joseph Hindrick, 60 40 Philip Kodenfer 24 41 Jacob Hartzel 96 42 Danl. Kechner, 96 43 Jacob Newhart, 99 33 Samuel Robert, 60 ?518 GO Rations. 1 Capt. Rinker 140 at 18 Cents, .... 25 20 2 Capt. Ruke 90 at 18 Cents, 16 20 3 capt. Rinker 68 at 18 Cents, 12 24 4 Capt. Dinckey 140 at 18 Cents, 25 20 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 765 5 Capt. Ruke 90 at 18 Cents, . 6 Capt. Sundries 68 at 18 Cents 10 Capt. Hartzel, 12 Rations & Bread, 13 Cooking meat, 15 Bread & Whiskey, 16 Bread, salt & whiskey, 17 Beef 18 Beef. 19 Bread. 20 Bread, 21 Whiskey, 22 Beef, 23 Bread & sait, 24 Beef, 25 Sundries, 26 Retained Ratns., 28 Retained Ratns., 29 Retained Ratns., 44 Retained Ratns., 46 Rations, 47 Capt. Shaffer, 48 Capt. Ganywer, 50 Capt. Dinckney, 52 Capt. Rinker, 16 20 68 56 43 50 223 94 3 00 22 18 10 37 80 54 40 16 90 4 51 13 82 1/2 28 32 04 25 04 75 60 48 18 40 12 6 40 46 44 40 49 20 32 29 20 Forage. 30 Coll, Neighly, 31 Oats & hay, 35 Forage, $1039 93 18 45 20 83 6 07 45 35 Wood & Straw. 14 Wood, 3 00 15 Wood & Straw, 3 12 36 Straw, 6 39 Straw 12 50 45 Wood 11 49 Wood, 1 50 37 12 766 27 Surgeon Rodgers, 38 Surgeon Rodgers, 9 Express hire, 37 ExpresiS hire. MISCELLANEOUS PAI Medicine, gers, ^ERS. 4 6 08 jers, . 8S 1 1 Incidental. 31 9,5 - 10 46 2 56 1814. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DR. TO JOHN FOGEL 2B. 7 D. P. M. FOR MARCHING THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES P^ROM THE COUNTY OF LE- HIGH TO MARCUS HOOK. VIZ. CAPT. ABRAHAM REUKE'S CAPT. GEORGE DINCKEY, CAPT. JOHN OTT, CAPT. HENRY FREY, CAPT. JOHN F. RICHE, CAPT. ABM. GAY, CAPT. JACOB HERSH, CAPT. NICHOLAS DERR, CAPT. GEORGE F. COLDOVY, CAPT. ABM. SHAF- FER, CAPT. JOHN SHAFFER, & CAPT. PETER REUCH. Sept. 6 To Cash paid Solomon Guder pr. re- ceipt No. 1, 6 To Cash paid Solomon Guder pr. re- ceipt No. 2, 7 To Cash paid Andrew Trevig pr. re- ceipt No. 3 7 To Cash paid Andrew Trevig pr. re- ceipt No. 4, 7 To Cash paid Andrew Trevig pr. re- ceipt No. 5, To Cash paid Henry Denhart pr. receipt No. 7, To Cash paid Daniel Keichnier pr. receipt No. 8, To Cash paid Joseph Frey pr. receipt No. 9, To Cash paid Jacoh Hartzel pr. receipt No. 10, To Cash paid Jacob Hartzel pr. receipt No. 11, .,.., 25 20 16 20 12 24 25 20 16 20 14 36 1 31 43 50 31 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 767 To Cash paid Solomon Gudeu pr. receipt No. 12, 223 94 To Cash paid James Bell pr. receipt No. 13. 3 To Cash paid Rudolph Smith pr. receipt No. 14, 3 To Cash paid John Stop pr. receipt No. 15, 22 18 To Cash paid Conrad Stear pr. receipt No. 15, 3 12 To Cash paid Jacob Seider pr. receipt No. 16, 10^ To Cash paid Joseph Michneger pr. receipt No. 17, 37 80 To Cash paid Jacob Vendeck pr. receipt No. 18, 54 40 To Cash paiil Balser Hudrich pr. receipt No. 19 16 90 To Cash paid John Bitteng pr. reiceipt No. 20, 4 51 To Cash paid Henry Wilson pr. receipt No. 6 68 56 To Cash paid Nicholas Klien pr. receipt No. 21, 13 82 To Cash paid John Peters pr. receipt No. 22, 28 Tt) Cash paid George Klien pr. receipt No. 23, 32 04 To Cash paid Frederick Smith pr. receipt No. 24 25 04 To Cash paid Nicholas Neligh (see datld ac), pr. receipt No. 25, 75 60 To Cash paid John Shaffer pr. receipt No. 26, 48 To Cash paid John J. Rogers pr. receipt No. 27 4 08 To Cash paid John P. Ruche pr. receipt No. 28 18 40 To Cash paid John F. Ruche pr. receipt No. 29, 12 To Cash paid William Smith pr. receipt No. 30 18 45 To Cash paid Christian Hagen pr. receipt No. 31, 20 83 76S MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. To Cash paid Samuel Robertson pr. re- ceipt No. 32 To Cash paid Samuel Roberts pr. receipt No. 33, To Cas'h paid Joseph Hummelrick pr. re- ceipt No. 34, To Cash paid Samuel Ash pr. receipt No. 35, To Cash paid Benjamin Elliott pr. receipt No. 36, To Cash paid John Doll pr. receipt No. 37, To Cash paid John J. Rogers pr. receipt No. 38, To Cash paid John R. Price pr. receipt No. 39, To Cash paid Philip Kodenfer pr. receipt No. 40, To Cash paid Jacob Hartzel pr. receipt No. 41, To Cash paid Daniel Keichner pr. receipt No. 42, To Cash paid Jacob Newhart pr. receipt V • No. 43, To Cash paid John J. Rogers pr. receipt No. 44, To Oa&h paid Michael Weber pr. receipt No. 45 To Cash paid John Arandt pr. receipt No. 46, To Cash paid John Shaffer pr. receipt No. 47, To Cash paid Abraham Gangwere pr. re- ceipt No. 48, To Cash paid Joseph Frey Junr pr. re- ceipt No. 49, To Cash paid George Dinkey pr. receipt No. 50, To Cash paid Abraham Benker pr. re- ceipt No. 52 12 60 60 6 07 6 1 25 6 3i 12 50 24 96 96 93 6 40 11 46 44 40 49 20 1 50 32 29 20 16553 42 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 769 NO. 25. DETAILED. CHARGED TO RATION AC. COLL. NICHOLAS NEILIGH & HIS SUBALTERN & REGIMEN- TAL STAFF OFFICERS WHO MARCHED ON THE 23 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1814 INTO THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THEIR RATIONS TWO DAYS PREVIOUS TO MARCHING TO PHILADELPHIA. To Forage for two horses, 7 00 To Coll. Nelight 7 days rations, $1 pr. day, ^ To Ma jr. Jacob Shaffer 7 days &c., . . 5 60 To Forage for One horse 7 days, 3 50 To Majr. Peter Rumble 7 days rationis, 5 60 To Forage for One horse 7 days, 3 50 To Adjt. Abraham Levan 7 days rations, 2 80 To Forage for one horse 7 days, 3 50 To Quarter Master Michl. V/eber 7 days ra., 2 80 To Forage for One horse 7 days ra., . . 3 50 44 80 To Surgeon John J. Rogers 7 days rations, "^ 20 To Forage for one horse 7 days 3 50 To Surgeons mate Charles Duperhitz 7 days 2 ^0 To Drum Major Jacob Person 7 days ra., 2 80 To Fife Major Danl. Levan 7 days ra., 2 80 To Sergeant Major Joseph levis 7 Shaffer 7 d., 1 40 30 80 To Quarter M. Sergeant Hug'h Hornor 7 days, 2 80 Rec'd Robert Rossel 7 day rations, ... 2 80 Rec'd Forage for his horse 7 days, ... 3 50 Rec'd One waiter to Col. Neligh 7 days ratn., 1 40 Rec'd One waiter to Major Jacob Shaffer 7 d., 1 40 30 80 $75 60 49— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 770 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ABSTRACT OF RATIONS AND PARTS OF RATIONS ISSUED TO THE OFFICERS NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS MUSICIANS AND PRIVATES OF THE COMPANIES OF PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA PERFORMING THEIR RES- PECTIVE TOURS OF DUTY IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANLA AT ERIE BETWEEN THE DAY OF AND THE THIRTIETH DAY OF NOVEMBER INCLUSIVE IN THE YEAR 1812 BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR DATED THE 15TH OF JULY IN THE SAME YEAR AND ATTACHED TO THE CORPS COMMANDED BY BRIGADIER GENERAL JOHN KELSO. Gapt. James Cochran 2421 Complete rations at 15 Cts., , Capt. James Cochran 25^/^ extra rations of Bread at 15 Cts., Capt. James Cochran 25% extra rations of Meat at 15 Cts., , Capt. James Cochran 157 extra rations of Whislvey at 4 lbs., Capt. Michael Miller 3343 Complete rations at 15 Cts., Capt. Michael Miller 70 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., Capt. Michael Miller 70 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., , Capt. Michael Miller 159 extra rations of Whiskey at 4 Cts., Capt. James Mc Knight 409 Complete rations at 15 Cts., Capt. James McKnight 36 1/^ extra ra- tions of Bread at 5 Cts., , Capt. James McKnight 36% extra ra^ tions of Meat at 5 Cts., , Capt. James McKnight 76 extra ra- tions of Whiskey at 4 Cts , 363 15 1 271/2 1 271/2 6 2S 501 45 3 50 3 50 6 36 613 50 1 821/2 1 821/2 3 04 371 98 514 81 620 19 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 771 Capt. William SmittL 3840 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 576 00 Capt. William Smith 69 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts 3 45 Capt. William Smith 70 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 3 50 Capt. William Smith 179 extra rations of Whiskey at 4 Cts., 7 88 Capt. James Denniston 3083 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 462 45 Capt. James Denniston 69 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., 3 45 Capt. James Denniston 189 extra ra- tions of Meat at 5 Cts., 9 45 Capt. James Denniston 189 extra ra- tions of Whiskey at 4 Cts., 5 52 Capt. John Gilleland 4332 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 649 80' Capt. John Gilleland 189 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., 9 45 Capt. John Gilleland 189 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 9 45 Capt. John Gilleland 378 extra rations of whiskey at 4 Cts 15 12 Capt. Daniel McOombs 4'2'85 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 642 75 Capt. Daniel McCombs 133 extra ra- tions of bread at 5 Cts., 6 65 Capt. Dami'el MJcComibs 133 extra ra- tions of Meat at 5 Cts., 5 65 Capt. Daniel McCombs 316 extra ra- tions of whiskey at 4 Cts 12 64 Capt. John Fisher 2004 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 300 60 Capt. John Fisher 122 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., G 10 Capt. John Fisher 122 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 6 10 Capt. John Fisher 244 extra rations of whiskey at 4 Cts., 9 76 590 83 480 87 683 82 668 69 322 56 772 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Capt. Warren Foot 550 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 82 50 Capt. Warren, Foot 4^^ extra rations of Bread at 5 Cts., 22^^ Capt. Warren Foot iVz extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 22i^ Capt. Warren Foot 9 extra rations of wMslcey at 4 Cts., 36 Capt. David Robinson 2794 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 419 Capt. David Robinson 32 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., 1 60 Capt. David Robinson 32 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 1 60 Capt. David Robinson 64 extra rations of whiskey at 4 Cts., 2 56 Capt. Thomas Atkinson 668 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 100 20 Capt. Samuel Withrow 411 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 61 65 Capt. Samuel Withrow 105 extra ra- tions of whiskey at 4 Cts., 4 20' Capt. John McDowel 422 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 66 30 Capt. Thomas Hoolin 281 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 42 15 Capt. Andrew Cochran 69 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 10 35 Capt. Thomas Forster 738 Complete rations at 15 Cts 110 70 Capt. Thomas Forster 3i/^. extra rations of Bread at 5 Cts., llVz Capt. Thomas Forster 3i/^ extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 17i^ Capt. Thomas Forster 42 extra rations of whiskey at 4 Cts. 1 68 83 31 424 86 100 20 65 85 66 30 42 15 10 35 112 73 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 772 Capt. John Morris 3735 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts 560 25 Captain John Morris 7^/^ extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., 371/2 Capt. John Morris 28 extra rations of Meat at 5 Cts., 371/2 Capt. John Morris 165 extra rations of whislvey at 5 Cts., 6 60 — 568 621^ Capt. Nathan Price 3247 Complete ra- tions at 15 Cts., 487 05 Capt. Nathan Price 87 extra rations of bread at 5 Cts., 4 35 Oapt. Nathan Price 87 extra rations of meat at 5 Cts., 4 35 Capt. Nathan Price 174 extra rations of whiskey at 4 Cts., 6 96 One Waiter not of the line 31 Complete rations at 15 Cts., 4 65 502 71 4 65 $6235 481/2 Duly Certified by BRIG. GENL. JOHN KELSO. 774 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ABSTRACT OF RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM CLARK UNDER HIS CONTRACT WITH THE GOVERNOR ON BEHALF OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA TO THE FOLLOWING NAMED GENTLEMEN OFFICERS WHO COMMANDED CERTAIN DETACHMENTS OF THE MILI- TIA PERFORMING A TEMPORARY SERVICE^ AT ERIE BEING ACCEPTED BY BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO, UPON THE EXTRAORDINARY ALARM EXCUITED ON THE FRONTIER BY INTELLEGENCE OF THE SURREN- DER OF THE NORTH WESTERN ARMY OF THE UNI- TED STATES UNTIL THE ARRIVAL OF THE CORPS DRAFTED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR BETWEEN 25TH DAY OF AUGUST AND THE 6TH DAY OF SEP- TEMBER 1812. Officers Names by Whom drawn. Robert McHay, Capt Robert MoRay, Capt Ralph Marlin, Col., Michael Kincade, Capt Warren Foot, Capt. Warren Foot, Capt Ralph Marlin. Lieut Col., . Zeletes Lee, Capt Zeletes Lee, Capt Ralph Marlin, Lieut. Col., . Samuel Scott, Capt John McDowell, Capt William Dickson, Capt., Ralph Marlin, Lieut. Col., .. Ralph Marlin, Lieut. Col., .. John Martain, Capt.. Michael Baugher, Capt., ... Robert McClenahan, Ensign, Robert McCord, Capt Hugh Wilson, Capt. Ralph Marlin, Lieut. Col., .. John Junkins, Capt., .Tohn Junkins, Capt John Junkins, Capt., James Montgomery, Capt., Adam Holiday, Capt Adam Holiday, Capt., Alexander Thompson, Capt., m a c o C!! A tf c m & P. S " 6 Amount of Rations c& part of rations. 74 28 35 14 6 6 SCO 24 23 62 109 44 EO 304 44 17 14 8 150 131 146 77 47 lis 129 169 56 $1 92 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 775 ABSTRACT OF RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM! CLARK — Continued. Officers Names by Whom drawn. m C c cS tf « c a g? 6 ^ -^ p, g o Amount of Rations & part of rations. Michael Kincade, Capt. Matthew Dawson. Capt Alexander Thompson, Capt., .. Alexander Beans, Sergt 5 36 5S 10 195 5S 84 94 315 24 59 118 3501 James Montgomery, Capt James Montgomery, Capt Ralph Marlin, Lieut. Col .Tames Montgomery, Capt James Montgomery, Capt 15 525 15 525 $15 00 $527 7 00 Duly Certified by Brigadier Genl. John Kelso. 776 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. C. ABSTRACT OF RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM CLARK CONTRACTOR TO TROOPS STATIONED TWELVE MILES BELOW THE TOWN OF ERIE AT A POINT CALLED GALLEGHERS POINT ON LAKE ERIE BY ORDERS OF BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO BETWEEN THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER AND THE 30TH DAY OF NOVEM- BER IN THE YEAR 1812. Amount 1644 Complete Rations at 15 cets per ration $246 60 Duly Certified by Brig. Genl. John Kelso. D. ABSTRACT OP EXTRA RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM CLARK CONTRACTOR TO THE TROOPS STAIONED AT THE TOWN OF ERIE UNDER THE DIRECTIONS OF BRIGADIER GENERAL JOHN KELSO BETWEEN THE 15TH DAY OF AUGUST AND THE 30TH DAY OF NO- VEMBER 1812. 495 rations of whiskey at 4 Cents $19 80 8 rations of Candles at 20 Cents 1 60 $21 40 Duly Certified by BRIG. GENL. JOHN KELSO. E. ABSTRACT OP RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM CLARK CONTRACTOR FOR THE USE OF SICK SOLDIERS, BE- LONGING TO THE TROOPS STATIONED AT ERIE UN- DER THE COMMAND OP BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO BETWEEN THE 15TH DAY OP AUGUST 1812 AND THE 30TH DAY OF NOVEMBER OP THE SAME YEAR. 318 Rations of Whiskey at 4 Cents, . . $12 72 3414 Rations of Vinegar at 3 Cents,... 1 0^^ EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 777 13 Rations of -Candles at 20 Cents, ... 2 60 30 Rations of Flour at 5 Cents, 1 00 4 Rations of Soap at llYz Cents, 46 $17 81 Duly Certified by BRIG. GENL. JOHN KELSO. ABSTRACT OF RATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM CLARK CONTRACTOR TO THE REGIMENTAL STAFF OF MILI- TIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE OF PENNA. BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR. FOR DEFENCE OF THE FRONTIERS UNDER THE COMMAND OP BRIGADIER GENL. JOHN KELSO BETWEEN THE 15TH UKY OF AUGUST AND THE 30TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1812 IN- CLUSIVE. John Porter Quarter Master 94 Complete Rations at 15 Cts. WWiamisoin Adjutant 96 CorapJete Rations atj 15 Cts. Stevenson Surgeons Mate 141 Complete Rations at 15 Cts. Drum & fife Majors Sergeant Majors Quarter Master Sergeants 299 Complete Rations at 15 Ctsi One Vv'^aiter mot of the Line drawn, John Porter Quarter Master 71 Complete Rations at 15 Cts. Number of Oomplfete Rations 701 at 15 Cts., $105 15 Duly Certified by BRIG. GENL. JOHN KELSO. 778 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. a (^ p > o o o o o o o I S o o o 25 o <» I *. CO c^ ic^ c^ "«*< c^ gw -M O Ph *^ E-t ca J 'g o •a ^ Ph ^ ^ . o ^ (JO !* . C 3 S > '2 73 O 0) C ^ ^ .t; g (Si fc ffi W fij O S cj o 1^ ^ < w 0^ OJ E S ^-3 1-^ P. a „- +j c ^ c •1-' '"^ T '01 ^ ^ •= E > ^ 2 ^ -I ^E EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 779 ^ v? s 1 '^a^'^ts 2-<'^5:'''" ci .2 £3333333333333 > T. ooooooooooooo o tS .3 S W •" " ■Sffi •0

    -> m 3 CM 3 < u s •^ *^ •< fi a a KMSKWWtf^i^^^ "S E b .=« r^. 1 • ^ 2 C' fii ^ K^ elai'S EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 783 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON AC. OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States. To the State of Pennsylvania Dr. for the following dis- bursements for the defense of Erie in 1812 viz: — For Amount of pay per Abstracts and accompanying Rolls, $9832 81 For amount of pay per Additional Rolls. Viz. Captain Morris, $209 81 Captain Atkinson, 167 50 Captain Hovpling 72 50 Captain McDowels, 126 554 81 Subsistence Account per Abstracts A. B, C. D. E. F. G, 9684 00 Subsistence Account of the Company officers 658 80 Field & Staff including foTage in part, 1437 53 1-3 Forage of Company officers 70 40 Subsistence of Company officers, . . 499 90 Amount of Wm. Lattimor & Reed ac. 142 54i/^ Adjutant Comptons Account of pay, 9 60 Captain Forsters Subsistenice ac- ^ count, 19 40 Captain Withrow's Subsistence ac- count, 11 40 Captain Atkinson's Subsistence ac- count, 8' 40 Edvi^ard Hickey Ferriage account,.. 10' 44 Jacob Vanscort Ferriage account,.. 10 031/4 Robert Knox ac. foj' Postage, * 4 40 Anno® Judson ac. for Postage 2 SlVz^ Captain John Morris Subsistence ac, 16 40 Col. Ralph Marlin's Stibsistenoe ac- count, 62 SO' ThomaiS Wilson ac. as Clerk & Rent, 200 80 David Compton per Wm. Clark, ... 36 79 Major Nelson per Wm. Clark, 38 Abstract account in Qur. Master's dept., ; . 1890 0914 784 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Jonas Duncaiij for the month's pay his name being left out of the pay roll, 5 00 Provision Return in favor of Ebeif- ezer DwenJey for 26 rations at 15 cents, 3 90 2174 58 $25448 72 5-12 Deduct list of Errors 245 44 $25224 28 5-12 ITEMS UNDERCiHARGEiD BY WILSON SMITH. Capt. John Withrow No. 1 viz. Private for 1 mo. 19 days charged $8.13 should be $8.16; 26 in number Amounts to, $00 78 Privates for 1 mo. 20 days charged $8.2-9 should be $8.33; 4 in number, 16 Privates for 1 m^o. 18 days charged $7.61 should be $8.00, 04 Privates for 1 mo. 15 days charged $7.46 should be $7.50, 04 Pay Roll No. 2 Short, 03 $1 05 Captain Gilleland No. 1 number 15 and 19 of pay roll charged $7.66 should be $7.83, short, 34 Captain Simiihs Company No. 1, number^ 8, 9, 10, 11 each short, $00 32 Captain Simith'.s Company No: 1, number 12,.. 1 12 Captain Smith short in Item per Abstract, . . 10' Ciaptn. McKnight's Compy. No. 2 short 10' In Abstract short 1 CO Ciaptn. James Cochran No. short, 04 11 39 1 10 EXPENDITURES. BY THE STATE. 785 Short as follows Viz. Oapt. oile day-3 Rations at 20 Cents, 60 Lieut, one ciay-2 Rations at 20 cents, .. .40 Ensign one clay-2 Rations at 20 cents, . . ^ ^^ ^^ Ensign short per Abstract on his subsistence ac. charged $27 80 should be $37 80, _^ ^^ ^^ Capt. Foots Subsistence sho.rt one day 3 ra- ^^ tions, ; -I (•(, capt En,sign short 4 days 8 Rations, 1^ ^ ^^ Captn. Robinson's Subsistence short one day. ^ 60 Lieut. 4 days, ^ g^ Ensigni 4 days, 3 gQ $31 32 ITEMS OVERCHARGED BY WILSON SMITH VIZ. $1 86 55 94 92 Capt. Nathan Price pay Roll No. 1 Captn. Miller Price pay Roll No. 1, ••••;•••• captn. Gilleland Price pay Roll No. 1 CrpL ^ 05 Captn. privates No. 16 & 17 Over, ^ ^^ Captn. privates No. 31, ^ ^2 Captn. Pay Roll No. 2 viz charged $764.52 should be $669.59, • • Capt. Gilleland pay Roll No. 2 charged $260.93 2-3 shonld be $260.43 2-3, Capt. McComb's Receipt Roll No. 1, Capt. Smith No. 1 Amos Martin Over, Receipt Roll, Capt. Robinson's No. 1, Capt. McKnight's No. 1 • • •/ • Capt. Foster's Ensign overcharged for subsis- ^^ tence, 50^Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 50 28 00 ea 1 89 2i 52 30 00 50 786 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Overcharged Amount of Extract viz charged $9852.81 should be $9822.8Q, 10 01 , 171 88 31 32 140 56 Muster Roll of Col. Martin No. 1. Staff Officers^ — John Andrews 1.18 days over, $6 00 Noah T. Wade Qr. Master over, 6 17 John Wallace, Surgeon, 5 67 Joslah Stevenson, Surgeon's Mate 5 66 John Wallace, 1 26 24 76 Amt. of ac. of Item in the ac. of Reed & Lat- timior (161.54.) being Cash charged inad- missabte, 80 12lL 245 44 A STATEMENT EXHIBITING THE AMOUNT OF PAY DUE THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS FOR THEIR SERVICES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF ERIE, ASCERTAINED IN THE SETTLEMENT OF THE A. C. OF WILSON SMITH QUARTER MASTER GENERAL TOGETHER WITH THE AMOUNT PAID EACH ON ACCOUNT, AND THE BAL- ANCE REMAINING UNPAID, 22D MARCH 1813. Col. Andw. Christie Amount of his pay $177 60 Paid him on account, lOO 00 William Williamsoni Adjt 117 30 Paid him on account, 40 00 John Porter Quarter Master, 124 09 Paid him on account, 40 00 due him 77 60 77 30 84 09 Da-vid Clark Surgeons Mate, 28 70 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 787 32 00 jeMeuel Terrill Major, ^g ^^ John Allee Sergt. Major, • • $316 19 ■ Auditor General's Office MtH August 1813. paid the following Officers paid Receipts herewith Viz. ^^ Col. Andw. Christie. No, 1 Adjt. William- Williamso.n. No. 2, ^^ John Porter Quarter Master. No. 3, David Clark Surgeon's Mate. No. 4, ^^^ J»^ Major Jeheieuel Terrill. No, 5, John AUe Sergt. Major. No. 6, ^^^^ ^^ Amount due David Clark for Rations per ^ ^^ Certificate of Colonel Christie 324 59 TMTT^ WTT SON SMITH QUARTER MASTER GENERAL FOR THrFOL^wmG Disbursements made by him VIZ. John Boyd paid him for the carriage of 300 muskets 294 00 johiL Cummings for the rent of a room for the sale keeping of ammumtion & camp equipage ^^ ^^ Moses Hemrod hauling camp equipage, ^ ^^ Israel Miller hauling camp equipage, ^ ^^ Magau & Betts for Flints, Thomas Wilso. for Sunday repairs to store room, . . 5 4 John Lythe carriage of Arms & Ammunition _Jll $349 14 AMOTTNT OF BACK RATIONS DUE CAPT. JOHN MORRIS COMPANY FROM THE FIRST TO THE 29TH JULY 1812 InTuS^VE WITH AN ALLOWANCE OF 2 DAYS PRE:- VIOUS TO MARCHING. 10 Rations To John Sloan 22 Rations To John McDonald ^g Rations To P. S. V. Homot ^7 Rations To Michael Riblet ^4 Rations To Saml. Hays ^^ Rations To Hugh Cunningham. 788 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. To James Moore 9 Rations To Saml. Bunting 8 Rations To William Henderson 8 Rations To Joseph Ebersole 25 Rations To Barnabus McCue 8 Rations To Henry Miller 8 Rations To George Brown 8 Rations To Wm. Ayler 10 Rations To Thomas Loughery 8 Rations To Francis Graham 26 Rations To William Latimore 26 Rations To Thomas M. Miller 8 Rations To John Cooper 8 Rations To William Arbuclde ' 28 Rations To Holmes Reed 20 Rations To James Henry 16 Rations To David Fowzer 8 Rations To Sheldon Ball 9 Rations To Saml. Wheeler 22 Rations To John Gray 7 Rations To Richard Rardper 25 Rations To 1 Private Waiter 31 Rations 450 To John Gardner 15 Rations 465 I do Certify on honor that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief JOHN MORRIS Capt. 2nd Company 17 Regt. JOHN C. WALLACE Lieut Col. P. Militia John C. Wallace Lieut. Col. Commanding. I approve of the above account of back Rations as stated being due from the State July 27th 1813. WILSON SMITH, Q. Master Genl. I do authorize Mr. Geo. Beuhler to receive the amount of the within account. JOHN MORRIS, Capt. 2nd Compy. 2nd Batt. 17 Regt. 16 Division Penna. Militia. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. ^89 EX?ENm?UR™S FOR THE DEFENCE OF ERIE &C. &C. o 2233 95 1 Hauling Muskets Cannon &c., ^^^^ 2 Cartoucti Boxes, ^^^ ^^ 3 Repairing Arms powder & Lead ^^ ^^ 4 Incidental expenses &c., 5 General John Kelso his services • • • 6 William Camphell amount of expenditures of a detachment of militia from Butler County, 373 58/. 7 John Dickey amount of expenditures of a de- tachment of militia from Beaver County, . . • • • • 358 4.y. 8 Camp Kettles, , ' 9 General James Steel Amount of Expenditures of a detachment marched to the defence of Elk- ^^^^ ^^ lo'^ouni'of monies liai^ yupemumera^y Officers, 954 14 11 colonel Lewis Rush services in o-rgamzmg militia at Phila. for the United States service, . . 80 80 12 George Rawl for Rations, 13 Adjutant General Reed for services & expenses, in organizing the militia called into the United ^^^ ^^ States service, \V " l\l 14 Wilson Smith, Quarter Master General foi his pay &c as a Colonel for services rendered at ^^^ ^^ Erie in 1812, ' . ' 15 For his pay forage and rations as quaite . master general for 1813 & 1814 & as a colonel ^^^^ ^^ also, $13042 14 Statement for No. Hauling Cannon &c. No. 1. 600 1 Nicholas Ott, 12 25 2 John Reinhart, 12 3 Andrew Shenour, . . 30O 4 A Kerr, 8 5 Peter Groff , 25 6 John Gaul, 175 7 Henry Meek 790 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. S Thomas Mitchel, 9 Joel Baldwin, 10 John Lindsey, 11 Jacob Boas Stine & others, 12 John Reiter & George Waggoner, 13 Sundry persons per account, 14 John Miller, Duly certified for &ca. 85 39 25 lOO 502 50 85 240 82 9 13 $2,233 95 Statemient for making Cartouch Boxes No, 2-. No. 1 Hummel & Leonicher, 750 2 Stephen HiiUs, 626 3 William McKnighe, 650 $2125 Duly Receipted for. Statemeilt for Repairing Arms, Powder «S; Lead No. 3. No. 1 John Ford, 42 2 Obed Fahnestock, 39 50 3 John Howard, 32 4 Boas & Oves, 36 5 Christian Kunkle, 34 $182 51 Duly Receipted for. Statement of Incidental eixpenses &ca. No. 4. No. 1 John G. Osier, 11 82 2 Samuel Young, 1 3 Peter Miller, 1 75 4 John Bremsan, 38 5 Stephen Hills, 33 60 6 William Gordon, 3 33 7 John Ford, 5 8 Edward Barrett, 50 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 791 9 William GrOidon, 10 Peter Miller, 11 John Ford, 12 William Gordon, ... 13 Andrew Dorsheimer, 2 60 5 35 16 5 70 8 50 $95 53 Statement of GeneraJi John Kelso for his services &ca. No. 5. No 1 For 153 days services at 4 dollars per day in- cluding his horse from 1st July & ending 30th November 1812, 612 00 STATEMENT OF EXPENSES OF AN EXPEDITION TO YOUNGS TOWN OF DETACHMENTS FROM THE 29TH & 107 REGIMENTS OF PENNA. MILITIA NO. 6. William Campbell amount of Expenditures of a Detachment of Militia from Butler County, $373 58i^ STATEMENT OF THE AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURES OF JOHN DICKEY FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT OF MILITIA FROM BEAVER COUNTY. No. 7. Commissarys bill of expenses 50 01 Loss on Camp Equipage, ■ . 50 14 Bacon, 18 271/2 Beef, 35 00 Flour, 45 00 Whiskey, 16 OO Eixpense of 4 Teams 9 days each at 4 dollars, ..,.. 144 00 358 42% Mr. Robert Rowlands bill, 94 39 Mr. John Wyley's bill, 23' 62i^ 476 44 Deduct the 2 last items tilli explained, 118 01 1/^ $358 421/^ 792 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Statement of Jacob Keyser for Camp Kettles for the use of the Franklin County Volunteers. 24 Tin Camp Kettles 2 Sizes at $1,20 & $1.00, 26 40 16 Tin Camp Kettles 2 Sizes at $1.20 & $1.00, 17 60 $44 00 Duly Certified by Capt. Henry Reger & Capt. Jeremiah Snider. Statement of Expenditures by General James Steel for a De- tachment which marched to the defence of Eilkton in May 1813. No. 9. For Services and Expenses &c., $2622 98 Duly Certified by Lieut. Col. Andw. Thompson. Statement of monies paid to the following mentioned officers of the Militia of Pennsylvania who became Supermunery On the Organization of the several Detachments called by the United States into its service. Supernumerary Officers Viz. Capt. John Guthrie 2d B. 15 Division under the Governors General Orders 5th September 1812, 17 days pay & Rations, $30 93 Lieut. Levi Gibson 2d. B. 15 Division under the Governors General Orders 5th September 1812, 15 days pay and Rations under same order, 21 00 $51 93 Capt. W. Crawford 2 B. 12 Division, who marched to Pittsburg under Genl. Orders of 5th Sept. 1812, 36 54 Lieut. Jacob Moyer, 26 40' Ensign John Sheam, 19 07 Sergt. David Sommerville 7 47 89 48 Capt. Jas. Ban 1 B. 16 divi pay & Rations, 45 33 Capt. Isaac Mason, 29 53 Capt. John Fitterman, 25 26 Capt. Warren Foot, 44 60' Lieut. Samuel Smith, 30 80 Lieut. John Kean, 21 73 Lieut. J( hn Hay 31 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 793 Ensign Robert McClemegan, 19 75 Ensign William Scanders, 15 27 264 07 Lieut. Richard Ross, 19 40 Ensign John M. Sturgeon, 22i 47 Ensign Jacob Smell, 10 67 Sergt. Isaac Hight, 6 54 Sergt. John Brown 5 94 Sergt. Amos Tuttle, 9 86 Sergt. James Roney, 8 73 Estate of Jacob Norcross, 8 20 91 81 Capt. Christopher Cauffman 1 B. 15 Division pay & Ration Order 5th Septr. 1812 12 46 Lieut. D. Dickson 1 B 15 divi pay & Rations &ca. under Genl. Orders of 31 March 1813, 4 20 Lieut. Samuel Marks 1 B 15 divi pay & Rations &ca. under Genl. Orders of 31 March 1813, 4 20 Lieut. T. Stewart (Cavalry), 1 B 15 divi pay & Rations &ca. under Genl. Orders of 31 March 1813, 24 00 Lieut. James McMinick 1 B. 14 Divis General Orders of 31 March 1813, . . Lieut. Henry Vankirk, Capt. Clark 1 B. 13 divi Genl. Orders of 31 March, Ensign Zimmerman, Capt. Jacob Stake late 2d. B. 7 divis- now 11 divis General orders of 7 Feby. 1814, 100 73 Ensign Samuel Wliite late Id. 7 B. 11th Feby. 1814, 8 00 Capt. Lindsey Sturgeon 2d. B. 5 divis, 7th Feby. 1814 118 66 Capt. McKowan 2d. B. 15 divis Genl. orders of 5th Septr. 1812, 27 81 Lieut. Saml. Gordon 2d. B 15 divi Genl. orders 5th Septr. 1812, 16 80 Lieut. Joseph Gibson 2d. B 15 divi Geml. orders 5th Septr. 1812, 18 20 $954 14 14 53 31 20 48 33 27 73 794 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Statement of the services of Col. Lewis Rush for organizing the Militia at Philadelphia for the United States Service No. 12. 24 days pay at 60 dollars per month, . . $48 00 5 rations per day 120 at 20 Cents, 24 00 Forage at 11 dollars per month, 8 80 $80 80 Ceorge Rawl's Account No. 12 of Ra- tions purchased by him for a Detach- mient of Militia detailed from the 1st Brigade 13th division on the march to Pittsburg, $48 10 Adjutant General Reeds Services in Organizing the Detach- ment of Militia at Meadville & Pittsburg in 1812 and at Erie in 1813 — Brigadier General's pay and Emoluments Viz. Meadville and Pittsburg 75 days, 476 00 Paid several persons as assistants with Incidental expences, 31 43 Erie 2 months & 10 days, 448 00 Incideintal expenses, 14 04 $969 47 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA TO WILSON SMITH QR. M. GENL. DR. For his pay and emoluments as a Colonel at Etie in the pay- ment of the Troops, adjustment of the Cbntracters ac- counts &ca. &ca. from the 18th day of September to the 24 day of December 1812 inclusive Valuing the Same at the rates fixed by Act of Congress for the Compensation of a Colonel Viz. For his pay at 75 dolls, 3 month & 8 days, $247 00 For his Subsistence 98 days 6 rations per day, 117 60 For his forage at 12 Dollars per month, 39 20 $401 80 Duly qualified to by Wilson Smith. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 7»5 ™%ofMARCmNG A ^I^TAOHMENT FROM HIS Bm- GADE FOR DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE U™ER GEN BRAb ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGT. 1814. ....$556 17 1 Rations, . . 443 00 2 Waggonage, 152 03 3 Incidental, ' 11151 20 detailed viz. Waggonage .... 5 00 2 Jacob Hunter, ^^^^ 4 Jacob Jacks, ^2 oo 6 Abm. German ^ 50 7 Godlleb Bock, ^^ ^^ 15 Andrew Shanover, ^^ ^^ 16. Peter Jones, ^^ ^^ 17 Peter Rusis, ^^ ^^ 18 Jacob Sailer, ■• ^^ ^^ 20 Andrew Kepner, ^^ ^^ 21 Geo. Sheffer, ^^ ^^ 23 Geo. K Bishop, ^^ ^^ 24 Samuel Kepner, ^^ ^^ 27 Geo. Sheffer ^^^^ 29 John Ludwig ^^ ^^ 30 John Lacharies, $443 00 Rations .... 44 00 22 John Lotz, 17 60 25 Geo. Snell ^41 92 26 Geo. Snell ^^^ 65 31 Martin Miller, '^ $556 17 Incidental , 11 00 1 Jacob Keifer, wood, 3 John Gower, Ferriage, ^^ 5 John Lotz, Ferriage, 796 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 8 Wm. Cooper, wood, 2 06 9 Thomas Ruth, wood, 2 00 10 Danl. Witmer H. room, 8 00 11 Archibd. McLenegan, H-room, 5 00 12 Tempest Wilson, Fer., 88 90 13 Andw. Shanover, Toll, 72 14 Peter Jones, Toll, 1 31 19 John Lotz, Ferriage, 10 00 28 John Lotz, Ferriage, 20 10 $152 03 THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA IN ACCOUNT WITH PETER SHOEMAKER INSPTR. 2 B. 6 DIVISION, FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRI- GADE UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOV- ERNOR OF AUGT. 1814. 1814 ; No Aug 30 Sept 3 Sept 3 Sept 4 Sept 4 Sept 4 Sept 4 Sept 5 IPaid Jacob Keifer for 2 Cords of Wood $11 00 Paid Jacob Hunter for hauling, . . 5 00 Paid John Gower, Ferriage, mi- litia Troop over Schuylkill, .... 2 00 Paid Jacob Jacks for hauling, 10 00 5 Paid John Lotz for Ferrying over Schuylkill, 1 00 6 Paid Abm. Germand for hauling, 12 00 7 Paid Godlieb Bock for hauling, 2 50 8 Paid William Cooper for Wood, 2 00 9 Paid Thomas Ruth for Wood, . . 2 00 10 Paid Daniel Witmer house room & Wood, 8 00 11 Paid Archibald McLenegan for house room &c., 5 00 12 Paid Tempest Wilson for ferry- ing 625 men &c., 88 90 13 Paid Andrew Spanover for Toll,. . 72 14 Paid Peter Jones for Toll, 1 31 15 Paid Andrew Shanawer, 14 00 16 Paid Peter Jones for hauling, 20 00 17 Paid Peter Rusis for hauling, 13 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 797 18 Paid Jacob Sailer for hauling, . . 40 00 19 Paid John Lotz for Ferriage for 2 Companies, 10 00 20 Paid Andrew Kepner for hauling & Turnpike, 40 00 20 Paid Geo. Sheffer for hauling & Turnpike 46 00 22 Paid John Lotz for 275 Rations,. . 44 00 23 Paid Geor. K. Bishop for hauling, 30 00 24 Paid Samuel Kepner for hauling, 10 00 25 Paid George Snell for 110 Rations, 17 60' 26 Paid George Snell for 1512 Rations 241 92 27 Paid George Shrefler as pr. Rect. (hauling), 96 00 28 Paid John Lotz as pr Rect. Toll, 20 00 29 Paid John Ludwig for 10 days hauling, 60 00 30 Paid John Lacharies for 10 days hauling, 44 50 31 Paid Martin Miller pr. Receipt (rations) '252 65 $1151 20 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY DANIEL SHARP INSPECTOR 1 BRIGADE 1 DIVISION FOR SUSTAINING MILITIA CALLED CUT FOR DEFENCE OF PHILADEL- PHIA AND NEIGHBOURHOOD 1814. 5 Whiskey, 1138 98^^ 6 Bread, 1195 921/2 7 Beef, 2331 95 12 Retained rations, 706 44 13 Wood 438 17% 18 Candles 113 80 ' 19 Incidental expences, 108 47 20 Straw 66 00 21 Salt & Vinegar, 56 95 $6156 69 7 Beef 18 John Alberger, furnished by him from the 15th to the 27 of Sept. 6618 lb at 7 Cents, 463 26 798 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 21 Stephen Girard furnished by him from the 16th Septr. to the 5th Novr. 63 bbls. at ?18, 1134 00 Porterage on beef, 13 00 84 William Allen for Back rations, 47 45 142 John Alberger, furnished by him from the 29th Sept. to 10th Novr. 9632 lbs at 7 Cents, 674 Z4 $2331 95 6 Bread 149 Michael Sager, furnished by him Novr. 21st 6021/^ dozen loaves at 75 Cents per doz., 451 55 149 Michael Sager, furnished by him, 116 loaves at 614 Cents & Carting 62i^, 7 87^^ 232 John Wiser, furnished by him .Jany. 4th, 1815 3000 Rations (bread) at 614 Cents 187 50 10246 Rations (bread) at 75 Cents per doz, 549 00 $1195 92 5 Whiskey 7 Christian C Snyder furnished by him 1 Bbl. 33 Gallons at 66 Cents per Gal., 21 78 Porterage of whiskey, 70 17 Horner & Wilson 7 Hogsheads & 25 Bar- rels, containing 1684 Gallons at 66 Cts 1111 44 256 Joseph Meyers, Porterage of whiskey, . . 5 06i/4$1138 98 18 Candles. 47 George Bastian furnished by him from 15th Septr. to 10 Octr 82 54 197 George Bastian furnished by him from 18 Octr. to 30 Novr., 26 88 14 William Azenton furnished by him 25th Oct., 4 38 $113 80 13 Wood No 6 Godlieb Meyer, furnished by him Sept loth 1815 2 Cords oak, 14 12 19 George Fisher, furnished by him from 22 to 26 Septr. I41/2 Cords, 116 50 79 George Fisher furnished by him from 29 Septh. to 19 October 19 Cords, 148 26 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 799 100 Benjamin Baulter for sawing, 20 00 113 John J Shoemaker 2 Cords oak, 14 12 190 Joshua Rhoads Deer. 20 1 Cord oak, 7 81 211 George Fisher, furnished by him from 20 Sept. to 22 Novr. 91/2 Cords 102 62 247 George Katz, 1 Cord, 7 18% 263 Jacob Teller 1 Cord, 756 $438 17% 19 Incidental expenses 154 John Erkins for Horse hire, 9 50 163 Conrad Worknot horse hire, 28 50 212 Sarah Murphy services as Nurse at hos- pital, 65 471/2 269 John Erkins for Horse hire, 3 00 267 Mills & Powel for horse hire 2 00 108 47 20 Straw 4 George Hoffner furnished by him 100 Bundles, 7 00 5 George Simons furnished by him 200 Bundles, 14 00 39 Henry Whiteman furnished by him 650 Bundles, 37 00 265 Henry Whiteman furnished by him 100 Bundles, 8 00 $66 00 21 Salt & Vinegar Thomas & John Graham pr. Bill 56 95 12 Retained Rations. 49 Capt. Alexander McClain, 12 00 50 Majt. William Spear, 20 10 51 Capt. John Grosscup, 8 00 53 Capt. James Robinson, 12 00 54 Enn. Edwd. Magee 8 00 55 Lieut. Henry Sheetz, 8 00 56 En. Philip Zeiber, 8 57 Lt. Jonathan Davis 8 800 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 58 En. Wesley Stackhouse, 8 61 Lt. Thomas Boilieau, 12 62 Lt. Daniel Streiper, 8 00 63 Lt. Robert Porter, 8 71 Lt. Joseph Goodwin, 8 73 En. Peter Beam, 74 Docar. Zachur Prull, 75 Majt. Philip Boyer 76 Lt. Christian Brown, 77 Lt. James Sands, 78 Lt. Saml. Rodermell, 79 En. John Belgan, 80 Capt. James Sands, 81 Lt. Michael Zilling 82 Doctor John Ingram, 83 En. John Bowen, .- 84 Lt. Josiah Longshore, 85 Lt. Geo. Burkert, 86 Lt. Henry Sneider, 87 Capt. Geo. Sensenderfer ' 88 Capt. Jacob Fryer, 89 En. M. Stofflet, 90 Capt. John Hurst, 91 Lt. Jacob Yost, 92 Lt. Henry Hawk, 93 Lt. Philip Hoover, 96 Capt. Geo. Hess, 97 Lt. Isaac McHose, 98 Lt. Joseph Stever 100 En. John Hawling, 107 Capt. John Rawlin, 108 Lt. John L. C. Young, 109 Lt. Edwd. Armstrong, 137 Lt. Levi Evans, 138 Capt. Wm. Holgate, 139 En. John Supple, 151 Capt. Benjn. Shaw, 152 Lt. Peter Frantz, 153 En. Michael Miesner, 157 Capt. Geo. Schwenck, 158 Lt. Henry Schwenck 159 Lt. James Fenny, 160 En. John Zetler, 169 Capt, Jacob Shurtz & Ensign Rowen, 7 20 12 00 8 50 27 36 3 60 11 60 11 60 11 60 11 60 12 9 24 8 8 10 80 10 80 10 80 12 10 80 12 00 12 00 12 12 00 10 00 9 60 9 60 17 60 17 60 17 60 17 60 12 00 7 20 7 20 14 40 14 40 14 40 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 801 170 En. Saml. Moyer, 9 20 179 Col. Christn. J. Hutter, 17 42 180 Capt. John Donblaser, ^ 5 20 181 Capt. William Fisher, 5 20 182 Majr. Jacob Hellix, . 14 82 183 Lt. David Roth, 5 20 184 Doctr. John Erb 5 20 185 Capt. Adam Haycock 5 20 186 Lt. John V. Bush, 5 20 187 Qr. Master Jno. Hall, 5 20 191 Geo. Wm. Miller, Surgn 7 80 258 Capt. Wm. McGlathery, 7 60 259 Lt. John Warner 7 60 260 Ens. Geo. Bisbing, 7 60 261 Lt. John Bisson, 7 60 706 44 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JACOB G. TRYON, INSPR. OF THE 2 BRIGADE 1 DIVISION, FOR SUSTAIN- ING MILITIA CALLED OUT FOR DEFENCE OF PHILA- DELPHIA & NEIGHBOURHOOD 1814. 1 Rations, 1736 65 2 Bread, 3772 86 3 Beef, 6377 46 14023 28 4 Whiskey, Salt & Vinegar, 1991 27 5 Soap and Candles 145 04 14023 28 6 Wood & Straw, 2902 48 7 Waggonage, 912 76 8 Marching Militia, 592 75 9 Forage, 509 49 10 Hospital expences, 10 $18,950 76 detailed 2 Bread 3 John A Laus furnished by him Sept. 6, 1814, 5V2 dozen of loaves 4 12^/^ 51— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 802 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 6 Conrad Mental furnished by him Sept. 6 12 dozen loaves, 9 8 John A Laus furnished by him Sept. 8th SV^ Doz. equal to 13(> rations, 5 85 527 Rations of at 41/2 Cents, 23 71i^ 19 John Schlaterer furnished by him Sept. 12 20 Doz at 75 cts pr. doz., 5 20 Frederick Shober furnished by him, delivered at Camp Snyder, 34 45 25 Frederick Shoher, 1485 Loaves of & porterage a $2 81 55 41 John A. Laus furnished by him Sept. 16th, 69 Loaves, 3 rations in each a 4^^ cts 9 43 Freak. Shober furnished by him at Camp Sny- der, 81 55 54 Nathan Dilhorn furnished by him 27 Sept. C 5 11 Net a $6,50 33 14 7 Barrels & Porterage 3 06 57 Fredk. Shober furnished by him Sept. 28th 830 Loaves furnished at Camp Snyder & $2 por- terage, 53 SlVz 62 Jacob Almindinger furnished by him Sept. 28 470 Loaves & $2 porterage, 32 371/2 89 Frederick Shober furnished by him Oct. 1 284 Loaves delivered at Camp Sr 17 75 84 Nathan Dilhorn furnished by him 3 Octr. C 4 1 26 Neat a $6.50, 27 12 6 Barrels & Porterage, 2 73 86 Geo. & John Benner furnished by them 4th Octr. 15 doz. of delivered at Camp Snyder, 11 25 90 David Pomery furnished by him 5th Octr. 278 doz. Loaves of Bread, 208 50 96 John* Schlaterer furnishc'd by him at Camp Sny- der 175 loaves & Cartery, 21 3114, 99 Nathaniel Dilhorn furnished by him 7 Octr. C 6 3 3 Neat a $6.50, 44 05 10 Barrels & Porterage 4 45 108 David Pomery 156 Doz. Loaves delivered 8 Octr. at Camp Snyder, 117 47 127 David Pomery 156 Doz. Loaves delivered Octr. 15 188 25 131 John G. Finn furnished by him, delivd. at Camp Snider 18th Octr 12 06 134 Jacob Almendinger furnished by him and de- livd. at Camp Snyder Octr. 18, 14 75 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 803 137 Samuel Carswell, furnished by him & delivd. to Capt. Wersler's Compy. from 31st Augt. to 13 Sept. Beef & Bread, 39 91 162 George Egert furnished by him Sept. 26, 1S14 10 Dozen loaves at 75 Cents pr 2 00^ 73 00 16 00 74 00 71 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 90 00 576 00 60 00 64 80 14 62 84 60 420 66 1665 92 19 84 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 827 No. 21 Jamima Donaldson Rent &c., 2 90 22 William Harrison Rent & Wood, . . 2 50 23 John Lunger Rent & Wood, 2 00 24 William Clark 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 4 50 25 Ingly Tiffany 1 Cord Wood & Rent 1 44 26 John Irwine 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 4 50 27 David Petrikin Rent, _ 3 00 28 Wiliiam Whitaker 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 1 50 29 William Montgomery 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 2 50 30 William Mointgomery 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 4 00 31 James Lougkr 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 2 00 32 Ann Wilson 1 Cord Wood & Rent, 5 00 33 Wm. Williams House tent Wood &c 2 00 34 Mary Cornelison Wood &c., 4 00 35 J. Loughead Wood &c., 1 00 37 Wm. Montgomery Wood &c., 2 50 39 George Sweney 2^4 Cords wood, . . 5 33 1-3 40 James Loughead 2 Cords wood, . . 3 00 41 Casper Christman Rent &c., 1 20 42 Conrad Lions, 2 00 43 William Montgomery Rent & Wood, 5 00 44 Frederick Christian Rent, 1 00 46 John Sehler 1 Load of wood, 1 OO 47 Ruth Suhler Rent & Wood 1 00 48 Daniel Montgomery for 7 Loads wood 8 75 48 James Campbell Rent, 1 00 51 Frederick Burkingting Rent &c., . . 4 00 52 Geoirge "^AOiitlock Rent &c., 5 25 53 I Irwin Rent & Wood 3 00 54 Benjn. Reed Rent & Wood, 4 00 55 William Hartman Rent & Wood, . . 1 25 56 Thomas Osbourn Rent & Wood, . . 4 00 57 Barbara Barret Rent & Wood, 1 00 58 Edward Morrison Rent & Wood, . . 1 00 59 Rhoda Shuler Rent & Wood, 2 00 60 Silas Haywood Rent & Wood, 1 OO 61 Jacob Sackler Rent & Wood 2 00 63 George Lott Rent & Wood, 1 50 828 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 64 Samuel McLees Rent & Wood, 65 William Clark Rent & Wood, 72 Frederick Bailey Rent & Wood, . . . 74 Ira Daniels Rent & Wood, 75 Saml. Sigler Rent & Wood, 76 Barbara Barret Rent & Wood, 77 Mai-y Moon Rent & Wood, 79 G-eorge Lott Rent & Wood, 80 Wm. Whitakeir Rent & Wood, 81 Ira Danielsi Rent & Wood, 83 Isaiah McClure Rent & Wood, 84 Mary Man Rent & Wood, 85 Hugh Flack Rent & Wood, 87 John Person 1 Load Wood, 97 Abraham Casper House Rent &c., 98 Hugh Flack House Rent &c., 99 Silas Howard House Rent &c., lO'O Samuel Eustice House Rent &c.,.. 101 John Manly House Rent & Wood, 103 George Hildey house Room & Wood for 17 Messes each 5 days, 103 Elizabeth Dougherty Rent &Wood, 105 Mahlon Huff, Rent & Wood 106 John Irwin Rent & Wood, 107 Eleanor Wilson Rent & Wood, . . . 108 Mary Mann Rent & Wood, 109 John Dean Rent & Wood, 110 Benjamin Reed Rent «6; Wood, 111 Witham Whitaker Rent & Wood,. . 112 William Starks Rent & Wood, . . . 113 William Morrison Rent & Wood, 114 Charty Campbell Rent & Wood, . . 115 John Foust Rent & Wood, 116 Alexander Montgomery Rent & Wood, 117 Edward Morrison Rent & Wood, . . 118 George Loat Rent & wood, 119 George Smuth Rent & Wood, 120 Mahlon Huff Rent & Wood, 121 Benjamin Reed Rent & Wood, . . . 12;2i WiLWam Whitaker Rent & Wood, 123 Nathaniel Wittel, Rent & Wood, 124 James Gearhart Rent & Wood, . . 1 50 3 GO 4 50 7 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 3 00 3 OO 3 00 2 00 1 50 3 50 1 50 1 621/2 3 00 1 50 1 84 1 50 25 50 1 50 3 O'O 2 25 1 75 7 50 3 OO 1 50 4 50 2 50 2 50 2 25 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 21 2 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 5 OO EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 126 Andrew Olipliapt Rent & Wood, 1 27 127 Rebecca Haire Rent & Wood, ... 1 62 130 Jemima Donaldson 5 Loads wood; 5 00 131 Joseph Kerr Wood & House Room 14 Loads &c., ^^ ^^ 829 $133 35 Amount of Quarter Wood &c. ?292 56 5-f 4 INCIDENTAL. No. 2 Alexander Baldwin Express Hire, 15 OO 6 Peter Pursel taking up Deserters, 36 SO 10 Joseph Vansick Services at Wilks- ban-e, 3 OO 11 William G-eorge use of Court house, 4 00 12 Joel Turiell Express hire, 1 50 14 Oliver Helm Ferriage '7 00 15 Surgeon Parker Attending Appeal, 3 00 18 Conrad Lyons Ferriage 3 00 38 John Woodside Express hire, 3 00 50 Henry Alwards taking a Deserter, 20 00 67 Philip Goodman ferriage 13 75 70 John Mills for Camp Kettles, .... 19 62 73 Peter Baldy paper & Flour 1 18 78 Philip Goodmani 1 Axe & house hire ^ 75 88 Joseph Mouse Ferriage, $13.75— 120 Bushels oats & 9 Cwt. Hay &c., $73.17, 86 92 89 Edward Morrison rent for a Guard House, 4 00 91 John Taggart for Hay, 5 25 92 Alexander Baldwin Express hire, 9 00 96 John Hallock Bbl. Salt &c., 4 25 104 Robert Gray (express) 1 18i^. 128 Peter Voulk nursing & boarding sick, 200 128 Charles Fl-azer Express hire to Harrisburg, 10 00 20140% Amount of Incidental, $256 20y2 830 - MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 5. Additional Expenditures by Majr. Post under ttie General Orders of the Governor of OctO'. 1814. No. 1. 1 David Petrikin attending sick &c., 6 25 2 Daniel Cameron' for making a Coffin &c 4 00 3 William Sheriff for nursing sick, . . 6 00 '4 Jemima Donaldson house rent for a part of detachment, , . 4 00 5 William Clark for attending sick, . . 9 43 29 68 Majr. Posts services 29' days at $2 pr. day viz. from the 7 Nov. to 5 Dec. both day inclusive, 58 00 $87 es EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON ACCOUNT OP THE UNITED STATES. Statement of expenditures by James Dunlap inspector 1 Brigade 14 division in marching a detachment from his bri- gade under the general orders of the Governor of October 1814 viz. No. 1 For Rations 4020, $812 50 2 Waggonage, 240 00 3 Quarters and fuel, 73 00 - 4 Camp Kettles, 24 00 1149 50 (The above in detail) No 1 Rations Furnished to 165 men for twenty days at one ration per day, 3,300 Tw^elve officers twenty days at 3 per day, 720 4020 at 812 50 No 2. Waggonage 23 George Morgan 20 days with two five horse Teams at 6 Dollars per day, 240 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE, 831 No 3. Quarters & Fuel 1 Richard Donaldson for house room & fuel, . . . 2 George Jackson for house room & fuel, 4 Valentine Sergeant for house room and fuel 5 Neil Gillespy for ferriage of Troops, &c., .... 6 Jacob Copeland for House room & fuel, 7 Joseph Brent for House room & fuel, 8 William Satters for House room & fuel, 9 William Little for House room & fuel, 10 James Wallace for Toll, 11 John Campbell for House room & fuel, 12 Melchoir Embick for House room & fuel, 13 Thomas Herbert for House I'oom & fuel, . . . . 14 Thomas Richards for House room & fuel, . . . 15 Henry Anthony for House room & fuel, 16 John Blocker for House room and fuel, . . . . 17 Thomas Flemming for House room & fuel, . . . IS Henry Aukeny for House room & fuel, 19 John Blocker for House room & fuel, 20 Thomas ^''lemming for House room & fuel, . . . 21 Jacob Bower for House room & fuel 22 Casper Stotter for House room & fuel Amount of Quarters & fuel, $73 00 No 4 Camp Kettles 3 Pans Buckets &c $24 00 5 50 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 6 oo 2 oo 2 50 3 50 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 5 oo 5 50 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY WILLIAM JOHN- STON INSPECTOR OF THE 1 BRIGADE 15 DIVISION iN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UN- DER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF OCTOBER 1814. VIZ FOR 1 Waggonage, 168 00 2 Provisions 225 GQVz 3 Camp Kettles, 30 OO 4 Ferriages, 6 43i^ $430 10 S32 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. The above in detail. No 1. Waggonage No 43 Daniel Mowry 14 days @ $8 per day, 112 00 26 John Rutledge 7 days @ |8 per day, 56 00 (Amount of Waggonage), $168 00 * No. 2. Provisions 2 John McMaster Breakfasts for 19 Volunteers, $6 37 Va 3 William Morrow Breakfasts Volunteers, .... 6 75 4 John Butler Supper Volunteers, 5 00 5 John Butler whiskey & Supper Volunteers, . . 4 62^^ 6 Samuel Dunbar House Room & fuel, 5 00 7 Adam Smith House Room & fuel 3 00 8 John W. Johnston House Room & fuel, 16 00 9 John Butler 12 Breakfasts &c., 4 50 11 James C. Butler whiskey & Breakfasts, 6 96 12 William Stewart, Slipper & Breakfasts &c, ... 9 50 12 i^ William Sturgeon Breakfast for 21 Men, 7 07 13 Margaret Herron Lodging &c., 5 00 14 Margaret Herron Lodging &c., 8 00 15 Joseph Hostetter for 7 Suppers, 1 75 16 John Jennings for Suppers, 5 62 17 Daniel Shaffer, 10 18 John Kuhns, 13 75 19 Philip Harmand Lodging for 24 Men, 1 50 20 George Gibson Lodging, 1 00 21 Abraham Harbach 17 Suppers & Lodging, 7 87l^ 22 ■ William King Lodging, 4 50 33 Daniel Knouse Lodging for 38 men 3 80 25 John Flemming Lodging & Supp'ers 8 07 27 George Ankeney Suppers &c, 4 75 28 Philip Hoff Suppers, 5 25 29 John Lipencot Breakfasts &c 4 50 30 Levi Peay Suppers / 4 25 31 James Fletcher Breakfasts a Company 6 50 32 Philip Hoff 26 Breakfasts, 6 50 33 John Boyle 20 BiTakfasts, 5 00 34 John Deverbough 6 Breakfasts, 1 50 36 John Mayer 28 Breakfasts & Suppers, 14 00' 37 Andrew Byerly Breakfasts 3 40 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 833 38 John Walker Breakfasts, 5 00 41 John Gamble Suppers, Q STVz 42 William Larimer Suppeis for 29 men, 12 50 Amount of Provisions, $225 66 No 3 Camp Kettles No 1 George Millenberger 20 at $1.50, 30 00 No. 4 Ferriages. No 10 John Caldwell 45 men, 2 81 36 James Cunningham part of a Company, 1 00 39 John Walker part of a Company, 1 25 40 Isaac Vankirk part of a Company, 1 ST^/^ Amount of Ferriage, $6 iZVz Recapitilation 1 Waggonage, 168 00 2 Provisions 225 66 3 Camp Kettles 30 00 4 Ferriages 6 43% 430 10 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY GEORGE WELSH INSPECTOR OF THE 2D BRIGADE 5 DIVISION MARCH- ING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UN- DER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF OCTOBER 1814 FOR DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE. 1 For Rations, 358 09 2 Wlaggionagev 199 00 3 Camp Kettles, 105 00 4 Wood and Straw, , 49 08 5 Incidental expenses 10 00 Major Welsh's services 5 days at $2 pr. day, . . 10 00 $731 17 (The above in detail) 53— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 834 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 1 RATIONS. No. 1 Furuishing Capt. Frysinger & Beachler's Companies per ration returns 1887 at 17 Cents, 23 Capt. John Beachlers retained, . . . 24 Capt. Frysinger & otliers, 319 09 21 60 17 40 No. 2, WAGGONAGE. No. 20 Fredericlc Eichelberger 23 days at $6, 1318 00 21 Jaob Hostetter 6 days at $8, 4& 00 25 Michael Newman hauling Muskets, 6 50 26 Michael Newman hauling Muskets, & 50 No. 3 CAMP KETTLES. Nn. 3 Jacob Baugett 40 at $1.50, $60 00 Jacob Baugett 20 Mess Pans, 1^ 00 27 Christian Wampler 20 Camp Kettles $1.50, 30 00 $358 09 199 00 $557 09 105 00 No. 4 WOOD & STRAW. No. 1 Samuel Forney 1 Cord wood, . 2 George Forney 1 Cord wood, 3 George Forney 2 Co.rd wood, 4 Samuel Forney 3 Cord wood, 5 George Forney 1 Cord Wood, . 6 Samuel Forney Vz Cord wood, 7 Adam Forney 25 bundles of Straw 8 John (German name) 40 bundles Straw, 9 William Young 6 bundles straw, 10 George House 2 bundles straw, 11 Jacob Hostetter 2 bundles straw, 16 Capt. Beachler wood & Barrel, . 19 Jesse Shaffer wood & Barrel, . . . 22 William Butt wood & Barrel, . . 4 OO 4 00 8 00 12 00 4 00 2 OO 1 56 2 50 371/2 12% 12% 2 50 1 50 6 40 49 08 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 835 No. 5 INCIDENTAL. No. 15 Henry Reisinger Express hire, 6 00 28 John Shultz Express hire, 1 50 29 Doctor Wampler Medicine & at- tend sick 2 50 Major Wei she's services 5 days at $2.00, 10 00 10 00 Amount, ^1^1 17 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JOHN KIRKPAT- RICK ESQR. INSPECTOR 1 BRIGADE 13 DIVISION MI- LITIA FOR MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UNDER THE GOVERNORS GENERAL OR- DERS OF OCTOBER 1814. No. 1 For Rations 3160 at 20 Cents $632 00 2 For Waggonage 233 48 3 Incidental Express hire F. Williams, 15 GO $880 48 (The above in detail) , No. 1 RATIONS. Furnished Capt. Wilson Knotts 728 at 20 Cents, . . Furnished Capt. Samuel McCu Hough 825 at 20 Cts., Furnishe Capt. Abraham Johnston, 3 00 838 MISCELI^NEOUS PAPERS. 41 W. C. Rogers Sundries, 45 Lieut. Colo. William Long Sundries, 47 David Marshall, 55 John Wiser for 3750 rations of breat at &Vi Cents 56 Peter Brades Provisions, 63 William Purdy Capt. pd. for 204 Rations 6*4 William Magill Capt. for 296 Rations, 66 Christian Vanarsdalin Capt., No. 2 HAULING. No. 10 George Walker, hauling beef to Camp, .. 16 Samuel Blakey hauling Camp Equipage, 44 Adam Bunker hauling baggage, 48 Jacob Reigler hauling Beef, 62 Michael Rapp hauling Baggage, 65 Abraham McDoweld hauling Baggage, . . 67 Elias Gilkyson hauling Baggage, 68 .James Vansant hauling Sundries, No. 3. FORAGE. No. 4 John Buck, 11 John Hoiigh Oats & Hay, 13 William Carr 34 Bushels Oats, 18 Nathan Pearson 11 Bushels Oats, 23 Tacy Smith Hay & Oats, 27 Tacy Smith Hay & Oats. 29 John Jones Hay & Oats, 31 Elizabeth Withy 66 Bushels Oats, 39 Elizabeth Withy 3 Loads Straw, 39 Jachariah Derrick 6 Bushels Oats 59 Samuel Lungan 20 bushels oats at 50 Cents, Samuel Lungan a quantity of straw 53 Middleton N. Sewell Hay, 54 Nathaniel Sewell Hay Straw & Wood, 59 70 53 32 1 37y2 234 37 Vz 7 861/2 40 80 59 20 58 45 $1018 08 2 50 10 00 15 00 6 00 64 00 60 00 15 00 77 00 $249 50 3 00' 3 36 17 no 6 71 1 6?^V2 1 50 5 25 33 00 6 00 3 00 10 00 3 00 10 00 19 w $12a 441^ EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 839 No. 4. MUNITIONS. No. 1 Abner Forbed 6 lb of Powder, 42 Joseph Pennell 15 Sets Tent poles, 57 Philip Apple 1 Bugle Horn, 58 John & Henry Lawrence Trlmlng Horn, 61 William Purdy 1 Bugle Horn, No. 5. WOOD & STRAW. No. 2 Daniel Sharp 100 Bundles of Straw 34 Ann a. Marshall wood & straw 35 John Marshall Sti-aw & Hay 36 William Connell 2 Loads Straw 37 Isaac Hews 75 Bundles Straw, 43 James Walker 3 Cords of Wood 51 Samuel Walker a quantity of Straw, . . . No. 6. INCIDENTAL. No. 9 Margaret Tryon 19 Thomas Dobson Stationary, 26 Jacob Keighler Sundries 28 N. Sheweil Sundries, Tin Ware 33 Thomas Witberger Tin Ware, 46 Melchior Lovins Stationary, 49 John Vanerman Boards 59 Asher Minors Bill, 60 William Cairs Bill, 6 00 37 50 9' 00 1 50 9 00 $63 00 8 OO 6 00 24 00 5 00 3 75 15 00 2 00 $63 75 60 3 5fl 4 82 1 83 1 171/2 4 66 6 99 1 00 2 25 26 911/2 STATEMENT OF MAJOR HARMAN VANSANTS AC. OF RATIONS WHICH THIS DETACHMENT OF MILITIA WAS ENTITLED BY LAW. Col. Krechman 6 rations per day for 4 days, 24 00 Col. Bache 6 rations per day for 4 days, 24 00 840 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Brigade Major W. C. Rogers 4 rations per day for 4 days, 16 00 Major Kennedy 4 rations pr. day for 4 days, 16 00 Major Benezet 4 rations pr. day for 4 days 16 00 Surgeon Desborough 3 rations pr. day for 4 days, 12' 00 Surgeons Mate, 2 rations pr. day for 4 days, 8 00 Asst. Adjut. Genl., 3 rations pr. day for 4 days, . . 12 00- Adjt. Swift. 2 rations pr. day for 4 days, 8 00 Chaplain Montany, 3 rations pr. day for 4 days, . . 12 00 Dr. Master E. Wilkinson, 2 rations pr. day for 4 days, 8 00 Forage Master, G. W. Smith, 2 rations pr. day for 4 days 8 00 Waggon Master, Lewis Conyall, 2 rations pr. day for 4 days 8 00 172 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 841 s OOM ^00 U30 " S?2 a 5 ij b b fc t*' fc^' t** t! ^^' ojrtddc^cic^tji ^ o o o o o -J •— C NcocoeQtMwcac^c Sis a S — a - ^ 01 g m M ., . a." O — * r I K lij t> 1-5 [i, H a( I^ ^ ooooououo 842 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. DR. THE UNITED STATES FOR EXPENDITURES TO THE LATE WAR AGAINST GREAT BRINTTAIN IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. To amount of account furnished Deer. 1815, $268556 82 To the following mentioned expenditures viz: Hauling &c in 1812 pr. ac. No. 1, 86 00 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia & for the defence of Erie in 1813 pr. ac. No. 2, $937 66 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia & for the defence of Erie in 1814 pr. ac. No. 3, 3291 27 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia & for the defence of Erie in 1814 pr. ac. No. 4, 7267 15 11496 08 Sundiy disbursements in i elation to the militia called into lh9 service of the United States per Statement No. 5, 1826 70 Sundry disbursements in i elation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 6, 1326 00 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 7, 1724 95 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 8 1713 69 Stindi y disbursomentf in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 9, 60 00 Sundry disbursemients in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 10 995 80 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 11, 1047 28 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. S43 Sundiy disbursements in reiatiou to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 12, 211 41 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 13, 506 26 Sundry disbursemients in relation to the militia called into the service . of the United States per Statement No. 14, • 986 03 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 15, 55 74 Surwlry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 16, 1223 90 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 17, 146 50 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 18 1864 09 Sundry disbursements in relation to the militia called into the service of the United States per Statement No. 19, 60 00 13748 35 819 58 200 93 3618 63 Paid Co). John L. Pearson for rations No. 20, Paid Supernumeraries No. 21, Miscellaneous per statement No. 22, . . Major's Clark & Phillips as paymaster No. 23 2323 30 $32292 86 844 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. DETAILED STATEMENT OP THE ACCOUNTS COMPOSING THE FOREGOING ABSTRACT FROM NO. 1 TO 22 IN- CLUSIVE. No. 1659 William Moore Inspector 2B 11 D for car- riages due James Johnston, ?50 00 1596 William McClellond Inspr. 2 B 4 D. for pay of Dr. Culbertson 32 00 $86 00 NO. 2. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY WILLIAM CLARK INSPECTOR 2 E. 16TH DIVISION IN MARCH- ING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UNDER THE ORDERS OF MAJOR GENERAL MEAD OF 24TH JULY 1813 FOR DEFENCE OF ERIE. .VIZ. 1 For Rations ?672> 40 2 For Ferriage «S;c., 59 86 3 For Expenses of Courts of Appeals, 98 40 4 For Members of Courts of Appeals, 54 00 5 For Services in organizing &c., ... 41 00 6 For Express hire, 12 00 937 66 The above statement in detail. No. 1— For 3,362 Rations at 20 cents pr. ration, $672 48 For statement of rations in detail see ac. on file No. 2028. No. 2 — Ferriage of Troops on their march to Erie under the orders of Major Gen. Mead of July 1813 — . No. 1 Edwd. Hicks 637 men, $19 11 2 Jno. P. Houser 27 men 1 62 3 Jno. C. Houser 28 men, 1 68 4 Jacob Vancourt 296 men, 8 88 5 Hugh Evans 170 men, 5 10 6 Philip Straw 28 men, 84 7 Philip Straw 29 men 87 8 James Freeman 24 men 96 9 James Freeman 42 men, 1 68 10 James Freeman 12 men, 48 11 James Freeman 20 men ., 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 845 No. 12 James Freeman 45 men, 13 James Freeman 27 men 14 James Freeman 36 men 15 James Freeman 40 men, 16 James Freeman 40 men, 17 James Freeman 28 men, 18 James Freeman 40 men, 19 James Freeman 32 men, 20 James Freeman 27 men, 21 James Freeman 25 men, 22 James Freeman 20 men, 23 James Pollack (for quarter), 24 Col. Hossack (toll) , 25 Nicholas Lord (wood) 26 Amos Judson (whiskey) Amount of Ferriages, No. 4. EXPENCES COURTS OF APPEALS No. 1 Ish Jones & Jno. Andrews, 2 John Felterman 3 Alexr. McCalmont 4 Thos. Atkinson & James Cochran, 5 Ebenezer Maguffin, 6 BenjnL Stokely 7 Jno. Boyd & Chas. Martin, 8 Edwd. Campbell Esqr., 9 Matthew Dawson, 10 Thomas Fisher, 11 Cardeff Faggert & R. Maxwell, 12 Robt. Andrews 13 Joseph Mead 14 Eben Owen, 15 John Moore, Amount 3 Major Clarks expences holding appeals, . 5 Major Clarks services organizing &c 6 James F. Randolph Express hire, 1 80 1 08 1 44 1 60 80 1 19 80 1 28 1 08 50 40 1 00 87 3 00 1 00 59 86 $6 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 3 OO 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 54 00 $98 40 41 OO 12 00 S46 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. NO. 3. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY WM. CLARK INSPECTOR OF THE 2ND BRIGAGE 16 DIVIS- ION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRI- GADE UNDER THE ORDERS OF MAJR. GENL. DAVID MEAD OP JANUARY 1814 VIZ. 1 For Rations $2185 00 2 For Waggonage, 380 00 3 For Ferriage, 40 8714 4 For Expresses, 17 50 5 Majr. Clarks services &c. &c., .... 164 00 6 Courts of Appeal, 54 00 $3291 27 Thie Above statement in detail. No. 1— For 8750 Rations at 26 Cents, $2187 50 Deduct error in No. 97 over cbga., 1 50 $2185 50 For statemient of rations in detail (see ac. on file 2029) No. 2. WAGGONAGE. No. 1 Daniel McComhs $10 00 2 Davd. Breckeridge, 18 00 3 Henry Blystone, 6 OO 4 George Wheelin, 15 00 5 John Fulton, 15 00 6 James Mount, 15 00 7 Hugh Alexander, 15 00 8 Samuel Chidester, 9 00 9 Job Egbert, 21 00 10 John McCuUoch, 24 00 11 John E. Smith, 15 00 12 John Campbrll 15 00 13 James Willia-nson, 24 00 14 Jacob Kech 24 00 15 John Beam, 24 00 16 Jacob Hoove.-, 24 00 17 Thos. McCelland, 15 00 18 Thos. Foster, 9 00 19 John Williams 9 00 20 Josiah McNamara, 16 00 21 David Robinson, 30' 00 EXPENDITURE'S BY THE STATE. 847 No. 22 William May, 15 00 23 Hugh Brawley, 9 00 24 Thos. Burchfield, 9 00 25 Ambrose Dunn 15 00 26 Joseph Deimer 15 00 27 Reynel Vohrs 19 00 28 Asa Dunn, 15 00 29 Daniel Williams, 15 00 30 John Pew, 30 00 31 William Lanison 30 00 32 William McFadden 15 00 33 John Sawyer, 9 00 34 George Dickson, 15 00 35 Hugh Coyle 9 00 36 William Curry 12 00 37 Moses Porter 12 00 38 Andrew Coulter 15 00 39 James Gilky 30 OO 40 James Davidson 9 00 41 James Irvin 12 00 42 James Martin 12 00 43 Michael Pifes 12 00 44 Thomas Colston,. 9 00 45 Hugh Marsh, 21 00 46 William Broadfoot 12 OO 47 Robert McCalmot 12 00 48 John Mead 15 00 49 Elijah Collins 12 00 50 James McClure 15 00 51 Oeo. I^ver, 30 00 52 James Collum 12 00 53 John Gault 6 00 54 Andrew Coulter 54 00 $884 00 Deduct last item for want of voucher 54 00 Amot of Waggonage 1830 00 No. 3. FERRIAGE &C., &C. 1 P. Freeman, 1 08 2 James Freeman 1 50 848 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 3 James Freeman, 81 4 James Freeman, 1 00 5 James Freeman, 66 6 James Freeman, 1 14 7 James Freeman, 81 8 James Freeman, 1 53 9 James Freeman, 72i 10 James Freeman, 1 00 11 James Freeman, 1 50 12 James Freeman , 42 13 James Freeman 1 02 14 James Freeman 1 20 15 James Freeman, 1 32 16 James Freeman 99 17 James Freeman, 1 29 18 James Freeman, 93 19 James Freeman 69 20 James Freeman, 1 35 21 James Freeman, 75 22 James Freeman, 1 11 23 Andrew Porter, 2 OO 24 John P. Houser, 1 02 25 Henry Nealy, 1 02 26 Samuel Evans, 2 13 27 Phillip Houser, 1 20 28 Samuel Hays 2 12i/^. 29 John McQuaid, 2 06% 30 Wm. Oozens, 1 00 31 Nicholas Lord, 2 00 32 Wm. Shannon, 1 00 33 C'apt. Manns, 50 34 Agness Smith, 50 35 Samuel Thon* pson 150 Amo. Ferriiges, 40 87% No. 5. Major CI arks pay subsistence &c. pr. statement while holding Courts of appeal, $109 33^^ Major Clarks pay subsistence &c. pr. while marching militia to Erie 54 66 2-3 $40 87% $164 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 849 4 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY SAMUEL, POW- ERS INSP. 1 B. 16 D. UNDER THE ORDERS OF MAJOR GENERAL DAVID MEAD OF JANUARY & FEBY 1814 FOR THE DEFENCE OF ERIE VIZ. No. 1 For Rations (Orders of Jany.), .. 2572 50 2 For Waggonage, 1329 00 3 For House room fuel &c., 200 71 4 For Incidental 122 17 5 For Major Powers services &c., . . 273 32 $4497 70 Orders of Feby. 1814. 1 Rations ?1368 50 2 waggonage 1062 00 3 For Incidental ^2 50 4 For House-room fuel &c 58 81 5 For Major Powers services &c hold- ing counts of appeal &c under the above orders of Jany. & Feby ^"^^ '' 12769 45 17267 15 The above statement in detail, for Rations furnished 735 men 14 days is 10,290 at 25 cents $2572.50. No. 2. WAGGONAGE. No. 1 John Thomas, ^1 ^^ 2 J. Coulter, ^1 3 Forgus Johnston ^^ 4 Jeremiah Barker, ^^ 5 Peter Cleckner, ^^ 6 A. Wolf ^^ 7 John Stakes "^^ 8 Adam Keeth ^^ 9 Jesse Smith, ^^ 10 John Dougherty, ^^ 11 John Hughes, "^^ 12 John Douglass '^^ 13 Ephraim Harris ^^ 14 Nathan Rayl "^^ 15 John Boyl ^^ 54— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 850 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 16 William Adair, . . . 17 Josiah McMlorrow, 18 Samuel Henry, . . . 19 William Campbell, 20 Washington Tate, . 21 Charles Coulter, . . . 22 Isaac William, 23 John Camp, 24 John E. Smith, . . , 25 Saml. McCall, 26 David Haper, 27 David Gardner, 28 Wm. McCall, 33 Alexr. Johnston, . , 39 36 15 18 15 35 18 18 15 15 4 18 18 15 Amo. Waggonage, $1329 GO No. 3. HOUSE-RjOOM FUEL &C. 1 Nicholas Lord, wood, 2 William Shannon, repair, 3 G. W. Ring, house-room &c., . 4 Michael Seely house-room &c., 5 Wm. White house-room &c., . 6 James Hamilton house-room &c 7 Thomas Ring house-room «5;c., . . 8 Robert Douglass house-room &c. 9 Thomas Ring house-room &c., 10 Solomon Snell house-room &c., . 11 John Vincent house-room &c., . . 12 James Ross house-room &c., 13 John T. Moore house-room &c., 14 John Mathews house-room &c., . 15 Robert Martin house-room &c., . 16 Walter How house-room &c., . . . 17 Richard Patch house-room &c., 18 Michael Seely house-room &c., . 19 John Hicks house-room &c 20 Carson Graham house-room &c., 21 Agness Smith house-room &c., . . 22 Geo. W. Reed house-room &c., . . 23 Henry Colt house-room &c 24 Alexr. Johnston house-room &c., $22 50 6 00 2 50 5 00 12 00 50 3 00 1 00 6 00 1 50 4 00 5 00 3 OO 2 00 1 7'5 2 OO 1 00 4 00 50 50 5 00 16 25 7 25 2 871/2 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE, 851 No. 25 Jno. Stevenson house-room &c., 26 Rufus Trush house-room &c., . 27 Patk Huskins house-room &c., 28 M. White house-room &c., 29 James Hays house-room &c., . . 30 John Findlay house-room &c., . 31 Philip Loughty house-room fee, 32 Wilson Caldoo house-room &c., 33 Jno. Simcock house-room &c., . 34 John Boyd &c., 35 Jesse Brown house-room &c., . 36 Jno. Tracy house-room &c., ... 37 Saml. Torbet house-room &c., . 38 Wm. Hope house-room &c 39 Robt. Townley house-room &c., 40 John Pollock house-room &c., . 41 Joseph Osturn house-room &c., 42 Reuben Alexander house-room &c 43 John Reed house-room &c., 44 Jas. M. McKay house-room &c., 45 Wm. Culbertson house-room &c., 46 Jas. Oliver house-room &c., .... 47-8 Henry Evans house-room &c., 49 Jas. M. McCay house-room &c., Amo. House-room, fuel &c., .. 17 00 6 00 4 25 5 00 1 50 1 00 3 50 50 4 00 2 00 2 25 4 00 - 8 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 75 2 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 7 84 75 $200 71 No. 4 INCIDENTAL EXPENCES No 30 E. Byers ferriage Jos. Smith ferriage M. Strong toll, James Freeman toll Saml. Evans toll &c, 31 Robert Hamilton tin buckets Seth Seely 32 Jonn. L. Leetdxes Jesse Smith do, Davd. Relsinger do, Robt. Dorough do Jas. Anderson do Geo. Swager do $4 00 2 38 6 28 4 37 1 87 30 2 50 8 6 11 1 371/2 852 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. David Gibson do, 75 James Hamilton do, 25 34 Saml. Bellagaw Medecine, 10 SlVz $122 17 End of the 1st. statement. No. 2. WAGGONAGE DETAIL STATEMENT, ORDERS OF FEBY. 1814. No. 1 Rations. For 391 men 14 days 5474 at 25 cents, ?1368 50 No 1 Jonathan Coulter, $117 00 2 Peter Cleckner. 117 3 Joseph Shearer, 60 4 John Thomas, 117 5 John Stakes, 72 6 Jesse Smith 75 7 Nicholas Faub, 15 8 Adam Keith, 57 & Nathan Rayl 114 10 Alexr. Fl-ayer, 51 11 William Graham, 45 12 Forgus Johnston, 75 13 Danl. Williams, 30 15 John Dougherty 117 Amount of Waggonage, $1062 No. 4. HOUSE-ROOM, FIRE WOOD &C. 1 John Hicks, $4 00 2 Wm. Hammond, 3 3 Agnes Cook, 2 4 Agness Smith, 5 5 John Smith, 1 06 6 Rufus Frost . 6 7 Jacob Fullerton, 2 8 Benjm. Richards, 1 9 Stephen Clark 50 10 John Misbet, 1 11 Henry Racords, 2 EXPENDITURES BY THE 'STATE. 853 No. 1 25 12 James Henry, ' 50 13 James Henry 1 50 14 John Mathews, -^ 15 Wm. Culbertson, " " ^ 16 Robert Douglass, ' ' * ^25 17 A. Drennon 2 50 18 Elizh Fleuhart, ' ' ^^ 19 James Oliver " ' * " ' ^^ 20 Jacob Gay, g 21 Saml. Torbet " ' ' 4 22 Michael Seely, ' ' * ' ' 3 50 23 Thos. King ' " ' 75 24 John I. Moore, ' " ' " ^ 25 Thos. Coulson, 3 26 Thos. King, $58 81 No. 3. INCIDENTAL EXPENCES 16 James Freeman toll, E. Byers ferriage, M. Strong toll John Hicks ferriage, 17 Benjn. Hains axes John Shryock axes Wm. Doods axes, 18 Robert Hamilton buckets, Jas. Willson barrels Wm. Doods buckets John Shryock buckets. . • $6 00 2 00 6 25 12 75 17 50 4 00 6 00 3 50 2 50 1 00 1 00 march under the forgoing Orders $62 60 $217 64 854 MLSCEiLLANEIOUS PAPERS. No. 5. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JOHN HYNEMAN ADJUTANT GENERAL IN PROVIDING FOR AND SUSTAINING THE MILITIA CALLED INTO THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES AND WHICH ASSEMBLED AT YORK UNDER THE GENERAL O'RDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUG 1814 No. 1 Waggonage, 2 Hospital expences, 3 Provisions, Oats & Whiskey, 4 Gun Flints, 5 Chas. Shoemaker Qr. Master expen., 6 Straw The above statement in detail $1593 97 106 17 80 90 28 40 12 00 5 20 $1826 70 No. 1 WAGGONAGE 14 Ennion Elliot, $46 15 John B. Jones 72 16 Smith Ferree Rettinger, 216 17 Samuel Sturgeon 90 18 Henry Lotz, 89 18 19 George Rood, 89 68 20 George Parsons, 84 21 John Seltzer, 96 22 P. Loughridge, 18 23 John Laughlin, 75 11 24 James Reed, : 168 25 James McCulloch, 66 26 Christ. Miller, 78 27 Jacob Gehr, 72 28 John Thomas, 54 29 Robert Stuart 84 30 Green & Wentz 10 31 Samuel Miller, 90 32 Thos Kirkwood 66 33 Fredk. Hyneman, 30 $1593 97 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. No. 2 HOSPITAL EXPENSES 51 Smith & Streeper for Groceries Sept., 52 Smith & Streeper for Groceries Oct 55 Adam Walter for porter Oct., Amo 855 fSl 06 51 86 3 25 106 17 No. 3. PROVISIONS, OATS & WHISKEY PAID BY CHARLES SHOEMAKEIR DEPY. QR. MASTER 61 Andrew Kline, for Oats & hay $11 49 62 John Eichelberger for Oats & Whiskey, ... 2 75 63 Jacob Fought for Oats & Whiskey & 17 67 64 John Eichelberger for Oats & Whiskey, 12 39 65 Catharine Bender Whiskey &, 1 07 66 Samuel Sturgeon Oats, 1 20 67 Catherine Bender Whiskey &c 1 37i^ 68 Andw. Kline, 12 58V^ 69 Walter Bell Oats & hay 3 50 70 Andrew Kline Oats & hay, 6 18 71 William Miller Oats & hay 5 02i^ 72 Conrad Kline Oats 4 05 73 John Eichelberger Oats & hay , 1 62 Amo. provisions &c $80 90 No. 4. GUN FLINTS 1 J. G. Replier for 600 at $1.50 pr. M 2 Mathias Ludwig 425 at $1.50 pr. M 3 Wm. & Samuel Moore 350 at $1.50 pr. M 4 Joseph Morris &c 204 at $1.50 pr. M., ... 5 Knop & Heller 250 at $1.50 pr. M G John Burkinbine 300 at $1.50 pr. M., ... 7 John Potter 120 at $1.50 pr. M $9 00 4 25 4 20 3 06 3 75 3 1 20 Amo. Gun Flints, $28 46 No. 5. Chas. Shopmaker Depy. Qr. Master, $12 00 856 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 6. STRAW &c 11 Jacob Fishel, $3 00 12 Fredrick Eichelberger, 1 20 37 Thomas Taylor, 1 00 ?5 20 NO. 6. STATEMENT OF EiXPENDITURES BY JACOB G. TRYON INSPECTOR OF THE 2 BRIGADE 1ST DIVISION, FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (ADDITIONAL TO THE ACCOUNT OP DECEMBER LAST) UNDER THE GEN- ERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814 VIZ. Paid Andrew Gibson for hauling, $42 00 Paid John Smith's services as depy. Com., 870 00 Major Ttyon's services as Dep. Commissary, Quarter Master &c &c for 9'6 days at ?2 p. day, 192 00 $1104 00 No. 6. State of Pennsylvania To Daniel Sharp 1 B. 1 D. Dr To his expences in sustaining the Troops while quartered in and near Philadelphia from 11th September 1814 to 4th day of January 1815 — 115 days at 2 doll. p. day, $230 00 , Deduct 4 days charged beyond the time allowed by the Act, 8 00 $222 00 Amount of No. 6 Gen. stateras., $1326 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 857 NO. 7. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CHRISTIAN SNYDER INSPECTOR OF THE 2 B. 2 DIVISION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE IN DEFENCE OF PHILADELPHIA AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814 VZ. 1 For Waggonage, $612 00 2 For rations, 579 15 3 For provisions in lieu of rations ". 343 30 4 For incidental expenses 136 50 No. 1. WAGGONAGE 16 Isaac Ironifield, 22 Joseph Goodwin 23 Isaac Yorkes 24 Peter Hanley, 25 Philip Hoover, 26 William Spece 27 Stephen Jones 28 Peter Mason, 29 George Bucher, 33 Joseph Sands 34 Thomas Humphreys, 64 John Lightcap 65 Geo. Schwenk 66 Stephen Jones 67 Thos. Egbert 68 William Magill, 84 Jacob Freyer, 86 Henry Freed 87 C. Snyder 90 Isaac Zimmerman, . . $1670 95 Major Snyder's Compensation at $2 pr Day 54 00 $1724 95 $5 00 7 50 6 00 3 00 18 00 32 00 40 00 30 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 160 00 5 00 54 00 160 00 6 00 8 00 35 00 5 00 24 50 Amo. Waggonage, $612 00 858 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 2. RATIONS 17 Jacob Freyer, $13 10 31 Jesse Wright, 3 60 45 Coll. Crickbaum, 18 01^ 46 Wm. M. White, 15 671/2 47 Majr. Saml. Jacoby 15 67^^ 48 Capt. Andw. Eckerd, 4 80 49 Capt. Joseph Kirkner 8 47^ 50 Qr. M. Geo. Lowry, 8 47% 51 Capt Richardson, 4 80 52 Capt Jacob Wentz, 4 80 53 Lieut Michael Davis, 2 40 54 Lt. Col. Johnston, . ." 2 40 55 Enn. Robt. Dunn, 2 40 56 Enn. Singer, 2 40 57 Lt. Peter Hosworth, 2 40 58 Enn. Danl. McVey 2 40 59 Enn. Henry Cobbs, 2 40 60 Capt Hanley, 4 80 61 Lt. Malon Artly, 2 40 62 Barnabus Colston, 6 07^^ 60 Capt. Robinson, 64 80 70 Capt. Sl)ece, 40 20 71 Capt. McOlain, 40 72 Capt Grosscop, 40 20 73 Capt Swenk 28 20 74 Capt Swenk, 8 60 75 Capt. Hurst, 17 60 76 Capt. Holgate, 42 60 77 Capt. Sensenderfer, 39 20 78 Capt. Rawlins, 30' 79 Capt. Fryer, 43 80 80 Capt. Sands, 26 40 85 Capt. McGlathery, 30 $579 15 No. 3. PROVISIONS 1 Bread, $100 2 Bread, 1 45 3 Bread, 75 4 Bread 2 25 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 859 5 Beef, 3 IS^^ 6 Suadries, 10 59 8 Sundries, 90 9 Beef, 8 50 10 Beef & Bread 20 99 11 Sundries, 4 12 Beef, 65 76 19 Bread, 2 87Vz 20 Bread, 3 37y2 21 Beef, 64 75 36 Beef, 31 50 38 Beef, 38 55 Beef 10 40 Beef, 32 95 44 Whiskey 5 48 81 Salt 44 91 Bread 33 50 $343 30 No. 4. INCIDENTAL EXPENCES. 7 Porterage T5 13 Wood, 4 14 Notifying Militia 7 15 Portage 3 18 Wood and house room, 10 30 Axe handles 1 32 Inspecting Arms, 3 36 Medicine 3 50 37 Repairing drum, 3 50 39 Medicine 6 50 41 Music 10 43 Wood & Straw, 8 82 Wood & Straw, 2 50 83 Medicine 3 00 88 Attending sick, 4 25 89 Printing notices 16 00 * Additional for notifying militia Numbered 18 Capt Hoxworth 7 days • 7 00 20 Capt Wentz 10 days, 10 00 21 Capt Wright 10 days 10 00 23 Capt Heist 6 days, 6 00 ♦these items taken for ac. lately presented by Major Snyder. 860 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 117 Capt Harman 10 days, 10 00 236 Capt Altmus 7 days, 7 00 Amo. Incidentl., $136 50 NO. 8. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CASPER SNYDER INSPECTOR OF THE 1 BRIGADE 3 DIVISION MILITIA IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE FOR DEFENCE OF PHILADELPHIA & NEIGHBORHOOD UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF SEPTR. 1814. VIZ. 1 Rations & Provisions in lieu thereof, $1035 12% 2' Waggonage, 394 00 3 Forage, 100 60 4 Incidental, 52 82 5 Adjt. Sherers services (receipt No 2'8), 20 00 6 Music, 48 00 7 Notifying Militia, '. 63 00 No ^20 Error in addition (under $1 00 17 Error in addition, 04 32 Error in addition 81 0- 85 00 15 ?1713 69 the above statement in detail No 1 RATIONS AND PROVISIONS IN LIEU THEREOF 1 John Snyder flour & whiskey, 55 78 3 Joshua Evans 288 rations, 53 20 9 John Noblet 2219 rations, 421 CI 17 Isaac Dutter 134, 25 50 23 Major Brooks, whiskey 2 50 24 Geo. Thomas 1719 326 61 30 Capt. Webster provis, 53 22% 34 Shannon & Co., 70 36 Capt. Serrills ratns., 96 OO $1035 121/2 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 861 No. 3 FORAGE 4 Jolin Snyder. Corn, ?12 75 6 Christn. Rodebeck. Oats, '^20 8 Christn. Rodebeck, 20 58 10 Edwd. Barton, ^ ^^^^ 12 Joseph. Piper, hay &c., 26 07 33 John Noblet hay &c., 1^ ^^ Amo. Forage, ?10<^ 60 No. 4 INCIDENTAL 27 57 7 Peter Deshong paper ^^ 2 26 John Noblet 27 Nathl. Brooks ^^25 32 Capt. Harris ^ ^^ Amo. Incidental, $52 8.i No. 2 WAGGONAGE 2 David Cornag ^^ ^^ 11 John Noblet, ^^ ^o 14 Christian Rentger, »» "" 16 John Snyder, f^^ 17 William Brook ** ""^ 18 James Rowen J^ 00 19 George Christian, ^* "" 22 Jones Davis, OK *29 Charles Palmer 20 31 General Brook, 35 James Brook, Amo. waggonage, ^^^'^ ^^ No. 5 MUSIC 5 William Arnan 4 days ^'^ ^^ 13 Jacob Barker, ^^ ^^ 15 Wm. & Christn. Rentgen 4 day ea » "" 20 Jacob Sloyer 21 James Walker 25 Henry Miller, Amo. music, ^^8 00 862 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No. 7 NOTIFYING MILITIA Part of No. 10 24 40 43 48 *45 (Say 44) Amo $6 00 12 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 25 00 $63 00 NO. 9. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE BY NATH W. SAMPLE INSPECTOR OF THE 2 BRIGADE 4 DIVISION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE TO YORK UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814. VIZ. Paid Jacob Baker for ten days hauling pr. Receipt. . . $60 00 NO. 10. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY ARCHI- BALD S. JORDAN INSPECTOR OF THE 1ST BRIGADE 5 DIVISION UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814 IN CLEANING, DRYING ETC. ARMS, AND OTHER MILITARY APPARATUS, AFTER THE RETURN OF THE MILITIA FROM BALTI- MORE TO YORK VIZ. No. 1 James Collins cleaning & oiling Arms, $153 00 2 Jacob Frey for washing, drying, & hauling tents, 20O 34 3 John Howard packing up military Stores, 27 58 4 Kerr & Fulton loading up military Stores, 3 5 William Flanegan hauling &c., 28 75 6 Doll & Brenison cleaning Arms, 542 50i/^ 8 Henry Hay Powder &c., 10 62% 10 John Fisher hauling tent poles from Philadelphia to York, 30 00 $995 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE, 863 11. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CHRISTIAN SPAYD INSPECTOR OF THE 1 BRIGADE 6 DIVISION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UNDER THE GENERAL. ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OP OCT. 1814— VIZ. FOR THE PAY, RATIONS &C. OF SUPERNUMERARY OFFICERS. p. annexed statement No. 1, $626 97 No. 2 Notifying drafted militia to march, 270 31 3 Waggonage &c. &c 120 00 4 Major Spayds services, 30 00 $1047 28 the above statement detailed. No. 1. Pay, rations &c. of Supernumerary Officers &c. 88 A Stoner for music $9 00 105 Sundry Supernumerary Officers (see detail'd statement annex'd) 454 97 106 Lieutenant Hattens pay & rations, 12 00 107 Major Miller's pay & rations, 34 08 108 Capt. Fritley's pay & rations 23 20 109 Tinkle & Eglee for Music 14 00 110 Major Lower pay, rations &c., 33 00 111 Adjt. Stuart pay, rations &c 24 00 ] 12 Qr. Master Michael Shurer 24 00 Deduct error in No. 107 Amo. .supernumeraries &c $626 97 No. 2. NOTIFYING DRAFTED MILITIA. 1 Jacob Hatz, $6 00 2 Benjn. Leshare 5 00 3 Joseph Orth Sup. f 26 00 4 John Bechtol, 6 00 $628 25 1 28 864 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 5 Rudolph (German name) , 6 Abraham Seebot, 7 Abraham Stien, 8 Coll. Cochran, 9 Shultz & Reed, 10 Philip Fetterhoff, 11 John Snyder, 12 Capt. Wilson, 13 Conrad Crider, 14 Thomas McElheny, 15 Capt. Henry 16 John Shell (Major), ? 17 Lieut Joel Bailey, 18 Capt. Sehnor 19 Capt. Lerbe, 20 Capt. Shuey, 21 Ensign Kope, 22 Lieut. Mosher, 23 John Bowman, 24 Capts. Shuey & Kohr 25 Jonas Metzger, 26 William Allison, 27 Saml. McElheny, 28 Capt. Elder, 29 Capt. Kohr, 30 John Graham (a part) , 31 Major Horner (rations), 32 Capt. Bishoff, 33 John Shreff er, 34 Capt. Slnelty 35 John Livingood, 36 (no such number) 37 Joseph Livingood, 38 Capt. Gaag, 39 Jacob BaterofE, 40 Capt. Wolf, 41 Capt. Baldroff, No. 3 WAGGONAGE 1 Samuel Miley 10 days at $6, 2 Jacob Welthy 10 days at $6, 2 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 4 00 5 00 1 6 4 50 4 4 8 4 10 10 50 5 8 75 8 00 6 4 7 50 8 50 4 OO 4 50 6 00 9 00 13 56 10 00 3 OO 8 00 10 00 6 00 3 00 2. 50 8 00 14 00 $60 00 60 00 1120 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 865 N. 4. MAJOR SPAYD,S SERVICES IN MARCHING A DE- TACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE IN DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE 15 days at $2 per day, 30 00 *N0 10.5. SUNDRY SUPERNUMERARY OFFICERS AS STATED IN NO 1. A correct copy of the receipt Roll. Pay and Receipt Roll of the Supernumerary Officers who were discharg'd at York Town Pennsylvania on the 10th day of September 1814. 55— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 866 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. ^ Pi >> H ai m Z 5?; Pi W o Oh tq o > > l-H H Q ffi r/7 H W !r> Pi H m Q W < ^ CQ Pi H P rn o T-\ H W H K ro H O Ph U, 0. o O tf H o CJ 3 W Ph •^ Ph tH rn yj 00 Z ^ iH P 01 Q <3 Oh Pi W rA5 w H > m z ^ W <1 M (jj H H Z y^ W ' tf H w w oi Q o hJ ^ Q ^ Pi > H << (■ ) 1—1 W > > Pi •XBd 2 W ^ S S^ c la i; •- a; M O CO CO ( T^ CM C c o5j =a m m m ifl m c() cd cJ oj c^ 'O 'O tS 'C 'C 01 w m d rt cS O '3 'C w m m w w d d rt d ra •c fO -c 'd ■a d K tc 01 m d d d 'O 'O 'U ac't days, days, g s s s s g g o 00002; l^ s CO s a 00 00 <» i • I c at .-li-Hr-5r-4i-trlT-3f- 2 =^- «* PS ^ ^ ^ ►*" ce o 0; C t- 870 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. "suon'BH •suoi} -BH JOJ iC-Bd JO OUIV •SUO[}Ba JO -O^ "Xej jo •ouiv 8I01JA1 •GUI UCl XBa SSSSSSSS8SSSSSS tj5 to CO CO CD O O O O o o O O O O O <=> O O o o o o 00cr>0CDC>000C3C=)0<=>0C> in lo in u» ift la lA .o lO »ft to lo m lO t- OOOOOOOOOOOOOO THrHi-tr-trHr-lTHTHi-tTHT-li-HT-it-H ■aojAjes jo aiun •Suipua aoiAjas Abq ■Supuauiuioa aoiAjag •Jtu-BH oooooooooooooo,-. inmmmvxmmmmmisiviuixnm ■p 'S 'E 'E "E p Z 'P "C "u "C E 'E "u "u CD li ti >> S !? a. ss C d F g O w g C d fc m rt o u Oj O 3S EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 871 14. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CAPT. HENRY JARRET FOR SUSTAINING HIS TROOP OF HORSE WHILE MARCHING TO PHILADELPHIA, DURING HIS STAY THERE, AND ON THEIR RETURN HOME, UN- DER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814, IN PURSUANCE OF ORDERS FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. No 2 William Snare's bill while in Philadelphia, ?239 93 3 Christian Hagenbush's bill while in Philadelphia 838 25 4 EXpences returning home 418 00 Deduct error in No. 3 over charged $1496 17 6 46 $1489 71 Also Deduct amo. charg'd U. S. in Major Tryon's ac ^^^ ^^ $986 03 the above statement detaild. No 2 Capt. Jarretts Company to William Snare Dr. To Expenses as follows Viz. Commencing Octoher 3d. and ending October the 13th 1814. Twenty Horses to hay $7 50 21^ Bushels of Oats, Twenty suppers 20 Lodgings, 21/^ Bushels Oats 20 Breakfasts 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers 20 Horses to hay, 2^ Bushels Oats, 20 Lodgings, 2% Bushels Oats 20 Breakfasts, 2^/^ Bushels Oats, 1 87 1^ 5 00 60 1 871/2 5 00 1 87^! 5 00 7 50 1 87y2 60 1 871/2 5 00 1 87 Vz 872 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 20 Suppers, 2V2 Bushels Oats, 20 Horses to Hay, 20 Lodgings, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Breakfasts, 21/^ Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers 21/^ Bushels Oats, 20 Horses to Hay, 20 Lodgings, SO Breakfasts, 2y2 Bushels Oats 2y2 Bushels Oats, 2y2 Bushels Oats 20 Suppers, 20 Horses to Hay, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Lodgings, 20 Breakfasts, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Horses to Hay, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers, 20 Lodgings, 20 Breakfasts, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 21^ Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Horses to Hay, 20 Lodgings, 2 1/^ Bushels Oats, 20 Breakfasts 21/4 Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers, 2V^ Bushels Oats, 20 Horses to Hay, 20 Lodgings 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Breakfasts, 2y2 Bushels Oats, 20 Suppers, 5 00 1 871/2 7 50 60 1 871/2 5 00 1 871/2 5 00 1 871/2 7 50 60 5 00 1 871/^ 1 871/2 1 871/2 5 00 7 50 1 871/2 60 5 00 1 871/2 1 871/2 7 50 1 871/2 5 00 60 5 00 1 871/2 1 87y2 5 00 1 871/2 7 50 60 1 871/2 5 00 1 87 Va 5 00 1 871/2 7 50 60 1 87% 5 00 1 87% 5 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 873 21/2 Bushels Oats, 1 871/^ 20 Horses to Hay, 7 50 20 Lodgings, 60 21/2 Bushels Oats, 1 871/2 20 Breakfasts, 5 00 21/2 Bushels Oats, 1 871/2 21^ Bushels Oats, 1 87y2 20 Suppers 5 00 20 Lodgings, 60 20 Horses to hay, 7 50 20 Breakfasts, 5 GO 2y2 Bushels Oats, 1 871/2 Sundries, 2 67 amo Wni Hnares bill $239 92 NO. 3. THE COMMONWEALTH OP" PENNSYLVANIA DR. To Christian Hagenbush for boarding Capt. Henry Jarret's troop of Horse and keeping their Hcirsas from 16th of Sep- tember 1814 until the 13th day of October 1814, 14 days 27 men. 28 Meals for each a $0 25 per meal, $189 00 two days 38 Men 38 00 October 3 until 13th 23 92 50 $319 50 HAY. 27 Horses for 114 days to hay a 371/2 cents, 141 75 38 Horses for 2 days to hay, 2S 50 23 Horses for 9 days to hay 76 42i/4 OATS. 27 horses for 14 days 12 quarts pr. day 141% Bush- els a $0.75 per bushel 106 31 38 horses for 2 days a 12 quarts pr. day each 28% B 21371/2 *23 horses— 9 days— 12 quarts pr. day 86% bushels 64 68 Lodging for all the men $58 2214 17 16 Oats and hay for the Captains Horses for his Waiters, 27 25 Boarding the same, 16 00 Liquor, 19 30 amo. Christian Hagenbush's bill, $838 25 *eri-or of 16.46 deducted in statement sent to Washington. 874 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. NO. 4. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS DO HEREBY ACKNOW- LEDGE THAT WE HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED OP HENRY JARRETT CAPTAIN THE RESPECTIVE SUMS OPPOSITE TO OUR NAMES ANNEXED FOR OUR EX- PENSES AS WELL FOR GOING TO PHILADELPHIA AS FOR RETURNING HOME IN THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED & FOURTEEN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR HANDS THIS 25TH DAY OF NOVEMBER A. D. 1815. Henry Jarrett $20 00 Marmaduke McMichael 16 00 Solomon Heinley '. . 11 00 Peter Best 11 00 William Brown 11 00 John Gratewohl 11 00 Leonard Fankenfield 11 00 John Heil 11 00 Henry Kutz 11 00 John Carrell 11 00 Peter Reeser 11 00 John Lawel ^ 11 00 John Arnct 11 00 Henry Weitzel 11 00 Jacob Dornblaiser 11 00 Daniel Whitel 11 00 Isaac Ritter 11 00 Jonathan Ritter 11 00 Abraham Shartz 11 00 Peter Lichdenwalder 11 00 Peter Heckman 11 00 Joseph Rice 11 00 Abraham Roth 11 00 Michael Royer 11 00 George Englor 11 00 Conrad Kreidler 11 00 George Obitz 11 00 John Hickman 11 00 Abraham Storker 6 00 John (illegible) 6 00 Jacob Kaller 6 00 Andrew Oberly 6 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 875 John Oberly 6 00 George Lesher 6 00 Philip Mezger : 6 00 Peter Ritter 6 00 Gabriel Beeser 6 00 Henry Young 6 00 George Obitz 6 00 John Farman 6 00 Jacob Rohn, 6 00 George Oberly 6 00 Gorg Esues (?) 6 00 Gabriel Kinsmer 6 00 $418 00 NO. 15. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY COLONEL WILLIAM HAMILTON IN MARCHING A VOLUNTEER COMPANY FROM LANCASTER TO YORK UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF AUGUST 1814 VIZ. No 1 Samuel Strickler, $9 00 2 Jacob Strickler 5 15 3 Susan Lauman, 1 33 4 Henry Hay sundries, 31 5 George Hay, Expenses of home, 9 33 1-3 6 John Lightner for measures &c., 1 12 7 John Allender provisions, 3 00 8 Orman Jacob's hauling amunition 50 9 John Benekart, wood, 8 00 10 John McGinness horse feed, 5 00 11 John McGinness, 13 00 $55 74 876 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. NO 16 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY GEORGE DEARTH INSPECTOR OF THE 2 BRIGADE 13 DIVISION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF OCTOBER 1814. VIZ. For 4270 Rations at 17 cents, For Waggonage, Incidental Expenses, Wood, toll &c., James Patterson's services as Commissary, No 4 Major Dearth's services, $1223 90 detailed statement of Major Dearth's ac. Capt. Gusey's Compy. 1 Capt. 2 Lieuts. 1 Ensign & 114 privates 126 rations p. day for 15 days is, 1890 ra. Capt. Hertzog's Compy. 1 Capt. 2 Lieuts. 1 Ensign & 73 privates 83 rations p. day for 13 days is, 1105 Capt. Hertzog's Compy. 15 days rations while returning home for the same number of officers & Men, 1275 $725 90 336 00 80 00 24 $1165 90 58 00 4270 at 17 Cts $725 90 WAGGONAGE No. 1 P. Hertzog, $167 00 2 John Peters 23 00 3 James Patterson, 145 00 $336 00 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. No 9 Jane Dick for Wood, $ 18 10 C. Sterrett Wood, 5 00 11 Hugh Dennison toll, 4 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE, 877 14 Benjr. Phillips wood, 1 25 15 Leonard Knabel, 7 75 16 Jacob Wilyard Express hire 2 00 17 Robert Grimes Express hire, 2 GO 18 Jane Wallis 2 GO toll 19 Isaac Phillips, 1 50 axe 20 Daniel Yard, 3 00 Commy. 21 Peter Hertzog, 8 50 house room 22 Hugh Davis, 2 75 Expenses going out, $39 93 Returning home say, 40 07 180 GO NO. 17. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY JOHN KIRKPATRICK INSPR. OF THE 1 BRIGADE 13 DIVIS- ION IN MARCHING & DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRI- GADE UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOV- ERNOR OF OCTOBER 1S14 FOR DEFENCE OF BALTI- MORE & NEIGHBOURHOOD. VIZ. Paid Wm. Hamilton for hauling, $20 Paid the Estate of Wm. Graham for printing, 6 50 Paid William Moore as assistant commissary for 15 da. from the 21st of November onward at $3 pr. day 45 00 Paid McCulloch assistant commissy. (in my absence) to 2d detachment from 21 Nov. 1814 onwards 15 da. a $3 45 00 For my own personal service a |2 pr. for 15 days, 30 GO $146 50 Major Kirkpatrick's deposition on the original Statement on file. 878 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. NO 18 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY THOMAS MITCHELL INSPECTOR OF THE 2D BRIGADE 14 DIVISION IN MARCHING A DETACHMENT FROM HIS BRIGADE IN DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF OCTOBER 1814. VIZ. No 1. Rations, $982 60 2 Waggonage, 420 00 3 Quarters &c., 318 12 4 Forage, 59 37 5 Major Mitchell's services is marching to Baltimore 84 GO $1864 09 the above statement in detail No. 1. RATIONS 1584 furnished Capt. Smyth's Coy. on their march to Baltimore a 20 cts., $316 SO 1024 furnished Capt. Smyth's Coy. return home a 20 cts., 204 SO 1261 furnished Capt. Wise's Coy. on their their march to Baltimore a 20 cts., 252 20 1044 furnished Capt. Wise's Coy. on their return home a 20 cts., 208 80 No 2 WAGGONAGE $982 60 James Adamson 38 days for Capt. a $6 p. day, $228 00 Waggon Capt. Wise's company 24 days (feed found) a $4 p. day, 96 00 Waggon Capt. Wise's returning home 16 days (finding his own feed & forage) at $6 p. day, . . 96 00 $420 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 879 NO. 3, QUARTERS & OTHER INCIDENTAL EXPENSES FOR CAPT. SMYTHS CO ON THEIR MARCH PROM GREEN COUNTY TO BALTIMORE, AS FOLLOWS, VIZ. 1814 Novr. 12 Cash paid at Jefferson, $10 50 13 Cash paid at Rice's landing & ferriage, 8 00 14 Cash paid at Mutton-town, 9 50 15 Cash paid at Slack's, T 00 16 Cash paid at Clark's, 11 50 17 Cash paid at Thistles, 6 00 18 Cash paid at Tomlinsons, 17 56 19 Cash paid at Frosts, 8 50 20 Cash paid at Cumberland, 7 00 21 Cash paid at Streets 8 00 22 Cash paid at Pratts, 10 00 23 Cash paid at Riser's, 8 00 24 Cash paid at Beans, 8 00 25 Cash paid *at Big Springs, 8 50 No. Paid at Hancock omitted above, 12 00 26 Cash paid at Hagerstown, 6 00 27 Cash paid Boonsburg, 8 00 28 Cash paid Fredericktown, 12 00 29 Cash paid Lawrences, 8 00 30 Cash paid Baltimore (for 3 days) 45 56 $219 62 QUARTERS &C. FOR CAPT. WISE'S COMPY. FROiM THE SAME & TO BALTIMORE VIZ. 1S14 Nov. ^ 20 Cash paid quarters at Powels $6 00 21 Cash paid quarters a Johnstons, 7 00 22 Cash paid quarters Slacks, 5 00 23 Cash paid quarters Cumpstons 5 50 24 Cash paid quarters Smiths, 3 00 25 Cash paid quarters Gepler's, 4 50 26 Cash paid quarters Reynold's, 7 00 27 Cash paid quarters Thistle's 5 00 28 Cash paid quarters Frosts 6 00 880 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 29 Cash paid quarters Lessey, 30 Cash paid quarters Ackersbergers, . . . Gerperberty, Dec 1 Cash paid quarters Wilsons, 2 Cash paid quarters Hagers, 3 Cash paid quarters Kirkpatricks, 4 Cash paid quarters Shaws, 5 Cash paid quarters Shaffers, 6 Cash paid at Pennybecker's, . . . . , 7 Cash paid at Mercer, 3 00 3 50 4 50 7 00 5 50 6 00 4 00 5 00 7 00 Amo. of quarters for they 2 Company's $318 12 — there are no vouchers for the item of quarters, it was allowed and paid, on the Major adding his deposition to the account — X Green County. No. 4. FORAGE, FOR THE TEAM THAT HAULED CAPT. WISE'S BAGGAGE &C. No 1. John Slack, $3 50 2 John Johnston, 2 25 3 in German, 2, 75 4 Saml. Pennebecker, 3 00 5 John Arbecases, 5 51 6 Samuel Hager, 3 19 7 Geo. Rizer, 2 75 8 Isaac Wilson, 3 ZlVz 9 Kirkpatrick 2^ 67 10 Philip D. Smith 2 371/^ 11 Benjamin Bean, 2 18 12 Francis Adlesberger 3 50 13 Philip Shaffer, 1 19 14 Benjamin Powel, 1 87V^ 15 James Reynolds, 2 50 16 Peter Conner, 2 19 17 James Cumpton, 4 25 18 William Thistle, 3 00 19 Arosiah Frost, 2 25 20 John Johnston Notifying to March, 5 00 $59 37 $84 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. No 5. Major Mitchell's services. 42 days marching two Companies to Baltimore at 2 dollars pr. day, . . . RECAPITULATION 1— Rations, 2— Waggonage 3— Quarters &c, 4 — Forage, 5— Majr. Mitchell's Ser Amo. expenditures by Major Mitchell. NO 19 THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TO JAMES DUNLAP INSP. 1 B. 14 DIVISION. For his services in marching a detachment of volunteers from his Brigade say 30 days a $2.00 pr. day $60.00 see his ac. on file (No. 2991). $982 60 420 00 318 12 59 37 84 00 $1864 09 No. 20— Col. John L. Pearson. George Thomas & John L. Pearson Summons Case Term 1815. In the Commonplease of Delaware County 1815 Bill of Defendants fees. Expenses &c. &c. Sept. Subpoenas for Witnesses on first day of meeting Referees Service & milage on Col. Snyder. Brooks, Dale Hall & Atmore Octo. 12— Subpoenas for Witnesses on Second day of meeting of Refferees Service and mileage on Col. Snyder, Lt. Col. Dales, Majors Brooks & Hall, Q. M. Noblit, Wright Dr. Ferril paymaster Bussier, Col. Linnard— Contractor McCoy & A. Longaure. 56_Vol. IX— 6th Ser. to July $0 371/2 6 821/2 1 62V2 9 94 88-2 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Witness fees on attending on the second Sub- poenes viz — Col. Snyder 1 day & mileage on 60 Miles, Major Brook 1 day mileage 70 Miles, Lt. Col. Deals 1 day mileage 30 Miles, Major Hall 1 day mileage 20 Miles, Qr. M. Noblit 1 day mileage 15 Miles, William Wright 1 day mileage 8 Miles, Col. Linnard 1 day mileage, I. Atmore 1 day mileage 15 Miles Dr. Terrill 1 day mileage, Fees to Attorney, 10 days attendance at Court striking refrees at- tending before the refrees consulting Lawyers, entering appeal & obtaining copy, Expenses pd. for Referees & at reference, on additional Counsel fee to Major Barnard, The Judgment of Court, One years Interest (say), Plaintiff bill of Costs taxed, Incidental expenses in procuring documents hav- ing to ride 60 miles for some of them, and a great deal of time occupied & expense in obtain- ing them 8 Days coming, staying & returning from Harris- burg to settle my accounts a $5 pr. day, 4 10 5 2' 30 1 70 1 40 98 2i 30 1 40 50 20 30 3 98 10 704 58 42 27 30 50 40 43 40 GO Amount, $960 00 NO. 21. STATEMENT OV EXPENDITURES FOR THE PAY OF THE FOLLOWING SUPERNUMERAY OFFICERS OF 2 BRIGADE 14 DIVISION WHO WERE DISCHARGED AT CAMP WILLIS 5TH OCTOBER 1812 VIZ. Capt. Moses Fell 12 days pay and Rations, $20 80 Lieut. John Booze 12 days pay and Rations, 14 40 Ensign Morris Linsey 12 days pay and Rations, . . 10 40 Lt. Samuel Adams 12 days pay and Rations, 14 40 60 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 883 Lt. David Kyle 10 days pay & Rations, Capt. Andrew Sheets 40 days pay & rations $77 33 deduct for 22 rations drawn 4 40 14 — 72 93 Lieut. Fredk. Reigart 4 days pay & rations 56 00 deduct for 10 rations drawn, 2 54 00 $200 93 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE DEFENCE OF ERIE &C. &C. VIZ— No 1 Gen John Kelso's pay rations &c under the Orders of Majr Genl. Mead of Jan. 1814, 298 66 2-3 2 Hospital Surgeon Daniel Bemus 166 3 Quarter Master William Moore, 88 63 4 Major John Junkins 37 33 5 Henry Blystone transporting baggage, 6 6 Joab Vancourt ferriage 1 15 7 Joab Vancourt ferriage, 51 $598 29 For the pay & rations of the following mentioned Supernumerary officers of the 2 Brigade 2 Division who were discharged at B Marcus Hook viz — No 1 Lieut. Col. Krickbaum's pay & rations 33 days $79 20 2 Major Jacpby pay & rations 23 days 63 40 3 Capt. Weber pay & rations 14 days 24 27 4 Capt. Eckerd pay & rations 24 days 47 20 5 Capt Wright pay & rations 20 days, 34 67 6 Capt. Brook pay & rations 20 days, 34 67 7 Lieut. Ortlip pay & rations 22 days 30 80 884 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 8 Lieut. Linderman pay & rations 20 days, 28 9 Lieut. Whitton pay & rations 20 days, 24 66 10 Lieut. Lochman pay & rations 24 days 29 58 11 Elisign Shultz pay & rations 24 days, 25 60 12 Sergt. Volley pay & rations 22 days 9 47 13 Qr. M. Lowry pay & rations 56 days, 97 06 14 Adjt, Kirkner pay & rations 56 days, 97 06 15 Qr. M. Sergt. Newel pay & rations 47 days, 19 80 16 Dr. William Johnston pay & rations 56 days, 134 40 17 & 18 I Berrill & Saml. Borough musicians, 13 60 ?793 44 Deduct Nos. 17 & 18'— not pro- vided for by militia law, 13 60 779 84 C For the pay of the following mentioned Officers of 2d B 3 Division while necessarily employed, notifying their Companies to- march to the place of rendezvous Viz — 17 Capt. Stewart for 5 days notifying his Coy. a $1 , 5 00 Capt. Appleton for 5 days notifying his Coy., 5 00 Capt. Cunningham for 5 days notifying his Coy 5 00 Capt. Harton for 5 days notifying his Coy., 5 00 Capt. Taylor for 5 days notifying his Coy., 5 00 Capt. Ehtrekin for 5 days not notifying his compy, 5 OO Capt. Moore 5 days notifying compy, 5 00 Capt. Wiston 5 days notifying compy, 5 00 7 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 885 Capt. Correy 7 days notifying compy, Capt. Privy 5 days notifying compy, Capt. Steel 5 days notifying compy, Capt. W. Stuart 5 days notifying compy, . Capt Batten 5 days notifying compy, Capt. Cain 5 days notifying compy, Capt. Holmes 5 days notifying compy, . . . Capt. Williamson 5 days notifying compy, Capt. Skiles 5 days notifying compy, . . Capt. Wright 5 days notifying compy, Capt. Fletcher 5 days notifying compy, Lieut. Keely 3 days notifying compy, $100 00 D No 18 For the pay of Noah Tiffney Junr. for taking care of Ezra Sturtivant a sick Soldier of the 2 Brigade 8th Division 7 days a $1.25 8 75 E 19 Pay, rations &c of Major Genl. Mead Jan. 1814 200— Pay, rations &c of Major Henry Hurst did to Jan. 1814— $105. Pay, rations &c. of Major Patk. Farrelly did to Jan. 1814. $104—98, 409 98 F. 20 Capt. William Brook 2 B. 2 D. for rations furnished his Compy. while marching from Montgomery Co. to Phila. 36. John Frankenmiller for hauling baggage from Montgomery Co. to Phila. 22.75, ... 58 75 G. 21 Capt Willet subsistence for his compy — 1 B. 2 division 10-50 Capt. Wm. Purdy for music for his Compy. while marching to Marcus hook. 24 — Daniel & William Kneeler, musicians, while marching from Doylestown to Philadelphia— 12— Capt. John Fries for hauling baggage 2.50, 49 H 22 Herman Vansant lusp. 1 B. 2 Division for amo. paid Supernumerary Officers (de- tailed statement on file 488 97 Frederick Foering for his services as Depy. Qr. M. General— 510, 510 886 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. No 23 Major Christian. Snyder for notifying Militia, 38 00 No ii4 John Jones Inspector of 1st B. 8 Division for retained rations. 1 Major William Taggert, $24 00 2 Major William Taggert for for- rage, 18 20 42 20 3 Capt. William F. Byers retained rations, 16 60 4 Lt. Col. George Weirich forage, 14 35 5 Oapt. Hummel for Vinegar & 5 soap, 6 33 6 Surgeon I. Y. Kennedy retained rations, 10 20 L Wharr, 60 No 25 A further account of rations rec'd. from Major Jones viz. Capt. Snyder's Company in lieu of rations, $22 63 Majr. Taggarts, 24 00 David Maclay, Quarter Master, 20 Oapt. Hummel Company, 6 33 Lieut. Brady, 6 Ensign Schwarts 6 Capt. Middlesworth Company, . . 7 97 Additional Amt. due Capt. Widdleswath, 15 55 Amt. due Capt. Buyers, 16 60 Ensign Hepburn, 13 80 Oapt. Bergstreper 18 Capt Miller's Company, 8 67 Lieut. Col. Weirich, 12 40 Capt. Thompson's Company, 13 87 Capt. Haas Company, Capt. Coryell, 10 60 Major Lechner, 20 Paymaster Rockefeller, Surgeon Kennedy, 10 20 Additional Capt. Bergstreper's Company, 23 20 255 82 149 68 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 8S7 Deduct already Charged U. S. before this ac was presented viz. No 1 Major Taggert's rations §24 00 3 Capt. Buyer's rations, 16 60 6 Surgeon Kennedy's rations, 10 20 50 80 205 02 No 26 Major Danl. Sharp 1 B. 1 Divis. pd. John Alberger for beef furnished by him from the 16th Novr. 1814 till the 11th March 1815. ?483 7 cts, 33 81 •27 Jacob G. Tryon 2 B. 2 D. Lt. Joseph Wilds & Ens. Casper Inger for retained rations say 54 rations each at 20 Cents, 21 60 28 Isaac Post Inspr. 2 Brigade 8 Division of Supernumerary off s., 166 93 $3618 63 No 23 The United States to the State of Pennsyl- vania For Commission paid Wm. Clark as paymaster of the Militia called in defence of Erie by Major Genl. Mead (see ac settled 23d. Nov. 1816), $1829 42 For Commission paid Wm. Clark as paymaster of the Militia called in defence of Erie by Major Genl. Mead (ac settled 3d Jan 1817) bv John Phillips, .. 493 88 2323 30 STATEMENT Oi'^ THE ACCOUNTS OF GEORGE DENISON PAYMASTER UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF OC- TOBER 1814. Amount paid Captn. James Mondies Company, 64 64 Amount paid Captn. Robt. McGingans Company, 65 65 Amount paid Captn. Willm. McGuires Company, 34 40 Amount paid Captn. Benjn. Bonds Company 70 888 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Amount paid Captn. Saml. Benjamins Company, Amount paid Captn. Geo. Heidlays Company, . Amount paid Peter Hallocli's Company, Amount paid Captn. Joseph Camps Company, . Amount paid Captn. Fredlv. Daily's Company, . Amount paid Captn. Eliphalet Mason's Company, 47 73 67 43 111 77 144 90 141 70 145 81 Pd. S. Maffet. Pointing, .. Pd. I. Clark. Printing, Pd. Wm. Barnes. Postage, $5 25 1 62 6 41 $894 08 13 28 $907 36 PAY ROLL OF A COMPANY OF VOLUNTEER MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTN. JAMES MOODIE OF THE 123 REG'T. PENNA MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED COMMANDED BY COL. JAMES MONT- GOMERY FROM 12 NOV. 1814 WHEN LAST MUSTERED TO 25 NOV. 1814. Commencement of Pay Nov. 12, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 25, 1814. Time paid for including Traveling pay 14 Days. Total Am't of pay, 93. Names. 1 William Nesbit, Sergt. 2 James Armstrong, Private. 3 Henry Bickley. 4 John Blair 5 Alexander Best. 6 David Caldwell. 7 Robert Cann. 8 Jacob Covert. 9 LO Robert Campbell. David Campbell. 11 Levi Clinson. 12 Samuel Caldwell. 13 Robert Dougal. 14 John Dougan. 15 Jacob Eckroad. 16 Isaac Edger. 17 Moses Edger. 18 Wm. Gray. 19 James Hunter. 20 Jacob HLLler. EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 889 21 Jacob Houghendobler. 22 Charles Hoff. 23 Andrew Houghendobler. 24 John Heddings. 25 Barney Hanna. 26 John Huntingdon. 27 Samuel Huntingdon. 28 Archibald Hanna. 29 Carlton Irwin. 30 William Jordan. 31 John Keffer. 32 John Kelly. 33 Geo. Laurents. 34 Peter Lambert. 35 John Long. 36 Walter McKesson. 37 Abraham Martz. 38 John McCoy. 39 Robert McCarter. 40 Robert McCurley. 41 John Marcle. 42 George McCoy. 43 John Montgomery. 44 .lames Montgomery. 45 William Mann. 46 John Mills. 47 John McCollister. 48 Archibald Keir. 49 John Pott. Total Amount $72.07. 50 Samuel Quest. 51 Jacob Rouscolp. 52 John Ross. 53 Matthias Riffel. 54 William Riffel. 55 David Ross. 56 Wm. Reed. 57 Joseph Stroub. 58 Isaac Stroub. 59 John Swartz. 60 William Turrels. 61 Samuel Swartz. 62 Geo. Steedman. 63 Robert Shaw. 64 William Smith. 65 Jacob Troxel. 66 Daniel Vincent. 67 William Vincent. 68 Casper Vertz. 69 Daniel Welshans. 70 George Welshans. 71 Wm. Welshans. 72 William Wilson. 73 Michael Wheeland. 74 William Woods. 75 James Woods. 76 William Woodside. 77 James Lott. 78 Troy McFay. RECEIPT ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT MCGINGANS COMPANY DETACHED FROM THE 123D AND PART FROM THE 81ST REG'T. SECOND BRIGADE NINTH DI- VISION P. M. CALLED INTO ACTUAL SERVICE BY THE GOVERNOR OF THIS COMMONWEALTH UNDER OR- DERS ISSUED 15TH OCTOBER 1814. Commencement of Pay, Nov 12, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov 24, 1814. Time paid for including traveling pay, 13 Days. 890 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Sergeants. 1 Wiiliam McKnight 43 2 Charles Gall 43 3 .John McKinney 43 Corporals. 1 Wilson Van Dyke 43 2 Robert McCormick 43- 3 -John Chambers 43 4 Thomas Corneval 43 Drummer. 1 William Eutt 43 Private. 1 David Burkett .' .87 2 John Bartholomew 87 3 James Brown i 87 4 John Burrows 87 5 Jacob Becker 87 6 John Cooper 87 7 Robert Currigan 87 8 Robert Cutter 87 9 William Clark 87 10 Michael Christian 87 11 William Cornelieson 87 12 John Crawford 87 13 John Corry, 87 14 Andrew Chamberlain 87 15 Jacob Corneliuson 87 16 Joseph Drake 87 17 John Eckenrod 87 18 William Erwin 87 19 Isaac Elliott 87 20 John Eckenrod 87 21 Samuel Custis 87 22 Alexander Easton 87 23 John Egbert 87 24 James E. Haslet : 87 25 Jacob Fell 87 26 Peter Frank 87 27 Robert Freeland 87 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 891 87 28 Robert Foster ° ' 87 29 James Fay 87 30 John Fatkeson °* R7 31 Peter Fox °' 87 32 John Foust ° ' 87 33 David Gray *" 34 Richard Hendrickson ° ' 87 35 Samuel Hanna 87 36 Wm. Herron ° ' 87 37 William Harter *'' 87 38 Barnard Kock . ■: 39 James Keiff er ^^ 87 40 Francis Kruize " ' 87 41 Thomas Lewis °^ 42 David Love ^' 87 43 James Lewis 87 44 Christian Long, 87 45 Samuel Manly ° ' 46 John Manly. Senr ^'^ 47 John Manly. Junr ^^ 48 Law Martin 87 49 Samuel McCormick ° ' 50 Wra. Miller ^'^ 51 John McCurly ^'^ 87 52 James Moore 87 53 John Morrison ° ' 87 54 Peter Mourer I 55 John Owens ^* 87 56 Joseph Poycr °^ 57 Peter Rhodenbaugh ^' 87 58 Jacob Rhodenberger °' 59 John Ryan ^'^ 87 60 Robert Owen °' 61 Adam Rank ^'^ 87 62 Andrew Russel ^* 87 63 James Robinson ° ' 64 Andrew S«raub ^'^ 87 65 George Sechler ° ' 66 Oliver Shoot ^'^ 87 67 John Swartz *' 87 68 John Shannon ° ' 87 69 Thomas Sample °' 70 William Staddeu ^^ 71 Jeremiah Smith ^'^ 892 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 72 John Taggert 87 73 Wlliam Vanflect 87 74 Peter Vanlere 87 75 Tobias Wersht 87 76 William Walscn 87 77 Daniel Witts 87 78 John Whitaker 87 Am't $71.30. RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. WILLIAM McGUIRE OF THE 157TH REGIMENT PENNA. MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. JAMES MONTGOMERY FROM 12TH NOV. 1814 WHEN LAST MUSTERED TO 24TH NOV. 1814. Commenceraent of Pay, Nov 12, 1814. Expiration of pay, Nov. 24, 1814. Time paid for including travelling pay, 13 Days. Sergt. 1 Hugh Donley 13 2 David Reed 43 3 John Shannan 43 4 Joseph McGuire S3 Corporal. 1 John Simmons 13 2 William Bryson 43 3 William Scott 43 4 John Hutchinson 43 Privates. 1 Robert Bryson 86 2 James Beard S6 3 Daniel Beaver 86 4 William Beard , 86 5 Arthur Borris 86 6 James Bryson 86 7 Matthew Corry 86 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 893 8 William Cathcart 86 9 Geo. L. Cason 86 10 James Donley 86 11 Andrew Foster 86 12 David Graham 86 13 Andrew Griffey 86 14 James Hamilton 86 15 Joseph Hutchinson 86 16 Isaac Harver 86 17 Ezekiel Lunger 86 18 Abraham Lunger 86 19 James McKinuey 86 20 Daniel Moore 86 21 John Mowland 86 22 William McKinney 86 23 Joseph Oakes 86 24 John Parks 86 25 William Parks 86 26 Harvey Runter 86 27 Robert Riddle 86 28 James Riddle 86 29 James A. Scott 86 30 William Smith 86 31 John Sheafer 86 32 Thomas Toner 86 33 William Tinbrook 86 34 John Tweed 86 35 Thomas Taylor 86 36 William Vanleer , 86 37 Philip Whipple 86 38 Samuel Whipple 86 39 David Faily 86 40 Robert Foster 86 RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTN. BENJAMIN BOND OF THE 81 ST REG'T. PENNA. MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COLONEL JAMES MONTGOMERY FROM 12TH NOVEMBER 1814 WHEN LAST MUSTERED TO THE 26 NOV. 1814. Commencement of Pay, Nov 12, 1814. Expiration of Pay. Nov. 26, 1814. Time pd. for including travelling pay, 15 days. 894 MLSCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Sergt. 1 Richard Wilson 50 2 Robert Davidson 50 3 Peter Smith Campbell 50 4 Isaiah McCarty 50 Corporal. 1 William Boyd 50 2 John Maxwell 50 3 Joseph Hutcheson 50 Drummer. 4 John Clark 50 Privates. 1 Samuel Anderson 1 00 2 Stephen Ashton 1 00 3 Wornet Aton 1 00 4 Christian Arnot 1 00 5 Joseph Bennett 1 00 6 Isaac Bogert 1 00 7 Isaac Berney 1 00 8 Isaac Bogert 1 00 9 John Brand 1 00 10 Abraham Croog 1 00 11 Andrew Crawford 1 00 12 Jacoh Casper 1 00 13 Abraham Casper 1 00 14 William Craig 1 00 15 Peter Casper, 1 00 16 John Casper 1 00 17 Joseph Cox 1 00 18 Frederick Davis 1 00 19 Isaac Dormet 1 00 20 John Doag 1 00 21 Conrad Ebener 1 00 22 Thomas Hunston 1 00 23 Henry Fensterman 1 GO 24 John Foust 1 00 25 William Gertan 1 00 26 Evan Hughes 1 00 27 William Holden 1 QO EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 895 28 Joseph Hamilton 1 00 29 William Hegone 1 00 30 William Jordan 1 00 31 Paul Ike 1 00 32 John Kinny 1 00 33 George Kissner 1 00 34 James Longer 1 00 35 Joseph McMulleu 1 00 36 Cornelius McCan 1 00 37 Daniel Mirell 1 00 38 John McGilt 1 00 39 Henry Mender 1 00 40 John Martin 1 00 41 James McFoals 1 00 42 James Omerman 1 00 43 Joseph Pursley , 1 00 44 Peter Russel 1 00 45 John Rees 1 00 46 Samuel Russel 1 00 47 Samuel Ramsay 1 00 48 John Row 1 00 49 William Rnnyan 1 00 50 Daniel Russel 1 00 51 Wra. Smith 1 00 52 David Smith 1 00 53 Thomas Stweart, 1 00 54 Andrew Snyder 1 00 55 William Seely 1 00 56 John Shipman 1 00 57 John Sheep 1 00 58 John Smith 1 00 59 Jacoh Stroller 1 00 60 John Shoemaker 1 00 61 Benjamin Savage 1 00 62 Samuel Skiler 1 00 63 Thomas Thomas 1 00 64 Jesse Thomas 1 00 65 James Thomas 1 00 66 Peter Townly 1 00 67 Samuel Uselton 1 00 68 Samuel Van Camp 1 00 69 William Usleton 1 00 70 John Woolever 1 00 896 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 71 Peter Woolever 1 00 72 William Walker 1 00 73 Joseph Walker 1 00 74 George Whitner 1 00 75 William White 1 00 76 Henry Young 1 00 Am't 80 00 RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTN. SAMUEL BENJAMIN BEING A DETACHMENT FROM THE 157TH PENNSYLVANIA MI- LITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. JAMES MONTGOMERY FROM THE 12TH NOV. 1814 TO THE 24TH NOVEMBER 1814. Commencement of Pay, Nov 12, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 24, 1814. Time paid for including travelling pay, 13 Days. Sergt. 1 Samuel McElers 43 2 John Teats 43 3 John Yager 43 4 Daniel Yeller 43 Corporal. 1 Alexander McCarty 43 2 Peter Wagner 43 3 Conrad Yoke 43 4 Cornelius Reynolds 43 Musician. 1 Daniel Tester 43 Privates. 1 Benjamin Austin 86 2 Thomas Allen ; 86 3 David Brown 86 4 Jacob Boston 8B 5 George Butterback % 86 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 897 6 William Butterly 86 7 Jacob Brettenbender 86 8 John Cox 86 9 Francis Gilbert 86 10 George Deale 86 11 Isaiah Davis 86 12 Caleb Eley 86 13 Joseph Fisher 86 14 Peter Fox 86 15 Benjamin Frederitze 86 16 Daniel Goho 86 17 George Hoffman 86 18 Samuel Horn 86 19 John Hetter 86 20 Samuel Hayland 86 21 Frederick Jennings 86 22 Simon Kri.^her 86 23 Frederick Kuttel - . . .86 24 Frederick Kuttel, Jr 86 25 Henry Lama, 86 26 Jacob Ludwic 86 27 Ludwick Longer 86 28 Henry Long 86 29 Frederick Loavenberg, 86 30 William Miller 86 31 John Moyer 86 32 Peter Mench 86 33 Andrew Mowrer 86 34 Thomas Perry 86 Henry Mov/rer 86 35 John Persey 86 36 Joseph Poke 86 37 Ferdinand Ritter 86 38 William Ruth 86 39 Philip Strieker 86 40 Jacob Shelhamer 86 41 Daniel Snyder 86 42 Henry Snyder 86 43 Philip Slemeback 86 44 Charles Scott 86 45 John Trowbrige 86 46 Abraham Teats 86 47 Henry Uplinger 86 48 John Wartz. Jr 86 57— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. 898 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 49 Abraham Wolever 86 50 John Walk 86 51 Jacob Wenner »6 52 Jacob Yohe 86 53 John Zeiler 86 51 60 RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA DETACHED FROM THE 112TH REGT. NINTH DIVISION PENNSYL- VANIA MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTN. GEORGE HEIDLEY CALLED INTO ACTUAL SERVICE BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNA. BY ORDER ISSUED THE 15TH OCTOBER. Commencement of Pay, Nov. 12th 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 25th 1814. Time paid for including Traveling for 14 days. Sergeant. Uriel Hopkins 47 Daniel Lorest, 47 Philip Shittz 47 Ephraim Cutler 47 Lawrence Ruch 47 Corporal. Edward Bonsel 47 John B. Solner 47 Samuel Webb 47 John Albertson 47 Daniel Lewis 47 Joseph Gilbert 47 Musician. George Bornhest 47 George Hickman 47 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 899 Privates. Jacob Abbott 93 Josiah Abbott 93 John Abbott 93 Peter Best 93 Jacob Bower 93 John (Jonathan) Buckalow 93 Joseph Cornett 93 William Covenel 93 Elijah Crossford 93 Benjamin Coleman 93 John Cutler 93 John Davis 93 Andrew Dildine 93 William Firman 93 Peter Fruce 93 Robert Firman 93 Zachariah Fancy 83 Jacob Forer 93 John Fritz 93 Philip Fox 93 William Fox 93 Edmund Fox 93 Charles Fritz 93 Charles Hess 93 George Hepler 93 John Hartman 93 Curtis Hadon 93 Casper Hawk 93 Isaac Kittle 93 Philip Jeager 93 Jacob Johnson 93 James Kennedy 93 James Kinney 93 Adam Krider 93 Daniel Kocker 93 Isaac Kinney 93 Morris Kline 93 Jacob Keize 93 Henry Kerker 93 James Keeler 93 Jacob Ludowick 93 Godfrey Ludowick 93 900 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Jonathan Leoman 93 Jacob Lutz 93 William Lewman 93 Adam Lepard 93 James Man 93 James McMontrie 93 George Marcle, 93 William Martin 93 Samuel Musselman 93 John Murna 93 James Park 93 Gersham Ploth 93 John Robin 93 Joseph Rutch 93 William Riter 93 David Sloerx 93 Peter Slozman 93 Joseph Sottsner 93 George Sitler 93 Frederick Shafer 93 Moses Savage 93 Honleter Smith 93 George Stackhouse 93 Isaac Shoemaker 93 John Turner 93 Michael Thomas 93 Peter Vanotter ' 93 Simon Warganbran 93 John Welsh 93 William Willet 93 William Woltz 93 John Woolever 93 John R. White 93 Henry Yeable 93 Daniel McCowen 93 77 72 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 901 RECEIPT ROLL OP A COMPANY OF MILITIA COMMAND- ED BY CAPT. PETER HALLOCK DETACHED FROM THE THIRTY FIFTH REGIMENT, SECOND BRIGADE, NINTH DIVISION, PENNSYLVANIA MILITA IN ACTUAL SERVICE BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE COM- MONWEALTH OF PENNA. ISSUED OCT. 15TH. 1814 Commencement of Pay, Nov. Tth, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 27th, 1814. Time paid for including traveling pay, 20 days. Sergeant. am't of pay Jared Marcy ^^ John Cortwrigt 67 Joseph Wright 67 John Kelley 67 Corporals. Ezra Ide 67 Ebenezer Marcy 67 Isaac Carver 67 David Peas 67 Drummer. Samuel Lofrance 67 Fifer. John Romeg 67 Privates. Stephen Arnold 1 ^^ Thomas Benedict 1 ^^ George W. Benedict 1 23 Henry Backman 1 ^^ William Blane 1 ^^ Peter Bellas 1 ^^ Luke Blane 1 33 Jacob Brader 1 ^^ Jacob Benscoter 1 ^^ 902 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. John G. Bidlack 1 33 Samuel Carey, Jr .' 1 33 Peter Connor 1 33 Moses Carter 133 Anson Carskaden 1 33 Philip Croup 1 33 William Caldwell 1 33 John F. Cisco 1 33 George Culver 1 33 Archippus P. Childs 1 33 George Connor 1 33 Richard Dodson 1 33 Redmond Evans 1 33 John Ensly 1 33 Richard Edwards 1 33 Anthony Foss 1 33 John Farris 1 '^3 Jacob Good 1 33 Asa Gore 1 33 Richard Gregory 1 33 Morgan Hughes 1 33 Wm. Honeywell 1 33 John Hess 1 33 John Hunter 1 33 John Huff 1 33 Michael Hart 1 33 Samuel Harris 1 33 Henry Hervey 1 33 Warren Han 1 33 Joseph Henderson 1 33 William Hodge 1 33 John Jameson 1 33 Abner Johnson 1 33 Benjamin Knapp 1 33 Thomas Linn 1 33 John Lutz, 1 33 William Love 1 33 Thomas Little .' 1 33 Samuel Mott 1 33 Thomas Mulford 1 33 John Miller 1 33 John Mason 1 33 Wm. Miller 1 33 George D. Nash 1 33 Isaac Neffas 1 33 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 903 1 33 William Osborn " ' ' -^ 33 Miles Perry ■■■■■■ 1 33 William Ross " ' ;i^ 33 Benjamin Ryan ' ' j^ 33 Uriah Rogers ' ' ' ' ^ 33 Thomas Rogers -^ 33 Jonah Romeg ^ 33 James Reeder ' ;i^ 33 Obadiah Smith 66 1 33 Adam Steel, 1 33 Jacob Server 1 3,3 Jacob Server, 2d " ' " ;i^ 33 John Smith, 2d ' " ' ' ^ 33 Daniel Simms ^ 33 John H. Smith 1 3!^ William Smithers ^ 33 Levi Seaward ;l^ 33 George Sherry 1 33 Michael Slametz -j^ 33 John Thompson ' ' ' ■^^ 33 Joseph Tompkins 1 33 George Teats ' ' ' ^ 33 Jeremiah Vandemaclv ^ 33 Aaron Van L«en j^ 33 John Vaughn " ' ^ 33 Roswell Wheelen ^ 33 William Winters 1 33 Samuel Weiss ' ' ' ' ' -^ 33 Abner Wade, Jr -^ 33 Henry Young, Jr., ' ' " ' ^33 Thomas Young, Jr ^ 33 John Zimmerman * ' " ^ 33 Richard Zimmerman 110 39 904 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. JOSEPH CAMP DETACHED FROM THE 45TH REGIMENT ^D. BRIGADE 9TH DIVISION PENNA. MILITIA CALLED INTO ACTUAL SERVICE BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNA. BY ORDER ISSUED OCT. 15TH. 1814. Commencement of Pay Nov. 3rd, 1814. Expiration of Pay Nov. 29th, 1814. Time paid for including travelling pay, 27 days. Total am't of pay Sergeant. Henry Felten 90 John Gardner 90 Daniel Cooly 90 Henry Taylor 90 Andrew Vogle 90 Corporals. Samuel Simons 90 Ezekiel Moury 90 William Stage 90 John Baldwin 90 Drummer. John Davis 90 Fifer. Stephen Reynolds 90 Privates. Cyrus Blanchard 1 80 Elijah Bach 1 80 Hiram Blanchard 1 80 Benjamin Brumbridge 1 80 Jeremiah Baird 1 80 Jesse Carny 1 80 Thomas Carny 1 80 Elisha Cogswell 1 80 John Conrad 1 80 Oliver Cox 1 80 Marshall Dickson 1 80 Seth Dan 1 80 Eli Downing 1 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 905 Jesse Downing 1 80 James Evans 1 80 Isaiah Fuller 1 80 William Frier 1 80 George Gardner 1 80 Thomas L. Grist r 1 80 John Garrison 1 80 Luman Gilbert 1 80 William Granger 1 80 Ajoniah Horton 1 80 George Hall 1 80 George Hawley 1 80 James Hulse, Jr 1 80 Hubard Hadsab 1 80 Jacob Holt 1 80 Abraham Holt 1 80 Elijah Hubbel 1 80 Lewis Jones 1 80 Abner Jackson 1 80 Henry Jackson 1 80 Seth Kinney 1 80 Ira Kinney 1 80 Abraham Lott 1 80 Ebenezer Lacy 1 80 John G. Lumerex 1 80 Josiah Lutz 1 80 Forbes Lee 1 80 John Lee 1 80 Abraham Miller 1 80 Frederick Miller 1 80 John Mollison 1 80 John Mollison, 2d 1 80 Samuel Nolen 1 80 Moses Overfield 1 80 Jesse E. Potter 1 80 Isaac Place 1 80 Aaron Philips 1 80 George Quick 1 80 John Rosecrantz 1 80 Crispen Reynolds 1 80 Christopher Reynolds 1 80 William Robinson 1 80 Josiah Rogers 1 80 William Stark, Jr 1 80 906 MISC'BLLANEIOUS PAPERS. John Shaw 1 80 Merill Smith 1 80 William Stanton 1 80 Laton Smith 1 80 Thomas Taylor 1 80 Robert Vaughn 1 80 John Williams 1 80 Ransom Wliitney 1 80 Joseph Wood 1 80 Joseph B. Wheeler 1 80 Paul White 1 80 David Watt 1 80 Daniel Wheelock 1 80 Cornelius Woodcock 1 80 Samuel Whitm'ore 1 80 Asa Whitney 1 80 Josiah Wilch 1 80 David Young 1 80 145 80 RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK BAILEY, BEING A DETACHMENT FROM THE 129TH REG'T. PENNA. MILITIA WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED ON DUTY UNDER GENERAL ORDERS OF THE 15TH OF OCTOBER 1814 WHICH SERVICE COMMENCED ON THE 3D OF NOV. 1814 AND ENDED ON THE 29TH OF NOV. IN THE SAME YEAR BEING DISCHARGED BY COL, JAMES MONTGOM- ERY AT DANVILLE ON THE 22D DAY OF NOVEMBER. Commencement of Pay, Nov. 3d, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 29th 1814. Time p'd for including travelling pay, 27 days. Total am't of pay Sergeant. Jesse Bagley 90 Samuel Baldwin 90 James Truesdale 90 Joseph Marsh 90 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 90^ Corporals. 90 Josiah Davis 90 Orange Whitney gQ John L. Travine Privates. 1 80 Levi S. Agara ^ gO Asahel Adams ^ g^ George Avery ' " ' ^ gQ Phineas Ames, Jr ^ g^ Gideon Beebe . 1 80 Thomas Bagby ^ ^q Calvin Bell -j^ gO Calvin Blasdell ^ g^ Jacob Bump, j gQ Calvin Bump ^ g^ Roswell Babcock ^ g^ Richard Bill -j^ gQ John Bullock ^^ gQ David Carpenter ^ gp Henry Clark ^ gQ Isaac A. Chapman ^ g^ Levi Chamberlain ^ ^^ Moses Chamberlain ^ ^^ Gardner Darrow ^ g^ Joseph Doolittle ^ gQ Peter Davis ^ gQ James Davis ^ gQ Eliphalet Elsworth ^ ^^ ■ Joseph Fish ^ gQ John Faucher ^ gQ James Ferguson ^ ^^ Jason Farger ^ gQ Joseph Gamsey ^ g^^ Oliver Gratracks ; ^ ^^ Stephen Warding ^ g^ John Hayward, Jr ^ ^^ David Hall ' ^ gQ Jesse Hall .^ ^ gQ William Harkin ^ ^^ David Holmes • ^ g^ John Greek ^ gp Warren Gamsey 908 MISCEiLLANBOUS PAPERS. Amasa Harding 1 80 Nathaniel Jacs 1 80 Enos Jewel 1 80 Eleazer Thimble 1 80 Josiah Lord, Jr 1 80 Zebulon Lathrop 1 80 Nathaniel P. Lock 1 80 Dyer Lathrop 1 80 Ralph Lines 1 80 Jonathan Miles 1 80 Ebenezer Miles 1 80 Hugh McCollum 1 80 Alexander McKee 1 80 Robert McCarty 1 80 John Newman! 1 80 Thomas Oackley 1 80 Corbet Pickering 1 80 Noah Reed 1 80 James Robinson 1 80 William Rockwell 1 80 Jesse Ross 1 80 Elisha Safford 1 80 Ezra Sturdevant 1 80 "Willis Stanly, 1 80 Sylvester Smith 1 80 Thomas M. Safford 1 80 James Slenbergh 1 80 Joshua Smith, Jr 1 80 Daniel C. Thacker 1 80 Etolton TilTany 1 80 Daniel Tingley 1 80 Lewis Tiffany 1 80 Nathan P. Thacher 1 80 Jonathan Treadwell 1 80 Noah Tiffany, Jr 1 80 Bradley Thomas 1 80 Michael Vanwinkle 1 80 Hiland Vickery 1 80 Lathan Williams 1 80 Samuel Ward 1 80 Daniel B. Wiley 1 80 Jonathan Wood 1 80 William B. Welch 1 80 Josiah Wadsworth : 1 80 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 909 1 80 Hiram Whipple Jonathan Woodruff -.^y. J 1 OU Isaac Wood RECEIPT ROLL OF A COMPANY OF MILITIA UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN ELIPHALET MASON BEING A DETACHMENT FROM THE 144TH REGT. 9TH DIVIS"- lON PENNA. MILITIA CALLED INTO ACTUAL SERVICE BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA BY ORDER ISSUED OCTOBER 15TH 1814. Commencement of pay, Nov. 2d, 1814. Expiration of Pay, Nov. 29th, 1814. Time paid for including travelling pay, 28 days. Total am't of pay Sergeant. 93 Henry Merril ^^ David Center ^^ Benjamin Landon Albigence Stephens Corporals. 93 William Gough ^^ Benjamin Stone Nathan Streator ^^ Ethan Baldwin Fifer. 93 Joseph S. Browning Drummer. 93 Isaac Wheeler Privates. , ,, 1 87 James Arnold ^ ^^ Benjamin Bennett ■ • • ' 910 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. George Brown 1 87 David Benjamin 1 87 William Buffington 1 87 David Bailey 1 87 Ezra Bailey 1 87 Amasa Brown 1 87 John Burney 1 87 James Brink 1 87 John W. Bingham 1 87 Stephen Berman 1 87 Samuel Cole ■. 1 87 Stephen Crammer 1 87 Elijah Coleman 1 87 Thomas Cox 1 87 Aaron Carter 1 87 Wilson Canfield 1 87 Albert Camp 1 87 Amos Canfield 1 87 George Davison 1 87 Daniel Drake 1 87 Seth Dean 1 87 Ebenezer Drake 1 87 John L. Elliot 1 87 Jonathan Elsworth 1 87 Ebenezer Ferry 1 87 Edmund Fairchild 1 87 Elisha Faster 1 87 Humphrey Gough 1 87 Oliver Gilbert 1 87 Samuel Griffin 1 87 David Green 1 87 Amos Gough 1 87 John Head 1 87 Harry Ingraham 1 87 Erastus Jones 1 87 Amasa Kellog 1 87 Charles W. Keeler 1 87 Joseph Lent 1 87 Horatio Scald 1 87 Abraham Lent 1 87 James Lent 1 87 Warmer Ladd 1 87 Samuel Landress 1 87 Semuel Landress 1 87 Daniel Miller 1 87 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 911 Joseph Mathewsoo 1 87 Abel Prince 1 87 Joseph Prince 1 87 Samuel Picket 1 87 John Quick 1 87 Samuel Rockwell 1 87 Irwine Rogers 1 87 Elain Roberts 1 87 John Sealford 1 87 Davis Shumway 1 87 Philemon Stone 1 87 Isaac Smith 1 87 Amasa S. Sheator 1 87 John Sconton 1 87 Amos Shick'land 1 87 Frederick Shrader 1 87 Horace Spalding 1 87 David Vought 1 87 Thomas Updegrove 1 87 Actius Vought 1 87 Freemari Wilcox 1 87 Rowland Wilcox 1 87 Cyrus Welles 1 87 John D. Weld 1 87 Joseph Beebe 1 87 John Foster 1 87 Ebenezer Terry 1 87 Stephen D. Sellard 1 87 149 50 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States To the State of Pennsylvania for the following mentioned miscellaneous expenditures Dr. No. 1 Herman Vansant Inspector 1 B 2 for notify- ing militia, 98 00 2 Christian Snyder Inspector 2 B 2 for notifying militia, $255 82 John Young supermuney officer, 37 20 293 02 912 MISCEiLLANEOUS PAPERS. 3 Ch-ristian Spayd, Inspr. 1 B. 6 D notifying militia 141 4 James Lamberton Inspr. 1 B. 11 service as Depy. Qr. M., 40 Lieuts. McKechan & Mitchell retained rations, 29 60 5 James Hanna 2 B 12 D pay of certain militia, 97 75 6 Uriah. Springer late 2 — 13 for Waggon- age— &c., 177 50 7. George Dearth present 2 — 13 pay of cer- tain militia, 588 8. Genl. John Wilson 15 his service &, $190 51 John Wilson advanced him to pay certain ma., 350 00 540 51 9. Wilson Smith Q. M. Gen. pay of Surgeon Wallace for medicine & attendance of Laeut. McComb 15 00 Paul Clark hauling baggage, 54 00 10. P. S. V. Hamet for loss on provision, 664 52 11. William MoClean forage master service rations &c, 228 00 $29'66 90 To this sum due on accounts not yet settled for pay &c. of militia, 800 00 $3766 90 25845 02 $29611 92 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 913 NO. 1. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY HERMAN VANSANT INSPR. 1ST. BRIGADE, 2ND DIVISION FOR THE PAY OF SUNDRY OFFICERS OF HIS BRIGADE FOR NOTIFYING THE MILITIA DRAFTED FROM HIS BRI- GADE TO MARCH TO THE PLACE OP RENDEZVOUS &C. UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF 1814, VIZ. No. 1 Capt. John Matts notifying Voir, rifle Co 2 Capt. Chrlstn. Bloom notifying militia, . . 3 Capt. John Thomas notifying militia, . . . 4 Capt. Nicholas Youngker notifying militia 5 Capt. Abner Johnston notifying militia, . 6 Capt Joseph Vansant notifying militia, 7 Capt. Saml. Wilson notifying militia, . 8 Capt. John Fries notifying militia, . . . 9 Capt. William Piiker notifying militia, . 10 Andw. Apple notifying militia 11 Capt. Evan Evans notifying militia ,... 12 Capt. Richd. ETans notifying militia, . 13 Major W. C. Roger notifying militia, . 14 Capt. Christian Search notifying militia, 18 Capt. William Wigtou notifying militia, $6 00 7 7 7 5 5 2 7 5 5 3 75 16 25 10 5 7 98 00 NO. 2. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CHRISTIAN SNYDER INSPR. 2ND BRIGADE 2ND DIVISION FOR THE PAY OF SUNDRY OFFICERS OF HIS BRIGADE FOR NOTIFYING THE DIl.\FTED MILITIA TO MARCH TO THE PLACE OF RENDEZVOUS &C. UNDER THE GEN- ERAL ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR OF 1814, VIZ. No. 1. Capt. Erkerd hauling baggage, 2 Lieut. Smith notifying, 3 Capt. Hartman 4 Capt. Wentz, 5 Capt. Ward, .f 6 Capt. Wright, 7 Capt. Daub 8 Capt. Rhodes, 58— Vol. IX— 6th Ser. ?10 00 4 9 8 7 10 9 10 914 MISCELLANEJOUS PAPERS. 9 Capt. Printz, 7 10 Capt. Fryer 5 11 Capt. Hartzel, 7 12 Oapt. Lambert, 7 13 Capt. Priser 7 14 Capt. Conrad 7 15 Capt. Jones, 10 16 Capt. Flood, 10 17 Capt. Hoxworth, 9 18 Capt. Altimus, 10 19 Capt. Bastress, 7 20 Capt. Kline, 7 21 Capt Fries, 5 22 Oapt. Gilbert, 6 23 Capt. Trumbower, 6 24 Capt. Emrich, 5 25 Capt Zimmerman 10 26 Capt. Eaton, 7 27 Capt. Richardson, 8 28 Capt. Smith, 10 29 Capt. Rambo, 8 30 Capt. Cremer 9 31 Capt. James Harvey 3 32 Capt. Owen Owens 5 85 33 Capt. George Billger 11 97 • $255 82 John Young a Supernumerary paymaster, 37 20 $293 02 NO. 3. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES BY CHRISTIAN SPAYD INSPR. 1ST BRIGADE 6TH DIVISION FOR THE PAY OF SUNDRY OFFICERS OF HIS BRIGADE FOR NOTIFYING THE DRAFTED MILITIA TO MARCH TO THE PLACE OF RENDEZVOUS UNDER THE GENERAL ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR OF 1S14, VIZ. No. 1 Young 6 days, $9 00 2 Capt. Gulder 10 days 10 3 Capt. Doebler 8 days, 8 EXPENDITURES BY THE STATE. 915 4 Capt. Embich 5 days, 5 5 Capt. Fisher 7 days 7 50 6 Capt. Boawitz, 6 7 Capt. Boons, 6 8 Capt. Shuey, 5 9 Capt. Haines, 2 10 Capt. Bender, 10 11 Capt. Fisher, 4 12 Capt. Bentzel 12 13 Capt. Kuntz 5 14 Capt. Cline, 3 15 Capt. Smith 4 50 16 Capt. P. Fisher 4 17 Lt. John Heister, 13 18 Lit. Shoemaker 4 18 Lt. Marl