HAMILTON COOK BOOK THE WOMEN OF THE FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, HAMILTON, OHIO 'lass JXXQJX Cqpighl \" COPYRIGHT DEPOS1 HAMILTON COOK BOOK COMPILED BY The Women of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Hamilton, Ohio, 1914 Price, $1.00 BROWN & WHITAKER, PUBLISHERS, : : : HAMILTON, OHIO. <$* Copyright, 1914, by The Women of First Methodist Episcopal Church, Hamilton, Ohio. JUN 131914 ©CU37G367 "dedication. ' I 1 HE list of culinary literature is so large that it is almost the fashion to apologize for taxing a much abused public with the burden of a new book on this subject, and unless there were good reasons for it, the publication of another book °f this character would be unwarranted. But every house- keeper k nows that the only Cook Books of value are those which have been compiled by practical cooks and contain recipes that have been fully tested. Then it was felt that a good cook book would be a boon to many who last year lost the old pen-written heirloom that had served them so long. The names attached to these recipes, together with the statement ac- companying them that they were "all tried and known to be good," is the best possible assurance of their value and reliability. It is a matter of regret that many choice recipes have been unavoidably omitted for lack °f space, and others on account of their similarity to those already received. The compilers express their appreciation to those who contributed ma- terial for this book, an d their gratitude to the merchants and business men of Hamilton whose advertisements made its publication possible. Confident of its intrinsic value, the women of The First Methodist Epis- copal Church of Hamilton commend and dedicate this book to all whose high function it is to make homes. Contents. PACE Soups, 11 Fish, 27 Oysters, 45 Meats, 55 Eggs, 73 Vegetables, - 79 Entrees, 101 Salads and Salad Dressings, 119 Pies, 139 Desserts — Sauces, 155 Hot, 159 Cold, - 171 Bread, - 185 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls, - - 199 Cakes, 215 Layer Cake, -------- 229 Crullers and Cookies, ------- 246 Ice-Cream and Ices, 265 Candies, ----- 273 Canned Fruits, Preserves, and Jellies, - - - 287 Pickles and Relishes, 303 Sandwiches, 319 Invalids' Cookery, 329 Chafing-Dish Dainties, 335 Beverages, --------- 341 5 Suggestions for iDittner-iBiving. Remember that you invite your friends to dine with you, not primarily to supply them with good food, but for the pleasure of their society. Strive to make that pleasure mutual by bring- ing together people of congenial tastes. Plan the seating of your guests before .their arrival so that you may lead them into the dining-room and assign them to their places with ease and graciousness. Do not seat husbands and wives side by side at the table, but bring together friends who have not so often the pleasure of a meeting. Do your worrying over the preparation and serving of your dinner before and not after it is announced. The perfect hostess makes her guests feel that they are her chief interest and enjoy- ment, which no culinary slip of the moment can interrupt. Don't expect your waitress to serve your meal correctly and quietly unless you have had a complete understanding with her beforehand as to your wishes. Do not overload your table. Arrange flowers or other deco- rations either higher or lower than the faces of your guests; otherwise they are only barriers to social intercourse. Don't attempt a more elaborate meal than you are equipped both to prepare and to serve. It is uncomplimentary to your guests to come up to the hour of their arrival in a state of phys- ical exhaustion. The rule for having the hostess served first is good. She frequently prevents embarrassment by showing to her guests how she expects certain courses to be taken to the plates. 7 8 Suggestions for Dinner-Giving. Above all things be natural. A dinner, like a home, should reflect the innate qualities and manner of life of its host and hostess. If you are your own cook and waitress, keep to the simplicity of your every-day habits. One of the most charming and distinctive luncheons in the writer's memory was entirely prepared and served by the hostess. But she did it so naturally and with such unpretending frankness that she never for a mo- ment lost her identity either as a lady or as a capable housewife. Rules for setting a table are somewhat flexible, yielding to the amount of space available, but the usual form is to place the knives and soup spoon to the right of the service plate, forks and napkins to the left, butter-spreader and small spoons at the head of plate, goblet at tip of knife, bread-and-butter plate at tip of fork. Service plates should remain on table until after the fish course, and fresh ones brought on for the dessert. Many hostesses enjoy the informality of serving coffee in the parlor immediately after dinner. T More cakes are spoiled in the baking than in the making j 'THE RIGHT range is more important than the right j recipe, and "right" in a range means a whole lot | more than appears on the surface. ! ESTATE GAS RANGES j MADE IN HAMILTON J bake better and last longer than any other gas ranges j because they're the only gas ranges made that bake j entirely with heated and sterilized FRESH AIR. A hundred styles and sizes. See them at Grimmer j &> Long, 108-110 Main Street; Geo. Bast #» Son, 332-6 High Street, or in the factory show-room. Soups* SOUP STOCK. White stock is used in preparing- white soups, and is made from a knuckle of veal, or chicken, cut up in small pieces. The shin bone or the neck make more nutritious soup than any other part of the animal. Always put meats for soup on in cold water and simmer slowly for several hours. Salt should never be added until soup is done, as it hardens the water. Consomme or stock forms the basis of all meat soups. The best stock is made from fresh, uncooked beef, with the addition of cracked bones, which contain glutinous matter that adds strength and thickness to the soup. Boiling water only dis- solves the surface of the bones, but by breaking them the gela- tine which they contain may easily be dissolved. Stock for soup is usually made from the cheaper meats, pro- viding it is of cuts that contain the most nutriment. When making the stock, the meat should be cut into small pieces and the bones cracked and allowed to soak in cold water before heat- ing, in order to get all the nourishment extracted. Put in a kettle that can be tightly covered, so none of the juices are evaporated, and let it simmer (never boil hard) for 2 to 3 hours. In clearing the stock, first let it cool, so that the hardened fat may be taken from the top. Then drop into it the white and shell of an egg to 1 quart of stock. Whatever flavoring is used must be added while stock is cold. Stir the stock until thor- oughly heated, so the egg will do its work ; let boil 10 minutes, draw to back of stove, add 1 cup of cold water, strain through napkin wrung out of hot water. Do not boil any vegetables or cereals in the stock, as it wastes the essences, but cook sep- arately, adding to the stock at the last. 11 1 2 Soups. BOUILLON No. i. Mrs. C. Earl Hooven. i shin of beef well cracked. i dozen cloves. i knuckle of veal well 2 pieces of celery, cracked. 2 bay leaves. 5 quarts of cold water. V/2 tablespoons of butter. 2 large onions. Salt and pepper to season. Take a large frying pan. Put in butter and one sliced onion ; cut meat off of bones and fry until brown. Take one onion and stick cloves in it; boil all together y 2 hour and simmer 5 hours. Strain well and let stand over night. Take off grease. This should be a jelly. Heat when ready to serve. BOUILLON No. 2. Mrs. Anna Rump. 4 lbs. of beef. 4 peppercorns. 2 lbs. of bone. 4 cloves. 2 quarts of cold water. 1 tablespoon mixed herbs. 1 tablespoon salt. Get beef from middle of round. Wipe and cut the meat and bone into small pieces ; add water, and heat slowly ; add seasoning and simmer 5 hours. Boil down to 3 pints; strain, remove fat, season with salt and pepper, and serve. CHILE CON CARNE. Mrs. Wilmer Brown. 1 lb. Hamburger steak. 2 tablespoons mixed spices 6 onions. tied in bag. 1 small can kidney beans. 1 bottle catsup. 1 large can tomatoes. 1 cup brown flour. MOCK CHILE CON CARNE SOUP. Mrs. John Schawann. Take twenty -five cents' worth of beef (ground) and a piece of suet. Start in plenty of water, then add : 1 can tomatoes. 2 large onions. 1 can kidney beans. 4 large potatoes. When soup is cooked, add five-cent bottle of catsup, a bay leaf, a few cloves, and a dash of red pepper. Soups. 1 3 CLEAR BEEF SOUP WITH SPONGE DUMPLINGS. (Will serve six to eight persons.) Miss Carrie Margedant. Clear, well-seasoned soup 3 large, fresh eggs, stock. Salt, pepper, grated nut- 3 heaping teaspoons sifted meg. flour. Separate eggs and beat the whites until they stand alone. Add yolks, one at a time, beating constantly until very light. Quickly add salt, pepper, nutmeg and flour, and pour the whole mass into the gently boiling" stock. Cover closely and boil very gently for five minutes. The dumplings should form one thin, even sheet over the top of the stock when lid is removed. Cut into narrow strips, and serve at once. RICE SOUP. Mrs. Fenton G. Slifer. 3 lbs. meat. 1 medium-sized onion, cut Y-2 cup of rice. very fine. 3 medium-sized potatoes, 3 sticks of celery cut very diced. fine. If no celery, use one teaspoon dried celery leaves or y 2 tea- spoon celery seed. Cook slowly, but do not let it get too. thick. When meat is nearly done, or one hour before serving, add salt and pepper to taste. Put through a colander if preferred. Just before serving add the beaten yolk of one egg, mixing thor- oughly. LAMB BONE SOUP. Mrs. Cochran, Germantown, Pa. 1 lamb bone from leg of 1 tablespoon beef extract. lamb. 1 quart milk. 2 quarts cold water. % teaspoon curry powder. 4 raw potatoes. Salt and pepper. '4 onions. Cook lamb bone, potatoes, onions, and beef extract in water thoroughly and slowly, then put through a sieve. Add milk, curry powder, salt, and pepper. Reheat, and serve with toasted bread dice. 14 Soups. CHICKEN GUMBO (Creole Style). Mrs, Caroline M. S. Potter. i chicken. i bay leaf. 2 dozen tender, green okra Any fine herbs (to taste). pods. 2 dried sassafras leaves. I pint oysters. Okra powder (gumbo Salt. hie). Cayenne pepper. V2 slice raw ham. Cut up chicken into small parts, dredge with flour, fry to a good brown, drain, and put in soup pot. Cut okra in thin slices crosswise, and cut ham in small pieces. Cover with 2^2 quarts water, and simmer 2 or 3 hours. Put in with chicken, add sea- soning, bay leaf, herbs, and sassafras leaves ; a few minutes be- fore serving add oysters with their liquor. In each soup plate put a tablespoon of rice cooked dry. MOCK TURTLE SOUP No. 1. Miss Elizabeth J. Bender. 1 calf's head. 1 lemon. 1 stalk celery. 2 heaping spoons of flour. 1 large onion. 1 teaspoon of mixed spices. Small bottle of catsup. Butter. Remove brains from calf's head. Wash, and set aside. Boil calf's head with spices in bag, celery and onion, in plenty of water until tender. Separate meat from bone ; strain the liquid ; grind meat, raw brains, lemon, and hard-boiled egg^s. Make good brown gravy with 2 heaping spoons of flour, butter, and some stock. Then pour all together. Heat well, and serve. MOCK TURTLE SOUP No. 2. Mrs. J. E. Faist. 3/2 gallon water. ]/\ cup vinegar. Small Hamburg steak. ]/ 2 teaspoon cloves. %. head cabbage. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 large carrots. 1 bay leaf. 2 onions. 1 cup browned flour. 1 lemon. Cayenne pepper. Moisten flour as for gravy, and stir in. Soups. 15 MOCK TURTLE SOUP No. 3. Mrs. George Rupp. 1 calf's head. 3 tablespoons catsup. i soup bone. 2 tablespoons Worcester- Small piece of veal and shire sauce, beef. Yi nutmeg-. 2 carrots. 1 dash pepper and salt. 2 onions. 2 cups flour browned. 1 can peas. 6 eggs hard-boiled. Cook calf's head, soup bone, beef, and veal until tender ; let stand over night, remove meat from bone and run through the grinder. Strain broth, add to this carrots, onions, peas, juice and grated rind of lemons, eggs chopped fine, catsup, Worcester- shire sauce, nutmeg, pepper and salt, and flour browned in oven. Add to mixture and boil for one hour, stirring occasionally so it will not settle. VEGETABLE SOUP No. 1. Mrs. Harry Woolford. 1 cup diced potato. 1 tablespoon rice. 1 cup diced onion. y$ teaspoon celery seed. 1 cup diced tomato. Cook in beef stock until very tender. Mash with potato masher. Salt to taste, and just before serving add 1 cup hot milk. VEGETABLE SOUP No. 2. Mrs. H. C. Blum. 2 pounds lean beef, either rump or shoulder clod. Pour over same 3 quarts cold water. Let same come to boil slowly. Add at once about 3 stalks of diced celery and about 2 tomatoes. Salt and pepper to taste. Prepare vegetables as follows : 3 carrots. Y small head cabbage. 1 leek. 1 small turnip. 1 onion. Parsley. 3 potatoes. Chop all vegetables coarse in grinder. Cook same Yi hour in stock before serving. 1 6 Soups. HORSERADISH SAUCE. (To serve with Boiled Beef.) Mrs. H. C. Blum. i pint beef broth. I teaspoon vinegar, i small cup grated horse- Salt and pepper to taste, radish. Add to this i well-beaten tgg, bread crumbs to thicken. Cook same in a double boiler. Serve same hot. VIRGINIA GUMBO. (Used since 1780 by Taylor family in Virginia.) Miss Anna L. Hawes. Soup bone. 3 onions, sliced. 6 potatoes, sliced. 3 pods okra, sliced. 1 pint tomatoes. 4 or 5 slices of bacon. 1 pint corn. Salt and pepper to taste. 1 pint Lima beans. Put soup bone in cold water to cook. Mix vegetables with cup of water; put bacon in skillet, and when hot add vegetables and fry all till dry. Add all to broth and boil till vegetables are thoroughly cooked. Chicken broth may be used same as other broth. CLEAR MUSHROOM SOUP. Mrs. W. B. Falconer. Wash y 2 pound mushrooms. Finely chop stems and break caps in small pieces. Add 3 pints consomme and simmer 30 minutes. Cool and clear, using the whites and shells of two eggs. EASY MUSHROOM SOUP. Mrs. C. E. Schenk. Peel and wash mushrooms. Simmer ten minutes in a little water. Remove and cut fine, keeping the water as stock. Fix the milk as for any cream soup, using a little flour for thicken- ing; plenty of butter, salt, and a little cayenne. Add the mush- rooms and stock to the milk, and serve very hot. Soups. 1 7 NOODLE SOUP. Mrs. Charles E. Woolford. Put soup in kettle half full of water. Salt, and let boil. Pare and slice 2 small potatoes, 1 turnip, 1 onion, 1 parsnip, and add to the soup. Season with pepper and a little parsley for flavor- ing. Fifteen minutes before serving throw in the noodles. Rice may be used instead of noodles. Noodles. 1 Qgg and pinch of salt. Use all the flour that this will take up. Roll as thin as possible, and dry; then roll up and slice in narrow strips. LENTIL SOUP. Miss Jane C. Whitaker. 4 cups lentils. 1 lb. ham. 1 bay leaf. 1 onion. Salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 carrot. Cream or milk. Soak lentils over night ; drain, cover with cold water, and bring to boil for an hour. Drain again, cover with boiling water, add j4 teaspoon soda, ham, bay leaf, onion, and carrot. Cook until lentils are tender. Remove ham, press lentils through a colander. Season with salt, pepper, and butter. Add cream or milk to give desired consistency. ONION SOUP. Mrs. Caroline M. S. Potter. 2 quarts beef stock. 1 bay leaf. Salt. 3 large onions. Pepper. Grated Parmesan cheese. Paprika. Remove grease from stock, add seasoning and bay leaf. Fry onion a light brown in butter. Before taking from skillet sprinkle well with cheese, then add onions to boiling stock. Serve with dry toast sprinkled with plenty of onion and cheese. 1 8 Soups. OYSTER SOUP. Mrs. Charles E. Wool ford. i cup stewing oysters. l / 2 teaspoon salt. i pint milk, hot. A few grains of pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. Drain and rinse oysters. When the milk is hot, add oysters and cook until the edges curl. This is only a few minutes. OKRA TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. Joseph Wolf. i twenty-five-cent soup i quart okra. bone (lean). 3 or 4 ears of corn. 1 gallon water. Salt. 1 can tomatoes. Put soup bone in water, boil, skim, and add salt, tomatoes, okra cut in round slices. Boil about three hours. Fifteen min- utes before serving cut corn from ears and add. BARLEY SOUP WITH MARROW DUMPLINGS. Miss Carrie Margedant. Large marrow-bone of l / 2 can or 5 fresh tomatoes, beef. y 2 cup pearl barley. 2 gallons of water. Celery, onions, carrots, turnips, potatoes, as for a thin vege- table soup. For the Dumplings. l /\. cup beef marrow. Bread-crumbs. Y\ cup butter. Salt, pepper. 1 large egg". Nutmeg. Remove the marrow from the bone and set in a cold place. Boil bone and all the finely cut vegetables for about two hours. Add barley and boil half hour longer. Cream the marrow and butter until quite smooth, add whole Qgg, salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg*. Add bread-crumbs until very dry, form quickly into small balls with the hands well floured, and boil in the soup closely covered, for five minutes. The colder the dumplings Soups. 1 9 are when added to the stock, the lighter they will become when boiled. This serves eight persons, and there should be about 1 6 to 20 dumplings. BEAN AND TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. F. T. Craven. i pint of boiled, mashed i pint stewed tomatoes, beans. l /i cup nicely steamed rice. Rub beans and tomatoes together through colander. Add rice, salt to taste, boiling water or milk to make soup of proper consistency. PUREE OF BEAN SOUP. Mrs. Chauncey G. Newton. i pint dried navy beans. Salt. i tablespoon butter. Pepper. i small onion. 2 quarts of milk. After cooking the beans tender with the onion, put through colander, add milk, butter, and seasoning; boil, and. serve. PEA SOUP. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Put over the fire in four quarts of water a ham bone, bones of roasted beef or mutton, two heads of celery washed and trimmed, four onions peeled, and one and one-half pounds of split- peas. Let it boil until the peas are quite soft; take out the bones and rub peas and vegetables through a sieve. Return them to the soup; add salt and pepper to taste, and boil it for one hour, skimming it when required. Spinach or green peas added when the bones are taken out improves the soup very much. RICE TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. E. F. Blum. iy 2 quarts of stock. Add I cupful canned tomatoes. When boiling add gradually ]/ 2 cup rice. Boil until rice is tender, and serve with croutons. 20 SoupS. TOMATO SOUP No. i. - Miss Igler. i pint water. i spray parsley, i can tomatoes. i small onion, i bay leaf. Boil for about 20 minutes. Then strain and add a paste made of 1 tablespoon butter and 2 tablespoons flour. Add salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste. Just before serving add 1 tea- spoon of sugar and J /\. teaspoon soda. TOMATO SOUP No. 2. Mrs. T. A. Dorsey. One large soup bone. Cook 4 hours the day before it is to be used. Skim off grease; soak 3 tablespoons tiny barley over night. About 2 hours before you want to serve the soup take 1 quart of tomatoes and put through colander, 1 onion size of an egg, chopped fine. Put in stock, cook i l / 2 hours. Add pinch of soda and sugar to suit taste if tomatoes are tart. Just before serving put in 1 pint of cream. TOMATO BISQUE (Delicious). Mrs. J. Gordon Taylor. 1 pint strained tomatoes. 1 heaping tablespoon but- 1 pint milk. ter. 1 pint stock. 1 heaping tablespoon flour. Heat the three liquids in separate vessels. Into a saucepan put butter and flour, stirring until thoroughly cooked together. Add the stock, then the tomato, then the milk, stirring con- stantly. Season with salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, and dash of cayenne pepper. At serving time add dessertspoon of whipped cream for each plate. The stock should be as rich as bouillon, which has been previously flavored to taste with celery, parsley, and onion. Soups. 2 1 CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP. Mrs. Dan Millikin. 3 quarts of spinach. Bay leaf. 2 quarts of soup stock. Onion. Salt. Celery. Pepper. i pint of cream. Pick the leaves from three quarts of spinach, wash thor- oughly and throw into a dry kettle. Stand over the fire and stir constantly until the spinach is wilted. Cover the kettle and cook until the spinach is soft. Drain, saving the water, and rub through a sieve. Return to the water. Add 2 quarts of rich soup stock which has been seasoned with salt and pepper and flavored with bay leaf, onion and celery, and strained. - Add a little cornstarch which has been moistened in a little cold water. Cook all together for about half an hour. Rub through a sieve again, and reheat. Just before serving- add i pint of cream. Serve with croutons. SOUP DUMPLINGS. Mrs. Chas. Connor. Any ordinary stock for this soup ; add egg balls made as follows : The yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, half as much boiled potato, while hot, a teaspoon of chopped parsley; cayenne and salt to taste. Yolk of i egg raw. Mash all together. Make into balls size of cherries, flouring the hands. Drop into boiling stock five minutes before serving. CREAM OF CELERY. Mrs. Chauncey G. Newton, Uhrichsville, Ohio. 3 stalks celery. Seasoning. 2 quarts milk. 2 tablespoons butter. Cut the celery into very small bits and cook until tender in salted water. Do not drain the little water that remains on the celery, which need not be more than a cup, but has the strong celery flavor. Add the milk and butter, which has had a large tablespoon of flour added to it. More flour can be added if a thicker soup is wanted. The ends and outside pieces can be used for this when the hearts are needed for some other dish. 2 2 Soups. CREAM OF CARROT SOUP. Mrs. Samuel D. Fitton. 4 carrots or 2 cups cut car- i tablespoon butter. rots. i tablespoon finely chopped 2 teaspoons salt. onion. 2 cups milk. i tablespoon flour, i tablespoon chopped pars- ^J teaspoon pepper. ley. Wash and scrape carrots, cut into pieces, put on in boiling water enough to cover, add i teaspoon salt. Boil 30 or 40 min- utes, or until tender. Drain and mash through fine strainer. Have the milk in top of double boiler, and as soon as it boils add the carrots. Put the butter and onion into small frying pan, add the flour, stir until smooth, then add 2 cups of water in which carrots were cooked, stir until smooth and creamy, and add to the milk and carrots. Strain and add the balance of the salt, pepper, and parsley. Cook three minutes. CREAM OF PEANUT SOUP. Mrs. Dan Millikin. 2 quarts soup stock. Celery. Bay leaf. y 2 pint peanut butter. Onion. Take two quarts of rich soup stock which has been flavored with bay leaf, onion and celery, and strained. y 2 pint of peanut butter moistened and rubbed smooth in a little of the stock. Cook the peanut butter in the stock for about 20 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve, and just before serving add one pint of cream. Serve with cubes of toasted bread. CREAMED MUSHROOM SOUP. Miss Carrie Margedant. 2 quarts of rich chicken 1 pint rich cream. stock. 3 tablespoons of butter. 1 large can of button-mush- 2 tablespoons of flour. rooms or Salt and white pepper to 1 quart fresh mushrooms. taste. If fresh mushrooms are used, skin, wash, and break into pieces. Saute the mushrooms in the butter until tender and Soups. 23 yellow; add the flour, then the cream. Bring to a gentle boil and stir into the hot but not boiling chicken stock, serving quickly. With this serve croutons or breadfingers. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. Caroline M. Harris. 1 can tomatoes. 1 chopped onion. 1 pint of water. 1^2 cups milk or cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. Pinch of pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 tablespoon sugar. Pinch of soda. Chopped parsley. Put tomatoes, water, salt, pepper, sugar, parsley, and onion together, and cook 15 minutes. Strain, put back on stove; when it comes to boil, add soda, milk and butter and flour creamed. Serve with toast. PUREE OF POTATO SOUP. Mrs. Sam Mayer. About 8 medium-sized potatoes pared and boiled well done. Strain and mash line. Put in again to boil in cold water. Add 1 large spoon of flour browned with butter. Add gravy from roast or chicken, and little onion if desired. POTATO SOUP JMo. 1. Mrs. E. M. Peters. 5 medium-sized potatoes. 3 small onions cut in small dice. Boil in a quart of water until tender. Add a quart of milk with a good piece of butter. A little thickening. Season with salt and pepper. POTATO SOUP No. 2. Mrs. Sheridan W. Bell. 4 medium-sized potatoes. % teaspoon pepper. l / 2 medium onion. y 2 teaspoon salt. 1 quart milk. Butter size of walnut. Boil potatoes and onion until soft, and press through sieve and add milk, salt, pepper, and butter. 24 Soups. MOCK BISQUE SOUP. Mrs. Harry Wool ford. / ]/ 2 pint tomatoes. 3 teaspoons cornstarch. l / 2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pint milk. Few grains cayenne pep- % teaspoon soda. per. Stew tomatoes until soft enough to strain easily, and add soda to the tomatoes when ready to blend the two mixtures to- gether. Heat the milk in the double boiler, and blend in the cornstarch, making white sauce. Beat in the butter. Then add the soda to the tomatoes, and when effervescence ceases add tomato mixture to the white sauce. Strain and serve. Memoranda. w First National Bank W HAMILTON, OHIO OFFICERS S. D. FITTON, PRESIDENT E. G. RUDER, CASHIER P. BENNINGHOFEN, VICE-PRESIDENT J. M. BEELER, ASST. CASHIER DON W. FITTON, ASST. CASHIER \ WMS^^mj* m § ■ 'I 1 JH1 Si Every attention and courtesy shown customers, whether their accounts be large or small DIRECTORS C. BENNINGHOFEN, JAS. K. CULLEN, PETER BENNINGHOFEN, JAS. FITTON, F. M. HUGHES, E. G. RUDER, S. D. FITTON Capital, ; ; $250,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, : $300,000.00 Deposits, Over : : ; $2,300,000.00 m Jfisl) an6 JFisI) Sauces* FISH. Mrs. Caroline Potter. General Rule for Frying Fish. There is an art in knowing how to fry fish properly. Perhaps there is no other method of cooking fish which is more commonly used, and no other which is more generally abused. The secret of good frying lies in having the lard heated just to the proper point. If the fish is placed in boiling lard, it is liable to burn quickly without being cooked through. If placed in well-heated lard, it absorbs the lard and is delicate and tender, and there is no tax upon the digestive organs. Always have sufficient lard in the pan to fry all the fish you wish to cook. Never add a lump of cold lard to the heated substance. This checks the cooking of the fish and spoils the taste. Boiling lard is perfectly still until it begins to smoke, then it isi in danger of burning and must be removed from the fire. Toi test the lard, drop in a piece of bread. If it begins to color, the lard is ready for frying. Remove the fish, when done, with a skimmer. Never use butter to fry fish, as it burns quickly. Take slices of red snapper or small fish that have been prop- erly cleaned. Dip them in milk, then wipe dry and rub with salt and pepper. Roll well in dry flour and drop in the hot lard by the above rule for frying. Serve on a bed of parsley or lettuce leaves hot. For the red snapper a butter sauce is used. Melt the butter, add finely chopped parsley and paprika. BAKED FISH. Miss Helen Sloneker. Clean, wipe, and dry fish. Rub over with salt, butter, pep- per, and a little flour. Rip fish open, and stuff. Put narrow strips of bacon in bottom of pan, place the fish on top, and bake in a hot oven without water, basting frequently. 27 28 Fish and Fish Sauces. Stuffing for Fish. Moisten I cup of soft bread crumbs with 1/3 cup of melted butter. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Stuff fish with this. When fish is done, serve with a cream sauce, with finely chopped hard-boiled egg added. BOILED FISH. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 1 onion. 3 whole cloves. 2 bay leaves. ^2 lemon. Put this on the stove with enough water to cover fish. When boiling, put in fish and boil for 20 minutes. If fish is large, 30 minutes. Sauce. 1 tablespoon of flour. 3 or 4 yolks of eggs. 1 tablespoon of butter. Juice of J/£ lemon. Put all in a double boiler and add enough water as the sauce needs. When thick, pour over fish. FISH PIE. Mrs. Caroline Potter. 1 lb. cooked fish. 2 ounces flour. 2 ounces of butter. 1 gill of fish stock. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon anchovy sauce. 1 spoon lemon juice. Mashed potatoes. Carefully pick fish from the bones; make a sauce as follows: Broil the bones in a small quantity of water. When cold, mix a gill of the liquor with the flour. Stir over the fire until it thickens. Add the butter, keep stirring until well mixed in. Take sauce off the fire, mix in the egg well beaten. The essence of anchovy, lemon juice, salt, and paprika. The sauce should be thick. Care should be taken in stirring over fire to keep from burning. Mix the picked fish with the sauce, put a layer of well- seasoned mashed potatoes in a buttered baking dish, then all of the fish. Over this another layer of mashed potatoes. Smooth over and bake in a moderate oven 20 minutes. Serve hot in a baking dish. Fish and Fish Sauces. 29 DEVILED FISH. Mrs. George Sohngen. 1 pint of cold cooked fish. 4 hard-boiled eggs. 1 scant teaspoon of salt. Dash of pepper. 2 raw eggs. 1 cup of milk. 1 tablespoon of parsley. Bread crumbs. Free the fish from skin and bones, and lightly separate into flakes. Add salt, pepper, parsley, and hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. Butter ramekins or small cups. Nearly fill with the mix- ture, and pour over it the raw eggs well beaten mto the milk. Sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs and bake in a moderate oven 15 minutes. SCALLOPED MACKEREL WITH TOMATO. Frank E. Davis Co., Gloucester, Mass. 1 can of tomatoes. 1 mackerel. 1 bay leaf. Blade of mace. Slice of onion. 3 cloves. Pinch of soda. 2 tablespoons butter. Bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Freshen the mackerel by soaking in water to cover well, laying the fish flesh-side down on a rack in the pan. Soak from 18 to 24 hours, according to taste. Cook tomatoes, bay leaf, mace, onion, cloves, 20 minutes. Add soda, and strain. Cook the cornstarch and butter, gradually add the strained tomato pulp, and cook until it thickens. Pick mackerel into bits, care- fully removing bones and skin. Put in a baking dish well but- tered a layer of crumbs, a thin layer of fish ; continue until the fish is used up. Then pour over the tomato mixture. Finish with a layer of crumbs and bits of butter, and bake. SPANISH MACKEREL, BROILED. Mrs. Caroline Potter. Split the mackerel down the middle of the back if the fish is large. If small, broil whole. Season with pepper and salt, and rub with a little sweet oil. Put fish in a double broiler; see that it is cooked well on both sides. Place on a hot dish, 30 Fish and Fish Sauces. butter the fish nicely, and squeeze the juice of a lemon over it. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon, and serve with a la maitre d'hotel. Sauce. i tablespoon of butter. I tablespoon of flour, i tablespoon of parsley, Juice of l / 2 lemon. chopped. i pint of clear consomme. Put the butter and flour in sauce pan ; let them blend with- out burning. Mix well over a slow fire and add the consomme. Add the lemon juice and parsley; let all boil 15 minutes. When it reaches this point, take ofT the stove and add the well-beaten yolk of an egg, and stir well. Never add the egg- to the sauce while it is cooking, or it will curdle at once and ruin the sauce. This sauce can be served with any kind of broiled or baked fish. BAKED RED SNAPPER OR WHITE FISH. Mrs. Caroline Potter. Select a nice fish, clean thoroughly, and make a dressing by taking 1 large onion, a few sprigs of parsley chopped fine, mix with a cup of stale bread crumbs. Season well with salt, pep- per, and bay leaf. Put a large spoonful of butter in a skillet, frying the onion a light brown. Add the other ingredients. Then rub the fish inside and out with salt and pepper. StufY the fish; sew up with a soft string; place in the pan. Put small lumps of butter over it, put pint of water in the pan, cover the pan while baking, and bake i l / 2 hours. Serve on a hot dish. You can serve with sauce or not, to taste. FRIED FROG LEGS. Mrs. Caroline Potter. Scald the frog legs about 3 minutes in boiling water and lemon juice and salt. Take out of the water and dry with a clean towel. Season with salt and pepper, and dip in a batter made of 2 eggs and sifted bread crumbs. Pat the frogs well, and drop into boiling lard and fry a golden brown. Take from the lard, place upon heated brown paper, then in a folded napkin on a hot dish. Garnish with parsley, radishes, and slices of lemon. Fish and Fish Sauces. 31 BROILED FROG LEGS. Mrs. Caroline Potter. Put frog legs in hot water and lemon juice for 3 minutes; then wipe dry, mix well a little salt, pepper, olive oil or butter. Rub the frog legs thoroughly, rolling them over and over. Broil in a double broiler, turning frequently to prevent scorching. When done, place on tender lettuce leaves, pour melted butter over frog legs, with finely chopped parsley. Garnish with lemons and parsley. FISH CHOWDER. Mrs. Caroline Potter. 2 lbs. fresh fish. 1 quart water. 1 onion. y 2 cup milk. A little garlic, parsley, 3 medium-sized potatoes. and thyme; bay leaf, lit- 2 ounces salt pork. tie cayenne, and black y 2 can tomatoes. pepper to taste. Few oyster crackers. Cut the fish fine. Fry onion in salt pork, washed, and cut very fine. Add the garlic, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, cayenne, and pepper. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Pour over this the quart of boiling water. Add the fish and the tomatoes and the potatoes. Season to taste. Cover the pan, let the contents sim- mer for y 2 hour; add the milk, if desired. Place oyster crackers in a bowl and pour chowder over them, and serve hot at once. TENDERLOIN TROUT. Mrs. Caroline Potter. Cut fish into fillets or square pieces. Dip in milk that has been freely salted and peppered. Wipe dry, roll in flour, drop into well-heated lard, so that the fillets will swim, and fry a golden brown. When done, drain on brown paper and serve on a bed of fried parsley, with garnishes of parsley and sliced lemon. Serve a sauce of tomato or sauce of a la tartare. PLANKED SHAD. Mrs. J. P. Day. W^ash and dry a good-sized shad ; remove roe carefully, to prevent breaking; split, and lay on plank which has been well 3 2 Fish and Fish Sauces. heated, skin side down. Put in the oven or under the flame of the gas for twenty to thirty minutes. Season, and send to table on plank ; garnish with radish roses, parsley, and quarters of lemon. SHAD ROE. Mrs. J. P. Day. Parboil roe in salted water for 5 or 10 minutes, and drain. Then season, roll in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry ; or can be mashed, seasoned, adding a few crumbs, a beaten egg to hold together, formed in small balls, rolled in egg and crumbs., and fried, and sent to table on plank with shad. JERUSALEM FISH BALLS. Mrs. J. P. Day. 1 fish weighing 2^2 lbs. 2 cloves of garlic. I bay leaf. Blade of mace. Slice of onion. 4 cloves. Get a fish that will bone easily (a white fish is good) ; re- move head, tail, and bones ; put these in kettle with 1 quart of cold water, add the garlic mashed, bay leaf, onion, cloves, and mace; cover and let simmer gently 1 hour. While this is cooking, chop the uncooked fish ver}' fine, put in a bowl, add 24 almonds blanched and chopped, 1 mashed clove of garlic, 1 level teaspoon of salt, 1 saltspoon of white pepper, ^2 saltspoon of ground mace; mix well, form into balls size of English wal- nut, put strained stock over fire in a sauce pan ; when it reaches the boiling point drop in the balls, draw to one side of fire, cover, and let cook gently 20 minutes. Lift them out with a skimmer and stand at once in a cool place. Beat three eggs until creamy, and stand over hot water and add gradually the boiling stock, which should measure about 24 pint. When the mixture is like jelly, remove, strain through a fine sieve, and cool quickly. At serving time add juice of 2 lemons, 1 table- spoon tarragon vinegar. Garnish dish with tiny hearts of lettuce, quarters of lemon, and parsley ; roll balls in sauce, and pile pyramid fashion in center. Send the remaining sauce to the table in sauce boat. Fish and Fish Sauces. 33 LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG. Mrs. George Sohngen. i whole lobster. >4 cup of heavy cream. Butter size of walnut. I egg yolk. Salt and pepper to taste. Cut lobster meat in pieces as large as a hickory nut. Put in pan with butter; season with salt and pepper. To the cream add the yolk of the egg, which has been well beaten, and mix. LOBSTER FARCE. Mrs. Sam Mayer. 2 lobsters. i pint of sweet cream. 2 tablespoons of butter. 3 scant tablespoons of flour. Bread or cracker crumbs. Boil lobster 25 minutes. Pick meat from shells and cut in pieces (1 can of Japanese crab meat is equal to 1 lobster). Melt the butter and stir in flour until yellow, not brown. Then add the cream ; salt and pepper to taste. Boil this until thick, stir- ring all the time. Remove from the fire, add lobster or crab meat, and put on ice for 2 or 3 hours. Butter ramekins before putting in the lobster. Fill, and sprinkle with bread or cracker crumbs, and small lumps of butter over them, and bake until brown (about 20 minutes) in a warm oven. Serve hot. One can serves about 8 persons. ESCALLOPED CRAB MEAT. Mrs. J. P. Day. 4 tablespoons butter. y^ cup milk. 3 tablespoons flour. Yolks of 2 eggs, slightly 2.^/2 tablespoons cornstarch. beaten. J /2 cup cream cheese. 1^2 cups crab meat. 3/4. cup chicken stock. Melt butter, add flour and cornstarch, and stir until well blended; then pour on gradually the chicken stock; let boil 3 minutes. Add gradually the milk while stirring constantly, and again bring to boiling point and add yolks of eggs. Cover bot- tom of baking dish with crab meat, pour over the sauce, and sprinkle with cheese, grated. Run under flame of gas oven to melt cheese and brown top. 34 Fish and Fish Sauces. DEVILED CRABS No. i. Mrs. J. W. Doron. can crab meat, tablespoons of chopped parsley, tablespoons of butter, pint of milk. Dash of nutmeg. 2 larg*e onions. Littl e lemon juice. 3 hard-boiled eggs, i tablespoon of flour. y 2 teaspoon of Worcester- shire sauce. Red pepper. Salt and pepper to taste. Free crab meat from bones. Grind the onions fine; also the hard-boiled eggs. Mix together. Then add sauce made of but- ter and flour mixed together, add pint of milk, cook, and season with the Worcestershire sauce, nutmeg, red pepper, salt and pepper and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly; brush over with beaten egg after filling shells. Cover with bread crumbs ; lastly baste with melted butter and put in the oven to brown. DEVILED CRABS No. 2. Mrs. T- W. See. 1 large size can of crab meat. 3 hard-boiled eggs. Onion juice, salt, and red pepper. 1 teaspoon of Worcester- shire sauce. 1 pint of milk. 2 tablespoons of flour. 1 tablespoon of butter. 4 or 5 crackers rolled fine. Take crab meat and pick over carefully, as the delicacy will be marred if the minute pieces of shell are not removed. Pre- pare the cream sauce by rubbing the butter and flour together, and add the milk. Let bubble a moment. Chop the eggs and add to the crab meat with onion juice, salt, and a generous supply of red pepper; also the Worcestershire sauce. Then add the rolled crackers and enough cream sauce to make a moist mixture. Do not put into the shells until almost ready to bake, as they may impart a musty flavor. The shells must be thor- oughly cleaned and dried before using. Fill, cover with crumbs, dot with butter, and bake 15 minutes. Fish and Fish Sauces. 35 SALMON LOAF No. i. Miss Helen Sloneker. i can salmon. Butter size of walnut. 3 eggs. Salt and pepper, i cup of cream or part milk. Turn the liquor off of salmon, take out bones, and mince the fish fine. Stir ingredients in well. Bake in a dish set in a pan of water about ^ hour. Pour over a cream sauce containing the chopped whites of eggs, and grate the yolks of the eggs over, the last thing. This is also very nice served cold, without sauce. SALMON LOAF No. 2. Mrs. Wm. C. Shafer. 2 cans salmon. 1 tablespoon chopped pars- )/ 2 cup of rolled bread ley. crumbs. Juice and grated rind of 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 lemon. 2 tablespoons milk. Salt and red pepper. 3 eggs. Mix together as for veal loaf. Place in the pan set inside of another pan of hot water, and bake Y\ °f an hour. When done, turn out on a platter and pour over the following: Dressing. 2 eggs well beaten together. 1 pint of milk. 2 tablespoons of flour. A little chopped parsley. A small lump of butter. Boil together until thick, and when done add a pinch of salt and the juice of a couple of lemons. Serve hot. CREAMED SALMON AND PEAS. Mrs. A. G. Gale. To 1 can of salmon (boned) add ]/ 2 can of peas, make a white sauce of 1 pint of milk and cream thickened with 3 table- spoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of butter, dash of red pepper, pinch 36 Fish and Fish Sauces, of salt, and a little minced parsley. Put in a buttered baking dish a layer of fish, a sprinkle of peas, and a layer of bread crumbs. Cover with sauce, and repeat until dish is filled. Cover the top with bread crumbs and melted butter, and bake until brown. This makes a nice fish course for luncheon ; also nice to serve with Saratoga potatoes. SALMON TIMBALES. Mrs. Homer Gard. I can of salmon. iy 2 cups of milk, i cup of bread or cracker 5 eggs, crumbs. Mince the salmon fine. Cook the crumbs and milk until thick; then cool. Add to salmon. Then add the beaten yolks. Season to taste ; lastly add the beaten whites. Fill buttered molds 2/3 full, and steam 30 minutes. Sauce. l / 2 cup of butter. Juice of y 2 lemon. Yolks of 2 eggs. y 2 cup of boiling water. 1 tablespoon flour. Saltspoon of salt. Dash of cayenne. Cook slowly until thick as custard. SALMON CROQUETTES No. 1. Miss Martha Molyneaux, Oxford, Ohio. 1 can of salmon. 1 tablespoon of butter. 1 teaspoon of salt. 3 level tablespoons of flour. 1 tablespoon chopped pars- Juice of y 2 lemon. ley. A little red pepper. 1 cup of cream. Mix thoroughly the salmon, salt, pepper, parsley, and lemon juice. Rub butter and flour and cream together until smooth; then cook until very thick. Stir this into the salmon. When cold, mold into croquettes, roll in beaten tgg, then in bread crumbs, and fry in hot fat. Fish and Fish Sauces. 37 SALMON CROQUETTES No. 2. Mrs. John Day. 1 can of salmon, or i^. Salt, pepper, and cayenne cups. to taste. 1 cup of thick, white sauce. Some chopped parsley i l / 2 teaspoons lemon juice. and a few drops of onion juice. Pour hot water over salmon to remove as much of oil as possible, drain, and separate into flakes. Add lemon juice, salt, pepper, cayenne, parsley, and onion juice and white sauce; cool, shape, and dip in crumbs, egg and crumb ag'ain, fry in deep fat. FINNAN-HADDIE CROQUETTES. Mrs. John Day. 1 finnan-haddie, or 1^ cups 3 tablespoons butter, full flakes. Yz cup flour. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons each of green Salt, paprika, and pepper and red pepper. to taste. Soak finnan-haddie in equal parts of milk and water to cover 1 hour, then put in oven for 30 minutes ; drain fish and separate into* flakes. Cook the onion, red and green pepper in the butter five minutes, add flour and milk and seasoning; then add fish flakes, cool, shape, dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. SARDINE BALLS. Mrs. John Day. 1 box 'of sardines. Dash of tobasco or cay- 1 cupful fine bread crumbs. enne. % teaspoon salt. 1 egg. y 2 teaspoon onion juice. Free sardines from skins, tails, and bones; mash fine, add bread crumbs, salt, onion juice, and tobasco or cayenne. Mix thoroughly and add egg; form into balls size of walnut, roll in crumbs, and fry in deep fat, 3 8 Fish and Fish Sauces. CREAMED SARDINES. Mrs. John Day. i box sardines. % cup soft bread crumbs. 4 tablespoons butter. I cup thin cream. 2 hard-boiled eggs finely Salt, paprika, to taste, chopped. Melt butter, add crumbs and cream ; bring to boiling point. Add sardines, eggs, and seasoning, and serve on finger-shaped pieces of toast. CODFISH BALLS. Miss Elizabeth Roll. i cup of salted cod. White pepper and salt, if i cup of potatoes. needed. i egg. i tablespoon butter. Wash the fish in cold water and break into small pieces. Wash and pare the potatoes, and cut in fair-sized pieces. Cook fish and potatoes together in boiling water until the potatoes are soft. Drain and shape over the fire until dry. Mash with a fork and add the beaten egg, butter, pepper, and more salt if needed. Beat until light. Take up the mixture by spoons full, mold slightly, and slip them into the hot fat. Fry until brown, and drain on soft paper. CREAMED CODFISH. Mrs. E. M. Bronson. Codfish. i pint of milk. 2 tablespoons of flour. l / 2 teaspoon salt. i egg. Pepper to taste. 2 tablespoons of butter. Soak fish over night. In the morning tear the fish into flakes ; do not cut it. Cover with fresh water and bring to a boil. Do not boil it. This is important, as boiling toughens cod unless potatoes are with it. Drain fish and cook I minute in a rich cream sauce made as follows: Melt butter, flour, and stir until there are no lumps. Add gradually the hot milk, stirring all the time. Season with the salt and pepper, and cook until it thickens. If you want it Fish and Fish Sauces. 39 still nicer, pour it on to the egg well beaten just before adding the fish. Some serve creamed fish on buttered toast. You may omit the soaking over night ; simply cover it with cold water and bring to a boil after washing the salt off, in which case omit the salt in the creamed sauce. DEVILED HALIBUT. Mrs. J. P. Day. 1 lb. halibut, boiled. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon flour. A little cayenne. 1 tablespoon chopped pars- Yolks of 3 hard-boiled ley. eggs. 1 cup milk. Make sauce of butter, flour, and milk, adding yolks of boiled eggs mashed fine, parsley ; then add flaked fish to it, stirring carefully not to break the fish flakes. Dish in ramekins, dust lightly with bread crumbs, and brown quickly in hot oven. BAKED HALIBUT. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. Soak 4 lbs. halibut steak in salted water about an hour. Drain, rub with salt and pepper, and lay in roaster, in which 2 tablespoons of shortening have been melted ; on top lay a slice or two of onion, 3 tablespoons of tomato juice, and juice of 1 lemon. Add 1 pint of boiling water and bake about an hour. Remove the fish and thicken the sauce with moistened flour. It usually takes 2 tablespoons of flour. Break up the fish left from the first meal into a baking dish and cover with the sauce ; bake it again next day, and it is better than the first time it is cooked. HALIBUT TIMBALES. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. 1 lb. halibut. Few grains cayenne. y 2 cup thick, sweet cream. iy 2 teaspoons lemon juice. 24 teaspoon salt. Whites of 3 eggs. Cook halibut in boiling salted water, drain, and rub through a sieve. Season with salt, cayenne, and lemon juice; add cream 40 Fish and Fish Sauces. beaten until stiff, then beaten whites of eggs. Turn into small, slightly buttered molds, put in a pan half surrounded with hot water. Cover with buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from molds, arrange on a hot serving dish. Pour around white sauce. White Sauce. 2 tablespoons butter. 34 teaspoon salt. i l / 2 tablespoons flour. Few grains pepper, i cup milk. Put butter in saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling; add flour mixed with seasoning, and stir until thoroughly blended. Pour on gradually the milk, adding- about one-third at a time, stirring until well mixed, then beating until smooth and glossy. Garnish with parsley. BAKED HALIBUT. Mrs. Homer Gard. Three or 4 lbs. of halibut. Dip the dark skin in boiling water and scrape clean. Rub well with salt and pepper. Put in a pan and pour milk over until V 2 inch deep. Bake about 1 hour, basting with the milk. Serve with a plain, drawn butter- egg sauce or cream sauce. PIQUANTE SAUCE No. 1. Miss Marie Shuler. (For Baked Fish, Roast and Broiled Meats.) Put 4 tablespoonfuls butter in sauce pan, and when it begins to brown add 2 tablespoonfuls; of flour, and stir until it is well browned. Draw to a cooler place on stove, and slowly add 2 cupfuls of brown stock, stirring constantly; add ]/ 2 teaspoonful salt and cayenne, and let simmer for ten minutes. In another sauce pan boil 4 tablespoonfuls vinegar, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, and 1 teaspoonful sugar rapidly for five minutes; then add it to the sauce, and at the same time add 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped pickle and, if desired, 1 tablespoonful capers. Stir well and let cook for two minutes to heat the pickle. If sauce becomes too thick, dilute with a little water. Fish and Fish Sauces. 41 PIQUANTE SAUCE No. 2. Max Wichman. Minced pickles, shallots, olives, capers; a spoonful each of onion juice, lemon juice, and caper vinegar, mixed into a butter or Madeira sauce; then season and bring- to a boil. Butter sauce is equal parts of butter and flour blended thor- oughly as butter melts in pan. RAVIGOTE BUTTER. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Parsley, tarragon, and shallots pounded, mixed with butter, lemon juice, and anchovy sauce. Rub through a hair sieve.- ANCHOVY BUTTER. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Two parts of butter to 1 part of essence of anchovy, a little grated Parmesan cheese, and nutmeg. LOBSTER BUTTER. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Pound the head and spawn of a lobster with its equal weight of butter to a paste. Add a little dry mustard, pass all through a hair sieve. PEPPER BUTTER. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Take 3 gTeen peppers, pound, and mix them with 1 lb. of butter. Good for croutons or canapes. CUCUMBER SAUCE FOR FISH. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. 2 good-sized cucumbers. Tablespoon of tarragon Saltspoon of pepper. vinegar. Saltspoon of salt. 2 tablespoons of stiff 1 tablespoon onion juice. whipped cream. Peel cucumbers and grate on a sieve. When the pulp is thoroughly drained, turn in a bowl. Add the salt, pepper, onion 3 42 Fish and Fish Sauces. juice, and vinegar. Mix and stir in just at serving time the whipped cream. This is used as a filling in small individual molds of plain, clean gelatine, and flavored and seasoned with chicken or veal stock, or in the center of a fish timbale that has been shaped in a ring mold. TOMATO SAUCE. Miss Althea Spellman. i can of tomatoes. Tablespoon each of sugar A tablespoon of ham or and salt, bacon fryings. Pinch of pepper, i onion. Boil 20 minutes, strain, put back on the fire, and thicken with 2 teaspoons of cornstarch. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE No. i. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. Yolks of 4 eggs. y 2 lb. butter, i lemon. 3 tablespoons of cream. Put the yolks of the eggs, lemon juice, and a small quantity of the butter in a sauce pan set in another sauce pan of hot water. Do not let the water in the lower pan boil. Stir this until it thickens, then add more butter, and keep on until all of the butter is worked in. If it gets too hot it will curdle. After removing from the stove, add 3 tablespoons of whipped cream. This improves the sauce. Serve with all kinds of fish, cauli- flower, artichokes, and asparagus. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE No. 2. Mrs. Edward Frechtling. y 2 cup butter. 1 saltspoon of salt. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 dash of paprika. Juice of y 2 lemon. y 2 cup boiling water. Rub the butter to a cream in a small bowl with a spoon. Add yolks, one at a time, and beat well ; then add lemon juice, salt, and paprika. About five minutes before serving add boil- ing water and place bowl in sauce pan of boiling water, and stir rapidly until it thickens like boiled custard. Memoranda. You can depend on getting just what you want at any of our stores in the way of home-killed MEATS The Slifer Packing Co. Store No. 1—111 Main St. Store No. 2—595 Main St. Store No. 3—325 East Ave. Store No. 4— Cor 3d & Maple Ave, «J=i l ■llli.ML i!;!|-||.' M; : i:; : - , : .'M'lj.'l!. 'il-T lii!. Il'h il _ ! i| ; M ■ : MIN: :i-ir'!:i| ■Il-i. Ih ■ !l :!■:!: : I , LJ=J Ljp^ To be secure and free from trouble have us do your Plumbing, Heating, and Electric Work If you do you will have a clear conscience and work that stays. Because we give and guarantee this and we charge no more. It 's honest work, good material, and low prices that keep us going. £ Our experience equips us to give information which is a part of our service. Best Equipment — Best Products — Best Service — Try Us Notice the efficiency of our Genuine Mazda Lamps | THE JOHN L. WALKER CO. S&SEaSrS; I SXiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Ousters, Oysters must be fresh and fat to be good. They are in season from September to May. The small ones, such as are sold by the quart, are good for soups, to escallop, and to cook generally. The large ones are for frying and grilling. The shell oysters are served raw or baked. ROAST OYSTERS IN THE SHELL. Wash the oysters thoroughly with a brush. Place with the upper or deep shell down, to catch the juice, over or on live coals. When they open their shells, remove the shallow one, being careful to save all the juice in the other. Place them, shells and all, on a hot platter, and send to the table hot, to be seasoned by each person with butter, salt, and pepper to taste. If the oysters are fine, this is a most excellent way to serve them. Another method of serving is to place the roasted oysters, shell and all, on either hot plates or on folded napkins, and gar- nish with spoonfuls of red and green peppers, crisp bits of fried bacon, a little horseradish, and slices of lemon. This is a nice way to serve them when one wishes the oysters as a single course. OYSTER GUMBO. Mrs. Chris Pabst. Singe, clean, and cut as for fricassee i fowl ; put it in a baking pan, add one onion sliced, half a pint of water, and bake until tender. Wash and cut in thin slices a quart of young okra ; put it in a sauce pan, add a pint of water, and cook slowly for half hour. Lift the chicken into a soup kettle, add a quart of chicken stock or boiling water, and simmer gently for 20 min- utes. Add a rounding teaspoon of salt, a level saltspoon of cayenne, and, if you like, a teaspoon of paprika. Add the okra and 50 oysters ; cover the sauce pan and cook for 5 minutes, and send at once to the table. 45 46 Oysters. OYSTER STEW. Mrs. Wm. B. Falconer. The larger the oysters, the more appetizing for a stew. Heat I quart of oysters in their own liquor. This brings any impurities to the surface, which must be carefully skimmed. Bring to a boil in a double boiler i quart of milk (or, better still, i pint of milk and I pint of cream), and when the oysters have cooked just long enough to have their edges curl, add them to the milk, with i teaspoon of salt and i tablespoon of butter, and serve very hot. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Miss Helen Sloneker. 2 tablespoons tomato cat- i teaspoon salt. sup. }/2 teaspoon paprika, i tablespoon horseradish. A few drops of tobasco i tablespoon vinegar. sauce. Mix above thoroughly, and serve with i pint of oysters. SMOTHERED OYSTERS. Miss Helen Sloneker. i tablespoon butter. % spoon of pepper. l / 2 spoon of salt. Put butter, salt, and pepper in covered sauce pan. When hot, add i pint of oysters. Cover pan tight, and shake to pre- vent sticking. Cook 3 minutes. Serve on toast. DEVILED OYSTERS. Mrs. Chris Pabst. Wash and drain 50 oysters; shake them over the fire until the gills are curled. Drain, saving the liquor. Chop oysters fine. Rub together 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 of flour; add the oyster liquor and sufficient milk to make a pint ; stir until boiling; add the oysters, the yolks of 2 eggs slightly beaten, a level teaspoon of salt, a dash of red pepper, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of chopped celery. Turn this in a bak- ing dish, cover thickly with soft bread crumbs, and bake in a quick oven for about to minutes. Oysters. 47 OYSTER SAUSAGE No. i. Mrs. Wm. Allen. i quart oysters, cut up if 2 eggs, salt and pepper, you like. (I do not cut 3 slices of bread crumbs them.) soaked in liquor of oys- 2 lbs. lean pork (ground). ters. Mold in cakes, roll in cracker crumbs, and fry. OYSTER SAUSAGE No. 2. Mrs. Ella Falk. Take 1 pound of veal and 20 oysters. Pound the veal very fine in a mortar with a little suet, and season with a little pepper. Soak a piece of bread in oyster liquor, pound and add it to the oysters cut in pieces. Add to the veal, beat, and add an egg to bind them together. Roll into little lengths, and fry in butter a delicate brown. OYSTER TOAST. Mrs. Ella Van Doren. 1 quart oysters. 1 pint milk. Boil milk and mix with ]/ 2 cup rolled crackers. Add oysters, and let come to a boil. Pour over 2 large slices of toasted bread, well buttered. Serve in a warmed dish. OYSTER CROQUETTES. Mrs. Ella Van Doren. y 2 pint raw oysters. ]/ 2 pint cooked veal. 1 heaping tablespoon of y 2 cup crackers rolled fine, melted butter. Yolks of 2 eggs. . Chop oysters and veal together, soak crackers in oyster liquor, and mix all ingredients well and season with salt and pepper as you like. Dip in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry in part butter and part lard to a light brown. ESCALLOPED OYSTERS. Arrange in a buttered baking dish 1 thin layer of cracker crumbs and 1 of oysters delicately seasoned with salt and pep- 48 Oysters. per and dotted with bits of butter. Repeat these layers until pan is nearly full, allowing a top layer of cracker crumbs. Spread over all enough milk to barely cover, and bake in quick oven for 20 minutes. PANNED OYSTERS. Mrs. Wm. Shafer. Have skillet smoking hot, turn in 1 quart oysters (drip them), and let cook until the edges begin to curl. Thicken with a heaping tablespoon of flour mixed with a little milk. Season with salt, pepper, and a generous amount of butter, and serve on toast. OYSTER LOAF. Mrs. A. Ballinger. Take a small loaf of baker's bread, cut off the top, and scrape out crumbs. Put as many oysters as desired (about 1 pint) into stew pan with half the crumbs and y 2 teaspoon salt, 1 saltspoon pepper, a little milk, good lump butter; stew to- gether 15 minutes, or until the edges of oysters curl. Add 1 tea- spoon cream. Fill loaf with this mixture, cover with crust, and set in oven to crisp. Cut in slices at table for serving. OYSTERS A LA MARYLAND. Blanch the oysters, and skim off any skum or refuse from the liquor of the oysters. Add pure cream, and boil for a short time, adding a little white wine. Thicken with a little yolk of an egg, flavoring with lemon juice, salt, cayenne pepper, and nutmeg. Put in a chafing dish. Garnish with fancy cuts of truffles around the center; serve with hot toast. STUFFED OYSTERS (Creole Style). Mrs. Caroline M. S. Potter. Two dozen or 1 quart of fine, solid oysters ; drain off liquor, and chop. 1 pint bread crumbs; season with salt, pepper, thyme, chopped parsley, juice and grated rind of half a lemon; 2 well- beaten eggs. Mix above thoroughly together. Put 2 large tablespoons of butter in skillet; in this fry 1 small onion a light brown, cut Oysters. 49 fine. Add 4 thin slices of a garlic clove and toss through the onion. Add oysters, and stir gently until oysters are cooked. Do not cook too long. Fill oyster shells (or baking dish), sprinkle top with fine, browned bread crumbs, and bake just long- enough to be real hot, but not until they are dry. To serve, place piece of butter in center of each, and garnish with parsley and slice of lemon. Serve hot. STUFFED OYSTERS. Mrs. Chris Pabst. 1 quart oysters. A pinch of thyme. y 2 loaf of bread (small). A pinch of cayenne. 2 small onions (chopped Salt and pepper to taste. fine). Drain oysters and put bread in oyster liquor to soak (not too wet). Add a tablespoon of parsley chopped fine, the onion, thyme, and then the oysters. Put a large tablespoon of butter in a skillet, and add the oyster mixture. Cook about five min- utes, stirring constantly. Use oyster shells for this dressing. Sprinkle with crumbs, and brown in the oven. ROASTED OYSTERS. Mrs. Herman Kutter. One quart oysters. Rounds of thin bread delicately toasted. Fit rounds of bread into ordinary patty pans, and wet with a little oyster liquor. Then with a silver fork arrange on each piece of toast as many oysters as each will hold without crowd- ing. Season with salt, paprika, and butter. Set pan in bottom of hot oven, and cover to keep in steam and flavor. When edges of oysters ruffle, in about from 8 to 10 minutes, serve very hot. Could be made in ramekins, and served in them. FRIED OYSTERS. Mrs. Samuel D. Fitton. None but large oysters should be used for frying. Drain them from their liquor. Dip them, one at a time, into a well- beaten egg, then roll in cracker crumbs. Have ready in a deep skillet or stew pan enough lard (or lard and butter mixed) to 5 stiff, add water. Fry rabbit nice and brown ; add to the dressing and simmer from 1 to 2 hours. Meats. 63 SOUTH AMERICAN TONGUE. Miss Helen Peters. Boil a fresh tongue slowly all day, with an onion ; then skin it, mash one can of tomatoes through a sieve ; add one onion chopped fine, a dash of paprika, or a drop of tobasco sauce; cook tongue in sauce until sauce is thick. BAKED TONGUE (Very Delicious). Mrs. Will Andrews. Boil a green tongue with 1/3 cup carrots, 1/3 cup onions, 1/3 cup celery, parsley. After the tongue is boiled, skin it. Make a sauce of % cup butter, Y\ cup flour, 2 cups of water in which the tongue was cooked. Salt and pepper and Worcester- shire sauce. Pour this sauce over the cooked tongue, put in roaster, and bake until very tender. SCALLOPED HAM. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 1 cup of cold, boiled ham. 3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped ground. fine. 1 cup of cream sauce. Yi cup bread crumbs. Cream Sauce. One tablespoon butter ; stir into this 1 tablespoon flour and enough milk to make sauce enough for this ham. Put in a but- tered dish and bake until brown. MT. VERNON WAY OF COOKING HAM. Mrs. Chas. E. Macbeth. Have sufficient water boiling to cover ham ; into this put one cup of Orleans molasses, 12 whole cloves, the same of pepper- corns, 1 bay leaf, 1 small onion cut into quarters ; let the ham boil slowly, as it toughens if boiled hard. If cooked in an iron vessel you can let it remain until cold before removing the skin ; but if in tin or copper, take it out immediately. Recipe was given by General Lee's granddaughter. 6\ Meats. BAKED SLICE OF HAM. Miss Louise Dingfelder. A thick slice of ham ; a teaspoonful mustard ; a tablespoon sugar and I cup milk ; mix sugar and mustard, and spread over both sides of the ham ; put in pan, pour over the cup of milk, and bake in a moderate oven i hour. BAKED HAM No. i. Mrs. E. S. Griffis. Take a 10- or 12-pound ham and soak in water over night; put it in a roasting pan, with a cup of water in the lower pan ; let it roast for 3 hours in a moderate oven; turn it over fre- quently. When the skin commences to curl, it is done; take it out and remove the skin ; turn the fat side up, sprinkle thickly with sugar and about a handful of cloves stuck into it ; return to oven and brown. Can be eaten either hot or cold. BAKED HAM No. 2. Mrs. W. B. Shuler. Three pounds ham in one piece, cover with hot milk, and bake in covered casserole 2 hours. CHOPS WITH MACARONI AND TOMATOES. Mrs. Edgar A. Belden. Boil a five-cent package of Foulds' macaroni in salt water; drain, and add a can of tomatoes ; brown 5 or 6 pork chops in butter, to which has been added half an onion chopped fine ; place the macaroni and tomatoes in a baking dish; place the chops on top, and bake in oven for 30 minutes ; the tomatoes may be strained if so desired; salt and pepper to taste. CHICKEN BAKED IN MILK. Miss Louise Dingfelder. Clean chicken and cut in pieces ; put in a baking dish and cover with a mixture of milk and half cream, pepper and salt, and bake. By the time the milk has cooked away, chicken will be tender and delicious. Meats. 65 SWEETBREAD PATTIES. Mrs. Wm. Allen. Two pairs of sweetbreads and 1 can of mushrooms ; cut mushrooms in four pieces ; to this amount take 1 cupful of cream, Yz cup of milk; 1 teaspoon butter, and 1 of flour; roll butter and flour together ; have milk scalding hot ; season to taste. Put sweetbreads and mushrooms in oven to get hot. This will fill 18 shells if not too large. VEAL BIRDS. Mrs. C. E. Schenk. Have thin slices of veal cut from the loin ; remove all skin, fat, and bone ; pound this ; cut in pieces 2 inches by 5 ; make a dressing of fine bread crumbs, a little finely chopped salt pork or oysters ; season with salt, pepper, lemon juice. Moisten with egg and a little hot water, if needed. Spread the mixture on each slice, nearly to the edge; roll up tightly, and fasten with toothpicks ; dredge with flour and salt ; fry slowly in hot butter until brown ; then half cover with milk ; let simmer 20 minutes ; serve on points of toast. MOCK BIRDS. Mrs. Hugh Kernohan. Split pork tenderloin ; then flatten by pounding with potato masher ; cut crosswise in pieces about 3 inches wide ; salt, pep- per, and stuff each piece with bread dressing; fasten with tooth- picks; flour, and brown in butter; cover with milk, and simmer for 3 hours. SWEDISH VEAL ROLL. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 2 veal steaks. 5 slices of bacon. 4 large onions. Cut the onions and bacon into small pieces, and fry until browned ; then spread this mixture over the steak, roll each steak, and pin together with toothpicks. Sear the steaks and cover with water, and cook for at least an hour. See this cooks dry before the hour is up, to make the gravy richer. 66 Meats. CHICKEN EN CASSEROLE. Mrs. James Reeder. Joint a chicken as for stewing; brown in a skillet in hot lard ; then place in a casserole, cover with cold water, and add 2 or 3 potatoes cut in small dice, i onion, I or 2 carrots, and a stalk of celery cut in small pieces. Put on top of casserole and place in a moderate oven for 2 hours without removing the top. When chicken is tender, thicken with gravy, season, and add a can of mushrooms ; replace in oven io minutes before serving-. CASSEROLE OF MUTTON OR CHICKEN, ETC. Max Wichman, Steward Hamilton Club. Good way to use up cold mutton : Make a stiff potato cro- quette mixture, shape it like a patty, double bread, and fry. Now cut out a lid, scoop out the inside, thus leaving a case, fill up with nice mince of mutton, chicken, etc. Put on the lid ; now it looks like a patty; take the potato you scooped out, form into potatoes or croquettes, and use as a garnish. CHICKEN PIE. Mrs. E. A. Belden. i quart flour. I level teaspoon baking i cup lard. powder. Salt. Milk enough to make a soft dough. Stew the chicken, and pick from the bones into small pieces. Thicken the gravy in which it has been cooked. Line a baking dish with the dough, fill with the chicken and gravy, cover with a layer of dough, and bake. CHICKEN CUTLETS. Mrs. J. YV. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. 2 cups ground chicken. i cup of rich cream sauce, i cup of boiled brains. Mix well. When cold, mix into pear shapes ; then flatten in between palms of hand until l / 2 inch thick ; insert in small end a piece of spaghetti i l / 2 inches long, to represent a bone; dip in crumbs, and tgg, and crumbs again ; fry in smoking fat and serve with mushrooms or ovsters. Meats. 67 RICE DRESSING. Mrs. Frank Connor. Cook 1 cnp of rice in water until clone; then pour over it 1 cup of sweet milk, and let stand until it soaks in ; chop 1 onion fine and brown in butter; cook giblets until done; chop fine, salt and pepper, and mix all together ; then fry chicken or veal breast. Or, if not desired as a filling, bake same for half hour in baking- pan. Lean pork may be used in place of giblets. JELLIED VEAL. Mrs. James W. See, Mrs. F. M. Fitton. Knuckle of veal, well 1 tablespoon each of broken. chopped onion, carrot, 2 quarts water, or enough turnip, celery, to cover. 1 blade of mace. 2 hard-boiled eggs. 3 cloves. Parsley. Salt, pepper, lemon juice. Wipe the veal and put on to cook with water to cover. Tie vegetables and spice in a cloth, and put in the kettle with the meat. Cook slowly until the meat falls from the bone, adding the salt when meat is partly cooked. Strain ; reduce liquor to 1 quart by boiling with cover off, and add seasoning and lemon juice to taste. Ornament the bottom of a mold with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Put in a very little liquor to fix the ornament. When set, add liquor to make layer )/\ inch thick. When that is set, fill the mold with the veal, placing hard-boiled egg between the meat. Pour in as much liquor as mold will hold, and put away to harden. When set, place weight in the veal to make more solid. JELLIED CHICKEN. Mrs. Herman Kutter. Cut up 1 well-grown chicken ; cover with cold water into which put a little salt, 1 onion, and a little celery, and boil slowly until tender; remove chicken from the water and take out the bones, cutting meat into small pieces ; add 1 can of mush- rooms to the meat. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of Knox gelatine in water (if weather is very warm, use 2 tablespoons in cold water 68 Meats. and stir into the water in which the chicken was cooked) ; strain, and pour over the mushrooms and chicken; add lemon juice, grated rind of a lemon, salt, pepper, and finely chopped parsley to taste; put into a mold and set in ice, and when set firmly, turn out in a platter and garnish with lemon slices and parsley. CAPON VALENTINE. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. Extra Good for a Small Dinner. Roast a capon or a good-sized, tender roasting chicken a little underdone; then slice the breast and legs without sepa- rating the meat from the bones; sprinkle the open parts with moist paprika, and as the slices are folded back place thin slivers of Virginia ham or any other good brand between the cuts until brought back as nearly as possible to its original form ; then put a quart of light, cream into a casserole dish, place the capon in there, sprinkle thoroughly with bread crumbs, cover, and place in hot oven for 15 minutes, and serve hot. PRESSED CHICKEN No. 1. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Put chicken into a saucepan with very little water, and boil until the bones slip out and the gristly parts are quite soft. Take off the skin and pull the meat to pieces, mixing the dark- colored and white meat together. Skim the fat off the liquor and season with a little pepper, salt, lemon juice, and celery salt, and reduce to half a pint; then mix it with the meat. But- ter a mold and decorate the bottom and sides with hard-boiled eggs cut in slices, and fancy-shaped pieces of tongue or ham. Pack the meat in tightly, put a weight on top, and let it remain in a cold place until wanted. Turn this out and garnish with parsley, lettuce leaves, celery branches, radishes, or beet-roots cut into various shapes. PRESSED CHICKEN No. 2. Mrs. Sheridan Watson Bell. Cut up two young chickens ; season with salt, black pepper, and butter about the size of an egg', stew slowly until the meat will drop from the bones; chop meat fine and add the liquor Meats. 69 and press in a mold. It is delicious sliced thin for picnic or luncheon sandwiches. PRESSED CHICKEN No. 3. Mrs. Sheridan Watson Bell. Boil two chickens until tender; remove the skin, the bone, and chop, but not too fine; cut into pieces 3 hard-boiled eggs, with salt and pepper to taste; dissolve teaspoon of gelatine in a little of the liquor in which chickens were boiled, and mix with the chicken and the eggs. Put into a mold and press. POTTED CHICKEN. Mrs. Carlos Gressle. Cut an old chicken in pieces, as if to fry ; roll in enough flour; season with pepper and salt; pack in a casserole or any stone dish ; pour on boiling water until it shows at the sides of the dish ; cover closely, and bake 3 hours ; uncover y 2 hour to brown. PICKLED PIGS' FEET. Miss Irene Hanley. Put 1 dozen well-cleaned pigs' feet in a kettle; cover with cold water ; for each gallon allow 2 scant tablespoons salt ; boil until tender; while hot, transfer to a stone jar, putting here and there between them a large onion, sliced ; heat together 2 quarts of vinegar with 1 pint of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 table- spoon peppercorn, y 2 ounce cloves, 2 bay leaves ; boil for 5 min- utes; pour over feet; cover and let stand one day before using. PORK SAUSAGE. Mrs. Mary P. Moffett, Lexington, Ky. 1 heaping, 2-gallon bucket 1 teacup of salt. of meat. *4 tablespoon red pepper. 3 level tablespoons black 2 tablespoons sage. pepper. Grind twice. 7o Meats. MUSHROOM SAUCE. Miss Marie Shuler. i cup milk, i lb. flour, i lb. butter. Boil until thick, mushrooms. Y^ tablespoon salt. y% teaspoon pepper. Y% teaspoon onion juice. When this mixture is thick, add chopped MEXICAN SAUCE. Miss Marie Shuler. i tablespoon butter. i tablespoon ham. 2 tablespoons flour, i tablespoon parsley. i tablespoon green pepper i tablespoon onion, i pint of tomatoes. $/{ teaspoon salt. Fry ham in butter with onion and pepper until brown ; then add flour and tomatoes and parsley; cook 3 minutes after boil- ing point is reached. Memoranda. ARTIFICIAL GAS is the Safest Gas used in Domestic L Science. The time given in these recipes is for Arti- ficial Gas. No vent pipes are necessary when it is used. No headaches. No smarting eyes. No dry throat. No wet walls and damp sleeping-rooms. THE HAMILTON UTILITIES CO. Phone 463 The Emco Store , , . , , HAMILTON, : : OHIO C A MED A C INSTRUCTION FREE WITH LAlVlllIiAiJ EVERY CAMERA WE SELL Pictures Framed The finest and most inexpensive is secured from The Emco. Party Goods L et me supply your party or dance Favors, Place cards, Novelties. Made to order if necessary. Post Cards F° r every occasion. Birthday, Wedding, Congratulation, Stork, Condolence. Bibles I n a H sizes and kinds. Indexed, Red Letter, Revised, Prayer Books. Seeds and Plants We have the exclusive agency for Burpee's Famous Seed and Plants. See Our Beautiful Store You are Welcome ■«0 EAST AVENUE DRUG STORE O. W. KATZ, Proprietor :: 601 East Ave., Hamilton, Ohio Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Glass ALWAYS WELCOME TRADE WITH US Both Phones ~E<33*- GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF COOKING. Miss Elizabeth Roll. As albumen coagulates at 160 F., and as it toughens when boiled, eggs should be cooked below the boiling point to insure a tender consistency. Soft-cooked Eggs. For two eggs allow I pint of water ; for each additional Ggg, an extra cupful. Let water come to boiling point, put in eggs, cover, and remove at once from fire. Let stand covered from 6 to 8 minutes. Remove to hot cups. Hard-cooked Eggs. Prepare as for soft-cooked, placing saucepan on back of stove, where water will keep hot, but not boil, for 30 minutes. If plunged at once into cold water, yolks will keep their color. NESTED EGGS. Mrs. Sheridan W. Bell. Whip whites of eggs stiff, place upon toast, inserting whole yolk in center, with small piece of butter; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake in oven until brown. FRENCH OMELET. Mrs. James H. Roll. 4 eggs (separated). 4 tablespoons warm water. y 2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon butter. l /% teaspoon pepper (white). Beat yolks until thick; add salt, pepper, and water. Fold in beaten whites. Butter the sides and bottom of hot omelet pan ; turn in mixture and spread evenly; cook slowly until a delicate brown underneath; place the pan on the grate of the oven to 4 73 74 Eggs- cook the top. The omelet is cooked if firm and dry when touched with finger. Fold over, turn on a hot plate, and serve imme- diately. EGGS A LA GOLDENROD. Mrs. Sheridan W. Bell. 3 hard-cooked eggs. I tablespoon flour. i cup white sauce. White Sauce: y 2 teaspoon salt. i cup milk. j4 teaspoon pepper. i tablespoon butter. 5 slices of toast. Cook the eggs 30 minutes. Make white sauce. Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs. Chop the whites, and add to the sauce. Arrange five slices of toast on a platter; pour sauce over it. Rub the yolks through a strainer or vegetable press over the top. Garnish with toast points and parsley. BAKED EGGS. Mrs. William C. Shafer. Butter ramekin; sprinkle the bottom with bread crumbs; drop in an egg; sprinkle with bread crumbs; salt and pepper. Place bits of bacon with small pieces of butter or grated cheese on top, and bake in hot oven until egg is set. Serve immediately. LUNCHEON EGGS. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. Break 2 eggs into an individual baking dish ; put over the top a teaspoonful each of chopped truffles, mushrooms, and to- matoes that have been sauted in a little butter. Cover with dressing made of cream and butter thickened with a little flour; sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, and paprika and salt. Put in hot oven and bake until eggs are set. EGGS IN POTATO CASES. Mrs. Lou Beauchamp. Press well-seasoned mashed potatoes into individual molds the day before they are needed. In the morning remove the molds and scoop out the centers. Brush inside and out with Eggs. 75 melted butter, and drop a raw egg into each. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper and one teaspoonful of American cheese over each egg, and add a tiny piece of butter. Bake in a moderate oven till the whites of the eggs are firm. SPANISH SCRAMBLED EGGS. Mrs. Charles Parrish. Heat iron spider, and into it pour ^4 CU P °f tomato pulp and a small lump of butter; also % of a sweet pepper, chopped fine. Break into a dish about 8 eggs. Do not beat, but pour right into hot tomato mixture, and stir all lightly until eggs are cooked, but not too dry. STUFFED EGGS. Miss Irene Hanley. Boil 4 eggs hard. When cold, cut a piece off the top and take out the yolk. Rub this smooth with skinned and boned sardines; salt and pepper. Allow 3 sardines to 4 eggs. Add a little butter, to make mixture smooth ; add a little parsley. Fill the eggs with the mixture. Dip them in egg and fine cracker crumbs, and fry in deep lard (light brown). Stand them upon end on some round platter, and garnish with parsley. Memoranda. Memoranda. ARTIFIPIAI C AQ is the Safest Gas used /lIVl iriV/l/lLi VJrlD i n Domestic Science. The time given in these recipes is for Artificial Gas. No vent pipes are necessary when it is used. No headaches. No smarting eyes. No dry throat. No wet walls and damp sleeping rooms. THE HAMILTON UTILITIES CO. PHONE 463 CREIGHTON &HOOVEN'S Recipes are the best For making the home beautiful We are Leaders for FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, and WALL PAPER Exclusive Agents for CALORIC FIRELESS COOK STOVES and HASTING KITCHEN CABINETS 238-240 High HAMILTON, OHIO SILVER SERVICES Either solid or plated brighten the dining table and are more economical than China, for they are unbreakable. We have a fine assortment BENT EL BROTHERS Vegetables. TIME-TABLE FOR COOKING VEGETABLES. Potatoes, white 20 to 30 minutes. Potatoes, sweet 15 to 25 minutes. Asparagus Y2. to 1 hour. String beans 30 minutes to 2 hours. Beets 45 minutes to 3 hours. Cabbage 40 minutes to 1 hour. Turnips 30 to 40 minutes. Onions 30 to 60 minutes. Parsnips 15 to 45 minutes. Green corn 10 to 20 minutes. Cauliflower 20 to 25 minutes. Tomatoes 15 to 20 minutes. Barley 1 to 3 hours. Boiled rice 20 minutes. Steamed rice 40 to 50 minutes. Macaroni 30 to 50 minutes. Noodles 10 to 20 minutes. To avoid odor in cooking onions or cabbage, add Ji tea- spoon soda, leave the kettle uncovered, and change water twice. ARTICHOKES (BOILED). Mrs. John M. Withrow. To each y 2 gallon water, 1 heaping tablespoon salt and piece of soda size of hazelnut. Wash the artichokes well, taking care that no insects re- main; trim along the leaves and the bottom, and cut off the steins. Put them into boiling water in which salt and soda have been dissolved. Boil quickly in an uncovered saucepan until tender; take them out, drain for a minute or two, and serve in a napkin or with a little white sauce poured over. A tureen of melted butter should accompany them. Time, 20 to 25 minutes after the water boils. 79 8o Vegetables. CREAM SAUCE. i tablespoon butter. i cup hot milk. i tablespoon flour. Melt butter, stir in the flour, and then add the milk slowly. Let it boil a few minutes until perfectly blended. To be used for all creamed vegetables. ASPARAGUS HOLLANDAISE. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Cook asparagus in boiling salted water until soft, leaving tips out of water first 10 minutes. Drain, remove string (it is best to tie asparagus), and serve on hot dish with the Holland- aise sauce. Hollandaise Sauce. ]/ 2 cup butter. >4 teaspoon salt. Yolks of 2 eggs. Few grains cayenne, i tablespoon lemon juice. >4 cup boiling water. Put butter in a bowl, cover with cold water, and wash, using a spoon. Divide in three pieces; put one piece in a saucepan with the yolks of eggs and lemon juice. Place saucepan in a larger one containing boiling water, and stir constantly with a wire whisk until butter is melted ; then add second piece of but- ter, and, as it thickens, third piece. Add water, cook i minute, and season with salt and cayenne. FRIED APPLES (Southern Style). Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 8 or 10 red apples. Lard and butter, i teacup of sugar. Slice apples rather thin, leaving the peeling and removing the core. Put heaping tablespoon lard and butter mixed into a hot skillet; put apples in, and sprinkle sugar all through them; cook until candied and a golden brown, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Nice for breakfast when serving bacon. Vegetables. 8 1 BEANS. Mrs. H. B. Burton. Soak the beans over night. Put them in enough boiling water to cover; add a piece of pickled pork. Cook with slow heat 3 hours, and serve with tomato catsup. BEAN LOAF. Miss Gnssie Pfau. 2 cups bean pulp. Salt and pepper to season, i cup rice. Mold in a pan, cover with salt pork strips, and bake I hour. Serve with Tomato Sauce. Melt i tablespoon butter with i tablespoon flour ; add gradu- ally 8 cups strained tomatoes, y 2 teaspoon salt, y 2 teaspoon sugar, *4 teaspoon white pepper, I clove. BEAN CROQUETTES. (For Vegetarian in Place of Meat.) Mrs. John M. Withrow. Take some cold, boiled beans, mash them, and add enough bread crumbs to make them stiff enough to mold, a little chopped onion, pepper, and salt. Form into croquettes, dip into milk and flour, and fry in hot oil or crisco. BRUSSELS SPROUTS AU GRATIN. Mrs. J. W. See. Pick and steep 2 pounds sprouts in cold water and salt for a few hours before cooking. Throw them into plenty of boiling water containing a teaspoon of salt to every quart of water. Boil quickly for 15 minutes; then drain. Have ready 1 cup white sauce containing 1 tablespoon grated cheese. Add 2 table- spoons of the sauce to the sprouts, shaking it well among them. Serve the remaining sauce in a separate dish. 82 Vegetables. BOSTON BAKED BEANS. Mrs. D. R. Byard. Cover i quart beans well with water and let come to boiling point. Drain off water, cover again with water, add a pinch of soda, and let simmer 3 or 4 hours, or until you can easily crush a bean between fingers. Place in bean pot, season with salt and pepper. Add 3 tablespoons New Orleans molasses and a little sugar, if desired sweet, and 1 pound pickled pork. Bake in slow oven 6 hours. Keep well covered with water until last hour. STUFFED CABBAGE. Mrs. Lazard Kahn. 1 head cabbage. 1 teaspoon onion. 1 cup chopped beefsteak. 1 small red pepper. 1 egg. 1 slice bacon. j/ 2 teaspoon salt. J / 2 teaspoon ginger. 1 cup bread crumbs. Select a firm head of cabbage. Cut a square wedge from the top, and fold back three layers of leaves. Then take out the center of the cabbage and chop fine. Put the bacon in a skillet with some drippings; also the onion, salt, and chopped cabbage; fry until tender. Add beefsteak, bread crumbs, the egg well beaten, pepper, and ginger. Mix well and put back in the cab- bage; fold the leaves back, place in the wedge, and tie firmly with a string. Place in a steamer and steam for 4 hours. CREAMED CABBAGE. Mrs. W. B. Falconer. Slice J / 2 head of cabbage coarser than for slaw. Pour boil- ing water over it and boil for 10 minutes; drain, and cover with fresh water. Boil for 20 minutes ; drain, and pour over it y 2 cup cream; season with salt, and thicken very slightly with flour. CABBAGE AU GRATIN No. 1. Mrs. A. H. Louis. Chop and soak a small head of cabbage in cold water for 15 minutes. Put into boiling water and boil 5 minutes. Make a Vegetables. 83 cream sauce of 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, and 1 cup milk. Add 1 tablespoon grated cheese, yolks of 2 hard- boiled eggs pressed through a sieve. Chop the whites of eggs. Put a layer of cabbage, then a layer of egg whites in baking dish. Pour over this the cream sauce, and bake in a quick oven 20 minutes. CABBAGE AU GRATIN No. 2. Miss Marie Shuler. Break the boiled cabbage into small pieces. Place them in a baking dish in alternate layers with sauce and grated cheese. Cover the top with crumbs moistened with butter, and bake until the sauce bubbles through the crumbs. A little Worcester- shire sauce and paprika added to the sauce improves it. CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN. Miss Althea Spellman. Boil until tender. Put a little white sauce (made of milk and flour) mixed with grated cheese in a buttered dish and place the cauliflower upon it. Cover completely with sauce, and sprinkle the surface with crumbs and grated cheese. Place a few bits of butter on top, and bake for 15 or 20 minutes. CAULIFLOWER. Mrs. Chas. E. Woolford. Cut off the stalks; boil the cauliflower in milk and water until it is tender; make a sauce of drawn butter, and serve over it, or put bits of butter over it and serve hot. CARROTS AND PEAS. Miss Jane Whitaker. Use in proportion of 1 cup carrot cubes to 1 cup peas. Cook in boiling, salted water. Serve with white sauce, or instead use 1 cup meat stock and y 2 cup cream to 3 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons flour. Season, reheat, and serve at once. 84 Vegetables, CREAMED CELERY AND ONIONS. Miss Irene Keltner. 2 cups celery. Dash of pepper, i cup onion. 3 cups of water. Scant teaspoon salt. Cook 25 minutes, until nearly dry. Add i]/ 2 cups milk. Make cream sauce and stir in gradually. Cook 5 minutes. FRIED CELERY (Italian Recipe). Mrs. John M. Withrow. Thoroughly clean the celery, remove leaves, and cut in 4-inch lengths. Then put into stew pan with 2 slices each of bacon and boiled ham and l / 2 pint stock, and allow to simmer for about 15 minutes. Let the celery cool; then take it out and dip it in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in butter. Serve with tomato sauce. CREAMED CELERY. Miss Jane Whitaker. Wash ; cut into i-inch lengths ; cover with boiling, salted water, and cook until tender. Drain. Serve with white sauce. MOCK CHICKEN. Miss Gussie Pfau. Two pounds cooked beans drained free from water. Rub through a sieve. Season and add 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) melted butter. Spread one-half on a floured board, place on it an onion stuffing, and cover with the rest of the beans. Shape and brush with an egg. Put 3 tablespoons butter in a pan ; place the chicken on it. Bake for 1 hour, basting regularly. Make a gravy with fat of the pan and the water in which the beans were cooked. CREAM SLAW. Mrs. C. E. Corey. y 2 cup cream. Pinch of salt. y 2 cup vinegar. 1 quart cabbage. 2 tablespoons sugar. Vegetables. 85 CORN OYSTERS. Mrs. Frank Griner. 1 can corn. 1 cup cracker crumbs. 4 eggs. Salt, and a little pepper. y 2 cup flour. Beat thoroughly, and drop off spoon into deep fat. BAKED CORN. Miss Jane Whitaker. 1 cup corn. 2 tablespoons melted but- 2 eggs. ter. Salt and pepper. 2 cups of milk. Beat the eggs slightly; mix all together. Setting dish in a pan of water, bake until firm, in a moderate oven. Do not overcook. Fresh corn may be used. CORN PUDDING No. 1. Miss Althea Spellman. 12 ears of corn. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pint of milk. 2 tablespoons melted but- 2 eggs, beaten separately. ter. 1 tablespoon sugar. Grate corn just enough to break grains; then scrape ears with knife until inside pulp and milk are extracted. Beat yellows of eggs in pudding dish; add milk, sugar, salt, and butter ; then corn, and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Dot top with small pieces of butter, and bake from y> to fy of an hour. CORN PUDDING No. 2. Mrs. E. W. Hake. 2 eggs. Salt and pepper. 2 cups milk. 1 tablespoon flour. 34 cup sugar. y> dozen ears grated corn. Small piece butter. 2/3 canned corn. Beat eggs well. Mix sugar, salt, flour, melted butter, and corn together; add eggs and milk, and bake about y 2 hour. 86 Vegetables. EGG PLANT AU GRATIN. Mrs. J. P. Day. Boil 2 egg plants 20 minutes. Cut lengthwise, scoop out the center, and mash and mix with T / 2 cup bread crumbs, */> tea- spoon thyme, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon onion juice, salt and pepper to taste, 34 cup finely chopped salt pork, and 1 tgg. Add 2 tablespoons melted butter to the mixture, and cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour in a baking dish, cover lightly with bread crumbs and small bits of butter, and bake slowly 1 hour. STUFFED EGG PLANT. Mrs. Dan Millikin. Take 1 large or 2 small egg plants ; cut off one end and lay in steamer to steam until tender. Then scoop out with a spoon and mash fine. Season with salt, pepper, a very small amount of flour, and 2 tablespoons of cream. Put in a baking dish, cover the top with bread crumbs and small pieces of butter, and bake. BAKED EGG PLANT. Mrs. Maggie L. Tunnelle. Place a large egg plant in boiling water. Add a little salt and boil until it can be pierced with a straw. Take it from the water, wipe dry, and cut through the middle. Take out the center; mash fine. Add butter, pepper, salt, and y 2 cup cream. Put back in the shell, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake 20 minutes. EGG PLANT. Mrs. Chas. E. Woolford. Cut in slices and lay in cold salt water for at least an hour. Make thin batter of 1 beaten tgg, a little water, and flour. Dip pieces in batter, and fry in butter and lard mixed. FRIJOLES. Mrs. Brandon Millikin. y 2 can kidney beans. 3 sweet peppers, chopped 1 lb. cheese cut in pieces. fine. Season, and cook until peppers are soft. Vegetables. 87 MACARONI. Miss Mabel Spellman. Boil y 2 package Italian macaroni in salt water until tender. Drain and put in a baking dish a layer of macaroni and a layer of grated cheese, and dots of butter over the cheese. Beat 3 eggs thoroughly, mix with 1 pint of milk, pour over the macaroni, and bake. MACARONI AND CHEESE. Mrs. J. W. See. Break y 2 box macaroni into pieces an inch or two long. Throw into a kettle of boiling water and boil rapidly 30 minutes ; drain and throw into cold water; cook again until perfectly tender. Put in a saucepan 2 tablespoons of butter or olive oil ; add 1 small onion, chopped; fry until the onion is soft, but not browned. Add 1 pint strained tomatoes and the macaroni. When thoroughly heated, add y 2 pound American cheese, grated. Season with salt and generous supply of pepper. Stir well be- fore serving. FRESH MUSHROOMS. Mrs. Joseph Wolf. Peel and put into cold water until ready to cook. Drain and put into a double boiler. For 1 pound of mushrooms add 2 heaping tablespoons of butter, and salt and pepper to taste. Make a thickening of 1 heaping teaspoon of flour, 3 teaspoons of catsup, and 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce. Do not add any water. STUFFED MUSHROOMS. Mrs. S. D. Mayer. Clean mushrooms and chop the stems very fine. Brown a tablespoon of butter and one of flour, and add the chopped stems. Put a little of this in each mushroom, under side up, and fry in butter. Do not turn. Serve on hot toast. BAKED STUFFED MANGOES. Miss Albertine Nesbitt. Prepare as follows for 10 or 12 mangoes: 2 cups of cooked rice, y 2 cup of tomatoes. Cook the above with y 2 dozen ears 88 Vegetables. of roasting ear corn ; season with salt, pepper, and butter. After mangoes have been cleaned, soak same in salt water ; then cook a short while until they are soft. Fill mangoes with ingredients, and place in oven and bake. OKRA AND TOMATOES. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. One dozen large okra pods sliced crosswise and stewed in a little water until almost tender. At the same time put to stew 4 or 5 good-sized tomatoes. When okra is almost tender, add it to the tomatoes with red pepper and salt; stew until tender and well blended. Serve hot. PARSNIPS No. i. Miss Clara Spellman. 3 parsnips. ^ teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons flour. I dash of pepper. Peal parsnips, and slice the long way about }i inch in thick- ness; boil in clear water until tender. Take from the water in which they were boiled, and dip them in batter made from flour and water, and seasoned with salt and pepper; roll them in corn meal or cracker crumbs, and fry in butter, or butter and lard mixed. Serve very hot. PARSNIPS No. 2. Mrs. Maggie L. Tunnelle. Boil parsnips in plain water with a half teaspoon salt ; when tender, place in a baking pan, sprinkle with sugar, and also with butter. Place in oven to brown. GREEN PEPPERS (Victoria Style). Mrs. J. P. Day. 4 medium-sized peppers. I clove of garlic. 34 can tomato paste. i cup chopped celery, i scant cup split peas. Parmesan cheese, i teaspoon sugar. Salt and pepper to taste, i large onion. 3 tablespoons olive oil. Soak peas in warm water 2 hours; then drain. Remove seeds and white veins from peppers, cut in strips, then in dice. Vegetables. 89 Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil, and boil 8 minutes; then drain. Chop onion and garlic, and fry in the oil or in butter to a golden brown. Add celery, peppers, peas, seasonings, tomato paste, and sufficient water to cover; then simmer about 1 hour, or until the peas are tender. The sauce should be like gravy. If too thin, add a little thicken- ing. Serve with the cheese grated. STUFFED PEPPERS. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 pint ground cooked veal, 1 teaspoon dry mustard. turkey, or chicken. Pepper, salt, and nutmeg 1 cup ground bread crumbs. to taste. 1 teaspoon chopped onion. Mix well dry. To y 2 cup vinegar brought to the boiling point add yolk of 1 well-beaten egg; 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 table- spoon butter, salt and pepper. After this has thickened, pour it over the meat and stir well. Then add y 2 cup rich cream and fill the peppers, which have had seeds removed, and soaked in cold water. Bake in oven about y 2 hour. Serve with sauce. Sauce for Peppers. Stew well y 2 can tomatoes; strain and return to the stove. Add salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg, a little onion juice, lump of butter, large spoon of olive oil, 2 cloves, and a little mace. When this boils well, put in a large handful of chopped pecans (if liked), and pour the same ver}^ hot over the peppers. PEAS AND DROPPED DUMPLINGS. Mrs. S. D. Mayer. One can peas. Beat 1 egg until light, and add enough flour to make a thick batter. Heat a spoon in the peas and drop a little batter off the hot spoon into the boiling peas, and boil together about 15 minutes. DRIED PEAS. (Very Nourishing.) Mrs. John M. Withrow. Soak the peas over night in water with a little soda; cook in fresh water in a baking dish in the oven with the baking soda, 90 Vegetables. mint sprig, a tablespoon of brown sugar, and at the end of ^ hour stir in ^2 ounce of butter to pint of peas, and salt to taste. PARKINSON POTATOES. Mrs. Caroline M. S. Potter. Peel 2 or 3 fine raw potatoes and put through a meat grinder. Have ready in a large skillet 3 slices of bacon ground fine. Fry the bacon ; then add the potatoes, that have been seasoned with a little onion, salt, pepper, parsley, and paprika. Toss around in the skillet with a silver fork until the potatoes are cooked; then add cold meat, that has been ground (j4 as much meat as potatoes) ; toss around until well mixed ; fold together in a nice loaf, and brown. Cold chicken, ham, sweetbreads, tongue, or cold stewed oysters may be used. Turn out into a hot meat dish, brown side up ; garnish, and serve at once. Butter may be used in- stead of bacon. FRENCH-FRIED POTATOES. Cut the potatoes in strips ; fry in deep, hot lard, and sprinkle salt over them. Drain quickly and serve on hot dish. BAKED POTATOES ON HALF-SHELL. Mrs. J. C. Schwartz. Six potatoes, baked. Cut slice from top, scoop out and mash, and add 2 tablespoons butter, 2 egg whites beaten stiff, salt and pepper, 5 tablespoons hot milk. Refill the shells and bake 5 to 8 minutes. POTATO PUFFS. Miss Jane Whitaker. 2 cups mashed potatoes. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons cream. 1 tablespoon butter. Salt and pepper. Heat potatoes in saucepan ; add beaten yolks of eggs, cream, and seasoning. Stir until well mixed and potatoes heated. Care- fully add beaten whites. Pile lightly in a greased baking dish. Bake in hot oven until brown. Vegetables. 9 1 POTATOES O'BRIEN. Mrs. W. B. Shuler. 1 pint milk and cream. Dash of paprika. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon salt. Lastly: 3 tablespoons chopped green pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons chopped onion ; 1 pint sauce to 1 quart of potato cut in dice. Bake 1 hour in slow oven. MASHED POTATOES. 6 medium-sized potatoes. 1 tablespoonful butter. Y^ teaspoonful salt. 3 tablespoonfuls cream, hot. J/& teaspoonful pepper. Scrub potatoes and pare. Put into boiling, salted water and boil gently until tender when tried with a fork (about 30 min- utes). Drain off water, shake the pan over the fire to dry po- tatoes. Mash in the hot pan ; add seasonings and hot cream. Beat until very white and light. Heap on a hot dish. Do not smooth top. GLAZED SWEET POTATOES. Mrs. C. T. Elliott. Pare 6 medium-sized sweet potatoes and cook 10 minutes in salt water. Drain, cut in halves lengthwise, and place in a buttered pan. Make a syrup by boiling y> cup sugar, 4 table- spoons water, and 1 tablespoon butter. Brush potatoes with the syrup and bake until tender, basting with remaining syrup. SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES. Mrs. J. P. Day. 4 medium-sized potatoes. 1 beaten egg. 3 tablespoons salt. Few grains of pepper. Pare potatoes and cook in boiling water until done; then drain and mash. Then add butter, salt, pepper, and egg; shape, dip in crumbs, then in egg, then in crumbs again, and fry in deep hot lard, and drain. 92 Vegetables. POTATO CONE. 2 cups mashed potatoes. 2 tablespoons scalded milk. 1 egg. 1 finely chopped onion. Mold and sprinkle with grated cheese, and place in a mod- erate oven 15 or 20 minutes. POTATOES AU GRATIN. Mrs. Wm. Allen. 1 pint cold boiled potatoes. j/2 cup cracker crumbs. 1 cup white sauce. 1 tablespoon butter. y 2 cup crumbled cheese. Salt and pepper. Cut potatoes into dice, and season. Put a layer of po- tatoes in a baking dish, then a layer of sauce and cheese, then another, and cover with bread crumbs moistened with melted butter, and bake until the crumbs are brown. MAITRE D'HOTEL POTATOES. Miss Jane Whitaker. Cook 2 cups of potato cubes (j/2 inch) in boiling, salted water until soft. Drain, and add the following: Maitre d'Hotel Butter. 3 tablespoons butter. Pepper. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 3/2 teaspoon finely chopped y 2 teaspoon salt. parsley. Serve with fish. SCALLOPED POTATOES. Mrs. Wm. Allen. Peel and slice raw potatoes thin. Butter an earthen dish; put in a layer of potatoes ; season with salt and pepper, butter, and a little finely chopped onion, and sprinkle over it a little flour. Put another layer of potatoes and seasoning, and continue until the dish is filled. Just before placing in the oven pour over it a quart of hot milk and bake y^ of an hour. Cold boiled potatoes may be prepared the same way. Vegetables. 93 SARATOGA CHIPS. Mrs. C. T. Elliott. Slice potatoes with vegetable slicer, and let stand in cold water I hour or more, changing the water. Pour off water and dry between towels. Fry in deep fat until light-brown, keeping in motion with a skimmer. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. SCALLOPED SWEET POTATOES. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. Parboil sweet potatoes until tender; remove skins and slice lengthwise; put into a baking dish, sprinkle well with plenty of brown sugar, diced butter all through the potatoes, and pour over all 3/2 pint of good, rich cream ; bake in hot oven until ma- terials have formed a nice brown caramel over potatoes. MASHED SWEET POTATOES. Miss Helen Peters. Boil a half dozen peeled sweet potatoes until soft. Mash them, and add salt, pepper, juice and grated rind of y 2 of an orange, and enough milk to make a soft mixture like mashed white potatoes. Bake in a well-buttered pudding dish until light- brown. RICE AND TOMATO CROQUETTES. Mrs. J. P. Day. 3 cups canned tomatoes. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 small onion. % teaspoon soda. Sprig of parsley. ]/i cup rice. 2 cloves. 1/3 cup cheese. 2 slices carrot. 1 egg and a few grains of Sprig of thyme. cayenne. 1/3 teaspoon peppercorns. Cook tomatoes, onion, cloves, carrots, parsley, thyme, pep- percorns, salt and soda together for 30 minutes; then remove, season, and rub through a sieve. Bring to boiling point and add rice. Steam until rice is soft. Remove from fire, add 1 egg slightly beaten, 1/3 cup cheese (grated), and cayenne. Cool, shape, and dip in crumbs, then in egg, in crumbs again, and fry. 94 Vegetables. RICE A LA ARMENIAN. Mrs. Hugh Kernohan. i can tomatoes, i lb. Hamburger steak. Parboil the rice; mix with the tomatoes. Put a layer of this, then a layer of meat in a baking dish and bake in a moderate oven for I hour. This will serve 10 persons. ESCALLOPED RICE. Miss Jane Whitaker. To 4.y 2 cups boiling salted water add i cup washed rice; cook for 3 or 4 minutes. Finish cooking in a double boiler (22 minutes). Do not stir. Put a layer of cooked rice in a buttered dish. Cover with a layer of grated cheese and white sauce. Continue until the dish is full. Use plenty of white sauce. Cover with buttered crumbs and brown in oven. Buttered Crumbs. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in pan. Add 4 or 5 tablespoons bread crumbs (or pretzel meal) and mix thoroughly. SAUER KRAUT. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. t quart of sauer kraut. 2 dashes of pepper. 1 large apple. 2 lbs. of met-wurst. 3/2 teaspoon of soda. Put kraut in large stew pan. Make hole in center, in which to put the apple. Sprinkle sugar over the top, and pepper. Cook with boiling water and let come to a boil; then put in soda. Cover closely with a lid, and set back to simmer for 3 hours. The last hour put in met-wurst. Do not add any more water. SPINACH WITH CREAM. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Pick and wash spinach well, boiling it in plenty of salted water. When tender, drain and put it in cold water for a few minutes. Press all the moisture out of the spinach and put it Vegetables. 95 into a saucepan with a little butter, and stir over the fire until dry. Dredge a little flour over the spinach with a little grated nutmeg, sugar, and salt. (This can be left out if preferred.) Turn into a hot dish, garnish with croutons of fried bread, and serve. SPINACH. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Remove roots, carefully pick over (discarding wilted leaves), and wash in many waters, to be very sure that it is free from all sand. When young and tender, put in a stew pan, allow to heat gradually, and boil 25 minutes, or until tender, in its own juice. Old spinach is better cooked in boiling salted water, allowing 2 quarts water to 1 peck of spinach. Put a piece of bacon (about 2 inches thick) in stew pan when boiling spinach. Remove bacon, drain thoroughly, chop finely, reheat in a stew pan where you added 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of flour. When melted, add spinach, and let cook for a few minutes. Garnish with slices of hard- boiled eggs. The green color of spinach is better retained by cooking in a large quantity of water in an uncovered vessel. SPINACH PANCAKES. Mrs. John M. Withrow. Make a pancake mixture consisting of 1 egg (beaten), ij4 cups milk, salt, and 3 tablespoons flour. Pour this mixture into skillet of smoking hot lard and fry for a feAV minutes. When brown, fold in any cold, left-over spinach, with or without to- mato sauce. Remove the pancake and spinach to a baking pan and bake for 30 minutes after adding 1 cup of milk. ITALIAN SPAGHETTI. Mrs. E. S. Griffis. y 2 package of spaghetti. % lb. of grated cheese. 1 onion. 1 cup of mushrooms. iy 2 cups of tomato sauce. 2 tablespoons of butter. Boil spaghetti in salt water until tender, with onion stuck with 2 cloves. Strain and pour on cold water. Make a tomato 9 6 Vegetables. sauce of strained tomato juice, butter, and thickening, and put in the mushrooms. Bake in a buttered pan in layers, and sprinkle with grated cheese. STUFFED TOMATOES No. 1. Miss Althea Spellman. Cut off tops of 8 large, firm tomatoes, scoop out center, and mix with them a cup of bread crumbs, 1 cup of cold, chopped ham, 1 tablespoon each of salt and sugar, a pinch of pepper, and 1 green pepper chopped fine, and a little chopped onion if desired. Fill the tomatoes with this and lay a slice of bacon on each one; place them in a pan with a cup of water, and bake 1 hour. Take out and place on meat platter, set pan on the fire, and pour in one cup of milk. Dissolve 1 tablespoon corn- starch in half a cup of cold water ; thicken the gravy with this, and pour around the tomatoes. STUFFED TOMATOES No. 2. Mrs. J. P. Day. 8 small tomatoes. y 2 cup chopped chicken or y 2 tablespoon onion. veal. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 egg, salt and pepper to Y> cup bread crumbs. taste. Cut slice from the blossom end of tomatoes, scoop out seeds and pulp, sprinkle with salt, invert, and let stand y 2 hour. Cook the butter and chopped onion 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the meat, bread crumbs, tomato pulp, salt and pepper. Cook 5 minutes; add the egg, slightly beaten; cook 1 minute; fill the tomato cases, sprinkle with buttered cracker crumbs, adjust slices cut off for covers, and bake 20 minutes in hot oven. STUFFED TOMATOES No. 3. Mrs. Chas. E. Woolford. Peel and core tomatoes. Stuffing. Dry bread crumbs, salt and pepper. To 5 tomatoes : y 2 onion, 1 tablespoon melted butter. Stuff tomatoes, place small lump of butter on each. Bake 20 minutes. Vegetables. 97 VEGETABLE POTPOURRI. Miss Jane C. Whitaker. y 2 cup turnip cubes. i cup carrot cubes, i cup potato cubes. Yi cup peas (canned). Cook turnips and carrots in salted water. When partly done, add potatoes and cook until soft. Add peas and serve with following sauce : Cook 2 slices onion in 2 tablespoons butter. Remove onion, add 2 tablespoons flour, ^4 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, yi teaspoon celery salt, a little paprika, and 1 cup milk. Cook until thick. Reheat vegetables in this sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve. Memoranda. Memoranda. Call Star (oaxicab BOTH PHONES THE RADClIFFE DRUG CO. Respectfully calls your attention to the following items: — Pure Food Spices packed in % lb. tin boxes. Price, 15c. per box Pure Food Extract Vanilla Pure Food Extract Lemon Pure Food Red and Green Coloring We manufacture our Vanilla, Lemon, and Colorings ; they are ab- solutely pure, and will go twice as far as the \ind that you buy packed in stock bottles. We are agents for Mullane's Delicious Candies. We receive these candies four times a week, which assures you that they are fresh. Agents for Rexall, Vinol, Penslar r ABLE DRUG STORE THE RADCLIFFE DRUG CO. l THE HILZ BROS. CO. :-: 1-3-5 MAIN STREET :-: The Up-To-Date Dry Cleaners and Dyers Carpets Sanitary Vacuum Cleaned Renovated or Resized as Requested Bell Phone 4 Home Phone 4 Cntrees* BONDIUS. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. i lb. raw chicken or tui "key % lb. butter. breast. 3 eggs. y 2 lb. lean pork. i very small onion. Y^ lb. fat pork. Parsley. %. lb. bread crumbs. Nutmeg, salt, pepper. To make, put meat in grinder and mix all together; make the bread crumbs into a panada ; add eggs, butter, minced onion, chopped parsley, nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste ; cook until it leaves side of pan ; set away to cool. Add the meat and put it all into little molds, and place in a steamer and cook 3 hours. Sauce for Bondius. Pour 1 quart cream over the mushrooms (canned), cook until thick, season with butter, salt, and pepper, and pour over bondius Avhen served. CAVIARE WITH EGGS. Mrs A. V. Fitzgerald. a. Cut slices of hard-boiled egg; take out the yolk; fill its place with caviare. Serve on thin slices of buttered brown bread. b. Slice of toast ; beaten white of egg, fancifully put around edge; caviare sprinkled on top; whole yolk of raw egg dropped in ; place in oven to set. CRAUSTADES OF CAVIARE. Make very small craustades, l / 2 inch deep; fill with caviare. On it place a freshly opened blue point oyster; garnish with lemon and water cress. 101 102 Entrees. DUCHESS CAVIARE TOAST. Mrs. H. L. Scott. Cut small rounds of toasted bread, and in the center put a small portion of caviare, and around this a circle of tiny pearl onions. CASSEROLE OF MOCK SWEETBREAD WITH POTATO BORDER. Miss Irene Hanley. i lb. uncooked veal. y 2 saltspoon pepper. i slice onion. y 2 cup mushrooms. i cup white sauce. I teaspoon lemon juice. i saltspoon salt. I egg. i saltspoon celery salt. Parsley. Cut veal in i-inch pieces and cook with I slice onion in boiling salted water ; then put this into cold water to whiten. Make I cup of white sauce and season with salt, celery salt, and pepper. Put the mushrooms cut into quarters into the sauce; heat over hot water 5 minutes. Remove ; add quickly 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 well-beaten egg; serve inside potato border or on toast. Garnish with parsley. CHEESE FONDUE. Mrs. Mary H. Gibbins. 1 cup scalded milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup stale bread crumbs. y 2 teaspoon salt. J /i lb. grated cream cheese. 3 eggs. Add bread crumbs to scalded milk; then cheese, butter, salt, and beaten yolks ; mix well ; then fold in the whites, beaten stiff, and turn into a buttered baking dish ; bake in a slow oven 20 minutes. Test with a knife. CHEESE LOAF. Mrs. Mary P. Moffett, Sharpsburg, Ky. 1 lb. cream cheese, ground. l / 2 dozen (Heinz') small 4 hard-boiled eggs. sweet pickles, ground. Mash the yolks of eggs ; chop whites fine. Mix all together and moisten with a little mayonnaise, a dash of cayenne pepper, Entrees. 103 so it will not show. Press in a mold or dish, put in a cool place an hour or two ; then it is ready to slice. If desired, add chopped pimentos and chopped nuts. CHICKEN GLACE. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. 5 lb. chicken. Pinch of ground allspice. Veal. A little salt. 1 small onion. A little pepper. Boil a 5-pound chicken until tender, and free meat from bones. Take the stock, chicken bones, and veal, a small onion and a little parsley, and boil until veal almost disappears. Strain this stock and add to it the ground chicken with a pinch of all- spice, salt and pepper, and boil about 45 minutes. Pour into molds, and turn out when hard. Serve with mayonnaise dress- ing. (Let the stock stand and skim all the grease off before adding to the ground chicken.) CHICKEN SUPREME. Mrs. Newton Smith. One can mushrooms or y 2 lb. fish ; y 2 can Spanish pimentos ; 2 cups chicken cut in rather large pieces; ^4 cup sweet milk or cream. Sauce. Make white sauce of 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon of flour; add milk and pepper. When right consistency, add chicken, etc., and thoroughly heat. CREAMED CHICKEN. Mrs. James K. Cullen. 1 chicken of 4^ lbs., or 2 4 sweetbreads, of 3 lbs. each. 1 can mushrooms. Cook chicken and sweetbreads. When cold, cut up as for salad. Heat 1 quart of cream. In another saucepan put 4 large tablespoons of butter and 5 even tablespoons of flour. Rub to- gether until smooth ; then pour in hot cream, stirring until thick. Add *4 onion, grated. Season lightly with salt, black and red 104 Entrees. pepper. Mix chicken, sweetbreads, and mushrooms with cream dressing; stir together, put into baking dish, cover with bread crumbs, and lumps of butter, and bake. If made without sweet- breads, use more chicken, and is quite as good. CHICKEN A LA KING. Mrs. Joseph W. Doron. i chicken, white meat. I onion. y 2 lb. fresh mushrooms. 2 cloves. 1 pint cream. 1 carrot. 1 tablespoon butter. Branch of celery. 1 pimento. 1 large truffle. Have a nice size chicken. Put in pot with 1 onion, 2 cloves, 1 carrot, a branch of celery, salt, cold water to cover it; let boil till tender. Use broth for soup. Separate the skin and bones from meat. Cut in pieces. Wash and peel ]A pound fresh mushrooms (canned will do) ; slice them ; put 1 tablespoon butter in a saucepan ; add the sliced mushrooms ; let smother on fire for 5 minutes ; add 1 chopped red pimento (canned) ; add 1 pint fresh, thick cream ; also the pieces of chicken, 1 large truffle, sliced thin. Serve with toast. You will remember the breast of chicken is used. If whole is used, increase other things in proportion. CHICKEN CROQUETTES No. 1. Miss Irene Hanley. Take )/> lb. of chicken, chopped very fine ; season with J/£ teaspoon of salt, x / 2 teaspoon celery salt, % saltspoon cayenne pepper, 1 saltspoon white pepper, a few drops of onion juice, i teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Make some very thick cream sauce and pour over the meat. Lay on platter to cool ; then mold, dip in cracker crumbs and egg. Fry in deep fat. CHICKEN CROQUETTES No. 2. Mrs. Frank Griner. 1 ! j cups cold chicken, minced. t tablespoon butter in milk. 3 slices onion, minced. 2 eggs beaten with Salt and pepper. 2 teaspoons cornstarch, and 1 pint boiling milk. added to rest. Entrees. 105 Cook all 10 minutes, stirring. When cold, if not stiff enough, add fine cracker crumbs, roll in balls, dip in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve with Tartare Sauce. 2 eggs (yolks only). 1 tablespoon cider vinegar. % pint olive oil. y 2 teaspoon mustard. 1 saltspoon salt. 1 tablespoon chopped gher- 3/2 saltspoon pepper. kins or capers. Beat together lightly vinegar and eggs ; add drop by drop the oil (stir same way all the time) ; then add salt, pepper, and mustard; then the gherkins or capers. SWEETBREAD AND MUSHROOM COQUILLES. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 lb. sweetbreads. 1 can mushrooms. Boil sweetbreads till tender; remove skins and pipes. After they have been tossed in cold water to harden them, cut into small pieces, add mushrooms cut in small pieces, and cover with a rich cream dressing; season well with salt, paprika, and plenty of butter. Put into ramekins and cover with buttered cracker crumbs and some grated cheese; set in a pan with a little hot water and put in the oven to brown. RICE CROQUETTES. Mrs. E. S. Griffis. 1 pint cold, boiled rice. 2 tablespoons of butter. • 3 tablespoons of milk. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 egg- Warm the rice with enough of the milk to soften it. Add the butter, pinch of salt, sugar, and beaten egg, and cook until it thickens. When cool, roll into balls and dip in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat like doughnuts. EGG CROQUETTES. Miss Helen Sloneker. Take 6 eggs boiled hard, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon chopped parlsey, 1 teaspoon 5 106 Entrees. onion juice, I teaspoon salt, a dash of pepper. Boil tog-ether; then let stand on ice till cold. Shape into cylinders. Roll in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry in hot lard. SWEETBREAD CROQUETTES No. i. Mrs. E. S. Griffis. One pair sweetbreads, parboiled. Break in small pieces. y 2 can of mushrooms, chopped, i cup of warm, boiled rice. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and moisten with cream sauce. When cool, shape in croquettes and roll in eggs and bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat. Cream Sauce. i tablespoon of melted but- i cup of hot milk, added ter. gradually. i tablespoon of cornstarch. Season to taste. SWEETBREAD CROQUETTES No. 2. Mrs. H. L. Scott. 1 pint cooked and chopped y 2 teaspoon chopped parsley. sweetbreads. % pint cream. 4 tablespoons chopped 2 eggs. mushrooms. 1/3 teaspoon white pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. A dust of nutmeg. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 1 tablespoon salt (scant). Mix the salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley, and lemon juice with the mushrooms and sweetbreads, and set aside to season while making a white sauce with the butter, flour, and cream. Add the meat to the sauce, and lastly the beaten egg. Set away to cool or stiffen for two or three hours ; then shape, crumb, and fry in deep fat. Serve with cream sauce. SWEETBREAD CROQUETTES No. 3. Mrs. J. W. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. i)/2 lbs. sweetbreads. 1 cup toasted breadcrumbs. 1 tray of brains. t egg. Plunge sweetbreads into cold water for an hour; then par- boil. When cold, separate and pick apart. Parboil brains, mix Entrees. 107 with bread crumbs, and moisten with 3 or 4 tablespoons of water in which the sweetbreads were boiled ; season with white pepper, salt, nutmeg, and chopped parsley. Add the whole egg, and then mix in the sweetbreads. Set away to get thoroughly cold. Mold, roll in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve w r ith rich mushroom sauce. SALMON CROQUETTES. Mrs. H. C. Snively. 1 can salmon. 1 egg. lYi cups boiled rice. 1 cup cracker crumbs. Remove bones and skin from salmon ; add beaten egg, rice, salt to taste. Roll into cylinders, dip in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry in deep fat. POTATO CROQUETTES. Miss Helen Sloneker. Two cups cold, mashed potatoes; yolks of two eggs, beaten; y 2 teaspoon of salt, and y 2 teaspoon of pepper. Mix all of these, then mold into cone shapes, leaving a small hollow in top of each. Place in greased pan in oven till brown; 2 minutes before removing put a little of the beaten whites of the egg into the hollow on top. VEAL CROQUETTES. Mrs. Wra. Allen. i l / 2 lbs. veal. J /> lemon. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon parsley. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 egg. Boil i l / 2 pounds veal. When cold, put through a meat grinder. Put into a double boiler 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of veal broth; rub 2 tablespoons of flour with 2 of milk; pour into hot milk, stir till thick, and add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, juice of y 2 lemon, a little nutmeg, salt, pepper, and onion juice if desired. When cold and stiff, mold into balls. Break into a pan 1 egg with 1 tablespoon hot water; dip balls, and roll in fine bread crumbs, and fry in hot lard. This will make i J / 2 dozen croquettes. io8 Ent rees. HAMBURG CROQUETTES. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Mix well together 2 pounds ground steak, 2 cups cold, mashed potatoes, and y 2 cup milk; season with salt, pepper, and a little choped onion, if desired. Form into cylinder-shaped cro- quettes flattened at the ends. Dip them into an egg which has been beaten in a tablespoon of water, roll in cracker crumbs, lay side by side in a savory roaster, pour over all 1 tablespoon butter which ' has been mixed in 1 cup slightly salted boiling- water, place cover on pan, and roast brown. Each hot croquette served in a lettuce leaf with a bit of mayonnaise supplies an extremely and nourishing meat dish at a nominal cost. CHICKEN CUTLETS. Max Wichman. Take raw chicken ; pass through a meat cutter ; puree of mushrooms mixed with it, to bind ; form into cutlets ; bread ; fry slowly in butter till done, and serve with tomato sauce. LOBSTER CUTLETS. Miss Irene Hanley. 1 can lobster. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 pint milk. % pint milk. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. 1 tablespoon cream. * A little salt and red pep- 2 tablespoons butter. per. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 1 egg. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 heaping tablespoons of Salt and red pepper. flour. 1 lobster or 1 can of lobster. 1 tablespoon of cream. If the fresh lobster is used, remove the meat from the shell, reserving claws and feelers for garnishing. Chop the lobster, blend the butter and flour, add milk, then boil 3 minutes. Add cream, lemon juice, salt, and red pepper. Mix thoroughly, spread on plate, and allow to cool. When cool and firm, divide into 12 equal parts, form into cutlets, and dip into egg and cracker crumbs. Fry a light-brown in deep fat. Entrees. 109 NUT CUTLETS. Mrs. Brandon Millikin. 1 cup meat nuts. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 egg. -2 tablespoons flour. 2 cups bread crumbs. Chop fine 1 cup of nut meats. Make a cream sauce with 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons butter, and 1 cup of milk, salt, and pepper, and bring to boiling point. Take off fire, add 1 egg, beaten light, and 2 cups of bread crumbs. Then add nuts, and mix thoroughly. Put on a platter to cool. Cut in squares, and fry in deep fat, first dipping into egg and bread crumbs. Serve with tomato sauce. CREME DE VOLAILLE. Mrs. J. W. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. 1 chicken. 3 or 4 eggs. 1 can mushrooms. Onion juice. 1 cup cream. Salt. 1 tablespoon butter. Cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. Parsley. Cook 1 large chicken until tender. Remove all skin and bones, and grind 3 times. The last time add 1 can of mush- rooms before grinding. Make a white sauce of 1 cup of cream, 1 tablespoon of butter, and 1 tablespoon of flour. Cook until thick, and pour over chicken. Add large lump of butter and 3 or 4 eggs (1 at a time). Season with a little onion juice, salt, cayenne pepper, and a little chopped parsley. Beat very hard and light before putting into mold (one large one or individual ones). Steam 2 hours, and serve with champignon sauce. EGG APPETIZER. Mrs. Lazard Kahn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nice for Sunday night, served cold. Poach as many eggs as required — not too soft or too hard. Place a lettuce leaf on plate; then nice, large slice of tomato; then poached egg. Pour over a spoonful of mayonnaise, and place in center j/ 2 teaspoon of ca- viare. Serve with reception flakes. The use of a ^poacher is recommended to keep the eggs in uniform shape. no Entrees. APPLE FRITTERS. Mrs. Chas. Parrish. 1 pint flour. Milk. 2 eggs. i cup chopped apples. Pinch of salt. Peaches or bananas. I teaspoon baking powder. One pint of flour, 2 eggs beaten separately, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, sweet milk enough to make batter for muffin, or just to run from spoon. Add beaten whites of eg;gs, then a full cup of chopped apples or peaches or bananas. Drop from spoon into deep, hot lard or crisco, which is better for it, as it will not smoke or burn. When nicely browned, lift and dredge with powdered sugar. Serve with maple syrup or any sauce. This serves eight. CORN FRITTERS No. 1. Miss Helen Sloneker. 6 ears corn. 3 tablespoons flour. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 2 tablespoons cream. Salt and pepper. Six ears of corn cut off ; then add 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of cream. Next add the 3 tablespoons of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and last a little salt and pepper. Drop into hot, deep fat with a spoon, and leave until light-brown. CORN FRITTERS No. 2. Miss Althea Spellman. 2 eggs. 1/3 cup milk. i J / 2 cups flour. V-/2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 pint corn. Pinch of salt. Beat eggs, add milk, flour, corn, and lastly the baking pow- der. Fry in hot fat. RICE FRITTERS. Miss Rachel Weaver. 1 heaping cup cooked rice. 1 egg. y 2 cup milk. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Thicken with flour, not too stiff. Drop in deep fat. Have lard hot enough to cook quickly. Entrees. 1 1 1 SPANISH OMELET. Mrs. S. M. Schell. 6 eggs. J/2 teaspoon salt. 12 tablespoons milk. Dash white pepper. Spanish Filling No. i. i can tomatoes. 3 small onions. 3 slices of bacon i small red pepper, i teaspoon salt. Beat the whites of eggs until dry; beat yolks until light- colored and thick. Add to the yolks 2 tablespoons of milk to each egg, y 2 teaspoon salt, and a dash of white pepper. Mix together thoroughly, then turn the beaten whites into the yolk mixture. Have a pan hot and buttered before turning in the mixture, spreading evenly over the pan. Let this stand about 2 minutes where there is a moderate heat. Then set in oven to cook top lightly, and as soon as a knife thrust into the center of the omelet comes out nearly clean, remove from oven. Fold part nearest handle over the other part after covering with Spanish filling, reserving some for the top. Spanish Filling No. 2. Take I can tomatoes and put on range in white-lined sauce- pan. Cut 3 slices of bacon into cubes, and brown in a skillet. Pour fat and all into tomatoes. Put 3 small onions cut fine also into tomatoes, 1 small red pepper broken fine, and a teaspoon of salt. Cook all the above until the water is gone from the to- matoes. This is better made some time before the omelet, and heated when wanted for omelet. Fold this into the omelet, reserving part for the top. GENOA RAMEKINS. Mrs. Townsend, Zanesville, Ohio. Butter ramekin cases and line with bread cut from a stale loaf, free from crust. Make a raw custard in the proportion of J /, cup milk, a pinch of salt, and a dash of cayenne to each beaten egg. Mix well, and baste the bread until each is well soaked. Cover the top with an inch layer of dry, grated cheese. Salt and pepper lightly, and place in moderate oven about f/2 hour. Bread should set in center and cheese be brown. 1 1 2 Entrees. RAMEKIN TOAST. Mrs. Charles L. Whitaker. 1^2 cups chicken. I cup cream sauce. Loaf of stale bread. Cut bread in slices 2 inches thick; cut off crust to make rounds 4 inches in diameter. Scoop out center, leaving shell y 2 inch thick. Toast in oven till brown. Mix iy 2 cups chicken in 1 cup of hot cream sauce, and pour in ramekins. Serve hot. This will serve 6 people. Chicken, veal, or salmon may be used. HAM SCALLOP. Mrs. S. M. Schell. 2 cups boiled ham. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 hard-boiled eggs. 4 tablespoons flour. 1 pint sweet milk. Salt and pepper. Two cups of cold, boiled ham ground fine, and 6 hard-boiled eggs. Make a thick cream sauce of a tablespoon of butter and 4 of flour. Cook till smooth, then add a pint of sweet milk. When thick, season with salt and pepper. Butter a baking dish, put in a layer of sauce first, then add in succession ham, sliced eggs, and top layer of sauce, dusted with fine cracker crumbs and small pieces of butter. Bake until brown, which will be about half an hour. This makes a nice luncheon dish, and scraps of ham or pieces clinging to the bone that can not be served sliced, can be utilized in this way. OMELETTE SOUFFLE. Mrs. Lazard Kahn, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 teaspoon butter for pan. 2 tablespoons milk. 2 eggs. Pinch salt, pepper. Beat yolks till lemon color; add milk and seasoning. Fold in beaten whites (very stiff). Butter pan, and when yellow pour in omelette. Cook on top of stove till brown underneath, and run in oven for a few minutes to dry the surface. Entrees. 1 1 3 CHEESE SCALLOPS. Max Wichman. Butter a patty pan, line it with thinly sliced cheese, break an egg in the center, season with pepper, add a tablespoon of milk or cream, cover with grated cheese, and bake for 20 minutes ;. serve on dry or fried toast. CHEESE SOUFFLE. Mrs. Daniel Evans, Boston, Mass. 1 cup scalded milk. 34 teaspoon salt. 1 cup soft bread crumbs. A little cayenne. J /4 lb. milk cheese. Yolks of 3 eggs. Mix all thoroughly, adding the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs last. Bake about 20 minutes. SOUFFLE OF HAM AND MACARONI. Miss Helen Sloneker. Y\ cup macaroni. 1 egg. 1 cup ham. Bread crumbs. 1 cup milk. Cook 34 cup of macaroni, broken into inch lengths, in rap- idly boiling salted water. Butter a baking dish, put macaroni in, alternating with cold, boiled, grated ham. Sprinkle each layer with fine bread crumbs and bits of butter. Beat 1 egg, mix it with 1 cup of milk, and pour over all, and bake in a slow oven for y 2 hour. CREOLE TOMATOES. Mrs. Philebaum. 4 large tomatoes. 4 tablespoons butter. 1 small onion. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 green peppers, finely 1 cup milk and cream. chopped. Salt, cayenne pepper. Cut the tomatoes in halves crosswise, lay cut side up in a baking pan and sprinkle with the finely chopped onion; also the peppers, from which the seeds and veins have been removed. H4 Entrees. Season highly. Put a small piece of butter on each piece of tomato, using 2 tablespoons for the purpose. Pour y 2 cup of water into the pan and bake in quick oven till the tomatoes are tender. Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, and brown the flour in it ; add milk and cream, also the liquor from the baking pan. Stir till boiling, and cook 3 minutes longer. Dish the tomatoes on squares of toast, and pour the sauce around them. CHICKEN TIMBALES No. 1. Mrs. S. M. Schell. 1 cup chicken. i)/ 2 cups cream. 2 eggs. White pepper. % cup bread crumbs. Salt. Beat 2 eggs; add 1 cup of cold, cooked chicken, chopped fine, %. cup of bread crumbs, J / 2 teaspoon each of salt and white pep- per, i l / 2 cups of thin cream. Turn the mixture into well-buttered timbale molds lined with paper in the bottom. Set the molds in a pan of hot water. Let cook in oven until firm in the center. The timbales will take from 20 to 30 minutes. Unmold on a chop plate, and serve with a sauce made of chicken broth and cream or all cream thickened with cornstarch, and flavor with Worcester sauce, about 1 tablespoonful. All kinds of leftovers of meat make good timbales, and toast can be substituted for bread. CHICKEN TIMBALES No. 2. Mrs. Nelson H. Trimble, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 cups chicken. Peas, onion, parsley, salt, % cup cream sauce. pepper. 2 eggs. Mix with 2 cups of ground, cooked chicken, ^4. cup of cream sauce; add 2 eggs; season with a little onion, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Grease a border mold and fill with mixture. Steam about y 2 hour; turn out, and fill center with peas. Individual molds can be used. Serve with a mushroom sauce. Entrees. 1 1 5 CHICKEN TIMBALES No. 3. Mrs. Virginia Walker. 1 cup chicken. 4 tablespoons cream. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 eggs. y 2 cup bread crumbs. Salt and pepper. One cup of cold chicken chopped fine. Melt a tablespoon of butter; ]/ 2 cup of bread crumbs; 4 tablespoons of cream. When heated, add the chicken, with salt and pepper and yolks of 2 eggs. Mix thoroughly and add the whites after removing from the fire. Bake in hot water 20 or 30 minutes, and serve with mushrooms. CHICKEN TIMBALES No. 4. Mrs. Hugh Kernohan. y 2 cup cream. White meat of 1 chicken. J4 cup bread crumbs. Whites of 4 eggs. Take y 2 cup of cream and J4 CU P of dried bread crumbs. Boil together until it forms a paste, and season with salt, pepper, and a little mace. Then add the uncooked white meat of 1 medium-sized chicken ground fine, and whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff. Place in greased individual molds, set in pan of hot water, and bake about 25 minutes. Serve with cream sauce. CHICKEN TIMBALES No. 5. Mrs. E. A. Belden. y 2 lb. raw chicken. y 2 cup of milk. 1 cup bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt. Whites of 5 eggs. Grind y 2 pound of raw chicken. To 1 cup bread crumbs add y 2 cup milk and boil until thick. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 dashes black pepper, and 1 pinch cayenne. Add the chicken, and lastly the beaten whites of 5 eggs. Fill mold 2/3 full, and bake from 25 to 30 minutes in a pan of hot water. Serve with mushroom sauce. Mushroom Sauce. Two tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 pint of milk, 1 can mushrooms, 2 level teaspoons salt, dash of black pepper, and a pinch of cayenne. u6 Entrees. HAM TIMBALES. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. i cup stale bread crumbs. % teaspoon salt. i cup milk. y§ teaspoon pepper. 4 tablespoons butter. Whites of 2 eg'gs. 1 cup cooked ham, chopped. Cook the bread crumbs and milk together until the con- sistency of a smooth paste. Add butter, ham, and seasoning; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Fill individual molds 2/3 full of mixture, set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake in a moderate oven until firm. Remove to hot platters, and garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. SHRIMP WIGGLE. Mrs. Charles A. Byrne, Hatfield, Mass. 1 can shrimp. 1 pint cream sauce. 1 can peas. Salt, pepper, butter. Remove all shells from shrimps; rinse peas with cold water; add the cream sauce and seasoning. Fill ramekins, and cover with crackers rolled and sifted, adding a little melted butter to the crumbs. FRUIT TOAST. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. To 3 cups of blackberry or other fruit juice, sweetened enough for table use when canned, add Yz cup flour, 1/3 cup sugar, y 2 cup butter, and cook well. Pour over a dozen dices of well-browned toast. Memoranda. Artificial Gas is the Safest Gas used in Domestic Science. The time given in these recipes is for Artificial Gas. No vent pipes are necessary when it is used. No headaches. No smarting eyes. No dry throat. No wet walls and damp sleeping rooms. THE HAMILTON UTILITIES CO. PHONE 463 Best Results can be attained by the use of our high grade cooking utensils. We carry the better grade of kitchen-ware. Leonard Refrigerators are best for keeping food in prime condition. One-Piece Porcelain Linings. Ten walls of insulation. Comeand Mmmmm0f 332 - 336 See Us J ^_jCm i ■ ■ |^^ High Street AGENT FOR CHASE & SANBORN'S TEAS AND COFFEES We carry the largest and finest selection of eatables in the city We make a specialty of all kinds of nuts, figs, dates, dried fruits, in season and out. FRANK X. HILZ The Pure Pood Grocer BOTH PHONES 3 1 2 HIGH STREET AGENT FOR BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOODS Sala5s an5 Sala6 iDressings* PREPARING SALADS. It is essential that all leaf salads and celery be dry. Oil and water do not mix, and if salad is wet, the dressing will run off it and also lose its flavor. They should also be crisp and clean. Divest them of imperfect portions, and wash, to free them of dust and grit ; then place them in very cold water to refresh and crisp them. Dry carefully, shaking lettuce or water cress in a wire basket, or carefully dry each piece in a clean napkin. Celery may be drained or wiped. The salad may be dried some time before using it, and if kept near the ice, will retain its crispness; but dressing must not be added until the moment of serving, as it wilts the leaves. The same rule applies to vegetables used as salads; they should be dry and cold. FISH SALAD. Mrs. John P. Day. 6 cold boiled potatoes. 2 hard-boiled eggs. 2 onions. 12 sardines. 1 cucumber. Cooked mayonnaise. 1 tablespoon parsley. Cube potatoes; slice onions and cucumbers; mince parsley; cut eggs fine; flake sardines, and mix all ingredients with cooked mayonnaise. Garnish with split sardines, capers, and parsley, and serve on lettuce leaves. LOBSTER SALAD. Mrs. W. B. Mayo. 6 live lobsters. Lettuce. Take the lobsters and plunge in boiling water to which 1 small cup of salt has been added. If lobsters are small, boil 25 119 i 20 Salads and Salad Dressings. minutes; but if large, boil 30 minutes. When cold, remove from shell and cut with scissors in quite large pieces. Wash and chill lettuce leaves, and add to lobster about 1/3 lettuce to 2/3 lobster. Mix and cover with dressing No. 2. CRAB MEAT SALAD. Mrs. M. Smedley. 1 lb. tin crab meat. • 1 pimento. 2 stalks of celery. }i fresh cucumber. 1 sweet green pepper. % teaspoon paprika. Mayonnaise. 34 teaspoon salt. Chop pepper, pimento, cucumber, and celery. Add crab meat, paprika, and mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves. JELLIED SALMON SALAD. Mrs. John P. Day. 1 pint canned salmon. 1 tablespoon powdered gel- 1 tablespoon lemon juice. atine. 34 cup water. Parsley. Remove skin and bones from salmon ; mince fine ; add lemon juice, a dash of red pepper, minced parsley, and salt to taste. Mix together and bind with any prepared salad dressing and the gelatine dissolved in water. Fill small molds and set them on ice to chill quickly. Turn out on crisp lettuce leaves. Gar- nish with olives, and serve with mayonnaise. VEAL SALAD. Mrs. Fenton G. Slifer. 10 cents veal steak. Celery. 1 tablespoon sugar. Cabbage. 10 English walnuts. White grapes Boil the veal until tender, and pick into small pieces. Add sugar, salt, pepper, and celery, or celery seed. Cut cabbage fine ; the amount to be used according to the amount of meat. If no cabbage is used, replace it with white grapes. Last add the chopped walnuts. Mix with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaves. Salads and Salad Dressings. 121 SHRIMP SALAD. Mrs. E. C. Huffman. 1 can shrimp. 1 cup celery, chopped. 1 cup chopped cucumber Mayonnaise, pickles. Remove the intestinal vein from one can of shrimps; then cover with cold water 15 minutes. Drain, and add chopped cu- cumbers and pickles. Mix with a good mayonnaise dressing 1 hour before serving. Serve on lettuce leaves. SWEETBREAD SALAD. Mrs. C. Earle Hooven. Sweetbreads. Celery. Let sweetbreads lie in salt water 1 hour. Drain and plunge in boiling water seasoned with salt. Boil until tender; drain, and cool. Break into nice-sized pieces, and add an equal amount of celery cut in pieces. Mix with mayonnaise No. 6, and serve on lettuce leaves. CHESTNUT SALAD. Mrs. John P. Day. Sweet cream. Chestnuts. Cream cheese. Sweet peppers. Browned cracker crumbs. Work a little sweet cream into a cream cheese with some finely chopped sweet peppers. Divide into fine pieces, and roll in cracker crumbs. Form into shape of open chestnut burrs. Re- move the meats from chestnuts ; boil them in salt water until tender; put them in cheese shells, and arrange on lettuce leaves. Serve with mayonnaise. EGG AND CHEESE SALAD. Mrs. Frank Millikin. 1 dozen eggs, hard-boiled. A few capers. Cheese, grated. Pickles, chopped fine. Slice the eggs and put a layer in a dish. Grate on a thick covering of cheese; add another layer of eggs, alternating with 122 Salads and Salad Dressings. the cheese until the eggs are all used up. Sprinkle capers and pickles over top. Then pour over dressing No. 3, and again cover with grated cheese. JAPANESE SALAD. Mrs. John P. Day. 1 pint cooked rice. Walnuts. Almonds. Raisins. Pecans. Oranges. Cooked prunes. Moisten the rice with mayonnaise dressing; mound carefully upon crisp lettuce leaves. Arrange cooked prunes stuffed with almonds, walnuts or pecans, cooked raisins, and quartered oranges on top, and garnish with lettuce or other greens. CHICKEN SALAD. Mrs. J. W. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. 1 large chicken. 34 lb- almonds. 4 hearts of celery. Mayonnaise. Take the breast (only) of 1 chicken, and when cold, cut into large chunks. Add the hearts of celery cut rather fine, and the shelled almonds. Have this ready, but do not mix with dressing until ready to serve. Use mayonnaise dressing No. 1. CHEESE SALAD No. 1. Mrs. J. W. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. Yz pint rich cream. 34 c u P chopped pimentos. y 2 pint water. ^2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons gelatine. Tobasco sauce. Dry mustard. Cayenne pepper. y 2 pint grated yellow cheese. Beat cream to solid froth; gradually add water in which the gelatine has been dissolved. Then add cheese and pimentos. Beat well, and add salt, a dash of tobasco sauce, a little mustard, and cayenne pepper. Also a few nuts and olives if desired. Mold, and decorate with nuts and olives. Serve with mayon- naise. Salads and Salad Dressings. 123 CHEESE SALAD No. 2. Mrs. J. A. Vansant, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 lbs. cheese. Green peppers to taste. 3/2 pint whipped cream. (cut fine). 2 /z lb. pecans, cut fine. Use cream cheese or Neufchatel and cream. Mix cheese well, beating it until light, and using a great deal of mayonnaise until it beats like cake batter. Add nuts and peppers. Then put in whipped cream ; pack in wet salt, as you would ice-cream. COMBINATION SALAD WITHOUT MEAT. Mrs. H. G. Carter. 1 small head cabbage, ^2 cup English walnuts, shredded fine. chopped. 4 or 5 tart apples, cut in 1 tablespoon finely chopped dice-shaped pieces. white onion. 5 or 6 cold, firm potatoes, 2 stalks celery, cut fine. diced. A pinch of cayenne pep- per. Toss well together with a silver or wooden fork. Pour over a generous quantity of mayonnaise dressing, and set aside on ice for an hour. Serve on lettuce leaves. KIDNEY-BEAN SALAD. Mrs. Wm. Reaves. 1 can kidney beans. 3 pickles. 1 bunch celery. 3 hard-boiled eggs. 1 pint black walnut meats. Use egg dressing. CUCUMBER SALAD. Mrs. John P. Day. Cucumber. Chopped pineapple. Chopped nuts. Hollow out cucumber, making a rectangular opening almost the length of cucumber. The part that is removed, cut in small 124 Salads and Salad Dressings. pieces and mix with chopped pineapple and nuts. Fill the cu- cumber with mixture, arrange on lettuce leaves, and garnish with whole nut meats. Serve with an oil mayonnaise. SPINACH SALAD. Miss Gussie Pfau. y 2 peck spinach. Pepper. Cold boiled tongue. Lemon juice. Hard-boiled eggs. Mayonnaise. Salt. Cook spinach; drain, and cut fine. Season with salt, pep- per, and lemon juice, and add butter. Pack mixture into slightly buttered molds. Chill, and arrange on circle of cold tongue and lettuce leaf, garnished with hard-boiled eggs. Serve with mayonnaise. LENTEN SALAD. Miss Leila Gilcrest, Grand Junction, Colo. 4 hard-boiled eggs. French dressing. Separate yolks and whites of eggs. Chop whites finely, marinate with French dressing, and arrange on lettuce leaves. Force yolks through a potato ricer and pile on the center of white. Serve with French dressing. TOMATO ASPIC. Mrs. M. J. Buckner, Owensboro, Ky. i cup chopped celery. 3 tablespoons Knox gela- 1 can tomatoes. tine. 1 large onion. 1 teaspoon salt. y 2 pint water. Sugar. Vinegar. 1 dessertspoon mixed 1 cup chopped nuts. spices. 1 pint water. Put on to boil the tomatoes, the pint of water, the onion, and spices ; after boiling, strain. Dissolve the gelatine in the 3/2 pint water. Stir into the strained tomatoes, adding the salt, a little vinegar, and a little sugar to taste. Dissolve the little red tablet that comes with the Knox gelatine, and add to give pretty Salads and Salad Dressings. 125 color. When mixture begins to jelly, stir in 1 cup chopped celery and 1 cup chopped nuts. Mold, turn out on lettuce leaf, and serve with a good mayonnaise. MOLDED SALAD. Mrs. Frank Trowbridge. Pimentos. 2 tablespoons pecans. Cream cheese. French dressing. Line timbale molds with canned pimentos which have been thoroughly drained and dried, and pack solidly with the follow- ing mixture : Work a small cream cheese until smooth ; add pecans broken in pieces, and moisten with French dressing. Chill thoroughly, remove from molds, and cut in 1/3-inch slices crosswise. Ar- range on crisp lettuce leaves, allowing three slices for each por- tion, and serve with salad dressing No. 4. JELLIED VEGETABLES. Mrs. John P. Day. 1 tablespoon granulated 1 teaspoon salt. gelatine. 34 cup beets in cubes. 34 cup cold water. y> cup cabbage, shredded. 1 cup boiling water. 3 / ? CU P P eas > cooked. % cup sugar. y 2 cup cucumber cubes. 34 cup vinegar. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Soak gelatine in cold water and dissolve in boiling water. Add sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, and salt. Strain, cool, and when mixture begins to thicken add the cold vegetables. Turn into a mold and chill thoroughly. Remove from mold, arrange around thin slices of cold, cooked meat, preferably roast lamb. Top with mayonnaise and garnish with water cress. AMERICAN BEAUTY SALAD. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. Beets. Eggs, hard-boiled. Boil 1 large red beet for each person; skin it, drop in cold vinegar, and let stand over night. In the morning hollow out the drained beets and fill with the eggs, chopped and sprinkled with French dressing. Set each cup on a lettuce leaf. 126 Salads and Salad Dressings. SWEET PEPPER SALAD. Mrs. A. G. Gale. Select 4 large sweet peppers, cut off end, and remove the in- side, leaving the cup. If very strong, let stand in cold salt water awhile. Filling for Peppers. i pint, cottage cheese. Salt to taste. Dash of paprika. Cucumber. Asparagus tips. French dressing. Pimento. Blanched almonds. A little cream. Moisten with a little cream the cheese, paprika, and salt; add 32 blanched almonds, halved. Stuff the peppers with these ingredients; put in ice-box until ready to use. Then slice each pepper in 3 round slices ; place on lettuce leaf 3 asparagus tips, 3 slices of cucumber, 1 slice of stuffed pepper, and a thin slice of pimento. Serve with French dressing. POTATO SALAD. Miss Lena Schatz. 1 quart potatoes. 1 medium-sized onion. 1 cup celery. 1 small cucumber. 1 pimento. Mayonnaise. Cook potatoes with their jackets on; let cool, remove jack- ets, and cut into dice. Cut celery, onion, and cucumber fine ; cut some of the pimento fine ; mix all well with mayonnaise dressing No. 7, and garnish with thin strips of pimento, sliced hard-boiled eggs, and olives. PEA SALAD. Mrs. John Andrews. 1 can peas. 2 hard-boiled eggs. 1 pint chopped celery. Mayonnaise. Cook the peas as for table use. When cold add celery and hard-boiled eggs, cut into small bits. Cover with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaf. Salads and Salad Dressings. 127 DUTCH LETTUCE. Mrs. J. A. Nyland. 2 hard-boiled eggs. A few onions. ;4 teaspoon salt. }i teaspoon sugar. 2 boiled potatoes. Lettuce. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/3 cup vinegar. Wash lettuce, cut fine, and drain all water off. Place in dish and cut up over lettuce as many onions as cared for, sliced boiled eggs, the salt and sugar. Mash the hot potatoes and place on this ; then heat the vinegar enough to melt the butter, or, if preferred, you can fry out 3 or 4 slices of bacon, and use the grease in place of the butter, and pour this over the lettuce hot. Serve at once. PERFECTION SALAD. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 1 package of peach jello. Yi cup grated cocoanut. 1 can peaches. 1 cup cooked dressing. Into individual molds put a half canned peach and fill the mold with peach jello. When ready to serve, turn out on a let- tuce leaf and garnish with cooked dressing and grated cocoanut. PEAR SALAD. Mrs. Lou Pfau. Barlett pears. Blanched almonds. Chopped celery. Place half a Bartlett pear on lettuce leaf and stick into it blanched almonds. Then surround it with chopped celery. Put a spoonful of fruit salad dressing No. 3. PINEAPPLE, GRAPEFRUIT, AND MARSHMALLOW SALAD. Mrs. Sam D. Fitton, Jr. y 2 lb. marshmallows. 1 can pineapple. y 2 grapefruit. Cut in squares and mix. Let stand some time before serv- ing. Dress with boiled salad dressing made with lemon. Serve 128 Salads and Salad Dressings. with whipped cream, topped with a cherry or strawberry. Can be used with salad dressing No. i. PINEAPPLE SALAD. Mrs. Albert Hoffman, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Pineapple slices. Nuts. Neufchatel cheese. Pinola. Place a whole slice of pineapple on a lettuce leaf. In the center put a cheese-ball rolled in nuts, and on top of cheese-ball place a pinola. Lay strips of pimento across pineapple. Serve with cooked mayonnaise. CREAM FRUIT SALAD. Miss Louise Dingfelder. i can white cherries. Y\ cup nut meats. 3 slices canned pineapples. 3 tablespoons cooked ma- y 2 package of dates. yonnaise. 10 marshmallows. 1 pint whipped cream. Drain and seed the cherries and cut the marshmallows. Mix the whipped cream with mayonnaise, and just before serv- ing add the dressing to the cherries, pineapple, dates, marsh- mallows, and nut meats, which have been thoroughly chilled, and serve on a lettuce leaf. Dressing No. 3 can be used. CREAM CHEESE SALAD WITH CURRANTS. Miss Marie Shuler. 1 cream cheese. 3 tablespoons whipped 1 glass Bar-le-duc currants. cream. Beat with a fork a square of Philadelphia cream cheese or of domestic Neufchatel until it is light and smooth. Whip 3 tablespoonfuls of cream to a stiff froth. Mix cheese and whipped cream together lightly, and pile mixture on a plate in which it is to be served. Just before serving pour over it a glassful of Bar-le-duc red currants. Around the edge of the plate place stuffed olives of the different varieties, and serve with reception wafers. Salads and Salad Dressings. i 29 PINEAPPLE SALAD. Mrs. Charles Millikin. l /± dozen firm, ripe tomatoes. 34 cll P chopped pineapple. ' 34 cup chopped apples. 1 tablespoon pecan nuts, 34 cup celery, chopped. chopped fine. Remove pulp of tomatoes, mix with mayonnaise, and add to the rest of the ingredients. Fill the tomato shells with this mix- ture and serve on water cress or lettuce leaf. CHERRY DECEIT SALAD. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 can white California cher- Whipped cream. ries. French dressing. Filbert nuts. Remove seeds from cherries and insert a filbert nut in each. Place lettuce leaves on salad plates and pile cherries on top. Pour a well-seasoned French dressing mixed with some of the juice off the cherries over all. Place a generous amount of stiffly whipped cream over top. BAKED APPLE SALAD. Mrs. G. Kummerling. Apples. Nuts. Lettuce. Mayonnaise. Core and pare Northern Spy apples ; bake or boil until done. When cold, stuff the center with nuts. Serve on a lettuce leaf, with a mayonnaise dressing. FRUIT SALAD No. 1. Miss Althea V. Spellman. 2 oranges. Bananas. 2 apples. Celery and nuts. y 2 lb. white grapes. Peel oranges, remove all parts but pulp, losing as little of the juice as possible. Cut grapes in halves, remove brown ends and seeds. Peel and dice apples. Mix fruit with dressing No. 3. Salads and Salad Dressings. FRUIT SALAD No. 2. Mrs. H. L. Scott. 2 oranges. 1 can pineapple. Y2. lb. Malaga grapes, 1 small bottle cherries. Yi lb. marshmallows. Small glass almonds. Cut orange into small sections and remove stringy part; cut grapes into halves and remove seeds; cut marshmallows into quarters ; cut pineaple into small pieces ; blanch almonds, and cut in half. Mix together and serve with mayonnaise dressing No. 5. GELATINE FRUIT SALAD. Mrs. Emma Rosebroek, Indianapolis, Ind. y 2 lb. white grapes. l / 2 lb. pink grapes. 1 lb. English walnuts. 1 package gelatine. Mayonnaise. Whipped cream. Cut grapes into halves and remove seeds. Crush the wal- nuts. Arrange in a dish a layer of cooled gelatine, the grapes and nuts, alternately until all is used. Flavor the gelatine with orange and lemon juice and a little sugar. Let stand on ice until ready to serve, then top with fruit, mayonnaise dressing No. 5, decorate with red and yellow cherries and crushed nuts. WALDORF SALAD. Miss Mamie E. King, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1 cup English walnuts. 1 cup crisp celery. 1 cup tart apples. Cut the ingredients in small pieces, mix together, and sprinkle with shredded cocoanut. Then mix well with mayon- naise dressing. This salad may be served in apple or tomato shells placed on lettuce leaves, or on lettuce leaves alone. CHICKEN SALAD DRESSING No. 1. Mrs. J. W. Pryor, Lexington, Ky. 3 yolks. 1 lemon. Olive oil. Cayenne pepper. Beat yolks well with a little salt, and slowly add sufficient olive oil to make thick enough to stand alone. Add cayenne Salads and Salad Dressings. 131 and juice of lemon, and when mixed with salad and ready to serve, top with a spoon of whipped cream. LOBSTER SALAD DRESSING No. 2. Mrs. W. B. Mayo. 4 large teaspoons sugar. y 2 cup cider vinegar. 2 teaspoons mustard. y 2 cup water. 2 teaspoons salt. Butter size of egg. Yolks of 6 eggs. Mix sugar, mustard, and salt with yolks of eggs. Dilute vinegar with water, and add butter. Boil this mixture until it thickens, stirring constantly. Thin with cream, if necessary, when ready to serve. DRESSING FOR FRUIT SALAD No. 3. Miss Althea V. Spellman. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 egg yolks. Juice of 1 orange. Pinch of salt. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 cup cream. Melt butter; add flour, then fruit juice, sugar, and salt, and lastly eggs well beaten. Cook until thick; when cold, add the cream, whipped. SALAD DRESSING No. 4. Mrs. Frank Trowbridge. 4 tablespoons olive oil. y 2 teaspoon powdered sugar. 2 tablespoons grapefruit y 2 teaspoon salt. juice. 34 teaspoon paprika. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING No. 5. Mrs. H. C. Snively. Juice of 1 lemon. y 2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon flour. y 2 pint double cream. 3 eggs. 1 cup pineapple juice Juice of 2 oranges. (canned). Cook in double boiler the beaten yolks of eggs with the flour and fruit juices; if it should thicken too much, use a little 13 2 Salads and Salad Dressings. more fruit juice. After this has cooked, stir in quickly the beaten whites of eggs, let cool, and just before serving fold in the cream, whipped stiff. OIL MAYONNAISE DRESSING No. 6. Mrs. C. Earle Hooven. 6 gills olive oil. i teaspoon salt. Yolks of 2 eggs. i saltspoon Coleman's Juice of i lemon. mustard. Vinegar to thin (about i I saltspoon cayenne pepper, tablespoon). i saltspoon powd. sugar. Beat the yolks of eggs and add the first gill of oil drop by drop. Thin with lemon juice; stir constantly; after the third gill of oil, season ; add rest of oil and vinegar to thin as needed. When finished it should be quite thick. A mayonnaise mixer is best, otherwise stir with a fork. COOKED SALAD DRESSING No. 7. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. 3 eggs, well beaten. 6 tablespoons milk or cream. 2 level teaspoons mustard. 3 tablespoons melted butter. 1 teaspoon salt. y? cup good vinegar. Mix the beaten eggs, milk, and butter together. Heat vine- gar, and dissolve mustard with it; then add salt and red pepper. Do not cook too long, or it will curdle. This is fine for potato salad. BOILED DRESSING. Mrs. Thomas Beckett. 1/3 cup vinegar. 2 teaspoons salt. 3 eggs. 34 saltspoon cayenne. 1 large teaspoon mustard. 1 tablespoon sugar. Beat the whole eggs with the mustard ; put all ingredients in double boiler and add 1 cup of cream. Heat 1/3 cup vinegar to boiling point, and add 1 large tablespoon butter to melt ; add to mixture in the double boiler and cook until consistency of soft custard, stirring constantly. Good for lettuce or sandwiches. With a little more sugar and vinegar added it is excellent for cold slaw. Salads and Salad Dressings. 133 COOKED SALAD DRESSING. Mrs. M. Tunnelle. 12 eggs. 1 quart vinegar. 2 tablespoons mustard. Cayenne pepper. 5 tablespoons oil or 1 cup 1 tablespoon salt. butter. 4 tablespoons flour. 2 cups sugar. Cook all ingredients until light and smooth ; can, and seal. Will keep indefinitely. SALAD DRESSING. Mrs. Allen Andrews. 4 yolks. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 teaspoon English must- Olive oil. ard. Cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon salt. Rub yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs very fine and smooth. Add mustard and salt, yolks of 2 raw eggs, and sugar. Pour in gradu- ally very fresh olive oil, and beat as long as the mixture con- tinues to thicken ; then add vinegar until as thin as desired. If not hot enough with mustard, add a little cayenne pepper. FRENCH CHEESE DRESSING. Miss Elaine Barden. 1 teaspoon paprika. 3 tablespoons olive oil. Flavor with garlic. Roquefort cheese, size of 6 tablespoons vinegar. tgg. Rub salad bowl with garlic ; cream the cheese with the olive oil until light ; add paprika and vinegar gradually. Serve over quartered head lettuce. Enough for 6 people. MAYONNAISE DRESSING No. 1. Mrs. Belle Line Hiteshue. 1 pint vinegar. Lump butter size of egg. 2 egg yolks. 3 tablespoons sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons flour. y 2 teaspoon mustard. Pinch red pepper. Mix ingredients smooth, and add hot vinegar. Boil a short time. Thin with cream when cold. 134 Salads and Salad Dressings. MAYONNAISE DRESSING No. 2. Miss Sarah Blair. 1 cup vinegar. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. y 2 cup water. y 2 cup sugar. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. Dash of paprika. 1 tablespoon mustard. 3 tablespoons butter. Boil vinegar and stir in other ingredients; remove from fire as soon as it thickens ; beat in the eggs the last thing. Bottle and seal. Will keep for months. Thin with cream as used. MAYONNAISE DRESSING WITH SOUR CREAM. Mrs. D. R. Byard. 2 tablespoons sugar. y> teaspoon salt. 2 level tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon butter. 2/3 cup weak vinegar. y 2 cup sour cream. 1 teaspoon mustard. Mix dry ingredients with a little water; add egg and hot vinegar; let thicken in a double boiler; then add the butter and cream. CHILI DRESSING, SERVED WITH HEAD LETTUCE. Mrs. Stanley Shaffer. 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 dessertspoon parsley, dressing. chopped fine. 3 tablespoons chili sauce. A few drops of mush- 1 or 2 pimentos, chopped room catsup. fine. FRENCH DRESSING. Miss Marie Shuler. 3 tablespoons olive oil. V 2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon vinegar or y, teaspoon red pepper, lemon juice. A little catsup and a little sugar may be added if liked. Mix the salt and pepper with the oil ; then add slowly the vinegar, stirring constantly. All the ingredients should be cold. Salads and Salad Dressings. 135 THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING. Mrs. Joseph Wolf. 4 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 small piece mango, dressing. chopped fine. 2 tablespoons chili sauce. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire 2 spring onions, chopped sauce. fine. 2 tablespoons best olive oil. 1 hard-boiled egg, chopped 2 tablespoons cream, fine. Do not add oil and cream until ready to serve. RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING. Mrs. Homer Gard. ChifTonade. Other ingredients. 1 hard-boiled egg. Oil mayonnaise. Chives. Chili sauce. Beets. Whipped cream. Parsley. Chop very fine, hard-boiled egg, beets, chives, and parsley. Mix equal parts of oil mayonnaise, chili sauce, chiffonade, and whipped cream. VINAIGRETTE SAUCE. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. 1 cup tarragon vinegar. 10 sweet gherkins. Small quantity capers. yi teaspoon paprika. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 pimento. 2 tablespoons sugar. Salt to taste. 10 olives. Chop olives, pickles, capers, and pimento ; add the vinegar, sugar, salt, and paprika. Fine to serve with asparagus. Memoranda. Memoranda. 0~^.~~, — | Deposit your savings in ^e Second National Bank — ~-~ .^.^.^.o You can give your Walls the rich Velvety tints of the American Beauty Rose with JOHNSTON'S DULL KOTE PAINT The wonderful new wall finish has displaced wall paper and kalsomine because it is so much more Beautiful, Sanitary, Durable, and Economical. Besides, it is washable like tile. FREE — A handsome set of Color Schemes RALSTON'S PAINT STORE 108 North Third St., HAMILTON, OHIO w JOHNSTONS 1 pies. "No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes As the soil we first stirred in terrestrial pies." HINTS ON PIE-BAKING. Be sure to perforate upper crust of all two-crust pies. When baking juicy pies, make an incision in center, place funnel-shaped piece of white paper, short length of macaroni, or soda-water straw in the incision. Always brush the edge of under crust with cold water, and press upper crust down on it. Take a strip of muslin about 1^2 inches in width, lay around edge of pie pan before putting in lower crust; after upper crust is on and pie finished, fold muslin back over edge of pie. This will keep juicy pies from bursting. Remove strip immediately after taking pie from oven. To know when a fruit pie is done: When the juice bubbles out through perforation and spatters over upper crust. When using both sugar and flour, it is best to mix them well together before putting over fruit. PASTRY No. 1. Miss Elizabeth Roll. 2 cups pastry flour. 2 tablespoons lard. 2/3 cup butter. Cold water for stiff ]/ 2 teaspoon salt. dough — about %. cup. Mix salt with the flour and cut in the fat (two knives) ; moisten to a dough with cold water, handling with a spatula or knife ; toss on a floured board, pat, and roll out ; fold so as to make three layers ; turn half way round, pat, and roll out again ; repeat, then divide and roll out as needed. Keep cold and handle quickly and lightly. Butter must not be too hard, or crust will be tough. This amount makes two medium-sized pies with two crusts each. 139 140 Pies. PASTRY No. 2. The Committee. 1 cup pastry flour. % CU P water. 1/3 cup lard. A little salt. Sift flour, add salt, and rub in shortening; mix with the water ice-cold. Handle as little as possible. This is enough for one pie. PASTRY No. 3. Mrs. S. D. Mayer. 2 cups flour. Pinch of salt. 1 cup butter. Mix well; add just enough water to hold together; do not handle more than necessary. Roll out on a floured board. This will make two pies without covers. MINCE MEAT No. 1. Mrs. Charles Parrish. 5 lbs. neck piece of beef. 4 grated nutmegs. 3 lbs. raw suet, chopped. 2 lemons — juice and grated 4 lbs. raisins. rind. 4 lbs. currants. 3 oranges. — juice. 1 lb. citron, chopped. 1 tablespoon salt. 2 oz. cinnamon. 1 teaspoon pepper. 1 oz. cloves. 2 lbs. granulated sugar. 2 quarts cider. 1 quart New Orleans mo- 1 oz. ginger. lasses. Cover beef with boiling water and cook until tender, skim- ming frequently; salt, and let boil until dry; let cool, and chop. Add twice as much tart apples as you have meat, then all other ingredients. In a porcelain kettle put two quarts cider; boil down half, add 1 quart New Orleans molasses, and when boil- ing pour over the mixture. Stir thoroughly. Pies. 141 MINCE MEAT No. 2. Mrs. W. J. Barley, Portland, Ore. 2 lbs. lean beef. 34 lb. chopped suet. 2 lbs. seeded raisins. 2 lbs. cleaned currants. 4 pints chopped apples. 2 grated nutmeg's. I tablespoon cinnamon. 3 quarts sweet cider. }/ 2 tablespoon cloves. Heat thoroughly and can. 1 candied lemon peel, chopped. 1 candied orange peel, chopped. 1 quart dark molasses. 2 glasses of jelly — one dark and one light. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 teaspoon pepper. MINCE MEAT No. 3. Mrs. Lurton Fahrney. 1 quart boiled cider or fruit juice (from spiced fruit) or vinegar. 3 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 nutmeg. 2 lbs. beef and piece of suet. 2 lbs. raisins. 1 lb. currants. 10 cents' worth citron. 10 cents' worth candied orange peel. 10 cents' worth candied lemon peel. Chop the meat and add twice its bulk of apples, served fruits if you wish. If too thick, add water. MEATLESS MINCE MEAT. Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. 7 cups granulated sugar. Add pre- 1 1 1 % 1 2 1/2 lb. suet. lb. raisins (Sultana). lb. currants. lb. citron. lb. seeded raisins. lbs. apples. lbs. sugar. lb. candied orange peel. Heat sufficiently for canning. 34 lb. candied lemon peel. y 2 teaspoon allspice. y 2 teaspoon nutmeg. y 2 teaspoon cloves. y 2 teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 quart cider. It needs no other cooking. 142 Pies. EASY-MADE MINCE MEAT. Mrs. Rhoda E. Kimbrough. i cup raw Hamburger Lump of butter size of steak. hulled walnut. 3 cups chopped apples. Yz cup water. 2 cups sugar. % cup of vinegar. y 2 cup raisins. Pinch of salt. Mix meat, apples, and sugar; boil together water, butter, and vinegar, and add to mixture. Add raisins and other fruit if desired. Season with cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, to taste. Do not add cinnamon until ready to bake, as it makes the mince meat ropy. This will keep for weeks if kept in cool place, or is ready to use as soon as mixed. This quantity will make six pies. GREEN TOMATO MINCE MEAT. Mrs. S. Wonnell. Mrs. Elmer R. Shipley. Mrs. Clarence Kennedy. Mrs. Emmeline Schliep. 4 quarts green tomatoes. i cup chopped suet. 2 lbs. brown sugar. ^ cup strong cider vinegar. I lb. seeded raisins or i cup i teaspoon cinnamon. currants and I cup rais- I teaspoon cloves. ins. i tablespoon salt. y 2 lb. chopped citron. i tablespoon nutmeg. Chop tomatoes fine, and drain off the water ; cover with cold water, let come to a boil, and scald 30 minutes. Drain well; repeat the parboil 3 times. Then add all other ingredients ex- cept spices. Stir well together and cook until thick. When cold, add the spices and stir thoroughly. It can be reheated and canned. Apples may be added to suit the taste. APPLE PIE. Mrs. Frank Saylor. Line a pie pan with pastry, and fill with sliced tart apples. Sprinkle with y 2 cup sugar and teaspoon flour well mixed. Add 2 tablespoons water. Dot with cubes of butter and dust with cinnamon. Wet edge of lower crust, put on upper crust, press closely together, and trim edge; fold and crimp. Make opening in upper crust to allow steam to escape. Bake in moderate oven from 30 to 45 minutes. Pies. 143 BUTTER SCOTCH PIE No. 1. Mrs. George Higgins. iy 2 cups dark-brown sugar. Butter size of egg. i l / 2 cups cold water. Bring to boiling point, but do not stir. Mix the yolk of 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and stir into the boiling mixture. Cook until thick. Put in a baked crust. Beat the white of the egg to stiff froth ; spread on top ; place in oven to slightly brown. BUTTER SCOTCH PIE No. 2. Mrs. A. Seidensticker, Mrs. M. Smedley. 1 cup dark-brown sugar. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup milk. Y,olks of 2 eggs. Stir well when cooking. Make meringue of whites and 4 tablespoons sugar. CARAMEL PIE. Mrs. John L. Beeler. 1 cup light-brown sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon butter. Beat the yolks of eggs; add the sugar, flour, butter, and the milk; cook all together until thick. Fill a baked crust, spread beaten whites over top, and place in oven to brown. CHOCOLATE PIE. Mrs. Will Elliott and Mrs. H. D. Gath, Oxford, Ohio. 4 tablespoons chocolate. 2 tablespoons cornstarch or 1 pint boiling water. 3 of flour. 6 tablespoons sugar. Yolks of two eggs. Melt chocolate in boiling water. Mix the other ingredients thoroughly; stir all together and boil until thick like custard. After pouring in a ready-baked crust, spread the stiffly beaten whites of the 2 eggs over the top and brown in quick oven. 1 44 Pies. COCOANUT PIE. Mrs. William Andrews. i small cocoanut, grated. 4 level tablespoons flour. Yolks of 3 eggs. 1 pint scalded milk. 24 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix sugar and flour, moisten with a little cold milk, add egg yolks, then pour on scalding milk. Cook and stir constantly until thick. Cool and flavor, then add 1/3 cocoanut; put this in a baked pie shell. Beat whites of 3 eggs stiff; mix in a little cocoanut and 1/3 cup powdered sugar. Spread on pie, and the rest of the cocoanut on the top. Put under fire and brown. CREAM PIE No. 1. Miss Myrtle Morgan. 1 pint milk. Butter size of nutmeg. y 2 pint water. 2 eggs (yolks). 1 cup of soft white sugar. Little grated nutmeg. 2 tablespoons flour. Let milk come to boil; add butter and nutmeg; beat until smooth the yolks of the eggs, flour, sugar, and water; then stir into the heated milk and let come to a boil. Flavor with vanilla. Pour in crust already baked. Beat the whites of the eggs; add two teaspoons of sugar. Spread this over pie and place in oven to brown. CREAM PIE No. 2. Mrs. J. R. Woods. 1 pint milk. 3 eggs. 1/3 cup sugar. One-third cup flour mixed to a batter with sweet milk. Boil milk; stir in, first, the yolks of the eggs, then the butter; stir until well cooked, and flavor with vanilla. When cold, fill a baked crust. Whip the whites of the eggs to a dry froth with two tablespoons of sugar, and spread on top. Set in oven a few minutes to brown. Pies. 145 SOUR CREAM PIE No. 1. Mrs. Frank Millikin. 1 large cup thick, sour 1 teaspoon cinnamon. cream. Lump of butter size of 1 cup sugar. egg. 1 cup chopped raisins. Add this mixture to two slices of bread without crust; put in saucepan ; cook until thick, stirring all the time. Let cool before filling a baked crust. Whip sweet cream, sweeten, and flavor with vanilla; spread on top and dot with blanched almonds or English walnuts. SOUR CREAM PIE No. 2. Mrs. Will Shuler. 1 cup thick sour cream. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup sugar. % teaspoon cloves. 1 cup chopped raisins. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 egg- Bake in deep pie pan lined with crust. ORANGE CREAM PIE. Mrs. Will Shuler. 1 cup sugar. 1 pint boiling water. 1 heaping tablespoon flour. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 level teaspoon cornstarch. Beat thoroughly the yolks of eggs with sugar; add the floui and cornstarch dissolved in milk. Pour into the boiling milk and cook until thick. Let cool, flavor with extract of orange, and pour into baked crust. Cover with white of eggs flavored with orange; place in oven to brown. STRAWBERRY CREAM PIE. Mrs. Will Shuler. Put whole, fresh strawberries in baked crust. Add cream filling as for cream pie, covering the whole with meringue; brown quickly in hot oven. The strawberries and cream filling should be cold before being placed in crust, and not allowed to stand long before serving. 146 Pies. CUSTARD PIE. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. 3 eggs. 1 dash grated nutmeg. 1 tablespoon sifted flour. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 3 tablespoons sugar. 1 pint scalded milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat yolks to a cream; stir flour into sugar and add to yolks ; put in a pinch of salt, vanilla, and nutmeg, next the well- beaten whites of the eggs ; lastly the butter in the scalded milk. Mix in by degrees, and bake in open crust. CUSTARD PEACH PIE. Mrs. Clyde Slifer. Line a tin with a rich paste ; make a custard, using the yolks of 3 eggs, iy 2 pints of rich milk, 2 tablespoons sugar. Place in the tin a layer of canned or stewed peaches well sugared. Bake in a well-heated oven. Frost when done. CHERRY PIE No. 1. Mrs. Charles Millikin. Make a cherry pie as usual, but omit the upper crust. When nearly done, beat an egg light and add it to a scant J / 2 cup of cream and a tablespoon of sugar. Pour over the top of pie, re- turn to oven, and bake until custard is set. CHERRY PIE No. 2. Mrs. Frank Saylor. Line a pie pan with rich pie crust; nearly fill it with seeded cherries; sprinkle evenly with y 2 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon flour mixed well together. Wet edge of crust, put on upper crust, and press edges closely together, taking care to provide holes in the center of upper crust for the escape of steam. Pies from blackberries, raspberries, etc., are all made in the same way, regulating the quantity of sugar by the tartness of the fruit and adding a little water, Pies. 147 MOCK CHERRY PIE. Mrs. A. M. Young, Boston, Mass. 1 cup cut cranberries. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup seedless raisins, 1 cup boiling water. chopped. 2 scant teaspoons vanilla. Bake in a deep pie plate with under crust and pastry strips on top. DATE PIE. Mrs. Charles Millikin. 1 lb. dates. 2 cups milk. 3 eggs. I cup sugar. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Soak dates in warm water over night; then stew and sift the same as pumpkin. Into the pulp stir beaten eggs, cinnamon, milk, and sugar. Bake in one crust. CHEESE CAKE OR CHEESE PIE. Mrs. Lazard Kahn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Four tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon butter; cream to- gether; 3 eggs (yolks). Add this to following: 1^2 cups cottage cheese, pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons cream, 1 heaping tablespoon flour. Lastly add the beaten whites. Line pie plate (with re- movable bottom) with either pie crust or cookie dough, letting dough come well up on the sides. Sprinkle the top lightly with powdered cinnamon before baking. Slow oven. LEMON APPLE PIE. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. 6 apples. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup butter. Yolks of 4 eggs. 3 small California lemons. Stew apples to a pulp; put in butter and juice of lemons, with grated peel of two; add sugar and eggs; put in raw crust and bake. Add whites of eggs with little sugar. Place in oven to brown. 148 Pies. LEMON TARTS. Y. W. C. A. 1 pint water. 1 grated lemon and rind of 1 cup sugar. 2 lemons. Yolks of 3 eggs. lYz tablespoons cornstarch. Mix well and let come to a boil. Bake short pie crust in gem pans, and fill with custard. Spread with stiff whites of eggs with 2 tablespoons of sugar; place in oven to brown. LEMON PIE No. 1. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. 6 eggs. 1 cup sweet milk. 2.y 2 cups white sugar. Grated rind and juice of y 2 cup butter. 3 lemons. Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately. Beat to a cream the butter, sugar, lemon rind, and yolks of eggs. Add milk and lemon juice; put white of eggs in last. Bake in raw crust. This will make three pies. "The kind mother used to make." LEMON PIE No. 2. Mrs. James Fitton. 2 lemons. Butter size of small mar- 1 cup sugar. ble. 3 eggs- Place the sugar, juice of lemons, yolks of eggs, and butter in kettle and stir until it boils. up thick; put in pastry shell that has been baked; then make a meringue of the whites of eggs and a little sugar; spread on top of pie and brown. LEMON PIE No. 3. Clara Spellman and Mrs. Henry Gray. 1 */2 cups sugar. 5 tablespoons water. 1 tablespoon of flour. 3 tgg yolks. 3 tablespoons melted but- 1 lemon, grated rind and ter. juice. Bake in lower crust. Beat the whites of the eggs; add 1 teaspoon sugar for each white spread on top of pie; return to oven and brown slightly. Pies. 149 LEMON PIE No. 4. Mrs. James Blair. Mrs. Perrine Spellman. Mrs. T. D. Cochran, Germantown, Pa. 1 lemon. 1 pint hot water. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs. 2 rounding tablespoons (1 teaspoon butter may be cornstarch (or 3 table- added.) spoons flour). Mix thoroughly the juice and grated rind of the lemon, sugar, cornstarch, and yolks of eggs ; pour over them the boiling water, and cook until it thickens. Have crust baked, and fill with mixture ; then put the whites, well beaten with 1 teaspoon sugar, on top of pie. Put in oven and brown. LEMON PIE WITH TWO CRUSTS. Mrs. Lurten Fahrney. J eggs. Small lump of butter. 1 cup sugar. Juice and rind of 1 lemon. Cream butter and sugar, add lemon juice and rind, then yolks, then beaten whites of eggs. Bake in two crusts. IRISH POTATO PIE. Mrs. Nelson H. Trimble, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 cups boiled mashed pota- 1 cup sugar. toes. Yolks of 3 eggs. 1 cup cream. A little nutmeg. Mix all together well; fold in the well-beaten whites; bake in raw crust. JAM PIE. Mrs. Bruce Trimble, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1 cup jam. 5 eggs. 1 scant cup sugar. 1 cup of cream or rich milk. 24 cup of butter. 1 tablespoon vanilla. Cream butter and sugar; add eggs, jam, vanilla, and cream; bake in a raw lower crust. This is enough for two pies. i5o Pies. SUGAR TARTS. Lulu S. Kimbrough. 1 egg. Pinch of salt, i cup brown sugar. Chopped nuts. y 2 teaspoon vanilla. Beat egg and sugar well together; add flavoring and nuts. Line gem pans with short pie crust; put I teaspoon of the filling in each crust. Bake in quick oven. The filling will puff up and then settle, spreading over the tart. This will make iy 2 dozen tarts. PINEAPPLE PIE. Mary P. Moffett, Sharpsburg, Ky. iy 2 pints milk. I io-cent can shredded 2 tablespoons cornstarch or pineapple. flour. 4 eggs. 1 pint sugar. Beat all well together and bake in raw crust till firm. • PUMPKIN PIE No. i. Mrs. Perrine Spellman. 2 eggs. i teaspoon vanilla. I cup sugar. Pinch of salt. I small cup pumpkin. I tablespoon flour. i teaspoon cinnamon, I pint of milk. y 2 teaspoon nutmeg. Mix well together, put in open crust, and bake. PUMPKIN PIE No. 2. Mrs. Fannie Smith Tobey. i cup stewed pumpkin, I heaping tablespoon bread strained. crumbs. 1 1/2 cups sweet milk. 34 teaspoon cinnamon. y 2 cup sugar. l /± teaspoon ginger. Well-dried bread is prepared by grinding and sifting. Line pie pan with pastry and fill with mixture. Then add 2 table- spoons of cream. Do not stir cream in, but spread over top. Add generous sprinkle of nutmeg. Bake 30 minutes in hot oven. Pies. 1 5 1 RAISIN PIE No. i. Mrs. Elmer R. Shipley. I cup raisins. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 cup bread crumbs. Juice of 1 lemon. Stew raisins 10 minutes. Add bread crumbs, juice of lemon, and cook until thick. When cool, put into baked crust, put whites of eggs beaten stiff over top, and brown in oven. RAISIN PIE No. 2. Mrs. Homer Gard. 1 egg. 1 tablespoon of flour. 1 lemon. 1 teaspoon cornstarch. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup raisins. Cover the raisins with water and let soak for 2 hours. Beat the egg and sugar together until very light ; add the grated rind and juice of lemon, the flour, and cornstarch. Then add the raisins and water in which they have been soaked; cook until thick. Cool and bake in two crusts. TRANSPARENT PIE No. 1. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 heaping cup sugar. y 2 teaspoon cornstarch in a 1 scant cup butter. few drops of water. 3 eggs. Vanilla. Cream all together. Put a thin layer of good jelly in pie pan lined with pie dough; then fill with the transparent filling; then add another thin layer of jelly on top of whole mixture, and bake in moderate oven. TRANSPARENT PIE No. 2. Mrs. Mary P. Moffett, Sharpsburg, Ky. 4 e gg" s (yolks). J / 2 cup rich cream. 2 tablespoons flour. y 2 cup butter. 1 pint sugar. To the yolks of 4 eggs, well beaten, add flour and sugar, and beat well; add cream and butter; lastly the whites of eggs well beaten. Beat all together. This will make two large or twelve small pies. 1 5 2 Pies. VINEGAR PIE. Mrs. Wm. H. Allen. 1/3 cup strong vinegar. 3 tablespoons melted but- 1 cup boiling water. ter. 1 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon lemon extract. Place water, butter, sugar, and vinegar in pan and let come to boiling point; stir in flour (first mixed with a little water); let cook until thick; let this cool, and stir in the beaten yolks of eggs and flavoring ; pour mixture into an open crust and bake ; when done, spread the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs over the top ; return to oven and brown. This mixture, spiced and baked with two crusts, makes an excellent pie. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. Mrs. James Fitton. 3 tablespoons sugar. 2 rounding teaspoons bak- 1 tablespoon lard or butter. ing powder. 1 Qgg. 1 pint flour. 1 cup milk. Yi tablespoon salt. Mix all the ingredients together until smooth. When dough is stiff enough to handle, roll out about >4 inch thick, cut into rounds like biscuits, spread with softened butter, put the two buttered sides together, and bake 15 minutes. Then put sweet- ened strawberries between the layers and on top, using whipped cream if desired. SHORTCAKE. Mrs. John Shafer. 1 pint flour. Milk to make soft dough. 1 tablespoon baking pow- Pinch of salt, der. Mix well together; roll out to thickness desired; bake in layers on pie plates. When done, add any fruit, which has been crushed and sweetened to taste. Memoranda. I " •'.'■ iiiiiiiiiiiii mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiw YOU | some day expect to own a home of your own. start | a savings account now. We will loan you two-thirds of the cost of the | House and Lot. | The Home Loan and Building Association | JOHN FISCHER, President C. J. PARRISH, Secretary | O. V. PARRISH, Vice-President F. P. RICHTER, Attorney | C. E. HEISER, Treasurer j [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH [lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW MIAMI VALLEY NATIONAL BANK illlllllilllllllllllll Kindly solicits your business Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mini mini iiiiihii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:] Desserts. SAUCES. HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE. No. i. Mrs. Daniel Evans, Boston, Mass. Boil I cup sugar, y 2 cup water, a few grains cream of tartar to the consistency of a thin syrup. Melt Ij4 squares Baker's chocolate in a saucepan placed over hot water, and pour on grad- ually, while stirring constantly the hot syrup. Flavor with y 2 teaspoon vanilla. CUSTARD SAUCE. No. 2. Mrs. Elmore Frechtling. 1 cup milk, scalded. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon sugar. 34 teaspoon vanilla. Beat yolks slightly; add sugar, then the hot milk slowly. Cook in double boiler until it coats the spoon. When cool, add vanilla. CURRANT JELLY SAUCE. No. 3. Mrs. James H. Roll. 1 cup sugar. 1/3 cup water. 4 tablespoons currant jelly. Juice of 1 lemon. Boil sugar and water 4 or 5 minutes. Add jelly as soon as it boils. Add lemon juice; then boil again. Strain through a fine sieve. SAUCE. No. 4. Mrs. J. P. Davis. 1 cup hot water. 1 teaspoon cornstarch i/2 cup sugar. thinned with cold water. 1 large tablespoon butter. Boil all together; flavor with raspberry vinegar, or any flavoring you wish. 155 156 Desserts. SAUCE. No. 5. Mrs. C. I. Keeley. y 2 pint milk. 2 yolks of eggs. 2 tablespoons sugar. l / 2 teaspoon vanilla. Cook in double boiler. SAUCE. No. 6. Miss Martha Molyneaux, Oxford, Ohio. 1^2 cups brown sugar. 1 tgg. ^2 cup butter. y 2 cup water. Mix all and put in pan of boiling water to dissolve. SAUCE. No. 7. Mrs. L. E. Harrison, Greenville, Ohio. Rub together until smooth : 1 scant cup granulated 1 teaspoon vanilla. sugar. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 scant cup boiling water. 1 tablespoon flour. Boil 5 minutes. TAFFY SAUCE. No. 8. Mrs. R. S. RadclifTe. 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs. 1 cup butter. Beat to a cream and cook in double boiler until thick. Flavor to taste. SAUCE. No. 9. Mrs. M. Smedley. 1 cup sugar. 1 heaping tablespoon but- 1 heaping tablespoon flour. ter. Rub all together, put into a pint of boiling water, and cook 2 or 3 minutes. Nutmeg or wine to taste. Desserts. 157 SAUCE. No. 10. Miss Clara Spellman. Mix 2 teaspoons cornstarch and J^ cup sugar. Add 1 cup boiling water. Cook 5 minutes. When ready to serve, add grated rind and juice of 1 orange and 1 teaspoon butter. SAUCE. No. 11. Mrs. Echard Allen. Cream together a teacup of sugar and 1 tablespoon butter ; add 1 pint of boiling water and 1 tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in cold water. Boil thoroughly and season with nut- meg. SAUCE. No. 12. The Happen Inn. Bring to boiling point 1 pint of milk; add 3 tablespoons sugar, then beaten yolks thinned by adding a tablespoon of milk. Stir constantly until it thickens. Flavor with 2 teaspoons lemon or vanilla, and let cool. Serve one mold to each person, with sauce poured over. CREAM SAUCE. No. 13. Mrs. Elizabeth DeHaven. Beat y 2 cup butter to a light cream; add 1 cup granulated sugar, and stir until it is very white. Just before serving mix with whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. SAUCE. No. 14. Mrs. C. L. Gebhart. Cook together 1 cup of sugar, a heaping tablespoon of flour, 1 cup of boiling water, y 2 lemon (sliced), and a tablespoon of butter. Add the latter as you take the sauce from fire, when done. SAUCE. No. 15. Mrs. Henry Sohn. Stir a heaping tablespoon of flour, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar. Boil all together about 10 minutes. Remove from fire, and when cool add flavoring to taste. 158 Desserts. SAUCE. No. 16. Mrs. L. K. Schweeling, Oxford, Ohio. 1 pint milk (flavor with y 2 cup sugar. lemon). Butter size of walnut. 2 eggs. Flavor with vanilla. WHITE SAUCE. No. 17. Miss Batcheler, Indianapolis, Ind. 1 cup sugar. 3 tablespoons flour. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 cups boiling water. Yz teaspoon vanilla. TAFFY SAUCE. No. 18. Mrs. Mark Millikin. 1 cup butter. 2 cups granulated sugar. Mix together and add 2 well-beaten eggs. Cook in double boiler and stir constantly. Just before removing from fire add a tablespoon of flavoring. CREAM SAUCE. No. 19. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. }i cup butter. y 2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 cup cream. Cream the butter; add the sugar slowly, then the cream and vanilla. Beat well, and just before serving place the bowl over hot water. Stir until smooth and creamy, but not enough to melt butter. When the cream and vanilla are added the sauce has a curdled appearance. This is removed by thorough beating. Serve on any hot pudding. HARD SAUCE. No. 20. Mrs. P. M. Hooven. Cream together y 2 cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 well- beaten white of egg, 1 tablespoon vanilla. When well creamed together put into serving dish and grate nutmeg over the top. Desserts. 159 SPANISH SAUCE. No. 21. Mrs. Carl E. Henning. y 2 cup boiling water. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup sugar. ^2 nutmeg. NUTMEG SAUCE FOR PUDDINGS. No. 22. Miss Althea Spellman. Cream 2 tablespoons butter; add gradually powdered sugar until it becomes hard and stiff. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and a few grates of nutmeg. LEMON SAUCE FOR PUDDINGS. No. 23. Miss Althea Spellman. Mix 2 tablespoons cornstarch and ^ cup sugar. Add 1 cup boiling water and cook 5 minutes. When ready to serve add grated rind and juice of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon butter. Vanilla or juice and pulp of orange may be substituted for the lemon. SAUCE FOR COTTAGE PUDDING. No. 24. Mrs. Carl Henning. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup butter. 2 tablespoons flour, wet 1 egg. with cold water. Stir well; then add boiling water; boiling all 5 minutes. Flavor with lemon. HOT. DAINTY BAKED APPLES. Miss Sadie Belle Seward. Peel apples; take out core, leaving apples whole; place in baking pan and fill cavities with sugar and flour mixed. Fill pan almost half full of boiling water and bake until tender. Just before taking from stove place marshmallow in cavity of each apple and leave in oven long enough to brown slightly. The marshmallows give the apples a delicious flavor, 1 60 Desserts. BAKED APPLES. Mrs. A. M. Brate. Peel apples, taking out core as far as possible; fill center with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Bake in covered dish without water. Serve with English walnuts in hole in center, and whipped cream on top. Adding 1 red cinnamon drop to each apple before baking adds much to both beauty and flavor of apple. APPLE DUMPLINGS No. 1. Mrs. C. L. Gebhart. 2 tablespoons shortening. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup sweet milk. Flour to make soft dough 1 pinch salt. to roll. 1 tablespoon sugar. Pare and core 8 tart apples ; chop them ; roll the dough to about y 2 inch thick ; spread with apples ; sprinkle with 1 cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon; roll as you would jelly roll; cut in slices about 1 inch thick, and bake at once. See Sauce No. 14. APPLE DUMPLINGS No. 2. Mrs. Alice B. Driver. 1 cup flour. y 2 cup sweet milk. 1 teaspoon baking powder. y 2 teaspoon cinnamon.i y 2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon brown sugar. 1 tablespoon half lard, half 2 tart apples, chopped, butter. Sift flour, baking powder and salt; work into these the but- ter and lard ; then make a dough, using the milk. Roll out into a sheet y 2 inch thick. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Then cover with chopped apples. Roll it up as you would a jelly roll and cut into six equal slices. Place the slices on end in a buttered pan. Pour over them the sauce and bake in a brisk oven for 20 minutes. Desserts. 1 6 1 Dumpling Sauce. i cup brown sugar. y 2 teaspoon salt, i tablespoon flour. i cup hot' water, i tablespoon butter. y 2 lemon, sliced. Mix the sugar, flour, and salt. Add butter, sliced lemon, and hot water. Stir until well mixed. Cook 3 minutes, and then pour it over the raw dumplings. This will serve six people. CHERRY DUMPLINGS. Mrs. George Gates, Anderson, Ind. 1 pint cherries. 1 pinch salt. 1 cup flour. Milk. 2 teaspoons baking pow- Sugar. der. To 1 pint of cherries add enough water to make plenty of juice, and sweeten to taste. To 1 pint of flour add pinch of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Add milk enough to make batter so as to stir with a fork; then drop from a spoon into boiling cherries. Cover and steam about 10 minutes. CHERRY COBBLER. Mrs. Abe Ballinger. Line a spring form with rich puff paste, fork the dough, and parbake. Flake ^ cup bread crumbs in bottom ; drain the juice off a can of cherries; beat the yolks of 6 eggs with 1 cup sugar. Add % pound of chopped almonds, mixed with cherries. Bake. Then add beaten whites of 6 .eggs. Sprinkle almonds on top, and bake a light brown. ORANGE PUDDING. Miss Clara Spellman. Slice 3 oranges; sweeten with 3 tablespoons sugar; place in bottom of well-buttered pudding dish. Mix 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter, yolks of 3 eggs, 2^ cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Pour over the oranges and put into the oven to bake. When done, invert into another dish. Cover 1 62 Desserts. with meringue made of whites of 3 eggs and 3 tablespoons sugar. Brown in oven. Serve with cooked sauce, flavored with juice of 1 orange. See Sauce No. 10. FRUIT PUDDING. Mrs. M. Smedley. 2 c u p s grated bread y> cup molasses. crumbs. 1 egg. y 2 cup suet, chopped fine. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon salt. y 2 teaspoon soda, dissolved y 2 teaspoon cloves. in 1 cup sweet milk. Add raisins and fruit if you wish. Steam 2 hours, and serve with sauce. See Sauce No. 9. FIG PUDDING. Mrs. R. S. Radcliffe. 1 pound of figs, cut fine. y 2 lb. suet, chopped fine. 1 pint of bread crumbs. y 2 lb. sugar. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. y 2 cup sifted flour. Wineglass of milk. y 2 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Steam 3 hours. Serve with taffy sauce. See Sauce No. 8. JAM PUDDING No. 1. Mrs. Herman Kutter. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon jam (any 1 teaspoon soda. kind). Cream butter and sugar; beat eggs, and add. Then put in jam. Add flour to make a stiff batter. Add soda last. Steam in individual molds 2 hours. Serve with whipped cream or any pudding sauce. Desserts. 163 JAM PUDDING No. 2. Miss Batcheler, Indianapolis, Ind. y 2 cup sugar. For Top: 1 egg. 3 y° lks of e §"§" s - 2 teaspoons baking powder. J^ cup water. 1 cup flour, or more if nee- Juice of 1 lemon. essary. */> cup sugar. y 2 cup jam. 2 tablespoons flour (level). 2 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon butter. 3 tablespoons milk, sweet. Spice to taste. Boil until thick, and spread on top of pudding when done. Use whites of eggs for frosting; spread over all, and brown. Serve with white sauce. See Sauce No. 17. STEAMED JAM CAKES WITH TAFFY SAUCE. Mrs. Mark Millikin. 2 eggs. Flour enough to make a 1 tablespoon butter. batter. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 teaspoon of soda dis- 1 jellyglass of red rasp- solved in a little hot wa- berry jam. ter. Fill timbale molds two-thirds full, and steam 1 hour. Serve hot with Taffy Sauce, No. 18. NUT AND DATE PUDDING. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. y 2 lb. pecans. J / 2 lb. dates. 1 cup bread crumbs. y> cup powdered sugar. 3 eggs- Directions: Cut the pecans and dates into small pieces and mix with 1 cup of bread crumbs and y 2 cup powdered sugar. To this add yolks of 3 eggs and beat until light. Then fold in beaten whites of eggs. Pour mixture into buttered pudding dish and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. 1 64 Desserts. DATE PUDDING. Mrs. Chas. H. Bonney, Boston, Mass. 1 cup dates. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 tablespoons baking pow- 1 pinch of salt. der. 2 eggs, beaten separately. Scant 2/3 cup sugar. Bake slowly and serve with whipped cream. DATE SORTE. Miss Edith Massee. 3 e gg s separated. 1 cup sugar. 3/4 cup flour. y 2 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup dates, cut up. 1 cup walnuts, cut up. Beat yolks until light lemon color. Add the sugar gradually. Mix and sift flour and baking powder. Add slowly to first mix- ture. Add dates and nuts. Cut and fold in the stiff whites. Spread in a pan about Yi inch thick. Bake in a moderate oven until firm when touched with the finger. Usually takes about 30 minutes. Pour over a cup of hot milk when taken from the oven. Serve with whipped cream. RAISIN PUFFS. Mary Louise Ovenshine. 2 eggs, well beaten. y 2 cup butter. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 cup milk. 1 cup raisins, chopped fine. 2 cups flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Drop butter into cups or timbale molds, 2/3 full, and steam Yi hour. Serve with foamy sauce. PRUNE PUDDING. Mrs. C. Earle Hooven. 1 pound prunes. 2 tablespoons granulated Whites of 4 eggs. sugar. Cook prunes with sugar until tender. When cold, remove the stones. Chop fine and stir in well-beaten whites of eggs. Bake in slow oven y 2 hour. Serve with whipped cream. Desserts. 165 RASPBERRY PUDDING. Mrs. Sloane Gordon. y 2 cup butter. 3 tablespoons black rasp- 2 eggs. berry jam. 3/4 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda dissolved 1 cup sugar. in a very little water. Steam 1^2 hours moderately. Serve with whipped cream. CRUMBLE TARTY. Mrs. W. B. Shuler. 6 eggs. • 1 cup dates. 1 cup pecans. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup bread crumbs. Cream yolks and sugar. Mix dates and bread crumbs. Add yolks and whites, which have been beaten separately. Bake Yz hour. When cold, pull apart with fork; add a little whipped cream, enough so that crumble is not dry. Serve with whipped cream. STEAMED CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Mrs. L. E. Harrison, Greenville, Ohio. }/ 2 cup granulated sugar. 1 egg. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 pinch salt. y 2 cup sweet milk. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon vanilla. % cup cocoa. Steam 1 hour. See Sauce No. 7. FRENCH ECLAIRS WITH HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE. Mrs. Daniel Evans, Boston, Mass. One cup boiling water, J / 2 cup butter ; let come to a boil, then add cup flour, all at once, and stir vigorously. Remove from stove and add four unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly between the additions. Drop by spoonfuls on a but- tered pan; then shape in form of eclairs. Bake in a moderate oven 20 or 30 minutes. Cool, split, and fill with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Serve with Sauce No. 1. 1 66 Desserts. COLD CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING. Mrs. Frank Trowbridge. i cup ^soft stale bread 1^2 squares unsweetened crumbs. chocolate. 1 cup sugar. 2 cups milk. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. % teaspoon salt. J^ teaspoon vanilla. Add bread, chocolate, and sugar to cold milk, reserving y 2 cup. Cook in double boiler until a smooth paste is formed. Beat yolks of eggs until light. Add reserved milk, salt, and butter, and stir into the hot mixture. Cook until it thickens, then add vanilla. Turn into a buttered dish and bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. Cool slightly, cover with meringue, and bake 8 minutes. Serve very cold, with cream. Meringue. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, and add gradually % cup powdered sugar. Continue beating, and cut and fold in % cup powdered sug'ar and add y 2 teaspoon vanilla. CHOCOLATE PUDDING No. 1. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. # 1 cup powdered sugar. 1 cup flour. 5 eggs; beat whites sepa- Little over y 2 teaspoon rately. Royal baking powder, 2 good tablespoons grated mixed in flour. bitter chocolate. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 teaspoon allspice. Bake in 2 jelly tins. Take a pint or more of good, thick, sweet cream ; whip and sweeten, and flavor with vanilla to suit taste. Spread between, on top, and sides. When serving, put a generous spoonful of the whipped cream on each plate. CHOCOLATE PUDDING No. 2. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. One cup grated chocolate in 1 quart new milk. Set on back of stove and let chocolate dissolve. Let come to a boil and stir in beaten yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 3 Desserts. 167 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 tablespoon vanilla, which has been dissolved in a little cold milk; cook for a few minutes more, then put into a pudding dish, and when cool enough put a meringue on top, made of the stiffly beaten whites of 4 eggs and Yi cup powdered sugar. Place in oven and brown. Serve cool with cream. DUFF PUDDING. 1 Mrs. J. P. Davis. 1 cup raisins, seedless. 3 or 4 fresh apples, quar- 1 cup flour. tered. 2 eggs, beaten separately. 1 cup sugar. 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cup butter. in flour. 1 teaspoon soda. Put apples in a buttered pudding dish and pour mixture over them, and bake. Serve with sauce. See Sauce No. 4. SPONGE PUDDING. Miss Martha Molyneaux, Oxford, Ohio. 1 pint sweet milk. y 2 cup butter. J / 2 cup sugar. 5 eggs. Y cup flour. Cook flour and milk together, and while hot add butter and sugar. After it cools, add beaten yolks, and last of all the beaten whites. Bake Y hour in pudding dish ; set in pan of water. Serve with either hard or foaming sauce. See Sauce No. 6. SOUR MILK BREAD PUDDING. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 1 cup sour milk. 2 cups bread crumbs. 1 cup flour. Yz cup butter. 1 cup chopped raisins. 1 cup sugar. # 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Steam 2 hours. 1 68 Desserts. CUP PUDDING. Mrs. Philebaum. i cup dates. I cup bread crumbs. i cup nuts. i cup sugar. i cup milk. Small lump butter. Take dates, crumbs, and nuts through a grinder; mix with the other ingredients. Put in greased pan and bake until brown. This is delicious served with cream or whipped cream. COTTAGE PUDDING. Mrs. Carl Henning. i cup sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder, 34 cup butter. well sifted in 2 cups i tgg, well beaten together. flour. i cup milk. Bake in shallow pan 20 minutes. Serve with Sauce No. 24. RICE PUDDING. Mrs. James H. Roll. 2 tablespoons rice. l / 2 cup sugar. y 2 teaspoon salt. 2 quarts milk. Mix all together; pour into a buttered baking pan. Bake slowly for 4 hours, occasionally stirring in the crust as it be- comes brown. CARROT PUDDING. Mrs. C. F. Cousins. 1 cup raisins. 1 cup currants. 1 cup grated potatoes. 1 cup red carrots, grated 1 cup suet, chopped fine. (scant cup). i/<2 cups flour. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 teaspoon of soda, wet 1 pinch of salt, with hot water. Put in a pan or pudding mold with a tight-fitting lid, and steam or boil 3 hours. Serve with any kind of sauce for plum pudding. Desserts. 69 HARTFORD PUDDING, OR PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. Echard Allen. 1 cup dried bread crumbs. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup milk. y 2 cup chopped currants. 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in a little hot water. 1 scant teaspoon cinnamon. 1 scant teaspoon cloves. 1 scant teaspoon nutmeg. 1 cup chopped suet. 1 cup flour. ^ cup chopped raisins. 1 teaspoon salt. Steam 3 or 4 hours. See Sauce No. 11. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup suet, chopped fine. 2 cups flour, or enough to make batter as stiff as cake. 1 cup currants. 1 tablespoon candied orange peel. PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. y 2 teaspoon cloves. Y^ teaspoon soda. 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. 1 cup raisins. y 2 cup citron, sliced. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. teaspoon nutmeg. Before starting to mix this it is well to have the fruits pre- pared and floured ready to mix in. When making, follow the rotation of the ingredients given. Save a little of the milk to mix with the soda, which is added last. Steam 3 hours in an old-fashioned pudding mold with hole in the center. PLUM PUDDING WITH BREAD CRUMBS. Mrs. Margaret Dyer. 1 loaf bread, soaked in 3 cups milk and rubbed through colander. 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teacup light-brown sugar, or white, if desired. Mix well and add 1 level teaspoon soda dissolved in water. Steam in baking powder cans for 3 hours. 7 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 1 piece butter, size of egg. 1 scant teaspoon cloves. 1 scant teaspoon allspice. 1 teacup currants and rais- ins mixed. 1 70 Desserts. CHRISTMAS BREAD PUDDING. Mrs, L. K. Schweeting, Oxford, Ohio. Soak 1 pound prunes ; stew until tender, remove pits, and chop fine. Stew 1 cup raisins and 1 cup currants, and chop fine. Chop 1 cup English walnuts or almonds. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup citron (cut fine), 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2.y 2 teaspoons salt, 4 cups bread crumbs, y 2 cup butter, 1 teaspoon cloves, l / 2 grated nutmeg, 2 eggs, well beaten. Mix together well in bowl with bread ; then turn in eggs and milk last. Use enough milk to make all hold together. Can be steamed or baked. See Sauce No. 16. SOUTHERN CHRISTMAS PUDDING. Mrs. J. A. Dale. y 2 loaf bread. 1 cup citron. Cover with milk or make 2 /z cup suet, wet. ]/ 2 cup fruit juice or cider. Cream 1 egg with 1 cup 1 cup figs, of sugar. 1 cup whole almonds or 2 teaspoons cinnamon and nuts. mace. J / 2 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup raisins. When ready to serve, boil in can 1 hour. Serve with hard sauce made of butter, powdered sugar, nutmeg, and cream. Fla- vor to suit taste. MOCK PLUM PUDDING. Mrs. Mark Benninghofen. Two cups stale cake crumbs softened in y CU P hot milk. Add to softened crumbs : 1 well-beaten egg. % cup sugar. 34 cup molasses. 34 cup stewed prunes. 24 cup chopped raisins. 2 teaspoons mixed spices, 34 teaspoon soda. ]/ 2 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons lemon juice. ]/\ cup flour. Bake in a moderate oven 45 minutes. Dessert s. 7i SUET PUDDING Mrs. Jos. Kimt No. 1. ►all. I I 2 I cup buttermilk. cup raisins. cup fruit. heaping teaspoons baking powder, pinch salt. i l /2 cups sugar. 1 cup suet. l / 2 teaspoon soda. Spice to taste. Flour to make stiff. Steam 2 hours. SUET PUDDING No. 2. Mrs. Elizabeth DeHaven. 1 cup suet. 1 cup sour milk. 3 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Steam 3 hours. See Sauce No. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup raisins, 4 cup sugar. 1 pinch salt. 1 3- SUET PUDDING No. 3. 1 cup of suet. 1 cup of milk. 1 cup of sugar. 1 cup of raisins. y 2 teaspoon of salt. 3 eggs. Mrs. Henry Sohn. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. 2 teaspoons of baking pow der. 3/4 cups of flour. Boil for 3 hours. Serve with Sauce No. 15. COLD. STRAWBERRY MERINGUE. Mrs. C. I. Keeley. To the well-beaten whites of 4 eggs add y 2 cup powdered sugar folded in y 2 cup strawberry preserve (without juice). Bake in ungreased pan ; line a larger pan with paper ; pour boil- ing water in it, and set the pan with the meringue in it. Bake 40 minutes. When cool, serve with vanilla sauce. See Sauce No. 5. 172 Desserts. SNOW BALLS. Mrs. James H. Roll. y 2 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup milk. 2y 2 cups flour. 3^ teaspoons baking powder. Whites of 4 eggs. Cream the butter; add sugar gradually, milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Then add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Steam y 2 hour in buttered cups. Serve with currant jelly sauce. See Sauce No. 3. JERUSALEM PUDDING. Miss Irene Hanley. One-half box gelatine soaked in y 2 cup water; 1 pint cream, whipped; 2 tablespoons boiled rice; 1 pint chopped figs and dates together. Place them in whipped cream and stand in ice-water. 34 cup powdered sugar. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. TURKISH CREAM No. 1. Mrs. S. Belle Crawford, New York City. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatine in enough cold water to cover. Make a custard of 1 pint of thin cream, 2 eggs, and 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir in the dissolved gelatine. Let it cool, and when it begins to thicken stir into it 1 pint of whipped cream and a dozen rolled macaroons. Mold and serve with whipped cream. TURKISH CREAM No. 2. Mrs. Joseph W. Doron. y 2 teaspoon granulated gela- 12 macaroons, dried, rolled, tine, dissolved in y cup and sifted, cold water. y> teaspoon vanilla. y 2 pint cream, whipped. 2 teaspoons sherry. %. cup powdered sugar. Put into molds and serve with cream. Desserts. 1 73 SNOW PUDDING. Mrs. Elmore Frechtling. J4 box gelatine. J4 cup cold water, i cup boiling water. i cup sugar. x 4 cup lemon juice. Whites of 3 eggs. Soak gelatine in cold water for 10 minutes. Add boiling water, then sugar. When partially cool, add lemon juice and strain through cheesecloth. Before it is quite stiff, beat in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and place in mold. See Sauce No. 2. MACAROON PUDDING No. 1. Mrs. A. L. Trine. 14 box or 1 heaping table- 2 /z cup powdered macaroons. spoon Knox gelatine. 2 cups milk. % cup of cold water. 3 eggs. }i teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Yz cup sugar. Soak gelatine in cold water 5 minutes. Make custard of milk, yolks, sugar, and salt. Add gelatine to hot custard; set in cool place, and as it thickens add beaten whites, macaroons, and vanilla. Serve with whipped cream. MACAROON PUDDING No. 2. Mrs. Warren Gard. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 pint milk. l / 2 teacup sugar. 2 tablespoons Knox gela- 2 teaspoons vanilla. tine. Dissolve the gelatine in a little cold water and cook with all the above ingredients in a double boiler until well curdled (about 20 minutes). Take from the fire and add the stiffly beaten whites of 4 eggs. Fill the mold with y 2 of the mixture, and then stick macaroons (about 1 dozen of them) in the top of the mixture and pour in the other half of the custard mixture and set away on ice to cool. Serve with whipped cream over all, with a few candied cherries for decoration. This is only enough for small family. 1 74 Desserts. MACAROON PUDDING No. 3. Mrs. J. H. Howe. 6 macaroons. 2 eggs. 1 pint milk. 3/3 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons cornstarch or ]/i teaspoon vanilla. flour. Bring milk to boiling point; add sugar. Wet cornstarch with a little cold milk and beat into it the yolks of eggs. Add to hot milk and let boil a few minutes. Beat whites of eggs very stiff and place in dish. Break over them the macaroons, and over these pour the hot custard, which will cook whites sufficiently by lifting or mixing a little with a fork. Serve very cold. Whipped cream and maraschino cherries may be added if desired. VALORA CREAM. Mrs. James W. See. Prepare gelatine after the directions found on your favorite kind. Fill individual rolls with alternate layers of pieces of* lady fingers and fruit, cut in slices. The fruit may be either fresh or canned ; canned peaches or apricots being especially nice. Pour over these the gelatine before it begins to set. Put in the ice-box. When ready to serve unmold and cover with a generous supply of sweetened whipped cream dotted with mara- schino cherries. EMPRESS CREAM. Mrs. E. G. Ruder. One tablespoon granulated gelatine softened in ^4 cup cold water. Add to this j4 CU P hot milk, y 2 cup sugar. When sugar and gelatine are entirely dissolved, strain into dish and set in cold water. Beat as it begins to thicken, and when light fold in the stiffly whipped white of 1 egg, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, a little of grated lemon rind, l / 2 pint cream whipped solid. Serve in small glasses, chill, and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Desserts. 1 75 PINEAPPLE CREAM. Mrs. Frank Weaver. One-half box gelatine soaked in ^ CU P of cold water. When dissolved add ^4 cll P °f boiling water. Sweeten to taste. Add juice of 2 oranges, strained, and I cup of shredded pineapple. Let this cool, and when it begins to thicken (watch closely), add i pint of whipped cream. Beat all together and put into glasses to cool. May be served with whipped cream. This will serve 12 persons. SPANISH CREAM. Miss Clara Spellman. One-half box gelatine put to soak in y 2 pint sweet milk in warm place; 4 eggs beaten separately; ^2 cup sugar, beaten in yolks. Pour over eggs and sugar 1 quart of boiling-hot milk. Return to stove and stir in gelatine, and boil 2 minutes. Re- move from stove and stir in beaten whites. Pour in mold and set on ice. Serve with sweet cream. BURNED CREAM. Mrs. Clarence Murphy. To 1 quart of milk take 1 cup of sugar and the yolks of 4 eggs. Burn ^ cup sugar until quite brown, then mix yolks of eggs with rest of sugar and milk, and pour over burned sugar. This will harden the sugar, but it will soon dissolve, and then add one tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in a little milk. Boil until thick. Serve with sugar kisses. MERINGUES. Mrs. Clarence Murphy. One pint of granulated sugar ; whites of 4 eggs well beaten ; bake in gem pans in a slow oven. Serve with fresh or canned fruit and whipped cream. LEMON JELLY. Miss Clara Spellman. One box gelatine soaked in 1 pint cold water until dissolved ; grate in 3 large lemons, rind and all. 3 cups clear, white sugar; 1 76 Desserts. pour over it 3 pints of boiling water (or two quarts) ; strain. If not clear, strain the second time. Do not cook. (If oranges are used, add one lemon.) GRAPE NUT CUSTARD Y. W. C. A. 4 eggs. ^ cup grape nuts. 1 cup sugar. Yi teaspoon cornstarch. 1 quart milk. Vanilla to taste. Beat the eggs, add each ingredient separately, and bake in custard cups. PECAN SOUFFLE. Mrs. S. D. Mayer. One-half cup granulated sugar added to well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs. Then y 2 cup ground pecans, little vanilla, and then the stiffly beaten whites. Bake in greased pan Y% hour in slow oven. MERINGUE CASES FOR WHIPPED CREAM. Miss Althea Spellman. Whites of 6 eggs beaten until quite dry. Fold in 1 pint of granulated sugar. Flavor with 1 tablespoon vanilla. Put ungreased manila paper on inverted pan, and drop the meringue, desired size, on paper and bake in a very slow oven. While warm, crush in bottoms. Serve filled with whipped cream, topped with a maraschino cherry. ROSE CREAM. Mrs. T. L. Munns, Oxford, Ohio. y 2 package powdered gela- 4 tablespoons sugar, tine. 2 eggs, 1 pint of milk. Dissolve gelatine in y^ cup milk. Heat milk in double boiler; add gelatine, dissolved, sugar and beaten egg yolks. Boil until it thickens. Add coloring and stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Whip 2 minutes, and pour into mold to cool. Serve with whipped cream. Desserts. 177 LEMON PUFF. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. Separate 4 eggs. Beat whites stiff and fold in 8 level tea- spoons powdered sugar. Beat yolks and grated yellow rind and juice of lemon and 2 teaspoons boiling water. Cook in double cooker till thick like cream, then fold in the whites. CUSTARD SOUFFLE. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. Rub 2 scant tablespoons butter to a cream; then 2 table- spoons flour, 1 cup hot milk. Pour gradually on flour. Cook 8 minutes in double boiler, straining often. 4 eggs, beaten sepa- rately from yolks. Put whites away in ice chest. Beat yolky and add 2 tablespoons sugar, and add to the milk and set away to cool. One-half hour before serving beat whites stiff and cut them in lightly. Bake in buttered pudding dish in moderate oven 30 minutes, and serve at once with cream sauce ; or this mixture may be put in buttered paper cases and baked 10 or 15 minutes. Serve with Sauce No. 19. FRUIT GELATINE. Mrs. W. L. Tobey. To lemon recipe in package of Knox's gelatine add the fol- lowing: Cut 3 oranges into dice, removing the seed, and sugar them well ; 1 can pineapple cut into dice, and 3 sliced bananas. Sweeten all to taste. When gelatine is cool, pour the fruit into it (without the juice). Rinse mold with cold water before filling it with the mixture. Place in ice chest to jell. Turn out on serving platter and serve with meat. SNOWBALL CUSTARD. Mrs. Ella Falk. Add the whites of 3 eggs, well beaten, to 1 pint of boiling milk, dipping them into the milk in tablespoon as they rise; turn them, and when done put them into a pudding dish. Then put the beaten yolks, sweetened to taste, into the milk; stir until it thickens; remove from fire and flavor with lemon. Turn this custard into a dish and lay the whites on top. 1 7 8 Desserts. STRAWBERRY WHIP. Mrs. Sloane Gordon. Seven tablespoons granulated sugar; 2 tablespoons straw- berry jam. Beat the whites of 4 eggs very stiff. Add sugar and jam. Put in a baking dish in a pan of water in a moderate oven. Bake 45 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. CHARLOTTE RUSSE No. 1. Mrs. William C. Shafer. Yolks of 3 eggs; i l / 2 pints sweet milk; sugar to make sweet as desired. Cook together as for float, and let cool. J4 box gela- tine dissolved in J / 2 cup warm water. Beat the whites of 3 eggs to a stiff froth, and sweeten. Whip 1 pint of cream, sweeten and flavor. Stir beaten whites into the cooled, but not cold, custard ; then add J/£ of the whipped cream and the gelatine, and mix well together. Flavor with vanilla. Line mold with lady fingers ; pour in the mixture. Place the remainder of the whipped cream on top, and set on ice to harden. The whites of the eggs may be omitted by using more whipped cream. Half of this recipe, using 1 pint of cream and 2 eggs, will make a large dish full. CHARLOTTE RUSSE No. 2. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. Beat the yolks of 7 eggs and stir them into 1 pint of scald- ing milk with a tablespoon sugar in a double boiler. Boil slowly and stir to keep from curdling until like custard. Set away to cool. Pour large cup warm water over half box Knox gelatine. Set on stove, but do not let it get hot. Beat white of eggs very light. Add enough powered sugar to make it stiff. Whip 1 quart cream and stir into custard ; then the whites flavored with vanilla ; then the gelatine well dissolved. Mix thoroughly and set away to cool (about 2 hours). Stir occasionally. Line a dish with either sponge cake or lady fingers, and fill with the mixture. Let stand 6 hours or over night. This will serve twenty-four people. Desserts. 1 79 BAVARIAN CREAM. Mrs. Geo. P. Sohngen. 34 box gelatine. 34 CU P c °ld water, i pint cream. 1/3 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Soak gelatine in cold water until soft. Chill and whip cream until thick. Boil a cup of milk with sugar and, when boiling, add the soaked gelatine until dissolved. Then strain in a pan and add flavoring and stir the whipped cream in lightly. When nearly stiff enough to drop pour into mold. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. Three tablespoons minute tapioca soaked in enough cold water to cover it, 4 eggs, 3 tablespoons shredded cocoanut, 1 teacup sugar, 1 quart new milk. Pour boiling milk over the tapioca. Add cocoanut and sugar. Beat yolks of eggs and add to it; flavor with vanilla. Put into double boiler and stir constantly until it begins to get thick. Place a meringue over the top. Meringue. Whites of 4 eggs, beaten ; */£ cup powdered sugar. Sprinkle the top of the pudding generously with cocoanut, and brown in the oven. Serve cold with cream. LEMON JELLO DESSERT. Mrs. A. Letherby. 1 box lemon jello. ^2 pint boiling water. 3^ cup granulated sugar. y 2 pint grape juice. Stir sugar in jello powder. Dissolve in boiling water; add grape juice. Set aside to cool. When almost set, add y 2 cup of whipped cream, beating well with egg beater. Serve with whipped cream and candied violets. 180 Desserts. PINEAPPLE SPONGE. Mrs. C. W. Simpson. Boil i cup sugar and J^ cup water until it hairs in water. Dissolve i tablespoon Plymouth Rock gelatine in a little cold water, and pour syrup over; then add i pint can shredded pine- apple. Stir well, and set to cool. When it begins to congeal, add I pint of whipped cream. Keep stirring while it cools. (Use Van Duzen measuring cup.) MARSHMALLOW PUDDING. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. i lb. marshmallows. i pint cream. J/2 lb. English walnuts. I small bottle red mara- i small bottle green mara- schino cherries, schino cherries. i teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon fruit juice or i pint whipped cream. cider. Directions : Take the marshmallows and cover with pint of cream. Put into double boiler and let dissolve. Add Yi pound chopped English walnuts and a small bottle each of red and green maraschino cherries, chopped. Use no sugar; the marsh- mallows make it sweet enough. When cool, add I teaspoon vanilla, I tablespoon fruit juice or cider, and I pint of whipped cream. Set in a mold on ice. ORANGE PUDDING. Mrs. Bruce Trimble, Mt. Sterling, Ky. i pint milk. Yolks of 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 3 oranges. 1 cup sugar. Whites of 2 eggs. Make a custard of the milk, eggs, and cornstarch. Then set away to cool. Cut the oranges in pieces and cover with the sugar. Let stand until just before serving. Put oranges with custard, and put a meringue on top of all, made of the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, mixed with 2 tablespoons sugar. Brown quickly in oven, so as not to heat the pudding. Desserts. 181 CORNSTARCH PUDDING. The Happen Inn. i pint sweet milk. Whites of 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 3 tablespoons sugar. 1 pinch salt. Put the milk in custard kettle, and when it reaches the boil- ing point add sugar, then cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk, and lastly the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Beat and let cook a few minutes; then pour into cups, fill about half full, and set in a cool place. See Sauce No. 12. VICTORIA COLD PUDDING. Mrs. Geo. P. Sohngen. Brown 2 tablespoons sugar over the fire, stirring all the time. Beat together the yolks of 6 eggs, a pint of milk, and a pinch of salt. Add 5 ounces of sugar. Pour all into brown sugar and heat over the fire until it almost comes to a boil. Take an ounce of gelatine, dissolve it in f/ 2 cup water, and strain it into a pint of cream. Beat it well for 5 minutes and pour it into the cooled mixture, stirring all the time. Have the mold ready, cover the bottom with a layer of lady fingers and macaroons, and pour on some of the mixture. Then again lady fingers and macaroons and some of the mixture. Repeat until all is used up. Do this quickly, as it sets quickly. Memoranda. Memoranda. $e(eph one H our The Flour that Does Justice to Your Skill and Effort. Manufactured by THE CARR MILLING CO. HAMILTON, OHIO There is not a single recipe in this book that will not be improved by using Pretzel Meal For breading purposes it has no equal. Butler Butter Crackers and Hamilton Wafers will please you. Made in Hamilton and delivered fresh every day. The National Pretzel Company Established Over Fifty Years ^Jread. Back of the loaf is the snowy flour, And back of the flour, the mill; And back of the mill the wheat and the shower And the sun and the Father's will. Bread is often mixed the night before it is to be baked, and left to rise from eight to ten hours; but the whole process of bread-making, from the mixing to the serving, can be done in two and a half hours if sufficient yeast is used. In hot weather it is desirable to complete the work in a short time, in order to prevent fermentation or souring, which occurs if left too long a time. Four hours and a half is ample time for the whole process, using the ordinary amount of yeast ; two hours for the mixing and rising of the sponge or dough ; one-half hour for the kneading and molding; one hour for the loaves to rise in the pans, and one hour for the baking. A thin batter, called a sponge, may be made at night, and the rest of the flour added in the morning, or the dough may be mixed and kneaded at night, and only molded into loaves in the morning; but a better way, especially in summer, is to set the bread early in the morning, and have it baked by noon. It needs to rise twice : once either in the sponge or in the dough, and again after it is molded into loaves. If the dough gets very light before one is ready to work it, it should be cut away from the sides of the pan and pressed down in the center with a knife. This liberates some of the gas and retards the fermentation. This can be done several times. If it rises too light it will collapse, which means souring; but before that it loses its best flavor, and so should not be allowed to more than double its bulk. 185 1 86 Bread. SURE POP YEAST. Miss Rike. i l / 2 cakes yeast foam. 2 quarts warm water (not 3 potatoes. hot). ]/ 2 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon salt. Soak the yeast in warm water; boil and mash the potatoes. Mix well together and let stand from one morning till the next. Take out one pint to start next time. Thicken the rest with flour the first thing in the morning. After breakfast it is light and ready to mix for bread. Next baking time put the pint saved out with potatoes, sugar, and salt. Prepare in the evening, and it will be ready to mix in the morning after taking out a pint for a start next time. SPONGE FOR WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT, OR RAISIN BREAD. Mrs. Julia Mitchell and Mrs. S. D. Fitton. 1 cake Fleischmann's yeast. 2 cups flour. 2 large potatoes. y 2 cup sugar. 1 pint milk or water. J / 2 cup lukewarm water. Boil potatoes, mash fine, add flour, sugar and milk (or water), and mix well. When cool, add yeast, which has been dissolved in the lukewarm water, and let stand till morning. For White Bread. 3 cups of above sponge. 1 tablespoon (large) of 1 teaspoonful (heaped) of lard. salt. Flour to make stiff. Mix all together (after sponge has set till morning) and make stiff with the flour. Let rise till twice its size, knead, put in pans and let rise again, and bake in a slow oven for 1 hour. For Whole Wheat Bread. 3 cups of above sponge. 1 cup light-brown sugar. t tablespoonful (large) of 1 teaspoon (heaped) salt, lard. 4 cups whole wheat flour. Mix, let rise, and knead as for white bread. Bread. 187 For Raisin Bread. 2 cups of above sponge. 1 teaspoon (heaped) salt. 1 cup lard. 1 cup seeded raisins. 1 cup light-brown sugar. 3 cups white flour. Mix and knead as for plain white bread. WHITE BREAD. Mrs. J. H. Slade. 3 medium-sized potatoes. 1 tablespoon lard. 1 large spoonful flour. 1 level tablespoon salt. 1 cake quick yeast. 2 tablespoons sugar. Boil potatoes until tender in 1 pint of water; take out, mash well, add flour, stir vigorously, add potato water and enough cold water to make 2 quarts of lukewarm mixture. Add yeast (previously soaked in ]/$ cup lukewarm water), lard, salt, and sugar ; pour into 2 sifters of flour ; mix well ; knead 10 minutes ; place in bowl; grease over top with lard. Let rise over night, mold into 5 loaves. When light, bake in moderate oven 1 hour. This can be made in a bread-mixer if desired BREAD No. 1. Mrs. S. Wonnell. 1 large cooking-spoon lard 1 large cooking-spoon salt (heaped). (level). 1 large cooking-spoon 2 cakes Fleischmann's sugar (heaped). yeast. 2 quarts lukewarm water. Dissolve the yeast in a little lukewarm water. Mix all to- gether and thicken with flour about twice as thick as for pan- cake batter; let rise well, then mix with all the flour it will take, and knead for about 15 minutes. Let rise again to twice the size, and mold into loaves. Let rise again to twice the size, and bake. Use Pillsbury or Ceresota flour. 1 88 Bread. BREAD No. 2. (Use with Bread-mixer.) Miss Fannie Dubois. 2 tablespoons granulated 3 quarts flour. sugar. i pint milk, heated, i tablespoon salt. i pint water. 2 tablespoons lard. One cake yeast dissolved in Yi cup lukewarm water. Put all together in bread-mixer, adding the sifted flour last. Turn handle about 5 minutes; put in warm place to rise for 3 hours or when light. Turn handle again for 5 minutes; make into 3 loaves; let stand until twice the size; bake in slow oven for 1 hour. This may be started at night and will be ready to make into loaves early the next morning. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. Mrs. E. M. Bronson. V2 pint milk. 1 tablespoon sugar. y 2 pint water. 1 cake yeast. 1 tablespoon Crisco. Flour. 1 teaspoon salt. Dissolve the yeast in water. Put all together and add enough flour to form a batter that will fall from a spoon. Beat thoroughly, let rise about 1 hour, then add enough flour to make dough quite soft. Let rise 1 hour; form into loaves. Let rise again till light. Bake y^ hour in moderate oven. Do not knead. This makes 2 loaves. SALT-RISING BREAD. Mrs. Guy Tyrrell, Georgetown, Ky. 54 pint milk. 1 pint warm water. Pinch of salt. Cornmeal. 1 tablespoon lard. Flour. Put the *4 pint of milk on the stove and let come to a boil. Let cool and add the salt and enough cornmeal to make a thick batter. Beat well and set in a warm place over night. Then add the 1 pint of warm water and enough flour to make a thick batter, and beat well. Put in a warm place, and in a few hours Bread. . 189 it will be light. Put 3 quarts of flour, 1 tablespoon of lard, and 1 tablespoon of salt into the rising, and add enough warm milk and water (equal parts) to make a rather stiff dough. , Knead thoroughly. Shape into loaves and let rise to double the bulk. Bake 50 or 60 minutes. BROWN BREAD No. 1. Mrs. Earle Hooven. 4 cups Graham flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2^ cups sweet milk. 1 teaspoon soda. i]/ 2 cups molasses. 1 cup raisins, floured. Stir the soda in molasses until white. Steam 3 hours in 1 pound baking powder cans with lids on, and bake V2 hour with lids off. BROWN BREAD No. 2. Mrs. Samuel Stephan. i cup cornmeal. 2 cups sweet milk. 2 cups Graham flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 /z cup molasses. 1 small teaspoon soda. Dissolve soda in a little water, mix thoroughly with other ingredients, steam in greased cans 3 or 4 hours, or stand cans in water and bake 3 hours. BROWN BREAD No. 3. Mrs. C. I. Keeley and Mrs. J. C. Weaver. Y?. cup molasses. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups buttermilk. 1 teaspoon soda. 4 cups Graham flour. 1 egg. Make in 2 loaves and bake slowly 1 hour. BRAN BREAD No. 1. Mrs. E. H. Ells, Oxford, Ohio. 2 cups bran. 1 teaspoon lard. 1 cup white flour. 1 egg. y 2 cup cornmeal. 1 teaspoon soda. Yz cup molasses. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 90 Bread. BRAN BREAD No. 2. Mrs. E. B. Hughes. 2 cups sour milk. 2 cups white, Graham, or 1 cup (scant) molasses. whole wheat flour. 2 cups bran. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon (level) soda. 1 cup raisins. Put into greased tin and bake 1 hour or more in moderate oven. BREAD SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. S. Wonnell. 2 cups sugar. 2 teaspoons soda. 1 cup butter or lard. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 2 cups bread sponge. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 3 cups flour. iy 2 cups seeded raisins. 2 eggs. Beat the whites of the eggs separately and add last, before the raisins. Mix raisins and 1 cup of the flour together before putting into the cake. Put dough in a pan and let rise 1 hour. Bake 1 hour. BISHOP BREAD. Miss Edith Massee. 3 eggs. 1 cup almonds, unblanched. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup currants. 1^2 cups flour. This fills two biscuit tins. When slightly cool, cut in pieces l / 2 inch wide and 4 inches long. CORN BREAD No. 1. Mrs. Elmer Watson. 2 cups cornmeal. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup milk. 1 egg. . 1 teaspoon salt. Sift cornmeal, flour, sugar, and salt together ; rub in the butter, add the egg, milk, baking powder; mix well before put- ing in the pan. Bread. 19 l CORN BREAD No. 2. Mrs. A. J. Davis. 1 pint buttermilk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pint cornmeal. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon salt. y 2 teaspoon soda. CORN BREAD No. 3. Mrs. Thos. K. Seward. 2 cups milk. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1/4 cups cornmeal. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 eggs. FAIRY CORN BREAD. Mrs. J. P. Day. 1 cup green corn, grated. 1 cup yellow cornmeal. 2 cups sweet milk. 1 heaping teaspoon baking 1 tablespoon butter. powder. 2 eggs. Cook grated corn and 1 cup milk 10 minutes in double boiler, remove, add butter. Beat eggs separately; stir 1 cup milk in the yolks; add corn mixture, then cornmeal sifted with baking powder. Beat well; add whites of eggs beaten stiff; bake in greased baking dish ^4 oi an hour in a steady oven. CORN BREAD No. 4. Miss Addie Kane. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 egg. 3 tablespoons granulated 1 cup sweet milk. sugar. 1 cup flour. % teaspoon salt. 1 cup cornmeal. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Rub butter and sugar to cream; add egg; beat mixture until light; add salt, milk, flour, cornmeal, and baking powder, whipping until very light; pour into greased baking pan and bake 20 minutes. cin- 192 Bread. CORN BREAD No. 5. Miss Myrtle McLain. i l / 2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon shortening. 1 cup cornmeal. 34 teaspoon salt. 34 cup sugar. 5 teaspoons (level) baking 1 cup sweet milk. powder. 1 egg- Bake in moderate oven. GERMAN COFFEE CAKE. Miss Sarah Blair. 3 cups flour. For Top. y 2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons flour . 3 tablespoons sugar. tablespoons granulated 2 scant teaspoons baking powder. x j iea pj n2 r tablespoon 2 heaping tablespoons but- ter. 2 eggs. 2 /z cup of milk. Stir together flour, salt, sugar, baking powder. Rub in butter. Beat eggs; add milk; stir into dry ingredients, adding more milk if necessary to very stiff batter. Spread 2 /$ inch thick in buttered pans. For top, mix together flour, sugar, cinnamon ; rub in butter until crumbly ; spread over top of dough ; bake COFFEE CAKE No. 1. Miss Lilly Millikin. Bread dough size of a loaf of bread. y 2 cup brown sugar. Raisins. y 2 cup white sugar. ^ teaspoon soda dissolved 1 egg. in 1 teaspoon boiling-hot 1 teaspoon cinnamon. water. Put in two pans, press a few raisins on top, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, let rise, and bake in moderate oven. namon. 2 tablespoons butter Bread. ' 193 COFFEE CAKE No. 2. Mrs. Lou A. Pfau. Sponge. 3 cups flour. 1 cake yeast. 8 tablespoons butter. 1 pint milk (lukewarm wa- 1 cup sugar, ter). 2 or 3 eggs. 3 tablespoons sugar. 4 cups flour. Dissolve yeast and sugar in the warm milk; add flour. Beat well, cover, and let rise in a moderately warm place. Next morn- ing add butter and sugar (creamed), the eggs well beaten, the flour, and a little salt. Beat and let rise in greased bowl until double bulk. Shape and let rise in pans. Use small measuring cup. DATE BREAD. Mrs. Maurice J. Moore. 1 lb. dates. 2 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 4 cups flour. 1 cup milk. 4 heaping teaspoons baking 1 cup nuts (black walnuts powder, preferred). After mixing let stand for 10 minutes. Bake 40 minutes in moderate oven. NUT BREAD No. 1. Mrs. Walter Widdows, Indianapolis, Ind. 1 egg. z /a teaspoon salt. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 heaping tablespoon bak- 2 cups -flour. ing powder. 2 tablespoons granulated Scant l / 2 cup ground Eng- sugar. lish walnuts. Beat the egg; add the milk; sift together the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder ; then add to egg and milk ; stir in nut meats, mixing thoroughly; pour in greased and floured pan; bake in moderate oven 20 or 25 minutes. 1 94 Bread. NUT BREAD No. 2. Miss Cora Long. 2 cups flour. 1 cup nuts. 2 cups Graham flour. 1 cup raisins. 2 cups sweet milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup sugar. 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 unbeaten eggs. sifted in flour. Let rise 20 minutes before baking. NUT BREAD No. 3. Mrs. Bennett, Detroit, Mich. 2 eggs. 1 lb. dates. 1 cup sugar. Pinch salt. 1 cup milk. 4 heaping teaspoons baking t cup English walnuts. powder. Mix all ingredients together, mold into pans, and let rise 20 minutes, then bake 40 minutes. NUT BREAD No. 4. Mrs. H. D. Gath. 1 egg. 1 cup English walnuts. 1 cup milk. 2 large teaspoons baking 1 cup sugar. powder. 4 cups flour. Let stand 20 minutes, then bake 30 or 45 minutes. GRAPE NUT BREAD. Mrs. Brandon Millikin. 1 cup grapenuts. 1 cup water. 1 cup cornmeal (yellow). 1 cup molasses. 1 cup Graham flour. 1 level teaspoon soda. 1 cup milk. 1 level teaspoon salt. Mix all together, putting soda in molasses. Put in well- greased pans. Steam 2 hours. Bread. • 195 NAGAWICKA BREAD. Mrs. S. D. Fitton, Jr. 2 cups Graham flour. 3 eggs. 1 cup white flour. y 2 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon melted butter. ]/ 2 cake yeast. Stir stiff and set in a warm place. Set at 10 A. M. for tea. OATMEAL BREAD No. 1. Miss Edith Clawson. 1 cup Quaker oats. M teaspoon soda. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 2 cups of spring wheat y 2 cup Orleans molasses. flour. 1 teaspoon salt. One cake of quick yeast dissolved in 1 cup of warm water. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over oats; let stand 1 hour. Stir soda into the molasses; add butter, salt, yeast, oats, flour; let rise, make into loaves, put into round tins, and let rise again. This makes six loaves. OATMEAL BREAD No. 2. Mrs. C. A. Byrne. 4 cups oatmeal. 1 tablespoon salt. 5 cups boiling water. 1 cake yeast. 1 cup molasses. 4 quarts flour. Pour water over oatmeal at noon. At night add other in- gredients. RAISIN LOAF WITH NUTS. Mrs. H. F. Schipper. 4 cups flour. 1 teaspoon salt. y A cup sugar. Yi cup chopped English wal- 1 cup seeded raisins. nuts. iy 2 cups sweet milk. I tgg. 4 teaspoons baking powder. Beat the egg; add milk, then other ingredients; mix thor- oughly, put in pan, let stand 20 minutes, and bake in slow oven. 196 Bread. RUSSIAN BREAD. Mrs. Lou Beauchamp. 4^ cups Gold Medal flour. 1% cups sugar. 1 cake compressed yeast. 2 eggs. 1% cups scalded milk. 1 large tablespoon butter. Dissolve yeast in milk; add !*/> cups of the flour; mix until smooth; let stand until light. Add eggs, sugar, butter, raisins, pinch of salt, remainder of flour, sprinkling of cinnamon; mix to a stiff dough and knead thoroughly. Let stand until twice the amount. Divide into 2 equal parts for 2 loaves; cut each batch into 3 equal parts and roll into strips 12 inches long, taper- ing to a point at each end. Press ends together, braid, place in buttered baking sheets, cover, and let stand until light. Bake J / 2 to 3/4 of an hour. If preferred, ice when cool with powdered sugar mixed with a few drops of hot water. Memoranda. Old English Floor Wax Makes Floors Beautiful Brightener Is a wonder, as it is the only preparation that will successfully Clean and Polish a Floor Without Removing the Wax or Injuring the Finish CALL AND GET OUR FREE BOOK "BEAUTIFUL FLOORS, THEIR FINISH AND CARE" RALSTON'S PAINT STORE 108 North Third Street HAMILTON, OHIO The Modern Woman Uses None Other Than Aluminum Cooking Utensils For when you try to acquire the highest point of efficiency in anything you must use the most modern and efficient methods and equipment. "Wear Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils Far surpass all others. They are light in weight, bright as silver, and absolutely pure and wholesome. They do not chip or crack, and will last a lifetime. No seams, no joints, or any- thing to wear out. We carry a complete stock of "Wear Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils As well as Wagner's, Pure & Wear Eternal Aluminum Ware. We also wish to call especial attention to our big stock of Housefurnishing Goods (On sale in basement) THE HOLBROCK BROS. CO. 224-226 HIGH STREET taking Jpow&er breads an& Cig^t :aoiu. Every housekeeper should understand the nature of baking powder. This is important for two reasons : First, to insure perfect bakings ; and second, to avoid danger to health. Baking powder is not a food; it is a preparer of food only, and is used only for the leavening gas it produces to make the food light and sweet. A perfect baking powder is the one which will evolve the most leavening gas and leave the smallest and most nearly neutral residue in the food. Always use a reliable brand of phosphate baking powder and have your oven hot to insure good biscuits. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS No. i. Mrs. E. M. Peters. i large tablespoon shorten- 2 heaping teaspoons baking ing. powder. 4 cups flour. Enough milk to make a 1 teaspoon salt. soft dough. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl ; rub in short- ening; handle as little as possible; roll to the thickness of £4 inch; cut with small biscuit cutter; bake in hot oven 15 minutes. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS No. 2. Miss Elizabeth Roll. 2 cups flour. 2 tablespoons lard. 4 level teaspoons baking Milk for soft dough ; powder. about Y\ cup. 1 teaspoon salt. Mix and sift the dry ingredients ; work in lard with tips of fingers ; add gradually the milk, mixing to a soft dough ; toss on a lightly floured board ; roll out to y± mcn thickness ; shape with a floured biscuit cutter; place close together on a buttered pan and bake in a hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. 199 200 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS No. 3. Mrs. Ella Van Doran. 1 quart flour. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 pinch of salt. (Run through sieve three 1 large tablespoon lard. times.) 2 heaping teaspoons baking Enough milk to make soft powder. dough. Mix in with hand ; press out with hand — do not roll ; cut with biscuit cutter; bake in flat pans in quick oven. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS No. 4. Mrs. Ella Van Doran. 1 quart flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Little salt. (Run through sieve.) Add lump butter size of ]/> cup water or milk. egg. Mix together thoroughly ; moisten with 1 egg, well beaten ; press it lightly to 1 inch thickness; cut out, put in floured tin, and bake in quick oven. BEATEN BISCUITS. Mrs. Guy Tyrrell, Georgetown, Ky. 1 quart of flour. Equal parts ice-water and 2 rounding tablespoons of sweet milk to make a lard. stiff dough. 1 teaspoon salt. Work on a kneader and beat with a mallet until smooth and blistered; roll out into shape, pierce with a fork, and bake 20 to 25 minutes. GOOD TEA ROLLS. Mrs. Frank Millikin. 3 cups flour. 3 eggs. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Little salt. 2 tablespoons melted but- 1 quart sweet milk, ter. 1 tablespoon sugar. Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 201 BAKING POWDER COFFEE CAKE No. 1. Mrs. J. A. Rabbe. 1 cup butter and lard mixed. 2 eggs. i l A cups milk. y 2 cup sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder. Flour to make pretty stiff batter. Make 3 small cakes. Mix well together : ]/ 2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Small lump butter. Put on cakes before baking. BAKING POWDER COFFEE CAKE No. 2. Louise W. Schliep. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 teaspoon butter (heap- l / 2 cup sugar. ing). 1 egg. y 2 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Flour enough to make a stiff batter. Sift baking powder with the flour. The egg can be omitted. Cover top with sugar, cinnamon, and bits of butter. GERMAN COFFEE CAKE. Mrs. Erhard Allen. Sift together 3 cups flour, y 2 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 scant teaspoons baking powder; rub in 2 heaping tea- spoons butter; add 2 beaten eggs, y 3 cup milk to dry mixture (enough to make pretty stiff batter) ; spread y$ inch thick on well-buttered pans. Mix together 2 tablespoons flour, 1 heaping teaspoon cinna- mon, 4 tablespoons sugar; rub in 2 tablespoons butter until crumbly. Spread thickly on top of dough ; bake about y 2 hour in moderate oven. 8 202 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. DUTCH APPLE CAKE. Mrs. E. L. Huffman. 2 cups flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 3 tablespoons butter. Ya teaspoon salt. Yz cup sweet milk. 2 large tart apples. All measurements are level. Slice apples into buttered pudding pan ; sprinkle with sugar and nutmeg. Mix flour, baking powder, and salt ; chop in but- ter ; add milk, mixing it carefully ; turn on to floured board and gently pat into shape; place as a crust on top of the apples, cut- ting a hole in the center for the steam to escape ; bake in mod- erate oven for 40 minutes, covering with lid or other pan for first 20 minutes. To serve run knife around the edge of crust ; turn out into deep dish and serve as a dumpling with milk or sauce. SALLY LUNN. Mrs. Caroline Potter. 2 eggs beaten separately. 2 cups flour. y 2 cup soft butter. y 2 cup sweet milk. Little Salt. 2 heaping teaspoons baking Yi cup pulverized sugar powder, (sifted). Cream butter and sugar ; add yolks and beat light ; alternate milk and dry ingredients ; add well-beaten whites ; bake at once in small bread pan in rather hot oven. Cut in squares and serve hot. GRIDDLE CAKES. Mrs. Wm. F. Blaut. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup milk. 1 cup flour. 1 egg. Ya teaspoon salt. y 2 teaspoon melted butter. Sift baking powder, salt, and flour; then add beaten egg and milk, and stir gradually into dry ingredients to make smooth batter. Bake on hot griddle and serve with syrup. Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 203 POTATO PANCAKES. Mrs. L. K. Schweeting, Oxford, Ohio. 3 cups of raw grated pota- 2 eggs. toes. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup milk. Add enough flour to make batter. Hake on hot griddle. A PRIZE RECIPE FOR BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. 1 cake of yeast. 1 quart tepid water. 2 coffeecups buckwheat 1 coffeecup white cornmeal. flour. 1 teaspoon salt. Sift flour and meal, adding salt, and cake of yeast dissolved in little warm water ; then pour tepid water over meal and buck- wheat until you have stiff batter, and beat well; put in warm place (not hot) to rise. An hour before cooking add 4 table- spoons milk and 2 of New Orleans molasses, into which you have stirred a level teaspoon baking soda. Let rise again until ready to bake. Sufficient for five persons. Mix at nine the evening before. GRAHAM GRIDDLE CAKES. Miss Inez Wilson. 1 pint Graham flour. l / 2 teaspoon salt. l / 2 pint Indian corn meal. 2 teaspoons baking powder. y 2 pint flour. 1 egg. 1 heaping teaspoon brown l / 2 pint each milk and water, sugar. Sift together Graham flour, cornmeal, white flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder; add beaten egg, milk, and water; mix together into smooth batter. Have griddle hot ; pour batter into cakes the size of a tea saucer ; bake brown on one side ; turn and brown on other side ; pile one on another, and serve hot with cream and sugar or syrup. 204 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. RICE GRIDDLE CAKES. Miss Inez Wilson. 2 cups cold, boiled rice. 1^2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 pint flour. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon sugar. Little more than 3/2 pint Yi teaspoon salt. milk. Sift together flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder; add rice free from lumps, diluted with beaten egg and milk; mix in smooth batter; have griddle well heated, and bake nice and brown, not too thick. Serve with maple syrup. One cup of cold, boiled hominy may be used instead of rice. CORN GRIDDLE CAKES. Mrs. Julia Mitchell. 1 cup milk. i J / 2 cups cornmeal. y 2 cup sugar. r / 2 cup flour. y'2 teaspoon salt. 3 level teaspoons baking 1 egg. powder. Beat together milk, sugar, and salt; add cornmeal, flour, and baking powder, and last a well-beaten egg. The cakes can be kept more uniform in shape if batter is poured on to griddle from small pitcher. NEW ENGLAND MUSH. Mrs. C. L. Shoup. 3 quarts water. 23/2 lbs. cornmeal. 1 lb. fresh side pork (with Salt and sage. rind). Boil meat until tender; take out and chop fine; return to water with sprinkle of salt and sage to taste; thicken with meal and cook thoroughly; pour into molds; when cold, slice and fry. BREAKFAST MUFFINS. Miss Fanny C. Du Bois. 34 cup white sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 34 cup butter. powder. t cup milk. 1 egg. 2 cups flour. Pinch of salt. Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 205 MUFFINS No. 1. Miss Clara Spellman. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 tablespoons melted but- 2 tablespoons sugar, ter. 1 teaspoon salt. Yolks of 2 and white of Flour enough to make 1 egg, beaten separately. soft batter. This makes eight muffins. MUFFINS No. 2. Mrs. Charles Parrish. 1 quart flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 tablespoon lard. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs. 1 pint milk. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together; rub in the lard; add beaten egg and milk, then flour. Batter should be rather thin; fill well-greased tins and bake 15 minutes in hot oven. MUFFINS No. 3. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. 2 cups flour. 3 teaspoons salt. 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar, (level). Sift above ingredients together. Beat 1 egg light; add 1% cups of milk. Stir into dry ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons melted butter. Beat well. Bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven. CORN MUFFINS. Mrs. Gaines Meek. 1 egg. Butter size of egg, melted. 1 heaping cup equal parts 24 cup sweet milk. cornmeal and flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon granulated Pinch salt. sugar. Beat egg; add milk, flour, butter, salt, and baking powder. Bake 15 minutes in hot oven. Makes eight muffins. 206 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. GRAHAM MUFFINS. Mrs. W. J. Fisher, Youngstown, Ohio. i cup Graham flour. % cup sugar. i cup white flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. i teaspoon salt.' i cup milk. i egg, well beaten. i tablespoon melted butter. Sift together thoroughly the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt ; add gradually the milk, egg, and butter ; bake in hot, buttered gem pans 25 minutes. WAFFLES No. 1. Mrs. O. N. Townsend, Zanesville, Ohio. i pint flour. J / 2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 3 eggs. 1 34 cups milk. t tablespoon melted butter. Mix in order given ; add beaten yolks with milk, then the melted butter, lastly the whites; serve with maple syrup. WAFFLES No. 2. Mrs. Paul Hooven. 2 eggs. A pinch of soda. 1 pint sour cream and milk. A pinch of salt. 2 spoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon melted butter. About 1 pint of flour. Mix yolks with sour cream and milk ; add salt and soda, then flour and butter. Beat in baking powder; fold in stiffly beaten whites the last thing, and bake at once on a hot, greased griddle. RUSK, OR ZWIEBACK. Miss Edith Massee. J / 2 cup scalded milk. J4 cup sugar. 2 cakes yeast. 3 eggs. }i cup melted butter. Flour. y 2 teaspoon salt. Cool milk and add yeast ; add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 cup of flour ; beat well ;• let rise until very light ; add sugar, butter, and unbeaten egg, one at a time ; add flour enough to handle ; let rise until double its bulk; bake in moderate oven for about 20 minutes. When cool, cut in slices, toast, and serve. Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 207 GEMS No. 1. Mrs. W. F. Blaut. 1 cup milk. 3 cups flour. t tablespoon butter. 1 egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Beat the egg; add milk and pinch of salt, the sifted flour and baking powder, last the warmed butter. Bake in greased gem pans 20 minutes in hot oven. GEMS No. 2. Mrs. Joseph Kimble. 1 quart wheat bran. 1 pint flour. 6 tablespoons Orleans mo- 1 pint sour milk. lasses. Pinch of salt. 2 heaping teaspoons soda. Bake in gem tins. GRAHAM GEMS No. 1. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. Dissolve 1 level teaspoon soda and 2 of salt in 1 tablespoon hot water. Add 1 cup sour milk. Cream 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 butter; add milk and Graham or whole wheat flour to make a very stiff batter. Put in a pretty hot oven, turn down the flame, and bake from 30 to 45 minutes, according to how large a quantity in each gem. These Graham gems may be made with sweet milk by using lots of baking powder (at least 4 teaspoons) and an egg; the egg may be added when using sour milk, but it is not as necessary as it is when using sweet milk. GRAHAM GEMS No. 2. Mrs. A. J. Davis. 2 tablespoons melted but- 2 tablespoons sugar. ter. Pinch of salt. 1 egg. 1 cup white flour. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 rounded teaspoons baking 1 cup Graham flour. powder. Cream sugar and butter ; add well-beaten egg, salt, and milk; add flour and baking powder; beat well and bake in hot oven. 208 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. GRAHAM GEMS No. 3. Mrs. E. M. Peters. 2 tablespoons sugar. 2 tablespoons melted but- 3 eggs. ter. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 3^2 cups Graham flour. powder. 2 cups milk. Fill well-greased hot gem pans half full ; bake in quick oven about 12 or 15 minutes. CINNAMON BUNS No. 1. Mrs. Merle Flenner. Yi cup butter. 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs. y z cup sweet milk. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon ^ teaspoon baking powder. ^ CU P currants. Cream butter and sugar ; add beaten yolks and milk; beat thoroughly; add remainder of milk and flour, and beat again ; add baking powder, cinnamon, fold in beaten white, and stir currants in lightly. Bake in gem pans in moderate oven. Spread with butter while hot; sift over with powdered sugar and cinnamon. CINNAMON BUNS No. 2. Mrs. John C. Schwartz. 1 cup milk. y§ cup sugar. 1 tgg. Y\ cake yeast. 34 cup water. 2 cups flour. Make a sponge; beat thoroughly, and when light add flour to make a stiff dough; let rise until double its bulk; roll y$ inch thick, and spread with Yz cup butter, softened. 1 cup currants. 3 tablespoons cinnamon. 1 cup brown sugar. Roll the dough as in making jelly roll, and cut in slices 1 inch thick. Place in well-buttered muffin rings, with cut surfaces up and down ; when very light, bake in oven for 45 minutes. . Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 209 CINNAMON CAKE. Mrs. Belle Line Hiteshue. 5 tablespoons sugar. 2 tablespoons butter or \ 2 /z cups milk. crisco. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 egg. 1 cake yeast. Nutmeg. 4 cups flour. Beat all together and let rise; put in pans to rise again; cover top with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. This makes 2 large cakes. POCKETBOOK ROLLS. Mrs. Barney Ellers. 1 quart milk. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon salt. J / 2 cup sugar. y 3 cup butter and lard. i T / 2 cakes of yeast. 3 pints flour. Heat milk lukewarm ; beat eggs light ; add sugar, and beat well; add milk, flour, and yeast; set in warm place to rise; when light, add lard and butter, and flour enough to make soft dough; let rise again, make into rolls, put in pans, and let rise once more before baking. This recipe requires 6 hours from the time the sponge is set until the rolls are baked. LIGHT BISCUITS. Mrs. James A. Dale. 1 cup scalded milk. Y$ cup butter. iyi cups sugar. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cake of yeast. Flour enough to make soft dough. RUSKS. Mrs. Ella Falk. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup milk. 1 cup yeast. 1 cup flour. Mix over night ; in morning add T / 2 cup sugar, l / 2 cup butter, whites of 2 eggs beaten very light. Take part of white and add little sugar; spread over top of cake. 210 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. PEANUT FINGER ROLLS. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. Scald and cool I pint of milk ; make a soft sponge by adding i yeast cake, I pint of flour, ]/ 2 teaspoon salt. Let stand I hour ; add y' 2 cup shortening, butter and lard mixed, 2 cups finely broken peanuts, 2 pints flour. Knead well ; place in warm spot for 2 hours; turn out on bread board and roll slightly; cut in finger lengths ; print ends and place apart on tins ; let rise 1 hour, and bake 20 minutes. They can be started in the morning and be ready for luncheon. POTATO ROLLS. Mrs. Nelson H. Trimble, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1 cup flour. 1 cup mashed boiled pota- Yx cup lard. toes. 2 eggs, well beaten. x cup sugar. Pinch salt. 1 cake yeast dissolved in 1 cup milk. y* cup lukewarm water. Mix flour, lard, potatoes and sugar, salt and eggs ; then milk, then the yeast. Set to rise for 1 hour; make into soft doug-h by adding 6 cups flour, and set to rise again ; shape into rolls and let it rise once more; then bake; do not knead. SWEET ROLLS. Mrs. Perrine Spellman. 24 cup butter. 2 cups sugar. 2 eggs. 1 pint sweet milk. 1 pint sponge. Mix all into soft sponge ; when light, mix into dough ; let rise until light; make into rolls; put in pan and let rise until light. Brush top with little cream and coffee A sugar and cin- namon, and bake. Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. 2 1 1 LIGHT ROLLS. Mrs. H. Seward. Into 1 sieve of flour mix 1 tablespoon butter, 1 of lard, and 1 teaspoon salt. Scald 1 pint milk; when cool, add to flour; add 1 cake of compressed yeast and 2 tablespoons sugar dissolved in y 2 cup lukewarm water; cover lightly and let stand 1 hour. Add flour to make dough; let rise to twice its size; make in rolls; let rise again, and bake 15 minutes. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Mrs. E. W. Hake. Scald 1 pint of milk, 1 heaping teaspoon butter, 1 heaping teaspoon lard. Let cool and add 2 cakes Fleischmann's yeast dissolved in y 2 cup lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 table- spoon sugar; add little flour, 2 eggs. Add enough flour to knead. Let rise; shape with glass or cup; butter one side; let rise again, and bake. DUMPLINGS. DROP DUMPLINGS No. 1. Mrs. J. A. Rabbe. Sift together 1 cup flour, y 2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Add, stirring with a knife, about ]A cup milk or water. Divide in 5 parts and drop on any nice stew, being careful not to let the gravy cover them. Lay a cloth over the kettle before putting on the lid ; it will absorb the steam and prevent it falling back on the dumplings, thus making them heavy. Cook closely covered for exactly 12 minutes; do not look at them during this time. DROP DUMPLINGS No. 2. Mrs. E. M. Peters. Beat 1 egg until well mixed ; add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and enough flour to make stiff dough ; drop by spoonfuls into stew ; cover closely and let cook for about 10 min- utes. The stew must be boiling, and kept boiling for 10 minutes. 212 Baking Powder Breads and Light Rolls. BOILED DUMPLINGS. Mrs. James H. Roll. i egg, well beaten. 4 level teaspoons baking 1 cup milk. powder. ]/ 2 teaspoon salt. 2 x / 2 cups flour. Drop the dumpling mixture by tablespoonfuls into the boil- ing stew; boil steadily for 15 minutes without lifting cover. Serve at once. DUMPLINGS. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Beat 4 eggs ; add enough flour to make a medium stiff bat- ter, y 2 teaspoon baking powder, and little salt. Drop a small teaspoon at a time into a kettle of boiling water, into which a little salt has been dropped. Let boil a few good puffs ; remove carefully from kettle, and pour in a colander to drain off the water ; then pour in hot vege- table dish ; brown a tablespoon butter and croutons of fried bread, and pour over dumplings. Serve at once. COMMUNION BREAD. 1 pint flour. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Butter size of a walnut. Water or milk to make a proper consistency. Roll half an inch thick, put in pan, and score. Bake in slow oven. Quantity is quite sufficient. Memoranda. 1 lo i 51 [c=51 l < t or Don 't Hunt Our Number Just call j 47 j Both Phones We Anderson-Shaffer Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Coal Diamond Hog Meal Lumber Calf Meal Cement Oil Meal Wire Fence & Gates Stock Feed Locust, Cedar & Steel Posts Buffalo Gluten Lime Molasses Feed Fire Clay & Brick Corn & Oats Sewer Pipe & Farmers' Cotton Seed Meal, etc. Drain Tile All Kinds of Poultry Feed "Aristos Flour J 3 We desire to particularly call your attention to this flour and do not hesitate to say that you will find it the best you ever used in your home, both for Bread and Pastry. We guarantee every pound of it to give entire satisfaction ; if not, will gladly refund your money. This we announce to every buyer, and have yet to hear of a single complaint. "Invincible Coal" We are sole owners of "INVINCIBLE" coal. No clinkers, little ash, and carries fire all night. The coal that satis- fies. If you have never used it you will not regret giving it a trial. 3Q » =3j \CZD\ \ ( HOE (Takes. SOLID CAKE. JAM CAKE. Mrs. Truman Davis. i cup sugar. i cup strawberry jam. Yx cup butter. 5 eggs, well beaten (yolks 2 teaspoons of cocoa. and whites together). y 2 teaspoon of nutmeg. 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 2 cups flour. 3 tablespoons sour milk. SPONGE CAKE No. 1. Mrs. C. A. Byrne. 2 eggs, well beaten. 1 cup flour. Salt. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup hot milk; last. Get everything measured before beginning. SPONGE CAKE No. 2. Mrs. Caroline Sauer. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 cup flour. 1 cup sugar. y^ teaspoon cream tartar. Beat yolks well until light; add sugar; beat again and flavor with lemon; beat the whites and add cream of tartar. Fold into yolks and sugar, and then add flour, sifted; fold in lightly. Put in ungreased pan and bake in oven 45 minutes. SIMPLE SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. Allen Andrews. 3 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons hot water. 1 teaspoon vanilla if de- 1 large cup flour. sired. Beat together for 15 minutes the eggs, hot water, and the sugar. Next fold in the flour and the flavoring; in beating, the eggs will stiffen quickly if set in a dish of hot water after the tgg mixture is partly thickened. Bake in moderate oven about 40 minutes. 215 2 1 6 Cakes. EXCELLENT SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. Carlos Gressle. i cup sugar. I teaspoon baking powder, i tablespoon butter. 2 eggs. 1 cup flour. Sift the flour, sugar, and baking powder together; melt the butter in a cup and break the eggs into it without beating; fill up cup with milk and stir into the flour mixture. Beat hard 5 minutes and bake in moderate oven. APPLE SAUCE CAKE No. 1. Mrs. Sam D. Fitton, Jr. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup butter. iy 2 cups apple sauce without i l / 2 cups raisins. sugar. 1 teaspoon soda. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. Salt. 1 egg- Dissolve soda in apple sauce; cream butter and sugar; beat in the egg; add apple sauce and soda, flour, spices, and a pinch of salt. Beat well, and lastly add raisins. APPLE SAUCE CAKE No. 2. Miss Inez Wilson. 2 cups sugar. 2 cups apple sauce without 1 cup butter and lard mixed sugar. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. y> teaspoon cloves. 2 teaspoons soda dissolved 2 cups chopped currants or in a little boiling water. nuts. 2 cups chopped raisins. 4 cups flour. y 2 lb. citron. A little salt. Mix all together and bake in slow oven about 2 hours. Dredge nuts and fruit well with flour, to keep from going to bottom of cake. Cakes. 2 1 7 PORK CAKE. Mrs George Krebs. 2 cups sugar, i cup New Orl lasses. 2 pounds raisins, i cup currants. ]/ 2 cup citron. 5 cups flour. eans mo- i teaspoon soda. i tablespoon cinnamon. Yz teaspoon cloves. 3/2 teaspoon allspice. Yi small nutmeg. i cup blanched almonds. 24 pound pickled pork, fat only, chopped fine; scald with I pint of boiling water; when cold, pour in with other ingredients. LAURA'S CAKE. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. i cup milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups granulated sugar. mixed in flour. y A cup butter. 3 eggs. 3 cups flour. Cream butter and sugar ; then beat the eggs in whole, one at a time; add milk, then flour; flavor with vanilla. Bake in 2 jelly tins and spread with any icing you prefer, or bake in one solid cake. SCRIPTURE CAKE. Miss Mabel B. Spellman. i cup butter Judges 5 : 25. 3>4 cups flour 1 Kings 4 : 22. 2 cups sugar Jeremiah 6: 20. 2 cups raisins 1 Samuel 30 : 12. 2 cups figs 1 Samuel 30 : 12. 1 cup water Genesis 24 : 17. 1 cup almonds Genesis 43 : 11. 6 eggs Isaiah 10 : 14. Little salt Leviticus 2 : 13. 1 large tablespoon honey Exodus 16: 31. Sweet spices to taste 1 Kings 10 : 2. Follow Solomon's advice for making good boys (Proverbs 23 : 14) and you will have a good cake. 218 Cakes. HARTFORD CAKE. Mrs. J. P. Davis. teaspoon cream of tartar in flour, or 2 eggs. cup chopped raisins (seedless). i 1 /* cups sugar (white or light y 2 brown). 2 /z cup butter. i 3 cups flour. i i teaspoon soda in I table- spoon hot water. Some cinnamon and cloves, and add raisins to sugar, butter, and eggs. Makes 2 loaves. POTATO CAKE. Mrs. Elizabeth De Haven. 2 teaspoons baking powder. squares grated chocolate. cup chopped English wal- nuts. teaspoon powdered cin- namon. teaspoon grated nutmeg. 2 cups sugar. y$ cup butter. 2 i cup hot mashed potatoes. i l / 2 cup sweet milk or water. 2 cups flour. I i teaspoon powdered cloves. y 2 4 eggs. Cream the butter and sugar together ; add the yolks of eggs well beaten, then the flour mixed with the baking powder and spices, and the milk. Then add the potatoes mixed with the chocolate, the walnuts, and the whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff. The potatoes must be hot when mixed with the chocolate. ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR CAKE. Mrs. Edna Stork. i cup milk or water. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Flavor with vanilla. 1 cup butter. 2 cups sugar. 3 cups flour. 4 eggs beaten separately. Bake in long pan ; ice on top. JELLY ISLAND CAKE. Mrs. Joseph L. Carver. i cup butter. i cup milk. 2 cups sugar. 3 cups flour. 4 eggs. 3 teaspoons baking powder Flavor with vanilla. Splendid with chocolate icing. Cakes. 219 KUCHEN. Mrs. Charles Warner. 1 cup granulated sugar. 3 eggs beaten separately. y 2 cup butter. 1 heaping teaspoon baking J/2 cup sweet milk. powder. i}4 cups sifted flour. Sprinkle J4 CU P °f chopped nuts over batter, and sprinkle with sugar. Bake 25 minutes in moderate oven. BLACK CAKE. Miss Anna B. Hawes. (Been in Hawes family since 1740.) 1 lb. flour. 1 teaspoon ground cloves. 1 lb. sugar. 1 teaspoon ground ginger. 1 heavy lb. butter. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 2.y 2 lbs. raisins. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. i l / 2 lbs. currants. 1 teaspoon orange juice. 2 lbs. citron. 1 teacup nuts, ground fine. 1 dozen eggs. J /s cup New Orleans mo- 2 nutmegs, grated. lasses. Cream butter and sugar; beat eggs well, and add; then stir in flour, beating very hard; add fruit last. Have some of the flour to dredge fruit in, so it will not go to bottom of cake. Bake 3 hours and leave in pan until cold. THANKSGIVING CAKE. Mrs. Harry Ross. 2 cups bread dough. 2 eggs. l / 2 cup flour. 1 cup seeded raisins. 2 cups sugar. % cup sliced citron. J / 2 teaspoon cinnamon, y 2 teaspoon soda, mace, and nutmeg. Take dough when it is ready for shaping into halves; add other ingredients, and mix and beat with the hand ; the beating is not done with tips of fingers, and directly toward the body; 220 Cakes. turn into tube cake pan, and when light (it should be not quite double its bulk) bake in an oven of a temperature a little lower than for bread. Pour a maple sugar frosting over the cake when done, and decorate with pecan or hickory nuts. This cake is particularly good made of entire wheat bread dough. FEATHER CAKE. Mrs. James Blair, i egg. 2 cups flour, i cup sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking Y A cup butter. powder. 1 cup milk. QUICK CAKE. Mrs. John F. Neilan. 3/3 cup soft butter. ]/ 2 lb. of raisins, stoned and 1J/3 cups brown sugar. chopped. 2 eggs. 3 teaspoons baking powder. y 2 cup milk. 3/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1^4 cups flour. Y /i teaspoon grated nutmeg. Put all ingredients in a bowl and beat thoroughly for 3 minutes. Bake 35 or 40 minutes. OLD ENGLISH GINGER BREAD. (Raisins can be added.) eggs. teaspoon each cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. level teaspoons soda in a cup of boiling water, added last. GINGER BREAD. Mrs. W. B. Shuler. 2 eggs. 2^2 cups flour. y 2 cup lard. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. y 2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon ginger. 1 cup Orleans molasses. Cream butter and sugar ; add cinnamon and ginger, mo- lasses and yolks of eggs, flour and whites. Lastly, 1 cup boiling water with teaspoon soda. Batter very thin. Bake slowly. Miss Rike. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup New Orleans mo- 2 lasses. 1 y 2 cup lard. 2.y 2 cups flour, measured be- 2 fore sifting. Cakes. 221 SOFT GINGER BREAD. Mrs. D. R. Byard. i egg. y 2 cup butter. l /i cup sugar. i teaspoon ginger and Yi cup molasses. 1^2 cups flour. Mix well together ; then add an even teaspoon soda in Y\ cup boiling water ; bake 30 minutes. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. Brandon Millikin. 1 cup butter, creamed. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 2 cups sugar, sifted 3 times. powder. 1 cup milk. Whites of 6 eggs, beaten 4 cups flour, sifted 3 times, stiff. measured after sifting. Cream butter and sugar; add milk and flour; fold baking powder into whites, and fold this into the cake. Flavor with vanilla. Bake in a slow oven for about 50 minutes. Do not light oven until cake is ready to go in. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. Richard Sortman. 2 cups sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 34 cup butter. powder. 1 cup milk. Whites of 5 large or 6 3 cups flour. small eggs. Cream butter and sugar; if sugar is warmed first, this is a quick process. Add milk and flour gradually; then whites of eggs beaten stiff, and lastly the baking powder. Ice with white boiled icing. POUND CAKE. Mrs. E. M. Peters, Work 1 cup of butter to a cream, using the hand. Add gradually, while beating, 1J/3 cups granulated sugar; then add 5 eggs, one at a time, beating vigorously. When the mixture is creamy, add 2 cups flour. Bake in a slow oven j4 oi an hour. 222 Cakes. POUND CAKE. Mrs. C. S. Elliott. Yolks of 10 eggs. i lb. flour. Whites of 2 well-beaten iy 2 teaspoons baking powder, eggs. i cup milk, i lb. butter. % teaspoon salt, i lb. sugar. Add flour and whites of eggs last. POUND CAKE. Miss Sarah Parrish. 10 eggs. % lb. butter. 1 lb. sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder, i lb. flour. Cream sugar and butter thoroughly; add well-beaten egg yolks, then flour; then add stiffly beaten whites of eggs, and lastly the baking powder. ONE-EGG CAKE. Mrs. John Andrews. i cup sugar. I 1 /* cups flour, 54 cup butter. i teaspoon baking powder. l / 2 cup milk. Flavoring. i egg- TWO-EGG CAKE. Miss Janet Gath. y 2 cup butter (scant). 2 teaspoons baking powder. i cup sugar. y 2 teaspoon vanilla. 2/3 cup milk. Whites of 2 eggs. 2 cups flour. Put baking powder in the flour; cream butter and sugar, stir half flour and milk at a time; add vanilla; beat whites of eggs to stiff froth and add last. This makes two layers. Cakes. 223 EGGLESS CAKE. Mrs. Will Elliott. \ l / 2 cups brown sugar. 3 cups fiour. 1 cup sour milk. 1 cup chopped raisins. Vz cup butter and lard y 2 nutmeg, grated, mixed. Flavor with lemon or vanilla ; bake y 2 hour. EGGLESS CAKE. Mrs. Charles Parrish. 1 cup sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup warm water. Pinch of salt. 2 cups flour. y 2 teaspoon vanilla. y 2 cup butter. Bake in shallow pans ; ice and mark in squares. EGGLESS RAISIN CAKE. Mrs. W. H. Moore. 2 cups brown sugar. y 2 teaspoon salt. 2 cups cold water. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 7/3 cup lard. y 2 teaspoon nutmeg. 1 lb. raisins. I pinch of cloves. Mix all together and boil 3 minutes ; take off and let stand until quite cold ; then add 1 level teaspoon soda dissolved in a little cold water. Then add 4^ cups flour and 2^ teaspoons baking powder, sifted with flour. Mix all together and bake in moderate oven 1 hour. A MILKLESS, EGGLESS, BUTTERLESS CAKE. Mrs. Harry F. Schipper. 1 cup dark-brown sugar. 1 teaspoon ground cinna- \y 2 cups seeded raisins. mon. 1 cup water. % teaspoon nutmeg. Ys cup lard. 1 pinch salt. Yz teaspoon cloves. Boil ingredients together for 3 minutes ; when cold, stir in 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in little warm water; add 2 cups sifted flour with y 2 teaspoon baking powder. Bake in a loaf. 224 Cakes. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Mrs. Lazard Kahn. i cup sugar and 1^2 cups flour. y 2 cup butter creamed to- % cup cocoa. gether. A little cinnamon, nut- Yolks of 3 eggs. meg, and allspice. 1 cup water. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Fold in whites last. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Miss Marie Shuler. y 2 cup butter. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups sugar. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 cup milk. Whites of 4 eggs. 2^ cups flour. l /z teaspoon vanilla. 4 squares chocolate. Cream butter and sugar; add melted chocolate and yolks; stir in, alternately, milk and flour. Last add whites and vanilla. Bake in one layer in very slow oven. Use white icing. FRUIT CAKE. Mrs. Perrine Spellman. 1 cup butter. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 1 pint brown sugar. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 4 eggs. Ya tablespoon cloves. 1*4 cups sour milk. 1 lb. raisins, and 4 cups flour, sifted 3 or 4 1 lb. currants, washed and times. thoroughly dried. *4 lb. citron. Cream butter and sugar; add eggs, then milk and 3 cups of flour and spices. Mix fruit thoroughly with 1 cup of flour and add to mix- ture; sprinkle 1 scant tablespoon of dry soda over mixture the last thing. After fruit is added, do not stir any more than necessary. I lb. granulated sugar. i I lb. butter. ij4 lbs. flour. i 2 lbs. raisins and V* i lb. currants. i % lb. citron. i y 4 ib. figs. i Cakes. 225 FRUIT CAKE. Mrs. Georgetta Hurm. tablespoon New Orleans molasses. 1 teaspoon soda, cup fruit juice, teaspoon cinnamon, teaspoon nutmeg. 1 teaspoon cloves. 8 eggs. y 2 lb. English walnuts. Soak the spices over night in the fruit juice. Mix ingredi- ents as for any other cake, adding the fruit last. Bake 2 hours. Make a boiled icing, flavor with orange flour water, and apply to the top in a fanciful design, leaving the sides uncovered. This cake will keep a year or more. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Miss Jane C. Whitaker. y 2 cup butter. y 2 lb. Baker's chocolate dis- 2 cups light-brown sugar. solved in %. cup boil- 2 yolks and 1 egg. ing water with 1 tea- J / 2 cup sour milk (or butter- spoon soda, milk). 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons vanilla. Cream butter; add sugar; mix. Add yolks, then sour milk; next, chocolate and soda dissolved in water. Add flour until of proper consistency ; flavor ; add white of egg, beaten stiffly, and fold in. Makes a loaf cake. Frosting. 1% cups sugar. y 3 cup water. Whites of 2 eggs. % teaspoon cream tartar. Flavoring. Cook sugar, water, and cream of tartar until syrup threads. Pour in a fine stream into the white of eggs. Beat until smooth, but not thick enough to drop. If too stiff, thin with a little boil- ing water and spread with wet spatula or knife. 226 Cakes. DEVIL'S FOOD. Mrs. W. S. Snider. 2 blocks of sweet chocolate, 2 cups sugar. grated and dissolved in y 2 cup butter. Yz cup boiling water 3 eggs, with a small teaspoon of soda. When cold add 2 /z cup sour milk and the beaten yolks; add this to the butter and sugar creamed, and 3 cups of flour; 2 rounding teaspoons baking powder; beat the whites stiff, and fold in the cake last ; 1 cup of raisins scalded and placed on a napkin to dry; then roll in flour and add to the cake. SPICE CAKE. Miss Mary Davis. 2 cups sugar. Yolks of 2 eggs. l /2 cup butter. White of 1 egg. 1 cup sour cream. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon cloves. 2^2 cups flour. y 2 cup grated nutmeg. 1 teaspoon baking powder. SPICE CAKE. Mrs. John Andrews. J/2 cup butter. 2 cups flour sifted with 2 cups light-brown sugar. 1 tablespoon cocoa, 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup sour cream. y teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1 even teaspoon soda dis- % teaspoon allspice, solved in cream. y> box raisins. ALMOND CAKE. Mrs. Maggie Tunnelle. Whites of 8 eggs. 1 lb. blanched almonds cut in thin slices. Cream butter, then add sugar; cream together; then flour; add eggs beaten well ; add almonds last. I lb. sugar. 1 lb. flour. y A ib. butter. Cakes. 227 WALNUT CAKE. Mrs. Joseph Kimball. 1 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. \y 2 cups flour. ij/2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1 cup walnuts chopped fine. y 2 cup water. NUT CAKE. Mrs. John Schawann. \ l / 2 cups A sugar. 2 l / 2 cups flour. y 2 cup shortening. l /> cup raisins (chopped). y 2 cake of mince meat. 1 cup of nuts. 1 cup sour milk. Spices to suit taste. 1 level teaspoon soda. HICKORY-NUT CAKE. Mrs. Allen Andrews. 2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. 1 cup milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. y, cup butter. 1 cup of nut kernels cut fine. 3 cups flour. Tried and not found wanting. HICKORY-NUT CAKE. Mrs. Wm. H. Allen. 1 cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups sugar. 1 pint hickory nut kernels. 1 cup sweet milk. 3 cups flour sifted with the Whites of 7 eggs. baking powder. Yolks of 2 eggs. Beat butter and sugar to a cr^am; then add yolks of eggs, then milk, then flour, whites of eggs beaten to stiff froth, and hickory nuts last, rolled in a little flour; bake in loaf, and ice if you like. 228 Cakes. ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Charles Edward Draper. i cup flour sifted 3 times. 1 level teaspoon cream of i l /\. cups granulated sugar; tartar (pure). roll and sift once. y$ teaspoon salt. \y$ cups egg-white. 1 teaspoon vanilla. The salt is used to freshen the egg, and will materially as- sist in the beating; this should be put into the egg before beat- ing. When the eggs are about half beaten, add the cream tar- tar and also the extract (your own choice, but vanilla preferred). When the eggs are fully beaten (but not too stiff), then sift sugar in. Up to this point you should beat with a strong, vigor- ous, and continuous stroke. Add flour last; simply folding it in with as few strokes as will be required to mix well. Put into pan at once, and then into gas range. Place the pan on rack about 3 inches above the bottom of the oven. The range should be lighted (both burners) about 2 minutes (no longer) before placing cake in oven. Immediately on placing cake in oven turn out the front burner and turn down the back burner to 3/3 its capacity. This cake should be kept in the oven 1 hour. Pure cream tartar is essential to the success of this cake. CHOCOLATE ANGEL FOOD. Charles Edward Draper. Same recipe as above, except for addition of the chocolate. Grate 2 squares of Baker's chocolate (about Y\ cake) very fine, and after the flour has been sifted and measured, add the grated chocolate to it by stirring and sifting thoroughly. ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 cup flour. Sifted 4 times separately 13^ cups granulated sugar. and 8 times together. Beat with a little salt, whites of 11 small or 10 large eggs on a meat platter until you can turn it upside down without spilling; add level teaspoon cream of tartar to the eggs; dust Cakes. 229 flour and sugar mixture into eggs very lightly ; always use wire egg beater to mix cake, and never stir it or use a spoon. Flavor with vanilla and bake 1 hour on lower shelf of oven with slow fire. ANGEL CAKE. Miss Almeda Cockerill. Whites of 11 eggs. Pinch of soda. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 cup flour. ij/2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat whites of eggs until frothy ; add cream of tartar, and continue beating until eggs are stiff ; gradually fold in sugar, flour, and soda ; mix together and sift 6 times. Add vanilla. Bake 50 or 60 minutes in an unbuttered angel cake pan. Have the oven very moderate until cake has risen well. Cover with frosting. LAYER CAKE. FRENCH CREAM CAKE. Mrs. John Spoerl. 2 cups powdered sugar. 2 level teaspoons baking 2 heaping cups flour. powder. 5 eggs. 24 CU P not water. Split layers and put following cream filling between : Cream Filling. One scant pint of milk, heat to near boiling point; add 2 tablespoons cornstarch, wet with a little cold milk ; 2 beaten eggs with 1 small cup of sugar; boil until it thickens and falls from spoon. When cool, add 2 tablespoons of vanilla and x / 2 cup of melted butter. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top layer. MY OWN LAYER CAKE. Mrs. Joe Williams. 3 eggs. 1 cup of sweet milk. J/2 cup of butter. 3 teaspoons Royal baking 4 cups sifted flour. powder. 2 cups coffee A sugar. 230 Cakes. ORANGE CAKE. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. 3 eggs. i l / 2 cups sugar. l / 2 cup butter. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons Royal baking 1 cup milk, powder. Frosting. l / 2 yolk well beaten ; add powdered sugar and the rind of 1 orange grated. Orange Cream Custard. 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Juice of l / 2 lemon. V 2 cup of sugar. x / 2 yolk of tgg. i'y 2 cups hot water. Lump of butter. Juice of 1 orange. Rind of y> orange, grated. NUT LAYER CAKE. Mrs. S. D. Fitton, Jr. y 2 cup butter. i x /i cups sugar. y 2 cup milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2^4 cups flour. y± teaspoon soda. «)4 teaspoon cream tartar. Whites of 5 eggs. Cream butter and sugar gradually ; add milk and vanilla, flour sifted with soda and cream tartar. Last fold in whites of eggs ; spread in two layer cake pans. Press halves of English walnuts into top of one of layers to make lengthwise rows of nut meats. Sprinkle the whole with white sugar. Bake 20 minutes. Chocolate Nut Frosting. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup water. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 square bitter chocolate. y 2 teaspoon vanilla. Chopped nuts. Boil sugar and water until it threads. Pour on the beaten yolks ; pour this on melted chocolate. Add chopped nuts re- maining from a pound of unshclled nuts used in the cake ; add vanilla; beat until cold enough to spread. Cakes. 231- LEMON CHEESE CAKE. Mrs. W. J. Brede. 1 cup of butter. 3 cups of flour. 1 cup of sweet milk. x / 2 cup of cornstarch. Pinch of salt. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 4 eggs. 2 teaspoons lemon extract. 2 cups of sugar. Lemon Filling. 1 cup of sugar. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 egg. Juice of 1 lemon. Stir all together and cook until it thickens, then spread be- tween layers. LEMON JELLY CAKE. Miss Inez Wilson. Miss Condon, Trenton, Ohio. \ l /2 cups granulated sugar. y 2 cup butter. y 2 cup milk. 2.y 2 cups flour. 3 eggs. 1 level teaspoon soda. 2 level teaspoons cream tar- 1 teaspoon lemon extract. tar. Bake in layers. Lemon Filling. 1 cup of sugar. Grated rind and juice of 1 egg. 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon water. 1 teaspoon flour. Boil until it thickens. Cool and spread between layers. FEATHER CAKE. Mrs. E. A. Belden. 1 cup sugar. y 2 teaspoon each of cinna- 2 eggs. mon, ginger and cloves. 1/4 cups flour. y 2 cup milk. y 2 cup butter. iy 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream sugar and butter ; pour on this 1 tablespoon hot water; stir into this eggs, not beaten; then add milk, flour, baking powder, and spices. Bake in a quick oven. 232 Cakes. NUT CAKE. Miss Inez Wilson. w cup of butter. 1 cup of milk. 3 eggs. 1 cup of any nut meats iy 2 cups sugar. preferred. Rub the butter and sugar to a light, white cream ; add the eggs beaten a little, then the flour sifted with the powder; mix with the milk and nut meats into a rather firm batter. Bake in layers or solid. Make boiled white icing, and stir chopped nut meats in. Spread between layers. SPONGE CAKE. Mrs. Frederick G. Mueller. i]/2 cups coffee A sugar. i 1 /* cups flour. 3 eggs. 1^2 teaspoons baking powder. 4 tablespoons of water. Bake in 2 layers; split the layers and spread with cream filling. Cream Filling. y A cup sugar. 1 cup milk. 1 egg. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE. Mrs. C. S. Millikin. 1 cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups sugar. Whites of 6 eggs. 1 cup milk. 1 teaspoon flavoring. 3^2 level cups flour. Cream butter and sugar together; then add milk and flour, into which the baking powder has been sifted, then flavoring, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Filling. Two cups granulated sugar in 3/2 cup water. Boil until it threads, then pour over the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs, beat- ing until creamy. Add 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 cup chopped nut meats, 3 figs cut in thin slices. Put between layers and on top of cake, or ice top plain. Cakes. 233 RIBBON CAKE. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. Whites of 6 eggs. i l / 2 cups sugar. l / 2 cup butter. }/ 2 cup sweet milk. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Color l / 2 of this with 1 drop cochineal. This will make 2 layers : pink and white. Flavor with vanilla. Dark Part. Yolks of 6 eggs. i l / 2 cups sugar. ]/ 2 cup butter. y 2 cup sweet milk. 2 i y 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Grate 1 square of chocolate into y> of this. Flavor with vanilla. This will make 2 layers : yellow and chocolate color. Icing. 2 cups sugar. y A cup of water. Boil until thick enough for a taffy, pour over whites of 4 eggs, beat until cool, and flavor with vanilla. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. Wilson Maxwell. Break whites of 2 eggs in a cup. Put in enough soft butter to make y 2 cup; fill up cup with milk. Sift in a bowl iy 2 cups of flour, 1 large teaspoon of baking powder, 1 cup of granulated sugar. Pour the soft mixture over and beat 10 minutes; flavor; will make 2 small layers. Any icing will do. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. Warren Gard. 1 cup butter. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. 3 cups flour. Whites of 5 eggs. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers or loaf. Easily made and very good. 9 234 Cakes. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. A. B. Austin. y A cup of butter. Whites of 6 eggs, beaten 2 cups of sugar. stiff. 3 cups of flour. i cup of milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Almond Custard Filling. i cup of cream or new milk. Small lump of butter, i tablespoon flour. ]/ 2 teaspoon vanilla. 2 eggs. Ya lb. chopped almonds. 2 tablespoons sugar. WHITE CAKE. Miss Fannie Du Bois. 2 cups white sugar. i cup sweet milk. Pinch of salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs. 3 cups flour. 24 cup butter and lard. Beat all the ingredients together except whites of eggs, which should be beaten stiff and added last. Filling. 2 cups brown sugar. Yz pint cream. Boil together until it forms balls when dropped into water; take from fire and beat in a tablespoon of butter. WHITE CAKE. Mrs. E. M. Peters. 2 cups granulated sugar. I cup butter, i cup sweet milk. 4 cups sifted flour. Whites of 7 eggs. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream the butter and sugar, adding gradually I cup of milk and 3 cups of flour. Add well-beaten whites of eggs with re- maining cup of flour, to which has been added the baking powder. Flavor with vanilla to taste. This makes 3 layers. Bake in moderate oven. Cakes. 235 WHITE LAYER CAKE. Mrs. H. C. Blum. 2 cups powdered sugar. 3 cups flour. 1 cup sweet milk. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Whites of 6 eggs. 1 teaspoon flavoring. «}4 cup butter. This can be used for a sheet cake. Marshmallow Icing. y 2 pound marshmallows set over hot water till soft; boil 2 cups of granulated sugar with 6 tablespoons of water until it drops from the spoon in threads. Have ready beaten whites of 2 eggs; pour syrup slowly into it, beating all the time. Beat marshmallows into icing lightly. FRUIT LAYER CAKE. Mrs. Maggie L. Tunnelle. 2 cups powdered sugar. 1 cup of milk or water. 3 cups flour. 2 teaspoons of baking pow- Whites of 6 eggs. der. y 2 cup butter. Fruit Layer. 2 cups light-brown sugar. 1 teaspoon cinnamon, nut- 3 cups flour. meg, mace, cloves. Yolks of 5 eggs. 1 cup of walnuts, raisins, y 2 cup butter. currants, almonds, figs, 1 cup of milk. and citron. 2^ teaspoons baking powder. Filling. 2 cups granulated sugar. 10 cents' worth marshmal- Whites of 2 eggs. lows. y 2 cup whipped cream. Boil 2 cups of sugar in 4 tablespoons of water until it threads. Have egg beaten to a stiff froth. Marshmallows cut in dice and hot; stir sugar in the egg, beating all the time; then the marshmallows. Before spreading on cake add cream. 2 2,6 Cakes. CARAMEL CAKE. Miss Naomi E. Hurm. Y\ cup butter, scant. . 2 eggs. 3 cups flour. 3 teaspoons caramel, or 1 teaspoons baking powder. more, to taste. 1 cup cold water. Caramel. Heat 1 teacup dark-brown sugar until it smokes. Add l / 2 teacup of boiling water. Will keep indefinitely. Frosting. Two cups light-brown sugar ; enough milk to moisten the sugar ; a lump of butter. Cook as for fudge ; let cool until almost cold. Beat to creamy mass; add enough boiling water to make it the consistency of icing. CARAMEL CAKE. Mrs. John F. Mee. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup sweet milk. 3^ cups flour. 2 heaping teaspoons baking Whites of 5 eggs. powder. Flavor with vanilla. This makes 3 layers. Caramel Icing. 1 cup dark sugar. 1 cup white sugar. Cover with water; let boil to a candy; 2 teaspoons cream, 1 teaspoon butter ; beat well ; flavor to taste. COCOANUT CAKE. Miss Inez Wilson. 2 cups sugar. y 2 cup butter. 1 cup sweet milk or cocoa- 3^2 cups flour. nut milk. l / 2 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon cream tartar. y 2 teaspoon lemon extract. Whites of 4 eggs. Use boiled icing with cocoanut. Cakes. 237 STANDARD CAKE. Miss Elizabeth Roll. )/ 2 cup of butter. i]/ 2 cups of sugar. 4 eggs, or whites of 5. 1 cup of water. 3 teaspoons baking powder, 3 cups flour. rounded. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream the butter and sugar thoroughly ; add yolks of eggs, beaten slightly, then liquid and dry ingredients alternately ; fold in the whites beaten very stiff; add flavoring, and beat lightly. Bake in tins lined with waxed paper in moderate oven. This cake may be varied by adding cocoa, spices, fruit, or nuts. COCOANUT CAKE. Miss Bessie May Nesbitt. 2 large cups coffee A sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder. y 2 cup butter. 3^ large or 5 small cups of 5 eggs, leaving out the flour, sifted with baking whites for frosting. powder. 1 cup sweet milk. Measure all by the same size cup. LAYER CAKE WITH FRESH COCOANUT. Mrs. T. D. Cochran, Germantown, Pa. 1 cup butter. i^4 cups sugar. 3 eggs. 2.]/ 2 cups flour. 2^ level teaspoons baking 1 cup milk. powder. A little salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Filling. y 2 cup milk. y 2 cup cream. A small walnut of butter. Heated in a double boiler. Stir one rounding tablespoonful flour into y 2 cup of sugar. Stir into hot milk and cook until thick. Add 1 beaten egg white to custard just before removing from fire and beat well. Cool slightly and add fresh grated cocoanut to taste, and spread be- tween layers of cake. Make a boiled icing; cover the top and sides. Sprinkle thickly with cocoanut. 238 Cakes. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mrs. Frank Weaver. 2 teacups brown sugar. y 2 teacup butter. Y* teacup sour cream or y 2 teacup chocolate, milk. y* cup boiling water. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 cups flour. Put soda into chocolate, then pour the boiling water into this. Put baking powder into the flour. Bake in layers. Filling. 2 cups brown sugar. y 2 cup sweet milk. y> cup butter. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mrs. John R. Woods. 2 cups dark-brown sugar. x / 2 cup sour milk. 2 eggs. y* cup boiling water. ^ 2 heaping cups flour. y 2 cup grated chocolate. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon vanilla. y 2 cup butter, scant. Mix sugar, butter, eggs, milk, and flour; then dissolve soda in water; melt chocolate; add these to the batter. Bake in layers. Use any filling you like. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mrs. C. W. Simpson. 2 cups brown sugar. y 2 cup butter. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda. y 2 cup sour milk. y$ cup grated chocolate. 3/3 cup boiling water or cof- 3 level cups flour, fee. Beat sugar and butter into a cream ; then add lightly beaten eggs and soda dissolved in milk. Dissolve grated chocolate in water or cofTee. Add to the batter last; add flour. Caramel Icing. 1 cup caramel sugar. 1 cup cofTee A sugar. Add enough water to dissolve, and boil until it threads. Beat till it thickens; thin with cream. Cakes. 239 DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mrs. Caroline M. Harris. 2 cups dark-brown sugar. Y* cup butter. Y* cup grated chocolate. Y* cup sour milk. Yz cup hot water. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda. Vanilla to suit taste. 2 cups flour. Cream the butter and sugar; add eggs and sour milk; dis- solve chocolate and soda in hot water and add ; then flour and vanilla; beat thoroughly. Icing. Two cups dark-brown sugar ; enough water to barely moisten it ; cook until a soft cream ; when nearly cool add a small lump of butter and vanilla. Beat until stiff enough to spread. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Mrs. H. G. Carter. Three-fourths cup of grated German sweet chocolate dis- solved in a cup of boiling water ; to this add 1 teaspoonful of soda and stand aside while mixing the cake. 2 cups of brown sugar. Y* cup of sour milk (sour Y2 cup of butter. cream is better). 2 eggs. 23/2 cups of flour. Add the chocolate. Bake in a quick oven. Chocolate Filling. One-half cup of grated chocolate dissolved in a small cup of water; add 1 cup of sugar, a little butter, and flavor if desired. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Mrs. John Schwartz. 2 ounces chocolate. Y* CU P m ihk. Yz cup butter. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1^2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 4 eggs. 2 cups flour. Dissolve chocolate in 5 tablespoons boiling water. Cream the butter; add gradually the sugar, beating constantly. Sepa- 240 Cakes. rate the eggs, beat the yolks, and add to sugar and butter; then add milk, then melted chocolate, vanilla, and flour sifted with baking powder; beat thoroughly. Beat whites to a stiff froth and stir them into the mixture quickly. Turn into greased cake pans and bake in moderate oven. Filling. 3 teaspoons flour. Yolk of i.egg. 1% cups milk. y 2 cup sugar. 1 ounce chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Moisten flour with % cup cold milk, and cook in hot milk 20 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon hot water to chocolate and beat until smooth. Beat yolk and add sugar, then chocolate, then gradually the hot milk and flour. Return to double boiler and cook in hot water for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, and when cool add vanilla. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Mrs. Edward Sohngen. 2 cups powdered sugar. 3 cups flour. 34 cup butter. 2 heaping teaspoons baking Whites of 6 eggs. powder. 1 cup milk. Flavor with vanilla. Chocolate Icing. 2 squares Baker's choco- 2 scant cups sugar. late. Butter size of walnut. 34 cup milk. I spoon vanilla. Cook until it hardens in water, then beat until cold. Maple Icing for Same Cake. 1 cup maple syrup. Whites of 2 eggs. 1 cup brown sugar. Boil syrup and sugar together until they will form a soft ball when put in water ; then pour over beaten whites of eggs and beat until cold. Cakes. 241 CHOCOLATE CAKE. Mrs. Christina Schiering. 2 cups brown sugar. Y* cake chocolate or 2 tea- 3 eggs. spoons cocoa. 3 cups flour. Yz cup butter. 1 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda. Icing. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 cups brown sugar. Boil until thick, then beat. FUDGE CAKE. Mrs. Ed Kirk. iYa cups chocolate. Y^ cup English walnuts. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs. Yz cup butter. 1 heaping teaspoon baking 1 cup sweet milk. powder. 2 T /2 cups flour. Cream butter and sugar together ; add milk, then flour, sifting baking powder with the flour ; add the melted chocolate and walnuts broken coarsely ; lastly add the eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. Frosting for Cake. 1 Ya cups sugar. Y* cup chocolate. Y\ cup milk. Y* teaspoon vanilla. \Yi tablespoons butter. Pinch of salt. Melt butter; add chocolate, sugar, salt, and milk. Boil 8 or 10 minutes; take from fire, add vanilla, and beat. BLACKBERRY JAM CAKE. Mrs. O. W. Katz. 2 cups white sugar. 1 teaspoon soda. % cup of butter. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup sour milk. ^2 teaspoon cloves. 1 cup raisins. Y* teaspoon nutmeg. 1 cup blackberry jam. 3% cups flour. 4 eggs. 242 Cakes. DARK CAKE. Mrs. Will Cullen. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 squares Baker's bitter 1 egg. chocolate. 1 teaspoon of vanilla. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 level teaspoon soda. iy 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat sugar and butter together, stirring; boil together choco- late and egg beaten well. Add x / 2 the milk. When dissolved, add this to butter and sugar, and the other y 2 cup of milk ; then vanilla, flour, soda, and baking powder. Filling. 1 square bitter chocolate. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup sweet milk. Yolk of 1 egg. Heat until thoroughly dissolved and mixed ; add 1 table- spoonful of butter when done. SPICE CAKE. Mrs. Chauncey G. Newton. 2 cups powdered sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 5 eggs, beaten separately. i l / 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 cup water. l / 2 teaspoon allspice. 3 cups flour. % teaspoon cloves. Cream butter and sugar; add the water to the beaten yolks, and this to the creamed butter and sugar ; then vanilla. Add the flour a little at a time, to which have been added the spices and baking powder, and lastly the beaten whites, 2 of which were put aside for the filling. Filling for Spice Cake. 2 cups granulated sugar. Whites of 2 eggs. y 2 cup water. 1 cup raisins. Cook sugar and water together until it will thread in cold water. Pour on the beaten whites. When stiff, add the raisins, which have been ground in meat chopper. Add vanilla. Eng- lish walnuts, also, are good ground with the raisins. Cakes. 243 LADY SPICE CAKE. Mrs. Mathias Saurer. iy 2 cups brown sugar. 1 teaspoon cloves. l / 2 cup butter. i^ teaspoons cinnamon. y 2 cup milk. i l /z teaspoons nutmeg. 2 cups flour. 4 eggs; leaveout whites of 1 teaspoon soda. 2 for frosting. Boiled Frosting. 1 cup sugar. Yi cup water. Cook until it threads ; add to the beaten whites, and flavor. BURNT SUGAR CAKE. Mrs. Lurten Fahrney. y 2 cup butter. iy 2 cups granulated sugar. y 2 cup each of milk and wa- 3 cups flour. ter. 2 eggs. y 2 cup burned sugar syrup. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 1 teaspoon vanilla. powder. Bake in 2 layers. To burn sugar, put 1 cup granulated sugar in skillet and burn until it smokes; add y 2 cup boiling water, and cook until thin syrup is formed. Use caramel frosting. BURNT SUGAR CAKE. Mrs. R. Baxter. Burn 1 cup sugar and add y> cup water, and boil for a few minutes. i l / 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 cup water or milk. 3 tablespoons butter. 2 heaping teaspoons baking Yolks of 3 eggs and powder, whites of 2. 2 or 3 tablespoons burnt 2^4 cups flour. sugar. Mix sugar, butter, and yolks of eggs together; then add whites of eggs, y 2 of the water or milk, and burnt sugar. Then add the other half of water or milk with the baking powder dis- solved in it, and the flour. Mix well and bake in 3 layers. 244 Cakes. Icing. i cup granulated sugar. 3 tablespoons burnt sugar. Y*. cup water. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water, then add the beaten white of egg and beat well. BURNT LEATHER CAKE. Mrs. John Spoerl. i l /> cups sugar. 3 eggs. l / 2 cup butter. 1 cup water. 3 tablespoons caramel. 2 teaspoons vanilla. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2Y2 cups flour. Beat whites of eggs to a froth. Bake in two layers. Caramel to Put in Cake. Two-thirds cup of sugar. Put on stove and cook until dark- brown, then add ]/ 2 cup of water and cook like molasses. Be careful when pouring water into brown sugar, as it is apt to fly up and burn fingers. Filling. Boil \]/i cups sugar and 7/3 cup water until it threads. Pour over the beaten whites of 2 eggs, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 1 tablespoon of caramel. Beat to a cream. Ice while cake is hot. FRUIT CARAMEL FROSTING. Miss Elizabeth Roll. ij4 cups brown sugar. y 4 cup broken English wal- J /4 cup granulated sugar. nuts. Yz cup water. Y\ CU P chopped raisins. Whites of 2 eggs. Y cl1 P maraschino cherries 1 teaspoon vanilla. (cut in pieces). Boil sugar and water together until it threads when dropped from spoon. Pour gradually, while beating constantly, upon the beaten whites of eggs. Beat until nearly cold. Set pan con- taining mixture in boiling water and cook until mixture becomes granular around edge of pan. Remove from fire and beat until Cakes. 245 stiff. Add nuts, fruit, and flavoring. Pour on cake and spread with back of spoon. Sufficient for 2 layers. CARAMEL ICING. Mrs. J. L. Beeler. Scorch y 2 cup granulated sugar. Cook 2 cups granulated sug'ar, y 2 cup milk, and I tablespoon butter until it thickens ; add the scorched sugar, and beat until cool. COOKED CHOCOLATE FROSTING. Miss Marie Shuler. 6 tablespoons sugar. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 squares chocolate. Stir over fire in double boiler until thick. Spread on cake when cool. UNCOOKED CHOCOLATE FROSTING. Seven tablespoons cream or milk (cream preferred). Thicken with powdered sugar and add 1 square of melted choco- late. BOILED WHITE ICING. Mrs. Charles Parrish. i]/ 2 cups sugar; cover scantily with water and boil until it forms a ball when tried in cold water. Pour over the unbeaten whites of 2 eggs and beat until ready to spread. This is suffi- cient to ice a large layer cake. CARAMEL ICING. Mrs. A. Seidensticker. 2 cups brown sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. y 2 cup water. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 tablespoons cream. Cook sugar and water until it threads ; pour over cream, but- ter and vanilla, and beat hard. 246 Cakes. ANNA'S CARAMEL FROSTING. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. 13/3 cups granulated sugar. y 2 cup butter. Yz cup grated maple sugar ^3 cup cream, (or brown sugar). Mix ingredients and boil 13 minutes. Beat until of right consistency to spread. CRULLERS AND COOKIES. CRULLERS. Mrs. Samuel Stephan. 3 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 eggs. 5 cups flour. 4 tablespoons melted but- Nutmeg. ter. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup sweet milk. Beat sugar, yolks, and butter until light; add milk, flavor- ing and beaten whites ; add flour and baking powder. Roll, cut thick, and fry in hot lard. CRULLERS. Mrs. Geo. Bachman. 2 eggs. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 cups sugar. 5 teaspoons baking powder. 6 cups flour. Butter size of a walnut. 2 cups mashed potatoes. CRULLERS. Mrs. John R. Woods. 1 cup sugar. Level teaspoon soda. 1 cup sour cream. 2 level teaspoons baking 2 eggs. powder. Butter size of a walnut. Beat eggs with sugar. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Cakes. 247 CRULLERS. Mrs. A. L. Trine. 1^2 cups sugar. 1 heaping tablespoon but- 3 eggs. ter. 1 cup potatoes. 1 cup sweet milk. 4 teaspoons baking powder. Cook potatoes fresh ; add butter while hot ; mix well ; have eggs well beaten ; stir until very light ; then add milk, baking powder, and flour to make dough to handle well. CRULLERS. Mrs. W. Reaves. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup sour milk. 2 eggs. 3 cups flour. Lard size of an egg. 1 teaspoon soda. Dissolve soda in milk. CRULLERS. Mrs. Belle Line Hiteshue. 2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon soda. 2 eggs well beaten. 3 tablespoons melted lard 2 cups buttermilk. or crisco. Beat all well; add enough flour to make soft dough; cut in rounds; fry in deep fat. Slices of potatoes will cool fat, and clear it also. CRULLERS. Mrs. Carl Andrews. 2 cups mashed potatoes. Butter size of hickory nut. 2 cups sugar. 5 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla, or a lit- 2 eggs. tie grated nutmeg. Work in enough flour to make soft dough ; roll out, cut, and fry in hot lard. 248 Cakes. CRULLERS. Mrs. William Hitchcock. 2 coffeecups sugar. 1 coffeecup sweet milk. 3 eggs. 1 heaping tablespoon but- ter. 3 teaspoons baking powder Yi nutmeg. 1 level teaspoon cinnamon. 6 cups flour. Beat eggs, sugar, and butter together; add milk, spices, and flour ; put another cup of flour on molding board, turn dough out on it, and knead until stiff enough to roll out a quarter of an inch thick; cut with round cutter; drop in hot lard and cook. Dredge in powdered sugar while warm. CRULLERS. Mrs. Condon, Trenton, Ohio. 2 cups potatoes. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoon butter. Mash potatoes as for tahl< shortening. 5 cups flour. 5 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs. Salt and nutmeg. if they are seasoned, do not use CRULLERS. Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. A. W. Brown, Mrs. Lou Beauchamp, Miss Cora L0110-. 4 medium-sized potatoes. 2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup milk. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. 4 heaping teaspoons baking- powder. Flour to make a soft dough. Mash potatoes and beat to a cream; add other ingredients. This can be mixed while potatoes are warm. 74 teaspoon ginger can be added ; the spice will not be detected, and crullers will not absorb grease. If convenient add chicken fat to lard ; the flavor will be improved. Cakes. 249 DOUGHNUTS. Mrs. R. S. Woodruff. 1 quart bread sponge. 1 cup white sugar. 1 cup melted butter and A little salt, lard. Mix in a very soft dough; let it rise. Then knead down and let it rise again. Then knead and roll out ; fry in hot lard, and sugar while warm. NUT COOKIES. Mrs.- Alice Hunter. 1 cup butter, scant. 3 cups flour. 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda in 3 table- 1 cup nuts. spoons boiling water. 2 cups brown sugar. Heat together butter and sugar, cream; add rest of in- gredients, and drop on buttered tins. JUMBLES. Mrs. Margaret Nicolay. 2 cups sugar. 6 tablespoons sweet milk. 1 cup butter. - 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs. . Vanilla to taste. Mix together, using flour enough to make into a stiff dough. Do not roll on board, but break off pieces of dough size of walnut and make into rings by rolling in hands. Lay an inch apart to bake in moderate oven. ENGLISH TEA CAKES. Mrs. F. D. Cochran. 1 pint flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder J4 teaspoon salt. (rounding). Y^ cup butter. % cup lard. 1 dessertspoon sugar. Milk. Sift flour and baking powder ; add salt, then butter, lard and sugar creamed. Mix to a soft dough with ice-cold milk; handle 2 50 Cakes. as little as possible. Flour a board ; pat them out to about ^ or 24 inches thick; cut with biscuit cutter. Do not allow them to touch in pan. Bake in a hot oven 10 or 15 minutes. Split when hot, and butter them; serve with afternoon tea. SAND COOKIES. Mrs. Sam Mayer. 6 eggs; yolks hard-boiled, mashed with 1 raw egg; Yi pound butter; sugar and cinnamon to taste quite sweet; flour to make stiff enough to roll out thin. Bake in moderate oven. ALMOND CAKES. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. 1 lb. flour. Ya lb. powdered sugar. 3 tablespoons cream. l /> lb. butter. Yolks of 4 eggs. Roll them out with sugar and flour % inch thick and cut into diamond-shaped cakes. Ice with yellow icing, strew with chopped and blanched almonds, and set in the oven to dry. The little almond cakes are delicious. SAND TARTS. « Miss Ruth Huntington. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. l / 2 cup butter. Flour to roll thin ; cut in diamond shapes, cover top with a sand made of the white of 1 egg, sugar, and cinnamon. Put an almond in the center of each cake. CHEESE STRAWS. Mrs. E. M. Peters. y 2 clip butter or lard. 1 cup milk. 1 cup snappy cream cheese. Red pepper and salt. Sufficient flour to roll; cut in narrow strips, and bake to a light brown. If the cheese is strong it gives a better flavor. Cakes. 251 PECAN SLICES. Mrs. Sam Mayer. 1 lb. light-brown sugar. 4 eggs. \y 2 cups flour. ij/2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. y 2 lb. pecans (whole). Beat very light the sugar and eggs; add the flour. Spread in pans y 2 inch high and bake in moderate oven almost an hour. Cut while hot, and remove from pan. HERMIT DROP CAKES. Mrs. A. Seidensticker. 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup butter (or y 2 lard). Y-2 cup warm water. 1 teaspoon soda. 3 e g"g s > beaten. 3 cups flour. 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, \y 2 cups seeded raisins, cloves, allspice, and nut- 1 cup nuts, meg. Mix butter and sugar; add eggs, water, and soda, then flour, spice, raisins, and nuts. In last cup of flour add 1 teaspoon baking powder. Drop from teaspoon and bake in moderate oven. CHOCOLATE DROP CAKES. Miss Edith Massee. 1 cup sugar. 1 tgg, separated. ' J / 2 cup milk. y 2 teaspoon baking powder. 1 3/2 cups pastry flour. y 2 cup raisins or dates, cut y 2 cup nuts, chopped (not up. too fine). y 2 cup melted chocolate. y 2 cup butter, melted. Add the sugar gradually to the melted butter; add well- beaten yolk, then milk. Sift flour and baking powder together; shake some on the raisins and nuts. Add flour to the first mix- ture slowly, and beat until smooth. Add melted chocolate, nuts, and raisins; cut in the stiff whites. Drop from teaspoon on greased pan, 1 inch apart. Bake in moderate oven until firm to the touch. 252 Cakes. ROCKS. Mrs. Lou A. Pfau. i l / 2 cups sugar. 3 cups flour. 4 eggs, beaten separately. 1 large bowl chopped Eng- 1 teaspoon vanilla. lish walnuts. 1 box seeded raisins. 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 tablespoons hot water. 1 scant cup butter. 1 teaspoon cloves. Drop from spoon and bake slowly. NUT COOKIES. Mrs. Harry Woolford. Beat 2 eggs very light; add a pinch of salt, 7 heaping table- spoons flour, y 2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 cup of chopped nut meats. Do not roll, but drop in but- tered pans and bake brown. MARTHA ANNS (For Afternoon Tea). Mrs. R. C. McKinney. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 eggs. y 2 cup chopped pecans. y> cup flour. y 2 teaspoon salt. l /4 teaspoon baking powder. Mix sugar with eggs ; add seasoning, flour and nuts and bak- ing powder. Drop small spoonful of this batter on buttered bak- ing sheets and bake in moderate oven. BROWNIES. Mrs. Chas. H. Bonney, Boston, Mass. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup flour. 2 eggs. 1 cup chopped nut meats. 2 squares chocolate, melted. 1 teaspoon vanilla. y 2 cup butter. Bake 40 minutes in a slow oven. Spread on inverted tin ; cut in strips while hot. Cakes. 253 BROWNIES. Miss Helen Sloneker. 1 cup sugar. V2 cup butter. 2 eggs, well beaten. l /i cup flour. 3 squares melted chocolate. 1 cup chopped nuts. Line pan with paper and grease well. Put in cake and bake 20 minutes. Remove when cold and cut in squares. HICKORY-NUT KISSES. Mrs. Clarence Murphy. 1 pint powdered sugar. Flavor with a little va- Whites of 4 eggs, well nilla. beaten. Add 1 cup of chopped hickory nuts. Drop off spoon into a buttered pan and bake in a very slow oven. CRYSTAL STICKS. Miss Batchelor, Indianapolis, Ind. 3 well-beaten eggs. 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. stirred in slowly. 1 cup dates. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup nut meats, chopped. Flour to thicken as for sponge cake (about 1 cup). Bake in dripping pan, having batter about y 2 inch thick. Bake in a slow oven. Cut in sticks and roll in powdered sugar while hot, having sticks completely covered with sugar. CANDY CAKE. Mrs. Brandon Millikin. y 2 cup butter, creamed with 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs. 2 squares chocolate, melted. 1 cup chopped nuts. Yi cup flour. Put in buttered pan ; spread until it is about 1 inch thick. Bake 10 minutes in moderate oven. While hot, cut in squares and serve with tea. 254 Cakes. CHESS CAKES. Mrs. Alice Hunter. y 2 cup butter. 4 eggs. 1 cup raisins. Reserving whites of 2 1 cup sugar. eggs for meringue. Cream butter and sugar ; add eggs well beaten ; cook in double boiler; put in raisins and beat till cold; fill patty crusts; add meringue and put in oven until brown. MARGUERITES. Miss Edith Massee. 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup milk. ]/ 2 cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Yolks of 4 eggs. x / 2 teaspoon mace. 2 cups flour. Add enough flour to roll thin (about y 2 inch thick) ; cut in rounds ; lay them in floured pans ; bake quickly. When cool, put on each a lump of currant jelly, and on this a heap of stiff frost- ing flavored with lemon. Set in warm oven to brown. LEMON CRACKERS. Miss Mabel B. Spellman. 2 i y 2 cups sugar. 5 cents' worth baking am- 1 cup lard. monia. 1 pint sweet milk. 5 cents' worth oil of lemon. 2 eggs (whites). Flour to roll. Roll thick as cookies. Cut in squares ; stick with a fork 3 or 4 times, and bake. Be careful when opening oven door on account of ammonia fumes. Cakes. 255 CHOCOLATE TART. Mrs. Lazard Kahn. 6 eggs. t teaspoon cinnamon. 34 lb. chocolate, grated. y 2 teaspoon allspice. x / 2 cup citron, finely cut. 1 teaspoon jelly. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 cup seeded raisins. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 6 Uneeda crackers browned 1 cup sugar. and rolled. Add yolks of eggs to sugar, well beaten, then the beaten whites. Bake in moderate oven. COOKIES. Cookies will be more evenly browned if they are baked on sheets or on tins turned upside down. This allows the heat to reach all sides of the cookies at the same time. COOKIES WITH RAISIN FILLING. Mrs. A. M. Brate. Beat to a cream : 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup sweet milk. y 2 cup butter. 1 egg. 3J/2 cups flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Filling. ji cup sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup boiling water. 1 cup chopped raisins. Cook together until thickened. Roll cookie dough very thin ; cut out and place in tins. Put 1 teaspoon of filling on each cookie, then place another cookie on top, and bake until slightly brown. COOKIES. Mrs. James Blair. 2 cups sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2 tablespoons butter. 4 eggs. 4 tablespoons sweet milk. COOKIES. Mrs. H. C. Blum. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon soda. J / 2 cup butter or lard. 2 teaspoons baking powder. y 2 cup sour milk or cream. Flavoring to taste. 1 egg. 256 Cakes. COOKIES. Mrs. O. W. Katz. 2 cups sugar. y 2 teaspoon soda. r cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sour milk. Flour to make stiff. 3 eggs. COOKIES. Miss M. E. Ball. 2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon soda (level). 1 cup lard or butter. 4 eggs (yolks). 1 cup sour cream. Pinch of salt. SUGAR COOKIES. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. 1 cup butter. 3 cups sugar. 2 cups sour cream. Or 3 eggs. i l /> cups butter. 2 teaspoons soda (level). i]A cups sour milk. Nutmeg to flavor. Cream sugar and butter; add eggs, nutmeg. Dissolve soda in as little hot water as possible ; add to sour cream and put with butter and sugar. As little flour as possible to roll out. Bake in moderate oven. LEMON SNAPS. Mrs. A. J. Davis. 1 cup sugar (heaping). 2 eggs. Yz cup butter. Y* teaspoon soda. Flour to roll. 3 teaspoons hot water. Flavor with lemon. Roll thin and bake in quick oven. SPICE COOKIES. Mrs. Steinauer. I I I 3 2 cup brown sugar, cup shortening, cup molasses, tablespoons hot water, teaspoons cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda. Y2 teaspoon salt. Flour to stiffen. Cakes. 257 GINGER COOKIES. Mrs. Katharine Shank. 1 cup sugar. y 2 teaspoon soda. 1 cup lard (heaping). 1 teaspoon ginger. 1 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon salt. ]/ 2 cup cold water. Flour to make soft dough. DROP GINGER COOKIES. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. i teacup sugar. 4 eggs. [ teacup butter. 2 tablespoons ginger. )A teacup water. 2 tablespoons cinnamon. 1 pint New Orleans mo- 1 tablespoon salt, lasses. 1 tablespoon soda. Flour to make stiff batter. Drop on floured tins and bake. GINGER COOKIES. Mrs. William Hitchcock and Mrs. Chauncey Newton. 1 cup light-brown sugar. 2 teaspoons soda. 1 cup lard. 2 teaspoons ginger. Y$ cup boiling water. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 2 cups New Orleans mo- Flour to make soft dough. lasses. Mix lard and sugar ; add hot water, then molasses and other ingredients. Be careful not to get too stiff. Roll thin. OATMEAL COOKIES. Mrs. C. W. Gath. 2 cups granulated sugar. 3 eggs. y 2 cup lard and butter 2 cups raisins. mixed. 1 teaspoon soda. y 2 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 cups rolled oats. 1 teaspoon ginger. 2 cups white flour. Drop from tip of a teaspoon on to a well-greased pan. Al- low room for the cakes to spread without sticking to each other. 258 Cakes. OATMEAL COOKIES. Mrs. Almon Davis. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 grated nutmeg. 1 cup raisins. Oatmeal to stiffen. Cream butter and sugar, and add as much oatmeal as mix- ture will moisten. Add raisins cut in two, and flour enough to handle. Make into thin cakes by rolling a bit of dough in the hands and flattening. Bake in slow oven. ROLLED OATS COOKIES. Mrs. Elmer R. Shipley and Mrs. E. H. Ells, Oxford, Ohio. 2 cups sugar (coffee A). 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup butter, melted. 5 tablespoons milk. 1 cup raisins. 2 eggs. 2 cups flour. 3 cups Mother's Oats. 1 teaspoon soda. Drop from point of a knife and far enough apart to allow them to spread. Bake slowly 15 or 20 minutes. EGGLESS SUGAR COOKIES. Mrs. J. L. Garver. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. t cup shortening. Flavoring to taste. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Roll very thin and bake in quick oven. SCOTCH COOKIES. Miss Edith Clawson. 2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. 1 cup butter. 3 teaspoons soda, level. 5 cups flour (probably % teaspoon salt. scant). Vanilla or spices. y 2 cup molasses. Roll very thin. Cakes. 259 CARAWAY COOKIES. Mrs. Edward Frechtling. 1 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons milk. 1 cup butter. 1 tablespoon caraway seed, cups bread flour. % teaspoon soda. 2 eggs. Few grains salt. Beat butter until creamy, then add the sugar gradually, while beating constantly. Add 1 egg, unbeaten. Continue the beating and add another egg, then add soda dissolved in the milk, then salt, flour, and caraway seed. Toss on a floured board and roll % inch in thickness. Bake in moderate oven. BROWN SUGAR COOKIES. Mrs. John D. Andrews. 1 cup butter, heaping. 1 quart flour. 1 pint light-brown sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder, 4 eggs. heaping. SUGAR COOKIES. Mrs. Chauncey Newton. 2 cups light-brown sugar. 2 eggs. 1 cup lard. 1 teaspoon soda. 8 tablespoons water. 1 teaspoon cream tartar. Pinch of salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Flour to make soft dough (pastry) ; mix sugar and lard; add beaten eggs, water, flavoring, and salt. Soda and cream of tar- tar in the flour. Roll thin and bake on oiled tins. BROWN SUGAR DROP COOKIES. Miss Cora Long. 2 cups brown sugar. J / 2 teaspoon cloves and all- 1 cup butter. spice. 3 cups flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup seeded raisins. 1 teaspoon soda, level. 3 eggs. 1 tablespoon hot water. Eggs are to be beaten in one at a time. Dissolve soda in hot water. Add more flour if not stiff enough to drop from spoon. 260 Cakes. GERMAN CHRISTMAS CAKES. Miss Cora M. Frechtling. I. Cinnamon Stars. Whites of 6 eggs. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 lb. pulverized sugar. Grated rind of 1 lemon. 1 lb. almonds unshelled, or Flour enough to roll. y 2 lb. shelled. Beat whites of eggs to a froth ; add cinnamon, sugar, and grated rind ; set aside 1 cupful, to the remainder add chopped almonds, which should be floured, and enough flour to roll. Roll a little at a time ; cut with a star cutter, and place in greased pan. Take the remaining cupful and spread a little on each cake. They bake very quickly. Take out of pan while hot. II. Pepper Nuts. 1 lb. sugar (pulverized). 4 eggs. y lb. citron. Rind of 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. y 2 teaspoon baking powder. 2 cups flour. Cut citron in small pieces and flour. Beat each egg sepa- rately. Mix sugar, eggs, citron, cinnamon, and cloves together; to this add the flour and baking powder, which should be mixed separately. Drop with a spoon in a greased pan and place far apart ; watch carefully ; moderate oven. DATE TORT. Mrs. A. Ballinger. 1 cup sugar. J / 2 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 tablespoons chocolate. J / 2 lb. English walnuts, cut y 2 teaspoon cloves. fine. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 10 cents' worth of dates cut Yolks of 6 eggs. fine. y 2 teaspoon allspice. Beat the whites of the eggs slightly, and add last. Bake in a spring form. Cakes. 261 DATE TORT. Mrs. Sam D. Fitton, Jr. 1 cup dates, chopped. 1 cup walnuts, chopped. 1 cup sugar. ^ cup flour. y 2 teaspoon soda. 3 eggs. Put together like cake. Hake in biscuit pan. After taking from oven pour 1 cup hot milk over it. Serve hot with whipped cream. OATMEAL DROP CAKES. Mrs. Carlos Gressle and Miss Frances Caldwell. 1 cup sugar. 5 tablespoons sour milk. Yi cup butter. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup raisins or currants. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 cups flour. Pinch of salt. 2 cups oats (Quaker). 2 eggs, beaten. Mix oats, flour, soda, and salt together, dry. Melt butter and cream with sug-ar ; beat in the eggs ; stir in sour milk, then chopped raisins. Drop on buttered pans and bake slowly. MAPLE-FLAKE DROP CAKES. Mrs. W. B. Shuler. 1 1 /> cups sugar. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup butter. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 2 cups Maple Flake. 1 teaspoon cloves. 2 cups raisins. Yi teaspoon soda, cups flour. Pinch of salt. 3 eggs. SOFT GINGER DROP CAKES. Mrs. G. P. Stevenson. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 teaspoon baking powder, '4 cup lard. heaping. 1 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon soda, heaping. t cup cold tea. 2 teaspoons ginger. 3 cups flour. Pinch of salt. 1 eg& 2Y2 Memoranda. Memoranda, You Want Ice Cream, Ices, or Fruit Punches, Candies, Salted Almonds, Rolls, Coffee Cakes, Good, Sweet, Wholesome Bread, Pastry, Patties, Meringue or Whipped Cream, Call at the Elite Bakery 212 High Street, HAMILTON, OHIO If ce~ Creams* ICE-CREAM. Mrs. J. C. Hooven. 2 quarts pure cream. i 11). powdered sugar. Beaten whites of 4 eggs. Flavor to taste, then freeze. HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE FOR ICE-CREAM. Mrs. E. A. Belden. 1 pint granulated sugar. 1 cup hot water. Boil in saucepan until it hairs. Dissolve 2 tablespoons cocoa in 3 tablespoons of the boiling syrup ; add to the other and boil until it thickens. Vanilla to taste. Chocolate may be used in- stead of cocoa. VANILLA ICE-CREAM. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Take 1 quart good, fresh cream and boil in a double boiler, during which time 3^011 whip whites of 6 fresh eggs into a stiff froth. Then add the yolks of 4 eggs and J^ pound powdered sugar and y 2 ounce of vanilla. (Use a vanilla bean instead of the extract to flavor.) Stir well with a willow broom. Turn into this, little by little, your boiling cream. This concluded, return it to the fire and give 3 or 4 boils, then pour through a sieve, stirring it to facilitate its passing through, when it will be ready to be put into the freezer. LEMON ICE-CREAM. Mrs. Wm. Allen. Squeeze 1 dozen lemons. Make the juice quite thick with sugar. Stir into this very slowly 3 quarts of cream, and freeze. Orange cream is prepared in the same way, using less sugar. 10 265 266 Ice-C reams. STRAWBERRY CREAM. Mrs. A. G. Gates, Indianapolis, Ind. i pint whipped cream. I dozen marshmallows, cut t pint cut strawberries. fine. Cover strawberries with plenty of sugar and let stand ]/i hour. Add berries and marshmallows to whipped cream, and whip all together lightly with a wire egg-beater until well mixed; pour into mold and set on ice for about 2 hours. Serve with lady fingers. STRAWBERRY ICE-CREAM. Mrs. Wm. Allen. Sprinkle I cup of sugar over i quart of berries. Mash to a pulp ; let stand until sugar is dissolved. Press through fine sieve until nothing remains but seeds. Add to the juice 2 pints of cream, which has been scalded and cooled. Add sugar to make it quite sweet. Then freeze. FROZEN STRAWBERRIES AND WHIPPED CREAM. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Put 2 tablespoons of crushed loaf-sugar in a saucepan with i quart water, and boil together for y 2 hour. Put 2 quarts of picked, ripe strawberries into the syrup and boil for 15 minutes longer. Let the strawberries and syrup cool, then turn them into the freezing pot and work them until frozen. Mix in with the frozen strawberries 1 pint whipped cream and serve. MACAROON ICE-CREAM. Miss Clara Spellman. 1 quart cream. 4 cups sugar. 1 quart milk. 1 tablespoon vanilla. Yz box gelatine. 1 lb. macaroons. Soak the gelatine in just enough water to cover it. Heat 1 pint of milk scalding hot, but do not boil. Pour over the gela- tine and dissolve it, then strain into the cream. Add the rest of the milk, the sugar, and flavoring. Put in freezer, and when about 2 /z frozen open freezer and add the whites of eggs beaten stiff and the macaroons crushed to a powder. Freeze solid. Ice-Creams. 267 MAPLE BISQUE. Mrs. Joseph Wolf. 34 cup maple sugar. 1 pint whipped cream. Yolks of 5 eggs. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat egg's and syrup together and cook in double boiler. Let cool, add the cream, and freeze in mold packed in ice. CARAMEL ICE-CREAM. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. 1^2 cups milk. 2 eggs. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 quart cream. Put milk on in double boiler and heat. Separate eggs. Cream yolks with sugar; beat whites until stiff, and add; then hot milk, and cook until it begins to get thick. Let cool, and add cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and caramel. Caramel. 1 cup of granulated sugar. Put on stove in pan to melt and burn. Then add y 2 cup of boiling water. When cool, freeze. MAPLE PARFAIT. Mrs. Lynn Forbes. 4 eggs slightly beaten. 1 cup maple sugar heated to boiling. Pour slowly into beaten eg'gs and cook in double boiler until thick enough to coat the spoon, like custard or cream. Stir con- stantly and remove from fire as soon as thick enough, or it may curdle. Cool. Whip 1 pint of heavy cream, and add the other mixture when it is quite cool. This may be packed in a mold or pound baking powder cans to freeze, or put in freezer with- out dasher. It does not need to be stirred while freezing. BAKED ALASKA. Miss Marie Shuler. Cut cake into rounds Y inch thick and 4 inches in diameter. Place a cone of ice-cream on each round of cake and cover with meringue. Brown quickly in a hot oven and serve immediately. A candied cherry can be placed in the center of each either before or after baking. 268 Ice-Creams. ORANGE ICE WITH RASPBERRY SAUCE. Mrs. John Ross. Dilute i pint of heavy cream with 2 cups milk and the juice of 6 oranges, with enough sugar to sweeten. Freeze, pack in individual molds ; when serving, decorate with candied violets or cherries and a little shredded cocoanut, or stick a tiny flag in the top of each mold. Raspberry sauce for this delicacy may be passed in silver pitcher. 1 quart red raspberries mashed ; 1 cup powdered sugar ; boil for 3 minutes ; press through sieve and cool. GINGER ICE. Mrs. Louise F. Powell. 4 lemons. V2 cup crystallized ginger. 2 oranges. 1 quart water. 2 l / 2 cups sugar. Add the juice from oranges and lemons to the water and sugar, and bring to a boil ; cool and freeze, adding the ginger cut into small pieces when the ice is about 2 /z frozen. This should serve nine persons. LEMON SHERBET. Mrs. Wm. Allen. 1 pint lemon juice. 1 lb. sugar. 1 quart water. 6 eggs (whites). Stir in the eggs after you have partly frozen other ingre- dients. PINEAPPLE SHERBET. Miss Clara Spellman. 2 tablespoons gelatine. 2 cups sugar. 1 can grated pineapple. 2 lemons. Soak the gelatine in two cups of cold water 15 minutes, then dissolve in 2 cups of boiling water. Mix pineapple, sugar, and juice of 2 lemons. Then strain the gelatine into the fruit, and it is ready for freezing. Ice-Creams. 269 RICE AND ALMOND FROZEN PUDDING. Mrs. John M. Wi throw. Boil rice in milk until tender ; add sugar to taste, whipped cream flavored, and chopped, blanched almonds. Put in a mold and pack in ice for 4 hours, and serve with fresh or stewed fruit. LEMON ICE. Mrs, G. A. Rentschler. 1 quart milk. 2 cups granulated sugar. Whites of 2 eggs (beaten 7 lemons, stiff). (2 lemons and 7 oranges for orange ice.) Freeze slightly milk and sugar, then add fruit juice, and lastly whites of eggs, and freeze stiff. ROYAL MOUSSE (Prize Pudding). Mrs. Albert Hoffman, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1 pint cream. % cup sugar. 1 cup raisins. 1 ounce Baker's chocolate, 1 cup nuts. grated. Whip cream stiff; add sugar and vanilla to taste. Roll raisins and nuts in sugar. Have molds chilled. Put in a layer of whipped cream, then a layer of chocolate, a layer of cream, and one of raisins, a layer of cream and one of nuts. Continue alternating until the mold is filled. Pack for 4 hours. Serve on a larger dish with whipped cream around it. PEACH MOUSSE. Mrs. C. E. Schenk. Soak 1 teaspoon powdered gelatine in cold water, dissolving it over hot water. Stir this into the pulp of 1 dozen peaches ; add juice of y 2 lemon. Whip 1 pint of cream, and chill. Stir the peach mixture in pan of ice water till it begins to thicken, then fold in the cream. Pour into a mold, cover tightly, and pack in ice and salt to harden. 270 Ice- Creams. FRUIT MOUSSE. Mrs. Lou A. Pfau. Juice of 6 oranges. 1 cup sugar. Juice of 2 lemons. 1 tablespoon gelatine. Dissolve gelatine in cold water. Mix together and put in freezer. Then take 1 pint of cream whipped stiff, y 2 cup pow- dered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Pour this on top of mixture, pack as for freezing, and let stand 4 hours. MAPLE MOUSSE. Mrs. A. Ballinger. Whip 1 pint cream light and frothy. Take a generous cup of maple syrup and heat ; add to it the well-beaten yolks of 2 or 3 eggs, stirring until the eggs thicken the syrup. Take from the fire at once and place pan in disk of ice water; beat the mixture until it is light and cold; gently fold in the well- beaten cream. Pack in a bucket of ice (with plenty of coarse salt on ice) and allow it to stand for 3 or 4 hours. CRANBERRY FRAPPE. Mrs. H. L. Scott. Boil 1 quart cranberries with 1 pint water 5 or 6 minutes. Strain. Add 1 good pint sugar; boil and stir until dissolved. When cold, add l /i pint water, juice of 2 lemons. Freeze. Nice to serve in place of stewed cranberries. Memoranda. Recipe for Good Dressing HAVE the best of materials— add an unlimited amount of style and ginger — see that the article of dress has the Heyman-Fisher Label, and you have all the requisites for Good Dressing, for every season and to suit every taste. Caterers to Men's ^j6<^ I LI? ^^ Fashion Appetites ^^Y^tf****** - ^^AA-r' — We Mathes-Sohngen Co. THE NEWEST FASHIONS IN Millinery, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Dry Goods Are always being shown here; every change in the trend of the styles being particularly noted. We anticipate the wants of our patrons and secure for them the fullest values, for their money, that the markets afford. Complete in every detail are our stocks of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Win- dow Shades, Draperies, etc. RECIPE FOR CONTENTMENT CAKE DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH US We Pay Interest Quarterly The Hamilton Dime Savings Bank Co. capital, $ 1 00,000.00 surplus, $50,000.00 (Lanby. CANDIES AND CANDY-MAKING. Candy-making- should be taught and acquired as one of the most useful of womanly accomplishments. Granulated sugar is preferable. Flavoring should always be added after candy is removed from the fire. Remember that much depends on the proper cooking and beating. CARAMEL FONDANT. Miss Althea Spellman. 2 cups dark-brown sugar. I cup water. Stir thoroughly before putting over fire. Let cook until the syrup will form soft ball when dropped into cold water. Set away until cool enough to bear finger; beat until it creams. Knead in the hands, adding gradually I teaspoon of vanilla. Form in small pieces and top with pecan meats. FONDANT OR COOKED CREAM. Mrs. P. W. Fischbach. To whatever measure of sugar you use, add half as much water. Boil the syrup rapidly over a quick fire to the soft-ball degree. Do not stir the syrup while boiling, as this would cause it to grain. When the syrup is done, set it away from the fire and let it stand until about lukewarm. Now commence to stir with a wooden paddle. Commence to stir round and round, always in the same direction ; keep the syrup away from the sides of the kettle, so that it will not grain or form in lumps. Presently the edges will begin to show white and dry. The mass must now be laid on a marble slab or kneading board, which may be dusted with flour, cornstarch, or confectioner's sugar, and kneaded until it is soft and creamy. This is better if allowed to stand 24 hours before using. Place in an earthen- ware bowl and cover with two or three layers of cloth wrung out, so as to be moist, but not wet. 273 274 Candy. FONDANT FOR CREAMS. Miss Althea Spellman. 3 cups granulated sugar. I cup warm water. Stir until almost dissolved. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. When cool enough to bear finger, beat until it creams. Add any flavors desired. Candied fruits, nuts, maraschino cherries, cocoanut, or other choice sweets may be combined with the fondant in infinite variety. CREAM CANDY. Mrs. Belle Line Hiteshue. 2 cups granulated sugar. Lump of butter size of y 2 cup white corn syrup. an egg. J / 2 cup boiling water. White of i egg. i teaspoon vanilla. I cup of nut meats. Cook first three ingredients until it spins a thread ; then add butter and vanilla, and let stand 5 minutes ; then pour slowly over the beaten egg (white) and beat until it retains its shape. Add nut meats and spread in buttered tins. CREAM CANDY. Mrs. C. E. Woolford. 4 cups sugar. Y\ cup vinegar. 2 cups water. 2 teaspoons vanilla, i cup thin cream. y 2 teaspoon soda, i teaspoon butter. Boil until it will crack when dropped into cold water; pour into a buttered pan to cool, then pull until white. UNCOOKED CREAMS. Mrs. P. W. Fischbach. To the white of I egg add the same measure of water and ]/ 2 teaspoon of vanilla. Stir into this, a little at a time, sufficient confectioner's sugar to make a cream stiff enough to handle. Such a cream can be made into balls and dipped in melted choco- late, or used for stuffing dates, or for walnut or almond creams. Candy. 275 OPERA CREAMS. Mrs. C. L. Wright. 2 cups granulated sugar. 3 teaspoons cocoa. Y\ cup sweet milk. Cream together and cook. Time, 4 minutes from time it commences to boil good all over. Then move from fire and cool until you can bear your finger in it. Then beat until it will hold shape. Drop on buttered plate with spoon. SEA-FOAM CANDY. Mrs. Harry Schipper. 3 cups brown sugar. 1 cup chopped walnuts. 1 cup boiling water. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Whites of 2 eggs. Put the sugar and water into a saucepan over the fire and stir until sugar has dissolved. Then cook without stirring until the mixture threads. Remove, and when it stops boiling pour it gradually over the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Beat several minutes ; add flavoring, continuing the beating until very stiff and creamy. Then add the nuts. Drop upon paraffin paper. SEA-FOAM CANDY. Miss Althea Spellman. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup maple syrup. 4 tablespoons water. Cook until it strings from spoon, and pour into the stiffly beaten white of 1 egg. If desired, chopped nuts may be added. MARSHMALLOW FUDGE. Miss Ruth Hunter. 2 cups granulated sugar. Pinch of salt. 1 cup milk. y 2 lb. marshmallows. 3 tablespoons cocoa. Vanilla to taste. Lump of butter. Mix sugar and cocoa ; add milk, butter, salt, and let boil over slow fire. Then add marshmallows and let cook until it 276 Candy. forms soft ball in water. Add vanilla. Take from fire; let cool; then beat and pour on buttered pans and cut in small squares. CHOCOLATE FUDGE. Miss Augusta Curtis Parrish. Put 3 cups granulated sugar, y^ cup Baker's chocolate, 1 tablespoon butter, y 2 cup milk, y 2 cup water, and a pinch of salt into a saucepan ; stir until melted and boil, stirring occasionally until the syrup forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Re- move from fire and add a teaspoon of vanilla. Stand the pan in a cool place until you can put your finger clear to the bottom of the mixture, then beat until it is stiff and crumbly. Take out on board and knead till smooth. Form into a long roll and cut in pieces like the oval caramels. CHOCOLATE FUDGE. Miss Allene Snider. 2 cups granulated sugar. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons cocoa. 1 small teaspoon vanil 24 cup milk. a. Cook first three ingredients over hot fire until they form soft balls when tested in cold water. Take from fire, add butter and vanilla, and let stand for 5 minutes. Beat until creamy. Pour on buttered plates. BROWN FUDGE. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. 3 cups light-brown sugar. Add "enough milk or 1 cup granulated sugar. cream to mix well. Cook over a slow fire until the ingredients are melted, then over a quick fire, stirring all the while. Add a good-sized lump of butter. When the ingredients form a soft ball in cold water, remove from the fire and add 2 or 3 drops of vanilla. When cool, beat until it begins to thicken. Pour into buttered plates. Nuts may be added before pouring on plates. Cut into squares. Candy. 277 RAISIN FUDGE. Mrs. Harry Schipper. 2 cups sugar. Butter size of an egg. 1 cup milk. l /> cup chocolate. Cook; stir continually until bubbles break slowly. Add y 2 pound walnuts and l /> pound seedless raisins. Stir until stiff, and pour into buttered pans. When cool cut into squares. VASSAR FUDGE. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. 3 cups white sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup cream. % cake of chocolate. Put in the sugar and cream, and when this becomes hot put in the chocolate, broken up into fine pieces. Stir vigorously and constantly. Put in butter when it begins to boil. Stir until it creams when beaten on a saucer. Then remove and beat until quite cool, and pour into buttered tins. When cold, cut in diamond-shaped pieces. DIVINITY. Miss Allene Snider. 2 cups sugar. 3 tablespoons butter. y 2 cup corn syrup. 2 tablespoons cream. l / 2 cup milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Y% teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 cup nut meats. Cook first four ingredients very slow until they form a good ball in cold water; i. e., a little more than a soft ball. Take from fire; add butter and vanilla, and beat for a few minutes; then add the cream and beat until hard. Add nut meats and turn in buttered tins. DIVINITY. Miss Grace Henninger. 2.y 2 cups granulated sugar. y 2 cup hot water. y 2 cup corn syrup. Dissolve the syrup with the hot water, then add to the sugar and boil until, when dropped in water, it forms a hard ball. 278 Candy. Then take it from the fire and let it cool for 2 or 3 minutes. Add this to the whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff. Add 1 cup of nuts and beat as long as possible. Drop from a spoon on to a buttered platter. DIVINITY CANDY. Mrs. H. C. Blum. 2 cups granulated sugar. ]/ 2 cup water. 3/2 cup corn syrup. Mix water and syrup ; pour syrup over sugar ; beat for 1 minute, then cook on slow fire until it cracks in water; set off to cool. Beat whites of 2 eggs stiff. Pour syrup over eggs, and beat. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, then drop in 1 cup of nut kernels, and when stiff pour on buttered pan. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. Miss Gussie Pfau. 1 can condensed milk. y 2 pint sweet cream. Mix, and reserve y 2 the mixture. To the rest add i]/ 2 pounds (3 cups) sugar, % pound glucose, and cook over a slow fire until half done. Then set off the stove. Break up 2 l / 2 ounces of chocolate and melt over hot water ; add the reserved cream, a little at a time, until chocolate is dissolved. Strain into the candy, which has been cooking, return to the stove, and cook to a soft ball. Pour into buttered tins to 34 inch in depth. When cool, cut into cubes. PLAIN CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. Miss Allene Snider. 2^/2 cups sugar. 2 cups whole milk (not y 2 cup corn syrup. skimmed). l / 2 cup butter. 2 J / 2 squares of Baker's choco- Y^ teaspoon cream tartar. late. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Put the sugar, corn syrup, butter, cream of tartar, and 1 cup of milk on the fire. Stir constantly, and when the mass has boiled for a few minutes, gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Do not let the mixture stop boiling while the milk is being added. Candy. 279 Stir every few minutes, and cook until a hard ball may be formed in cold water. Add chocolate and vanilla, and beat them through the candy. Then turn into 2 buttered pans. When nearly cold, cut into squares. TAFFY. Miss Grace Henninger. 2 cups granulated sugar. Small lump of butter. Y\ cup vinegar. Vanilla. J4 cup water. Stir well before placing on the stove. Do not stir while cooking. Boil it until it forms a hard ball when dropped in water. Pour into buttered tins and let it cool. When suffi- ciently cooled, pull until white. TAFFY. Miss Althea Spellman. 1 lb. light-brown sugar. Lump of butter size of 1 tablespoon vinegar. walnut. Cook until it will form ball when dropped in water. Pour on greased platter, and when cool pull until light in color. Cut in pieces. HICKORY-NUT TAFFY. Miss Althea Spellman. 1 lb. light-brown sugar. 1 lump butter size of wal- 1 cup water. nut. 1 tablespoon vinegar. Cook until syrup will form soft ball when dropped in cold water. Have greased platter ready, with layer of nut meats on bottom. Pour on syrup, cool, and pull until light in color. Cut in pieces. SPONGE MOLASSES CANDY. Mrs. C. E. Woolford. Boil together a cupful of molasses, one of brown sugar, and a tablespoonful each of butter and vinegar. When a drop hardens in cold water, remove from the fire, beat in small tea- spoonful of baking soda; beat hard as long as you can make the spoon move, then pour into a buttered pan. 280 Candy. PEANUT MOLASSES CANDY. Miss Gussie Pfau. Boil together a cupful each of Orleans molasses and brown sugar, i tablespoon vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of butter. When a little dropped into cold water is brittle, remove from the fire, add 1 teaspoon (scant) soda, and 1 cup roasted peanuts. Beat hard and pour into buttered tins. POPCORN BALLS. Miss Helen D. Rentchler. i l / 2 cups granulated sugar. ^4 CU P water. l /i cup vinegar. Boil until it spins a thread; add butter the size of an egg. When that is dissolved, remove from fire and add a teaspoon vanilla. Pour over corn, stirring well all the time. Then form balls. This requires 4 quarts of popped corn. CRACKER-JACK. Miss Mabel B. Spellman. 1 cup coffee A sugar. 3 tablespoons Orleans mo- y 2 cup water. lasses. Butter size of an egg. Alum size of a pea. Cook sugar, etc., in large kettle until brittle when dropped in cold water. Add pinch of soda when it begins to boil. When mixture is brittle add. 6 quarts popped corn and stir until the corn is covered. Pour out on board and press flat. BUTTER-SCOTCH. Mrs. Harry Woolford. Boil to a hard snap 34 CU P butter, J / 2 cup sugar, ]/ 2 tablespoon vinegar, y 2 cup molasses, y 2 teaspoon soda, stirring sufficiently to prevent burning. Flavor to taste, after removing from the fire. Butter a tin and pour out the syrup in a thin layer, which may be checked off in any desired shape when nearly cold with a sharp knife. Wrap in a piece of waxed paper. Candy. 281 BUTTER-SCOTCH. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Melt a pound of brown sugar in a pan without water, and when dissolved add ^ pound of butter beaten to a cream, and keep constantly stirring. Flavor with an ounce of ground ginger. DATE OR FIG CANDY. Mrs. Hinckley Smith. Make a fondant just a little stiff er than for cake dressing, flavored with almond. Add chopped dates or figs ; let get very cold, then mold into small balls and roll in granulated sugar as you would roll stuffed dates. FRUIT ROLLS. Mrs. Harry Woolford. Mix seeded raisins, figs, dates, or any desired sweetmeats, and chop them together. Knead the whole with enough fondant to give consistency to the mass, which should be very rich and nearly all fruit. Roll this on a molding board dusted with flour or confectioner's sugar into a roll y 2 inch thick and 1 inch or more in width. Roll out plain white fondant 34 mcn thick and 4 inches in width, and roll up the fruit roll in the plain fondant as a cover. Let stand over night, then cut into 4-inch lengths. STUFFED DATES, CHOCOLATE DIPPED. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Cut choice dates open on one side and remove the seeds. Fill the open space in the dates with a strip of preserved ginger or pineapple, chopped nuts, or chopped nuts mixed with white or chocolate fondant ; press the dates into a compound form to keep in the filling, then dip them one by one in chocolate. PINOCHE. Mrs. P. W. Fischbach. Boil 2 cups of brown sugar with ^ CU P °f milk until a soft ball can be formed when dropped into cold water. Remove from 282 Candy. the fire and add 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and 1 cup of finely chopped nut meats. Beat till creamy and thick. Pour on buttered plates, and when firm cut into squares. HEAVENLY BLISS. Mrs. P. W. Fischbach. 2 cups white sugar. 1 cup chopped English wal- l / 2 cup boiling water. nuts. y 2 cup syrup. Whites of 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Boil together the sugar, water, and syrup until the mixture becomes crisp when dropped in water. Add vanilla and nuts to stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Pour hot syrup over all and beat until stiff. Turn into a bread pan, and when the loaf is cold cut into slices or squares. TURKISH DELIGHT. Miss Adele Molyneaux. 1 ounce gelatine. 2 cups sugar. y 2 cup cold water. 34 teaspoon tartaric acid. 1 cup boiling water. Dissolve gelatine in cold water. Add hot water and sugar, and boil quickly 20 minutes, stirring well. When done put in acid, flavoring, and coloring. Pour into buttered tins and set away over night. Cut in squares and roll in powdered sugar. NEW ORLEANS PRALINES. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 ounces butter. Yi cup New Orleans mo- y 2 teaspoon vanilla, lasses. 1 pint pecan meats. 1 cup cream. Boil the first four ingredients until, when tried in cold water, a soft ball is formed, stirring constantly. Pour this over the meats and stir until it begins to sugar. Drop from tip of spoon in small bits on buttered pans. Candy. 283 NUT CANDY. Mrs. R. L. Coleman. 2y 2 cups brown sugar. ]/$ cup hot water. % cup cream. 1 pinch of soda. When mixture begins to boil add one tablespoon of butter. Lay Yz pound of pecans on buttered dish and pour candy over them after it has cooked long enough to form a ball when tried in cold water. CHOCOLATE-COATED ALMONDS. Mrs. A. V. Fitzgerald. Select nuts that are plump at the ends. Use them without blanching. Brush, to remove the dust; melt chocolate, and when cooled properly drop the nuts, one at a time, into the center of it ; push the nuts under the fork, then drop onto waxed paper or oilcloth. In removing the fork make a design on the top of each nut. These are easily prepared and are particularly good. MARSHMALLOWS. Mrs. E. Frechtling. 1 envelope Knox sparkling 10 grains salt, and flavoring gelatine. to taste. 2 cups or 1 pint granulated sugar. Soak the gelatine in 10 tablespoons of cold water. Heat the sugar with 10 tablespoons water till dissolved. Add gelatine to syrup, and let stand till partly cooled. Add salt and flavor- ing, beat with a whip until too stiff, then with large spoon until only soft enough to settle into a sheet. Dust granite pans thickly with confectioner's sugar. Pour in candy about Yi inch deep. Set in cool place until thoroughly chilled. Turn out, cut in cubes, and roll in confectioner's sugar. 284 Candy. HONEY DROPS. Mrs. P. W. Fischbach. 1 tablespoon strained Y / 2 teaspoon almond extract, honey. White of 1 egg. 1/^2 cups boiling water. 1 heaping teaspoon butter. 1 cup granulated sugar. Sugar, honey, and butter should be put into boiling water, stirred until dissolved, then cooked slowly until the syrup threads. Add the almond extract and pour the syrup on the beaten white of egg. Beat until cool. Drop on waxed paper. Decorate with nuts if liked. These drops should be soft, creamy, and white. MARSHMALLOWS. Miss Almeda Cockerill. 4 cups sugar. 1 cup boiling water. 1 box Knox sparkling gela- Vanilla. tine. Dissolve the gelatine in 1 cup of cold water. Add the tablet if a pink color is desired. Boil sugar and water until, when dropped from a spoon, the syrup threads. Pour the syrup over the gelatine and beat 30 minutes or until the mixture becomes too stiff to beat. Pour into a pan in which pulverized sugar has been sifted. Sift the sugar over the top. Cut in squares when cool. These are better the second day. AFTER-DINNER MINTS. Mrs. Harry Schipper. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 rounding tablespoon but- 1 cup water. ter. Boil the sugar, water, and butter until it is very brittle when dropped into cold water. Add )4 teaspoon of essence of peppermint. Put into a greased pan to cool. When cool enough to handle pull till white, then cut off small pieces with scissors, roll in powdered sugar, then pour into glass jar with tight cover for 3 or 4 days, when they will have become creamy and melt in the mouth. Memoranda. If you are looking for the best, then buy the RICHELIEU BRANDS OF COFFEES, EXTRACTS, PRESERVES, BAKING POWDERS, SARDINES, OLIVES, CANNED VEGETABLES, CANNED FRUITS If you buy Richelieu goods you will be sure to be pleased. We are Sole Agents for the above Brand of Groceries in HAMILTON THE W. C. FRECHTLING CO. The Home of the Christmas Savings Club LADIES Are welcome at this bank and their attention is called to its Christmas Savings Club and Interest De- partment, where deposited money earns a safe in- terest rate. Many women pay their household and personal bills by a check account system, which furnishes receipts for bills paid. Financial advice is always available for de- positors. We solicit your account. The Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co. RENTSCHLER BUILDING preserves* GENERAL RULES FOR CANNING FRUIT. Canned fruit is preserved, sterilized fruit in sterilized, air- tight jars; sugar being added to give sweetness. Fruits may be canned without sugar if perfectly sterilized ; that is, freed from all germ life. Can each kind of fruit in its season, when it is best and cheapest. Select it under-ripe rather than over-ripe. There are several methods of canning, and while the principle is the same in all methods, the conditions under which the housekeeper must do her work may, in her case, make one method more convenient than another. The following three methods are considered the best and easiest. These are : Cooking the fruit in jars in an oven; cooking the fruit in jars in boiling water; and stewing the fruit before it is put into the jars. When the fruit is cold, wipe the jars with a wet cloth. Paste on labels and put the jars on shelves in a cool, dark closet. To Sterilize Jars. For small family use pint jars. Have covers fit tight, and fit each with new rubber rings. Old rings are porous and let in the air. After you have seen that your jars, covers, and rings are in good condition, the next thing is to wash and steril- ize them. Have two pans partially filled with cold water. Put some jars in one, laying them on their sides, and some covers in the other. Place the pans on the stove where the water will heat to the boiling point. The water should boil at least ten minutes. In a shallow pan sterilize all spoons, cups, funnels, etc., to be used. When ready to put fruit in jars, drain the jars free of water. Directions for Putting Fruit into Jars. i. Take jar from boiling water and set on wet cloth or tray. 2. Put sterilized spoon and funnel in jar. 3. Pour in the boiling fruit. 287 288 Preserves. 4. Dip rubbers in boiling" water and put them on the jars quickly. 5. Fill jars to overflowing. 6. Put on sterilized cover, and screw tight. 7. Turn upside down. The method for canning mostly used is the stewing process; it is therefore the only one that will be given. CANNED FRUIT— STEWED. Boil sugar and water 10 minutes to make a thin syrup; then cook a small quantity of the fruit at a time in the syrup; by so doing fruit may be kept in perfect shape. It saves time to have two or more kettles of syrup on the stove, each with enough syrup for one can. Add the fruit in rotation to the boiling syrup, that one can may be taken up as soon as the last one is done. Test if soft with a silver fork. Set the sterilized jar in a small pan and fill to overflowing with the boiling fruit. Slip a silver-plated knife, or the handle of a spoon, around the inside of the jar, that the fruit and juice may be packed solidly Wipe the rim of the jar, dip the rubber ring in boiling water and put it smoothly on the jar, then put on the cover and fasten. Place the jar on a board and out of a draft of cold air. The work of filling and sealing must be done rapidly and the fruit must be boiling hot when put in the jars. If screw covers are used it will be necessary to tighten them after the glass has cooled and contracted. If there is not sufficient syrup, add boiling water, as jars must be filled to overflowing. GENERAL RULES FOR JELLY-MAKING. Apples, quinces, crabapples, currants, grapes, and black- berries make the best jellies — all acid fruits. A combination which is delightful in flavor and color is two-thirds quince juice and one-third cranberry, and has the advantage of coming late in the season, when it is more comfortable to work over a hot stove. All fruit should be fresh and a little under-ripe. Juicy fruits, sUch as currants and berries, should be gathered after a rain. Fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, peaches, which do not "jell" easily, make beautiful jelly if one-third rhubarb juice is added. The jelly will be clearer and more delicate in texture Preserves. 289 if it is boiled hard and not stirred during the cooking. Medium- sized granite preserving kettles are best to use in making jelly; they are lighter to handle and easily cleaned. Do not make a quantity at a time. A quart of juice is quite enough, or even a pint. Wash the fruit, remove stems and imperfections. Cut large fruit into small pieces. With watery fruit, such as grapes and currants, use no water. With apples and quinces use enough water to cover them. Cook the fruit until the juice flows, crush- ing it with a spoon. Remove it from the fire and strain it through a pointed cheesecloth bag hung between two chairs, or any convenient way. Do not squeeze the bag. Measure the juice and put an equal quantity of sugar (sometimes a little less for sweet fruits) into the oven to heat. Boil the juice with the sugar until the jelly thickens quickly when dropped from a spoon on a cold saucer. Pour into sterilized jelly glasses and set aside to harden. Jelly must be completely covered to keep it from mold. Paraffin is most convenient for this purpose. Pour your melted paraffin on to the depth of one-eighth inch. GLACED CRAB-APPLES. Miss Edith Massee. Select a hard, red apple. 1 peck apples. 5 lbs. sugar. Put the fruit and sugar in stone jars in layers, with cinna- mon and cassia buds. Cover the jars with buttered paper. Bake CRANBERRY CONSERVE. Mrs. Homer Gard. 1 quart cranberries. Juice and pulp of 2 1 cup (full) water. oranges. 2 cups sugar. y 2 cup chopped raisins. Grated rind of ^2 orange. 3^ cup chopped nuts. Wash the cranberries ; add water and oranges and raisins. Cook until the cranberries burst and are soft. Then add sugar and stir until dissolved. Skim when off the stove ; add nuts. 290 Preserves. GRAPE CONSERVE. Miss Jane C. Whitaker. 1 pint grapes, stemmed. Sugar. }i cup raisins. l /% to -V s lb. nuts. 1 small orange. Pulp the grapes; cook until soft, then put them through a colander and add skins, orange pulp, and raisins. To every cup of this add 1 cup of sugar and cook until of desired consistency (i. e., about like jelly. Test as for jelly.) Add nuts and put in jelly glasses. Cover with paraffin. PEACH CONSERVE. Mrs. Albert Bess. 2 lbs. fruit. 2 lbs. sugar. 2 lbs. seeded raisins. 1 lb. English walnuts. 2 large or 3 small oranges. Boil until it thickens. CONSERVED PEARS. Mrs. Chas. Parrish. 1 peck pears, diced. l /> ounce ginger root. 5 lbs. granulated sugar. 1 pint water. 4 lemons, sliced. Boil slowly for 3 hours. PLUM CONSERVE. Mrs. C. F. Elliott. 3 quarts of California blue Juice of 3 oranges, rind plums. of 2. 34 lb. pecans. 5 lbs. granulated sugar. l / 2 lb. seeded raisins. Continue boiling 20 minutes after it begins to boil. MINT JELLY. Snow apples. Fresh mint leaves. Equal weight sugar. Pare and quarter apples ; put in a preserving kettle and barely cover with water. Add enough mint leaves, well washed, Preserves. 29 to give a good mint flavor. Cover and cook until apples are soft, then strain through a jelly bag. Boil 20 minutes; add sugar heated. Add more mint leaves if desired; let boil 5 min- utes. Skim and pour into glasses. Let stand in sunny window 24 hours. BAR-LE-DUC. Mrs. R. C. McKinney. 3 quarts red currants. 1 glass strained honey. 3 quarts granulated sugar. Let currants and sugar stand over night. In the morning add the honey and boil for 25 minutes. Fine served with cream cheese. BLACKBERRY JELLY. Mrs. Chas. H. Bonney, Boston, Mass. Wash; put berries in a kettle; mash; add just a little water; boil up thoroughly, and strain; measure and boil hard y 2 hour; skim well, and then add equal measure of heated sugar. Boil up (do not stir) ; pour into glasses. QUINCE HONEY. Mrs. Harry Woolford. Wipe, pare, and grate 5 large quinces. To 2 cups boiling- water add 5 pounds fine granulated sugar, place on range, and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add quince pulp ; bring to the boiling point, and let simmer 15 minutes; turn into glasses, cool, and cover. When cold it should be about the color and consistency of honey. PINEAPPLE HONEY. Mrs. J. P. Wilson. 1 large pineapple. Small measure good ap- Sugar. pies. Pare, cook, and strain the apples, as in making jelly. Re- turn to the fire and add the grated pineapple. Add equal amount of sugar and cook until it jellies. 292 Preserves. LEMON MARMALADE. Miss Mildred Young Dewyer. Squeeze the juice from fruit, strain out the seeds, shred the rind of all the lemons, and boil in plenty of water 20 min- utes ; drain, put in fresh water, and boil again 20 minutes ; re- peat again, for 3 times in all. Then put juice and rinds together, and for 1 pound of the composition put 1 pound of sugar and boil until all is thoroughly heated. Put in small jars or glasses, and seal as any jelly. ORANGE MARMALADE. Mrs. Thomas Beckett. 12 oranges. 9 quarts water. 6 lemons. Sugar. Cut the rind into fine chips, taking of! much of the bitter inside white. Divide the pulp, removing carefully seeds and stringy centers. Put rind, pulp, and juice in a large crock and cover with not more than 9 quarts of water. Let stand till next morning; boil down about an hour. Let stand again till follow- ing day. Then take as much sugar as you have liquid mixture and cook till it jellies. Do not have too stiff at first, as it gets stiff standing. ORANGE MARMALADE. Mrs. Sam D. Fitton, Jr. Grind 4 thin-skinned navel oranges and 2 lemons through a meat chopper; of course, rejecting the seeds. Add 2 quarts water and let simmer, uncovered, until tender — about 1J/2 hours. Add 2*/2 quarts sugar; let boil until quite thick. When a little is cooled, try it. ORANGE MARMALADE. Miss Helen Peters. 6 Florida oranges. 1 gallon water. 3 lemons. Peel the lemons, but not the oranges. Remove seeds and put the fruit through the food chopper; add the water and let stand 24 hours; add sugar pint for pint, and boil until it pre- serves. Preserves. 293 ORANGE MARMALADE. Mrs. C. E. Mason. 1 orange. 1 grapefruit. 1 lemon. Put through a meat chopper all but seeds and cores. Meas- ure fruit and add to it 3 times the amount of water. Let it stand in an earthen bowl over night, and next morning boil 10 minutes only. Let it stand another night, and in morning add pint for pint of sugar, and boil until it jells. PEACH AND PLUM PRESERVES. Mrs. C. E. Schenk. Make a very rich, thick syrup. Peel and quarter fine, firm peaches. Halve and stone large purple plums (do not remove skin) ; use % peaches to 3/3 plums ; drop in the boiling syrup and cook as you do any other rich preserves. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. Mrs. E. A. Belden. Wash and stem the berries. Use pint for pint of granulated sugar. Pour the sugar over the fruit and allow to stand until the juice is drained from the fruit; stir gently and cook until it preserves. PEACH PRESERVES. Mrs. E. A. Belden. Use yellow peaches, fine and large. Cut the fruit up into small pieces and use pint for pint of granulated sugar. Pour the sugar over the fruit and allow it to stand until the juices form and it can be stirred thoroughly. Then cook until it thickens. Usually 25 minutes' cooking is sufficient, and the pre- serves will be a clear, golden color. &' YELLOW TOMATO PRESERVES. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. To make tomato preserves, take pound for pound of sugar and tomatoes ; after the tomatoes are peeled, cover with the sugar and let stand until morning, then drain off juice and cook 294 Preserves. until thick before adding the tomatoes. Cook ^ hour, or until thick enough to suit you, and can. Or you can cook them as soon as peeled ; but it takes more watching than when they stand over night and the juice is drawn out and cooked first. BLACKBERRY PRESERVES (That Can't be Told from Raspberry). Mrs. H. E. Burnett, Sidney, Ohio. Grind ripe blackberries. To i heaping cup of berries add i level cup of sugar. Boil 20 minutes, or until it jellies, then put in jars. APRICOT AND PINEAPPLE PRESERVES. Mrs. Paul M. Hooven. Peel and halve 1 quart of apricots; cook down with ^ the weight in sugar ; grate 3 pineapples and cook with y 2 the weight in sugar; add all together and cook to a thick, rich consistency. GRAPE PRESERVES. Mrs. P. C. Todd. 5 lbs. grapes. \ l /z lbs. nuts, pecans and Eng- 5 lbs. sugar. lish walnuts. Rind of 2 oranges. Juice of 3 oranges, chopped, Take pulp of grapes and boil a few minutes ; then put through colander. Cook all until preserved. Add nuts when nearly done. PEAR PRESERVES WITH GINGER. Mrs. A. Letherby. Take any quantity of pears (winter variety preferable), cut in either cubes or rings, cover with water, and boil until tender ; weigh the cooked fruit, then drain off the juice; add equal amount of sugar to juice, and small bits of crystallized ginger and sliced lemon. Boil until a thick syrup is obtained; add fruit and cook to consistency of a preserve. Put up in sealed jars. Preserves. 295 CANDIED ORANGE PEEL. Mrs. Linus Clark. Weigh 2 oranges and use their weight in sugar; use juice to make syrup with sugar; no water. Cut rind in strips and boil in water 20 minutes, changing water 3 times with boiling water. Drain and cook about 5 minutes in syrup of juice and sugar. Take out, and while still hot roll in granulated sugar. Use thick-skinned oranges. CHERRY COMPOTE. Mrs. E. M. Nicholas, Columbus, Ohio. 5 lbs. cherries. 5 lbs. sugar. 3 oranges (thin rind). 2 lbs. raisins. Wash and seed cherries ; add oranges, which have been par- boiled whole and cut into small pieces, sugar and raisins. Boil slowly for 30 minutes, skimming carefully. Seal while hot. COMPOTE OF FIGS. Mrs. G. A. Rentschler. Put in a basin the required quantity of figs with the juice and peel of 1 or 2 lemons ; pour over sufficient boiling water to cover, and leave until cold. For every 2 pounds of fruit, put in a preserving pan y 2 pound of granulated sugar and 1 pint of water. Boil until the sugar is dissolved, then drain the figs and put them in the syrup with 1 thinly sliced lemon without seeds, and simmer gently until tender. Leave the figs in the syrup until cold, then group them in the center of a glass dish, pour the syrup over, and serve. RHUBARB COMPOTE. Mrs. A. G. Gale. 3^4 lbs. rhubarb. 1 lb. English walnut meats, 3 lbs. sugar. cut fine. 3 lemons. Leave skin on rhubarb if it is tender. Cut in small pieces ; add sugar, and let stand until juice is all out. Then boil slowly 30 minutes; add yellow and juice of lemons and nut meats just before it is finished. Boil down like marmalade. Four oranges can be used instead of nut meats. 296 Preserves. WATERMELON PRESERVES. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. Cut the green rind off, and almost all red ; cut in small pieces, wash, and cover y 2 the weight in sugar; let stand until morning, then drain juice off and boil until thick. Put pieces in and enough sliced lemon to give a good flavor, being careful to remove all seeds from lemon. WATERMELON PRESERVES. Mrs. Thomas Beckett. Pare off the dark-green rind and scrape the soft pulp from the melon. Cut in pieces about 2 inches long and i l / 2 wide; soak in brine over night, rinse in clear, running water, and soak over night in alum water. (Ten cents' worth of alum will make a strong solution in water to cover the rind from fair-sized melon.) Rinse in running water ; soak another night in clear water ; weigh melon, and sugar pound for pound. Place sugar with just enough water to dissolve it in a preserving kettle. Boil syrup hard for 15 minutes; drop in melon; boil slowly at least 3 hours. Place squares on platters and place in hot sun to bleach 1 hour. Add to syrup 24 whole cloves, juice and rind of 2 lem- ons ; the rind cut small and cooked tender in a little water first. Add about Y^ cup vinegar. Boil the melon again in this spiced syrup about 10 minutes ; take out once more to bleach ; put back to heat in syrup. Put in jars with syrup in each, although do not allow syrup to become dark, nor boil, while your rind is bleaching. SUN-PRESERVED CHERRIES. Miss Helen Nicolay. 1 lb. sugar. 1 lb. large cherries. Put enough water on the sugar to make it gray, and boil for 8 or 10 minutes. Drop in the cherries and cook about 5 minutes. Place on large platters in the sun for 2 or 3 days. Cover entirely with glass. When syrup is thick, jnit into jelly glasses, but do not stir, as it will crystallize. Strawberries may be preserved in the same way. Preserves. 297 SUN-PRESERVED CHERRIES. Miss Louise Dingfelder. 1 lb. fruit. 24 pint water. }i lb. sugar. Make syrup of sugar and water; put in fruit and let boil up twice. Pour preserves in platters, cover with pane of glass and stand out in the sun. Repeat this for several days until thick enough to put in glasses. SUN-BAKED STRAWBERRIES. Mrs. Henry W. Brown. 1 quart sugar. 3 pints berries. 1 pint water. Boil sugar and water to a thread; add berries, boil 15 min- utes, then pour in meat platters and set in sun to bake 2 or 3 days. SPICED PEACHES. Miss Althea Spellman. Make a syrup of 3 pounds light-brown sugar and 1^2 pints of good cider vinegar, 1 ounce of whole cloves, 2 sticks of cinna- mon boiled together. Add 7 pounds of peeled peaches, whole, heating them through gradually, and then boil until of a rich color. Skim them out into jars, boil the syrup down until quite thick, and pour over them. Seal while hot. UNCOOKED SWEET PICKLE PEACHES. Mrs. H. E. Burnett, Sidney, Ohio. Peel and halve ripe, yellow peaches ; place in crock with 1 ounce of whole cinnamon and 1 ounce of whole cloves sprin- kled between. To 7 pounds of peaches take 3^ pounds of granu- lated sugar and 1 pint vinegar. Let come to boil ; pour over peaches. Drain off next morning; boil vinegar down j4; pour over peaches; repeat third morning; place peaches in cans and pour boiling vinegar over, and seal. Have vinegar boiled down so it will just cover peaches. 11 298 Preserves. TO CAN PEACHES. Mrs. C. F. Elliott. Wash peaches well. Remove skins and seeds. Place the parings and seeds in a kettle; cover with water; let boil well. Strain this juice. To 1 can peaches take 1 large cup sugar and 1 cup of the juice. Boil; when well dissolved add the peaches. Covei* and cook until tender. Place in tin cans and seal. TO CAN STRAWBERRIES. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. Take good berries and, after stemming and washing, use 1 pint of sugar and 3 pints of berries ; melt sugar with as little water as possible; when boiling, put in berries and cook until scum quits rising to top. This will fill 1 glass quart jar. CANNED TOMATOES. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. To can tomatoes, first use only good ones of uniform ripe- ness (none with rotten spots or sour splits). Have a kettle on stove with boiling water, put the tomatoes in about 1" minute, or until the skin will slip off easily ; then peel, cut in pieces, and cook as long as any scum comes to the top, being careful to re- move all scum as fast as it appears. Put in cans and seal while hot. CANNED STRINGBEANS. Mrs. R. F. McComb. 3 pint tins of beans, broken 2 pint tins of water, in halves. 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Let this come to a boil and put up in Mason jars. The late September beans are best. TO CAN CORN. Mrs. J. L. Garver. Use only fresh, green sugar corn. Cut the corn from the cob, but do not scrape the cob. To 9 cups of corn add 1 cup of Preserves. 299 sugar, y 2 cup of salt, and y 2 cup of water. Mix thoroughly and let simmer slowly 3 hours. Seal in glass or tin. Before using soak in cold water over night. CANNED CORN. Mrs. Jos. Kimball. 9 cups of corn. 1 cup of sugar. 2 cups of water. Y* cup of salt. Boil 20 minutes and can. Memoranda. Memoranda. grttftctal #asi Is the Safest Gas used in Domestic Science. The time given in these recipes is for Artificial Gas. No vent pipes are necessary when it is used. No head- aches. No smarting eyes. No dry throat. No wet walls and damp sleeping rooms. tEfje Hamilton tittlttte* Co. phone 463 STATEMENT OF The People's Deposit, Improvement and Loan Co. FOR YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 2, 1914 Total Net Assets, - - $542,305.09 Net gains for the year. Net Assets, - - - $34,159.79 Net gains for the year. Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits, - $753.56 Dividends Declared in February and August Each Year. Deposit Accounts Respectfully Solicited. The People's Deposit, Improvement and Loan Co. Room 205, Rentschler Building, Hamilton, Ohio E. B. ROGERS, President JAMES FITTON, Secretary G RAY d n i > n c iohe Florist Cut Flowers and Floral Designs Jpickles anb 3\eUsl)£S* CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. A. H. Nesbitt. For i gallon jar take the following: i teaspoon of ground cinnamon (put in bags), i teaspoon of ground allspice (put in bags), i teaspoon of ground cloves (use in bags), y teaspoon of alum, 2 tablespoons of sugar, i pint of strong cider vinegar, Y% pint of water. Prepare cucumbers as follows : Wash thoroughly and let stand in salt water over night ; place spice bags and vinegar in kettle together with alum and sugar, and let come to a boil. Then put in a few of the cucumbers at a time and let them boil 3 minutes before placing in the jar, after which cover with vine- gar, placing spice bags over contents. OLIVE OIL PICKLES. Miss Rachel Weaver. 2 dozen small cucumbers. % teacup mustard seed. i quart vinegar. 2 tablespoons celery seed. ]/ 2 teacup salt. i cup olive oil. l /> teacup sugar. Slice cucumbers thin crossways without peeling. Mix above ingredients together and pour over the cucumbers. Let stand over rlight. Put into jars and seal. No cooking. OLIVE OIL PICKLES. Mrs. Robert Woodruff. ioo pickles. V 2 cup salt. Y\ cup mustard seed. i cup olive oil. 2 tablespoons celery seed. I quart vinegar. y 2 cup sugar. Mix the above together and pour over sliced cucumbers. Let stand over night. In morning, can. 303 304 Pickles and Relishes. OIL PICKLES. Mrs. Lou A. Pfau. 100 small cucumbers. 2 gills olive oil. 2 onions. % lb. white mustard seed. 34 pint salt. 2 tablespoons celery seed. Slice cucumbers thin with skin on ; slice the onions ; sprinkle with salt ; let stand over night ; drain off all water and add the oil and other ingredients mixed well. Vinegar to cover. Cold, not cooked. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. Rebecca Brant. 1 quart vinegar. Yi cup sugar. 1 pint water. x /z cup salt. Small piece alum. Mixed spices. Pour hot well-water over pickles and let stand over night. In the morning dry, and pour mixture boiling hot over pickles. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. C. I. Keely. 100 cucumbers. 10 cents mixed spices. 1 pint vinegar. 1 pint water. 1 pint brown sugar. Salt down the cucumbers in layers over night. Next morn- ing drain and wash, and scald in 2 pints of water and 1 of vine- gar. Pour this off and put in kettle and add the mixed spices in a bag, sugar, vinegar, and water. Cook until tender. Seal in jars. DILL PICKLES. Mrs. Sam Mayer. 1 quart vinegar. Red peppers. 6 quarts water. Dill. 1 pint salt, scant. Speck of alum. Soak pickles over night in cold water. Let the above in- gredients come to a boil, and pour over pickles. Then can. Pickles and Relishes. 3°5 MUSTARD PICKLES. Mrs. A. T. Good. i lb. Colman's mustard. 2 small teacups salt. 1 gallon cider vinegar. Wash pickles, dry them, and put in cans. Pour the above (cold) over them and seal. CHOPPED PICKLE. Mrs. J. L. Garver. 1 gallon cabbage. 2 tablespoons ground 1 gallon green tomatoes. ginger. 2 or 3 green peppers. 2 teaspoons ground cloves. 2 quarts chopped celery. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 3 lbs. sugar. 2 or 3 bay leaves. 2 tablespoons mustard. Chop ingredients separately. Sprinkle salt over tomatoes. Let stand over night. Drain. Mix well. Cover with vinegar and boil gently until tender. Pack in jars and cover with horse- radish. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE. Mrs. C. E. Long. 2 quarts green tomatoes. ^2 teaspoon ground cinna- 1 pint vinegar. mon. ]/ 2 teaspoon grated nutmeg. 1 pint sugar. Slice tomatoes Yi inch thick. Place in jar 2 layers of toma- toes and 1 layer of salt. Let stand over night. Drain. Boil vinegar and spices. Drop tomatoes into this and cook until tender. PICKLED ONIONS. Mrs. Mary E. McHugh. Select small white onions. Peel, and boil for 10 minutes in equal parts of sweet milk and water. Drain and pour boiling spiced vinegar over and seal. Tie the spices in a cloth, or they will darken the onions. 306 Pickles and Relishes. CANNED BEETS. Mrs. S. C. Kirk. Use beets of uniform size, leaving about i inch of stem on. Put to cook with enough cold water to cover. Boil until tender. Place in cold water to peel, and the skin will slip off easily. Use equal parts of good cider vinegar and water ; sugar and salt to taste. Place beets, after peeling, in hot vinegar. After they are boiling hot, drop one at a time into self-sealing jars. Cover with hot vinegar, and seal. PICKLED GREEN BEANS. Mrs. C. F. Elliott. Select a flat bean, if possible. Wash and break into 3 or 4 pieces. Boil until tender, but not soft. Place in glass jars and pour over them a syrup made of 1 quart of vinegar and 1 quart of sugar. Sprinkle whole spices on the top, and seal. CORN SALAD. Mrs. Geo. Bachman. 6 ears corn. 2 onions. 2 red mangoes. 1 head cabbage. Salt and vinegar to taste. Boil V2 hour, and can. 1 teaspoon mustard seed. 1 teaspoon celery seed. ^2 teaspoon turmeric. 2 teaspoons ground mus- tard. 1 head cabbage. 1 dozen sweet mangoes. 4 or 5 red peppers. 1 cup grated horseradish. t tablespoon mustard seed CABBAGE PICKLE. Miss Adele Molyneaux. y 2 tablespoon celery seed. 1 quart vinegar. 1 quart sugar. Salt to taste. hop all fine and mix thoroughly. Put in jar without cook- ing. Pickles and Relishes. 307 SPANISH PICKLE. Mrs. J. W. Doron. 1^2 gallons cucumbers, 1 pint string beans, chopped fine. 1 dozen ears corn. 1 gallon cabbage, chopped 2 dozen red and green fine. • sweet peppers, chopped 1 dozen onions, chopped fine. fine. Sprinkle with salt. 2 quarts green tomatoes. Let stand 1 hour, scald and drain, and mix in the follow- ing: Yi cup horseradish. 1 cup whole mustard seed. 2 tablespoons turmeric. 1 tablespoon ground cloves. 3 tablespoons celery seed. 1 lb. sugar. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. ('over with vinegar (not too strong) and boil until tender. Add more sugar and salt if needed. A couple quarts of celery is nice. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Miss Ethel Kimbrough. 1 gallon vinegar. 1 cup ground mustard. 1 cup salt. 1 peck pickles. Wash pickles and place in jar. Mix vinegar, salt, and mus- tard, and pour over pickles. Do not heat this mixture. Cut horseradish roots and put over top, or divide this quantity into several small jars and cover with paraffin. SOUR CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. Charles Parrish. Place even-sized cucumbers in brine strong enough to bring an egg to surface. Let stand 2 days and nights. Wipe dry and pack in glass jars. For 300 pickles add 1 gallon cider vinegar, 2 large onions sliced fine, several sticks of cinnamon, 1 pound sugar, 1 tablespoon powdered alum, and 5 cents' worth of mixed spices. Heat vinegar and spices, and pour over pickles while hot. 308 Pickles and Relishes. OIL PICKLES. Mrs. John H. Leland. 300 medium-sized cucumbers. 1 cup sugar. 8 ounces celery seed. 2 ounces white mustard 2 ounces black mustard seed. seed. Vinegar to cover. 1 cup olive oil. Wash cucumbers and slice them. Let stand over night in salt water. Drain, and wipe dry. Pour oil over and mix thor- oughly. Add seeds and cover with vinegar. Put into jars cold, and seal. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Mrs. Maesie L. Tunnelle. L fc>& j Choose cucumbers 3 or 4 inches long, with a stem; put in brine that will float an egg. Boil this brine 3 mornings, pouring over pickles hot. The third morning drain brine from the pickles, then take half water and half good vinegar, boil 3 morn- ings, pouring over the pickles hot. Put in the jars a big piece of alum and cover with grape leaves. On the seventh morning drain pickles. Put in a stone jar and pour over the pickles good cider vinegar boiling hot; then put in jar a piece of horseradish and alum ; spice as you like. Cover with grape leaves. Also cover jar and let stand from 3 to 6 weeks before using. MUSTARD PICKLES (COLD PROCESS). Mrs. Lynn Forbes. Wash cucumbers and soak over night. 1 gallon vinegar. 1 cup salt. 1 cup Colman's mustard. Dissolve and let stand over night. Fill jars with cucum- bers, and pour vinegar mixture over pickles, and seal. STUFFED SWEET PICKLES. Mrs. R. B. Millikin. Take medium-sized cucumbers, let them lie in salt water 9 days, then soak in fresh water 24 hours ; open them lengthwise and remove seeds. Place them in a preserving pan with alter- Pickles and Relishes. 309 nate layers of grape leaves, sprinkling a teaspoonful of alum over each layer, and cover with equal parts vinegar and water; scald until green; squeeze the juice from 2 lemons; cut them in small cubes (rind and all) ; then fill the cucumbers with the cubes of lemons and raisins ; tie or sew them together ; place in jar, adding Y /i ounce of cloves, 1 ounce of cinnamon bark broken into small pieces ; make a syrup of 1 pint of sugar to 1 pint of vinegar ; heat this and pour over every morning for 9 days, add- ing enough every day to thoroughly cover the pickles. 6 lemons and 2 pounds of raisins to every 25 cucumbers. CURRANT MEAT RELISH. Mrs. John H. Leland. 4 quarts ripe currants, 3 oranges. mashed. 2 quarts granulated sugar. 2 lbs. seeded raisins. Grate oranges, rind, and cut pulp into bits. Boil y 2 hour, and seal in jars. CUCUMBER RELISH. Miss May Stevenson. 1 quart sliced cucumbers. 1 cup vinegar. 1 onion. 1 tablespoon grated horse- 1 red mango. radish. 1 tablespoon mustard seed. 1 teaspoon turmeric. 1 cup brown sugar. 25 whole cloves. Slice cucumbers, onion, and mango. Cover with salt water for 3 hours. Drain. Boil all together for y 2 hour. Can and seal. PEPPER RELISH. Mrs. Etta Compton. 1 dozen green peppers. 1^2 cups sugar. 1 dozen red peppers. 3 tablespoons salt. 16 good-sized onions. 1 bunch celery. 3 pints vinegar. Chop ingredients fine. Cover with boiling water. Let stand 5 minutes and drain. Add vinegar, sugar, and salt. Boil for y 2 hour and can while hot. 2 tables ipoons white mus- tard seed. i/ 2 pints sugar. 3 pints vinegar. 310 Pickles and Relishes. CUCUMBER RELISH. Miss Helen Peters. iy 2 dozen green peppers. \ l / 2 dozen red peppers. 3 dozen cucumbers. 8 small onions. y 2 tablespoon celery seed. Chop cucumbers and onions, and let stand in salt water over night. Drain and mix all together. Does not require cooking. MUSTARD RELISH. Mrs. John H. Leland. 1 head cabbage. 6 red peppers. 1 peck green tomatoes. 4 bunches celery. 4 quarts onions. Chop all fine. Place in jar alternate layers of pickles and salt. Let stand over night. Drain well and add dressing. Dressing. 3 quarts vinegar. y 2 lb. Colman's mustard. 2 lbs. brown sugar. 1 cup wheat flour. Mix flour and mustard with a little cold vinegar. Boil vinegar and sugar, and add flour and mustard slowly. When like cream, stir in the pickle thoroughly. Will keep without canning. MEAT RELISH. Mrs. A. D. Harrison. 3 heads cabbage. 4 red peppers. l / 2 peck green tomatoes. 1 tablespoon mustard. y 2 peck ripe tomatoes. 3 lbs. brown sugar. 9 mangoes. 1 cup grated horseradish. 12 onions. Vinegar to cover. Put ingredients through coarse meat grinder. Salt and let stand over night. Drain. Add vinegar, mustard, horseradish, and cook for 1 hour. Seal in glass jars. Pickles and Relishes. 3 1 1 CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. Edward Frechtling. 12 tomatoes. 2 tablespoons brown sugar. 4 onions. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 3 green peppers. 2 cups tarragon vinegar. 2 tablespoons salt. 1 cup water. Boil iy 2 hours. CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. Ella Falk. 30 good-sized tomatoes. 2 lbs. brown sugar. 6 peaches. 1 quart vinegar. 6 pears. 6 onions. 4 mangoes. Cook all together 2 hours. Put mixed spices in muslin bag, cinnamon, cloves, allspice (or use mace instead), and cook with it salt to taste. CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. R. F. McComb. 1 peck tomatoes. 1 dozen assorted mangoes. 1 dozen good-sized onions. ]/i cup vinegar. 2 tablespoons mixed whole Salt and sugar to taste. spices. Put spices in bag and cook all together until done. Seal in glass jars. CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. C. Earl Hooven. 1 peck ripe tomatoes. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 7 onions. 1 teaspoon allspice. 5 small red peppers. 1 cup granulated sugar. 5 cups vinegar. y 2 cup salt. 1 teaspoon cloves. Cut tomatoes in small pieces. Chop onions and red peppers together. Cook all except spices together for 3 hours. When done, add spices and put in glass jars or bottles. 312 Pickles and Relishes. GREEN TOMATO CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. Clarence Kennedy. i peck green tomatoes. 2 tablespoons allspice. 8 or 10 onions. 2 tablespoons ginger. 2 quarts vinegar. 2 tablespoons cinnamon. 1 quart water. y 2 teaspoon red pepper. Grind fine both tomatoes and onions; mix 1 quart of water and 1 cup of salt, and pour over them. Let stand over night. In the morning drain, then add 2 quarts of vinegar and 1 quart water. Boil 15 minutes; drain; then add 1 quart water, 1 quart vinegar. Add the spices and boil 30 minutes. Seal while hot. CHILI SAUCE. Mrs. W. F. Blaut. 12 large tomatoes. 2 cups vinegar. 1 large or 2 small onions. 1 tablespoon salt, nutmeg. 1 large or 2 small green 1 tablespoon cinnamon, peppers. ginger. Boil y 2 hour, and bottle. SPICED CURRANTS. Mrs. John Leland. 5 lbs. currants. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 4 lbs. sugar. 1 tablespoon allspice. y 2 pint vinegar. y 2 tablespoon cloves. Boil 1 hour, stirring much. The above is excellent, espe- cially if the currants are strained and gooseberries are mixed into them unstrained. SWEET PICCALILLI. Mrs. Meta Smalley. Take quantity of green tomatoes desired. Chop and place in colander to drain over night. In the morning cover with vine- gar and sweeten to taste. Add a little salt and a little cinnamon bark tied in a cloth. Cook until tomatoes are clear. Pickles and Relishes. 313 CHOW-CHOW. Mrs. Wm. C. Shafer. 34 peck small silver onions. 2 large heads cauliflower. Y^ peck small pickles. 3 or 4 red peppers, seeded 34 peck green tomatoes. and chopped. Y^ peck green or wax beans. 3 or 4 stalks celery. 2 dozen large cucumbers. Chop each vegetable separately and let stand in salt water over night ; each vegetable alone. Drain in the morning. Steam beans, cauliflower, and celery until tender. While these are steaming, put all other ingredients together and scald in iy 2 pints of water and ij4 pints of vinegar. Drain and add 4 pints of vinegar, to which have been added 2 or 2 i y 2 lbs. sugar, 1 ounce turmeric. y 2 pint sifted flour, 1 pint good olive oil. 34 lb. white mustard. Mix with a little of the vinegar, pouring in the oil slowly and stirring all the while. Add vinegar lastly and cook until it does not taste raw. Add all together and cook until it begins to boil. BEET SALAD. Miss Rhoda Gorsuch. 1 quart ground cabbage. 1 pint vinegar. Yz cup ground horseradish. . 1 quart beets, cooked and 1 cup granulated sugar. ground. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, and it is ready for use. PEPPERS. Miss Lillian Huber. Take sweet peppers (red or green), being careful to remove all seeds. Cut into rings or strips. Plunge into boiling water and drain almost immediately. Then pour cold water over them. This makes them crisp. Drain and taste. If peppers are too hot, repeat the process until they suit taste. Place peppers in jars and make a syrup of y 2 cup vinegar to 1 cup sugar. Boil syrup and pour over the peppers, hot. Seal or not, as preferred. 3 H Pickles and Relishes. ENGLISH CHUTNEY. Mrs. J. W. Pryor. 16 ripe tomatoes. i lb. chopped raisins. i l / 2 red peppers, chopped fine. 12 peaches. 1 lb. onions, chopped fine. 2 teaspoons ground cinna- 2 lbs. brown sugar. mon. T 4 cup salt. 2 teaspoons ground cloves. 4 pints white vinegar. 3 tablespoons ground gin- 1 to 2 lbs. good-sized cook- ger. ing apples, chopped. Mix spices with sugar when preparing. Boil slowly 4 hours. WATERMELON PICKLE. Mrs. Alice V. Hunter. 10 pounds watermelon rind cooked in clear water until ten- der. Drain for 5 hours. Make a syrup of 1 quart vinegar. l / 2 ounce whole cloves. 2 lbs. white sugar. 1 ounce cinnamon. Boil syrup and spices. Drop in the watermelon rind, and heat thoroughly. Can and seal. SWEET PICKLES AND RAISINS. Mrs. James Fitton. 1 dozen large sour pickles. Yz lb. raisins. 13/2 lbs. sugar. Cut pickles into thin, round slices. Steam raisins until tender. Pack in alternate layers until all is used. Do not use for several days. Omit raisins and use spices if desired. MIXED PICKLES. Mrs. Perrine Spellman. 1 quart large cucumbers 2 quarts small onions. cut in squares. 1 large cauliflower. 2 quarts small pickles, 2 red mangoes cut in pieces. whole. Let stand in weak salt water 24 hours. Wash in clean water and scald in weak vinegar. Drain and add dressing. Pickles and Relishes. 315 Dressing. 3 tablespoons Col man's 1 cup sugar. mustard. 1 scant cup flour. 1 scant tablespoon tur- 2 quarts white vinegar. meric. Mix together, and when hot put in vegetables and cook until it begins to thicken. This must be canned and sealed. TOMATO CATSUP. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. 1 gallon cooked and ^2 teaspoon bay leaves. strained tomato juice. y 2 small red pepper. 1 tablespoon whole mus- y 2 pint hot vinegar. tard seed. 2 heaping tablespoons 1 tablespoon whole allspice. sugar. Yi teaspoon cloves. Salt to taste. Cook the juice until thick, then add sugar, vinegar, and salt. About 15 minutes before it is done put in the spices, tied up in small muslin bag. Memoranda. Memoranda. This Special Value $0 JC Chase Leather Rocker 0# / %} This is just a Flyer in our Furniture Dept., and it will pay one and all to take advantage of it. Actual value, $12.50. This and hundreds of other bargains to greet you here daily. If not yet a customer, begin to-day. Homes Furnished Complete Honest Values — Fair Treatment San6wtcl)es* SWEETBREAD SANDWICHES. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. i pair sweetbreads, par- x / 2 cup pecan meats. boiled. i hardboiled egg. x /z onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Put all through the meat grinder and mix with enough mayonnaise to spread nicely. Spread this mixture on a buttered piece of bread, cover with another slice, and trim. DEVILED NUT SANDWICH. Mrs. Albert Bess. 2 ounces almonds. t tablespoon Worcestei- 2 tablespoons chopped shire sauce, pickles. Y\ teaspoon salt, i tablespoon chutney. Cayenne. Blanch and cut almonds in shreds, and saute in butter until delicately browned, stirring constantly, using just enough but- ter to prevent burning. Mix the other ingredients and pour over almonds and cook 2 minutes. Work a cream cheese, moisten with cream, season with salt and paprika. Cut Graham bread in *4-inch slices, spread with the cheese, sprinkle with the prepared nuts, put together in pairs, and remove crusts. SWEET NUT SANDWICHES. Mrs. Charles Hilker. y 2 cup seeded raisins. 1 tablespoon grated choco- 1 cup English walnuts. late. % cup grated cocoanut. Sweet cream. Chop raisins and mix with the other ingredients. Add enough sweet cream to make the mixture of right consistency to spread. 319 320 Sandwiches. SANDWICH FILLING. Mrs. T. D. Cochran, Germantown, Pa. i Neufchatel cheese. Salt, i teaspoon Roquefort Cayenne, cheese. Olive oil. 6 Brazil nuts. Wash fine and thoroughly mix cheese and salt and cayenne to taste. Add olive oil enough to make cheese soft enough to spread. Blanch or scrape skin from about 6 Brazil nuts ; chop fine and add to cheese mixture. Whole wheat bread is very nice with this sandwich filling. Remove crust and cut the slices very thin. BACON-AND-EGG SANDWICH. Miss Helen Sloneker. 8 slices of bacon, fried 4 hard-boiled eggs. crisply. Mayonnaise dressing. Fry and chop bacon and egg, and mix with enough mayon- naise to spread nicely. HOT CREAM-CHICKEN SANDWICH. Miss Louise Dingfelder. Put slices of chicken on slices of toast. Cover with a well- seasoned white sauce made of milk, butter, flour, salt, and a dash of paprika. Serve on individual platters or plates, and garnish with potato rosettes, creamed peas, and radishes sliced down to represent roses. This makes a very nice luncheon dish. CHICKEN AND NUT SANDWICH. Mrs. Albert Bess. Remove the crusts (each one in a single slice) from the four sides of a loaf of bread at least 24 hours old ; then cut in 4 slices lengthwise with a long, sharp knife. Spread 3 of the slices sparingly with butter, which has been worked until creamy, and put layers together, using between 2 spreadings of chicken filling and 1 spreading of nut filling. Sandwiches. 32 For the chicken tilling- chop finely remnants of boiled fowl or roast chicken, and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. For the nut filling chop English walnuts or pecan nut meats, and moisten with mayonnaise. CHEESE DREAMS. Miss Louise Dinsffelder i & Cut the yellow New York cheese in slices about 34 i ncn thick. Put slices of cheese between 2 slices of bread, and season' the cheese with salt and a little cayenne; then place the sand- wiches in a gas range on the broiler and let remain there until bread is toasted and the cheese is melted. SANDWICH FILLING DRESSING. Mrs. James Fitton. 1 egg. 2 hard-boiled eggs. y 2 cup cream. 3 Spanish peppers. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 Neufchatel cheese. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon onion juice. 1 tablespoon sugar. ]/ 2 teaspoon salt. 3 tablespoons vinegar. Pinch of cayenne. Cook dressing in double boiler. Mix cheese, the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, and the Spanish peppers chopped fine, the onion juice, salt, and cayenne; then add the dressing. TEA SANDWICH. Mrs. Spencer G. Kuhn. Cut brown bread in fancy shapes, stars, diamond shapes, etc. Spread with a layer of Philadelphia cream cheese, and over this sprinkle a layer of finely chopped peanuts. Place on the top of each sandwich a cube of some bright jelly. PIMENTO CHEESE SANDWICH. Mrs. E. M. Peters. y 2 lb. rich cream cheese. 3 pimentoes. Grind in meat cutter, mix with a tablespoon cream and one of mayonnaise dressing. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. 322 Sandwiches. PIMENTO AND CHEESE SANDWICH. Mrs. A. W. Brown. 3 hard-boiled eggs. yi lb. cream cheese. 3 pimentoes. y 2 teaspoon salt. Grind in food chopper and mix with following dressing: i egg, well beaten. I tablespoon butter, i tablespoon flour. 4 tablespoons vinegar, i tablespoon sugar. \y 2 cups cream or milk. Boil until thick and let cool. ROQUEFORT CHEESE SANDWICH. Mrs. Newton Smith. V 2 cup butter. y 2 clove garlic, chopped fine. 34 cup Roquefort cheese. A little salt and cream. y 2 teaspoon paprika. Cream butter and cheese, and add seasonings and cream. Spread between very thin slices of bread. CHICKEN SANDWICHES. Mrs. W. B. Mayo. 12 tablespoons chopped i tablespoon finely mixed chicken. parsley. 4 tablespoons chopped 4 tablespoons mayonnaise green pepper. dressing. Steam chicken until tender; when cold chop the breast fine; add pepper, parsley, and mayonnaise, and spread between buttered slices of bread. TEA BISCUIT SANDWICH. Mrs. Spencer G. Kuhn. Cut baking powder biscuit dough with a small cutter ; when baked, which should be just before serving, have ready some snappy cheese, and spread this on one-half of a biscuit. Spread the other half of the biscuit with a little butter, put the halves together, and serve at once. Sandwiches. 323 MARSHMALLOW SANDWICHES. Mrs. Charles Hilker. Take thin, round crackers and spread with cream cheese. Place a marshmallow on top and dot with a bit of butter. Put in oven just long enough for the marshmallow to pulp up, and serve at once. The oven must be piping hot, or the marshmallow with flatten and be tough. CHEESE BUTTER. Mrs. Funkhauser. 1 cup grated cheese. Yolks of 2 eggs. l /2 cup sweet milk. A little salt and a pinch 1 large tablespoon butter. of red pepper. 1 large tablespoon flour. Cook in double boiler until thick ; set in a cool place. Spread on wafers and serve with salads. CHICKEN AND TONGUE SANDWICH. Mrs. William F. Mason. Yz pint chicken. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire y 2 pint tongue. sauce. *4 cup melted butter. A little black pepper. Yolk of 1 Qgg. Spread this over buttered bread and trim off the crusts. HAM AND TONGUE SANDWICH. Mrs. Harry Eastman. Chop ham and tongue very fine, using two parts of tongue to one of ham. Mix to a smooth paste with mayonnaise dress- ing, and spread between buttered slices of bread. MUTTON SANDWICHES. Mrs. George Rupp, Jr. 1 pint cold mutton. 1 teaspoon chopped mint. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 dash pepper. 1 tablespoon capers. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Spread this rather thickly on buttered whole wheat bread. 324 Sandwiches. RIBBON BREAD SANDWICHES. Mrs. Robert Woodruff. Cut Boston brown bread and white bread into slices of uni- form thickness. Spread a slice of white bread thickly with but- ter and press upon it a slice of brown bread, also spread with butter. Spread this with butter, and upon it press a slice of buttered white bread. Use in all 5 or 6 slices of bread, making the brown and white alternate. Trim off crusts and slice as ordinary bread. HAM SANDWICHES. Mrs. Eugene Griffis. Y-2. lb. cold boiled ham. Several olives or pickles. 2 hard-boiled eggs. Put all through the grinder and mix with cooked mayon- naise until it will spread nicely between slices of white bread ; trim off crusts. LEMON SANDWICH BUTTER. Mrs. Samuel A. Stephan, Plain City, Ohio. 1 cup butter. Cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon French mus- 1 egg. tard. 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Beat ingredients together until smooth. Spread on the bread for sandwiches instead of plain butter. SALMON FILLING FOR SANDWICHES. Miss Althea Spellman. 1 can salmon. Salt and pepper. 3 tablespoons butter. 2 lemons (juice). Remove salmon from can, rinse thoroughly with warm wa- ter, and separate into flakes, discarding skin and bones. Work 3 tablespoons butter until creamy, and add gradually bits of salmon until the mixture will hold no more and still spread evenly; then season with salt, pepper, and juice of 2 lemons. Mix again; spread. Sandwiches. 325 HYDE PARK SANDWICHES. Mrs. John P. Day. 2 pimentoes. Peanut butter. % cup butter. Cut bread in. J4 -inch slices, spread with peanut butter, and cut round. Drain 2 canned pimentoes dry between towels ; force through a strainer. Work j4 CU P butter until creamy, add prepared pi- mentoes, and season with salt. This filling is good even with- out peanut butter. EGG AND SARDINE SANDWICH. Mrs. Chris Pabst. Remove the skin and oil as far as possible from a small box of sardines. Pound or chop fine with 1 hard-boiled egg for every 4 fish. Work into a paste with 1% tablespoons of salad dressing to every egg used. Season with salt and pepper. Spread over thin slices of bread and form into sandwiches. Anchovies may be used instead of sardines. Memoranda. Memoranda. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN \home furnishings] Special attention will be given to items of merchandise that tend to make the home beautiful, comfortable and cozy. We are prepared to meet any requirement and demand in articles of home furnishings. FURNITURE — The dependable kind of every period — | including the modern designs and finishes. The exhibit is | pre-eminently the foremost of the city. FLOOR COVERINGS— Oriental and Domestic Rugs, I Carpets, Linoleum, etc. Never before were we so equipped 1 to supply your needs in floor coverings. | Odd Fellow 1 Building KREBS Third, near I High Street | anmiiii in mini iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii minimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKF. Dnvali6 (Looker?. In preparing an invalid's tray, spotless linen, best china and silver, daintiest glass should be used. The conventional tray is set like the cover for a meal ; serv- ice plate in position, knife and spoons to right, fork at left; glass at point of knife, bread and butter plate at left of service plate. It is a pretty idea to place a flower on this plate. In placing the food, convenience is the first consideration. GRUELS. Miss Elizabeth Roll. i tablespoonful of any of the following covering flours: Barley, rice, farina, or 2 tablespoonfuls of crushed crumbs, 34 teaspoon salt, y 2 cup boiling water, ^ cup scalded milk. In top of double boiler mix the flour with cold water enough to form a paste; add water and boil 2 minutes; then cook over water for 15 minutes, stirring frequently; add the salt and scalded milk, and serve in a hot cup or bowl. May be varied by scalding raisins in milk or grating nutmeg over the top. QUICK BEEF BROTH. Mrs. John L. Ross. 1 pound of lean beef. Scrape pulp of meat from fiber with dull knife; place in saucepan and cover with cold water. Let it come slowly to boiling point, but do not let it boil. Simmer 15 to 30 minutes; strain, remove fat with blotting paper; season with salt, and serve. EGG-NOG. Mrs. Wm. C. Shafer. Beat the white of an egg lightly, add the yolk, and beat well. To this add 1 glass of rich milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 pinch of salt, a few drops of vanilla and nutmeg, or a little brandy or sherry wine if desired. 12 329 33° Invalid Cookery. EGG LEMONADE. Mrs. John L. Ross. i egg. Juice of y 2 to I lemon, i to 2 tablespoons sugar. I cup milk. Beat egg till lemon-colored and thick ; add sugar and beat again; add lemon juice and beat again; add milk and beat again. Pour into delicate glass, grate nutmeg over the top, and serve. If the stomach is very delicate use the white of the egg only. ORANGEADE. Mrs. James H. Roll. i sour orange. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 1 cup boiling water. Cut the yellow rind carefully from the orange and pour the boiling water over it; let stand 5 minutes. Add sugar, juice of orange and of lemon. Chill before serving. GRAPE FOAM. Mrs. John L. Ross. Put in sherbet glasses 2 tablespoons of grape juice. Add to this the white of t egg beaten stiff, a little scraped ice, and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve at once, without stirring. Simple, nutritious, and delicious. PEACH FOAM. Mrs. John L. Ross. 1 cup peach pulp or tiny bits of tender peaches (either the fresh fruit or home preserved, in which case omit the sugar), J / 2 cup powdered sugar, white of 1 egg. Put in a bowl and beat with a silver fork for 30 minutes; it should then be a thick, per- fectly smooth, velvety cream. HEALTH BREAD. Mrs. Ida M. White. Here is a reliable recipe for the most delicious "health bread," which, if eaten regularly, will shortly do away with the nightly "pill habit," and by adding 1 cup of nut meats or Invalid Cookery. 331 raisins, children enjoy it as they would cake, and their elders likewise, without suffering any unpleasant after-effects. Fol- low r the directions exactly. i quart of best clean bran. ] level teaspoon salt. Yi pint coarse, sweet Gra- 2 teaspoons baking powder. ham flour. Sift these into a bowl. Yi pint white flour. Dissolve J/? teaspoonful baking soda in 1 tablespoonful boil- ing water, then stir that into Y? P mt °f New Orleans molasses. Pour 1 pint of sweet milk, 1 tablespoonful of melted butter, and the prepared molasses over dry ingredients; mix thoroughly. Put this in 2 pans where it has room to rise but not to spread, and bake immediately from 30 to 35 minutes. If fruits or nuts are used, flour them slightly and add them to the batter the last thing. EGG TIMBALES. Miss Elizabeth Roll. Beat 1 egg slightly, add salt and pepper to taste, and *4 cup hot milk. Strain into small mold or cup; set in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until firm (about 20 minutes) ; unmold and serve with white sauce, to which has been added sufficient catsup to give a pink color ; garnish with parsley. CREAM SOUP. Mrs. Lucius B. Potter. Cut a slice of bread into cubes and brown them in butter. Over a thoroughly beaten egg pour a cup of boiling milk. Add the bread and a pinch of salt. WINE SOUP. Mrs. George Rupp. 2 cups water. 1 heaping tablespoon corn- 1 cup Delaware wine. starch. Yolks of 2 eggs. 3 tablespoons sugar. Pinch of salt. Mix cornstarch with water, add mixture to water, and stir until well boiled. S3 2 Invalid Cookery. CUP CUSTARD. Mrs. E. S. Griffis. Break into a cup an egg; put in 2 teaspoons sugar, and beat thoroughly ; add a pinch of salt and a little grated nutmeg. Fill up the cup with good, sweet milk ; turn into another well- buttered cup; set in a pan of boiling water reaching nearly to top of cup. Put in oven, and when the custard is set it is done. Serve cold. MILK TOAST. Toast a slice of bread a nice brown. Lay it in a soup dish. Heat a cup of milk, a small piece of butter, and a pinch of salt, and pour over it. Some prefer to sprinkle a little powdered sugar over it. Serve hot. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. Heat and squeeze the berries. Add to 1 pint of juice 1 pound of sugar, ^2 ounce of ground cinnamon, % ounce of ground mace, and 2 teaspoons of cloves. Boil all for 15 minutes. Strain, and to each pint add r / 2 wineglass of brandy. Excellent for children when teething, with the brandy omitted. Memoranda. Wear MIAMI Shoes ALWAYS RELIABLE 213 High Street, HAMILTON, OHIO RENTSCHLER BUILDING Peoples Shoe Store 118 High Street, Opposite Court House SAVES YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE Slippers and Comfort Shoes a Specialty — House Slippers, 19c. and up Baby Shoes, 9c, 19c, 29c, 39c THE ROBINSON-SCHWENN CO THESE DEPARTMENTS ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE GLOVES DRESS GOODS SUITS HOSIERY WHITE GOODS COATS HANDKERCHIEFS LACES DRESSES NOTIONS EMBROIDERIES SKIRTS TOILET ARTICLES WAISTS MILLINERY UNDERWEAR MUSLIN UNDERWEAR RUGS LINENS CORSETS LINOLEUMS DOMESTICS TRIMMINGS SHADES Consult our Book Dept. for The Latest Novels See Us for Trunks and Suit Cases "For That Trip" THE ROBINSON-SCHWENN CO. \s\) J>ainUes. ANN ARBOR DREAMS. Mrs. Charles Parrish. Slice bread thin. Between two pieces place a slice of cheese. Put in blazer which is hot and in which you have melted a lump of butter. When these sandwiches brown on one side, turn and brown on other. When browned, cheese will have melted and you will find the sandwiches dreams of deliciousness. CREAM CHEESE RAREBIT. Miss Louise Dingfelder. i small cream cheese. i cup of milk. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 eggs. Salt, pepper, red pepper to taste, and some unsweetened crackers. Put butter into the blazer of chafing-dish ; when melted, add the milk, seasonings, and eggs beaten slightly. Stir and cook same as scrambled eggs, and when nearly ready, add the cheese rubbed through a sieve. Serve hot on crackers. MEXICAN RAREBIT. Miss Helen Sloneker. Large piece of butter, i onion, teaspoon salt, dash of red pepper, i teaspoon mustard, i cup tomatoes or 2 ripe tomatoes. Cook 10 minutes; add y 2 pint cream. After cream boils, add 6 eggs separately. SWEETBREADS. Mrs. Charles Parrish. Soak ancl parboil 1 pair of sweetbreads ; cool and dice them. Into your blazer put 2 tablespoons butter, and saute ^can of mushrooms. Remove mushrooms, and into blazer put J4 CU P each of butter and flour and 1 cup cream. When thickened add sweetbreads and mushrooms, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and, if desired, yolks of 2 eggs. Serve on toast. 335 2,2,6 Chafing-Dish Dainties. WELSH RAREBIT. Mrs. Sam D. Fitton, Jr. % lb. rich cream cheese. A few grains of cayenne. l /4 cup cream or milk. i egg. i teaspoon mustard. i teaspoon butter. y 2 teaspoon salt. 4 slices toast. Break cheese in small pieces or, if hard, grate it. Put it with milk in double boiler. Toast bread on one side and keep hot. Mix mustard, salt, and pepper; add egg and beat well. When cheese is melted, stir in egg and butter, and cook 2 min- utes or until it thickens a little, but do not let it curdle. Serve on toast. ENGLISH MONKEY. Mrs. Chas. Clark. 1 cup bread crumbs. 1 heaping tablespoon but- 1 cup milk. ter. 2 eggs. J /2 cup cheese. Soak crumbs in milk until soft. Melt the butter in chafing- dish blazer; add cheese cut in dice, and stir until cheese has melted; then add the soaked crumbs, salt and pepper and cay- enne to taste, and eggs well beaten. Cook 3 minutes longer, stirring all the time, and pour over crackers. RUM TUM TIDDLE (For Chafing Dish Supper). Mrs. E. M. Nicholas, Columbus, Ohio. i l / 2 lbs. mellow cheese. 2 tablespoons Worcester 1 can (10-cent size) Camp- sauce. bell's tomato soup. Paprika or cayenne pep- 1 Spanish onion. per and salt to taste. Y% \\±. butter. Chop the onion very fine, saute it in the butter, then stir in the soup and seasoning. When it boils up, stir in the cheese in small, thin slices gradually. When it thickens, pour on toast or hot crackers. Chafing-Dish Dainties. 337 SCOTCH WOODCOCK. Mrs. J. P. Day. 5 slices toasted bread. Butter and anchovy es- 3 e gg s - sence. i cup cream. Spread toast with butter on both sides, then with anchovy essence. Beat yolks of eggs with cream. Pour in chafing-dish and stir until it thickens. Add salt and pepper and pour over toast. RICTUM-DITY. Mrs. J. P. Day. i cup grated cheese. I chopped green pepper, i teaspoon salt. I can tomatoes. 2 tablespoons butter. y 2 grated onion and a dash 2 eggs. of pepper. Mix tomatoes, cheese, onion, and chopped pepper. Melt butter in a chafing-dish, add the mixture, and when heated add the eggs, well beaten, and the seasonings. Cook until the eggs are of a creamy consistency, stirring all the time. Serve hot. Memoranda. Memoranda. T^fOW you can do all your cooking, ironing, and general housework by electricity. Electric Irons — Stoves — Vacuum Cleaners and all Electrical Devices at lowest prices consistent with high-grade goods. FOR SALE BY CHAS. PFOTZER Both Phones 4th and Maple Ave. Conroy's Recipe for Good Cooking LlRST, start right by having one of Conroy's labor- * saving Kitchen Cabinets in your home. From Cabinet, next consideration is a good range, and there are none better for cooking and baking, either coal or gas, than the celebrated Good Will Line, at prices that our competitors can not touch. Hun- dreds of delighted Hamilton housewives will testify that Conroy's kitchen outfit is the real recipe for good cooking. Quality, Price, and Satisfaction Guaranteed TheA.J.ConroyCo. 318-322 S. Second Street Everything for the Home ■ Refined Portraiture ===== THE WEBB STUDIO 1 1 3 North Third Street, next to Republican News Only Ground Floor Studio in the City leverages. Miss Elizabeth Roll. Freshly boiled water should be used for making hot bever- ages ; freshly drawn water for making cold beverages. Syrup is frequently used for sweetening beverages. Proportion: i cup of sugar to i cup of water; boil 12 min- utes; bottle and cool. A brightness is imparted to fruit drinks by the addition of carbonated water just before serving. TEA. Mrs. James Fitton. y 2 teaspoon to 1 cup water. Heat teapot with boiling water. Pour out and add tea, cover with cold water, and let stand to minutes. Add boiling water. Serve immediately. TEA. The most wholesome tea, because most free from the in- jurious tannin, is made at the table. Have a teapot of very hot or kettle of boiling water and a silver tea ball half full of tea leaves. Fill the cups with water and drop the tea ball into each for a second, making it stronger or weaker, to taste, and serving a thin slice of lemon to each cup if cream is not used. BREAKFAST COCOA. Mrs. S. D. Fitton, Jr. i l / 2 teaspoons prepared cocoa. 2 cups milk or 1 cup boiling 2 teaspoons sugar. water and 3 cups milk. 2 cups boiling water. A few grains salt. Scald the milk ; mix cocoa, sugar and salt, add boiling water, and stir till smooth. Boil 5 minutes or more ; add scalded milk and boil a minute. Beat with Dover egg beater to prevent scum. 341 34 2 Beverages. BOILED COFFEE. Mrs. Paul Hooven. Use i tablespoon of medium-ground coffee for each cup, allowing i extra spoon for the pot. Mix coffee in a bowl with crushed egg shell, a little of the white of egg, and a little water thoroughly. Put in coffee pot and add I cup cold water to each spoon of coffee, except the extra for the pot. Boil up twice, clear with a little cold water, and serve at once. CHOCOLATE. Mrs. Paul Hooven. i x / 2 ounces bitter chocolate. 3 cups milk. 4 teaspoons sugar. A few grains salt. 1 cup boiling water. Scald milk; melt chocolate in small saucepan over hot water; add sugar, salt, and gradually boiling water. When smooth, place on range, and boil 1 minute ; add scalded milk. Beat and serve. If sweet chocolate is used, omit sugar. Chocolate is delicious served with whipped cream on top or with a marshmallow on top. ICED CHOCOLATE. Miss Marie Shuler. Make a hot chocolate and let stand on ice till thoroughly chilled. Just before serving whip into it a little whipped cream, cinnamon, and vanilla. Pour into glasses, top with plenty of whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla, cinnamon, and a maraschino cherry. MILK SHAKE. Mrs. Wm. C. Shafer. Pour half a tumbler of milk, together with an unbeaten egg, into a Mason jar. Sweeten, add a dash of sherry or a little nutmeg or a few drops of vanilla and a pinch of salt. Screw on the top tightly and shake up and down vigorously. All the ingredients must be very cold. The white of the egg only may be used instead of the whole egg, and a little crushed ice may be added before shaking. Beverages. 343 MILK SHAKE. Mrs. Newton Smith. Have ready some sugar syrup made according to the direc- tions for ices. Sweeten y 2 pint of unskimmed milk with the syrup ; flavor with y 2 teaspoonful of vanilla ; turn into the glass of your shaker, and add enough crushed ice to fill the glass. Shake long and hard before pouring into a chilled tumbler. LEMONADE. Mrs. Samuel D. Fitton. i quart water. I orange. 3 lemons. Y\ cup sugar. Add the fruit juices to the water, stirring in the sugar until thoroughly dissolved, remembering not only to have the water very cold, but to add several pieces of ice at the last, which alone gives the required "snap" to the drink. GRAPE JUICE. Mrs. Wm. C. Shafer. When grapes are ripe, pick from stems, wash, and cover well with cold water. Let drip as for jelly, through a Flannel bag. To each quart of juice add }i cup of sugar and let boil from 6 to 8 minutes. Strain through a flannel bag into bottles, being careful to have all air expelled; cork and seal. RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Mrs. C. Markt. Pour i quart of vinegar over 4 quarts of red raspberries. Allow this to stand 3 days, then strain and add to each pint of juice 1 pint of sugar. Boil 20 minutes and bottle tightly. Makes a delicious drink added to ice water. STRAWBERRY PUNCH. Mrs. Newton Smith. Mash 2 quarts of strawberries to a pulp. Pour over them 3 quarts of water and the juice of 2 lemons. Stand in a cool place for 4 hours. Strain and stir into the liquid i]/ 2 pounds of granulated sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved; strain again and set in a cool place until wanted. Serve in tumblers of cracked ice. Memoranda. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 489 791 2 £