mm mi HHi BHKI m Hi ■HP 1 n 6 - HISTORY OF Lafayette County, Mo., CAREFULLY WRITTEN AND COMPILED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC OFFICIAL AND PRIVATE SOURCES, INCLUDING A HISTORY OP ITS Townships, Cities, Towns and Villages, TOGETHER WITH ▲ condensed history of missouri; the constitution of the united states, and state of missouri; a military record of its volunteers in either army of the great civil war; general and local statistics; miscellany; reminiscences, grave, tragic and humorous; biographical sketches of prominent men and citizens identified with the interests of the county. ILLUSTRATED. St. LOUIS: MISSOURI HISTORICAL COMPANY. 1881. \N\ Lz,Ws 30<3 ' 3^ s PREFACE. In our diligent search for four months seeking the information embod- ied in this history, a few men have been indifferent about it, but almost universally we were met with welcome, and those who could furnish information were glad to do so. And a few have taken such pains to ren- der us valuable assistance that we wish to make our special acknowledg- ments to them for it. Ethan Allen, Esq., furnished us the oldest files of Lafayette county newspapers now in existence. Captain Andrews, the deputy county clerk, has our thanks for the uniform kindness and good will with which he aided us in our frequent occasions to examine the musty and mouldy old records in the county vaults. We are indebted to Cap- tain A. A. Lesueur, editor of the Lexington Intelligencer, for personal favors that were helpful; also to G. Clayton, John Burden, and E. Win- sor, for loan of scrap-books containing many valuable records, narratives, military orders, official reports, and other documents of the war time not found in any of the printed histories. To Dr. J. B. Alexander for many favors; to Henry Turner, postmaster, for bound files of the Lexington Register', to H. C. Chiles, Esq., for his Centennial Fourth of July history of the county; to Dr. Gordon for special assistance in regard to old and long-forgotten pioneer school matters; to Captain J. O. Wilson, of Lex- ington, and Col. W. F. Switzler, of Columbia, Mo., for loan of valuable books; to the Lexington Intelligencer company for free access to all their files, etc., etc. It was a vast work. This county has had a long and intensely history-making career. We found material plenty to make three books instead of one; and the burden of difficulty was to select those things which would be of most permanent interest and value to our patrons, and then condense them to the necessary limits of the promised volume. The work has been done with conscientious care, with painstaking and arduous labor, with unpartisan candor, with good faith and good will towards all; and 6 PREFACK. now it is respectfully submitted to the judgment, acceptance, and use of those who have kindly given their pledges in support of the undertaking — confident that it is in full measure of every promise on our part, and trust- ing that it will be entirely satisfactory to our patrons. Yours truly, THE PUBLISHERS. CONTENTS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Page. Historical and Political 9 Prehistoric Missouri 10 The White Race in Missouri 15 Missouri as a State 25 Summary of Events and Dates 25 Counties and population 26 Census Report, 1880 27 State Finances 29 Presidential Vote, 1820 to 1880 ,. . . 30 Governors From 1820 to 1880 31 United States Senators 31 Members of Congress 32 Public School System 34 Protectional Laws 40 Homestead Exemption 40 Exemption of Personal Property.... 42 Rights of Married Women 43 Taxation 43 Public Debt Limitation 44 Comparative Tax Rate 45 Federal Officers in the State 46 Missouri's Distinguished Men — Daniel Boone 47 Thomas H. Benton 47 James B . Eads 48 Carl Schurz 49 Prof. Charles V. Riley 49 Missouri in Civil War 50 Page. Geology and Minerals 66 Geological Chart 67 Mineral Resources 72 Earth, Clays, Ochres, etc 77 Geography of Missouri 78 Rivers and Water Courses 81 Notable Springs 82 Soils and Their Products 83 Wild Game 85 Climate 87 Healthfulness of the State 89 Agriculture 90 Staple Crops 91 Horticulture 93 The Grasshoppers 96 Navigation and Commerce 99 The Lewis and Clark Expedition 100 First Steamboats in Missouri 101 The Barge System 103 Railroads in Missouri 104 Manufacturing in Missouri 107 Principal Cities in Missouri 108 Constitution of the United States 113 Constitution of Missouri 124 Abstracts of State Laws and Forms. . . .160 Practical Rules for Every Day Use 190 Names of the States of the Union and Their Significance ....196 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Page. Pioneer Events 20jfT First Court 208 Geology of County 226 Schools and Colleges 242 County Organizations 264 Newspapers 272 Events- and Incidents by Years 282 Elections 296 County Finances 305 Railroads 310 War History 329 The Battle of Lexington 339 Page. Price's Raid 367 Confederate Soldiers' Record 376 Federal Soldiers' Record 386 Township Histories — Clay Township 396 Davis Township 405 Dover Township 413 Freedom Township 422 Lexington Township 431 Middleton Township 463 Sniabar Township *. 467 Washington Township 476 CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY. Page. Clay Township 482 Davis Township 509 DoverTownship 537 Freedom Township 569 City of Lexington 612 Page Lexington Township 633 Middleton Township 654 Sniabar Township 673 Washington Township 683 Additional Biog. Davis Township . . .701 History of the State of Missouri. PART I.— HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL. INTRODUCTORY. When a book is written, it is presumed that the writer had some object in view and some end to achieve by his labor in collecting the material and writing the book; and it is right that he should put himself on good terms with his readers at the outset by making a brief, but frank and honest statement of his object, plan and purpose in the book which he offers to public patronage. The writer of this History of Missouri has aimed to embody in a brief space the greatest amount of solid and reliable information about things which directly hinge and center upon or within the territory of this State — this international commonwealth, which holds by right divine the royal prerogative of a destiny imperial and grand, if she can acquire or develop human brain and muscle adequate to utilize wisely, honorably and energetically her magnificent natural resources, both of commercial position and of agricultural and mineral wealth. The writer's desire and effort has been to present nothing which would not be read with deep interest by every intelligent citizen of Missouri at the present time; and also stand as a permanent body of information, at once useful and reliable for future reference. Discussion of theories, problems or doubtful matters has been avoided; solid facts have been diligently sought after; and the narrative has been made to embody as many facts and events as possible without falling into the dry-bones method of mere statistical tables. In fact, the limit of space allotted him has compelled the writer to condense, epitomize, shorten up — and therefore continually to repress his desire to embellish the narrative with the graces of rhetoric and the glow of an exuberant and fervid enthusiasm. This, however, secures to the reader more facts within the same space. In preparing this work more than a hundred volumes have been con- sulted, to collate incidents and authenticate dates and facts, besides much matter gathered from original sources and not before embraced in anv 1 10 HISTORY OF THF <*TATE OF MISSOURI. book. It is not presumed that there are no mistakes or errors of state- ment herein made; but it is believed that there are fewer of such lapses than commonly occur with the same amount of data in similar works. The classification of topics is an attempt to give them a consecutive and consistent relative place and order in the book, for convenience of inci- dental reference or of selective reading. PRE-HISTORIC MISSOURI. THE MOUND-BUILDERS, Etc. Every State has a pre-historic history — that is, remains and relics are found which show that the land was inhabited by a race or races of men long before its discovery and occupation by a race sufficiently advanced in the arts of civilization to preserve a written record of their own observations and doings. It is now well established that every portion of the United States was inhabited by a race of men grouped under the general name of " Mound-builders," who preceded the modern hunter tribes called "Indians." It further appears, from all the evidence accumu- lated, that the Mound-builders were a race that made permanent settle- ments, and built earthworks of considerable extent for defense against enemies, both man and beast; also for sepulture, for religious rites, and for memorial art; it is also evident that they cultivated the soil to some extent, made rude textile fabrics and clay pottery, and wrought imple- ments of domestic use, ornaments, charms, toys, pipes, etc., and weapons of war and of the chase, from flint, porphyry, jasper, hornstone,. granite, slate, and other varieties of rocks; also from horn, bone, shells, and other animal products; and from native copper. But they had no knowledge of iron, nor any art of smelting copper; they merely took small pieces of the native ore and hammered it cold with their stone tools until it took some rude shape of utility, and then they scoured and polished it to its utmost brilliancy; and it is altogether probable that these articles w r ere only possessed by the chieftains or ruling families. Plates of mica are also found among their remains, with holes for suspension on cords around the neck or body; and lumps of galena or lead ore sometimes occur, but these must have been valued merely as trinkets or charms, because of their lustre. Remains of this people are found frequently both on the bluffs and bottom lands of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and, in many States, far inland, also. The first mention of such remains in Missouri is made by a U. S. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 11 exploring expedition under Major S. H. Long, in 1819. This expedition went in the first steamboat that ever puffed and paddled its way against the swift, muddy current of the Missouri river; *the boat was named " Western Engineer," but it had a double stern-wheel, or two wheels, one of them named in large letters, "James Monroe," and the other "John C. Calhoun," in honor of the then President and Secretary of War. This steamer had to stop at St. Louis for some repairs; and two members of the expedition, Messrs. Thomas Say and T. R. Peale, improved the time by surveying a group of twenty-seven ancient mounds which occu- pied ground that is now all covered over by the modern city of St. Louis. This occurred in June, 1819; Mr. Say prepared a map of the mounds and a brief account of them, and this appears to be the first authentic record of such ancient works within the territory now constituting the State of Missouri; his notes on these mounds were published in 1823, in the report of Major Long's expedition, but his map of them was never published until 1862, when it appeared on page 387 of the " Smithsonian Report" for the year 1861. In his account Mr. Say says: "Tumuli and other remains of the labors of nations of Indians (?) that inhabited this region many ages since are remarkably numerous about St. Louis. Those tumuli immediately northward of the town and within a short distance of it, are twenty-seven in number, of various forms and magnitudes, arranged nearly in a line from north to south. The common form is an oblong square, and they all stand on the second bank of the river. * It seems probable these piles of earth were raised as cemeteries, or they may have supported altars for religious cer- emonies." It was from these mounds that St. Louis derived her pseudonym of the "Mound City"; but this name is now almost entirely obsolete, since the city has risen up to claim the prouder title of " Inter-Metropolis of North America". When the largest one of the mounds was leveled some skeletons were found, and some thick discs with holes through them; they had probably served as beads, and were wrought from shells of a spe- cies of fresh water clam or mussel. Numerous specimens of wrought flints were found between St. Louis and Carondelet, in 1660; and in 1861 an ancient flint shovel was dug up while building military earthworks. In Mississippi county, in the southeastern corner of the State, there is a group ol mounds covering ten acres, in section 6, t. 24, r. 17, varying from ten to thirty feet in height. About lb55 these mounds were explored by two gentlemen from Chicago, and they lound some pottery, with men represented upon its sides: one figure appeared to be a priest or some official personage, as shown by his head-dress, and the other * Campbell's History of Howard County says: '• May 28th, 1819, the first steamboat— the ' Independence,' Capt. Nelson, time from St. Louis, including all stops, twelve days — landed at Franklin on her way up the [Missouri] river." Thus it seems that Major Long's boat was really the second one to go up, although in most histories it is mentioned as th« first — and it wo* the first that went up any great distance. 12 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. represented a captive bound with thongs. Both figures showed the peculiar contour of head and features which marks the mound-builder race. In December, 1868, some laborers engaged in grading Sixth street, in East St. Louis, dug up a nest of unused flint hoes or shovels, and another deposit of shells with string-holes worked in them, and another deposit of boulders of flint and greenstone, ready to make more tools or weapons from. These deposits were on high ground, and about half-way between two ancient mounds. In 1876 or 1877 some ancient mounds were discovered on the banks of the Missouri river near Kansas City. They were in groups of three and five together, at different points for five miles up and down the river. Some were built entirely of earth, and some had a rude stone chamber or vault inside, but covered with earth so that all looked alike outside. They were of an irregular oval shape, from four to six feet high, and had heavy growths of timber on top. Mr. W. H. R. Lykins, of Kansas City, noticed a burr-oak tree five feet in diameter, growing on top of one of them, and the decayed stump of a black walnut of about the same size, on another. In describing the exploration of some of these mounds Mr. Lykins gives some points that will be of interest to every one. He says: " We did not notice any very marked peculiarity as to these bones except their great size and thickness, and the great prominence of the supraciliary ridges. The teeth were worn down to a smooth and even surface. The next one we opened was a stone mound. On clearing off the top of this we came upon a stone wall inclosing an area about eight feet square, with a narrow opening for a doorway or entrance on the south side. The wall of this inclosure was about two feet thick; the inside was as smooth and compactly built and the corners as correctly squared as if constructed by a practical workman. No mortar had been used. At a depth of about two feet from the top of the wall we found a layer of five skeletons lying with their feet toward the south." * Nont: of the other walls examined were so skilfully laid as this one. The bones were crumbly, and only a few fragments were preserved by coating them well with varnish as quickly as possible after they were exposed to the air. One stone enclosure was found full of ashes, char- coal and burnt human bones, and the stones and earth of which the mound was composed all showed the effects of fire. Hence it is pre- sumed that this was either a cremation furnace or else an altar for human sacrifices — most probably the latter. Some fragments of pottery were found in the vicinity. L. C. Beck in 1823f reported some remains in the territory now con- stituting Crawford county, Missouri, which he thought showed that there * Smithsonian Report, 1877, p. 252. f Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri, published by L. C. Beck, in 1820-28. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 13 was in old time a town there, with streets, squares, and houses built with stone foundations and mud walls. He also mentions the ruins of an ancient stone building described to him by Gen. Ashley, as situated on a high cliff on the west side of the Gasconade river. And another one said to be in Pike county, is thus described: " It presents the dilapidated remains of a building constructed of rough, unhewn stones, fifty-six feet long and twenty-two broad, embracing several divisions and chambers. The walls are from two to five feet high. Eighty rods eastward of this structure is found a smaller one of similar construction. The narrow apartments are said to be arched with stone, one course overlapping the other, after the manner of the edilices of Central America." I. Dille, Esq., of Newark, Ohio, reported that he had examined some of these pre-historic town ruins, in the vicinity of Mine-la-Motte and Fredericktown, in Madison county, Missouri. He speaks of them as groups of small tumuli, and says: "I have concluded the}' are the remains of mud houses. They are always arranged in straight lines, with broad streets intervening between them, crossing each other at right angles. The distance apart varies in different groups, but it is always uniform in the same group. * I have counted upwards of two hundred of these mounds in a single group. Arrow heads of jasper and agate, and axes of sienite and porphyry have been found in their vicinity." * Mounds or other pre-historic structures have been found on Spencer's- creek in Ralls count)-; on Cedar creek in Boone county; on Crow's Fork and other places in Callaway count)-; near Berger Station in Franklin county; near Miami in Saline county; on Blackwater river in John- son county; on Salt river in Pike county; on Prairie Fork in Mont- gomery county; near New Madrid; and in many other parts of the State. The class of ancient ruins, partly built of stone, said to exist in Clay, Crawford, Pike and Gasconade counties, Missouri, are not found further north, but are frequent enough further south, and are supposed to indicate a transitional period in the development of architectural knowledge and skill, from the grotesque earth-mounds of Wisconsin to the well-finished adobe structures of New Mexico, and the grander stone ruins of Yucatan. But, no matter what theory we adopt with regard to these pre-historic relics, the present citizens of Missouri can rest assured that a different race of human beings lived and flourished all over this region of country, hundreds — yes, thousands of years ago, and that they were markedly different in their modes of life from our modern Indians. * Many large and costly works have been published by scientists, devoted to the general subject of Pre-Historic Man; but of cheap and popular works for the general reader, the best are Poster's " Pre-Historic Races of the United States" ; and Baldwin's " Ancient America". 14 HISTORY OF' THE STATE OF MISSOURI. And there are at least two discoveries known which show that these people were here before the extinction of the mastodon, or great American elephant. In the " Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences," 1857, Dr. Kock reports that in the year 1839 he dug up in Gasconade county [as that county then was] the bones of a mastodon, near the Bourbeuse river. The skeleton of this gigantic creature was buried in such a position as to show that it had got its hind legs down in a bog so deeply that it could not climb out, although its fore feet were on dry ground. The natives had attacked it with their flint arrows and spears, most of which were found in a broken condition; but they had finally managed to build a big fire so close to its head as to burn it to death, the head-bones and tusks being found all burnt to coals. The account of this discovery was first printed in the Philadelphia Presbyterian, Jan. 12, 1839, and copied into the "American Journal of Science " the same year. The authenticity of the incident has been disputed, on the assumed ground that man did not exist as long ago as when the mastodon roamed over these pre-historic plains ; but science now has indisputable evidence that man existed even in the Tertiary age of the geological scale, (see note to chart in chapter on Geology) long before the glacial epoch; hence that objection has no force at present. Dr. Koch further reports that about a year after unearthing the Gas- conade county monster, he again found in the bottom land of the Pom- me-de-Terre river, in Benton county, a nearly complete skeleton of the great extinct beast called Missourium, with arrow-heads under it in such a way as to show beyond question that they were made and used while the animal was alive. This skeleton is now in the British Museum. * Human footprints have been found in the rocks at De Soto in Jefferson county, also in Gasconade county, and at St. Louis. H. R. Schoolcraft, in his book of travels in the Mississippi river country in 1821, said of these footprints: "The impressions in the stone are, to all appearance, those of a man standing in an erect posture, with the left foot a little advanced, and the heels drawn in. The distance between the heels, by accurate measurement, is 6^ inches and between the extremities of the toes 13^ inches. The length of these tracks is 10 J inches; across the toes 4£ inches as spread out, and but 2£ at the heel." Our eminent U. S. Senator, Thomas H. Benton, wrote a letter April 29th, 1822, in which he says: "The prints of the human feet which you mention, I have seen hundreds of times. They were on the uncovered limestone rock in front of the town of St. Louis. The prints were seen when the country was first settled, and had the same appearance then as now. No tradition can tell anything about them. They look as old as the rock. They have the same fine polish which the attrition of the * Bee Foster's " Pre-Historic Races of the United States," pp. 6^-3-4-5-6. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 15 sand and water has made upon the rest of the rock which is exposed to their action. I have examined them often with great attention. They are not handsome, but exquisitely natural, both in the form and position. * * A block 6 or 8 feet long and%5 or 4 feet wide, containing the prints, was cut out by Mr. John Jones, in St. Louis, and sold to Mr. Rappe, of New Harmony, Indiana."* Prof. G. C. Broadhead, and some other writers, think these were not natural impression of human feet, but sculptures made by hand. This theory requires a belief that the pre-historic men of Missouri had tools with which they could cut the most delicate lines in hard rocks; and that they studied the human form in its finest details of muscular action and attitude, and had the art of sculpturing these things so as to look " exqui- sitely natural" as Col. Benton expresses it — thus rivalling, if not excelling the most famous sculptors of ancient Greece; all of which is wholly incon- sistent with the known facts. And besides this, there is no better geolog- ical reason for doubting their genuineness as natural footprints, than there is in the case of the famous bird and reptile tracks in the sandstones of Connecticut, or those found by Prof. Mudge in Kansas, in 1873. There is no valid reason, either of an aesthetic, historical, or scientific nature, for pronouncing them anything but just what they show themselves to be — fossil footprints of a man who stood in the mud barefooted ; and in course of time that mud became solid stone, preserving his footprints just as he left their exact impression in the plastic material. THE WHITE RACE IN MISSOURI. 8PANISH AND FRENCH DISCOVERERS. In 1512 the Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon discovered Florida; and at this time and for some years after the old countries of Europe were filled with the wildest and most extravagant stories about the inexhaustible mines of gold, silver and precious stones that existed in the country north of the Gulf of Mexico ; also of great and populous cities containing fabulous wealth, beyond what Pizarro and Cortes had found in Peru and Mexico. And besides all this, the "fountain of perpetual youth," which all Europe had gone crazy after, about this time, was supposed to be in that region. Indeed, it can hardly be doubted that the Spaniards in Mexico had gathered from the natives some inkling of the wonderful healing waters now known as * See Smithsonian Report, 1879, pp. 357-58. Also " American Antiquities," by Josian Priest, 1833, pp. 1850-51-52. 16 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Hot Springs, Arkansas, and the brilliant quartz crystals found in that region, as well as the glittering ores of Missiouri. Ferdinand de Soto was a wealthy cavalier who had won fame as a leading commander in Pizarro's conquest of Peru; he imbibed deeply the current imaginings about the undiscovered wonders of the new world, and was eager to immortalize his name by bringing to his king and coun- try the glory of still more important conquests and discoveries; and he especially desired to find the supposed " fountain of perpetual youth." Accordingly, in 1538 he received permission from the king of Spain to conquer Florida at his own cost — " Florida " then meaning all the unknown country from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northern ocean. He collected a band of more than six hundred young bloods who were able to equip themselves in all the gorgeous trappings and splendor of a Span- ish cavalier dress parade, and with this plumed and tinselled troupe, very like the grand entree riders of a modern circus, he landed in Tampa Bay, Florida, in 1539. From here he boldly struck out into the interior, wan- dering about and pushing forward with dogged perseverance, in spite of bogs and streams and bluffs; in spite of tangling thickets and dense for- ests; in spite of heats and rains; in spite of the determined hostility of the natives — until in May, 1541, he discovered the Great River, a few miles below where the city of Memphis now stands; and thus he made his name memorable for all time. After some delay, to construct boats, they crossed the river and pushed on northward as far as where the city of New Madrid now stands ; and this was the first time that the eyes of white men looked upon any portion of the soil now comprised within the State of Missouri.* But, so fruitless was this visit that no white man set foot within our present State boundary again until one hundred and thirty-two years afterward, when the French missionaries, Marquette and Jcliet, came from the great lakes down the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers, to the mouth of the Missouri, in June, 1673. This was the first time white men had beheld the waters of this great stream, and they named it Peki- tonom, or " Muddy Water River ". It was known by this name until about 1710 or 1712, when it began to be called " the river of the Mis- souris," referring to a tribe of Indians that dwelt at its mouth, chiefly on the lands now comprised in St. Louis county. Marquette and Joliet went on down the river as far south as the mouth of the Arkansas river, of course making several camping stops on Missouri soil, and discovering the Ohio river. From the Arkansas they returned northward the same way they * De Soto and his army came into Missoari Irom the south, twice crossing the Ozark mountains. He spent the winter of 1541-42 in Vernon county, in the extreme western part of the State. Ruins of their winter camp structures and smelting operations are still found there. They melted lead ore for silver, and the glittering, lustrous, yellow, zinc blende or Smithsonite for gold ; but were deeply disgusted to find at last that they had been handling only the basest metals. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 17 came down, and reached Green Bay, Wisconsin, again in September of that year — 1673. The next visit of white men to this State was in 1682. In 1678 the French had built a fort with a missionary station a:id trading post, near where the city of Peoria, Ills., now stands. During the winter of 1681 -82, Robert de la Salle made preparations, first in Canada, and then at this Illinois fort, to explore the Mississippi river to its mouth. He left the fort with a company of' twenty Frenchmen, eighteen Indian men and ten squaws, in such boats and canoes as he could provide. They rowed down the Illinois river and reached its mouth on the 6th of February; a few days were spent here making observations, repairing boats, preparing food, and establishing signals that they had been there and taken posses- sion of the land in the name of their great king. By February 13th La Salle was ready to push on, and started with his little fleet to solve the great mystery of a navigable waterway to the Gulf of Mexico. Of course this expedition passed along the eastern border of Missouri, but no points are mentioned to identify any landing which they may have made within our State. Early in April La Salle accomplished the grand object of his ven- ture by discovering the. three principal mouths of the Mississippi; and on the nearest firm dry land he could find from the mouth he set up a col- umn bearing the cross and the royal arms of France, while the whole company performed the military and religious rites of loyalty to their king and country — and La Salle himself, acting as chief master of cere- monies, in a clear, loud voice proclaimed that he took possession of all the country between the great gulf and the frozen ocean, "in the name of the most high, mighty and victorious prince, Louis the Great, by the grace of God king of France and Navarre, 14th of the name, this 9th day of April, 1682." In honor of his sovereign he named the whole vast region Louisiana — that is, Louis' land, and named the river itself St. Louis. And thus it was that our State of Missouri first became a part of historic Louisiana, and passed under the nominal ownership and authority of France. The next historic appearance of white men within our State was in 1705. The French settlers in this vast new country had kept themselves entirely on the east side of the Mississippi river; but during this year they sent an exploring party up the Missouri river in search of gold ; it prospected as far as the mouth of the Kansas river, where Kansas City now stands, without finding anything valuable, and returned disheartened and disgusted. On September 14, 1712, the king of France, Louis XIV, gave to a wealthy French merchant named Anthony Crozat, a royal patent of " all the country drained by the waters emptying directly or indirectly into the Mississippi, which is all included in the boundaries of Louisiana." Crozat appointed his business partner, M. de la Motte, governor, and he 2 18 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. arrived in 1713; Kaskaskia,. Illinois, was then the provincial headquarters, and source of supplies for Upper Louisiana, which was also sometimes called Illinois; but New Orleans was the nominal seat of government for the whole Louisiana territory. The old town of Mine-la-Motte, in Mad- ison county, commemorates this first governor. Crozat expected to find inexhaustible mines of gold and silver in this territory, and spent immense sums of money in vain efforts to attain his object. Practical miners were sent every where that the natives reported any glittering substance to exist. The explorers found iron, zinc, copper, lead, mica, pyrites, quartz crystals, etc., in great abundance, but no gold, silver or diamonds; and after five years of disastrous failure and disappointment, in 1717, Crozat returned his luckless charter to the king. Next, in 1716 an adventurous Scotchman named John Law, got up a grand scheme for making everybody rich without work, and induced the French king and court and people to engage in it. This wild financial venture is known in history as the " Mississippi bubble," the " South Sea bubble," etc. The charter of Louisiana and monopoly of all its trade was given to a corporation, called the " Company of the West," whose cap- ital stock was to be 100,000,000 francs, with power to issue stock in small shares, and establish a bank, etc. Shares rose to twenty times their original value, and the bank's notes, though essentially worthless, were in circulation to the amount of more than $200,000,000. Law himself sunk $500,000 in the scheme; but it bursted, as bodiless as a bag of wind; while he, the originator and manager of it, had to escape from Paris for his life, and died poor at Venice in 1729. In 1731 the charter of Louis- iana was again returned to the crown. However, the excitement over this great scheme for making fabulous wealth out of nothing, had brought many adventurous Frenchmen into the territory as gold-hunters, who failing in that, worked some of the lead mines, and sent their pro- ducts back to Europe. In 1720 or 1721, an enterprising Frenchman named Renault took charge of a large lead mining enterprise. He brought M. La Motte, who was a professional mineralogist, with about two hundred expert miners and metallurgists, and five hundred negroes, to develop the mineral wealth that actually did exist. He made his headquarters at Fort de Char- tres, on the Illinois side, ten miles above St. Genevieve, and sent out explor- ing and working parties to locate mining camps west of the Great River. Mine-la-Motte, in Madison county, was one of the first of these loca- tions; also Potosi and Old Mine in Washington county; and many others. In 1765 a few families located at Potosi. Much of the mining was surface work — hence, scattered and transitory; and their smelting operations were merely to melt the ore in a wood fire and then clear away the ashes and gather up the lumps of lead. This was carried to HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 19 the river on pack-horses or on rude ox-carts, and thence shipped to New Orleans by fleets of drifting keel-boats, which returned laden with for- eign goods. Many of the immigrants of this period also engaged in agriculture, especially in Illinois, so that there really began to be a settled occupation of the country, as a final outcome of the greatest speculative delusion known to history. Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World says: u Fort Orleans, near where Jefferson City now stands, was built by the French in 1719"; this was a temporary safeguard for John Law's crazy gold-hunters, but did not make a permanent settlement. Kaskaskia, now in Randolph county, Ills., was settled by the French in 1673, and was for about a century the metropolis of the vast territory sometimes called "Upper Louisiana," sometimes "Illinois," and sometimes the "Northwestern Territory." And in 1735 some emigrants from Kaskaskia, moved across the Great River and made a settlement at what is now St. Genevieve, Missouri, which was the first permanent white settlement made and maintained within the State; the previous adventurers in search of min- eral wealth had located mining camps at several points, but had not established any permanent town or trading post. The next settlement that can be historically traced to its origin was that of St. Louis. A Frenchman named Pierre Liguest Laclede,* who lived in New Orleans in 1762, organized the "Louisiana Fur Company," under a charter from the director-general of the province of Louisiana; this charter gave them the exclusive right to carry on the fur trade with the Indians bordering on the Missouri river, and west of the Mississippi, *' as far north as the river St. Peter" (the same that is now called the Min- nesota river, and empties into the Mississippi at Fort Snelling). Laclede seems to have formed a definite plan and purpose to establish a permanent trading post at some point in Upper Louisiana, for he made up a company of professional trappers, hunters, mechanics, laborers, and boatmen, and with a supply of goods suitable for the Indian trade, they left New Orleans in August, 1763, bound for the mouth of the Missouri river. The manner of navigating these boats against the current of the Missis- sippi for a distance of 1,194 miles, was of the most rude, primitive and laborious sort. Sometimes when the wind was favorable they could sail a little; but the main dependence was by means of push-poles and tow- ropes. The boats were long and narrow, with a plank projecting six or eight inches on each side. The boat would of course keep near the shore; a man at each side, near the bow of the boat, would set his pole on the river bottom, then brace his shoulder against the top of the pole with * Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri says this man's family name was Liguest; B. Gratz Brown gives it in Johnson's Cyclopedia as Lingueste; but the man himself appears to have written his name Laclede, of the firm of Laclede, Moxan & Co., who constituted the historic "Louisiana Fur Company." 20 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. all his might, and as the boat moved under him he would walk along the narrow plank until he reached the stern, and the boat had thus been propelled forward the distance of its length ; then he would walk back to the bow, dragging his pole along in the water, set it on the bottom and push again as before. And thus it was that the rugged pioneers of civilization in the new world for more that a hundred years navigated the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, and some other rivers, with what were in later years called keel-boats. But sometimes, for a rest, or when the beach was favorable, a gang of men would go ashore with a long rope attached to the boat, and thus tow it along against the current, or they would tie the forward end to a tree or snag and let those on the boat pull in the rope and thus draw the boat along — meanwhile those on shore going ahead with another rope, making another tie — and so on; this was called "warping"; but when it was necessary to cross the stream they had recourse to oars or paddles. It took Laclede three months in this way to get from New Orleans up to St. Genevieve, or Fort de Chartres, the military post on the east side a few miles further up the river, where he arrived on the third of November. Here he left his goods and part of his company, but taking a few picked men, he himself pushed on to the mouth of the Missouri. He seems to have had a sort of prophetic forecast that this was the right spot to locate the future trading post for all that vast region of country which was drained by the two prin- cipal great rivers of the new world. At the mouth of the Missouri he found no site that suited, him for a town, and he turned back down the Mississippi, carefully exploring the west bank until he reached the high, well protected and well drained location where the city of St. Louis now stands. This was the nearest spot to the mouth of the Missouri which at all met his idea, and he began at once to mark the place by chopping notches in some of the principal trees. This was in December, 1763. He then returned to the fort and pushed on his preparations for the new settlement, saying enthusiastically to the officers of the fort that he had "found a situation where he was going to plant his colony; and the site was so fine, and had so many advantages of position for trade with all this region of country, that it might in time become one of the finest cities in America." Early in February, 1764, a company of thirty men, in charge of Auguste Chouteau, set out from Fort de Chartres and arrived at the chosen spot on the 14th. The next day all hands went to work clearing the ground and building a storehouse for the goods and tools, and cabins for their own habitation. In April Laclede himself joined them and pro- ceeded to lay out the village plat, select a site for his own residence, and name the town Saint Louis, in honor of his supposed sovereign, Louis XV. This very territory had been yielded up to Spain in 1762, but these loyal HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 21 Frenchmen in naming their new town after the French king never dreamed that they were then and for nearly two years had been Spanish subjects, instead of French; the unwelcome news had reached New Orleans in the same month, April, but did not arrive at St. Louis until late in the year; and when it came the inhabitants were appropriately wroth and indignant, for they hated Spain with a fighting hatred. However, the change made very little practical difference to the town or its people. In 1763 all the French possessions on the east side of the Mississippi river, and also Canada, had been ceded to England, but it was late in 1764 before the English authorities arrived to take possession of Kaskaskia, or Fort de Chartres, and other military posts; and when they did come, many of the French settlers moved over to St. Louis, giving it a consid- erable start, both in population and business. The Indians, too, being generally more friendly toward the French than the English, came over to St. Louis to trade their peltries, instead of going to Kaskaskia, as they had formerly done; and this fact gave the new town a powerful impulse. From this time forward new settlements began to spring up within our present boundaries. New Bourbon was settled in 1789. In 1762 a hunter named Blanchette built a cabin where the city of St. Charles now stands, and lived there many years; but just when the place began to be a town or village does not appear to be known. However, in 1803, St. Charles county was organized, and then comprised all the territory lying north of the Missouri and west of the Mississippi; thus taking in all of north Missouri, and the entire States of Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, and on west to the Pacific ocean. This was the largest single " county " ever known in the world, and St. Charles city was the county seat. In 1781 the Delaware Indians had a considerable town where New Madrid now stands ; and that year Mr. Curre, a fur trader of St. Louis, established a branch house here. In 1788 a colony from New Jersey settied here, and laid out a plat for a large city, giving it the name of New Madrid, in honor of the capital of Spain. But they never realized their high hopes of building up a splendid city there. Among the historic incidents of early settlement worthy of mention at this point, is the case of Daniel Boone, whose hunter life in Kentucky forms a staple part of American pioneer history. Boone came to this territory in 1797, renounced his citizenship in the United States, and took the oath of allegiance to the Spanish crown. Delassus was then the Spanish governor; and he appointed Boone commander of a fort at Femme Osage, now in the west part of St. Charles county. He roamed and hunted over the central regions of Missouri the rest of his life, and it was for a long period called the " Boone's Lick country," from some salt licks or springs which he discovered and his sons worked, and which were choice hunting grounds because deer and other animals came there 22 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. to lick salt. Col. Boone died Sept. 26, 1820, in St. Charles county, but was buried in Marthasville in Warren county, as was his wife also. Their bones were subsequently removed to Frankfort, Kentucky. THE AMERICAN PERIOD. In 1801 the territory west of the Mississippi was ceded back to France by Spain; in 1803 President Jefferson purchased from the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the entire territory of Louisiana, for $15,- 000,000; the formal transfer was made at New Orleans, December 20, 1803. On the 26th of March, 1804, Congress passed an act dividing this vast accession into two parts, the lower one being named the "Terri- tory of Orleans," with its capital at New Orleans ; the upper division was called the " District of Louisiana," with its capital at St. Louis. This latter district comprised the present State of Arkansas and all from that north to nearly the north line of Minnesota, and west trom the Mis- sissippi river to the Rocky Mountains. Don Carlos Dehault Delassus had been the last Spanish governor at St. Louis, and no change was made after its re-cession to France, until in March, 1804, when he delivered the keys and the public documents of his governorship to Capt. Amos Stoddard, of the United States army, who immediately raised the first American flag that ever floated west of the Mississippi river, over the government buildings at St. Louis. There it has floated proudly and uninterruptedly ever since, and there it will float until St. Louis becomes the central metropolis and seat of empire of the entire North American continent. It should be mentioned here that the war of the American Revolution did not involve any military operations as far west as the Mississippi river; hence the little French fur-trading village of St. Louis was not affected by the clash of arms which was raging so desperately through all the States east of the Ohio river. But the success of the colonies in this unequal conflict gave them control of all south of the river St. Lawrence and the great lakes, as far west as the Mississippi river; and when Napo- leon had sold to the new republic the extensive French possessions west of the Mississippi, he remarked that this accession of territory and con- trol of both banks of the Mississippi river would forever strengthen the power of the United States; and said he, with keen satisfaction, "I have given England a maritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride." On the 3d of March, 1805, Congress passed at act to organize the Territory of Louisiana; and President Jefferson then appointed as territo- rial governor, Gen. James Wilkinson; secretary, Frederick Bates; judges, Return J. Meigs and John B. Lucas. Thus civil matters went on, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 23 and business increased rapidly. When the United States took pos- session of this district or territory it was reputed to contain nine thous- and white inhabitants and about three thousand negroes. The first cen- sus of St. Louis was taken in 1799, and it then had 897 inhabitants. This is presumed to have included the village of Carondelet also, which was started as a rival town soon after the founding of St. Louis. In June, 1812, Congress passed another act with regard to this new country, and this time it was named the Territory of Missouri, instead of Louisiana. The President was to appoint a governor; the people were to elect representatives in the ratio of one for every five hundred white male inhabitants; this legislative body or lower house, was to nominate to the President eighteen of their own citizens, and from those he was to select and commission nine to form a senate or legislative council. The house of representatives was to consist of thirteen members at first; they were to hold their office two years, and must hold at least one legislative session at Saint Louis each year. The territory was also authorized to send one delegate to Congress. In October, 1812, the first territorial election was held, and these peo- ple experienced for the first time in their lives the American privilege of choosing their own law-makers. There were four candidates for Con- gress, and Edward Hempstead was elected. He served two years from December 7th, 1812; then Rufus Easton served two years; then John Scott two years; Mr. Easton was one of the four candidates at the first election ; and Mr. Scott was one of the members from St. Genevieve of the first legislative council. The first body of representatives met at the house of Joseph Robidoux,in St. Louis, on December 7th, and consisted of the following members: From St. Charles — John Pitman, Robert Spencer. St. Louis — David Musick, B. J. Farrar, Wm. C. Carr, Richard Caulk. St. Genevieve — George Bullet, R. S. Thomas, Isaac McGready. Cafe Girardeau — G. F. Ballinger, Spencer Byrd. New Madrid — John Shrader, Samuel Phillips. They were sworn into office by Judge Lucas. Wm. C. Carr of St. Louis, was elected speaker. The principal business of this assembly was to nominate the eighteen men from whom the President and U. S. Sen- ate should select nine to constitute the legislative council; they made their nominations and sent them on to Washington, but it was not known until the next June who were selected. June 3d, 1813, the secretary and acting governor, Frederick Bates, issued a proclamation declaring who had been chosen by the President as the council of nine, and the)' - were — From St. Charles — James Flaugherty, Benj. Emmons. St. Louis — Auguste Chouteau, Sr., Samuel Hammond. St. Genevieve — John Scott, James Maxwell. 24 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Cafe Girardeau — Wm. Neely, Joseph Cavener. New Madrid — Joseph Hunter. In July of this year the newly appointed governor, Wm. Clarke, took his seat, and held it until Missouri became a State in 1820.* December, 1813, the second session of the territorial legislature was convened in St. Louis, and continued until January 19, 1814. This year the second territorial election occurred, and the new general assembly met December 5, this being the third sitting of the territorial legisla- ture. The fourth commenced in November, 1S15, and continued until about the last of January, 1816. And it was during this session that the common law of England, and her general statutes passed prior to the fourth year of James I, were adopted as the laws of Missouri, except such changes as were necessary to phrase them for the United States and its system of government, instead of England. April 29, 1816, Congress again legislated for this territory, and pro- vided that the legislative council or senate should be elected by the peo- ple instead of being appointed by the President; that the legislature should meet biennially instead of annually; and that the U. S. judges should be required to hold regular terms of circuit court in each county. The fifth legislative session (being the first under this act) met the first week in December of this year, and continued until February 1, 1817. Then there was no further legislation until the regular biennial session which met about December first, 1818. But during 1817, Henry S. Gayer, Esq., compiled a digest of all the laws, including those of French, Spanish, English and American origin, which were still in force in this territory. This was a very important work, in view of the fact that there were land titles and instances of property inheritance deriving their legal verity from these different sources; and it was now desirable to get all titles and vestitures clearly set upon an American basis of law and equity. The next or sixth session of the legislature continued through December, 1818, and January, 1819; and the most important thing done was applying to Congress for Missouri to be admitted as a State. John Scott, of St. Genevieve county, was then the territorial delegate in Congress, and presented the application. A bill was introduced to authorize the people of Missouri to elect delegates to a convention which should frame a State constitution. The population of Missouri territory at this time (or when the first census was taken, in 1821,) consisted of 59,393 free white inhabitants and 11,254 slaves. A member of Congress from New York, Mr. Talmadge, offered an amendment to the proposed bill, providing that slavery should be excluded from the proposed new State. This gave rise to hot and angry debate for nearly two * Gov. Clarke died Sept. 31, 1838, at St. Louis. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 25 years, and which at times seemed to threaten an immediate dissolution of the National Union. But the strife was finally quieted by the adoption in Congress on March 6, 1820, of what is famous in history as the " Mis- souri Compromise," by which it was agreed that Missouri might come into the Union as a slave-holding State ; but that slavery should never be established in any State which might thereafter be formed from lands lying north of latitude 36 deg. 30 min. The elections were held for dele- gates, the constitutional convention met at St. Louis, accepted the terms of admission prescribed by Congress, and on July 19th, 1820, Missouri took her place as one of the sovereign States of the National Union. MISSOURI AS A STATE. July 19, 1820, Missouri laid off the vestments of territorial tutelage and put on the matronly robes of mature statehood, as the constitutional conven- tion was authorized to frame the organic law and give it immediate force without submitting it to a vote of the people, and this constitution stood in force without any material change until the free State constitution of 1865 was adopted. The first general election under the constitution was held in August, 1820, at which time Alexander McNair was chosed gov- ernor and John Scott representative in Congress. Members of legisla- ture had been chosen at the same time, comprising fourteen senators and forty three representatives; and this first general assembly of the State convened in St. Louis in the latter part of September. The principal thing of historic interest done by this assembly was the election to the United States Senate of Thomas H. Benton, who continued there unin- terruptedly until 1851, a period of thirty years, and was then elected in 1852 as representative in Congress from the St. Louis district. The other senator elected at this time was David Barton, who drew the "short term," and was re-elected in 1824. EPITOMIZED SUMMARY OF EVENTS AND DATES. Application made to Congress for a state government March 16, 1818, and December 18, 1818. — A bill to admit was defeated in Congress, which was introduced February 15, 1819. — Application made to Congress for an enabling act, December 29, 1819. — Enabling act (known as the Missouri Compromise} passed by Congress March 6, 1820. — First state constitution formed July 19, 1820. — Resolution to admit as a state passed Senate December 12, 1820; rejected by the House February 14, 1821. — 26 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Conditional resolution to admit approved March 2, 1821. — Condition accepted by the legislature of Missouri and approved by governor, June 26, 1821. — By proclamation of the President, admitted as a state August 10, 1821. The State capital was first at St. Louis; then at St. Charles about five years; but on October 1st, 1826, it was moved to Jefferson City, and has remained there ever since. COUNTIES AND POPULATION. The first census of the State was taken in September, 1821, and showed the population by counties as follows: Boone county 3,692 Calloway 1,797 Cape Girardeau 7,852 Chariton 1,426 Cole 1,028 Cooper 3,483 Franklin 1,928 Gasconade 1,174 Howard 7,321 Jefferson 1,838 Lillard (afterward called La- fayette)... v 1,340 Lincoln 1,674 Marion 1,907 Montgomery 2,032 New Madrid 2,444 Perry 1,599 Pike 2,677 Ralls 1,684 Ray 1,789* Saline 1,176 St. Charles 4,058 St. Genevieve 3,181 St. Louis 8,190- Washington 3,741 Wayne 1,614 The total was 70,647, of which mumber 11,254 were negro slaves. The area of the State at this time comprised 62,182 square miles; but in 1837 the western boundary was extended by authority of Congress, to include what was called the " Platte Purchase," an additional area of 3,168 square miles, which is now divided into the counties of Platte, Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Nodaway and Atchison. This territory was an Indian reservation until 1836. The last census was taken in June, 1880, when the state had an area of 65,350 square miles, divided into one hundred and fourteen counties, with populations as follows: HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 27 CENSUS REPORT OF THE STATE FOR THE YEAR 1880. Counties. Total. Adair 15,190 Andrew 16.318 Atchison 14,565 Audrain 19.739 Barry 14,424 Barton 10,332 Bates 25,382 Benton: 12,398 Bollinger 11,132 Boone 25.424 Buchanan 49,824 Butler '. 6,011 Coldwell 13,654 Calloway 23,670 Camden 7,267 Cape Girardeau 20,998 Carrroll 23,300 Carter 2,168 Cass 22.431 Cedar 10,747 Chariton 25,224 Christian 9,632 Clark 15,031 Clay 15.579 Clinton 16.073 Cole 15,519 Cooper 21.622 Crawford 10,763 Dade 12.557 Dallas 9,272 Daviess 1 9,174 DeKalb 13,343 Dent 10.647 Douglass 7,753 Dunklin 9,604 Franklin 26.536 Gasconade 11,153 Gentry 17,188 Greene 28,817 Grundy 15,201 Harrison 20.318 Henry 23,914 Hickory 7.388 Holt 15.510 Howard 18,428 Howell 8,814 Iron 8.183 Jackson 82.328 Jasper 32,021 Jefferson 18,736 Johnson 28 177 Knox 13^047 Laclede 11,524 Lafayette 25,731 Lawrence 17,585 Lewis 15,925 Lincoln 17.443 Linn 20016 Livingston 20,205 McDonald 7,816 Macon. ..." 26,223 Madison 8,860 Maries 7.304 Marion 24,837 Male. Female. Native. Foreign. Wh'te. Cord. 7,915 7,275 14,719 471 14.964 226 8,387 7,931 15,432 880 15.950 368 7,936 6,629 13,538 1,027 14.524 41 10,417 9,322 18,982 757 17,896 1,843 7,311 7.113 13,975 449 14.413 11 5,425 4.907 10,086 240 10.316 16 13,630 11,752 24,674 708 25,135 247 6,357 6.041 11,438 960 12,127 271 5,698 5434 10.766 366 11,108 24 12,928 12,496 25,084 340 20,397 5,027 27,045 22,779 42,920 6,904 46,093 3,731 3.221 2,790 5,848 103 5,871 140 7,060 6,594 13,023 631 13,241 413 12,280 11,390 23.064 600 19,268 4,402 3,756 3.511 7,166 101 7,152 115 10,812 10 186 18,612 2,386 19.004 1,994 12,298 11,002 22,359 941 21.827 1,473 1,138 1,030 2,154 14 2.157 11 11,884 10.547 21,830 601 21,681 750 5,479 5,268 10,659 88 10,601 146 13,145 12,079 23,916 1,308 21,266 3,958 4.871 4,761 9,425 207 9,435 197 7,717 7,314 14.283 748 14,723 308 8,138 7,441 15,136 443 14.066 1,513 8.310 7 763 15,375 698 15,098 975 8,437 7,082 13,369 2,150 13.648 1,871 11.085 10,537 20.057 1,565 18,120 3,502 5.586 5177 10,197 566 10,640 123 6.415 6.142 12,463 94 12,310 247 4,671 4,601 9,189 83 9,184 88 9.983 9,191 18,794 380 18,723 451 7,008 6,335 12.723 620 13216 127 5,635 5,012 10.365 282 10,580 61 3.891 3,862 7,732 21 7.727 26 5,161 4.443 9.569 35 9,436 168 13.885 12.651 22,101 4,435 24,469 2,067 5,824 5,329 8,435 2,718 10,988 165 8,947 8,241 16,712 476 17,160 28 14.649 14,168 28,010 807 26,009 2,808 7.762 7.439 14,662 539 14,997 204 10,518 9,800 19.824 494 20,245 73 12.301 11,613 23.096 818 22.925 989 3,775 3.613 7,169 219 7,338 50 8,291 7,219 14.621 889 15,285 225 9,554 8.874 17,955 473 13,195 5,233 4495 4.319 8,736 78 8,723 91 4,232 3,951 7,592 591 7,783 400 45,891 36,437 71,653 10,675 72,445 9,883 16.763 15,258 30,686 1,335 31.249 772 9,873 8,863 15,755 2,981 17,731 1,005 14,797 13,380 27.231 946 26.164 2,013 6,774 6.273 12,341 7TX5 12,819 228 5,889 5,635 11,145 379 11,048 476 13.370 12,361 23,679 2.052 21,313 4,418 8,990 8,595 16,835 750 17,284 301 8.157 7,768 15,080 845 14,520 1,405 9,010 8,433 16.606 837 15,299 2,144 10,349 9,667 18,823 1,193 19,184 832 10,365 9,840 18,952 1,253 19,062 1,143 4.101 3,715 7,777 39 7,804 12 13,449 12,774 24,383 1,840 24,726 1,497 4463 4,397 8,506 354 8,552 308 3,806 3,498 6,974 330 7,292 12 12,622 12,215 22,828 2,009 21,123 3,714 .28 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. CENSUS REPORT OF THE STATE FOR THE YEAR 1880.— Continued. Counties. Total. Mercer 14,674 Miller 9,807 Mississippi 9,270 Moniteau 14,349 Monroe 19,075 Montgomery .- 16,250 Morgan 10,134 New Madrid 7,694 Newton 18,948 Nodaway 29,560 Oregon 5,791 Osage 11,824 Ozark 5,618 Pemiscot 4,299 Perry 11,895 Pettis 27,285 Phelps 12,565 Pike 26,716 Platte 17,372 Polk 15,745 Pulaski 7,250 Putnam 13,556 Ralls 11,838 Randolph ■ 22,751 Ray 20,193 Reynolds 5,722 Ripley 5,377 St. Charles 23,060 St. Clair 14,126 St. Francois 13,822 St. Genevieve 10,390 St. Louis 31,888 Saint Louis (City) 350,522 Saline 29,912 Schuyler 10,470 Scotland 12,507 Scott 8,587 Shannon 3,441 Shelby 14,024 Stoddard . . . . : 13,432 Stone 4,405 Sullivan 16,569 Taney 5,605 Texas 12,207 Vernon 19,370 Warren 10,806 Washington 12,895 Wayne 9,097 Webster. 12,175 Worth 8,208 Wright 9,733 Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Col'd. 7,510 5,070 5,131 7,257 9,942 8,383 5,182 4,145 9,767 15,669 2,995 6,201 2,920 2,300 6,120 14,150 6,478 13,645 9,055 7,886 3,719 6,953 6,162 11,830 10,637 2,901 2,803 12,097 7,243 7,246 5,338 16,988 179,484 15,619 5.334 6,398 4,631 1,742 7,126 6,924 2,327 8,589 2,900 6,223 10,184 5,743 6,457 4,764 6,201 4,220 4,903 7,164 4,737 4,139 7,092 9,133 7,867 4,952 3,549 9,181 13,891 2,796 5,623 2,698 1,999 5,775 13,135 6,087 13,071 8,317 7,859 3,531 6,603 5,676 10,921 9,556 2,821 2,574 10,963 • 6,883 6,576 5,052 14,900 171,038 14,293 5,136 6,109 3,956 1,699 6,898 6,508 2,078 7,980 2,705 5,984 9,186 5,063 6,438 4,333 5,974 3,988 4,830 14,486 188 14,573 101 9,561 246 9,577 230 9.020 250 7,129 2,141 13,177 1,172 13,376 973 18,739 336 16,925 2,150 15,304 946 14,334 1,916 7,399 735 9,719 415 7,587 107 5,813 1,881 18,324 624 18,345 603 27,936 1,624 29,447 113 5,772 19 5,772 19 9,848 1,976 11,422 402 5,602 16 5,604 14 4,267 32 4,033 266 10,588 1,307 11,424 471 25,428 1,857 24,278 3,007 11,729 836 12,059 506 25,888 828 21,340 5,376 16,645 727 15,754 1,618 15,649 96 15,459 286 6,987 263 7,190 60 13,333 223 13,536 20 11,452 386 10,625 1,213 21,302 1,449 19,937 2,814 19,765 428 18,472 1,721 5,679 43 5,708 14 5,277 100 5,367 10 18,774 4,286 20,650 2,410 13,839 287 13.817 309 12,739 1,083 13,169 653 9,296 1,094 9,833 557 25,299 6,589 28,009 3,879 245,528 104,994 328,232 22,290 28,657 1,255 24,987 4,925 10,132 338 10,461 9 12,238 269 12,378 129 7,972 615 8,036 551 3,430 11 3,441 — 13,320 567 13,087 937 13,320 112 13,399 33 4,395 10 4,377 28 16,202 367 16,487 82 5,586 19 5,601 4 12,013 194 12,178 29 18,900 470 19,268 102 8,917 1,889 9,852 954 12,478 417 11,857 1,038 8,925 172 8,990 107 12,044 131 11,928 247 8,031 177 8,207 1 9,559 174 9,471 262 The classification footings of the census of 1880 show: Males.... •• 1,127,424 Native born 1,957,564 White 2,023,568 Females 1,041,380 Foreign born 211,240 Colored* 145,236 Total population in June, 1880, 2,168,804. *This includes 92 Chinese, 2 half-Chinese, and 96 Indians and half-breeds. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 29 The following table shows the population of Missouri at each Federal census from 1810 to 1880: Tears. White. 1810 17,227 1820 55,988 1830 114,795 1840 323,888 1850 592,004 1860 1,063,489 1870 1,603,146 1880 2,023,568 Free Colored. Slaves. Total Popu- lation. 607 376 3,011 10,222 20,845 66,586 569 1,574 25,091 58,240 140,455 383,702 2,618 3,572 118,071 145,236 87,422 114,931 682,044 1,182,012 1,721,295 2,168,804 STATE FINANCES. THE STATE DEBT. The bonded indebtedness of Missouri has various periods to run. The following table is compiled from the State Auditor's report for 1879- 1880, and embodies all state bonds that will become payable from 1882 to 1897, at 6 per cent interest. St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad series $1,361,000 Cairo & Fulton Railroad 267,000 North Missouri Railroad 1,694,000 State Debt proper 439,000 Pacific Railroad 2,971,000 Consolidation 2,727,000 Platte County Railroad 504,000 State University 201,000 Northwestern Lunatic Asylum 200,000 State Bank Stock, refunding 104,000 State Funding 1,000,000- Penitentiary Indemnity 41,000 Renewal Funding 3,850,000 School Fund Certificates 900,000 Total $16,259,000 In addition to this there are $250,000 of revenue bonds, issued June 1, 1879; and $3,000,000 bonds issued to the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad Company. THE STATE INCOME. The receipts of the State from all sources during the years 1879 and 1880 were as follows: 30 HISTORY OF "THE STATE OF MISSOURI. State Revenue Fund $3,024,084.39 State Interest Fund 2,429,040.71 State School Fund 335.55 Swamp Land Indemnity Fund 15,408.05 Insurance Department Fund 31,096.40 Executors' and Administrators' Fund 6,790.07 State School Moneys 241,080.00 State Seminary Moneys 3,660.00 Earnings Missouri Penitentiary 214,358.97 Militia Fund 82.25 Total $5,965,936.39 The total balance of all moneys in the State treasury January 1, 1881, was $517,517.21. During the year 1879, the state paid a total of $6,458.00 as bounty on wolf scalps; but in 1880 the amount was only $1,428.50. WHO MISSOURI VOTED FOR. PRESIDENTIAL VOTES OF MISSOURI FROM 1820 TO 1880. Yl .« r Presidential Candidates Political Parties * ear - Voted lor in Missouri. comical parties. 1820 James Monroe Democratic 1824 John Q. Adams Coalition Andrew Jackson Democratic Henry Clay Democratic 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic John Q. Adams National Republican. 1832 Andrew Jackson* Democratic 1836 Martin Van Buren Democratic W. H. Harrison Whig Hugh L. White Independent 1840 W. H. Harrison Whig Martin Van Buren Democratic 1844 Jas. K. Polk Democratic Henry Clay Whig 1848 Zachary Taylor Whig Lewis Cass Democratic 1852 Franklin Pierce Democratic Winfield Scott Whig 1856 Jas. Buchanan Democratic Millard Fillmore American 1860 Abraham Lincoln Republican J. C. Breckenridge State Rights Dem'cr't John Bell Old Line Whig Stephen A. Douglas . . .Union Democrat 1864 Abraham Lincoln Republican Geo. B. McClcllan Democratic dS o a 1 Vice-President o O H \ Candidates. 3 D. D. Tompkins. 311 Nathan Sanford. 987 John C. Calhoun. 1,401 3 Andrew Jackson. 8,232 3 John C. Calhoun. 3,422 Richard Rush. 4 Martin Van Buren. 10,995 4 R. M. Johnson 7,401 Francis Granger. 936 John Tyler. 22,972 John Tyler. 29,760 4 R. M. Johnson. 41,369 7 Geo. M. Dallas. 31,251 Th. Frelinghuysen. 32,671 Millard Fillmore. 40,077 7 Wm. O. Butler. 38,353 9 Wm. R. King. 29,984 Wm. A. Graham. 58,164 9 J. C. Breckenridge. 48,524 A. J. Donelson. 17,028 Hannibal Hamlin. 31,317 Joseph Lane. 58,372 Edward Everett. 58,801 9 H. V. Johnson. 72,750 11 Andrew Johnson. 31,678 George H. Pendleton. •This year Gen. Jackson received 5,192 majority; -but the popular vote of Missouri for this year does not appear in anyef the statistical tables. The other presidential oandidates this year were: Henry Clay, National Republican; John Floyd, Independent; Wm. Wirt, Anti-Mason. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 31 PRESIDENTIAL VOTES OF MISSOURI FROM 1820 TO 1880.— Continued. Tear. 1868 1872 1876 1880 Presidential Candidates Political Parties g.o> Voted for in Missouri. ^P Ulysses S. Grant Republican 86,860 Horatio Seymour Democratic 65,628 Ulysses S Grant Republican 119,196 Horace Greeley Dem. and Liberal 151,434 Chas. O'Connor Democratic 2,429 Thos. A. Hendricks B. Gratz Brown David Davis Rutherford B. Hayes . . . Republican 145,029 Samuel J. Tilden Democratic 203,077 Peter Cooper Greenbacker 3,498 G. C. Smith Prohibitionist 64 Scattering 97 James A. Garfield Republican 153,567 W. S, Hancock Democratic 203,609 James B. Weaver Greenback 35,135 O 1> St 11 15 13 Vice President Candidates. Schuyler Colfax. F. P. Blair, Jr. Henry Wilson. B. Gratz Brown. Geo. W. Julien. John M. Palmer. T. E. Bramlette. Willis B. Machem. William. A Wheeler. Thomas A. Hendricks. Samuel F. Carey. G. T. Stewart. Chester A Arthur. W. H. English. B.J. Chambers. LIST OF GOVERNORS FROM 1820 TO 1880. YEAR. NAME. REMARKS. 1820 AlexanderMcNair 1824 Frederick Bates died in office. 1825 Abraham J. Williams vice Bates. 1826 John Miller 1828 John Miller 1832 Daniel Dunklin resigned; appointed Serv. Gen. U. S. 1836 Lilburn W. Boggs vice Dunklin. 1840 Thos. Reynolds died 1844. 1844 M. M. Marmaduke vice Reynolds. 1844 John C. Edwards 1848 Austin A. King- 1852 Sterling Price 1856 Trusten Polk resigned. 1857 Hancock Jackson vice Polk. 1857 Robert M. Stewart " " [State Convention. 1860 C. F. Jackson office declared vacant by Unionist 1861 Hamilton R. Gamble appointed governor by State Conven- 1864 Willard P. Hall vice Gamble. [tion; died in office. 1864 Thos. Fletcher 1868 Joseph W. McClurg 1870 B. Gratz Brown 1872 Silas Woodson 1874 Charles H. Hardin 1876 John S. Phelps term now 4 years instead of 2. 1880 Thos. T. Crittenden Year. 1820 1824 1826 1830 1832 1833 LIST OF UNITED STAES SENATORS FROM 1820 TO 1880. Names. Year. Names. Thomas Hart Benton David Barton Thomas Hart Benton Alexander Buckner died in 1833 Thomas Hart Benton Lewis Field Linn vice Buckner 1857 Trusten Polk -. 1861 Waldo Porter Johnson 1862 Robert Wilson 1863 B. Gratz Brown 1863 JohnB. Henderson 1867 Chas. D. Drake resigned 1870 32 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. LIST OP UNITED STATES SENATORS FROM 1820 TO 1880.— Continued. Tear. Names. 1836 Lewis Field Linn 1838 Thomas Hart Benton 1842 Lewis Field Linn died 1843 1843 David R. Atchison vice Linn 1844 David R. Atchison 1844 Thomas Hart Benton 1849 David R. Atchison 1851 Henry S. Geyer 1857 Jas. S.Green Year. Names. 1869 Carl Schurz .' 1870 Daniel F. Jewett vice Drake 1871 Francis P. Blair, Jr 1873 Lewis V. Bogy 1875 Francis M. Cockrell 1879 Daniel H. Armstrong 1880 James Shields vice Bogy 1881 George G. Vest MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM 1820 TO 1881. 1820 17 1822 18 1824 19 1826 20 1828 21 1830 22 1831 22 1832 23 1834 24 1836 25 1838 26 1838 26 1840 27 1842 28 1844 29 1846 29 1846 30 1848 31 1850 32 1852 33 NAMES. John Scott John Scott John Scott Edward Bates Spencer Pettis Spencer Pettis, died 1831 . . . Wm. H. Ashley, vice Pettis. Win. H. Ashley John Bull Wm. H. Ashley Albert G. Harrison Albert G. Harrison John Miller Albert G. Harrison, died in 1839 John Miller J.Jamison, vice Harrison.. John Miller John C. Edwards James M. Hughes James H. Relfe John Jamisom John B. Bowlin Gustavus M. Brown James B. Bowlin James H. Relfe Sterling Price, resigned John S. Phelps Leonard H. Sims Wm. McDaniels, vice Price. James B. Bowlin John Jameson James S. Green Willard P. Hall John S Phelps James B. Bowlin William V. N. Bay James S. Green Willard P. Hall John S. Phelps John F. Darby Gilchrist Porter John G. Miller Willard P Hall John S. Phelps Thos H. Benton Alfred W. Lamb 1852 33 1854 34 1855 34 1856 34 1857 35 1858 36 1860 36 1860 37 1862 37 1862 38 § NAMES. a 3 JohnG.Miller 4 Mordecai Oliver 5 John S.Phelps James I. Lindley, at large. . Samuel Carruthers, at large; 1 L. M. Kennett 2 Gilchrist Porter 3 John I. Linxlley 4 Mordecai Oliver 5 John G. Miller, died 1855. . . 6 John S. Phelps 7 Samuel Carruthers 5 Thos. P. Aiken, vice Miller. 1 Francts P. Blair 2 T.L.Anderson [1857 3 Jas. S. Green, elec. U. S. Sen. 4 James Craig 5 James H. Woodson 6 John S. Phelps 7 Sam'l Carruthers 3 John B. Clark, vice Green . . 1 J. Richard Barrett, declared not elected 2 Thos. L. Anderson 3 John B. Clark 4 Jas Craig 5 Jas. H. Woodson 6 John S. Phelps 7 JohnW. Noell 1 Francis P. Blair, Jr., resigned 1 J. Richard Barrett, vice Blair 1 Francis P. Blair, Jr 2 Jas. S. Rollins 3 John B. Clark, expelled 4 E. H. Norton 5 John W. Reid, expelled.... 6 John S.Phelps 7 JohnW.Noell 3 Wm. A. Hall, vice Clark .... 5 Thos. L. Price, vice Reid . . . 1 Francis P. Blair 2 Henry T. Blow 3 John W. Noell, died 1863. . . 4 Sempronius S. Boyd 5 Joseph W. McClurg 6 Austin A. King 7 Benjamin F. Loan HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 33 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM 1820 TO 1880.— Continued. 1862 38 1864 39 1866 40 1867 40 1868 41 1870 42 1872 43 g NAMES. Q 8 W. A. Hall 9 John S. Rollins 3 John G. Scott, vice Noell. . . 1 John Hogan 2 Henry T. Blow 3 Thos. E. Noell 4 John R. Kelsoe 5 Joseph W. McClurg 6 Robert T. Van Horn 7 Benjamin F. Loan 8 John F. Benjamin 9 George W. Anderson 1 William A. Pile 2 C. A. Newcombe 3 Thomas E. Noell. deceased . . 4 J.J. Gravely 5 Jos. W. McClurg, resigned 6 Robert T. Van Horn 7 Benjamin F. Loan 8 John F. Benjamin 9 George W. Anderson 3 J. R. McCormack, vice Noell 5 John H.Stover,vice McClurg 1 Erastus Wells 2 G. A. Finkelnburg 3 J. R. McCormack 4 S. H. Boyd 5 Samuel S. Burdett 6 Robert T. Van Horn 7 Joel F. Asper 8 John F. Benjamin 9 David P.Dyer 1 Erastus Wells 2 G. A. Finkelnburg 3 J. R. McCormack 4 H. E. Havens 5 Samuel S. Burdett. 6 A. Comingo 7 Isaac C. Parker 8 James G. Blair 9 Andrew King 1 E. O. Stanard 2 Erastus Wells 3 W. H. Stone 4 Robert A. Hatcher 5 Richard P. Bland 6 Harrison E. Havens 7 Thomas F. Crittenden 8 Abram Comingo 9 Isaac C. Parker 10 Ira B. Hyde 11 John B.Clark, Jr 12 John M. Gk>ver 13 A. H. Buckner 1874 44 1876 45 1878 46 1879 46 1880 47 g NAMES. H 1 Edward C. Kerr 2 Erastus Wells 3 William H. Stone 4 Robert A. Hatcher 5 Richard P. Bland 6 Charles H. Morgan 7 John F. Philips 8 Benjamin J. Franklin 9 David Rea 10 Rezin A. DeBolt 11 John B. Clark, Jr 12 John M. Glover 13 Aylett H. Buckner 1 Anthony Ittner 2 Nathan Cole 3 Lyne S. Metcalfe 4 Robert H. Hatcher 5 Richard P. Bland 6 Charles H. Morgan 7 Thos. T. Crittenden 8 Benjamin J. Franklin 9 David Rea 10 Henry M. Pollard 11 Jonn B. Clark, Jr 12 John M. Glover 13 Aylett H. Buckner 1 Martin L. Clardy 2 Erastus Wells 3 Richard G. Frost 4 Lowndes H. Davis 5 Richard P. Bland 6 James R. Waddill 7 Alfred M. Lay, died 7 John F. Philips, vice Lay. 8 Samuel L. Sawyer 9 Nicholas Ford 10 Gideon F. Rothwell 11 John B. Clark, Jr 12 Wm. H- Hatch 13 Aylett H Buckner 1 Martin L. Clardy 2 Thomas Allen 3 Richard G. Frost 4 Lowndes H.Davis 5 Richard P. Bland 6 Ira S. Hazeltine 7 Theron M. Rice 8 Robert >T. Van Horn 9 Nicholas Ford 10 J. H. Burroughs 11 John B. Clark, Jr 12 Wm. H. Hatch 13 Aylett H. Buckner The election for members of the legislature and members of Congress occurs biennially on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of 3 34 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the even numbered years — as 1880, 1882, etc.; and the legislature meets on the first Wednesday after January 1st, in the odd numbered years — as 1881, 1883, etc. The governor is elected every four years, at the same time with the presidential election. EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The State of Missouri has made liberal provision for the support of public schools, equal to any other state in the Union.* The main fea- tures of our school system are well epitomized in a report made by the state superintendent in 1879, as follows : School Revenue — Is derived from invested state funds, bearing inter- est at the rate of six per cent per annum, and one-fourth of the state reve- nue collections, annually, equal to a tax of five cents on the $100 of valu- ation; from the invested county funds at rates from 6 to 10 per centum annually, secured by real estate mortgages; from the sixteenth section or township fund invested and producing income in the same manner as the county funds. The state and township permanent funds arise principally from the sale of lands donated by the general government. The income is used only for teachers' wages, and is apportioned upon the number of children to districts having maintained the minimum term of school. The deficiency is supplied by local taxation, limited in amount, and con- trolled in the first instance by boards of directors, and second, by the tax-payers in annual meeting assembled. State Boards. — State Board of Education consists of the super- intendent of public schools, the governor, secretary of state, and attorney- general. The duties, practically, are simply the investment and care of the state permanent fund. Board of Curators of the State University — Consists of nine members, appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, for a term of six years, three being appointed every two years. They con- trol and manage the university, agricultural college and school of mines and metallurgy. Boards of Regents — Of normal schools consist of six members * The first free day school ever opened in Missouri was by the Church of the Messiah, in St. Louis. This church was organized in 1834, by Rev. Wm, G. Elliott, D. D., who waa the founder, and is now Chancellor of Washington University. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 35 to each school, appointed by the governor, with consent of the senate, from the locality. The state superintendent of public schools is ex officio member of each board. Boards of Control — Of other institutions vary in name and num- ber of members. They are usually appointed by the governor. Superintendent of Public Schools — Has general supervision of the public schools; collects and tabulates the school statistics of the state; apportions the state school funds to the counties; gives information to school officers upon construction of school law ; prepares and furnishes blanks for use of school officers ; spends five days in each congressional dis- trict of the state, yearly, consulting and advising teachers and other school officers, and delivering lectures; is a member of the board of regents of the normal schools, and president of state board of education ; receives reports from the county commissioners and state institutions of learn- ing; makes annual reports to the governor and general assembly alter- nately; and is the executive manager of the state school fund under the direction of state board of education. County School Commissioners — Elected at the annual school meet- ings of the various school districts for the term of two years; compen- sation varies according to population of county, from twenty to forty dollars per annum and a fee, additional, of one and one-half dollars from each teacher undergoing examination; examines teachers, grants and revokes certificates; has final jurisdiction over appealed cases of changes of district boundaries, appealed from the annual meetings; condenses and reports to state superintendent of public schools the educational statistics of the county, as received by him from the district boards of directors; supplies the districts with copies of the law, and all blanks needed; performs any and all duties required by the State Superintend- ent, and in counties where the people have voted in favor of it, employs his whole time in supervision and school work. Miscellaneous. — To draw public money, districts must maintain at least three months public school in each year, but the law requires and provides that four months shall be taught. Any person between the ages of six and twenty years may attend the public schools. In cities, towns and villages, the boards are authorized to hold from five to ten months term of school each year, and in the country districts the people may vote an extension of term over four months. The rate of taxation for school purposes, in addition to the distributed state, county and town- ship, or sixteenth section funds, is limited to forty cents on the $100 valu- ation, except that the people, at the annual school meeting, may vote an increase not to exeed sixty-five cents on the $100, by a majoritv vote of tax-payers. To raise funds by taxation for building purposes, requires 36 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. that the increased rate be voted by two-thirds of the qualified voters voting at the annual or special meeting. Annual School Meeting — Meets at the district school house annu- ally, and elects a director for a full term, and fills vacancies in tha board; determines the length of time in excess of four months, that the schools shall be kept open, and orders the proper levies within the limitations to be made therefor; votes a sum not exceeding $20 per annum for pur- chase of books for district library; decides for or against proposed changes of district boundary lines; directs the sale of property no longer required, and determines the applications of proceeds; designates their choice for county school commissioner every second year; directs the loan of money to aid in erecting school houses ; directs the levy of tax for the erection of school houses; determines the location of the school house or houses; by a two-thirds vote changes location of school house; receives the reports of school district board as to financial condition, and itemized receipts and disbursements for the year ending. District Boards — Consist of three members in the country districts, and six members in the city, town and village districts; each elected for a term of three years ; one, annually, in the country, and two in the city, town and village districts; they elect one of their number president, and appoint a clerk who may not be a member of the board, if it so chooses; they are the executive officers of the school corporation, which each dis- trict is, being created by law ; they serve without compensation ; have custody of school property; execute the orders of the annual meeting; take the school census; make and file the estimates for tax levies; con- trol the disbursements of all school money; keep the district records; visit the schools; employ teachers; provide for a four months term of school without consulting the people; make rules for organization, gra- ding and government of the schools, suspend or expel pupils ; admit and prescribe fees for non-resident pupils, and in general do all things neces- sary to carry on the schools. In city, town and village districts the board has power to establish higher grades of schools, but are subject to the same tax restrictions. Some cities have special charters giving other privileges than those enumerated, but subject to the same tax restrictions, they being constitu- tional provisions. Educational Directory. — University of Missouri, located at Colum- bia; number of students, 577; legislative appropriation for 1S79 and 1880, $39,000. State Agricultural College constitutes a department of the University. Three State Normal Schools, located respectively at Kirks- ville, Warrensburg and Cape Girardeau .* The appropriation to each of * St. Louis supports its own normal school, for the preparation and training of its teachers, the greater number of whom are graduates of this normal school. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 37 normal schools is $7,500 per annum. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, located at Fulton; legislative appropriation for 1S79 and 1SS0, $91,000. Blind Asylum, located at St. Louis; legislative appropriation for 1879 and 1880, $46,000. Lincoln Institute,* located at Jefferson City; legislative appro- priation, $10,000 for 1S79 and 18S0; devoted to training colored teachers for colored public schools of the state. School of Mines and Metallurgy, located at Rolla; legislative appropriation, $15,000 for 1879 and 1880; constitutes a department of the state university. State teachers' associ- ation, meets annually at places selected at each session, during the last week in June. Statistics of 1S7S. — School population, 6SS,248; school enrollment, 448,033; No. of ungraded school districts, 8,142; No. of graded school districts, 279. No. of school houses, 8,092; estimated value of school houses and sites, $8,321,399; average school year in months, 5; average school year in months, in graded school districts, 9; total number of teachers employed, 11,26S; total wages of teachers, $2,320,430.20; aver- age wages of teachers per month, males, $36.36, females, $28.09; aver- age wages of teachers per month, in grades schools, estimated, males, $87.81, females, $40.73. Revenue. — From interest on state permanent fund, $174,030.15; from one-fourth state revenue collections, $363,276.32; from county and township permanent funds, $440,191.37; from district taxes, $2,446,- 910.71. Total, $3,424,408.55. Permanent Funds.— State fund, $2,909,457.11; county fund, $2,388,- 368.29; township or sixteenth section fund, $1,980,678.51. Total $7,278,- 046.80. The state auditor's report for 1879 and 1880 furnishes the following school items; and they make a very favorable showing for the public school interests of Missouri: 1879. 1880. Amount distributed to the counties $502,795.18 $515,286.09 Maintenance of State University 19,500.00 19,500.00 Support of Lincoln Institute 5,000.00 5,000.00 Support School of Mines and Metallurgy 7,500.00 7,500.00 IN ormal School, 1st district 7,500.00 7,500 00 " 2d " 7,500.00 7,500.00 " " South Missouri district 7,500,00 7,500.00 Distribution of school laws 308.58 436.50 ♦Lincoln Institute was first projected by the 62d Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry, while on duty in Texas, in 1865, and was designed for the higher education of colored people. In January, 1866, the state attached a state normal department to it, to provide suitable teachers for the public schools for colored children. The school was opened Sept. 17, 1876, but was not finally provided for by law as a state normal school until Feb. 14, 1870, since which time it has gone steadily forward and done a good work for the negro population. 38 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. MASSACHUSETTS AND MISSOURI SCHOOL RATES. Massachusetts is taken almost universally as the standard of measure- ment for other states. The state reports of Massachusetts and Missouri, for 1879, show that in the former there was applied to the educa- tion of every child of school age the sum of $13.71 — in the latter, $4.37. But it must be remembered that school age in Massachusetts is between five and fifteen years; in Missouri between six and twenty; a difference of four years in school. The report of the secretary of the Massachusetts board of education, for 1879, states the "per centage of valuation appropriated for public schools," as two and seventy-two one hundredths mills. In Missouri it was over five mills. That is, every tax-paying Missourian paid nearly twice as much for the maintenance of public schools on the same amount (of value) of property as the tax-payer of Massachusetts. DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOLS. JH^Jt-r* SAME OF INSTITUTION. WHERE LOCATED. DENOMINATION. OKG- ZED. 1 S71 Central College Fayette M. E. Church South. 1856 Christian College Canton Christian. 1859 College Christian Brothers . St. Louis Roman Catholic. 1873 Drurv College Springfield Congregational. 1868 Hannibal College Hannibal M. E. Church South. 1865 Lewis College Glasgow Methodist Episcopal. 1870 Lincoln College Greenwood United Presbyterian. 1853 McGee College College Mound. . . Cumb. Presbyterian. 1867 St. Joseph College St. Joe Roman Catholic. 1832 St. Louis University St. Louis Roman Catholic. 1844 St. Paul College Palmyra Protestant Episcopal. 1844 St. Vincent College Cape Girardeau. .Roman Catholic. 1857 Washington University. . .St. Louis Non-Sectarian. 1852 Westminster College Fulton Presbyterian. 1853 Wm. Jewell College Liberty Baptist. 1869 Woodland College Independence .... Christian. 1835 St. Charles College St. Charles M. E. Church South. 1852 Central College Fayette " " " 1843 Arcadia College Arcadia " " " THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. 1839 Concordia College St. Louis Evangelical Luth'ran 1844 St. Vincent College Cape Girardeau. . Roman Catholic. Theological School of West- minster College Fulton Presbyterian. 1869 Vanderman School of The- ology Liberty Baptist. In addition to the above, the Baptists have: Stephens College, Columbia* HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 39 Mt. Pleasant College, Hunts ville; Baptist Female College, Lexington; La Grange College, La Grange; Baptist College, Louisiana; Liberty Female College, Liberty; St. Louis Seminary for Young Ladies, Jennings Sta- tion; Fairvievv Female Seminary, Jackson; Boorjeville Seminary for Young Ladies, Booneville; North Grand River College, Edinburg; Ingleside Academy, Palmyra. The Christian connection has Christian University, at Canton, in Lewis county. The Congregationalists have Thayer College, at Kidder, in Caldwell county. The German Evangelicals have Missouri College, in Warren county. The Methodist Episcopals (North) have Johnson College at Macon City. The Presbyterians have Lindenwood Female College, at St. Charles. A good feeling prevails amongst these different schools. Each attends to its own work in its own way, caring for the patronage of its own peo- ple and the community at large, as a good neighbor of every other worker. A most liberal and impartial legislative policy is pursued, by dealing with all alike before the law, whether in the maintenance of vested rights or in the matter of taxation. By constitutional provision all property actually used for school and religious purposes may be exempted from taxes, and the same constitution most explicitly interdicts all discrimination, and also all favor or partiality. LAW SCHOOLS. FOUNDED. NAME LOCATION. 1872 Law College of State University Columbia. 1867 Law Department of Washington University St. Louis. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. FOCNDED. NAME. LOCATION. 1869 Kansas City College of Physicians and Surgeons. .Kansas City. 1873 Medical College of State University Columbia. 1840 Missouri Medical College St. Louis. 1841 St. Louis Medical College " 1858 Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri " 1865 Missouri Dental College " 1864 St.- Louis College of Pharmacy " SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS. 1870 Agricultural and Mechanical College (State L'm- versity") Columbia. 1871 Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (State University) Rolla. 1857 Polytechnic Department of Washington University. St. Louis. 40 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. m a . g^ ^ RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS-1879-80. °t <~2 g|| *« f sM Catholic 216 264 200,000 Protestant Episcopal 65 50 25,000 Lutheran Independent Evangelical 25 20 1,000 English Evangelical 6 6 1,000 German " 76 68 3,633 Presbyterian, O. S. North 210 151 11,143 " South 135 73 7,662 Cumberland 361 169 15,823 United 10 12 700 " Reformed 3 4 165 Congregational 71 47 3,747 Baptist 1.385 823 86,999 Christian, about ' 500 500 70,000 Methodist Episcopal, South 559 648 53,382 North 359 420 42,888 African 58 59 4,954 African Methodist Episcopal, Zion ) Colored " " V about 116 118 9,908 Methodist, Protestant and Free Methodist Episcopal Church ) Unitarian 5 5 Total 4,160 3,437 539,004 Note.— Church members of the Catholic and Protestant Episcopal Churches include all persona bap- tized into the church. The others count only communicants in good standing. PROTECTIONAL LAWS. Our state legislature has made ample and discreet provision for the protection of a home-place from sale on execution. The home and property rights of married women, widows and orphans, are guaranteed by statute as far as is practicable. A limit has also been fixed to the amount of indebtedness which may be incurred by the people in voting bonds to railroads, or other enterprises in which they may feel a friendly interest, but in aiding which, too generally, so many western -communities have burdened themselves and their posterity with debts and taxation that are grevious to be borne. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. The laws of Missouri reserve from execution, in the hands of every head of a family living in the country, a homestead, consisting of one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land, not exceeding $1,500 in value; to every head of a family, in cities of over 40,000 inhabitants, a homestead consisting of not more than eighteen square rods of ground, and of a valuation not exceeding $3,000; and in cities and towns of less than 40,- 000 inhabitants, a homestead, consisting of not more than thirty square rods of ground,, and of the value of not more than $1,500. Thus it is HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 41 seen that a farmer's homestead in Missouri consists of one hundred ajid sixty acres of land and the improvements thereon, not exceeding in value $1,500; the homestead of the residents of the smaller towns is of the same value; while that allowed to the inhabitants of St. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas City, where land is more valuable, and the cost of living greater, is fixed at $3,000. The homestead is in the nature of a lien or charge, in favor of the wife and children, upon certain property of the husband, defined in extent, and limited in value. A declaration of what this property is may be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds, and notice is thus imparted to all persons having dealings with the owner, that this particu- lar property is not subject to execution, and that they ought not to give credit on the faith of it. The state, under this head, provides that: "Any married woman may file her claim to the tract or lot of land occupied or claimed by her and her husband, or by her, if abandoned by her husband, as a homestead. Said claim shall set forth the tract or lot claimed, that she is the wife of the person in whose name the said tract or lot appears of record, and said claim shall be acknowledged by her before some officer authorized to take proof or acknowledgment of instruments of writing affecting real estate, and be filed in the recorder's office, and it shall be the duty of the recorder to receive and record the same. After the filing of such claims, duly acknowledged, the husband shall be de- barred from, and incapable of selling, mortgaging and alienating the homestead in any manner whatever, and such sale, mortgage or alienation is hereby declared null and void; and the filing of any such claims as aforesaid with the recorder shall impart notice to all persons of the con- tents thereof, and all subsequent purchasers and mortagors shall be deemed, in law and equity, to purchase with notice; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the hus- band and wife from jointly conveying, mortgaging, alienating, and, in any other manner, disposing of such homestead, or any part thereof." Such a law, while securing the benefits of a homestead to the debtor, works no injustice to the creditor. He sees that the debtor has certain property recorded as his homestead. He never gives credit on the faith that this property will be subject to his execution; but he looks simply to the other property of the debtor, or to the state of his business and his char- acter for honesty. It may be added that the supreme court of this state has construed the homestead laws liberally, with the view of carrying out the benevolent purposes of the legislature. If the debtor is ignorant or timid, when the sheriff comes with an execution to levy, and fails to claim his right of homestead, his family are not, therefore, to be turned out of doors. The 42 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. sheriff must summon appraisers and set the homestead apart, whether the debtor claims it or not; and if he does not do this, his sale will pass no title to the purchaser so far as the debtor's homestead is concerned. If the debtor makes a conveyance of property embracing his family homestead, for the purpose of hindering or defrauding his creditors, this does not work a forfeiture of his homestead right; his wrongful act is not thus to be appealed to in prejudice of his wife and children. If the cruelty of the husband drives the wife from the homestead, this does not put an end to her interest in the homestead. She may return and claim it after his death, and his administrator must set it apart for her. EXEMPTIONS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Pursuing the same wise and benevolent policy, the statutes provide that the following personal property shall be exempt from attachment and execution when owned by the head of a family: "1. Ten head of choice hogs, ten head of choice sheep, and the product thereof in wool, yarn or cloth; two cows and calves, two plows, one axe, one hoe, and one set of plow gears, and all the necessary farm implements for the use of one man. 2. Two work animals of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars. 3. The spinning-wheel and cards, one loom and apparatus, necessary for manufacturing cloth in a private family. 4. All the spun yarn, thread and cloth manufactured for family use. 5. Any quantity of hemp, flax and wool, not exceeding twenty-five pounds each. 6. All wearing apparel of the family, four beds, with usual bedding, and such other household and kitchen furniture, not exceeding the value of one hundred dollars, as may be necessary for the family, agreeably to an inventory thereof, to be re- turned, on oath, with the execution, by the officer whose duty it may be to levy the same. 7. The necessary tools and implements of trade of any mechanic while carrying on his trade. 8. Any and all arms and military equipments required by law to be kept. 9. All such provisions as may be on hand for family use, not exceeding one hundred dollars in value. 10. The bibles and other books used in a family, lettered grave- stones, and one pew in a house of worship. 11. All lawyers, physicians, ministers of the gospel and teachers, in the actual prosecution of their calling, shall have the privilege of selecting such books as shall be neces- sary to their profession, in the place of other property herein allowed, at their option; and doctors of medicine, in lieu of other property exempt from execution, may be allowed to select their medicines." In lieu of this property, each head of a family may, at his election, select and hold exempt from execution any other property, real, personal, or mixed, or debts or wages not exceeding in value the amount of three hundred dol- lars. The legislature of the state has wisely considered that the debtor ought HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 43 not to be permitted to plead poverty as against the claims of creditors equally necessitous. It is accordingly provided that the foregoing exemption cannot be claimed when the debt is for wages due to a house servant or common laborer to the extent of $90, and when the action to recover the same is brought witoin six months after the last services were rendered. Nor can the purchaser of goods make this law an instrument of fraud by claiming goods which he has purchased on credit against an execution for the purchase money. RIGHTS OF MARRIED WOMEN. State legislation is extremely careful of the rights of married women. If a wife is unjustly abandoned by her husband, the circuit court will sequester his property for the purpose of maintaining her and the children of the marriage. If he abandons her, or from worthlessness or drunken- ness fails to support her, the court will not only allow her to sell her own real estate without his joining in the deed, but will require any person holding money or property to which he may be entitled in her right, to pay the money over to her. 1. Under such circumstances she is entitled to the proceeds of her own earnings and those of her minor children.' 2. If her real estate is damaged for railroads, or other public works, the damages accrue exclusively to her. 3. If her husband gets into the peni- tentiary, she becomes to all intents and purposes a femme sole . 4. And if he, by ill usage, compels her to live separate and apart from him, she may claim the sole and exclusive enjoyment of her property as if she were un- married. Rents, issues and profits of her real estate cannot be taken in execution for his debts, except when contracted for familv necessaries. Moreover, by a very broad statute lately enacted, a wife may hold all her personal property free from her husband's control and exempt from liabil- ity for his debts. If he becomes incompetent to lead in the marital part- nership, she may take the reins in her hands, engage in trade, accumulate property, and no act of his will create a charge upon it. Finally, at his death, the family homestead descends to her and the children, if any there be, to be held by her for life; if there be any children, in common with them; if not, by herself alone. She also takes dower in one-third of all the real estate of which her husband may have been seized at any time during marriage, in which she has not conveyed her right of dower, diminished, however, by the homestead which is set apart to her. She takes also a child's share of his personal estate; and, in addition to all this, she is allowed to retain as her absolute property a large amount of personalty. TAXATION. The constitution places it beyond the power of reckless or dishonest 44 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. public agents to burden the people with excessive taxation. Taxes for state purposes, exclusive of the taxes necessary to pay the bonded debt of the state, cannot exceed twenty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and whenever the taxable property of the state shall amount to $900,000,- 000 the rate shall not exceed fifteen cents. The rate of taxation for county, city, town and school purposes, is likewise strictly limited. Counties, cities, towns, townships and school districts cannot become indebted beyond the revenue provided for each year without a two-thirds vote of all voters therein, nor, in any event, to an amount exceeding five per cent on the value of the taxable property. The statutes of limitation in Missouri provide that an open account can- not be collected after it has run five years; a note is uncollectible if held for ten years after due; and a judgment expires by limitation in ten years. The standard legal rate of interest in this state is six per cent; but a higher rate not exceeding ten per cent may be contracted for. PUBLIC DEBT LIMITATION. The state debt, according to the State Auditor's last report, [1878], is $16,"758,000. This mostly grew out of the various issues of bonds given in aid of railroads, and bears interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. To liquidate this debt the constitution provides for the annual levy of taxes, now fixed by law at twenty cents on the $100 of the valuation. With the sum thus raised the interest of the debt is first to be paid, and of the remainder not less than $250,000 is to be set apart as a sinking fund for the purchase and retirement of the bonds themselves. "Hence, in a few years, with the vast increase in the taxable wealth, which is sure to come, the whole of the debt will be extinguished. There is an additional state tax of twenty cents on the $100 for current expenditures, a large share of which is devoted to the support of the common schools. This tax is ample for the purposes for which it is intended, and there is a con- stitutional provision that it shall be reduced to fifteen cents on the $100 as soon as the taxable property of the state shall aggregate a total valuation of $900,000,000. The state, and all its municipal subdivisions, whether counties, cities or towns, are forbidden by the constitution to loan their credit to any corpora- tion, so that there is no method by which the public indebtedness can be increased in the usual way. Owing to the great zeal of the people to for- ward public improvements of all kinds, a municipal indebtedness, aggre- gating, according to the auditor's last report, $35,727,566.49, has been contracted. Of this amount the debt of the city of St. Louis is shown to constitute $22,712,000, leaving for the agricultural portion of the state and the other cities, towns, townships and school districts only a little over $13,000,000. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 45 The present organic law prevents any municipality from contracting liabilities, in any one fiscal year, beyond the amount of the levy made for that year, and in no county can the rate of taxation for local purposes, aside from the school tax, exceed fifty cents on the $100 valuation, unless two-thirds of the voters shall assent to the levy of a larger sum. Neither can the school tax in country districts exceed forty cents on the $100 without the consent of the tax-payers, to be obtained by a vote of the ma- jority of the residents. COMPARATIVE TAX RATE. It will be interesting to note how the tax rate of our own state com- pares with that of adjoining states. The average tax levy for all purposes in Missouri is about $1.30 on the $100; adding to this 70 cents on the $100 for the payment of bonded indebtedness where it exists, there is an average of $2 on the $100 as the rate, and a certainty of its steady decrease. This is given as an average, and while in a few counties the tax rate is higher, in the majority it is much lower. By the report of the state auditor of Kansas, for the year ending June 30, 1878, the tax levy for state purposes is shown to be 55 cents on the $100, and the average levy for local debts and expenses $3.82 on the $100 r making a total average tax of $4.37 on the $100. The taxable property of Kansas in 1878 aggregated the sum of $138,698,810.98, and the local indebtedness was reported by the state auditor at $13,473,197.51. In Nebraska the tax levy for state purposes alone is 62-£ cents on the $100, exclusive of taxes to pay local debts and expenses. In Iowa, the average rate of taxation for the year 1878 was $2.67 on the $100. In Illinois the tax levy for 1877, the last given in the auditor's report, was $3.24 on the $100, and the local indebtedness of that state was then the sum of $51,811,691. Thus, it is clear that Missouri has a lower rate of taxation than any of the neighboring states above mentioned ; and, in addition to this, under her wise constitutional provision, the rate of taxation must continually decrease every year, until only a sufficient amount of taxes to liquidate current expenses will be collected. There are twenty counties that have no indebtedness whatever, and forty more the debt of which is merely nominal; so that their burden of taxation will be lighter than in any other portion of the United States. 4:6 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. FEDERAL AFFAIRS IN THE STATE. FEDERAL COURTS. The United States is divided into nine supreme court circuits, to each of which one of the supreme court judges is assigned. Missouri is now in the eighth circuit, which includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Colorado; and George W. McCrary, of Iowa, who was secretary of war, in President Hayes' cabinet, is now the judge of this circuit. Missouri is divided into an east and west United States judicial district; and Samuel Treat, of St. Louis, is United States judge of the east district, while Arnold Krekel, of Jefferson City, presides over the west district. FEDERAL REVENUE. Missouri paid the following amounts of internal revenue to the United States during the year ending June 30, 1880: On distilled spirits, $2,151,- 643.98; on tobacco, $2,391,989.93; on fermented liquors, $711,654.53; on banking, $182,929.25; on other items, $1,360.27. Total, $5,448,344.83. Illinois, Kentucky, New York and Ohio were the only states which paid a larger sum of revenue on spirits; Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia paid larger on tobacco; Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin paid larger on fermented liquors (chiefly lager beer); California, New York and Pennsylvania are the only states which paid larger on banking transactions. In 1878, Missouri paid $115,729.64 as penalties for violation of U. S. internal revenue laws, which was the highest amount on this item paid by any state — the next highest being Pennsylvania, which was " caught at it" to the amount of $27,867.20. U. S. LANDS AND LAND OFFICES. There are now three U. S. land offices in Missouri, to-wit: at Boon- ville, Ironton and Springfield. The report of the general land office for 1879 showed 41,836,931 acres of government land still open to home- stead entry in Missouri. LEGAL TENDER IN MISSOURI. Gold coins of the United States (un mutilated), and the " greenback" paper currency are legal tender for the payment of any possible amount of indebtedness. Silver coins are legal tender for any amount not exceed- ing $10 at one payment — but the standard silver dollar is legal tender for HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 47 any amount, unless the contract specially provides otherwise. The baser coins of nickel, copper and alloy (3 cent pieces), are legal tender for any sum not exceeding 25 cents. The "trade dollar," and national bank notes are not legal tender; neither is any foreign coin, either of gold or silver, nor the " stamped bullion " gold pieces of California. U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. St. Louis is a port of entry for foreign goods; and the imports received here during the year 1880, amounted to (foreign value), $1,401,180; on which the import duties paid was $537,257.83. A fine custom house building is in process of erection, and will be completed in 1881. MILITARY. In the south part of St. Louis, on the river; there is a United States arsenal, and six miles below the city, Jefferson Barracks are situated, a sta- tion for a small part of the regular army. A few squares from the arsenal there is a United States marine hospital. MISSOURI'S DISTINGUISHED MEN. Within our allotted space we can only give a brief sketch of those citi- zens of Missouri who have so pre-eminently distinguished themselves as to have achieved a solid national, and in some cases a world-wide fame. First amongf these is — Daniel Boone. The adventures of this famous hunter and Indian fighter have become a staple part of the world's perennial stock of daring exploits and hair-breadth escapes. He was born in Bucks county, Penn- sylvania, February 11, 1735; emigrated to North Carolina and there mar- ried. In 1773 he emigrated with his own and five other families to Ken- tucky, and founded the present town of Boonesborough. In 1795 he removed to the Missouri river country, and settled in St. Charles county, about forty-five miles west of St. Louis, where he died in 1S20, aged 85. His remains, together with those of his wife, were many years after- ward removed to Boonesborough, Kentucky, and a monument reared over them. Thomas H. Benton. Col. Benton was, in his lifetime, recognized as one of the foremost statesmen of the nation, and the hearts of all good Missourians kindle with pride at the mention of his name. He was a specimen type of the best sort of Democrat; he always stood with Gen. 48 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Jackson and opposed the state-rights doctrines of John C. Calhoun; in congress he opposed the repeal of the "Missouri Compromise;" and during Gen. Jackson's presidency Col. Benton was so vigorous a champion of hard money, as against the old U. S. bank swindle, that he came to be familiarly known all over the United States as "Old Bullion." Col. Benton was born near Hillsborough, North Carolina, March 14, 1782; studied law at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1810. In the war of 1812 he served as a Colonel under Gen. Jackson ; settled at St. Louis in 1815. In 1820 he was elected as the first U. S. Senator from Missouri, and continued to be re-elected every term for thirty years; the longest period that any man in the nation has filled a senatorial seat. In 1852-3 he served one term as member of con- gress from the first district. In 1856 he was defeated in his candidacy for governor by the state-rights party, to whose doctrines he was strongly opposed, from the time of the nullification acts of South Carolina in 1832, up to the day of his death. In 1854 he published his great work, "Thirty Years in the United States Senate," in two large volumes, and these are held in high esteem as standard authority by politicians and statesmen of every class. Col. Benton died April 10, 1858, mourned by the whole nation as one of her worthiest sons. James B. Eads, a citizen of St. Louis. His marvelous achievements as a civil engineer have made his name familiar in all civilized countries on the face of the earth; and his last great work, the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river, has revolutionized the commerce of three continents. Mr. Eads was born at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, May 28, 1820; emigrated with his parents to Louisville, Kentucky, in 1829; and in 1833 settled at St. Louis. In July, 1861, the government advertised for seven gun-boats of about 600 tons burden, drawing not over six feet of water, plated with iron 2£ inches thick, to steam nine miles an hour, and carry thirteen guns.* Mr. Eads contracted to build those seven vessels in sixty-five days. At this time the timber for them stood uncut in the forest; the iron for their plating was still in the mines, and no machine yet in existence of capacity to roll such enormous plates; and not a pound of iron or steel yet wrought or cast for the construction of the twenty-one steam engines and thirty- five boilers required to propel the fleet. But within twenty-four hours from the signing of the contract at Washington, he had all the iron works, foundries and machine shops of St. Louis, started on the work ; and inside of two weeks he had more than 4,000 men working in alternate gangs by night and day, Sundays included, so that not an hour should be lost. The boats were built at St. Louis, but the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota and Missouri were all drawn upon for material, while large works in Cincinnati and Pittsburg were also whirling every *See Major Boynton's "History of the United States Navy." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 49 wheel to hasten forward the great undertaking, all being under the direc- tion and control by telegraph or in person of this one man; and he filled the contract. The world's history shows no parallel to the wonderful mastery of resources and the tremendous vigor of executive and super- visory talent which this achievement involved. He projected, planned and built the magnificent railroad bridge across the Mississippi river at St Louis, which ranks among the greatest works of its kind on this round globe. He projected and built the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi, which enable the largest sea-going vessels to pass in and out freely, thus making possible the barge system of shipping grain and other products from St. Louis and Kansas City direct to foreign countries, and which has within two years revolutionized the entire international commerce of the Mississippi and Missouri valley states. He is now engaged in devel- oping a ship railway across the Isthmus of Panama, which will take the heaviest loaded ships into a dry-dock on wheels and trundle them from ocean to ocean as easily and safely as they are now towed through the ship canal at Suez. Carl Schurz. Born near Cologne, Prussia, March 2, 1829; educated at the University of Bonn ; took part in the revolutionary agitations of Europe in 1848 and following years, involving Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, etc.; and in which Kossuth in Hungary, and Garibaldi in Italy were prominent leaders, whose names are familiar to and honored by all Americans. Mr. Schurz came to the United States in 1852; settled as a lawyer at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1859; in 1861 was appointed minister to Spain; resigned and came home, and in 1862-3-4, was a major-gen- eral of volunteers in the Union army. In 1S67 he settled at St. Louis as editor of the Westliche Post; was United States senator from Mis- souri from 1869 to 1875, and was secretary of the interior in President Hayes' cabinet. Mr. Schurz has thus won the highest positions ever held in the United States by any foreign-born citizen, and has reflected honor upon Missouri, his adopted state, by his masterful ability as a public speaker, and his strong, earnest, humanitarian efforts as an executive offi- cer. Prof. Charles V. Riley, was born in London, England, September 12, 1843; came to the United States in 1860. In 1868 established in St. Louis, in company with Benjamin D. Walsh, a scientific journal called the American Entomologist, and was the same year appointed state entomol- ogist of Missouri ; this position he filled to the great benefit and honor of the state for eight years; then he was called to come up higher, and took position as entomologist of the national department of agriculture at Washington. Prof. Riley's valuable investigations and discoveries with regard to the Colorado beetle (potato bug), the Rocky Mountain locust 4 50 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. (grasshoppers), the cotton worm, and the phylloxera, or grape insect, placed his name in the foremost ranks in the world of science, and among the greatest of benefactors to the agricultural and horticultural industries of the world. This he achieved while serving Missouri as state entomol- ogist, and through the publication by the state of his annual reports. Hence, the name and good repute of our noble commonwealth is insepar- ably associated with his honor and fame, which has reached the farthest confines of every land where potatoes, cotton or grapes are cultivated. MISSOURI IN THE CIVIL WAR. Missouri was powerfully agitated by the controversy on the slavery question in 1818-19-20, which resulted in the "Missouri Compromise." This was a compact, mainly carried through congress by the eloquence and influence of the great senator, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, by which it was agreed that Missouri should be admitted to the Union as a slave- holding state ; but that slavery should be forever excluded from any states which might thereafter be formed out of new territory west of the western boundary of Missouri, and north of the parallel of 3G degrees, 30 minutes of north latitude. This line practically corresponds with the southern boundary of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Utah, as they now stand. In May, 1854, congress passed a bill organizing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, in which it was declared that the Missouri Com- promise of 1820 did not apply to them. This was an indirect way of repealing or rendering nugatory the bargain made between the northern and the southern states in that compromise ; and the floodgates of angry debate, contention and strife were at once opened. This became the issue upon which all elections turned. Instead of slavery being prohibited, as the compromise of 1820 had declared it should be, it was thrown open for the territorial legislature to decide whether it should be free or slave territory. In view of this, there was a rush and race of settlers from the free states and the slave states into Kansas, to see which party should get control of the first territorial legislature; and in this movement Missouri, as a slave state, took a prominent part. It was a border country conflict, and there was illegality and violence on both sides, making a chapter in our state history the details of which might profitably be dropped out and forgotten. Suffice to say, the free state party carried the election; and this conflict was a precursor of the great civil war. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 51 In 1860 C. F. Jackson was elected governor of Missouri. Abraham Lincoln had been elected President of the United States at the same time. Governor Jackson took his seat January 4, 1S61; the question of secession was then already in warm discussion in some of the southern states, and Governor Jackson in his inaugural address maintained that " Missouri must stand by the other slave-holding states, whatever course they may pursue." The general assembly ordered an election to be held February 18th, for members of a state convention; the proposed object of this con- vention was " to consider the then existing relations between the United States, the people and government of the different states, and the govern- ment and people of the state of Missouri; and to adopt such measures for vindicating the sovereignty of the state and the protection of its institutions as shall appear to them to be demanded." This convention met, first at Jefferson City, and afterward at St. Louis, and had a decided majority of Unionists — that is, of men opposed to secession; some because they believed in the doctrine of " Federal Nationality," as against the doctrine called "State Rights;" others because, like A. H. Stevens, of Georgia, they saw with a clear eye that secession must inevitably result in the overthrow of slavery. And thus the Union men themselves were strongly divided into northern and southern sympathizers. The convention sat at St. Louis, without any important results, from March 9th to 22d, when it adjourned, subject to the call of its committee on federal relations. National events rushed on rapidly to a crisis which would admit of no temporizing. In April, Fort Sumter was fired upon; President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops; and men must now take sides for or against the national sovereignty of the lawfully constituted Federal authorities. Our legislature was in session; its measures and discussions were almost entirely of the "State Rights" type; and in a message to the legislature on May 3, 1861, Governor Jackson said the President's call for troops "is unconstitutional and illegal, tending toward a consolidated despotism. * * Our interest and sympathies are identical with those of the slave-holding states, and necessarily unite our destiny with theirs." While these influences were working in the central and western parts of the state, and organizations of "state guards" were being rapidly formed to resist the federal authority, Gen. Nathaniel Lyon and Col. F. P. Blair were actively enlisting men and organizing regiments in St. Louis and vicinity, to main- tain the federal authority. The most intense alarm and consternation prevailed throughout the state. Several minor conflicts occurred between state militia or "guards" and Union troops, all hinging upon the question of which power had the right of paramount sovereignty. The state troops were mostly under command of General Sterling Price, subordinate only to the governor of the state; while the federal troops were under 52 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. command of General Lyon, by authority of the President of the United States.* Governor Jackson finally tried to make terms with Gen. Lyon, that no federal troops should be stationed in or allowed to pass through the state. This was refused; and the governor then immediately issued a formal call, June 12, for 50,000 state militia. About April 20th, nearly two months before this, the " state guards " had seized the United States arsenal at Liberty, in Clay county, and taken its stores and arms for their own use. This was several weeks before the celebrated "Camp Jackson" affair. The wager of battle was now fairly joined in Missouri between different parties of her own citizens, although volunteers from other states soon began to pour in. The following is a chronological list of the more important actions and events: April 12, 1861. — Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter, which was yielded up and evacuated on the 14th. April 15. — President Lincoln's proclamation, calling for 75,000 volun- teers to sustain the government, and calling a special session of congress. SUCCEEDING EVENTS IN MISSOURI.f April ip. — Gov. Jackson wrote to David Walker, President of the Arkansas Convention, thus: "I have been from the beginning in favor of decided and prompt action on the part of the southern states, but the majority of the people of Missouri, up to the present time, have differed with me. " April 20. — The U. S. arsenal, at Liberty, in Clay county, was seized and garrisoned by about a hundred " state guards, " and the arms and cannon were distributed to their friends throughout the county, with the concurrence of the governor. :{; April 22. — Governor Jackson officially resented the president's call for troops, and called an extra session of the legislature, to arm and equip state troops. State militia ordered to go into encampment on May 3, for one week. * It is not tlie purpose of this history to give a detailed narrative of events of the war time; neither to discuss the right or the wrong of the views of either party in the conflict. We only give a brief mention of some of the most important incidents and leading actors, to show how and wherein the people of Missouri were themselves divided in opinion, what motives moved them, and what events stand out as of chief historic celebrity. Indeed, we would gladly skip this period of our state history entirely, if it were permissible in such a work. fThe events here given, in their chronological order, have been collated from more than thirty different volumes containing different items or parts of Missouri's war history. The narratives, dates and statistics were found often conflicting ; and we have endeavored to use those only which seemed to be the best authenticated, or the most probable under the circumstances — and to localize events as closely as possible by naming the towns, streams, counties, etc., where they occurred. JThe governor had already (April 20th) seized the United States arsenal at Liberty, and had distributed among his friends the arms it contained. " — Draper's History of the Civil War, Vol. II, p. 228. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 53 April 25, Night. — Capt. Lyon secretly removed the war stores in U. S. arsenal at St. Louis, by steamboat, over to Alton, Illinois. April 28. — Gov. Jackson wrote secretly to J. W. Tucker, Esq., of St. Louis: " I want a little time to arm the state, and I am assuming every responsibility to do it with all possible dispatch. * * * We should keep our own counsels. * * * Nothing should be said about the time or the manner in which Missouri should go out. That she ought to go, and will go at the proper time, I have no doubt. She ought to ha re gone last winter, when she could have seized the public arms and public property and defended herself. " * May j. — Legislature met. Governor Jackson denounced the presi- dent's call for troops as " imcomtitutional and illegal. " Mean while Col. F. P. Blair, Jr., member of congress from the 1st district, of St. Louis, had enlisted one full regiment, and had four others in course of organiza- tion, within ten days from the issue of the president's call. May 10. — A body of " state guards," under command of Gen. D. M. Frost, acting under Governor Jackson's authority, had established a camp near St. Louis, called "Camp Jackson." Capt. Lyon, who had been since February in charge of the U. S. arsenal at St. Louis, with a few soldiers of the regular army (less than 500), discovered that the Camp Jackson men were receiving arms and ammunition by steamboats from the south, in boxes marked " marble. " Accordingly, on the morning of May 10th, he with his regulars, and Col. Blair with his Missouri volun- teers, surrounded, surprised and captured the camp, taking as prisoners of war 639 privates and 50 officers. The arms captured consisted of 20 cannon, 1200 new rifles, several chests of muskets, and large quantities of shot, shell, cartridges, etc. May 12. — Gen. Wm. S. Harney took command of the Union forces in Missouri. Meanwhile the legislature had passed an act making every able-bodied man subject to military duty. All public revenues for 1860-61 (about $3,000,000) were authorized to be used by the governor for military purposes. May 2i. — Gen. Harney made a truce or compromise of peace with Gen. Price, commander of the state troops. June i. — The president repudiated Gen. Harney's truce with Price; also removed him from his command and gave it to Gen. Lyon, who had on May 17th been appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers. June 4.. — Governor Jackson issued a circular claiming the Harney- Price compact to be still in force. June ii. — Gen. Price and Gov. Jackson sought a "peace conference" with Gen. Lyon and Col. Blair. The governor stipulated as a vital con- *8ee official address of the state convention, issued to the people July 31, 1861. 54 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. dition of peace, that no Federal troops should be stationed in or pass through Missouri. The proposition was rejected. June 12. — Gasconade railroad bridge burnt; also, Osage river bridge; and telegraph lines cut that connected with St. Louis. June ij. — Governor Jackson issued a call for 50,000 state militia, to repel federal invasion; referred to the president as " the military despotism which has introduced itself at Washington;" and said to the people, "your first allegiance is due to your own state." He appointed ex-Governor Ster- ling Price as major general; and M. L. Clark, John B. Clark, Parsons, Slack, Harris, Rains, McBride, Stein and Jeff. Thomson, as brigadier- generals. The state militia were called to rendezvous at Boonville and Lexington. The governor and other officers left Jefferson City for Boon- ville this day,* while at the same time General Lyon was embarking with 1,500 men at St. Louis, to take and hold the state capital. June 15. — General Lyon arrived at Jefferson City. June 16. — Re-embarked his troops for Boonville. June 17. — Battle of Boonville. Colonel Marmaduke defeated. State troops retreated to Warsaw, with loss of fifty killed. Federal loss, two killed. June 18-19.— Colonel O'Kane, with 350 state militia, surprised in the night, a half-formed Union regiment at Cole Camp, in Benton county, under Capt. Cook. Pollard's " Southern History " says, in this affair the Union- ists lost 206 killed, a large number wounded, and over 100 taken prison- ers, beside 362 muskets captured; O'Kane lost 15 killed and 20 wounded. July j. — Governor Jackson and General Price were at Montevallo, in Vernon county, with (Pollard says) 3,600 state troops. July 5-6.— Battle of Carthage (or Dry Fork), in Jasper county; union loss, 13 killed and 31 wounded ; state troops, under Price and Jackson, lost about 300 killed and wounded. Gen. Seigel, the union commander, fell back sixty miles, to Springfield and joined Gen. Lyon. July 8.— A small fight occurred at Bird's Point, in Mississippi county. Confederates lost 3 killed and 8 wounded. Federal loss, if any, not reported. July 22. — The state convention, which had adjourned subject to the call of its committee on federal relations, re-convened at Jefferson City. July 25. — Maj. Gen. Fremont arrived at St. Louis, as commander of the western department, which comprised Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, and the territories westward. July jo.— State convention, by a vote of 56 to 25, declared the state offices and seats in legislature vacant, by reason of their occupants being engaged in treasonable and armed hostilities against the lawfully consti- " *The capture of Camp Jackson and the flight of the chief executive from the capital, •was the occasion of a partial destruction of the Osage and Gasconade bridges [railroad], as well as those over Gray's creek, west of Jefferson City." — Annual report of state commis- sioner of statistics, 1866, p. 255. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 55 tuted federal authorities, and that all legislative and executive acts in pur suance of such treason or armed hostility, pretended to be done in the name and by authority of the state of Missouri, were null and void. They elected to fill the state office vacancies, H. R. Gamble, governor; W. P. Hall, lieutenant governor; Mordecai Oliver, secretary of state; and appointed the first Monday of November as a day of general election. July j i. — Lieut. Governor Reynolds, whose office had been declared vacant by the state convention, issued a proclamation, dated at New Mad- rid, July 31, in which he said: "I return to the state, to accompany in my official capacity, one of the armies which the warrior statesman [Jef- ferson Davis], whose genius now presides over the affairs of our half of the Union, has prepared to advance against the common foe. * * * You behold the most warlike population on the globe, the people of the lower Mississippi valley, about to rush with their gleaming bowie-knives and unerring rifles, to aid us in driving out the abolitionists and their Hes- sion allies. * The road to peace and internal security is only through union with the south. Rally to the stars and bars, in union with the glorious ensign of the grizzly bear."* August 2. — Battle of Dug Springs, in Lawrence countv. General McCulloch, of Arkansas, in command of Confederates, marching to attack Springfield, was checked, and fell back to Sarcoxie; loss, 40 killed, 44 wounded. General Lyon fell back to Springfield; loss, 8 killed, 30 wounded. August j. — Confederate troops under Col. Martin E. Green, attacked Missouri state militia, under Col. Moore, at Athens, in Clark county, and were defeated with a loss of 43 killed. August 6. — Governor Jackson, being now at Carthage, and just hear- ing of the action of the state convention, also issued a proclamation, de- claring the union between Missouri and the other states totally dissolved, and proclaiming the state of Missouri to be " a sovereign, free and inde- pendent republic.'''' August io — Battle of Wilson's Creek. Gen. Lyon, Federal, had 5,500 infantry, 400 cavalry, and 18 cannon. Gen. McCulloch, Confeder- ate, says that his "effective force was 5,300 infantry, 15 pieces of artillery, and 6,000 horsemen." (The Union officers imagined and reported more than double this number against them; one said 23,000, and another 24,000.) The Confederates lost 421 killed, 1,317 wounded and 30 mis- sing. The Federals reported 223 killed, 721 wounded and 292 missing, and 5 cannon lost. Gen. Lyon was killed in this engagement. August 14. — Federals evacuated Springfield and retreated to Rolla,but *Early in March the confederate congress had adopted the " stars and bars" as the flag of their confederacy. The state seal of Missouri has two grizzly bears among its emblems. 56 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. were not pursued. Earthwork fortifications were this day commenced around St. Louis. August j i. — Gen. Fremont issued a general order proclaiming martial law in Missouri; the property of all persons who had taken up arms against the United States was declared to be confiscated, and "their slaves to be free men" (President Lincoln at once annulled this last clause.) September ij. — Siege of Lexington commenced by Gen. Price. His force has been variously estimated from 22,000 to 28,000, with 13 cannon. Col. Mulligan, Federal, had 2,TS0 troops, with six brass cannon, two howitzers, and forty rounds of ammunition. The same day, at Boonville, the Confederates, led by Col. Brown, attacked the Federal gar- rison in command of Col. Eppstein, and were repulsed with a loss of 12 killed and 30 wounded; Federal loss, 1 killed and 1 wounded. September ij. — Battle of Blue Mills Lancing, or Missouri Bottom, in Clay county. A body of Confederates, variously estimated at 600 to 1,000 men, were on their way to join Gen. Price, at Lexington; and being pur- sued by a body of 700 Iowa and Missouri Unionist volunteers, they laid in ambush, and were attacked. The Federals lost 16 killed and 80 wounded; the Confederates lost 10 killed and 60 wounded, repulsed their assailants, and then crossed over to Blue Mills, in Jackson county, on the south side of the Missouri, and marched on to Lexington. September iS-ip. — Main battle of Lexington. September 20. — Col. Mulligan surrendered. Gen. Price honorably rec- ognized the pluck and splendid heroism of his opponents, who were out of both provisions and ammunition, and for two days had had no water except the night dews which settled in their blankets and was wrung out into camp dishes in the morning. He released the privates on parole, but retained the officers as prisoners. Of the Federals there were 42 killed and 108 wounded. Gen. Price reported 25 killed and 72 wounded, from his regular muster rolls. But nearly half the men there with him were not formally enrolled as soldiers, and the losses among them could never be ascertained with any certainty, though known to be pretty large. September 21. — A fight occurred at Papinsville, in Bates county, in which, as reported, 17 Unionists were killed, and 40 Confederates killed and 100 captured. September 27. — Gen. Fremont left St. Louis for Jefferson City, in pur- suit of Price, with an army of 15,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry, and 86 pieces of artillery; his chief officers were Generals Hunter, Pope, Siegel, McKinstry and Asboth. But Price was too good a general to be caught at a disadvantage; he however skillfully managed to lead the Federals on wild goose chases after him all over southern Missouri. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 57 October ij. — Secretary of War Cameron, and Adj't. Gen. Thomas, visited Fremont at Tipton. On the same day the Federal garrison at Lebanon, in LaClede county, was attacked unsuccessfully by Confederates, who lost 27 killed, 12 wounded, and 36 taken prisoners. Federal loss, 1 killed and several wounded. October 14.. — On this day Fremont's army reported thus: 1st division, Gen. Hunter, at Tipton 9,750 men 2d " Gen Pope, at Georgetown 9,220 men 3d " Gen. Siegel, at Sedalia 7,980 men 4th " Gen. Asboth, at Tipton 6,451 men 5th " Gen. McKinstry, at Syracuse 5,388 men Total 38,789 men They were all hunting for Gen. Price, to give him battle; he was not yet ready for a pitched battle, but he worried the Federals a great deal by decoying them into many a long and fruitless march. About this time several small fights occurred in different parts of the state, but of which few particulars can be obtained. The " American Annual Cyclopedia," for 1861, gives the following statistics: Oct. 15, Big River bridge, Federal loss, 1 killed, 7 wounded, 52 missing; Confed- erate loss, 20 killed, 4 wounded. October 16, Bolivar Heights [in Polk county], Federal loss, 7 killed; Confederate loss, 150 killed. Oct. 17, Pilot Knob, Federal loss, 1 killed, 10 wounded; Confederate loss, 36 killed. Oct. 19, Big Harrison Creek, Federal loss, 2 killed, 14 wounded; Confederate loss, 14 killed, 8 missing. Oct. 23, West Liberty [in Putnam county], Federal loss, 2 wounded; Confederate loss, 15 killed, 30 wounded.* October 16. — Recapture of Lexington by Major White, releasing Union prisoners, including two colonels of Mulligan's brigade. October 21. — Battle of Fredericktown, in Madison countv. Confeder- ate Col. Jeff Thompson was defeated with loss of 200 killed, and made a hasty retreat, leaving 60 of his dead behind him. Federal loss, 30 killed. October 24. — Battle of Springfield. Major Zagonyi, with 300 cavalry, known as " Fremont's Bodv Guard, " attacked an irregular force estima- ted at 1,200 foot and 400 horsemen, and defeated them, losing 84 of his men killed or wounded; 100 of his troops were Kentnckians. The Con- federate loss was known to be considerable, but could never be fully ascer- tained; their dead were buried the next day, under a flag of truce. October 27. — Gen. Siegel reached Springfield with his division. Fre- mont was concentrating his army at Springfield, to fortify and hold it as *In the greater number of battles in this state the Federals had the advantage of more artillery than the Confederates, and men better skilled in its use; and this is why the losses on the Confederate side so often seem out of proportion. 58 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the key to southwestern Missouri and northern Arkansas, where Price and MeCulloch were operating. November 2. — Fremont was removed from command and Gen. Hunter placed in his stead. November 2. — A sharp tight occurred on Bee Creek, between Weston and Platte City, in Platte county: the Confederate loss is given as 13 killed and 30 missing; Federal loss not known. November 7. — Gen. Hunter evacuated Springfield and fell back to Rolla. This same day the battle of Belmont occurred; Federal loss, 84 killed, 388 wounded, and 285 taken prisoners. Pollard's "Southern History" says the Confederate loss in this battle was 632. But the National Hand- Book reports the Confederate losses as 261 killed, 427 wounded, and 278 missing. November 18. — Gen. H. W. Halieck arrived at St. Louis and took com- mand, in place of Gen. Hunter. November 21. — Gen. Halieck issued an order that no fugitive slaves should be permitted to enter the lines of any camp, nor of any forces on the march- (^President Lincoln had some time before this annulled Gen. Fremont's order declaring certain slaves free.) November 27. — Gen. J. M. Schofield placed in command of Missouri Federal troops. November and December. — During these months there occurred several irregular conflicts of no great importance, but still deemed worthy of cas- ual mention in Horace Greely's History of the War, because they served to show how the Missouri people were divided among themselves, and therebv suffered the more. The village of Warsaw was burned Nov. 19,. and Platte City, Dec. 16, by guerillas; a small fight occurred at Salem Dec. 3, at Rogers' mill Dec. 7, and at or near Glasgow, Potosi, Lexing- ton, Mount Zion, and Sturgeon, on Dec. 2Sth. December j. — Col. Freeman with a regiment of Confederate cavalry, made a night attack on Federal troops under Col. Bowen, near Salem, in Dent county, and was defeated, with a loss of 16 killed, 20 wounded and 10 prisoners. Federal loss, 3 killed, 8 wounded, 2 missing. Col. Free- man had suffered a sore defeat near Springer's mill, in the east part of the county, in August; but no further particulars could be obtained. December 75. — Gen. Pope captured 300 recruits and 70 wagons loaded with supplies, going from Lexington to join Gen. Price, who was then at Osceola with 8,000 men. December 18. — Col. J. C. Davis, of Pope's army, surprised a Confeder- ate camp at Milford, and captured 3 colonels, 17 captains, 1,300 soldiers,. 1,000 stand of arms, 1,000 horses, besides all their tents, baggage and supplies. Federal loss, 2 killed, 17 wounded. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. .o!> December 90. — By a concerted night attack, the Hannibal & St. Joe railroad was broken, and bridges destroyed tor about a hundred miles* OPERATIONS IN l Vl .' _ March j. — Price and McCulloch, at Boston Mountain, Arkansas, were joined by Maj. Gen. \ an Dorn. Confederate commander of the Trans- Mississippi department, and by Gen. Pike, with a brigade of Indians from the Indian Territory. This army now numbered about 20,000, all under Gen. Van Dorn. , March y-8. — Battle of Pea Ridge. Although Pea Ridge is really in Arkansas (just over the line i, the battle was fought bv the Confederates to regain a foothold in Missouri, and it properly belongs to the historv of Missouri military operations. The Federal forces under Gen. Curtis engaged in this battle were 10,500 men and 49 cannon. Gen. Van Dorn's army is variously given by different southern authorities, all :he way from 16,000 to 30,000. The Federal loss was 303 killed, 972 wounded, 176 missing. Count Paris" history states that the Confederates "left more than one thousand men in killed and wounded upon that long-contested battle-field/' The Confederate Generals McCulloch and Mcintosh were mortally wounded in this battle, and Gen. Buckner was captured. The Confederates lost 1,100 killed, 2,500 wounded, and 1,600 taken prisoners. August 6. — Battle of Kirksville. Col. Porter, with 2,000 or 3,000 Con- federates, mostly raw recruits who had been destroying bridges, was attacked bv Col. McNeil with 1,000 cavalry and 6 cannon. Battle lasted four hours. Confederates retreated, with loss of ISO killed and wounded, and some wagon loads of arms and other supplies. Federal loss, 88 killed and 60 wounded. August io. — Federals attacked 1,200 Confederates under Col. Poindex- ter while crossing the Chariton river. After a running right of three or four days, Col. Poindexters troops were all killed, captured or dispersed, and himself taken prisoner. August ii. — Col. Hughes captured the Federal garrison of 312 men of the 7th Missouri cavalry, stationed at Independence. August ij. — Battle of Lone Jack, in Jackson county. Col. Coffey and Col. Hughes, with 4*500 men, attacked the Federals under Major Foster, wounding him, capturing his two cannon, and compelling him to retreat to Lexington. The victorious Confederates were in turn pursued by "♦Jly order of Gen. Sterling Price, it [the North Missouri Railroad] was partially- destroyed in June and Jul v. 1861; and on the 20th of December. 1661. for a hundred miles, everv bridge and culvert was broken down, and a perfect wreck made of everything that could be destroyed. In September and October, 1664. two trains of cars and seven depots were burned, and several encines iDJured." — Annual Report State Ccmnnitaioner of Stati$- t»«, 1866 ; p. 258. 60 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. stronger bodies of the National troops, and rapidly retreated toward Arkansas. September 24.. — Gen. Curtis placed in command of all Union troops in Missouri. October 1. — Battle of Newtonia, in Newton county. Gen. Salomon, of Wisconsin, was defeated by Confederate cavalry. Losses not known. Gen. Hindman was advancing from Arkansas with 13,000 to 20,000 Con- federates, poorly armed. Gen. Schofield came up with 10,000 troops to attack him at Newtonia, but he retreated back into Arkansas, closely pursued by the Federals. December 7. — Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. This, being just over the line, was practically a Missouri battle; it was fought between the same armies which had been so long contending for the mastery in this state. Our own state Generals, Marmaduke, Parsons and Frost, were in com- mand, under Gen. Hindman. The Federal commanders were Generals Blunt and Herron. Federal loss, 495 killed, 600 wounded; the Confeder- ates lost 1,500 in killed and wounded, and suffered a defeat. events in 1863. January 8. — Battle of Springfield. General Brown with 1,200 Mis- souri State militia, was attacked by Gen. Marmaduke with 1,870 Confed- erate troops. The battle lasted eight hours. Federal loss, 14 killed, 145 wounded, 5 missing. Confederates lost, 41 killed and 160 wounded, 80 of the latter being left as prisoners. January 11. — Battle of Hartsville. Firing commenced at 11 A. M., and continued until 4:30 p. m. Confederates under Generals Marmaduke and Porter lost 300 killed and wounded, and 29 taken prisoners. Among the killed were Gen. McDonald and Col. Porter, besides six other officers. The Federals were under Col. Samuel Merrill, (afterward Governor of Iowa), and lost 7 killed, 64 wounded and 7. missing. The Confederates retreated back into Arkansas. March 28. — Steamboat " Sam. Gaty " captured by Confederates at Sibley's landing, near Independence. April 26. — The Federal garrison at Cape Girardeau under Gen. Mc- Neil was attacked by Gen. Marmaduke with 10,000 men, and a battle of five hours ensued, in which the assailants lost 60 killed and over 300 wounded. They retreated back into Arkansas, being pursued to the state line by Missouri militia, and a few more were killed or captured. May 1 j. — Gen. Schofield was placed in command in Missouri, succeed- ing Gen. Curtis. August ij. — Col. Coffey, Confederate, attacked the 6th Missouri cav- alry under Col. Catherwood, at Pineville, in McDonald county, and was HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 61 repulsed, with loss of 200 killed, wounded and prisoners, besides his wagons, munitions and cattle. October /j.— Battle near Arrow Rock, Saline county. Confederates reported 2,500 in number, under Cols. Shelby and Coffey, were attacked by Missouri state militia under Gen. E. B. Brown, and defeated with a loss of 300 in killed, wounded and prisoners, besides all their artillery and baggage. Fight lasted five hours. Federal loss not known, though reported as " also large." events in 1864. January 28. — Gen. Rosecrans arrived at St. Louis and took command of«the Department of Missouri. June — .The Belgian Consul, who was state commander of the secret order of " American Knights, " or " Sons of Liberty, " was arrested, with forty of the most prominent members, and held as hostages, because proof had been discovered that they were plotting against the Federal authori- ties. September 26.— Gen. Price, with 10,000 men, attacked the Federal gar- rison at Ironton (near Pilot Knob\ in command of Gen. Thomas Ewing, jr., with 1,200 men. After a day's hard fighting the Federals spiked their fort guns and retreated in the night to Rolla, having lost 200 killed and wounded. The Confederates lost 1,500. October 7. — Battle or skirmish of Moreau creek, in Cole county, which Gen. Price crossed, and formed his army in line of battle about four miles long around Jefferson City. But finding the Federal garrison intrenched, he marched on west without attacking them. (The Federals had 6,700 men there). October 22.— Gen. Pleasanton's Federal cavalry defeated Col. Fagan at Independence, capturing two cannon. October 23. — Battle on the Big Blue creek, in Jackson county, lasting from 7 a. m., till 1 p. m. Confederates retreated southward. October 25. — Battle on little Osage Creek in Vernon countv. Gen. Price was defeated, the Federals under Gen. Pleasonton capturing eight cannon, and Generals Marmaduke and Cabell, besides five colonels and 1,000 men, with all equipments, supplies, etc. The fighting had been almost continuous by some part of the troops, all along the march from Independence to the Little Osage; and reports at this point give the Fed- eral loss at 1,000 killed and wounded, and about 2,000 taken prisoners; Confederate loss, 900 killed, 3,800 wounded and prisoners, and ten cannon captured from them. October 28. — Gen. Price again made a stand at Newtonia, in Newton county, and had a sharp fight with the Federals under Gens. Blunt and San- born, but was defeated and escaped into Arkansas. And this was the 132 HISTORY' OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. last encounter that can be called a "battle" within the bounds of our state. The numbers engaged on either side, and their losses in this last fight are not reported. MEN AND MONEY FOR THE WAR Under President Lincoln's first call, April 15, 1861, for 75,000 volun- teers, Missouri furnished 10,501 men; and she furnished a total of 108,773 Federal or Union soldiers during the war. The total number of citizens of Missouri who took up arms on the Confederate side cannot be ascer- tained. During the war the state issued its indebtedness called "Defense War- rants" and "Union Military Bonds," for equipping and maintaining the militia organizations of the state; the total amount was $7,870,575. All ■of the defense warrants and one-half of the Union military bonds were made receivable for state taxes; and a special fund was created for the redemption of the balance. The United States paid to the state of Mis- souri a total of $6,440,323.95, to reimburse her for military expenses incurred. ST. LOUIS IN THE WAR-TIME. Notwithstanding the strenuous competition of other cities, the superior advantages of St. Louis for distribution, and a due regard for its own interests, compelled the government to make St. Louis the western base of supplies and transportation. During the war the transactions of the government at this point were very large. Gen. Parsons, chief of trans- portation in the Mississippi Valley, submits the following as an approxi- mate summary of the operations in his department from 1S60 to 1S65: AMOUNT OF TRANSPORTATION. Cannons and caissons 800 Wagons 13,000 Cattle 80,000 Horses and mules 250,000 Troops 1,000,000 Pounds of military stores 1,950,000,000 Gen. Parsons thinks that full one-half of all the transportation employed by the government on the Mississippi and its tributaries was furnished by St. Louis. From September, 1881, to December 31, 1865, Gen. Haines, chief commissary of this department, expended at St. Louis for the pur- chase of subsistence stores, $50,700,000. And Gen. Myers, chief quar- termaster of the department, disbursed for supplies, transportation, and incidental expenses, $180,000,000. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 63 HOSPITAL SERVICE. As a part of the war history of Missouri, the /military hospitals of St. Louis claim at least a brief mention. After the battle of Wilson's Creek it became apparent that the government provision for hospitals was entirely inadequate to the emergency. A voluntary organization, called the Western Sanitary Commission, was formed, consisting of James E. Yeatman (now of the Merchant's National Bank), Rev. Wm. G. Eliot, D. D., (now Chancellor of Washington University), George Partridge, (recently Vice President of Trustees of State Blind Asylum), Carlos S. Greeley and John B. Johnson. Their purpose was to receive and distrib- ute hospital supplies furnished by the people, and in every practicable way aid and co-operate with the military authorities in the care of the sick and wounded. The first woman regularly mustered into the United States service as a hospital nurse, in Missouri, was Mrs. F. R. H. Reid, M. D., from Wisconsin, (now resides at Des Moines, Iowa). She was the woman coadjutor of U. S. Surgeon, Dr. Mills, in opening and starting the first large volunteer hospital, which was known as the Chestnut street hospital; and afterward she took the same part in the Fourth street hos- pital; and also with Dr. Melchior in the Marine hospital; also in a tem- porary post hospital at Su'phur Springs. To give an idea of the largeness of the hospital work, we quote from a circular printed at St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1861,* which says: "There are ten military hospitals in St. Louis alone, with a maximum capacity for 3,500 patients. The number of patients varies every day, but on Wednes- day, November 20th, they reported patients under treatment as follows: House of Refuge hospital, [Sisters of Charity nurses] 475 Fifth and Chestnut streets hospital,, 464 Good Samaritan hospital, [for measles,] 173 Fourth street hospital, 328 Jefferson barracks hospital 72 Arsenal hospital, 16 Camp Benton hospital, 106 Pacific hospital, [depot for the hospital cars] 30 ~\incan's Island hospital, [for small-pox: cases all convalescent,] .... 4 Convalescent barracks, [known as Camp Benton,] 800 Total, 2,468 "(This does not include the company, regiment and brigade hospitals, of which there are several.) The average mortality has been about four per cent. A hospital car, properly fitted up and manned, passes daily over the railroad to the interior, to bring in the sick and wounded. The arrangements for decent burial, registration of deaths, identification, etc., ♦Prepared and published by H. A. Reid, Associate Member for Wisconsin of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. 64 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. are very complete. The body of any soldier who may die in any of the hospitals may be identified, and removed for other obsequies or burial by relatives or friends. There are no hospital chaplains; but nurses are in- structed by the sanitary commission, that every patient who asks for it, will be visited by a clergyman of his own choice, at any hour." There were hospitals also at Jefferson City, Rolla and Ironton at this time. This circular contained a classified list, prepared by Mrs. Reid, of over a hundred different articles needed for the care, comfort and welfare of the soldiers in hospital, beyond what the general government could furnish; the whole document was reprinted by state authority at Madison, Wisconsin, and widely circulated. In a letter dated St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1862, Mr. Yeatman said: "Wisconsin has contributed most largely to- wards supplying comforts for the sick in camps and hospitals in this department, second to but one other state — Massachusetts. " There was a prison hospital for sick Confederate prisoners, to whom supplies were furnished from the stores of the sanitary commission, the same as to the Union soldiers; and wounded Confederates were cared for in the general hospitals the same as those of the Federal troops. The writer hereof was an eye-witness to this fact; and is glad to record it as a testimony of the true Christian spirit of the sanitary commission and the magnanimity of the Federal authorities. THE WARTIME STATE GOVERNMENT. The civil authority of the state remained vested in the state conven- tion from July, 1861, until July, 1863. This provisional body held the following sessions: 1861— Jefferson City, February 28 to March 4. St. Louis, March 6 to March 22. Jefferson City, July 22 to July 81. St. Louis, October 10 to October 18. 1862— Jefferson City, June 2 to June 14. 1863— Jefferson City, June 15 to July 1, when it adjourned sine die. The course of affairs had now become so far settled and pacified that civil proceedings were again possible, and the regular fall elections were held this year, 1863. On the 13th of February, 1864, the general assem- bly convened, and passed an act to authorize, the election of sixty-six members to a state convention, "to consider such amendments to the con- stitution of the state as might by it be deemed necessary for the emanci- pation of slaves;* to preserve in purity the elective franchise to loyal citizens, and for the promotion of the public good." This convention met in St. Louis, January 6, 1865; and on the 11th of * President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, January 1, 1863, only applied to slaves within such states or parts of states as were then controlled by the Confederate power. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 65 the same month it passed, by a vote of sixty ayes to four noes, an ordi- nance emancipating all slaves within the state, and providing that it should take effect immediately. The convention also framed a new con- stitution, in many respects quite different from the old one. The final vote in convention on the new instrument stood thirty-eight for, to thirteen against it. The convention adjourned April 10, sine die. In June the people voted on the new constitution, and the vote stood 43,670 for, to 41,808 against it. The following are some of the most notable new features embodied in the organic law of the state, and will readily explain why there was such a large vote against its adoption: It established an oath of loyalty to the United States; and those who would not take the oath it excluded from the right to vote or hold any civil office whatever, or act as a teacher in any public school, or to solemnize marriage as a clergyman, or to practice law in any of the courts. It limited the amount of land which any church or religious society might hold to five acres of land in the country, or one acre in town or city; provided for taxing church property; and declared void any will bequeathing property to any clergyman, religious teacher or religious society as such. There was a section designed to prevent the state from giving public property, lands or bonds, to railroad compa- nies. It provided that after January 1, 1S76, no one could become a law- ful voter who was not sufficiently educated to be able to read and write. July 1, 1865, the governor, Thomas C. Fletcher, made proclamation that the new constitution had been duly ratified by a lawful majority of the people, and was thenceforth the organic law of the state. A few amendments have been since adopted; but in all important points it remains the same to this day. 6Q HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. PART II.— PHYSICAL AND INDUSTRIAL. GEOLOGY AND MINERALS. The geological history of Missouri commences at the very bottom of the scale, or, in what may be termed the fire-crust period of geologic time. (See chart on page 67). Dana's "Manual of Geology" is the great standard work all over the United States on this subject. In his chapter on Archaean Time he gives a map and brief sketch of our North American continent as it existed at that remote period, which was, according to a calculation made for the Royal Society of London in 1879,* about 600,000,000 years ago. And as this is where Missouri first comes to light, we quote Prof. Dana's account of the very meagre areas and points of our continent which stood alone above the primeval ocean that then enveloped the entire globe with its bubbling, seething, sputtering wavelets — an enormous caldron of boiling, steaming silicious lye, rather than water. Dana says: " The principal of the areas is The Great JYorthern, nucleal to the con- tinent, lying mostly in British America, and having the shape of the letter V, one "arm reaching northeastward to Labrador, and the other north- westward from Lake Superior to the Arctic. The region appears to have been for the most part out of water ever since the Archaean era.f To this area properly belong the Adirondack area, covering the larger part of northern New York, and a Michigan area south of Lake Supe- rior, each of which was probably an island in the continental sea before the Silurian age began. " Beside this nucleal area, there are border-mountain lines of Archaean rocks: a long Appalachian line, including the Highland Ridge of Dutch- ess county, New York, and New Jersey, and the Blue Ridge of Penn- sylvania "and Virginia; a long Rocky Mountain series, embracing the Wind River mountains, the Laramie range and other summit ridges of the Rocky Mountains. In addition, in the eastern border region, there is an Atlantic coast range, consisting of areas in New Foundland, Nova Scotia and eastern New England. In the western border region, a Pacific coast range in Mexico; and several more or less isolated areas in the Mississippi basin, west of the Mississippi, as in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and the Black Hills of Dakota." — Dana's Manual, p. 150. *See Popular Science Monthly, May, 1879, p. 137. ■f-The "Archaean era," as used by Prof. Dana, in 1874, (the date of his latest revision) included both the "Azoic Age," and "Age of Zooliths," as shown on the chart, p. 67. When Prof. Dana wrote, it was still an open question whether the "eozoon" was of animal or mineral origin ; but the highest authorities are now agreed that it was animal ; and Prof. Reid has, therefore, very properly given it a distinct place in his " Zoic Calendar." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 67 GEOLOGICAL CHART; Including the Rock Scale of Geological Periods and the " Zoic Calendar of Creation." Compiled from the works of Agassiz, Lyell, Huxley, Hackel, Dana, LeConte, and other first rank authorities in Science at the present time. By Hibajc A. Reid, Secretary State Academy of Sciences at Dcs Moines , Iowa. [Published by permission of the Author.] Explanation. — The side line at the left shows what portions of geological time are comprehended in the terms ••eozoic," " paleo- zoic," etc . The first column shows the periods or '•Ages" of geological time during which the different successive types of ani- mal life predominated, or were the highest types then in existence. And these two divisions form the "Zoic Calendar of Creation." The second column shows the great general groupings of rock which are found the fossil remains of the corresponding ani- mal types named in th>; first col- umn. But, at the "Age of Rep- tiles" occurs a grand divergement, for it was during this age that an- imal life pushed out into its most wonderful developments ; and there came into existence strange and marvelous forms of swimming reptile*, four-footed and two-foot- ed walking reptiles, and two-foot- ed and four-footed flying reptiles. Here also the true bird* began to appear, though with reptilian pe- culiarities; and likewise the mar- supial anima'.s, which are a tran- sitional type, between reptiles that produce their young by laving esas and the true mammals, that bring forth their young well ma- tured and then suckle them. The third column shows the les- ser groupings of rock beds as clas- sified by our American geologists; but many minor subdivisions and local groups are omitted lor want of space. At the top of this col- nmn are shown the geological pe- riods of first appearance ol races of man. so far as now authentica- ted by competent scientific au- thorities.* The fourth column shows the number of feet in thickness of the different groups of rock layers as indicated by the braces. This Chart is the most compre- hensive and thorough in its de- tails, and yet the most systemati- cally and graphically presented to the ejc, of anything in its line that has ever yet been published. Here is the whole story of geol- ogy and the ascent of life con- densed into the space of a few inches, yet so plainly set forth as to readily fix itself in the memory like an "outline map. Scientific terms in newspapers and maga- zines often catch the reader at a disadvantage; but a reference to this chart will at once show the relative place or period in crea- tional progress to which the best authorized geological terms apply. It reaches, like a Jacob's ladder, from the lowest inklings to the highest ideals of life on the earth, as taught by modern science and the Christian Bible. THIS CALENDAR IS TO BE READ FROM THE BOTTOM UPWARD. AGE OF ANGELS. ee Psalms 8:5 LukeM:3S Mark li:-:5 1 Cor.l5:« Heb.2:2to9 ReT.22:S,9 -A.gre of MAX. Age of MAMMALS Age of Reptiles. Age of Amphibians Age of FISHES AGE OF i:.' VERTEBRATES Recent. Quaternary. TERTIARY. HISTORIC 'i.^TStJr™ PERIOD. x s Tribe« MYTHIC PERIOD. Rude Agricul Terrace Epoch. *^ s Ctu iplain Epoch, p* GLACIAL EPOCH. Pliocene. Miocene. Feet in thickness o f t h e geological group* of rock form- ations. m 8,000 Eocene. Cretaceous. [ 9,000 ___ J 1 800 to \ 1.000 JURASSIC. TRIASSIC J.3,000 to I 5,000 Carboniferous Devonian. Upper Silurian. Lower Silurian, AGE of ZOOLITHS "This Age alone was probably longer in dura- tion than all subsequent jeolozical time." — Pbop. LeCONTE. w Primordial Vegetation Eozoon RocKs. Graphite Beds. PERMIAN. Coal 1 6,000 to Measures. ! 14 -s™ Sub-Carboniferous, i Catskill. CbttMsng. Hamilton. ! 9,050 to 14,400 Comiferous. ! 6,000 to 10,000 Laurentian. i la.oonto - J 15,000 J ilO.OOOto \ tJO.OOO "I :„,,.;, Metamorphic Granites FIRE CRUST. - Un.*rati- ' tied. Ciprright 1. See also. Prof. Winchell's "Pre-Adamites." pp. 42$-"-$ . " The hsman race in America is ihown to be at lesut of as ancient a date as that of the European Pliocene."— Prof. J, D.Whitney, Similar views ar» held by Profs. Leily, Marsh, Cope, Morse, Wyman, and other scientist! of highest repute. •r-aitidc fact." — See Appletons' International Scientific - the use of fire, and worked flint." 68 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Thus, then, with the very first emergence of dry land out of the heav- ily saturated and steaming mineral waters of the primeval ocean, we have Pilot Knob, Shepherd Mountain, and a few smaller peaks in their vicin- ity, forming an island in the vast expanse. The next nearest island was a similar one at the Black Hills, in Dakota. There is no reason as yet known 6or believing that any form of life, either animal or vegetable, had yet appeared in our Missouri region. The ocean water was still too hot, and still too powerfully surcharged with mineral salts, alkalis and acids to admit of any living tissues being formed; and the atmosphere was in like manner thickly loaded with deadliest acids in the form of vapors, which would partially condense as they arose, and fall upon the iron- headed islands to form a mineral crust, and then be broken and washed back into the sea. But this process being kept up and incessantly repeated for millions of years (see Prof. Helmholtz's estimate at bottom of the chart), both sea and air became gradually purified of its excess of minerals and acids; and the water sufficiently Cooled to admit of living tissues being formed; and meanwhile the condensing and crust-forming- elements precipitated from the vapor-laden air or deposited directly from the bulk waters of the shoreless sea, were busily forming the solid earth. The different incrustations would each be a little different in their com- ponent elements; and then being broken up and mixed together and recombined, partly in the form of rough fragments, partly in the form of dust or sand ground into this state by mechanical attrition, partly in the form of fluidized or vaporized solutions, and partly in the form of molten masses produced directly by the earth's internal fires, the process of com- bining and recombining, with continual variation in the proportions, went on through the long, dreary, sunless and lifeless Azoic Age. But as soon as the great ocean caldron got cooled down to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit, it was then possible for a very low form of vegetation to exist; and although no fossil remains of the first existing forms of such vegetation have yet been found, or at least not conclusively identified as such, yet graphite or plumbago, the material from which our lead pencils are made, is found in connection with the transition rocks between the Azoic and the Zoolithian ages. Graphite is not a mineral at all, but is pure vegetable carbon, and is supposed to be the remnant carbon of these first and lowest forms of tough, leathery, flowerless sea-weeds. Some small deposits of graphite are reported to have been found in connection with the iron and metamorphic granites of our Pilot Knob island; and that would indicate the first organic forms that came into existence within the boundaries of what now we call the state of Missouri. Just think of it! All North America, except a dozen widely scattered spots or islands, was covered with an ocean that spread its seamy expanse all around the globe; no sunlight could penetrate the thick, dense cloud of vapors HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 69 that filled the enveloping atmosphere ; according to our English author- before cited, this was 600,000,000 years ago, a period which the human mind cannot grasp; but the Almighty Maker of worlds had even then commenced to make the state of Missouri and its living occupants. The earliest known forms of animal life, a kind of coral-making rhizo- pod (root-footed) called Eozoon Canadcnse, are not found in Missouri, but are found abundantly in what are called the Laurentian rocks, in Canada and elsewhere. (See chart). It is not to be supposed, however, that the enormous period called the " Age of Zooliths " passed, with forms of ani- mal life existing in Canada, but none in our iron island region, unless we assume that the mineral acidity of the waters coming in contact with this island was so intense as to require all that vast period for its purification sufficiently to permit the existence of the lowest and most structureless forms of protoplasmic matter known to science. Prof. Swallow says, in writing on the Physical Geography of Missouri, " below the magnesian limestone series we have a series of metamorphosed slates, which are doubtless older than the knozun fossiliferoas strata; whether they belong to the Azoic, the Laurentian or Huronian, I am unable to say." The labors of our different state geologists have not discovered any fossil remains in Missouri lower down in the rock scale than what is called the " Lower Silurian " formations, which form the first half of the " Age of Invertebrates " in the zoic-calendar portion of Prof. Reid's chart. The term " Invertebrates " includes all forms of animal life that do not have a back-bone, such as polyps, mollusks, worms, insects, crustaceans, infusoria, etc. By the time this age (Silurian) had commenced, our lone island had been joined by large areas northward, southwestward, eastward and northwestward, so that there began to be a continent; and several hundred species of animals and plants have been found fossil in the rocks of this period, but they are all marine species — none yet inhabiting the dry land. Our chart shows the Lower Silurian epoch sub-divided into Cambrian, Canadian and Trenton formations; but there are other local sub-divisions belonging to this period, the same as to all the other general periods named on the chart. The animals of this period were polvps or coral- makers; worms, mollusks, trilobites,asterias (star-fishes), all of strange forms and now extinct. The trilobite, some species of which are found in Missouri, was the first animal on the earth which had eyes, although there were likewise a great many eyeless species of them; but the fact that any of them had eyes during this age is considered by some scientists to prove that the atmosphere had by this time become sufficiently rarefied to let the sunlight penetrate clearly through it and strike the earth. On the other hand, others hold that this did not occur until after the atmos- phere had laid down its surcharge of carbonic acid and other gases, in the forms of limestone from animal life and coalbeds from vegetable life; that 70 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. is, there was nothing which we would now consider as clear sunshine until the carboniferous period. At any rate, Prof. Dana says of the Lower Saurian, "there was no green herbage over the exposed hills; and no sounds were in the air save those of lifeless nature, — the moving- waters, the tempest and the earthquake." Having thus given the reader some idea of the beginnings of land and the beginnings of life in our old, old state, space will not permit us to linger with details upon the remain- ing geological periods. We have compiled the following table from vari- ous writings of our able state geologist, Prof. G. C. Swallow, of the State University : ROCK FORMATIONS OF MISSOURI. Igneous Rocks. — Granite, porphyry, syenite, greenstone, combined with those wonderful beds of iron and copper which are found in the Pilot Knob region. Azoic Rocks. — Silicious and other slates, containing no remains of organic life, though apparently of sedimentary and not of igneous origin. Lower Silurian— Feet thick. Hudson river group (3 local subdivisions) 220 Trenton limestone 360 Black-river and birds- eye limestone 75 1st magnesian limestone 200 Saccharoidal (sugar-like) sandstone 125 2d magnesian limestone 230 2d sandstone 115 3d magnesian limestone 350 3d sandstone 60 4th magnesian limestone 300 Total thickness of Silurian rocks 2035 When the reader remembers that these were -all formed successively by the slow process of the settling of sediment in water, he will get some idea of how it is that geology gives such astounding measurements of time. Upper Silurian — Feet thick. Lower Helderberg formation 350 Niagara group 200 Cape Girardeau limestone 60 Total thickness 610 history of the state of missouri. 71 Devonian — ( Chouteau limestone 85 Chemung group 1 Vermicular sandstone and shales 75 ( Lithographic limestone 125 Hamilton group 40 Onondaga limestone (extremely variable). Oriskany sandstone (doubtful'. Carboniferous — Coal measures, consisting of strata of sandstones, limestones, shales, clays, marls, brown iron ores and coal 2,000 In this formation there are from eight to ten good workable veins of coal; and the Missouri basin coal-bearing area is the largest in the world. It comprises the following: Square miles. In Missouri 27,000 Nebraska 10,000 Kansas 12,000 Iowa 20,000 Illinois 30,000 Total 99,000 The Sub-Carboniferous in Missouri is subdivided into: Feet. Upper Archimedes limestone 200 Ferruginous (irony) sandstone '. 195 Middle Archimedes limestone 50 St. Louis limestone 250 Oolitic limestone 25 Lower Archimedes limestone 350 Encrinital limestone 500 Total sub-carboniferous 1570 Cretaceous. — The Triassic and Jurassic formations have not been found in this state; but Prof. Swallow has classed as probably belonging to the Cretaceous epoch, six different formations which comprise a total thick- ness of 158 feet. He says no fossils have been found to certainly identify these beds, but their geological horizon and lithological characters deter- mine their place in the scale. Tertiary. — The beautiful variegated sands and clays and shales and iron ores, which skirt the swamps of southeast Missouri along the bluffs from Commerce to the Chalk Bluffs in Arkansas, belong to this system. Quaternary. — In this Prof. Swallow includes what is separated under 72 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the name of "Recent" by Prof. Dana and others, as shown in the chart. The Quaternary of Missouri is subdivided by Prof. Swallow into — Alluvium 30 feet Bottom Prairie 35 " Bluff {Loess of other authors) 200 " Drift (altered drift, boulder beds, boulder clay) 155 " Total Quaternary formations. 420 " That brings the succession of geological formations consecutively from their beginning up to the present time; and now our own eyes behold every day the processes of nature going on very much the same as they have gone along through all the unthinkable lapse of time that has passed since Pilot Knob first pushed its brazen brow up above the strange deso- lation of waters when "darkness was upon the face of the deep." And now our next consideration must be, the present aspects of the land sur- face of our state, together with its streams, its woodlands and its wonder- ful mineral wealth and resources. MINERAL RESOURCES. In the extent, variety, and practical value of her stores of mineral wealth, Missouri is not excelled by any other state in the Union. In the fall of 1880 the New York Economist published an article on Missouri, in which it said: "The state of Missouri is one of the most remarkable pieces of this earth's surface. Surface indeed ! Missouri goes far enough under the surface to furnish mankind with one hundred million tons of coal a year for thir- teen hundred years. Think of 26*887 square miles of coal beds — nearly half the state — and some of the beds nearly fifteen feet thick. With regard to iron, it is not necessary to penetrate the surface for that. They have iron in Missouri by the mountain. Pilot Knob, 581 feet high, and containing 360 acres, is a mass of iron; and Iron Mountain, about six miles distant from it, is 228 feet high, covers 500 acres, and is estimated in the last surveys, to contain 230,000,000 tons of ore, without counting the inexhaustible supply that may reasonably be supposed to exist below the level. There is enough iron lying about loose in Missouri for a double track of railroad across the continent. " The lead districts of Missouri include more than 6,000 square miles, and at least five hundred points where it can be profitably worked. In fifteen counties there is copper in rich abundance. There are large depos- its of zinc in the state. There is gold, also, which does not yet attract much attention, because of the dazzling stores of this precious metal farther west. In short, within one hundred miles of St. Louis the following met- als and minerals are found in quantities that will repay working: gold, iron, lead, zinc, copper, tin, silver, platina, nickel, emery, coal, limestone, granite, marble, pipe-clay, fire-clay, metallic paints, and salt." It can hardly be said that gold, silver, tin, platina or emery have been HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 73 found in faying quantity as yet, although they are known to exist in some of our mining districts, in combinations with other minerals. Our state board of immigration has published many well prepared and judicious papers on the various advantages and resources of our state, which care- fully avoid making any extravagant or overdrawn statements. They give the real facts as accurately as they could be ascertained up to 1879- SO, and form the most reliable body of knowledge on many matters of state interest, that is now accessible; and from this source we gather the more essential points. Coal. — The Missouri coal fields underlie an area of about 26,000 square miles. The southern outcrop of the coal measures has been traced from the mouth of the Des Moines through the counties of Clark, Lewis, Shelby , t Monroe, Audrain, Boone, Cooper, Pettis, Henry, St. Clair, Bates, Vernon and Barton, into the Indian Territory, and every county north- west of this line is known to contain more or less coal. Outside of the coal fields given above, coal rocks also exist in Ralls, Montgomery, War- ren, St. Charles, Callaway and St. Louis counties, and local or outlying deposits of bituminous and cannel coal are found in Moniteau, Cole, Mor- gan, Crawford, Lincoln and Callaway counties. The exposed coal in Missouri includes upper, middle and lower coal measures. The upper coal measures contain about four feet of coal, in two seams of about one foot each and other thin seams and streaks. The area of their exposure is about 8,400 square miles. The middle coal measures contain about seven feet of coal, including two workable seams, twenty-one and twenty-four inches thick, respect- ively, and one of one foot, which is worked under favorable circumstan- ces, and six thin seams. The exposure of the middle measures covers an area of over 2,000 square miles. The lower measures cover an ar,ea of about 15,000 square miles, and have five workable seams, varying in thickness from eighteen inches to four and a half feet, and thin seams of six to eleven inches. Iron. — It has been said by experts that Missouri has iron enough ' : to run a hundred furnaces for a thousand years;" and the ores are of every variety known to metallurgical science. Iron Mountain is the largest body of specular iron and the purest mass of ore in the world. It was forced up through the crust of the earth in a molten state during the Azoic Age of geology. The different ores of the state are classed as red hematite, red oxide, specular or glittering ore, brown hematite or limo- nite, hvdrous oxide, magnetic ore, and spathic or spar-like ore (carbonate of iron). Many other names are used to indicate different combinations of iron with other minerals. Some of the iron deposits, instead of coming up in a fused mass from the bowels of the earth, as Pilot Knob, Shep- 5 74 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. herd Mountain and Iron Mountain evidently did, were formed by the steam that attended those fiery upheavals, carrying its load of gaseous matter until it condensed and settled down at different points, and gradu- ally cooled or crystalized. This would occur sometimes in water and sometimes in the air, thus producing the great variety of ferruginous or irony compositions which we now find and utilize. And this mineral sieam method of depositing iron and other products from subterranean gases must have occurred in Missouri at different periods of geologic time, and not all during the Azoic. The red ores are found in 21 coun- ties ; the brown hematite or limonite iron ores extend over 94 counties, and in 31 of them it occurs in vast quantity. Shepherd Mountain is 660 feet high. The ore, which is magnetic and specular, contains a large percentage of pure iron. The hight of Pilot Knob above the Mississippi river is 1,118 feet. Its base, 581 feet from the summit, is 360 acres. The iron is known to extend 440 feet below the surface. The upper section of 141 feet is judged to contain 14,000,000 tons of ore. The elevation of Iron Mountain is 228 feet, and the area of its base 500 acres. The solid contents of the cone are 230,000,000 tons. It is thought that every foot beneath the surface will yield 3,000,000 tons, of ore. At the depth of 180 feet, an artesian auger is still penetrating solid ore. Dr. Litton thinks that these mountains contain enough iron above the surface to afford for two hundred years an annual supply of 1,000,000 tons. The ore is almost exclusively specular. It yields 56 per cent, of pure iron. The iron is strong, tough and fibrous. Profs. Schmidt and Pumpelly, in their very learned work on the iron ores of Michigan and Missouri, have classified the iron-bearing region of our state as follows: Eastern Ore-Region. — 1. Ore-district along the Mississippi river. 2_ Iron Mountain district. 3. Southeastern limonite district. 4. Franklin county district. 5. Scotia district. Central Ore-Region. — 1. Steel ville district. 2. Ore-district on the up- per Meramec and its tributaries. 3. Salem district. 4. Iron Ridge district. 5. St. James district. 6. Rolla district. 7. Middle Gasconade district. 8. Lower Gasconade district. 9. Callaway county district. Western Ore-Region. — 1. Lower Osage district. 2. Middle Osage district. 3. Upper Osage district. Southwestern Ore-Region. — 1. White River district. 2. Ozark county district. The same authorities have classified the various kinds of iron ores found in Missouri, thus: HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 75 Strata of red hematite. Disturbed or drifted deposits of red hematite. Deposits of limonite on limestone. Disturbed or drifted deposits o£ limonite. Deposits of specular ore in por- phyry. Deposits of specular ore in sand- stone. Disturbed deposits of specular ore. Drifted deposits of specular ore. Lead. — The annual lead product of Missouri is said now to exceed that of any other state or country; and it is conceded that its lead deposits are the richest in the world. The lead region all lies south of the Mis- souri river; the mineral is found chiefly in the magnesian limestone rocks, which are the great lead-bearing rocks of the world; but it is also found in ferruginous clays, in slates, in gravel beds, and in cherty masses in the clays. Mr. R. O. Thompson, mining engineer, of St. Louis, has written a sketch of the mode of origin of our lead and some other mineral deposits,, which is plain, concise, and a clear statement of the teachings of science on this very interesting portion of Missouri's geological and mineralogicai history. We quote: "The Azoic rocks in this region, when the great Silurian system began to be formed, were so many islands, their heads only elevated above the vast sedimentary sea. The beds upon which the limestones and sand- stones were deposited consisted of the weatherings of the Azoic rocks,, which naturally sought the valleys and became a base for the sedimentary rock. This boundless sea held in solution lime, magnesia, alumina, man- ganese, lead, copper, cobalt, nickel, iron, and other mineral substances. In this chemical condition gases were evolved and the work of formation commenced. The two gases forming the great creative power, and aiding solidification, were carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen ; the former seeking its affinity in lime and forming limestone; the sulphur in the latter naturally combining with the other metals, forming sulphates, or sulphur- ets. The work of deposition and solidification being in harmony, it is easy to understand how those minerals exist in a disseminated condition in these rocks. The slates that we find so rich in galena, presenting the myriad forms of lingula, must also have been formed in the Silurian Age. The distribution among the magnesian limestones of these decomposing slates can be most easily accounted for. The decomposed feldspar pro- duced by the weathering of the porphyry became in its change a silicate of alumina, and the sulphur, combining with the lead, disseminated the same in the slate as readily as in the limestone." The Missouri lead region has been divided or classified into five sub- districts, as follows: I. The Southeastern Lead District, embraces all or parts of Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Crawford, Iron, St. Francois, St. Genevieve, Madison, Wayne, Reynolds, and Carter counties, with some mines in the western portion of Cape Girardeau county. Mining has been longest carried on in this district, and the aggregate of the production has been very great, although the work has been chiefly surface mining. Mine- 76 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. La-Motte, in this district, was discovered in 1720, by Francis Renault and M. LaMotte, and has been worked more or less ever since. II. The Central Lead District, comprises, as far as known, the coun- ties of Cole, Cooper, Moniteau, Morgan, Miller, Benton, Maries, Camdem and Osage. Much of the mining done here, again, has been near the surface, the lead first being found in clays, in caves, and in masses in clay but a few inches below the surface. Shafts, however, sunk in the mag- nesian limestone, find rich deposits in lodes and pockets. III. The Southern Lead District, comprises the counties of Pulaski, La Clede, Texas, Wright, Webster, Douglas, Ozark, and Christian. IV. The Western Lead District embraces Hickory, Dallas, Polk, St. Clair, Cedar, and Dade counties. Some rich deposits have been found in this district, especially in Hickory county. V. The Southwestern Lead District comprises Jasper, Newton, Law- rence, Stone, Barry, and McDonald. Here very extensive mining has been done, more especially in the two counties first named, which have, for the last few years, produced more than one-half of the pig-lead mined in the state. For several years past more than one-half the lead production of the United States has been from Missouri mines. Besides the numerous- smelting works supported by them, the manufacture of white lead, lead pipe, sheet lead, etc., contributes materially to the industries and com- merce of the state. Copper. — Several varieties of copper ore exist in Missouri mines. Deposits of copper have been discovered in Dent, Crawford, Benton, Maries, Greene, Lawrence, Dade, Taney, Dallas, Phelps, Reynolds and Wright counties. Some of the mines in Shannon county are now profit- ably worked, and mines in Franklin county have yielded good results. Zinc. — Sulphuret, carbonate and silicate of zinc are found in nearly all the lead mines of southwestern Missouri; and zinc ores are also found in most of the counties along the Ozark range. What the lead miners call " black-jack, " and throw away, is sulphuret of zinc. Newton and Jasper counties are rich in zinc ores ; and Taney county has an extensive vein of calamine, or carbonate of zinc. Cobalt. — Valuable to produce the rich blue colors in glass and porce- lain, and for other purposes in the arts, is found in considerable quantities at Mine-La-Motte. Manganese. — Used in glass manufacture and the arts; it is found in St. Genevieve and other counties. Nickel. — Found in workable quantities at Mine-La-Motte. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 77 BUILDING STONE. Missouri abounds in solid, durable materials for buildings; she has quarries of red and gray granites, and very fine limestones, sandstones and marbles. In Crawford, Washington and Franklin counties there are workable beds of " onyx marble," a stalagmite formation found in caves,, and very rich and valuable for mantles, table-tops, vases, ornaments, etc. This marble is not found anywhere else in the United States, and has been imported from Algiers and Mexico, at great cost. As an illustration of the high repute abroad, and substantial home value ot Missouri products in the stone line, we give a case in point. The new state capitol at Des Moines, Iowa, which will cost $3,000,000, and is said to be the largest and finest public edifice in the United States outside of Washington city, is built mostly of materials from Missouri, except the rough masonry and brickwork. The Missouri stones and their cost is as follows: St. Genevieve buff sandstone $ 147,289.83 Carroll county blue limestone 139,238.54 Fourteen red granite columns, 18 feet, 4^ inches long, 2 ft. 3 in. diameter, turned and polished at St. Louis... . 8,144.50 Total paid b}* Iowa to Missouri on thfs one building. . $ 294,672.87 Other examples of Missouri building stone will be of interest. The Archimedes limestone is used for the U. S. custom house in St. Louis. The encrinital limestone is used for the State University building, and court house at Columbia. The Trenton limestone is used in the court house at St. Louis. A stratum called " cotton rock" in the magnesian limestone formation, is used for the state house and court house at Jeffer- son City. Encrinital marble is found in Marion county, and other varie- ties occur in Cooper, Cape Girardeau, St. Louis, Iron and Ozark coun- ties. In the bluffs on the Niangua, a marble crops out twenty feet thick, which is a fine-grained, crystaline, silico-magnesian limestone, of a light drab color, slightly tinged or clouded with peach blossom. Some of the beautiful Ozark marbles have been used in ornamenting the national capitol at Washington. Lithographic limestone is found in Macon county. EARTHS, CLAYS, OCHRES, ETC. Kaolin, or decomposed feldspar, is a clay for making porcelain ware, and is found in and shipped from southeastern Missouri. Fine pottery clays are found in all the coal bearing region. North of the Missouri river many beds of best fire-clay are found, which is extensively manufac- tured at St. Louis into fire brick, gas retorts, metallurgists' crucibles, etc. 78 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Yellow and red ochres, ferruginous clays, and sulphate of baryta, all val- uable in the mannfacture of mineral and fire-proof paints, are found in great abundance all through the iron districts. Near St. Genevieve there is a bank of saccharoidal sand which is twenty feet in height, and miles in extent. The mass is inexhaustible. Two analyses give the following results: Silica 98.81 99.02 Lime 0.92 0.98 The sand is very friable, and nearly as white as snow. It is not oxy- dized or discolored by heat, and the glass made from it is clear and unstained. One firm in St. Louis has annually exported more than 3,500 tons of this sand to the glass manufactories of Wheeling, Steubenville and Pittsburg. GEOGRAPHY OF MISSOURI. LOCATION AND AREA. The state of Missouri (with the exception of the Pan-Handle, in the southeast corner, which extends 34 miles further south), lies between the parallels 36 degrees 30 minutes and 40 degrees 30 minutes north latitude, and between longitudes 12 degrees 2 minutes, and 18 degrees and 51 min- utes west from Washington. Its southern boundary line, extended east- ward, would pass along the southern boundaries of Tennessee and Vir- ginia. The line of the northern boundary, extended in the same direction, w r ould pass north of the centers of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and near the centers of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Extending these lines west- ward, they would embrace the entire state of Kansas, and a considerable portion of Nebraska on the north and of the Indian Territory south. The length of the state north and south is 282 miles; its extreme width east and west, is 348 miles, and the average width, which is represented by a line drawn due west from St. Louis, is 235 miles. The area of the state is 65,350 square miles, or 41,824,000 acres. In size it is the eighth state in the Union, and is larger than any state east of or bordering upon the Mississippi, except Minnesota. It occupies almost the exact center of that portion of the United States lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Atlantic, and is midway between the British possessions on the north and the Gulf of Mexico south. The following list shows what other large cities of our own and foreign countries lie on the same latitude with the largest cities in our HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 70 state: The latitude of 38 to 39 degrees north, embraces Annapolis, Maryland; Washington and Georgetown, D, C; Alexandria, Va.; Ports- mouth, Ohio; Lexington, Frankfort and Louisville, Ky.; Madison, New Albany and Evansville, Ind.; St. Louis and Jefferson City, Missouri; Sacramento and Vallejo, California; Yarkand, China; Tabreez, Persia; Smyrna, Turkey; Messina and Palermo, Sicily; Lisbon, Portugal. The latitude of 39 to 40 embraces the cities of Philadelphia, Dover, Wil- mington, Baltimore, York, Gettysburg, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indiana- polis, Terre Haute, Springfield, Quincy, Hannibal, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Denver; Virginia City, Nevada; Marysville, Cali- fornia; Tientsin, Pekin and Kashgar, in China; Bokhara in Turkestan; Erzroom in Turkey; Valencia in Spain. The meridian of 90 to 91 degrees west longitude, takes in Grand Portage, Minnesota; Mineral Point, Wisconsin; also Dubuque, Davenport, Rock Island, Galesburg, St. Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg and New Orleans. Missouri is half as large again as New York, and more than eight times the size of Massachusetts. It would make a score of German prin- cipalities. Larger than England and Wales, or Scotland and Ireland, it is equal to one-third of the area of France. SURFACE FEATURES. As explained in the chapter on geology, there occurred away back in the earliest geological ages, some subterranean force which pushed up through the crust of the earth, a series of knobs and irregular ridges and hills in a region extending from St. Genevieve, in a southwest direction, to Shannon and Texas counties, taking in some portions of Madison, St. Francois, Washington, Iron and Reynolds counties. After this, these knobs and ridges were islands in the ocean, which covered the rest of Missouri and adjoining states. On the bottom of this ocean the solid strata of limestone, sandstone, and other rocks, were formed. In course of time the rest of the country was raised above the ocean, and the sur- face presented a broad, undulating plateau, from which projected the hills and ridges above named. The rains descended upon this plateau, and the waters collected into branches, creeks and rivers, and flowed away to the ocean, as now; and during the succeeding cycles, the channels and valleys of the streams were worn into the rocks as they now appear. These facts respecting the formation of our state, give some idea of its surface features. It may be described as a broad, undulating table-land or plateau, from which projects a series of hills and ridges extending from St. Genevieve to the southwest, and into which the branches, creeks and rivers have worn their deep broad channels and valleys. In that portion of the state north of the Missouri river, the northwest part is the highest, 80 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. and there is a general descent to the south and east, as shown by the course of the Missouri river and its north side tributaries. In the eastern part of this region there is a high dividing ridge which separates the small east-flowing tributaries of the Mississippi from those flowing south- ward into the Missouri; the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern railroad follows this highland from Warren and Montgomery counties to Coats- ville on the north line of the state, in Schuyler county; and railroad sur- veys show that in a straight line across the state, the Missouri river at the city of Weston, in Platte county, is 320 feet higher than the Mississippi at Hannibal. South of the Missouri the highest part is a main ridge extending from Jasper county through Lawrence, Webster, Wright, Texas, Dent, Iron, St. Francois and Perry counties, striking the Mississippi river at Grand Tower. This ridge constitutes what is called the Ozark range, which for three-fourths of its course across Missouri is not mountainous, or com- posed of peaks, but is an elevated plateau of broad, level, arable land, and divides the northward flowing tributaries of the Missouri from the waters which flow southward into the lower Mississippi. It is a part of that great chain of ridge elevations which begins with Long's Peak, about fifty miles northwest of Denver, in Colorado; crosses the state of Kansas between the Kansas and Arkansas rivers; crosses Missouri through the counties above mentioned; passes into Illinois at Grand Tower and thence into Kentucky opposite Golconda; and is finally merged into the Cumber- land Mountains. This ridge probably formed the southern shore of that vast inland sea into which the upper Missouri and Platte rivers emptied their muddy waters for a whole geological age, and deposited over the states of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, their sediment from the Cretaceous and Tertiary beds of the mountain regions in Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, etc., and the "Bad Lands" of northwestern Nebraska. This great sea or lake had its chiefs outlet at Grand Tower,* where for thousands of years its waters plunged over the rocky limestone ledges and flowed off to the Gulf of Mexico, which then extended nearly or quite up to the mouth of the Ohio river at Cairo. But as it gradually wore down the rocks of this southern high ridge barrier, of course the channel through this narrow pass became gradually deeper and deeper, and as gradually drained off the mighty lake, leaving four great states covered chiefly with a kind of sediment which Prof. Swallow has termed " bluff * Dr. Sbumard in his report on a geological section from St. Louis to Commerce, — p. 151, says: "The Grand Tower rises from the bed of the Mississippi, an isolated mass of rock, of a truncated-conical shape, crowned at the top with stunted cedars, and situated about fifty yards from the Missouri shore. It is eighty-five feet high, and four hundred yards in circumference at the base. During high water, the current rushes around its base with great velocity. * * About half a mile below the Tower, near the middle of the river, is a huge mass of chert. * In the next two miles the Missouri shore is bounded by hills from 75 to 200 feet in altitude." It is rocky and bluffy for six miles or more along here, some of the elevations reaching 330 feet. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 81 deposit," though called by other writers loess. At Grand Tower, where the Mississippi has worn for itself this narrow gorge or pass through the rocks, the current rushes and roars and tumbles along at such a mill-flume rate, that the passage by boats either up or down stream, is difficult and dangerous .* And it was here that the river pirates had their stronghold in the early days of keel-boat traffic between St. Louis and New Orleans. They permitted no traders to pass this point without paying such tribute as they chose to levy; and upon the least show of resistance, they would rob, murder and plunder without remedy. If the human history of this place could be written, it would be full of blood-curdling incidents, and deeds of violence by rude and murderous men. The following table of elevations above tide water in the Gulf of Mex- ico will give a general idea of the heights reached by this southern upland region: Granby, Newton county, (farthest southwest) 1,030 feet. Marshfield, in Webster county, 96 miles from the west line of the state 1,462 " Ohio City, opposite mouth of the Ohio river 272 " New Madrid, 30 miles farther south 247 " St. Louis directrix, (or register) 372 " Base of Pilot Knob 909 " Top of Pilot Knob 1,490 " It will thus be seen that the top of Pilot Knob, at the eastern end of our south border highlands, is only twenty-eight feet higher than Marsh- field, near the western end. RIVERS AND WATER COURSES. The Mississippi river bounds the state on the east for a distance of more than 500 miles. The Missouri washes the western boundary of the state from the northwest corner southwardly, some 250 miles, to the mouth of the Kansas, whence it takes a course south of east, through the heart of the state to its junction with the Mississippi, a distance of nearly 400 miles, presenting a river front from these two majestic streams of 1,550 miles. Besides these mighty streams, are many smaller rivers, more or less navigable for steamboats and barges. On the south, or the right *A small work published at Davenport, Iowa, in 1856, describes this place as " a gorge where the river has in some remote geological age burst through a limestone mountain ridge, making a dangerous rocky pass, and washing the cliff into strange, fantastic forms." And a western poet nearly 30 years ago, thus described the spot: " Here Nature sports with Art in rocky towers, Quarried by the wave, or lifts in Doric state Abraded pillars to the corniced cliff; And through sharp angles, narrows, flume and gorge, The wildered waters, plunging, roar and foam — o Scylla and Oharybdis of no mythic tale." 82 HISTORY CF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. bank of the Missouri, the Gasconade, Osage and La Mine are navigable; on the Osage, steamboats make regular trips as high as Warsaw, and barges and keel-boats may pass as high as the state line. On the left bank of the Missouri, the Platte, Chariton and Grand rivers are naviga- ble for keel-boats and barges; and small steamers have made a few trips on their waters. The other important streams of the state are the Des Moines, Salt, Meramec, St. Francis and White rivers, all of which on rare occasions have been navigated by steamers. There are large num- bers of smaller streams called rivers and creeks. There are places in all our streams, except the Mississippi and Missouri, where they might be dammed and made to drive the machinery of mills and factories. Rock beds to support dams and make them permanent are to be found in many localities on the Osage, Niangua, Pomme du Terre, Sac, Spring river, Big river, Castor, Bourbeuse, Gasconade, St. Francis, Current, White, Grand, La Mine, Meramec, etc. No country is better supplied with bold springs of pure water. Many of them are remarkable for their size and volume. There is, on the whole, no state in the Union better supplied with an abundance of wholesome, living water for stock and domestic uses; and it abounds in springs, splendidly situated for dairy business, with water at a uniform temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. There are no lakes in the state except a few small ones in the extreme southeastern counties. NOTABLE SPRINGS. Mineral Springs occur in every part of the state. There are excellent salt springs in Cooper, Saline, Howard and adjoining counties. Sulphur springs that have become known as places of summer resort, are: The Chouteau springs in Cooper county; Monagan springs in St. Clair county; Elk springs in Pike county ; Cheltenham springs in St. Louis county. And Prof. Swallow says there are sulphur springs in half the counties of the state. Sweet springs, on Black water creek, are what are called chaly- beate waters, containing some of the salts of iron ; and there are a few others of this class. Petroleum or tar springs occur in Carroll, Ray, Randolph, Cass, Lafayette, Bates, Vernon, and other counties, and fur- nish a good lubricating oil in large quantities. In the south part of the State there are numerous fresh water springs of such great flowage as to be utilized for water power. One called Bryce's spring, on the Niangua river, which runs through Dallas, Hickory and Camden counties, dischar- ges 10,927,872 cubic feet of water per day, drives a large flouring mill, and flows away a river 42 yards wide. This is the largest one, of these big springs. The temperature of its water is steadily at 60 degrees Fahr- enheit, and the flowage uniform throughout the year. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 83 SOILS AND THEIR PRODUCTS. As late as 1830 the greater part of Missouri was still marked on com- mon school geography maps as part of the great American desert; and in 1820, even our own great statesman, Thomas H. Benton, had written: "After you get 40 or 50 miles from the Mississippi, arid plains set in and the country is uninhabitable except upon the borders of the rivers and creeks." But our present knowledge of Missouri's climate, soils and prod- ucts show how widely mistaken our wisest people were on this subject in those early days. Prof. Swallow, Dean of the State Agricultural College at Columbia (State University), has given the soils of the state a classification adapted to the popular understanding, by using names that everybody can read and know what they mean, instead of technical scientific terms known only to a few who have had a college education. And as this history is designed for the masses of the people, and to a large extent for the farm- ers, we give a condensed statement of Prof. Swallow's classification. Those known as hackbcrry lands are first in fertility and productiveness. Upon these lands also grow elm, wild cherry, honey locust, hickorv, white, black, burr and chestnut oaks, black and white walnut, mulberry, linden, ash, poplar, catalpa, sassafras and maple. The prairie soils of about the same quality, if not identical, are known as crow foot lands, so called from a species of weed found upon them, and these two soils generally join each other where the timber and prairie lands meet. Both rest upon a bed of fine silicious marls. They cover more than seven million acres of land. On this soil white oaks have been found twenty-nine feet in circumference and one hundred feet high; linden twenty-three feet in circumference and quite as lofty; the burr oak and sycamore grow still larger. Prairie grasses, on the crowfoot lands, grow very rank and tall, and by the old settlers were said to entirely conceal herds of cattle from the view. The elm lands, are scarcely inferior to the hackberry lands, and pos- sess very nearly the same growth of other timber. The soil has about the same properties, except that the sand is finer and the clay more abundant The same quality of soil appears in the prairie known as the resin-weed lands. Next in order are hickory lands, with a growth of white and shellbark hickory, black, scarlet and laurel oaks, sugar maple, persimmon and the haw, red-bud and crab-apple trees of smaller growth. In some portions of the state the tulip tree, beech and black gum grow on lands of the same quality. Large areas of prairie in the northeast and the southwest have soils of nearly the same quality, called mulatto soils. There is also a soil lying upon the red clays of southern Missouri similar to the above. These hickory lands and those described as assimilating to them, are highly 84 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. esteemed by the farmers for the culture of corn, wheat and other cereals. They are admirably adapted to the cultivation of fruits, and their blue grass pastures are equal to any in the state. Their area may be fairly estimated at six millions of acres. The magncsian limestone soils extend from Callaway county south to the Arkansas line, and from Jefferson west to Polk county, an area of about ten millions of acres. These soils are dark, warm, light and very productive. They produce black and white walnut, black gum, white and wahoo elms, sugar maple, honey locust, mulberry, chestnut, post, lau- rel, black, scarlet and Spanish oaks, persimmon, blue ash, and many trees of smaller growth. They cover all the country underlaid by the magne- sian limestone series, but are inconvenient for ordinary tillage when they occupy the hillsides or narrow valleys. Among the most fertile soils in the state, they produce fine crops of almost all the staples ; and thrifty and productive fruit trees and grape vines evince their extraordinary adapta- tion and fitness to the culture of the grape and other fruits. On the ridges, where the lighter materials of the soil have been washed away, or were originally wanting, white oak lands are to be found, the oaks accompanied by shellbark and black hickory, and trees and shrubs of smaller growth. While the surface soil is not so rich as the hickory lands, the sub-soil is quite as good, and the land may be greatly improved by turning the sub-soil to the surface. These produce superior wheat, good corn, and a very fine quality of tobacco. On these lands fruits are abundant and a sure crop. They embrace about ©ne and a half million of acres. Post oak lands have about the same growth as the white oak lands, and produce good crops of the staples of the country, and yield the best tobacco in the "West. Fruits of all kinds excel on this soil. These lands require deep culture. The blackjack lands occupy the high flint ridges underlaid with horn- stone and sandstone, and under these conditions are considered the poor- est in the state, except for pastures and vineyards. The presence, how- ever, of black jack on other lands does not indicate thin or poor lands. Pine lands are extensive, embracing about two millions of acres. The pines (pinis mitis, yellow pine), grow to great size, and furnish immense supplies of marketable lumber. They are accompanied by heavy growths of oak, which takes the country as successor to the pine. The soil is sandy and is adapted to small grains and grasses. Bisecting the state by a line drawn from the city of Hannibal, on the Mississippi river, to its southwest corner, the half lying to the north and west of this line may be described as the prairie region of the state, with the rare advantage that every county is bountifully supplied with timber and with rivers and smaller streams of water. That which lies east and HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 85 south of the bisecting line is the timbered or forest section, in which are found numerous prairies of greater or less extent. The prairie lands are again divided into bottom and upland prairies. The bottom prairies closely resemble in soil the river bottoms. In a cer- tain sense, the formation is identical; each came from accretions, one from the rivers and the other from the higher or upland prairies. The marl formation is the foundation of both and in both it is deeplv buried under the modern alluvium. The celebrated and eloquent orator, Henry Ward Beecher, paid the fol- lowing brilliant tribute to our grand state: "The breadth of land from the Red River country of the far North, stretching to the Gulf of Mexico, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Texas is one of the most wonderful agricultural spectacles of the globe! It is one of the few facts that are unthinkable! In this ocean of land, and at nearly its centre, stands the imperial state of Missouri. Even a Kansas man admits that in natural qualifications it leads all the rest, and is the crown and glory of the Union! It has bound- less treasures of coal, iron, lead and other minerals; lands richer there cannot be, nor finer streams; its forests are more equally distributed all over the state than in any other; its climate, wholesome and delightful, blends the temperature of the northern lakes and the great southern gulf." Horace Greely said: "Missouri possesses the resources and capacities of a nation within the boundaries of a State." WILD GAME. Animals. — Missouri has been the feeding ground for vast herds of the choicest of the large game animals up to the present generation. Old hunters and trappers, still living, tell marvelous stories of their exploits with the gun. As civilization and population advanced westward their numbers decreased, yet Missouri is still furnishing a very large proportion of the game for the markets of all the large cities of the United States. Even London receives large shipments, every winter, from St. Louis. From October 1st to February 1st, of every year, there is not an express car arriving in St. Louis which does not bring large consignments of game. The quantity is enormous, and far beyond the knowledge of every one except those engaged in the trade, or whose duties bring them in contact with the facts. Elk, buffalo, antelope and bear formerly abounded in this state, but are now nearly or quite driven entirely beyond our borders. Red deer are still plentiful in some parts of the state. In fact, the Ozark Moun- tains and the swamp lands of southeast Missouri constitute a great deer park and game preserve, and will continue to do so until immigration crowds out the game. It is a notorious fact, that venison sells as cheaply as good beef in St. Louis markets, during the winter season. 86 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The rabbit, as it is popularly called here, is a species of hare, and is about the average size of the domestic cat. They are so numerous in Missouri as to be considered a pest; are found in every field and forest in the state. Squirrels are very numerous, especially in the swampy and hilly regions. The two principal varieties are the grey squirrel and the red fox-squirrel. One of these varieties is to be found in every clump of timbered land in the state. Birds. — Wild turkeys, the finest game birds in the world, abound in the same region. Prairie chickens, or pinnated grouse, are abundant in all the prairie regions ot" the state, and are shipped from St. Louis to eastern markets by hundreds of barrels during the fall months; but the game laws of the state strictly prohibit their being killed or trapped during the breeding season. Quails, or Virginia partridge, or "Bob-Whites," are found everywhere, so common that partridge pie, or " quail on toast," is no great rarity in thrifty farm houses. Wild ducks, wild geese, snipe, plover and several species of the rail frequent Missouri during their annual migrations north and south. Dur- ing March, April and May the migratory birds pass through Missouri, going north to their nesting and brooding places, probably near the Arctic circle. In October, November and December they return, on their journey southward to spend the winter. There is no state in the great Mississippi basin more frequented by these migratory game birds than Missouri. Fishes. — The early settlers found the rivers and lakes teeming with many fine varieties of game and food fishes, and there is still a bountiful supply. Black bass, perch, catfish, buffalo fish, suckers and pike consti- tute the leading varieties of native fishes. Black bass of several varieties inhabit every stream of considerable size in the state, and every lake con- tains them. It is the best game fish in the state. The perch family is represented by several dozen species; and perch of several kinds are found in every body of water jn the state, which does not actually dry up in the summer time. The catfish of Missouri are not only numerous, but famous the world over. There are at least a dozen species in the waters of this state. The yellow catfish grows to great size, often reaching a weight of 175 pounds; the black catfish, maximum weight about 45 pounds; blue or forked-tail catfish, reaching 150 pounds and upwards in weight; the channel catfish, weighing from one to fifteen pounds, and the yellow mud catfish, often weighing as high as 100 pounds. The sucker family includes the buffalo fish, chub, sucker and red horse. The first of these is highly prized, abundant, and grows to a maximum weight of 40 pounds. The last named is very abundant during certain seasons of the year, and valuable; they weigh from 6 ounces to 8 pounds. Pike of sev- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 87 eral species are found throughout Missouri, and rank with black bass as game fish; they are found in the clearer and rapid streams. The above lists constitute the leading fishes of the state, but by no means all, as there are many minor species. The state board of fish commissioners receives $3,000 annually from the state, to defray expenses of propagating desirable kinds of food fishes, that are not found native in the state. In 1S7S Mr. Reid distributed 100,- 000 fry of the California salmon, in the state. In May and June, 1S79, the commission distributed 250,000 shad fry in the rivers of southeast, south and southwest Missouri, and planted 5,000 young trout in the springs and sources of the same rivers. Later they have planted 100,- 000 fry of the California salmon in the same sections of the state. In 1880 two or three hundred thousand fry of German carp were planted. All the waters of Missouri are adapted to this fish, more especially the lakes and sluggish streams. The carp can be as easily cultivated as pigs or turkeys, and it is hoped that in a few years all the streams of the state will be stocked with them. THE CLIMATE. For nearly forty years Dr. George Engelmann, of St. Louis, kept sys- tematic records of the meteorology of St. Louis and vicinity; and by compiling similar records kept during long or short periods, by other per- sons in different parts of the state, he has been able to report pretty cor- rectly the dates and weather-facts which go to furnish a comprehensive estimate of the general nature of the climate, at each season of the year, in different parts of the state. The following facts of great practical interest and value are gathered from the doctor's work: Our winters, taken in the usual sense, from the first of December to the last of February, have in the city an average temperature of 33.3 degrees, and may be estimated for the surrounding country at 32 degrees; but they vary in different seasons between 25 degrees (winter of 1855-6 and 1872-3) and 40 degrees (winter 1S44-5). Our summers (from June 1st to August 31st) have in the city a mean temperature of 76. S degrees, and are calculated to reach in the country 75 degrees, ranging between the coolest summer, 71.5 degrees mean temperature (1S35, 1839 and 1848), and the warmest of 80 degrees mean temperature, (1838, 1850 and especially 1854). The last frosts in spring occur between March 13th and May 2d, on an average about April 5th, and the earliest autumnal frosts between October 4th and November 26th, on an average about October 27th; the 8b HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. period between these two terms extends in different years from 184 to 252 days, on an average 205 days. In the southeast part of the state these limits of the freezing point will, of course, be much wider apart, and in the northwest they are narrowed down considerably. Our spring opens in March, though in some favored seasons vegetation breaks through its wintry bounds already in the latter part of February, while in a few very late springs it cannot be said to have fairly commenced before the middle of April. * * * We find the first in bloom is the alder and the hazel; next — not rarely retarded by intervening cold spells — the soft or silver leaf maple; our common white elm blooms a few days after this, between February 24th and April 15th, on an average, March 19th. During the next following days, roses, syringas, gooseberries and many other bushes, and the weeping willows, show their young leaves. About two weeks after, the elm — between March 18th and April 25th, on an average about April 3d — the peach trees open their first blossoms, and are, one week later, in full bloom. Plum and pear trees and sweet cherries blossom about the same time, or a few days later, and then sour cherries and the glory of our rich woods, the red buds, get in bloom. Between March 21st and May 1st, (mean, April 14th) the early apple trees begin to bloom, and between March 28th and May 10th, (mean, April 20th) they may be said to be in full bloom. The maturity and harvest of winter wheat immediately succeeds the catalpa bloom, between June 10th and July 1st, usually about June 20th. The mean summer temperature varies but little throughout the state. In the summer of 1873 the mean temperature in the southeast was found only one-half degree higher than that of the northeast, and the difference between St. Louis and the west was even less. Winter temperatures, however, show a wide range. The mean temperature of the southeast- ern part of the state is 2^- to 3 degrees higher than at St. Louis, and 5£ degrees higher than in the northeastern angle, and the mean tem- perature of Leavenworth, and the adjacent parts of Missouri, is fully 2 degrees less than that of the region about St. Louis. In connection with our winter temperature it must be mentioned that the Mississippi at St. Louis freezes over about once in four or five years, partly, no doubt, in consequence of the heavy ice floating down from the north ; and it then remains closed for one or two, or even four or six weeks, sometimes passable for the heaviest teams. Our river has been known to close as early as the first week in December, and in other years, to be open as late as the last week in February,while the run- ning ice may impede or interrupt navigation between the end of Novem- ber and the end of February, sometimes as low down as the southeast corner of the state ; the river is said, however, never to freeze over below Cape Girardeau. The Missouri river is sometimes closed in the latter HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 89 part of November, and has been known to remain firmly bridged over into the first week of March. The climate of Missouri is, on the whole, a dry one, with strong evap- oration, and an atmosphere but rarely overloaded with moisture. Clear or nearly clear days Partially clear and variable days Days when the sun remains obscured. Winter 30 39 21 Spring 33 47 12 Summer 40 48 4 Autumn 40 39 12 Whole Yr. 143 173 49 Our summer rains mostly descend with great abundance, and in a com- paratively short time, so that the average (13 inches) of summer rain falls in 70 hours, distributed over twenty -four days, while the 7 inches of win- ter rain (and snow) descend in 160 hours and on 22 days. The days on which it rains vary between 68 and 115 in the year. On the average we have 92 days in the year on which it rains. Our rains last from a frac- tion of an hour to a few hours, and very rarely extend through the 24 hours. Snow is rather scarce in our climate, and rarely continually covers the ground for more than a few days or a week. In some years, it amounted, when melted to 5£ inches; in others to only one-half, inch ; the aver- age is about 2-J- inches. The atmospherical pressure (indicated by the stage of the barometer) is with us, in summer, more uniform and regular than on the Atlantic coast, while in winter it fluctuates considerably, and often very rapidly. The average barometrical pressure is highest in January, falls till May, and gradually rises again until January; it is most variable from November to March, and least so from June to August. HEALTHFULNESS OF THE STATE. Authentic reports to the Health Board of St. Louis is have shown that -the annual sickness rate of the city of St. Louis about seventeen and a half days to each member of the population. Dr. Boardman, of Boston, has ascertained the sickness rate of the city of Boston to be about twenty- four days of annual sickness to each individual. The general correctness of these conclusions are further substantiated by army statistics. Dr. Play fair, of England, after careful inquiry, computed the ratio of one ■death to twenty-eight cases of sickness in a mixed population. The state of Massachusetts has for many years had a state board of Health, by whom sanitary improvements have been diligently and scien tifically prosecuted, under state authority; and the annual death-rate has thereby been somewhat reduced. In 1870 Massachusetts had a popula- tion of 1,457,351 and there were during the same period 25,859 deaths from all causes. A mortality equal to 1.77 per cent of the population. At 90 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the same time Missouri had a population of 1,721,295, and there were during that year 27,982 deaths from all causes. A mortality rate equiva- lent to 1.63 per cent, of the population. It thus appears, if the calculation is made and the relative proportion between the populations and the death rates of the two states maintained, that vital security is greater in Mis- souri, as compared with Massachusetts, to an extent represented by the annual saving of 2,474 lives. But this is not all. The authorities on vital statistics estimate that two persons are constantly sick for every one that dies; and Dr. Jarvis shows, from the experience of health-assurance companies in this country, that on an average each person loses from 1& to 20 days per year by sickness. Then we have this result: Two persons sick to one death, equal 4,94S, multiplied by 20, gives 98,960 days per year less of sickness in Missouri than in Massachusetts, in proportion to population. Then reckon the amount of care and anxiety and suffering and the loss of time, and cost for nursing and medicines and doctor's bills — and you will begin to get some idea of what these figures really mean, in favor of our state, with its dry, salubrious climate, in comparison with Massachusetts, the only other state for which the figures were at hand to make the comparison. AGRICULTURE. The Missouri state board of agriculture was created a body corporate by statute, in 1877, and it was provided that the governor, the state sup- erintendent of schools, the president of the state university and the dean of the state agricultural college, should be ex-officio members of the board. The officers of the secretary and treasurer are required to be at the agricultural college, at Columbia, in Boone county; and the annual meetings are to be held there, on the first Wednesday of November in each year. The presidents or duly authorized delegates of county agricultural societies, are rightful members of the state board, "for delib- eration and consultation as to the wants, prospects and condition of the agricultural interests of the state, to receive the reports of district and county societies, and to fill by elections all vacancies in the board." The law further provides that, " It shall be the duty of all agricultural and horticultural societies, organized ^nd established in accordance with the laws of this state, to make a full report of their transactions to the Missouri state board of agriculture, at each annual meeting thereof." The state board is required " to make an annual report to the general assembly of the state, embracing the proceedings of the board for the past year, and an abstract of the reports and proceedings of 'the several agricultural and horticultural societies, as well as a general view of the condition of agriculture and horticulture throughout the state, accom- panied by such recommendations, including especially such a system of HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 91 public instruction upon those subjects as may be deemed interesting and useful." Provision is then made for printing fourteen thousand copies (two thousand in the German language), for distribution to all who will use them. OUR STAPLE CROPS. First of all the crops grown in the state, in amount and value, is Indian corn. There is not a county in the state in which it is not successfully and profitably grown. The broad alluvial bottoms along our great rivers yield immense crops of this valuable cereal, and our fertile prairies are but little, if any, behind them in their yield. Next in importance among the cereals is wheat, which grows and yields well in every part of the state. Except in a few northern counties, spring wheat is but little grown, the main attention being bestowed upon the winter varieties, which are especially a favorite crop upon the loess and clay loams, and upon the oak uplands of the state. The well known fact that the best flour to stand transportation and exposure in hot and humid climates, is made from wheat grown toward the southern border of the wheat zone, has made Missouri flour a favorite for shipment to South American markets. Flour made in Missouri, from Missouri wheat, won the Medal of Merit at the World's Exposition, at Vienna, in 1S73. The average yield and the certainty of the wheat crop in Missouri, give the state a high rank among the states producing this cereal. Oats grow and yield well in the state, producing heavy straw, plump and heavy grains; but the crop does not figure very largely in our markets, being mainly grown for home consumption. Tobacco, of two or three varieties, grows well, and Missouri tobacco enjovs a fine reputation for excellence. The state embraces some of the best tobacco lands in the country. It is a staple in nearly every county in the state, and some of the counties make it a leading crop. Missouri ranks sixth in its production. Cotton, except in small patches for home use, is raised only in the southern counties of the state. Stoddard, Scott, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Mississippi and Lawrence, all raise more or less for shipment, and, in some of the counties named, it is an important crop. Potatoes grow well, and on most of our soils yield large crops. They are of fine quality generally. Sweet Potatoes grow upon our sandy soils to great size and excellence, and our farmers raise a great abundance for home use, and the city markets are always well supplied. Sorghum, and other varieties of the Chinese sugar cane, are exten- sively grown, and many thousands of gallons of syrup are annually made for home use. Recent improvements in manufacturing sugar from these $2 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. syrups bid fair to increase the value and importance of this branch of husbandry. Broom Corn is extensively grown in Missouri, and the brush being longer and finer than that grown in the eastern states, commands a much better price in market. Buckwheat, Castor Beans, White Beans, Peas and Ho^ps, are all success- fully grown and made profitable crops. Garden Vegetables are produced in great profusion and variety, and the more arid regions of western Kansas and New Mexico, and the mining districts of Colorado, afford an ever-increasing market for these and other agricultural products from our state. Watermelons, musk- melons, etc., grow to great perfection, and are shipped in large quantities from some portions of the state to cities farther north. The U. S. forestry statistics of 1875, give Missouri 21,707,220 acres of land in farms; 20,116,786 acres not in farms; of wood land in farms there were 8,965,229 acres, and the total woodlands in the state was reported as 19,623,619 acres. There is a curious bit of agricultural history which illustrates the rapid development of the western country, and at the same time shows, by the inevitable logic of events already transpired, the magnificent position of Missouri as the greatest wheat center on the globe. In 1849 the cen- ter of the wheat product of the United States was the meridian of 81 ° west of Greenwich, passing north and south through the eastern border counties of Ohio. In 1859 that line had moved westward a little more than two degrees of longitude, and passed through the eastern border counties of Indiana, the city of Fort Wayne being on the line. In 1869 the wheat center had moved not quite two degrees further west, and was that year a few miles west of Chicago and Milwaukee; and the center of our National corn crop was on the same line at this time. In 1877 this line had moved still further west, and was now represented by a line drawn on a map of the United States from Marquette, on Lake Superior, down through Janesville, Wisconsin, and through Mendota, LaSalle, Vandalia and Cairo, in Illinois. The corn center will not move much if any further west; but the wheat center, by reason of the rapid development of this crop in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas, is now, in 1881, as far west as St. Louis; and it will not be likely to migrate further than Jeffer- son City at any time in the future, because there is no important wheat- growing territory further west still unoccupied. The new settlements westward must be chiefly by mining and manufacturing peoples, hence, consumers rather than producers of the great cereal crops. The conclusion of the whole matter, then, is that St. Louis is now, and will for several decades continue to be, practically on the center line of the aggregate product of wheat and corn in the United States, propor- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 93 tioned from east to west limits of the national domain. And this fact assures Missouri of pre-eminent commercial rank among the grand sister- hood of states. The following table shows the number of pounds weight which con- stitute a lawful bushel in Missouri, of the different articles named, as established in 1879: No. lbs. Articles. per bu. Wheat 60 Corn, shelled 56 Corn in ear 70 Corn Meal 50 Rye 56 Oats 32 Barley. 48 Irish Potatoes 60 Sweet Potatoes 56 Beans, White 60 Castor Beans 46 Bran 20 Clover Seed 60 Timothy Seed . .• 45 Hungarian Seed 4S Hemp Seed 44 Flaxseed 56 Millet Seed 50 Red-top Seed or Herd's Grass 14 Osage Orange Seed 36 Sorghum Seed 42 Kentucky Blue Grass Seed... 14 No. lbs. Articles. per bu. Orchard Grass 14 Buckwheat 52 Onions 57 Top Onion Sets 28 Peas, whole, dry 60 Split Peas 60 Dried Apples 24 Dried Peaches 33 Malt 38 Salt 50 Coal 80 Peanuts, dry Southern 22 Cotton Seed 33 Parsnips . 44 Common Turnips , 42 Carrots 50 Rutabagas 50 Green Peas, unshelled 56 Green Beans, unshelled 56 Green Apples 48 Green Peaches 48 Green Pears 48 The standard bushel for coke and charcoal is to contain 2,680 cubic inches; apple barrels, length, 28-£ inches; chines, £ of an inch at ends; diameter of head, 17^- inches; inside diameter at the center of the barrel, 20-| inches. HORTICULTURE. The state horticultural society was organized in January, 1859, and has kept up its annual meetings in spite of all difficulties. Each congres- sional district of the state is classed as a separate horticultural district, and is represented in the society by a vice-president, who is expected to keep himself posted on the interests of this industry in his district, and make report (or procure some one to do it), at the annual meeting. The officers of this society for 1880, were: President, Hon. Norman J. Colman, St. Louis; Vice Presidents: 1st congressional district, H. Michel, St. Louis; 2d, Dr. C. W. Spaulding, Cliff Cave; 3d, J. Rhodes, Bridgeton; 4th, H. D. Wilson, Cape Girardeau; 5th, W. S. Jewett, Crystal City; 6th, M. 9i HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. S. Roundtree, Springfield; 7th, E. Brown, Sedalia; 8th, Z. S. Ragan, Independence; 9th, J. Madinger, St. Joseph; 10th, W. H. Miller, Chili- cothe; 11th, G. Husmann, Columbia; 12th, J. Hawkins, Hannibal; 13th, W. Stark, Louisiana. Apples. — All the standard varieties of the temperate zone are raised in their highest perfection in the state of Missouri; but in such a large area of country as our state comprises, and with such a great variety of soils, and other conditions, each different kind has its locality of best suc- cess. It is therefore not possible to indicate what varieties are best for the state ; each district will have its favorites. At the national exhibit, in 1878, Missouri showed one hundred and forty plates of apples. Distin- guished pomologists assert that ten counties in north Missouri can show apples in as great variety and perfection as any ten other states in the Union. Perhaps no better proof can be given of the general excellence of Missouri fruits than the fact that at the meeting of the American pomo- logical society, in September, 1878, medals were awarded to Missouri for the best displays of apples, pears and wines, and also one for the best general display of fruits. These honors were gained in competition with every state in the union, represented by their choicest fruits, and at an exhibition held at Rochester, New York, which had long been regarded as the very center of the fruit growing interests of the country. The fruits exhibited on that occasion were from different parts of the state. St. Joseph, Independence, Morrison, Columbia, Hermann, St. Louis county, Boone county, and other districts were represented, and shared the hon- ors of our great victory. The varieties that appear to have received most favor at the meeting of our state agricultural society, in 1880, were Ben Davis, Winesap, Jonathan, Dominie, Rawle's Janet, Milam, Northern Spy, Carthouse, Newtown Pippin, Summer Pippin, Red June, Early Harvest, Red Astrachan, Late Summer, Dutchess of Oldenburg, Early Ptnnock, St. Lawrence, Maiden Blush, Rambo, Grimes' Golden, Limber Twig, Little Romanite. Peaches. — The southeastern portion of the state, along the line of the Iron Mountain railroad, and the western portion, where the marly deposits are so rich and extensive, are pre-eminently the peach districts, and in these regions the peach seems almost indigenous, never failing to produce abundant crops; and yet fruit-growers in these districts say that they are never able to supply the demand, Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado taking all from the western region, and St. Louis having to draw upon other states for her supplies. Peaches may be relied upon as a profitable crop in all that part of the state south of the Missouri river, and, indeed, are largely grown much further north, St. Joseph exporting large amounts. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 95 In some localities the trees have occasionally been winter-killed, when not in suitable soil or not sheltered ; but, on the whole, Missouri may fairly be set down as a peach-growing state. Mr. R. Lynn, of Rockport, in the northrwest part of the state, says he has raised three good paying crops of peaches in seven years, the first crop being the third year from plant- ing; his best crop was in 1S78. Pears. — Pears do well throughout the state, especially in the region of Clay, Jackson and Cass counties. The trees attain a great size and age — a diameter of from twelve to fifteen inches is common; and there are trees a short distance south of St. Louis over two hundred years old, and still bearing full crops. The pear, although the most luscious fruit grown in northern latitudes, is also one of the most difficult to raise suc- cessfully — hence it is a matter of reasonable pride and gratification that this fruit has done so well in our state. At the national pomological exhibition, of 1S78, there were from this state: From the Missouri Val- ley horticultural society, Kansas City, twenty varieties of pears ; from Jacob Rhodes, Bridgeton, nine varieties; from J. Madinger, St. Joseph, six varieties; from W. Stark, Louisiana, two varieties. Some of the finest specimens at the exhibition were grown near St. Louis, on stocks of the white thorn. Grapes. — For several years the chief fruit-growing interest of our state seemed to center on the grape — at least, it was more discussed and advo- cated in fashionable circles, than ail the other fruits put together. The anti-prohibition sentiment rallied around the grape-growing industry for the manufacture of native wines, as the great panacea for all the ills and horrors of intemperance. But aside from any matter of sentiment in the case, it does seem as though we excel all other states of the Union in the variety and richness of our grapes, both of native and cultivated varieties. From Prof. Swallow's report on the country along the lines of the southwestern branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad, published in 1859, we learn that seven different native grapes have been found in Missouri. 1. Vitis Labrusca, commonly called "fox grape." The Isabella, Catawba, Schuylkill and Bland's seedling, are cultivated and popular varieties derived from this wild grape. 2. Vitis Aestivalis, or "summer grape." This is found in all parts of the state. 3. Vitis Cordifolia; winter grape, or " frost grape " as it is more commonly called. 4. Vitis Rifiaria, or "river grape," grows along streams and is quite large. 5. Vitis Vid-pina ; called also Muscadine. It grows mostly in the south part of the state, and is a large fine fruit. The cultivated grape called Scuppernong is derived from this wild variety. 6. Vitis Bi-pinnata; found in Cape Girardeau and Pemiscot counties. 7. Vitis Indivisa; found in central and western counties. 96 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. GRASSES. There are few or no grasses that are ^peculiar to Missouri; and fortu- nately so, for there is no permanent advantage in being adapted to pecu- liar crops any more than in being a peculiar people. The great blessings of life are universal and widespread. It results that all the valuable members of this great and beneficial family of plants are adapted to and capable of being introduced and cultivated in this state. Flint, in his standard work on grasses, says: "Whoever has blue grass has the basis of all agricultural prosperity, and that man, if he have not the finest horses, cattle and sheep, has no one to blame but himself. Others, in other circumstances, may do well. He can hardly avoid doing well if he will try." Blue grass is indigenous in Missouri. When the timber is removed it springs up spontaneously on the land, and, when the prairie is reclaimed, it soon takes possession and supersedes all other grasses. This famous grass is the foundation on which the mighty stock industry of Kentucky* has been built, and has given a world-renowned reputation to its fine blood horses, cattle and sheep. The combing-wool sheep and the fine mutton breeds have obtained a national reputation for wool and mutton in that state, and their usefulness has but begun. What blue grass has done for Kentucky, it is now doing for Missouri. An acre of this grass is worth an acre of corn. Recent experience has proved that alfalfa or lucerne, that most fatten- ing of all grasses, grows luxuriantly in this region, yielding each year three or four good crops of hay. THE "GRASSHOPPER" IN MISSOURI. As early as 1867, our state board of agriculture reported destruction by grasshoppers (the Rocky Mountain locust,) in the western part of the state the previous fall; and also, that there had been visitations more or less injurious in former years. But their greatest and most grievous invasion occurred in the fall of 1874, when 33 counties of western Mis- souri suffered from thefr ruthless ravages. Our state entomologist, Prof. C. V. Riley, made such a thorough, diligent and masterful study of their origin and habits, and the causes, methods and consequences of their migra- tions, that he became the standard authority on grasshoppers all over the civilized world. In 1876 the government appointed a special commission of entomologists to investigate the character and movements of these pests, and report for the benefit of the whole infested region, which com- prised the country west of St. Paul, Minnesota, Jefferson City, Missouri, and Galveston, Texas, ranging from the Gulf of Mexico on the south, to * "Kentucky blue grass," (so-called), is not native to that state : it is the same as the En- glish spear grass, the New England June grass,, or meadow grass — or, in botanical lan- guage, poa pratensis. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. \)\ Lake Winnipeg and Manitoba in the British possessions northward, and as far west as the headquarters of the Columbia river. The most prom- inent scientists on this commission were our own Prof. Riley, and Prof. Samuel Aughey, of the state university of Nebraska. The results of this United States commission were little if anything mere than a tedious elaboration of what Prof. Riley had presented in three annual reports as state entomologist of Missouri. No new points of any special importance were discovered concerning them. The devel- opment of this subject, therefore, belongs to the history of what Missouri has done for science, for agriculture and for the public weal. In his seventh annual report to our state board of agriculture, IS 75, Prof. Riley says : ''There is some difference of opinion as to the precise natural habitat and breeding places of these insects, but the facts all indicate that it is by nature a denizen of high altitudes, breeding in the valleys, parks and plateaus of the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, and especially of Montana, Wyoming and British America. Prof. Cyrus Thomas, who has had an excellent opportunity of studying it, through his connection with Hayden's geological survey of the territories, reports it as occurring from Texas to British America, and from the Mississippi westward to the Sierra Nevada range. But in all this vast extent of country, and espe- cially in the more southern latitudes, there is every reason to believe that it breeds only on the higher mountain elevations, and where the atmos- phere is very dry and attenuated, and the soil, seldom, if ever, gets soaked with moisture. Prof. Thomas found it most numerous in all stages of growth, along the higher valleys and canyons of Colorado, tracing it up above the perennial snows, where the insects must have hatched, as it was found in the adolescent stage. In crossing the mountains in Col- orado, it often gets chilled in passing snows, and thus perishes in immense numbers, where bears delight to feast upon it. My own belief is that the insect is at home in the higher altitudes of Utah, Idaho, Col- orado, W}'oming f Montana, northwest Dakota, and British America. It breeds in all this region, but particularly on the vast hot and dry plains and plateaus of the last named territories, and on the plains west of the mountains; its range being bounded, perhaps, on the east by that of the buffalo grass. " Mr. Wm. N. Byers, of Denver, Colorado, shows that they hatch in immense quantities in the valleys of the three forks of the Missouri river and along the Yellowstone, and how they move on from there, when fledged, in a southeast direction, at about ten miles a day. The swarms of 1867 were traced, as he states, from their hatching grounds in west Dakota, and Montana, along the east flank of the P-ocky Mountains, in the valleys and plains of the Black Hills, and between them and the main Rock}- Mountain range. It all this immense stretch of countr}',as is well known, there are immense tracts of barren, almost desert land, while other tracts for hundreds of miles bear only a scanty vegetation, the short buffalo grass of the more fertile prairies giving way now to a more luxu- riant vegetation along the water courses, now to the sage bush and a few cacti. Another physical peculiarity is found in the fact that while the 7 98 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. spring on these immense plains often opens as early, even away up into British America, as it does with us in the latitude of St. Louis, yet the veg- etation is often dried and actually burned out before the first of July, so that not a green thing is to be found. Our Rocky Mountain locust, therefore, hatching out in untold myriads in the hot sandy plains, five or six thousand feet above the level of the sea, will often perish in immense numbers if the scant vegetation of its native home dries up before it acquires wings; but if the season is propitious, and the insect becomes fledged before its food supplies is exhausted, the newly acquired wings prove its salvation. It may also become periodically so prodigiously mul- tiplied in its native breeding place, that, even in favorable seasons, every- thing green is devoured by the time it becomes winged. " In either case, prompted by that most exigent law of hunger — spurred on for very life — it rises in immense clouds in the air to seek for fresh pastures where it may stay its ravenous appetite. Borne along by pre- vailing winds that sweep over these immense treeless plains from the north- west, often at the rate of fifty or sixty miles an hour, the darkening locust clouds are soon carried into the more moist and fertile country to the southeast, where, with sharpened appetites, they fall upon the crops like a plague and a blight. " Many of the more feeble or of the more recently fledged perish, no doubt, on he way, but the main army succeeds, with favorable wind, in bridging over the parched country which offers no nourishment. The hotter and dryer the season, and the greater the extent of the drouth, the earlier will they be prompted to migrate, and the farther will they push on to the east and south. " The comparatively sudden change from the attenuated and dry atmos- phere of five to eight thousand feet or more above the sea level, to the more humid and dense atmosphere of one thousand feet below that level, does not agree with them. The first generation hatched in this low coun- try is unhealthy, and the few that attain maturity do not breed, but become intestate and go to the dogs. At least such is the case in our own state and the whole of the Mississippi valley proper. As we go west or northwest and approach nearer and nearer the insect's native home, the power to propagate itself and become localized, becomes, of course, greater and greater, until at last we reach the country where it is found per- petually. Thus in the western parts of Kansas and Nebraska the pro- geny from the mountain swarms may multiply to the second or even third generation, and wing their way in more local and feeble bevies to the country east and south. Yet eventually they vanish from off the face of the earth, unless fortunate enough to be carried back by favorable winds to the high and dry country where they flourish. " That they often instinctively seek to return to their native haunts is proven by the fact that they are often seen flying early in the season in a northwesterly direction. As a rule, however, the wind which saved the first comers from starvation by bearing them away from their native home, keeps them and their issue to the east and south, and thus, in the end proves their destruction. For in the Mississippi valley they are doomed, sooner or later. There is nothing more certain than that the insect is not antochthonous in west Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, or even Minnesota, and that when forced to migrate from its native home, from the causes already mentioned, it no longer thrives in this country." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 99 February 23, 187t, our state legislature passed a law providing for the payment of a bounty at one dollar per bushel in March, fifty cents per bushel in April, and twenty-five cents per bushel in May, for grass- hoppers; and five dollars per bushel for their eggs at any time. Nebraska did still better, by making every road supervisor in the state a grasshop- per policeman, and giving him authority to call out every man from six- teen to sixty years old, to spend two days killing young grasshoppers from the time they begin to hatch in the spring. All the grasshopper states now have some sort of protective laws; and if another invasion occurs, by concerted and organized effort the amount of damage suffered can be reduced to a small per cent as compared with our last " plague of the locusts." PART III.— NAVIGATION AND COMMERCE. NAVIGATION— ANCIENT AND MODERN. It is not certainly known just what modes of navigation were used by the prehistoric mound-builders, although we hare some relics of their time, or possibly of a still earlier race, which are deemed to show that they made wooden dug-outs or troughs, by burning them into a sort of boat-like shape and condition. And it is supposed that, prior to this they lashed together logs or fragments of drift-wood, and made rude rafts upon which they could cross rivers or float down, but of course could not return with them. Some remains have been found in northwestern Iowa* which are supposed to prove that men used wooden dug-out boats during the age when Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska were the bottom of a vast inland sea or lake, into which the Missouri and Platte rivers emptied their muddy waters and deposited what Prof. Swallow calls the "bluff formation" over these states; and Prof. Whitney found in California undisputable proof of man's existence there a whole geolog- ical age prior to the period when the great fresh water Missouri sea existed, (see note to chart, on page 67); hence the fact that raft and dug- out navigation was in use among the islands and shallows of this immense mud-lake or inland sea, seems not improbable. However, the modern Indians, before the white man appeared in these western wilds, had the art of making light and elegant canoes of birch bark, and could manage them in the water with wonderful skill. They made long journeys in them, both up and down stream; and when they wanted to go from one stream to another these canoes were so light that two men could carry one on their shoulders and march twenty or twenty- five miles a day with it if necessary. But they w r ere too light and frail for the freighting service of the white man's commerce. * Reported to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its St. Louis meeting, in August, 1878, by W. J. McGee, geologist, of Farley, Iowa. 100 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The European explorers of this new world utilized the Indian canoes as far as practicable, often making considerable voyages in them; some- times two were lashed together by means of coupling poles laid across on top of them, thus making a boat with two hulls. This rig could not be upset, and was easy to tow or paddle, besides making a sort of over- deck on which to carry baggage. But the thin, frail material was too easily punctured to be safe, and boats made of plank were always in demand. At first the boats were built in the " scow " fashion, with full width flat bottom and full width sled-runner bow. But they soon learned that in order to make any headway going up stream they must adopt the keel bottom and water-cutter prow style ; and for more than a hundred years the traffic of all our navigable western rivers was carried on mainly by means of what were called keel-boats. The manner of propelling them up stream we have described elsewhere. THE LEWIS AND CLARKE EXPEDITION. The Missouri river was first opened to commerce and geography by Lewis and Clarke, who were commissioned by President Jefferson, in 1803, to explore it. They left St. Louis May 14', 1804. The outfit con- sisted of twenty-six men; one keel-boat fifty-five feet long, drawing three feet of water, and provided with one large square sail and twenty-two oars. Also, two open boats, one of six, and one of seven oars. May 16th they were at St. Charles ; on the 25th they reached LaCharrette, a small village sixty-five miles above the mouth of the river, not far from where Marthasville, in Warren county, is now located, and which was the last white settlement up the river. June 1st they reached the mouth of the Osage river, which was so called because the Osage tribe of Indians dwelt along its course. June 26th, they reached the mouth of the Kansas river, where Kansas City now flourishes in all her glory, and remained here two days for rest and repairs. The Kansas tribe of Indians had two villages in this vicinity. July 8th they were at the mouth of the Nodawa, where now is the village of Amazonia, in Andrew county ; and on the 11th they landed at the mouth of the Nemaha river. On the 14th they passed the mouth of the Nishnabotna river, and noted that it was only 300 yards distant from the Missouri at a point twelve miles above its mouth. This was their last point within the boundaries of the present state of Missouri. St. Louis was then the territorial capital of the whole region they were to explore through to the mouth of the Columbia river on the Pacific coast. This was one of the great exploring adventures of the world's history, and its narrative is full of romantic and thrilling interest, but space forbids its presentation here. The party followed up the entire length of the Missouri river, then down the Columbia to the Pacific ocean, reaching that point November 14th, 1805. Here they wintered; and on March 23d, 1806, they started on their return trip by the same HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 101 route, arriving at St. Louis September 23d, at 12 o'clock — not a man missing from the party that first started out; and the people of St. Louis gave them an enthusiastic ovation. FIRST STEAMBOATS IN MISSOURI. Steam came at last, and revolutionized the business of navigation and commerce throughout the world. The first steamboat that ever lashed the Missouri shore with its waves, or made our river hills and forests echo back her pulsating puffs, was the " General Pike," from Louisville, which landed at St. Louis, August 2, 1S17. Such boats had passed a few times up and down the whole length of the Ohio river, and between Louisville and New Orleans, before this, so that the people of St. Louis had heard about them from the keel-boat navigators. They were therefore over- joyed when the firsi one landed at the foot of their main business street, and thus placed them for the first time in steam communication with the rest of the civilized world. The event was celebrated with the most enthusiastic manifestations of delight by the ringing of bells, firing of guns, floating of flags and streamers, building of bonfires, etc. The second one, the " Constitution," arrived October 2 ; and from that onward the arrival of steamboats became a very commonplace affair. The first boat that ever entered the Missouri river was the "Independ- ence," commanded by Captain Nelson. She left St. Louis May 15, 1819, and on the 28th arrived at Franklin, a flourishing young city that stood on the north bank of the Missouri river, opposite where Boonville is now located. There was a U. S. land office at Franklin, and it was the metropolis of the up-Missouri region, or as it was then called, the "Boone's Lick Country."* When this first steamboat arrived the citi- zens got up a grand reception and public dinner in honor of the captain and crew. The boat proceeded up as far as the mouth of the Chariton river, where there was then a small village called Chariton, but from that point turned back, picking up freight for St. Louis and Louisville at the settlements as she passed down. The town *site of Old Franklin was long ago all washed away, and the Missouri river now flows over the very spot where then were going on all the industries of a busy, thriving, populous young city. The second steamboat to enter the Missouri river (and what is given in most histories as the first) was in connection with Major S. H. Long's U. S. exploring expedition, and occurred June 21, 1819, not quite a month after the trip of the " Independence." Major Long's fleet consisted of four steamboats, the " Western Engineer," " Expedition," " Thomas Jef- ferson " and " R. M. Johnson," together with nine keel-boats. The "Jefferson," however, was wrecked and lost a few days after. The ♦Daniel Boone had first explored this region and discovered some rich salt springs, and two of his sons manufactured suit and shipped it from Franklin for several years. 102 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. "Western Engineer" was a double stern wheel boat, and had projecting from her bow a figure-head representing a huge open-jawed, red-mouthed, forked-tongued serpent, and out of this hideous orifice the puffs of steam escaped from the engines. The men on board had many a hearty laugh from watching the Indians on shore. When the strange monster came in sight, rolling out smoke and sparks from its chimney like a fiery mane, and puffing great mouthfuls of steam from its wide open jaws, they would look an instant, then yell, and run like deer to hide away from their terrible visitor. They thought it was the Spirit of Evil, the very devil himself, coming to devour them. But their ideas and their actions were not a whit more foolish than those of the sailors on the Hudson river, who leaped from their vessels and swam ashore to hide, when Ful- ton's first steamboat came puffing and glaring and smoking and splashing toward them, like a wheezy demon broke loose from the bottomless pit. Major Long was engaged five years in exploring all the region between the Mississippi river and the Rocky Mountains which is drained by the Missouri and its tributaries; and his steamboats were certainly the first that ever passed up* the Missouri to any great distance. Long's Peak, in Colorado, 14,272 feet high, was named after him. From this time forward the commerce and travel by steamboats to and from St. Louis grew rapidly into enormous proportions, and small towns sprung up in quick succession on every stream where a boat with paddle wheels could make its way. For half a century steamboating was the most economical and expeditious mode of commerce in vogue for inland traffic; and Missouri, with her whole eastern boundary washed by the " Father of Waters," and the equally large and navigable " Big Muddy " meandering entirely across her territory from east to west, and for nearly two hundred miles along her northwestern border, became an imperial center of the steamboating interest and industry. About 1830 the art of constructing iron-railed traffic-ways, with steam- propelled carriages upon them, began to be developed in our eastern states. But it was not until 1855 that these new devices for quick transit began to affect the steamboating interests of Missouri. (The first rail- roads to St. Louis were opened in that year; the railroad history of the state will be found in another place.) Then commenced the memorable struggle of the western steamboat interests, with headquarters at St. Louis, to prevent any railroad bridge from being built across the Missis- sippi, Missouri or Ohio rivers. They held that such structures would inevitably be an artificial obstruction to the free and safe navigation of these great natural highways. But it was evident enough to clear- thinking people that the steamboat business must- decline if railroads were permitted to cross the great rivers without the expense of breaking bulk, and this was the "true inwardness" of the anti-railroad bridge HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 103 combination. The issue was made against the first railroad bridge that ever spanned the Mississippi, the one at Rock Island, Illinois. In a long course of controversy and litigation the railroads came out ahead, and steamboating gradually declined, both in the freight and passenger traffic, to less than half its former proportions. However, the tables have been turned again; and now, in 1881, THE BARGE SYSTEM has suddenly leaped forth to break the threatening power of monopoly which the great east and west railroad lines for a while enjoyed. The first step in the historic progress of this grand revolution in the commercial relations and connections of the entire Mississippi and Mis- souri valley regions, was the successful construction of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river by Capt. James B. Eads, a worthy and distinguished citizen of St. Louis. This great enterprise was undertaken by Capt. Eads under an act of congress approved March 3d, 1875. It required him to obtain a channel 20 feet deep and 200 feet wide at the bottom, within thirty months from the passage of the act, upon which a payment of $500,000 would be made; and upon obtaining channels of two feet additional depth, with correspondingly increased widths at bottom, until a depth of 30 feet and a width at bottom of 350 feet was secured, payments of $500,000 were to be made, with additional payments for maintenance of channel. The total cost to the government of a channel 30 feet deep by 350 feet wide would be $5,250,000. Capt. Eads was also to receive $100,000 per year for twenty years, to keep the works in repair and maintain the channel. Before the jetty works were commenced, there existed an immense bar of sand or silt, with a depth of only eight feet of water over it, between the deep water of the Mississippi and the navigable water of the Gulf. But at the close of the year there was a wide and ample channel of 23£ feet; and for the greater portion of the distance between the jetties, over this same bar, there was a channel from 28 to 35 feet deep. The scheme has been so entirely successful that it has attained a world-wide celebrity and commercial importance, owing to the fact that the largest class of sea-going vessels can now be towed in and out of the Mississippi river without risk or difficulty: and it is this achievement by our honored fellow- citizen which has made possible the success of the grain-barge system of shipments from St. Louis direct to Europe, that is now revolutionizing the entire trade and commerce of the major half of the United States. The following facts will serve to show what has already been accomplished in this direction. The total shipments of grain by the barge lines from St. Louis to New Orleans in the month of March 1881, was 2,348,093 bushels. The St. Louis Republican of April 2d, 1881, stated: 104 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. " There were started from St. Louis yesterday about eighty trains of grain to New Orleans, or what amounts to the same thing, three different barge companies started tows down the river with 567,000 bushels of grain. This amount would have filled about 1,200 railway cars, and would have taken eighty trains of fifteen cars or sixty trains of twenty cars each to transport. "All this grain was put into fifteen barges, and a matter of 2,600 tons of miscellaneous freight besides. All these three tow-boats started down the river with a freight list that would have filled between thirteen and fourteen hundred railway cars, and will be delivered to New Orleans in from five to nine days. "The exact statement of the cost of transportation of flour from St. Louis via New Orleans to Liverpool and to Boston, per barrel, is ninety cents freight and four cents drayage to boat at levee at St. Louis, or ninety- four cents to Liverpool, while the freight per barrel to Boston by rail, in car-loads of one hundred and twenty-five barrels, from East St. Louis, is ninety-one cents, or from St. Louis (eight cents transfer across the bridge addecl,) ninety-nine cents, or five cents less to Liverpool by river and ocean, than by rail to Boston. This rate to Liverpool via New Orleans was negotiated March 30 by the St. Louis, New Orleans and Foreign Dispatch Company." George H. Morgan, Esq., secretary of the St. Louis "Merchant's Exchange," furnished the writer of this history with the following state- ment of grain shipments by barge line from St. Louis to New Orleans: 1881. Wheat. Cora. Oats. Rye. February 232,248 126,770 22,423 March 796,710 1,541,505 25,162 April 819,038 1,312,432 24,916 Total 1,847,996 2,980,707 50,078 22,423 Thus it will be seen that the tide has fairly turned ; that St. Louis is now practically a commercial seaport, and will, within the next twelve months, become the greatest grain-shipping city on the American continent. RAILROADS IN MISSOURI. The earliest account of any movement in this state with regard to rail- roads is to the effect that on the 20th of April, 1835, a railroad convention was held in St. Louis, and resolutions were adopted in favor of building two railroads — one from St. Louis to Fayette, in Howard county; and the other one southward to Iron Mountain, Pilot Knob, etc.* The reason for projecting a railroad from St. Louis into the great iron region is obvious enough ; but why they should at that early day have thought of building more than one hundred and fifty miles of railroad to reach a town that was only twelve miles from Old Franklin, on the banks of the Missouri river, is an unsolved mystery. It indicates, at least, that those "early *The first steam railroad in this country was the Baltimore and Susquehanna line, in 1830; though horse railroads had been used before, especially at coal mines and marble quarries, and in two cases engines had been used on such roads. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 105 fathers" were not under the control of any narrow or shallow views con- cerning the practical value of railroads, or the future grandeur of St. Louis as the central point for all trans-Mississippi traffic. In this first railroad convention ever held west of the Allegheny Mountains there were sixty-four delegates in attendance, representing eleven counties; but practically nothing ever came of their deliberations. In 1840 a State Board of Internal Improvement was created, and it made a survey for a railroad from St. Louis to the Iron Mountain, by the way of Big River. February 7th, 1849, Col. Thomas H. Benton, sena- tor from Missouri, introduced into the U. S. senate a bill to provide for the location and construction of a central national road from the Pacific ocean to the Mississippi river, to be an iron railway where practicable, and the rest a wagon way. February 20th, same year, a public meeting was held in St. Louis, which petitioned the legislature for a charter and right-of-way for a railway across the state from St. Louis to the western boundary; and on the 12th of March this charter was granted. Next a meeting was held which called a national convention at St. Louis to consider the project of a national Pacific railway across the continent. This convention was held October 15, 16, 17, 18, 1849. Fif- teen states were represented ; the grand project was warmly commended, and a strong memorial sent to Congress asking the public authorities to take some action in the matter. Such was the beginning of definite moves toward a trans-continental railroad. The Missouri Pacific was the first railroad commenced and first finished in the State. Incorporated March 12, 1849; authorized capital $10,000,- 000; opened to Cheltenham, March 23, 1852; amount of state aid, $7,000,000; St. Louis county aid $700,000; land sold, 127,209 acres; entire length from St. Louis to Kansas City, 382 miles; total cost, $14,- 382,208. The successive stages of its construction were: Chartered, March 12, 1859; first ground broken, by Mayor Kennett of St. Louis, July 4, 1851; road opened to Cheltenham, Dec. 23, 1852; to Kirkwood in May, and to Franklin July 23, 1853; completed to Washington, February 11, 1855; to Hermann, August 7, the same year;* and to Jefferson City, March 12, 1856 ; completed to California in Moniteau county, May, 14, 1858; to Tipton, July 26, same year; and to Syracuse, August, 1, 1859; opened to Otter- *November 1, 1855, a large excursion train left St. Louis to celebrate the opening of the railroad through to Medora station, about twenty miles beyond Hermann. It was a long train tilled with business men of ths city and their families, and the occasion was one or great festivity and rejoicing. But while the train was crossing the Gasconade river the bridge gave way, and plunged cars, bridge and people in one mixed and horrible wreck into the gulf of waters fifty feet down. The president and chief engineer of the road, and 30 prominent citizens of St. Louis were killed, while scores of others were more or less injured. It was the first and the most terrible railroad accident that has ever occurred in the state. 106 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. ville, August 24, 1860; to Smithton, November 1, same year; and to Sedalia in February 1861. Here it stopped during the first two years of the war. But Pettis county voted $75,000 to aid it, and Jackson county $200,000. Commenced running trains to Dresden, May 10, 1863; to Warrensburg, July 3, 1864; in 1865 the road was opened to Holden, May 28; to Pleasant Hill, July 19; to Independence, September 19. Meanwhile work had been going on from Kansas City westward, the two gangs of workmen meeting at Independence; and on this 19th day of September, 1865, the last rail was laid and the last spike driven, which connected Missouri's two principal cities with iron bands unbroken from east to west line of the noble commonwealth. On the next day, the president of the road Mr. Daniel R. Garrison, left Kansas City at 3 a. m., and arrived in St. Louis at 5 p. m., thus making the first through trip over the completed line. There is now not a county north of the Missouri river which has not one or more railroads within its limits; and of the seventy counties south of the Missouri, only 22 have no railroad reaching them. However, new roads and branches are being built each year, so that within a few years every county will be provided with good railroad facilities. January 1, 1880, there were, in round numbers, 3,600 miles of railroad in operation in the state, embraced in about fifty different main lines and branches, allowned by thirty-five different corporations, and operated by twenty-five different companies, as shown in the following table: Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe 22 Missouri Pacific 375 Burlington and Southwestern 64 Quincy, Missouri and Pacific 75 Cherry Valley 6 St. Joseph and Des Moines 45 Chicago and Alton 264 St. Louis, Hannibal and Keokuk 48 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific 169^ St. Louis, Iron Mount'n and Southr'n 380 Crystal City 4 St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern 132}£ Hannibal and St. Joseph 291% St. Louis, Salem and Little Rock 45 Kansas City and Eastern 43 St. Louis and San Francisco 363% Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Gulf 8 Springfield and Western Missouri.. 20 KansasCity, St. Joe and Council BlfFs 198 Union Railway and Transit Company 1 Little River Valley and Arkansas 27 Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific 655 Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska 70 West End Narrow Guage 16 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 284 Total 3,607 POSTA.L AND TELEGRAPH FACILITIES. There are within the state 15,208 miles of postal routes, of which 10,426 miles are by stage and horseback, 575 miles by steamboat, and 4,207 miles by railroad, the whole involving a cost for the year 1878-9 of $768,904. There are 1,700 post towns — but four states in the union have a greater number. These are all offices of registration, where letters and parcels can be registered for transmission through the males to all parts of this and foreign countries. In 200 Of these post-offices, money- orders may be purchased, payable at all similar offices in the United States, and a portion of them issue orders drawn on Great Britain, France,. Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 107 There are in the state 562 telegraph stations, whence messages can be sent all over the telegraph world; 2,423 miles of line and 6,0<>0 miles of wire. MANUFACTURING. ■ The following statistics of the capital employed in manufacturing indus- tries, and the amount of production, is collated from careful estimates made in 1876, the latest at hand, although it is well known that great increase of these industries has been made since that date. These esti- mates showed that the state then contained 14,245 manufacturing estab- lishments, using 1,965 steam engines, representing 58,101 horse-power, 465 water wheels, equaling 7,972 horse-power, and employing 80,000 hands. The capital employed in manufacturing was about $100,000,- 000; the material used in 1876 amounted to about $140,000,000; the wages paid were $40,000,000, and the products put upon the market were over $250,000,000. Outside of St. Louis the leading manufacturing counties of the state are Jackson, about $2,000,000 ; Buchanan, $7,000,- 000; St. Charles, $4,500,000; Marion, $3,500,000; Franklin, $3,000,000; Greene, $1,500,000; Cape Girardeau, $1,500,000; Platte, Boone and Lafayette, upwards of $1,000,000 each, followed by several counties nearly reaching the last sum. The products of the different lines of manufacturing interests are, approximately, as follows: Fiouring Mills $30,000,000 Furniture $5,000,000 Carpentering 20.000,000 Paints and painting 4.500.000 Meut Packing 20,000.000 Carriages and Wagons 4.500,000 Iron and Castings 15,000,000 Bricks 4,500,000 Tobacco 14,000.000 Marble, Stone- work ;tnd Masonry. 4,000,000 Clothing 11,000,000 Bakery Products 4,000,000 Liquors 10,000.000 Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron 4,000,000 Lumber 10.000.000 Sash, Doors and Blinds 8.250,000 Bags and Bagging 7,000.060 Cooperage 3,000,000 Saddlery 7.000,000 Blacksmithing 3,000.000- Oil 0.000.000 Bridie Building 2,500.000 Machinery 6,000,000 Patent Medicines 2,500.000 Printing and Publishing 5,500.000 Soap and Candles 2,500,000 Molasses 5,000,000 Agricultural Implements 2,000.000 Boots and Shoes 5,000,000 Plumbing and Gas-fitting 2,000,000 Of the manufacturing in Missouri, more than three-fourths is done in St. Louis, which produced, in 1879, about $275,000,000 of manufactured articles. The city has, for some years past, ranked as the third in the United States in the amount of her manufactures, leaving a wide gap between her and Chicago and Boston, each of which cities manufactures a little more than one-half as much in amount as St. Louis, and leaves a doubt as to which of them is entitled to rank as the fourth manufactur- ing city. Flour. — In St. Louis there are twenty-four flouring mills, having a daily productive capacity of 11,000 barrels. The total amount of flour received and manufactured by the dealers and millers of St. Louis, in 108 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 1879, was 4,154,757 barrels, of which over 3,000,000 were exported. They also made 425,963 barrels of corn meal arid 28,595 barrels of hominy and grits. Of their exports, 619,103 barrels were sent to European nations and to South America. Cotton. — There are in the city two mills, which consume from 15,000 to 20,000 bales annually. To supply the manufactured cotton goods annually sold in St. Louis will require mills of ten times the capacity of those now in operation . PRINCIPAL CITIES. St. Louis is the commercial metropolis not only of the state of Missouri but also of the Mississippi and Missouri valley regions of country; and the history of Missouri is to a very large extent the history of St. Louis. There is so much concerning this imperial city embodied in other parts of this work that little need be added here. St. Louis is situated upon the west bank of the Mississippi, at an altitude of four hundred feet above the level of the sea. It is far above the highest floods that ever swell the Father of Waters. Its latitude is 38 deg., 37 min., 28 sec, north, and its longitude 90 deg., 15 min., 16 sec, west. It is twenty miles below the mouth of the Missouri, and 200 above the conflu- ence of the Ohio. It is 744 miles below the falls of St. Anthony, and 1194 miles above New Orleans. Its location very nearly bisects the direct distance of 1,400 miles between Superior City and the Balize. It is the geographical center of a valley which embraces 1,200,000 square miles. In its course of 3,200 miles the Mississippi borders upon Missouri 470 miles. Of the 3,000 miles of the Missouri, 500 lie within the limits 'of our own state, and St. Louis is mistress of more than 16,500 miles of river navigation. The Missouri Gazette, the first newspaper, w r as establised in 1808, by Joseph Charless, and subsequently merged in the present Missouri Republican. The town was incorporated in 1809, and a board of trustees elected to conduct the municipal government. In 1812 the territory of Missouri was designated, and a legislative assembly authorized. The Missouri Bank was incorporated in 1814. The first steamboat arrived at the foot of Market street in the year 1815, followed soon by others. In 1819 the first steamer ascended the Missouri, and the first through boat from New Orleans arrived, having occupied twenty-seven days in the trip. In 1821 a city directory was issued. The facts stated in this volume show that the town was then an important and thriving one. In 1825 Lafayette visited the city and received a grand public ovation. This year the United States arsenal and Jefferson barracks were established. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 109 In 1827 there were hardly a dozen German families in St. Louis, where now there are as many thousands of them. In 1830 the population was 6,654. In 1835 the first railroad convention was held. [See page 106.] In 1837 the population was 16,187, and 184 steamboats were engaged in the commerce of the city. The decade between 1840 and 1850 saw increased advancement in all kinds of industry, and in architectural growth. We find that in 1840 there were manufactured 19,075 barrels of flour, 18,656 barrels of whisky, and 1,075 barrels of beef inspected, and other branches of business had correspondingly increased. In 1846, the now extensive Mercantile Library was founded. The close of the decade, 1849, brought upon the city the double misfortune of fire and pestilence. On May 19th, the principal business section was swept away by a conflagration originating in a steamboat at the levee; and, during the summer of the same year, the population was scourged by cholera. In 1851, the. first railroad enterprise — the building of the Missouri Pacific — was inaugurated, and quickly followed by others. [See page 105.] The decennial increase of population has been as follows: Year. Pop. Year. Pop. Year. Pop. 1799 925 1830 5,862 1860 160,733 1810 1,400 1840 16,469 1870 310,864 1820 4,928 1850 74,439 1880 350,522 During 1880 St. Louis received 1,703,874 barrels of flour; manufactured 2,077,625 barrels; and shipped 3,292,803 barrels. Of this amount 975,970 barrels were shipped in sacks to England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Hol- land, France, Belgium, Germany, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico. During the same year St. Louis shipped 11,313,879 bushels of wheat; and of this amount 5,913,272 bushels went to foreign countries via New Orleans, while the rest went eastward by rail. The receipts of corn were 22,298,- 077 bushels; shipments, 17,571,322 bushels, of which 9,804,392 went by barges to New Orleans for foreign ports, 3,157,684 to the south for con- sumption, and 4 591,944 eastward by rail or Ohio river. The receipts of cotton were 496,570 bales, and shipments 478,219 bales. During the packing season of 1879-80, there were 927,793 hogs packed. The shipments of coffee reached $5,000,000, and that of sugar $8,500,000. The above principal items are gleaned from the commercial pantheon of statistics published in January, 1881, by the Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Kansas City. — In 1724 the Kansas tribe of Indians had their chief town a few miles below the mouth of the Kansas river, and M. DeBourgmont, the French commandant of this region, held a grand peace council with different tribes gathered at this place for the purpose, on July 3d of that year. This is the earliest historic record of white men in the vicinity of where Kansas City now stands. In 1808 the U. S. government established 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. a fort and Indian agency here, calling it Fort Osage, which was not abandoned until 1825, when the Indian title to a certain strip of country here was extinguished. In 1821 Francis G. Chouteau established a trad- ing post on the Missouri river about three miles below the site of Kansas City, but a flood in the spring of 1826 swept away everything he had, and he then settled six miles up the Kansas river. The original town plat of Kansas City consisted of 40 acres, and was laid out in 1839. In 1846 some additional ground was laid off, and a public sale of lots netted $7,000, averaging $200 per lot. The first charter was procured in the winter of 1852-3, and in the spring of 1853 was organized the first municipal government. The first established newspaper made its appearance in 1854, with the title of the ■" Kansas City Enterprise," now known as the " Kansas City Journal." During the years 1855-6-7, the border troubles very visibly affected the prosperity of the city, so that business in those years did not exceed, all told, the sum of $2,000,000; but at the close of the struggle, in 1857, busi- ness began to revive, and it was then stated, in the St. Louis "Intelligen- cer," that she had the largest trade of any city of her size in the world. This may be distinguished as the great steamboat era. It was estimated that, in the year 1857, one hundred and twenty-five boats discharged at the Kansas City levee over tvventv-five million pounds of merchandise. In May of this year, also, the steamboats were employed to carry the United States mail, and in 1858 the first telegraph pole in Jackson county was erected. The first bank established in Kansas City was a branch of the Mechan- ics' Bank, of St. Louis, organized May 1, 1859, and the second was a branch of the Union Bank, organized in July of the same year. The first jobbing dry goods house opened in July, 1S57. The first city loan for local improvement was made in 1855, amounting to $10,000, all taken at home, and expended in improving and widening the levee; and, in 1858, another loan of $100,000 for street improvements. Only in the matter of railroads was Kansas City seriously affected by the panic of 1857; gov- ernment moneys, immigration over the border, and the New Mexican trade tiding her safely over the sea of financial excitement and prostra- tion. She had also become, even as early as the year 1854, a noted mart for the purchase and sale of live stock, the immense freighting across the plains inviting trade in this direction, and in the annual reviews of the papers it is said that, in 1857, the receipts for that year, in mules and cattle, were estimated at $200,000, and also that, in 1858, about 20,000 head of stock cattle were driven here from Texas and the Indian territory. In 1857 over six' hundred freighting wagons left Kansas City with loads for Santa Fe, New Mexico. The principal railroads centering at Kansas City are, the Hannibal & HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Ill St. Joseph railroad, the Kansas Pacific railroad, Uie Kansas City, Law- rence & Southern railroad, the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf railroad, the Chicago & Alton railroad, the Atchison & Nebraska railroad, the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad, the Missouri Pacific railway, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway, the Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe railroad, the Kansas City & Eastern railroad, (narrow gauge). The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has extended its road to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and to Guyamas, on the Pacific coast ; to San Francisco, California, and is building to the City of Mexico. The elevator storage capacity in the city January 1, 1881, was 1,500,- 000 bushels. In 1879 about 1,600 new buildings were erected, costing $1,500,000. The U. S. postoffice and custom house building cost $200,- 000. The union depot building cost $300,000. The Kansas City stock yards rank as second only to those of Chicago in the extent and com- pleteness of their facilities for the cattle trade. The population of Kansas City, by U. S. census in June, 1880, was 62,977 Taxable wealth, $13,378,950. Cost of new buildings erected during the year 1880, $2,200,000* St. Joseph. In 1803 Joseph Robidon, a French fur trader, located here, and continued to occupy his place and trade with the Indians for 33 years. Up to 1843 the place contained only two log cabins, and a small flouring mill on Black Snake creek. In June, 1843, Mr. Robidoux received his title from the government to 160 acres of land, and laid out the city, which was called St. Joseph in his honor, and not, as is commonly supposed, in honor of the Saint Joseph of the church calendar. January 1, 1846, the town had 600 inhabitants, having been incorporated as a vil- lage February 26, 1845, with Joseph Robidoux as president of the board of trustees. The first city charter was obtained February 22, 1851, but it has been many times amended. The population was : In 1850, 3,460 ; in I860, 8,932; in 1870, 19,625; in 1880, 32,461. St. Joseph is situated on the east bank of the Missouri, 545 miles from its mouth, 2,000 miles from the great falls, nearly 1,300 miles below the mouth of the Yellowstone, 310 miles from St. Louis by railroad, with which it is connected by three different lines, and 565 miles from St. Louis by river; but it is only 180 miles on an air line from the Mississippi river. The latitude of St. Joseph is 39 degrees 47 minutes north, and the same parallel passes through Indianapolis, and within less than four miles of Denver, Colorado, Springfield, Illinois, and the famous Mason and Dixon's line, separating Maryland and Pennsylvania, reaching the Atlantic coast half way from Cape May to New York City, and the Pacific, two degrees ♦These statistics are gathered mostly from the able annual reports of W. H. Miller, Esq., who has been secretary of the Kansas City Board of Trade continuously since 1873. 112 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. north of San Francisco, near Cape Mendicino. A straight line drawn on the map from Augusta, the capital of Maine, to San Diego in California, passes through Detroit, Chicago, and St. Joseph, and this last city is just half way from end to end of this line St. Joseph has an altitude of about 1,030 feet above the sea, which is 200 feet higher than St. Paul, 400 feet higher than Chicago, and nearly 600 feet higher than St. Louis. The city is romantically and beautifully situated, the business portion lying in a huge basin on a great bend in the Missouri river, while the residence part of the city clambers up the mound-shaped hills, which rise on all sides like a vast amphitheater. The wholesale and retail trade is figured above $40,000,000 annually, while it is said that there are no fewer than eight commercial houses which have a cash capital of $1,000,000 each. It is stated on reliable authority, that there is handled at this point 15,000,000 bushels of corn, 5,000,000 of wheat, 250,000 rye, and 500,000 barley, per annum. The stock yards cover seven acres, and belong to a stock company. There are received at the yards 120,000 to 150,000 hogs per annum, and 10,000 to 12,000 cattle. The figures do not include direct shipments to several large packing houses, which will increase the number of hogs to 300,000. There are four packing houses in the city— one having a capacity of 15,000 hogs per day. The railroad lines which connect St. Joseph with the rest of the busi- ness world are the Hannibal & St. Joseph, the pioneer road of the state, extending east across the entire state to Hannibal and Quincy on the Miss- issippi river; the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific, forming a direct line to St. Louis; the St. Joseph & Western, extending across the great iron bridge, through Kansas and Nebraska, to a junction at Grand Island with the Union Pacific, of which it is really a part; the Missouri Pacific, another connecting line with St. Louis; the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs, extending south to Kansas City and north to Omaha, with its Nodaway Valley branch, extending through the Nodaway valley, and its Chicago branch, making connection with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; the St. Joseph & Des Moines, now owned and operated by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Atchison & Nebraska. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more -perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general zirlfarc, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitu- tion for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the United States, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. Sec 2. The house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The num- ber of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative; and until such enumer- ation shall be made the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the exec- utive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The house of representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof for six years; and each senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one- third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resig- nation or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who 114 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The vice-president of the United States shall be president of the senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president -pro tempore, in the absence of the vice-president, or when he shall exercise the office of president of the United States. The senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose thev shall be on oath or affirmation. When the president of the United States is tried, the chief-justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. The congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meet- ing shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of it's proceedings, punish its mem- bers for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present^ be entered on the journal. ■Neither house, during the session of congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The senators and representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 115 Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill which shall have passed the house of representatives and the senate shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the president of the United States: if he approve he shall sign it; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and pro- ceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cas e s the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bilf shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the president within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the congress, by their adjournment, prevents its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the senate and house of representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the president of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the senate and house of representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. S. The congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies* throughout the United States; To coin money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and cur- rent coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads; To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respec- tive writings and discoveries; To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas; and offenses against the law of nations: To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal and make rules concerning captures on land and water; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of monev to that use shall be for a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy: To make rules for government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; 116 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by congress; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax of duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex -post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev- enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States ; and no per- son holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obliga- tion of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the congress. No state shall, without the consent of congress, lay any duty on tonnage, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 117 keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the vice-president chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the congress; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be appointed an elector. [*The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the sen- ate shall, in the presence of the senate and house of representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person hav- ing the greatest number of votes shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed: and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the house of representatives shall immediately choose by bal- lot, one of them for president; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said house shall in like manner choose the president. But, in choosing the president, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member, or members, from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the president, the person having the great- est number of votes of the electors shall be the vice-president. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the senate shall choose from them, by ballot, the vice-president.] The congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, res- ignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice-president, and the congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the president and vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as *This clause between brackets has been superseded and annulled by the twelfth amend- ment. US CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. / president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability rx removed, or a president shall be elected. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compen- sation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive during that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enters upon the execution of his office he shall take the fol- lowing oath, or affirmation: " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, pre- serve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The president shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive depart- ' ments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, bv and with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the senate, shall appoint embassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established bv law; but the congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The president shall have power to rill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec 3. He shall, from time to time, ffive to the congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraor- dinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive embassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. ^ Sec. 4. The president, vice-president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, briber}-, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their office during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 119 embassadors, other public ministers and consuls: to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction: to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more states: between a state and citizens of another state; between citizens of different states; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states; and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects. In all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be bv jurv ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall "have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the congress may bv law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to- their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Xo person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of everv other state. And the congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to ail privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felonv, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of anv law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the part}- to whom such service or labor mav be due. Sec 3. New states may be admitted by congress into this Union: but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of anv other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the congress. The congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States: and nothing in this constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of anv particular state. Sec 4. The United States shall guarantee to everv state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the legislature, or of the executive ^when the legislature can not be convened », against domestic violence. 120 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE V. The congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it neces- sary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states shall call a conven- tion for proposing amendments, which, in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this constitution, when ratified by the leg- islatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three- fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be pro- posed by the congress. Provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate. ARTICLE VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this constitution as under the confederation. This constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the. supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America, the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King. Connecticut. Wm. Samuel Johnson, Roger Sherman. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. Wil. Livingston, Wm. Patterson, David Brearley, Jona. Dayton. Delaware. George Reed, John Dickinson, Jacob Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M'Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount. Hu. Williamson, Richard Dobbs Spaight. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Robt. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geohge Clymer, JaRED InGERSOLL, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney Pierce Butler. Georgia. Wm. Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. amendments to the constitution. 121 Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution of the United States of America. Proposed by Congress and Ratified 5v the Legislatures of the several States pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense, to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jurv of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have com- pulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assist- ance of counsel for his defense. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law r , where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. 122 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration, in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be con- strued to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XL The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE XII. Sec 1. The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhab- itant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall, in presence of the senate and house of representatives, open all the certifi- cates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the great- est number of votes for president shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as president, the house of representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representa- tives from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall con- sist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the house of rep- resentatives shall not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the president. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice-president shall be the vice-president, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the senate shall choose the vice-president; a quorum for that pur- pose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 123 ARTICLE XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a pun- ishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropri- ate legislation. article xiv. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice-president of the United States, representatives in congress, the executive and judi- cial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty -one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in congress, or elector of president and vice-president, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But congress may, by a vote of two- thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. The congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation." Constitution of the State of Missouri, ADOPTED BY A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE, OCTOBER 30, 1875. WENT INTO OPERATION NOVEMBER 30, 1875. PREAMBLE. We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for his goodness, do, for the better government of the state, establish this constitution. ARTICLE I. — BOUNDARIES. Section 1. The boundaries of the state as heretofore established by law, are hereby ratified and confirmed. The state shall, have concurrent jurisdiction on the river Mississippi, and every other river bordering on the state, so far as the said rivers shall form a common boundary to this state and any other state or states; and the river Mississippi and the navigable rivers and waters leading to the same, shall be common highways, and forever free to the citizens of this state and of the United States, without any tax, duty, import or toll therefor, imposed by this state. ARTICLE II. — BIIA, OF RIGHTS. In order to assert our rights, acknowledge our duties, and proclaim the principles on which our government is founded, we declare: Section 1. That all political power is vested in, and derived from the people; that all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will onlv, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. Sec. 2. That the people of this state have the inherent, sole and exclu- sive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness: Provided, Such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States. Sec. 3. That Missouri is a free and independent state, subject only to the constitution of the United States; and as the preservation of the states and the maintenance of their governments, are necessary to an indestructible Union, and were intended to co-exist with it, the legislature is not authorized to adopt, nor will the people of this state ever assent to any amendment or change of the constitution of the United States which may in any wise impair the right of local self-government belonging to the people of this state. Sec. 4. That all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of the people ; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry; that to give security to these things is the principal office of government, and that when government does not confer this security, it fails of its chief design. Sec. 5. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; that no (124) CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 125 person can, on account of his religious opinions, be rendered ineligible to any office of trust or profit under this state, nor be disqualified from testi- fying, or from serving as a juror; that no human authority can control or interfere with the rights of conscience; that no person ought, by any law, to be molested in his person or estate, on account of his religious persua- sion or profession ; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured, shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, nor to justify practices inconsistent with the good order, peace or safety of this state, or with the rights of others. Sec. 6. That no person can be compelled to erect, support or attend any place or system of worship, or to maintain or support any priest, min- ister, preacher or teacher of any sect, church, creed or denomination of re- ligion; but if any person shall voluntarily make a contract for any such object, he shall be held to the performance of the same. Sec. 7. That no money shall ever be taken from the public treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect or denomination of religion, or in aid of any priest, preacher, minister or teacher thereof, as such; and that no preference shall be given to, nor any discrimination made against any church, sect or creed of religion, or any form of religious faith or wor- ship. Sec. S. That no religious corporation can be established in this state,, except such as may be created under a general law for the purpose only of holding the title to such real estate as may be prescribed by law for church edifices, parsonages and cemeteries. Sec 9. That all elections shall be free and open ; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. Sec 10. The courts of justice shall be open to every person, and cer- tain remedy afforded for every injury to person, property or character, and that right and justice should be administered without sale, denial or delay. Sec 11. That the people shall be secure in their persons, papers,, homes and effects, from unreasonable searches and seizures; and no war- rant to search any place, or seize any person or thing, shall issue without describing the place to be searched, or the person or thing to be seized, as nearly as may be; nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affir- mation reduced to writing. Sec 12. That no person shall, for felony, be proceeded against crimi- nally otherwise than by indictment, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or pub- lic danger; in all other cases, offenses shall be prosecuted criminally by in- dictment or information as concurrent remedies. Sec 13. That treason against the state can consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; that no person can be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on his confession in open court; that no person can be attainted of treason or felony by the general assembly; that no conviction can work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate; that the estates of such persons as may destroy their own lives shall descend or vest as in cases of natural death: and when any person shall be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof. Sec 14. That no law shall be passed impairing the freedom of speech; 126 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. that every person shall be free to say, write or publish whatever he will on any subject, being responsible for all abuse of that liberty; and that in all suits and prosecutions for libel, the truth thereof may be given in evi- dence, and the jury, under the direction of the court, shall determine the law and the fact. Sec. 15. That no ex -post facto law, nor law impairing the obligation of contracts, or retrospective in its operation, or making any irrevocable grant of special privileges or immunities, can be passed by the general assembly. Sec. 16. That imprisonment for debt shall not be allowed, except for the nonpayment of fines and penalties imposed for violation of law. Sec. 17. That the right of no citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein con- tained is intended to justify the practice of wearing concealed weapons. Sec. 18. That no person elected or appointed to any office or employ- ment of trust or profit under the laws of this state, or any ordinance of any municipality in this state, shall hold such office without personally devoting his time to the performance of the duties to the same belonging. Sec. 19. That no person who is now, or may hereafter become a col- lector or receiver of public money, or assistant or deputy of such collector or receiver, shall be eligible to any office of trust or profit in the state ®f Missouri under the laws thereof, or of any municipality therein, until he shall have accounted for and paid over all the public money for which he may be accountable. Sec. 20. That no private property can be taken for private use with or without compensation, unless by the consent of the owner, except for pri- vate ways of necessity, and except for drains and ditches across the lands of others for agricultural and sanitary purposes, in such manner as may be prescribed by law ; and that whenever an attempt is made to take private property for a use alleged to be public, the question whether the contem- plated use be really public shall be a judicial question, and as such, judi- cially determined, without regard to any legislative assertion that the use is public. Sec. 21. That private property shall not be taken or damaged for pub- lic use without just compensation. Such compensation shall be ascer- tained by a jury or board of commissioners of not less than three free- holders, in such manner as may be prescribed by law ; and until the same shall be paid to the owner, or into court for the owner, the property shall not be disturbed, or the proprietary rights of the owner therein divested. The fee of land taken for railroad tracts without consent of the owner thereof, shall remain in such owner, subject to the use for which it is taken. Sec. 22. In criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the right to appear and defend, in person, and by counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation ; to meet the witnesses against him face to face ; to have process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf, and a speedy, public trial by an impartial jury of the county. Sec. 23. That no person shall be compelled to testify against himself in a criminal cause, nor shall any person, after being once acquitted by a jury, be again, for the same offense, put in jeopardy of life or liberty; but if the jury to which the question of his guilt or innocence is submitted CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 127 fail to render a verdict, the court before which the trial is had may, in its discretion, discharge the jury and commit or bail the prisoner for trial at the next term of court, or if the state of business will permit, at the same term ; and if judgment be arrested after a verdict of guilty on a defective indictment, or if judgment on a verdict of guilty be reversed for error in law, nothing herein contained shall prevent a new trial of the prisoner on a proper indictment, or according to correct principles of law. Sec 24. That all persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, ex- cept for capital offenses, when the proof is evident or the presumption great. Sec. 25. That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. Sec 26. That the privilege of the writ of habeas corfus shall never be suspended. Sec 27. That the military shall always be in strict subordination to the civil power; that no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, except in the manner prescribed by law. Sec 28. The right of trial by jury, as heretofore enjoyed, shall remain inviolate; but a jury for the trial of criminal or civil cases, in courts not of record, may consist of less than twelve men, as may be prescribed by law. Hereafter, a grand jury shall consist of twelve men, any nine of whom concurring may find an indictment or a true bill. Sec 29. That the people have the right peaceably to assemble for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of gov- ernment for redress of grievances by petition or remonstrance. Sec 30. That no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Sec 31. That there cannot be in this state either slavery or involun- tary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. Sec 32. The enumeration in this constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny, impair, or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE III. — THE DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS. The powers of government shall be divided into three distinct depart- ments — the legislative, executive, and judicial — each of which shall be con- fided to a separate magistracy and no person, or collection of persons, charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except in the instances in this constitution expressly directed or permitted. ARTICLE IV.— LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The legislative power, subject to the limitations herein contained, shall be vested in a senate and house of representatives, to be styled " The General Assembly of the State of Missouri." REPRESENTATION AND APPORTIONMENT. Sec 2. The house of representatives shall consist of members to be chosen every second year by the qualified voters of the several counties, and apportioned in the following manner: The ratio of representation shall be ascertained at each apportioning session of the general assembly, by 128 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. dividing the whole number of inhabitants of the state, as ascertained by the last decennial census of the United States, by the number two hun- dred. Each county having one ratio, or less, shall be entitled to one rep- resentative; each county having two and a half times said ratio, shall be entitled to two representatives; each county having four times said ratio, shall be entitled to three representatives; each county having six times such ratio, shall be entitled to four representatives, and so on above that number, giving one additional member for every two and a half additional ratios. Sec. 3. When any countv shall be entitled to more than one repre- sentative, the county court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, corresponding in number to the representatives to which such county is entitled, and in population as nearlv equal as mav be, in each of whi^h the qualified voters shall elect one representative, who shall be a resident of such district: Provided, That when any county shall be entitled to more than ten representatives, the circuit court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts, so as to give each district not less than two, nor more than four representa- tives, who shall be residents of such district; the population of the districts to be proportioned to the number of representatives to be elected therefrom. Sec. 4. Xo person shall be a member of the house of representatives who shall not have attained the age of twenty-four years, who shall not be a male citizen of the United States, who shall not have been a qualified voter of this state two years, and an inhabitant of the county or district which he may be chosen to represent, one year next before the day of his election, if such countv or district shall have been so long established, but if not, then of the countv or district from which the same shall have been taken, and who shall not have paid a state and county tax within one year next preceding the election. Sec. 5. The senate shall consist of thirty-four members, to be chosen by the qualified voters of their respective districts for four years. For the election of senators the state shall be divided into convenient districts, as nearlv equal in population as may be, the same to be ascertained by the last decennial census taken bv the United States. Sec 6. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, who shall not be a male citizen of the United States, who shall not have been a qualified voter of this state three years, and an inhabitant of the district which he may be chosen to represent one year next before the dav of his election, if such district shall have been so long established; but if not, then of the district or districts from which the same shall have been taken, and who shall not have paid a state and county tax- within one year next preceding the election. When any county shall be entitled to more than one senator, the circuit court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, and of population as nearlv equal as ma}- be, corresponding in number with the senators to which such county may be entitled; and in each of these one senator, who shall be a resident of such district, shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof. Sec 7. Senators and representatives shall be chosen according to the rule of apportionment established in this constitution, until the next decen- nial census by the United States shall have been taken and the result thereof as to this state ascertained, when the apportionment shall be revised ^ p-t~-i^? z l&> CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 129 and adjusted on the basis of that census, and every ten years there- after upon the basis of the United States census; or if such census be not taken, or is delayed, then on the basis of a state census; such apportion- ment to be made at the first session of the general assembly afier each such census: Provided, That if at any time, or from any cause, the general assembly shall fail or refuse to district the state for senators, as required in this section, it shall be the duty of the governor, secretary of state, and attorney-general, within thirty days after the adjournment of the general assembly on which such duty devolved, to perform said duty, and to file in the office of the secretary of state a full statement of the districts formed by them, including the names of the counties embraced in each district, and the numbers thereof; said statement to be signed by them, and attested by the great seal of the state, and upon the proclamation of the governor, the same shall be as binding and effectual as if done by the general assembly. Sec 8. Until an apportionment of representatives can be made, in accordance with the provisions of this article, the house of representa- tives shall consist of one hundred and forty-three members, which shall be divided among the several counties of the state, as follows: The county of St. Louis shall have seventeen; the county of Jackson four; the county of Buchanan three; the counties of Franklin, Greene, Johnson, Lafayette, Macon, Marion, Pike, and Saline, each two, and each of the other coun- ties in the state, one. Sec. 9. Senatorial and representative districts may be altered, from time to time, as public convenience may require. When any senatorial district shall be composed of two or more counties, they shall be contigu- ous; such districts to be as compact as may be, and in the formation of the same no county shall be divided. Sec 10. The first election of senators and representatives, under this constitution, shall be held at the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, when the whole number of representa- tives, and the senators from the districts having odd numbers, who shall compose the first class, shall be chosen; and in one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-eight, the senators from the districts having even num- bers, who shall compose the second class, and so on at each succeeding general election, half the senators provided for by this constitution shall be chosen. Sec 11. Until the state shall be divided into senatorial districts, in accordance with the provisions of this article, said districts shall be con- stituted and numbered as follows: The First District shall be composed of the counties of Andrew, Holt, Nodaway and Atchison. Second District — The counties of Buchanan, DeKalb, Gentry and Worth. Third District — The counties of Clay, Clinton and Platte. Fourth District— The counties of Caldwell, Ray, Daviess and Harrison. Fifth District — The counties of Livingston, Grundy, Mercer and Carroll. Sixth District — The counties of Linn, Sullivan, Putnam and Chariton. Seventh District — The counties of Randolph, Howard and Monroe. Eighth District — The counties of Adair, Macon and Schuyler. Ninth District — The counties of Audrain, Boone and Callaway. 9 .• .-r. r - "~ • -::: . _"it : .- ..-..- .- --- . _ L r* : .:.:-.'. •:-.•: r..r.--r: - Imm Mi -" ; ' - "- 5Btai MMi 'J - l-ascrT*rr«^ m! - MMMMK - - >>-.- - • trtvr -*■ — ITZ :x- <. • x "0 .' x~x xr rxe xrxrtai CMI^ Iff £g xxrx^ WOT- J .t.x >.v; x : c-. :■ . x ;. : \-. X xx 3U8JU1 X >Ci:- -. : Hafter :: v. : X" xx_>< xxs -_ ^_ -. . .-.: ::~ . ":~ x. x -x_. x r- -x .: xx.v:xxx '■ .:c ::v-- > xrxx. l*c :• -x -- x xxr xx^c x x. — _ - - l v.- - . * - :: — .:-••.- x x .-—"-.- ^x - x rxs-ur- :::u X - « >Kv ; ■ - rxx- :x x_xc .--..:-.. -. . - .-■>.• .-:- x <^rccs .> ate ;-•.->-- - -c .v x xx. x •.-.• -v-v/ - .: % x; :c -xxxxx: xx _x_...^ -*x r_ !>x ftn fcrx< -x \ • .' > •: .' x - s:-s> •.-.•. :.-v: . xx x:: x : x :Tv.^«; x-x »--.\ .: v r .-a-. :•-. x r -.: -a x: -. x. -> -. . xx-.x: x : .^ siss .- xx _.xv •> .-•----•-••. :.xx xx • :'^ -. • •>. x ssv -n X-- X- *•- ■*- :v ;>r. :w x --•-.: ax x. -. . ■ -c ^> >. • :c-cxxx? -x x- ". x •v "X s -x. X- « •-■- oi v wx • v - .•: -. x - vx x- ' - -X "-" --*" v^-a c-v- .\- : -v^> -. ^ •-. ..x' x- v.t -iv^xxx: || -\ Xx rv 'V " X - o' V .:• _ -"-. " ^ -tic cjmi m ttMgs at b< «- ■- V- XX' a Xv u X v •- .'x: vx - ^.vX -Ui* X .x > suV^ : x- - x. - - .tt.IXx '.•i\v x* X <.:a. ...v'X-X. x vxx x >v. fv .x im \^. xxxx. rev X COXSTTTl'TTOX OF MJESUUKL Sec :. 19. T : each house shall be held with open doors, :y. The gene the year one thousand e _ . ... :::::: an die first Wedi I \ . - .rht hundred and 9f "-seven: and thereafte _ assembly shall meet in r _ session once onlv in ft : and such meeting shall be on the first Wednesdav after the first dav of Januarv next after :ions of the members thereof. Sec 31. Every adjournment or recess taken by the _r::eral assemblv for more than thi : of and be an adjournment tbe. Sec 32. Every adiournment or recess taken by the general assemblv for three lays w less, -aall be construed as not interrupting the session at which thev are had or taken, but as continuing the session for all the pur- poses mentioned in section sbrteei article. Sec 22 Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than two days at anv one time, nor to any other place than that in which thetwc h : nses maybe sitting. LEGBLAT1VE PROCEEDINGS. - .- .- s of this state shall be: "Be it enacted by the Gener , - _Y '.'.-.. s :" Sec 35. Ne lav* shall be passec. except by bill, and no bill shall be so amended in its -sage through either house, as to chancre its original rurr :se. Sec 36. KDs mav originate in either house, and may be amended or rr acted by the rther; an D be read on three different days ich house. 37. Xo bill shall be considered for final passage unless the same has been reported upon bv a committee and printed for the use of the : r: ; 38. Xo hi . ot general appropriation bills, which may em- brace the various subjects and accounts for and on account of which moneys are appropriated, and except bills passed under the third subdivision of section fortv-four of this article I shall contain more than one subject, which sh ill :e zlrirlv r::rressri ir its title. Sec 39. All amendments adopted by either house to a bill pending and originating in the - ame, shall be incorpora te :. with the bill by engross- ment, and the bill as thus engrossed, shall be printed for the use of the members before its final g The engrossing and printing shall be the supervision of a committer . report to the house shall set forth, ir. g, that thev rind the bill truly engrossed, and that the printed copv furnished to the members is corr^ If a bili pas er house be returned . amended :ther, the house to which the same is retur 1 cause the amendment r edtc be printed under the same super- aon as provided in og seen sn, for the use of the mem- before final action on such a- arts. Sec 1. Xo bill shall become a law, unless on its final passage the vote be taken by : the members voting for and agair.-: e be entei te :urnal, and a majority of the members . h house be recorded thereon as voting in its favor. :t:tvt: :: : -:v?z 133 S z : 52. No amendment to bills by ooe house shall be coocnrr bv the other, e :::- pi : jravoteof a m; : the members elected the re- taken bv veas and nays, and the names of those voting for and against recorded upon the journal thereof; and reports of committees of confer- ence shall be adopted in either house onlv bv the vote of a majority of the members elected thereto, taken by yeas and nays, and the names of those g recorded upon the journaL Shc 33. No act shall be revived or re-enacted by mere reference to the tide thereof! but the same shall be set forth at length, i s : .vere an oi. No act shall be amended by providing that designated words thereof be stricken out. or that designated words be inserted, or that desig- Drds be stricken out and others inserted in Ken thereof; but the words to be stricken out, or the words to be inserted, or the words to be :::;n:::: ; ::r _ :: ±e i;: it section amended, shall be set forth in full, as amended. 5z j When a bill is put upon its final passage in either house, and, failing to pass, a motion is made to reconsider the vote by which : defeated, the vote upon such motion to reconsider shall be immediately taken, and the sub : ec: rir : ::" bri:rc the hiuse ":■;— is :: in - other busine — No law passed by the general assembly, except the general appropriation act. shall take effect or go into force until nine: -iter the adjournment of the session at which it was enacted, unless in case : I ar. r~t:;rr.:v. .v-:;h trr.trjt" : r-r rx::-?r: :n the rrrinh.e :r ;r. the bodv of the ad . me general assembly shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, otherwise direct; saidvotr lobe taken bv veas and nays, an :. rntered upon the iournaL Sec. 37. X: bill >: Mr r. ::rr. ^:--.; r. . signed by the presiding off ar.i brfrrr such rr.Jrr ?hi' all other business, declare 1 ns be made, he will sign the same, to the end that it may become a hv~ Tr.r ::_ 5'-;... :r.rr. br ::..: :.: .:":: i i: - ■ : : ; he shall, in rrr^r-jr :: e n session, and before any other business is e":cr:;.:r.ri. -h - -_ t ii;h :j.j: shili r-r r t : t journal, and the bill immexfrh: the other house. ha I reaches the other house the presiding officer thereof shall immediately suspend all as,annoi :::::::::::^:: -::thesa~e: shall thereupon be c respect, aa in the house in whic - : - _ • . 1: - - • - . ' .;:.. : rriss: - - - signed is not the -bstance and form as when considered and the house, or that any particular clause of this article of the ion has beer, violated _ uch objection shall be pa a upon by the house, and if susl residing officer shall withholi ^ _ - bri- bers may embc d sax signataues, as a _ : the hii". Such rr::es:. the house, shall be noted upon the journal, and the original shall be an- nex e bill to be considerec _ r.-norin connectio n there v i:; 58. When the tafl has been - _ • 134 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. ing section, it shall be the dut)' of the secretary of the senate, if the bill originated in the senate, and of the chief clerk of the house of representa- tives, if the bill originated in the house, to present the same in person, on the same day on which it was signed as aforesaid, to the governor, and enter the fact upon the journal. Ever)'- bill presented to the governor, and returned within ten days to the house in which the same originated, with the approval of the governor, shall become a law, unless it be in vio- lation of some provision ot this constitution. Sec. 39. Every bill presented as aforesaid, but returned without the approval of the governor, and with his objections thereto, shall stand as reconsidered in the house to which it is returned. The house shall cause the objections of the governor to be entered at large upon the journal, and proceed, at its convenience, to consider the question pending, which shall be in this form: "Shall the bill pass, the objections of the governor thereto notwithstanding?" The vote upon this question shall be taken by yeas and na}^s, and the names entered upon the journal, and if two-thirds of all the members elected to the house vote in the affirmative, the presiding officer of that house shall certify that fact on the roll, attesting the same by his signature, and send the bill, with the objections of the governor, to the other house, in which like proceedings shall be had in relation thereto; and if the bill receive a like majority of the votes of all the members elected to that house, the vote being taken by yeas and nays, the presiding officer thereof shall, in like manner, certify the fact upon the bill. The bill thus certified shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, as an au- thentic act, and shall become a law in the same manner and with like effect as if it had received the approval of the governor. Sec. 40. Whenever the governor shall fail to perform his duty, as pre- scribed in section twelve, article V, of this constitution, in relation to any bill presented to him for his approval, the general assembly may, by joint resolution, reciting the fact of such failure and the bill at length, direct the secretary of state to enrol the same as an authentic act in the archives of the state, and such enrollment shall have the same effect as an approval by the governor: Provided, That such joint resolution shall not be submit- ted to the governor for his approval. Sec. 41 . Within five years after the adoption of this constitution all the statute laws of a general nature, both civil and criminal, shall be re- vised, digested, and promulgated in such manner as the general assembly shall direct; and a like revision, digest, and promulgation shall be made at the expiration of ever}' subsequent period of ten years. Sec. 42. Each house shall, from time to time, publish a journal of its proceedings, and the yeas and nays on any question shall be taken and entered on the journal at the motion of any two members. Whenever the yeas and nays are demanded, the whole list of members shall be called, and the names of the absentees shall be noted and published in the journal. LIMITATION ON LEGISLATIVE POWER. Sec. 43. All revenue collected and moneys received by the state from any source whatsoever, shall go into the treasury, and the general assem- bly shall have no power to divert the same, or to permit money to be drawn from the treasury, except in pursuance of regular appropriations made by law. All appropriations of money by the successive general assemblies shall be made in the following order: CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 135 First, For the payment of all interest upon the bonded debt of the state that may become due during the term for which each general assembly is elected. Second, For the benefit of the sinking fund, which shall not be less an- nually than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Third, For free public school purposes. Fourth, For the payment of the cost of assessing and collecting the revenue. Fifth, For the payment of the civil list. Sixth, For the support of the eleemosynary institutions of the state. Seventh, For the pay of the general assembly, and such other purposes not herein prohibited, as it may deem necessary; but no general assembly shall have power to make any appropriation of money for any purpose whatsoever, until the respective sums necessary for the purposes in this section specified have been set apart and appropriated, or to give pri- ority in its action to a succeeding over a preceding item as above enumer- ated. Sec 44. The general assembly shall have no power to contract or to authorize the contracting of any debt or liability on behalf of the state, or to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness thereof, except in the following cases: First, In renewal of existing bonds, when they cannot be paid at matu- rity, out of the sinking fund or other resources. Second, On the occurring of an unforeseen emergency, or casual defi- ciency of the revenue when the temporary liability incurred, upon the rec- ommendation of the governor first had, shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fiftv thousand dollars for any one year, to be paid in not more than two years from and after its creation. Third, On the occurring of any unforeseen emergency or casual defi- ciency of the revenue, when the temporary liability incurred or to be incur- red shall exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for any one vear, the general assembly may submit an act providing for the loan, or lor the contracting of the liability, and containing a provision for levying a tax sufficient to pay the interest and principal when they become due, (the latter in not more than thirteen years from the date of its crea- tion) to the qualified voters of the state, and when the act so submitted shall have been ratified by a two-thirds majority, at an election held for that purpose, due publication having been made of the provisions of the act for at least three months before such election, the act thus ratified shall be irrepealable until the debt thereby incurred shall be paid, princi- pal and interest. Sec 45. The general assembly shall have no power to give or to lend, or to authorize the giving or lending of the credit of the state in aid of or to any person, association or corporation, whether municipal or other, or to pledge the credit of the state in any manner whatsoever, for the payment of the liabilities, present or prospective, of any individual, association of individuals, municipal or other corporation whatsoever. Sec 4(5. The general assembly shall have no power to make any grant, or to authorize the making of any grant of public money or thing of v^alue to any individual, association of individuals, municipal or other cor- poration whatsoever: Provided, That this shall not be so construed as to prevent the grant of aid in a case of public calamity. 136 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 47. The general assembly shall have no power to authorize any county, city, town or township, or other political corporation or subdivision of the state now existing, or that may be hereafter established, to lend its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any indi- vidual, association or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in such corporation, association or company. Sec. 48. The general assembly shall have no power to grant, or to authorize anv county or municipal authorit}^ to grant any extra compensa- tion, fee or allowance to a public officer, agent, servant or contractor, after service has been rendered or a contract has been entered into and per- formed in whole or in part, nor pay nor authorize the payment of any claim hereafter created against the state, or any county or municipality of the state under any agreement or contract made without express authority of law; and all such unauthorized agreements or contracts shall be null and void. Sec. 49. The general assembly shall have no power hereafter to sub- scribe or authorize the subscription of stock on behalf of the state, in any corporation or association except for the purpose of securing loans hereto- fore extended to certain railroad corporations by the state. Sec. 50. The general assembly shall have no power to release or alienate the lien held by the state upon any railroad, or in anywise change the tenor or meaning, or pass any act explanatory thereof; but the same shall be enforced in accordance with the original terms upon which it was acquired. Sec. 51. The general assembly shall have no power to release or ex- tinguish, or authorize the releasing or extinguishing, in whole or in part, the indebtedness, liability or obligation of any corporation or individual, to this state, or to any county or other municipal corporation therein. Sec. 52. The general assembly shall have no power to make any ap- propriation of money, or to issue any bonds or other evidences of indebted- ness for the payment, or on account, or in recognition of any claims audited, or that may hereafter be audited by virtue of an act entitled " An act to audit and adjust the war debt of the state, " approved March 19, 1874, or any act of a similar nature, until after the claims so audited shall have been presented to and paid by the government of the United States to the state of Missouri. Sec. 53. The general assembly shall not pass any local or special law: Authorizing the creation, extension or impairing of liens: Regulating the affairs of counties, cities, townships, wards or school districts : Changing the names of persons or places: Changing the venue in civil or criminal cases: Authorizing the laying out, opening, altering or maintaining roads, highways, streets or alleys: Relating to ferries or "bridges, or incorporating ferry or bridge compa- nies, except for the erection of bridges crossing streams which form boundaries between this and any other state: Vacating roads, town plats, streets or alleys: Relating to cemeteries, grave yards or public grounds not of the state: Authorizing the adoption or legitimation of children: • Locating or changing county seats: Incorporating cities, towns or villages, or changing their charters: CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 137 For the opening and conducting of elections, or fixing or changing the places of voting: Granting divorces: Erecting new townships, or changing township lines, or the lines of school districts: Creating offices, or prescribing the powers and duties of officers in counties, cities, townships, election or school districts: Changing the law of descent or succession: Regulating the practice or jurisdiction of, or changing the rules of evi- dence in any judicial proceeding or inquiry before courts, justices* of the peace, sheriffs, commissioners, arbitrators or other tribunals, or providing or changing methods for the collection of debts, or the enforcing of judg- ments, or prescribing the effect of judicial sales of real estate: Regulating the fees or extending the powers and duties of aldermen, justices of the peace, magistrates or constables: Regulating the management of public schools, the building or repairing of school houses, and the raising of money for such purposes: Fixing the rate of interest: Affecting the estates of minors or persons Under disability: Remitting fines, penalties and forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the treasury: Exempting property from taxation: Regulating labor, trade, mining or manufacturing: Creating corporations, or amending, renewing, extending or explaining the charter thereof: Granting to any corporation, association or individual any special or exclusive right, privilege or immunity, or to any corporation, association or individual, the right to lay down a railroad track: Declaring any named person of age: Extending the time for the assessment or collection of taxes, or other- wise relieving any assessor or collector of taxes from the due performance of their official duties, or their securities from liability: Giving effect to informal or invalid wills or deeds: Summoning or empanneling grand or petit juries: For limitation of civil actions: Legalizing the unauthorized or invalid acts of any officer or agent of the state, or of any county or municipality thereof. In all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, no local or special law shall be enacted; and whether a general law could have been made applicable in any case, is hereby declared a judicial question, and as such shall be ju- dicially determined without regard to any legislative assertion on that subject. Nor shall the general assembly indirectly enact such special or local law by the partial repeal of a general law ; but laws repealing local or special acts may be passed. Sec 5 i. No local or special law shall be passed unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been published in the locality where the matter or thing to be aflected may be situated, which notice shall state the substance of the contemplated law, and shall be published at least thirty days prior to the introduction into the general assembly of such bill, and in the manner to be provided by law. The evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the general assembly 138 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. before such act shall be passed, and the notice shall be recited in the act according to its tenor. Sec. 55. The general assembly shall have no power, when convened in extra session by the governor, to act upon subjects other than those specially designated in the proclamation by which the session is called, or recommended by special message to its consideration by the governor after it shall have been convened. Sec. 56. The general assembly shall have no power to remove the seat of goveEnment of this state from the city of Jefferson. ARTICLE V. — executive department. Section 1. The executive department shall consist of a governor,, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and superintendent of public schools, all of whom, except the lieutenant governor, shall reside at the seat of government during their term of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there, and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. The term of office of the governor, lieutenant governor, sec- retary of state, state auditor, -state treasurer, attorney general and super- intendent of public schools, shall be four years from the second Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified; and the governor and state treasurer shall be ineligible to re-election as their own successors. At the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and every four years thereafter, all of such officers, except the superintendent of public schools, shall be elected, and the superintendent of public schools shall be elected at the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and every four years thereafter. Sec. 3. The returns of every election for the above named officers shall be sealed up and transmitted by the returning officers to the secre- tary of state, directed to the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall immediately, after the organization of the house, and before proceed- ing to other business, open and publish the same in the presence of a majority of each house of the general assembly, who shall for that pur- pose assemble in the hall of the house of representatives. The person having the highest number of votes for either of said offices shall be declared dulv elected; but if two or more shall have an equal and the highest number of votes, the general assembly shall, by joint vote, choose one of such persons for said office. Sec. 4. The supreme executive power shall be vested in a chief mag- istrate, who shall be styled "the governor of the state of Missouri." Sec. 5. The governor shall be at least thirty-five years old, a male, and shall have been a citizen of the United States ten years, and a resi- dent of this state seven years next before his election. Sec. 6. The governor shall take care that the laws are distributed and faithfully executed; and he shall be a conservator of the peace through- out the state. Sec. 7. The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the militia of this state, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States, and may call out the same to execute the laws, suppress insurrec- tion and repel invasion; but he need not command in person unless directed so to do by a resolution of the general assembly. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 13f> Sec. 8. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves, commuta- tions and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses, except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such condition and with such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. He shall, at each session of the general assembly, communicate to that body each case of reprieve, commutation or pardon granted, stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, the date of the commutation, pardon or reprieve, and the reason for grant- ing the same. Sec 9. The governor shall, from time to time, give to the general assembly information relative to the state of the government, and shall recommend to its consideration such measures as he shall deem necessary and expedient. On extraordinary occasions he may convene the general assembly by proclamation, wherein he shall state specifically each matter concerning which the action of that body is deemed necessary. Sec 10. The governor shall, at the commencement of each session of the general assembly, and at the close of his term of office, give informa- tion by message, of the condition of the state, and shall recommend such measures as he shall deem expedient. He shall account to the general assembly, in such manner as may be prescribed by law, for all moneys received and paid out by him from any funds subject to his order, with vouchers; and at the commencement of each regular session, present esti- mates of the amount of money required to be raised by taxation for all purposes. Sec. 11. When anv office shall become vacant, the governor, unless otherwise provided by law, shall appoint a person to fill such vacancy, who shall continue in office until a successor shall have been duly elected or appointed and qualified according to law. Sec 12. The governor shall consider all bills and joint resolutions, which, having been passed by both houses of the general assembly, shall be presented to him. He shall, within ten days after the same shall have been presented to him, return to the house in which they respectively originated, all such bills and joint resolutions, with his approval endorsed thereon, or accompanied by his objections: Provided, That if the general assembly shall finally adjourn within ten days after such presentation, the governor may, within thirty days thereafter, return such bills and res- olutions to the office of the secretary of state, with his approval or reasons for disapproval. Sec 13. If any bill presented to the governor contain several items of appropriation of money, he may object to one or more items while approving other portions of the bill. In such case he shall append to the bili, at the time of signing it, a statement of the items to which he objects, and the appropriations so objected to shall not take effect. If the general assembly be in session, he shall transmit to the house in which the bill originated a copy of such statement, and the items objected to shall be separately reconsidered. If it be not in session, then he shall transmit the same within thirty days to the office of secretary of state, with his approval or reasons for disapproval. Sec 14. Every resolution to which the concurrence of the senate and house of representatives may be necessary, except on questions of adjourn- ment, of going into joint session, and of amending this constitution, shall 140 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. be presented to the governor, and before the same shall take effect, shall "be proceeded upon in the same manner as in the case of a bill: Provided, That no resolution shall have the effect to repeal, extend, alter or amend any law. Sec. 15. The lieutenant governor shall possess the same qualifications as the governor, and by virtue of his office shall be president of the senate. In committee of the whole he may debate all questions; and when there is an equal division he shall give the casting vote in the senate, and also in joint vote of both houses. Sec. 16. In case of death, conviction, or impeachment, failure to qual- ify, resignation, absence from the state, or other disability of the governor, the oowers, duties, and emoluments of the office for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall be removed, shall devolve upon the lieu- tenant governor. Sec IT. The senate shall choose a president pro tempore to preside in cases of the absence or impeachment of the lieutenant-governor, or when he shall hold the office of governor. If there be no lieutenant-governor, or the lieutenant governor shall, for any of the causes specified in section sixteen, of this article, become incapable of performing the duties of the office, the president of the senate shall act as governor until the vacancy is filled, or the disability removed; and if the president of the senate, for any of the above namecl causes, shall become incapable of performing the duties of governor, the same shall devolve upon the speaker of the house of representatives, in the same manner, and with the same powers and compensation as are prescribed in the case of the office devolving upon the lieutenant-governor. Sec. 18. The lieutenant-governor, or the president -pro tempore of the senate, while presiding in the senate, shall receive the same compen- sation as shall be allowed to the speaker of the house of representatives. Sec 19. No person shall be eligible to the office of secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, or superintendent of public schools, unless he be a male citizen of the United States, and at least twenty-five years old, and shall have resided in this state at least five years next before his election. Sec 20. The secretary of state shall be the custodian of the seal of the state, and authenticate therewith all official acts of the governor, his approval of laws excepted. The said seal shall be called the " Great Seal of the State of Missouri," and the emblems and devices thereof, hereto- fore prescribed by law, shall not be subject to change. Sec 21. The secretary of state shall keep a register of the official acts of the governor, and when necessary, shall attest them, and lay copies of the same, together with copies of all papers relative thereto, before either house of the general assembly whenever required to do so. Sec 22. An account shall be kept by the officers of the executive department of all moneys and choses in action disbursed, or otherwise dis- posed of by them severally, from all sources, and for every service per- formed; and a semi-annual report thereof shall be made to the governor under oath. The governor may at any time require information, in writ- ing, under oath, from the officers of the executive department, and all officers and managers of state institutions, upon any subject relating to the condition, management and expenses of their respective offices and institutions; which information, when so required, shall be furnished by CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 141 such officers and managers, and any officer or manager who at any time shall make a false report, shall be guilty of perjury and punished accord- ingly. Sec. 23. The governor shall commission all officers not otherwise pro- vided for by law. All commissions shall run in the name and by the authority of the state of Missouri, be signed by the governor, sealed with the great seal of the state of Missouri, and attested by the secretary of state. Sec. 24. The officers named in this article shall receive for their ser- vices a salary to be established by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during their official terms; and they shall not, after the expir- ation of the terms of those in office at the adoption of this constitution, receive to their own use any fees, costs, perquisites of office, or other com- pensation. All fees that may hereafter be payable by law for any service performed by any officer provided for in this article shall be paid in advance into the state treasury. Sec. 25. Contested elections of governor and lieutenant-governor shall be decided by a joint vote of both houses of the general assembly, in such manner as may be provided by law; and contested elections of secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, and su- perintendent of public schools shall be decided before such tribunal, and in such manner as may be provided by law. ARTICLE VI.— judicial department. Section 1. The judicial power of the state, as to matters of law and equity, except as in this constitution otherwise provided, shall be vested in a supreme court, the St, Louis court of appeals, circuit courts, crim- inal courts, probate courts, county courts, and municipal corporation courts. Sec. 2. The supreme court, except in cases otherwise directed by this constitution, shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be co-ex- tensive with the state, under the restrictions and limitations in this consti- tution provided. Sec. 3. .The supreme court shall have a general superintending con- trol over all inferior courts. It shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari, and other original remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same. Sec. 4. The judges of the supreme court shall hold office for the term of ten years. The judge oldest in commission shall be chief justice of the court; and, if there be more than one commission of the same date, the court may select the chief justice from the judges holding the same. Sec. 5. The supreme court shall consist of five judges, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum ; and said judges shall be conservators of the peace throughout the state, and shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof. Sec. 6. The judges of the supreme court shall be citizens of the United States, not less than thirty years old, and shall have been citizens of this state for five years next preceding their election or appointment, and shall be learned in the law. Sec. 7. The full terms of the judges of the supreme court shall com- mence on the first day of January next ensuing their election, and those elected to fill any vacancy shall also enter upon the discharge of their duties on the first day of January next ensuing such election. Those ap- pointed shall enter upon the discharge of their duties as soon as qualified. 142 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 8. The present judges of the supreme court shall remain in office until the expiration of their respective terms of office. To fill their places as their terms expire, one judge shall be elected at the general election in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and one every two years thereafter. Sec. 9. The supreme court shall be held at the seat of government at such times as may be prescribed by law; and until otherwise directed by law, the terms of said court shall commence on the third Tuesday in Octo- ber and April of each year. Sec. 10. The state shall provide a suitable court room at the seat of government, in which the supreme court shall hold its sessions ; also a clerk's office, furnished offices for the judges, and the use of the state library. Sec. 11. If, in any cause pending in the supreme court, or the St. Louis court of appeals, the judges sitting shall be equally divided in opin- ion, no judgment shall be entered therein based on such division ; but the parties to the cause may agree upon some person, learned in the law, to act as special judge in the cause, who shall therein sit with the court, and give decision in the same manner and with the same effect as one of the judges. If the parties cannot agree upon a special judge, the court shall appoint one. Sec. 12. There is hereby established in the city of St. Louis an appel- late court, to be known as the " St. Louis court of appeals," the jurisdic- tion of which shall be coextensive with the city of St. Louis and the coun- ties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren. Said court shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, quo warranto, mandamus, certiorari, and other original remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same; and shall have a superintending control over all inferior courts of record in said counties. Appeals shall lie from the decisions of the St. Louis court of ap- peals to the supreme court, and writs of error may issue from the supreme court to said court in the following cases only: In all cases where the amount in dispute, exclusive of costs, exceeds the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars; in cases involving the construction of the constitution of the United States or of this state; in cases where the validity of a treaty or statute of, or authority exercised under the United States is drawn in ques- tion ; in cases involving the construction of the revenue laws of this state, or the title to any office under this state; in cases involving title to real estate; in cases where a county or other political subdivision of the state, or any state officer is a party, and in all cases of felony. Sec. 13. The St. Louis court of appeals shall consist of three judges, to be elected by the qualified voters of the city of St. Louis, and the coun- ties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren, who shall hold their offices for the period of twelve years. They shall be residents of the dis- trict composed of said counties, shall possess the same qualifications as judges of the supreme court, and each shall receive the same compensation as is now, or may be, provided by law for the judges of the circuit court of St. Louis county, and be paid from the same sources: Provided, That each of said counties shall pay its proportional part of the same, according to its taxable property. Sec. 14. The judges of said court shall be conservators of the peace throughout said counties. Any two of said judges shall constitute a quo- rum. There shall be two terms of said court to be held each year, on the CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 143 first Monday of March and October, and the first term of said court shall be held on the first Monday in January, 1876. Sec. 15. The opinions of said court shall be in writing, and shall be filed in the cases in which they shall be respectively made, and become parts of their record; and all laws relating to the practice in the supreme court shall apply to this court, so far as the same may be applicable. Sec. 16. At the first general election held in said city and counties after the adoption of this constitution, three judges of said court shall be elected, who shall determine by lot the duration of their several terms of office, which shall be respectively four, eight and twelve years, and certify the result to the secretary of state; and every four years thereafter one judge of said court shall be elected to hold office for the term of twelve years. The term of office of such judges shall begin on the first Monday in January next ensuing their election. The judge having the oldest license to" practice law in this state, shall be the presiding judge of said court. Sec. 17. Upon the adoption of this constitution the governor shall appoint three judges for said court, who shall hold their offices until the first Monday of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and until their successors shall be duly qualified. Sec. 18. The clerk of the supreme court at St. Louis shall be the clerk of the St. Louis court of appeals until the expiration of the term for which he was appointed clerk of the supreme court, and until his successor shall be duly qualified. Sec. 19. All cases which may be pending in the supreme court at St. Louis at the time of the adoption of this constitution, which by its terms would come within the final appellate jurisdiction of the St. Louis court of appeals, shall be certified and transferred to the St. Louis court of appeals, to be heard and determined by said court. Sec. 20. All cases coming to said court by appeal, or writ of error, shall be triable at the expiration of fifteen days from the filing of the tran- script in the office of the clerk of said court. Sec. 21. Upon the adoption of this constitution, and after the close of the next regular terms of the supreme court at St. Louis and St. Joseph, as now established by law, the office of the clerk of the supreme court at St. Louis and St. Joseph shall be vacated, and said clerks shall transmit to the clerk of the supreme court at Jefferson City all the books, records, docu- ments, transcripts and papers belonging to their respective offices, except those required by section nineteen of this article, to be turned over to the St. Louis court of appeals; and said records, documents, transcripts and papers shall become part of the records, documents, transcripts and papers of said supreme court at Jefferson City, and said court shall hear and determine all the cases thus transferred as other cases. Sec. 22. The circuit court shall have jurisdiction over all criminal cases not otherwise provided for by law; exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil cases not otherwise provided for; and such concurrent jurisdiction with, and appellate jurisdiction from inferior tribunals and justices of the peace as is or may be provided by law. It shall hold its terms at such times and places in each county as may be by law directed; but at least two terms shall be held every year in each county. Sec. 23. The circuit court shall exercise a superintending control over ■criminal courts, probate courts, county courts, municipal corporation 144 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. courts, justices of the peace, and all inferior tribunals in each county in their respective circuits. Sec 24. The state, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, shall be divided into convenient circuits of contiguous counties, in each of which circuits one circuit judge shall be elected ; and such circuits may be changed, enlarged, diminished or abolished, from time to time, as public convenience mav require; and whenever a circuit shall be abolished, the office of the judge of such circuit shall cease. Sec. 25. The judges of the circuit courts shall be elected by the quali- fied voters of each circuit; shall hold their offices for the term of six years, and shall reside in and be conservators of the peace within their respective circuits. Sec 26. No person shall be eligible to the office of judge of the cir- cuit court who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, been a citi- zen of the United States five years, a qualified voter of this state for three years, and who shall not be a resident of the circuit in which he may be elected or appointed. Sec 27. The circuit court of St. Louis county shall be composed of five iudges, and such additional number as the general assembly may, from time to time, provide. Each of said judges shall sit separately for the trial of causes and the transaction of business in special term. The judges of said circuit court may sit in general term, for the purpose of making rules of court, and for the transaction of such other business as may be provided by law, at such time as they may determine; but shall have no "power to review any order, decision or proceeding of the court in special term. The St. Louis court of appeals shall have exclusive jurisdic- tion of all appeals from, and writs of error to circuit courts of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties, and the circuit court of St. Louis county, in special term, and all courts of record having criminal jurisdiction in said counties. Sec 28. In any circuit composed of a single county, the general assem- bly may, from time time, provide for one or more additional judges, as the business shall require ; each of whom shall separately try cases and per- form all other duties imposed upon circuit judges. Sec 29. If there be a vacancy in the office of judge of any circuit, or if the judge be sick, absent, or from any cause unable to hold any term, or part of term of court, in any county in his circuit, such term, or part of term of court, may be held by a judge of any other circuit; and at the re- quest of the judge of any circuit, any term of court, or part of term in his circuit, may be held by the judge of any other circuit, and in all such cases, or in any case where the judge cannot preside, the general assembly shall make such additional provision for holding court as may be found necessary. Sec 30. The election of judges of all courts of record shall be held as is or may be provided by law, and in case of a tie or contested election be- tween the candidates, the same shall be determined as prescribed by law. Sec 31. The general assembly shall have no power to establish crim- inal courts, except in counties having a population exceeding fifty thousand. Sec 32. In case the office of judge of any court of record becomes va- cant by death, resignation, removal, failure to qualify, or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by law. Sec 33. The judges of the supreme, appellate and circuit courts, and of all other courts of record receiving a salary, shall, at stated times, CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 145 receive such compensation for their services as is or may be prescribed by- law ; but it shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which they were elected. Sec. 34. The general assembly shall establish in every county a pro- bate court, which shall be a court of record, and consist of one judge, who shall be elected. Said court shall have jurisdiction over all matters per- taining to probate business, to granting letters testamentary and of admin- istration, the appointment of guardians and curators of minors and persons of unsound mind, settling the accounts of executors, administrators, cura- tors and guardians, and the sale or leasing of lands by administrators, curators and guardians; and, also, jurisdiction over all matters relating to apprentices: Provided, That until the general assembly shall provide by law for a uniform system of probate courts, the jurisdiction of probate courts heretofore established shall remain as now provided by law. Sec. 35. Probate courts shall be uniform in their organization, juris- diction, duties and practice, except that a separate clerk may be provided for, or the judge may be required to act, cx-qfficio, as his own clerk. Sec. 36. In each county there shall be a county court, which shall be a court of record, and shall have jurisdiction to transact all county and such other business as may be prescribed by law. The court shall consist of one or more judges, not exceeding three, of whom the probate judge may be one, as may be provided by law. Sec. 37. In each county there shall be appointed, or elected, as many justices of the peace as the public good may require, whose powers, duties and duration in office shall be regulated by law. Sec. 38. All writs and process shall run, and all prosecutions shall be conducted in the name of the "state of Missouri;" all writs shall be attested by the clerk of the court from which they shall be issued; and all indictments shall conclude " against the peace and dignity of the state." Sec 39. The St. Louis court of appeals and supreme court shall appoint their own clerks. The clerks of all other courts of record shall be elective, for such terms and in such manner as may be directed by law; -provided, that the term of office of no existing clerk of any court of record, not abolished by this constitution, shall be affected by such law. Sec. 40. In case there be a tie, or a contested election between can- didates for clerk of any court of record, the same shall be determined in such manner as may be directed by law. Sec. 41. In case of the inability of any judge of a court of record to discharge the duties of his office with efficiency, by reason of continued sickness, or physical or mental infirmity, it shall be in the power of the general assembly, two thirds of the members of each house concurring, with the approval of the governor, to remove such judge from office; but each house shall state on its respective journal the cause for which it shall wish his removal, and give him notice thereof, and he shall have the right to be heard in his defense, in such manner as the general assembly shall by law direct. Sec 42. All courts now existing in this state, not named or provided for in this constitution, shall continue until the expiration of the terms of office of the several judges; and as such terms expire, the business of said court shall vest in the court having jurisdiction thereof in the counties where said courts now exist, and all the records and papers shall be trans- ferred to the proper courts. 10 146 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 43. The supreme court of the state shall designate what opin- ions delivered by the court, or the judge thereof, may be printed at the ex- pense of the state; and the general assembly shall make no provision for payment by the state for the publication of any case decided by said court, not so designated. Sec. 44. All judicial decisions in this state shall be free for publica- tion by any person. ARTICLE VII. — IMPEACHMENTS. Section 1. The governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of pub- lic schools, and judges of the supreme, circuit and criminal courts, and of the St. Louis court of appeals, shall be liable to impeachment for high crimes or misdemeanors, and for misconduct, habits of drunkenness, or op- pression in office. Sec. 2. The house of representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the senate, and, when sitting for that purpose, the senators shall be sworn to do justice according to law and evidence. When the governor of the state is on trial, the chief justice of the supreme court shall preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the senators present. But judg- ment in such cases shall not extend any further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit under this state. The party, whether convicted or acquitted, shall, nevertheless, be liable to prosecution, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. ARTICLE VIII .— SUFFRAC.E and elections. Section 1. The general election shall be held biennially on the Tues- day next following the first Monday in November. The first general elec- tion under this constitution shall be held on that day, in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-six; but the general assembly may, by law, fix a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each house con- senting thereto. Sec. 2. Every male citizen of the United States, and every male per- son of foreign birth, who may have declared his intention to become a citi- zen of the United States according to law, not less than one year nor more than five } r ears before he offers to vote, who is over the age of twenty-one years, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections by the people: First, He shall have resided in the state one year immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote. Second, He shall have resided in the county, city or town where he shall offer to vote, at least sixtv days immediately preceding the election. Sec. 3. All elections by the people shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded by the election officers on the list of voters, opposite the name of the voter who presents the ballot. The election officers shall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any voter shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding: Provided, That in all cases of contested elections the ballots cast may be counted, compared with the list of voters, and examined under such safeguards and regulations as may be prescribed by law. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 117 Sec. 4. Voters shall, in all cases except treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at elections, and in going to and returning therefrom. Sec. 5. The general assembly shall provide, by law, for the registra- tion of all voters in cities and counties having a population of more than one 'hundred thousand inhabitants, and may provide for such registration in cities having a population exceeding twenty-five thousand inhabitants and not exceeding one hundred thousand, but not otherwise. Sec. 6. All elections, by persons in a representative capacity, shall be ■viva voce. Sec. 7. For fhe purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of his ab- sence, while employed in the service, either civil or military, of this state, or of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the state or of the United States, or of the high seas, nor while a student of any institution of learning, nor while kept in a poor house or other asy- lum at public expense, nor while confined in public prison. Sec. 8. No person, while kept at any poor house, or other asylum, at public expense, nor while confined in any public prison, shall be entitled to vote at any election under the laws of this state. Sec. 9. The trial and determination of contested elections of all public officers, whether state, judicial, municipal, or local, .except governor and lieutenant governor, shall be by the courts of law, or by one or more of the judges thereof. The general assembly shall, by general law, designate the court or judge by whom the several classes of election contests shall be tried, and regulate the manner of trial and all matters incident thereto; but no such law, assigning jurisdiction or regulating its exercise, shall apply to any contest arising out of any election held before said law shall take effect. Sec. 10. The general assembly may enact laws excluding from the right of voting all persons convicted of felony or other infamous crime, or misdemeanors connected with the exercise of the right of suffrage. Sec. 11. No officer, soldier or marine, in the regular army or navy of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any election in this state. Sec. 12. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office in this state, civil or military, who is not a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have resided in this state one year next preceding his election or appointment. ARTICLE IX. — counties, cities and towns, m Section 1. The several counties of this state, as they now exist, are hereby recognized as legal subdivisions of the state. Sec. 2. The general assembly shall have no power to remove the county seat of any county, but the removal of county seats shall be pro- vided for by general law ; and no county seat shall be removed unless two- thirds of the qualified voters of the county, voting on the proposition at a general election, vote therefor; and no such proposition shall, be sub- mitted oftener than once in five years. All additions to a town, which is a county seat, shall be included, considered and regarded as part of the county seat. Sec. 3. The general assembly shall have no power to establish any new county with a territory of less than four hundred and ten square miles, nor to reduce anv county, now established, to a less area or less population 148 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. than required for a ratio of representation existing at the time; but when a new county is formed, having a population less than a ratio of represent- ation, it shall be attached for representative purposes to the county from which the greatest amount of territory is taken until such ratio shall be obtained. No county shall be divided or have any portion stricken there- from, without submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county, nor unless a majority of all the qualified voters of the county or counties thus affected, voting on the question, shall vote therefor; nor shall any new county be established, any line of which shall run within ten miles of the then existing county seat of any county. In all cases of the establishment of any new county, the new county shall be held for and obliged to pay its ratable proportion of all the liabilities then existing of the county or coun- ties from which said new county shall be formed. Sec 4. No part of the territory of any county shall be stricken off and added to an adjoining county, without submitting the question to the qual- ified voters of the counties immediately interested, nor unless a majority of all the qualified voters of the counties thus affected, voting on the question, shall vote therefor. When any part of a county is stricken off and attached to another county, the part stricken off shall be holden for, and obliged to pay its proportion of all the liabilities then existing of the county from which it is taken. Sec 5. When any new county, formed from contiguous territory taken from older counties, or when any county to which territory shall be added taken from an adjoining county, shall fail to pay the proportion of indebt- edness of such territory, to the county or counties from which it is taken, then it may be lawful for any county from which such territory has been taken, to levy and collect, by taxation, the due proportion of indebtedness of such territory, in the same manner as if the territory had not been stricken off. Sec 6. No county, township, city or other municipality, shall here- after become a subscriber to the capital stock of any railroad or other cor- poration or association, or make appropriation or donation, or loan its credit to, or in aid of any such corporation or association, or to or in aid of any college or institution of learning, or other institution, whether created for or to be controlled by the state or others. All authority heretofore con- ferred for any of the purposes aforesaid by the general assembly, or by the charter of any corporation, is hereby repealed: Provided, however \ That nothing in this constitution contained shall affect the right of any such municipality to make such subscription, where the same has been au- thorized under existing laws by a vote of the people of such municipality prior to its adoption, or to prevent the issue of renewal bonds or the use of such other means as are or may be prescribed by law, for the liquidation or payment of such subscription, or of any existing indebtedness. Sec 7. The general assembly shall provide, by general laws, for the organization and classification of cities and towns. The number of such classes shall not exceed four; and the power of each class shall be defined by general laws, so that all such municipal corporations of the same class shall possess the same powers and be subject to the same restrictions. The general assembly shall also make provisions, by general law, whereby any city, town or village, existing by virtue of any special or local law, may elect to become subject to, and be governed by, the general laws relating to such corporations. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 149 Sec. 8. The general assembly may provide, by general law, for town- ship organization, under which any county may organize whenever a ma- jority of the legal voters of such county, voting at any general election, shall so determine ; and whenever any county shall adopt township organ- ization, so much of this constitution as provides for the management of county affairs, and the assessment and collection of the revenue by county officers, in conflict with such general law for township organization, may be dispensed with, and the business of said county, and the local concerns of the several townships therein, may be transacted in such manner as may be prescribed by law : Provided, That the justices of the county court in such case shall not exceed three in number. Sec 9. In any county which shall have adopted " Township Organiz- ation," the question of continuing the same may be submitted to a vote of the electors of such county at a general election, in the manner that shall be provided by law; and if a majority of all the votes cast upon that question shall be against township organization, it shall cease in said county; and all laws in force in relation to counties not having township organization shall immediately take effect and be in force in such county. Sec. 10. There shall be elected by the qualified voters in each county, at the time and places of electing representatives, a sheriff and coroner. They shall serve for two years, and until their successors be duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed for malfeasance in office, and shall be eligible only four years in any period of six. Before entering on the duties of their office, they shall give security in the amount and in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Whenever a county shall be hereafter established, the governor shall appoint a sheriff and a coroner therein, who shall continue in office until the next succeeding general election, and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 11. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the office of sheriff or coroner, the same shall be filled by the county court. If such vacancy hap- pen in the office of sheriff more than nine months prior to the time of holding a general election, such county court shall immediately order a special election to fill the same, and the person by it appointed shall hold office until the person chosen at such election shall be duly qualified; otherwise, the person appointed by such county court shall hold office until the person chosen at such general election shall be duly qualified. If any vacancy happen in the office of coroner, the same shall be filled for the remainder of the term by such county court. No person elected or appointed to fill a vacancy in either of said offices shall thereby be ren- dered ineligible for the next succeeding term. Sec. 12. The general assembly shall, by a law uniform in its opera- tion, provide for and regulate the fees of all county officers, and for this purpose may classify the counties by population. Sec. 13. The fees of no executive or ministerial officer of any county or municipality, exclusive of the salaries actually paid to his necessary deputies, shall exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars for any one year. Every such officer shall make return, quarterly, to the county court of all fees by him received, and of the salaries by him actually paid to his depu- ties or assistants, stating the same in detail, and verifying the same by his affidavit; and for any statement or omission in such return, contrary to truth, such officer shall be liable to the penalties of willful and corrupt perjury. 150 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 14. Except as otherwise directed by this constitution, the general assembly shall provide for the election or appointment of such other county, township and municipal officers, as public convenience may require ; and their terms of office and duties shall be prescribed by law ; but no term of office shall exceed four years. Sec 15. , In all counties having a city therein containing over one hun- dred thousand inhabitants, the city and county government thereof may be consolidated in such manner as may be provided by law. Sec 16. Any city having a population of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, may frame a charter for its own government, con- sistent with and subject to the constitution and laws of this state, by causing a board of thirteen freeholders, who shall have been for at least five years qualified voters thereof, to be elected by the qualified voters of such city at any general or special election; which board shall, within ninety days after such election, return to the chief magistrate of such city a draft of such charter, signed by the members of such board or a majority of them. Within thirty days thereafter, such proposed charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of such city, at a general or special elec- tion, and if four-sevenths of such qualified voters voting thereat, shall rat- ify the same, it shall, at the end of thirty days thereafter, become the char- ter of such city, and supersede any existing charter and amendments thereof. A duplicate certificate shall be made, setting forth the charter proposed and its ratification, which shall be signed by the chief magistrate of such city, and authenticated by its corporate seal. One of such certifi- cates shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, and the other, after being recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds for the county in which such city lies, shall be deposited among the archives of such city, and all courts shall take judicial notice thereof. Such charter, so adopted, may be amended by a proposal therefor, made by the law-making author- ities of such city, published for at least thirty days in three newspapers of largest circulation in such city, one of which shall be a newspaper printed in the German language, and accepted by three-fifths of the qualified voters of such city, voting at a general or special election, and not other- wise; but such charter shall always be in harmony with and subject to the constitution and laws of the state. Sec 17. It shall be a feature of all such charters that they shall pro- vide, among other things, for a mayor or chief magistrate, and two houses of legislation, one of which at least shall be elected by general ticket; and in submitting any such charter or amendment thereto to the qualified voters of such city, any alternative section or article may be presented for the choice of the voters, and may be voted on separately, and accepted or rejected separately, without prejudice to other articles or sections of the charter or any amendment thereto. Sec 18. In cities or counties having more than two hundred thousand inhabitants, no person shall, at the same time, be a state officer and an officer of any county, city or other municipality; and no person shall, at the same time, fill two municipal offices, either in the same or different municipalities; but this section shall not apply to notaries public, justices of the peace or officers of the militia. Sec 19. The corporate authorities of any county, city, or other munic- ipal subdivision of this state, having more than two hundred thousand in- habitants, which has already exceeded the limit of indebtedness prescribed CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 151 in section twelve of article X of this constitution, may, in anticipation of the customary annual revenue thereof, appropriate, during any fiscal year, toward the general governmental expenses thereof, a sum not exceeding seven-eighths of the entire revenue applicable to general governmental purposes (exclusive of the payment of the bonded debt of such county, city or municipality) that was actually raised by taxation alone during the pre- ceding fiscal year; but until such excess of indebtedness cease, no further bonded debt shall be incurred, except for the renewal of other bonds. ST. LOUIS. Sec. 20. The city of St. Louis may extend its limits so as to embrace the parks now without its boundaries, and other convenient and contiguous territory, and frame a charter for the government of the city thus enlarged, upon the following conditions, that is to say: The council of the city and county court of the county of St. Louis, shall, at the request of the mayor of the city of St. Louis, meet in joint session and order an election, to be held as provided for general elections, by the qualified voters of the city and county, of a board of thirteen freeholders of such city or county, whose duty shall be to propose a scheme for the enlargement and definition of the boundaries of the city, the reorganization of the government of the county, the adjustment of the relations between the city thus enlarged and the residue of St. Louis county and the government of the city thus enlarged, by a charter in harmony with and subject to the constitution and laws of Missouri, which shall, among other things, provide for a chief executive and two houses of legislation, one of which shall be elected by general ticket, which scheme and charter shall be signed in duplicate by said board or a majority of them, and one of them returned to the mayor of the city and the other to the presiding justice of the county court within ninety days after the election of such board. Within thirty days thereafter the city council and county court shall submit such scheme to the qualified voters of the whole county, and such charter to the qualified voters of the city so enlarged, at an election to be held not less than twenty nor more than thirty days after the order therefor; and if a majority of such qualified voters, voting at such election, shall ratify such scheme and charter, then such scheme shall become the organic law of the county and city, and such charter the organic law of the city, and at the end of sixty days thereafter shall take the place of and supersede the charter of St. Louis, and all amendments thereof, and all special laws relating to St. Louis county in- consistent with such scheme. Sec 21. A copy of such scheme and charter, with a certificate thereto appended, signed by the mayor and authenticated by the seal of the city, and also signed by the presiding justice of the county court and authenti- cated by the seal of the county, setting forth the submission of such scheme and charter to the qualified voters of such county and city and its ratifica- tion, by them, shall be made in duplicate, one of which shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, and the other, after being recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of St. Louis county, shall be deposited among the archives of the city, and thereafter all courts shall take judicial notice thereof. Sec 22. The charter so ratified may be amended at intervals of not less than two years, by proposals" therefor, submitted by the law-making authorities of the city to the qualified voters thereof at a general or special 152 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. election, held at least sixty days after the publication of such proposals, and accepted by at least three-fifths of the qualified voters voting thereat. Sec. 23. Such charter and amendments shall always be in harmony with, and subject to the constitution and laws of Missouri, except only, that provision ma}" be made for the graduation of the rate of taxation for city purposes in the portions of the city which are added, thereto by the proposed enlargement of its boundaries. In the adjustment of the rela- tions between city and county, the city shall take upon itse.l *he entire park tax; and in consideration of the city becoming the propria cor of all the county buildings and property within its enlarged limits, it shall as- sume the whole of the existing county debt, and thereafter the city and county of St. Louis shall be independent of each other. The city shall be exempted from all county taxation. The judges of the county court shall be elected by the qualified voters outside of the city. The city, as en- larged, shall be entitled to the same representation in the general assem- bly, collect the state revenue, and perform all other functions in relation to the state in the same manner as if it were a county, as in this constitution defined; and the residue of the county shall remain a legal county of the state of Missouri, under the name of the county of St. Louis. IJntil the next apportionment for senators and representatives in the general assem- bly, the city shall have six senators and fifteen representatives, and the county one senator and two representatives, the same being the number of senators and representatives to which the county of St. Louis, as now or- ganized, is entitled under sections eight and eleven, of article IV, of this constitution. Sec. 24. The county and city of St. Louis, as now existing, shall con- tinue to constitute the eighth judicial circuit, and the jurisdiction of all courts of record, except the county court, shall continue until otherwise provided by law. Sec 25. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the general assembly shall have the same power over the city and county of St. Louis that it has over other cities and counties of this state. ARTICLE X. — REVENUE AND TAXATION. Section 1. The taxing power may be exercised by the general as- sembly for state purposes, and by counties and other municipal corpora- tions, under authority granted to them by the general assembly, for county and other corporate purposes. Sec 2. The power to tax corporations and corporate property shall not be surrendered or suspended by act of the general assembly. Sec. 3. Taxes may be levied and collected for public purposes only. They shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax; and all taxes shall be levied and collected by general laws. Sec. ±. All property subject to taxation shall be taxed in proportion to its value. Sec. 5. All railroad corporations in this state, or doing business therein, shall be subject to taxation for state, county, school, municipal and other purposes, on the real and personal property owned or used by them, and on their gross earnings, their net earnings, their franchises and their capital stock. Sec. 6. The property, real and personal, of the state, counties and CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 153 other municipal corporations, and cemeteries, shall be exempt from taxa- tion. Lots in incorporated cities or towns, or within one mile of the limits of any such city or town, to the extent of one acre, and lots one mile or more distant from such cities or towns, to the extent of five acres, with the buildings thereon, may be exempted from taxation, when the same are used exclusively for religious worship, for schools, or for purposes purely charitable; also, such property, real or personal, as may be used exclusively for agricultural or horticultural societies: Provided, That such exemptions shall be only by general law. Sec 7. All laws exempting property from taxation, other than the property above enumerated, shall be void. Sec. 8. The state tax on property, exclusive of the tax necessary to pay the bonded debt ot the state, shall not exceed twenty cents on the hundred dollars valuation ; and whenever the taxable property of the state shall amount to nine hundred million dollars, the rate shall not exceed fif- teen cents. Sec 9. No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation, nor the inhabitants thereof, nor the property therein, shall be released or discharged from their or its proportionate share of taxes to be levied for state pur- poses, nor shall commutation for such taxes be authorized in any form whatsoever. Sec 10. The general assembly shall not impose taxes upon counties, cities, towns or other municipal corporations; or upon the inhabitants or property thereof, for county, city, town or other municipal purposes; but may, by general laws, vest in the corporate authorities thereof, the power to assess and collect taxes for such purposes. Sec 11. Taxes for county, city, town and school purposes, may be levied on all subjects and objects of taxation ; but the valuation of property therefor shall not exceed the valuation of the same property in such town, city or school district for state and county purposes. For county purposes the annual rate on property, in counties having six million dollars or less, shall not, in the aggregate, exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valua- tion; in counties having six million dollars and under ten million dollars, said rate shall not exceed forty cents on the hundred dollars valuation ; in counties having ten million dollars and under thirty million dollars, said rate shall not exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and in counties having thirty million dollars or more, said rate shall not exceed thirty-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation. For city and town pur- poses the annual rate on property in cities and towns having thirty thou- sand inhabitants or more, shall not, in the aggregate, exceed one hundred cents on the hundred dollars valuation; in cities and towns having less than thirty thousand and over ten thousand inhabitants, said .rate shall not exceed sixty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; in cities and towns having less than ten thousand and more than one thousand inhabi- tants, said rate shall not exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and in towns having one thousand inhabitants or less, said rate shall not exceed twenty-five cents on the hundred valuation. For school purposes in districts, the annual rate on property shall not exceed forty cents on the hundred dollars valuation: Provided, The aforesaid annual rates for school purposes may be increased, in districts formed of cities and towns, to an amount not to exceed one dollar on the hundred dollars valuation ; and in other districts to an amount not to exceed sixty-five cents on the hundred 154 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. dollars valuation, on the condition that a majority of the voters who are tax-payers, voting at an election held to decide the question, vote for said increase. For the purpose of erecting public buildings in counties, cities or school districts, the rates of taxation herein limited may be increased when the rate of such increase and the purpose for which it is intended shall have been submitted to a vote of the people, and two-thirds of the qualified voters of such county, city, or school district, voting at such elec- tion shall vote therefor. The rate herein allowed to each county shall be ascertained by the amount of taxable property therein, according to the last assessment for state and county purposes, and the rate allowed to each city or town by the number of inhabitants, according to the last census taken under the authority of the state, or of the United States; said re- strictions, as to rates, shall apply to taxes of every kind and description, whether general or special, except taxes to pay valid indebtedness now ex- isting or bonds which may be issued in renewal of such indebtedness. Sec. 12. No county, city, town, township, school district or other polit- ical corporation or subdivision of the state, shall be allowed to become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an amount exceeding in any year the income and revenue provided for such year, without the assent of two-thirds the voters thereof, voting at an election to be held for that purpose; nor in cases requiring such assent shall any indebtedness be allowed to be incurred to an amount including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate, exceeding five per centum on the value of the taxable prop- erty therein, to be ascertained by the assessment next before the last as- sessment for state and county, purposes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness: Provided, That with such assent any county may be allowed to become indebted to a larger amount for the erection of a court house or jail: And -provided further, That any county, city, town, township, school district or other political corporation, or subdivision of the state, incurring any indebtedness, requiring the assent of the voters as aforesaid, shall, be- fore or at the time of doing so, provide for the collection of an annual tax, sufficient to pay the interest on such indebtedness as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for payment of the principal thereof, within twenty years from the time of contracting the same. Sec 13. Private property shall not be taken or sold for the payment of the corporate debt of a municipal corporation. Sec. 14. The tax authorized by the sixth section of the ordinance adopted June sixth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, is hereby abolished, and hereafter there shall be levied and collected an annual tax sufficient to pay the accruing interest upon the bonded debt of the state, and to reduce the principal thereof each year by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; the proceeds of which tax shall be paid into the state treasury, and appropriated and paid out for the purposes expressed in the first and second subdivisions of section forty-three of arti- cle IV of this constitution. The funds and resources now in the state in- terest and state sinking funds shall be appropriated to the same purposes; and whenever said bonded debt is extinguished, or a sum sufficient there- for has been raised, the tax provided for in this section shall cease to be assessed. Sec 15. All moneys now, or at any time hereafter, in the state treas- ury, belonging to the state, shall, immediately on receipt thereof, be deposited by the treasurer to the credit of the state for the benefit of the CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 155 funds to which they respectively belong, in such bank or banks as he may, from time to time, with the approval of the governor and attorney gen- eral, select; the said bank or banks giving security, satisfactory to the gov- ernor and attorney general, for the safe keeping and payment of such deposit, when demanded by the state treasurer on his checks; such bank to pay a bonus for the use of such deposits not less than the bonus paid by other banks for similar deposits; and the same, together with such interest and profits as may accrue thereon, shall be disbursed by said treasurer for the purposes of the state, according to Jaw, upon warrants drawn by the state auditor, and not otherwise. Sec. 16. The treasurer shall keep a separate account of the funds, and the number and amount of warrants received,' and from whom; and shall publish, in such manner as the governor may designate, quarterly state- ments, showing the amount of state moneys, and where the same are kept or deposited. Sec. 17. The making of profit out of state, county, city, town or school district money, or using the same for an} 7 purpose not authorized by law, by any public officer, shall be deemed a felony, and shall be punished as provided by law. Sec. IS. There shall be a state board of equalization, consisting of the governor, state auditor, state treasurer, secretary of state and attorney general. The duty of said board shall be to adjust and equalize the valu- ation of real and personal property among the several counties in the state,. and it shall perform such other duties as are or may be prescribed bylaw. Sec. 19. No moneys shall ever be paid out of the treasury of this state, or any of the funds under its management, except in pursuance of an appropriation by law ; nor unless such payment be made, or a warrant shall have issued therefor, within two years after the passage of such ap- propriation act; and every such law, making a new appropriation, or con- tinuing or reviving an appropriation, shall distinctly specify the sum appro- priated, and the object to which it is to be applied ; and it shall not be suffi- cient to refer to any other law to fix such sum or object. A regular state- ment and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. Sec. 20. The moneys arising from any loan, debt or liability, con- tracted by the state, or any county, city, town, or other municipal corpora- tion, shall be applied to the purposes for which they w 7 ere obtained, or to the repayment of such- debt or liability, and not otherwise. Sec. 21. No corporation, company or association, other than those formed for benevolent, religious, scientific, or educational purposes, shall be created or organized under the laws of this state, unless the persons named as corporators shall, at or before the filing of the articles of association or incorporation, pay into the state treasury fifty dollars for the first fifty thousand dollars or less of capital stock, and a further sum of five dollars for every additional ten thousand dollars of its capital stock. And no such corporation, company or association shall increase its capital stock without first paying into the treasury five dollars for every ten thousand dollars of increase: Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit the general assembly from levying a further tax on the franchises of such corporation. 156 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. ARTICLE XL— education Section 1. A general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, the general assembly shall establish and maintain free public schools for the gratuitous instruction of all persons in this state between the ages of six and twenty years. Sec. 2. The income of all the funds provided by the state for the sup- port of free public schools, shall be paid annually to the several county treasurers, to be disbursed according to law; but no school district, in which a free public school has not been maintained at least three months during the year for which the distribution is made, shall be entitled to receive anv portion of such funds. Sec. 3. Separate free public schools shall be established for the educa- tion of children of African descent. Sec. 4. The supervision of instruction in the public schools shall be vested in a " board of education," whose powers and duties shall be pre- scribed by law. The superintendent of public schools shall be president of the board. The governor, secretary of state and attorney-general shall be ex-officio members, and with the superintendent, compose said board of education. Sec. 5. The general assembly shall, whenever the public school fund will permit, and the actual necessity of the same may require, aid and maintain the state university, now established, with its present depart- ments. The government of the state university shall be vested in a board of curators, to consist of nine members, to be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. Sec. 6. The proceeds of all lands that have been, or hereafter may be granted by the United States to this state, and not otherwise appropriated by this state or the United States; also, all moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property now belonging to any state fund for purposes of educa- tion; also, the net proceeds of all sales of lands, and other property and effects that may accrue to the state by escheat, from unclaimed dividends and distributive shares of the estates of deceased persons; also, any pro- ceeds of the sales of the public lands which may have been or hereafter may be paid over to this state, (if congress will consent to such appropria- tion); also, all other grants, gifts or devises that have been, or hereafter may be, made to this state, and not otherwise appropriated by the state or the terms of the grant, gift or devise, shall be paid into the state treasury, and securely invested and sacredly preserved as a public school fund; the annual income of which fund, together with so much of the ordinary reve- nue of the state as may be by law set apart for that purpose, shall be faith- fully appropriated for establishing and maintaining the free public schools and the state university in this article provided for, and for no other uses or purposes whatsoever. Sec. 7. In case the public school fund now provided and set apart by law, for the support of free public schools, shall be insufficient to sustain a free school at least four months in every year in each school district in this state, the general assembly may provide for such deficiency in accordance with section eleven of the article on revenue and taxation ; but in no case shall there be set apart less than twenty-five per cent, of the state revenue exclusive of the interest and sinking fund, to be applied annually to the support of the public schools. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 157 Sec. 8. All moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property belonging to a county school fund; also, the net proceeds from the sale of estrays; also, the clear proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures, and of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal or mili- tary laws of the state, and all moneys which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty, shall belong to and be securely invested, and sacredly preserved in the several counties, as a county public school fund; the income of which fund shall be faithfully appropriated for establishing and maintaining free public schools in the several counties of this state. Sec. 9. No part of the public school fund of the state shall ever be invested in the stock or bonds, or other obligations of any other state, or of any county, city, town or corporation ; and the proceeds of the sales of any lands or other property which now belong, or may hereafter belong, to said school fund, shall be invested in the bonds of the state of Missouri, or of the United States. Sec. 10. All county school funds shall be loaned only upon unincum- bered real estate security, of double the valve of the loan, with personal security in addition thereto. Sec. 11. Neither the general assembly, nor any -county, city, town, township, school district or other municipal corporation, shall ever make an appropriation, or pay from any public fund whatever anything in aid of any religious creed, church or sectarian purpose; or to help to support or sustain any private or public school, academy, seminary, college, univers- ity or other institution of learning, controlled by any religious creed, church or sectarian denomination whatever; nor shall any grant or donation of personal property or real estate ever be made by the state, or any county, city, town or other municipal corporation, for any religious creed, church or sectarian purpose whatever. ARTICLE XII— CORPORATIONS. Section 1. All existing charters, or grants of special or exclusive priv- ileges, under which a bona fide organization shall not have taken place, and business been commenced in good faith, at the adoption of this con- stitution, shall thereafter have no validity. Sec. 2. No corporation, after the adoption of this constitution, shall be created by special laws; nor shall any existing charter be extended, changed or amended by special laws, except those for charitable, penal or reformatory purposes, "which are under the patronage and control of the state. Sec. 3. The general assembly shall not remit the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation now existing, or alter or amend such forfeited charter, or pass any other general or special laws for the benefit of such corporations. Sec. 4. The exercise of the power and right of eminent domain, shall never be so construed or abridged as to prevent the taking, by the general assembly, of the property and franchises of incorporated companies already organized, or that may be hereafter organized, and subjecting them to the public use, the same as that of individuals. The right of trial by jury shall be held inviolate in all trials of claims for compensation, when in the exercise of said right of eminent domain, any incorporated company shall be interested either for or against the exercise of said right. 158 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 5. The exercise of the police power of the state shall never be abridged, or so construed as to permit corporations to conduct their busi- ness in such manner as to infringe the equal rights of individuals, or the general well-being of the state. Sec. 6. In all elections for directors or managers of any incorporated companv, each shareholder shall have the right to cast as many votes in the aggregate as shall equal the number of shares so held by him or her in said company, multiplied by the number of directors or managers to be elected at such election; and each shareholder may cast the whole number of votes, either in person or by proxy for one candidate, or distribute such votes among two or more candidates ; and such directors or managers shall not be elected in any other manner. Sec. 7. No corporation shall engage in business, other than that ex- pressly authorized in its charter or the law under which it may have been or hereafter may be organized, nor shall it hold any real estate for any period longer than six years, except such as may be necessary and proper for carrying on its legitimate business. Sec. 8. No corporation shall issue stock or bonds, except for money paid, labor done or property actually received, and all fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void. The stock and bonded indebtedness of corporations shall not be increased, except in pursuance of general law, nor without the consent of the persons holding the larger amount in value of the stock first obtained at a meeting called for the purpose, first giving sixty days public notice, as may be provided by law. Sec. 9. Dues from private corporations shall be secured by such means as may be prescribed by law, but in no case shall any stockholder be indi- vidually liable in any amount over or above the amount of stock owned by him or her. Sec. 10. No corporation shall issue preferred stock without the con- sent of all the stockholders. Sec. 11. The term "corporation," as used in this article, shall be con- strued to include all joint stock companies or associations having any pow- ers or privileges not possessed by individuals or partnerships. RAILROADS. Sec. 12. It shall not be lawful in this state for any railway company to charge for freight or passengers a greater amount, for the transportation of the same, for a less distance than the amount charged for any greater distance, and suitable laws shall be passed by the general assembly to en- force this provision; but excursion and commutation tickets maybe issued at special rates. Sec. 13. Any railroad corporation or association, organized for the purpose, shall have the right to construct and operate a railroad between any points within this state, and to connect at the state line with railroads of other states. Every railroad company shall have the right, with its road, to intersect, connect with, or cross any other railroad, and shall receive and transport each the other's passengers, tonnage and cars, loaded or empty, without delay or discrimination. Sec. 14. Railways heretofore constructed, or that may hereafter be constructed in this state are hereby declared public highways, and railroad companies common carriers. The general assembly shall pass laws tc correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 159 of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in this state; and shall, from time to time, pass laws establishing reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freight on said railroads, and enforce all such laws by adequate penalties. Sec. 15. Every railroad or other corporation, organized or doing busi- ness in this state under the laws or authority thereof, shall have and main- tain a public office or place in this state for the transaction of its business, where transfers of stock shall be made, and where shall be kept, for public inspection, books in which shall be recorded the amount of capital stock subscribed, the names of the owners of the stock, the amounts owned by them respectively, the amount of stock paid, and by whom, the transfer of said stock, with the date of transfer, the amount of its assets and liabilities, and the names and places of residence of its officers. The directors of every railroad company shall hold one meeting annually in this state, pub- lic notice of which shall be given thirty days previously, and shall report annually, under oath, to the state auditor, or some officer designated by law, all of their acts and doings, which report shall include such matters relating to railroads as may be prescribed by law. The general assembly shall pass laws enforcing, by suitable penalties, the provisions of this sec- tion. Sec. 16. The rolling stock and all other movable property belonging to any railroad company or corporation in this state, shall be considered personal property, and shall be liable to execution and sale in the same manner as the personal property of individuals; and the general assembly shall pass no law exempting any such property from execution and sale. Sec. 17. No railroad or other corporation, or the lessees, purchasers or managers of any railroad corporation, shall consolidate the stock, property or franchises ot such corporation, with, or lease or purchase the works or franchises of, or in any way control any railroad corporation owning or hav- ing under its control a parallel or competing line; nor shall anv officer of such railroad corporation act as an officer of any other railroad corporation owning or having the control of a parallel or competing line. The ques- tion whether railroads are parallel or competing lines shall, when demanded, be decided by a jury, as in other civil issues. Sec. 18. If any railroad company organized under the laws of this state shall consolidate, by sale or otherwise, with any railroad company organized under the laws of any other state, or of the United States, the same shall not thereby become a foreign corporation ; but the courts of this state shall retain jurisdiction in all matters which may arise, as if said con- solidation had not taken place. In no case shall any consolidation take place, except upon public notice of at least sixty days to all stockholders, in such manner as mav be provided by law. Sec. 19. The general assembly shall pass no law for the benefit of a railroad or other corporations, or any individual or association of individ- uals, retrospective in its operation, or which imposes on the people of any county or municipal subdivision of the state, a new liability in respecc to transactions or considerations already past. Sec. 20. No law shall be passed by the general assembly granting the right to construct and operate a street railroad within any city, town, vil- lage, or on any public highway, without first acquiring the consent of the local authorities having control of the street or highway proposed to be 160 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. occupied by such street railroad; and the franchises so granted shall not be transferred without similar assent first obtained. Sec. 21. No railroad corporation in existence at the time of the adop- tion of this constitution shall have the benefit of any future legislation, except on condition of complete acceptance of all the provisions of this constitution applicable to railroads. Sec. 22. No president, director, officer, agent, or employe of any rail- road company shall be interested, directly, or indirectly, in furnishing ma- terial or supplies to such company, or in the business of transportation as a common carrier of freight or passengers over the works owned, leased, controlled or worked by such company. Sec. 23. No discrimination in charges or facilities in transportation" shall be made between transportation companies and individuals, or in favor of either, by abatement, drawback or otherwise ; and no railroad com- pany, or any lessee, manager or employee thereof, shall make any prefer- ence in furnishing cars or motive power. Sec. 24. No railroad or other transportation company shall grant free passes or tickets, or passes or tickets at a discount, to members of the gen- eral assembly, or members cf the board of equalization, or any state, or county, or municipal officers ; and the acceptance of such pass or ticket, by a member of the general assembly, or any such officer, shall be a forfeiture of his office. BANKS. Sec. 25. No state bank shall hereafter be created, nor shall the state own or be liable for any stock in any corporation, or joint stock company, or association for banking purposes, now created or hereafter to be cre- ated. Sec. 26. No act of the general assembly authorizing or creating cor- porations or associations with banking powers (except banks of deposit or discount,) nor amendments thereto, shall go into effect, or in any man- ner be enforced, unless the same shall be submitted to a vote of the quali- fied voters of the state, at the general election next succeeding the pass- age of the same, and be approved by a majority of the votes cast at such election. Sec. 27. It shall be a crime, the nature and punishment of which shall be prescribed by law, for any president, director, manager, cashier or other officer of any banking institution, to assent to the reception of deposits, or the creation of debts by such banking institution, after he shall have had knowledge of the fact that it is insolvent, or in failing circumstances ; and any such officer, agent or manager, shall be individually responsible for such deposits so received, and all such debts so created with his assent. ARTICLE XIII.— militia. Section 1. All able-bodied male inhabitants of this state between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, who are citizens of the United States, or have declared their intention of become such citizens, shall be liable to military duty in the militia of this state: Provided, That no person who is religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, can be compelled to do so, but may be compelled to pay an equivalent for military service, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. The general assembly, in providing for the organization, CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 161 equipment and discipline of the militia, shall conform, as nearly as practi- cable, to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States. Sec. 3. Each company and regiment shall elect its own company and regimental officers; but if any company or regiment shall neglect to elect such officers within the time prescribed by law, or by the order of the gov- ernor, they may be appointed by the governor. Sec. 4. Volunteer companies of infantry, cavalry and artillery, may be formed in such manner and under such restrictions as may be provided by law. Sec. 5. The volunteer and militia forces shall in all cases, except trea- son, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at musters, parades and elections, and in going to and returning from the same. Sec. 6. The governor shall appoint the adjutant general, quarter- master general and his other staff officers. He shall also, with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint all major generals and brigadier generals. Sec. 7. The general assembly shall provide for the safe keeping of the public arms, military records, banners and relics of the state. ARTICLE XIV. — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Section 1. The general assembly of this state shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil by the United States, nor with any regulation which congress may tind necessary for securing the title in such soil to bona -fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the prop- erty of the "United States; nor shall lands belonging to persons residing out of the limits of this state ever be taxed at a higher rate than the lands. « belonging to persons residing within the state. Sec. 2. No person shall be prosecuted in any civil action or criminal, proceeding for or on account of any act by him done, performed or exe- cuted between the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the twentieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, by virtue of military authority vested in him, or in pursu- ance of orders from any person vested with such authority by the govern- ment of the United States, or of this state, or of the late Confederate states, or any of them, to do such act. And if any action or proceedings shall have been, or shall hereafter be instituted against any person for the doing of any such act, the defendant may plead this section in bar thereof. Sec. 3. No person who shall hereafter fight a duel, or assist in the same as a second, or send, accept, or knowingly carry a challenge therefor, or agree to go out of this state to right a duel, shall hold any office in this state. Sec. 4. No person holding an office of profit under the United States, shall, during his continuance in such office, hold any office of profit ui: a aot this state. Sec. 5. In the absence of any contrary provision, all officers noW or nereafter elected or appointed, subject to the right of resignation, shall hold office during their official terms, and until their successors shall be duly elected or appointed and qualified. Sec. 6. All officers, both civil and military, under the authority of this state, shall, before entering on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe an oath^or affirmation, to support the constitution of the 11 162 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. United States and of this state, and to demean themselves faithfully in office. Sec. 7. The general assembly shall, in addition to other penalties, provide for the removal from office of county, city, town and township officers, on conviction of willful, corrupt or fraudulent violation or neglect of official duty. Sec 8. The compensation or fees of no state, county or municipal officer shall be increased during his term of office; nor shall the term of any office be extended for a longer period than that for which such officer was elected or appointed. Sec 9. The appointment of all officers not otherwise directed by this constitution, shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Sec 10. The general assembly shall have no power to authorize lot- teries or gift enterprises for any purpose, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale of lottery or gift enterprise tickets, or tickets in anjr scheme in the nature of a lottery, in this state; and all acts or parts of acts heretofore passed by the legislature of this state, authorizing a lottery or lotteries, and all acts amendatory thereof, or supplemental thereto, are hereby avoided. Sec 11. It shall be the duty of the grand jury in each county, at least once a year, to investigate the official acts of all officers having charge of public funds, and report the result of their investigations in writing to the court. Sec 12. Senators and representatives shall, in all cases, except trea- son, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the general assembly, and for fifteen days next before the com- mencement and after the termination of each session ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. ARTICLE XV. — mode of amending the constitution. Section 1. This constitution may be amended and revised only in pursuance of the provisions of this article. Sec. 2. The general assembly may, at any time, propose such amend- ments to this constitution as a majority of the members elected to each house shall deem expedient; and the vote thereon shall betaken by yeas and nays, and entered in full on the journals. The proposed amendments shall be published with the laws of that session, and also shall be published weekly in some newspaper, if such there be, within each county in the state, for four consecutive weeks next preceding the general election then next ensuing. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the people, each amendment separately, at the next general election there- after, in such manner as the general assembly may provide. If a major- ity of the qualified voters of the state, voting for and against any one of saic 1 amendments, shall vote for such amendment, the same shall be deemed and taken to have been ratified by the people, and shall be valid and binding, to all intents and purposes, as a part of this constitution. Sec 3. The general assembly may at any time authorize, by law a vote of the people to be taken upon the question whether a convention shall be held for the purpose of revising and amending the constitution of this state; and if at such election a majority of the votes on the question be in favor of a convention, the governor shall issue writs to the sheriffs of the different counties, ordering the election of delegates to such a conven- CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 163 tion, on a day not less than three and within six months after that on which the said question shall have been voted on. At such election each senato- rial district shall elect two delegates for each senator to which it may then be entitled in the general assembly, and every such delegate shall have the qualifications of a state senator. The election shall be conducted in conformity with the laws regulating the election of senators. The dele- gates so elected shall meet at such time and place as provided by law, and organize themselves into a convention, and proceed to revise and amend the constitution; and the constitution when so revised and amend- ed, shall, on a day to be therein fixed, not less than sixty days or more than six months after that on which it shall have been adopted by the conven- tion, be submitted to a vote of the people for and against it, at an election to be held for that purpose ; and, if a majority of all the votes given be in favor of such constitution, it shall, at the end of thirty days after such elec- tion became the constitution of this state. The result of such elec- tion shall -be made known by proclamation by the governor. The general assembly shall have no power, otherwise than in this section specified, to authorize a convention for revising and amending the constitution. SCHEDULE. That no inconvenience may arise from the alteration and amendments in the constitution of this state, and to carry the same into complete effect, it is hereby ordained and declared: Section 1 . That all laws in force at the adoption of this constitution, not inconsistent therewith, shall remain in full force until altered or re- pealed by the general assembly; and, all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims and contracts of the state, counties, individuals or bodies corporate not inconsistent therewith, shall continue to be as valid as if this constitution had not been adopted. The provisions of all laws which are inconsistent with this constitution, shall cease upon its adoption, except that all laws which are inconsistent with such provision of this constitution, as require legislation to enforce them, shall remain in force until the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, unless sooner amended or repealed by the general assembly. Sec. 2. That all recognizances, obligations and all other instruments, entered into or executed before the adoption of this constitution, to this state or to any subdivision thereof, or any municipality therein : and all fines, taxes, penalties and forfeitures, due or owing to this state, or any such subdivision or municipality; and all writs, prosecutions, actions and causes of action, except as herein otherwise provided, shall continue and remain unaffected by the adoption of this constitution. All indictments which shall have been found or may hereafter be found, for any crime or offense committed before this constitution takes effect, may be proceeded upon as if no change had taken place, except as otherwise provided in this constitution. Sec. 3. All county and probate courts, as now constituted and organ- ized, shall continue with their jurisdiction, until the general assembly shall by law conform them in their organization to the requirements of this constitution. Sec. 4. All criminal courts organized and existing under the laws of this state, and not specially provided for in this constitution, shall continue to exist until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 5. All courts of common pleas existing and organized in cities 164: CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. and towns having a population exceeding three thousand five hundred in- habitants, and such as by the law of their creation are presided over by a judge of a circuit court, shall continue to exist and exercise their present jurisdiction, until otherwise provided by law. All other courts of common pleas shall cease to exist at the expiration of the present terms of office of the several judges thereof. Sec. 6. All persons now filling any office or appointment in this state, shall continue in the exercise of the duties thereof, according to their re- spective commissions or appointments, unless otherwise provided by law. Sec. 7. Upon the adoption of this constitution, all appeals to, and writs of error from the supreme court, shall be returnable to the supreme court at the city of Jefferson. Sec. 8. Until the general assembly shall make provision for the pay- ment of the state and railroad indebtedness of this state, in pursuance of section fourteen of article ten of this constitution, there shall be levied and collected an annual tax of one-fifth of one per centum on all real estate and other property and effects subject to taxation, the proceeds of which shall be applied to the payment of the interest on the bonded debt of this state as it matures, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid into the sinking fund and thereafter applied to the payment of such indebtedness, and to no other purpose. Sec. 9. This constitution shall be submitted to the people of this state for adoption or rejection, at an election to be held for that purpose only, on Saturday, the thirtieth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventv-five. Every person entitled to vote under the constitution and laws of this state shall be entitled to vote for the adoption or rejection of this constitution. Said election shall be held, and said qualified electors shall vote at the usual places of voting in the several counties of this state ; and said election shall be conducted, and returns thereof made, according to the laws now in force regulating general elections. Sec. 10. The clerks of the several county courts in this state, shall, at least five days before said election, cause to be delivered to the judges of election in each election district or precinct, in their respective counties, suitable blank poll books, forms of return and five times the number of properly prepared printed ballots for said election, that there are voters in said respective districts, the expense whereof shall be allowed and paid by the several county courts, as other county expenditures are allowed and paid. Sec. 11. At said election the ballots shall be in the following form: New constitution ticket, {erase the clause you do not favor.) New consti- tution, — Yes. New constitution, — No. Each of said ticket sshall be counted as a vote for or against this constitution, as the one clause or the other may be canceled with ink or pencil by the voter, and returns thereof shall be made accordingly. If both clauses of the ticket be erased, or if neither be erased, the ticket shall not be counted. Sec. 12. The returns of the whole vote cast for the adoption and against the adoption of this constitution shall be made by the several clerks, as now provided by law in case of the election of state officers, to the secretary of state, within twenty days after the election ; and the re- turns of said votes shall, within ten days thereafter, be examined and canvassed by the state auditor, state treasurer and secretary of state, or any two of them, in the presence of the governor, and proclamation shall be made by the governor forthwith of the result of the canvass. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 165 Sec. 13. If, upon such canvass, it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were in favor of the new constitution, then this constitution shall, on and after the thirtieth day of November, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-five, be the supreme law of the state of Missouri, and the present existing constitution shall thereupon cease in all its provisions; but if it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were against the new constitution, then this constitution shall be null and void, and the existing constitution shall continue in force. Sec. 14. The provisions of this schedule required to be executed prior to the adoption or rejection of this constitution, shall take effect and be in force immediately. Sec. 15. The general assembly shall pass all such laws as may be necessary to carry this constitution into full effect. Sec. 16. The present secretary of state, state auditor, attorney-general, and superintendent of public schools, shall, during the remainder of their terms of office, unless otherwise directed by law, receive the same com- pensation and fees as is now provided by law ; and the present state treas- urer shall, during the remainder of the term of his office, continue to be governed by existing law, in the custod}' and disposition of the state funds, unless otherwise directed by law. Sec 17. Section twelve of [the] bill of rights shall not be so construed as to prevent arrests and preliminary examination in any criminal case. Done in convention, at tne capitol, in the city of Jefferson, on the second day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundredth. WALDO P. JOHNSON, President, St. Clair county. N. W. WATKINS, Vice President, Scott county. Adams, Washington, Cooper. Letcher, Wm. H., Saline. Allen, DeWitt O, Clay. Lay, Alfred M., Cole. Alexander, A. M., Monroe. ' Mabret, Pinckney, Ripley. Black, Francis IV!., Jackson. Massey, B. F , Newton. Boone, Henry, DeKalb. Maxey, James Harvey, Howell, Bradfield, George W., Laclede. McAfee, Charles B., Greene. Broadhead, James O., St. Louis. McKee, Archibald V\, Lincoln. Brokmeyer, Henhy C, St. Louis. McCabe, Edward, Marion. Carleton, George W, Pemiscot. McKillop, Malcomb, Atchison. Chrisman, William, Jackson. Mortell, Nicholas A., St. Louis. Conway, Edmund V., St. Francois. Mudd, Henry Thomas, St. Louis. Cottey, Louis F., Knox. Nickerson, Edmund A., Johnson. Crews, T. W. B., Franklin. Norton, Elijah Hise, Platte. Crockett, Samuel R., Vernon. Pipkin, Philip, Jefferson. Davis, Lowndey Henry, Cape Girardeau. Priest, William, Platte. Dryden, Leonidas J., Warren Pulitzer, Joseph, St. Louis. Dysart, Benjamin Robert, Macon. Ray, John, Barry. Edwards, John F. T., Iron. Rider, J. H., Bollinger. Edwards, James C, St. Louis. Ripey, J. R., Schuyler. Eitzen, Charles D., Gasconade. Roberts, James C, Buchanan. F arris, Jamss L., Ray. Ross, J. P., Morgan. Fyan, Robert VV. Webster. Ross, John W., Polk. Gantt, Thomas Tasker, St. Louis. Rucker, John Fleming, Boone. Gottschalk, Louis, St. Louis. Shackelford, Thomas, Howard*. Hale, John B., Carroll. Shanklin, John H., Grundy. Halliburton, W., Sullivan. Shields, George H., St. Louis. Hammond, Charles, Chariton. Spaundorst, Henry J , St. Louis. Hardin, Neil Cameron, Pike. Switzler, William F., Boone. Holliday, J. A., Caldwell. Taylor, John H., Jasper Hyer, John, Dent, Taylor, Amos Riley, St. Louis. Johnson, Horace B., Cole. Todd, Albert, St. Louis. Johnston, T. J., Nodoway. Wagner, L. J , Scotland. Lackland, Henry Clay, St. Charles. Wallace, Henry C, Lafayette. Attkt- G. N. NOLAN, Secretary. J. Boyle Adams, Assistant Secretary Abstract of Missouri State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A bill of exchange is a written order from one person to another, direct- ing the person to whom it is addressed to pay to a third person a certain sum of money therein named. The person making the bill is called the maker. The person to whom it is directed is called the drawee, and the person in whose favor the bill of exchange is made payable, is called the payee, and the person who acceepts a bill of exchange, is called the acceptor. A bill of exchange may be negotiable or non-negotiable ; if negotiable, it may be transferred either before or after acceptance. To make it negotia- ble it must be payable to the order of the payee, or to the bearer, or must contain other equivalent or operative words of transfer. Bills of exchange containing no words of transfer, are non-negotiable. The usual form of accepting bills of exchange, is by writing "accepted'* across the bill, and signing the acceptor's name. After such acceptance the acceptor becomes liable for the payment of the bill upon its maturity. No person within this state shall be charged as an acceptor of a bill of exchange unless his acceptance shall be in writing signed by himself, or his lawful agent. If such acceptance be written on a paper other than the bill, it shall not bind the acceptor. Except in favor of a person to whom such acceptance shall have been shown, and who upon the faith thereof shall have received the bill for a valuable consideration. An unconditional promise in writing to accept a bill before it is drawn, will be binding upon the acceptor in favor of any person who upon the faith of such written promise shall have received the bill for a valuable consideration. Every holder of a bill presenting the same for acceptance, may require that the acceptance be written on the bill, and a refusal to comply with such request, shall be deemed a refusal to accept, and the bill may be pro- tested for non-acceptance. Every person upon whom a bill of exchange ma)' be drawn, and to whom the same shall be delivered for acceptance, who shall destroy such bill or refuse within twenty-four hours after such delivery, or within such period as the holder may allow to return the bill accepted or non-accepted to the holders, shall be deemed to have accepted the same. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 1G7 When any bill of exchange expressed to be for value received, drawn or negotiated within this state, shall be duly presented for acceptance or payment, and protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, there shall be allowed and paid to the holders by the drawer and endorsers having due notice of the dishonor of the bill, damages in the following cases: First, if the bill shall have been drawn bv an}' person, at any place within this state, at the rate of four per centum on the principal sum specified in the bill. Second, if the bill shall have been drawn on any person, at any place out of this state, but within the United States or territories thereof, at the rate of two per centum on the principal sum specified in the bill. Third, if the bill shall have been drawn on any person, at any part or place without the United States and their territories, at the rate of twenty per centum on the principal sum specified in the bill. If any bill of exchange expressed to be for value received, shall be drawn on any person, at any place within this state, and accepted, and payment shall not be duly made by the acceptor, there shall be allowed and paid to the holder, by the acceptor, damages in the following cases: First, if the bill be drawn by any person, at any place within this state, at the rate of four per centum on the principal sum therein specified. Second, if the bill be drawn by any person, at any place without this state, but within the United States or territories, at the rate of ten per centum on the principal sum therein specified. / The damages herein allowed shall be recovered only by the holder ot a bill, who shall have purchased the bill or acquired some interest therein, for valuable consideration. In cases of non-acceptance or non-payment of a bill, drawn at any place within this state, on any person at a place within the same, no damages shall be recovered, if payment of the prin- cipal sum, with interest and charges of protest, be paid within twenty days after demand, or notice of the dishonor of the bill. If the contents of a bill be expressed in the money of account of the United States, the amount due and the damages therein, shall be ascer- tained and determined without any reference to the rate of exchange existing between this state and the place on which the bill shall have been drawn, at the time of demand of payment or notice of the dishonor of the bill. If the contents of such bill be expressed in the money of account or currency of any foreign country, then the amount due, exclusive of dam- ages, shall be ascertained and determined by the rate of exchange, or the value of such foreign currency at the time of payment. Every bill of ex "hange, draft or order drawn either within this state or elsewhere upon any person residing within this state, payable on its face at sight, or on demand, shall be deemed and considered to be due and payable on the day it is presented, or demanded, any. usage or custom 168 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. here or elsewhere to the contrary notwithstanding, and if not so paid, may be protested for non-payment. i If in any suit founded upon any negotiable promissory note or bill of exchange, or in which such bill or note is produced, might be allowed in the defense of any suit, it appear on the trial that such note or bill was lost while it belonged to the party claiming the amount due thereon, parol or other evidence of the contents thereof, may be given on such trial, and such party shall be entitled to recover the amount due thereon as if such note or bill had been produced. To entitle a part}' to such recovery, he or some responsible person for him, shall execute a bond to the adverse party in a penalty at least double the amount of such note or bill, with two sufficient securities, to be approved by the court in which the trial shall be had, conditioned to indemnify the adverse party against all claims by any other person on account of such note or bill, and against all costs and expenses by reason of such claim. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. A promissory note is a written promise to pay a certain sum of money at a future time, unconditionally. The person to whom the money is payable is called the payee. The maker is the one who promises to pay the money when the note becomes due. A note payable to bearer is negotiated or transferred by mere delivery, and the possession of the note is frima facie proof of title. A note payable to the order of a particular person is transferred or negotiated by writing the name of the person upon the back of the note, which is called an endorsement. The person making the endorsement is called the endorser. The person for whose benefit it is made is called the endorsee. Every promissory note for the payment of money to the payee therein named, or order or bearer, and expressed to be for value received, shall be due and payable as therein expressed and shall have the same effect and be negotiable in like manner as inland bills of exchange. The payee and endorsers of every such negotiable note payable to them or order, and the holder of every such note payable to bearer may main- tain actions for the sums of monev therein mentioned, against the makers and endorsers of them in like manner as in cases of inland bills of exchange, and not otherwise. Such negotiable promissory note made payable to the order of the maker thereof, or to the order of a fictitious person shall, if negotiated by the maker, have the same effect and be of the same validity as against the maker, and all persons having knowledge of the facts, as if payable to ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. bearer. Provided, That negotiable note in the hands of the purchaser of the same from the makers by way of discount or investment if protested for non-payment at maturity, shall not be subjected to damages. When the day of payment of any bond, bill of exchange, or promissory note, shall according to its terms, be a Sunday, Christmas day, Thanks- giving day (State or National), New Years day, or a Fourth of July, its payment shall be deemed due and be demandable on such day next before its day of payment, according to its terms, as shall not be one of the days above specified. A notarial protest is evidence of a demand and refusal to pay a bill of exchange or negotiable promissory note, at the time and in the manner stated in such protest. FORM OF NEGOTIABLE NOTE. $1,000. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 1, 1869. Thirty days after date, I promise to pay Richard Roe, or order, One Thousand Dollars, value received, with interest after due at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Louis Roy. NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTE. $100.00. Kansas City, Mo., Aug, 1, 1869. Thirty days after date, I promise to pay Richard Roe, One Hundred Dollars, value received, with interest from date, at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Louis Roy. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writing for the payment of interest not exceeding ten per cent. Money due upon judgments or order of court, shall draw interest from the day of rendering the same. All such judgments and orders for money upon contracts, bearing more than six per cent., shall bear the same inter- est borne by such contracts. All other judgments and orders for money shall draw six per cent. If a greater rate of interest than ten per cent, is contracted for, and suit brought upon the same, judgment will be entered for six per cent., and the whole interest shall be set apart for, and become a part of the com- mon school fund. Parties may contract in writing for the payment of interest upon inter- est; but interest shall not be compounded oftener than once a year. Where a different rate is not expressed, interest upon interest shall be at the same rate as interest on the principal debt. 170 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. DESCENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY. Property in this state shall be distributed in the following course, sub- ject to the payment of debts and the widow's dower: First. To the children or their descendants in equal parts. Second. If there be no children or their descendants, then to the father, mother, brothers and sisters, and their descendants, in equal parts. Third. If there be no children, or their descendants, father, mother, brother or sister, or their descendants, then to the husband or wife. If there be no husband or wife, then to the grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunts, and their descendants, in equal parts. Fourth. If there be no children or their descendants, father, mother, sister, brother or their descendants, husband or wife, grandfather, grand- mother, uncles, aunts, nor. their descendants, then to the great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and their descendants, in equal parts, and so on in other cases without end, passing to the nearest lineal ancestors and their children, and their descendants, in equal parts. Posthumous children, or descendants of the intestate, shall inherit in like manner as if born in the lifetime of the intestate. This does not a PPty to anyone other than the children or. descendants of the intestate unless they are in being and capable in law to take as heirs at the time of the intestate's death. If there be no children or their descendants, father, mother, brother or sister, nor their descendants, husband or wife, nor any paternal or mater- nal kindred capable of inheriting, the whole shall go to the kindred of the wife or husband of the intestate in the like course as if such wife or hus- band had survived the intestate and then died entitled to the estate. If any of the children receive anv real or personal estate in the lifetime of the intestate by way of advancement, shall choose to come into par- tition with the other heirs, such advancement shall be brought into hatchpot with the estate descended. Maintaining, educating, or giving money to a child under majority without any view to a portion or settlement, shall not be deemed an advancement. Bastards shall inherit and be capable of transmitting inheritance on the part of their mother, and such mother may inherit from her bastard child or children in like manner as if they had been lawfully begotten of her. The issues of all marriages decreed null in law or dissolved by divorce shall be legitimate. Persons of color shall inherit as above set forth, providing it shall appear to the court that they are residents of this state, or if residents of some other state, are free persons. The children of all parents who were slaves, and who were living ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 171 together in good faith as man and wife at the time of the birth of such children, shall be deemed to be the legitimate children of such parents. All children of any one mother who was a slave at the time of her birth shall be deemed lawful brothers and sisters for the purposes of this chapter. WILLS. The term will, or last will and testament, means the disposition of one's property, to take effect after death. No exact form of words is neces- sary in order to make a will good at law. Every person of twenty-one years of age and upward, of sound mind, may, by last will, devise all his estate, real, personal and mixed, and all interest therein, saving the widow her dower. Every person over the age of eighteen years, of sound mind, may by last will, dispose of his goods and chatties. Every will must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some person by his direction, in his presence, and shall be attested by two or more competent witnesses, subscribing their names to the will in the presence of the testator. No will in writing, except in cases hereinafter mentioned, nor any part thereof, shall be revoked, except by a subsequent will in writing, or by burning, canceling, tearing or obliterating the same by the testator, or in his presence, and by his consent and direction. If, after making a will disposing of the whole estate of the testator, such testator shall marry, and die, leaving issue by such marriage living at the time of his death, or shall leave issue of such marriage born to him after his death, such will shall be deemed revoked, unless provisions shall have been made for such issue by some settlement, or unless such issue shall be provided for in the will, and no evidence shall be received to rebut the presumption of such revocation. A will executed by an unmarried woman shall be deemed revoked by her subsequent marriage. If a person make his will and die leaving children not provided for, although born after making the will, he shall be deemed to die intestate, and such children shall be entitled to such proportion as if he had died intestate. All other heirs or legatees must refund their proportionate part. The county court or clerk thereof in vacation subject to the confirma- tion or rejection of the court, shall take the proof of the last will of the testator. GENERAL FORM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Richard Johnson, of Carroll county, in the state of Missouri, being of sound mind and memory, and of full age, do hereby make and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. 172 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. First. I direct the payment of all lawful claims against my estate, to be made out of the proceeds of the sale of my personal property. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to my eldest son, John B. Johnson, the sum of five thousand dollars of bank stock, in the First National Bank of Lexington, Missouri, and the farm owned by myself in the town- ship of , in the county of Saline, consisting of 100 acres, with all the houses, tenements and improvements thereunto belonging, to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assigns forever. Third. I give, devise, and bequeath to each of my daughters, Mary E. Johnson and Clara B. Johnson, each five thousand dollars in bank stock,. in the First National Bank, of Lexington, Missouri; and also, each one quarter section of land owned by myself, situated in the township of Ray county, Missouri. Fourth. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank R. Johnson, the farm owned by myself, situated in Chariton county, Missouri, consisting of six hundred and forty acres, together with all stock, houses, anc improvements, thereunto belonging. Fifth. I give to my wife, Elizabeth Johnson, all my household furni- ture, goods, chattels and personal property about my house, not hitherto disposed of, including six thousand dollars of bank stock, in the First National Bank of Lexington, Missouri, and the free and unrestricted use, possession and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live — saic farm being my present place of residence. Sixth. I give and bequeath to my mother, Martha Johnson, the income from rents of my store building, at No. 905 Pine street, St. Louis, Mis- souri, during the term of her natural life, said building and land therewith to revert to my sons and daughters, in equal proportions, upon the demise of my said mother. Seventh. It is also my will and desire that at the death of my wife, Eliz- abeth Johnson, that the above, mentioned homestead may revert to m; above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. Eighth. I appoint as my executors of this, my last will and testament, my wife, Elizabeth Johnson, and my eldest son John B. Johnson. In witness whereof, I, Richard Johnson, to this, my last will and testa- ment, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of June eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Richard Johnson. Signed and declared by Richard Richard Johnson, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names hereunto, as witnesses thereof. Edward Davison, Sedalia y Missouri. Frederick Jones, Marshall, Missouri. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 173 CODICIL. Whereas, I, Richard Johnson, did, on the fourth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, make my last will and testa- ment, I do now, by this writing add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as part thereof. Whereas, By the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Clara B. Johnson, has deceased, March the first, eighteen hundred and seventy- six; and -whereas, a. son has been born to me, which son is now christened David S. Johnson, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest and title in lands and bank stock, and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Clara B., in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven. Richard Johnson. Signed, sealed, published and declared to us, by the testator, Richard Johnson, as and for a codicil, to be annexed to his will and testament; and we, at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Peter Brown, Lexington, Missouri. Robert Burr, Richmond, Missouri. TAXES. For the support of the government of the state, the payment of the public debt, and the advancement of the public interest, taxes shall be levied on all property, real and personal, except as stated below : No tax shall be assessed for or imposed by any city, county, or other municipal corporation, or for their use upon the following property: All houses, necessary furniture and equipments thereof, used exclusively for public worship, and the lot of ground on which the same may be erected. All orphan or other asylums, for the relief of the sick or needy, with their furniture and equipments, and the lands on which they are erected and used therewith, so long as the same shall be held and used for that pur- pose only ; all universities, colleges, academies, schools, and all other sem- inaries of learning, with the furniture and equipments, and land thereto, belonging or used immediately therewith, and their endowment fund, when not invested in real estate, so long as the same shall be employed for that purpose only. Provided, That the land hereby exempted from taxation, belonging to any of the last named institutions, in any city or town, shall not exceed two acres, and in the county, not exceed five acres. And further provided, That such property, so exempted, shall not be under rent to any person, corporation, or society, and shall not, in any way or manner, be paying or yielding any rent or profit. Cemeteries and graveyards set apart and used for that purpose only. All real estate and other property belonging to any incorporated agricultural society, so 174: ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. long as the same shall be employed for the use of such society and none other. All libraries and their furniture and equipments, belonging to any library association or society. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to exempt from municipal or local taxation any description of property, when the same is held for the purpose of pecuniary profit or speculation. Lots in incorporated cities or towns, or within one mile of the limits of such city or town, to the extent of one acre, and lots, one mile distant from such cities or towns, to the extent of five acres, with the buildings thereon, when the same are used exclusively for religious worship, for schools, or for purposes purely charitable, shall be exempt from taxatior for state, county, or local purposes. There shall be annually assessed and collected on the assessed value oi all the real estate and personal property subject by law to taxation in the state one-fifth of one per centum for state revenue and one-fifth of one per centum for the payment of all state indebtedness. The assessor or his deputy or deputies shall, between the first days ol August and January, and after being furnished with the necessary books and blanks by the county clerk, at the expense of the county, proceed to take a list of the taxable personal property in his county, town, or district, anc assess the value thereof in the manner following, to-wit: He shall call at the office, place of doing business, or residence of each person requirec by this act to list property, and shall require such person to make a cor- rect statement of all taxable property owned by such person, or under the care, charge, or management of such person, except merchandise which may be required to pay a license tax, being in any county in this state, in accordance with the provisions of this act, and the person listin| the property shall enter a true and correct statement of such property ii a printed or written blank prepared for that purpose,* which statement after being filled out, shall be signed and sworn to, to the extent required by this act, by the person listing the property, and delivered to the assessor, and such assessor's book shall be arranged and divided into two parts: The "land list" and the "personal property list." If any tax- payer shall fail or neglect to pay such collector his taxes at the time and place required by such notices, then it shall be the duty of the collector after the first day of January then next, to collect and account for as other taxes, an additional tax, as a penalty, of one per cent per month upon all taxes collected by him after the first day of January, as afore- said, and in computing said additional tax or penalty a fractional part of a month shall not be counted as a whole month. Collectors shall on the day of their annual settlement with the county court, file with said court a statement under oath of the amount so received, and from whom received, and settle with the court therefor; -provided, however, that said interest shall not be chargeable against persons who are absent from their homes ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 175 and engaged in the military service of this state, or of the United States, or against any tax payer who shall pay his taxes to the collector at any time before the first day of January in each year; provided, that the provisions of this section shall apply to the city of St. Louis so far as the same relates to the addition of said interest which in said city shall be collected and accounted for by the collector as other taxes, for which he shall receive no compensation. Every county collector shall on or before the fifteenth day of each month pay to the state treasurer all taxes or licenses received by him prior to the first day of the month. The sheriff's deed executed to the purchaser of real estate under a sale for delinquent taxes, which shall be acknowledged before the circuit court of the county or city as in ordinary cases; shall conyey a title in fee to such purchaser of the real estate therein named, and shall be -prima facie evidence of title, and the matters and things therein stated are true. COURTS OF RECORD— THEIR JURISDICTION. SUPREME COURT. At the general election in the year eighteen hundred and eighty, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected one judge of the supreme court, who shall hold his office for a term of ten years from the first day of January next after his election, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The majority of the judges may order special terms. CIRCUIT COURTS. At the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and at the general election every sixth year thereafter, except as otherwise provided by law, all the circuit judges shall be elected, and shall enter upon their offices on the first Monday in January next ensuing. Circuit courts in the respective counties in which they may be held shall have power and jurisdiction as follows : First, as courts of law in all criminal cases which shall not be otherwise provided for by law. Second, exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil cases which shall not be cogniz- able before the county courts, probate courts, and justices of the peace and not otherwise provided by law. Third, concurrent original jurisdic- tion with justices of the peace in all civil actions and proceedings for the recovery of money, whether such action be founded upon contract or trust or upon a" bond or undertaking given in pursuance of law in any civil action or proceeding, or for a penalty or forfeiture given by any statute of this state when the sum demanded, exclusive of interest and cost, shall exceed fifty dollars and does not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars, and of all actions against any railroad company in this state to recover damages for the killing or injuring of horses, mules, cattle or 176 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. other animals, without regard to the value of such animals or the amount claimed for killing or injury, the same in all counties or cities having over fifty thousand inhabitants; concurrent original jurisdiction with justices of the peace of all actions and proceedings for the recovery of money, whether such actions be founded upon contract or tort or upon a bond or undertaking given in any civil action or proceeding, or for a penalty or forfeiture given by any statute of this state when the sum demanded, exclusive of interest and cost, shall exceed fifty dollars and not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars, and of all actions against any railroad com- pany in this state to recover damages for the killing or injuring horses, mules, cattle or other animals, without regard to the value of such ani- mals or the amount of damages claimed for killing or injuring the same. Fourth, appellate jurisdiction from the judgments and orders of the coun- ty court, probate court, and justices of the peace in all cases not expressly prohibited by law, and shall possess the superintending control over them. Fifth, the general control over executors, administrators, guardians, cura- tors, minors, idiots, lunatics, and persons of unsound mind. COUNTY COURT. The county court shall be composed of three members, to be styled the judges of the county court; and each county shall be districted by the county court thereof into two districts of contiguous territory, as near equal in population as practicable, without dividing municipal townships. Judges of this court shall be elected for a term of two years. At the general election of 1882, they shall be elected for four years. Four terms of the county court shall be held in each county annually, at the place of holding courts therein, commencing on the first Monday in February, May, August, and November, and shall also have power to order special terms. This court has control of county property, settling with county treasurers, etc. PROBATE COURTS. A probate court which shall be a court of record and consist of one judge is hereby established in the city of St. Louis and in every county in this state. Jurisdiction — Said court shall have jurisdiction over all matters per- taining to probate business, to granting letters testimentary and of adminis- tration, the appointment of guardians and curators of minors and per- sons of unsound mind, settling the accounts of executors, administrators, curators and guardians, and the sale or leasing of lands by administrators, curators and guardians, and over all matters relating to apprentices, and such judges shall have the power to solemnize marriages. Judges of this court shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and every four years thereafter. Said judge shall be com- missioned by the governor and shall hold his office for four years. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 177 ST. LOUIS COURT OF APPEALS. The qualified voters of the counties of the city of St. Louis, the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren, shall elect a judge of the St. Louis court of appeals, who shall be a resident of district composed of said counties, and who shall hold offices for a term of twelve years. The St. Louis court of appeals shall consist of three judges, who shall possess the same qualifications as judges of the supreme court. The court shall have a marshal, janitor and reporter. LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Offenses punishable with death or imprisonment in the penitentiary dur- ing life, may be prosecuted at any time after the offense shall have been committed. For felonies other than above mentioned, within three years after the commission of the offense. For any offense other than felony or fine or forfeiture, within one year after the commission of the offense. Actions and suits upon statute for penalty or forfeiture given in whole or part, to any person who will prosecute within one year after the com- missions of the offense. When penalty is given in whole or in part to the state, or county or city or the treasurer of the same, suit must be brought within two years. Actions upon any statute for any penalty or forfeiture given in whole or in part to the party aggrieved within three years. Actions against moneyed corporations, or against the directors or stock- holders of the same, shall be brought within six years of the discovery. LIMITATION OF PERSONAL ACTIONS. Civil actions other than those for the recovery of real propery, must be commenced within the periods here prescribed. Actions upon any writing, whether sealed or unsealed, for the payment of money or property, within ten years. Actions brought on any covenant of warranty in deed, or conveyance of land; within ten years. Actions on any covenant of seizure contained in any such deed, within ten years. Actions upon contracts, obligations, or liabilities — express or implied, except as above mentioned, and except upon judgments or decrees of a court of record, within five years. 12 178 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. Actions upon liability created by statute, other than penalty or forfeiture, five years. Actions for trespass on real estate, five years. Actions for taking, detaining, or injuring any goods or chattels, includ- ing actions for the recovery of specific personal property, or for any other injury to the person or rights of another not arising on contract and not otherwise enumerated, five years. Actions for relief on the ground of fraud, five years. Actions against a sheriff, coroner, or other public officer upon a liability incurred by doing an act in his official capacity, or the omission of an official duty, non-payment of money collected, etc., three years. Actions upon a statute for a penalty or forfeiture where the action is given to the party aggrieved, or to such party and the state, three years. Actions for libel, slander, assault and battery, false imprisonment, or •criminal conversation, two years. LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY. Actions for the recovery of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or for the recovery of the possession thereof, shall be commenced by any person whether citizen, denizen, alien, resident or non-resident, unless his ancestor, predecessor, grantor, or other person under whom he claims was seized or possessed of the premises in question, within ten years before the commencement of such actions, except in case of military bounty lands, which must be brought within two years. » No entry upon any lands, tenements or hereditaments shall be valid as a claim, unless the action be commenced thereon within one year after the making of such entry, and within ten years from the time when the right to make such entry accrued. If anv person entitled to bring an action as above stated, shall be under twenty-one years of age, or imprisoned for less than life, or insane, or a married woman, the time during such disability shall continue, shall not be deemed any portion of the time limited for the com^nencement of such action or the making of such entry after the time so limited, and may b brought in three years after the disability is removed. If an}' person having the right to bring such action or make such entr die during the disability mentioned, and no determination be had of the right, tide, or action to him accrued, his heirs«or any one claiming under him, may commence such action within three years. # JURIES. SELECTION OF GRAND JURY. A grand jury shall consist of twelve men, and, unless otherwise ordere as hereinafter provided, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of each count in the state to summon within the time prescribed by law a panel of : ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 171) grand jurors, consisting of twelve good and lawful men, selected from the different townships of his county, as near as may be in proportion to the number of male citizens in each, to be returned to each regular term of the courts in his county having criminal jurisdiction. Every juror, grand and petit, shall be a male citizen of the state, resident in the county, sober and intelligent, of good reputation, over twenty-one years of age, and otherwise qualified. In all counties having a population less than twenty thousand inhabit- ants, every juror, grand and petit, shall be a male citizen of the state, resident in the county, sober and intelligent, of good reputation, over twenty-one years of age, and otherwise qualified. No exception to a juror on account of his citizenship, non-residence, state, or age, or other legal disability, shall be allowed after the jury is sworn. No person being a member of any volunteer fire department duly organized and ready for active service ; no person employed in any paid fire department, and no person exercising the functions of a clergyman, practitioner of medicine, or attorney-at-law, clerk or other officer of any court, ferry-keeper, postmaster, overseer of roads, coroner, constable, miller, professor or other teacher in any school or institution of learning, judge of a court of record, or any person over the age of sixty-five years shall be compelled to serve on any jury. No person shall be summoned to serve at more than one term of court, either as grand or petit juror, within the period of one year in any court of record. Each person summoned under this act shall receive one dollar and fifty cents per day for every day he shall serve as such, and five cents for every mile he may necessarily travel in going from his place of resi- dence to the court house and returning to the same, to be paid out of the county treasury. All persons duly summoned as grand or petit jurors may be attached for non-attendance, and fined by the court for contempt in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, in the discretion of the court. In all suits which hereafter may be pending in any court of record in this state the clerk shall, if a jury be sworn to try the same, tax up as other costs against the unsuccessful party a jury fee of six dollars, which shall be collected by the sheriff, and paid into the hands of the county treasurer, who shall keep an account thereof, in a separate book to be provided for that purpose, and the money so collected and paid in shall constitute a jury fund. Grand jurors shall not be compelled to serve on a petit jury during the same term. In all civil cases in courts of record, where "a. jury is demanded, there shall be summoned and returned eighteen qualified jurors; but in appeal 180 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. cases the number shall be the same as allowed by law in the courts from which the appeals are taken, and the number of peremptory challenges in addition. In the trial of civil causes, each party shall be entitled to challenge per- emptorily three jurors. MARRIED WOMEN. The homestead of every housekeeper or head of a family, consisting of a dwelling-house and appurtenances, and the land used in connection there- with, which shall be used by such housekeeper or head of a family as such homestead, shall be exempt from attachment and execution. 'Such home- stead in the country shall not include more than 160 acres of land or exceed the total value of $1,500 ; and in cities having a population of 40,000 or more such homestead shall not include more than eighteen square rods of ground, or exceed the total value of three thousand dollars; and in cities or incorporated towns and villages having a less population than 40,000, such homestead shall not include more than thirty square rods of ground, or exceed the total value of $1,500. After the filing by the wife of her claim upon the homestead as such, the husband shall be debarred from and incapable of selling, mortgaging or alienating the homestead in any manner whatever. A husband and wife may convev the real estate of the wife, and the wife may relinquish her dower in the real estate of her husband, by their joint deed, acknowledged and certified as herein provided, but no covenant expressed or implied in such deed shall bind the wife or the heirs except so far as may be necessary effectually to convey from her or her heirs all her right, title and interest expressed to be conveyed therein. A married woman may convey her real estate or relinquish her dower in the real estate of her husband by a power of attorney authorizing its conveyance, executed and acknowledged by her jointly with her husband, as deeds conveying real estate by them are required to be executed and acknowledged. If any married woman shall hold real estate in her own right, and her husband, by criminal conduct toward a her, or by ill usage, shall give such married woman cause to live separate and apart from her husband, such woman may by her next friend petition the circuit court, setting forth such facts, and therein pray that such estate may be enjoyed by her for her sole use and benefit. Any personal property, including rights in action, belonging to any woman at her marriage, or which may have come to her during coverture by gift, bequest or inheritance, or by purchase with her separate money or means, or be due as the wages of her separate labor, or have grown out of any violation of her personal rights, shall, together with all income, increase and profits thereof, be and remain her separate property, and ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 181 under her sole control, and shall not be liable to be taken by any process of law for the debts of her husband. EXEMPTIONS FROM EXECUTION. Whenever the personal property of any homestead or head of a family shall be attached or taken in execution, the debtor therein shall claim that the same, or any part thereof, is the product of such homestead, the officer taking the same shall cause appraisers to be appointed and sworn, as in the case of the levy of execution on real estate, and such appraisers shall decide upon such claim and settle the products of such homestead to such debtor accordingly, and the proceedings therein shall be stated by such officer in his return. Any policy of insurance heretofore or hereafter made by any insurance company on the life of any person, expressed to be for the benefit of any married woman, whether the same be effected by herself or by her hus- band, or by any third person in her behalf, shall inure to her separate use and benefit and that of her children, if any, independently of her husband and of his creditors and representatives, and also independently of such third person effecting the same in his behalf, his creditors and representa- tives. The following property only shall be exempt from attachment and exe- cution when owned by any person other than the head of a family: First, the wearing apparel of all persons. Second, the necessary tools and implements of trade of any mechanic while carrying on his trade. The following property, when owned by the head of a family, shall be exempt from attachment and execution. First, ten head of choice hogs, ten head of choice sheep, or the product thereof, in wool, yarn or cloth; two cows and calves, two plows, one axe, one hoe and one set of plow gears and all necessary farm implements for the use of one man. Second, wording animals of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars. Third, the spinning wheel and cards, one loom and apparatus necessary for man- ufacturing cloth in a private family. Fourth, all the spun yarn, thread and cloth, manufactured for family use. Fifth, any quantity of hemp, flax and wool not exceeding twenty-five pounds each. Sixth, all wearing apparel of the family, four beds with their usual bedding, and such other household and kitchen furniture not exceeding the value of one hundred dollars, as may be necessary for the family, agreeably to an inventory thereof to be returned on oath, with the execution, by the officer whose duty it may be to levy the same. Seventh, the necessary tools and imple- ments of trade of any mechanic, while carrying on his trade. Eighth, all arms and equipments required by law to be kept. Ninth, all such provisions as may be found on hand for family use, not exceeding one hundred dollars in value. Tenth, the bibles and other books used in a 182 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. family, lettered grave stones, and one pew in a house of worship. Eleventh^ all lawyers, physicians and ministers of the gospel shall have the privilege of selecting such books as may be necessary in their profes- sion, in the place of other property herein allowed at their option ; that doctors of medicine in lieu of the property exempt from execution, may be allowed to select their medicines. In all cases of the sale of per- sonal property, the same shall be subject to execution against the pur- chaser on a judgment for the purchase price thereof, and shall in no case be exempt from such judgment and execution for the purchase price as between the vendor, his assignee, heir or legal representative and pur- chaser. « FENCES. All fields and inclosures shall be inclosed by hedge, or with a fence sufficiently close, composed of posts and rails, posts and palings, posts and planks, posts and wires, palisades or rails alone, laid up in the manner com- monly called a worm fence, or of turf with ditches on each side, or of stone or brick. All hedges shall be at least four feet high, and all fences composed of posts and rails, posts and palings, posts and wire, posts and planks or pal- isades shall be at least four and a half feet high; those composed of turf shall be at least four feet high and with ditches on either side, at least three feet wide at the top and three feet deep; and what is commonly called a worm fence shall be at least five feet high to the top of the rider, or if not ridered shall be five feet to the top of the top rail or pole and shall be locked with strong rails, poles or stakes; those composed of stone or brick shall be at least four and a half feet high. Wherever the fence of any owner of real estate now erected or con- structed, serves to enlose the lands of another, or which shall become a part of the fence enclosing the land of another, on demand made by ..the person owning such fence, such other person shall pay the owner one- half the value of so much thereof as serves to enclose his land; and upon such payment shall own an undivided half of such fence. Provided, The person thus benefitted shall have the option to build within eight months from date of such demand, a lawful fence half the distance along the line covered by the above mentioned fence. The demand shall be made in writing and served on the party interested, his agent or attorney, or left with some member of the family over fourteen years of age, at his usual place of abode. If the party notified fails to comply with the demand within the specified time, the party making the demand may, at his option, proceed to enforce the collection of one-half the value of such fence, or remove his fence without any other or further notice. Every person owning a part of a division fence, shall keep the same : in ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 183 good repair, according to the requirements of the act, and upon neglect or refusal to do so, shall be liable in double damages to the party injured thereby. If the parties interested shall fail to agree as to the value of one-half of such fence, the owner of the fence may apply to a justice of the peace of the township, who shall, without delay, issue an order to three disinter- ested householders of the township, not of kin to either party, reciting the complaint, and requiring them to view the fence, estimate the value thereof, and make return under oath to the justice on the day named in the order. If the person thus assessed or charged with the value of one-half of any fence, shall neglect or refuse to pay over to the owner of such fence the amount so awarded, the same may be recovered before a justice of the peace or other court of competent jurisdiction. ROADS, HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. The overseers of highways in each road district in each township, shall have care and superintendence of all highways and bridges therein, and it shall be their duty to have all highways and bridges kept in good repair, and to cause to be built all such bridges as public necessity may require, said bridges to be built b}' contract, let to the lowest responsible bidder, and to be paid for out of any money in the overseer's hands, or in the treasury for road or bridge purposes. But in no case shall the overseer* take such contract, either for himself or by his agent. It shall be the duty of the overseer of highways to name all residents of the district against whom a land or personal tax is assessed, giving them two days notice to work out the same upon the highways, and he shall receive such tax in labor from every able bodied man, or his or her substitute, at the rate of $1.50 per day, and in proportion for a less amount, provided that any person may pay such tax in money. The township board of directors shall have the power to assess upon all real estate and personal property in their township made taxable by law for state and county purposes, a sufficient tax to keep the roads and highways of the various road districts in their township in good repair, which tax shall be levied as follows: for every one mill tax upon the dollar levied upon real and personal property, as valued on the assessor's roll of the previous year, the township board of directors shall require one day's work of each person subject to work on roads and highways, and no more. SUPPORT OF THE POOR. Poor persons shall be relieved, maintained and supported by the county of which they are inhabitants. Aged, infirm, lame, blind, or sick persons who are unable to support 184 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. themselves, and where there are no other persons required by law and able to maintain them, shall be deemed poor persons. No person shall be deemed an inhabitant within the meaning of this chapter, who has not resided for the space of twelve months next preced- ing the time of any order being made respecting such person in the county, or who shall have removed from another county for the purpose of impos- ing the burden or keeping such person on the county where he or she last resided for the time aforesaid. LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. Every landlord shall have a lien on the crops grown on the demised premises in any year for the rent that shall accrue for such year; and such lien shall continue for eight months after such rent shall become due and payable, and no longer. When the demised premises or any portion thereof are used for the purpose of growing nursery stock, the lien shall exist and continue in such stock until the same shall have been removed from the premises and sold. No tenant for a term, not exceeding two years, or at will, or by suffer- ance, shall assign or transfer his term, or interest, or any part thereof to another, without the written assent of the landlord, or person holding under him. Either party may terminate a tenancy from year to year, by giving notice in writing of his intention to terminate the same, of not less than three months next before the end of the year. A tenancy at will, or by sufferance, or for less than one year, may be terminated by the person entitled to the possession, by giving one month's notice, in writing to the person in possession, requiring him to remove. All contracts or agreements for the leasing, renting, or occupation of stores, shops, houses, tenements, or other buildings in cities, towns, or villages/not made in writing, signed by the parties thereto, or their agents, shall be held and taken to be tenancies from month to month; and all such tenan- cies may be terminated by either party thereto, or his agent, giving to the other party or his agent one month's notice in writing, of his intention to terminate such tenancy. No notice to quit shall be necessary from or to a tenant whose time is to end at a certain time, or where by special agreement, notice is dis- pensed with. A landlord may recover a reasonable satisfaction for the use and occu- pation of any lands or tenements, held by any person under an agreement not made by deed. Property exempt from execution shall be also exempt from attachment for rent, except the crops grown on the demised premises on which the rent claimed is due. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 185 If any tenant for life or years, shall commit waste during his estate or term, of any thing belonging to the tenement so held, without special license in writing, so to do, he shall be subject to a civil action for such waste and shall lose the thing so wasted and pay treble the amount at which the waste shall be assessed. BILL OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party for a considera- tion to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The pur- chaser must take actual possession 'of the property, or the bill of sale must be acknowledged and recorded. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all men by these -presents, That I, David Franklin, of Lexington, Missouri, of the first part, for and in consideration of three hundred'dollars, to me in hand paid by Albert Brown, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Brown, party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, my undivided half of forty acres of corn now growing on the farm of William Mason, in the township of Jackson, Lafayette county, Missouri; one pair of horses, twenty head of hogs, and six cows belonging to me and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his heirs, executors, and assigns, forever. And I do for myself and legal representatives agree with the said party of the second part, and bis legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the aforementioned property and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand this first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. David Franklin. BENEVOLENT, RELIGIOUS, AND EDUCATIONAL ASSOCI- ATIONS. Any lodge of Free Masons, or Odd Fellows, division of Sons of Tem- perance or any other association organized for benevolent or charitable purposes, or any library company, school, college, or other association, organized for the promotion of literature, science, or art, or any gymnastic or other association, organized for the purpose of promoting bodily or mental health, and all societies, organized for the purpose of promoting either of the objects above named, and for all similar purposes, by what- evername they may be known, consisting of not less than three persons, may be constituted and declared a body politic and corporate, with all the privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and restrictions contained in this act. Acts 1868, page 28. 186 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. All associations incorporated under the provisions of the above law shall file a copy of all amendments to their articles of association, certified as such under their seal, with the clerk of the circuit court, within sixty days after their passage. Any number of persons, not less than three in number, may become an incorporated church, religious society, or congregation, by complying with the provisions of this chapter, except that it will be sufficient if the petition be signed by all the persons making the application, and when so incorporated, such persons and their ( associates and successors shall be known by the corporate name specified in the certificate of incorporation, and shall be entitled to all the privileges, and capable of exercising all the powers conferred, or authorized to be conferred by the constitution of this state upon such corporation. Acts 1871-2, P. 16, Sec. 1. Anv such corporation shall have power to raise money in any manner agreed upon in the articles of association. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. A dramshop-keeper is a person permitted by law to sell intoxicating liquors in any quantity not exceeding ten gallons. No person shall directly or indirectly sell intoxicating liquors in any quantity less than one gallon without taking out a license as a dramshop- keeper. Application for a license as a dramshop-keeper shall be made in writing to the county court, and shall state where the dramshop is to be kept, and if the court shall be of opinion that the applicant is a person of good character, the court may grant a license for six months. Any sale, gift or other disposition of intoxicating liquors made to any minor without the permission or consent herein required, or to any hab- itual drunkard, by any clerk, agent, or other person acting for any dram- shop-keeper, druggist, merchant, or other person, shall be deemed and taken to be as the act of such dramshop-keeper, druggist, merchant, or other person. Intoxicating liquors may be sold in any quantity not less than a quart at the place where made, but the maker or seller shall not permit or suffer the same to be drank at the place of sale, nor at any place under the control of either or both. Any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of this section shall be fined a sum not less than $40 nor more than $200. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so con- strued as to affect the right of any person having a wine and beer house license to sell wine and beer in any quantity not exceeding ten gallons at any place. * Any dramshop-keeper, druggist, or merchant selling, giving away or otherwise disposing of any intoxicating liquors to any habitual drunkard, ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 187 after such dramshop-keeper, druggist, or merchant shall have been noti- fied by the wife, father, mother, brother, sister, or guardian of such per- son not to sell, give away or furnish to such person any intoxicating liquors, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than $40 nor more than $200, and upon conviction of any dramshop-keeper it shall work a forfeiture of his license to keep a dramshop, and also debar him from again obtaining a license for that purpose. GENERAL WARRANTY DEED. This Indenture, made on the .... day of . . . . A. D. one thousand eight hundred and , by and between . . . . of . . . . part .... of the first part, and .... of the . . . . of . . . . , in the state of ... . part . . of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said part . . of the first part, in consideration of the sum of .... ^dollars, to ... . paid by the said part . . of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do . . by these pres- ents, grant, bargain, and sell, convey, and confirm, unto the said part . . of the second part, .... heirs and assigns, the following described lots, tracts, or parcels of land, lying, being and situated in the. . . .of. . . .and state of . . . ., to-wit: [Give description of property.] To have and to hold the premises aforesaid, with all and singular, the rights, privileges, appurtenances, immunities, and improvements thereto belonging, or in any wise appertaining unto the said part, .of the second part, and unto .... heirs and assigns, forever; the said hereby cov- enanting that.... will warrant and defend the title to the said premises unto the said part . . of the second part and unto heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whom- soever. In witness whereof, the said part, .of the first part ha. .hereunto set. . hand . . and seal . . the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us. [seal] [seal] state of missouri, of ... . [ Be it remembered, that on this .... day of A. D. 18 , before the undersigned, a within and for the of and state of ... . personally came .... who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the fore- going instrument of writing as parties thereto, and they acknowledged the same to be their act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. And the said .... being by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument, upon an examination separate and apart from .... hus- band , acknowledged that executed the same, and relinquishes 188 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. dower, in the real estate therein mentioned, freely and without fear, compulsion or undue influence on the part of . . . . said husband. . . . ; and I certify that my term of office as a notary public will expire 18 In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in ... . this day and year first above written. QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This indenture, made on the day of , A. D. one thousand eight hundred and , by and between , of the county of , and state of , part of the first part, and , of the county of , and state of , part of the second part, Witnesseth, That the said part of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Too dollars, to paid by the said part of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, remise, release, and forever quit-claim unto the said part of the second part, the following described lots, tracts, or parcels of land, lying, being and situate in the county of . . . ., and state of . . . ., to wit: [Give descrip- tion of propert}' - .] * [This deed of quit-claim being made in release of, and satisfaction for a certain deed dated the . . day of . . . ., 18 . . ; recorded in the recor- der's office, within and for the county of aforesaid, in deed book . . , at pages . . . .] To have and to hold the same, with all the rights, immunities, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said part of the second part, and .... heirs and assigns, forever ; so that neither the said part of the first part nor .... heirs, nor any other person or persons for .... or in name or behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises, or any part thereof, but they and every of them shall, by these presents, be excluded and forever barred. In witness whereof, That said part of the first part ha hereunto set hand and seal , the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us. [seal] [seal] [Acknowledgment same as in General Warranty Deed.] MORTGAGE DEED. Know all men by these presents, that, of the county of , in the state of for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, *o the said in hand paid by .... of the county of in the state of ha . . * Omit this clause in case this deed is not made in release of some other instrument. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 189 granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do . . grant, bargain and sell, unto the said the following described .... situated in the county of in the state of . . . .that is to say: [Give description of property.] To have and to hold the property and premises hereby conveyed, with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, unto said. . . .heirs and assigns forever; upon this express condition, whereas, the said .... on the .... day of .... A. D. one thousand eight hundred and .... made, executed and delivered to the said . . . .certain . . . .described as follows, to- wit: [Give description of notes, time of payment, etc.] Now, if the said .... executor or administrator, shall pay the sum di money specified in said .... and all the interest that may be due thereon, according to the tenor and effect of said then this conveyance shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue in law. In witness whereof, . . . . , the said grantor .... and mortgagor .... ha . . hereunto subscribed . . . .name .... and affixed .... seal this .... day of . .., A.D.18... [seal.] [seal.] [Acknowledgment same as General Warranty Deed.] CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Know all men by these presents, That of the. county of , and state of . . . . , in consideration of the sum of . . . . foo dollars, to ... . paid by .... of the county of . . . . and state of do sell and convey to said .... the following goods *and chattels, to-wit: [Here describe goods.] Warranted free of incumbrances, and against any adverse claims: Upon condition, That pay to the said the sum of Too dollars, and interest, agreeably to note . . dated on the day of , 18 . . , and made payable to the said as follows, to-wit : then this deed shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The parties hereto agree That, until condition broken, said property may remain in possession of but after condition broken, the said .... may at pleasure take and remove the same, and may enter into any building or premises of the said .... for that purpose. Witness our hands and seals, this day of . . . A. D. 18. . Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us. [seal.] . [seal.] State of Missouri, ) County of f ss * Be it remembered, That on the day of A. D. 18 . . , before the undersigned, a within and for the county aforesaid, personally came 190 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. ....who personally known to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing chattel mortgage as part .... thereto, and acknowledged the same to be act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, at my office in .... in said county, the day and year afore- said. My term of office as notary public will expire on the . . . day of ....18.. HOUSE LEASE. This article of agreement witnesseth, That .... ha . . this day rented to in the present condition thereof, the. . . .for the period of. . . .from the day 18. ., on the following terms and conditions, to-wit: For the use and rent thereof, the said .... hereby promise . . to pay said or to ... . order .... dollars, per .... for the whole time above stated, and to pay the same at the of each ; that will not sub-let or allow any other tenant to come in with or under. . . .without the written consent of said ; that will repair all injuries or dam- ' ages done to the premises by him or them during. . . .occupancy, or pay for the same; that all of property, whether subject to legal exemption or not, shall be bound, and subject to the payment of rents and damages thereof; that will take good care of the buildings and premises and keep them free from filth, from danger of fire or any nuisance and from all uses forbidden in any fire insurance policy issued thereon, .... and pro- tect, defend and indemnify the said .... from all damages .... and charges for such, that the houses and premises shall be kepf clean, fairly treated and left so; that in default of the payment of any. . . .installment of rent for .... day .. after the same becomes due,. ...will, at the request of the said .... quit and render to .... the peaceable possession thereof; but, for this cause, the obligation to pay shall not cease, and, finally at the end of .... term .... will surrender to said .... heirs or assigns, the peaceable possession of the said house and premises, with all the keys, bolts, latches and repairs, if any, in as good condition as ... . received the same, the usual wear and use and providential destruction or destruction by fire excepted. In witness whereof, the parties have set hand and seal to cop . . hereof to be retained by ... . Dated this day of 18.. [seal,.] MECHANICS' LIENS. Every mechanic or other person who shall do or perform any work or labor upon, or furnish any materials, fixtures, engine, boiler or machinery for any building, erection or improvements upon land, or for repairing the ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS, 191 same under or by virtue of any contract with the owner or proprietor, or his agent, trustee, contractor or sub-contractor, shall be entitled to a lien upon such building, erection, or improvement, and upon the land belong- ing to such owner or proprietor on which the same are situated. The original contractor must within six months, and ever)- journeyman and day laborer within thirty days, and of every other person seeking to obtain the benefit of the provisions of this chapter, within four months after the indebtedness shall have accrued, file with the clerk of the cir- cuit court of the proper county, a just and true account of the demand due him or them, after all just credits have been given, which is to be a lien upon such building or improvement, and a true description of the property or so near as to identify the same upon which the lien is intended to apply, with the name of the owner or contractor, or both, if known to be the person filing the lien which shall in all cases be verified by the oath of himself or some credible person for him. Every person except the original contractor, who may wish to avail himself of the benefits of the provisions of this chapter, shall give ten days notice before filing of the lien as herein required, to the owner, owners, or agent, or either of them, that he or they hold a claim against such build- ing or improvements, setting forth the amount and from whom the same is due. All mechanics' lien holders shall stand on equal footing, without refer- ence to date of filing, and upon sale of property they shall take pro rata on the respective liens. We only attempt to give an outline of the law of mechanics' liens to aid the general business man. Should any complicated questions arise, it is best to consult an attorney in regard to the same. MECHANIC'S LIEN. Now, at this day, come and with a view to avail .... of the benefit of the statute relating to mechanics' liens, file . . the account below set forth for work and labor done, and materials furnished by under contract with upon, to and for the buildings and improvements described as follows, to- wit: (Give description of buildings.) and situated on the following described premises, to- wit: (Give description of the property upon which the building is erected.) said premise, buildings, and improvements, belonging to and being owned by which said account, the same being hereby filed, in order that it may constitute a lien upon the buildings, improvements, and prem- ises above described, is as follows: [Set the account out in full.] State of Missouri, county of . . . . , ss., being duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing is a just and true account of the demand due 192 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. .... for work and labor done, and materials furnished by .... upon, to and for the buildings and improvements hereinbefore described, after all just credits have been given; that said work and labor were done, and said materials furnished upon, to and for said buildings and improvements by .... at the instance and request of, and under contract with that the foregoing description is a true description of the property upon, to and for which said materials were furnished, and said work and labor done, and to which this lien is intended to apply, or so near as to identify the same ; that said demand accrued within .... months prior to the filing of this lien, and that on the day of , 18 . . , and at least ten days prior to the filing of this lien .... gave notice to .... of his claim against the amount .thereof, from whom due, and of ... . intention to file a lien therefor; that said .... as affiant is informed and believes, the owner., of the above described premises, and the buildings and improvements thereon, which said premises, buildings, and improvements are intended to be charged with this lien. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 18 . . BILL OF SALE OF GOODS. Know all men by these presents, that of for and in considera- tion of the sum of dollars to . . in hand paid by of the receipt whereof . . do hereby acknowledge, by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said .... all the goods, household stuff, implements and furniture, and all other goods and chattels whatsoever mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed: To have and to hold all and singular the said goods, household stuff, and furniture, and other premises above bar- gained and sold or intended so to be, to the said and . . assigns for- ever. And .... the said for and . . heirs, all and singular, the goods and chattels of whatever description, unto the said and . . assigns against the said and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. Of all and singular which said goods, chattels, and property, .... the said have put the said in full pos- session by delivery to . ., the said one at the sealing and delivery of these presents, in the name of the whole premises hereby bargained and sold, or mentioned, or intended so to be unto . . , the said as aforesaid. In witness whereof, . . have hereunto set . . hand . . and affixed . . seal this day A. D. 18.. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of [l. s.] Note. — If the bill of sale is to be recorded in the county recorder's office, it must be acknowledged before some officer authorized- to take acknowledgment of deeds — other- wise not. abstract of missouri state laws. 193 State of Missouri, ) Count}- of ) Be it remembered, that on this day of , A. D. 18. ., before the undersigned, a within and for the county of and state of Mis- souri, personally came .... who . . personally known to me to be the same person . . whose name . . subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing, as part . . thereto, and acknowledged the same to be voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in .... the day and year above written. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States currency. £ means pounds, English monev. @ stands for at or to; ft for pounds, and bbl. for barrels', $ for per or by the. Thus, butter sells at 20 @ 30c $ ft, and flour at $8@12 $ bbl. ° for per cent., and jj for number. May 1. Wheat seils at $1.20@$1.25, "seller June." Seller June means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling " short" to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he mav buv and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts" are called " bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise in prices. The "longs" are termed " bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to " toss " the prices upward as much as possible. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus: Mr. F. H. Coats: St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. Silva. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for. thus: 13 194 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. $100. St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1876. Reeived of J. W. Davis, one hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Sedalia, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full, it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Marshall, Missouri, Sept. 18, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat, at $1.50 $6 00 2 Seamless Sacks " 30 60 Received payment, $6 60 A. A. Graham. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This agreement, made the second day of June, 1878, between John Jones, of Marshall, county of Saline, state of Missouri, of the first part, and Thomas Whitesides, of the same place, of the second part — WitnesSeth, That the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver in good and marketable condition, at the village of Slater, Missouri, during the month of November, of this year, one hundred tons of prairie hay, in the fol- lowing lots, and at the following specified times, namely: Twenty-five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty-first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whitsides, in consideration of the prompt fulfill- ment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, one hundred dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, the day and year first above written. John Jones. Thomas Whiteside. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 195 AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-eight, between Reuben Stone, of Marshall, county of Saline, State of Missouri, part)'- of the first part, and George Barclay, of Sedalia, county- of Pettis, state of Missouri, party of the second part — Witnesseth, That said George Barclay agrees faithfully and diligently- to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation; during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Marshall, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Bar- clay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month : provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands: Reuben Stone. George Barclay. Practical Rules for Every Day Use. How to find the gain or loss -per cent, when tlie cost and selling price are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. How to change currency into gold. Divide the amount of currency by the price of gold. . How to find each partner 's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quotient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multiply each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross and net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple met/iod for finding the net weighty or price of hogs t when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note. — It is generally assumed that the gross weight of hogs diminished by 1-5 or 20 per cent, of itself gives the net weight, and the net weight increased by }£ or 25 per cent Of itself equals the gross weight. To find the net weight or gross -price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the or oss weight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the number of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place -the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For only an approximate answer, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. How to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or by 4r^ ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the answer in bushels. Note — In estimating corn in the ear, quality and the time it lias been cribbed must be taken into consideration, since corn will shrink considerably during the winter and spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is Bound and clean. PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE-, 1U7 How to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all in feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off one decimal jplace — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31f gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the tens; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430; point oft one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. How to measure boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. How to measure scantlings, joists, planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together, (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. How to find the number of acres in a body of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods) and divide the pror duct by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remain- der); the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the nmnber of square yards in afioor or wall. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. How to find the number of bricks required in a building: Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22£. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. How to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4^ inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches . To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the length of the rafters. To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths); at one-third pitch by .6 (tenths); at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths); at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. 198 PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. Note. — By }£ or % pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be j^ or Jf the width of the building higher than the walls or base of the rafters. How to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure gram. Rule. — Level the grain; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note. — Exactness requires the addition, to every three hundred bushels, of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2 to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of ear corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square yards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line stright ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote; and, in walking, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others by adopting the following simple and ingenious con- trivance^ may always carry with them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find how many rods in length will make an acre, the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. How to find the number of acres in any foot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. How to find the diameter when the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. 1H9 To find how many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick ness throughout will contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 144. General rule for measuring limber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference in inches by twice the length in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1.10 to 1.15 according to the thickness of the bark. Howard's new rule for commuting interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on , any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left ; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note. — The reciprocal of the rate is found by inverting the rate; thus 3 per cent, per month, inverted, becomes % of a month, or ten days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus: 3-1, three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eight section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — £0 acres. The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The description of ' a forty-acre lot wculd read: The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1, in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short, and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. 200 PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USB. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links « 1 rod. 4 rods " 1 chain. 80 chains « 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barleycorn; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a length of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. . The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking i nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 stat- ic miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said t* be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to 1} yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic manner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of acquiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 1875. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Cr. Jan. 10 it 17 Feb. 4 M 4 March 8 « 8 u 13 « 27 April 9 n 9 May 6 i< 24 To 7 bushels wheat at $1.25 By shoeing span of horses To 14 bushels oats at $ .45 To 5 ft. butter at .25 By new harrow By sharpening 2 plows By new double-tree To cow and calf To half ton of hay .....:. By cash By repairing corn-planter 1 o one sow with pigs 4|By cash, to balance account $ 8.75 6.30 1.25 48.00 6.25 17.50 2.50 18.00 .40 2.25 25.00 4.75 , 15.15 $88-05|$88.05 - W&& ± ^i ;r "~ Hi £ C X f* M fe • fe So W <* r - ^ 1 > 1 a; z a « 25 ^ x c P £ w EC < ffl ^H k^ £ r>i r< 5 ^ >H si E- 1 ^ »— 1 55 ° ^ u £ - <-~N r r o X •^ V — w c r ft, X fe a w 1? I x PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. 201 1875. CASSA MASON. Dr. Cr. March March March May May June June Julv July Aug. Aug. Sept. Bv 3 day's labor To 2 shoats To 18 bushels corn By 1 months labor To cash By 8 days mowing To 50 lbs. flour To 27 lbs. meat By 9 days harvesting By 6 days labor To cash , To cash to balance account. .at $1.25 .at 3.00 . at .45 at $1.50$ .10 2.00 1.50 $ 6.00 8.10 10.00 2.75 2.70 20.00 18. r 20 $ 67.75 $ 3.75 25.00 12.00 18.00 9.00 $67.75 INTEREST TABLE. A Simplb Rule for Accurately Computing Interest at Ant Giybn Per Cent tor Ant Length op Time. Multiply the principal (amonnt of money at interest) by the time reduced to days; then divide this product by the quotient obtained by dividing 360 (the number of days in the interest year) by the per cent of interest, and the quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. illustration. Require the interest of $462.50 for one month and eighteen days at 6 per cent. An interest month is 30 dayp; one month and eighteen days equal 48 days. $462.50 .48 gives $2-^2.0000; 360 divided l>v 6 (the per cent of interest) gives 60, and 222.0000 divided by 60 will give the exact interest, which is $3.70. « the Solution. $462.50 .48 370000 185000 $222.0000 380 420 420 ~oo MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units or things, 1 dozen . J 196 pounds, 1 barrel of flour. 1 24 sheets of paper, 1 quire. 12> dozen, 1 gross. I 200 pounds, 1 barrel of pork. 20 quires of paper, 1 ream. SO things, 1 ecore. | 56 pounds, 1 firkin of butter. | 4 .. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8ft. long, 1 cord wood. 14 202 NAMES OF THE STATES AND THEIR SIGNIFICATION. NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia. — The oldest of the states, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the " Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoraticn of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its pre- fix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called " Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. * Georgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for "at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful ; " Iowa, "drowsy ones;" Minnesota, "cloudy water," and Wisconsin, " wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word Illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying " tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the lake, fish-weir, which was •o styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortez named California. ♦ Massachusetts is the Indian for " the country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying " Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of Eng- land. New York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after William Penn, its original owner. Delaware after Lord De la Ware. New Jersey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was gov- ernor of the island of Jersey, in the British channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine, in France, in compliment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. 203 Vermont, from the French words vert mont, signifying green mountain. New Hampshire, from Hampshire county, in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little state of Rhode Island owes its name to the island of Rhodes, in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUB- SCRIPTION. The business of -publishing books by subscription, having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher, in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made: A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described by the pros- pectus and sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub- scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional, or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by the pros- pectus and sample, in order to bind the princi-ple, the subscriber should see that such condition or changes are stated over or in connection with his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as written is, that they can not be altered, varied or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contemplating sub- scribing should distinctly understand^ hat all talk before or after the sub- scription is made is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as can- vassers They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a pre- scribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They cannot extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully what it is; if they cannot read themselves, call on some one disinterested who can- History of Lafayette County. PIONEER EVENTS. THE EVOLUTION OF THE COUNTY. The first election held in the territory of Missouri was in October, 1812, and it was then divided into five voting or representative precincts; but just how and when this sub-division originated, history does not relate. The district of St. Charles embraced all north of the Missouri river; the district of St. Louis embraced all south of the Missouri river, except the old settlements of St. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid, on the Mississippi river; and therefore the territory now constituting Lafay- ette county, was at that time a part of what was called St. Louis parish or district. However, in governor Howard's proclamation, dated October 1, 1812, calling this first election, the five civil districts are for the first time officially called counties. January 23, 1816, all that part of the state lying north and west of the Osage river on the south side of the Missouri, and west of Cedar creek, (opposite Jefferson City), and west of the dividing ridge between the streams that flow eastward into the Mississippi and those which flow south- ward into the Missouri, on the north side of that river, was organized under the name of Howard county. It was so named in honor of Gen. Benj. Howard, of Kentucky, who was appointed governor of this Terri- tory in 1810. The county seat was first located at Cole's Fort, just below the present site of Boonville; but in 1816 it was removed to old Franklin, opposite Boonville. In 1818, all that part of Howard county lying south of the Missouri river, and north and west of the Osage, was erected into a new county called Cooper, in honor of Capt. Sarshall Cooper, who, with ten others of the same name, his sons or relatives, were early settlers and Indian fight- ers in the " Boone's Lick country." (Capt. Cooper was killed in 1814.) The county seat was at Boonville. On November 16, 1820, the legislature again created a lot of new coun- ties; and all that portion of Cooper county lying west of the present east- ern boundary of Lafayette county, and between the Missouri river on the north and the Osage river on the south, was named Lillard county, after a 206 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. James Lillard, who was the first member of the legislature from this locality, and introduced the bill to make the new counties. The county seat was fixed at Mount Vernon, a small settlement near the mouth of Tabo creek, about eight miles east of Lexington. Mr. Lillard subse- quently abandoned the new county which had received his name, and went back to his old home in Tennessee. The pioneer settlers were dis- pleased with this move, which seemed to cast some discredit on their chosen and favorite country. In April, 1825, Gen. Lafayette and his son George Washington Lafay- ette, visited St. Louis, the General being then sixty-eight years old, and were received with a magnificent ovation. The legislature of 1824-5 was still in session, and it signalized the great event by changing the name of Lillard county to that of Lafayette, in honor of the distinguished French- man who had so nobly aided our country in the revolutionary war. His name and great services to our national cause were fresh in the minds of the people; and the naming of this county after hfm was designed as a perpetual memorial of their reverence and gratitude. In February, 1823, the county seat of Lillard county had been moved from Mount Vernon to Lexington, so that when the name Lillard was dropped, and Lafayette substituted, Lexington was alreadv the county seat, and has remained so ever since. In 1826, December 15, Jackson county was organized, and its eastern boundary was the present west line of Lafayette county. And on Decem- ber 13, 1834, Johnson county was laid off by act of legislature, its northern line being the same as the south line of Lafayette county. This com- pleted the different steps and stages successively by which Lafayette county went through the process of political incubation and was hatched out into her present goodly plumage and fair proportions. At the present time the county is divided into eight civil townships, to- wit: Clay, Davis, Dover, Freedom, Lexington, Middleton, Sniabar and Washington. But during its various stages of development it has had Blackwater, Blue, Caw, Clearfork, Fort Osage, Springfield, and Tabo townships, which do not now exist within her borders. FIRST CIRCUIT COURT IN LILLARD COUNTY. The first court held in Lillard county was at Mount Vernon, February 12, 1821. The county of Lillard was established by an act of the Legis lature passed November 16, 1820, and was included in the first judicia district. Gov. McNair appointed David Todd to be judge of this cir- cuit, and hence it was Judge Todd who held the first court at Moun Vernon, as above mentioned. The act creating Lillard county had desig nated Mount Vernon to be the county seat until the people of the county should be able to suit themselves better. The governor had likewis HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 207 commissioned Hamilton R. Gamble to be prosecuting attorney of this court; Young Ewing, clerk, (commission dated Jan. 18, 1821); and Wm. R. Cole, sheriff, (commission dated Jan. 1, 1821). Hamilton R. Gamble, Peyton R. Hayden and John T. McKinney were admitted to practice as attorneys at the bar of this court, the first day of its existence. A grand jury, the first one in the county, was empaneled the same day, as follows: Wm. Lillard, foreman; John J. Heard, John Lillard, Wm. F. Simmons, Thomas Linville, Jesse Cox, James Bounds, Jr., David Jennings, Isaac Clark, Wm. Wallace, Christopher Mulky, Jacob Catron, John Bowman, George Parkerson, Thomas Hopper, James Linville, John Robison, Thomas Fristoe, Wm. Fox and Samuel Watson. Their first presentment was made in a short time, against John Salady, for tres- pass and assault and battery, "a true bill," etc. The next day, February 13, the court was opened at 10:15 o'clock, and the first case presented was an application for divorce, as follows : "Sarah Lillard, by David Jennings, her next friend, complainant, Against Jerry Lillard, defendant, In a petition for a divorce. This day came the complainant, by her counsel, and filed her petition, praying for a divorce from bed and board, and setting forth cruel and barbarous treatment so as to endanger her life, and indignities offered so as to render her situation intolerable, and compelling her to leave her hus- band," etc. But at the next term of the court, June 12, the case was on motion of the complainant discontinued. However, this same' day another divorce case was entered, to-wit: Jane Cooper, complainant, against Braxton Cooper, defendant. This case was heard October 10th, and Jane was granted a divorce. That first term of circuit court, in February, 1821, had one case in chancery, — Thomas Cox and Richard Scott vs. Wm. E. Aikman. And on the second day the grand jury brought in quite a list of presentments, as follows: The state of Missouri vs. John Young, for assault and battery; also against John Ingram and Solomon Catron, for the same offense, and against John Young, Jonathan Hicklin, Jacob Catron and James Lil- lard for an affray. The business of litigation continued to increase from term to term so that the court always had enough cases on the docket to keep it busy while in session. In fact, the records show that "those early times" were not any better in that respect than these later times. Indee , there was a great deal more litigation in proportion to the number of peo- ple than there is now. The July term, 1825, of the circuit court is entered as " a circuit court begun and held in the town of Lexington, and county of Lillard" etc. Its record occupies pages 11 to 15 of book No. 2. Then on page 16 of the same book occurs this entry: "A circuit court begun and held in the i 208 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. court house in the town of Lexington, Lafayette county, on the 24th day of November," etc., (1825). There is no record, note or memoranda to show how, when or why the name of the county ceased to be Lillard and commenced to be Lafayette. It is common report that one of the first acts of our state legislature after Gen. Lafayette's visit to St. Louis in 1825, was to change the name of Lillard county to Lafayette county; but this historian failed to find a copy of the act, or any document or other record giving the exact date or particulars of the change. It would cer- tainly seem as though the court record should have had some memoranda to account for and explain the change, so as to authenticate the proper dating and entitling of official papers, but nevertheless no such explana- tion appears, neither in the circuit court, county court or marriage records. In each case there is simply an abrupt, unexplained change of name from Lillard to Lafayette county. FIRST COURT IN LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The first circuit court of Lafayette county was held at Lexington, November 24, 25, 1825. David Todd, judge; Markham Fristoe, sheriff; Young Ewing, clerk. The first grand jury of Lafayette county consisted of: Wm. Bowers, foreman; David James, Henry Rowland, Geo. Nevil, A. P. Patterson,. Spencer Estes, Thos. Marr, Isaac Clark, Pink Hudson, Wm. Clark,. Calvin Howe, Samuel Cox, Wm. Robertson, Jesse Demasters, Hiram Helm, David Norris, Jesse Nave, Frederick Sebril, Jesse Cox, and Henry Campbell. They received their charge, and retired for consultation; but, unlike their predecessors, the first grand jury of Lillard county, there was no business before them; and they were at once dismissed. David Todd continued to be judge of the circuit court, up to the Novem- ber term, 1830. But at the February term, 1831, J^hji^\_Ryiandjook his seat as judge of the court, under a commission signed by John Miller governor, January 18 , 1831. This Judge Ryland was the father of Judge John E. Ryland and Xenophon Ryland, Esq., prominent and well-known attorneys of Lexington at the present time. Judge Ryland occupied this bench continuously for eighteen years, then occupied a seat on the supreme bench of the state for eight years. He died September 10, 1 873> FIRST COUNTY COURT. The first thing that appears of record is the opening of the county court at the house of Samuel Weston* in the town of Mount Vernon, January 2, 1821. John Stapp, John Whitsett and James Lillard, Sr., had been commissioned by Governor McNair, under date of St. Louis, December 8, 1820, as justices of the county court of Lillard county. Henry Renick *Sarnuel Weston had been commissioned by the governor, November 22, 1820, as jus- tice of the peace for Tabbo township, then in Cooper county, but at this time in Lillard county. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 209 Sr., was then justice of the peace for the county, and he administered the oath of office to the new justices. (He had been commissioned by the governor November 22, 1820, as justice of the peace for Sniabar town- ship, then in Cooper county, but now Lillard county.) Young Ewing was the first clerk of court; his bond was given for $1,200, with Wm. Y. C. Ewing and Joel Campbell, as securities. This was at the April term. The January term had done no business except to record the justices' com- missions aud swear them into office. The first case in this court was a motion of Abram McClelland, April 23, 1821, for letters testamentary on the last will of Amasa Crain, deceased. Mr. McClelland, David Ward and Abel Owens entered into bond in the case. The will was proven by the oaths of John Tharp, and John Walker, and the record says: " Ordered, that Lilburn W. Boggs, [afterwards governor of the state, 1836 to 1840,] Richard Edmundson and Wm. E. Aikman, who being first sworn, do appraise all the slaves and all the personal estate to them produced of Amasa Crain, deceased, and make due return thereof according to law ." The same day Wm. Y. C. Ewing, Thomas Fristoe, Joseph Irwin, Abel Owens and Samuel Evans, were appointed commissioners of the school lands of the county; and it was "ordered, that all persons who have improved school lands shall be allowed to occupy the same so long as to reap the benefits of three crops, including those that have been made or received by said improver." April 24, 1821, John Dustin was appointed surveyor of Lillard county, he "having been examined in presence of the court, as to his qualifica- tions," etc. July 24, John Stapp was appointed to be president of the court. After this, the court proceeded to make up the first bill of county expenses, thus: To Adam Lightner, for furnishing the circuit court with houses two terms, 3 days each term, at $1.50 per day $ 9.00 To Adam Lightner, for furnishing county court with houses two terms, at $1.25 per day, 3 days in all 3.75 Markham Fristoe, deputy sheriff, as per account filed 5.50 Markham Fristoe, deputy sheriff, as per account filed 1.00 Wm. R. Cole, as per account filed 5.00 Abner Graham, " " 1.00 George W. Parkerson, " " 1-00 Wm.F. Simmons, " " 2.00 John Stapp, countv court justice, 4^- davs 9.00 James Lillard, « " " 9.00 John Whitsett, " " " 9.00 Total $55.25 210 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. October 23, 1821, Braxton Small was appointed deputy clerk of the county court. The first report of the tax collector was made on this same day, when there appeared to be due the county, from Markham Fristoe, the collector, the sum of $83.70. The court ordered him to pay $50 of it to the county treasurer within fifteen days, and the balance at the next term of court. March 12, 1822, John Duston, James Bounds, and James Lillard were bonded in the penal sum of $2,000, as commissioners to select the most suitable place whereon to erect a court house and jail, and to let contracts for the buildings. The first record, in regard to an election in the county, occurs under date of July 9, 1822. At this time, Solomon Cox, Legard Fine, and James Lillard, Jr., were appointed judges of an election to be held at Mount Vernon, in Tabbo township; and Julius Emmons, David Ward, Thomas Swift were appointed judges of an election to be held in Sniabar township, "at the place of preaching near Henry Renick's." At this election, which occurred in August, Jesse Hitchcock was elected constable for Sniabar township, and James Bounds, Jr., for Tabbo town- ship. It is noticeable, that in the earliest official county records Tabo is some- times spelled Ta Beau; and Sniabar is nearly always spelled Sny E. Bairre. [See Township History of Dover and Sniabar township, for origin of the names Tabo and Sniabar.] March 12, 1822, James Bounds, John Duston, and James Lillard were appointed commissioners to select a town site for the county seat, and let contracts for suitable buildings. They selected the site, and laid out the town of Lexington (old town). The contract to erect public buildings was let to Henry Renick, and on June 27, 1825, appears an account of $875.15 paid him on the job. There are small items of payments, for jail and court house, scattered along in the county records, for two or three years, so that it was never known just how much this building did cost. It was a poor job, anyway, as the facilities for obtaining suitable materials for such a structure were then very meagre. November 23, 1825, appears another entry of $467.41J, paid Renick on construction of court house; and the same day the building was accepted, and commissioners discharged. This building was occupied for county purposes a few years, but proved to be unfit and unsafe, and on July 24, 1832, the county court " Ordered that James Fletcher be appointed com- missioner to sell the court-house of this county, except the rock founda- tion, as follows: The brick, in four parcels, and the shingles, planks, and timbers, in one lot, etc. The sale took place August 1. The county then rented accommodations for some years. The August term of court was held in Benedict Thomas' house. In 1835 Messrs. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 211 Rollins & Thomas, completed a new fnree.-story building for the county. This was used until 1845, when the present classic and stately court house was erected in the new town of Lexington, by Hunter & Alford, contractors. The old building in old Lexington was eventually sold to the Baptist Female College, and used by that institution until the war of the rebellion. During the turmoil it was used by the United States troops as a hospital, and finally as a pest-house for small-pox cases; hence after the war it was not used again for a school house, or any other public purpose, but was torn down and sold as old brick. The transition from Lillard to Lafayette county is a little curious. The session of county court June 27, 1825, called it Lillard county. The session on July 11, makes its entry, " Lillard or Lafayette county." This occurs twice. Then the August term again uses Lillard county only. The November term does not once in any way name the county. The next term, February 6, 1826, says, " county of Lafayette, and so it has stood ever since. August 6, 1822, the court examined and adopted a county seal. It bore the figure of a plow, and words, " Missouri, Lillard county." FIRST ROADS, FERRIES, LICENSES, ETC. The first mention of a road in the count}' occurs under date of April 24, 1821. Abner Graham was appointed overseer of the road leading from Fort Osage through Sniabar township, from opposite where James Connor then lived, to Fort Osage. He was required to keep the road in good repair, clear and smooth, twenty feet wide. At the same time James Young was appointed overseer of the road from Little Snia- bar to James Connor's. Wm. F. Simmons was appointed overseer of the road from the Tabbo Creek crossing near Mount Vernon, to the range line between ranges 26 and 27; and from this latter point Thos. Fristoe was appointed overseer westward to Little Sniabar Creek. George Parkerson was appointed for the road from Tabo Creek eastward through Mount Vernon to east end of Tabo township. On the same day Gilead Rupe, Markham Fristoe, Wm. Robertson, and Reuben Riggs were appointed commissioners to view the best and nearest route for a road leading from Jack's ferry to intersect the road lead- ing from Fort Osage to Mount Vernon. Fort Osage was near where the town of Sibley now stands, in Jackson county, and was the nearest post of U. S. soldiers, in case of an attack upon the settlement by Indians. At the same time also a license was issued to Adam Lightner to keep a ferry across Tabo Creek, for which he paid a tax of two dollars. The ferriage rates fixed by the court were: For one passenger, three cents; horse, three cents; cattle, three cents each; hogs or sheep, two cents 212 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. each; carriage or cart, twenty-five cents; wagon and team, thirty-seven and a half cents. July 9 a license was granted to Robert Castles to retail merchandise in this county, for which privilege he paid $30 per year. This is the first license of the kind on record, and it is presumed he was the first mer- chant in the county. The location of his store is not named. July 23, 1821, license was granted to Thomas Stokely to keep a ferry across the Missouri River about three miles below Fort Osage, for which he had to give bonds to the amount of $2,000. Abel Owen was his bondsman. The rates fixed by court for this ferry were: Passenger, twelve and a half cents; man and horse, twenty-five cents; neat cattle, ten cents each ; hogs or sheep, three cents each ; carriages, thirty-seven and a half cents; carts, fifty cents; wagons, one dollar; lumber or goods not in vehicle, six cents per hundred weight. Mr. Stokely also procured the appointment of Abner Graham, James Hicklin, William Y. C. Ewing and Wm. Renick as commissioners to lay out "a road from the bridge on Fire Prairie creek to said Stokely's ferry on the Missouri river." There does not appear any record as to how or when or where Jack's ferry was established, but we learn from General Graham that it was at the original steamboat landing which afterwards became the foot of Com- mercial street of the city of Lexington, although now (1881) there is solid land for half a mile out from this old landing. July 23, Ira Bidwell, Benjamin Gooch, Jesse Demaster and Pink Hud- son were appointed to lay out a road, giving Jack's ferry a shorter connec- tion with the Ft. Osage road. Also Gilead Rupe, Richard Fristoe, John Allison, and John Young were appointed to lay out a road from Jack's ferry to the county line toward Revis salt works. July 24, Abel Owen and Henry Renick were appointed to lay off Snia- bar township into suituble and convenient road districts. And the same day a license was granted to Adam Lightner, to keep a tavern; for this license he paid $12 per year. The same day also Michael Ely was licensed to sell merchandise; this license cost $30 per year. August6, 1822, Alfred K. Stevens was granted a permit to build a ware- house on the Missouri river, on the northwest fractional quarter of section 24, fractional township 51. This was for the storage and inspection of tobacco, and appears to have been the first commercial enterprise in the county. November 5, record is made of license issued to Abner Graham to retail wines and spirituous liquors; also to James Rath well for the same purpose — each paying $5 for six months' license. In August, 1823, a renewal of Rath well's license to sell liquors is recorded as "J. Rath well's HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 213 ferry license," which seems to have been one of the popular jokes of that early day. Rathwell, it seems, had bought Stokeley's ferry. FIRST MARRIAGE. The first marriage record in the county is a curiosity, and we copy it " verbatim et spellaiim" etc : Missouri State Lillard county no ye to home it may concern that this 8 day of Febru- ary 1S21 was joined together in the holy estate of marimony James Kee- ney and Anney Ramsey by me Jonathan Keeney, G. M. [" G. M." stands for gospel minister.] During the same year, 1821, the following additional marriages occurred: February 23, George Shelby to Margaret Tunage, by Rev. Martin Trapp ; March 15, Wm. Cox to Sary Cantrel, by Rev. Martin Trapp; March 28, Wm. Furgusson to Polly Heard, by Samuel Weston, J. P.; March 15, Robert McAffee to Mary Gladden, by John Heard, J. P.; March 15, Wallace McAffee to Susanna Givens, by John J. Heard, J. P.; April 26, Walter Burril to Lydia Cox, by J. J. Heard, J. P. This was all in that year. A total of sixty-one marriages occurred in Lillard county, from the first one, February 8, 1821, till August 5, 1S25. But the first marriage recorded as occurring in Lafayette county, after the change from Lillard to Lafayette, was that of Nicholas Turner to Keziah McClure, by Abel Owens, J. P., July 19, 1825. There is some confusion in the records during the period of the change of name from Liliard to Lafayette county. The last marriage, as above noted, is given as occurring in Lafayette county, and yet on November 2, 1825, nearly four months later 1 , Young Ewing signs his name on the record as Clerk of Lillard circuit court. The July term of the circuit court was recorded as in Lillard county, but the November term is recorded as in Lafayette county. No record was made to explain this change of name. The actual first marriage within the present bounds of the county, was that of John Lovelady and Mary Cox, in 1818, before the county was organized, and hence does not appear on the record. [See article headed " History of Dover township." PREHISTORIC MAN IN LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Commencing on page 20 of this volume will be found a chapter on the general subject of the prehistoric or Moundbuilder race in Missouri. That chapter rambles all over the state for its data. This article is con- fined to such relics of those ancient people as we have been able to get knowledge of in Lafayette county. The writer hereof has identified the site of an ancient or Moundbuildei village near Lexington. It is on the north half of southeast quarter of. 214 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. section 27, township 51, range 27; the land is known as the old Cromwell place, and is just across a ravine north from Judge A. S. Tutt's place. It was formerly cultivated as a corn field, but has lain fallow for three years past, the old house upon it being decayed and uninhabitable. There is a small orchard near the old house ruins. The ground here for five or six acres is dotted over with flint chips, bits of ancient pottery, and other relics of the Moundbuilder folks. The Lexington Intelligencer of June 25, 1881, contained the following local item: Relics of the prehistoric people Or Moundbuilders, who inhabited Mis- souri before our modern Indians occupied it as their hunting grounds, have been found and published in about twenty different counties of Mis- souri, but Lafyette county has not received her share of celebrity in this line. Two of the Intelligencer office boys, Frank Lamborn and Ethan Allen, Jr., have specimens of flint arrow-heads and other curious things which they showed to Prof. Reid, of the Missouri historical company, and he listed and named them thus: Ethan's list: 1 flint drill, 3^ inches long — was used by the ancient peo- ple to drill their soapstone and pipestone pipes; also to make holes in other trinkets so as to string them; 4 flint arrow-heads of different sizes, shapes and colors; 1 flesher — an implement made of green-stone, and which was used as a hand wedge or peeler in the process of skinning animals, then as a flesher and rubber in preparing the skins so they would be soft and pliable. This tool weighs just a pound. It was also used to peel bark from trees. Frank's list consists of 25 arrow and javelin heads, varying from 1£ to 5 inches in length. Five implements which archaeologists call shovels; these range from 3Jto 6^ inches long; 1 flesher; 1 stone ax — a very beau- tiful specimen, made of a kind of rock called syenite, a species of granite. Last Mondav evening the boys went with Prof. Reid out to a place they called "Indian Hill," east of the old Masonic college, and there they found great quantities of flint chips, broken arrow heads, fragments of ancient pottery with different styles of ornamentation represented on differ- ent pieces; and lastly a part of a tiny copper ax. * This last is supposed to have been the emblem of authority, kept or worn by the chief. The boys say they used to find pocketsfull of arrow-heads and such things there. The abundance of flint chips, broken pottery, etc., on the ground is said to show that a village was located there, and a manufactory of arrow-heads, flint knives, shovels, stone axes and pottery must have been kept there for some time. * On page 20 of this volume it is stated that "they had no knowledge of iron, or any art of smelting copper,' 1 '' etc. But in Switzler's history of Missouri, page 108, we find this pas- sage: "It has been stated, and often repeated, that they had no knowledge of smelting or casting metals, yet the recent discoveries in Wisconsin of implements of copper cast in molds — as well as the molds themselves, of various patterns, and wrought with much skill — prove that the age of metallurgical arts had dawned in that region, at least." This was written by A. J. Conant, of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences. The copper specimen found by Prof. Reid at Lexington looks as if it may have been molded, instead of hammered out from the virgin ore. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 215 Col. John Reid also submitted for examination and name a round stone weighing one pound and seven and one-fourth ounces, which looked more like a petrified osage orange than anything else. But the professor says it is not a petrifaction at all, but is made from a flinty kind of rock called hornstone, and was used by the Mound builder people as a sort of pestle to work in a saucerlike cavity in another piece of hard stone which served as a mortar. With this rude apparatus they ground or mashed their parched corn and roasted acorns; they also used it to pulverize red and yellow ochre to make war-paint. Prof. Reid made several subsequent visits to the place in company with Prof. S. M. Sellers of the Wentworth male academy, Mr. Charles Teub- ner, George Wilson, and others, and each time found some additional relics, until he had fragments of pottery showing over thirty different styles of ornamentation, besides many plain pieces, and much variety in the quality and admixture of the clay in degrees of hardness, toughness* etc., and in shades of color. The following ancient mounds have been reported to this historian: Mr. George Wilson says that when the house was built where Prof. Quarles now lives, (a part of the Elizabeth Aull seminary property), two mounds were dug away in digging the cellar and foundation, and some human bones and unimportant relics were found. And there is one mound still remaining in the back yard at this place, just on the edge of the bluff, commanding a fine view of the river. Wm. H. Chiles, Esq., reports a group of five mounds on Brush creek bottom, where the old Lexington and Warrensburg road crossed the creek on Robert H. Smith's land in section 36, township 50, range 27. Ethan Allen, Esq., reports a mound in Wm. T. Hay's front yard, on southeast quarter of section 24, township 51, range 27; also, two mounds on Dr. Wilmot's place, northwest quarter of section 23. Charles Teubner reports two mounds on T. R. E. Harvey's land, south- east quarter of section 22, about a quarter of a mile northwesterly from the negro burying-ground, which is on the Robert Aull estate. These two mounds are perhaps twenty rods apart, and near the brow of the bluff, giving a grand outlook over the Missouri river and country beyond. One of the mounds is still six feet high, and has a modern grave on top, with a rude board fence around it. Dr. Sandford Smith reported a mound on section 5, township 50, range 27; and in company with Dr. Smith and Mr. Charles Teubner, we visited it. The mound is on the Odell place. Old Mr. George Odell dug into it, from top to bottom, more than twenty years ago (it was before the war, anyway). Its extreme height was about six and a half or seven feet. A layer of loose stones had been laid on the ground and then the earth piled up over them. No wall or chamber was found, nor any relics except a few crumbly human bones. This mound is on the highest point of land 216 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. in that vicinity, and from its top objects can be seen which are known to be twenty-five miles distant; hence, it is concluded that this was used by the ancient people as a signal tower, to guide their distant friends up or down the river by night, or give warning of approaching danger. It si on the brow of the river bluff. MOUND-BUILDER RELICS. Mr. Charles Teubner of Lexington has a collection of Moundbuilder relics, numbering about 2,300 specimens in flint, comprising arrow-heads, spear-heads, javelins, daggers, bird darts, drills, reamers, fish spears, shov- els, hoes, scrapers, knives or lances, and some forms the use of which is still undetermined. The materials represented in these specimens are flint, hornstone, agate, chert, chalcedony, slate, hematite, milky quartz, and vitreous or glassy quartz crystal. Among these are over 100 specimens known as bird darts, being perfectly wrought and finished arrow heads less than an inch long. These are supposed to have been designed especially for shooting small birds of brilliant plumage, the feathers of which were used by some tribes in making a very rich and gaudy kind of cloth. Specimens of this kind of cloth were found by the conquering Spaniards in Mexico which excelled iu princely gorgeousness the most costly silks, satins, velvets or laces ever seen in European courts. It was made in the same way that some good housewifes now-a-days make most elegant rugs, by knitting common store-twine and looping a small shred of silk fabric into each stitch, and when finished, shearing the silk ends all to even length. About 900 specimens of Mr. Teubner's collection are arranged on black oil cloth so as to form five life size figures as follows: No. 1 Indian with battle axe, in the act of striking a savage blow. This figure or chart is composed of 181 flint arrow and spear heads, so arranged as to depict the Indian physiognomy, costume, and action with great vigor and lifelikeness. No. 2. Indian with drawn bow and arrow, full life size, and the Indian's redness of face, even, is artistically represented by using red or coppery tinged flints for that part. This design is composed of 192 pieces. No. 3, A deer running. This is a companion-piece to No. 2, and con- tains 93 flints besides a small pair of deer horns. No. 4. Indian smoking the peace-pipe. This chart contains 147 flint specimens. No. 5. Indian squaw and pappoose. This is the masterpiece of all; it contains 296 flints, so exquisitely arranged that the woman's moccasins, frilled skirt, flowing hair, and nursing breast are perfectly represented; the child's figure is perfect, even every finger and toe being shown, and by a skillful use of the different shapes and colors of the arrow-heads, an HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 217 expression of glee or laughter shows in the features of both mother and child as she stands tossing the little sucker as high as she can reach. The specimins of which these figures are composed were all collected in Gasconade and Franklin counties, Missouri, during the years 1873-74- 75, by George H. King, Esq., now of Kansas City, who was then school commissioner of Gasconade county. He made the charts and had them displayed in the Missouri building at the Centennial Exhibition in Phila- delphia in 1876. Mr. Teubner afterwards bought them and added them to his Lexington collection, where, in addition to the above, he has speci- mens from Lafavette, Pettis, Montgomery, Warren, Boone, and Jackson counties in Missouri; and also from the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Maryland, and New York. Besides the flint specimens of Moundbuilder work, are grooved stone hammers and axes weighing from twelve ounces to over five pounds. Two of these are of hematite, a kind of brown iron ore almost as heavy and hard as real iron. Also stone bark peelers, skin dressers, corn pestles, paint cups, game discs, and various other tools or trinkets. There are supposed to be two or three other larger collections in the United States than this, but there is probably not another one equal to it in the variety of forms and material and the great number of exquisitelv finished specimens of the flint work. Mr. Teubner has been over twenty years making his collection and still pursues it. He is determined to give Lexington the honor of having both the largest and most varied collection in the United States except that of the Smithsonian Institution. Of course no private collection can compete with that. Mr. Jackson Cox, in his field in south half of section 2, township 48, range 28, Sniabar township, plowed up an ancient pipe of flattened ovoid form, with a groove and two creases worked around from the stem hole. The material is a heavy, compact, dirty-blue tinged variety of pipe-stone, and an excellent specimen. Mr. Geo. F. Maitland furnishes a fine speci- men of flint drill, 5f inches long and half-inch bore, such as the ancient people used to work with thumb and finger, for drilling into softer kinds of stone. He found it on Gen. Vaughan's farm. In connection with Mr. Teubner's specimens that were collected in Gasconade county, we ought to mention the fact that a stone about eight- een inches square, with a human footprint on each side, was found in his field by Mr. Wm. Miller, of Bay post-office, Gasconade county. [See page 14, of this work, for the St. Louis footprints in stone.] Mr. Miller sold this stone, together with other relics, to John P. Jones, Esq., of Keytesville, Chariton count} 7 , a well known writer on the early explora- tions of Missouri by the Spanish and French. [See Kansas City Review of Science, Nos. for May, June, July, August, 1881.] Mr. Jones thinks the footprints which he had were sculptures and not plastic moulds. He sent the stone to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington City. Mr. 218 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Jones says this stone was reddish quartzite. He further writes: "Geo. S. Mepham, of St. Louis, had a footprint stone a few years sgo, its material being limestone. I saw one at Washington with two footprints on the same side. I also knew of one in Kansas." PHYSICAL FEATURES. COMPRISING GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, HYDROGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. — GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. Lafayette is the second county east from the state line between Mis- souri and Kansas; has seven counties between it and the south line of the state, six east of it, and four north. Its area is 395,000 acres, one author- ity says; another says 393,000; and a third says 403,671 acres. The last man gives exact figures, as if he had measured it himself, so we conclude the other fellows were only "guessing at it." The 39th parallel of latitude crosses about midway of the county — almost through Higginsville; and its longitude is from 16^ to IT degrees west from Washington. Saline county adjoins on the east, Johnson county on the south, Jackson on the west, and Ray and Carroll across the Missouri river on the north. Its latitude is the same as Kansas City, Cincinnati, and Dover the capital of Delaware; its longitude corresponds with the boundary between Louisana and Texas, and with the cities of Des Moines, Iowa, and Mankato, Min- nesota. TOPOGRAPHY AND HYDROGRAPHY. We have not found any survey notes or other authentic data to show where is the highest or lowest point of land in Lafayette county. But an examination of the map shows that the county about Mount Hope and Odessa, in the east part of Sniabar township, is probably the highest land ; for streams rising in this vicinity flow off in every direction — north, south, east and west. Both forks of the Big Sni rise here, one flowing north- ward and the other westward; ^eadstreams of Davis creek flow from here eastward; and small tributaries of the Blackwater river in Johnson county rise here and flow southward. Hence a knob near Odessa, on Edward Lee's land, is supposed by some to be the highest point. On the other hand, the vicinage of Mayview likewise has streams flowing from it in nearly every direction, and some think that is the highest land. Others again claim that Lexington, or some hills in its vicinity are the highest, citing the fact that the coal beds dip from Lexington southward, and that the Lexington & St. Louis railroad runs a heavy down grade for five miles out of the city. ISTothing but an actual topographical survey can settle such a point; and we are informed that some such surveys will be made in this county by the government during this year and next. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 219 The largest and longest stream in the county is Davis creek: which rises by several tributaries in the southern, western and central parts of Wash- ington township, and flows northeasterly between Freedom and Davis townships, then southeasterly in Saline county, where it empties into Blackwater river, that into the Lamine, and that into the Missouri in Cooper county a few miles above Boonville. The east and west forks of the Big Sni both rise in Sniabar township, the east fork flowing steadily northward, while the west fork makes a grand detour westward into Jack- son county, then back northeasterly to a junction with the east fork in Clay township, about three miles from its mouth near the village of Wel- lington. The Little Sni rises partly in Clay and partly in Washington townships, flows north, northwest, and north, and for three or four miles of its course forms the boundary between Lexington and Clay townships. Tabo creek is perhaps the next largest stream after the Big Sni; and has two considerable branches which rise in Washington township, two in Lexington township, and one in Dover township. The course of the main stream is steadily northward, and it forms the entire boundary line between Lexington and Dover townships. One of its branches rises in the southeast part of Lexington city, anal the Lexington & St. Louis rail- road follows it in a southeasterly direction, for advantage of grade, for a distance of over- five miles. Salt creek rises in the southwest part of Middleton township, with small headstreams flowing in from Davis and Dover. Its course is north and northeast, and then it flows away entirely across Saline county and empties into the Blackwater river, of which it is called the " Salt fork." Saline licks occur in many places along this stream, and this fact gave name to Saline county. Elm creek rises in southeast part of Middleton township, and flows northeasterly into Saline county and joins Salt cfeek. Panther creek rises in Freedom township, west of Concordia, and flows southeasterly into the Blackwater. The above are all the principal streams of the county, but there are a great many small tributaries with local or neighborhood names which do not appear on the maps. In Freedom township there is Mulky creek, Blackjack creek, and Peavine creek. In Middleton township there is Willow creek and Craig's branch. In Davis township there is an Elm branch, Bear branch, Merritt's branch, and Johnson's creek, all flowing southwardly into Davis creek. In Dover township there is Cottonwood creek. In Washington township, there are James creek, Honey creek, North and South forks of Davis creek, and Brush creek. In Clay town- ship there is Owl creek, and Helm's lake, the latter a remnant of t'ne ancient river bed. In Lexington township there are Graham's branch and Rupe's branch, at Lexington city, and the Garrison fork of Tabo creek. In Sniabar township there is Horseshoe creek. Clay, Lexington, 220 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Dover, and Middleton townships front on the Missouri river as their northern boundaries. The river at the city of Lexington has very much changed its channel. The original landing for Jack's ferry and keel boats, before steamboats came much into use, was at or near the mouth of Rupe's branch. The backwater from the river set up into the branch above the stone bridge on the Wellington road, and there was a ledge of bare rocks in the bed of the branch just above the bridge, from which boys used to leap or plunge into deep water; it was a favorite swimming ground. When steamboats began to come, and Lexington grew to be a great center of trade, the steamboat landing was at the old ferry landing; and the city graded and paved Commercial street to make a good and mudless road- way from her main business center down to the wharf. But now the river has filled up its old channel with solid land, so that a steamboat to- day cannot land anywhere within half or three-quarters of a mile of the old place; Rupe's branch cove is all filled up, the ledge of rocks com- pletely covered, and Commerce street grown to weeds and chink-grass, though the paving still remains as a reminder of the " used-to-be." At low water, the steamboat and ferry landing are now far down the river, almost below the city. And what the old Missouri is going to do with it in the future no mortal can tell. Other steamboat landings in the county are at Napoleon, Berlin, Dover landing, and Waverly. RIVER SURVEYS AND SOUNDINGS. During the winter of 1879-80 the Burlington and Southwestern railroad company made a series of surveys and soundings to determine the feasi- bility of building a railroad bridge across the Missouri river at Lexington. Howard Dunn, a civil engineer of Lexington, was employed on this work, assisted by Wm. Tutt, Charles Morrison, Charles Montgomery and Charles H. Dunn, all Lexington boys. Some work was done by making soundings through the ice. Then Mr. Dunn was sent by the same com- pany to examine and report on the grades, curves and condition of roadbed of the old Lexington and Gulf railroad. After this, or about February 18, 1880, the railroad company sent another engineer, Mr. Hurst, of Chili- cothe, to join Mr. Dunn in a further prosecution of the river-bed sound- ings and bank surveys, and this work was carried on from a point on the north bank considerably above the foot of pine street to a point on the south bank bluff, near Dr. Wilmot's place. The highest point taken on the bluff was just north of the old Masonic college, and was 167 feet above low-water mark. Fifteen different test soundings were made for bed-rock in the river, with the following results: No. 1. 950 feet down stream from west end of the old Anderson ware- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 221 house at foot of Pine street, and 149 feet out from the river bank, bare rock was struck at 15.8 feet from the surface, the river being then 3£ feet above low-water gauge. This rock was drilled into 18 inches without going through, and was found to be a solid limestone ledge. No. 2. At same place, 291 feet from bank, the same bed-rock was found with 16.5 feet of water. No. 3. Same place, 396 feet from river bank, sand bottom was found at 21 feet depth of water. A two-inch gas-pipe was then sunk in the sand 46.7 feet without finding rock. No. 4. Same place, 492 feet from bank, water 12.5 feet deep; gas-pipe driven 52 feet into the sand of river bottom without finding rock.' Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 represented a line of soundings from shore to shore at a point 200 feet up-stream from Major Claget's coal mine. No. 15 was 200 feet out from the south shore, and at 21 feet depth of water the bedded limestone, same as Nos. 1 and 2, was found. But at all the other numbers on this line, at an average depth of 51 feet from the surface, there was found a reef of boulders and coarse gravel, with sand again below them. No. 9. This sounding was 500 feet up-stream from the line last men- tioned, and on the north side of the river, 50 feet back on the beach from the water's edge. The result was, they bored through 55 feet of sand and sandy loam, then 8 feet of gravel and shale, then 4 feet of slate and coal, then 13 feet of sand, without finding bed rock. The total depth bored at this point was 80.2 feet. No. 10. This test-point was 150 feet out in the river from the north shore line, and the water was 4.5 feet deep. At 21 feet below the water surface coal and sand was found; at 22 feet, gravel; at 27 to 46 feet, quick- sand; at 52 feet, gravel; at 94 feet, no bed-rock. Here the tube stuck fast, could not be got out, and is there yet. Whether the railroad company considered these results such as to war- rant them in ever building a railroad bridge at Lexington, no man know- eth; but at this writing (Oct. 1, 1881) there are many signs which seem to indicate that a bridge will sometime be built here, and that the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company will run its southwestern branch from Burlington, Iowa, by way of the old Lexington and Gulf grade toward Texas. In October, 1880, Mr. Dunn assisted in making water soundings for the government, from Wellington down to Lexington island, and the deepest water found was opposite the foot of Pine street, where it showed thirty- five feet depth of water below low-water oauge. A little above the old hemp warehouse on Pine street, in the angle of the bluff on the west side of the street, there is a heavy bed of rock facing B * fr 222 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. the river, and in this rock is a plug of lead with a copper bolt in its center. This is called a government bench mark; the government surveyors have established a similar mark every ten miles along the banks of the Missour river, from Sioux City to its mouth. These form permanent fixed points from which to reckon all future topographical surveys, but do not seem to have any uniform reference to water level. WATER LEVELS AND FLOODS. A mark known as the St. Louis directrix, is the standard gauge from which all levels on the Missouri and Upper Mississippi rivers are reck- oned, and that mark is 372 feet above sea level. The government low water gauge-mark at Lexington is at an assumed elevation of 424.2 feet above the sea, but that is not certain; and a series of soundings made for the government by Mr. Dunn, of Lexington, on September 20, 1881, gave a depth of 19 feet 4 inches of water, below low water gauge, in the channel a little above Pine street; but there was known to be deeper water below this point. In 1844 occured the greatest flo od on record in the Missouri river. Another " high water" came in 1877, and another in 1881. The following is their record: 1844, 26.66 feet above Lexington low water gauge; 1877, 17.75 feet above; 1881, 23.10 feet above. An old city survey reports the top of the curb stone in front of Aull's building, corner of North and Broadway streets, to be 190 feet above low water mark, and that is nearly the level of North or Main street of Lex- ington City. RIVER IMPROVEMENT AT LEXINGTON. From the annual report of U. S. chief engineers, 1880, Part II, page 1409, we quote: "The rapid erasion of the left bank, in the bend just above Lexington, is allowing the whole river to move bodily down stream, and if not checked will soon destroy entirely the harbor and boat-landing at Lexington. The plan proposed contemplates the protection of caving banks by brush-mattress revetments, and the construction of floating dikes, designed and located so as to rectify the channel." In Part I, page 163, of same report, we find this: "With the funds appropriated by act of June 14, 1880, for improving the Missouri river at this locality (Lexington), it is proposed to commence the work by pro- tecting the banks where necessary with brush revetment, and rectifying the channel by floating brush dikes or other structure (wire mattress is being used, 1881,) designed to produce like effect, as far as the funds avail- able will allow." HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 223 Amount appropriated by Act approved June 15, 1880 $15,000 July 1, 1880, amount available _ . . . . 15,000 Am't (estimated) required for completion of exixting project . 35,000 Am't that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1882 35,000 The above work was in progress during the summer of 1881, under immediate charge of E. C. Shankland, U. S. assistant-engineer. A steam hydraulic grading machine or boat was employed on the north bank of the river, to prepare the bank for the floating dykes and recumbent wire mattresses. This machine was kept at work steadily by two crews, five working from noon to midnight, and five from midnight till noon; then a cook, making eleven men in all, and all Lexington men except one. The survey and sounding party, in charge of Mr. Howard Dunn, of Lexing- ton, consisted of seven men, two flagmen on shore, three oarsmen, a lead- man, and a recorder in boat; and five of this party were Lexington men. METEOROLOGY. In the spring of 1877 Prof. Francis E. Knipher, of Washington Univer- sity, St. Louis, established a system of voluntary weather observing sta- tions throughout the state. It was purely a voluntary service, only engaged in by those who were willing to give time, labor, and care to it, from their love of science and their desire to secure to Missouri the prac- tical benefits of such observations. There were in Missouri at one time eighty of these stations, but in June, 1881, only forty-nine made any reports. In the state of Iowa there are two hundred similar volunteer weather stations. In December, 1877, Dr. J. B. Alexander, of Lexington, commenced his work as a member of the Missouri Volunteer Weather Bureau, making careful observations of wind, moisture, temperature, etc., three times each day, and at the end of each month reporting to Prof. Knipher in tabulated- form, the results of the month's daily record. This is one of the most unremitting and taxing kinds of public service that any man can engage in; it is fraught with the supremest interests of agriculture, com- merce, climatology, prevailing diseases, etc. Its devotees are self- sacrificing public benefactors, toiling gratuitously for the industrial and sanitary welfare of the state, for it is only by such observations, kept up through a long series of years, that the laws of climate and season can be learned, and their normal recurrences taken advantage of for the ben- efit of mankind. The following tables of observations made at Lexington, show a mar- velous amount of patient and painstaking labor, and were prepared by Dr. Alexander especially for this work, in order to their permanent pres- 224 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ervation; and any one can see that when similar records have been kept at forty or fifty different places throughout the state for ten, twenty, or thirty years successively, they must throw a vast deal of valuable light upon the problems of climate and season within our commonwealth. MEAN TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNTS OF RAINFALL FOR THE SEVERAL MONTHS AND SEASONS OF THE FOLLOWING YARS: 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. Average c p. P. A a. a — a — B ~ 8 s a ~ a> • H fa H fa H fa H fa H hi a a a as a a 03 a a os e S3 a as 0> 0) 93 as as a W a K a tf a M £ as 33 2 I 34 22 1 05 * Q 2 29 16 8 17 34 • 1 7 8 1.26 February 38.9 3.57 0.48 35.3 1 62 22.6 4 29 37.2 2.49 50.0 58.3 2 58 3.42 45.8 54 fi 1.07 1.94 40.5 54.5 1.85 2.15 33.2 47.5 2.67 2.12 42.6 53 7 2 04 2\41 May ... 61 R 3 26 68.5 71.8 76.5 74 3 67 8 3 63 66 5 3.99 66 1 4.30 70.3 79. a 2.77 2.60 1 20 10 53 6.89 44 71 4 75.3 74 9 0.65 3.7H 5 14 73.1 76.5 79 6 5.94 2 10 2 24 71 7 76.9 76 1 4 97 3 82 79 2.26 69 1 1 78 63 2 3 02 62 5 4 37 64 9 3.06 55.8 1.58 59 n 3.12 49 7 2.24 54.8 2.31 45.9 0.50 41.7 3.94 27.9 2 51 3S.5 2.32 21.7 4 00 2.63 21.7 97 27.8 2.29 38.5 6.47 24.7 5.53 33.0 6.54 20.4 5.60 29.2 6.04 56.8 76 2 9.26 6.57 56.3 74.2 •5 66 17.86 54 3 72.9 7 63 9.49 49.1 76.4 8.78 10 28 54.1 74.9 7.83 11.06 56.9 3.86 54.6 10.08 46.7 9.12 52.7 7.69 •Year 55.3 28.60 52 8 37.76 51.7 31 . 12 53.3 32 76 ♦This average is based upon four dry years. A more accurate averaee fiom a larger number of years would be much higher. DAYS OF RAIN, SNOW, THUNDER-STORMS DURING THE FOLLOWING YEARS: 1878. 1879. 1*80. 1881. Average. as as o . -.o « a am ^2 E-KZ) >> • as as as o . a ■->o Ox 3° E- ■a as 44 3i» u is Eh 03 5 >■ '3 03 xo o . ■x £ Sen %4 a E E-c» >> • 33 03 o . rC ft S-.0 o-r, 32 E-iz> 10 n 8 7 14 10 5 6 6 5 5 8 34 29 21 16 95 5 6 1 1 8 13 2 °1 1 1 6 6 6 1 4 2 2 2 19 11 4 36 5 5 9 9 7 12 11 5 6 7 8 6 18 25 28 21 90 3 4 1 1 1 15 1 1 m o 8 6 12 10 5 5 3 6 2 16 27 14 58 9 3 5 6 8 7 10 11 6 4 9 7 18 19 28 19 85 1 1 2 5 4 3 2 5 13 1 2 3 6 8 6 9 10 4 2 1 1 5 17 25 7 53 8 8 11 10 13 11 5 3 5 4 5 2 1 2 e 10 7 3 2 7 8 8 11 10 8 6 6 4 7 23 27 24 19 90 4 4 3 2 4 11 2 3 14 1 March 1 4 May 7 8 8 August 6 5 4 2 2 Winter 23 34 19 'is "*2 15 12 1 2 17 19 8 Year 49 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 225 CLEAR DAYS, CLOUDY DAYS AND DAYS WITHOUT SUNSHINE, DURING THE FOLLOWING YEARS: 1878 1879 1880 1881 Avera ?e. 00 >> S3 ■a 3 . O O - a 00 03 .5 6 s*> S3 •a 3 . - -j J3 3 00 >> 33 e>-. S3 ■a 3 . O 0J si 3 m >> >> S3 •0 3 . 041 ■2 2 T3 >> Tt-S "O >> *'S •o >> ■{?■* Q >» -o >> te^ F< u a s] « S3 1) O o3 oo S3 a o f>3 a> o >>3 S3 *> O s»>3 ss a> s o a o U a o o « U u a U u * 22 9 12 11 5 12 7 4 5 16 6 10 9 5 7 12 9 6 1 14 2 6 12 5 9 8 2 12 8 12 4 2 7 6 1 10 6 2 10 6 2 April 15 5 12 5 1 13 3 8 9 4 12 5 2 May 7 9 8 fi 12 19 5 3 1 11 15 2 1 6 10 6 9 18 5 3 I) 15 1 17 2 15 1 20 1 17 2 21 1 22 1 16 3 17 2 19 2 21 2 17 2 () 18 2 1 19 V 18 2 21 3 18 5 1 17 3 1 15 4 13 6 1 10 9 8 13 6 5 5 28 11 36 13 26 13 28 5 15 13 39 10 22 9 9 "24 32 "20 13 29 11 29 5 Winter 15 34 21 36 14 4 31 11 1 24 31 6 31 19 4 45 54 8 8 48 51 6 11 1 46 46 5 16 10 47 46 50 5 12 Year 5 157 69 169 61 16 162 51 24 162 60 90 extremes of temperature observed during the years 1878, 1879, 1880 and 1881. HIGH TEMPERATURE. 1878. june. No. of days above 90° . .0 JULY. 12 94O0 13 94®0 15 95 = No. of days above 90° .13 august. 19 95=>0 20 95 = 21 94 = 5 23 96 = 5 24 97 = No. of davs above 90° .12 SEPTEMBER. No of days above 90° . . .4 1879. junk. 9 94 = 5 No. of days above 90= ..5 JULY. 11 93 = 5 No of days above 90 = . . .7 AUGUST. 26 94 = 27 94 = 5 No. of days above 90= ..9 1880. JUNE. 11 93 = 5 No, of days above 90= .'.5 JULY. 12 95 = 5 13 96 = 30 94 = 5 No. ol days above 90 =.15 AUGUST. 14 .....97 = 5 16 96 = 5 17 97 = 18 99 = 5 19 100 = No. of days above 90 ° . . 15 1881. JUNE. 28 95 = 29 95 = No. of days above 90 o ..11 JULY. 16 94 = 7 94 = 5 8 95 = 9 : 97 = 5 10 98 = 5 11 97 = 5 12 98 = 16 94 = 17 94C5 20 9505 No. of days above 90= ..14 AUGUST. 1 94 = 5 3 98 = 5 4 98 = 5 100 = 6 .96 = 8 96 = 9 100 = 5 10 101O0 11 103 = 12 101O5 16 98 = 17 105 = 24 99 = 5 25 100 = 5 6 102 = 27 101=8 28 ....97 = 5 29 95 = No. of days above 90= .21 SEPTEMBER. 5 9405 No. of days above 90= ..0 LOW TEMPERATURE. WINTER OF 1877-8. DECEMBER 1877. No. of days below 32= ..8 No. of days below zero..O JANUARY. 1878. No. of days below 32= .22 No. of days below zero. .0 FEBRUARY, 1879. No. of da) s below 32= .15 No. of days below zeto.,0 WINTER of 1878-9. DECEMBER. 1878. 17 3 = above 18 4 = 5 below 19 4c0above 22 2 = 5 below 24 5o0 " 25 4 = •• 27 zero 28 2 = above 30 oOOi.bove No. of days below 32= ..28 No. of days below zero.. 5 JANUARY, 1879. 2 15= below 3 17= " |4 17 = 5 below |5 12 = " 6 11 = " 8 2 = above 9 7 = below 19 3 = No. of days below 32=. .25 No. of days below zero. 7 FEBRUAKY, 1879. 13 4 = 0above 14 3 = 20 1°0 No. of days below 32= 22 march, 1879. No. of days below 32 "5 ..12 winter of 1879-80. december. 1879. 12 5 = above 15 1=5 " 84... 6 = 5 below 25 11=0 '•• 26 3 = 5 above No. of days below 32 : .27 No. of days below zero. 2 JANUARY, 1880. No. of days below 32= ..15 No. of days below zero. FEBRUARY, 1880. No of days below 32= ..21 WINTER OF 1880-1. OCTOBER. 1880 No. of days below 32 = . .6 NOVEMBER. 1880. 18 3 = 5 above 19... : 5 = " 22 4 = •• No of days below 32= . 22 DECEMBER, 1880. 5 1=0 above 6 3 = 4 below 7 2° 5 above 3 = 5 " 27 3 = 0below 28 9 = » 39 18 = " 30 6 = » 31 5 = '• No. of days below 32= .29 No. of days below zero 6 JANUARY, 1881. 3 3 = below 4 2 = 0ab&ve 3°5beiow 4 = above 7 = below 12 = 0below 3 = 5 above 13 = 5 below = 5 above 2 = 5 " 2 = 5 «' 3 = 5 " . of days below 32= .31 . oidays below zero.. 5 FEBRUARY. 1881. 2 = 5 above 1 = 5 " 8°0below 1 = 5 above 3 = " 5 = " of days below 32 = . . 26 of days below zero. 1 march, 1881. of days below 32= .27 APRIL, 1881. of days below 32= 11 226 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. PREVAILING WINDS. During a period of four years, observations, amounting to 4,077 in num- ber, gave the following result as to relative frequency of direction ot the winds: TIMES. TIMES. TIMES. South 1,158 North 652 Southwest 570 West 457 East 410 Northeast 300 Southeast 235 Northwest 225 Calm 70 NOTABLE WEATHER ITEMS. A few points of interest we have gathered from memoranda, kept by Mr. George Venable. January 29, 1873, at eight o'clock in the morning, the thermometer, at Grimes & Venable's jewelry store, showed 24 ° below zero. During the winter of 1875-6, no ice was put up in Lexing- ton; the river did not close at all; the steamboats ran all winter; and it was the mildest winter that had occurred for thirty years. December 12 and 13, 1878, snow fell continuously for twenty hours, and then meas- ured thirty-three inches deep. Uncle George Houx said it was the deep- est snow that had been in Missouri for sixty years. During the winter of 1880-1, the river closed December 29, and remained icebound until Feb- ruary 7, a period of forty-one days. It then remained open seven days, but on the night of February 15 it froze up again, and remained so until February 26. GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY. Dr. Swallow was born in Buckfield, Oxford county, Maine, in 1817, and traces his ancestry back to a Norman French family named Sevallieu, whose chief marched with William the Conqueror into England. One branch of the family afterward emigrated from France to New Orleans, while another branch came from old England to New England; and from this latter stock Prof. Swallow is descended. His father was a farmer and mechanic. Very early in life, young George took a deep interest in the then new and mysterious science of geology. In 1843, he graduated at Bowdoin College with high honors, and was immediately appointed lec- turer on botany, in his alma mater. In 1848 he obtained aid from the state of Maine, and established an agricultural school at Hampden, Maine. In 1850 he was elected professor of chemistry and geology in the Univer- sity of Missouri, and in 1853 was appointed state geologist — the first one Missouri ever had. His first official report was published by the state, in 1855. He first determined, located, and correctly mapped the boundaries of the geological formations of Missouri, and their mineral contents, as published in his reports, and in Campbell's Atlas of Missouri— St. Louis, 1873 — a work which has been followed by later investigators, in working out the minor details of Missouri's geology. During the war-time, the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 227 business of the State University and the geological survey were so much broken up, that, in 1865, Prof. Swallow accepted an appointment as state geologist of Kansas, and continued in that work two years. He had pre- viously, in 1858, discovered and determined rocks in Kansas, belonging to the Permian group of geological series. This was the first time that rocks of this age were shown to exist in America ; and this discovery by Prof. Swal- low, together with his reports on the geology of Missouri and Kansas, and papers read before the American Association, gave him a high rank and honorable recognition among the learned societies and savans of America and Europe. GEORGE CLINTON SWALLOW, M. D.,LL. D., Professor of Geology and Agriculture in the State University of Missouri, and Dean of the State Agricultural College. In 1870 the University of Missouri was enlarged, reconstructed and reorganized on the true university plan — with co-ordinate schools or col- leges of literature, science, art, law, medicine, mines and agriculture. Dr. Swallow was appointed to the chair of natural history and agriculture and made dean of the agricultural college, which position he still holds. 228 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. For nearly thirty years past he has been a working and leading member of the agricultural and horticultural societies of the state, their very exist- ence having grown out of his urgent and eloquent advocacy of such organizations as early as 1852. He has also been an active member of the "American association for the advancement of science," and has taken an honored and leading part in many of its profoundest discussions. He has always been a staunch opponent of " Darwinism," or the materialistic phase of the doctrine of evolution. His most persistent and useful work is, perhaps, his study and classification of Missouri soils as shown by his numerous publications on their chemical and physical properties, and the best modes of culture for the staple crops of the Mississippi valley. [See page 70 and following pages.] ROCKS, COAL, FOSSILS, ETC. In Prof. Swallow's geological map of Missouri, Lafayette county is all included in what he marks as the " coal measures," or upper carboniferous formation, except some strips of alluvial bottom lands along the Missouri river; these bottom lands he marks as "quarternary " — but other authori- ties would further subdivide and class them as "recent " formations, (see geological chart on page 67) because they are the same sort of formations as are now being made every year by the Missouri and other rivers. By referring to the chart the order of superposition of the different geolog- ical formations will be readily seen. Lafayette county bluffs show the coal-measures subdivision of the carboniferous age; then there is an absence of several succeeding formations, to- wit: Peruvian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary; but the first division of the quarter- nary is found — a layer of sand and gravel, with occasional granite boul- ders from the azoic rocks of Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. These are the drift materials of the glacial epoch ; and upon them is deposited the " bluff' formation," as Prof. Swallow calls it, but which is called loess by most other writers. The manner of production of this " bluff' formation " will be found explained on page 80, and this is the body soil or clay at the top of the geological formations all over Lafayette county, except the recent bottom lands or flood plains of the rivers and creeks, and the out- crop of other formations in the river bluffs and on the banks of streams. The writer of this history learned from some former pupils of the Eliz- abeth Aull Seminary that Miss Emma G. Wilber. a long time favorite teacher there, used to take her pupils out on geological excursions; and also have them bring in any specimens which they might find, and which she would explain to them individually or in class. And Miss Wilber hav- ing removed to Englewood, Illinois, we wrote to her, requesting a sketch of some of her geological excursions with her classes, and notes of any rare specimens found. Accordingly, the lady wrote us- in reply, under date of June 23, 1881: HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 229 "My pupils overrate me if they take enthusiasm and interest, and a lit- tle imperfect book-learning, as comprehensive and accurate knowledge. In teaching, I have but attempted to give them a glimpse into the beauties and wonders of the boundless regions of Natural Science, and to awaken in them a desire to go in and by patient study to view for themselves. "Bluffs, stone ledges, water and ripple marks, and the small shells that are so thickly imbedded in the shales in the ravines, mean much to girls who are taking first lessons in observation, but mean nothing to men of mature study, except that to the latter even little things are of value in making estimations. I found, not far from the stone bridge a large gran- ite boulder with striae upon it, and an injected vein of coarse granite. I do regard that as a specimen of value in a geological cabinet, and I had it taken to the Elizabeth Aull Seminary, where it remains. Beyond, and on the hill, I found a concretion resembling a petrified turtle, which is also now at the Seminary; and many small shells, besides two or three uni- valves, large and well preserved." The granite boulder above referred to, with "striae" or glacial scratches upon it, is indeed a very interesting relic. The original bed or ledge from which it was broken must have been far to the north-west; and the scratches upon it would show that it was once embedded in the bottom of a glacier, or possibly a iceberg, and had ground along upon bed rocks as hard or harder than itself, thus leaving scratches or grooves upon it to tell the story of how it came to Lafayette county during the glacial epoch of the geological calendar. The "concretion resembling a petrified turtle," which she refers to is a fine and valuable specimen, but it is of mineral origin (sometimes called "septaria"), and not a fossil or petrification. In closing her modest and ladylike coummunication, Miss Wilber says: "Mr. George Wilson, to whom I have referred many ques- tions, and Dr. Alexander, are so able in expression and so well informed with regard to geology and kindred subjects, that even were I a very great deal wiser, I could add nothing to what they can say." GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. The first official geological work ever done in Missouri was by David Dale Owen, who was from 1847 to 1852, the United States geologist. In 1852, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., of Philadelphia, published Dr. Owen's elaborate report of his geological surveys in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minne- sota, and a part of Nebraska. Missouri is not mentioned in the title page, but the text and accompanying maps show that he surveyed the Missouri river from Sioux City to its mouth. His map of the Missouri river notes geological sections taken from the bluffs on the north side opposite Napo- leon and Wellington in this county, and on the south side at Lexington and again fourteen miles below. These are undoubtedly the first geolog- ical sections ever made in Lafayette county, but they are merely general- ized and not given in detail, their only purpose being to show the relative position of the coal and any other valuable minerals or any good rock for' 230 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. industrial uses. The Lexington section gives, from top downward, Chae- tetes limestone, [chaetetes is a fossil coral], then shale, then coal 20 inches, then indurated slaty clay, then limestone, the river bedrock. Thickness of beds is not given except for coal. On this map he notes that there are "heavy beds of cannel coal back in the bluffs, some 200 to 300 feet above the Missouri, on both sides of the river." In the introduction to his great work, Prof. Owen says: "The thickest vein of coal t detected in Iowa does not exceed from four to five feet ; while in Missouri some reach the thick- ness of twenty feet and upwards." These quotations were written in 1851, just thirty years ago, and were based purely on geological observa- tions and theories, for no such mines had then been worked. Coal beds of such thickness do not appear to have been yet found in Lafayette county; but the "History of Saline County," published this year (1881), by the Missouri Historical Company, says: Township 49 and range 19, lying witlun the township of Arrow Rock, contains, perhaps, the richest deposit of coal in the county. The stratum of bituminous coal in this section varies from two to twenty feet in thick- ness, of the very finest quality of coal, and is interspersed in numerous places with huge -pockets of cannel coal of a quality equalling the famous cannel coal of Kentucky. These pockets often present a face of from thirty to forty feet of coal. In this region is the famous cannel coal mine on the farm of the late Gov. C. F. Jackson, besides numerous others, nearly all of them of great thickness, from ten to thirty feet — of limited extent, and most of them reposing on the lower carboniferous rocks. South of Blackwater there is much the same coal deposit as that in the region just described. Cannel pockets are also here, as is proved by those found on the farm of the late C. G. Clark, now worked by Mr. Laner. Coal has also been found along the northern edge of the county near Miami, in township 52, ranges 19 and 21. From Prof. Owen's work, page 137, we again quote: "The first work- able bed of coal which I encountered in my descent of the Missouri river, was at Wellington. It is from twelve to fourteen inches thick, and lies a few feet above the bed of the river. * * . The bed of gray limestone which covers the principal coal-seam at Wellington, containing choetetes capellaries [a species of fossil coal called choetetes milleporaceous by later writers], occupies the same relative position over the coal at Lexington, but here it lies at a greater elevation above the river — fifty feet. One to two miles below Lexington, the coal and chaetetes limestone are seen on the right bank of the river, forty-five feet above the water level. * * . At the bold promontory on the right shore, fourteen miles below Lexington, heavy beds of sandstone from fifteen to. twenty feet in thickness, extend down to the river." The above are a few of the main points of public interest, as relates to Lafayette county, which were developed by that first geological survey, thirty years ago. The first state geologist was Professor G. C. Swallow, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 231 who was appointed April 12, 1853. He published annual reports of progress in 1854, 1857, 1859 and 1861. In 1870, Albert D. Hazer was appointed state geologist; in 1871, Raphael Pumpelly took the position, and his report was published in 1873 by Julius Bien of New York. The most useful service that any of the geological surveys has rendered to Lafayette county will be found in Prof. Pumpelly's work, pages 40 to 59 ; also, pages 136, 193, 421, and several other places of incidental mention. Those speciallv interested in mining coal or quarrying stone in this county should study that work. We can only give here a few gleanings of popular interest. In going from the east line of Lafayette county to Lexington, we pass in succession from the lower to the middle coal measures. At Henry Franke's mine, one and a half miles east of Concordia, or about two miles from the eastern and three miles from the southern county line, the follow- ing geological section was noted, belonging to the lower coal measures: KIND OF FORMATION. FT. IN. Earthly slope, bluff or loess 24 Sandstone 2 Pyritiferous limestone 1 2 Slate, enclosing pyritiferous concretions 5 6 Hard, dull, splintery, semi-bituminous, slaty cannel coal 3 Bituminous coal 1 8 Slate and coal . . ; 2 Fire clay 2 6 Clay and sandstones A coarse, generally thick bedded, brown or burl' sandstone, filled with small particles of mica, is found occupying the top of the lower coal series. It is seen near Aullville, on Gen. J. O. Shelby's land. The next place where it was observed, was on the McCausland farm,* two miles north of Higginsville. On this farm occur outcrops of bituminous sand- stone, and borings were made to a depth of 800 feet for oil, but without success. Prof. Swallow made a geological section on this farm thus: Buff and brown marls and clay 5 to 50 feet. Blue and brown sandy shales 10 to 50 " Bluish gray and brown sandstone, the oil stone 20 to 50 " Blue and brown sandy shales 3 to 50 " This oil stone on the McCausland farm is usually so saturated that it shows plainly on fresh fracture, and will burn well in the fire. The petro- leum is found as solid asphaltum, breaking with a shiny fracture, as a dark, viscid fluid like tar, and as thin as amber-colored oil. Prof. Broad- head says of this oil rock that he regards it as of the same age as the Berlin sandstone, and that above the mouth of the Tabo, which would go *The McCausland farm included parts of sections 25 and 36, township 50, range 26, and sections 30 and 31, range 25. 232 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. to prove that there is a northerly dip of about fifty feet in nine miles. In its northern extension this lower coal-measure sandstone crops out at vari- ous points, low in the bluffs on the Missouri river, from the east line of Lafayette county to the mouth of Tabo creek. The Berlin sandstone, and that of the McCausland farm, and that at Warrensburg, may all be considered of the same geological age; but only on the McCausland farm was it observed to contain petroleum. In Prof. Pumpelly's volume there are printed at least twenty-seven geo- logical sections from different places in Lafayette county. We only aim to give such information as may be of interest to the general reader. The geological section at Franke's coal mines, as given above, was taken in 1872, and represents the lower coal measures. The following section was obtained in June, 1881, specially for this History of Lafayette County, at the air-shaft of the Lexington and Kansas City Coal Company's works, about a mile west of Lexington City; workmen were then engaged in sinking the air shaft, and their measurements were mainly relied upon. This section represents the upper coal measures, and its coal vein is by geologists called " the Lexington coal " wherever the same vein is met with: kind of formation. Ft. In. Slope, loess or bluff formation, from mouth of air-shaft to first level of bluff", estimated vertical 50 00 Surface soil cut through 2 00 Loess 15 00 Gravel — 8 Coarse brown sand 2 6 Shale (what the miners call soapstone) ... 13 00 Dark-blue shell rock 1 6 Light-colored, flinty limestone, with occasional small shells, and minglings of calc spar 6 6 Shell marl, with nodules of chert 1 4 Fire clay ' 2 00 Dark-blue limestone, with shells and calc spar intermingled — 3 Fire clay and soapstone (shale) 2 00 Coarse, arenaceous limestone (roof of mine) 6 00 Slate 1 6 Coal 1 8 Gray clay, varying from 6 inches to 3 feet in thickness. In 1872 Prof. G. C. Broadhead was assistant state geologist under Prof. Pumpelly, and examined nineteen different coal mines then being worked in Lafayette county. He found the coal two feet thick at Henry Franke's mine, half a mile north of Concordia, and at R. G. Tucker's mine at Lex- ington; 23 inches thick in mine east of the stone bridge at Lexington, and 22 inches in Gen. Graham's mine a little way above the stone bridge up Graham's branch. It was 21 inches thick at the Mulky mines, two and a HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 233 half miles east of Aullville, and the same in a mine west of the Lexington ferry landing. It was 17 inches on the Little Sniabar, six miles south of Lexington, and 16 inches, four miles below Berlin. Other mines are reported at 5 inches of coal (two miles east of Judge Wood's place), 6 inches, 7 inches, 8 inches, 9 inches, and so on, but none higher than 24 inches. The writer hereof measured a vein of coal 23 inches thick, with a clear outcrop in the bed of Rupe's branch about two miles back from the Missouri river, and only 30 or 40 feet from the Lexington and Gulf railroad bed which is said to now belong to the Burlington & Southwestern railroad company; this vein will furnish the railroad a good and easily-worked mine at the lowest possible cost. There are now coal shafts, or mines of some sort, in every township of Lafayette county. Dr. J. B. Alexander called our attention to a fact of local geological interest. The coal and other formations west of Rupe's branch lie about twenty-five feet higher than the corresponding formations on the east side, which shows that there was once a cortaclysm or great fracture of the earth's rocky ribs at this point, and one side of the gulfy chasm finally settled lower than the other. [See also under head of " River Surveys and Soundings."] Two petrified stumps were found in Tabo creek where the road from Lexington to Dover crosses it, and Mr. Geo. W. Garr has them at his house, which is the first one east of the bridge. He brought a large frag- ment of one stump to the Lexington Intelligencer office, where we examined it. This fragment was 13 inches long and 17 inches in diame- ter; its top fracture showed the open, heavy-pored, succulent structure that characterized the watery and gigantic weeds (they were not trees at all, in the present sense of the word) which formed the vegetation of the early carboniferous period. The wood is agatized, and some of the great pore cavities, nearly an inch square, are beautifully bordered with head- ings of chalcedony. Mr. Garr said the other specimens were similar to this, except very much larger, and some of the root parts still remaining. Rev. F. R. Gray, three or four miles southwest of Higginsville, section 10, township 49, range 26, also has a petrified stump, about four feet around at its base, and 18 inches high, which was found in a small stream near his house in 1861. Some other fragments were found in the vicinity. These interesting geological specimens were originally imbedded in the bluff formation, and had been washed out and fallen to the bed of the • creek as its banks kept washing down. They originally grew in some region far to the northwest, or probably in Colorado, where whole forests of similar petrifications have been found; and these fragments, after petri- faction, were transported by masses of floating ice and dropped in Lafay- ette county while the great Missouri lake was being filled up with the sediment which now forms our priceless " bluff" formation. [See page 234 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 80 of this history.] Their angles are not rounded or worn, like boulders and gravel, and this fact shows that they were not brought here during the glacial epoch, but were transported gently on or in floating ice, and " let down easy " as the bergs of ice stranded and gradually melted away. The following article was prepared by Prof. G. C. Swallow, the first and most eminent state geologist of Missouri, specialty for this work; but was not received until the foregoing geological matter had already been prepared, ready for the printers. PROF. SWALLOW'S SKETCH. The geological formations of Lafayette county are among the most interesting and useful to man. It is to these formations that Lafayette owes its fair fame as a most beautiful, fertile and prosperous country. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS IN LAFAYETTE, In order from the surface down, are as follows: I. QUATERNARY SYSTEM. [1. Recent Alluvium. | 2. Bottom Prairie. PERIODS. - o r>j -or T \ 3. Bluff or Boess. I 4. Drift, VII. CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. \ Lozver Coal Measures. ' | Middle Coal Measures. 1. The recent alluvium of Lafayette county includes the soils and all the recent deposits of clays, sands, gravels and river drift of pebbles found in the river bottoms or beds of lakes. These deposits abound in the beds of the stream as the sand-bars of the Missouri and the mud, gravel and pebble beds of the smaller streams, and in the stratified sands and clays beneath the bottom lands of the principal streams of the county. 2. The bottom prairie so extensive in the Missouri bottom in Chariton, Carroll and Clay, covers but small areas in 'Lafayette. It is known by the many thin beds of sand, clay and loam interstratified in the formations under the old bottom prairies. These beds were deposited in the Mis- souri river bottom, when that stream spread its sluggish waters from bluff to bluff", filling the whole valley with the sediments of its lake-like waters. After the level was changed so as to give a rapid current to the waters, the river cut its channel through these deposits thus made, and has been wearing them away ever since and forming the newer river or alluvial bottoms, whose surface is more uneven and whose deposits of sand are more irregular. BLUFF OR LOESS. 3. It is a singular fact, that while the bluff is older than the alluvial HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 235 bottoms and bottom prairie, it lies higher on the bluffs and highlands adja- cent to the river valleys. ^ The bluff which underlies the soil in all the Highlands of the county con- sists of a sandy marl more or less stratified and varying in thickness from a few inches to more than one hundred feet. This vast deposit was evi- dently formed in one of those lakes which were formed as the ice of the glacial period melted away. This lake extended over northern Missouri, eastern Kansas, and southeastern Nebraska and southwestern Iowa. * The Missouri, Sioux, Platte and Kansas rivers flowed in this lake from the north and west, bringing into it the rich marls ground out of the rocks to the north and west by the great glaciers of the drift period. These bluff marls constitute the rich subsoils of all the uplands of Central Missouri. The marls of the bluff are a little coarser and more sandy on the bluffs adiacent to the rivers, as the finer materials were washed out by the sub- siding waters of the streams where the land was changed and the lake drained oft and the rivers became more and more rapid, until they found their present condition. The bluff is by far the most valuable formation in the Mississippi val- ley. It is a vast storehouse of plant food, agricultural wealth. Organic Remains. The fossils of the bluff are very numerous and interesting. I have collected from it, of the Mammalia, two teeth of the Elephas •primigenius, mastodon, the jaw bone of the Castor fiber Americana, the molar of a Ruminant, and the incisor of a Rodent; of the Mollusca, seventeen species of the genus Helix, eight Limnea, eight Physa, three Pufa, four Planorbis, six Succinnca, and one each of the genera Valvata, Amnicola, Helicina, and Cyclas, besides some others not determined. These lacusstrine, filuvialile, amphibious and land species indicate a deposit formed in a fresh-water lake, surrounded by land and fed by rivers. These facts carry back the mind to a time when a large portion of this great valley was covered by a vast lake, into which, from the surround- ing land, flowed various rivers and smaller streams. We see the waters peopled with numerous mollusks, the industrious beaver building his hab- itation, the nimble squirrel, the fleet deer, the sedate elephant and huge mastodon, lords of the soil. There must have been land to sustain the elephant and mastodon and helices, fresh water and land for the beaver, and fresh water for the cyclas and limnea. Some geologists have supposed the marls back from the river which have a more jointed structure, are boulder clay and belong to the drift. This opinion, they think, is confirmed by the small pebbles sometimes found in these marls; but these pebbles would be very easily carried out * See page 80 for further explanation of this matter. Also, page 70 for Prof. Swallow's scale of the Missouri rocks . — Historian . 236 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. into the lake by ice floating from the shores or from the many rivers flow- ing into it. a The evidence that the surface marls of the interior belong to the same formation as the marls on the river bluffs, is shown by the facts, they are continuous with the river bluff marls, they contain the same fossils, and have the same chemical composition, and about the same lithological characters. When both have been exposed to the weather, no one can distinguish them by the lithological characters. THE DRIFT. The drift which is so abundant in North Missouri, is very sparingly developed on the south side of the Missouri river. Where seen in Lafay- ette it rests immediately on the consolidated rocks of the coal measures, beneath the marls of the bluff just described. These limited deposits con- sist of sands and pebbles, containing some small boulders, called Lost Rocks. But these deposits are so limited as to be of little economical impor- tance. COAL MEASURES. The lower and middle coal measures are found to underlie the whole of the highlands of Lafayette county. These rocks are limestones, sand- stones, clays, marls, shales, iron and coal variously interstratified. The following section taken at Lexington will show the character of the middle coal measures of this county: No. 1.— Bluff marls. No. 2. — Five feet calcareous gray sandstone, in thin ripple marked strata. No. 3. — Thirty feet silico-argillaceous shale. This is also exposed at Owen's landing. No. 4. — One foot bitumuous shale. No. 5. — Eight feet purple, blue and green shale. No. 6. — One-half foot, bitumuous coal. No. 7. — Six feet, blue clay and marlite full of fossils. No. 8. — Ten feet, indurated brownish sandstone in thick beds. No. 9. — Six feet, purple, blue and green shales. No. 10. — Four feet, buff and gray limestone. No. 11. — Five feet, bluish green shales. No. 12. — Eight feet blue and gray t argillo-calcarous sandstone. No. 13. — Twelve feet, blue, green and yellow shales and clays. No. 14. — Two feet, buff slaty limestone. No. 15. — Five feet, hard gray limestone. No. 16. — Eight feet, blue and black shale and marlite. No. 17. — One and one-half feet, bitumuous shale. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 237 No. 18. — Four feet, hard blue limestone. No. 19. — One and one-half feet, bitumuous *hale. No. 20.— One and five-sixths feet, bitumuous* coal. No. 21. — Two and one-fourth feet, bitumuous and yellow shale. No. 22. — Five feet, hard gray limestone. No. 23. — Nine feet, yellow and blue shale. No. 24. — Sixteen feet, blue and purple shale. No. 25. — Five feet, bitumuous shale. No. 26.— One-half foot, coal. No. 27. — Six feet, blue and yellowish argillaceous shale. No. 28. — Four feet, hard blue limestone. No. 29. — Two feet, shale. No. 30. — Six feet, buff and gray limestone. No. 31. — Twelve feet, bluish gray shale. No. 32.— Two-thirds foot, coal. No. 33. — Four feet blue sandy shale. No. 34. — Missouri river water. The upper coal measures overlie these middle coal measures to the west, and the lower coal measures underlie them below Lexington. The clays and shale of the coal measures usually make a poor soil as in England and Pennsylvania, but in Lafayette county, all the coal rocks are so deeply buried beneath the bluff marls, they have very little influence on the soils. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY — SOIL. The usual process of forming soils on the suface of solid rocks, such as the surface of Missouri was before the clays, gravel, sands and soils were placed over the solid rocks, is a very slow process. The action of the winds, the rains, and the frosts would slowly decompose the rocks into sand, clay, and marls. Plants would grow on these clays and marls, and animals would live on the plants; and when the plants and animals died they would make up the necessary organic matter and thus the soil would be formed. But the process would be an extremely slow one. It would take a thousand years to form a foot of soil by this process. And when the solid rock is so near the surface, the soil is of small compara- tive value. Bui if some vast mill of the gods would grind up the rocks to the depth of some fifty or one hundred feet and then sort out the finest and best material and place it on top to the depth of from five to fifty feet, a first rate soil would be formed in a few years, since all the mineral elements would be provided in vast abundance and in the best possible condition to receive the decaying plants and animals to complete the soil. This is just what has been done for central and northern Missouri, c 238 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The great glaciers which swept over the whole of North America from the pole to our latitude), ground up the rocks and left the material to the depth of from a few irfcnes to more than a thousand feet. A lake was then formed over Missouri xind the adjacent parts of Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas and the rivers washed the best soil material out of the ground- up rocks spread over the regions to the north and west and into the lakes, where it was deposited as the "bluffs," the best soil material in the world. Thus Missouri has in the Bluff the best soil materials of the rocks in all the States and Territories to the north and west as far as the Rocky Mountains and the Saskatchewan. PLANT FOOD IN LAFAYETTE SOILS. It may be well to ask attention to the vast amount of plant food in the soils of Lafayette ; but more particularly to the amounts found in the sub soils resting upon and formed out of the rich marls of the bluff. To show at a glance the amount of plant food in the soil itself, and then in each foot of depth below the soil, I have prepared the following table, which presents an average of all the varieties of soils resting on the bluff, from the richest Hackberry land to the poorest White Oak, and the amount for each foot in depth for the first three feet and also for one foot at he depth of twelve feet below the surface. Other portions between the third and twelfth foot and below are equally rich. Table showing the amount of various elements of plant food in each foot of the Lafayette soils resting on the Bluff as all the upland soils do. 1st. foot, 2d. foot. 3d. foot. 12th. foot. Lime Magnesia Potash Soda Phosphoric Acid Organic Matter. , Sulphuric Acid . . Chlorine Carbonic Acid. . . 19.166 1 bs. 13.329 cc 13.310 cc 7.157 « 12,868 cc 269.636 cc 3.180 cc .405 cc not known. 16,117 lbs. 30.927 " 32.234 " 7.405 " 11.157 " 253.381 " 2.990 " .429 " not known 29.494 lbs. 18.184 cc 17.413 cc 11.343 cc 13.996 cc 142.310 cc 4.051 cc .664 cc not known. 26 .484 lbs. 18.818 " 40.420 " 104.541 " 1.491 " 46.787 " not known, not known. 44.605 lbs. This table shows these soils as rich in plant food, save the organic matter at a depth of three feet as they are at the surface, even a little richer in phosphoric acid, soda, potash, chlorine, and sulphuric acid. At twelve feet below the surface the amount of plant food is still greater, except in organic matter and phosphoric acid. Farmers usually cultivate less than one foot of their soils, and when the plant food is exhausted they use fertilizers, at great expense of money and labor to supply the plant food . But the farmer on these Missouri soils, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 239 when the surface soil is exhausted, has an abundance of the best fertil- izers in his subsoil; and instead of buying fertilizers and spreading them over the surface, he sets his plow a little deeper and turns them up from his own stores in the subsoil. And when the plants have consumed the supply thus obtained, there is still lower down, enough of the same costlv materials to replenish his soil a hundred times; for it goes all the way down to depths varying from 10 to 200 feet, all about equally rich, as the table shows it to be at a depth of twelve feet. To show the money value of this store of plant food in the subsoil of all these lands, we may reckon the commercial value of the phosphoric acid for a single foot in depth on one acre. The second foot of these soils, that is, the subsoil from the depth of one foot to two feet, in every acre contains 11,157 pounds of this acid. At ten cents a pound this would cost $1,115.70. The next foot below, that is from two to three feet in depth, contains in each acre 13,996 pounds of phosphoric acid, which would cost $1399.60. Thus it is seen that two feet only of these subsoils, contain on each acre as much phosphoric acid as could be bought in commercial fertilizers for $2,515.30. The soils as above shown, from which these results are obtained, were selected as representative soils from the lands of all grades. If we should calculate the commercial value of the other fertilizers, as potash, soda, sulphuric acid, chlorine, and organic matter found in the sub- soils of a single acre, and if the calculation be extended to a depth of ten feet or one hundred feet, the result would be somewhat startling. Such a calculation would not fall far short of a demonstration of the often repeated assertion, " Our Lafayette soils are inexhaustible." NATURAL HISTORY — NATIVE TREES AND SHRUBS — TREES. Ash. — White ash, blue ash, black ash, prickly ash. Coffee bean tree. Cottonwood — a species of poplar. Crab-apple. Elm — White elm, and red or slippery elm. Dogvjood — Hackberry. Hickory — Thin and thick shell-bark hickory, bull-nut hickory, pignut hickory, pecan nut hickory. Ironzvood. Locust — Honey locust. Linden — or basswood; sometimes called white wood. Mulberry. Maple — white or soft maple, hard or sugar maple, ash-leaved maple or box-elder. 240 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Oak — White oak, burr oak, post oak, rock or chestnut oak, black oak, pin oak, laurel oak, chinquepin oak, poison oak. Persimmon. Sycamore — or buttonwood. Walnut — Black walnut, and white walnut or butternut. Wild cherry — Black and red varieties. Willow. Shrubs — Blackberry, buttonbush, coralberry, elderberry, gooseberry, greenbriar, hawthorn, black haw, raspberry, red bud, paw-paw, hazel-nut^ wild plum, sumach, wahoo or staff tree, laurel bush, wild, black, or Mis- souri currant, wild roses, serviceberry. Vines — Honeysuckle, wild grapes, woodbine. NATIVE ANIMARS. Bear, beaver, buffalo, catamount, chipmunk, coyote, deer, dear mouse, elk, fox (gray and red) gopher, ground mole, groundhog, mink, muskrat, otter, opossum, panther, prairie dog, prairie mouse, pouched rat (com- monly called pocket gopher), rabbit, jack rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, red gray and black varieties, swift, weasel, (wolf prairie and gray and black varieties), wild cat. Birds. — Wild turkey, grouse or prairie chicken, wild goose, swan, peli- can, wild ducks (many varieties), snipe, plover, pigeon, partridge, gray and bald eagle, raven, crow, turkey buzzard, owl, hawk, finch, mocking bird, blue jay, kingfisher, gull, robin, bluebird, blackbird, bobolink, wood- pecker, oriole, sapsucker, night hawk, whipporwill, curlew, sandhill crane, blue heron, swallow, wren. These, some of which have several varieties, are the more common species of birds that have been found here ever since white men first knew the country. The black " Missouri honey bee " is an original native. MASTODONS IN LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Several years ago Mrs. W. H. Bowen found a monster tooth in Gra- ham's branch, nearly under the bridge of the old Lexington and gulf rail- road grade, where Graham's branch puts into Rupe's branch. Mrs. Bowen submitted the specimen to Dr. Alexander, and he pronounced it a genuine mastodon tooth. Master Frank Lamborn, the " printer's devil,'* of the Lexington Intelligencer office, also has a mastodon tooth which was found in Graham's branch. And " thereby hangs a tale." Graham's branch, flowing westward along the southern border of the city of Lex- ington, is supplied with water mostly from an immense spring (the Masto- don spring), which flows out of the ironated sandbed underlying the bluff formation in all this region. At the point where this spring flows out, and for, perhaps, a hundred feet along down the stream, its bed and mar- gin are miry, or composed of quicksand — very treacherous to tread upon. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 241 The supposition is that in the ancient time, a mastodon' strolled along up this branch to cool and refresh himself with its perennial waters, but ven- turing too far, got mired in the quicksand, so that he could not extricate himself, and so died there. The conditions there were not favorable to a long preservation of his bones, and they long since dissolved away, but the teeth above mentioned remained to tell the story of the "Mastodon spring," and its prehistoric tragedy, at the city of Lexington. RATS. In 1877 a petition was presented to the county for the appointment of a time for the people of Lafayette county to make a special and united effort for the extermination of the rat pests. The court appointed Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, December 27, 28, 29; and it will never be know how many thousands of rats went to hades on those days. In the Lexington Register of December 23, 1869, we find the following: " Mr. Robert Pucket, living in Old Town had been for some days both- ered with an animal, in many things resembling a rat. He used every means at hand to capture it, but was unsuccessful. He then laid poison for it. Two or there days afterwards, he was removing a hearth in his house, and found his strange visitor dead. It proved to be a double rat. It has two well formed heads, a large eye and a small one in each head, four ears, eight legs and two tails. Mr. P. has it on exhibition at his shop. It is to be regretted that this singular lusus naturae had not been captured alive. " LAFAYETTE COUNTY FISH STORY. In 1868 a blue catfish, which weighed 206 pounds, was caught with a hand line, near the mouth of Tabo creek, by Jesse Hamlet. In 1869 Joseph Utt caught one, in a net, near the mouth of Willow creek, oppo- site Lexington, which weighed 218 pounds; and up to this time that was the biggest fish ever caught within the bounds of Lafayette county. In 1876, Charles Silver, a colored man, caught a channel catfish, with a hand line, right at Lexington wharf, that weighed 176 pounds. Many other "whoppers" were caught at different times, but the above three are the only ones reported as having been accurately weighed at the time. Mr. Joseph Utt, of Lexington, followed fishing here for fifteen years, and is probably the best posted on the fish question of any man in the county. From him we obtain the following complete list of all the kinds of fishes found in these waters: Blue catfish, crescent-tailed one hundred to two hundred and twenty-five pounds weight. Channel catfish, dirty white color, fork-tailed, thirty to fifty pounds. Yellow or mud-catfish, extra big head, with tail nearly square, weigh from five to one hundred pounds. 242 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Black catfish, five to twenty-five pounds. Pone-head or bank catfish, head narrow but deep; fish weigh from five to fifteen or eighteen pounds. Speckled catfish, fork-tail, small fish. Bullheads, small fish. Spoonbill catfish, long, shovel nose — not eatable. Channel buffalo fish, sucker-mouthed, ten to forty pounds. Round buffalo, sucker-mouthed, ten to forty pounds. Perch-mouthed buffalo. Red carp, sucker-mouthed. Drumfish, perch mouth, a game fish, good biter, etc. Jack salmon, six to eight pounds. Gar fish, long jaws with sharp teeth; this fish is not eatable, and is very destructive to smaller fish. Shovel fish — not eatable. Alewives, small fish, common in the spring-time. Red horse, log perch, black bass, croppie, chubs, silversides, and min- nows. Occasionally sunfish and pike are caught, but they are supposed to be estrays, and not native to these waters. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOL HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. In 1817, a settlement was formed a few miles west of where the town of Waverly now stands, by Littleberry Estes, John Evans, a Mr. Hyde, a Mr. Russell, and a few others, whose names are not known. They were mostly from Madison county, Kentucky. What is claimed to be the first school ever opened within the bounds of Lafayette county, was started in this settlement, in the winter of 1819-20, by a son of Mr. Estes. Miss Susannah Estes, a sister of this first and youthful schoolmaster, afterwards married William Fristoe, who was, for about forty years, a well-known citizen of the county. In 1822-3, this school was taught by Edward Ryland, a brother of the elder Judge Ryland, who was afterward appointed circuit judge for eighteen, and supreme judge for eight years. But now comes John Catron, Esq., and says the first school in the county was taught by Benjamin Gooch, in 1820,* in what was called the Bedwell school-house, on the premises of the late Washington Johnson, about two miles east of Lexington, on the Dover road. Joseph Farrar *As near as we can make out from all reports, the fact seems to be, that young Estes started a little private school on his own venture, in the fall of 1819 : and Mr. Gooch's school was a more public affair, started the next fall. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 243 taught at the same place, in 1822. In 1823-4, John Drummond taught a school about a mile further east, on the same road, about where John McFaddin now lives. James Warren taught in John Catron's neighbor- hood, in 1822. James Fletcher taught a three months' school, in 1823, at his own house, where Col. Joseph Davis now lives. Col. John Stapp, afterward county judge, taught, in 1828-9, at the Swift school-house, near where Mr. Ford now lives. James Francis taught in or near old Lexing- ington, in 1829-30. Dr. A. T. Buck taught the first grammar school in the county, using the old log court house in Lexington for a school-room. Judge James Pearson taught in the Warder neighborhood one or two years prior to 1830; and a Mr. White taught there in 1835.* William Spratt taught, in 1833, about four miles east of Lexington, in the Catron settlement — in a house built by the father of George M. Catron, Esq., who has been county superintendent or commissioner of schools for about ten years past. The school-houses at this time were rude log cabins with dirt floors, and seats made of slabs with pegs stuck in them for legs. They were "subscription schools,'" the teacher being paid $1 per month for each pupil, and boarding around among them. It was purely a private enter- prise, the teacher taking the risk of getting enough to pay him for his time; but the community at large generally provided the school-house, which was also used for Sunday preaching and other public meetings of the neighborhood. Each new settlement or cluster of families would soon have a school after this fashion, and no particular improvement was made for fifteen or twenty years; the only branches taught were reading, spell- ing, arithmetic, and writing with a goosequill pen, and often pokeberry juice for ink; occasionally a little grammar was added. But in 1836 we find at Dover a school which had risen to the dignity of having a punch- eon floor in its log house, and was in other respects quite ahead of the other schools in the county — hence it was known as the "Dover Acad- emy." It was at this time taught by John A. Tutt, a cousin to Judge Tutt, now of Lexington. Mr. Tutt's school was so large that he had to have an assistant; and in addition to the common branches he also taught grammar, geography, natural philosophy, geometry and trigonome- try. The pupils paid $1 per month for the "common branches," and $1.25 or $1.50, according to what "higher branches" they studied. Dr. Gordon (now of Lexington), attended this school in the winter of 1837-38, and the next year was an assistant in the same school, while also a student. May 2, 1838, John Aull, of Lexington, made his will, which was wit- nessed by Young Ewing and Wm. Ward. Mr. Aull died in February, *For these particulars about the first schools in the county we are indebted to Wm . H. Chiles, Esq., John Catron, Dr. Wm. A. Gordon, aad Rev. Joseph Warder. 244 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 1842; and on the 22d of the same month his will was filed for record in the probate court. It contained the following bequest for school pur- poses: " I give, devise and bequeath in trust to the county court of Lafayette county, in the state of Missouri, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be loaned out by said court on real estate security, of ample value and free from all incumbrance, and at the highest legal interest, to be continued at interest perpetually — and the. interest accruing therefrom to be applied under the direction of said court to pay the tuition or education of orphan or poor children under the age of sixteen years, at or within two miles of the county seat of said county." He also gave a similar amount for the same object and under the same conditions, to each of the counties of Ray, Clay and Jackson. James and Robert Aull, of Lexington, and Samuel C. Owens, of Jackson county, were the executors of this will. The above explains the "Aull fund" which has so mysteriously appeared as a special item in the annual school reports for some years past, the county court having placed it with the public school resources. We could not find in Lexington the first annual report of county super- intendent, as his returns are made directly to the state superintendent; but on applying to the latter officer we received promptly the following reply, dated Jefferson City, Aug. 1, 1881 : "The records of this office show the first annual school report of your county to have been made by J. L. Minor, in January, 1842. Copy enclosed." FIRST APPORTIONMENT LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MO., JANUARY, 1842. Township and Range. No. of Districts. No. Mos. and days School tag't. Amount paid Teachers. Amt present Appor- tionment. No. Children Tauuht. No. Child'n bet 6 and 18 years. Town 50 R 26... No. 1. No. 2.. No. 3. . 7 mo 9 mo.. . . $119.00 96.00 $28.20 24.00 43 20 47 40 26 Township 48 Jackson Wash'tn Teffers'-n. No. 1.. No. 1.. 6 mo.. . . 6 mo. . . . 6 mo.. . . 6mo7d 5 mo24d 165.00 150.00 84.00 150.00 41.40 31.80 19.80 30.60 22.S0 43 33 17 30 35 69 53 33 Town 49 R 24... Town 51 R 24. . . 51 38 These were the only districts that sent in reports, although it is known that there were many other school districts then in the county. The first printed annual report of the state superintendent that we suc- ceeded in finding was that of 1870 — printed in 1871. From the tabulated returns from Lafayette county as given in that report we compile the fol- lowing statistics: Total number of subdistricts, 82; total number of school houses, 76 — 6 brick, 63 frame, 7 log; 8 new frame school houses had been built during the year. Total number of white school children, 7,388; colored children, 1,286; total, 8,674. Total number in schools, 4,574. Of HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 245 this last number 601 were in private schools, the balance in the public schools. The average number of months taught was 5. Total number of teachers, male 64, female 30; 1st grade certificate 32, 2d grade 62; average wages per month, male $55.11, — female $39.28. Estimated total value of school houses and grounds $58,278; furniture and apparatus, $4,175. At this time the school-age enrollment was between 5 and 21 years; and the total in the state was 690,250. For some years the state school law required Teachers' Institutes to be held periodically, and made some provision for the necessary expense attending them, besides allowing teachers engaged in school their wages while attending the institute. The first Teachers' Institute ever held in Lafayette county was at Lex- ington, in the old Masonic College, June 13th, 1867. The only names mentioned as taking part in itare G. K. Smith, county superintendent; Dr. D. K. Murphy, A. Slaughter, and A. M. Clay. The next Institute was appointed to be held at the public school house in Lexington, August 10, 1867; and others were held at the same place in succeeding years. In November, 1873, one was held at Aullville, conducted by Prof. Bald- win, principal of the State Normal School at Warrensburg, who eight years afterwards told our present county school commissioner, Geo. M. Catron, Esq., that that Aullville Institute was the best Teachers' Institute he ever attended. We therefore make it a historic waymark in this sketch of our county's school progress. The executive committee were G. M. Catron, W. F. Bahlmann, L. B. Wright. Prof. Baldwin, conduc- tor. The Institute continued from Monday morning, Nov. 24, till Satur- day night, with from 21 to 27 separate exercises each day. We could not learn how many were in attendance, but found the following names of teachers who took leading parts in the exercises, to wit.: Miss Gussie Clowdsley, Miss Mattie Wallace; Messrs. Taylor Winn, J. G. Worthing- ton, N. T. Moore, F. Thornton; Miss Ella Shaw, Miss Aurelia Miller, Miss Lucy W. McFarland; Messrs. Samuel M'Reynolds, J. M. Bediechek, P. A. Fisher, Keating; Miss Bettie Arnold, Miss Lizzie Talley; Messrs. W. L. Robinson, J. B. Jones, W. E. Clark, C. O. Smith, W. T. Doyle; Miss W. J. Finley; Messrs. W. F. Bahlmann, Rudolph Erbschloe, J. F. Conner, C. F. Johnston, T. W. Carmichael, Miss Nannie Shaw, Miss M. F. Carpenter; Messrs. D. H. Hill, G. K. Smith, Alex. Graves, M. L. DeMotte, J. B. Merwin, G. W. Thornton, Rev. L. Bedsworth; Miss Bettie Drysdale, Miss Celia Rice, Miss Anna Rees, Miss Mary B. Mad- dox; Messrs. C. H. Lacey, L. G. Manypenny, W. Brown, Edgar Flem- ing, Lucian B. Wright, Hon. John Monteith, state superintendent; Miss Maggie Smith, Miss Sallie B. Smiih, Miss Fannie Burke, Miss Allie Jones; Messrs. James Cather, Wm. Allison, J. A. Lee, W. H.Carter, Bates, J. D. Conner. 246 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The teachers entered into the work with a zeal and enthusiasm which made this meeting, which was the largest one ever held in the county, also the most brilliant. In November, 1874, another institute was held, under the same execu- tive committee and the same conductor, Prof. Baldwin, at the village of Dover. But meanwhile the public provision for expenses had been abol- ished; the teachers had not only to do the work but also to pay the expenses; and the good people of Dover were generous in providing free entertainment for those who attended. From this time forward the county institutes rapidly declined and soon went out altogether — and for several years past no attempt has been made to hold them. School teachers can- not afford to hold them at their own private cost. SCHOOL STATISTICS OF THE COUNTY, 1881. From Mr. Catron's last annual report made to the State superintendent July 1, 1881, we compile the following statistics: Male. Female. Total. White children of school age* in the county 3,769 3,496 7,265 Colored " " " 782 761 1,543 Number of white children in public schools 2,476 2,168 4,639 colored " " 377 442 819 Total number of school houses in the county, 106; houses rented for school uses, 3 ; value of school property, $50,660 ; No. of white schools in operation, 90; ditto colored, 19; No. of teachers employed during the year — male, 63; female, 85. Average of salaries per month — male, $39.97|; female, $31,27. Total of teachers' wages during the year, $27,- 740.74. Average cost per day of tuition for each pupil, 8 cents. Fuel during the year cost $1,326.21. Total assessed valuation of the county, $7,426,240; rate per cent, levied for school purposes, 33 cents on $100. THE AULL SCHOOL FUND. The last will and testament of John Aull, of Lexington, was admitted to probate February 22, 1842, and contained special bequests amounting in all to $62,000. Among the special bequests occurs the following: "I give, devise and bequeath in trust to the county court ot Lafayette county, in the State of Missouri, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be loaned out by said court on real estate security of ample value and free from all incumbrances, and at the highest legal interest, to be continued at interest perpetually — and the interest accruing therefrom to be applied under the direction of said court to pay the tuition or education of orphan or poor children under the age of sixteen years, at or within two miles of the couuty seat of said county." (The same amount, under the same condi- tions, was bequeathed to each of the' counties of Ray, Clay and Jackson.) ♦Between the ages ot six and twenty years. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 247 This bequest was received by the court, placed among the county's vari- ous funds, and remains intact to this very day. The interest goes annually into the public school fund of the city of Lexington. COUNTY CONVENTION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTS. January 5, 1875, a convention of presidents of school districts was held at Lexington. The following list of that convention will serve to show the school system of the county: Sub- Sub- R. President. dist. Twp. K. President. 24 George P. Gordon 5 48 24 Otto Walkenhorst 24 Jacob Newland Aullville Wm. Downing 27 Wm. Pearcy 2 48 25 Jacob Taggart 27 Eli Adams Mayview John P. Herr 25 George Liese 2 45 24 Henry Oeting 25 H. L. Grooms 2 51 25 L.G.Buford 27 Dr. S. Smith Lexington H. J. E. Ahrens 26 John Page 1 50 26 David Groves 27 Moses Anson 5 48-49 26 S. L. Smith 25 A. K. Sittington 2 50 29 H. H. Westmeyer 25 R. Kountz 3 49 25 D.H.Hill 28 John E. Arnold Lafayette countv..Geo. M. Catron 28 R.T.Russell 6 49 27 " C. L. Ewing 28 Mat. Wood 3 50 24 T.A.Catron 28 J. B. McDonald 4 49 26 Seth Mason 27 Thos. Jones 4 51 28 J. W. Burton 28 Isaac Varner 4 50 27 D.J.Morgan 26 Ferd. Smith Higginsville H. G. Smith 24 C. Reisterer 2 49 26 A. W. Douthitt 24 H. A. Bringater 1 51 24 John Chrisman 25 H. Haeffer 3 49 28 H. S. Kincaid 25 John Yokely 1 49 27 H. C. Chiles 24 Fritz Everets 4 49 29 M. Strader The following committee was appointed to select a list of school books for use in this county: Clay township, J. B. McDonald; Dover township, D. Groves, Prof. Carter; Davis township, G. P. Gordon; Freedom township, H. Reisterer; Lexington, H.J. E. Ahrens; Middleton township, C. C. Catron; Sniabar township, R. T.Russell; Washington township, C. L. Ewing; county at large, George M. Catron. " COTTONWOOD ACADEMY." Wm. Houx relates the following: In the forepart of the winter of 1838, George Houx and his brother Wm. Houx, originated the idea of estab- lishing a high school. William Houx hewed cottonwood logs on an island in the river above Lexington, and floated them down to the town, and the same year erected a log house, 18ft by 20ft. He got the boards to cover the house from a large white oak tree that stood near where the list Twp 1 49 4 50 6 50 5 49 4 50 2 49 1 50 1 50 4 49 4 49 1 51 3 5»> 1 48 1 48 1 50 3 50 2 50 3 50 ] 48 4 48 2 50 1 48 4 49 248 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Baptist church now stands, corner of North and Poplar streets. This was the beginning of the high schools in Lafayette county. A number of ladies were principally educated here, who afterward became wives of prominent men of the state. The Messrs. Houx secured the services of Mrs. David Hogan, of Pettis county, to come and take charge of the school. The school continued in a flourishing condition for several years. The Messrs. Houx after a number of years, gave their interest to Rev. Robert Morrow. Mr. George Houx was the leader in this enterprise, and furnished all the means. THE OLD MASONIC COLLEGE. It has been extremely difficult to get any data for a sketch of the early days of this historic institution, although some of its graduates have won honorable celebrity in their several spheres of life. We first interviewed five or six different men in Lexington who were supposed to know all about it, but we were always referred to some one else. We then wrote to Rev. Dr. Vincil, and here is his reply: Office of Grand Secretary, A. F. & A. M., ) State of Missouri, > St. Louis, July 18, 1881. ) Dear Sir: — I know nothing of any records concerning Masonic col- lege. I can furnish no data. Respectfully, John D. Vincil. We then wrote to Judge Wm. T. Wood, at Kansas City, and here is his reply: Kansas City, Mo., July 29, 1881. * * * I had full knowledge, but most strangely, I fail to remem- ber those facts so as to answer your purpose. I have no papers or mem- orandum to which I can refer to assist me. * * * Everything was written down, and all papers and records were kept by Dr. Boulware, since deceased. * * * I think it probable that his widow, Mrs. Boulware, still residing in Lexington, has preserved them, and if so, I am sure it will give her pleasure to give you full access." Thereupon we interviewed Mrs. Boulware, who said she had given all her husband's papers to Dr. Chapman, administrator of the estate, and to Zenophon Ryland, Esq. We sought Dr. Chapman, and he said no Masonic records or papers had come into his hands; then we found Mr* Ryland — and he did not remember about it, but said if he did receive any he sent them to the grand secretary, as the college was entirely under the control of the grand lodge. But really he did not think Dr. Boulware ever had any records of the college; he was secretary of the Masonic lodge, but not of the college. We give the foregoing facts to show how difficult it often is to get reliable historic data on a matter supposed to be HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 249 familiar to everybody, and to show that this historian did the best he could to get full particulars of the Masonic era of the old college. We finally got the following points from Mr. James Cloudsley: "After considerable discussion in the grand lodge over the proposition to establish a college for the orphan children of deceased Masons, it was finally decided to do it, and the cities of Lexington and Palmyra became rivals to secure its location; but Lexington made the Largest offer, subscribing $30,000 toward it, and thus it became located here. In the spring of 1847 the corner-stone was laid, with the usual ceremonies, by the grand master, Joseph Foster, E. Winsor and Wm. P. Walter being marshals of the day. The main building was erected that year, and in 1848 it was dedicated by Grand Master Foster. It was controlled entirely by the grand lodge; it was primarily for the benefit of the orphan children of deceased Masons; and each member in the state was to pay a small per capita tax to support the collage. H. Sherwood was the first president of the board of trus- tees. The first professors were Archibald Patterson and Matt. Williams. Gen. John S. Marmaduke, of Saline county, Judge Samuel F. Gilbert, of Platte county, Missouri, and Stephen B. Elkins, member of congress from New Mexico, were educated in this college, and have since dis- tinguished themselves. The people of Lexington raised altogether about $32,000 and put into the buildings and grounds of this institution. But when the civil war broke out in 1861 it was early occupied as a military post, and was alternately in possession of federals and confederates all through the war. Soon after the close of the bloody struggle the old college building was converted into a military institute by the state authorities. But in this character it soon became such a palpable farce that the state returned it to the Masons. From the report of the proceedings of the house of representatives on January 10, 1870, we take the following: By Mr. Miller, of Lafayette: On leave, resolution that a committee of five be appointed to visit the Missouri Military Institute, at Lexington, and report its condition to the house. A statement from the Auditor was read, showing that $15,000 had been appropriated for establishing and improving the Institute. Mr. Miller said that the institute there was a swindle on the state. The military part of the institution consisted of four colored youths, who peri- odically parade around the dilapidated building. The superintendent resides in two rooms of the building. Beyond that it is unoccupied. About two hundred dollars had been spent in improving the house. It was a burlesque upon the design of its founders and proprietors. He would like to know what had become of the $3,000 a year appropriated to the institution. The state should either re-cede the grounds and property to the donors, or establish there a school worthy of the name. The money is drawn out of the treasury on some pretext of official requisition, but the accounts should be examined to find how the funds had been applied. 250 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The governor had informed him in effect that there had been no school there for twelve months. The motion was adopted, and Messrs. Miller, Weinrich, Powell, Ithner and Key were appointed. The college property having reverted to the Missouri Grand Lodge, in the year 1871, they donated it to the CENTRAL FEMALE COLLEGE, of the Methodist Episcopal church south, on condition that they would maintain a first-class female college in the building, and furnish free tuition to a limited number of daughters of deceased or indigent Masons. The Central Female College was organized in 1869, and duly incorpo- rated, with all the powers usually pertaining to a collegiate organization. Many of the members of this new body had been among the original incoi porators of the Old Masonic College, so that the ultimate succession was the more easily effected. Wm. Morrison was first president of the board of curators. The first session of the new female college opened on the first Monday in September, 1869, with Dr. Wm. F. Camp as acting president of the faculty. He was in a short time succeeded by Dr. J. O. Church, who filled the chair about two years, and was then followed by X)v. W. T. J. Sullivan. The next president was Rev. Marshall Mcllhany; and after him W. F. Kerdolff, Jr., the present incumbent. W. F. Kerdolff, Jr., was born in Lexington, Missouri, in October, 1853. During his early life he attended constantly either private or pub- lic schools in his native town, and in the fall of 1870, left home to attend Central College at Fayette, Mo., where he remained four years. Very early in life he united himself with the M. E. church south, and has since remained a consistent member of the same. During the time he was at college, he obtained license to preach, and since that time has continued his relation of " local preacher " in his chosen church. Soon after leaving college he married Miss Alice Eaton, an estimable young lady who resided near Fayette and whose father and mother are of old Kentucky and Virginia stock. In the fall of 1875, he began teaching school in Mor- gan Park Military Academy, near Chicago, 111., where he remained two years. At the end of this time he came back to his old home, Lexington, Mo., and took charge of the Lexington High School, where he had grad- uated before leaving home to attend college. In this position he remained three years and was re-elected for the fourth year, but declined the prof- fered position and was soon after called to the presidency of Central Female College. Under his administration the college is now in a more prosperous condition than ever before, there being more pupils enrolled at this time of the present year, October, 1881, than during the whole of any previous "year. 252 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. HISTORY OF THE ELIZABETH AULL FEMALE SEMINARY. Elizabeth Aull was born at New Castle, in the state of Delaware, in 1790. She united with the Presbyterian church of her native town when about fifteen years of age. She was sister to James, John and Robert Aull, and Mrs. Maria Pomeroy, all of whom were early settlers and in their lifetime, wealthy and prominent citizens of Lexington. As early as 1839 we find the names of Elizabeth Aull and her sister Mrs. Pomeroy and ' brother James, among the first members of the Presbyterian church, which was organized in Lexington during that year. There were twenty of those first members, and Mrs. Pomeroy is the only one of them who is still living, 1881. In 1857-8 Elizabeth had a lingering sickness which finally resulted in her death. During this period she meditated much upon what she should do with her property, she having about $150,000 in her own right; and it was in this time of protracted wasting of body that she formed her plan and purpose to do something for the education of the young women of this state, for she had observed that the provisions for their education were meager and insufficient. Also, about this time occurred the business failure of H. S. Chadwick & Son, to whom she had loaned $10,000 and taken security on Mr. Chadwick's fine residence. This mansion was about to become her property, and it seemed like a providential provision for the female seminary which she was planning in her mind. The plan and pur- pose and determination of the project was entirely her own ; and after she had fully decided upon it, then she called in her pastor, Rev. B. M. Hob- son, and asked his counsel about some of the lesser details of the matter. It has been commonly believed that Mr. Hobson had used his influence to induce her to devote some of her ample means in this way, for the bene- fit of the church, but Mr. Hobson himself says it was not so; and Mrs. Pomeroy also informs us that it was Elizabeth's own doing — that she did not even mention the matter to her until she had determined upon it, and thought of the Chadwick house as a nice place for the school. The following is that portion of Miss Elizabeth Aull's will in which she made provision for the founding of a seminary. '■'■Item j6l/i. I give and bequeath to Robert Aull, George W ilson and Rev. B. M. Hobson, as trustees, upon the conditions and subject to the restrictions hereinafter named, the following real estate situated in the city of Lexington, Missouri, viz: The real estate recently purchased by me of Hanson S. Chadwick, and now in his possession, embracing lots numbered five, six, seven, eight and nine, in block number two, in Mun- dy's addition to the town of Lexington, as described in the plat of said addition, now on file in the recorder's office for said county of Lafayette, the real estate hereby bequeathed, being the whole of the real estate con- veyed to me by the said H. S. Chadwick and wife by deed dated the 29th HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 253 day of September, A. D., 1858. In trust, however, to be used as a female seminary of learning, under the management and control of the Presby- terian church, in Lexington, Missouri, of which I am now a member; upon condition, however, that upon said premises such seminary shall be opened and established within three years after my death. And, if upon said prem- ises such seminary shall not be opened and established within the period afore- said, then said premises and every part thereof shall revert to and become a part of my estate ; or if after said seminary shall be so opened and established, said premises shall cease to be used for the purpose aforesaid for a period of two years, then said premises and every part thereof shall revert to and become a part of my estate. And, in the event, for the reasons afore- said, or either of them, said premises shall revert to my estate, I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof to my residuary legatee here- inafter named, his heirs and assigns forever. And, if in addition to the real estate above specified, which I value at ten thousand dollars, a fur- ther subscription of ten thousand dollars in money, shall be made and paid to the proper person or persons, for the use and benefit of said seminar)' - , within three years after my death, then I give and bequeath to the said trustees, above named, the further sum of ten thousand dol- lars for the use and to be expended for the benefit of said female semi- nary. This will was signed and sealed by Miss Aullin the presence of Edward Stratton, Wm. P. Boulware and A. H. McFadden, October 1, 1858. Her death occurred December 12, 1858, and on December 18th the certificate of probate was issued. February 22, 1859, the will was recorded, and the executor named in it (Robert Aull) was placed under bonds of $150,000 for his faithful execution of its many bequests. The citizens of Lexington soon commenced making subscriptions toward the additional $10,000 which were necessary to secure the bequest. About $6,000 were subscribed; but it began to be feared that under the conditions of the will some state of facts might occur which would cause the whole property, subscriptions and all, to revert back to the residuary legatee. The requisite $10,000 could not be made up, and consequently the Chadwick property, and the contingent $10,000 named in the will would soon fall to John Aull, as the will provided. At this stage of affairs Mr. Aull made a proposition which should still meet, legally, the terms of the will, and at the same time not defeat his sister's wish to found a female seminary. He would take the Chadwick property, as the will provided he should, and give his own house in place of it for the school; and give one-half of the contingent $10,000. This was not nearly so liberal a pro- vision as Miss Aull had herself intended to make; Mr. Aull's house was not so good a one, and the amount of money was only half; but it was a D r 254 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. great deal better than to lose the school entirely, because the $10,000 ''additional subscription" could not be raised. So the working friends of the enterprise accepted Mr. AulFs proposition, as the best they could do under the circumstances. And about $2,000 of the $6,000 which had been subscribed were ultimately paid in, notwithstanding this change of plan. Stephen G. Wentworth has been one of the trustees from the beginning; he was treasurer seventeen years, and president of the board three years; he donated to the school a telescope and some other scientific apparatus, besides other liberal benefactions. The legislature of Missouri chartered the constitution March 12, 1859, and incorporated Robert Aull, Rev. B. M. Hobson, Gen. R. C. Vaughan, Dr. J. B. Alexander, John Chamberlain, George Wilson, James Wilson, S. G. Wentworth, Samuel F. Taylor, A. W. Hutchins, W. J. Ferguson, Rev. T. A. Brachen, and Edw. M. Samuel, as the original board of trustees. Rev. Lewis Green Barbour, A. M., now professor of mathematics, Central University, Richmond, Kentucky, was chosen the first president. Under his management the school opened its halls for the reception of students September, 1860. The school prospered under his care, and made for itself a fine reputation. The war, however, soon came on; while the school was not closed, it materially interfered with its peace and pros- perity. Mr. Barbour remained, true to his trust, until the war closed, when he resigned, and was succeeded 'bv Capt. Rufus W. Finley, A. M., who entered upon his duties in the fall of 1865. His term of office closed in the summer of 1867. Anthony Haynes, A. M., a graduate of the Missouri State University, succeeded him. He resigned after a three years' administration. The next president was Rev. J. A. Quarles, A. M., a graduate of West- minster College, Missouri, during the incumbency of Pres. S. S. Laws, now at the head of the State University. This was the beginning of a new era in the history of the seminary. Mr. Quarles, in addition to his tute- lage for eight years, under Prof. F. T. Kemper, of Boonville, Missouri, had attended the college at Fulton, had passed two years at the great University of Virginia, then at the zenith of its glory, and had taken theological course at the world-renowned seminary of Princeton, New Jersey. Possessed thus of an unusually liberal education, he was also gifted with energy and rare executive and organizing talent. He threw his whole soul into the work, and thoroughly remodeled the school from top to bottom. The present plan, which is quite peculiar, is his work. Its radical features were introduced by him at once; but the minutiae have been the result of his thought, experience, and observation since he has been engaged in the work. He was fortunate to associate with himself HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 255 Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Ireland, who took charge of the boarding department, and have made it exceedingly popular. Mr. Quarles continued at the helm for three years, during which period the school grew in patronage until it became necessary to add the left wing to accommodate its increasing members. The joint labors of the church and school proving too much for him, he resigned the presidency in 1875, and Rev. Jas. M. Chaney, A. M., was chosen his successor. The administration did not last longer than three years, when he was followed by Maj. A. H. Todd, A. M„ who conducted the school one year. In 1877 Mr. Quarles, having been laid aside from the ministry by what the physicians pronounced an incurable disease of the throat, was again chosen president for a period of ten years. The past four years of his second administration have been growingly prosperous. In 1879 Mr. Quarles purchased the square of ground adjoining the Seminary on the southwest, and converted the brick building that was on it into the Prepar- atory Department. In it are also rooms for the school of Design. In 18S0, the buildings still being crowded, seven additional rooms were added in the rear of the chapel. Even this did not furnish the accommodations needed, and so, later in the y^ar 1881, Mr. Quarles bought the square next southwest, on which stood the elegant and commodious mansion which was Miss Aull's original bequest to the Seminary. This he occu- pies as a residence, and as a home for any pupils who may not be able to find accommodations in the main buildings of the Seminary. In the cut of the grounds as found in this volume, the three adjacent squares, all under one enclosure, are presented. The buildings on the right, as you look at the picture, are the Seminary proper, containing the chapel, reci- tation, music and sleeping rooms, all under one roof. The central building is the Preparatory Department. The house on the extreme left is the president's mansion. These buildings have but two stories, and thus long stairways are avoided. The main buildings are lighted throughout with gas. The grounds altogether enclose something over six acres. The location is the bluff of the Missouri river, the buildings overlooking the turbid waters of that majestic stream. The health of the institution has been so good, that not a single death has occurred amongst the boarders or teachers during the twenty-one years of its existence. The studies are divided into two grand departments; easily, naturally and necessarily seperable from each other. Each of these are sub-divided carefully and accurately. The sciences are arranged into subordinate departments. The preparatory, the intermediate and the collegiate. This division is, of course, based upon grade. The collegiate department of the sciences is arranged into separate schools: The school of English, of mathematics, of history, of languages, of physics, of metaphysics, and of the Bible. The department of the arts is also classified into schools: the 256 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. school of music, of design, of elocution, of penmanship, of fancy work, and of cooking. The course of study in mathematics embraces the calculus; in physics, ten of the natural sciences, in languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Anglo- Saxon, German. French, Italian, and Spanish. In music, the course is classical and unusually extensive. In the collegiate department, the graded system has been abandoned, and the elective substituted for it. This is one of the more radical features, and, as its friends claim, most important reforms. Each pupil is graded in each study according to her attainments in that study, and without ref- erence to her proficiency in anything else; and no pupil is advanced or retarded bv those who belong to her grade. A parent or pupil may select iust those studies which taste and talent may indicate. There is no treadmill course. Each one stands exclusively on her own merit in each department. The pupils are not graduated by classes, each one must work her way, study bv study, until she has passed successfully all the written examinations of the course. The work of no other institution is accepted. That is, if a pupil has passed to the senior year in another college, and then comes here, she must stand the regular written examinations of this seminary in the studies she has pursued, if she wishes to graduate. As proof that the standard for graduation here is exceptionable high, Mr. Quarles points tp the fact that during the seven years of his prosperous administration, onlv five young ladies have received the baccalaureate diploma, while the mistress' degree has not yet been even attempted. Another peculiarity of this seminary is its partial diplomas. If a pupil here does no more than pass the examination in spelling, she is given a certificate of that fact. So she is awarded a similar testimonial for every success that she attains. If she passes five examinations, or fifteen, she is given an authentic record of it, with her standing in each. Moreover, quite a number of distinct diplomas are given, besides those for the bac- calaureate and mistress' degrees of science. In each school of studies, a baccalaureate and a mistress' diploma are offered. So there is a normal degree for teachers. A seminary degree, corresponding to that usually given bv female colleges. Bv these means, all the varieties of taste and capacity can be accommodated: each girl is stimulated and encouraged > and exact justice is done to every pupil upon her record. Another characteristic is written examinations. These are the founda- tion for all the honors that are offered. No public exhibition has been given for eleven vears. J. A. Quarles, president of the Elizabeth Aull female seminary, was born in Clark's Fork township, Cooper county, Missouri, near Boonville, April 30, IS 37, of parents who had emigrated from Virginia the preced- ing fall. When he was nine years old he was so fortunate as to be placed HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 857 under the care of the famous Prof. F. T. Kemper. Here he rema:r-: until the summer of 1^54, having completed the course of mathema: including the calculus, and having read a full - : :he Greek and Latin classics. He was then sent to the university of Virginia, where he spent nearly two Years. This institution was then at the zenith of its prosperity, hav- ing an annual attendance of over six hundred students. In the summer of IS 54 Mr. Q. returned to Boonville, and Prof. Kemper having accepted a professorship in Westminster college, he was asked to take temporarv charge of the schools, which he did for the next school year. In the fall of 1*57 he entered the theological seminary of the Presbvterian church at Princeton, New Jersey, where he remained two years enioving the instructions of its celebrated professors. In the spring of 1S55, Prof. Kemper being a professor in the college at the time, he was admitted into the senior class of Westminster college. Missouri, where he graduated first in his class, after an attendance of onlv three months. In the spring of IS 59 he returned to Missouri from Princeton, and was licensed to preach, April 9, by the presbytery of Missouri, in the Presbv- terian church of Columbia. He then went to Springfield, Mo., with a view to a permanent settlement, but in the fall of the same vear he received a call to the church at Glasgow, Mo., which he accepted, and where he was ordained and installed pastor Februarv 15, I860, and remained until January, 1866. He was successful in his work here, the church having quadrupled its members during his stav of six vears. January, 1866, he removed, upon invitation, to Lexington. Mo., and preached his first sermon as pastor on the opening Sabbath of the new year. The congregation had been scattered and the church was a good deal discouraged. He remained pastor until September, 1S73 — nearlv eight years — during which time 2*39 persons united with the church, about two-thirds upon an original profession of faith. September. 1873, Mr. Q. was called to the High street church, St. Louis. He accepted and removed to that citv: but was almost immedi- ately informed by the most skilled phvsicians there that he was the victim in an aggravated form of the "preacher's sore throat." He continuec labors, however, enjoying the skilled treatment of Dr. Wm. C. Glasgow, until the summer of 1*74. when he w - reluctandv compelled to give up the profession for which he had been trained, to which he had gr his early enthusiasm and was most ardently attached, and in which he had been greatly blessed. During his brief and trving ministrv in St. Louis 88 persons united with the High street church. July, 1*74, Mr. Q. returned to Lexington, and went, for his health, to spend the summer in Colorado. In the fall, for the support of his familv, he opened a drug store in Lexington: and this proving inadequate, he 258 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. accepted from Mr. Wm. B. Steele the position of deputy county clerk of Lafayette county, and entered upon his labors January, 1875. Here he remained until the summer of 1877, having the satisfaction of seeing the county in far better condition than when he entered its service. In the summer of 1870, while Mr. Q. was pastor of the Presbyterian church, he was elected to the presidency of the Elizabeth Aull seminary, under the control of that congregation. For three years he discharged the double duties without rest, winter or summer, Saturday or Sunday. This was doubtless the cause of the failure of his health. In 1S73, as already stated, he resigned and went to St. Louis. In 1877 he was re-elected to the presidency of the seminary for a term of ten years. This position he now fills. Oct. 11, 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Carrie W. Field, daughter of Wm. H. Field, Esq., a distinguished lawyer of Pettis county, Missouri, whose tragic death at the hands of the federal soldiery was one of the most shocking incidents of our civil war. Mrs. Q. still lives, and is the mother of ten children, but five of whom, however, are now living. THE BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. The seed germ from which this excellent institution of learning sprang, was sown in about 1853, in the shape of the first female seminary, or select school for young ladies, established in Lexington, by Rev. A. V. C. Schenck, which, at that time was not under the auspices of any particu- lar denomination. Rev. Mr. Schenck had in June, retired from the pas- torate of the first Presbyterian church of Lexington, and then started this school. In 1855, this was merged into the Baptist female college, under the auspices of a joint-stock company, known as the "Blue River Baptist Association," the trustees of which procured a charter in the same year, and purchased a building at a cost of $24,000, [the old brick court house], located in that part of Lexington, known as " Old Town, " and elected the Rev. E. S. Dulin, D. D., president. Under his direction some $6,000 or $8,000 were expended in fitting up the building, and beautifying the grounds in order to render it a suitable place for the education of young ladies. As the result of his judicious management the school became one of the best female colleges in the state. He resigned the presidency in 1859, and Professor J. B. Budwell was requested to occupy the place until a suitable successor could be found. In the same year the Rev. J. A. Hollis was elected president, under whose control the school attained a high degree of prosperity, the attendance reaching above two hundred. He retained his position until 1861. During that year when the federal's came to occupy Lexington, it was at once seen that the edifice of the Baptist college, and that of the Masonic college, for the education of young men, were very suitably located for garrison and hospital purposes, 260 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and the federal authorities required that these buildings should be vacated. Thus two of the best educational institutions of the state were obliged to suspend. Except for the short time during which General Price held Lexington, the federal authorities held undisputed possession of the col- lege building for hospital purposes, and even during that time the sick and wounded federals, who were unable to bear transportation were allowed to remain, and upon the departure of the confederates were left in quiet possession of the building, where they were found by the feder- als upon their re-occupation of the city. Shortly afterwards the authorities converted the building into a pest- house, and the small-pox patients of their army were sent to it. During the mutations of the war, these poor fellows were frequently neglecLed. The citizens of Lexington kept them from starving, but for want of trans- portation could not furnish them with the necessar}*- supplies. In conse- quence ot the severity of the weather, and of the limited supply of fuel, they were obliged to burn the doors, door and window casings, etc., in order to keep themselves from freezing. Hence when the building again came into the possession of the trustees, after the war, it was found to be entirely unfit for occupancy, and this fact, together with that of its having been used as a pest-house, rendered the board unwilling to re-occupy it as a college. They, therefore, disposed of the building and grounds for the pitiable sum of $4,000. Thus was a property worth at least $35,000, sacrificed. The board of trustees has never put in a claim for this loss, but they have petitioned the general government to allow them a fair rental, — or about what they had previously received, a thousand dollars a year, for the four years during which the federals were in possession. They have been informed that the claim has been allowed, but no appro- priation has yet been made for its payment. This has worked a great hardship to the friends of the institution. In their efforts to re-establish it they have contributed and expended $25,000, but in defiance of their best efforts they find the college burdened with a debt of $4,227, and during the past twelve years they have been obliged to provide for the annual interest at the rate of ten per cent on the above debt. During the year 1854, while the college edifice was still occupied by troops, Dr. K. S. Dulin consented to resume the presidency, and other buildings were secured. Under his judicious management the prosperity of the school was restored, and it soon became necessary to provide addi- tional accommodations. Accordingly, in 1868, the present college build- ings were purchased for $11,500, and $4,300 expended in fitting them up for school purposes. Dr. Dulin presided over the interests of the college until 1869, when he was induced to accept the presidency of Stephen's college at Columbia, Missouri. The lamented D. H. Selph, D. D., was his successor, becoming president of the college in 1869, and although as HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 261 well fitted to occupy the position as any man could be, the complete fail- ure of his health compelled him to resign in 1873. In June, of the same year, Prof. A. E. Fleet was chosen to the presi- dency and during his administration the school steadily increased in pop- ularity and efficiency. During the summer of 1876, owing to the increase in the number of boarding pupils, the trustees, at a cost of $2,000, added a new story to the main building, which with its mansard roof and tower, make it one of the handsomest and most convenient school-buildings in the state. The whole house has been fitted for gas and the use of kero- sene has been entirely discontinued. During the session of 1876-7 the number of boarding pupils was fifty-six and that of day pupils the same — one hundred and twelve in all. Frequent improvements, have since been made, involving the expendi- ture of several thousand dollars. In 1»79, Prof. Fleet resigned his posi- tion to take the chair of Professor of Greek in the State University, and Professor John F. Lanneau, who still occupies the presidency, was appointed to succeed him. Prof. Lanneau was formerly professor of mathematics in William Jewell College, and for several years president of the Female College at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Baptist Female College is divided into three departments — literary, art and home. The faculty for the coming year (1881-2), consists of fif- teen teachers; six in the literary, six in the art, and three in the home departments. Prof. Charles Gimbel, of the art department, is a gentle- man of national repute, as a music composer, being the author of over fifty pieces of sheet music published by leading houses. The average attendance during the school term in this college for ten years past has been about 125. The number in attendance October, 1881, was 121. John F. Lanneau, A. M., president Baptist Female College, Lexing- ton, Mo. Born in Charleston, S. C. in 1836. In 1856 graduated at the South Carolina Military Academy, at the head of his class, and was during his senior year assistant professor of drawing. In 1856, became tutor in mathematics in Furman University, Greenville, S. C, and the next year was appointed adjunct professor of natural philosophy and chemistry. In 1861 he enlisted in the war on the side of his native state, and was commissioned captain of cavalry in the Hampton Legion; in 1862 was lieutenant, and in 1864 captain of engineers;. and in this capacity served on the staff severally of Gen. Longstreet, Gen. Lee, and Gen. Hampton. At the close of war in 1865 he returned to his post in the Furman University and was made profesor of mathematics and astron- omy. In 1868 he became professor of mathematics in the William Jewell College at Liberty, Mo. In 1873 Prof. Lanneau accepted the presidency of the Alabama Central Female College at Tuscaloosa, Ala. In 1879 he took charge as president of the Baptist Female College of Lexington, Mo., 262 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. his present position ; and under his management the school is enjoying a very high degree of popular favor and financial success. Prof Lanneau was married in 1869 to Miss Louise S. Cox, of Greenville, S. C, a gradu- ate of the Baptist Female College at that place. HISTORY OF THE WENTWORTH MALE ACADEMY. Wm. Wentworth, son of Stephen G. and Eliza Jane Wentworth, was born at Lexington, Mo., December 30, 1852. When about fifteen years old he united with the Presbyterian church, and was a young man of high moral character; indeed, he was held in esteem and affectionate regard by the entire community. For about rive years he was well known to the business men of Lexington as acting teller of the Morrison-Went- worth bank. But his health began to decline; and in January, 1877, he went to Texas, hoping that the change of climate would restore him ; it did benefit him for two seasons — but death had marked him for its own, and there could be no permanent rejuvenation of the frail body. He returned to Lexington, May 2, 1879, and in ten days thereafter yielded up his spirit, falling asleep in Jesus, the dear and loving Savior in whom he put his trust. It was a great comfort to his father that William was providentially permitted to spend his last days at home, surrounded by true and faithful friends, and to breathe his life out with the serene and peaceful trust of the Christian's well anchored hope. The father's heart was so profoundly touched with gratitude to God for this blessed comfort in his affliction, that he decided to make a thank- offering in some form of public benefaction, in token of his heartfelt thankfulness, and as a memorial of love for his noble son. After med- itating upon and considering prayerfully various modes of public benefac- tion which presented themselves to his mind, he finally decided that as the Christian education of young women in Lexington was well provided for by three excellent female colleges, liberally sustained by their different religious demonstrations, he could not do a more useful thing than to establish in the same city a first-class academy for boys and young men. These were the circumstances, and these the motives out of which was born the new educational institution we are here recording. In 1878 the " First Presbyterian church of Lexington " dissolved its organization, and Mr. Wentworth bought their house of worship, on the corner of Elm and North streets, for $2,500, (the building orignally cost $11,000), with a view to carrying out the plan which he had formed for a male academy. In September, 1880, a school was opened in this building, under the name of "Wenworth Male Academy." In September, 1879, Prof. B. L. Hobson had opened in Lexington a select school for boys, but in view of Mr. Wentworth's plans, he merged his enterprise into the new academy, and associated with himself Prof. Sandford Sellers; they conducted the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 263 school one year, when Prof. Hobson retired on account of failing health. April 18, 1881, the institution was duly incorporated by the following named persons, constituting the first board of trustees: " Now therefore, we, the undersigned, S. G. Wentworth and Wm. G. McCausland, of the Presbyterian church ; Henry C. Wallace of the Mis- sionary * Baptist church; Edward Winsor of the Methodist Episcopal church south; George M. Catron of the Christian f church; Wm. F. Ker- dolff, Sr., of the Episcopal church, and Benjamin D. Weedin, of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church, hereby constitute ourselves, our associates, and successors, a body corporate and politic under the corporate name of ' Wentworth Male Academy,' for the period of 990 years from and after the date hereof, subject to renewals and extensions, and vested with all the rights, immunities, powers, and privileges granted to educational associa- tions under article ten of chapter twenty-one of the revised statutes of Mis- souri of 1879." Article III says: "The affairs of said corporation shall be managed by a board of seven trustees who shall be resident male members of the prin- cipal protestant churches in Lexington, Missouri, and vicinity. Said Acad- emy shall be free from the control of any one religious denomination, but shaH"always be managed and taught by Christian men." Full provision is made for the filling of vacancies in the board; and if from any cause any one of the churches named should cease to exist in Lexington, then the church next nearest like it in form of doctrine and mode of worship shall be entitled to the lapsed representation in the board. And thus every contingency of the perpetual succession is provided for. This is in some respects a " new departure," and the very fact that six different religious denominations have thus united on a basis of mutual trust and mutual res- pect to manage a christian college by jointure of representation in its gov- erning board, is one of the signs of the times full of good hope for the future. The first annual catalogue of this Academy was issued in July, 1881, and showed a roll of fifty-three students at that time. Prof. Sandford Sellers, A. M., principal; Prof. A. W. Payne, A. B., assistant. S. G. Wentworth, president board of trustees; Geo. M. Catron, secretary; Wm. F. Kerdolff, treasurer. In addition to the Academy building, Mr. Wentworth also purchased a house two squares further west, on the corner of north and oak streets, commonly called College street, for the Academy boarding house, so that students who did not reside with their parents or friends in the city could have a home together under the constant guard and counsel of the pro- * There is a branch or body of Baptist people commonly called " Hardshell Baptists, 1 ' who are opposed to missionary operations; and those Baptist churches which do engage in missionary work use the name il Missionary Baptist" to distinguish themselves from the anti-missionary body. fOr Disciples. 264 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. tessors, and a discreet, motherly Christian woman as matron. This build- ing contains ten good rooms, besides the dining room and outside kitchen. Mr. Wentworth's idea has been to do for the cause of Christian educa- tion what he could during his own lifetime, and while he could see to it himself that his intentions were carried out and his money properly applied, instead of leaving a bequest to take all the chances of misman- agement or misappropriation by others after his death — an idea which is worthy of all commendation and public gratitude. COUNTY ORGANIZATIONS. LAFAYETTE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. This society was orgagized in 1852, at Lexington, and had from fifteen to twenty members. Monthly meetings were held regularly, with inter- est and benefit. Matters concerning the diseases peculiar to this region, and their medical treatment, were sometimes discussed with much ability and research. Dr. J. B. Alexander and Dr. J. F. Atkinson were its dele- gates to the American Medical Association at its St. Louis session, in May, 1854. Dr. Alexander was secretary most of the time, but the society was broken up and its records lost during the civil war. June 13, 1865, a meeting or convention of physicians was held at the court house, to organize a medical society to be "composed of resident physicians of the city and county." One object stated was to establish by joint interest a medical library which all might consult, of such costly books and charts as one physician alone could not afford to purchase. Of this meeting Dr. W. P. Boulware was president and Dr. J.W. Teader secre- tary. A committee consisting of Drs. Atkinson, Cooley, and Alexander was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws. But we found no further record of this society. The next record we find shows that the physicians of Lafayette county l^- met on Saturday November 20, 1869, in the court house in Lexington, for the purpose of organizing a county medical association, having for its object the discussion of medical subjects and the cultivation of brotherly feeing among the members of the profession. Dr. J. F. Atkinson was called to the chair and Dr. O. F. Renick was chosen secretary On motion of Dr. A. V. Small the following gentlemen were elected permanent officers for the ensuing year: Dr. J. F. Atkinson, president; Dr. O. F. Renick, vice-president; Dr. Wm. P. Boulware, secretary. On motion the president appointed the following committee to draft a Con- stitution and By-laws, by which, when adopted the society is to be gov- ernened. Said committee to report at the next meeting of the society, viz.: Wm. P. Boulware, M. D.; T. S. Bolton, M. D.; P. H. Chambers, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 265 M. D.; Geo. W. Young, M. D.; J. B. Alexander, M. D. On motion of Dr. Chambers, the president was added to the committee. In 1879 a "Lafayette County Medical Society" was organized at Hig- ginsville. It holds monthly sessions at different places throughout the county It has met at Higginsville, Odessa, Mayview, and Lexington. No further particulars furnished. LAFAYETTE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY. This society was incorporated in 1855, for the purpose of promoting improvements in agriculture and manfactures, and in the raising of stock. It was the first enterprise of the kind in the county. The following were the original members or incorporators: Minos Adams, George W. Smith, R. Hale, Street Hale, C. Ben. Russell, John Cather, George Zeiler, Geo. P. Venable, R. E. Hays, Geo. Kennedy, Benj. Marshall, C. Easter, D. Russell & Co., B. T. John, John C. Young, Evan Young, W. M. N. Green, Wm. Ewing, J. M. Julian, James Clowds- ley, Eneberg & Jennings, J. F. Hassell, Strother Renick, Linn B. Gordon, Thomas B. Campbell, Alex. Mitchell, Wm. Limrick, O. F. Thomas, Benj. Fish, A. Green, C. O. Grimes, Geo. H. Ambrose, E. Winsor, A. J. Wil- liams, John K. Lord, J. M. McGirk, John Catron, J. H. Page, A. N. Small, Henry C. Chiles, J. Russell, James F. Campbell, James Peddicord, Wm. T. Wood, Wm. T. Bell, J. D. Robinson, Loeb Terhune, Leroy L. Hill, J. W. Zeiler, B. R. Ireland, R. W. Kune, Tilton Davis, R. M. Spurtly, James C. Kelly, G. T. Douthitt, F. M. Fields, R. J. Smith, John W. Wad- dell. The society was authorized to hold land not exceeding thirty acres, and other property, including exhibition building, not exceeding in value $10,- 000. Judge Wm. T. Wood was its first president and E. Winsor, Esq., its first secretary. This society established and built the historic fair ground, about two miles southeast from Lexington city. It held many fine exhibi- tions, and kept up a good interest until the war time; but since that it has lain dormant. In September, 1880, a new organizntion was formed at Higginsville, called the Lafayette county Industrial and Stock Association. It was incorporated in June, 1881, with the following officers: president, Jack- son Corder; vice-president, Col. Joseph Davis; treasurer, Capt. A. E. Asberry; secretary, L. T. Bell; general superintendent, Dr. C. W. Seeber. The board of directors consist of Jackson Corder, Joseph Davis, Ryland Todhunter, Charles Hoefer, W. H. Waddell, John O. Lockhart, T. - B. Campbell,- H.J. Higgins, W. A. Redd, C. W. Seeber, Geo. P.Gor- don, J. D. Conner and H. H. C. Chiles. The capital stock is $8,000. Their grounds comprise about forty acres, with buildings, stables, yards, ponds, a good race track, etc., three- fourths of a mile from Higginsville, 266 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and near the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis railroad. Their first annual exhibit occurred in August, 1881, and was a grand success. The man- agers of the first fair held by this society were: Dr. C. W. Seeber, general superintendent; H. G. Smith, assistant superintendent; B. S. Hig- gins, chief marshal; Mansfield Wilmot, assistant marshal; J. D. Conner, general superintendent of floral hall, agricultural and mechanical depart- ment; W. W. Preston, superintendent agricultural department: D. S. Swacker, superintendent of mechanical department; W. C. Beatie, super- intendent, and Mrs. R. Todhunter, assistant superintendent of homi', field and garden: Mrs. H. C. Chiles, superintendent fruits and flowers; Mrs. Jackson Corder, superintendent of fine arts department; Mrs. H. J. Hig- gins, superintendent textile fabrics and materials; Geo. Catron, superin- tendent of poultry department; H. C. Chiles, superintendent sheep and swine. old men's association. At a meeting of the old citizens and soldiers of the war of 1812, held August 4, 1868, at the residence of Mr. James Hicklin, on motion of Henry Wallace, it was agreed that an " Old Men's Association " should be formed, comprised of persons of seventy years of age and upwards; that all persons present should record their names, age and place of nativity, which was done. On motion, Henry Wallace w is elected president and Jabez Shotwell, clerk. On motion, Henry Wallace and Jabez Shotwell were appointed a com- mittee to draft and present to the consideration of the association, a con- stitution, which duty was duly performed; the committee reporting the following which was unanimously adopted by the members present : constitution. Article 1. A president shall be elected at each meeting, whose duty it shall be to preside and keep order. Art. 2. A clerk shall be elected at each meeting, whose duty it shall be to keep a record of all the names of the members, their age and nativ- ity, and the proceedings of each meeting. Art. 3. Meetings shall be held during the months of May and Sep- tember of each year, at the houses of the different members, for mutual conversation and enjoyment. Art. 4. All members of this association must be seventy years of age, or upwards and must be elected by the unanimous consent of the associa- tion. Art. 5. It shall be the duty of each member when requested, to relate his experience, either verbally or in writing. Art. 6. Each member's* name shall be enrolled, with his age and nativity. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of all the members to visit each other, particularly in sickness or distress. Art. 8. Each meeting shall be opened with prayer. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 267 Where born. N. Carolina Virginia. . . Tennessee . Kentucky . Daniel Sims George Buckner .... S. Carolina. -1 795 Virginia . . . *1793 Street Hale Dec. 25, 1798 ... Lucien Dumaine. . . . March 25, 1800. . France . . . John R. Ford .... May 8, 1801 Kentucky Wm. McCormack . . Feb. 15, 1800 Virginia . . Wm. Frick May 4, 1792 Germany . Thos. Callaway Nov. 26, 1789. . . Virginia'. . N. J. Carter. ." Nov. 21, 1807 . . Hiram M. Bledsoe. . April 2, 1798 Kentucky J. G. Suddath April 12, 1800 .... Virginia" . *--Wm. McCausland. . Oct. 9, 1797 Ireland . . James Sommerville. . Feb. 27, 1793. . R. C. Johnson Nov. 19, 1789. . Robert Renick March 16, 1798 David Locke Sept. 3, 1799 . Jesse Schofield July 15. 1801 . . Philip Prather Feb! 27, 1799 . . Elias Wheatly July 2, 1803. . . . Levi Simpson * * Isaac Chanslor Jan. 23, 179!) Kentucky . Joel P. Wiles Sept. 12, 1804.. . . * Thos. C. Bledsoe. . . April 15, 1802. . . Kentucky . Gideon Flournoy . . .. April 25, 1805 ... *..... James Baird July 11, 1803 Kentucky. . Alexander Cheatham *1801 Virginia . . . Rev. F. R. Gray. . . July 30, 1806 Kentucky.. ♦Record defective; dates and place of birth or death not given . Virginia. . « Kentucky u Penn Kentucky Date of death ■1869. "4871 or '72. The following is a complete list, as far as can be obtained from the records, of all who have joined up to the present time, with date of birth, place of nativity, and date of death if not living: Name. Date of birth. Edward Minnis Oct. 13, 1 7S4 . . Wm. Robinson Feb. 25, 1791 . Lewis Green July 12, 1791 . . Jabez Shotwell Nov. 28, 1791. Henry Wallace. . . . March 24, 1792 John Nelson Feb. 7, 1792 Tennessee . Arthur G. Young.. . Sept. 26, 1794. James Hicklin Jan. 7, 1795 " John Vaughn Sept. 3, 1795 Kentucky. . Washington Johnson July 10, 1795 Virginia. . . Robert N. Smith. . . June 6, 1794 R. H. Bradley Feb. 19, 1790 Georgia . . . James H. Graham.. . Dec. 5, 1798 New York. George Houx March 8, 1797. . . Kentucky.. Wm. Houx Feb. 22, 1799 .... Howard Williams. . . Dec. 5, 1797 " G. T. Chrisman May 7, 1794 Jesse Roberts June 11, 1795 .... Virginia Wm. Helms June 18, 1795 May 3, 1879. April 14, 1877 *1871 July 9, 18S1 . . Dec, 1873 . . . *1875 * Jan. 17, 1871 May 28, 1881 *1875 or '76. *J877 Oct! 25, 1876. Dec. 26, 1876 Oct. 23, 1876 *1875 *1880 , Sept. 18, 1879 June 10, 1876 Dec. 1, 1879. , 268 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Rev.J. L. Yantis... Sept. 14, 1804... . " Wm. M. Whitsett... Sept 11. 1805 " Alex. P. Hogan *1788 *.. Wm. F. Bradley Sept. 15, 1806 Tennessee Col. James Young.. May 11, 1800. . .. " ... Feb. 9, 1878. John Prico Feb. 21, 1807. . .. Kentucky James H. Norfolk. .. Oct. 26, 1799 Maryland Isaac Ruffner Jan. 21, 1804 West Virginia Lawson Grant July 1 , 1810 Kentucky Paschal A . Gibbs . . . Aug. 6, 1810 Virginia Henry Wallace, Sr., founder of the " Old Men's Club " association. Mr. Wallace was born in Woodford county, Kentucky, March 24, 1792, and died in Lafayette county, Missouri, May 27, 1875. His father, Hon. Caleb Wallace, a physician and Presbyterian minister of considerable eminence, was one of the earliest settlers of that region of territory afterwards formed into the State of Kentucky, residing there as early as 1782, when it formed a part of Virginia. His father was a native of Vir- ginia, and was a member of the several conventions held preparatory to the formation of the state of Kentucky, as well as of the constitutional conventions of 1792 and 1799, under the former of which, Kentucky was admitted into the union. He was appointed judge of the court of appeals of Kentucky in 1792, and filled the position with honor till 1812. The maiden name of the mother of the subject of this sketch, was Rose Ann Christian, who was a daughter of Col. Israel Christian, a revolutionary soldier and highly respected citizen of Virginia. The subject of this notice had seven brothers and one sister, and was the survivor of them all. The sister, Priscilla, became the wife of Judge Wm. Logan, a well known citizen of the state of Kentucky, also, a member of its court of appeals. Mr. Wallace was raised to manhood in his native county, with only sue opportunities for an education as a new country then afforded. At the age of twenty, he volunteered into the cavalry regiment of Col. McDowell for the war of 1812, and served under Gen. Wm. H. Harrison, in a vig- orous winter campaign against the Indian allies of Great Britain, in Ohio and Indiana. After the expiration of his term of enlistment, he became a farmer within his native county, and soon after, on August 18, 1814, led to the marriage altar, Miss Elizabeth C. Carlyle, daughter of George Carlyle, an old veteran of the revolutionary war, and also, an early setder of Kentucky, from Virginia. This estimable Christian lady is still living near the city of Lexington, Missouri. Mr. Wallace united with the Bap- tist church in Woodford county, Kentucky, in 1823, and ever after lived in the communion of that denomination, a consistent Christian, character- ized by deep piety and wide benevolence. He immigrated to Missouri and settled in Lexington, Lafayette county, in the spring of 1844, and HISTORY OF LAYFAETTE COUNTY. 269 resided in the city till 1853, when he removed to his farm a mile and a half south of Lexington, where he spent the remainder of his days. He enjoyed, in a high degree, the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens, both in Kentucky and Missouri, a tribute won by his exemplary life, pub- lic spirit and unimpeachable Christian character. He was endowed with great force of character; had a vigorous and well cultivated mind, and maintained to the end of life an abiding faith in the truth of the Christian religion, and the government and providence of God. He was the founder of the " old soldiers' club," afterwards known as the "old mens' club " of Lafayette county, most of the members of which, like himself, have passed away from the battles and {oils of this life. He raised ten children. The eldest son, Caleb B. Wallace, a well known lawyer and once state senator of Kentucky, died in Missouri while on a visit to his parents and friends in 1855. Three sons, Hon. H. C. Wallace, a prominent lawyer of Lexington, Missouri; Charles C. Wallace, of the same place, and Curtis O. Wal- lace of St. Louis, still survive him. One of his surviving daughters resides in Mound City, Illinois, and another in Jackson county, Missouri, and one, unmarried, at home with her mother; Three others, Mrs. G. W. Carter, Mrs. Dr. P. H. Chambers, and Mrs. F. C. Short, died some years ago, all leaving descendents. OLDEST PERSON IN THE COUNTY. Mrs. Marie Uphans, who resides in Freedom township, near Concor- dia, was born in Prussia, March 11, 1780. Her 100th birthday was' cele- brated by a gathering of about three hundred persons. She is still living, October 1, 1881, aged 101 years and 7 months, and is doubtless the oldest living person in the county. Alexander C. Hogan, of Davis township, was born March 1; 1783, near Richmond, Virginia.. He came to Davis township in 1839, and has lived there ever since. Dr. Robert W. Rankin, now residing with Judge F. E. Barnet, in Snia- bar township, was born in Kentucky, August, 1790. Served as magis- trate in Lillard county several years before the name was changed, in 1825, to Lafayette. Bettie Langhorn, a negro woman who died in Lexington, March 29, 1880, was born in Buchingham county, Virginia, during the winter of 1876-77. This was vouched for by Mrs. A. F. Brown, of Malta Bend, Mo., whose grandmother's family originally owned Betty as a slave and knew her age. Old Betty was the mother of eleven children, and finally raised a child of her own granddaughter. She was over 104 years old when she died. 270 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Richard Collins Johnson, of Sniabar township, is over 9S years of age. He was a soldier under Gen. Jackson, and was in the battle of Talladega during the war against the Creek Indians in Florida. The following persons, now living, August, 1881, have resided in Lafayette county since 1819, a period of 62 years: Clay Township. — Mrs. Ish, widow of Wm. Ish. Dover Township. — Mrs. John Lovelady, who was the bride of the first wedding in the county, and the mother of the first child born in the county. Jesse Cole, also of Dover. Lexington Township. — John Catron, and Mrs. Rebeeca Robinson, widow of Wm. Robinson. Lexington City. — Thomas B. Wallace. Washington Township.— Mrs. Dolly Marshall, widow of Absalom Mar- shall. There is a sort of " Early Settlers Association " in existence, of which every person who has resided forty years in the county is ex-qfficio a mem- ber; but no statistics of the organization were furnished. THE OLD WHIG PARTY-OF LAFAYETTE. In 1861 that patriarch of the press in Lafayette county, Mr. Charles Patterson, wrote for the Waverly Visitor, some political reminiscences which have a historic interest and value. We here quote the main facts, after eliminating sundry personal and partisan matters that were local to the time: When Lafayette county was first organized out of old Lillard, she had only thirteen whigs in her limits. * * * The county never exhibited signs of returning reason until 1838, when Mr. Burden and his compeers in the " good cause," at the sacrifice of much precious time, " bush- whacked" every neighborhood, and Mr. Burden, young as he was, mounted the " stump " in opposition to Democracy's champion, Col. "James Young, who had had the field almost to himself. Two years passed over, and the campaign of 1840 approached. * * The whig cause increased in enthusiasm; 'log cabins' were built, 'hard cider' was drank, 'latch strings' were hung out side; and 'mass meetings' were held. 'Tippacanoe and Tyler too' were the watch words, and the 'union of the whigs for the sake of the union' was the great motto of the land. Previous to the state election in August, 1840, the whigs of Lafay- ette in mass meeiing nominated Drs. J. B. Vivion and Wm. Ward for the legislature. The canvass was an interesting one, and was conducted with enthusiasm. Election day came on, and when the polls were closed, Lafayette was redeemed — the two doctors were elected by 25 majority. The result added a new impulse to the whig cause, and all attention was then directed to the presidential canvass. An immense 'log cabin' was erected and a 'tall' Harrison pole was raised. Election day arrived, and when the votes were counted, Harrison and Tyler had 75 majority over Van Buren and Johnson. * * John B. Clarke of Howard, was the whig candidate HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 271 for governor, in August, and carried the county. Two years rolled by, and another county election was at hand. Mr. Burden was the nominee of the whigs for the legislature, the county having but one delegate under a recent apportionment. * * In 1844, Mr. Burden was returned to the legislature, and before the close of his second term, secured the loca- tion of the fifth branch of the state bank at Lexington. * In November, Clay and Frelinghuysen obtained 480 majority, the parties then being purely whig and democrat. In 1846, the opposi- tion to the whig party was only limited, and their candidates were elected without a struggle, and the year passed quietly. In 1848, the August election resulted in Lafayette, in large whig majorities for state and county tickets, and in November, over 500 majority for Taylor and Fil- more. Two parties still extant. In 1850, we had an excited canvass for the legislature — Mr. Burden again being a candidate, and almost desper- ate efforts were made to defeat him. But the whigs of old Lafayette were true to themselves, and saved their county and party, by electing their entire ticket. In 1852, the county still remained firm, and r m August returned the whig candidates to the legislature. Dr. I. S. Warten and Col. R. N. Smith were elected by a respectable majority. In November she gave Scott and Graham a handsome majority. In 1854, owing to certain movements among our foreign guests, and the manifest ambition of many •naturalized citizens in the union, the 'American,' or 'know nothing' party was organized, and whigs and democrats abandoned their former associa- tions, and united with the 'dark-lantern' club. The elections all over the union were disastrous to any party that attempted to sustain the cause of foreign aspirants. Lafayette sent Wm. S. Field, Esq., and Maj. S. T. Niell to the legislature by large majorities. In 1856, at the August elec- tion, R. C. Ewing carried the county by upwards of 600 for governor, and the 'American' delegates to the legislature, Messrs. E. Burden and Wm. Morrison, were elected by nearly as large a vote. In November, • Filmore and Donnelson carried the county by a large vote. During the years of 1854, '55, '56 and '57, the Kansas imbroglio occupied a considera- ble share of the public attention, and attempts were made to seduce the ^American' majority in Lafayette into new issues. All failed, however, and Lafayette remained true to her virtue. In 1858 Messrs. S. F. Taylor and E. Burden were elected delegates to the legislature by large majorities. There was no particular excitement, and the "American" candidates met with only a limited opposition. In 1860, just past, our readers recollect all the events and results. August placed two constitutional union candidates in the legislature, all the union state and county nominees were successful; and in November Bell and Everett carried the vote by a triumphant majority. New issues springing up after the presidential election had been decided, all parties underwent a material change. The union party retained its organization, only losing a few of its former members, while at the same time large accessions were made from the Douglas party, and a few from Breckenridge side. The result on the 18th of February last proves conclusively that Lafayette is decidedly a constitutional union county. 272 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. NEWSPAPERS.* Lexington Express. — In October of 1839, Mr. Charles Patterson issued the prospectus of the Lexington Express — the first newspaper published in Lafayette county — from the office of the paper published at Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, which at that time was the only paper published west of Boonville and Fayette. In November of the same year he went to Cincinnati and purchased printing material; but on account of the Ohio river being low his press was not shipped until February following, and reached Lexington in March. Mr. Patterson was assisted in his enterprise by Messrs. James and Robert Aull, Eldridge Burden, Samuel B. Stramcke and Gen. James H. Graham. On the 4th of March, 1840, the initial number of the Express was issued. When the prospectus was issued, Henry Clay was the expected whig candidate for the approaching cam- paign ; but in the Harrisburg convention Gen. Harrison received the nom- ination for president, and the Express hoisted his name to its mast-head. This paper was published continuously until 1861, by the successive administrations of Charles Patterson; Patterson and Jacob M. Julian; Patterson, Julian and John R. Gaut; Patterson, Julian and Wm. Mus- grove, Sr.; W. M. Smallwood and Julian, and Julian and R. C. Vaughan* It was issued as a daily during portions of 1860 and 1861, by Smallwood and Julian. The paper was suspended early in 1861, and the material was in custody of Ethan Allen at the time of the seige or battle of Lexington. With it he printed an " Official Bulletin," containing the reports of all the confederate officers, the next day after Col. Mulligan's surrender. Western Chronicle. — In 1848 a democratic journal was founded by Har- rison Branch; this was succeededby the Western Chronicle in 1850, which was published until after the Presidential election of 1852. American Citizen. — This paper was founded in 1855 by William Mus grove, Senior. It advocated the "Know Nothing" branch of politics; but after a brief existence of two years expired with its founder. The Expositor was established in 1856, by Yost & Stofer, who wer succeeded in 1858 by William Anderson, as editor. It was democratic in principle and its publication was continued until the latter part of 1861, when the greater part of their apparatus was carried away by the First Regiment Kansas Volunteers. Missouri Cumberland Presbyterian was established in Lexington in 1850 and was edited by Rev. J. B. Logan. It was subsequently moved to St. Louis, where it was published until 1874; about this time it was pur- * We are indebted largely to the very excellent centennial 4th of July address of Wm. ' H. Chiles, Esq., for the facts embodied in this article. His address was delivered at the court house in Lexington, July 4, 1876, and afterwards published in pamphlet form as a "History of Lafayette County," from the Lexington Register office. But we have gathered many additional facts not before published. : HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 273 chased by the general assembly and removed to Nashville, Tennesse, where it is still published. The Lafayette Pioneer, a German paper, was established in 1860, at Lexington b}' Phillip Reichert, but was soon discontinued. The Visitor. — This paper was edited at Waverly by Charles Patterson, the founder of the Express. It was established in 1858 or 59 and existed a little more than one year. A paper called the Waverly Express was puplished awhile but we could not get particulars. The Citizen's Daily Advertiser. — Howard S. Harbaugh started the above named paper in 1860, but his editorial career was soon cut short because of his advocacy of Abraham Lincoln for President. He was notifiied by the "Knights of the Golden Circle" to leave the State within six days of they'd hang him. He left, and afterwards became editor of the Chilicothe Constitution. When the war broke out there were but two newspapers published in Lexington, the Express and the Expositor, which were discontinued as before stated, in consequence of the unsettled condition of the times, and for a while there was no paper published in the city. In 1862, however, H. K. Davis established the Lexington Weekly Union which supported Gen. McClellan for President in the campaign of 1864. In 1865 it was changed to the Lexington Weekly Express, and that in turn gave way to The Caucasian in 1866, owned by Jacob M.Julian, Ethan Allen & Com-- pany (Wm. Musgrove, Jr.) The control of this paper was varied: Peter Donan and Allen; Donan and Charles J. Nesbit; Allen, Jacob T. Child, and Wm. Musgrove, Jr.; Donan, Reavis, Andrew Donan, and Wm. G. Musgrove, Jr., being successively its proprietors until it was merged into the Intelligencer in 1875. It was democratic in politics. Lexington Weekly 'Journal. — This paper was started June 9, 1864, by C. C. Coffinberry, editor and publisher. It was republican in politics and supported Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson for president and vice- president. The way this paper was started is worthy of record. Some of the decisive Union men of Lexington, thought they ought to have a newspaper of their own, so they clubbed together and raised money for the purpose, Henry Turner being their treasurer; Wm. H. Bowen went to St. Louis and bought the printing material, and brought up with him a printer to take charge as foreman. It was soon discovered that they had not enough printing material, so they raised $300 more and sent the printer man to St. Louis to buy more types; but the printer got drunk, and never returned with either money or types. During Gen. Price's raid in 1864, the paper was stopped, and the types all knocked into pi by guerrillas. In April, 1865, Col. Casper Gruber bought the material, and on the 29th he issued the first number of a new paper called the 274 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Lafayette Advertiser. — This paper was edited by a Rev. Mr. Craw- ford, a Methodist preacher, although his name did not appear. Col. Gru- ber's name stood at the head as "proprietor and assistant editor." Some time in the latter part of 1865, the paper was bought by Dr. F. Cooley and Lewellyn Davis; Davis became its editor, and they changed the name to Missouri Valley Register :— In 1867, Samuel S. Earle bought Dr. Cooley's interest. In 1868 Col. Mark L. DeMotte bought out Mr. Earle. In 1869 Edwin Turner, brother-in-law to Mr. Earle, bought out Mr. Davis. During the state election campaign of 1872, the Register being the republican paper and the Intelligencer (edited by L. W. Groves), the democratic paper, very sharp personalities were indulged in by the edi- tors on both sides. This resulted in personal exchange of harsh words between Mr. Turner and Mr. Groves when they met; and finally Edwin Turner shot Groves and instantly killed him, at the corner of Laurel and North streets, on November 8th, 1872. Turner immediately gave him- self up to the sheriff, Mr. Taubman, and was taken to Kansas City for confinement, from fear that Groves' friends would break into the jail and lynch Turner if he was kept at Lexington. By change of venue his trial was had at Kansas City; and after lying in jail there thirteen months he was finally acquitted on the ground of self defense, the testimony of Dr. J. F. Atkinson and others showing that Groves had a cocked pistol in his hand when he fell.* Edwin Turner still owns a half interest in the prin- ting office. DeMotte & Turner dropped the words "Missouri Valley" from the name of the paper, and called it Lexington Register ', the name it still bears. In 1874 Henry W. Turner bought Col. DeMotte's interest although the latter continued as editor until 1877. During the winter of 1874_5 the office was burned out, losing everything; but the paper did not miss an issue. Two numbers were printed at The Caucasian office, and by that time new material had been obtained and they went ahead in their own office again. After Col. DeMotte left, in 1877, the paper was edited by Edwin Turner and Cam. B. Wilson, until August, 1881, when W. G. Phetzing took the editorial chair. The paper has .always been straight republican in politics. H. W. Turner, one of its proprietors, was appointed postmaster of Lexington, in April, 1877, and was reappointed in June, 1881. The Lexington Intelligencer, the organ of the democracy, was estab- lished in April, 1871, and was founded by Judge William Young, John T. Smith and R. B. Vaughan, with the first named as its editor. Sooi after its commencement Lafayette W. Groves bought out Smith and sue ceed to the editorship, which position he filled until his tragic death, in *The court proceedings and testimony of witnesses were all published entire in the Kan- sas City papers at the time. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 275 November, 1872. During the fall of the same year, John S. Davis pur- chased an interest in the paper and became its publisher, it being edited successively, after the death of Mr. Groves, by Michael A. Steele and Henry L. Haynes, until its consolidation with the Caucasian, as previously stated, in 1S75. The paper is now owned by the corporation known as the "Intelligencer Printing Company," managed by Ethan Allen and W. G. Musgrove, Jr. Since the consolidation. Capt. A. A. Lesueur has filled the editorial chair of the Intelligencer. In 1879 Capt. Lesueur was elected to the state legislature from Lafayette county, and at this writing is still the incumbent. In May, 1881, he was chosen president of the state press association, the most honorable position known to the newspaper frater- nity of Missouri. Under his management the Intelligencer has won the reputation of being the best local weekly newspaper in the state. The office is supplied with one Cincinnati cylinder newspaper press and two Gordon jobbers, all run by steam. The origial cost of their printing establishment as it now stands was $15,000. The Aullville Times made its appearance in 1870, edited by W. H. Win- frey, but soon ran its brief career of a year. No other particulars obtained. The Missouri Thalbote, a German newspaper, was established in Lex- ington in April, 1871, by Wm. P. Beck. It was at first edited and then owned by R. Willibald, Willibald and John G. Fisher, and afterward by Egid Kist. Mr. Kist was succeed in the proprietorship by Daniel Schle- gal, who in turn sold out to Albert AlthofF, who subsequently removed the paper to Concordia, where he is still publishing it. The paper was originally independent in politics, but afterwards became republican, and so continues. The Dispatch. — Messrs. Jack Williams, Ed. Bowman and Cam. B. Wil- son conducted with success, in 1873, a sprightly little daily, named as above, which, however, succumbed to the great financial panic of that year. The Lafayette County Advance was established at Higginsville July 9, 1879, by George E. King, of St. Joseph, Mo., and for the first year was conducted by Wm. P. King and H. H. Luce. It was then purchased by H. H. Luce and Frank L. Houx, who conducted the business about four months. Houx's interest was then bought by Mrs. Frances M. Venable, of Savannah, Mo., the mother of H. H. Luce, and is now owned by them jointly and conducted by Mr. Luce under the name of the "Advance Printing Company." The paper is democratic in politics, but more espec- ially devoted to the local interests of Higginsville and Lafayette county. Odessa Herald. — Nov. 13, 1880, the first number of this paper was issued by D. Reddington, formerly of the Mexico Herald. It is a weekly local paper devoted to the interests of Odessa and vicinity. 276 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ITEMS FROM THE FIRST NEWSPAPER. The first newspaper ever printed in Lafayette county was issued in 1840 by C. Patterson; but we were unable to find any copies of this paper of earlier date than August 1, 1843. By the kindness of Ethan Allen, Esq., of the Lexington Intelligencer, we had access to a file of Mr. Patterson's paper ( The Lexington Express), in part for the years 1843 and 1844. These are the oldest news sheets of this county known to be in existence. They are well filled with politics, general news, miscellany and advertise- ments, but are very meager in the matter of local items. The paper was devoted to the interests of the old Whig party, then under the national leadership of Henry Clay, of Kenmcky. The Democrats had no paper of their own in the county then, and so were at the mercy of their oppo- nents so far as any publication of their views was concerned ; but there is an occasional notice of their meetings, which serves to show at least that they had an organization in the county, although very greatly in the minority. This Whig paper almost unvaryingly calls them by their bur- lesque nickname of the time, "Locofoco." We have gleaned from these old papers such items as have a local his- toric interest for citizens of this city and county; arranging them in the order of their date of publication : August /, 184.3. — "The steamboat Edna arrived here* yesterday, in 2 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes from St. Louis, including all stoppages for wood, to discharge freight, etc. This is the quickest trip ever made by a steamboat from St. Louis to Lexington, if we remember correctly." "On the Fourth of July, at Harrison ville, Van Buren county, Judge Ryland addressed the temperance society. At the close of the address, 65 persons subscribed the pledge, and during that evening, 5 others; making in all, 70 persons, which added to the society of that county, makes the number about 200. A good 4th of July movement, this. A temperance society was organized at Clinton, Henry county, during the last circuit court. Rev. Wm. Horn addressed the meeting. Judge Ryland also added a few remarks, after which 84 persons signed the pledge. Let the good cause advance." At a Whig celebration of the Fourth of July, 1843, there were 13 toasts given, from which we take the following: 3d — The Union — When time is wound up, then, and not till then, may its days be numbered. 9th — Tom Benton — In politics about a match for Joe Smith in religion 11th — The Town of Lexington — Nature has done her part — let the citizens do theirs, and be satisfied with the Dutchman's one per cent instead of two. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 277 12th — Our County — Rich, beautiful and healthy — the asparagus bed of Upper Missouri. 13th — Woman — The jack-screw of creation. August 8, 184.3. — The population of Lexington, at the present time, is computed to be fully 2,000. Some think it is more. Every boat landing at our wharf adds its quota to this population. The accession by immi- gration, and otherwise, is also considerable. We have no doubt but that one hundred dwelling houses could be rented to new comers between this time and Christmas if they were erected. Nearly every house in the town, suitable for a residence, is now occupied and more demanded. Improve- ments in the way of building, we are pleased to say, are progressing finely, if we take into consideration the tightness of the times. Thirty or forty buildings (ware-houses, stores, shops and residences), it is calculated will be erected here during the present year. Some of them are already completed, others under way and others under contract. We copy the following from the same issue as an illustration of the jokes the whigs had on the democrats: " A gentleman traveling in the interior of our state, fell in with a rip- roarer from one of the wolf-scalping counties, and commenced discussing politics with him. He inquired who he was in favor of for president? * Why,' says wolf-scalp, ' I go dead for democracy.' ' Well,' inquired the stranger, ' which one of the democracy?' ' O,' said he, 'thar ain't but one democracy, and that thar's Benton — he's old democracy; the other you want to talk about is spurious. I tell you, stranger, thar ain't but one genuine democracy, and that's the old gold-bug of Missouri; he hums the right tune for these diggins.' " August 22, 184.3. — The Blue River Association of the Baptist church, commences its session for the present year in this place on Saturday, the 9th day of September. The Presbytery for the western portion of this state will meet in this place on Thursday the 14th day of September, and remain in session four or five days. The conference of the Methodist E. Church for the state of Missouri, will convene in this place on Wednesday, the 27th day of September next. There is but little doubt that the western counties of this state are now more or less infested with horse thieves. The horses, as soon as stolen, are run off towards Texas and Santa Fe. September 3, 184^. — The patent hemp brake, owned by Mr. Poyntz, is now fitted up in this place, and is to be put in operation every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, if the days are fair, for the inspection of the hemp-growers of upper Missouri. The farmers are invited to come in and examine said machine. The fourth electoral district is composed of the counties of Jackson, 278 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Lafayette, Saline, Cooper, Miller, Morgan, Pettis, Johnson, Henry, St. Clair, Van Buren and Bates. September 12, 184.3. — We have before us an odd specimen of a beet and potatoe combined. It is in the form of a Mercer potatoe, and has the color and smell of a blood beet. It had no top, and grew in a hill with beets and potatoes. It grew in the garden of our townsman, Mr. Thomas Asberry. The St. Charles Advertiser says: "The U. S. snag boat, "Sampson," has passed up the Missouri river, drawing out many formidable snags on its route. It is a magnificent sight to see this river monster take hold of a large walnut tree six feet in diameter at the root and more than one hundred feet long, and fifty or sixty feet of which have been deeply imbedded in the mud for five hundred years, and draw it out with more ease than a dentist extracts a tooth ; yet, such is its daily business. The largest sycamores, walnuts and cottonwood are pulled out, sawed and set afloat in the stream. Many large trees that appear to have been imbedded for many hundred years, are as sound as when they first fell. These boats should be kept in constant operation." September 26, 1843. — The clerks of the steamers Lexington, John Aull, and lone, are each entitled to our thanks for late papers and other favors. October 3, 184.3. — The new steamer, Lexington, arrived at our landing on the 24th ult. She was detained several weeks on her way from Pitts- burg, by the extreme low stage of water in the Ohio, for the last two months. At last, however, the boat effected her escape, and made her way westward in good plight. In the name of the citizens of this place, we tender to Capt. Littleton their thanks for the compliment he has con- ferred on us, by giving his boat the name of our town. May success attend the "Lexington, Mo." November ?, 1843,^- The boats arriving at our wharf from the Ohio river are crowded with emigrants from the older States, all seeking a better home in Missouri. So also an immense immigration overland passes through our streets everj' day, destined for western Missouri. Let them come. There is room and abundance of everything; and we know that they will add greatly to the whig vote in November. We copy the following to show who were leading citizens and partisans at that time: Pursuant to a previous notice, a large number of the whigs of Lafay- ette county assembled in the Christian church in Lexington, on the 6th day of November, 1843, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the district convention for the 4th electoral district in Missouri. The meeting was organized by calling Judge Young Ewing to the chair, and appoint- ing C. Patterson secretary. By request, Jno. P. Campbell, Esq., arose HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 279 and explained in a brief but eloquent manner, the object of the meeting,, urging diligence and energy among its members and the friends of the whig cause throught the Slate and Union. On motion of Mr. James Aull, the chair appointed a committe of seven, one from each municipal township of the county, to draft a preamble and resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the meeting and its purposes. Whereupon the following gentlemen were selected by the chair to consti- tute said committee, viz: James Aull, Wm. Simpson, Col. T. M. Ewing, Strother Renick, A. W. Ridings, W. H. Anderson, and B. F. Tantis. On motion, J. P. Campbell, Esq., was added to the committee. During a brief absence of the committee, the meeting was addressed by E. S. Burden and P. D. Hockaday, Esqs., and Major S. T. NeilL [Resolutions omitted.] The chair appointed the following gentlemen, in pursuance of the res- olution above reported as delegates to the district convention to be held in Warrensburg on the 20th day of the present month, viz: Clay township — Col. W. Y. C. Ewing, Strother Renick, Fountain Livesay, James Pearson, Dr. Wm. Ward, Peter Wolfe, Wm. L. Evans, Jas. W. Renick, Judge Nath. Price, John D. Richardson, Reuben E. San- ders, and Jas. M. Halloway. Lexington township — John P. Campbell, P. D. Hockaday, Geo. H. Gordon, H. Lightner, C. Patterson, H. C. Boteler, Jas. Aull, Wm. Mus- grove, Dr. Letton, B. Sanders, C. Osborn, H. Smock, and on motion the chair was added to the list. Dover towship — Dr. Jas. Warren, Geo. W. Hillman, Dr. J. B. Vivion, M. W. Obannon, W. Hall, John G. Ridge, Thos. J. White, John Tearby, James S. Plattenburg, and A. S. Harris. Sniabar township— James Walton, James W. Manion, Alex. Cheatham, Wm. Bullard, Archibald Scott, and A. W. Ridings. Davis township — James Drummond, S. T. Neill, Joseph H. Bledsoe, Nathan Corder, Geo. B. Warren and Alfred Nicholas. Freedom township — W. H. Anderson, John Walker, James Atterburg, T. J. Hawkins, A. Hargrove, and H. C. Davis. Washington township— Capt. Wm. Bryant, Major J. H. Fulkerson, Col. Wm. P. Walton, N. W. Letton, Major L. H. Renick, and Col. T. M. Ewing. On motion of Col. T. M. Ewing, Messrs. Jas. Aull, John P. Campbell, John T. Richardson, Henry C. Boteler, V. Burgess, and Arnold T. Win- sor, were appointed delegates from this county to the Young Men's Con- vention to be held in Baltimore in May next. November 7, 184.3. — Distances from St. Louis to places on the Missouri River: From St. Louis to Fine's Landing, (a few miles above the present town of Waverly) 329; Dover Landing, (about two miles below present 280 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. town of Berlin) 334; Lexington, 344; Wellington, 350; Wolfs Landing, 359; Napoleon, 375. December ip, 184.3. — The annual meeting of the Lexington Temperance Society, will be held on the 25th inst., (Christmas Day,) at the Baptist church in this place. The Rev. Mr. Ligon is expected to address the meeting. December 23, 184.3. — Last Monday about 100 wagons came into this place, loaded with the produce of the surrounding country. Never, since we have noticed the seasons and their changes, has a milder and more agreeable December passed over our heads — the weather for three weeks has been delightful. The sun, to-day, is shining bright and clear, and under foot the earth is dry and dusty. How long this fine weather will last is another matter. The river is now low, but we think there is water enough for the smaller boats. February 10, 1844. — Notice is hereby given to the citizens of the north side of the Missouri River, that an arrangement has been entered into with the Messrs. Pomeroys, of the Lexington Ferry, by which all traders from the north side, together with their produce and teams, will be crossed and recrossed free of charge for twelve months. The only items excluded under this contract, are fire wood, rails and loose cattle. The subject of debate for the Lexington Lyceum next Tuesday even- ing, will be: " Should the fine imposed on Gen. Jackson by Judge Hall at New Orleans, be refunded." The ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to attend. April 6, 1844. — The logs for the " Cabin " have been cut, and arrange- ments made for their delivery on the bank on the upper end of Water street. Due notice will be given of the " raising." Subscriptions to meet the expenses in building the " Cabin," making the " Flag," and procuring a " cannon," are still wanted. [A log cabin was the peculiar emblem of the Whig party]. — Historian. The materials for the new Presbyterian church are being prepared, and the body of the building will be completed during the coming summer. Houses are now in demand, and we know of no point on the Missouri where capitalists could make more profitable investments in the line of building. Every store, house and dwelling in the place is now occupied. A stage passenger yesterday morning, direct from Jefferson City, brings the intelligence that the Locofoco Convention, which assembled there on the 1st, have nominated John C. Edwards, Esq., for Governor, and Col. James Young, of this county, for Lieutenant-Governor. Last week upwards of $11,000 in cash was paid out for hemp by the merchants of this place; and for this week we are within bounds in stat- ing that $10,000 have been paid. The highest notch to which the article HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 281 has gone since the opening of navigation, was $3.50. We quote for this day, a good article of hemp at $3.37i; for second rate $3.25. April ij, 184.4.. — We are authorized to announce Lillburn W. Bogg, Esq., as a candidate for the office of Governor of the State or Missouri, at the approaching August election. April 20, 1844. — We stated a short time since, that a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, I. O. O. F., was expected to visit this place, to establish a lodge of the Order, &c. This duty, we understand, was performed on last Thursday evening by William S. Stewart, of St. Louis, Deputy Grand Sire of the United States for this district. May 7, 184.4. — The steamer Western Belle lay at this landing all day yesterday, receiving freight. We are informed that between 120 and 130 tons of hemp were shipped on board of her to St. Louis by one house. The first number of the Harry of the West was issued last Friday. The new steam flouring mill recently erected in this place, by Messrs. "Waddell and Hudson, we understand, will commence operation about the first of July. The mill contains four run of French burs. May 21, 1844. — The steamer Western Belle will take the Lafayette county delegation to St. Louis and back, and board while in St. Louis, for six dollars each, the boat to furnish a good band of music and a gun. The army worm is now doing much damage to the growing crops and gardens in this vicinity. They are very severe on the gardens in this place. The only remedy for them is a change of weather; dry weather and a warm sun will destroy them. Much hemp will have to be resown and corn replanted. May 28, 1844. — M R - Patterson: Please publish the following list of names of the ladies who subscribed to the Whig Banner: Mesdames L. Stratton, Boulware, E. Bullard, Bliss, Alvin Chadwick, George Thomas, Eliza Robinson, E. Wiley, Russell, Andsrson, Bennett, Whelan, H. Chad- wick, Martha Royle, Fitzpatrick, Fall, Stone, Ligon, Aull, Henderson, A. Mundy, R. H Renick, Lucinda Day, M. Soister, Silver, N. Waddell, B. G. Chinn, M. M. Hockiday, Warren, Wentworth, J. P. Bowman, S. P. Patterson, M. Spratt, Mary Gaunt, Georgietta Gaunt, Locke, E. C. Wal- lace, Mary Donohoe, Catlett, Sawyer, M. B. Waddell, Asbury, Mary Stone, Abigail Warder, Ellen Waddell, Sarah Jones, M. B. Williams, Pomeroy, Susan Waddell, H. Bledsoe, Misses J. Hale, Elizabeth Aull, C. Wilson, K. M. Renick, E. A. Waddell, M. A. Buckner, A. G. Wallace, M. Royce, S. S. Blackwell, Lavina Letton, Ann Asbury, Scott, Mary Livesay. yum 4, 1844. — We are pleased to say that several new buildings are now under way in this place. We hope the improvements will advance sufficiently to supply the demand for houses. Lexington races — Second Day —Two mile heats; purse, $200, won by 282 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. James Shy's gr. c. Billy Tonson, four years old, by Mons. Tonson, beat- ing Wendover, by Medoc, Magdalen, by Medoc, Isola, by Bertrand, and distancing three others. Time, 3:58, 3:53£ Third Day — Mile heats ; won by Farris' ch. f . Liz. Tillett, three years old, by Frank, beating b. c, by Gray Eagle. Time, 1 :51, 1:54^. Fourth Day — Two mile heats; sweepstakes, $50 entrance; silver pitcher, valued at $50, added. Won by J. R. Smith's ch. c. Gold Eagle, beating Edward Eagle, by Grey Eagle, and distancing two others. Time, 3:58, 3:50. June ii, 184.4.. — [This paper contains an account of a grand rally of all the Clay clubs in the state at St. Louis, on June 4, 1844. It was the grandest thing of the kind that had ever been held in the state up to that time. Twenty-one organizations with banners took part in the proces- sion. The St. Louis Republican has this to say of the Lafayette county club's banner: " This banner is deserving of more than a passing notice. It was worked by the fair ladies of Lexington, and by them presented to the club, who bore it in the procession. The whole banner was got up with a taste characteristic of their ladies, and their handiwork in this, as in «very similar case, bore off the palm. The Lexington Banner was unan- imously pronounced the most beautiful in the procession." EVENTS AND INCIDENTS BY YEARS. LAFAYETTE COUNTY IN 1837. Wetmore's Gazetted- of Missouri was published in 1837, (printed by Harper & Brothers, N. Y.,) and it contains some items of historic interest for Lafayette county which we quote. / "Five saw mills and five gristmills are driven by water power, in the county of Lafayette." The region about Dover village was called Tare Bean (beautiful land) grove; in this grove was a grist mill driven by the water from a large spring, but owner's name is not given. At Lexington there was a United States land office, and the author further says: Lexington is one of the towns from which outfits are made in mer- chandise, mules, oxen, and wagons for the Santa Fe or New Mexico trade. The fur traders who pass to the mountain by land make this town a place of rendezvous, and frequently are going out and coming in with their wagons and packed mules, at the same period of going and coming that is chosen by the Mexican traders. Lexington is therefore, occasion- ally, a thoroughfare of traders of great enterprise, and caravans of infinite value. The dress and arms of the traders, trappers, and hunters of these caravans, and caparison of the horses and mules they ride, present as great diversity as the general resurrection itself of all nations and ages can promise for the speculations of the curious. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 283 Wetmore's book contained a table of the population of the state by counties, from which we quote: Lafayette county population in 1821, 1340; 1830, 2912; 1836, 4683. Lexington is given as 319 miles bv river from St. Louis. Fine's Land- ing (in Lafavette county,) is put at 15 miles below Lexington. There were at this time only three postoffices in the county: Lexington, James Aull, postmaster; Dover, Benjamin F. Yates, post- master; Pleasant Grove, W. H. Ewing, postmaster. LAFAYETTE COUNTY IN THE MEXICAN vVAR — 1846. In May, 1846, a company was formed at Lexington to join Col. Doni- phan's regiment, and was mustered as company B. The following were the men from Lafayette county, and their present locations are as follows: \ Capt. William Walton, deceased; 1st Lieut., Booth Barnett, deceased; 2d Lieut., Kirkpatrick, killed at the battle of Sacramento; 1st Ser., Thomas Hinkel, unknown; H. J. Mallory, lives in Dover township; G. W. Vivion, lives in Davis township, at Higginsville; Baxter D. Kavanagh, lives in ray county; Isaac Braden, lives in Clay township; George King, deceased; John Boykakin, wounded at the battle of Bracito; John Ridge, deceased; Wm. Osborn, deceased; B. W. Coffee, deceased; Jacob Ridge, deceased; Wm. Cromwell, lives at Fort Worth, Texas; Upton Winsor, deceased; Jere Bear, lives in Kansas City; John Musick, deceased; W. B. Tyrce, deceased; H. M. Bledsoe, lives in Cass county, was commander of "Bledsoe's Battery," so famous in the-late war; Wm. Nelson, lives in Car- roll county; Joseph Chinn, jailor at Lexington; Buck Chinn, deceased; Alex. Green, resides in Saline county; Daniel Horn, deceased; Thomas Hughes, deceased; John McDougal,now resides in Dover township; Wm. Hale, lives at Lexington ; Wm. Chancellor, lives at Lexington. Col. Doniphan's command consisted of 1,000 mounted men; they marched over land from Fort Leavenworth, by the way of Sante Fe, to the city of Mexico. They took with them quite a number of cattle and sheep. The Indians kept up a continuous raid upon them to get posses- sion ol their stock, and at one time stole away 1,000 sheep; they pursued the Indians for three days, but failed to recover the mutton. They were at the battles of Bracito and Sacramento, and numerous skirmishes on the march. At the battle of Sacramento a Major Campbell of Lafayette county was with them, though not belonging to any command. He appears to have been in Mexico on some trading enterprise. Col. Doni- phan's regiment received very high praise from Gen. Taylor, and also from Gen. Wool for its gallant action and brilliant success at Sacramento, part of which of course belonged to our Lafayette men. [See article headed "Lafayette men's first battle," 1861, for an account of a famous cannon captured at Sacramento by Col. Doniphan.] There was a com- 284 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. pany of ninety men from Saline county. When the regiment's time (one year) was out, a detail was made of three men from each company, 30 in all, to bring back their horses, numbering about 700, over land from Camargo to Missouri, while the rest took steamboat at New Orleans, where they were mustered out, and came up the river. The Lafayette men who came over land with the horses, were Vivion, Braden and Kav- anaugh. James Aull of Lexington went out with Col. Doniphan's regiment, not in the capacity of sutler, as has been believed by many, but merely as a private trader. While the troops were at Chihuahua (pronounced she- wah-waJi) he opened a store; and when the}^ moved on to join Gen. Tay- lor the Lexington men advised Mr. Aull not to stay back there alone, for the Mexicans would kill him; but he decided to take the risk, and did stay, and in a short time the Mexicans did kill him. This was in the spring of 1847. events in 1847. February 3, 1847, John F. Ryland, Street Hale, Wm. T. Wood, Hen- derson Young, Wm. Early and James Crump were appointed commis- sioners to propose a plan for a new court house to be erected in the city of Lexington. February 2, 1847, John Payne was appointed overseer for a road in Freedom and Davis townships, commencing at Christopher Mulky's sign board, and running by Nathan Corder's saw mill, and intersecting the salt works road at the northwest corner of Wm. C. Barns' farm. This shows the rude style of waymarks and boundaries at that time. The following item will have a historic interest to the younger class now, and to future citizens of the county: January 4, 1847, the county court makes this record: " Now at this day comes Harriet, a free mulatto woman, wife of Henry Dorsey, a free mulatto man, and makes applica- tion to the court here for a license to reside within this state; and it appear- ing to the satisfaction of the court here, that said Harriet is of the class of persons who may obtain such license. It is therefore ordered that a license be issued authorizing the said Harriet, (aged about 32 years, five feet and one inch high, with a scar in the palm of the left hand,) and also the two children of the said Harriet and said Henry Dorsey, to-wit: Charlotte Ann, aged about 13 years, and Ellen Chester, 4 years old, to reside within this state as long as she, the said Harriet shall be of good behavior, and no longer. " STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION — 1851. The river was high, a good deal of ice floating, and the steamboat " Saluda," with a heavy load of freight and crowded with Mormon emi- grant passengers, had tried in vain for two or three days to stem the cur- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 285 rent and get away from Lexington. On Friday, April 9th, the captain determined to make another desperate effort to go on up the river, and ordered an extra pressure of steam to be carried. About 9 o'clock the signal was given to start, and at the second revolution of the wheel both boilers burst at once, blowing the boat all to slivers forward of the wheel- house, so that she sunk immediately. The captain and clerk were blown half way up the bluff, and two pilots as far the other way out into the river and instantly killed. The boat's iron safe, weighing about six hun- dred pounds, with a dog chained to it, was thrown clear over the levee warehouse and part way up the bluff. Eighty-three persons were buried at Lexington from this wreck, and it was never known how many more bodies were lost in the river. EVENTS in 1856. This' was the historic year of the Kansas troubles, which form a marked period in Lafayette county history. In August of this year, a handbill, headed " War in Kansas," and calling a meeting of citizens of Lafayette county at Lexington, August 20, 1856, was widely circulated. It contained about one and a half coumns of ordinary newspaper matter, reciting many bad things the abolitionists were reported to have done in Kansas; and then made a strong appeal for volunteers, from which we quote: Now, men of Lafayette, what will you do? Will you stand still and see the enemy approach, step by step, until he stands upon your door-sill and finds you unarmed, or will you go out to meet him, and drive him from your soil. We have stood still long enough. The time has come when we must do something to protect our firesides. * *. We must have men to go to the territorv immediately, or all will be lost. The intention of the abolitionist is to drive us from the territory and carry the next election and get possession of the reins of government. This we must not sub- mit to. If we do, Kansas is lost to the south forever, and our slaves in upper Missouri will be useless to us, and our homes must be given up to the abolition enemy. Come, then, to the rescue! Up, men of Lafyette! Meet at Lexington on Wednesday, at 12 o'clock, August 20. Bring your horses with you, your guns and your clothing — all ready to go on to Kansas. * *. We want two hundred to three hundred men from this county. Jackson, Johnson, Platte, Clay, Ray, Saline, Carroll, and other counties are now acting in this matter. All of them will send up a com- pany of men, and there will be a concert of action. New Santa Fe, in Jackson county, will be the place of rendezvous for the whole crowd, and our motto this time will be 'no quarter;' etc., etc. This was signed by twelve well known citizens. The meeting was held, and a company sent. This is a historic incident which shows the feeling and action of Lafayette county at that time; a copy of the original handbill referred to being before us. Persons wishing to investigate the F 286 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. subject further, in its political relations and aspects, will find the pro- slavery or southern view, in Pollard's " Lost Cause" chapter IV; the anti-slavery or northern view, in Greeley's " American Conflict" Vol. 1, chapter XVII; the Missouri statesman's view, in Col. Benton's " Thirty years in the United States Senate" Vol. II. ASSESSMENTS FOR BUSHWHACKER DAMAGES — 1862. It would take a volume by itself to give all the official orders, proclama- tions, and other public documents affecting Lafayette county, during the war time. But a few pertinent extracts will serve to show some impor- tant features of the situation. On June 23, 1862, Gen. Schofield issued his general order No. 3, from which we quote: II. The sum of $5,000 for every soldier or union citizen killed; from $1,000 to $5,000 for every one wounded; and the full value of all prop- erty destroyed or stolen, by guerrillas, will be assessed and collected from the rebels and rebel sympathizers residing in the vicinity of the place where the act is committed. The order provided that the money collected in such cases should be paid to the legal heirs, or els^ the person suffering the injury or loss. Also, that division commanders should appoint a civil board in each county, to " consist of not less than three members, who will be selected from the most respectable and reliable citizens of the county, who will take an oath to discharge faithfully and impartially all the duties required of them by this order." Then each board must " proceed to enroll all the residents and property-holders of the county who have actively aided or encouraged the present rebellion." If an assessment was made, and not paid within the time allowed by the board, then property was to be seized and sold till the amount was realized. Another paragraph said: In making an assessment of damages, the Board will be governed by the wealth of an individual, and his known activity in aiding the rebellion — particularly in countenancing and encouraging guerrillas, robbers, and plunderers of the loyal people. Each county Board will keep an accurate record of its proceedings, and will send a duly certified copy of each case to District Headquarters. It was more than a month after Gen. Schofield had issued the above order before it was enforced in Lafayette county. This county was then embraced in the Central Division, under Gen. Totten, with headquarters at Jefferson City. And on Aug. 6th he issued ; ' Special Orders No. 140," in which he said: "The following named gentlemen, citizens of Lafayette county, are appointed and hereby announced as the ' County Board ' for said county, to wit.: R. C. Vaughan, Wm. Spratt, Eldridge Burden, John F. Neill, John F. Eneberg." They were required immediately to " meet in Lexington and organize for business." And all officers and soldiers, whether of U. S. army or state militia, were " ordered to render said HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 287 Board protection and assistance in the execution of their duties, whenever and wherever called upon." At that time Col. Dan. Huston, Jr., was in command of Lexington post; and, on August Sth he issued his " General Orders No. 13," saying: " All persons in the county of Lafayette who have suffered any loss of property, or injury to person, since the date of said Orders, (Gen. Schofield's Order No. 3, above cited,) or may hereafter sustain injury or loss of property, are hereby notified to report the circumstances of their several cases to these headquarters, in order that assessments may be made to indemnify them." The next day, August 9th, the county Board published a card, with their names signed to it, announcing their appointment as such Board, and that they intended " promptly and fearlessly to discharge their duty without favor or affection." May 6, 1862, Capt. N. Cole, then commanding Lexington post, had issued a circular, composed of extracts from sundry general orders, to show the people what the military were authorized or required to do. From this document we quote a few points: " Treasonable language is to be punished, upon trial and sentence by a military commission, under the charge of ' encouraging rebellion against the government of the United States, while enjoying its protection.' Neither sex nor age (after the age of legal responsibility) will be overlooked. All must be taught to obey and respect the laws of the land, or submit to punishment for their dis- loyalty, whether it consist in word, act or deed." Any who had been in arms under Gen. Price but had returned to their homes, were required to " surrender themselves to the military authority, and give bonds for their future loyal conduct, or they will be arrested and tried as spies, being within the lines of our army, and in citizen's dress;" etc., etc. (These were from Orders issued by Gen. Halleck.) June 18th, Col. Dan Huston, Jr., being in command at Lexington at this date, issued his General Orders No. 9, in which he notifies all who have been in arms against the U. S. government, to report themselves to the provost marshal and take the oath of loyalty and give bond for their future good conduct, or " they will be considered as spies," etc. And he says further — " III. All bushwhackers or guerrillas taken with arms in their hands or without arms, will be shot upon the spot where they are found. Command- ing officers are strictly enjoined to enforce this order rigorously. (General \ Orders No. 18, by Gen. Schofield, May 29th.) The bushwacker devilment had been carried on with impunitv, until it had become an absolute necessity for the government authorities to out- law them, and the soldiers to hunt them down just as they would hunt ravenous wild beasts. And a knowledge of the above and similar official 288 histora of lafayette county. orders is necessary to an understanding of many things done by the state militia which are still matters of bitter remembrance in Lafayette county. The military body known as "enrolled militia" was provided to secure an organized local police under the militia laws of the state, for prompt and ready action against the bushwhackers and guerrillas. General orders No. 19, issued July 22, 1862, said: "An immediate organization of all the militia of Missouri is hereby ordered, for the fair-pose of exterminating the guerrillas that infest the state." Every man, subject to military duty, was required to report him- self, bringing whatever arms he had, or could procure, and be enrolled. And it was ordered that "all arms and ammunition of whatsoever kind, and wherever founds not in the hands of the loyal militia, will be taken possession of by the latter, and used for the public defense. Those who have no arms, and cannot procure them in the above manner, will be sup- plied, as quickly as possible, by the ordnance department." These extracts are sufficient to show the animus of the order, which was promulgated by Gen. Schofield, with the indosement and sanction of the governor, H. R. Gamble. In Lafayette county, probably not one- third of the population was, at that time, on the union side; and the work- ing of the above orders, in such a community, can be readily imagined. It was grim-visaged war, glaring and scowling, at every man's door. ENROLLED MILITIA PETITION — 1862. To the Honorable the County Court of Lafayette County : We, the undersigned citizens of Lafayette county, most respectfully ask your honorable court to appropriate a reasonable sum out of any money of the county treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of pur- chasing suitable clothing, blankets, etc., for the militia who have or may enroll themselves as militiamen, in Lafayette county, under the late order of Gov. Gamble: William Spratt, Franklin Winkler, Edgar Youngs, C. B. Shelton, J. J. Perdur, Hillory Simcox, Jerry Goodwin, W. S. Payne, D. G. Prigmore, James B. Johnson, Benj. Pointer, Henry Brockman, W. C. Long, Samuel Norris, Samuel Vanhook, James Ware, Gilbert Pointer, B. Whitworth, I. M. Hickman, D. Worthington, William Cain, B. H. Wilson, W. H. Wert, H. M. Simcock, J. M. Gain, William Lake, Uriah Farrell, J. B. Taggart, S. G. Wentworth, R. M. Henderson, H. F. Coolege, John F. Nielle, James L. Pointer, Samuel J. Drysdale, William H. Meinecke, Frederick Bruns, G. Brockmann, L. Shinkle, S. S. Earle, W. L. Hick- man, David Tevis, David M. Welborn, J. W. Zeiler, G. Clayton, John E. Bascom, R. C. Vaughn, A. Persiver, S. F. Currie, Harrison Smith, John R. Runyon, Street Hale, James Hays, J. A. Price, Charles Bergmaster, John E. Ryland, C. A. Bussen, William H. Davis, M. Morrison, Thomas Adamsen, Thomas B. Clagett, John B. Alexander, P. W. Whittlesey, J. H. Delap, A. Hoffuth, E. Burden, William Spratt, John F. Neille, Alex. Mitchell, C. H. McPheeters, Henry Turner, W. H. Bowen, Oscar V. Purdue, J. J. McConicks, W. B. Waddell, John Peffer, E. Winsor, Thos. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 289 Wemwee, Henry A. Self, D. Leny, John B. Fleming, E. Stratton, Strather Renick, E. W. Carpenter, W. D. Wainright, S. T. Went worth, G. M. Jaques, S. H. Graham, Frederick Zeigler, John Kirkpatrick, Washington Johnson, D. W. B. Lewis, William H. Davis, J. A. Price, F. Cooledge, James W. Waddle, Jr. On the back of the petition the following note is written: "John F. Ryland* says, wait, and see how much can be spared, and is needed. Not to exceed two thousand dollars now." [This paper was filed August 6, 1862.] August 25, 1862, the county court passed an order to issue $5,000 of county bonds at 10 per cent, interest, to " be expended in the purchase of blankets, clothing, tents, etc., for the militia companies raised and to be raised in the said county of Lafayette, for the purpose of putting down and suppressing the inhuman guerrilla warfare in our county and state." Jesse Schofield, one of the county judges, was appointed agent in this matter. In November Judge Schofield reported that he had sold the bonds at par, and used the money as follows: Two bonds of $1,000 each to Farmers' bank of Missouri.. $2,000. 00 One bond to Wm. H. Ewing for 500.00 One bond to Christian Catron for 400 .00 One bond to John Catron for 300.00 One bond to S. G. Wentworth for 500.00 Three bonds to Wm. Cain, two for $500 each and one for $300 1,300.00 Amount of bonds sold at par $5,000 . 00 CONTRA. Paid out for blankets, clothing, etc. (vouchers filed) $4,794.33 Expenses to St. Louis to make purchases ....!.... 35 . 25 Discount on Farmers' Bank notes 103.43 Total expenditure $4,960.01 Balance on hand 39 . 99 Jesse Schofield, Agent. Lexington, Mo., Nov. j, 1862. The balance was used up afterwards. events in 1863. In April, 1863, Lieut. Col. King, with one hundred soldiers from Lex- ington Post, killed four bushwhackers, named Joe Fickel (brother of the l noted Miss Anna Fickel), Wagoner, and two Wingates, near the house . of Wm. Holmes; about fifteen miles southwest of the city on the road to " Chapel Hill. Others of the gang escaped. \ * Ryland was then judge of the circuit court. ^h( 290 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Sept. 9, 1863, a man named Carlyle, one of Quantrell's band, who had been captured after the massacre at Lawrence, Kansas, was executed by. the military at Lexington, Col. B. F. Lazear commanding. In 1863 Dr. J. F. Atkinson was post surgeon, and his report of Nov. 28 showed 40 sick aud wounded in hospital — then known as the " Ander- son house," but now owned by Tilton Davis, Esq. Sept. 14, 1863, an order was promulgated for a commutation tax on all who refused to serve in the "enrolled Missouri Militia;" and the order said: "The district commander shall cause all such persons to be arrested without delay, and require them to perform militia duty until said tax is fully discharged." Brig. Gen. R. C. Vaughan, of Lexington, was then commanding the fifth military district, E. M. M., which included Lafay- ette county, and M. Chapman was his adjutant. The law under which this order was made was part of the act or ordi- nance to provide for the issuance and ultimate payment of the union defense bonds of Missouri; and many of our citizens had promptly paid the tax long before the above order in regard to delinquents was issued. The Lexington Union of June 6 says: The following persons have paid their exemption fee within the last week : James P. Reinhard $ 30 . 05 A. Brockman $30 . 00 C.B.Russell 112.50 Henry Koopman 30.50 John W. White 56.00 Henry Allers 30.00 Gilbert Jennings 81 . 20 Martin Goodwin 31 . 50 Charles L. Ewing 68.50 D. J. Walers 43.75 A. F. Sheets 30.00 Thomas R. James 30.00 A.J.Armstrong 30.00 John Johnson 53.75 T. Brockman 36.25 L.B.Gordon 63.00 J. W. Graddy 58.50 W. H. Grigsby 30.00 Henry Oetting 36.00 Daniel Roberts 30.00 We did not find any other reports in regard to this matter. events in 1864. On Monday evening, February 22, a couple of Federal soldiers, going home on furlough, stopped for the night at Arthur G. Young's house, five miles out from Lexington, on the Sedalia road. About ten o'clock in the night, five bushwhackers came and captured these two men, tied their hands behind them, took them out into a field and shot them. One was a sick old man, name or residence not known, as the murderers took away all money and papers he had. They had shot him just over the left eye. The other man was Elzy Sanders, of Independence, Jackson county, who had enlisted in the 6th Kansas Volunteers, at Westport, Missouri, in May, 1863. The bodies were brought into Lexington and buried by the military. The following incident is historic: history of lafayette county. 291 September 29, 1864. To the Commander of Post, Lexington : We, M. L. Belt and David Pool, commanding- Confederate forces, demand an immediate surrender of the city, in the name of the Confed- eracy. If the surrender is made, citizens and their property will be respected and all soldiers paroled. If it is not made, we will burn the town, and kill all men that fire upon us. » Respectfully, Belt & Pool. As Belt and Pool were not confederate soldiers in the regular way, but only bushwhackers, Lieut. Shumate, then in command of the post, made no official reply, but told the alarmed citizens to "let them come on, we're ready for them!" They had compelled Mr. Lewis Smallwood to bring in their note. Alarm bells were immediately rung and the Home Guards mustered promptly at the call. The bushwhackers came up Franklin as far as Oak street, but were met and driven back by a few men under command of Serg. Stone of Co. M. 1st M. S. M. One bush- whacker was shot through the shoulder and another had his horse killed. They robbed Mr. Kellerman's store in Old Town, and took Mr. Small- wood's horse from him, and made their escape. August 10, 1864, the doctors of the county adopted a rule to increase their charges 50 per cent, for medicines and medical services, owing to the general increase of prices. It may be interesting to see who were our doctors at that time, and here is the list: Wm. T. Lamkin, M. M. Robinson, A. B. Hereford, D. K. Murphy, O. F. Renick, B. D. Ragland, W. H. Ruffin, J. Bull, J. F. Atkinson, W. P. Boulware, Geo. W. Love, J. B. Alexander, F. Cooley, G. W. Young, John Vaughn, T. S. Smith, S. P. Smith, M. Chapman, Thomas H. Bolton. In 1864 Gen. W. S. Rosecrans passed through Lexington on his way to the Little Blue, and while here he appointed Dr. Boulware as surgeon, in charge of the Federal hospital, in the Anderson House, Dr. Atkinson being then on duty in St. Louis. TWO WOMEN CONSPIRATORS. The Lexington Union of February 27th, 1864, contains the following bloody incident: It will be remembered by our readers that some time in December last, Otho Hinton, a noted guerrilla and robber, was captured at Mrs. Neill's, twelve miles from this city, on the Sedalia road. Hinton was kept closely guarded with ball and chain attached, until last Monday night, when he was killed hy his guard. The facts are as follows: Blount, the captain of the band of guerrillas to which Hinton belonged, entered into a conspiracy with Miss Anna Fickel, daughter of Helvy H. Fickel, near Greenton, Mrs. Ann Reid, of this city, and a soldier whom they believed they had bribed, to kill the guard and rescue the prisoner. The soldier was to have it so arranged that the prisoner, at precisely 292 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. seven o'clock, on Monday evening, would be at Mrs. Reid s house, which is near the college, where the prisoners are kept, under the pretext of get- ting his supper; the soldier of course to be ignorant of what was going on. The time rolled round, and prompt to the moment, Hinton, under guard of Sergeant Kinkead, walked down to Mrs. Reid's, where every- thing was arranged as had been preconcerted, and as their supposed accomplice had stated it would be. The signal to commence and plan of carrying out the conspiracy was as follows: At precisely seven o'clock Mrs. Reid was to step into another room, when Hinton was to gather up his ball and chain and propose to his guard to return to the guard house, and at the same time to advance to the door, open it, and step leisurely out and to one side, and as the guard came out he was to be met and killed by Blount, the guerrilla, and John Burns, a member of Company I, 5th Prov. Reg. E. M. M. They were to cut the guard's throat if possible, otherwise to shoot him, then remove Hinton's shackles, and take him away. Mrs. Reid, at the appointed time, stepped into the adjoining room. Hinton gathered his ball and chain and proposed to return, and advanced to the door, but no sooner had he placed his hand upon the latch than Sergeant Kinkead fired and killed him. The soldier who disclosed the whole plan to Lieut. Kessinger, the com- mander of the post, was with the lieutenant and Captain Johnson, who, with a dozen men were laying in ambush one hundred yards from Mrs. Reid's house, waiting for the approach of the guerrillas. In a few min- utes after Hinton was killed, Burns and Blount came walking up instead of being on horseback, as was expected they would, and the officers sup- posing them to be soldiers and ignorant of what was going on, halted them. Burns answered, " I am a friend." Lieut. Kessinger replied, "Advance friend and give the countersign." Burns advanced boldly; Blount kept his position while Burns approached. Billy Savins, the noble boy, whom they had attempted with women and money to bribe, recog- nized Burns (he had served in the same company with him), and at the top of his voice cried out, "Blount and Burns! shoot!" Burns was instantly killed, but Blount wheeled and ran. Volley after volley was fired at him, but without effect. He ran through gardens, over ravines and was pursued by Cavalry. He jumped Judge Tutt's high paling fence, and at this moment, young Asher, of company H, rode to him, but before he could fire, Blount turned and shot him dead, then ran through Judge Tutt's garden into the woods, and made good his escape. Mrs. Reid is seventy-eight years old, and Miss Fickel is not twenty. These women will be sent to Warrensburg where they will be tried by military commis- sion. The above occurred on Monday evening. The next Wednesday night, Mrs. Reid's house was burned down by a man named Dennis Gaughan, for which he was promptly arrested by Lieut. Kessenger, and delivered to the sheriff, Jacob A. Price for trial by the civil authorities. Anna Fickel was sent to the state penetentiary by the military court; but on February 4, 1865, she was pardoned by President Lincoln. She was afterwards sent into the confederate lines. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 293 • LADIES' UNION AID SOCIETY. Early in the war time a Union Aid Society was formed in Lexington by those men and women whose sympathies were on the federal side in the great conflict, and their services were in full demand to aid the sick and wounded federal soldiers, some of whom were constantly in the Lexing- ton post hospital. (Those on the other side were equally faithful to their sick and wounded, but we found no account of any definite organization, though there doubtless was one.) Mrs. Dr. Boulware was president of the Union Ladies' Aid Society, and the following were members: Mes- dames Dr. Alexander, J. M. Fleming, Adam Young, Dr. Chapman, S. Zeiler, S. G. Wentworth, S. Price, John Eneberg, Wm. H. Green, Fin- ley, Bascomb, A. Comingo, Gen. Vaughan, J. Wallace, A. H. McFad- den, Macey, B. Wilson, George Sedgwick, Schofield, Col. Morton, Ardin- ger; Misses Mattie Runyan, Whalan, Mary Boulware, Belle Wainwright, Clara Fall, Virginia Fleming, Sue Alexander, Mary Adamson, Mary Wernway, Bettie Haley, Rebecca McPheeters. The following letter was received by them and explains itself: Rooms of the Mississippi Valley Sanitary fair,* St. Louis, Mo., April 2, 1864. Mrs. Dr. Boulware, President of Union Aid Society, Lexington, Missouri: Dear Madam: — Your favor of the 29th ult., addressed to Samuel Copp, Jr., Esq., treasurer of the Mississippi Valley Sanitary Fair, enclos- ing a donation of $350.00 from the Union Aid Society of Lexington, Missouri, is before me. It affords me the greatest pleasure to observe the truly loyal and patriotic sentiments of your letter. While it challenges the wonder of all good citizens of our great and free country, to see and realize that so many of our citizens — forgetting what is due to honor, pat- riotism, self-interest and self-respect, are found in arms against that coun- try's peace, and conspiring for its overthrow, — our admiration rises in pro- portion for those, who, under the circumstances that surround you, boldly, unflinchingly and with fidelity to God and the country, stand up for the right. May heaven bless and prosper the good union people of Lexing- ton, and especially the patriotic ladies. , With high respect madam, your obedient servant, W. S. Rosecrans, Maj. General. events of 1865. In May, 18*65, Maj. B. K. Davis was in command of the post of Lex- ington, and on the 11th of the month he received the following sanguinary note: Major Davis: Sir — This is to notify you that I will give you until Friday morning, 10 o'clock, A. m., May 12th, 1865, to surrender the town of Lexington. If you surrender, we will treat you and all taken as prisoners of war. If we have to take it by storm we will burn the town ♦See page 63 of this volume. 294 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and kill the soldiery. We have the force and are determined to take it. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Arch. Clements. I have made Mr. Carter bear this message. His failure to do so will be punished by death. A. Clements. But Major Davis did not surrender, and the bushwhacking cutthroats did not attack the town. The Lafayette Advertiser of May 24th, published a list of seventy-six ex-confederate soldiers, or claimed to be, although most of them were only bushwhackers, who had come in and surrendered themselves, taken the oath of loyalty to the state and United States government, and been dismissed. During the same week ex-County Judges Schofield and Tetton, were arrested by negro militia and put in jail for abstracting the keys of the county clerk's vault. This was part of the contest as to the legality of the new county officers appointed by Governor Fletcher under the state convention ordinance, vacating all civil offices in the state. This affair is historic, as being the first time that negro militia were used in this county to enforce the civil law. The newly appointed county officers were: Thomas Adamson, sheriff; Wm. H. Bowen, county clerk; S. F. Currie, circuit clerk. The resisters were J. A. Price, sheriff; R. C. Vaughan, circuit clerk. The same paper of July 6th mentions that "a number of the horses sur- rendered here recently by the bushwhackers were sold at the rate of $25 and $30 per head. One man bought nine at these rates." In 1865 a company of cavalry was organized by Lieut. R. W. P. Mooney, to serve as a sort of local military police, for they appear to have been of this county only, and not connected with any state or national body of troops. On August 14, 1865, the county court ordered them to be paid — some $65 and some $45, according to the time in service, and county warrants were issued accordingly. The total amount thus paid by the county was $6,425. The following is a complete list of this company, as appears in the public records, book No. 10, pp. 94, 95: Lieutentant, R. W. Mooney; privates, Wm. A. Kincaide, James L. Cox, Wm. J. Hutchison, Sam'l E. Durgin, James E. Hutchison, Geo. W.Wag- oner, James M. Vandyke, Henry Olslager, Samuel Boothman, Robert Buchanan, Wm. Borcher, Wm. L. Etherton, Green C. Davidson, Chas. H. Duck, Peter Furgeson, Chris. G. Gaston, Joseph Ganter, Absalom Harris, Geo. W. Helm, Thos. H. Hutchins, B. Johnson, J. Kesterson, Patrick Keary, Chas. D. Latham, Augustus H. Lynch, Sam'l P. Mansell, Wm. Martin, Jas. C. Mooney, Isa A. McDowell, Isaac N. Newman, Jas. H. Nevill, Oldam Owen, John R. Owen, Richard Owen, Leander T. Buchanan, Lemuel F. Ruckman, Jas. W. Scott, Erastus Lisson, Peter M. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 295 Starr, John Thompson, Nathan Talbott, Henry J. Utt, Wm. W. Ashford, Wm. Copse, Geo. Ehlers, Barney Eagan, Sam'l Githons, James Gillespie, Thomas H. Hill, John Harthusen, John Miller, Chas. Powling, Frank Remelius, Lawrence Riley, Geo. W. Silver, Joseph Stevens, Henry Stinkle, Lewis B. Thomas, Henry Teppencamp. In 1865, a Lexington Petroleum Company was formed, with capital fixed at $500,000, in shares of $100 each. Their works were on the McCausland farm, ten miles southeast from Lexington. The Lexington Weekly Union of July 8, 1865, says: "Drill now down over one hundred feet. Have reached a white sand rock thoroughly saturated with oil. Evidences of oil increasing daily," etc. But, nevertheless, they failed to find oil in paying quantity. Their drilling tools stuck fast for two months^ and were finally worked out by two well-boring experts, Knisly and Alexander, brought on from Kanawha, Virginia, in October, 1865. E. Winsor, Esq., of Lexington, was the business manager of the McCaus- land oil well enterprise. At the same time there was another boring going on in the same vicinity under the business management of a man by the name of Ralston, which didn't " pan out " an}- better than the other. (See chapter on geology for an account of this oilstone formation.) About the same time there was a great oil-boring excitement in Ray county, a $15,000 company bored one hundred feet deep, six or eight miles from Richmond, but with no better success than in Lafayette county. July 8, 1865, the Lexington Union says, for the first time since January, 1862, Lexington is without the presence of soldiers. In December, 1865, the county jail was burned down. There was $3,750 insurance on it, which was promptly paid. The jail was rebuilt by a Mr. Hackett, in 1866-67; in May of this latter year it was accepted for the county by the county court. That was the brown stone jail which is still in use. 1868. — In April of this year, there was a literary society in Lexington, of which Dr. James Temple was president; a Mr. Rucker vice-president, and W. Cloudsley, secretary. About the same time there was a lodge of Good Templars here, who had their hall in the Arcana buildings, on Broadway street. Fo further particulars obtained. "grasshoppers." — 1874—75. These were the years of the great devastation in Nebraska, Kansas, and western Missouri by the Rocky Mountain locust (Caloptemus Spretus). The locusts came in thick flying clouds, mostly from a west or northwest- erly direction, in the fall of 1874; they destroyed what they could find then that was green and juicy enough for them, and finally laid their eggs. Lafayette county did not suffer greatly this year, as compared with other counties further west and north. But when the little imps hatched out in the 296 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. spring and commenced marching eastward, eating a clean swath as they went, then this county knew what it was to be "grasshoppered." A cor- respondent of the Chicago Times wrote from Lexington, May 18, 1875: "The grasshoppers are on the move east, eating everything green in their road. One farmer south of this city had fifteen acre? of corn eaten by them yesterday in three hours. They mowed it down close to the ground just as if a mowing machine had cut it. All the tobacco plants in the upper part of the county have been eaten by them.' J. Belt of Napoleon wrote: "The loss to Lafayette county was fully two millions of dollars." James'E. Gladdish, of Aullville, wrote: "The damage done to the three-fourths of Lafayette county invaded, has been estimatee to be not far from $2,500,000." In Prof. Riley's eighth annual report as State entomologist, May, 1876, a table is given of estimated losses in twenty six different counties of Missouri which suffered from the lucust scourge and the sum total is a little over $15,000,000. We give the fig- ures on Lafayette and adjoining counties: Jackson, $2,500,000; Ray, $75,- 000; Johnson, $1,000,000 Saline not named; Lafayette, $2,000,000. The largest loss in any county was Jackson. The locusts flew away in June, 1875, and none have been here since. If such a visitation should occur again the experience of the past with these pests will be of incalculable value; and the printed records of it will be found in Prof. Riley's report above quoted, which was printed by the State as a part of the eleventh annual report of the State board of agricul- ture for the year 1875, printed at Jefferson City in 1876 Also the first report of the United States entomological commmission, printed at Wash- ington City in 1878, and their second report printed in 1880. In these works will be found full accounts of the character and habits of the locusts, modes of destroying them, and laws in regard to them, and an immense amount of other information very useful in time of need. The researches and reports on this subject by Prof. C. V. Riley of Missouri are more valuable than of all the other scientists put together who have given it any attention. ELECTIONS AND OTHER COUNTY MATTERS. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1860. There were many conflicting reports current in regard to events of this time, one of which was that sixteen men had voted for Lincoln and Ham- lin at Lexington, but were never so credited. One old man said, "In 1860 they wouldn't let anybody vote for Lincoln, and in 1864 they wouldn't let 'em vote for anybody else." Our aim was to get down to bed-rock bot- tom facts, in all these matters of era-making, historic interest; so, with the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 297 kind assistance of Capt. Andrews, the deputy county clerk, we fished up from the heaps of old documents in the county's fire-proof vaults the original poll books of November, 1860; and from these we compiled the following table: VOTE OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY FOR PRESIDENT IN 1860. WHIG. DEMOCRAT. DEMOCRAT. REPUBLICAN. township. Bell and Douglass and Brecketiridge Lincoln and Everett. Johnson. and Lane. Hamlin. Clay township, two polls 258 52 64 Davis township, one poll 42 30 7 Dover township, one poll 129 56 58 Freedom township, two polls.. ..... 114 57 32 11 Lexington township, one poll 42 9 2 Lexington city, two polls 575 301 133 13 Middleton township, one poll 188 123 41 Sniabar township, one poll 114 104 15 Washington township, one poll 115 42 19 Totals 1,577 774 371 24 Lexington city had two polls, one at the court house, and one at the engine house, on Laurel street. The voting was then done viva voce, that is, each man had to say out loud who he voted for, and his name and choice were both recorded, instead of the present custom of printed tickets, which enables a man to vote for whom he pleases without anybody else knowing who he votes for, unless he chooses to tell them, or show his ticket. At the two polls for Lexington city we found the following result: Bell Douglas. Breckenridge. Lincoln. Courthouse ...451 97 81 12 Engine house 124 204 51 1 Total 575 301 133 13 The names and their numbers on the poll list, of those who voted the Lincoln and Hamlin ticket at the court house were: 6— J. M. Carpenter. 262 -S. Biglow. 606— James Brierly. 7— Thomas Todd. 208— John Welch. 630— Charles Probst. 59— John Ferree. 355— H. Fette. 631— Jacob Ingle. 95— J. C. McGinnis* 507— B. F. Larkin. . . .—John B. Fisher. The solitary one who thus voted at the engine house was, 278 — Martin Blood. The names of the three sets of presidential electors, for Bell, Douglas, and Breckenridge, filled the heading of the poll books as prepared, and there was no place to check off votes for the Lincoln ticket, as none had been expected ; but this emergency was met by writing the names of the Lincoln and Hamlin electors lower down on a separate page in the back *Mr. McGinnis was afterward a member of the state legislature from St. Louis two terms, then city attorney one term (two years). Was in the state senate four years (1872 to 1876); and is now the member from the 1st assembly district of St. Louis. 298 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. part of the poll book, as follows: John D. Stevenson, Arnold Krekel, Harrison B. Branch, Wm. Gilpin, J. F. St. James, John M. Richardson, Wm. Bishop, Charles Foley, James B. Gardenhire. The above will astonish many old citizens, for it was generally believed that no such records were in existence; we had heard several say so, and an expert who had examined the same poll books assured us that there were no votes credited to Lincoln. He fully believed that he knew it for a fact. But there is nothing in the world so easy as to be mistaken. The following names had been furnished us as among those who voted for Lincoln, but they are differently recorded, thus: At court house, for Bell — 43 — Charles White, James Curry, not found. For Douglas, 547 — H. Marquort, 5.44 — Jacob Lindenschmidt. At engine house, 281 — Michael Myers. For Breckenridge, 177 — Fred. R. Neet. Mr. Marquort kept a grocery on Water street, down by the river, and it is said the Lincoln men used to meet there secretly by night to talk over matters; that there were over a hundred in the city who talked as if they would go to the polls together and vote for Lincoln; but they were mostly mechanics and laboring men, and owing to the strong feeling against their politics, most of them left the city before election day. In view of the conflicting reports which we met with here in Lexington about these matters, we wrote to Hon. J. C. McGinnis of St. Louis for his recollections. His reply in regard to the votes was substantially as we had already found them on the poll books. We extract from his letter a few passages of historic interest : There were a good many who were at heart republicans in Lexington at that day, but the prejudice against republicanism, (chiefly growing out of the prevailing ignorance of the true objects and purposes of the party) was so great that only a few persons had the nerve, or the recklessness, to declare themselves such in a public manner. You ask whether those voting for Lincoln all went to the court house together? They did not. No one went with me, and I have the impression that the others dropped in along through the day just as it happened. I do not know whereabouts my name appears on the poll book, but I have always been under the impression that I was the first one of the lot to vote, from the fact that I had considerable trouble in getting the officers of election to receive my vote. I went to the poll (at the court house) about 9 o'clock, and had with me a ticket containing the names of the republican electors. I offered my ticket after giving my name, and the officer receiving it looked at it a moment and then said, 'you can't vote that ticket here,' at the same time handing the ticket back to others who sat at a table. They all examined it a moment and one of them said, 'We have no poll here for that ticket.' Well, although I had been at work there as a carpenter, I had studied law, and was fully posted as to my rights in the premises, and I said 'I demand that you open a poll then, for I want to vote that ticket; and though you may object to any one voting for Lincoln here, and though I know that the general result in the United States will not be affected by HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 299 any vote in Missouri, still the local ticket may be changed by a single vote, and I will not vote, unless I can vote the whole ticket as I choose; and if you do not take my vote for Mr. Royle,* there may be a contest grow out of your refusal.' This was about what I said. The judges consulted together a few moments, and then told the officer who had taken the ticket to read it, and he did so, in what I thought was a needlessly loud voice; as he read, the clerks entered the vote, and when they had finished I hurried to go away; then I noticed that all the people in the neighborhood had crowded close up to where I was standing in front of the polling place, but when I started to walk away they opened a way for me to pass, and crowded back from me as though I had the leprosy or small pox. There was some muttering but no threats in the crowd, which numbered per- haps two hundred persons. I passed down the court house steps and walked across the street into the store of T. B. Wallace. I had not been there more than a minute or two, when I heard some one say, 'McGinnis I did not know you was a damned black abolitionist before.' I looked up and saw the speaker was a young fellow named Jim Furgeson, whose father lived some miles south of town. Furgeson cursed me a while and made noise enough to attract the attention of the people passing, and those over at the court house polls, and very soon the store became crowded with a very excited lot of men and boys. Some of the young fellows called out, 'Hang the God damned black republican nigger-thief.' This was repeated perhaps once or twice. My recollection is that young Fur- geson left as soon as the crowd got pretty thick; there were so many of them that they filled the space between me and the door so that I could not pass out, and things began to look pretty squally. There was not much noise, but it did not take half an eye to see that the crowd was excited greatly. Just then some one took me by the arm and said, 'I want to see vou out side,' at the same time starting towards the door. Some- thing more was said which I do not remember, but from which I got the idea that this person — who I think was Joe Shelby, intended to befriend me. He went out and along the side walk with me to the next corner south, and said, 'Now don't lose any time getting home.' I thanked him and took his advice. There was a newspaper in Lexington at that time called the Express, (I think,) at any rate it was the only considerable paper in the city besides the Expositor, and in its next issue, this Express contained a most bitter article denunciatory of the thirteen who had voted for Lincoln, calling them 'abolition negro-thieves,' and incendiaries, and calling on the people to drive us out, or use some of the good Lafayette county hemp on us. All ot the thirteen (except two, I think) yielded to the clamor that was raised, and left the place within a few weeks. I stayed until the following 2d of May, and Ferree remained considerably longer. I heard some threats of violence made towards me, but no violence was actually offered. I also received one or two anonymous notices to leave. I finally left upon the friendly warning of two of my secession friends (Major Bleuett and Dr. Bull) that they knew that personal vio- lence would be done me unless I left. " In Freedom township there were two voting places — one at " old place ♦Jonathan C. Royle,, whig, and John W. Bryant, Democrat, were candidates for circuit attorney. These were the only candidates at that time besides the presidential electors. 300 .HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. of holding elections," the record says, and the other at Brockhofl's store. At this latter place Bell and Everett had 33; Douglas and Johnson 32; . Breckenridge and Lane 22; Lincoln and Hamlin 11. Those who voted here for Lincoln at this time were — J. H. Ehlers, H. Koopman, Sr., H. Koopman,Jr., H. D. Stinkel, D. Frerking, W. H. Meinecke, Wm. Frer- king, T. Dedeke, I. Eisenstein, H. Brinkoffer, Hy. Sharnhorst. CURIOSITIES OF THE PRESIDENTIAL VOTE OF 1860 IN LEXINGTON. The name of T. T. Crittenden, the present Governor of the state (1881), appears as No. 48 on the engine house poll book, and he voted for Bell and Everett. At the court house the name of H. M. Bledsoe appears as No. 199, voting for Breckenridge and Lane; and it appears again on the same poll book as No. 286, voting for Bell and Everett. R. C. Ewing is recorded No. 455 as voting for Breckenridge "under protest." Five names appear on the books as not voting at all as to President, but some for John W. Bryant and some for Jonathan C. Royle for circuit attorney — the only other candidates to be voted on at that time. Pat McGraw voted at one poll for Bell and Everett and at the other for Douglas and Johnson; but he was caught at it, and his vote was declared void. VOTE OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY FOR PRESIDENT IN 1864. [Compiled from the official records, for this History.] DEMOCRAT. REPUBLICAN. townships. McClelland Lincoln and and Pendleton. Johnson. Clay, at Greenton poll 36 ■ at Wellington poll 40 Davis — No return Dover 34 1 Freedom, at Brockhofl's store . . . 7 59 " at Cain's store 33 Lexington, citv and township 211 173 Middleton . . . ." 33 Sniabar, no return Washington ... 12 7th Regt. Missouri State Militia, at Warrensburg . . 18 1st Cavalry Regt. M. S. M., at Lexington 23 59 45th Regt Mo. Volunteers, infantry, in Cole county. 3 Total 396 346 PRESIDENTIAL VOTE OF 1872. This was the year when Horace Greeley of New York and B. Gratz Brown of Missouri were the Democratic and Liberal Republican candi- dates, and Gen. Grant (2d term) and Henry Wilson the Radical Republi- For Grant voting precinct. For Greeley for Grant and Wileon. and Brown. and Wilson. 182 Wellington 183 54 468 Napoleon 113 25 61 North Washington 245 64 33 South Washington. 124 32 85 22 240 47 West Freedom .... 139 89 51 East Sniabar 114 40 44 109 8 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 301 can candidates. The official vote of Lafayette county as published at the time stood thus: toting precinct. For Greeley and Brown. East Lexington . . . 243 West Lexington . . . 433 North Dover 271 South Dover 156 Middleton 412 East Davis 60 West Davis 169 Greenton 191 Totals 2,984 1,523 Greeley's majority jn county, 1,481. VOTE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF 1865. The state convention, which was the real law-making power of the state from February 28, 1861, till 1865, had, on June 10, 1862, passed an ordinance, prescribing a test-oath of loyalty, which was required, there- after, to be subscribed and sworn to by every adult man, before he should be permitted to vote. The main feature of this oath was in language thus: That I will bear true faith, loyalty, and allegiance to the United States, and will not, directly or indirectly, give aid, or comfort, or countenance, to the enemies or opposers thereof, or of the provisional government of the state of Missouri, any ordinance, law, or resolution of any state convention or legislature, or of any order or organization, secret or otherwise, to the contrary notwithstanding; and that I do this with a full and honest deter- mination, pledge, and purpose, faithfully to keep and perform the same, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever. And I do solmnly swear, that I have not, since the 17th- day of December, 1861, wilfully taken up arms, or levied war, against the United States, or against the provisional government of the state of Missouri, so help me God. In November, 1864, the people voted on a proposition for a state constitu- tional convention, every voter being required to take the above oath ; and the proposition was reported to be carried bv 29,000 majority in the state. The convention met in St. Louis, in January and February, 1865; it framed a new constitution, and the people voted on it, June 6, 1865 — the above oath for voters being still in force — and the following official return for Lafayette county we copy, just as found in the records: G 302 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Lexington Clay Freedom, No. 1. Freedom, No. 2. Sniabar Davis Middleton . . Washington Dover For Against Constitution. Constitution. Total. Remarks. 170 271 441 The illegal votes are in- cluded in this total. 2 132 134 Disloyal judges and clerks 84 2 53 86 30 55 30 . 2 Clerks and one judge dis- loyal. 3 101 104 Clerks and judges disloyal 1 113 114 Clerks disloyal. 3 42 45 Clerks disloyal. 102 102 Clerks and judges refuse to take the oath or ad- 295 816 1111 minister it to voters. Totals.... No ballots returned from Clay and Sniabar townships, and only a por- tion from Washington township. The above document is certified and signed by Thomas D. Wernway and John Kirkpatrick, county judges, and W. H. Bowen, county clerk, June 10, 1865. The vote on this new constitution in the whole state, as recited in Gov. Fletcher's proclamation, was: For it, 43,670; against it, 41,808; majority for it, 1,862 — and it went into effect July 4, 1865. [For disabilities imposed, etc., see page 65 of this history.] Hon. Charles D. Drake, of St. Louis, took a prominent part in framing this new constitution. Its disfranchising and other restricting features were, of course, strenuously opposed by all southern sympathizers, and also by many of the union men. It remained in force ten years, being con- stantly the basis of party politics, and of contests in the courts, and was finally wiped out forever, by the new constitution of 1875. It was stig- matized as the "Drake Constitution," the "Drakonian Code," etc., and its partisans were called the " Eternal Hate Party," the " Hate and Revenge Party," etc. VOTE OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY ON THE NEW • CONSTITUTION OF 1875.* VOTE TAKEN OCTOBER 30. For Against Mount Hope precinct 83 19 West Sniabar 49 3 Aullville 113 11 Concordia 47 93 East Lexington 91 30 West Lexington 373 115 Dover 137 1 Page City 61 North Washington 89 *Hon. Henry C. Wallace, of Lexington, represented Lafayette, Saline, and Pettis counties which then constituted the 17th state senatorial district, in the convention which framed this constitution . HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 303 For Against South Washington 38 1 Wellington 137 2 Napoleon 57 8 Greenton 84 1 Coffey's School House 37 Higginsville 125 Middleton 257 3 Total 1778 287 Majority for the constitution, 1,481, in Lafayette county. The majority for it, in the state, was 76,688. This constitution went into effect Novem- ber 30, 1875, and still continues. July 21, 1845, Robert Aull, William H. Russell, and Robert M. Hen- derson were appointed commissioners to locate a county jail; but for some reason not recorded did not act. Afterward, Eldredge Burden, William Boyce, and Alex. McFadden appear as jail commissioners, and on October 6, 1846, it is recorded that $2,700 was paid to Gabriel F. Brown, con- tractor for jail building. COUNTY LINE SURVEYS. Sept. 2, 1846, a report was made to the county court by John C. Bled- soe, surveyor of Lafayette county, and A. H. Perry, surveyor of Johnson COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, county, in regard to an official survey of the line between these two coun- ties. The cost of this joint survey was $696.35, of which Lafayette county paid half. The report covers twenty-two pages (from pp. 131 to 152) of county record book No. 8. Sept. 1, 1851, the county surveyor was ordered to re-survev and estab- lish the boundary line between Lafayette and Saline counties. And on Oct. 10, 1854, appears a similar order with reference to Lafayette and Johnson counties again. May 8, 1854, the sum of $4500 was appropriated to build offices for the clerks of circuit and county courts. Wm. Morrison was appointed to let 304 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. the contract and oversee the construction. The building erected under this order was the offices and fire-proof vaults now occupied by the clerks above mentioned and the county treasurer and auditor. Occasionally we find in legal proceedings a combination of language as ludicrous and laughable as the grotesque conceits of Mark Twain . Here is an instance under date of July 21, 1877: " The state of Missouri, to the sheriff of Lafayette county, greeting: You are hereby commended to summon Lafayette county, if she be found in your county, that she be and appear before the circuit court of Lafayette county," etc. It is pre- sumed that the sheriff found "her" and brought "her" into court; and the ladies would like to know how "she" was dressed. COUNTY OFFICERS. — 1881. The term of some of the county offices is two years and some four years. The following are the present incumbents: Years. Name. Office. 4 John A Prather .Presiding county judge. 2 James W. Harrison Associate county jndge. 2 John A. Lockhart " " " 4 William B. Steele County clerk. Samuel J. Andrews Deputy county clerk (appointed). 4 John P. Strother, Saline Co . . Circuit judge. 4 John E. Ryland Criminal judge. John S. Black well Prosecuting attorney. Frank Trigg Clerk of the circuit and criminal courts- C. B. Daniel Deputy circuit clerk (appointed). 2 James B. Hord Probate judge. Samuel M. Harris Probate clerk (appointed). Benjamin Elliott Sheriff. Benjamin G. Chinn Deputy sheriff and jailor (appointed). Joseph Bowman Deputy sheriff. 2 Benjamin R. Ireland Treasurer. 4 Jacob D. Conner Recorder. 2 Zach S. Mitchell Assessor. 2 Geo. M. Mountjoy Collector. S. S. Reeder Deputy collector (appointed). 2 Dr. J. G. Russell Coroner. 2 Geo. M. Catron County schoool commissioner. 2 Benjamin D. Weedin County surveyor. Rev. L. B. Wright Supt. county poor farm (appointed). POSTOFFICES IN LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 1881. In Clay township — Greenton, Napoleon, Waterloo, Wellington. In Davis township — Higginsville. In Dover township — Corder, Dover, Page City. In Freedom township — Aullville, Concordia. In Lexington township — Lexington. In Middleton township — Alma (it absorbed Dick P. O.), Waverly. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 305 In Sniabar township — Bates City, on line between Sniabar and Clay townships (it absorbed Sny P. O.), Chapel Hill, Odessa, on line between Sniabar and Clay townships (it absorbed Mount Hope P. O.). In Washington township — De Motte (established this year), Mayview, Tabo. COUNTY FINANCES. The first assessor of Lillard county was Wm. Y. C. Ewing, appointed April 23, 1821 ; and the first tax collector was Markham Fristoe, appointed at the same time, his bondsmen being Isaac Clarke and Thomas Fristoe. Markham Fristoe was also, on April 24th, appointed constable of Sniabar township. Wm. Christie is mentioned at the same time as the " auditor of public accounts," he being the State officer to whom all county financial matters must be certified. July 23d Young Ewing is mentioned as county treasurer, but there is no record of how or when he first received the office. The same date, W. Y. C. Ewing is allowed $30 for services as assessor. The first mention of county funds occurs at this date. The county treasurer acknowledged in open court that he had received from Abraham McClelland the sum of $40, which was now subject to the order of the court. This singular entry appears July 24th: " Ordered that the collector of this county collect thirty-seven per cent, on all species of property liable to taxation as stated in the assessor's book, and pay the same to the county treasurer, as the law directs," — meaning, of course, thirty-seven per cent of the levy, although it reads thirty-seven per cent, of the whole property. On November 5th the collector reports a delinqent list amounting to $8.97. Another entry on the same day shows that the total tax collection for 1822 was $168.17|. The first tax book of the county, in 1821, shows 188 resident and 7 non-resident taxpayers, and the taxable property foots up thus: Tax on total valuation $199.72^ " bachelors 38.00 " watches 9.12 " carriages 6.00 "household furniture 1.00 Total amount of State tax $253.84£ If the list of names of taxpayers only included residents within the pres- ent territory of Lafayette county, we would give all the names and their assessed valuation of property ; but the county at that time embraced terri- tory which has since been formed into seven other counties, and the tax- payers were widely scattered 306 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. TAX ON BACHELORS — 1821. In 1821 the State of Missouri levied a special tax on " unmarried white males above 21 and under 50 years." The first tax list of Lafayette county (then called Lillard) gives the following list of bachelors thus taxed: Aaron Bryant, Thomas Blakey, John Bastick, David Blevins, James Ball, Solo- mon Catron, Gabriel Chineth, Joseph Cox, Elijah Demasters, Isaac Duna- way, Moses Day, Alexander Dunbar, Robert Ewing, Green Hughes > Wm. Hall, Amos Horn, John Ingram, Zachariah Linville, Green McCaf- ferty, Thomas McCafferty, Hugh McCafferty, Robert Renick, George Stevens, John Sallady, Isaiah Tribble, Elijah Tate, Henderson Wheeler,. Wm. Wallace, Wm. Young, Jr., James Young — total, 31. All these men were specially taxed for the "luxury " of living in the county without incurring the cares and responsibilities of the "head of a family," and this special tax for that year amounted in all to $38. This tax seems to have been abolished after the first year, for the term " unmarried " does not occur in the tax lists of subsequent years. But the " tax on bachelors"' was for many years thereafter a favorite joke among the ladies. COUNTY TAX LIST FOR 1828 — ABSTRACT. What tax is on. Number. Value. Total tax. White males, [poll tax] 315 $157.50 Land-acres 17,118.91 $22,617.00 56.54* Town lots 71.50 4,607.50 ll.Slf Improvements 136 8,400.00 21.0,0 Slaves 239 59,665.00 149.16* Horses 713 23,407.00 58.51| Cattle 1,459 9,306.00 23.26i Watches 21 396.00 .99 Tanvards 3 140.00 .35 Distilleries 4 360.00 .90 Mills 4 225.00 .56* Carriages 3 415.00 1.03| Added at court 3.16 Total $487.5Hi The total tax on non-resident owners of lands and lots at the same date was $42.26*. The above document is certified by Markham Fristre, assessor, and Young Ewing, county clerk. The county had not yet obtained an official seal, so Mr. Ewing "affixed his private seal," which consisted of a four-rayed star cut out of white paper, the rays measuring three inches diameter from point to point, and stuck on to the document with a red sealing wafer such as were in use at that time. history of Lafayette county. 307 financial statement of lafayette county, for 1870. Lands, acres 387,678.40 Town lots 3,846 00 Valuation of $5,788,848.00 All personal property 2,569,128.00 Total $8,357,976.00 State revenue tax $ 20,894.94 State interest tax 20,897.71 Countv tax 41,813.29 Road tax 19,872.34 Poor house tax 13,301.73 Lexington and St. Louis R. R. tax 62,798.83 Bridge tax 16,716.21 County interest tax 20,899.10 Lexington township R. R. tax 9,344.28 Total $ 226,588.41 Township school tax is not included in the above statement. The rate of school tax for Lexington township was 69 cents on $100. VALUATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN LAFAYETTE COUNTY FOR 1876. 8,226 horses, valued at $ 290,273 3,793 mules and asses 171,347 21,300 neat cattle 245,768 8,017 sheep 8,082 30,664 hogs 103,067 Money, notes and bonds 616,058 Personal property 243,298 Household property 226,249 Total $1,904,142 FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 1881. Abstract of receipts and expenditures of Lafayette county for the fiscal year ending December 1, 1880: County expense fund, total receipts, $ 26,772.62 Disbursements : By criminal court $ 5,032.15 By circuit court 1,242.20 By county court 6,108.26 By probate court 110.00 Miscellaneous items 9,770.38 Total disbursements. . $ 22,262.99 Balance on hand December 1, 1880 $ 4,509.63 308 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. DIFFERENT COUNTY FUNDS. What Fund Receipts. Disbursements. Bal. on Hand. Poor house $ 6,642.21 $ 3,556.80 $ 3,075.41 Road and bridge 5,291.13 8,667.91 * County railroad 169.07 169.07 County interest 68.08 f 5.72 Poor house interest 10.60 10.60 Redemption land 23.07 23.07 Lexington township railroad 26.33 26.33 Washington " " 10.35 10.35 Sniabar " " 10.42 10.42 Middleton " " 193.40 193.40 Davis " " 231.56 45.15 186.41 Freedom " " 489.89 42.30 447.59 Sinking, county int. and school 1,217.66 1,077.10 140.56 Compromise 69,437.12 48,181.86 21,255.26 State fund:— Balance on hand at settlement, December 2, 1879, $280.72. This amount was transferred to the state treasurer, and his receipt there- for placed on file. GENERAL STATISTICS 1879-80. [Compiled from State Auditor's Report, January 1, 1881.] Total state revenue received from Lafayette county in 1879: Revenue fund, $19,118.48; interest fund, $12,767.87. In 1880: Revenue fund, $22,183.99; interest fund, $26,022.73. Costs in criminal cases, by state warrants issued fo Frank Trigg, cir- cuit clerk, in 1879, $5,336.19; in 1880, $2,034.12. Warrants issued to Geo. M. Mountjoy, county sheriff, in 1879, $298.50; in 1880, $188.50. Number of convicts in 1879, 14; cost of transportation, $265.50. Number of convicts in 1880, 10; cost of transportation, $172.50. Cost of assessing and collecting the revenue: Warrants is- Warrants is- sued 1879. sued 1880. To Wm. B. Steele, county clerk $ 594.07 $ 689.96 To Wm. C. White, assessor 943.87 1,044.54 To P. S. Fulkerson collector 72.63 64.23 To R. B. Ireland treasurer 14.14 Totals $1,610.57 $ 1,812.87 The state school money issued to Lafayette county in 1879 was $6,124.- 15; in 1880, $6,140.98. Uuder the head of "Bonded Debt of Counties" occurs the following table, which will be of interest and value to preserve: ♦Balance due treasurer, $3,376.78. •(•Transferred to sinking fund $62.36. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 309 County. Date Issue. Amt. Issued. For What Purpose. Lafayette 1869 $488,700 . . . Lexington & St. Louis R. R. Lafayette 1870 251,000 . . .Lexington & St. Louis R. R. Lafayette 1871 20,000 . . . Lexington & St. Louis R. R. Lafayette 1869 98,500 Funding County Debt. Lafayette 1870 102,000 Funding County Debt. Lafayette 1871 45,000 Funding County Debt. Lafayette 1876 631,000 . . . Compromise of above bonds. Lexington Twp. .. 75,000 . .Lexington & St. Joseph R. R. Lexington Twp. . . 75,000 Chillicothe & Gulf R. R. Washington Twp 75,000 Chillicothe & Gulf R. R. Sniabar Twp 35,000 Chillicothe & Gulf R. R. Middleton Twp . . . 17,000 Tebo & Neosho R. R. Freedom Twp. . . 25,000 . . .Lexington & St. Louis R. R. Davis Twp 10,000 . . . Lexington & St Louis R. R. Of the Lexington and St. Louis R. R. bonds of the county, the amount compromised was $578,900; amount outstanding, $44,900; amount in litigation, $11,000; amount canceled and paid, $131,900. Of bonds for funding the county debt, amount compromised, $95,250; amount outstanding, $65,000; amount in litigation, $41,000; amount canceled and paid, $81,250. Of the compromise bonds there were still outstanding $611,900, and $19,200 had been canceled and paid. The Lexington and St Joe R. R. bonds had been declared unconstitutional by the U. S. supreme court; nevertheless they are still out in claimants' hands. All the other township bonds are outstanding, with accrued interest from date of issue. There were in Lafayette county 28 dram shops (?) [that's all that were reported to the state Auditor], and for these the state licenses amounted to $1,295.76; the county licenses to $2,593.81. The column for wine and beer saloons is left blank, none reported; and only two drug stores in the county licensed to sell liquors. The state liquor license is $50 per year, and the county license $100. The assessment returns of valuations gives number of acres, 491,645 ; valuation, $4,493,855; average value per acre, $11.47. Number of town lots, 6,575; valuation $988,500; average value, $150.34. Total value of real estate in the county, $5,4S2,355. Of live stock and other personal items, there were: No. Valuation. Horses 9,172 $294,365 Mules 4,122 174,645 Asses and Jennets 36 2,525 Neat Cattle 20,290 272,140 Sheep 13,709 15,920 Hogs 37,457 83,480 Money, bonds and notes 717,155 Brokers and exchange dealers 113,100 Corporate companies 30,150 All other personal property 604,050 310 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Total personal property, $2,307,530 ; total taxable wealth of the county $8,789,885. In 1880 only 69 counties paid anything for wolf scalps, and among these w r as .Lafayette, $10. The highest amount paid was by Atchison county, $143; the lowest amount was by Pettis and Platte counties, only $1.50 each. RAILROAD HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. VIEW ON THE CHICAGO & ALTON R. R., TWO MILES WEST OF GLAS- GOW. EMIGRANT TRAIN GOING WEST. In 1858 and 1859, the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company was pushing its line westward with a good deal of enterprise and vigor; and, as nearly all of our western lines have done, they were running it through those towns, cities and counties which offered the largest bonus. The people of Lexington and Lafayette county saw that they must " struggle for existence," if they were going to "survive as the fittest " in the on-coming railroad age. They met the issue boldly and struck out with a strong hand to hold their vantage ground. In 1859, the matter had got pretty well warmed up, and after harvest several public meetings were held to discuss and consider the situation. These culminated in the following proceedings of the county court, which are the first official record of any railroad matters within the county: Monday, October iy, 1S59. — Now, at this day, came Thomas P. Akers, R. C. Vaughan and Wm. S. Field, a committee appointed at a public meeting of the citizens of said county, and present to the court here a HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 311 report made to said meeting respecting the project of a railroad, which report is in the words and figures as follows: " We, Thompson M. Ewing, Wm. Shields, Stephen S. Neill, John Reid, Edward Winsor, G, J. Blewett, Eldredge Burden, Robort B. Smith, Rich- ard Vaughan, Alfred James, Samuel Warren, and Wm. S. Felds, a part of the committee appointed at a meeting of the citizens of Lafayette county on the 19th day of September, J 859, for the purpose of reporting business for a mass meeting of the citizens of said county, to be holden at the fair ground of said county on the 11th day of October, 1859, beg leave to submit the following as our report: " That whereas, In the present progressive age of the world, it is em- barrassing to an intelligent community to live without the beneficial influ- ences of railroads; that we live in the center of a community unsurpassed on the American continent in point of national advantages; our soil, cli- mate and central position, combine to make our county lovely and desira- ble: that we have a population of moral, liberal, industrious and enter- prising people; that our county is possessed of a large amount of wealth, her taxable property exceeding nine millions of dollars, with the present low grade of valuation placed upon it by our county assessors; that we believe a reasonable, fair selling estimate of the value of taxable prop- erty now in our county, is not short of fourteen millions of dollars; that in five years, with a railroad running through our county, the value of her taxable property would run up to twenty millions of dollars. That in view of these facts, we believe our county can pay half a million of dol- lars toward the construction of some great railroad outlet and inlet to and from the center of our county, without difficulty or embarrassment; that we believe the most practicable route for us at present to undertake to construct is a road leading from a point on the Pacific road between George- town and Knob Noster, the most practicable point to be ascertained by actual survey from said beginning point on the nearest and best line to the city of Lexington, and thence up the river on the most practicable line to Kansas City. That Jackson county, Kansas city, and other influences west will be amply sufficient to insure the completion of said contem- plated road from Lexington to Kansas City, and therefore it behooves Lafayette county more especially to look to the completion of said road from said beginning point to the city of Lexington. In consideration of all of which facts, therefore be it Resolved, to- wit: That we ask the Honorable County Court of Lafay- ette county to subscribe half a million of dollars for the purpose of build- ing a road from said beginning point to the City of Kansas, by way of Lexington, and to be applied towards the construction of that part of said road between said beginning point and Lexington, to be paid in five equal annual installments, the first beginning in 1861: To be subscribed to such company as the said court may think best, and in such a manner as to allow each taxpayer to become a stockholder in such company to the amount of the taxes he may pay. The county, inher corporate capacity not to retain any stock after all the subscription shall have been paid up; but to remain a stockholder to the extent of half a million dollars until fhe first installment shall have been paid, and certificates of stock issued to the taxpayers, then to be reduced one-fifth, and in the like ratio each year until all the stock is paid up. 312 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Second, That in order to test the voice of the people of the county upon this proposition, a poll be opened at the respective places of voting in said county, on the 14th day of November, 1859, and that each voter of the county be requested to vote for or against the proposition ; and that poll books be prepared and opened for that purpose; a majority of those voting to govern the court. Third, That we desire our county court to reserve a controling and protecting influence in said subscription, and guard our interests from fraud, and misapplication of our means, and to see that our money shall not be spent without the certainty «of procuring the road. Fourth, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by this meet- ing, to present these resolutions to the county court. All of which is respectfully submitted. Wm. L. Field, chairman. Said committee further present to the court here the proceedings (in part,) of an adjournec session of said public meeting, in words as follows: On motion of Hon. S. F. Taylor, that portion of the report (above), which made the eastern terminus of the same (said proposed railroad) the most available point between Georgetown and Knob Noster, was stricken out, and " that point where the Pacific railroad line crosses the stream, Muddy, west of Georgetown, or its vicinity, was designated and made the point of termination." Order of Court — And all and singular the premises being seen, it is ordered by the court here that an election be held at the several voting precincts in Lafayette county on Monday, the 14th day of November, 1859, to test the sense of the people on the proposition that said county shall subscribe the sum of five hundred thousand dollars as stock in said proposed railroad upon the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions set forth in the report and resolutions copied above and adopted by said public meeting hereinbefore mentioned." The above court record was made October 17. On November 7th the court recorded this — " Additional Order in relation to the proposed railroad subscription. It is hereby further ordered that this court will not be bound to make any subscription to a railroad from Lexington to the Pacific railroad until there is an act of the Legislature passed that will make the tax levied for railroad purposes applicable to all taxable property in the city of Lexing- ton and all incorporated towns in the county of Lafayette, any law to the contrary notwithstanding that exempts the property within the county of any corporation in the county of Lafayette aforesaid. It is further ordered that this court will not authorize the collection and payment of any rail- road tax until there shall have been made actual survey and estimates of cost of said proposed road." November 14th, 1859, the election was held as ordered. This was the first vote ever taken in the county on any railroad proposition, and the fol- lowing table shows how the vote stood: HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 313 For Against Total appropriation, appropriation, vote. Clay township 33 199 232 Davis " 98 1 99 Dover " 93 76 169 Freedom " (east precinct) 136 8 144 Freedom " (west precinct) 92 21 113 Lexington township 470 46 516 Lexington city 599 19 618 Middleton township 94 80 174 Sniabar township 3 163 166 Washington township 50 144 194 Totals 1,668 757 2,425 It must be borne in mind that at this time the constitution of the state did not lay any restriction or limitation upon the voting of bonds to rail- roads, * etc., — and the above votes were entirely legal, although some fraudulent operations were carried on in after years under pretended authority of these votes. But the new constitution adopted in 1865 (after the war) did expressly provide safeguards against the too easy voting of public bonds. December 20th, 1859, the court appointed Thomas G. Smith as agent of the county on railroad matters; but on January 7th, 1S60, the appoint- ment of Smith was rescinded, and the following appears of record: Whereas, the people of Lafayette county have signified by an election heretofore held their desire that this court on behalf of said county should subscribe the sum of five hundred thousand dollars as stock in said pro- posed road under the orders, restrictions and limitations herein and here- tofore made by this court. It is therefore ordered by the court that Charles S. Tarleton be appointed to make said subscription, and in all matters relat- ing thereto to represent said county and this court, and generally in refer- ence to said proposed road to represent and act for said county. The county judges at this time were T. G. Smith, Richard Carr, and Charles S. Tarleton. March 6, 1860, by the court it is "Ordered that the act of Charles S. Tarleton as the agent of this court to represent Lafayette county and' to subscribe the stock to the Lexington and Georgetown railroad be approved by this court." But it is recorded that Richard Carr dissented from this order. June 11, 1860, the court ordered its agent, Judge Tarleton, "to make said subscription final, as soon as the directory of the Pacific Railroad Compnay shall have confirmed the contract heretofore agreed upon between their committee and the fiscal agent of the Lexington and St. Louis Railroad Company." Judge Carr filed his dissent against this order *Under the constitution the county court had full power to issue or not to issue bonds,, without any vote of the people at all ; but the court very wisely wanted a vote of the people on so grave a matter, to stand in the nature of instructions by the people to their agents. The later constitution made special provision for this. 314 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. also. And just what the "contract agreed upon" was, we could not learn. Nothing appears of record again until July 2, 1861, when this entry ocurrs: "Lexington and St. Louis railroad company against the county court of Lafayette county," etc. It appears that Judge Tarlton had refused to make the county's sub- scription final, because the railroad company did not comply with the conditions upon which the county had voted to give its aid. He was sus- tained in the refusal by the county court; and thereupon the railroad com-- pany locked horns with the court and rushed into a sort of "bulldosing" litigation. They obtained a writ of mandamus from the supreme court of the State, requiring the county court to "show cause," etc., ajid their answer was made July 2, 1861. In this document they recite many points of fact elaborately and in detail; but the gist of the whole matter is that the county's agent, Judge Tarlton, had subscribed for $450,000 of stock in "the said proposed railroad on which the vote of the people had been taken in November previous and for no other road" But the railroad company had laid out and let contracts for a line greatly different from the route and the eastern point named in the proposition voted upon by the county; and therefore the court refused to issue bonds or levy any taxes or in any way recognize or acknowledge that the railroad company had any soi t of legal claim upon the county. The railroad company had fixed their initial point at Farmers City, fourteen miles farther east than the point darned by the voters of Lafay- ette county, and to reach Lexington from that place they had run a line as crooked as a dog's hind leg over the eastern part of Lafayette county with about eighteen miles more of road to build, besides one costlv bridge more than was called for by the route voted upon. They also showed fraudulent and illegal procedures by the railroad board of directors. But now the war came on and interpreted all further proceedings in the mat- ter on either side until January 2, 1866, when the county court filed an additional answer to the mandamus of 1861, reciting reasons which enti- tled them to judgment, and to be dismissed from court, and they were so dismissed. In January and February, 1868, meetings were held at about twenty different places in the county, with a view of voting $500,000 to any rail- road company that would build a line entirely across the county. A printed list of speakers at these meetings shows the names of Judge Norman Lackland, Judge Wm. T. Wood, Judge Wm. Walker, Col. John Reid, Dr. J. G. Russell, E. Winsor, Esq., H. C. Wallace, Esq.; Col. Mark L. De Motte, John R. Bennett, Esq., and M. F. Gordon, Esq. The result of these meetings was a petition to the county court for an order of election. The election was ordered to be held on March 7, 1868, and the conditions specified were, that the road should run through the HISTORY OF LA.YFAETTE COUNTY. 315 county so as to accommodate the largest farming interest and the great- est number of citizens, and should establish a depot in the city of Lexing- ton. Also, no bonds should be issued until enough had been subscribed along the line to grade and tie it from Louisiana, Mo., to the west line of Lafayette county; and all of this county's subscription should be used for work within the county. These were the safeguards which were thrown around the proposition. The result of the vote was: For Against Townships. Bonds. Bonds. Choice of Roads. Clay 131 143 Louisiana, 131 Davis 68 17 " 51 St. Louis. 28 Dover 144 26 " 146 . Freedom 35 262 Lexington 763 73 " 754 " 9 Middleton 132 21 Sniabar 1 173 Washington 29 148 Total 1,303 863 1,082 37 So $500,000 of county bonds were voted to be issued to the Louisiana and Missouri river railroad, by 440 majority. But the terms were never met, and these bonds were never issued; yet this company's claim was eventually intermixed with that of the old original bonds voted for the Lexington and St. Louis road, and in that way were forced out. See book 12, page 275, of county records, under date of August 2, 1870. The above election was held, upon the assurance of some of the ablest lawyers in the state, that the old original bonds voted to the Lexington and St. Louis railroad in 1859 were dead, outlawed, utterly defunct, beyond any possibility of resurrection as a claim against Lafayette county. But in spite of this, on April 9, 1868, immediately following the election, the attorney of the Lexington and St. Louis railroad company, Amos Green, appeared before the county court and made three several motions, trying to get the court to issue the bonds that had been voted, but the motions were all overruled. The railroad company then entered suit in the court of common pleas (we have no such court now) against the county court. This cause had fourteen several hearings before that court, and finally, July 7, 1868, a per- emptory writ of mandamus was issued, requiring the county court to issue to the Lexington and St. Louis railroad company bonds to the amount of $498,750.* The county court thereupon issued the bonds, under protest, and so they got out upon the market. November, 1868, George H. Ambrose took his seat as one of the county judges, the others being Jesse Schofield and N. W. Letton. From * $1250 of the original $500,000 had already been issued and used up on the surveys within^he county. 316 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. this time forward numerous issues were made of county and township bonds, which subsequently came into sharp and protracted litigation. May 5, 1869, Geo. H. Ambrose, president of the county court, was elected president of the Lexington and St. Louis railroad company also. The Lafayette county men who were directors at this time were Gen. J. O. Shelby, Judge G. H. Ambrose, H. J. Higgins, C. B. Russell, Fletcher Patrick, Amos Green and James H. Beatty. May 18 work was commenced at Lexington on the Lexington and St. Louis railroad, and this was the first railroad work done in Lafayette county. Wood and Lillis were the contractors. September 25, 1869, Dover township voted a township tax of $25,000 to aid the proposed Louisiana and Missouri River railroad. These bonds, however, were never issued; and $10,000 of county bonds issued for this road were afterward declared void — illegal — by the U. S. circuit court, in November, 1875. October 18, 1869, twenty-five resident free-holders of Sniabar township petitioned for an election, so the county records say, to vote $35,000 of township bonds to aid in the construction of "the Lexington, Chillicothe and Gulf railroad." The election was ordered for Nov. 13, 1869. December 6, 1869, the court recites that the following townships have voted, by over two-thirds majority, their township bonds to aid in the con- struction of "the Lexington, Chillicothe and Gulf railroad": Lexington township voted $75,000 Sniabar " " 35,000 Washington " " 75,000 And the court on that day ordered the said subscriptions to be made in accordance with the propositions in each township and the votes given thereon. (Record book No. 11, pp. 459-60.) April 7, 1860, Dover and Middleton townships held elections to vote $50,000 of their township bonds to aid the Louisiana and Missouri River railroad. The law disfranchising partisans of the rebellion was still in force; but to meet this obnoxious condition both registered and unregis- tered men were called upon to vote, and the result was thus: For Bonds. Ag'nt Bonds. Majorities. Dover township — Registered votes 126 34 92 Unregistered " 14 8 6 Totals 140 42 98 Middleton township — Registered votes 80 16 64 Unregistered " 73 15 58 Totals 153 31 122 The great mass of the disfranchised refused to vote at all, but on the contrary held a remonstrance meeting at Oakland church, in Dover town- i? HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 317 ship, on April 11, four days after the election, and among other things adopted the following: "Resolved, That we consider said election, by which our burdensome taxes are to be so fearfully increased, is an intolerable outrage upon the rights of disfranchised property holders." In another resolution they pledged themselves to subscribe individually at the rate of $1.25 per acre on their land to the stock of the railroad company, in lieu of the bonds that had been so unreasonably voted upon them. And to secure subscrip- tions or pledges for this scheme, a committee was appointed, as follows: L. G. Manypenny, W. Liese, J. Zentmeyer, G. Gorder, J. Peacock, J. J. Board, J. Lewisand Isaac Neale. The secretary of the meeting, Wm. G. Neale, was instructed to send a copy of the proceedings to the president of the L. & M. R. railroad company, and also to each of the county papers for publication. Frank M. Field was chairman of the meeting. The road was projected to cross the Missouri river at Glasgow, and run thence by the straightest practicable route to Lexington. The Lexington Register the next week after the above vote was taken, and meeting held, said editorially: "We have reliable information that this road will be put under contract through this county in May next" (within a month). But the road was never built, and the bonds as voted were declared by the courts to be illegal. July 19, 1870, a few citizens, 25 perhaps, petitioned the county court to authorize a township election on a proposition to vote $75,000 of bonds to aid in building the Northwestern branch of the Tebo & Neosho railroad. The election was ordered for August 20, 1870. On August 2d the court granted the right-of-way for this railroad across the public highways in Middleton, Davis and Freedom townships, as the proposition was to build from Waverly southward through those townships to a junction with the grade of the Lexington & St. Louis railroad. J. D. Miller, L. L. Johnson, and Paul Boob were the judges of this bond election — and the result of the vote was: For the bonds, 76; against bonds, 2 — majority for bonds, 74. The record shows that 16 of those who voted for the bonds were colored men; and that the disfranchising clause of the constitution of 1865 was still in force. Gen. J. O. Shelby had the contract to build the road; work was commenced, and enough done to require the issue of $17,000 out of the $75,000 authorized, then it stopped and the whole thing went dead. But the people had the $17,000 to pay, just the same. Neosho is the county seat of Newton county, in the southwest corner of the state; and this road was originally projected from there up northeasterly to Warsaw, on the Osage river near the mouth of Tebo creek, in Benton county; hence the "Tebo" in the name of this railroad had no reference to Tabo creek in Lafayette county. H 318 HISTORx OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. taxpayers' CONVENTIONS. The Lexington Intelligencer of February 10, 1875, contains a report of a committee appointed by a taxpayers' convention on December 18, 1874, consisting of Wm. T. Gammon, Wm. C. Beatie, J. C. Lockhart, W. B. Major, A. A. Lesueur. Their report is a lengthy and elaborate docu- ment, of very great practical importance at the time, and furnishing many staple facts in the mixed and troublesome history of this matter. A few curiosities of the pool of tribulation are here noted: $75,000 of bonds charged to Lexington township had been issued to the St. Louis & St. Joseph railroad in Ray county, which never built a dollar's worth of any- thing in Lafayette county. These bonds were afterwards declared void by the courts. It was also proved in court that they had been fraudu- lently delivered by a county judge, for a bribe of $200. $35,000 of bonds charged to Sniabar township, for the Lexington, Chillicothe & Gulf rail- road, had been issued on a vote of 41 persons, mostly non-taxpayers, at a time when ] 75 of the property owners were disfranchised. $75,000 of similar bonds charged to Washington township had been issued in the same way. $498,700 of county bonds had been issued by the county court under mandamus from the court of common pleas, but under protest from the county court and people. Some of the bonds had been issued clandestinely by one of the judges, who afterwards secured the signature of another one. Some of them had been issued by a judge who was presi- dent of the county court, and also at the same time president of the rail- road company receiving the bonds. $500,000 of bonds for the Louisiana & Missouri River railroad company were afterward declared void by the courts. Indeed, the facts brought out showed that there was a perfect witches'-broth of corruption stewing in Lafayette county, and other counties, too, under the evil eye of a " railroad ring." RAILROAD BONDS OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY AND OF THE SEVERAL TOWN- SHIPS. As officially reported by the County Clerk, Dec. iy, 1&J5. LAFAYETTE COUNTY. To whom issued Amount What for Date of issue When due Lex. & St. L. R. R. $ 75,000 Sub to stock Jan. 1, 1869 Jan. 1,1879* 182,000 " •< Jan. 1, 1869 Jan. l,1879f 190,000 " " Sep. 1, 1869 Sep. 1, 1879 230,000 " " Aug. 1, 1870 Aug.l, 1880 15,000 " " May 1, 1871 May 1, 1881 11,000 Funding Aug 12,1870 Jan. 1, 1879* $100 Bonds *The rate of interest on these bonds was six per cent, payable in currency. fThe interest on this issue was six per cent payable in gold. The rate of interest on all the other bonds was ten per cent payable in currency. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 319 LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP. Amount What for Date of issue When due $ 37,500 Sub. to stock Sep 10, 1868 Sep. 1, 1878 37,500 " " Mar 15,1869 Mar.15,1879 75,000 " " July 19, 1870 July 19,1875 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Lex. C. & Gulf R. R. $. 15,000 Sub to stock July 19, 1870 July 19, 1875 To whom issued St.L. &St. Jo. R.R. u u a tt Lex. C. & Gulf R. R. 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 SNIABAR TOWNSHIP. 1877 187T 1S79 1881 1883 Lex. C. & Gulf R. R. $ 7,000 Sub to stock July 19, 1870 July 19, 1875 7,000 " " " " " 1877 « u u j } oqo « « « « « 1879 " " " 7,000 « " " " " 1881 " " " 7,000 " " " " " 1883 MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP. N.W.Tebo&N.R.R. $17,000 Bal. to stock Aug 20, 1870 Aug 5,1876$ FREEDOM TOWNSHIP. Lex. & St. L. R. R. $ 25,000 Sub. to stock April 3, 1871 April 3, 1876$ DAVIS TOWNSHIP. Lex. & St. L. R. R. $ 10,000 Sub. to stock April 3, 1S71 April 3, 1876$ The total combined debt of the county, as shown by this official report, (which included some other debts not of railroad, and therefore not given in our table,) was $1,384,099. And the total assessed valution, including real estate, personal property, merchants' stock, etc., was at that time $7,845,371. The bonded debt, therefore, was 17^ per cent of the entire valuation : and most of the debt a swindle on the people besides. The map given above shows the different lines of railroad which were at that time promised. {Interest ten per cent payable semi-annually. 320 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. THE R. R. BONDED DEBT COMPROMISE Through a series of Taxpayers' Conventions it had been shown beyond a question or a quibble that the railroad bonds both of county and town- ships, were essentially fraudulent; but they had been foisted upon the market under such cunningly devised seemings of legality as to give them a status in the courts, and therefore some chance for judicial enforcement, even after long and costly litigation by the county in contesting them. In view of this state of facts, it was thought best to propose such com- promises as the creditors would probably accede to rather than worry the matter through the courts. Some of the largest holders of the county bonds had through their agent, Col. M. V. L. McClelland, agreed to a com- promise of 80 cents on the dollar at 6 instead of 10 per cent, interest; and it was presumed that many others would do the same. The following schedule shows the different compromises finally proposed by the Tax- payers' Convention held November 29th, 1875: Old rate of interest. County bonds 10 per ct. (( u Q tt Lexington township, L. & G. railroad bonds .... 10 " Freedom township 10 " Davis 10 " Washington 10 " Sniabar 10 " Middleton 10 " All bonds to run twenty-five years, interest payable semi-annually. The different funding rates offered by the different townships are based on ability to pay, juslice of the debt, prospect of defeating the bondholders in case of contest in the courts, etc. At this convention every township in the county was well represented^ as follows: Clay— Strother Renick, Thos. Bates, M. M. Robinson, Samuel Hull, C.J. Miller, J. B. McDonald, Thos. McCleary, James Belt, J. C. Arm- strong, S. W. McBurney, W. B. Corse, B. F. Hammer, S. W. Creasy. Davis— H. J. Higgins, W. C. Beatty, W. A. Nutter, L. Groom, J. Gladdish, Geo. P. Gordon. Dover — Wm. Liese, Wm. Carter, R. Barley, Wm. Kirtley, Isaac Neale, J. J. Fleming. Freedom — J. F. Downing, W. A. Thornton, W. Boone Major, N. J. Cox. Lexington — (City and Township) — L. Green, Joseph Davis, Thomas Shelby, L. B. Gordon, J. R. Ford, Xenophon Ryland, W. T. Gammon,. A. J. Slusher, John Reid, W. T. Hays, H. C. Wallace, R. J. Smith, S. G. Wentworth, Robert Hale, J. F. Smith, J. McFadden, C. E. Lankford, , Refunding rate for bonds and past dtie coupons. 80 cents on the dollar. New rate of interest. 6 per ct. 70 a 6 cc 60 « 6 Ci 80 u 6 a 80 " (t 6 u 50 << 6 u 40 «c 6 u 80 c< 6 u HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 321 Joseph Benton, John Howe, Wm. Limrick, John Catron, A. A. Lesueur, Geo. S. Rathbun, Z. S. Mitchell, H. C. Boteler. Middleton.—C. C. Catron, D. J. Waters, O. H. P. Catron, T. M. Lake, A. T. Winsor, A. Corder, J. M. Hopkins, M. T. Buford. Sniabar.—]. W. Bledsoe, W.J. Shackleford, J. T. Ferguson, R. T. Rus- sell, P. A. Ferguson. Washington. — C. L. Ewing, Dyer Sherwood, David McKinney, M. R. Henry, J. J. Browning, A. B. Hatch, Robert Matthews, C. McGirl, W. B. Steele. The officers of this final convention were, Charles L. Ewing, president; W. T. Gammon, vice-president; X. Ryland, secretary. The committee which reported the compromise propositions as finally adopted, consisted of W. C. Beattie, R. T. Russell, C. C. Catron, M. R. Henry, Wm. Limrick, W. B. Major, James Fleming, and Wm. Corse. The members of the county court, and the agents of the holders of all the various bonds in question, were invited to be present during the pro- ceedings of the convention. At this time the county and townships together were under a claimed indebtedness of $238,750 for the L. C. & G. railroad alone, which never finished a mile of road in the county. The following resolution was offered by W. B. Steele: Resolved, That this convention pledges the people of Lafayette county to the faithful performance of the compromise offered, as it is made in good faith by their representatives in convention assembled, as the only means and hope left the people, and beyond which they cannot go; and that if it is not accepted by the bondholders, we pledge each other to use every effort to prevent the payment of one dollar of the railroad indebted- ness of the county. And it was unanimously adopted. The election on the compromise propositions was 1875, and resulted as follows': County proposition, total county vote 1645 Lexington township proposition 346 Freedom Davis Washington Sniabar Middleton held December 30, For. Against. Majority. 645 70 1575 346 10 336 201 5 196 134 1 133 119 34 85 127 17 110 146 22 124 Some holders of these railroad bonds refused to accept the compromise offered, but entered suits and obtained judgment in the United States cir cuit court, and writs of mandamus to enforce the judgments. This was openly resisted by township conventions, and then by a countv convention composed of delegates from every township. This convention was held December 24, 1877, and it declared by a unanimous vote that they had a 322 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. full determination to never pay any more on those bonds than the pro- posed compromise provided for, and that they would resist by all means in their power, all attempts by judgment of court, or in any other way, to collect interest or principal on any of the bonds not compromised. February 1, 1878, a meeting of the tax-payers of Sniabar township was held at Dade's school-house, to hear the report of a committee previously appointed to investigate the legal or illegal character of the $35,000 of their township bonds issued' to the Lexington, Chillicothe & Gulf railroad. The committee consisted of Wm. Harris, Geo. W. Jones, M. T. P. McCor- mack, A. C. Green, R. H. Bledsoe. Their report cites the express dec- laration of the state constitution, [Art. 99, Sec. 14], that no municipal bonds shall be issued to any corporation unless voted for by two-thirds of the qualified voters of the township, county or city, as the case may be. The vote on those bonds was taken November 13, 1869. The registered voters of Sniabar township then numbered 102;* of this number, 47 voted for the bonds, and 6 against them ; two-thirds of 102 would be 58 ; but the actual majority for the bonds was only 41, which fell short by 27 votes of the majority required to make these bonds lawful. They, therefore, recommended a united and continued resistance by every means in their power to the payment of the bonds, which the county court had issued in spite of the fact that they never received a lawful majority, even when the great bulk of the tax-payers were disfranchised. It is worthy of note also, that this road was graded, but never laid a rail, and the grade lies to this day unused. February 4, 1878, the county committee, composed of representative men appointed by each township, held a meeting, and solemnly reiterated " the determination only to pay county bonds according to the compro- mise authorized by the vote of the people in the election held on Decem- ber 30, 1875." (When this last vote was taken, no voters were disfran- chised, and it was in every respect the lawfully expressed will of the people). February 23d, a joint meeting of Sniabar and Washington townships was held at Mount Hope, with the same result as above, besides showing that the unbuilt railroad for which their bonds had been fraudulently issued, was graded on a different route, and to different points from those named in the proposition as voted upon. This was another fraud. FIGHTING IT OUT IN THE COURTS. May 6, 1878, the supreme court of Missouri, in the case of Thomas A. Webb vs. Lafayette county, decided the legislative act of March 23, 1868, to be unconstitutional, and bonds issued under it void. This was a case * At this date, 175 voters of Sniabar township were disfranchised on account of having joined or sympathized with the Southern Confederacy as against the federal government. And they were mostly the real property owners of the township. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. , 323 involving the Sniabar township bonds to the L.,C. &G. road, and county- bonds to the L. & St. L. road. The "opinion" of the court is a lengthy document, making two and a half long newspaper columns in nonpareil (very fine) type. But the gist of the whole matter important to this his- tory, lies in a single sentence, as follows: The constitution prescribes, as a prerequisite to any subscription, that two-thirds of the qualified voters shall assent to it. The act of 1868 requires only the assent of two-thirds of those voting, and because of the repugnance to the constitution, we hold it to be void. In October, 1875, the United States supreme court had decided substan- tially the same way, in the case of Harshman vs. Bates County, involving bonds issued in the name of Mount Pleasant township, in Bates county, for this same Lexington, Chillicothe & Gulf railroad. The case had been appealed from the United States district court. There were several tech- nical points considered in this decision, but it was very decisive that the issuance of the bonds was contrary to the constitution of the state. July 1, 1880, the county clerk's report shows that $578,900 of the Lex- ington and St. Louis railroad count)- bonds had already been compromised ; $135,900 of them had been purchased by the county and canceled; and there were still $44,900 outstanding. At this same time the township debts on railroad bonds were: Am't of Township. Railroad Company. Bonds Out. Interest Due. Davis L. & St. L. R. R $10,000 .... from April 3, 1875 Freedom.... " " 25,000 " " Lexington Chil. & Gulf 75,000 .... from July 19, 1872 Middleton Tebo & Neosho 17,000 from Aug. 20, 1874 Sniabar Chil. & Gulf 35,000 . . .from July 19, 1872 Washington Chil. & Gulf 75,000 .... from July 19, 1872 November 1879, before the U. S. circuit court, at Jefferson City, an agreed state of facts was presented by the attorneys in the case of James H. Forbes vs. Lafayette county. M. L. Gray and Joseph Shippen were attorneys for Forbes, and Alexander Graves for the county. The case involved the legality of the Lexington township bonds issued to the St. Louis and St. Joseph railroad company, November 2, 1868. There were eighteen several points of fact agreed upon and subscribed by the attor- neys on both sides; and No. XI of these points contains this statement: " That $37,000 of the bonds issued to said company by the county court of said county on behalf of said township were delivered to one Wasson, a director in the said company, by one Vivian Letton, then a justice of said county, in consideration of a bribe of $200 paid to said Letton by said Wasson after consultation had with the board of directors of said company." The main condition of issue of these bonds was that the railroad com- 324 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. pany should establish and permanently maintain a depot on the south side of the Missouri river, within the city of Lexington. Judge Letton held them in trust for safe keeping until their terms should be complied with, but violated his trust by delivering them for a bribe of $200. The affidavit on this matter also mentioned that the railroad board of directors when considering the $200 proposition, thought the judge's terms cheap, and authorized the payment of his price. The court decided these bonds illegal, but on other grounds than this; and this point is cited here to show how the people were betrayed by their most trusted servants. Judge Letton afterwards went crazy, but Judge Ambrose went to Florida. SEIZING A RAILROAD TRAIN FOR TAXES. July 7, 1875, the county court ordered a levy of the taxes due upon the property in Lafayette county of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company, which had bought the Lexington & St. Louis railroad. This order recited in detail the amount of track, road bed, depots, rolling stock, etc., within the county belonging to said railroad company, and also the amout of tax due thereon, item by item, as fixed by the state board of equalization; and the total amount was $6,277.07^. At this time Dr. Wm. A. Gordon was the county tax collector, and Wm. B. Steele, county clerk. The railroads generally in the state had evaded payment of their taxes by various sub- terfuges in different counties, or by outright intimidation of public officers in giving them to understand that if they seized any railroad property thev would be prosecuted for damages. To lock horns with a powerful rail- road companv, and take the risk on the uncertain sinuosities of legal pro- cedure, was no trifling matter; but the officers of Lafayette county had some of Gen. Jackson's " by-the-eternal" sort of grit in their make up, and they " took the bull by the horns " forthwith. Dr. Gordon, as tax collector, on August 19, 1875, seized one locomo- tive, nine box cars, three stock cars, and one passenger coach, at Lexing- ton, chained them fast, under guard and held them as security for the railroad company's unpaid taxes. The railroad company immediately entered suit against him in the circuit court of Lafayette county for $20,- 000 damages and costs. In April, 1876, they procured a transfer of the case to the U. S. district court, on the plea that the prejudice of the commu- nity would prevent them from getting justice in Lafayette county, and also that the complainant was in law a resident of another state, the railroad company's corporate place of business being in New York city. In order to bring out and authenticate this matter more clearly, we here copy from the official record of Dr. Gordon's sworn testimony in regard to his own proceedings: I was collector of revenue for Lafayette countv, for two terms, viz: From the first of February, 1873, to the first of January, 1877. Was HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 325 elected at the November election, 1872, for two years, and was my own successor, being elected again at the November election, 1874, for the term of two years from the first of February, 1875. The clerk of the county court, William B. Steele, made out and delivered to me as such collector ab6ut March 31, 1875, the certified statement of the taxes of that date in evidence, against the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company for the year 1873, and I was directed also by the county court to levy the same on "the railroad property, in case of default in paying same. I demanded pay- ment of the taxes due, of said company, through its officers, and said com- pany having failed to pay the same, I, on the 19th of May, 1875, by virtue of said certified statement, levied on the cars of said railroad company as set out in my return in said statement; I chained down, and locked these cars on the track of the railroad, near the depot at Lexington, Missouri, and put a guard there to watch and guard them, to prevent the railroad men from removing them, and advertised them for sale, as required by law, for ten days, keeping them guarded and locked down all the time. On the day they were advertised for sale the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company by suit of replevin against me in this court, replevined and took said cars out of my possession, giving bond with security approved by the sheriff in the sum of $40,000, and claiming damages against me in the sum of $25,000. The next year the same proceedings occurred; but by the third year the whole business was in court, and the Lexington & St . Louis railroad was in the hands of a " receiver in bankruptcy." However, to present more fully the situation in this year, 1875, we copy the following from the records of the suit brought in April, 1876, against Wm. B. Steele, the county clerk. After reciting the bill of taxes made out and certified by the county clerk, the railroad company as complainant goes on to say: All of which was done without any authority or warrant from any law of this state. That afterwards the said defendant [W. B. Steele] placed the said statement in the hands of the t^x collector of Lafayette county, and directed the said collector to collect the said pretended taxes and penalties out of the property of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company; and afterwards at the special instance and direction of said defendant the said collector did levy upon and seize a certain locomotive engine and cer- tain cars which belonged to the said plaintiff and which had never belonged to-the said Lexington & St. Louis railroad company, and in which the said last named corporation did not at the time of said levy, have any interest, nor had it even had any therein. And the said collector, Gordon, retained said property for the term of ten days, to the great loss and damage of plaintiff, amounting to the sum of five thousand dollars, for which sum, with interest and costs, plaintiff prays judgment. The legal point raised was, that the taxes were due from the Lexing- ton & St. Louis railroad company, but that the property seized belonged to the Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Co. This proved to be technically true — but, in fact, it was one of the many artful dodges by which railroad com- panies had too long succeeded in evading their taxes. The county officers 326 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. could not know all the " inner intricacies " of the various transfers which had heen made by the four different railroad managements which had at different times controlled the Lexington road, but they did know that the taxes were due and unpaid, and they proposed to collect them — which 'the same they did. April 12, 1876, the county court employed A. F. Alexander and Ryland & Ryland, as attorneys " for the defense of the interests of the county in the tax suits brought by the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company against the collector and clerk of this court." The suits were carried into the U. S. district court at St. Louis, then transferred to a similar court at Jeffer- son City. But meanwhile the L. & St. L. R. R. Company had become bankrupt; and while the county had gained its cases against the railroad company, on the main issue; yet, in this particular instance the attorneys had to take what they could get. And On May 11, 1877, Xenophon Ryland filed the attorney's report. The important points of this repotr we here report from the county record: " The claim was settled by com- promise, and judgment and allowance rendered in favor of Lafayette county, state of Missouri, for the sum of eighteen thousand dollars, against the estate of Lexington & St. Louis railroad cdmpany, bankrupt, on the 9th day of May, 1877, in the U. S. district court for the western district of Missouri, at Jefferson City." The total cost of all the suits, attorneys' fees and incidental expenses was $3,815.50, leaving $14,184.50, which Mr. X. Ryland paid over to the county treasurer, and the county court ratified and confirmed the action of its attorneys. This case has an important historic interest, for it was the first time in the state that county officers had seized railroad property for delinquent taxes and carried their point. It was a test case and settled the question for every county in the state for all time. There has been no trouble since in collecting railroad taxes; these corporations now " step up to the captain's office," and pay their dues with commendable promptness — a very healthy practice which Lafayette county rightly claims the honor of bringing into fashion. In the final settlement and disposal of the funds in these tax-levy suits, the commissions and incidental expenses of the collector were overlooked and not allowed him. He brought suit in the circuit court to recover his claim from the county, but was defeated. He appealed to the state supreme court, and the case at this writing (August, 1881), still remains there unsettled. Wallace & Chiles are his attorneys. DATE OF OPENING OF OUR RAILROAD LINES. In October, 1868, the railroad now known as the St. Louis & Wabash, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 327 was completed to a station four miles from Lexington, on the north side of the river. In 1869, the Lexington & St. Joseph railroad was completed to the north bank of the river, opposite Lexington. In 1870-71, the road-bed of the "Lexington Lake and Gulf" line was completed from Lexington southward through the count}-; but the com- pany failed, and no ties or rails were ever laid on it. In March 1871, the line now known as the " Missouri Pacific " was completed from Lexington to Sedalia. In 1876, the Narrow Gauge line was completed from Kansas City to Lexington without any bonds. In 1878, the Chicago & Alton railroad was completed across the county from east to west. At that time bonds could not be lawfully voted; but the people of the county had to give the right of way and depot grounds, free, and $50,000 in money besides, as private donations, in order to secure the road. There are now (1881; three branch railroads terminating at Lexington, and every one of them is under the control of Jay Gould, or what is known as the " Wabash & St. Louis combination. " THE RAILROAD PROJECT. In 1868-69-70, it was confidently believed by the railroad partisans that in two or three years there would be six railroads coming into Lex- ington, and a railroad bridge spanning the river here. Out of this faith grew the scheme for a grand railroad hotel worthy of the situation. The grade of the Lexington & St. Louis railroad (now Missouri Pacific) termin- ated at South street between Elm and Lynn streets, and here the great hotel was erected, the remains of which appear in desolate grandeur to this day. The building was erected in 1870-71, at a cost of ^85,000; it was a joint stock enterprise, and the county took $20,000 of stock in it. B. H. Wilson was the architect and builder; Geo. Farrar did the brick work, and manufactured all the bricks at his brick yard which is still in operation, on Graham's branch. The whole scheme proved a disastrous failure; and in 1879 the building was sold for delinquent taxes. Many car loads of the bricks have been shipped away to Sedalia and Kansas City, and enough still remain to build another small city — another child out of the loins of Lexington. 328 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. RAILROAD VALUATION, 1880. [Lexington and St. Louis R. R., leased by the Missouri Pacific R. R. Co.] Miles of Value of Total value Val. rolling Total track. buildings. in twp. stock etc. taxes. Freedom twp 12.50 . . . $1,700 . . . $63,961 25 Davis twp 4.50 700 23,114 05 Dover twp 4.00 1,000 20,923 60 Lexington twp 7.25 2,000 38,111 52 Total in county 28.25 $5,400 $146,110 42 $13,585 42 $584 44 [Kansas City and Eastern (narrow gauge,) leased by Mo. Pacific Co.] Clay twp 8.82 $250 $38,299 48 Lexington twp . . . 5.03 200 21,899 42 Total in county 13.85 $450 $60,198 90 $11,273 90 $240 79 [Chicago and Alton R. R.] Middleton twp 6.40 $550 $66,363 75 Dover twp 5.69 400 58,890 84 Davis twp 4.34 650 45,306 40 Washington twp 10.19 550 105,248 09 Clay twp 7.80 1,290 81,400 37 Sniabar twp 2.26 23,303 89 Total in county 36.71 $3,440 $380,513 34 $302,035 00 $1,522 05 [Western Union Telegraph lines.] On Mo. Pacific R. R., one wire 28.25 m. Total value $1,836 25. Chicago & Alton R. R. two wires, 37 m. Total value $3,145 00. Total tax $19.92. The above is the assessment by state board of equalization for 1880. The following is the assessment by the county court for the same year, including both state and county taxes: Total value Total tax. iD county. Lexington & St. Louis R. R $151,480 65 $2,702 34 K., Chicago and Eastern * 64,065 80 1,116 83 Chicago & Alton 382,909 09 6,760 09 West. Union Tel. Co 4,98125 88 40 In addition to the foregoing, there are twenty-five miles of graded road- bed, extending from Lexington to Chapel Hill, and known as the Lexing- ton, Lake & Gulf railroad, running through Lexington, Washington, and Sniabar townships, and built mostly with the bonds of these townships. A deed of trust on this property was foreclosed in 1877, and was bid in by Henry L. Newman, of St. Louis, trustee. It is supposed that he sold it to the C, B. & Q. R. R. Co., of Chicago, and that they will ultimately extend their Burlington and Southwestern line over it, crossing the Mis- souri river at Lexington. [See under head of " River surveys and sound- ings, for railroad-bridge matter.] The grade is considerably damaged by HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 329 rains and floods, but it could be all repaired in a fortnight by a live company. It is not subject to taxation as it now lies; hence, valuation cannot be given. WAR HISTORY. FIRST TROOPS RAISED. The first military company raised, in 1861, in Lafayette county was a company at Lexington, commanded by a Capt. John Tyler. This was composed of men of all shades of political opinion, the most of whom were of mature years. It was intended for "home protection," and to enforce a sort of " armed neutrality," a policy then much discussed. It was neither for the " south" or for the " north," but for peace, and for the protection of the citizens of Lafayette county from the invasion of their territory by either the confederate or federal forces. The company drilled on different occasions, but soon disbanded, as affairs assumed a condition not permit- ting neutrality. Capt. Tyler afterward entered the federal army. On receipt of the news of the capture of Camp Jackson, and the firing on the citizens of St. Louis by the federals under Gen. Lyon, May 10, 1861, there was the most intense excitement in the county. Preparations were begun for war. Meetings were held, and measures, to organize military companies to assist in defending the state against the incursions and encroachments of the federals, were taken all over the county. There were many men in the county who had seen military service, and these were looked to, for the main part for counsel, advice, assistance, and lead- ership. The unconditional union men of the county were largely in the minority; the secessionists — or at least the conditional secessionists — were not only in the majority, but were bold, defiant, and aggressive, and had but little patience with or respect for opposition. The union men held a meeting at Lexington, in the court-house, about the middle of May. John Flem- ing was chairman, and Dr. J. F. Atkinson, secretary. At that time there were only about twenty outspoken union men in the town, nearly all of whom were in attendance. The stars and strips hung from a staff at ihe chair- man's table. The meeting had not progressed far when the secessionists who were present, to the number of fifty or more, began violent interrup- tions, and at last, under the leadership of one Charles Martin, a man of desperate character, silenced a speaker, tore the flag from the hands of the secretary, breaking the staff' in the effort, and bearing it in triumph from the room. A German citizen, Mr. Nicholas Haerle, a staunch union man, attempted to take the flag from Martin and his men, as they were leaving the hall, but was shot in the leg by Martin himself, and fell to the 330 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. floor. The meeting thereupon adjourned without orders, and sine die! Thereafter the union men of Lexington were, for a time, less demonstra- tive in their loyalty to the federal government. On the 20th of x\pril, 1861, the United States arsenal, at Liberty, Clay count)-, was siezed by volunteers from different counties in this part of the state, and the arms and munitions therein, inconsiderable as to number and not very valuable as to character, placed where it was thought they would " do the most good" for the state of Missouri. Capt. H. M. Bledsoe, Curtis O. Wallace, and other Lafayette county men, assisted in this cap- ture which was effected without any difficulty, and it is said by the order of Gov. Jackson, certainlv with his connivam e. Bledsoe and Wallace brought two of the captured cannon with them back to Lexington as their share of the spoils of w r ar. When the cannon arrived at the Lexing- ton wharf, a considerable crowd witnessed their delivery on shore with great elation. Afterward this feeling was changed to disappointment, for upon inspection, the guns, a pair of iron six-pounders, were thought to be honeycombed with rust and age, and absolutely worthless, but which in time proved to be a mistake. The object of bringing these guns to Lex- ington was to form a battery for state service, to be tendered to Gov. Jackson, and this was afterward done by Capt. Bledsoe. When the first federal troops came to Lexington (Col. Stiefel's regiment) they found one of these Liberty arsenal cannon, which the state troops had abandoned as worthless. This gun afterwards formed a part of Pirner's battery in the battle of Lexington, and- Capt. Pirner says it was the best gun he had — would shoot the straightest. THE COUNTY MILITIA FUND. April 29, 1S61, a petition was presented to the county court by Thomas W. Shields, R. M. Henderson, John P. Bowman, and others, asking an appropriation " to arm and equip at least one thousand men," etc. The court declined to do so until the legislature should pass an act author- izing it. May 15, the court record refers to " the special act by the general assembly of the state for the benefit of Layfayette county, passed May 14, 1861," and also to the state militia law. The court then appropriated $10,000, " or so much thereof as may be needed, for the purpose of arm- ing and equipping the volunteer militia of said county for the necessary defense thereof, and tor such other purposes connected with the military defense of the county and state as the court may deem proper," etc. Charles S. Tarlton, one of the judges, was appointed agent to disburse this fund. The bonds on which the money was raised, were made pay- able in one, two, and three years, at ten per cent interest. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 381 July 2, 1861, there appears a record of the following sums paid out of the above mentioned military fund: J. A. Graham's bill for tin-ware $ 24.90 VVm. Morrison's bill for tin-ware 37.80 John Aull's bill for tin-ware 95.35 James M. Baker's bill for tin-ware 75.02 Henderson & Day's bill for tin-ware . 81.01 Smith & Hale's bill for tin-ware 503.88 James S. Lightner's bill for tin-ware 42.00 Royle, Newman & Co's bill for tin-ware 77.16 Limrick for blankets 2.00 Henderson & Day's bill for boots and shoes 4.50 James A. Fishback, for blankets 25.00 J. & D. Levey, blankets 7.50 Royle, Newman & Wells, blankets 5.00 J. J. Samuels, shirts 5.25 Paid George Wilson's company 5.00 B. F. Gordon's receipt 50.00 Robert Hale, receipt for Lexington company 50.00 Thomas A. Webb's receipt 50.00 Thomas Shelby's receipt 20.00 George P. Gordon's receipt 50.00 J. R. Graves' receipt 30.00 Paid H. Reese for caps 20.00 Paid steambort for carrying troops to Jefferson City 63.00 Amount loaned to Barton 5.00 Total $1,329.36 It is noted that some of these bills were only partly paid; the total amount paid was $966.95, the remainder standing as " balance due " on them. And no further record appears in this matter until November 5, 1861, when the following entry was made: "Now, at this day comes Henry Neill, county treasurer, and settles with the court here for the fund known as the military fund, showing that said fund is now exhausted and balanced, which is approved and ordered to be filed." The documents filed consist of two warrants drawn on the county military fund, each for $500. One bears date May IT, 1861. and the other June 20, 1861. So it appears that $1,000 was all that was ever used of the $10,000 which had been authorized. LAFAYETTE MEN'S FIRST BATTLE. About the first of June, a company of United States dragoons from Ft. Leavenworth, under command of Capt. S. D. Sturgis, afterward a major general, had an encounter with some Jackson county militia under Capt. Holloway, who had lately resigned a position in the regular army to offer his services to the state of Missouri. In this encounter, which took place on Rock Creek, a tributary of the Big Blue, Captain Holloway and Lt. 332 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. McClenahan, of the Jackson county troops, were killed. Captain J. O. Shelby, of Waverly, had raised a company of cavalry, and was in Jack- son county when this skirmish took place.* Holloway was in command of all of the Jackson county men as colonel. He was a brave and gallant officer, and only a few days before he was killed, was at Lexington engaged in forming and swearing in men for state service. \ Immediately upon receipt of the news of the affair on Rock Creek, and the killing of Holloway and McClenahan, several companies of Lafay- ette county men were formed and marched to the relief of their Jackson county brethren. Capt. Ben. Elliott had one company from about Chapel Hill; Capt. J. M. Withers, one from about Mt. Hebron; Capt. Seth Mason, one from Davis township; Capt. Webb, one from Dover, and Capt. Whiting, one from that vicinity; Dr. Hassell and Capt. Graves had com- panies from Lexington. There was also an artillery company, composed of men from Lafayette county, and commanded by Capt. H. M. Bledsoe. The Lafayette men soon reached the scene of the trouble and went into camp on the Blue. This camp was called Camp Holloway, in honor of the gallant officer who had fallen but a few days before. The men remained there a week or more, when they returned home. At first the Lafayette county militia — or state guards as they came to be called — were armed, uniformed, and equipped by themselves. The infantry and cavalry carried every description of small arms that would shoot. There were double-barrel shot-guns (these were the favorite weapons, by the way), squirrel rifles, revolvers, pistols, etc., and a few sanguinary individuals had bowie knives. Bledsoe's lottery was at first composed of two pieces of artillery. One gun had been captured by Col. Doniphan at the battle of Sacramento, in the Mexican war, given by the United States to the state of Missouri, and by the state to Lafayette county. It was of amalgam, brass, copper, sil- ver, etc., and was at first a nine-pounder. For a long time it had lain about Lexington, being only used on the Fourth of July and at jollifica- tions for the purpose of firing salutes. The boys of Lexington were wont to charge it half full of powder and brick-bats and fire it with thundering reports. This gun was taken to Morrison's foundry and bored out, being enlarged to a twelve-pounder. The whole length of the gun was not bored ; by some mistake, about four inches of the breech remaining of the original caliber. This necessitated the use of a peculiar sort of cartridge, and eventually to the condemnation and retirement of the piece from active service, since its cartridges could not be obtained from the regular ord- nance depots, but had to be manufactured on the field, and material for this purpose was not always obtained.' "Old Sacramento," as the gun was familiarly known to nearly everybody in Lafayette county, or "Old * Edwards, " Shelby and his men," page 28. . / V I / JAMES B. EADS. [see page 48.] LUCAS MARKET.- THE OLDEST MARKET IN ST. LOWS. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 666 Sac," as Bledsoe's men called it, did good work for the southern cause, what time it was in service, however. The artillery men used the femi- nine pronoun "she," in speaking of "old Sac," and soon learned to regard "her" with a great deal of admiration and affection. At Carthage, Wil- son's Creek, Elk Horn, and Pea Ridge, she proved very effective, as tes- tified to by the federals themselves. At Memphis, Tennessee, she was inspected and condemned, however, and the last heard from her, she lay in the confederate navy yard at Mobile, Alabama. The other gun was an iron six-pounder, cast in Morrison's foundry. Morrison cast two six- pounders, only one of which was used, however, for want of a proper car- riage. The other was left on the steps of the masonic college, upon the first retreat of the state troops from Lexington.* A brass six-pounder was added to the battery from Independence. For powder, the Missourians did not lack. Gov. Jackson had sent up into this and Saline county, about 10,000 pounds of Laflin's and " Dupart's best," which was afterwards distributed among the friends of the southern cause for safe keeping. The federals succeeded in capturing some of it at differ- ent periods.f It was hid in hay lofts, under bridges, buried in orchards, and it is said that at this day there are a few kegs in a house in Lexing- ton, lying snugly hidden away between a ceiling and an upper floor. RESPONSE TO GOV. JACKSON'S PROCLAMATION. June 12, Gov. Jackson issued his proclamation, calling into active service 50,000 state militia, "for the purpose of repelling invasion, and for the pro- tection of the lives, liberty, and property of the citizens of this state." Lex- ington was designated as one of the places of rendezvous, and hither repaired those desiring to obey the proclamation. Gen. James S. Rains, of Jasper county, was appointed brigadier-general for this district, and he visited the troops at the camps at Lexington, attended to their organiza- tion, and addressed them in an excellent speech. He had previously vis- ited Camp Holloway, and directed the men to rendezvous at Lexington. The Masonic College and adjacent grounds were chosen for headquarters. Here were gathered 1000 men, mostly from this county. A regiment of Lafayette men was organized, of which John T. Graves was chosen colonel, Cave Kirtley, lieutenant-colonel, and Brazier, major. Capts. Withers, Whiting, Percival, Webb, Ferguson, commanded companies. Bledsoe's battery was here fully organized, with Hiram M. Bledsoe as captain; Curtis O. Wallace, 1st lieutenant; Chas. Higgins, 2d lieutenant; Frank S. Trigg, 3d lieutenant. *This gun, afterward, formed a part of Pirner's battery, under Col. Mulligan, at the bat- tle of Lexington. (See article, "Battle Items"). fDec. 20, 1861, Gen. Halleck reported tbat bis troops at Glasgow " bad taken about two ton8 of powder in kegs, buried on Jackson's farm." 334 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. On the 17th of June the first battle at Boonville was fought between about 800 state troops under Col. John S. Marmaduke, of Saline county, and about the same number of federal troops under Gen. Lyon. The state troops numbered in all about 1500 and the federals about 2000, but only the numbers named took part in the fight. The state troops were repulsed by the well armed and organized federals, and retreated with such precipitancy and in such disorder that the affair came to be known in Missouri as the " Boonville races." Each side lost but two killed and a few wounded. In a few days after the Boonville affair the state troops came to the rendezvous at Lexington, uniting with the forces already on the ground. Maj. Gen. Sterling Price having some time previously been commissioned by Gov. Jackson as general-in-chief of the state troops, or Missouri State Guard, assumed command of the state army at Lexing- ton. Learning that Lyon was still moving up the river, and being unpre- pared to receive him, Gen. Price resolved to retreat to the southwestern part of the state. C. M. Pirner, of Lexington, says the way this happened was: A young fellow named Brown, who was a printer in the Lexington Expositor print- ing office, suggested a plan to have some fun, but the affair was never known onlv to Pirner, Brown, James Curry, and a young telegraph ope- rator whose name he cannot now remember. The joke as carried out was as follows: The telegraph operator had a pocket instrument of his own. The telegraph at that time went easward by way of Waverly. He, Pirner, and the operator went out a little way east of Old Town, after it was all dark and quiet for the night, and managed to reach the telegraph wire and hitch on the pocket instrument. The Lexington office was called until it made answer, and then it was informed: "The federals have left Marshall for Lexington, may arrive any minute." The young wags then went back into the city to see the effect; and sure enough, by the time they got up main street to the vicinity of Laurel street, there were horsemen riding rapidly to and fro between the college grounds and different parts of the city. The jokers didn't dare to ask any questions for fear of some suspicion arising, which would have been sure death. But in the morn- ing the state troops were gone. Several histories speak of this sudden and rapid retreat from Lexington, but no one has before given the secret of its mysterious suddenness. Mr. Pirner claims that it was the first * graoevine dispatch " sent during the war, and he wants Lexington to have the historic credit of it. About the 25th of June the troops left Lexington for the south, the most of the Lafayette county men being in Graves' regiment or Bledsoe's bat- talion. Gov. Jackson, Gen. Rains, and Gen. Parsons commanded. The ladies and citizens generally turned out to bid them adieu, to wave them fond farewells, and to pray for their success and safe return. The force HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 335 was hardly an army, since it lacked organization, discipline, and experi- ence, but there was material in it for an Old Guard or a Light Brigade as was afterwards demonstrated. On the 5th of July the right at Carthage come off between this force and Sigel's command. Bledsoe's battery did important service here. Graves' regiment was engaged but not actively. The state army then inarched to Cowskin prairie, McDonald county, and spent some time in drilling and preparing for active and vigorous service. On the 10th of August the battle of Wilson's Creek was fought, and here again the Lafayette county men distinguished themselves. Graves' regiment was commanded in this engagement by Benj. Elliott, who was given his posi- tion on the field by Gen. McCulloch. At the time of his promotion Elli- ott was serving as a private in the regiment, but had been a captain at Camp Holloway. THE FIRST FEDERAL TROOPS. While the Secessionists of Lafayette county had been active in prepar- ing for war, the Union men were not idle. Some of the latter there were who had determined if war should come, to take a part, and that upon the side of the Union. Early in the season a number had left the county and made their way to Kansas City or the State of Kansas, where they joined the companies of Union militia or other organizations destined for service under the stars and stripes; and the German citizens of Freedom township, under the leadership of Capt. Becker, were organized and waiting for arms and an order and opportunity to strike. The Germans of Lafayette, like all of their fellow-countiymen in the State, were almost unanimously loyal to the Federal government. Other Union citizens of the county were only watching and waiting for the advent of the Federal troops in the county to themselves enlist on the side of Uncle Sam. FIRST LAFAYETTE PRISONER OF WAR. After the Boonville fight, Gen. Lyon sent a regiment of Unionists up the river on the steamboat While Cloud, which landed at Lexington July 9th, a few days after Price's troops had left. The arrival of these, the first Federal troops, created no little commotion in Lexington. As they x disembarked and marched up from the wharf the angry citizens of seces- I sion proclivities called to them and shouted at them in no very complimen- L tary terms. As they passed the residence of Wm. G. McCausland they noticed a small secession flag displayed in the yard and demanded that r it be taken down. Mrs. McCausland told them if they wanted it taken down they must do it themselves — she wouldn't do it.* Mean- - while, Mr. McCausland looking up the street from his store, saw the * Mrs. McCausland is one of the most refined, intelligent, and liberally educated ladies of LexiLgton, and would have ministered to a sick or wounded federal as" quickly as to a ; confederate. 336 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY*. soldiers halted in front of his house; he grasped an old shot-gun and ran to drive the invaders from his premises, but was promptly- arrested, being the first prisoner taken in Lafayette county by federal troops. He was held about two weeks and then released on parole. Other citizens who were prominent avowed secessionists were also arrested, James Ball, James Lightner, John McFadden, Alfred Jones, and Isaac McGirk being among the number. This regiment was known as the Fifth regiment United States reserved corps, was only enlisted for three months, and was commanded by Col. Chas. G. Stifel (pronounced sleefel). It was composed entirely of Germans from St. Louis. Col. Stifel marched his regiment almost immediately to the Masonic college, where he went into camp and threw up intrenchments. The prisoners taken were confined and guarded on the White Cloud. One of them, James Lightner, was shot dead by his guard, one Henry Hoefel, of Company A, while trying to effect his escape. The soldier alleged that Mr. Lightner attacked him with a drawn chair. The other prisoners were either released on parole or taken to St. Louis upon the return of the regiment. While the headquarters of Col. Stifel's regiment were at Lexington, detachments were sent out through the country, one of which went up the river to destroy all boats, so as to prevent the crossing of re-en- forcements to Gen. Price. At Blue Mills landing this detachment was fired upon and one man killed and twelve wounded. About 200 packages of the powder before mentioned were found by another detachment. A company of re-enforcements was brought down from the vicinity of Fort Leavenworth and left at Lexington. Two other Union companies were also organized and armed and placed in the newly constructed fort. One of these was Becker's company, before mentioned, and the other a com- pany raised at Lexington, commanded first by Gustave Pirner and after- wards by Henry- Emde. Each of these companies numbered about fifty men. The first was composed, as before stated, of Germans from Freedom township, with a few members from Pettis county, some of whom had been at Cole Camp, Benton county. The other company was chiefly composed of members of the German Turner organization of Lexington. About one year previously this organization had been presented with a fine United States flag by the citizens of Lexington. In the presentation speech they were adjured to '■'■always be found faithful in defending their banner from assaults from any quarter.'''' Now, they prepared to obey that injunction. Another company was also organized at Lexington by Captain Fred Neet. It was made up mostly of men from Lafayette county. There was also a company of Union men commanded by Capt. Ridgell, of Ray county. This company numbered about fifty men from Ray, Carroll, and Lafayette counties. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 337 On July 16th, the time of Stifel's regiment having expired, it left for St. Louis, where it was mustered out of the service. On the way down the river it was fired on from the Saline county shore and some of the men killed and wounded. In Cooper county the boat landed, and three of a firing party from the shore were killed by a detachment sent off the boat. Stifel's regiment was the one that fired on the citizens of St. Louis at the time of the capture of Camp Jackson. Upon the departure of Col. Stifel, the command of the post at Lexing- ton fell upon Capt. F. VV. Becker, of the Freedom township company. As he had three companies under him, he assumed the title of major. " Major " Becker had formerly been a stage driver from Georgetown to Warrensburg, and along that route. He had very little education, but affected a great deal of wisdom, and, dressed in a little brief authority, was given to many fantastic tricks. He wore a pair of huge epaulets and a stunning uniform; kept himself secluded from the common herd; was surrounded by a number of guards, and was as difficult of access as a czar. Yet withal he was a fair soldier. He was quite well versed in military tactics, and drilled his men with considerable skill. Becker remained in command at the college until about the 25th of August, when Lieut. Col. White, formerly of Stifel's regiment, assumed command, the force then consisting of Becker's, Emde's, RidgelPs, Neet's and Graham's companies, with which and other companies the formation of a regiment was then under way, of which White was to be colonel, Graham lieutenant-colonel, and Becker major. White had, in addition to his infantry force, which had been partly armed by Stifel, four pieces of artillery, two six-pound iron guns, and two brass cohorn mortars or how- itzers. Neither of these pieces was very effective. Graham's company was the one that had gone from Leavenworth. It was composed of men who had gone from and near Rock Island, Illinois, a great many of whom were professional men. In the latter part of August there came two battalions of the First Illi- nois cavalry, abont 500 men, commanded by Col. T. A. Marshall. They were from St. Louis, and came via Sedalia. Although a fine body of men, the members of this command were poorly armed, having nothing but old-fashioned single-barrelled dragoon pistols, and sabers. Col. Mar- shall at once assumed command. About the 8th of September came Col. James A. Mulligan with the 23d Illinois infantry, a regiment composed almost entirely of Irishmen and called the " Irish brigade." This regi- ment had also marched across from Sedalia. Being the senior officer, Col. Mulligan relieved Col. Marshall of the command of the post. He had orders from Gen. Fremont to fortify and hold the place, and information that he would shortly be reinforced. He at once began throwing up addi- tional entrenchments and enlarging those already built. 338 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. In a day or two there came to Col. Mulligan, by steamer from Kansas City, the 13th Missouri infantry, under Col. Everett Peabody, of St. Joseph, and Maj. R. T. Van Horn's battalion of United States reserve corps, of Kansas City. These troops were armed with muskets and bay- onets. Peabody's regiment was composed of northwest Missourians, with a few from southern Iowa and eastern Kansas. With this command there came two six-pound brass cannon, in charge of Capt. Adams. The guns were poorly supplied with ammunition. LEXINGTON FAIR GROUNDS ENCAMPMENT. In the latter part of August, Col. Henry L. Routt, with a body of state troops, intended for service against the federal authority rendezvoused at the fair grounds at Lexington. His forces numbered at first about 800 men, but were increased by recruits who came in by squads, companies, and singly, from day to day, until there were about 1,200 probably in all. Col. Routt was from Ray county and had seen service in the Mexican war. His men were from Lafayette, Jackson, Ray, Clay, and other coun- ties north of the river. The situation at Lexington was now somewhat singular. In the fair grounds were Col. Routt's troops, secessionists, and only a mile or so away were their deadly enemies, the federals, and yet both camps got along without a general engagement for some days. Pickets were con- stantly kept out and there was an occasional interchange of shots, but no serious damage done. Each side was afraid of the other. Routt had more men than Becker and the federals, but the latter were the better armed and in fortifications. One feared to attack, the other dare not. At last Col. Routt thought to gain his point by a ruse de guerre, hardly fair, and only allowable in war times. A number of pronounced and prominent unconditional union men had been made prisoners by the state troops. Among them were Ex-Gov- ernor Austin A King, of Ray county, Missouri's chief magistrate from 1849 to 1853; Hon. John F. Ryland, ol Lafayette county, a citizen of Mis- souri since 1819, judge of this circuit eighteen years, then judge of the state supreme court for eight years; his son, John E. Ryland, is now criminal judge for this district; Wm. Fields, and Mr. Casper. Routt made a demand for the surrender of the troops on the college hill, which was refused. He thereupon prepared a paper in which it was stated that the force of the state troops in the fair grounds was a very large one, well armed, and supplied with artillery; that large re-enforcements, with more artillery were on the way from north of the river; that the college hill was completely invested, and that the best thing Becker could do was to sur- render. This paper was addressed to the commander of the federal forces, and was presented to the union prisoners for. their signatures. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 339 The prisoners, headed by Judge Roland, positively refused to sign a paper containing so many and such flagrantly false statements, and so Routt's scheme failed. Meanwhile the Pirner brothers, both of whom had seen military ser- vice in the old country, had provided three shells with fuses and wanted to see whether they would "go" or not. So the next evening they ran one of the old mortars out to the place where Hon. H. C. Wallace now resides, and fired their three homemade shells toward the fair ground, and the first one exploded right over the grounds. This created a perfect panic among the raw troops there, and they clambered over the fences in hot haste, every man for himself, leaving horses, arms, equipments, pris- oners, to take care of themselves. Judge Ryland afterward told that he was as badly scared as the rest of them, for he was in the same danger, but he thought it as safe to stay as to run. When the Pirner's had fired their three shells they withrew, and knew nothing of the effect in the fair ground until a negro told them about it the next day. Nobody had been hurt, however. In a day or two scouts reported the advance of a large force of federal cavalry from Sedalia, and as another federal force was known to be in Johnson county, threatening Lexington, the position of Col. Routt and his men was a perilous one," and he retreated, forming a^ junction with the advancing army of Gen. Price at Index. The union citizen prisoners were taken along. THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. In the early part of the month of September, 1861, the military situa- tion in Missouri was substantially as follows: The federal troops held the Missouri river by a cordon of military posts stretching from St. Louis to St. Joseph. Communication between these posts was easy and generally kept up. The object of this line was to prevent the crossing of the river \>y the secessionists of North Missouri, who, to the number of 5,000 or 6,000, were armed, organized and desirous of joining the army of Gen. Price in southwest Missouri. A portion of these men were of Gen Thomas A. Harris' 2d division of northeast Missourians, including Mar- tin E. Green's brigade, which had been defeated in an engagement at Athens, on the northeast boundary line of the state on the fifth of August. Harris had probably 3,000 men. Another force, belonging of right to the 4th division, was in northwest Missouri. All crossing of the river by the secessionists had to be done covertly, stealthily and in small squads. Only two or three instances are known where more than one hundred crossed at one time. To break this blockade and to release the semi-imprisoned north Mis- sourians became the object of Gen. Price, who for some time had been 340 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. resting upon the laurels he had won at Wilson's Creek, in the camps in and about Springfield. From reports he knew which one of the four federal posts, Jefferson City, Boonville, Lexington and Kansas City, was the easiest and most important one to take, and he chose Lexington, knowing the ground and the almost certainty of victory, and the great moral effect upon the Missourians, which a victory at Lexington would have, following upon their important success at Wilson's Creek. In the last days of August, therefore, Gen. Price, with about 8,000 men and seven pieces of artillery, took up the line of march for Lexington. He, however, continued to receive reinforcements as he advanced. On the 2d of September he was at Nevada, where Col. Bevier reached him with 300 men from north Missouri.* On September 7th the army encoun- tered Lane and Montgomery's Kansas troops at Dry wood creek, Vernon county, and after a brief skirmish brushed them out of the way with but insignificant loss. Capt. Bledsoe was here severely wounded by a bullet in the groin, and did not rejoin his battery for some weeks. At Index, in Cass county, the advancing column was met by Routt's and Vard Cockrell's forces from Lexington. Here the Lafayette county regiment underwent re-organization. Col. Benjamin Elliott was chosen colonel; Counselman, lieutenant-colonel, and Samuel Taylor, maior. This organization lasted until the six months' term of service of the regiment had expired. Here also were met other Missourians " in arms and eager for the fray." FEDERAL SEIZURE OF THE LEXINGTON BANK. Gov. Jackson had appropriated the school fund of the state to the arm- ing and equipment of the state troops, and it had been proposed to make forced loans from certain banks of the state for the same purpose. To checkmate this action of the governor, as he alleged, Gen. Fremont, the federal commander, in Missouri, ordered the funds of certain banks of the state to be sent to St. Louis not for the use of the federal authorities, as he claimed, but to prevent their being employed to aid the forces of Gov. Jackson and Gen. Price. In obedience to this order of Gen. Fre- mont, therefore, Col. Marshall directed his Lieut. Col. H. M. Day, to wait upon the officers of the branch of the state bank at Lexington, and secure all the funds of that institution, giving a receipt therefor, and bring them to the fortifications at the college. This was done. Col. Day waited upon the bank officers and presented the following order: Headquarters at Lexington, Mo., Sept. 7, 1861. To Col. Day: — You will proceed, without delay, with one company, to take possession of the money in the bank at this place and give vour receipt for it, as also a copy of this order. T. A. Marshall, To Lieut-Col. H. M. Dav. Col. Commanding at Lexington. *Bevier's " Missouri Brigades," page 302. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 341 Mr. Morrison, then one of the directors of the bank, and now of the Morrison- Wentworth bank, states that he had buried the funds of the bank, in anticipation that they would be taken, but the federal officers had been informed of their whereabouts and so informed him. They were therefore soon surrendered. The cashier, Mr. C. R. Morehead, was afterward censured and dismissed from the service of the bank for being the informant, but he declared his innocence. The funds taken by Col. Marshall amounted to $960,159.60, of which $165,659.60 was in gold. Col. Day gave the following receipt: Received at Lexington, Missouri, 7th September, 1861, of the Farm- ers' Bank of Missouri at Lexington, seven boxes of American gold coin, marked and said to contain each $20,000, and numbered from 1 to 7 inclusive. Also, one box of foreign and California coin, marked and said to contain $10,659.60; also, three bags said to contain $5,000 each, amounting in all by the above estimate to $165,659.60; also, seven cases of bank note circulation, being the circulation of the Farmers' Bank of Missouri at Lexington, numbered and said to contain as follows and thus marked: " No. 1, $50,000; No. 2, $50,000; No. 3, $50,000; No. 4, $74,000; No. 5, $100,000; No. 6, $200,000; No. 7, $270,500." Total amount of bank notes circulation being, according to the above estimate' $794,500. H. M. Day, Lieut. Col. 1st Cav. Regt. of 111. Vols., U. S. A. By appointment of the bank, Messrs. S. G. Wentworth and C. R. Morehead started with the money for St. Louis via Warrensburg, under convoy of Marshall's cavalry. When about 20 miles out from Lexington the expedition confronted the advance of Price's army and hurriedly turned about and returned to the entrenchment at Lexington. The money was then delivered to Col. Mulligan and buried under his tent by Lt.-Col. Quirk, Major Moore, and Captains Gleason and Moriarty, the first three named from Chicago, Capt. Moriarty from La Salle, Illinois, and all of Col. Mulligan's 23d Illinois Infantry. (See article headed " The Lexing- ton Bank's War Money.") Against the seizure of their money the president, cashier, and members of the board of directors present, protested, alleging that they had " full faith that we are fully able to protect and manage the same." The pro- test was disregarded, however, but the officers were assured that they would eventually get their money, since it was only being removed to prevent its falling into the hands of the " rebels " under Jackson and Price. No objection was made to Messrs. Wentworth and Morehead accompanying the treasure, to see that it was safely deposited in St. Louis. CONFEDERATES MARCH ON LEXINGTON. On the 10th of September the advance of Gen. Price's army reached Warrensburg, and the next morning the whole army came up and rested 342 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. there that day. The soldiers were tired and hungry and the good people of Warrensburg generously fed them and cared for them to the best of their ability. The Federals in Warrensburg had abandoned the place at midnight before Price reached the town, and retreated to Lexington, burning the bridges behind them. From Warrensburg to Lexington the distance is about 34 miles, and early on the 12th Gen. Price started for the latter place, Col. Elliott's Lafayette county regiment having the advance. The troops marched hard, fast, and far, as may be concluded from the distance accomplished in the given time; but man)' of the men were in sight of their homes, and this fact annihilated distance and lessened toil and fatigue. At a covered bridge across the Garrison fork of Tabo creek, five miles from Lexington, a force of the Federals was encountered. This force consisted of four companies of home guards, a portion of Peabody's regi- ment, and two companies of Illinois cavalry, and had fallen back from Warrensburg on the approach of Price's forces. The Federals were driven back and another skirmish ensued at another bridge nearer town. One of these bridges was set on fire. At last the Federals were forced back into their intrenchments and Prece's forces occupied the southern and eastern part of Lexington. The artillery was brought up and the college hill vigorously cannonaded for a few minutes. Bledsoe's battery took up a position near the residence of Judge Tutt, and Guibor's guns were stationed in different portions of the town in range of the college. A portion of Rains' division also got within range of the Federals and skirmished with them. Darkness closed the scene, and both parties rested for the time and prepared for future and greater action. A strong picket force was kept up by each side. The loss of the Federals in killed during the skirmishes of the evening is given by the Chicago PosCs cor- respondent, who was in the fight, as 8 killed and 15 wounded. Loss of the State troops unknown, but estimated at 25 killed and wounded. The forces in the skirmishes on the Federal side were commanded by Major Van Horn.* The forces of Gen. Price were a portion of the Lafayette county regiment and other troops of Rains' division. After nightfall councils of war were held in the camps of both armies. Mulligan sent for his officers and a consultation was had in the college building. There were present Cols. Mulligan, Marshall, "*White, Pea- body, fGrover, and fDay, Majors Van Horn and Becker, and Captains Neet, Graham, and Duncan, the latter from Johnson county and who had followed Peabody from Warrensburg. The subordinate officers all expressed it as their opinion that the best thing to do under the circum- *Col. [Maj ] Van Horn has been for many years editor-in-chief of the Kansas City Journal; and was the member from that district in the 39th 40th, 41st, and 47th Congress, f White, Grover, and Day were lieutenant colonels. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 343 stances was to evacuate the works and the place. White wished to cross the river on the two steamboats lying under the works; Peabody and Marshall wished to go to Sedalia, Peabody promising to go with his regiment in the advance and clear the way. When every other officer had given his views, Mulligan spoke: "Gentlemen," said he, " I have heard what you have to say, but, begad, we'll fight ''em! That's what we enlisted for, and that's what we'll do." Preparations were instantly begun in accordance with the directions of the plucky commander. The whole force, in details of 500 men was put at work on the intrenchments and worked night and day until they were completed. Mulligan expected re-enforcements every da) 7 . Gen. Lane, on the frontier of Kansas, had 2,000 men, and these with a part of Pope's command under Gen. Sturgis, and a large portion of Jeff. C. Davis' at Jefferson City, were disposable for the relief of Lexington, toward which point they were directed and expected to move as rapidly as possible. On the 13th two regiments were ordered from Jefferson City to Lexington, and word of this reached Mulligan. He accordingly enlarged his works to accommodate the expected re-enforcements. He refused to have any wells or cisterns dug at first, saying that the college cisterns would afford sufficient water for the men, and the Missouri river, which his works commanded, would furnish enough for Marshall's cavalry horses. * Major Moore and Captain McNulty, civil engineers, of Mulligan's regi- ment laid out the works. The same night a conference was held between Gen. Price, Gov. Jack- son, and their subordinate commands. One or two of the officers voted for an immediate assault, but the majority, including Gen. Price, decided that there should be no useless shedding of blood; that the federals need only be surrounded and watched; that their capture was already assured, being now a mere question of time; that Harris' and Green's men from north of the river, as well as Boyd's and Patton's, were on the way and ought to be waited for, and that under no circumstances, except for defense or to prevent the escape of the federals, ought offensive or vigorous ope- rations to be conducted. " We've got 'em, dead sure," said " Old Pap" to his officers. " All we have to do is to watch 'em." The next morning a smart skirmish was had in the vicinity of the fort. The state troops were repulsed. Only about 300 were engaged on either side. This fighting was done on the side of the state troops by the Lafay- ette regiment and volunteers from elsewhere. Conspicuous among the latter for gallantry, and reckless in his exposure of himself, was Col. John *Maj . Neet, of Lexington, says a well was afterwards dug ninety-seven feet deep, one or two hundred feet north of the college building, without finding water, and the hole was filled with dead horses, then covered with dirt again. In Col. Mulligan's speech at Detroit, Mich., Nov. 29th, he said: "The night of the 19th two wells were ordered to be dug.* We took a ravine, and expected to reach water in about thirty hours." 344 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. W. Reid, formerly of Lexington, then of Jackson county, and a member of the federal congress. At the close of the fight, the federals sent a detail which burned the residence of Thos. B. Wallace, Esq., a union man. The house had been occupied by some sharp-shooters, who were picking off the federals constantly. After this the state troops retired to the fair grounds and the federals to their works, to improve which they instantly began. From this on for five days the situation at Lexington was a singular one. Both the federal and state forces were occupants of the town at the same time. Price's army was encamped at the fair grounds, where Routt had been; Mulligan and his men were on college hill, where Becker had been. Detachments from each side would go into the town, meet and exchange shots and then retire. Col. Elliott and the Lafayette county regiment were active in service. On one occasion the colonel himself, at long range, shot a federal soldier. From the 13th to the 18th of September there was constant preparation going on and daily rencontres. Gen. Price was waiting for his reinforce- ments from the north side of the river and also for the arrival of all of his ammunition wagons and munitions of war from Springfield, and closing around the federals. In the meanwhile Mulligan was fortifying and pre- paring to receive his visitors rather warmly when they should come. * In addition to his fortifications he constructed pits to throw into confusion the enemy's forces if they should attempt to charge, and also constructed mines, stripping the college building and the boarding house of their water pipes in which to lay his fuses, having none of the regular sorts provided. And Mulligan, too, was confidently expecting re-enforcements. Day after day his officers looked anxiously across the river into the wide bottom lands opposite, in hope to see Sturges' column approaching to their relief, or listened for sounds of combat from the southeast, announc- ing the approach of Jeff. C. Davis, from that direction. At last a small column was observed with a good field-glass some four or five miles across the river. This was Gen. Sturgis, with eleven hundred men of the 27th and 39th Ohio volunteers, referred to in Gen. Pope's dispatch to Fremont. But Gen. Parsons lay between him and the river with 3,000 confederate troops, and Sturgis therefore retreated to Richmond. See article headed " Gen. Sturgis' March for Lexington." Re-inforcements had been ordered from Lexington by Gen. Fremont from Gen. Pope. The latter had telegraphed Fremont from Palmyra on the 16th: The troops I sent to Lexington will be there the day after to-morrow *Lieut. McNulty, an old foundry man, and an officer in Col. Marshall's cavalry regiment took possession of Morrison's foundry and cast cannon balls until Price got possession of the city. He succeeded in making 150 six pound balls before being driven into the fort. HISTORY." OF LAYFAETTE COUNTY. 345 i (the 18th), and consist of two full regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and 150 irregular horse. These, with the two Ohio regiments which will reach there on Thursday, will make a re-enforcement of nearly 4,000 men and four pieces of artillery. But no part of these re-enforcements ever reached Mulligan, nor did any come from any quarter. On the morning of the 13th of September, the reports of the company commanders of Mulligan's troops showed that there were present for duty 2,780 officers and men, with 24 sick and wounded in the hospital. The strength of Gen. Price's forces can only be approximated. Rations were issued to twenty thousand men, as reported by Col. Ben. Elliott to the writer hereof. The commissary general of the Missouri army, then (and now) in Lexington, refuses to furnish any information. No sooner, how- ever, did the news get abroad that the " Yankees were surrounded " at Lexington, and the rfews traveled fast, than recruits flocked in from every quarter, and it is probable that 23,000 men took a part more or less con- spicuous in the conflict on the side of the state. THE BLUE MILLS RENCONTRE. On the 17th a brilliant little victory was won at Blue Mills landing, on the Clay county side of the river, by the forces of Colonels Boyd and Pat- ton, principally from northwest Missouri and on their way to join Gen. Price. The state guard troops who were crossing at Blue Mills consisted of 4,400 men. Gen. D. R. Atchison's report to Gen. Price, says they were, one regiment of infantry under Col. Saunders, and one under Col. Jeff. Patton ; one regiment of cavalry under Col. Wilfley, and one battalion under Col. Childs; a battalion of infantry and artillery under Col. Boyd, embracing Capt. Kelly's battery of four guns; and a small force under Col. Cundiff. Gen. Pope, under orders from Fremont, had telegraphed Lieut. Col. Scott, at Cameron, on the Hannibal & St. Joe railroad in Clinton county, and to Col. Giles F. Smith, at St. Joseph, to march to Liberty, in Clay county, and there join their forces and intercept the rebel troops that had left St. Joseph, September 12th, to join Price at Lexington. A later order was sent to Col. Smith, that if they failed to intercept the rebel troops, then to march onto Lexington; but Col. Smith had already gone when this order came, and it never reached him. Lieut. Col. Scott left Cameron with 570 men and one cannon, the 3d Iowa regiment and a few home guards and German artillerists composing the force. Col. Smith's forces consisted of his own regiment, the 16th Illinois, two companies of the 39th Ohio, and four pieces of artillery. (These were the reinforcements which Gen. Pope assured Fremont would reach Lexington September 18th, consisting of "two full regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and 150 irregular horse.") The 3d Iowa, Lieut. Col. Scott's command 346 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. reached Liberty, and not finding the Illinois men there, and learning that the " rebels " were nearly at the river, where they were prepared to cross, set out after them, Gen. D. R. Atchison had been sent by Gen. Price to hurry forward the reinforcements. He arrived at the landing, and learn- ing that the federals were following Boyd's and Patton's men, he ordered an ambush to be laid, into which the Iowans rushed and were promptly and thoroughly defeated, losing forty or fifty men, while the Missourians lost not more than a dozen. Boyd's and Pattern's men (among whom it is said were a battalion of Harris' division) crossed the river and all arrived at Lexington the next day. Capt. Kelly's battery of four guns was with the command. On the same dav of the Blue Mills fight, Gen. Price had completed the investment of the federal fortifications except the side next the river. Rains' division occupied the ground east and northeast of the works, the line stretching as far south as Main street. Parsons' division lay the full length of Main street, [marked North street on city map]. Slack's 4th division joined the left of Parsons' and extended to the river; a portion of this division was in reserve. The next day Harris' division occupied the line along the river front to a junction with Rains' division. Bledsoe's battery, commanded at first by Emmett McDonald, of St. Louis, and on the last day by Bledsoe himself, was east and northeast of the fort.* Guibor's battery was at work from different positions in the town, usually at street crossings. Congreve Jackson's force, of Clark's division, and Gen. Steen's division were considered reserves, but were actively engaged at times. Gen. McBride's division also supported and acted with Harris'. Kelley's battery was on the left of the line, along the river, and on the last day was in position northeast of the Anderson house. Kneisley's battery accompanied Harris' division in its different movements. A demand was made upon Mulligan for surrender, but he returned the reply: " If you want us, you must take us." Thereupon operations be- gan in earnest. A heavy and almost continuous fire was opened on Mulligan's position, from the artillery and from every description of smaller firearms. Old long-barreled squirrel and hunting rifles were em- ployed by the newly recruited state-rights men who did good execution with them as sharpshooters. They crawled up the gullies and ravines to within a few dozen yards of the Federal intrenchments and, following the . fashion at Don ny brook fair, wherever they saw a head they hit it — if it were the head of a Federal. Old shot-guns were also employed by some; others used revolvers when they could, and still others muskets. Parsons' division lay along the sidewalks on Main street. The houses thereon had *Bledsoe's battery was planted at west front of Judge Tint's residence, part of the time; and Mrs. Tutt informs us that three fruit trees in their yard were shot off by the federal cannon; one ball smashed through her kitchen and into the main house; and one man was killed at her north doorway. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 347 been for the most part vacated by the residents. The soldiers ascended to the upper stories and fired from the windows, often sitting down in easy- chairs in the intervals between firing, and taking things ^asy and luxuri- ously. Not always, however, did these men have such comfortable rifle- pits as they had at Lexington. And now the people came in from all parts of this portion of the State. Old men and boys gathered from the surrounding counties with arms in their hands and crept up and took a pop or two at the " Yankees " in the breastworks. Indeed, men of all ages, citizens, not soldiers, did the same. Many men brought their wives with them to see the "sport " of a battle! Some of the visitors rode in carriages, and the occasion seemed to be re- garded as a sort of a pic-nic, or holiday affair. On the 18th, about noon, Col. Rives moved down the river and cap- tured the steamboat and the ferry-boat. He had assistance from Mc- Brides', Slack's and Stein's divisions. Major Becker, who commanded two companies of Federals that were in a lunette breastwork guarding the boats, beat a hasty retreat to the main fortifications, and Harris' men were soon half way up the bluff and popping away at the now completely cooped up Federals. The capture of the boats and the river front was an important one and greeted with enthusiastic cheers by men of all divisions of the State troops. THE HOSPITAL EPISODE. The Federals had occupied as a hospital the then magnificent residence of Oliver Anderson, Esq., a two-and-a-half story brick building, down the slope about twenty rods west from the outer line of their intrenchments [See diagram,] and several hundred rods from the " Masonic College. " On top of this building there was a yellow flag displayed, marking it as a hos- pital, and in it were 24 sick and 96 wounded, according to Mulligan's re- port. The hospital was in charge of Dr. Cooley (now of Kansas City) as Surgeon and Rev. Father Butler, a Catholic priest, who was the Chap- lain of Mulligan's regiment. On Wednesday, September 18th, this hos- pital building was captured by the State troops, the reasons for which are given by Brigadier General Thomas A. Harris in his official report made to Gen. Price immediately after the close of the siege. At the time of the Lexington battle there was no newspaper being published in the city; the Lexington Express had been suspended, but its printing material was in the custody of Ethan Allen, Esq., now business manager of the Lexing- ton Intelligencer printing establishment. And immediately after the bat- tle Mr. Allen printed two sheets or circulars, headed " Official Bulletin — Extra, " containing the official reports Generals Price, Parsons, McBride, Harris, Rains, Stein; Colonels Rives, Jackson, Hughes; Lieut. Col. Boyd and Major Winston. And from this document we copy what Gen. Harris, in his report to Gen. Price, says about the hospital matter, as follows: 348 history of lafayette county. gen. Harris' official report. At 11:15 o'clock I received the order from yourself in person to move my command along the bank of the river to the support of General McBride's command, and Gen. Slack's division under command of Col. Rives. At the same time you gave me instructions to capture the brick house, outside the enemy's tines of defense, known as the Anderson house, or hospital, provided, that if upon my arrival there I was of opinion that I could carry it without too great a loss. * *. Upon my reaching the point known as the hospital, I dismounted and ascended the hill on foot. On my arri- val I found Col. Rives' command supported by a portion of Lt. Col. Hull's and Major Milton's (cavalry) command of my division. From a personal inspection of the position occupied by the hospital, I became sat- isfied that it was invaluable to me as a point of annoyance and masque for approach to the enemy. [See diagram.] I at the same time received your communication as to the result of your reconnoisance through your glass. /, therefore, immediately ordered an assault upon the position, in which I was promptly and gallantly seconded by Col. Rives and his command, together with Lt. Col. Hull and Major Milton, and their commands of my own divison. The hospital was promptly carried and occupied by our troops; but during the evening the enemy retook it and were after- ward driven out again by our men with some loss. [The state troops first captured the hospital about noon, or between 12 and 1 o'clock. About 2 or 3 o'clock it was retaken by Mulligan's men ; and about 4 or 5 o'clock was charged upon and captured a second time by the state troops, and thereafter held by them.] Thus it will be seen that Gen. Price and Gen. Harris planned and ordered the capture of the Anderson house or hospital, because as Gen. Harris says, "it was invaluable to me as a point of annoyance and masque for approach of the enemy," a fact which will be seen at a glance by con- sulting the diagram of the position printed on page 350. [The map of the battle of Lexington, given in Greeley's American Conflict, Vol. I, p. 586, is so ridiculously inaccurate that it is a perfect burlesque.] This hospital matter has been much animadvered upon by partisan writers on both sides. Col. Mulligan assumed that the confederates were guilty of a breach of civilized warfare in firing on a hospital; and, conse- quently when his men retook the building, having this belief firmly fixed in their minds, they gave no quarter, but killed every armed man caught in the building. Some of the minor confederate officers seemed to labor under the same impression, and claimed as an excuse or justification for the capture, that the federals had fired upon them from inside the build- ing ; but this was positively denied at the time by the surgeon, Dr. Cooley, and the priest, Father Butler, who were in the hospital, and by Major Meet, Mr. H. Booth man, and others, still living in Lexington, who were at the time in that part of the entrenchment nearest the hospital. But, aside from this, the official report of Gen. Harris, made at the time, shows that there was no such reason for the capture ; but that it was deliberately planned and ordered as a rightful military movement. The federals had HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 349 no militant right to expect that a strategic position so important to their opponents as the Anderson house and premises manifestly was, would or should be left in their quiet possession merely because they had seen fit to use some part of it for hospital purposes. Nevertheless, that first false scent has been followed and barked after for twenty years — the federals erroneously claiming an unjustifiable attack on the hospital, and the con- federates erroneously claiming that they were first fired on by federals from inside the building, and that for that reason the attack was made. Here is what Pollard's southern history, page, 165, sa} r s about it: As a detachment of the Missouri troops, under command of Col. Rives, . were passing down the bank of the river to capture a steamboat lying under the enemy's guns, a fire was opened upon him from a building known as Anderson's house, standing on the summit of the bluff, and des- ignated as a hospital by the white flag over it. There were in the build- ing at the time, twenty-four, sick ; but it contained also a large body of armed soldiers. Indignant at the perfidy which directed this attack, sev- eral companies from Gen. Harris, and the fourth division, rushed up the bank, leaped over every barrier and speedily overpowered the garrison. Compare this with Gen. Harris' report, and see how widely they differ. Gen. Harris was the man who planned and ordered the movement, and he certainly ought to know best about it. The truth of history in this matter, without any partisan coloring, is simply this: When the first capture of the hospital occurred, which was between 12 and 1 o'clock, the federals did not have an armed man in the building; and on the other hand, it was not at all necessary to say they did, in order to justify Gen. Harris' tactics. He did not assault the hospital, but its capture was a necessary incident of any success he might have in assaulting that part of the federal line. There were confederate sharpshoot- ers lying under the edge of the banks of a dug-down carriage-way within eighty feet of the hospital building (see diagram, at e); and as soon as it became known that a charge was going to be made on the hospital front of the federal works, and even before the assaulting column got in motion, some of these sharpshooters, probably not belonging to any command, had ran across that eighty feet space and up into the building, and commenced firing down on the federals from the upper windows. Three eye witnesses of this movement have informed us that it was not over thirty seconds from the moment they started on the run till they were in the building and firing from the windows.* It was this firing which was seen by some of the confederate troops as they rushed forward in the regular assaulting column; but not knowing anything about that bit of independent and suc- cessful strategy which the sharpshooters had played on their own hook, * "The confederates obtained possession of Col. Anderson's house and instantly filled it with their sharp-shooters. * * * This was only some thirty or forty yards from the [Federal] outer line of entrenchments."— #<. Louis Republican report. 350 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY these troops in line very naturally supposed that the firing from the win- dows was by federals, and so reported. This state of things shows plainly enough how it happened that such contrary assertions were positively made in regard to this matter; and both sides can now afford to accept the truth of it — that the federals did not perfidiously use a hospital building as a garrison, as Pollard asserts; and the confederates did not wantonly assault a hospital, as Col. Mulligan and the federal writers claimed. The following diagram is given to make the matter more intelligible: DIAGRAM OF THE HOSPITAL POSITION. L r 1 Hospital . O Spring . b Explanation.— "A'" is the Anderson house, or hospital. -'B" is a smaller brick house back of it. "C 1 was an outlying, low earthwork, projecting down nearly into the ravine represented by the dot line, while the enclosed earthwork was built up around the head of the ravine, as shown by the plain line. 4, D" was the sally-port in the earthworks, and was about 103 yards from the hospital. "B" was a canal- like carriage-way leading up to the house, and in which the sharpshooters lay secure, only about SO feet from the front, door of the hospital, "A." > ' ' ' These marks represent federal picket guard stations with a little dirt thrown up for protection from bullets. The dotted line, 8 8 8, shows a "deep gorge or ravine which was full of confederate sharpshooters; they found good shelter under its steep banks, as marked s 8 s. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 351 After Mulligan's men recaptured the Anderson House they then fired from it, the same as the confederate sharpshooters had done before, although the hospital flag was still flying. But in a short time — not more than one or two hours — the confederates came on again with increased forces, drove them out, and again took possession. Some of the confederate soldiers who took part in this second affair knew nothing about the first one — didn't know that there had been any other — and hence, these, from this circumstance, were misled in their ideas about the first firing from the building. t FKDEARL OPERATIONS. As soon as word was sent to Mulligan that the hospital had been cap- tured, he ordered a German company, of Peabody's regiment, to retake it. This company, Mulligan says, refused to go outside of the breastwork, saying: "We shall go not out, for it is bad to go out!" A company of White's home guards was then ordered to "go out," but it would "go not out." "Then," Mulligan says, "the Montgomery guards, Capt. Gleason, of the Irish brigade, were brought out. The captain admonished them that the other companies had shrank from the task, and with a brief exhorta- tion to uphold the name they bore, gave the word to ' charge /' The dis- tance was SCO yards. They started out from the intrenchments, first quick, then double-quick, then on a run. The enemy poured a shower of bullets upon them, but on they went. They ran down the slope to the hospital, and, with great bravery, drove the enemy before them, hurling them far down the hill beyond." The assault was no doubt a brave one, but it was also a ferocious one. Mulligan had said: "Teach the d — d vagabonds what it means to charge a hospital, and abuse wounded men, and insult a priest;" and Gleason's company took but one prisoner, a young man named Mansur, from the north side of the river; he got under the blanket with one of the Illinois cavalrymen who was lying sick, and so passed for a sick man himself, and thus escaped. All the rest caught in the building were shot or bayoneted; three of these latter were from Richmond, Ray county. These federal soldiers have been accused of barbarity, but they were resenting what they at the time fully believed to have been a wanton violation of the hos- pital flag. The federals held the Anderson house but a short time. It was retaken that evening, after a hot fight on the part of Capt. Gleason, who was twice wounded; once by a ball, which passed through both cheeks, and again by another, that went through his arm. The loss of the federals, at the Anderson house, Mulligan says, was thirty out of eighty men engaged. It is said that four of these were sick and wounded men in the hospital, who were killed by shots not aimed at them. The priest, Father 352 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Butler, was wounded by a bullet, which cut a groove entirely across his forehead. Mulligan's position now was indeed a perilous one. Environed on all sides, subjected to a disagreeably accurate fire, both of artillery and small arms, his men dared not expose themselves. Now they were entirely cut off from the river, and Marshall's cavalrymen and some of the teamsters had watered their horses out of the cisterns at the college, and there was but little water left — what there was being muddy. Two springs at the foot of the blufls, one on the north and one on the south, were closely guarded by the enemy, and it was death to venture to them. Mrs. Engle and Mrs. McDonald, wives of two soldiers, were inside the fortifications* They ventured down to the spring on the north side for water, but were met by the guards, given refreshing draughts themselves, their buckets politely taken from them, and they then returned of their own accord to their husbands. Greeley's history, and several others, sav that in their extremity "the soldiers caught the falling rain in their blankets, and then wrung it out into camp-dishes, to assuage their thirst." Lieut. McClure's diary notes that rain fell during the afternoon of September 13; and the Chicago Tribune's account of the battle says, "a heavy rain came at inter- vals, greatly to their relief." — (Rebellion Record, Vol. 3, p. 71.) One of Col. Mulligan's men prepared a consecutive and well written account of the battle for the Chicago Post, in which he says: "On the morning of the 19th it rained heavily for about two hours, saturating our blankets, which we wrung out into our canteens for drinking." On the 19th the situation was unchanged save for the worse, and on the 20th it was still worse. Marshall's cavalrymen and the horses were a great- disadvantage to the Federals. The men could not fight save only as a soldier of another command was shot and unable to use his musket, for they were armed only with old dragoon pistols that would not carry above 100 yards, and then would hit nothing they were fired at. The horses were only in the way. Many were killed and the stench from their carcasses soon became unbareable. The dead bodies of the men that had been killed were also very offensive, for they were permitted to lie above ground awaiting the close of the fight, until the night of the 19th, when some of them were given a hasty and imperfect burial inside of the works. The horses became frantic with thirst and many of them ran about the works unrestrained and trampled upon the soldiers. Their masters were for the time being non-combatants, and only sought to shelter themselves from the bullets of the enemy. *The wife of Col. Mulligan was in the city, a gnest of the family of Wm. Hunter, Esq. She had come from Jefferson City after the seige commenced. Mrs. Maj. Van Horn was at the Virginia hotel, then kept by Henry Turner, Esq., on the corner of Laurel and Franklin streets (now the Opera House). Dr. Alexander was then postmaster, and deliv- ered the federal soldiers' mail to Mrs. Van Horn. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. • 353 The position of Mulligan's forces the greater portion of the time were as follows: The Irish brigade [regiment] were in the woods on the north aad northeast; Peabody's regiment and one or two of the home guard companies were upon the south, and Col. White's home guards, Neet's, Graham's and Van Horn's men held the west line and an angle on the south. On the evening of the 18th Dr. Cooley, being on parole, came up from the Federal hospital to the entrenchments on an errand. As he passed Capt. Neet, he whispered, "Lookout! they'll charge you to-night." Thus forewarned, a picket rope was procured from the cavalry and stretched in front of the breastworks and between them and the hospital. True enough, at about 9 o'clock a charge was made by some of the men of Rive's com- mand, but it was easily repulsed, with some loss on the part of the assail- ants, the picket rope tripping many of them up and adding to'the confu- sion which led to their repulse. On the 19th a fire from all sides was kept up on the fort, and many Federals were struck. The old squirrel rifles were getting in their work. Their owners crept up, and with a tree, a stump, a rock, or a hump of earth for a breastwork, they fired at every animated object they saw inside of Mulligan's works. Not a " yankee " dare raise his head above the parapet, and indeed, not a " reb " dare expose himself to Mulligan's muskets either. Many of the Missouri sharp-shooters were up in trees, from which positions they made it especially warm for the Federals. At 8 o'clock p. m. a proposition to surrender was received by Mulligan and rejected. At 1 o clock on the morning, of the 20th the batteries of the State forces opened on the Unionists, occasioning some alarm on the part of the latter and apprehension of an immediate assault; but none was made, and the camp relapsed into something of quietude, notwithstanding the incessant firing of the riflemen of Rains and Harris and Parsons and Slack. Provisions were scarce in Mulligan's camp. There were no crackers or " hard-tack," and no water with which to prepare flour lor baking. By some means a little was procured and some "slap-jacks" made by some of the Irishmen on the night of the 19th. But the Federals did not complain so much of hunger as of thirst; and while there was much dis- tress from the latter cause there was comparatively little complaint upon that score. Officers and men were anxious to fight the battle to the end, let that be what it might. And the end was beginning. Mulligan hoped that either re-inforcements would reach him, or that Price would assault him. The only really practicable points of assault upon his works were east, north and south of the heavy breastworks about the college building and the boarding house, and these were easily defended. The ground in front was dug full of pits, the ditch was deep and broad 354 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and the approaches heavily mined. A storming column would have been blown into the air before it could reach the pits, and there were mines up to the edge of the ditch. An assault was advised by some of the subordinate commanders of the State troops, and hundreds of men were quite willing to attempt it; but Gen. Price refused to needlessly expose his men to such great danger, when he had as he expressed it, a " dead sure thing " on Mulligan's com- mand. " There is no use in killing the boys now," he is reported to have said; "poor fellows! They may, some of them at least, be killed soon enough." The morning of the 20th dawned cold and cloudy. Bledsoe's battery opened early on the college building, and was assisted by a section of Guibor's, under Capt. S. Churchill Clark, of St. Louis. The object was to Datter down the building, or make it untenable for Mulligan and his men; but the calibre of the artillery was too small to effect much in this direction. All of the guns were six-pounders, save " old Sacramento," the famous twelve-pounder of Bledsoe's battery. The Federal artillery replied very infrequently. Ammunition was getting scarce. Adams' two guns of Peabody's command had only a few solid shot, cast in Morrison's foundry, by Lieut. McNulty, of IMarshall's cavalry, and all the artillery cartridges used during the siege were made by hand. One iron gun in charge of the Lexington home guards under Capt. Pirner used canister shot, made very rudely by themselves. (See article headed " Battle Items.") Mulligan's artillery fired many shots into the town. One of the can- non balls struck one of the Doric columns of the court house, and the place where it struck is plainly visible at this day. Another struck the rear of the business house on the corner of North (or Main) and Pine streets, where Geo. F. Maitland's grocery house is now located; the ball passed through the iron window grating, and then striking a large iron safe near its corner, plunged diagonally through its iron and asbestos wall and out again diagonally through the next rectangle wall. E. Winsor, Esq., now has that safe in his insurance office; and how that cannon ball could go through, instead of glancing, when it struck the heavy iron safe at a slant, is a philosopical mystery. A hot shot set on fire a frame building on Main street, behind whii h one of Guibor's guns had been placed, and the house was wholly consumed. It belonged to John M. Fleming, a decided union man. Other houses in various parts of town, mostly near the college, were burned by hot shot from Adams'guns. On the last day of the siege, Guibor's battery fired some hot shot at the federals, aiming at the college building, but did not succeed in burning it. At about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, quite spirited fighting took place on the northwest quarter of the federal intrenchments, between Harris' and Martin Green's northeast Missourians on one side, and Beck- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 355 er's home guard, and one company of the Irish regiment on the other. Green's men made a splendid charge on the outer line of breastworks, and carried them, but were shortly after driven out with some loss. Kelley's battery was moved up to the position occupied by Gen. Harris' force,* and quickly opened a very effective fire. When the federal transports were taken, the lower decks of one of them were protected by hemp bales procured from some of the warehouses on the wharf. On the evening of the 19th, some of Harris' men themselves rolled some of these bales part way up the bluff", and lay down to sleep behind them. After this all the hemp bales in Anderson's, McGrew's, Sedgwick's, and other warehouses, were brought forward and used with powerful effect. [See article headed "The Hemp Bale Strategy," on another page]. At 12 o'clock on the 20th, the situation of the federals was desperate and distressing. Mulligan was wounded in the arm by a grape shot from Bledsoe's guns, and through the calf of the leg bv a squirrel rifle ball. Marshall was wounded in the chest; White was severely wounded, (shot through the lungs, but lived a cripple in St. Louis, for six or eight years afterward); Peabody was wounded; Van Horn was wounded; Groverwas wounded ; other officers were wounded. Major Becker was in the outer works, the only undisabled officer in his rank.f At about half past one o'clock Major Becker, from the works near the college building, raised a white flag. Instantly, the firing on the part of Price's troops slackened, and soon ceased altogether. The federals in other parts of the works did not understand the silence that followed, and when told that it meant surrender, many of them cursed and upbraided Becker for his action, declaring themselves able and willing to " fight the thing out." Whether or not Col. Mulligan in his heart approved the raising of the white flag at the time cannot be stated. Certain it is that he manifested much emotion, going to the extent of shedding tears, and denouncing the "d d cowardly home guards," but it is just as certain that he soon sent out Capt. McDermott, of the Irish brigade, with a white handkerchief tied to a ramrod, and directed him to make arrangements for a parley. Maj. Moore, also of the brigade, was sent to Gen. Price's headquarters, and the terms of surrender were arranged. These were unconditional — the officers were to be retained as prisoners of war, the men to be paroled and allowed to depart with their personal property, after surrendering their arms and accouterments. No sooner was the white flag seen to go up from the federal intrench- ments than the Missourians manifested an anxious desire to cheer. " Wait ♦According to Geu. Price's report. fit is said that when Becker was told that all the other officers were disabled, and he was now in chief command, he replied, " Veil, den I shtops tnis tamm foolishness poorly gwick ! " 356 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. a moment, boys," said Gen. Rains, " until we ascertain if they really want to surrender, and then you may halloo all you want to." In a few minutes the situation was understood, and then there was cheering to be remem- bered! The confederates poured over the breastworks to make the capture complete, but, not before many of Marshall's men killed their fine cavalry horses to prevent their falling into the hands of their captors. Some of the union troops cursed Becker most bitterly. " We have sur- rendered — there's a white flag up," said some of Peabody's men to Ridge's company. "Who put it up?" was asked. "Becker." "D — n Becker! kill him! shoot him!" and a volley was fired at him without effect. Yet, perhaps, after all, Becker did the sensible thing; and perhaps the men who denounced him were secretly satisfied. At five p. m., the stars and stripes over the college building were taken down and the Irish flag of green, bearing thereon the harp and the sham- rock, was captured from its bearers in Mulligan's regiment. Each com- pany in the brigade had its own flag, presented to it by friends at home, and every flag was lost. A small confederate flag captured by the home guards, when the night assault was made, was among the trophies tha the federals concealed and took away with them. At four o'clock, p. m., on Saturday, the federal forces having laid down their arms, were marched out of the entrenchments to the tune of " Dixie," played by the bands of the state guard, while great cheers went up from Price's soldiers and their friends. That same night the Illinois troops were sworn not to take up arms against the state of Missouri, or the con- federate states and were sent across the river under an escort from Rains' division to Richmond. The next day they reached Hamilton, a station on the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad, and then took the cars for Quincy, Illinois. The next day Peabody's regiment and the home guards were turned adrift, on parole, not to take up arms again until regularly exchanged. As some of the home guards lived in Lexington, they were soon at their homes. Gen. Price gave some of them up to their wives on the day of the surrender. AFTER THE SURRENDER. I After the surrender the union prisoners were uniformly well treated. Gen. Rains' men especially were kind to the men whom they escorted to Richmond, slaughtering a flock of sheep for them on the way. Gen. Price and his men were also courteous and generous to the prisoners. " Old Pap " admired the pluck of Mulligan and refused to take his sword. Some of the more unprincipled of the men of Price's army, however, acted outrageously. A doctor of Lexington, named Roberts, made an assault upon Col. Marshall with a bowie-knife, and announced his intention of killing that officer, while he was a wounded prisoner -at the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 357 residence of George Wilson, Esq. He was prevented by Mr. Wilson and others. As Mulligan's men marched down street on their way across the river, many citizens and some soldiers called out to them arid hooted at them, and these persons had before made the same demonstrations, and this caused Gen. Price to issue an order that the troops of Gen. Mulligan, " having fought gallantly and heroically," were not to be disturbed " by act, word or deed." "The visible fruits" of Gen. Prices victory were the prisoners, stated by the General himself, in the exhuberance of joy over his victory, at " about 3,500 men," but amounting really to less than 2,700 of all arms; five pieces of cannon, all six-pounders; two old ineffective mortars; about 3,000 stand of arms for infantry and cavalry; nearly 600 horses; a lot of equipments, wagons, etc.; a quantity of commissary stores and some other property. The moral effect was of inestimable value to the southern cause. The state had been pronounced out of the union by Gov. Jackson, but the legislature had not yet adopted a formal act of secession.* The result at Lexington prepared the minds of vast numbers of people for secession, strenghtened the weak and encouraged the faint-hearted in the cause, and made many a soldier for the confederate army. Many a man in this part of Missouri when he heard of Mullian's capture avowed him- self a "secessionist all the time!" And many a man who had concluded to enroll himself as a union man, thought better of it, and became in ■time a confederate. The loss of Lexington was a very severe one for the federals. Fre- mont was greatly exercised over the matter. He had trusted to Gen. Jeff. C. Davis at Jefferson City, and to Gen. Pope and Sturgis to re-en- force Mulligan, and was totally surprised when ^he heard of the latter's surrender, two days after it occurred. He instantly put his troops in motion to try and retrieve the disaster. THE HEMP-BALE STRATEGY. The use of hemp-bales by Gen. Price's army for movable breastworks, at the battle of Lexington, is a matter that has been a source of dispute and con- troversy — first, as to who is entitled to the honor of first suggesting it; secondly, as to whether the bales were wetted or not; thirdly, as to whether they caused the final surrender or not. There are different claim- ants of the original idea or first suggestion of it, as we show hereafter. The official reports, which we have fished up out of dusty oblivion, show *It was at Lexington, September 26, 1861, that Gov. Jackson issued his proclamation, calling the legislature to meet at Neosho, on the 21st of October; 39 representatives and 10 senators responded to the call, as officially stated by Col. Isaac N. Shambaugh of DeKalb county. And although having far short of a lawful quorum, an act of secession was for- mally passed by this body and members elected to the confederate congress at Richmond. 358 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. that the bales, or at least a considerable number of them, were wetted, and also that they were the immediate cause of the white flag being raised by Maj. Becker on the Federal earthworks, for their most formidable and overwhelming approach was in^front and to the right and left of his com- mand. Pollard in his history, "The Lost Cause," p. 165 says: "Gen. Price caused a number of hemp bales to be transported to the river heights, "etc. Bevierin his history, " The Confederate First and Second Missouri Brig- ades," p. 306, says: " After much consultation, Gen. Harris hit upon a happy plan. * * A large quantity of hemp bales," etc. Edwards in his history entitled, "Shelby and His Men," p. 44, says: " Col. Thomas Hinkle, of Wellington, claimed the hemp bale idea." A letter from Col. Wingo, dated at Salem, Dent county, Missouri, July 25, 1881, to this historian, says: "As to the hemp-bale strategy, I shall claim the honor of that until a better title is presented. Immediately after I was wounded,* when visited by Gen. McBride and Gov. Jackson, I told them both to use the hemp bales, and to suggest the use of them to Gen. Price. But as some one else might have thought of the same thing at the same time, and as the ball that tore my shoulder to pieces knocked all the love of military glory out of me, you have my permission to give this honor and glory to any one who claims it. E. T. Wingo, Col. ist Regt. yth Div. Mo. State Guards, in the late unpleasantness. Capt. J. C. Jamison, who commanded Co. D in Lieut.-Col. Hull's bat- talion, writes from Louisiana, Missouri, July 25, 1881: " My impression now is that Gen. Martin Greene was the originator of the hemp bale por- table fortification." Col. N. P. Minor, of same place and date as above, writes: " Of the hemp bale strategy I know nothing as to the author; but it was successful; and as Gen. Price was full of hard horse sense, I presume he originated it." And now comes another claimant with strong backing. Col. C. W. Bell, who was adjutant of Gen. John B. Clark's third division, Missouri State guards [at that time in command of Col. Congreve Jackson] writes us from Brunswick, Missouri, August 4, 1881: "The night after the arrival of Gen. Price with his forces at Lexington, Col. M. G. Singleton, of Boone county, being then in command of a regiment in Gen. Clarke's brigade, informed me that he had with certainty learned of the ware- houses at Lexington being full of hemp bales, and this fact had suggested to him the advantageous use of the hemp bales as portable breastworks in assaulting the fortifications of the enemy. At the request of Col. Singleton I that night gave his suggestions and plan for using the hemp bales to *Col. Wingo was in Gen. J. H. McBride's brigade, and was shot through the shoulder in the first day's tight or preliminary skirmish, Sept. 12th, on the southeastern outskirts of Lexington City, near trie Macpelah cemetery. This was about seven days before any hemp bales were actually used. — Historian. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 359 Gen. Price, who readily saw the value of the suggestions, and that night issued orders for the collection and preparation of the hemp bales. This was the first suggestion which was made to Gen. Price, as he then informed me. Severe illness of Col. S. prevented him from participating in the engagement at all; but his hemp bale portable strategy, under the immediate command of the gallant Gen. Harris, Col. Rives, and other brave and skillful officers and soldiers, was beyond doubt of incalculable advantage in winning the brilliant victory of Lexington. At the solicita- tion of the friends of Col. Singleton, and a desire on my part to vindicate the truth of history, this communication has been made to you. What- ever honor may attach to the originating of the hemp bale strategy, that honor is due to Col. Singleton, who in my presence received the thanks of that noble old hero, Gen. Price, for having made the suggestion. C. W. Bell, Former Adjt.-Gen. of Gen. "jf. B. Clarke's Div. Mo. State Guards. In addition to the above, we have a letter written at St. Louis, August 24, 1881, by Capt. F. B. Fulem wider, who commanded a company in Col. Singleton's regiment, and to whom the letter is addressed, in which he says: " In reference to the hemp bale strategy, I will say I have a distinct remembrance that you told me at the time the fight at Lexington was going on, that you suggested it to Col. Bell, and he for you to Gen. Price. I have no doubt, from my remembrance of all the facts at the time of the fight, that you are justly entitled to the honor of the hemp bale move- ment." Thus it will be seen that Col. Singleton's claim seems to be best authen- ticated, while Col. Wingo's, according to the dates given, was the first hemp-bale suggestion, in point of time, but does not appear to have ever reached Gen. Price at all. And the foregoing citations serve well to show how very difficult it is to obtain authentic and reliable information. A good historian has to be sheriff", prosecuting attorney, defendant's counsel, judge and jury, all within himself, before he can thoroughly gather and properly analyze the testimony and the facts, and sift out the bottom truth of the whole matter. And that is what we have done with regard to disputed points concerning the battle of Lexington. In Gen. Harris' official report to Gen. Price, after the battle, he says: " I directed Capt. Geo. A. Turner, of my staff, to request of you 132 bales of hemp, which you promptly accorded. * * I directed the bales to be wet in the river to protect them against the casualties of fire of our troops and of the enemy. But it was soon found that the wetting so materially increased the weight as to prevent our men in their exhausted condition from rolling it to the crest of the hill; I then adopted the idea of wetting the hemp after it had been transported to its position. In the arduous and extremely trying duty of transporting the hemp, I cannot 360 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. neglect to recognize the action and cordial co-operation of the commands of Colonels Rives and Hughs, Majors Winston and Thornton, Captains Mitchell, Grooms and Spratt, and- Adjutant Fleury, of Gen'l Stein's divi- sion, Major Peaches, of Gen. Clark's division, and Major Welton, and officers and men of Gen. McBride's division. * * At 8 o'clock a.m., on the 20th inst., I ordered up additional hemp bales to extend the defences at the position occupied by Col. Green and Lieut. Cols. Hull and Brace. I directed them to be used as portable breastworks, to be pushed forward towards the enemy's lines in parallel approaches. The disclosure of the htmp defences or approaches as they might be called, elicited the obsti- nate resentment of the enemy, who was profuse in his bestowals of round and grape shot, and was not at all economical of his minnie balls. But our men, gallantly led by their officers, continued to approach the enemy, pouring in upon him a most destructive fire until about 2 o'clock, p. m., when he surrendered." Col. Hughes in his official report says: " On the morning of the 19th, we rose from our 'bivouac' upon the hills to renew the attack. This day we continued the fighting vigorously all day, holding possession of the hospital buildings, and throwing large wings from both sides of the house, built up of bales of hemp saturated with water, to keep them from taking fire. These portable hemp bales were extended, like the wings of a partridge net, so as to cover and pro- tect several hundred men at a time, and a most terrible and galling and deadly fire was kept up from them upon the works of the enemy by my men. I divided my forces into reliefs and kept some 300 of them pour- ing in a heavy fire incessantly upon the enemy, supplying the places of the weary with fresh troops. On the night of the 19th we enlarged and advanced our defensive works very near to- the enemy's entrenchments, and at day break opened upon their line with most fatal effect. During the night we captured several of the enemy who were seeking for water, outside the fortifications. Some thirty of the enemy were killed by the men under my command, in their effort to procure water at the hospital well and spring near by." THE LEXINGTON BANK'S WAR MONEY. Upon the capture of Mulligan the coin and currency taken from the Lexington bank were anxiously inquired after. As before stated, the money had been buried under Col. Mulligan's tent in the fort. [See article headed "Federal Seizure of the Lexington Bank."] It was resur- rected and every dollar of the gold delivered up to Gen. Price. Upon tak- ing up the currency, which had been placed in tin boxes or cases and sealed, one of the boxes designated as "No. 3," was found to have been cut open, "as if a sword, or bowie-knife, or hatchet had been used," the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 361 report says, and $15,000 in notes of the bank was missing. A memo- randum was made of the fact, now on file in the bank of Wentworth & Morrison. Upon representations of all the facts in the ease to Gov. Jack- son and Gen. Price they ordered all the money, gold and paper, to be returned to the bank, but in a few days made a demand upon the bank for a portion of the gold themselves. In the previous March the legislature of Missouri had passed an act for the relief of certain banks of the State, which was in effect to allow of their suspension, conditioned upon their loaning to the State on its bonds a certain portion of their funds. These bonds were to be issued by the treasurer and signed by the secretary of State and the governor. At the time of the capture of Lexington the State convention of Missouri had met at Jefferson City, deposed Gov Jackson, Lieut. Gov. Reynolds, and secretary Massey, and installed in their places, Hamilton R. Gamble, Wil- lard P. Hall, and Mordecai Oliver. September 30, ten days after Mulligan's surrender, Gov. Jackson addressed the following communication to the officers of the bank: Lexington, Mo., Sept. 30, 1861. To the President and Directors of the Farmers' Bank at Lexington: Gentlemen: — From the inability of the treasurer of State (caused by his arrest by the troops of the Federal army in this State) to make the proper demand of your bank for the money due by the bank to the State, I, Claiborne F. Jackson, governor of the State of Missouri, do hereby demand of your bank the amount of money due by the bank to the State, for and on account of the State, and, if not granted, I am prepared to enforce the demand. [Signed.] C. F. Jackson. As the money so demanded was in gold amounting to $37,377, and as it seemed probable that none of it would ever be restored, the bank made the following protest: * * * "To which said demand, and the compliance of this board there- with, this board do here -protest — as well against the compliance there- with as against the right of the said C. F.Jackson to demand the same; but, being satisfied that said demand will be enforced by military power, it is deemed advisable to comply with said demand. Thereupon it is ordered by the board that the cashier pay to said C. F. Jackson the sum of $37,377.20, the amount which the back is required to loan the State of Missouri, and that he take said Jackson's receipt therefor together with his agreement to furnish this bank the bonds of the State of Missouri therefor. And so the sum named, $37, 377.20, in good gold dollars, passed from the bank into Gov. Jackson's State treasury, and, of course, not one dol- lar of it ever was returned. The bank charged the amount up to profit and loss (or to patriotism !) and so the account stands to this day. Afterward the Gamble or Union State government made demand for the like sum, which was paid and bonds of the State issued therefor, pur- 362 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. suant to the act of March 18, 1861, and these bonds were redeemed at their face when due. A report gained much credence that the money stolen by Mulligan's men was in gold coin amounting to many thousands of dollars, and that it was buried in a certain portion of the fortifications, and not a dollar ever returned. This led to many secret searches for the hidden treasure by divers covetous and credulous persons, whose search and efforts were, it is needless to say, fruitless. Long after the war a man came all the way from Kentucky to dig for the buried "gold," which he had been informed had been buried so many feet from a certain hackberry tree. GEN. STURGIS' MARCH FOR LEXINGTON. Gen. Fremont ordered Gen. Pope to re-inforce Mulligan at Lexington, and Pope telegraphed him from Palmyra on the 16th, that he had sent two full regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery and 150 cavalry, which would reach Lexington Sept. 18th. (See article headed " The Blue Mills Rencontre.") Also that he had sent forward two Ohio regiments which would reach there on the 19th; this latter was Gen. Sturgis' com- mand. Sturgis was stationed at Macon City, on the Hannibal and St Joe rail- road, where he received Gen. Pope's order on Monday, Sept. 16th, to take two regiments and march to the relief of Lexington. On Tuesday he arrived by rail at Utica, in Livingston county, about forty-five miles by w,agon road from Lexington. He had nine companies of the 27th Ohio volunteer infantry, under Col. Fuller, and five companies of the 39th Ohio — about eleven hundred men in all, but no artillery or cavalry. He had considerable difficulty in getting horses and wagons to carry their camp equippage, ammunition and rations, but succeeded in getting under way and camping ten miles south of Utica that night, while he sent a messen- ger forward with a note for Mulligan sewed inside of his coat lining. This messenger was captured Wednesday b}'" bushwhackers, as a suspicious character, and sent that night to Gen. Price, at Lexington, where he was rigidly searched, and the note to Mulligan being found, he was lodged in the jail. Thursday morning Gen. Price issued orders to meet the case, which are explained by Gen. Parsons' official report, wherein he says: On the next morning, Thursday, Sept. 19th, I received your order to march with my whole division to the river. On arriving at the bank I ascertained that it was your desire that I should cross the river with a force of 3,000 men to repel the reinforcements of the enemy advancing from that quarter. After crossing over I ascertained that the enemy had heard of my approach and retired in confusion, leaving two hundred of their tents upon the road." Col. Congreve Jackson's official report shows that his command, the 3d HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 363 division, also crossed the river that morning, Sept. 19th, to "resist the advance of reinforcements for the enemy under command of Gen. Stur- gis." Let us now return to Gen. Sturgis. Wednesday morning he pushed on, and during the day frequently heard the cannonading at Lexington. His men were all new recruits, had never heard the whiz of a hostile bul- let, and this was their first march; the day was extremely warm, and many of them fagged out, so that when night came they had only marched twenty miles, being now within fifteen miles of Lexington, where they could plainly hear the roar of cannon; and at the very moment when Stur- gis was fondly dreaming that his messenger had reached Mulligan and given good cheer to the beseiged, Gen. Price was ripping open that mes- senger's coat and finding the tell-tale missive intended for his federal oppo- nent. Thursday morning Sturgis' men were roused up at 1 o'clock to snatch their coffee and hard-tack, and prepare to march. He ordered the tents and all dispensible baggage to be left at a house on the roadside and the wagons thus released to be used for carrying those who could not march and carry their heavy musket and knapsacks, so that the whole command might push on as rapidly as possible toward Lexington. When he had got into Ray county and within about five miles of Lexington, he learned for the first time how matters stood there — that Mulligan was sur- rounded, his water supply cut off, his boats all captured, and 3000 troops thrown across the river to intercept and capture these 1,100 raw reinforce- ments. As soon as Sturgis could satisfy himself that he was correctly informed, at least as to the main facts, he immediately retreated by way of Richmond to Liberty Landing, thence by steamboat to Fort Leaven- worth. Meanwhile Gen. Parsons re-crossed the river with his command in time to take part in the continuous fighting kept up that afternoon. BATTLE ITEMS. A careful reckoning of the killed and wounded mentioned in the official reports of nine different Confederate officers gives a total of 38 killed and 150 wounded.* This is supposed to have included only those who were enrolled as soldiers, and whose absences were thus accounted for at roll- call. The number of killed and wounded among the thousands who took part in this battle but were not enlisted soldiers, can never be ascertained; but there is no reason to doubt that the killed and wounded among this class were quite as many as among the enrolled men. On the Federal side, of course they were broken up and scattered so that they never had a chance to made out any roll-call reports. Their loss is given in the histories at 40 killed, and 120 wounded, which is prob- * Gen. Price's official report said 25 killed and 75 wounded; but additional reports of his officers came in after his report was written — and Mr. Allen printed them all at the old Lexington Exprets office. 364 HISTOR t OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ably not far from correct, as they knew just how many they had under Mulligan's command, and the Confederates kept a reckoning of the num- ber of prisoners paroled. The Federal dead were buried within their earthworks; but the bodies were afterward dug up and removed to the National cemetery at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The number of cannon employed on each side has been a question of dispute. As nearly as we can make out from the various official reports, the Confederates had Bledsoe's battery 4 guns Clark's " 2 " Guibor's " 4 " Kelly's " 4 " Kneisby's " 2 " This gives a total of 16 guns, and is believed to be all they had, although some of the Federal reports put the number at twenty. On the Federal side there were — Waldschmidf s battery, with two brass six-pounders, from St. Joseph. Adams' 1 battery, with three iron six-pounders; this battery came with Mulligan from Jefferson City. Pinter's battery* with two iron six-pounders; one of these had been brought here from the U. S. arsenal at Liberty, by H. M. Bledsoe and Curtis Wallace. (See article headed " The First Troops Raised.") The other was one of the two six-pounders which had been cast at Morrison's foundry, its companion piece being at this time with Bledsoe's battery on the Confederate side. (See article headed " Lafayette Men's First Battle.") Pirner who also had two brass mortars, for throwing 6-inch spherical shells. For these he had forty shells, which were soon disposed of, and then the mortars were " played out." All the cannon balls they had were what Lieut. McNulty, an iron moulder who was in Marshall's cavalry regiment, had made at Morri- son's foundry .f The supply was short, and the men took pains every day to collect all the Confederate cannon balls which lodged anywhere within the earthworks, and the cannoneers would shoot them back again, for they had plenty of powder. Twenty-eight Confederate balls were thus collected and shot back during one day. The artillerymen made their own cartridges by hand at night. E. Winsor, Esq., now has in his office a large, heavy iron safe which stood in the back part (north) of a business house on Main street during the battle; and a cannon ball from the Federal fort plunged through two walls of the safe, although its iron platings were f of an inch thick, inter- *C. M. Pirner, then and still a resident of Lexington — druggist, and coal mine operator. *In his speech at Detroit, Nov. 29, Col. Mulligan said: "The men made cartridges in the cellar of the college building, and cast 150 rounds of shot for the guns at the foundries of Lexington ." HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 365 bedded with asbestos. And Mr. Winsor's residence was struck with a cannon ball, which passed through the back door and through the base- ment floor into the ground. One of Mulligan's men wrote to a Chicago paper: " Of the ladies of Lexington it is to be said in their praise that they did everything in their power to relieve the sufferings of our wounded, many of whom, who were unabled to be moved, they received into their houses." He also writes that Gov. Jackson made a speech to the prisoners: "He said w r e had no business in Missouri; that he would take care of that state, without our assistance, and that we had better go home and mind our own business." He says Gen. Price said to them, " you were the hardest troops to cap- ture I have ever seen." Indeed, the Federal soldiers came to have a great admiration for "old Pap " Price, and his men did also for Mulligan. (See under Events of 1864. — " Ladies Union Aid Society.") During the siege some of the Confederates went into the great beer vault known as " Baehr's Cave," on Franklin street, tapped some of the gigantic casks or tanks of beer stored away there in the cool darkness under ground to "ripen; " they drank all they wanted and then went out, leaving the beer still running. But one fellow, who hadn't got enough yet, lingered behind, and probably got obliviously drunk and laid down, for he was afterwards found lying in the bottom of the vault with beer a foot deep over him — drowned in the flood of beer. POETRY ON THE LEXINGTON BATTLE. A few weeks after the battle of Lexington the New York Evening- Post, edited by our great x\merican poet, Wm. Cullen Bryant, contained a literary effusion which we here quote : " The following lines were written by a lady of Stockbridge, Conn., and commemorate an incident very touching and beautiful, which rests upon the best authority, and which ought to be known. Col. Mulligan refused his parole at Lexington, and his wife resolved to share his captivity. Accordingly she left her infant, fourteen months old, in the care of one of the strongest secessionist women in the town. That woman assumed the charge of the little child, and dressed it in the captured American flag. (?) The fight had ceased! The cannon's roar Was silent on Missouri's shore; The leader and his band so brave Had turned from walls they could not save. When voice was heard of sore lament, A mother o'er her baby bent, And fast the bitter tears were shed That fell upon his little head: K 366 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. "Thy father yields his post and sword, But rebels shall not have his 'word'; In prison rather ling'ring lie, Than yield the right to fight and die. " And faithful love shall follow there, His hard captivity to share; But thee, my boy! such fate for thee! Like fettered cherub thus to be! " To pine in loathesome, poisoned air, To dwell in dungeon damp and bare, Oh ! better far for thee, my blest, Beneath the daisy turf to rest." The words her lips are scarcely past When round her, arms are kindly cast; A foeman's wife with pitying face, The mother and the child embrace. With glowing cheek, with brimming eyes, u Give me thy son ! " she earnest cries, " And haste thee! for the moments press — They spare thee but a brief caress! " She's gone, and other care shall shield The all-unconcious, happy child; Who laughs when glittering foemen come, And shouts at roll of hostile drum. But still his friend with instinct true Has robed him in his red and blue! And — mantle fit ! — has o'er him thrown The Jiag 'neath which the boy was born! — JV. T. Evening Post. It seems a pity to spoil so much poetry and fine sentiment; but the fact is, that " fettered cherub, " " thee, my boy, " etc., wasn't a boy at all, but a nice little girl baby all the time; and she is now Miss Marion Mulligan, of Chicago, one of the staff writers for the Chicago Times. Mrs. Dr. Boulware says that " dressing it in the captured American flag " was not true ; but Mrs. Hunter did trim the child's dress so as to show red, white and blue colors. The little girl was then about two years old. Col. Mulligan, after his release, reorganized his regiment and was sent east, where he took part in several battles or skirmishes in western and northern Virginia. July 24th, 1864, he was wounded at the battle of Kernstown, near Winchester, and died of his wounds two days there- after. Mulligan was born in Utica, N. Y., June 26th, 1830. His wife's brother, Lieut. James H. Nugent, was killed while carrying him off the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 367 field. Mrs. Mulligan was presented with a $5,000 house and $2,500 in money by her husband's admirers in Chicago. The following is a part of a camp-fire song which was composed and sung by the Federal soldiers to the tune of "Happy Land of Canaan." Col. Mulligan's brigade They were never yet afraid, Fought at Lexington five days without complaining; Fed the rebels shell and shot, Till they out of water got, Then surrendered up their happy land of Canaan. There's the " Dutch Company, " Who are fighting for the free, When in battle every nerve they are straining; When it comes to run away, They will tell you, " nix fur stay J '" They're an honor to our happy land of Canaan. We did not find any other poetic effusions on this battle. RECAPTURE OF LEXINGTON. — 1861 AND 1864. When Gen. Price marched south with his army after the battle of Lex- ington he left a small force to hold the place and guard the prisoners. On the morning of October 16, (1861), a force of 220 union cavalry called, "First squadron prairie scouts," under command of Maj. Frank J. White, dashed into Lexington, and held possession of it thirty-six hours. They released Col. White, Col. Grover, and twelve other wounded union pris- oners, and sent them on the steamboat "Sioux City" to St. Louis. [Another account says it was the steam boat "Florence" [?.)] Maj. White's official report says: "We made from sixty to seventy prisoners; took sixty stand of arms, twenty-five horses, two steam ferry boats, a quantity of flour and provisions, a large rebel flag, and other articles of less value. * * After administering the oath of allegiance to our prisoners we released them." Some historical items of capture were, Gen. Price's ambulance, Col. Mulligan's saddle, and the old national flag which belonged to the state house at Jefferson City, but had been taken to Lexington by Gov. Jack- son. These troops then left the place and went to Warrensburg, and the confederates again took possession of Lexington. gen. price's raid in 1864. Here we copy from Edwards history, page 419: Before Gen. Price's arrival in the vicinity, [Oct. 1864J Lexington had been occupied by Capt. Geo. S. Rathbern, leading a large party of officers, sent by Gen. Shelby, from Sulphur Rock, Arkansas, on recruiting service. Capt. Rathbern took quiet possession, issued proclamation assuring to the citizens, protection, and during his administration of affairs used every exer- 368 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. tion to quiet the people, and was earnest and strenuous in his efforts to preserve life and property. The advance of Lane's forces [federal] obliged him to retreat, and he rejoined his regiment to render as import- ant services in the field as he had rendered to his fellow citizens of Lafay- ette county. Lexington held out many fair hands and offered many faces rarer than others are, inviting the army to linger about its hospitable man- sions and its garnered delicacies; but a stronger power than love of pleas- ure urged Gen. Price forward — it was not physical but moral fear. Again, page 423; "So close were the federals to the rear of Gen. Price's army after it left Lexington, about 12 o'clock the day following the night of its capture, that when some of Shelby's soldiers crossed there from the opposite side (absent on recruiting service) they were picked up by the advance of the enemy holding the city. Capt. W. Moorman, Tyler Floyd, and Ed. Stafford fell into their hands here. With Capt. Moorman's party were taken six other confederates who were dressed in blue clothing. Rosecrans' general order required their death, and they were taken out and instantly killed." Edwards says on page 418, previous to the above: "Gen. Lane com- ing down from Leavenworth, had occupied Lexington in force, with every indication of giving battle." Gen. Pleasanton had organized a large force of federal cavalry to pursue Price, and in his official report* Pleasanton says: "I assumed the command of this army, and by forced marches (from Jefferson City), came to Lexington on the 21st of October, out of which place Price had driven Gen. Curtis' troops, under Gen. Blunt, that morning. I pushed on the next day to the Little Blue, engaged Price's troops, captured two pieces of cannon and drove them back to the Big Blue, through Independence." CONFEDERATE BATTERIES AND OTHER TROOPS. bledsoe's battery. This was originally a Lafayette county organization, and therefore a sketch of its history properly belongs in this history of Lafayette county, The battery was organized at Lexington, about the middle of June, 18(51. in response to Gov. C. F. Jackson's proclamation calling out 50,000 state militia. The officers then were: Hiram M. Bledsoe, captain; Curtis O. Wallace, 1st lieutenant; Charles Higgins, 2d lieutenant; Frank S. Trigg, 3d lieutenant. The names of other members of the battery at this time, we have not been able to ascertain. At first they only had two guns; one was " old Sacramento," the gun which Col. Doniphan had captured from the Mexicans at Sacramento in 1846, originally a nine-pounder, but now bored out to a twelve-pounder. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNT V. 369 (See article headed " Lafayette Men's First Battle.") The other one was an iron six-pounder, one of the two that had been cast at Morrison's foundry. A brass six-pounder from Independence was afterwards added to the bat- tery. But during the course of the war Bledsoe's battery lost, captured, exploded and wore out guns, so that first and last it had in use every kind of gun known to modern artillery service — howitzers, parrotts, Rodmans, Napoleons, — brass, iron, steel amalgum ; rifled and smoothe bores. The battery was engaged, under its original commander, Capt. Bledsoe, of Lexington, in the battles of Springfield or Wilson's Creek, Elkhorn, Dry Fork, Lexington, Carthage, Corinth, Iuka, Franklin, Nashville, Chicamauga, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ring- gold Gap, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Jackson, Mississippi; Atlantic, Columbia. Owing to the uniform success and skill with which this battery was managed, and the fact that it retained the same name and commander from the first battle in Missouri to the final close of the war, there was probably no artillery com- mand on either side, which won so wide a fame as " Bledsoe's battery." The following list of members and casualties is all we have been able to gather of men from Lafayette county: Captain, H. M. Bledsoe, of Lexington. 1st Lieut., Curtiss O. Wallace, of Lexington; resigned in 1862. 2d Lieut., Charles Higgins, of Lexington ; wounded in hip with grape shot at Battle of Carthage. 3d Lieut., Frank S. Trigg, of Lexington; wounded at Pea Ridge. At Battle of Wilson's Creek it had 40 men engaged. David Morris was killed. Wm. Young, of Lexington, had left arm shot off at shoulder, and right hand, all except the thumb and forefinger. H. P. Anderson shot in face and breast. Horses nearly all killed. At Carthage, Charles Wallace, Lieut. Higgins and Thomas Bratton were wounded, besides eight others, names not learned. Seven of the bat- tery horses were killed. At Dry Fork Capt. Bledsoe himself was severly wounded, but recov- ered sufficiently to reach Lexington and take command of his battery in the last day's fight there. J. S. Wheatley, lieutenant, enlisted, 1831; wounded at Jackson, Miss., July 10,1863; discharged, 1865. Wm. B. Steele, of Lexington ; enlisted in 1861, and served till the final surrender in 1865. John Santameyer, Davis township. Hezekiah Santameyer, from Davis township. Amos Anson, from Davis township. Wm. Summers, from Lexington. C. L. Bradley, of Lexington, enlisted in 1861, and went through. 370 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Arthur Brown, from Mayview. Charles Wallace, from Lexington, went through. F. S. Letton, from Lexington, sergeant all through. Thomas Young, from Lexington, from 1S61 through. Hamilton Atterberry, from Aullville. Benj. Atterberry, from Aullville. Lee Boak, from Clay township. Charles Anderson, from Aullville. J. R. Martin, from Lexington, served all through. Several years ago a consecutive sketch of the different actions engaged in by this battery, was written by W. B. Steel, Esq., for six years past the efficient and popular county clerk. From this document, still in man- uscript, we copy a few stirring incidents. In September, 1862, while the confederates were marching south from Iuka, and being pursued and annoyed by the federal cavalry, the narrative says: Our guns [Bledsoe's battery], were placed in line by the side of the road; the 2d Texas regiment formed on us and in line between our guns; the balance of the brigade [Gen. Price's], were formed to our right and left, and to our rear. Our cavalry had formed on a ridge some 200 yards in our rear. The enemy were seen forming in our front about 200 yards off; they seemed to be observing our cavalry, and took no notice of us. We waited until about 500 or 600 had gotten in line, when we opened with our battery and that of the 2d Texas; we fired very rapidly for a few minutes, and greatly surprised the Texans by the rapidity with which we could fire, for we fired six rounds while they only got in two. This had a good effect; it stopped the enemy from any further annoyance and caused our trains to move up. See Gen. Maury's report of battle of Iuka, to Gen. Price. Also Bevier's "Confederate Brigades," page 135. At the battle of Resaca, second day, the narrative says: When the sun was fairly up, the enemy made his appearance, and our battery was the first to welcome them. We had hardly fired the second round when the enemy's batteries to our left opened on us; we at once turned on them, when suddenly twenty or thirty rifled guns at long range poured their fire upon us, and it looked as if the whole earth would be torn up. We kept up our firing on those batteries that were within range until about 2 o'clock p. m., when one of the enemy's balls from a rifled gun struck the right wheel of our left gun about middle way, going through the tire and hub, which at once dismounted our gun and she fell to the ground; out of nine cannoneers seven were wounded, and but two left to mount the gun. It was hardly a minute, however, before she was remounted and again engaged with the enemy. At the battle of Nashville : The enemy came out above Nashville on our left, in strong force, and succeeded in breaking our lines. Our division was ordered to reinforce the left, but the artillery was ordered to remain on the right to defend that part of the line, should the enemy advance. While the fight was pro- gressing on the left, and we were on a high elevation anxiously gazing on HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 371 the scene, some one called, "Look, look, here they come!" "To guns, "to guns!" was the order. We were at once ready for action, and Cap- tain Bledsoe gave orders to hold fire — not to fire until the enemy were within twenty paces. Captain B. had his own battery, besides Capt. Goldthwait's and Capt. Beauregard's, making twelve Napoleon guns. Our guns were double charged with canister, awaiting the near approach of the enemy. Soon we discovered a line of battle — colored troops advancing on us through a blue grass pasture, and behind them a line of white soldiers. We held fire until they were close, when it seemed that every gun was fired at the same time, which created great confusion and panic with the enemy. We fired as fast as we could; the enemy were fleeing in the greatest disorder; we kept up the fire until they were out of sight. We found the field strewn with dead and wounded in our front; one of our men counted sixteen federal soldiers touching each other, so close were the dead lying. THE SECOND MISSOURI ARTILLERY, originally known as "Clarke's"; af cerward as •' King's "and toward the close of the war as " Ferris' Battery," consisted originally of four guns — two six pounder field pieces, and two twelve pounder howitzers, organ- ized by Capt. Clark, under the authority of Gen. Price, for the Missouri State Guard. In December, 1861, when the state guards disbanded, Clark, who held a captain's commission in the confederate army, recruited a company for "three years or the war," retaining the same guns. It was then known as " Clarke's Battery," or the " 2nd Missouri Artillery," and ■was attached to the First Missouri Brigade. At the battle of Elkhorn, Capt. Clarke was killed while the battery was gallantly sustaining a heavy fire from the federal artillery. The officers and men were favorably men- tioned by Gen. Little in his official report of the battle. At Memphis, Tenn., First Lieut. Houston King, was elected captain and the battery was afterwards known as "Kings Battery." It did good service at the battles of Iuka and Corinth. In 1863, it was ordered to report to Gen. Earl Van Dorn, commanding cavalry division, at Okolona, Miss. At this time the battery consisted of two twelve pounder howitzers, confederate make, and two three-inch brass rifles, federal trophies. Each carriage was drawn by eight horses and the cannnoneers were all mounted and drilled to maneuver with cavalry. At the battle of Thompson's Station, near Spring Hill, in Tenn., this battery was especially commended by Gen. Van Dorn in his official report, the following account of which is given by Capt. Jo. A. Wilson, who was then sergeant of the company: "The fight lasted three or four hours, a portion of the time in a blind- ing snow storm. The enemy being strongly posted on a wooded hill, repulsed our cavalry several times, although the attack was made with vigor and determination. * * * Just when it seemed as if we would have to retire and give up the field, we heard the order, ' Limber to the front!' 'Cannoneers mount!' 'Forward, gallop, march!' Away we 372 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. went up the turnpike through a shower of balls, right at the enemy's line. When within one hundred yards of the enemy, the guns were rapidly unlimbered and a destructive fire of cannister was poured into the dense mass of infantry, driving them back in disorder. The advantage gained was quickly followed up and the surrender of the entire force of federal infantry was the result." In the federal account of this engagement, taken from Harper's Weekly of March 21, 1863, mention is made particularly of the " heavy fire " of this battery. In the fall of 1803, twenty men and a ten pounder parrot gun from an Arkansas battery were attached to this company. The parrot gun took the place ot one of the howitzers which burst from overloading during a fight with federal gun-boats on the Tennessee river. Sergeant Tucker, chief of this piece was killed near Marietta, Ga., June 19, 1864. From this time until the close of the war, this battery was in almost constant ser- vice, engaged principally in harrassing Sherman on his march to the sea. In April, 1865, it surrendered to Gen. Canby at Gainesville, Alabama. In a little less than four years this company had marched over nine thousand miles, traveled by rail and steamer over twelve hundred miles, took part in over sixty engagements and fired about fifteen thousand rounds of ammunition. From first to last it had on its muster roll, about 150 men, the average number belonging being from 80 to 100. Following is a list of the members who went from this county, with a record of their present place of residence and occupation as far as can be ascertained: Capt. Houston King. Sergeant Jo. A. Wilson; banker, Lexington, Mo. Sergeant John C. Campbell; died at St. Louis, 1866. Sergeant Andrew Francisco, Waverly, Mo. Corporal B. F. Denny. Corporal Henderson Yokely, Pulaska, Tenn. PRIVATES. Allen Coleman, died at Waverly, Mo. Robt. Davis, Indian Nation. . Henry Francisco, Waverly, Mo. John Goggins, Waverly, Mo. J. W. James, Waverly, Mo. • Thos. C. James, Waverly, Mo. Thos. J. Jones, Waverly, Mo. Van King, Waverly, Mo. Aaron R. Levering, died after the war. Joseph D. Marquis, died in Saline countv, Mo. James Rollins, died in Saline county, Mo. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 373 ♦ Ben Rollins, Lexington, Mo. Wesley Smith, farmer, Lexington, Mo. R. W. Shockley, Ray county, Mo. Andrew Yokeley, Lafayette county, Mo. collins' battery, was organized in April, 1862, in Arkansas, and was made up largely of Lafayette county men. It became the especial pet of Gen. Joe Shelby and his cavalry brigade, and played an important part in some of the most dashing and brilliant exploits of that very remarkable command. It was this battery which made the celebrated capture of the federal iron-clad gunboat £>iieen City, and blew her up at Clarendon, Arkansas. The bat- tery comprised four splendid guns, nearly or quite all trophies of their own capture; the organization had 87 men, rank and file, of whom 21 were killed and 29 wounded. One of its novel and romantic features was a pet black bear, which the men kept with them through many marches and battles. It is said that these guns were first commanded by Joseph Bledsoe, a brother of Hiram Bledsoe of battery fame; but the only list of officers we found which seemed to be authentic, was, Capt. R. A. Col- lins; Sen. lst-Lieut., J. D. Connor; Jr. 1st Lt., D. M. Harris; Sen. 2d Lt., C. T. Smith; Jr. 2d Lt., J. E. Inglehart. Lieut. Connor is the present county recorder. He made all reasonable effort to procure a full list of the Lafayette county men in this command, but could not obtain it. Their pet bear's name was " Postlewait." Charles Tyler, Sergt., enlisted in 1861; transferred from 1st Missouri artillery to this battery. 1ST MISSOURI LIGHT BATTERY — C S. A. The names of the following Lafayette men appear upon the muster roll of the " 1st Missouri Light Battery, C. S. A.:" Samuel T. Ruffner, Captain; John O. Lockhart, 1st Lieutenant; Benj. D. Weedin, 2d Lieut.; Jacob R. Hendrix, 5th Sergt.; Wm. C. Slusher, 5th Corporal; David Rolston, 7th Corporal; Henry C. Herr, 8th Corporal; Felix G. Young, Eugene M. Ewing, Jackson Bradley, John W. Burns, E. B. Crumpt, James Crumpt, Gabriel B. Crumpt, T. R. Crews, Benj. F. Campbell, James F. Earley, Charles B. Fleming, Henry Holkensmith, B. M. Lank- ford, F. E. McCormack, John F. McCormack, Hugh L. McElroy, Quin- tius Masterson, H. A. Morrison, Wm. K. Nichols,. Bennet E. Phillips, Archibald Pool, Wm. H. Roberts, Nathan Roberts, A. Clay Roberts, Wm. Roberts, Wm. Rankins, R. M. Ramsey, Horace E. Ragland, James Seawell, C. C. Slusher, A. B. Slusher, D. A. Slusher, James W. Small, Geo. H. Small, John T. Small, John W. Simmons, Francis M. West, Jos. S. Woods, Fredrick A. Young, Wm. C. Bradley, Farrier, and Wm. Able. 37-i HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. This last man was killed by the enemy while on detached service with Col. Brook's cavalry. Except this, there are no other cases of either killing or wounding of a Lafayette county man in this battery. PARTLY FROM LEXINGTON. A portion of Company A., of Col. Bowman's regiment of Missouri State Guards was from Lafayette county. They served in Gen. Wight- man's brigade, Raines' Division, under Gen. Price, and were in the bat- tles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge, and others. Lieut. Venable, of Lexington, has furnished us the following list of those from this county, and date of death of those now deceased as far as known: Capt. Joseph Moreland (died since the war), First Lieut. Yandell Black- well (died in Mexico), Second Lieut. George P. Venable, Third Lieut. Charles H. Anderson. The enlisted men are: John N. Edwards, Charles Jones, Ezekiel Newman, William B. Hamlett, William Shepard, William Barnes, Paul Baker, James Baker (died since the war), Jerry Bair, Rich- ard Janes, Bal. Crump, A. Persinger, Henry Clawson (died in California), John C. Campbell (died in St. Louis, 1866), A O. Persinger, Burris Car- roll, H. Rice, Ike Persinger, James Crump, Harvey Persinger, Hunter Ben Jenkins, Robert Hunter (died 1862), Col. John P. Bowman, died after the battle of Pea Ridge, and was buried at Van Buren, Arkansas; Gen. Weightman died of wounds received at the battle of Wilson's Creek. LIST OF CAPT. WITHERS' COMPANY, ENROLLED AS M. S. GUARDS, ABOUT APRIL 1, 1861. James M. Withers, captain, served six months. Charles S. Ewing, lieutenant, served three months. Samuel Gibbs, second lieutenant, killed at Corinth. A. O. Slaughter, third lieutenant, served six months. A. P. Lankford, served two months. Mat Creasey, killed at Corinth. Edd Blewett, killed at Corinth. Bob Bradley, killed at Vicksburg. Thomas Procter, killed at Missionary Ridge. Daniel P. Ingram, served the war. William Smith, served three months. Edd Smith, served three months. Wesley Smith, served during the war. Sam Humphreys, last at Altona. John Southerland, Sr., died at Vanburen. Zach Southerland, served three years. Zenith Redd, killed in Missouri. Sam McMahan, killed in Missouri. HISTORY OF LAYFAETTE COUNTY. 375 John Varner, killed in Arkansas. Al Robberson, served six months. ' Hop Robberson. served three months. Joseph Allumbaug, killed at Mark's Mills. Thai. Osborn, killed in Missouri. A. O. Whitsith, served three months. Milton Whitsith, died at Marshfield. John Swirsh, died at Wild Haws, Arkansas. Joseph Bailey, served thirty days. George Powell, served three months. John Pumphrey, served three months. Frank Hays, served three months. Tom Garrott, wounded at Corinth, served the war. David Nance, wounded at Corinth, served the war. Peter Burton, killed at Lamar, Mo. Lafayette Burton, served six months. Edd Fleming, served three months. Arthur Fleming, served three months. Thomas Mullins, served during war. Issac Mullins, served six months. David Storm, served during the war. Jonas Ragdale, died in Mississippi. Charles Smith, served six months. Tesley Smith, served six months. Joseph Emison, served nine months. Fan Harlow, served three months. Berthan Clarkson, served two years. W. N. Thorp, served during the war. John Perry, served during the war. Pat Marshall, wounded at Vicksburg. Weed Marshall, wounded at Vicksburg. Philip Slaughton, served during the war. Edd Boring, died at Tupalo. Isaac Bledsoe, killed at Lone Jack. Joseph Fickle, served in Missouri. Tom Cochran, served during the war. Alvin Whitsith, served three months, went to the enemy. Arch Letton, served three months. Leander Maxwell, served three months. George Wilcochs, served during the war. Larence Wilcochs, served during the war. Thomas Wilcochs, served during the war. Dick Hainline, served three months. 376 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNT Y. James Starkes, served during the war. Ben Adams, served two years. < Thomas Gibbs, served during the war. John Holman, served two years. James Robbert, served during the war. James Sanford, served six months. Roland Hughes, served during the war. Phelix Graves, served during the war. Thomas Tibbs, served three weeks, and then went to the enemy. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS' RECORD. The great majority of these personal records of soldier life were made one at a time, from all parts of the county, through a period of four months; and it has been impossible to arrange them in systematic order by regiments and companies. We print each record just as it was fur- nished by the man himself or some friend for him. There were so many of "Shelby's Men" that we have kept them in a body together as well as we could; also Col. Gordon's cavalry; the rest had to be thrown together haphazard, in order as received. shelby's men. y. W. Bledsoe, Shelby's command, enlisted in 1863. Engaged in the battles of Mark's Mills, Camden, Little Rock, Westport, Newtonia, Ft. Scott, etc., of Price's last raid. Discharged 1865. B. Corder, Shelby's command, enlisted August, 1862, as sergeant, engaged in the battle of Coon's Creek, and in all the battles of the com- mand to the end of the war. Discharged in 1865. Bush Hinson, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1862. In battles of Carthage and Wilson's Creek, and was killed, August, 1862, near Cal- houn, in Henry county, Missouri, by federal soldiers stationed there. E. B. Starke, private ; enlisted in Shelby's command, 1864, and engaged in all the battles of Price's raid — Lexington, Westport, etc. Discharged in June, 1865. W. T. Starke, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1862. At Lex- ington, Pea Ridge, Wilson's Creek, Newtonia, and all the battles of the command. C. H. P. Catron, corporal, afterward lieutenant, Shelby's command; enlisted June. 1862. In the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lexing- ton, Coon Creek, Springfield, Hartville, Cape Girardeau, Little Rock, etc., and in all the battles of Price's final raid. Discharged in 1865. C. W. Cove, corporal, Shelby's command; enlisted in August, 1862. In the battles of Coon Creek, Newtonia, Prairie Grove, etc. He was lost between Van Buren and Clarksville, Arkansas — supposed to have died of yellow fever. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 377 Thomas McCormack, private in Shelby's command; enlisted in 1861. In battles of Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, Cape Girardeau, Lexington, etc. Wounded at Cape Girardeau. Discharged in 1863. B. F. Wood, second lieutenant, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1862. In battles of Rock Creek, Lexington, Springfield, Hartsville, Cape Girar- deau, Helena, Little Rock, Marshall, etc. Discharged in 1864. Geo. A. Campbell, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in August, 1862. Was in the battles of Columbus, Prairie Grove, Gaines' Landing, Osage, Mine Creek, and Newtonia, where he was wounded and captured, 1864; and discharged at close of the war. Sterling Powers, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in the fall of 1862. Battles: Ft. Scott, Newtonia, and all the battles of the Last Raid. Dis- charged in 1865. yames P. Proctor, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1862. Battles: Newtonia, Oak Grove, Cape Girardeau, etc. Was taken prisoner while sick, near Lexington, and confined sixteen months. Paid $100 to Gov. King for his release, as did others. yohn F. Eagan, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1862. Was in the battles of Lone Jack, Cane Hill, Little Rock, Prairie Grove, Cape Girardeau, Helena, Marshall, etc. Captured near Chapel Hill, but escaped. T. y. Wilkinson, captain, Shelby's command. In all of Shelby's bat- tles. Taken prisoner Monte Vail, but escaped soon after. yoe Hann, private, Shelby's command; enlisted in 1861. In the battles of Lone Jack, Newtonia, Springfield, and all the battles of the command. Discharged in 1865. Alex. Wilkinson, commissary sergeant, Shelby's command; enlisted in August, 1862. In all the battles of the command, except Helena and Cape Girardeau. Discharged in 1865. William T. Tracy, private; enlisted in 1862, in Gordon's regiment, com- pany G. Was in nearly all of Shelby's battles and fights, and once bruised by a spent ball, in Arkansas. Was captured at home, in the night, and shot early the next morning, by the soldiers, five steps off; but the heavy padding of his coat saved his life — was only wounded. Surren- dered in 1865. yohn Tyler, yr., private; enlised in 1862, in Trent's company, Elliott's regiment. Taken prisoner at home, in the fall of 1862; kept eight weeks, and returned home. H. T. Anderson, private; enlisted in 1861, in Capt. Collin's battery, under Shelby. Battles: Pea Ridge, Helena, Cape Girardeau, Prairie Grove, Newtonia, Newport, etc. Surrendered in 1865. David Alumbarg, private; enlisted in 1864, in company G, Gordon's regiment. In ten battles, and surrendered in 1865. 378 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Edward W. Lewis, private, enlisted 1861. Took part in all the ope- rations of Shelby's brigade in Missouri and Arkansas. William H. Lewis, private, enlisted 1861. Was in most of Price's battles and those during Shelby's raid in 1863, and Prices raid in 1864, until his capture. He was taken prisoner at the house of Mr. Alferd Lewis, his father, in the fall of 1864, and died in December, 1864, from the measles. Thomas. Porter, enlisted in August, 1862, in Shelby's regiment, Elli- ott's company. Company E, Thorp's. Was discharged June 2, 1865. Was engaged in battles at Little Blue and West Port. Returned to this county after his discharge. Francis M. Ramey, private, Co. C, enlisted 1861, under Capt. Geo. P. Gordon. Fought at Carthage, Lexincton, Wilson's Creek, and Pea Ridge. He died during the battle at Pea Ridge from typhoid fever. yohn S. Percival, first lieutenant Co. C, Shelby's regiment; Capt. Geo. P. Gordon; enlisted Aug. 1862. Fought at Coon Creek, Newtonia, under Gen. Cooper; Prairie Grove, Springfield, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, Helena, and Bayou Metre. He was killed at the battle of Bayou Metre, by the exploding of a shell, while commanding a company. Wm. Rome, private, enlisted 1861, in Capt. Joseph Barnett's com- pany, under Col. Vard Cockdel. Engaged in the battles of Lexington, Independence, Blue, West Port, and Newtonia; was with Gen. Price and Shelby through the war; surrendered personally at Houston, Texas, 1865. Hon. yames W. Harrison, first lieutenant, enlisted 1864, in Co. C, Hunter's regiment; also served in Gen. Jackson's regiment. Engaged in the battles of Independence, Blue, West Port, Dry wood and Newtonia; surrendered at Shreveport, being in charge of the regiment. yohn E. Corder, first lieutenant, enlisted in Co. C, Gordon's regi- ment, August 2, 1862, aad participated in the battles of Newtonia, Prairie Grove, Helena, Prairie de Ann, Little Rock, West Port, Marshall, Jenk- in's Ferry, and Shelby's raids. yames O. Hogan, private, enlisted 1861 in Shelbv's regiment. Dis- charged 1864; was in the battles from Lexington down. Maurice G. yacobs, private, enlisted August 15, 1862, in Shelby's command, and discharged June 2, 1865. Was quarter- master in Col. D. A. Williams' regiment, Shelby's division, Jackman's brigade. Dr. y. B. Wood, surgeon, enlisted 1861, as surgeon of Shelby's reg- iment. Engaged in the battles of Lexington, Newtonia, Prairie Grove, Springfield, Huntsville, Helena, Little Rock, Jenkins Ferry, and all the raids in Missouri. Was slightly wounded by a shell at Hollowood and taken prisoner; was discharged at Shreveport, June, 1865. Abner Ward, private, enlisted Aug. 1862, under Gen. Jo. Shelby, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 379 Co. F, 1st regiment. In 1863, he left on account of sickness. Fought in first and second battles at Newtonia, Cape Girardeau, and Helena. Thos. M. Elsca, private, enlisted /1861, under Gen. Jo. O. Shelby. Fought at Lexington and Pea Ridge. Was taken prisoner by the rebels at the Cowskin Prairie, in 1863, and by the federals on the Ozark Prairie the same year. George Davis, private, enlisted 1862, in Co. A, Shelby's regiment; was in the battle of Pea Ridge, where he was wounded and died at Peach Orchard Gap, Ark. Preston Atlebery, enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, under Gen. Shelby. Was scarcely in service one year till he died at Batesville, Ark., Aug. 10, 1863. 'Joseph W. Buttner, private, enlisted under Gen. Shelby, 1861, engaged in the battles of Lone Jack, Independence, Blue, West Port, Newtonia, Pine Bluffs; took the oath at Shreveport. J. L. Wiley, captain and major, enlisted 1861, in Shelby's brigade, engaged in the battles of Prairis Grove, Helena, Springfield, and Hoats- ville, was taken prisoner at Jacksonsport, Arkansas, escaped after three days imprisonment. Perry Cooper, private, enlisted 1861, in Collins' battery, Boomer's com- pany, Hoy's regiment, Shelby's command; discharged May 8, 1865. Engaged in the battles of Lone Jack, Helena, Cape Girardeau, Lexing- ton, Independance, Prairie Grove, Newtonia, and numerous skirmishes. Geo. P. Gordon, in 1861 was captain in the state guards, in 1862 in the confederate service, in 1863 he was promoted to the rank of major, at the suggestion of Shelby, by Gen. Hindman, and in 1865 was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, by Shelby, as division commandant; was discharged from the state service in December, 1861. going into the con- federate service the August following. Fought at Carthage, Wilson's creek, Prairie Grove, Arkansas, Springfield, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, Helena, Bayou Metre, Shelby's raid, Dardanells, Neosho, Greenfield, Warsaw, Tipton, Marshall, and to the Arkansas line, Price's raid, Lex- ington, Westport, Newtonia. He surrendered in June, 1865, Shelbv's division, to Gen. Frank Herron. Wm. W. Shroyer, private, enlisted 1861, in Percival's company, Shelby's brigade, was engaged in the battles of Carthage, Lexington, Prairie Grove, Springfield, and Hoatsville, was wounded January, 1862, at Harts- ville by a musket ball, which struck just above the knee. Lieut. Col. Benjamin F. Gordon, enlisted in the service in 1861, was lieutenant colonel of Shelby's regiment, afterwards colonel of the regiment, also commanded Shelby's brigade. Left the command at Texarkana, went to Old Mexico, in 1865, and returned in 1866. While in the con- federate army was in the battles of Carthage, Springfield, Wilson's creek, Pea Ridge, Cane Hill, Newtonia, Prairie Grove, Little Rock, Bavou 380 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Metre, Hollman, Mark's Mill, Jenkins Ferry, Hartsville, and Price's raid to Westport. Was wounded at Wilson Creek. W. Boon, major, first lieutenant, company G., Col. Elliott's regiment, Missouri state guards, enlisted in June, 1861. In 1862 enlisted in com- pany I, Col. Shelby's regiment, and was orderly sergeant. In 1863 was quartermaster of Col. Elliott's regiment. Was engaged in battles at Coon Creek, Newtonian Hartsville, Springfield, Pine Bluff, Jenken's Ferry, Prairie du Anne, Duvall's Bluff, Clarendon, Helena, Cape Girar- deau, first battle at Lexington, Jefferson City, Boonville, Potosi, Ironton, Pilot Knob, Chalk Bluff, Marshall,' Sedalia, Independence, Blues, West Port, Mines Creek, Fayetteville, Cain Hill, Bayou Metre, Stony Point, Carthage, Old Jackson, Fredricktown, Farmington, Patterson, Mt. Elby, Mark's Mills. col. Gordon's regiment of Missouri cavalry. Dennis Payne, private, company C, 1862; fought in the battles of Coon Creek, Newtonia, Cane Hill, Springfield, Cape Girardeau, Jefferson City, Marshall, Helena, Hartsville, Batesville, Neosho, Duval's Bluff, Camden. Surrendered at Shreveport. "jf. y. Cooksey, private, 1864; fought at Lexington, Blues, Westport, Newtonia, Marias de Cygne. Never regularly discharged. Samuel Biggerstaff, private, company B, April 14, 1862. Fought at Newtonia, and other minor engagements. Taken prisoner at Fayetteville and held until close of war. Discharged in spring of 1865. Charles A. Graham, private Co. F, 1862. Battles of Cane Hill, Springfield, Hartsville, Prairie Grove, Cape Girardeau. Was wounded and captured in 1864, near Calhoun, Henry county. Was paroled. Wm. F Lay, private, Co. B, July 1862. Fought at Lexington, Coon Creek, Prairie de Anne, Mulberry. Was captured twice; first at Elm Springs, in Sept. 1862; second at Prairie de Anne. Was paroled, July 1864. y. G. Webb, private, Co. C, Aug. 1862. Fought at Prairie Grove, Springfield, Cane Hill, Hartsville. Taken prisoner at Cape Girardeau, and paroled, July 3, 1863. H. L. Corbin, private, Co. C, enlisted Oct. 1864. Fought at Westport, Cane Hill. Discharged, June 15, 1865. B. F Peacock, private, Co. F, enlisted, June 1862. Fought at the bat- tle of Lexington. Discharged, Sept. 1862. W. H.Dysart, private, Co. B, enlisted Aug. 1862. Fought in all of the battles in which his command was engaged. Discharged in July, 1865. N. T. Fox, private, Co. B, enlisted Sept. 18, 1862. Fought at New- tonia and several minor engagements. Was wounded at Newtonia, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 381 through the thigh. Captured, Oct. 18, 1862, and exchanged in June 1863. Again captured and paroled in March, 1864. G. W. Garr, private, Co. B, enlisted July, 1862. In battles of Carth- age, Little Rock, Prairie Grove, Helena and other skirmishes. Was wounded at Helena, in the shoulder; at Clarindon, through the right arm; and at Westport. Was discharged July, 1865. W. W. Doak, private, Co. A, enlisted, Aug., 1862. Fought at Lexing- ton, Coon Creek, Edwina, Hartsville, Prairie Grove, and other skirmishes. Was taken prisoner in Ozark county Mo., in 1863, and held until 1865. Discharged in May, 1865. B. F. Corbin, private, Co. C, enlisted, Aug. 18,1862. Fought at Lex- ington, Springfield, Prairie Grove, Hartsville, Helena, Pine Bluffs, Marks Mills, Cape Girardeau, Westport. Discharged, June 15, 1865. J. A. yeffries, private, Co. A, enlisted, May, 1861. Fought at Car- thage, Springfield, Newtonia, Marks Mills, Helena, Prairie de Anne, Little Rock, and others. Discharged, April 1865. Robert C. Carter, private, enlisted, Aug. 1862. Fought at Coon Creek, Newtonia, Helena and others Discharged, June, 1865. y. C. Butler, first lieutenant, Co. A, enlisted, spring of 1861. Fought at Lexington, Springfield, Prairie Grove, Cowskin Prairie, Shreveport, Helena, Corinth, Ballstown and others. Discharged, May, 1865. yohn E. McDougall, lieutenant Co. B, enlisted, 1861. Fought at Lexington, Carthage, Springfield, Pea Ridge, and all other engagements participated in by his company. Discharged in spring of 1865. Was in Mexican war, under Doniphan. y. £>. Plattenburg, private, Co. B, enlisted, 1861. Fought at Lexing- ton, Newtonia, Springfield, Oak Grove, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, Hel- ena, Little Rock. Discharged in Spring of 1865. R. C. Allison, private, Co. B, enlisted, Oct. 19, 1864. Fought at Lex- ington, Westport. Discharged in June, 1865. Elias Afters, Co. B. enlisted, Oct., 1864. Fought at Independence, Westport, Carthage and others. Discharged, June 13, 1865. Ayers C. M. Bird, private, 8th Missouri Infantry, 1864; discharged 1S65. D. L. Bird, private, Gordon's regiment, 1861; was with the com- mand through the war; discharged 1865. Leven H. Merrill, private; enlisted 1861 in Gordon's regiment; killed by the mountain boomers, in the summer of 1864, near Batesville, Ark. I. N. Shelley, private, company H, enlisted June 17, 1861, in Gor- don's regiment; fought at Lexington, Springfield, Carthage, Pea Ridge, and all other engagements of the regiment; was taken prisoner in Bates L 382 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. county; taken to Johnstown, paroled, came home, was exchanged, enlisted again. J. C. Wood, private company G, January, 1862; discharged May, 1865. Fought at Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, Springfield, Marks Mills, Lexington, Helena, Cape Girardeau, Newtonia and numerous other engagements. W. S. Davis, private company B, August, 1862; fought at Prairie Grove, Helena and numerous skirmishes. L. E. White, private company B; enlisted August, 1862, discharged in March, 1863; fought at Prairie Grove, Springfield, Hartsville and in various skirmishes. Isaac Neal, private company B; enlisted August, 1861, and dis- charged Tune, 1865; fought in the battles of Coon Creek, and on Price's raid. Dr. W. Webb, surgeon; enlisted August, 1862, discharged June, 1865; was at the battles of Helena, Girardeau, Little Rock, and other engagements on Price's raid. Lucien M. Majors, captain company E, 1861, Col. Shelby's regi- ment; company L, August 18, 1862, Col. Elliott's regiment; then in company H, in 1864. Fought in the battles of Lexington, Springfield, ISTewtonia, Cane Hill, Coon Creek, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, Jenkins' Ferry, Prairie Grove, Prairie De Ann, Duvalls Bluff, Pilot Knob, Ironton, Independence, Blues, Westport, Dry wood, and 2d Newtonia. At the bat- tle of Newtonia he was shot in the left lung, and left on the battlefield, and was captured, and imprisoned at St. Louis. Qregpn Roberts, private, enlisted in company G, 12th Missouri Cav- alrv, Col. Hunter, October, 1861; was at the battles of Independence, Blues, Kansas City, Westport, Newtonia, and at Shreveport surrendered personally. col. Elliott's regiment Missouri cavalry. S. B. Whiting, captain company C; enlisted 1861; fought at Car- thage, Wilson Creek, Dry wood, Lexington, Pea Ridge and others; was taken prisoner in 1862, and held at Leavenworth one year; discharged in 1865. P. W. Gum, orderly sergeant company I; enlisted in 1861; trans- ferred to John'B. Clarke's regiment in 1862; was at Lexington, "Newto- nia, Prairie Grove, Jefferson City, Westport, Mine Creek; mustered out at Shreveport, 1865; taken prisoner at Helena, July 21, 1864; held until May, 1865. MISCELLANEOUS. Jas. K. Norfeet, private, enlisted August, 1862 First Missouri brigade infantry. Battles — Drywood, Fort Scott, Springfield, Helena, Cane Hill, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 383 and Pleasant Hill, where he was captured, and in escaping was wounded and disabled for a year. E . T. Stark, major, enlisted in 1861 in Taylor's Co. M. S. G.,; was at the battles of Lexington, Springfield, Iuka, Cornith, Vicksburg, and Jack- son; Discharged at Vicksburg. Wash. Bardsley, sergeant, enlisted in 1861 in M. S. G., and in March 1862, in Company A, Fifth Missouri volunteers, C. S. A.; was in the bat- tles Springfield, Oak Hill, Iuka, Baker's Creek, Pt. Gibson, and Vicks- burg. Wounded slightly several times and captured at Vicksburg and exchanged January 1864, re-enlisted, and surrendered in 1865. Charles R. Anderson, commissary department, enlisted in 1861 in M. S. G., under Gen. Green; was in the battles Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lex- ington, Corinth, Baker's Creek, Big Black, and Iuka. Surrendered in 1865. A. S. Gum, lieutenant, enlisted August, 1861, in M. S. G.; was at bat- tles of Wilson's Creek, Lexington. Captured May, 1862. Thomas A. Webb, captain, enlisted in June 1861, in M. S. G. Noah P. Adams, private, enlisted in August 1861, in M. S. G., and in 1862 in Company E, Elliot's battalion; in the battles of Dry wood, Lex- ington, Lone Jack, Lexington again, and Westport. Captured in 1864 and imprisoned at Rock Island until the war closed. yohn Perry, sergeant, enlisted in 1861 in M. S. G. ; at the battles of Carthage and Wilson's Creek. Taken prisoner at Lexington in March, 1862, sent to St. Louis and Alton, and exchanged at Vicksburg Septem- ber, 1862, y. B. Carmichacl, corporal, enlisted in 1861, in Keith's company Ellliot's regiment M. S. G; in the battles of Lexington, Wilson's Creek, Lone Jack, etc. Captured in March, 1863, and kept in Alton three months, and afterwards arrested at home and held until 1864. y. A. y. McCauley, private, enlisted in August, 1862, in Second regi- ment Missouri cavalry; in the battles of Lone Jack, Prairie Grove, Sec- ond Springfield, and many skirmishes, etc. Surrendered in 1865. yohn S. Calloway, second sergeant, enlisted July 3, 1861, in Company I, Sixteenth regiment Missouri infantry of Price's division ; discharged at Shreveport, Louisiana, January 10, 1865; engaged in the battles of Car- thage, Oak Hill, Pea Ridge, Corinth, Prairie Grove, Pleasant Hill, Mans- field, Jenkins' Ferry, Helena, Lexington, and Dry wood. Was wounded at Pleasant Hill in 1863, by a piece of shell. Captain W. A. Redd, edjutant, enlisted in April, 1861, at Lexington in the First Missouri cavalry of State guards as first lieutenant of company B, afterwards in the Third Missouri cavalry Gordon's regiment; engaged in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Cross Hollow, Prairie, Marksville, Springfield, and Jenkins Ferry; was taken prisoner near Fay- 384 HISTOR/ OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. etteville, Arkansas, and imprisoned at Alton, and exchanged in 1862. Captured on Shelby's raid, taken to Johnson Island, and held thirteen months, when the war closed. James Rollins, private, enlisted in 1861 in Taylor's company, Sixth Mis- souri regiment, and in Gordon's company, Grove's regiment; engaged in the battles of Carthage, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Corinth, Iuka, Jackson, Yazoo City, Thompson Station, and through the Georgia campaign and Forest's engagement with Smith in Alabama and Mississippi. H. C. Francisco, private, enlisted Feb. 11, 1863, in Clark's battery Vandorn's division; engaged in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Iuka, Vicksburg Yazoo City, Thompson Station, with the Georgia campaign, and Forest's fight with Smith in Alabama and Mississippi. Horace J. Galbraith, captain and quarter-master, enlisted in 1862 in G. B. Gordon's company, Gordon's regiment; was in the fights of Newtonia, Cape Girardeau, Helena, Bayou Metre, and in Price's raids. "John Fitz^patrick, private, enlisted in October, 1864, in Company C, Gordon's regiment; was engaged in the battles of Lexington, West Port, and Newtonia. Discharged at Shreveport June 1865. Uriah Hawkins, private, enlisted August 2, 1862, in Company C, Gor- don's regiment, Shelby's brigade; engaged in the battles of Newtonia, Neosho, Coon Creek, and Cane Hill; after the last named battle was dis- charged and was living in the southern States, but suddenly disappeared and has never since been heard of. Hugh Gautier, private, enlisted in Gen. Hurt's State guard in 1861 ; was at the battle of Springfield; killed by the federal soldiers in the yearl863. Samuel J. Andrews, captain; enlisted in Co. B. 2d N. C. Cav. May, 1861; engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville, Fleet- wood or Brandy Station, where Jan. 9, 1873, he lost his right leg. Dr. S fencer W. Brown, surgeon of Shelby's regiment, Bledsoe battery; engaged in the battles of Carthage, Lexington, Prairie Grove, Indepen- dence, Little Rock, Marshall, and all of Shelby's raids ; sent to prison by false charges of being colonel of the regiment from Marshall, Mo., and was confined for three months in St. Louis bastile. John W. Lewis, private; enlisted May, 1861, in Co. C, Gordon's regi- ment; engaged in the battles of Blue Mills, Carthage, Wilson Creek, Prairie Grove, Little Rock, Helena, Marshall, Cape Girardeau, Spring- field, Marshfield, Jenkins Ferry and Hartsville; wounded Feb. 6, 1863, near Pine Bluffs by a pistol shot and captured by Grove Young, of a Missouri regiment of federals; was confined in Little Rock, Ark.; when being transferred to Rock Island he made his escape by jumping from the train. Ed. W. Lewis, private; enlisted 1862 in Co. A, Capt. Percival's com- pany, Gordon's regiment; engaged in the battles of 2d Springfield, Harts- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 385 ville, Prairie Grove, Cane Hill and Neosho; went with a party on a raid near Cape Girardeau and never returned ; supposed to have been killed two days before the fight of Cape Girardeau. W. D. Lewe, corporal; enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Co. A, Capt. Percival, Elliott's regiment of state guards; served one year, then enlisted in Groves' regiment in the regular service; was in the fights of Carthage, Wilson Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Iuka, Port Gibson and Marshall; taken prisoner at Port Gibson May, 1863, was taken to Alton, remained one month and was then exchanged. H. C. Corder, private; enlisted in 1861 in Co. D, Capt. Shendles, Gor- don's regiment; engaged in the battles of Cape Girardeau, Little Rock, Big Blue, Independence, Shelby's last raid and West Port; was discharged in Texas in June, 1865. T. A. Groves, private; enlisted in Co. A, 1st Regt., Col. Gates, Febru- ary, 1862, and engaged in the battles of Prairie Grove, Corinth, Iuka, Big Blue and Vicksburg; received two slight wounds and was taken prisoner at Vicksburg; was discharged at Shreveport in 1865. Capt. Edward F. Nicholson enlisted in the confederate army in 1863 in Co. E as its captain, under Col. Rathburn, Shelby's division, and engaged in the battles of Independence, West Port, Newtonia, Carthage, Fayette- ville, and numerous skirmishes during the war, and left the army at the grand surrender in 1865. W. H. Bellamy, corporal; enlisted May, 1861, in Percival's company, Groves' regiment, Rain's division; engaged in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Newlonia, Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, Helena, Cape Gir- rardeau, Little Rock and Springfield; was wounded by a ball in the leg at Marshall, Mo.; returned from the service in 1863; taken .prisoner in Carroll county and carried to Macon; kept in prison one month, and then took the oath of loyalty. Caft. yohn f. Gordon enlisted in February, 1862, in CockrelPs brig- ade, Col. Elisha Gates, which was transferred at the same time to the east Mississippi department; was in all the battles fought by Price east of the Mississippi, Corinth and Baker's Creek; was wounded at the battle of Baker's Creek, Miss., and captured; taken to Ft. Delaware, where he died from pneumonia in 1864. G. W. Marquis, private; under the command of Gens. Price and McCullough, Co. G; enlisted May 17, 1861; fought at Wilson's Creek, Elkhorn, Corinth, and various other engagements of importance; was wounded at Collierviile, was shot in the right side, the ball striking a rib and glancing around and coming out on the left side; was taken prisoner at Moscow, Tenn., and brought to Alton, 111., and kept ten months. y. O. Lockhart, first lieutenant; Gens. Homes, Price, etc., RufFner's battery; enlisted in state guards in the summer of 1861; fought at Lex- 386 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ington, Prairie Grove, Jenkins Ferry, and a number of skirmishes, Little Rock, etc.; was wounded at Jenkins Ferry in the arm, and was unfit for service about two months, and is still somewhat disabled from the wound; was captured at the same time, but made his escape the next day. Dis- charged in May, 1865. A.Edgar Asbury, captain, enlisted May, 1861, aide decamp to Brig Gen. J. H. McBride, 11 months. Then Capt. Cornell's Missouri Cavalry, afterwards assigned to clothing bureau, Texas. Fought at Oak Hills, Lexington, Elk Horn, Pea Ridge, and several minor ones. Was in the fight near Camden or Albany, Mo., in which Bill Anderson was killed, commanding confederate recruits. Taken prisoner on the raid to Cape Girardeau, and was held prisoner of war thirteen months at Springfield, St. Louis, Fortress Monroe, Fort Delaware, Johnson's Island, and Point Lookout. Discharged June, 1865. Joseph B. Major, private, in 1861, enlisted in State Guards, was assistant wagon boss, Gen. Clark's division. Re-enlisted in '1861, com- pany F, Gen. Shelby's regiment. Parolled at Austin, 1865. Fought at Carthage, first and second battles at Springfield, Dry wood; first and second at Lexington, Newtonia; first and second, Hortsville, Cape Gir- ardeau, Old Jackson, Little Rock, Duval's Bluff, Sursey, Coon Creek, Cain Hill, Brownsville, Stony Point, Clarendon, Pilot Knob, Patterson, Jefferson City, Boonville, Independence, Blues, West Port, and numerous others. FEDERAL SOLDIERS' RECORD. pirner's battery. This was the Lexington Home Guard Battery, in charge of Capt. C. M. Pirner, and in what was then called the 14th Missouri Volunteers, under Col. White. The whole organization was broken up by the result of the battle of Lexington, and was never re-organized. The battery members were: C. M. Pirner, commanding; Henry Nagel, Gustavus Pir- ner, John Quandt, Clemens Ruesterer, Charles Probst, and Jerry Leame. These last two have since died. There were two other members, but their names could not be obtained. All of them were wounded but two, Nagel and Ruesterer. They were all taken prisoners and released on parol by Gen. Price, but they were not exchanged and released from their parole until some time in 1864. Nevertheless, Gus Pirner and Charley Probst went and enlisted in another battery; Probst died in Arkansas, probably from after effects of his wounds received in the Lexington battle; Gus Pirner lived through, and was finally in Gen. Sherman's army. (See HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 387 underhead of "Battle Items," for armament of this battery.) They had two six-pounder cannon, and two six-inch mortars; these latter they buried before the surrender, but the confederates found them. Oue of these mor- tars was afterwards mounted on an ox-cart and used by " Dick Collins, Steve Fell, Jim Rudd, Will Fell, Jim Evans, and four or five others," under Joe Shelby, in a fight with Col. Merrill's Federal cavalry, at Waverly. " While firing the seventh shell, it exploded in the gun, and mortar and ox-cart went up together." So says Edward's history, pp. 47, 48. What became of the rest of Pirner's guns is not known. The following are the names of the men from Lafayette county, who were with Capt. F. R. Neet, under Col. White at the battle of Lexihgton: Capt. F. R. Neet, 1st Lieutenant; Neal Bohanan, 2d Lieutenant; C. M. Neet, (wounded in the fight,) Michael Myers, John Mullens, Michael Lahey, and Quinn Morton. The latter was acting adjutant of Col. White's regiment. CAPT. F. R. NEET'S COMPANY F, 1()TH REGIMENT CAVALRY, MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. The following is a record of those men in Capt. (afterwards Major) Neet's company, who were from Lafayette county: John Abbott, enlisted Oct. 2, 1863. John Barry, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Michael Barry, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Patrick Ballard, sergeant, afterwards sergeant-major; enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. George Boatman, enlisted July 30, 1862; died at Corinth, 1863. David H. Barnett, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Davis Campbell, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Lee A. Claughten, enlisted Aug. 10, 1862. John Clary, enlisted Aug. 22, 1 862 ; transfered to the navy from hos- pital Dec. 15, 1862. James Clark, enlisted August 24, 1862; died June 22, 1863, at Corinth, Miss. Henry V. Crowder, enlisted August 15, 1862. William Duncan, enlisted August 13, 1862. Maurice Divine, enlisted July 18, 1862. James Devany; enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Philip Deets, enlisted August 15, 1862. Michael Dolan, enlisted August 15, 1862. Luke Dwyre. enlisted August 12, 1862. William P. Guard, first sergeant, enlisted August 13, 1862. Beauford P. Good, corporal, enlisted August 22, 1862. Wm. Funk, corporal, enlisted August 15, 1862. 388 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. William Evens, enlisted August 21, 1862. Levi Hall, enlisted August 15, 1862. James Hall, enlisted August 15, 1862. John Harmon, enlisted August 22, 1862. Joseph Jones, enlisted August 12, 1862. Joseph Kestersen, enlisted August 9, 1862; transfered May 1, 1863 to veteran reserve corps. Thomas Kennard, enlisted August 13, 1862. Zenos Kirkpatrick, enlisted August 15, 1862. George King, sergeant, enlisted August 7, 1862. Jacgb Longbrake, enlisted August 22, 1862; killed by guerrillas while home on sick furlough. Cornelius McCauliff, enlisted August 22, 1862. James Murphy, enlisted August 12, 1862. Patrick McCormack, enlisted August 13, 1862; died Dec. 18, 1865. Joseph McGunnigle, enlisted August 22, 1862. James McGarvan, enlisted August 22, 1862. Patrick McGuire, enlisted August 22, 1862; discharged Sept. 13, 1863. Peter McEntyre, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to veteran reserve corps. Joseph McKean, enlisted August 13, 1862; died Dec. 29, 1863, from an accidental shot at Clear Creek, Miss. Algernal S. McKean, enlisted July 27, 1862. Jesse S. McGraw, enlisted July 22, 1862; discharged Jan. 30, 1863, on surgeon's certificate. John Nichols, enlisted August 15, 1862. Peter Noisly, enlisted August 24, 1862. James Reiley, enlisted August 14, 1862; drowned on the steamer B. M. Runyan, which sunk July 21, 1864. James Perrine, sergeant, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Clem Perrine, enlisted August 22, 1 862. Asa Smith, enlisted August 15, 1862. Mark Stewart, enlisted July 30, 1862. John Senter, sergeant, enlisted August 9, 1862. George Schofield, enlisted August 15, 1862. John Tool, enlisted August 13, 1862. James Thompson, enlisted August 22, 1862. Hiram Ward, enlisted August 22, 1862. William H. Wheeler, enlisted August 15, 1862; died at Corinth, Miss. Alexander Ward, enlisted August 24, 1862. Royle Willis, sergeant, enlisted August 13, 1862. Thomas Wernway, sergeant, enlisted August 11, 1862. Christian Wiedman, enlisted August 9, 1862. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 389 The muster and pay-roll of company A, of the 7th regiment, enrolled Missouri militia, from August 4, 1862, to Dec. 10, 1862, shows the follow- ing list of officers and privates then in the government service: OFFICERS. Selathial H. Taggart, Captain; Elisha Still well, 1st Lieutenant; Joab Worthington, Second Lieutenant. Sergeants. — Oscar V. Perdeau, 1st.; Wm. Murphy, 3rd.;Wm. Sanders, 4th; John P. Meyer, 5th; James J. Perdeau, 6th. Corporals. — John R. Smelsor, 2nd; F. W. Stoosburg, 3rd; James B. Johnson, 4th; James H. Hickman, 7th; Uriel Ferrel, 8th. PRIVATES. Allison Bodenhamer, Henry Brackman, Thomas Boyle, Henry H. Brown, Charles B. Cecil, Wm. C. Cole, Wm. Cain, James M. Chancy, Jesse Davis, Albert Farrel, M. P. Finch, A. L. Graves, Alfred Hickman, Wm. Hickman, Patrick Hughes, George Helm, Wm. Jones, Enoch John- son, Harmon Kingsbury, Wm. Lake, Samuel H. Ledford, Wm. H. Mul- key, Benj. L. Pointer, Gilbert Pointer, Wm. Payne, Peter H. Petering, Wm. Petering, John B. Payne, Wm. Pardeau, Wm. Poole, Wm. Simp- son, Banes C. Shelton, Jesse R. Taggart, Henry Uphouse, Peter Uphouse, Abraham Vanmeter, David Worthington, George W. Williams, Wm. Walkenhaust, Andrew J. Williams, Benjamin Williams, Travis Williams, N. W. Alkire. OFFICERS DISCHARGED. Mordecai M. Gladdish, 1st lieut. ; James E. Gladdish, 2d sergeant; James Poole, 1st corporal; F. W. Stoosberg, 3d corporal; Beverly Whit- worth, 5th corporal; P. Y. Duke, 6th corporal. PRIVATES DISCHARGED.* Harmon Brand, Henry Brand, Joseph Cretzmeyer, Bluford Gowens, Thomas B. Hantes, Charles Jimes, John B. Jones, August Kreissee, Mil- ton, R. Lillard, Richmond Lillard, Isaac Maben, Wm. Meyer, Johnson Mulkey, Fletcher Patrick, Wm. Sample, Benj. Smelsor, Henry W. Free- man, David Ward, Joshua Ward. KILLED. Caleb W. Cole, private; drowned in the Missouri, August 15, 1862. Wm. Haggarty, private; killed at Wellington, by Bushwhackers. James L. Pointer, private; killed at Wellington, by bushwhackers. John H. Williams, private; killed at Wellington, by bushwhackers. *Honorably discharged — some because they had enlisted in the regular service; some by reason of wounds or other disability, and some because they had been taken prisoner and paroled. 390 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. COMPANY C. Officers. — C H. Ehlers, captain; J. W. Pauling, 1st lieutenant; August BrockhofF, 2d lieutenant. Sergeants. — Henry Miller, orderly; Wm. Oelschleger, 2d; Henry Bodenstale, 3d. Corporals. — Peter Meyer, H. C. Meyer, Henry Holteamp, Henry Bredshoef. PRIVATES. Harmon Ablewell, J. B. Chaney, Henry Daukenbrink, Fred Dauken- brink, Hereman Dittmen, Henry Diers, Fred Duensing, Fritz Evarts, B. K. Irwin, Adolph Frerking, Wm. Hermbrock, Joseph Hartman, Claus Henning, Henry Hereman, Fritz Haseman, Henry Koopman, Peter Kron- slein, J. D. Kuster, Henry Kuhlman, Chris Meyer, Henry Meine, Wm. Nolte, F. A. Oelschleger, Philip Pinkepank, Henry Steinkosler, Wm. Schlue, John Schultz, Fritz Shulte, Henry Scharnhorst, Julius Vogt, C. H. Wahrenbroeck, John Wellner, John Wolters. OFFICERS DISCHARGED.* Wm. Ehlers, sergeant; Wm. Fulker, corporal. PRIVATES DISCHARGED.* Lewis Burfine, E. F. Dorsey, John Eckhoff, O. G. Freerking, John Fuering, Henry Gisselman, Henry Hemme, Henry Sohman, August Myer, Henry Meinke, Herrman Petering, Jacob Piper, Fritz Shelp, Lewis Stahl. Henry Westerhouse. KILLED. Henry Steinbrink, sergeant; killed at Wellington, while scouting. COMPANY D. Officers. — John F. Ennberg, Captain ; Zenophon Ryland, First Lieuten- ant; E. C. Holmes, Second Lieutenant. Sergeants. — Wm. C.Long, 1st; Thomas Adamson, 2d; Adam Walk, 3d; Robert McFarland, 4th; Edward W. Carpenter, 5th; John W. Yeiler, 6th. Corporals. — Simeon B. Ryland, 1st; James H. Gaston, 2d; Christian Schafermeyer, 3d; Richard B. Vaughan, 4th; James McCormack, 5th; Andrew P. Benson, 6th; Lewis Schneider, 7th; John Kreihn, 8th. Privates. — James W. Atkinson, Robert W. Butler, John E. Bascom, Chas. S. Brandon, Joseph T. Chaney, Peter Campbell, Michael Dolde, H. K. Davis, Charles T. Dunn, William Etherton, Herman Ellis, John M. Fleming, Peter Fulkerson, Frederick Gase, Radford Hill, Robert M. Hart, Geo. Howard, Braxton D. Homer,Joel Hart, John P. Herr, Geo. W. Helm, ♦Honorably discharged — some because they had enlisted in ihe regular service; some by reason of wounds or other disability, and some because they had been taken prisoner Dy the cenfederates and paroled. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 391 Thos. Harney, James Jones, Miron Jackson, William Kenny, David Kirk- patrick, Tigney Lasaski, Frederick Miller, Henry McCoskey, John F. Neill, John F. Noner, Benj. Neville, Frank Ntville, Henry CEchlazger, Andrew Peterson, Thos. Perry, Robert Puckett, Mathew Raymond, Chas. Roberts, Leonard Schetzill, Frank Sheets, Ballaser Studley, Erastus Season, Wm. H. Smith, Samuel VanHock, Joel E. Wiles, John M. Wiles, Wm. C. Wallace, Frederick Winkler, Henry White, Henrv Wilkening, Edwin Yeiler, Geo. Yeiler, B. B. Yound. Privates Discharged '.* —John Meyerer, Frank Bokary, Chas. Kresdorn, Alexander Mott, C. A. McClure, Rudolph Nicholas, Adam Ripple, Henry Hinkle, Conrad Fisher, Sanford C. Stivers, Joseph Eagle, John Kirkpat- rick. The following privates were killed while scouting near Greenton, Aug. 28, 1862: Evans P. Phillips, William Iddings, David W. King, Charles F. Meyers. Capt. Henry Neill, formerly in command of this company, was pro- moted to the Colonelcy of the 71st Regt. E. M. M., Aug. 20, 1862. ■Deserted. — Rudolf Housmer and Wesley Keefer. COMPANY I. Officers. — G. W. Sumner, Captain; Mathias Reed, First Lieutenant; Robert Taylor, Second Lieutenant. Sergeants. — Milton Smith, 1st; Isaac Sumners, 2nd; G. S. Kesterson, 3rd; James Hutchinson, 5th. Corporals. — W. T. Worley, 1st; S. P. Courtney, 2nd; Robert Buch- anan, 3rd; James Star, 5th; J. H. Hitchings, 7th. Privates. — James Buchanan, Caleb Cantrell, James H. Crews, J. W. Casper, W. B. Cobb, Edward Evans, John Goodrich, R. A. Hampton, Hugh Johnson, A. G. Johnson, David McClure, James McClure, W. W. Mulinix, T. J. Powell, Joseph Robinet, P. M. Star, William Star, George Sumerville, Peter Sanders, William Sabins, Willy Stephens, E. M. Wag- ner, Alvin Whitsitt, B. F. Whitsitt, Mathew Wilson, J. L. Anderson, R. T. Hunter. Officers Discharged^— Y. E. Hammond, 4th Sergt.; J. M. Mahr, 4th Corp'l; C. G. Gaston, 6th Corp'l; F. W. Nance, 8th Corp'l. Privates Discharged.^ — Heny Anderson, Simpson Ashcraft, Isaac Al- umbaugh, J.J. Barker, I. K. Barker, William Barker, N. W. Bullard, Jas. Crews, W. H. Crews, Benjamin Crews, S. M. Casper, John W. Delaney, Samuel Davidson, William Dutton, B. P. Davidson, N. R. Edelin, George ♦Honorably discharged — Some because they had enlisted in the regular service; some because of wounds or other disability : and some because they had been taken prisoners by the Confederates and paroled. fHonorably discharg: d — either on acccount of having enlisted in the regular service; because of wounds or other disability; or because of having been taken prisoner by Con- federates and paroled. 392 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. W. Hulse, J. E. Hutchinson, Daniel Hamilton, Jacob Howser, John Ham- lin, W. H. Kesterson, L. D. Kesterson, William King, Wm. Lale, Robert Mathews, Henry McElwain, W. E. Roberts, G. H. Smith, G. K. Smith, W. A. Snodgriss, Josiah Sims, Charles Triplett, J. H. Whitsitt, Stephen W. Barker. Deserted. — S. A. Barker, O. D. Hazard. Died or Killed in Action. — J. W. Barker, died of smallpox, Dec. 21, 1862; Cornelius Summers, killed in action at Wellington; Joseph Whit- sitt, killed in action in Saline county, Oct. 11, 1862. COL. NEILL's REGIMENT ENROLLED MISSOURI MILITIA. James J. Perdue, enlisted 1862, in Capt. Taggart's company, and remained in the service six months. Charles Bergman, private; enlisted 1861, in Capt. Brune's company. He was sickly most of the time, and was discharged after three months. Frederick Meyer, private; enlisted 1862, in Capt. Brune's company. Was discharged in 1863, and afterwards, while belonging to the home guards was killed by the bushwhackers in 1864, in command of Captains Todd and Pool. John B. Jones. In 1862 he enlisted in company B, enrolled militia, Col. NeilPs regiment. In 1»64 enlisted in company E, 45th Missouri volunteer infantry. Was engaged in a battle at Jefferson City. Served in the enrolled militia four months, and in 1863 was called out again. In 1862 was wounded slightly in the left wrist, but not seriously. Oscar V. Perdue, enlisted first in 1862 in the enrolled militia, Capt. Taggart's company, Col. Neill's regiment, and in 1864 enlisted in com- pany D, 45th Missouri volunteer infantry. Was discharged in 1865. Was corporal of company D and remained six months in the enrolled militia, and was called out again in 1863. William H. Perdue, enlisted October, 1862 in the enrolled militia, Capt. Taggart's company, Col. Neill's regiment. In August, 1864, enlisted in company D, 45th Missouri volunteer infantry and ex-Col. Switz- ler. Was discharged in 1865. Private, and was engaged in a battle at Jefferson City. E. M. Waggoner, private; 'enlisted 1862, 71st regiment, E. M. M., company F, Col. Neal. Discharged in 1863. August Brockman, corporal; was enlisted in company D under Col. Neill; was in the fight with bushwhackers at Wellington; served only two months actively. Henry Deke, sergeant, enlisted 1861 in Capt. Brune's company and in Col. Neill's regiment; served about four months. George Brockman, private; enlisted 1864 in company D under Col. Neill; was killed at Wellington by the bushwhackers. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 393 C. H. Uphause, private, enlisted 1862, in Capt. Taggart's company under Col. Neill. J. R. Taggart, private, enlisted in Capt. Taggart's company, Col Neill's regiment, afterwards in Capt. Sumner's company, same regiment, in 1S63. Served twelve months and was cook for the company. Jacob Worthington, enlisted in the Federal army m July, 1862, in Capt. Taggart's company in the enrolled militia under Col. Neill and was 2d lieutenant. Was in the fight with Pool and Anderson at Wellington. Uriah Farrell, private, enlisted in Capt. Taggart's company of enrolled militia in 1862 under Col. Neill. P. Whit worth, private, enlisted in 1862 in Capt. Taggart's company under Col. Neill. Thomas Welsh, 2d sergeant, enlisted 1861, in Capt. Duncan's company Col. (Neill's regiment, afterwards in Capt. S. D. Foulk's companv, and served as orderly sergeant and was discharged in 1864. W. A. D. Myer, private, enlisted in 1862 in Capt. Taggart's company under CoLNeill. Served three months. George K. Smith, private, enlisted in the Federal army in Capt. Sum- ner's company of enrolled militia under Col. Neill; was engaged in several bushwhacking skirmishes. Was detailed as enrolling officer for Washing- ton and Sniabar townships in Lafayette county. SECOND REGIMENT INFANTRY, MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. Emil Ninas, sergeant company D, enlisted May, 1861; transferred to company E, September, 1861. Fought at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Perry- ville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, with Sherman to the sea, Franklin, Nashville; wounded at Chickamauga. Discharged September, 1865. FIFTH INFANTRY, MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. Henry W. Thieman, corporal, company E, enlisted 1864; discharged 1865. In 1861 enlisted in Col. Grover's regiment, "Horse guards." Cap- tured and paroled at Lexington. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY, M. S. M. W. T. Worley, private, enlisted in fall of 1862; engaged in battles of Jefferson City, Big Blue, Mines Creek. Discharged June 4, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY, M. S. M. Moses Welborn, private, company B, enlisted 1862; fought at Indepen- dence, Blues, Westport, Mines Creek, Marshall. Discharged in 1865. Dr. E. A. Taylor, surgeon, company B, transferred from Col. StiefHe's regiment, company A, engaged in battle of Lexington; was captured there and paroled. Re-enlisted in 1862. Acted as hospital surgeon until discharged in 1865. 394 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. W. F. Walkenhorst, private, company B, enlisted 1861; fought in bat- tles of Lexington, Blues, Independence, Westport, Mines Creek, Mar- shall. Discharged July 9, 1865. John D. Kuester, private, company B, enlisted 1862; discharged 1865. Henry Fiene, private, company B, enlisted 1862; fought at Jefferson City, California, Blues, Westport, Mines Creek; taken prisoner in south- western Missouri, and escaped. Mustered out 1865. MISCELLANEOUS. Ben. H. Wilson, captain, then major, enlisted company F, Seventy-first regiment, E. M. M. ; was in twenty or thirty skirmishes with guerrillas. Harman Brand, private, enlisted in 1861, in Capt. Becker's company under Col. Mulligan. Was in the battle of Lexington; surrendered, was paroled, and then went home. J. L. Youngs, Jr., second lieutenant, company K, Fourteenth Missouri, under Col. White, enlisted 1861; fought at Lexington with Mulligan, Mines Creek, Newtonia, Blues and Independence; was taken prisoner at the battle of Lexington; paroled and sent south. W. K. Saunders, fourth sergeant, company C, Seventy-first regiment, enrolled militia, enlisted August 16, 1862, was in the fight at Wellington. Mordecai M. Gladdish, first lieutenant, enlisted July, 1861, under Col. White, U. S. V., and was at the battle of Lexington, was taken prisoner, and paroled at the same place. David McClure, private, enlisted July, 1863, first regiment, M. S. M., company G. Battles none; was stationed at Lexington. Discharged July, 1865; Cornelius Summers, private, enlisted in 1861, company I, first regiment, M. S. M., killed at Wellington, Missouri. Isaac Summers, sergeant, enlisted in 1861, company I, first regiment, M. S. M. Discharged 1865. Fritz Storberg, private, enlisted in 1861, company C, Twenty-sixth Mis- souri infantry. Battles, Springfield, Marks Mills, where he was captured and was prisoner for three months, and exchanged, re-enlisted company C, Seventh; afterwards consolidated with first M. S. M. Discharged, 1865. August Brunes, private, enlisted 1862, in seventh regiment, M. S. M. Died March, 1862. Claus Halstien, private, enlisted 1862, in company K, Eighth regiment, M. S. M. Battles, Independence, Jefferson City, Blue Mills, Westport, Newtonia, and discharged 1865. W. H. Littlejohn, private, company F, enlisted 1862. Was at Lexing- ton, Newtonia, Pineville, Fayetteville, Cassville, Prairie de Anne, Cove Creek, Little Rock, Springfield, Hartsville, Clarenden, Duval's Bluff, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 395 Prairie de Rone, Boonville, Jefferson City, Marshall, Blue Mills, Indepen- dence, Westport, Marias des Cygne, Warrensburg, Batesville. Wounded at Prairie de Rone; surrendered at Lexington. Lewis W. Wernway, second lieutenant, company C, enlisted 1861, Graves regiment, was at Carthage, Oak Hills, Pea Ridge, Lexington, Corinth and others. Discharged in 1863. Henry Boderstab, sergeant, enlisted 1862, Capt. Ebler's company, E. M. M. In the service about four months. Henry Wehrs, corporal, enlisted 1862, Seventy-first regiment, E. M. M. Six months service. Henry Miller, orderly sergeant, enlisted August, 1862; served four months, Seventy-third regiment, E. M. M. Z. T. Alkire, private, enlisted March 1863, company B, Seventh regi ment, M. S. M. Battles, Big Blue, Little Rock. Springfield, Greenfield, and many others. Discharged 1865. Geo. F. King, private, enlisted August, 1861, Tenth Missouri volunteer cavalry. Battles, Tuscumbia, Greentown, Lexington, Greenboro, Meri- dian, Selma, Columbus, Montgomery, Baton Rouge, Knoxville, Jackson, Corinth, etc. Discharged 1865. Wm. Boothman, private, enlisted September, 1861, in First Missouri cavalry volunteers, and in 1864, in Seventh Missouri, M. S. M. Battles, Lexington, Lone Jack, Prairie Grove, etc. Captured twice, Lexington and Prairie Grove. H. J. Utt, private, enlisted in the federal army, in company F, 7th reg- iment Missouri volunteers under Col. Huston, Aug. 22, 1861. Partici- pated in the battle of Lone Jack. Was discharged Dec. 1863, on sur- geon's certificate. Lewis S. Stout, enlisted 1862, in company B, 7th regiment, M. S. M. Was blacksmith for the company, was discharged at St. Louis, in 1865. Joseph Waring, corporal, enlisted, 1861, in company D, 7th regiment, M. S. M., was discharged 1865. Engaged in the battles of Lexington, Independence, Blue, Westport, and Drywood. 396 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY Township Histories. CLAY TOWNSHIP. Clay township was named and defined on the motion of W. Y. C. Ewing, at a session of the county court held November 7, 1825; and it is worthy of note, that although the proceedings of this term fill eight pages of the record book, the name of the county does not once occur — not even in the opening formula. It would seem that they did not exactly know what county by name, they did live in, just then, so they would not ven- ture to express an opinion on the subject. The boundary of the new township (Clay) was described as follows: "Beginning in the middle of the Missouri river, opposite the mouth of little Sny-e-bairre, thence up the said creek to where it intersects the range line between ranges 27 and 28 ; thence with said range line to the southern boundary of this county; thence west with said county line to the middle of range 29; thence north along the middle of said range to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri; thence along and down the middle of said river to the beginning." These east, north and west boundary lines are the same that stand for Clay township to-day; and the territory west of that, was at the same term of court newly bounded, and still called Fort Osage township. When Lafayette county finally received its present boundaries, in 1834, the above described west line of Clay township became the west line of the county, and over that line is Jackson county. The erection of Clay township, with the boundaries above described, covered all the territory that had been left in this county under the name of Sniabar township when Fort Osage township was organized; and thus," without making any official note or record of the fact, Sniabar township was totally wiped out. (See history of Sniabar township, in another place.) An election was ordered to be held for Clay township, at the house of Robert A. Renick, with Henry Renick, W. Y. C. Ewing and John Whitsett as judges. A subsequent report shows that Bryant Sanders was elected constable at this first election of Clay township, and he was sworn into office February 14, 1826. Also, February 8, 1826, it was "ordered that Bryant Sanders as captain, Edwin F. Hix and James Hick- lin be appointed a company of patrols in Clay township for one year." In 1822, Lina Helm settled in the vicinity of Waterloo, near Helm's Lake, named in his honor, and built a water mill, which was run by the HISTORY OJ i ETTE COUNTY. power of several large springs. This was a valuable improvement at that time, and was resorted to by the early settlers from quite a distance. The first settlement in that porton of Lafayette county now known Clav township, appears to have been made on or near the present site of the town of Wellington, in 1819. Colonel Henry Renick, William Ren- ick, Ruth, widow of Samuel Renick, and Young Ewing, clerk of the first countv court, were the first settlers, all coming from Barren county, Ken- tucky. Thomas Hopper and two sons-in-law, Killion and John Young, appeared at about the same date, from Indiana, and Jonathan Hicklin with thr^e sons, James, Jonathan and John, and three sons-in-law, Reddin Crisp, Dick Edmonson and William Edmonson, from East Tennes- e -:. The above mentioned were nearly ail heads of families, and opened farms. This settlement was further increased in 1820 or '21 by the arri- val of Colonel William C. Ewing, Gen. McRay, John Wallace, Baker Martin and William Young and three sons — James, William and John. Shortlv afterwards another settlement sprang into existence about two miles north of the present site of Greenton, of which John Whitsett, father of William Whitsett, of Washington township, was the first settler, he having purchased the previously entered claim of one Michael Ferrin. In the course of a vear or two he was joined by Nicholas Turner, Timothy Dunn, Elias Baker, William Hall, William and Elisha Evans. According to the statement of Mr. Jesse Rankin, who was born March 20, 1792, in Person county, Kentucky, was a soldier of 1S12, and came to Lafavette county in [1835, where he still resides, Anselm Harner, Elias Barker, William and Allen Jennings, all from Tennessee: Joseph Green, Isaac Gann and Joseph White settled in Clay township previous to 1835. Dr. Ward, from Kentuckv, also settled there at about the same time and was one of the first physicians in that section. The Rev. Robert Sloan, who since died in Cass countv, was among the first school teachers there, having taught in a log school-house near the present site of Greenton. A water mill was erected and operated by a Mr. Cobb, on the Big Sni. WELLINGTON. In 1830 a tan vard was established by Hugh McAfFerty, and shortly after a wood vard was opened by Peter and Jacob Wolfe, on the present site of the above named village, which formed a nucleus around which a flourishing settlement grew up. It is located on section 15, township range 2*>. The application for charter was made by Jacob and Peter Wolfe, Isaac Bledsoe, M. Littleton and Catherine Littleton. The plat was filed for record August 23d, 1837, and recorded Septem- ber 4th, of the same vear. The first house was built by Peter Wolfe, and he was owner of the first store in the town. The first school-house was M 398 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. built in the year 1843; the present school-house was built in the year 1850. The first school was taught by Richard Hales, in the year 1843; Dr. Wm. M. Boran was the first physician. The first religious service was held in the Old Union church, which was used by all denominations as a place of worship. Wellington contains about 380 inhabitants, and its various busi- ness comprises five stores, one blacksmith shop, one saddlery shop, one tin shop, one wagon and carpenter shop, and one commission merchant. The Missouri Pacific Narrow Gauge Railroad is running by this place, and has a good depot. The building that Mr. Wolfe erected, the first, has long since been destroyed, and a fine warehouse was erected upon the same site by Wm. Russell, which was destroyed by fire in the year 1872, then owned by Lewis Day. Rope making was the only manufacture in the early days. Before the days of railroads this town was quite a grain depot, and did a deal of shipping of produce of all kinds by steamboat, and at the pres- ent time Mr. Day is handling considerable grain, having a large and capacious warehouse for that purpose. In the town are two church houses, one owned by the Baptist denomination, one owned jointly by the Christian, M. E. South and Cumberland Presbyterian. Regular services are held in both churches. This little town at one time contained as many as seven stores, and a population of 600, and commanded a trade from Johnson, Jackson and the western part of Lafayette counties. In 1871 several business houses were burned. The Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Wellington, was organized in the year 1850, with the following members: Morley Arnold, Melissa Arnold, Affiah Arnold, Nancy Cundift, Thomas Bryant, Cornelia A. Corn, Elizabeth Crews, John A. Mahan, Cynthia M. Mahan, Sarah Bry- ant, Susan Duck, P. Ferrell, Eliza Ferrell, George W. Ferrell, Man- Lewis, Barbara Carr. A brick church was built in the year 1853, at a cost of $2,500, and dedicated in 1854, by Bishop John Early. The ministers in charge have been J. L. Porter, P. O. Clayton, Ephraim Wagoner, Wm. M. Leftwick, H. W. Webster, J. R. Bennett, John R. Murphy, Wallace Potsman, Newton Cordon, W. F. Truslow, Rev. Beds- worth, John Shackleford, Wm. Pitts, Wm. M. Bewley, Preston Phillips, and L. W. Pierce. The number of present membership is 65, and with the exception of the time during the war have held services regular. W ellington Cumberland Presbyterian Church, was organized about the year 1856 by Elder W. W. Sudduth, Elders Thomas Harbor, Jno. Slade, and J. T. Marshall. The congregation bought one-third interest in the Methodist Episcopal church in the year 1866, for which they paid $600. The building was built in the year 1840 by the M. E. church, south. The present membership of the congregation is about 30 members, the church is alive and has held regular services since its organization. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 399 LODGES. Wellington Lodge of I. O. O. K, No. 81, was organized December, 1855, and the names of charter members are Josna Sterin, Turner Wil- liamson, Dr. James Belt, John W. Matthews, and one other not known. The present officers are Benjamin Martin, N. G.; T. S. Lockhart, V. G.; Francis Myers, R. S.; J. A. Lockhart, treasurer; H. B. Corse, P. G., and the number of members are 20. Their hall is a frame, of good mate- rial and cost $2,000. Their first building was burned in 1872, and was a total loss, after which thev had no place to meet, but held their charter for two years when they assumed work again under the same name and charter. THE TOWN OF GREENTON. Greenton, situated on section 14, township 49, range 28, was founded by Joseph Green, from whom it derived its name, in about 1835. A post- office was established in same year with Mr. Green as postmaster. He also built the first house. Finis Ewing owned and operated the first store. The first schoolhouse was built in 1858, size, 20x40, and cost about $1,200. No further particulars with reference to the school are given. The first physician who settled here is reported to have been Dr. Bor- ing, of Kentucky, who died at Wellington. A cemetery located on the same section with the town, was established in 1859, and is still used as such. The business interests of the town are represented by one store and one blacksmith shop. GREENTON VALLEY. Mrs. Catharine B. Roberts, daughter of James H. and Matilda Hughes, who was born in Logan county, Kentucky, and came to Lafayette county in 1820, at the age of four years, furnishes the following information: The original settlers in this neighborhood were James, Moses, Joshua and Henry Campbell, John and Myron Helms, William Jones, and James H. Hughes, the latter from Kentucky. These appeared in 1820 and located on sections 22 and 28, township 49, range 28. Isam Manion and Athaliah Finch were the first to be united in marriage, the ceremony being per- formed by the Rev. Finch. The first male child born in the settlement was Rowland Hughes, son of Corbley and Jane Hughes, born in 1826. The first female child was Martha Hughes, born in same year, daughter of James M. and Matilda Hughes. The first death was that of John Hughes, who died in 1826, and was buried on section 22, a private burying ground. Dr. Buck was the first regular physician, who prac- ticed in the neighborhood. He died some years ago, as is elsewhere sta- ted. The first religious services were held at a settler's house, conducted 40U HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. by the Rev. John Warder, Baptist, (old School). Mr. Bowman, who has since moved to Johnson county, taught the tirst school in 1S28, on section 22. No further particulars in regard to the schools given. The first weaving is asserted to have been done by Mrs. Henry Campbell. In those early days, as has been stated with reference to almost every " first settlement," flouring mills were scarce and settlers were obliged to go fifteen, twenty and in their case, thirty miles in order to get corn and wheat ground. Indians w-ere numerous but peaceable. Cumberland Presbyterian Church. — The Cumberland Presbyterian church, in Greenton, was organized in September, 1829, and is situated in the town of Greenton. The first church building was erected of brick in 1854, and is still in use, at a cost of $1,100. It was dedicated in 1854 by Rev. W. W. Suddeth. The names of the pastors have been: W. W. Suddeth, John A. Prather, James a Dalton, Mr. Van Ausdel, S. H. McEl- vain and S. D. Givens, the present pastor. The number of its members is 80. Since its organization the church has received over 300 members. September 12, 1850, Jacob Gillespie and wife deeded to Givens, Masterson and others, as trustees, three acres of land for church purposes, but in 1854, when another site for the church was chosen, the gift of Gillespie reverted back. The Methodist Efisco-pal Church, South, of Greenton. — Organized in 1848 ; is situated on the northeast quarter, section 14, township 49, range 28. The original members were J. G. Rush, £)r. M. M. Robinson, Mary J. Rob- inson, Landon Bates, Maria Bates,Wm. S wink, Martha E . Swink, Mr. Egan and wife. The first church building was erected in 1S51 or '52, at a cost of $2,500. Is built of brick and is still occupied for church purposes by this congregation and the Cumberland Presbyterian, who joined with the Methodists in its erection. Was dedicated in 1859. The successjve pas- tors of this denomination were: Warren Pitts, J. A. Murphy, J. F. Trus- low and Thomas Cobb. Dr. M. M. Robinson is steward. Present mem- bership about 25. No further particulars reported. The Greento7i Baptist Church of yesus Christ. — Located on section 14 r township 49, range 28. Was organized September 13, 1866, by the Rev. Charles Whiting and about 30 original members, principally from Lex- ington, Mound Prairie, Concord and Mt. Zion. The first church building was a frame one, erected in 1869, at a cost of $3,500. It is still used by this congregation. It was dedicated December 5, 1869, by the Rev. Lan- sing Burrows, whose text was taken from 1st Corinthians, 3d chapter and the last clause of the 9th verse. The successive pastors are the Revs. Charles Whiting, George W. Smith, W. L.Robinson and Samuel Whiting, the present incumbent. The present membership is 9S. Since the organization of this church it has received 224 members; dismissed by letter 81; excluded from fellowship 22 and lost by death 7. The pres- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 401 ent trustees are J. E. Shotwell, D. J. Powell and George 'D. Duvall. Deacons: J. E. Shotwell, D. J. Powell, John S. Davis and John W. Fickle. John D. Duvall is clerk. Services are held the first Sunday in each month. Greenton Grange, No. 550. — Instituted by Lewis Neal, August 5, 1873. The charter members were: Martin Slaughter and wife, R. A. Hill, Wm. R. Beatty, A. G. McNeil, S. K. Beall, James A. Laughlin, C. T. Ford and wife, G. D. Duvall, James W. Hannah, Joseph H. Christy, Mrs. Sarah Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee. The first officers were : W. R. Beattv, master; R. A. Hill, overseer; M. Slaughter, lecturer; S. K. Beall, steward; A. G. McNeil, assistant steward; G. D. Duvall, chaplain; J. A. Laughlin, treasurer; C. T. Ford, secretary; J. W. Hannah, gate- keeper; Mrs. Slaughter, ceres; Mrs. Ford, pomona; Mrs. Laughlin, flora; Mrs. Lee, lady assistant steward. Present membership, 42; meet in Greenton school house. Present officers, C. T. Ford, master; J. H. Christy, secretary. This grange has had in all about 120 members (including the charter members) since its organization. NAPOLEON. Napoleon is situated in the Northwestern part of Lafayette county, twelve miles west of Lexington on the Missouri river and on the line of the Missouri Pacific Narrow Gauge railroad. The original plat was laid out in the year 1836, by Wm. Ish, Nathaniel Tucker and others. It was previously known as " Poston's Landing. " Samuels & Ish opened the first business house, followed by John A. Poston in the dry-goods and grocery trade. During the money crisis in 1837 the town was abandoned. Then in the year 1854 Dr. James Belt went to the place and found the lines of the town obliterated. All that remained of the town was two houses, one log dwelling partlv demolished, and one log store. Dr. Belt began to improve the town and called it Lisbon. However, the Post Office maintained the original name, Napoleon. Napoleon has a natural landing on the Missouri river for steamboats, and more wheat, stock and other merchandise are shipped from Napoleon than any other point on the Narrow Gauge Rail Road between Independence and Lexington. The following statement shows the different branches of business repre- sented and the number of business houses: Dry-goods and groceries, 1; depot, 1; blacksmiths, 2; general merchandise, 1; physicians, 2; shoe- makers, 2; undertakers, 1; hominy mills, 2: Justices of the Peace, 1; dry-goods boots and shoes, 1. Since the above was written the following additional information has been received from Dr. James Belt, now living in Freedom township: After the panic in 1837 which resulted in the depopulation of Napoleon, the town was again laid out under the name of Lisbon. This was done 402 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. in 1856 by Dr. Belt, but the Post Office, which was still caHed Napoleon, was not revived until 1858, with D. K. Murphy, M. D., Postmaster. The first house was built by John R. Shepherdson and the first store was owned and kept by John S. Brown. The first school house was built in 1858 at a cost of $250 — frame build- ing. The school numbered about twenty pupils and was first taught by a Mr. Tyler at a salary of $20 per month. The firsi marriage was that of George Hopper and Susanna Simms, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Dr. Love. Archibald Shepherdson, son of John R. and Mar- garet Shepherdson, was the first male child born in the town — born March 1, 1858. On the same day and date, Harrison, daughter of O. and Susan Harrison, was born — the first female child. The first death to occur Was that of John Everhart, who died in October, 1858, and was buried at Green Chapel. The first regular physician was Dr. D. K. Murphy, who came from North Carolina and now lives in Greenton, Layfayette county. The first religious services were held in a ware-house by the Cumberland Presbyterians. S. M. Carter, of the Baptist denomination, was the first minister. Zion Church — The Methodist Episcopal church, of Napoleon, was organized in 1870. The original members are John H. Eckles, Frederick Kreutz, John H. Gable, B. C. Rabe, William Messersmith, Henry CEhl- sclaeger and others. The church was built in 1870 — a frame — at a cost of $700, and was dedicated in the same year by the Rev. H. Fiegenbaum. The charge has been presided over by the Revs. J. J. Eichenberger, C. Mardorf, Peter Hener, J. Franz, A. H. Asling and John Demand. The present membership numbers 29. Congregation growing slowly. ' Evangelical St. Paul's Church, of Napoleon, was organized in 1875, and the following are the names of the original members: H. R. Ler- berg, Frederick Daling, Earnest Daling, H. H. Wortemeyer, William Westerholt, Frederick Leuhrman and Michael Bettin. The church was built about the year 1860 — a frame building— costing $1,000 and was ded- icated in 1875 by the Rev. Fred. Drewell, the Rev. William Vehe offici- ating ever since. The number of present membership is 23. In the year 1868 John F. Roberts established a mill at Napoleon, twelve miles west of Lexington on the Narrow Guage railroad, It is a frame building and has been operated and owned by Mr.' Roberts ever since its establishment. A stave and heading factory with saw mill combined was established by Crary Bros, in 1876, in Napoleon, twelve miles west of Lexington and thirty miles east of Kansas City on the Narrow Gauge railroad. The building is a frame, 70x35, with engine room containing engine of 80 horse power, 25x35, and a kiln connected built of brick. The capital invested in buildings is $1,500; in machinery, $8,000; in raw material, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 403 $5,000. Total, $14,500. Employs twenty hands. The amount of pro- ducts the past year was $20,000, this being its market, value, and was chiefly sold in Kansas City. The mill also manufactures a large amount of lumber. Ewing Cemetery was located on Section 30, Township 50, Range 28, one-half acre of land being donated by Mr. Mosby Arnold for that pur- pose. The first burials in this cemetery were those of Mrs. Sally D. Ewing, Col. Wm. Y. C. Ewing, Major Bryant Sanders, Richard Lee, Mrs. Polly Sanders, Miss Nancy Dunn, Miss Kizzie Renick, Mr. Cornelius Mabry and wife, Mary J. Mabry, Mrs. Pamelia S. Fishback, Mrs. Mar- garet M. More, the last two being daughters of Col. Wm. Y. C. Ewing. Pleasant Prairie Cemetery was first used for burial ground on Sept. 1st, 1879. The ground was given by G. W. Grubb, he giving one acre of land for that purpose which is nicely laid oft' in lots 18 feet square and nicely arranged. The first interment was Miss Sadie Guy, daughter of Wm. Guy. Pleasant Prairie Church — The Pleasant Prairie congregation of the Cumberland Presbvterian church is located in Sec. 2, Tp. 49, Range 29, and is a frame building, and was erected about the close of the war, it is not now known at what cost. It was dedicated by the Rev. J. D. Murphy, who is also its present pastor. The present number of member- ship is eighty. The house was first built in Jackson county — but at the close of the war, it was moved down into this county, and fixed where it now is. They then joined with the M. E. Church South in building a house, which is now used by them jointly. The eldf rs of the congregation are T. A. Pallett, W. P. Fishback, R. C. Gillespie, A. G. Campbell, Solomon Everhart, Reuben Mayberry and Robert Fishback. The Mount Zion (Regular Baptist) Church was organized July 27, 1839, and is situated in Clay Tp., Sec. 27, T. 49, R. 28. The names of the original members were Thos. Proctor, John C. Proctor, Isaac Whit- sett, Cynthia Whitsett, Caleb Summers, Henry Finch, Elizabeth Finch, Jesse Roberts, K. Roberts, Joseph Mathews, Nancy Campbell, Thos. Creasey, Elizabeth Creasey, Paschal A. Gibbs and C. A. Gibbs. The church, a frame, was erected in 1879 at a cost of $1,350. It was dedi- cated by the Rev. Isaac Newman. The names of the pastors, succes- sively, Elder John Warder, Henry Bowers, Hiram Bowman, John Harvey, Jno. Warder, again, Joseph Warder and Lucian B. Wright, the present pastor. There are twenty-nine members at present. It has numbered, since its constitution as high as one hundred members — which, by dis- missals — letters and death, has been reduced to the present number of twenty-nine. It is now on the increase. The building is owned by the Regular Baptist one-fourth, and the Missionary Baptist three-fourths. 404 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. BATES CITY. Mr. Theodore 'Bates laid out the town of Bates City, on the Chicago & Alton railroad, in 1878, and in January, 1879, it was established as a post office, with J. F. Eneberg, first postmaster. Mr. L. B. Kelley built the first house, and the first store was owned by J. F. Eneberg. The first school house, a frame, was built in 1881, at a cost of $800 — the number of pupils being twenty-three, and the compen- sation of teacher $25 per month. David Aulobaugh to Mattie Early, Rev. Noel officiating, was the first marriage in the town and occurred in 1879. Theodore Alexander Bates, son of Geo. W. and jemima Bates, August, 1879, was the first male, and a daughter to R. E. and Ann Casey was the first female child born in Bates City. The first death was that of Mrs. Casey, which occurred in April, 1880, — she was buried at Missouri City. Dr. M. W. Flournoy, of this county, was the first regular physician. The first religious service was performed by Rev. P. T. Cobb, of the Methodist Church South. There are two dry goods stores in Bates City, one drug store, one blacksmith and wagon shop, one mill, two hotels, one church, one school house, one physician, one millinery shop, one butcher, and one boot and shoe shop. The town is located in the southern part of Clay township, and is beautifully situated upon the open prairie. The Bates City class of the M. E. Church South, of Bates City was organized in May, 1881, with twenty-three members. The present build- ing, frame, was erected in 1881, at a cost of $1,200, and has not yet been dedicated. The pastors have been Rev. P. T. Cobb, and Mr. Woodward, the present pastor. Its present membership is twenty-seven. INCIDENTS. James Johnson was killed near the south edge of Saline county, by the Kan- sas troops, supposed to be at the instigation of a negro, whom he had once whipped while acting as constable; the act of whipping was forced upon Mr. Johnson, by the law, and the negro, to satiate dire revenge, had called upon this troop, who took Mr. Johnson, and hung him in a barn till he was dead. Mr. Johnson resided at Bates City, and had acted as constable for some years previous. The whipping of a white man for the offence of hiding a runaway negro, under some sheaf oats, occurred 1858. The man was tried by a jury of 1.2 men, and a sentence of '40 lashes, save one, was the decision of the jury. Robert Stowall, the man who executed the sentence, was killed in the year 1863, under the following circumstances: A troop of Kansas soldiers came through the town, and one of the soldiers recognized a citizen of the town saying, "how are you, John?" when the troop went to StowalPs, and called him out and shot him. Although no onerecog- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 405 nized any of the soldiers, it is supposed that the killing was at tne instiga- tion of the man who secreted the negro in the oats. DAVIS TOWNSHIP. Davis township was formed May 3, 1830, and included the present Davis township, besides all of Freedom, and portions of Middleton and Dover townships. Its first boundaries were thus defined: "Beginning on the county line between Saline and .Lafayette counties, at the section corner between 2 and 3, township 50, of range 24, thence west to the middle of range 26, in township 50; thence south to the section corner of 12 and 13 in township 48; thence east to the range line between 25 and 26; thence south to the southern boundary of Lafayette county, which is the middle of the main channel of the osage river; thence down the middle of said river to the range line between 23 and 24; thence north with said line to the place of beginning." These lines do not exactly correspond with any township lines now in the county, except the east line which now forms the boundary between Lafayette and Saline counties. It was estimated that there were forty- eight taxable families within the above defined territory at that time. The first township election was ordered to be held at the house of Benjamin Johnson; and Martin Warren, Sr., Axel H. Page, and John Smeltser, were appointed as judges. But on July 4, 1848, the new township of Middleton was established, and also the boundaries of Dover township fixed in their present places. These two changes cut off some of the territory of Davis township, and its new boundaries were thus defined: "Commencing at the township line, between townships 49 and 50, where said line crosses the boundary line between the counties of Lafayette and Saline, thence with said township line west to where the same crosses the main branch of Tabo creek; thence with the main channel of said creek in a southern direction, to where said creek crosses the section line between section No. 9 and 10, in range No. 26, of township No. 49: thence with said section line south to where the same crosses the main branch of Davis creek; thence with the main channel of said Davis creek, to the boundary line between the counties of Saline and Lafayette; thence with said line north to the beginning." Thus Davis township received its final boundaries, which remain the same to this day. Among the original settlers of the territory which constitutes the pres- ent Davis township, were Joseph Collins, who located at a place since called "Bear's Grove," situated near section 13, township 49, and range 26, sometime between the years of 1825 and 1830. Alexander P. Hogan, 406 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Wm. Anderson and Uriah Gladdish, natives of Kentucky, who settled on sections 35 and 36, same township and range, and Captain William Beatty, Major S. G. Neal, Wm. Collins, Madison Taylor, Thomas and James Smith, Wm. and Menona Dyer, and William Hickman, who settled in that neighborhood previous to 1840. The first marriage ceremony was performed at the house of Mr. Anderson, the high contracting parties being his daughter and William Still. The first male child born in the township was Henry Anderson, son of Ira and Columbia Anderson, born in 1841. The first death on record is that of a Miss Davenport, who died in about 1843, and was buried at the Couch grave yard. Among the first physicians was Dr. W. W. Higgins, who now resides in Mon- tana. The Rev. George Crawford, (new school Presbyterian) and Rev. Peter Williams (Baptist) were the first ministers reported. The first religious services, as far as can be ascertained, were held in Beatty school house, near "Bear's Grove," prior to 1840. In about 1841, the "Tebo Presbyterian church" was organized at the same place. The first school was taught in Beatty school house, built in about 1838. George Rhoades and Judge Lucien Cary, were among the first teachers. The school numbered from fifteen to twenty-five pupils, and teacher's salary ranged from $35 to $40 per month. This house was constructed of logs, and built out of funds raised by subscription. In about the year 1843, a log building for school purposes was erected by Elijah Gladdish, upon his farm on section 36. This school numbered from twelve to fifteen scholars, and was first taught by Miss Elizabeth Martin, (now disceased) at a sal- ary of $10 and board per month. At this time the custom of teachers "boarding around" was in vogue — the teacher boarding with each patron a stated length of time for each pupil in attendance. This Bohemian proclivity, however, is among the relics of the past. Mrs. Elizabeth Glad- dish is reported as the first weaver of cloth, she having brought the wool with her from Kentucky. The settlers were obliged to go from twelve to eighteen miles to mill r and frequently would be cut of from their homes by high water, and be obliged to camp out for several days, until the water had subsided. The trading point and post office up to 1846, was Lexington. At that date a post office was established at the residence of Major Neal, called the Hempland P. O. Major Geo. P. Gordon, who lives on section 18, township 49, range 24, says that Simon Bradley and Jesse Cox came into that neighborhood as early as 1820, and settled on sections 17 and 18, respectively. He also says that Mesdames Bradley and Cox did the first weaving in that neigh- borhood. The necessities of these early settlers were few, and supplied princi- pally by their own exertions. Occasionally when they desired a little HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 407 store sugar, tea, coffee, etc., they were obliged to go to Dover, in Dover township, several miles distant. In 1844, this township polled sixty-three votes, of which number, sixty were whig. A premium having been previously offered for the banner Whig township, Davis won the laurels. The Osage, Kickapoo, and Kaw Indians came through until about 1848. They were peaceably disposed, but given to begging and pilfering. An Osage chief, 75 years of age, came to the residence of Harvey Hig- gins and endeavored to acquaint him by signs, with the number of scalps which he had taken, and begged for a shirt. Mr. H. responded liberally to the savage's desires, giving him not only the shirt he asked for, but a pair of pants as well, and the "noble red man" went on his way rejoicing. Game of all kinds was abundant. In going a few rods from his house, Mr. Higgins would sometimes start four of five deer. Col. Mulky started four black bears within 150 yards of his house and succeeded in cap- turing two of them. In early days buffalo and elk were abuadant and cat- amounts were often killed. Panthers were not numerous. This township is well watered. Its entire southern boundary, fifteen miles in length, borders on Davis Creek, which receives numerous brooks and rivulets that traverse its diversified surface. Its population, according to the official report of the United States cen- sus, taken June 1, 1880, is 2,944. It has, however, increased considerably during the past year. Mr, Ira D. Anderson furnishes the following items of early history of Davis township: Wm. Collins, Senior, a soldier of the revolutionary war from Carolina, also his son and son-in-law and their families, amounting to eight persons, were among the first settlers of this township, settling here in 1825. The first marriage in the township was that of Martin D. Warren to Miss Dil- lingham. The first male child born »here was James Anderson, son of Wm. H. and D Anderson; the first female child was Nancy, daugh- ter of Larkin and Sarah Graham. The first death occurred in the town- ship in the latter part ot 1837, and was buried at Johnson's Grove, near Higginsville. The first Christian minister in this township was Rev. Thomas McBride, of the Christian church, in a log cabin south of where Higginsville now stands. "We had no roads in the early times of Davis township, but traveled by courses — our principal market place was Lexington. The boys would often have a big deer hunt, kill as many as eight deer, and get home to dinner." HIGGINSVILLE. The city of Higginsville is located at the junction of the Chicago & Alton and Missouri & Pacific railways on sections one and six and township 408 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. forty-nine, ranges 25 and twenty-six, and was founded inr 1869 by Harvey J. Higgins, in whose honor it was named. A postoffice was established here in 1870, with A. B. E. Lehman as' postmaster, who also built the first house and kept, in partnership with his son, the first store in the town, the firm was styled "Lehman & Son." In 1876 the town was incorporated and Abram Wade was elected the first mayor. The first school-house was built in 1879, a frame building, at a cost of $1,200. The first school numbered about thirty-five pupils and was taught by Miss Anna Reese, at a compensation of fifty dollars per month. The first marriage reported is that of Lewis Henke, the name of his bride not being given, in the spring of 1870. The ceremony was peformed at the home of the bride, by George Osborne, a justice of the peace. It is asserted that Michael Kelley was the first male child born within the limits of the town, and Hughes, daughter of John Hughes the first female. The first death that occurred within the corporation was that of an infant son of Lewis Henke, which lies buried in the Evangelical burial grounds. The first regular physician was Dr. C. W. Seeber, who still resides near the city engaged in a lucrative practice of his profession. The first relig- ious services were held in the Evangelical church, conducted by the Rev. Henry Haefer. The Evangelical burial ground is located about one mile east of town and is tastefully laid out. The present city officers are as follows: Mayor, B. M. Hutcherson; councilmen, W. L. Smiley, M. A. Brady, H. Horstmann and H. G. Smith. Two years ago, when the Chi- cago & Alton road was built through, Higginsville was comparatively small. It now has a newspaper, a bank, two steam flouring mills, a steam elevator and grain warehouse, two freight and passenger depots, eight churches, a fine graded public school, a select school, flourishing civic socie- ties, a large lumber yard, and about twenty business houses. According to the official report of the United States census, taken June 1, 1880, it has a population of 797. It, however, has grown quite rapidly during the past year, and now considerably exceeds that number. The Coal Mines in the vicinity are closely allied with the business interests of the city, and should be mentioned in connection with it. There are seven shafts open within a radius of four miles, five of them being operated during the cold season, for the local demand, and the other two, near town, owned and operated by the Winsor Coal Company, which was incorporated in December, 1879, with Ed. Winsor, president, and H. W. Winsor, secretary and superintendent, in operation during the entire season. In these two latter mines coal is found forty-five feet below the surface and in a vein of from sixteen to eighteen inches in thickness. The daily product of these two mines, when in full operation, is 2000 bushels, all of which is sold to the Chicago and Alton and Kansas city dealers. (For Higginsville newspapers see chapter on newspapers of the county.) HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 409 CHURCHES OF HIGGINSVILLE. The Higginsville Presbyterian Church (originally known as " Tabbo church") was organized June 19, 1842. The original members were Dan- dridge Morrow, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrow, Miss Mary A. Morrow, Wm. D. Lathim, Mrs. Elizabeth Lathim, Mrs. Mary Neal and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Crawford. The church building is of brick, erected in 1874 at a cost of $3000. It was dedicated July 19, 1874, the Rev. F. R. Gray conducting the services. The following pastors have since been in charge: Revs. George M. Crawford, John Stuart, Robert Glenn, F. R. Gray and S. T. Rufther. The present membership is 66. The church is in connection with the Lafayette presbytery. The original church building stood on the Lexington and Georgetown road, about two and a half miles west of Higginsville. The First German Baptist Church at Higginsville was organized May 24, 1868. The original trustees were Peter Brand, J. G. Huder and Aug. Erdman, the last named acting as clerk. The church building is a frame edifice, erected in 1874 at a cost of $15S5. When first organized the Rev. Anton Hausler was in charge as pastor, he being followed by Rev. C. Schumacher, who in turn was succeeded by Rev. F. W. Greife. Num- ber of members at present, 78. Nothing further reported. The German Lutheran Church at Higginsville, known as the "Evan- gelical SalemsChurch," was organized in 1870. The original members were Adolph Wehrman and wife, Herman Haefer and wife, W. Huene- feld and wife, C. Haefer and wife, H. Offel, Sen., and wife, H. Schmieder and wife, H. Farre and wife, Aug. Caulher and wife, A. Henker and wife, H. Offel, Jr., and wife. 'The building is a frame one, erected in 1871 at a cost of $1000. It was dedicated Oct. 29, 1871, the Rev. Henry Haefer, the present pastor, preach- ing the dedicatory sermon. Mr. Haefer has had charge of this church since its organization, with the exception of the time between 1873 and 1877, when the Rev. Frederick Drewel had it in charge. At present there are 75 members belonging. The pastor resides in a parsonage built by the congregation at a cost of $1800. The Sabbath school consists of 45 scholars and eight teachers. During the three months of March, April and May a private school is in progress in the church building, in charge of the pastor. This church is a member of the German evangelical synod, of which there are five other members in the county. In 1879 the congregation purchased a bell, costing $387. The German M. E. Church. — Located in the city of Higginsville, was organized in 1876. The names of the original members were as follows: 410 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Wm. Liese, Elizabeth Liese, Frederick Liese, Louise Liese, Charles Liese, Gustav Liese, John Muller, Anna Muller, John Froeschle, Sr., Friederika Froeschle, Anna R. Froeschle, Jacob Froeschle, Mary Froeschle, Michael Waehr, Henry Meyerarend, Friedrick Senser, Heinrich Kripmeyer, Wm. Vieth, Wm. Heffen and others. The church is a frame building and was built in 1870, at a cost of $1,800; ded- icated in December, same year, 1876, by Rev. Jacob Tanner. The names of the successive pastors were: Revs. Conrad Mardof, Peter Hehner, Julius Franz, John H. Asling and John Demand. It has now 37 members, and a flourishing Sunday school attached, of which the Rev. Simon Ritter is superintendent. St. Mary's Churchy (Catholic) at Higginsville, was organized April 26, 1879. The original members were: Timothy Noonan, Martin Kelly, John O'Mally, Patrick Summers, Jeremiah Kelly, John P. Schurtz, Stephen Organ, Thomas Organ, Patrick Lillis, Patrick Machin, Daniel McDermott, Andrew Bomkoskei, Mark Brady, Prof. O. V. Thornton, James O. Gormon, Charles McGirl, and many others. The church edi- fice consists of a frame building, erected in July, 1881, at a cost of $1,600. It will be dedicated on the 9th of October, 1881, by the Right Rev. John I. Hogan, bishop of Kansas City and St. Joseph. Fathers Hoag, Brady, Cooney, John I. Lilly and F. Curran have been in charge since the organi- zation of this church. The last named being the first and present resident pastor. Present number of members 180. The Christian Church, of Higginsville, was organized January 18, 1880, with an original membership of 42. This church is properly a reorgani- zation of the " Republican church," originally founded nearly forty years ago, and having a large membership. The church building was situated about two miles southeast of town. This old building was sold ancl a frame one erected in Higginsville, in 1879, at a cost of $1,500. It was dedicated on the third Sabbath in February, 1880, Elder Plattenburg, of Dover, conducting the dedicatory services. The following pastors have been in charge: C. A. Hedrick and Samuel McDaniels. The present membership is 70. The church is in a prosperous condition and has its new edifice nearly paid for. The Baptist Church, of Higginsville, was Organized in January, 1880. The original members were: A. Edgar Asbury, Mrs. Ellen Asbury, John W. Edley and wife, A. H. Horn and wife, B. F. McElroy and wife f W. W. Preston, Miss Lelia Mason and others. The church edifice is a frame building, erected in 1881, at a cost of $2,000. The present mem- bership is about 45, and the church is now in charge of the Rev. S. B. Whiting. No further particulars reported. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 411 CIVIC SOCIETIES OF HIGGINSVILLE. Mystic Lodge, No. 88., A. O. U. W.— Organized November 28, 1878, by W. R. Shern. The charter members were: J. H. Fuhr, G. Sharp, John Page, J. H. Stapp, Fred Shopenhoist, J. A. Field, M. A. Brady, W. H. Robnett, W. E. Ennis. D. S. Swacker. The original officers were: D. S. Swacker, P. M. W.; W. E. Ennis, M. W.; W. H. Robnett, foreman,; M. A. Brady, overseer; J. A. Field, recorder; F. Shopenhoist, financier; J. H. Stapp, receiver; John Page, Guard; G. Sharp, inside watchman; J. H. Fuhr, outside watchman. Present officers: M. A. Brady, P. M. W ; J. H. Fuhr, M. W.; Chas. Shrader, foreman; D. S. Swacker, O.; J. H. Stapp, R.; J. W. Endly, fin.; W. E. Kellar, G.; Jesse Field, O. W.; H. Rapsohl, I. W.; S. F. Patter- son, R. June 20, 1881, there were 25 members. The lodge holds its meetings in a frame building built in 1879. One death has occurred since organization. Higginsville, Lodge No. J64, A. F. & A. M. — Organized in 1880t by W. W. Preston and A. E. Asbury. The charter members were: Grove Young, A. Wade, James Peddicord, G. W. Houx, B. Wilkinson, James Robason, S. T. RufFner, W. S. Ennis, A. Kensler, W. J. Fewell, Wm. Doblin, C. N. Engler, and H. G. Smith. The following named gentlemen held the first offices: W. W. Preston, W. M.; G. W. Houx, S. W.; B. Wilkinson, J. W.; S. T. RufFner, S. D.; W.J. Fewell, J. D.; A. E. Asbury, Treasurer; James Peddicord, Secre- tary. The present officers are the same as above, with the single exception of a change in the office of secretary; that position being now filled by H. G. Smith. The present membership is 22. Meetings are held in a brick hall, built by A. E. Asbury, in 1879. Prairie Grange. — The only particulars obtained in regard to this organ- ization are, tha't it was organized by Lewis Neale, Jr., of Lafayette county, and that its present officers are: James M. Armentrout, W. M.; and Jackson Corder, secretary. Also that the hall in which it meets is a frame building, built in 1879, and located upon section 5, township 49, range 24. Davis Creek Grange No. 133, was organized in the spring of 1873, with thirteen members. The present officers are: Isaac McVey, Master; F. M. Gladdish, Overseer; William Nois, Lecturer, and Frank Mills, Secre- tary. The number of members at the present time is between fifty and sixty. They meet in a two story frame building, built at a cost of from six to seven hundred dollars. No further particulars reported. 412 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. CEREALS, FRUIT, BEES, ETC. Christopher Ellmaker has an orchard consisting of about 200 apple trees, some of which 'have been planted over forty years. In 1880, he gathered 1000 bushels of apples from it. His wheat crop during same year yielded an average of twenty-five bushels to the acre. In other parts of this township the average was from thirty to forty bushels. Mr. George G. Elsea, has an orchard of about 150 apple trees, some of them over forty years of age, from which he gathered 200 bushels of fruit during the year 1880. Alfred P. Lewis has an orchard of 100 apple trees, fifty of which were set out in 1845, and the remainder, at various times since. Of the differ- ent varieties raised, he says that the Ben Davis is the most salable and the Genitan, Winesap and the Missouri and Newtown Pippin, the best adapted to the climate. He raised about 400 bushels during the year 1880. He also has twenty stands of bees of the Missouri Native variety. They get their honey from buds and blossoms during early spring and from white clover in its season. In 1879 he gathered 200 pounds of excellent honey from the product of these busy little insects. COAL MINES. An excellent mine of bituminous coal is located upon the premises of Mr. Michael Summers, formerly owned by Elder Martin Corder, situated in section 6, township 49, range 24. Also on the farm of Patrick Mc- Bride, in section 11, same township and range, a vein of the same kind of coal has been found which, however, he has never mined. On Mr. Gladdish's farm, four or five miles south of Higginsville, some fragments of petrified bones and wood have been found. Mrs. Gladdish has in her possession something that looks like a petrified wasp's nest, the cells being perfectly defined. [It is a species of fossil coral called Fareo- sites, which means " honeycomb stone." — Historian. * DEEDS OF VIOLENCE. A federal paymaster having in his possession $55,000, which he was transporting to Marshall, Saline county, with a guard of 25 men, com- manded by Capt. Perry, had stopped at the residence of Alfred P. Lewis, " for the purpose of remaining overnight. While there they were attacked by a company of bushwhackers, led by Dave Blount, who captured the vehicle which contained the money, securely locked up in a strong box, and its guard of three pickets. Not knowing anything of the money in their possession, the bushwhackers took the horses and bidding the three men to follow, started to retreat. One of them refusing, he was delibe- rately shot down in his tracks, the ball entering his back and coming out HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 413 of his right breast. He lived for 26 hours after, and then expired. Mr. Lewis gave him all the assistance in his power, which, however, was of no avail, except to render his last moments easier. The bushwhackers rode off with the horses and their two prisoners, paroling the latter and allowing them to rejoin their comrades the following day. In September, 1862, John Grisom was found murdered in the Davis bottom, on the premises of Mr. Christopher Echoff. Grisom was a resi- dent of Saline county. MURDER OF JUDGE WM. PRIGMORE. This murder occurred October 10, 1864. He was shot in his yard by the bushwhackers, part of whom are said to have been Dave Poole's men, and part Todd's. The house was burned with its entire contents; Mrs. Prigmore and her sister-in-law, a cripple, escaping with nothing but the clothes they wore. George Albin and Ben. Neville, guerrillas of Poole's command, were caught in 1863, by the federals, at Oakland church, three miles east of Higginsville. Albin was shot and instantly killed. In the following win- ter two men, one named Webster, were killed at same place. Chas. O'Hara, a bushwhacker, was killed at the house of Rob't Van Meter, four miles east of Higginsville, in 1863. He was attempting to escape and was shot while climbing the fence. Mr. Sharpe, an old resident of the county, was murdered for his money at about the close of the war. He lived two and a half miles west of Hig- ginsville. Mr. Fountain, living about five miles west of Higginsville, was called out by federal militia, in fall of 1863, and deliberately shot down. DOVER TOWNSHIP. The first mention of Dover township occurs February 5, 1836, when it was ordered by the county court " that Tabo township be hereafter known and designated by the name and style of Dover township." This was only a small remnant of the original Tabo township, and comprised the most of the territory now embraced in Dover and Middleton townships. The boundaries of the newly named township are not given; but it is at this date laid off into eight road districts, with numbers and overseers as follows: First road district, Wm. W. Shroyers, overseer; second road district, JLegrand Buford, overseer; thirty-fifth road district, John Smeltser, over- seer; thirty-fourth road district, Robert Sensabaugh, overseer; thirty- third road district, Wm. Hickman, overseer; thirty-second road district, N 414 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Cornelius Gant, overseer; thirty-first road district, Wm. Whitsett, over- seer; thirtieth road district, John Timberlake, overseer. The first mention of schools occurs May 4, 1840. A majority of the voters of Dover township had petitioned to be organized in accordance with an act of the legislature, entitled " an act to provide for the organiza- tion, support, and government of common schools," approved February 9, 1839. The county court appointed Joseph W. Hall, Nathaniel David- son, and Hubbell Foster, school directors for the township; and the first school meeting was to be held at the town of Dover, July 23, following. July 4, 1848, new boundaries for Dover township were established, as follows: " Commencing at the mouth of Tabo creek, in the middle of the main channel thereof, where the same empties into the Missouri river, thence up said creek with the middle of the main channel thereof, to where the same crosses the township line between townships No. 49 and 50 in range No. 26; thence east with said township line to where the same intersects the range line between ranges 24 and 25; thence with said range line north to the. Missouri river; thence with said river to the place of beginning." And so the boundaries remain to the present time, 1881. The early French traders had called several places Terre Bonne (pro- nounced Tair Bone), or " good land;" such a name would first apply to the country generally, and then gradually be limited to a smaller portion and finally to the village or trading post. As American settlers came in, new names were given, and old ones localized and spelled by sound, rather than according to the original meaning in French, and often short- ened in sound: Thus Terre Bonne was first shortened into Ta Beau. Some think this was the original name and meant " the gallant," or " ele- gant," or as we moderns say, " splendid," but this was merely a later shortening of the original; it was next Anglicized into Tabbo, and finally Tabo, and limited to a small creek instead of naming and describing a region of country. Such is the evolution of the name of Tabo creek, •which now forms the boundary between Lexington and Dover townships. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The first settlement in this township Was made by John Lovelady and Solomon Cox, in the year 1817, one-half mile west of the present village of Dover. W. R. Cole and Tames Bounds settled one and a half miles west; they made some other improvements in the same year. Solomon Cox came from Virginia and settled on section 29. W. R. Cole came from Virginia and settled on section 30. James Bounds, Sr., James Bounds, Jr. and Obadiah Bounds, came from Tennessee and settled on section 31 in the year 1818. Christopher Jago, Wm. Carpenter and John Parkerson came from Tennessee in the year 1819. Z. Linville, a Sto- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 415 nite preacher, Martin Trapp, a reformed preacher, called by some at that time, a Stonite preacher,* John Welsh, Jesse Nelson, Enoch Fox,Wm.Fox, Dyer Cash and Joseph Cantrell came in 1818. Mr. Bovvers erected the first corn mill and distillery in the county, about one-half mile west of Dover. There was a log church erected in Dover by the different denominations. The ministers were Rev. Martin Trapp, Rev. Zachariah Linville, Finis Ewing, Robert King, Robert Mare; the three last named were Cumber- land Presbyterian; Ransom Clark, an O. S. Baptist. These ministers invariably united and held their meetings, leaving the converts to join whichever denomination they pleased. The first marriage in the county was at Solomon Cox's in January, 181S; Mr. John Lovelady to Miss Mary Cox, daughter of Enoch Cox, of Grayson county, Virginia, by Rev. Martin Trapp. The first births were Rebecca and Elizabeth, twin daugh- ters of Mr. John and Mary Lovelady. Rebecca is still living and the wife of John B. Dysart. The first death was Martin Trapp, in 1820; the second, Wm. R. Cole, September 15, 1821; both were buried in the cem- etery near Dover, which Mr. Cole himself had laid out. The first physi- cian was Dr. Buck, of Massachusetts; he died at the warm springs, Arkansas. The first school was taught in the log school house just south of Dover, in the year 1822, by George Marquis, who died soon after. The first school house was built of logs, gratuitously, by the citizens, and was located half a mile south of Dover. The first weaving of cloth is sup- posed to have been done by Mrs. John Lovelady and Mrs. Solomon Cox. In the first settling of the country, it was, like all other new countries, devoid of roads and means of travel, and the citizens wishing to go to a certain place took the direction, making a passable road as they went. PAGE CITY. Page City, situated on the Lexington branch of the Missouri Pacific R. R., was laid out in 1871 by Joseph H. Page, on 20 acres of land belonging to himself and 11 acres belonging to his brother, G. R. Page. CHURCHES OF DOVER VILLAGE. The Dover Baptist Church. — Organized in about the year 1844. The original members were: P. M. Gaw and wife, Wm. Fristoe and wife, Mrs. Ann C. Mallory, Willis Mathews and wife, Willis Gaulding and wife, David Powers and wife and M. T. Buford. The building originally occu- pied by this church was built in 1845, and dedicated by the Rev. Wm. C. Ligon. It cost about $1,500. In 1876 it was removed and a new one built in its stead — a fine commodious edifice — at a cost of $6,000. This was dedicated by the Rev. W. Pope Yeaman. *This was then a new sect or denomination and was called by various nicknames, such as "New Light," " Stonites," " Campbellites," etc . They are now known as " Christians," •or " Disciples." 416 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The successive pastors have been, the Revs. Wm. C. Ligon, E. Roth, Charles Whitney, E. S. Dulin, Mr. Kingdom, E. S. Tichenor, G. W. Smith, C. T. Daniel and T. W. Tate. Since the organization of this church five others have been established in the vicinity, which have drawn considerably from its membership, which at present is small, num- bering about 50. At one time it had over 150 communicants. The First M. E. Church, South, of Dover city. — Organized in 1880. The original members were: James Schooling, S. R. McCorkle and wife, Mrs. Swacker and daughter, M. Catron and daughter and others. The church holds its sessions in a frame edifice, built in 1881, at a cost of $1,500. It is not yet dedicated. At present the Rev. W. B. McFarland occupies the pulpit. Although but recently organized twenty members have already joined, and the indications of prosperity for the society in the future are favorable. civic SOCIETIES. Dover Lodge, No. 122, A. F. and A. M. — Organized in May, 1850, by Cyrus Osborn. The charter members and first officers were, P. B. LaBer- ten, W. M.; Samuel Warren, S. W.; Jacob Sutfield, J. W.; C. T. Ustick, Treas.; W. R. Schurlock, Sec'y; Wm. ,C. Webb, S. D.; W. M. John- son, J. D.; John E. McDougal, Tyler. The present officers are, John C. Woods, W. M.; James Clayton, S. W. James Cather, J. W.; H. Wahl, Treas.; R. T. Koontz, Sec'y; L. Buford, S. D.; John Wheatley, J. D.; Lewis Ligon, Tyler; L. B. Gordon and F. G. Henry, Stewards. Number of members at present, 44 Hall built of brick, and rented of the Dover Store company. WAR AND WOMEN IN DOVER. While Gen. Shelby's cavalry were serving as advance scouts during Price's raid through the State in 1864, Edwards' history says: " And Dover, too — this pretty little village, so peaceful and so calm — had put on her gala dress to welcome the army and crown with garlands her returning braves marching in the advance of Shelby's division. Those same Dover girls cost some of Shelby's soldiers dearly, indeed. Linger- ing behind to gather a few more smiles and bind a few more soft love- whisperings around hearts soon to be separated, were Capt's Charley Jones, Ben. Neal, Will Redd, Lieut. Seb Plattenburg, Sid. Martin, Den - nis McNamara, Sam. Downing and one or two others. Songs, music, patriotic toasts and wooings without number stole the night away, and continued until the cold October sun had risen red and ominous the next morning, when about eight o'clock one hundred or so Federals dashed into town and opened a furious pistol fusilade upon everything in sight. Seb. Plattenburg and Will. Redd were three hundred yards from their HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 417 horses, and in a house at that, and busy with the girls. Jones mounted his men and fought a while to enable the two unfortunate cavaliers to regain their steeds, which they did and escaped from Dover in safety. The enemy then pressed Jones rapidly up the Lexington road, shot his horse, ran Sid. Martin out of his saddle, but were finally distanced in the race. Lieut. Plattenburg and Capt. Redd made a detour around Dover in order to gain this same Lexington road and came squarely upon the Federals who had halted in their pursuit of Jones' party. Mistaking them for friends, as almost all the Confederates wore blue overcoats at that time, they rode boldly into their ranks, remarking: 'It's all right boys. The damned melish are beaten at last. ' The mistake, however, soon came rudely home to them, and they were dismounted and disarmed." BUSHWHACKERS AT BERLIN. The Lexington Weekly Union of Sept. 19, 1863, says: "As the steamer Marcella, on her upward trip on Thursday evening last, approached Ber- lin Landing in Dover township, twelve miles below this city, she was ordered to land by about sixty bushwachers. There being no protection to the pilot house, and about fifty revolvers pointed at the pilot, he coulddo nothing but obey. The boat had no sooner landed than she was boarded by these monsters. They robbed the boat and passengers of $900, and sev- ral cases of boots and shoes, clothing, etc. They then searched the boat and found four soldiers, belonging to Col. Sigel's regiment, Fifth M. S. M., residents of this city, who were on furlough and on their way here. Their names were Martin Fisher, Chas. Waggoner, Edvv'd Knobbs, Chris. Seelly. They took them off the boat and a short distance into the woods, where they placed them in line and inhumanly fired on them. Fisher, Knobbs and Seely, were killed instantly; but Waggoner, not being hit, ran and hid and finally made his escape." CORDER. Corder is a station on the Chicago & Alton Railroad in Dover town- ship, and was laid out in 1878 and incorporated in 1881. The first mayor was G. W. Neithercut. The post office was established in 1878 with W. J. Leise as post master. He also built the first house, and owned the first store in the town. The first physician, was Dr. Lewis Carthrae, who had practiced in the county before [coming to this place. The first religious service was held in the school house by the Baptists. The first minister was Edward Roth, of the Baptist church. The present officers are Geo. Neithercut, mayor; Henry Leise, marshal; Dr. Lewis Cathrae, L. Am- bruster, H. F. Kleinmuck, J. W. Dean, council. JVieaPs Cha-pcl, Corder, was organized in 1870. The names of the orig- inal members were Lewis Neal, and family, W. Barley and some ten or fifteen others. The first church building was erected in 1870, and is of 41 S HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. frame, at a cost of $4,000. It was dedicated in 1S71 by Bishop Marvin. Their pastors have been J. C. Shackleford, M. Atkinson, W. F. Camp, B. Margason, R. H. Laffer, W. T*. Brown and W. B. McFarland. The number of the present membership about 100. The church since its organization has been situated about half mile from Corder, but is now being removed to Corder. Corder Grange was instituted by Thomas Allen, in the year 1881. Nathan Corder, F. S. Burton, John Board, L. Frazier, S. B. Shrader, Chas. Burton, Wm. Corder, H. S. Huffman, Mack Avitt, F. M. Burton, Morton Hilliard, J. C. Board, Chas. Shrader, Mrs. F. S. Burton, Mrs. Geo. Corder, Miss Dora Frazier, Miss Zoah Avitt and Miss R. Corder were charter members, and the first officers, were Nathan Corder, W. M. : F. S. Burton, Overseer; John Board, Lecturer; S. B. Shrader, Chaplin; Wm. Corder, Treasurer; Chas. Shrader, Secretary; L. Frazier, Steward; Chas. Burton, Assistant Stewart; H. S. Huffman, Gate Keeper; Miss R. Corder, Pomona; Dora Frazier, Ceres; Mrs. Geo. Corder, Flora, Miss Zoah Avitt, Assistant Steward. The number of present membership is eighteen. LONG GROVE SETTLEMENT. From Joseph H. Page, son of Alexander H. Page, one of the early pio- neers of this township, the following information was obtained: The earliest settlers in this neighborhood were Martin Warren and son. who arrived in 1S24, and located on section 23, township 50, range 26. The next to appear were Samuel Walker, Adam Sensibaugh, John Ennis, Thomas Bucklev, Richard Collins, and Mr. Welch, who were natives of Kentuckv and came there in 1826, locating on or near section 26. Alex- ander H. Page, also of Kentucky, located there in 1827, upon section 23. The first marriage ceremony performed was that of William Johnson and Peggv Ennis, 1S2S, at the residence of the bride's father. The knot was tied by Duke Young. The usual custom of " running for the bottle " at weddings, was indulged in, and the prize was won by Granville Page. This curious custom is described as follows: A bottle of whisky, with a red ribbon tied around its neck and called " Black Betty " was the prize. The contestants would start on Ihorseback from the house where the " infair" was to be held and run to meet the bride and groom. The one who first met them was declared the winner, and had the pleasure of pre- senting " Black Bettv " to the parson, who took the first drink, then to the bride, then to the groom, etc. All drank from the same bottle. Whole settlements came without invitation and all were made welcome and had a merrv time, usually terminating the proceedings with a dance. Lafayette Collins, son of Richard and Katy Collins, born in 1827, is reported as being the first male child born in the settlement. He went to HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 419 Texas. The first death occurred in 1830, that of Sarah Page, wife of A. H. Page. She was buried in the Page family burying ground. The next was that of the wife of Martin Warren, occurring in 1830 or '31. Mrs. Dillingham died in 1832. The first regular phvsician who located there was Dr. Ward. He came from Lexington and died some years ago. The next was Dr. Buck, also now dead; and afterwards Drs. Flour- noy, Percival, and others. Among the first ministers was Finis Ewing, who conducted the first religious services in a neighbor's house. Servi- ces were held in private houses until 1S25, when a church was erected, where Dover) nowl stands, by the Methodists and Reformers. It was constructed of logs and services were held in it bv all of the different denominations. The first school numbered about eighteen pupils and was taught on the premises of John Ennis, bv Mr. Gilliam, and others. Ses- sions were held during twenty-six days of the month aud the tuition was one dollar per pupil, per month. The first school house was built on sec- tion 26, (John Ennis" land >. Was constructed of logs and built bv the community, who contributed both labor and material. No money was expended. The settlers raised their own cotton, flax, wool, etc., and each family did its own weaving. Mr. Parkinson in Tabo Grove and Johnny Nelson, south of Lexington, each operated a cotton-gin. Supplies were procured at Lexington. Goods were hauled from Arrow Rock and Old Franklin to Lexington. Indians were numerous in early days, of a peaceable character, how- ever, though given to theft. The following good joke is told on a party of settlers who were in pursuit of an Indian who had stolen a horse from one of them: They had succeeded in apprehending him and were bring- ing him back to the settlement. The red man professed to be very peni- tent, and so won upon the sympathy of his captors that they allowed him considerable liberty. One night while encamped on the Blackwater, as he was assisting them to gather firewood, he gave them the slip, and secreted himselt, as they afterwards ascertained, in some drift-wood in the creek, just allowing his head to project above the water, where he remained until they had ceased hunting for him and the camp had become quiet. He then emerged from his hiding place, secured another and better horse from the camp, with which he succeeded in making his way to his tribe. Game was plenty. Chris, Mulkev, in 1826, killed five deer before sun- rise, where Mr. Page now lives. Bears, panthers, catamounts and elk were plenty, and " wolves by the acre," as " Uncle " Joe Page savs. A panther killed a hog weighing J 50 pounds and covered it with grass, near Uncle Joe's residence. Hunters watched for it, but it did not return. The old-fashioned flint-lock rifle was the weapon used at that time. On the 4th of July it was customarv to organize a grand hunt, the proceeds of which went to furnish the barbecue which was invariably had after- 420 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. wards. Candidates and others would furnish funds to pay necessary- expenses. Flour and meal were procured at the mill of Solomon Cox, near Dover, also at Jonesboro, Saline county. In 1829 Dick Collins and John Ennis built a horse-mill on the farm of the latter. Sifters were made either of horse-hairs or deer-skins. Company musters were held at Johnson's Grove, and general musters at Swift's place, five miles south of Lexington. Gen. Graham was in com- mand. The captains were Mock, Graham, Dowden, and others. Three hundred and six Shawnee Indians under a brother of that noted Indian chief, Tecumseh, were encamped for a short time on Tabo creek, in 1828. They were going west. Johnson's grove settlement. This settlement is situated on the line between Davis and Dover town- ships, and derives its name from the original settlers — the two William Johnsons, cousins— who located there in the years of 1827 and 1828. Up to the year 1835— according to information received from Mr. O. K. Burns — no other settlers appeared in the neighborhood. About that time Mr. Simpson, a native of Kentucky, settled there, and in 1841 William Burns, of Virginia, and Wm. Bell and Joseph Roberts, of Kentucky, located near there. The first regular physician who came there was Dr. W. I. Seeber, who appeared in 1842 or '43. He died in April, 1872. The first church was built in 1844, under the united auspices of the different denominations rep- resented in the settlement, and was named " Oakland Church." It was torn down in 1880. The first religious services were held in this church, conducted by Dr. J. L. Yantis, old school Presbyterian. Occasionally a Methodist circuit rider would pass that way and hold services. Prior to the building of this church the people worshiped at Dover village, ten miles away. The first school was taught in 1841, in the log cabin of Mr. O. K. Burns, in Davis township. It consisted of seventeen pupils, taught by Mr. Harris, now a lawyer of Brunswick, Chariton county, Mo., at a com- pensation of one dollar per pupil per month — it being a private enter- prise. The first school house was built of logs, near Oakland church, in 1842 or '43, and was built out of funds subscribed by the community. It cost about $40, exclusive of the labor contributed. About this time Oak-^ land postoffice was established in this neighborhood, with M. C. Burns as postmaster. This has since been discontinued. Prior to its establishment the nearest office was Dover. The first regularly laid out roads in this section were the Salt Pond and Lexington, and the Lexington and Georgetown roads. Supplies were HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 421 procured at Lexington and Dover. The nearest flouring mills were "Brown's" mill in Saline county, and "Webb's" horse-mill at Dover. The settlers frequently had enough corn and wheat ground at a time to last them six months. A few Indians, of a peaceable character, however, were encamped near by, in that early day. Game was scarce — a few deer, turkeys, etc. In 1832 or '33 a traveler was attacked by a panther, eight miles east of Johnson's Grove, on the Salt Pond and Lexington road. He escaped to the settlement, and in company with the Johnsons and others returned and killed two. These were the last seen in that vicinity. In 1863, a bushwhacker was caught by some militiamen — his horse having stumbled over a negroe's grave, thus enabling his pursuers to come up with him — tied to a tree in front of Oaklend church and shot. A few moments prior to the execution he rather irreverently remarked that " a d — d nigger, whether dead or alive, was always in the way." Two Federal soldiers, belonging to Deitzler's Regt., Kansas, were killed in 1862 at Tabo bridge in the southern part of Dover township, on the Georgetown road, by Charles Petite and Thomas Paine. One other was severely wounded. The Federals were gathering up horses and other plunder and taking them to Kansas. Bethel Church was organized sometime in 1871. The original mem- bers were Dr. Bull, Jackson Corder and wife, W. R. Finch and wife and about 10 others. The first church building was erected in 1878, of frame, at a cost of $800. It was dedicated in 1878 by M. M. Pugh. Their pastors have been R. H. Shaffer, W. T. Brown, W. B. McFarland. The present membership is about 30. There is a nice lot of ground included with this church. Lafayette Grange No. 305 was instituted by Thomas Allen in 1873, which was the date of dispensation. The names of the charter members are Dr. W. C. Webb, J. G. Webb, Isaac Neale, E. Roth, G. K. Camp- bell and wife, and Jacob Zantameyer. The first officers were Dr. W. C. Webb, Master; Richard Barley, Secretary; J. G. Webb, Treasurer. Names of the present officers are Isaac Neal, Master; G. K. Campbell, Overseer; W. G. Neale, Secretary; J. G. Webb, Treasurer; Hon. W. H. Carter, Lecturer; N.J. Davis, Chaplain; Mrs. E. Roth, Ceres; Mrs. M.J. Campbell, Pomona; Mrs. Jacob Zantameyer, Flora. Number of present membership is 60; have no hall but lease the brick school house on the the nw \ of Sec. 15, 50, 25. Lodge in good condition 422 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. FREEDOM TOWNSHIP. This township was first named and described at a session of the county- court, June 11, 1832; but who proposed it does not appear. After deffn ing the boundaries, etc., the court ordered that the elections for this township should be held at the house of James Wilkinson; and that Samuel Scott, Thomas Mulky and Elisha Blevins should be judges. But for some reason or other this intended first township election was never held; and we find that on May 27th, 1833, the court appointed Livingston Wilkinson to be constable of Freedom township until the next general election. At the next term of court, which was held in August, the boundary- lines of Freedom township were changed a little from those first given, and we now copy the record: " Beginning where Davis" 1 fork crosses the eastern county line, thence up the same (stream) to the line between Ranges 25 and 26; thence south to the middle of township 45; thence due east to the line between Saline and Lafayette counties; thence north with said line to the place of beginning. Supposed to contain about thirty- taxable inhabitants." We find nothing more from Freedom township until May 7th, 1834, when it is " Ordered, that Thomas Mulky, Amos Horn and John M. Walker be appointed judges of the elections in Freedom township for two years." In this year, 1834, Johnson county was erected, thus fixing the present southern boundary line of Lafayette county, which is also the south line of Freedom township. And about the same time nine more sections were added on to the west end, thus completing the territorial area of the township as it now stands. SETTLEMENT. It appears that the first settler in the territory which now constitutes Freedom township, was Patrick Henry, who located in the eastern part, about the year 1825. Shortly after Samuel and John Scott appeared and settled in the western part. James and Chris Mulkey also at an early day, located in Mulkey's Grove, two and a half miles south of the present site of Aullville. Among others who may be considered as early settlers, were: Dr. Davis, Nat. Davis, William Davis, David Mock, Jacob Phillip, George and David Welborn, Brooks Wellington, John Walker, James Atterberry, and Daniel Greenwood. These settled principally on and around the site of the old town of Freedom, a short sketch of which is given elsewhere. Scott Grave Tard, consisting of one acre of ground is located on the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 423 southwest quarter of section 22, township 48, range 25. Jesse Scott was among the first who were buried there. Mr. Wm. Bright of Freedom township, furnishes the following items of early history: Joseph Johnson, of Indiana, but a native of Kentucky, was one of the first settlers of the township where he came in 1829. Noah Rigg in the same year settled on the same section 13, township 48, range 24. Then Wm. Bright bought Noah Rigg's farm, and entered balance of the section 13, township 48, range 24. The first marriage was of Noah Rigg to Elizabeth Johnson, by Joseph Johnson. Joseph Rigg was the first male child— son of Noah Rigg, and Elizabeth, his wife. The first female child was Ellen Bright, daughter of William and Artimesia Bright. Ellen Bright's was also the first death in the township, buried at the old Johnson grave yard. Dr. Thornton was the first regular physician, who came to Missouri from Kentucky. The first school was in an old school house on Wm. Bright's farm, and James Campbell was the first teacher. He is now living in Brownsville, in Saline county. This old school house, on the Wm. Bright farm, was built of logs, by the neighbors, and did not cost much. In these early times there were no regular roads, and all obtained supplies from Lexington. CONCORDIA. The city of Concordia is situated on the Lexington and St. Louis R. R., twenty-five miles southeast of Lexington, on section 4, township 48, range 24. In 1856, before the town was laid out, a grist mill was built upon its present site, by Henry Flandermeyer and Lewis Bergmann, costing $3,000. This was burned in 1859. The next building erected was a blacksmith shop, built and operated by Frederick Henricks, in 1858, which is still standing, (1881). During the same year, Henry and August Brockhoff put up the first dry goods and grocery store, consisting of a frame building 25x40 feet and one and a half stories in height. Messrs. Hackman and Detert built the second general merchandise store, a large two story frame building, now occupied by the Widow Detert. Henry Meinecke put up and operated the first hotel, on what is now the corner of St. Louis and Bogg streets. These were the principal business houses built upon the town site, before the town was organized. The town plat was surveyed and laid out in 1868, by a joint stock com- pany, consisting of Major G. P. Gordon, Henry Detert, Col. Geo. S. Rathburn, Peter and Harmon Uphouse, and Henry Westerhouse. A post office was established here in 1870, of which August Heckman was first post master. 424 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. The town was incorporated Jan. 3, 1877, with John Smith as its first mayor. The first school house was built of brick, in 1874, at a cost of $1,300. The school consisted of about fifty pupils, and was first taught by Mr. Wm. F. Walkenhorst, at a salary of $50 per month. Dr. F. L. Flanders was the first resident physician. He came from Illinois, and is now (1881) located in Kansas City. The first religious services were held by the Methodists, conducted by the Rev. C. Bruegger. The municipal officers for the present year (1881), are as follows: Henry Ficken, mayor; Chas. Bergman, Henry Meyer, A. E. Brunes and M. Brunes, councilmen; E. F. Ninas, marshal; and F. H. Bartman, treasurer and collector. The inhabitants are principally of German descent and numbered according to an official bulletin of the U. S. census of June 1, 1880, three hundred and ninety-one (391). Actual residents, however, give the population at the present time, Aug. 1, 1881, between six and seven hundred. The following is a statement of the different branches of business repre- sented, as complete as can be made from the data in our possession: Dry goods, 5; groceries, 5; lumber dealers, 2; blacksmiths, 3; shoemak- ers, 2 ; harness -and saddlery, 1 ; bank, 1 ; boot and shoe, 2 ; furniture dealers, 2; flouring mills, 2; saloons, 4; butchers, 2; barber, 1; livery stable 1; drug, 2; hardware and agricultural implements, 3; hotels, 3; physicians, 4; millinery, 1. The German Baptist Church at Concordia, was organized in the year 1851. The names of the original members were: C. Kresse and wife, Henriette Kresse, A. Schlaemann and wife, Maria Schlaemann, P. Brand and wife, Anna M. Brand, Henry Uphaus and wife, Mary Uphaus, Cas- per Holtcamp and wife, Mary Holtcamp. The first church building was erected in 1865, of frame, at a cost of $1,000. It was dedicated in 1865 by Rev. A. Hausler, A. Hoffman, and C. Werner. The pastors' names were: C. Kresse, C. Werner, A. Hausler, and C. Schoemaker. The present number of membership is 112. This church has two meeting houses, this one, and one in Concordia, the last erected in 1873. Preach- ing and sunday school at both places every Sunday. Of the original mem- bers, six persons are still living, one is 101 years old. The Evangelical Lutheran, Cross Church, under the care of Rev. H. P. Wille, is located about four miles east of Concordia, in Freedom town- ship, and was organized in the year 1864. The names of all the original members could not be obtained. The number, however, in all was twenty-eight, among whom were, Frederick Beermann and family, Diet- rich Oetting and family, Henry Rotenburg and family, Henry Heermann, John Fuchsing, and Phil. Pinkfawk. The first house was built in 1865 of logs. The present building was erected in 1868, is a frame, and cost HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 425 $2,000. It was dedicated by the Rev. J. F. Biltz. The names of the successive pastors of the church were, J. F. Biltz, H. Bartens, and H. P. Wille. The number of members is about four hundred, with seventy- six voting male members. The congregation owns and sustains a paro- chial school, with a permanent teacher, and owns the necessary buildings for school purposes, and dwelling house for teacher. It also owns and keeps up a parsonage and graveyard; owning in all forty acres of land. The Evangelical Bethel Church, of Concordia was organized in 1872. The original members were H. H. Klingenberg, Wm. Sodemann, Henry Meyer, F. C. Cook, J. P. Lohoefeuer, P. Steimman, H. Droege, and P. Esselmann. The building now occupied by this congregation is a frame one built in 1872, and costing $1,000. It was dedicated in same year by the Rev. H. Hoefer. The following named pastors have officiated since the organization: H. Hoefer, F. Frankenfeld, H. Torbitzky, Rev.. Haenelt and C. Kantz, who is the present incumbent. Present member- ship is thirty. The Concordia Library Society was organized in 1880, and is composed of eighteen members, of whom the following are the present officers: W. F. Walkenhorst, president; D. H. Smith, librarian; F. H. Bartman,, treasurer. The object of this society, a very laudable one, is to prepare a resort for the youth of the city, and to place before them suitable books for their perusal, which will tend to keep them from frequenting grog shops, saloons, and other disreputable places. They have already pur- chased, as a nucleus, fifty volumes of miscellaneous literature, consisting of books of travel, biographies, histories, first-class novels, etc. The inten- tion is to increase their collection as fast as possible. Herman Lodge No. 380, I. O. O. F., at Concordia, was instituted Janu- ary 1, 1878, by H. Sinaner, D. D. G. M. The date of the charter is May 23, 1878. The following are the names of the charter members: E. F. Ninas, Henry Meyer, William Lodeman, Gustave Wohrenbrock, Henry Ficken, H. W. Thieman, W. F. Walkenhorst, J. H. Powell, J. W. Wal- kenhorst. Names of the first officers: E. F. Ninas, N. G.; H. W. Thie- man, V. G.; H. Ficken, secretary; Gustave Walkenbrock, treasurer. The present officers are E. A. Taylor, N. G. ; C. W. Kernerly, V. G.; A. Nelgner, secretary; J. H. Powell, treasurer. The number of mem- bers is twenty-seven. There are no grand lodge members. The house is a frame. A flouring mill was built by Henry Baepler & Sons, in 1877; two and one-half stories high, with basement; costing $10,300. Amount of pro- ducts last year was 4000 bbl flour, which was principally sold in markets of St. Louis at $5.00 per barrel. This milLwas shipped from California, Missouri, at a cost of $2,500. A flouring mill was built in Concordia, by Mr. John Q. Klingenbrog. 426 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. A frame cased with brick, three stories high, with basement, and the capi- tal invested in the mill and grounds, machinery, etc., is $10,000. Employs three hands. The products of the past year was 4000 barrels flour, the market value of which was $5.25 per barrel; partly sold at home and partly at St. Louis. Also manufactures corn meal and shipstufF. ROBBERY OF THE CONCORDIA BANK. One of the most daring of the numerous robberies which have occurred in various localities during the last few years, was that of the bank at Con- cordia, of which the following is a brief statement: On the 29th of August, 1878, at one and a half o'clock, while the cashier, Mr. Henry Ficken, was seated at his desk engaged in writing, two men presented themselves at the counter and one of them asked for change for a bill which he threw down. Mr. F. turned to the money drawer to accommo- date him, and while his back was turned, the robber, a powerful fellow, jumped over the counter, seized Mr. Ficken in such a manner as to render him powerless to move or cry out. Robber number two then presented a pistol at his head and demanded the money. They compelled him to open the safe, took out the contents, which amounted to about $4,000, placed them in a flour sack, and with a confederate who had been guard- ing the entrance, on the outside, succeeded in making their escape with their booty, upon horses which had been previously hitched a short dis- tance from the bank. In July, 1863, a party of about thirty-five bushwhackers came across Davis creek, to where Concordia now stands, and killed Lewis Fiene, Wm. Schornhorst, D. Karston, and Conrad Brunes. They were made to stand up in a row, and when the shooting at them commenced some started to run, but they were all killed. On the 10th of October, 1864, the citizens of Concordia were thrown into consternation, bythe report that a party of bushwhackers were in the neighborhood. The alarm was given by the blowing of a horn. The citizens gathered at the Lutheran Church, and a company, numbering about 100 men, was rapidly organized, under the command of Capt. Pepper and Lieut. Stunkle. About fifty were mounted. They started in pursuit of the bushwhackers, the mounted men dividing into two parties, of about twenty-five each, the one going east, and the other north- east, in order to head them off before crossing Davis creek. The party which went east encountered the enemy, about 100 strong, and observing the inequality of numbers, immediately turned, and fled toward the settle- ment, closely pursued by the bushwhackers, who shot them down along the way. Only five or six escaped. The following is an incomplete list of the murdered: Capt. George Pepper, Lieut. Lewis Stunkle, F. Walk- enhorst, Fritz Brunes, Henry Brunes,. Fritz Meyer, C. Wahrenbrock, H. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 427 Wolters, H. Friday, Henry Reiter, William Bodenstab, H. Deus, Henry Grotmann, Fritz Detner, Fritz Brockman, William Brockman, Henry Meins, and D. Carsons. H. Dickenhorst, Judge Prigmore, and Henry Vrede, were killed at their homes, on the same day, and by the same bushwhackers. The St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, situated one half mile north of Concordia, was organized in 1S44. The original members were J. H. Brunes, Conrad Stuenkel, Fritz Smenkel, J. H. Brackman, Fritz Frerking, Christ. Liever, F. Fiene, H. Hartman, Louis Evers, G. F. Rake and H. Frank. The first building occupied by this congregation was built of logs, erected in 1844, and cost $200. The dedicatory services were conducted by Christ. Liever, a teacher. In 1859, a brick edifice was erected, at a cost of $5,000. It was par- tially rebuilt in 1880, with an additional expenditure of $4,500. This building was dedicated in 1860, by the Revs. G. Johannes, M. Hahn, and F. J. Biltz. The successive pastors are as follows: A. Franke, eight years; Quast, two years; N. Volkert, one year, and the Rev. F. J. Biltz, the pastor, who has occupied the pulpit since 1860. The present number of communicants is 500. Three parochial schools have been established in connection with this church, numbering respec- tively, 35, 44, and 100 pupils. A short time since a pipe organ was purchased by the congregation, at an expense of $1,200, which sum is included in the cost of the church, as given above. Parochial School. — This school, situated one-half mile north of Con- cordia, was established by, and is under the auspices of the Lutheran Church. The present building was erected in 1865, and has a capacity for seating and accomodating eighty pupils. Mr. Max Browning was the first teacher. The rapid increase of pupils has necessitated the erection of a larger building, preparations for which are rapidly going forward. THE TOWN OF AULLVILLE. was founded by Hall Hungate and C. B. Russell in July, 1869, and was incorporated in 1876. The first mayor was James H. Barnes. The first postoffice was established in 1871, with M. T. Hartman as post-master. The first business house was built by Bell & Erskin. The first school- house was built in ls>73, and cost $1,500.* The first school was taught by Miss Lilly Tolbert, for which she received twentv-five dollars per month. Her school numbered sixteen pupils. The first marriage was Wm. C. Price, of Lexington. The first male child born was John Ennis, son of G. M. and Tenny Ennis, born 1871. The first female child was Nola, *The present board of directors are Dr. T- J Watson, John Cooksey, James Barnes, and Edward Williams, with T. H. Fitzgerale as president. 428 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. daughter of John W. and Franky Endley. The first death occurring was Mrs. Miller, died July, 1872. The first physician was M. T. Hartman, who was a native of the county and is still a resident of the village. The first religious service was held on the second floor of Mr. Geo. Emn's store building, by the missionary Baptists. The first minister was Rev. E. Roth. The town officers are: for council, T. H. Fitzgerale, Chas. Man, J. J. Cookey, Ed. McVey, G. Roberts, Alfred Major. Abner More built the first dwelling house. Mulkey Creek was so named for Christopher Mulkey, one of the pio- neers of the county. The Christain Church, at Aullville was organized in 1850, at the house of Robert Littlejohn. The original members were R. T. Littlejohn, Joseph Major, C. Young, Jerome Greer, Wm. Lemmons, Joseph Major, Senior, Wm. L. Bullard, Patrick Woods, S. S. Burton, and families. This congregation held its first meeting at the house of Robert Littlejohn, and the second in a grove near his house, and for several years afterwards in a school house near by. They then built a small church at a little village named Bethany Church, near Aullville, in which their services were held until 1875, when a frame building was erected in Aullville, at a cost of $1,800, which was dedicated in the same year, the Revs. James McHatten and Thos. Hancock conducting the services. The successive pastors are as follows: Allen Wright, John W. McGar- vey, G. W. Langen, George W. Plattenburgh, C. A. Hedrick, Samuel McDaniel, D. Greenfield, E. A. Slater, Sanford, Hiram Bledsoe, Proctor, and Carl. Present membership, 65. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Aullville was organized in the year 1871, by W. H. Powell. The first members were: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott, T. H. and M. E. Fitzgeral, Mr. Cleveland, Isaac McDey, Sallie McDey, Eliza McDey, Isaac Reed, E. A. Reed, Mary Wilson, Cynthia Calhoun, and Isaac McClure. A frame church was built in 1871, at a cost of $700, and was dedicated about the year 1875, by W. K. Marshall. The following are the successive ministers that have been in charge: W. W. Powell, G. P. Sullivan, E. Kelley, James I. Porter, Samuel Jones, Olan B. Jones, Jno. W. Acres, and Stanford Ing. The present member- ship is thirty-six. Before the church was built meetings were held in a shoe shop. Aullville Lodge, No. 4.64, A. F. & A. M., was instituted by Zenophon Reyland, P. G. M. of dispensation dated Nov. 15, 1872. Charter was issued Oct. 16 1873. The following were the first officers and charter members: Lewis Carthrae, W. M.; C. A. Graham, S. W; John W. Weeks J. W.; James F. Downing, treasurer; W. C. Orear, sec- retary; George Osborn, S. D.; Alex Osborn, J. D,; M. M. Gladdish, tyler; John Snyder, C. C. Mitchell, and Robert Littlejohn. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 429 The present officers are: B. R. Bams, W. M.; E. A. Williams, S. W.; James H. Bams, J. W.;John W. Brown, treasurer; J. Redeck, secretery, M. M. Gladdish, S. D.; C. A. Graham, J. D.; Geo. W. Trent, tyler. Pres- ent membership, 26. Hall was built in 1872, at a cost of $1,000. Jlouring Mills.— -In 1876 Dr. J. T. Watson established the mill now owned by Major & Ridgeway. It is frame, with brick basement, and cost about $2,500; the machinery cost about $4,000; three hands are em- ployed. The product last year, 1880-81, was 3,200 barrels of flour, sold to surrounding towns and some shipped to St. Louis. Squire Lillard has a spring on his farm, the water of which is supposed to be chemically of the same nature as that of the famous Sweet Springs and is equal to it in its health-giving qualities. Iron ore has been discovered on Coat's Creek, a branch of the Davis. THE TOWN OF FREEDOM was laid out in 1860, by Franklin Mock, on section 9, township 48^ range 25. The plat was put on record. The first store, a frame building, two stories, 40x24, was erected by Wm. Kane, in which he carried on a general mercantile business. The first dwelling house erected, is the one in which Dr. Belt now lives. Messrs. Davis, Livengood & Son, put up and operated a grist mill, which has since been moved to Aullville. Wesley Cox put up the next store, and kept a stock of dry goods and groceries. In 1857, three years prior to the platting of the town, a church building was erected by the Christian denomination, at a cost of $1,400. The Methodists purchased an interest in it, and occupied it a portion of the time. It has since been taken down and moved to Aullville, where it is entirely under the auspices of the Christians, the Methodists having a house of their own. Prior to the construction of the Lexington & St. Louis railroad, Freedom was a town of considerable importance; but rap- idly declined after it was built and Aullville laid out. Since then every business enterprise, with the exception of a blacksmith shop, owned by L. C. Matthews, has been moved to Aullville. The postoffice was kept at Dr. Wilborn's, for a time, and afterwards in Mr. Kane's store. Freedom Chapel, of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, was organ- ized in about the year 1842, at which time the church building was erected. It is located on section 11, township 48, and range 25. The original members were, Dr. H. Davis, George Davis, David Mock, Sr., and David Mock, Jr., John W. Walker, William and Nathaniel Davis. The church is a frame building, built by the community, who contributed the labor and material. The successive pastors are as follows: Revs. Thomas Ashley, Thomas Wallace, Joseph Dines, Hopkins, Dr. Prathman, J. R. Bennett, and Burley. o 430 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. During the war the membership was broken up, and at its close the building was torn down. It has never been rebuilt. Freedom Chapel Graveyard, also contains one acre, and is situated in the southeast quarter of section 11, township 48, range 25. Elizabeth Mock, wife of David Mock, Sr., Mrs. Hargrave, and Charlts H.Bradley were among the first buried there. Zion Churchy was organized in 1850. The following were the original members: Henry D. Stunchel, C. Uphause, H. Uphause, P.Uphause, H. Giesselmann, G. Helms, Wm. Cuppingbrinch, and others. The church building is a frame one, and was erected in 1872, at a cost of $1,500. It was dedicated in 1872, by the Rev. H. Fiegenbaum. The following pas- tors have since been in charge: Revs. Charles Bruegger, John Hausam, and F. Amsperger. The present membership is one hundred and twenty- Union Sabbath School, was organized in 1871, at the Mock schoolhouse, on section 9, township 48, range 25, with Franklin Mock first super- intendent. When first organized it had 40 members, which have since increased to 60. B. Whitworth is the present superintendent. Sessions are held every Sunday afternoon. New Hope Church. A frame church was built on section 11, township 48, range 25, by the Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian, and Old School Presbyterian members in 1881, costing $600, and free to all denomina- tions for religious services. This building is not yet cempleted, as it is neither plastered nor seated. The Chihuahua Grange, No. 14.38, in this township was instituted by Lewis Neal and the date of its charter is Jan. 24, 1874. The names of the charter members are Julius D. Clarkson, Wm. H. Pilkington, James A. Anderson, Theodore Wilson, John H. Wilson, Philip Atkinson, Wm. Means, Hugh M. Pool, Charles R. Anderson, Mrs. Nancy Mathews, Julia Clarkson, Mrs. Nancy Mathews, Jr., James Mathews. First Master, J. D. Clarkson ; O., Wm. H. Pickington ; Lecturer, J. A. Anderson ; Steward, The. C. Wilson, A. S., J. H. Wilson; Chaplain, P. E. x\tkinson; Treas- urer, W.H. Means; Secretary, H. M. Pool; G. K., C. R. Anderson; C, Mrs. Nancy Mathews; P., Julia Clarkson; Flora, Lucy Wilson; Lady Assistant S., Miss Nannie Dalton. The names of the present officers are, Wm. H. Pilkington Master; Henry Anderson, James A. Anderson, John H. Wilson, John T. Hanys, Rice Fox, Samuel Williams, H. M.' Pool, Harrison Anderson, Terry Fox, Lucinda Browning, Minnie Atkinson and Mary Atkinson. There are at present seventeen members of the Grange. The house is a frame building. Excelsior Lodge, I. O. G. T., No. 302, was instituted by Hutch- ison. Date of charter, Oct. 13th, 1879. The charter members were L. Ellege, James Belt, Maggie Whitworth, J. W. Robinson, Rev. L. M. Da- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 431 vis, O. Wilson, Miss C. E. Belt, Miss Sallie Douglas, B. D. Green, Emma Saunders, Mrs. B. E. Matthews, Miss G. S. Belt, Miss M. Ellege, Frank Saunders, J. A. Belt, B. Hopper, W. A. James. The first officers were James Belt, W. C. T.; Maggie Whitworth, W. V. T.; L. M. Davis, W. C; O. M. Wilson, W. S.; Sallie Douglas, W. F. S.; Miss C. E. Belt, W. T.; B. Green, W. M.; Mrs. B. E. Mathews, W. D. M.; Emma Saunder, W. I. G.; W. A. James, W. O. G.; Miss G. S. Belt, W. R. H. S.; Miss M. Ellege, W. L. H. S.; J. N. Robinson, G. W. C. T. ; L. Ellege, L. D. The present officers are O. Wilson, W. C. T.; Miss Sallie Douglas, W. V. T.; Mollie Saunders, W. S.; W. A. James, W. T., Miss Maggie Wadsworth, W. F. S.; Frank Saunders, W. M.; J. A. Belt, Sr., W. C; Jas. Belt, Jr., W. I. G.; B. Hopper, W. O. G. The Lodge holds its meetings in a house rented for that purpose. LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP. May 4th, 1824, the following appears of record: " Ordered that the fol- lowing bounds be considered and known by the name of Lexington town- ship, within and for Lillard county, to-wit: Beginning at the mouth of the Big Sniabar; thence up the east fork of the said Big Sniabar to its source; thence due south to the middle of the Osage river; thence down said river iO where a line running due south from the head of the Big Tabo or main Tabo crosses; thence with and along said line due north to the head of said creek; thence down said creek to its mouth, or where it empties into theJVTissouri river; thence up the Missouri river to the [place of] beginning. " This is the first mention of Lexington township. Its western boundary as described corresponds with the eastern bounary of Fort Osage town- ship; thus wiping out Sniabar township for the time. The eastern and northern boundary of Lexington township remain the same to this day. East of Tabo Creek was then called Tabo township. It was at the same time ordered that Julius Emmons, John Wallace and Abel Owen should be judges of the first election in the new township, and the elections were to be held always at the town of Lexington. August 3d, James Fletcher was recommended by the court to the governor to be commissioned as a justice of the peace for Lexington township. The same day it was certi- fied to the court that James D. Warren had been elected constable, and he was accordingly sworn into office. February 7, 1826, Henry Rowland, as captain, John Robinson and Har- vey Owen were appointed a company of patrols for Lexington township for one year. This was the first appointment of such police. 432 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. THE HOUX SETTLEMENT. According to the statements of Dr. Sanford Smith and others, the first settler who appeared in this neighborhood was Gilead Rupe, who located about two and a half miles southwest of where Lexington now stands, in about 1815. As near as can be ascertained it appears that Mr. Rupe was also the first settter in the territory now known as Lafayette county ; his nearest neighbor at that time being Jesse Cox, who settled about the same time in the bottom north of Arrow Rock, sixty-five miles distant. In 1818 or '19, Dr. Smith says that the Indians were somewhat trouble- some. A party of them surrounded the house of Mr. Rupe and beseiged him and his family for three or four days. Two of his sons, who were carefully watching for an opportunity, succeeded at last in slipping out unobserved and made their way to Booneville, where assistance was pro- cured and the savages were driven oft". In about 1817 David James, with three grown sons, two of whom were named Jesse and Henry, settled on section 16, township 50, range 27. Subsequently ascertaining that he was occupying a school section, he moved and made a location a little south of what is now known as the "Silver" farm and afterwards moved to the head waters of the Little SnL In 1818 or '19, Nicholas Houx appeared in the vicinity and built a tan- nery, which in 1827, was purchased by Wm. Smith, (father of Dr. Smith) who operated it for over eight years. The first regular physician who appeared in this settlement was Dr. Rankin, from Kentucky, whose father founded Shakertown, of that State. The doctor located near the camp ground, situated on section 17, town- ship 50, range 27. He now resides with his son-in-law, Judge Findley Barnet, near Odessa. Is over ninety years of age. The first school was taught in a log cabin, near where John R. Houx now lives, by Robert D. Morrow, in 1821 or '22; so Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Smith say. Mr. Morrow subsequently became a Cumberland Presby- terian minister. The first public school building was built of hewed logs r in 1829 or '30 — labor and material furnished by the neighborhood. The first teacher to occupy it was Harry Bellows, who now lives in Platte county, Missouri. Weaving was done by nearly every housekeeper, from the products of the farm. The first steamboat landing at Lexington was at the mouth of " Rupe's branch " — so named for Gilead Rupe. Dr. Smith distinctly recollects seeing the first steamboat land there when he was quite a small boy. MURDER OF MR. WHITE. Mr. Charles White, originally from New York, who had married the widow Graves and settled as a farmer two and a half miles south of Lex- ington, was a Union man. When Capt. Fred Neet and Major Becker HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 433 were paroled after the battle of Lexington, and had to leave town any- way they could, they started afoot to Hamilton on the old Hamilton & St. Joe railroad, which was then the nearest railroad station, and Mr. White went with them. When they had got about three miles beyond Rich- mond, near Duval's, they were overtaken by some cavalry claiming to have an order from Gen. Price to arrest Neet and Becker. Two of the cavalrymen rode up, one on each side of Mr. White and caught him by the ears, pulling him along in this way between them until they had gone out of sight from where Neet and Becker were stopped, three others fol- lowing them. Two pistol shots were heard and then in a few minutes the five riders returned, and the whole party started: back to Lexington. At Richmond, Neet saw one of the men who had Mr. White's overcoat pull out the murdered man's pocket book and pay for liquor for the crowd with certain bank bills which Neet and Becker both had seen Mr. White have. The names of the men who took White oft' and shot him were furnished; they still reside in the county, but we omit them. After being brought back to Lexington and lodged in jail, Neet and Becker learned that they were charged with robbing a jewelry store; Gen. Price found nothing proved against them, and they were again released. They finally escaped by night travel and day hiding, down to Sedalia and thence to St. Louis. CITY OF LEXINGTON. The first time that the name " Lexington " occurs in the early court records of Lillard county is under date of August 6, 1822. The record says: " It is ordered that David Ward, Absalom Coleman, Robert W. Rankin, and Joseph. Hobson, or any three of them, being first sworn, be appointed to view the nearest and best route for a road to run from Lex- ington by way of the upper ford of the Big Sniabar to Stokely's Ferry, on •the Missouri river." Then again, August 19th, it is ordered that John Nelson, Markham Fristoe, Ira Bidwell and Jacob Catron, shall lay out a road from Lexington to intersect the road leading from the salt works to Jack's Ferry. This ferry had been established by Wm. Jack, in 1819, its landing place being a little below the mouth of Graham's Branch, or near the foot of Commerce street, which was graded down the bluff and well paved, as the grand thoroughfare from the city on the bluff down to her steamboat landing. But from the very spot where Jack's Ferry, and after- ward steamboats used to land, it is now, 18S1, a half mile or more over solid land to the water's edge in the Missouri river; and the Lexington and Kansas City Railroad (narrow gauge), runs here for half a mile over ground where the river used to flow from ten to twenty-five feet deep. 434 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Tne first plat in the book of town plats of the county is that of Lexing- ton—the original village, or old town, which was about a mile and a half from the river at Jack's ferry. (The Missouri Pacific railroad depot is now, 1881, in Old Lexington. The following certificate accompanies the plat: State of Missouri, County of Lillard. \ We, James Bounds, Sr., John Duston and James Lillard, commissioners in trust for Lillard county, do certify this to be a correct map or plan of the town of Lexington, as surveyed, numbered and sold according to the numbers, and sold on the 8th day of April, 1822. his James x Bounds. mark. John Duston. James Lillard. The lots were 75x145 feet, streets 75 feet wide, and alleys 16£ feet (one rod), in width. Mount Vernon, the first county seat, never was platted, and has now gone entirely out of mark or memory. It was a mere irregular group of cabins situated on the southeast quarter of section 23, township 51, range 26, on the bluff' half a mile east of Tabo creek and three-fourths of a mile from the Missouri river. It was a place where three or four tribes of Indi- ans used to come to smoke the peace-pipe and barter with French trad- ers. Terre Bonne, " good land," or "good place," or " no-fight place, ' was what the Fiench had taught the Indians to call it. But the Ameri- cans called the place Mount Vernon, as a token of their reverence for Gen. Washington. The commissioners whose report is above quoted, had been appointed March 12th, hence they had selected and surveyed the site, made plat, sold lots and filed their report in less than a month. The county court held its last term at Mount Vernon in November, 1822. Its next sitting was at Lexington, February 3, 1823, in Dr. Buck's house, the first one built in the town. A large proportion of the settlers at this time were from Kentucky, and the town was named in honor of the city of Lexington in that state. November 23, 1825, the new court house, built by Henry Renick, was accepted and occupied. But it was so defective (for contractors were no honester then than now), that in a few years it had to be abandoned, and on Aug. 1, 1832, it was sold by auction just for what it would bring as old bricks and old lumber. In 1835 a new court house was completed, a three story brick building. This was used ten years, then the presen; court house was built and occupied. June 5, 1849, the court ordered " that the public square in the town of HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 435 Lexington, (commonly called Old Town), together with the buildings thereon, be sold to the highest bidder, on the first Monday of August next; and also the lot on which the old jail stood." Louis W. Smallwood was the commissioner to manage this sale. In 1847, March 25th, an order had been issued for building a new court house on the public square in the city of Lexington. Silas Silver, John Catron, and Robert Aull were appointed as commissioners to oversee the work, with Henderson Young as their attorney for legal council on any contracts they might enter into. Win. Spratt was afterwards added to the board. In April a plan submitted by Wm. Daughertv for court house was accepted, and $12,000 was appropriated for the building. Daugherty was subsequently paid $40 for his drawing and specification. The names which eventually appear as the builders of the new court house (the one now in use, 1881,) are Elijah Littlejohn, Alexander Mc- Faddin, John Alford, Wm. Hunter, Gabriel F. Brown, Samuel Ball, and Cyrus Osborn, the latter did the painting. The stone jail now in use was built by Gabriel F. Brown, in 1846. The city charter was obtained in 1845, and Eldridge Burden was the first mayor. Also in 1845 a branch of the state bank was established at Lexington. The presidents of the several state banks were elected by the legislature in joint ballot. The first president of this Lexington branch was Col. Lewis Green; second, Lieut. Col. James Young; third, Judge E. Burden, who served six years. There were one or two afterwards, and the state part of the bank was finally removed to Louisiana, in Pike county. For an interesting episode in the history of this bank, see account of the battle of Lexington, in another place. UNCLE GEORGE HOUX. A Mayview correspondent of the Lexington Intelligencer, July 10, 1880, wrote concerning an interview with the above named Lafayette county pioneer: " In comparing early times with now in regard to hon- esty, Uncle George says, that money was sewed up in leather bags with whangs and carried on horseback, like meal sacks from Santa Fe, and when they arrived in Lexington, at the tavern, in Old Town, were thrown down like common luggage. These bags would get so hard and dry that they would feel like logs when thrown down. A man by the name of Green kept the inn, as it was then called, and Ed. Ryland, who was then receiver, would take the money and store it away in the rear of Stramcke's store, and when he got a wagon load it was hauled away in farm wagons to St. Louis, with no other guards than the two teamsters and a man or two. And once when he was in the circuit court, while John F. Ryland was on the bench, he heard the charge given to the grand jury and they went out of doors as they had no jury room, he 436 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. does not know where, whether to a hazel patch or a fence corner, and returned in a few minutes and said that no one had been doing anything wrong and the judge replied that this was the fifth term and no one had been indicted, and complimented the county for its morality and honesty. He tells of another incident connected with the early history. He says that there was no blacksmith shop nearer this county than Old Franklin, and his brother Nick, as he calls him, fixed up the fore-wheels of his wagon, and the neighbors all brought in their old axes and broad axes, and he, with his load, went to Old Franklin to get a box of gold and silver belonging to Mr. Hicklin, father of Mr. James Hicklin. The neigh- bors in both counties knew of it. He says that they had no use for any officers but a clerk to keep the records, and a sheriff to collect and pay over the revenue. He says that doubtless Mr. Stramcke and Rob't Hale recollect these times. He tells how Judge Hicks got to be a lawyer. John Aull's father furnished the money to buy the books, and he was to help his son to keep store in return, and read law at the same time at leisure moments. Uncle George moved to Lexington, Missouri, in 1830, and lived there until 1842, carrying on the saddlery business during that time. There are some saddles which were made in his shop still in this neighborhood, one a side saddle at Mr. Moore's; near Mr. Lankford's. He has one himself forty years old. These were made when workmen were honest, and before wooden nutmegs were thought of. He and Gen. Graham laid off the first addition to the town of Lexington, measuring the lots with a level made of a plank with a vial in one end. Where Lexington now stands was then heavily covered with timber, and they thought that as Wellington was immediately on the river, unless something was done it would be the town of the county, so a company was formed, and purchases made on and near the river, and the first addition was laid off as above stated. Then the second addition was purchased by the two Pomeroys, Gen. Graham and the subject of this sketch. He moved from Lexington, March 1, 1842, to where he died in 1881. Uncle George's father moved to Logan county, Kentucky, at an early day, when it was then a new country like Missouri, hence his opportunity for an education was bacj; the best he got was in the corn and wheat fields. CHURCHES IN THE ORDER OF DATE OF ORGANIZATION. Eden View Church.— The original congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination, from which the one that worships in the above named church sprang, is of rather remote origin, dating as far back as 1821 or '22. From Dr. E. S. Smith, son of Wm. Smith, one of the original mem- bers, the following information is obtained: HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 437 This church was organized in 1821 or '22, with Chatham Ewing and wife, Wm. Jack and wife, George Houx and wife, Adam Young and wife, Nicholas Houx, Wm. Smith and wife, John Nelson, Mrs. Dr. Ran- kin, Judge John Whitsett, — Owen, Philip Houx and wife, James Mor- row and wife, as original members. The first church building was built of logs, erected in about the same year, on land adjoining that of Dr. Mitchell, in or near section 17, township 50, range 27, called " Sni Grove church." It was subsequently burned. In about 1827, Nicholas Houx, Chatham Ewing, George Houx, Esq. Owens and Wm. Jack, as trustees for the church, entered the southeast quarter of section 17, township 50, range 27,* and erected thereon a fine brick church, 21x50 feet (the first brick building erected in the county), a large tabernacle, 85xby60 feet and also twenty-two cabins of hewed logs. This, on account of its superior facilities for camp meeting purposes, became one of the most noted points for religious gatherings, on the upper Missouri, where was known to have congregated more than ten thousand people at one time, which viewed in the light of the fact, that this section of the county was very sparsely set- tled at that early day, is an item of considerable historic importance. Subsequently, a division in the congregation was made. The Lexing- ton membership united with the Old School Presbyterians, and erected a frame building in Old Town, of which the Rev. Finis Ewing was pastor. This was afterward abandoned or sold to private parties, who used it for storing hemp and other merchandise, and has since been burned. A frame building was then erected on Main Cross street, Lexington, which, in 1879, was sold to the German School Association, who now occupy it, and also rent it for Sunday use to the German Trinity church. In 1880, the building which the Eden View congregation now occupies, was erected on the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 9, township 50, range 27, on Judge Rathburn's land, at a cost of $1,800. " Eden View r " was the name adopted by the congregation. It was ded- icated on the third Sundav of December, 1880, by the Revs. Frank Rus- sell and Albert Moore. The successive pastors during the period between 1821 and 1840, were the Revs. Robert D. Morrow, afterwards D. D.; Finis Ewing, Robert Sloan and Henry Renick. The Christian or Church of Christ, Lexington, was organized on the 17th day of April, 1836, by Elder Levi Vancamp and Deacon George W. Marquis. The names of original members were Levi Vancamp, Phoebe Vancamp, Wm. S. Vancamp, America Vancamp, Mary Vancamp, Abi- gail Vancamp, Elizabeth Mosby, John S. Porter, Elvira Porter, Samuel R. Benton, Ann Benton, Rebecca Thorp, Lavina Marquis, George W. Marquis, Wiatt H. Stone, Eliza. J. Stone, Cinderella Bounds, James *Eighty acres were entered for cnurck purposes and eighty, upon which to build a par- sonage and provide for the pastor. 438 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Bounds, Robert Littlejohn and James A. Marquis. The first church building was erected on the corner of Poplar and North or Main streets, at a cost of about $4,000; it was sold to the colored Baptists in 1873 or 1874. The present church on South street was erected in 1870, of brick, at a cost of about $15,000. Their pastors have been Revs. Duke Young, Frank R. Palmer, John Callerman, Thomas N. Gaines, S. S. Church, Allen Wright, Samuel Swinford, Noah Miller, George W. Elley, Thomas P. Haley, Henry H . Haley, John R. Frame, Wm. C. Dawson, D. M. Grandfield, George G. Taylor, Frank W. Allen, E. B. Edgar, George Plattenberg, Jesse H. Hugftes and the present pastor, Chapman S. Lucas. The present membership is 301. Sunday school was organized in the summer of 1844, by Dr. Joseph G. Chinn. Present officers are George M. Catron, superintendent; James P. Hall, assistant; Ernest McCausland, secretary and treasurer. Average attendance, 50 to 60. The First Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Missouri, was organized in 1839, by Revs. Wm. Dickson and Geo. M. Crawford, by order of the presbytery of Missouri, and under authority of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. Messrs. Dick- son and Crawford were assisted by Rev. Mr. Remley, of Louisville, Ky. The original members were: Lewis Green, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Green, Elizabeth P. Green, Gallatin, Tenn.; Nathaniel J. Carter, Mrs. Caroline Carter, Arthur G. Young, Alaj Mrs. Elizabeth L. Young, New Providence, Tenn.; Sarah Carter, Rog- ersville, Tenn.; Mary Tyree, Shiloh, Term.; Mary A. Remley, Indiana; Mrs. Matilda H. Spratt, Mt. Carmel, Va.; Mary J. Miller, Mary Leivsay, Virginia; Elizabeth Aull, James Aull, Mrs. Maria Pomeroy, New Cas- tle, Del. ; John W. Bray, Mrs. Mary Bray, New Jersey; Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Henrietta Miller, Kentucky. Lewis Green and Arthur G. Young were the first ruling elders. In 1844 they built a brick edifice on the corner of Franklin and Pine streets at a cost of about $10,000.- Rev. J. L. Yantis occupied the pulpit as stated supply from August, 1841, until July, 1847. There were then only occasional supplies till Sep- tember 25, 1849. From this time Rev. A. V. C. Schenck served as stated supply until June, 1850; then he was installed as pastor, and served until June, 1853. At this time he took charge of the first female seminary established in Lexington. It was an independent school — not denomina- tional — and ultimately merged into the Baptist female seminary, which has done so much to give Lexington a high reputation abroad as a center of education and refinement. In the spring of 1854 Rev. B. F. Hobson, D. D., was engaged as stated supply, and continued to serve until the orderly course of events was disrupted by circumstances incident to the civil war. After an interregnum, Rev. J. A. Quarles was engaged in January, 1866, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 439 as stated supply, and so continued for some months, when a church divis- ion occurred. Among other events of the war times, independent presbyteries and a synod of Missouri were formed, separate from the original presbyteries and synod under authority of the original general assembly of the Pres- byterian church in the United States of America. The new presbytery, which included Lexington within its territory, was commonly known as the " Declaration and Testimony Presbytery of Lafayette," and in 1867 met at Prairie church, while the other one, which still held its relation with the old original general assembly, met at Pleasant Hill. On September 29, 1807, the church session elected, by one majority, Elder John R. Ford as its commissioner to presbytery, with the understanding that he would attend the "declaration and testimony presbyterv" at Prairie church, and not the one which was to meet at Pleasant Hill. Two of the elders, Messrs. A. H. McFadden and Patrick Ballard, duly filed their pro- test against this church sending a commissioner to the new body. The protest recited in detail, under four specific counts, their grounds of objec- tion to the move. The first clause of the second count says: " We pro- test against this act, because it is an attempt to change the ecclesiastical connection of this church to a body foreign to that to which it has always sustained its relation." There were property matters involved, as well as ecclesiastical, all of which were duly set forth, and the prolestants further said: "We therefore proclaim ourselves, and as many as may with us desire to preserve their former church relations, the only true and lawful church organization in the city of Lexington in connection with and under the care and authority of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America." As a result of this state of affairs, the protesting elders held a session the next day, Sept. 30, and appointed A. H. McFadden commissioner to the presbytery of Pleasant Hill, which still held its connection with the original general assembly. Thus the same nominal society had two sets of commissioners representing it in two different presbyteries, and the membership of the church was divided on the subject. The " regular succession " party continued to hold separate meetings and transact all church business, claiming to be the only legal holders of the name and property of the First Presbyterian church of Lexington, Mo., and there is no doubt the federal courts would have sustained their claim; neverthe- less, those who adhered to the new or independent presbytery held actual possion of the church property — and possession is said to be " nine points of the law." Both parties were desirous to avoid the scandal to religion of an unseemly contest in the courts over the church property; and in pursuance of this view, January 10, 1870, an equitable division of the property was finally 440 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. agreed upon. The " regular succession " body retained the original cor- porate name; and in consideration of $5,000, to be paid them in cash, they agreed to relinquish their claim to the church property. The church rec- ord book, under date of March 2, 1880, says: On motion, the elders, A. H. McFadden, P. Ballard and Robert Tay- lor, and the trustees, G. W. McKean, Robert Taylor and P. Ballard, were duly authorized to sign a quitclaim deed to the old Presbyterian house of worship and all its appurtenances, and to the Elizabeth Aull seminary and appurtenances thereto belonging, from this congregation to the Declara- tion and Testimony congregation of this city, and of which the Rev. J. A. Quarles is pastor. This ended amicably all difficulties between the two claimants, and dur- ing this same year (1870) the new "First Presbyterian church," a fine brick structure, was built on the corner of Elm and North streets, at a cost of $11,000. [Now known as "Wentworth academy."] The formal division of the church occurred in 1867. In the fall of 1868 Rev. J. W. Clark was installed as pastor, by authority of the Lafayette presbytery, in connection with the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. He served three years, and was succeeded in the fall of 1871 by Rev. J. H. Byers, who served until 1874. Rev. J. M. Chaney then served as stated supply till the spring of 1875. By this time the society had become so weakened by removals and pecu- niary losses among its members that it was unable to sustain a minister, and no stated preaching was had thereafter. April 9, 1878, this church made formal request of their presbytery to dissolve the organization, for reasons which were set forth in five several specifications. May 24, 1880, the trustees were authorized to sell the church property. April 11, 1881, they reported that they had sold it to S. G. Wentworth, for $2,500, had used all the money to pay debts of the church, and that the church was now " entirely free from debt." [Mr. Wentworth gave the building toward founding a school called the " Wentworth Male Academv," a sketch of which will be found in another place.] The most prosperous year of this church, after the organic division was that which closed April 1, 1874. During that year eighteen had been added; three adults and three infants baptized; there were eighty-six com- municants in the church, and one hundred members of the Sabbath school. There had been $1,070 contributed for congregational expenses, and $46 for other purposes. This church made a sturdy and heroic struggle for life, and went down at last without a smirch of dishonor tarnishing her folded skirts. Our narrative now reverts back to September, 1867, when the formal division took place. Rev. J. A. Quarles was then serving the church as HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 441 stated supply, but the same fall he was installed as pastor, by authority of the new synod of Missouri which had been formed, independent of the old original general assembly of Presbyterien Churches in the United States of America. His successors in the pastorate have been Rev. R. P. Kerr, and Rev. George L. Leyburn, the present pastor. Total present mem- bership, 180. The earliest record of the Sunday-school connected with this church is dated January 1, 1851, and shows, at that time, eight male and ten female teachers, ninety-three scholars, and six hundred library books. The same date shows the church bell just received, and that it cost $208. It was the same bell which is still on the old Presbyterian Church, corner of Pine j - a and Soffth streets. The Sunday-school now has an average attendance cft'about one hundred pupils, and eighteen to twenty teachers and officers. / The present officers are: Xeonphon Ryland, superintendent; W. G. Mc- Causland, assistant superintendent; W. B. Wilson, secretary; Bates Vaughan, treasurer; Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, librarian. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Lexington, was organized about the year 1837, and the names of the members at that time were: Thomas Calloway, Dr. Talbert, John Auston, Lucy Anderson, David Gil- lispie, Mary Gillispie, Cyrus Osburn, A. W. Henning, V. Zeigler, I. Bolin, John Brown and wife, Clark Peters, Harriet Eckle, John Eastwood, J. Wetzel, D. Lock, Dr. Blackwell, Mahala Brackwell, James Cloudsley and wife, James Norfolk and wife. The first church was built, of brick, in the year 1840, and rebuilt, of brick, in 1860, at a cost of $1,500, and was dedicated, by Bishop H. H. Kavanaugh, in the same year. Their pastors have been Clinton, Buvley, Dodds, Westerman, Forsythe, Johnston, Ashley, Jones, Boyle, Hamilton, Morris, Scarritt, Finney, Cobb, Kavanaugh, White, McFarland, Shackel- ford, Hall, Godbey, Camp, Stacy, Boggs, Thos. Cobb, Pugh, Williams, and Walker. The membership at the present is 191, and connected with the church is a Sabbath-school, organized in the year 1840, with Silas Silver as super- intendent. The First Baptist Church of yesus Christ, at Lexington, Missouri, was formerly known as the Little Sniabar Church, and, prior to 1838, enjoved the ministrations of Rev. John Warder. During this time, the church met for worship at a house two or three miles southwest of the city of Lexington ; but no book of records can be found of earlier date than Jan- uary 27, 1838, on which day the church met for worship and business at Lexington. In July, of the same year, Rev. Joseph White was chosen pastor. At the church meeting in February, 1S40, the name was changed from Little Sniabar Church to First Baptist Church at Lexington, Mis- souri. In May, of this year (1840), Elder White resigned the pastorate; 442 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. then Rev. Alvin P. Williams was chosen in his stead, and served the church until November, 1843. During his pastorate, the house of wor- ship on Franklin street was built; and five neighboring churches of the same faith were established, to-wit: In Dover. Richmond, Mound Prairie, Greenton, and the First African Baptist Church of Lexington. In November, 1843, Rev. Wm. C. Ligon was elected pastor, and served until Maj' 27, 1847; then Rev. Edward Roth was chosen, who served until August, 1848. In March, 1849, Rev. E. S. Dulin became the pastor, and continued until December of that year, when he removed to Libert}', to open and conduct the William Jewell College at that place. Rev. Josiah Leak was pastor from May, 1850, till July, 1851; then Rev. D. L. Russell, until August, 1853. In January, 1854, Rev. Tyree C. Harris was elected pastor; commenced his labors in August folio wing 5 bnt fell sick and died in a few weeks. In February, 1855, Rev. E. S. Dulin was again chosen to serve the church in the office of pastor; in July, of the same year he was called to the presidency of the Baptist Female College, and resigned his pastoral office, but continued to serve the church until the spring of 1856. In January, 1856, Rev. Joseph W. Warder was elected pastor, but did not enter upon his duties here until April 13; he then continued in the sacred office until April 6, 1865 — a period of nine years, when he resigned — and now Rev. E. S. Dulin was for the third time chosen to fill* the place. He served the church as pastor and the college as President, until August, 1868, when, the double duties being too arduous, he resigned the pastorate again. During the year 1867-68, the church built its present house of worship, on the corner of Poplar and North streets, at a cost of $28,500. The house being all paid for, it was formally dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on July 19, 1868 — the pastor, Rev. Mr. Dulin, preaching the sermon and offering the dedicatory prayer. The number of members at this time was 299. Rev. Lansing Burrows served the church as pastor from November, 1868, until November, 1870. In February, 1871, Rev. D. H. Selph, D. D., was elected pastor of the church, and in August he was also elected presi- dent of the college. February 1, 1872, he resigned the pastorate. On the 28th of the same month, Rev. Henry Talbird, D. D., was elected to the vacant pastorate, and continues therein at the present time. The total amount raised and expended by the church for the year end- ng April 1, 1881, was $1,640.35. This church has not been a dollar behind-hand at the close of its fiscal year, for ten years past; its finances have been managed for fifteen years by Mr. M. F. Royle, treasurer, with the same care, promptness, and tact, that men apply to their secular enter- prises, and the above noble record is the result. Mr. J. D. New has been the church clerk ever since 1866, and has kept his records as systemat- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 443 ically posted, as if he was a public officer getting a good salary. The church now has about two hundred members. Its present officers (1881) are: Pastor, Rev. H. Talbird; Deacons, M. F. Royle, H. C. Wallace, A. V. Robinson, Dr. T. L. Bolton ; clerk, J. D. New; treasurer, M. F. Royle. The Baptist Sunday School was organized in 1841. M. F. Price, was the first superintendent, and continued to serve for fifteen years. Then James H. Graham, John D. New, M. F. Price, and H. C. Wallace, suc- cessively, served short terms, until January, 1866, when M. F. Royle was elected to the office, and has served therein ever since. Its officers for 1881: superintendent, M. F. Royle; assistant superintendent, John W. Waddell; secretary, W. L. New; treasurer, W. K. Threlkeld; librarian, A. V. Robinson; assistant librarian, C. H. Royle. Average attendance about 135. The Episcopal Church. From the parish record we quote: "It was on Whit-Sunday, in the year of our Lord, 1844, that the Rt. Rev. Jack- son Kemper, D. D., first bishop in charge of Missouri, accompanied by a missionary, the Rev. St. Michael Fackler, for the first time performed divine service in Lexington. The bishop preached on that dav to a large congregation. * * On Easter Sunday, A. D., 1845, the parish was organized and named the parish of Christ church, Lexington, Mis- souri." The first wardens were Robert N. Smith, and Paul Reinhard; the first vestrymen, Lawson Grant, Daniel C. Relf, Henry Smack, Collins, and Foster. Rev. Mr. Fackler was the first rector, and remained until Easter Monday, 1847, when he resigned on account of ill health. From the parish records we again copy: "The corner stone [of their present house of worship] was laid June 30, 1848, by the Rt. Rev. C. L. Hawks, D. D., bishop of the diocese, in the presence of a large congregation — theRev. A. D.Corbyn of Boonville, and the Rev. J. A. Harrison, [then rector of this parish] being present and assisting. The church was used first for divine worship, the first Sunday in Advent, 1848. It was publicly consecrated to the worship of Almighty God, on the first Sunday in Advent, 1850, by the Rt. Rev. C. S. Hawks, bishop of the diocese; the Rev. A. D. Corbyn, J. W. Dunn, and J. A. Har- rison being present and assisting." The successive rectors of this parish have been Rev. St. Michael Fack- ler, J. A. Harrison, D. G. Estes, G. K. Dunlap, Thompson L. Smith, John W. Dunn, and A. T. Sharpe, the present incumbent. The present mem- bership is 100. The church edifice is a neat and tasteful brick structure, on the corner of Main Cross, and Franklin streets, and cost about $6,000. The interior finish is entirely of oiled black walnut, with gothic truss roof-arch in view. The Sunday school has an average attendance of about fifty pupils 414 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and ten teachers, with a library of 100 volumes. Wm, F. Kerdolff, is the superintendent. The M. E. Church, {German) was organized in 1850, by David Huene. In 1851, a brick church on Poplar street was bought, [cost not reported.] In 1878, this building burnt down, and a new brick building was erected in 1879, at a cost of $2,400, and was dedicated on the 17th of August, 1879, by J. G. Kost. Their pastors have been David Huene, Chas. F. Langer, Rudolph Havighorst, J. G. Kost, Siegmund Vogel, Phil. Hehner, Constantin Steinley, Philip J. Mai,. Gottlieb Wedmann, John P. Miller, J. M. Dewein, J. A. Mueller, F. W. Meyer, Jac. Young, C. Steinmeyer, J. J. Eichenberger, C. Mardoff, P. Hehner, Julius Franz, J. H. Asling and their present pastor, John C. Demand. Present membership 23. There is a Sunday school in connection with the church. U. G. Phetzing, superintendent. Library 200 volumes. Catholic Church. — The Catholic church of the city of Lexington, Mo., was first organized in 1853, and the same year a church building was erected, of brick, at a cost of $3,000. It was dedicated by the most Rev'd. P. R. Kenrick, archbishop of St. Louis. A new fine large brick church was built in 1873, on Third, north of Broadway street, and was dedicated in 1876, by the Right Rev'd. P.J. Ryan, of St. Louis. This building was destroyed by a wind storm, April 14, 1880, making a loss to the parish of $20,000. The first pastor of this charge was Rev. Thomas Cussack, suc- ceeded in turn by Rev's. James Murphy, Bernard Donnelly, Daniel Healy, Eugene O'Hea, Edward Hamill, O. S. J. Hoog, Thomas Cooney, and John J. Lilly, now in charge. The board of directors are: The pastor, ex officio president; John Mulligan, secretary; J. J. Lilly, treasurer -pro tern ; Patrick O'Malley, and Killian Long. The church was incorporated under the laws of Missouri, in May, 1880. The Sunday school was estab- lished in 1853; it now has about seventy members, and a library of 325 volumes. The parochial school for catholic children is kept in the church by Rev. Father Lilly. The Evangelical Trinity church, (German), was organized August 15, 1877, with Henry Winkler, Henry Hainkel, Henry Wieman, Nicholas Sigwart and C. G. Ludwigs constituting a portion of the original member- ship. The church building which they occupy, is built of brick, and rented from the Lexington German school society. The Revs. Drevel and Edward Klimpke have been pastors of this congregation, which at the present time (1881) has thirty-three communicants. The Sunday school connected with this church was organized at the time the church was, and consists of about 70 pupils. It has a library of about 200 volumes. The pastor superintends. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 445 CIVIC ORDERS. Lafayette Lodge, No. 32, A. F. and A. M. — Organized, June 3, 1840, First charter dated, Oct. 8, 1840. It was surrendered Dec. 1, 1866, and a new charter issued Oct. 19, 1867, with original name and number. The following were the first members, and also the first officers: Thomas Benedict, W. M.; Martin Fitzpatrick, S. W.; James C. Mason, J. W.; James W. Wetzel, treasurer; Cyrus Osborn, secretary, pro tern; P. Phipps, S. D.: C. Osborn, J. D.; Wm. Houx, steward and tyler. The present officers are: Zenophon Ryland, W. M.; James P. Hall, S. W.; Wm. A. Bethel, J. W.; Thomas J. Banden, treasurer; John E. Ryland, secretary; Phillip Keller, S. D.; Jos. Wolf, J. D.; Jacob A. Price, tyler. Present number of members, 39. Zenophon Ryland is past grand master, and John E. Ryland is past D. grand master. Lexington R. A. Chapter No. 10. — Organized February, 1848, by John F. Ryland. Date of charter, October 13, 1848. The following first officers are all of the charter members reported: John F. Ryland, high priest; Howard Williams, king; Cyrus Osborn, scribe; Howard Williams, treasurer; John Williams, secretary, John J. Burtis, C. H.; Andrabella Dowden, R. A. C; L. S. Cornwell, P. S.; Thomas P. Ashly, M. 3d V.; John Wilson, M. 2d V.; Frank H. Goshen, M. 1st V.; John S. Porter, guard. The present officers are: Phillip Keller, H. P.; C. E. Ballard, K.; Ethan Allen, S.; Robert Taulman, treasurer, Xenophon Ryland, secretary; R F. Norfolk, C. H.; P. H. Chambers, P. S.; David Rufell, R. A. C.;j[ Wolf, M. 3d V.; John B. Blackwell, M. 2d V.; John E. Ryland, M. 1st V.; A. J. Hall and O. E. Allstodt, stewards; J. A. Price, guard. Present number of members, 36. Xenophon Ryland is Past Grand H. P.; John F. Ryland was P. G. H. P., now deceased. Lexington Lodge No. 149, A. F. & A. M. — Organized June 4, 1855, by L. S. Cornwell, M. W. G. M. The charter members were: O. Ander- son, G. A. Kein, J. Vaughn, J. B. Alexander, R. B. Bradford, J. A. Crump, D. F. Greenwood, T. Hinkle, W. P. Walton, T. H. Fox, S. Keith, B. P. Evans, E. Winsor, Wm. J. Pigote, R. M. Henderson, J. R. Hale, and thirteen others; names not reported. The first officers were : E. Winsor, W. M.; G. A. Kein, S. W.; R. M. Henderson, J. M.: W. J. Pigote, treas- urer; Wm. Cameron, secretary; Smith Keith, 3- D.; T. H. Fox, J. D.; G. Clayton, tyler. The present officers are: Henry Sinauer, W. M. ; Geo. Hutchinson, S. W.; J. O. Lesueur, J. W.; Henry C. Boteler, treasurer; Thomas Standish, secretary; W. G. Eggleston, S. D.; R. T. Jesse, J. D.; Robert Hale, S. steward; P. H. Chambers, J. steward; Ethan Allen, tyler. Present membership, 63. The hall in which the lodge meets is of brick, built by John Aull and Wm. McCausland, and rented of the owners. 446 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. From April 21, 1862, up to November, 1865, no meetings were held. At the latter date the lodge was opened by Grand Master Houston, who gave notice that the} r were reinstated, delivered them their charter, and instructed them to hold an election of officers, which was held with the following result: E. Winsor, W. M.; Jessie Schofield, S. W.; R. Hale, J. W.; H. C. Boteler, treasurer; W. G. McCauseland, secretary.; B. R. Tre- laun, S. D.; F. B. Hall, J. D.; A. Walk, tyler. Itaska Encampment No. 6, 1. O. O. F — Reorganized February 14, 1868, by Dr. J. F. Hassell, D. D G. P. The charter members were: M. W. Withers, Amos Green, J. A. Price, W. W. Laneborn, G. W. McKean, John Aull, J. T. Hassell, and J. T. W. McKean. The first officers were: M. W. Withers, C. P.; Amos Green, H. P.; J. A. Price, S. W.; G. W. McKean, scribe ; John Aull, treasurer. The pres- ent officers are: D. W. Fleet, C. P.; C. G. Ludwigs, H. P.; J. M. Dicken, S. W.; H. Sinauer, scribe; John Goehner, treasurer. Number of present members not reported. Hall is built of brick and rented by the lodge. Guttenberg Lodge, No. jlj, I. O t O. F— Organized, May 27, 1874, by G. W. McKean, D. D. G. M. The following were the charter mem- bers: Henry Sinauer, C. H. Schaefermeyer, J. F. E. Winkler, John Joeh- ner, C. Georges, J. G. Mehl, John Fritz, W. Siegwart, S. Schneider, N. Haerle, J. Kiee, C. Huepper, J. G. Fischer, H. Nagel, Adam Walk, C. Mayer. The first officers were: H. Sinauer, N. G.; J. G. Mehl, V. G.; C. H. Schaefermeyer, Secreary ; John Goehner, Treasurer. Present officers are: J. R. Daehler, N. G.; H. Wilker, V. G.; C. H. Schaefermeyer, Secretary; J. F. E. Winkler, Treasurer. This lodge has a present membership of 39. Hall is rented. Harmony Lodge, No, 87, A. O. U. ^.—Organized Nov. 23, 1878, by Wm. R. Sheen, D. D. G. M. W. The charter members were: A. Robinson, J. M. Wotawa, J. M. Welsh, S. S. Reeder, Ethan Allen, M. G. Williams, S. J. Beeler, C. B. Russel, H. Luellan, F. C. T. Brightwell, A. J. Lauchner, J. T. Hill, A. A. and J. O. Lesueur. The following were the first officers: M. G. Williams, P. M. W.; J. 0. Lesueur, M. W.; J. M. Wotawa, Foreman; A. V.Robinson, Overseer; F. C. T. Brightwell, Recorder; Ethan Allen, Financier; C. B. Russell, Receiver; A. J. Lauchner, "Guide; J. M. Welsh, Inside Watchman; H. Luellan, Outside Watchman. The present officers are: Ethan Allen, P. M. W.; G. K. Smith, M. W.; A. V. Robinson, F.; J. T. Hill, O.; R. T. Jesse, Recorder; C. G. Lud- wigs, Financier: C. B. Russell, Receiver; C. H. Boyle, Guide; B. F. Hill, 1. Watchman; James Edelen, O. W. The number of members at present HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 447 time is forty-five, This lodge rents a hall over the Lexington Savings Bank. Myrtle Lodge, No. ji; order of mutual protection. Organized Sept. 30, 1S80, by M. Randall, Deputy Supreme President. The following were the charter members: Chas. H. Kid well, H. B. Midlan, Albert Althoff, Charles W. Loomis, H. Sinauer, F. K. Threlkeld, S. Sellers, W. C. Hicks, J. P. Hansam, Wm. B. Wilson, B. A. Gordon, John Goehner, John Welsch, S. O'Conner, C. Watson, John Meng, T. E. Austin, J. B. Burris. The first officers were: H. Sinauer, President; W. B. Wilson, Vice President; Chas. W. Loomis, Secretary; S. Sellers, Treasurer. Present officers: H. Sinauer, President; Wm. B. Wilson, Vice President; Chas. W. Loomis, Treasurer; S. Sellers, Secretary. Present membership twenty. Hall rented. Lexington Turn Verein. — Organized by the Germans, June 15, 1859. Their charter dates from Jan. 1, 1860. The charter members were: John Kriehn, C. M. Pirner, H. Winkler, F. Winkler, G. A. Kriehn, J. Quandt, J. Goehner, G. Gunther, Moses Frankel, C. Grandorf, A. Ruble, Aug. Bettin, A. Mark, F. Lisohetki, Louis Gillin. The first officers were: Conrad Smith, President, and Chris. Schoefermeyer, Secretary. Present membership fifteen. Their hall is a fine, two story, brick building, located on Main street, built at a cost of $3,500. The present officers are: John Kriehn, President, and C. M. Pirner Secretary. Socialcr Turn Verein. — Organized in 1880. Original members were: H. Wilker, C. H. Schaefermeyer, H. Sinauer, Chas. Kreihn, H. Schmidt, J. Winkler, Oswald and A. Winkler, Erwin Haekker, J. Hainkel, G. Kist, T. W. Haerle, H. Geiger, A. Althoff, J. Kiefer, Wm. Mehl, Aug. Krenp- ner, J. Doehler, F. R. Haerle, Gus. Haerle, Jos. Homer, C. Walk, E. Schawe, John Fritz, Lorenzo Lestagro, H. Kiefer. The original officers were: C. H. Schaefermeyer, President; C. H. Kriehn, Vice President; H- Wilker, 1st Turn wart; J. Doehler, 2d T.; H. Schmidt, Secretary; Wm. Winkler, Fin. Secretary; H. Geiger, Treasurer. The present officers are: C. H. Schaefermeyer, President; H. Keifer, Vice President; H. Wilker, 1st Turnwart;J. Winkler, 2d T.; H. Schmidt, Secretary; Wm. Winkler, Fin. Secretary; E. Hoekker, Treasurer. Pres- ent member fifty-five. Hall is built of brick. Knights of Honor. — Lexington Lodge No. 2018 K. of H., was organ- ized February 2, 1880, by W. A. Halstead, Deputy Grand Dictator. The charter members were: Alexander Graves, J. O. Lesueur, Geo. F. Mait- land, P. S. Fulkerson, Ethan Allen, J. W. Rinehart, F. C. T. Brightwell, G. S. Rathbun, A. V. Robinson, G. W. Mountjoy, L. R. Harrison, W. C. White, T. G. Young, S. M. Harris, George King, J. W. Harrison, S. 448 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. S. Reeder, J. S. Blackwell, J. D. Connor, A. W. Smith, G. C. Graham, F. K. Threlkeld, John D. New, C. H. Royle, James Edelen, M. F. Royle, Tames A. Quarles. The first officers were: A. V. Robinson, Past Dic- tator^. O. Leseuer, Dictator; J. S. Blackwell, V. D.; G. F. Maitland* Asst. D.; S. M. Harris, Reporter; Ethan Allen, Financial Reporter; G. M. Mountjoy, Treasurer; John D. New, Chaplain; C. H. Royle, Guide; F. C. T. Brightwell, Guardian; James Edelen, Sentinel. At the present time (3 881) they have forty members. The present officers are: J. S. Blackwell, P. D.; W. G. McCausland, D.; G. F. Maitland, V. D.; F. C. T. Brightwell, Asst. D.; R. T.Jesse, Reporter; C. H. Royle, Fin. Repr.; D. W. B. Tevis, Treas.; G. L. Leyburn, Chaplain; Geo. Hutchison, Guide; Ethan Allen, Guar.; James Edelen, Sen. fhe Lexington Liederkranz (singing society) was organized August 26, 1872, by the following named German citizens, who were also charter members: Nicholas Haerle, Chris. Georges, Jacob Fegert, John Daehler, Charles Weber, Rudolph Willibald, John Kriehn, August Bettin, Henry Blomberg, Moses Frankel, D. Stalling, Joseph Baehr, Albert, Dollinger, Andrew Marks, John G. Fischer, Charles Homer, Charles Furstenberg, C. G. Ludwigs, H. Pheifer and William Stuck. The first officers were Albert Dollinger, President; C. G. Ludwigs, Secretary, and John Kriehn, Treasurer. The present officers are Henry Winkler, President; C. G. Ludwigs, Vice-President; Edward W. H. Ahrens, Secretary, and J. F. E.Winkler, Treasurer. This society occupies a hall 40x75 feet, on the third floor of Mr. John Kriehn's new building, situated near the corner of North and Cedar streets. The officers of this society are elected twice a year — at the regular meetings in February and August. The newly elected officers take their seats at the regular meetings of March and September. Those elected for the term commencing September 5, 1881, are as follows: H. J. E. Ahrens, President; C. G. Ludwigs, Vice-President; Henry Sinauer, Secretary, and J. F. E. Winkler, Treasurer. The object of this society is the promotion of German song, customs, usages, etc. They keep up at the least, a completely organized " double quartette," which, under the leadership of one of the best teachers in the West — Prof. Gimbel, Jr., — sings once a week. At various times during the season they give concerts, soirees, balls and other amusements, which invariably meet with success. The society is incorporated and owns propertv valued at $800 — among which is a Chickering piano, worth $600. The names of the present HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 449 members, numbering sixty-five, are here given: C. Georges,* Jacob Fegert, Charles Weber, Moses Frankel, Andrew Marks, Charles Homer,* C. G. Ludwigs, James Musatti, J. H. Schultze,* Leo. Rupple, Henry Sinauer, Aug. Maushund, William Meierer, Frank E. Kriehn, Karl Spengler, William Winkler, William B.Steele, Aug. Leppert,G. A. Kriehn, George King, Frank Trigg, A. T. Johnson, Louis Patterson, Harry Turner, H. [. E. Ahrens, William Mohn,* Robert Davis, A. A. Lesueur, John D. Duvall, J. F. E. Winkler, Gust. Kist, M. E. Keller, Morris Gratz, Joe Homer, F. Erwin Haecker, M. L. DeMotte, Louis Scheider, Henry Wilker, E. Hoffman, E. C. Ballard, Thos. Gosewisch, Sr., E. W. H. Ahrens, C. H. Schaefermeyer, Henry Winkler, Nicholas Siegward, Edward F. Meyer, Jacob Klee, Albert AlthofFJohn G. Mehl, F. K. Tutt, Thomas Dickens, Ferd. Fassbander, August Bettin, Caspar Seelig, L. Rostagno, Jacob Thomas, Herman Krause, Thomas Lewis, George Marquart, Thomas J. Johns, Peter Coen, William Coen. Prof. Charles Gimbel, Jr., Nicholas Haerle, A. W. Smith and John Daehler, are honorary members. JLexington Fire Cotnftany. — This company was organized January 25, 1844. B. H. Wilson was the first president, but we found no record of the first members. On September 17, 1850, they bought a lot of twenty feet on Laurel street, from Henry Flynt, at a cost of $315, and on June 28, 1852, bought from Wm. Boyce, nine inches fronting on Laurel street, at a cost of $67; and the engine house was built On these grounds. This building is now used as police headquarters and for city purposes gener- ally, the engine having been removed to a small shed in the rear of the city calaboose.f In 1858 Elizabeth Aull bequeathed $100 to this com- pany. January 4, 1866, the following officers were elected: President, J. W. Zeiler; vice-president, Jas. Hays; secretary, Sam '1 S. Earl; trea- surer, John Cowie; first engineer, Benj. Marshall; second engineer, S. M. Maxey; hose captain, C. R. Clayton; first hose director, G. M. Clayton; second hose director, John Mullin; standing committee, B. H. Wilson, J. T. Goodbrake, B. T. John, and James McLaughlin. January 31, 1870, the following officers were elected: President, B. H. Wilson; vice-presi- dent, Jo. A. Wilson; secretary, Jack S. Williams; treasurer, Albert Booth- man; first engineer, C. A. Morrison; second engineer, Ed. Kramer; hose captain, E. Turner; first director, J. T. Taylor; second director, Wm. Kramer; janitor, J. C. Clayton; standing committee, Benj. Marshall, John Cowie, J. W. Waddell. * The asterisk signifies deceased; but by certain rules of the society the names are retained on the list of members, whether deceased or removed from the city. fRobert Hale was the first president of thiscompany on its reorganization after the war. In 1872 attempts were made to sell the old hand engines and get a steam fire engine. The controversy in city council and elsewhere over this matter, resulted in breaking up the fire company; and there has been none since. 450 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. In the old town of Lexington there is an engine house on Clark, between Main and Washington streets. In now contains an old fash- ioned 12-man-power fire engine, a hose-reel and quantity of hose, all first- class, in their day, but now in neglected condition. This house, it is said, was built in 1856, by the Sons of Temperance for their own use as a hall. August 27, 1867, a board of immigration was organized in Lexington; its first officers v\ ere : N. Hearle, president; B. Meyer, vice-president; John Quandt, cashier; C. G. Ludwigs, secretary; H. Wilkening, and Louis Gillen, subscription committee. E. Quast, agent in Freedom town- ship. The meeting was held in Turners' hall. There have been in the city, lodges of the orders of Sons of Temper- ance, Knights of the Golden Circle, Good Templars, Knights of Pythias, and doubtless some others, but we could not get any authencic data in regard to them, as they died out years ago. Lexington Guards Band. — Originally organized in October, 1876, under the name of the Lexington Cornet Band. Reorganized in July, 1881, since which time it has been known as the Lexington Guards Band. The original members were: Chas. F. Homer, Chas. M. Bennett, Carey Hip- son, Henry H. Smith, Dan. B. Carroll, Luther Guard, Wm. L. Bullard, Millard F. Graham. Following is the name of each present member and the instrument which he plays: Charles E. Cors, 1st E flat cornet; Henry H. Smith, 2d E flat cornet; Chas. M. Bennet, solo B flat cornet; Charles F. Homer, 1st B flat cornet; Dan B. Carroll, 1st E flat alto; George W. Mullenix, 2d E flat alto; Martin F. Russell, trombone; Robert B. Berrie, 2d tenor; M. F. Graham, E flat bass; M. W. Murphy, bass drum; Wm. L. Bullard, snare drum. The present officers are, R. B. Berrie, president; M. F. Russell, vice-president; Chas. M. Bennett, secretary; M. F. Graham, treasurer. In October, 1878, the band purchased a set of Conn & Dupont's cele- brated instruments, at a cost of six hundred and fifty ($650) dollars; making enough to pay for them the first season. Since June 1, 1881, they have purchased an elegant uniform, costing $400. Lexington Guards, N. G. M. 1S80. — This military company was organ- ized under the state laws, August 30, 1880. Sixty-two names were enrolled as charter members. The first officers of the company were: Captain, Joseph A. Wilson, 1st lieutenant, F. K. Tutt; 2d lieutenant, A. R. Leard; 1st sergeant, W. G. Eggleston; 2d, R. A. Hicklin; 3d,' J. M. Crawder. 4th, W. J. Morrison; 5th, T. J. Duling. Ed. W. H. Ahrens, company clerk and corporal. They secured the third floor of a building, known as Baehr's Cave, a room 40x65 feet, for an Armory Hall. The state furnished them with 65 Springfield rifled muskets, but the company furnished their own uniforms HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 451 and other outfit, and had their armory provided with gun closets and other fixtures suitable tor its purpose. They wear the U. S. uniform, with the state buttons. They meet for drill every Thursday night, and have target practice twice a month. In June, 1881, the Lexington Silver Cornet Band cast its fortunes with this military company, and changed their name to Lexington Guards Band, whereupon the military company furnished them with uniforms and hel- mets. The combined company and band, got up tor 1881 a genuine old- fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Speeches were made by X. Ryland, Esq., Judge Wm. Walker, A. J. Hall, and Col. McClelland. A sham battle and other amusements were also well carried out; and this celebra- tion of the national holiday was more generally engaged in by the people of the county, than any other since the war. The military company cleared $300 by it, after paying $100 expenses, and the whole day's pro- ceedings were voted a grand success. The company had many difficulties to contend with during the first year, in perfecting its organization and securing proper discipline; but now their affairs are in good, healthy shape. They have 45 members, uniformed, in regular and good standing, thirty of whom were charter members. The following is a full list of the company, September 1, 1881: Capt. Jos. A. Wilson, First. Lieut. Frank K. Tutt, Second Lieut. John A. Bayliss. Sergeants. — W. G. Eggleston, William J. Morrison, Edward W. H. Ah- rens, Isaac O. Hays. Company Clerk. — Edward W. H. Ahrens. Privates.— James Aull, C. E. Ballard, Wm. Bolton, J. B. Burris, Rob- ert Barnet, William Boothman, David Callahan, J. R. Cather, J. Milton Crowder, Edward M. Davis, W. W. Easter, Siegel Fisher, S. F. Grimes, John W. Grant, Jr., Samuel Green, Thomas Graddy, Hay Heathman, A. J. Hall, J. H. Hall, Thos. J. Hall, Robert Hicklin, Eph. King, W. H. Loomis, G. H. Logan, John Limerick, John Morrison, Earnest Mc- Causland, Wm. L. New, J. P.Ryland, George L. Schofield, George L. San- difer, Charles Sandifer, Robert E. Smith, W. E. Tarlton, E. B. Vaughan, Walter Waddell, James D. Ferguson, Pat Lyons. — Total 45. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF LEXINGTON CITY. The new State constitution of 1865 established a school system new and untried in this State, and its beginnings are therefore historic. The first school meeting under the new plan held in Lexington was on September 8, 1866, and we here quote the official record: " Pursuant to notice previously given, and by authority of an act of the General Assembly of the State of' Missouri, approved March 29th, 1866, the qualified voters of the sub-school district, No. 1, Township 51, Range 27, in Lafayette county, Missouri, assembled at the school house on Sat- 452 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. urday, September 8th, 1866, and organized by appointment of Wm. Boyce as chairman and John W. Waddell as secretary. The following named persons were then put in nomination for the office of School Direc- tors, viz: Jesse F. Atkison, Jacob A. Price, Robert Taylor, Edward Win- sor. The polls were then opened and forty-one votes were cast. Jacob A. Price was declared duly elected director for three years, Robert Tay- lor for two years, and Edward Winsor for one year from this date Septem- ber 8th, 1866. " At a meeting of directors held Sept. 10th, 1866, "as authorized by law, Jacob A. Price adminstered the oath of loyalty to Edward Winsor and Edward Winsor administered the oath of loyalty to Robert Taylor and Jacob A. Price. " At a meeting held at the office of E. Winsor, Sept. 21, 1866, Mr. F. Ballingall was duly elected to take charge of the school as principal and Miss Anna M. Dowden as assistant. The pay of the princi- pal was fixed at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month and that of the assistant at forty dollars per month. Then at a meeting held May 30th, 1867, an estimate was made of the expenses necessary to sustain the public schools for four months in the year 1867 as follows: FOR WHITE MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL. One male teacher four months $100 00 One female teacher four months 200 00 One female teacher one month 50 00 Repairs on school house 266 00 Furniture already bought 155 47 Additional furniture needed 100 00 Insurance on school house 38 75 COLORED MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL. One female teacher four months $200 00 Rent of school house 80 00 Furniture needed 120 00 Expenses of collecting tax 100 00 Township map and apparatus 20 00 Add for delinquent such as may never be collected 125 00 Less the Aull school fund 50 00. Township school fund 156 41 An enumeration of the school children was taken by Patrick Jones, as follows: White males 561 Females 570 Total 1,131 Colored " 222 " 323 " .545 Totals 983 893 1,676 At a meeting June 29th, 1867 an election was held, and the following persons were elected a board of directors: For one year, Ethan Allen and L. Davis; for two years, M. L. De Motte and John E. Ryland; for three years, Edward Winsor and A. H. McFadden. Mr. McFadden was made permanent president and E. Allen chosen permanent secretary. John E. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 453 Ryland was elected treasurer. Mr. Allen has been a member of the board from that time to the present — 1881. Mr. Wild took a school census of the city in Aprrl 1873, which gave the following figures: Males. Females. White school children 597 726— 1,323 Colored school children 210 238— 448 Totals 807 964— 1,771 The total population of the city at that time, was 4,367. Lexington city district takes in a square of one mile each way beyond city limits, and this territory is divided into three sub-districts. Sub-dis- trict No. 1 has a two story brick school house which cost $6,000, on the corner of Forest and Boundary streets, in what is called Irish town. Sub- district No. 2 has a school house on Ridgeway street, which was built before the war and cost about $5,000. The high school and second ward school of the city are both held in this building. It cost less than the oth- ers because built when labor and material were very much cheaper. Sub- district No. 3 has a school houje on the corner of Mulberry and Franklin streets, which cost $6,000. A large building on North street, between Main Cross and Franklin streets, is rented by the school board for the colored schools. The teach- ers of the several schools this year are: High school, principal, Prof. George M. Catron; assistant, Miss Nannie Shaw. First ward, principal, Miss Nettie B. Wallace; assistant, Miss Birdie Allen. Second ward, first assistant, Miss Gussie Keller; second assistant, Miss Jeanie Finley; third assistant, Miss Maggie Ryland. Third Ward, principal, Miss Mary H. Smith; first assistant, Miss Florence Arnold; second assistant, Miss Ida Morath. Colored school, principal, Prof. J. H.Cole; first assistant, Miss Nettie Steele; second assistant, Prof. E. G. Cole; third assistant, Mrs Fannie B. Cole. Lexington German School Society. — Organized September 28, 1865. There were 34 of the original members. The first board of trustees were C. H. Schueneman, Fredrick Winkler and John Quandt. The school run for awhile till the experiment of teaching German in the public schools was taken up, when this school stopped. But the experiment was soon given up, as the English is the only language recognized by the American system of government. The German school was then started again, and in 1879 the society bought from the Cumberland Pres- byterian congregation, their house of worship on Main Cross street, for $2,000; they spent $500 more for seats and other fixtures, and established the school here. (The school society rents Sunday use of their building to the German Evangelical church). The first teacher of the ^German V- 454 HISTORY OF LAFAVETTE COUNTY. school was Prof. C. Gruber. The present teacher is Prof. Doehring. Both German and English languages are taught; there have been usu- ally 30 to 40 pupils. For history of the Wentworth academy and three female colleges of Lexington, see chapter on " Schools and Colleges," of this county. ELIZABETH AULL's WILL. The last will and testament of Miss Elizabeth Aull was the initial point of what has since won a state reputation as the " Elizabeth Aull Female Seminary;" but in addition to this, that will is one of the distin- guishing historic incidents in the annals of the city of Lexington. The document comprises no less than forty-five distinct and numbered items of bequest. The specified sums in special bequests amounted to $67,700; but the entire estate was valued at $150,000, the largest yet recorded in this county, except that of Hyman G. Graham, recorded October 30, 1858, which was also valued at $150,000. The following list gives all the bequests made by Miss Aull, which have a historic or general public interest: To the "Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America " $ 5,000 To Board of Foreign Missions, of the same 5,000 To Board of Education, of the same 5,000 To the American Bible Society 5,000 To the American Tract Society 500 To the Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Mo 500 To the Presbyterian Church in New Castle, Delaware 500 To the Presbyterian Sabbath School of Lexington 200 To the Lexington Fire Company 100 Toward founding a female seminary, real estate ($10,000), and money ($10,000), amounting to 20,000 But the conditions of this last bequest were not carried out, and the seminary ultimately only obtained a lesser property than that described in the will, and $5,000 in money. (See history of "Elizabeth Aull Semi- nary," in another place.) «< S *<. LEXINGTON ARTISTS AND CONNOISSEURS. Prof. Charles Gimbel, of Lexington, is the author of over fifty pieces of sheet music, published by reputable houses, in St. Louis, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, etc., and has a national reputation. He is con- nected with the Baptist Female college. Mrs. Dr. Boulware is wonderfully skilled in worsted work, feather work, wax work, etc. Some of her historic pictures wrought in worsted almost rival the original oil paintings. She is the instructor in fancy work in all three of the female colleges of the city. Henry Boothman is a scenic and landscape painter of considerable tal- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 455 ent. He painted the drop curtain, stage scenery etc., at the opera house, and other works elsewhere. Charles Teubner's archaeological collection is one of the best (probably not below third), private collections of the kind in the United States. Dr. J. B. Alexander is a student of science, of wide information, and in some branches has attained masterful knowledge of natural laws. Joseph L. Thomas is so enthusiastic an amateur scientist, that he has a microscope which cost him $1,100 in London. Mr. Tevis, the druggist, is collecting a museum of specimens in natural history. Howard Dunn is a superior civil engineer and topographical draughts- man. A. W. Smith is an inventor of ready and practical genius, and has obtained some very useful patents. All the above have given credit to Lexington by their talent and labors. There may be others entitled to similar mention but these are all we gained knowledge of in this particular line of intellectual and art work. Of era House. — This building is built of brick, 40x100 feet, and located on the corner of Franklin and Laurel streets. The building was con- structed by Mr. Henry Hagen, in the fall of 1879, at a cost of $5,000, inclusive of the ground upon which it was built, and the furnishing of the building with furniture and scenery was an additional cost of $1,000* The building is capable of seating S00 persons Comfortably. The receipts of the past year were about $700. This enterprise is solely that of Mr. Henry Hagen who is owner and proprietor. Lexington Manufacturing Items. — The Morrison foundry at Lexing- ton is said to have been the first iron foundry established west of the Mis- sissippi river, but no statistics were furnished us concerning its history, capacity, etc. In 1869, a pottery was started by Messrs. Macey & Morton, in the south part of the city, a bed of good pottery clay having been found about six miles out southward. The works were accidentally burned down, then rebuilt. But the proprietors could not make a financial success of the thing, and had to give it up. In March, 1867, Schaefermeyer & Peck started a woolen factory, out toward the Missouri Pacific depot. It was burned down in August of the same year. In 1866-7-8, G. W. Baker run a tobacco factory in Lexington, and did a good business in manufacturing for market the tobacco raised in Lafay- ette and surrounding counties. A man named Jordan has an iron foundry in the city, but neglected to furnish statistics. There is also a pressed brick factory, a vinegar works, a hemp works, 456 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and the old Morrison foundry, but no statistics were furnished us, after due solicitation on our part. Hence their omission is no fault of this his- torian. The furniture factory of H. and F. Winkler, located on the corner of Elm and South streets, Lexington, was established by the above named gentlemen in 1856. Up to 1870, the work was principally done by hand, but during that year a building 25x50 feet was erected, and machinery introduced. Since then, additions have been made, and other buildings erected, so that at the present time, 1881 the firm is occupying two build- ings for manufacturing purposes, one 130x45 feet, and the other 35x65 feet. These buildings with their lumber piles etc., occupy four lots 75x140 feet each. These gentlemen have invested $6,000, in grounds and build- ings, $6,000 in machinery, and $12,000 in raw material, making a total investment of $24,000. The machinery is run by an engine of 20 horse power. Forty-five workmen are employed, and furniture to the amount of $50,000, was manufactured during the past year, 1880, and sold in the surrounding country. Their office, store and ware house is situated on Franklin street, between Cedar and Pine streets. The principal part of the lumber used is obtained in this vicinity, such as walnut, ash, bass-wood maple, etc. They manufacture all varieties of common household furni- ture, and also school desks. The flouring mill of W. F. KerdofT, Sr., was established in 1848 by Henry Smith, Jesse Raper being miller, and Jim Tandy, engineer. Mr. W. F. KerdofT, Sr., is the present owner, and Thomas M. Dicken is the present miller, and W. H. Cullum, engineer. The mill is built of brick, 45x30 feet, and the engine room, 40x30, also of brick. The capital invested is, grounds, $5,000; warehouse, $15,000; machinery, $8,000; uumbe of hands employed, five; value of Product past year $57,600; market, Lexington and St. Louis. There is another flouring mill in the city, but no statistics were fur- nished. Likewise an elevator. Gas Works. — The Lexington Gaslight Company was incorporated, July 7,1875, by Tilton Davis, J. S. Ambrose, Charles H. Boyle. Davis was made president and Bovle, secretary and superintendent. Capital stock, $50,000. The works are located on the corner of Pine and Shaw- nee streets, opposite the end of Third street, and consist of the main building, brick, 35x35, one story, and containing the gas making machinery and apparatus; also the gasometer, 30 feet in diameter and 14 feet high, capable of holding 11,800 cubic feet of gas. Ambrose and Boyle built the works on contract, September 1, 1881; a new company bought and took charge of the works, consisting of A. D. Cressler, pres- ident; R. R. Dickey, secretary and treasurer and superintendent of the works; E. H. Dickey, A. C. Cressler and J. Longdon. The company HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 457 has now about four miles of pipe laid; has 65 street lamps to serve, and on October 1, 1881, had about 90 private customers. The city pays $27.50 per lamp per year, one-half payable in city scrip; the colleges are furnished with gas at $3.00 per 1,000 feet, and to private consumers it is furnished at $4.00 per thousand feeL. The street lamps use 780,000 cubic feet of gas per year, and private consumers use about 840,000 feet. Five hands are employed in operating the works. Marble Works were established by John Goehner, May 15, 1867, on the corner of Franklin and Laurel streets, where he built a brick building, 50x20 feet, at a cost of $2,500, inclusive of the grounds upon which the building stands; and has the best of tools which cost $100; also has in raw material, $500, and employs five hands. The. amount of products of the last year was $5,800, which have been chieflv sold in Lafayette, Saline and adjoining counties. Brewery. — Mr. E. Hoffman established a brewery in the year 1875, which is located on Franklin street, numbers 80, 81 and 82. The building is of brick 80x65 feet, two stories high. The capital invested in grounds and building is, $8,000; in machinery, $200, and at the present time has to the value of $300 in raw material. Employs three hands steadily. The products of the last year was 1,300 barrels of beer, which was sold in Lexington, at $9 per barrel; the government revenue was $1 per barrel. Wagon Manufacture. John E. Quandt established a blacksmith shop in 1863 and began the manufacture of wagons, manufacturing annually about twenty wagons, also doing all the repairing that comes to him, of which he has a large amount in that line. He employs from three to four hands. The capital invested in grounds is $4,000. The products of last year was twenty wagons, which he sold at $70 per wagon at the shop. The building is of brick, 40x25 feet. The blacksmith shop is a smaller building of wood, on the corner of Franklin and Poplar streets. Manufactories in i8jo. — The Lexington Caucasian of September 10, 1870, contains a summary of the industrial enterprises of the city at that time, to-wit: Marshall & Easter, flour and meal; W. F. Kerdoff, the same; one woolen factory; Excelsior stove works, by Morrison; Jordan's foundry; D. Russell & Co., carriages; J. Cloudsley & Co., the same; Nicholson & Hall, wagons, plows, etc; Wilkening, wagons, etc; McFad- den, wheat fans; J. S. Morton, earthenware; one soda factory; thiee lum- ber mills; one marble yard; three hemp hacklers; three large beer brew- eries — Clink & Co.'s not finished yet; three brick yards; ten boot and shoe makers; four tin and copper workers; six tailor shops; one furniture factory; three cabinet makers; all sorts of blacksmithing. Mr. Farrar is trying the experiment of making fire brick. Mr. Morton has made some fine terra cottaguttering and piping. Good pottery is made by Messrs. Morton &Taylor. 458 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Coal Works. — The Lexington and Kansas City Coal Company was for many years under the presidency of Col. John Reid, of Lexington, and was the largest productive industry and business enterprise of the city; but we could not get any statistics of its operations. In September, 18S1, the business passed into new hands, A. A. Talmage becoming pres- ident and James C. McGrew superintendent and general business mana- ger. The whole business was reconstructed, re-organized, enlarged and extended, so that Lexington is now perhaps the most extensive coal min- ing town in the state. This company owns the shaft mining works, ope- rated by steam hoisting apparatus, in old town Lexington near the Mis- souri Pacific railroad depot, and six drift mines in west Lexington which open out upon the Lexington and Kansas City narrow gauge railroad. Mules are used in all the mines to haul the coal trucks. About 1000 men are employed in the mines, and more will be put in as fast as facilities can be provided for them to work and men obtained. Some of the miners are English, and some Irish, but the majority of them are colored men; they receive five cents per bushel for the coal t they get out, and fifty bushels is considered a fair average day's work. This company does no retail business; its coal is all shipped to Sedalia, Independence, Kansas City, and other points, on contract in car-load lots. In addition to his extensive operations at his home town of Lexington, Mr. McGrew is also carrying on steam power coal works at Camden, in Ray county, on the St. Louis- Wabash line of railroad. There he has over 300 men at work, and has twenty coal cars of his own, of 500 bushels capacity each, to carry his coal from Camden to Kansas City. Major Thomas B. Claggett is operating some coal mines about half a mile down the river from foot of Pine street. These works have been in operation about fifteen years. They are drift mines, of cource, starting into the coal vein where it outcrops at the foot of the bluff. From twelve to fifteen men are employed here, and their product is sold entirely in Lex- ington, to the colleges, and to private consumers. The vein is twenty- twn inches, and the output last year was of market value about $3,500. A Mr. Bell, and several others, are also operating coal mines for the local supply of Lexington, but no statistics were furnished us. And C. M. Pirner is sinking a shaft for local-supply coal works, a few rods west of the old Masonic College. The Lafayette County Bank was established December 28, 1870, by Jas. Aull, John Aull, Geo. Wilson, Geo. Wilson, Jr., J. A. Wilson, Maria Pomroy and John C. Wood, who were the incorporators. The first offi- cers were George Wilson, Sr., president; John Aull, vice president; James Aull, cashier, and Jo. A. Wilson, assistant cashier. The present officers are George Wilson, Jr., president; Robert A. Wilson, vice president, and Jo. A. Wilson, cashier. Capital invested, $28,000. This bank succeeded HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 459 the banking house of Robert Aull, which was established in 1849, the old- est private bank in western Missouri. There are also in the city the Morrison-Wentworth bank and the Lex- ington savings bank; but they either neglected or declined to furnish us with data for a sketch of their history. City Finances. — In June, 1865, B. W. Wilson took his seat as mayor of Lexington, and in his inaugural address he makes the following state- ments: Outstanding debt against the city, $38,486; total revenue for the year ending June 1, 1865, $5,678; the city treasurer has paid on bonds, $3,756; on improvements and repairs, $715.50; incidental expenses, $969; Balance in city treasury, $175. Post-Office Business. — The following is the official statement of stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards sold at the Post-office at Lexington, during the quarter ending June 30, 1881. Denomina- ^r Q Denominations of ordinary t'nsofordi jj Amount. No. sold Amount narysta'ps. stamps. 1 cent 6,867 $68.67 30-cent 48 $ 14.40 2 cent 767 15.34 90-cent 3 2.70 3 cent 25,967 779.01 Newspaper stamps 10.79 5 cent 172 8.60 Postage due stamps 16.16 6 cent 125 7.50 Postal cards-1 cent 14,538 145.38 10 cent 313 31.30 Postal cards-2 cents 15 30 15 cent 74 11.10 Total 48,889 $1,111.25 Total number of stamped envelopes sold 7,719 Total amount for stamped envelopes $ 195.85 Grand total $1,307.10 H. W. Turner, Postmaster. The Lexington Register of July 15, 1869, gives the following account of the most destructive windstorm that has ever visited this county: "On yesterday (Wednesday,) about two o'clock p. m., our city was vis- ited by the most terrific hurricane ever known in this part of the country. The oldest inhabitants say that the like has never been seen. For a few minutes before the gale began, there was some appearance of rain, and the merchants had pretty generally taken the goods from their doors. With the first few drops of rain the hurricane began, and at the first onset sent the shingles and bricks flying through the streets. It came at the begin- ning squarely from the west, and went roaring through the length of Main street with frightful results. The large three-story warehouse on the levy at the foot of Pine street, occupied by Reinhard & Co. and Goodin Bros., was completely unroofed and the roof carried a considerable distance up the bluff. The walls are considerably damaged; further up, Winsor's hemp factory, partly unroofed; McGrew's hemp factory, unroofed. The chimneys to the saw-mills were 460 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. blown oft and the buildings much injured. Up in the city the house that is not injured is an exception. Arcana hall is unroofed; Mr. Easter's res- idence, unroofed; Catholic church, partially unroofed and otherwise dam- aged; woolen factory of Schaefermeyer & Peck, wholly unroofed and walls injured. The south wall of the Virginia hotel was blown down and the roof torn off. Schwartz's grocery store, partially unroofed and front blown into the street. Residence of H. Turner, Sr., partially unroofed. Tevis' building on the corner of Main and Pine streets, occupied by Mr. Tevis, druggist, on the first floor, and by the Caucasian office on the third floor, was unroofed at the beginning and the roof deposited in the street in front of the court house; afterward the upper part of the wall on Pine street tumbled in on the Caucasian's type and cases. The hands and pro- prietors had made their escape. This, we are informed by the proprietors, will not deter the publication of that paper. It will appear on Saturday as usual. Eastwood's house was partially unroofed. Haberkorn's stable, blown down. A new frame house, near the colored M. E. church, belong, ing to a colored man, was blown down. The chimneys of the M. E. church, south, were blown off and the cupola partially twisted around. Adam- son's and Benning's stables, blown down. A house across the ravine belonging to a colored man was blown down. Masonic college, partially unroofed; a frame house near by, wholly unroofed. John E. Ryland's house, considerably damaged. A timber was carried more than a hundred feet and driven through the brick wall of the house, striking Mrs. Findlay and breaking her shoulder blade, which, it is thought, will cripple her for life. Longdon's house, unroofed; Carroll's and Easter's house, partly unroofed; Mrs. Pomeroy's residence was wholly unroofed and otherwise damaged. Over on Ridgeway street, Mr. Farrar's stable was blown down. John Cowie's house unroofed and otherwise seriously injured. Pat. Mitchell's house, knocked off its pins and slid down the hill. John Hagood's, twisted almost off its foundation. Add to these as many more, and then the out- buildings, the porches, the awnings, the chimneys, the signs, the window- glass and sash, which were tumbled over and scattered about, and some idea can be formed of the extent of the injury. We forgot to state that a piece of the roof of the Presbyterian church was blown off and carried over the Market house and dropped before Scott's grocery store. We think we are safe in saying that one-half of the large trees in the city are blown down. Singular though it may seem, fruit trees which in the morn- ing were hanging full of fruit, were found, after the hurricane, to be entirely stripped of fruits and leaves. We take the following report of a very destructive fire, from the Lex- ington Register of February 22, I860: "Yesterday about two o'clock, the high wind carried the sparks from CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, St. LOUIS, Mo. GOVERNOR McNAIR'S RESIDENCE, IN 1820. THE FIRST ELECTED GOVERNOR OP MISSOURI. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 461 the smoke stack of Burn's saw mill to the hemp works of J. W. Waddell, setting fire to the tow and almost instantly the whole building was in flames. The wind drove the flames to the next building belonging to Mr. Wamsacus, and the fire being so fierce and rapid, they could save nothing. The fire next spread to the Lexington flouring mills owned by Messrs. Marshall & Easter, which was burned to the around." River Events. — September 21-22, 18S0, a river improvement convention was held in Kansas City, in which Lexington was represented by Joseph Davis, Col. John Reid, George |S. Rathbun, W. V. L. McClelland, John E. Corder, J. O. Plattenburg. The government work to protect the north bank of the Missouri river, so as to throw the channel more to the south side, and again open the Lexington steamboat landing, is sup- posed to be partly an outcome of that convention. The Lafayette Advertiser of July 13, 1865, says: "Ten steamboats arrived at our wharf last Monday — six up and four down." president garfield's funeral — 1881. July 2, 1881, the president of the United States, James A. Garfield, was assassinated by a wretch named Guiteau. The president lingered in great suffering until September 19, when he died. His funeral obsequies were observed throughout the United States and it was a historic day in Lex- ington. Arrangements had been made for a public procession and memo- rial services. The court house, city hall, post office, some of the churches and most of the business houses of the city were draped in mourning. National flags were suspended across Main street, looped at half mast and draped. R. Taubman and Capt. A. A. Lesueur were marshals of the day. The procession was headed by the Lexington Guards' brass band, of sixteen instruments all draped in mourning; the Lexington National Guards, state militia; followed by civil orders — the Odd Fellows' encamp- ment and minor-degree lodges; the Lexington Turnvrein (German), Lex- ington Liederkranz (musical), the Lexington Land League (Irish), the negro orders of Masons, Knights of Tabor and Sons of Protection. After the procession memorial services were held in five of the city churches, and addresses delivered, as follows: At the Christian church by Rev. C. S. Lucas, Hon. Xenophon Ryland and Col. Rathbun. At the Baptist church, by Rev. George L. Leyburn, Hon. H. G. Wallace and Rev. Dr. Talburd. At the German Evangelical church by Rev. Mr. Johns, of Sedalia, and Revs. Klimpke and Demand, of Lexington. At the Catholic church by Rev. Father Lilly. At the Zion African M. E. church (colored) by Rev. J. A. Quarles, Judge John E. Ryland and Wm. Young, Esq. As the deceased president had been a life-long church mem- ber and a man of deep and fervent piety, the several choirs had taken Q 462 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. pains to select and sing on the occasion such hymns as were known to have been favorites with him in his lifetime, COLORED PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATIONS. St. "Johns M. E. Church, (colored). — Organized in 1865. The orig inal members were: Briston Ragsdale, Howard Inman, Dolly Ragsdale, L. Hagood, John Clady, Mary Inman, Neal Davis, Bartlet Martin, D« Smith, Fanny Buford, Z. Foster. In 1868 a brick edifice was built at a cost of $3,000. Since the organization of this church, the following pas- tors have been in charge: Revs. Crawford, J. Flamer, S. Taylor, R. H. Smith, A. Lee, H. H. Brown, H. Thompson, J. Dager, L. M. Hazard and R. Rush ; the latter being in charge at the present time. The church has a present membership of 75. A regular organized Sunday school is connected with the church, numbering 72 pupils; superintended by Mrs. Mary Turney, assisted by a corps of ten teachers. Zion Cha-pel — The African M. E. Church, was organized October 13, 1867, on College street, in Lexington. The names of the members of the iirst organization were: Nelson Coleman, Bettie Langhorn, Edith Wilson, Dandrage Johnson, and Daniel Jenkins. The first church building was built of wood, in 1867. The building cost $2,000. A new building of brick was built in the year 1870, at a cost of $4,000, and was dedicated by Bishop T. M. D. Ward, of Anacostia, D. C, July 3, 1881. Their pastors have been Revs. S. Washington, James Madison, John M. Wilkerson, J. K. Triplette, W. L. Harroad, W. A. Dove, J. C. C. Owens; number of membership is 137. Nelson Coleman is the oldest member now alive, and is a local minister, and lead the way to the organization. Bettie Lang- horn died March 29, 1880, at the age of 103 years. The church is clear of debt. They also have a Sabbath school organization, with an attend- ance of about 80 pupils, and a library of 260 volumes. The first super- intendent was P. R. Coleman; its present superintendent is G. L. Hughs. There is a colored Baptist church also; but the pastor neglected to fur- nish statistics, although requested to do so. Dickson Lodge No. n, A. F. and A. M., instituted by Moses Dickson, grand master, January 19, 1869. Charter issued in July of same year. The charter members were as follows: James Madison, D. Jinkins, George May, George Washington, B. Jackson, C. R.Colman, P.Colman, J. Jackson, Albert Walker, Nelson Berry, B. Martin, Jackson Arnold, B. Arnold, A. Bailies, Thornton Doniphan, Lewis Johnson, J. McGee, Lafe Johnson, A Steele, Geo. Homes, P. Jackson. The first officers were: Rev. James Madison, W. M.; D. Jinkins, S. W.; Martin May, J. W.; A. Steele, S. D.; Albert Walker, J. D.; Jessie McGee, Tyler; C. R. Colman, treasurer; George Washington, secretary. The present officers are: Albert Walker, W. M.; H. Gates, S. W.; S. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 463 Slaughter, J. W.; Hinson Baker, S. D.; H. Colly, J. D.: John Moune, Tyler; J. Haygood and J. Hawkins, stewards; Martin May, treasurer; S. Lewis, secretary. The members at the present time number 36. The lodge meet in a frame building, rented for that pui pose. The following are Grand Lodge officers: Charles Colman, grand pursuivant; P. Colman, grand steward; Albert Walker, grand S. D.; James Madison, grand chaplain. The following deaths have occurred among the members of this lodge since its organization, the funeral services have been conducted under its auspices: George Washington, Alexander Poindexter, Wm. Martin, and George Walker. The colored people have several other organizations of their own, as •* Knights of Tabor," "United Sons of Protection," etc., but no reports were furnished. A few years ago they had a fine brass band, well equipped and well drilled, but the members nearly all moved away. They started another band in September, 1881. They also have a musical institute. MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP. The first public record found of the name of Middleton occurs under date of July 7, 1845, when James Pearman petitioned for a license to keep a dram shop in the town of Middleton, in Lafayette county, in the house owned by David K. Palmer. The county clerk was ordered to " issue a license authorizing the said James Pearman to keep a dramshop at the place aforesaid for six months from this date, upon the payment of the sum of $25.00 as a state tax and $18.75 county tax, and the ad valorem tax on the sum of $126.75, the amount of his stock subject to this tax." This item is of historic interest, as showing the liquor-license system in vogue at that time. The next mention of Middleton is September 7, 1847, when it occurs incidentally in a petition for a road which was to " commence at the state road leading from Boonville to Lexington at or near where the said state road crosses the county line between Lafayette and Saline county, to run thence in a northwesterly direction to the town of Middleton, etc. But on July 1st, 1850, this town of Middleton had its name changed to Waverly; its boundaries were much enlarged, and it became an incorporated vil- lage. The petition for incorporation was signed by Charles M. Cowan and thirty four others, claiming to be more than two-thirds of the tax- paying inhabitants of the village. David Callahan, Lewis Fairchild, Elisha M. Edwards, Charles M. Cowan, and Alexander Skillen were appointed as the first board of trustees of the new corporation. 464 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Middletonians are happy or not. The boundary lines of the new town- ship were established as follows: " Commencing where the range line between Ranges No. 24 and 25 intersects the Missouri river, thence south with said range line to where the same intersects the township line July 4th, 1848: hence its birthday will always be celebrated, whether the But Middleton Township was born into this world of tribulation on between townships 49 and 50; thence east with said township line to Saline county; thence with the boundary line between Saline and Lafayette counties, north to the Missouri river; thence up said river with the mean- ders thereof to the place of beginning." And these boundaries have not since been changed. EARLY SETTLEMENT. As far as reported, the first settlers who appeared in this neighborhood were Alexander Galbraith, from Kentucky, who purchased 200 acres of land on Sections 22 and 14, Township 51, Range 24; a Mr. Dustin who located on Section 24; John D. Thomas, from Kentucky, Littleberry Estes and Washington Shroyer, who settled near by. The first female child born in this settlement was Susan Estes, daughter of Littleberry Estes. The first death which occurred was that of Mrs. Hugh Crawford, who was buried in the Estes grave yard. Dr. Buck, who died in Arkansas, was the first regular physician. The first minister, is reported to have been S. Bradley, of the Christian denomination. The first school is asserted to have been taught in a church • (of which no other mention is made) by a Mr. Dillard, who now resides in Grain Valley. The tuition was $2.50 per scholar. The first weaving was done by Mrs. Alexander Galbraith. Previous to the coming of Dr. Buck, the nearest physician was at Lex- ington, twenty miles away. WAVERLY, is situated in the northern part of Middleton township, on the Missouri river, and was founded in 1845, by Washington W. Shroyer. It was originally known as " Middletown," and its present name was adopted in 1848. David Callahan was president of the first board of trustees. In 1854, a man named Thomas purchased some land adjoining the city on the east, and laid out a town, which he called St. Thomas. Mr. Thomas died shortly after the war, and St. Thomas was annexed to Waverly. It was incorporated July 1, 1850, and Judge Wm. Thomas was elected the first mayor. The petition for incorporation was signed by Charles M. Cowan and thirty-four others, tax-payers of the town. David Callahan, Lewis Fairchild, Elisha M. Edwards, Charles M. Cowan, and x^lexander Skillen were appointed as the first board of trustees of the new corpora- tion. The first house was built by David K. Palmer, and has since been HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 465 washed away by the angry waters of the Missouri. He also owned the first store. In 1S46, a frame school-house was built, at a cost of $140, which was also used for church purposes. The first religious services were held in this house, conducted by the Rev. Roth — Missionary Baptist. Mrs. Susan Shroyer taught the first school, which consisted of about twen- ty-two pupils, at a salary of $30 per month. The first wedding occurred in about i849, the high contracting parties being John Morrison and Miss Lucy Shroyer. In 1835, Jacob Shroyer, son of W. W. and Jane V« Shroyer, was born ; he being the first male child born within the city limits* Lucy Shroyer, born of the same parents, in 1833, was the first female child" The first death was that of an infant child of John Marshall. The first regular physician was Dr. P. H. Chambers, a native of Kentucky, who now resides in Lexington. The first cemetery, which is still in use, is located in the southeastern part of the town, on section 15. The present officers are as follows: Mayor, John E. Corder; councilmen, C. Krous, W. H. Landrum, A. S. Van Anglen, Judge W. H. Thomas, H. I. Chris- man, and John L. Oliver. The Carriage Manufactory, of the Landrum Bros., is located on Wash- ington street, and was established by them in 1873. The wood-work and blacksmithing department is 50x40; the painting and trimming depart- ment, 20x70, and the carriage repository, 26x75, is built of brick. Cap- ital invested in grounds and buildings, $2,500; capital invested in machin- ery, $1,500; capital invested in incidentals, $1,920; total, $5,920; number of employees, 7. In 1869 or 1870, a paper called the Waverly Express was published at Waverly, first by Chas. Patterson, then a Mr. Frazee, who was joined, in September, 1870, by W. H. Peters, from Illinois. It appears to have been democratic; but no further particulars were obtained. Waverly Lodge, No. 114, was organized by Judge John F. Ryland, under dispensation dated June 15, 1849. The following were the first officers: Henry B. Harvey, W. M. ; Michael Stevenson, S. W.; G. W. Hereford, J. W.; W. W. Shroyer, treasurer; John S. Nowland, secre- tary; A. Franciscoe, S. D.; J. M. Lewis, J. D.; Joseph W. Cloudsley, tyler. Surrendered their charter January. 28, 1860, on account of war troubles, and were never rechartered. Waverly Lodge, No. 61, A. F. & A. M. — Organized under dispensa- tion dated June 26, 1865, instituted by the grand lodge. The charter bears date of June 2, 1866. The original members and first officers were as follows, viz: E. M. Edwards, W. M.; C. M. Cowan, S. W.; G. W. Hereford, J. W.; R. D. Cauthron, S. D.; A. D. Ellis, J. D.; H. B. Lewis, treasurer, and M. C. Scott, Tvler. The present officers are: C. C. Catron, W. M.; W. P. Milnor, Jr., S. W.; W. A. Redd, J. W. The 466 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNT V. present membership is fifty-five. J. B. Wood is steward of the Grand Lodge. Nothing further reported. Order Eastern Star. — Bethany chapter, No. 109, O. E. S., was instituted by H. G. Reynolds and G. W. Patron. The date of charter was July 28, 1875. The first officers were: J. B. Wood, W. P.; Mary Hawkins, W. M.; Willie A. Wood, Assistant M. The present officers are: J. B. Wood, W. P.; A. E. Galbraith, W. M.; M. E. Gordon, secretary; M. E. Loper, treasurer; K. T. Kooper, Cond.; M. A. Wood, Ass't. Cond.; E. Smiley, Ada; E. P. Pelot, Ruth; R. Nor- fleet, Esther; Fanny Edwards, Martha; Bertie Thomas, Electa; Laura Landrum, Warden; R. C. Allen; sentinel. The present membership is seventy-two. Have a brick building in which they hold their lodges. M. A. Woods, M. E. Hawkins, and M. E. Galbraith are members of the grand lodge. Middleton Local Aid Society was organized July 15, 1881, by Frank K. Doan. The names of the charter members are as follows: John S. Webb, L.J. Webb, Elder W. H. Blanks, B. F. McCord, A. McCord, Dr. Geo. O. Feagans, Davis S. Miller, Rev. J. M. Scott, J. M. Horler, M. E. Deth- rige, John D. Masterson, William Blankinship, F. W. Pauling, J. W. Zook, and Moses Greenbaum. The officers are: J. T. Webb, president; J. M. Horler, vice-president; David S. Miller, secretary; A. McCord, treasurer; George O. Feagans, medical examiner; B. F. McCord, deputy; J. M. Scott, . The town of Alma was founded by Captain Lysing and Jno. W. Wood- son, on completion of the C. & A. Extension railroad in 1879, and incorpora- ted in 1880. The first mayor was Dr. Thomas Field. The postoffice was established in 1879, the first postmaster being Perry Catron. Dr. Field built the first house and owned the first store. The first school- house was built in the summer of 1880, at a cost of $750. The first school was taught by Miss Cassie Bascom, the number of pupils being thirty- five, at a compensation of $45 per month. The first marriage was that of H. C. Clay to Miss Milburn, and was performed at Thomas Luke's, and by Thomas Luke, who was the first justice of the peace. The first male child born in the town of Alma was Mitchell, son of Geo Weston, and the first female child was Katie, daughter of William and Martha Buck, born in June 1879. Dr. Thomas Field was the first regular physician in Alma — since moved to Sedalia. The present town officers are: Stark, mayor; Martin Buck, Wm. Doblie, and Charles Mayviers, town board. The town is about equally divided between orignal Piatt & Corder's addition andjording's addition. Three Groves Church was organized about the year 1871. The original members were Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Hoard, Geo. Nethercutt, and some others. The church building was erected in 1880-81 ; it is of frame and HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 467 cost $1,500. It was dedicated the first Sunday in May, 1881, by Rev. W. B. McFarland. Their pastors have been R. A. Shaffer, W. I. Brown, and W. B. McFarland. The present membership numbers forty. In connection with the church they have a fine Sunday-school. SNIABAR TOWNSHIP. The name Sinabar has a peculiar history. If any one will look at a map of Lafayette county, they will discover a large bay protruding into Clay township, making the eastern boundary of a peninsula about four miles deep. Tradition says: A trader or hunter named Herbert, in going up the river followed this bay clear to its head, supposing it to be the main body of the Missouri river, and he was greatly bewildered for awhile, and delayed in his trip by this misadventure. The incident becom- ing known, the early navigators and trappers had many a laugh at Her- bert's expense; they called this bay Reviere cT Herbert, or "Herbert's river, " as a standing joke, and it became a waymark in designating places and distances on the great stream. But afterward a Pennsylvania Dutch word Schuyte, (English Shute, German Schnitt from Schneiden, to cut) was introduced here by keelboatmen from the region of Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania. They mixed the Dutch and French words, and made Schuyte d 7 Herbert, then Shuyte 'Eber, then Schuyte 7 Aber, and finally Snyabar — each successive change or corruption being to shorten the name and make it easier to pronounce— in a word, to westernize it, and this culmin- ates in the one easy syllable, Sni. The above is the etymological evolu- tion of the name Sniabar, or Sni, as it stands to-day applied to the town- ship of that name, and the two main creeks within the township. But historically, those streams have had other names. The old French maps prior to the year 1800, mark the great bend or bay which protrudes into Clay township as Reviere d 7 Herbert — Herbert's river . In 1804, Lewis and Clark refer to the two streams entering the Mis- souri at this point [Big and Little Sni] as Ean Beau — elegant water. In 1823, Dr. Beck's Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri calls it Chenal Ebert — Ebert's channel, a mere variation of Herbert's river as above. In 1823, also, Lieut. Long, the explorer after whom Long's Peak in Col- orado is named, calls our two streams little Cheny an Barre and great Cheny an Barre. This is manifestly only his attempt to spell the name as then pronounced— Sche-nye-an-Bair, the "Pennsylvania Dutch" leaven being then well at work in the long cooking of this name. In this same year (1823), the official records of Lillard — now Lafayette county, spell it Sny E. Bairre. 468 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. In 1835, Mitchell's geography map of Missouri marks it Chenal aux Herberts — the channel of Herbert, another mere variation of the original French name. In 1837, Wetmore's Gazetteer Missouri names the Little Schnyte Aber and Big Schuyte Aber, in Lafayette county. Dutch again. In 1851, Colton's map of Missouri spells it Big Snybar creek. In 1872, Prof. Pumpelly's geological survey report spells it Sniabar \ so also Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, 1872; indeed, that is now the settled Anglicized orthography of the name, without any hyphens, apostro- phes, periods, spaces or intermediate capital letters to give it an "awfully foreign" look. They are all mere affectation, without a spark of meaning that any body can swear by. Two considerable creeks empty into the Schenye or false river, and so they were called Big Sni and Little Sni creeks; one of the earliest settle- ments in the original Cooper county, was on these creeks, and widely known as the Sniabar settlement, then Sniabar township, first in Cooper county, next in Lillard county, and lastly in Lafayette county. May 4, 1824, Fort Osage township was set off from Sniabar township, which had prior to this extended to the west line of the state. The line then established between the new and the old township was the Big Sni- abar. creek from its mouth to its source, near where Chapel Hill now stands, thence south in a straight line to the Osage river. The first mention of Sinabar township in the old county records occurs under date of April 24, 1821, the county being still called Lillard. The record says: " It is ordered by the court that Markham Fristoe be ap- pointed constable in and for the township ot Sinabar for the term of two years." He was placed under bonds "in the penal sum of $1,200, " and bondsmen were Benjamin Gooch and James Bounds, Jr. But prior to this, to-wit: November 22, 1820, the Governor had commissioned Henry Ren- ick, St\, David McClellan and Abel Owen, as justices of the peace for Sniabar township then in Cooper county. January 21, 1821, 'Squire Ren- ick swore in Abel Owen as a justice of the peace for Sniabar township, Lillard county; but just how he himself got bridged over from Cooper to Lillard county the record does not show. However, the next day he swore into office the justices of the first county court, which was held at Mount Vernon, near the mouth of Tabo creek. July 24th, 1821, Abel Owen and Henry Renick were appointed to lay off the roads in Sinabar township into districts convenient for their proper care. And at the February term, 1822, of the county court, the following road district overseers were appointed for this township: 1st road district, Richard Fristoe, overseer. 2d road district, Jonathan Hicklin, overseer. 3d road district, Abner Graham, overseer. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 469 4th road district, James Rathwell, overseer. 5th road district, Ira Bidwell, overseer. 6th road district, John Demasters, overseer. The first mention of an election in Sinabar township is July 9, 1S22, when Julius Emmons, David Ward and Thos Swift were appointed by the county court to be judges of an election to be held at the place of preach- ing near Henry Renick's. This election took place in August, and Jesse Hitchcock was elected constable. February 3, 1823, the name of Sniabar is spelled thus — Sny E. Bairre; and the following record occurs: "We this day allot the within named hands to cut out and keep in repair a road leading from Lexington to in- tersect the road leading from Jack's Ferry to the salt works, near Jacob Catron's. Henry Renick, J. P. Abel Owen, J. P." The men thus appointed were: George Stevens, Josiah Nelson, George Nelson, Thomas Nelson, John Stapp, Thomas Swift, Dean Swift, James Barns, Wm. Robinson, Alfred K. Stevens, Melvin Vinning, Walker Atkinson, Amos Riley, Harry Owen, Neely Owen, Robert Fristoe, Markham Fristoe, Wm. Horn, Jr., John Norris, Abner Norris, Archibald Steward, James Drummond, Wilson Owen, Urial Murray, Francis Read, ing, Calvin Howell, John McCord and Andrew Patterson. John Nelson was appointed -overseer for this road and the above list of men who were required to work on it. The list seems to give some idea of the extent of the settlement at that time, and 4 to show who they were. Many of their descendants still live in the county. Lexington township was organized May 4, 1824, and west of that was Sniabar township. On the 7th of November, 1825 Clay township was organized and its boundaries as then defined embraced all there was left of Sniabar township, so this name dropped out from the list of municipal town- ships of Lafayette county, and ,vas not heard of again until February 5, 1838 — a long sleep of thirteen years. But at that time it was ordered by the county court that a new township to be called Sniabar should be bounded thus: -'Beginning at the northwest corner of Washington township [This is a mistake*] thence west with the township line between town- ships 48 and 49 to the Jackson county line; thence south with said line to ♦Here is a mistake in the description of this new township's boundary line, and we could not find any record to show that it had ever been formally corrected. The township line between congressional townships 49 and 50 had been fixed as the boundary between Lexington and Washington townships — and therefore the "northwest corner of Washing- ton township" would be on this line, and would leave for Clay township only the ragged edges of two fractional congressional townships; but the description should read thus: "Beginning at the west line of Washington township where it intersects the town- ship line between townships Nos. 48 and 49: thence west," etc. This would give the true boundary of Sniabar township as it has been in practice ever since that township was recreated notwithstanding the verbal error in the record as above noted. 470 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. the northwest corner of Johnson county, thence east with the county line to the southwest corner of Washington township; thence north to the place of beginning. An election was ordered to be held at Riding's store, the first Saturday in April next (1838) to elect two justices of the peace. Local Names. — A good many of the local names of things in Sniabar township were given by an old pioneer hunter, named Thomas Hopper. He killed an extra big buck elk on top of a high knob, and called it Buck Knob, which name it bears to this day. The name of Wagon Knob occurred in this way: Mr. Hopper and one or two others had obtained a wagon load of wild honey near the stream called Honey creek, in Wash- ington township, which he named therefor, and on the road home the wagon broke down while they were crossing a knob; they packed as much of the honey on their horses as they could, and left the wagon there till it rotted away; and that place is called Wagon Knob to this day. The same man named "Texas Prairie," but just why is not known. He also named Peavine creek, in Freedom township it is said. War Children. — Sergt. J. L. Leadbeater, of Capt. Simpson's com- pany, in Gen. Jo. Shelby's command, says Sniabar township furnished 125 confederate soldiers; 38 were killed and 10 died of disease. All were married men except two, and in 1876 there were, in Sniabar township, 125 children of those confederate soldiers. Sergt. Leadbeater is blind and lives in the vicinity of Mt. Hope. CHAPEL HILL. The school founded by A. W. Ridings, in the year 1843, was the begin- ning of Chapel Hill. He began with three scholars, but soon grew to a large boarding school, occupying a stone building, 40x60 feet, and two stories high. At the beginning of the war the school was nourishing, with 150 scholars. During the war, in 1862, it was burned by an unknown incendiary. In the fail of 1863 the village of Chapel Hill, con- sisting of about thirty houses, was burned by Quantrell's men, except two buildings, which were afterwards burned by accident. Up to that time there was no church organization except the Cumberland Presbyterian, who used the college building. The village has since been rebuilt, and consists of about thirteen residences, three stores, one blacksmith shop, three physicians, one church, one masonic lodge and a grange lodge. The village is situated on the Sni hills, which extend for a considerable distance to the north and northwest. The place was named by Mr. A. W. Riding after Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at which college he was educated. The first post office was kept by Mr. Shores in section 35, on the farm now owned by Mr. A. Wilkinson. The Chapel Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 471 1870, and is situated in section 31, township 18, range 28. The names of the original members were: Wm. Rasdell, John Phillips, John Cobb, N. Wood, John Barnett, Wm. Barnett, Nat. Barnett, F. E. Barnett and B. R. Harmon. The church building is used by them in common with the Baptist and Methodist. The name of the pastor is the Rev. J. B. Dalton. At present it contains thirty-five members. Chapel Hill Masonic Lodge, No. jjo, is in Sniabar township, and the date of its dispensation is 1870. The names of the charter members were: John McClure, John W. Wilkinson, Dr. F. M. Shore, R. Edmondson, D. G. Doty, F. E. McCormack, A. J. Lyon, B. E. Phillips and John W. Bledsoe. Names of the first officers: J. H. McClure, W. M.; F. M. Shore, S. W.; J. W. Wilkinson, J. W.; D. G. Doty, treasurer; J. W. Bledsoe, secretary; F. E. McCormack, S. D.; A. J. Lyon, J. D.; R. Edmondson, tyler. The present membership of the lodge is 18. The hall is a frame and was built in 1S69, at a cost of $500. There was a lodge at this point before the war, but during the war it was robbed of its charter and jewels by federal troops. The present lodge has been chartered since the war. Chapel Hill Grange, was instituted on the 16th of August, 1873. The following are the names of the charter members: J. T. Leawell, J. C Cobb, F. E. Barnett, Isaac Wood, J. T. Dade, E. S. Garm, Wm. Harris, W. S. Leawell, J. F. Wood, J. H. Truell, A.J. McCauley, A. C. Green, T. B. Murray, J. H. Wood, Matt. Wood, R. H. Leawell, Bettie Leawell, L. J. Headrick, Adam Smith, and Lucretia A. Meadow. Names of first officers: J. C. Cobb, master; J. T. Leawell, overseer; W. P. Leawell, lecturer; Judge Barnett, treasurer, aud T. D. Murray, secre- tary. The present officers are: J. A. J. McCauley, master, Wm. Harris, overseer; Charles T.;Williamson, lecturer; Judge F. G. Barnett, treasurer; Thomas L. Cheatham, steward. The present membership of the grange is 11. The grange has its meetings in the district school house. THE TOWN OF ODESSA. (Named by T. B. Blackstone, president of the C. & A. R. R.) This city is located on the west side of the C. & A. R.R., IS miles west from Lexington, and 11 miles from Higginsville, surrounded by a good farming country. It was founded by A. R. Patterson, and John Kirk- patrick, July 15, 1878, and was incorporated February 3, 1880. The first mayor was H. B. Tunstall. The first postoffice was established July, 1879, with M. V. Powell as postmaster. The first house was built by Reid and Taylor. The first store was owned by Wm. F. McKinnev. The first school house was a frame building erected in September, 1880, at a cost of $900. The first school was taught by Miss Annie Anderson, in 1879, with 25 pupils; at the rate of $1.25 per capita, per month. The 472 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. first male child was born September 19, 1878, Odessa L., son of George and Mary Cregger. First female born April 11, 1879, Mary M., daugh- ter, of Wm. T. and Matilda J. Worley. The first death was that of David Lay, February 9, 1879, was killed while passing between cars and was buried in Greenton cemetery. The first regular physician was Dr. L. C. Nichols, of Mount Hope, formerly of Kentucky. The first religious ser- vice was held in Gibb's Hall, by the Christian denomination, and the first minister was Alex. Barton, of the Baptist church. The present officers of the city are: E. D. Rawlings, mayor; L. R. Smith, H. B. Tunstall,D. C. Baggerly, A. W. Stevens, councilmen ; Norborne Walton, marshal; Robert Broughton, treasurer; James Broughton, assessor; and D. C. McConnell, clerk. The official report of the census in 1880, gives the city 100 inhabit- ants, but now it is held as having about 800. The city contains the follow- ing business places: Dry goods, 3; dry goods and groceries, 2; groceries, 4; hardware, 2; Hotels, 2; restaurants, 2; furniture stores, 2; milliner stores, 2; sewing machine dealer, 1 ; banks, 1 ; drug stores, 4; clothing store, 1 ; livery stables, 2; jewelry store, 1; shoe shops, 2; saddle shops, 2; barber shops, 2; eleva- tor, 1 ; physicians, 6 ; newspaper, 1 ; lumber yard, 1 ; butcher shop, 1 ; black- smith shop, 2; dentist, 1; saloons, 2; mills, 1; carding machine, 1. Mr. E. H. Chapman, of Kansas City, has recently erected and placed in operation, a steam saw mill in the timber, about three and a half miles northeast of town, in the vicinity of Judge Prather's farm. Mr. I. N. Stanfield, formerly of Glasgow, Mo., does the sawing by contract. Dur- ing the past month has cut over 4,000 feet per day; employs 15 men and 7 teams, and is making a pay roll of over $250 per week, most of which adds to the business of the town. Bank of Odessa. — The Bank of Odessa was incorporated June 8, 1880, chartered July 19, and began business July 28th of same year. The fol- lowing is a list of Officers.—]. C. Cobb, President; L. R. Smith, Cashier, and M. G. Wood, Secretary. Directors.— L. R. Smith, J. C. Cobb, Wm. Harris, J. E. Wagoner, J W. Martin, M. G. Wood, G. A. Campbell, G. S. Kesterson, B. W. Way- man, A. R. Patterson, W. T. Cheatham and S. W. Creasy. Following is the official statement of the financial condition of the Bank of Odessa, April 30th, 1881: HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 473 RESOURCES. Loans undoubtedly good on personal collateral security $35,175 03 Loans and discounts undoubtedly good on real estate security. 19,090 00 Over drafts by solvent customers 37 46 United States bonds on hand 000 00 Other bonds and stock at the present market prices 000 00 Due from other banks, good on sight draft 1 7,617 43 Real estate at present cash market value 3,597 18 Furniture and fixtures 795 70 Checks and other cash items . 1,621 32 Bills of national banks and legal tender U. S. notes 6,410 00 Gold coin 310 00 Silver and other fractional coin and currency 512 23 Exchange maturing and matured 200 00 Total $85,366 35 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000 00 Surplus funds on hand 5,254 74 Undivided declared dividends 000 00 Deposits subject to draft at sight 67,861 61 Deposits subject to draft at given dates 2,250 00 Due other banks and bankers 000 00 Expenses now due 000 00 Total ..$85,366 35 The Hopewell O. S. Presbyterian Church, at Odessa, was organized September 14, 1850. The original members were: John H. Allison, Eliza Bledsoe, Sarah Bullard, C. D. Copp, S. S. Cornwell, Nancy David- son, John Jackson, Clarinda Jackson, James M. Keith, Thomas Lee, Mary Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Ann Mary Lee, Elizabeth Keith, Nathaniel C. and Rebecca Maxwell, Mary M. Chesney,Jane Patterson, John B. and Ada- line Taylor, H. and Lena Young. The first church building was erected in 1854 at the village of Mt- Hope. During the late war it was burned, and was rebuilt in 1867. In 1880 the building was taken down and removed to Odessa. The pastors who have been in charge are the Reverends Thomas A. Brachen, David Coulter, William A. Bagley, Joseph W. Wallace, James Morton, J. E. Latham, B. N. Hobson, and Samuel T. Kuffner, who occu- pies the pulpit at present. The present membership is fifty-one. Odessa Baptist Church, originally Mt. Hope church, changed August, 1879. It was organized August 25, 1874. Original members: Ann Bird, Hannah Barker, J. B., Nancy, M. E., Thomas W., and Rev. James L. Car- michael; Winifred Burns, Virgil, Samantha, r.nd Mattie E. Halsell, Viola Hatch, Richard Y. Nichelsen, Milton, Mary, Ida B., and Dora M. Smith; Mary J. Starr, Lucinda McClure, Geo. W., and Elizabeth Wheeler. The 474 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. chnrch is frame and was built in 1878, at a cost of $1,450. The church was dedicated August 29, 1880, by the late Rev. Isaac N. Newman. Their pastors have been: Geo. W. Smith, 1874; D. C. Bolton, 1875; J. B. Jackson, 1876; I. N. Newman, 1877; Henry Barton, a short time in 1878; J as. L. Carmichael, 1878; L. Ellege, 1879; Alex. Barton, 1879; W. T. Russell, 1881, the present pastor. Present members number eigty-seven. Revs. Newman and Barton were supplies only for a short timt each. The regular Baptists own a one-fourth interest in the building. Milton Smith, T, W. Carmichael, Thos. W. Gott, trustees, Thomas W. Car- michael, clerk. They have an interesting Sunday-school, organized in April, 1880; Thomas W. Carmichael, superintendant. Christian Church, of Odessa, was organized in 1879. [Names of origi- nal membership not given.] The church was built in the spring of 1880, of brick, at a cost of $2,000. The church was never dedicated. Their pastor is now Elder W. R. Cunningham, the only pastor they have had. The membership is about 100. The Odessa congregation was organized by the union of a portion of the Mt. Hope and Greenton congregations; about 100 members went into the organization. The Odessa Class, M. E. Church South, was organized in February, 1880. The original members were: Mr. J. McDonald, J. W. Wood, N. W. Todd, E. D. Rawlings and wife, Mrs. Hillock, Mrs. Cynthia Reid, Rob't. T. Russell, and Mrs. Rebecca J. Russell. The Rev. John D. Wood was the first pastor, and the Rev. John B. H. Woolridge is in charge at present. The class numbers thirteen members It has no house of worship as yet, but being in a prosperous condition, expects to build one soon. Ml. Hope Lodge, JVo. 4.76, A. F. & A. M., at Odessa was instituted by Xenophon Ryland, D. D. G. M., under dispensation, dated March 31, 1874. Their charter was issued Oct. 15, 1874. The first officers and additional charter members were, A. R. Leeper, W. M. ; Wm. B. Roberts, S. W.; Robert T. Russell, J. W.; John C. Alfred, Treasurer; W. T.Anderson, Secretary; John W. McBurney, S. D.; J. W. Holman,J. D.; A. L. Maxwell, Tyler. S. W. Creasey, John A. Prather, W. B. Couch- man, L. C. Nichols, and J. T. Stanley. The present officers are W. B. Couchman, W. M.; J. W. Holman, S. W.; Wm. Thomas, J. W.; L. R. Smith, Treasurer; W. T. Anderson, Secre- tary; J. W.McBurney, S. D.;T. W. Carmichael, J. D.; L.F.Clemens, Chap- lain; W. B. Roberts and S. W. Creasy, Stewards; J. F. Wood, Tyler. The present membership of this lodge is 47. It was originally located at Mt. Hope, but by permission of the G. M. it was removed to Odessa, still retaining its original name. McKendee Chapel, M. E. Church, South, Sniabar township, is situated in Sec. 34, Tp. 4S, R. 28, and was organized in 1S40. The following are HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 475 the names of the original members: Morris Cobb, Rebecca Cobb, Eph- raim Waggoner, Sr., Sarah Wood, Isaac Wood, Isham Reese, Malinda Reese, Elizabeth Reese, Nancy Reese, I. M. Cobb, Sarah Cobb, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Gatterfield, Sarah Sparks and others. The first church build- ing, a frame, was erected in 1857— the present, also frame, in 1858 at a cost of $1,100. It was dedicated by the Rev. William Hulks. The names of its successive pastors were — Daniel Leaper, Thos. Ashley, Colborn. The present pastor in charge is Rev. J. B. Woodridge. The number of its present membership is ninety-four, and it's Sunday school was .fifty members. The church owns one acre and a half of ground — one acre of which is occupied by the grave-yard, in which James Wag- goner, son of Rev. Ephraim Waggoner, was the first person buried. The following items of early history were furnished by Mr. Stephen S. White. The first settlers in Sniabar township, were Chas. Hopper, William Helm, Allen Helm and Joseph Cox. The first marriage was that of William White to Nancy Bowers, by Elder Joseph White, about the year 1834. The first male child was James B. White, son of William and Nancy White; and the first female child was Frances White, daughter of John White, who married Miss Cox, in Tennessee, about the year 1832 and came to this county the same year. The first death was that of John White, in 1835, and was burried in the grave yard of Joseph White. Doctors Flournoy and Barren were thefirs>t regular physicians in the town- ship. Rev's. John Warder of Kentucky, and Joseph White, of Tennessee, both Baptists, were the first ministers; preaching first in private houses, and then in the school houses. The first school was taught by David White, who taught for years at $200 per year, and died in 1842. Hopper, the Helms, Coxes, and all the early settlers wove cloth for their own use, or wore buckskin. Old Concord Church, was built of logs, in the year 1842, on the north end of northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 24. It was built as a church free for all denominations; has 10 acres appropriated for the use of the church, including a grave yard of one acre and a half. The first person buried there was Spencer Adams. The first preachers were Henry Palmer and Jacob Powell, missionary Baptist; John Warder, O. S. Baptist; the Methodist circuit riders; and J. Gillespie, Cumberland Pres- byterian. Dr. D. M. Reed states that on the old Helm farm in the northeast cor- ner of section 11, a party of Anderson's men were surprised in the spring of 1863, by a portion of Col. Crittenden's command, 7th regiment, M. S. M., and four of the former were killed, and two of the latter wounded. The house now occupied by Mr. Allred was deserted during the war, and was occasionally occupied and used as a shelter by both parties. •176 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Many skirmishes occured here, the signs of which are now apparent — bullet holes in the walls, doors, windows, etc. The Tobacco Factory, of Johnson Williamson, manufactures about 4,000 lbs. of tobacco annually, and is the principal tobacco market for Lafayette county. Point Lookout, a point on one of the Sni Hills, gives a commanding view of the surrounding country. From it the city of Lexington can be seen to the northeast, and the church steeples of Odessa, also to the north- east. It obtained its name from the bushwhackers, having been used by them as a post of observation. It is located in section 13, township 48, range 29. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Washington was struck off from Lexington township August 2, 1836, and erected into a new township, with the following boundaries: "Begin- ning at the east line of Clay municipal township, on the township line between the congressional townships 19 and 50, thence south with the said Clay township line to Jackson county; thence east with the county line between Jackson and Lafayette counties to the Freedom township line; thence north with the west line of Freedom township to Davis township, thence with the west line of Davis township to the line between the con- gressional townships 19 and 50; thence west with said line to the begin- ning." Wm. Robinett's was appointed as the place of holding an election, October 29th, for two justices of the peace. The above boundaries are just as they stand to this day; but the south part of what was then Clay township has since been reorganized into Sniabar township. Washington township contains 102 full sections, and is the largest township in the county. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. As near as can be ascertained Richard Powell appears to be the earliest' settler in Washington township, having located there as early as 1820. His sons, David and Thomas J. and a son-in-law, named Eli Adams, occupied the farm — upon which he settled- -after his death. Among the other more prominent citizens who early located in the limits of this township, mention is also made of John Jennings, Bently Barton, Nimrod Scott, Norman Pool, James S. Whitsett, Ephraim Pool, John McNeal, James Barker, Thos. Hutchison, Levi Whitsett, Henry James, Morgan Cockrell, John Ingram, Charles Smith, Judge Julius Emmons and Rev. John R. Whitsett, a Cumberland Presbyterian minis- ter. These settled principally in the eastern, southern and northern por- tions of the township. HISTORY OF ' LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 477 John Whitsett, the father of William Whitsett (who came to this town- ship in 1834,) settled near Dover in 1819, and three years later moved to the Slaughter farm. Chatham S. Ewing settled where his son now resides, in 1836. The following items of early history were furnished by Mr. William Whitsett, whose father, John Whitsett settled near Dover, in this county, as early as 1819. The first settlers in the region of Mt. Hebron Church, were John Ingram, of Tennessee, Charles Smith, of Tennessee, William Whitsett, of Kentucky, Richard Powell and John R. Whitsett, of Ken- tucky, and Chatham Ewing, of Kentucky. The children of John R. Whitsett were the first born there, both male and female. The first death were Mary, daughter of Chatham Ewing, and was buried at the old brick church south of Lexington. Dr. M. W. Flournoy, of Kentucky, and Dr. J. M. Kieth were the first physicians. Rev. Robert Renick was the first Christian minister, and preached in the old Lebanon log school house. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian. The first school house was built in section 29, township 49, range 27, of logs by the neighbors. The first cloth was weaved by Mrs. Chas. Smith. In February, 1835, a negro woman belonging to Nimrod Scott, lost her way, and was frozen to death. She was buried on the roadside by the neighbors. Mr. Eli Adams furnishes the following items of the early history of Washington township: The first settlers were Richard Powell, Charles Smith, Stephen Barker, Sr., James Barker, Elias Barker, John Barker, 'Wm. Barker, John Ingram, Juliu s Emmons, Wm. M. Whitsett, C. S. Ewing and Eli Adams. The first death was that of Mrs. Julius Emmons, which occurred in the spring of 1837. The first preachers were Revs. Finis Ewing, Robert and John Morrow, Robert Sloan, Kavanaugh, of the C. P. Church, and Rev. John Warder, of the Regular Baptist Church. MAYVIEW. This village has a commanding location, on Heth's Mound* situated on section 18, township 49, range 26, and section 13, same township, and range 27, and was laid out in 1866, by John P. Herr, George Houx, Stephen G. Wentworth, and William Morrison. The name of "May- view" was suggested to Mr. Herr, and subsequently adopted, by the excel- lent view which could be obtained from its cite, of the surrounding coun- try, which presented a beautiful appearance during the month of May. *Uncle George Houx related at the " Old Men's Club" meeting, how Heth's Mound got its name. In 1812 the british brought to bear every influence they could, to have the Indians engage in hostilities against the Americans, and bands of the Osage and Kaw took the war path. Capt. Helh an old settler of Cooper countjr, was out with a scouting party from Boonville, or old Franklin, and encountered a body of these hostile Indians a few miles west of this mound, but then fell back to it and there made a determined stand. A sharp and bloody battle then took place, and " the Injins got licked " This place was thereafter known as Heth's Mound. We have the above from Gen. Graham, an old inti- mate friend of Mr. Houx. R 478 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. A postoffice was established in 1868, with Mr. John P. Herr postmaster, Mr. Herr built the first house, and also owned and operated the first store. Mr. George Houx built a dwelling house about the same time. The first school house was a frame building, built in 1866, at a cost of $600. The first school was taught by the Rev. William Gordon, and numbered fifty pupils, each of whom paid a tuition of $2.00 per month. The first mar- riage reported was that of John McAllister and Jennie West, who were united in the bonds of wedlock, by the Rev. M. Roth, in 1868, at the house of the bride's parents. The first male child born was Oscar, son of Thos. T. and S. Belle Puckett, born July 6, 1870. Agnes Lee, daughter of Dr. David H. and Katie Bradley, was the first female child born in the village. (Date of birth not reported). The first death to occur was that of Young Ewing, who died in 1869, and was buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery. Dr. Bouton is asserted to have been the first regular physician, formerly of Kentucky, and who recently went to Colorado. The first religious services were held in a schoolhouse, by the Christian denomination, with Elder G. R. Hand, pastor. In 1878, Messrs. Waterhouse and Ridings made an addition to the original town, on the west side. May view is a flourishing village of about 250 inhabitants, located on the Chicago & Alton railroad, and also on the main thoroughfare between Lexington and Warrensburg. The follow- ing is a partial list of the business houses: General merchandise, 3; grocery, 1; drugs, 1; blacksmiths, 2; physi-' cians, 2; mill, 1; hardware, 1 ; grain dealer, 1 ; hotels, 2; justice of peace, 1; lumber yard, 1; drug and grocer, 1; livery, 2; furniture, 1. The Christian Church, of Mayview, was organized December 2, 1852. The first members were: W. H. Stone, E. J. Stone, M. E. Stone, Jane Conn, F. M. Small, E. E. Small, J. M. Small, W. Small, Thomas Proctor, S. Proctor, M. A. Proctor, Easter, (colored woman). The church build- ing is a frame, and was erected in October, 1875, at a cost of about $3,000. It was dedicated as soon as completed by Elder D. M. Grandfield. Their pastors have been: D. M. Grandfield, W. R. Cunningham, W. P. Dorsey, Geo. Plattenburg, J. A. Lord, H. W. Williams, the present pastor. The church has 87 active members. The original name of this church was the Union, and was located three miles south of Mayview. Their church building was burnt down during the war, and the church was then moved to Mayview in 1875, and the name changed to Christian Church of May- view. SOCIETIES. Mayview Lodge, No. 318. I. O. G. T., was organized by O. Hutchi- son in November, 1879. The charter members were J. B. Jones, Thos. T. Puckett, Reuben Puckett, E. S. Butt, Jas. Waterhouse, John C. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 479 Moore, J. P. Herr, J. E. Kinchloe, J. P. Maw, Cordelia Moore, F. S. Waterhouse, Belle Puckett, Mrs. Eliza McKinney, S. E. Ford. The names of its first officers were: J. B. Jones, W. C; Mrs. Sue Waterhouse, V. W. C; J. C. Moore, P. W. C; E. S. Butt, secretery; Thos. T. Puck- ett, chaplain ; Mrs. Belle Puckett, treasurer; Jas. Westerhouse, marshal. The names of the present officers are: J. B. Jones, W. C. ; Zada Maw V. W. C; Thos. T. Puckett, P. W.; E. S. Butt, secretary: J. P. Maw) chaplain; I. W. Whitsett, treasurer; W. P. Keith, Jr., marshal. The number of present members are 42. They own no hall, but use base- ment of Christian church. The lodge is reported in a working condition. CHURCHES. The Mound Prairie Baptist Church, situated on the northeast qr. of northeast qr. of section 30, township 49, range 26, was organized Oct. 26, 1842. Its first members were Milton and Isabella Perry, Wm. Lankford, and Julius Burton, of the Lexington congregation, and fifty others, the result of a meeting in the neighborhood. The first building was log, 18x24 feet, and was erected in 1844. The present building is a frame one, 36x58, and was erected in 1858, at a cost of about $2,000. The church was never dedicated. Their pastors have been Elders A. P. Wil- liams, Joseph White, Wm. C. Ligon, I. T. Williams, W. P. C. Caldwell, Amos Horn, Edward Roth, E. S. Dulin, J. A. Hollis, J. Farmer, C. Whit- ing, G. W. Smith, D. C. Bolton, S. Whiting, A. Barton and Wm. Russell, present pastor. The present membership numbers about 175. The church since its organization has received about 500 members. Trus- tees and deacons, Wm. Lankford and Elijah Gladdish; clerk, Robt. Lank- ford; moderator, Wm. Lankford; treasurer, B. F. Vicars. The Mt. Hebron, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, situated on two acres of northwest qr. of northwest qr., section 22, township 49, range 27, was organized July 11, 1852, by Rev. C. A. Davis. The original mem- bers were Geo. Houx, Eliza A. Houx, Mary A. Houx, Young Ewing, Sam'l T. Whitsett, Absolom Marshall, L. A. Renick, Pruda Ingram, Eveline Woods, Ann Renick, Nancy Powell, Martha Whitsett, Mary Ingram, Mahala Whitsett, Elizabeth Whitsett, Nancy Marshall, Mary E. Marshall, Hezekiah Waterhouse, Lucinda Waterhouse, Chas. L. Ewing, W. A. Ewing, Jas. Wood, Oliver Houx, Pamela M. Lytton, Verlinder Small, Jane S. Renick, John T. Renick, David Ewing, (col.) The first church building was of brick, and was erected in 1851. *This building was burnt down, and another brick one built in 1873. Their pastors have been Rev's. C. A. Davis, W. W. Sudath, J. A. Prather, D. ♦George Houx, Col. Thompson Ewing, Chatham Ewing and William Whitsett, of Lex- ington congregation, originated and carried out the plan of building this church. Mr. Houx was the superintendent and principal aider in the enterprise. The building cost $2,385.14, and the name " Mt. Hebron " was adopted by the congregation. 480 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. M. K. Barnett, Jas. H. Drennan, S. Finis King, L. F. Clemens, present pastor. The present membership is 98. The first house was burned on the 16th of March, 1873, and was rebuilt the same year at a cost of about $1,000. The walls of the first building were not destroyed. Ruling Elders, Wm. M. Whitsett, E. M. Harrelson, Hezekiah Waterhouse, Hi C. Ewing, Wm. Houx, Joseph A. Pather, Sam'l Smith; clerk, deacon Jas. Waterhouse; trustees, Sam'l Smith, H. C. Ewing. Since its organiz- ation this congregation has received 267 members, including the original ones, and has lost by death 24. DEEDS OF VIOLENCE. The following is given by Mr. Eli Adams: In the spring of 1841, Mrs. Mary Scott and her son, King B. Scott, were murdered in this township. Mrs. Scott's body was found in the fire in the house. In the spring of 1843, two years afterward, the body of King B. Scott was found in a branch of the Sni. Suspicion rested upon John C. Lester, a son-in-law of Mrs. Scott, and John Horton. Horton was arrested on a charge of passing counterfeit money, was sent to the penitentiary for a term of two years. While there he declared that Lester had committed the murder of the Scotts — mother and son. The governor was petitioned for a reprieve. Horton returned and Lester was arrested and indicted for the murders, but owing to a technicality, the indictment was dismissed. He was again indicted, took a change of venue, to Henry county; was there tried, found guilty, and hung at Clinton, in 1844. Some two or three years before the war, a murder occurred on the farm of Mr. Early, on the line between Lexington and Washington townships. Two negroes secreted themselves behind a gate post, and as Mr. Nance, Mr. Early's overseer, was passing through the gate, the negroes struck him with a club, killing him instantly. This happened about daybreak. The negroes were taken to Lexington, tried regularly, and hung. THE WAR TIME. About June 20, 1864, " Bill " Anderson, with twenty-two or twenty- three men, met a detachment of Captain Burroughs' company of militia, on the farm of Mr. Wm. Whitsett, near Mt. Hebron church; said detach- ment consisting of thirty-seven men and three wagons, of five mules each, being on its way from Lexington to its camp in Washington town- ship with provisions. A short and bloody conflict ensued, in which nine of Burroughs' men were killed outright and four or five mortally wounded, the remainder succeeding in making their escape. The attack was sud- den and the militia were taken at a disadvantage. Only one of Ander- son's men was injured. The bushwhackers shot the mules and burned the wagons. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 481 In 1862 Capt. LeffenwelPs company of militia surrounded a Mr. Suth- erlin and his son, Samuel McMahan and Zenith Redd, on Mr. Sutherlin's place, and a short skirmish took place, in which McMahan, Redd and three or four militia men were killed. Mr. Sutherlin and his son suc- ceeded in making their escape. The latter two had served in the confed- erate army for six months, then engaged in bushwhacking for some time, and finally returned to the confederate service. In September of 1862, " Bill " Anderson, with thirteen men, met four of Col. Henry Neill's men, named: Evan Phillips, Wm. Iddings, Wm. King and Meyers, on the Lexington road east of Big Sni. The bush- whackers took them into Washington township, in the Vicinity of May- view and there shot them. Their remains were found about four weeks after. Biographical Sketches. CLAY TOWNSHIP. MAURICE G. JACOBS, merchant and real estate, P. O. Napoleon. Is a native of Trenton, Grundy county, Missouri, where he lived until eleven years of age, when he moved to Wellington this county. Was educated there and at the St. Louis commercial college. In 1865 he commenced business in Welling- ton, remaining there two years, at the expiration of which he moved to Napoleon, where he is still living engaged in a thriving business. In 1866 he was united in marriage to Miss Ella V. Thorp, daughter of Col. Thorp, of this county. The period of their[wedded happiness was of short duration, the young husband being called upon to mourn the loss of his companion, ere one year had rolled around. October 3, 1871, he was again married to Miss Marie E. Kidd, daughter of A. F. Kidd, of Jack- son county. By this latter union he has had three children, one only now living, born January 20, 1876. Mr. Jacobs is an active, energetic, thrifty business man, who looks sharply after his own interests and at the same time is not unfaithful to public affairs, in which he is quite influential. He is the owner of 1,500 acres of very fine improved farming land in Jack- son, Lafayette and Ray counties. DR. J. W. LIGHTNER, firm of Joseph H. Lightner & J. W. Lightner, M. D., dry goods, groceries, drugs, etc., P. O., Napoleon. Was born at Sibley, Jackson county, Missouri, February 12, 1851. Was reared in this county and attended high school at Greenton, Missouri. Was an assistant teacher in the Howard High school, in Vernon county. He read medicine with L. M. Dixon, M. D., of Walker, Missouri; afterwards attended lectun-s at the Louisville medical college, and graduated in 1876. In the same year he also attended the " Kentucky School of Medicine." In June, of same year, he commencd the practice of medicine at Napoleon. September 19, 1879, he was married to Miss Dora A. Sams, of Carrollton, Kentucky. The doctor is a genial, affable gentleman, held in high estimation by his HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 4&3 fellow citizens, for his profound knowledge of medical science and social qualities. His whole time and attention are required in his large and lucra- tive practice, in the town and surrounding country. HENRY H. WAESTEMEYER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Napoleon. Was born in Warren county, Missouri, September 7, 1842. His parents were natives of Prussia. Was reared and educated in his native county. September 7, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa A. Kallmeyer. They became parents of eight children, six of whom are now living — three sons and three daughters. The eldest, Mary L., was born August 23, 1866. After his marriage he lived in his native county, engaged in general merchandising until 1869, when he moved to Lincoln county, and continued in the same business. In 1S71 he took a stock of goods to Carrollton, Carroll county, where he carried on business for one year, at the expiration of which time he sold out his stock and abandoned the mercantile trade. He then moved to Napoleon, and located on a fine farm of 130 acres, where he now resides, engaged in its cultivation. He also pays consider- able attention to the raising of fine stock, bees, etc. He has a fine frame res- idence with a brick basement, beautifully located on the bank of the Mis- souri river, at a point which commands a fine view of the surrounding country. His farm contains about twenty-five acres of good tirnber, and an orchard of about 175 bearing trees, besides several others not yet arrived at that stage. Mr. Waestemeyer is an industrious, enterprising business man, possessing the unlimited confidence of the community in which he resides, as indexed to a certain extent by his election to the office of justice of the peace for Clay township, in which capacity he is serving with credit to himself and satisfaction to all. STROTHER RENICK, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Napoleon. The subject of this sketch is a native of Barren county, Kentucky; born near Glasgow, January 19,1804. His boyhood was passed in his native county, where he was educated. At the age of sixteen years he came to this state and county, and in 1821 set- tled on the farm upon which he now resides. In 1824 he went to New Mexico, where he spent one } r ear and then returned. In 1829 he took the second trip to New Mexico and spent another year there — trading. He then returned to his farm and built the fine residence which he now occupies, comprised of a large frame building, containing nine comfortable and airy rooms, with wide halls between, and fitted up with all of the appurtenan- ces necessary for comfort and convenience. His place is known far and near, as the "Plum Orchard Farm." It is beautifully located on the divide between Sniabar Creek and the Missouri river; it contains 421 484 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. acres, all under cultivation. He has a fine, large orchard of 1,200 apple trees, and a smaller one of peaches, pears, etc. A fine .grove of locust trees, planted by himself in 1830, ornament the lawn in front of the house. The outhouses, consisting of two barns, a double carriage house, ice-house, etc., are fine specimens of architecture and complete in their appointments. During the past six months he has sold three farms, one of 245 acres, one of ninety-three acres, and one of forty acres, all well improved. Besides the home farm Mr. R. owns six others, all under cultivation, aggregating 800 or 900 acres of land. November 18, 1839, he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca H. Livesay, a native of Greenbriar county, Virginia. Mr. Renick has been a resident of this county for over half a century. He is a man of broad and liberal views, quick to discover the true inward- ness of any enterprise, either public or private, and ready to assist in the active prosecution of any which meets the approbation of his sound and well matured judgment. RICHARD M. CHINN, farmer and stockraiser, P. O. Napoleon. Born in Bourbon county, Ken- tucky, March 28, 1825. His parents were natives of Kentucky also. His early life was passed in his native State, where he received a liberal edu- cation. On the 7th of January, 1858; he was married to Miss Sallie B. Barton. By this union they have had eight children, six of whom are living. Moved to Lafayette county, Missouri, in 1S66, and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 228 acres of excellent land. He occupies a substantial two-story house, containing five rooms, finely located on the watershed between the Sniabar creek and the Missouri river and two miles south of Napoleon. In October, 1873, Mr. Chinn was married for the second time to Mrs. Magdalen Johnson, nee Regan, his first wife died during the previous year. He is a man of strict integrity and high principle, admired by all who know him. DR. EDWARD H. SMITH, physician and surgeon, P. O. Napoleon. Son of Richard Smith; was born in Montreal, Canada, March 16, 1857, where he was raised and educated. After taking an academic course at Montreal College and graduating, he entered the McGill Medical University, established in 1812, where he completed one of the most thorough courses of medical science to be found in the curriculum of any college in the country, receiving his diploma in March, 1881. After graduating, he went to Kansas City and engaged in the practice of medicine. He, however, remained there but a short time going to Napoleon in June of the same year. Having a thorough and complete theoretical knowledge of the " art of healing," the doctor hopes by close application and strict attention to business, to build up a large HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 485 and lucrative practice in the town and surrounding country. Few men have begun life under more favorable auspices — with youth, health and energy on his side, he is sure to succeed. CHARLES E. STONE, merchant and druggist, P. O. Napoleon. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, June 2,1831. His parents died during his infancy. During his minority he was educated in Wilmington, North Carolina, and at the " University of North Carolina," graduating from the latter institution in 1849. During vacations he sailed south on his uncle's ship, in capacity of super cargo, going as far south as Rio Janeiro. He visited the West Indies, Nova Scotia, Central America, and various other places of interest. After graduating he spent 11 years in the northwestern States trading. In I860 he went to San Francisco via. New r York, spending six years in Cali- fornia and Nevada, engaged in mining during the first three years. While in, California he enlisted in the Federal service, company E. 1st California regiment. Was mustered out of service in February 1866, when he returned to this state and located in Ray county, where he led to the mar- riage altar, Miss Willie Thornton, daughter of Dr. Thornton, on the 27th day of March, 1866. While living in Ray county he was engaged in teaching school. In 1874 he moved to Jackson county, where he lived for one year engaged in the manufacture of tobacco, having built a fac- tory for that purpose at Lone Jack. In 1876 he came to Napoleon, this county, where he is engaged in the drug and general merchandise busi- ness. Mr. Stone has a family of six children, three sons and three daugh- ters. THOMAS B. FISHBACK, merchant, P. O. Napoleon. The subject of this sketch is the son of F. L. Fishback, and the youngest of nine children ; born in Lafayette county, October 18, 1861. Was reared on his father's farm, located four miles south of Napoleon. Attended the public schools, at intervals; deriving his education, principally, however, through his own unaided efforts. In 1881, February 27, he was united in the bonds of wedlock, to Miss Eliza- beth Hudnall, daughter of R. A. Hudnall. Having previously established himself in the mercantile business, at Napoleon, Mr. F. commences life with flattering prospects. Having vouth, health, energy, and good pratical judgment; aided and assisted by the wise couasel and co-operation of an estimable wife; both promising the esteem and confidence of all who know them, there is no reason why the happy couple should not pass their lives in peace and prosperity. 480 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ROBERT A. HUDNALL, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O., Napoleon. The subject of the following is the son of Jabez Hudnall; born in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, Decem- ber 6, 1834. Lived there until 1849, when he went to Bedford county, and engaged in clerking for different parties until 1852. The first year, he received for compensation, the munificent sum of $11, and his clothes; the second year, $24; the third year, $50, and the fourth year, $100. Verily, money was scarce — with him. In 1852, he made a loan of $250, with which he entered into partnership with two other men, in a business in which they were experienced and he was not. At the end of a year and a half, he had the experience, and they the money. This unfortunate transaction left him $250 in debt. In 1855, he went back to one of his former employees, and engaged with him again, at the old salary of $100 per year. In 1857, he came to this state locating in Jackson county, having, at the time he arrived, only twenty-five cents in his pocket. He engaged in his old occupation — that of clerking — which he fol- lowed until 1861, when he commenced business for himself, at Napo- leon. He had but little money, but had good credit. He purchased hemp, but, on account of the war, was not allowed to ship it with- out a permit. He, however, succeeded in shipping a cargo, upon which he realized the snug little profit of $5,500. Continued in this business, with a moderate degree of success, until the 31st of July, I860, when the federals set fire to his warehouse, which, with its contents, was entirely consumed, leaving him. not only penniless, but $700 in debt. Nothing daunted, however, he next went to Carroll county, and dealt in hogs; realizing enough by this venture to pay oft' his indebtedness, thereby re-establishing his credit. Furnished with what money he needtd by a St. Louis commission house, he continued in the hemp trade, in which he realized $20,000, in the short space of four months. He then purchased a fourth interest in the steamer "Shreveport/' plying on the Missouri river. This proved to be a "white elephant," which coupled with his losses in gold speculation, left him with only $4,500 in his exchequer. In 1865, he entered into partnership with Capt. John Reiser, and William M. McPher- son, of St. Louis, and purchased a stock of goods to take to Montana. The stock, at Helena, Montana, ccst them $34,200. In twenty days after arriving there, he sold the entire stock for $52,000 in gold. After paying out $16,000, for transporting goods, he sold the remainder, $36,000 in gold, at 40 per cent, premium. In 1866, he started from St. Louis, en route to Fort Benton, with a steamboat load of merchandise. The boat sunk seven miles below Sioux City; he, however, sustaining no loss. In the same year, he went to Montana, where he engaged in trading and freight- ing. In 1868, he went to Bedford county, Virginia, and in 1869, came to HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 487 Lafayette county, Missouri, and purchased the fine farm of 300 acres, upon which he now resides, pleasantly located upon the divide between theSni- abar creek and the Missouri river. His residence and outhouses are models of neatness and convenience. In November, 1861, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Brown, of Jackson county. They have five children living — four daughters and one son. The eldest daughter mar- ried Mr. T. B. Fishback, of Napoleon. The second is attending Central College, of Lexington. Few men, indeed, have experienced the vicissi- tudes of such an eventful life, as that of the subject of the foregoing sketch; who, now surrounded by a loving family, is reaping in comfort the fruits of a life of toil and trial. GEORGE W. GRUBB, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Napoleon. Born, February 2, 1831, in Loudon county, Virginia, where he was raised and educated. In 1852, in company with John W. Conard, (afterwards his brother-in- law), he came to this state and county, and in the following year, returned and was united in marriage, February 23, 1854, to Miss Jane A. Conard. In same year, returned to this county with his bride, and located on the farm where he now resides. Five children were born to them; four now living, viz: Mary Lizzie, Lucelia J, (married R. E. Fishback), Sterling Lee, Alina B. The farm upon which Mr. Grubb is living consists of 221 acres of well improved land, upon which there is a fine orchard, which furnishes plenty of all kinds of fruit. He also devotes some attention to bee culture, cultivating the Italian species, which are thought to be the best adapted to this climate. Has a fine, large, commodious residence and good substantial barns and outhouses, all in good repair. Mr. Grubb is one of the substantial citizens of the county of his adop- tion; the interests of which he guards with a vigilant eye. He also owns considerable land in Johnson county. JOHN G. STROTHMAN, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O., Napoleon. Is a native of Hanover, Ger- many, born May 31, 1811. Was raised and educated in the country of his birth. He immigated to the United States in 1836, landing at Balti- more on the 11th of June. In 1839, he went to Kentucky, and engaged work in a hemp factory. In 1842, he moved to Lafayette county, Mo., locating upon the farm, where he now resides, situated one mile east of Napoleon. It consists of 160 acres, nearly all improved. Has a fine res- idence and all. of the outhouses and appurtenances, necessary to the culti- vation of a stock farm. Has a fine orchard of seventy-five apple trees, and also several pear and peach trees, all bearing. In 1844, he was mar- ried, in St. Louis, to Sophia M. Denter, a native of Prussia. Five child- 488 • HISTORV OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ren are the fruits of this marriage, named as follows: Sophia, (Mrs. Isaac Summers), Louisa, John, James and William; all married. They all live in this vicinity except the eldest. Mr. S. is a steady, industrious, enter- prising citizen, of the kind and quality which go to make up the backbone of the community. STEPHEN GATES, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O., Napoleon. Is a native of Baden, Ger- many, born in 1839. Immigated with his parents to the United States in 1844; locating in Wisconsin, where he grew to manhood and acquired his education. In 1859, he left Wisconsin and went to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he remained until 1865, when he came to this state and county and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 300 acres of fine bottom land, located one and a half miles east of Napoleon ; all but seventy acres is under cultivation. The present year, (1881), he has 140 acres of corn planted, which now give promise of an abundant crop. Along the Missouri river on this farm are some trees of very large growth — monarchs of the forest — one sycamore measuring 18£ feet in circumfer- ence. Walnuts have been cut measuring thirteen and fourteen feet. In 1868, Mr. Gates was united in marriage to Miss Angeline McFarland. Their union is blessed with five daughters. Mr. G. is a thrifty, stirring business man and a model farmer. JOSEPH H. LIGHTNER, firm of Lightner Bros., dry goods, medicines and general merchan- dise, P. O. Napoleon., was born in this state and county, June 8th, 1849, where he has since resided. Was educated, primarily, in this county, and during the years of '68 and '69, he attended Bryant & Stratton's Commer- cial College at Cincinnati. After leaving school, he was engaged in farm- ing up to the year 1880, when he entered the mercantile firm of which he is now a member. He married Miss Anna Handly, Jan. 21st, 1875. They have two daughters, viz.: Florence R., born Oct. 23d, 1878, and Kittie R., born Oct. 27th, 1880. The firm of Lightner Bros, is the leading one of the town of Napoleon Although but recently established, being comprised of men of ability and experience, it has already taken its place in the front rank. JUDGE JOHN A. LOCKHART, blacksmith, P. O. Wellington. The subject of this sketch is a native of Simpson county, Ky., born in 1833. Came to Morgan county, Mo., in 1840, where he remained four years; he then came to Lafayette, county, where he lived for a short time. In 1852 he went to Wellington, where he learned his trade, working with his brother, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 4S9 T. S. Lockhart, who is a fine mechanic. Manufactures plows, deals in agricultural implements, hardware, &c. Makes a plow of his own invention, which has a good reputation, and from the sale of which he realizes a good income. He is the only representative of his trade in Wellington and is doing a lucrative business. Owns a fine resi- dence in the edge of town. In November, 1S80, at the request of his friends, he made a canvass of his district forjudge of District Court and was elected by a handsome majority. He obtained his education under many difficulties, being self educated, to a great extent. Attended night school for some time, even continuing his attendance after his marriage. Was married in 1859, to Miss Mary White, daughter of Luvin White, deceased, formerly of Scott county, Ky. They have five children by this marriage: one son and four daughters. His son is married and assists him in the shop. The Judge is an honored member of the M. E. Church, South. Is also a member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge 81, of Wellington. He is a man of undisputed integrity, eminently worthy, in every respect, of the unbounded confidence placed in him by his fellow citizens. MARTIN SLAUGHTER. Mr. Slaughter, son of Roger and Lucy Slaughter, nee Long, who were born and bred in Virginia, is a native of Orange county, Va.; born Nov. 22, 1812. His education was obtained while living there. In 1837 he went to Scott county, Ky., where he remained until the spring of 1844, when he came to Missouri and settled in Lafayette county, where he has resided, engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was married May 4, 1847, to Miss Lucy R. T. Moore, of Orange county, Va. They have four children living, viz: Mrs. Mary E. Tilden, Arthur O., Philip and Henry. Mrs. Slaughter died in 1852. June 23, 1853, he married Mrs. Beatty, of this county. By this marriage they have one child living, Thomas S. B. Mr. Slaughter's paternal grandfather was a veteran of the revolutionary war. Mr. S. is a member of the Christian church. His Post Office address is Greenton. J. E. WAGONER. The subject of this sketch is a native of Allen county, Ky., and came to Missouri with his parents in 1849, locating in Lafayette county, where, after arriving at manhood's estate, he engaged in farming and merchandising. In 1880 he went to Odessa, where he now resides engaged in the grain trade. Sept. 18, 1877, he was married to Miss L. H. Hobson, of Jackson county. They have one child, Stella M. Mr. Wagoner is a member of the Grange and also of the M. E. Church, south. Is a partner in the firm of Cobb & Wagoner, grain dealers, Post Office, Odessa. 490 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. S. W. CREASEY. The parents of Mr. Creasey were natives of Bedford county, Va., where he was born, bred and educated. Came to Missouri in April, 1853, with his mother, his father having died previous to that time. They settled in Lafayette county, where Mr. C. has since resided, engaged in farming and stock-raising. In 1866 he led Miss Mary R. Renick to the marriage altar, by whom he has one child, viz: Charles R. Their wedded happiness was of short duration, however, Mrs. Crease)' dying May 5, of the following year. Mr. Creasey is a member of the A. F. and A. M., and also a member of the Grange. He is a thorough business man pos- sessing the confidence of all who have business relations with him. G. W. PARKER. The subject of this sketch is a native of Barren county, Ky., born in 1835. His early life was passed there, receiving in the meantime as lib- eral an education as an attendance in the common schools of that day would admit. In 1853, he came to Missouri, and settled on a farm in Lafayette county, where he now resides. Four years of his life was spent traveling in the west. Enlisted in 1861, in Col. Elliott's regiment, in which he served three months. Was engaged in the battle of Lexington. In the fall of 1861, he started south, and was captured near Springfield, Mo., and was held prisoner for thirty days, when he was paroled. In 1867, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Tickle, of Lafayette county. They became parents of four children, viz: Eva, Fannie, Flora and George W.; all now living. Mr. Parker is the son of John and Ann E. Parker, who moved from Virginia to Kentucky, in an early day. His father served in the war of 1812. Mr. Parker's post office address is Odessa. PASCHAL A. GIBBS. Mr. Gibbs, one of the pioneer settlers of Lafayette county, is a native of Bradford county, Virginia; born Nov. 21, 1807. Was there reared and educated. In 1837, he moved to Missouri, and located on a farm near Odessa, in Lafayette county, where he has since been engaged in culti- vating a fine farm, also paying considerable attention to stock raising. He was married, December 12, 1833, to Miss Cassie A. Creasey, a native of Virginia. They have two children, both living, viz: Thomas G. and Mrs. Susanna B. Elliott. Is a member of the State Grange, and also of the Baptist church. Mr. Gibbs came to Missouri in company with his father-in-law, Thomas B. Creasey, who died in 1843. Mrs. Gibbs died, February 18, 1877. The father of Mr. Gibbs served in the war of 1812. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 491 J. K. ADAMS, farmer. P. O. Odessa. Son of Percival and Elizabeth Adams, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, February 22, 1816. His father moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1805. The early life of Mr. Adams was spent on a tarm and in fact, during the greater part of his life has been engaged in same occupation. In 1842, April 27, he was married to Miss Mary J. Havens, of Franklin county, Ohio. They have three children: Frank G., Mrs. Annis F. Baldwin, and Richard H. He came to Odessa in 1879, and for a while was engaged in the grain business. Mr. Adams is a veteran of the Mexican war, having served in the capacity of lieutenant of a company of cavalry. His father was an officer in the war of 1812. Mr. Adams and his wife are both members of the Presbyterian church, (O. S.) JOHN KIRKPATRICK, farmer, P. O. Odessa. The subject of this sketch was born in Jefferson count}', Tennessee, December 23, 1816. He is the son of Jacob and Isa- bel Kirkpatrick, who lived and died in Tennessee. In 1841, he came to Missouri and settled in this county, in Clay township, near where the city of Odessa now stands. He has been a farmer nearly all of his life. Sep- tember 13, 1841, he was united in marriage to a very estimable lady, by whom he has six children. April 10, 1862, the family were called upon lo mourn the loss of wife and mother. May 25, 1865, Mr. Kirkpatrick was again married, leading to the altar Miss Sarah E. Phillips, of Ray county. By this marriage he has three children. In the same year 1865, he was appointed judge of the circuit, in which capacity he served for two years, in a manner satisfactory to all. His father served as a soldier in the Indian wars. JOHN W. McBURNEY, farmer, P. O. Odessa, is a native of Guernsey county, Ohio; born in 1843. His boyhood was spent in Illinois. At the age of 13 his parents moved to Iowa, where they remained until 1865, when they came to Missouri, and settled in this county on a farm. September 4, 1861, he enlisted in the U. S. army, 3d Iowa Cavalry. Was in the battles of Kirksville, Moose's Mill, Helena, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Whitewater, Little Rock, Gun- town, Tupelo, Independence, and Newtonia. Was honorably discharged July 26, 1865. In 1873, January 3d, he was united in marriage to Miss Laura McNeal, of this county. They have three children, Bertha L., Margaret, I., and Nanie W. Mr. McBurney is a member of the A. F. and A. M., and also of the Presbyterian church, (O. S). Mr. B. devotes considerable of his time and attention to the breeding of Norman horses, 492 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. in which laudable enterprise he should have the co-operation of all who desire to see improvement in the stock of the county. C. W. LONG, breeder of Norman horses, P. O. Odessa, is a native of Garrard county, Kentucky, where he was raised and educated. Has been engaged in farming and handling thoroughbred horses all his life. Began breeding Norman stock in McClain county, Illinois. In 1878 he came to Odessa, where he has followed the same business ever since. He now has a five- year-old, iron gray, named Tacheau, bred in McClain county, Illinois, sired by imported Prince Napoleon, dam, Old Isabel, an imported mare. He also has a three-year-old horse, sired same as other, dam, Isabel 2d. Mr. Long, by his enterprise in this line, has done much toward the improvement of the stock in this community, and deserves the commenda- tion of all who delight in fine stock. He has taken premiums on his five- year-old at Indianapolis, Chicago, Farmer's City, Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, Kansas City, Lexington. Mr. L. was married in 1865, to Miss M. J. Pollard, of McClain county, Illinois. They have four children : Leo, Florence, Clara, and Frank Roy. He is a member of I. O. O. F., and also of the Christian church. J. H. BUMGARNER, blacksmith, P. O. Odessa. Is a native of this state and county, born in 1855. His father, A. J. Bumgarner, was a blacksmith and came from Virginia to this county in 1850. J. H. learned his trade of his father and spent the greater portion of his life, up to 1879, at Green ton, engaged in its prosecution. In 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Emison, of this county. Two children were born to them : Claude and Annette. In 1879 Mr. B. came to Odessa and entered the firm of Bum- garner & Ryland, as senior member. They are the leading blacksmiths of the town and have a large trade, from the surrounding country. Mr. B. is a member of the A. F. and A. M. and esteemed and respected by all. A. C. TRACY, trader and grain-dealer, P. O. Odessa. Is a native of Montgomery county, Ky. When quite young he came to Missouri with his parents and settled in Lafayette county, where he has since resided, with the exception of the time spent in the army, engaged in farming and trading. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate service — Col. Gordon's regiment, Shelby's brigade. Was engaged in the following battles: Westport, Mine Creek, Newtonia, Springfield and several other skirmishes, some of which were quite severe. April 1st, 1865, he was taken prisoner and paroled after HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 493 being detained for 30 days. In December, 1867, he was married to Miss Mary Gibbs, of this county. Their union is blessed with four children, as follows: Robert, Carrie, Kemuel and Bertha. In June, 1878, the family circle was broken by the death of the wife and mother, leaving a sorrow- ing family to mourn her loss. Mr. Tracy came to Odessa in 1879, and engaged in his present occupation. He is a member of the Regular Baptist church. He has an irreproachable record as a soldier and stands high in the esteem of the community in which he resides. H. B. TUNSTALL, dry goods, P. O. Odessa. Born in Gallatin county, Ky., in 1849. At the age of 15 he came to this state and county, and engaged as salesman in a dry goods store in Lexington, where he remained for 18 months. He then went to Illinois, where he remained until the year 1866; when he moved to Wellington, and embarked in the mercantile business, which he followed there until 1879. He then came back to this county, and located in Odessa, where he is doing a good business. In 1875, March 5th, he was married to Miss M. L. Ferrell, of this county. They have three children: Katie, Sophia and George. Mr. Tunstall is a member of the I. O. O. F., and also of the C. P. church. His parents, J. V. and Z. Tunstall, were born and bred in Kentucky. His mother died in her native state and his father came to Missouri in 1850. L. C. NICHOLS, physician and surgeon, P. O. Odessa. Born in Georgetown, Scott county, Ky., May 21st, 1844. Was educated at Georgetown College, and also at Jefferson Medical College, in Philadelphia, of which latter institution he is a graduate. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate service, in the 13th Virginia. He shortly afterwards re-enlisted in the 2d Infantry, Ky. He took part in the following engagements, in all of which he conducted him- self as a brave soldier and an honorable gentleman: Bulls Run, Fort Donelson, Murfreesborough, Chicamauga, Corinth, First siege of Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Jackson. Franklin and Nashville. He surrendered near Petersburg, Va. In 1868 he began the practice of his profession at Sparta, Owen County, K}\, where he remained for two years. In 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Lulu Garnett, of Kentucky, who died 1879, leaving two children with him to mourn her loss. They are named as follows: Harry Garnett and Benjamin Garnett. From Owen county the Dr. went to Shelby county, where he practiced for a year, and then moved to Missouri, locating at Mt. Hope, this county. Here he lived until the year 1878, at which time he went to Odessa, where he is now associated with Dr. Fewel, enjoying a large and lucrative practice. Dr. 494 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Nichols received seven severe wounds while in the army, in which he served as private until the last year of the war when he was promoted, for gallant conduct, to the post of 1st Lieut, of the 2d Kentucky Battery. Was twice taken prisoner and held at Camp Morton and Johnson's Island. He has a good record as a soldier and is a rising man in his profession. ROWLAND S. HUGHES, physician and surgeon, P. O., Odessa. Dr. Hughes is a native of this state and county; born Nov. 29, 1840. He is the son of James H. and Matilda Hughes, who came from Logan county, Kentucky, to this county in 1820. The Dr's early life was passed under the parental roof. In 1861, he enlisted in the confederate army, Graves' regiment, in which he served for six months. He then re-enlisted in company I, Shelby's brig- ade, 1st Missouri cavalry. While with this command he participated in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Carthage, Lexington, Prairie Grove, and other skirmishes too numerous to mention. In July, 1864, he was taken prisoner and incarcerated in Camp Morton until the close of the war. He was married July 13, 1869, to Miss Mary Solleder, of Platte county, Mo., by whom he has two children: Winnifred Tracy and Josie. In 1872, he graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, and entered immediately upon the practice of his profession, for which he is eminently fitted. He traveled for a year or two, seeking a good location, practicing in various places for short periods, finally settling in Greenton, this county; became associated with Dr. M. M. Robinson, with whom he remained until the spring of 1881, when he located in Odessa. Although having been there but a comparatively short time, he has succeeded in ingratia- ting himself into the good graces of the citizens of the city and surround- ing country, and already has a good practice, which bids fare to increase largely in the future. Dr. Hughes is a member of the A. F. & A. M. J. W. PRINCE, firm of Prince & Wilkening, hardware, Odessa. Was born in Boone county, Mo., Feb. 5, 1848. At an early age he went with his mother (his father being deceased,) to Johnson county, Mo., and settled in Knob Noster. He was married, March 30, 1870, to Miss Alice Ridgeway, of Boone Co. By this union he has one child: Allie B. In 1871, he went to Aullville and engaged in the hardware trade, where he remained until September, 1880, when he moved to Odessa and formed a co-partnership with Mr. Wilkening in the same business. His first wife dying in 1873, he was again united in marriage to Miss Josie B. Downing, of this county. The nuptials were celebrated, Sept. 20, 1875. Mr. Prince is a man of integ- rity and business tact, and the firm of which he is a member, receives its full share of the public patronage. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 495 JOHN C. COBB, president of Bank of Odessa, P. O., Odessa. The subject of the follow- ing is a native of this state and county; born March 18, 1843. Is the son of A. F. and Louisa Cobb, who came to this county in 1839. His early life was spent on his father's farm, where he lived until the breaking out of the war. In 1868 he was married to Miss Louisa Hobson, of Jackson, by whom he has two children: Dora Lou, and Harry C. In 1879, he came to Odessa and embarked in the grain trade, which he is still following in connection with his banking business. Mr. Cobb is a man of strict integ- rity and close application to business; honorable in his dealings with his fellow-men. Is a leading member of the C. P. church, of which he is a deacon. WILLIAM FLETCHER, lumber dealer, P. O. Odessa. Son of John and Ellen Fletcher; was born in Mason county, Kentucky, in 1813. His parents came to Missouri in 1829, and settled first in Pike county, where they resided until 1835, when they went to Henry county. In 1837 William came to this county and settled about two miles east of Dover, where he and his brother, George, engaged in the manufacture of hemp rope and bagging. In 1845 they had the misfortune to lose their establishment and contents by fire. Wil- liam then went to Waverly and engaged in farming and milling. In the fall of 1879 he came to Odessa and engaged in the lumber business, which has since occupied his attention, and in which, by industry and enterprise, he has succeeded in obtaining a lucrative patronage. In 1832 he was married to Rachel Burroughs, of Pike county, by whom he has three children: Sarah, (Mrs. Warren) Fannie, (Mrs. McCord) and George. Mr. Fletcher is one of the leading business men of the town; enterprising and energetic, possessing qualities which render him an invaluable citizen of any community. He has been identified with the interests of the county for nearly half a century. Owns quite a large property in the county. M. G. WOOD, firm of M. G. Wood & Co., general merchandise, P. O. Odessa. Son of Isaac and Mary Wood; was born Dec. 26, 1847, in this State and county; was raised and educated in the county of his birth. Up to the year 1873 he was engaged in farming. In that year he began merchandising, as salesman at Chapel Hill. In September, 1880, he came to Odessa, and established the firm of which he is now the principal member. He is a young man of talent and good management; qualities which have attracted quite a liberal share of the public patronage. Was married September 3, 496 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNT Y. 1873, to Miss Nannie E. Moore, of Lafayette county. They have three children: Fannie, Ernest H., and Mary A. Mr. Wood is a member, in good standing, of the A. F. & A. M., and also of the C. P. church. DAVID C. BAGGARLY, Jr., firm of Varner & Baggarly, milling and wool-carding, P. O. Odessa. Born January 30, 1830, in Fauquier county, Virginia. Is the son of David C. and Catharine R. Baggarly. His early life was spent in his native county, where he was educated, and learned the trade of milling. At the earlv age of twenty-three, he took charge of a mill, in which capa- city he has been engaged ever since. In 1867, he was united in marriage to Miss S. E. Varner, of this county, by whom he has five children, all living: Blanche, Herbert, Claude, Catharine, and Eugene. In 1873, he migrated to this state and county, and settled at Greenton. He moved from there to Odessa, in 1879, where he, in partnership with Mr. Varner, now owns and operates a mill and wool-carding factory. Mr. B. is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge, esteemed by all of his associates. W. P. JOHNSON, dentist, P. O., Odessa. Is a native of Wheeling, West Virginia; was born March 1, 1845. Was educated at Wheeling. October 1, 1861, he enlisted in the Sixth West Virginia infantry, of C. S. A., under Col. Wil- kerson. He enlisted as private, and when mustered out, June 10, 1865, bore the rank of first lieutenant. Engaged in the battles of Laurel Hill, Winchester, Woodstock, Bulltown, and Rumney. He began the practice of dentistry, at Columbus, Indiana, in 1870. He remained here for six years, and then went to Olney, Illinois, where he resided for one year; going from there to Holder), Missouri, continuing his practice. In 1878, he came to Odessa, where he has since resided, engaged in a lucrative practice of his profession. October 14, 1880, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Varner, of this county, a very intelligent and estimable lady. Dr. Johnson is a member of Knights of Pythias, and a whole-souled, genial gentleman. M. M. ROBINSON, M. D. Dr. Robinson, a prominent physician and farmer of Lafayette county, is a native of Harrison county, Kentucky, and was born July 5, 1824. He came to Missouri in 1834, with his parents, and settled in Boone county ^ Obtained his education at the State University, at Columbia, and also graduated from (he medical department of the Transylvania University.^ In 1848, he came to Lafayette county, where he has since lived, engaged in farming and practicing medicine. April 27, 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary J. Bates, of Lafayette county, by whom he has HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 497 had nine children, four now living. His wife died in 1863, and during the following year he led Miss Mattie A. V. Gibbs, to the marriage altar. By this marriage they have eight children. The doctor is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and also of the M. E. Church, South. Post-office Green- ton. A. W. STEVENS. Mr. Stevens was born in Bedford county, Virginia, where he was raised and educated. In 1868, he came to Missouri, and settled in Lafayette county, where he was engaged in farming, until 1879 (with the exception of the time spent in the army), when he moved to Odessa. In 1861, he enlisted in the confederate army, under "Stonewall" Jackson. Served through the entire war. Was wounded three times, and taken prisoner once. Was engaged in the battles of Richmond, Wilderness, Chancel- lorsville, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Sharpsburg, and Gettysburg. Was with Gen. Lee when he surrendered. Mr. Stevens was elected a member of the town board of Odessa, in April, 1880. In 1873, he was married to Miss Carrie Gibbs, of Lafayette county. Two children were born to them, viz: Wade and Lena. Mr. S. is a member of the Christian Church. Post-office, Odessa. ELDER W. R. CUNNINGHAM, P. O. Bates City, Missouri; is a native of the famous Blue Grass Region, Kentucky, where he was born April 14, 1834, in Bourbon county, and where his father was a prominent grazier. At an early age he developed a taste for study, and determined to prepare himself for the legal profes- sion. In 1857 he was appointed assistant U. S. collector, at Olympia, Washington Territory, under Hon. S. Garfield. Under Mr. Garfield's guidance he continued to pursue his legal studies. In 1858 he resigned his position and entered Bethany college, where he became at once prom- inent as a debater in the college literary societies, and himself organized the Delta tan Delta, a Greek literary society. In December, 1860, he left college and began teaching. In 1861, when the Provisional govern- ment of Kentucky was established by the confederate army, he was appointed under Gov. Johnston, revenue commissioner of the state. He was twice wounded, and captured at Buffington Island July, 1863, and held as prisoner at Columbus, Ohio and Fort Delaware, until April, 1864. January 4, 1865, he was married to Miss Rebecca W. James, daughter of Judge Geo. James, of Zanesville, Ohio, by whom he has three children living: Alice, William R., and Lillie C. His wife is a descendant of the Abbotts, of Newburyport, Massachusetts. Her sister married John, son of Geo. Bancroft, the famous historian. From 1S64 to 1870, he was engaged in farming in Kentucky and Missouri, and in May, 1870, he entered the Christian ministry, in which he is now engaged. 498 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. THEODORE BATES, P. O. Bates City, Missouri; was born in Lauscha, by Coburg, Sax Mein- ingen, Germany, July 9, 18 14, where he was reared and educated, and first married in 1836. Soon after his marriage, May, 1836, he came to this country, landing in Philadelphia. His wife died the next year, 1837. He spent several years in New Jersey, and then moved to Missouri, settling in Gasconade county, where he opened a woodyard on island No. 61, and continued until 1851, farming, trading, and furnishing wood to the steam- boats on the Missouri river. He then moved to Franklin county, and then in 1867 moved to this county, bringing with him over one hundred thousand dollars, which he had made since he reached this country. He settled in Clay township on a fine farm, and began the raising and hand- ling of thoroughbred Short Horn cattle. December 31, 1840, he was married the second time, to Mrs. Nancy Matthews, of Warren county, Missouri, by whom he has eight children. Besides several hundred acres given his married children, he has now 1000 acres in his home farm, and is a clear-headed, public spirited, and sagacious citizen. CHARLES R. SHAWHAN, P. O. Bates City, Missouri, was born in 1829, in Bourbon county, Ken- tucky, where he was raised and educated, and where he resided until 1865, when he came to Missouri and settled in Jackson county. He farmed in Jackson until 1871, and then purchased the farm of 260 acres in this county, upon which he has since resided. In 1862 he enlisted under Gen. Morgan, in the C. S. A. He was wounded near Burksville, and was at the battle of Hartville, Tennessee, and was with Morgan in his raid through Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio. Discharged in June, 1863, on account of wound. He has lost three wives. He married his present wife, Miss Lucy Ann Williams, of Jackson county, Missouri, February 9, 1869, by whom he has one child living, Julia F.; is a member of Christian church. DAVID R. MITCHELL, P. O. Bates Cit} T , Missouri; was born and raised in Mason county, Ken- tucky. In 1858, he came to Missouri, and settled in this county. In 185£ he went west, and remained until 1865, then returned, and has resided in this county ever since. He engaged in farming until 1879, when he moved to Bates City, and engaged in hotel keeping, where he now is. In 1861, while in Colorado, he enlisted in Capt. Keith's Company, C. S. A., was taken prisoner in 1862, and held to the end of the war. In 1864 he was married to Miss Sue McCormack, of this county. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 499 WESLEY H. ZINK, Post Office Bates City, was born in Bedford county, Penn., coming with his parents when quite young to Illinois, where he lived until 1866. He then came to Missouri and settled in Johnson county and engaged in mer- chandising. From Johnson county he moved to Pettis county, where he engaged in milling at Houstonia. ■ From there in August, 1879, he moved to Bates City, in this county, and engaged in the milling business under the firm of Zink & Brown. In 1880 Brown retired and the firm became the Bates City Milling Company. Mr. Zink was married to Miss Payne Lilly, of Indiana, by whom he has had four children — three of whom are living — James L., Louie and Edward. He is a member of the A. F. and A. M., and is also a member of the I. O. O. F. His wife is a member of the M. E. Church, south. In 1863 he enlisted in the 57th Illi- nois under Gen. Sherman and was in his famous march to the sea, and until the close of the war. Was in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and many others, was wounded, at Shiloh, where he lost a brother. W. A. JACKSON, Post Office Bates City, Mo., is a native Missourian of the firm of C. R. Jackson & Son, and was born in this county. When quite young he went with his parents, C. "R. and Caroline Jackson, to Ray county where he was raised and educated. In 1880 he came to Bates City, in this county, and engaged in merchandising. His father moved to Texas and remained there eighteen months and then moved to Kansas City, where their house, C. R. Jackson & son, is located on the corner of Main and Third streets. They also have a house in Camden, Mo., under the management of A. J. Jackson. The subject of this sketch has charge of the house in Bates City. J. A. HAVENNER, Post Office, Bates City, Mo. Was born in St. Louis county, Mo., and there raised and educated. In 1873 he came to this county and engaged in farming until 1879, when he moved to Bates City and entered into the drug business under the firm style of Smirl & Havenner. Oct. 5, 1870, he was married to Miss Eliza J. Smirl, of Montgomery county, Missouri, by whom he has six children. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. DR. M. W. FLOURNOY, Post Office Bates City, Mo., was born and raised in this county and edu- cated at William Jewell college, Liberty, Mo. In 1877 he graduated at the St. Louis Medical College, and began the practice of medicine in this county. In 1879 he moved to Bates City, where he is now located and where he has a large practice. He is a member of the Baptist church, 500 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. also of A.F. and A. M. He is the son of Gideon and Sallie Flournoy {nee Owens) who came from Kentucky to this county in 1837. They were married in this county in 1840. RICHARD H. BENTON, Post Office Greenton, Mo., was born in Lexington, Ky., about 1842, and at the age of eleven, 1853, came with his parents to this county, and set- tled in Clay township, and he now resides on the farm upon which his father lived before him. His father died in 1873 at the age of seventy- five — he was born and raised in Scott county, Ky. Richard Benton was married Nov, 5, 1874 to Miss Alice Johnson, of this county — and by this union has three children living — Carlton, Hattie and Brenda. In 1861 he joined Capt. Elliott's company in the M. S. G., state service, for six months, and then enlisted under Shelby, C. S. A. Was taken prisoner near Brownsville, Ark., and held 21 months, was exchanged and returned to his command; and was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Lexington, Lone Jack — where he was wounded — Springfield. Mr. Benton is a member of the Christian church. JOSEPH H. CHRISTY, Post Office Greenton, Mo., is the son of Bainbridge and Dulcina Christy, and was born in this county, Oct. 18, 1839. He was raised and educated in this county and has lived here all his life. His parents were from Ken- tucky and came to this county in 1837. He has been occupied in farming and stock-raising, and has a fine farm of 440 acres in the Greenton Valley. He was married to Miss Martha Stapp, Oct. 24, 1866 — granddaughter of Allen Jennings, who came to this county at an early day. They have four children living — Elnora, Alma S., Lucy H. and Joseph Gilbert. In Aug- ust 1861 he enlisted in Capt. Keith's company, M. S. G. and was wounded at the siege of Lexington, Mo., which disabled him for a year. He then went south and enlisted in Bullard's company, Gordon's regiment, Shel- by's command, C. S, A., and was in the battles of Lexington, Cape Gi- rardeau, Helena, Bayou Metre, Little Rock, Mark's Mills, Poison Springs, Newtonia three times, Westport, etc. — surrendered June 12, 1865 at Shreveport. He is a deacon in the C. P. church, and also a member of the Grange. W. Y. C. CAMPBELL, P. O. Bates City, Missouri, is a native of this county, where he was born February 19, 1832; he was also raised and educated in this county, and has lived here all his life, engaged in farming. November 4, 1858, he was married to Miss Martha Gleaves, of this county, and by this union has nine children living. He is the son of Henry and Nancy Campbell, who HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 501 moved from Kentucky to this county in 1820, and settled in Clay town- ship. His father raised a family of twelve children, in this county, and died April 6, 1874, at a very advanced age. FRANCIS T. THORP, P. O. Greenton, Missouri. Was bord in Bedford county, Virginia, Sep- tember 7, 1806, where he was reared and educated. He moved to this county in 1808, and settled in Clay township, where he has ever since resided, engaged in farming. He was married February 2, 1802, to Miss Zerinda G. Price, of Bedford county, Virginia. She died August 8, 1854, leaving three living children: Mrs. Susan E. Beazley, Mrs. Sophia R. Kincaid, and James A. B. He has a splendid farm of 200 acres in the Greenton valley, which is well improved. His father was a soldier of the war of 1812. WM. S. THORPE, P. O. Greenton, Missouri, was born in Bedford county, Virginia, Septem- ber 14, 1814, and was there raised and educated. In 1856, he moved to this county, and settled in Clay township, where he has ever since resided, and pursued the avocation of a farmer. On the 19th of December, 1809, he married Miss Mary C. Johnson, of Murray county, Tennessee, by whom he has two living children, Mrs. T. E. Ingram and E. Theodore. He has been a member of the Methodist Church South, for over forty years. He is also a Mason. JAMES H. HANNAH, P. O. Greenton, Missouri; was born in Jefferson county, Virginia, and there raised and educated. In 1855 he came to Missouri, and settled in Saline county, where he lived several years. During the war he moved to this county, where he has since lived, engaged in farming. In 1861 he enlisted in the southern army, and was in the battles of Coon's Creek, and in all the battles of Price's retreat from the state, and captured near Cane Hill, and kept prisoner a short time. Surrendered at Shreveport. He was married June 0, 1858, to Miss Julia Garnhart, of this county, by which marriage he has seven children living. He is a ruling elder of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. His father died when he was only five years old, and being the eldest of the sons, has had the care of his mother, principally, who is still living. JAMES J. GARVIN, P. O. Bates City. Was born in New York City. When quite young, his parents moved to Baltimore, where he was raised and educated. At the age of nineteen he went to Virginia, and stayed there until 1852, when 502 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. he moved to his county, and has lived here ever since, carpentering and farming. March 9, 1851, he was married to Miss Mary Capper, of Fred- erick County, Va., by whom he has had eleven children, eight of whom are living — Theodore W., Robinson M., Sarah J., Edgar L., Elizabeth A., Florence, Hattie A., and Michael H. Mr. Garvin is a member of the C. P. church. His father came to this county in 1849, and continued here until his death, which occurred near Greenton. J. A. LAUGHLIN, P. O. Odessa, Mo. Was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, where he was raised and educated, until 1866 ; he then moved to this county, where he has since lived and farmed. He was married in the fall of 1868 to Miss Laura Thorp, of Iowa, by whom he has had six children, four of whom are living — Claude, Blanche, Alva, and one not yet named. He is the son of Jonathan and Flora Laughlin, who were natives of Tennessee. They came to this county in 1866, and remained here until Mr. Laughlin died. Mrs. Laughlin is still living. SAMUEL NULL, P. O. Odessa, Mo. Mr. Null was born in Carroll County, Md., where he was reared, educated, and resided until 1866, when he came to this county, and has lived here since, engaged in farming. For several years past, he has retired, and his two sons, Oliver and Ephraim, have had charge of the farm. He was married to Miss Hess, of Maryland, by whom he has had eleven children, eight of them living. His wife died in March, 1880. He has a fine farm of 360 acres in the Greenton Valley. Oliver C. Null was married October 9, 1879, to Miss EmmaKreutz, of this county. She died April 15, 1881. HENRY A. CAMPBELL, P. O. Greenton, Mo. Is a native Missourian, and was born in this county in 1826. He has lived and farmed in this county all his life. He is a son of Henry and Nancy Campbell, who came to this county from Logan County, Ky., in the fall of 1823, and settled in Clay township, where he lived until his death, May 3, 1873, at an advanced age. He had accumu- lated a large estate — having continued to enter land for several years after he came to the county. In 1844 he was married to Miss Margaret Car- lyle, of , this county, by whom he has seven children living. He is a mem- ber of the C. P. church. He served 5 months in the Southern army, but had to discontinue the service on account of sickness. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 503 CHARLES N. BEALE, P. O. Odessa, Mo. Was born in Pocahontas County, now West Vir- ginia, in 1832. In 1843 he came with his parents to this county, where he has since resided, engaged in farming. He owns a fine body of land; and before the war, was one of the largest hemp growers in the county. In 1870 he was married to Miss Jennie Lee, of this county, and by that union has one child living — Arthur Lee. He joined the Southern army, and served two months, when he had to abandon the service on account of ill health. His father, a native of Virginia, died in this county in December, 1878, at the age of seventy-seven. JUDGE WALKER R. TEBBS, P. O. Odessa, Mo. Was born in Mason County, Ky., in 1818, and was there raised and educated. In 1843 he moved to this county, where he has since resided, pursuing his vocation of farming. He is the son of James and Elizabeth Tebbs, who moved from Kentucky to this county in 1844. In 1842 he was married to Miss Mary Chinn, of Kentucky, by whom he has three children living — Thomas C, Anna R., and John J. His wife died in August, 1858. In 1863 he was appointed county judge by Gov. Gamble, and in 1871 was appointed by Gov. Brown to the same office, to fill an unexpired term. His father served in the war of 1812, and his maternal grandfather was a revolutionary soldier. Both his father and himself were among the leading hemp-growers of this county before the war, owning a large number of slaves. His father was born in 1789, and died October, 1878; and at his death was the oldest member of the Christian church in the United States, having been one of the very first members of that church when it was first organized in Kentucky. JAMES A. EMISON, P. O., Wellington, Mo., was born and raised in Scott county, Kentucky, and is a son of Benj. Emison, who came to this county and settled in Clay township in 1850, where he has since resided, engaged in farming and handling all kinds of stock. In 1851, Mr. Emison, was married to Miss Robina Triplett, of Kentucky, by whom he has three children. His wife died in 1860. In 1861 he married again, Miss Mary Stone of this county being his second wife, by whom he has one child. He is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Grange. He is a member of the Christian church. His grand father was a revolutionary soldier. He is of Scotch- Irish descent. His father was born in Scott county, Ky., in 1801, and is yet a hale hearty old man, and now lives with him. 504 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. THOMAS V. FOSTER, P. O., Bates City, Mo. Is a native of Franklin county, Ky., where he was born in 1844. He came with his parents to Missouri at the age of seven, and settled in Saline county, where he lived until 1859, and then, with his father, moved to this county. He has lived in this county since, except few years spent in Carroll county, Mo., one year in Kentucky, and two years in California. He owns a fine farm of 120 acres on Texas Prairie well improved, and with abundance of coal and well watered. He was married in 1871, to Miss Annie Duncan, of this county. They have three children: Alta A., Ada, J. E., and Tilden E. Both he and his wife are members of the Christian church. His father died in this county in 1877 ALFRED KING, P. O., Bates City, Mo. Was born in this county and this township in 1831, where he was raised, educated, and has lived all his life, engaged in farming and raising stock. He has a capital farm of 368 acres on Texas Prairie. He and a neighbor built the first two-story houses on Texas Prairie. In 1858, he was married to Miss N. W. Campbell, of this county by whom he has had seven children, six of whom are living: Henry E. Ethelbert, Jarvis W., Ella, Aaron G. and Ettie E. In 1862 he enlisted ir the C. S. A. under Gen. Shelbv, and continued with him until the end and surrendered at Shreveport, in 1865, and was in the battles of New- tonia, Cane Hill, Hartsville, Helena, Marks' Mills, Ft. Scott, Duvall Bluffs, etc. He is a member of the C. P. church. He is the son of Ephraim King, of Logan county, Ky., who came to this county in 1828, and settled on the farm upon which he lived to his death in 1868. Mr. King is an energetic and thrifty farmer, and has done much in developing his part of the county. • ALFRED F. NULL, P. O., Odessa, Mo. Was born and raised in Carroll county, Maryland, from whence he came to this county in 1866 with his parents, and has resided here since, except two years which he spent in Texas, railroading. He has a good farm of eighty acres. In the spring of 1874, he was mar- ried to Miss Virginia West, of this county, and to this union were born four children, three of whom are living: Walter Lee, Price A., and Floy May. He served two years in the U. S. army. He was taken prisoner in the Shenandoah Valley, but was soon after released on parole. He was in the battle of Frederick City, Maryland, Manoksie Junction, Adams- town, Leesburg, Snickersville, and Point of Rocks. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 505 BENJ. P. PORTER, P. O., Wellington, Mo. Was born in Campbell county, Va., Dec. 14, 1811, where he was raised and educated. In 1835, he came to this county, where he has since resided, except two years spent in Carroll county, engaged in farming and carpentering. His parents, Benj. and Martha Porter, were both natives of Virginia. He was married in 1840, to Miss Ann E. Price, daughter of Judge Nathaniel Price, who came from Bed- ford county, Va., in 1838. By this union, he has had eleven children, seven of whom are now living. He and his wife are members of the M. E. church south. He had three sons in the confederate service, and lost two of them. Previous to the war he was captain of the state militia. WILLIAM LAUDERDALE, P. O., Wellington, Mo. Was born in Sumner county, Tenn., in 1818. His parents, Josiah and Thankful Lauderdale, came to Missouri in 1835, and settled in this county where they have since resided. He has been engaged in farming, and has a iarm of 360 acres on the edge of Texas Prairie. His parents died in this county. He was married in 1846, to Miss Sophia T. Cobbs, of this county, formerly of Tenn., by whom he has had six children, three of them now living; Mrs. Mary Russell, Josiah and Thomas. He and family are members of the C. P. church, of which he is a deacon. JOSEPH HAMMER, P. O., Wellington, Mo. Was born in Rockingham county, Va., and at the age of eleven came with his parents, Henry and Christina Hammer, to Missouri, and settled in Cooper county, and remained there five years. They then came to this county, where he has since been engaged in farm- ing and trading. His father died in this county in 1864, and his mother in 1858. He was married in 1865, to Miss Lutie Mitchell, of this county, by whom he has five children :^E. M., Laura I., Clarence M., Bessie I., and Henry B. He is a member of the Methodist church south; has a fine farm of 200 acres. H. D. KITE, P. O. Wellington, Missouri. Was born in Page county, Virginia, where he was raised and educated. He is the son of Hiram and Arana Kite, who came to Missouri in 1870, 'and settled in this county. He was mar- ried November 14, 1867, to Miss Emma Strickler, of Virginia, by whom he had seven children, five of them now living: Ida, Willie, Annie, Ella and Ernest. His wife died, July 22, 1881. In 1862, he enlisted in Col. Ashley's regiment, C. S. A. and served two years. He was taken pris- 506 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. oner near the county seat of Page count}', Virginia, and shortly after exchanged. Was in the battles of Harper's Ferry, and the other fights in which his command was engaged. In 1864, he was detailed to the quarter master's department, where he served to the close of the war. DR. D. K. MURPHY, P. O. Greenton, Missouri. Was born in Davidson county, N. C, where he was raised and educated. In 1S51, he came to Missouri and settled in this county, where he has since lived, save five years in Vernon county, and one year in Boonville. He is a graduate of the St. Louis Medical college. He began the practice of medicine in 1856, in this county. In 1876, he moved to Greenton, where he has since resided. In 1854, he was married to Miss F. C. Leach of this county, and has seven children only one of whom is now living: Nellie A. He is a member of the Meth- odist church south. He is now post master in Greenton, has the only store in the place, and also practices his profession. LAFAYETTE BURTON, P. O. Greenton, Missouri. Was born in this county, and here raised and educated, and has made it his home. He has been running on the river most of his life, as pilot and captain. He now owns a fine farm in Green- ton valley, where he resides, and devotes his time to farming and raising stock. His father Jesse Burton came to this county in 1838, and lived here until his death. He was married in 1869, to Miss Jennie Price, of this county, and has two children, Jesse K. and Lizzie. His wife died August 27, 1876. He married again October 20, 188U, to Miss Blanchie Chinn, also ot this county, and has one child, Vinie R. He is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Grange. W. M. REAM, P. O. Bates City, Missouri. Was born and raised, and educated in Perry county, Ohio, where he was engaged in banking and farming. In 1878, he went to Texas, and engaged in the business of sheep raising, and in the fall of 1880, moved to this county, where he now resides. In 1859 he was married to Miss Mary C. Axline, of Ohio, formerly of Virginia, by whom he had five children, two of whom are living: M. Maud and R. King. He was four months in the United States service under Gen. Sie- gel. He is an enterprising and public spirited citizen; has a valuable farm of 160 acres near Bates City, and has some fine stock. R. C. GILLESPIE, P. O. Bates City, Missouri. Was born in 1834, in this count}', and here raised and educated. His parents, George and Sarah Gillespie moved HISTORY OP LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 507 from Sumner county, Tenn., to this county in the fall of 1833, and lived here the balance of their lives. Mr. R. C. Gillespie has lived here all his life, engaged in farming, except two or three years spent in the far west. On the 23d of January, 1861, he was married to Miss Emma Handley, of this county, by whom he has had nine children, seven of them now living. In the fall of 1864, he joined the confederate army under Gen. Price, and remained to the surrender. He is a ruling elder in the C. P. church. THOMAS B. WALRAVEN, P. O., Napoleon, Mo. Was born in Jefferson county, Virginia, where he was raised and educated. In 1857 he came to Missouri and settled in this county where he has since lived (except two years in Ray county), engaged in milling and farming. In 1859 he married Miss Catherine Worley, of this county, by whom he has one child, Ida May, living. In 1861 his first wife died, and in 1864 he married Miss Marion Shad well, of this county, by whom he had seven children, six of them now living: Wm. E., John M., Hattie E., Thomas B., Frank and Catherine L. He and his last wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. JAMES L. KINKEAD, P. O. Wellington, Mo. Was born in Woodford county, Kentucky, and at four years of age moved with his parents to Missouri, and settled in this county, where he has lived ever since, engaged in farming. On the 23d of December, 1874, he was married to Miss S. R. Thorp, of this county, by whom he has two children: James and Charles living. He has 93 acres of fine farming land on Texas Prairie. JOHN W. CASH, P. O., Wellington, Mo. Was born and raised and educated in Caldwell county, Kentucky, from whence he moved to Missouri in 1857, and set- tled in this county, where he has since resided, engaged in farming. June 1, 1856, he was married to Miss Virgilia Musgrove of this county, by whom he has three children living. His wife died, November, 1864. In 1865 he married Miss Bettie Musgrove, by whom he has two children liv- ing. His second wife died in March, 1867. In July, 1868, he married his third wife, Miss Bettie Parhan, of this county, by whom he has three children. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. B. F. HAMMER, P. O. Wellington, Missouri. Was born in Rockingham county, Virginia. At the age of thirteen he came with his parents to Missouri, and settled in Cooper county, where they lived until 1848. They then moved to this 508 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. county, where he has since lived, engaged in farming. In 1861 he enlisted in the statt service for six months under Gen. Price. On account of ill health remained at home until 1864, when he enlisted in the confed- erate army, and continued to the surrender. Was in the battles of Lex- ington, West Port, Big Blue, Newtonia and others. In 1862 he was mar- ried to Miss Lizzie A. Stapp, of this county, by whom he has two chil- dren, living: Florence A. and Dora M. He is a member of the Meth- odist church, south, and his wife of the C. P. church. He was a member of the Taxpayers' convention for over a year. LEWIS N. SANDERS, P. O. Bates City, Mo. Was born November 16, 1800, in Bullard county, Kentucky. Moved to Missouri in March, 1851, and settled in this county where he has since resided, engaged in plastering and in farming. In December, 1831, he was married to Miss Jane G. Hansbrough, of Ken- tucky, by whom he has one child, Theodore, living. His wife died in 1842. By his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Bayne, of Kentucky, he has two children living: Robert J. and John L. Both he and wife are mem- bers of the Baptist church, of which he has been a member since 1825, His parents were natives of Virginia. C. G. FORD, P. O. Greenton, Mo. Son of John R. and Caroline Ford. Was born in Boyle county, Kentucky. At the age of thirteen, he moved with his parents to Pettis county, Missouri, where they lived until the close of the war, and then moved to this county, and have lived here ever since. Ir October, 1870, he was married to Miss Sallie Beatty, of this county, for- merly of Mason county, Ky. In 1861 he enlisted in 2d Missouri cavalry, C S. A., and served four years, surrendering at Columbus, Mississippi, 1865 Was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Iuka, Corinth, Farmington and man) others. He is a member of the Christian church and also of the grange Has a splendid farm of 260 acres in Greenton Valley. WILLIAM THOMAS, P. O. Napoleon, Mo. A native Missourian, was born in this county ir 1830, where he was raised, educated, and has spent his life, except aboui seven years spent in California and Oregon. His parents, W. W. anc Hannah Thomas, came from Tennessee to this county in 1829, and con- tinued to live here until they died. In August, 1859, he was married tc Miss Cerelia Chapman, of this county — by whom he has nine children all living — John W., Flora E., James W., Joseph S., Estella G., Arthur C. Henry H., Franklin L. and Clara L. He has a fine farm of 200 acres or Texas Prairie and has been farming all his life. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 509 THOMAS T. COBBS, P. O. Napoleon, Mo. Was born in Bedford county, Tenn., in 1829. The year after his birth, 1830, his parents, Thomas and Elizabeth Cobbs, moved to Missouri, and settled in this county, living in Lexington five years. They then moved to Clay township, on the Big Sni, where they lived and died — his father dying Dec. 10, 1817, and his mother in May, 1858. His father built the first jail in this' county — the first two bridges in the county, and also the first mill of any note. Thos. Cobbs, Jr., was raised and educated in this county, and has lived here all his life. He was married to Miss Catherine Harper, of Kentucky, Feb. 24, 1859 — by whom he has had seven children, five of whom are living— William S., Katie G., Thomas H., Sarah W. and Ethel B. His family belong to the Cumber- land Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder. In 1861 he joined the Confederate army under Gen. Price. Was in the battles of Westport, Big Blue, Newtonia, &c, and surrendered at Shreveport, 1865. His parents were natives of Virginia, and both died members of the C. P. church. DAVIS TOWNSHIP. MRS. LOU ABNEY, P. O. Higginsville, Mo. Daughter of George Ennis, who moved from Kentucky to this state at an early day, and settled in this county near the present site of Higginsville. In 1831 he was married to Miss Rebecca Cole, a native of Tennessee. In 1855 Miss Ennis was united in marriage to B. F. CofTey, and moved to Saline county whei e Mr. Coffey had a large landed interest. They remained in Saline some years and returned to this county. In the war Mr. Coffey was engaged in trading in stock and did not join either army. In December, 1878, while residing in Mar- shall Mr. Coffey was bitten by a rat, from which he died after a short ill- ness. In 1881 his widow, Mrs. Coffey, was married to Mr. L. W. Abney, and in April they moved to Higginsville in this county, where they now live. Mrs. Abney has land interests in both Saline and Lafayette coun- ties. IRA D. ANDERSON, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; son of Abraham Anderson, was born Decem- ber 7, 1816, in Warren county, Kentucky, where he was raised and edu- cated. In 1836, he moved to Missouri and settled in this county, where he entered the farm upon which he now resides. In 1838 he was mar- T 510 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ried to Miss Harriet A. Collins, daughter of Wm. Collins, Sr. By this union they have eight children living: Henry T., Emilv E., Warren V. Joseph H., Wm. S., Leonora L., Egbert, and Henrietta. Three of these are married, and two of them are living in Johnson county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are members of the Christian church. During the war Mr. Anderson remained at home, taking sides as little as possible. Soon after he settled in this county, the Osage Indians made such a demonstration of hostility, that Gov. Boggs called for a thousand men. Among those who answered the call was Mr. Anderson. MOSES ANSON, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; was born December 10, 1S35, in Pike county, Missouri, coming with his parents to this county the next year, 1836, being but a year old. His father settled one mile and a half east of Hig- ginsville, and died there in 1841. Moses remained with his mother on the farm. When fifteen years of age, he moved with his mother to Iowa, and remained four years, and then returned to this county. January 6, 1860, he was married to Miss Frances L. Fitzgerald, by which union he has three children, living: Mary E., Minnie Lee, and John H. Mr. Anson now lives on his home place, which is well improved. H. C. FITZGERALD, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, Feb- ruary 3, 1847, coming to this county with parents in the spring of 1852, and settled near Higginsville, where he was raised and educated. In March, 1875, he was married to Mrs. Mary E. Fitzgerald, his brother's widow, and daughter of W. A. Nutters. By this marriage they have two children living: Walter E., and Slater. Mr. Fitzgerald is now living on his farm. JAMES E. GLADDISH, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; son of Elijah Gladdish, was born in Warren county, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, July 22, 1836, and moved to Mis- souri with his parents in 1841. He continued with his father until 1860, when he went across tine plains, being absent about five months. He then engaged in running a hemp factory in Dresden until 1866. In April, 1863, he was married to Isabella M. Burnell, of Boone county. By this union they have four children living: Edwin B., Sarah C, Charles H., and John G. Mr. Gladdish is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, being a charter member of the third Grange organized in this county, his wife is also a member. He is also a member of A. O. U. W. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 511 FRANCIS M. GRAY, P. O. Higginsville, Mo. Son of the Rev. J. R. Gray, was born Decem- ber 18, 1842, in Marion County, Mo., and in 1846 he moved with his par- ents to Independence, Jackson County, staid there several years, when they all returned to Kentucky, and remained there until 1859. The}- then returned to Missouri and settled in this county, and lived here until the close of the war. Then he again went to Ktntucky, and staid until 1872, when he came back to this county and settled on the old homestead, where he now lives. When the war broke out, he enlisted in the State Guard under Gov. Jackson's call for troops. He then joined the confederate serv- ice, in which he continued to the close. Was in a great number of bat- tles. September 3d, 1872, he married Miss Martha Ellen Gray, and by this union has two children living — Catherine F., and Letitia F. Mrs. Gray is a member of the O. S. Presbyterian church. W. R. JACKSON, P. O. Higginsville, Mo. Son of Cyrus W. Jackson, and was born in this county April 22, 1853. He was raised on a farm until his sixteenth year, when he took charge of his uncle's farm, where he remained for a time, and then went on a trading expedition to Texas. In 1873 he returned to this county, and went into the drug business. In the winter of 1873 he was married to Miss Lettie B. Keller, and has three children, tu o boys and one girl, Bessie E., born October, 1»74; Roy Berry, born July, 1877; Hulet M., born December, 1879. After his marriage he spent some time on a farm in Carroll County. In the spring of 1875 he returned to Lafayette County, and engaged in farming one year. He then moved to Aullville, and was appointed constable of Freedom township, and con- tinued in that capacity until 1878. He then entered the drug and grocery business at Aullville, in which he continued until 1880, dealing also in dry goods, and trading in grain. In the spring of 1880 he moved to Higgins- ville and engaged in the grocery business, but soon after traded his stock of groceries for a livery stable and outfit, in which business he is now engaged. TAMES C.JENNINGS, P. O. Higginsville, Mo. Was born in this county February 12, 1820, where he was raised and educated, and has lived all his life, mostly engaged in farming. In 1842 he was married to Miss Nancy P. Rose, having by this union eight children living — Chas. T., Mary E., Rosa A., Wm. H., Lockey J., Ida B., John D., and Frank C. Mr. and Mrs. Jen- nings are both members of the Baptist church. 512 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. HENRY DILLON MILLS, P. O. Aullville, Mo. Is the youngest son of William and Elizabeth Mills, nee Dillon. His father, Wm. Mills, of Craddoxtown, County Kildare, Ire- land, was a barister at law and Justice of the peace. His mother being a daughter of Sir John Dillon, of Ireland, a direct descendant of the earls of Roscommon, and was also a free baron of the Holy Roman Empire conferred upon him and his descendants in 1782 by Joseph I, of Germany, this making Henry a baron of the empire. Henry completed his studies under Richard Edgeworth, of Edgeworthtown, Ireland. He was born December 4, 1S13. At the completion of his education, he entered a solicitor's office, where he studied law until he was licensed to practice. He then settled in Dublin, and practiced there. February 14, 1844, he was married to Miss Emily Preston, daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Preston, of Ireland. By this union they have eight children living, Arthur, Nathaniel, Henry, Frank, John, Fannie (wife of M. M. Gladdish), Emily, and Alice. Mr. M. is one of the patrons of Husbandry. Both he and his wife are members of the Episcopal church. In 1867 with his family he came to this country, and spent one winter in St. Louis. In 1868 he moved to this county, and purchased the farm on which he now resides. WILLIAM H. PETERS, P. O. Higginsville, Mo. Is the eldest son of Isaac and Caroline Peters Isaac Peters was born October 17, 1812, and died en route for California May 6, 1849, and was a native of Augusta County, Va. Mrs. Peters was born September, 1823, at Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Va. They came to Missouri in 1841 and settled in Lexington, where they were mar- ried April 16, 1846. The subject of this sketch was born in Lexington March 16, 1847. In 1862 he moved to Liberty, Clay County, Mo., where he learned the business of photographing. In 1861: he joined Shelby's command, and was attached to Capt. Dick Collins' battery, where he served until the war closed. He then went to Liberty, Clay County, and remained there until 1872, when he returned to this county. In the fall of 1878 he moved to and settled in Higginsville, where he is now located, in the business of photography. He is unmarried; his mother lives with him. ISAAC REED, P. O. Higginsville. Son of Joseph P. Reed; was born May 10, 1848, in Clinton county, Ohio, where he was raised and educated. In 1866 he came with his parents to Missouri ,and the year after, he settled in this county. In 1871 he was married to Miss Matha E. Walters of Warrens- burg, Missouri, by whom he had one child, William. January 8, 1881, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 513 (his wife having died) he was married to Miss L. J. Jennings, of this county. Mr. R. is associated with his brother, Adam, in the livery bus- iness. They also do a general traffic in stock of all kinds, also in vehicles of all kinds. SAMUEL L. SMITH, P. O. Aullville. Is the eldest son of Lewis Smith, who was born in Hamp- shire county, Virginia, May 20, 1795, where he remained until after the war between the sections. The subject of this sketch, when he arrived at the age of twenty-one years, left his father, and went to work for himself. In November, 1853, he was married to Miss Lavinia McCanley, and by this union has four children living: Walter H„ Edward O., (Gustavus A. now dead) Jonn L., and Mattie S. In 1862 he enlisted in the confederate army under General Cockrell, then under General Shelby. He was in all the principal engagements of General Shelby until 1864. In 1864, he with twelve others, was captured. He was taken to St. Louis, then to Alton until February 1865, when he was exchanged and sent to Rich- mond. There he went to work in the office of the exchange commis- sioner. Starting to rejoin General Shelby, he heard of the surrender at Atlanta, Georgia, and made his way home, and after a long and tedious trip, he reached this county and rejoined his family May 23, 1S65. He found himself broken in fortune, but went to work like a man, and now owns the farm on which he lives, 120 acres in section 3, township 4S, and range 26. DANIEL SNIDER, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, June 23, 1825, where he was raised and educated. In 1668 he moved to Missouri, and first settled in Caroll county, where he lived two years. He then moved over to this county, and settled near Higginsville. February 17, 1818, he was married to Elizabeth Gollady, of Augusta county, Virginia, and by this marriage has four living children: John A., Ida, Newton E., and Mary E. . Mrs. Snider is a member of the Old School Presbyterian church. John and Ida are members of the Patrons of Husbandry, belong- ing to Davis Creek Grange No. 155. John Snider, father of Daniel, was born February 22, 1796, and his mother was born April 5, 1802. PETER THOMAS, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Baden, Germany, May 1, 1S25, where he lived until the year 1819, and then came to this country, landing in New York on July 3d. He traveled through several of the northern States, staying for a time in each, consuming six years in this way, and finally settled at Dover, in this county, where he continued 514 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. engaged in the mercantile and hotel business until 1878, when he moved to Higginsville, and built a large brick hotel near the C. &. A. depot. In 1865 he was married to Miss Sophia Schoop, of Lexington. They have four children, three sons and one daughter. Mrs. Thomas died October 26, 1868, and June 20, 1872, Mr. Thomas married the second time — to Miss E. Burgess. In 1879 he purchased the farm of 229 acres on which he now lives. In the war he was a Union man, but tried to keep neutral; but finding this impossible he joined the militia. Both sides depredated on him and he lost nearly all his personal property. FINCELIUS R. GRAY, born in Harrison county, Kentucky, July 30, 1806. Worked on a farm with his father till November, 1827. Joined the Presbyterian church November 25, 1827. Was taken under care of Ebenezer Presbytery as a candidate for the ministry in April 1831. Was licensed to preach the gos- pel on October 9, 1833, came to Missouri in November/1833, traveled over the country between the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers till January 1834, and there being then in the country, no Presbyterian minister between Lexington and St. Charles, he accepted an invitation to supply the church in Columbia, and continued in that charge until September, 1835, visiting and supplying, as far as paacticable, the several churches in Callaway, Boone, and Howard counties. Married Margaret Ferguson in Franklin, Howard county, August 12, 1835. He spent the following win- ter in Kentucky, returned to Missouri in June, 1836, and spent the sum- mer and fall in Franklin; went to Marion county in December, and sup- plied the Greenfield church for one year. In 1837 he took charge of New Providence and Newark churches, the one located in Marion county, and the other in what is now Knox county. In 1816 he went to Independ- ence, and continued to supply that church until September, 1850; then he went to Kentucky, and remained there, supplying the churches of Ver- sailles and Greer's Creek until March, 1859. Then he returned to Mis- souri, and took charge of the Tabo church, in Lafayette county; this church prospered until the civil war came on, under the effects of which the church was scattered and almost broken up, its membership being reduced from over one hundred to less than twenty. The charge of this church was relinquished in February, 1865; then leaving his family here, he went to Kentucky and did not return until August. When he returned the new constitution was just going into effect, containing an iron-c 7 ad oath y which all ministers of the gospel were required to take. That oath he could not take, and therefore ceased to preach or to exercise any of the functions of a minister until that was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of the United States. During this time he cultivated his little farm and made a support for his family by daily labor as a simple HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 515 farmer. After the oath was set aside he resumed ministerial work, and supplied the two (now little) churches of Tabo and Prairie. After a few years the Prairie church was relinquished. The Tabo congregation hav- ing concluded to pull down their house of worship and remove it to Hig- ginsville, he preached in a school-house in the neighborhood until the church was ready to be occupied; he continued to supply the Higgins- ville church until he was partially paralyzed in 1878. Since then he has been unable to preach or to do other work of a minister of the gospel. He is living on his farm in section 10, township 49, range 26, with his chil- dren. WILLIAM T. SHAMEL, P. O., Aullville, Mo., son of S. M. Shamel. Was born, Sept. 25, 1855, in Forsyth county, N. C. At the age of fourteen years he moved with his parents to Missouri, in the fall of 1869, and located in this county on the farm known as the Judge Downing farm. In 1872, he, with his father, took a lease for five years on H. J. Higgins' farm. In 1876, he left his father, and commenced for himself, on eight)' acres of prime land, which he purchased of S. L. Wilson. He raises corn and deals in cattle, and is a good, hard-working, honest man. HARRISON LUTTRELL, P. O., Aullville, Mo., son of Richard and Polly Luttrell. Was born Feb. 3, 1835, in Clinton county, Ohio, where he was raised and educated. He continued on his father's farm until 1861, when he enlisted in the union army uuder Gen. Sherman, Co., D, 48th Ohio regiment, and was in the army three years. He was wounded once, in the shoulder by a minnie ball, at Arkansas Post; was discharged at Indianapolis, and returned home. On the 26th of October, 1865, he was married to Miss Margaret Smith, of Lafayette county, Ohio. The following spring he moved to Johnson county, Mo., and in 1868, he moved to this county, locating six miles southwest of Aullville, purchasing 160 acres, known as the old Honey Ford farm, on Davis Creek, and has devoted his attention a good deal to raising stock, especially horses. He has five children: Leona M., Bardolia A., Georgia A., Mary K., and Maggie, all living. Both himself and wife, and three of his children are members of the M. E. church. He is a good farmer, good neighbor and a good citizen. GEORGE OSBORN, P. O., Aullville, Mo., second son of John and Rachel Osborn. Was born in Columbia, Boone county, Mo., May 18, 1828. His parents, now dead, were from Kentucky, and came to Boone county as early as 1818. George moved the first time to Davis county, Mo., in 1841, where he 516 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. remained twenty-four years, and then came to this county, September, 1865, settling about two miles northwest of Aullville, where he now lives. In Sept. 1855, he was married to Miss Susan A. Rose, and has ten child- ren living: John F., Charles E., .Lou Bell, R. Lee, F. May, Ruth, Ida Ann, George, Alvin K., and Floyd. Mr. Osborn, has an excellent farm of 280 acres, underlaid by the best class of coal. The neighborhood use limestone rock for building purposes, and his house is built of stone from his own land. He is a member of the Baptist church, and a member of the Grange. His farm is of the first quality of corn and wheat land, and is well improved, with a large variety of fruit. He has twenty-two stands of bees; one half Black, and the other half Italian bees. HON. JAMES W. HARRISON, the subject of the following sketch, son of William W. Harrison, and the youngest of nine children, is a native of Davis township, Lafayette county, Missouri; born March, 1839. Was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. His parents came to Missouri in 1838. They were both natives of Virginia ; his father of Madison county and his mother of Green county. His father died in 1876, at the advanced age of 82 years, and his mother in 1869, aged 69 years. James W. was married, Septem- ber 27, 1860, to Miss Ellen Davis, daughter of Dr. H. C. Davis. Nine children were born to them, seven of whom are now living, viz: Marcel- lus, William, Joseph, Fleet, Leslie R., Comorah and Estella. He now resides in Davis township, engaged in farming and stock-raising, owning a well watered farm of 400 acres of well cultivated land. In 1864, he enlisted in the confederate service, Co., C, Hunter's regiment, which was subsequently consolidated with Gen. Jackman's command. He entered the service as an orderly sergeant, and participated in the battles of Inde- pendence, Blues, Westport, Drywood, and Newtonia. June 16, 1865, he surrendered at Shreveport, being in command of the regiment, his supe- rior officers having resigned their position and gone to Mexico. In 1878, he was elected Justice of the county court, of Lafayette county. At the expiration of his term of two years, his judgment, and ability to fill the office were complimented by his re-election in 1880. Mr. Harrison and wife are members of the Baptist church at Aullville; postoffice, Aullville. DAVID C. SLUSHER. Mr. Slusher is a native of this state and county, born April 7, 1838, upon the farm where he now resides. His father, Roland Slusher, is native of Virginia, and came to Missouri in an early day. During the late war, Mr. S. remained at home, taking care of his own and mother's family. March 26, 1861, he was united in marriage to Rachel Ann Mc- Cormack. Five children were born to them, viz: John H., Roland F., HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 517 Pearla May, Cora, and Catherine. During the war Mr. Slusher's house, was frequented by bushwhackers, and upon one occasion, they attacked a company of federal soldiers, within a short distance of the house, and a young man named Wade Morton was killed. Mr. Slusher and wife are members of the Bapiist church. P. O., Higginsville. WILLIAM W. PRESTON. Mr. Preston was born in Boone county, Mo., Feb. 4, 1836. He is the only son of John R. and Lourana Preston, who lived in Boone county until 1844, when they removed, with the subject of this sketch, to Lafay- ette county, where he was raised and educated, and after reaching man- hood, engaged in farming. In 1861, he enlisted in the confederate ser- vice, serving principally in the Eastern Miss. Department; was engaged in the seige of Vicksburg at the time of its fall. At the close of the war, he returned home and settled on his farm, where he lived until the spring of 1878, when he removed to Higginsville, where he has since resided, engaged in the mercantile trade. Jan. 2, 1879, he was married to Miss Jennie Fulkerson, by which union they have one child, Lourana, who was born, Oct. 17, 1879. Postoffice, Higginsville. REV. SAMUEL T. RUFFNER. Mr. Ruffner, the present pastor of the O. S. Presbyterian Church, at Hig- ginsville, is a native of Kanawha county, West Va., born February 27th, 1836. In 1853 he moved with his parents to Missouri, and located in Lexington, Lafayette county. In 1855 he entered the Masonic College, at Lexington, where he remained for two years, afterwards attending Center College, at Danville, Kentucky, where he graduated with high honors, in 1858. After graduating, he taught school in Lexington, Mo., until the breaking out of the civil war, when he abandoned teaching, and in September, 1861, enlisted in the confederate service, Capt. John Bow- man's company, Col. Elliott's regiment. His first engagement was at Lexington, and his second at Pea Ridge. While at Memphis, Tenn., he was taken sick and sent to the hospital, where he remained until his dis- charge. His health being somewhat improved, he went to Hot Springs, Ark., where he remained until his health was entirely restored. He then associated himself with Capt. Roberts, who was then recruiting, having his headquarters at Tahlequah, Ind. Ter. From these recruits a battery was organized, of which Roberts was elected captain, and Mr. Ruffner, lieutenant. Immediately after the battle of Prairie Grove Capt. Roberts resigned, and Lieut. Ruffner took command, in which capacity he served until the surrender. Capt. Ruffner took part in all the principal engage- ments fought in his department. After the close of the war, he went to Nebraska and taught school for two years. In 1S69 he returned to Mis- 518 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. souri, and began preparing for the ministry. He was licensed in 1872, and ordained in April, 1873. His first charge was the Waverly Pres. church, of which he was pastor for seven years. In November, 1879, he removed to Higginsville and took charge of the Presbyterian church there, of which he is the present pastor. June 13, 1877, he was united to Miss Lucy E. Jackson, of Rappahannock county, Va., by which union they have one child, Mamie, born February 17th, 1878. CARMI W. SHARP. Mr. Sharp is a native of West Virginia, born near Parkersburg, June 27th, 1846. In 1856 he came with his parents to Missouri, and settled in this county, on the farm where he now resides, and engaged in its culti- vation. July 31st, 1870, he was married to Miss Harriet D. Carter, daughter of N. J. Carter, and a native of this county. By this marriage they have five children living: Nathaniel Carter, Sarah, Mary Gray, Lewis Green, and W. Gwinn. His mother, an aged lady in her 75th year, is living with him. She is in full possession of all her faculties, and enjoying good health for a person of her advanced age. Mr. Sharp's home place is a beautiful one, well improved, consisting of 80 acres, upon which is a fine orchard which produces many different varieties of fruit. He owns other farms besides this. His father was foully murdered by three men, who entered his house in February, 1865, and demanded money. Upon being informed that he did not have any, they deliberately shot him through the heart. Mr. Sharp's post-office address is Higgins- ville. WM. HARRISON ROBINETT. Mr. Robinett was born in Marion county, Mo., July 5th, 1832. He is a grandson of Capt. Abraham Bird, who was a member of the first legisla- ture held in the state, and also a grandson of John Robinett, one of the first settlers of Kentucky, and who moved to this state and settled in Boone county, in 1823. William H. lived with his father, Moses F., until he was eighteen years of age, when he entered the mercantile trade upon his own responsibility, which he followed until 1855, when he went to St. Louis and entered a commercial school, from which he graduated in 1856. He then entered the employ of Pomeroy, Benton & Co., one of the largest wholesale dry goods firms in the city of St. Louis, atasalaryof $1,200 per year. After remaining in their employ one year he left them, notwith- standing their offer to increase his salary to $3,000, and engaged as clerk on the steamer Keokuk, but at the earnest solicitation of his family he shortly after abandoned the river and went to Hannibal and engaged in the machine business, which he followed for two years, and then resumed the mercantile trade, in which he remained until the breaking out of the civil HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 519 war. Being desirous that peace should exist between the north and south, he cast his influence in that direction; but when he saw that the war was inevitable, he cast his fortunes with the south, and was one of the first to raise the secession flag in the state, and joined one of the first companies raised commanded by Capt. Hawkins. He was afterwards transferred to the staff of Gen. Green, upon which he served until his health failed him, and he was obliged to leave the service. His health improving he again entered the service, and assisted Col. E. J. Gurley, in raising his regiment of "Partisan Rangers," of which he was appointed adjutant. While on a scouting expedition he was severely wounded, but he remained with his command and returned into camp. He was after- wards promoted to a captaincy for efficient service rendered. After the close of the war he remained in Texas, engaged in raising cotton and also in superintending a machine shop, until 1869. In December, 1865, he was married to Miss Catherine L. Vivion, of Texas. Four children were born to them: Minnie Lee, Ernest V., Walter P. and Roberta. In 1869 he returned to Missouri and settled at Dover, Lafaj^ette county, where he remained until 1877, when he moved to Higginsville, where he has since resided, engaged as a machinist. JAMES J. RAY, farmer, P. O. Higginsville, sonof James H. and Hannah Ray, was born in Livingston county, Kentucky, May 6, 1835. His parents were natives of same state and county; his father being born in 1805 and his mother in 1811. In 1838 his father moved his family to Missouri, locating in Macon county, within ten miles of where Macon City now stands. His father was a follower of Henry Clay, and always voted the whig ticket. He died August 28, 1860, and was followed by his wife nine years later. James J. was married to Miss E.J. Williamson, October 22, 1854, who died after the war. He was again married April 22, 1871, to Miss Nan- nie B. Rutter, of Palmyra, Missouri. They have one child, Daisy, born February 9, 1874. Mr. Ray was one of the first to respond to the call of Gov. Jackson for troops to defend the state of Missouri from invasion without and foes within, enlisting in the state guards for a six months term of service. His experiences during the progress of the war were quite remarkable, and peculiarly interesting, as related by himself in the follow- ing: "After serving out my time of enlistment in the state guards, I returned home to learn of the death of my father, and of my appointment as administrator of his estate. My bondsmen wished me to remain at home and attend to the property, fearing that if I entered the confederate service, the property would be confiscated, and they would consequently suffer. I complied with their request, and engaged in stock trading. While in St. Louis with two car loads of stock, I was obliged to take the 520 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. oath of loyalty to the federal government, before I was allowed to return home. I told no one, except my family, what I had been obliged to do. In August, 1862, Col. Benjamin, in command of a company of federal mil- itia, stationed in my neighborhood, ordered that all southern sympathizers should take the oath of allegiance, and pay a commutation tax of $30, or go into the militia. The most of my neighbors paid the tax, but I did not. I concluded to join the confederates, and went to Gen. Green's at Shelbina, which place we captured after a sharp skirmish. I afterwards joined Porter and participated in the battles of Newark and Kirksville. At the latter place the federals made a charge, which we repulsed, with severe loss to them. The ball was then opened in earnest. Several of my com- pany were killed. A comrade by the name of Rains, who was badly wounded, called out to me not to leave him, and I called to another com- rade, a Mr. Zool, and together we started to carry him from the field. Just as we were ready to put him into a house, a cannon ball took off the head of Mr. Zool. I put the wounded man in the house, and started to find my company, but was captured in the attempt. Thirty-two of us, prisoners, were drawn up in line, that evening, and told that we were to be shot, but after keeping us there until sundown without a drop of water, or anything to eat, they confined us in an upper room until morning. We got nothing to eat or drink until eleven o'clock that day. The next morn- ing one Mr. Chaney, a merchant, came to me and told me that he thought we would all be shot. I gave him $25 and my wife's address, and he sai that if I was killed, he would send her the money. Soon after we were asked by McNeal if we would take the oath of allegiance to the federal gov ernment. We all readily consented and were accordingly sworn, providec with a pass and turned out of the den. I met Mr. Chaney, who returnee my pocket book and money, and said, with tears in his eyes, that he was glad to return me my own. I arranged my toilet as best I could under the circumstances and went to a hotel, where 1 remained three days, assisting in the care of some wounded soldiers, I was so ragged that I was ashamed to go home, but a merchant of the place, presented me with a complete suit of clothes; then I concluded to go home. I do not know the donor's name, but whoever and wherever he is, I pray that he may prosper. I traveled to Macon by stage and started to walk to my mother's place, ten miles out. On the road I overtook an old playmate, John Hunt, a radi- cal, to whom I told my troubles, not thinking to whom I was talking. In less than 24 hours my mother's house was ransacked for me, from cellar to garret, but I was at my own house, eight miles distant. A neighbor piloted the militia there at midnight. I awoke to look into the muzzle of a musket, in the hands of an old school-mate, who ordered me to get up. When the captain came in, he ordered a light and capped his revolver afresh. This alarmed my wife, and she asked him what he was going to HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 521' do with me. He answered her: "It is enough for you to know that we are going to take him out of here d d quick." I then showed him my pass, and after reading it he said: "I am an officer and will respect this, but you will be killed in less than two weeks if you stay here." He then left, with his command. The next Sunday I was called to the door by three men, who presented their pistols at me and bade me follow. They made me mount an old mare, that had a colt following her, and ride at least 15 miles with a sheep-pelt for a seat.. We stopped at Uncle Henry Roberts', on the way, and confiscated his saddle for my use. In a few hours the rest of the company came along, and arrested Uncle Henry, and made him ride to headquarters bare-back. He was not in a praying mood, just then, if he was an elder in the church. I was taken to the old Harris house, where I was kept for several weeks, with about a hundred others. The officers would not respect my pass, and shbrtly after about seventy of us were transferred to the McDowell college military prison at St. Louis, where we were detained for three months. While sitting at the win- doww one day, I threw a kiss at three ladies on the street, who responded by waving their handkerchiefs. They were arrested and put into prison for it. Soon after we were transferred to Alton, and while there the small pox broke out among us. It being very difficult to get nurses for the sick, I volunteered my services. I caught the disease, but having a very light attack, soon recovered. After being imprisoned , there and elsewhere for nine months, I was released under $3,000 bonds, went home, made a sale, and went to Virginia City, Montana, where I remained until the last of September, when I returned home. Finding affairs unsettled as yet, and thinking myself not safe, I concluded to go north. I landed in Omaha and the first letter I received from my wife, I learned that I had not been gone from the house a half hour, before the militia were after me. After an absence of six months, I returned and found evervthing quiet; those who had been the most eager to hunt me down, heretofore, have since seemed my very best friends. Such, are some of my experiences in what I term a rich man's war and a poor man's fight." WILL S. ANDERSON, Higginsville, is the son of Ira D. Anderson, who came from Warren county, Ky., and was one of the first settlers of Lafayette county. The subject of this sketch was born Aug. I,'l852. He remained with his par- ents till 1876, he then took a trip to Kentucky where he remained for a short time and then returned to his father's farm, taking occasional trips through different States. He then went to Higginsville, in July, 1881, and engaged in the livery business. 522 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. FATHER FRANCIS C. CURRAN, Pastor of the Catholic church, Higginsville, was born in the couuty Lei- trim, Ireland, April 21, 1850. His preparatory education was received at Summer Hill college at Athlone; after this he attended St Patrick's College at Carlow, where he received his orders, M?iy 26, 1877. October 26, fol- lowing he reached St. Louis, Mo. Here he was assigned a charge as assistant p.istor for a few months, was then transferred to Kansas City, where he was assistant with Father Donley for three years or more, then was appointed to the St Mary's church at Higginsville. MORDECAI M. GLADDEN, was born in Warren county, Ky., Jan 16, 1838. Moved with his parents to this state in 1841 and located in Lafayette county where he was edu- cated in the common schools. In July, 186 L, he enlisted as a private in Capt. Fred. Neet's company, White's regiment, U. S. volunteers; was surrendered at Lexington. He then enlisted in the E. M. M., and was elected First Lieutenant of the company, but was discharged together with six other former members of White's regiment, by the governor because they were not subject to exchange. In May, 1864, he located in Warrensburg, Johnson county, Mo., and engaged in mercantile business where he re- mained until 1872. He then returned to the farm, Aug. 24, 1874 he was married to Miss M. J. McKee, of Clinton county, Mo. She died in about one year. He again was married to Miss Fannie E. Mills, daughter of Henry D. Mills. HILLORY JOY, farmer; born in Frederick county, Maryland, Aug. 25, 1817. He moved from Maryland to Maysville, Ky, in 1830 where he continued his profes- sion. He married Miss Evaline Norman the same year he came to Maysville. He then moved to Buchanan county, Mo., and remained until 1816, then came to Lafayette county, and located at his present home. By the above marriage he has nine children — Wm. O., Geo. S., Lucy A., Mary, Benjamin, Eugene, Emma, Robert and Luther, all of whom are married save one. Mr. Joy has a nice farm of 180 acres, well im- proved throughout. On this farm he has a bank of coal of the best qual- ity and the vein about eighteen inches thick and can be worked by stripping or mining, and also has several stone quarries upon his farm. JAMES O. HOGAN, farmer; is the oldest son of Alexander C. Hogan, who was born March 1, 1783, near Richmond, Va. The subject of this sketch came to this State with his father in 1839, and located where he now lives, upon land they entered soon after they came to the State. The father of James O. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 523 Hogan is still living at the ripe age of ninety-eight years, and is as active as many a younger person, retaining his mental faculties and dividing his time visiting among his children. James was married April 27, 1853, to Miss Sarah A. Warren. By this marriage they have two living children: Eddie and Jerry. Mrs. Hogan died March, 18, 1857. September 1, 1857, was again married to Miss Euphemia M. Slusher. By this marriage he has four living children— Joanna, Eulalie M., James Henry and Nora Belle. In 1861 he enlisted in Gen. Joe Shel- by's command, and remained with him until he [Shelby] went south, then James joined Capt. Rathbun's company, Gordon's regiment, and was engaged in most of the battles that were fought by those commands; after the war he returned home and settled down to civil life. RICHARD T. CONN. John Maddox Conn, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Ireland, where he was married. On his arrival here he settled in the colony of Virginia, and on the breaking out of the war that revolu- tionized the political status of the colonies, he, like most Irishmen of that period, joined the continental army. He raised quite a family, and became an early settler of Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he and his wife were both buried after long and useful lives. Our subject's father, John M. was eighteen years old when his parents settled in Kentucky. He soon became enlisted in the defense of the settlements against Indians, and the war of 1S12 beginning at this time, he joined the forces raised, and served in one or two expeditions against the Indians of the northwest, and was under the command of Gen. Harrison in his celebrated Indian campaign. He continued to reside in Bourbon county till his death. He became quite a wealthy farmer, and was a gentleman of considerable influence. His wife was formerly a Miss Mary N. Keene, by whom he raised ten children, eight of whom are still living: Dr. Notley, Dr. James V., Mary A., Ethline, Sophia, William, Sarah T. Mr. Conn was born in the ides of March, 1817. He received a liberal education, at Burlington, Boone county, and afterward took a clerkship in a dry goods house in Covington, where he soon rose to a partnership, and where he spent eleven years of his life. His health failing, he sold out his interests, and returned to his native home, and conducted his father's farm for three years. He moved to this county with his family in 1850, and bought the farm now occupied by Mills and Douthett. He bought his present home in 1856, a fine tract of four hundred acres, very handsomely improved, and well supplied with water, from never-failing springs, and fine coal. Mr. Conn is a neat and successful farmer, and has done something as a live-stock dealer. He was married in December, 1845, to Miss S. J. Polk, daughter of Col. Daniel Polk, and a relative of James K. Polk; also of 524 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Trusten Polk, once governor of this state. They have two daughters: Annie V., the wife of S. W. Foder, a wealthy farmer of St. Louis county, and Miss Florence. LILBURN B. JENNINGS, is the son of John D. Jennings, who emigrated from East Tennessee, about the year 1816, and entered land in Dover township, near the town of Dover, where the subject of this sketch was born, April 16, 1825, and lived till the year 1849. His father then moved into Washington town- ship, where they lived for twenty years. During this time Mr. Jennings bought his present home in Davis township, where he now lives. On the 11th day of November, 1844, he was married to Miss Eliza Rose, daughter of John W. Rose, of Kentucky. By this marriage nine children were born: James T., John D., Henry, George W., William, Mary, Martha J., Rich- ard C, and Edward R. Most of his children are married, and settled around him. Mr. Jennings and wife are both members of the Baptist Church. His father died under peculiar circumstances, having attended an election, and, on returning home, went to the field to cut a load of corn, and when driving into his barn with the load, a blade of the corn ran into his ear, destroying the drum of the ear; inflammation set in; he lingered about two weeks, when death came to his relief, and ended his sufferings. PHILIP E. AYERS, farmer, is the son of Thomas H. Ayers, who was born in Virginia; he came from Kentucky to Missouri in 1814, remaining here about two years, when he returned to Kentucky. In 1869, Philip again moved to this state and located where he now lives. On the 8th day of March, 1859, he was married to Miss Addie Brown, of Jefferson county, Ken- tucky. She was the daughter of Hon. James Brown. By this marriage he has four children, living: Annie E., Lula M., Katie B., Ebert E. Mr. Ayers and wife are both members of the M. E. Church. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. He was born December 23, 1836. His farm is underlayed with coal of fine quality, but as yet has not been fully devel- oped. H. H. LUCE, editor of Lafayette County Advance, P. O. Higginsville. The subject of this brief sketch is a native of Wisconsin; born in 1859. His father and mother are natives of Massachusetts and Vermont, respectively. They moved to Wisconsin at an early period. At the breaking out of the Civil War, his father, C. D. Luce, enlisted in the Federal service. Being trans- ferred with his command to Missouri, he was very much pleased with the general appearance of the country and entered land in Andrew county, to HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 525 which he moved his family in 1864. He was a sailor during the early- part of his life, having made three different vovages around the world, while acting in that capacity. The old gentleman died during the same year in which his family moved to this state. The family remained together on the farm -until 1873, when they removed to Savannah, the county seat of Andrew county. Here Homer, the subject of this sketch, was sent to school for a period of four years, after which he began the study of the law. Being in somewhat straitened circumstances, he taught school for two years and also contributed numerous articles to the vari- ous papers of the county, for the purpose of obtaining means for the prosecution of his studies. He also practiced law in the Lower Courts with an unusual degree of success. In 1879 he moved to Higginsville and assisted in establishing the Lafayette County Advance, the first and only newspaper published there. It is a staunch Democratic paper, very ably and profitably conducted by its young editor, who has the entire control and management of it. Although young in years and having been but a short time in the county, the youthful editor by his fertile brain and indomitable energy has contributed in a great measure, toward the pro- gress and development of its resources. His " maiden vote " was recorded for Hancock and English. On the 22d of November, 1880, he led to the marriage altar, Miss Katie E. Houx, oldest daughter of Geo. Houx, one of the oldest citizens of Lafayette county. JOSEPH R. MAJOR, merchant, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Wellington, this county, Jan. 8th, 1855. Is the son of Wm. B. Major and Prudence E. Warder, who were married in Lexington, Mo. In 1870 he went to Aullville and engaged in mercantile pursuits for two years at the expiration of which time he sold out his stock of goods and went into the grain business. In 1878, April 21th, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Kellar, of Aull- ville. In 1880 he removed to Higginsville and opened a hotel, complete in all of its appointments. The town being then in its infancy and the business not meeting his expectation , he sold out and again embarked in the grocery business . Mr. Major is a man of ability and enterprise, court- eous and obliging and thoroughly deserving of the liberal patronage of which he is the recipient. MARK A. BRADY, merchant, P. O. Higginsville. Is a native of Ireland; born in the Province of Ulster, Aug. 20th, 1837. Emigrated to the United States in 1857 and in 1860, returned to his native land, where he remained until the close of our Civil War. He then returned and settled for a time in Plainfield, u 526 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Indiana. June 7th, 1868, he was married to Miss Katie D. P.Taggard, by which union he had two children; one of whom is living: Hugh. The other, a girl, was four and one-half years of age at the time of her decease. Mrs. Brady died June 8th, 1871. Aug. 7th, 1878, Mr. Brady moved to this state and county, locating at Higginsville, where he now resides, engaged in the prosecution of a lucrative mercantile trade. He is an active and consistent member of the Catholic church, and also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. OWEN V. THORNTON, merchant, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in West Virginia, in 1844. Moved to Missouri in 1870. In 1872, he was married to Miss Rosa A. Loftus, of Saline county Missouri. They have two children living: George J. and' Vincent L. In 1S79, he moved to Higginsville. and in the fall of 1880, was elected principal of the high school of that place. He taught during the winter, and in the spring engaged in the mercantile business. Prof. Thornton has been a successful teacher of twelve years experience but he realizing the fact that a business life is much more independent and reliable, though not more honorable, determined to embrace the first good opportunity which presented itself of leaving the profession, and engaging in business. He has opened out a large and handsome stock of furniture, upholstering goods, carpets etc., which he is handling with profit to himself and satisfaction to others. ROBERT CURTIS CARTER, physician and surgeon, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Henrico county Va., January 12, 1838. Moved to Missouri in 1849, and settled at Dover, this county, where he remained until the breaking out of the civil war. He then enlisted in the confederate service under Gen. Jo. Shelby. He was regularly sworn in at Waverly, in August 1862. He was engaged in the battles of Coon Creek, Newtonia and in all of the skirmishes incident to the march of Gen. Shelby, through Missouri, in his endeavor to form a junction with Gen. Raines. Aiter the close of the war he returned to his old home in Missouri, and began the study of medicine; finally graduating from the medical department of the Old McDowell college, in 1868. He then returned to Dover, and began the practice of his profession, which he continued to follow there until the fall of 1874, when he removed to the northern part of the state and located in Gentry county, where he remained, still practicing medicine until March of 1880. He then returned to this county, and settled at Higginsville, where he now resides, the recipient of a large and lucrative practice. In 1868, he was united in marriage to Lenoir C. Campbell, oldest daughter of Capt. J. F. Campbell, one of the oldest settlers of this county. By this union they have four HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 527 children: Frank L., Shannon, Carson and Mary Myrtle. By close appli- cation to business, and deep delving into the mysteries of medical science, the Dr. has obtained a popularity throughout the town and surrounding country, which is very desirable. RICHARD A. COLLINS, Attorney at law, P. O. Higginsville. " Captain Dick," as he is famil- iarly called, is the youngest son of Gen. Richard Collins, of Kentucky, and was born in Mason county, Kentucky, in December, 1841. In 1857 he moved to Missouri. He was educated in Cincinnati, graduating from the St. Zazarier college. He has represented this (Lafayette) county, two terms in the State Legislature. Was in command of Gen. Jo Shelby's artillery, during the progress of the civil war. After the close of the war, he returned to Missouri and located at Higginsville, where he now resides, engaged in the practice of law. Capt. Dick is a young man of worth and stands at the top of the ladder in his profession. A whole chapter might be devoted to the gallant " Capt. Dick," and his exploits during the war, but for want of space and in consequence of an injunction served upon us by the captain himself, we will have to desist. ORVILLE A. JONES, Dentist, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Carroll county, Virginia, in 1843. Moved to Missouri in 1868, and settled at Warrensburg, Johnson county, where he remained until 1869, when he removed to Brownsville, Saline county, where he practiced dentistry from 1872 to 1875. In the latter year he moved to Aullville, this county, where he remained until 1880, when he moved to Higginsville, and resumed the practice of his profession. In 1861 he enlisted in the confederate service under General Floyd. Was engaged in the battles of Cross Lanes, Cornfect's Ferry, Cotton Mountain, Blue Stone River, Parrisburg, Lewisburg, Rocky Gap, and several others too numerous to mention. After a fight at Rocky Gap he was transferred to Richmond and put under the command of Stonewall Jackson. From this time on he had no rest, their march being one continuous skirmish line. Was captured at Piedmont, in the Shenan- doah Valley, on the 5th of June, 1864, and taken to Camp Morton, where he remained until the 9th of April, 1865, when he was paroled. Just before his capture his regiment was one of the largest in the command, but at the fight at Piedmont, all but 74 were either killed or captured. The doctor is now practicing- dentistry in Higginsville, and has gained a wide-spread reputation as a man skilled in his profession. His patients come from far and near. 528 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. JAMES H. BOWEN, merchant, P. O. Higginsville. Was born at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, January 24, 1846. Is the only son of Wm. H. Bowen and Julia Amelia Culp, both natives of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where they were mar- ried in 1844. In 1859 the family moved to Missouri and settled at Lex- ington, this county, where James prepared himself for college, which he entered at Gettysburg, in 1861, the family returning with him. He remained at college until the spring of 1862. On his return to Missouri he joined the U. S. Telegraph Corps as operator, under Captain P. C. Clovvry. Was sworn into the service in the spring of 1863, for three years, or the war. Was mustered out of service December 5, 1865, at Sedalia. After the close of the war, he returned to Lexington, where he remained until his marriage, which occurred on the 4th of July, 1874. He married Miss Susan J. Pool, by whom he has three children: Farris Wade, Philip and Pleasant Henry. Mrs. Bowen is the daughter of Pleasant C. Pool, who is now living on his farm near Mayview. Mr. Bowen was engaged in farming until April, 1881, when he moved to Hig- ginsville, where he is now engaged in the mercantille business, liber- ally patronized by the people of the town and surrounding country. WM. H. LITTLEJOHN, farmer, P. O. Aullville. Is a native of this state and county; born Novem- ber 8, 1843. Was raised on a farm, and educated in the common schools of this county. In 1862 he enlisted in Company " G," Col. Elliott's regi- ment, State Guards, in which he served for six months, and was mustered out at Osceola. He re-enlisted in Company " F," 1st Mo. Vol. Cavalry, as private. He fought in the following battles: Lexington (while in State Guards), Newtonia, Pineville, Fayettsville, Cassvilie, Prairie De Ann, Cove Creek, Helena, Little Rock, Springfield, Hartsville, Clarenden, Duval's Bluff, Prairie de Rone, Boonville, Jefferson City, Marshall, second battle of Lexington, Blue Mills, Independence, Westport, Little Osage, Warrensburg, Batesville, and several others of less note. At the battle of Prairie de Rone he was slightly wounded in the right knee. He sur- rendered at Lexington, with David Poole, in May, 1865. He then took a trip to Virginia City, Montana, where he remained for a short time, engaged in freighting. In December of same year he returned to this county, and went to his mother's farm, where he remained until his mar- riage, which occurred in 1873, he leading to the altar Miss Amanda Brown, a native of Johnson County. They have two children, named respectively, James and Mary. Since the war he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. His farm consists of 160 acres of first-class land, situated one mile west of Aullville. He also owns a fine farm of 180 acres located in Johnson County. Is an. influential man and a good citizen. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 529 DENNIS PAYNE, farmer, P. O. Aullville. Born in Scott County, Ky., October 11, 1834. When six or seven years of age, his parents brought him to this county, locating for a while in Lexington, and there settling upon a farm, where Dennis was reared; working on the farm summers and attending school winters. In August, 1862, he enlisted as private in Company " C," Gen. Shelby's Regiment, Volunteer Cavalry. Was engaged in the battles of Coon Creek, Newtonia, Cane Hill, Springfield, Cape Girardeau, Boon- ville, Jefferson City, Marshall, Helena, Hartsville, Batesville, Neosho, Duval's Bluff, and Camden. Was surrendered at Shreveport in 1865, when he returned to this county and located upon a farm consisting of 80 acres, situated near Aullville, where he still resides, engaged in its cultiva- tion. In 1866 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Stephenson, a native of this state. Five children were born to them, named as follows: Joseph, Oliver, Augustus, Bryant, and Lee. Mr. Payne has a good record as a soldier, and stands high in the estimation of the community as a citizen. HORACE WILSON WINSOR, Superintendent of Winsor Coal Company, P. O. Higginsville. Is the only son of Hon. Edward Winsor; born in Lexington, Lafayette County, Mo., October 23, 1846. Lived there, attending school after arriving at the proper age, until April, 1864, when he went to Denver, Col., where he remained for a short time. On his return, in the September following, he went to Fulton, Mo., and entered the Westminster College, remaining there until March, 1865, when he went to St. Louis to attend Brvant & Stratton's Business College, which he attended at intervals until 1866. In March of that year he returned home and entered into partnership with his father in the insurance business, to which he still devotes a part of his time. In 1878 he engaged in the coal business with his uncle, N. B. Win- sor, with whom he remained until his death, which occurred in October, 1879. In same year Mr. Winsor moved to Higginsville, where he has since acted as Superintendent of the Winsor Coal Company. In June, 1871, he became a member of the A. F. and A. M., Lexington Lodge, No. 149. In August became a member of Chapter No. 10, of R. A. M., and in January, 1872, a member of the De Molay Commandery, No. 3. Was elected Master of the Lexington Lodge in 1877, High Priest of the Chapter, and Eminent Commander of the Commandery. In 1878 was appointed Deputy Grand Master of the District, comprising Lafayette and Saline counties. Has been a representative to Baltimore, New Orleans, and Chicago, at the Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of K. T. During the seige of Lexington Mr. Winsor was in the city and saw the most of the battle. His father's residence is near the battle 530 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ground, and was riddled by balls and grape shot. Mr. W. is a whole- souled, genial gentleman, and a man influential in public affairs. ADAM REED, livery stable P. O. Higginsville, is the son of Joseph Reed, Esq., born in Clinton county, Ohio, August, 23d, 1850. He moved to Missouri in about 1867, and settled in Lafayette county, where he remained, working on the farm with his father until 1877, when he embarked in business for himself; locating at Higginsville, he established a livery and sale stable, in which he is engaged at the present time. August 18th, 1880, he was married to Miss Sophronia Jennings, daughter of Rev. James Jennings, one of the old and prominent settlers of the county. Mr. Reed is a young man of promise, with health, energy and a determination to succeed in whatever he undertakes; qualities which are bound to win laurels for their possessor. LIEUT. COL. GEORGE P. GORDON, farmer, P. O. Concordia, the seventh child of Judge Thomas Gordon, was born in Henry county, Tenn., August 8, 1828. In May, 1831, the judge brought his family to Lafayette county, and entered some land near Lexington, which is now owned by Evan Young. Here the subject of this sketch was reared and educated, attending the high school at Lexing- ton, which at that time was under the supervision of Wm. Van Doran. In 1849 he went to California and traveled through the northern part, prospecting along the American and Nubia rivers and their tributaries. In January, 1852, he returned, reaching home about ten days before the death of his lather. He was married February 12th, 1857, to Miss Susan A. Corder, a daughter of Nathan Corder. She died April 15, 1873, leav- ing a bereaved husband with four children to mourn her loss. The chil- dren are named as follows: Nathan, John, Bird and Frank. In 1861 he enlisted in the state guards and afterwards in the regular confederate ser- vice, in which he remained until the close of the war. While in the state guards he held the rank of captain; was discharged from this service in December, 1861, and in the August following enlisted in the regular service. In 1863 he was promoted to the rank of Major* by Gen. Hind- man, at the suggestion of Gen. Shelby, and in 1865 was again promoted to the rank of Lieut. Colonel, by Gen. Shelby, as division commandant; was engaged in the following battles: Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Prairie Grove, Springfield, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, Helena, of Shelby's raid through southern Missouri, of Price's raid, and of several minor engage- ments too numerous to mention in this brief sketch. He surrendered in June, 1865, with Shelby's division, to Gen. .Frank Herron. Returning to his home he again resumed his occupation of farming. He was again HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 531 married, March 31, 187-1, to Mrs. Nancy Corder, widow of Addison Cor- der. The fruit of this marriage is one child, Lulu. Colonel, or Major Gordon as he is better known, is a member of the Masonic lodge at Aull- ville, also an honored member of the O. S. Presbyterian Church. THOMAS M. ELSEA, farmer and stock trader, post-office Blackburn, is a native of Fauquier county, Va., born in 1834. At the age of seven } T ears, he came with his parents to Lafayette county, and located in the neighborhood of Corder. Here he grew to manhood and received his education. He then served an apprenticeship to the carpenter trade, near Elmwood, in Saline county, at which he worked for three years. In 1861 he -enlisted in Capt. J. O. Shelby's company, with which he remained until the battle of Pea Ridge, having previously participated in the battle of Lexington. After the bat- tle of Pea Ridge he was appointed steward of one of the hospitals, in which service he continued until 18(&. He was captured atCowskin prairie. In August, 1863, he went to Colorado, where he remained, engaged in mining, until the fall of 1865 when he returned to this county. Mr. Elsea was married in February, 1866, to Miss Sarah L. Ramsey, daughter of John W. Ramsey, of this county. They became parents ot seven children, three of whom are now living: Hannah V., Alonzo B. and Jessie. Mr. Elsea is a steady, industrious farmer, strictly honorable in his intercourse with his fellow citizens. GROVE YOUNG, merchant, P. O. Higginsville, is a native of this state and county, born August 26, 1843; was raised and educated here. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Ella L. Greer, of Johnson county, Mo. They have one child, Alexander J., now in his ninth year. In 1874 he engaged in the mercantile business at Aullville, where he remained until 1879, when he moved a portion of his stock to Higginsville, where he now resides, engaged in the sale of dry goods and notions. Mr. Young is a thorough business man, fully alive to the interests of his native county, the devel- opment of which he has watched with much pleasure and satisfaction. JOHN MADISON CANTERBURY, P. O. Higginsville; the oldest son of Franklin P. and Nancy Canterbury, was born in Lawrence county, Ky., November 17th, 1S33. His parents moved to Missouri in 1835, and settled in Audrain count}-, near Mexico, where the subject of this sketch lived until 1875. He was united in mar- riage April, 1852, to Miss Helen Smith, of Kentucky. By this union they have seven children: Nannie E. (married Joseph Pruette), born in 1853; Frank P., born in Audrain county, Nov. 25, 1856; James W., born 532 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. July 8, 1860; Clara, born February 25, 1863 (married to Joseph Hatcher, July 16, 1880); Helen, born July 16, 1866; Bird Price, born December 1, 1869; Enna, born July 8, 1873. Leaving Audrain county he removed his family to Clay county, near Kansas City, where he remained until 1878; then going to Higginsville where he now resides. Mr. C. is a descendant of Archbishop Canterbury, of England, also closely allied to Benj. Frank- lin. He is a thorough-going, public spirited, influential gentleman, in the full enjoyment of vigorous health. Although not possessing a supera- bundance of this world's goods, his heart and hand always respond to the cry of distress. His present family consists of his own unmarried chil- dren, those of his brother Benjamin (who settled in Audrain county, Ky., in 1835), and himself, he having the misfortune to lose his wife November 19, 1880. In 1875 his grandmother died at the advanced age of 93 years. Up to this date there were 160 members of the Canterbury family, 31 of them deceased; the living all located within a half day's journey of each other. In this new world of trial and vicissitude, it is seldom that all the members of so large a family remain within visiting distance of each other; the necessary changes of life generally scattering them to the four quarters of the globe. They are certainly to be congratulated upon hav- ing been able to preserve intact the family circle for so long a time. GEORGE W. VIVION, hotel proprietor, P. O., Higginsville. Born in Clark county, Ky., March 24, 1821. Was raised on a farm. In 1833 he came to Lafayette county and in 1838, enlisted in a Lafayette county regiment, and engaged in the Mormon war. Went to the far west and returned with his command, after which he engaged in various pursuits until 1846, when he enlisted in Doniphan's company, for service in the Mexican war. Was in the service fourteen months. In 1859 he removed to Coryell county, Texas, where he remained until after the close of the civil war. Was not engaged on either side. Followed blacksmithing, carpentering, etc. In the fall of 1839, he was married to Mary E. Walker, daughter of Samuel Walker, one of the first settlers of this county. Nine children were born to them, viz: Charles W., Kate L., now wife of Mr. Robnett, Flavel W., Nancy E., wife of G. A. Chamblin, Eliza, wife of R. E. Chamblin, Samuel W., Lee Emmitt, Lula and Anna. He has twenty-four grand-children. In 1866, he came back to Lafayette county, and in the fall of 1872, went to Higginsville, where he now resides. Lost twenty slaves by the war; had two sons in the confederate army: Charles W., in Gurley's command in Texas, and Flavel W., with Gen. Price. Owns 520 acres of land in this county. Mr. Vivion and wife are members of the Christian church, res- pected by all. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 533 HARVEY J. HIGGINS, larmer, postoffice, Higginsville. Is a native of Fayette county, Ky.; born Sept. 19, 1812. Lived there until 22 years of age, when he moved to Liberty, Ills., where he lived five years, engaged iu the mercantile trade. In about the year 1840, he landed at Hillman's Landing, (now known as Berlin), and purchased 460 acres of land, (where he now resides), in the cultivation of which he has since been engaged. When he first came he sold bacon for two cts. a pound and No. 1 wheat for twenty-five cents per bushel. Was one of the incorporators of the Chicago & Alton railroad, of which he is still a director. Also was one of the directors of the old Pacific railroad, and a strong advocate of its being built through Lafay- ette county. Has been a leading worker in all railroad enterprises for the benefit of his adopted county, aiding liberally with time and money. At times he has been severely censured bv some for what he has done in that direction, but he feels sure that posterity will approve of his work. Mr. Higgins was the founder of the town of Higginsville, formerly owning the land upon which it is built. It is named for him. He has been mar- ried three times; his first wife was Miss Susan Tyler; they were married, May 9, 1839. His second wife was Mrs. Eleanora Holland, married Nov. 18, 1855. His third was Miss Carrie F. Young, of this county, daughter of Maj. A. G. Young. He is the father of five living children, two sorts and three daughters; all married but the youngest. Mr. H. is a member of the Presbyterian church, of which he is now an elder. Has been con- nected with the church for thirty years; has served as magistrate for the last four or five years, discharging his duties in that capacity in a credita- ble manner. Was unfortunate during the war, losing property of the value of $25,000. OLIVER K. BURNS, insurance and real estate agent, postoffice, Higginsville. The subject of the following is a native of Jefferson county, Va., born May 5, 1825. Came to Lafayette county and settled in Dover township in 1841. During the year 1857, he was engaged in a commission and storage house in St. Louis. He afterwards lived in Carroll and Saline counties, living at Wav- erly, when the war broke out. In 1864, he joined Price on his raid, enlist- ing in company C, Gordon's regiment; had no arms for some time; was in action at Newtonia; surrendered in 1865, at Shreveport. Lived in Waverly till 1878, when he came to Higginsville. Is a member of the school board, of which he was president last year. In 1850, he was uni- ted in marriage to Lucy S. Van Meter. Thirteen children were born to them, seven of whom are now living. Mr. Burns is an old line whig and protectionist, but votes the democratic ticket. He has a good record as a soldier and a gentleman, and is a man of ability and influence. 534 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. SETH MASON, farmer, Higginsville Post office, was born in Frederick county, Va., July 19th, 1816; was educated at private schools and at William and Mary College. Lived in his native county engaged in farming until 1854, when he came to Lafayette county and located upon a farm, originally owned by Mrs Ward, a sister of Gen. F. P. Blair, Jr. In 1861 he organized and led a company to Camp Hollowayfor the purpose of repelling invasion. In the latter part of August the company was disbanded. His health being considerably impaired, he took no further active part in the war, but sympathized with the south. He was greatly harrassed by the Fedrals. In 1870 he was assaulted by one Thompson McDaniel, an ex-guerrilla under Poole and a noted desperado. He was wounded three times, disabling both arms to such an extent that he was obliged to lie in bed for three weeks, and is still greatly crippled. Being wholly unarmed he was unable to defend himself and the villain escaped for the time unscathed. A party, led by his son Edward, went in pursuit of McDaniel and followed him to Atchison, Kansas, but did not succeed in rinding him there. In a few days McDaniel returned to Higginsville with a pal named Parker. They encountered the parly which was in pursuit of McDaniel and a skirmish ensued. Parker was killed, McDaniel escaping to Kentucky, where he was afterwards killed. The captain was married to Miss Amelia P. Earl, of Frederick county, Va. They became the parents of fifteen children, ten of whom are living, four sons and six daughters, all living in this county. Mr. M. came very near losing his life on account of following a company of Federals, for the purpose of recovering three of his slaves of which he lost eleven during the progress of the war. He is owntr of 300 acres of fine farming lands and a man highly respected by his fellow-citizens. AI EDGAR ASBURY, banker, Higginsville. Mr. Asbury was born in Pruntytown, Taylor county, West Virginia, August 16, 1836. He was partly educated at Rector College, Virginia, and finished his education at Allegheny College, Pennsylvania. In 1857 he removed with his father's family to Richmond, Ray county, Mo. Here he studied law in the offices of C. T. Garner and Hon. Mordecai Oliver, formerly member of congress and afterwards secretary of state of the state.- In 1859 he was admitted to the bar and removed to Texas county, and practiced his profession until the breakings out of the civil war, when he took service on the side of the south, first in the service of the state of Missouri, and afterward, and until the close of the struggle, in that of the Confedrate States. In 1865 he returned to Missouri and engaged as clerk in his brother's store at Dover, in this HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 535 county. In a short time, comparativly, he engaged in business for himself as a meixhant at Dover, where he remained until 1878, when he returned to Higginsville and opened a banking house. In 1880 he organized the Asbury-Catron banking company, of which he is still the senior member. Mr. Asbury was married Nov. 9, 1865 to Miss Ellen Knox Gaw, of Lafayette county, who was born May 15, 1842. They have been the parents of seven children, two of whom died in infancy and five are living, viz: Eva Garnett, Hugh Gaw, Leah Barn- ett. Ai Edgar, Jr., and Harvey N. He is a member of the masonic order and he and Mrs. Asbury are members of the Baptist church. He has large interests in the coal mines near Higginsville, on the Chicago & Alton railway, is proprietor of Asbury's addition to the town of Higgins- ville, and is possessed of a fair competency of this world's goods, every dollar of which has been honestly acquired by himself, for in almost every sense Mr. Asbury is a self-made man. At the close of the civil war, and upon his return to Lafayette county, his capital was a $20 gold piece, all that was left of the proceeds of the sale of his horse and pistols after his surrender at Galveston, Texas. Capt Asbury's record as a soldier is a remarkable one. His first service was as conductor of a wagon train of powder, which he conveyed from Jefferson City to the camp of Gen. J. H. McBride, about 150 miles. This was a perilous service since the road was rough and rock}-, the powder sifted from the kegs continuously and the wheels of the wagons struck fire at almost every revolution. On reaching the camp of Gen McBride that officer appointed him an Aide-de- Camp on his staff with the rank of lieutenant colonel. In this capacity he served in the battles of Oak Hill, Dry Wood, Lexington and in Zagon- yi's attack on Springfield. At Elk Horn or Pea Ridge, he was on the staft'of Gen. Frost. He served twelve months in the service of the state, and upon the expiration of this term engaged under Gen. McBride in recruiting troops for the Confederate States, during which service he was engaged in many an adventure and skirmish with the enemy. April 20, 1863, at West Plains, Howell county, this state, he was captured together with his company of recruits intended for Cornell's regiment of Missouri volunteers. Capt. Asbury was a prisoner of war for twelve months, dur- ing which period he endured extreme privations and sufferings, not to mention indignities at the hands of his captors. While enjoying (?) the hospitalities of Federal prison-keepers he was frequently confined in filthy prison cells, half-starved and clad, and incarcerated closely for many weeks at a time. At St Louis not long after his capture he was paroled with 27 other officers and started for City Point, Va., for the purpose of being exchanged, where he arrived and exchange being refused he was placed in Fort Norfolk. On the way from Fort Norfolk to Fort Dela- ware, the vessel — the Maple Leaf — upon which he and about f 00 other 536 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Confederate officers were, was seized by about ten daring spirits, who overpowered the guard, forced the engineers to land, and, after adminis- tering paroles to the officers and crew, struck out for the Confederate lines which they reached in safety. Twenty-seven of the prisoners, Capt. A. among the number, took no part in the emeute, having due regard for their paroles and refused to escape. Notwithstanding they had sworn to do no act in aid of the Federal government until exchanged the officers of the Maple Leaf, as soon as their captors were out of sight, placed the twenty-seven paroled Confederates under gaurd, and instead of taking the vessel to her destination, steamed away to Fortress Monroe and from there to Fort Delaware. From here Capt. Asbury and his com- rades were taken to Jonhson's Island, in Lake Erie. In February, 1864, he was exchanged at Richmond, Va., and went to the parole camp at De- mopolis, Ala. From Demopolis he made an adventurous journey to the army of Gen. Price in Arkansas, joining Gen. Shelby's division, at Bates- ville. In the fall of 1864 he came into Missouri with a recruiting force, commanded by Col. Rathbun, in advance of Gen. Price's army. The force captured Lexington and Capt. Asbury conscripted the town. After Price's army passed through Lexington, Capt. Asbury crossed the river with 18 others, and became temporarily attached to Bill Anderson's guer- rillas, and was present when Anderson was killed. After this event Arch Clements took command and led the force around Richmond, across the Missouri at Brunswick, and Capt. A. soon made his wayto the Confederate armyunder Gen. Kirby Smith, in Arkansas. With this army he served until the close of the war, when, as before stated, he surrendered at Gal- veston, Texas, in June, 1865, and returned to Missouri, arriving at Dover, July 9, following. ANTHONY BENNING, P. O. Mayview. One of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Lafay- ette county. Was born in Fayette county, Ky., Sept. 9, 1809, where he was raised on his father's farm, and educated at Georgetown, Kv. At the age of twenty he taught school for several years, then went to Washing- ton City and spent four years as clerk in the postoffice department, under Wm. T. Barry, postmaster-general during Jackson's second administra- tion. His eyesight failed him in consequence of the incessant labors of that position, and he was compelled at last to resign, returning to Ken- tuky and farming for a time. He then moved to Missouri and settled in this county, bringing with him about $6,000, his own earnings, and pur- chased 160 acres one mile south of where Mayview now stands. Upon this foundation he built up, before he died, one of the finest estates in the county. During the war he lost heavilv in slaves and personal property His costly dwelling was burned and himself thrown into prison. He was HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 537 harried by the militia and finally banished. After the war he returned to this county, and bought a home in Lexington, where he lived with his family till his death, March 18, 1872, though he continued to superintend to the last his large farming interests in the southern part of the county. He was strictly honorable, prompt and energetic in all business matters. He had no political aspirations, and though he could have obtained almost any office in the county or state, he constantly declined all political preferment. He was the first postmaster of Mayview, then called Tabo, which he held for years as an accommodation to his neighbors. On the 9th of October, 1850, he married Miss Bettie Spurr, daughter of Dr. Buford Spurr, of Kentucky. Her mother's maiden name was Judith Gray. Mrs. Benning is the great-grand-daughter of the venerable Augustine Easton, who, for over half a century, was a Christian minister of Bourbon county, Ky. The great-grandfather of Maj. Benning was a pioneer of the state of Ver- mont, where the family was well known and stood high. Mrs. Benning still survives her husband, and has six children living out of a family of eight— James A., Taylor B., John G., Ottie V. — now wife of Thomas M. Chinn— Robert E. and Thomas E. DOVER TOWNSHIP. JARED J. CALDWELL, stock-trader and farmer, Dover P. O. The subject of this sketch is a native of Kentucky; born in 1849. His parents came to Missouri in 1857, locat- ing in this county, where Jared is still living, engaged in the cultivation of a fine blue grass farm of 124 acres. His mother still living, residing with him; his father being dead. Mr. C. is an industrious and enterprising business man, of unimpeachable integrity, possessing the confidence of all who have any dealing with him. SAMUEL BIGGERSTAFF, engineer and saw-mill operator, Dover P. O. Was born in Monroe Co., Ky., Aug. 15, 1824. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Cumberland county aud located on a farm, upon which the young man grew to man- hood. Obtained his education in the common schools of that county. In 1846 he came to Clinton Co., Mo., where he lived until 1851, when he came to this county, where he has resided since, engaged in engineering and operating a saw-mill which he owns, it being the first mill with a cir- cular-saw apparatus ever brought into the count)'. July 19, 1844, he was married to Miss Hizia Hill, of whom he was bereaved after seventeen short months of wedded happiness. In 1847, July 18, he was again united in marriage to Miss M. J. Beck, by whom he had seven children, five of 538 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. whom are now living — Asa W., John M., Thomas J., Catherine B. and Ottie L. For the second time he was called upon to mourn the loss of a wife, she being thrown from a carriage while out riding, from the effects of which she shortly afterwards died. Nov. 20, 1869, he was married to Mrs. E. J. Inman, of this county. By this union he has one child — Willie. Mr. B. has been a resident of this county for a number of years, and is closely identified with its interests. Is a man of liberal views, clear headed and of good judgment. JOHN B. BURBRIDGE, retired farmer, P. O. Dover. Born in Clark county, Kentucky, March 10, 1826. Was educated at the Transylvania University, at Lexington, Kentucky, from which he graduated, in about the year 1847. Aiter graduating, he removed to Garrett county, where he practiced medicine for one year. From thence, he went to Shelby county, and engaged in farming, which occupation he followed until December of 1850, when he came to this state and county, and located upon a farm, which he culti- vated until a short time since, when he retired from active life, and is now residing about one-half mile west of Dover, enjoying the fruit of many years of unremitted toil. In 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss E. O. Buchanan, of Baltimore, Maryland, a relative of ex-President Buchanan. By this marriage he had four children: Mary, Elizabeth D., Sallie M., Emma B. His wife dying, he was married again, to Miss Emma A. Hilliard, of Lafayette county. Mr. B. has long been a resident of this county; is a man of strict integrity, and unimpeachable character; ready with money and counsel to further the development and progress of the natural resources of the county of his adoption. N. A. SHORES, blacksmith, P. O. Dover. Is a native of Illinois; born in St. Clair county, September 24, 184S. His father being dead, his mother moved to Cum- berland county, Illinois, when he was quite small. He lived with his grandfather until he was nine years of age. His grandfather dying, he was thrown, at this early age upon the cold charities of an unfeeling world, with no resources but his own unaided exertions, to keep him from want and misery. Being active and intelligent, and willing to work, he succeeded in maintaining himself comfortably, until the year 1S62, when he enlisted as drummer boy in the Sixty-first Illinois infantry. He, how- ever, shouldered a musket, and entered the ranks with the rest, partici- pating in the following battles, in which he carried himself with the bear- ing of a veteran: Vicksburg, Fort Donelson, Little Rock, Helena, and other minor engagements. At the close of the war, he was mustered out, wearing the shoulder-straps of a first lieutenant, having, by meritorious con- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 539 duct, risen from the post of drummer boy to that of the second in com- mand of a company. Returning home, he worked with his uncle, at the blacksmith's trade, for a short time, after which he went to California, where he spent ten years, traveling about and engaging in various occu- pations. In the summer of 1880, he returned to Higginsville, engaging in the restaurant business, until fall, when he went to Dover, where he now resides, working at his trade. DR. E. R. MING, physician and surgeon, P. O. Dover. The Dr. is a native of Missouri; born in Callaway county March 13th, 1849. His father was a native of Virginia; born March 13th, 1813. Came to Missouri at an early da v, locating in Callaway county. He was married to Miss Elmira Harrison, a resident of Boone county, Missouri, and a native of the same. Their nuptials were celebrated in 1846. Seven children were born to them, as follows: John W., Edwin R., Bettie T., Laura E., Annie M., V. Lee and J. Samuel. In 1853, when E. R. was four years of age, the family moved to this county and located at Dover, where his father, being a physician, opened an office and pursued a successful practice. He after- wards opened a drug store, which, with the aid of E. R., he operated in connection with his other duties. The old gentleman died Oct 6th, 1880. Mrs. Ming is still living in Dover. The subject of this sketch was raised and educated primarily in this county. In 1874 he entered the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, from which he graduated in the spring of 1876, acquitting himself with high honors. Since then he has been engaged in the drug business and the practice of medicine in Dover and vicinity. The Dr. is a finished scholar and a genial gentleman, eminently worthy of the liberal patronage accorded him by an admiring community. While applying himself closely to private affairs, he is not unmindful of public interests, and by his clear and logical analysis of cause and effect, and keen insight into the true inwardness of any enterprise, great or small, has contributed largely to the welfare of the county generally. G. E. DICKSON, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Dover. Born in Lincoln county, Ky., April 5th, 1832. His parents left Kentucky in 1838 and came to Missouri, spending one year in Cooper county and then in '39 coming to Lafayette county, where the subject of this sketch was educated, partially, attending school for a time at Sweet Springs, Saline county. Was engaged in farming until 1854, when he went to California, where he remained for five years, engaged in stock trading. Came back to Missouri in 1859 — remained until '61, and returned to California. He remained there three years and then went to Idaho and stopped two years there. Again 540 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. returning to Lafayette county, he settled upon a fine farm of 920 acres, where he now resides, engaged in its cultivation; also giving special atten- tion to raising stock. Mr. Dickson is an intelligent, progressive, farmer; a man who believes that a mere knowledge of how to plough and sow does not constitute all of the requirements of a first-class husbandman. A glance at his well appointed farm and plentiful crops will show at once that he combines reading and observation with his experience. In 1868 he was united in marriage to Miss Laura Brown, of Lincoln county, Ky. Three children were born to them, named as follows: William, Nora Belle and Joshua B. Mr. Dickson, ,Sr., is a native of Kentucky; born in 1797. He is still living in this county and enjoys good health for an octogenarian. F. H. BRAY, machinist. P. O. Waverly. Is a native of Christian county, Missouri; born July 9, 1845. Was educated at the Ozark Normal Institute, where he was at the breaking out of the war. He then enlisted for one year in the confederate army under Gen Price. Fought in all the battles of Cor- inth, and at the fall of Vicksburg. Was then transferred to the west of the Mississippi, and was engaged in the battle of Saline river, which was the last of any note. At the close of the war, the family moved to this county, where they have since resided. Mr. Bray learned his trade of his father. Since settling in this county, he has been engaged principally in smithing and farming upon a small scale. He also owns the largest steam thresher in the county, which he operates during the season. July 9, 1866, he was united in marriage to Miss N. C. Weedin, of this county. They have one child : Miles Edwin. His wife dying, he *vas married the second time to Miss M. E. Love, also of this county. By this union he has also one child, named Harris Leslie. His father was a native of N. Carolina, and came to Mo. in 1844. The place of his residence is called Braytown, in honor of his family. Mr. Bray has been a resident of this county for several years, and its development bears the impress of his good judgment and active co-operation. B. F. CORBIN, farmer. P. O. Corder. Born in Rappahannock county, Va., January 24, 1822. Was educated and grew to manhood in his native state. Septem- ber 7, 1851, he came to Mo.; stopping one year in Howard count}--, then coming to this county, where he has since resided, settling in 1854, upon the farm he occupies at the present time. It consists of 165 acres of well improved farm land, and bears the impress of an experienced hand in all its belongings. August 18, 1862, he enlisted in the confederate army, under Gen. Shelby. Fought in the battles of Lexington, Springfield, . 1 NJ x2^^^y ^/V & ~y#^^7>^z^ HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 541 Prairie Grove, Hartsville, Helena, Pine Bluffs, Marks Mills, Cape Girar- deau, Westport, Newtonia, besides other minor engagements. Was hon- orably discharged at Shreveport, in June 1865. Was never wounded, but had his gun shot from his hands, twice. Mr. Corbin was first married, December 24, 1844, to Miss Francis M. Miller, of Va. They became parents of six children, named respectively as follows: Francis E., Henry, James W., Lula, Richard L., and Miller J. Mrs. Corbin dying, he was married again to Miss C. E. Carrolton, of this county, a native of Alabama. This union is blessed with five children: Estella, Bennie E., Mary A., Paulina and Mecham. Mr. Corbin deals considerably in stock. He is a man of strict integrity and good business habits. Is one of the substan- tial citizens of the county, honored by all. HARRISON STEELE, farmer. P. O. Dover. The subject of the following is a native of this state and county, and was born on the 8th of October, 1849. Was edu- cated in the common schools of this county, and has always followed the independent life of a farmer. His father was a native of Pa., and came to Missouri in 1838, settling in this county, where he died, his wife and five children surviving him. Mr. Steele has been identified with the inter- ests of the county all his life, and is a young man of worth, taking an active part in public affairs. HENRY L. CORBIN, farmer, P. O. Dover. Is a native of Virginia, born in Rappahannock county, June 12, 1845. His father moved to Missouri in 1851, and to this county in 1852, of which Henry, our subject, has ever since been a resi- dent, with the exception of nine months spent in the army. Has always been engaged in farming. In October, 1864, he enlisted in confederate army, Col. Gordon's regiment, company C, Gen. Shelby's brigade. Was engaged in the battles of Westport, Cane Hill, and several other engage- ments of less note. Was honorably discharged at Shreveport, in June, 1865. He then returned to this county, making the trip from Shreve- port to Waverly by water. June 10, 1869, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Potter, of this county; six children were born to them, named as follows: Willie F., Thomas C, Ottie M., Henry, Edward and Sallie. Mr. C. owns a fine farm of 250 acres, upon which is built a handsome residence, and substantial outhouses. It is under a high degree of improvement, showing substantial evidence of the practical knowledge and enterprise of its owner, v 542 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. J. A. JEFFRIES, farmer, P. O. Dover. The subject of our sketch was born in Fauquier county, Virginia, April 14, 1839. Was educated in his native state and came to Missouri at the age oL 19, and settled in this county, where he has since resided, the greater part of the time. In May, 1861, he enlisted in the confederate army under Gen. Shelby, Col. Gordon's regiment, com- pany A. Participated in the battles of Carthage, Springfield, Newtonia, Marks Mills, Marshall raid, Helena, Little Rock, and many other minor engagements. Left the service at Corsicana, Texas, he, like many others, never having been regularly discharged. He then went to Mexico, where he remained ten or eleven months, engaged in farming. From thence he went to California and engaged in the same occupation there for about the same length of time. He then went to Virginia where he remained for a short time and then came back to this county. In 1873, was married to Miss Sallie J. Dickson, of: this county. They have four children: Mar- garet, Emma, Lizzie, Sallie. N. F. FOX, farmer and miller, P. O. Dover; is a native of this state and county; born July 1, 1827; has always been^ resident of Dover township. Was raised on a farm and educated in this county. In 1855 he went into the milling business, operating a saw-mill, in partnership with Samuel Biggerstaff, situated three-fourths of a mile east of Dover. In September, 1862, he enlisted in the confederate army, under Shelby, Gordon's regiment, com- pany B; was engaged in the battle of Newtonia, where he was severely wounded in the thigh. Was taken prisoner about the LSth of October, 1862, and taken to St. Louis. From there he was taken to Alton, where he remained until June, 1863, when he was exchanged and ordered to the east, arriving in Richmond, Virginia, the last of June, and joining the com- mand of Gen. Forrest, was engaged in several skirmishes and was again captured at Penola, Mississippi, February, 1864. He was taken to Spring- field and there took the oath and returned home. In 1848, he was mar- ried to Miss Sarah E. McCool, of this county. Their union is blessed with five children, as follows: Sarah E., Susan A., Wm. N., Delia R., and Robert E. Mr. Fox is a veteran of the Mexican war, having served for one year under Col. Easton. He has a good record as a soldier and is a citizen of worth and merit, respected by all. CAPT. R. TODHUNTER, breeder of blooded stock, P. O. Dover. The captain is a native of Ken- tucky, born in Jessamine county, February 10, 1841; was educated at the Transylvania University, at Lexington, Kentucky, attending during the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 543 four years of '57 and '60, inclusive. Shortly after leaving school, he enlisted in the confederate army, under Gen. Churchill. Was commis- sioned captain and assistant-adjutant general, in 1863, January 16. Served in that capacity over Ector's Texas brigade, during the remainder of the war. Was in all of the engagements participated in by the commands of Hood, Johnson and Bragg. Was severely wounded at the battle of Mur- freesborough, being shot through the left breast, also received a builet in the leg at Chickamauga, and one in the neck at Nashville. A colonel's commission was given him, with permission to raise a regiment of super- numery officers, (whose commands had become depleted by the casualties of war) which was nearly completed when the war closed. He surren- dered under Gen. Taylor, at Meridiana, Mississippi, in April, 1865. By special permission of the officers in charge of the surrender, he was paroled as assistant-adjutant general of the brigade with which he served. He then went to Kentucky, where he remained five years and then came to this county, of which he has since been resident, engaged in breeding fine stock. In June, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Annie Neill, of Lexington, Missouri. They have had two children, one now living, viz: Neill, a fine boy of four years of age. The deceased one was named Jennie; born in April, 1875, and died in July, 1880. The captain in his attempt to improve the stock in this vicinity, deserves the hearty co-op- eration of all interested. He handles short horns, and trotting horses rep- resenting many different breeds. JAMES H. CATHER, farmer and school teacher; P. O. Dover. Was born in West Virginia, Taylor county, November 20, 1849. Lived there, attending school when he became of the proper age, until 1866, when he came to this state, locating, first, in Knox county, where he attended school one year; going from thence to Chariton county, and entering the Brunswick seminary, which he also attended one year. He then went to Lexington, then to Dover, where he attend school for five years. After leaving school he engaged in teaching, which occupation he has alternated with farming ever since — teaching during fall and winter, and cultivating his farm during summer. January 27, 1875, he was married to Miss Emma E. Fulkerson, of this county; a native of Virginia. Their union is blessed with three children: Louiana, Ernest, and Amanda. Mr. Cather is living on a well cultivated farm of 85 acres, which, with all the property he now possesses, he has acquired by his own unaided exertions. He has always taught in this county, and during the last three years has taught the school situated one mile east of Dover, which fact argues well with his success as a teacher. During the latter part of the war he was engaged in teaming, between Webster and Beverly. He is an active, energetic business man; 544 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. successful in whatever he undertakes; being so, probably, because he engages in no enterprise without first carefully weighing the reasons, -pro and con, and subjecting them to the critical analysis of his well balanced judgment. GRANVILLE K. CAMPBELL, faamer, P. O. Dover. The subject of this sketch is a native of Alabama; born at Huntsville, June 22, 1823. His parents, James and Ann Elizabeth Campbell, were formerly residents of Lafayette county, moving to Ala- bama in about 1818 or '19. In 1834 the family returned to this county, locating upon a farm in Lexington township, where Granville passed his youth in a manner common to farmer boys; attending school in winter and working on the farm in summer. In 1849, October 3, he married his first wife, Miss Louise J. Walker. By this marriage they had five boys: Samuel W., James H., Robert Lee, Hiram Farris, and Ion Granville, (deceased). Mrs. Campbell died July 9, 1865. In 1853 Mr. C. purchased the splendid farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 515 acres of land, which in its advanced state of cultivation, and comfortable and con- venient buildings and improvements, shows that a man of broad views and practical experience is at the helm. June 5, 1866, he married for his second wife, Mrs. Maria Johnson, nee Hockensmith. The fruit of this union is one son: Alexander B. Mr. Campbell took no active part in the late war, remaining at home during the greater part of the time, engaged in the cultivation of his farm. By his steady application and industrious efforts, he has succeeded in accumulating considerable wealth, which he uses in a manner calculated, according to his judgment, to produce the greatest good to the largest number. He has started three of his sons in business, having given to each a fine farm. He has also taken an active part in public affairs, and to him the county is indebted in a great measure, for its present advanced stage of prosperity. W. H. CARTER, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Dover. The subject of this brief sketch, one of the influential citizens of the county, was born January 30, 1842, and is a native of Richmond, Virginia. His father, having made several trips through the west, and being pleased with the country, made prepara- tions for removing his family thither, but died in January, 1849, before accomplishing his object. His mother, however completed the prepara- tions and moved to this state, November 5, 1848, locating on a farm, where our subject passed his boyhood — attending the high school at Dover for several years. In 1864 he entered Bethany college, remaining there two years. He then spent the same length of time in the Kentucky university, at Lexington, Kentucky. Returning to Lafayette county he taught school HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 545 for six or seven years, the most of the time at Dover. Since then he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He was united in marriage to Miss Ada B. Campbell, daughter of Robert Campbell, of this county, Dec. 20, 1866. Four children are the fruit of their union: Jennie, Ollie, Kenneth, and Byron. In November, 1880, he was elected to represent the eastern district of this county, in the state legislature; was the democratic candidate and was elected by a large majority, without any effort on his part; showing his popularity among the voters of his district. With such men as Mr. Carter in the legislature, the people may rest assured that public affairs will be administered upon a basis of right and justice. WILLIAM KIRTLEY, farmer, P. O. Dover. The parents of the subject of this sketch were native Virginians, who went to Boone county, Kentucky, at an early day, where Wm. was born, October 28, 1812. Was raised and educated in his native state. In 1837 he came to Missouri on a prospecting tour, and being prepossessed with the country moved there in 1844, settling in Lafayette county, Dover township, where he purchased land and opened up a farm. In 1856 he built a fine, large, brick residence. August 27, 1832, he was married to Miss Elizabeth E. Shelby, of Charlestown, Indi- ana, a distant relative of Gen. Jo Shelby of this county. By this union they have seven children, namely: Elijah B., Gustavus A., James B., Richard B., Charles C, (named after Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Mary- land, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence), Dora M., Montie M. In 1831 while making a trip from Cincinnati, to the south, via. the river, engaged in shipping stock, a causualty happened, which came near being serious. When near New Madrid the boat struck upon a snag and instantly filling, all came near being drowned. By prompt action, however, all were rescued. While on his return trip from Missouri, an opportunity was offered him to purchase a tract of land at $10 per acre, which is now worth $500 per acre. As he had already bought in Lafay- ette county, he declined, thereby making, as he expressed it, " the greatest mistake of his life." Mr. Kirtley is an energetic, enterprising business man; one who does not sit down to "cry over spilt milk," but immedi- ately goes to work and rectifies a mistake, as far as possible when one is made. E. BEE SMALL, merchant, P. O. Dover. Was born September 18, 1861, in Wood county, West Virginia. Was raised and educated there. His father being pro- prietor of a hotel in Lubeck, he was engaged in that for a time, acting in the capacity of clerk. He spent two years in Oxford, Dodridge county, clerking for a merchant of that place, named Ephraim Bee. He then 546 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. returned home and worked on a farm for a time. In December, IS 79, he came to this state and count}-, stopping at first in Higginsville, working for different parties, finally locating at Dover, where he is now employed learning the tinner's trade. His father is a native of California, going to Virginia when a young man. Mr. Small is an industrious, energetic young man, of strict integrity, possessing the entire confidence of his employers and acquaintances. GEORGE W. GARR, farmer, P. O. Dover. Is a native of Virginia, Madison, county, born May 4, 1S27. Was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. May 17, 1850, he came to Missouri, locating in Lafayette county, and engaging at carpentering, which trade he had learned before leaving Vir- ginia, and which he followed until the breaking out of the war. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Col. Gordon's regiment, company B, under General Shelbv. Entered as private and was engaged in the battles of Carthage, Little Rock, Prairie Grove, Helena, where he was wounded in the shoul- der and arm, but not seriously. Was also wounded at Clarendon bv a ball passing through the arm, and breaking one of the bones in the wrists At Westport he was struck by a ball which he now has in his possession. His horse was killed in same battle, he making a very narrow escape. At the close of the war he went to Mexico with Shelbv and has never been regularlv discharged. July 4, 1S65, he left Mexico for home, arriv- ing there the last of the month. In August, 1865, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Mary A. Slusher, daughter of Thomas Slusher. Their union is blessed with three children, viz: Alice M., Alberta, Wm. Willis. Mr. Garr built one of the first houses on the Petitesaw Plains. Is now engaged in the cultivation of one of the finest farms in the state, consist- ing of 600 acres. LEWIS W. WERNWAY, stock and grain dealer, P. O. Higginsville. Was born in Nicholas County, Ky., July 20, 1S36. Is the oldest son of Thomas D. The family moved from Kentucky in 1S44, and settled in Ray County, near Richmond, upon a farm, where Lewis grew to manhood. He then engaged as book- keeper for the firm of Gratz & Shelby, with whom he remained until 1857, when he left them and engaged as clerk on one of the large steamers, then plying on the Missouri River from St. Louis to St. Joseph, in which capacity he remained until the breaking out of the war. He then entered the confederate service as 2d Lieutenant in Col. Grave's Regiment. Fought in all of the engagements in which his command was engaged up to 1S63, when-he was discharged at Tupelo, Miss. Was married to Miss LUC3- A. Thompson, of Louisville, Ky., in May, 1S66. By this marriage HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 547 they have three children, viz.: William, born the 11th of March, 1867; Lewis, born July 11, 1869; John, born July 13, 1871. Since the war, mat- ters being somewhat unsettled, he has been engaged in buying and ship- ping stock and grain, while his family remain upon his farm, which is situ- ated in Dover township, about half way between Dover and Lexington. JAMES L.WARREN, farmer, P. O. Higginsville. Son of John Warren; was born in this state and county, Dover Township, October 1, 1S39. His grandfather, Martin Warren, a pioneer of three states, Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, was in the revolutionary war under Washington, and is mentioned in Red- path's history of the United States. The town of Warrensburg is named for him. James, the subject of this sketch, was, reared in this county, his principal occupation being farming. Took no part in the civil war. Taught school a part of the time, and in 1S64 went to Nebraska for a short time. A brother, belonging to Col. Elliott's Regiment, was captured and died in prison. At the close of the war he located upon the farm, where he now resides, engaged in its cultivation. Jul) 7 18, 1862, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Anna Watson. They are parents of eight children, four boys and four girls, all living. Mr. Warren and wife are members, in good standing, of the Christian church. A native of this county, Mr. Warren points with pride to the evidences of its progress, and feels the satisfaction of having done his share towards the accomplishment of its present stage of prosperity. JOSEPH H.PAGE, farmer, P. O. Page City. Born in Warren County, Ky., April 16, 1813. Came with his father and family to Lafayette County in 1827. They traveled the whole distance in wagons, which contained all their worldly possessions. Lived in the wagons until they succeeded in erecting some cabins sufficient for their protection, which were located within a few rods of his present residence. Here he lived the life of a pioneer in the full sense of the word. In 1830 he went to Fort Gibson, in Cherokee Nation, where he worked eleven months, clothing himself, and saving the sum of $60 out of his wages, which he sent to his father. In 1835 he again went to the Cherokee Nation, and returned at the end of six months after experiencing many privations, with $150. In 1836, January 7, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Couts, a native of Kentucky, born September 5, 1819, and who is still enjoying gook health; able to do her own work. When first married they commenced housekeeping in a man- ner consistent with their means, thereby escaping the trials incident to the lives of young married couples, who desire to make a showing which their income will not warrant. They lived in a little cabin with simple 548 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. furniture, Mr. Page making his own table out of a plank, caught in a drift, in Little Tebo. Mrs. Page's dowry consisted of a cow, a calf, and a bedstead. Comfortably situated as they are now, surrounded by all of the comforts and many of the luxuries of life, the aged couple may review their past experiences with complacency, and point with pride to their luxurious home, acquired by their own unaided efforts and unremitting economy. They are parents of fifteen children, twelve of whom are now living. Two died in infancy, and the other at the age of 22. All live in this state. Mr. and Mrs. Page are members of the Reformed church. Mr, P. is a member of the A. F. and A. M. Lexington Lodge. The farm upon which Mr. P. resides is a fine one, with all the necessary improve- ments in the way of buildings, machinery, orchards, etc. One apple tree in his orchard measures nine feet in circumference. Probably Mr. Page has done more than any other one man, towards developing the resources of this county. Active and energetic, he is always on the alert and ready to put his shoulder to the wheel in the prosecution of any enterprise which meets with the approbation of his well matured judgment. GEGRGE W. CORDER. Mr. Corder is a native of Rappahannock county, Va.,. born March 5, 1828. His parents moved to Lafayette county in the spring of 1839. Mr. C. has since been a resident of this county, obtaining his education princi- pally in Lexington, Mo. Has always lived upon and operated the farm which his father entered in 1839. In 1861, he enlisted in the Missouri State Guards, under Shelby. He served six months in the M. S. G. and then enlisted in the regular service, joining company C, Col. Gordon's regiment. Was engaged at the battles of Lexington, Pea Ridge, and quite a number of others of less note. Was honorably discharged at Shreveport, in June, 1865. He went through the service without receiv- ing a scratch, although having several bullet holes in his coat, and also having several horses shot under him. In 1853, he married Miss Eliza- beth Wall, of Henry county, Mo. Six children were born to them, as fol- lows: Wm. M., Nathan, Rovella A., Robertie Lee, Bettie and George. In 1878, Mr. Corder platted and laid out the town of Corder, which the railroad company named in his honor. Is a member of the A. F. and A. M., Higginsville Lodge, No. 364; also a member of the P. of H., Corder Lodge. Is also a memher of the M. E. church, south, of Dover. Post- office, Corder. GEORGE NEITHERCUT. Mr. N. is a native of Virginia, and was born in Lee county, October 22, 1829. His parents and family moved to Castor county, Ky., about the year 1841, where he was educated. After reaching his majority, he HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 549 engaged in farming, which he followed until the spring of 1858, when he traveled towards the setting sun and settled for a time in Jasper county, Mo., engaged in farming and carpentering, having learned the trade while in Kentucky. In 1863, he went to Nebraska City, where he was engaged in wagon making for two years. He then came to Saline county, Mo., stopping at Elmwood, where he followed same business until 1868, when he came to Lafayette county and purchased a farm of 125 acres, in Mid- dleton township, which he still owns. He operated this farm until 1879, when he removed to Corder and engaged in a general merchandise busi- ness, which he has followed since. He carries a good stock and has a fine trade. Was first married in 1850, to Miss Sarah Cornutte, of Law r - rence county, Ky. Eight children were born to them, viz: Rebecca, Jordon, Martha, William, Alice, Bettie, George and Marvin. Jordon is living in Nebraska, engaged in the cattle business. Mr. N. is a worthy member of the A. F. & A. M., Brownsville Lodge, No. 217. Is also a member of the M. E. church, south, of Dover. His wife died in Febru- ary, 1872, and Nov. 1, 1877, he married Miss Mary A. Feehrer, of Clarke county, Va. This union is blessed with one child. CHARLES KNIPMEYER. The subject of this sketch is a native of Missouri, and was born in War- ren county, April 8, 1860. Was educated at the Central Wesleyan Col- lege, at Warrenton. In 1874, he went to Higginsville, and there engaged in the mercantile business with his brother. Was also engaged with M. E. Keller, at Lexington, in the dry goods and clothing business for a time, and afterwards again at Higginsville. He next went to St. Louis and engaged as traveling saleman, for the wholesale grocery firm of S. B. Sale & Co., with whom he remained for one year. He then purchased his brother's interest in a store at Corder, since which time he has been engaged in the mercantile trade at that place. Has a large and well assorted stock and an excellent trade. December 26, 1880, he was mar- ried to Miss Rosie M. Grow, of Higginsville, Mo. H. F. KLEINSCHMIDT. Mr. K. is a native of Missouri, born in St. Louis, Dec. 3, 1856. Was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, attending both German and English departments. After leaving school, he was engaged in a hat and cap store, with H. Knoble, of St. Louis, for one year. He then learned the tinner's trade, which he followed for nine or ten years. In August, 1873, he engaged with August Hoevel, a stove and tinware dealer, of St. Louis. In 1878, Mr. H. sold out to L. and F. Hoevel, with whom Mr. K. remained six months, and then went to Higginsville, where he and his cousin, H. Kleinschmidt, opened a stove and tinware store. He remained 550 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. there about three months, and then returned to St. Louis and engaged with the St. Louis Stamping Company. In Nov. 1880, he opened a store at Corder, with a fine stock of stoves and hardware. At that time the firm was styled H. Kleinschmidt & Co., but in 1881, the partnership was dissolved and Mr. K. is now sole owner. October 6, 1880, he married Miss Louise Rosengarn, of St. Louis. His parents are natives of Prus- sia, and came to America in about 1850, coming directly to St. Louis, where they are still living. His father is a salesman with R. Sellew & Co. LEWIS CARTHRAE, M. D. Dr. C. is a native of Missouri; born in Saline county Jan. 11, 1845. He was educated at the Independence High School and also spent one year at a commercial school in St. Louis, taking mathematics and language in addition to the regular course. After leaving school he was engaged with Geo. W. Wilson & Co., a hardware firm of St. Louis, and also as book-keeper for the firm of Page & Co. At the same time, after business hours, he read medicine with Dr. J. M. Scott, and at times attended lec- tures. He afterwards entered the Missouri Medical college of St. Louis, from which he graduated in 1872. During the year previous to his graduation, however, he had been engaged in practicing, and operating a drug store at Aullville, this county. After graduating he sold out at Aullville and at once located in the neighborhood of where Corder now stands, there being no town there at the time. In the spring of 1879 he engaged in the drug business at Corder, the firm being styled Carthrae & Corder. In August, 1862, Dr. Carthrae enlisted in Col. Gordon's Regi- ment, Company I, under Gen. Shelby. Participated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Helena, Springfield, Hartsville and all others in which his company was engaged. Was taken prisoner near Little Rock, in November 1864, and was held until the close of the war, being discharged in the latter part of May, 1865. Nov. 16th, 1871, he married Miss Ella. Martin, of St. Louis, and a native of Virginia. Three children were born to them, viz.: Lewis, Walter and Edna, twins. His parents were formerly from Vir- ginia, and came to Saline county, Mo., in about 1830, locating near Miami. Dr. C. is a member of the A. F. and A. M., Aullville Lodge, No. 464- Was one of the charter members and was W. M. for seven years. Was formerly a member of George Washington Lodge No. 9, of St. Louis. The Dr. stands among the first in his profession and has a large and lucrative practice. JOHN W. DEAN. Mr. Dean is a native of Virginia; born in Clarke county, Oct. 10, 1830. His parents moved to Warren county, Va., when he was quite young, where he was reared and educated. Was first married in 1851 to Miss HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 551 Sarah M. Skinner, of Loudon county, Va. Their union was blessed with three children, living, viz.: Howard, Sallie and Lizzie M. In 1857 he came to Missouri, stopping at Jefferson City, where he was engaged as a building contractor, having followed same occupation before leaving Virginia. He contracted to build the new addition to the asylum at Ful- ton, Mo., which was finished in 1859. In the fall of the same year he came to Lafayette county, Mo., and purchased a farm, where he was engaged in farming and stock raising until 1878, when he went to Corder and built the hotel known as the Corder House, which he is operating in connection with his other business. Is associated with L. W. Wernway in the grain business, which firm has handled all of the grain shipped from Corder, since engaging in the business having shipped during the last 12 months about 75,000 bushels. His wife dying, he was married again in 1S68 to Miss Mary J. Colborn, of Jackson county, Mo. Bv this union they have three children, viz.: John W., Beulah and Gertrude. Mrs. Dean has occupied the position of teacher in the Corder schools for the past four or five years, and is re-engaged for the coming year. She is a graduate from the school at Independence, under Wra. H. Lewis, now a professor in one of the colleges of Missouri. Mrs. D. is a highly culti- vated lad}f, and a faithful wife and mother. AUGUSTUS W. WILLIS. Mr. Willis is a native of Carroll county, Mo.; born Aug. 2, 1847. His parents moved to Lafayette county in 1854, where he was educated. With the exception of five years spent in farming in Ray county, Mr. W. has been a continuous resident of this county since his advent. He is engaged in the cultivation of a fine farm of 280 acres, paying considerable attention to the raising of stock. In December, 1869, he was married to Miss Susan V. Eppes, of South Carolina. They have five children, named as follows: Edward S., John W., Claude R., Bessie and Gussie. His father was a native of Maryland, and came to Missouri in 1840. He was familiarly known as " Col." Willis, the title, however, being founded on fiction instead of fact. He died at the advanced age of 74 years, the sad event occurring July 5th, 1881, at Eureka Springs, whither he had gone for the benefit of his health. His remains were brought home and interred at Waverly. Mrs. W. is still living. Mr. Willis' postoffice is Corder. J. R. AVITT. The subject of this sketch is a native of Kentucky; born in Brecken- ridge county. May 10, 1826. Was educated at Mt. Morieno College. Alter completing his education, he was engaged, for a time, in selling goods, and afterwards at farming and trading on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. In November, 1S47, he married Miss Frances N. Van Meter, a 552 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. native of Virginia. They became parents of six children, as follows: Isaac W., Howell, Laura J. Malcolm, Missouri, and George H. In 1853, he came to Missouri, and located in Lafayette county, where he has since resided, with the exception of a short time spent in Illinois, during the war. After the surrender, he went to Kentucky, and in the fall of 1865, he returned to his farm in this county, to find his buildings and improve- ments utterly destroyed, and a herculean task before him, to get things in shape again. A glance over his farm at the present time, however, would leave no impression that such was ever the condition of things, as every- thing bears the impress of a pains-taking hand. In 1879, he built a hand- some residence, which is a model of comfort and convenience. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. WILLIAM WALKER. Mr. Walker was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, June 25, 1857, upon the farm where he now resides. Was educated at the University of Missouri, at Columbia. Has always been engaged in farming, and deal- ing in stock. His father is also a native of Lafayette county; born in about 1S27. His grandmother, who is still living, is a native of Kentucky, born January l;>, 1789. She is one of the oldest persons, if not the oldest, living in the county, and has lived for fifty-three years in the house where she now resides. Her husband and herself were among the first settlers of this county. Mr. Walker owns a splendid farm of 450 acres, and is one of the substantial, rising young men of the county. JAMES M. SLUSHER. The parents of the subject of this sketch came to Missouri in 1828, where his mother is still living, at the advanced age of sixty-three, his father having been dead several years. James M. was born in Lafayette county, November 29, 1849. Was educated in this county, but, in conse- quence of the war, was denied the privilege of completing his studies. Has always followed farming for an occupation, although he is a good carpenter, having learned the trade from his father. November 18, 1879, he married Miss Birdie B. Payne, of Orange county, Virginia. Their union is blessed with one child, named Lawrence Payne, born November 28, 1880, and died June 6, 1881. In October, 1880, Mr. Slusher formed a partnership with Mr. Kensler, in the grocery business, at Higginsville. Mr. K. attending to the store, and Mr. S. remaining on his farm. He is a member in good standing of the A. F. & A. M., Dover Lodge, No. 122. Mr. Slusher is a substantial farmer, and an influential citizen. P. O., Dover. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 553 REV. J. C. SHACKELFORD. The subject of this sketch, one of the leading clergymen of the county, is a native of Missouri, born in Saline county, August 4, 1829. Was educated at Yale College, from which he graduated in 1854. After grad- uating, he entered the ministry, and has since been consecutively in charge of churches in the following various counties, remaining, with one excep- tion, one year in each, viz: Jackson, Saline, St. Louis, Jackson, Lafay- ette (two years), Johnson, and St. Louis, where his health failed him, and he was obliged to abandon his calling for a time. Returning to Lafayette county, he purchased a farm of 160 acres, upon which he has built a fine residence, and upon which he now lives. In November, 1S59, he married Miss Martha Neale, of Wood county, West Virginia. They have had four children, two now living, viz: Emma and Mary. The deceased were named Samuel and John Wesley. Mr. Shackelford also preaches at Waverly, Lafayette county, having in charge a congregation number- ing 120. His father came to Missouri in 1820, and was one of the first settlers of Saline county. Post-office, Corder. L. E. WHITE. Mr. W. is a native of Virginia; born in or near Richmond, May 19, 1838. His parents came to Missouri in 1842, settling in Lafayette county, two miles north of the farm upon which the subject of this sketch now resides, where they lived for one year, and then removed to his present residence. In 1858 or 1859, his father died, leaving him in possession of the farm. Was educated in the common schools of the county. In August, 1862, he enlisted in company B, of Col. Gordon's regiment, under Gen. Shelby, with which command he participated in the following battles: Prairie Grove, Springfield, Hartsville, and other minor engage- ments, too numerous to mention. His brother being taken sick, he remained with him, until his death, which occurred at Batesville, Arkan- sas. In March, 1863, he received a furlough for six weeks, but at the expiration of that time, owing to a change of circumstances, did not return to his command. He made two attempts, at different times, to rejoin his regiment, but failed. He and his mother went to Illinois, where they remained until 1866, when they returned to their home, where his mother died, in June of tne same year. Mr. White has never ventured upon the uncertain sea of matrimony, chosing rather to "bear the ills he has than to fly to those he knows not of." His sister has been keeping house for him, until recently. She is now living in Kansas City. His post-office is Corder. 554 HISTORY OF LAFAYKTTE COUNTY. DR. WILLTAM C. WEBB. The doctor is a native of Virginia, born on 5th of February, 1825. His parents came to Missouri and settled in Lafayette county, in the neighborhood of Dover, in 1836. His literary education was obtained at Kemper college, near St. Louis. He attended one course of lectures at Lexington, Kentucky, and graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, in 1849. After graduating he engaged in the practice of medicine at Dover, where he remained for five or six years, having, in the meantime, acquired a large and lucrative practice. Becom- ing somewhat disabled, in 1856, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 850 acres, of, at that time, raw prairie. It is now one of the finest farms in Lafayette county, and a model of neatness and thrift. He has a fine orchard of about 700 trees, of which 450 are apple trees. Has a beautiful residence. In August, 1862, he enlisted under Gen. Shelby, as surgeon, and afterwards served in same capacity with Col. Shank's regiment, and also Collins' battery. Upon the solicita- tion of Gen. Shelby (as the doctor thinks, he having treated him while wounded at Helena), he was given the position of surgeon of Jackman's brigade. Was at the battles of Cape Girardeau, Helena, Little Rock and with Price on his raid through Missouri, in 1864. Was discharged at Shreveport, Louisiana, in June, of 1865, and arrived at home shortly after, since which time he has been engaged in practicing his profession and attending to his farm. In October, 1853, was married to Miss Martha H. Jones, of Chariton county, and a native of Amherst county, Virginia. Six children were born to them, as follows: Walter Leslie, now civil engineer on the coast of Gulf of Mexico; James Edward, now practicing medicine in Corder, Missouri; Mary S., Robert M., Helen C. and Jane W. The doctor is a member of A. F. & A. M., Dover Lodge, No. 122; and also of P. of H, Lafayette Grange, No. 305. Postoffice, Dover. WILLIAM G. NEALE. Mr. Neale is a native of Virginia; born in Wood county, February 27, 1846. In 1856 his parents moved to Lafayette county, and settled on the farm where Wm. G. now resides. It consists of 450 acres of excellent land, only partially improved, however, at that time. Mr. N. obtained his education in the public schools of this county, and at St. Louis and Glas- gow. In 1870, February 16, he maried Miss Sallie Morehead of Glas- gow, Howard county, Missouri. By this union they have three children, viz.: Charley, Flora and an infant not yet named. His mother is still living at the advanced age of 84, having remarkablv good health for a person of that age. Mr. Neale is a member of P. of H., Lafayette Grange, No. 305, of which he is also secretary. He is an excellent busi- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 555 ness man, and socially is held in esteem by his fellow citizens. Postoffice, Page City. E. A. HAWKS, P. O. Corder, Missouri. Is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Stark county, January 12, 1834. While quite young his parents moved to Ohio, where he was raised and educated. In 1848 the whole family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There he learned his trade, that of a printer, in the Madison "Journal. He then went to St. Louis, where he worked for the Republican, then for the Democrat. In 1872 he began editing the Manifest Reporter, published in the interests of the mercantile class, which he continued to publish until 1880, when he sold out and came to this county, settled in Corder and engaged in the mercantile business, which he has since followed. In 1857, he was married to Miss Mary F. •Martin, of Richmond, Virginia, by whom he has six children: Thomas S., Belle, Matie F., Henrietta, Leonard and Edward A. His father was a member of the A. F. & A. M. — one of the highest members in Wiscon- sin and was buried by the order. RICHARD BARLY, P.lO. Corder, Mo. Was bocn in Frederick county, Virginia, in Novem- ber, 1822, where he was raised and educated. He followed farming until 1849, when he went to California, going over the plains, from St. Joe, with a company of eight}Mmen. He remained in California for five years, and while there was engaged as supervisor of a canal. In 1854 he returned to Virginia via. the Isthmus, and was twenty-one days from San Francisco to New York. In Virginia he engaged in farming again* until 1860, when he came to this county, settled where he now resides and is engaged in farming and stock raising. For the last fourteen years he has served as justice of the peace for Dover township. He was first mar- ried in 1857 to MissAnnie E. Nelson, of Frederick county, Virginia, by whom he had two children: Lewis and Hunter. In the fall of 1860, his wife died, and in 1863 he married Miss Mary B. Cooper. He is a worthy member of A. F. & A. M, Dover Lodge, having joined in Virginia. He is also a member of Grange, No. 305 — a charter member. REV. T. W. TATE, Pastor of Baptist church at Dover, Dover P. O. The subject of this sketch is a native of Missouri, and was born in Andrew county, Feb. 24, 1851. His father and family moved to Clay county in 1864, where he now resides. He was educated at the William Jewell college, at Liberty, Mo. His father being in somewhat straitened circumstances, he was obliged to educate himself, in a measure, which he did by teaching and attending 556 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. college alternately. During the summer of '74, his health failing him in conseauence of too close application to his studies, he took a tour on the plains, returning to Clay county in the fall. In the winter of '74-75 he was principal of the schools at Barry, on the line between Clay and Platte counties. During the summer of '75 he remained at home, waiting on the sick, several of the family being taken down with the scarlet fever, two of whom died. His mother had a severe attack, but finally recovered, after suffering for several months. In the winter of '75-'76 he took charge as principal of the schools at Westport, Jackson count}-. In the fall of '76 he re-entered college as a student, and also as tutor in the preparatory department. He graduated in the department of mathematics in June, 1877. May 16, 1878, he was married to Miss Anna Rouse, of Liberty, Mo., daughter of Ezekiel Rouse, a native of Kentucky. From this time up to July, 1880, Mr. Tate was engaged in teaching in various parts of the state, being at one time principal of a private Baptist school at Sedg- wicksville, Ballinger county. In July, 1880, he came to Dover, where he has since resided, having in charge the Baptist church at that place. Since January, 1881, he has devoted half of his time to the Bap- tist church at Brownsville. Mr. T.'s father is a native of east Tennessee, and his mother of Kentucky. Both are now living near Liberty, Clay county. His wife is a graduate of the Liberty female seminary, gradu- ating in 1867. Since that time she has devoted her time principally to teaching and literary pursuits. Both were converted, baptized and joined to the Baptist church in the winter of '66-67, at Liberty, Mo. It is rather a remarkable fact that they did not know each other at the time, and did not meet again until several years afterward, when upon comparing notes the above fact was ascertained. Rev. Mr. Tate was licensed to preach by the Liberty church, March 16, 1879. Was ordained by the Bap- tist church at Sedgwickville, on the first Sunday in August, 1879. His first sermon was preached at this latter place. He is now the honored and worthy pastor of the Baptist church at Dover, and held in high esteem by his congregation and the community in general. FRANK G. HENRY, Physician and druggist, Dover. Was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Aug. 4, 1830. Grew to manhood and was educated primarily in Mason county, Ky., whither his father and family had moved while he was quite young. His father died in Washington, I). C, having received an appointment in the postoffice department. Frank G. studied medicine with his brother, attended school at Lancaster, and finally entered the medical college at Cincinnati, from which he graduated in 1851. He then returned to Jeffer- son county, Miss., (where he was when he entered college) and practised medicine there for a period of seven years, at the end of which time he E- o u P-. I— I o o < Q < w 3 ^ O C u w h 7} HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 557 came to this state, locating in Carroll county, where he practised four years. The doctor then came to this county, and labored a short time in Berlin, after which he located in Dover, where he has since resided, engaged in the practice of his profession and in the drug business. He is also the proprietor of the hotel at the same place. In July of '54 he was united in marriage to Miss Jane T. Blanchard, of Mason county, Ky., by whom he has two children — Mary M. and William Lake. Dr. Henry has been identified with the interests of the county for nearly a quarter of a century, during which time he has watched the progress and develop- ment of its resources with much pleasure, contributing largely toward the same. REV. S. B. WHITING, Baptist minister, P. O. Dover. Is a native of Massachusetts, born in Bos- ton January 26, 1836. His father moved to Missouri in 1837, settling in Warsaw, Benton county. Here S. B. obtained his education and grew to manhood. In 1855 he came to Dover, this county, and engaged in the mercantile business, which he followed for six years. Afterwards he studied medicine with Dr. Baer for one year. In 1861 he was married to Miss Virginia Webb, of this county, by whom he has seven children, as follows: Ella C, Virginia B., Mary E., Samuel B., Jr., Philip G., Lilly M., and Leverett. In the same year of his marriage he enlisted in the confederate service, Company C, Col. Grave's regiment, under Gen. Price. He entered as a private, but for meritorious conduct, was pro- moted to the command of a compan}'. He participated in the battles of Carthage, Wilson Creek, Drywood, Lexington, Pea Ridge, and other minor engagements, too numerous to mention. In 1862 he was taken prisoner on the Osage river, near Johnstown and was held for nearly a vear at Leavenworth. Cap't. Whiting was honorably discharged in the spring of 1863. After the war he was engaged in farming until 1870, when he entered the ministry, and since which time he has devoted his attention exclusively to the preaching of the gospel. He was licensed in 1870, and ordained in 1871 at Dover. At the present time he has in charge the churches of Waverly, Higginsville, and Greentown, this county. His father was at one time a very wealthy man, being a banker in Boston, but was broken up by the panic of '36. Mr. Whiting is one of Lafayette's substantial and most influential citizens, honored as a man and revered as a pastor by all who know him. R. W. COX, capitalist, P. O. Dover. The subject of this sketch is a native of Mis- souri; born in this county May 29, 1836. He first saw the light of day w 558 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. within a few hundred yards ot where he now resides. His father was emphatically a pioneer, being the first settler in that neighborhood, and having been obliged to hew his way in with an axe. R. W. was partially educated in the schools at Dover, also attending, for one term, the unni- versity at Columbia. Left this county in the spring of 1853, going to Cali- fornia; after an absence of two and one-half years he returned and entered Jones' commercial college at St. Louis, from which he graduated with dis- tinction, in 1859. After graduating he engaged in the mercantile trade, which he followed for several years at Dover. During the progress of war he spent the greater part of his time in California. Having returned, he ao-ain entered the mercantile arena, which he occupied until 1868, when he retired from business with a competency, the result of good manage- ment and steady application to business. January 19, 1875, Mr. Cox had the misfortune to be afflicted with a paralytic stroke which disabled him for a time, and from which he has never completely recovered, but is greatly improved. May 13, 1875, he was married to Miss Lucy Fleming, of this county. They have had three children, two of whom are now liv- ing: Ozite and Edgar. Mr. Cox has placed himself under the medical treatment of Dr. Price, of Buffalo, who entertains warm hopes of his ulti- mate recovery. He is the wealthiest man in this section; an honorable man and an influential citizen; a man who is liberal with his wealth in any rational scheme for the advancement of the public interest and to whom all look for advice and counsel. REV. W. B. McFARLAND, pastor of M. E. church, south. P. O. Dover. Was born in Penn., near Pittsburg, February 9, 1820. Was reared and educated in his native state, graduating from Alleghany College, at Meadville, in 1841. He at once entered upon the high and honorable calling of an expositor of the scriptures, for which he is so eminently fitted, both by temperament and education. During an uninterrupted term of 35 years, in which he has been engaged in the ministry, he has been pastor of the following various churches: Fairmount, Marion county, one year; Harrison county Va., two years; Monroe county, Ohio, one year: Elizabethtown, Marshall county Va.; Caball county Va.; Charleston Va.; Point Pleasant and Buf- falo, in Mason county; Charleston again, when he was transferred to the St. Louis conference: Independence, two years, Westport, Jackson county, Lexington four years, where he was the only minister allowed to preach during the winter of '62. Brownsville, Saline county, two years; Miami, two years; Independence again two years; Brownsville again two years, and Dover, where he now resides as pastor of the M. E. church south, of that place. He also preaches at Higgins- ville, Corder and Three Groves. While in Caball county, he was appointed HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 559 principal of Marshall Academy, and afterwards acted as agent of Marshall College, in same county, superintending its erection. June 1, 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Kayne, of Marshall county, Va., by whom he has two children, Florence V. and Lucy. His wife dying, he was married the second time, January 1857, to Miss Alvira Early, of Kanawha county, Va., a sister of Gen. Early. By this marriage he has four children, all living: Robert E., Hattie, William and Samuel. Mr. McFarland owns one of the finest libraries in the country. He is enjoying excellent health, notwithstanding his arduous duties and close application to the same. Has traveled quite extensively through the east, and is shortly intending to take a brief, much needed vacation, and visit the western coast. He is very popular with his people, preaching in practice as well as by precept. J. C. WOODS, farmer and stockraiser. P. O. Corder. The subject of the following sketch is a native of this state and county; born in 1841, October 10. Was raised on a farm and educated in the county of his birth. His father was one of the pioneer settlers of this county, coming here some 50 years ago. At the opening of the civil war,, he enlisted in the confederate ser- vice under Gen. Shelby. April 1868, he was married to Mary E. Slusher, a daughter of Henry Slusher, of this county. By this union he has six children: Olla, Francis C, John, Forrest, Mary E. and Martha. Mr. Woods has traveled quite extensively during his lifetime, and is now located on a fine farm of 120 acres; has a fine residence, convenient barn and outhouses, and all the appurtenances necessary to a well regulated farm. He has a splendid young orchard of 100 trees. He is a member of the A. F. and A. M. Dover lodge, No. 122. Has been W. M. of said lodge for two years. Is also a member of the P. of H. Lafayette Grange, No. 305. Is an active and worthy member of the Baptist church at Dover. REV. W. T. EASTWOOD, local pastor of M. E. Church south, and merchant, P. O. Dover; a native of this state and county, born October 12th, 1841; was educated at the Masonic college at Lexington. After completing the prescribed course at college, he engaged as clerk in a grocery store at Lexington for a while, and afterwards in a hardware store. In September, of 1861, he enlisted as private in the confederate army, company A, Col. Bledsoe's regiment, under Gen. Raines; was engaged in the following battles: Pea Ridge, Cane Creek and other minor engagements; was mustered out during the summer of 1862. Returning home he engaged in a mercantile business at Dover. In 1869 he was married to Miss Sarah Ustick, a 560 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. native of this county. They have three children: Gertrude, Susan and Elizabeth. Mrs. Eastwood is a graduate of the Baptist college, at Lex- ington, Mo., in charge of Dr. E. S. Dulin, at that time. Rev. Mr. E. preaches at Three Groves, Higginsville and Corder; expects to join the S. E. Mo. Conference this fall and go into active service as a preacher of the gospel. His parents were natives of Virginia, and came to this county at an early day; owns considerable property in Dover and has a hardware and grocery store at same place. Is a man of influence, and a hearty coadjutor in any enterprise of public interest. JOHN P. HICKMAN, merchant, P. O. Dover; born in Saline county, Mo., April 3, 1850. His parents went to Jefferson City when he was quite young, and from there moved to Lexington, this county, wnere they lived until 1877, at which time they went to Dover, this county; was educated at Lexington; fol- lowed the business of tanning and farming during the early part of his life,' afterwards engaging in the mercantile business which he is still fol- lowing in Dover. August, 1877, he was married to Mattie B. Phleger, daughter of Mr. Allen Phleger, of Lafayette county. By this union he had two children, one of whom is now living, Clara Pauline. His father is a native of North Carolina, and is now living in Corder engaged in the hotel business; he was formerly at Lexington conducting a grocery busi- ness. Mr. H. spent the summer of '75 in Colorado, prospecting; is a member in good standing of I. O. O. F. Orion Lodge, 45; also a member of K. of P. of Lexington, and also of I. O. G. T. of Dover, and a member of the Baptist church of Dover; is superintendent of the Sunday-school. ELIAS MIERS, plasterer and farmer, P. O. Dover; was born in Frederick county, Va., October 29th, 1829; reared and educated in his native state. In his youth he learned the trade of plastering, which he followed for some time before leaving Virginia. In the spring of '57 he came to Missouri, settling in this county, where he has followed his profession in connection with his farming. In October, 1864, he enlisted in the confederate service, com- pany B, Col. Gordon's cavalry, under Gen. Shelby. He took part in the battles of Independence, Westport, Carthage and other engagements in which his command participated; was honorably discharged on the 13th of June, 1865. In 1860, February 9th, he was married to Miss Sally Love- lady, of this county, and whose parents were among the first settlers in Lafayette county, and also the first cduple married in the county. Mrs. Lovelady gave birth to the first pair of twins born in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Miers have three children living: Mary E., Berty V. and Emma L. Mr. M. owns a splendid farm of 124 acres. Mrs. Lovelady, the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 561 mother-in-law of Mr. M. is living with him ; she is the daughter of Solo- mon Cox, who was one of the first settlers in the county, if not the first. She is now 88 years of age, in excellent health for a person of her age; rides horseback. Mrs. L. can tell manv an interesting anecdote of "pio- neer life" in this county. ALLEN PHLEGER, P. O. Dover; of the firm of Hickman & Co., merchants and stock dealers, is a native of Missouri, born in this county, July 10, 1829. Was raised and educated in his native county. His father owning a large farm, he kept the young man out of mischief by training him in agricultural pursuits. At the age of 21 he engaged in operating a saw-mill, which business he followed at times for twenty years. Afterward was engaged in farming and stock raising. In December, 1877, he became identified with the firm of J. P. Hickman & Co., merchants. In 1856 he was united in marriage to Miss M. Fox, of this county. They have one child: Mattie B., wife of J. P. Hickman. Mr. P's parents were natives of Virginia, and came to this county in 1828, settling on Tabo creek, two miles west of the present site of Dover. They belong to that class who endured trials and hard- ships, in the early settlement of this county, of which the present genera- tion, in their comfortable homes, know very little of. " All honor to the hardy pioneers." His wife's parents came from Tennessee to Missouri in 1817 and in the spring of 1818, came to this county, therefore being one of the first families here. Mr. Fox died at the ripe age of 76, having lived beyond the full time allotted to man. He came herein the same year that Solomon Cox did, 1818. JEREMIAH C. BUTLER, carriage maker, P. O. Dover. The subject of this sketch is a native of Jefferson county, Virginia, born February 25, 1845. When J. was 17 years of age, his father moved his family to Lexington, this county. Being a miller and millwright, he erected a mill for McGraw & Bros., of Lexington, which he operated for a number of years. In the spring of 1861 he enlisted in the confederate army, company A, Gordon's regiment, under Gen. Price. Held the rank of first lieutenant. He participated in the following battles, in all of which he acquitted himself, as a brave sol- dier and an. honorable gentleman: Lexington, Springfield, Prairie Grove, Cowskin Prairie, Shreveport, Helena, Corinth, Ballstown and other minor engagements. Was mustered out at Shreveport May, 1865. He then returned to Lexington, and engaged in the carriage making business, which he followed there for ten years. In 1876 he went to Dover, where he has since resided engaged in the same business. October 10, 1872, he was married to Miss Anna Hill, of Greenton, this county. They have 562 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. four children: Delia, Ferdie, Johnie, Otis. Mr. B's parents are natives of Virginia. His wife's were born in this state. While in the army he was chief musician, under Gen. Parsons. His talents in this line were of the highest order, in token of which he was presented with a beautiful drum with brass hoops and lignum-vitae sticks, while at Shreveport. He had the best field band in the trans-Mississippi department. The presentation was made by the general inspector of arms, of said depart- ment. Mr. Butler is a thriving, intelligent, business man, respected by his fellow citizens. GEGRGE W. MARQUIS, teacher, postoffice, Dover. Is a native of this state and county, born Oct. 23, 1840. Was educated at the Old Masonic College at Lexington. After leaving school he served an apprenticeship at blacksmithing, which trade he followed until the opening of the civil war. Located in Lexing- ton. May. 17, 1861, he enlisted in the confederate service, . company G, Col. McCullough's regiment, under Gen. Price. Engaged in the follow- ing battles: Wilson's Creek, Elk Horn, Corinth and various minor engagements. At the battle of Collinsville he was shot in the right side, the ball striking a rib and glancing around came out at the left side, a narrow escape. Was taken prisoner at Moscow, Tenn., and taken to Alton, Ills., where he was detained ten months. Was mustered out May 17, 1865, at Columbus, having served four years to a day. After the war he located at Oakland, engaged in blacksmithing. In 1866, he engaged in the mercantile business, which he followed for one year. He after- wards engaged in teaching, which occupation he followed until Sept. 1880, teaching a greater part of the time in Mississippi. At the time above men- tioned, he came to this county, locating at Dover. He expects to resume teaching again this fall. December 23, 1869, he was married to Miss Mary F. Bell, of Tallahatchie county, Miss. They have two children: Willie and Claude. Mr. M's father came to this county in 1819, at the age of twelve years being one of the pioneer settlers of this county. He died in 1861. Mr. M. is a member of A. F. & A. M., Glasgow Lodge, 354, Miss. Also a member of K. of P., Amity Lodge, 982, Pope Station, Miss. Also of I. O. G. T., Dover Lodge, 221. Is a worthy and consis- tent member of the Christian church. JOHN McABEL, blacksmith and merchant, postoffice, Dover. The subject of this sketch is a native of Marion county, Mo., born May 6, 1822. His parents moved from Marion to Polk county, Mo., in 1832, where his father opened up a farm, he being the second man to put in a crop of corn in the county. They lived in Polk county eight years. John then started out into the HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 563 world for himself, going to Texas, where he remained for two years. He then returned to Hannibal, Marion county, where he learned his trade, serving an apprenticeship of four and a half years with John S. Herrick, of that place. In 1847, April 27th, he was married to Miss Lucinda Bry- ant, of Ralls county, a native of Virginia, hy whom he has one child: John J. His wife dying, he was again married to Mrs. Elizabeth Estes, nee Franklin. On account of his wife's ill health, Mr. McAbel spent the greater portion of the time until 1877, in travering through various coun- ties of the state, seeking a congenial climate. During his travels he loca- ted for a short time in each of the following places: Lexington, Waverly, Malta Bend, Arrow Rock, Jacksonville, Randolph county, Macon City, Macon county, Bloomington, same county, Waverly again and then in 1877 coming to Dover, where he now resides. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Dover Lodge, 122, and also of the I. O. G. T., Dover Lodge, 221. Is also a member in good standing of the M. E. church, south. Mr. McA. is the founder of the Alpha Lodge, at Waverly, and through his influence the lodge at Dover was formed. He has been a Good Templar since '.'>7. Is the " village blacksmith " of Dover, and is doing a splendid business in his line. Is an influential man and a good citizen. ALFRED O. DOWNING, P. O. Page City, Mo. The young gentleman whose name heads this sketch, and who is one of the enterprising farmers of the vicinity of Page City, was born in Lexington, Ky., May 3, 1849. He is the son of Samuel Downing, Sr., who died in this county in 1876. His mother was Miss Amanda Offatt, a native of Kentucky, where she also died. His father then, in 1856, married Miss Margaret Combs, of Lexington, Ky., his sec- ond wife, who, after his death, married Judge Walker, of Lexington, Mo. In 1857, when between seven and eight years old, Alfred moved with his father to Boonville, Mo., and after a year's residence there, they moved to this county, and settled on a tract of 440 acres of land in Dover township, upon part of which Alfred now lives. He was educated at White's Semi- nary at Dover. He was too young to take any part in the civil war, though his sympathies were with the South, and a brother served four years under Shelby. On the 22d of September, 18S0, he was married to Miss Lura Logan, daughter of Henry Logan, deceased, of Parkersburg, Va. They have one child, a daughter named Mary, born June 27, 1881. SAMUEL DOWNING, P. O. Page City, Mo. One of the old battle-scarred veterans of Shelby's famous command, was born in Lexington, Ky., August 12, 1842. Con- cerning his parents, Samuel and Amanda Downing, see biography of his 564 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. brother, Alfred Downing. He also came with his father to this state in 1857, and settled first in Boonville for one year, and then in this county in 1858, where he has since lived. He was partly raised and educated in Kentucky, and partly at Dover, in this county. He was raised on a farm and has never followed any other calling. In 1861 he volunteered in Com- pany " A," 3d Mo. Cav., the first company of Shelby's old brigade, which was organized by Shelby himself. The regiment was commanded by Col. Frank Gordon. About twelve months after he enlisted, the regiment was put into Shelby's brigade, mostly recruited from this county. His com- pany being the oldest and best drilled in the brigade, they generally had the brunt to bear in battle, and when picked men were chosen for special and daring service, they were generally taken from Company " A " of Gor- don's regiment. Mr. Downing served the entire four years under Shelby, being in nearly all the battles west of the river, Pea Ridge, Oak Hill, Little Rock, Prairie Grove, Hartsville, Springfield, Marshall, Lexington, the Big and Little Blue, Westport, etc., etc. He was altogether in about two hundred fights. He was never seriously wounded, and had his horse shot under him. He was twice captured, once in 1861 in Bates County, Mo., by Jim Lane, was paroled, and returned to this county on foot. He was then dragged, with his father, to Lexington and imprisoned in a dungeon by Capt. Clayton, of the Kansas troops, who refused to recognize Lane's parole. He was, however, released in a short time, and made his way at once to Shelby, considering that his arrest by Clayton released him from his parole. He was again captured, in 1865, at Duval's Bluff, Ark., taken to Little Rock, where he was at the surrender. He was released in April, 1865. and reached home in May, since which time he has lived on his farm, but a short distance from the home and farm of his old leader, Gen. Shelby. Mr. Downing has never been married. As he was a good sol- dier, so he has proved a good citizen, and stands high among his neigh- bors, who are, many of them, his old comrades. FREDERICK D. FULKERSON, deceased. Though no longer among the living, Mr. Fulkerson will long be remembered among the old citizens of Lafayette county. He was born in Lee county, Virginia, March 17, 1809, and was the son of Peter and Margaret Fulkerson. He was raised and educated in Lee county, and moved to Missouri in 1S56. Being raised on a farm, he never followed any other calling. He operated a large farm in Virginia, and owned there a large body of slaves. Having sold his land in Virginia, in 1856, he moved his family and slaves to this county, where he purchased a large farm, on which his widow still resides. They moved from Virginia to Louisville, Kentucky, in wagons, and there embarked on the river, by which they came to this county, two and one-half miles southwest of Hig- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 565 ginsville, where he continued to live until his death. He was twice mar- ried—first to Miss Nancy A. Dunn, May 31, 1842, daughter of John Dunn, a Scotch gentleman who had settled in Lee county, Virginia. She lived about seven years, and died December 5, 1849. His second mar- riage was February 16, 1851, to Miss W. Melissa Dunn, a younger sister of his first wife, who now survives him. By his first marriage he had one son and three daughters living; all married except one daughter. By his last union he had ten children, six of whom are living. Mr. Fulkerson took no part in the civil war, but remained quietly at home. He was always a union man and strongly opposed secession. He was driven from his home for a short time. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, as was also both his wives. He also belonged to the masonic order, though he attended no lodge after coming to this state. He suffered greatly with rheumatism prior to his death, but died peacefully July 18, 1868. In his death the county lost a first-class citizen, and his family a faithful husband and father. BENJAMIN C. RIDGE, P. O. Higginsville, Missouri; son of one of the oldest citizens of this part of the county where he now resides. His father, Wm. Ridge, died in May, 1874. He emigrated to this state and county in 1834, from Adair county, Kentucky, and settled on the farm where his son now lives, between two and three miles southwest of Higginsville. Benjamin C. was born in Adair county, Kentucky, September 20, 1833, and came with his father to this county the next year, 1834, where he was raised on a farm and educated. During the border war in Kansas, he went there to lay claims, and to assist the pro-slavery side in the struggle — was not, how- ever, engaged in any of the fights. In 1861 he volunteered in the 3d Mis- souri cavalry, Gordon's regiment, under Gen. Shelby. He served through- out the war, and was in the battles of Cathage, Wilson's Creek, Lexing- ton, Prairie Grove, Mark's Mill, Jenkins' Ferry, Little Rock to Camden, in Shelby's raid, and in the battles of Price's last raid. He was wounded in the Westport battle in 1864. After the war he returned to this county and to farming; in which he has since been engaged. May 8, 1866, he was married' to Miss Winnie R. Warren, daughter of Anderson Warren, one of the pioneers of the county. He has had six children, five of them now living. Both himself and wife are members of the Christian church. THOMAS SHELBY, postoffice, Lexington, Mo. Was born in Marion county, near Lebanon, Ky., Sept. 23, 1818, and is the son of William and Nancy Shelby, {nee Edmonson). Both his parents were natives of Virginia. He was educa- ted and raised partly in Kentucky, and partly in Missouri. In 1836 he 566 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. came with his father to this county, and shortly after purchased land between Lexington and Dover, on the old state road. He was raised on a farm, and has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He took no active part in the war, many circumstances combining to keep him at home, but did what he could to aid the southern cause. He has had a large experience as a trader in negroes and mules, which he pursued before the war. His father had increased his landed possessions to 2000 acres at his death, of which Thomas now owns about 1100 acres, improved, with an elegant residence. He was married in January 1838, to Miss Nancy H. Gordon, daughter of Geo. H. Gordon, a native of Kentucky, who was once surveyor of this county. His first wife died, April 21, 1876. He again married in Dec. 1877, to Miss Margaret R. Huston, of Ohio. By his first marriage he had thirteen children, five of whom are now living. By his last marriage he has had no children. He is a member of the Christian church, and has been since 1818, to which his first wife also belonged. His present wife belongs to the Episcopal church. His child- ren are members of the Christian church. TRAVIS BUFORD, P. O. Lexington, Mo. The subject of this sketch was born Oct. 1, 1847, raised and educated in this county, and has always lived here. His father, Manville T. Buford, is a citizen of this county. His mother, Elizabeth Buford, was a daughter of Wm. Shelby, deceased. He was raised on a farm, which is now and has been his vocation. He has a fine farm of 325 acres six miles east of Lexington, and for years past he has been largely engaged in dealing in stock — buying, feeding and shipping. He was first married on the 9th of December, 1866, to Miss Alice Shelby, daughter of Thomas Shelby, who was also his cousin. She died in 1870, and he sub- sequently married Miss Mattie Gordon, daughter of Linn B. Gordon, of this countv. By his first marriage he has one son named William, and by his second two sons: Linn B. and Manville T. He is not a church member, but is a Mason. Mrs. Buford is a member of the Christian church. ANDREW J. SLUSHER, P. O. Dover, Mo. Was born in the old Slusher homestead in this county, four miles west of Dover, March 5, 1829, and is the son of Christopher Slusher, who came from Virginia to this county in 1828. He was raised and educated here, and has lived here all his life, engaged in farming. He was a southern sympathiser, and joined the confederate army in 1861, dur- ing Price's last raid, and was engaged in nearly all the fights of the retreat. After the war closed he returned home and gave his attention to his farm. He had, of course, lost his slaves, and nearly all his personal property, and HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 567 had to renew and build up his broken fortunes. He has prospered since the war, and now has his splendid farm of 867 acres in fine condition. He was married December 1, 1851, to Miss Susanah Jane Woods, daughter of Archibald C. Woods, deceased, of this county. They have had ten children, seven of whom, two sons and five daughters, are now living. He is a member of the Grange, and stands high as an energetic and enter- prising citizen. YOUNG HICKLIN. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of this county and was born on the old James Hicklin homestead, two and one-half miles east of Lexington. He is son of James and Agnes Hicklin, and was born July 29, 1842. His mother was a daughter of Wm. Cross, of Howard county, Mo. His father was from Tennessee, and died in June, 1875. Young Hicklin was raised and educated in this county, and has lived here all his life, and since the war on the old homestead farm, where he was born. When about fifteen years old he left home and went to Texas, and after being there for a few months joined the Texas rangers on the fron- tier, and was with them under Gen. Ben. McCullough when the civil war broke out, and entered the confederate service under McCullough in 1861, but remained only a short time and then returned home. But the militia soon got after him, and he then went to Jackson county and joined the recruits under Capt. Hays and went south. His father sent for him to return and assist in getting his slaves to the south, which he did, being released for that purpose; but he was forced to take to the brush to save himself as soon as he got to this county. He then went into the regular ser- vice under Gen. Raine, and was in a battery, commanded by Capt. Rob- erts, at Pea Ridge, and was with this battery until after the battle of Jenk- ins' Ferry, where a section of the battery was captured, and most of the men and horses killed. The battery was charged by two negro regiments, who murdered the men promiscuously after the capture. Hicklin escaped by jumping into a lake — was afraid to surrender to the negroes. He then made his way to Shelby, and soon went into the recruiting service under Cols. Coffey and Crisp, with a captain's commission. He was in Price's last raid, but left the army on leave after it returned south. Went to Ellis county, Texas, where he remained until the surrender. He was in the battles of Lexington, Jenkins' Ferry, Prairie Grove, and numerous minor engagements, and in the battles of Price's raid. He was captured once, at Little Rock, but was exchanged in a short time. After he returned home in 1865 he still had trouble with the militia element, but held his own, until the times got quiet. While with a friend, Arch Clemments, in Lexington, they were attacked. Clemments was shot down, but Hicklin 568 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. escaped by running and going for a time to Saline county. He was mar- ried June 6, 1869, to Miss Eliza Plummer, of Saline county. They have three children, one son and two daughters. He was engaged five years in the cattle business in Colorado, where he made money, and in 1875 returned and bought the old homestead and handsomely improved the same. Both he and his wife belong to the M. E. church, south. LOCK TERHUNE, P. O. Lexington, Missouri. The subject of this sketch was born in Mer- cer county, Kentucky, near Harrodsburg, August 6, 1835, where he was raised and educated, and came to this state shortly before the beginning of the war. His parents, Isaac and Sallie Terhune, are still living in Mer- cer county, Kentucky. At the age of twenty years Mr. Terhune moved to Jackson county in this state, where he remained about four years, engaged in farming. In 1859 he moved to this county, and was engaged in managing the business of Mr. Catron, until the death of the latter in 1862. After his death he has continued to manage the farm for Mrs. Catron, to the present time. He owns two farms in this county, one of 118 acres on the Dover road, and one of 350 acres on the Salt Pond road, which he manages besides managing the two farms of Mrs. Catron. He was married in October, 1876, to Miss Mary Ramey, daughter of Andrew Ramey, deceased. They have two daughters living. Mr. Terhune is a Granger, and a man of large business experience and sound judgment. CAPT. JAMES B. S. KIRTLEY, P. O. Lexington Capt. Kirtley was born in Boone county, Kentucky, February 2, 1841:. His father, William Kirtley, is now living in this county, a short distance south of Dover. His mother, Elizabeth Kirtley, was a daughter of Isaac Shelby, who formerly lived in this county. In the year of his birth, 1844, Captain Kirtley moved with his parents to this county, and settled on the farm where his father still resides. He was raised in this county and partly educated here and partly in the Baptist college, at Georgetown, Kentucky, where he graduated in 1867. During the war he served under Gen. Shelby in the confederate army. He first enlisted in 1861 in the state guard, in which he was captured by Jim Lane in Bates County. He was released on parole, and came home and assisted his father in moving his slaves to Arkansas, and then rejoined Shelby. After the batttle of Corinth he enrolled in Company A, First Missouri cavalry, Gordon's regiment, of which he was elected second lieu- tenant, and was captain from 1863 to the end. During that period he was on Col. Shank's staff. After the surrender he went with Shelby to Mex- ico. He was in nearly all of the principal battles west of the river, and HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 569 some east, from Carthage in 1861, to Price's last raid in 1861. After remaining a year in Mexico, he returned home and went to Georgetown, Kentucky, college, and graduated. He was married on November 11, 1873, to Miss Sarah T. McCord, daughter of William McCord, deceased. They have had four children, all girls, the two youngest of whom are liv- ing. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist church. He was raised on a farm, and is now engaged in farming on the old McCord farm three miles east of Lexington. He also deals largely in stock. FREEDOM TOWNSHIP. F. BRAECKLIEN, physician and druggist; P. O. Concordia ; born in Germany, March, 1835,. where he was raised and educated; primarily, in the common schools, and ultimately, graduating at a medical college, at Wurzburg. In 1856 he came to the United States, landing at New Orleans, where he remained nine months. From there he came to Missouri and settled down to the practice of his profession in St. Charles county, where he remained until the breaking out of the civil war. While here he was married to Sophia Meyer, a native of Missouri, by whom he had seven children, four of whom are living: Laura, Thecla, Ida, and William. During the early part of the war he acted as surgeon in Col. Krekle's regiment; being after- wards transferred to the 28th Osage regiment, at Jefferson Cit}\ Sub- sequently, he held the office of post surgeon, with the court house as his hospital. Afterwards he was appointed U. S. examining surgeon for the counties of Osage, Maries, Miller, and Lafayette. After the war closed, he practiced for nine years at Westphalia, Osage. In 1873 he moved to Concordia, where he has since resided. January 27, 1880, he became pro- prietor of one of the two drug stores in Concordia, in the operations of which he has a liberal patronage. This, in connection with an excellent practice, occupies his entire time and attention. The doctor and his wife 'are both active and consistent members of the Lutheran church, and held in high estimation by all who know them. HENRY W. THIEMAN, hardware and implements, P. O. Concordia. Born in Hanover, Germany, Oct. 29, 1843. In 1845 he came with his father's family to the United States, coming directly to Lafayette county, where he has since resided. Obtained his education in the common schools of the county. In 1870 he 570 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. was married to Miss Mary Rihkop, a native of Canada. They have had five children, three of whom are now living: Henry, Edward and Daniel. Mr. Thieman and his brother Lewis, composing the firm of Thieman Bros., are engaged in the hardware and implement trade — doing a thriv- ing business, which has been gradually growing for the last seven years, during which they have been engaged in it. In 1861 he enlisted in the Horse Guards — Col. Grover's Regt., Capt. Becker's Co. Was captured in the first battle of Lexington and paroled. In 1864 he re-enlisted in the 15th Mo. Vol. Infantry, under Col. Wear. Was mustered out in the spring of 1865. He and his wife are members of the Methodist church at Concordia. In 1866 he was elected constable of Freedom township, in which capacity he served for two years, in a manner acceptable to all concerned. In 1870 he served as assistant U. S. Marshal in taking the census of Freedom, Davis and Washington townships. In the iall of the same year he was elected Justice of the Peace for his township, in which capacity he has served ever since; a fact which of itself is good and com- petent evidence of his ability to administer justice. Mr. Thieman is also president of the Concordia Savings Bank. He is a whole-souled, genial gentleman, honored and respected by all. MOSES WELBORN, farmer, P. O. Aullville. Was born in this county, Oct. 30th, 1842. In 1838 his father, D. M. Welborn, came to this state and county from North Carolina. While in North Carolina he was united in marriage to Cath- arine Bodenhamer, by whom he had 12 children, five of whom are now living: D. M. died in the fall of 1880, and was buried at the Scott grave yard. His wife died in 1863 and was buried in the same place. Moses, the third child, was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools of the county. He now owns 300 acres of fine farming land situ- ated about five miles south of Aullville. In 1862 he enlisted in Company " B "—Col. Phillip's Regt., Slate Militia. He participated in the follow- ing battles, in all of which he acquitted himself in a manner becoming a brave soldier and an honorable gentleman: Independence, Blues, West- port, Mines Creek, Marshall. In the spring of 1865 he was honorably discharged, after which he spent three years in Colorado, engaged in freighting. He is an energetic, enterprising business man, enjoying the confidence of all with whom he deals. J. KROENCKE, dry goods, P. O. Concordia. Born in Bremervorde, Hanover, Germany, Dec. 4th, 1841. Obtained his education there. At the age of 13 he came with his father's family to the United States, landing at New Orleans. From there they went to Benton county, where he lived until HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 571 he breaking out of the Civil War. He completed his education in that ounty. June 13th, 1861, he enlisted in the Home Guards, under Col. ?ook, Company " B." Was mustered out Sept. 13, 1861. Was engaged i the battle of the "two barns "in Benton county. After leaving the rmy he came to this county where he has since resided. In 1864 he was carried to Sophia Brockman, daughter of Geo. Brockman and a native of liis county. They had four children, two of whom are now living: Anna nd Mary. His wife died in 1870 and is buried at the Lutheran grave ard at Concordia. In 1873 he was again married to Sophia Frerking, a ative of this county, and daughter of Wm. Frerking. By this union he as had four children, three of whom are now living: Ida, Willi im and Arthur. In 1869 he opened a dry goods store in Concordia, there being nly one other in the place. His is now the oldest firm in the business, nd has a good run of custom. He is a stockholder in the Concordia lavings Bank, of which he is also vice-president. When the town was icorporated he was a member of the first board of trustees. Was also lected as one of the board of school directors, besides serving the public i other minor capacities, which fully illustrates the confidence reposed in im by his fellow-citizens. Mr. K. and his wife are honored members of le Lutheran church at Concordia. E. A. TAYLOR, hysician and surgeon. P. O. Concordia. Was born in Hunterdon ounty N. J., August 13, 1834. When he was seven years of age, his arents brought him to this state and county, and settled near " Parine Church, " about seven miles south of Lexington. His early education /as obtained in the common schools of the county, under the tutorship of is father. In 1866, he entered the N. Y. University, as a medical tudent, remaining there one term. He afterwards entered the St. Louis ledical College, from which he graduated in 1872. He then came to lis county and located at Aullville, where he practiced two years, at the nd of which he went to Concordia, where he is now engaged in the prac- ce of his profession. Previous to his graduation he practiced for seven r eight years in Henry and Benton counties. In 1865, he was married d Florence H. McKee, of Quincy, Illinois, a native of Va., by whom he ad seven children, five of whom are now living: Ida B., Anna A., Ern- st R., Robert M. and Grandin F. In 1861, he enlisted in Co. " A ", Col. Itieffel's regiment, just in time to participate in the battle of Lexington, l which he was captured and afterward paroled. In 1862, he again nlisted in the 7th M. S. M., under Col. Phillips. He acted as hospital teward, in which capacity he was engaged until the close of the war. )r. Taylor is a finished scholar and a genial gentleman, eminently worthy >f the liberal patronage bestowed upon him. 572 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNT V. EMIL F. NINAS, marshal. P. O. Concordia. Was born in Prussia, March 12, 1842. At the age of ten, he came with his parents to the United States, stopping at Milwaukee, Wis., where the family lived for five years; he there complet- ing his education, begun in Germany. He attended a German Academy at Sac City. In 1857, he left there and came to Missouri, and stopped near Hannibal, where he worked on a farm for one year, at the end of which he came to Lexington where he remained for another year. From here he went to the German settlement near Cook's store. In 1867, he Was married to Matilda Stinkle, daughter of H. D. Stinkle. By this union he has one child: Henry. His wife dying, he afterwards married Mary Knoch, a native of Pennsylvania. They have three children: Elenora, Laura and Arthur. Mr. Ninas is the proprietor of the city hotel, and being a genial man and an excellent landlord, his house is well patronized. In 1861, he enlisted in Co. "D" 2d Missouri Infantry for three months. At the expiration of that time he re-enlisted in same regi- ment, Col. F. Schaffer, in which he held the rank of sergent of Co. "E". He was engaged in the following battles: Pea Ridge, Corinth, Perry ville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Franklin, Nashville and in all of the engagements of Sherman's command, while on the "march to the sea." At the battle of Chickamauga he was slightly wounded in the right side, which, however, proved not to be serious. Mr. N. has a good record as a soldier, and a reputation as a private citizen of which any one may be proud. A. P. REED, physician and surgeon, P. O. Concordia. Born in Jackson county, Illinois, June 28, 1844. His early life was spent in the place of his birth up to the opening of the civil war. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Fourth Ohio volunteer infantry, with which command he took an active part in the following engagements: South Mountain and Antietam. He was badly wounded in the latter battle, in consequence of which he lay in the hospital for two months, after which he was discharged and sent home. Having regained his former haalth, he re-enlisted in Company E, Second Missouri cavalry. Was engaged in the battles of Cape Girardeau, Bloomfield, and in Col. Glover's celebrated charge at Black Jack Ridge, near Four Mile, Missouri. He also assisted in the capture of the cele- brated guerrilla, Bollin. He was twice captured by the guerrillas, but happily succeeded in making his escape each time. Shortly after the war, at the age of 22, he entered the university at Nashville, takine the medical course, in which he graduated with honor. Shortly after he was married to Julia R. Schwab, a native of Switzerland, by whom he had HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 573 three children, none of whom are living. After his marriage he went to southeast Missouri, where he was engaged in the practice of medicine for twelve years at Allenville, Cape Gerardeau county. From there he went to St. Louis, living there about eighteen months, after which he located in this county at Concordia, where he has since resided, enjoying a lucrative practice. In 1877 he was again united in marriage, to Miss Olive Reed, a native of Ohio. They have one child, Paul A. Mrs. Reed is a graduate of Mt. Hope seminary, Kentucky, and a highly cul- tivated and estimable lady. LEWIS A. OETLING, dry goods and grocery, P. O. Concordia; born in this county in 1858. He was educated in the German and public schools of this county and also at Brownsville, Saline county. His early life was spent on a farm. In the spring of 1880 he entered into partnership with Mr. Brunes, in the dry goods and grocery business at Concordia. The firm are carrying a well selected stock worth $6,000, and are doing an excellent business, amount- ing in the last year to eighteen or twenty thousand dollars. Mr. Brunes, his partner, is a man of excellent business tactics and social qualities, which combined with the known integrity and ability of our subject, repre- sent a firm of which the citizens of Concordia and the surrounding country may well be proud. Both men enjoy the esteem and confidence of the people to the fullest extent. Mr. Oetling in his religious views inclines towards the Lutheran belief, of which church, at Concordia, he is an active member and a staunch supporter. ALBERT ALTHOFF, editor of Missouri Thalbote, P. O. Concordia; is a native of Germany, born April 18, 184:5. His early education was secured in the country of his birth. In 1866, he came to the United States, locating at first in Ste- phenson county, Illinois. During two years of the time he lived there he attended college at Cincinnati.. Afterwards he moved to St. Charles, Missouri, where he taught school for six years; the length of his engage- ment being itself a sufficient index to his ability as a teacher. He then came to this county where he resided at Lexington for three and a half years, engaged in teaching a private school, and in editing the Missouri Thcilb>te, a paper which he took with him upon his removal to Concor- dia and of which he is still the editor and proprietor. In 1870 he was married to Miss Mina Freitag, a native of Germany, by which union they have had five children, four of whom are now living: Albert, Arthur, Paulina, and Lydia. On October 11, 1880, he was appointed poormaster for Concordia, in which capacity he is still serving with credit to himself x 574 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and the community. He is a man of energy and enterprise, as shown by the multiplicity of his duties, in all of which he conducts himself with ability. H. F. MEINECKE, furniture dealer, P. O. Concordia; born in this state and county, March 12, 1856, where he was raised and educated. In 1872 he commenced learning the trade of cabinet maker, working with the firm of H. & F. Winkler, of Lexington, with which firm he remained for seven and one- half years, at the end of which time he had thoroughly mastered the art. In 1879 he went to Concordia and opened a furniture store, carrying a full stock of goods. He is doing an excellent business, selling from seven to eight thousand dollars worth of goods per year. He is a young man of much promise, already enjoying a business and social reputation, acquired by few of his years. J. H. POWELL, station agent and operator, R. R., P. O. Concordia. Is a native of Han- cock County, O., born October 26, 1845. Was reared on a farm and edu- cated in the public schools, and the High school at Finley. In February, 1863, he enlisted in Company " F," 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Col. James Neibling. He participated in the following battles: Jonesbor- ough, Goldsboro, and Raleigh. At the last named place he was captured by the " Hampton Scouts," and detained a prisoner for 17 days. After the surrender of Johnston he was released and went to Richmond, and from thence to Louisville by way of Washington, D. C, where he was honorably discharged and sent home. In 1870 he came to Knob Noster, Mo., entering a railroad office in charge of H. P. Hull, with whom he remained two years. In 1872 he came to this county, locating at Concor- dia, taking charge of the depot as agent and operator. In December of same year he was united in marriage to Miss F. L. Smith, a native of Newark, N. J., born in July, 1855. They are blessed with three chil- dren, all of whom are living: Lillie, Everett, and Gertrude. Mr. Powell is a man of worth, respected by all who know him. J. W. MEYER, livery stable, P. O. Concordia. Born in Lafayette county, September 8, 1855. His early life was spent on'a farm, and his education obtained in the public schools. At the close of his school life, he was engaged in farm work until the year 1877, at which time, he, in partnership with C. J. Frerking, opened a livery stable in Concordia. In 1880 Mr. J. H. Powell purchased the interest of Mr. Frerking, the firm being now styled " Meyer & Co." Mr. Meyer, in his business capacity, is keeping pace HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 575 with the demands of the people, having his stable sufficiently stocked to do all the business required in that line. He does all of the transferring of goods for the merchants in town, and in fact has a monopoly of the busi- ness. D. H. SMITH, boot and shoemaker, P. O. Concordia. Born in Newark, N. J., Decem- ber 25, 1S59. At the age of 9 he went with his parents to Lexington, Mo., where he continued his attendance in the public schools, completing his education, begun in New Jersey at the Johnson Academv in Monroe, Ills. About the year 1870 his parents moved to Concordia, where the family has since resided. There he learned the trade of shoemaker from his father, and has been engaged in it since. His father dying June 9, 1878, D. H. purchased hi^ stock of boots and shoes from the other heirs, and is doing a good business in that line. He carries a stock worth $1,500, and his yearly sales amount to $4,000. In 1881, February, he was united in marriage to Miss Emma Huscher, a native of this county. The young couple start in life under favorable auspices. The husband has health, strength, and a good business, and there is no apparent reason why their journey through life should not be over a path strewn with roses and not thorns. GUST A V WAHRENBROCK, carpenter and lumber dealer, P. O. Concordia. Born in this state and county, August 7, 1849. Was raised on a farm, and educated principally in the German and public schools of the county. Attended the Warrtn County college for five months. After leaving school he learned the car- penter's trade, which he has followed since. In 1873 he was married to Miss Louise Egger, a native of Germany, by whom he has three chil- dren: Albert, Otto, and Robert. In 1876 he started a lumber yard at Concordia, which business he has since conducted in connection with his trade. Has a stock worth $2,000, and is doing an excellent business, sell- ing to the amount of $10,000 worth yearly. Mr. W. is a man of strict integrity and good business qualifications, dealing n'ith others as he would be dealt by. His father was killed by bushwhackers a short distance east of Concordia, an account of which is given in the war history of the county. REV. F. J. BILTZ, pastor of the Lutheran church, postoffice. Concordia. Is a native of Sax- ony, Germany, born July 24, ]825. His early education was obtained in the place of his birth. At the age of 13, he and his sister, Louisa, came to the United States, stopping one winter at St. Louis, and in the spring 576 HISTORY OF LAFAVETTE' COUNTV. of 1839, moved to Perry county. At this time a college was organized at Altenburg, of said county, in which he was enrolled as one of the first students. He spent eight years in this institution, graduating after tak- ing a complete and thorough course in theology. In 1847 he received a call from the congregation of a church in Appleton, Cape Girardeau Co., to which he responded, preaching there until 1853. In 1849, he was mar- ried to Miss Mary V. Wurmb, born at the Cape of Good Hope. They have had thirteen children, six of whom are now living; Clara, Bertha, Adolphus, Julius, Mary and Gustave. In 1833, he moved to Cumberland, Maryland, where he resided until 1860, having charge of the Lutheran church at that place. He then came to the German settlement, in Lafay- ette county, where he took charge of the Lutheran church, of which he has since been pastor, having the care of this little flock for nearly a quar- ter of a century, ministering to their temporal as well as spiritual wants. His worth as a man, needs no other index than the above. CONRAD STUNKLE, ex-judge and farmer, postoffice, Concordia; was born in Hanover, Ger- many, Dec. 11, 1811; was reared and educated there. In 1837, he came to the United States, over which he spent three years in traveling. In 1840, he was married to Mary Gerberdinge, of St. Louis, formerly of Germany, by whom he had seven children, three of whom are now liv- ing: Lewis, Derinda, (Mrs. Frung), and Louisa, (Mrs. Bersicker). In 1845, he settled on the farm, where he now resides, consisting of 185 acres of excellent farming land, which joins the city of Concordia on the north. In 1869 he was elected judge of the county court, for a term of six years. In 1875, the trouble in regard to the compromising of the Lexington & St. Louis railroad bonds coming up, he, with his associate judges, resigned office. Judge Stunkle favored a compromise, his plan being to have a committee of the people to wait upon Ihe bondholders and secure as favor- able an adjustment of the difficulty as possible. The judge and family are all members of the Lutheran church and are held in high estimation by all who know them. REV. JOHN MEYER, pastor of Methodist church at Concordia; born in Germany, Oct. 5, 1832. Was raised 'and educated there until he was nine years of age, when his parents brought him to the United States, locating in Henry county, Mo., where they lived for sixteen years. He then went to St. Louis, where he finished his studies of the common branches. Being in somewhat strait- ened circumstances, he was. obliged to pursue his studies under great dis- advantages. By dint of hard work and close application, however, he succeeded in acquiring a very good education. He is a self-made man in HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 577 the full sense of the word. In 1865, he began his studies for the minis- try, finally passing his examination before the Southern Illinois Confer- ence. In 1869, he was ordained an elder of the Methodist Episcopal church, since which time he has officiated as pastor in the following named places: Second Creek, Gasconade Co., Union, Franklin Co., Hopewell, Warren Co., Burger, Franklin county, Lake Creek, Pettis Co., Concordia, Lafayette Co. He settled in the latter place in 1880, preach- ing his first sermon on the 3d day of October. He is an enthusiastic expositor of the doctrines which he has espoused, doing his duty as he sees it, regardless of consequences. W. F. WALKENHORST, teacher and farmer, postoffice, Concordia; born in this county, Aug. 23, 1844. His early life was spent upon a farm, and in acquiring an edecation in the common schools of the county. In 1861, he enlisted in company C, Enrolled State Militia, Major Henry Neill, commanding. In 1862, he re- enlisted in Co. B, M. S. M., 7th regiment, commanded by Col. Phillips. He entered as private; was promoted first to corporal and then to bugler. Was engaged in the following battles: Lexington, Independence, Blues, Westport, Mines Creek and Marshall. Was honorably discharged, July 9th, at St. Louis. In 1870, he was married to Hannah Kuester, a native of this county, by whom he had six children, four of whom are now living: Isabella, Emma, Alberta, Ida. JOHN D. KUESTER, postoffice, Concordia. Is a native of Germany, born March 11,1820. Was partially educated in his native land. At the age of eleven, he came with his parents to the United States, locating in Benton county, this state; where they lived until 1849, when they came to Lafayette county, where they have since resided. In 1862, he enlisted in company B, 7th M. S. M., Col. Phillips. He was on a furlough and received orders to report at Lexington, which he did. Upon his arrival he was captured by some of Gen. Price's men; detained for ten days and then came home. He was with the party of Germans who were attacked by bushwhackers on the 10th of Oct. 1864, near Brownsville. He was one of the five or six who succeeded in making their escape. In 1852 he was married to Elizabeth Powling, a native of Germany. They have six children, all living: Han- nah M., Emma, Jonathan, Edward, Sophia, William. Mr. Kuester is an industrious, enterprising man, popular with his fellow-citizens. FREDERICK COOK, of the firm of Cook & Vogt, hardware, P. O. Concordia; born in Osage county, Mo., March 2d, 1S46. When he was eight years of age he went 578 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. with his father and family to Wisconsin, where he lived for seven years, in the meantime acquiring a fair education in the public schools. From there he went to Freeport, Ills., where he resided until after the war. In 1863 he enlisted in Capt. Green's company, 142d Ills., but was not mus- tered into the service. In 1866 he came to Johnson county, this state, where he lived until 1876. While residing here he was married to Miss Stina Frerking, by whom he has three children: Dora, Frederick, Clara. In 1876 he moved to this county and settled at Concordia, and was engaged in general merchandise business for three years. During the years of '79 and '80 he held the position of post-master. In 1881, Feb- ruary, he entered into a partnership with Julius Vogt, in the hardware and agricultural implement business. The firm is doing a flourishing business, carrying a stock worth $5,000. Mr. Cook is a man of energy and enterprise, and since his residence in the county has contributed largely toward its prosperity. HENRY DEUCHLER, grain dealer, P. O. Concordia; born in Baden, Germany, August 7, 1849. He was raised and educated in his native country, where he resided until the age of 18, when he came to the United States, over which he spent one year in traveling. California, Missouri was the first place in which he stopped for any length of time, remaining there for four years, engaged in milling, having learned the trade in Europe. He also worked for three months in Sedalia, at the same business. In 1872 he came to Concordia, where he has since resided with the exception of one year, 1875. At present he is engaged in buying and shipping grain, doing a very lucrative business. In 1874, August 10, he was united in marriage to Miss Lena Brinckman, a native of St. Louis, Mo. They have had three children, two of whom are now living, Henry and John. Both he and his wife are active and consistent members of the Evangelical church at Concordia, respected by all. MISS LUCY JOHNSON, milliner, P. O. Concordia, was born in California, Mo. At an early age she went with her mother to Warrensburg, Mo., where she was educated, graduating with the highest honors at the State Normal school of that place. While living in Franklin county she devoted the most of her time and attention to teaching. She was engaged in the schools of Warrens- burg, Knob Noster and Holden. In 1879, being a practical milliner, she came to Concordia and opened a millinery establishment, in which she has a fine stock of goods and is having quite a lucrative trade. Miss Johnson is modest and unassuming in her demeanor, intelligent and of good social qualities, and is eminently deserving of the respect and liberal patronage accorded her by the community at large. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 579 REV. W. GAERTNER, pastor of St. John's church, P.O. Concordia ; a native of German y,born Aug. 13, 1846; was educated there, taking a Theological course at the "Mis- sion House" at Bremen. At the age of 3t he first saw the shores of this mighty republic, locating in Saline county, Nebraska, where he preached for two years. In 1S76, June 21st, he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Schlapper. Their union was blessed with four children, three now living, as follows: Paula, Clara, Hildegarde; the deceased was named William. On the 21st of September, 1877, he came to Lafayette county and located about three miles north-east of Concordia, where he is now living; having in charge as pastor, the St. John's church. Mr. Gaert- ner is highly esteemed as a citizen and revered as a pastor. JOHN S. KLINGENBERG, flouring mill, P. O. Concordia; is a native of this state and county, born Dec. 26, 1850; was educated in the common schools and raised on a farm. His father, H. H. Klingenberg, is one of the old settlers of the county; he is a native of Prussia, and came here in 1837: he was married to Cather- ine Brunyes, a native of Germany. They have had seven children, six of whom are now living: John, Henry, Joseph, Louisa, Margarette, Mary. John, the oldest, and the subject of this sketch, was married in 1873 to Matilda Koenig, a native of St. Louis county, Mo. They have three children: Albert, George and Jesse. He is the proprietor of the "Con- cordia Star Mills," complete in all its appointments, with three run of stone and a capacity of 35 barrels per day. He is also the owner of the warehouse near the railroad, through which he handles large quantities of all kinds of grain; is doing a thriving business. Mr. Klingenberg and his wife are members of the Methodist church at Concordia. C. W. KEMMERLY, jeweler, P. O. Concordia; born in York county, Penn., Oct. 14, 1848. While quite young he came with his parents to Sandusky county, Ohio, where he lived until he was seventeen years of age. His early life was spent on a farm in a manner usual to farmer boys, working on the farm in the summer and going to school winters. In 1866 he, with his father and family, came to Johnson county, Mo., where he lived until 1872, learning the jeweler's trade. In that year he came to Aullville, this county, and followed his trade. In 1874 he came to Concordia and opened a jewelry store in Thierman Bros' building, where he displays a fine stock of goods and has a lucrative trade. In 1875 he was united in marriage to Miss Emma Hasler, a native of Germany. They have had four children, two of whom are now living: William J. and Birdie May. Mr. K. is a mem- ber of the Methodist church at Concordia; a man of worth and a good citizen. 580 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. DRURY A. RIDGWAY, real estate and broker, Aullville, was born in Georgia, Jan, 28, 1820. Obtained his education in the common schools of that state. In 1842, June 30th, he was united in marriage to Miss Fanny S. Reese, by whom he has had seven children, six of whom are now living: D. A. Jr., F. V., E. B., Kate P., Annie E. and Fanny S. While living in Georgia he was engaged in farming and merchandising at Columbia. In 1858 he moved to Mississippi where he lived for the next ten years engaged in cotton planting. In 1868 he came to Independence, Mo., where he remained one year and then came to this county. He located at Aullville in May, 1872, where has since resided, engaged in the real estate and loan business. By the solicitation of friends he was appointed justice of the peace for his township and at the expiration of his term of appointment, was elected for ensuing term. After serving in this capacity for four years, he resigned the office, much to the regret of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Ridgway is an influential member of the Methodist church at Aull- ville and a man of intellectual strength and force of character. JOHN P. ARDINGER, merchant, Aullville post office, was born in Berkley county, Va., in 1839, where he was reared and educated. When the war broke out he enlisted in the First Virginia cavalry, commanded by Col. J. B. Jones. Was en- gaged in the following battles: first Manssas, Seven Pines, Wilderness, Will- iamsburg, Yorktown, Petersburg, second Manassas,Gettysburg, Antietam, New Baltimore, South Mountain and numerous other skirmishes. At the first battle of Manassas, he was slightly wounded just below the left knee. He was honorably discharged at Appomattox in 1865 and in 1866 he came to this county and engaged in the mercantile business at Greenton. From there he went to Lexington and in 1872 he went to Aullville, where he now resides engaged in a general merchandising business. In 1873 he was married to Miss Lucy C. Smith, a native of this county. They have four children: John P., May S., Robert C. and an infant not named. Mr. Ardinger owns 390 acres of first-class improved farm land, located near Pageville. He is a wide-awake, energetic business man and an invaluable member of society. Is a member of the Episcopal church. JOHN BENNETT, blacksmith, Aullville, Is a native of Ohio, born in Knox county, at Mt. Vernon, Jan. 29, 1831. He obtained his education in the common schools there and also learned the blacksmith trade. At the age of nineteen he moved to Jackson county, Mo., and settled at Lone Jack, where he lived until the war broke out. In 1853 he was married to Miss Mary Snow, a HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 58 1 native of Jackson county, Mo. Their union was blessed with five child- ren, only two of whom are now living: Larestia and Linnia. His wife died in August, 1879 and was buried at Lone Jack. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Second regiment, Gen. Shelby's brigade, under Marma- duke. Fought at the battles of Lone Jack, Newtonia, Cane Hill, Cape Girardeau, Marshall, Sprinfield and Hartsville. He surrendered to Gen. McReynolds, at Little Rock in 1865. He then came to Lafayette county and lived at Dover for about three years and in 1868, went to Aullville where he now resides engaged in blacksmithing. Mr. Bennett is an industrious, reliable business man of whom nothing can be said to his discredit. LIEUT. W. A. THORNTON, grain-dealer, P. O. Aullville. Born in Orange county, Virginia, Decem- ber 12, 1827. The first school he attended was at Gordonsville. When quite young, he went to Cooper county, Missouri, where he grew to man- hood and finished his education. In May, 1861, he enlisted in the M. S. M., at Jefterson City, as lieutenant, in Capt. McCulloch's company. This battalion was soon after re-organized, at Coswkin Prairie. William Brown was elected colonel of the regiment, Robert M. McCulloch, lieu- tenant-colonel; R. A. McCulloch, captain of his company, and he still holding the office of lieutenant. He fought in the battles of Boonville, Drywood, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Corinth, Iuka, Bolivar, Denmark and Sweden, Ft. Pillow, Holly Springs, and in all other engagements in which his command was engaged. In 1865, he was surrendered by Gen. Taylor to Gen. Canby. At that time he belonged to the Second Missouri cav- alry. Dr. Thomas Fields, of Alma, C. T. Ford, and himself are the only members of that company now in Lafayette county. He was in the first democratic convention, of Freedom township, held after the war, for the purpose of appointing a county central committee. He afterwards went to Lexington, and engaged in merchandising for several years. Then he went to St. Louis, and was engaged in the commission business for two years. From there he went to Concordia, and engaged in the grain busi- ness; first, in partnership with Dr. J. H. Woolridge, and lastly, with Mr. Frerking. In 1873, he came to Aullville, and embarked in the grain busi- ness again, where he is at present, handling immense quantities of grain. As a soldier he has a clear record, and, as a citizen, is at the zenith of popularity with his acquaintances. DR. JACOB WELBORN, physician and surgeon, P. O. Aullville. The subject of this sketch is a native of North Carolina; born December 19, 1816. He obtained a com- mon school education in that state, at Abbott's Creek School, Davidson 5S2 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. county. In 1838, he came to this state and county, and located south of Aullville, and engaged in farming. He read medicine with Dr. Dobson, and in the year 1853, he graduated at the St. Louis Medical University. After receiving his diploma, he returned to this county, and entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1850, he was united in marriage to Miss P. J. Spurgeon, a native of North Carolina. They have had seven chil- dren, five of whom are now living: Edward L., Arthur B., Laura J., Walter S., and Charles C. His wife died in 1865. He remained quietlv at home during the war, attending to his practice. In 1877, he moved to Aullville, where he still risides, his time and attention fully occupied with a large practice. As a physician, he stands among the leaders in the pro- fession ; is progressive in his views, and always ready to seize, with avid- ity, upon anything which tends to throw light upon the mysteries of one of the most important of sciences — that which deals with human life. J. E. SHACKELFIRD, drugs and groceries, P. O. Aullville; is a native of Virginia, born Novem- ber 19, 1844; was educated in the common schools. At the age of 12 he went with his parents to Preble county, Ohio, where he lived until 1869, engaged in farming. He then went to Johnson county, Missouri, where he lived about eleven years. While here he married Cynthia C. Home, a daughter of Judge Home. Their nuptials were celebrated in March, 1871. They have one child, Jessie J. In the spring of 1881, he moved to Aullville and is now engaged in the drug and grocery business, carrying a $1,60<> stock of goods; has a good trade. In June, 1881, he harvested a crop of wheat irom the " Mock farm," of 90 acres, said to excel in quantity and quality any other ever grown in the township, upon the same number of acres. Total yield of 1800 bushels. Mrs. Shackelfird is. an active and leading member of the Baptist church. Mr. George H. Eck, his partner, was born near Frederick City, Maryland, April 13, 1856. At an early age his parents brought him to Preble county, Ohio, where he lived until January, 1879, when he came to Johnson county, Missouri, and lived near Oak Grove, for two years, engaged in farming. In March, 1881, he moved to this county and settled at Aullville, entering into part- nership with Mr. Shackelfird in the drug and grocery business. ABNER WARD, wheelwright, P. O. Aullville; born in Randolph county, North Carolina, July 17, 1823. His early life was spent on a farm, working on the farm in the summer season and attending school during the winter. At the age of 19 he came to this state and county, and located in the neighborhood of Aullville. In 1851, he was married to Miss Margarett Mulkey, a native of Lafayette. They have had six children, five of whom are now living: HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 583 Mary A., Solomon, Nancy E., Emma C. Virginia L. In 1862 he enlisted in company F, first regiment, under Gen. Jo. Shelby. Fought in the bat- tles of Newtonia, Cape Girardeau, Helena. In the fall of 1863 he came home on account of sickness, but not being allowed to stay, he went to Illinois and remained there till the close of the war. In 1869, July, when the town of Aullville was surveyed, Mr. Ward picked his lot and built a dwelling house. In 1872 he built his shop in which he carries on his trade. He is an enterprising, industrious business man, and first class mechanic. BENJ. R. BAMS, grain dealer and hardware, P. O. Aullville; is a native of West Virginia, born September 3, 1846. Obtained his education in the public schools and was raised on a farm. At the age of 25 he came to this state and county and shortly after went into the grain business at Aullviile. In In 1875, he and his brother James H., went into the hardware business at same place. They carry a stock of about $2,000 and are doing a thriv- ing business. During the last six months of 1880, they have shipped 112 cars of wheat and 20 cars of corn, to St. Louis. Mr. Bams is a man of business tact and integrity and follows the Golden Rule to the letter. ROBERT L. BERRY, merchant, postmaster, P. O. Aullville. Born in Macoupin county, Illi- nois, September 4, 1841. Raised and educated there. Before the war he was engaged in merchandising. In 1862 he enlisted in company A, 122d Illinois infantry. Fought in the following battle, Parker's Cross Roads. In December, 1S63, was honorably discharged on account of dis- ability, ensuing from a wound in the right thigh, caused by a shell. In April, 1864, he entered a dry goods house in Illinois, and remained in it until 1868, when he same to this state and county and located upon a farm. He farmed until 1878, whe he went into the livery business at Aullville. He afterwards engaged in a general merchandising business at the same place. He has in stock $3,500 worth of goods and his yearly sales amount to $15,000. He also has an interest in a livery stable at Higgins- ville. In 1865 he was married to Miss Pauline Keller, a native of Waverly, this county. Mr. Berry is also postmaster at Aullville. DAVID L. HOFFMAN, carpenter, Aullville. Is a native of Tennessee, born October 8, 1842. At the age of three years his father moved to Jackson county, Missouri, where they livey for three years, and then went to Lexington, this county. While living there he attended school, and learned the carpenter's trade of his father. & In January, 1862, he enlisted at Sedalia, in company B, 7th 5S-4 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. regiment of cavalry, Missouri state militia. He fought with this regiment two years and eight months. He then re-enlisted in the 13th cavalry, company H, Missouri volunteers, under Col. E. C. Catherwood, and was mustered out in May, 1866, by special order of the war department. In the 7th he was second duty sergeant and appointed provost marshal at Mar- shall, Mo. In the 13th he was first sergeant in company H, until November, 1864,when he was commissioned 2d lieutenant, of company F. Was engaged in the battles of Compton Ferry, Svvitzler's Mills, Springfield, Marshall, Boonville, Lexington, Independence, Blues, Little Osage, Hartsville, Oxford Bend, and numerous others. At Lexington in 1862, he was cap- tured by Col. Cockrell's men, but succeeded in making his escape, during a severe storm. After the close of the civil war, he was sent west to fight Indians, and guard military posts, in Colorado, New Mexico and Western Kansas. While there his sufferings from inclement weather were extreme. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary L. Kincheloe, a native of Kentucky. They have had six children, five now living: Myrtle F., Wm. L., Sallie M., Joy L., Edward C. Mr. Hoffman is now living at Aullville, following his trade, having six men in his employ. ROBERT GRAHAM, liquor dealer, P. O. Aullville. Is a native of Belfast, Ireland, born May 14, 1832. While quite young he emigrated to Nova Scotia, where he staid six months, going from thence to Maine, where he remained four years. During the time he was in that state he attended night school. At the age of seventeen he went to Worcester, Massachusetts, where he lived about three years, attending school the greater part of the time. From there he went to Chicago and engaged in the stock business. He made Illinois his home until 1851, when a severe attack of the gold fever carried him off to California, where he remained three years engaged in freighting. Returning to Illinois he occupied his time in buying and ship- ping hogs, etc., until the civil war broke out, when he again returned to California, where he remained until 1868. He then went to Mexico, where he lived for one year engaged in mining, meeting with considerable suc- cess. In 1869 he came to Lafayette county, and settled near Aullville, turning his attention to farming and coal mining. In 1877 he located in Aullville and engaged in the liquor business. April 11, 1877, he was united in marriage to Miss Fields. They have two children born to them, one now living, named John. Mr. Graham is a member of the Catholic church. MORDECAI M. COOKE, Justice of the Peace, P. O. Aullville. Born in Warren county, Ky., March 27th, 1817. Was bred on a farm and educated in the common schools of HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 585 Kentucky. At the age of 17 he embarked in the dry goods business at Bowling Green, Ky. At the age of 27 he left Kentucky and came to this county, where he lived for 18 months and then went to Johnson county and continued in the same occupation for a year and a half, located at Columbus. From there he went to Waverly and followed the same business for two years. In 1850 Mr. Cooke erected a building and put in a stock of goods at a point on the stage line between Georgetown and Lexington, about two and one-half miles west of where Concordia now stands, which has since been known as Cooke's store. In same year a postoffice was established there and Mr. Cooke was appointed postmas- ter. After a residence of 17 years at this place, he sold out to Mr. Kane, and went to Elmwood, Saline county, from which place he came to this county, locating at Aullville, where he now resides, engaged in fulfilling the duties of Justice of the Peace for Freedom township, vice James H. Bowers, resigned. In 1853 he was married to Mrs. C. Davis, a native of North Carolina, and daughter of David Mock. One child was born to them; now deceased. HAVILAH SMITH, blacksmith, P. O. Aullville. Is a native of Fayette county, Ohio; born July 23d, 1853. Was raised on a farm and educated in the public schools. At the age of 23 he commenced learning his trade in Clinton county, which he followed in his native county until he came to Missouri. In 1878 he led to the marriage altar Miss Susan Patton, a native of Stafford county, Virginia. They have one child: Minnie E. In August of 1880 he started for Missouri, and the 6th of Sept., same year, settled at Aull- ville, where he now resides, doing a good business at his trade. Although but recently a citizen of this county, Mr. wSmith has already, by his upright character and geniality, secured to himself many firm friends, who show their appreciation by a liberal patronage. He and his wife are both mem- bers of the Friends church. JAMES. R. OSBERNE, firm of Osberne & Hammond, livery, P.O. Aullville. The subject of this sketch is a native of Daviess county, Missouri; born Aug. 16th, 1846. Was reared and educated in his native county. At the age of 20 he came to Lafayette county, where he remained one year, then returned to Daviess county and led to the marriage altar, Miss Margaret Cope, a native of that county. After the honeymoon he brought his bride to this county, where he had previously prepared a home. One child was born to them, named Lalla G. He was bereaved by the death of his wife, who died Feb. 9th, 1870. In the following year he took a trip to the mountains, hoping by a change of scene to assuage his grief in a measure. He remained in Mon- 580 HISTORY- OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. tana two years, engaged in freighting. He then returned to this county, and Nov. 5th, 1873, was married to Miss Bertie Cooksey. By this union thev have two children: Claud A. and Daisie M. In the same year of his second marriage he purchased a farm consisting of 80 acres of splendid land, located one mile northwest of Aullville, which he occupied until Dec. 17th, 1880. He still owns the farm, which is a model of neatness and under a high state of cultivation. During his occupancy, he raised at various times from 20 to 23 bushels of wheat and 15 barrels of corn per acre. After abandoning his farm he moved to Aullville and engaged in the livery business, entering the firm of which he is now a member. His partner, Mr. T. D. Hammond, is a gentleman of high character and strict integrity, and the two together comprise a firm which is eminently deserv- ing of the liberal patronage vouchsafed it by an appreciative community. Their receipts are from 8 to 10 dollars per day. CHARLES A. GRAHAM, blacksmith, Aulrville postoffice. Born in Lexington, Lafayette county Sept. 10, 1834. His early education was obtained in that city. Lived on a farm until the age of 12. He learned his trade of a man by the name of Cruse, living in Henry county, two miles north of Calhoun. He fol- lowed his trade for four years in that county. He then went to Lexing- ton and worked for a man by the name of John Zeiler, for two years. While there he was so unfortunate as to become crippled. He then went into the commission business, which he followed until the breaking out of the war. In 1S62 he was married to Miss Nannie J. Roberts, a native of Johnson county. They have ten children, six sons and four daughters, named as follows: Lulu T., Nellie, Roberta, Jessie, Stonewall J., Chas. A., Joseph, Selden P., James H. and Frank. In 18G2 he enlisted in Co. F, General Gordon's regiment, 1st Missouri volunteer cavalry — served as blacksmith. He participated in the battles of Cane Hill, Springfield, Hartsville, Prairie Grove and Cape Girardeau. In 1864, as he was acting as mail carrier, he was captured near Calhoun by the militia, and held prisoner for about two weeks, at Clinton and Sedalia. Was then paroled. He then went to Illinois, and locating at Breeze, followed his trade for a time. We next find him at St. Louis, where he lived six years, working for the Marine Railway and Dock company. From thence he went to Johnson count}-, and purchased a farm, which he cultivated for two years, situated three miles east of Hazel Hill. He then sold his farm and moved to Aullville, where he now resides, engaged at his trade. H. H. HENDRICKS, harness maker, Aullville postoffice. Born in Adams county, near Quincy, Ills., Nov. 25, 1852. Obtained his education at the public schools and at HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 587 the commercial college at Quincy, in charge of Mussulman and Howe. He learned the trade of harness 'making in Perry, Pike county, Ills. Dur- ing the years of '71 and '72 he was engaged in farming. For the next five years he followed his trade in Streator, Ills. At the expiration of that time he came to this county and located at Aullville, working for dif- ferent firms, at his trade, among them that of R. L. Berry, whom he bought out in 1877, and engaged in business for himself. Since then he has built up a good trade, carrying a stock worth $600, and making sales to the amount of $275 per month. In 1880 he was married to Miss Mary L. Curren, a native of Ohio. Mr. Hendricks is a member of the New School Baptist church. J. J. COOKSEY, trader, Aullville postoffice. Born in Ohio county, Ky., Feb. 2, 1819, where he was raised and educated. In 1840 he went to Fredericksburg, Va., and engaged in gold mining. Came to this county in 1855. In 1843 he was married to Miss W. Smith, a native of Virginia, daughter of Marvin Smith. They have four children, as follows: Mrs. Elizabeth Nevell, Mrs. A. R. Nevell, Mrs. Dudley B. Atchison and Mrs. Roberta Osborne. In 1864 he enlisted in Col. Gordon's regiment, then known as "Gen. Shelby's old regiment." Was engaged in the battles of Lexington, Blues, Westport, Newtonia and Manas des Cygne. He then went to Texas, where he remained till after the surrender. He then came home, and was engaged in farming until 1875, when he sold out, and since then has been engaged in trading. Mr. Cooksey and his family are all mem- bers of the Christian church. DR. T. J. WATSON, physician and surgeon, postoffice, Aullville. Is a native of New York, where he was raised and educated; graduating from the medical depart- ment of the University of New York, in 1859. Emigrating to Lafayette county, in 1867 he was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss A. E. Jones, a native of West Virginia. In 1862, he entered into the employ of the government, in the capacity of hospital surgeon; located at Springfield. In 1863, March 21, he was commissioned surgeon of the 32d infantry, Missouri volunteers. From St. Louis, where he was first located, after being commissioned, he went to Vicksburg, where he remained until the surrender. Was engaged on the fields of Vicksburg, Pearl River, Chatta- nooga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Dalton, Atlanta. After the surrender of Vicksburg, he was connected with- Sherman's command. Was appointed surgeon of brigade, by R. C. Wood, division commander. Was mustered out at Louisville, Ky.,July 18, 1865. Returning to Lafay- ette county, he located near Aullville, where he now resides, engaged in 588 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. the practice of his profession. The Dr. is an esteemed citizen, as well as a successful practitioner. Ever since his residence in the county, he has had a vigilant eye upon its interests, and in various ways, has contributed to its welfare. J. R. WILEY, liquor dealer, postoffice, Aullville. The subject of the following is a native of Pettis county, this state; born April 7, 1855. At an early age, he went with his parents to Iowa, where he lived for nine years, located in Mills county. Attended school while there. In 1866, the family moved to Lafayette county, and located on a farm, where J. R. grew to manhood, his time employed in a manner customary to that of farmer lads, engaged in developing the physical faculties, at farm work, in summer, and the mental, at school, in winter. In 1877, he was united in the bonds of mat- rimony to Miss Amelia Jackson, of this county. They have one child: William S. In 1880, he moved to Aullville and formed a partnership with Mr. Graham in the liquor business. The firm is having a lucrative trade. G. P. SCHWEITZER, shoemaker, postoffice, Aullville. Is a native of this state; born in St. Louis, May 9, 1857, where he was reared and educated; attending school until 1869. In 1871, he commenced learning the trade of shoemaker, which he followed in his native city, until Nov. 4, 1880, when he went to Clinton, Henry county, where he remained until Jan. 5, 1881, occupied at his trade. He then came to this county, and locating at Aullville, opened a shop, where by his courtesy and close attention to the wants of his cus- tomers, he has succeeded in establishing himself in a lucrative business. His receipts amout to $2000 per year. In Feb. 1881, he was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Deganhardt, a native of Alton, Ills. The nup- tials were celebrated at Jerseyville, Ills. Mr. Schweitzer and wife are both active and consistent members of the Catholic church. B. E. NEVILLE, postoffice, Aullville. Was born in Warren county, Va., June 4, 1837, where he was raised and educated. From the age of 15 to 21, he was engaged at the blacksmith's trade. Upon arriving at the latter age, he came west, to this county, and engaged in farm work. In 1863, while living in Saline county, (having moved there a short time previously), he enlisted in company D, Gen. Marmaduke's body-guard. He fought in the following engagements, in all of which he conducted himself in a man- ner becoming a soldier and a gentleman: Prairie de Ann, Jenkins' Ferry, Lake Village, one near Jefferson City, Marias de Cygne, being but a few feet from Gen. Marmaduke, when he was captured at the latter place. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 589 He surrendered at Shreveport and returned to Saline county, where he remained only a few months, and then came to the neighborhood of Aull- ville, this county. He now resides in Aullville. Mr. Neville is a genial, whole-souled gentleman, possessing the confidence of all who know him. WM. H. PERDUE, farmer; P. O. Aullville, the sixth son of Henry Perdue, and his second wife, is a native of Clark county, Indiana; born August 3, 18-41. Obtained his education, principally, in that state, where he lived until the age of 15, when he came with his parents to Lafayette .county, and settled upon the farm upon which he is now living. After arriving in this county he attended school for one year, which finished his school days, and after which he became engaged in active life. His farm consists of 137 acres of excellent land. Is giving some attention to stock raising. In 1868 he was married to Miss Lucinda J. Rutherford, a native of this county. They have five children living: Minnie E., John H., Jacob W., James O., and Pelina C. Mr. P. was at home at the time of the death of his father, who was killed by the bushwhackers during the early part of the war. In October, 1862, he enlisted in Capt Taggart's company, Col. Henry Neill's regiment, E. M. M. He remained in that service about one month and then returned home, where he remained until August of 1864, when he enlisted as private in the 45th infantry, Missouri volunteers, company D. Was engaged in the battle of Jefferson City. In 1863 he was tnken pris- oner by Dave Poole's bushwhackers and held for a half hour and then released, after being deprived of his horse. He was discharged from the service in 1865, and returned to his home with a good record. OSCAR V. PERDUE, farmer, P. P. Aullville, first son of Henry Perdue and his first wife; was born in Clarke county, Indiana, in 1825, June 24. Was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools of his native county. At the age of 19 he went to Louisville, Kentucky, where he remained engaged in learn- ing the carpenter trade, until 1855, when he came to Pettis county, Mis- souri, and worked with Mr. W. H. Field until 1856, and then came to Lafayette county, where he has been engaged in farming ever since, except while the civil war was in progress. In 1868 he was married to Miss Sarah E. Whitworth, a native of Lafayette county. By this union they have four children: Mary Ann, Margarette L., Edwin V.. and Sarah E. In 1862 he enlisted in Capt. Taggart's company, Col. Neill's regi- ment, E. M. M., in which he remained six months, holding the office of 1st sergeant. In 1863 he was called out again under Capt. Sumner. In August, 1864, he re-enlisted as corporal of company D., 45th Missouri Y 590 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. volunteer infantry. In 1865 he was honorably discharged and came home. He is now engaged in cultivating a fine farm of 148 acres, which presents an appearance which suggests the thought that a master hand was at the helm. W. BOON MAJOR, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Aullville; was born in Franklin county, Kentucky, December 19, 1825. He was raised on a farm and partially educated in his native county — completing his education in the high school of Frankfort, Kentucky. When the Mexican war broke out he enlisted on the 8th of May, 1846, in Capt. Thomas F. Marshall's company, 1st Kentucky cavalry, under Gen. Taylor. Fought in the battle of Buena Vista — his company having the honor of firing the first guns in that engagement. His company originally consisted of 110 men, but when they were mustered out at the end of twelve months, they numbered only 33. After the war he went back to Kentucky, and in August, 1847, he came to Lafayette county, landing at Lexington. In the following year his father, Joseph M., bought 560 acres of land in this county, for $6.50 per acre; a portion of which Boon now owns. November 12, 1849, he was united in marriage to Prudence Worder, a native of Lafayette. Shortly afterwards he engaged in the mercantile business at Wellington, where he sold goods until 1858. The following year he took a trip across the plains, remaining 9 months in the mountains, engaged in superintending some business operations for Russell Major and Mr. Waddell. Returning from this trip, he engaged in farming a short distance north of where he now resides. Mr. Major is the father of six children, all living: John D., Joseph R., Alfred H., William M., Kitty J., and Ida M. In June. 1861, he enlisted in the M. S. G., company G., Col. B. Elliott's regiment, in which service he remained six months. He held the rank of 1st lieutenant, and assisted in organizing the company. In the spring of 1862 he re-enlisted in the regular confederate service — company I, Shelby's regiment. Was orderly sergeant of his company. In 1863 he was commissioned quarter- master of the regiment commanded by Col. Elliott. He was engaged in the following battles: Coon Creek, Newtonia, Hartsville, Springfield, Pine Bluffs, Jin kens' Ferry, Prairie de Ann, Duval's Bluff, Clarendon, Helena, Cape Girardeau, first at Lexington, Jefferson City, Boonville, Potosi, Ironton, Pilot Knob, Chalk Bluff', Marshall, Sedalia, Independence, Blues, Westport, Little Osage, and several minor engagements too numer- ous to mention. He surrendered personally, at Austin, to Gen. Merritt. He is now engaged in farming and stock raising — owning a fine farm of 242 acres. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 591 JOSEPH L. YOUNGS, JR., farmer, P. O. Aullville. The third child of Joseph L. Youngs, Sr., was born in Newark N. J., December 2, 1835. He was only six years of age when he came to Lafayette county with his parents. They first settled on the farm upon which Joseph Jr. now resides. Here he obtained his •education in the common schools. In August 1861, he enlisted in the federal army, company K , 14th Missouri, under Col. White. Held the office of second lieutenant. Was engaged in the battle of Lexington with Mulligan, with whom he surrendered and remained a prisoner until Nov. when he was paroled. Upon being released, he went to Miss., and then to Kansas, where he was captain of a company of militia from Shawnee ( county, for a period of three months. He was engaged in the following battles: Mine Creek, Newtonia, Blues, Westport, Independence. In 1866, he returned to Lafayette county, where he has since lived. March 4, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Lavina Stahl, a native of Ohio. They have five children, viz: Francis E., Elmer E., Lillian, Joy and Arthurleana. Mr. Youngs is now engaged in farming; occupying a por- tion of his farm of 240 acres, renting what he does not cultivate himself. During the season from October '80 to June '81, $8,000 worth of produce and stock was sold from it. When quite young, he recollects of there being an Indian trail extending across what is now a portion of his farm, and also remembers of seeing Indians passing along on their hunting expeditions. He also remembers when the elms in his door yard were set out, and that the seed from which the walnuts were grown, was planted 33 years ago. His father had the only blacksmith shop in that neighborhood, located upon his farm. He also helped build the first rail- road cars that were built in the United States. Mr. Youngs is a man who commands the respect of all with whom he has dealing. JOSEPH L. YOUNGS, SR., deceased, was a native of N. J. Born March 5, 1804. His grandfather, Joseph, was a native of England, and was pressed into the English service as a seaman. While his vessel was anchored ofl Long Island, he jumped overboard, swam ashore and thus escaped. Such was the origin of the Youngs family in the United States. The subject of this sketch was raised and educated in Essex county, N. J., and early in life commenced learning the trade of wheelwright, which he followed until he came to Lafayette county. He was first married to Miss Lydia Rodgers, a native of N. J. Thev became parents of ten children, six of whom are now liv- ing, viz: Edgar, Joseph L. Jr., Isabella B., (married Charles Hager), David, Delia A., (Mrs. Cramer,) and Grover. His first wife died Dec. 17, 1861, and was finally buried at Oak Grove. He was afterwards married to a Mrs. Amelia Ham. In 1837, he left N. J. and moved to St. 592 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Louis, where he lived about three years engaged at his trade. In 1842, he came to Lafayette count}' and entered some land, which he improved. In 1849, he went to California, where he remained until 1851, engaged in merchandising. Returning to this county he lived here until '55, when he went to Kansas. In 1867, he sold out there and again came back to Lafayette county. The sale of his property in Kansas proving futile, however, he was obliged to return and take possession. He died Nov. 18, 1877, and was buried at Oak Grove, beside his first wife. He was one of the early settlers of Lafayette county, honored and respected by all who knew him. WM. F. McCLURE, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Aullville, is a native of Fountain county, Indiana, born Nov. 24, 1847. When quite young, he went with his par- ents to Mercer county, Ills., where he was raised and educated, attending the Cameron and other high schools of that county. In 1866, he came to Lafayette county with his parents, who settled on the place familiarly known as the "Anderson Warren farm," where he lived until the spring of 1881. In 1868, he was united in marriage to a Miss Wilborn, a native of Indiana, and daughter of James Wilborn. By this union they have six children, viz: Fred. W., James S., Mary E., Belle, Eliza and Jessie. In the spring of 1881, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 240 acres of fine farming land, well adapted to stockraising; situated a short distance southeast of Aullville. Has 1000 acres of well set grass land and plenty of good water; also a fine orchard and vineyard containing many varieties of fruit. He is a member of the O. S. Presby- terian church, and stands in high repute among his acquaintances. Has served one term as school director of his district, and is quite active in promoting popular education. JAMES OLER, farm superintendent, P. O. Aullville. Is a native of Bedford county, Pa. Born April 2, 1842. His early life was passed upon a farm. Educated in the common schools of the county. At the age of 29, he came to Jack- son county, Mo., and engaged in farm work for Nichol & Bro., with whom he remained four years. He then branched out for himself, and cultivated a farm for two years, upon his own responsibility. While in Pa., he was married to Miss Louisa Klahre, a native of Germany. They have five children, viz: Caroline E., Charles W., Elmer S., Mary A., Sedora M. In 1879, he came to this county and engaged in superintend- ing a farm, owned by Nichol & Bro., with whom he had previously been associated. This farm is situated near Aullville, and contains 452 acres of excellent land, which presents an appearance of careful and intelligent HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 593 supervision. During the year 18S0, $4,000 worth of produce and cattle were sold. JOHN W. BROWN, farmer, P. O. Aullville. Was born in Logan County, Ky., February 3, 1828. In 1829 his parents came with him to Lafayette county, where they lived three years and then went to Johnson county, where the sub- ject of this sketch lived until 1866. He was raised on a farm and educated in the typical school of " our fathers " — split logs for benches, and mother earth for a floor. In 1845 he was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Cor- nett, by which union' they have eight children, seven now living, viz.: Amanda, Sarah E., Minerva E., William B., James R., Mollie D., John Edward. Armilda F., the eldest, deceased. In 1866 he moved to Lafay-^ ette county and settled on the farm, now owned by Boon Major, in Free- dom township, where he lived until March, 1881, when he removed to the farm, where he now resides, consisting of 480 acres of excellent land, for- merly known as the "Anderson Warren " farm; 300 acres of this had been in flax previous to the war. On the south end he can plough a furrow one mile in length without meeting any obstruction. On the north part of it there is a vein of coal, 18 inches in thickness, which can be worked with very little trouble and expense. Six living springs may be found con- veniently located. Within the past year Mr. Brown has placed several improvements, in the shape of buildings, upon his farm, among them being a frame dwelling house costing $2,000, and a barn, 40x60, costing $500. In 1862 he enlisted in the confederate army, Company " F," 1st Missouri Cavalry, under Gen. Marmaduke. He was engaged in the battles of Newtonia, Cane Hill, Springfield, Hartsville, Prairie Grove, and Cape Girardeau. At Prairie Grove he was wounded in the left shoulder by a canister shot, which disabled him; notwithstanding which, he still kept with his company until late in 1863, when he was given an unlimited fur- lough on account of his disability. He was one of Marmaduke's " Blind Pickets," and reported to that general personally. Upon receiving his furlough he went to Texas, wh^re he remained one and a half months, and then went to Green county, Ills., where he remained until 1865, when he returned home. Mr. B. has a fine record as a soldier, and a gentleman possessing the confidence of all of his acquaintances. ELLIS C.JONES, deceased. Was born in Brooke count}-, Va., March 20, 1808, where he was reared and educated. Lived on a farm. In 1830 he was united in marriage to Miss Hettie C. Boyd, a native of Washington county, Pa. Her grandfather, Boyd, living in Pennsylvania in about 1754, with three other children, was taken captive by the Indians who murdered his mother 594 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. and burned their dwelling. He remained a captive three and a halt years. Her father, John Boyd, was a veteran of 1812. Ellis C. and wife became parents of eight children, three now deceased, and five living, viz.: John B., Rebecca, Asenath, Caleb J. W., and George R. In I860 he brought his family to Lafayette count)', and settled upon a farm. He died in 1861 and was buried at Oakland Church grave yard. He was a member of the M. E. church. Mrs. Jones is now living on a farm of 400 acres of excellent land, on which there is a good substantial dwelling, where she and her son John are engaged in its management. Her experience dur- ing the war was varied and trying in the extreme, her husband being dead and her sons away, she was obliged to manage affairs and protect herself and daughters as best she could. She, however, proved herself equal to the emergency, and took hold of the helm and steered their bark with safety through those troublous times. C. H. UPHAUSE. Mr. Uphause, is a native of Prussia, born July 24, 1824; was raised there and educated in the common schools. At the age of twenty-three he came to the United States, landing at Galveston, Texas. After remain- ing there a short time he went to New Orleans, and from there to St. Louis, where he remained two and a half years. In 1850 he went to Cali- fornia with the intention of mining, but meeting with poor success, he abandoned the business and went to Sacramento and engaged in the occupation of hauling water, for nine months, making considerable money. In 1851 he left the Pacific coast and came to Lafayette county, Missouri, where he purchased land and settled down to the occupation of farming. He was united in mairiage in 1851 to Miss Margaret Esselmann, a native of Prussia. They have had nine children, seven of whom are now liv- ing, viz: Martin, John, Mary, Matilda, Sarah, Caroline and Lena. Mr. Uphause has resided in Lafayette county continuously since 1851, engaged in farming, in which he has been quite successful. He now owns 750 acres of excellent land in different parts of the county. His home farm, situated between Concordia and Aullville, consists of 380 acres, and is well improved. In 1880 he harvested 1,400 bushels of wheat from 70- acres. He and his wife are members of the M. E. church of Concordia. In 1862 Mr. Uphause enlisted in the federal fervice, E. M. M., seventy- first regiment, Capt. Taggart's company. Was not engaged in any bat- tles. His postoffice address is Concordia. F. W. TAGGART. The subject of this sketch is a native of North Carolina, born January 27, 1810, where he was reared and educated at a subscription school. His early life was passed on a farm. In 1833, he was united in marriage HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 595 to Miss Christina Toakley, also a natiueof North Carolina. Ten children were born to them, six of whom are now living, four sons and two daugh- ters, viz: Jessie R., F. W. M, John A., H. C, Tiriffa C, and Mary C. In 1845 he came to Lafayette county, Missouri, and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 166 acres of excellent land, for which he paid five dollars per acre. Mr. Taggart is one of the early settlers of the county and has been closely identified with its interests since locating here. Is energetic and enterprising, and by watchfulness and economy has secured for himself and family a pleasant and comfortable home. Postoflice, Concordia. WILLIAM ROWE. Mr. Rowe is a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky, born June 3, 1808, where his early life was passed, engaged in farming and acquiring an education. Was married, the first time, to Miss Amelia Holt, daughter of Major Thomas Holt, of revolutionary fame, and a native of Virginia. She died December 23, 1863. Mr. Rowe came to Lafayette county in 1843. He afterwards went into Johnson county, where he remained but a short time and then returned to Lexington and carried on an agricultu- ral shop until 1860. In about 1866 he was again married to Mrs. L. J. Sparlbrd, a native of North Carolina. Since 1867 Mr. R. has been a resi- dent of the southern part of the county, engaged in cultivating a farm of 58 acres, which he owns. In 1S61 he enlisted as private in Captain Joseph Barnett's company, under Colonel Vard Cockrell; confederate service: While with this command he was engaged in the battle of Lex- ington. He was with Gen. Price on his raid through the state. Was not attached to any particular command, but joined Gen. Shelby's brigade of his own accord. Participated in the battles of Independence, Blues, West- port and Newtonia. He surrendered personally, at Houston, Texas, in 1865, and came home, acting as escort to Mrs. Colonel Slayback, who had been placed under his protection. Postoflice address, Concordia. LEWIS S. STOUT. Mr. Stout is a native of Davidson county, North Carolina, where he lived until eighteen years of age, acquiring an education in the meantime. Was born March 22, 1835,. and came to Lafayette county at the age before stated. In 1862 he enlisted in company B, 7th regiment of cavalry, Missouri state militia. Was blacksmith for the company. He served three years and was mustered out at St. Louis, in 1865. In 1861 he laid in the hospital for two months, suffering from the effects of poisonous vac- cine. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Yokley, a native of North Carolina. She died in March, 1872, leaving three chil dren, two girls and a boy.: Mary A., Nancy and John A. Mr. Stout is 596 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. now engaged in farming, owning 80 acres of excellent land, which he has brought to a high state of cultivation. Postoffice address, Concordia. WILLIAM B. TAGGART. Mr. Taggart was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, October 13, 1846. Was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. In 1865 just before the war closed, he enrolled in the State militia, but was never sworn into service. In 1879 he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of fifty-five acres of very productive and well improved land. In 1880 he raised eighteen bushels of wheat and thirty- five bushels of corn to the acre. His farm is well watered and contains a fine orchard. Mr. Taggart is an excellent business man and enjoys the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. His postoffice address is Concordia. WILLIAM HILLANS. The subject of this sketch is a native of Germany, born October 23, 1846. Was reared and educated there, obtaining his education in the common schools. At the age of twenty-two years, he came to the United States, landing at New Urleans, where he remained for five and a half years. While there he was united in marriage to Miss Bridget Welsh. Five children have been born to them, two of whom are now living: Mary and Lizzie. Upon leaving New Orleans, Mr. Hillans came to Lafayette county, and located a short distance southwest of Concor- dia, where he lived two years. He then went to Johnson county and lived ten years in the northeastern part, after which he returned to this county, and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, situated five miles southwest of Concordia. His farm consists of 160 acres of well improved land. Mr. Hillans is a member of the Presbyterian church and Mrs. Hillans of the Catholic church. Postoffice, Concordia. JOHN BUTTNER, deceased. Mr. Buttner was born in Forsyth county, North Carolina, April 22, 1831, where he was raised and educated. At the age of twenty-one he came to Lafayette county and engaged in farming. In 1856, April 10, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth* F. Ray, a native of Lafay- ette county. Seven children were born to them, five now living, viz: Wm. D., Minnie L., John H., Mary E. and Cora A. In 1801 he enlisted in the confederate service, under Gen. Shelby. Participated in the battles of Lone Jack, Independence, Blues, Westport, Newtonia, Pine Bluff and numerous others. June 15, 1865, he took the oath at Shreveport and came home and re-engaged in farming. Mr. Buttner died July 20, 1879, and was buried at the Ebenezer cemetery. Mrs. Buttner is still residing HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 597 on the home place, situated six miles southeast of Aullville. Her post- office address is Concordia. EDWARD H. SMITH. The subject of this sketch is a native of Lincoln county, Kentucky, born June 2, 1830. Was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. In 1S54 he married Miss Nancy H. Bradley, a native of Ken- tucky. They have^had nine children, six now living, three sons and three daughters, viz.: Martha J., John W., Susan M., Mary L., Benjamin H., and Elias E. In 1847 heenlisted for service in the Mexican war, in Capt. J. W. Brannan's company, under Zack. Taylor. Served sixteen months as a private. In 1854 he came to Lafayette county, and located in Lexington, where he lived six years. He then went to Freedom township, where he has since resided. During the civil war, he was appointed a sharp-shooter at the battle of Lexington, under Gen. Price. Was not regularly sworn into the army. When Major Grover was ordered to Lexington to rescue Cols. White and Grover, he took fifty-four prisoners, all citizens, six of whom were negroes. Not a soldier was among the lot, of whom Mr. Smith was one. They were marched from Lexington to the fair grounds and were there released. Mr. Smith's postoffice address is Aullville. HARMAN BRAND, is a native of Germany, born January 23, 1841, where he lived until seven or eight years of age, when he came with his parents to the United States and located in Lafayette county, where he has since resided. He com- pleted his education there. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Minnie Harwold, a native of Germany. Seven children were born to them, four now living, viz.: Ernest, Edward, Samuel and Daniel. In 1878 he pur- chased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 440 acres of excellent land. He is engaged in farming and stock-raising. During the season of 1880 he raised 5,000 bushels of wheat on 220 acres, and forty bushels of corn per acre. In 1861 he enlisted in the Home Guards— Cap- tain Baker's company — under General Mulligan. Was engaged in the battle of Lexington. After the surrender of the city he was paroled and allowed to return home. When Mr. Brand came to this county he had nothing but good health and energy, with a will to do something for him- self and family. By industry and economy he has become possessed of a splendid farm, well stocked with all the necessary apparatus for its culti- vation. He formerly owned the land upon which a portion of the town of Higginsville is located. He sold it to Messrs. A. E. Asbury, Harvey Higgins and Capt. Hugh Smith. Mr. B. and wife are members of the Baptist church of Higginsville. Postoffice, Aullville. 598 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. HENRY KOPPENBRINK. Mr. K. was born in Germany, November 27, 1S45, and when nine years of age came to the United States with his parents. His early education was obtained in his native country. After arriving in the United States he again attended school in Johnson and Lafayette counties — completing his education. In 1870 he left Lafayette county (to which he came imme- diately after landing) and went to Johnson count) 7 , where he lived five years engaged in farming. He then returned to Lafayette county and engaged in the hardware business with Mr. Thieman, at Concordia, where he remained three years, and then returned to his farm in Johnson county. In August, 1881, he came back to Concordia and in partnership with his brother John, purchased the livery stable of Meyer & Co., and has since been engaged in the livery business. In 1S69 he was married to Miss Dina Stunkle, by whom he has had five children, three now living, viz.: Elenora, Albert and Edward. JOHN H. WALKENHORST. The subject of this sketch is a native of Lafayette county, born April 24, 1848. Was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. Was married to Miss Amelia Stoll, a native of Germany, in 1873. They have three children, viz.: Julius W.,John M. and Horace W. Mr. W. is now engaged in farming, owning seventy acres, situated two miles south- west of Concordia. Is paying considerable attention to stock-raising, particularly swine, of the Poland China breed. In 1880 he raised 700 bushels of wheat on thirty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Walkenhorst are mem- bers of the M. E. church of Concordia. Postoffice address is Concordia. REV. C. SCHOEMAKER. The subject of the following sketch, pastor of the German Baptist church of Concordia, is a native of Holland, born in 1818. Was raised and educated there. In 1846 he crossed the Atlantic and came directly to St. Louis, where he lived six years and where he obtained his theological education. He preached four years in St. Louis, during which time he assisted his congregation in their project of building a church. He then went to Buffalo, New York, and occupied the pulpit of the German Bap- tist church there for nine years. From there he went to Muscatine, Iowa, where he remained eleven years; at the close of which period he came to Lafayette county and settled near Concordia, where he now resides. He has been married three times — the last time in Iowa, to Miss Dora Nyen- house, a native of Holland. Seven children were born to them — six sons and one daughter, all living. He has two children by his second wife. Postoffice, Concordia. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. o99 AUGUST BROCKMANN. Tust forty-one years ago, in 1840, while the parents of the subject of this sketch were coming from Germany to the United States, Mr. Brock- minn was born in the vessel in which they sailed. They landed at New Orleans, and then came to Lafayette county, stopping for a short time in St Louis Thev arrived in this county in the spring of '41. August obtained his education in the German and English schools of this county; was raised on a farm. In' 1863 he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Oetling, a native of Lafayette county, Missouri. Seven children were born to them, five of whom are now living, three daughters and two sons: Anna, Martha, Emelia, August and Fritz. In 1868 he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 140 acres, situated three and a half miles south of Concordia. In 1880 he harvested 1,500 bushels of wheat from fiitv-five acres. Mr. B. and wife are. members of the Lutheran Church of Concordia. During the late war he en listed in the enrolled militia, Capt. Brum's company, D, under Col. Neill; was third corporal; was engaged in the fight with the bushwhackers. He was only two months in active service, the remainder of the time (two months) lying sick with the typhoid fever. Post-office, Concordia. JOHN HOLTCAMP. The subject of the following sketch is a native of Prussia, ^many, born March 2d, 1832, where he obtained his early education. In 1844 he came to the United States with his father, Casper Holtcamp, landing at New Orleans and going directly to St Louis, where they remained «x months and then came to Lafayette county, where his father entered land near Concordia. They were the first emigrants from **™£^ ted in this countv John lived with his father two y ea ™ a " d ; h ^ t tt a ™ out to paddle his own canoe." In 1850 he was attacked by the gold fever" which carried him off to California, where he remained until 1*56, engaged in mining, meeting with a moderate degree of success and burning with abolt $1,700, with which he purchased a -m a short dis- tance south of Concordia, on the edge of Johnson county In 1858 he ^united in marriage to Miss *^*^^*£r££ children were born to them, eight now living: Henry John, Joseph h Will t; ass. -» « " ^nxs CTiS^.^ *» St of Anllvil,. whe, he is still residing, giving considerable attent.on to stock -»»** 1|»* enlisted in the enrolled Missouri milit.a, of Johnson coun y <*£ J°£ " company 40th regiment, serving eight months. H,s father d.ed.n 1873, a°7e "danced age of seventy-two years, and was buned m the Repubh- cln church graveyard. Mr. Holtcamp's post-office address . Anllv.lle. #00 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ROBERT T. LITTLEJOHN, deceased. The subject of the following sketch, one of the pioneer set- tlers of Lafayette county, was born in Mason county, Kentucky, October 8, 1812, and died November 10, 1877. Was raised and educated in his native county, where he also learned the blacksmith's trade. About the year 1830 he came to Lafayette county and entered the employ of Mr. Jack Waddell, in which he remained until 1842, engaged first as overseer, afterwards as miller, for five years, and subsequently in the capacity of blacksmith. November 12, of same year, he married Miss Martha Payne, a native of Woodford county, Ky., and daughter of Thomas Payne, who moved to Lafayette county in 1841. Fifteen children were born to them, thirteen of whom are now living, three sons and ten dnughters: Mrs. Nancy Roberts, Mrs. Elizabeth Barnes, Mrs. Caroline Clary, Mrs. James Willis, Mrs; Georgia A. Wilborn, Julia, Ida, Jenny, Maggie, Mattie, Wil- liam H., Thomas and Augustus. In 1844 he purchased a farm of 500 acres, situated twenty-two miles south of Lexington, where he resided until his death. CHARLES B. DOUGLASS, deceased. The subject of the following sketch was born in Philadelphia, June 3, 1809. At the age of seventeen he went to Kentucky, where he lived until 1843. While in Kentucky he was married to Miss Rebecca Rawlings, a native of Fleming county, Kentucky. Eight children were born to them: William, Jonathan, Henry, Thomas, Charles, Nancy, Eliza and Sarah. In 1843 the family moved to Missouri, Johnson county, near Columbus, where they lived two years, and then removed to near Basin Knob, and afterwards to Oak Grove, living three years at each place. Then coming to Lafayette county, they lived here five years, and then returned to Johnson county where they remained until 1866. Sep- tember 1, 1863, a company of the seventh Missouri cavalry and one of the eleventh Kansas cavalry came 'to Mr. Douglass' house and took him away to Davis' creek bottom, in Lafayette county, and there shot him together with Dr. William Dobson, and left the bodies lying in the grass, which was as tall as a grown person. On the afternoon of the following day a company of forty men, among whom were Thomas Douglass, Stout Burton and Daniel Dobson, started in search of the missing. They found the bodies after some search, and buried them at Oak Grove Cem- etery. Mr. Douglass, politically, was a constitutional Union man, but took no active part in the war. He had three sons, however, in the con- federate army. Neither Mr. D. nor his family ever knew why he was thus taken away and shot. There was but one wound on his body and that was directly through the heart. Mrs. Douglass and one son are now living about three miles south of Aullville, engaged in farming. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 601 JESSE HARGRAVE. Mr. Hargrave is a native of Guilford county, North Carolina; born June 24, 1827. Obtained his earl}- education there and at the age of twelve came to Lafayette county with his parents. Completed his education at Browns- ville " Sweet Springs College, " Dr. Lapsley Yantis, president. In April, 1867, he married Miss M. E. Patrick, a native of this county, and daugh- ter of James J. Patrick. Five children were born to them, four of whom are now living, viz: Horace M., Anselm J., Ida M. and Almeda A. His father Anselm Hargrave, bought a farm near were Concordia now stands, where Jesse lived until 1862, when he went west, traveling through Wash- ington territory, Idaho territory and Oregon, where he remained until 1866, when he returned, and in 1868 bought the farm where he now resides, consisting of 160 acres, situated six miles south of Aullville. In 1880 he raised 900 bushels of wheat on forty acres and forty-five bushels of corn per acre. Mr. H. and his father were among the early pioneers of that part of the county. Game, such as deer, wild turkeys, etc., was plenty. At that time their milling was done at Dover and their trading at Lex- ington and Boonville — taking their swine to the latter place. Wheat was hauled from where Concordia now is to Lexington and sold for twenty- five cents a bushel. Post office, Aullville. W. K. SAUNDERS. The subject of the following is a native of Davidson count}', North Carolina; born Nov. 16, 1833. There he was raised and educated, attend- ing the common schools, Was raised on a farm. At the age of twenty- three he came to Lafayette county and settled on the place known as the Franklin Mock farm, where he has since resided. He was married Sept. 6, 1857 to Miss Lydia R. Field, a native of North Carolina. They have had four children, three of them now living, as follows: Emma J., Frances A. and William L. Aug. 16, 1862, he enlisted as fourth sergeant in Company C, Seventy-first E. M. M. He participated in the Wellington fight with the bushwhackers. Was color-bearer and at the time the enemy charged, he was in the stable getting feed for his horse and had left the flag on the outside, which was captured, he, however, succeeded in mak- ing his escape to Lexington. In this engagement there were about sixty Federals and about 160 bushwhackers. He was discharged in December of 1862, but was called out once or twice afterwards. In August, 1864' he re-enlisted in the 100-days service under Col. Rout; but on arriving at St Joe, finding his comp iny with sixty-five more men than its quota, he was sent home. Post office address, Aullville. 602 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. URIAH FARRELL. Mr. Farrell was born in Lincoln county, Ky., June 23, 1834, and at the age of five years came to Missouri with his parents, stopping one year in Saline countv, and then moving into the southeastern part of Lafayette county, where Uriah was educated— attending the public schools. In 1857 he was united in marriage to Miss Julia Word, a native of North Caro- lina. Nine children were born to them, seven now living, viz: Emma F., Minnie L., Bernetta M., Harry A., William A., Charles and John C. In 1858 he purchased the farm where he now resides, consisting of 100 acres. Is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In 1862 he enlisted in the Fed- eral service — Capt. Taggart's company, Seventy-first Enrolled Missouri Militia — in which he remained five months. In 1S51 his father William Farrell, and his (Uriah) oldest brother, Lapsley, went to California with the gold fever. They both died within three months after arriving and were buried there. Mr. Farrell's Post office address is Aullville. ROBERT S. SITTINGTON. The subject of the following sketch is a native of Highland county, Va.; born February 25, 1848. He there obtained his early education and at the age of eleven years came to Pettis county, Missouri, where he completed it. In 1865 he came to Lafayette county, and in 18J0 pur- chased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 160 acres of excellent land. Is engaged in farming and stock-raising. During the season of 1880 he raised 1,000 bushels of wheat of fine quality on fifty acres, and in 1881 — when the wheat crop was comparatively a failure— he raised 750 bushels of No. 2 wheat on 48 acres. In December of 1870, he was united in marriage to Miss Susan M. Handley, daughter of Joseph Handley, a native of Lafayette county. They have had two children, one now living, Emma J., the other dying when quite young. Mr. Sittington is one of the substantial business men of the county and one who looks after the interests of the public with a watchful eye. B. WHITWORTH. The subject of the following sketch — probably the oldest settler of Lafayette county now living — was born in Guilford county, North Caro- lina, July 7, 1819. Was educated at a subscription school. At the age of eighteen, he and his mother, brother and two sisters, came to Missouri, and located in Freedom township, where Mr. W. worked five years for Dr. Davis, in the Davis Mill, near what is now known as Kirkpatrick's Mill — attending school a portion of the time. He afterwards rented the mill, which he operated for two years. In 1844, he entered the farm upon which he now resides, where he lived three years, and then went to Lex- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 603 ington, and operated a mill for nearly a year, and then returned to his farm, where he has since resided. Owns 108 acres. He was first mar- ried, February 2, 1843, to Miss Margaret J. Mock, daughter of David Mock, Sr., and a native of North Carolina. They had three children, of whom two are now living, viz: Margaret J. Perdue, and Mary A. Webb. His first wife died July 23, 1850, being killed by lightning, and was buried at Freedom Chapel graveyard. August 19, 1852, he was again united in marriage, to Miss Phoebe Farrell, a native of Kentucky. They have eight children, viz: Thomas A., William R., George W., Charles, Bevill W., Margaret J., Clara M., and Annie. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the federal service — Capt. Taggart's company, Seventy-first regiment, E. M. M. f in which he served three months, and was then honorably discharged. In 1843, the county court appointed him an over- seer, to open and put in order the Lexington and Knob Noster road, run- ning from Merritt's ford, on Davis creek, to a point on the Johnson county line, near John Scott's, which appointment he filled in a creditable manner. In 1844, he was appointed deputy constable of his township, and was afterwards appointed by the magistrates, to fill a vancancy caused by the resignation of Alexander Wilborn. Mr. W, has long been a resident of this county, and to him its present state of progress is due, to a great extent. Post-office, Aullville. EDWARD H. HANDLY. The subject of this sketch is a native of this state and Lafayette county; born March 12, 1856. Obtained quite a liberal education in the common schools; spent two years in the State University, at Columbia, and, in 1876, graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, at St. Louis. In 1878, he went to the mountains, and engaged in mining, near where Leadville now stands. He, George Tremble, and Simon H. Foss discovered the "Winnemuck," now part of the "Pittsburg Consoli- dation Mine." Was engaged in the law-suit which finally resulted in the consolidation, and sold out his interest for $5,000. He remained there until 1880, mining and keeping a feed store. In February of that year, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, situated two and a half miles south of Aullville, consisting of 240 acres of first-class land, upon which he is engaged in farming and raising stock. In October, 1880, he was united in marriage to Miss J. Parker, a native of Johnson county. Post- office, Aullville. DR. JAMES BELT. Dr. Belt is a native of Loudon county, Virginia; born July 20, 1821. He spent three years in school, at Rockville, Montgomery county, Mary- land, and two years in the University of Virginia, from which he gradu- 604 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ated in the medical department. He also spent six months in hospitals of Philadelphia, in order to perfect himself in surgery, etc., and afterwards practiced ten miles south of Frederick City, Maryland. In 1851, he came to Lafayette county, and settled in Wellington, where he opend the first drug store in that place, which he operated in connection with his prac- tice. In 1854, he went to Napoleon, which, in 1836-7, had been a thrifty town, but in consequence of the money crisis, which occurred during the latter year, had become sadly demoralized. When he went there the town itself could not be found, the lines and corners having been obliter- ated. He was married, April 18, 1854, to Miss Sarah E. Snoufter, a native of Maryland, and educated at Urbana. Eight children were born to them, seven of whom are living, viz: Charlotte E., (Mrs. Sittington), Georgi- anna S. (Mrs. Wilson), Mary E., Florence, James A., Ida W., and William C. The doctor laid out the town where Napoleon formerly stood, and called it " Lisbon," the original name, however, being retained for the post- office. He remained there, farming and practicing, until 1876, when he removed to Lexington, for the purpose of educating his children. In 1877, he purchased and removed to the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of eighty acres. The doctor is intending to make a specialty of raising fine stock, and fish culture. He has one pond already well stocked with German carp. The doctor and Mrs. Belt are members of the Baotist Church, with membership at Aullville. P. O. Aullville. JOAB WORTHINGTON. Mr. Worthington was born in Davidson county, North Carolina, June 5, 1831. His early education was obtained at a private school. In 1841, he came with his parents to Lafayette county, having spent the previous winter in Indiana. The family settled upon a farm located one half mile east of where Mr. W. now lives. March 2, 1862, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Eliza J. Allkire, a native of Hampshire county, Va. They became parents of nine children, seven of whom are now living, viz: Charles M., Edward S., Annie B., Bettie E., Abba C, Hannah D., and an infant son. In July, 1862, he enlisted in the federal service, Capt. Tag- gart's company, 71st regiment, E. M M. Was commissioned 2d Lieut., Oct., 15, 1862. In the first campaign he served about four months and was called out again in 1863. In 1864, he re-enlisted in Capt. Bundrum's company, in which he served only thirty days. He participated in the fight with Poole and Anderson's bushwhackers at Wellington. In this " brush " he had his horse shot under him, but finally succeeded in mak- ing his escape to Lexington. Returned home at the close of the war and resumed his occupation of farming. His farm consists of 140 acres of excellent land, well improved, containing a fine orchard, a never failing spring near his house, etc. Commencing about 1850, he acted as mail HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. . 605 carrier for several years on the route between Freedom, on the Warrens- burg and Lexington road, and a point nine miles west. Mr. Worthing- ton's postoffice address is Aullville. JOSEPH M. HANDLY. Mr. Handly was born in Greenbrier county, Va., Sept. 21, 1818, where he .vas raised on a farm and educated in a subscription school. In 1839, he came to Lafayette county, with his father's family and located in the southern part, about twenty miles south of Lexington, where his father, Robert Handly, entered 240 acres of land. At this early day the county- was very sparcely settled and Indian trails were still to be seen. Mrs. Handly died Sept. 8, 1843, and Mr. Handly, Oct. 10, 1845. Both are buried in the " Scott " grave-yard. After his father's death the property was divided between his brother John, and himself. Mr. Handly owns at present 240 acres of land. April 14, 1847, he was married to Miss E. J. Brown, a native of Logan county, Ky. They have been parents of nine children, six now living, viz: Susan M., Louisa F., William E., Mary R., Eugene S., and Annie L. Postoffice address, Aullville. LUCIEN M. MAJOR. Mr. Major is a native of Woodford county, Ky.; born Sept. 22, 1831. Was raised and educated there, and in 1847, came west with his parents, and settled in Lafayette county, where his father, Joseph M. Major, pur- chased land, 18 miles south of Lexington. Lucien finished his education in this county, and Feb. 10, 1853, was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Ridge, a native of Lafayette county. This union is blessed with ten children, nine of whom are living, as follows: Wm. H,, Lucien S., Benj. W., Isaac R., Joseph T., Earl E., Mary E., Georgia M., and Ada H.' In 1861, he enlisted in Missouri State Guards, company E., Col. Shelby's regiment, in which service he remained about three months. In August, 1862, he re-enlisted in the confederate service, in company I, Col. Elliott's regiment. In 1864, Mr. Major was commissioned captain of company H, which was organized at Boonville, in that year. Was engaged in the fol- lowing battles: Lexington, Springfield, Newtonia, Cane Hill, Coon Creek, Har.tsville, Helena, Cape Girardeau, Jenkins' Ferry, Prairie Grove, Prairie de Ann, DuvalPs Bluff, Pilot Knob, Ironton, Independence, Blues, Westport, one where Marmaduke was captured, and Drywood. At the second battle of Newtonia he was shot through the left lung, which disa- bled him for two months. He was left on the battle field was captured paroled and ordered to report at Springfield when able. He did so, an d was sent to St. Louis, and afterwards to Alton, where he remained until about the 20th of May, when he was released upon taking the oath of alle- z fJQO HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. giance to the federal government. He then returned home and has since .been living on a farm of 215 acres, situated four and a half miles south- west of Aullville, where he is engaged in farming and stock raising. During the season of 1880, he raised 2,500 bushels of wheat on 110 acres, and sold $5,000 worth of stock. Postoffice, Aullville. ERASMUS L. BENTON. Mr. Benton is a native of Scott county, Ky.; born Feb. 3, 1819. He obtained his education in that county, where he lived until 1836, when he moved, with his parents, to Lafayette county, and settled four miles south of Lexington, where he lived until 1859. In same year he bought the farm upon which he now resides, engaged in its cultivation. In 1844, he returned to Kentucky, and married Miss Isabel Lackland, a native of Scott county. Ten children were born to them, eight of whom are now living, viz: George D., Ellen A., Mary E., Louisa B., Fanny S., Sallie G., Mattie P., and Emma L. Mr. Benton's postoffice is Aullville. HON. JAMES B. HORD. Mr. Hord is a native of Mason county, Ky.; born Oct. 20, 1819. Was raised and educated there, completing his course of study, by attending Augusta College for two years. Upon arriving at his majority, he went into the mercantile business at Ma3 r 's Lick, continuing in it until a short time previous to his advent into the state of Missouri. In 1840, he mar- ried Miss Mary A. Morris, a native of Kentucky. They have had thir- teen children born to them, ten now living, viz: Mrs. D. M. Swan, Mrs. Louisa Major, Mrs. Mary J. Mock, Adelia, Harriet R., Katy, Prudence B., Emma, Flora and Edward. The deceased are as follows; Mrs. Eliz- abeth Gibbons, Mrs. Fanny Snyder and William M. Mr. Hord also has a grand-son living with him, James Gibbons, whom he has taken care of since the age of eleven. About 1846, he was elected, by the whig party to represent Mason county, Ky., in the state legislature, in which he served one term with credit. In 1850, he removed to Lafayette county, Mo., and in 1851, located upon the farm where he now resides, consisting of 320 acres of excellent land. In about 1855, Mr. Hord received the nomination for state senator, from the district consisting of Lafayette and Johnson counties, at the hands of the whig party, but declined the honor. In 1875, without his knowledge or consent, he was appointed a member of the county court of this county, and was afterwards elected to same office. In Nov. 18S0, he was elected probate judge for this county, by an overwhelming majority, which office he now fills in a manner calculated to render impartial justice to all. Postoffice, Aullville. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 607 CAPT. GEORGE H. MILLER, P. O. Aullville. Son of Maj. John and Susan Miller, of Buckingham county, Virginia, was born in Fluvanna county, Virginia, January 2, 1836, where he was raised. He taught school in Virginia until 1856, when he came to this county, and in 1857 was employed by Gen. Joe Shelby in selling goods at Berlin. In 1858 he married Miss Mary A. Corder, and engaged in teaching until the war broke out, when he visited Virginia and joined the confederate army as a private. Was adjutant of the Third Virginia cavalry, state service; was promoted to captain Company A, Nine- teenth confederete cavalry. After the fall of Richmond he was a prisoner, but escaped, and returned home to this county. He has eight children: John,Thomas J., Mary C, Elias C, Paulina B., George H., Jr., Ida L., and Louisa C. M. A. DYER, P. O. Aullville. Second son of Manoah W. Dyer, was born December 22, 1838, in Warren county, Kentucky. While yet an infant he came to this county with his parents, locating three miles west of Aullville, where he was raised and educated. At the age of eighteen he entered the Masonic college in Lexington; in the second session he was taken with fever, brought home in a wagon, and came near dying; never went back. He then went to teaching, and taught to the beginning of the war. Did not join either army. May 28, 1861, he married Miss Melissa Brown, of Johnson county, by whom he had two children, Sallie and Lucinda: the first died in 1865. His wife dying, he was married the second time — to Miss Emily Hoffman, of Johnson county, Missouri, March 25, 1867, and by this union he has six children living: Lydia, Nettie, Carter, Freddie, Mattie M., and Carrie. Mr. Dyer lives on his farm of 200 acres, the farm lying mostly in this county, but a portion of it in Johnson. He is a mem- ber of the Christian church, a good citizen and a good farmer. SAMUEL J. MORGAN, P. O. Aullville. Is the son of Samuel Morgan, and was born in Owen county, Kentucky, three miles north of the county seat, December 18, 1817. January 8, 1841, he was married to Miss S. Long of Lexington, Kentucky. He then settled in Grant county, Kentucky, where he lived some years, then moved to Carroll county, Kentucky, where he lived two years, and then moved back to Owen county. In October, 1855, he moved to this county, and settled in Freedom township, the spring of the next year. He first built on a part of his land; after living on it thirteen years sold it, and built on the northern part of his land, making it a farm of 260 acres: this he sold to J. R. Avitt. His only son, Peter, built a short 608 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. distance west, adjoining his tract of 320 acres. Peter has an excellent farm northwest quarter section 6, township 48, range 25, and the east one half of the northeast quarter of section 1, township 4S, range 25, and eighty acres in township 49. This farm of fine Davis Creek bottom is in a good state of cultivation and improvement, and one of the best farms in the county. Mr. Morgan is noted for raising good horses, and has raised nine colts from one mare, which averaged him $150 each. His son, Peter, married Miss Inez Brock, of Kentucky, April 17, 1873. He was then twenty-seven years of age, and his wife fifteen. They have three chil- dren: Samuel P., William G., and George K. Peter is a member of the Baptist church, a good citizen, husband and father. H. C. BRUNS, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born in this county February 8, 1848, and was educated at the German and English schools of Freedom township. He was raised on a farm and in 1871 was married to Miss Wilhelmina Lantz, a native of Germany, by whom he has had four children, three of them now living: Mary, Al vine, and Ida. He is now engaged in farming, owning 163 acres of excellent land. During the war he belonged to the home guards, in Capt. Pepper's company, and was one of the party which was attacked by the bushwhackers in their raid of October, 1864. He escaped by dismounting and crawling under a corn crib. Both he and his wife are members of the Lutheran church of Concordia. REV. H. P. WILLE, P. O. Concordia. Was born December 18, 1843, in Hamburg, Ger- many, and came to this country with his parents when only three months old. They landed at New York city, and moved to Wisconsin, near Mil- waukee, where he was raised and educated. He was educated for the ministry, partly at Buffalo, N. Y., and partly at St. Louis, Missouri, where together, he spent four years. He first engaged in teaching in New York, then went to California to preach in 1870, where he staid four years. In the fall of 1874 he came to the Cross church near Concordia, in this county, of which he is now pastor. HENRY WEHRS, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born in Germany, December 19, 1841, and at the age of six years, came with his parents to the United States. They came directly to this county, where they have lived ever since. He was educated at the German and English schools of the township. On the 28th of February, 1866, he was married to Miss Doretta Oetting, a native of this county. They have had eight children, six of them now living, four girls and two boys: Amelia, Martha, Lena, Lilly, William, and HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 609 Henry. Mr. Wehrs is now engaged in farming, owning 249 acres of fine land. Both himstlf and wife are members of the Lutheran church, at the Cross church. In 1862 he enlisted in the 71st regiment, E. M. M., and was corporal in his company. He was in the fight at Wellington in this county. He had been asleep, and when he woke up the rest of his com- mand were gone. He took the only gun left, jumped on his horse and escaped amid a shower of bullets from the confederates, who had come up while he was asleep. HENRY MILLER, ESQ., P. O. Concordia. Was born in Bavaria, Germany, January 26, 1833. At the age of eleven he came to America with his parents, landing at New Orleans, where they lived two years. In June, 1846, they came to Lafayette county, Missouri, where they lived until 1865. He then went to Illinois, where he lived three years, and returned to this county, where he has since continued to live. In 1857 he was married to Miss Sophia Wehrs, a native of Hanover. They have had five children, three of whom are living: John T., William H., and Mary. In December, 1875, his wife died and was buried at Cross church. At present he owns 181 acres of land, which he is engaged in farming. In 1858 he was elected justice of the peace for Freedom township, but refused to serve. He was re-elected in the fall of 1859, and served until 1865. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the enrolled militia in Capt. Ehler's company, 71st regiment. He was orderly sergeant of his company. A. H. DANKENBRING, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born in Germany, April 26, 1846. When he was but a year old his parents came to the United States, and lived for a time in St. Louis. They then came to Lexington, in this county. They then moved to the farm three miles east of Concordia, where he now lives. He was educated at the country schools and raised on the farm. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary Dickenhorst, also a native of Germany. They have seven children, all living: Emily, Anna, Eliza, Flora, Mary, William and George. Mr. Dankenbring owns 100 acres of good farming land, upon 52 acres of which, in 1880, he raised nine hundred bushels of wheat. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church, Rev. Wille, pastor. His father, 1 lenry Dankenbring, died in 1873 and was buried at the Church of the Cross. HENRY DIERKING, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born in this county, January 31, 1849, and here he was also raised and educated. In 1871 he was married to Miss Lena Willa, a native of Germany, she being six years old when she came 610 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. to this country with her parents. They have had five children, four of them now living: Charlie, Martin Lena and Bertha. Mr. Dierking resides six miles southeast of Corder, and owns 116 acres of fine land. In 1880 he raised 700 bushels of wheat on 40 acres. Both he and his wife are members of the church, near Concordia. His father, G. F. Dierking, was one of the early settlers of the count)-, coming here from the old country thirty-three years ago. He died April 28, 18S0, and was buried at St. John's church. FERDINAND ERDMANN, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born near Berlin, in Prussia, December 2, 1833, where he was raised and educated. At the age of twenty he came to the United States, and lived in New Jersey four years, at Egg- Harbor City, being one of the pioneers. While there he married Miss Josephine Fisher, a native of France. They have four children, all living, three boys and one girl: Ferdinand, William, Margarette and Bismark. In 1857 he went to Cincinnati, where he lived until the war broke out. In 186 L he enlisted for three months' service, in company E, 2d Kentucky infant^. While in this company he was promoted to 3d sergeant. Was in the battles of Bowling Green, Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka, Tuscumbia, Mur- freesboro, where he was taken prisoner by Forrest, and kept two weeks and paroled. He re-enlisted in the 4th Indiana, and was in the battles of Vicksburg, Arkansas Post, Jackson, Blackwater, Jackson again, Look- out Mountain, Resacca, Dallas, Marrietta Mountain, Jonesboro, Big Sandy and in Sherman's march to the sea, and at Nashville and was discharged in 1865. After the war he lived for awhile in Kansas. In August, 1867, he moved to this county, where he has since lived, engaged in farming and stock raising. Has 200 acres of land and some fine horses of the Mor- gan and Norman stock. In 1875 he was elected constable of Freedom, and was re-elected in 1877. FRITZ STROSBERG, P. O. Concordia, Missouri. Was born in Prussia, March 14, 1834, where he was raised and educated at the common schools. At the age of nine- teen he came to the United States and settled in St. Louis, Missouri, for one year. He then came to this county where he still lives. He learned the tailor's trade in his native land and followed the same in this country until the breaking out of the war. In 1858 he was married to Miss Mary Slaman, a native of Germany, and they have had ten children, eight of them now living: Edward, Samuel, Daniel, Julia, Amelia, Lydia, Ida and Mary. Since the war he has been engaged in farming, five miles southeast of Concordia in this county, owning 190 acres of land. In 1861 he enlisted in company C, 26th Missouri volunteer infantry, and was dis- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 611 charged in 1862. He re-enlisted in the 7th Missouri state militia cav- alry. This regiment was afterward consolidated with the 1st Missouri, in which he was in company M. Battles: Springfield, Mark's Mills, where he was taken prisoner to Tyler, Texas; exchanged at the end of thirteen months. He was discharged at Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1865. Both he and his wife are members of the German Baptist church of Concordia. JOHN KRESSE. Mr. Kresse is a native of Lafayette county, Missouri, born June 5, 1854. Was raised on a farm and educated in both German and English. In 1875, he was married to Miss Annie Heinbrook, a native of Chariton county, Missouri. Two children were born to them, both now living, viz: Otis and Josie. Mr. Kresse is now living on his father's farm, situated about two miles south-east of Concordia. His father, Charles Kresse, is a native of Germany, where he was married to Henrietta Miller. He came to this county in 1848 and has since resided here. His youngest son John, is the only one of his children now living with him. He and his wife are members of the German Baptist church of Concordia. In 1880 he raised 1000 bushels of wheat on forty acres, and forty bushels of corn per acre. Postoffice, Concordia. J. WHITE WADDELL, P. O. Tabo, Missouri; son of John T. and Nelly Waddell, was born Janu- ary 19, 1836, in Mason county, Kentuckv. His parents were of Scotch descent, and came to Missouri when he was nine months old. They first settled in Lexington in this county, where his father died. His father built one of the first mills in this section, and died there. He received his education in Lexington, at the Masonic College. He served an appren- ticeship at the tinner's trade, and afterwards worked at the trade. Janu- ary 31, 1861, he married Miss Mattie G. Waddle, of Lexington, daughter of J.J. Waddle. They have one daughter, Hannah Lee, who is now at the Baptist Female Seminary, Lexington. From 1863 to 1865 he was deputy sheriff under Jake Price. He has a fine farm of 407 acres, which he has made by his own industry. WILLIAM B. DOUGLASS, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; son of Charles B. and Rebecca Douglass, was born December 19, 1839, in Fleming county, Kentucky. He came to Missouri when Wm. was but five years old, and settled in Jackson county in 1844. In 1850 they moved to this county and settled in Freedom town- ship, where he was raised and educated mostly. He was raised on a farm,, which has been his occupation in life. In 1862 he enlisted in the confede- rate army and served to the end of the war as a private. After the war 612 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY., closed he farmed for twelve years in Tennessee. He was married August 30, 1866, to Miss Annie E. Flemming, of Monocacy. They have five children living: Ada R., Nannie, Carrie A., Mary, Stover. He then returned to this county, and where he is now living. JOHN B. MAJOR, P. O. Aullville, Missouri; was born November 20, 1852, in Wellington, in this county. His father having moved here from Kentucky. He was raised and educated in this county. All his life he has pursued the hon- orable and independent calling of a farmer, in which he has prospered. December 24, 1873, he was married to Miss Sarah E. Brown, also of Freedom township, in this county, a daughter of Capt. J. W. Brown. They have two children living, VVm. E., and Claud B. He has a fine' farm of 160 acres which is in a high state of cultivation, and underlaid with coal. Both he and his wife are members of the Christian church. He is a good farmer, and as a citizen is respected by all. CITY OF LEXINGTON. THOMAS L. BOLTON, M. D. Dr. Bolton was born in Caswell county, North Carolina, April 16,1820. In 1830 he moved with his parents to Jefferson City, Missouri. He was educated primarily at Forest Hill Academy, in Cole county, Missouri, a noted school at that time. At an early age he acquired a taste for the study of medicine and his father having several medical works in his pos- session, their contents were eagerly devoured by the young student. He followed farming until 1851, when he attended his first course of lectures at the Reformed Medical College, at Cincinnati. He was afterwards associated for two years with Dr. Brockman, of Miller county, Missouri, after which he entered the B. and M. Medical College, at Memphis, Ten- nessee, from which he graduated in 1854. He then practiced in Callaway and Miller counties until 1859, when he came to Lafayette county and purchased a farm near Mayview, which he cultivated in connection with his practice. In 1865 he located in Lexington, where he has since resided giving his entire time and attention to the practice of his profession, in which he commands the confidence and respect of his contemporaries. His enviable position has been reached by his indomitable energy coupled with a determination to succeed. The doctor makes a specialty of rectal diseases. He has been a member of the Baptist church since 1845, of which he has been a deacon for seven years. Was married September 17, 1845, to Miss Margaret Glover, of Cole county, Missouri, who died in June of 1851. Three children were born to them, only one now living, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 613 the Rev. DeWitt C. Bolton, pastor of the Baptist church at Lamar, Mis- souri. For his second wife' the doctor married Miss Margaret B. Palmer, of Jefferson City, Missouri, the wedding occuring December 20, 1855. By this marriage nine children were born to them, five now living, viz: William, Mary Bell, Thomas, Horace, and Benjamin V. Mrs. Bolton has been a member of the church since fourteen years of age. JUDGE ELDRIDGE BURDEN. Judge Eldridge Burden was born in Nicholas county, Ky., December 27, 1802, being the youngest child of James and Mary (Brain) Burden, of Virginia. His father was a soldier of the revolution, and served, in com- pany with his brother, Joel Burden, under Gen. Washington. After the war Joel Burden settled at Philadelphia, where his descendants now reside. The parents of Eldridge settled in Nicholas county, Ky., where they died, leaving him, at the age of seven, a penniless orphan. Gov. Thomas Met- calf, of Kentucky, assumed his guardianship, and he was adopted as a member of the governor's family, receiving from the teaching and exam- ple of his noble benefactor those principles of probity and ambition for usefulness, which distinguished his after life. He qualified himself to commence the study of law by laboring in his youth for the means with which to defray his expenses at school. He was educated at Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., where he graduated with honors in the year 1833, and the same year removed to Lexington, Mo., where he has since resided, in active practice of the law, his chosen profession. He was mar- ried on the 26th day of October, 1837, to Miss Patsey Triplett Waddell, daughter of John T. Waddell, one of the founders of Lexington, Mo. Mr. Burden was an old line Whig, and found, when he settled in Lexing- ton, only fifty members of his party to oppose an overwhelming Demo- cratic majority in Lafayette county. In 1838 he entered the political arena as champion of the Whig cause in his section, and in a few yeats enjoyed the satisfaction of seeing his party largely in the ascendancy. During the war, and since, he has affiliated with the Democratic party. He served eight years in the Missouri Legislature, from the session of 1842 at inter- vals until 1860, during which time he was thrice elected president of the State Bank at Lexington, on joint ballot of that Democratic body, over prominent candidates of the dominant party. For twelve years he was judge of the Probate Court of his county — a court at that time of exten- sive jurisdiction— and served with marked ability, having but one appeal from his decisions. During the late war an earnest unionist, he declined the tendered appointment as judge of the sixth judicial circuit, made by Gov. Gamble, because at the time he was under parole of honor # from the confederate government. He was one of the originators and champions of the bill abolishing imprisonment for debt, and the success of that meas- 614 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. ure in Missouri was mainly attributable to his able efforts in its advocacy. In the halls of legislation and in the Federal and State courts, he was the compeer of Doniphan, Ryland, King, Rollins, Leonard, and other emi- nent men of the state. He is a Mason, and a member of the Christian church. He was vice-president of the first horticultural society of Mis- souri, and the first mayor of Lexington, and has served in many official capacities of a public nature; in fact, since his location in Lafayette his history may be said to be that of the county, for he has been identified with every event of a political and municipal character. Judge Burden, although past the meridian of life, is possessed of a vigorous constitution and great physical strength, remarkably well preserved by his temperate life and moral habits, eschewing the use of tobacco and ardent spirits. His judicial qualifications are of the first order, enabling him with com- parative ease to follow the thread of law through all the subtleties of com- plicated legal questions. His life presents an example of more frequent occurrence in our own country than any other, where men without the extraneous influences of wealth and high connections, by their unaided efforts raise themselves to the highest positions of honor, and acquire the esteem and confidence of their countrymen in consideration alone of their own intrinsic merits. In all the walks of public life Judge Burden served his country with zealous fidelity, and expects to pass his remaining days with those among whom he has grown gray in honorable usefulness. JOHN E. BURDEN, attorney at law, son of Judge Eldridge Burden, is a native of Lexington, Mo., where he grew to manhood and was educated primarily, completing a verv liberal education at Bethany College, Virginia, from which institu- tion he graduated with high honor. He held the office of clerk of Pro- bate Court from 1862 to 1S67, and the office of county recorder from 1867 to 1874. In the meantime he also studied law with his father, a man who enjoys a high reputation as a successful practitioner, and a profound jurist. In 1875 he began the practice of his profession, entering into partnership with his father, the firm being styled "Burden & Son." This firm stands among the leading ones of Lexington, the acquisition of which position is due largely to the ability and enterprise of the junior member. He is regarded among his legal associates as one of the rising young lawyers of the age. December 15, 1862, he led to the marriage altar Miss Isadore Ewing, daughter of Col. Thompson M. Ewing, of this county. Their wedded happiness was of brief duration, his wife dying in April, 1S73, leaving him with three children to mourn the loss of wife and mother. The children are named as follows: Patsey A., Isadore M., and Eldridge. November 10, 1875, he was again married to Miss Ella D. Harrison, of Danville, Ky., where their nuptials were celebrated in magnificent style. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 615 PASCHAL H. CHAMBERS, M. D. The subject of this brief sketch was born in Louisville, Ky., February 6, 1824. Was educated at Hanover college, Indiana, and also at Miami University, of Oxford, Ohio, from which latter place he graduated in 1845. In same year he came to Lafayette county, Mo., and taught school near Higginsville, to obtain money to enable him to complete his studies, devot- ing his spare time to reading medicine. He afterwards attended a course of lectures at Louisville Medical College, and then practiced at Waverly and Lexington for a time, finally completing his medical education at Louisville Medical College, from which he graduated in the spring of 1850. He then located at Dover, this county, where he practiced for 17 years, meeting with unusual success. During the war he steadilv pur- sued the even tenor of his way, treating friend and foe alike. Was rob- bed by the bushwhackers, and arrested by the federals taken to Gratiot prison, St. Louis, confined for seven weeks, and then released. In 1S67, he located in Lexington, where he has since resided, engaged in the prac- tice of his profession, receiving his full share of the public patronage. The Dr. has been a member of the Presbyterian church since 1845, of which he has been an Elder since 1857. Is a member of the Masonic order and has been W. M. of Lexington lodge for two years. October 24, 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret E. Wallace, a daughter of Henry C. Wallace, deceased; and sister of Hon. H. C. Wal- lace, of Lexington. Seven children were born, three of whom are now living, viz: Paschal H. Jr., Cabel W. and Kent Kane. Mrs. Chambers died, Sept. 17, 1859. June 27, 1861, he again married Miss E. Antoinette Shewalter, daughter of Joseph Shewalter. She died Jan. 24 of the follow- ing year. The Dr. married, for his third wife, Miss Augusta Stokes, daughter t-f John H. Stokes of Dunklin county, Mo. By this union they have had four children, three now living, viz: Sallie H., Lucretia C. and James Quarles. THOMAS B. CLAGETT. Mr. Clngett is a lineal descendant of one of the prominent families of Maryland — that of Bishop Clagett, who was the first bishop of that state. He was born in Montgomery county, Md., April 22, 1809. His early life was passed upon a farm — meanwhile acquiring a liberal education in a private school. At the age of 15 years, he went to Harper's Ferry, and engaged as clerk in a store for three years, upon the following very remu- nerative (?) terms: — For the first year he was to receive his board; for the second year, his board and clothes, and the third year one hundred dollars and his board. He served in this capacity for ten years, and then went into business for himself, merchandising, for one year. In 1836, he started 616 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. west, going to Highland county Ohio, by stage, where he remained one month. He then purchased a horse and saddle and started on horseback for a tour through the boundless west. He passed through Georgetown and Shelbyville Kv., stopping at each place a month or so, then crossed the Ohio river, at Louisville, which was but a snail town then, and trav- eling through Indiana and Illinois, arrived at St. Louis in June 1836. Remaining there a month, he again mounted his Pe.; ...:;. ls ;:' Winchester, WaVderness, both il Manassas, Cedar Mountain . ral other engagements. Ws cunded during the In 18 .is marr bs Laura Samael, of Nf »Va. They , one child living, viz.: William. Mr. Riding - e n erget ic, A.-.vs oa the alert to advance the in:, I his adopted county. In H*78 in addition to the town of Mayview, r.:> "Ci.crrL; caress. R. P. MARSHALL. Mr. Marshall is a native of this state and count}- : born Jan \W.> raised and educated in this uuunly. After becoming of age he engaged in the drug business at Wellington for a period of two years, since which he has been engaged in farming. In May. 1S61, he enlisted in Capt. Wither's Company, engaged in state ser\ hich cse r six months. He then went south and joined Col. Cockrell's regiment. In September of 186S is transferred to Gen. J. She- brigade. He participated in about fifty engagements in which generals commanded, besides numerous other skirmishes. Was wounded and taken prisoner twice — the first time was held at Alton for six months and then exchanged, and the second time was taken at Vicksburg and shortly afterwards paroled at Shreveport, June 1 . 1863. was married Sept. I 9, to Miss Jane F. Sanburn, of this countv. They have five : -_■-. . : Wan B . Hear E . Lu:hrr. C>.:.r!.:r >. Arthur W. Mr. ?•!..:> ...'.'? 7 »::~:r :.r\~rcss :> M.iyview. T:.: :.:;:'■.;: ;::::r ^: : ::: of larshall, daughter of Wm. V as born in East Tenner rch 29th, Lfi In the fall of 1817 Mr. White removed his family to Missouri and passed the winter in Lincoln ecu In the spring of the foil: _ settled in Saline county, where they remained until 1S24, when they moved to this county and settled near Lexington, Although quite advanced in years, Mrs. ML a BtiD in the full possession of all her faculties and trequendy regales her fir ith inter- esting episodes, incident to pioneer •:: SAMUEL SMITH. Mr. Smith is a native of Lafayerte county, Mo. ; born April 6th, 1831 He has been a continuous resident of this con: e his birth, and in the meantime has acquired as liberal an education a 5 afforded by the common schools. Is engaged in farming. He is the son of Charles and Smith. His father is a native of Virginia, and came to this county in 1S20. His mother was born in Tennessee and is the daughter of Sam- uel Fergurson, who settled here in 1831. Mr. Smith was married Feb. 14, 1^ i N. McLaughlin, of this county, who died Oct. 3, 1S75. He was again married to Ifia Tillie Morrison, also of this HMYOB.Y OF LAFAYETTE COCXTY. county. Their nuptials were celebrated Feb They hare two children, viz.: Famrie and Mary. >Ir. S. b a rufiog elder of Mt. Hebron church. His great-grandfathers were both engaged ia the Revofation ai v war. Postoffice, Mayview. ELGIN O. R7 Mr. Rex was born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1858. At the age of seven his parents moved with him to VBaon, where they lived until 1S66, V.-.C" -.-.-.- ; t: :; M - ._-. i-.i -.-■-..-: - _,-"■-.■- ~- :._-:.- ---._- s -:;-;•. '- 5:.-.- rri.d-d - = -i_-: - f_-j. - = - -_'_- -- ; -_- 7 -■_-- ,-.f 5 estate. He was united in marriage in February, 1870, to Ada B. Smith, of this county. They have one chflcL lion. Postcffice ai ir-z-z. its - 1. DAVID J. POWELL :i~- :; Zi£;.r"t ::_r-. ;- - •- : - " "-i ::r- . Z-:-~ :-- _; 1 *_ 71- - - ::r. .: _. r— :r': ::':'-.: 5 . _- : = - :- : - - . .-. - -_■__-: - ; : .; ::.";.-.: 77 _' - _' - \ 7 . - - - . -.--- : - : -■- - '.'--". -"■ :"..:'.:'.." :". -"- ::' 1 :- .' 1 r: "•"■7 : ; e ::--_-- , I : r.;r. '.;".'- r- j -.---:._-.:-- ■ i: -.;-.-. : :.:.-.--_--: - 'Z !•-" H- jcrv-i 1 i- ; r*. ::~ - :i :.".- .i.t .. it _~ :- - _- : - r: :- : ; t"j_.t_ - - - = : . ..'.■-.•■. : Z Z ------- 7 : . z r- : : — : : both now living. Martha C R am sey , and David D. Parton. Mr ; . r - 71 t . . _ . . - • t : - _ - 1867, to Miss Sarah A. Basham, of tins county. They have six cU- h e n li.-ir._-. :~z: C'r.. • ■'• z.~~ 1 _" _ Et" r - . : -~ '•'•'- Z_ ir~ _~ — 17 . E 7- ?:-^ rli r- -—-:-: :: __= 1 ? 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Mr. Fulton is a member of the A. F. and A. M. and also of the I. O. O. F. Postoffice is Greenton. LYCURGUS WILSON, P. O. Tabo, Missouri; son of John and Mary Wilson, was born Decem- ber 13, 1821, in Morgantown, Butler county, Kentucky, and is of English and Scotch descent. In 1828 he came with his parents to St. Louis, where his father died in 1837, and his mother in St. Louis county, in 1867. In 1844 he visited Kentucky, remained there four years, following his father's trade, that of builder and contractor. July 1, 1847, he married Miss Mary D. James, of Butler county, Kentucky. He then moved to Waterloo, Clark county, Missouri, where he continued his trade for ten years. In 1861 he moved to Dallas county, Texas, and lived there seven years. In 1868 he moved to this county and settled in Washington township, where he now lives upon a farm of 100 acres of good and well improved land. He has kept the postoffice on the Warrensburg & Lexington mail line for seven years. He has four children living: John H., Lucy J., Mattie E., and Jeft Davis. He is a member of the Christian church, his wife a Bap- tist. He is a Free Mason. His two oldest children are married and settled close to him. DANIEL ALUMBAUGH, postoffice Tabo, Mo. Son of James and Eliza Alumbaugh. Was born April 10, 1849, in this county. His parents are of German and French descent, his father a Kentuckian and his mother from Tennessee, they being married in Sullivan county, Ind. Dan has followed the honorable avocation of farmer all his life, and was educated in the schools of the county. He has taken great interest in literary societies. He was mar- ried on the 23d of July, 1867, to Miss Eliza Wooton, of this county. She died a few months after marriage. In 1864 he enlisted under Gen. Shelby, in the confederate army and remained in service till the war closed, sur- rendering at Shreveport, and was in the battles and fights of Price's retreat to Arkansas. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist church, membership at Long Branch, and superintendent of the Sunday school. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 697 GEORGE W. BARTON, postoffice Mayview, son of Bently and Martha Barton, was born in this country June 3, 1843, where he was raised on a farm and educated. He is a self-made man, and has made himself conspicuous as an active worker in most public matters. In 1879 he tried his fortune in the silver mines of Colorado, was not very successful, and in eight months returned to his farm. He is a consistent member of the Baptist church, and has two brothers preachers in the same church. He is kind, intelligent, and a good citizen. ROBERT BUCHANAN, postoffice Tabo, son of Robert and Jane Buchanan, was born Oct. 26, 1828, in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1842 he came with his parents to this country and landed at New Orleans. They took boat for Lexington, in this county, where they landed in June, 1842, and settled in Washington township, where he now lives. He has been twice married, first to Miss Elizabeth Saunders, of Johnson county, April 27, 1850, and has by that union six children living — Robt. C, John P., James D., Wm. F., Sallie M. and Emma F. His first wife died Sept. 23, 1878. He was married again Sept. 26, 1881, to Mrs. Jane Myers, also of Johnson county. His second wife had three children. Mr. Buchanan's mother is still living, and lives with him. She is 82 years old. He is a member and deacon of the Bap- tist church. HARRISON ANDERSON, post office Tabo, Missouri, son of William H. and Didama Anderson, was born Dec. 9, 1840, in this county, where he was raised on a farm and has been a farmer all his life. His father died when he was but eleven years old leaving him at that tender age in charge of his mother and sister. During the late war, in 1861 he was taken prisoner by Federal troops of McFeran's regiment, and held nine months in Lexington. In 1865 he took the oath of allegiance, paid his thirty dollars and went to Kansas for safety. In three months he returned and made a crop entirely without horses or mules. On the 24th of April, 1878, he married Miss Lucy Wilson, of this county, and has two children: Mary and Richard. He now owns a good farm of one hundred acres, black loam and hemp land. He and his wife are both members of the Christian church. CHARLES R. ANDERSON, post office Tabo, Mo., eldest son of William H. and Didama Anderson. His mother, Didama Anderson, was a daughter of Abner and Mary Dyer, was born May 2, 1807, in Warren county, Ky., and August 30, 1827, was 698 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. married to Mr. Wm. H. Anderson. The next year, 1828, they came to this county and have lived here ever since. They had nine children: Eliza J., Charles R., Elizabeth H., Nancy E., James A., Harrison H., Julia C, Tirza M. and Esther A. These were all married and Tirza is now the only one of the girls living. They were all respectable members of the Christian church. Mr. Wm. H. Anderson went to California in 1S50 and returned May 1, 1851 very ill and died the next day, May 2, 1851. Mrs. Anderson is now keeping house for her youngest son. She has forty-six living grand-children, and has nine great grand-children married. She has been a member of the Christian church for fifty years. Her health is excellent. Her oldest son, Charles R. Anderson, was born Nov. 1, 1830, in this county. He was born and raised on a farm and has been a farmer all his life. At the age of twenty he went to California during the gold fever and remained there four years. Had good luck at mining. He returned by the isthmus, and bought a farm in Freedom township. In 1861 he enlisted in the M. S. G., and in the confederate ser- vice. May, 1863 he was taken prisoner at Big Black, Miss., and was in different prisons — Camp Morton, Ft Delaware, Point Lookout, Mo., Pal- myra, N. Y., was nearly starved to death and often guarded by negroes. In 1865 he was exchanged, and came home from Alabama in October, 1865. Sept. 4, 1872, he was married to Miss Mary E. Mathews, of this county, and has three children — Lee Price, Didama T. and Nancy E. He is now living on a farm of 180 acres of first-rate land in Washington township. LEVI M. FOX, P. O. Odessa. Son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Fox. Was born in Cook county, Tennessee, August 20, 1808. When he was nineteen years old, about the year 1827, he came to this county and settled one mile south of Dover. He was married October 31, 1833, to Miss Mary Nelson, of Lex- ington. He joined the state militia as a private to help drive the Mor- mons out of the state, and helped to guard Jo Smith before he went to Nauvoo, Illinois. Mr. Fox owned a fine farm of 320 acres, south of Dover, splendidly improved, upon which he raised annually from forty to fifty tons of hemp. He has reared a family of nine children, four boys and five girls, all living and married, except one girl, Margaret, who died at the age of nine years: Francis M., Calvin R., Wm. C, L. M., are the names of his sons. His wife died in the old home, February 11, 1874, at the age of sixty-three years. Since that event Mr. Fox has been living with his children. At present he is at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, with his youngest son and namesake, Levi Monroe, who was born June 25th, 1852, and was married December 23, 1875, to Miss Corintha A. Tracy, by whom he has two children: Willie L. and Lettie May. He is a good citizen, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 699 teaching and farming. His health was much shattered, and he went into the drug business in Odessa. Recently he has gone to the Eureka Springs, Arkansas, for the benefit of his health. JAMES A. ANDERSON, post office Tabo, son of William H. and Didama Anderson, was born in this county June 20, 1838, two miles south of where Higginsville now stands, where he was raised and educated. During the years 1858 and 1859 he was in the employ of Russell & Majors, government freighters to the west and in the spring of 1860 was employed by Jones & Cartwright in the same business, when he crossed the plains, returning late the fol- lowing fall. Then had a hard spell of the typhoid fever it being twelve months before he recovered, which kept him out of the army. February 16, 1864, he was married to Miss Mary E. Roach, of Johnson county, Mo. They have seven children now living: Charles R., Carrie E., Flora M., James H., Sue Ella, Arthur and Willie A. With two ponies and $160 he began married life, renting a farm for two years. In 1866 he pur- chased 100 acres of land of his uncle, Ira Anderson, at $1,250 on twelve months time, which he paid for and on which he now lives; and has now a farm of 240 acres. JAMES MILAN, P. O. Mayview. Son of John and Ellen Milan, who came from Ireland in 1840, settling in Maysville, Kentucky, where they lived thirty years. About 1870 they moved to this county, and improved 100 acres in section 6, township 48, range 26, which farm James now manages. He has man- aged well, and they are prospering. James was born in Kentucky, Mays- ville, June 17, 1857, and nature marked him for a good farmer. Coal abounds in the neighborhood, near the surface, and his whole farm is underlaid with coal. ADDISON HOOK, was born May 20, 1828, in Hampshire county, Virginia. In 1857 he moved to Lafayette county, and in 1865 purchased a farm of 192 acres, 120 acres of which is in a high state of cultivation, well fenced and plenty of water, with good, rich pastures. Mr. Hook was married January 25, 1853, to Miss Mary Carlyle. By this union they have seven children liv- ing: Walter, Edgar S., Laura E., William N., Charley A., Lucy M. and Arthur Duvall. Mr. Hook died on the 14th of February, 1881. He was a good citizen, esteemed and respected by neighbors. Edgar L. Sency Hook was born August 23, 1856, in Hampshire county, Virginia. He came to Lafayette county with his father and has remained here ever since, excepting one year spent in Colorado prospecting. At present he 700 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. is managing the home farm and providing for the wants of his mother in her old age. EDMOND J. CHAMBERS. The subject of this sketch was born in Lexington, Missouri, December 25, 1847. His father died while going to California in 1849. Up to 1864 Mr. Chambers worked hard, supporting himself and mother. At that time he enlisted in the confederate cause, under Gen. Shelby, in Gordon's regiment, and served until the close of the war. He surrendered at Shreveport, Louisiana, and on the 27th of June, 1865 returned home; he was married November, 1876, to Miss Cerelda Bates. Mr. Chambers was licensed to preach in March, 1874, in the M. E. church, south. He has a family of two children living: James L. and Annie May. Mr. C. is a quiet and peaceful citizen, honored and respected by his neighbors. WILLIAM CARTER, was born February 19, 1827, in Jessamine county, Kentucky. In 1869 he moved to Missouri and located in this county, in Freedom township. In 1881 he moved to Washington township, where he now resides. Mr. Carter was married on April 15, 1849, to Miss Mary J. Sharp. He has a family of five children : Vina C, James, Almeda J., Thomas A., and George R. Himself, and wife and two daughters are members of the Missionary Baptist. Mr. Carter is highly esteemed by his neighbors, enjoying their entire confidence, as a Christian gentleman and a good citizen. JAMES BUCHANAN, P. O.Tabo, Missouri, son of Robert and James Buchanan; was born in Glasgow, Scotland, March 1, 1833. His father was a weaver by trade. In 1841 he came with his parents to this country, landing in New Orleans. They then came direct by river to this county, settling in Washington township on a farm. James was married January 15, 1857, to Miss Rebecca Donaldson of Johnson county, Missouri. They have five children: Lydia, James H., Charles, Rollie, and Eva. He has a fine farm of 160 acres, and in fine condition. There is plenty of fine coal on his farm. Both he and wife are members of the Christian church. He is an excel- lent farmer, a quiet, peaceable, and highly respected citizen. REV. W. Y. RUSSELL, was born February 25, 1856, in Buchanan county, Missouri. In 1860 his parents moved to Kansas, and returned in 1861. In 1863 they moved to Iowa, and remained there two years, the next three years were spent in Missouri, Texas, Indian Territory. His parents are now living in Kansas, where the subject of this sketch left them, and returned on a visit to his HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. 701 old home, Buchanan county. While attending a protracted meeting there he was converted. In 1874 he entered college, remaining there two years at his own expense, acting as janitor, and on Saturdays sawing wood. He was licensed to preach February 16, 1877, by the Beaver Creek church, in Miami county, Kansas. In 1880 he left college, and has since been preach- ing, during which time he has converted not less than one hundred souls. His work has been in protracted meetings up to May last, since which time he has had charge of two congregations, one at Odessa, the other at Mound Prairie, this county. ADDITIONAL BIOGRAPHIES. GEORGE KENTON, Davis township, P. O. Aullville. Son of John and Judith Kenton, was born in Missouri, Jan. 29, 1840. His father was married three times, and had twenty children. George was born in Carroll county, where he was raised and educated. At the age of twenty-five he engaged in the mer- cantile business at Milespoint three years. In the fall of 1869, he moved to the country. In 1874, he went to Independence Mo., and kept the old Independence hotel for six years. In 1880, he returned to Carroll county , and in 1881, came to a farm of 170 acres in Davis township, in this county where he now is. Nov. 23, 1865, he married Miss Sarah C. Hudson, of Jackson county Mo., and has five children: Eugene, Mary E., Wm. C.,. .Lou H. and Clara F. He is a grand-nephew of the famous pioneer, Simon Kenton. GEORGE B. KNEEDLER, Davis township, P. O. Aullville. Son of Jacob and Martha W. Kneedler, was born July 12, 1840, in St. Louis, Mo. His father was a brick-layer in St. Louis. When he was seven years old, he moved with his parents to Madison county, 111., twelve miles from St. Louis. He lived mostly in Illinois, until 1881, when he and his brother Wm. C. bought a tract of 689 acres in this county where they now live. It is a fine farm, 400 acres in cultivation, underlaid with coal. They deal largely in stock, especially in sheep of fine class. He was married Feb. 9, 1865, to Miss Aurelia Win- ship of Collinsville, 111., and has two boys, Frank and Charley. He and his wife are members of the M. E. church south. His brother William married Jan. 2, 1866, to Miss Sarah E. Stoutzenberry of Illinois, and has five children. FF 702 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY. WILLIAM WALTER, Davis township, P. O. Aullville. Eldest son of John and Elizabeth Wal- ter, was born June 1, 1825, in Adams county Pennsylvania. His parents were of German descent, and died in Virginia, in 1845, where they lived twelve years. In 1849, he married Miss Sarah A. Mills, on the 10th of Aug- ust, and in 1856, he moved to this county and settled in Davis township, one mile southeast of Higginsville. In 1880, he bought a farm of 160 acres, one mile north west of Aullville, where he now lives. He has a fine quarry of limestone rock upon his farm. He has five children, Mary E., John H.> Newton S., Lilly and Sindy. Mr. Walter took no part in the war. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 572 937 3