.-i'' * . . ^ \ -.^^^ ^'^ "^^v^^ ^^ •-!«?/ y^ .^^ o « o .^/V,*o '^<^ ^-^y S i:^ \,.^'' ::^%i/^'^ v/ /.^:v ^-^ .0 ,*^ .^^^ <:^ ^^-^^ ^\\<^ — »^ A HI8T0EY OF. SUMMIT COUNTY, "WITH -A-IsT CCTTLIITE SICETCH 0:F; OHIO. i^ EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY PERRIN 'i II_iILjXJSTK.A.TEID. 7/> ^<^J CHICAGO : BASKIN & BATTEY, HISTORICAL PUBLISHERS, 1 86 Dearborn Street. ^ Miller, Lewis (Biography on page 739) 5:^6 Quigley, Martin (Biography on page 760) 408 Sumner, I. (Biography on page 767) 260 Sumner, J. A. (Biography on page 767) 456 Sumner, Charles (Biography on page 769) 292 Stone, N. B. (Biography on page 766) 376 Schumacher, Ferd. (Biography on page 771) 344 Taplin, J. B. (Biography on page 784) 392 Voris, A. C. (Biography on page 786' 360 Wright, Amos (Biograjihy on page 932) 552 VIEAVS. Summit County Court House 180 liL HISTORY OF OHIO. BY A.. A.. GR-A-IiAJVt CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY —TOPOGRAPHY -GEOLOGY —PRIMITIVE -RACES —ANTIQUITIES —INDIAN TRIBES. THE present State of Ohio, comprisins; an extent of country 210 miles north and south, 220 miles east and west, in length and breadth — 25,576,969 acres— is a part of the Old Northwest Territory. This Territoiy embraced all of the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and so much of Minnesota as lies east of the Mississippi River. It became a corporate existence soon after the formation of the Virginia Colony, and when that colony took on the dignity of State government it became a county thereof, whose exact outline was unknown. The county embraced in its limits more territoiy than is com- prised in all the New England and Middle States, and was the largest county ever known in the United States. It is watered by the finest system of rivers on the globe ; while its inland seas are without a parallel. Its entire southern boundary is traversed by the beautiful Ohio, its western by the majestic Mississippi, and its northern and a part of its eastern are bounded by the fresh-water lakes, whose clear waters preserve an even temper- ature over its entire surface. Into these reservoirs of commerce flow innumerable streams of limpid water, which come from glen and dale, from mountain and valley, from forest and prairie — all avenues of health, commerce and prosperity. Ohio is in the best part of this territory — south of its river are tropical heats ; north of Lake Erie are polar snows and a polar climate. The territory comprised in Ohio has always re- mained the same. Ohio's history differs somewhat from other States, in that it was never under Ter- ritorial government. When it was created, it was made a State, and did not pass through the stage incident to the most of other States, i. e., exist a.s a Territory before being advanced to the powers of a State. Such was not the case with the other States of the West ; all were Territories, with Terri- torial forms of government, ere they became States. Ohio's boundaries are, on the north, Lake Eria, and Michigan ; on the west, Indiana ; on the south, the Ohio River, separating it from Kentucky; and, on the east, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. It is situated between 38° 25' and 42° north latitude ; and 80° 30' and 84° 50' west longitude from Greenwich, or 3° 30' and 7° 50' west from Washington. Its greatest length, from north to south, is 210 miles; the extreme width, from east to west, 220 miles. Were this an exact out- line, the area of the State would be 46,200 square miles, or 29,568,000 acres ; as the outlines of the State are, however, rather irregular, the area is estimated at 39,964 square miles, or 25,576,960 acres. In the last census — 1870 — the total num- ber of acres in Ohio is given as 21,712,420, of which 14,469,132 acres are improved, and 6,883,- 575 acres are woodland. By the last statistical report of the State Auditor, 20,965,371 f acres are reported as taxable lands. This omits many acres untaxable for various reasons, which would make the estimate, 25,576,960, nearly correct. The face of the country, in Ohio, taken as a whole, presents the appearance of an extensive monotonous plain. It is moderately undulating but not mouufainous, and is excavated in places by the streams coursing over its surface, whose waters have forced a way for themselves through cliffs of sandstone rock, lca^^ng abutments of this material in bold outline. There are no mountain ranges, geological uplifts or peaks. A low ridge enters the State, near the northeast corner, and crosses it in a southwesterly direction, emerging near the inter- section of the 40th decree of north latitude with the western boundary of the State. This " divide " separates the lake and Ohio River v?aters, and main- tains an elevation of a little more than thirteen hundred feet above the level of the ocean. The highest part is in Logan County, where the eleva- tion is 1,550 feet. North of this ridge the surface is generally level, with a gentle inclination toward the lake, the ine- qualities of the surface being caused by the streams which empty into the lake. The central part of Ohio is almost, in general, a level plain, about one thousand feet above the level of the sea, slightly inclining southward. The Southern part of the State is rather hilly, the valleys growing deeper as they incline toward the great valley of the Ohio, which is several hundred feet below the general level of the State. In the southern counties, the surfice is generally diversified by the inequalities produced by the excavating power of the Ohio River and its tributaries, exercised through long periods of time. There are a few prairies, or plains, in the central and northwestern parts of the State, but over its greater portion originally existed im- mense growths of timber. The " divide," or water-shed, referred to, between the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio River, is less elevated in Ohio than in New York and Penn- sylvania, though the difference is small. To a per- son passing over the State in a balloon, its surface presents an unvarymg plain, while, to one sailing down the Ohio River, it appears mountainous. On this river are bluffs ranging from two hundred and fifty to six hundred feet in height. As one ascends the tributaries of the river, these bluffs diminish in height until they become gentle undu- lations, while toward the sources of the streams, in the central part of the State, the banks often become low and marshy. The principal rivers are the Ohio, Muskingum, Scioto and Miami, on the southern slope, emptying into the Ohio ; on the northern, the Maumee, Sandusky, Huron and Cuyahoga, emptying into Lake Erie, and, all but the first named, entirely in Ohio. The Ohio, the chief river of the State, and from which it derives its name, with its tributaries, drains a country whose area is over two hundred thousand sfpiare miles in extent, and extending from the water-shed to Alabama. The river was first dis- covered by La Salle in 1669, and was by him nav- igated as far as the Falls, at Louisville, Ky. It is formed by the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers, in Pennsylvania, whose waters unite at Pittsburgh. The entire length of the river, from its source to its mouth, is 950 miles, though by a straight line from Pittsburgh to Cairo, it is only 615 miles. Its current is very gentle, hardly three miles per hour, the descent being only five inches per mile. At high stages, the rate of the current increases, and at low stages decreases. Sometimes it is barely two miles per hour. The average range between high and low water mark is fifty feet, although several times the river has risen more than sixty feet above low water mark. At the lowest stage of the river, it is fordable many places between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. The river abounds in islands, some of which are exceed- ingly fertile, and noted in the history of the West. Others, known as " tow-heads," are simply deposits of sand. The Scioto is one of the largest inland streams in the State, and is one of the most beautiful riv- ers. It rises in Hardin County, flows southeast- erly to Columbus, where it receives its largest affluent, the Olentangy or Whetstone, after which its direction is southerly until it enters the Ohio at Portsmouth. It flows through one of the rich- est valleys in the State, and has for its compan- ion the Ohio and Erie Canal, for a distance of ninety miles. Its tributaries are, besides the Whet- stone, the Darby, Walnut and Paint Creeks. The Muskingum River is formed by the junc- tion of the Tuscarawas and Waldhoning Rivers, which rise in the northern part of the State and unite at Coshocton. From the junction, the river flows in a southeastern course about one hundred miles, through a rich and populous valley, to the Ohio, at Marietta, the oldest settlement in the State. At its outlet, the Muskingum is over two hundred yards wide. By improvements, it has been made navigable ninety-five miles above Mari- etta, as far as Dresden, where a side cut, three miles long, unites its waters with those of the Ohio Canal. All along this stream exist, in abundant profusion, the remains of an ancient civiliza- tion, whose history is lost in the twilight of antiq- uity. Extensive mounds, earthworks and various fortifications, are everywhere to be found, inclosing a mute history as silent as the race that dwelt here and left these traces of their evistence. The same may be said of all the other valleys in Ohio. The Miami River — the scenes of many exploits in pioneer days — rises in Hardin County, near the headwaters of the Scioto, and runs southwesterly, to the Ohio, passing Troy, Dayton and Hamilton. It is a beautiful and ra])id stream, flowing through :?■ >^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 13 a highly productive and populous valley, in which limestone and hard timb'jr are abundant. Its total length is about one hunared and fifty miles. The Maumee is the largest river in the northern part of Ohio. It rises in Indiana and flows north- easterly, into Lake Ene. About eighty miles of its course are in Ohio. It is navigable as far as Perrysburg, eighteen miles from its mouth. The other rivers north of the divide are all small, rapid-running streams, affording a large amount of good water-power, much utilized by mills and man- ufactories. A remarkable feature of the topography of Ohio is its almost total absence of natural lakes or ponds. A few very small ones are found near the water-shed, but all too small to be of any practical value save as watering-places for stock. Lake Erie, which forms nearly all the northern boundary of the State, is next to the last or lowest of America's " inland seas." It is 290 miles long, and 57 miles wide at its greatest part. There are no islands, except in the shallow water at the W'est end, and very few bays. The greatest depth of the lake is off Long Point, where the water is 312 feet deep. The shores are principally drift-clay or hard-pan, upon which the waves are continually encroaching. At Cleveland, from the first sur- vey, in 1796, to 1842, the encroachment was 218 feet along the entire city front. The entire coast is low, seldom rising above fifty feet at the water's edge. Lake Erie, like the others, has a variable sur- face, rising and falling with the seasons, like great rivers, called the " annual fluctuation," and a gen- eral one, embracing a series of years, due to mete- orological causes, known as the " secular fluctua- tion." Its lowest known level was in February, 1819, rising more or less each year, until June, 1838, in the extreme, to six feet eight inches. Lake Erie has several excellent harbors in Ohio, among which are Cleveland, Toledo, Sandusky, Port Clinton and Ashtabula. Valuable improve- ments have been made in some of these, at the expense of the General Grovernment. In 1818, the first steamboat was launched on the lake. Owing to the Falls of Niagara, it could go no farther east than the outlet of Niagara Eiver. Since then, however, the opening of the Welland Canal, in Canada, allows vessels drawing not more than ten feet of water to pass from one lake to the other, gi-eatly facilitating navigation. As early as 1836, Dr. S.>. Hiidreth, Dr. John Locke, Prof. J. H. Riddle and Mr. I. A. Lapham, were appointed a committee by the Legislature of Ohio to report the " best method of obtaining a complete geological survey of the State, and an estimate of the probable cost of the same." In the preparation of their report, Dr. Hiidreth examined the coal-measures in the southeastern part of the State, Prof Riddle and Mr. Lapham made exam- inations in the western and northern counties, while Dr. Locke devoted his attention to chemical analyses. These investigations resulted in the presentation of much valuable infonuation con- cerning the mineral resources of the State and in a plan for a geological survey. In accordance with the recommendation of this Committee, the Legislature, in 1837, passed a bill appropriating $12,000 for the prosecution of the work during the next year. The Geological Corps appointed consisted of W. W. Mather, State Geologist, with Dr. Hiidreth, Dr. Locke, Prof J. P. Kirtland, J. W. Foster, Charles Whittlesey and Charles Briggs, Jr., Assistants. The results of the first year's work appeared in 1838, in an octavo volume of 134 pages, with contributions fi-om Mather, Hiidreth, Briggs, Kirtland and Whittlesey. In 1838, the Legislature ordered the continuance of the work, and, at the close of the year, a second report, of 286 pages, octavo, was issued, containing contribu- tions from all the members of the survey. Succeeding Legislatures failed to provide for a continuance of the work, and, save that done by private means, nothing was accomplished till 1869, when the Legislature again took up the work. In the interim, individual enterprise had done much. In 1841, Prof. James Hall passed through the State, and, by his indentification of several of the formations with those of New York, for the first time fixed their geological age. The next year, he issued the first map of the geology of the State, in common with the geological maps of all the region between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi. Similar maps were published by Sir Charles Lyell, in 1845 ; Prof Edward Hitchcock, in 1853, and by J. Mareon, in 1856. The first individual map of the geology of Ohio was a very small one, published by Col. Whittlesey, in 1848, in Howe's History. In 1856, he published a larger map, and, in 1865, another was issued by Prof Nelson Sayler. In 1867, Dr. J. S. Newberry published a geological map and sketch of Ohio in the Atlas of the State issued by H. S. Stebbins. LTp to this time, the geological knowledge was very general in its character, and, consequently, errone- ous in many of its details. Other States had been VL 14 HISTORY OF OHIO. accurately surveyed, yet Ohio remained a kind of terra incognita, of •which the geology was less known than any part of the surrounding area. In 18G9, the Legislature appropriated, for a new survey, $13,900 for its support during one year, and appointed Dr. Newberry Chief Geologist ; E. B. Andrews, Edward Orton and J. H. Klippart were appointed Assistants, and T. G. Wormley, Chemist. The result of the first year's work was a volume of 164 pages, octavo, published in 1870. This report, accompanied by maps and charts, for the first time accurately defined the geological formations as to age and area. Evidence was given which set at rest questions of nearly thirty years' standing, and established the fiict that Ohio in- cludes nearly double the number of formations be- fore supposed to exist. Since that date, the sur- veys have been regularly made. Each county is being surveyed by itself, and its formation ac- curately determined. Elsewhere in these pages, these results are given, and to them the reader is refeiTed for the specific geology of the county. Only general results can be noted here. On the general geological map of the State, are two sections of the State, taken at each northern and southern extremity. These show, with the map, the general outline of the geological features of Ohio, and are all that can be given here. Both sections show the general arrangements of the formation, and prove that they lie in sheets resting one upon another, but not horizontally, a.s a great arch traverses the State from Cincinnati to the lake shore, between Toledo and Sandusky. Along this line, which extends southward to Nashville, Tenn., all the rocks are raised in a ridge or fold, once a low mountain chain. In the lapse of ages, it has, however, been extensively worn away, and now, along a large part of its course, the strata which once arched over it are re- moved from its summit, and are found resting in regular order on either side, dipping away from its axis. Where the ridge was highest, the erosion has been greatest, that being the reason why the oldest rocks are exposed in the region about Cin- cinnati. By following the line of this great arch from Cincinnati northward, it will be seen that the Helderberg limestone (No. 4), midway of the State, is still unbroken, and stretches from side to side ; while the Oriskany, the Corniferous, the Hamilton and the Huron formations, though generally re- moved from the crown of the arch, still remain over a limited area near Bellefontaine, where they form an island, which proves the former continuity of the strata which compose it. On the east side of the great anticlinal axis, the rocks dip down into a basin, which, for several hundred miles north and south, occupies the inter- val between the Nashville and Cincinnati ridge and the first fold of the Alleghany Mountains. In this basin, all the strata form trough-like layers, their edges outcropping eastward on the flanks of the Alleghanies, and westward along the anti- clinal axis. As they dip from this margin east- ward toward the center of the trough, near its middle, on the eastern border of the State, the older rocks are deeply buried, and the surface is here underlaid by the highest and most recent of our rock formations, the coal measures. In the northwestern corner of the State, the strata dip northwest from the anticlinal and pass under the Michigan coal basin, precisely as the same forma- tions east of the anticlinal dip beneath the Alle- ghany coal-field, of which Ohio's coal area forms a part. The rocks underlying the State all belong to three of the great groups which geologists liave termed " systems," namely, the Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous. Each of these are again sub- divided, for convenience, and numbered. Thus the Silurian system includes the Cincinnati group, the Medina and Clinton groups, the Niagara group, and the Salina and Water-Line groups. The Devonian system includes the Oriskany sand- stone, the Carboniferous limestone, the Hamilton group, the Huron shale and the Erie shales. The Carboniferous system includes the Waverly group, the Carboniferous Conglomerate, the Coal Meas- ures and the Drift. This last includes the surface, and has been divided into six parts, numbering from the lowest, viz.: A glacialed surface, the Gla- cial Drift, the Erie Clays, the Forest Bed, the Ice- berg Drift and the Terraces or Beaches, which mark intervals of stability in the gradual recession of the water surface to its present level. " The history we may learn fi-om these forma- tions," says the geologist, " is something as fol- lows: " First. Subsequent to the Tertiary was a period of continual elevation, during which the topog- raphy of the country was much the same as now, the draining streams following the lines they now do, but cutting down their beds until they flowed sometimes two hundred feet lower than they do at present. In the latter part of this period of ele- vation, glaciers, descending from the Canadian '^ (5" \ '.^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 15 islands, excavated and occupied the valleys of the great lakes, and covered the lowlands down nearly to the Ohio. '^Second. By a depression of the land and ele- vation of temperature, the glaciers retreated north- ward, leaving, in the interior of the continent, a great basin of fresh water, in which the Erie clays were deposited. " Third. This water was drained away until a broad land surface was exposed within the drift area. Upon this surface grew forests, largely of red and white cedar, inhabited by the elephant, mastodon, giant beaver and other large, now ex- tinct, animals. "Fourth. The submergence of this ancient land and the spreading over it, by iceberg agency, of gravel, sand and bowlders, distributed just as ice- bergs now spread their loads broadcast over the sea bottom on the banks of Newfoundland. "Fifth. The gradual draining-off of the waters, leaving the land now as we find it, smoothly cov- ered with all the layers of the drift, and well pre- pared for human occupation." " In six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and rested the seventh day," records the Scriptures, and, when all was done, He looked upon the work of His own hands and pronounced it "good." Surely none but a divine, omnipotent hand could have done all this, and none can study the "work of His hands" and not marvel at its completeness. The ancient dwellers of the Mississippi Valley will always be a subject of great interest to the antiquarian. Who they were, and whence they came, are still unanswered questions, and may remain so for ages. All over this valley, and, in fact, in all parts of the New World, evidences of an ancient civilization exist, whose remains are now a wonder to all. The aboriginal races could throw no light on these questions. They had always seen the remains, and knew not whence they came. Explorations aid but little in the solu- tion of the problem, and only conjecture can be entertained. The remains found in Ohio equal any in the Valley. Indeed, some of them are vast in extent, and consist of forts, fortifications, moats, ditches, elevations and mounds, embracing many acres in extent. "It is not yet determined," says Col. Charles Whittlesey, "whether we have discovered the first or the original people who occupied the soil of Ohio. Modern investigations are bringing to light evidences of earlier races. Since the presence of man has been established in Europe as a cotempor- ary of the fossil elephant, mastodon, rhinoceros and the horse, of the later drift or glacial period, we may reasonably anticipate the presence of man in America in that era. Such proofs are already known, but they are not of that conclusive charac- ter which amounts to a demonstration. It is, how- ever, known that an ancient people inhabited Ohio in advance of the red men who were found here, three centuries since, by the Spanish and French explorers. " Five and six hundred years before the an-ival of Columbus," says Col. Charles Whittlesey, "the Northmen sailed from Norway, Iceland and Green- land along the Atlantic coast as far as Long Island. They found Indian tribes, in what is now New En- gland, closely resembling those who lived upon the coast and the St. Lawrence when the French and English came to possess these regions. " These red Indians had no traditions of a prior people ; but over a large part of the lake country and the valley of the Mississippi, earth-works, mounds, pyramids, ditches and forts were discov- ered — the work of a more ancient race, and a peo- ple far in advance of the Indian. If they were not civilized, they were not barbarians. They wei'e not mere hunters, but had fixed habitations, cultivated the soil and were possessed of consider- able mechanical skill. We know them as the Mound Builders ^ because they erected over the mortal remains of their principal men and women memorial mounds of earth or unhewn stone — of which hundreds remain to our own day, so large and high that they give rise to an impression of the numbers and energy of their builders, such as we receive from the pyramids of Egypt." Might they not have been of the same race and the same civiUzation ? Many competent authori- ties conjecture they are the work of the lost tribes of Israel ; but the best they or any one can do is only conjecture. " In the burial-mounds," continues Col. Whit- tlesey, " there are always portions of one or more human skeletons, generally partly consumed by fire, with ornaments of stone, bone, shells, mica and copper. The largest mound in Ohio is near Miamisburg, Montgomery County. It is the second largest in the West, being nearly seventy feet high, originally, and about eight hundred feet in circumference. This would give a superficial area of nearly four acres. In 1864, the citizens of Miamisburg sunk a shaft from the summit to the natural surface, without finding the bones :^ IG HISTORY OF OHIO. or ashes of the great man for whom it was intended. The exploration has considerably lowered the mound, it being now about sixty feet in height. " Fort Ancient, on the Little Miami, is a good specimen of the military defenses of the Mound- Builders. It is well located on a long, high, nar- row, precipitous ridge. The parapets are now from ten to eighteen feet high, and its perimeter is sufficient to hold twenty thousand fighting men. Another prominent example of their works exists near Newark, Licking County. This collection presents a great variety of figures, circles, rectan- gles, octagons and parallel banks, or highways, covering more than a thousand acres. The county fiiir-ground is permanently located within an ancient circle, a quarter of a mile in diameter, with an embankment and interior ditch. Its high- est place was over twenty feet from the top of the moat to the bottom of the ditch." One of the most curious-sliaped works in this county is known as the "Alligator," from its sup- posed resemblance to that creature. When meas- ured, several years ago, while in a good state of preservation, its dimensions were two hundred and ten feet in length, average width over sixty feet, and height, at the highest point, seven feet. It appears to be mainly composed of clay, and is overgrown with grass. Speaking of the writing of these people, Col. Whittlesey says : " There is no evidence that they had alphabetical characters, picture-writing or hieroglyphics, though they must have had some mode of recording events. Neither is there any proof that they used domestic animals for tilling the soil, or for the purpose of erecting the imposing earth- Avorks they have left. A very coarse cloth of hemp, flax or nettles has been found on their burial-hearths and around skeletons not consumed by fire. " The most extensive earthworks occupy many of the sites of modern towns, and are always in the vicinity of excellent lajid. Those about the lakes are generally irregular earth forts, while those about the rivers in the southern part of the State are generally altars, pyramids, circles, cones and rectangles of earth, among which fortresses or strongholds are exceptions. '•' Those on the north may not have been cotem- porary or have been built by the same people. They are far less prominent or extensive, which indicates a people less in numbers as well as indus- try, and whose principal occupation was war among themselves or against their neighbors. This style of works extends eastward along the south shore of Lake Ontario, through New York. In Ohio, there is a space along the water-shed, between the lake and the Ohio, where there are few, if any, ancient earthworks. It appears to have been a vacant or neutral ground between different nations. "The Indians of the. North, dres.sed in skins, cultivated the soil very sparingly, and manufactured no woven cloth. ()n Lake Sujierior, there are ancient copper mines wrought by the Mound- Builders over fifteen hundred years ago." Copper tools are occasionally found tempered sufficiently hard to cut the hardest rucks. No knowledge of such tempering exists now. The Indians can give no more knowledge of the ancient mines than they can of the mounds on the river bottoms. " The Indians did not occupy the ancient earth- works, nor did they construct such. They were found as they are now — a hunter race, wholly averse to labor. Their abodes were in rock shel- ters, in caves, or in temporary sheds of bark and boughs, or skins, easily moved from place to place. Like most savage races, their habits are unchange- able ; at least, the example of white men, and their efforts during three centuries, have made little, if any, impression." A\nien white men came to the territory now em- braced in the State of Ohio, they found dwelling here the Iroquois, Delawares, Shawanees, Miamis, Wyandots and Ottawas. Each nation was com- posed of several tribes or clans, and each was often at war with the others. The first mentioned of these occupied that part of the State whose northern boundary was Lake Erie, as far west as the mouth of the Cuyahoga Eiver, where the city of Cleveland now is ; thence the boundary turned southward in an irregular line, until it touched the Ohio River, up which stream it continued to the Pennsylvania State line, and thence northward to the lake. This nation were the implacable foes of the French, owing to the flict that Champlain, in 1G09, made war against them. They occupied a large part of New York and Pennsylvania, and were the most insatiate conquerors among the aborigines. When the French first came to the lakes, these monsters of the wilderness were engaged in a war against their neighbors, a war that ended in their conquering them, p )ssessing their terri- tory, and absorbing the remnants of the tribes into their own nation. At the date of Champlain's visit, the southern shore of Lake Erie was occupied by the Eries, or, as the orthography of the word is 'A HISTORY OF OHIO. 17 sometimes given, Erigos, or Errienous.* About forty years afterward, the Iroquois ( Five Nations) fell upon them with such fury and in such force that the nation was annihilated. Those who escaped the slaughter were absorbed among their C(in((uerors, but allowed to live on their own lands, paying a sort of tribute to the Iroquois. This was the policy of that nation in all its conquests. A few years after the conquest of the Eries, the Iroquois again took to the war-path, and swept through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, even attacking the Mississippi tribes. But for the intervention and aid of the French, these tribes would have shared the fate of the Hurons and Eries. Until the year 1700, the Iroquois held the south shore of Lake Erie so finnly that the French dared not trade or travel along that side of the lake. Their missionaries and traders penetrated this part of Ohio as early as 1650, but generally suffered death for their zeal. Having completed the conquest of the Hurons or Wyandots, about Lake Huron, and murdered the Jesuit missionaries by modes of torture which only they could devise, they permitted the residue of the Hurons to settle around the west end of Lake Erie. Here, with the Ottawas, they resided when the whites came to the State. Their country was bounded on the south by a line running through the central part of Wayne, Ashland, Richland, Crawford and Wyandot Counties. At the western boundary of this county, the line di- verged northwesterly, leaving the State near the northwest corner of Fulton County. Their north- ern boundary was the lake ; the eastern, the Iro- quois. The Delawares, or " Lenni Lenapes," whom the Iroquois had subjugated on the Susquehanna, were assigned by their conquerors hunting-grounds on the Muskingum. Their eastern boundary was the country of the Iroquois (before defined), and their northern, that of the Hurons. On the west, they ♦ Father Loui8 Hennepin, in his work published in 1684, thus alludes to the Erii-s: ■'These good fathers," referring to the priests, " were great friends of the Hurons, who told them that the Iroquois went to war beyond Viririnia, or New Sweden, near a lake which they called ^ Eriqe,^ or 'Erie,' which signifies 'the cat,' or ' nalion of the cat,' and because these savages brought captives from this nation in returning to their cantons along this lake, the Hurons named it, in their language, ' Erige,' or ' Erike,' 'the lake of th" cat.' and which our Canadians, in softening the word, have called ' Lake Erie.' " . Charlevoix, writing in 1721, says: "The name it bears is that of an Indian nation of the Huron (Wyandot) language, which was formerly seated on it^ banks, and who have been entirely destroyed by the Iroquois. Erie, in that language, signifies 'cat,' and, in some acounts, this nation is called the ' cat nation.' This name, probably, comes from the large numbers of that animal found in this region." extended as far as a line drawn from the central part of Richland County, in a semi-circular direc- tion, south to the mouth of Leading Creek. Their southern boundary was the Ohio River. West of the Delawares, dwelt the Shawanees, a troublesome people as neighbors, whether to whites or Indians. Their country was bounded on the north by the Hurons, on the east, by the Dela- wares ; on the south, by the Ohio River. On the west, their boundary was determined by a line drawn southwesterly, and again southeasterly — semi-circular — from a point on the southern boundary of the Hurons, near the southwest corner of Wyandot County, till it intersected the Ohio River. All the remainder of the State — all its western part from the Ohio River to the Michigan line — was occupied by the Miamis, Mineamis, Twigtwees, or Tawixtawes, a powerful nation, whom the Iro- quois were never fully able to subdue. These nations occupied the State, partly by per- mit of the Five Nations, and partly by inheritance, and, though composed of many tribes, were about all the savages to be found in this part of the Northwest. No sooner had the Americans obtained control of this country, than they began, by treaty and purchase, to acquire the lands of the natives. They could not stem the tide of emigration ; peo- ple, then as now, would go West, and hence the necessity of peacefully and rightfully acquiring the land. " The true basis of title to Indian territory is the right of civilized men to the soil for pur- poses of cultivation." The same maxim may be applied to all uncivilized nations. When acquired by such a right, either by treaty, purchase or con- quest, the right to hold the same rests with the power and development of the nation thus possess- ing the land. The English derived title to the territory between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi partly by the claim that, in discovering the Atlantic coast, they had possession of the land from "ocean to ocean," and partly by the treaty of Paris, in Feb- ruary, 1763. Long before this treaty took place, however, she had granted, to individuals and colo- nies, extensive tracts of land in that part of Amer- ica, based on the right of di.scovcry. The French had done better, and had acquired title to the land by discovering the land itself and by consent of the Indians dwelling thereon. The right to pos- sess this country led to the French and Indian war, ending in the supremacy of the English. 18 HISTOKY OF OHIO. The Five Nations claimed the territory in ques- tion by right of conquest, and, though professing friendship to the EngUsh, watched them with jeal- ous eyes. In 1684, and again in 1726, that con- federacy made cessions of lands to the English, and these treaties and cessions of lands were re- garded as sufficient title by the English, and were insisted on in all subsequent treaties with the Western Nations. The following statements were collected by Col. Charles Whittlesey, which show the principal treaties made with the red men wherein land in Ohio was ceded by them to the whites : In September, 1726, the Iroquois, or Six Na- tions, at Albany, ceded all their claims west of Lake Erie and sixty miles in width along the south shore of Lakes Erie and Ontario, from the Cuyahoga to the Oswego River. In 1744, this same nation made a treaty at Lancaster, Penn., and ceded to the English all their lands "that may be within the colony of Virginia." In 1752, this nation and other Western tribes made a treaty at Logstown, Penn., wherein they confirmed the Lancaster treaty and consented to the settlements south of the Ohio River. February 13, 1763, a treaty was made at Paris, France, between the French and English, when Canada and the eastern half of the Mississippi Valley were ceded to the English. In 1783, all the territory south of the Lakes, and east of the Mississippi, was ceded by England to America — the latter country then obtaining its independence — by which means the country was gained by America. October 24, 1784, the Six Nations made a treaty, at Fort Stanwix, N. Y., with the Ameri- cans, and ceded to them all the country claimed by the tribe, west of Pennsylvania. In 1785, the Chippewas, Delawares, Ottawas, and Wyandots ceded to the United States, at Fort Mcintosh, at the mouth of the Big Beaver, all their claims east and south of the " Cayahaga," the Portage Path, and the Tuscarawas, to Fort Laurens (Bolivar), thence to Loramie's Fort (in Shelby County) ; thence along the Portage Path to the St. Mary's River and down it to the "Omee," or Maumee, and along the lake shore to the " Cayahaga." January 3, 1786, the Shawanees, at Fort Fin- ney, near the mouth of the Great Miami (not owning the land on the Scioto occupied by them), were allotted a tract at the heads of the two Miamis and the Wabash, west of the Chippewas, Delawares and Wyandots. February 9, 1789, the Iroquois made a treaty at Fort Harmar, wherein they confirmed the Fort Stanwix treaty. At the same time, the Chippewas, Ottawas, Delawares, and Wyandots — to which the Sauks and Pottawatomies assented — confirmed the treaty made at Fort Mcintosh. Period of war now existed till 1795. August 3, 1795, Gen. Anthony Wayne, on behalf of the United States, made a treaty with twelve tribes, confirming the boundaries estab- lished by the Fort Harmar and Fort Mcintosh treaties, and extended the boundary to Fort Re- covery and the mouth of the Kentucky River. In June, 1796, the Senecas, represented by Brant, ceded to the Connecticut Land Company their rights east of the Cuyahoga. In 1805, at Fort Industry, on the Maumee, the Wyandots, Delawares, Ottawas, Chippewas, Shawa- nees, Menses, and Pottawatomies relinquished all their lands west of the Cuyahoga, as far west as the western line of the Reserve, and south of the line from Fort Laurens to Loramie's Fort. July 4, 1807, the Ottawas, Chippewas, Wyan- dots, and Pottawatomies, at Detroit, ceded all that part of Ohio north of the Maumee River, with part of Michigan. November 25, 1808, the same tribes with the Shawanees, at Brownstown, Mich., granted the Government a tract of land two miles wide, from the west line of the Reserve to the rapids of the Maumee, for the purpose of a road through the Black Swamp. September 18, 1815, at Springwells, near De- troit, the Chippewas, Ottawas, Pottawatomies, Wy- andots, Delawares, Senecas and Miamis, having been engaged in the war of 1812 on the British side, were confined in the grants made at Fort Mcintosh and Greenville in 1785 and 1795. September 29, 1817, at the rapids of the Maumee, the Wyandots ceded their lands west of the line of 1805, as far as Loramie's and the St. Mary's River and north of the Maumee. The Pottawatomies, Chippewas, and Ottawas ceded the territory west of the Detroit line of 1807, and north of the Maumee. October 6, 1818, the Miamis, at St. Mary's, m'ade a treaty in which they surrendered the re- maining Indian territory in Ohio, north of the Greenville treaty line and west of St. Mary's River. The numerous treaties of peace with the West- ern Indians for the delivery of prisoners were — [iL HISTOKY OF OHIO. 19 one by Gen. Forbes, at Fort Du Quesne (Pitts- burgh), in 1758 ; one by Col. Bradstreet, at Erie, in August, 1764 ; one by Col. Boquet, at the mouth of the Walhouding, in November, 1764; in May, 1765, at Johnson's, on the Mohawk, and at Philadelphia, the same year; in 1774, by Lord Dunmore, at Camp Charlotte, Pickaway County. By the treaty at the Maumee Bapids, in 1817, reservations were conveyed by the United States to all the tribes, with a view to induce them to cultivate the soil and cease to be hunters. These were, from time to time, as the impracticability of the plan became manifest, purchased by the Gov- ernment, the last of these being the Wyandot Beserve, of twelve miles square, around Upper Sandusky, in 1842, closing out all claims and com- posing all the Indian difficulties in Ohio. The open war had ceased in 1815, with the treaty of Ghent. " It is estimated that, from the Freijch war of 1754 to the battle of the Maumee Ilapids, in 1794, a period of forty years, there had been at least 5,000 people killed or captured west of the Alleghany Mountains. Eleven organized military expeditions had been carried on against the West- ern Indians prior to the war of 1812, seven regu- lar engagements fought and about twelve hundred men killed. Mure whites were slain in battle than there were Indian braves killed in military expedi- tions, and by private raids and murders ; yet, in 1811, all the Ohio tribes combined could not mus- ter 2,000 warriors." Attempts to determine the number of persons comprising the Indian tribes in Ohio, and their location, have resulted in nothing better than estimates. It is supposed that, at the commence- ment of the Bevolution, there were about six thousand Indians in the present confines of the State, but their villages were little more than movable camps. Savage men, like savage beasts, are engaged in continual migrations. Now, none are left. The white man occupies the home of the red man. Now "The verdant hills Are covered o'er with growing grain, And white men till the soil, Where once the red man used to reign." CHAPTER II, EARLY EXPLORATIONS IN THE WEST. WHEN war, when ambition, when avarice fail, religion pushes onward and succeeds. In the discovery of the New World, wherever man's aggrandizement was the paramount aim, failure was sure to follow. When this gave way, the followers of the Cross, whether Catholic or Protestant, came on the field, and the result before attempted soon appeared, though in a different way and through different means than those supposed. The first permanent efforts of the white race to penetrate the Western wilds of the New World preceded any permanent English settlement north of the Potomac. Years before the Pilgrims anchored their bark on the cheerless shores of Cape Cod, "the Boman Catholic Church had been plann- ed by missionaries from France in the Eastern moiety of Maine; and LeCaron, an ambitious Franciscan, the companion of Champlain,had passed into the hunting-grounds of the Wyandots, and, bound by the vows of his life, had, on foot or pad- dling a bark canoe, gone onward, taking alms of the savages until he reached the rivers of Lake Huron." This was in 1615 or 1616, and only eight years afler Champlain had sailed up the wa- ters of the St. Lawrence, and on the foot of a bold cliff laid the foundation of the present City of Quebec. From this place, founded to hold the country, and to perpetuate the religion of his King, went forth those emissaries of the Cross, whose zeal has been the admiration of the world. The French Colony in Canada was suppressed soon after its es- tablishment, and for five years, until 1622, its im- munities were enjoyed by the colonists. A grant of New France, as the country was then known, was made by Louis XIII to Biehelieu, Champlain, Bazilly and others, who, immediately after the res- toration of Quebec by its English conquerors, entered upon the control and government of their province. Its limits embraced the whole ba.sin of the St. Lawrence and of such other rivers in New France as flowed directly into the sea. AVhile away to the south on the Gulf coast, was also included a country rich in foliage and claimed in virtue of the unsuccessful efibrts of Coligny. 20 HISTOEY OF OHIO. Religious zeal as much as commercial prosperity had influenced France to obtain and retain the de- pendency of Canada. The commercial monopoly of a privileged company could not foster a colony ; the climate was too vigorous for agricult- ure, and, at first there was little else except relig- ious enthusiasm to give vitality to the province. Champlain had been touched by the simplicity of the Order of St. Francis, and had selected its priests to aid him in his work. But another order, more in favor at the Court, was interested, and succeed- ed in excluding the mendicant order from the New World, established themselves in the new domain and, by thus enlarging the borders of the French King, it became entrusted to the Jesuits. This "Society of Jesus," founded by Loyola when Calvin's Institutes first saw the light, saw an unequaled opportunity in the conversion of the heathen in the Western wilds; and, as its mem- bers, pledged to obtain power only by influence of mind over mind, sought the honors of opening the way, there was no lack of men ready for the work. Through them, the motive power in opening the wilds of the Northwest was relio-ion. " Reliiiious enthusiasm," says Bancroft, "colonized New Eng- land, and religious enthusiasm founded Montreal, made a concjuest of the wilderness about the upper lakes, and explored the Mississippi." . Thi'ough these priests — ^ increased in a few years to fifteen — a way was made across the West from Quebec, above the regions of the lakes, below which they dared not go for the relentless Mohawks. To the northwest of Toronto, near the Lake Iro- quois, a bay of Lake Huron, in September, 1634, they raised the first humble house of the Society of Jesus among the Hurons. Through them they learned of the great lakes beyond, and resolved one day to explore them and carry the Gospel of peace to the heathen on their shores. Before this could be done, many of them were called upon to give up their lives at the martyr's stake and re- ceive a martyr's crown. But one by one they went on in their good work. If one fell by hun- ger, cold, cruelty, or a terrible death, others stood ready, and carrying their lives in their hands, established other missions about the eastern shores of Lake Huron and its adjacent waters. The Five Nations were for many years hostile toward the French and murdered them and their red allies whenever opportunity presented. For a quarter of century, they retarded the advance of the missionaries, and then only after wearied with a long struggle, in which they began to see their power declining, did they relinquish their warlike propensities, and allow the Jesuits entrance to their country. While this was going on, the traders and Jesuits had penetrated farther and farther westward, until, when peace was declared, they had seen the southwestern shores of Lake Superior and the northern shores of Lake Michigan, called by them Lake Illinois.* In August, 1654, two young adventurers penetrated the wilds bordering on these western lakes in company with a band of Ottawas. Returning, they tell of the wonderful country they have seen, of its vast forests, its abundance of game, its mines of copper, and ex- cite in their comrades a desire to see and explore such a country. They tell of a vast expanse of land before them, of the powerful Indian tribes dwelling there, and of their anxiety to become an- nexed to the Frenchman, of whom they have heard. The request is at once granted. Two missionaries, Gabriel Dreuillettes and Leonard Gareau, w«re selected as envoys, but on their way the fleet, propelled by tawny rowers, is met by a wandering band of Mohawks and by them is dis- persed. Not daunted, others stood ready to go. The lot fell to Rene Mesnard. He is charged to visit the wilderness, select a suitable place for a dwelling, and found a mission. With only a short warning he is ready, "trusting," he says, "in the Providence which feeds the little birds of the desert and clothes the wild flowers of the forest." In October, 1660, he reached a bay, which he called St. Theresa, on the south shore of Lak > Superior. After a residence of eight months, he yielded to the invitation of the Hurons who had taken refuge on the Island of St. IMichael, and bidding adieu to his neophytes and the French, he departed. While on the way to the Bay of Che- goi-me-gon, probably at a portage, he became separated from his companion and was never after- ward heard of Long after, his cassock and his breviary were kept as amulets among the Sioux. Difficulties now arose in the management of the colony, and for awhile it was on the verge of dis- solution. The King sent a regiment under com- mand of the aged Tracy, as a safeguard against the Iroquois, now proving themselves enemies to * Mr. C. W. Bntterfield, author of Cran- ford's Campaign, and good authority, says: "John Nicholet, a Frenchman, lelt Quebec and Three Rivers in the summer of 1034, and visitel the Hurons on Georgian Bay, the Cliippewas «t the Sault Ste. Marie, and the Win- nebagoes in Wisronsin, returning to Quebec in the summer of U35. This was the first white man to see any part of the Northwest Territory. In 1641, two Jesuit priests were at the Sault Ste. Marie for a brief time. Tlien two Frencli traders reached Lalie Superior, and after them came that tide of emigration ou which the French based their claim to the country." -4* HISTORY OF OHIO. 21 the French. Accompanying him were Courcelles, as Governor, and M. Talon, who subsequently fig- ures in Northwestern history. By 1(31)5, affairs were settled and new attemjits to found a mission iimong the lake tribes were projected. " With better hopes — undismayed by the sad fate of their predecessors" in August, Claude Allouez embarked on a mission by way of Ottawa to the Far West. Early in September he reached the rapids "through which rush the waters of the lakes to Huron. Sailing by lofty sculptured rocks and over waters of crystal purity, he reached the Chippewa village just as the young warriors were bent on organizing a war expedition against the Sioux. Commanding peace in the name of his King, he called a council and offered the commerce and protection of his nation. He was obeyed, and soon a chapel arose on the shore of the bay, to which admiring crowds from the south and west gathered to listen to the story of the Cross. The scattered Hurons and Ottawas north of Lake Superior ; the Pottawatomies from Lake Mich- igan; the Sacs and Foxes from the Far West; the Illinois from the prairies, all came to hear him, and all besought him to go with them. To the last nation Allouez desired to go. They told him of a " great river that flowed to the .sea, "and of "their vast prairies, where herds of buffalo, deer and other animals grazed on the tall grass." "Their country," said the missionary, "is the best field for the Grospel. Had I had leisure, I would have gone to their dwellings to see with my own eyes all the good that was told me of them." He remained two years, teaching the natives, studying their language and habits, and then returned to Quebec. Such was the account that he gave, that in two days he was joined by Louis Nicholas and was on his way back to his mission. Peace being now established, more missionaries came from France. Among them were Claude Dablon and Jacques Marquette, both of whom went on to the mission among the Chippewas at the Sault. They reached there in 1668 and found Allouez busy. The mission was now a reality and given the name of St. Mary. It is often written " Sault Ste. Marie," afler the French method, and is the oldest settlement by white men in the bounds of the Northwest Territory. It has been founded over two hundred years. Here on the inhospitable northern shores, hundreds of miles away from friends, did this triumvirate employ themselves in extending; their religion and the influence of their King. Traversing the shores of the great lakes near them, they pass down the western bank of Lake Michigan as far as Green Bay, along the southern shore of Lake Superior to its western ex- tremity, everywhere preaching the story of Jesus. " Though suffering be their lot and martyrdom their crown," they went on, only conscious that they were laboring for their Master and would, in the end, win the crown. The great river away to the West of which they heard so much was yet unknown to them. To ex- plore it, to visit the tribes on its banks and preach to them the Gospel and secure their trade, became the aim of Marquette, who originated the idea of its discovery. While engaged at the mission at the Sault, he resolved to attempt it in the autumn of 1669. Delay, however, intervened — for Allouez had exchanged the mission at Che-goi-me-gon for one at Green Bay, whither Marquette was sent. AV^hile here he employed a young Illinois Indian to teach him the language of that nation, and there- by prepare himself for the enterprise. Continued commerce with the Western Indians gave protection and confirmed their attachment. Talon, the intendant of the colony of New France, to further spread its power and to learn more of the country and its inhabitants, convened a congress of the Indians at the Falls of St. Mary, to which he sent St. Lusson on his behalf Nicholas Perrot sent invitations in every direction for more than a hundred leagues round about, and fourteen nations, among them Sacs, Foxes and Miamis, agreed to be present by their embassadors. The congress met on the fourth day of June, 1671. St. Lusson, through Allouez, his interpre- ter, announced to the assembled natives that they, and through them their nations, were placed under the protection of the French King, and to him were their furs and peltries to be traded. A cross of cedar was raised, and amidst the groves of ma- ple and of pine, of elm and hemlock that are so strangely intermingled on the banks of the St. Mary, the whole company of the French, bowing before the emblem of man's redemption, chanted to its glory a hymn of the seventh century : "The banners of heaven's King advance; The mysteries of the Cross shines forth."* A cedar column was planted by the cross and marked with the lilies of the Bourbons. Tlie power of France, thus uplifted in the West of which Ohio is now a part, was, however, not destined ■ Bancroft. >-" 22 HISTORY OF OHIO. to endure, and the ambition of its monurchs was to have only a partial fulfillment. The same year that the congress was held, Mar- quette had founded a mission among the Hurons at Point St. Ignace, on the continent north of the peninsula of Michigan. Although the climate was severe, and vegetation scarce, yet fish abounded, and at this establishment, long maintained as a key to further explorations, prayer and praise were heard daily for many years. Here, also, Marquette gained a footing among the founders of Michigan. While he was doing this, Allouez and Dablon were exploring countries south and west, going as far as the Mascoutins and Kickapoos on the Milwaukee, and the Miamis at' the head of Lake Michigan. Allduez continued even as far as the Sacs and Foxes on the river which bears their name. The discovery of the Mississippi, heightened by these explorations, was now at hand. The enter- prise, projected by Marquette, was received with fiivor by M. Talon, who desired thus to perpetuate his rule in New France, now drawing to a close. He was joined by Joliet, of Quebec, an emissary of his King, commissioned by royal magnate to take possession of the country in the name of the French. Of him but little else is known. This one excursion, however, gives him immortality, and as long as time shall last his name and that of Marquette will endure. When Marquette made known his intention to the Pottawatomies, they were filled with wonder, and endeavored to dis- suade him from his purpose. "Those distant na- tions," said they, " never spare the strangers; the Great River abounds in monsters, ready to swal- low both men and canoes; there are great cataracts and rapids, over which you will be dashed to pii-ees; the excessive heats will cause your death." " I shall gladly lay down my life for the salvation of souls," replied the good man; and the docile nation joined him. On the 9th day of June, 1673, they reached the village on Fox River, where were Kickapoos, Mascoutins and Miamis dwelling together on an expanse of lovely prairie, dotted here and thereby groves of magnificent trees, and where was a cross gai-landed by wild flowers, and bows and ar- rows, and skins and belts, oiferings to the Great Manitou. Allouez had been here in one of his wanderings, and, as was his wont, had left this emblem of his faith. Assembling the natives, Marquette said, " My companion is an envoy of France to discover new countries ; and I am an embassador from God to enlighten them with the Gospel." Offering pres- ents, he begged two guides for the morrow. The Indians answered courteously, and gave in return a mat to serve as a couch during the long voyage. Early in the morning of the next day, the 10th of June, with all nature in her brightest robes, these two men, with five Frenchmen and two Al- gonquin guides, set out on their journey. Lifting two canoes to their shoulders, they quickly cross the narrow portage dividing the Fox from the Wisconsin River, and prepare to embark on its clear waters. "Uttering a special prayer to the Immaculate Virgin, they leave the stream, that, flowing onward, could have borne their greetings to the castle of Quebec. 'The guides returned,' says the gentle Marquette, 'leaving us alone in this unknown land, in the hand of Providence.' France and Christianity stood alone in the valley of the Mississippi. Embarking on the broad Wiscon.sin, the discoverers, as they sailed west, went solitarily down the stream between alternate prairies and hillsides, beholding neither man nor the wonted beasts of the forests; no sound broke the silence but the ripple of the canoe and the lowing of the buffalo. In seven days, ' they en- tered happily the Great River, with a joy that could not be expressed;' and the two birchbark canoes, raising their happy sails under new skies and to unknown breezes, floated down the calm magnificence of the ocean stream, over the broad, clear sand-bars, the resort of innumerable water- fowl-^— gliding past islets that swelled from the bosom of the stream, with their tufts of massive thickets, and between the wild plains of Illinois and Iowa, all garlanded with majestic forests, or checkered by island groves and the open vastness of the prairie."* Continuing on down the mighty stream, they saw no signs of human life until the 25th of June, when they discovered a small foot-path on the west bank of the river, leading away into the prairie. Leaving their companions in the canoes, Marquette and Joliet followed the path, resolved to brave a meeting alone with the savages. After a walk of six miles they came in sight of a village on the banks of a river, while not fiir away they discovered two others. The river was the " I\Iou- in-gou-e-na," or Moingona, now corrupted into Des Moines. These two men, the first of their race who ever trod the soil west of the Great liL HISTORY or OHIO. 23 River, commended themselves to God, and, uttering a loud cry, advanced to the nearest village. The Indians hear, and thinking their visitors celestial beings, four old men advance with rever- ential mien, and oifer the pipe of peace. " We are Illinois," said they, and they offered the calu- met. They had heard of the Frenchmen, and welcomed them to their wigwams, followed by the devouring gaze of an astonished crowd. At a great council held soon after, Marquette published to them the true God, their Author. He also spoke of his nation and of his King, who had chastised the Five Nations and commanded peace. He questioned them concerning the Great River and its tributaries, and the tribes dwelling on its banks. A magnificent feast was spread before them, and the conference continued several days. At the close of the sixth day, the chieftains of the tribes, with numerous trains of waiTiors, attended the visitors to their canoes, and selecting a peace- pipe, gayly caparisoned, they hung the sacred calumet, emblem of peace to all and a safeguard :iin;ing the nations, about the good Father's neck, and bid the strangers good speed. "I did not fear death," writes Marquette; "I should have esteemed it the greatest happiness to have died for the glory of God." On their journey, they passed the perpendicular rocks, whose sculptured sides showed them the monsters they should meet. Farther down, they pass the turgid flood of the Missouri, known to them by its Algonquin name, Pekitanoni. Resolving in his heart to one day explore its flood, Marquette rejoiced in the, new world it evidently could open to him. A little farther down, they pass the bluffs where now is a mighty emporium, then silent as when created. In a little less than forty leagues, they pass the clear waters of the beautiful Ohio, then, and long after- ward, known as the Wabash. Its banks were in- habited by numerous villages of the peaceful Shawanees, who then quailed under the incursions of the dreadful Iroquois. As they go on down the mighty stream, the canes become thicker, the insects more fierce, the heat more intolerable. The prairies and their cool breezes vanish, and forests of white- wood, admirable for their vastness and height, crowd close upon the pebbly shore. It is observed that the Chickasaws have guns, and have learned how to use them. Near the latitude of 33 degrees, they encounter a great village, whose inhabitants pre- sent an inhospitable and warlike front. The pipe of peace is held aloft, and instantly the savage foe drops his arms and extends a friendly greeting. Remaining here till the next day, they are escorted for eight or ten leagues to the village of Akansea. They are now at the limit of their voyage. The Indians speak a dialect unknown to them. The natives show furs and axes of steel, the latter prov- ing they have traded with Europeans. The two travelers now learn that the Father of Wa- ters went neither to the Western sea nor to the Florida coast, but straight south, and conclude not to encounter the burning heats of a tropical clime, but return and find the outlet again. They had done enough now, and must report their dis- covery. On the 17th day of July, 1673, one hundred and thirty-two years after the disastrous journey of De Soto, which led to no permanent results, jNIarquette and Joliet left the village of Akansea on their way back. At the 38th degree, they en- counter the waters of the Illinois which they had before noticed, and which the natives told them afforded a much shorter route to the lakes. Pad- dling up its limpid waters, they see a country un- surpassed in beauty. Broad prairies, beautiful up- lands, luxuriant groves, all mingled in excellent harmony as they ascend the river. Near the head of the river, they pause at a great village of the Illinois, and across the river behold a rocky prom- ontory .standing boldly out against the landscape. The Indians entreat the gentle missionary to re- main among them, and teach them the way of life. He cannot do this, but promises to return when he can and instruct them. The town was on a plain near the present village of Utica, in La Salle County, 111., and the rock was Starved Rock, afterward noted in the annals of the Northwest. One of the chiefs and some young men conduct the party to the Chicago River, where the present mighty city is, from where, continuing their iour- ney along the western shores of the lake, they reach Green Bay early in September. The great valley of the West was now open. The "Messippi" rolled its mighty flood to a south- ern sea, and must be sully explored. INIarquette's health had keenly suffered by the voyage and he concluded to remain here and rest. Joliet hasten- ed on to Quebec to report his discoveries. During the journey, each had preserved a description of the route they had passed over, as well as the country and its inhabitants. While on the way to Quebec, at the foot of the rapids near Montreal, by some means one of Joliet's canoes became cap- sized, and by it he lost his box of papers and two of his men. A greater calamity could have 24 HISTORY OF OHIO. liarcUy happened him. lu a letter to Gov, Froutenac, Joliet says : " I had escaped every peril from the Indians ; I had passed forty-two rapids, and was on the point of disembarking, full of joy at the success of so Ling and difficult an enterprise, when my canoe capsized after all the danger seemed over. I lost my two men and box of papers within sight of the French settlements, which I had left almost two years before. Nothing remains now to me but my life, and the ardent desire to employ it in any service you may please to direct." When Joliet made known his discoveries, a Te Dcum was chanted in the Cathedral at Quebec, and all Canada was filled with joy. The news crossed the ocean, and the French saw in the vista of coming years a vast dependency arise in the val- ley, partially explored, which was to extend her domain and enrich her treasury. Fearing En- gland might profit by the discovery and claim the country, she attempted as far as possible to prevent the news from becoming general. Joliet was re- warded by the gift of the Island of Anticosti, in the St. Lawrence, while Marquette, conscious of his service to his Master, was content with the salvation of souls. jSIarquette, left at Green Bay, suffered long with his malady, and was not permitted, until the au- tumn of the following year (1674), to return and teach the Illinois Indians. With this purpose in view, he left Green Bay on the 25th of October with two Frenchmen and a number of Illinois and Pottawatomie Indians for the villages on the Chicago and Illinois Rivers. Entering Lake Michigan, they encountered adverse winds and waves and were more than a month on the way. Going some distance up the Chicago River, they found Marquette too weak to proceed farther, his malady having assumed a violent form, and land- ing, they erected two hut.s and prepared to pass the winter. The good missionary taught the na- tives here daily, in spite of his afflictions, while his companions supplied him and themselves with food by fishing and hunting. Thus the winter wore away, and Marquette, renewing his vows, pre- pared to go on to the village at the foot of the rocky citadel, where he had been two years before. On the 13th of March, 1675, they left their huts and, rowing on up the Chicago to the portage be- tween that and the Desplaines, embarked on their way. Amid the incessant rains of spring, they were rapidly borne down that stream to the Illi- nois, on whose rushing flood they floated to the object of their destination. At the great town the missionary was received as a heavenly messenger, and as he preached to them of heaven and hell, of angels and demons, of good and bad deeds, they regarded him as divine and besought him to remain among them. The town then contained an immense concourse of natives, drawn hither by the reports they heard, and assembling them before him on the plain near their village, where now are pros- perous farms, he held before their astonished gaze four large pictures of the Holy Virgin, and daily harangued them on the duties of Christianity and the necessity of conforming their conduct to the words they heard. His strength was fast declining and warned him he could not long remain. Find- ing he must go, the Indians furnished him an escort as far as the lake, on whose turbulent waters he embarked with his two faithful attendants. They turned their canoes for the Mackinaw Mis- sion, which the afllicted missionary hoped to reach before death came. As they coasted along the eastern shores of the lake, the vernal hue of May began to cover the hillsides with robes of green, now dimmed to the eye of the departing Father, who became too weak to view them. By the 19th of the month, he could go no farther, and requested his men to land and build him a hut in which he might pass away. That done, he gave, with great composure, directions concerning his burial, and thanked God that he was permitted to die in the wilderness in the midst of his work, an unshaken believer in the faith he had so earnestly preached. As twilight came on, he told his weary attendants to rest, promising that when death should come he would call them. At an early hour, on the morn- ing of the 20th of May, 1675, they heard a feeble voice, and hastening to his side found that the gen- tle spirit of the good missionary had gone to heav- en. His hand grasped the crucifix, and his lips bore as their last sound the name of the Virgin. They dug a grave near the banks of the stream and buried him as he had requested. There in a lonely wilderness the peaceful soul of Marquette had at last found a rest, and his weary labors closed. His companions went on to the mission, where the news of his death caused great sorrow, for he was one beloved by all. Three years after his burial, the Ottawas, hunting in the vicinity of his grave, determined to carry his bones to the mission at their home, in accor- dance with an ancient custom of their tribe. Hav- ing opened the grave, at whose head a cross had been planted, they carefully removed the bones and "77 :v '^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 25 cleaning them, a funeral proces.si(in of thirty canoes bore them to the Mackiuaw Mission, singing the songs he had taught them. At the shores of the mission the bones were received by the priests, and, with great ceremony, buried under the floor of the rude chapel. While Marquette and Joliet were exploring the head-waters of the "Great River," another man, fearless in purpose, pious in heart, and loyal to his country, was living in Canada and watching the operations of his fellow countrymen with keen eyes. When the French first saw the in- hospitable shores of the St. Lawrence, in 1535, under the lead of Jacques Cartier, and had opened a new country to their crown, men were not lacking to further extend the discovery. In 1608, Champlain came, and at the foot of a cliff" on that river founded Quebec. Seven years after, he brought four RecoUet monks ; and through them and the Jesuits the discoveries already narrated occurred. Champlain died in 1G35, one hundred years after Cartier's first visit, but not until he had explored the northern lakes as fiir as Lake Huron, on whose rocky shores he, as the progenitor of a mighty race to follow, set his feet. He, with others, held to the idea that somewhere across the country, a river highway extended to the Western ocean. The reports from the missions whose history has been given aided this belief; and not until Marquette and Joliet returned was the delu- sion in any way dispelled. Before this was done, however, the man to whom reference has been made, Robert Cavalier, better known as La Salle, had endeavored to solve the mystery, and, while living on his grant of land eight miles above Montreal, had indeed eff'ected important discoveries. La Salle, the next actor in the field of explor- ation after Champlain, was born in 1643. His father's family was among the old and wealthy burghers of Rouen, France, and its members were frequently entrusted with important govern- mental positions. He early exhibited such traits of character as to mark him among his associates. Coming from a wealthy family, he enjoyed all the advantages of his day, and received, for the times, an excellent education. He was a Catholic, though liis subsequent life does not prove him to have been a religious enthusiast. From some cause, he joined the Order of Loyola, but the cir- cumscribed sphere of action set for him in the order illy concurred with his independent dis- position, and led to his separaticm from it. This was eff'ected, however, in a good spirit, as they considered him fit for a different field of action than any presented by the order. Having a brother in Canada, a member of the order of St. Sulpice, he determined to join him. By his connection with the Jesuits he had lost his share of his lather's estate, but, by some means, on his death, which occurred about this time, he was given a small share; and with this, in 1666, he arrived in Montreal. All Canada was alive with the news of the explorations; and La Salle's mind, actively grasping the ideas he afterward carried out, began to mature plans for their perfection. At Montreal he found a semi- nary of priests of the St. Sulpice Order who were encouraging settlers by grants of land on easy terms, hoping to establish a barrier of settlements between themselves and the Indians, made ene- mies to the French by Champlain's actions when founding Quebec. The Superior of the seminary, learning of La Salle's arrival, gratuitously off"ered him a grant of land on the St. Lawrence, eight miles above Montreal. The grant, though danger- ously near the hostile Indians, was accepted, and La Salle soon enjoyed an excellent trade in furs. While employed in developing his claim, he learned of the great unknown route, and burned with a desire to solve its existence. He applied himself closely to the study of Indian dialects, and in three years is said to have made great progress in their language. While, on his farm his thoughts often turned to the unknown land away to the west, and, like all men of his day, he desired to explore the route to the Western sea, and thence obtain an ea.sy trade with China and Japan. The " Great River, which flowed to the sea," must, thought they, find an outlet in the Gulf of California. While musing on these things, Marquette and Joliet were preparing to descend the Wisconsin; and LaSalle himself learned from a wandering band of Senecas that a river, called the Ohio, arose in their country and flowed to the sea, but at such a di.stance that it would require eight months to reach its mouth. This must be the Great River, or a part of it : for all geographers of the day considered the Mississippi and its tributary as one stream. Plac- ing great confidence on this hy])othesis. La Salic repaired to Quebec to obtain the sanction of Gov. Courcelles. His plausible statements soon won him the Governor and M. Talon, and letters patent were issued granting the exploration. No pecuniary aid was offered, and La Salle, hav- ing expended all his means in improving his 26 HISTORY OF OHIO. estate, was obliged to sell it to procure the necessary outfit. The Superior of the seminary being favorably disposed toward him, purchased the greater part of his improvement, and realiz- ing 2,800 livres, he purchased four canoes and the necessary supplies for the expedition. The semi- nary was, at the same time, preparing for a similar exploration. The priests of this order, emulating the Jesuits, had established missions on the north- ern shore of Lake Ontario. Hearing of populous tribes still further west, they resolved to attempt their conversion, and deputized two of their number for the purpose. On going to Quebec to procure the necessary supplies, they were advised of La Salle's expedition down the Ohio, and resolved to unite themselves with it. La Salle did not alto- gether fiivor their attempt, as he believed the Jesuits already had the field, and would not care to have any aid from a rival order. His dispo- sition also would not well brook the part they assumed, of asking him to be a co-laborer rather than a leader. However, the expeditions, merged into one body, left the mission on the St. Law- rence on the 6th of July, 16G9, in seven canoes. The party numbered twenty-four persons, who were accompanied by two canoes filled with Indians who had visited La Salle, and who now acted as guides. Their guides led them up the St. Lawrence, over the expanse of Lake Ontario, to their village on the banks of the Genesee, where they expected to find guides to lead them on to the Ohio. As La Salle only partially under- stood their language, he was compelled to confer with them by means of a Jesuit stationed at the village. The Indians refused to furnish him the expected aid, and even burned before his eyes a prisoner, the only one who could give him any knowledge he desired. He surmised the Jesuits were at the bottom of the matter, fearful lest the disciples of St. Sulpice should gain a foothold in the west. He lingered here a month, with the hope of accomplishing his object, when, by chance, there came by an Iroquois Indian, who assured them that at his colony, near the head of the lake, they could find guides ; and off"ered to conduct them thither. Coming along the southern shore of the lake, they passed, at its western extremity, the mouth of the Niagara River, where they heard for the first time the thunder of the mighty cata- ract between the two lakes. At the village of the Iroquois they met a friendly reception, and were informed by a Shawanese prisoner that they could reach the Ohio in six weeks' time, and that he would guide them there. While preparing to commence the journey, they heard of the missions to the northwest, and the priests resolved to go there and convert the natives, and find the river by that route. It appears that Louis Joliet met them here, on his return from visiting the copper mines of Lake Superior, under command of M. Talon. He gave the priests a map of the country, and informed them that the Indians of those regions were in great need of spiritual advisers. This strengthened their intention, though warned by La Salle, that the Jesuits were undoubtedly there. The authority for Joliet's visit to them here is not clearly given, and may not be true, but the same letter which gives the account of the discovery of the Ohio at this time by La Salle, states it as a fact, and it is hence inserted. The missionaries and La Salle separated, the former to find, as he had predicted, the followers of Loyola already in the field, and not wanting their aid. Hence they return from a fruitless tour. La Salle, now left to himself and just recovering from a violent fever, went on his journey. From the paper from which these statements are taken, it appears he went on to Onondaga, where he pro- cured guides to a tributary of the Ohio, down which he proceeded to the principal stream, on whose bosom he continued his way till he came to the falls at the present city of Louisville, Ky. It has been asserted that he went on down to its mouth, but that is not well authenticated and is hardly true. The statement that he went as far as the falls is, doubtless, correct. He states, in a letter to Count Frontenac in 1677, that he discovered the Ohio, and that he descended it to the falls. Moreover, Joliet, in a measure his rival, for he was now preparing to go to the northern lakes and from them search the river, made two maps repre- senting the lakes and the Mississippi, on both of which he states that La Salle had discovered the Ohio. Of its course beyond the falls, La Salle does not seem to have learned anything definite, hence his discovery did not in any way settle the great question, and elicited but little comment. Still, it stimulated La Salle to more efi"ort, and while musing on his plans, Joliet and Marquette push on from Grrecn Bay, and discover the river and ascertain the general course of its outlet. On Joliet's return in 1673, he seems to drop from further notice. Other and more venturesome souls were ready to finish the work begun by himself and the zealous JMarquette, who, left among the for-away nations, laid down his life. The spirit of ^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 29 La Salle was equal to the enterprise, and as lie now had returned from one voyage of discovery, he stood ready to solve the mystery, and gain the country for his King. Before this could be ac- complished, however, he saw other things must be done, and made pi'eparations on a scale, for the time, truly marvelous. Count Frontenac, the new Governor, had no sooner established himself in power than he gave a searching glance over the new realm to see if any undeveloped resources lay yet unnoticed, and what country yet remained open. He learned from the exploits of La Salle on the Ohio, and from Joliet, now returned from the West, of that immense country, and resolving in his mind on some plan whereby it could be formally taken, entered heartily into the plans of La Salle, who, anxious to solve the mystery concerning the outlet of the Great River, gave him the outline of a plan, saga- cious in its conception and grand in its compre- hension. La Salle had also informed him of the endeavors of the English on the Atlantic coast to divert the trade with the Indians, and partly to counteract this, were the plans of La Salle adopted. They were, briefly, to build a chain of forts from Canada, or New France, along the lakes to the Mississippi, and on down that river, thereby hold- ing the country by power as well as by discovery. A fort was to be built on the Ohio as soon as the means could be obtained, and thereby hold that country by the same policy. Thus to La Salle alone may be ascribed the bold plan of gaining the whole West, a plan only thwarted by the force of arms. Through the aid of Frontenac, he was given a proprietary and the rank of nobility, and on his proprietary was erected a fort, which he, in honor of his Governor, called Fort Frontenac. It stood on the site of the present city of Kingston, Canada. Through it he obtained the trade of the Five Nations, and his fortune was so far assured. He next repaired to France, to perfect his arrange- ments, secure his title and obtain means. On his return he built the fort alluded to, and prepared to go on in the prosecution of his plan. A civil discord arose, however, which for three years prevailed, and seriously threatened his projects. As soon as he could extricate himself, he again repaired to France, receiving additional encouragement in money, grants, and the exclusive privilege of a trade in buffalo skins, then consid- ered a source of great Avealth. On his return, he was accompanied by Henry Tonti, son of an illus- trious Italian nobleman, who had fled from his own country during one of its political revolutions. Coming to France, he made himself famous as the founder of Tontine Life Insurance. Henry Tonti possessed an indomitable will, and though he had suffered the loss of one of his hands by the ex- plosion of a grenade in one of the Sicilian wars, his courage was undtniuied, and his ardor un- dimmed. La Salle also brought recruits, mechanics, sailors, cordage and sails tor rigging a ship, and merchandise for traffic with the natives. At Montreal, he secured the services of M. LaMotte, a person of much energy and integrity of character. He also secured several missionaries before he reached Fort Frontenac. Among them were Louis Hennepin, Gabriel Ribourde and Zenabe Membre. All these were Flemings, all Recollets. Hennepin, of all of them, proved the best assist- ant. They arrived at the fort early in the autumn of 1678, and preparations were at once made to erect a vessel in which to navigate the lakes, and a fort at the mouth of the Niagara River. The Senecas were rather adverse to the latter proposals when La Motte and Hennepin came, but by the eloquence of the latter, they were pacified and rendered friendly. After a number of vexa- tious delays, the vessel, the Griffin, the first on the lakes, was built, and on the 7th of August, a year after La Salle came here, it was launched, passed over the waters of the northern lakes, and, after a tempestuous voyage, landed at Green Bay. It was soon after stored with furs and sent back, while La Salle and his men awaited its return. It was never afterward heard of. La Salle, becoming impatient, erected a fort, pushed on with a part of his men, leaving part at the fort, and passed over the St. Joseph and Kankakee Rivers, and thence to the IlHnois, down whose flood they proceeded to Peoria Lake, where he was obliged to halt, and return to Canada for more men and supplies. He left Tonti and several men to complete a fort, called Fort " Crevecoeur " — broken-hearted. The Indians drove the French away, the men mutinied, and Tonti was obliged to flee. When La Salle returned, he found no one there, and going down as far as the mouth of the Illinois, he retraced his steps, to find some trace of his garrison. Tonti was found safe among the Pottawatomies at Green Bay, and Hennepin and his two followers, sent to explore the head-waters of the IMississippi, were again home, after a captivity among the Sioux. La Salle renewed his force of men, and the third time set out for the outlet of the Great River. -\ 30 HISTORY OF OHIO. He left Canada early in December, 1G81, and by February Ci, 1682, reached the majestic flood of the mighty stream. On the 24th, they ascended the Chickasaw Bluffs, and, while waiting to find a sailor who had strayed away, erected Fort Prud- homme. They passed several Indian villages fur- ther down the river, in some of which they met with no little opposition. Proceeding onward, ere- long they encountered the tide of the sea, and April 0, they emerged on the broad bosom of the Gulf, "to.ssing its restless billows, limitless, voice- less and lonely as when born of chaos, without a sign of life." Coasting about a short time on the shores of the Gulf, the party returned until a sufficiently dry place was reached to effect a landing. Here another cross was raised, also a column, on which was inscribed these words : " Louis le Grand, Roi de France et de Navarre, Regne; Le Neuvieme, Avril, 1682." * " The whole party," says a " proces verbal," in the archives of France, " chanted the Te Deuni, the Exaudiat and the Domiiiesalvum fac Regem^ and then after a salute of fire-arras and cries of Vive le Hoi, La Salle, standing near the column, said in a loud voice in French : "In the name of the most high, mighty, invin- cible and victorious Prince, Louis the Great, by the grace of God, King of France and of Navarre, Fourteenth of that name, this ninth day of April, one thousand six hundred and eighty two, I, in virtue of the commission of His Majesty, which I hold in my hand, and which may be seen by all whom it may concern, have taken, and do now take, in the name of His Majesty and of his suc- cessors to the crown, possession of this country of Louisiana, the seas, harbor, ports, bays, adjacent straights, and all the nations, people, provinces, cities, towns, villages, mines, minerals, fisheiies, streams and rivers, comprised in the extent of said Louisiana, from the north of the great river St. Louis, other- wise called the Ohio, Alighin, Sipore or Chukago- na, and this with the consent of the Chavunons, Chickachaws, and other people dwelling therein, with whom we have made alliance; as also along the river Colbert or Mississippi, and rivers which discharge themselves therein from its source beyond the Kious or Nadouessious, and this with their consent, and with the consent of the Illinois, Mes- igameas, Natchez, Koroas, which are the most con- siderable nations dwelling therein, with whom also * Lmiis the Groat, King of France and of Navarre, reigning the ninth day of April, 10b2. we have made alliance, either by ourselves or others in our behalf, as far as its mouth at the sea or Gulf of Mexico, about the twenty-seventh degree of its elevation of the North Pole, and also to the mouth of the River of Palms; upon the assurance which we have received from all these nations that we are the first Europeans who have descended or ascended the river Colbert, hereby protesting against all those who may in future undertake to invade any or all of these countries, peoples or lands, to the prejudice of the right of His Majesty, acquired by the consent of the nations herein named." The whole assembly responded with shouts and the salutes of fire-arms. The Sieur de La Salle caused to be planted at the foot of the column a plate of lead, on one side of which was inscribed the arms of France and the following Latin inscrip- tion: Robertvs Cavellier, cvm Domino de Tonly, Legato, R. P. Zenobi Membro, RecoUecto, et, Viginti Gallis Primos Hoc Flvmen inde ab ilineorvm Pago, enavigavil, ejvsqve ostivm fecit Pervivvm, nono Aprilis cio ioc LXXXIL The whole proceedings were acknowledged be- fi)re La ]\Ietaire, a notary, and the conquest was considered complete. Thus was the foundation of France laid in the new republic, and thus did she lay claim to the Northwest, which now includes Ohio, and the county, whose history this book perpetuates. La Salle and his party returned to Canada soon after, and again that country, and France itself, rang with anthems of exultation. He went on to France, where he received the highest honors. He was given a fleet, and sailors as well as colon- ists to return to the New World by way of a south- ern voyage, expecting to find the mouth of the Mississippi by an ocean course. Sailing past the outlets, he was wrecked on the coast of Texas, and in his vain endeavors to find the river or return to Canada, he became lost on the plains of Arkansas, where he, in 1087, was basely murdered by one of his followers. " You are down now, Grand BashaAV," exclaimed his slayer, and despoiling his remains, they left them to be devoured by wild beasts. To such an ignominious end came this daring, bold adven- turer. Alone in the wilderness, he was left, with no monument but the vast realm he had discov- ered, on whose bosom he was left without cover- ing and without protection. " For force of will and vast conception ; for va- rious knowledge, and quick adaptation of his genius •-^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 31 to untried circumstances; for a sublime magnani- mity, that resigned itself to the will of Heaven, and yet triumphed over affliction by energy of purpose and unfaltering hope — he had no superior among his countrymen. He had won the affec- tions of the governor of Canada, the esteem of Colbert, the confidence of Seignelay, the favor of Louis XIV. After the beginning of the coloniza- tion of Upper Canada, he perfected the discovery of the Mississippi from the Falls of St. Anthony to its mouth ; and he will be remembered through all time as the father of colonization in the great central valley of the West."* Avarice, passion and jealousy were not calmed by the blood of La Salle. All of his conspirators per- ished by ignoble deaths, while only seven of the six- teen succeeded in continuing the journey until they reached Canada, and thence found their way to France. Tonti, who had been left at Fort St. Louis, on " Starved Rock" on the Illinois, went down in search of his beloved commander. Failing to find him, he returned and remained here until 1700, thousands of miles away from friends. Then he went down the Mississippi to join D'Iberville, who had made the discovery of the mouth of the Mis- sissippi by an ocean voyage. Two years later, he went on a mission to the Chickasaws, but of his subsequent history nothing is known. The West was now in possession of the French. La Salle's plans were yet feasible. The period of exploration was now over. The great river and its outlet was known, and it only remained for that nation to enter in and occupy what to many a Frenchman was the "Promised Land." Only eighteen years had elapsed since Marquette and Joliet had descended the river and shown the course of its outlet. A spirit, less bold than La Salle's would never in so short a time have pene- trated for more than a thousand miles an unknown wilderness, and solved the mystery of the world. When Joutel and his companions reached France in 1688, all Europe was on the eve of war. Other nations than the French wanted part of the New World, and when they saw that nation greedily and rapidly accumulating territory there, they en- deavored to stay its progress. The league of Augs- burg was formed in 1 687 by the princes of the Em- pire to restrain the ambition of Louis XIV, and in 1688, he began hostilities by the capture of Philipsburg. The next year, England, under the lead of William III, joined the alliance, and Louis found himself compelled, with only the aid of the Turks, to contend against the united forces of the Empires of England, Spain, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Yet the tide of battle wa- vered. In 1689, the French were defeated at Walcourt, and the Turks at Widin; but in 1690, the French were victorious at Charleroy, and the Turks at Belgrade. The next year, and also the next, victory inclined to the French, but in 1693, Louvois and Luxemberg were dead and Namur surrendered to the allies. The war extended to the New World, where it was maintained with more than equal success by the French, though the En- glish population exceeded it more than twenty to one. In 1688, the French were estimated at about twelve thousand souls in North America, while the English were more than two hundred thousand. At first the war was prosecuted vigorously. In 1689, De. Ste. Helene and D'Iberville, two of the sons of Charles le Morne, crossed the wilderness and reduced the English forts on Hudson's Bay. But in August of the same year, the Iroquois, the hereditary foes of the French, captured and burned Montreal. Frontenac, who had gone on an ex- pedition against New York by sea, was recalled. Fort Frontenac was abandoned, and no French posts left in the West between Trois Rivieres and Mackinaw, and were it not for the Jesuits the en- tire West would now have been abandoned. To recover their influence, the French planned three expeditions. One resulted in the destruction of Schenectady, another, Salmon Falls, and the third, Casco Bay. On the other hand. Nova Scotia was reduced by the colonies, and an expedition against Montreal went as far as to Lake Champlain, where it failed, owing to the dissensions of the leaders. Another expedition, consisting of twenty-four ves- sels, arrived before Quebec, which also failed through the incompetency of Sir William Phipps. During the succeeding years, various border con- flicts occurred, in all of which border scenes of savage cruelty and savage ferocity were enacted. The peace of Ryswick, in 1697, closed the war. France retained Hudson's Bay, and all the places of which she was in possession in 1688; but the boundaries of the English and French claims in the New World were still unsettled. The conclusion of the conflict left the French at liberty to pursue their scheme of colonization in the Mississippi Valley. In 1698, D'Iberville was sent to the lower province, which, erelong, was made a separate independency, called Louisiana. 33 IIISTOKY OF OHIO. Forts were erected on Mobile Bay, and the division of the territory between the French and the Spaniards was settled. Trouble existed between the French and the Chickasaws, ending in the cruel deaths of many of the leaders, in the fruitless endeavors of the Canadian and Louisi- anian forces combining against the Chickasaws. For many years the conflict raged, with unequal successes, until the Indian power gave way before superior military tactics. In the end, New Orleans was founded, in 1718, and the French power secured. Before this was consummated, however, France became entangled in another war against the allied powers, ending in her defeat and the loss of Nova Scotia, Hudson's Bay and Newfound- land. The peace of Utrecht closed the war in 1713. The French, weary with prolonged strife, adopted the plan, more peaceful in its nature, of giving out to distinguished men the monopoly of certain districts in the fur trade, the most pros- perous of any avocation then. Crozat and Cadillac — the latter the founder of Detroit, in 1701 — were the chief ones concerned in this. The founding of the villages of Kaskaskia, Ca- hokia, Vincennes, and others in the Mississippi and Wabash Valleys, led to the rapid develop- ment, according to the French custom of all these parts of the West, while along all the chief water-courses, other trading posts and forts were established, rapidly fulfilling the hopes of La Salle, broached so many years before. The French had, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, four principal routes to their western towns, two of which passed over the soil of Ohio. The first of these was the one followed by Marquette and Joliet, by way of the Lakes to Green Bay, in Wisconsin ; thence across a portage to the Wisconsin River, down which they floated to the Mississippi. On their return they came up the Illinois River, to the site of Chicago, whence Joliet returned to Quebec by the Lakes. La Salle's route was first by the Lakes to the St. Joseph's River, which he followed to the portage to the Kankakee, and thence downward to the Mississippi. On his second and third attempt, he crossed the lower peninsula of Michigan to the Kankakee, and again traversed its waters to the Illinois. The third route was established about 1716. It followed the southern shores of Lake Erie to the mouth of the Maumee River; following this stream, the voyagers went on to the junction between it and the St. Mary's, which they followed to the " Oubache " — Waba.sh — and then to the French villages in Vigo and Knox Counties, in Indiana. Vincennes was the oldest and most important one here. It had been founded in 1702 by a French trader, and was, at the date of the establishment of the third route, in a prosperous condition. For many years, the traders crossed the plains of Southern Illinois to the French towns on the bottoms opposite St. Louis. They were afraid to go on down the "Waba" to the Ohio, as the Indians had fright- ened them with accounts of the great monsters below. Finally, some adventurous spirit went down the river, found it emptied into the Ohio, and solved the problem of the true outlet of the Ohio, heretofore supposed to be a tributary of the Wabash. The fourth route was from the southern shore of Lake Erie, at Presqueville, over a portage of fifteen miles to the head of French Creek, at Waterford, Penn.; thence down that stream to the Ohio, and on to the Mississippi. Along all these routes, ports and posts were carefully maintained. Many were on the soil of Ohio, and were the first attempts of the white race to possess its domain. Many of the ruins of these posts are yet found on the southern shore of Lake Erie, and at the outlets of streams flowing into the lake and the Ohio River. The principal forts were at Mackinaw, at Presqueville, at the mouth of the St. Joseph's, on Starved Rock, and along the Father of Waters. Yet another power was encroaching on them : a sturdy race, clinging to the inhospitable Atlantic shores, were coming over the mountains. The murmurs of a conflict were already heard — a con- flict that would change the fate of a nation. The French were extending their explorations beyond the Mississippi; they were also forming a political organization, and increasing their influence over the natives. Of a passive nature, however, their power and their influence could not with- stand a more aggressive nature, and they were obliged, finally, to give way. They had the fruitful valleys of the West more than a century; yet they developed no resources, opened no mines of wealth, and left the country as passive as they found it. Of the growth of the West under French rule, but little else remains to be said. The sturdy Anglo-Saxon race on the Atlantic coast, and their progenitors in England, began, now, to turn their attention to this vast country. The voluptuousness ■■^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 33 of the French court, their neglect of the true basis of wealth, agriculture, and the repressive tendencies laid on the colonists, led the latter to adopt a hunter's life, and leave the country unde- veloped and ready for the people who claimed the country from "sea to sea." Their explorers were now at work. The change was at hand. Occasional mention has been made in the his- tory of the State, in preceding pages, of settle- ments and trading-posts of the French traders, explorers and missionaries, within the limits of Ohio. The French were the first white men to occupy the northwestern part of the New World, and though their stay was brief, yet it opened the way to a sinewy race, living on the shores of the Atlantic, who in time came, saw, and conquered that part of America, making it what the people of to-day enjoy. As early as 1669, four years before the discov- ery of the Mississippi by Joliet and Marquette, La Salle, the fixmous explorer, discovered the Ohio lliver, and paddled down its gentle current as far as the ftills at the present city of Louisville, but he, like others of the day, made no settlement on its banks, only claiming the country for his King by virtue of this discovery. Early in the beginning of the eighteenth cent- ury, French traders and voyagers passed along the southern shores of Lake Erie, to the mouth of the Maumee, up whose waters they rowed their bark canoes, on their way to their outposts in the Wa- bash and Illinois Valleys, established between 1675 and 1700. As soon as they could, without danger from their inveterate enemies, the Iroquois, masters of all the lower lake country, erect a trading-post at the mouth of this river, they did so. It was made a depot of considerable note, and was, probably, the first permanent habitation of white men in Ohio. It remained until after the peace of 1763, the termination of the French and Indian war, and the occupancy of this country by the English. On the site of the French trading- post, the British, in 1794, erected Fort Miami, which they garrisoned until the country came under the control of Americans. Now, Maumee City covers the ground. The French had a trading-post at the mouth of the Huron lliver, in what is now Erie County. When it was built is not now known. It was, how- ever, probably one of their early outposts, and may have been built before 1750. They had an- other on the shore of the bay, on or near the site of Sandusky City. Both this and the one at the mouth of the Huron lliver were abandoned before the war of the Revolution. On Lewis Evan's map of the British Middle Colonies, published in 1755, a French fort, called " Fort Junandat, built in 175-4," is marked on the east bank of the San- dusky lliver, several miles below its mouth. Fort Sandusky, on the western bank, is also noted. Several Wyandot towns are likewise marked. But very little is known concerning any of these trading-posts. They were, evidently, only tempo- rary, and were abandoned when the English came into possession of the country. The mouth of the Cuyahoga River was another important place. On Evan's map there is marked on the west bank of the Cuyahoga, some distance from its mouth, the words '■'■French House^''' doubt- less, the station of a French trader. The ruins of a house, found about five miles from the mouth of the river, on the west bank, are supposed to be those of the trader's station. In 1786, the Moravian missionary, Zeisberger, with his Indian converts, left Detroit in a vessel called the Mackinaw, and sailed to the mouth of the Cuyahoga. From there they went up the river about ten miles, and settled in an abandoned Ottawa village, where Independence now is, which place they called " Saint's Rest." Their stay was brief, for the following April, they left for the Huron River, and settled near the site of IMilan, Erie County, at a locality they called New Salem. There are but few records of settlements made by the French until after 1750. Even these can hardly be called settlements, as they were simply trading-posts. The French easily afiiliated with the Indians, and had little energy beyond trading. They never cultivated fields, laid low forests, and subjugated the country. They were a half-Indian race, so to speak, and hence did little if anything in developing the West. About 1749, some English traders came to a place in what is now Shelby County, on the banks of a creek since known as Loramic's Creek, and established a trading-station with the Indians. This was the first English trading-place or attempt at settlement in the State. It was here but a short time, however, when the French, hear- ing of its existence, sent a party of soldiers to the Twigtwees, among whom it was founded, and de- manded the traders as intruders upon French ter- ritory. The Twigtwees refusing to deliver up their friends, the French, assisted by a large party of Ottawas and Chippewas, attacked the trading- house, probably a block-house, and, after a severe :\ 34 HISTORY OF OHIO. battle, captured it. The traders were taken to Canada. This fort was called by the English " Pickawillauy," from which "Piqua" is probably derived. About the time that Kentucky was sot- tied, a Canadian Frenchman, named Loramio, established a store on the site of the old fort. He was a bitter enemy of the Americans, and for a long time Loramie's store was the headquarters of mischief toward the settlers. The French had the faculty of endearing them- selves to the Indians by their easy assimilation of their habits; and, no doubt, Loramie was equal to any in this respect, and hence gained great influ- ence over them. Col. Johnston, many years an Indian Agent from the United States among the Western tribes, stated that he had often seen the " Indians burst into tears when speaking of the times when their French father had dominion over them ; and their attachment always remained unabated." So much influence had Loramie with the In- dians, that, when Gen. Clarke, from Kentucky, invaded the Miami Valley in 1782, his attention was attracted to the spot. He came on and burnt the Indian settlement here, and destroyed the store of the Frenchman, selling his goods among the men at auction. Loramie fled to the Shawanees, and, with a colony of that nation, emigrated west of the Mississippi, to the Spanish possessions, where he again began his life of a trader. In 1794, during the Indian war, a fort was built on the site of the store by Wayne, and named Fort Loramie. The last ofiicer who had command here was Capt. Butler, a nephew of Col. Ilichard Butler, who fell at St. Clair's defeat. While here with his family, he lost an interesting boy, about eight years of age. About his grave, the sorrowing father and mother built a substantial picket-fence, planted honeysuckles over it, which, long after, remained to mark the grave of the soldier's boy. The site of Fort Loramie was always an im- portant point, and was one of the places defined on the boundary line at the Greenville treaty. Now a barn covers the spot. At the junction of the Auglaize and Maumee Rivers, on the site of Fort Defiance, built by Gen. Wayne in 1794, was a settlement of traders, established some time before the Indian war began. "On the high ground extending from the Maumee a quarter of a mile up the Auglaize, about two hundred yards in Avidth, was an open S])ace, on the west and south of which were oak woods, with hazel undergrowth. Within this opening, a few hundred yards above the point, on the steep bank of the Auglaize, were five or six cabins and log houses, inhabited principally by Indian traders. The most northerly, a large hewed-log house, divided below into three apart- ments, was occupied as a warehouse, store and dwelling, by George Ironside, the most wealthy and influential of the traders on the point. Next to his were the houses of Pirault (Pero) a French baker, and McKenzie, a Scot, who, in addition to merchandising, followed the occupation of a silver- smith, exchanging with the Indians his brooches, ear-drops and other silver ornaments, at an enormous profit, for skins and furs. Still further up were several other fami- lies of French and English; and two Ameri- can prisoners, Henry Ball, a soldier taken in St. Clair's defeat, and his wife, Polly JMeadows, captured at the same time, were allowed to live here and pay their masters the price of their ransom — he, by boating to the rapids of the ]\Iau- mee, and she by washing and sewing. Fronting the house of Ironside, and about fifty yards from the bank, was a small stockade, inclosing two hewed-log houses, one of which was occupied by James Girty (a brother of Simon), the other, occasionally, by Elliott and McKee, British Indian Agents living at Detroit."* The post, cabins and all they contained fell under the control of the Americans, when the British evacuated the shores of the lakes. While they existed, they were an undoubted source of Indian discontent, and had much to do in prolonging the Indian war. The country hereabouts did not settle until some time after the creation of the State government. As soon as the French learned the true source of the Ohio and Wabash Rivers, both were made a highway to convey the products of their hunt- ers. In coursing down the Ohio, they made trading-places, or depots, where they could obtain furs of the Indians, at accessible points, generally at the mouths of the rivers emptying into the Ohio. One of these old forts or trading-places stood about a mile and a half south of the outlet of the Scioto. It was here in 1740; but when it was erected no one could tell. The locality must have been pretty well known to the whites, however; for, in 1785, three years before the settlement of IMarietta was made, four families ♦Narrative of 0. M. Spencer. -^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 35 made an ineffectual attempt to settle near the same place. They were from Kentucky, but were driven away by the Indians a short time after they arrived, not being allowed to build cabins, and had only made preparations to plant corn and other necessaries of life. While the men were encamped near the vicinity of Piketown, in Pike County, when on a hunting expedition, they were surprised by the Indians, and two of them slain. The others hastened back to the encampment at the mouth of the Scioto, and hurriedly gathering the families together, fortu- nately got them on a flat-boat, at that hour on its way down the river. By the aid of the boat, they were enabled to reach Maysville, and gave up the attempt to settle north of the Ohio. The famous "old Scioto Salt Works," in Jack- son County, on the banks of Salt Creek, a tributary of the Scioto, were long known to the whites before any attempt was made to settle in Ohio. They were indicated on the maps published in 1755. They were the resort, for generations, of the In- dians in all parts of the West, who annually came here to make salt. They often brought white prisoners with them, and thus the salt works be- came known. There were no attempts made to settle here, however, until after the Indian war, which closed in 1795. As soon as peace was as- sured, the whites came here for salt, and soon after made a settlement. Another early salt spring was in what is now Trumbull County. It is also noted on Evan's map of 1755. They were occu- pied by the Indians, French, and by the Americans as early as 1780, and perhaps earlier. As early as 1761 Moravian missionaries came among the Ohio Indians and began their labors. In a few years, under the lead of Revs. Fredrick Post and John Heckewelder, permanent stations were established in several parts of the State, chief- ly on the Tuscarawas River in Tuscarawas County. Here were the three Indian villages — Shocnburn, Gnadcnhutten and Salem. The site of the first is about two miles south of New Philadelphia; Gna- dcnhutten was seven miles further south, and about five miles still on was Salem, a short distance from the present village of Port Washington. The first and last named of these villages were on the west side of the Tuscarawas River, near the margin of the Ohio Canal. Gnadcnhutten was on the east side of the river. It was here that the brutal massacre of these Christian Indians, by the rangers under Col. Williamson, occurred March 8, 1782. The account of the massacre and of these tribes appears in these pages, and it only remains to notice what became of them. The hospitable and friendly character of these Indians had extended beyond their white breth- ren on the Ohio. The American people at large looked on the act of Williamson and his men as an outrage on humanity. Congress felt its influence, and gave them a tract of twelve thousand acres, embracing their former homes, and induced them to return from the northern towns whither they had fled. As the whites came into the country, their manners degenerated until it became necessary to remove them. Through Gen. Cass, of Michigan, an agreement was made with them, whereby Con- gress paid them over $G,000, an annuity of $400, and 24,000 acres in some territory to be designated by the United States. This treaty, by some means, was never effectually carried out, and the princi- pal part of them took up their residence near a Moravian missionary station on the River Thames, in Canada. Their old churchyard still exists on the Tuscarawas River, and here rest the bones of several of their devoted teachers. It is proper to remark here, that Mary Heckewelder, daughter of the missionary, is generally believed to have been the first white child born in Ohio. How- ever, this is largely conjecture. Captive women among the Indians, before the birth of Mary Heckewelder, are known to have borne children, which afterward, with their mothers, were restored to their friends. The assertion that Mary Heckewelder was the first child born in Ohio, is therefore incorrect. She is the first of whom any definite record is made. These outposts are about all that are known to have existed prior to the settlement at Mari- etta. About one-half mile below Bolivar, on the western line of Tuscarawas County, are the remains of Fort Laurens, erected in 1778, by a detachment of 1,000 men under Gen. Mc- intosh, from Fort Pitt. It was, however, occu- pied but a short time, vacated in Aug-ust, 1770. as it was deemed untenable at such a distance from the frontier. During the existence of the six years' Indian war, a settlement of French emigrants was made on the Ohio River, that deserves notice. It illus- trates very clearly the extreme ignorance and credulity prevalent at that day. In IMay or June of 1788, Joel Barlow left this country for Europe, " authorized to dispose of a very large body of land in the West. " In 1790, he distributed pro- posals in Paris for the disposal of lands at five V fk 36 HISTORY OF OHIO. shillings per acre, which, says Volney, " promised a climate healthy and delightful ; scarcely such a thing as a frost in the winter ; a river, called by way of eminence ' The Beautiful, ' abounding in fish of an enormous size ; magnificent forests of a tree from which sugar flows, and a shrub which yields candles ; venison in abundance ; no military enrollments, and no quarters to find for soldiers." Purchasers became numerous, individuals and whole families sold their property, and in the course of 1791 many embarked at the various French sea-ports, each with his title in his pocket. Five hundred settlers, among whom were many wood carvers and guilders to His Majesty, King of France, coachmakers, friseurs and peruke makers, and other artisans and artistes, equally well fitted for a frontier Hfe, arrived in the United States in 1791-92, and acting without concert, traveling without knowledge of the language, customs and roads, at last managed to reach the spot designated for their residence. There they learned they had been cruelly deceived, and that the titles they held were worthless. Without food, shelterless, and danger closing around them, they were in a position that none but a Frenchman could be in without despair. Who brought them thither, and who was to blame, is yet a disputed point. Some affirm that those to whom large grants of land were made when the Ohio Company procured its charter, were the real instigators of the movement. They failed to pay for their lands, and hence the title reverted to the Government. This, coming to the ears of the poor Frenchmen, rendered their situation more distressing. They never paid for their lands^ and only through the clemency of Congress, who after- ward gave them a grant of land, and confirmed them in its title, were they enabled to secure a foot- hold. Whatever doubt there may be as to the causes of these people being so grossly deceived, there can be none regarding their sufierings. They had followed a jack-o-lantern into the howling wilderness, and must work or starve. The land upon which they had been located was covered with immense forest trees, to level which the coach- makers were at a loss. At last, hoping to conquer by a coup de main, they tied ropes to the branches, and while a dozen pulled at them as many fell at the trunk with all sorts of edged tools, and thus soon brought the monster to the earth. Yet he was a burden. He was down, to be sure, but as much in the way as ever. Several lopped off the branches, others dug an immense trench at his side, into which, with might and main, all rolled the large log, and then buried him from sight. They erected their cabins in a cluster, as they had seen them in their own native land, thus afibrding some protection from marauding bands of Indians. Though isolated here in the lonely wilderness, and nearly out of funds with which to purchase pro- visions from descending boats, yet once a week they met and drowned care in a merry dance, greatly to the wonderment of the scout or lone Indian who chanced to witness their revelry. Though their vivacity could work wonders, it would not pay for lands nor buy provisions. Some of those at Gallipolis (for such they called their settlement, from Gallia, in France) went to Detroit, some to Kaskaskia, and some bought land of the Ohio Company, who treated them liberally. Congress, too, in 1795, being informed of their sufFering^, and how they had been deceived, granted them 24,000 acres opposite Little Sandy River, to which grant, in 1798, 12,000 acres more were added. The tract has since been known as French Grant. The settlement is a curious episode in early West- ern history, and deserves a place in its annals. ":?" 1^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 37 ENGLISH EXPLORATIONS CHAPTER III. -TRADERS— FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR IN THE WEST. POSSESSION. ■ENGLISH AS has been noted, the French title rested on the discoveries of their missionaries and traders, upon the occupation of the country, and upon the construction of the treaties of Ryswick, Utrecht and Aix la Chapelle. The English claims to the same region were based on the fact of a prior occupation of the corresponding coast, on an opposite construction of the same treaties, and an alleged cession of the rights of the Indians. The rights acquired by discovery were conventional, and in equity were good only between European powers, and could not affect the rights of the natives, but this distinction was dis- regarded by all European powers. The inquiry of an Indian chief embodies the whole controversy: " Where are the Indian lands, since the French claim all on the north side of the Ohio and the English all on the south side of it?" The English charters expressly granted to all the original colonies the country westward to the South Sea, and the claims thus set up in the West, though held in abeyance, were never relinquished. The primary distinction between the two nations governed their actions in the New World, and led finally to the supremacy of the English. They were fixed agricultural communities. The French were mere trading-posts. Though the French were the prime movers in the exploration of the West, the English made discoveries during their occupation, however, mainly by their traders, who penetrated the Western wilderness by way of the Ohio River, entering it from the two streams which uniting form that river. Daniel Coxie, in 1722, published, in London, "A description of the English province of Carolina, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French called La Louis- iane, as also the great and famous river Mescha- cebe, or Mississippi, the five vast navigable lakes of fresh water, and the parts adjacent, together with an account of the commodities of the growth and production of the said province." The title of this work exhibits very clearly the opinions of the English people respecting the West. As early as 1 G30, Charles I granted to Sir Robert Heath "All that part of America lying between thirty- one and thirty-six degrees north latitude, from sea to sea," out of which the limits of Carolina were afterward taken. This immense grant was con- veyed in 1638, to the Earl of Arundel, and after- ward came into the possession of Dr. Daniel Coxie. In the prosecution of this claim, it appeared that Col. Wood, of Virginia, from 165-1 to 1664, ex- plored several branches of the Ohio and " Mescha- cebe," as they spell the Mississippi. A Mr. Need- ham, who was employed by Col. Wood, kept a journal of the exploration. There is also the ac- count of some one who had explored the Missis- sippi to the Yellow, or Missouri River, before 1676. These, and others, are said to have been there when La Salle explored the outlet of the Great River, as he found tools among the natives which were of European manufacture. They had been brought here by English adventurers. Also, when Iberville was colonizing the lower part of Louis- iana, these same persons visited the Chickasaws and stirred them up against the French. It is also stated that La Salle found that some one had been among the Natchez tribes when he returned from the discovery of the outlet of the Mississippi, and excited them against him. There is, however, no good authority for these statements, and they are doubtless incorrect. There is also an account that in 1678, several persons went from New England as far south as New Mexico, " one hundred and fifty leagues beyond the Meschacebe," the narrative reads, and on their return wrote an account of the expedition. This, also, cannot be traced to good authority. The only accurate account of the English reaching the West was when Bienville met the British vessel at the "English Turn," about 1700. A few of their traders may have been in the valley west of the Alleghany Mount- ains before 1700, though no reliable accounts are now found to confirm these suppositions. Still, from the earliest occupation of the Atlantic Coast by the EngHsh, they claimed the country, and, though the policy of its occupation rested for a time, it was never ftilly abandoned. Its revival dates from 1710 properly, though no immediate endeavor was made for many years after. That :^ 38 HISTORY OF OHIO. year, Alexander Spottswood was made Governor of Virginia. No sooner did he assume the functions of ruler, than, casting his eye over his dominion, he saw the great West beyond the Alleghany Mount- ains unoccupied by the English, and rapidly filling with the French, who he observed were gradually confining the English to the Atlantic Coast. His prophetic eye saw at a glance the animus of the whole scheme, and he determined to act promptly on the defensive. Through his representation, the Virginia Assembly was induced to make an appro- priation to defray the expense of an exploration of the mountains, and see if a suitable pass could not then be found where they could be crossed. The Governor led the expedition in person. The pass was discovered, a route marked out for future em- igrants, and the party returned to Williamsburg. There the Governor established the order of the "Knights of the Golden Horseshoe," presented his report to the Colonial Assembly and one to his King. In each report, he exposed with great bold- ness the scheme of the French, and advised the building of a chain of forts across to the Ohio, and the formation of settlements to counteract them. The British Government, engrossed with other matters, neglected his advice. Forty years after, they remembered it, only to regret that it was so thoughtlessly disregarded. Individuals, however, profited by his advice. By 1730, traders began in earnest to cross the mount- ains and gather from the Indians the stores beyond. They now began to adopt a system, and abandoned the heretofore renegade habits of those who had superseded them, many of whom never returned to the Atlantic Coast. In 1742, Joan Howard de- scended the Ohio in a skin canoe, and, on the Mississippi was taken prisoner by the French. His captivity did not in the least deter others from coming. Indeed, the date of his voyage was the commencement of a vigorous trade with the In- dians by the English, who crossed the Alleghanies by the route discovered by Gov. Spottswood. In 1748, Conrad Weiser, a German of Herenberg, who had acquired in early life a knowledge of the jMo- hawk tongue by a residence among them, was sent on an embas.sy to the Shawanees on the Ohio. He went as far as Logstown,a Shawanee village on the north bank of the Ohio, about seventeen miles bc- k)W the site of Pittsburgh. Here he met the chiefs in coun.sel, and secured their promise of aid against the French. The principal ground of the claims of the English in the Northwest was the treaty with the Five Nations — the Iroquois. This powerful confed- eration claimed the jurisdiction over an immense extent of country. Their policy differed considera- bly from other Indian tribes. They were the only confederation which attempted any form of gov- ernment in America. They were often termed the " Six Nations," as the entrance of another tribe into the confederacy made that number. Tliey were the conquerors of nearly all tribes from Lower Canada, to and beyond the Mississippi. They only exacted, however, a tribute from the conquered tribes, leaving them to manage their own internal affairs, and stipulating that to them alone did the right of cession belong. Their country, under these claims, embraced all of America north of the Cherokee Nation, in Virginia; all Kentucky, and all the Northwest, save a district in Ohio and Indi- ana, and a small section in Southwestern Illinois, claimed by the Miami Confederacy. The Iroquois, or Six Nations, were the terror of all other tribes. It was they who devastated the Illinois country about Rock Fort in 1680, and caused wide-spread alarm among all the Western Indians. In 16S4, Lord Howard, Governor of Virginia, held a treaty with the Iroquois at Albany, when, at the request of Col. Duncan, of New York, they placed them- selves under the protection of the English. They made a deed of sale then, by treaty, to the British Government, of a vast tract of country south and east of the Illinois River, and extending into Can- ada. In 1726, another deed was drawn up and signed by the chiefs of the national confederacy by which their lands were conveyed in trust to England, " to be protected and defended by His Majesty, to and for the use of the grantors and their heirs."* If the Six Nations had a good claim to the West- ern country, there is but little doubt but England was justified in defending their country against the French, as, by the treaty of Uti-echt, they had agreed not to invade the lands of Britain's Indian allies. This claim was vigorously contested by France, as that country claimed the Iroquois had no lawful jurisdiction over the West. In all the disputes, the interests of the contending nations was, however, the paramount consideration. The rights of the Indians were little regarded. The British also purchased land by the treaty of Lancaster, in 1744, wherein they agreed to pay the Six Nations for land settled unlawfully in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. The In- * Annals of the West. l£ HISTORY OF OHIO. 39 (lians were given goods and gold amounting to near a thousand pounds sterling. They were also promised the protection of the English. Had this latter provision been faithfully carried out, much blood would have been saved in after years. The treaties with the Six Nations were the real basis of the claims of Great Britain to ihe West ; claims that were only settled by war. The Shawanee In- dians, on the Ohio, were also becoming hostile to the English, and began to assume a threatening exterior. Peter Chartier, a half-breed, residing in Philadelphia, escaped from the authorities, those by whom he was held for a violation of the laws, and joining the Shawanees, persuaded them to join the French. Soon after, in 1743 or 1744, he placed himself at the head of 400 of their war- riors, and lay in wait on the Alleghany River for the provincial traders. He captured two, exhib- ited to them a captain's commission from the French, and seized their goods, worth £1,600. The Indians, after this, emboldened by the aid given them by the French, became more and more hostile, and Weiser was again sent across the mount- ains in 1748, with presents to conciliate them and sound them on their feelings for the rival nations, and also to see what they thought of a settlement of the English to be made in the West. The visit of Conrad Weiser was successful, and Thomas Lee, with twelve other Virginians, among whom were Lawrence and Augustine AVashington, brothers of George Washington, formed a company which they styled the Ohio Company, and, in 1748, peti- tioned the King for a grant beyond the mountains. The monarch approved the petition and the gov- ernment of Virginia was ordered to grant the Com- pany 500,000 acres within the bounds of that colony beyond the Alleghanies, 200,000 of which were to be located at once. This provision was to hold good for ten years, free of quit rent, provided the Company would settle 100 families within seven years, and build a fort sufficient for their protection. These terms the Company accepted, and sent at once to London for a cargo suitable for the Indian trade. This was the beginning of English Companies in the West; this one forming a prominent part in the history of Ohio, as will be .seen hereafter. Others were also formed in Virginia, whose object was the colonization of the West. One of these, the Loyal Company, received, on the 12th of June, 1749, a grant of 800,000 acres, from the line of Canada on the north and west, and on the 29th of October, 1751, the Green- briar Company received a grant of 100,000 acres. To these encroachments, the French were by no means blind. They saw plainly enough that if the English gained a foothold in the West, they would inevitably endeavor to obtain the country, and one day the issue could only be decided by war. Vaudreuil, the French Governor, had long anxiously watched the coming struggle. In 1774, he wrote home representing the consequences that would surely come, should the English succeed in their plans. The towns of the French in Illinois were producing large amounts of bread-stuffs and provisions which they sent to New Orleans. These provinces were becoming valuable, and mu.st not be allowed to come under control of a rival power. In 1749, Louis Celeron was sent by the Governor with a party of soldiers to plant leaden plates, suit- ably inscribed, along the Ohio at the mouths of the principal streams. Two of these plates were afterward exhumed. One was .sent to the 3Iary- land Historical Society, and the inscription* deci- phered by De Witt Clinton. On these plates was clearly stated the claims of France, as will be seen from the translation below. England's claim, briefly and clearly stated, read as follows: "That all lands, or countries west- ward from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea, between 48 and 34 degrees of North Latitude, were expres.sly included in the grant of King James the First, to divers of his subjects, so long- time since as the year 1606, and afterwards con- firmed in the year 1620; and under this grant, the colony of Virginia claims extent so far west as the South Sea, and the ancient colonies of Ma.ss- achusetts Bay and Connecticut, were by their respective charters, made to extend to the said South Sea, so that not only the right to the sea coast, but to all the Inland countries from sea to sea, has at all times been asserted by the Crown of England. "f To make good their titles, both nations were now doing their utmost. Professedly at peace, it only needed a torch applied, as it were, to any point, to instantly precipitate hostilities. The French were * The following is the translation of the inscription of the plate found at Venango : " In the year 1749, reign of Louis XV, King of France, we, Celeron, commandant of a detiichment by Monsieur thw Marquis of Giillisoniere, Commander-in-chief of New France, to establish tranquillity in certain Indian villages in these Cantons, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Toraclakoin, this twenty-ninth of July, near the River Ohio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of renewal of possession which we have taken of the said river, and all its tributaries; and of all the land on both sides, as far as the sources of said rivers; inasmuch as th" preceding Kings of France have enjoyed it, and maintained it by tlnir arras and by treaties; especially by those of Eyswick, Utrecht, and Aix La Chapelle." 1 Colonial Records of Pennsylvania. "V 40 HISTORY OF OHIO. bu.silj engaged erecting forts from the southern shores of Lake Erie to the Ohio, and on down in the Illinois Valley ; up at Detroit, and at all its posts, preparations were constantly going on for the crisis, now sure to come. The issue between the two governments was now fully miule up. It ad- mitted of no compromise but the sword. To that, however, neither power desired an immediate ap- peal, and both sought rather to establish and fortify their interests, and to conciliate the Indian tribes. The English, through the Ohio Company, sent out Christopher Gist in the fall of 1750, to explore the regions west of the mountains. He was instructed to examine the passes, trace the courses of the rivers, mark the falls, seek for valuable lands, ob- serve the strength, and to conciliate the friendship of the Indian tribes. He was well fitted for such an enterprise. Hardy, sagacious, bold, an adept in Indian character, a hunter by occupation, no man was better qualified than he for such an undertak- ing. He visited Logstown, where he w^as jealously received, passed over to the Muskingum River and Valley in Ohio, where he found a village of Wyan- dots, divided in sentiment. At this village he met Crogaii, another equally famous frontiersman, who had been sent out by Pennsylvania. Together they held a council with the chiefs, and received assurance of the friendship of the tribe. This done, they passed to the Shawnee towns on the Scioto, received their assurances of friendship, and went on to the Miami Valley, which they crossed, remarking in Crogan's journal of its great fertili- ty. They made a raft of logs on which they crossed the Grreat Miami, visited Piqua, the chief town of the Pickawillanies, and here made treaties with the Weas and Piankeshaws. While here, a deputation of the Ottawas visited the Miami Con- federacy to induce them to unite with the French. They were repulsed through the influence of the English agents, the Miamis sending Gist word that they would " stand like the mountains. " Crogan now returned and published an account of their wanderings. Gist followed the IMiami to its mouth, passed down the Ohio till within fifteen miles of the falls, then returned by way of the Kentucky River, over the highlands of Kentucky to Virginia, arriving in May, 1751. He had visited the Mingoes, Delawares, Wyandots, Shawa- nees and Miamis, proposed a union among these tribes, and appointed a grand council to meet at Logstown to form an alliance among themselves and with Virginia. His journey was marvelous for the day. It was extremely hazardous, as he was part of the time among hostile tribes, who could have captured him and been well rewarded by the French Government. But Gist knew how to act. and was successful. While Gist was doing this, some English traders established themselves at a place in what is now known as Shelby County, Ohio, and opened a store for the purpose of trading with the Indians. This was clearly in the limits of the West, claimed by the French, and at once aroused them to action. The fort or stockade stood on the banks of Loramie's Creek, about sixteen miles northwest of the present city of Sydney. It received the name Loramie from the creek by the French, which received its name in turn from the French trader of that name, who had a trading-post on this creek. Loramie had fled to the Spanish country west of the Mississippi, and for many years was a trader there ; his store being at the junc- tion of the Kansas and Missouri, near the present city of Kansas City, Mo. When the English traders came to Loramie's Creek, and erected their trading-place, they gave it the name of Pick- awillany, from the tribe of Indians there. The Miami confederacy granted them this privilege as the result of the presents brought by Crogan and Gist. It is also asserted that Andrew Montour, a half-breed, son of a Seneca chief and the famous Catharine Montour, who was an important fac- tor afterward in the English treaties with the Indians, was with them, and by his influence did much to aid in securing the privilege. Thus was established the first English trading-post in the Northwest Territory and in Ohio. It, however, enjoyed only a short duration. The French could not endure so clear an invasion of their country, and gathering a force of Ottawas and Chippewas, now their allies, they attacked the stockade in June, 1752. At first they demanded of the Miamis the surrender of the fort, as they were the real cause of its location, having granted the English the privilege. The Miamis not only refused, but aided the British in the defense. In the battle that ensued, fourteen of the Miamis were slain, and all the traders captured. One account says they were burned, another, and probably the correct one, states that they were taken to Canada as prisoners of war. It is probable the traders were from Penn- sylvania, as that commonwealth made the Miamis presents as condolence for their warriors that were slain. Blood had now been shed. The opening gun of the French and Indian war had been fired, and both 1^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 41 nations became more deeply interested in affairs in the West. The English were determined to secure additional title to the West, and, in 1752, sent Messrs. Fry, Lomax and Patton as commissioners to Logstown to treat with the Indians, and confirm the Lancaster treaty. They met the Indians on the 9th of June, stated their desires, and on the 11th received their answer. At first, the sav- ages were not inclined to recognize the Lancaster treaty, but agreed to aid the English, as the French had already made war on the Twigtees (at Picka- willany), and consented to the establishment of a fort and trading-post at the forks of the Ohio. This was not all the Virginians wanted, however, and taking aside Andrew Montour, now chief of the Six Nations, persuaded him to use his influence with the red men. By such means, they were in- duced to treat, and on the 13th they all united in signing a deed, confirming the Lancaster treaty in its full extent, consenting to a settlement southwest of the Ohio, and covenanting that it should not be disturbed by them. By such means was obtained the treaty with the Indians in the Ohio Valley. All this time, the home governments were en- deavoring to out-maneuver each other with regard to the lands in the West, though there the outlook only betokened war. The French understood bet- ter than the English how to manage the Indians, and succeeded in attaching them firmly to their cause. The English were not honest in their actions with them, and hence, in after years, the massacres that followed. At the close of 1752, Gist was at work, in con- formity with the Lancaster and Logstown treaties, laying out a fort and town on Chartier's Creek, about ten miles below the fork. Eleven families had crossed the mountains to settle at Gist's resi- dence west of Laurel Hill, not far from the Yough- iogheny. Goods had come from England for the Ohio Company, which were carried as fxr West as Will's Creek, where Cumberland now stands ; and where they were taken by the Indians and traders. On the other hand, the French were eatherins; cannon and stores on Lake Erie, and, without treaties or deeds of land, were gaining the good will of the inimical tribes, and preparing, when all was ready, to strike the blow. Their fortifications consisted of a chain of forts from Lake Erie to the Ohio, on the border. One was at Presque Isle, on the site of Erie ; one on French Creek, on the site of Waterford, Penn.; one at the mouth of French Creek, in Venango County, Penn.; while opposite it was another, effectually commanding that section of country. These forts, it will be observed, were all in the limits of the Pennsyl- vania colony. The Governor informed the Assem- bly of their existence, who voted £600 to be used in purchasing presents for the Indians n^ar the forts, and thereby hold their friendship. Virginia, also, took similar measures. Trent was sent, with guns and ammunition and presents, to the friendly tribes, and, while on his mission, learned of the plates of lead planted by the French. In October, 1753, a treaty was consummated with representa- tives of the Iroquois, Delawares, Shawanees, Twig- twees and Wyandots, by commissioners from Pennsylvania, one of whom was the philosopher Franklin. At the conferences held at this time, the Indians complained of the actions of the French in forcibly taking possession of the dis- puted country, and also bitterly denounced them for using rum to intoxicate the red men, when they desired to gain any advantage. Not long after, they had similar grounds of complaint against the English, whose lawless traders cared for nothing but to gain the furs of the savage at as little ex- pense as possible. The encroachments of the French on what was regarded as English territory, created intense feel- ing in the colonies, especially in Virginia. The purpose of the French to inclose the English on the Atlantic Coast, and thus prevent their extension over the mountains, became more and more ap- parent, and it was thought that this was the open- ing of a scheme already planned by the French Court to reduce all North America under the do- minion of France. Gov. Dinwiddle determined to send an ambassador to the French posts, to as- certain their real intentions and to observe the amount and disposition of their forces. He selected a young Virginian, then in his twenty-first year, a surveyor by trade and one well qualified for the duty. That young man afterward led the Ameri- can Colonies in their struggle for liberty. George Washington and one companion, Mr Gist, suc- cessfully made the trip, in the solitude of a severe winter, received assurance from the French com- mandant that they would by no means abandon their outposts, and would not yield unless com- pelled by force of arms. The commandant was exceedingly polite, but firm, and assured the young American that " we claim the country on the Ohio by virtue of the discovery of La Salle (in 1669) and will not give it up to the English. Our orders are to make prisoners of every Englishman found trading in the Ohio Valley." 42 HISTORY OF OHIO. During Washington's absence steps were taken to fortify the point formed by the junction of the Monongahela and Alleghany ; and when, on his return, he met seventeen horses loaded with mate- rials and stores for a fort at the forks of the Ohio, and, soon after, some families going out to settle, he knew the defense had begun. As soon as Washington made his report, Gov. Dinwiddle wrote to the Board of Trade, stating that the French were building a fort at Venango, and that, in March, twelve or fifteen hundred men would be ready to descend the river with their Indian allies, for which purpose three hundred canoes had been collected ; and that Logstown was to be made headquarters, while forts were to be built in other places. He sent expresses to the Governors of Pennsylvania and New York, apprising them of the nature of affairs, and calling upon them for assist- ance. He also raised two companies, one of which was raised by Washington, the other by Trent. The one under Trent was to be raised on the frontiers, and was, as soon as possible, to repair to the Fork and erect there a fort, begun by the Ohio Company. Owing to various conflicting opinions between the Governor of Pennsylvania and his Assembly, and the conference with the Six Nations, held by New York, neither of those provinces put forth any vigorous measures until stirred to action by the invasions on the frontiers, and until directed by the Earl of Holderness, Secretary of State. The fort at Venango was finished by the French in April, 1754. All along the creek resounded the clang of arms and the preparations for war. New York and Pennsylvania, though inactive, and debating whether the French really had in- vaded English territory or not, sent aid to the Old Dominion, now all alive to the conquest. The two companies had been increased to six; Washing- ton was raised to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and made second under command of Joshua Fry. Ten cannon, lately from England, were for- warded from Alexandria ; wagons were got ready to carry westward provisions and stores through the heavy spring roads; and everywhere men were enlisting under the King's promise of two hundred thousand acres of land to those who would go. They were gathering along Will's Creek and far beyond, while Trent, who had come for more men and supplies, left a little band of forty-one men, working away in hunger and want at the Fork, to which both nations were looking with anxious eyes. Though no enemy was near, and only a few Indian scouts were seen, keen eyes had observed the low fortifications at the Fork. Swift feet had borne the news of it up the valley, and though Ensign Ward, left in command, felt himself secure, on the 17 th of April he saw a sight that made his heart sick. Sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes were coming down the Alleghany. The com- mandant sent him a summons, which evaded no words in its meaning. It was useless to contend, that evening he supped with his conqueror ; the next day he was bowed out by the polite French- man, and with his men and tools marched up the Monongahela. The first birds of spring were fill- ing the air with iheir song ; the rivers rolled by, swollen by April showers and melting snows; all nature was putting on her robes of green ; and the fortress, which the English had so earnestly strived to obtain and fortify, was now in the hands of the French. Fort Du Quesne arose on the incomplete fortifications. The seven years' war that followed not only aff'ected America, but spread to all quar- ters of the world. The war made England a great imperial power ; drove the French from Asia and America; dispelled the brilliant and extended scheme of Louis and his voluptuous empire. The active field of operations was in the Canadas principally, and along the western borders of Penn- sylvania. There were so few people then in the present confines of Ohio, that only the possession of the country, in common with all the West, could be the animus of the conflict. It so much concerned this part of the New World, that a brief resume of the war will be necessary to fully under- stand its history. The fall of the post at the fork of the Ohio, Fort Du Quesne, gave the French control of the West. Washington went on with his few militia to re- take the post. Though he was successful at first, he was in the end defeated, and surrendered, being allowed to return with all his munitions of war. The two governments, though trying to come to a peaceful solution of the question, were getting ready for the conflict. France went stead- ily on, though at one time England gave, in a measure, her consent to allow the French to retain all the country west of the Alleghanies and south of the lakes. Had this been done, what a difi'erent future would have been in America ! Other des- tinies were at work, however, and the plan fell stillborn. England sent Gen. Braddock and a fine force of men, who marched directly toward the post on the Ohio. His ill-fated expedition resulted only in the total defeat of his army, and his own death. ■^ HISTOEY OF OHIO. 43 Washington saved a remnant of the army, and made his way back to the colonies. The En- gHsh needed a leader. They next planned four campaigns; one against Fort Du Quesne; one against Crown Point; one against Niagara, and one against the French settlements in Nova Scotia. Nearly every one proved a failure. The English were defeated on sea and on land, all owing to the incapacity of Parliament, and the want of a suit- able, vigorous leader. The settlements on the front- iers, now exposed to a cruel foe, prepared to defend themselves, and already the signs of a government of their own, able to defend itself, began to appear. They received aid from the colonies. Though the French were not repulsed, they and their red allies found they could not murder with impunity. Self-preservation was a stronger incen- tive in conflict than aggrandizement, and the cruelty of the Indians found avengers. The great Pitt became Prime Minister June 29, 1757. The leader of the English now appeared. The British began to regain their losses on sea and land, and for them a brighter day was at hand. The key to the West must be retaken, and to Gen. Forbes was assigned the duty. Preceding him, a trusty man was sent to the Western Indians at the head-waters of the Ohio, and along the Mg- nongahela and Alleghany, to see if some compro- mise with them could not be made, and their aid secured. The French had been busy through their traders inciting the Indians against the English. The lawless traders were another source of trouble. Caring nothing for either nation, they carried on a distressing traffic in direct violation of the laws, continually engendering ill-feeling among the na- tives. "Your traders," said one of them, "bring scarce anything but rum and flour. They bring little powder and lead, or other valuable goods. The rum ruins us. We beg you would prevent its coming in such quantities by regulating the traders. * * * These wicked whisky sell- ers, when they have got the Indians in liquor, make them sell the very clothes ofi" their backs. If this practice be continued, we must be inevitably ruined. We most earnestly, therefore, beseech you to remedy it." They complained of the French traders the same way. They were also beginning to see the animus of the whole conflict. Neither power cared as much for them as for their land, and flattered and bullied by turns as served their purposes best. The man selected to go upon this undertaking was Christian Frederic Post, a Moravian, who had lived among the Indians seventeen years, and mar- ried into one of their tribes. Ho was amissionary, and though obliged to cross a c(,ini.ry whose every stream had been dyed by blood, and every hillside rung with the death-yell, and grown red with the light of burning huts, he went willingly on his way. Of his journey, sufierings and doings, his own journal tells the story. He left Philadelphia on the 15th of July, 1758, and on the 7th of August safely passed the French post at Venango, went on to Big Beaver Creek, where he held a conference with the chiefs of the Indians gathered there. It was decided that a great conference should be held opposite Fort Du Quesne, where there were Indians of eight nations. "We will bear you in our bosoms," said the natives, when Post expressed a fear that he might be delivered over to the French, and royally they fulfilled their promises. At the conference, it was made clear to Post that all the Western Indians were wavering in their allegiance to the French, owing largely to the fail- ure of that nation to fulfill their promises of aid to prevent them from being deprived of their land by the Six Nations, and through that confederacy, by the English. The Indians complained bitterly, more- over, of the disposition of the whites in over-run- ning and claiming their lands. "Why did you not fight your battles at home or on the sea, instead of coming into our country to fight them?" they asked again and again, and mournfully shook their heads when they thought of the future before them. " Your heart is good," said they to Post. " You speak sincerely ; but we know there is always a great number who wish to get rich ; they have enough ; look ! we do not want to be rich and take away what others have. The white people think we have no brains in our heads ; that they arc big, and we are a handful ; but remember when you hunt for a rattlesnake, you cannot always find it, and perhaps it will turn and bite you before you see it."* When the war of Pontiac came, and all the West was desolated, this saying might have been justly remembered. After concluding a peace. Post set out for Philadelphia, and after incredi- ble hardships, reached the settlement uninjured early in September. His mission had more to do than at first is apparent, in the success of the English. Had it not been for him, a second Brad- dock's defeat might have befallen Forbes, now on his way to subjugate Fort Du Quesne. Through the heats of August, the army hewed its way toward the West. Early in September it * Post's Journal. us 44 HISTORY OF OHIO. reached Raystown, whither Washington had been ordered with his troops. Sickness had prevented him from being here ah-eady. Two officers were sent out to reconnoiter the fort, who returned and gave a very good account of its condition. Gen. Forbes desired to know more of it, and sent out Maj. Grant, with 800 men, to gain more complete knowledge. Maj. Grant, supposing not more than 21 M) soldiers to be in the fort, marched near it and made a feint to draw them out, and engage them in battle. lie was greatly misinformed as to the strength of the French, and in the engagement that followed he was badly beaten — 270 of his men killed, 42 wounded, and several, including himself, taken prisoners. The French, elated with their victory, attacked the main army, but were repulsed and obliged to retreat to the fort. The army con- tinued on its march. On the 24th of November they reached Turtle Creek, where a council of war was held, and where Gen. Forbes, who had been so ill as to be carried on a litter from the start, de- clared, with a mighty oath, he would sleep that night in the fort, or in a worse place. The Indi- ans had, however, carried the news to the French that the English were as plenty as the trees of the woods, and in their fright they set fire to the fort in the night and left up and down the Ohio River. The next morning the English, who had heard the explosion of the magazine, and seen the light of the burning walls, marched in and took peaceable possession. A small fortification was thrown up on the bank, and, in honor of the great English statesman, it was called Fort Pitt. Col. Hugh Mer- cer was left in command, and the main body of the army marched back to the settlements. It reached Philadelphia January 17, 1759. On the 11th of March, Gen. Forbes died, and was buried in the chancel of Christ's Church, in that city. Post was now sent on a mission to the Six Na- tions, with a report of the treaty of Easton. He was again instrumental in preventing a coalition of the Indians and the French. Indeed, to this ob- scure IMoravian missionary belongs, in a large measure, the honor of the capture of Fort Du Quesne, for by his influence had the Indians been restrained from attacking the army on its march. The garrison, on leaving the fort, went up and down the Ohio, part to Presque Isle by land, part to Fort Venango, while some of them went on down the Ohio nearly to the Mississippi, and there, in what is now Massac County, HI., erected a fort, called by them Fort Massac. It was afterward named by many Fort Massacre, from the erroneous supposition that a garrison had been massacred there. The French, though deprived of the key to the West, went on preparing stores and ammunition, expecting to retake the fort in the spring. Before they could do this, however, other places demanded their attention. The success of the campaign of 1758 opened the way for the consummation of the great scheme of Pitt — the complete reduction of Canada. Three expeditions were planned, by which Canada, already well nigh annihilated and suffering for food, was to be subjugated. On the west, Prideaux was to attack Niagara ; in the center, Amherst was to advance on Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; on the east, Wolfe was to besiege Quebec. All these points gained, the three armies were to be united in the center of the province. Amherst appeared before Ticonderoga July 22. The French blew up their works, and retired to Crown Point. Driven from there, they re- treated to Isle Aux Nois and entrenched them- selves. The lateness of the season prevented fur- ther action, and Amherst went into winter quar- ters at Crown Point. Early in June, Wolfe appeared before Quebec with an army of 8,000 men. On the night of September 12, he silently ascended the river, climbed the heights of Abra- ham, a spot considered impregnable by the French, and on the summit formed his army of 5,000 men. Montcalm, the French commander, was compelled to give battle. The British col- umns, flushed with success, charged his half-formed lines, and dispersed them. "They fly! they fly!" heard Wolfe, just as he expired from the effect of a mortal wound, though not till he had ordered their retreat cut off, and exclaimed, "Now, God be praised, I die happy." Montcalm, on hearing from the surgeon that death would come in a few hours, said, " I am glad of it. I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." At five the next morning he died happy. Prideaux moved up Lake Ontario, and on the 6th of July invested Niagara. Its capture would cut off the French from the west, and every en- deavor was made to hold it. Troops, destined to take the small garrison at Fort Pitt, were held to assist in raising the siege of Niagara. M. de Aubry, commandant in Illinois, came up with 400 men and 200,000 pounds of flour. Cut off by the abandonment of Fort Du Quesne from the Ohio route, he ascended that river as far as the Wabash, thence to portage of Fort Miami, or Fort Wayne, *?■ -^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 47 down the Maumee to Lake Erie, and on to Presqu- ville, or Presque Isle, over the portage to Le Bceuf, and thence down French Creek to Fort Venango. He was chosen to lead the expedition for the relief of Niagara. They were pursued by Sir William Johnson, successor to Prideaux, who had lost his life by the bursting of a cannon, and were obliged to flee. The next day Niagara, cut ofl" from succor, surrendered. All America rang with exultation. Towns were bright with illuminations ; the hillsides shone with bonfires. From press, from pulpit, from platform, and from speakers' desks, went up one glad song of rejoicing. England was victorious everywhere. The colonies had done their fiiU share, and now learned their strength. That strength was needed now, for ere long a different conflict raged on the soil of America — a conflict ending in the birth of a new nation. The English sent Gen. Stanwix to fortify Fort Pitt, still looked upon as one of the principal for- tresses in the West. He erected a good fortifica- tion there, which remained under British control fifteen years. Now nothing of the fort is left. No memorial of the British possession remains in the West but a single redoubt, built in 1764 by Col. Bouquet, outside of the fort. Even this can hardly now be said to exist. The fall of Quebec did not immediately produce the submission of Canada. M. de Levi, on whom the command devolved, retired with the French Army to Montreal. In the spring of 1760, he be- sieged Quebec, but the arrival of an English fleet caused him to again retreat to Montreal. Amherst and Johnson, meanwhile, effected a union of their forces, the magnitude of whose armies convinced the French that resistance would be useless, and on the 8th of September, M. de Vaudreuil, the Governor of Canada, surrendered Montreal, Quebec, Detroit, Mackinaw and all other posts in Canada, to the English commander-in- chief, Amherst, on condition that the French in- habitants should, during the war, be "protected in the full and fi-ee exercise of their religion, and the full enjoyment of their civil rights, leaving their future destinies to be decided by the treaty of peace." Though peace was concluded in the New World, on the continent the Powers experienced some difficulty in arriving at a satisfactory settlement. It was finally settled by what is known in history as the "family compact." France and Spain saw in the conquest the growing power of England, and saw, also, that its continuance only extended that power. Negotiations were re-opened, and on the 3d of November, 1762, preliminaries were agreed to and signed, and afterward ratified in Paris, in February, 1763. By the terms of the compact, Spain ceded to Great Britian East and West Florida. To compensate Spain, France ceded to her by a secret article, all Louisiana west of the Mississippi. The French and Indian war was now over. Canada and all its dependencies were now in pos- session of the English, who held undisputed sway over the entire West as far as Mississippi. It only remained for them to take possession of the out- posts. Major Robert Rogers was sent to take pos- session ot Detroit and establish a garrison there. He was a partisan officer on the borders of New Hampshire, where he earned a name for bravery, but afterward tarnished it by treasonable acts. On his way to Detroit, on the 7th of November, 1760, he was met by the renowned chief, Pontiac, who authoritatively commanded him to pause and ex- plain his acts. Rogers replied by explaining the conquest of Canada, and that he was acting under orders from his King. Through the influence of Pontiac, the army was saved from the Indians sent out by the French, and was allowed to pro- ceed on its way. Pontiac had assured his protec- tion as long as the English treated him with due deference. Beletre, the commandant at Detroit, refused to surrender to the English commander, until he had received positive assurance from his Governor, Vaudreuil, that the country was indeed conquered. On the 29th of September, the colors of France gave way to the ensign of Great Britain amid the shouts of the soldiery and the astonish- ment of the Indians, whose savage natures could not understand how such a simple act declared one nation victors of another, and who wondered at the forbearance displayed. The lateness of the season prevented further operations, but early the next spring, Mackinaw, Green Bay, Ste. Marie, St. Joseph and the Ouitenon surrounded, and nothing was left but the Illinois towns. These were se- cured as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made. Though the English were now masters of the West, and had, while many of these events nav rated were transpiring, extended their settlements beyond the AUeghanies, they were by no means secure in their possession. The woods and prairies were full of Indians, who, finding the English like the French, caring more for gain than the welfare \1 48 HISTORY OF OHIO. of the natives, began to exhibit impatience and re- sentment as they saw their lands gradually taken from them. The English policy differed very materially from the French. The French made the Indian, in a measure, independent and taught him a desire for European goods. They also affiliated easily with them, and became thereby strongly endeared to the savage. The French were a merry, easy-going race, fond of gayety and delighting in adventure. The English were harsh, stern, and made no advances to gain the friend- ship of the savage. They wanted land to cultivate and drove away the Indian's game, and forced him farther west. "Where shall we go?" said the Indian, despondently; "you drive us farther and farther west; by and by you will want all the land." And the Anglo-Saxon went sturdily on, paying no heed to the complaints. The French traders incited the Indian to resent the encroach- ment. " The English will annihilate you and take all your land," said they. " Their father, the King of France, had been asleep, now he had awakened and was coming with a great army to reclaim Can- ada, that had been stolen from him while he slept." Discontent under such circumstances was but natural. Soon all the tribes, from the mountains to the Mississippi, were united in a plot. It was discovered in 1761, and arrested. The next sum- mer, another was detected and arrested. The officers, and all the people, failed to realize the danger. The rattlesnake, though not found, was ready to strike. It is only an Indian discontent, thought the people, and they went on preparing to occupy the country. They were mistaken — the crisis only needed a leader to direct it. That leader appeared. CHAPTER IV. PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY— ITS FAILURE— BOUQUET'S EXPEDITION— OCCUPATION BY THE ENGLISH. PONTIAC, the great chief of the Ottawas, was now about fifty years old. He had watched the conflict between the nations with a jealous eye, and as he saw the gradual growth of the English people, their encroachment on the lands of the In- dians, their greed, and their assumption of the soil, his soul was stirred within him to do something for his people. He had been a true friend of the French, and had led the Indians at the defeat of Braddock. Amid all the tumult, he alone saw the true state of affairs. The English would inevit- ably crush out the Indians. To save his race he saw another alliance with the French was neces- sary, and a restoration of their power and habits needed. It was the plan of a statesman. It only failed because of the perfidy of the French. Matur- ing his plans late in the autumn of 1762, he sent messengers to all the Western and Southern tribes, with the black wampum and red tomahawk, em- blems of war, from the great Pontiac. "On a cer- tain day in the next year," said the messenger, "all the tribes are to rise, seize all the English posts, and then attack the whole frontier." The great council of all the tribes was held at the river Ecorces, on the 27th of April, 1763. There, before the assembled chiefs, Pontiac deliv- ered a speech, full of eloquence and art. He recounted the injuries and encroachments of the English, and disclosed their designs. The French king was now awake and would aid them. Should they resign their homes and the graves of their fathers without an effort? Were their young men no longer brave? Were they squaws? The Great Master of Life had chided them for their inactivity, and had sent his commands to drive the "Red Dogs" from the earth. The chiefs eagerly accepted the wampum and the tomahawk, and separated to prepare for the coming strife. The post at Detroit was informed of the plot the evening before it was to occur, by an Ojibway girl of great beauty, the mistress of the com- mander. Major Gladwin. Pontiac was foiled here, his treachery discovered, and he was sternly ordered from the conference. A regular seige followed, but he could not prevail. He exhibited a degree of sagacity unknown in the annals of savage war- fare, but all to no purpose ; the English were too strong for him. At all the other posts, save one, however, the plans of Pontiac were carried out, and atrocities, unheard of before in American history, resulted. The Indians attacked Detroit on the first of May, -^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 49 and, foiled in their plans, a siege immediately fol- lowed. On the 16th, a party of Indians appeared before the fort at Sandusky. Seven of them were admitted. Suddenly, while smoking, the massacre begins. All but Ensign Paulli, the commander, fall. He is carried as a trophy to Pontiac. At the mouth of the St. Joseph's, the mission- aries had maintained a mission station over sixty years. They gave way to an English garrison of fourteen soldiers and a few traders. On the morning of May 25, a deputation of Pottawato- mies are allowed to enter. In less than two min- utes, all the garrison but the commander are slain. He is sent to Pontiac. Near the present city of Fort Wayne, Ind., at the junction of the waters, stood Fort Miami, garrisoned by a few men. Holmes, the com- mander, is asked to visit a sick woman. He is slain on the way, the sergeant following is made prisoner, and the nine soldiers surrender. On the night of the last day of May, the wam- pum reaches the Indian village below La Fayette, Ind., and near Fort Ouitenon. The commander of the fort is lured into a cabin, bound, and his garrison surrender. Through the clemency of French settlers, they are received into their houses and protected. At Michilimackinac, a game of ball is projected. Suddenly the ball is thrown through the gate of the stockade. The Indians press in, and, at a signal, almost all are slain or made prisoners. The fort at Presque Isle, now Erie, was the point of communication between Pittsburgh and Niagara and Detroit. It was one of the most tenable, and had a garrison of four and twenty men. On the 22d of June, the commander, to save his forces from total annihilation, surrenders, and all are carried prisoners to Detroit. The capitulation at Erie left Le Bceuf with- out hope. He was attacked on the 18th, but kept oif the Indians till midnight, when he made a successful retreat. As they passed Ve- nango, on their way to Fort Pitt, they saw only the ruins of that garrison. Not one of its immates had been spared. Fort Pitt was the most important station west of the Alleghanies. " Escape ! " said Turtle's Heart, a Delaware warrior ; " you will all be slain. A great army is coming." "There are three large English armies coming to my aid," said Ecuyer, the commander. " I have enough provisions and ammunition to stand a siege of three years' time." A second and third attempt was made by the savages to capture the post, but all to no avail. Baffled on all sides here, they destroy Ligonier, a few miles below, and massacre men, women and children. Fort Pitt was besieged till the last day of July, but withstood all attacks. Of all the outposts, only it and Detroit were left. All had been captured, and the majority of the garrison slain. Along the frontier, the war was waged with fury. The Indians were fighting for their homes and their hunting-grounds; and for these they fought with the fury and zeal of fanatics. Detachments sent to aid Detroit are cut off. The prisoners are burnt, and Pontiac, infusing his zealous and demoniacal spirit into all his savage allies, pressed the siege with vigor. The French remained neutral, yet Pontiac made requisitions on them and on their neighbors in Illinois, issuing bills of credit on birch -bark, all of which were faithfully redeemed. Though these two posts could not be captured, the frontier could be annihilated, and vigorously the Indians pursued their policy. Along the borders of Pennsylvania and Virginia a relentless warfare was waged, sparing no one in its way. Old age, feeble infancy, strong man and gentle woman, fair girl and hope- ful boy — all fell before the scalping-knife of the merciless savage. The frontiers were devastated. Thousands were obliged to flee, leaving their possessions to the torch of the Indian. The colonial government, under British direc- tion, was inimical to the borders, and the colonists saw they must depend only upon their own arms for protection. Already the struggle for freedom was upon them. They could defend only them- selves. They must do it, too ; for that defense is now needed in a different cause than settling dis- putes between rival powers. " We have millions for defense, but not a cent for tribute," said they, and time verified the remark. Gen. Amherst bestirred himself to aid the frontiers. He sent Col. Henry Bouquet, a native of Switzerland, and now an officer in the English Army, to relieve the garrison at Fort Pitt. They followed the route made by Gen. Forbes, and on the way relieved Forts Bedford and Ligonier, both beleaguered by the Indians. About a day's jour- ney beyond Ligonier, he was attacked by a body of Indians at a place called Bushy Run. For awhile, it seemed that he and all his army would be destroyed ; but Bouquet was bold and brave and, under a feint of retreat, routed the savages. He passed on, and relieved the garrison at Fort :^ 50 HISTORY or OHIO. Pitt, and thus secured it against the assaults of the Indians. The campaign had been disastrous to the En- glish, but fatal to the plans of Pontiac. He could not capture Detroit, and he knew the great scheme must fail. The battle of Bushy Run and the relief of Fort Pitt closed the campaign, and all hope of co-operation was at an end. Circum- stances were combined against the confederacy, and it was fast falling to pieces. A proclamation was issued to the Indians, explaining to them the existing state of affairs, and showing to them the futility of their plans. Pontiac, however, would not give up. Again he renewed the siege of De- troit, and Gren. Gage, now in command of the army in the colonies, resolved to carry the war into their own country. Col. Bradstreet was or- dered to lead one army by way of the lakes, against the Northern Indians, while Col. Bouquet was sent against the Indians of the Ohio. Col. Bradstreet went on his way at the head of 1,200 men, but trusting too much to the natives and their promises, his expedition proved largely a fail- ure. He relieved Detroit in August, 1764, which had been confined in the garrison over fifteen months, and dispersed the Indians that yet lay around the fort. But on his way back, he saw how the Indians had duped him, and that they were still plundering the settlements. His treaties were annulled by Gage, who ordered him to destroy their towns. The season was far advanced, his provisions were getting low, and he was obliged to return to Niagara chagrined and disappointed. Col. Bouquet knew well the character of the Indians, and shaped his plans accordingly. He had an army of 1,500 men, 500 regulars and 1,000 volunteers. They had had experience in fighting the savages, and could be depended on. At Fort Loudon, he heard of Bradstreet's ill luck, and saw through the deception practiced by the Indians. He arrived at Fort Pitt the 17th of September, where he arrested a deputation of chiefs, who met him with the same promises that had deceived Bradstreet. He sent one of their number back, threatening to put to death the chiefs unless they allowed his messengers to safely pass through their country to Detroit. The decisive tone of his words convinced them of the fate that awaited them unless they complied. On the 3d of Octo- ber the army left Fort Pitt, marched down the river to and across the Tuscarawas, arriving in the vicinity of Fredrick Post's late mission on the 17th. There a conference was held with the assembled tribes. Bouquet sternly rebuked them fur their faithlessness, and when told by the chiefs they could not restrain their young men, he as sternly told them they were responsible for their acts. He told them he would trust them no longer. If they delivered up all their prisoners within twelve days they might hope for peace, otherwise there would be no mercy shown them. They were completely humbled, and, separating hastily, gathered their captives. On the 25th, the army proceeded down to the Tuscarawas, to the junction with White Woman River, near the town of Coshocton, in Coshocton County, Ohio, and there made prepa- rations for the reception of the captives. There they remained until the 18th of November; from day to day prisoners were brought in — men, women and children — and delivered to their friends. Many were the touching scenes enacted during this time. The separated husband and wife met, the latter often carrying a child born in captivity. Brothers and sisters, separated in youth, met ; lovers rushed into each other's arms ; children found their parents, mothers their sons, fathers their daughters, and neighbors those from whom they had been separated many years. Yet, there were many dis- tressing scenes. Some looked in vain for long-lost relatives and friends, that never should return. Others, that had been captured in their infancy, would not leave their savage friends, and when force was used some fled away. One mother looked in vain for a child she had lost years be- fore. Day by day, she anxiously watched, but no daughter's voice reached her ears. One, clad in savage attire, was brought before her. It could not be her daughter, she was grown. So was the maiden before her. " Can not you remember some mark?" asked Bouquet, whose sympathies were aroused in this case. "There is none," said the anxious and sorrowful mother. "Sing a song you sang over her cradle, she may remember," suggested the commander. One is sung by her mother. As the song of childhood floats out among the trees the maiden stops and listens, then approaches. Yes, she remembers. Mother and daughter are held in a close embrace, and the stern Bouquet wipes away a tear at the scene. On the 18th, the army broke up its encamp- ment and started on its homeward march. Bouquet kept six principal Indians as hostages, and re- turned to the homes of the captives. The Indians kept their promises faithfully, and the next year representatives of all the Western tribes met Sir William Johnson, at the German Flats, and made ^: ■^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 51 a treaty of peace. A tract of land in the Indian country was ceded to the whites for the benefit of those who had suffered in the late war. The In- dians desired to make a treaty with Johnson, whereby the Alleghany River should be the west- ern boundary of the English, but he excused him- self on the ground of proper power. Not long after this the Illinois settlements, too remote to know much of the struggle or of any of the great events that had convulsed an empire, and changed the destiny of a nation, were brought under the English rule. There were five villages at this date: Kaskaskia, Cahokia, St. Philip, Yin- cennes and Prairie du Rocher, near Fort Chartres, the military headquarters of these French posses- sions. They were under the control or command of M. de Abadie, at New Orleans. They had also extended explorations west of the Mississippi, and made a few settlements in what was Spanish terri- tory. The country had been, however, ceded to France, and in February, 1764, the country was formally taken possession of and the present city of St. Louis laid out. As soon as the French knew of the change of government, many of them went to the west side of the river, and took up their residence there. They were protected in their religion and civil rights by the terms of the treaty, but preferred the rule of their own King. The British took possession of this country early in 1765. Gen. G-age sent Capt. Stirling, of the English Army, who arrived before summer, and to whom St. Ange, the nominal commandant, surren- dered the authority. The British, through a suc- cession of commanders, retained control of the coun- try until defeated by George Rogers Clarke, and his "ragged Virginia militia." After a short time, the French again ceded the country west of the Mississippi to Spain, and re- linquished forever their control of all the West in the New World. The population of Western Louisiana, when the exchange of governments occurred, was estimated to be 13,538, of which 891 were in the Illinois country — as it was called — west of the Mississippi. East of the river, and before the French crossed into Spanish country, the population was estimated to be about 3,000. All these had grown into communities of a peculiar character. Indeed, that peculiarity, as has been observed, never changed until a gradual amalgamation with the American people effected it, and that took more than a cen- tury of time to accomplish. The English now owned the Northwest. True, they did not yet occupy but a small part of it, but traders were again crossing the mountains, ex- plorers for lands were on the Ohio, and families for settlement were beginning to look upon the West as their future home. Companies were again forming to purchase large tracts in the Ohio coun- try, and open them for emigration. One thing yet stood in the way — a definite boundary line. That line, however, was between the English and the Indians, and not, as had heretofore been the case, between rival European Powers. It was necessary to arrange some definite boundarj" before land com- panies, who were now actively pushing their claims, could safely survey and locate their lands. Sir William Johnson, who had at previous times been instrumental in securing treaties, wrote re- peatedly to the Board of Trade, who controlled the greater part of the commercial transactions in the colonies — and who were the first to exclaim against extending English settlements beyond a limit whereby they would need manufactures, and there- by become independent of the Mother Country — urging upon them, and through them the Crown, the necessity of a fixed boundary, else another Indian war was probable. The Indians found themselves gradually hemmed in by the growing power of the whites, and began to exhibit hostile feelings. The irritation became so great that in the summer of 1767, Gage wrote to the Governor of Pennsylvania concerning it. The Governor communicated his letter to the General Assembly, who sent repre- sentatives to England, to urge the immediate set- tlement of the question. In compliance with these requests, and the letters of prominent citizens, Franklin among the number, instructions were sent to Johnson, ordering him to complete the purchase from the Six Nations, and settle all differences. He sent word to all the Western tribes to meet him at Fort Stanwix, in October, 1768. The con- ference was held on the 24:th of that month, and was attended by colonial representatives, and by Indians from all parts of the Northwest. It was determined that the line should begin on the Ohio, at the mouth of the Cherokee (Tennessee), thence up the river to the Alleghany and on to Kittan- ning, and thence across to the Susquehanna. By this line, the whole country south of the Ohio and Alleghany, to which the Six Nations had any claim, was transferred. Part of this land was made to compensate twenty-two traders, whose goods had been stolen in 1763. The deeds made, wore upon the express agreement that no claims should --« S) 19 ^- 53 HISTORY OF OHIO. ever be based on the treaties of Lancaster, Logs- town, etc., and were signed by the chiefs of the Six Nations for themselves, their alUes and dependents, and the Shawanees, Delawares, Mingoes of Ohio, and others; though the Shawanees and Delaware deputies did not sign them. On this treaty, in a great measure, rests the title by purchase to Ken- tucky, Western Virginia and Western Pennsylva- nia. The rights of the Cherokees were purchased by Col. Donaldson, either for the King, Virginia, or for himself, it is impossible to say which. The grant of the northern confederacy was now made. The white man could go in and possess these lands, and know that an army would protect him if necessary. Under such a guarantee, West- ern lands came rapidly into market. In addition to companies already in existence for the purchase of land, others, the most notable of these being the "Walpole" and the "Mississippi" Land Companies, were formed. This latter had among its organizers such men as Francis Lightfoot Lee, Richard Henry Lee, George Washington and Arthur Lee. Before any of these companies, some of whom ab- sorbed the Ohio Company, could do anything, the Revolution came on, and all land transactions were at an end. After its close, Congress would not sanction their claims, and they fell through. This did not deter settlers, however, from crossing the mountains, and settling in the Ohio country. In spite of troubles with the Indians — some of whom regarded the treaties with the Six Nations as un- lawftil, and were disposed to complain at the rapid influx of whites — and the failure of the land com- panies, settlers came steadily during the decade from 1768 to 1778, so that by the close of that time, there was a large population south of the Ohio River ; while scattered along the northern banks, extending many miles into the wilderness, were hardy adventurers, who were carving out homes in the magnificent forests everywhere cov- ering the country. Among the foremost speculators in Western lands, was George Washington. As early as 1763, he employed Col. Crawford, afterward the leader in " Crawford's campaign," to purchase lands for him. In 1770, he crossed the mountains in company with several gentlemen, and examined the country along the Ohio, down which stream he passed to the mouth of the Great Kanawha, where he shot some buffalo, then plenty, camped out a few nights, and returned, fully convinced, it seems, that one day the West would be the best part of the New- World. He owned, altogether, nearly fifty thou- sand acres in the West, which he valued at $3.33 per acre. Had not the war of the Revolution just then broken out, he might have been a resident of the West, and would have been, of course, one of its most prominent citizens. CHAPTER V. AMERICAN EXPLORATIONS— DUNMORE'S WAR— CAMPAIGN OF GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE- LAND TROUBLES — SPAIN IN THE REVOLUTION — MURDER OF THE MORAVIAN INDIANS. MEANWHILE, Kentucky was filling with citizens, and though considerable trouble was experienced with the Indians, and the operations of Col. Richard Henderson and others, who made unlawful treaties with the Indians, yet Daniel Boone and his associates had established a commonwealth, and, in 1777, a county was formed, which, erelong, was divided into three. Louisville was laid out on land belonging to Tories, and an important start made in this part of the West. Emigrants came down the Ohio River, saw the northern shores were inviting, and sent back such accounts that the land north of the river rapidly grew in favor with Eastern people. One of the most important Western characters, Col. (afterward Gen.) George Rogers Clarke, had had much to do in forming its character. He was born November 19, 1752, in Albemarle County, Va., and early came West. He had an unusually sagacious spirit, was an excellent sur- veyor and general, and took an active interest in all State and national affairs. He understood the animus of the Revolution, and was prepared to do his part. Col. Clarke was now meditating a move unequaled in its boldness, and one that had more to do with the success of America in the struggle for independence than at first appears. He saw through the whole plan of the British, '.iL HISTORY OF OHIO. 53 who held all the outposts, Kaskaskia, Detroit, Vincennes and Niagara, and determined to circuna- vent them and wrest the West from their power. The British hoped to encircle the Americans by these outposts, and also unite the Indians in a common war against them. That had been attempted by the French when the English con- quered them. Then the French had a powerful ally in the person of Pontiac, yet the brave front- iersmen held their homes in many places, though the Indians " drank the blood of many a Briton, scooping it up in the hollow of joined hands." Now the Briton had no Pontiac to lead the scat- tered tribes — tribes who now feared the unerring aim of a settler, and would not attack him openly — Clarke knew that the Delawares were divided in feeling and that the Shawanees were but imperfectly united in favor of England since the murder of their noted chiefs. He was convinced that, if the British could be driven from the Western posts, the natives could easily be awed into submission, or bribed into neutrality or friendship. They admired, from their savage views of valor, the side that became victorious. They cared little for the cause for which either side was fighting. Clarke sent out spies among them to ascertain the feasibility of his plans. The spies were gone from April 20 to June 22, and fully corroborated his views concerning the English policy and the feelings of the Indians and French. Before proceeding in the narrative of this expe- dition, however, it will be well to notice a few acts transpiring north of the Ohio River, especially re- lating to the land treaties, as they were not without effect on the British policy. Many of the Indians north and south of the Ohio would not recognize the validity of the Fort Stanwix treaty, claiming the Iroquois had no right to the lands, despite their conquest. These discontented natives har- assed the emigrants in such a manner that many Indians were slain in retaliation. This, and the working of the French traders, who at all times were bitterly opposed to the English rule, filled the breasts of the natives with a malignant hate, which years of bloodshed could not wash out. The murder of several Indians by lawless whites fanned the coal into a blaze, and, by 1774, several retalia- tory murders occurred, committed by the natives in revenge for their fallen friends. The Indian slew any white man he found, as a revenge on some friend of his slain ; the frontiersman, acting on the same principle, made the borders extremely dan- gerous to invaders and invaded. Another cause of fear occurred about this time, which threatened seriously to retard emigration. Pittsburgh had been claimed by both Pennsyl- vania and Virginia, and, in endeavoring to settle the dispute, Lord Dunmore's war followed. Dr. John Connelly, an ambitious, intriguing person, induced Lord Dunmore to assert the claims of Vir- ginia, in the name of the King. In attempting to carry out his intentions, he was arrested by Arthur St. Clair, representing the proprietors of Pennsyl- vania, who was at Pittsburgh at the time. Con- nelly was released on bail, but went at once to Staunton, where he was sworn in as a Justice of Peace. Returning, he gathered a force of one hundred and fifty men, suddenly took possession of Pittsburgh, refused to allow the magistrates to enter the Court House, or to exercise the functions of their ofiices, unless in conformity to his will. Connelly refused any terms offered by the Penn- sylvania deputies, kept possession of the place, acted very harshly toward the inhabitants, stiiTed up the neutral Indians, and, for a time, threatened to make the boundary line between the two colonies a very serious question. His actions led to hostile deeds by some Indians, when the whites, no doubt urged by him, murdered seven Indians at the mouth of the Captina River, and at the house of a settler named Baker, where the Indians were decoyed under promises of friendship and offers of rum. Among those murdered at the latter place, was the entire family of the famous Mingoe chief, Logan. This has been charged to Michael Cresap ; but is untrue. Daniel Grreathouse had command of the party, and though Cresap may have been among them, it is unjust to lay the blame at his feet. Both murders, at Captina and Yellow Creek, were cruel and unwarranted, and were, without doubt, the cause of the war that followed, though the root of the matter lay in Connelly's arbitrary actions, and in his needlessly alarming the Indians. Whatever may have been the facts in relation to the murder of Logan's family, they were of such a nature as to make all feel sure of an Indian war, and preparations were made for the conflict. An army was gathered at Wheeling, which, some time in July, under command of Col. Mc- Donald, descended the Ohio to the mouth of Cap- tina Creek. They proposed to march against an Indian town on the Muskingum. The Indians sued for peace, but their pretensions being found spurious, their towns and crops were destroyed. The army then retreated to Williamsburg, having accomplished but little. ■ T 54 HISTORY OF OHIO. The Delawares were anxious for peace ; even the Mingoes, whose relatives had been slain at Yellow Creek, and Captina, were restrained; but Logan, who had been turned to an inveterate foe to the Americans, came suddenly upon the Monongahela settlements, took thirteen scalps in revenge for the loss of his family, returned home and expressed himself ready to treat with the Long Knives, the Virginians. Had Connelly acted properly at this juncture, the war might have been ended; but his actions only incensed both borderers and In- dians. So obnoxious did he become that Lord Dunmore lost faith in him, and severely repri- manded him. To put a stop to the depredations of the Indians, two large bodies of troops were gathered in Vir- ginia, one under Gren. Andrew Lewis, and one under command of Dunmore himself Before the armies could meet at the mouth of the Great Kanawha, their objective point, Lewis' army, which arrived first, was attacked by a furious band of Dela- wares, Shawanees, Iroquois and Wyandots. The conflict was bitterly prolonged by the Indians, who, under the leadership of Cornstalk, were deter- mined to make a decisive effort, and fought till late at night (October 10, 1774), and then only by a strategic move of Lewis' command — which re- sulted in the defeat of the Indians, compelling them to cross the Ohio — was the conflict ended. Mean- while, Dunmore's army came into the enemy's country, and, being joined by the remainder of Lewis' command, pressed forward intending to an- nihilate the Indian towns. Cornstalk and his chiefs, however, sued for peace, and the conflict closed. Dunmore established a camp on Sippo Creek, where he held conferences with the natives and concluded the war. When he left the country, he stationed 100 men at the mouth of the Great Kanawha, a few more at Pittsburgh, and another corps at Wheeling, then called Fort Fincastle. Dunmore intended to return to Pittsburgh the next spring, meet the Indians and form a definite peace ; but the revolt of the colonies prevented. However, he opened several offices for the sale of lands in the West, some of which were in the limits of the Pennsylvania colony. This led to the old boundary dispute again; but before it could be settled, the Revolution began, and Lord Duamore's, as well as almost all other land speculations in the West, were at an end. In 1775 and 1776, the chief events transpiring in the West relate to the treaties with the Indians, and the endeavor on the part of the Americans to have them remain neutral in the family quarrel now coming on, which they could not understand. The British, like the French, however, could not let them alone, and finally, as a retaliatory measure. Congress, under advice of Washington, won some of them over to the side of the colonies, getting their aid and holding them neutral. The colonies only offered them rewards for prisoners ; never, like the British, offering rewards for scalps. Under such rewards, the atrocities of the Indians in some quar- ters were simply horrible. The scalp was enough to get a reward, that was a mark of Indian valor, too, and hence, helpless innocence and decrepit old age were not spared. They stirred the minds of the pioneers, who saw the protection of their fire- sides a vital point, and led the way to the scheme of Col. Clarke, who was now, as has been noted, the leading spirit in Kentucky. He saw through the scheme of the British, and determined, by a quick, decisive blow, to put an end to it, and to cripple their power in the West. Among the acts stimulating Clarke, was the attack on Fort Henry, a garrison about one-half mile above Wheeling Creek, on the Ohio, by a renegade white man, Simon Girty, an agent in the employ of the British, it is thought, and one of the worst wretches ever known on the frontier. When Girty attacked Fort Henry, he led his red allies in regu- lar military fashion, and attacked it without mercy. The defenders were brave, and knew with whom they were contending. Great bravery was displayed by the women in the fort, one of whom, a Miss Zane, carried a keg of gunpowder from a cabin to the fort. Though repeatedly fired at by the sav- ages, she reached the fort in safety. After awhile, however, the effect of the frontiersmen's shots began to be felt, and the Indians sullenly withdrew. Re-enforcements coming, the fort was held, and Girty and his band were obliged to flee. Clarke saw that if the British once got con- trol over the Western Indians the scene at Fort Henry would be repeated, and would not likely, in all cases, end in fiivor of the Americans. With- out communicating any of his designs, he left Har- rodsburg about the 1st of October, 1777, and reached the capital of Virginia by November 5. Still keeping his mind, he awaited a favorable op- portunity to broach his plans to those in power, and, in the meanwhile, carefully watched the exist- ing state of feeling. When the opportunity came, Clarke broached his plans to Patrick Henry, Gov- ernor of Virginia, who at once entered warmly into them, recognizing their great importance. HISTOKY OF OHIO. iL Through his aid, Clarke procured the necessary au- thority to prosecute his plans, and returned at once to Pittsburgh. He intended raising men about this post, but found them fearful of leaving their homes unprotected. However, he secured three companies, and, with these and a number of volun- teers, picked up on the way down the Ohio River, he fortified Corn Island, near the falls, and made ready for his expedition. He had some trouble in keeping his men, some of those from Kentucky refusing to aid in subduing stations out of their own country. He did not announce his real inten- tions till he had reached this point. Here Col. Bowman joined him with his Kentucky militia, and, on the 24tli of June, 1778, during a total eclipse of the sun, the party left the fort. Before his start, he learned of the capture of Burgoyne, and, when nearl}' down to Fort 3Iassac, he met some of his spies, who informed him of the exag- gerated accounts of the ferocity of the Long Knives that the French had received from the British. By proper action on his part, Clarke saw both these items of information could be made very beneficial to him. Leaving the river near Fort Massac, he set out on the march to Kaskas- kia, through a hot summer's sun, over a country fiill of savage foes. They reached the town un- noticed, on the evening of July 4, and, before the astonished British and French knew it, they were all prisoners. M. Rocheblave, the English commander, was secured, but his wife adroitly con- cealed the papers belonging to the garrison. In the person of M. Gibault, the French priest, Clarke found a true friend. When the true character of the Virginians became apparent, the French were easily drawn to the American side, and the priest secured the surrender and allegiance of Cahokia through his personal influence. M. Gibault told him he would also secure the post at St. Vincent's, which he did, returning from the mission about the 1st of AugTist. During the interval, Clarke re- enlisted his men, formed his plans, sent his pris- oners to Kentucky, and was ready for ftiture action when M. Gibault arrived. He sent Capt. Helm and a single soldier to Vincennes to hold that fort until he could put a garrison there. It is but proper to state that the English commander, Col. Hamilton, and his band of soldiers, were absent at Detroit when the priest secured the village on the " Ouabache." When Hamilton returned, in the autumn, he was greatly surprised to see the Amer- ican flag floating from the ramparts of the fort, and when approaching the gate he was abruptly halted by Capt. Helm, who stood with a lighted fuse in his hand by a cannon, answering Hamilton's demand to surrender with the imperative inquiry, "Upon what terms, sir?" "LTpon the honors of war," answered Hamilton, and he marched in greatly chagrined to see he had been halted by two men. The British commander sat quietly down, intending to go on down the river and sub- due Kentucky in the spring, in the mean time off'ering rewards for American scalps, and thereby gaining the epithet " Hair-buyer General." Clarke heard of his actions late in January, 1779, and, as he says, " I knew if I did not take him he would take me," set out early in February with his troops and marched across the marshy plains of Lower Illinois, reaching the Wabash post by the 22d of that month. The unerring aim of the Westerner was eff"ectual. " They will shoot your eyes out," said Helm to the British troops. " There, I told you so," he further exclaimed, as a soldier vent- ured near a port-hole and received a shot directly in his eye. On the 24th the fort surrendered. The American flag waved again over its ramparts. The "Hair-buyer General" was sent a prisoner to Virginia, where he was kept in close confinement for his cruel acts. Clarke returned to Kaskaskia, perfected his plans to hold the Illinois settlements, went on to Kentucky, from where he sent word to the colonial authorities of the success of his expe- dition. Had he received the aid promised him, Detroit, in easy reach, would have fallen too, but Gen. Green, failing to send it as promised, the capt- ure of that important post was delayed. Had Clarke failed, and Hamilton succeeded, the whole West would have been swept, from the Alle- ghanies to the Mississippi. But for this small army of fearless Virginians, the union of all the tribes from Georgia to Maine against the colonies might have been effected, and the whole current of American history changed. America owes Clarke and his band more than it can ever pay. Clarke reported the capture of Kaskaskia and the Illinois country early after its surrender, and in October the county of Illinois was established, extending over an unlimited expanse of country, by the Virginia Legislature. John Todd was appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Civil Governor. In November, Clarke and his men received the thanks of the same body, who, in after years, secured them a grant of land, which they selected on the right bank of the Ohio River, opposite Louisville. They expected here a city would rise one day, to be the peer of Louisville, then coming J :v 56 HISTORY OF OHIO. into prominence as an important place. By some means, their expectations failed, and only the dilapidated village of Clarkesburg perpetuates their hopes. The conquest of Clarke changed the face of aifairs in relation to the whole country north of the Ohio River, which would, in all probability, have been made the boundary between Canada and the United States. When this was proposed, the strenuous arguments based on this conquest, by the American Commissioners, secured the present boundary line in negotiating the treaty of 1793. Though Clarke had failed to capture Detroit, Congress saw the importance of the post, and resolved on securing it. Gren. McCosh, commander at Fort Pitt, was put in command, and $1,000,- 000 and 3,000 men placed at his disposal. By some dilatory means, he got no further than the Tuscarawas River, in Ohio, where a half-way house, called Fort Laurens, for the President of Congress, was built. It was too far out to be of practicable value, and was soon after abandoned. Indian troubles and incursions by the British were the most absorbing themes in the West. The British went so far as Kentucky at a later date, while they intended reducing Fort Pitt, only abandoning it when learning of its strength. Expeditions against the Western Indians were led by Gen. Sullivan, Col. Daniel Broadhead, Col. Bowman and others, which, for awhile, silenced the natives and taught them the power of the Americans. They could not organize so readily as before, and began to attach themselves more closely to the British, or commit their depredations in bands, fleeing into the wilderness as soon as they struck a blow. In this way, several localities suffered, until the settlers became again exasper- ated ; other expeditions were formed, and a second chastisement given. In 1781, Col. Broadhead led an expedition against the Central Ohio Indians. It did not prove so successful, as the Indians were led by the noted chief Brant, who, though not cruel, was a foe to the Americans, and assisted the British greatly in their endeavors to secure the West. Another class of events occun-ed now in the West, civil in their relations, yet destined to form an important part of its history — its land laws. It must be borne in mind, that Virginia claimed the greater portion of the country north of the Ohio River, as well as a large part south. The other colonies claimed land also in the West under the old Crown grants, which extended to the South or Western Sea. To more complicate mat- ters, several land companies held proprietary rights to portions of these lands gained by grants from the Crown, or from the Colonial Assemblies. Others were based on land warrants issued in 1763; others on selection and survey and still others on settlement. In this state of mixed afiairs, it was difficult to say who held a secure claim. It was a question whether the old French grants were good or not, especially since the change in government, and the eminent pros- pect of still another change. To, in some way, aid in settling these claims, Virginia sent a com- mission to the West to sit as a court and determine the proprietorship of these claims. This court, though of as doubtful authority as the claims themselves, went to work in Kentucky and along the Ohio River in 1779, and, in the course of one year, granted over three thousand certificates. These were considered as good authority for a definite title, and were so regarded in after pur- chases. Under them, many pioneers, like Daniel Boone, lost their lands, as all were required to hold some kind of a patent, while others, who possessed no more principle than "land-sharks" of to-day, acquired large tracts of land by holding a patent the court was bound to accept. Of all the colonies, Virginia seemed to have the best title to the Northwest, save a few parcels, such as the Connecticut or Western Reserve and some similar tracts held by New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey. When the territory of the Northwest was ceded to the General Government, this was recognized, and that country was counted as a Virginia county. The Spanish Government, holding the region west of the Mississippi, and a portion east toward its outlet, became an important but secret ally of the Americans. When the French revolt was suppressed by O'Reilly, and the Spanish assumed the government of Louisiana, both Upper and Lower, there was a large tract of country, known as Florida (East and West), claimed by England, and duly regarded as a part of her dominion. The boundaries had been settled when the French first occupied Lower Louisiana. The Spaniards adopted the patriarchal form of rule, as much as was consistent with their interests, and allowed the French full religious and civil liberty, save that all tribunals were after the Spanish fashion, and governed by Spanish rules. The Spaniards, long jealous of England's growing power, secretly sent the Governors of Louisiana word to aid the Americans in their struggle for freedom. Though n HISTOKY OF OHIO. 57 they controlled the Mississippi River, they allowed an American officer (Capt. Willing) to descend the river in January, 1778, with a party of fifty men, and ravage the British shore from Manchez Bayou to Natchez. On the 8th of May, 1779, Spain declared war against Great Britain; and, on the 8th of July, the people of Louisiana were allowed to take a part in the war. Accordingly, Galvez collected a force of 1,400 men, and, on the 7th of September, took Fort Manchac. By the 21st of September, he had taken Baton Rouge and Natchez. Eight vessels were captured by the Spaniards on the Mississippi and on the lakes. In 1780 Mobile fell; in March, 1781, Pensacola, the chief British post in West Florida, succumbed after a long siege, and, on the 9th of May, all West Florida was surrendered to Spain. This war, or the war on the Atlantic Coast, did not immediately affect Upper Louisiana. Great Britain, however, attempted to capture St. Louis. Though the commander was strongly suspected of being bribed by the English, yet the place stood the siege fi-om the combined force of Indians and Canadians, and the assailants were dispersed. This was done during the summer of 1680, and in the autumn, a company of Spanish and French resi- dents, under La Balme, went on an expedition against Detroit. They marched as far north as the British trading-post Ke-ki-ong-a, at the head of the Maumee River, but being surprised in the night, and the commander slain, the expedition was defeated, having done but little. Spain may have had personal interests in aiding the Americans. She was now in control of the Mis- sissippi River, the natural outlet of the Northwest, and, in 1780, began the troubles relative to the navigation of that stream. The claims of Spain were considered very unjust by the Continental Congress, and, while deliberating over the question, Virginia, who was jealously alive to her Western interests, and who yet held jurisdiction over Ken- tucky, sent through Jefferson, the Governor, Gen. George Rogers Clarke, to erect a fort below the mouth of the Ohio. This proceeding was rather unwarrantable, especially as the fort was built in the country of the Chickasaws, who had thus far been true friends to the Americans, and who looked upon the fort as an innovation on their territory. It was completed and occupied but a short time, Clarke being recalled. Virginia, in 1780, did a very important thing; namely, establishing an institution for higher edu- cation. The Old Dominion confiscated the lands of "Robert McKenzie, Henry Collins and Alex- ander McKee, Britons, eight thousand acres," and invested the proceeds of the sale in a public semi- nary. Transylvania University now lives, a monu- ment to that .spirit. While Clarke was building Fort Jefferson, a force of British and Indians, under command of Capt. Bryd, came down from Canada and attacked the Kentucky settlements, getting into the country be- fore any one was aware. The winter before had been one of unusual severity, and game was ex- ceedingly scarce, hence the army was not prepared to conduct a campaign. After the capture of Rud- dle's Station, at the south fork of the Licking, Bryd abandoned any further attempts to reduce the set- tlements, except capturing Martin's Station, and returned to Detroit. This expedition gave an additional motive for the chastisement of the Indians, and Clarke, on his return from Fort Jefferson, went on an expedition against the Miami Indians. He destroyed their towns at Loramie's store, near the present city of Sydney, Ohio, and at Piqua, humbling the natives. While on the way, a part of the army remained on the north bank of the Ohio, and erected two block-houses on the present site of Cincinnati. The exploits of Clarke and his men so effectually chastised the Indians, that, for a time, the West was safe. During this period of quiet, the meas- ures which led to the cession of Western lands to the General Government, began to assume a defi- nite form. All the colonies claiming Western lands were willing to cede them to the Government, save Virginia, which colony wanted a large scope of Southern country southeast of the Ohio, as far as South Carolina. All recognized the justice of all Western lands becoming public property, and thereby aiding in extinguishing the debts caused by the war of the Revolution, now about to close. As Virginia held a somewhat different view, the cession was not made until 1783. The subject, however, could not be allowed to rest. The war of the Revolution was now drawing to a close ; victory on the part of the colonies was apparent, and the Western lands must be a part of the public domain. Subsequent events brought about the desired cession, though several events transpired before the plan of cession was consum- mated. Before the close of 1780, the Legislature of Virginia passed an act, establishing the "town of Louisville," and confiscated the lands of John :V :^ 58 HISTOKY OF OHIO. Connelly, who was one of its original proprietors, and who distinguished himself in the commence- ment of Lord Dunmore's war, and who was now a Tory, and doing all he could against the patriot cause. The proceeds of the sale of his lands were divided between Virginia and the county of Jefferson. Kentucky, the next year, was divided into three counties, Jefferson, Lincoln and Fayette. Courts were appointed in each, and the entry and location of lands given into their hands. Settlers, in spite of Lidian troubles and British intrigue, were pouring over the mountains, particularly so during the years 1780 and 1781. The expeditions of Clarke against the Miami Indians ; Boone's cap- tivity, and escape from them ; their defeat when attacking Boonesboro, and other places — all combined to weaken their power, and teach them to respect a nation whose progress they could not stay. The pioneers of the West, obliged to depend on themselves, owing to the struggle of the colonies for freedom, grew up a hardy, self-reliant race, with all the vices and virtues of a border life, and with habits, manners and customs necessary to their peculiar situation, and suited to their peculiar taste. A resume of their experiences and daily lives would be quite interesting, did the limits of this history admit it here. In the part relating directly to this county, the reader will find such lives given; here, only the important events can be noticed. The last event of consequence occurring in the West before the close of the Revolution, is one that might well have been omitted. Had such been the case, a great stain would have been spared the character of Western pioneers. Reference is made to the massacre of the Moravian Christian Indians. These Indians were of the Delaware nation chiefly, though other Western tribes were visited and many converts made. The first converts were made in New York and Connecticut, where, after a good start had been made, and a prospect of many souls being saved, they incurred the enmity of the whites, who, becoming alarmed at their suc- cess, persecuted them to such an extent that they were driven out of New York into Pennsylvania, where, in 1744, four years after their arrival in the New World, they began new missions. In 1748, the New York and Connecticut Indians fol- lowed their teachers, and were among the founders of Friedenshutten, "Tents of Peace," a hamlet near Bethlehem, where their teachers were sta- tioned. Other hamlets grew around them, until in the interior of the colony, existed an Indian community, free from all savage vices, and grow- ing up in Christian virtues. As their strength grew, lawless whites again began to oppress them. They could not understand the war of 1754, and were, indeed, in a truly embarrassing position. The savages could form no conception of any cause for neutrality, save a secret sympathy with the English ; and if they could not take up the hatchet, they were in the way, and must be removed. Fail- ing to do this, their red brothers became hostile. The whites were but little better. The old suspi- cions which drove them from New York were aroused. They were secret Papists, in league with the French, and furnished them with arms and in- telligence; they were interfering with the liquor traffic; they were enemies to the Government, and the Indian and the white man combined against them. They were obliged to move from place to place; were at one time protected nearly a year, near Philadelphia, from lawless whites, and finally were compelled to go far enough West to be out of the way of French and English arms, or the Iroquois and Cherokee hatchets. They came finally to the Muskingum, where they made a set- tlement called Schonbrun, "beautiful clear spring," in what is now Tuscarawas County. Other settle- ments gathered, from time to time, as the years went on, till in 1772 large numbers of them were within the borders of the State. Until the war of independence broke out, they were allowed to peacefully pursue their way. When that came, they were between Fort Pitt and De- troit, one of which contained British, the other Americans. Again they could not understand the struggle, and could not take up the hatchet. This brought on them the enmity of both belligerent parties, and that of their own forest companions, who could not see wherein their natures could change. Among the most hostile persons, were the white renegades McKee, Girty and Elliott. On their instigation, several of them were slain, and by their advice they were obliged to leave their fields and homes, where they had many comforts, and where they had erected good chapels in which to worship. It was just before one of these forced removals that Mary, daughter of the missionary Hecke welder, was born. She is supposed to be the first white female child born north of the Ohio River. Her birth occurred April 16, 1781. It is but proper to say here, that it is an open ques- tion, and one that will probably never be decided, r'v .^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 59 L e. Who was the first white child born in Ohio ? In all probability, the child was born during the captivity of its mother, as history plainly shows that when white women were released from the Indians, some of them carried children born while among the natives. When the Moravians were forced to leave their settlements on the Muskingum, and taken to San- dusky, they left growing fields of corn, to which they were obliged to return, to gather food. This aroused the whites, only wanting some pretext whereby they might attack them, and a party, headed by Col. David Williamson, determined to exterminate them. The Moravians, hearing of their approach, fled, but too late to warn other settle- ments, and Gnadenhutten, Salem and one or two smaller settlements, were surprised and taken. Under deceitful promises, the Indians gave up all their arms, showed the whites their treasures, and went unknowingly to a terrible death. When ap- prised of their fate, determined on by a majority of the rangers, they begged only time to prepare. They were led two by two, the men into one, the women and children into another "slaughter- house," as it was termed, and all but two lads were wantonly slain. An infamous and more bloody deed never darkened the pages of feudal times ; a deed that, in after years, called aloud for venge- ance, and in some measure received it. Some of Williamson's men wrung their hands at the cruel fate, and endeavored, by all the means in their power, to prevent it; but all to no purpose. The blood of the rangers was up, and they would not spare "man, woman or child, of all that peaceful band." Having completed their horrible work, (March 8, 1782), Williamson and his men returned to Pittsburgh. Everywhere, the Indians lamented the untimely death of their kindred, their savage relatives determining on their revenge; the Chris- tian ones could only be resigned and weep. Williamson's success, for such it was viewed by many, excited the borderers to another invasion, and a second army was raised, this time to go to the Sandusky town, and annihilate the Wyandots. Col. William Crawford was elected leader ; he accepted reluctantly ; on the way, the army was met by hordes of savages on the 5th of June, and totally routed. They were away north, in what is now Wyandot County, and were obliged to flee for their lives. The blood of the murdered Moravians called for revenge. The Indians de- sired it ; were they not relatives of the fallen Christians? Crawford and many of his men fell into their hands ; . all sufi"ered unheard-of tortures, that of Crawford being as cruel as Indian cruelty could devise. He was pounded, pierced, cut with knives and burned, all of which occupied nearly three hours, and finally lay down insensible on a bed of coals, and died. The savage captors, in demoni- acal glee, danced around him, and upbraided him for the cruel murder of their relatives, giving him this only consolation, that had they captured Will- iamson, he might go free, but he must answer for Williamson's brutality. The war did not cease here. The Indians, now aroused, carried their attack as far south as into Kentucky, killing Capt. Estill, a brave man, and some of his companions. The British, too, were active in aiding them, and the 14th of August a large force of them, under Girty, gathered silently about Bryant's Station. They were obliged to re- treat. The Kentuckians pursued them, but were repulsed with considerable loss. The attack on Bryant's Station aroused the peo- ple of Kentucky to strike a blow that would be felt. Gen. Clarke was put at the head of an army of one thousand and fifty men, and the Miami country was a second time destroyed. Clarke even went as far north as the British trading-post at the head of the Miami, where he captured a great amount of property, and destroyed the post. Other outposts also fell, the invading army suffering but little, and, by its decisive action, practically closing the Indian wars in the West. Pennsylvania suf- fered some, losing Hannahstown and one or two small settlements. Williamson's and Crawford's campaigns aroused the fury of the Indians that took time and much blood and war to subdue. The Revolution was, however, drawing to a close. Amer- ican arms were victorious, and a new nation was now coming into existence, who would change the whole current of Western matters, and make of the Northwest a land of liberty, equality and union. That nation was now on the stage. •i< :^ ^ ® w_ 60 ^ ® HISTORY OF OHIO. CHAPTER VI. AMERICAN OCCUPATION— INDIAN CLAIMS— SURVEYS — EARLY LAND COMPANIES— COMPACT OF 1787 — ORGANIZATION OF THE TERRITORY— EARLY AMERICAN SETTLE- MENTS IN THE OHIO VALLEY — FIRST TERRITORIAL OFFICERS— ORGANIZATION OF COUNTIES. THE occupation of the West by the American, really dates from the campaign of Gen. Clarke in 1778, when he captured the British posts in the Illinois country, and Vincennes on the Wabash. Had he been properly supported, he would have reduced Detroit, then in easy reach, and poorly de- fended. As it was, however, that post remained in charge of the British till after the close of the war of the Revolution. They also held other lake posts ; but these were included in the terms of peace, and came into the possession of the Ameri- cans. They were abandoned by the British as soon as the different commanders received notice from their chiefs, and British rule and English occupation ceased in that part of the New World. The war virtually closed by the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va., October 19, 1781. The struggle was prolonged, however, by the British, in the vain hope that they could re- trieve the disaster, but it was only a useless waste of men and money. America would not be sub- dued. "If we are to be taxed, we will be repre- sented," said they, "else we will be a free govern- ment, and regulate our own taxes." In the end, they were free. Provisional articles of peace between the United States and Great Britain were signed in Paris on the 30th of November, 1782. This was followed by an armistice negotiated at Versailles on the 20th of January, 1783; and finally, a definite treaty of peace was concluded at Paris on the 3d of the next September, and ratified by Congress on the 4th of January, 1784. By the second article of the defi- nite treaty of 1783, the boundaries of the United States were fixed. A glance at the map of that day shows the boundary to have been as follows: Beginning at Passamaquoddy Bay, on the coast of Maine, the line ran north a little above the forty- fifth parallel of latitude, when it diverged southwest- erly, irregularly, until it reached that parallel, when it followed it until it reached the St. Lawrence River. It followed that river to Lake Ontario, down its center ; up the Niagara River ; through Lake Erie, up the Detroit River and through Lakes Huron and Superior, to the northwest extremity of the latter. Then it pursued another irregular western course to the Lake of the Woods, when it turned south- ward to the Mississippi River. The commissioners insisted that should be the western boundary, as the lakes were the northern. It followed the Mis- sissippi south until the mouth of Red River was reached, when, turning east, it followed almost a direct line to the Atlantic Coast, touching the coast a little north of the outlet of St. John's River. From this outline, it will be readily seen what boundary the United States possessed. Not one- half of its present domain. At this date, there existed the original thirteen colonies : Virginia occupying all Kentucky and all the Northwest, save about half of Michigan and Wisconsin, claimed by Massachusetts ; and the upper part of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and the lower part (a narrow strip) of Michigan, claimed by Con- necticut. Georgia included all of Alabama and Mississippi. The Spaniards claimed all Florida and a narrow part of lower Georgia. All the coun- try west of the Father of Waters belonged to Spain, to whom it had been secretly ceded when the fam- ily compact was made. That nation controlled the Mississippi, and gave no small uneasiness to the young government. It was, however, happily set- tled finally, by the sale of Louisana to the United States. Pending the settlement of these questions and the formation of the Federal Union, the cession of the Northwest by Virginia again came before Congress. That body found itself unable to fulfill its promises to its soldiers regarding land, and again urged the Old Dominion to cede the Terri- tory to the General Government, for the good of all. Congress forbade settlers from occupying the Western lands till a definite cession had been made, and the title to the lands in question made good. But speculation was stronger than law, and without waiting for the slow processes of courts, ^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 61 the adventurous settlers were pouring into the country at a rapid rate, only retarded by the rifle and scalping-knife of the savage — a temporary check. The policy of allowing any parties to obtain land from the Indians was strongly discouraged by Washington. He advocated the idea that only the General Government could do that, and, in a letter to James Duane, in Congress, he strongly urged such a course, and pointed out the danger of a border war, unless some such measure was stringently followed. Under the circumstances, Congress pressed the claims of cession upon Virginia, and finally in- duced the Dominion to modify the terms proposed two years before. On the 20th of December, 1783, Virginia accepted the proposal of Congress, and authorized her delegates to make a deed to the United States of all her right in the territory northwest of the Ohio. The Old Dominion stipulated in her deed of cession, that the territory should be divided into States, to be admitted into the Union as any other State, and to bear a proportionate share in the maintenance of that Union; that Virginia should be re-imbursed for the expense incurred in subduing the British posts in the territory; that the French and Canadian inhabitants should be protected in their rights ; that the grant to Gen. George Rogers Clarke and his men, as well as all other similar grants, should be confirmed, and that the lands should be considered as the common property of the United States, the proceeds to be applied to the use of the whole country. Congress accepted these condi- tions, and the deed was made March 1, 1784. Thus the country came from under the dominion of Virginia, and became common property. A serious difficulty arose about this time, that threatened for awhile to involve England and America anew in war. Virginia and several other States refused to abide by that part of the treaty relating to the payment of debts, especially so, when the British carried away quite a number of negroes claimed by the Americans. This re- fusal on the part of the Old Dominion and her abettors, caused the English to retain her North- western outposts, Detroit, Mackinaw, etc. She held these till 1786, when the questions were finally settled, and then readily abandoned them. The return of peace greatly augmented emigra- tion to the West, especially to Kentucky. When the war closed, the population of that county (the three counties having been made one judicial dis- trict, and Danville designated as the seat of gov- ernment) was estimated to be about twelve thousand. In one year, after the close of the war, it increased to 30,0U0, and steps for a State government were taken. Owing to the divided sentiment among its citizens, its perplexing questions of land titles and proprietary rights, nine conventions were held before a definite course of action could be reached. This prolonged the time till 1792, when, in De- cember of that year, the election for persons to form a State constitution was held, and the vexed and complicated questions settled. In 1783, the first wagons bearing merchandise came across the mountains. Their contents were received on flat- boats at Pittsburgh, and taken down the Ohio to Louisville, which that spring boasted of a store, opened by Daniel Broadhead. The next year, James Wilkinson opened one at Lexington. Pittsburgh was now the principal town in the West. It occupied the same position regarding the outposts that Omaha has done for several years to Nebra.ska. The town of Pittsburgh was laid out immediately after the war of 1764, by Col. Campbell. It then consisted of four squares about the fort, and received its name from that citadel. The treaty with the Six Nations in 1768, con- veyed to the proprietaries of Pennsylvania all the lands of the Alleghany below Kittanning, and all the country south of the Ohio, within the limits of Penn's charter. This deed of cession was recog- nized when the line between Pennsylvania and Virginia was fixed, and gave the post to the Key- stone State. In accordance with this deed, the manor of Pittsburgh was withdrawn from market in 1769, and was held as the property of the Penn family. When Washington visited it in 1770, it seems to have declined in consequence of the afore-mentioned act. He mentions it as a " town of about twenty log houses, on the Monongahela, about three hundred yards from the fort." The Penn's remained true to the King, and hence all their land that had not been surveyed and returned to the land office, was confiscated by the common- wealth. Pittsburgh, having been surveyed, was still left to them. In the spring of 1784, Tench Francis, the agent of the Penns, was induced to lay out the manor into lots and offer them for sale. Though, for many years, the place was rather un- promising, it eventually became the chief town in that part of the West, a position it yet holds. In 1786, John Scull and Joseph Hall started the Pittsburgh Gazette, the first paper published west of the mountains. In the initial number, appeared a lengthy article from the pen of H. H. Brackenridge, -^1 Si 63 HISTORY OF OHIO. afterward one of the most prominent members of the Pennsylvania bar. He had located in Pittsburgh in 1781. His letter gives a most hope- ful prospect in store for the future city, and is a highly descriptive article of the Western country. It is yet preserved in the "Western Annals," and is well worth a perusal. Under the act of peace in 1783, no provision was made by the British for their allies, especially the Six Nations. The question was ignored by the English, and was made a handle by the Americans in gaining them to their cause before the war had fully closed. The treaties made were regarded by the Indians as alliances only, and when the En- glish left the country the Indians began to assume rather a hostile bearing. This excited the whites, and for a while a war with that formidable con- federacy was imminent. Better councils prevailed, and Congress wisely adopted the policy of acquiring their lands by purchase. In accordance with this policy, a treaty was made at Fort Stanwix with the Six Nations, in October, 1784. By this treaty, all lands west of a line drawn from the mouth of Oswego Creek, about four miles east of Niagara, to the mouth of Buffalo Creek, and on to the northern boundary of Pennsylvania, thence west along that boundary to its western extremity, thence south to the Ohio River, should be ceded to the United States. (They claimed west of this line by conquest.) The Six Nations were to be secured in the lands they inhabited, reserving only six miles square around Oswego fort for the support of the same. By this treaty, the indefinite claim of the Six Nations to the West was extinguished, and the question of its ownership settled. It was now occupied by other Western tribes, who did not recognize the Iroquois claim, and who would not yield without a purchase. Especially was this the case with those Indians living in the northern part. To get possession of that country by the same process, the United States, through its commissioners, held a treaty at Fort Mcintosh on the 21st of January, 1785. The Wyandot, Delaware, Chippewa and Ottawa tribes were pres- ent, and, through their chiefs, sold their lands to the Government. The Wyandot and Delaware nations were given a reservation in the north part of Ohio, where they were to be protected. The others were allotted reservations in Michigan. To all was given complete control of their lands, allow- ing them to punish any white man attempting to settle thereon, and guaranteeing them in their rights. By such means Congress gained Indian titles to the vast realms north of the Ohio, and, a few months later, that legislation was commenced that should determine the mode of its disposal and the plan of its settlements. To facilitate the settlement of lands thus acquired, Congress, on May 20, 1785, passed an act for dispos- ing of lands in the Northwest Territory. Its main provisions were : A surveyor or surveyors should be appointed from the States ; and a geographer, and his assistants to act with them. The surveyors were to divide the territory into townships of six miles square, by lines running due north and south, and east and west. The starting-place was to be on the Ohio River, at a point where the western boundary of Pennsylvania crossed it. This would give the first range, and the first township. As soon as seven townships were surveyed, the maps and plats of the same were to be sent to the Board of the Treasury, who would record them and proceed to place the land in the market, and so on with all the townships as fast as they could be prepared ready for sale. Each town- ship was to be divided into thirty-six sections, or lots. Out of these sections, numbers 8, 11, 26 and 29 were reserved for the use of the Government, and lot No. 16, for the establishment of a common- school fund. One-third of all mines and minerals was also reserved for the United States. Three townships on Lake Erie were reserved for the use of officers, men and others, refiigees from Canada and from Nova Scotia, who were entitled to grants of land. The Moravian Indians were also exempt from molestation, and guaranteed in their homes. Sol- diers' claims, and all others of a like nature, were also recognized, and land reserved for them. Without waiting for the act of Congress, settlers had been pouring into the country, and, when or- dered by Congress to leave undisturbed Indian lands, refused to do so. They went into the In- dian country at their peril, however, and when driven out by the Indians could get no redress from the Government, even when life was lost. The Indians on the Wabash made a treaty at Fort Finney, on the Miami, January 31, 1786, promising allegiance to the United States, and were allowed a reservation. This treaty did not include the Piankeshaws, as was at first intended. These, refusing to live peaceably, stirred up the Shawa- nees, who began a series of predatory excursions against the settlements. This led to an expedition against them and other restless tribes. Gen. Clarke commanded part of the army on that expedition. liL HISTORY OF OHIO. 65 but got no farther than Vincennes, when, owing to the discontent of his Kentucky troops, he was obliged to return. Col. Benjamin Logan, how- ever, marched, at the head of four or five hundred mounted riflemen, into the Indian country, pene- trating as far as the head-waters of Mad River. He destroyed several towns, much corn, and took about eighty prisoners. Among these, was the chief of the nation, who was wantonly slain, greatly to Logan's regret, who could not restrain his men. His expedition taught the Indians sub- mission, and that they must adhere to their con- tracts. Meanwhile, the difficulties of the navigation of the Mississippi arose. Spain would not relinquish the right to control the entire southern part of the river, allowing no free navigation. She was secretly hoping to cause a revolt of the Western provinces, especially Kentucky, and openly favored such a move. She also claimed, by conquest, much of the land on the east side of the river. The slow move- ments of Congress; the failure of Virginia to properly protect Kentucky, and the inherent rest- lessness in some of the Western men, well-nigh precipitated matters, and, for a while, serious results were imminent. The Kentuckians, and, indeed, all the people of the West, were determined the river should be free, and even went so far as to raise a regiment, and forcibly seize Spanish prop- erty in the West. Great Britain stood ready, too, to aid the West should it succeed, providing it would make an alliance with her. But while the excitement was at its height, Washington coun- seled better ways and patience. The decisive tone of the new republic, though almost overwhelmed with a burden of debt, and with no credit, debarred the Spanish from too forcible measures to assert their claims, and held back the disloyal ones from attempting a revolt. New Y^ork, Massachusetts and Connecticut ceded their lands, and now the United States were ready to fulfill their promises of land grants, to the sol- diers who had preserved the nation. This did much to heal the breach in the West, and restore confidence there ; so that the Mississippi question was overlooked for a time, and Kentucky forgot her animosities. The cession of their claims was the signal for the formation of land companies in the East ; com- panies whose object was to settle the Western coun- try, and, at the same time, enrich the founders of the companies. Some of these companies had been formed in the old colonial days, but the recent war had put a stop to all their proceedings. Congress would not recognize their claims, and new com- panies, under old names, were the result. By such means, the Ohio Company emerged from the past, and, in 1786, took an active existence. Benjamin Tupper, a Revolutionary soldier, and since then a government surveyor, who had been west as far as Pittsburgh, revived the question. He was prevented from prosecuting his surveys by hostile Indians, and returned to Massachusetts. He broached a plan to Gen. Bufus Putnam, as to the renewal of their memorial of 1788, which re- sulted in the publication of a plan, and inviting all those interested, to meet in February in their re- spective counties, and choose delegates to a con- vention to be held at the " Bunch-of-grapes Tav- ern." in Boston, on the first of March, 1786. On the day appointed, eleven persons appeared, and by the 3d of March an outline was drawn up, and subscriptions under it began at once. The leading features of the plan were : " A fund of $1 ,000,000, mainly in Continental certificates, was to be raised for the purpose of purchasing lands in the Western country; there were to be 1,000 shares of $1,000 each, and upon each share $10 in specie were to be paid for contingent expenses. One year's inter- est was to be appropriated to the charges of making a settlement, and assisting those unable to move without aid. The owners of every twenty shares were to choose an agent to represent them and attend to their interests, and the agents were to choose the directors. The plan was approved, and in a year's time from that date, the Company was organized."* By the time this Company was organized, all claims of the colonies in the coveted territory were done away with by their deeds of cession, Connect- icut being the last. While troubles were still existing south of the Ohio River, regarding the navigation of the Mis- sissippi, and many urged the formation of a sepa- rate, independent State, and while Congress and Washington were doing what they could to allay the feeling north of the Ohio, the New England associates were busily engaged, now that a Com- pany was formed, to obtain the land they wished to purchase. On the 8th of March, 1787, a meet- ing of the agents chose Gen. Parsons, Gen. Put- nam and the Rev. Mannasseh Cutler, Directors for the Company. The last selection was quite a fitting one for such an enterprise. Dr. Cutler was * Historical CoUectionB. '^ 66 HISTOKY OF OHIO. an accomplished scholar, an excellent •gentleman, and a firm believer in freedom. In the choice of him as the agent of the Company, lies the fact, though unforeseen, of the beginning of anti-slavery in America. Through him the famous " compact of 1787," the true corner-stone of the Northwest, originated, and by him was safely passed. He was a good "wire-puller," too, and in this had an advantage. Mr. Hutchins was at this time the geographer for the United States, and was, prob- ably, the best-posted man in America regarding the West. Dr. Cutler learned from him that the mo.st desirable portions were on the Muskingum River, north of the Ohio, and was advised by him to buy there if he couH. Congress wanted money badly, and many of the members favored the plan. The Southern mem- bers, generally, were hostile to it, as the Doctor would listen to no grant which did not embody the New England ideas in the charter. These members were finally won over, some bribery be- ing used, and some of their favorites made officers of the Territory, whose formation was now going on. This took time, however, and Dr. Cutler, be- coming impatient, declared they would purchase from some of the States, who held small tracts in various parts of the West. This intimation brought the tardy ones to time, and, on the 23d of July, Congress authorized the Treasury Board to make the contract. On the 26th, Messrs. Cutler and Sargent, on behalf of the Company, stated in writing their conditions; and on the 27th, Con- gress referred their letter to the Board, and an order of the same date was obtained. Of this Dr. Cutler's journal says: " By this grant we obtained near five millions of acres of land, amounting to $3,500,000 ; 1 ,500,- 000 acres for the Ohio Company, and the remainder for a private speculation, in which many of the principal characters of America are concerned. Without connecting this peculation, similar terms and advantages for the Ohio Company could not have been obtained." Messrs. Cutler and Sargent at once closed a ver- bal contract with the Treasury Board, which was executed in form on the 27th of the next Octo- ber.* By this contract, the vast region bounded on the south by the Ohio, west by the Scioto, east by the seventh range of townships then surveying, and north by a due west line, drawn from the north * Land Laws. boundary of the tenth township from the Ohio, direct to the Scioto, was sold to the Ohio associ- ates and their secret copartners, for $1 per acre, subject to a deduction of one-third for bad lands and other contingencies. The whole tract was not, however, paid for nor taken by the Company — even their own portion of a million and a half acres, and extending west to the eighteenth range of townships, was not taken ; and in 1792, the boundaries of the purchase proper were fixed as follows: the Ohio on the south, the seventh range of townships on the east, the six- teenth range on the west, and a line on the north so drawn as to make the grant 750,000 acres, be- sides reservations ; this grant being the portion which it was originally agreed the Company might enter into at once. In addition to this, 214,285 acres were granted as army bounties, under the resolutions of 1779 and 1780, and 100,000 acres as bounties to actual settlers; both of the latter tracts being within the original grant of 1787, and adjoining the purchase as before mentioned. While these things were progressing. Congress was bringing into form an ordinance for the gov- ernment and social organization of the North- west Territory. Virginia made her cession in March, 1784, and during the month following the plan for the temporary government of the newly acquired territory came under discussion. On the 19th of April, Mr. Spaight, of North Carolina, moved to strike from the plan reported by Mr. Jefferson, the emancipationist of his day, a provis- ion for the prohibition of slavery north of the Ohio after the year 1800. The motion prevailed. From that day till the 23d, the plan was discussed and altered, and finally passed unanimously with the ex- ception of South Carolina. The South would have slavery, or defeat every measure. Thus this hide- ous monster early began to assert himself. By the proposed plan, the Territory was to have been divided into States by parallels of latitude and merid- ian lines. This division, it was thought, would make ten States, whose names were as follows, beginning at the northwest corner, and going southwardly : Sylvania, Michigania, Cheresonisus, Assenispia, Metropotamia, Illinoia, Saratoga, Washington, Polypotamia and Pelisipia.* A more serious difficulty existed, however, to this plan, than its catalogue of names — the number of States and their boundaries. The root of the evil was in the resolution passed by Congress in October, * Spark's Washington. :ii HISTORY OF OHIO. 67 1 780, which fixed the size of the States to be formed from the ceded lands, at one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles square. The terms of that resolu- tion being called up both by Virginia and Massa- chusetts, further legislation was deemed necessary to change them. July 7, 1786, this subject came up in Congress, and a resolution passed in favor of a division into not less than three nor more than five States. Virginia, at the close of 1788, assented to this proposition, which became the basis upon which the division should be made. On the 29th of September, Congress having thus changed the plan for dividing the Northwestern Territory into ten States, proceeded again to consider the terms of an ordinance for the government of that region. At this juncture, the genius of Dr. Cutler displayed itself A graduate in medicine, law and divinity ; an ardent lover of liberty ; a celebrated scientist, and an accomplished, portly gentleman, of whom the Southern senators said they had never before seen so fine a specimen from the New England colo- nies, no man was better prepared to form a govern- ment for the new Territory, than he. The Ohio Company was his real object. He was backed by them, and enough Continental money to purchase more than a million acres of land. This was aug- mented by other parties until, as has been noticed, he represented over five million acres. This would largely reduce the public debt. Jefi'erson and Vir- ginia were regarded as authority concerning the land Virginia had just ceded to the Greneral Gov- ernment. Jefferson's policy was to provide for the national credit, and still check the growth of slavery. Here was a good opportunity. Massachusetts owned the Territory of Maine, which she was crowd- ing into market. She opposed the opening of the Northwest. This stirred Virginia. The South caught the inspiration and rallied around the Old Dominion and Dr. Cutler. Thereby he gained the credit and good will of the South, an auxiliary he used to good purpose. Massachusetts could not vote against him, because many of the constituents of her members were interested in the Ohio Com- pany. Thus the Doctor, using all the arts of the lobbyist, was enabled to hold the situation. True to deeper convictions, he dictated one of the most com- pact and finished documents of wise statesmanship that has ever adorned any statute-book. Jefferson gave it the term, "Articles of Compact," and rendered him valuable aid in its construction. This " Compact" preceded the Federal Constitution, in both of which are seen Jefferson's master-mind. Dr. Cutler followed closely the constitution of Mas- sachusetts, adopted three years before. The prom- inent features were : The exclusion of slavery from the Territory forever. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a seminary, and eveiy six- teenth section. (That gave one thirty-sixth of all the land for public education.) A provision pro- hibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that would nullify pre-exist- ing contracts. The compact further declared that " Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall always be en- couraged." The Doctor planted himself firmly on this plat- form, and would not yield. It was that or nothing. Unless they could make the land desirable , it was not wanted, and, taking his horse and buggy, he started for the Constitutional Convention in Phil- adelphia. His influence succeeded. On the 13th of July, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage and was unanimously adopted. Every member from the South voted for it ; only one man, Mr. Yates, of New York, voted against the measure ; but as the vote was made by States, his vote was lost, and the " Compact of 1787 " was beyond re- peal. Thus the great States of the Northwest Territory were consecrated to freedom, intelligence and morality. This act was the opening step for freedom in America. Soon the South saw their blunder, and endeavored, by all their power, to re- peal the compact. In 1803, Congress referred it to a committee, of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported the ordinance was a com- pact and could not be repealed. Thus it stood, like a rock, in the way of slavery, which still, in spite of these provisions, endeavored to plant that infernal institution in the West. Witness the early days of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. But the compact could not be violated ; New England ideas could not be put down, and her sons stood ready to defend the soil of the West from that curse. The passage of the ordinance and the grant of land to Dr. Cutler and his associates, were soon fol- lowed by a request from John Cleve Symmes, of New Jersey, for the country between the Miamis. Symmes had visited that part of the West in 178G, and, being pleased with the valleys of the Miamis, had applied to the Board of the Treasury for their purchase, as soon as they were open to set- tlement. The Board was empowered to act by Congress, and, in 1788, a contract was signed, giv- ing him the country he desired. The terms of his j<, :\: J^l G8 HISTOEY OF OHIO. purchase were similar to those of the Ohio Com- pany. His appHcation was followed by others, whose success or failure will appear in the narrative. The New England or Ohio Company was all this time busily engaged perfecting its arrange- ments to occupy its lands. The Directors agreed to reserve 5,760 acres near the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum for a city and commons, for the old ideas of the English plan of settling a country yet prevailed. A meeting of the Direct- ors was held at Bracket's tavern, in Boston, No- vember 23, 1787, when four surveyors, and twen- ty-two attendants, boat-builders, carpenters, black- smiths and common workmen, numbering in all forty persons, were engaged. Their tools were purchased, and wagons were obtained to transport them across the mountains. Gen. Rufus Putnam was made superintendent of the company, and Ebenezer Sproat, of Rhode Island, Anselm Tup- per and John Matthews, from Massachusetts, and R. J. Meigs, from Connecticut, as surveyors. At the same meeting, a suitable person to instruct them in religion, and prepare the way to open a school when needed, was selected. This was Rev. Daniel Storey, who became the first New England minis- ter in the Northwest. The Indians were watching this outgrowth of affairs, and felt, from what they could learn in Ken- tucky, that they would be gradually surrounded by the whites. This they did not relish, by any means, and gave the settlements south of the Ohio no little uneasiness. It was thought best to hold another treaty with them. In the mean time, to insure peace, the Grovernor of Virginia, and Con- gress, placed troops at Venango, Forts Pitt and Mcintosh, and at Miami, Vincennes, Louisville, and Muskingum, and the militia of Kentucky were held in readiness should a sudden outbreak occur. These measures produced no results, save insuring the safety of the whites, and not until January, 1789, was Clarke able to carry out his plans. During that month, he held a meeting at Fort Harmar,* at the mouth of the Muskingum, where the New England Colony expected to locate. The hostile character of the Indians did not deter the Ohio Company from carrying out its plans. In the winter of 1787, Gen. Rufus Put- *FortIIarmar was built in 1785, by a detachment of TJni tod States soldiers, under command of Maj. John Doughty. It was named in honor of Col. Josiah Harmar, to whose regiment Maj. Doughty was attached. It was the first military post erected by the Americans wit'iin the limits of Ohio, except Fort Laurens, a temporary struct- ure liuilt in 1778. When Marietta was founded it was the military post of that part of the country, and was for many years au impor- tant station. nam and forty-seven pioneers advanced to the mouth of the Youghiogheny River, and began building a boat for transportation down the Ohio in the spring. The boat was the largest craft that had ever descended the river, and, in allusion to their Pilgrim Fathers, it was called the Mayflower. It was 45 feet long and 12 feet wide, and esti- mated at 50 tons burden. Truly a formidable affair for the time. The bows were raking and curved like a galley, and were strongly timbered. The sides were made bullet-proof, and it was covered with a deck roof. Capt. Devol, the first ship- builder in the West, was placed in command. On the 2d of April, the Mayflower was launched, and for five days the little band of pioneers sailed down the Monongahela and the Ohio, and, on the 7th, landed at the mouth of the Muskingum. There, opposite Fort Harmar, they chose a loca- tion, moored their boat for a temporary shelter, and began to erect houses for their occupation. Thus was begun the first English settlement in the Ohio Valley. About the 1st of July, they were re-enforced by the arrival of a colony from Massachusetts. It had been nine weeks on the way. It had hauled its wagons and driven its stock to Wheeling, where, constructing flat-boats, it had floated down the river to the settlement. In October preceding this occurrence, Arthur St. Clair had been appointed Governor of the Ter- ritory by Congress, which body also appointed Winthrop Sargent, Secretary, and Samuel H. Parsons, James M. Varnum and John Armstrong Judges. Subsequently Mr. Armstrong declined the appointment, and 3Ir. Symmes was given the vacancy. None of these were on the ground when the first settlement was made, though the Judges came soon after. One of the first things the colony found necessary to do was to organize some form of government, whereby difficulties might be settled, though to the credit of the colony it may be said, that during the first three months of its existence but one diff'erence arose, and that was settled by a compromise.* Indeed, hardly a better set of men for the purpose could have been selected. Washington wrote concerning this colony : " No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has com- menced at the Muskingum. Information, prop- erty and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of the settlers personally, and there ♦"Western Monthly Magazine." ■^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 69 never were men better calculated to promote the welfare of such a community." On the 2d of July, a meeting of the Directors and agents was held on the banks of the Mus- kingum for the purpose of naming the newborn city and its squares. As yet, the settlement had been merely "The Muskingum;" but the name Marietta was now formally given it, in honor of Marie Antoinette. The square upon which the blockhouses stood was called Campus Martius; Square No. 19, Capitolium ; Square No. 61, Ce- cilia., and the great road running through the covert- way. Sacra Via.* Surely, classical scholars were not scarce in the colony. On the Fourth, an oration was delivered by James M. Varnum, one of the Judges, and a public demonstration held. Five days after, the Governor arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The ordinance of 1787 provided two dis- tinct grades of government, under the first of which the whole power was under the Governor and the three Judges. This form was at once recognized on the arrival of St. Clair. The first law established by this court was passed on the 25th of July. It established and regulated the militia of the Territory. The next day after its publication, appeared the Governor's proclamation erecting all the country that had been ceded by the Indians east of the Scioto River, into the county of Washington. Marietta was, of course, the county seat, and, from that day, went on prosperously. On September 2, the first court was held with becoming ceremonies. It is thus related in the American Pioneer: "The procession was formed at the Point (where the most of the settlers resided), in the following order: The High Sheriff", with his drawn sword; the citizens; the officers of the garrison at Fort Harmar; the members of the bar ; the Supreme Judges ; the Governor and clergyman ; the newly appointed Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, Gens. Rufus Putnam and Benjamin Tupper. "They marched up the path that had been cleared through the forest to Campus Martius Hall (stockade), where the whole countermarched, and the Judges (Putnam and Tupper) took their seats. The clergyman, Rev. Dr. Cutler, then invoked the divine blessing. The Sheriff, Col. Ebenezer Sproat, proclaimed with his solemn ' Oh yes ! ' that a court is open for the administration of * " Carey's Museum," Vol. 4 even-handed justice, to the poor and to the rich, to the guilty and to the innocent, without respect of persons; none to be punished without a trial of their peers, and then in pursuance of the laws and evidence in the case. " Although this scene was exhibited thus early in the settlement of the West, few ever equaled it in the dignity and exalted character of its princi- pal participators. Many of them belonged to the history of our country in the darkest, as well as the most splendid, period of the Revolutionary war." Many Indians were gathered at the same time to witness the (to them) strange spectacle, and for the purpose of forming a treaty, though how far they carried this out, the Pioneer does not relate. The progress of the settlement was quite satis- factory during the year. Some one writing a letter from the town says: "The progress of the settlement is sufficiently rapid for the first year. We are continually erect- ing houses, but arrivals are constantly coming faster than we can possibly provide convenient covering. Our first ball was opened about the middle of December, at which were fifteen ladies, as well accomplished in the manner of polite circles as any I have ever seen in the older States. I mention this to show the progress of society in this new world, where, I believe, we shall vie with, if not excel, the old States in every accom- plishment necessary to render life agreeable and happy." The emigration westward at this time was, indeed, exceedingly large. The commander at Fort Harmar reported 4,500 persons as having passed that post between February and June, 1788, many of whom would have stopped there, had the associates been prepared to receive them. The settlement was fi-ee from Indian depredations until January, 1791, during which interval it daily increased in numbers and strength. Symmes and his friends were not idle during this time. He had secured his contract in October, 1787, and, soon after, issued a pamphlet stating the terms of his purchase and the mode he intended to follow in the disposal of the lands. His plan was, to issue warrants for not less than one-quarter section, which might be located anywhere, save on reservations, or on land previously entered. The locator could enter an entire section should he de- sire to do so. The price was to be 60f cents per acre till May, 1788 ; then, till November, SI ; and 70 HISTORY OF OHIO. after that time to be regulated by the demand for hind. Each purchaser was bound to begin im- provements within two years, or forfeit one-sixth of the land to whoever would settle thereon and remain seven years. Military bounties might be taken in this, as in the purchase of the associates. For himself, Symmes reserved one township near the mouth of the Miami. On this he intended to build a great city, rivaling any Eastern port. He offered any one a lot on which to build a house, providing he would remain three years. Conti- nental certificates were rising, owing to the demand for land created by these two purchases, and Con- gress found the burden of debt correspondingly lessened. Symmes soon began to experience diffi- culty in procuring enough to meet his payments. He had also some trouble in arranging his boundary with the Board of the Treasury. These, and other causes, laid the foundation for another city, which is now what Symmes hoped his city would one day be. In January, 1788, Mathias Denman, of New Jersey, took an interest in Symmes' purchase, and located, among other tracts, the sections upon which Cincinnati has since been built. Retaining one-third of this purchase, he sold the balance to Robert Patterson and John Filson, each getting the same share. These three, about August, agreed to lay out a town on their land. It was designated as opposite the mouth of the Licking River, to which place it was intended to open a road from Lexington, Ky. These men little thought of the great emporium that now covers the modest site of this town they laid out that summer. Mr. Filson, who had been a schoolmaster, and was of a some- what poetic nature, was appointed to name the town. In respect to its situation, and as if with a prophetic perception of the mixed races that were in after years to dwell there, he named it Los- antiville,* " which, being interpreted," says the " Western Annals," " means ville^ the town ; aiiti^ opposite to ; os, the mouth ; 7/, of Licking. This may well put to the blush the Campus Martins of the Marietta scholars, and the Fort Solon of the Spaniards." Meanwhile, Symmes was busy in the East, and, by July, got thirty people and eight four-horse wagons under way for the West. These reached Limestone by September, where they met Mr. Stites, with several persons from Redstone. All ♦Judge Burnett, in his notes, disputes the above account of the origin of the city of Cincinnati. Ho says the name " Loaantiville " was determined on, but not adopted, when the town was laid out. This version is probably the correct one, and will be found fully given in the detailed history of the settlements. came to Symmes' purchase, and began to look for homes. Symmes' mind was, however, ill at rest. He could not meet his fii-st payment on so vast a realm, and there also arose a difference of opinion be- tween him and the Treasury Board regarding the Ohio boundary. Symmes wanted all the land be- tween the two Miamis, bordering on the Ohio, while the Board wished him confined to no more than twenty miles of the river. To this proposal he would not agree, as he had made sales all along the river. Leaving the bargain in an unsettled state, Congress considered itself released from all its obligations, and, but fur the representations of many of Symmes' friends, he would have lost all his money and labor. His appointment as Judge was not favorably received by many, as they thought that by it he would accjuire unlimited power. Some of his associates also complained of him, and, for awhile, it surely seemed that ruin only awaited him. But he was brave and hope- ful, and determined to succeed. On his return from a visit to his purchase in September, 1788, he wrote Jonathan Dayton, of New Jersey, one of his best friends and associates, that he thought some of the land near the Great Miami "positively worth a silver dollar the acre in its present state." A good many changes were made in his original contract, growing out of his inability to meet his payments. At first, he was to have not less than a million acres, under an act of Congress passed in October, 1787, authorizing the Treasury Board to conti-act with any one who could pay for such tracts, on the Ohio and Wabash Rivers, whose fronts should not exceed one-third of their depth. Dayton and JMarsh, Symmes' agents, contracted with the Board for one tract on the Ohio, begin- ning twenty miles up the Ohio from the mouth of the Great Miami, and to run back for quantitj^ be- tween the Miami and a line drawn from the Ohio, parallel to the general course of that river. In 1791, three years after Dayton and IMarsh made the contract, Symmes found this would throw the purchase too far back from the Ohio, and apj^lied to Congress to let him have all between the ]Mi- amies, running back so as to include 1,000,000 acres, which that body, on April 12, 1792, agreed to do. When the lands were surveyed, however, it was found that a line drawn from the head of the Little Miami due west to the Great Miami, would include south of it less than six hundred thousand acres. Even this Symmes could not pay for, and when his patent was issued in September, 179-1, it HISTORY OP OHIO. 71 gave him and his associates 248,540 acres, exclu- sive of reservations which amounted to 63,142 acres. This tract was bounded by the Ohio, the two Miamis and a due east and west Une run so as to inckide the desired quantity. Symmes, how- ever, made no further payments, and the rest of his purchase reverted to the United States, who gave those who had bought under him ample pre- emption rights. The Government was able, also, to give him and his colonists but little aid, and as danger from hos- tile Indians was in a measure imminent (though all the natives were friendly to Symmes), settlers were slow to come. However, the band led by Mr. Stites arrived before the 1st of January, 1789, and locating themselves near the mouth of the Little Miami, on a tract of 10,000 acres which Mr. Stites had purchased from Symmes, formed the second settlement in Ohio. They were soon afterward joined by a colony of twenty-six persons, who assisted them to erect a block-house, and gather their corn. The town was named Columbia. While here, the great flood of January, 1789, oc- curred, which did much to ensure the future growth of Losantiville, or more properly, Cincin- nati. Symmes City, which was laid out near the mouth of the Great Miami, and which he vainly strove to make the city of the future, Marietta and Columbia, all suffered severely by this flood, the greatest, the Indians said, ever known. The site of Cincinnati was not overflowed, and hence attracted the attention of the settlers. Denman's warrants had designated his purchase as opposite the mouth of the Licking; and that point escap- ing the overflow, late in December the place was visited by Israel Ludlow, Symmes' surveyor, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Denman, and about fourteen oth- ers, who left JMaysville to "form a station and lay ofi" a town opposite the Licking." The river was filled with ice "from shore to shore;" but, says Symmes in May, 1789, "Perseverance triumphing over difficulty, and they landed safe on a most de- lightful bank of the Ohio, where they founded the town of Losantiville, which populates consid- erably." The settlers of Losantiville built a few log huts and block-houses, and proceeded to im- prove the town. Symmes, noticing the location, says: "Though they placed their dwellings in the most marked position, yet they suffered nothing from the freshet." This would seem to give cre- dence to Judge Burnett's notes regarding the origin of Cincinnati, who states the settlement was made at this time, and not at the time mentioned when jMr. Filson named the town. It is further to be noticed, that, before the town was located by Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Patterson, Mr. Filson had been killed by the Miami Indians, and, as he had not paid for his one-third of the site, the claim was sold to Mr. Ludlow, who thereby became one of the origi- nal owners of the place. Just what day the town was laid out is not recorded. All the evidence tends to show it must have been late in 1788, or early in 1789. While the settlements on the north side of the Ohio were thus progressing, south of it fears of the Indians prevailed, and the separation sore was kept open. The country was, however, so torn by internal factions that no plan was likely to suc- ceed, and to this fact, in a large measure, may be credited the reason it did not secede, or join the Spanish or French faction, both of which were intriguing to get the commonwealth. During this year the treasonable acts of James Wilkinson came into view. For a while he thought success was in his grasp, but the two governments were at peace with America, and discountenanced any such efforts. Wilkinson, like all traitors, relapsed into nonentity, and became mistrusted by the govern- ments he attempted to befriend. Treason is al- ways odious. It will be borne in mind, that in 1778 prepa- rations had been made for a treaty with the Indi- ans, to secure peaceful possession of the lands owned in the West. Though the whites held these by purchase and treaty, yet many Indians, especially the Wabash and some of the Miami In- dians, objected to their occupation, claiming the Ohio boundary as the original division line. Clarke endeavored to obtain, by treaty at Fort Harmar, in 1778, a confirmation of these grants, but was not able to do so till January, 9, 1789. Rep- resentatives of the Six Nations, and of the Wyan- dots, Delawares, Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawato- mies and Sacs, met him at this date, and confirmed and extended the treaties of Fort Stanwix and Fort Mcintosh, the one in 1784, the other in 1785. This secured peace with the most of them, save a few of the Wabash Indians, whom they were compelled to conquer by arms. When this was accomplished, the borders were thought safe, and Virginia proposed to withdraw her aid in sup- port of Kentucky. This opened old troubles, and the separation dogma came out afresh. Virginia offered to allow the erection of a separate State, providing Kentucky would assume part of the old debts. This the young commonwealth would not :V 73 HISTORY OF OHIO. do, and sent a remonstrance. Virginia withdrew the proposal, and ordered a ninth convention, which succeeded in evolving a plan whereby Ken- tucky took her place among the free States of the Union. North of the Ohio, the prosperity continued. In 1789, Rev. Daniel Story, who had been ap- pointed missionary to the West, came out as a teacher of the youth and a preacher of the Gospel. Dr. Cutler had preceded him, not in the capacity of a minister, though he had preached ; hence Mr. Story is truly the first missionary from the Prot- estant Church who came to the Ohio Valley in that capacity. When he came, in 1789, he found nine associations on the Ohio Company's purchase, comprising two hundred and fifty persons in all ; and, by the close of 1790, eight settlements had been made: two at Belpre (belle prairie), one at Newbury, one at Wolf Creek, one at Duck Creek, one at the mouth of Meigs' Creek, one at Ander- son's Bottom, and one at Big Bottom. An ex- tended sketch of all these settlements will be found farther on in this volume. Symmes had, all this time, strenuously endeav- ored to get his city — called Cleves City — favorably noticed, and filled with people. Pie saw a rival in Cincinnati. That place, if made military head- quarters to protect the Miami Valley, would out- rival his town, situated near the bend of the Miami, near its mouth. On the 15th of June, Judge Symmes received news that the Wabash Indians threatened the Miami settlements, and as he had received only nineteen men for defense, he applied for more. Before July, Maj. Doughty arrived at the "Slaughter House" — as the Miami was sometimes called, owing to previous murders that had, at former times, occurred therein. Through the influence of Symmes, the detach- ment landed at the North Bend, and, for awhile, it was thought the fort would be erected there. This was what Symmes wanted, as it would secure him the headquarters of the military, and aid in getting the headquarters of the civil gov- ernment. The truth was, however, that neither the proposed city on the Miami — North Bend, as it afterward became known, from its location — or South Bend, could compete, in point of natural advantages, with the plain on which Cincinnati is built. Had Fort Washington been built elsewhere, after the close of the Indian war, nature would have asserted her advantages, and insured the growth of a city, where even the ancient and mys- terious dwellers of the Ohio had reared the earthen walls of one of their vast temples. Another fact is given in relation to the erection of Fort Wash- ington at Losantiville, which partakes somewhat of romance. The Major, while waiting to decide at which place the fort should be built, happened to make the acquaintance of a black-eyed beauty, the wife of one of the residents. Her husband, notic- ing the affair, removed her to Losantiville. The Major followed; he told Symmes he wished to see how a fort would do there, but promised to give his city the preference. He found the beauty there, and on his return Symmes could not prevail on him to remain. If the story be true, then the importance of Cincinnati owes its existence to a trivial circum- stance, and the old story of the ten years' war which terminated in the downfall of Troy, which is said to have originated owing to the beauty of a Spartan dame, was re-enacted here. Troy and North Bend fell because of the beauty of a wo- man ; Cincinnati was the result of the downfall of the latter place. About the first of January, 1790, Governor St. Clair, with his officers, descended the Ohio River from Marietta to Fort Washington. There he es- tablished the county of Hamilton, comprising the immense region of country contiguous to the Ohio, from the Hocking River to the Great Miami; appointed a corps of civil and military officers, and established a Court of Quarter Ses- sions. Some state that at this time, he changed the name of the village of Losantiville to Cin- cinnati, in allusion to a society of that name which had recently been formed among the officers of the Revolutionary army, and established it as the seat of justice for Hamilton. This latter fact is certain; but as regards changing the name of the village, there is no good authority for it. With this importance attached to it, Cincinnati began at once an active growth, and from that day Cleves' city declined. The next summer, frame houses began to appear in Cincinnati, while at the same time forty new log cabins appeared about the fort. On the 8th of January, the Governor arrived at the falls of the Ohio, on his way to establish a government at Vincennes and Kaskaskia. From Clarkesville, he dispatched a messenger to Major Hamtramck, commander at Vincennes, with speeches to the various Indian tribes in this part of the Northwest, who had not fully agreed to the treaties. St. Clair and Sargent followed in a few days, along an Indian trail to Vincennes, where he organized the county of Knox, comprisir?^ all the ^i^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 73 country along the Ohio, from the Miami to the Wabash, and made Vincennes the county seat. Then they proceeded across the lower part of Illi- nois to Ka.skaskia, where he established the county of St. Clair (so named by Sargent), comprising all the country from the Wabash to the Mississippi. Thus the Northwest was divided into three coun- ties, and courts established therein. St. Clair called upon the French inhabitants at Vincennes and in the Illinois country, to show the titles to their lands, and also to defray the expense of a survey. To this latter demand they replied through their priest, Pierre Gibault, showing their poverty, and inability to comply. They were confirmed in their grants, and, as they had been good friends to the patriot cause, were relieved from the expense of the survey. While the Governor was managing these affairs. Major Hamtramck was engaged in an effort to con- ciliate the Wabash Indians. For this purpose, he sent Antoine Gamelin, an intelligent French mer- chant, and a true friend of America, among them to carry messages sent by St. Clair and the Govern- ment, and to learn their sentiments and dispositions. Gamelin performed this important mission in the spring of 1790 with much sagacity, and, as the French were good friends of the natives, he did much to conciliate these half-hostile tribes. He visited the towns of these tribes along the Wabash and as far north and east as the Miami village, Ke-ki-ong-ga — St. Mary's — at the junction of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Rivers (Fort Wayne). Gamelin's report, and the intelligence brought by some traders from the Upper Wabash, were con- veyed to the Governor at Kaskaskia. The reports convinced him that the Indians of that part of the Northwest were preparing for a war on the settle- ments north of the Ohio, intending, if possible, to drive them south of it; that river being still consid- ered by them as the true boundary. St. Clair left the administration of affairs in the Western counties to Sargent, and returned at once to Fort Washing- ton to provide for the defense of the frontier. The Indians had begun their predatory incur- sions into the country settled by the whites, and had committed some depredations. The Kentuck- ians were enlisted in an attack against the Scioto Indians. April 18, Gen. Harmar, with 100 regulars, and Gen. Scott, with 230 volunteers, marched from Limestone, by a circuitous route, to the Scioto, accomplishing but little. The savages had fled. CHAPTER VII. THE INDIAN WAR OF 1795— HARMAR'S CAMPAIGN— ST. CLAIR'S CAMPAIGN— WAYNE'S CAMPAIGN— CLOSE OF THE WAR. A GREAT deal of the hostility at this period was directly traceable to the British. They yet held Detroit and several posts on the lakes, in violation of the treaty of 1783. They alleged as a reason for not abandoning them, that the Ameri- cans had not fulfilled the conditions of the treaty regarding the collection of debts. Moreover, they did nil they could to remain at the frontier and en- joy the emoluments derived from the ftir trade. That they aided the Indians in the conflict at this time, is undeniable. Just how, it is difiicult to say. But it is well known the savages had all the ammunition and fire-arms they wanted, more than they could have obtained from American and French renegade traders. They were also well supplied with clothing, and were able to prolong the war some time. A great confederation was on the eve of formation. The leading spirits were Cornplanter, Brant, Little Turtle and other noted chiefs, and had not the British, as Brant said, "encouraged us to the war, and promised us aid, and then, when we were driven away by the Amer- icans, shut the doors of their fortresses against us and refused us food, when they saw us nearly con- quered, we would have effected our object." McKee, Elliott and Girty were also actively en- gaged in aiding the natives. All of them were in the interest of the British, a fact clearly proven by the Indians themselves, and by other traders. St. Clair and Gen. Harmar determined to send an expedition against the IMaumee towns, and se- cure that part of the country. Letters were sent to the militia ofiicers of Western Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky, calling on them for militia to co-operate with the regular troops in the cam- paign. According to the plan of the campaign. :v jLI 74 HISTORY OF OHIO. 300 militia were to rendezvous at Fort Steuben ( Jefferson ville), march thence to Fort Knox, at Vincennes, and join Maj. Hamtramck in an expe- dition up the Wabash ; 700 were to rendezvous at Fort Washington to join the regular army against the Maumee towns. While St. Clair was forming his army and ar- ranging for the campaign, three expeditions were sent out against the Miami towns. One against the Miami villages, not far from the Wabash, was led by Gen. Harmar. He had in his army about fourteen hundred men, regulars and militia. These two parts of the army could not be made to affili- ate, and, as a consequence, the expedition did little beyond burning the villages and destroying corn. The militia would not submit to discipline, and would not serve under regular officers. It will be seen what this spirit led to when St. Clair went on his march soon after. The Indians, emboldened by the meager success of Harmar's command, continued their depreda- dations against the Ohio settlements, destroying the community at Big Bottom. To hold them in check, and also punish them, an army under Charles Scott went against the Wabash Indians. Little was done here but destroy towns and the standing corn. In July, another army, under Col. Wilkin- son, was sent against the Eel River Indians. Be- coming entangled in extensive morasses on the river, the army became endangered, but was finally extricated, and accomplished no more than either the other armies before it. As it was, however, the three expeditions directed against the Miamis and Shawanees, served only to exasperate them. The burning of their towns, the destruction of their corn, and the captivity of their women and chil- dren, only aroused them to more desperate efforts to defend their country and to harass their in- vaders. To accomplish this, the chiefs of the Miamis, Shawanees and the Delawares, Little Turtle, Blue Jacket and Buckongahelas, were en- gaged in forming a confederacy of all the tribes of the Northwest, strong enough to drive the whites beyond the Ohio. Pontiac had tried that before, even when he had open allies among the French. The Indians now had secret allies among the Brit- ish, yet, in the end, they did not succeed. While they were preparing for the contest, St. Clair was gathering his forces, intending to erect a chain of forts from the Ohio, by way of the Miami and Maumee valleys, to the lakes, and thereby effect- ually hold the savages in check. Washington warmly seconded this plan, and designated the junction of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Rivers as an important post. This had been a fortification almost from the time the English held the valley, and only needed little work to make it a formid- able fortress. Glen. Knox, the Secretary of War, also favored the plan, and gave instructions con- cerning it. Under these instructions, St. Clair organized his forces as rapidly as he could, although the numerous drawbacks almost, at times, threat- ened the defeat of the campaign. Through the summer the arms and accouterments of the army were put in readiness at Fort Washington. Many were found to be of the poorest quality, and to be badly out of repair. The militia came poorly armed, under the impression they were to be pro- vided with arms. While waiting in camp, habits of idleness engendered themselves, and drunken- ness followed. They continued their accustomed freedom, disdaining to drill, and refused to submit to the regular officers. A bitter spirit broke out between the regular troops and the militia, which none could heal. The insubordination of the mi- litia and their officers, caused them a defeat after- ward, which they in vain attempted to fasten on the busy General, and the regular troops. The army was not ready to move till September 17. It was then 2,300 strong. It then moved to a point upon the Great Miami, where they erected Fort Hamilton, the first in the proposed chain of fortresses. After its completion, they moved on forty -four miles farther, and, on the 12th of October, began the erection of Fort Jefferson, about six miles south of the present town of Green- ville, Darke County. On the 24th, the army again took up its line of march, through a wilderness, marshy and boggy, and full of savage foes. The army rapidly declined under the hot sun ; even the commander was suffering from an indisposition. The militia deserted, in companies at a time, leav- ing the bulk of the work to the regular troops. By the 3d of November, the army reached a stream twelve yards wide, which St. Clair sup- posed to be a branch of the St. Mary of the Mau- mee, but which in reality was a tributary of the Wabash. Upon the banks of that stream, the army, now about fourteen hundred strong, en- camped in two lines. A slight protection was thrown up as a safeguard against the Indians, who were known to be in the neighborhood. The Gen- eral intended to attack them next day, but, about half an hour before sunrise, just after the militia had been dismissed from parade, a sudden attack was made upon them. The militia were thrown ^ a -^ HISTOKY or OHIO. 75 into confiision, and disregarded the command of the officers. They had not been sufficiently drilled, and now was seen, too late and too plainly, the evil effects of their insubordination. Through the morning the battle waged furiously, the men falling by scores. About nine o'clock the retreat began, covered by Maj. Cook and his troops. The re- treat was a disgraceful, precipitate flight, though, after four miles had been passed, the enemy re- turned to the work of scalping the dead and wounded, and of pillaging the camp. Through the day and the night their dreadful work con- tinued, one squaw afterward declaring " her arm was weary scalping the white men." The army reached Fort Jefferson a little after sunset, having thrown away much of its arms and baggage, though the act was entirely unnecessary. After remain- ing here a short time, it was decided by the officers to move on toward Fort Hamilton, and thence to Fort Washington. The defeat of St. Clair was the most terrible re- verse the Americans ever suffered from the Indi- ans. It was greater than even Braddock's defeat. His army consisted of 1,200 men and 86 officers, of whom 714 men and G3 officers were killed or wounded. St. Clair's army consisted of 1,400 men and 86 officers, of whom 890 men and 16 officers were killed or wounded. The comparative effects of the two engagements very inadequately represent the crushing effect of St. Clair's defeat. An unprotected frontier of more than a thousand miles in extent was now thrown open to a foe made merciless, and anxious to drive the whites from the north side of the Ohio. Now, settlers were scat- tered along all the streams, and in all the forests, ex- posed to the cruel enemy, who stealthily approached the homes of the pioneer, to murder him and his family. Loud calls arose from the people to defend and protect them. St. Clair was covered with abuse for his defeat, when he really was not alone to blame for it. The militia would not be controlled. Had Clarke been at their head, or Wayne, Avho succeeded St. Clair, the result might have been different. As it was, St. Clair resigned ; though ever after he en- joyed the confidence of Washington and Congress. Four days after the defeat of St. Clair, the army, in its straggling condition, reached Fort Washing- ton, and paused to rest. On the 9th, St. Clair wrote fully to the Secretary of War. On the 12th, Gen. Knox communicated the information to Con- gress, and on the 26th, he laid before the Presi- dent two reports, the second containing sugges- tions regarding future operations. His sugges- tions urged the establishment of a strong United States iVrmy, as it was plain the States could not control the matter. He also urged a thorough drill of the soldiers. No more insubordination could be tolerated. General Wayne was selected by Washington as the commander, and at once pro- ceeded to the task assigned to him. In June, 1792, he went to Pittsburgh to organize the army now gathering, which was to be the ultimate argu- ment with the Indian confederation. Through the summer he was steadily at work. "Train and dis- cipline them for the work they are meant for," wrote Washington, "and do not spare powder and lead, so the men be made good marksmen." In December, the forces, now recruited and trained, gathered at a point twenty-two miles below Pitts- burgh, on the Ohio, called Legionville, the army itself being denominated the Legion of the United States, divided into four sub-legions, and provided with the proper officers. Meantime, Col. Wilkinson succeeded St. Clair as commander at Fort Wash- ington, and sent out a force to examine the field of defeat, and bury the dead. A shocking sight met their view, revealing the deeds of cruelty enacted upon their comrades by the savage enemj'. While Wayne's army was drilling, peace meas- ures were pressed forward by the United States with equal perseverance. The Iroquois were in- duced to visit Philadelphia, and partially secured from the general confederacy. They were wary, however, and, expecting aid from the British, held aloof. Brant did not come, as was hoped, and it was plain there was intrigue somewhere. Five independent embassies were sent among the West- ern tribes, to endeavor to prevent a war, and win over the inimical tribes. But the victories they had won, and the favorable whispers of the British agents, closed the ears of the red men, and all propositions were rejected in some form or other. All the embassadors, save Putnam, suffered death. He alone was able to reach his goal — the Wabash Indians — and effect any treaty. On the 27th of December, in company with Heckewelder, the Mo- ravian missionary, he reached Vincennes, and met thirty-one chiefs, representing the Weas, Pianke- shaws, Kaskaskias, Peorias, Illinois, Pottawatomies, Mascoutins, Kickapoos and Eel River Indians, and concluded a treaty of peace with them. The fourth article of this treaty, however, con- tained a provision guaranteeing to the Indians their lands, and when the treaty was laid before Congress, February 13, 1793, that body, after much discussion, refused on that account to ratify it. -^ *i- 76 HISTOKY OF OHIO. A great council of the Indians was to be held at Auglaize during the autumn of 1702, when the assembled nations were to discuss fully their means of defense, and determine their future line of action. The council met in October, and was the largest Indian gathering of the time. The chiefs of all the tribes of the Northwest were there. The representatives of the seven nations of Canada, were in attendance. Cornplanter and forty-eight chiefs of the New York (Six Nations) Indians re- paired thither. " Besides these," said Cornplanter, "there were so many nations we cannot tell the names of them. There were three men from the Gora nation ; it took them a whole season to come ; and," continued he, " twenty -seven nations from beyond Canada were there." The question of peace or war was long and earnestly debated. Their future was solemnly discussed, and around the council fire native eloquence and native zeal shone in all their simple strength. One nation after another, through their chiefs, presented their views. The deputies of the Six Nations, who had been at Philadelphia to consult the "Thirteen Fires," made their report. The Western bound- ary was the principal question. The natives, with one accord, declared it must be the Ohio River. An address was prepared, and sent to the President, wherein their views were stated, and agreeing to abstain from all hostilities, until they could meet again in the spring at the rapids of the Maumee, and there consult with their white brothers. They desired the President to send agents, "who are men of honesty, not proud land-jobbers, but men who love and desire peace." The good work of Penn was evidenced here, as they desired that the embassadors "be accompanied by some Friend or Quaker." The armistice they had promised was not, how- ever, faithfully kept. On the 6th of November, a detachment of Kentucky cavalry at Fort St. Clair, about twenty-five miles above Fort Hamil- ton, was attacked. The commander, Maj. Adair, was an excellent ofiicer, well versed in Indian tac- tics, and defeated the savages. This infraction of their promises did not deter the United States from taking measures to meet the Indians at the rapids of the Maumee " when the leaves were fully out." For that purpose, the President selected as commissioners, Charles Car- roll and Charles Thompson, but, as they declined the nomination, he appointed Benjamin Lincoln, Beverly Randolph and Timothy Pickering, the 1st of March, 1793, to attend the convention, which, it was thought best, should be held at the San- dusky outpost. About the last of April, these commissioners left Philadelphia, and, late in May, reached Niagara, where they remained guests of Lieut. Gov. Simcoe, of the British Government. This officer gave them all the aid he could, yet it was soon made plain to them that he would not object to the confederation, nay, even rather fav- ored it. They speak of his kindness to them, in grateful terms. Gov. Simcoe advised the Indians to make peace, but not to give up any of their lands. That was the pith of the whole matter. The British rather claimed land in New York, under the treaty of 1783, alleging the Americans had not fully complied with the terms of that treaty, hence they were not as anxious for peace and a peaceful settlement of the difficult boundary question as they sometimes represented. By July, "the leaves were fully out," the con- ferences among the tribes were over, and, on the 15th of that month, the commissioners met Brant and some fifty natives. In a strong speech, Brant set forth their wishes, and invited them to accom- pany him to the place of holding the council. The Indians were rather jealous of Wayne's continued preparations for war, hence, just before setting out for the Maumee, the commissioners sent a letter to the Secretary of War, asking that all warlike demonstrations cease until the result of their mis- sion be known. On 21st of July, the embassy reached the head of the Detroit River, where their advance was checked by the British authorities at Detroit, com- pelling them to take up their abode at the house of Andrew Elliott, the famous renegade, then a British agent under Alexander McKee. McKee was attending the council, and the commissioners addressed him a note, borne by Elliott, to inform him of their arrival, and asking when they could be received. Elliott returned on the 29th, bring- ing with him a deputation of twenty chiefs from the council. The next day, a conference was held, and the chief of the Wyandots, Sa-wagh-da-wunk, presented to the commissioners, in writing, their explicit demand in regard to the boundary, and their purposes and powers. "The Ohio must be the boundary," said he, " or blood will flow." The commissioners returned an answer to the proposition brought by the chiefs, recapitulating the treaties already made, and denying the Ohio as the boundary line. On the 16th of August, the council sent them, by two Wyandot runners, a final answer, in which they recapitulated their ^Fl 1£ HISTORY OF OHIO. 77 former assertions, and exhibited great powers of reasoning and clear logic in defense of their po- sition. The commissioners reply that it is impos- ble to accept the Ohio as the boundary, and declare the negotiation at an end. This closed the efforts of the Government to ne- gotiate with the Indians, and there remained of necessity no other mode of settling the dispute but war. Liberal terms had been offered them, but nothing but the boundary of the Ohio River would suffice. It was the only condition upon which the confederation would lay down its arms. " Among the rude statesmen of the wilderness, there was exhibited as pure patriotism and as lofty devotion to the good of their race, as ever won ap- plause among civilized men. The white man had, ever since he came into the country, been encroach- ing on their lands. He had long occupied the regions beyond the mountains. He had crushed the conspiracy formed by Pontiac, thirty years be- fore. He had taken possession of the common hunting-ground of all the tribes, on the faith of treaties they did not acknowledge. He was now laying out settlements and building forts in the heart of the country to which all the tribes had been driven, and which now was all they could call their own. And now they asked that it should be guaranteed to them, that the boundary which they had so long asked for should be drawn, and a fijQal end be made to the continual aggressions of the whites ; or, if not, they solemnly determined to stake their all, against fearful odds, in defense of their homes, their country and the inheritance of their children. Nothing could be more patriotic than the position they occupied, and nothing could be more noble than the declarations of their council."* They did not know the strength of the whites, and based their success on the victories already gained. They hoped, nay, were promised, aid from the British, and even the Spanish had held out to them assurances of help when the hour of conflict came. The Americans were not disposed to yield even to the confederacy of the tribes backed by the two rival nations, forming, as Wayne characterized it, a " hydra of British, Spanish and Indian hostility." On the 16th of August, the commissioners re- ceived the final answer of the council. The 17th, they left the mouth of the Detroit River, and the 23d, arrived at Fort Erie, where they immediately * Annals of the West. dispatched messengers to Gen. Wayne to inform him of the issue of the negotiation. Wayne had spent the winter of 1792-93, at Legionville, in col- lecting and organizing his army. April 30, 1793, the army moved down the river and encamped at a point, called by the soldiers " Hobson's choice," because from the extreme height of the river they were prevented from landing elsewhere. Here Wayne was engaged, during the negotiations for peace, in drilling his soldiers, in cutting roads, and collecting suj^plies for the army. He was ready for an immediate campaign in case the council failed in its object. While here, he sent a letter to the Secretarj^ of War, detailing the circumstances, and suggesting the probable course he should follow. He re- mained here during the summer, and, when apprised of the issue, saw it was too late to attempt the campaign then. He sent the Kentucky militia home, and, with his regular soldiers, went into winter quarters at a fort he built on a tributary of the Great Miami. He called the fort Green- ville. The present town of Greenville is near the site of the fort. During the winter, he sent a de- tachment to visit the scene of St. Clair's defeat. They found more than six hundred skulls, and were obliged to "scrape the bones together and carry them out to get a place to make their beds." They buried all they could find. Wayne was steadily preparing his forces, so as to have every- thing ready for a sure blow when the time came. All his information showed the faith in the British which still animated the doomed red men, and gave them a hope that could end only in defeat. The conduct of the Indians fully corroborated the statements received by Gen. Wayne. On the 30th of June, an escort of ninety riflemen and fifty dragoons, under command of Maj. 3IcMahon, was attacked under the walls of Fort Recovery by a force of more than one thousand Indians under charge of Little Turtle. They were repulsed and badly defeated, and, the next day, driven away. Their mode of action, their arms and ammunition, all told plainly of British aid. They also ex- pected to find the cannon lost by St. Clair Novem- ber 4, 1791, but which the Americans had secured. The 26th of July, Gen. Scott, with 1,600 mounted men from Kentucky, joined Gen. Wayne at Fort Greenville, and, two days after, the legion moved forward. The 8th of August, the army reached the junction of the Auglaize and Mau- mee, and at once proceeded to erect Fort Defiance, where the waters meet. The Indians had abandoned :^ 78 HISTORY OF OHIO. their towns on the approach of the army, and were congregating further northward. While engaged on Fort Defiance, Wayne received continual and full reports of the Indians — of their aid from Detroit and elsewhere; of the nature of the ground, and the circumstances, favorable or unfavorable. From all he could learn, and considering the spirits of his army, now thoroughly disciplined, lie determined to march forward and settle matters at once. Yet, true to his own instincts, and to the measures of peace so forcibly taught by Washington, he sent Christopher Miller, who had been naturalized among the Shawanees, and taken prisoner by Wayne's spies, as a messenger of peace, offering terms of friendship. Unwilling to waste time, the troops began to move forward the 15th of August, and the next day met Miller with the message that if the Amer- icans would wait ten days at Auglaize the Indians would decide for peace or war. Wayne knew too well the Indian character, and answered the mes- sage by simply marching on. The 18th, the legion had advanced forty-one miles from Auglaize, and, being near the long-looked-for foe, began to take some measures for protection, should they be at- tacked. A slight breastwork, called Fort Deposit, was erected, wherein most of their heavy baggage was placed. They remained here, building their works, until the 20th, when, storing their baggage, the army began again its march. After advancing about five miles, they met a large force of the ene- my, two thousand strong, who fiercely attacked them. Wayne was, however, prepared, and in the short battle that ensued they were routed, and large numbers slain. The American loss was very slight. The horde of savages were put to flight, leaving the Americans victorious almost under the walls of the British garrison, under Maj. Campbell. This ofiicer sent a letter to Gen. Wayne, asking an explanation of his conduct in fighting so near, and in such evident hostility to the British. Wayne replied, telling him he was in a country that did not belong to him, and one he was not authorized to hold, and also charKintr him with aiding the Indians. A spirited corre- spondence followed, which ended in the American commander marching on, and devastating the In- dian country, even burning IMcKee's house and stores under the muzzles of the English guns. The 14lh of September, the army marched from Fort Defiance for the IVliami village at the junc- tion of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph Rivers. It reached there on the 17th, and the next day Gen. Wayne selected a site for a fort. The 22d of Oc- tober, the fort was completed, and garrisoned by a detachment under Maj. Hamtramck, who gave to it the name of Fort Wayne. The l-lth of October, the mounted Kentucky volunteers, who had be- come dissatisfied and mutinous, were started to Fort Washington, where they were immediately mustered out of service and discharged. The 28th of October, the legion marched from Fort Wayne to Fort Greenville, where Gen. Wayne at once established his headquarters. The campaign had been decisive and short, and had taught the Indians a severe lesson. The Brit- ish, too, had failed them in their hour of need, and now they began to see they had a foe to contend whose resources were exhaustless. Under these circumstances, losing faith in the English, and at last impressed with a respect for American power, after the defeat experienced at the hands of the "Black Snake," the various tribes made up their minds, by degrees, to ask for peace. During the winter and spring, they exchanged prisoners, and made ready to meet Gen. Wayne at Greenville, in June, for the purpose of forming a definite treaty, as it had been agreed should be done by the pre- liminaries of January 24. During the month of June, 1795, representa- tives of the Northwestern tribes began to gather at Greenville, and, the 16th of the month. Gen. Wayne met in council the Delawares, Ottawas, Pottawato- mies and Eel River Indians, and the conferences, which lasted till August 10, began. The 21st of June, Buckongahelas arrived ; the 23d, Little Turtle and other Miamis ; the 13th of July, Tarhe and other Wyandot chiefs ; and the 18th, Blue Jacket, and thirteen Shawanees and Massas with twenty Chippewas. Most of these, as it appeared by their statements, had been tampered with by the English, especially by McKee, Girty and Brant, even after the pre- liminaries of January 24, and while IMr. Jay was perfecting his treaty. They had, however, all de- termined to make peace with the "Thirteen Fires," and although some difficulty as to the ownership of the lands to be ceded, at one time seemed likely to arise, the good sense of Wayne and the leading chiefs prevented it, and, the 30th of July, the treaty was agreed to which should bury the hatchet for- ever. Between that day and the 3d of August, it was engro.ssed, and, having been signed by the various nations upon the day last named, it was finally acted upon the 7th, and the presents from :^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 79 the United States distributed. The basis of this treaty was the previous one made at Fort Harmar. The boundaries made at that time were re-affirmed ; the whites were secured on the lands now occu- pied by them or secured by former treaties ; and among all the assembled nations, presents, in value not less than one thousand pounds, were distributed to each through its representatives, many thousands in all. The Indians were allowed to remove and punish intruders on their lands, and were permitted to hunt on the ceded lands. " This great and abiding peace document wa.s signed by the various tribes, and dated August 3, 1795. It was laid before the Senate December 9, and ratified the 22d. So closed the old Indian wars in the West." * * Aanals of the West." CHAPTER VIII. JAY'S TREATY— THE QUESTION OF STATE RIGHTS AND NATIONAL SUPREMACY— EXTENSION OF OHIO SETTLEMENTS— LAND CLAIMS— SPANISH BOUNDARY QUESTION. WHILE these six years of Indian wars were in progress, Kentucky was admitted as a State, and Pinckney's treaty with Spain was com- pleted. This last occurrence was of vital impor- tance to the West, as it secured the free navigation of the Mississippi, charging only a fair price for the storage of goods at Spanish ports. This, though not all that the Americans wished, was a great gain in their favor, and did much to stop those agitations regarding a separation on the part of Kentucky. It also quieted affairs further south than Kentucky, in the Georgia and South Carolina Territory, and put an end to French and Spanish intrigue for the Western Territory. The treaty was signed November 24, 1794. Another treaty was concluded by Mr. John Jay between the two governments, Lord Greenville representing the English, and Mr. Jay, the Ameri- cans. The negotiations lasted from April to November 19, 1795, when, on that day, the treaty was signed and duly recognized. It decided effectually all the questions at issue, and was the signal for the removal of the British troops from the Northwestern outposts. This was effected as soon as the proper transfers could be made. The second article of the treaty provided that, "His Majesty will withdraw all his troops and garrisons from all posts and places within the boundary lines assigned by the treaty of peace to the United States. This evacuation shall take place on or before the 1st day of June, 1796, and all the proper measures shall be taken, in the interval, by concert, between the Government of the United States and His Majesty's Governor General in America, for settling the previous arrangements which may be necessary respecting the delivery of the said posts; the United States, in the mean time, at their discretion, extending their settle- ments to any part within the said boundary line, except within the precincts or jurisdiction of any of the said posts. " All settlers and all traders within the precincts or jurisdiction of the said posts shall continue to enjoy, unmolested, all their property of every kind, and shall be protected therein. They shall be at full liberty to remain there or to remove with all, or any part, of their effects, or retain the property thereof at their discretion ; such of them as shall continue to reside within the said boundary lines, shall not be compelled to become citizens of the United States, or take any oath of allegiance to the Government thereof; but they shall be at full liberty so to do, if they think proper; they shall make or declare their election one year after the evacuation aforesaid. And all persons who shall continue therein after the expiration of the said year, without having declared their intention of remaining subjects to His Britannic Majesty, shall be considered as having elected to become citizens of the United States." The Indian war had settled all fears from that source ; the treaty with Great Britain had estab- lished the boundaries between the two countries and secured peace, and the treaty with Spain had secured the privilege of navigating the IMississippi, by paying only a nominal sum. It had also bound the people of the West together, and ended the old separation question. There was no danger from that now. Another difficulty arose, however, relating to the home rule, and the organization of :v 80 HISTORY OF OHIO. the home government. There were two parties in the country, known as Federalist and Anti-Federal- ist. One favored a central government, whose au- thority should be supreme ; the other, only a compact, leaving the States supreme. The worth- lessness of the old colonial system became, daily, mure apparent. While it existed no one felt safe. There was no prospect of paying the debt, and, hence, no credit. When Mr. Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, offered his financial plan to the country, favoring centralization, it met, in many places, violent opposition. Washington was strong enough to carry it out, and gave evidence that he would do so. When, therefore, the excise law passed, and taxes on whisky were collected, an open revolt occurred in Pennsylvania, known as the "Whisky Insurrection." It was put down, finally, by military power, and the malcontents made to know that the United States was a gov- ernment, not a compact liable to rupture at any time, and by any of its members. It taught the entire nation a lesson. Centralization meant pres- ervation. Should a " compact " form of government prevail, then anarchy and ruin, and ultimate sub- jection to some foreign power, met their view. That they had just fought to dispel, and must it all go for naught ? The people saw the rulers were right, and gradually, over the West, spread a spirit antagonistic to State supremacy. It did not revive till Jackson's time, when he, with an iron hand and iron will, crushed out the evil doctrine of State supremacy. It revived again in the late war, again to be crushed. It is to be hoped that ever thus will be its fiite. " The Union is insepa- rable," said the Grovernment, and the people echoed the words. During the war, and while all these events had been transpiring, settlements had been taking place upon the Ohio, which, in tlieir influence ujjon the Northwest, and especially upon the State, as soon as it was created, were deeply felt. The Virginia and the Connecticut Reserves were at this time peopled, and, also, that part of the Miami Valley about Dayton, which city dates its origin from that period. As early as 1787, the reserved lands of the Old Dominion north of the Ohio were examined, and, in August of that year, entries were made. As no good title could be obtained from Congress at this time, the settlement practically ceased until 1790, when the prohibition to enter them was withdrawn. As soon as that was done, surveying began again. Nathaniel Massie was amons; the foremost men in the survey of this tract, and lo- cating the lands, laid off a town about twelve miles above Maysville. The place was called Manchester, and yet exists. From this point, Massie continued through. all the Indian war, despite the danger, to survey the surrounding country, and prepare it for settlers. Connecticut had, as has been stated, ceded her lands, save a tract extending one hundred and twenty miles beyond the western boundary of Pennsylvania. Of this Connecticut Reserve, so far as the Indian title was extinguished, a survey was ordered in October, 1786, and an office opened for its disposal. Part was soon sold, and, in 1792, half a million of acres were given to those citizens of Connecticut who had lost property by the acts of the British troops during the Revolutionary war at New London, New Haven and elsewhere. These lands thereby became known as " Fire lands " and the "Sufferer's lands," and were located in the western part of the Reserve. In May, 1795, the Connecticut Legislature authorized a committee to dispose of the remainder of the Reserve. Before autumn the committee sold it to a company known as the Connecticut Land Company for $1,200,000, and about the 5th of September quit-claimed the land to the Company. The same day the Company received it, it sold 3,000,000 acres to John Mor- gan, John Caldwell and Jonathan Brace, in trust. Upon these quit-claim titles of the land all deeds in the Reserve are based. Surveys were com- menced in 1796, and, by the close of the next year, all the land east of the Cuyahoga was divided into townships five miles square. The agent of the Connecticut Land Company was Gen. Moses Cleve- land, and in his honor the leading city of the Re- serve was named. That township and five others were reserved for private sale; the balance were disposed of by lottery, the first drawing occurring in February, 1798. Dayton resulted from the treaty made by Wayne. It came out of the boundaiy ascribed to Symmes, and for a while all such lands were not recognized as sold by Congress, owing to the failure of Symmes and his associates in paying for them. Thereby there existed, for a time, considerable un- easiness regarding the title to these lands. In 1799, Congress was induced to issue patents to the actual settlers, and thus secure them in their pre- emption. Seventeen days after Wayne's treaty, St. Clairs Wilkinson, Jonathan Dayton and Israel Ludlow contracted with Symmes for the seventh and eighth liL HISTORY OF OHIO. 83 ranges, between Mad River and the Little Miami. Three settlements were to be made: one at the mouth of Mad lliver, one on the Little Miami, in the seventh range, and another on Mad River. On the 21st of September, 1795, Daniel C. Cooper started to survey and mark out a road in the pur- chase, and John Dunlap to run its boundaries, which was completed before October 4. On No- vember 4, Mr. Ludlow laid oiF the town of Day- ton, which, like land in the Connecticut Reserve, was sold by lottery. A gigantic scheme to purchase eighteen or twenty million acres in Michigan, and then pro- cure a good title from the Government — who alone had such a right to procure land — by giving mem- bers of CongTcss an interest in the investment, appeared shortly after Wayne's treaty. When some of the members were approached, however, the real spirit of the scheme appeared, and, instead of gaining ground, led to the exposure, resulting iu the reprimanding severely of Robert Randall, the principal mover in the whole plan, and in its speedy disappearance. Another enterprise, equally gigantic, also ap- peared. It was, however, legitimate, and hence successful. On the 20th of February, 1795, the North American Land Company was formed in Philadelphia, under the management of such pat- riots as Robert Morris, John Nicholson and James Greenleaf. This Company purchased large tracts in the West, which it disposed of to actual settlers, and thereby aided greatly in populating that part of the country. Before the close of 1795, the Governor of the Territory, and his Judges, published sixty-four statutes. Thirty-four of these were adopted at Cincinnati during June, July and August of that year. They were known as the Maxwell code, from the name of the publisher, but were passed by Governor St. Clair and Judges Symmes and Turner. Among them was that which provided that the common law of England, and all its stat- utes, made previous to the fourth year of James the First, should be in full force within the Terri- tory. " Of the system as a whole," says Mr. Case, " with its many imperfections, it may be doubted that any colony, at so early a period after its first establishment, ever had one so good and applicable to all." The Union had now safely passed through its most critical period after the close of the war of independence. The danger from an irruption of its own members ; of a war or alliance of its West- ern portion with France and Spain, and many other perplexing questions, were now effectually settled, and the population of the Territory began rapidly to increase. Before the close of the year 17 96, the Northwest contained over five thousand inhabitants, the requisite number to entitle it to one representative iu the national Congress. Western Pennsylvania also, despite the various conflicting claims regarding the land titles in that part of the State, began rapidly to fill with emigrants. The "Triangle" and the " Struck District " were surveyed and put upon the market under the act of 1792. Treaties and purchases from the various Indian tribes, obtained control of the remainder of the lands in that part of the State, and, by 1796, the State owned all the land within its boundaries. Towns were laid off, land put upon the market, so that by the year 1800, the western part of the Keystone State was divided into eight counties, viz.. Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Warren, Venango and Armstrong. The ordinance relative to the survey and dis- posal of lands in the Northwest Territory has already been given. It was adhered to, save in minor cases, where necessity required a slight change. The reservations were recognized by Congi'ess, and the titles to them all confirmed to the grantees. Thus, Clarke and his men, the Connecticut Reserve, the Refugee lands, the French inhabitants, and all others holding patents to land from colonial or foreign governments, were all confirmed in their rights and protected in their titles. Before the close of 1796, the upper North- western posts were all vacated by the British, under the terms of Mr. Jay's treaty. Wayne at once transferred his headquarters to Detroit, where a county was named for him, including the north- western part of Ohio, the northeast of Indiana, and the whole of Michigan. The occupation of the Territory by the Ameri- cans gave additional impulse to emigration, and a better feeling of security to emigrants, who fol- lowed closely upon the path of the army. Na- thaniel Masf-ie, who has already been noticed as the founder of Manchester, laid out the town of Chillicothe, on the Scioto, in 1796. Before the close of the year, it contained several stores, shops, a tavern, and was well populated. With the increase of settlement and the security guar- anteed by the treaty of Greenville, the arts of civilized life began to appear, and their influence upon pioneers, especially those born on the frontier, tv ^1 -rf 5) 84 HISTOEY or OHIO. began to manifest itself. Better dwellings, schools, churches, dress and manners prevailed. Life began to assume a reality, and lost much of that recklessness engendered by the habits of a frontier life. Cleveland, Cincinnati, the Miami, the Mus- kingum and the Scioto Valleys were filling with people. Cincinnati had more than one hundred log cabins, twelve or fifteen frame houses and a population of more than six hundred persons. In 1796, the first house of worship for the Presby- terians in that city was built. Before the close of the same year, ManchcvSter contained over thirty families ; emigrants from Virginia were going up all the valleys from the Ohio; and Ebenezer Zane had opened a bridle- path from the Ohio River, at Wheeling, across the country, by Chillicothe, to Limestone, Ky. The next year, the United States mail, for the first time, traversed this route to the West. Zane was given a section of land for his path. The popu- lation of the Territory, estimated at from five to eight thousand, was chiefly distributed in lower valleys, bordering on the Ohio River. The French still occupied the Illinois country, and were the principal inhabitants about Detroit. South of the Ohio River, Kentucky was pro- gressing favorably, while the '' Southwestern Ter- ritory," ceded to the United States by North Carolina in 1790, had so rapidly populated that, in 1793, a Territorial form of government was allowed. The ordinance of 1787, save the clause prohibiting slavery, was adopted, and the Territory named Tennessee. On June 6, 179(3, the Terri- tory contained more than seventy-five thousand inhabitants, and was admitted into the Union as a State. Four years after, the census showed a population of 105,002 souls, including 13,584 slaves and persons of color. The same year Tennessee became a State, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the Redstone Paper Mill, four miles east of Brownsville, it being the first manufactory of the kind west of the Alle- ghanies. In the month of December, 1796, Gen. Wayne, who had done so much for the development of the West, while on his way from Detroit to Philadel- phia, was attacked with sickness and died in a cabin near Erie, in the north part of Pennsylvania, lie was nearly fifty-one years old, and was one of the bravest officers in the Revolutionary war, and one of America's truest patriots. In 1809, his remains were removed Irom Erie, by his sou, Col. Isaac Wayne, to the Radnor churchyard, near the place of his birth, and an elegant monument erected on his tomb by the Pennsylvania Cincinnati So- ciety. After the death of Wayne, Gen. Wilkinson was appointed to the command of the Western anny. While he was in command, Carondelet, the Spanish governcjr of West Florida and Louisiana, made one more effort to separate the Union, and set up either an independent government in the West, or, Avliat was more in accord with his wishes, effect a union with the Spanish nation. In June, 1797, he sent Power again into the Northwest and into Kentucky to sound the existing feeling. Now, however, they were not easily won over. The home government was a certainty, the breaches had been healed, and Power was compelled to abandon the mission , not, however, until he had received a severe reprimand from many who saw through his plan, and openly exposed it. His mission closed the eff'orts of the Spanish authorities to attempt the dismemljerment of the Union, and showed them the coming downfall of their power in Amer- ica. They wei'e obliged to surrender the posts claimed by the United States under the treaty of 1795, and not many years after, sold their Amer- ican possessions to the United States, rather than see a rival European power attain control over them. On the 7th of April, 1798, Congress passed an act, appointing Winthrop Sargent, Secretary of the Northwest Territory, Governor of the Territory of tlie INIississippi, formed the same day. In 1801, the boundary between America and the Spanish pos- sessions was definitely fixed. The Spanish retired from the disputed territory, and henceforward their attempts to dissolve the American Union ceased. The seat of the Mississippi Territory was fixed at Loftus Heights, six miles north of the thirty-first degree of latitude. The appointment of Sargent to the charge of the Southwest Territory, led to the choice of William Henry Harrison, who had been aid-de-camp to Gen. Wayne in 1794, and whose cliaracter stood very high among the people of the West, to the Secretaryship of the Northwest, which place he held until appointed to represent that Territory in Con- gress. _< f) HISTORY OF OHIO. 85 CHAPTER IX. FIRST TERRITORIAL REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS— DIVISION OF THE TERRITORY— FORMA- TION OF STATES— MARIETTA SETTLEMENT— OTHER SETTLEMENTS— SETTLEMENTS IN THE WESTERN RESERVE — SETTLEMENT OF THE CENTRAL VALLEYS- FURTHER SETTLEMENTS IN THE RESERVE AND ELSEWHERE. THE ordinance of 1787 provided that as soon as there were 5,000 persons in the Territory, it was entitled to a representative assembly. On October 29, 1798, Governor St. Clair gave notice by proclamation, that the required population ex- isted, and directed that an election be held on the third Monday in December, to choose representa- tives. These representatives were required, when assembled, to nominate ten persons, whose names were sent to the President of the United States, who selected five, and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appointed them for the legislative council. In this mode the Northwest passed into the second grade of a Territorial government. The representatives, elected under the proclama- tion of St. Clair, met in Cincinnati, January 22, 1799, and under the provisions of the ordinance of 1787, nominated ten persons, whose names were sent to the President. On the 2d of March, he selected from the list of candidates, the names of Jacob Burnet, James Findlay, Henry Vander- burgh, Robert Oliver and David Vance. The next day the Senate confirmed their nomination, and the first legislative council of the Northwest Territory was a reality. The Territorial Legislature met again at Cincin- nati, September 16, but, for want of a quorum, was not organized until the 24th of that month. The House of Representatives consisted of nine- teen members, of whom seven were from Hamilton County, four from Ross — erected by St. Clair in 1798; three from Wayne — erected in 1796; two from Adams — erected in 1797; one from Jeifer- son — erected in 1797 ; one from Washington — erected in 1788 ; and one from Knox — Indiana Territory. None seem to have been present from St. Clair County (Illinois Territory). After the organization of the Legislature, Gov- ernor St. Clair addressed the two houses in the Rep- resentatives' Chamber, recommending such meas- ures as, in his judgment, were suited to the con- dition of the country and would advance the safety and prosperity of the people. The Legislature continued in session till the 19th of December, when, having finished their business, they were prorogued by the Governor, by their own request, till the first Monday in November, 1800. This being the first session, there was, of necessity, a gTeat deal of business to do. The transition from a colonial to a semi-independent form of government, called for a general revision as well as a considerable enlargement of the stat- ute-book. Some of the adopted laws were re- pealed, many others altered and amended, and a long list of new ones added to the code. New offices were to be created and filled, the duties at- tached to thcai prescribed, and a plan of ways and means devised to meet the increased expenditures, occasioned by the change which had now occurred. As Mr. Burnet was the principal lawyer in the Council, much of the revision, and putting the laws into proper legal form, devolved upon him. He seems to have been well fitted for the place, and to have performed the laborious task in an excel- lent manner. The whole number of acts passed and approved by the Governor, was thirty-seven. The most im- portant related to the militia, the administration of justice, and to taxation. During the session, a bill authorizing a lottery was passed by the council, but rejected by the LegisUiture, thus interdicting this demoralizing feature of the disposal of lands or for other purposes. The example has always been followed by subsequent legislatures, thus honorably characterizing the Assembly of Ohio, in this re- spect, an example Kentucky and several other States might well emulate. Before the Assembly adjourned, they issued a congratulatory address to the people, enjoining them to " Inculcate the principles of humanity, benevolence, honesty and ])unctuality in dealing, sincerity and charity, and all the social afiections." At the same time, they issued an address to the President, expressing entire confidence in the wis- dom and purity of his government, and their warm attachment to the American Constitution. :^ 86 HISTOEY OF OHIO. The vote on this address proved, however, that the differences of opinion agitating the Eastern States had penetrated the West. Eleven Representatives voted for it, and five against it. One of the important duties that devolved on this Legislature, was the election of a delegate to Congress. As soon as the Governor's proclama- tion made its appearance, the election of a person to fill that position excited general attention. Be- fore the meeting of the Legislature public opinion had settled down on William Henry Harrison, and Arthur St. Clair, Jr., who eventually were the only candidates. On the 3d of October, the two houses met and proceeded to a choice. Eleven votes were cast for Harrison, and ten for St. Clair. The Leg- islature prescribed the form of a certificate of the election, which was given to Harrison, who at once resigned his office as Secretary of the Territory, proceeded to Philadelphia, and took his seat. Con- gress being then in session. " Though he represented the Territory but one year, " says Judge Burnett, in his notes, " he ob- tained some important advantages for his constitu- ents. He introduced a resolution to sub-divide the surveys of the public lands, and to offer them for sale in smaller tracts ; he succeeded in getting that measure through both houses, in opposition to the intei-est of speculators, who were, and who wished to be, the retailers of the land to the poorer classes of the community. His proposition be- came a law, and was hailed as the most beneficent act that Congress had ever done for the Territory. It put in the power of every industrious man, how- ever poor, to become a freeholder, and to lay a foundation for the future support and comfort of his family. At the same session, he obtained a liberal extension of time for the pre-emptioners in the northern part of the Miami purchase, which enabled them to secure their farms, and eventually to become independent, and even wealthy." The first session, as has been noticed, closed December 19. Gov. St. Clair took occasion to enumerate in his speech at the close of the session, eleven acts, to which he saw fit to apply his veto. These he had not, however, returned to the Assem- bly, and thereby saved a long struggle between the executive and legislative branches of the Territory. Of the eleven acts enumerated, six related to the formation of new counties. These were mainly disproved by St Clair, as he always sturdily main- tained that the power to erect new counties was vested alone in the Executive. This free exercise of the veto power, especially in relation to new counties, and his controversy with the Legislature, tended only to strengthen the popular discontent regarding the Governor, who was never fully able to regain the standing he held before his in- glorious defeat in his campaign against the Indians. While this was being agitated, another question came into prominence. Ultimately, it settled the powers of the two branches of the government, and caused the removal of St. Clair, then very distasteful to the people. The opening of the present century brought it fully before the people, who began to agitate it in all their assemblies. The great extent of the Territory made the operations of government extremely uncertain, and the power of the courts practically worthless. Its division was, therefore, deemed best, and a committee was appointed by Congress to inquire into the matter. This committee, the 3d of March, 1800, reported upon the subject that, "In the three western counties, there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes in five years. The immunity which offenders experience, attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and aban- doned criminals, and, at the same time, deters useful and virtuous citizens from making settle- ments in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assistance is experienced in civil as well as criminal cases. The supplying to vacant places such necessary officers as may be wanted, such as clerks, recorders and others of like kind, is, from the impossibility of correct notice and information, utterly neglected. This Territory is exposed as a frontier to foreign nations, whose agents can find sufficient interest in exciting or fomenting insurrection and discontent, as thereby they can more easily divert a valuable trade in furs from the United States, and also have a part thereof on which they border, which feels so little the cherishing hand of their proper gov- ernment, or so little dreads its energy, as to render their attachment perfectly uncertain and am- biguous. " The committee would further suggest, that the law of the 3d of March, 1791, granting land to certain persons in the western part of said Ter- ritory, and directing the laying-out of the same, remains unexecuted; that great discontent, in consequence of such neglect, is excited in those who are interested in the provisions of said laws, which require the immediate attention of this Legislature. To minister a remedy to these evils, it occurs to this committee, that it is expedient :7: -^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 8T that a division of said Territory into two distinct and separate governments should be made ; and that such division be made by a Una beginning at the mouth of the great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." * The recommendations of the committee were favorably received by Congress, and, the 7th of jMay, an act was passed dividing the Ter- ritory. The main provisions of the act are as follows : " That, from and after the 4th of July next, all that part of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it intersects the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of tem- porary government, constitute a separate Territory, and be called the Indiana Territory. "There shall be established within the said Ter- ritory a government, in all respects similar to that provided by the ordinance of Congress passed July 13, 1797." t The act further provided for representatives, and for the establishment of an assembly, on the same plan as that in force in the Northwest, stipulating that until the number of inhabitants reached five thousand, the whole number of representatives to the Greneral Assembly should not be less than seven, nor more than nine ; apportioned by the Governor among the several counties in the new Terri- tory. The act further provided that " nothing in the act should be so construed, so as in any manner to affect the government now in force in the terri- tory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, further than to prohibit the exercise thereof within the Indiana Territory, from and after the aforesaid 4th of July next. " Whenever that part of the territory of the United States, which lies to the eastward of a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, and running thence due north to the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall be erected into an independent State, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the orig- inal States ; thenceforth said line shall become and remain permanently, the boundary line between such State and the Indiana Territory." *AniPri'-an State Papers. fLand Laws. It was further enacted, " that, until it shall be otherwise enacted by the legislatures of the said tei'ritories, respectively, Chillicothe, on the Scioto River, shall be the seat of government of the ter- ritory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River; and that St. Vincent's, on the Wabash River, shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." * St. Clair was continued as Governor of the old Territory, and William Henry Harrison appointed Governor of the new. Connecticut, in ceding her territory in the West to the Genei'al Government, reserved a portion, known as the Connecticut Reserve. When she afterward disposed of her claim in the manner narrated, the citizens found themselves without any government on which to lean for support. At that time, settlements had begun in thirty-five of the townships into which the Reserve had been divided ; one thousand persons had established homes there ; mills had been built, and over seven hundred miles of roads opened. In 1800, the settlers petitioned for acceptance into the Union, as a part of the Northwest ; and, the mother State releasing her judi- ciary claims. Congress accepted the ti-ust, and granted the request. In December, of that year, the population had so increased that the county of Trumbull was erected, including the Reserve. Soon after, a large number of settlers came from Pennsylvania, from which State they had been driven by the dispute concerning land titles in its western part. Unwilling to cultivate land to which they could only get a doubtful deed, they abandoned it, and came where the titles were sure. Congress having made Chillicothe the capital of the Northwest Territory, as it now existed, on the 3d of November the General Assembly met at that place. Gov. St. Clair had been made to feel the odium cast upon his previous acts, and, at the open- ing of this session, expressed, in strong terms, his disapprobation of the censure cast upon him. He had endeavored to do his duty in all cases, he said, and yet held the confidence of the President and Congress. He still held the office, notwithstanding the strong dislike against him. At the second session of the Assembly, at Chil- licothe, held in the autumn of 1801, so much out- spoken enmity wa-s expressed, and so much abuse heaped upon the Governor and the Assembly, that a law was passed, removing the capital to Cincinnati * Land Laws. :^ X HISTORY OF OHIO. again. It was not destined, however, that the Territorial Assembly should meet again anywhere. The unpopularity of the Governor caused many to long for a State government, where they could choose their own rulers. The unpopularity of St. Clair arose partly from the feeling connected with his defeat ; in part from his being connected with the Federal party, fast falling into disrepute; and, in part, from his assuming powers which most thought he had no right to exercise, especially the power of subdividing the counties of the Terri- tory. The opposition, though powerful out of the Assembly, was in the minority there. During the month of December, 1801, it was forced to protest against a measure brought forward in the Council, for changing the ordinance of 1787 in such a man- ner as to make the Scioto, and a line drawn from the intersection of that I'iver and the Indian boundary to the western extremity of the Reserve, the limits of the most eastern State, to be formed from the Territory. Had this change been made, the formation of a State government beyond the Ohio would have been long delayed. Against it, IleprcsentativesWortliington,Langham, Darlington, Massie, Dunlavy and Morrow, recorded their pro- test. Not content with this, they sent Thomas Worthington, who obtained a leave of absence, to the seat of government, on behalf of the objectors, there to protest, before Congress, against the pro- posed boundary. While Worthington was on his way, Massie presented, the 4th of January, 1802, a resolution for choosing a committee to address Congress in respect to the proposed State govern- ment. This, the next day, the House refused to do, by a vote of twelve to five. An attempt was next made to procure a census of the Ter- ritory, and an act for that purpose passed the House, but the Council postponed the considera- tion of it until the next session, which would com- mence at Cincinnati, the fourth iMonday of No- vember. Meanwhile, Worthington pursued the ends of his mission, vising his influence to effect that organ- ization, "which, terminating the influence of tyr- anny," was to "meliorate the circumstances of thou- sands, by freeing them from the domination of a despotic chief" His efforts wore siiccessful, and, the -Ith of March, a report was made to the House in favor of authorizing a State convention. This report was based on the assumption that there were now over sixty thousand inhabitants in the proposed boundaries, estimating that emigration had increased the census of 1800, which gave the Ter- ritory forty-five thousand inhabitants, to that num- ber. The convention was to ascertain whether it were expedient to form such a government, and to prepare a constitution if such organization were deemed best. In the formation of the State, a change in the boundaries was proposed, by which all the territory north of a line drawn due east from the head of Lake Michigan to Lake Ei'ie was to be excluded from the new government about to be called into existence. The committee appointed by Congress to report upon the feasibility of forming the State, suggested that Congress reserve out of every township sections numbered 8, 11, 26 and 29. for their own use, and that Section 16 be reserved for the maintenance of schools. The committee also suggested, that, "religion, education and morality being necessary to the good government and happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged." Various other recommendations were given by the committee, in accordance with which, Congress, April 30, passed the resolution authorizing the calling of a convention. As tliis accorded with the feelings of the majority of the inhabitants of the Northwest, no opposition was experienced ; even the Legislature giving way to this embryo gov- ernment, and failing to assemble according to ad- journment. The convention met the 1st of November. Its aiembers were generally Jeffersonian in their na- tional politics, and had been opposed to the change of boundaries proposed the year before. Before proceeding to business. Gov. St. Clair proposed to address them in his official character. This propo- sition was resisted by several of the members; but, after a motion, it was agreed to allow him to speak to them as a citizen. St. Clair did so, advising the postponement of a State government until the people of the original eastern division were plainly entitled to demand it, and were not subject to be bovind by conditi(ms. This advice, given as it was, caused Jefferson instantly to remove St. Clair, at which time his office ceased.* "When the vote was taken," says Judge Burnet, "upon doing what * After thiH, St. Clair returned to his old home in the Ligonier Valley, Pennsylviinia, where ho lived with his children in alnio-st abject poverty. He had lost, money in his jmblic life, as he gave close attention to public affairs, to the detriment of his own business. He presented a claim to Congress, afterward, for supplies furnished to the army, but the cbiira was outlawed. After trying in vain to get the claim allowed, he returned to his home. Pennsylvania, le!jrning of his distress, granted him an annuity of $.350, afterward raised to S'>'^0. He lived to enjoy this but a short time, his death occurring August 31, 1818. He was eighty-four years of age. "7" ±^ HISTOKY OF OHIO. 89 he advised them not to do, but one of thirty-three (Ephraim Cutler, of Washington County) voted with the Grovernor." On one point only were the proposed boundaries of the new State altered. " To every person who has attended to this sub- ject, and who has consulted the maps of the West- ern country extant at the time the ordinance of 1787 was passed, Lake Michigan was believed to bo, and was represented by all the maps of that day as being, very far north of the position which it has since been ascertained to occupy. I have seen the map in the Department of State which was before the committee of Congress who framed and reported the ordinance for the government of the Territory. On that map, the southern bound- ary of Michigan was represented as being above the forty-second degree of north latitude. And there was a pencil line, said to have been made by the committee, passing through the southern bend of the lake to the Canada line, which struck the strait not far below the town of Detroit. The line was manifestly intended by the committee and by Congress to be the northern boundary of our State; and, on the principles by which courts of chancery construe contracts, accompanied by plats, it would seem that the map, and the line referred to, should be conclusive evidence of our boundary, without reference to the real position of the lakes. "When the convention sat, in 1802, the under- derstanding was, that the old maps were nearly correct, and that the line, as defined in the ordi- nance, would terminate at some point on the strait above the Maumee Bay. While the convention was in session, a man who had hunted many years on Lake Michigan, and was well acquainted with its position, happened to be in Chillicothe, and, in conversation with one of the members, told him that the lake extended much farther south than was generally supposed, and that a map of the country which he had seen, placed its southern bend many miles north of its true position. This information excited some uneasiness, and induced the convention to modify the clause describing the north boundary of the new State, so as to guard against its being depressed below the most north- ern cape of the Maumee Bay."* With this change and some extension of the school and road donations, the convention agreed to the proposal of Congress, and, November 29, * Historical Transactions of Ohio, — Judof, Burnett. their agreement was ratified and signed, as was also the constitution of the State of Ohio — so named from its river, called by the Shawanees Ohio, meaning beautiful — forming its southern bound- ary. Of this nothing need be said, save that it bore the marks of true democratic feeling — of full faith in the people. By them, however, it was never voted for. It stood firm until 1852, when it was superseded by the present one, made neces- sary by the advance of time. The General Assembly was required to meet at Chillicothe, the first Tuesday of March, 1803. Tins change left the territory northwest of the Ohio River, not included in the new State, in the Territories of Indiana and Michigan. Subse- quently, in 181G, Indiana was made a State, and confined to her present limits. Illinois was made a Territory then, including Wisconsin. In 1818, it became a State, and Wisconsin a Territory at- tached to Michigan. This latter was made a State in 1837, and Wisconsin a separate Territory, which, in 1847, was made a State. Minnesota was made a Territory the same year, and a State in 1857, and the five contemplated States of the territory were complete. Preceding pages have shown how the territory north of the Ohio E-iver was peopled by the French and English, and how it came under the rule of the American people. The war of the Revolution closed in 1783, and left all America in the hands of a new nation. That nation brought a change. Before the war, various attempts had been made by residents in New England to people the country west of the Alleghanies. Land com- panies were formed, principal among which were the Ohio Company, and the company of which John Cleves Symmes was the agent and chief owner. Large tracts of land on the Scioto and on the Ohio were entered. The Ohio Company were the first to make a settlement. It was or- ganized in the autumn of 1787, November 27. They made arrangements for a party of forty-seven men to set out for the West under the supervision of Gen. Rufus Putnam, Superintendent of the Com- pany. Early in the winter they advanced to the Youghiogheny River, and there built a strong boat, which they named "Mayflower." It was built by Capt. Jonathan Devol, the first ship-builder in the West, and, when completed, was placed under his command. The boat was launched x\pril 2, 1788, and the band of pioneers, like the Pilgrim Fathers, began their voyage. The 7th of the month, they arrived at the mouth of the Muskingum, 90 HISTORY OF OHIO. their destination, opposite Fort Harmar,* erected in the autumn of 1785, by a detachment of United States troops, under command of Maj. John Doughty, and, at the date of the Mayflower's arrival in possession of a company of soldiers. Under the protection of these troops, the little band of men began their labor of laying out a town, and commenced to erect houses for their own and subsequent emigrants' occupation. The names of these pioneers of Ohio, as far as can now be learned, are as follows: Gen. Putnam, Return Jonathan Meigs, Win- throp Sargeant (Secretary of the Territory ), Judges Parsons and Varnum, Capt. Dana, Capt. Jonathan Devol, Joseph Barker, Col. Battelle, Maj. Tyler, Dr. True, Capt. Wm. Gray, Capt. Lunt, the Bridges, Ebenezer and Thomas Cory, Andrew Mc- Clurc, Wm. Mason, Thomas Lord, Wm. Gridley, Gilbert Devol, Moody Russels, Deavens, Oakes, Wright, Clough, Green, Shipman, Dorance, the Masons, and others, whose names are now be- yond recall. On the 19th of July, the first boat of families arrived, after a nine-weeks journey on the way. They had traveled in their wagons as f\ir as Wheel- ing, where they built large flat-boats, into which they loaded their efiects, including their cattle, and thence passed down the Ohio to their destination. The families were those of Gen. Tupper, Col. Ichabod Nye, Col. Cushing, Maj. Coburn, and Maj. Goodale. In these titles the reader will ob- serve the preponderance of military distinction. Many of the founders of the colony had served with much valor in the war for freedom, and were well prepared for a life in the wilderness. They began at once the construction of houses from the forests about the confluence of the rivers, guarding their stock by day and penning it by night. Wolves, bears and Indians were all about them, and, here in the remote wilderness, they were obliged to always be on their guard. From the ground where they obtained the timber to erect their houses, they soon produced a few vegetables, and when the families arrived in August, they were able to set before them food raised for the ♦The outlines of Fort Harmar formed a regular pentagon, embracing within the area about three-fourths of an acre. Its walls were formed of large horizontal timbers, and the bastions of large uprighttimberaaboutfourteen feet in height, fastened to each other by strips of timber, tree-nailed into each picket. In the rear of the fort Maj. Doughty laid out fine gardens. It continued to be occupied by United States troops until September 1700, when they were ordered to Cincinnati. A company, under Capt. Haskell, continued to raako the fort their headquarters during the Indian war, occasionally assisting the colonists at Marietta, Belpre and Waterford against the Indians. When not needed by the troops, the fort was used by the people of Marietta. first time by the hand of American citizens in the Ohio Valley. One of those who came in August, was Mr. Thomas Guthrie, a settler in one of the western counties of Pennsylvania, who brought a bushel of wheat, which he sowed on a plat of ground cleared by himself, and from which that fall he procured a small crop of wheat, the first grown in the State of Ohio. The Marietta settlement was the only one made that summer in the Territory. From their arrival until October, when Governor St. Clair came, they were busily employed making houses, and prepar- ing for the winter. The little colony, of which Washington wrote so favorably, met on the 2d day of July, to name their newborn city and its pub- lic sqares. Until now it had been known as " The Muskingum" simply, but on that day the name Marietta was formally given to it, in honor of Ma- rie Antoinette. The 4th of July, an ovation was held, and an oration delivered by James M. Var- num, who, with S. H. Parsons and John Arm- strong, had been appointed Judges of the Terri- tory. Thus, in the heart of the wilderness, miles away from any kindred post, in the forests of the Great West, was the Tree of Liberty watered and given a hearty growth. On the morning of the 9th of July, Governor St. Clair arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The ordinance of 1787 had provided for a form of government under the Governor and the three Judges, and this form was at once put into force. The 25th, the first law relating to the militia was published, and the next day the Gov- ernor's proclamation appeared, creating all the country that had been ceded by the Indians, east of the Scioto River, into the county of Washing- ton, and the civil machinery was in motion. From that time forward, this, the pioneer settlement in Ohio, went on prosperously. The 2d of Septem- ber, the first court in the Territory was held, but as it related to the Territory, a narrative of its pro- ceedings will be found in the history of that part of the country, and need not be repeated here. The 15th of July, Gov. St. Clair had published the ordinance of 1787, and the commissions of himself and the three Judges. He also assembled the people of the settlement, and explained to them the ordinance in a speech of considerable length. Three days after, he sent a notice to the Judges, calling their attention to the subject of organizing the militia. Instead of attending to this important matter, and thus providing for their safety should trouble with the Indians arise, the HISTORY OF OHIO. 91 Judges did not even reply to the Governor's letter, but sent him what they called a "project" of a law for dividing real estate. The bill was so loosely drawn that St. Clair immediately rejected it, and set about organizing the militia himself. He divided the militia into two classes, "Senior" and "Junior," and organized them by appointing their officers. In the Senior Class, Nathan Cushing was ap- pointed Captain; George Ingersol, Lieutenant, and James Backus, Ensign. In the Junior Class, Nathan Groodale and Charles Knowls were made Captains ; Watson Casey and Samuel Stebbins, Lieutenants, and Joseph Lincoln and Arnold Colt, Ensigns. The Governor next erected the Courts of Pro- bate and Quarter Sessions, and proceeded to ap- point civil officers. Rufus Putnam, Benjamin Tupper and Winthrop Sargeant were made Jus- tices of the Peace. The 30th of August, the day the Court of Quarter Sessions was appointed, Archibald Cary, Isaac Pierce and Thomas Lord were also appointed Justices, and given power to hold this court. They were, in fact. Judges of a Court of Common Pleas. Return Jonathan Meigs was appointed Clerk of this Court of Quarter Sessions. Ebenezer Sproat was appointed Sheriff of Wa.shington County, and also Colonel of the militia; William Callis, Clerk of the Supreme Court; Rufus Putnam, Judge of the Probate Court, and R. J. Meigs, Jr., Clerk. Following these appoint- ments, setting the machinery of government in motion, St. Clair ordered that the 25th of Decem- ber be kept as a day of thanksgiving by the infant colony for its safe and propitious beginning. During the fall and winter, the settlement was daily increased by emigrants, so much so, that the greatest difficulty was experienced in finding them lodging. During the coldest part of the winter, when ice covered the river, and prevented navi- gation, a delay in arrivals was experienced, only to be broken as soon as the river opened to the beams of a spring sun. While locked in the winter's embrace, the colonists amused themselves in vari- ous ways, dancing being one of the most promi- nent. At Christmas, a grand ball was held, at which there were fifteen ladies, "whose grace," says a narrator, "equaled any in the East." Though isolated in the wilderness, they knew a brilliant prospect lay before them, and lived on in a joyous hope for the future. Soon after their arrival, the settlers began the erection of a stockade fort (Campus Martius), which occupied their time until the winter cf 1791. During the interval, fortunately, no hos- tilities from the Indians were experienced, though they were abundant, and were frequent visitors to the settlement. From a communication in the American Pioneer, by Dr. S. P. Hildreth, the following description of Campus Martius is derived. As it will apply, in a measure, to many early structures for defense in the West, it is given entire : " The fort was made in the form of a regular parallelogram, the sides of each being 180 feet. At each corner was erected a strong block-house, surmounted by a tower, and a sentry box. These houses were twenty feet square below and twenty- four feet square above, and projected six feet be- yond the walls of the fort. The intermediate walls were made up with dwelling-houses, made of wood, whose ends were whip-sawed into timbers four inches thick, and of the requisite width and length. These were laid up similar to the structure of log houses, with the ends nicely dove-tailed together. The whole were two stories high , and covered with shingle roofs. Convenient chimneys were erected of bricks, for cooking, and warming the rooms. A number of the dwellings were built and owned by individuals who had families. In the west and south fronts were strong gateways ; and over the one in the center of the front looking to the Mus- kingum River, was a belfry. The chamber beneath was occupied by Winthrop Sargeant, as an office, he being Secretary to the Governor, and perform- ing the duties of the office during St. Clair's ab- sence. This room projected over the gateway, like a block-house, and was intended for the protection of the gate beneath, in time of an assault. At the outer corner of each block-house was erected a bastion, standing on four stout timbers. The floor of the bastion was a little above the lower story of the block -house. They were square, and built up to the height of a man's head, so that, when he looked over, he stepped on a narrow platform or " banquet " running around the sides of the bulwark. Port-holes were made, for musketry as well as for artillery, a single piece of which was mounted in the southwest and northeast bastions. In these, the sentries were regularly posted every night, as more convenient than the towers ; a door leading into them from the upper story of the block-houses. The lower room of the southwest block-house was occupied as a guard-house. " Running from corner to corner of the block- houses was a row of palisades, sloping outward. ~~® ^ 92 HISTORY OF OHIO. and resting on stout rails. Twenty feet in advance of these, was a row of very strong and large pick- ets, set upright in the earth. Gateways through these, admitted the inmates of the garrison. A few feet beyond the row of outer palisades was placed a row of abattis, made from the tops and branches of trees, sharpened and pointing outward, so that it would have been very difficult for an enemy to have penetrated within their outworks. The dwelling-houses occupied a space from fifteen to thirty feet each, and were sufficient for the ac- commodation of forty or fifty families, and did actually contain from two hundred to three hun- dred persons during the Indian war. " Before the Indians commenced hostilities, the block-houses were occupied as follows : The south- west one, by the family of Gov. St. Clair ; the northeast one as an office fur the Directors of the Company. The area within the walls was one hundred and forty-four feet square, and afi'orded a fine parade ground. In the center, was a well eighty feet in depth, for the supply of water to the inhabitants, in case of a siege. A large sun-dial stood for many years in the square, placed on a handsome post, and gave note of the march of time. " After the war commenced, a regular military corps was organized, and a guard constantly kept night and day. The whole establishment formed a very strong work, and reflected great credit on the head that planned it. It was in a manner im- pregnable to the attacks of Indians, and none but a regular army with cannon could have reduced it. The Indians possessed no such an armament. " The garrison stood on the verge of that beauti- ful plain overlooking the Muskingum, on which are seated those celebrated remains of antiquity, erected probably for a similar purpose — the defense of the inhabitants. The ground descends into shal- low ravines on the north and south sides ; on the west is an abrupt descent to the river bottoms or alluvium, and the east passed out to a level plain. On this, the ground was cleared of trees beyond the reach of rifle shots, so as to affiird no shelter to a hidden foe. Extensive fields of corn were grown in the midst of the standing girdled trees be- yond, in after years. The front wall of palisades was about one hundred and fifty yards from the Muskingum River. The ajipearance of the fort from without was imposing, at a little distance re- sembling the military castles of the feudal ages. Between the outer palisades and the river were laid out neat gardens for the use of Gov. St. Clair and his Secretary, with the officers of the Com- pany. " Opposite the fort, on the shore of the river, was built a substantial timber wharf, at which was moored a fine cedar barge for twelve rowers, built by Capt. Jonathan Devol, for Gen. Putnam ; a number of pii'ogues, and the light canoes of the country ; and last, not least, the Mayflower, or ' Adventure Galley,' in which the first detach- ments of colonists were transported from the shores of the ' Yohiogany ' to the banks of the Muskingum. In these, especially the canoes, during the war, most of the communications were carried on between the settlements of the Company and the more re- mote towns above on the Ohio River. Traveling by land was very hazardous to any but the rangers or spies. There were no roads, nor bridges across the creeks, and, for many years after the war had ceased, the traveling was nearly all done by canoes on the river." Thus the first settlement of Ohio provided for its safety and comfort, and provided also for that of emigrants who came to share the toils of the wilderness. The next spring, the influx of emigration was so great that other settlements were determined, and hence arose the colonies of Belpre, Waterford and Duck Creek, where they began to clear land, sow and plant crops, and build houses and stockades. At Belpre (French for "beautiful meadow"), were built three stockades, the upper, lower and middle, the last of which was called " Farmers' Castle," and stood on the banks of the Ohio, nearly oppo- site an island, afterward famous in Western history as Blennerhasset's Island, the scene of Burr's con- spiracy. Among the persons settling at the upper stockade, were Capts. Dana and Stone, Col. Bent, William Browning, Judge Foster, John Rowse, Israel Stone and a Mr. Keppel. At the Farmers' Castle, were Cols. Gushing and Fisher, Maj. Has- kell, Aaron Waldo Putnam, Mr. Sparhawk, and, it is believed, George and Israel Putnam, Jr. At the lower, were Maj. Goodale, Col. Rice, Esquire Pierce, Judge Israel Loring, Deacon Miles, Maj. Bradford and Mr. Goodenow. In the summer of 1789, Col. Ichabod Nye and some others, built a block-house at Newberry, below Belpre. Col. Nye sold his lot there to Aaron W. Clough, who, with Stephen Guthrie, Joseph Leavins, Joel Oakes, ]^]leazer Curtis, JVIr. Denham J. Littleton and Mr. Brown, was located at that place. "Every exertion possible," says Dr. Hildreth, who has preserved the above names and incidents, HISTORY" OF OHIO. 93 "for men in these circumstances, was made to se- cure food for future difficulties. Col. Oliver, 3Iuj. Hatfield White and John Dod^ IIISTOKY OF OHIO. 119 ren. Only a short time, however, was it allowed to retain this size, as the increase in emigration rendered it necessary to erect new counties, which was rapidly done, especially on the adoption c " the State government. The county is rich in early history, prior to its settlement by the Americans. It was the home of the celebrated Mingo chief, Logan, who resid id awhile at an old Mingo town, a few miles below t le site of Steubenville, the place where the troo )s under Col. WilHamson rendezvoused on their i i- famous raid against the Moravian Indians ; ar d also where Col. Crawford and his men met, whf n starting on their unfortunate expedition. In the Reserve, settlements were often made remote from populous localities, in accordance with the wish of a proprietor, who might own a tract of country twenty or thirty miles in the interior. In the present county of Geauga, three families located at Burton in 1798. They lived at a considerable distance from any other settlement for some time, and were greatly inconvenienced for the want of mills or shops. As time progressed, however, these were brought nearer, or built in their midst, and, ere long, almost all parts of the Reserve could show some settlement, even if isolated. The next year, 1799, settlements were made at Ravenna, Deerfield and Palmyra, in Portage County. Hon. Benjamin Tappan came to the site of Ravenna in June, at which time he found one white man, a Mr. Honey, living there. At this date, a solitary log cabin occupied the sites of Buffalo and Cleveland. On his journey from New England, My. Tappan fell in with David Hudson, the founder of the Hudson settlement in Summit County. After many days of travel, they landed at a prairie in Summit County. Mr. Tappan left his goods in a cabin, built for the purpose, under the care of a hired man, and went on his way, cutting a road to the site of Ravenna, where his land lay. On his return for a second load of goods, they found the cabin deserted, and evidences of its plunder by the In- dians. Not long after, it was learned that the man left in charge had gone to Mr. Hudson's settle- ment, he having set out immediately on his arrival, for his own land. Mr. Tappan gathered the re- mainder of his goods, and started back for Ravenna. On his way one of his oxen died, and he found himself in a vast forest, away from any habitation, and with one dollar in money. He did not falter a moment, but sent his hired man, a faithful fellow, to Erie, Penn., a distance of one hundred miles through the wilderness, with the compass for his guide, requesting from Capt. Lyman, the com- mander at the fort there, a loan of money. At the same time, he followed the township lines to Youngstown, where he became acquainted with Col. James Hillman, who did not hesitate to sell him an ox on credit, at a fair price. He returned to his load in a few days, found his ox all right, hitched the two together and went on. He was soon joined by his hired man, with the money, and together they spent the winter in a log cabin. He gave his man one hundred acres of land as a reward, and paid Col. Hillman for the ox. In a year or two he had a prosperous settlement, and when the county was erected in 1807, Ravenna was made the seat of justice. About the same time Mr. Tappan began his settlement, others were commenced in other locali- ties in this county. Early in May, 1799, Lewis Day and his son Horatio, of Granby, Conn., and Moses Tibbals and Green Frost, of Granville, Mass., left their homes in a one-horse wagon, and, the 29th of May, arrived in what is now Deerfield Township. Theirs was the first wagon that had ever penetrated farther westward in this region than Canfield. The country west of that, place had been an unbroken wilderness until within a few days. Capt. Caleb Atwater, of Wallingford, Conn., had hired some men to open a road to Township No. 1, in the Seventh Range, of which he was the owner. This road passed through Deerfield, and was completed to that place when the party arrived at the point of their destination. These emigrants selected sites, and commenced clearing the land. In July, Lewis Ely arrived from Granville, and wintered here, while those who came first, and had made their improvements, returned East. The 4th of March, 1800, Alva Day (son of Lewis Day), John Campbell and Joel Thrall arrived. In April, George and Rob- ert Taylor and James Laughlin, fi-om Pennsylvania, with their families, came. Mr. Laughlin built a grist-mill, which was of great convenience to the settlers. July 29, Lewis Day returned with his family and his brother-in-law, Maj. Rogers, who, the next year, also brought his family. " Much suffering was experienced at first on account of the scarcity of provisions. They were chiefly supplied from the settlements east of the Ohio River, the nearest of which was Georgetown, forty miles away. The provisions were brought on pack-horses through the wilderness. August 22, Mrs. Alva Day gave birth to a child — a fe- male — the first child born in the township. ±i^ 120 HISTORY OF OHIO. November 7, the first wedding took place. John Campbell and Sarah Ely were joined in wedlock by Calvin Austin, Esq., of Warren. He was accompanied from Warren, a distance of twenty- seven miles, by Mr. Pease, then a lawyer, after- ward a well-known Judge. They came on foot, there being no road; and, as they threaded their way through the woods, young Pease taught the Justice the marriage ceremony by oft repetition. " In 1802, Franklin Township was organized, em- bracing all of Portage and parts of Trumbull and Summit Counties. About this time the settlement received accessions from all parts of the East. In February, 1801, Rev. Badger came and began his labors, and two years later Dr. Shadrac Bostwick organized a Methodist Episcopal church.* The remaining settlement in this county. Palmyra, was begun about the same time as the others, by David Daniels, from Salisbury, Conn. The next year he brought out his family. Soon after he was joined by E. N. and W. Bacon, E. Cutler, A. Thurber, A. Preston, N. Bois, J. T. Baldwin, T. and C. Gilbert, D. A. and S. Waller, N. Smith, Joseph Fisher, J. Tuttle and others. " When this region was first settled, there was an Indian trail commencing at Fort Mcintosh (Beaver, Penn.), and extending westward to San- dusky and Detroit. The trail followed the highest ground. Along the trail, parties of Indians were frequently seen passing, for several years after the whites came. It seemed to be the great aboriginal thoroughfare from Sandusky to the Ohio River. There were several large piles of stones on the trail in this locality, under which human skeletons have been discovered. These are supposed to be the remains of Indians slain in war, or murdered by their enemies, as tradition says it is an Indian custom for each one to cast a stone on the grave of an enemy, whenever he passes by. These stones appear to have been picked up along the trail, and cast upon the heaps at diiFerent times. "At the point where this trail crosses Silver Creek, Fredrick Daniels and others, in 1814, dis- covered, painted on several trees, various devices, evidently the work of Indians. The bark was carefully shaved off two-thirds of the way around, and figures cut upon the wood. On one of these was delineated seven Indians, equipped in a par- ticular manner, one of whom was without a head. This was supposed to have been made by a party on their return westward, to give intelligence to * Howe's Collections. their friends behind, of the loss of one of their party at this place ; and, on making search, a hu- man skeleton was discovered near by." * The celebrated Indian hunter, Brady, made his remarkable leap across the Cuyahoga, in this county. The county also contains Brady's Pond, a large sheet of water, in which he once made his escape from the Indians, from which circumstance it received its name. The locality comprised in Clark County was settled the same summer as those in Summit County. John Humphries came to this part of the State with Gen. Simon Kenton, in 1799. With them came six families from Kentucky, who settled north of the site of Springfield. A fort was erected on Mad River, for security against the In- dians. Fourteen cabins were soon built near it, all being surrounded by a strong picket fence. David Lowery, one of the pioneers here, built the first flat-boat, to operate on the Great Miami, and, in 1800, made the first trip on that river, coming down from Dayton. He took his boat and cargo on down to New Orleans, where he disposed of his load of " five hundred venison hams and bacon." Springfield was laid out in March, 1801. Griffith Foos, who came that spring, built a tavern, which he completed and opened in June, remaining in this place till 1814. He often stated that when emigrating West, his party were four days and a half getting from Franklinton, on the Scioto, to Springfield, a distance of forty-two miles. When crossing the Big Darby, they were obliged to carry all their goods over on horseback, and then drag their wagons across with ropes, while some of the party swam by the side of the wagon, to prevent its upsetting. The site of the town was of such practical beauty and utility, that it soon attracted a large number of settlers, and, in a few years, Springfield was incorporated. In 1811, a church was built by the residents for the use of all denom- inations. Clark County is made famous in aboriginal history, as the birthplace and childhood home of the noted Indian, Tecumseh."}" He was born in * Howe's Collections. f Tecumseh, or Tecumshe, was a son of Puckeshinwa, a member of the Kiscopoke tribe, and Methoataske, of the Turtle tribe of the Shawanee nation. They removed from Florida to Ohio soon after their marriage. The father, Puckeshinwa, rose to the rank of a chief, and fell at the battle of Point Pleasant, in 1774. After his death, the mother, Methoata-ke, returned to the south, where she died at an advanced age. Tecum°eh was born about the year 1768. He early showsd a passion for war, and, when only 27 years of age, was made a chief. The next year he removed to Deer Creek, in the vicinity of Urbana. and from there to the site of Piqua, on the Great Miami. In 1798 he accepted the invitation of the Delawares in the vicinity of White River, Indiana, and from that time made '.^- HISTORY OF OHIO. 121 the old Indian town of Piqua, the ancient Piqua of the Shawanees, on the north side of Mad River, about five miles west of Springfield. The town was destroyed by the Kentucky Rangers under Gen. (xeorge Rogers Clarke in 1780, at the same time he destroyed " Old Chillicothe." Immense fields of standing corn about both towns were cut down, compelling the Indians to resort to the hunt with more than ordinary vigor, to sustain them- selves and their wives and children. This search insured safety for some time on the borders. The site of Cadiz, in Harrison County, was settled in April, 1799, by Alexander Henderson and his family, from Washington County, Penn. When they arrived, they found neighbors in the persons of Daniel Peterson and his family, who lived near the forks of Short Creek, and who had preceded them but a very short time. The next year, emi- grants began to cross the Ohio in great numbers, and in five or six years large settlements could be seen in this part of the State. The county was erected in 1814, and Cadiz, laid out in 1803, made the county seat. While the settlers were locating in and about Cadiz, a few families came to what is now Monroe County, and settled near the present town of Beallsville. Shortly after, a few persons settled on the Clear Fork of the Little IMuskingum, and a few others on the east fork of Duck Creek. The next season all these settlements received addi- tions and a few other localities were also occupied. Before long the town of Beallsville was laid out, and in time became quite populous. The county was not erected until 1813, and in 1815 Woodsfield was laid out and made the seat of justice. The opening of the season of 1800 — the dawn of a new century — saw a vast emigration west ward. Old settlements in Ohio received immense increase of emigrants, while, branching out in all directions like the radii of a circle, other settle- ments were constantly formed until, in a few years, all parts of the State knew the presence of the white man. Towns sprang into existence here and there ; mills and factories were erected; post ofiices and post-routes were established, and the comforts and conveniences of life began to appear. With this came the desire, so potent to the mind of all American citizens, to rule themselves through representatives chosen by their own votes. Hith- erto, they had been ruled by a Governor and Judges appointed by the President, who, in turn, appointed county and judicial officers. The arbitrary rulings of the Governor, St. Clair, had arrayed the mass of the people against him, and made the desire for the second grade of government stronger, and finally led to its creation. CHAPTER X. FORMATION OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT— OHIO A STATE— THE STATE CAPITALS— LEGIS- LATION— THE "SWEEPING RESOLUTIONS"— TERRITORIAL AND STATE GOVERNORS. SETTLEMENTS increased so rapidly in that part of the Northwest Territory included in Ohio, during the decade from 1788 to 1798, despite the Indian war, that the demand for an election of a Territorial Assembly could not be ignored by Gov. St. Clair, who, having ascertained that 5,000 free males resided within the limits of the Territory, issued his proclamation October 29, 1798, directing the electors to elect representatives to a General Assembly. He ordered the election hia home with them. He was most active in the war of 1812 against the Americans, and from the time he began his work to unite the tribes, his history is so closely identified therewith that the reader is referred to the history of that war in succeeding pages. It may not be amiss to say that all stories regarding the manner of his death are considered erroneous. He was undoubtedly killed in the outset of the battle of the Thames in Canada in 1814, and his body secretly buried by the Indians. to be held on the third Monday in December, and directed the representatives to meet in Cincinnati January 22, 1799. On the day designated, the representatives * assembled at Cincinnati, nominated ten persons, whose names were sent to the President, who selected five to constitute the Legislative Council, * Those elected were: from Washington Clounty, Return Jona- than Meigs and Paul Fearing; from Hamilton County, William Goforth, William McMillan, John Smith, John Ludlow, Robert Benham, Aaron Caldwell and Isaac Martin; from St. Clair County (Illinois), Shadrach Bond; from Knox County (Indiana), John Small; from Kandolph County (Illinois), John Edgar; from Wayne County, Solomon Sibley, Jacob Visgar and Charles F. ( habert de Joncaire; from Adams County, Joseph Darlington and Nathaniel Massie; from Jefferson County, James Pritchard; fiom Uoss County, Thomas Worthington, Elias Langham, Samuel Findley and Edward Ti£Bn. The five gentlemen, except Vanderburgh, chosen as the Upper House were all from counties afterward included in Ohio. :^ 122 HISTORY OF OHIO. or Upper House. These five were Jacob Burnet, James Findley, Henry Vanderburgh, Robert OHver and David Vance. On the 3d of March, the Senate confii-med their nomination, and the Territorial Government of Ohio* — or, more prop- erly, the Northwest — was complete. As this comprised the essential business of this body, it was prorogued by the Governor, and the Assembly directed to meet at the same place September 16, 1799, and proceed to the enactment of laws for the Ten-itory. That day, the Territorial Legislature met again at Cincinnati, but, for want of a quorum, did not organize until the 24th. The House consisted of nineteen members, seven of whom were from Ham- ilton County, four from Ross, three from Wayne, two from Adams, one from Jefferson, one from Washington and one from Knox. Assembling both branches of the Legislature, Gov. St. Clair addressed them, recommending such measures to their consideration as, in his judgment, were suited to the condition of the country. The Council then organized, electing Henry Vanderburgh, Presi- dent ; William C. Schenck, Secretary; George Howard, Doorkeeper, and Abraham Carey, Ser- geant-at-arms. The House also organized, electing Edward Tif- fin, Speaker ; John Reilly, Clerk ; Joshua Row- land, Doorkeeper, and Abraham Carey, Sergeant- at-arms. This was the first legislature elected in the old Northwestern Territory. During its first session, it passed thirty bills, of which the Governor vetoed eleven. They also elected Wilham Henry Harri- son, then Secretary of the Territory, delegate to Congress. The Legislature continued in session till December 19, having much to do in forming new laws, when they were prorogued by the Gov- ernor, until the first Monday in November, 1800. The second session was held in Chillicothe, which had been designated as the seat of government by Congress, until a permanent capital should be selected. May 7, 1800, Congress passed an act establish- ing Indiana Territory, including all the country west of the Great Miami River to the Mississippi, and appointed William Henry Harrison its Gov- ernor. At the autumn session of the Legislature * Ohio never existed as a Territory proper. It was known, both before and after the division of the Northwest Territory, as the "Territory northwest of the Ohio River." Still, as the country comprised in its limits was the principal theater of action, the short resume given here is made necessary in the logical course of events. Ohio, as Ohio, never existed until the creation of the State in March, 1803. of the eastern, or old part of the Territory, Will- iam McMillan was elected to the vacancy caused by this act. By the organization of this Territory, the counties of Knox, St. Clair and Randolph, were taken out of the jurisdiction of the old Ter- ritory, and with them the representatives, Henry Vandenburgh, Shadrach Bond, John Small and John Edgar. Before the time for the next Assembly came, a new election had occurred, and a few changes were the result. Robert Oliver, of Marietta, was cho- sen Speaker in the place of Henry Vanderburgh. There was considerable business at this session ; several new counties were to be erected ; the coun- try was rapidly filling with people, and where the scruples of the Governor could be overcome, some organization was made. He was very tenacious of his power, and arbitrary in his rulings, affirming that he, alone, had the power to create new coun- ties. This dogmatic exercise of his veto power, his rights as ruler, and his defeat by the Indians, all tended against him, resulting in his displace- ment by the President. This was done, however, just at the time the Territory came from the second grade of government, and the State was created. The third session of the Territorial Legislature continued from November 24, 1801, to January 23, 1802, when it adjourned to meet in Cincin- nati, the fourth Monday in November, but owing to reasons made obvious by subsequent events, was never held, and the third session marks the decline of the Territorial government. April 30, 1802, Congress passed an act " to enable the people of the eastern division of the territory northwest of the Ohio River, to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of such States into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes." In pursuance of this act, an election had been held in this part of the Territory, and members of a constitutional convention cho- sen, who were to meet at Chillicothe, November 1, to perform the duty assigned them. The people throughout the country contemplat- ed in the new State were anxious for the adoption of a State government. The arbitrary acts of the Territorial Governor had heightened this feeling ; the census of the Territory gave it the lawful number of inhabitants, and nothing stood in its way. The convention met the day designated and proceeded at once to its duties. When the time arrived for the opening of the Fourth Territorial 1^ HISTOKY OF OHIO. 123 Legislature, the convention was in session and had evidently about completed its labors. The mem- bers of the Legislature (eight of whom were mem- bers of the convention) seeing that a speedy termination of the Territorial government was inev- itable, wisely concluded it was inexpedient and unnecessary to hold the proposed session. The convention concluded its labors the 29th of November. The Constitution adopted at that time, though rather crude in some of its details, was an excellent organic instrument, and remained almost entire until 1851, when the present one was adopted. Either is too long for insertion here, but either will well pay a perusal. The one adopted by the convention in 1802 was never submitted to the people, owing to the circumstances of the times ; but it was submitted to Congress February 19, 1803, and by that body accepted, and an act passed admitting Ohio to the Union. The Territorial government ended March 3, 1803, by the organization, that day, of the State government, which organization defined the pres- ent limits of the State. " We, the people of the Eastern Division of the Ter- ritory of tlie United States, Northwest of tlie River Ohio, liaving the right of admission into the General Government as a member of the Union, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, the Ordinance of Congress of one thousand seven hundred and eighty- seven, and of the law of Congress, entitled ' An act to enable the people of the Eastern Division of the Terri- tory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio, to form a Constitution and a State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purpo- ses ;' in order to establish justice, promote the well- fare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish the follow- ing Constitution or form of government; and do mu- tually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the name of the State of Ohio."* — Preamble, Constitution of 180S. When the convention forming the Constitution, completed its labors and presented the results to Congress, and that body passed the act forming * The name of the State is derived from the river forming its southern lioimdaiy. Its origin \^ ^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 131 some two years old then, situated near the mouth of Maumee River. The road extends westward in- to Michigan and is some thirty miles in length. There is a road about to be made from Cincinnati to Springfield. This road follows the Ohio River up to the Little Miami River, and there turns northwardly up its valley to Xenia, and, passing the Yellow Springs, reaches Springfield. Its length must be about ninety miles. The State will own one-half of the road, individuals and the city of Cincinnati the other half This road will, no doubt, be extended to Lake Erie, at Sandusky City, within a few short years." "There is a railroad." continues Mr. Atwater, "about to be made from Painesville to the Ohio River. There are many charters for other roads, which will never be made." Mr. Atwater notes also, the various turnpikes as well as the famous National road from Baltimore westward, then completed only to the mountains. This latter did as much as any enterprise ever en- acted in building up and populating the West. It gave a national thoroughfare, which, for many years, was the principal wagon-way from the At- lantic to the Mississippi Valley. The railroad to which Mr. Atwater refers as about to be built from Cincinnati to Springfield, was what was known as the Mad River Railroad. It is commonly conceded to be the first one built in Ohio.* Its history shows that it was chartered March 11, 1836, that work began in 1837; that it was completed and opened for business from Cincinnati to Milford, in December, 1842; to Xe- nia, in August, 1845, and to Springfield, in Au- gust, 1846. It was laid with strap rails until about 1848, when the present form of rail was adopted. One of the earliest roads in Ohio was what was known as the Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark Rail- road. It was chartered at first as the Monroeville & Sandusky City Railroad, March 9, 1835. March 12, 1836, the Mansfield & New Haven road was chartered; the Columbus & Lake Erie, March 12, 1845, and the Huron & Oxford, February 27, 1846. At first it ran only from Sandusky to Monroeville, then from Mansfield to Huron. These * Hon. E D. Mansfield states, in 1873, that the " first actual piece of railroad laid in Ohio, was made on the Cincinnati & Sandusky Railroad; hut, about the same time we have the Little Miami Rail- road, which was surveyed in 1836 and 1837. If this, the generally accepted opinion, is correct, then Mr. Atwater's statement as given, is wrong. His history is, however, generally conceded to be correct. Written in 1838, he surely ought to know whereof he was writing, as the railroads were then only in construction ; but few, if any, in operation. two were connected and consolidated, and then ex- tended to Newark, and finally, by connections, to Columbus. It is unnecessary to follow closely the history of these improvements through the years succeeding their introduction. At first the State owned a share in nearly all railroads and canals, but finally finding itself in debt about $15,00U,000 for such improvements, and learning by its own and neigh- bors' experiences, that such policy was detrimental to the best interests of the people, abandoned the plan, and allowed private parties entire control of all such works. After the close of the Mexican war, and the return to solid values in 1 854 or there- abouts, the increase of railroads in all parts of Ohio, as well as all parts of the West, was simply marvel- ous. At this date there are more than ten thou- sand miles of railroads in Ohio, alongside of which stretch innumerable lines of telegraph, a system of swift messages invented by Prof Morse, and adopted in the United States about 1851. About the time railroad building began to as- sume a tangible shape, in 1840, occurred the cele- brated political campaign known in history as the " Hard Cider Campaign." The gradual encroach- ments of the slave power in the West, its arrogant attitude in the Congress of the United States and in several State legislatures : its forcible seizure of slaves in the free States, and the enactment and attempted enforcement of the "fugitive slave" law all tended to awaken in the minds of the Northern people an antagonism, terminating only in the late war and the abolishment of that hideous system in the United States. The "Whig Party" strenuously urged the abridgment or confinement of slavery in the Southern States, and in the contest the party took a most active part, and elected William Henry Harrison President of the United States. As he had been one of the foremost leaders in the war of 1812, a resident of Ohio, and one of its most pop- ular citizens, a log cabin and a barrel of cider were adopted as his exponents of popular opinion, as expressive of the rule of the common people repre- sented in the cabin and cider, in turn representing their primitive and simple habits of life. He lived but thirty days after his inauguration, dying on the 9th of April, 1841, when John Tyler, the Vice President, succeeded him as Chief Executive of the nation. The building of railroads ; the extension of com- merce ; the settlement of all parts of the State ; its growth in commerce, education, reHgion and ©_ 132 HISTOKY OF OHIO. population, are the chief events from 1841 to the Mexican war. Hard times occurred about as often as they do now, preceded by " flush" times, when speculation ran rife, the people all infatuated with an insane idea that something could be had for nothing. The bubble burst as often as inflated, ruining many people, but seemingly teaching few lessons. CHAPTER XII. MEXICAN WAR— CONTINUED GROWTH OF THE STATE— WAR OF THE REBELLION— OHIO'S PART IN THE CONFLICT. THE Mexican War grew out of the question of the annexation of Texas, then a province of Mexico, whose territory extended to the Indian Territory on the north, and on up to the Oregon Territory on the Pacific Coast. Texas had been settled largely by Americans, who saw the condi- tion of aft'airs that would inevitably ensue did the country remain under Mexican rule. They first took steps to secede from Mexico, and then asked the aid of America to sustain them, and annex the country to itself. The Whig party and many others opposed this, chiefly on the grounds of the extension of slave territory. But to no avail. The war came on, Mexico was conquered, the war lasting from April 20, 1846, to May 30, 1848. Fifty thousand vol- unteers were called for the war by the Congress, and $10,000,000 placed at the disposal of the President, James K. Polk, to sustain the army and prosecute the war. The part that Ohio took in the war may be briefly summed up as follows : She had five vol- unteer regiments, five companies in the Fifteenth Infantry, and several independent companies, with her full proportion among the regulars. When war was declared, it was something of a crusade to many ; full of romance to others ; hence, many more were offiered than could be received. It was a campaign of romance to some, yet one of reality, ending in death, to many. When the first call for troops came, the First, Second and Third Regiments of infantry responded at once. Alexander Mitchell was made Colonel of the First; John E. Wellerits Lieutenant Colonel ; and Major L. Giddings, of Dayton, its Major, Thos. L. Hamer, one of the ablest lawyers in Ohio, started with the First as its Major, but, before the regiment left the State, he was made a Brigadier General of Volunteers, and, at the battle of Mon- terey, distinguished himself; and there contracted disease and laid down his life. The regiment's Colonel, who had been wounded at Monterey, came home, removed to Minnesota, and there died. Lieut. Col. Weller went to California after the close of the war. He was United States Senator from that State in the halls of Congress, and, at last, died at New Orleans. The Second Regiment was commanded by Col. George W. Morgan, now of Mount Vernon ; Lieut. Col. William Irwin, of Lancaster, and Maj. Will- iam Wall. After the war closed, Irwin settled in Texas, and remained there till he died. Wall lived out his days in Ohio. The regiment was never in active field service, but was a credit to the State. The ofiicers of the Third Regiment were. Col. Samuel R. Curtis; Lieut. Col. G. W. McCookand Maj. John Love. The first two are now dead ; the Major lives in McConneUsville. At the close of the first year of the war, these regiments (First, Second and Third) were mustered out of service, as their term of enlistment had expired. When the second year of the war began, the call for more troops on the part of the Government induced the Second Ohio Infantry to re-organize, and again enter the service. William Irwin, of the former organization, was chosen Colonel ; William Latham, of Columbus, Lieutenant Colonel, and William H. Link, of Circleville, Major. Nearly all of them are now dead. The regular army was increased by eight Ohio companies of infantry, the Third Dragoons, and the Voltigeurs — light-armed soldiers. In the Fif- teenth Regiment of the United States Army, there were five Ohio companies. The others were three from Michigan, and two from Wisconsin. Col. Moi'gan, of the old Second, was made Colonel of the Fifteenth, and John Howard, of Detroit, an old artillery ofiicer in the regular army. Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel Wood, a captain in the Sixth ^< :!t. HISTORY OF OHIO. 133 United States Inftintry, was made Major ; but was afterward succeeded by Mill, of Vermont. The Fifteenth was in a number of skirmishes at first, and later in the battles of Contreras, Cherubusco and Chapultepec. At the battle of Cherubusco, the Colonel was severely wounded, and Maj. Mill, with several oflacers, and a large number of men, killed. For gallant service at Contreras, Col. Mor- gan, though only twenty-seven years old, was made a Brevet Brigadier General in the United States Army. Since the war he has delivered a number of addresses in Ohio, on the campaigns in Mex- ico. The survivors of the war are now few. Though seventy-five thousand men from the United States went into that conflict, less than ten thousand now survive. They are now veterans, and as such de- light to recount their reminiscences on the fields of Mexico. They are all in the decline of life, and ere a generation passes away, few, if any, will be left. After the war, the continual growth of Ohio, the change in all its relations, necessitated a new organic law. The Constitution of 1852 was the result. It re-affirmed the political principles of the "ordinance of 1787" and the Constitution of 1802, and made a few changes necessitated by the advance made in the interim. It created the office of Lieutenant Governor, fixing the term of service at two years. This Constitution yet stands notwithstanding the prolonged attempt in 1873-74: to create a new one. It is now the organic law of Ohio. From this time on to the opening of the late war, the prosperity of the State received no check. Towns and cities grew ; railroads multiplied ; com- merce was extended; the vacant lands were rapidly filled by settlers, and everything tending to the advancement of the people was well prosecuted. Banks, after much tribulation, had become in a measure somewhat secure, their only and serious drawback being their isolation or the confinement of their circulation to their immediate localities. But signs of a mighty contest were apparent. A contest almost without a parallel in the annals of history ; a contest between freedom and slavery ; between wrong and right ; a contest that could only end in defeat to the wrong. The Republican party came into existence at the close of President Pierce's term, in 1855. Its object then was, prin- cipally, the restriction of the slave power ; ultimately its extinction. One of the chief exponents and sup- porters of this growing party in Ohio, was Salmon P. Chase ; one who never faltered nor lost faith ; and who was at the helm of State; in the halls of Con- gress; chief of one the most important bureaus of the Government, and, finally, Chief Justice of the United States. When war came, after the election of Abraham Lincoln by the Republican party, Ohio was one of the first to answer to the call for troops. Mr. Chase, while Governor, had re-organized the militia on a sensible basis, and rescued it from the ignominy into which it had fallen. When Mr. Lincoln asked for seventy-five thousand men, Ohio's quota was thirteen regiments. The various chaotic regiments and militia troops in the State did not exceed 1,500 men. The call was issued April 15, 1861 ; by the 18th, two regiments were organized in Columbus, whither these companies had gathered; before sunrise of the 19th the Jirst and second regiments were on their way to Wash- ington City. The President had only asked for thirteen regiments; thirty were gathering; the Government, not yet fully comprehending the nature of the rebellion, refused the surplus troops, but Gov. Dennison was authorized to put ten additional regiments in the field, as a defensive measure, and was also authorized to act on the defensive as well as on the offensive. The immense extent of southern border made this necessary, as all the loyal people in West Virginia and Ken- tucky asked for help. In the limits of this history, it is impossible to trace all the steps Ohio took in the war. One of her most talented sons, now at the head of one of the greatest newspapers of the world, says, regard- ing the action of the people and their Legislature : "In one part of the nation there existed a grad- ual growth of sentiment against the Union, ending in open hostility against its integrity and its Con- stitutional law ; on the other side stood a resolute, and determined people, though divided in minor matters, firmly united on the question of national supremacy. The people of Ohio stood squarely on this side. Before this her people had been di- vided up to the hour when — '"That fierce and sudden flash across the rugged black- ness broke, And, with a voice that shook the land, the guns of Sum- ter spoke ; ********* And whereso'er the summons came, there rose the angry din, As when, upon a rocky coast, a stormy tide sets in.' " All waverings then ceased among the people and in the Ohio Legislature. The Union must be rT 134 HISTORY OF OHIO. preserved. The white heat of patriotism and fe- alty to the flag that had been victorious in three wars, and had never met but temporary defeat then melted all parties^ and dissolved all hesitation, and, April 18, 1861, by a unanimous vote of ninety-nine Representatives in its favor, there was passed a bill appropriating $500,000 to carry into effect the requisition of the President, to protect the National Government, of which sum $4.50,000 were to purchase arms and equipments for the troops recjuired by that requisition as the quota of Ohio, and $50,000 as an extraordinary contingent fund for the Governor. The commissioners of the State Sinking Fund were authorized, by the same bill, to borrow this money, on the per cent bonds of the State, and to issue for the same certificates, freeing such bonds from taxation. Then followed other such legislation that declared the property of volunteers free from execution for debt during their term of service; that declared any resident of the State, who gave aid and comfort to the enemies of the Union, guilty of treason against the State, to be punished by imprisonment at hard labor for life; and, as it had become already evi- dent that thousands of militia, beyond Ohio's quota of the President's call, would volunteer, the Legislature, adopting the sagacious suggestion of Gov. Dennison, resolved that all excess of volunteers should be retained and paid for service, under direction of the Governor. Thereupon a bill was passed, authorizing the acceptance of volunteers to form ten regiments, and providing $500,000 for their arms and equipments, and $1,500,000 more to be disbursed for troops in case of an in- vasion of the State. Then other legislation was enacted, looking to and providing against the ship- ment from or through the State of arms or mu- nitions of war, to States either assuming to be neutral or in open rebellion ; organizing the whole body of the State militia; providing suitable offi- cers for duty on the staff of the Governor; re- quiring contracts for subsistence of volunteers to be let to the lowest bidder, and authorizing the appointment of additional general officers. " Before the adjournment of that Legislature, the Speaker of the House had resigned to take command of one of the regiments then about to start for Washington City ; two leading Senators had been appointed Brigadier Generals, and many, in fact nearly all, of the other members of both houses had, in one capacity or another, entered the military service. It was the first war legislature ever elected in Ohio, and, under sudden pressure. nobly met the first shock, and enacted the first measures of law for war. Laboring under difficul- ties inseparable from a condition so unexpected, and in the performance of duties so novel, it may be historically stated that for patriotism, zeal and ability, the Ohio Legislature of 1861 was the equal of any of its successors ; while in that exu- berance of patriotism which obliterated party lines and united all in a common effort to meet the threatened integrity of the United States as a nation, it surpassed them both. " The war was fought, the slave power forever destroyed, and under additional amendments to her organic law, the L^nited States wiped the stain of human slavery from her escutcheon, liberating over four million human beings, nineteen-twentieths of whom were native-born residents. " When Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Ohio had two hundred regiments of all arms in the National service. In the course of the war, she had furnished two hundred and thirty regiments, besides twenty-six independent batteries of artillery, five independent companies of cavalry, several companies of sharpshooters, large parts of five regiments credited to the West Virginia con- tingent, two regiments credited to the Kentucky contingent, two transferred to the United States colored troops, and a large proportion of the rank and file of the Fifty-fourth and Sixty-fifth Massa- chusetts Regiments, also colored men. Of these or- ganizations, twenty-three were infantry regiments furnished on the first call of the President, an ex- cess of nearly one-half over the State's quota ; one hundred and ninety-one were infantry regiments, furnished on subsequent calls of the President — one hundred and seventeen for three years, twenty- seven for one year, two for six months, two for three months, and forty-two for one hundred days. Thirteen were cavalry, and three artillery for three years. Of these three-years troops, over twenty thousand re-enlisted, as veterans, at the end of their long term of service, to fight till the war would end." As original members of these organizations, Ohio furnished to the National service the magnificent army of 310,654 actual soldiers, omitting from the above number all those who paid commuta- tion money, veteran enlistments, and citizens who enlisted as soldiers or sailors in other States. The count is made from the reports of the Provost Marshal General to the War Department, Penn- sylvania gave not quite 28,000 more, while Illinois fell 48,000 behind; Indiana, 116,000 less; -^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 137 Kentucky, 235,000, and Massachusetts, 164,000. Thus Ohio more than maintained, in the National army, the rank among her sisters which her popu- lation supported. Ohio furnished more troops than the President ever required of her ; and at the end of the war, with more than a thousand men in the camp of the State who were never mustered into the service, she still had a credit on the rolls of the War Department for 4,332 soldiers, beyond the aggregate of all quotas ever assigned to her; and, besides all these, 6,479 citizens had, in lieu of personal service, paid the commutation ; while In- diana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and New York were all from five to one hundred thousand behind their quotas. So ably, through all those years of trial and death, did she keep the promise of the memorable dispatch from her first war Governor : '' If Kentucky refuses to fill her quota, Ohio will fill it for her." "Of these troops 11,237 were killed or mor- tally wounded in action, and of these 6,563 were left dead on the field of battle. They fought on well-nigh every battle-field of the war. Within forty-eight hours after the first call was made for troops, two regiments were on the way to Wash- ington. An Ohio brigade covered the retreat from the first battle of Bull Run. Ohio troops formed the bulk of army that saved to the Union the territory afterward erected into West Virginia ; the bulk of the army that kept Kentucky from seceding ; a large part of the army that captured Fort Donelson and Island No. 10 ; a great part of the army that from Stone River and Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge and Atlanta, swept to the sea and captured Fort McAllister, and north through the Carolinas to Virginia." When Sherman started on his famous march to the sea, someone said to President Lincoln, "T hey will never get through; they will all be captured, and the Union will be lost." " It is impossible," replied the President ; "it cannot be done. There is a 'mighty sight of fight iji one hundred thou- sand Western men^ Ohio troops fought at Pea Ridge. They charged at Wagner. They helped redeem North Carolina. They were in the sieges of Vicksburg, Charleston, Mobile and Richmond. At Pittsburg Landing, at Antietam, Gettysburg and Corinth, in the Wilderness, at Five Forks, before Nashville and Appomattox Court House; "their bones, reposing on the fields they won and in the graves they fill, are a perpetual pledge that no flag shall ever wave over their graves but that flag they died to maintain." Ohio's soil gave birth to, or furnished, a Grant, a Sherman, a Sheridan, a McPherson, a Rosecrans, a McClellan, a McDowell, a Mitchell, a Gilmore, a Hazen,a Sill, a Stanley, a Steadmau,and others — all but one, children of the country, reared at West Point for such emergencies. Ohio's war record shows one General, one Lieutenant General, twenty Major Generals, twenty seven Brevet Major Generals, and thirty Brigadier Generals, and one hundred and fifty Brevet Brigadier Generals. Her three war Governors were William Dennison, David Todd, and John Brough. She furnished, at the same time, one Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, and one Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase. Her Senators were Benjamin F. Wade and John Sherman. At least three out of five of Ohio's able-bodied men stood in the line of battle. On the head stone of one of these soldiers, who gave his life for the country, and who now lies in a National Cemetery, is inscribed these words : " We charge the living to preserve that Constitution we have died to defend." The close of the war and return of peace brought a period of fictitious values on the country, occa- sioned by the immense amount of currency afloat. Property rose to unheard-of values, and everything with it. Ere long, however, the decline came, and with it " hard times." The climax broke over the country in 1873, and for awhile it seemed as if the country was on the verge of ruin. People found again, as preceding generations had found, that real value was the only basis of true prosper- ity, and gradually began to work to the fact. The Government established the specie basis by gradual means, and on the 1st day of January, 1879, began to redeem its outstanding obligations in coin. The efi"ect was felt everywhere. Busi- ness of all kinds sprang anew into life. A feeling of confidence grew as the times went on, and now, on the threshold of the year 1880, the State is en- tering on an era of steadfast prosperity ; one which has a sure and certain foundation. Nearly four years have elaped since the great Centennial Exhibition was held in Philadelphia ; an exhibition that brought from every State in the Union the best products of her soil, factories, and all industries. In that exhibit Ohio made an ex- cellent display. Her stone, iron, coal, cereals, woods and everything pertaining to her welfare were all represented. Ohio, occupying the middle ground of the Union, was expected to show to foreign na- tions what the valleys of the Mississippi and Ohio V Jl- -it ® 138 HISTORY OF OHIO. could produce. The State nobly stood the test and ranked foremost among all others. Her cen- tennial building was among the first completed and among the neatest and best on the grounds. During the summer, the Centennial Commission extended invitations to the Governors of the several States to appoint an orator and name a day for his delivery of an address on the history, progress and resources of his State. Gov. Hayes named the Hon. Edward D. Mansfield for this purpose, and August 9th, that gentleman delivered an address so valuable for the matter which it contains, that we here give a synopsis of it. CHAPTER XIII. OHIO IN THE CENTENNIAL— ADDRESS OF EDWARD D. MANSFIELD, LL. D., PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 9, 1876. ONE hundred years ago, the whole territory, from the Alleghany to the Rocky Mountains was a wilderness, inhabited only by wild beasts and Indians. The Jesuit and Moravian missionaries were the only white men who had penetrated the wilderness or beheld its mighty lakes and rivers. While the thirteen old colonies were declaring their independence, the thirteen new States, which now lie in the western interior, had no existence, and gave no sign of the future. The solitude of nature was unbroken by the steps of civilization. The wisest statesman had not contemplated the probability of the coming States, and the boldest patriot did not dream that this interior wilderness should soon contain a greater population than the thirteen old States, with all the added growth of one hundred years. Ten years after that, the old States had ceded their Western lands to the General Government, and the Congress of the United States had passed the ordinance of 1785, for the survey of the pub- lic territory, and, in 17 87, the celebrated ordinance which organized the Northwestern Territory, and dedicated it to freedom and intelligence. Fifteen years after that, and more than a quarter of a century after the Declaration of Independ- ence, the State of Ohio was admitted into the Union, being the seventeenth which accepted the Constitution of the United States. It has since grown up to be great, populous and prosperous under the influence of those ordinances. At her admittance, in 1803, the tide of emigration had begun to flow over the Alleghanies into the Valley of the Mississippi, and, although no steamboat, no railroad then existed, nor even a stage coach helped the immigrant, yet the wooden " ark " on the Ohio, and the heavy wagon, slowly winding over the mountains, bore these tens of thousands to the wilds of Kentucky and the plains of Ohio. In the spring of 1788 — the first year of settlement — four thousand five hundred persons passed the mouth of the Muskingum in three months, and the tide continued to pour on for half a century in a widening stream, mingled with all the races of Europe and America, until now, in the hundredth year of America's independence, the five States of the Northwestern Territory, in the wilderness of 1776, contain ten millions of people, enjoying all the blessings which peace and prosperity, freedom and Christianity, can confer upon any people. Of these five States, born under the ordinance of 1787, Ohio is the first, oldest, and, in many things, the greatest. In some things it is the greatest State in the Union. Let us, then, attempt, in the briefest terms, to draw an outline portrait of this great and remark- able commonwealth. Let us observe its physical aspects. Ohio is just one-sixth part of the Northwestern Territory — 10,000 square miles. It lies between Lake Erie and the Ohio River, having 200 miles of navigable waters, on one side flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other into the Gulf of Mexico. Through the lakes, its vessels touch on G,000 miles of interior coast, and, through the Mississippi, on 36,000 miles of river coast; so that a citizen of Ohio may pursue his navigation through 42,000 miles, all in his own country, and all within naviga- ble reach of his own State. He who has circumnavi- gated the globe, has gone but little more than half the distance which the citizen of Ohio finds within his natural reach in this vast interior. Looking upon the surface of this State, we find no mountains, no barren sands, no marshy wastes, no lava-covered plains, but one broad, compact , one of Cortez's slaves found several grains of wheat accidentally mixed with the rice. The careful negro planted the handful of grains, and succeeding years saw a wheat crop in Mexico, which found its way northward, probably into California. Turn where we may, wherever the foot of civil- ization has trod, there will we find this wheat plant, which, like a monument, has perpetuated the memory of the event; but nowhere do we find the plant wild. It is the result of cultivation in bygone ages, and has been produced by "progress- ive development." It is beyond the limit and province of these pages to discuss the composition of this important cereal ; only its historic properties can be noticed. With the advent of the white men in America, wheat, like corn, came to be one of the staple prod- ucts of life. It followed the pioneer over the mountains westward, where, in the rich Missis- sippi and Illinois bottoms, it has been cultivated by the French since 1690. When the hardy New Englanders came to the alluvial lands adjoining the Ohio, Muskingum or Miami Kivers, they brought with them this "staiF of life," and forth- with began its cultivation. Who sowed the first wheat in Ohio, is a question Mr. A. S. Guthrie answers, in a letter published in the Agricultural Report of 1857, as follows: " My father, Thomas Guthrie, emigrated to the Northwest Territory in the year 1788, and arrived at the mouth of the Muskingum in July, about three months after Gen. Putnam had arrived with the first pioneers of Ohio. My father brought a bushel of wheat with him from one of the frontier counties of Pennsylvania, which he sowed on a lot of land in Marietta, which he cleared for that purpose, on the second bottom or plain, in the neighborhood of where the Court House now stands." Mr. Guthrie's opinion is corroborated by Dr. Samuel P. Hildreth, in his " Pioneer Settlers of Ohio," and is, no doubt, correct. From that date on down through the years of Ohio's growth, the crops of wheat have kept pace with the advance and growth of civilization. The soil is admirably adapted to the growth of this ce- real, a large number of varieties being grown, and an excellent quality produced. It is firm in body, and, in many cases, is a successful rival of wheat produced in the great wheat-producing regions of the United States — Minnesota, and the farther Northwest. Oats, rye, barley, and other grains were also brought to Ohio from the Atlantic Coast, though some of them had been cultivated by the French in Illinois and about Detroit. They were at first used only as food for home consumption, and, until the successful attempts at river and canal naviga- tion were brought about, but little was ever sent to market. Of all the root crops known to man, the potato is probably the most valuable. Next to wheat, it is claimed by many as the staff of life. In some localities, this assumption is undoubtedly true. What would Ireland have done in her fam- ines but for this simple vegetable? The potato is a native of the mountainous districts of tropical and subtropical America, probably from Chili to Mexico ; but there is considerable difficulty in deciding where it is really indigenous, and where it has spread after being introduced by man. Humboldt, the learned savant, doubted if it had ever been found wild, but scholars no less fiimous, and of late date, have expressed an opposite opinion. In the wild plant, as in all others, the tubers are smaller than in the cultivated. The potato had been cultivated in America, and its tubers used for food, long before the advent of the Europeans. It seems to have been first brought to Europe by the Spaniards, from the neighbor- hood of Quito, in the 4?eginning of the sixteenth century, and spread through Spain, the Netherlands, Burgundy and Italy, cultivated in gardens as an ornament only and not for an article of food. It long received through European countries the same name with the batatas — sweet potato, which is the plant meant by all English writers down to the seventeenth century. It appears that the potato was brought from Virginia to Ireland by Hawkins, a slave-trader, in 1565, and to England by Sir Francis Drake, twenty years later. It did not at first attract much notice, and not until it was a third time imported from America, in 1623, by Sir Walter Raleigh, did the Europeans make a practical use of it. Even then it was a long time before it was exten- sively cultivated. It is noticed in agricultural journals as food for cattle only as late as 1719. Poor people began using it, however, and finding it highly nutritious, the Royal Geographical Society, in 1663, adopted measures for its propagation. About this time it began to be used in Ireland as -7- x: IGO HISTORY OF OHIO. food, aad from the beginning of the eighteenth cent- ury, its use hiis never declined. It is now known in every (juarter of the world, and has, by cultiva- tion, been greatly improved. The inhabitants of America learned its use frorc. the Indians, who cultivated it and other root crops — rutabagas, radishes, etc., and taught the whites their value. When the pioneers of Ohio came to its fertile valleys, they brought improved species with them, which by cultiva- tion and soil, are now greatly increased, and are among the standard crops of the State. The cucurbitaceous plants, squashes, etc., were, like the potato and similar root crops, indigenous to America — others, like the melons, to Asia — and were among the staple foods of the original inhabitants. The early French missionaries of the West speak of both root crops and cucurbi- taceous plants as in use among the aboriginal inhab- itants. "They are very sweet and wholesome," wrote Marquette. Others speak in the same terms, though some of the plants in this order had found their way to these valleys through the Spaniards and others through early Atlantic Coast and Mex- ican inhabitants. Their use by the settlers of the West, especially Ohio, is traced to New England, as the first settlers came from that portion of the Union. They grow well in all parts of the State, and by cultivation have been greatly improved in quality and variety. All cucurbitaceous plants require a rich, porous soil, and by proper atten- tion to their cultivation, excellent results can be attained. Probably the earliest and most important im])le- ment of husbandry known is the plow. Grain, plants and roots will not grow well unless the soil in which they are planted be properly stirred, hence the first requirement was an instrument that would fulfill such conditions. The first implements were rude indeed ; gener- ally, stout wooden sticks, drawn through the earth by thongs attached to rude ox-yokes, or fastened to the animal's horns. Such plows were in use among the ancient Egyptians, and may yet be found among uncivilized nations. The Old Testa- ment furnishes numerous instances of the use of the plow, while, on the ruins of ancient cities and among the pyramids of Egypt, and on the buried walls of Babylon, and other extinct cities, are rude drawings of this useful implement. As the use of iron became apparent and general, it was util- ized for plow-points, where the wood alone would not penetrate the earth. They got their plow- shares sharpened in Old Testament days, also coulters, which shows, beyond a doubt, that iron- pointed plows were then in use. From times mentioned in the Bible, on heathen tombs, and ancient catacombs, the improvement of the plow, like other farming tools, went on, as the race of man grew in intelligence. Extensive manors in the old country required increased means of turning the ground, and, to meet these demands, ingenious mechanics, from time to time, invented inqjroved plows. Strange to say, however, no improvement was ever made by the farmer himself This is ac- counted for in his habits of life, and, too often, the disposition to "take things as they are." When America was settled, the plow had become an im- plement capable of turning two or three acres per day. Still, and for many years, and even until lately, the mold-board was entirely wooden, the point only iron. Later developments changed the wood for steel, which now alone is used. Still later, especially in prairie States, riding plows are used. Like all other improvements, they were obliged to combat an obtuse public mind among the ruralists, who surely combat almost every move made to better their condition. In many places in America, wooden plows, straight ax handles, and a stone in one end of the bag, to bal- ance the grist in the other, are the rule, and for no other reason ui the world are they maintained than the laconic answer: " My father did so, and why should not I? Am I better than he? " After the plow comes the harrow, but little changed, save in lightness and beauty. Formerly, a log of wood, or a brush harrow, supplied its place, but in the State of Ohio, the toothed instru- ment has nearly always been used. The hoe is lighter made than formerly, and is now made of steel. At first, the common iron hoe, sharpened by the blacksmith, was in constant use. Now, it is rarely seen outside of the South- ern States, where it has long been the chief imple- ment in agriculture. The various small plows for the cultivation of corn and such other crops as necessitated their use are all the result of modern civilization. Now, their number is large, and, in many places, there are two or more attached to one carriage, whose operator rides. These kinds are much used in the Western States, whose rootless and stoneless soil is admirably adapted to such machinery. When the grain became ripe, implements to cut it were in demand. In ancient times, the sickle ■^ HISTOKY OF OHIO. 161 was the only instrument used. It was a short, curved iron, whose inner edge was sharpened and serrated. In its most ancient form, it is doubtful if the edge was but little, if any, serrated. It is mentioned in all ancient works, and in the Bible is frequently I'eferred to. " Thrust in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe," wrote the sacred New Testament, while the Old chronicles as early as the time of Moses : "As thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn." In more modern times, the handle of the sickle was lengthened, then the blade, which in time led to the scythe. Both are yet in use in many parts of the world. The use of the scythe led some thinking person to add a " finger " or two, and to change the shape of the handle. The old cradle was the result. At first it met considerable oppo- sition from the laborers, who brought forward the old-time argument of ignorance, that it would cheapen labor. Whether the cradle is a native of America or Europe is not accurately decided; probably of the mother country. It came into common use about 1818, and in a few years had found its way into the wheat-producing regions of the West. Where small crops are raised, the cradle is yet much used. A man can cut from two to four acres per day, hence, it is much cheaper than a reaper, where the crop is small. The mower and reaper are comparatively mod- ern inventions. A rude reaping machine is men- tioned by Pliny in the first century. It was pushed by an ox through the standing grain. On its front was a sharp edge, which cut the grain. It was, however, impracticable, as it cut only a por- tion of the grain, and the peasantry preferred the sickle. Other and later attempts to make reapers do not seem to have been successful, and not till the present century was a machine made that would do the work required. In 1826, Mr. Bell, of Scotland, constructed a machine which is yet used in many parts of that country. In America, Mr. Hussey and Mr. McCormick took out patents for reaping machines of superior character in 1833 and 1834. At first the cutters of these machines were various contrivances, but both manufacturers soon adopted a serrated knife, triangular shaped, at- tached to a bar, and driven through " finger guards " attached to it, by a forward and backward motion. These are the common ones now in use, save that all do not use serrated knives. Sincf these pioneer machines were introduced into the harvest fields they have been greatly improved and changed. Of late years they have been constructed so as to bind the sheaves, and now a good stout boy, and a team with a " harvester," will do as much as many men could do a few years ago, and with much greater ease. As was expected by the inventors of reapers, they met with a determined resistance from those who in former times made their living by harvest- ing. It was again absurdly argued that they would cheapen labor, and hence were an injury to the laboring man. Indeed, when the first machines were brought into Ohio, many of them were torn to pieces by the ignorant hands. Others left fields in a body when the proprietor brought a reaper to his farm. Like all such fallacies, these, in time, passed away, leaving only their stain. Following the reaper came the thresher. As the country filled with inhabitants, and men in- creased their possessions, more rapid means than the old flail or roller method were demanded. At first the grain was trodden out by horses driven over the bundles, which were laid in a circular inclosure. The old flail, the tramping-out by horses, and the cleaning by the sheet, or throwing the grain up against a current of air, were too slow, and machines were the result of the demand. In Ohio the manufacture of threshers began in 1846, in the southwestern part. Isaac Tobias, who came to Hamilton from Miamisburg that year, com- menced building the threshers then in use. They were without the cleaning attachment, and simply hulled the grain. Two years later, he began manufficturing the combined thresher and cleaner, which were then coming into use. He continued in business till 1851. Four years after, the in- creased demand for such machines, consequent upon the increased agricultural products, induced the firm of Owens, Lane & Dyer to fit their estab- lishment for the manufacture of threshers. They afterward added the manufacture of steam engines to be used in the place of horse power. Since then the manufacture of these machines, as well as that of all other agricultural machinery, has greatly multiplied and improved, until now it seems as though but little room for improvement remains. One of the largest firms engaged in the manufact- ure of threshers and their component machinery is located at Mansfield — the Aultman & Taylor Co. Others are at Massillon, and at other cities in the West. I Modern times and modern enterprise have devel- I oped a marvelous variety of agricultural implements rv 162 HISTOKY OF OHIO. — too many to be mentioned in a volume like this. Under special subjects they will occasionally be found. The farmer's life, so cheerless in pioneer times, and so full of weary labor, is daily becom- ing less laborious, until, if they as a class profit by the advances, they can find a life of ease in farm pursuits, not attainable in any other profession. Now machines do almost all the work. They sow, cultivate, cut, bind, thresh, winnow and carry the grain. They, cut, rake, load, mow and dry the hay. They husk, shell and clean the corn. They cut and split the wood. They do al- most all ; until it seems as though the day may come when the farmer can sit in his house and simply guide the affairs of his farm. Any occupation prospers in proportion to the interest taken in it by its members. This interest is always heightened by an exchange of views, hence societies and periodicals exercise an influence at first hardy realized. This feeling among prominent agriculturists led to the formation of agricultural societies, at first by counties, then districts, then by States, and lastly by associations of States. The day may come when a national agricul- tural fair may be one of the annual attractions of America. Without noticing the early attempts to found such societies in Europe or America, the narrative will begin with those of Ohio. The first agricul- tural society oi'ganized in the Buckeye State was the Hamilton County Agricultural Society. Its exact date of organization is not now preserved, but to a certainty it is known that the Society held public exhibitions as a County Society prior to 1823. Previous to that date there were, doubt- less, small, private exhibitions held in older local- ities, probably at Marietta, but no regular organi- zation seems to have been maintained. The Hamilton County Society held its fairs annually, with marked success. Its successor, the present Society, is now one of the largest county societies in the Union. During the legislative session of 1832— .33, the subject of agriculture seems to have agitated the minds of the people through their representatives, for the records of that session show the first laws passed for their benefit. The acts of that body seem to have been productive of some good, for, though no records of the number of societies or- ganized at that date exist, yet the record shows that " many societies have been organized in con- formity to this act," etc. No doubt many societies held fairs from this time, for a greater or less number of years. Agricultural journals* were, at this period, rare in the State, and the subject of agricultural improvement did not receive that at- tention from the press it does at this time ; and, for want of public spirit and attention to sustain these fairs, they were gradually discontinued until the new act respecting their organization wa.s passed in 184G. However, records of several county societies of the years between 1832 and 1846 yet exist, showing that in some parts of the State, the interest in these fairs was by no means diminished. The Delaware County Society re- ports for the year 1833 — it was organized in June of that year — good progress for a beginning, and that much interest was manifested by the citizens of the county. Ross County held its first exhibition in the autumn of that year, and the report of the mana- gers is quite cheerful. Nearly all of the exhibited articles were sold at auction, at greatly advanced prices from the current ones of the day. The en- try seems to have been ft-ee, in an open inclosure, and but little revenue was derived. Little was ex- pected, hence no one was disappointed. Washington County reports an excellent cattle show for that year, and a number of premiums awarded to the successful exhibitors. This same year the Ohio Importation Company was organ- ized at the Ross County fair. The Company began the next season the importation of fine cattle from England, and, in a few years, did incalculable good in this respect, as well as make considerable money in the enterprise. These societies were re-organized when the law of 1846 went into eff"ect, and, with those that had gone down and the new ones started, gave an im- petus to agriculture that to this day is felt. Now every county Iuls a society, while district. State and inter-State societies are annually held; all promotive in their tendency, and all a benefit to every one. The Ohio State Board of Agriculture was organ- ized by an act of the Legislature, passed February 27, 1846. Since then various amendments to the organic law have been passed from time to time as *The Western TiVJerwas published in Cincinnati, in 1826. It was "miscellaneous," but cuutaiued many excellent articles on agri- culture. The Farmers' Record was published in Cincinnati, in 1831, and continued for several years The Ohio Fanner was piitilished at Batavia, Clermont County, in 1833, by Hon. Samuel Medary. These were the early agricultural journals, some of which yet suri'ive, though in new name8,and under new management. Others have, also, since been added, some of which havH an exceedingly large circulation, and are an influence for much good in the State. >> HISTORY OF OHIO. 163 the necessities of the Board and of agriculture in the State demanded. The same day that the act was passed creating the State Board, an act was also passed providing for the erection of county and district societies, under which law, with subsequent amendments, the present county and district agri- cultural societies are managed. During the years from 1 846 down to the present time, great improve- ments have been made in the manner of conduct- ing these societies, resulting in exhibitions unsur- passed in any other State. Pomology and horticulture are branches of in- dustry so closely allied with agriculture that a brief resume of their operations in Ohio will be eminently adapted to these pages. The early planting and care of fruit in Ohio has already been noticed. Among the earliest pioneers were men of fine tastes, who not only desired to benefit them- selves and their country, but who were possessed with a laudable ambition to produce the best fruits and vegetables the State could raise. For this end they studied carefully the topography of the coun- try, its soil, climate, and various influences upon such culture, and by careful experiments with fruit and vegetables, produced the excellent varieties now in use. Mention has been made of Mr. Longworth and Mr. Ernst, of Cincinnati ; and Israel and Aaron W. Putnam, on the Muskingum River ; Mr. Dille, Judges Fuller and Whittlesey, Dr. Jared Kirtland and his sons, and others — all practical enthusiasts in these departments. At first, individual efforts alone, owing to the condition of the country, could be made. As the State filled with settlers, and means of communication became better, a desire for an in- terchange of views became apparent, resulting in the establishment of periodicals devoted to these subjects, and societies where diflFerent ones could meet and discuss these things. A Horticultural and Pomological Society was organized in Ohio in 1866. Before the organiza- tion of State societies, however, several distinct or independent societies existed ; in fact, out of these grew the State Society, which in turn produced good by stimulating the creation of county societies. All these societies, aids to agriculture, have pro- gressed as the State developed, and have done much in advancing fine fruit, and a taste for aesthetic cul- ture. In all parts of the West, their influence is seen in better and improved fruit ; its culture and its demand. To-day, Ohio stands in the van of the Western States in agriculture and all its kindred associa- tions. It only needs the active energy of her citizens to keep her in this place, advancing as time advances, until the goal of her ambition is reached. CLIMATOLOGY— OUTLINE - CHAPTER XVI. -VARIATION IN OHIO— ESTIMATE IN DEGREES— RAINFALL - —VARIABILITY. -AMOUNT THE climate of Ohio varies about four degrees. Though originally liable to malaria in many districts when first settled, in consequence of a dense vegetation induced by summer heats and rains, it has became very healthful, owing to clear- ing away this vegetation, and proper drainage. The State is as favorable in its sanitary char- acteristics as any other in its locality. Ohio is re- markable for its high productive capacity, almost every thing grown in the temperate climates being within its range. Its extremes of heat and cold are less than almost any other State in or near the same latitude, hence Ohio suffers less from the ex- treme dry or wet seasons which affect all adjoining States. These modifications are mainly due to the influence of the Lake Erie waters. These not only modify the heat of summer and the cold of winter, but apparently reduce the profusion of rainfall in summer, and favor moisture in dry pe- riods. No finer climate exists, all conditions consid- ered, for delicate vegetable growths, than that por- tion of Ohio bordering on Lake Erie. This is abundantly attested by the recent extensive devel- opment there of grape culture. Mr. Lorin Blodget, author of "American Clima- tology," in the agricultural report of 1853, says; "A district bordering on the Southern and West- ern portions of Lake Erie is more favorable in this respect (grape cultivation ) than any other on the Atlantic side of the Rocky Mountains, and it will ultimately prove capable of a very liberal extension of vine culture." :V 1G4 HISTOKY or OHIO. Experience has proven Mr. Blodget correct in his theory. Now extensive fields of grapes are everywhere found on the Lake Erie Slope, while other small fruits find a sure footing on its soil. " Considering the climate of Ohio by isother- mal lines and rain shadings, it must be borne in mind," says Mr. Blodget, in his description of Ohio's climate, from which these ficts are drawn, " that local influences often requii'e to be considered. At the South, from Cincinnati to Steubenville, the deep river valleys are two degrees warmer than the hilly districts of the same vicinity. The lines are drawn intermediate between the two extremes. Thus, Cincinnati, on the plain, is 2° warmer than at the Observatory, and 4° warmer for each year than Hillsboro, Highland County — the one being 5U0, the other 1,000, feet above sea-level. The immediate valley of the Ohio, from Cincinnati to Gallipolis, is about 75° for the summer, and 54° for the year; while the adjacent hilly districts, 800 to 500 feet higher, are not above 73° and 52° respectively. For the summer, generally, the river valleys are 73° to 75° ; the level and central portions 72° to 73°, and the lake border 70° to 72°. A peculiar mildness of climate belongs to the vicinity of Kelley's Island, Sandusky and Toledo. Here, both winter and summer, the cli- mate is 2° warmer than on the highland ridge ex- tending from Norwalk and Oberlin to Hudson and the northeastern border. This ridge varies from 500 to 750 feet above the lake, or 850 to 1,200 feet above sea level. This high belt has a summer temperature of 70°, 27° for the winter, and 49° for the year ; while at Sandusky and Kelley's Island the summer is 72°, the winter 29°, and the year 50°. In the central and eastern parts of the State, the winters are comparatively cold, the average falling to 32° over the more level districts, and to 29° on the highlands. The Ohio Kiver valley is about 35°, but the highlands near it fall to 31° and 32° for the winter." As early as 1824, several persons in the State began taking the temperature in tlieir respective localities, for the spring, summer, autumn and win- ter, averaging them for the entire year. From time to time, these were gathered and published, inducing others to take a step in the same direction. Not long since, a general table, from about forty local- ities, was gathered and compiled, covering a period of more than a quarter of a century. This table, when averaged, showed an average temperature of 52.4°, an evenness of temperature not equaled in many bordering States. Very imperfect observations have been made of the amount of rainfall in the State. Until lately, only an individual here and there through- out the State took enough interest in this matter to faithfully observe and record the averages of several years in succession. In consequence of this fact, the illustration of that feature of Ohio's climate is less satisfactory than that of the temperature. "The actual rainfall of different months and years varies greatly," says Mr. Blod- get. "There may be more in a month, and, again, the quantity may rise to 12 or 15 inches in a single month. For a year, the variation may be from a minimum of 22 or 25 inches, to a maxi- mum of 50 or even 60 inches in the southern part of the State, and 45 to 48 inches along the lake border. The average is a fixed quantity, and, although requiring a period of twenty or twenty- five years to fix it absolutely, it is entirely certain and unchangeable when known. On charts, these average quantities are represented by depths of shading. At Cincinnati, the last fifteen years of observation somewhat reduce the average of 48 inches, of former years, to 46 or 47 inches." Spring and summer generally give the most rain, there being, in general, 10 to 12 inches in the spring, 10 to 14 inches in the summer, and 8 to 10 inches in the autumn. The winter is the most variable of all the seasons, the southern part of the State having 10 inches, and the northern part 7 inches or less — an average of 8 or 9 inches. The charts of rainfall, compiled for the State, show a fall of 30 inches on the lake, and 46 inches at the Ohio River. Between these two points, the fall is marked, beginning at the north, 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches, all near the lake. Farther down, in the latitude of Tuscarawas, Monroe and Mercer Counties, the fall is 40 inches, while the south- western part is 42 and 44 inches. The clearing away of forests, the drainage of the land, and other causes, have lessened the rain- fall, making considerable difference since the days of the aborioines. :^ 'k. HISTORY OF OHIO. 105 CHAPTER XVII.* PUBLIC LANDS OF OHIO— THR MYSTERIES OF THE EARLY SURVEYS- ITS ORIGIN AND ORGANIZATION. -THE NEW rONNECTICUT— TO the inexperienced student of the history of Ohio, nothing is more perplexing and un- satisfactory, than the account of its pubUc lands. Held theoretically by the conflicting claims of col- onies, each jealous of the other's prestige, and prac- tically controlled by the determined assertion of his cLiim by the Indian, its territory came under the acknowledged control of the General Government in a fragmentary way, and in the early surveys it lacks that regular arrangement which marks the larger part of the old Northwestern Territory. But, to the early colonist, Ohio was the land of promise. The reports of the early explorers who had been sent to spy out the land were such as to stimulate the rapacity of greedy adventurers to the highest pitch, and Ohio became at once the center of at- traction, not only to that class, but also to the pio- neer settlements of the East. The spirit of land speculation was fostered by the system of royal charters and favoritism, and colonial officials were rapidly acquiring titles to large tracts of the fertile lands of the Northwest. Lord Dunmore, who rep- resented the crown in Virginia, had made arrange- ments to secure a large portion of this territory, which were only frustrated by the precipitation of the Revolutionary struggle. In all these operations the rights or interests of the Indians were ignored. Might was the measure of the white man's right, and, in the face of formal treaties very favorable to the whites, the lands reserved to the natives were shamelessly bought and sold. Titles thus secured were obviously of no value if the integrity of sol- emn treaties were to be respected, but, so generally had the public mind been corrupted by the greed for gain, that this consideration offered no hindrance whatever to this sort of traffic in land titles. In 1776, however, the colonies having renounced their allegiance to the mother country, and having assumed a position as sovereign and independent States, a summary end was put to this speculation, and all persons were forbidden to locate in this ter- ritory, until its ownership and jurisdiction should ♦Compiled from Howe's Historical rollpctions of Ohio, and a pamphlet by Judge W. W. Boynton, of the Supreme Court of Ohio. be determined. Each State claimed the right of soil, the jurisdiction over the district of country embraced by the provisions of its charter, and the privilege of disposing of the land to subserve its own interests. The States, on the contrary, which had no such charter, insisted that that these lands ought to be appropriated for the benefit of all the States, as the title to them, if secured at all, would be by the expenditure of the blood and moneys of all alike. The treaty of peace with England was signed at Paris, September 3, 1783, and Congress at once became urgent in seconding this demand of the non charter-holding States. Under the char- ters held by the individual State, the General Gov- ernment was powerless to fulfill its agreement with the troops, to grant land to each soldier of the war, and the general dissatisfaction occasioned by this state of things, formed a powerful influence which finally brought about a general cession of these unappropriated lands, held by the different States. In March, 1784, Virginia ceded her terri- tory situated northwest of the River Ohio, reserving the tract now known as the Virginia Military Lands. In 1786, Connecticut ceded her territory, save the " Western Reserve ;" reserved cessions were made by Massachusetts in 1785, and by New York in 1780. When Ohio was admitted into the Federal Union in 184)3, as an independent State, one of the terms of admission was, that the fee simple to all the lands within its limits, excepting those pre- viously granted or sold, should vest in the Ignited States. A large portion of the State, however, had been granted or sold to various individuals, compa- nies and bodies politic before this, and subsequent dispositions of Ohio public lands have generally been in aid of some public State enterprise. The following are the names by which the principal bodies of land are designated, taking their titles from the different forms of transfer: 1. Congress Lands. 2. United States Military Lands. 3. Ohio Company's Purchase. 4. Donation Tract. ?>MV ■l±^ 166 HISTORY OF OHIO. 5. Symmes' Purvliase. 6. Refugee Tract. 7. French Grant. 8. Dohrman's Grrant. 9. Moravian Lands. 10. Zane's Grant. 11. Maumee Road Lands. 12. Turnpike Lands. 13. Ohio Canal Lands. 14. School Lands. 15. College Lands. 16. Ministerial Lands. 17. Salt Sections. 18. Virginia Military Lands. 19. Western Reserve. 20. Fire Lands. These grants, however, may properly be di- vided into three general classes — Congress Lands, the Virginia Reserve and the Connecticut Reserve ; the former including all lands of the State, not known as the Virginia Military Land or the W(, stern Reserve. Previous to any grants of this territory, the Indian title had to be acquired. Al- though the United States has succeeded to the rights acquired by the English from the Iroquois, there were numerous tribes that disputed the right of the dominant nation to cede this territory, and a treaty was accordingly made at Fort Stanwix, in 1784, and in the following year at Fort Mcin- tosh, by which the Indians granted all east of a line drawn from the mouth of the Cuyahoga River to the Ohio, and all south of what subse- quently became known as the Greenville Treaty line, or Indian boundary line. By this treaty, this line extended from the Portage, between the Cuya- hoga and the Tuscarawas Branch of the Muskingum, " thence down that branch, to the crossing above Fort Laurens, then westerly to the Portage of the Big Miami, which runs into the Ohio, at the mouth of which the fort stood, which was taken by the French in 1752; thence along said Portage to the Great Miami, or Omee River," whence the line was extended westward, by the treaty of Greenville, in 1705, to Fort Recovery, and thence southwest to the mouth of the Kentucky River. Congress Lands are so called becau.se they are sold to purchasers by the immediate officers of the General Government, conformably to such laws as are, or may be, from time to time, enacted by Congress. They are all regularly surveyed into townships of six miles square each, under the au- thority and at the expense of the National Govern- ment. All these lands, except Marietta and a part of Steubenville districts, are numbered as follows : 6 5 4 3 2 11 1 7 18 8 9 10 12 17 16 15 14 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 29 28 27 26 25 31 32 83 34 35 36 The seven Ranges, Ohio Company's Purchase, and Symmes' Purchase are numbered as here ex- hibited : 36 30 24 18 12 6 35 29 23 17 11 5 34 28 22 16 10 4 83 27 21 15 9 8 32 26 20 14 8 2 31 25 19 13 7 1 The townships are again subdivided into sec- tions of one mile square, each- containing 640 acres, by lines running parallel with the township and range lines. The sections are numbered in two different modes, as exhibited in the preceding fig- ures or diagrams. In addition to the foregoing division, the sec- tions are again subdivided into four equal parts, called the northeast quarter-section, southeast quarter section, etc. And again by a law of Con- gress, which went into effect July, 1820, these quarter-sections are also divided by a north-and- riV '\^ HISTORY OF OHIO. 167 s 30 4 R T S 213 3 1 south line into two equal parts, called the east half quarter-section No. — , and west half quarler-sec- tion No. — , which contain eighty acres each. The minimum price was reduced by the same law from $2 to $1.25 per acre, cash down. In establishing the township and sectional cor- ners, a post was first planted at the point of inter- section ; then on the tree nearest the post, and standing within the section intended to be desig- nated, was numbered with the marking iron the range, township, and number of the section, thus : R 21 R 20 T 4 T 4 1 S 31 The quarter corners are marked — 1 — 4 south, merely. 2R 20 T 3 S 6 Section No. 16 of every township is perpet- ually reserved for the use of sclools, and leased or sold out, for the benefit ot schools, under the State government. All the others may be taken up either in sections, fractions, halves, quarters, or half-quarters. For the purpose of selling out these lands, they were divided into eight several land districts, called after the names of the towns in which the land of- fices are kept, viz., Wooster, Steubenville, Zanes- ville, Marietta, Chillicothe, etc., etc. In May, 1785, Congress passed an ordinance for a.scertaining the mode of disposing of these lands. Under that ordinance, the Jifst seven ranges, bounded on the north by a line drawn due west from the Pennsylvania State line, where it crosses the Ohio River, to the United States Military Lands, forty-two miles; and, on the west, by the same line drawn thence south to the Ohio River, at the southeast corner of Marietta Township, and on the east and south by the Ohio River, were surveyed in 1786-87, and in the latter year, and sales were efl'ected at New York, to the amount of $72,974. In 1796, further portions of these lands were disposed of at Pittsbuigh, to the amount of S43,44B, and at Philadelphia, amounting to $5,- 120. A portion of these lands were located under United States Military land warrants, and the rest was disposed of at the Steubenville Land Office, which was opened July 1, 1801. United States Military Lands are so called from the circumstance of their having been appropriat- ed, by an act of Congress of the 1st of June, 1796, to satisfy certain claims of the officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary war. This tract of country, embracing tlie.se lands, is bounded as fol- lows : Beginninir at the northwest corner of the original seven ranges of townships, thence south titty miles, thence west to the Scioto River, thence up i^aid river to the Greenville treaty line, thence northeasterly with said line to old Fort Laurens, on the Tuscarawas River, thence due east to the place of beginning, including a tract of about 4,000 square miles, or 2,560,000 acres of land. It is, of course, bounded on the north by the Green- ville treaty line, east by the " seven ranges of town- ships," south by the Congress and Refugee lands, and west by the Scioto River. These lands are surveyed into townships of five miles square ; these townships were then again, originally, surveyed into quarter townships, of two and a half miles square, containing 4,000 acres each; and, subsequently, some of these quarter- townships were subdivided into forty lots, of 100 acres each, for the accommodation of those soldiers holding warrants for only 100 acres each. And again, after the time originally assigned for ihe location of these warrants had expired, certain quarter-townships, which had not then been loca- ted, we re divided into sections of one mile .square each, and sold by the General Government, like the main body of Congress lands. The quarter-townships are numbered as exhib- ited in the accompanying figure, the top being considered north. .The place of each township is ascer- tained by numbers and ranges, the same as Congress lands ; the ranges being numbered from east to west, and the numbers from south to north. Ohio Company's Purchase is a body of land containing about 1,500.000 acr>s; including, how- ever, the donation tract, school lands, etc., lying along the Ohio River ; and including Meigs, nearly all of Athens, and a consideralile jiart of Wash- ington and Gallia Counties. This tract was pur- chased by the General Government in the year 1787, by Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sar- geant, from the neighhorhood of Salem, in ^Lassa- chusetts, agents for the " Ohio Company," so called, which had then been formed in Massachu- setts, foi- the purpo.se of a settlement in the Ohio country. Only 964,285 acres were ultimately paid for, and, of cour.se. patented. This body of land was then apportioned out into 817 shares, of 1,173 acres each, and a town lot of one-third of an acre to each share. These shares were made 2 1 8 4 IT^ 168 HISTORY OF OHIO. up to each proprietor in tracts, one of 640 acres, one of 262, one of 160, one of 100, one of 8, and another of 3 acres, besides the before-mentioned town lot. Besides every section 16, set apart, as elsewhere, for the support of schools, every Section 29 is appropriated for the support of religious institutions. In addition to which were also granted two six-mile-square townships for the use of a college. But, unfortunately for the Ohio Company, owing to their want of topographical knowledge of the country, the body of land selected by ihem, with some partial exceptions, is the most hilly and sterile of any tract of similar ex- tent in the State. Donation Tract is a body of 100,000 acres, set oif in the northern limits of the Ohio Company's tract, and granted to them by Congress, provided they should obtain one actual settler upon each hundred acres thereof, within five years from the date of the grant ; and that so much of the 100,- 000 acres aforesaid, as should not thus be taken up, shall revert to the Greneral Government. This tract may, in some respects, be considered a part of the Ohio Company's purchase. It is situated in the northern limits of Washington County. It lies in an oblong shape, extending nearly seventeen miles from east to west, and about seven and a half north to south. Symmes' Purchase is a tract of 311,682 acres of land in the southwestern quarter of the State, between the Great and Little Miami Rivers. It bor- ders on the Ohio River a distance of twenty-seven miles, and extends so far back from the latter between the two Miamis as to include the quantity of land just mentioned. It was patented to John Cleves Symmes, in 1794, for 67 cents per acre. Every sixteenth section, or square mile, in each town- ship, was reserved by Congress for the use of schools, and Sections 29 for the support of relig- ious institutions, besides fifteen acres around Fort Washington, in Cincinnati. This tract of land is now one of the most valuable in the State. Refugee Tract, a body of 100,000 acres of land, granted by Congress to certain individuals who left the British Provinces during the Revolutionary war and espoused the cause of freedom, is a nar- row strip of country, four and a half miles broad from north to south, and extending eastwardly from the Scioto River forty -eight miles. It has the United States twenty ranges of military or army lands north, twenty-two ranges of Congress lands south. In the western borders of this tract is situated the town of Columbus. French Grant is a tract of 24,000 acres of land, bordering upon the Ohio River, in the south- eastern quarter of Scioto County. A short time after the Ohio Company's purchase began to be settled, an association was formed under the name of the Scioto Land Company. A contract was made for the purchase of a part of the lands in- cluded in the Ohio Company's purchases. Plats and descriptions of the land contracted for were made out, and Joel Barlow was sent as an agent to Europe to make sales of the lands for the bene- fit of the company; and sales were effected of a considerable part of the land to companies and individuals in France. On February 19, 1791, two hundred and eighteen of tlusc purchasers left Havre de Grace, in France, and arrived in Alex- andria, J). C, on the 3d of May following. On their arrival, they were told that the Scioto Com- pany owned no land. The agent insisted that they did, and promised to secure them good titles thereto, which he did, at Winchester, Brownsville and Charleston (now Well;>burg). When they arrived at Mai-ietta, about fifty of them landed. The rest of the company proceeded to Gallipolis, which was laid out about that time, and were as- sured by the agent that the place lay within their purchase. Every efi"ort to secure titles to the lands they had purchased having failed, an appli- cation was made to Congress, and in March, 1795, the above grant was made to these persons Twelve hundred acres additional, were afterward granted, adjoining the above mentioned tract at its lower end, toward the mouth of the Little Scioto River. Dohrman's Grant is one six-mile-square town- ship of 23,040 acres, granted to Arnold Henry Dohrman, formerly a wealthy Portuguese merchant in Lisbon, fur and in consideration of his having, during the Revolutionary war, given shelter and aid to the American cruisers and vessels of war. It is located in the southeastern part of Tuscara- was County. Moravian Lands are three several tracts of 4,000 acres each, originally granted by the old Continental Congress in July, 1787, and confirmed by act of Congress of June 1, 1796, to the Mora- vian brethren at Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, in trust and for the use of the Christianized Indians living thereon. They are laid out in nearly square farms, on the Muskingum River, in what is now Tuscarawas County. They are called by the namrs of the Shoenbrun. Gnadenhutten and Salem tract.s. Zane's Tracts are three several tracts of one mile HISTORY OF OHIO. 169 squire each — one on the Muskingum River, which incUides the town of Zuncsville - one at the cross of the Hocking River, on which the town of Lancas- ter is laid out, and the third on the left bank of the Scioto River, opposite Chillicothe. They were granted by Congress to one Ebenezer Zane, in May, 1786, on condition that he should open a road tlirough them, from Wheeling, Va., to Mays- ville, Ky. There are also three other tracts, of one mile square each, granted to Isaac Zane, in the year 1802, in consideration of his having been taken prisoner by the Indians, when a boy, during the Revolutionary war, and living with them most of his life ; and having during that time performed m;!i)y acts of kindness and beneficence toward the American people. These tracts are situated in Champaign County, on King's Creek, from three to five miles northwest from Urbana. The Maumee Road's Lands are a body of lauds averaging two miles wide, l^ing along one mile on each side ofthe road, from the Maumee River, at Per- rysburg, to the western limits of the Wesiern Re- serve, a distance of about forty-six miles, and com- prising nearly 60,000 acres. They were originally granted by the Indian owners, at the treaty of Brownstown, in 1808, to enable the United States to miike a road on the line just mentioned. The General Grovernment never moved into the busi- ness until Fibruary, 1823, when Congress passed an act making over the aforesaid lands to the State of Ohio, provided she should, within four years thereafter, make and keep in repair a good road throughout the aforei-aid route of forty-six miles. This road the State government has already made, obtained possession, and sold most of the land. Turnpike Lands are forty-nine sections, amount- ing to 31,360 acres, situated along the western side of the Columbus and Sandusky turnpike, in the eastern parts of Seneca, Crawford and Marion Counties. They were originally granted by an act of Congress on March 3, 1827, and more specifi- cally by a supplementary act the year following. The considerations for which these lands were granted were that the mail stages and all troops and property of the United States, which should ever be moved and transported along this road should pass free fi-om toll. The Ohio Canal Lands are granted by Congress to the State of Ohio, to aid in constructing her extensive canals. These lands comprise over one million of acres. School Lan Js — By compact between the United States and the State of Ohio, when the latter was admitted into the Union, it was stipulated, for and in consideration that the State of Ohio should never tax the Congress lands until after they should have been sold five years, and in consideration tl at the public lands would thereby more readily sell, that the one-thirty-sixth part of all the territory in- cluded within the limits of the State should be set apart for the support of common schools there- in. And for the purpose of getting at lands which should, in point of quality of soil, be on an average with the whole land in the country, they decreed that it should be selected by lots, in small tracts each, to wit: That it should consist of Section No. 16, let that section be good or bad, in every township of Congress land, also in the Ohio Company's and in Symmes' Pur- chases, all of which townvhips are composed of thirty-six sections each ; and for the United States military lands and Connecticut Reserve, a num- ber of quarter-townships, two and a half miles square each (being the smallest public surveys therein, then made), should be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury in different townships throughout the United States military tract, equivalent in quantity to the one thirty-sixth part of those two tracts respectively ; and, for the Virginia military tract, Congress enacted that a quantity of land equal to the one- thirty-sixth part of the estimated quantity of land contained therein, should be selected by lot, in what was then called the " New Pur- chase," in quarter - township tracts of three miles square each. Most of these selections were accordingly made, but in some instances, by the carelessness of' the officers conducting the sales, or from some other cause, a few Sections 16 have been sold, in which case Congress, when applied to, has generally granted other lands in lieu thereof, as, for instance, no Section 16 was re- served in Montgomery Township, in which Co- lumbus is situated, and Congress afterward granted therefor Section 21, in township corner- ing thereon to the southwest. College Townships are three six-mile-square townships, granted by Congress ; two of them to the Ohio Company, for the use of a coll ge to be established within their purchase, and one for the use of the inhabitants of Symmes' Purchase. Ministerial Lands — In both the Ohio Company and the Symmes' Purchase every Section 29 (equal to every one-thirty-sixth part of every township) 4f 170 HISTORY OF OHIO. 3 2 4 1 is reserved as a permanent fund for the Mipp(jrt of a settled minister. As the purchasers of these two tracts came from parts of the Union where it was customary and deemed necessary to have a regu- lar settled clergyman in every town, they therefore stipulated in this original purchase that a perma- nent fund in lands should thus he set apiirt for this purchase. In no other part of the State, other than these two pui'chases, are any lands set apart f )r this object. The Connecticut Western Reserve and the Fire Lands are surveyed into townships of about five miles square each ; and these townships are then subdivided into four quarters ; and these quarter- townships are numbered as in the accompanying figure, the top being considered north. And for individual conven- ience, these are again subdivided, by private surveys, into lots of from fifty to five hundi'ed acres each, to suit individual purchasers. In its history, the Western Reserve is far more important than any other of the early arbitrary divisions of the State. It was peopled by a dom- inant class that brought to this wilderness social forms and habits of thought that had been fostered in the Puritan persecutions of England, and crys- tallized by nearly half a century of pioneer life in Connecticut, into a civilization that has not yet lost its distinctive characteristics. Dating their history back to the early part of the seventeenth century, the true descendant of the Puritan points with pride to the permanency of their traditions, to the progressive character of their institutions, and marks their influence in the commanding power of the schoolhouse and church. The earliest measure which may be said to have affected the history of the Reserve, originated in 1609. In this year, James I, granted to a com- pany called the London Company, a charter, under which the entire claim of Virginia to the soil northwest of the Ohio was asserted. It was clothed with corporate powers, with most of its members living in London. The tract of country embraced within this charter was immense. It commenced its boundaries at Point Comfort, on the Atlantic, and ran south 200 miles, and thence west across the continent to the Pacific ; com- mencing again at Point Comfort, and running 200 miles north, and from this point northwest to the sea. This line ran through New York and Pennsylvania, crossing the eastern end of Lake Erie, and terminated in the Arctic Ocean. The vast empire lying between the south line, the east line, the diagonal line to the northwest, and the Pacific Ocean, was claimed by virtue of this char- ter. It included over half of the North American Continent. Notwithstanding the charter of the London Company included all the territory now embraced witliin the boundaries of Ohio, James I, on the 3d of November, 1620, by royal letters patent, granted to the Duke of Lenox and others, to be known as the Council of Plymouth, all the territory lying between the fortieth and fortv- eighth degrees of north latitude, and bounded on the east by the Atlantic, and on the west by the Pacific. This description embraced a large tract of the lands granted to the Virginia or London Company. In 1630, a portion of the same ter- ritory was granted to the Earl of Warwick, and afterward confirmed to him by Charles I. In 1631, the Council of Plymouth, acting by the Earl of Warwick, granted to Lord Brook and Vis- counts Say and Seal, what were supposed to be the same lands, altliMUgh by a very imperfect de- scription. In 1662, Charles II granted a charter to nineteen patentees, with such associates as they should from time to time elect. This asso- ciation was made a body corporate and politic, by the name of the Governor and Company of the English Cotiony of Connecticut. This charter constituted the organic law of the State for up- ward of one hundi-ed and fifty years. The bound- aries were Massachusetts on the north, the sea on the south, Narragansett River or Bay on the east, and the South Sea (Pacific Ocean) on the west This description embraced a strip of land upward of six miles wide, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, including a part of New York and New Jersey, and all the territory now known as the Western Reserve. In 1681, for the consideration of £16,000 and a fealty of two beaver skins a year, Charles II granted to ^Villiam Penn a charter embracing within its limits the territory constituting the present State of Pennsylvania. This grant in- cluded a strip of territor}- running across the en- tire length of the State on the north, and upward of fifty miles wide, that was embraced within the Connecticut charter. Massachusetts, under the Plymouth Charter, claimed all the land between the forty-first and forty-fifth degrees, of north lati- tude. In 1664, Charles II ceded to his brother, the Duke of York, afterward James II, by Icttei-s patent, all the countrybetween the St. Croix and the Delaware. After the overthrow of the gov- HISTORY OF OHIO. 173 ernnient of " New Netherlands," then existing upon that territory, it was chiimed that the grant of the Duke of York extended west into the Mis- sissippi A'alley. Thus matters stood at the commencement of the Revolution. Virginia claimed all the territory northwest of the Ohio. Connecticut strenuously urged her titles to all lands lying between the par- allels -11° and 42° 2' of north latitude, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Pennsylvania, under the charter of 1G81, had taken possession of the disputed land lying in that State, and had granted much of it to actual settlers. New York and Massachusetts were equally emphatic in the asser- tion of ownership to land between those lines of lat- itude. The contention between claimants under the Connecticut and Pennsylvania charters, on the Susquehanna, frequently resulted in bloodshed. The controversy between those two States was finally submitted to a Court of Commissioners, ap- pointed by Congress, upon the petition of Pennsyl- vania, under the ninth article of the confederation, which gave Congress power to establish a Court of Commissioners, to settle disputed boundaries be- tween States, in case of disagreement. The court decided in favor of Pennsylvania, and this decision terminated the controversy. The question of the title to lands lying west of Pennsylvania, was not involved in this adjudication, but remained a sub- ject for future contention. A party sprung up during the war that disputed the title of the States asserting it, to lands outside of State limits, and which insisted upon the right of the States by whose common treasure, dominion was to be secured, to participate in the benefits and results arising from the joint and common 'effort for inde- pendence. This party was particularly strong in the smaller States. Those colonies that had not been the favored recipients of extensive land grants, were little inclined to acquiesce in claims, the justice of which they denied, and which could be secured to the claimants, only by the success of the Revolution. There is little doubt, that the conflict in the early charters, respecting boundaries, grew out of the ignorance of the times in which they were granted, as to the breadth or inland extent of the American Continent. During the reign of James I, Sir Francis Drake reported, that, from the top of the mountains on the Isthmus of Pan- ama, he had seen both oceans. This led to the supposition that the continent, from east to west, was of no considerable extent, and that the South Sea, by which the grants were limited on the west, did not lie very far from the Atlantic ; and as late as 1740, the Duke of Newcastle addressed his letters to the ''Island of New Il]ngland." Hence it was urged as an argument against the claims of those States asserting title to Western lands, that the term, in the grants, of South Sea, being, by mutual mistake of the parties to the charter, an erroneous one — the error resulting from misinfor- mation or want of certainty concerning the local- ity of that sea — the claiming State ought not to insist upon an ownership resting upon such a foot- ing, and having its origin in such a circumstance. Popular feeling on the subject ran so high, at times, as to cause apprehension for the safety of the confed- eration. In 1780, Congress urged upon the States having claims to the Western country, the duty to make a surrender of a part thereof to the United States. The debt incurred in the Revolutionary contest, the limited resources for its extinguishment, if the public domain was unavailable for the purpose, the existence of the unhappy controversy growing out of the asserted claims, and an earnest desire to ac- commodate and pacify conflicting interests among the States, led Congress, in 1784, to an impressive appeal to the States interested, to remove all cause for further discontent, by a liberal cession of their domains to the General Government, for the com- mon benefit of all the States. The happy termi- n .tion of the war found the public mind in a con- dition to be easily impressed by appeals to its pat- riotism and liberality. New York had, in 1780, ceded to the United States, the lands that she claimed, lying west of a line running south from the west bend qf Lake Ontario ; and, in 1785, Mas- sachusetts relinquished her claim to the same lands — each Stat© reserving the same 19,000 square miles of ground, and each asserting an independent title to it. This controversy between the two States was settled by an equal division between them, of the disputed ground. Virginia had given to her soldiers of the Revolutionary war, and of the war between France and England, a pledge of bounties payable in Western lands ; and, reserving a sufiicien amount of land to enable her to meet the pledge thus given, on the 1st of March, 1784, she relinquished to the United States, her title to all other lands lying northwest of the Ohio. On the 14th day of September, 1786, the delegates in Congress, from the State of Connecticut, being au- thorized and directed so to do, relinquished to the United States, all the right, title, interest, jurisdic- IK* J^« 174 HISTORY OF OHIO. tion and claim that she possessed to the hinds ly- ing west of a line running north from the 41° north latitude, to 42° 2', and being 120 miles west of the western line of Pennsylvania. The territory lying west of Pennsylvania, for the distance of 120 miles, and between the above-named degrees of lat- itude, although not in terms reserved by the in- strument of conveyance, was in fact reserved — not having been conveyed — and by reason thereof, was called the Western Reserve of Connecticut. It embraces the counties of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Portage, Geauga, Lake, Cuyahoga, Medina, Lorain, Huron, Erie, all of Summit, save the townships of Franklin and Greene ; the two northern tiers of townships of Mahoning; the townships of Sulli- van, Troy and Ruggles, of Ashland ; and the islands lying north of Sandusky, including Kelley's and Put-in-Ba3% During the Revolution, the British, aided by Benedict Arnold, made incursions in the heart of Connecticut, and destroyed a large amount of property in the towns of Greenwich, Norwalk, Fairfield, Danbury, New and East Haven, New London, Richfield and Groton. There were up- ward of 2,000 persons and families that sustained severe losses by the de2")redations of the enemy. On the 10th of May, 1792, the Legislature of that State set apart and donated to the suffering inhabitants of these towns, 500,000 acres of the west part of the lands of the Reserve, to compen- sate them for the losses sustained. These lands were to be bounded on the north by the shore of Lake Erie, south by the base line of the Reserve, west by its western line, and east by a line par- allel with the western line of Pennsylvania, and so far from the west line of the Reserve as to in- clude within the described limits the 500,000 acres. These are the lands now embraced within the counties of Huron and Erie, and the Township of Ruggles, in Ashland County. The islands were not included. The lands so given were called '• Suff"erers' Lands," and those to whom they were given were, in 1796, by the Legislature of Con- necticut, incorporated by the name of the " Pro- prietors of the half-million acres of land lying south of Lake Erie." After Ohio had become an independent State, this foreign corporation was not found to work well here, not being subject to her laws, and, to relieve the owners of all embar- rassment, on the 15th of April, 1803, the Legisla- ture of this State conferred corporate power on the owners and proprietors of the " Half-million acres of land lying south of Lake Erie," in the county of Trumbull, called " Sufferers' Land." An account of the losses of the inhabitants had been taken in pounds, shillings and pence, and a price placed upon the lands, and each of the suf- ferers received land proportioned to the extent of his loss. These lands subsequently took the name of " Fire Lands," from the circumstance that the greater part of the losses suff"ered resulted from fire. In 1795, the remaining portion of the Reserve was sold to Oliver Phelps and thirty-five others, wh I formed what became known as the " Connect- icut Land Company." Some uneasiness concern- ing the validity of the title arose fi-om the fact that, whatever interest Virginia, Massachusetts or New York may have had in the lands reserved, and claimed by Connecticut, had been transferred to the United States, and, if neither of the claim- ing States had title, the dominion and ownership passed to the United States by the treaty made with England at the close of the Revolution. This condition of things was not the only source of difficulty and trouble. The Reserve was so far from Connecticut as to make it impracticable for that State to extend her laws over the same, or ordain new ones for the government of the inhabit- ants; and, having parted with all interest in the soil, her right to provide laws for the people was not only doubted, but denied. Congress had provided by the ordinance of 1787 for the gov- ernment of the territory nurthwest of the Ohio ; but to admit jurisdiction in the United States to govern this part of that territory, would cast grave doubt upon the validity of the company's title. It was therefore insisted that the regulation.": pre- scribed by that instrument for the government of the Northwest Territory had no operation or effect within the limits of the Reserve. To quiet apprehension, and to remove all cause of anxiety on the subject. Congress, on April 28, 1800, authorized the President to execute and deliver, on the part of the Unite 1 States, letters patent to the Governor of Connecticut, whereby the United States released, for the uses named, all ight and title to the soil of the Reserve, and 3onfirmed it unto those who had purchased it from that State. The execution and delivery, however, of the letters patent were upon the condition that Connecticut should forever renounce and release to the United States entire and complete civil jurisdiction over the territory released. This condition was accepted, and thereupon Connecticut transferred her jurisdiction to the United States, and the HISTORY OF OHIO 175 United States released her claim and title to the soil While this controversy was going on, there was another contestant in the field, having the advan- tage of actual occupancy, and in no wise inclined to recognize a title adverse to his, nor yield, upon mere invitation, a possession so long enjoyed. This contestant was the Indian. By the treaty at Greenville in 1795, preceding treaties were con- firmed, and the different tribes released their claims to all territory east of the line of the Cuya- hoga River and south of the Indian boundary line. This left the larger part of the territory of the Western Reserve still in the hands of the savMge. On July 4, 18(l5, a treaty was made at Fort Industry with the chiefs and warriors of the different nations settled in the northern and western sections of the State, by which the Indian title to all the lands of the Reserve, lying west of the Cuyahoga, was extinguished. By this treaty all the lands lying between the Cuyahoga and the Meridian, one hundred and twenty miles west of Pennsylvania, were ceded by the Indians for $20,000 in goods, and a perpetual annuity of $9,500, payable in goods at first cost. The latter clause has become a dead letter, because there is no one to claim it. Since this treaty, the title to the land of the Re- serve has been set at rest. The price for which this vast tract of land was sold to the Connecticut Land Company was $1,200,000, the subscriptions to the purchase fund ranging from $1,683, by Sylvanus Griswold. to $168,185, by Oliver Phelps. Each dollar sub- scribed to this fund entitled the subscriber to one twelve hundred thousandth part in common and undivided of the land purchased. Having ac- quired the title, the Company, in the following spring, commenced to survey the territory lying east of the Cuyahoga, and during the years of 1796 and 1797, completed it. The first surveying party arrived at Conneaut, in New Connecticut, July 4, 1796, and proceeded at once to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of American Independ- ence. There were fifty persons in the party, under the lead of Gen. Moses Cleveland, of Can- terbury, Conn. There will be found in Whittle- sey's Early History of Cleveland an extract from the journal of Cleveland, describing the particu- lars of the celebration. Among other things noted by him was the following : ''The day, memora ble as the birthday of American Independence and freedom from British tyrrany, and commemo- rated by all good, freeborn sons of America, and memorable as the day on which the settlement of this new country was commenced, and ( which j in time may raise her head among the most enlight- ened and improved States" — a prophecy already more than fulfilled. For the purposes of the survey, a point wher ; the 41st degree of north latitude intersected the western line of Pennsylvania, was found, and from this degree of latitude, as a base line, meridian lines, five miles apart, were run north to the lake. Lines of latitude were then run, five miles apart, thus dividing the territory into townships five miles square. It was not until after the treaty of 1805 that the lands lying west of the Cuyahoga were surveyed. The meridians and parallels were run out in 1806, by Abraham Tappan and his assistants. The base and western lines of the Re- serve were run by Seth Pease, for the Govern- ment. The range of townships were numbered progressively west, from the western boundary of Pennsylvania. The first tier of townships, run- ning north and south, lying along the border of Pennsylvania, is Range No. 1 ; the adjoining tier west is range No. 2, and so on throughout the twenty-four ranges. The township lying next north of the 41st parallel of latitude in each range, is Township No. 1 of that range. The township next north is No. 2, and so on progressively to the lake. It was supposed that there were 4,- 000,000 acres of land between Pennsylvania and the Fire Lands. If the supposition had proved true, the land would have cost 30 cents per acre ; as it resulted, there were less than 3,000,- 000 acres. The misca'culation arose from the mistaken assumption that the south shore of Lake Erie bore more nearly west than it does, and also in a mistake made in the length of the east-and- west line. The distance west from the Pennsyl- vania line, surveyed in 1796-97, was only fifty-six miles, the survey ending at the Tuscarawas River. To reach the western limits of the Reserve a dis tance of sixty-four miles was to be made. Abra- ham Tappan and Anson Sessions entered into an agreement with the Land Company, in 1805, to complete the survey of the lands between the P^ire Lands and the Cuyahoga. This they did in 1806, and, from the width of Range 19, it is very evident that the distance from the east to the west line of the Reserve is less than one hundred and twenty miles. This range of townships is gore-shaped, and is much less than five miles wide, circum- stances leading the company to divide all below 176 HISTORY OF OHIO. Township 6 into tracts for the purpose of equaliza- tion. The west line of Range 19, from north to south, as originally run, bears to the west, and between it and Eange 20, as indicated on the map, tliere is a strip of land, also gore-shaped, that was left in the first instance unsurveyed, the surveyors not knowing the exact whereabouts of the eastern line of the "half-million acres" belonging to the suf- ferers. In 180G, Amos Spafford, of Cleveland, and Almon Ilugiiles, of Huron, were agreed on by the two companies to ascertain and locate the line be- tween the Fire Lands and the lands of the Connecti- cut Company. They first surveyed off the " half- million acres " belonging to the " sufferers," and, not agreeing with Seth Pease, who had run out the base and west lines, a dispute arose between the two companies, which was finally adjusted be- fore the draft, by establishing the eastern line of the Fire Lands wher.) it now is. This left a strip of land east of the Fire Lands, called surplus lands, which was included in range 19, and is embraced in the western tier of townships of Lorain County. The mode of dividing the land among the indi- vidual purchasers, was a little peculiar, though evidently just. An equalizing committee accom- panied the surveyors, to make such observations and take such notes of the character of the town- ships as would enable them to grade them intelli- gently, and make a just estimate and equalization of their value. The amount of purchase money was divided into 400 shares of $3,000 a share. Certifi- cates were issued to each owner, showing him to be entitled to such proportion of the entire land, as the amount he paid, bore to the purchase price of the whole. Four townships of the greatest value were first selected from that part of the Western Reserve, to which the Indian t tie had been extinguished, and were divided into lots. P]ach township was di- vided into not less than 100 lots. The number of lots into which the four townships were divided, would, at least, equal the 400 shares, or a lot to a share, and each person or company of persons en- titled to one or more shares of the Reserve — each share being one four-hundredth part of the Re- serve — was allowed to participate in the draft that was determined upon for the division of the joint property. The committee appointed to select the four most valuable townships for such division, was directed to select of the remaining townships, a sufficient number, and of the best quality and greatest value, to be used for equalizing purposes. After this selection was made, they were to choose the best remaining township, and tliis township was the one, to the value of which all others were brought by the equalizing process of annexation, and if there were several of equal value with the one so selected, no annexations were to be made to them. The equalizing townships were cut up into parcels of various size and value, and these parcels were annexed to townships inferior in value to the standard toicnship, and annexations of land from the equalizing townships, were made to the inferior townships, in quantity and quality, sufficient to make all equal in value to the standard adopted. When the townships had thus all been equalized, they were drawn by lit. There were ninety-three equalized parcels drawn east of the Cuyahoga, and forty-six on the west. The draft of the lands east of the river, took place prior to 1800, and of those west of that river, on the 4th day of April, 18()7. ]n the first draft, it required an ownership of $12,903.23 of the original purchase money, to en- title the owner to a township ; and in the second draft, it required an ownership of §26,087 in the original purchase-money, to entitle the owner to a township. The same mode and plan were followed in each draft. The townships were nuiubered, and the numbers, on separate pieces of paper, placed in a box. The names of the proprietors who liad sub- scribed, and were the owners of a sufficient amount of the purchase-money to entitle them to a township, were arranged ia alphabetical order, and when it was necessary for several persons to combine, be- cause not owning severally, a sufficient amount of the purchase-money, or number of shares, to en- title them to a township, the name of the person of the company that stood alphabetically first, was used to represent them in the draft, and in case the small owners were unable, from disagreement among themselves, to unite, a committee was ap- pointed to select and class the proprietors, and those selected were required to associate them- selves together, for the purpose of the draft. The township, or parcel of land, corresponding to the first number drawn from the box belonged to the person whose name stood first on the list, or to the persons whom he represented; and the second drawn belonged to the second person, and so down through the list. This w'as the mode adopted to sever the ownership in common, and to secure to each individual, or company of individuals, their interest in severalty. Soon after the conveyance to the land company, to avoid complications arising from the death of its members, and to facilitate the transmission of title.'', the company conveyed the >k. HISTORY OF OHIO. 177 entire purchase, in trust, to John Morpran, John Cadwell and Jonathan Brace ; and as titles were wanted, either before or after the division by draft, conveyances were made to the purchasers by these trustees. Little was known of this country at the time of its purchase by the Land Company. It was for- merly inhabited by a nation of Indians called the Erigas or Eries, from which the lake took its name. This nation was at an early date destroyed by the Iroquois. In his '■ History of New France," published in 1744, in speaking of the south shore of Lake Erie, Charlevoix says : "All this shore is nearly unknown." An old French map, made in 1755, to be seen in the rooms of the Western Re- serve Historical Society, in Cleveland, names the country between the Cuyahoga and Sandusky Rivers, as Cauahogue ; and east of the Cuyahoga, as Gwahoga. This is also the name given to that river which is made to empty into Cuyahoga Bay; and the country designated as Cauahogue is indi- cated as the seat of war, the Mart of Trade, and the chief hunting grounds of the Six Nations of the lake. The earliest settlement was on the Reserve, at Warren, in 1798, though salt was made in Weathersfield, Mahoning County, as early as 1755, by whites, who made short sojourns there for that purpose. The number of settlers increased in this section until, in 1800, there were some sixteen fam- ilies. In 1796, the first surveying party for the Land Company, landed at Conneaut, followed three years later by the first permanent settler. Then followed settlements in Geauga and Cuyahoga, in 1798; in Portage and Lake, in 1799; Summit, in 1800; Lorain. 1807, and iMedina, in 1811. "The settlement of the Reserve commenced in a manner somewhat peculiar. Instead of beginning on one side of a county, and progressing gradually into the interior, as had usually been done in similar cases, the prorrietors of the Reserve, being gov- erned by ditterent and separate views, began their improvements wherever their individual interests led them. Here we find many of the first settlers immersed in a dense forest, fifteen or twenty miles or more from the abode of any white inhabitants. In consequence of their scattered situation, jour- neys were sometimes to be performed of twenty or fifty miles, for the sole purpose of having the staple of an ox-yoke mended, or some other mechanical job, in itself trifling, but absolutely essential for the successful prosecution of business. These jour- neys had to be performed through the wilderness, at a great expense of time, and, in many cases, the only safe guide to direct their course, were the town.ship lines made by the surveyors. The want of mills to grind the first harvest, was in itself a great evil. Prior to 1800, many families used a small hand-mill, properly called a .sweat-mill, which took the hard labor of two hours to supply flour enough for one person a single day. About the year 1800, one or two grist-mills, operating by water- power, were erected. One of these was at Newburg, now in Cuyahoga Co. But the distance of many of the settlements from the mills, and the want of roads, often rendered the expense of grinding a single bushel equal to the value of two or three,"* Speaking of the settlement of the Fire Lands, C. B. Squier, late of Sandusky City, says : " The largest suff'erers, and, consequently, those who held the largest interest in the Fire LandS; pur- chased the rights of many who held smaller inter- ests. The proprietors of these lands, anxious that their new territory should be settled, off"ered strong inducements for persons to settle in this then un- known region. It is quite difficult to ascertain who the first settlers were, upon these lands. As early, if not prior to the organization of the State, sev- eral persons had squatted upon the lands at the mouth of the streams and near the shore of the lake, led a hunter's life, and trafficked with the Indians. But they were a race of wanderers, and gradually disappeared before the regular progress of the set- tlements. Those devoted missionaries, the Mora- vians, made a settlement, which they called New Salem, as early as 1790, on Huron River, about two miles below Milan. The first regular settlers, however, were Col. Ji'rard Ward, who came in the spring of 1808, and Almon Ruggles and Jabez Wright, in succeeding autumn." The next year brought a large inflow of immigration, which spread over the greater portion of both Erie and Huron Counties, though tlie first settlement in Sandusky City was not made until 1817. It was not until the year 1800 that civil govern- ment was organized on the Western Reserve. The Governor and Judges of the Northwest Territory, under the ordinance of 1787, by proclamation in the following year, organized the county of Wash- ington, and included within it all of the Western Reserve east of the Cuyahoga; and in 1790, the year of the first occupation by the whites of the New Connecticut, the county of Wayne was erected, which included over one-ha'f of Ohio, all of the Western Reserve west of the Cuyahoga, with a part of Indiana, all of Michigan^ and the Ameri- *Juiige Arazi Atwater. 178 HISTORY OF OHIO can ])ortion of Lakes Superior, Huron, St. Clair and Erie, to the mouth of the Cuyahoga, with the county scat at Detroit. In 1797, Jefferson County was estabUshed, and the Western lleserve, east of the Cuyahoga, became a part of it, by restricting the hiuits of Wiushington. Connecticut and the Land Company refused to recognize the right of the General Government to make such disposition of the Reserve. The act of including this territory within the counties of Washington, Jefferson and Wayne, they declared to be unwarranted, and the power of Congress to prescribe rules for the gov- ernment of the same, they denied, and from the opening settlement in 1796, until the transfer of jurisdiction to the General Government was com- plete, on May 30, 1800, the new settlers were entirely without municipal laws. There was no regulation governing the transmission of, or success to, prop- erty on the decease of the owner ; no regulations of any kind securing the protection of rights, or the redress of wrongs. The want of laws for the government of the settlers was seriously felt, and as early as 1796, the company petitioned the Legislature of Connecticut to erect the Reserve into a county, with proper and suitable laws to regulate the internal policy of the territory for a limited period. This petition, however, was not granted, and for upward of four years the inter- course and conduct of the early settlers were regu- lated and restrained only by their New England sense of justice and right. But on the 10th of July, 1800, after Connecticut had released her jurisdiction to the United States, the Western Reserve was erected into a county, by the name of Trumbull, in honor of the Governor of Connecti- cut, by the civil authority of Ohio. At the elec- tion in the fall of that year, Edward Paine received thirty-eight votes out of the forty-two cast, for member of tlie Territorial Legislature. The elec- tion was held at Warren, the county seat, and was the first participation that the settlers had in the affaiis of government here. During the same year the Court of Quarter Sessions, a tribunal that did not survive the Constitution of 1802, was es- tablished and organized, and by it the ccmnty was divided into eight organized townships. The town- ship of Cleveland was one, and embraced a large portion of territory east of the Cuyahoga, but all the Reserve lying west of that river. On December 1 , 1805, Geauga County was erected. It included within its limits, nearly all the present counties of Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake and Cuyahoga. On February 10, 1807, there was a mire general di- vision into counties. That part of the Western Restrve lying west of the Cuyahoga and north of Township No. 4, was attached to Geauga, to be a part thereof until Cuyahoga should be organized. In the same year Ashtabula was erected out of Trumbull aud Geauga, to be organized whenever its population would warrant it ; also, all that part of Trumbull which lay west of the fifth range of townships, was erected into a county by the name of Portage, all of the Western Reserve west of the Cuyahoga and south of Townsbip No. 5, being attached to it. The C' unty of Cuyahoga was formed out of Geauga, on the same date, February 10, 1807, to be organized whenever its population should be sufficient to require it, which occurred in 1810. On February 8, 1809, Huron County was erected into a county, covering the Fire Lands, but to remain attached to Geauga and Portage, for the time being, for purposes of government. The eastern boundary of this county was subsequently, in 1811, moved forward to the Black River, but, in the year 1822, it was given its present bounda- ries, and, in 1838, Erie County was erected, di- viding its territory. On the 18th of February, 1812, Medina was formed, and comprised all the territory between the eleventh range of townships and Huron County, and south of Township No. 5. It was attached to Portage, however, until January 14, 1818, when it received an indepcLd- ent organization. Lorain County was formed on the 2Gth day of December, 1822, from the outly- ing portions of Huron, Medina and Cuyahoga Counties. It was organized with an independent local administration, January 21, 1824. In 1840, were organized Summit County, on March 3, and Lake County on March G; the former drawing from Medina and Portage, and taking two town- ships from Stark County, and the latter being formed from Geauga and Cuyahoga. ' In 1846, Ashland County was formed, taking three town- ships of the Reserve, on February 26, and Maho- ning, on March 1, taking ten townships from Trumbull, leaving the boundaries of the Reserve as marked at present. In the history of its social development, the Western Reserve is not less interesting or peculiar than in the beginning of its material interests. The history of the mother State was peculiar, and the Reserve, it was fondly hoped, would be a re- production of the maternal features and graces, a New Connecticut. A chronicler* of the early *C'liarles W. Elliott. 'ku HISTORY OF OHIO. 179 history of New England, writing of the New Ha- ven Colony of 1G37, says: "During the first year, little ' government ' was needed or exercised. Each man was a lord to himself. On the 4th of June (1638), the settlers met in Mr. Neuman's barn, and bound themselves by a sort of Constitu- tion. * * * They decided to make the Bible their law-book ; but by and by new towns were made, and new laws were needed, and they had the good sense to make them. Their State was founded upon their church, thus expressed in their first compact, signed by one hundred and eleven persons : ' That church members only shall be free Burgesses, and that they only shall choose Magistrates and officers among themselves, to have the power of transacting all publique civil affairs of this plantation, of making and repealing laws, dividing of inheritances, deciding of differ- ences that may arise, and doing all things or busi- nesses of like nature.' " Twenty-seven years later, when circumstances made a union of the two Connecticut Colonies necessary, the greatest and most lasting objection on the part of the New Ha- ven Colony was the lessening of the civil power of the church which would follow the union. In 1680, the Governor of the United Colonies, thus describes the community: "The people are strict Congregationalists. There are four or five Seven- day men, and about as many Quakers. We have twenty-six towns and twenty-one churches. Beg- gars and vagabonds are not suffei-ed, but are bound out to service." These characteristics of Connect- icut have been marked by all historians as well as the facts, that she " Early established and sup- ported schools and colleges ; her people have, from the outset, been industrious and honest ; crime has not abounded ; while talent and character, and courage and cleanliness, have been common through all her history." It was to reproduce these characteristics throughout the territory embraced within the provisions of her charter, that the mother State labored. For one hundred and tliirty years she followed this purpose with an un- deviating method. " One tract after another, suf- ficient for a municipal government, was granted to trusty men, who were to form a settlement of well assorted families, with the church, the meet- ing house, the settled ministry of the Gospel, the seliool, the local magistracy, and the democratic town-meeting represented in the General Assem- bly. Under this method, se'f-governed towns in what is now a part of Pennsylvania, were once represented in the General Assembly at Hartford and New Haven.'"* It was with the hope of ex- tending this method to the Reserve that Connecti- cut so strenuously asserted her jurisdiction to her Western lands ; but in the years of rapid growth succeeding the war of the Revolution, the old method proved no longer practicable, and the par- ent surrendered her offspring to the hands of abler guardians. But there remained a field in which solicitous regard could find action, and the impress of her work in this direction is plainly apparent to this day. It was her method of " missions to the new settlements " which had become crystallized into a system about this time. Of the scope and character of this work. Rev. Leonard Bacon thus speaks : " At first, individ- ual pastors, encouraged by their brethren, and ob- taining permission from their churches, performed long and weary journeys on horseback into Ver- mont and the great wilderness of Central New York, that they might preach the Word and ad minister the ordinances of religion to such mem- bers of their flocks, and others, as had emigrated beyond the reach of ordinary New England priv- ileges. By degrees the work was enlarged, and arrangements for sustaining it were systematized, till in the year 1798, the same year in which the settlement of the Reserve brgan, the pastors of Connecticut, in then- General Association, instituted the Missionary Society of Connecticut. In 1802, one year after the jurisdiction of the old State over the Reserve was formally relinquished, the Trustees of the Missionary Society were incorpo- rated. As early as 1800, only two years alter the first few families from Connecticut had planted themselves this side of Northwestern Pennsylvania, the first missionary made hig appearance among them. This was the Rev. Joseph Badger, the apostle of the Western Reserve — a man of large and various experience, as well as of native force, and of venerable simplicity in character and man- ners. In those days the work of the missionary to the new settlements was by no means the same with what is now ca'lcd ' Home Missionary ' work. Our modern Home Missionary has his station and his home ; his business is to gather around him- self a permanent congregation ; his hope is to grow up with the congregation which he gathers, and the aid which he receives is given to help the church support its pa-tor. But the old-fashioned ' missionary to the new settlements,' was an itiner- ant. He had no station and no settled home. If he had a family, his work was continually calling *AJdrrss by Leonard Bacon, D. D. 180 HISTORY OF OHIO. him away from them. He went from one little settlement to another — from one lonely cabin to another — preaching from house to house, and not often spending two consecutive Sabbaths in one place. The nature of the emigration to the wilder- ness, in those days, required such labors. " It was soon felt that two mi-ssionaries were needed for the work among the scattered settle- ments. Accordingly, the Rev. Ezekiel J. Chap- man was sent. He arrived on the Reserve at the close of the year 1801, and returned to Connecti- cut in April, 1803. His place was soon supplied by a young man ordained expressly to the work, the Rev. Thomas Robbins, who continued labor- ing in this field from November, 1803, till April, 1806. In a letter of his, dated June 8, 1805, I find the following statement : ' Since the be- ginniag of the present year, I have been taking pains to make an actual enumeration of the fami- lies in this county.* The work I have just com- pleted. There are one or more families in sixty- four towns. January 1, 1804, the number of families wa^ about 800. The first of last January there were a little more than 1100, of which 450 are Yankees. There were twenty- four schools. There are seven churches, with a pr. spect that two more vail be organized soon, and more than twenty places where the worship of God is regu- larly maintained on the Sabbath.' " Such was the beginning of an influence to which the people of the Reserve are principally indebted for the early and secure foundation of the church and school, and for that individuality which marks them as a peculiar and envied people in a great common- wealth made up of the chosen intellect and brawn of a whole nation. Owing to the peculiar relation of the Reserve to the General Government in early years, the history of its public school fund is exceptional. Ry the ordi- nance of Congress in 1785, it was declared that Section 16 of every township should be reserved for the maintenance of public schools in the town- ship. The ordinance of 1787, re-afhrmed the policy thus declared. The provisions ofthe.se ordi- nances, in this respect, were not applicable to, nor operative over, the region of the Reserve, because of the fact that the United States did not own its soil ; and, although the entire amount paid to Connecticut by the Land Company for the terri- *Trumbull County then iucludcd the whole of the Reserye. tory of the Reserve was set apart for, and devoted to, the maintenance of public schools in that State, no part of that fund was appropriated to purposes of education here. There was an inequality of advantages between the people of the Reserve and the remai.ider of the State, in that respect. This inequality was, however, in a measure removed in 1803, by an act of Congress, which set apart and appropriated to the Western Reserve, as an e(|uiv- alent for Section 16, a sufficient quantity of land in the United States Military District, to compen- sate the loss of that section, in the lands lying east of the "Cuyahoga. This amount was equal to one- thirty-sixth of the land of the reserve, to which the Indian title had before that time been extin- guished. The Indian title to the lands of the Re- serve west of the Cuyahoga, not then having been extinguished, the matter seemed to drop from public notice, and remain so until 1829. At this date, the Legislature, in a memorial to Congress, directed its attention to the fact, that, by the treaty of Fort Industry, concluded in 1805, the Indian title to the land west of the Cuyahoga, had been relinquished to the United States, and prayed in recognition of the fact, that an additional amount of land lying within the United States Military District, should be set apart for the use of the public schools of the Reserve, and equal in quan- tity to one thirty-sixth of the territory ceded to the United States by that treaty. The memo- rial produced the desired result. In 1834, Con- gress, in compliance with a request of the Leg- islature, granted such an additional amount of land to the Reserve for scho 1 purposes, as to equalize its di.stribu'ion of lands for such purpose, and in furtherance of its ob- ject to carry into effect its determination to donate one thirty-sixth part of the public domain to the purposes of education. The lands first allotted to the Reserve for such purpose, were sit- uated in the Counties of Holmes and Tuscarawas, and in 1831, were surveyed and sold, the proceeds arising from their sale as well as the funds arising from the sale of those subsefiuently appropri- ated, being placed and invested with other school funds of the State, and constitute one of the sources from which the people of the Reserve derive the means of supporting and maintaining their common schools. *7tl u 0) D o I h q: D O u >- I- z D o u to ^ S'|>> PART II. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. CHAPTER I.* INTRODUCTORY— DESCRIPTION— TOPOGRAPHY, ETC.— GEOLOGY— ALTITUDES IN THE COUNTY— THE DRIFT— COAL DEPOSITS— AGRICULTURE, ETC. "And riper eras ask for history's trutli." —Vliviir Wendell HnJmes. ri^^HE advantages resulting from the local his- _L tory of cities and countries is no longer a matter of doubt. Whether considered solel}' as objects of interest or amusement, or as having the still wider utilit}' of the places they describe, these records are worthy of high consideration. And although in a country like ours, this depart- ment of history can claim to chronicle no great events, nor to relate any of those local tradi- tions that make many of the countries of the Old World so famous in story and song, yet they can fulfill the equal use of directing the attention of those abroad to the rise, progress and present standing of places which ma}' fairly claim, in the future, what has made others great in the past. And in any age, when everj' en- ergy of the whole brotherhood of maij is directed to the future, and when mere utilitari- anism has taken the place of romance, it is a matter of more than ordinary- interest and value to all, to note the practical advancement, and so to calculate, upon the basis of the past, the probable results of the future of those places which seem to present advantages, either social or pecuniar}', to that large class of foreigners and others, who are constantly seeking for homes or means of occupation among us. Nor is it to these alone that such local history is of value. The country already possesses much unemployed capital seeking for investment, while many, having already procured the means of living well, are seeking for homes more con- genial to their tastes than the places where they * Contributed by W. II. Perrin. have lived but for pecuniary profit. To both of these, the history of individual localities is an invaluable aid in helping the one to discover a means of advantageously employing his sur- plus money, and in aiding the other to find a home possessing those social advantages which will render him comfortable and happy. But it is to the emigrant foreigner that local his- tory is of the greatest benefit. Leaving, as he does, a country, with whose resources, social, moral and political, he is intimately acquainted, for one of which he knows almost nothing, such works, carefully and authentically written, are to him what the guide-books of the Old World are to the wonder-seeking traveler ; they pre- sent him at once with a faithful view of the land of his adoption, and point out to him every advantage and disadvantage, every chance of profit or of pleasure, every means of gain, every hope of gratification, that is anywhere to be afforded. Impressed with these opinions, it is proposed to present the citizens of Summit County with an authentic and impartial history ; one which may be implicitly relied on in its calcula- tions and statistical details, and which shall present as accurate and faithful a survey as can bo obtained from any data known to ihe writers of the diflferent departments, or attainable by them. With all the care that may be exercised, however, the record will no doubt be found im- perfect; incidents and names be left out, and matters escape notice which many will deem unpardonable omissions. This is one of the things which detract from the pleasure of writing local annals. But it is more or less unavoid- ip^ 182 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. able, as no one can know and remember every- thing, and both the time and space allotted to us are limited. Summit County lies in the northeastern part of the State, witli but one count}^ between it and the lake, and is bounded on the north by Cuyahoga County, on the east b}^ Portage, on the south by Stark, on the west by Medina, and embraces within its limits seventeen town- ships (including Cuyahoga Falls). It is sit- uated on the highlands, or the " summit " (from which it derives the name of Sum- mit), which separate the tributaries of the Ohio from the waters flowing north into Lake Erie, and has an average elevation of about five hundred feet above the lake. " The Cuya- hoga River, rising in the northern part of Geauga County, runs for forty miles in a southwesterly direction, then in the center of Summit County turns sharply to the north, and pursues a nearly straight course to the lake. In Geauga and Portage, the Cuyahoga flows on the surface of a plateau composed of the car- boniferous conglomerate. At the town of Cuyahoga Falls, in this county, this plateau is cut through in a series of cascades which give rise to much beautiful scenery. The river here falls 220 feet in two miles, so that from the vi- cinity of Akron to the north line of the county, it flows through a narrow valley or gorge more than three hundred feet deep. At frequent in- tervals, the Cuyahoga receives tributaries, both from the east and the west, and the valleys of these streams contribute their part to give va- riety to the topography of the central portion of the county." * In the geological and physical features of the county, we shall draw our information prin- cipall}^ from the State Geological Survey. It is the official report of the State on these sub- jects, and may be relied on as substantially correct. And as there were but a limited num- ber of them printed, and they are even now be- coming scarce, the extracts from them incorpo- rated in this work will be found of interest and value to our readers. We quote further, as follows : " The highest lands in Summit are the hills most distant from the channels of drainage, in Richfield, Norton, Green, Springfield, Tallmadge, and Hudson. In all these townships, summits rise to the height of 650 above the lake. The * Geological Survey. bottom of the Cuyahoga Valley, in the north- ern part of Northfield, is less than fifty feet above Lake Erie, so that within the county we have differences of level which exceed 600 feet. The altitudes in Summit County ai'e thus offi- cially given : Tallmadge, Long Swamp, above Lake Erie 470 feet ; Tallmadge road, east of Center, 543 feet ; Tallmadge, Coal No. 1, New- berry's mine, 520 feet ; Tallmadge, Coal No. 1, D. Upson's mine, 492 feet ; Tallmadge, summit of Coal Hill, 636 feet ; Akron, door-sill of court house, 452.65 feet ; Akron, railroad depot. 428.13 feet ; Akron, summit level, Ohio Canal, highwater, 395 feet ; Akron, P. & O. Canal, 370.64 feet ; Cuyahoga Falls, rail- road depot, 428.13 feet ; Monroe Falls, road before Hickok house, 460 feet ; Hudson Station, 496 feet ; Hudson town, 547 feet ; Boston, Ohio Canal, 94.66 feet ; Peninsula, Ohio Ca- nal, 125.66 feet ; Yellow Creek, Ohio Canal, 180 feet ; Old Portage, Ohio Canal, 188 feet ; Green, summit of Valley Railroad, 532 feet; New Portage, street in front of tavern, 400 feet ; lake, between New Portage and Johnson's Corners, 399 feet ; Wolf Creek, below Clark's mill, 390.74 feet ; Wolf Creek, in Copley, one mile west of north-and-south center road, 419- .78 feet ; Little Cuyahoga, Mogadore, 477 feet ; Little Cuyahoga, at Gilchrist's mill-dam, 457 feet ; Little Cuyahoga, old forge at trestle, 439 feet ; Richfield,^East Center, 531.80 feet ; Rich- field, highest land (over), 675 feet ; Yellow Creek, one-fourth mile west of Ghent, 371 feet. " The soil of Summit County is somewhat varied. In the northern part, even where un- derlaid by the conglomerate in full thickness, the soil derived from the drift contains a great deal of clay, and Northfield, Twinsburg, Hudson, etc., are, as a consequence, dairy towns. The southern half of the countj^, however, has a loam soil, and the attention of the farmers has been directed more to grain-growing than stock- raising. This difference of soil was clearly in- dicated by the original vegetable growth. In Hudson and Twinsburg the forest was com- posed, for the most part, of beech, maple, bass- wood and elm, while in Stow, Tallmadge, and southward, the prevailing forest growth was oak. In Franklin and Green, the soil is decid- edly gravelly ; the original timber was oak, in groves and patches, and these townships form part of the famous wheat-growing district of Stark, Wayne, etc. In the central part of the '-^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 18a county, between Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, a few thousand acres, called " The Plains," formerly presented a marked contrast to the rolling and densely- timbered surface of all the surrounding area. This is a nearly level dis- trict of which the peculiar features are mostly- obliterated by cultivation, but when in the state of nature, it had the aspect of the prairies of the West. It was almost destitute of timber, was covered with grass and scrub-oak (quercus baru'steri), and, in spring, was a perfect flower- garden ; for a much lai^ger number of wild flowers were found here than in any other part of the county. The origin of these peculiar features ma}' be traced to the nature of the substructure of the district. This area forms a triangle between the two branches of the Cuyahoga and the coal-hills of Tallmadge ; the soil is sandy, und this is underlaid by beds of gravel of unknown depth. It seems that there once existed here a deeply excavated rock basin, which was subsequently partly filled up with drift deposits and parti}' by water ; in other words, that it was, for a time, a lake. The waters of this lake deposited the sand which now forms the soil. and. in its deeper portions, a series of lacustrine clays, which are well shown in the cutting recently made for a road on the north side of the valley of the Lit- tle Cuyahoga, near Akron. The sections of these beds are as follows : FKET. INCHES. 1. Stratified sand 10 2. Bkie clay 4 3. Mixed yellow and blue clay, stratified 1 1 4. Blue clay 10 5. Yellow clay 10 6. Blue clay 1 7. Red clay 1 8. Yellow clay 1 9. Blue clay 8 10. Red clay 2 11. Blue clay 6 12. Redclav 10 13. Blue clay 1 6 14. Red clay 3 15. Yellow clay 1 6 16. Blue clay 3 17. Red clay 1 18. Fine yellow sand 1 19. Yellow clay 3 20. Blue clay 4 21. Yellow clay 3 22. Blue clay 4 " In another section, exposed neaoly in the valley of the Little Cuyahoga, the beds which have been enumerated are seen to be underlaid by about sixty feet of stratified sand and gravel to the bed of the stream. To what depth they extend is not known. On the op- posite side of the Little Cuyahoga, on the main road leading into Akron, the banks of the old valley present a very dirterent section from either of those to which I have I'eferred above. There we find a hill composed of finely washed and irregularly stratified sand, quite free from pebbles. About ten or twelve feet of the up- per part is yellow ; the lower part, as far as ex- posed, white ; a waved line separating the two colors. East and north of the locality where the detailed section given above was taken, heavy beds of gravel are seen to occupy the same horizon ; from which we may learn that these finely laminated clays were deposited in a basin of water, of which the shore was formed by gravel hills. A portion of the city of Ak- ron is underlaid by thick beds of stratified sand and gravel. These are often cross-strati- fied, and show abundant evidences of current action. They also contain large angular blocks of conglomerate attd many fragments of coal, some of which are of considerable size. ^Ye apparently have some of the materials which were cut out of the valleys that separate the isolated outliei's of the coal measures which are found in this part of the county. Beds of gravel and sand stretch away southward from Akron, and form part of a belt which extends through Stark County, partially filling the old, deeply-cut valley of the Tuscarawas, and ap- parently marking the line of the southern ex- tension of the valley of Cuyahoga when it was a channel of drainage from the lake basin to the Ohio. This old and partially obliterated channel has been referred to in the chapter on the physical geography of the State, and it will be more fully described in the chapters on sur- face geology and those formed by the reports on Stark and Tuscarawas Counties. I will only refer to it, in passing, to say that the line of the Ohio Canal, of which the summit is at Akron, was carried through this old water gap, because it still forms a comparatively low pass. In the western part of the State, the Miami Canal traverses a similar pass, and an- other, having nearly tlie same level with those mentioned, in Trumbull County, connects the valleys of Grand River and the Mahoning. " The thick beds of gravel and sand which underlie the plain and stretch eastward up the '^P' 184 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. valley of the Little Cuj'ahoga, through Southern Tallmadge, perhaps form part of the great gravel belt to which I have already alluded, but may be of mere local origin. It seems to me quite possible that the Cuyahoga, in former times, passed eastward of its present course, from Kent or Monroe Falls to Akron ; that the falls of the Cuyahoga were then near the ' Old Forge,' and that this excavated basin beneath the ' plains ' was scooped out by them. We know that the position of the falls has been constantl}^ changing ; that they were once in Cuyahoga County, and have gradually receded to their present position. When they had worked back to the great bend of the Cuyahoga, the}' seem to have swung round the circle for some time before starting on their present line of progress. In this interval, the river appears to have flowed over a bi'oad front of the con- glomerate, and, cutting away the shales below, to have produced the rock basin which has been described. When the falls of the Cuya- hoga were at the north line of the count}', they must have had a perpendicular height of at least two hundred feet, for the hard layers in the Cu^'ahoga shale which produce the ' Big Falls ' do not extend so far north. The entire mass of the Cuyahoga shale there is soft argil- laceous material, which must have been cut out beneath the massive conglomerate, producing a cascade at least equal in height to that of Ni- agara. " The north-south portion of the Cuyahoga Valley seems to have been once continued southward, and to have been connected with the old valley of the Tuscarawas, which is ex- cavated far below the bed of the present stream. At the north line of the count}', the valley of the Cuyahoga is cut down two hun- dred and twent}' feet below the present river bottom, as we learn by wells bored for oil. The bottom of the valley of the Tuscarawas is, at Canal Dover, one hundred and sevent3'-five feet below the surface of the stream, and there are many facts which indicate that there was once a powerful current of water passing from the lake basin to the Ohio through this deeply ex- cavated channel. Subsequently, this outlet was dammed up by heav}' Ijeds of drift; and the Cuyahoga, cut from its connection with the Tuscarawas, to which it had been a tributary, was forced to turn sharpl}' to the north, form- ing the abrupt curve that has always been re- garded as a peculiar feature in the course of this stream. The courses of the tributaries of the Maumee are not unlike that of the Cuj-a- hoga, and are probably dependent upon the same cause, namel}-, the depression of the lake level and the diversion of the drainage from the Mississippi system, with which it was formerly connectecl, into the lake basin. The drift clays which underlie the northern part of Summit County are plainly of northern origin, as they contain innumerable fragments of the Huron, Erie and Cuyahoga shales, and no such mass of argillaceous material could be derived from the conglomerate and coal measures which underlie all the country toward the south. The direc- tion of the glacial striae in the county is nearly- northwest and southeast, and these clays are plainly the result of glacial action. It is inter- esting to note, however, that in the drift cla}' at Hudson a large number of masses of coal have been found, some of which were several inches in diameter. This fact, taken in connection with the character and histoiy of the drift clays, proves — what we had good reason to be- lieve from other causes — that the coal rocks once extended at least as far north as the northern limits of the count}', and that from all the northern townships they were removed and the conglomerate laid bare by glacial erosion. A considerable portion of the drift gravels in the southern part of the county are of foreign and nox'thern orighi. As I have elsewhere re- marked, these gravels and the associated lands show distinct marks of water action, and have apparently been sorted and stratified by the sliore waves of the lake when it stood several hundred feet higher than now. The bowlders which are strewn over the surface in all parts of the county are mostly composed of Lanren- tian granite from Canada, and I have attributed their transportation to icebergs. In North- ampton, many huge bowlders of corniferous limestone are found, and these evidently came from the islands in Lake Erie. " One of the most striking of the surface features of Summit County is the great num- ber of small lakes which are found here. These are generally beautiful sheets of pure water, en- closed in basins of drift, gravel and sand. They form part of the great series of lake basins which mark the line of the water-shed from Pennsylvania to Michigan, and they have been described, and their origin explained, in the ^, ,\^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 185 chapter on ' Physical Geography.' When a resi- dent of Summit County, I mapped and visited i nearly one hundred of these little lakes within a circle of twenty miles radius drawn around Cu^'ahoga Falls. Aside from the variety and beauty which these lakelets give to the surface, they afford many objects of scientific interest. They are usually stocked with excellent fish, and many rare and peculiar plants grow in and about them. They also contain great numbers of shells, some of which are rare. Springfield Lake, for example, is the only known locality of Melania gracilis, and Congress Lake contains two species of lAnnea {L. gracilis and L. stag- ; nalis), both of which are found in few, if any. ; other, localities in the State. i\Lany of these are being gradually filled up Ijy a growth of vegetation that ultimately forms peat. Li all those lakes where the shores are marshy and shake under the tread, peat is accumulating. ! We have evidence, too, that many lakelets have | been filled up and obliterated by this process ; for we find a large number of marshes in which there is now little water, but the surface is un- { derlaid b}' peat and shell marl, sometimes to the depth of twent}' or thirty feet. Every town- ship contains more or less of these, and some of them are quite extensive. The larger ones are usually known as whortleberry swamps or cranberry marshes, sometimes as tamarack swamps, from the growth of larch which fre- quently covers the surface. Among the largest of these is that west of Hudson, on Mud Brook, in which the peat is fifteen feet deep. Another lies east of Hudson, near the county line. In Stow, on Mud Brook, is a long peat swamp, in which the peat is not less than thirty feet deep. In Coventry is one in which the peat is said to be thirty or forty feet deep, and from this con- siderable peat of excellent quality has been manufactured b}^ J. F. Brunot. These peat bogs have excited some interest as possible sources of supply of fuel, and yet, where coal is as cheap and good as in Summit County, it seems hardl3' probably that peat can be profit- abl}' emplo^'ed as a fuel. The best of peat, when air-dried, contains nearly 20 per cent of water and 20 per cent of oxygen, and has a heat- ing power not greater than half that of our coals, while it occupies double the space. Hence, unless it can be produced at half the price of coal in the markets of Summit County, it can hardly compete with it. Peat is, however, an excellent fertilizer, and many, even of the smaller peat bogs, maj^ be made very valuable to the agriculturist. In some localities, such deposits of peat have been cleared up and cul- tivated for many years, without a suspicion that there was an^'thing of interest or value below the surface. Deposits of shell marl are frequently found underl3ang peat in ' cat swamps ' and filled-up lakelets. This marl is composed of the remains of the shells of mol- lusks, which, after the death of the animals that inhabited them, have accumulated at the bot- tom of the water. In some instances, these mai'ls are white, and nearly pure lime ; in others they are mixed with more or less earth}' and veg- etal3le matter. Such deposits occur in nearly every township in the count}', but they have attracted little attention, and their valuable fertilizing properties have been very sparingly made available. The deposit of shell marl on the road between Hudson and Stow, on land of Charles Darrow, is at least twelve feet deep and very pure. Similar marl-beds, though less extensive, are known in Hudson, Northampton and other parts of the county. Usually a sheet of peat or muck covers the marl, and it is not likely to be discovered, unless by ditching or special search. The simplest method of ex- ploring marshes for peat or shell marl is with an auger made from an old two-inch or three-inch carpenter's auger welded to a small, square rod of iron, on which a handle is made to slide, and fasten with a key. With this all marshes may be probed to the depth of eight or ten feet with the greatest facility. " The Erie shale is the lowest formation ex- posed in Summit County, and is visible only in the bottom of the valley of the Cuyahoga, where it is cut deepest, in the township of Northfield. About one hundred feet of the upper portion of the Erie shale is exposed in the cliffs which border the river, being a continuation of the outcrops which have been fully described in the report on the geology of Cuyahoga County. The same fossils have been found in the Erie shale in Northfield, as those collected in the valleys of Chii)i)ewa and Tinker's Creeks. '' The Lower Carboniferous or Waverly group is freely opened in the valley of the Cuyahoga, and we here find some of the most satisfactory sections of this formation that can be seen in the State. It has also yielded, perhaps, as large a number of fossils in Summit Countv as :i£k 186 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. have been obtained from this group in any other localities. The Cleveland shale is the bi luminous shale which forms the base of the Waverly group, and has been fully described in the reports on the counties which form the northern border of the State. The outcrops of the Cleveland shale which are visible in the valley of the Cuyahoga are continuations south- ward of those noticed in Cuyahoga County. As the dip of all the strata is here gently southward, and the valley gradually deepens toward its mouth, the Cleveland shale, though on the north line of the county more than lUO feet above the bed of the stream, sinks out of sight near Peninsula, less than ten miles from the county line. The average thickness of the Cleveland shale in Summit County is about fifty feet, and it presents precisely the same lithological characters here as farther north. No fossils have been discovered in it at the lo- calities where it has been examined in this count}', but more careful search would undoubt- edly result in the discovery of the scales and teeth of fishes similar to those found at Bed- ford. As in Trumbull, Cuyahoga and Medina Counties, the outcrops of the Cleveland shale in Summit are marked by oil and gas springs, which are plainl}' produced b}- the decomposi- tion or spontaneous distillation of the lai'ge amounts of carbonaceous matter it contains. Tlie oil and gas springs which have been no- ticed on the sides of the Cuyahoga Valley at and below Peninsula, are distinctly' connected with the Cleveland shale, and have, as a conse- quence, misled those who have been influenced by them to l)ore for oil in the bottom of the valley. '•The Bedford shale, a member of the Wa- verly group, is not well exposed in the valley of the Cuyahoga, though visible at a number of localities. It outcrops usuall}' from slopes covered with debris. Where the limits of the formation are concealed, judging from the glimpses obtained of it, the Bedford shale is apparenily about seventy feet thick in the valley of the Cu^'ahoga, and consists mainly of soft, blue, argillaceous strata, similar to those in the gorge of Tinker's Creek, at Bedford. In some localities it is more or less red, and has been here, as elsewhere, used as a mineral paint. In the \alley of Braudywine Creek, below the falls, the Bedford shale is fossiliferous, and contains the same species found at Bedford. Among these, Syringothyrls typa is the most conspicuous and abundant, and slabs may be obtained here which are thickly set with this fine fossil, forming beautiful specimens for the cabinet. '■ The Berea sandstone is well exposed in the valley of the Cu3'ahoga in the northern part of the county, and forms two lines of outcrop — one on each side of the river — running from Peninsula to Independence on the west, and to Bedford and Newburg on the East. At Peninsula, the Berea grit has been extensively quarried for many years. The base of the formation is here from thirty to sixt}' feet above the canal, so that the quarries are worked with facility, and their product shipped with comparatively, Utile expense. The entire thick- ness of the formation in the valley' of the Cuyahoga is about sixty feet. The stone it furnishes varies considerably in character in the different localities where it is exposed. At the quarries of Mr. Woods, at Peninsula, it is lighter in color than at Independence, resem- bling the Berea stone in this respect, as also in hardness. Some layers are nearly white, and a large amount of excellent building stone has been shipped from this locality and used for the construction of various public buildings at Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Oswego, etc. This stone is more firm and durable, but is harder and less homogeneous than that from the Am- herst quarries ; it is, however, so highly es- teemed, that a read}' market has been found for all that has been taken from the quarries. During 1871, the stone shipped from Peninsula was equal to 2,800 car loads of ten tons each. Between Peninsula and the county line, the outcrops of the Berea grit have been but imper- fectly explored. They are much obscured b}' the debris of the higher portion of the clifts, and the examinations necessary to determine the value of the stone would require the ex- penditure of considerable time and money. There is every probability, however, that good quarries could be opened at a great number of localities, and I think that I am quite safe in predicting that in future j-ears this portion of the valley of the Cu3'ahoga will be the theater of a very active industr}' growing out of the quarrying of Berea grit for the Cleveland mar- ket. Should the railroad, now proposed, be constructed through the valle^', this, with the canal, will supply such facilities for transporta- ^W fk* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 187 tion, that, if the quality of the stone should be found suitable, this district will contribute as largely as any other to the market of the great lakes. From the differences which are everywhere exhibited iia the quality of the stone in neighboring outcrops of the Berea grit, the banks of the Cuyahoga should be carefully examined, in order to discover such localities as will furnish stone of a superior quality. It is not too much to expect that some of these will have gTeat pecuniar}' value. The Berea grit forms the solid stratum that produces the falls of the Brand^^wine at Bran- dywine Mills, and it is here considerably more massive than at the outcrops further north on the same side of the Cu3-ahoga. No fossils have been found in the Berea grit in Summit County. It is elsewhere, as a general rule, re- markably barren, and yet, at Chagrin Falls, fos- sil fishes have been obtained from it, and at Bedford a Discina, a Lingida and an Annularia. These, and perhaps other fossils, may hereafter be met with in the Cuyahoga Valley. " The Cuyahoga shale is the upper division of the Waverly group, and is better exhibited in Summit Count}' than in any other part of the State. It has a thickness of from 150 to 200 feet, and has been given the name it bears, be- cause it forms the greater pai't of the banks of the Cuyahoga, from Cuyahoga Falls, to the north line of the county. A short distance above Peninsula, the Berea grit sinks beneath the river, and the whole thickness of the Cuyahoga shale is revealed in the interval between that rock and the Conglomerate which caps the bluffs. In this part of the valley, the Cuya- hoga shale exhibits little variety in composi- tion, and consists of a mass of soft argillaceous material, inter-stratified with thin and local sheets of fine grained sandstone, rarel}' thick enough to serve as flagging. The surfaces of these sheets are marked with mud furrows, and, occasionally-, with the impressions of fucoids. At the ' Big Falls ' of the Cu^'ahoga, eighty feet below the conglomerate, a number of layers of fine-grained sandstone, from six to twelve inches in thickness, and occup3'ing a vertical space of about twenty feet, locall}' re- place the softer material of the Cuyahoga shale, and produce the beautiful waterfall at this locality. These harder strata ma}^ be traced for a mile or more down the river, but are not distinguishable in the sections of the Cuyahoga shale in the northern part of the county. The sandstone of the Big Falls is a compact, homogeneous rock, almost identical in character and utility with the ' blue stone ' of the East Cleveland quarries, although lying at a considerably higher level ; the East Cleve- land stone being a local modification of the lower portion of the Bedford shale. The upper part of the Cuyahoga shale near the Big Falls, has furnished a great number of fine specimens of 'cone-in-cone,' and they are referred to by Dr. Hildreth, in his notes on Cuyahoga Valley, published in Silinians Journal in 1836. This singular structure has given rise to much specu- lation ; it was, at one time, supposed to be or- ganic ; subsequently, the result of crystalliza- tion, and it is now considered by Prof 0. C. Marsh as of purely mechanical origin. The ' cone-in-cone ' consist, as is well known, of a series of hollow cones, like extinguishers, placed one within another, and it sometimes makes up the entire mass of a stratum, several inches in thickness and man}' feet in lateral extent. It is by no means confined to this horizon, but is found in the older paleozoic rocks, in the coal measures, and is, perhaps, more abundant than anywhere else, in the cretaceous formation in the far West. This structure is apparently confined to rocks of a peculiar chemical com- position, viz. : to earthy limestones, or argilla- ceous shales impregnated with lime. The con- cretions, which include the great fishes of the Huron shale, not unfrequentl}' exhibit the ' cone- in-cone ' structure, and, in some instances, where the calcareous material forms simply a crust on the fossil, that ci'ust still shows more or less of it. From the locality under consideration, in the valley of the Cuyahoga. I have obtained specimens of ' cone-in-cone ' enveloping nodules of iron ore, and radiating in all directions from such nuclei. Specimens of this character, and the bones of BimchtJii/s, coated in all their irregularities, with 'cone-in-cone,' seemed to me incompatible with the theory that this structure is the product of mechanical forces, and appear rather to confirm the conclusion that it is an imperfect crystallization. Through- out most of its mass, and in most places, the Cuyahoga shale is. very barren of fossils. This, however, is fully compensated for b}' the ex- treme richness of some layers and some locali- ties. This is the rock which was excavated in the formation of the canal in the valley of the -^ ry 188 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY Cuyahoga, below the falls, and through which an effort was made to conduct the water of the river to the proposed town of Summit. In this excavation, the formation was fully opened for several miles, and yet, with the most careful search, at various times during the progress of the work, I was only able to obtain a mere handful of fossils. At the base of the forma- tion, however, immediately over the Berea grit, the Cuyahoga shale is sometimes crowded with millions of Linyula melia and Discina New- herryi. The same species also occur at the ' Big Falls ' of the Cuyahoga, and the valley of the Little Cuyahoga, near Akron. In the up- per part of the Cuj-ahoga shale, in vainous parts of Medina County, and at Richfield, in Summit Count}-, immense numbers of fossils are found, and those which form a long list of species. The Richfield locality is already quite famous, as extensive collections were made there before the commencement of the present survey by Messrs. IMeek & Worthen and Dr. Kellogg. Quite a large number of crinoids were discovered here hy the latter gentleman, which proved new to science, and were described by Prof. James Hall. "The carboniferous conglomerate underlies all the higher portions of the county, and forms the surface rock over all the middle and north- ern portions, except where cut through by the Cuyahoga and its tributaries. Though gener- ally covered and concealed b}' beds of drift, the conglomerate is exposed and quarried in all of the townships north of Akron. It is, however, best seen in the valley of the Cuya- hoga, where it forms cliffs sometimes 100 feet in perpendicular height. The rock is about 100 feet in thickness, generally a coarse-grained, light drab sandstone, but in some localities, and especially near the base of the formation, be- coming a mass of quartz-pebbles, with just enough cement to hold them together. There are also some local bands of the conglomerate which are red or brown in color, and furnish a building-stone of great beauty. At Cu^'ahoga Falls, such a band has been quarried for many years, and has been used for the construction of the best buildings in the town. This stone is brown, contains much iron, and is very strong and durable. At Akron, a similar local strat- um in the conglomerate at Wolf's quarry, has a deep, reddish-purple color, and forms, per- haps, the most beautiful building-stone in the State. This has been quite extensively used in Cleveland. Unfortunately, the quantitv of this variety of building stone is not large. Its peculiar color is probably due to the fact that the iron of which it contains a large quantity, is in the condition of anh\'drous sesquioxide, and has associated with it a small percentage of manga- nese. Splendid sections of the conglomerate are seen in the gorge of the Cuyahoga, below Cuya- hoga Falls. Here, nearly the entire thickness of the formation is exposed, and vertical and over- hanging walls of 100 feet in height give great variety and beauty to the scener}'. In descend- ing the valley of the Cuyahoga, the walls of con- glomerate recede from the river, of which the immediate banks are formed by the underlj'ing shales. J^y the w^ashing out of these, the Mocks of conglomerate have been undermined and thrown down, and thus the valley' has been widened until in Boston and Northfield the con- glomerate cliffs are several miles apart. They still preserve their typical character, however, and this is well exemplified by the 'ledges' in Boston, which — like those of Nelson, in Por- tage County, on the other side of the conglom- erate plateau — are favorite places of resort to the lovers of the picturesque. The fossils of the .conglomerate are exclusively plants. These are generally broken and floating fragments, but are exceedingly numerous, their casts often making up a large part of the rock. In certain localities we find evidence that they have been gathered by the waves into some receptacle, and heaped up in a confused mass, like drift- wood on a shore at the present da\'. Since the conglomerate is composed of coarse mate- rials which could be only transported by water in rapid motion, it is evident all delicate plants would be destroyed from the trituration they would suflTer in the circumstances of its depo- sition; hence, we only find here the remains of woody plants, and of these usually only frag- ments. The most common plants are trunks and branches of Lepidodendron, Sigillaria and Calamites, also the nuts which have been de- scribed under the name of Trigonoearpon. Of all these, the calamites are the most common, and they are sometimes entire, showing not only the upper extremity but also the roots. More frequently, however, they are broken, and it is not at all uncommon to find the nuts to which I have referred, in the interior of a calamite, indicating that when floating about A iL HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 189 they were washed into the hollow, rush-like stem. Grenerall}', the plants of the conglomer- ate are represented simply by casts ; their car- bonaceous matter having been entirely re- moved. Occasionally, however, a sheet of coal is found, surrounding the cast of each, and in some localities ever}' plant is preserved in this way, the amount of coal enveloping the casts corresponding to the quantity of woody matter in the plant. Still more rarely, when many plants have accumulated, their carbon has made an irregular coal seam, but never exceed- ing a few inches in thickness, and a few rods or feet in extent. These coal seams, however, differ in many respects from coals of the over- lying coal measure, as they have no underclays, are very limited in extent, and evidently rep- resent heterogeneous collections of drifted, woody matter. The pebbles of the more peb- bl}^ portions of the conglomerate are sometimes as large as one's fist, but more generally range from the size of a hickory nut to that of an egg. They are most alwa}- s composed of quartz, but in every locality where they are abundant, more or less of them ma}' be found which are composed of quartzite or silicious slate, which shows lines of stratification. Sometimes these quartz pebbles, when in contact with the im- pressions of plants, are distinctly marked by such impressions. This circumstance has given rise to the theory that they are concretionary in character ; i. e., that they have been formed where found, and are not fragments of trans- ported quartz rock. There can be no question, however, that these pebbles are portions of quartz veins, which have been brought hun- dreds of miles from some area where meta- morphic crvstalliue rocks have suffered erosion. In process of transportation, the attrition to which these fragments were subjected, commi- nuted all but the most resistant, viz.: the quartz. The banded, silicious slates which are represented in the pebbles that accompany those of pure quartz, as well as the internal structure of the quartz-pebbles themselves, afford conclusive evidence that their origin is such as I have described. * * * * " All the southern part of Summit County is underlaid by the productive coal measures, and workable seams of coal are known to exist in Tallmadge, Springfield, Coventry, Norton, Cop- ley, Franklin and Green Townships. The line of the margin of the coal basin passes from Portage County into Summit in the northeast- ern portion of Tallmadge. It then runs west- erly nearly to Cuyahoga Falls, and then sweeps round to inclose what is known as Coal Hill ; the continuity of the coal measures being sev- ered by ' Long Swamp ' and the valley of Camp Brook. On the east side of this stream, the outcrop of the coal rocks passes southward to the valley of the Little Cuyahoga ; turning up this to the line of Portage County ; thence sweeping back on the south side of the valley across the township of Springfield to the vicin- ity of Middlebury. It thence runs southwest- erly to New Portage, where it crosses the Tus- carawas and strikes northwesterly through Norton and the corner of Copley to the Medina line. There is also a narrow patch of coal- measure rocks forming an isolated hill (Sher- bondy Hill) southwest of Akron, on the west side of Summit Lake. Along the line I have traced, we find the outcrops of only the lowest coal seam — Coal No. 1 (the Briar Hill coal) — and this not with any great constancy, inas- much as the coal occupies limited basins, and their margins are exceedingly sinuous and ir- regular. A large part of the territory which holds the place of the coal, fails to hold the coal itself, from one or the other of two causes, which frequently disappoint the miner in this region, as well as in the valley of the Mahon- ing. These causes are : First, that the lowest seam was formed from peat-like carbonaceous matter which accumulated on the irregular bottom of the old coal marsh, and the margin of this marsh ran into innumerable bights and channels, which were separated by ridges and hummocks where the coal was never deposited ; second, in many localities where the coal was once found, it was subsequently removed by erosion. The heavy bed of sandstone which lies a little above Coal No. 1, was deposited by currents of water moving rapidly and with such force as to cut away the coal in many channels, and leave in its place beds of sand, which, sub- sequently hardened, have become sandstone. These are frequently encountered by the miner, and are designated by him, as Iwrsehacks. Hence this excellent stratum of coal has been discovered to be wanting over much of the area where it was supposed to exist, and has there- fore been of less value to Summit County than was anticipated in the earlier days of coal min- ing. The first mineral coal used on the lake 190 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. shore was sent to Cleveland b\^ ray father, Henry Newberrj^, from his mines in Tallmadge, in 1828. It was there offered as a substitute for wood in the generation of steam on the lake boats. Wood, however, was so abundant, and the population was so habituated to its use, that it proved ver^' difficult to supplant this by an}^ other fuel ; and it was necessary that nearly twenty years should pass before the value of the coal beds of Summit County was fully real- ized. Then coal-mining began with real vigor, and many thousand tons of excellent coal liave since been sent every year to Cleveland from the mines in Tallmadge and Springfield. As has been stated, the coal of these townships proved to be ver}' irregular in its distribution, and variable in thickness and quality. It is restricted to basins of limited extent, and is wanting over much of the area where it was supposed to be present. In the deeper por- tions of the basins or channels it occupies, the seam is from four and one-half to six feet in thickness, and the coal a bright, handsome open-burning variety, containing little sulphur, and a small percentage of ash. It is softer and more bituminous than the coal of the same seam in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, but is still capable of being used in the raw state in the furnace, and is very highly valued both as a steam coal and a household fuel. In the southern part of the county. Coal No. 1 is more continuous, and has been proved, by recent researches to exist over a large part of Spring- field, Franklin and Green, and to reach into Coventry and Norton. Many mines have been opened in the townships referred to, and about two hundred and fift}' thousand tons are now sent from this region annuall}' to Cleveland. Most of this coal is similar in quality to that of Tallmadge, but in some localities, as at John- son's shaft in Franklin, we find a recurrence of the block charactei', which distinguishes the coal of the Mahoning Valley. In former years, nearly all of the coal used or exported from the count}', was mined in Tallmadge, and this mainly from ' Coal Hill,' which lies between the center of Tallmadge and CuA'alioga Falls. Several mines were once in active operation in this hill. Of these mines, that of Henry New- berry was situated at the north end of the hill, and those of Dr. D. Upson, Asaph Whittlesey and Francis Wright on the east side. On the opposite side of the valley, mines were opened b}' Mr. D. Harris and Dr. Amos Wright. In all these mines the coal has been nearly ex- hausted, as it was found to rise and run out in the interior of the hill. From this fact, a belief has come to be quite general, that the coal is pinched out in the body of this and other hills, by the weight of the superincum- bent material ; whereas, we have here only an instance of what has been before referred to, of the thinning out of the coal on the margin of the old coal swamp. In the central and east- ern portion of Tallmadge, most of the land rises high above the coal level, and basins of coal will doubtless be hereafter discovered there, but the same causes which have rendered coal mining so uncertain heretofore, will undoubtedly limit the productiveness of the nominally large coal area which is included within the township lines. In the southern part of Tallmadge, the surface is occupied by heav}' beds of drift, by which the underlying geology is very much obscured. Here, as in the adjoining township of Brimfield, in Portage County, nothing but patient and careful search will determine the limits of the basins of coal which unquestionably exist in this vicinity. As the dip of the coal rocks is toward the south and east, in Springfield, Grreen and Franklin, Coal No. 1 lies lower than in the more northerly townships where it occurs ; hence it can only be reached by boring, and that sometimes to the depth of 100 feet or per- haps even 200 feet. We have every reason to believe, however, that a considerable area in Green Township is underlaid b}' Coal No. 1, where it lies far below drainage ; and it is almost certain that careful search, by boring, will reveal the presence of basins of coal in this township, such as are not now suspected to ex- ist, and such as will contribute largelj' to the wealth of the count}-. ''In Summit County the lowest seam of coal is usually separated from the conglomerate by an interval of from twenty-five to fift}' feet, which is filled with shale or shaly sandstone, and, immediately beneath the coal, by a seam of fire-clay, from two to six feet in tliickness. This fire-clay is, in some places, of good qualit}-, and may be used for fire-brick and pottery, but it is generally more sandy and contains more iron than the under-clay of the higher seam — Coal No. 3 — to which I shall have occa- sion to refer again. Coal No. 1 is usually overlaid immediately by gray shale, from ten k. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 191 to forty feet in thickness. This shale contains, especially where it forms the roof of the coal, large numbers of fossil plants, which are fre- quentl}' preserved in great beaut}' and profu- sion. About 150 species have already been collected from the shale of Coal No. 1, in the northern part of the State, and nearh' all of these are found in Summit Count}'. " Coal No. 2 is found thirty to fifty feet above Coal No. 1 in many parts of Summit Count}' — as in the Valley of the Mahoning — the second seam of coal in the ascending series, and which we have called Coal No. 2. It is usually from twelve to eighteen inches in thickness, and, though persistent over a large area, is nowhere in Summit County of workable thickness. Above Coal No. 2, and frequently cutting it out, is a bed of massive sandstone, which is a marked feature in "the geology of the county. This is well seen in Coal Hill, Tallmadge, and extends through the southern part of the county, passing through Stark, where, in the valley of the Tuscarawas, about and above Massillon, it is quarried in many places along the bank of the canal. The thickness of this sandstone varies very much in different localities, and it may be said to range from forty to one hundred feet. It is also somewhat variable in character, but is often massive, and affords a building- stone of excellent quality. It may generally be distinguished from the sandstones of the carboniferous conglomerate by the absence of quartz pebbles. So far as I know, no pebbles are found in the sandstone over the coal in Summit County. In Trumbull and Medina there are some local exceptions to this rule, for patches of conglomerate are sometimes found there immediately overlying the lowest coal seam. In Summit County the -pebble rock,' found in the explorations for coal, aflibrds infall ible evidence, when it is reached, that the hor- izon of the coal has been passed. " Coals Nos. 3 and 4 come next in order. Near Mogadore, in Springfield Township ; the higher lands are found to be underlaid by a stratum of limestone, beneath which are usually a thin seam of coal and a thick stratum of fire- clay, the latter supplying the material from which nearly all the stoneware of the county is manufactured. From twenty-five to forty feet aboA'e the limestone to which I have re- ferred, is another, which also overlies a coal seam. Both these mav be seen in Green Township, between Greenburg and Greentown, and they may be traced thence southerly, through Stark, Tuscarawas and Holmes Coun- ties, and, indeed, nearly or quite to the Ohio River. These are the limestone coals that will be found frequently referred to in the re- ports on the counties that have been mentioned, and those on Portage, Trumbull and Mahoning. The lowest of these limestones lies from 130 to ItiO above Coal No. 1; the upper limestone about 150 to 200 feet. Hent;e they will serve as useful guides in boring for the lower coal seam in those parts of the county where it lies considerably beneath the surface. " I have already alluded to the former pro- ductiveness of the coal mines of Tallmadge, and have mentioned the fact that most of these mines are now abandoned ; the basins of coal in which they were located having been practi- cally exhausted. Considerable coal is, how- ever, still produced in the township, and it is altogether probable, that with proper search, other basins will be discovered, from which its coal industry will be revived. The ' Centre ' and a large area north, south and east of it, lie considerably above the coal level, and as the dip is southeast, there are some localities where the horizon of the coal is nearly one hundred and fifty feet below the surface. Over most of the district I have mentioned, borings should be made to at least the depth of one hundred feet befoi'e the search is abandoned. It should be remembered, too, that the basins of Coal No. 1 are frequently narrow, and the territory will only be fairly tested by borings made at fre- quent intervals. The principal center of coal industry in the county at present, is in Spring- field and Coventry. Steer's Mine, the mines of the Brewster Coal Company, and Brewster Brothers, and the Middlebury Shaft — all located near the line between the above mentioned townships— are now producing a large quantity of coal for shipment to Akron and Cleveland. The maximum thickness of the coal seam here is about five feet, and it thins out on all sides toward the margin of the basin. Doubtless here, as elsewhere, the basins of coal are connected, and future explorations will result in tracing such connection south and east into other im- portant deposits. ****** " At the Franklin Coal Company's mine, in the Northern part of Franklin, the coal is four and a half feet thick, of good quality, closely J^ 192 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. resembling that obtained at Massillon. It lies from sixty to one hundred feet below the sur- face, the massive sand rock above it ranging from forty to fift^^ feet in thickness. In the southwest corner of Franklin Township, the coal where opened is not as thick or as good as in the last-mentioned localities. At Steer's new shaft in Coventry, the coal is 4|- feet thick, 90 to no feet from the surface, overlaid b}^ 15 feet of black shale and from 30 to 40 feet of sandstone. Little coal has yet been mined here, but it seems to be of excellent quality. A sec- tion taken near the north line of Franklin Town- ship includes the following strata : 1. Sandstone 40 to 60 feet. 3. Shale 20 to 30 feet. 3. Hard iron ore 1 foot. 4. Coal 4ifeet. " On the land of Mr. Thomas Britton, one and a half miles east of Middlebury, is an im- portant deposit of iron ore, which I refer, with some hesitation, to the horizon of Coal No. 1. The drift from which the ore is taken exposes four feet of rock, which includes a thickness of about two feet of ore. Sherbondy Hill, west of Akron, is capped with the coal rocks, but gives no indication of any valuable deposit of coal. A band of iron ore, similar in character to that referred to above, but thinner, is exposed in this locality. A sheet of the coal measures under- lies the surface in the west part of Norton Town- ship, and a small area in Copley', but up to the present time no important coal strata have been found there. A boring made half a mile north of the center of Norton revealed the following section : 1. Earth 17 feet. 2. Shale 16 feet. 3. Conglomerate 75 feet. All the borings made for coal in the township give similar results, the conglomerate being struck after passing through a thin bed of coal shale. ******** " The fire-claj^ which underlies Coal No. 3 has already become one of the important ele- ments of wealth to the county. This deposit, in parts of Summit County, is of unusual thickness and purity, making excellent stoneware and fire- brick. It is estimated that there are produced from this stratum of clay in Springfield Town- ship alone, about one and a half millions of gal- lons of stoneware each year ; and a very large amount of the material is transported into other parts of the county and State. It is of interest to notice in this connection that this bed of fire- clay is the same with that worked at Atwater, in Portage, and still more extensively in Co- lumbiana Count3\ Over how large an area in Summit County it maintains the dimensions and excellence it exhibits in Springfield, we have, as yet, no means of knowing. At East Liberty it is apparently of good thickness and quality, but in central and southern Stark County — where exposed in the valleys of the Nimisiiillen and Sandy — it is of less value. The Springfield clay is eminentl}^ plastic, and hence better fitted for stoneware than fire-brick, but by mixing it largely with sand, and, still better, with the hard clay of Mineral Point, Mr. J. Parke Alexander, of Akron, has produced fire- brick scarcely inferior in quality to an}'- other made in the State, or even any imported. To get the best results with this clay alone, in mak- ing fire-brick, it should be first ground, made into a paste, and this burned, then again coarsely ground and the fragments cemented with one- sixth to one-tenth of fresh plastered clay, molded and burned again. " The following analyses will give additional information in regard to the useful minerals of this countv. They were made by Dr. Worm ley. State Chemist, with the exception of No. 4, which was made by Prof W. W. blather : 1. Peat — Coventry Peat Company, Coventry. Ultimate Composition in Normal State. Per cent. Carbon 50.56 Hydroijen 6.43 Nitrogen 1.23 Sulplmr 0.33 Oxygen 34.85 Ash 6.6 100.00 Moisture 10.40 Consisting of hydrogen 4.15 Oxygen 6.25 2. Coal No. 1 — Johnson's shaft, Franklin Town- ship. 3. Coal No. 1 — Franklin Coal Company, Frank- lin Township. 4. Coal No. 1 — D. Upson's mine, Tallmadge Township. 5. Coal No. 3 — Greentown, both benches. Specific gravity Water Volatile combust, matter.. Fixed Carbon Ash No. 1.256 2.70 37.30 58.00 2.00 100.00 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. 100.00100.00 3.25 38.75 55.05 2.95 100.00 :xr ;Rr HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 193 No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Sulphur.... 0.93 0.799 0.549 1.73 Ash White. White White. Colie Compact. Compact Compact. 6. Iron Ore— H. Roberts, Middlebury. 7. Iron Ore— Over Coal No. 3, Greentown. Specific gravity Moisture combined. Silicious matter. . . . Iron, Carbonate . . . . Iron, Sesquioxide. . . Alumina Manganese Lime phosphate . . . . Lime carbonate .... Magnesia carbonate Sulphur Phosphoric acid . . . No. 6. 1 No. 7. 3.333 1.24 21.08 58.76 4.53 1.00 0.80 1.81 4.25 5.22 0.41 3.342 2.65 12.23 70.68 0.40 1.65 7.66 5.54 0.17 0.013 99.10 100.333 Metallic Iron Phosphoric acid 8. Fire Clay — Mogadore. 9. Fire Clay— East Liberty. 31.53 0.83 34.12 0.013 No. 8. 5.45 70.70 21.70 No. 9. Water (combined) 7 00 Silicic acid 62.00 Alumina 24.80 Iron traces Lime 0.40 0.37 1.75 Magnesia 0.42 Potash and soda 3.22 98.62 99.39 The foregoing comprises the geology of Sum- mit County, together with its coal deposits and mineral resources. Closely connected with the geology of a country is the science of agri- culture. Indeed, "the geology of a countr3'," it has been truthfully said, "determines the char- acter of the industrial vocation of the inhabit- ants of that country." In accordance with the geological formations, mining, farming, herding flocks, manufacturing, or even fishing, becomes the prominent industry. "From the connection of geology with agriculture, mining and manu- factures, it ma}^ be said that in its different branches this science lies at the foundation of our modern civilization, inasmuch as the occu- pations, the wealth and power of communities and nations, in many, we may, perhaps, sa}' in most, instances, depend directly upon the char- acter, structure and resources of that portion of the earth which the}^ inhabit."* From the * state Report. wealth, then, of Mother Earth, we draw our sustenance, and when we have run out our span of life, we return to her sheltering bosom. " Where is the dust that has not been alive? The spade, the plow, disturb our ancestors; From human mold we reap our daily bread." It is said that the agriculture of the State of Ohio may be regarded, in a general sense, as "being of a mixed character." The same may very truthfully be said of Summit County. Its agricultural resources are not only exten- sive, but the adaptability of the soil in the dif- ferent sections of the count}^ to agriculture, is to be found in but few counties of the State. In the southern part, wheat is the main staple ; in the central and northern portions, grazing, perhaps, predominates, while corn is exten- sively grown. In the last State Agricultui-al Report, we find, pertaining to Summit County, the following statistics : Wheat, 25,955 acres, yielding 518,979 bush- els ; rye, 852 acres, yielding 5,150 bushels ; oats, 14,284 acres, yielding 542,382 bushels ; barley, 63 acres, yielding 14,010 bushels ; corn, 15,422 acres, yielding 1,077,945 bushels; tim- othy, 22,788 acres, j'ielding 31,951 tons of hay ; clover, 4,882 acres, yielding 6,910 tons of hay. While much attention is devoted to stock-rais- ing, the breeding of fine stock is not carried to that extent that it is in man}' sections of Ohio. More attention is given to cattle and sheep than to other stock, and to the two (cattle and sheep) the former is considered of more value in this community, and the dairy business is one of the largest ' interests of the agricultural class, not only of Summit Count}- but of the Western Reserve. From the State Report above quoted, we extract the following of this county : " Number of cattle, 24,348, value, $364,184 ; number of pounds of butter, 775,- 915 ; number of pounds of cheese, 1,389,735." The same report has the following in regard to the dairy business of the Reserve : " x\lready, complaints are made that dairy farming is deteriorating the soil, but this complaint can scarcely be well founded, or, if well founded, must have reference more to the mechanical than tlie chemical condition of the soil. Soils very similar, geologically considered, haA'e been pastured and tilled in England since the days of the Saxon heptarchy, and no recuperating process practiced until within the past hundred years, and yet these British soils were at no Tv 194 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY time barren. There is no distinctive breed of cattle recognized on the Reserve as being pecu- liarly a dairy breed, but those in highest favor are generally a cross breed, such as short-horn or Devon crossed on the ' native.' * '"' * The factory system of cheese-making was in- troduced some years since, and has proved eminently successful. Having no reliable statis- tics at hand, there is no hazard in stating that there are fuU^' one hundred and fifty factories in active operation at the present time." Our space, however, will not admit of an extended notice in this connection, but the subject will be alluded to again in the several township histories. In addition to the cattle statistics of the count}' from the same report, we gather the following ; Number of horses, 8,552, value, $-169,010; number of mules, 179, value, $8,750 ; number of hogs, 11,577, value, $32,220 ; num- ber of sheep, 24,965, value, $58,817 ; number of pounds of wool shorn, 75,168. Without going further into this branch of the subject, we will now give place to the following- interesting sketch of the Agricultural Society of Summit County, prepared especially for this work by S. A. Lane, Esq., and which will be found of value to our readers : The loss, by fire, of the records pertaining to the Agricultural Societ}- matters of Summit County prior to 1859, made the task of collat- ing the proper materials for the commencement of this chapter somewhat difficult, there being radical differences in the recollections of the several living participants upon whom the writ- er called for information. By a patient search of the files of the Summit County Beacon of those da^'s, though its columns were far less prolific of local news then than now, we have been able to present to the reader a reliable, if not a very attractive, resume of the matters proper to be here treated of Though for some years there had been a growing interest in the subject thi;oughout the State, and, under the fostering care and aid given thereto b}' the Leg- islature of Ohio, a State Agricultural Society, and quite a number of county societies, had been organized previous to that date, the first move looking to the organization of a society in Summit County, was in 1849. From his po- sition as Auditor of the county, N. W. Good- hue, Esq., had abundant opportunity to ascer- tain the views of the people of the county upon the subject, and, believing, after consultation with Col. Simon Perkins and others, that a fa- vorable and hearty response would be made thereto, on the 31st day of October, 1849, Mr. Goodhue caused to be published in the Beacon the following notice : AGRICULTURAT; MEETING. I, N. W. Goodhue, Auditor of Summit County, Ohio, hereby give notice that a public meeting will be held at the court house, in Akron, on the 14th day of November next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of perfecting the organization of a County Agricultural Society, the preliminary steps contem- plated in the act of March, 1839, having been al- ready taken. Nath'l W. Goodhue, County Auditor. Aiiditor's Office, Summit Co., ) Akron, October 31, 1849. \ An editorial in the same issue of the Beacon thus calls attention to the above notice : Attention is called to the notice of the Auditor, in another cohuiin, issued in pursuance of law, for an agricultural meeting on the 14th proximo. We rejoice that a move has been made in the matter, by the agriculturists of Summit County. The neigh- boring counties have their agricultural associations in successful operation. They have seen and felt the advantages flowing from them. And while the whole State seems to be awakening to a new inter- est, and searching after an improved agriculture, it would be mortifying to see the experienced and en- terprising farmers of Summit County asleep. Speed the plow ! Let tlie good work go forAvard in earn- est ! In the Beacon of November 21, 1849, ap- pears the following official report of the pro- ceedings of this preliminary meeting : AGRIOUIiTURAL MEETING. Agreeably to public notice, previously given, a large number of gentlemen met in the court house in Akron, at 2 o'clock P. M., November 14, 1849, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of a County Agricubural Society. The meeting was called to order hy the County xluditor. A tempo- rary organization was liad by appointing Capt. Amos Seward, President; H. G. Weaver, Vice Presi- dent and Nathaniel W. Goodhue, Secretary. After the object of the meeting had been stated, the Chair, on motion, appointed a committee of five to report a constitution and code of by-laws for tlie government of tlie society, consisting of Lucius W. Hitchcock and William A. Hanford, of Tallmadge; Talman Beardsley, of Coventry'; Sylvester H. Thompson, of Hudson, and John Hoy, of Franklin. On motion, a committee of one from each township was appointed to procure members to the society as follows: Bath, William Hale; Boston, Hiram V. Bronson; Copley, Jonathan Starr; Coventry, Avery Spicer; Franklin, John Hoy; Green, Alexander Johnston; Hudson, Van R. Humphrey; Northamp- ^ [£ ■^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 195 ton, Reese Jones; Northfield, John C. Wallace; Norton, Henry Van Hyning; Portage, Lucius V. Bicrce; Riclificld, Isaac T. Welton; Spring-field, Henry G. Weaver; Stow, Edwin Wetmore: Tall- madge, Samuel Treat; Twinsburg, Lyman Cham- berlain; Akron, Lucius S. Peck; Middlebury, Na- thaniel W. Goodhue; Cuyahoga Falls, Henry Wet- more; Hudson, Sylvester H. Thompson. On motion, Lucius V. Bierce and Van R. Hum- phrey, Esqs., were requested to deliver addresses at the next meeting. On motion, ordered that the proceedings of the meeting be published in the several papers of the county. On motion, adjourned to meet in the court- room "on Wednesdaj^ the 28th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M. Amos Seward, President. H. G. Weaver, Vice President. N. W. GooBHUE, Secretari/. From a postscript attached to the foregoing report, it is learned, that at this meeting, about sevent}' names were presented for membership. In the Beacon of December 5, 1849, is found the full report of the second meeting of the embryo society, as follows : agriculturaIj meeting. The Summit County Agricultural Society met November 28, at 1 o'clock P. M., pursuant to ad- jom'nment, and was called to order by Capt. Amos Seward, Chairman. In the absence of Henry G. Weaver, Vice President, Milo Stone, Esq., of Tall- madge, was chosen Vice President. On motion, a committee of one from each town- ship represented, was appointed by the Chair, to recommend oflicers for the .society. Committee appointed at former meeting, reported a constitution for the society, as folloAvs: ■'Article 1. This society shall be called the Sum- mit County Agricultural Society. "Art. 2. The officers of this society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five managers, who, together, shall constitute a Board of Directors for the general management of the affairs of the society; they shall be elected an- nually by the members of the society, and hold their offices until their successors are appointed. The President shall preside at all meetings of the society, and of the Board of Directors; sign orders on the Treasurer for awards of premiums and other appropriations of the Board of Directors. The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall be the presiding officer of the society and Board. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the society, and of the Board of Directors; attend to correspondence ordered by the Board, and report annually to tlie State Board of Agriculture. The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the society, and pay them in accordance with the awards of the committees on premiums, and the votes of the Board of Directors, upon the order of the President, and shall, at the annual meeting, render a full account of his doings. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President; a majority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the Board shall have power to transact all business for the society, that shall not conflict with this instrument. "art, 3. Members of this society must be res- idents of this county, and pay $1 annually to the Treasurer of the society. "Art. 4. All competitors for premiums nuist be members of the society. "iVRT. 5. A list of the premiums offered by the .so- ciety must be printed in the several newspapers pub- lished in the county, at least one month previous to the day of exhibition. "Art. 6. All articles offered for premiums must be owned by the persons offering the same, or by members of their families, and products of the soil, or manufactured articles, must be produced or man- ufactured within the county. "Art. 7. Premiums on grain and grass crops shall not be awarded for less than one acre. "Art. 8. The awarding committees shall consist of three persons each, and shall be annually ap- pointed by the Directors of the society. "Art. 9. The annual exhibition of the society shall be held between the 1st day of September and the 1st day of November in each year, of which no- tice shall be given with the list of premiums offered. "Art. 10. The annual meeting of this society shall be at the court house, on the third Wednesday in November of each year, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time oflicers of the society shall be chosen. "Art. 11. This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting, by a majority of the votes cast." L. V. Bierce, Esq., addressed the meeting. Committee reported oflBcers for the society, which report was accepted, and the persons recommended were unanimously chosen officers of the society, as follows : Simon Perkins, President ; Henry G. Wea- ver, Vice President ; William A. Hanford, Secretary ; William H. Dewey, Treasurer ; John Hoy, Sylvester H. Thompson, Avery Spicer, Philo C. Stone aud James W. Weld, Managers. On motion— " Eesohed : That the thanks of this society be presented to L. V. Bierce, Esq., for his interesting address, and that he be requested to fur- nish a copy for publication." Mr. J. Teesdale presented a circular from the St ate Board of Agriculture, which was referred to the President, Secretary and Capt. Amos Seward for reply. On motion, adjourned. Amos Seward, President. Mn.o Stone, Vice President. N. W. Goodhue, Secretari/. Thus was the " Summit County Agricultural Society " duly and legally organized, and en- titled to draw from the county treasury, yearly, for its support, the sum of $137.50, as provided by law. The various oflicers, directors and committees, together with the people of the county, generally, both farmers and villagers, from this time on worked heartily and cordially for the success of the society, and for the favorable outcome of its first annual fair. In •y ji^ 196 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. the Beacon of August 21, 1850, appears this announcement : AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. The Board of Directors for the Summit County Agricultural Society will meet at the office of L. V. Bierce, Esq., on Tliursday, the 22dinst., at 1 o'clock P. M., to appoint committees to award premiums at the Annual Fair, to be held at Akron, on the 2d and 3d days of October next. Those who have obtained members will please forward the names and money to th(! Auditor's office at Akron. Simon Perkins, President. W. A. IIanpord, Secretary. Akron, August 19, 1850. In the Beacon of September 11, 1850, ap- pears the premium list, offering premiums rang- ing from $1 to 1^8 on cattle ; from $3 to $8 on horses ; from $2 to $5 on sheep ; from $2 to $4 on swine ; best kept dair}^, $10 ; best butter, $3 ; best cheese, $3 ; from $1 to $3 on farm implements ; from 50 cents to $3 on domestic manufactures ; from $2 to $3 on factory flan- nels and cloths ; $1 on grains and seeds ; from $1 to $2 on vegetables and fruits ; from $1 to $5 on field crops. Following, is a list of the awarding committees : Cattle — Milo Stone, of Tallmadge ; Frederick Baldwin, of Hudson ; Marcus Newton, of Richfield, Horses — Thad- deus H. Botsford, of Middlebuiy ; John Hoy, of Franklin ; Henry Van Hyning, of Norton. Saxony Sheep — John Brown (old " Ossawata- mie " of Harper's Ferry fame), of Portage; Jus- tin P. Goodale, of Middlebury ; Anson A. Brewster, of Hudson. Merino and other Sheep — Isaac T. Welton, of Richfield ; Jacob Allen, of Akron ; Jonathan Starr, of Copley. Swine — Miner Spicer, of Akron ; William Wetmore, of Stow ; Simon P. Starr, of Copley. Dairies — Edgar B. Ellsworth, of Hudson ; John B. Clark, of Hudson ; Ethan Ailing, of Twinsburg. Butter and Cheese— Mrs. Dana D. Evans, of Akron ; Mrs. Daniel Hine, of Tallmadge ; Mrs. Amos Avery, of Tallmadge ; Mrs. P^dwin Wet- more, of Stow. Farm Implements — Samuel Treat, of Tallmadge ; Alexander Johnston, of Green ; Mills Thompson, of Hudson. Domes- tic Manufactures — Mrs. Henry G. Weaver, of Springfield ; Mrs. George Kirkum, of Akron ; Mrs. John Hoy, of Franklin ; Mrs. N. W. Good- hue, of Middlebury. Factory Products — Ros- well Kent, of Middlebury ; Anson A. Brewster, of Hudson ; Orlando Hall, of Akron ; Grains and Seeds — Nathaniel Fiuch, of Akron ; Will- iam Hale, of Bath ; Philo Atwood, of Spring- field. Vegetables and Fruits — Van R. Hum- phrey, of Hudson ; Lucius S. Peck, of Portage ; Prof Sej-mour, of Hudson. Field Crops — Clark Sackett, of Tallmadge ; John Hall, of Springfield ; Talmon Beardsley, of Coventiy. Non-enumerated Articles — Joseph Hawkins, of Twinsburg ; Peter Voris, of Bath ; Daniel Hine, of Tallmadge. A " plowing match " was also announced for the second day of the fair ; pre- miums, $5 and $3. No trotting nor racing pre- miums were offered. The Beacon of September 18, 1850, editorially says : We are gratified to find that much interest is being awakened in the approaching agricultural fair in this county. As there has not been an ex- hibition of that character in the county since its organization, those who have charge of the arrange- ments have not the benefit of that amount of expe- rience they Avould like in the performance of their dutj'. Still, they have done and will do what they can. The work of preparation should be entered into in earnest. Hundreds can contribute their mite to the interest of the occasion. Let the exhibition be worthy of the object in view, and let there be a gathering which will render the day a memorable one. The First Fair, October 2 and 3, 1850.— Having no grounds nor buildings of its own, by permission of the County Commissioners, the court house and surrounding grounds were made use of b}'^ the society in giving its initial exposition. In the Beacon of October 16, 1850, is the official report of President Perkins and Secretary Hanford, together with a full list of the premiums awarded, aggregating about $100 — quite a sum, when it is considered that no entrance fees on articles exhibited were charged, while admission to the fair was also free. " A team of thirty-four 3'oke of oxen, from Tallmadge, and another of fifteen span of horses, from the same town, attracted consider- able attention," says the report. Gen L. V. Bierce, of Akron, delivered the annual ad- dress. The Beacon of same date editorially says : The highest expectations were more than realized. The attendance on both days was very large, several thousand persons being present, all of whom seemed inspired by the happiest spirit, and abundant ly compensated for what of labor and care was inci- dent to the exhibition. * * * The display of stock was unexpectedly good, the arrangements being such as to give a fair opportunity for exhibiting the animals brought in. The specimens of fruit, grain and vegetables were exceedingly fine. * * * A va- riety of farming implements were exhibited. * * * HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 197 The court-house was fitted up for the horticultural exhibition and the handiwork of Flora. The high- est praise is due to the ladies for their taste in adorn- ing the room, and the myriad evidences of their skill displayed on every hand. The pyramid of flowers, prepared at Mrs. Dodge's, and the various smaller pyramids and rich bouquets exhibited, were the cen- ter of attraction, exciting universal praise by their gorgeous display of colors. The display of" fancy needle-work would have excited admiration any- where. Among other things exhibited in the ladies' department, worthy of note, were a variety of bed- quilts ; a counterpane, richly worked ; worsted work ; a strcm-bonnet made from straw raised in this county ; .some fancy cotton work, etc., etc. * * * An exhi- bition terminating so propitiously cannot but lead the way to others, and establish permanently a so- ciety whose first fruits are so pleasant to the eye and taste. In the awards of the future the managers of the fair should not be forgotten. /Second Annual Meeting. — The second annual meeting of the society was held at the court house, November 20, 1850. Treasurer Dewey reported : " Total receipts, $327.58 : total pay- ments to date, $221.86; balance in treasury, $105.72 — $100 of which is due for premiums." Officers were chosen for the ensuing- year, as follows : Simon Perkins, of Portage, President ; Amos Seward, of Tallmadge, Vice President ; Nelson B. Stone, of Akron, Treasurer ; Nathan- iel W. (loodhue, of Middlebury, Secretary ; Henry Van Hyning, of Norton ; Daniel Hine, of Tallmadge ; JNIilo Stone, of Tallmadge ; James M. Hale, of Akron, and Harvey Baldwin, of Hudson, Managers. On motion, the thanks of the society were presented to Secretary Will- iam A. Hanford, and his assistants, Messrs N. W. Goodhue and C. B. Bernard, for their serv- ices to the societ}'. Second Annual Fair. — In the Beacon of Sep- tember 10, 1851, appears the notice of Presi- dent Perkins and Secretary (xoodhue, announc- ing the second annual fair of the society, to be held at the court house in Akron, October 16 and 17, with a somewhat enlarged premium list. Committees ns follows : Cattle — John Newton, of Richfield : Perry C. Carotliers. of Tallmadge ; Frederick Baldwin, of Hudson. JMilch Cows — William II. Devyey, of Akron ; Joseph Haw- kins, of Twinsburg ; Clark Sackett, of Tall- madge. Oxen — Perley Mansur, of Hudson ; Isaac T. Welton, of Richfield ; Kbenezer Par- dee, of Norton. Fat Oxen — Dennis A. Hine, of Middlebury ; David French, of Green ; Henry Van Hyning. of Norton. Best ten yoke '■ oxen in a strinen displayed in prep'aring the County Fair Grounds at Summit Grove. * * * Nf)t in the East or the West has any society a location more inviting, etc., etc. The buildings, fences, etc., from the old were removed to the new grounds, which, with the necessary additions, the erection of sheds, sta- •^^Is r- 202 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. bles, pens, etc., the construction of a superb half-mile track, and other improvements, in- volved an expense of $3,128.60, of which amount $1,870.07 was contributed by the cit- izens of Akron, and $1,258.53 was paid b}- the societ}- ; a large amount of labor, of men and teams, also being donated by the people of Akron and contiguous towns, in the lltting-up of the grounds. From this time forward, the Summit County Fair became, emphatically, tlic Fair of Northern Ohio, not onW drawing together, in annual '' Harvest Home Festival," in Octol)er of each year, the great mass of the people of Summit County, but attracting man}' visitors from con- tiguous counties, and even from the more re- mote portions of the State. At the annual meeting of November 1 6. 1859, a new constitution was adopted increasing the number of directors from five to eighteen — one for each township. At this meeting, officers were elected as follows : President, Horace P. Caimon, of Twinsburg ; Vice President, Will- iam Wise, of Green ; Secrctar}-, James Mathews, of Akron ; Treasurer, John II. Buchtel, of Ak- ron. Directors : Bath, Andrew Hale ; Boston, Edmund H. Cole ; Coventr}-, William Buchtel ; Cu3'ahoga Falls. George Sackett ; Copley, Vin- cent G. Harris ; Franklin, Henr}' Daile}- ; Green, George Crouse ; Hudson, Julius Pond ; Middle- bury, Charles A. Collins ; Northampton, Beese Jones ; Northfield, John C. Wallace ; Norton, Charles Coe ; Portage, Avery Spicer ; Rich- field, John E. Hurlbut ; Springfield, John Ewart ; Stow, Virgil M. Thompson ; Tailmadge, Clark Sackett ; Twinsburg, Lewis Ailing. Resolutions were unanimously adopted ex- pressive of sorrow and condolence at the death of Capt. Amos Seward, of Tailmadge, the first President of the society under its written con- stitution, and one of its most enthusiastic sup- porters. Also a resolution tendering to the re- tiring Seci'etary, J. Park Alexander, the thanks of the societ}^ for his able and efficient services during the preceding year. Ax the expiration of the time for which the grounds had been leased, Mr. King, pursuant to his agreement, submitted a proposition to the officers of the society, to sell them the entire tract for $5,000, on ver}^ easy terms of payment, stipulating only, that should the grounds ever cease to be used for fair purposes, they should revert back to him. his heirs, etc. This truly munificent proposition, unfortunatel}' for the society and the county, was not accepted, a portion of the management, comparing the price named with the value of farming lands less eligibly situated, and more remote from the city, not being able to appreciate the magnificent prize they were letting slip through their fingers until it was too late. The society now leased, for the period of ten years, of Mr. P. D. Hall, about thirty acres of land, covered by a fine grove of original forest trees, in the western part of the city, fronting on Maple street upon the south, and Balch sti-eet upon the west, and a short distance northwest of Akron Rural Ceme- tery. To these grounds was removed the Imild- ings, fences and fixtures from " Summit Grove," and others were added, trotting track graded, etc., at an expense of over $1,000 to the societ}', over and above the liberal contributions of both money and labor, from the citizens of Akron and surrounding townships. These grounds were first occupied by the society in October, 1864, the fair of that year not onl}' proving a very great success, but being followed up with such increasing interest, year by 3'ear, that the management were enabled to accumulate a fund of several thousand dollars in the treasury of the society, with which to purchase grounds at the expiration of their ten years' lease. In the meantime, however, the rapid growth of the city of Akron had so enhanced the value of the grounds then occupied as to place them entirely bej'ond the reach of the societ}^, while most of the lands adjacent to the cit}^, suitable for fair purposes, had been taken up and improved, or were held so high as not to be within the sup- posed ability of the society to purchase. At the annual meeting in January, 1870, a committee was appointed to select grounds to be purchased by the societ}', the committee reporting to the Directors March 15, 1870, the propositions which had been made to them, as follows : S. W. Bartges, thirty-five acres of the Mallison farm, on Wooster avenue, at $500 per acre; S. H. Coburn and Samuel Thornton, thirty acres, south of city limits and west of Main street, at $400 per acre ; A. C. Voris and E. Steinbacher, twenty-six acres, on the south line of city and east of Main street, at $500 per acre ; Messrs. Falor and AUyn, such portion of their lands on the north line of Coventry Township as the society might need, at $400 per acre ; and Mr. J. H. Kramer, a tract of ^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 203 twenty acres along the Ohio Canal, south of cit}' limits, at $250 per acre. June 4, 1870, at a meeting of the society, called to consider these several propositions, the vote to purchase grounds was reconsidered, and the matter for the time being was dropped. October 24, 1870, another resolution to pur- chase grounds forthwith was adopted, and the committee, consisting of Edward Cranz, of Bath, James Hammond, of Copley, and David S. Alexander, of Akron, were, on motion of King J. Ellet, of Springfield, instructed to pur- chase the Coburn and Thornton tract, at a price not to exceed $400 per acre. At the annual meeting, January 18, 1871, the minutes of the October meeting were amended so as to show that a resolution offered by William Wheatley, of Richfield, was adopted, authorizing the com- mittee to look around and purchase grounds which, in their judgment, would be for the best interest of the society ; the committee in the meantime having purchased of James McAl- lister thirty acres off from the east portion of his farm, on the north side of the Medina road, one mile west of Akron, at $200 per acre, with a cash payment of $2,000. February 14, 1872, committee reported grounds all paid for, with a balance due the Treasurer of $153.94. A ver}^ considerable number of the members and patrons of the society, both in the city of Akron and in the eastern, northern and south- ern townships of the county, dissatisfied with the location which had been selected, had so agitated and discussed the question, that, at the annual meeting of the society, held January 20, 1874, after quite a stormy debate, a resolu- tion offered by Mr. Jacob H. Wise, that it was impracticable for the society to use the Mc- Allister grounds, and that a committee be ap- pointed to sell said grounds and secure others, accessible by railroad running through the county, was referred to the officers of the so- ciet}', with instructions to report at the next annual meeting. At an adjourned meeting, held February 7, 1874, a resolution was adopted that Nelson V. Wadsworth, of Hudson ; John H. Christy, of Akron ; Jared Barker, of Bath ; King J. Ellet, of Springfield ; Daniel Hine, of Tallmadge ; James Hammond, of Copley ; and Dennis Treat, of Tallmadge, constitute a com- mittee to report to the Directors at their next meeting what, if anything, should be done in the matter of disposing of the McAllister grounds and purchasing others. April 9, 1874, the committee submitted a majority report in favor of retaining and improving the grounds owned by the society, and a minority report in favor of disposing of those grounds and pur- chasing the Fouse tract, near Bettes' Corners, northeast of Akron, the majority report being adopted by a vote of ten to six. October 7, 1874, the Directors resolved, by a vote of eight to five, to proceed at once to improve the Mc- Allister grounds. January 20, 1875, at the annual meeting of the society, the officers of the society, to whom was referred the resolu- tion offered by Mr. J. H. Wise, at the previous annual meeting, reported in favor of purchas- ing the Fouse tract, Mr. Fouse submitting a proposition to sell fift^^ acres to the society at $200 per acre. Mr. A. T. Burrosvs also sub- mitted a proposal to sell forty-five acres of his land on the •' Chuckery," at $400 per acre, or the whole tract at $450 per acre. A ballot on grounds resulted as follows : Burrows tract, 336 ; McAllister grounds, 218. March 6, 1875, Dennis Treat, John H. Christy and Stephen H. Pitkin were appointed a committee, by ballot, and empowered to purchase the Burrows tract and sell the McAllister grounds. April 24, committee reported that they were unable to either buy or sell. A resolution was then adopted, appointing Dennis Treat, of Tallmadge, and William Wheatly, of Richfield, who, with a third man, to be selected by them from with- out the county, should finally decide the matter. May 24, 1875, Mr. Treat reported that Hon. R. P. Cannon, of Portage County, had been se- lected as the third member of the committee, and that a tract offered by Mr. Jacob H. Wise, on the " Chuckery," had been agreed upon by a majority of the committee, Mr. Wheatly dis- senting ; but that, since his return home, Mr. Cannon had receded from his action, and de- clined to make any further report. A resolu- tion was adopted, authorizing the committee to call to their aid Hon J. P. Robinson, of Cuya- hoga County, and that the committee, as thus constituted, proceed to locate grounds. June 19, 1875, Mr. Treat reported that the committee had failed to agree upon a location, ]Mr. Wheatly reporting that the committee had failed for want of effort, Mr. Treat not aiding him (Mr. W.) in urging Dr. Robinson for an opinion. Letters from Dr. Robinson were read, coun- seling the society to meet and agree upon a 204 IIISTOllY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. location. Tlie following resolution was then adopted : Reiiolreil, That all of the Directors meet June 26, and view all the grounds offered, and then meet at the Secretary's ottice for a final vote. June 26, 1875, the Directors visited the Long, AUyn, Howe, Powder, Fouse, Barrows, Wise, Alexander and McAllister tracts, and adjourned to July 3. At the adjourned meeting, July 3, 1875, the Directors proceeded to ballot for lo- cation, with the following result : First ballot — McAllister, 7 ; Fouse, 5 ; Burrows, 2 ; AUyn. 1 ; Powder, 6 — 21 votes. Second ballot — Mc- Allister, 7 ; Fouse, 2 ; Burrows, 1 ; Alexander, 1; Powder, 10—21 votes. Third ballot— Mc- Allister, 7 ; Fouse, 3 ; Alexander, 1 ; Powder, 10—21 votes. Fourth ballot— McAllister, 8 ; Fouse, 3 ; Wise, 1 ; Powder, 9—21 votes. Fifth ballot — McAllister, 8 ; Fouse, 1 ; Wise, 1 ; Pow- der, 11 — 21 votes. The Powder tract having thus received the majority of the ballots cast, it was ordered that the President and Secretary proceed to close a contract for said tract, con- veying to the owners thereof the McAllister grounds, and executing the necessary papers to secure to them the balance of the purchase price, $5,000. The grounds thus selected, derisively called the "Powder Patch," from the fact that the works of the Austin Powder Company, now of Cleveland, were originally located thereon, is a tract of forty-five acres, in the valley of the Little Cuyahoga Ptiver, and within the corpor- ate linaits of the city of Akron. It is contigu- ous to both the New York, Pennsjivania & Ohio, and the Cleveland, Mount Vernon &' Columbus Railroads, while the track of the Valley Railway, from Cleveland to Canton, which originally ran on a high trestle, directl3^ through the grounds, has been thrown around the southern edge of the inclosure, thus doing away with one of the main objections which was urged against their selection, while adding very greatly to its accessibility and conven- ience in the transportation of stock and visit- ors to and from the fair. It is a romantic and picturesque spot, with the ever-limpid waters of the Little Cuyahoga, meandering through them from southeast to northwest, while in- numerable large springs, on the adjacent hills, furnish an abundant supply of water for artifi- cial lakes, fountains, etc ; the name of " Foun- tain Park "■ having been given to the grounds by common consent. A substantial high picket fence incloses the grounds, and commodious floral, commercial, agricultural, mechanical, domestic and dining halls and offices have been erected ; an abundant supply of cattle-pens and stables have been provided ; one of the finest half-mile trotting tracks in the State has been built ; an extensive covered stand with ample seating capacity, erected ; thousands of hitching posts provided ; ornamental trees and shrubbery planted, and the preliminary work done toward making " Fountain Park," not only one of the most convenient and beautiful fair grounds in the State, but, as contemplated improvements are completed, one of the most desirable pleasure resorts in Summit County. The first meeting held upon the society's own grounds, in October, 1875, notwithstanding the bitterness of feeling that had been engen- dered in regard to their selection, was a very decided success, as has been each subsequent yearly exposition of the society, the growth and steadily increasing popularity of its annual fairs, being well illustrated by its semi-decennial gross receipts, from 1850 to 1880, which, in round numbers, were as follows : For 1850, $327 ; for 1855, $903 ; for 1860, $2,100 ; for 1865, $2,800; for 1870, $3,698; for 1875, $5,014 ; for 1880, $7,444. This munificent in- crease of patronage, has not only enabled the society, besides pajing its heavy running ex- penses, premiums, etc., to go steadily forward with the improvement of its grounds, and to pay the interest and very considerably reduce the principal of the debt incurred in the pur- chase of the original grounds, and the erection of the necessary buildings thereon, but has warranted the management in purchasing be- tween seven and eight acres of additional land at $200 per acre, the fair grounds, proper, now covering an area of something over fifty-two acres. In 1876, the constitution was so amended as to give a Director to each ward of the city of Akron, thus making the present number of Directors of the society twenty-four. The space assigned to this chapter not per- mitting a detailed statement of the proceedings of the successive annual meetings of the societ}' during its entire history, we can only give, in brief, the name, place of residence, and term of service, of the several gentlemen who have filled the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, from 1860 to the pres- ii4i HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 205 ent date (1881). Presidents — -Perry C. Caro- thers. Tallmadge, 1861, 18G2 ; Horace P. Can- non, Twinsburg, 1863, 186-4 ; J. Park Alexan- der, Akron, Januar}', 1865, to March, 1870, when, tendering his resignation, John II. Buch- tel, of Akron, was elected to fill the vacancy ; James Hammond, Cople^', 1871 to 1874, inclu- sive ; Dennis Treat, Tallmadge, 1875, 1876 ; John F. Moore, Copley, 1877, 1878, 1879 ; Ste- phen H. Pitkin, Portage, 1880 ; Simeon Dick- erman, Northampton, 1881. Vice Presidents — Charles Coe, Norton, 1861, 1862, 1863 ; Den- ! nis Treat, Tallmadge, 1864, 1865, 1866 ; James | Hammond, Copley, 1867 to 1870, inclusive ; Dennis Treat, Tallmadge, 1871 to 1874, inclu- sive ; John F. Moore, Cople}^ 1875, 1876 ; King J. Ellet, Springfield, 1877, 1878; Wellington Miller, Norton, 1879, 1880, 1881. Secretaries- James Mathews, Akron, 1861, 1862 ; J. Park Alexander, Akron, 1863, 1864 ; Hiram Viele, Akron, elected for 1865, but resigning, James Atkins, Akron, appointed to fill vacancy ; Jon- athan Starr. Akron, 1866, 1867 ; Othello W. Hale, Bath, Secretary ; Hiram S. Falor, Cov- entry, Assistant Secretary. 1868 ^ George W. Crouse, Akron, Secretar}^ ; Hiram S. Falor, As- sistant, 1869 ; Hiram S. Falor, Secretary, 1870 ; Stephen H. Pitkin, Portage, 1871 to 1879, inclusive ; John H. Christy, Akron, 1880, 1881. Treasurers— John K. Buchtel, 1861, 1862 ; Ja- cob H. Wise, Akron, 1863 ; George D. Bates, Akron, 1864 to 1870, inclusive ; John H. Christy, Akron, 1871 to 1875, inclusive. Mr. Christy resigning September 15, 1875, John J. Wagoner, Akron, appointed to fill vacancy ; John H. Christ}' again elected for 1876, but again resigning September 6, 1876, William B. Raymond, Akron, elected to fill vacancy, and re-elected for 1877 ; Herbert A. Peck, Tall- madge, 1878 to 1881, inclusive. A considerable number of the people of the western, northwestern and southwestern por- tions of the county being dissatisfied with the selection of the "Powder Patch " by the Sum- mit County Agricultural Societ}-, and honestly believing that the location was not only ineli- gible and inconvenient, on account of the bro- ken nature of the ground, but absolutely dan- gerous for stock, because of its pi'oximity to railroads, formed themselves into a joint-stock company, with a capital of $5,000, leased the Hall grounds, recently vacated b}' the old so- ciet}', and, refitting them in good stjde with new buildings, fences, sheds, etc., under the name and style of the " Summit County Fair Association,'" held a very successful fair of four days in September, 1875, with James Ham- mond, of Copley, President ; Frank A. Foster, of Copley, Vice President ; Wellington Miller, of Norton, Secretary ; and Philander D. Hall, Jr., of Akron, Treasurer. Vigorous efforts were made by the officers and members of the organ- ization to make the " Summit County Fair Association " one of the permanent institutions of the county, and its second exhibition, in Septembei", 1876, was also reasonably success- ful. Exhibitors and visitors, however, not par- ticularly desiring to contribute equally to the support of two rival fairs so near together in point of time and locality, and the new grounds of the old societj' rapidlj^ growing into public favor, the interest in the '• new fair on the old grounds " gradually died out, and the associa- tion disbanded, its affairs being placed in the hands of a receiver for liquidation. The " little unpleasantness " in regard to the selection of grounds by the old society having given way to general good feeling among the agriculturists, manufacturers, merchants and other fair pro- moters and supporters, it may be safel}' pre- dicted that all will henceforth vie with each other to make the Summit County Agricultural Society and its truly delightful grounds the model institution of its kind in Ohio. The great distance of the extreme north- eastern and northwestern townships of the county from the county seat, together with the remoteness of contiguous townships in adjoin- ing counties from their respective county seats, led to the formation of prosperous and spirited union fair organizations in the localities indi- cated, some twenty -five years ago. In 1851, the people of Richfield organized a township soci- ety, under the name and style of " Richfield Agricultural Club," the annual exhibitions of which became so popular that, in 1858, six other townships, viz.: Bath and Boston, in Summit; Brecksville and Royalton, in Cuya- hoga, and Hinckley and Granger, in Medina, united with her in an association known as the " Union Agricultural and Mechanic Art So- ciety," which was admirably managed for a number of years, the grounds being leased for the period of ten years, and the building, fenc- ing, etc.. being largely done by voluntary con- tributions. On the expiration of its lease, the r 206 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. association re-orgauized as a stock company, and purchased the grounds previously occu- pied, increased vitality and activity following the re-organization for several years. As the county fairs, however, of Summit and adjoining counties, increased their attractions, the inter- est in the local organization began to wane, and the society disbanded in 1875, selling its grounds and closing up its affairs in 1876. At Twinsburg, also, after a township exhibition upon the public square for two or three suc- cessive years, there was organized a " union fair " association, composed of the townships of Twinsburg, Hudson and Northfield, in Summit Count}' ; Aurora, in Portage County, and Solon and Bedford, in Cu^^ahoga County. The first meeting of the society was in Septem- ber, 1856, and, like the Richfield association, its annual fairs were, for many years, very suc- cessful and popular, the society owning its own grounds of some thirteen acres. The patrons and promoters of this fair being largel}^ inter- ested and engaged in dairying, and other kin dred industries, a succession of dry and unpro- ductive seasons, together with the decease and removal of a number of its most active sup- porters, so dampened the ai'dor of its remain- ing members that the meetings were at length discontinued, the last fair of the society being held in September, 1871, the grounds being sold and the affairs of the societj' closed in 1872. The Summit Count}' Agricultural Societ}' failing to accept the ver}^ liberal proposition which had been made by the people of Cuya- hoga Falls for the location of the county fair grounds at or near that place, a number of the citizens of that and adjacent townships organ- ized a Union Fair Association in 1859, and fitted up grounds, about a mile north of the village, on the Hudson Road. The first regular fair of the societj' was held September 1 , 2 and 3, 1859, and was in ever}^ respect a first-class exhibition, both in point of display and at- tendance, netting its projectors some $600 over and above expenses. In addition to the usual list of premiums offered for cattle, horses and other farm stock, agricultural and mechanical products, domestic manufactures, etc., especial encouragement was given to matters pertaining to the turf, many local celebrities in the way of high and fast steppers being attracted thither. The managers, however, failing to secure the attendance of the intended " bis card " — the then greatest of American trotters, Flora Tem- ple — for the regular fiiir, arranged for a meet- ing on the 28th day of October, the same year, at which that renowned animal was pitted against another reputed very fast nag, " Ike Cook." The weather proved to be unpropitious and the track heav}^, but though the attendance was meager, the match came off on time, the Beacon of November 2 recording the result as follows : "Flora Temple, 1, 2, 1 ; Ike Cook, 2, 1, 2. Time — First heat, 2.28 ; second heat, 2.34 ; third heat, 2.33. This enterprise proved a losing venture, absorbing nearly, if not quite, all the profits of the September fair. Again in 1860, September 5, 6 and 7, the regular annual fair of the society was held, also being reason- ably successful, though little more, if any, than paying the running expenses. The third an- nual fair was held upon the grounds of the society September 23, 24 and 25, 1861. The war of the rebellion was then upon us. and military displays at local fairs became very popular. The show was a very fine one, but the attendance was small, except on the last day. the military display' and competition drawing together quite a large crowd. There were pres- ent the Bath Guards, Capt. Schoonover; the Buckeye Guards, of Copley, Capt. Sackett ; and the Cowles Tiger Zouaves, from Bedford,. Cuyahoga County ; the latter, however, a very fine company, being excluded from competition for the prize by reason of being one member short of the required number. After a drill of thirty minutes each, the first prize, a silk flag, was awarded to the Bath Guards, and the second, a worsted flag, was awarded to the Cop- ley Guards. At the conclusion of the drill, a fantastic cavalry company, consisting of some seventy-five or eighty horsemen (representing the secesh army), came upon the grounds, and after skirmishing around awhile, to the infinite amusement of the crowd, were finally sur- rounded, and the entire company taken pris- oners, by the three companies of " regulars," assisted by the Tallmadge Artillery, Capt. Baimes, and the Young America Gun Squad, of Cuyahoga Falls, who performed the batter}- service of the occasion. The military and a large number of invited guests were given a free dinner upon the grounds, by the members of the society and the citizens of Cuyahoga Falls, and vicinity. Though a success as a show, this third fair was a financial unsuccess, ^" -1^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 207 the receipts being less tlian the disbursements, and war mattei's and other enterprises engaging the attention of its promoters, no further meet- ings were held, and the affairs of the society were closed. The writer trusts that no apology is needed from him for the space devoted to the subject of the Agricultural Societ}' matters of Summit County. A careful perusal of the foregoing pages not onl^^ forcibly illustrates the value of harmony and unity of purpose, in all efforts to promote the public welfare, but also clearly shows the inestimable worth of such associa- tions, as educators of the people, not alone in matters of husbandry, manufactures and sim- ilar sciences, but also in a social and moral point of view ; for who does not acknowledge the benign influences arising from the friendly mingling together of the masses of the people from time to time, in such pleasant and cheer- ful gatherings as the annual fairs of the Summit Count}^ Agricultural Societ}' have grown to l)e. CHAPTER IL* THE EARLY INHABITANTS— A CLASSIFICATION OF TIIK M()UNl)-15UILDEliS' WORKS — rKE-HlSTOHlC OCCUPATION AND REMAINS OF SUMMIT COUNTV— SKETCHES OF THE INDIAN TRIBES — CUVAHOGA VALLEY INDIANS DUItlNd THE BORDER AVAIIS. "Fought eye to eye, and hand to hand, Alas! 'twas but to die! In vain the rifle's deadlj^ flash Scorched eagle plume and wampum sash — The hatchet liissed on high ; And down they fell in crhnsou heaps Like the ripe corn the sickle reaps." I^i the remote past ages of life upon the earth, at a period that lies wholly within the prov- ince of conjecture, and upon which the light of sleepless inquiry fails to fall, a strange and semi-civilized people, whose origin, customs and final fate are enshrouded in comparative obscurity, inhabited almost the entire territory of the Western Continent. All attempts to un- ravel the mysterj^ enveloping their peculiar lives meet with an uncompromising rebuff, save where the fast-decaying remnants of their works cast a feeble ray of light on the otherwise im- penetrable darkness. The first thought that enters the mind of the antiquarian in this de- partment of research, is, Whence originated this peculiar people ? So far, no satisfactory answer has been reached. Though many emi- nent men have devoted the best years of their lives in endeavoring to discover the origin of man, or, more specifically, the origin of the Mound-Builders, yet no word of encourage- ment comes fi'om the past to cheer on the pa- tient, tireless worker. Accepting the Mosaic account of the creation, we are led to believe that the Mound-Builders were the lineal de- scendants of Adam. When they came to *Co!itributcdby W. A. Goodspoed. America, or how, does not alter the significance and unquestionable correctness of the statement. There were but two persons — Adam and Eve — created, and from them, if we accept the record of Moses, have sprung all the countless hosts that have ever peopled the earth. If the Mosaic account of man's origin be rejected, we are still in darkness, on the sea of conjecture, tossed b}- the wild waves of doubt and unbelief, without helm or compass and with no land in sight. This perplexing situation is to be met, and what can l3e said ? Is the race of man descended from the lower animals, and through them as inter- mediate states ? or did it spring as a separate growth from the common mother of life — the Earth ? Had all life, both animal and vegeta- ble, a common origin, or was each species, of whatever kind, created apart from its fellows ? In either case, whence originated the primitive germ or seed from which life first sprung ? Was it created by a new condition or relation of its composing elements — by a new relation of the natural laws under which the elements united and quickened into life ? In the proc- ess of the development of natural laws, acting under new conditions, upon the simple organic and in-organic elements, did that remarkable phenomenon occur, bj' which the primitive germ of life was created. If so, why is not a repetition of the creative process possible ? Has the tide of evolution swept beyond the point at which the conditions of elements and relations could originate life ? Is it not true i^ a1± 208 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. that spontaneous generation, at one stage of evolution, miglit have been possible, and that it also, at a later period, might have become extinct from natural causes ? x\ll these ques- tions are pertinent in discussing the origin of the Mound-Builders ; but no detinite answer is received, and even the manner and time of their appearance upon this continent, by whatever means, are problems for coming generations to solve. The most interesting point to be deter- mined regarding these people is. Whether they were created originally in America, or are the descendants of pre-historic Asiatics, who crossed over by way of Behring's Straits. Neither side of the question can be answered. The majority of authorities agree in sa}- ing that the Indians had no knowledge, traditional or otherwise, of the Mound-Builders, except what was derived from their works. They denied having any knowledge of the erection of the approximate 10,000 mounds scattered throughout the State. or of the limitless number scattered throughout the continent. It is urged that, inasmuch as the Indians kept no record of events, their mea- ger and short-lived traditions could not cover the lapse of time since the Mound-Builders' oc- cupancy of the soil, and that possibly the former were the descendants of the latter. On the other hand, it seems probable that, if this be true, the Indians would have some traditional or other knowledge of the mounds, fortifica- tions, sepulchers, templar structures and va- rious species of implements, undoubtedly be- longing to the earlier race. However, with few exceptions, they profess utter ignorance. In opposition to this view, it is claimed that the Indians have deteriorated in mental power- have lost the use of many arts, etc., known to their alleged remote ancestors. And again, to meet this, it is asserted that many centuries elapsed from the Mound-Builders' period to the Indians, thus precluding the idea that the latter were their descendants. From their works is derived all that we know of their history, hab- its, modes of life, degree of civilization, knowl- edge of the arts of peace and war, mental and moral progress ; but their fate is wrapped in darkness. Many of their mounds and other earthworks have been found from time to time in Summit County ; and so much interest has been aroused regarding this almost unknown race of people, and so much light thrown b}^ patient labor upon their m3'stei"ious lives, that a brief statement will here be given of the prog- ress that has been made in this branch of archaeological research, before entering upon the description of the mounds in this county. Of all States or countries of the same limit, Ohio furnishes a greater number of earthworks, supposed to have been erected by Mound- Builders, than any other. The extent, variety, magnitude and labyrinthian intricacy of the Ohio mounds have rendered them of great value to antiquarians, who have come in pursuit of knowledge from distant parts of the globe. Here may be seen the perishing remains of gigantic artificial structures, that reared their summits high in the air, long years before the State was covered with its present qualit}' of timber, and unknown 3' ears before the Indians' occupancy of the soil. These structures, or mounds, have been properly divided into mounds proper, effigies and iuclosures. Mounds proper have been subdivided into sepulchral, templar, sacrificial, memorial and observatory. Effigies are animal, emblematic and symbolical. Iu- closures are military, covered or sacred.* The greater portion of the above works were con- structed of earth, a few of stone, and fewer still of earth and stone combined. Sepulchral mounds are usuall}' conical, and some of them, notwithstanding the lapse of time, are seventy feet in height. Tliey are more numerous than any other class, and beyond doubt were erected as memorials to the dead. The}' always con- tain one or more skeletons, together with im- plements and ornaments supposed to have been placed there when the individual was buried, for use in the Spirit Land. The mounds are of all sizes, and it has been conjectured that their magnitude bears some relation to the prominence of the persons in whose honor they were erected. Ashes and cliarcoal are often found in proximity to the skeletons, under con- ditions which render it probable that fires were used in the burial ceremony. With the skel- etons are also found specimens of mica, pot- tery, bone and copper beads, and animal bones. Though in this class of mounds, ordinarily but one skeleton is found, yet sometimes several are unearthed. A few years ago, a mound, sit- uated in Licking County, was opened, and found to contain, in whole or in part, seventeen skeletons. But the most noteworthy of all the mounds was one in Hardin Count}', which con- *Isaac Smucker, in Ohio Statistics. ^_ HISTOEY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 209 tained 300 crumbling skeletons. Col. Whittle- sey and others, however, entertained the opin- ion that they belonged to the Indians, who had used the mounds for burial purposes. Templar mounds are few in number, and are ordinarily circular. They are invariably truncated, and are often surrounded with embankments, in- clined planes or spiral pathways or steps, lead- ing to the summit. They are found round, square, oblong, oval and octangular, and rest generally upon a large base, but have a lim- ited altitude. It is supposed that these eleva- tions were surmounted with wooden temples, all traces of which have been removed by the ravages of time. These mounds and the build- ings at their summits are thought to have been erected for religious purposes. Sacrificial mounds are ordinaril}' stratified, with convex layers of claj- and loam above a stratum of sand. Thej' generally contain ashes, charcoal, igneous stones, calcined animal bones, beads, stone implements, pottery and specimens of I'ude sculpture. They are often found within inclosures, which are supposed to have been connected with the religious ceremonies of the Mound-Builders. Altars of igneous clay or stone are often found. Evidences of fire upon the altars A^et remain, showing that various ani- mals and probably human beings were immo- lated to secure the favor of the Great Spirit. These mounds infrequently contain skeletons, together with implements of war ; mica from the Alleghanies ; shells from the Gulf of Mex- ico ; difTerentl}- colored varieties of obsidian ; red, purple and green specimens of porph3-ry ; and silver, copper and other metallic ornaments and utensils. Mounds of observation were ap- parentl}- designed for alarm-towers ■ or signal stations. Some writers have fancied that they " occur in chains, or regulai systems, and that many of them still bear traces of the beacon fires that were once burning upon them." They are often found built like towers from the sum- mits of embankments surrounding inclosures. One of the latter, in Licking County, has a height of twenty-five feet. " Along the Miami River," says Judge Force, " are dotted small mounds or projecting highlands, which seem to have been built to carry intelligence by signals along the valley." Memorial mounds are of that class of ^(/Hn/7/ intended to commemorate some important event, or to perpetuate the memory of some distinguished character. Most of the stone mounds belong to this class, and usually contain no bones, for the supposed rea- son that they were used only for sepulchers. They are thought to correspond in design with the Bunker Hill Monument, and with the beau- tiful marble column on the field of Gettysburg. Eflfigies are elevations of earth in the form of men, beasts, birds, reptiles and, occasionally, of inanimate objects, varying in height from one foot to six feet above the surrounding soil, and often covering many acres of land. Mr. Schoolcraft expresses the belief that this class of mounds was designed for "totems" or tribu- lar symbols ; while Prof Daniel Wilson and other writers of distinction entertain the opin- ion that the}^ were erected in accordance with the religious belief of the various tribes of Mound-Builders, who worshiped, or in some way venerated, the animals or objects repre- sented by the elevations. A large mound near Newark represents a bird of enormous size, with its wings outspread in the act of flight. Its total length is about 200 feet. An excava- tion in. this efflg}' disclosed a clay and stone altar, upon which were evidences of fire, to- gether with ashes and charcoal. The sur- roundings indicated that the altar had been used for sacrificial offerings. It is called "Eagle Mound " from its fancied resemblance to that bird. Another mound near Newark repre- sents a huge alligator, having a total length of 200 feet. Prof Wilson believes that it "symbolizes some object of special awe and veneration, thus reared on one of the chief 'high places' of the nation, with its accompanj-- ing altar, upon which these ancient people of the valley could witness the celebration of the rites of their worship, its site having been ob- viousl}' selected as the most prominent feature in a populous district abounding witli militarj'. civic and religious structures." The greatest breadth of the bodj' is twenty feet, and its bod}' from hind legs to fore legs is fifty feet. Each limb is twent3'-five feet long. The prin- cipal portions of the animal are elevated about six feet, wliile other portions are much lower. The most remarkable mound in Ohio is in Adams County. Its form is that of an enor- mous serpent, more than a thousand feet in length, with body in graceful, anfractuos folds, and tail ending in triple coils. The greatest width of the bodj' is thirty feet, and the effigy is elevated about five feet above the surround- :fz ^1 , — i' u^ 210 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY. ing soil " The neck of the figure," saj^s the American Cyclopedia, " is stretched out and slightly curved, and the mouth is opened wide, as if in the act of swallowing or ejecting an oval figure, which rests partly within the dis- tended jaws. The combined figure has been regarded by some as a representation of the oriental cosmological idea of the serpent and the egg.' Defensive inclosures are irregular in form, and are always on high ground, in positions dififl- cult to approach b}^ a savage foe. "The walls," sa3-s the American Cyclopedia, " generally wind ax'ound the borders of the elevations they occu- py, and when the natui'e of the ground renders some points more accessible than others, the height of the wall and the depth of the ditch at these weak points are proportionally in- creased. The gateways are narrow and few in number, and well guarded by embankments of earth placed a few j-ards inside of the openings or gateways, and parallel with them, and pro- jecting somewhat be^'ond them at each end, thus fully covering the entrances, which, iu some cases, are still further protected by projecting walls on either side. These works are some- what numerous, and indicate a clear apprecia- tion of, at least, the elements of fortification, and unmistakably point out the purpose for which they were constructed. A large num- ber of these defensive woi'ks consist of a line of ditches and embankments, or several lines, carried across the neck of peninsulas or bluff headlands, formed within the bends of streams — an easy and obvious mode of fortification common to all rude peoples." The embank- ments of one of this class in Warren County are nearly four miles in length, varying in height from ten to twenty feet to accord with the locality to be protected, and inclose several hundred acres. Covered ways or parallel walls are often found, either connecting diflTerent in- closures or portions of the same. The}' were undoubtedly designed to protect those passing back and forth within. There are large num- bers of sacred inclosures in the form of circles, squares, hexagons, octagons, ellipses, parallelo- grams and others, many of which were designed with surprising geometrical accuracy. They are sometimes found within military inclosures, and very likely were connected with the relig- ious rites and ceremonies of the people, as small elevations are found within them, which were evidently used for altars, upon which sacrifices of various kinds were offered. Some archiBolo- gists maintain that many of the so-called sacred inclosures were intended and used for national games and celebrations, and it is probable that those without the altar were used as such. The mounds and their contents afllbrd abun- dant opportunity to speculate as to the charac- ter and customs of the ancient people, of whom notliins; is left save their crumblins; habitation?. They were a numerous people, as is clearly proved by the magnitude and elaboration of their works. Their presence here, beyond ques- tion, antedates the coming of Columbus, and very probabl}' extends back a thousand years or more. Perhaps a majority of intelligent men who have made the subject a stud}', place the Mound- Builders' period back to that of the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians — to a period two or three or more thousand years be- fore the Christian era. Many interesting and important considerations, too lengthy to be narrated here, have been discovered in com- paring the customs of the Mound-Builders with those of ancient nations in the East. An un- accountable similarity is found in religion, in the arts of war and peace, in character and quality of habitations, in methods of agricul- ture, in domestic alfairs, and in many other essen- tial particulars. The Mound-Builders were un- questionably subservient to rulers, or superiors, who had power to enforce the erection of gigan- tic structures, which, considering the semi- barbarous condition of the people, their lack of suitable implements of labor, and their imper- fect and insufficient knowledge of mechanical principles, are surprisingly vast in extent and ingenious in design. Their works indicate that the people were warlike ; that they were famil- iar with many mathematical and mechanical rules ; that they were religious and probably idolatrous ; that they were skilled in the man- ufactui'e of bone and metnllic ornaments and pottery ; that they had attained no little degree of perfection in the working of metals ; and that they were essentially homogeneous in cus- toms, pursuits, religion and government. They of necessity were an agricultural people, being too numerous to live by the chase alone. They offered burnt and other sacrifices and oblations, to both good and bad spirits. Dr. Foster says they worshiped the elements, such as fire, air and water — also the sun, moon and stars, and ~^ =1^ ^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 211 offered human sacrifices to the gods the}' wor- shiped. Yet many of these views are specu- lative, and have but little substantial evidence upon which to rest. Authorities are widely at variance in their views. But little can ever be known of the history of these people, yet throughout all the future, the civilized world will look with awe upon the decaying remnants of their works, and weave the bright fabric of romance about their mysterious lives. This much has been given on the authority, among others, of Schoolcraft, Wilson, Pidgeon, Smucker, the American Cyclopedia and others, to prepare the way for the classification and detailed description of the ancient earth and stone works in this county. While almost every township can boast of the presence of these works within its limits, 3'et they are found in greatest number and magnitude along the val- Ic}' of the Cuyahoga K-iver, or on the adjacent highlands. It not infrequently happened that Indian villages were built on the sites of these ancient works, and care must be used to pre- vent confounding Indian earthworks with those of the Mound-Builders. A few of the princi- pal mounds and inclosures in the county have l)een personally' inspected by the writer, and these and all others of sufficient importance will be described. The inclosures usually oc- cupy naturall}^ strong, defensive positions, and, where necessary, are formed by earth embank- ments, varying in altitude and basal diameter, and protected on the outer side by a deep pit or moat. On the farm of Milton Arthur, Esq., Northfield Township, is an ancient earth forti- fication, of which the following description is given by Charles Whittlesey : " The engineers who selected the site of this fortitication un- derstood very well the art of turning natural advantages to good account. Wh}' they did not embrace in their plan the whole of the level space on the crest of the blutf is not easil}' ex- plained, unless we presume that their numbers were few, and not sufficient to defend the whole. On all sides, the gullies are from eighty to one hundred and ten feet deep, and are worn by running water into the blue and yellow hard-pan that here forms the bluffs along the Cuyahoga River. The earth is as steep as it will stand, and, in fact, is subject to slides, which leave the soil in terraces, resembling platforms made by art. Before the ground was cultivated, the ditches are said by the owner to have been so deep that a man standing in them could not look over the wall. In the gully on the north, the water is permanent at all seasons. But the ancient inhabitants appear to have dug wells within the fort at two or more points, and these, as stated by old settlers, were stoned up like our wells. On the western face of the bluff, near where the road descends, is a small spring, not reliable at all seasons. There are double earth embankments on each exposed side of the fortification, though they do not extend en- tirely across the necks of land, there being in two or three cases a small space left at the ends, apparentl}' for a passage-way. There is one small mound within the inclosure, and another just without. The approach is along a sharp I'idge, called a hog's back, nearly broad enough for a single road track, for the distance of thirty rods, and the sides are as steep as any part of the bluffs adjacent. It is not very evident why a few rods of ground were cut off by lines at the southwest angle, nor why part of the ditch was made on the inside on the north and west." It must be observed that inclosures of this character in the county are formed by an earth embankment and a moat or ditch running along its side, sometimes within and sometimes with- out the fort. There are two or more others in Northfield, similar in construction to the one described. One of these is protected on one side by a steep declivity, while on the exposed sides is a semi-circular embankment in the form of the curved portion of the letter D. Near the residence of John Hovey, in Northamp- ton, is a fort which, in early years, must have been one of the finest in the county. The em- bankment inclosed several acres, and was five or six feet in height, and near the walls were sevei'al low mounds, and small circular excava- tions, apparently designed for arrow pits. The walls can still be traced, although they have been plowed over many 3ears. Several small forts are to be seen in JBoston Township. There are mounds at the fai-ms of Ambrose Bliss, Mr. Wetmore, James Fairweather, Mr. McKay, and the old farm of Watrous Mather. These are usually some five or six feet in height, and twenty or twenty-five feet in diameter at the base. Several have been opened, but nothing noteworthy was discovered. In the western part of Northampton Township, where Hale Run and Furnace Run come quite close to- gether, is perhaps the most important fortifica- i|v (2_ 212 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. tion of the kind in the county. The streams approach each other, and form a steep, narrow ridge, barely wide enough for the passage of a wagon. This ridge descends some ten feet l:)e- low the mainland, to which it is connected, and extends about fifteen rods, when it gradually assumes a width of some ten rods, and, finally, after a distance of perhaps eighty rods from the mainland is reached, the blutf terminates perpendicularly- to the railroad track. When the ridge begins to widen, it ascends until on a level with the mainland. Beyond the neck or ridge, the summit of the bluff consists of about eight acres, and at the eastern extremity, where, on all sides except the western, the bluff ter- minates as abruptly as the soil will rest, is a well-defined earth fortification. Back toward the mainland, at a distance to leave at the ex- tremity of the bluff about five acres, an unusually large earth embankment, with its ditch, extends across the ridge at right angles to its course. The embankment is much larger than an}' other seen by the writer in the county, and at each end is an open space, evidenth' designed as a passage. On both sides of these two open spaces, are perhaps fifteen small circular exca- vations, arranged so as to guard the passages, and seemingly intended for arrow pits. The embankment is four or five rods in length, and on the side toward the extremity of the bluff, several of the supposed arrow pits are found at a considerable distance from the open spaces. In fact, proceeding from the embankment to- ward the termination of the bluff, it becomes at once apparent that arrow pits Avere dug along the edge of the bluflf, to defend the position from an assaulting foe, that might make the eflTort to ascend the steep sides. At the eastern end of the bluff, within a small area, are some fifteen or twenty more arrow pits, one of them being about eight feet across and three feet deep. This is one of the strongest positions of the kind in the county. In the same neighborhood are several other forfs, two of them being small with quite high, irregular walls, which seem to be strengthened by Ijastions, though William Hale and others reject this idea as improbable. These inclos- ures comprise from two to five square rods of land, and the interior has the appearance, as if a party of men, with spades, had thrown up the irregular embankment, leaving the surface extremel}' uneven. There are, also, in the same neighborhood, in a cultivated field, eight mounds, one of them, over which the plow has run for many years, being four feet high and eighty feet in diameter at the base. This is said to have been over eight feet high in early years. An Indian skeleton, in a fair state of preservation, was unearthed a number of 3'ears ago on the summit about two feet below the surface. An excavation was made to the cen- ter of this mound, and a small quantit}' of crumbled and crumbling bones was found. William Hale, who was present at the time, states that the bones were found in a position to lead to the inference that the party or parties were buried in a sitting posture, as the bones of the body, save those of the arms and legs, were together, while the latter extended out into the sandy soil like lines of chalk. Tlie remains, when found, were sufficiently well pre- served to prove beyond doubt that they were bones, though whether they were human bones or not is another question, not quite so well cleared up. The evidence satisfied all present, however, that the remains were those of human beings. The other seven mounds are not quite so large, and those which have been opened contained nothing of importance. It is thought that the large mound contained the crumbling bones of more than one person. The quantity found, and its state of preservation, would lead to this view. One of the small, irregular forts referred to above and found in this neigii- borhood on quite low land, has a double wall on the side adjoining the river. Another in- closure near this, but on high land, is an irregu- lar octagon in shape, and comprises over half an acre of land. William Hale's residence is situated in a small valley, which, in his opinion, was once a cultivated field. At the earliest settlement, the land was covered with a heavy forest ; but, when this was removed and the soil turned up by the plow, various implements were found, among which were arrow and spear heads ; fleshing instruments of flint ; pestles and mortars ; a small, smooth, hard, flat stone, shaped like a diamond, with the central portion elongated and perforated with a hole near each end, supposed to have been used in weaving a coarse cloth; and a rough, irregular stone, six or eight inches in diameter, flat on two sides, on one of which were from one to six artificial holes, about an inch deep and an inch and a half across, the use of which is extremely diffi- )^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 213 cult to determine. Many of these various liinds are found a few rods north of Botzurn Sta- tion, on the extremity of a blutf, through which the railroad cut has been made, in an Indian burying-ground. It comprises about an acre of land, and some forty skeletons, the most of which were in a fair state of preservation, have been unearthed, and many more are yet in the ground. They were first discovered in 1843, when an addition made to the canal disclosed several at the point of the bluff. When the r.'iilroad was cut through the center of this burying-ground, thirt}' or forty skeletons wei'e plowed out in almost as many minutes. They were lying in somewhat irregular rows, which extended north and south, v.'hile the individ- uals la}- with their heads some to the east and some to the west. There were skeletons of males and females, and perhaps one-third of these belonged to children. Many crumbled to pieces immediatel}' ; but quite a number of skulls and some of the larger bones were pre- served for several years — are perhaps in exist- ence yet. The soil where each skeleton lay, was discolored — was black — and in one of the graves was found a stone kettle, four inches deep and eight inches across. Various imple- ments have been found in the soil and on the surface. The skeletons were lying about two feet beneath the surface. The teeth were as sound and white, apparently, as when their owners used them. Ver}' likely many of the owners of these skeletons had been killed dur- ing the latter part of the last century, b}' dar- ing borderers from Virginia and Penns^dvania. Perhaps the grandfathers of those who assisted in unearthing these skeletons, were among these borderers. Probably the most important earth inclosure in the county, is in Copley Township, near the residence of Delos Bosworth. In the center of a swamp of muck and marl and partially formed peat, is a circular island about twenty-five rods across, which is elevated from five to fifteen feet above the surface of the swamp. There is no natural approach to this island. It is surrounded on all sides by twenty or thirty rods of what, in earl}^ years, must have been an impassable swamp. On this island and almost covering it, is an artifi- cial inclosure of earth. The embankment is about two feet high, and the ditch is on the outside. There are twelve or fifteen openings in the wall, and a causeway of earth leads from these across the ditch, down to the edge of the swamp. In some places, as on the south, a distance of three or four rods lies from the swamp to the edge of the wall ; but usually the distance is much smaller, and in some cases is reduced to a minimum. Supposing the sui-- rounding swamp to have been extremely wet and nasty (a Saxon word), as it must have been at an early day, the position was practi- cally impregnable. The island is covered with large trees, mostly hard maple, and no critical and extended examination has 3'et been made of the soil and what it contains. Within the inclosui'e may be seen numerous small mounds, but these may have been thrown up b}' trees that were blown down. Several of these have been opened without any important discover}-. The mainland approaches closest on the east side, and here is a large gateway in the em- bankment. A goodly number of arrow-heads have been picked up on the point of mainland closest to the fort. This island is called " Fort Island." and a short distance south of it is an- other called " Beech Island." On the southern extremity of the last, are a great number of small mounds which Gen. Bierce conceives to be Indians' or Mound-Builders' graves. The writer does not concur in this view, but refers their formation to natural causes, or to beavers. Several have been opened, but nothing was found. Just south of Botzurn Station is a very large mound, some thirty feet in height, and about a hundred feet in diameter at the base. Tliis was opened a few years ago by students from Akron, but nothing was discov- ered, save evidence from the soil to prove that the mound was a natural formation. Tbe soil was found to be similar to that of the adjacent bluffs, and dissimilar to that in the valley where the mound stands. Three hundred yards west is a very large mound, having a truncated sum- mit. This is connected by a low ridge with the main formation of bluffs, and, in the opin- ion of the writer, the other mound was once similarly connected to this one, the whole form- ing a bluff-projection into the valley. The following is kindly furnished by J. M. Mc- Creery, of Akron : •' On the land of Thomas Barnes, in Norton Township, the conglomerate sandstone rises into a very high knob, and from the top a view may be had of the country beyond Cuyahoga Falls in one direction, and of that nine miles across the Tuscarawas Vallev ■fv" T 214 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. in the other, while the view north and south is ahnost as extended. At the time Mr. Barnes' father settled on this farm, some sixt^-five or seventy 3'ears ago, there was a mound built of " hardheads" on the highest point of this knob. It was about ten feet long and eight feet wide, and, although some of the top stones had fallen or been thrown down, it was still about three feet high. A chestnut tree, twelve or fourteen inches in diameter, was growing at one corner, and in its growth had thrown the corner down. There seems to be but little doubt, that this elevated point was nsed as a signal station, as a fire on its summit could be seen farther than from an}" other point for miles around, though whether this is Mound- Builders' work, or that of the Indians, is diffi- cult to determine. Owing to the scarcity of ' hardheads,' or cobble-stones, in the vicinity, the building of this mound was quite a labori- ous task." Mr. McCreery also says : " Near Turkey -Foot Lake, are two very singular works, which are different from any I have ever seen elsewhere. They are funnel-shaped depres- sions, some ten or twelve feet across the top and eight or nine feet deep, running to a point at the bottom. They are walled around with small bowlders, and unless they were used for fire pits, I am unable to imagine any use to which they could have been put, as the stone work is too loose to suppose thej' were intended for cisterns." The principal earthworks in the county have now been described, though there are many others which as yet are comparativel}' un- known, and which some future searcher may moi'e fully disclose. Quite a number of small circular inclosures and insignificant mounds other than those above described are found throughout the county, more especially along the valley of the Cuyahoga and on the adja- cent bluffs. A special description of these is unnecessar}', as they are ver}- similar in con- struction to some of those referred to above. So far as can be determined, all the inclosures in the county belong to the military class. None seem to have been used as sacred or cov- ered. Some of the mounds are certainly sepul- chral, and beyond question some were me- morial. Those containing bones were sepul- chers, wherein were deposited the bodies of dis- tinguished characters, while those without bones and without any evidences that they once contained bones are probably memorial mounds. The ancient inhabitants had no need to erect mounds of observation in this count}^, as high bluffs in prominent positions furnished abundant natural facilities for watchfulness over a wide scope of country. There are sev- eral places in the county — as at Turkey' Foot Lake, at the gigantic truncated mound near Botzurn Station, at the elevated inclosure in northwestern Northampton and at various other places along the Cuyahoga and through- out the county — where, beyond doubt, fires were kindled in ancient times. The stones found at these places reveal this fact, and in some cases ashes and charcoal have been dis- covered. Of course, it is highly probable that the Indians, and not the mound builders, might have kindled these fires, and possibl}' erected some of the earthworks. Indian vil- lages were often found on the site of these ancient works, and it is to be presumed that some alterations were made. It is often diffi- cult, and sometimes impossible, to distinguish the individual works of these two people, yet in general no difficulty is experienced by persons well informed on the subject. It is impossible and unnecessary to give a description of all the ancient implements, orna- ments and utensils that have been found in the county. They are numbered by the thousand, and include all the varieties of stone axes, mauls, hammers, celts, mortars, pestles, flint arrow and spear heads, fleshing and skinning instruments, ceremonial stones, shuttles, col- ored slate ornaments, breast-plates of stone or shell, ornamental charms and totems, shell or- naments, rude and imperfect specimens of pot- ter}', bone and metallic ornaments, igneous stones, and a multitude more of all sizes and shapes, whose uses are unknown. In April, 1877, there was found buried in muck, about three miles west of Akron, a heap of one hun- dred and ninety-seven flint instruments. Of these, one hundred and eighty-five were evi- dentl}' designed for arrow and spear heads, though the usual notches at one end are lack- ing. They are probably unfinished ari-ow and spear heads. They may be seen in the museum of the cit}" library at Akron. The various im- plements, ornaments, etc., just referred to, evi- dently belonged partly to the Indian and partly to the Mound Builder. It may be that both races used the same implements, as it is ■^FH ;1^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 215 quite likel}- that the Indian would learn some- thing from the scattered remnants of the Mound Builders' works. Will the history of this strange people ever be known ? Can re- search ever clear up the mystery of their origin and fate ? Who can sa}- what the human mind will accomplish ? May not the evolution of tliought into new and numerous fields so widen the human understanding tliat existing evi- dences may be sufficient to disperse the gloom enveloping the origin of man ? If the theory of evolution be true, and man is spared upon the earth, who can measure the final result ? the children of men will come and go upon the earth ; imitated ideals will become loftier ; ex- cellence in all the arts of mind and spirit will be attained ; limitless intelligence will assume startling forms of power and penetration ; boundless wisdom will lead to prophecy ; prophecy perfected will become a science, by which past and future will be blotted out, and time be measured b}^ the present ; new and wonderful taculties of mind will be created by the developing laws of evokition ; new percep- tions and cognitions and emotions will open Ijroad fields of beauty to the mind that before were beyond the reach of human capabilities ; man's capacity will be multiplied a thousand- fold, and evidences will augment in a similar degree ; mental conclusions will peer into the sanctuarj' of creation, and the origin of life will be reached. When this state is reached, the history of the Mound Builders will be read as in a book, but, if it be not reached, their origin and fate will never be known until all mankind shall stand face to face before the bar of God. The Indian history of Summit County, though somewhat meager as I'egards prominent events, contains many interesting incidents, the princi- pal of which will be recorded. In the 3'ear l(Ji)U, the date at which the aboriginal history of Northeastern Ohio begins, a tribe of Indians, called the Eries, inhaliited that section of coun- try.* How far their lands extended southward from the lake is somewhat indefinite, although it is probable that they included the greater portion of Summit County, and, possibly, all the soil within its present limits. It is gener- ally admitted that the Eries were a member of * I'e Witt Clintdn in hid Historical Discourse ii|)on tlie Imlians of North America; Louis llciiiiepin, a Franciscan friar, whuse travels in "New France" were piiblislicd in 1698; Brant, the Mo- hawk chief, in a letter to Timothy Pick'jrinjr, November 20, 17a4, and Charlevoix, the historian of " New France," all assign the Kries or Erigas to the south shore of Lake Erie. the Iroquois family, as distinguished from the Algonquin tribes. At the date above given, the Iroquois, consisting of the confederated Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas, occupied New York and Northern Pennsylvania. These confederated tribes, called the Five Nations, had formed their alliance as early as 1605 ; and, so powerful had they be- come, that their lands, acquired by conquest, covered a large tract of country. When the Tuscaroras were added to the alliance, the lat- ter were styled the Six Nations. AH other Northern tribes of Indians than those men- tioned above were Algonquins. The leading tribe of the latter was the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware, whose traditions declare it to be the parent stem whence other x\lgonquin tribes have sprung. Other tribes of this family were Wyandots, Ottawas, Shawanese, etc. The Iro- quois, grown strong and arrogant b}' years of confederated conquest, steadily enlarged their lands from the spoils of conquered tribes. About the middle of the seventeenth eentur}', they drove, the Hurons or Wyandots from their home in Canada, and took possession of their lands. They likewise conquered the Neutral Nation, the Andastes, the Satanas. or Shawanese, and others. "In 1655, the}' turned against their Erie brethren, and using their canoes as scaling ladders, invaded the Erie strongholds, leaping down like tigers among the defenders and butchering them withohj. mere}'."* Those that were not massacred or driven awa}-, were adopted by the conquerors. So powerful had the Iroquois become, that they conquered, with a few exceptions, all the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi. They thus came to own large tracts of country, much of which was afterward ceded by treaty to the colonies. In 1726, the\' ceded their lands to England under certain specified conditions, and from that time ceased to occupy the arrogant position of conquering tribes. After 1663, when the war broke out between the Iroquois and the Canadian colo- nists, the former could no longer continue their conquests in Ohio, and several Indian tribes hastened to occupy this beautiful country. In 1750, there were living in Ohio, among others, the following Indian tribes : The Wyandots (called Hurons by the French) ; the Delawares and Shawanese (both members of the Algon- *Histor)' of the Stat? James W. Taylor. of Ohio: Fir.^t Period, 1G50-1787, by ^ ® w- 216 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. quin group) ; the Miamis (also called Twig- twees) ; the Mingoes (a branch of the Iroquois or Six Nations), and the Ottawas and Chip- pewas. The Wyandots occupied the countr}^ in the vicinity of Sandusky River. The Dela- wares were established on the Muskingum and Tuscarawas Rivers, and at a few other points. The Shawanese were chiefly' found on the Scioto and Mad Rivers. The Miamis were on the Great and Little Miami Rivers. The Mingoes were in great force at Mingo Bottom, near Steu- benville and at several other points in Ohio. The Ottawas occupied the valleys of the Mau- mee and Sandusky Rivers, and the Chippewas, few in number, were confined to the southern shore of Lake Erie. From 1750 to the war of 1812, these Indian tribes were found in differ- ent portions of Ohio, and a great portion of the time were engaged in border wars with the daring pioneers. The history of these wars would fill volumes. Parties of savages, dressed in the spangled paraphernalia of war, would hover about the settlements, and, when the ven- turesome pioneers were off their guard, would swoop down upon them, with horrid 3'ells, to massacre and pillage and carry into hopeless captivity, or for purposes of heart-rending tor- ture. To punish the savages, bands of daring borderers would make incursions into their country, laying waste their homes and slaughter- ing the inhabitants. Some of these Ohio tribes were almost constantly at war with the whites during the period mentioned. While members of all the tribes mentioned above were found in Ohio, only four tribes were, in numbers, sufficient to merit a special sketch. These are the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanese and Ottawas. The Wyandots, as indicated by the idioms and other characteristics of their language, were related to the Iroquois, but about the middle of the seventeenth century they embraced the re- ligious faith of the Roman Catholics, and, for some reason unknown, severed their connection with their relatives, the Iroquois, and cast their lot with the powerful Algonquins.* Their original residence was in Canada, some author- ities fixing their location on Georgian Bay, and others, as Mr. Schoolcraft, on Montreal Island. Their number is estimated to have been about 40,000 souls. Some time after this, the}^ be- ♦From the American Cyclopedia the sketches of these four Indian tribes have been taken. came involved in a war with the Iroquois, by whom they were nearly exterminated, after which they removed first to Charity Island and finally to Quebec. They were found south of the great lakes, in 16G0, by some French trad- ers, and, ten years later, having become in- volved in a war with the powerful Sioux, they removed to Michilimackinac, and were accom- panied by Father Marquette. Afterward, they established themselves at Detroit, their hunt- ing-grounds extending into Northern Ohio. In 1778, remnants of the tribe were yet in Can- ada, while that at Detroit was estimated to con- tain about one hundred and eighty warriors. In 1829, a small band of the tribe was located in Michigan. They numbered about forty, and were provided with annuities b}^ the Govern- ment. Immediately after the war of 1812, the principal portion of the Wyandots, numbering about six hundred, was established on the San- dusky River on a tract of land eighteen miles long east and west, and twelve miles wide. In 1835, the Wyandots decided to sell a strip of land five miles wide on the eastern border of their reservation, and the land was accordingly thrown into market, very likel}' through the in- fluence of the whites, who coveted the pos- sessions of the Indian. In 1843, the Wyan- dots were transferred to Kansas, where they have since resided, and the land of their reser- vation was annexed to the adjoining counties. The Shawanese are an erratic tribe of the Algonquin family. A tradition of recent origin makes them primarily one with the Kickapoo nation ; but they moved eastward, and a part are said to have remained, in 1648, along the Fox River, while the main body was met south of Lake Erie by the Iroquois, and was driven to the Cumberland River. Some passed thence to Florida and some to Carolina. One band was in Pennsylvania at the close of the seven- teenth century. Those in Florida lived at peace with the Spaniards, and afterward be- came known as Savannahs, or Yemassees. These retired to the Creeks, and finally- joined the Northern Shawanese. The Iroquois claimed sovereignty over the Shawanese, and drove them West. In 1731, they aided the French ; but, in 1758, they sided with the English. They joined the conspiracy of Pontiac, and were active in war until subdued by Boquet. In 1774, enraged at the attacks of Col. Cresap, they roused most of the Western tribes, and, in *^ [iL HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 217 October, defeated the Virginians at Pleasant Point, but sued for peace the following year. Col. Bowman, who marched against them in 1779, was twice defeated. They joined the peace of 1786 ; but took part in the Miami war, in the campaigns against Harmar and St. Clair, but were reduced by Gen. Wayne, and then entered the peace treaty of 1795. The main body was at this time on the Scioto ; but a few had gone to Missouri, and another band had moved South. During the war of 1812, urged In^ Tecumseh and his brother, the Prophet, they endeavored to unite the Western Indians against the Americans ; but those in Ohio re- mained faithful. The Missouri band ceded their laud to the Government in 1825, and the Ohio band in 1831. In 1854, the band of Shawanese proper, living in that part of the Indian Territory now included in Kansas, and consisting of 1,600,000 acres, numbered 900 ; but at this time, or soon after the tribal rela- tion was dissolved by treaty, and the lands were divided in severalty. Besides these, there were, in 1872, 90 in the Quapau Agency, and 663 in the Sac and Fox Agency. The Ottawas, when first known to the French explorers, were located on the Manitoulin Islands, and on the northwest shore of the Michigan peninsula. The}^ believed in Micha- l:)ou, "the great hare," a mythical personage, who formed the earth and developed men from animals ; in Mirabichi, " god of the water ;" in Missabizi, "the great tiger." Soon after 16-49, they fled before the Iroquois to Green Bay, thence west beyond the Mississippi to the country of the Sioux, with whom they became involved in war, when they fell back to Che- goimegon, before 1660, and finally to Mackin- naw. The tribe became considerably divided here, one of the divisions settling near Detroit, and the one at Mackinaw passing over to Ar- Iire Croche. The greater number of the Otta- was were in the last war with the French, and at its close Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, and one of the ablest Indians of any tribe that ever lived, organized a vast conspiracv for the de- struction of the English. They were under English influence during the Revolution, and at this time numbered about 1,500. They par- ticipated in the treaties of 1785, 1789 and 1795, and afterward, by other treaties, the}" acquired a tract of land on the Miami, thirty-four miles square. By the treaty of 1833, they ceded their land around Lake Michigan for land south of the Missouri River, and soon ceased to be a distinct band. A band of Ottawas at Maumee, in 1836, ceded 49,000 acres to Ohio, and 200 emigrated to the Osage River, locating south of the Shawanese. Some 230 remained and be- came scattered in detached bands. In 1867, they became citizens, and in 1870 were re- moved to a reservation of 24,960 acres in In- dian Territory. Several thousand are yet liv- ing in scattei-ed bands in Michigan and Canada, and all are self-supporting. The Delawares are a tribe of the Algonquin family, and, when first known to the whites, were dwelling in detached bands, under sepa- rate sachems, on the Delaware River. They styled themselves Renappi, or, as now written, Lenape or Lenni Lenape. The Dutch began trading with them in 1616, and enjoyed friendl}' intercourse with them until 1632, when the set- tlement at Swanendael was utterly destroyed by a sudden attack, but trade was soon after- ward resumed. The Swedes made attempts to Christianize them, and had Luther's Catechism printed in their language. The Delawares claim to have come from the West with the Minguas, who soon afterward reduced them to a state of vassalage, and when the}' were conquered by the Five Nations, they were termed women by the latter. The Delawares formed three fami- lies, or clans — the Turtle, the Turkey and the Wolf At the time of the " walking treat}" " made by Penn, the Delawares complained that they had been defrauded in the interpretation of the treaty, and showed a reluctance to " walk," upon which the authorities called upon the Six Nations, who ordered the Delawai-es, as women, to retire. The Delawares were now thrown among warring people, and, though previously mild and peaceable, they now became energetic, and conducted their wars with great ferocity. In a war with the Cherokees, they reached the Ohio, where a portion remained until 1773. They took up arms and fought with the French at Braddock's Defeat and elsewhere, but suffered so much from English attacks that they finally treated for peace, part of them in 1757, and the others after the fall of Fort Du Quesne. They then centered on the Susquehanna, and a small nuinber soon afterward settled on the Muskingum. They took up arms in the border war, but were badly defeated at Bushy Run, August, 1763, by Boquet. Their towns on the 218 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Susquehanna were pillaged and burned, many were killed and dispersed, and in 1768, they emigrated to Ohio. In 1774. they were again badly defeated at Pleasant Point, and a part were afterward engaged in the Revolution. In 1772. the Christian Delawares settled on the Muskingum, but were hastily removed to San- dusky, in 1781, by the English. Early the fol- lowing 3'ear, ninetj'-four who returned were murdered by a party of enraged borderers under Col. Williamson. By the treaty of 1785, the Delawares occupied the soil between the rivers Cuyahoga and Miami. At this time there were many scattered bands of Delawares, several of which were Christian, and at peace with the whites. The main tribe, at Grand Blaze, with 480 warriors, was hostile, and 400 under Buckongahelas were at the de- feat of St. Clair, in 1791 ; but four 3'ears later, they joined the peace treat}' at Greenville. In 1808, there were 800 at Wapeminskink, a few at Sandusk}', a few on the Muskingum, and a large bod}- at Fairfield, Canada. In 1818, the Delawares, 1.800 strong, ceded their lands to the United States and emigrated to Missouri. In 1829, many went to Kansas, and some south of the Red River. In 1853, they sold all their lands to the United States, except that in Kansas. During the last war, out of 201 able-bodied warriors, 170 enlisted and served in the arm}'. The}' sold their lands, in 1868, to the Missouri Railroad, and settled on the Verdigris and Cone. In 1866, they became citizens, though their clans — Turtle, Turkey and Wolf — still exist. During the border wars of the last half of the last century, the Indian villages, in what is now Summit County, were actively engaged.* *Wheti these villagps wi-rs first Pitulilisbed is not definitely liiiown ; but from an i>l(i mnp wliich Wiis publisherl in 1755, by Lewis Evans it is .ascertained tliat at tU;it tirue there was a Mingo vilbioje on the west liarjk of the river, pnibtbly in wliat is r,ow ensteni Rath, and an Ottawa villago on the opposite side of the river in Northampton, i>r peihaps, as 'omesay, in Boston. There is also marUeil on the ni ip a Krench trading-bouse-, which was located eitlicr in northwestern Boiton Township, or on the Cuyahoga, five miles from its month The bitter view is rendered improbable, from the fact, among othors, tint tlie house on the map is loeati^d very near the Ottawa village. The house, beyond reasonable doubt, was located on the bank of the river, about forty rods north of Boston Village. A few old apple trees were found growing near the ppotby the early settlers. These were probably idanted by the French. When the whites appeared, this place was occupied by the Ottawas, under their Chief Stigwanisli, while a hatf-milo northwest was a Seneca village under the Chief Ponty. There were two other Indian villages, in early years, at Cuyahoga Falls. On the north side of the river was an encampment of Ilela wares, and on the Bonth, one ol the Iroquois. There vvas a Delaware village in Coventry Township, under Capt. Pipe, or in the Indian language, Tauhango- cauponye, or IIopDcan. There were also, at times, temporary en- campments in almost every township in the county. The Chippe- was were found among others, as were also a few Wyandots. They sent numerous small bands to Western Pennsylvania to massacre the white pioneers on the border, and destroy their habitations. It is extremely probable that some of the borderers who were captured on these ex- peditions were tortured to death at the vil- lages in Summit County. Perhaps these spots, now so quiet and peaceful, once echoed with the frenzied death-cries of white men, while around, on every hand, circled the leaping and exulting savages, tearing up with hot iron the bleeding flesh of the despairing sufferers, and filling the air with their dreadful yells of revenge. Here the dusky savages, decked in the gaudy ornaments of border war, invoked the favor of their god before descending like death upon the defenseless settlements. Here could be heard their wild chants — " Ne-gau nls-sau — ne-gau nissau Kitchi-mau-li-sau — negau nissau" — (I will kill— I will kill The white man — I will kill)— before they started on those expeditions, of which we read in histories. In 1759, there lived in Cumberland County, Penn., a family named Campbell, consisting of the father and a bright little girl, about seven years old, named Mary. Residing in the same house was an other family named Stuart, consisting of the husband and wife, and four or five children, one of these being an infant. One day, when the men were absent, Mrs. Stuart left her children in charge of the little girl Mary, and went a mile or two distant to the house of a neighbor. In her absence, a small band of Delaware In- dians took possession of the cabin, and made all the children prisoners, much to the conster- nation of little Mary, who was old enough to know that some awful calamity was pending. The Indians, knowing that the adult members of the families were not far away, made prep- arations to receive them. As Mrs. Stuart, on her return, approached the house, she heard the children screaming, and hurried forward, but was instantly made prisoner by the savages, who then thought it best not to await the re- turn of the men, but, with their prisoners, started for their camp in Armstrong County. They soon became tired of carrying the in- fant, which was fretful, and one of them finally took it, and, in the presence of its shrieking mother, dashed its brains out against a tree, and cast its quivering body in the bushes. The "Tl. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 219 Indians pushed on rapidly, uroiug their weary and agonized prisoners to their best pace, and carrying those that finally gave out. A little boy about seven years old, named Samni}', was carried upon the back of one of the Indians until the latter was tired. On the third day, this Indian fell behind the others, and when he again appeared, the little boy was missing, while at his belt Mrs. Stuart recognized the curly locks of her little Samni}-. The poor mother and her children were hurried on until at last, weary and footsore, they reached the Indian village. Here they were soon separated, and one or more of them was adopted by the Indians. The following 3"ear, Netawatwees, the chief of this band, removed with his followers and prisoners to their village at the " Big Falls " of the Cuyahoga, now in Summit County, Ohio. ^liivy had been adopted by the chief, and was treated with uniform kindness, occupying a position of equality with the Indian children. Here the prisoners I'emained until 1764, when they were delivered to Col. Boquet, at his fort in Tuscarawas County, and soon afterward were returned to their friends in Penns3'lvania. It is vei'3' probable that other white prisoners from the Indian villages in Summit County were delivered up at this treaty. Col. Boquet had come out with an army of 1,500 men. The appearance of this force awed the Indians, and they sued for peace in the most abject manner, delivering up at the same time, some 300 white captives. Fathers, brothers and husbands had come out in hopes of finding their lost friends, and when the captives were given up the scene beggars description. " There were seen," says a writer in the Historical Ilecord, " fathers and mothers recognizing and clasping their once captive little ones ; husbands hung around their newly-recovered wives ; brothers and sis- ters met after long separation, scarcely able to speak the same language, or to realize that they were children of the same parents ! In the interviews, there w^as inexpressible J03' and rapture ; while, in some cases, feelings of a very different character were manifested by looks or language. Man}' were flying from place to place, making eager inquiries after relatives not found, trembling to receive answers to their questions, distracted with doubts, hopes and fears ; distressed and grieved on obtaining no information about the friends they sought, and, in some cases, petrified into living monuments of horror and woe on learning their unhappy fate." " In many cases," Albach says, " strong attachments had grown up between the savages and their captives, so that they were reluctantly- surrendered, some even not without tears, ac- companied with some token of remembrance." The girl, Mary Campbell, and Mrs. Stuart and her children, were the first white persons known to have lived in what is now Summit County. During and after the Revolution, the Indians of the Cuyahoga Valley were very troublesome to the Pennsylvania pioneers. The details of their savage barbarity would sicken the heart. All along the Ohio Iliver, on both sides, the Indians and borderers met in terrific conflicts, which resulted in the death or captivity of one of the parties. Almost the entire half of the last century was a succession of border wars. So dreadful and frequent became the attacks of the savages that many expeditions were sent to reduce their villages and slaughter the peo- ple or drive them far off into the forest. Young men on the border were trained to the one pur- suit of killing Indians, and the names of Poe, Kenton, Wetzel, Brady and a host of others will ever bear a prominent place on the page of the American border wars. The daring and intrepidity of many of these Indian slayers were astonishing. They seemed to delight in the awful work and courted death and torture with a reckless courage that arouses the keen- est interest of those who read of their exploits. Hundreds of Indians werfe killed without any pretext, save the sport afforded the intrepid borderers, or to avenge wrongs done by the savages. Horse-stealing became a great pas- time, in which the borderers and their savage foes freely indulged ; and man}- of the fierce pei'sonal conflicts, read of all over the country, were occasioned by lawless incursions of this character. Small armies were sent at various times to different portions of Ohio to defeat the Indians or treat with them for peace. Among these were the expeditions of Cols. Bradstreet and Boquet, in 1704, by which com- parative peace was secured until 1774, when a border war again slowly broke out. About this time, several unfortunate attacks on the Indians were made, in one of which the inof- fensive relatives of Logan, the Mingo chief, were ruthlessly murdered by a small command under Col. Michael Cresap. This barbarous act precipitated events, and the Indians, roused r :^i >> 2'20 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. for vengeance, began scouring the border to murder and pillage. The utmost terror, gloom and consternation pervaded all the frontier set- tlements. Gen. Mcintosh conducted an expe- dition against the Indians in 1778, and Col. John Bowman the following year. Col. Q. K. Clarke marched against them in 1780 ; Gen. Daniel Broadhead in 1781 ; Col. Lowry the same year ; Col. Williamson in 1782 ; Col. Crawford the same year ; Gen. Clarke again in 1782; Col. Benj. Logan in 1786; and, besides these, there were many others. It became the pi'actice on the border to organize small com- panies of " rangers," who, when the savages swept down upon some family and either killed or captured the members, would hastil}' assem- ble and pursue the enemy, to chastise them and recover the captives. A noted leader of these rangers, in Western Pennsylvania, was Capt. Samuel Brady. He was a man of pro- digious size, strength, endurance, activity and courage, and became known to all the Northern Indians, who made desperate attempts to either capture or kill him. A few years previous to this, his father and brother had been killed b}' the Indians, and he is said to have taken a solemn vow to devote his future life to revenge. The following is quoted from Howe's " Histori- cal Collection :" " Brad3''s residence was on Chartier Creek, on the south side of the Ohio, and being a man of herculean strength, activity and courage, he was generally selected as the leader of the hardy borderers in all their in- cursions into the Indian Territor}^ north of the river. In about the 3'ear 1780, a large party of warriors from the falls of the Cuyahoga and the adjacent country had made an inroad on the south side of the Ohio, in the lower part of what is now Washington County, on what was then known as the settlement of ' Cattish Camp,' after an old Indian of that name who had lived there when the whites first came into the Moaongahela Valley. This party had mur- dered several families, and with the ' plunder ' had recrossed the Ohio before effectual pur- suit could be made. Brady immediatel}' se- lected a few chosen rangers of known courage and activity, perhaps twelve or fifteen or more in number, and hastened on after the Indians, who, having one or two days the start, could not be overtaken in time to prevent their re- turn to their villages. Near the spot where the town of Ravenna now stands, the Indians separated into two parties, one of which went to the north and the other west to the falls of the Cuyahoga.* Brady's men also divided, a part pursuing the northern trail, and a part going with their commander to the Indian vil- lage laying on the river in the present township of Northampton, in Summit County. Although Brady made his approaches with the utmost caution, the Indians, expecting a pursuit, were on the lookout, and ready to receive him with numbers four times as great. When Brady's men were attacked, it was instantly seen that their only safet}' was in hasty flight, which, from the ardor of the pursuit, soon became a perfect rout. Brady directed his men to sep- arate, and each one to take care of himself; but the Indians knowing Brady, and having a most inveterate hatred and dread of him, from the numerous chastisements he had given them, left all the others, and, with united strength, pursued him alone. The Cuyahoga makes a wide bend just liefore entering Sum- mit County, thus forming a peninsula of sev- eral square miles of surface, within which the pursuit was hotly contested. The Indians, by extending their line to the right and left, forced him on to the bank of the stream. Having, in times of peace, often hunted over this ground with the Indians, and knowing ever}^ turn of the Cuyahoga as familiarly as the villager knows the street? of his own hamlet, Brady directed his course to the river at a spot where the width of the stream is compressed by the rocky cliffs, into a narrow channel of only twenty-two feet across the top of the chasm, al- though it is considerably wider beneath, near the water, and in height more than twice that number of feet above the current. As he ap- proached the chasm, Brady, knowing that life or death was the issue, concentrated his utmost efforts and leaped the river at a single bound. It so happened that on the opposite side, the leap was favored by a low place, into which he dropped, and, grasping the bushes, he was thus enabled to ascend to tlie top of the cliflT. The *A celebrated Iiiilian w;ii'-path, extending from Sandusky lo Bearer (Fort Mcfntosh), passed through Summit Cuuntj'. This was the tr«il traversed by the Indians of Northern Ohio, in their expe- ditions af;ainst the l)order settlements in Pennsylvania. The trail crossed the Cuyahoga in Franklin Township. Portage County, at what is called " Standing Slone," and divided at Fish Creek, the northern branch extending across Stow and Northampton Town- ships, to the Indian village in tlie latter, tlience across the river to the INlingo village in Bath, and tlience westward, while the s lutliern bran'h extending somewhat snuth of w. st, led to the villages at Cuyahoga Falls, thence on through Portage and Coventry, to the Tuscarawas lliver and the Delawaie village in Coventry. ^ .1^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 331 Indians, who were in close pursuit, were for a few moments lost in wonder and admiration, and before the}^ had recovered their recollection he was half way up the side of the opposite hill, but still within reach of their ritles. They could easily have shot him at any moment be- fore ; but, being bent on taking him alive for torture and to glut their long-delayed revenge, they forbore to use the rifle ; but seeing him now likely to escape thej^ all fired upon him, one bullet severely wounding him in the hip, liut not so badly as to prevent his pi'ogress. The Indians had to make considerable of a cir- cuit before the}' could cross the river, and b}' this time Brady had advanced a good distance ahead. His limb was growing stiff from the wound, and, as the Indians were gaining on him, he made for the pond, which now bears his name, and, plunging in. swam under water a considerable distance, and came up under the trunk of a large oak which had fallen into the pond. This, although leaving only a small breathing place to support life, still completely sheltered him from their sight. The Indians, tracing him by blood to the water, made dili- gent search all around the pond ; but, finding no sign of his exit, finally came to the conclu- sion that he had sunk and was drowned. As they were at one time standing on the very tree beneath which be was concealed — he, un- derstanding their language, was very glad to hear the result of their deliberations, and after they had gone he emerged from his hiding- l)lace, and, weary, lame and hungry, made good his retreat to his own home. His companions also returned in safety. The chasm across which he leaped is in sight of the bridge, where it crosses the Cuyahoga, and is known in all that region as "Brady's Leap." The pond where he concealed himself is also known as Brady's Pond. Just where he was first at- tacked by the Indians is not definitel}' known, but it was somewhere in Northampton Town- ship. It is not likely that the Indians, who were expecting an attack, delayed their move- ment upon the rangers until the latter reached their village. It is probable that the}^ were in ambush not far from their village, and the cau- tion of the rangers alone prevented their being caught in the trap. The savages came on in great numbers, and the rangers very likely kept together for several miles, or until they were somewhere in Stow Township, when they sep- arated, and each man provided for his own safet}'. Brady, on another occasion very simi- lar to the one above narrated, leaped a stream in Pennsylvania, twenty-three feet wide, and escaped from a large part}' of Indians, who were almost upon him. The Mingo village in Bath was no doubt often visited by Logan, the famous Indian chief He was the son of Shikellimus, a Cay- uga chief, who dwelt at Shamokin, Penn., in 1742. The father was a personal friend of James Logan, the Secretary' of the Province, in whose honor the sou was named. They came to Ohio about 1772, locating at Mingo Bot- tom, near Steubenville. Here it was that, about 1774, at the breaking-out of Lord Dun- more's war, Logan's relatives were murdered. This I'oused him to vengeance, and he began an indiscriminate and extensive slaughter of all the whites he met. Within six or eight months, Logan alone murdered twenty or thirty persons. The following speech, though im- proved by Jefferson and others, was delivered by Logan to John Gibson, an interpreter, who had been sent out by Lord Dunmore to the Indian towns. According to Gibson, Logan asked him to walk out in the woods, and when the two had reached a lonely copse and had sat down, Logan, with many tears, delivered his celebrated speech : I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he en- tered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if ever he came cold and naked, and he clothed him not. During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his cabin, an advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen pointed as they passed, and said: "Logan is the friend of white men." I had even thought to have lived with you, but for the injuries of one man. Col. Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not even sparing my women and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me for revenge. I have sought it. I have killed many. I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my country, I rejoice at the beams of peace. But do not harbor a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one. Mr. Jeflferson says : " I may challenge the whole orations of Demosthenes and Cicero, and of any more eminent orator, if Europe has fur- nished any more eminent, to produce a single passage superior to the speech of Logan, the » .. ^ 223 HISTOIIY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Mingo chief." It is considered a masterpiece of Indian eloquence. Logan is said to have been one of the noblest specimens of humanitj^ of any race, that ever lived. He was, as he said, the friend of the whites ; but the deliberate murder of his relatives inflamed his savage nature, and he "fully glutted his vengeance." He had a high sense of honor, and when trusted would die sooner than betray- the trust. He undoubtedly visited the Mingo village in Bath. At the mouth of Yellow Creek, in Northampton, is an extensive Indian cemetery, which prob- ably belonged to the Mingoes. This creek was named for the one down the river from Steu- benville, at which was the Mingo village, where Logan's relations were murdered.* The Delaware villages in Summit County, about the time of Lord Dunmore's war, were well populated ; though the larger villages of this tribe, in Eastern Ohio, were on the Mus- kingum. In the wars between Great Britain and France for an extension of territory in America, great efforts were made by both na tions to secure the Indians as allies, for thereby a dreaded and powerful weapon could be wielded. Sometimes the French were success- ful, and then the English pioneers in Pennsyl- vania and Virginia experienced the horrors of barbarous border wars. At other times, the English succeeded and the French were made to suffer in a like manner. Many times tribes of Indians remained neutral, while the French and English were struggling for the mastery ; or perhaps portions of some tribe would en- gage in the wars, while others would proclaim their neutrality and remain at peace, cultivat- ing their fields and engaging in the chase. After the murder of the relatives of Logan, several weeks were spent by the hostile Indian tribes to effect a confederation of all the Ohio Indians, for the blood}' purpose of an extermi- nating and universal border war against the American settlers. The Senecas and Shawa- nese were eager for hostilities to begin ; but the Delawares refused to join the confederation as a nation, though many of her young men were induced to take up the hatchet. They could not endure the derisive title — Shoioon- *This is not positivelj' known to the writer, though thorp are numerous evidences to indicate its truth. No one in the county who wa'i intprvicweii could tell why Yellow Creek was thus named, but from tlu- fact that, after the murder of Logan's relatives, the Jlingoes, or at least a large band of them, located in Bath near this stream, it seems highly probable that the stream received its name as stated iu the text. noks, or white people — which their war-like neighbors threw in their faces. The Delaware bands in Summit County remained at peace, though beyond a doubt many of their young men joined the tide of hostilities. The neu- trality of the Delawares, no doubt shortened the war and prevented a concentration of the hostile Indian forces. Just before the Ilevolu- tion, when it was seen that war was inevitable, great efforts were made by both the British and the Americans to secure the assistance of the Indians. It was estimated that the Indians in New York, Ohio, and near the lakes, could bring 10,000 warriors into the field ; and, it was plainly apparent that this large force might turn the pending crisis either way. The English, through their artful emissaries, made great efforts to effect an alliance, and were gen- erally successful. Four out of the six tribes of the Six Nations joined the British ; but, a majority of the Delawares and a numerous party of the Shawanese were for neutralit\'. At the Pittsburgh conference, Capt. White Eyes, a distinguished Delaware chief, boldly advo- cated the American cause, much to the anno}'- ance of the Senecas, who were for war in the interest of the British. The Wolf faction of the Delawares, under Newalike and Capt. Pipe, withdrew toward Lake Erie to join the British ; but Netawatwees, the Delaware chief, one of whose villages was at Cuyahoga Falls, sustained the view of Capt. White P]yes, as did also Big Cat, Capt. John, Killbuck and others. These chiefs sent embassies to all the hostile tribes, exhorting them not to take up the hatchet or to join either side. It will thus be seen that the powerful Delaware tribe was the only one in Ohio, which, as a nation, refused to take up the hatchet. In New York, the friendship of the Oneidas and Tuscaroras was secured. However, the Delawares were afterward swept into the vortex of war, but not until after the French alliance had been consummated, where- by much of the horror on the border was pre- vented. By 1777, the hostile Indians had be- gun their work in earnest, and the white settlers sought the protection of the forts, or fled to the colonies in the East. Numerous war parties of savages, under their chiefs, or the white rene- gades, Girty, McKee, Elliott, and others of their ilk, conducted their dreadful expeditions with such malignant ferocity as to cast gloom and terror over the frontier settlements. The Otta- ■K* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY. 223 was, Senecas and Miiigoes, of Summit County, were active in the war in the cause of the Brit- ish, and, beyond question, Simon Girt}-, who became a Seneca b}- adoption, and George Girt}', wlio became a Delaware, were often at these villages. The Delaware chiefs mentioned above, who advocated neutrality, had been mostly converted by the Moravian missiona- ries. The venerable Netawatwees, chief of the Turtle branch of the Delawares, was among the number. As near as can be learned, it was a band of the Turtle Delawares that had a vil- lage at Cuj-ahoga Falls ; while, ver^' likel}-, the band in Coventr}' was under Capt Pipe, or Kogieschquano-heel, the celebrated Delaware war-chief It was almost whoU}- due to the missionaries and their converts that the Dela- ware bands upon the Muskingum refused to take part in the border wars. To these men — the.se noble missionaries — should be accorded the honor of preventing, in a material degree, man}' of the direful results of the Indian bor- der wars. Beyond all probability, these mis- sionaries visited the Indian towns, in Summit County, to conduct their good work of spiritual regeneration. Indian villages were strewn all along the valle}^ of the Tuscarawas, and on the portage path in this county. So successful were the missionaries in their efforts to secure peace, that at last the renegades, Girty, McKee and Elliott, complained to the British com- mandant at Detroit, saying that the Moravians not onl}^ prevented the Delawares from joining the British, but held constant communication with the Americans on the state of the war. Immediatel}' after the Coshocton campaign, when the peace-chiefs of the Delawai'es were subordinated to the war-chiefs, Buckongahelas became the controlling power at the head of this nation, and through his influence the In- dians, including many of those who had been converted, took up the hatchet. The Christian Indians were removed to Sandusk}' ; but a number who afterward returned were cruelly murdered ; but their death was bitterly avenged by the defeat of Crawford, and the awful death of himself and man}' of his command. On the 21st of Januar}', 1785, the treaty of Fort Mcintosh (Beaver) was effected, b}^ which the boundary line between the United States and the Delaware and Wyandot nations was fixed as follows : To begin at the mouth of the Cuyahoga, thence up said river to the portage between it and the Tuscarawas ; thence down said branch to the forks above Fort Laurens ; thence west to the portage of the Big Miami ; thence along said portage to the Ome River, and down the southeast side of the river to its month ; thence along the south shore of Lake Erie to the mouth of the Cuyahoga. It will thus be seen that the Delawares and W3'andots were confined to the west side of the Cuyahoga, the summit portage path, and the Tuscarawas ; while the tribes of the Six Nations were east of this dividing line. This boundary was con- firmed by subsequent treaties ; but, in 1805, at Fort Industry, the Delawares, Ottawas, Wyan- dots, Chippewas, Shawanese, Menses and Pot- tawatomies were removed to the western part of the State, and the celebrated Cuyahoga boundarv line became a thing of the past. The Senecas relinquished their rights to the land east of the Cuyahoga in 1796. This brings the Indian annals down to the time of the first ap- pearance of white settlers in the county. In the year 1800, there wei'e living in what is now Summit County^ bands of Delawares, Senecas, Wyandots, Chippewas, Ottawas, Min- goes, and very likel}' members of other tribes. But six 3'ears before, the most of these had been at war with the whites, and it was no wise impossible that the savages might again fall upon the settlers at an}- moment. All the war- like customs of the tribes were retained and practiced, probably to keep the warriors in trim for another struggle, should it break out. By 1805, many settlers had appeared in the county, and the movements of the Indians be- gan to be closely observed. They mingled freely with the whites, and although many personal encounters occurred, yet no general outbreak was made. It became the custom of the white hunters, many of whom had participated in the fierce border wars, to assemble at the Indian villages to talk with the natives, trade with them, race with them, shoot with them, and silently observe their peculiar customs. The Indians, regardless of the prospect for continued peace, still held their war and scalp dances, and engaged in all their wild and savage customs. The hunters, when present, were often invited to join the revelry, which they frequently did, but not with the peculiar and graceful skill of the natives. Large fires were lighted, and the savages, armed and painted as if for the war- path, surrounded them in circles, and then, with •IT >L> 324 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. a wild, monotonous song accompaniment, they began their dance around the tire, springing up and down, first on one foot and then on the other, chanting in the meantime a guttural " he, he, he ; iuiw, haw, haw ! " blending their dance with innumerable antics, grimaces and contor- tions, and interspersing their song with wild whoops, made to quaver at first by the motion of the hand on the lips, but ending with a clear- ness and force that made the forest ring. Liquor they dearl}' loved, and, when thirsty, would part with anything they possessed to secure an ample potation of their favorite beverage. Un- der its influence, their savage and warlike spirit became dominant, and they were ready and anxious to assert their demands, and en- force them if the}' were denied. The}' often entered cabins and demanded whisky, and, if it was denied them, they often took it, espe- cially if the men were away from home. In a case of this kind, the women were usually wise enough to get rid of their guests at the earliest possible moment, before the liquor began to as- sert itself, as otherwise fright, anxiety, danger and, possibly, injur}', were sure to result. Some- times, however, the Indians refused to go, but remained to flourish their scalping-knives and tomahawks around the heads of the children, and terrify the distracted mother by threats of death. Sometimes the husband and father would return while the Indians were at the height of their deviltry, in which case a fight, often accompanied with wounds, was sure to ensue. Numerous instances of this character will be found in the chapters of township history. Capt. Heman Oviatt established a store in Hudson Township, where liquor was kept for sale. The Indians were drawn thither, and numerous drunken brawls occurred in the neighborhood. In the absence of Mr. Oviatt, his wife occupied the position behind the coun- ter (if there was such a piece of furniture), and dealt out goods and liquor to the whites and Indians. On one occasion of this kind, when there was a small temporary encampment of some twenty Indians, under the sub-chief, Wab- raung, near the store, and the men were at work in the woods, at a considerable distance from the house, and out of sight, an Indian pre- sented himself, saying that the chief, Wabmung, had sent him to the store to get a small keg of whisky. The credit of the chief was good, and Mrs. Oviatt gave the messenger the liquor. It occurred to her soon afterward that the chief had not sent for the whisky at all, but that the Indians, having no money nor credit, and desir- ing a spree, had adopted the ruse to secure the liquor. She instantly made up her mind to re- gain what was left, at any rate. The Indians were taking on at a great rate, and did not per- ceive her until she had seized the keg, and had gone some distance, on the run, toward the store. A few half-drunken ones immediately set up a yell and pursued her, but she succeeded in reaching the store before the Indians. Eliz- abeth Walker, a hired girl, was holding the door, and she slammed it shut as soon as Mrs. Oviatt had entered, but not before the foremost Indian had caught up a frying-pan that was on a bench at the side of the house, and had struck savagely at the hired girl, preventing, at the same time, the complete closing of the door. He began pushing hai'd at the door, and as the two women saw that he was half-helpless on account of the liquor he had drunk, they suddenly threw the door open, seized the Indian, who had fallen prostrate, dragged him into the room, and closed and barred the door just as several others threw themselves against it. The Indian in the room began kicking and thrashing around, whereupon the two women got some loose ropes and tied him securely. By this time, the Indians on the outside were pounding loudly on the door, demanding admittance ; but Mrs. Oviatt caught up a rifle, and pointing it through the window, warned them to leave or she would fire, at which they withdrew a short distance. She directed Betsy Walker to go to the loft and blow the horn for the men, which was promptly done, and soon they appeared, whereupon the Indians beat a retreat. The captive Indian was kept until dark, when his squaw appeared, and asked for the person of her recreant lord, but this was denied until he was completely sober, when he was allowed to depart with the ropes still about his arms. The last seen of the couple was the tumble they took together over a rail fence.* This event is narrated to illustrate a common occurrence, differing only in minor particulars. Sometimes the difficulties resulted in severe fights, but usually all the transactions between the two races were amicable. When the Indians ex- *Thiis circumstance is narrated on the autliority of Mrs. Eliza- beth (Walker) Tappan. the hired girl who wslh present, and who is yet living in Boston Township, at the unnsual age of ninety-three yoar-i. !) y HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 225 pected to have a " loud " time with whisky, it was their custom to give up their weapons to their squaws, so that no lives would be lost. In 1806, their difficulty with Daniel Diver occurred, by which Nicksaw, a son-in-law of the chief, John Bigson, was shot by the Indian slayer, Jonathan Williams, an account of which will be fouud in another chapter of this volume. The village of Stigwanish was on the Cuyahoga, in Boston Township. Here the tribe had erected a wooden god, probably Missabiza, " the great tiger," and when they departed on their hunting expeditions, they were accustomed to hang their choicest tobacco around his neck. Some of the earliest settlers, knowing this, and being very fond of " the weed " (not altogether an unusual circumstance), often shiy appropri- ated it. So far as known, no judgment was ever sent against them for the sacrilegious act. At the time of the Diver difficulty, the In- dians held a council, in which some of the war- riors insisted that the Indians should begin an indiscriminate slaughter of the whites before the latter had time to unite on a defense. The Indians were thoroughly incensed, but after a time better counsel prevailed. They saw that, while they might have a temporary advantage, and perhaps sla}' many of tlie whites, the tide of war was sure to turn against them with overwhelming force. The white hunters often got the Indians drunk for no other purpose than to get the better of them in trade. When their senses returned, the Indians, not recollect- ing anything of the affair, demanded their prop- erty, and, in case of a non-compliance with their demands, a light was sure to ensue. As winter approached, it was the custom of the Indians to lay in an abundance of wild meat and provisions, and seek the shelter of their larger and permanent villages, there to remain during the cold months in comparative com- fort ; but when spring came, witli her pleasant weather and green leaves and grass, the winter residences became almost deserted, and the tribe, divided into small bands, often compris- ing the members of but one family, traveled far and near, to spend the warm months in hunting and trapping. They pitched their wig- wams on the banks of streams or by some pleasant lake where an abundance of fish could be obtained. It is asserted b}' the old settlers that the Indians never wantonly slaughtered the game, allowing the meat to lie in quantity on the ground. On the contrary, they killed onl}^ what they expected to use. They were often hired to hunt for the settlers. They would bring in a deer and exchange it for pro- visions, such as potatoes, turnips, pumpkins, melons, etc. At other times, the}' would agree to furnish so much game for a specified quan- tit}' of whisky, corn meal, flour or money. Stigwanish, the chief of the Ottawas, and John Bigson, his son, are said to have been fine specimens of the North American Indian. The latter was about six feet in height, straight as a reed, possessing an enormous chest ; was long- armed and powerfully built, with a pair of coal-black e3'es that seemed to see every- thing at once. In truth, he was as fine a man as was ever pictured on the page of Cooper. Stigwanish is also said to have been a fine old fellow. He possessed some noble traits of character that made him prominent among his tribe, and a model for the imitation of the whites. Thus the years passed by, until the war of 1812. A great deal of apprehension was felt among the settlers at this time, that the Indians might unite in the war on the side of the British, as they were almost sure to do, in which case a fearful time of blood and death might be expected. They were numerous, and a short time before the war an unusual number of war and scalp dances were held, and the Indians seemed livelier than they had been for ten 3'ears before. They would brandish their weapons in a menacing manner, and the set- tlers were aware that something unusual was about to transpire. Some efforts were made to ward off the coming calamity, and it is said that a block-house was erected in the western part of the county, where a few settlers assem- bled for protection. During the early summer of 1811, the Indians became very bold and insolent ; but finally they all suddenly van- ished, and a few days later, news of the battle of Tippecanoe reached the whites. It was afterward ascertained that, if the British had been successful at Tippecanoe, the Indians would have swept in fury upon the borderers. As it was, they were silenced, and departed towai'd the setting sun. A few afterward re- turned to the scenes they knew so well, but some of these were killed, and the others dis- persed, and the story of the red man is now told as a bright romance of the past. Tv 3L> I2£ 226 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY CHAPTER III.* EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE WHITES — ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY —PUBLIC BUILDINGS- COUNTY SEAT QUESTION — SETTLED BY VOTE — COUNTY OFFICIALS — CON- GRESSMEN AND ELECTORS — THE COUNTY INFIRMARY, ETC. IN presenting a brief liistory of Summit County — its earl}' settlement, organization, erection of public buildings, etc. — the writer will not attempt to rehearse the generally well- known early history of Ohio and the Western Reserve, nor give in detail the thrilling experi- ences of the hardy, enterprising and patriotic pioneers by whom the several townships com- posing the county were originally settled. It is sufficient for the present purpose to say that the first known settlement of whites, within the present limits of Summit County, was made in Hudson, in the year 1800, followed by North- ampton in 1802 ; Stow in 1804 ; Boston, Cov- entry and Springfield in 1806 ; Northfield and Tallmadge in 1807; Green in 1809; Bath, Norton and Richfield in 1810; Portage in 1811; Copley and Franklin in 1814; and Twinsburg in 1817; and that to the indomi- table energy and fortitude, superior intelligence and unswerving integrity of those early set- tlers, the present owners and occupiers of the finely cultivated farms, and the dwellers in the thriving villages and cities within its borders, are wholly indebted for the priceless heritage which they now enjoy. Of the sixteen townships composing Summit County, ten — viz., Northfield, Twinsburg, Bos- ton, Hudson, Northampton, Stow, Portage, Tall- madge, Coventry and Springfield — originally belonged to Portage County ; four — viz., Rich- field, Bath, Copley and Norton — to Medina County ; and two — viz., Green and Franklin — to Stark County. Interesting and appropriate sketches of the several townships here enumer- ated, with biographical sketches of the pioneer settlers and other citizens thereof, will be found elsewhere, under their appropriate titles. With the opening of the Ohio Canal, finished from Cleveland to Akron in 1827, and through to Portsmouth in 1830, and the greatly increased •■■vontrihuted by S. A. Lane. facilities for travel and transportation which it afforded, not only were the agricultural interests of the State, along its entire line, ver}- largely stimulated, but a ver^- marked impetus was there- by given to commercial and manufacturing in- terests, also. Thus, while the ver}- considerable business operations previousl}' existing at Mid- dlebury, and one or two other points in the Cuyahoga Valley, were materially increased thereby, the completion of the canal was imme- diately followed b}' the utmost activity at Ak- ron and Cuyahoga Falls, then just springing into existence as manufacturing villages, both being largely supplied with water-power — at that early day the great desideratum in all man- ufacturing enterprises. So rapid was the development of these vil- lages, and the several townships contiguous to the great " thoroughfare," that the people soon began to feel that their respective seats of jus- tice, Ravenna, JMedina and Canton, where they were compelled to go to serve as jurors and wit- nesses, and for the payment of their taxes, were too far from their business centers, and, as early as 1835, began to talk " new count}'." The proposition was not at all kindly received by the county officials, and the people of the more remote portions of Portage, Medina and Stark, out of whose fair proportions the required ter- ritory for the new county, if erected, would have to be carved, and nothing was definitely accomplished in that direction until 1840. In the fall of 1839, by a special effort nnd united action of the voters — both Whigs and Deraocrats^of the two tiers of townships which it was proposed to detach from Portage County. Rufus P. Spalding, Esq., then practicing law in Ravenna, and E|)hraim B. Hubbard, an influen- tial farmer of Deerfield Township, were elected as Representatives to the State Legislature, both of those gentlemen being Democrats, but pledged to the new county project, thus l)eing A HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, 227 elected over the regular Whig nominees, Por- tage County at that time, pai'ticularly the west era portion, being largely Whig, on strict party issues ; Simon Perkins, Jr., tlien as now a resi- dent of Portage Township, a member of the Whig party, being at the time a member of the State Senate. The Legislature convened and organized on the 2d day of December, 1839, and, on the 17th day of the same month, Hon. James Hoagland, of Holmes County, as Chairman of the com- mittee on new counties, reported to the house " a bill to erect the county of Summit," which was read the first time. The Stark Count}- Representatives, Hons. John Smith and James Welch, the Medina County Representative, Hon. James S. Carpenter and the Lorain County Representative, Hon. Albert A. Bliss, all di- rectly and vigorously opposed the movement ; the first three because of the curtailment of their respective counties, in providing the re- quisite territory for the proposed new county, and the last because of the proposition to trans- fer the townships of Spencer and Homer from Lorain to Medina, to keep the territory of the latter up to the constitutional requirement, after being shorn of her eastern tier of townships. Representatives of several other counties in different portions of the State, in danger of be- ing dismembered by similar new county proj- ects, also earnestly opposed the measure, so that it had to be fought through inch bj^ inch, passing the House by a majority of three only, on the 6th day of February, 1840. In the Senate, also, the struggle was equall}^ determined and severe. Senators Hostetter, of Stark, Birch, of Lorain, Nash, of Meigs, and Thomas, of Miami, actively and energetically opposing the bill. Active and influential "lob- bjnsts," both for and against the measure, were also in attendance in full force, and the various tactics and devices resorted to in promoting the measure on the one hand, and retarding it on the other, would make a good-sized volume of "mighty interesting reading" if it could be correctly written up. The progress of the bill through the House and Senate, as briefly re- corded in the proceedings of the two Houses, will give the reader a pretty fair idea of the bitterness of the fight, though b}- no means conveying to the mind anything like an ade- quate conception of the vast amount of argu- ment, eloquence, repartee, vituperation, ridicule and fun indulged in during the four months, nearly, that it was under consideration. On motion of Mr. Spalding, the bill was taken up for consideration, December 21, when, on motion of Mr. Welch, the further consideration of the bill was postponed until the second Thursday in January. Yeas, 42 ; nays, 28. On motion of Mr. Spalding, the bill was again taken up, January 11, when Mr. Welch moved to recommit the bill to the Committee on New Counties, with instructions to report the number of petitioners and remonstrants for and against the project — which was agreed to. The committee having made its report, on mo- tion of Mr. Spalding, the bill was again taken up, Januar}' 17, when Mr. Welch moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill until the first Monday of December next, which was lost — j'eas, 28 ; nays 32. The bill was then laid on the table. Mr. Spalding moved to take the bill from the table, January 27, which was lost — yeas, 25 ; na^'S 30. Feb. 6. — On motion of Mr. Spalding, the bill was again taken up, and, after some delay, caused by Mr. Welch moving a call of the House, was put upon its passage and carried — yeas, 34 ; naj'S, 31. The bill, as received from the House, was read for the first time in the Senate February 7, and February 27, Mr. Hostetter, of Stark, moved to strike out of the bill that part of the territory belonging to Stark County. Lost — yeas, 15 ; na\^s, 18. 'Mr. Nash, of Meigs, moved to strike out that portion of the bill exempting the people resident in the Stark County townships from taxation for the erection of the public build- ings for the proposed new county. Lost — 3'eas, 14 ; nays, 19. On being read the third time, February 28, Mr. Thomas, of 3Iiami, moved to recommit the bill to the Committee on New Counties, with instructions to so amend as to strike out that part exempting Green and Franklin Townships from taxation for public buildings. Lost — yeas, 13 ; nays, 21. Mr. Hostetter then moved that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until the first Monday of December next. Lost — yeas, 7 ; nays, 27. Mr. Birch, of Lorain, moved to refer the bill to the Judiciarv Committee, with instructions ^ 228 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY to so amend as to strike out the two Lorain townsliips. Lost — yeas, 9 ; nays, 25. Mr. Hostetter moved to amend so as to leave the matter to the voters of the proposed new county, at the next October election. Lost — yeas, 10 ; nays, 24. The question then recurring on the final pas- sage of the bill, Mr. Hostetter demanded the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and were as follows: yeas, 19; nays, 15. The bill as passed is as follows : .Section 1. Be it enacted by the General AssenMy of tlie State of Ohio, That so much of the counties of Portage, Medina and Stark, as comes within the following boundaries, be, and the same is liereby erected into a separate countj'. which shall be known by the name of Summit, to wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of the county of Portage ; tlience east on the county line to the northeast corner of the township of Twinsburg, in said county of Port- age ; thence south on the line between the ninth and tenth ranges of townships of the Western Reserve to the southeast corner of the township of Spring- field, in said county ; thence west on the line be- tween the counties of Portage and Stark to the northeast corner of the township of Green, in said Stark Coimty ; thence south on tlie east line of said township of Green, to the southeast corner of tlie same ; thence west on the south line of the town- ships of Green and Franklin, in saidcoiuity of Stark, to the soiitlnvest corner of said township of Frank- lin ; thence north on the line between the counties of Stark and Wayne to the soutli line of the county of Medina ; thence west on the south line of the county of ]\Iedina to the southwest corner of the township of Norton, in said county ; thence north on the line between the tw^dfth and thirteenth ranges of townships of the Western Reserve to the northwest corner of the township of Richfield, in said county ; thence east on the north line of said county to tlie southwest corner of tlie township of Nortlifield, in Portage County ; tlience north on th(> west line of said Portage County to the place of beginning; and for the purpose of restoi-ing the county of Medina to its constitutional limits; the townships of Spencer and Homer, in the county of Lorain, be, and the same are hereby, attached to, and made a part of, the said county of Medina. Sec. 2. That all suits, whether of a civil or criminal nature, which shall be pending within the limits of those parts of the comities of Portage, Medina and Stark, so to be set off and erected into a new county previous to the organization of said county of Summit; and all suits pending within the limits of said townships of Spencer and Homer, pre- vious to the taking effect of this act, shall be prose- cuted to final judgment and execution within the counties of Portage, Medina, Stark and Lorain, re- spectively, in the same manner they would have been if said county of Summit had not been erected, and the said townships of Spencer and Homer had not been attaclied to and made a part of said Me- dina County ; and the Slicriffs, Coroners and Consta- bles of the said counties, respectively, shall execute all such process as shall be necessary to carry into effect sncli suits, prosecutions and judgments, and the collectors of the taxes for said counties, respect- ively, shall collect all taxes that shall be levied and unpaid within the parts of the aforesaid counties, previous to the taking effect of this act. Sec. 3. That all Justices of the Peace within those parts of the counties of Portage, Medina and Stark, which by this act are erected into a new county; and also within said townships of Spencer and Homer, shall continue to exercise the duties of their offices until their times of service shall expire, in the same manner as if they had been commis- sioned for the counties of Summit and Medina, re- spectively. Sec. 4. That on the first Monday of April next, the legal voters residing Avithin the county of Sum- mit shall assemble within their respective townships at the usual places of holding elections, and proceed to elect their different county officers, who shall hold their offices until the next annual election, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 5. That the Courts of Common Pleas and Supreme Court of said county shall be holden at some convenient house in the town of Akron until the permanent seat of justice for said county shaU be esta1)lished. Sec. 6. That Commissioners shall be appointed agreeably to the act entitled, "An act for the estab- lishment of seats of justice," to fix upon a perma- nent seat of justice for said count}' of Summit, agreeably to tlie provisions of the above-recited act; and the Commissioners aforesaid shall receive a com- pensation for their services out of the treasury of said county of Summit ; and said Commissioners shall be authorized to receive propositions for the erection of suitalde county buildings by the citizens of such towns and villages as ma_y desire to have the seat of justice of said county established within their respective limits ; and in no event shall an}' tax for the erection of county buildings for said county of Summit be imposed upon the citizens of the town- ships of Franklin aiul Green, which townships are taken from the county of Stark, for and during th(; term of fifty years from and after the passage of this act. Thomas J. Buchanan, Speaker of the House of Representatives. William McLaughlin, Speaker of the Senate. Makch 3, 1840. The next thing in order was the passage of a joint resolution appointing Commissioners to locate the county seat, which was adopted by the House, February 7, and concurred in by the Senate, February 10, as follows: Besolved, By the Senate and House of Represent- atives, that Jacob J. Williard, of Columbiana County, James McConnell, of Holmes County, and Warren Sabin, of Clinton County, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to establish the seat of justice for Summit County, pursuant to an " "iry HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 229 act entitled "An act establishing seats of justice," passed Februaiy 33, 1834. Thomas J. Buchanan, Speaker of the House of Representatives. William McLaughlin, Speaker of tJie Senate. The next stage in the proceedings, was the passage of a bill to organize the new county, which passed the House without opposition, on the -Jrth da}" of March, 1840, and unani- mousl}' concurred in by the Senate, March 10, as follows: Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: That the county of Summit be, ' and the same is hereby organized into a separate and distinct county. Sec 2. All Justices of the Peace and Constables within the territory taken from Portage, Medina and Stark Counties, shall continue to discharge the duties of their resi3ective offices until their com- missions or terms of office shall expire, and until their successors shall be chosen and qualified; and suits commenced before the taking effect of this act, shall proceed and be prosecuted as though this act had not been passed. Provided, That all writs and other legal process to be issued after the tirst Monday of April next, shall be styled of Summit County, instead of Portage, Medina or Stark County. Sec 3. That on the tirst Monday of April next, the legal voters residing within the limits of the County of Summit, shall assemble in their respect- ive townships, at the usual places of holding elec- tions, and proceed to elect their different county officers in the same manner pointed out in the act to regulate elections, who shall hold their offices until the next annual election, and until their suc- cessors are chosen and qualified. Sec 4. It shall be The duty of the Commission- ers of said county of Summit, on or before the first day of June next, to take charge of all paupers, idiots and insane persons belonging to either of the townships included in said county of Summit, and now supported by either of the counties of Portage, Medina or Stark, and the same to maintain there- after at the proper expense of said Summit Count}'. Sec 5. The countj^ of Summit, for judicial pur- poses, is hereby attached to the Third Judicial Cir- cuit, and the first Court of Common Pleas to be holden in said county, shall commence its session in the town of Akron, on the second day of July next, and the second term of said court shall com- mence on the eighth day of December next. Sec. 6. That'' the Auditor of State in the re-ap- apportionment of the surplus revenue received from the General Government, according to the enumer- ation of the year 1839, shall apportion to the county of Summit "that snnount, which according to the enumeration of the several townshii^s taken from the Counties of Portage, Medina and Stark, said county will l)e entitled to receive, wliicli revenue shall be paid to the order of the Fund Commis- sioners of said county on the first day of January. 1841. Provided, If within three months from said first day of January, 1841, said Fund Commission- ers do not draw for said revenue, the Auditor of State shall be governed in the disposition of the same by the first section of the act to provide for the distril)ution and investment of the State's pro- portion of the surplus revenue, pas.sed March 88, 1837. Sec 7. That in all elections for members of Con- gress, the count}' of Summit shall be attached to the Fifteenth Congressional District. Thomas J. Buchanan, Speaker of the House of Representatives. William McLAr(;iii,[N, Speaker of the Senate. As soon as the news of the final passage of the bill erecting the new county reached Akron, by the arrival of the overland mail from Co- lumbus, on Monday evening, March 2, 1840, (the bill having passed the Senate the previous Saturday, February 28, though not engrossed and signed by the Speakers of the two houses until March 3), there being no railroads or tele- graphs in those days, an impromptu jollifica- tion took place, which is thus graphically de- scribed in one of the local journals of the da}' : '' With the rapidity of lightning, the news was spread from house to house, and in less than half an hour the whole town was in motion. Cheers, congratulations, bonfires and illumina- tions were the order of the day, while the deep- toned thunder of our cannon continued to pro- claim the birth of the new count}' to all the surrounding country. Such a spontaneous and universal burst of feeling has seldom been wit- nessed under any circumstances. It was a scene to be looked upon, but cannot be de- scribed ; such a noise as the shrouds make at sea in a stiff tempest, as loud, and to as many tunes. Hats, caps and cloaks, I think, flew up, and, had their faces then been loose, this night had lost them." In fact, the recollection of the writer is to-day vivid and distinct, looking back through the dim vista of the forty-one intervening years, that through the entire night, " until broad daylight in the morning," both solid and liquid jollity and liappiness prevailed. Nor did the citizens of Akron confine the re- joicing over the glorious result to themselves alone, but immediately took the initiatory steps for a general new county celebration on Wednesday, March 4. A committee of twelve citizens of Akron and one from each town- ship was appointed, and measures taken to spread the '' glad tidings " as widely as possi- ble. Dr. Jedediah D. Commins was made President of the day ; Col. James W. Phillips, ;t^ 'll .k 230 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. Col. Justus Gale and Jacob Brown, Esq., of j Akron, and Col. Frederick A. Sprague and i Benjamin Rouse, Esq., of Kichfield, and Col. ; Solomon Markham, of Green, Vice Presidents ; Gen. Lucius V. Bierce, of Akron, was consti- tuted Chief Marshal, with Col. Erastus Torrey and Maj. Ithiel Mills, of Akron, as assistants. A national salute was fired from the high ground between the two villages, North and i South Akron (the present court house site) at sunrise. The militar}^ display was very fine, being participated in by the Summit Guards, the Akron Light Infantry and Cavalry, the Copley Light Artillery, the Akron Band, under the leadership of Mr. Henry S. Abbey, and the Military Band, under the lead of Capt. Cleve- land. The procession of several thousand men and boys, after marching through several streets, was joined by a large cortege of ladies, dressed uniformly alike and carrying parasols, who took their position between the Committee of Arrangements and the military, and marched the balance of the route to the place of feast- ing, on the present court house grounds. After dinner (abundant and toothsome), the following regular toasts were announced and responded to by the firing of cannon, music and cheers : 1. The Legislature of Ohio — They have at length done justice to themselves and us. Bet- ter late than never ! 2. Our Senator and Rep- resentatives — Many have done well, but, these have excelled them all ! 3. The County of Summit — An infant Hercules. Give him a wide berth, for he'll be a whopper ! 4. Our Struggle — Almost another Trojan siege. The pangs and throes it has cost our parents to bring us forth are a certain presage of future greatness. 5. Akron — Look at her as she was, as she is, and as she iviU be ! 6. Our Young County — The pride of our affections ; unsur- passed in the elements of future greatness ; al- ready populous and wealthy. If such is its childhood, what will it be when it becomes a man? 7. Portage, Stark aiul Medina — Among them they have hatched a young eagle, full- fledged and on the wing. She will soar above them all ! 8. The Buckeye State — A germ of future empire, marching right ahead in the road of prosperity. She will not be turned aside from the high destiny that awaits her. 9. Our Canals and Public Improvements— \t such things be done in the green tree, what will be done in the dry? 10. The Late Meeting at Ravenna — Malignity feeding on envy ; daws pecking at eagles ; a striking instance of folly re-acting on itself ! 11. The Memory of Greg- ory Powers — We mourn the untimely fate of this patriot, statesman and jurist. His memory will long be cherished in the county of Summit, his native and resting place. 12. The memory of George Washington — The greatest and best man ever produced in the tide of time. When nature had formed him, she broke the mold, that he might stand peerless and alone ! 13. The Ladies of Summit — It is the summit of our ambi- tion to stand in the summit of their affections ! At the conclusion of the regular toasts, volun- teer toasts were oflfered by Benjamin Rouse, Esq., of Richfield ; Gen. Samuel D. Harris, of Ravenna ; Hiram Bowen, Esq., editor of the Beacon, Akron ; Dr. Joseph Cole, Akron ; Col. Justus Gale, Akron ; Maj. Ithiel Mills, Akron ; Col. Erastus Torrey, Akron ; Capt. Philo Chamberlin, Akron ; John Hunsberger, Esq., of Green ; Dr. Jedediah D. Commins, Akron ; Julius A. Sumner, of Springfield ; Robert K. Dubois, Akron ; Col. James W. Phillips, Ak- ron ; Dr. Asa Field, Akron, and others. These " sentiments " would, no doubt, be interesting to the readers of these pages, but are altogether too voluminous for the space at our disposal in this chapter. In the evening, a convivial party partook of a very fine supper at the Ohio Exchange (present site of Woods' Block, corner of Main and Market streets), and, says the local reporter. " the day was closed with- out accident or other untoward circumstance to mar the festivities, amid bonfires and every demonstration of joy. The 4th of March, 1840, will long be remembered in Akron ! " In accordance with the provisions of the bill to organize the new county, an election for county officers was held on the first Monday of April, 1840, both Whigs and Democrats placing tickets in the field, the Whigs securing the as- cendency, and electing their entire ticket as follows : Commissioners — John Hoy, of Franklin ; Jonathan Starr, of Copley, and Augustus E. Foote, of Twinsburg. Auditor — Birdsey Booth, of Cuyahoga Falls. Treasurer — William O'Brien, of Hudson. Recorder — -Alexander Johnston, of Green. Sheriff"— Thomas Wilson, of Northfield. Prosecuting Attorney — George Kirkum, of Akron. s HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 231 Coroner — Elisha Hinsdale, of Norton. Real Estate Appraiser — Frederick A. Sprague, of Kichfield. Assistant Appraisers — Milo Stone, of Tall- madge, and Thomas E. Jones, of Franklin. The Clerlv of tlie Court of Common Pleas, was at that time appointed by the Judges of the Court ; the Judges, in turn, being appointees of the Legislature. The offices of Probate Judge and County Surve^-ors were then un- known among the County officials of Ohio. Having given the requisite notice, the Com- missioners elect, Messrs Hoy, Starr and Foote, met, according to the record, at " McDonald's Tavern," northeast corner of Main and Ex- change streets (a portion of the same buikling still remains standing in the same site), on the 9th da}' of April, 1840, for the organization of the county offices. The Commissioners having had the usual oath of office administered to them l)y the one of Justices of the Peace of Portage Township, one of their number administered a similar oath to the other officers elect, and the organization of the county was complete. At this meeting, proposals for the I'ent of rooms for county offices and court purposes, pending the permanent location of the seat of justice, and the erection of county buildings, were received from Jacob Brown, Esq., for May's Block, corner of Main and Exchange streets, now the Clarendon Hotel, owned by F. Schumacher, Esq. ; Benjamin W. Stephens, Esq., for his three-story brick block on South Main street, now part of Merrill's Pottery, and from Hii-am Payne, Esq.. for the upper part of the large three-story stone block, corner of Howard and JMarket streets, on the site now oc- cupied by the fine brick stores of M. W. Henry, Esq., and Major E. Steinbacher. At a subsequent meeting of the Commission- ers, held on the 11th day of ^lay, the proposi- tion of Mr. Payne was accepted, the large room in the third story, afterward for several years known as " Military Hall," being used as a court-room, with entrance from Market sti'cet, the southeast corner of the hall being partitioned off for a jail, the county offices being located in other portions of the second and thii'd stories of the building. The Locating Commissioners, ^lessrs. Will- iard,McConnell and Sal)in, assembled in Akron and entered upon the task assigned to them about the middle of 3Lay, 1840. In the mean- time, not onl}' had a sharp rivalry sprung up between North and South Akron for the prize, but Cuyahoga Falls also put forth a vigorous effort to wrest it from both, claiming, with a good degree of plausibility and justice, not only superior water-power for manufacturing pur- poses, but also to be considerably nearer to the geographical center of the county than Akron was ; and also claiming for that village superi- or healthfulness, and a more advantageous lo- cation for the building-up of a large manufact- uring town or city, while the completion of the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal, then about to be opened through from Akron to the Ohio River, would give them transportation facilities fully equal to those of Akron. At that time, too, " The Portage Canal and Manufacturing Company." with a capital stock of $500,000, was in the full tide of " prospective " prosperity. The managers of that corporation claimed that on the consummation of their project of bringing the entire waters of the Big Cuyahoga River, through the race they were then constructing, to " Summit Citv," now known under the chaste and classical name of the " Chucker}'," just north of the present limits of the citj- of Akron, and one of its most pleasant suburbs, a great manufacturing town — a second Lowell — would immediately spring into existence. As a compromise, therefore, between Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, as well as in its own behalf, and in the intei'ests of the people of the county at large, the " Chuckery " put in its claim for the location of the seat of justice of the new county within its borders, and, through its officers, urged the advantages of the location upon the attention of the Com- missioners. After visiting and fully examining the sev- eral localities named, and patieatlv listening to the arguments of the several claimants, pro and con, the Commissioners decided unanimously in favor of Akron, and accordingly proceeded, in the presence of a large concourse of interested and jubilant spectators, to stick the stakes for the county buildings upon the " gore " (where they still stand), then a wedge-shaped piece of unplatted land between North and South Akron, belonging to Gen. Simon Perkins, of Warren, the father of our present venerable fellow-citi- zen. Col. Simon Perkins, of Akron. The people of Akron were, of course, greatly elated over the decision of the Commissioners h ^H A-. 232 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in their favor, and as tlie buildings liad been located upon neutral ground, about as t»con- venient to the one as to the other, local jeal- ousies were for the time being subordinated to the common weal, and the people of the two rival villages, cordially " shaking hands across the yore-y chasm," set themselves vigorously and unanimously at work to raise the neces- sary amount of money and materials to con- struct the public buildings, which, together with the grounds, were to be provided free of expense to the tax-payers of the county. The land was donated by Gen. Perkins, by deed re- ceived by the Commissioners, July 14, 1840, and the building fund was raised by voluntary- contributions ; the contract for the erection of the court house and jail being entered into be- tween the Count}' Commissioners and Simon Perkins, Jr., and others, as Trustees, on the 24th da}' of September, 1840. The sub-con- tractors, Maj. Ithiel Mills, of Akron, upon the court house, and Sebbeus Saxton, of Norton, upon tlie jail, commenced work at once, the foundations of both structures being completed before the closing in of winter the same 3'ear. The term of Mr. Perkins, as State Senator, having expired, Elisha N. Sill, Esq., of Cuya- hoga Falls, was chosen as his successor in Oc- tober, 1840. Though Mr. Sill, in behalf of the people of Cuyahoga Falls, had made a valiant tight for the location of the seat of justice within the limits of that enterprising village, there was very little if any opposition made to his nomination and election by the people of Akron, for the reason that it was supposed that, the location having been legally and fairl}- made, and the public buildings commenced, ajfinality had been reached, and that the arrangement could not be disturbed. Through the influence of Senator Sill, however, aided largely by the same interests, if not the same men, that had opposed the erection of the new county the 3'ear before, the question of location was re- opened, during the winter of 1840-41, Summit County's Representative in the House, Hon. Henry 0. AVeaver, of Springfield, making a vigorous but unsuccessful opposition against the scheme. The following is the new act in relation to the matter : An Act to Review and Estabt.isii the Seat of Justice of Summit County : Section 1 . Be it enncted by the Oeneral Assembly of the State of Ohio: That Jacob C. Hoaglaud, of Highland County, Valentine "Winters, of Montgom- ery .County, and William Kendall, of Scioto County, be, and they are, hereby appointed Commissioners to review the scat of justice of Summit County; and if, in their opinion, the public interest requires it, t ) relocate said seat of justice at such point in said connty of Summit as they may deem most in ac- cordance with the put)lic interest and convenience; and said Commissioners shall be governed, in all their doings, by an act passed February 3, 1824, es- tablishing seats of justice. Sec 2." That if the above-named Commissioners shall, upon review, change the location of said county seat, all su))scriptions of money and land, and ail bonds shall be void which have been made to the County Commissioners of said Summit County, and which were conditioned upon the loca- tion of the county seat at its present location; and all sums of money or other propertj', if any, which may have been paid on account of said subscrip- tions to the Commissioners of said Summit County, shall be repaid by the Commissioners to the said subscribers having so paid the same; or if said money or other property has been expended by said Commissioners according to law, the same shall be repaid, as above, out of the subscriptions provided for in the third section of this act; and the property for which said expenditures may have been made shall be appropriated by said Commissioners toward erecting the county buildings of said county where the county seat shall be relocated. Sec 3. That the above-named Commissioners shall be authorized to receive subscriptions, payable to the Connty Commissioners, for the purpose of erecting county buildings for said Summit County, and said Committee of review, hereby appointed, shall relocate said county seat only upon condition that said county buildings shall be erected b}' such subscriptions at the place where said committee shall so relocate. Sec 4. That each of said Commissioners shall receive the sum of |3 for each day he may be em- ployed in the discliarge of his duties under this act, and |3 for each twenty miles travel in going to and returning from the seat of justice of said county, to be paid out of the treasury of said county. Seabuky Ford, Speaker of the House of Representatives. William M. McLaughlin, March 25, 1841. ^i'"'^'''' ^^ *^'' ^''"'*''- The reviewing Commissioners, Messrs. Hoag- land. Winters and Kendall, came upon the ground early in the summer of 1841. After examining the several localities named, they resolved themselves into a high court of inqui- I'y, at the stone church — then Universalist, now Baptist — on North High street, when the claims of the different points were exhaustively argued before them by the following gentle- men, viz.: Hon. R. P. Spalding, for Akron; Hon. E. N. Sill, for Cuyahoga Falls, and Dr. E. W. Crittenden, for Summit City: the church. *:?1; HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 233 throughout, being crowded to its utmost capac- ity by tlie anxious, and, at times, demonstra- tive, baclvers of the respective speakers. After listening to the able and eloquent addresses from the gentlemen named, and " sleeping over it " during an intervening night, the committee proceeded the next morning to the " chuckery," and, upon the first narrow bench of level land north of the Little Cuyahoga River, at a point about where the house of Mr. 11. A. Grimwood now stands, commenced measuring off the ground and formally sticking the stakes for the count}' buildings, in the presence of a large crowd of interested, as well as indignant specta- tors. While thus engaged. Dr. Daniel Upson, of Tallmadge, who, though living and having large property interests somewhat nearer to Cuyaho- ga Falls than Akron, rather favored the latter place, rode up from the direction of Bettes' Cor- ners. After watching the proceedings for a few minutes, the old Doctor, with the emphatic tone of voice and the peculiar curl of lip, so characteristic of him when aroused, exclaimed : '■ Nobody but fools or knaves would think of locating county buildings in such a place as that!" The bluff old Doctors indignant remax'k so aroused the ire of the majority of the Commis- sioners, already probaljly somewhat prejudiced against xlkron, that they forthwith gathered up their locating paraphernalia and drove straight to Cuyahoga Falls, where they struck the stakes for the county buildings, on the very handsome site now occupied by the Congregational Church, on the south side of Broad street, and between Broad and Second streets east and west. The relocating committee were not unani- mous, however, as will be seen by the following extract from the journal of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of July 23. 1841 : In the matter of the revieio and relocation of the seat of justice for Suinmit County, Jacob C. Hoag- land and Valentine Winter.s, two of the Commis- sioner.s appointed by the Legislature to review and locate the seat of justice of Summit County, having returned to the oflfiee of the Clerk of this Court their joint report, and WiHiam Kendall, the other Com- missioner, having returned to the Clerk of this Court his separate report, this day George Kirkuni, Esq., a citizen and Prosecuting Attorney for said count}^ presented the same reports to the Coiu't, and moved that the report of said Hoagland and Winters be filed and entered of record. Whereupon, the Com- missioners of said county of Summit appear hy their attorney and object to the filing and entering of said reports of record, for various reasons by them set forth, and the parties were heard by counsel, and the Court, being ec(ually divided in opinion: It is ordered that the said George Kirkum, Esq,, take nothing by his said motion. The Court being thus divided as to the legal- ity of the proceedings, and the County Com- missioners also being divided in opinion on the same subject. Commissioner Foote favoring the majority report, and Messrs. Starr and Hoy the minority report, the county ofticers also assum- ing the prerogative of deciding, each for him- self, where his office should be kept. Auditor Booth establishing his headquarters at Cuya- hoga Falls, and Treasurer O'Brien having his main office at the Falls, though maintaining a branch office in Akron, no further action was had in regard to the public buildings, the work already commenced in Akron remaining in statu quo until the following year. At the October election, in 1841, the county- seat question being the issue, Rufus P. Spald- ing and Simon Perkins, Jr., were elected to the Legislature, Summit Count}* that year being en- titled to two members of the House, Represent- atives, under the old constitution, being elected annually, instead of bienniall}', as now. Sen- ators, then, as now, being elected for two years. Mr. Sill of course held his position during the session of 1841-42. Through the exertions of Messrs. Spalding and Perkins, the following fjill, submitting the question to popular vote, was enacted, the filibustering tactics to retard and defeat it being much less determined and persistent in the House than upon the original bill for the erection of the new county, but vig- orousl}' opposed in the Senate, the vote stand- ing, in the House, 3'eas, 45 ; na3's, 19 ; and in the Senate, 3'eas, 20 ; nays, 16, on the final pas- sage of the bill, as follows : An Act to establish permanently the Seat of Justice of Summit County: Section 1. Be it enacted hi/ the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: That the (pialified electors of Summit County shall be authorized to express their preference for either Akron, or Cuj^ahoga Falls, as the seat of justice for said coiuity, by placing on their ticket.s', at the township elections, to be held on the first Monda.y of April ne.xl, the words: "Seat of Justice at Akroii," or, "Seat of Justice at Cuya- hoga Falls," as their choice maj' be; and it shall be the duty of the Trustees or Judges of the Election, in the several townships in said county, to make re- turn of the said votes in regard to the seat of justice within three da^'s thereafter to the Clerk of the IV 231 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Court of Common Pleas of said county, whose duty it shall be to canvass said votes, in the same man- ner that by law he is required to canvass votes for State and county officers. Sec. 2. ff eitlier one of said towns shall receive a majorit}^ of all the votes given, the same shall be thenceforward the permanent seat of justice for said (;ounty of Summit; but if neither shall receive such majority, then, and in that case, the subject shall remain open for the future action of the Gen- eral Assembly. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said Clerk to return to the Coui't of Common Pleas of said county, next to be held after the said election, an abstract of said votes, duly certified, that tiie same may be entered upon the journal of said court. Sec. 4. Nothing herein contained shall be so con- strued, as to release, or in any way discharge any subscription of land, money, or materials lieretofore made, for the pm-pose of erecting a court house and jail at the place that may be selected by the people as the permanent seat of justice for said county. Sec. 5. The electors of Summit County shall be notified of the passage of this act. by publication of the same in some newspaper printed in said county, at least two weeks previous to said election. Rupus P. Spalding, Speaker of the House of RepresentaUves. James J. Fakan, March 2, 1842. Speaker of the Senate. On the passage of this bill, a lively election- eering campaign immediately commenced, the different parties in interest holding meetings, making speeches, circulating documents, etc., in ever}- portion of the count}', the activity and bitterness of a modern political campaign be- ing moderation and mildness itself compared with it. The result of the active measures thus taken, was a very full vote, almost two-thirds declar- ing in favor of Akron, as will be seen by the fcjUowing abstract taken from the journal of the Court of Common Pleas, May term, 1842, as certified to by Lucian Swift, Esq., Clerk of said court. To the Honorable, the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Summit, next to be holden in and for said county: I do hereby certify that the following is the a!)stract of votes given for the seat of justice of said county, at the election held on the lirst Mon- day of April, 1842, pursuant to an act of the Gen- eral Assembly entitled "an act to establish perma- nently the seat of Justice for Summit County," passed March 2, 1842, as the same were returned to me by the township authorities, respectively, and as the same were canvassed; as witness my hand and seal of office, this sixth day of April A. I). 1842. Lucian Swift, Clerk [Seal]. State of Ohio, Summit County, ss. : We do hereby certify that at an election held on the 4t]! day of April, inst., in pursuance of a law passed by the Fortieth General Assembly of the State of Ohio, entitled "An act to establish permanently the seat of justice of Summit County" there were two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight votes given for the "seat of justice at Akron;" one thousand, three hundred and eighty -four votes given for the "seat of justice at Cuyahoga Falls;" one hundred and one votes given for the "seat of jus- tice at Summit," two votes "North Akron" and twent.y-two blanks. H. II. Johnson, Justice of the Peace. L. L. Howard, Justice of the Peace. Lucian Swift, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Summit County. April 6, A. D. 1842. abstract of votes. Akron. y- r. 6 S --3 c Bath 191 66 271 232 250 289 16 29 30 295 621 153 348 6 181 41 54 1 2 60 1 Boston '^ Copley 1 Coventry Franklin 4 1 235 132 143 1'^ Green '?, Hudson Northampton . . . Northfield 7 9 2 Norton Portage 5 16 15 361 177 199 15 1 1 Richfield Springfield Stow 1 1 Tallmadge Twinsburg 7 1 Total 2978 1384 101 1 2 2'>, For Akron 2978 Total Opposition 1509 Majority for Akron 1469 The "vexed question" of location being now definitely settled, the public buildings were again proceeded with ; though, building opera- tions not being conducted as rapidly then as now, the}^ were not completed until late in the following 3'car, as will be seen by the following extract from the proceedings of the Count}' Commissioners, under date December 5, 1843: Dec. 5, 1843. Simon Perkins, Jr., Jedediah D. Commins and Richard Howe, the trustees for build- ing the court house and jail, and Ithiel Mills, the court house contractor, submitted the court house for inspection of the board for their acceptance. Dec. 6. Having examined the court house, the board proposed, as an offset to the general bad character of the work, which the building trustees 37i' J^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 235 fully admitted, to accept it, if the windows were made to work freely up and down, the doors better hung or fastened, and provided with more suitable latches and locks, and the windows in the Auditor's, Clerk's and Recorder's offices secured by iron blinds or shutters, made and fitted into them. The contractor on the jail, Mr. Sebbens Sax- ton, having died in August, 1841, on the final settlement of the question of location the con- tract was assumed by his younger brother, Mr. Harve}^ Saxton, and the structure com- pleted by him. Though the jail was accepted by the Commissioners, and though, at the time, it was regarded as well built, and as really a model institution of its kind, it did not prove to be remarkably safe, as the ver}^ first batch of prisoners, some eight or nine in number, confined therein, made their escape the very first night, by pushing from the wall one of the blocks of stone of which it was composed. This defect was subsequently remedied by the insertion of iron dowels, and no escapes from that cause have since been made, though often attempted. The jail building remains the same as when constructed, with the exception of the small brick wing upon the north side, added some thirty years ago, and some slight interior improvements. Though the doweling of the walls has prevented the prisoners from pushing out the blocks of stone, as in the instance named, at least a score of escapes have since been effected through other weak spots, and, from the experience which the writer has had therewith, he unhesitatingly affirms that both in a sanitar}^ point of view, as well as in the matter of safety and convenience, a new jail structure is an immediate and pressing public necessity. The court house, however, has been very raateriall}^ changed. The two wings, with the porch and sustaining columns in front, have been added upon the west end, and the smaller porch upon the east end, while the court-room and public offices have been correspondingly enlarged, the additions and improvements being authorized by a special act of the Legislature, passed March 29, 1867. The entire space upon the north side of the hall, upon the ground floor, is now occupied by the County Treasurer, greatl}' to the conA^enience of that officer, as well of the tax-paying public, the same space having originally been divided up into a grand jurj- room upon the west, the Sheriff's office upon the east, with the Treasurer's office in the center, only one- third its present dimensions. On the south side of the hall the Probate Judge formerly occupied the room upon the east end, now occupied by the Sheriff, the en- tire space now occupied by the Auditor's and Commissioner's oflices having been originally about equally divided between the Auditor, Clerk and liecorder. On the upper floor, a stairwa}^, ante-room and jury-room, occupj'ing about twelve feet of the east end of the build- ing, have been thrown into the court-room, greatly to the convenience of the court and bar and all persons having business thei'ein. The upper floor of the north wing is devoted to a jury-room and a consultation-room, and the lower floor to the joint use of the Recorder and Surveyor, while the upper floor of the south wing is occupied by the County Clerk, and the lower floor by the Probate Judge. Notwith- standing these improvements, taking increase of population and a corresponding increase of the public business, the present structure — to say nothing of its yearl}' increasing condition of dilapidation — is wholly inadequate to the public requirements, and Summit County can- not do itself a more important service than b}- immediately inaugurating a movement for the erection of a new court house — one that will not only be commensurate with the public necessities, but a credit, also, to the proverbial good taste and public spirit of its people. On the 5th day of March, 1851, Hosea Paul and others presented to the County Commis- sioners a numerously signed petition for the creation of the township of Cuyahoga Falls, and the board, being satisfied that the proper preliminary steps had been taken, unanimously granted the petition, the necessary territory', an average of about two miles square, being taken from the northeast corner of Portage, the northwest corner of Tallmadge, the southwest corner of Stow and the southeast corner of Northampton Townships, the incorporated vil- lage of Cuyahoga Falls also occupying a por- tion of said territor}'. The township of Middlebury was also, in like manner, erected in March, 1857, the nec- essary territory being taken fi'om Portage, Tallmadge, Springfield and Coventry. Subse- quently, the township of Middlebury became, by legal annexation, the Sixth Ward of the city of Akron, though still retaining a distinctive township organization, to the extent of electing ^ 236 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY for itself a Justice of tlie Peace and one Con- stable. Under the old constitution of Ohio, the local judiciary consisted of a Circuit or President Judge, having jurisdiction over from four to twelve counties, with three Associate Judges for each county, all of whom were appointed by the Legislature, their respective terms of office being seven years, "(/'so long tliey behave tcell." All Probate business was at that time trans- acted by Common Pleas Courts, one or more of the Associate Judges ofliciating for that pui*- pose, as occasion required, during vacation. Summit County on its organization became a part of the Third Judicial Circuit, embracing, as reconstructed under the act of April 11, 1840, the counties of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Portage and Summit. Hon. Yan E. Humphre}', of Hudson, was the Presiding Judge of the Circuit on the accession of Summit thereto. Hon. Eben Newton, of Canfield, then in Trum- bull Count}', now Mahoning, succeeded Judge Humphrey at the expiration of his term in IS-t-l. Judge Newton resigned his position on the bench in the winter of 1846-47, and was succeeded by Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, of Jefferson, Ashta- bula Count}', who in turn resigned on being elected to the United States Senate March 15, 1851, Gov. HeubenWood filling the vacancy by the appointment of Hon. (leorge Bliss, of Akron, who held the position onh' nntil the taking effect of the new constitution in February, 1852, Common Pleas Judges thereafter being elected by the people, one Judge only sitting in place of the three or four under the old rule. The first term of the Court of Common Pleas for the new county of Summit, convened in Akron on the 2d day of July, 1840, pre- sided over by Hon. Van E,. Humphrey, with Hon. Robert K. Dubois, of Akron, Hon. Charles Sumner, of Middlebury, and Hon. Hugh R. Caldwell, of Franklin, as Associate Judges: though considerable probate and other busi- ness, proper to be transacted in vacation, had previously been done by one or the other of the Associate Judges. In 1845, Judges Sumner and Dubois de- ceased, the former June 19 and the latter Oc- tober 14. They were succeeded b}' Hon. John B. Clark, of Hudson, and Hon. James R. Ford, of Akron ; Hon. Sylvester H. Thompson, of Hud- son, in turn succeeding Judge Clark, on the res- ignation of the latter in 1846. Judge Caldwell was succeeded by Hon. John Hoy, of Frankhn, in April, 1847. Hon. Samuel A. Wheeler, of Akron, also succeeding Judge Ford on the death of the latter gentleman, at the April term in 1849. Judge Wheeler resigning his position on leaving for California in the spring of 1850, Hon. Peter Yoris, of Bath, was appointed his successor ; Judges Thompson, Ho}^ and Yoris serving thenceforth until the taking effect of the new constitution in February, 1852. Though none of the Associate Judges named were bred lawyers, their duties, often delicate and intricate, were discharged to the general satisfaction of the people of the county during their respective terms of service. On the taking effect of the new constitution, in 1852, Summit Count}' was attached to the Second Subdivision of the Fourth Judicial Dis- trict of the State, this subdivision embracing Summit, Medina and Lorain Counties. Hon. Samuel Humphreville, of Medina, was elected Common Pleas Judge, in October, 1851, for five years, serving his full term. Hon. James S. Carpenter, of Akron, was elected Judge in Oc- tober, 1856, also serving his full term of five years. There appearing to be an excess of business upon the dockets of the several counties of the subdistrict, on petition of the members of the bar of said counties, an extra judgeship was created for said subdistrict, by an act passed by the Legislature in April, 1858. Hon. Will- iam H. Canfield, of Medina, was elected to said extra Judgeship in October, 1858, for five years. Legal business becoming largely dimin- ished, in the earlier years of the war, the extra judgeship was abolished, at the close of Judge Canfield's term, by an act of the Legislature, passed April 16, 1862. Hon. Stephenson Burke, of Elyria, was elected as Judge Carpen- ter's successor in October, 1861, and re-elected in 1866, but resigned the position and retired from the bench, about two years before the ex- piration of his second term. Hon. Washington W. Boynton, of Elyria, was appointed by Gov. Rutherford B. Hayes, in the spring of 1869, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Burke, and at the expiration of the time for which he was appointed, in October, 1871, was elected for five years, from May, 1872, serving, besides the fraction of Judge Burke's term, a single full term only, because ^ HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. 237 of his election to tlie Supreme Bench of Ohio, in October, 1S76. After the close of the war, legal business again began to accumulate, and, at length, be- came altogether too great for a single Judge to properly perform. An extra judgeship, for the Second Subdivision, was accordingl}' created by act of the Legislature, in the spring of 1870. Hon. Samuel W. McClure, of Akron, was elected to this new Judgeship, in October, 1870, serving to the end of his term, and declining to be a can- didate for a second term. Hon. Newell D. Tib- bals, of Akron, as Judge McClure's successoi", was elected in October, 1875, for five years, from Mav, 1876, and re-elected for a second term in October, 1880. Hon. John C. Hale, of Elyria, as Judge Boynton's successor, on the latter's accession to the Supreme Bench, was elected in October, 1876, taking his seat upon the bench in May, 1877, for the term of five years. It is. perhaps, proper to remark that, while the present judicial system of Ohio has been, generally, and particularh-, a vei'y great im- provement over the old system, though still ^■ery far from perfect, the manner in which its functions ha^■e been performed b}' the several successive Judges of the Second Subdivision of the Fourth Judicial District, will take and hold a commanding rank in the judicial pro- ceedings of Ohio, or any sister State. As heretofore mentioned, up to the adoption of the new constitution, in 1851, the probate business of the State had been done by the Common Pleas Courts. Charles G. Ladd, of Akron, was elected Probate Judge of Summit Count}', in October 1851, for the term of three 3-ears. Judge Ladd's health failing soon after his election to the office, Alvin C. Voris, Esq., was appointed as his Deputy Clerk, and, for the most part, performed the functions of the office until the death of Judge Ladd, in August, 1852. Roland 0. Hammond, of Akron, was appointed b}- Gov. Reuben Wood, to fill the vacancy oc- casioned by the deatli of Judge Ladd, to serve until the next annual election, and until his successor was elected and qualified. Constant Br3-an, of Akron, was elected in October, 1852, for the balance of Judge Ladd's term, two years. Noah M. Humphrey, of Richfield, was elected in 1854, and re-elected in 1857. holding the po- sition two full terms, of three years each. Will- iam M. Dodge, of Akron, was elected in October, 1860, for three years, but died in July, 1861. Samuel A. Lane, of Akron, without solicita- tion on the part of either himself or his friends, was, on the 24th day of July, 1861, appointed and commissioned as Judge Dodge's successor, by Gov. William Dennison, but declined to ac- cept the honor. Asahel H. Lewis, of Akron, on petition of himself and friends, was then ap- pointed to fill the vacancy until the next gen- eral election. Stephen H. Pitkin, of Hudson, was elected in October, 1861, for the balance of Judge Dodge's term, two 3'ears ; re-elected in 1863, and again in 1866, holding the office eight years. Ulysses L. Marvin, of xlkron, elected in October, 1869. and re-elected in 1872, serving two full terms of three 3-ears each. Samuel C. Williamson, of Akron, elected in October, 1875, and re-elected in 1878. On the first organization of the Court of Common Pleas, under the old constitution, in 1840, at a special term, held April 9, Rufus P. Spalding, Esq., was appointed Clerk pro tem., and was re-appointed at the first regular ses- sion of said court, Jul}- 2, 1840 ; Clerks at that time being appointed b}- the Judges of the courts in which the}* were to serve, instead of being elected by the people, as now. Mr. Spalding held the office, his brother-in-law, Mr. Lucian Swift, acting as his deputy, until De- cember 14, 1840, when, tendering his resigna- tion as Clerk pro tem., Mr. Swift was appointed Clerk for the term of seven j^ears, resigning his office ten days before the expiration of his term, on the 3d da}' of December, 1847. Lu- cius S. Peck, of Akron, appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Swift, December 3, 1847, and also for the full term of seven years. The adoption of the new constitution in 1851 brought Mr. Peck's term of office to a close after a service of about four years. Nelson B. Stone, of Akron, was elected first Clerk under the new Constitution, in Oc- tober, 1851, for three 3'ears, serving one term onl3-. Edwin P. Green, of Akron, elected in October, 1854, and re-elected in 1857, serving two full terms. John A. Means, of Northfield, was elected in October, 1860, for three years. In 1861, Clerk [Means entered the army, the duties of the office being performed by his son, Mr. Nathan A. Means, during the I'e- mainder of the term. Charles Rinehart, of Franklin, elected in October, 1863, and re- elected in 1866, serving two full terms of three years each. Capt. John A. Means was again 238 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. elected in October, 1864, serviug a single term onl}'. George W. Weeks, of Copley, was elected in October, 1872, and re-elected in 1875, serv- ing two full terms. Sumner Nash, of Akron, elected in October, 1878, for three years from February, 1879. William M. Dodge, of Akron, was elected Prosecuting Attorney at the first election for county officers held in the new county, in April, 1840, and i-e-elected in October of the same year for two years. George Kirkum, of Akron, was elected in October, 1842, serving a single term of two years only. William S. C. Otis, of Akron, was elected in October, 1844, also serving but one term. Samuel W. Mc- Clure, of Cuyahoga Falls, was elected in Octo- ber, 1846, serving but a single term. William H. Upson, of Akron, was elected in October, 1848, holding the position but two years. Harvc}' Wheedon, of Hudson, was elected in October, 1850, also retiring at the end of two years. Sidney Edgerton, of Akron, was elected in October, 1852, and re-elected in 1854, holding the office four years. Henrj' McKinney, of Cuyahoga Falls, was elected in October, 1856, and re-elected in 1858. N. D. Tibbals, of Akron, was elected in October, I860, and re- elected in 1862. Mr. Tibbals going into the 100-days service in 1864, E. P. Green was ap- pointed, and served as Prosecuting Attorney ad interim. Edward Oviatt, of Akron, was elected in October, 1864, and re-elected in 1866. Jacob A. Kohler, of Akron, was elected in Oc- tober, 1868, and re-elected in 1870. Henry C. Sanford, of Akron, was elected in October, 1872, retaining the office but a single term. James M. Poulson, of Akron, was elected in October, 1874, holding the position but a single term. P]dward W. Stuart, of Akron, was elected in October, 1876, and re-elected in 1878, serv- ing two full terms. Charles Baird, of Akron, was elected in October, 1880. Thomas Wilson, of Northfield, was elected Sheriff in April, 1840, to serve until the next annual election ; was re-elected in October, 1840, and again in 1842, serving, in all, four years and seven months, notwithstanding the constitutional provision that no Sheriff shall serve more than four years, in any consecutive six years — a provision for which no reason can be assigned that would not equally apply to any other county or State official. Lewis M. Janes, of Boston, elected in October, 1844 ; re-elected in 1846. William L. Clarke, of Middlebury, elected in October, 1848 ; re-elected in 1850. Dudley Seward, of Tallmadge, elected in Octo- ber, 1852 ; re-elected in 1854. Samuel A. Lane, of Akron, elected in October, 1856, and re-elected in 1858. During his first term, the law was changed so as to give Sheriffs elect possession of their offices on the first Monday of Januar}' instead of the first Monday of November, after their election, so that the con- stitution was again " fractured " by this incum- bent holding the office four years and two months, though supposed to have been mended by his filing a new bond for the extra two months. Jacob Chisnell, of Green, elected in October, 1860 ; re-elected in 1862. James Burlison, of Middlebury, elected in October, 1864 ; re-elected in 1866. Augustus Curtiss, of Portage, elected in October, 1868, and re-elected in 1870. Levi J. McMurray, of Franklin, elected in Oc- tober, 1872 ; and re-elected in 1874. Samuel A. Lane, after an interregnum of sixteen years, then sixty-one years of age, was again elected Sheriff in October, 1876, and re-elected in 1878, holding the position, in all, eight years, a dis- tinction accorded to no other incumbent of the office in the history of the county. William McKinney, of Twinsburg, elected in October, 1880. Birdsey Booth, of Cu3'ahoga Falls, was elected County Auditor in April, 1840, to serve until the next annual election, and re-elected in October, 1840, for the term of two years. The- ron A. Noble, of Middlebury, elected in Octo- ber, 1842 ; re-elected in 1844 and again in 1846, serving in all six 3'ears. Nathaniel W. Goodhue, of Middlebury, elected in October, 1848 ; re-elected in 1850. Henr}' Newberry, of Cuyahoga Falls, elected in October, 1852, serv- ing but a single term. Charles B. Bernard, of Akron, elected in October, 1854 ; re-elected in 1856. George W. Crouse, of Akron, elected in October, 1858, and re-elected in 1860. Treasur- er, Sullivan S. Wilson, having resigned his office, the Count}" Commissioners appointed Mr. Crouse to fill the vacancy, to serve from the 16th of Feb- ruary, 1863, till the first Monday of the follow- ing September, Mr. Crouse resigning his position as Auditor (m his accession to the treasurershi p. Sanford M. Burn ham, of Akron, elected in October, 1862. Two weeks before the time fixed by law for taking possession, Mr. Burn- bam was appointed by the County Commis- 3y -^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 251 of Tennessee, the annexation of Texas was one of the leading questions before the people, and Mr. Polk, whose party (the Democrats) favored the admission of Texas, being elected, this was taken as a public declaration on the subject. After this. Congress had no hesitancy in grant- ing the petition of Texas, and, on the 1st of March, 1845, formally received the " Lone Star" into the sisterhood of States. In her indigna- tion, Mexico at once broke off all diplomatic relations with the United States, calling home her Minister immediately. This, of itself, was a declaration of war, and war soon followed. Congress passed an act authorizing the Presi- dent to accept the services of 50,000 volunteers (which were to be raised at once), and appro- priating $10,000,000 for the prosecution of the war. In this call for 50,000 troops, Ohio was required to furnish three regiments. With her characteristic patriotism, she filled her quota in a few weeks. Upon the organization of these regiments at Cincinnati, the place of rendezvous, there were almost men enough left to form another regiment. These were fui'- nished transportation to their homes at the ex- pense of the Government. The regiments, as organized, were officered as follows : First Regiment, A. M. Mitchell, of Cincinnati, Colonel ; John B. Weller, of Butler County, Lieutenant Colonel ; T. L. Hamer, of Brown County, Ma- jor. Second Regiment, Gr. W. Morgan, of Knox County, Colonel ; William Irvin, of Fairfield, Lieutenant Colonel ; William Hall, of Athens, Major. Third Regiment, S. R. Curtis, of Wayne County, Colonel ; Gr. W. McCook, of Jefferson, Lieutenant Colonel, and J. S. Love, of Morgan, Major. Under a second call for men, which was known as the " Ten Regiments Bill," Ohio filled up her quota without delay. Upon this second call, made just after the fall of Mon- terey, and in opposition to the war generally, Hon. Thomas Corwin in the United States Sen- ate made one of the ablest speeches of his life. In this speech it was that he used the memora- ble language, since grown almost into a prov- erb : " If I were a Mexican I would tell you, ' Have you not room in your own country to bury your dead men? If you come into mine, we will greet you with bloody hands, and wel- come you to hospitable graves.'" The majority of the Whig party, as we have said, opposed the annexation of Texas upon the grounds that it would cause a war between the United States and Mexico, a war that, they held, would be unjust and uncalled for. As Summit County at that time was largely Whig in its political sentiments, like a great majority of that party it opposed the war, and declined taking any active part in it. Hence, the num- ber of men furnished by the county in the different calls for troops was exceedingly small. We have been enabled to learn the names of onl}- the following : George, Otis and Eliphaz Capron, Oliver P. Barney, Joseph Gouder, Zettle, William H. and Ezra Try- on and Adam Hart. There were, perhaps others, but diligent inquiries have failed to " materialize " any of them. Of those men- tioned. Hart enlisted at Pittsburgh, Penn., and Gouder, in Tennessee. Two of the Caprons and 0. P. Barne}' are dead ; Eliphaz Capron lives at Ellis' Corners ; Zettle and Gouder live in Akron, and Hart lives in Middlebury. Bar- ne}' was a Sergeant in the Mexican war, and the following incident is still remembered by many, as having been told by himself: When Gen. Taylor's little arm}' was encamped at Matamoras, Barney was on picket duty-, and was lassoed by the Mexicans and pretty roughly handled. The following paragraph in regard to it, is from an old file of the Akron Democrat : " We are sorry to observe that Sergt. 0. P. Barney of this place has had both his feet frozen during the late cold weather. The gal- lant Sergeant has seen service on the line be- tween Matamoras and Buena Vista, but he has found a more formidable antagonist in Jack Frost, than in the Mexican troopers and their lassoes." Mr. Barney entered the late war, and some years ago, died at the Soldiers' Home at Dayton. The great rebellion burst upon the country in the spring of 1861, threatening to sweep every^thing before it to destruction. Hitherto, we had been called to measure arms with for- eign foes, or with the howling savages, but now a war among ourselves was inaugurated — a civil war without parallel in the annals of his- tory : •• O war ! begot in pride and luxury. 1 The child of malice and revengeful hate : ■ Thou impious good, and good impiety ! Thou art tlie foul refiner of a State, Unjust scourge of men's iniquity, Sharp easer of corruptions desperate !" Of all the wars that have ever scourged God's - 9 If- 252 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY earth, a civil war, wherein " the brother betraj's the brother to death, and the father the son, and children rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death," is the most dreadful. The rival houses of York and Lan- caster, with their emblems of " White " and " Red," shook old England to her center, filling her houses with mourning, her fields with car- nage, and wasting the blood of her bra\'est and best ; but compared to our " war between the States," it is dwarfed into insignificance. A per- fect histor}' of our great civil war has never been written ; it never can be written. Though the " pen of inspiration were dipped in the gloom of earthquake and eclipse," it could not write a true history of those four long dreary years as they were. All the evils of war, and all the horrors of civil war were crowded into them, and the refined cruelties known to the civiliza- tion of the enlightened age in which we live, were practiced by the opposing parties. Starva- tion, the prison-pen, and the tortures incident to the times, were the common doom of the unfoi't- unate who fell into enem3''s hands. But after four terrible years of strife, the Goddess of Peace once more waved the olive branch over the land, and the unnatural war was brought to a close. That which had so long been deemed a curse to the country, was developed into a blessing, and it is safe to predict that the same cause will never originate another war on Ameri- can soil. Now that the trouble is over, and peace and prosperity smile upon the land from one end of the nation to the other, it is a source of congratulation that the cause for strife be- tween the sections is forever removed. In the union of " the Roses" was found the germ of England's future greatness and resplendent glory, and in the harmonious blending of " the Blue " and " the Gray," who shall limit the greatness and the glory of America ? It is highly creditable to Summit County that she was represented in some of the first regi- ments organized in the spring of 1861. When the news was sent flying over the country that the flag had been insulted, the people were aroused to instant action. Who does not re- member the blaze of excitement which followed the bombardment of Sumter, when martial mu- sic was heard in every town and hamlet, and tender women, no less than brave men, were wild with enthusiasm ? Wives encouraged their husbands to enlist ; mothers urged their sons to patriotic devotion, and sisters tenderly gave their brothers to the cause of their country. But ho reminders are necessary to revive a rec- ollection of those stirring scenes, nor to recall the names of the patriots who participated in the struggle ; who " fought the good fight unto the end," or, from the prison, the hospital and the battle-field, crossed over to mingle with the grand army beyond the river. Some of them sleep in unknown graves, " in the land of cotton and cane," where the palm-trees wave over their tombs ; where the birds carol their matins above them, and where the flowers sweeten the air around them with their fragrance ; and it is no reproach to their valor that they fell before foes as brave as themselves. They are held memoria ill (I'terna, and their patriotism is recorded in the nation's history. Those who survived and returned in safet}- to home and friends, have their reward in the knowledge that the old flag still floats over all the States. A brief sketch of the regiment, containing organized bodies of men from this county, will now be given, together with all the local facts to be obtained, of the companies recruited here and mustered into the United States service. Every exertion has been made to get the list of county organizations complete. Newspaper files have been examined, ex-offlcers and soldiers consulted, and all publications on the subject perused with care. And while there may be slight errors and omissions in some cases, we believe, however, that in the main the record willbe found substantiall}' correct. The first regiment in which Summit County was represented was the Nineteenth Infantry'. This regiment was originally organized for three months, and drew two companies from this count}', viz., G and K. Company G. was recruited as " Company A, Akron Light In- fantry," but, in organizing the regiment, was changed to G. The original officers were Lewis P. Buckley, Captain ; A. J. Fulkerson, First Lieutenant, and G. S. Carpenter, Second Lieu- tenant. Capt. Buckley was promoted to Major, and, at the expiration of the term of service of the regiment, was appointed Colonel of the Twenty-ninth Infantrj-. Company K was re- cruited as " Company B, Akron Union Light Infantry," and, upon organization, became Com- pany K, with the following officers : Andrew J. Konkle, Captain ; Paul T. Kirby, First Lieu- tenant, and James Nelson, Second Lieutenant. liL^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUJ^TY. 253 The regiment was filled up by the 15th of May, and on the 27th it left Camp Taylor — the place of rendezvous — for Columbus, and occupied Camp Jackson. Hei'e it elected reg- imental officers. Companies A and B were armed and equipped and sent to Bellaire, where they were employed guarding the ferry until June 3, while the other eight companies were sent to Camp Goddard, at Zanesville, to perfect themselves in the drill. On the 20th of June, Companies A and B joined the reg- iment, and, with the Seventeenth and Twenti- eth, were sent to Parkersburg. At Parkers- burg the Nineteenth, Eighth and Tenth Ohio, and Thirteenth Indiana were organized into a brigade, under Brigadier-General W. S. Rose- crans. The regiment, with its brigade, went to Clarksburg on the 25th, and to Buckhannon on the 29th, where it arrived on July 2. It participated in the battle of Rich Mountain on the 7th. The behavior of the Nineteenth in this engagement, won from Gen. Rosecrans the following : " The Nineteenth distinguished itself for the' cool and handsome manner in which it held its post against a flank attack, and for the manner in which it came into line and delivered its fire near the close of the action." The term of service expired on the 23d, and it returned to Columbus, Ohio, and was mustered out of the service. Many of the officers busied them- selves in recruiting for the three years' service, and with such marked success that by the 26th of September, nine full companies had reported and were mustered in. In the re-organization of the regiment for three j^ears. Company K was made up of Sum- mit County men, and went into the service with the following officers : Paul T. Kirby, Cap- tain ; G. R. Lentz, First Lieutenant, and J. J. Agard, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Kirby re- signed December 2, 1862. Lieutenant Lentz resigned August 1, 1862. Lieut. Agard was promoted to First Lieutenant February 9, 1862, to Captain June 19, 1863, and honor- ably discharged January 27, 1865. Albert Upson was promoted from First Sergeant to Second Lieutenant February 9, 1862, to First Lieutenant January 2, 1868, and to Captain July 25, 1864, and, as such, mustered out with the regiment. Wesle}- l^pson was promoted from Third Sergeant to Second Lieutenant January 2, 1863, and to First Lieutenant July 2, 1864. J. S. Cochran was promoted from Second Sergeant to Second Lieutenant Jul}'' 2, 1864. Of other promotions we could obtain no information. The re-organization of the Nineteenth took place at Camp Dennison, and, b}- the 7th of November, 1861, it was full}' artned and equipped and read}' for the field. It left camp on the 16th and proceeded to Louisville, Ky., by way of Cincinnati, and was the first reg- iment to go into Camp Jenkins, five miles from Louisville. It remained here, in command of Gen. 0. M. Mitchell, until the 6th of December, when it moved to Lebanon, Ky., and thence to Columbia, where it arrived on the 10th, and was brigaded with the Fifty-ninth Ohio, Sec- ond and Ninth Kentucky Infantry and Hag- gard's Regiment of Cavalry, Gen J. T. Boyle commanding. The following pleasant episode occurred while stationed at Columbia : A beautiful silk flag was received as a present from the ladies of Canton to the Nineteenth. It was presented to the regiment in a neat little speech by Mr. A. Kitt. Capt. Mandersou received it, and, in behalf of the Nineteenth, made appropriate acknowledgment. The Nineteenth, together with the Third Kentucky Infantry, was ordered to the mouth of Renick's Creek, near Burksville, on the Cumberland River, on the 17th of January, 1 862, and soon after moved to Jamestown, where they were joined by the Sixth Ohio Battery of Artillery. The battle of Mill Springs took place soon after, resulting in the defeat of the rebels under Gen. Zollicoffer, when the troops returned to Columbia. While lying at Colum- bia, the men suffered severely from sickness, and a number of the Nineteenth died, among them Lieut. S. Lentz, of Company E. The regiment was finally ordered to Nashville, where it arrived on the 10th of March, and went into camp five miles out on the Murfrees- boro Pike. On the 1 8th of March it left Nash- ville, with its brigade, for Savannah, on the Tennessee River, and on the 6th of April, when within fourteen miles of that place, the heavy booming of cannon was heard in the direction of Pittsburg Landing, and the troops started on the double-quick, hoping to get there in time to participate in the battle. But owing to a lack of transportation, it was dark before they arrived, and the dreary, rainy night was spent in line on the battle-field. In the second day's -^j^ ^ 25i HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY fight, the Nineteenth took an active part. Gen. Boyle, who commanded the brigade, said of the Nineteenth : " The Colonel and Capt. Man- derson (acting Major) held their men steady, and deported themselves, as did their officers and men, with coolness and conrage, until the Colonel ordered them back to a position from under the fire of the enemy's battery. This position was held until the guns of the enemy were silenced by the well-directed fire of Capt. Bartlett's battery. Maj. Edwards, acting Lieu- tenant Colonel, was shot dead from his horse, and a number of privates were killed and wounded." Among the killed and wounded of the gallant Nineteenth, were Privates 0. T. Powell and Horace H. Bailey, of Compan}^ C, and Corporal W. E. Gribson, of Company H, killed ; Lieut. William A. Sutherland, of Com- pany H, severely wounded. The next active duty of the regiment was at the siege of Corinth. It entered that place on the 29th of May, with the army, and on the 3d of June marched in pursuit of the enemy, pro- ceeding as far as Brownsboro, when it returned to luka and joined Gen. Buell's forces. It marched with his column to Florence, Ala., and to Battle Creek, where it arrived on the 14th of July. On the 21st of August, it moved to Nashville with Gen. McCook's division, where it became a portion of Gen. Buell's army, and with it made that famous march to Louisville, Ky. The Nineteenth marched out of Louisville on the 1st of October, with Gen. Crittenden's division, and reached Perryville on the 8th, in time to witness a portion of that battle, but not to participate. Upon the retreat of the rebel army from Kentucky, the Nine- teenth marched through Somerset and Glasgow, to Gallatin, Tenn., where it remained two weeks on provost duty, then joined its division at the '' Hermitage," and, passing through Nashville, went into camp near its old quarters on the Murfreesboro turnpike. It moved with the army on the 26th of December, in the advance on Murfreesboro. In command of Maj. Charles F. Manderson, it was thrown across Stone River on the 31st, with a view of swinging around into Murfreesboro, but the disaster of McCook's right wing compelled its withdrawal, and, recrossing the river, it passed to the right, and by a determined resistance, aided to check the advance of the rebels. Under the personal lead of Gen. Rosecrans, Beatty's brigade charged the enemy, drove him about three- fourths of a mile, and held the position until relieved by Col. M. B. Walker's brigade. On the 2d of January, 1863, the Nineteenth, with its division, crossed Stone River, and received the charge of the rebel column under Gen. Breckeuridge. They were forced to retreat, but the pursuing rebels coming under the range of the masked artiller}-, were driven back over the river and beyond it with great slaughter. The Nineteenth Ohio and the Ninth Kentucky were the first to cross Stone River, and with the assistance of men of other regiments, capt- ured four pieces of artiller}^ from the famous Washington (La.) batter^'. The regiment suf- fered severel}' in this battle. It entered it with 449 men, rank and file, and lost in killed, wounded and missing, 213, nearly one-half Upon the fall of Murfreesboro, the regiment went into camp on the Liberty turnpike. The whole army remained at Murfreesboro until the 29th of June, during which time the Nine- teenth guarded an ammunition train to Man- chester, and thence proceeded to McMinn- ville, where it remained until the 16th of August. It then crossed the Cumberland Mountains to Pikeville, and with the division passed over Lookout Mountain to Lee & Gor- don's Mills, arriving on the 13th of September. At Crawfish Springs, the regiment had a brisk skirmish with the rebels, in which several men were killed and wounded. In the battle of Chickamauga, the Nineteenth did its part of the hard fighting. On the 18th of September, it was, together with the Seven- ty-ninth Indiana, supported by the Ninth and Seventeenth Kentucky, ordered to advance up- on the enemy. With a cheer they advanced, drove the enemy and captured a rebel battery, with some prisoners. In the second day's battle, the Nineteenth held an important posi- tion, and performed its full share of hard fight- ing. As a proof of the gallantr}^ of the regi- ment, a private of Company G received severe wounds during the first da^^'s battle. Capt. Irwin received a wound from which he after- ward died ; Lieut. McHenry was also severely wounded. The aggregate loss was 100 men killed, wounded and missing. At Orchard Knob, on the 23d of November, the Nineteenth lost twenty men killed and wounded. On the 25th, it took part in the charge of the rebel works at the foot of Mission Ridge, where it 1^: )^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 255 lost oue man killed and thirteen wounded. It was next sent with Sherman toward Knoxville. This march was one of unexampled severity. The men were ragged and shoeless, and their footprints were marked with blood on the SHOW}' ground. Finding that Gen. Longstreet had raised the siege of Nashville, the army moved to Strawberry Plains and Flat Creek. Here, on the 1st of January, 1864, 400 of the Nineteenth re-enlisted as veteran volunteers, and, upon reaching Chattanooga on the 4th of January, the three j'ears' regiment was mus- tered out, and the veterans mustered into serv- ice for another three years. It then returned home on furlough, reaching Cleveland on the IGth of February-. Upon the expiration of their furlough, they returned immediately to the front, arriving at Knoxville on the 24th of March. The first active duty of the Nineteenth was in the Atlanta campaign, which opened on the 6th of Maj", and the regiment was sent to Parker's Gap, to hold that pass. On the 20th, it rejoined its brigade, and, moving with the column, it participated in the fight at New Hope Church, in which it lost forty-four killed and wounded. Capt. Brewer, of Compan}- E, was killed ; Maj. Nash lost his left hand, and Capt. Smith, of Compan}' G, was severel}' wounded. It was engaged at Kenesaw, at Peach Tree Creek, and at the crossing of the Chattahoochie River, and was under fire daily up to the evacuation of Atlanta. The regiment participated in the action of Lovcjoy Station and lost seventy men killed and wounded. Capt. Miller, of Compan^^ I, was killed ; Col. Manderson was severely wounded, also Capt. Agard, of Compan}' K. The entire loss of the Nineteenth in the Atlanta campaign was, killed, two commissioned officers and twenty-eight men ; wounded, six commissioned officers and ninety -six men ; missing, thirteen men ; total, 145. Lieut. McHenry, of Company I, was killed in front of Atlanta on the 24th of Au- gust, and Capt. Fix, of Company B, wounded on the same day. When Sherman started on his famous march to the sea, the Nineteenth, forming a part of Gen. Thomas' command, left Atlanta and marched toward Nashville to aid in opposing Hood. At the battle of Franklin, on the 29th of October, it was held in reserve. It partici- pated in the battle of Nashville, with slight loss, and then followed in pursuit of the demor- alized army of Gen. Hood to the Tennessee River. On the 5th of January-, 1865, the reg- iment was at Huntsville, Ala., where comforta- ble quarters were erected. Col. Manderson resigned March 17, from physical disability, and Col. Stratton having resigned some months earlier, Maj. Nash was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and remained in command of the regi- ment until mustered out. From Huntsville, it moved into East Tennessee, marching as far as the Virginia line, and then returned to Nash- ville. It formed a part of that body of troops sent to Texas, and arrived at Green Lake July 14, 1865, and at San Antonio on the 23d of September. On the 21st of October, it was mustered out of service at San Antonio, and reached Columbus, Ohio, on the 22d of Novem- ber, where it was paid off and discharged. The Twenty-ninth Infantry contained a large number of men from this county, some of whom served in the old Nineteenth under its three months' organization. Of the Twenty- ninth, Companies D, G and H ma}- be termed Summit Count}- companies (as we learn from Capt. Nash), and were recruited almost wholly in the count}'. Company D was organized with the following commissioned officers : P. C. Hard, Captain ; B. F. Perr}-, First Lieutenant, and J. H. Grinnell, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Hard did not leave camp with the regiment, but resigned early. Lieut. Perry resigned, June 20, 1862. Lieut. Grinnell was promoted to First Lieutenant May 25, 1864, and honor- ably discharged June 14, 1864. George W. Dice was made First Lieutenant April 13, 1862, promoted to Captain May 25, 1864, and killed June 16, 1864. Companj^ G was organized with John S. Clemmer, Captain ; James Treen, First Lieutenant, and J. J. Wright, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Clemmer was pi'omoted to Major December 31, 1861, and resigned Decem- ber 12, 1862. Lieut. Treen was promoted to Captain October 1, 1862, but, owing to age, was unable to withstand the fatigue incident to sol- diering, and resigned Ma}- 22, 1863, but left two stalwart sons in the ser\ice to represent him. Second Lieut. J. J. Wright was pro- moted to Captain December 21, 1861, and hon- orably discharged October 1, 1862. C. H. Rus- sell was promoted to Second Lieutenant April 13, 1862. to First Lieutenant January 24, 1863, and honorably dischai'ged November 30, 1864. W. F. Chamberlain was promoted to Second 1^ 256 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, Lieutenant January 24, 1862. to First Lieu- tenant Ma}' 25, 1864, to Captain October 12, 1864, and mustered out with the regiment. Company H was organized with Jonas Schoon- over, Captain ; A. J. Fulkerson, First Lieuten- ant, and Henry Mack, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Schoonover was at one time transferred to Company E, Seventh Infantry, but afterward back to his own regiment, and was regularly promoted until he became its Colonel, and as such was mustered out with it. Lieut. Fulkerson was discharged August 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Mack, owing to ill health, re- signed earl}', and Thomas F. Nash became Second Lieutenant October 27, 1862. Lieut. Nash was promoted to First Lieutenant May 25, 1864, to Captain October 12, 1864, and transferred to Company E. and was mustered out with the regiment. D. W. Thomas was promoted to First Lieutenant January 6, 1865, to Captain April 10, 1865, and mustered out with regiment. Thomas Folger was promoted to First Lieutenant January 6, 1865, was made adjutant of regiment, and, July 12, 1865, pro- moted to Captain, but as such was not mus- tered. James B. Storer, present Postmaster of Akron, was promoted to Second Lieutenant April 13, 1862, to First Lieutenant January 26, 1863, and became Adjutant of the regiment. From wounds received, disabling him for life, Lieut. Storer was honorably discharged No- vember 30, 1864. Jacob Buck was promoted to First Lieutenant July 12, 1865, and as such mustered out. Lewis P. Buckley, a resident of Akron, and late Major 'of the Nineteenth Infantry (three months' service) was appointed the first Col- onel of the Twenty-ninth. The following sketch of the life of Colonel Buckley is pub- lished in a pamphlet descriptive of the Sol- diers' Memorial Chapel in the Akron Rural Cemeter}', and is given in this connection, as a tribute to a worth}' soldier : Lewis P. Buckley was born at Cayuga Lake, in the State of New York, and became a resident of Akron, Ohio, about the year 1834. Though — having in early life received a military education at West Point — he took considerable interest in the military affairs of Akron and vicinity, at one time holding a commission in one of the independent companies of the village, his entire life, after coming to Akron, was devoted to civil pursuits, until the breaking-out of the rebellion, about two years of the intervening time (from 1849 to 1851) being spent upon the Pacitic coast at Sacramento City. On the call of President Lincoln, in April, 1861, for three months' troops, Mr. Buckley, though the disease which finally ter- minated his life was even then beginning to develop itself, promptly responded to the call, and raised a company in Akron, with which he reported to Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, about the middle of May. With nine other companies, raised in Northeastern Ohio, one of which was also from Akron, on the 27th of May they proceeded by rail to Camp Jack- son, near Columbus, where they were organized into the Nineteenth Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Capt. Buckley being elected Major of the regiment. Securing their arms, the regiment pro- ceeded to Camp Goddard, near Zanesville, to per- fect themselves in drill. Remaining there until the 20th of June, the Nineteenth proceeded to West Virginia, where it became ine()r])orated in Gen. Rosecrans' Brigade, and a part of Gen. McClellan's "Provisional Army of West Virginia." In his re- port of the battle of Rich Mountain, Gen. Rose- crans, in one portion, says: "The Nineteenth de- ployed into line and delivered two splendid volleys, when the enemy broke;" and, in another portion: "The Nineteenth distinguished itself for the cool and handsome manner in which it held its post against a flank attack, and for the manner in which it came into line and delivered its fire, near the close of the action." On the mustering-out of the three mouths' men, about the 1st of August, 1861, Maj. Buckley imme- diately set himself to work, under the auspices of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings, to raise a regiment for the three years' service. So promptly was this done, that the Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry was organized at Camp Giddings, near Jef- ferson, Ashtabula County, August 26, 1861, with Maj. Bucklej' as its Colonel. This regiment, as a part of the Army of the Potomac, participated in the l)attles of Winchester, ]\Iarch 28, 1862; Port Re- public, June 9-12, 1863, and Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862, the gallantry of its Colonel being conspicu- ous throughout. Following, with his regiment, the varied fortunes of the Army of the Potomac, dur- ing the balance of the year 1862, the rapidly declin- ing health of Col. Buckley compelled him to reluc- tantly resign his command and return home, his resignation taking effect Jaiuiary 26, 1863. * * * * * * On returning to Akron, though a constant sufferer from the disease that was preying upon him, he rendered valuable aid during the remainder of the war, at the close of which, on the recom- mendation of Hon. R. P. Spalding, Col. Buckley received the appointment of Assistant Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives at Washington. He served faithfully in that capacity through the Thirty-ninth Congress, and again entered upon his duties at the beginning of the Fortieth Congress, but soon became so feeble that he was compelled to accept the leave of absence tendered him, and re- turn home to die, struggling bravely and hopefully to the last, his death, from consumption, occurring Thursday, June 25, 1868, at the age of sixty-four years. Tlie funeral of Col. Buckley was the largest and most imposing ever held in Akron. It was at- tended by the entire Masonic fraternity of Summit and adjoining counties; by the surviving members fe* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 257 of the Nineteenth and Twenty-ninth regiments, and by the representatives of a large number of other regmaents, both of infantry, cavalry and ar- tillery, and b}' almost the entire population of the city and surrounding towns, the immense procession being commanded by Lieut. Col. Edward Hayes, of WaiTen, one of the original officers of the Twenty- ninth regiment. Lewis P. Buckley was a faithful friend, a true patriot, a brave soldier. Let us cherish his virtues, by naming after him the Post of which we, as sol- diers, are members, and bj^ erecting in his honor, properljr inscribed and adorned, a beautiful window in tlie magnificent memorial chapel which we, as soldiers and citizens, this day dedicate. The Twenty-ninth* was organized at Camp Giddings. near Jefferson, Ashtabula County, August 26, 1861, and was among the first to answer the President's call for three years' serv- ice. Owing to the man}' difficulties by which it was surrounded, it was the 25th of December before it was ready for the field. It then pro- ceeded to Camp Chase, where it remained until the 17th of January, 1862, when it was ordered to Cumberland, Md. While at Cumberland, it was brigaded with the Fifth, Seventh and Six- ty-sixth Ohio, and the One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania Regiments, commanded by Col. E. B. Tyler, of the Seventh Ohio. The division to which the brigade belonged was commanded b}' Gen. Lander until his decease, about the 1st of March, 1862, when the command passed to Gen. Shields. The troops, including the Twent^'-ninth, remained but a few weeks at Cumberland, when it joined the Army of the Potomac, and with it participated in the battle of Winchester on the 23d of March, in which the rebels, under "Stonewall" Jackson, were defeated. The brigade to which the Twenty- ninth belonged pursued the enem}' all the next day, halting near Cedar Creek, and again on the next da}' (the 25th) beyond Strasburg some two miles (Nash's notes), when the pursuit was abandoned and the troops returned. On the 9th of June, the regimennt participated in the battle of Port Republic, in which a number of prisoners were taken, including Capt. Nash (then Lieutenant in Compau}' H), and taken to Salisbury, North Carolina. Capt. Nash re- mained a prisoner of war nearly two months, and was then released. He proceeded to Wash- *We are indebted to Opt. Ttiomas W. Niwb and J. G. Caskey, Esq., members of this pallant obi regiment, f.T the principal facts from which this sketch is compiled. Tliey have both preserved notes and memoranda of the regiment's movementn and operations, which they kindly placed at our disposal, and for which they have our thanks. ington, where he arrived August 20, and, after a short visit home, returned to his regiment. In the battles of Cedar Mountain and the Sec- ond Bull Run the Twenty-ninth took part, and acquitted itself with honor. From the latter battle until that of Chancellorsville, the regi- ment was inactive, except camp routine and an occasional scout or foraging expedition. In May, 1863, occurred the battle of Chancellors- ville. The following extracts are from Mr. Caskey's notes : At this moment the battle of Chancellorsville opened in our front in dead earnest. ***** The battle lasted foin- days— 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th days of May. On the 2d, both armies seemed to be plan- ning the best mode of attack and defense. A spy gave reliable information concerning the rebels and their plan of attack. Our artillery opened fire in the direction indicated bj' the spy, and made openings in the woods at every discharge. Limbs and small trees were falling; sharpshooters who had climbed into the trees were seen tumbling to the ground. The "rebel yell" and the shrieks of the wounded were mingled together. About sun- set, Lee came up on our center three lines deep, but was repulsed with heavy loss. ******* On the 3d, Lee massed on our right center, in front of the Eleventh Corps, took it by surprise, when it broke and fell back on ours (the Twelfth), and, un- der a cross-fire from the rebels we suffered severel3\ But the reserves were brought up and the enemy were checked. ***** That night at dark we were in close action. It was very pretty, but rather dangerous fire-works. On Monday night our army commenced to retreat, and fell back to our old camp. An incident, partaking somewhat of the hu- morous, is thus related b}^ Mr. Caskey in his " reminiscences " of the Twenty-ninth : About the last of May we had a grand review of the Potomac Army. Gen. Green was reviewing- officer, and we were marched four miles from camp in the sand on the banks of the Potomac. The weather was hot and dry and the roads dusty. Gen. Green had brought his wife and daughters down from Washington to see us. They were nicely ensconced in their carriage, and we were " hoofing" it back and forth through the sand, almost choked for water — for it was a part of the red-tape of the occasion that we were not allowed to leave rank to get water or fill our canteens. FinallJ^ we were ready to pass the reviewing-officer, the line was nearly by, when one of the General's daughters called to him, saying: "Trot 'em round again, papa; I like to see them.'^ I don't know whether it was wicked to swear about that time or not. If it was, the boys were very wicked. We didn't trot round again, all the same. The Twenty-ninth participated in the battle of Gettysburg, where it did its full duty. This IV 258 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. was one of the severest battles of the entire Avar. The cannonading commenced earl}^ on the morning of Jul}' 2, 1863, and for two whole days the fighting continued almost constantly, when, on the morning of the 4th, it was as- certained that the rebels had retreated. This was the last service of the Twenty-ninth in the Army of the Potomac. On the 25th of Sep- tember, it proceeded via Washington, Colum- bus, Indianapolis and Louisville, to Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Its first service in this depart- ment was with the army of Gen. Hooker, and on the 24th of November it participated in the battle of Lookout Mountain, the famous " fight above the clouds," where, in the language of Prentice, "* * * * * they burst Like spirits of destruction throu.ii-h tlie clouds, And mid a thousand luirtlinii- missiles swept Tlieir foes before them as the whirlwind sweeps The strong oaks of the forest." The regiment re-enlisted the latter part of December. 1863, and came home on a forlough of thirty days. At the expiration of that time, it returned to the front, and on the 4th of May, 1864, it joined the Atlanta campaign, and dur- ing those days of arduous service, it bore its part with its accustomed bravery. During the entire campaign, until the fall of Atlanta, the regiment was almost constantly under arms, and engaged much of the time in fighting and skirmishing. On the 15th of November, the Twenty-ninth left Atlanta with Sherman on his march to the sea, and bearing its part in all the marches and skirmishes. It remained in North and South Carolina until the close of the war, when, on the 29th of April, 1865, it proceeded to "Washington City, via Richmond. In Wash- ington it took part in the grand review, and on the 10th of June started for Louisville, Ky., where it remained in camp until the 13th of July ; then went to Cleveland, Ohio, and, on its arrival at Camp Taylor, was paid off and discharged, on the 22d and 23d of July, from the United States service. The Sixty-fourth Infantry was a regiment in which Summit County was represented, but to what extent we have been unable to learn def- initely. Company G was made up wholly or in part in this county, but of its commissioned officers, we could learn but little beyond the fact that R. S. Chamberlain, Dudley C. Carr, Alonzo Hancock, Wilbur F. Sanders and A. M. Bloom, served as such, the first three named rising to the rank of Captain. Chamberlain was honorably discharged on the 23d of Sep- tember, 1864 ; Carr declined to accept a cap- taincy, and Hancock was mustered out as Cap- tain with tlie regiment. This regiment formed part of the brigade raised by Senator Sherman, and was organized at Camp Buckingham, near Mansfield, in No- vember, 1861. The Sixty-fourtii and Sixty- fifth Regiments of Infantry, and the Sixth In- dependent Battery, comprised the Sherman Brigade. The Sixty-fourth served in Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi- ana and Texas. It witnessed the battle of Perryville, Ky., without being permitted to participate in it. It was at Stone River where it lost heavily. In the Tullahoma campaign, in which it took an active part, it lost over one hundred men. The siege of Knoxville was an- other service in which it was engaged. The 1st of January, 1864, about three-fourths of the regiment re-enlisted for another three ^-ears' service. At the expiration of its veteran fur- lough, it reported at Chattanooga, and accom- panied Gen. Sherman in his Atlanta campaign, participating in all the liattles of that stirring period. The Sixty-fourth also took part in the battles of Franklin and Nashville — the closing battles of the war. After the war ended, it was sent to Texas, where it remained on duty until the 3d of December, 1865, and it was then mustered out, sent home, and paid oflf and dis- charged. The One Hundretl and Fourth Infantry drew a large number of men from Summit Count}'. Company H, entire, and several othei- parts of companies were recruited here. Com- pan}' H entered the field officered as followed : Walter B. Scott, Captain ; Hobart Ford. First Lieutenant, and Samuel F. Shaw, Second Lieu- tenant. Capt. Scott died March 25, 1863, and Lieut. Ford was promoted to Captain in his place, but afterward placed on detached duty on Gen. Cox's staff. Second Lieut. Shaw was promoted to First Lieutenant May 20, 1863, and detached at his own request. First Sergt. B. L. Robertson was promoted to Second Lieu- tenant February 26, 1863, to First Lieutenant May 9, 1864, and to Captain May 11, 1865, but mustered out as a First Lieutenant. Second Sergeant Abram Paulus was promoted to Second Lieutenent August 19, 1864, and to "7i; >u HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. •259 First Lieutenant May 11, 1865, but mustered out as Second Lieutenant. This regiment was organized at Camp Mas- sillon in 1862. It was mostl}' recruited in the counties of Summit, Stark, Portage and Colum- biana, and was mustered into the United States service at Camp Massillon, its place of rendez- vous, on the 30th of August, 1862, and on the 1st of September left for the seat of war. The first active duty of the regiment was at Cov- ington, Ky., where, upon its arrival, it went into camp on the Alexandria Turnpike, near that city. The rebel General, Kirb}' Smith, was then menacing Cincinnati, and the One Hundred and Fourth acted as the outpost of the national forces. In a few days it was sent to Fort Mitchell, near by, where the advanced pickets of the rebel army Avere met. A slight skirmish followed, in which the regiment lost one man killed and five wounded — the first and only blood spilled in defense of Cincinnati. On the 12th of September, the One Hundred and Fourth marched in pursuit of the rebel army toward Lexington, and being its first march, was very severe on the men. It reached Lex- ington on the morning of the 15th of October, just after the rear guard of the rebels had evacuated the city. It remained here until the 6th of December, perfecting itself in drill and discipline, and with such success as to car- ry off the palm in a competitive drill of the forces at that place. On the 6th of December, the regiment, with its brigade, resumed its march, and on the evening of the 7th, arrived at Kichmund, Ky., where the command, compris- ing the One Hundredth, Fort3'-fourth and One Hundred and Fourth, Ohio, and the Nine- teenth Ohio Battery, built quite formidable earthworks. The march was resumed on the 27th of December, and on the 28th the regi- ment reached Danville. This movement was made for the purpose of intercepting the rebe' Gen. Morgan, then maneuvering in that vicini- ty, but, be3'ond light skirmishing, nothing oc- curred. From Danville it went to Frankfort, the State capital, where it performed provost duty, until the 21st of February, 1863. While the brigade was in Frankfort, the Forty-fourth Ohio was mounted. The regiment started for Danville on the 21st of February, and contin- ued to operate in that portion of Kentucky until the first of September, when it joined Gen. Burnside's army in East Tennessee, arriving at Knoxville about the 5th. Before leaving Ken- tucky, the One Hundred and Fourth had been placed in the First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, under Gen. Hart- suff. The regiment, with its brigade, after a short rest at Knoxville, was sent to Cumber- land Gap, where it arrived on the 7th ot September. Gen. Burnside demanded the sur- render of the place, which was complied with by Gen. Frazier, the commandant, who sur- rendered his entire force as prisoners of war. The One Hundred and Fourth was the first regiment to enter the works, and received the surrender of the rebel force and stores. The regiment, after this, returned to Knoxville, where for a time it was engaged on provost dut}'. Its next active duty was in the siege of Knoxville by Gen. Longstreet, where it was held in reserve, but being ordered to the south side of Holston River, it had an engagement in which the enemy was repulsed. During the siege it bore its part of active duty, and suffered severely from exposure and privation. Its rations were limited and inferior in quality ; the weather was cold, drizzly- and disagreeable, and the men, without tents, were compelled to take their rest upon the mudd}' ground. Says a war chronicle: "The One Hundred and Fourth Ohio, with the national arm}', joined in the pursuit of Longstreet, and followed him up to Blain's Cross Roads, participating in the various skirmishes of that pursuit. It wintered in this inhospitable region during the whole of that inclement season, and endured hardships and privations like those suffered by our Revo- lutionary forefathers at Valley Forge. Half- starved, half-clad, those brave bo3's and self- sacrificing men maintained their integrity to the old flag, and in the midst of these terrible sufferings declared a willingness to enter on another three years' term of service, but their enlistment not expiring within the time speci- fied, thej- were not allowed to veteranize. '^ The One Hundred and Fourth took part in the Atlanta Campaign in 1864, and participated in all the general engagements of that stirring period. In the desperate assault at Utoy Creek on the 6th of August, the loss of the brigade was 600 killed and wounded ; the One Hundred and Fourth lost twenty-six officers and men killed and wounded. In the latter part of Au- gust it proceeded to Jonesboro, and took part in that engagement, and remained in the vicinity ©" V9 ^ 260 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY until the fall of Atlanta, when it marched for Decatur. During the month of October" it operated against Hood's forces, and on the 6th of November took the cars for Nashville. Un- til the 26th almost dail}^ skirmishing was had, in which it lost several men. It participated in the battle of Franklin on the 30th, in which it lost sixty men killed and wounded. Lieut. Kimball, of Company C, and Capt. Bard, of Company I, were killed in this battle. After the battle, the regiment marched with the na- tional forces to Nashville, bearing with it eleven battle-flags captured from the enemy. It reached Nashville on the morning of December 1, and took position in the front near Fort Neg- ley. Nothing of note occurred until the 15th, except the intense suffering of the men from cold weather. It moved with the corps to which it belonged, on the 1 5th, to the right to support the cavalry, and had a brisk skirmish in which several men were killed. After the rebel works were taken, the regiment moved in pursuit of the enemy and did not stop, ex- cept a short halt at Columbia, until it reached Clifton, Tenn., on the 6th of January, 1865. It remained in camp here until the 16th, when it embarked on a steamer for Cincinnati, and, on the 22d, took the cars for Washington City, and thence was transferred to North Caro- lina, arriving at Federal Point on the 9th of February. During the remainder of the month it was actively engaged, skirmishing with the enemy much of the time, and on the 4tli of March it made a forced march to Kingston to the relief of Gen. Cox, who was threatened by overpowering numbers. The regiment proceeded to Goldsboro from Kingston, where it arrived on the 21st of March, and where it remained until the 11th of April, when it went to Raleigh. At the grand review in Raleigh on the 21st of April, the regiment received some high compliments from Gen. Sherman and others for their etticiency in drill and soldierly bearing. It remained in Raleigh until May 2, when it was selected by Gen. Cox, commanding the corps, to repair to Greensboro and receive the arms and stores of Gen. John- ston's army. It remained in Greensboi'o as pro- vost guard until the 17th of June, 1865, when it was mustered out and ordered to Camp Ta}'- lor, near Cleveland, for final pay and discharge. It arrived in Cleveland on the 24th, and, on the 27th of June, was paid off and mustered out. The One Hundred and Seventh Infantry con- tained nearly half a company' from Summit County. This was a German regiment, and was made up under special authority' from Gov- ernor Tod, to serve under Gen. Sigel. Com- pany I was made up in this and Tuscarawas County, and of the first commissioned officers the First Lieutenant was from the latter county, while the Captain and Second Lieutenant were from Summit. The company was organized with Richard Ferederle, Captain ; Hamilton Starkweather, First Lieutenant, and W. F. Bechtel, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Ferederle and Lieut. Starkweather both resigned early ; Lieut. Bechtel resigned December 8, 1862. George Billow, of Akron, was promoted to Sec- ond Lieutenant November 30, 1862, to First Lieutenant December 1, 1863, and to Captain November 3, 1864, and as such was mustered out at the close of the war. Capt. Billow served but little with his company after his promotion to Captain, but was detached as Brigade Commissary, Post Commissary and as Provost Marshal. This regiment, as we have said, was com- posed wholl}' of Germans, and was organized at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, in the latter part of August, 1862. It was ordered to Cov- ington, Ky., to repel an expected attack of the rebel Gen. Kirby Smith. In November it was ordered to Virginia, where it was assigned to the Eleventh Army Corps, commanded by Gen. Sigel. It served in Virginia until the 1st of August, 1863, taking part in all the principal battles of that period, including Chaucellors- ville. It was in this battle that the Eleventh Corps was fianked by Stonewall Jackson, in which disastrous affair the One Hundred and Seventh suffered severely, losing 220 officers and men killed, wounded and prisoners. It also participated in the battle of Gettj-sburg, where it covered itself with honor. Its total loss in killed, wounded and missing in this battle amounted to over 400, out of 550, rank and file engaged. August 1, 1863, the One Hun- dred and Seventh was sent to South Carolina, where it performed picket duty until January, 1864. It served in this department, scouting, foraging and skirmishing with the enemy, until the close of the war. While on a scout near Georgetown, S. C, it received the news of the surrender of Lee and Johnston's armies. A few weeks later, it proceeded to Charleston, where 1^-. / -Oxc/iy^^^n^^^y^—-^' HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 261 it performed provost dut}', until the 10th of Jul}-, 1865, when it was mustered out, sent home to Cleveland, where it was paid off and discharged. The One Hundred and Fifteenth Infantry was well represented by Summit County men. Com- panies C and Gr were raised in this county, with perhaps some twenty men in Company I. The commissioned officers of Company C were John A. Means, Captain ; John Eadie, First Lieutenant ; and George L. Waterman, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Means was mustered out with regiment at the close of its service. Lieut. Eadie was promoted to Captain, but commission was returned ; Lieut. Waterman died of wounds September 19, 1863 ; John C. Ely was promoted from Third Sergeant to Sec- ond Lieutenant February 8, 1865, and was lost on the steamer Sultana. The first commis- sioned oflSicers of Company' Gr were A. W. Fitch, Captain ; D. A. Lowry, First Lieutenant ; and A. L. Conger, Second Lieutenant. In the or- ganization of the regiment, Capt. Fitch was promoted to Major. This led to a promotion of the Lieutenants of Company G — Lowry to Captain, and Conger to First Lieutenant. Sum- ner Nash was made Second Lieutenant. Maj. Fitch was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel July 20, 1864, and I'esigned Januarj- 5, 1865 ; Capt. Lowry was lost on steamer Sultana April 27, 1865 ; Lieutenant Conger was mustered out with regiment ; Lieut. Nash was promoted to First Lieutenant August 11, 1864, and as such mustered out with the regiment. M. S. Hurd was promoted from First Sergeant, to Second Lieutenant August 11, 1864. Of the men in Company I from this count}^ Capt. Edward Buckingham, late County Auditor, is the only commissioned officer among them, so far as we can learn. He went out as First Lieutenant, and was promoted to Captain February 8, 1863, and in that position was mustered out at the close of the war. This regiment was mostl}^ engaged during its term of service on guard and provost duty. It was organized at Camp Massillon in August, 1862, and mustered into the United States service on the 18th of September. October 4, it received orders to report to Gen. Wright at Cincinnati, wliere, on the 9th, it was divided — five companies, under command of Lieut. Col. Boone, was sent to Columbus (Camp Chase) to perform guard duty. The remaining five companies, under command of Col. Luc}', re- mained in Cincinnati, acting as provost guard. The remainder of its history, during its service, is thus given : In November, 1863, the battalion at Columbus was ordered to Maysville, Ky., uuder command of Col. Lucy, leaving Lieut. Col. Boone in command of the battalion at Cincinnati. In December, the battalion at Maysville was ordered to Covington, where it performed provost duty until October, 1863. It was then relieved, and ordered to report to Gen. Rosecrans, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Reaching Murfreesboro, it was ordered to report to the Post Commander for duty. Part of the regiment was at once mounted and sent out against the guerrillas, then infesting the countrj" between Nashville and Tullahoma. In June, 1864, that part of the regi- ment not mounted was stationed on the line of the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, in block-houses, to prevent the guerrillas from destroying it. August, 1864, Block-House No. 4, in command of Sergt. Flohr, of Company B, was captured by the forces of the rebel Gen. Wheeler. Block-House No. 5, commanded by Lieut. Orr, of Company B, was attacked at the same time, and three men were killed and seven wounded out of the detachment of forty men. In this attack the rebels were hand- somely repulsed, and failed in their desperate at- tempt to capture the garrison. Shortly after this affair, Company K (mounted), surprised and capt- ured a squad of guerrillas, and lost Sergt. Richmond killed, and three men wounded. During Hood's ad- vance on Nashville, in December, 1864, Block-Houses Nos. 1, 3 and 4 were assaulted by a large force of rebels under Forrest, and their garrisons, consisting of parts of Companies C, F and G, captured. The gar- risons of Block-Houses Nos. 5 and 6 were, by order of Gen. Thomas, withdrawn to Murfreesboro. Block-House No. 7 was assaulted and surrounded by the rebels, and for fifteen days the garrison dared not venture outside. The garrison of Block-House No 2, under command of Lieut. Harter, was as- saulted December 9, 1864, by the enemj% with three pieces of ritied artillery, and a continuous fire kept up from 9 o'clock in the morning until dark. Two of the garrison were killed and live wounded. Un- der cover of the night, the garrison withdrew and reached Nashville in safety. Shortly after this afEair, the rebel Gen. Buford made a desperate charge on Murfreesboro, but after tive hours of hard fighting was driven back Avith heavj^ loss. On the national side there was one killed and three wounded. The garrison of Murfreesboro, at this time, consisted of a battalion of the One Hundred and Fifteenth Ohio, and the Fourth and Twenty- ninth Michigan Regiments, under command of Gen. Rousseau. On April 2.5, 1865, the l^attalion of the One Hundred and Fifteenth Ohio, captured by tlie rebels at Block-Houses 1, 3 and 4, in December. 1864, was on l)oard the ill-fated steamer Sultana, whicli ex- ploded on the Mississippi River, near Memphis, Tenn., and Capts. D. N. Lowry and John Eadie, Lieut. J. C. Ely and eighty men were lost. The}^ \ 262 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. belonged to Companies B, C, F and G. These un- fortunate men were on their way to Columbus, Ohio, having been paroled for that purpose. The regiment performed garrison duty at Murfreesboro, and guard duty on tlie line of the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, from Nashville to Tullahoma, until the 23d of June, 1865, when it was mustered out of the service, and received its final discharge and pay at Cleveland July 7, 1865. The One Hundred and Twent3^-ninth In- fantry contained a fractional part of a company from this county, in which Capt. J. J. Wright, formerly of the Twenty-ninth Infantry, was Second Lieutenant. The regiment was organ- ized in the latter part of the summer of 1863, at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, and mustered into the service for six months. Its service, during the term of its enlistment, was princi- pally in Southeastern Kentucky and East Ten- nessee. Although but a six months' regiment, it saw hard service. It was mustered out at Cleveland in March, 1864. The Fifty-fourth Battalion of the National Guard was made up wholly in Summit County. The three companies forming the battalion, were A, B and C, and were mustered into the service (one hundred da^s) with the following commissioned otflcers : Company A — N. L. Everett, Captain ; D. W. Storer, First Lieuten- ant, and C. R. Howe, Second Lieutenant. Com- pany B — D. F. Hunsberger, Captain ; N. J. Schroop, First Lieutenant, and D. J. Mettinger, Second Lieutenant. Company C — N. S. Keller, Captain ; F. H. Wright, First Lieutenant, and Thomas E. Strong, Second Lieutenant. Upon the organization at Camp Taylor, the Fifty-fourth Battalion was consolidated with the Forty-ninth Regiment of National Guard from Seneca County. The consolidation was effected on the 6th of May, 1864, and the reg- iment became the One Hundredth and Sixty- fourth Volunteer Infantry National Guard. It was mustered into the United States service on the 11th of May; was armed and equipped, and on the 14th, left Cleveland for Washington City, where it arrived on the 17th. It was commanded by Col. John Calvin Lee, who was brevetted Brigadier General at the close of the war for meritorious services, and, later, was Lieutenant Governor (two terms) with Gov. (now ex-President) Haj'^es. Upon the arrival of the regiment in Washington, it took position in the defenses on the south side of the Potomac, and during its one hundred days' service, garrisoned Forts Smith, Strong, Bennett, Hag- garty and other forts. It was very thoroughly drilled, both in infantry and heavy artillery tactics. During Gen. Early's invasion, the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth was kept on duty almost constantl}', and ever3' night was spent either on the advance or beside the guns. At the expiration of its term of enlistment, the regiment received the thanks of President Lincoln for the service it had performed, and returned to Cleveland via Baltimore, Harris- burg and Pittsburgh, where, on the 27th of August, it was mustered out of the service and discharged. The Second Cavalry drew on Summit County for a large number of men. Compau}' A was made up in this county, while several other companies were more or less represented by Summit County recruits. The commissioned officers of Company A were George A. Puring- ton. Captain ; Dudley Seward, First Lieuten- ant, and M. J. Collier, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Purington was promoted to Major Sep- tember 24, 1861, to Lieutenant Colonel June 25, 1863, and to Colonel, but as such was not mustered, and retired from the service at the end of three years. First Lieut. Seward was promoted to Captain September 30, 1861, to Major September 18, 1862, to Lieutenant Colonel May 9, 1864, and to Colonel June 20. 1865, and as such mustered out with the regi- ment. Second Lieut. Collier was promoted to First Lieutenant May 10, 1861, and mustered out by the consolidation, and afterward com- missioned Major of the Twelfth Cavalry. Hen- r}' 0. Hampson, Orderly- Sergeant, was pro- moted to Second Lieutenant Juh' 22, 1862, and resigned July 23, 1863. Sergt. A. N. Bernhard was promoted to Second Lieutenant December 20, 1861, to First Lieutenant July 15, 1862, to Captain February 17, 1863, trans- ferred to Company K, and honorably' discharged November 29, 1864. Sergt. L. J. McMurray was promoted to Second Lieutenant May 9, 1863, and honorably discharged September 6, 1864. Capt. Purington was in the Nineteenth (three months) Infailtry, as Orderly Sergeant, and was promoted to Second Lieutenant ; and Seward was in the same regiment as Third Ser- geant. The Second Cavalry saw hard service and a great deal of it. From its organization as a reg- iment to its muster-out at the close of the war. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 26:i its duties were varied, and extended over avast range of country. Says Wliitelaw Reid in his " Oliio in the War :" " The Second fought under the following general officers : Buell, Wright, Hunter, Denver, Sturgis, Blunt, Salomon, Cur- tis, Schofield, Burnside, Carter, Gilmore, Shack- elford, Foster, Kautz, Sedgwick, Wilson, Mcin- tosh, Torbett, Sheridan, Custer, Meade and Grant. Its horses have drank from, and its troopers have bathed in, the waters of the Ar- kansas, Osage, Cygnes, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Scioto, Miami, Cumberland, Tennessee, Holston, Potomac, Shenandoah, Ilappahannock, Rapidan, Bull Run, Mattapony, Pamunkey, Chickahominy, James, Appomattox, Black- water, Nottaway and Chesapeake. It has cam- paigned through thirteen States and a Territorj- : Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Geoi'gia, Alabama, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and Indian Territory. It has traveled as a regiment on foot, horseback, by railroad and steamboat, on land, river, bay and ocean. It has marched an aggregate distance of twenty-seven thousand miles ; has fought in ninety-seven battles and engagements. It has served in five different armies : The Army of the Frontier, of the Mis- souri, of the Potomac, of the Ohio, and of the Shenandoah — forming a continuous line of ar- mies from the head-waters of the Arkansas to the mouth of the James ; and its dead, sleep- ing where they fell, form a vidette-line half across the continent, a chain of prostrate senti- nals two thousands miles long. Even in their graves, may not these patriotic dead still guard the glory and the integrity of the Republic for which they fell ?" No regiment could desire a more glorious record or prouder name. This regiment was organized in the fall of 1861, under special authorit}- from the Seci'e- tar}' of War. It rendezvoused at Camp Wade, near Cleveland, where, on the 10th day of Octo- ber, the last company was mustered in, and the regiment was ready for duty. It was recruited wholly in what is known as the " Western Re- serve," and, being the second regiment of cav- alry raised in the State, and the first in the northern part of the State, it contained " a large proportion of wealth, intelligence, capac- ity and culture." In the last of November, the regiment was ordered to Camp Dennison, where it received sabers and continued in the drill and discipline which had been begun be- fore leaving Cleveland. Early in January, 18(32, it received orders from the War Depart- ment to report to Gen. Hunter at Platte City, Mo., and at once proceeded to that place. Up- on its arrival there, it spent several weeks in scouting the Missouri border. On the 22d of Februar}', a scouting party from the Second, consisting of one hundred and twenty men, had a skirmish with a detachment under the notori- ous Quantrell, in which the latter was defeated. Doubleday's Brigade, to which the Second be- longed, proceeded to Fort Scott, Kan., where it arrived on the 1st of March. The regiment was armed, at this time, with sabers, navy pis- tols and Austrian carbines. The arm}- was concentrated at Fort Scott in the latter part of May, and early in June it moved into the In- dian Territory by various roads, concentrating again at Spring River. The entire command soon moved to Baxter Springs, Indian Terri- tory, where three regiments of loyal Indians, mounted on ponies and armed with stpiirrel rifles, joined the command. Later, the column moved from Baxter's Springs southward, and on the 8th of Juh' went into camp at Flat Ci'eek, Indian Territory, and, shortly after, the Second formed part of the force which captured Fort Gibson. In the early part of August, the command moved to Fort Scott, where it ar- rived on the 15th and went into camp. At this time, it was found " that there were less than two hundred and fifty serviceable horses in the Second, many of the men were sick, and a num- ber had died on the march of a peculiar brain fever, probably produced b}' the excessive heat to which they were exposed."'* The regiment, in the latter part of August, shared in a forced march of ten days and nights in pursuit of a part}' of rebel raiders, continually skirmishing, l3ut without loss. About this time, one hun- dred and fifty men and two otticers were detailed from the Second to man, temporaril}-, a light batter}'. Six months later, the detail was made a transfer by the War Department, and consti- tuted the "Twenty fifth Ohio Battery. The mounted portion of the Second, early in Sep- tember, with the Twenty-fifth Battery, moved, with the army of (!en. Blunt, into Missouri and Arkansas, and took an active part in the cam- paign that ended in the capture of Prairie Grove December 3, 1862. During this cam- paign, the Second fought at Carthage and New- Ip^ 264 ■^ A^ ^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tonia, Mo., camped at Pea Ridge, and fought at Cow Hill, Wolf Creek, White River and Prairie Grove. Efforts had been made to have the Second transferred to an Eastern army, which was successful, and the dismounted por- tion of the regiment, in November, moved by rail to Camp Chase, to remount and refit for the field, and the mounted portion followed in December, after the capture of Prairie Grove. While at Camp Chase, the Second re- ceived new arms and equipments, fresh horses and sixty recruits, and, during the winter, made great progress in drill and discipline. In 1863, the original twelve companies were con- solidated into eight, and a battalion of four com- panies raised for the Eighth Cavahy was added to the Second. This battalion was then serv- ing in Kentucky, and Maj. Purington was sent to assume command until it should join the regiment. The Second left Camp Chase early in April, and proceeded to Somerset, Ky., and, when near Lexington, was joined by the new battalion. With but an occasional reconnaissance, the Sec- ond remained quietly in camp at Somerset un- til the 27th of June. In the early part of June, four companies of the Second formed part of a raiding force, under Gen. Saunders, into East Tennessee, where a large amount of stores were destroyed, and several railroad bridges. " Kautz's brigade, of which the Second was a part, joined in pursuit of the rebel Gen. Morgan on the 1st of July, followed the great raider twelve hundred miles, through three States, marching twenty-four hours out of twenty-four, living wholl}' upon the gifts of the people for twenty-seven daj-s, and finally shar- ing in the capture at Buffington's Island. After the raid, the Second re-assembled at Cincinnati, from winch point nearly the whole regiment was furloughed b}' Gen. Burnside, in recogni- tion of its endurance and gallantry." The Sec- ond re-assembled and re-fitted at Stanford, Ky., and, in August, moved with the army to East Tennessee. It was here brigaded with the Sec- ond East Tennessee, Ninth Michigan, and Sev- enth Ohio Cavalry, Col. Carter, Second East Tennessee, commanding. On the 5th and 6th of September, the regiment made a forced march to Cumberland Gap, and, after the sur- render of the place, returned to Knoxville, whence it was ordered up the valley. It joined the army at Henderson's Station about the 25th, and, soon after, it received orders to report to Gen. Rosecrans, then in command of the Army of the Cumberland. It marched thirty miles toward Knoxville, when it was suddenly or- dered back to the front, and, on its return, found an engagement in progress, in which it at once took part, but without any serious re- sults. A little later, it participated in the bat- tle of Blue Springs. Late in October, as Long- street advanced, the Second fell back, with other cavalry, to Russellville, and then to the vicinity of Cumberland Gap, and engaged Wheeler's cavalry. During the siege of Knoxville, it op- erated on the enemy's flank, and, when the siege was raised, joined in the pursuit of the rebels. On the 2d of December, it engaged Longstreet's cavalry at Morristown, and, on the 4th, it formed the advance of a brigade which attacked and fought eighteen regiments for two hours, at Russellville, losing forty men killed and wounded. On the 6th, it was at the front five hours in the battle of Bean Station, and, for the next five days, was almost constantly under fire. After a few days' rest, the cavalry crossed the Holston River and moved to Mossy Creek, where the time was spent in skirmishing and maneuvering until Januar}' 1, 1864, when, of 470 men then composing the regiment, 420 re-enlisted, and were sent home on veteran fur- lough. The Second re-assembled at Cleveland on the 20th of March, and, with 130 recruits, was again ready for the front. The first objective point was Mount Sterling, K}'., but, soon after, it was ordered to Annapolis, Md., where it ar- rived on the 29th of March. On the 13th of x\pril, it was reviewed by Lieut. Gen. Grant, Gens. Burnside, Washburn and Meigs. On the 22d, the regiment moved to Camp Stoneman, D. C, and, b}- the 30th, was mounted, armed and equipped. It moved out of camp on the 1st of Ma3% and on the 3d arrived at Warren- ton Junction, where it reported to Gen. Burn- side. With the Ninth Corps it moved to Brandy Station, crossed the Rapidan, went into line on the extreme right, and on the 7th engaged Rosser's cavalry with slight loss. During the campaign of the Wilderness, it was employed covering the right flank of the infantry almost constantly, either on picket or skirmishing. By order of Gen. Grant, the Second was transferred from the Ninth Army Corps, and attached per- manently to Sheridan's Cavalry Corps, Array HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 265 of the Potomac, and on the 29th it reported to Brig. Gen. J. H. Wilson, commanding Third Cavahy Division, and was by him assigned to the First Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. J. B. Mcintosh. On the 31st, the division crossed the Pamunkey, and the First Brigade advanced on Hanover Court House, where a severe engagement took place, in which the Second bore a prominent part. The next day, a portion of the First Brigade, including the Second Ohio, proceeded to Ashland, where the entire force was soon surrounded by Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee, and a heavy engagement took place, which lasted till sundown, when, under the cover of night, the national forces withdrew, the Second covering the retreat. From this time to the crossing of the James, it was en- gaged in picketing and fighting on the right of the army from Hanover Court House to Cold Harbor. It crossed the James on the 17th of June, and the next day encamped with the di- vision on the Blackwater. It took an active part in the fights of Nottaway Court House, Stony Creek and Ream Station, losing one hun- dred men and five officers killed, wounded and missing, and returning to the lines on the 1st of July. Early in August, the division to which the Second belonged went to Washing- ton Cit}', and on the 13th moved to Winchester, in the Shenandoah Valley, where it arrived on the 17th. The division was ordered to act as rearguard, and to hold the town until dark. Gen. Early made an attack at 3 o'clock, P. M., and at sundown, the division fell back ; the Second Battalion and two companies of the Third Battalion of the Second Ohio, acting as the rear guard for the whole command, fighting an hour in dense darkness in the streets of Winchester, then joining the main column, and falling back to Summit Point. Gen. Early again attacked on the 19th, and, after a sharp fight, the regiment retired to Charlestown, when it was again attacked by Early, on the 22d, and the Second was closely engaged. From Charles- town, the army retreated to Harper's Ferr3^ The Second, with its division, went to the right, and was twice engaged with the enem}'. The division was, on the 26th of August, ordered to Boonesboro, and the Second encamped twenty-four hours on the South Mountain bat- tle-field, marched over Antietam, and re-crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown. It was in the skirmish at Berr3^ville, Va., on the 30th, and in the early part of September was engaged with its division in picket dut}^ on the left of Sheri- dan's army. On the 13th, Gen. Mcintosh's Brigade (including the Second) was ordered to- ward Winchester. With the Second in front, the brigade charged Early's cavalry, driving it back, and the Second Ohio, with the aid of the Third New Jersey, captured an entire regiment of infantry. The Secretary of War made especial mention of the gallantry of the two regiments in this exploit. Mcintosh's brigade at the battle of Opequon, was ordered to capt- ure a line of hills between the Opequon and Winchester, which was accomplished after four hours' hard fighting. In the retreat of Early's army, the Second was the last regiment to leave the pursuit on the Valley Pike. For several weeks it was almost continually engaged fight- ing and skirmishing. Gen. Custer assumed command of the division to which the Second belonged at Bridgewater. It shared in the battle of Cedar Creek on the 19th of October, and was pi'esent on the Valley Pike, when Sheridan came to the front on his " famous ride from Winchester." After the battle, the regi- ment performed picket dut}' until the 1st of Novenber, when it fell back to Kernstown. It was engaged in active duty until the 28th of December, when it went into winter quarters on the Romney Pike, one and a half miles from Winchester, where it remained until the 27th of February, 1865. On the 2"7tli, it started with Sheridan's cav- alry on the last raid of the war. Near the town of Waynesboro, Custer's division captured the remainder of Early's army. In this en- gagement, the Second Ohio captured five pieces of artillery, with a large amount of military stores, together with 650 prisoners, for which it received the thanks of Gen. Custer on the field. It continued to do its share of dut}' until the 20th of March, when, after resting a few days, Sheridan's cavalry joined the Army of the Po- tomac, and entered on the closing campaign of the war. After the surrender of Gen. Lee, the regiment, with its division, was ordered to North Carolina, but, upon receiving information of the surrender of Gen. Johnston, it returned to Petersburg. The division soon moved to Washington City, and, immediately after the grand review, the Second Ohio was ordered to report to Gen. Pope, at St. Louis, Mo., where it arrived on the 7th of June. It remained here #- >J^ 266 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY a month, when it was ordered to Springfield, Mo., to relieve State troops. The order was received for its muster-out about the 1st of September. It proceeded to St. Louis, where its papers were made out, and then returned to Camp Chase, Ohio, and, on the 11th of Octo- ber, 18ti5, was paid off and discharged. The Sixth Ohio Cavalry drew a number of men from this count}^ but not enough to form a company. Of the Summit Count}' men. the present Auditor. Mr. Aaron Wagoner, was the onl}' commissioned officer. He was promoted to Second Lieutenant on the 8th of April, 1 865. The Sixth was a splendid regiment, and saw much hard service, lleid closes his sketch of it in the following words : " During the last six months of its campaigning, it was under command of a Captain, as it had not a field of- ficer with it, nor in its organization. Nearly all of its veteran officers were mustered out of serv- ice in November, 1864,* and not a sufficient number of men were on the rolls to have them replaced ; but, in a regiment composed of ma- terial like this, it made little difference whether they were commanded by a Captain or a Brevet Brigadier. As a neiospaper regiment, it has not much history. Its record shows best in the rolls of the killed and wounded, and the long list of its honorable engagements." But our space will not allow of a more extended men- tion of this gallant regiment. The Sixth Ohio Independent Battery was made up principally in Summit Count}^ and formed a part of the " Sherman Brigade." The commissioned officers were C. Bradley, Cap- tain ; 0. H. P. Ayres and J. 1*. McElroy, First Lieutenants ; A. C. Baldwin and E. S. Fergu- son, Second Lieutenants. Capt. Bradley was mustered out Januar}' 17, 1865 ; Lieut. A^a'es died July 8, 186-1, from wounds received in the Atlanta campaign ; Lieut. McElroy resigned March 10, 1864 ; Lieut. Baldwin was promoted to Captain, and as such mustered out with the battery : Lieut. Ferguson resigned November 7, 1862. This battery was organized at Camp Buck- ingham, near Mansfield, and mustered into the service on the 20th of November, 1 861 . It com- prised four ten-pound Parrot guns, and two six- pound bronze Rodmans. Capt. Bradley is men- tioned as an experienced artillery officer, and had his battery in good trim for active service *At expiration of three years' service. before leaving Camp Buckingham. The bat- tery and the brigade to which it belonged moved, on the 15th of December, to Louisville, K}'., and thence by steamer to Nashville, where they reported to Cren. Buell on the 20th. The brigade was here scattered to different localities, and the battery found its way into Camp Gil- bert, near the city, where, for some twenty da^^s, it was occupied in perfecting its drill and getting read}' for the field. It received orders, on the 12th of January, 1862, to report to Gen. Boyle, at Columbia, Ky., and arrived there on the 15th, where it took a position blockading the Cumberland Kiver. The battery was di- vided, Lieut. McElroy's section remaining at Columbia, while the other was taken to James- town, Ky., there reporting to Col. Thomas E. Bramlette. The battery remained on duty here until the fall of Nashville, when, with the Third Kentucky, Nineteenth Ohio, and Cul. Woolford's cavalry, it proceeded to Nashville, where it arrived on the 19th of March. At Nashville, it was placed in the artillery reserve,- commanded by Col. Barnet, First Ohio Light Artillery, and marched with the army to Pitts- burg Landing, arriving on the 15th of April, and going into camp on the battle-field. It was ordered to report to Brig. Gen. Wood on the 29th of April, with whom it served until the close of the war. It moved with the army on Corinth, and entered that place on the 31st of May, after its evacuation by the rebels. June 1, it moved across Northern Alabama, arriving at Mooresville on the 3d of July. On the 18th, it marched to Stevenson, Ala., where it went into camp on the 21st of August, when it joined Buell's forces in their great race after Bragg to Louisville, Ky. They arrived at Louisville on the 28th of September, and. after a rest of three days, the line of march was again resumed. It proceeded out the Bards- town turnpike and reached Rolling Fork on the 8th of October, where it was saluted with the roar of battle at Perryville, only seven miles distant. Later in the day, it marched with its division to the battle-field, but was compelled to be mere spectators of the battle. After an unsuccessful pursuit of the enemy, the national forces returned to Nashville, ar- riving on the 26th of November. At Nashville the army was re-organized by Gen. Rosecrans, and the batteiy was engaged much of the time in foraging, which several '\±^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 267 times brought it in contact with Gren. Wheeler's Rebel Cavalry. It participated in the battle of Stone River, and other battles incident to the capture of Murfreesboro, which was entex*ed on the 4th of January, 1863. In the battle of the 31st of December, the battery lost two of its guns, but had the good fortune to re-capture them. It lost severely in the several days' fight- ing. After the battle, the following members of the Sixth Battery were specially mentioned for gallantry : First Sergt. Gr. W. Smelts ; Sergts. Hust, Miller, Howard, Casey and Hart- man ; Corporals Collins, Tool, Kimberk and Scott ; Privates Evans, Kirby and Robbinett. In the battle of Chickamauga, which was fought on the 19th of September, the battery participated and again lost heavily. Among the wounded was Lieut. Smelts. During the two days' battle, it expended 383 rounds of ammunition, lost two caissons, a battery-wagon, and had two horses killed. It was dismounted while in Chattanooga (to which the armj^ had fallen back, after the battle of Chickamauga), owing to the want of forage and horses, and thus remained for some time inactive. On the 12th of December two-thirds of the battery re- enlisted as veterans, and started home Janu- ary 1, 1864, on furlough — the non- veterans be- ing transferred to the Twentieth Ohio Battery. While the veterans were at home on furlough, they added one hundred men to their ranks. Upon the return of the batter}^ to the front, its first active duty was in the Atlanta campaign, in which it operated with Gen. Wood's (Third) Division, Fourth Army Corps, and during the 120 days of that brilliant march, was almost constantly engaged. Corporal William Mat- thews was mortally wounded at Dallas, and the next day Bugler Whitney was killed by sharp- shooters. At Kenesaw Mountain, on the 19th of June, private Alfred Hersh was killed, and three others were wounded. It maintained its position before Kenesaw, and was highly com- plimented by Gen. 0. 0. Howard for accurate firing. The battery expended 250 rounds of ammunition in a charge made on the 27th. On the 6th of Juh', Lieut. Ayres was wounded by a rebel sharp-shooter, from the effects of which he died on the 8th. From the 13th to the 25th, the battery was busily engaged in bombarding the citj' of Atlanta. August 25, it formed part of the flanking movement to Jonesboro, and took part in all the subsequent operations, and on the 9th of September it entered Atlanta, and while here was re-equipped for the field. It moved with the Fourth Corps on the 3d of October after Gen. Hood, who had commenced his march to the rear of Atlanta. Capt. Bradley being away on leave of absence, the command of the battery devolved on First Lieut. A. C. Baldwin. It participated in the battle of Frank- lin on the 15th of December, of which action, says Whitelaw Reid, "Eighteen stands of colors were taken on the battery-front during the battle, and the rebels so crowded the em- brasure that Private Jacob Stinebaugh resorted to the use of axes and picks with success. In this battle the battery lost William B. Welch, mortally wounded, and four others slightly. Welch fell into the hands of a Mrs. Bentley, of Franklin, who kindlj' nursed him, regardless of rebel opposition, and when he died saw him properly buried, with head-board and inscrip- tion, and a representation of the flag he so no- bly fought under cut upon the board." In the second day's battle before Nashville, the battery went into position in front of Overton's Hill, eight miles from the cit}^ and engaged Sand- ford's Mississippi rebel Batter}', completely silencing it. It joined in the pursuit of the re- treating rebels to the banks of the Tennessee River, and then marched for Huntsville, Ala., where it arrived on the 15th of Januar}', 1865. It made a severe march to Eastport, Miss., in February, but before reaching that place, it was ordered back to Huntsville, where it remained in quarters until the close of the war. It re- turned to Ohio in the latter part of August, and, on the 1st of September, 1865, was mus- tered out of the service. It lost by death from wounds, sixteen ; by disease, twenty-six ; dis- charged by reason of disease, thirty ; of wounds, four ; by expiration of service, twenty-one ; re- enlisted as veterans, sixty-six. The First Light Artillery (Col. James Bar- net, of Cleveland), was represented by a bat- tery or company from this county. Battery D was recruited by Capt. Andrew J. Konkle, and was made up in Summit County. The original commissioned oflScers of Batter}' D were Andrew J. Konkle, Captain ; Paul F. Rhoerbacher, L. P. Porter, Senior and Junior First Lieutenants ; and W. H. Pease, Henry C. Lloyd, Senior and Junior Second Lieutenants. Capt. Konkle was promoted to Major of the First Artillery on the 8th of September, 1863, :k ^ E. 268 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. and was honorably discharged August 8, 1864. Lieut. Rhoerbacher resigned January 1, 1862 ; Lieut. Porter resigned August 28, 1863 ; Lieut. Pease was promoted to First Lieutenant Jan- uary I, 1862, to Captain July 30, 1864, and mustered out with battery ; Lieut. Lloyd was mustered out October 23, 1863; Sergt. N. M. Newell was promoted to Second Lieutenant January 1, 1862, to First Lieutenant July 13, 1863, and mustered with battery ; Sergt. M. G. Ransom, promoted to Second Lieutenant July 13, 1863, and resigned April 15, 1864; Henry C. Grant was promoted to Second Lieutenant March 30, 1863, and transferred to Battery A, to First Lieutenant May 2, 1865, and mustered out with battery ; Sergt. Josiah Brown was promoted to Second Lieutenant May 9, 1864, and transferred to Battery E. At the general muster-out, the commissioned officers were Giles J. Cockerill, Captain ; J. H. Bees, Will- iam Edwards, Senior and Junior First Lieu- tenants ; W. M. Welcher, Cornelius Linehan, Senior and Junior Second Lieutenants.* The First Artillery was originally organized under the old militia law of 1860. Iramedi- ateh" after the fall of Fort Sumter, it was ordered to Columbus, and thence to Mari- etta. It was afterward ordered to Virginia, where it served until its expiration of three month's service, when it was ordered to Colum- bus for muster-out. It was at once re-enlisted for three years, and for this organization it was that Capt. Konkle's Batter}' D was recruited, and mustered into the service in September, 1861. It left Camp Dennison on the 1st of No- vember, and on the 10th, reported to Gen. Nel- son at Mount Stei'ling, }^y. It was with Nel- son until the 29th, when it reported to Gen. A. M. McCook, at Munfordville, Ky. In Febru- ary, 1862, it was again ordered to report to Gen. Nelson, at P]lizabethtown, but soon re- turned to its old quarters at Munfordville, and thence proceeded with Gen. McCook to Nashville. With the Fourth Division it moved to Pittsburg Landing, thence to Corinth, and on the 30tli of June it was at Athens, Ala. July 30, the batterj^ moved from Columbia, Tenn., with Gen. Nelson's command, to Leba- non, Ky., and in September, at Munfordville, it was overwhelmed by the enem}-, and its entire force and material captured. The men were pa- *Thfi local facts pertaining to this battery were furnished us by Capt. H. C. Grant. roled and sent home to Ohio, remaining at Camp Chase until January, 1863, when they were exchanged. The battery- was re-organized and equipped at Columbus, and joined the Third Brigade of the Fourth Division, Twenty -third Army Corps, at Lexington, Ky., in March. It served in Eastern Kentucky' until July, when it marched with Gen. Burnside's army to Cum- berland Gap, and took part in the capture of that rebel stronghold. It participated in the siege of Knoxville, and, immediately after the siege was raised, re-enlisted as veterans, and the men were sent home on the usual thirt}- days' furlough. The ranks were filled up at Cleveland, and early in 1864, it proceeded to Knoxville, Tenn. It was with Sherman in the Atlanta campaign, and participated in all the fighting of that eventful period. It took part in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, the closing struggles of the war. It was finally mustered out of the service at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 15th of July, 1865. The Ninth Independent Battery was made up principally^ in this county. The first com- missioned officers were H. S. Wetmore, Captain ; L. P. Barrows, First Lieutenant, and John M. Hinde, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Wetmore resigned December 12, 1862, and Second Lieut. H. B. York was promoted to Captain, and in that position, mustered out with the battery. This battery was organized at Camp Wood Cleveland, on the 11th of October, 1861. It was first fitted out as a four-gun battery, with two ten-pounders and two twelve-pound howit- zers, but afterward became a full six-gun bat- tery. It served in Kentucky until the 1st of January, 1863, and participated in several hard fights. It was at Cumberland Gap and at Mill Springs. For its gallantry at the latter place, it was presented with two six-pound guns, by Gen. Thomas, which had been captured from the enemy at Cumberland Gap. During the retreat of the national forces from the Gap across the State to the Ohio River, in Septem- ber and October, 1862, the Ninth Battery per- formed the most arduous dut}'. Placed in charge of a train, on the safety of which the whole retreat depended, the batter}^ felt like sacrific- ing themselves to a man rather than permit it to be captured, and on this determination it acted during the whole of that retreat. On the 26th of January, 1863, the battery received orders to report to the Army of the Cumber- H |ts -^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 269 land at Nashville, where it arrived on the 1st of February, and where it remained until the 6th of March, when it moved out to Franklin and took position with the right wing of the Army of the Cumberland. On the 21st of November, the battery was assigned to the First Division, Twelfth Corps, Depai-tment of the Army of the Cumberland. Four men of the battery were captured by guerrillas on the 23d of December, who treated them inhuman!}' — tjing their hands behind them, shot them and threw their bodies into the Elk River. Two of them, however escaped, by getting their hands loose and swimming to the shore — one died the next day. The other, James W. Fole}', of Hudson, was permanently^ disa- bled in the right leg.* Under a general order of the Army of the Cumberland, an assess- ment of $30,000 on the neighborhood, was made for the benefit of the families of the three murdered men. In February, 1864, about three-fourths of the battery re-enlisted, and returned home on furlough. On the 9th of April it reported at Tullahoma, with an aggre- gate of 151 men, having received a number of recruits while at home. In May, it acted with Sherman in the Atlanta campaign. It went also with him in his march to the sea. On the 29th of Jul}', 1865, it was mustered out and discharged. This comprises a sketch of the regiments which were represented b}^ full companies from Summit County, so far as we have been able to learn them. In compiling these sketches of different regiments, we have drawn freely on "Ohio in the War," by Whitelaw Reid. But as it is said to be not wholly free from errors, we have endeavored so far as possible to have members of the regiments noticed look over and correct any errors recognizable, in order that injustice may be done to none. The number of soldiers contributed by Sum- mit County during the war to the armies of the Union may not be definitel}' given, but probably exceeded 3,000 men. The different arms of the service, viz., infantry, cavalry and artillery, were each well represented. The Beacon of Jul}' 24, 1862, published the follow- ing list of soldiers, in the army at that time, from the different townships : Bath, 27 men ; Boston, 89 ; Copley, 34 ; Coventry, 26 ; Cuya- hoga Falls, 55 ; Franklin, 43 ; Green, 62 ; Hud- ♦Reid. son, 58 ; Middlebury, 26 ; Northfield, 42 ; Nor- ton, 15; Northampton, 28; Portage, 203; Richfield, 42 ; Springfield, 51 ; Stow, 22 ; Tall- madge, 44, and Twinsburg, 48 — a total of 910 men. The regiments recruited after that date, including drafts and enlistments in old regi- ments, comprised at least twice as many more. From the Beacon we find that the county was twice subjected to a draft, but each time the number selected through the means of " for- tune's wheel " was small. The first draft oc- curred in October, 1862, and resulted as follows, by townships : Bath, 7 ; Coplev, 27 ; Coventry, 49 ; Franklin, 59 ; Green, 26 ; Hudson, 8 ; Northampton, 7 ; Norton, 40 ; Northfield, 7 ; Portage, 49 ; Richfield, 29 ; Stow, 1 ; Spring- field, 42, and Twinsburg, 7 men. Townships not mentioned made up their respective quotas by voluntary enlistments. The next draft took place on the 7th of May, 1864, as follows : Bath, 2 ; Cuyahoga Falls, 5 ; Boston, 3 ; Cop- ley, 14; Coventry, 1; Franklin, 11; Hudson, 4 ; Middleburv, 4 ; Northampton, 13 ; Norton, 1 3 ; Springfield, 2 ; Stow, 6, and Tallmadge, 4 men. It is no reproach to the valor of Sum- mit County that it was twice drafted. Many loyal and brave counties were drafted more than twice. Calls were made so often for sol- diers that it was impossible to fill them as fast as made, and often before one quota was com- plete, another call was before the people. The great wonder is that men volunteered as freely as they did, notwithstanding the justness of the cause in which they were engaged. When we view the war in its full magnitude, it seems an event well calculated to discourage the most valorous. A war that in four years called for the following troops : April 15, 1861. 75,000 men; Julv 22. 1861, 500,000; July 2, 1862, 300,000; August 4, 1862 (for nine months), 300,000; June 15, 1863, the militia; October 17, 1863, 500,000 ; March 14, 1864, 200,000 ; April 22, 1864, 100 days' militia; July 18, 1864, 500,000 ; December 19, 1864, 300,000, is without parallel in modern history, and the alacrity with which these calls were responded to is as unparalleled as the gigantic proportions of the war itself When we take all this into consideration, it is not in the least strange that a few of these calls should be filled by draft ; nor is it, as we have said, any reproach or re- flection upon the valor of the county. In commemoration of the services of those t^ 270 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. who laid down their lives upon the altar of their country, memorials have been erected in different parts of the county, which are intended to symbolize the aflection of surviving friends. These memorials consist of monuments, chapels, etc., and are cit^^ or township aflairs, and will receive appropriate mention elsewhere in this work. Not being erected by the county at large, a notice of them does not really belong in this chapter, but in the chapters devoted to the townships in which they are located. An important element that was widely felt throughout the Northern States during the late war deserves more than a mere passing men- tion. We allude to the active part borne by the noble women of the country. Their deeds deserve to be written in characters of gold. Love and devotion to the unfortunate and heart-felt pit}' for the woes of suffering human- ity, are among their strongest characteristics. Their kindly- smiles of sympathy break through the clouds of misfortune, and their gentlest tones rise amid the sighs of suffering and sor- row. Hundreds and thousands of these noble, self-sacrificing women, like ministering angels, took their places in camp and hospital, where many a brave soldier had cause to thank God for their presence. They went forth, braving all the dangers incident to the times and the place, with the expressed sentiment that if they died their loss would not be felt. Noble, l)ut mistaken souls! The world sustains its heaviest loss when such spirits fall. But not alone b}- those who went forward to nurse and care for the sick and wounded was all the good accom- plished that is accredited to female hands. Those who remained at home performed a good work, '' the half of which has not yet been told," but the results of which was felt b}^ many a poor worn-out soldier. The Soldiers' Aid Society, composed of ladies, was an earl}' organization formed for the benefit of the soldiers in the field, and was pro- ductive of great good. Says Whitelaw Reid upon this subject : " Efforts of the people in be- half of their soldiers ma}- be gathered from records of their organized action through the medium of aid societies, sanitary commissions, Christian commissions, soldiers' fairs, etc., some names of the fortunate ones whose privilege it was to work as the almoners of the people's bounty ; some traces of the more public dem- onstrations. But the real history of the work will never be written, never can be written, per- haps never ought to be written. Who shall in- trude to measure the love of the mothers, and sisters, and wives, at home for the soldiers in the field ? Who shall chronicle the prayers and the labors to shield them from death and disease ? Who shall speak worthily of that religious fervor which counted loss and suffer- ing and life as nothing, so that b}' any means Grod's work might be done in the battle for lib- ert}' and right." The Cincinnati branch of the Sanitar}- Commission was the most extensive relief association in the State. A soldiers' aid society was a State organization, with brandies in each county. It found a I'eady response among the ladies of Summit Count}'. An organization, auxiliary to the State Aid Society, was formed in Aliron, with branches in each township, which was instrumental in accomplish- ing a noble work. The following extract is from a soldier's letter, published at the time, and is illustrative of this good work : " It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived in the hospital. Soon after my entrance, I was stripped and bathed in a large tub of tepid water, shown to bed, and a nice clean white shirt and a pair of drawers were given me. I soon encased my tired limbs in my new wardrobe, and while do- ing so my eyes caught sight of the words ' From the Woman's Aid Society,' stamped in black ink on each garment. I lay down, pulled the blanket over my head and thought of my situation. Here 1 am in a hospital, prostrated with disease, worn out in body and mind, over eight hundred miles from any spot I can call home, my own rrrother and sister long since dead ; but the noble-hearted women of the North — those angels of mercy — are supplying the place of mother and sister, not only to me, but to thousands of sufferiirg soldiers from every State. Presently I felt two large tears coursing down my cheeks and running into my mustache, followed by myriads of others drop- ping on the sheet under my chin, forming in- numerable little salt-water pools. When well, I am a strong man, and it requires some sud- den and deep grief to bring me to tears ; but tears of gratitude fiowed from me that evening as freely as drops of rain from an April cloud ; and, like a spoiled child, I cried myself to sleep." This is but one instance, and how many other soldiers of the armies of the Union could tell the same story ! :^ ,u. '\^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 271 The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society was formed in Akron early in the summer of 1861, and con- tinued in active operation until the close of the war. As we have said, the real history of its work can never be written. Funds were raised by fairs, festivals, mite societies, etc., and as soon as raised were invested in such articles as were needed most, and immediately sent to camps and hospitals. Many a blessing upon the fair ones, and many a prayer for their hap- piness was breathed by the recipients of these timely favors. But we will not pursue the subject. Full justice to these angels of mercy cannot be done in our limited space. We will only add, in conclusion of the chapter, a hope that their efforts may never again be called into play in a similar contest. CHAPTER v.* KARLV CHRISTIANITY— PIONEER MINISTERS— ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHOOLS— EDUCATIONAL STA- TISTICS-COUNTY NEWSPAPERS— THE PRESS OF TO-DAY— RAILROADS— —THEIR INVENTION— BENEFIT TO THE COUNTY. G^ ye into all the world, and preach the J" Gospel to every creature — was the com- mand given over eighteen centuries ago by the Man of Nazareth. Nor was it intended alone for the salvation of those nations who, year after year, brought tribute to Csesar. With prophetic vision, the world's great Redeemer gazed on nations then unborn, and heard the cry ot those who, in all ages, even at the "ends of the earth," groaned beneath the yoke of sin. Then, for the redemption. He gave to His disci- ples those commands which in later years have caused His people to widely spread God's glo- rious truth. When from Atlantic's coast, even from Plymouth Rock, the Star of Empire first renewed her journey westward, and the pioneers of a mighty race descended the western slopes of the AUeghanies, then in the van of the great army, the heralds of salvation bore aloft the Cross of Calvary. In the broad valley of the Mississippi, destined to become the home of a greater nation than any Caesar ever ruled, the solitary settlers rejoiced to hear those early mes- sengers proclaim the " glad tidings of gi'eat joy," or wept at the story of Pilate, the crown of thorns, and the agonies of Golgotha and Calvary. The dark and gloomy forests were pierced by the light that shone from the Star of Bethlehem, and the hymns of praise to God were mingled with the music of the woodman's ax, for in those earl}' days, it could well be said that "The groves were God'.s first temples." *Coutributed by W. H. Ptirrin. The introduction of Christianity into the wilderness of Ohio was coeval with the settle- ment of the territory. Pioneer preachers and ministers, sent out by missionary societies of the older settled States of the East, wandered to the Ohio Territory, when few human beings, other than Indians, were to be found within its limits. And what is now Summit County was, in this respect, equally blest with other portions of the Western country. With the pioneers themselves, came missionaries, many of whom devoted years of energy and faithful labor to the Indians, teaching them " the way unto eter- nal life. ' A case of this kind is recorded of Rev. Mr. Badger, a missionary from Blanford, Mass., who is said to have been the first minis- ter ever on the Reserve, and for years devoted his time equally to his white and red brethren. Gen. Bierce, in his history of Summit County, says : '• Mr. Badger came out and examined his field of labor in 1800, and so well pleased was he with the prospect, that he returned, re- signed his charge in Blanford, where he had labored fourteen years, and removed his family to the almost trackless wilderness. He divided his labors between the whites of the Reserve and the Indians of Sandusky and Maumee. He was not only a preacher of peace, but a man of war. He was in Harrisons army during the war of 1812, and at the siege of Fort Meigs. In 1835, he tired of increasing civilization, and removed to Wood County, Ohio, where he died in 1846. ' Rev. Mr. Badger established the first church, of which we have any record, in ^ At 272 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. Summit County, on the 4th of September, 1802, at the house of Mr. Hudson, in Hudson Town- ship. The societ}^ consisted of thirteen persons, not one of whom but has been called to account for " the deeds done in the bod3^" A full his- tory of this pioneer church will be found in the chapter devoted to Hudson. The pioneers of Summit County had been brought up under the rigid system of Puritan- ism, imbibed, as it were, from Plymouth Rock itself, and hence, when they came to " New Connecticut," as this region was then called, these religious principles were still held, and most scrupulously guarded. A writer upon this subject, whose ripe scholarship and vast experience entitles his opinion to some weight, sa3's : " They brought to this new land a relig- ious spirit that eagerly seized upon ' The Re- serve,' as a means to propagate a theology that had hitherto flourished only within the rock- bound limits of New England. In their native land, hedged about by traditions that had com- manded the unquestioning respect of parents and children for many generations ; opposition had been thrust out, and the people began to feel, like the Jews of old, that they were es^je- cially aided of God, and that they alone had kept the faith undefiled. But, hitherto, it had not been successfully transplanted, and, when the ' Western Reserve ' was placed in the con- trol of those ' to the manor born,' a prominent thought in their minds was that now favorable circumstances were to aid in transplanting the Puritan faith to a spot peculiarly guai'ded, from which its influence, like the light, should dispel the the darkness, and make the Church of New England the church universal. Ac- cepting the dogma of ' original sin,' they got beneath the denunciatory preaching of their native land, with a meekness that was satisfied, if, by the rigid rule of practice laid down, they might, peradventure, be saved. But under this quiet exterior, there was a true war-like spirit, and the mind of each member of the church, that had reached maturity of thought, was an arsenal of theological weapons. At church meetings, in the social circles, and on the street, the ponderous themes of ' election,' ' fore-ordina- tion,' ' the perseverance of the saints,' and kin- dred subjects, were prominent topics, and wielded with a power and an address that viv- idly recalls the physical combat of mediseval times. On coming to the new country, how- ever, these characteristics experienced a change. The standing army had been mobilized, and each member was imbued with the enthu- siasm of a crusader, but they found here an enemy, to subdue whom their arsenal held no adequate weapon. Their fulminations of the decrees were met with an appeal to common- sense philosophy ; dogmas were met with the demand for freedom of thought ; and the result here, as in many a physical conflict, was that the light-armed forces completely demoralized those strong only in their defensive armor, and forced them to accept, and, in the end, to cham- pion, that freedom of thought that they had early learned to denounce as heresy." The early religious history of '• The Reserve " would make an interesting volume, and one of considerable magnitude, but our space will not admit of more than a passing glance in this chapter. The early missionaries and pioneer preachers, as we have said, came to the county with the early settlers themselves. Rev. David Bacon was one of these pioneer soldiers of the Cross, and the next minister in this section, per- haps, a Mr. Badger. He established a " Church of Christ," in Tallmadge, in 1809. This early temple of God consisted of ten members, five males and five females, and, " having no meet- ing-house, they met in private houses and barns." Of the church, established by Mr. Bacon, Gen. Bierce says : " Imbued with the spirit of New England theology, Mr. Bacon conceived the project of transplanting it into the Western world. A religious colony was his favorite theory, in which all should believe alike and be bound to contribute to the support of the Gospel by a tax on the land, which should be tantamount to a mortgage on the property. * * * Mr. Bacon had previously pur- chased from Tallmadge & Starr 12,000 acres of land at $1.50 per acre. * * * This purchase gave him a controlling interest in the township. In all subsequent sales by him, he inserted a clause in the contract charging every one hundred acres of land sold, with a tax of $2 a year for the support of the Gospel — and none but believers in the Saybi'ook platform could have any land at any price, or on any condition except that of joining the church." Doubtless the reverend gentleman was looking forward to that good time coming, when "the lamb and the lion shall lie down together," and we shall all see alike and be alike and love 'k^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 273 each other like one great family. But the world was not old enough nor ripe enough for so grand and glorious a scheme, and hence Mr. Bacon was doomed to a bitter disappointment. Other individuals and companies holding lands, sold them " unincumbered by restrictions as to religious beliefs," and free of any tax for church or Gospel purposes. The liberality and freedom of these titles, compared to the entailed incum- brance of the Bacon system, soon broke up the latter and the '■ theory of an exclusive relig- ious community failed." Members who, of their own free-will and accord, were willing to contribute to the support of the Gospel, pro- tested against being driven into support of it, whether the}' were willing or not, and, as a natural consequence, a spirit of bitterness was engendered in the church " which brought forth anything but holiness." The feeling against Mr. Bacon became so strong that he was finally forced to resign his charge. This he did in the spring of 1812 ; also, " gave up his land con- tract and abandoned his Utopian scheme." He was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Woodruff, who, it seems, did not continue in the high esteem of the church for any length of time. His resig- nation was earnestl}' sought, and, when ten- dered, was eagerly accepted. The history of this church will be given more full}- in another chapter. A log meeting house was erected in Tall- madge in 1814, and in 1817 an edifice for church purposes was built in Hudson. Elder Newcomb was an early divine of Coplc}' Town- ship, and preached the first sermon in that division of the county. The first society organ- ized there, however, was by Mr. Pettitt, a Con- gregational minister, in 1832. Religious meet- ings were held in Twinsburg in 1820. A Con- gregational Church was formed in that town- ship in 1828, by Rev. Samuel Bissell. Thus the Gospel spread and churches were organized as the county became peopled by the whites, until now, side by side with the schoolhouse, we find in every section, those "Steeple towers And spires, whose silent fingers point to Heaven." The cause of education received the earh' attention of the pioneers of Summit County, and among these Connecticut Yankees it found a congenial soil in which it flourished, and has brought forth fruit a hundred fold. In the early settlement of this part of the State, there were a great many influences that worked against general education. Neighborhoods were thinly settled, money was scarce, and the peo- ple generall}' were poor. There were no school- houses, nor was there an}' public school fund to build schoolhouses, or even to pay teachers. All persons of either sex, who had physical strength enough to labor, were compelled to take their part in the work, the labor of the females being as heav}' and important as that of the men ; and this straixi upon their industry continued for years. Another drawback to education was a lack of teachers and of books. Taking all these facts together, it is a great source of wonder that the pioneers had any schools at all. But the earl}' settlers, who came pi'incipally from New England, the seat of learning and the birth-place of liberal educa- tion, desen^e the highest honors for their prompt and energetic efforts in the establish- ment of schools. Just as soon as the settle- ments would at all justify, schools were opened at each one, and any vacant cabin, stable, barn or other outhouse was used as a temple of learning. The schools were paid for by sub- scription, at the rate of about 50 or 75 cents a month per scholar. Although the people of Ohio and of Summit County displayed this early interest in the cause of education, yet, when the State Legislature passed a law in 1825, making education compulsory, it raised quite a tempest for a time. The taxpayers of the country at large very heartily indorsed the Legislature in passing the Canal Law, which voted away millions of money, but as heartily condemned it for passing a law compelling them to support " pauper schools," and the poorer classes wei-e loud in their condemnation, be- cause the law made •' pauper scholars " of their children. Those who remember the early school-laws of Ohio will remember the frequent changes made in them, and how crude and imperfect they were as compared to the present law. The early laws were changed every session of the Legislature, until they became a perfect chaos of amendments, provisions, etc., which none were wholly able to explain or understand. One district would act under one law, and an adjoining district under altogether a different one. But the adoption of a new Constitution gave the State a revised school law, said, at :rr 274 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the time of its adoption, to be the best and most perfect within the bounds of the Union. And from that day to the present, it has kept its place as the best and most liberal school law of any of the States. The early schoolhouses, as a general thing, were of the poorest kind. In towns, they were dilapidated buildings, either frame or logs, and in the countiy they were invariably of logs. Usually but one style of architecture was used in building them. They were erected, not from a regular fund or by subscription, but by labor given. The neighbors would gather together at some place previously agreed upon, and with ax in hand the work was soon done. Logs were cut from sixteen to eighteen feet in length, and of these the walls were raised. Broad boards composed the roof, and a rude fire-place and clapboard door, a puncheon floor, and the cracks filled with " chinks," and these daubed over with mud completed the schoolhouse, with the exception of the windows and the furniture. These were as rude and as primitive as the house itself. The window was made by cutting out a log the full length of the building, and over the opening, in winter, paper, saturated with grease, served to admit the light. Just under this window, two or three stout pins were driven in the log in a slanting direction, on which a log puncheon was fastened, and this was the "writing desk" of the whole school. For seats, they used benches made from small trees, cut in lengths of ten or twelve feet, split open, and in the round side two large holes were bored at each end, and in each a stout pin, fifteen inches, was driven. These pins formed the legs, and on rough and uneven floors, hardly ever more than three of these legs "touched bottom" at one and the same time. And the books ! They were as promiscuous as the house and furniture were rude. The New Testament was the most popular reader. " Introduction to the English Reader," " Sequel to the English Reader," and finally the reader itself, were in the collection of school-books of the time. The New England Primer was one of the primary books. The higher spellers were Dil worth's and then Webster's. Gram- mar was scarcely ever taught ; when it was, the text-books used were Murray's and Kirk- ham's Grammars. But it is unnecessary to follow the description further. Those who have known only the perfect system of schools of the present can scarcely form an idea of the limited capacity of educational facilities in this favored region fifty to seventy years ago. There are doubtless, however, many still living in Summit County who. from personal experience, know something of pioneer schools and school- houses. The first school taught in Summit County was b}' George Pease, in the fall and winter of 1801. The house in which it was taught stood on the southwest corner of Lot 56, of Hud- son Township, and " near the center of what was then the public square." The next school in this settlement was taught in the same house by Miss Patty Filer. The first school was taught in Norton Township by Sarah Wyatt, in a little log cabin near John- son's Corners. In 1809, a school was taught in Northampton by Justus Remington, and in Richfield a Mr. Farnum was the pioneer peda- gogue. In the winter of 1812, Reuben Upson wielded the birch and ferule in Springfield Township in a little house that stood near Cass' Camp-ground ; Miss Luc}" Foster performed the same office in Tallmadge Township in 1810, in a small log shanty that stood south of the cen- ter. Rachel Hammond, in 1811, taught the first school in Bath Township, in a house be- longing to Aaron Miller, and Lois Ann Gear taught the first in Boston Township, in the summer of the same 3'ear ; in 1817, Joseph Mishler taught the first school in Franklin Township, in a log house that had been built for a church. From these facts it will be seen that the pioneers of Summit County lost no time in establishing schools in the new country to which they had come. As we have said, there were no free schools then, but all schools were paid for by general subscription. The county, in addition to its excellent s^^s- tem of common schools, has, at the present time, several colleges, academies and high schools in successful operation. These will be written up fully in the respective townships in which they are located. The educational his- tory of each township will also be given, from the small beginnings already noticed, through its various changes and improvements, to its present perfect state. The following statistics, from the report of the State Board of Education, will be found of general interest : j^: i^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 275 MONEY RECEIVED WITHIN THE YEAR. Balance on hand September 1, 1878. . . . $67,558 30 State Tax 22,405 26 Irreducible School Fund 1,688 58 Local Tax for School and Schoolhouse Purposes 84,371 49 Amount received on sale of bonds 1,040 20 From fines, licenses and other sources. . 3,130 77 Total receipts $180,194 60 Amount paid teachers $70,226 10 Managina; and superinten'g 2,005 00 Sites and" buildings 19,477 50 Interest on redemption of bonds 6,683 49 Fuel and other contingent expenses 18,610 53 Total expenditures Balance on hand September 1, '79, $117,002 62 $63,191 98 Payment to Summit County $19,362 00 Received from Summit County 22,003 28 Excess of Receipts from county. . $2,641 28 Section 16 Fund $ 588 70 Western Reserve Fund 1,115 52 Total $1,704 22 Youths between six and twenty-one years- White, males, 6,601 ; females, 6,241. . . Colored, males, 51 ; females, 55 12,842 106 Total 12,948 Number of Schoolhouses in County — Townships, primary, 144 ; high, 1 145 Separate districts, primary, 17 ; high, 7, 24 Total 169 Total value of School Property — Townships, primary, $141,792 ; high, $6,000 $147, 792 Separate district, primary, $157,500 ; high. $38,800 $196,300 Total $344,092 Number of difEerent teachers employed — Townships, primary, males, 125 ; fe- males, 124 ; high, males, 2 251 Separate districts, primary, males, 3 ; females, 68 ; high, males, 7 ; females, 13 Total Average wages paid teachers — Townships, primary, males, per month, primary, females, per month, high, males high, females Separate districts, primary, males. . . . primary, females. . high, males Tiigh, females 91 342 $35 26 62 00 113 40 90 70 No. of different pupils enrolled within the year — Townships, primary, males, 3,092 ; fe- males, 2,552 ; high, males, 28 ; fe- male, 23 5,665 Separate districts, primary, males, 1,- 742 ; females, 1,743 ; high, males, 346 ; females, 430 4,261 Total 9,926 Average daily attendance — Townships, primary, males, 1,536 ; fe- males, 1,231 ; high, males, 13 ; fe- males, 11 2,791 Separate districts, primary, males, 1,- 326 ; females, 1,313 ; high, males, 210; females, 309 3,1.58 Total 5,949 Per cent of average daily attendance of monthly en- rollment — Townships, .75 ; separate districts, .92. Teachers employed in private schools — In townships, 5 ; separate districts 40 45 Pupils enrolled in private schools — Separate districts, males, 205 ; females, 250 455 No. of students in attendance at Buchtel College- Males, 104 ; females, 52 156 No. of students in attendance at Western Reserve College — Males, 93 ; females, 6 99 The following is from David Ellet, County Examiner, to the State Board of Education : "The schools of this count}' are slowly and steadily improving in efficiency and usefulness. The}' will compare favorably with those of the adjoining counties. Many of our teachers de- sire to know more of teaching as a profession, and, as a result of this, avail themselves largely of the opportunities furnished in this direction by our county institutes. Our schools need more good teachers — teachers better qualified by edu- cation, by experience, and by devotion to their work. They want more good school officers, and more earnestness, more enthusiasm, a greater sense of responsibility in all who are connected with the schools. In some localities an improved state of opinion is needed among those who patronize the schools, a more intelli- gent acquaintance with their present condition, and a more enlarged appreciation of their capa- bilities." The above is sound doctrine, and should be well considered by those who are concerned in the cause of education. A few extracts from the annual report of Hon. J. J. Burns, State Commissioner of Schools, appear to us so appropriate in this connection that we give place to them. He #* 276 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. saj'S : " How shall we cause our pupils to make the largest possible attainments in these foundation branches, and also have them, when they leave school, thirsting for more knowl- edge, and possessing trained mental faculties so that they may acquire it ; the organ of these faculties to be contained in a healthy body, while mind and body are under the guidance of correct moral principles ? To avoid waste of time and labor is to be able to better do the work in hand, and to apply the savings to something beyond. A search for wastage is a highly practical thing, and economy here, a moral dut}'. I have often asserted that there is a wastage in having pupils spend time in learning to spell hundreds — yes, thousands — of words which they never have occasion to use outside of the spelling-class, while probably the dictionary, which should be in constant use, rests in pensive quietness on the teacher's desk, if, indeed, there is one in the room. The meaning of words and their pronunciation are of far more moment than their spelling. The best text-books from which to learn these are the reader and dictionary ; and the best proofs of progress are correct oral reading and written compositions. Is there anything better than a common spelling-book exercise to cause pupils to think that we learn words for the sake of knowing how to spell them ? that we are seek- ing not kernels but shells ? In penmanship, we want more drill in writing from dictation, in having the pupils put their thoughts or recollec- tions upon paper rapidly and neatly. Copying that beautiful line at the top of the page with care and patience is a good exercise, but some better g3'mnastic is required to fit the writer for hours of real work. In one way and another, language rightly claims a large share of the at- tention of the teacher. It is the grand charac- teristic which distinguishes man from the other animals, the most direct product of his inner consciousness. " The child has begun the study of language before his school life commences. Learning to talk seems as natural as learning to laugh, or cry, or play. But so much of knowledge and of the world is hidden in books, that a key must be found to unlock these treasures, and that key is reading — the power to translate the written word ; to recognize it as the graphic symbol of an idea before in possession, so that the ability to reverse the process will follow, and printed words become the source of ideas. As the pupil masters words and their meaning, he is getting into his possession the tools with which he may dig in books for further knowledge, make his own knowledge more useful to him as a social being, and secure a body for his thoughts, without which incarnation they are as little subject to control as the weird fancies of a dream. The art of silent reading deserves more attention in school — practice in grasping the meaning of a passage in the shortest possible time, and reproducing it with pen or tongue. But along with this, in its earlier stages, and a short time preceding it, is the oral reading exercise, wherein the reader must serve as eyes to the listeners, so that they ma^', through his voice, see the printed page. How much inspiration is there in this work when each listener has the page before his own eyes ? The translation of a written sentence into a spoken sentence is much more than the mere transla- tion, in their right order, of the iconh of the written sentence : and to do this well requires, besides the names of the written characters, culture of voice, training of eye, quickening of emotion. To serve as a medium through which others may know the printed page, catching its syllables upon the ear, is not low art. To breathe life into dead words, and send them into the depths of the moral and intellectual nature of the hearer, and that with power to convince, to arouse, to subdue, greater than if the hearer had been his own interpreter, is high art indeed. We cannot, however, afford the time, even if that were the only obstacle, to train all our school children to be readers in this artistic sense. We must content ourselves with the more modest aim, and remember that, after all, the prime object of the reading exer- cise in school is not to train the 3'outh to shine as elocutionists, or serve as a mirror for others, but to impart to them the ability to get knowl- edge from books, and to keep alive a hunger for it, thus 'determinating the pupil to self- activit}-,' which Hamilton calls the ' primary principle of education.' " Another language of great value is com- mitting to memoi'y — learning by heart well, plirases — choice selections, gems of thought and expression, culled from the best writings of the best writers. These should be judiciousl}' selected, so as not to be too much be3-ond the easy comprehension of the pupil. They should. ■?1' tk^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 277 above all other requisites, be pure, healthful, inspiring. The teacher should add interest to the work by relating incidents in the life of the authors. We know with what tenacity the memory clings to the simple rhymes learned in childhood. If this work be continued as it should be, who can den}^ its lasting effects upon life? A refined taste and quickened intellect may be hoped for as the result of drinking in and assimilating beautiful thoughts in chaste, musical language— words of warning or of ap- proval, flashed by the memory upon the judg- ment in the time of temptation, of resistance thereto. ********* " One very good result of increased attention to literature in the schools is the marked in- crease in the amount of wholesome reading — history, biography, travels, poetry, popular sci- ence and the lessened demand for dime novels and other low fiction. Few questions are, in their bearing upon the future of our country, more important than this : What are the hoys and girls reading? I would not, then, have less time spent in our schools upon language, but teachers may well look into the subject, and see whether that time is spent to the best advantage. The puplic regard arithmetic, par excellence, as the practical study. It is the practical educator's strong tower, and we have it taught in season and out. The nine digits seem to have taken the place of the heathen gods, and their demand for offerings knows no cessation. Measured by any definition of the practical, as a means either to fit one directly for bread-getting in the common business of life, or as a means of mental culture and disci- pline, a large part of arithmetic, as found in our books and taught from them, falls short. Instead of introducing, at an early stage, the science of geometry, we fritter away valuable time upon annuities and alligation, and pro- gression ; and, as for interest, one would think that mankind in general made a living by shav- ing each other's notes. Children begin early to develop the idea of numbers. It concerns matters of their daily life. The elemental steps of writing and reading numbers, or the sym- bols of numbers, naturally follow, and, usually, are not difficult of acquirement. But there is such a gap between the conditions needed for the ready learning of these things, and the more mature judgment and that knowledge of business and the world, demanded in the intelli- gent solution of ordinarily difficult problems in discount and certain other branches of applied arithmetic. Back and forth across this stretch the boy's mind must swing like a pendulum, repelled by what it cannot comprehend, and by what it has grown tired of. He marks time, when he could so readily oblique into some other study and march forward. Then, by and by, if these advanced parts of arithmetical science are needed, their acquisition would be easy. Meanwhile, the child may give increased attention to literature and be learning interest- ing and profitable lessons about this world into which he has come, and in what he came, and how to take care of it. While these priceless practical lessons are in progress, one can fanc}'^ that the arithmetic itself would enjoy the rest. " In the time which can be saved, also a few short steps could be taken in some other branches now much neglected. The reason for, and the practical mode of, doing man}' things which are to be done in real life b}' the citizen, the man of business, th6 manager of a house- hold, might be taught in the schools. Some- thing of the nature of the materials which we eat, drink and wear, and economy in the buy- ing and using, would be excellent lessons. If He is a benefactor of mankind who causes two blades of grass to grow where one grew before, the language does not furnish a name for him or her who shall cause the laboring man to know how to make $1 produce the good results for which he must now expend two. No mat- ter whether we regard the school as established primarily for the good of the children, or for the preservation of the State, we must admit that the most valuable result of all education, is the building of good characters. This, to speak definitely, is to instill correct principles, and train in right habits. Citizens with these ' constitute a State.' Men and women with these are in possession of what best assures rational happiness, the end and aim of human life." In his report of 1878, upon the subject of Compulsory Education — a .subject which is now receiving considerable attention in many of the States — the State Commissioner says : " Con- cerning the right of State or Grovernment to pass and carry into effect what is known as Compulsory Laws, and require parents and guardians, even against their will, to send their children to school, there does not appear to be PT :^i 278 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. much diversity of opinion. Concerning the polic}' thereof, dependent upon so many known and unknown conditions, there is the widest diversity. I can write no history of the results of the act of March 20, 1877, for it does not seem to have any. A great good would be wrought if the wisdom of the General Assembly could devise some means which shall strengthen and supplement the powers of Boards of Edu- cation, and enable them to prevent truancy, even if only in cases where parents desire their chil- dren to attend school regularly, but parental authority is too weak to secure that end. The instances are not few in which parents would welcome aid in this matter, knowing that truan- cy is often the first step in a path leading through the dark mazes of idleness, vagabond- age and crime. " Whatever may be said of young children working in mills and factories, j^outhful idlers upon the streets of towns and cities should be gathered up by somebody and compelled to do something. If they learn nothing else, there will at least be this salutary lesson, that society is stronger than they, and without injuring them, will use its strength to protect itself While we are establishing reform schools for those who have started in the way to their own ruin, and have donned the uniform of the enemies of civil society, it would be a heavenly importation to provide some way to rescue those who are 3'et lingering around the camp." The Press of Summit County/^ — We have been fortunate in finding the very " fountain head " of the copious flow of local literature — polite, political, miscellaneous and otherwise — with which the people of the territory now embraced in Summit County, have been blessed during the past sixty years. In August, 1825, Mr. Laurin Dewey, a young printer from Ravenna, after- ward well-known as a prominent Whig politi- cian in Northern Ohio, issued a prospectus for a paper to be published in the village of Middle- bury, now the Sixth Ward of Akron, to be called the Ohio Canal Advocate. To aid him in this enterprise, a subscription paper was circulated among the people of Middlebury, of which the following is a copy : •' We, the subscribers, being anxious for the prosperity of this section of the country, and the dissemination of useful information gener- ally, do severally agree to pay the sums set op- * Written by Samuel A. Lane. posite our respective names, for the purpose of purchasing a printing press, types, etc., and for erecting a printing establishment in the village of Middlebury, under the direction of Mr. Lau- rin Dewey, who will edit and publish a weekly paper, devoted to the general interests of the country, advertising, etc., the columns to be en- riched by foreign and domestic news, religious intelligence, poetry, etc.; the sums so by us paid to be considered in the nature of a loan, to be repaid whenever the editor shall consider him- self able to do so." The names of the signers of this document, with their several contributions to the purchas- ing fund, are as follows : Charles Sumner, $10 ; Erastus Torrey, $10 ; Henry Chittenden, $5 ; Nathan Gillett, Jr., $5 ; Rufus Hart, $3 ; Ed- ward Sumner, $10 ; Samuel Newton, $10 ; Charles W. Brown, $5 ; Benajah A. Allen, $3 ; Phineas Pettis, $5 ; Elijah Mason, $5 ; John McMillan, Jr., $10; Spencer & Morgan, $15; Alexander C. Lawson, $2 ; William McGallard, $2 ; D. W. Williams, $5 ; Thomas C. Viall, $2 ; Jacob Kaufman, $5 ; Jesse Allen, $4 ; Ithiel Mills, $3 ; Amos Spicer, $4 ; William Bell, $3 ; Roswell Kent & Co., $5 ; Henry Squires, $5 ; Elisha Farnam, $5 ; Joseph W. Brown ; $5 ; Horatio Howard, $5 ; Ambrose S. Cotter, $5 ; Henry Rhodes, $3 ; William Phelps, $2 ; Will- iam J. Hart, $3 ; R. & S. McClure, $5 ; Theophi- lus Potter, $2 ; Joshua Richards, $2 ; Bagley & Humphrey, $10 ; Leonard Chatfleld, $2 ; David Jones, $2 ; Titus Chapman, $2 ; Julius A. Sumner, $3 ; Miner Spicei", $4 ; Alpheus Hart, $1 ; Paul Williams, $2 ; Guerdon Geer, $5. Total amount subscribed, $204, a sum scarcely adequate to the purchase of a first-class printer's outfit in these latter days. Ozias Bowen, Esq., then a resident of Middlebury (afterward a prominent citizen of Marion, and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of that count}'), associated himself with Mr. Dewey in the enterprise, but before the paper was started, Mr. Dewey transferred his interest to Elijah Mason, Esq. The Portage Journal. — The Ohio Canal ques- tion, meantime, having been substantially set- tled, and needing no further advocacy, Messrs. Bowen and Mason, before the first issue, changed the name of their paper to the Porta.^e Journal. The first number was issued on the 28th day of September, 1825. Printing mate- rials were not as readily obtainable then as now, ■k^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 279 and, as the utmost econom}- had to be exercised in making the " plant." the Cleveland Herald having just procured a new dress, the old types, rules, chases, stands, cases, etc., purchased from that establishment, together with an old ■'• Ram- age " press- — the press of Benjamin Franklin — constituted the ^entire outfit of the Portage Journal, the whole concern being transported overland, from Cleveland to Middleburj-, in a couple of two-horse wagons. The size of the paper was 19x24 inches, with four columns to the page, the terms of publication being " Two dollars per annum (exclusive of postage), if payment be made within the 3'ear, or two dol- lars and fift3' cents if payment be delayed until the year expires. Ko paper will he discnntiuueeJ until arrearages are jxdd." In politics, the Jourval appears to have been neai'ly neutral, with a ver}' decided leaning toward the anti- Jackson, or Adams, part}'. The connection of Mr. Bowen ceased with No. 57. October 27. 1826. Mr. John McMillan, Jr. (father of Mr. George W. McMillan, of Northampton Town- ship, to whom the writer is indebted for a por- tion of the material for this chapter), purchas- ing Mr. Bowen's interest, the new firm being- McMillan & Mason, who changed the name of the paper to the Portage Journal and Weekly Advertiser — a pretty long name for so small a paper. This arrangement continued just one year, Mr. Mason retiring with No. 109, his place being taken by Alvah Hand, Esq., then practicing law in Middlebury, the new firm of McMillan «fe Hand, with Mr."^ Hand as editor, continuing its publication until January or Feb- ruary, 1829, when it was discontinued for want of adequate support, the materials of the office being sold to parties in Massillon. Mr. George W. McMillan, at present living among us, vig- orous and hearty, and Hon. Hiram Bowen, af- terward founder of the Beacon, and one term Summit County's Representative in the State Legislature, and still an active business man in the State of Kansas, were both employes in the pioneer printing office of Summit County — the Porteige Journal. The Ohio Observer. — The second place in which the newspaper found a "local habitation and a name " within the present limits of Sum- mit County was Hudson. January 20, 1827, a religious paper called the Western fntelligencer, was started in Cleveland, edited b}' Harmon Kingsbury, J. G. and D. B. McLain, and Kings- I bury, being the publishers. August 31, 1827, I Rev. Randolph Stone became associate editor, and March 19, 1828, sole editor of the paper, i with John (}. McLain as publisher, which ar- rangement continued until the close of 1829, when the publication of the paper was sus- pended. In March, 1830, a new series was commenced in Hudson, with Warren Isham as j editor and proprietor, who at that time changed the name to the Observer and Telegraph. De- 1 cember 30, 1830, Lewis Berry, a practical print- er, became a partner with Mr. Isham in the concern, but in April, LS32, Mr. Isham again { became sole proprietor of the paper. 3Iay 10, \ 1832, the name of Rev. James B. Walker ap- [ pears joined with Mr. Isham, but was soon ; afterward dropped, the paper, about this time, j taking the name of the Ohio Observer. Feb- I ruary"26, 1834, R. M. Walker and S. J. Brad- street became the editors and proprietors of the paper. December 11, 1834, Rev. James B. Walker, afterward Pastor of the Congregational Church in Akron, became sole editor and pro- prietor. At the close of 1835 — about which time the paper was temporarily crippled through the breaking of its press, by a few stui'dy blows from a blacksmith's sledge, wielded b}- a prom- inent citizen of Hudson, whose moral character the paper had or was about to call in question — Rev. A. R. Clarke became its editor and pro- prietor, and transferred the paper to Cleveland, uniting it with the Cleveland Journal. Rev. 0. P. Hoyt being associated with Mr. Clarke as editor. November 1, 1838, the paper was dis- continued, but its publication resumed January 9, 1839. April 16, 1840, the paper was returned to Hudson, with Prof E. P. Barrows as editor, the pecuniary responsibility for its publication being assumed by an association of gentlemen in Hudson and other portions of the Western Reserve. October 2, 1842, Prof. Henry N. Day became associated with Prof. Barrows as one of the editors. February 14, 1844, the office, press, tj'pes, fixtures, etc., were destroyed by fire, and, for a short time, the paper was printed at Cuyahoga Falls. After the fire, the association having charge of the publication of the paper, paid up the balance of its indebtedness and withdrew from the concern. The paper then went into the hands of A. TTpson & Co., who published it till January-, 1848, at whicth date it was transferred to W. Skinner & Co.. who, in turn, transferred -rf 9 280 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. it to Sawyer, IngersoU & Co., in January, 1851, Messrs. Barrows and Day continuing to edit the paper until 1852, tlieir services being per- formed gratuitously, being purely a " labor of love " for mankind in general, and the readers of the Observer in particular. J. S. Sawyer was the editor in 1852, and Rev. John C. Hart in 1853. January 11, 1854, the subscription-list of the Family Visitor was transferi'ed to the Observer, which was continued one year longer, under the name of the Ohio Observer and Reg- ister, when, upon the failure of the publishers, the paper ceased to exist. The Observer, dur- ing its many vicissitudes, was always very ably edited. It was a religious, literary and polit- ical (non-partisan) family newspaper, specially representing the interests of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches, under the old plan of union, and, during the nearly thirty years of its existence, its influence for good among the people of the Western Reserve can- not well be over-estimated. The Family Visitor. — Hudson's second news- paper venture was the Family Visitor, com- menced January 3, 1850, also in Cleveland, the names of Prof J. P. Kirtland and 0. H. Knapp, appearing as editors. On May 2, 1850, Mr. Knapp's name was dropped, the paper at that time being published simultaneous!}' in Cleve- land and Hudson. In January, 1852, the paper was wholly transferred to Hudson, and, in the spring of that year. Prof Matthew C. Read be- came its sole editor, continuing to act in that capacity with great acceptance of the patrons and readers of the ever-welcome Visitor until January 11, 185-1, when its subscription list was transferred to the Observer and Register, as be- fore stated. The plan of the publishers and editors of the Visitor was to furnish a fumil}'^ paper — scientific, literarj-, religious and agricult- ural — of a high moral tone, excluding ever}-- thing in au}^ respect objectionable. It had sub- scribers in every State in the Union, who deeply- regretted its discontinuance. It was the first of quite a large class of high-toned papers, which have since become successful ; but, being in ad- vance of the times, had to be given up, because under the disaster-inviting credit system then prevailing among newspaper publishers, and their so-called " patrons," the proprietors could not afford "to labor and to wait" for the future harvest which was surely coming. The Hudson Enterprise. — This paper was es- tablished as an amateur sheet, in connection with a small job office, in May, 1875, by H. M. McDonald. It was a five-column folio, using '' patent " outsides, the inside of the paper, only, filled with local and general news, advertising, etc., being printed in the office of publication. The Enterprise, which by this time had come to be an indispensable necessity in many of the households of the village and surrounding town- ships, was bought by Mr. J. H. Meek, in July, 1876, who in turn sold it to Col. Sullivan D. Harris, the former able editor of the Ohio Cul- tivator, in April, 1877. Col. Harris dying a few weeks after his purchase of the papei", it was bought by its present proprietor, Mr. C. Gr. Guil- ford, who changed it into a five-column quarto, the entire paper now being " set up " and printed at home. The Enterprise, for a purely local journal, is all that its name implies, and is eminently worthy of the increasing prosperity it now enjoys. College City Venture. — In July, 1856, Mr. E. F. Chittenden, an old compositor on the Visitor, established a small weekly paper at Hudson, under this title, calling to his assistance as edi- tor, M. C. Read, Esq., but only a few numbers were issued, though while it did live, it was ver}' ably conducted, indeed. Hudson Gazette. — In November, 1857, Rev. Alexander Clark, afterward becoming a D. D. and man of note in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Pennsylvania, now deceased, started a small paper at Hudson under the above title. It was devoted to " Commerce, P]ducation, Agri- culture, Arts and News," and was quite ably edited but continued in existence on a few weeks. The Ohio Revieio. — The next point, in chro- nological order, to be illumined by the effulgence supposed to emanate from the printing press, was Cuyahoga Falls. Largely through the in- fluence of Judge Joshua Stow — then the owner of a large proportion of the lands of the vil- lage — Horace Canfield and Timothy P. Spencer, a couple of enterprising young printers of Hart- ford, Conn., were induced to remove to Cuya- hoga Falls and open a newspaper and job print- ing office in 1833. After many delays in getting together the necessar}' materials, the first num- ber of the Ohio Revieio was issued b}' Messrs. Canfield & Spencer November 30, 1833. The paper was neatly printed and quite ably con- ducted, and, being neutral in politics, was well- vT HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 281 liked by the people ; but its circulation being necessarily very limited, and the income of the establishment not proving sufficient to meet its current expenses, the Review, after an existence of something over one year, was temporarily- discontinued December 12, 1834, Messrs. Can- field & Spencer removing to Cleveland, and from there, soon afterward, to Medina. The printing office, however, remaining at the Falls, the publication of the Review was soon after- ward resumed b}- " An Association of G-entle- men " — names not given — with Mr. James Low- rev as printer. The exact date of its discon- tinuance we have been unable to ascertain ; but as Mr. Henr}- Wetmore has a number of the fourth volume, dated April 13, 1837, in his pos- session, and as an Akron contemporar}'^ of Ma^' 5, 1838, says : " There are four papers now published at Cuyahoga Falls, three of which are castigators, viz., the Renovator, the Young Buz- zard and the Telescope,'' the three papers men- tioned being ephemeral affairs, it is probable that the Review was still in existence at that date, and very likely continued for some 3'ears thereafter. The Cuyahoga Falls Reporter. — Tn the year 1870, Mr. E. 0. Knox, a practical printer, but with very little money and absolutel}' no jour- nalistic experience, commenced the publication of a handsome nine-column weekl}' paper, un- der the title of the Cuyahoga Falls Reporter. Its outside pages are replete with choice litera- ture, interesting miscellany-, and carefully col- lated foreign and domestic news, its inside col- umns being devoted to local intelligence, ad- vertising, etc. The Reporter is edited with ability, and, in point of newsy sprightliness, is far above the average weekly papers of the State. The Reporter, now well into the eleventh year of its existence, is steadily growing in pub- lic favor and circulation, and is exerting a pow- erful influence in promoting the industrial in- terests of the village, and in maintaining the proverbial reputation of Cuyahoga Falls for in- telligence, morality and thrift. The Akron Post was the first paper ever pub- lished in Akron proper. It was a five-column weekly sheet. Democratic in politics, and edited and published by Madison H. White, the mate- rials having been imported from Medina. The press was of the " Ramage " persuasion — a wooden-framed affair, with stone bed, wooden platen and screw power, each form requiring two separate " pulls," the distinctness of the impression depending altogether upon the mus- cle and avoirdupois of the pressman, the forms being inked with huge sheep-skin balls, stuffed with cotton, even the glue-and-molasses hand- rollers not being used in this far-off country at that time. The first number of the Post was issued on the 23d day of March, 1836, and the last number on the 15th day of November of the same 3-ear, the duration of its life being a short two-thirds of a 3-ear only. The Akron Journal, also Democratic, was the next candidate for the public favor of the good people of Akron. It was of about the same size and general character as the Post, but far more abl}- conducted, its editor and pi'oprietor being our present venerable, well-preserved fel- low-citizen, Judge Constant Br3-au. The first number of the Journal — printed with the same press and types as its predecessor — was issued on the 1st day of December, 1836, and contin- ued until the 15th day of June. 1837, the pe- riod of its existence being six months and two weeks onl3-. The American Balance, devoted to the inter- ests of the people of Akron, the State of Ohio and the United States in general, and of the Whig part3' in particular, was stai'ted by Hor- ace K. Smith and Gideon Gr. Galloway on the 19th day of August, 1837. The materials were second-hand, mostly procured in Cleveland, the press being the same on which the Ohio Ob- server had formerl3' been printed, and which had been broken by an irate citizen of Hudson a 3-ear or so before, as previousl3- related, a new bed having been made for it at the foundry and machine-shop of Benjamin R. Manchester, then located on the east side of the Ohio Canal, at Lock 7, in North Akron. IMr. Smith, a man of education and a vigorous writer, was the ed- itor of the Balance, while Mr. Galloway, being a practical printer, conducted the mechanical branch of the business. Early in 1838, Hiram Bowen, also a practical printer, as well as a sharp writer, purchased Mr. Galloway's interest in the Balance, and, with the care, labor and talent bestowed upon it, IMessrs. Smith & Bowen ought to have made the American Balance a pe- cuniary success. But, as with its two Democratic predecessors, the fates were against them, the conspiring causes being, first, in the general stringency of the times, making it next to impos- sible for publishers anywhere in Ohio to get in n^ 282 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. money enough from subscriptions, advertising, etc., to pay running expenses ; and second, be- cause Akron, being a mere dependency of Por- tage County — tliongli tlien of more commercial importance tlian its county seat — no official patronage could be brouglit to tlie support of any paper outside of Ravenna, wliile, at the same time, for the same reason, the circuU\tion of the local paper was confined almost exclu- sively to the immediate vicinity of its publica- tion. The Balance, therefore, after a precarious existence of just one year, was discontinued on the 9th day of August, 1838, though the job department of the office was still kept running by Messrs. Smith & Bowen. The Akron Buzzard was next to play its part upon the local newspaper stage. The his- tory of this curiously-named and somewhat notorious sheet may be briefly stated thus : Its projector was a young house and sign painter by the name of Samuel A. Lane — a Connecticut Yankee — whose shop was in a room adjoining the office of the discontinued Journal. Akron, at that time being a rapidly growing town, and having some eighteen or twenty locks of the "great thoroughfare" — the Ohio Canal — within its corporate limits, had become a convenient stopping-place, and a ftivorite re- sort for divers and sundry- vile characters, pro- fessional gamblers, counterfeiters, confidence men, etc., whose depredations upon the public peace and the public morals, the civil authori- ties were scarcely able to cope with. To aid the officers of the law in ridding the community of these disreputable characters, a number of the young business men of the village in- formally constituted themselves into a Vigi- lance Committee for the purpose of obtaining and imparting information in regard to the op- erations of the gang, and "stirring up the ani- mals" generally, through pointed public discus- sions, scathing newspaper articles, anonymous circulars, etc. Mr. Lane, having obtained some- thing of a smattering of the " Art Preservative," while acting as editor's assistant in the office of a Georgia newspaper a few months in 1834, con- ceived the idea tiiat, by making it a specialt}', he could more efficiently accomplish the object sought, than could be done through the other channels named alone. Accordingly, getting permission from Judge Bryan to use his types and press, Mr. Lane, in the intervals of his regular business, " unaided and alone," wrote out, set up, struck off and flung to the breeze the first number of the Akron Buzzard, on the 7th day of September, 1838. It was a three- column folio, of 12x17 inches, published semi- monthly at 75 cents a 3'ear, but doubled in size at the end of the first year, and the price raised to !^1. From the favor with which the initial number was received, and not doubting its suc- cess, arrangements were made with Messrs. Smith & Bowen, for its regular semi-monthl}- issue from the office of the American Balance. The editorial noni de guerre assumed by Mr. Lane was "Jedediah Brownbread, Esq., and among his old acquaintances he is, to this day, more commonly saluted b}' the familiar sobri- quet of "Jed" than by his own proper name. The style of composition adopted by the edi- tor was the proverbial Yankee dialect, of which the detestable styles of poor English, bad spel- ling and worse grammar, more recentl}' used by " Josh Billings," " Artemas Ward," " Par- son Nasby " and other so-called humorists, are fair samples. The character of the paper and its object were fully set forth in its " saluta- tory," which, translated into plain English, is as follows : " The Buzzard will be a real jolly, nothing-to-do-with-politics, anti-blackleg paper, devoted to news, popular tales, miscellany, an- ecdotes, satire, poetry, humor, the correction of the public morals, etc. It will strike at the vices of mankind, with an occasional brush at its follies. It will expose crime, whether com- mitted by the great or the small, and applaud virtuous and noble actions, whether performed by the rich or the poor. It will encourage the honest man in well-doing, and make a trans- parency of the breast of the h^'pocrite. In short, it will be to society what the common buzzard is to our Southern cities, viz. : It will pounce upon, and hy its influence, endeavor to reform or remove such loafers as are nuisances in the community, by holding them up to the gaze of a virtuous public." Though literally holding his life in his hand, being often greeted with " threatenings dire," laid in wait for by the "fraternity," and several times severely assaulted, the publisher of the Buzzard fear- lessly stood his ground — meantime conducting his regular business of house and sign paint- ing — for a year and a half, the paper being dis- continued on the 25th of February, 1839, not for want of patronage, for it had more than a local circulation, but because its conductor was v> HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 283 about to engage in another branch of business, and because it was believed that the paper had substantially accomplished its mission ; and in closing this item, the writer — the veritable " Jedediah Brownbread " himself — desires to express his firm conviction, that though its methods wei-e not approved by all of even the better class of our people during the period of its publication, that Akron and Summit County are better to-day, morally, socially and pecu- niarily, because of the publication of the Akron Buzzard of 1837, 1838 and 1839, than they otherwise would have been. The Pestalozzian. — This was a small, neatly printed monthly quarto, edited and published by Horace K. Smith and S. L. Sawtell, the initial number of which appeared on the 14th day of April, 1838. It was devoted to education, sci- ence, literature, etc., and though ably conducted — both of the editors being men of talent and culture — being in advance of the times, it was not dul}' appreciated, and succumbed to the in- evitable on the 30th day of September, 1838, after a non-paying existence of less than half a year. The Ohian and Neio Era — During a portion of the year 1838, Mr. Jonathan F. Fenn, one of Akron's earliest merchants and manufacturers, published a small folio sheet, devoted to free banking. Though conducted with considerable ability, and though a financial organ, it was not a financial success, and had an existence of a few months only. The Glad Tidings and Ladies Universalist Magazine. — This was a neatly printed eight- page paper, published in Akron during the years 1838, 1839 and 1840. It was edited and published b}' Revs. S. A. Davis, N. Doolittle and J, Whitney. It was a spirited exponent of the doctrine of universal salvation, and was ver}^ ably edited indeed. With the close of 1840, the paper was removed to Cincinnati, where, under the name of the Star in the West, it has for the past forty years " fought a good fight " in the interests of the denomination, by whom its pioneer file-leader, the Glad Tidings, was originally founded in Akron, being discon- tinued only a few months ago, for reasons to the writer unknown. The Summit Beacon. — This paper, the legiti- mate successor of the American Balance, was started on the 11th day of April, 1839, by Hiram Bowen, Esq., on a pledge of adequate support from the business men of Akron, and leading members of the Whig party within the limits of the prospective new county then about to be erected. Like most of the weekly papers of that early day, the Beacon had a hard strug- gle for existence for several years, but finally, as the official organ of the new county, and through the pluck and energy of its founder, its success became assured, and though its office of publication and total contents have three times been consumed by fire, the paper, for the full forty-two years of its existence, has never missed an issue, though sometimes tem- porarily diminished in size while recovering from its several disasters, and now sturdily stands, where it has ever stood, in the front rank of the weekly papers of Ohio. In or about the year 1845, Mr. Bowen sold the paper to Laurin Dewe}^, Esq. (formerly editor of the Oliio Star, at Ravenna, and Sheriff of Portage County ; afterward Warden of the Ohio Penitentiary, and more recently a prominent politician and a member of the Legislature of Iowa, now de- ceased), and his brother-in-law, Mr. Richard S. Elkins, then a member of the book and drug firm of Beebe & Elkins, and afterward Post- master of Akron for eight years, under the ad- ministration of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, Mr. E. now residing on a farm near Ravenna, in the adjoining county of Portage. On the 9th day of June. 1848, the office was destroyed by fire, but immediately re-estab- lished, and later in that year, Messrs. Dewey & Elkins sold the paper to John Teesdale, Esq., formerly editor of the Ohio State Journal, and since the State Printer for Iowa. Mr. Teesdale soon afterward formed a partnership with Messrs. Beebe & Elkins, uniting the printing with the book and drug business, under the firm name of Elkins, Teesdale & Co., Mr. Teesdale being the sole editor of the paper. He was a graceful, but incisive writer, and under his man- agement, the Beacon, becoming with the change of parties in 1854-55, the organ of the Repub- lican party, attained a high degree of popularity. Mr. Teesdale sold his interest to his copartners, Messrs. Beebe & Elkins, February 27, 1856, con- tinuing, however, to act as editor until May 1, of that year, when James S. Carpenter, Esq., became sole editor of the paper. Under the able editorial management of Mr. Carpenter, the high reputation of the Beacon, as voicing the advanced sentiment of the Republican party of f* 9 w 284 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. the Western Reserve, was fully maintained. On his accession to the bench of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Summit, Medina and Lorain Coun- ties, Judge Carpenter, on the 22d day of Octo- ber, 185C, vacated the editorial chair in favor of Hon. Asahel H. Lewis, a former State Senator for Summit and Portage Counties, a thorough scholar and a pungent writer, the name of Mr. R. S. Elkins. one of the publishers, also at this time appearing as associate editor. On the 29th day of September, 1856, the office, together with the book and drug store of its proprietors, was again destroyed bj- fire, but. Phoenix-like, it once more speedil}' arose from its ashes in a far more attractive form than ever before. The editorial connection of Mr. Lewis with the Beacon contin- ued untilJanuary 10, 1861, when he was super- seded by Mr. Samuel A. Lane, then just retiring from four years of service as Sheriff of Summit County. Mr. Lane, during the war, did the sole editorial work of the paper, giving especial atten- tion to army correspondence, and of both city and county local news, the weekly circulation increasing during four years of the war, from 1,300 or 1,400 "to about 2,500 copies. In January, 1865. Mr. Lane, who had hitherto been working on a salar}-, bought of Messrs. Beebe & P]lkins, a one-third interest in the Beacon, another third being bought by Mr. Hor- ace G. Canfield, a practical printer and foreman of the office, the firm name being changed to Elkins, Lane & Co. Two years later, January, 1867, the remaining one-third interest of Beebe & Elkins was purchased by Albertus L. Paine and Denis J. Long, former apprentices in the office, the Siimniif Count)/ Jour n(d {noticed else- where) pul)lished by them being merged in the Beacon, the firm name adopted being Lane, Canfield & Co. Mr. Lane continued to act as sole editor of the paper until the winter of 1868 -69, when Mr. Thomas C. Raynolds, an Akron boy, freshly graduated from Michigan Univer- sity, but with decided journalistic proclivities, was employed as assistant editor and local re- porter. In 1867, the strictly advance pay sys- tem was adopted and rigidly enforced, a feat that but few of the weekly papers of the coun- try had at that time dared to attempt, a feature highly advantageous to both the publishers of the paper and its subscribers. The Akron Daily Beacon. — In the meantime, Akron had grown from a village of 3,000 inhab- itants in 1860, to a city of 10,000 in 1869, with an augmented commercial and manufacturing- business to match, creating a demand for some- thing faster than a weekly paper ; and on the 6th day of December, 1 869, the first number of the Akron Daily Beacon, a seven-column folio, was issued, Mr. Lane, as chief, and Mr. Ray- nolds, as assistant, doing the entire editorial and reportorial work. Though quite a large advertising patronage was at once accorded to the dail}^ b}- the liberal-minded business men of Akron, its average daily circulation the first year was onU^ about six hundred. Gradually, however, the people have come to appreciate its worth as a gatherer and disseminator of local as well as fresh general news, and its average dailv circulation is now (April, 1881) a little over 2,200. In June, 1870, Mr. Raynolds severed his connection with the paper, Carson Lake, then a compositor in the office, taking his place, and for several weeks during the summer and fall of that year, during the illness and ab- sence of Mr. Lane from the office, performing the entire editorial and reportorial work upon the paper. In December, 1871, the establishment was transferred to the Beacon Publishing Com- pany, Messrs. Canfield and Paine retiring, jMessrs. Lane and Long holding their respective one- third and one-sixth shares, as stock in the new corporation, Mr. Lane being elected business manager, and Mr. Long continuing to act as superintendent of the news department, Mr Raynolds being recalled and placed in charge of the editorial department of the paper, in which capacity, with the exception of one year's inter- regnum, he has ever since acted, with Mr. Wilson M. Day as his able and faithful associate. In the meantime, the business of the concern had as- sumed such large proportions, that the four- story 22x60-foot building then occupied was found to be too straitened for the purposes of the company, and in March, 1872, the owner of the building commenced work upon a 60-foot addition in the rear. Before the walls were completed, however, the entire concern was again destroyed by fire on the 27th day of April, 1872. Temporary quarters were pro- cured, and new material ordered by telegraph and express, so that on the fourth day after the fire its regular issue on its own new type was resumed, a smaller sheet being furnished to its subscribers during the intervening three days, through the courtesy of the publishers of the Akron City Times. The burned building was "^- HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 285 re-erected on the enlarged plan, considerably improved, being 22x117 feet, three-stories high, exclusive of the basement on Howard street, and five stories on Canal street, with stone front, large plate-glass windows, with steam elevator running from the basement to the up- per floor, and steam heating apparatus through- out the entire building, the enlarged structure being fitted up with strictly first-class fixtures, machiner}' and materials from top to bottom. By reason of the heavy loss occasioned by the the fire (fully one-half of its $25,000 capital stock) and the closely following financial and commercial revulsion of 1873, the aflfairs of the company became so seriously embarrassed that, in January, 1875, the entire stock was sacrificed, and the concern, with its machinery, news and job printing materials, book-binding apparatus, stationery stock, good-will, etc., was transferred to Messrs Thomas C. Raynolds, Frank J. Staral and John H. Auble, in consid- eration of their assuming and paying its liabili- ties, enough of the old stock-holders nominally retaining sufficient stock to keep the corporate organization of the company intact. About two years later, Mr. Auble withdrew, leaving Messrs. Raynolds and Staral sole proprietors, under whose auspices the Beacon establish- ment, in all its departments, is at this writing (April, 1881) enjoying a high degree of pros- perity. It would be interesting to minutely trace its growth from a few fonts of second-hand type, a patched-up, medium-sized hand press, with a single journeyman printer, and the pro- verbial printer's " devil," as its entire operative force, to its present magnificent appointments, but space will not permit. Suffice it to say that, besides its full complement of news, job, and book-binding materials, its machinery, run by a finely-built eight-horse power steam en- gine, consists of one mammoth four-roller Pot- ter cylinder job pi'ess, with 82x50 inch bed ; one two-roller Potter cylinder job and news press, with 31x46-inch bed ; one two-roller Potter job press, with 21x27-inch bed ; one No. 1 improved Campbell jobber ; one quarto Imperial jobber, and one eighth-medium Gor- don card and circular press ; two large paper cutters, besides a large-sized Wells hand press, proof presses, card cutters, etc. ; the total oper- ative force of the establishment at this writing being forty-six, though at some seasons of the year from fifteen to twenty more hands are needed in the job and binding departments. The Beacon, therefore, may well be considered one of the permanent institutions of Summit County, and taken all in all, is one of the most complete establishments of its kind in the State. The American Democrat. — On the 10th day of August, 1842, Mr. Horace Canfield issued, in Akron, the first number of the American Democrat. With some slight changes of name, the paper — being at one time under the edi- torial control of Lyman W. Hall, Esq., of Ra- venna, for one year, as a Free-Soil paper — finally settling down into the Democratic Stand- ard, was continued under that name until the death of Mr. Canfield, December 29, 1853, and for a short time thereafter by his two sons, Thomas and Horace G. Canfield. The office was afterward sold to Mr. H. P. Abel, and the paper re-established, Mr. Abel, in the spring of 1855, also issuing a small daily. The venture, however, was non-successful, Mr. Abel being obliged, soon after, to discontinue both daily and weekly. In the winter of 1855-56, the office was purchased by Mr. W. D. Bien, and the paper re-established under the name of the Siumnit Democrat, afterward, in the winter of 1859-60, passing into the hands of Mr. J. Hays Webb, who continued its publication here until just before the Presidential election of 1860, when the office was removed to Can- ton, where, under the name of the True Demo- crat, it was run until the spring of 1861. Mr. Webb, on returning to Akron, changed its name to the Summit Union, continuing its publication here until the close of the Val- landigham-Brough Gubernatorial campaign, in the fall of 1863, when the paper was discon- tinued and the office taken to Ravenna. The Cascade Roarer. — After a peaceful slum- ber of five years, the Akron Buzzard was re- vived as a Temperance paper, March 15, 18-4-I, by its former proprietor, Mr. Samuel A. Lane, and Mr. William T. Coggeshall, afterward the author of a number of finely-written and intensely in- teresting literary works ; State Librarian under Govs. Chase and Dennison, from 1856 to 1862 ; and Minister to Ecuador, South America, in 1866, dying of consumption at Quito, in the summer of 1857. The name of the paper was changed to the Cascade Roarer — a five-column weekly — which had a successful run of about two years, when Mr. Lane disposed of his inter- est to Mr. James Drew, the new firm, in the in- .^ 286 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. terest of Labor as well as Temperance reform, changing the title of the paper to the Teetotal Mechanic. Its publication here was continued until September 24, 1846, when it was removed to Cleveland and merged in the Ohio Temper- ance Artisan, which, after a few months' sickly existence, was finally discontinued. TIte Summit County Journal. — In September, 1865, Messrs. Albertus L. Paine and Denis J. Long, two practical printers, who had learned their trade in the office of the Summit County Beacon., on their discharge from the army, in which they had faithfully served during the war, started a new Republican weekl}' paper under the above title, with Judge James S. Car- penter as its editor. The Journal was neatlj^ printed, ably edited, and reasonably successful, but, on the accession of Messrs. Paine and Long to a one-third ownership in the Beacon, the Journal was discontinued, and the subscrip- tion-list, good-will, etc., merged with those of the Beacon, in January, 1867. The Akron City Times.— On the 20th day of January, 1867, Mr. J. C Loveland started a new Democratic paper in Akron, a nine-column weekly, entitled the Akron City Times. Mr. Loveland's administration not proving very satisfactory, to either the party upon whom he mainly depended for support or the people of Summit County, the office was transferred to Mr. George C. Grain, in August, 1867. On the 28th day of April, 1868, Mr. Crain was suc- ceeded by R. S. Bean & Co., who in turn trans- ferred the concern to S. L. Everett & Son, in October of the same year. On the death of the senior Mr. Everett, some two or three years later, the entire management of the paper de- volved upon the son, Sebastian L. Everett — more generally known by the familiar sobri- quet of '' Don " — who successfully continued its publication until 1873, when it was trans- ferred to its present genial proprietor, Mr. Richard H. Knight, under whose management, with his son, Mr. Clarence R. Knight, as editor, it is enjoying a high degree of prosperity, and has evidentl}' become one of the fixed and per- manent institutions of the city and count}^, being printed on a cylinder power press, run b}- steam, and having a well-stocked and liber- ally patronized job printing office attached. Tlie Akron Germania. — This is an independ- ent weekly paper, published, as its name im- plies, in the interests of the German-speaking portion of our population. It was founded in the. fall of 1868, by Mr. H. Gentz, Prof. C. F. Kolbe succeeding to the proprietorship early in the following year. September, 1872, the paper was transferred to the Akron Paper and Printing Company, and early in 1873, was transferred to the Germania Company, with Mr. Stephen Ginther as business manager, and Mr. Paul E. Werner as editor. In October, 1875, Mr. Werner bought and continued to edit the same until 1878, when other duties claiming his entire attention, Mr. Louis Seybold was em- ployed as editor, which position he still ably and efficiently maintains. The paper is now owned by the Germania Printing Company, formed in November, 1880, with Mr. Paul E. Werner as business manager, and commanding a good healthy circulation and a liberal adver- tising patronage. The business and mechan- ical departments of the Germania Printing Com- pany are most complete, and, besides having a full supply of the newest styles of job and fancy type and other material, it has six powei*- presses run by steam in constant operation, viz. : a Cottrell & Babcock cylinder, with 33x46-inch bed; a Cotti-ell & Babcock, air spring, with 25x38-inch bed ; a Potter Pony ; a quarter and an eighth medium Liberty jobbers, and a " Model " card press. There is also a book bindery connected with the establishment, which, in all its departments, is at this date (April, 1881), in a highl}^ prosperous condi- tion, with a regular operative force of tweut}'- five hands, and occasionally demands from ten to fifteen additional. The Akron Daily Argus. — In March, 1874, the Akron Daily Argus was commenced by H. G. Canfleld & Co., with Elder John F. Rowe as editor, a semi-weekly edition also being issued by the same firm. It was an independent pa- per and ably edited. The paper passing into possession of the Argus Printing Company, sub- sequently formed, was, in September, 1874, by a majority vote of the stockholders, changed into a Democratic paper under the editorial management of Sebastian L. Everett — " Don " — formerly of the City Times. March 20, 1875, the concern passed into the hands of Elder John F. Rowe, former editor, and his brother, Frank M. Rowe, a practical printer, who under the firm name of Rowe Brothers, again changed its character from a political to an independent paper. It was continued b}' Rowe Brothers "a) "V ^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 287 until December 25, 1876, when the establish- ment was purchased by Mr. Carson Lake, un- der whose business and editorial management it was continued as a Democratic paper until July 1, 1879, at which date the otfice and fixtures were bought by Messrs. Paul E. Werner and B. F. Nelson, by whom the Argus was discontinued. The Siindai/ Gazette. — This is a six-column quarto, devoted to the general and local news of the week, literature, miscellanj', religious in- telligence, etc. It was started in December, 1878, by Mr. Paul K. Werner, as publisher, and Prof. Carl F. Kolbe as editor. It was con- solidated with the Weekly and Daily Tribune, on the establishment of those papers, July 26, 1879, the name being changed to Sunday Trib- une, but, after two or three issues, again changed to Sunday Gazette, which name it still bears. On the dissolution of the firm of Wer- ner & Nelson, and the discontinuance of the Tribune, on the 2d da}' of Februarj^, 1880, the Gazette was continued by Mr. Paul E. Werner, in connection with the German ia,\xwi\\ Septem- ber 25. 1880, when it was sold to Mr. Carson Lake, under whose management it is rapidl}' increasing in circulation and popularity. The Akron Commercial. — This is a nine col- umn month!}', devoted largely, as its name im- ports, to advertising and commercial matters, but furnishing with each issue a large amount of interesting miscellany, with a monthly spicy editorial melange of local and general gossip. It is published and edited b}' Josiah Jackson Wright (commonly and for short called " Jack Wright " ) formerly for many years the efficient City Marshal of Akron. It was commenced in the spring of 1874, and is still vigorous and hearty, and apparent!}' one of the fixed news- paporial stars of Akron and of Summit County. The Akron Daily Tribune. — This paper, a seven-column folio, was started on the 26th day of July, 1879, by Paul p]. Werner and Benja- min F. Nelson, who also issued a weekly edi- tion in connection therewith. It was Demo- cratic in politics, and ably conducted, under the editorial management of Mr. Nelson, but, by reason of having another longer-established Democratic organ, the City Times, and the firmly planted Daily Beacon, to compete with, and from other causes, the enterprise was found to be unremunerative, and both the Daily and Weekly Tribune were discontinued on the 2d day of February, 1880. The Advance. — A daily paper under the above title, as an organ of the National Greenback Labor party, was started in Cleveland June 6, 1877, by Robert Schilling, a weekly edition also being issued. In May, 1880, the daily was dis- continued, and the weekly was transferred to Salem, Columbiana County, an Akron edition also being published, and mailed direct from the ofiflce in Salem to its subscribers in Akron. August 4, 1880, Mr. John P. Burns assumed the business and editorial control of the Advance, and January 1, 1881, removed the oflice to Ak- ron. It is a five-column quarto, edited with ability ; bids fair to become one of the perma- nent periodicals of Summit County. A large number of other periodicals have from time to time been published in Akron during the half-century we have passed over, that we have no space to notice in detail, even if we could recall them all to mind. Among them were the Rose of the Valley, a literary monthly, by Allison & Marriner ; Akron Offer- *";^j by Callista Cummings ; the True Kindred, by a Mrs. Sanford ; the Flail, a Democratic campaign paper, by L. L. Howard, in 1840 ; the Flower of the West, by Allison &, Rumrix, in 1840 ; the Free-Soil Platform, a campaign paper in 1848, by Hiram Bowen ; the Sentinel of Liberty, a campaign paper, in 1855, by an association of " Young Republicans ; " the Wide Awake, a Republican campaign paper, in 1860, by D. C. Carr, S. A. Lane and others ; the Summitonian, a literary monthly, by H. Gr. Canfield & Co., in 1873 ; the Beacon Magazine, a literary monthly, in 1873, by the Beacon Pub- lishing Co., as a premium to subscribers to the Weekly Beacon ; and others remembered by name only, such as the Casket, the Sockdola- ger, the Whip, the School- Mistress, the Sunny Side, the Church Journal, etc. It will thus be seen that Summit County, if not the very center of the newspaper universe, has been untiring in its eflforts to become such. There is no room and no need for comments, except, perhaps, to add that while compara- tively few of these ventures have proved re- munerative to those who have made them, their influence for good upon the community admits of not a doubt. For where would Summit County have been to-day but for its newspa- pers, in advertising to the world its manifold advantages ; in their advocacy of canals, rail- roads and other public improvements ; in their ■fv ^ 288 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, encouragement to manufactures, and in the in- numerable ways in wtiich the liberal use of printer's ink benefits both individuals and com- munities. Railroads* — The railwa}' — wholl}' unknown to the commercial world three-fourths of a cen- tury ago — has become the greatest single factor in the development of the material and social progress, not onl}' of the United States and of the other civilized nations of the earth, but its inestimable blessings are being rapidly extended into the hitherto semi-civilized and barbarous portions of the globe. Though some rude tram- wa3-s had previously been used in the mining regions of England, the first attempt at railroad building in the United States was in 1807 — a line of a few hundred j'ards in length — for trans- porting gravel from the top of Beacon Hill down into Charles street, in the city of Boston, the rails being entirel}^ of wood, and the propelling power the momentum of the loaded cars, which, in descending, b}' means of a rope attachment, pulled the empty cars up, a double track, of course, being uecessar}^ to the proper working of the road. As late as 1827, the then longest railroad in the United States was from the Mauch Chunk coal mines to the Lehigh River, in Pennsylvania, a distance of nine miles. The loaded cars were run from the mines to the river by their own gi-avity, and, on being emptied, were drawn back to the mines b}- mules. From this time on, the American people became deeply interested in railroad enterprises, and, from 1827 to 1830, several short lines, run by horse- power, were constructed, the first locomotive, propelled by steam, to turn a wheel upon the American continent, being a clumsy, uncouth importation from England, called the " Stour- bridge Lion," lauded in New York in 1829. So slow, however, was the development, that in the winter of 1833-34, it was the privilege of the writer, then a mere boy, to ride over the then longest railroad in the world, running from Charleston, S. C, to Augusta, Ga., a distance of 130 miles, onh' ; the first hundred miles weSt from Charleston being performed by steam- power, the last thirty miles by negro-power, owing to a sharp incline that the modern engine driver would laugh at, the supposition being that a stationary engine, with the proper hoist- ing apparatus only, could overcome so heavy a grade. The first locomotive ever built in * Written by Samuel A. Lane. America, called the " Best Friend," was used upon this road during its construction. It was built at the " West Point Foundry Shops," in New York, and forwarded to Charleston by ship Niagara, in October, 1830. The first trial trip w^as made on a small portion of the road out of Charleston, November 2, 1830, running, accord- ing to the report of the excursion in the Charles- ton Courier^ as " on the wings of the wind, at the varied speed of fifteen to twenty miles an hour ; annihilating time and space, and, like the renowned John Grilpin, ' leaving all the world behind.' " The '• Best Friend " was daily in service, transporting workmen and materials used in the construction of the road, until the 17th day of June, 1831, when it became disabled by a singular accident, and the road was with- out a locomotive for several months. Of this disaster to the " Best Friend," the Charleston Courier of June 18, 1831, gave the follow- ing account : " The locomotive, ' Best Friend." started yesterday morning to meet the lumber cars at the forks of the road, and while turning on the revolving platform, the steam was suf- fered to accumulate by the negligence of the fireman, a negro, who, pressing on the safety- valve, prevented the surplus steam from escap- ing, b}^ which means the boiler burst at the bottom, was forced inward, and injured Mr. Darrell, the engineer, and two negroes. The one had his thigh broken, and the other received a severe cut in the face, and a slight one in the flesh part of the breast. Mr. Darrell was scalded from the shoulder-blade down his back. The boiler was thrown to the distance of twenty-five feet. * * * The accident occurred in consequence of the negro holding down the safety-valve, while Mr. Darrell was assisting to arrange the lumber cars." It will seem strange, to the trained railroad operator of the present day, that such an accident, from such a cause, could have been possible ; but it must be re- membered that the engineer, himself almost wholly unskilled in locomotive driving, had to perform all the functions of conductor, brake- man, etc., in addition to his own proper duties, his only help being such as above indicated, com- mon unskilled laborers, unable to distinguish between the lever of a safet^^-valve and the crank of a grindstone. But without further tracing the growth of the railroad system of the United States, now forming a perfect net-work of iron and steel in every portion of the country, on V '^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 289 which daily and nightly and continuously run thousands of locomotives, and tens of thousands of freight and passenger cars, loaded with thou- sands of tons of the products of the country, with valuable merchandise from every part of the world, and with tens of thousands of precious human beings, dashing with lightning speed from city to city, and from State to State, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf, representing a capital of at least $5,000,000,000, we will proceed at once to the subject matter of this chapter — " The Railroads of Summit County." The earliest freight and passenger railroad project, to include an}' por- tion of the territory now embraced in Summit County in its route, was the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad. — A char- ter was granted for this road by the Legislature of Ohio, on the 14th day of March, 1836. Work upon the road not being commenced within the three years designated in the law, the charter became dormant, and remained so for six years, when, b}' an act passed March 11, 1845 — just nine years after the granting of the original charter— the project was revived and the charter amended. The promoters of the en- terprise, though the times were hard and money scarce, prosecuted the work as I'apidly as sim- ilar enterprises were then built, though verj' slowly in comparison with more modern rail- road operations, the road not being completed on the Cleveland end as far as Hudson, even, until the latter part of the winter of 1851-52. The road enters Summit County on the east, near the southeast corner of the township of Hudson, and running in a northwesterly' di- rection, passes through the village of Hudson, a small portion of the southwest corner of Twinsburg, and through the village of Mace- donia, in the eastern portion of Northfield Township, and thence through Bedford and Newburg, in Cuyahoga County, to Cleveland. From the very beginning, the Cleveland & Pittsburgh has been under an able and efficient management, and has never experienced any of those reverses and drawbacks so common to railroad corporations in their earlier daj's, and so disastrous and unprofitable to the original stockholders and builders. Akron (tr Canton Railroad. — The second railroad enterprise to engage the attention of the people of Summit County, was the Akron & Canton Railroad, incorporated b}' act of the Legislature February 21, 1845. Its capital stock was $200,000, to be divided into shares of $25 each ; but, by the provisions of the charter, it was not to commence operations till $100,000 was subscribed, the company being prohibited from contracting debts or lia- bilities to an amount greater than the stock subscribed and held by responsible parties and remaining unexpended, together with its means on hand and that which might reasonably be expected to accrue within three years from the time of the making of the contract. The company was also authorized to extend its road to some point on the Ohio River, if deemed advisable, and to increase its capital to an amount sufficient for that object. This charter, both liberal and illiberal in its provisions, was, through the stringency of the times and the indiflS'erence of the people along the route, per- mitted to lapse before anything definite was accomplished, and the Aki'on & Canton Rail- road, proper, was never built except on paper. Akron Branch Railroad. — The approaching completion of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh road through one corner of Summit County, its near- est approach to the county seat being some fif- teen miles, aroused our people to the importance of having more direct and rapid communica- tion with the outer world than canals and mud roads afforded. Accordingly', a number of the enterprising citizens of Akron, Hudson and Cu3'ahoga Falls — one of the most active among them being Col. Simon Perkins, of Akron — took the matter in hand, and, in conjunction with the officers of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, obtained an amendment to its char- ter, by an act passed February 19, 1851, author- izing the construction, under said charter, of ''a branch railroad from some convenient point on the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, in Hud- son, Summit County, thi'ough Cuyahoga Falls and Akron to Wooster, or some other point on the Ohio & Penns3'lvania Railroad, between Massillon and Wooster, and to connect with the said Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad, or any other railroad running in the direction of Co- lumbus," and increasing the capital stock of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Company $1,000,000. The bill also stipulated that the subscriliers to the stock of this branch road might form a separate organization under the name of '' The Akron Branch of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad Company, entitled to all the privileges 290 HISTORY OF .SUMMIT COUNTY. and subject to all the restrictions and liabili- ties granted or imposed by the original charter and amendments thereto." In the meantime, a raih-oad had been char- tered to run from Cleveland to Zanesville, b}' the way of Medina, Wooster, Millersburg, etc. This, our people at once saw, or thought, would, if completed, leave Summit County " out in the cold," at least, for many years, for railroad enterprises were not then as readily promoted as in later years. A delegation of the " Branch," headed b}- Col. Perkins, accordingl}- visited Wooster to endeavor to get them to make a diversion of their road from that point via Doylestown, Wadsworth, Akron and Cuj'ahoga Falls to Hudson, instead of going direct through to Cleveland, as contemplated. To these over- tures, however, the Woosterites turned a deaf ear, and " The Cleveland, Wooster & Zanes- ville Railroad " was never built. The failure of the Akron Branch to thus " pool " its inter- ests with the Wooster project was truly a god- send to the people of Summit County, as the present more convenient railroad system of the county most clearly demonstrates. The organization of " The Akron Branch Railroad" was effected March 11, 1851, with Simon Perkins, Milton W. Henry and John W. McMillen, of Akron ; Horace A. Miller, of Cuya- hoga Falls ; James Butler and Henry N. Day, of Hudson, and John Carey, of Millersburg, as Directors. Simon Perkins was elected Presi- dent ; Henry N. Day, Secretary, and John W. McMillen. Treasurer. George Robinson was appointed Chief Engineer, and Isaiah Linton, Assistant Engineer, by whom the original sur- vey and estimates from Hudson to Akron were made. Messrs. Robinson and Linton subse- quently withdrawing from the road, their places were filled b}' W. H. Gi'ant, of the Hudson River Railroad, as Chief Engineer, and M. W. Kellogg, as Assistant. The contracts were awarded June 20, 1851, and the work com- menced immediately thereafter. As the project was one which it was believed | would largely benefit every property owner in the county, in addition to the amount raised along the line of the road by voluntar}' stock subscriptions, a special law was passed bv the Legislature on the 24th da}' of March, 1851, authorizing and requiring the County Commis- sioners, with the consent of the legal voters of the county, to subscribe to the capital stock of said company "any sum not exceeding $100,- 000, and to borrow the necessary amount of money for the payment of such stock subscrip- tion, bonds for tlie amount so subscribed to be issued in sums of not less than $100 each, bear- ing interest a rate not exceeding 7 per cent, pa3able annually, or semi-annually, redeemable at such time as may be deemed expedient," etc. This proposition was voted on at the special election for the adoption of the New Constitution of Ohio, June 21, 1851, the vote " for subscription " and " against subscription," in the several townships of the count}', being as follows : For Siibscripti n. Bath 78 Boston 40 Copley 160 Coventry 104 Cuyahoga Falls 275 Franklin 95 Green 69 Hudson 258 Middlebury 56 Northlield 33 Northampton 93 Norton 175 Portage 737 Richfield 48 Springfield 89 Stow 88 Tallmadge 31 Twinsburg 03 AgKinst Subscriptiuii 103 94 56 58 12 170 177 20 72 165 57 40 03 70 167 72 114 156 1,605 Total vote 2,432 Majorit}' for subscription, 827. In accordance with the authorit}' thus given them, the County Commissioners, Messrs. Etl- win Wetmore, of Stow, James W. Weld, of Richfield, and Hiram Weston, of Middlebury, proceeded, " For and in the name of Summit County," to subscribe for .1100,000 of the stock of said railroad, issuing therefor 100 bonds of 11,000 each, payable to the order of John W. McMillen, in fifteen years, with thirty interest coupons attached, at the rate of 7 per cent, payable semi-annually. The Commissioners, at the same time, in accordance with the pro- visions of the act authorizing such stock sub- scription, added to the rate of taxation an amount sufficient not only to meet the interest as it should fall due, but to also graduall}' cre- ate a sinking fund for the final payment of tlie bonds themselves. The aid thus furnished, together with tlie prompt payment of individual stock subscrip- jp" ^Uv HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 291 tions along the line, enabled the Board of Di- rectors to push the work forward so vigorously that, on the 1st day of January, 1852 — less than ten months after the organization of the company, and only about six months after the contracts were awarded — the completion of the road to that village was celebrated by the peo- ple of Cuyahoga Falls, its completion to Akron, five miles further, being celebrated on the 4th of July of the same year. The work south from Akron was also pushed vigorously- for- ward, and the line speedily completed to Mil- lersburg, in Holmes County, thus forming a connection with the Ohio & Pennsylvania (now the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago) Rail- road at Orrville, in Wayne County, and giving us an outlet in the direction of Columbus, Cin- cinnati, and the Western and Southern States. Although so heavy a vote was polled against the subscription to the stock of this road by the county, and though there was verj- much grumbling by a portion of the tax-payers of the county from year to year, while the in- terest was being paid and the fund provided for the payment of the bonds themselves, all now admit that it was the best investment of money ever made by the property -owners of Summit County, there not being a single foot of land within the limits of the count}' that was not enhanced in value from ten to twenty fold the amount of special tax thus paid upon it, while an impetus was given to the trade, man- ufactures and agricultural operations of the county that could have been attained in no other way. TJie Cleveland, Zaiiesvil/e t('? Cincinnati Rail- road. — With the view of extending the road south from Millersburg to Zanesville, to form a connection with Cincinnati via the Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zanesville Railroad, application was made to the Court of Common Pleas of Summit County, at the March term, 1853, for a change of name to the " Cleveland, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railroad." which was accordingly done. Embarrassments subsequently falling upon the road, the contemplated extension was indefinitely postponed. On the 22d day of August, 1861, suit was brought, in the Com- mon Pleas Court of Summit County, by the creditors of the road, for foreclosure of mort- gage and sale of the road. Col. Simon Perkins being appointed Receiver b}' the court, to run the road pending litigation. By decree of court, the road and its franchises were sold by the Receiver at public auction at the door of the court house, in Akron, on the 2d day of November, 1864, George W..Cass and John J. Marvin, of Pittsburgh, being the purchasers. Col. Simon Perkins being appointed Superin- tendent of the road by the new ownei's. On the 1st day of July, 1865, George W. Cass and John J. Marvin, by deed, conveyed the road and property pertaining thereto to the Pitts- burgh, Fort Wa}'ne & Chicago Railway Com- pany. July 1, 1869, the road passed, with the lease of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway, into the hands of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. November 4, 1869, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Pitts- burgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway Com- pany sold and transferred, by deed, to the Pitts- burgh, Mount Vernon, Columbus & London Rail- road Company, the entire Cleveland, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railroad, extending from Hudson, in Summit County, to the coal mines southwest of Millersburg, in Holmes Count}- — a distance of sixty-five miles — with all its rolling stock, machinei-y and fixtures, for the consideration of 22,000 shares of fully paid-up capital stock of said Pittsburgh, Mount Vernon, Columbus & London Railroad Companv, the par value of the same being $1,100,000." December 1, 1869, Gen. Goshorn A. Jones, of Mount Vernon, was appointed Superintendent of the road. Col. Si- mon Perkins retiring. On the 20th day of De- cember, 1869, by a decree of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Knox County, the name of the Pittsburgh, Mount Vernon, Columbus & Lon- don Railroad Company was changed to Cleve- land, Mount Vernon & Delaware Railroad Com- pany. TTnder the new management, measures were immediately taken, and vigorously i)rose- cuted, to build the road through to its final destination, Delaware, but soon so far modified as to make Columbus, instead of Delaware, the southern terminus. The road was completed and the first passenger train from Hudson to Mount Vernon was run June 25, 1872, and. on the 23d day of November, 1873, the road was opened through to Columbus, regular trains commencing at that day and continuing to the present. Various causes having combined to prevent the road, though doing a fair business, from meeting its liabilities, the owners of the first mortgage bonds of the road, at the Sep- tember term, 1880, of the Court of Common ■w* 292 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Pleas of Summit County, commenced a suit for foreclosure and sale, Gen. G. A. Jones, by order of court, being appointed and qualified as Re- ceiver September 27, 1880. At the present writing (April, 1881), there are strong hopes that the Receiver may be able to relieve the road of its embarrassments, the court having already ordered the building of about three miles of additional track to Fox Lake Coal Mines, the purchase of four new locomotives, four new passenger coaches and six miles of steel rails. The officers of the road, at the time of its transfer to the present company, were as follows : Directors, R. C. Hurd, Charles Cooper, S. Israel, Mount Vernon ; M. White, of Gambler ; I. Harpster, of Millersburg ; Will- iam M. Orr, of Orrville ; and Thomas D. Mess- ier, of Pittsburgh, Penn.; President, R. C. Hurd ; Secretar}', J. S. Davis ; Treasurer, J. D. Thompson; Auditor, E. Mize ; Superintendent, G. A. Jones ; Master Machinist, J. W. Hollo- way. Present officers of the road are as fol- lows : Directors, Thomas D. Messier and Will- iam Shaw, of Pittsburgh ; George B. Roberts, of Philadelphia ; Hon. J. R. Swan, of Columbus ; S. Israel and Charles Cooper, of Mount Ver- non ; William M. Orr, of Orrville ; I. Harpster, of Millersburg ; M. White, of Gambler ; Pres- ident, Thomas D. Messier ; Superintendent, G. A. Jones ; Auditor, E. Mize ; Treasurer, J. D. Thompson ; Secretary, J. S. Davis ; Master Machinist, J. W. HoUoway ; General Freight and Ticket Agent, J. A. Tilton ; Messrs. Mize, Thompson, HoUowa}^ and Tilton also acting in their respective positions, under the appoint- ment of Receiver Jones ; Messrs. Mize and Hol- loway having been connected with the road nearly, if not quite, from its first completion as the " Akron Branch." Thf MassiUon Branch. — As an adjunct to the Cleveland, Columbus & Delaware road, the Massillon & Cleveland Railroad (commonly called the Massillon Branch) was built by the Massillon & Cleveland Railroad Compan3% and runs from Clinton, in Summit County, to Mas- sillon, in Stark County, a distance of some eight or ten miles, only. This road was leased to the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway Company June 22, 1869; lease assigned by that company to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Juh' 1, 1869 ; and b}' that company and the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Rail- way Compan}^ lease assigned to the Pittsburgh, Mount Vernon, Columbus & London Railway Company (now Cleveland, Mount Vernon & Del- aware Railroad Company), November 4, 1869. The road is owned by the Massillon & Cleve- land Railroad Company, and is now (1881) operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany, operating the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway. Both the Cleveland, Mount Vernon & Delaware, and the " Massillon Branch " run through some of the most prolific coal regions of the State, large shipments of coal and other minerals daily passing over their tracks. Other Early Railroad Projects. — About the the time the Cleveland & Pittsburgh and the Akron Branch were being projected and built, three other lines, centering in Hudson, were chartered and a commendable degree of prog- ress made in their construction, viz.: The " Clinton Line," the " Clinton Line Extension," and the " Hudson & Painesville." As early as 1830, Col. De Witt Clinton, Jr., then of the United States Topographical Engineers, recon- noitered aud recommended the construction of a railway from the Atlantic to Council Bluffs, on the Missouri River, on a route that would bring the territory now embraced in Summit County- upon its line. To this end, a number of charters had been secured, companies organ- ized and work commenced in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, from 1840 to 1853. the several links, when completed, to be consolidated into one '• grand continental line," to be designated '' The Amer- ican Central Railway," with the further plan in I view of ultimately' continuing the line through to the Pacific Coast. The Clinton Line Railroad.— As one of the links of this great through line, in 1852, the " Clinton Line Railroad Compau}- " was char- tered and organized, so named in honor of the originator and promoter of the Erie Canal, the greatest topographical and civil engineering project of his time, De Witt Clinton. The most active and liberal promoters of this road were citizens of Hudson, with Prof Henry N. Day as its President. The line extended from Hud- son east to the Pennsylvania State line, a dis- tance of fifty-five miles, running through Por- tage and Trumbull Counties, and connecting at the State line, in the Township of Kinsman, with the Venango Railroad, then under con- tract and in process of construction. The Pitts- '.^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 293 burgh & Erie, also, had the project in con- templation of building a branch road to con- nect with the Clinton line at Kinsman, thus giv- ing the Clinton line the choice of two very desirable routes to the Atlantic seaboard. The Clinton Line Extension. — In 1853, the Clinton Line Extension Railroad, from Hudson west to Tiffin, in Seneca County, was organized, with Prof Henry N. Day, also, as its President, and Hon. Van R. Humphre}', of Hudson, as one of its directors. The distance from Hudson to Tiffin, by the line of this road, is about 94 miles. The Clinton Line Extension was to con- nect at Tiffin with the Tiffin & Fort Wayne Railroad, organized the same year, which road, in turn, was to connect at Fort Wayne with the Fort Wayne & Mississippi Railroad, organized in 1853, which road was, through short interme- diate links, to connect with the Philadelphia, Fort Wayne & Platte River Air Line Railroad, chartered in 1853, under the laws of the State of Iowa, and extending from New Boston, on the Mississippi River, to Council Bluffs, on the Missouri River. At a convention of the offi- cers of the several roads which were to form this great through line, held at Fort Wa3'ne in December, 1855, President Day reported of the Clinton Line and the Clinton Line Extension as follows : " On the Clinton Line, forty per cent of the grading, masonry' and bridging has been done ; contracts have recent!}' been closed for the completion of the road-bed not already under contract, and also for the superstructure and equipment of the road, to be finished in about a 3'ear. The company, about a month since, commenced an effort to increase the local cash subscription to its capital stock, which has been carried far enough to assure the entire success of the effort within a very few weeks. The estimated cost of the road, under the prices of the contracts, inclusive of equip- ments, station buildings, fencing, telegraph, in- terest and discounts, is $1,700,000. "The Clinton Line Extension Company com- menced work on the heavier sections of the road (contiguous to the Cuyahoga River in Sum- mit Count}-), with a view to the completion of the entire road at the same time ; after expend- ing about $70,000 on the eastern division, they were induced by the financial embarrassments of the time to confine their operations to the western division — from Tiffin about forty-one miles to New London, on the Cleveland, Co- lumbus & Cincinnati Railroad — this division being of easier construction, and completing, in connection with other lines, a very promising line of itself to Cleveland. Contracts have re- centl}' been made for the completion of the en- tire road for operation — the western division in about one year, the eastern in a year afterward. The cost of the road is estimated, on the basis of the contract prices, at $3,200,000, inclusive of equipments, station buildings, fencing, tele- graph, interest and discounts." The " effort to increase the local cash sub- scription to its capital stock " did not prove as successful as President Day anticipated, and other embarrassments falling upon the organ- izations, work was entirely suspended upon both lines early in 1856 and never resumed ; the two promising enterprises falling through for want of the necessary funds to carry them forward to completion, bringing also disaster and finan- cial embarrassment to many of the citizens of Hudson, and very seriously affecting, for the time being, the prosperity of the village itself The Hudson & PainesviUe HailroacL — In 1853, also, the Hudson & PainesviUe Railroad Company was chartered and organized, with Hon. Van R. Humphrey as its President. This road was intended to be a direct continuation of the Cleveland, Zanesville & Cincinnati Rail- road to Lake Erie. To this enterprise, also, the people of Hudson, in common with those of PainesviUe and intermediate towns, subscribed liberall}'. Though a large portion of the grad- ing and other work was completed, or nearly so, in the general financial stringency which caused the suspension of work upon the Clinton Line, and Clinton Line Extension, and collapsed the railroad enterprises of the countr}' generall}', the Hudson & PainesviUe had to succumb to the inevitable, and go into liquidation. This route, however, is still regarded with favor b}' man}-, and it is not improbable that within a few years, the " Hudson & PainesviUe Railroad" may become a fixed, if not profitable fact. The Atlantic d: Great Wes'ern Railway. — To Hon. Marvin Kent, of the enterprising village of Kent (then known as Franklin Mills), in the neighboring county of Portage, is mainly, if not solely, due the credit of projecting the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad, which has, for several years past, so largely engaged the attention of the railway, financial and legal magnates of both Europe and America. As early as 1850, XI 294 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Mr. Kent, then, though comparatively a young man, quite an extensive mill owner and manu- facturer of that village, moved thereto, perhaps by the fact that the management of the Cleve- land & Pittsburgh road, then in process of construction, in getting from Ravenna to Hud- son, had run its track some two and a half miles north of the village, conceived the idea of form- ing a direct through broad-gauge line from New York to St. Louis, a distance of nearly 1,200 miles, by connections with the New York & Erie, at Salamanca, and, through the Da}' ton & Hamilton, with the Ohio & Mississippi, at Cin- cinnati. Having carefully traced upon the map the route to be traversed, and dul}' considered the feasibility of the project, Mr. Kent set him- self quietly but vigorously at work to perfect his plans for the accomplishment of his object. In order not to arouse the jealousy and oppo- sition of competing lines, great caution and secrecy had to be observed, and considerable strategy employed. Confiding his plans to a few confidential advisers only, with a bill drafted b}' his own hand, Mr. Kent proceeded to Co- lumbus, in the winter of 1850-51, where he se- cured the hearty co-operation of Hon. Milton Sutliff, State Senator from the Trumbull Dis- trict, and Chairman of Committee on Railroads, through whose influence the modest bill, for the charter of a seemingly local road, under the modest title of the " Coal Hill Railroad " — quietly changed, previous to its final passage, to the still modest title of the " Franklin & War- ren Railroad "■ — as written by Mr. Kent, was passed March 10, 1851, as follows : An Act to Incorporate the Franklin & War- ren Railroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : That Thomas Earl, Zcnas Kent, O. L. Drake, A. V. Horr, Cyrus Prentiss and Marvin Kent, of the eoimty of Portage ; Simon Perkins, Lucius V. Bierce, Harvey B. Spelman and Daniel Upson, of Summit County, and Cliarles Smith, Frederick Kinsman, Jacob Perkins, C. G. Sutliff and Rufus P. Ranney, of the county of Trumbull, and their associates, successors and as- signs, be, and they are hereby created a body corpo- rate and politic, by the name and style of the Franklin & Warren Railroad Company, with per- petual succession ; and by that name and stjde shall be entitled to have and enjoj', and are hereby in- vested with all the rights, privileges and franchises, and be sul)ject to all the restrictions of the act en- titled "An Act Regulating Railroad Companies," passed February ll,"l848, and the act amendatory thereto, except so far as the same may be modified or changed by this act. Sec 2. The capital stock of this company may be any amount not exceeding two millions of dollars, and said company shall have power to construct a railroad from the village of Franklin, in the county of Portage, to Warren, in the county of Trumbull, and from thence to the east line of Ohio, and may continue the same from its place of beginning, in a westerly or southwesterly direction, to connect with any other railroad within this State, which the di rectors of said company may deem advisable. Sec. 3. That said company shall be, and is hereby autliorized to connect with any other railroad com- pany, and to consolidate its capital stock with the capital stock of such company, upon terms to be agreed upon between the said companies, and to have and use the name and style of such other com- pany, and constitute a part of the same ; and any other company may, in like manner, connect with, and become a part of, the company hereby incorpo- rated. Sec 4. Said company shall have power to mort- gage, or in any other way create a lien in favor of any person or persons or company, for materials, la- bor, or other thing necessary for said road ; and said company shall be authorized to sell its own or other corporate bonds at such rate of discount as tliey may deem proper to further the objects of said company, and said bonds may bear such rate of in- terest as said company may deem advisable, and said bonds may be sold in or out of the State, which sales shall be valid. Sec 5. Said company may, and they are hereby authorized to, commence and complete any part of said railroad from the place of beginning to any point on the route which the interests of said com- pany may require, and to employ and use said part constructed, and to demand and receive suitable rates of toll for the transportation of persons and property thereon, according to the provisions of the charter of said company, as fully as if the entire work were completed and in operation ; and as soon as twenty thousand dollars shall have been sub- .scribed to the stock of said company, the persons named in the first section, or any five of them, shall call a meeting of the stockholders for the election of directors for the government of said company. Sec 6. That the track of the railroad hereby au- thorized to be constructed, may be made of such width as may be necessary to conform to the width of any railroad with which it may connect. John F. Morse, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Charles C. Convers, March 10, 1851. ''^P'"'^'' "^ ^^'' *'^''^^'- This remarkably liberal charter having been secured, Mr. Kent immediately addressed him- self to the task of working up an interest in the project, and procuring subscriptions to the cap- ital stock of the road. His progress was at first very slow, Mr. Kent himself finalh' sub- scribing the entire $20,000 named in the char- ter as a prerequisite to its organization, and pledging himself to a number of other gentle- HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 295 men, whom he induced to take a sufficient num- ber of shares to make up the proper comple- ment of directors and officers, to take the stock ofl" their hands if the venture should prove un- satisfactory or unsuccessful. Thus the organ- ization of the Franklin & Warren Railroad Company was perfected on the 19th day of June, 1851, at which time Zenas Kent, Sylves- ter Huggins, Frederick Whipple and Marvin Kent, of Franklin ; L. J. Iddings, of Warren : Daniel Upson, of Tallmadge, and William Por- ter, of Milton, Ohio, were elected Directors. At a meeting of the Directors, held July 8, 1851. Marvin Kent was chosen President ; Joel W. Tyler, Secretary, and Sylvester Huggins, Treas- urer. In his first report made to the stockholders of the new road, at a meeting held at Franklin, Jul}' 19, 1853, President Kent said : " In its earlier operations, delaj^s were interposed to the commencement of the work by the policy of a neighboring State, which, apparently, presented a hostile attitude to its advancement, and somewhat embarrassed the operations of its Directors. Fortunately, these embarrassments have been removed, and the company is placed in that position which insures a speedy comple- tion of the great end it has in view. The sec- ond year of its existence opened a new era in its prospects. The general interests of the country require a gi'eat Eastern and Western railwa}' communication, and the idea of a con- tinuous route from the Atlantic to the Pacific shores, took possession of the public mind. Our enterprise, gentlemen, is no less than a link (and an important one) in this great chain of inter-communication. * * * At present, the board proposes to locate the road from a point in the eastern line of the State of Ohio, northeast of Warren, in Trumbull County, to Da3'ton, * * * passing through and secur- ing the trade and traffic of all the important business points in thirteen of the most produc- tive counties in the State. * * * The town of Akron alone, manufactured, during the past season, 180,000 barrels of flour for shipment. During the same period, fifty thousand barrels were manufactured at the village of Franklin. With this new means of transit during the winter months, and the increasing prosperity of the country, the quantitj^ would undoubted- ly be increased 100 per cent. * * * As for the through passenger business, it embraces the East and the Great West, ailtt your road ma}' therefore be emphatically denominated the Atlantic & Great Western Railwa}-." In accordance with this hint, by due legal process, the name of the corporation was changed from the Franklin & Warren, to the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad Company, during the 3'ear 1854. In December of the same year, the capital stock of the company was in- creased from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000. In the meantime, parties interested in the success of the enterprise, being unable to secure from the Pennsylvania Legislature a direct charter for the intermediate connecting link through that State, bought, for $400,000, the existing charter and franchises of the Pittsburgh & Erie road, having sufficient branching powers to enable them to span the State, and connect with the Ohio branch upon the West, and the New York branch upon the East. Subsequently, such legislative action was had in the States of Pennsylvania and New York, as to authorize the organization of a company in each State, under the same title as in Ohio, with a separ- ate Board of Directors for each, the three com- panies uniting under the general title of the Altantic & Great Western Railway Company, with a Central Board of Directors, President, Secretary and Treasurer, with its headquarters at Meadville, Penn. The Ohio Board was rep- resented in the Central Board by Marvin Kent and Dr. W. S. Streator. Large local subscrip- tions were worked up through the efforts of President Kent, Secretary Earl and others of Franklin ; John H. Chamberlin, Jacob Allen and others of Akron, and Dr. Daniel Upson and others of Tallmadge (Akron and Summit County furnishing their full quota, $100,000), and work was commenced b}^ the contractor, Mr. Henry Doolittle, on the Ohio Division, at Franklin Mills, July 4, 1853, President Marvin Kent re- moving the first earth. Mr. Doolittle's contract embraced the entire Ohio division, from the Pennsj'lvania State line to Da3'ton, a distance of 240 miles, and amounted to nearly $7,000,000 ($1,000,000 of which was to be paid in stock), the largest contract which, up to that time, had ever been taken by one man, either in America or Europe. Grading and other work was prett}- evenly distributed in the several counties from the State line to Dayton, one of the conditions of the subscription being that the money should be expended in the counties where raised. Con- ^ ^ TT ^■ 4^ — *- :±=i£k, 296 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. siderable progress was made all along the line in 1853 and 1854 ; but, like most contemporan- eous railroad enterprises, it was beset with such serious financial embarrassments that work was practicalh' suspended in 1855, though, not en- tirely stopped until 1858. Meanwhile, however, the organization was kept intact, audits plucky President, and the faithful few who manfully stood by him, in both Portage and Summit Counties, relaxed not one jot or tittle of their zeal, their persevering efforts being rewarded by the enlistment of James McHenry, Esq., of London, and other capitalists in London, Paris and Madrid, in the enterprise, Mr. McHenry contracting in Mai'ch, 1861, to complete the en- tire line from Salamanca, N. Y., to Dayton, Ohio, the original contractor, Mr. Henry Doolit- tle, having in the meantime deceased. Though the contract stipulated that work should be resumed in June, 1861, owing to the breaking- out of the civil war in the United States, and the complications with foreign nations, tempo- rarilj- resulting therefrom, no great progress was made until the spring of 1862. The work was done under the immediate personal supervision of Chief Engineer, Thomas W. Kennard, of London, England, and was pushed through so energetically that the palace car of Engineer Kennard, with the officers and Directors of the road, drove into Akron on the 17th da}' of April, 186.3, to the great delight of our entire populace. Of this event, the Bmcon of April 23, 1863, says : " As we stated in our last issue that this grand enterprise was to be completed to this place during the last week, without fail, we are now happy to state that the track was com- pleted to within a few rods of the Cleveland, Zanesville & Cincinnati Company's depot, on Saturday evening last. On Friday afternoon, ac- cording to announcement, Chief Engineer Ken- nard arrived within the limits of the corpora- tion, direct from New York, with his magnificent passenger car and engine, accompanied by sev- eral gentlemen from Warren, Ravenna and other points along the road. Their advent into town was greeted by the liveliest enthusiasm of our people, expressed through the soul-stirring music of our most excellent band, and by a gen- eral visit to the ' pioneer train ' and the track- laying operations just around the bend." Owing to the enhanced cost of labor and ma- terials — incident to the war — the capital stock of the company was found, even with the large amount of bonds it was authorized to issue, to be altogether inadequate to the finishing and furnishing of the road, and on the 5th day of November, 1863, at a stock-holders' meeting called for that purpose, it was voted to increase the stock from $4,000,000 to $6,000,000. Under the vigorous management of Engineer Kennard, the road was pushed through to Dayton, and its completion to that, its Western terminal point, was duly celebrated on the 21st day of June, 1864, in the presence of a large company of railroad magnates of both the East and the West. From the long and full report of the proceedings, published in the Dayton Journal of June 22, 1864, we give the following inter- esting items : " President Kent announced the object of the meeting, and T. W. Kennard, Chief Engineer ; William Reynolds, President of the New York & Pennsylvania Divisions ; H. F. Sweetser, General Superintendent, and Mr. Kent, proceeded to lay the last rails. The cer- emony of spiking was introduced with consid- erable merriment, Mr. Kennard driving the first spike in the last rail at four sturdy blows. Others followed in succession, one only — an Irish track-layer — excelling Mr. Kennard, by making the drive with one less blow, besides President Kent, who, in driving the last spike, with a nervy grasp, struck straight— one, two, three, and the welkin rang with applause. The work was well done — and the last rail of the Atlantic & Great Western Railway was laid, the last spike driven to the head." Thus, after many delays, trials and tribula- tions, was completed one of the finest lines of railway in the United States, and one which, though financially disastrous to a majority of its earliest promoters and supporters, has been of incalculable benefit to the entire section of country through which it passes — especially to the people of Summit County and its wide- awake capital city. Space will not permit a detailed history of this road from the time of its completion, in 1864, to the present time. Suffice it to say, that, by reason of unforeseen complications — largely, no doubt, growing out of the several branches built, purchased, leased, etc., as tributaries and extensions, together with the franchises, fixtures, property and liabilities connected therewith— though always doing a heavy freight and passenger business, such em- barrassments were experienced that on the 7th k — fk* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 297 day of April, 1869, suit, in foreclosure of the consolidated mortgage, was begun in the Sum- mit County Court of Common Pleas, at which time Jay Gould and William Archibald 0. Daugherty, of New York, were appointed Re- ceivers. It afterward transpiring that those gen- tlemen were either ineligible b}' reason of their location, or were unsatisfactory to other parties in interest, their resignation was filed on the 26th day of November, 1869, and Hon. Reuben Hitchcock, of Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, was appointed Receiver of the road. The af- fairs of the road were most admirably managed by Judge Hitchcock, until the 26th day of July, 1871, when it was sold by the Receiver, acting as Special Master Commissioner, under a decree of the court, at the door of the court house, in Akron, to Gen. George B. McClellan, Senator Allen G. Thurman and William Butler Duncan, Esq., as Trustees for certain creditors of the compan}', the purchasers organizing under the name and style of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad Company, as distin- guished from its predecessor, the Atlantic & Great Western Railwaj^ Company. The price paid for the road was as follows : Ohio Divis- ion, subject to the lien of the first mortgage thereon (about $2,400,000) including the lease of its Mahoning Branch, sold for $4,435,- 500 ; Pennsylvania Division, with its various branches, $600,000 ; New York Division, $655.- 000 ; total, $5,690,000. The new company did not, however, long enjoy smooth sailing, new suits, with almost infinite complications, being commenced, also in the Court of Common Pleas, of Summit County, on the 18th day of December, 1874, the President of the road, Mr. John H. Devereux, being appointed Receiver. The litigation in this second suit extended over a period of more than five 3'ears, and was prob- ably the most complicated and closely con- tested railroad suit ever tried and determined in the United States, many millions of dollars being involved, and the most eminent legal tal- ent of both Europe and America being em- ployed by the various parties in interest. In these two suits, at different stages in the pro- ceedings, arguments were made before Judges Washington W. Boynton, Samuel W. McClure and Newell D. Tibbals, by Hon. Samuel J. Tilden and W. W. McFarland, Esq., of New York ; Hon. Morrison R. Waite (late Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of the United States) ; Hon. Stanley Mathews and Hon. George Hoad- ley, of Cincinnati ; Hon. Rufus P. Ranney, Hon.. Stephenson Burke and James M. Adams, Esq., of Cleveland, and other distinguished at- torneys from abroad, important interests being represented in the two suits by Hon. William H. Upson, Tibbals & McKinney, Oviatt & Allen, and other members of the Summit County bar. On the final determination of the matters in issue, the road was again sold by Receiver Devereux, acting as Special Master Commis- sioner, at the door of the court house in Akron, on the 6th day of January, 1880, for $6,000,000, to S. A. Strang and R. G. Rolsten, as trustees for a new organization, composed principally of the foreign bondholders of the road, the name and style of the new organiza- tion being "The New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad Company." Since the transfer of the road to its new management, the track of the road has been reduced from six feet to the standard gauge of four feet eight and one- half inches, the rolling stock, of course, having been correspondingly changed. The old com- plications and embarrassments of the road having been thus cleared away, and the finan- cial and commercial embarrassments of the country having also disappeared, it is to be hoped that this road, notwithstanding the heavy liabilities assumed by the new compan}' on be- coming the purchasers thereof, ma}^, in common with all other lines of railwa}' passing through Summit Count}^, enjoy long years of uninter- rupted prosperity. We have not the data at hand to give the names of all the citizens of Summit County who have held official relations with this road, but, in the published reports be- fore us, we find among the names of the differ- ent boards of directors the names of Daniel Upson, of Tallmadge, and Jacob Allen, Lucius V. Bierce, John H. Chamberlin and William H. Upson, of Akron. July 1, 1863, Mr. Upson was appointed attorne}^ for the road, at a meet- ing of the directors, at which time the company executed to him a deed, in trust, of the Ohio division of the road, for the purpose of securing a loan of $4,000,000, with which to finish and equip the road. Mr. Upson's relations to the road as its attorney, at that time, existed only about a 3'ear and a half ; but he was again ap- pointed in 1873, and has ever since acted in that capacity, and still holds that relation to 298 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. the new organization, the New York, Pennsyl- vania & Ohio Raih-oad Corapan}'. The BaJtimore <(• Ohio Extension. — In the spring of 1870, a proposition was made to ex- tend the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and its intermediate connection, the Pittsburgh & Con- nellsville Railroad, westward from Pittsburgh to Chicago, and to make Akron, in Summit County, a point upon the line on certain con- ditions, which are full}' set forth in the sub- scription books opened in Akron in the summer of that year, as follows : Whereas, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Com- pany, and the Pittsbm-gli & Connellsville Rail- road Company propose to construct a railroad from Pittsburgh, Penn., westward through Akron, Sum- mit County, Ohio, and to secure the location of said road through Akron, it is necessary for the citi- zens of Akron to subscribe to the stock of such proposed raih'oad company, the sum of $300,000, and, for certain persons, on behalf of the sub- scribers, prior to the incorporation of said proposed company, to pledge to said Baltimore & Ohio and Pittsburgh & Connellsville Companies said sum of $800,000, to aid them in locating and constructing said proposed railroad through Akron, aforesaid. Therefore, we, the subscribers, on the succeeding pages of this book, for the purpose of authorizing David L. King, Lewis Miller and Charles Brown, to pledge and guarantee to said Baltimore & Ohio and Pittsburgh & Connellsville Railroad Companies, said sum of $300,000, and to save them harmless, by reason of said pledge and guarantee, and for the fm-ther purpose and consideration of securing the location of said proposed railroad through Akron for our mutual benefit, we do agree with said David L. King, Lewis Miller and Charles Brown, and with each other, to subscribe to the stock of said com- pany, when organized, under whatever name the same may be incorporated, and to pay the several amounts by us here respectively subscribed, on the succeeding" pages of this book, to such company or persons as may be legally authorized to receive the same, payable 10 per cent when said railroad is lo- cated through Akron, and the stock-books of said proposed railroad are legally opened, and the bal- ance in monthly installments of 5 per cent each, as the work progresses in Summit County. And wc authorize saidKing, Miller and Brown, to pledge to said Baltimore & Ohio and Pittsburgh & Connells- ville Railroad Companies, or either of them, said sum of $300,000 for the purpose aforesaid, and to the extent of our respective subscriptions we sev- erally agree to save them harmless from the pay- ment of said sum. And we hereby authorize the corporators of said proposed company, when duly incorporated, under whatsoever name, when said road is located through Akron, to transfer to the stock-books of said company, when opened, our re- spective subscriptions here made, and agree that they shall have the same force and effect as if said company was now incorporated, and said amounts respectively signed and entered by us in said stock- books, after they were formally opened by the cor- porators of said company for that purpose. Through public meetings and personal solici- tation on the part of Messrs, King, Miller, Brown and others, the full amount, $300,000, with a sufficient margin to cover contingencies, was speedily subscribed by the enterprising citizens of Akron, all classes, from the largest manufacturer, merchant, banker, etc., to the humblest mechanic and laboring man, con- tributing to the guarantee fund in proportion to his several abilit}'. Then came long days of waiting, expectation and suspense, until, finally, in the spring of 1871, for reasons never satis- factorily explained to its Akron promoters, the project was indefinitel}' postponed, leaving the subscribers to the above document free to transfer their subscriptions to such new rail- road projects as they might deem advisable. The Valley Railway. — To David L. King, Esq., are the people of Summit County more largely indebted for the inception, prosecution and completion of the Valley Railway, running diagonally through our county, from northwest to southeast, than to any other man. As early as 1869, largely through the instrumentality of Mr. King, a charter was obtained for the Akron & Canton Railway, which afterward developed into the larger and more important enterprise, the Valley Railway, duly incorporated on the 21st day of August, 1871, the incorporators be- ing Henry Chisholm, Nathan P. Payne, James Farmer, Warwick Price and S. A. Fuller, of Cleveland, and David L. King, of Akron. The authorized capital stock of the company was $3,000,000, the road to run from Cleveland, in Cuyahoga County, via Akron, in Summit Count}', Canton, in Stark Count}', through Tuscarawas and Carroll Counties to Bowerston, in Harrison County, on the Pan Handle Railroad. The first first great movement for the promotion of the enterprise was made at a meeting held at the Academy of Music, in Akron, on the 4th day of January, 1872. Representatives from Cleve- land, Canton, Wheeling and intermediate points on the contemplated route were in attendance, together with a very large number of business men of Akron and other towns in Summit County. The meeting was presided over by James A. Saxton, Esq., of Canton, with Mr. R. H. Cochran, of Wheeling, as Secretary, and Hon. Stephen H. Pitkin, of Akron, as Assistant Secre- iii^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 299 retary. David L. King, Esq., of Akron, briefly stated the objects of the meeting, sa3ang that the project of a road down the valley of the Cuyahoga, from Akron to Cleveland, and south from Akron to Canton and Wheeling, was no new project. Such a road, Mr. King said, would develop large quantities of coal and other miner- als south of Akron, and a locomotive, after draw- ing an ordinary train to Akron, could by reason of continuous down grade, draw as many loaded cars from Akron to Cleveland, as the same locomotive could draw empty cars back. Mr. King concluded his remarks by moving the appointment of committeemen at different points on the route to aid in raising the neces- sary stock. Committeemen for Summit County were appointed as follows : Xorthlield, Lucian Bliss ; Boston, Frederick Wood, Frederick B. Wadhams, John Douds ; Richfield, Orson M. Oviatt, William C.Weld ; Bath, William Barker, Andrew Hale ; Northampton, James R. Brown, William Hard}^, John C. Johnston ; Portage, S. W. Miller ; Akron, Jacob H. Wise ; Middle- bury, Thomas H. Peckham ; Coventry, Alex- ander Brewster ; Springfield, Cyrus Yerrick, Robert V. Sawyer, Frank W. Myers : Green, Alexander Johnston. Speeches were made by Messrs. Newell D. Tibbals, Alvin C. Voris, Charles Brown, Stephen H. Pitkin, Lewis Miller, David L. King and others, of Akron ; James Farmer, of Cleveland ; R. H. Cochran of Wheel- ing ; James A. Saxton and Josiah Hartzell, of Canton, and William McNeil, of Peninsula. The importance and feasibility of the road was con- ceded by all, the discussion being mainly over the question of gauge, estimates being pre- sented showing the comparative cost of both the standard, four feet eight and one-half inches, and the narrow, three feet tracks. At the con- clusion of the discussion, the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted : Resolped, That it be the sense of tliis meeting that all our efforts be devoted to raising stock for the ordinary four-foot eight and one-half inch gauge. Subscription books were opened at Cleveland, Akron. Canton and intermediate points on the 15th day of January, 1872, and a vigorous cam- paign opened " all along the line," for raising the necessary funds to build the road. Cleve- land parties were pledged to raise $500,000, the quota assigned to Akron and Canton being $150,000 each, with such additional amounts as could be raised at intermediate points in the several counties interested. Meetings were held, speeches were made and subscriptions were ob- tained with commendable celerity, so that by the 20th of March, $60,000 of Akron's quota had been subscribed. Canton was the first to announce that her full share was raised, Akron coming in soon afterward with a similar good report. Cleveland, however, was backward, trusting to the plan of raising the requisite aiBOunt, under the Boesel law, by a tax upon the city. The proposition, however, was voted down, precious time being thus wasted, though the amount pledged was subsequent!}- raised l3y voluntary subscriptions to the capital stock of the compan}' through the vigorous efforts of her soliciting committees. Other localities also subscribed more or less liberally, so that the total amount subscribed in each of the three counties was as follows : Cu3'ahoga, $508,250 ; Summit, $191,700 ; Stark, $119,750. The first stockholders" meeting was held April 24, 1872, at which James Farmer, Ambrose B. Stone and Nathan P. Payne, of Cleveland ; David L. King and John F. Seiberling, of Akron, and James A. Saxton and George Cook, of Canton, were elected Directors. At a subsequent meeting of the Dii'ectors the same day, James Farmer was elected President ; David L. King, Vice Presi- dent, and Warwick Price, Secretary and Treas- urer. At a meeting of the Directors, held 3Iay 10, 1872 ; Plymouth H. Dudley, then Akron's most efficient City Engineer, was appointed Chief Engineer for the new road. Two routes from Akron to Cleveland were surveyed, one directly down the valley of the Cuyahoga River, the other •' overland," through Bath, Richfield. Brecksville, etc., liberal subscriptions being pledged along the latter route, should the loca- tion be determined in their favor. The vallev route was finall}' adopted, and the contract for building the entire line from Cleveland to Bow- erstown was awarded to Messrs. Nicholas E. Vansickle and Arthur L. Conger, of Akron, on the 3d day of February, 1873. At a meeting of the stockholders, April 16, 1873, David L. King and John F. Seiberling were chosen as Summit County's i-epresentatives in the Board of Directors, Mr. King being con- tinued as Vice President and Mr. Dudley as Chief Engineer, Stillman Witt, of Cleveland, being elected President. Ground was broken in Springfield Township, Summit County, early in March, 1873. The contractors immediately ^ 300 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. went vigorousl}' to work, the result of the first four months' operations being thus tersely stated b}' Engineer Dudley, in his report of the prog- ress of construction made to the Directors on the 15th day of August, 1873, as follows : " On the line between Cleveland and Canton, a dis- tance of fifty-seven miles, the graduation was commenced last March ; but on account of the wet weather in April and Ma}', and other causes, has not proceeded as fast as could be desired. All the bridges are under contract, and part of them up. I am, however, pleased to sa}- that nearly two-thirds of the distance from Cleveland to Canton is graded, and, should the weather continue favorable, I see no reason to prevent the completion of the remainder, ready to com- mence laying track in October. This would give you the use of the road most of the coming winter, which would be an advantage you no doubt fully appreciate." The Engineer's anticipations, however, were not realized, and the winter of 1873-74 set in without Avitnessing the lading of the track or the completion of the grading, bridging, etc. On the 24th day of April, 1874, Hon. Reuben Hitchcock, of Painesville, Lake County, was elected President, Mr. King being continued as Vice Pi-esident and Mr. Dudley as Engineer. Owing to diflferences of opinion between tlie Directors and the contractors, Messrs. Van- sickle and Conger, the contract was canceled and the work suspended on the 16th day of May, 1874. President Hitchcock, on account of failing health, having tendered his resigna- tion, David L. King, of Akron, was elected President on the 25th day of September, 1874, with James Farmer, of Cleveland, as Vice Pres- ident. The general stagnation of business, and especially of all new railroad enterprises, grow- ing out of the panic of September, 1873, with the failure of Ja}' Cooke & Co., having ren- dered the immediate resumption of work im- possible, the Directors, as a condition precedent to Mr. King's acceptance of the Presidency, in- dividually assumed the entire liabilities of the company, which, owing to inability to collect stock subscriptions, amounted to over $150,000 — a burden from wliich the devoted Directors were not relieved until April, 1879. Bat, by the self-sacrificing assumption of this responsi- bilit}^ the life of the company was saved through the long period of financial distress the country was then experiencing. Failing, through the stringency of the times, to secure aid in this country to complete the road, at the earnest solicitation of the board, Mr. King sailed for England, on the 6th day of February, 1875, to present the advantages of the invest- ment to the capitalists of London. After weeks of patient effort, struggle and disappointment, he finally succeeded in securing a proposition for the sale of the company's bonds on highly ad- vantageous terms, and a time was fixed for the execution of the contract. On the morning of the da}' agreed upon for closing the matter up, the publication, in the London papers, of the report of a committee of the House of Com- mons, discrediting the value of American se- curities in general, and railroad securities in particular, together with a cable dispatch re- ceived from New York, published in the same papers, that the Wabash & Western Railroad (a very large amount of the bonds of this road being held in London) had passed into the hands of a Receiver, presented so discouraging a prospect for the placing of American securi- ties of any kind, as to cause the withdrawal of the proposition and the non-execution of the contract. By the advice of the parties with whom he had been in negotiation, Mr. King returned home without having a(!Complished the object of his mission, to "await the logic of events, " as it was considered damaging to future sales, on the return of prosperity at home, to urge the bonds of the company further upon the attention of English capital- ists at that time. The merits of the line were, from time to time, brought liy President King before the capitalists of Cleveland and the East, and a succession of struggles to keep the enterprise alive were continued for three weary years longer, happily resulting in placing the bonds on highly favorable terms at home with Cleveland and New York capitalists, the capital stock having in the meantime (April 13, 1876) been increased from $3,000,000 to $6,500,000. On the 7th day of August, 1878, the work on the line l)etween Cleveland and Canton was re- sumed by the new contractors, Messrs. Walsh and Moynahan, the first rail upon the line l)e- ing laid and the first spike driven by President King, at Akron, at a point near the " Old Forge," at 12 o'clock, M., on the 26th day of Oc- tober, 1878, track-laying being immediately proceeded with from this point both ways, and also commenced in Cleveland a few days there- -^ — ^k ^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 301 after. The operations of the new contractors not proving satisfactory to the company, the contract with them was annulled on the 25th day of January, 1879, and the work again tem- porarily suspended. Subsequently, a new con- tract was made with Messrs. Strong and Gary, and work resumed on the 3d day of June, 1879. The road was finally completed through from Cleveland to Canton, in the winter of 1879-80. The first continuous train from Cleve- land to Canton, with the officers, Directors, and other friends and promoters of the road on board, started from Cleveland at 9:30 A. M., January 28, 1880. Making short stops at the several stations on the route, the train arrived at Canton about 1 o'clock, P. M. Starting fi'om Canton on the return trip at 3 o'clock, P. M., tlie run from Canton to Akron, twenty-two miles, was made in thirtj'-eight minutes, the en- tire trip from Canton to Cleveland, fifty-seven miles, being made in two hours — a remarkable run, considering the newness of the road, and evincing a very excellent degree of work in the la3'ing of the track and the ballasting of the road-bed. The first regular trains com- menced running Februar}^ 2, 1880, and have continued uninterruptedly to the present time, with constantl}^ increasing freight and passen- ger traffic, and though, by reason of the partial occupation of the ground by other similar en- terprises and prospective connections, the ex- tension of the road beyond Canton has been in- definitely postponed, the Valley Railwa}^ may well be considered a successful venture for its promoters, and a ver}^ valuable acquisition to the travel and transportation facilities of the people all along the line, as well as a material addition to the enterprise and prosperity of the cit}' of Akron, and of Summit County gener- ally. Officers of the road from the beginning to the present date (April 1, 1881), as follows : President — James Farmer, from April 24, 1872, to April 5, 1873 ; Stillman Witt, from April 15, 1873. to April 24, 1874; Reuben Hitchcock, April 24, 1874, to September 25, 1874 ; David L. King, September 24, 1874, to April 16, 1879 ; J. H. Wade, April IG, 1879, to date. Vice President — David L. King, from April 24, 1872, to September 25, 1874 ; James Farmer, Sep- tember 25, 1874, to April 16, 1879 ; S. T. Ev- erett, from April 16, 1879, to date. Treasurer and Secretar}' — Warwick Price, from April 24, 1872, to April 15, 1873. Treasurer— S. T. Ev- erett, from April 20, 1873, to date. Secre- tary— S. T. Everett, from April 20, 1873, to May 13, 1873. Secretary and Auditor — L. D. Clarke, from May 13, 1873, to April 17, 1878 ; William B. Porter, from April 17 to date. Su- perintendent — Sam Briggs, from November 1, 1879, to date. Present Board of Di- rectors — J. H. Wade, H. B. Payne, John Tod, W. J. Boardman and L. M. Coe, of Cleve- land ; David L. King, of Akron ; L. V. Bock- ius, of Canton ; and H. M. Flagler, of New York. The Tuscarawas Valley Railroad. — This road, a comparatively new enterprise, running from Lake Erie, at Black River, in Lorain Count}*, to Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling, W. Va., on the Ohio River, via Grafton, in Lorain County ; Medina and Seville, in Medina County ; Clinton, in Summit County ; Massillon, in Stark County ; New Philadelphia and Urichville, in Tuscarawas County ; passes through about three-fourths of a mile of the township of Franklin, in Summit Count}^, having a station at its junction with the Cleveland, Mount Vernon & Columbus road, called Warwick, a short distance south of the village of Clinton. This road is 157^ miles in length, and is one of the principal coal roads of the State, and beneficial to the people of Summit Count}^ in reaching sundry points between Akron and Wheeling, and in the ship- ment of coal and other articles to points west of Cleveland on the lakes. The Connotton Valley Railicay. — The latest ac- cession to the railroad system of Summit County is the Connotton Valley Railway. It is strictly a narrow-gauge road (three feet) and though intended more especially for the transportation of coal, its complement of rolling-stock em- braces an adequate suppl}' of box freight cars, and elegantly finished and furnished passenger coaches. The southern terminus of the road is at Bowerstown, on the Pan Handle road, in Harrison County, and its northern terminus, the city of Cleveland. The line passes through CarroUton, in Carroll County ; Canton in Stark County ; Mogadore, in Summit and Portage Counties ; Kent and Streetsboro, in Portage County; Twinsburg, in Summit County, and Bedford and Newburg in Cuyahoga County. The capital stock of the company is $3,000,000, the funds being furnished mainly by Boston capitalists, though a majority of the directors -y -S) L^ 302 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. and officers are residents of Ohio. The present officers of the road are as follows : William J. Rotch, of New Bedfoixl, Mass., President ; Sam- uel Allen, of Del Roy, Carroll Count}', Vice Pres- ident; A. B. Proal, of Canton, Stark County, Secretary and Treasurer ; W. N. MofFett, for- merly of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, Superintendent, and Robert Learaouth, formerly of the Pan Handle road, Roadmaster. The machine and repair shops, and the general offices of the company, are located at Canton. The entire length of the road is 118 miles, six- ty-two miles of which is now (April, 1881) in running order, being completed as far north as Mogadore, and as far south as Del Roy, in Car- roll Count}, and it is expected that cars will be running over the entire line by July of the present year. This road passes through from sixteen to twenty miles of valuable coal fields, fine beds of iron ore, potters' cla}', building- stone, etc., besides having on its line some of the most enterprising manufacturing cities and villages in Northern Ohio. At Mogadore, the road passes on the Portage County side of the village, but strikes into Summit County for a short distance, in circling around a hill just north of the village, thence bearing north- easterly to reach the village of Kent, and thence, in a northerly and northwesterly direc- tion, again strikes into Summit County on the east line of Twinsburg Township, running diag- onally across the township, and passing the vil- lage about one-fourth of a mile east of the pub- lic square. The Connotton Valle}- will prove especiall}' valuable to the people of Mogadore, in furnishing them an inlet for the large quan- tities of coal which they consume yearly, and an outlet for the immense quantities of stone- ware which they yearly manufacture, which has hitherto required a haul of eight miles, over (at times) the very muddiest kind of mud roads, to the nearest railroad shipping-point, Akron. The road will also give the people of Twinsburg facilities, not hitherto enjoyed, in reaching a mai^ket with their dairy products, and the invaluable building stone so abundant in that township, and in obtaining their needed supplies from Cleveland and other portions of the outside world. The Pittsburgh, Youngstown & Chicago Rail- road. — This road was projected early in 1881, by Chauncey H. Andrews, Esq., and other wealthy men of Youngstown, with other out- side backing. The company fully organized March 18, 1881, with Mr. Andrews as Presi- dent, when $1,500,000 of the .12,000,000 au- thorized capital was reported to be subscribed. The plan is to build the road from Pittsburgh, through Youngstown and Akron, direct to Chicago, the line, as surveyed, to enter Summit County at Mogadore, and, passing down the valley of the Little C!uyahoga River, entering Akron via the Sixth Ward upon the east, and Wolf Ledge Valley in the south part of the city. Though not yet actually commenced, there is at this writing (Api'il 1, 1881), great confidence in railroad and business circles that this road will soon be put under contract and speedih' constructed. Other important railroad projects, to pass through Summit County when built, are being talked up, but for the time being held in abeyance. Without our rail- roads, where would Akron, na}', where would Summit Count}' have been to-day ? Not a man- ufacturing establishment, other than our water- power mills, limited to some half-dozen in number — with diminished usefulness at that, by reason of a lack of speedy transportation facilities — would exist among us, and, instead of a city of 17,000 population, Akron would have been the mere village of 2,000 inhabitants that it was thii-ty years ago, if, indeed, it had not retrograded in the meantime for want of proper communication with the outside world. So, too, with the county at large — fanning lands, instead of being worth from $75 to $300 per acre, as they now are, would have remained, like those of the other non-railroad-penetrating counties of the State, at from $25 to $60 per acre. ;V HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 303 CHAPTER VI.* THE PROFESSIONS— LEGAL LORE IN THE PIONEKR DAYS— GREGORY ROWERS — OTHER EARLY LAWYERS — THE PRESENT SUMMIT COUNTY BAR— MEDICAL — PHJNEER PHYSICIANS- DIFFERENT SYSTEMS — MEDICAL SOCIETIES, ETC. THE history of the County would not be considered complete, without a sketch of the professions — legal and medical. The following on the Summit County bar is by Judge Carpenter, and is as follows: — [En.] In the summer of 1832, the writer, a stran- ger in Ohio, alert for information touching its people, laws, soil, products and topography, took the mail coach at Ravenna for Hudson. There was sitting on the back seat a man whose look would have taken his attention anywhere. A green bag tilled with books lay by his side. He was considerably under thir- ty, tall and slim, but with limbs and contour so round and trim as to suggest an embodi- ment of muscular vigor, agility and toughness. His dress was simple but fitted with faultless neatness to his elegant figiu-e. Conversation began at once. The writer's various questions were answered with a j^re- cision which evinced a thorough acquaintance with Ohio, its public interests, its heterogen- eous inhabitants, their difierent habits and ])eculiarities. Unquestionably that fellow- passenger was a man of keen observation. But his easy flow of intelligence bore not the slightest show of vanity or ostentation. His master}^ of language, the complete finish of every sentence, his faultless pronunciation and the gi'ammatical accuracy and purity of his English, might mark him for a college pi'o- fessor. On reaching Stow Corners, he took the road to Middlebury on foot, green bag in hand. When the writer returned to Ravenna he inquired of Mr. Coolman, the hotel kee}>er, the name of his fellow-passenger, remarking that he had been very pleasantly entertained by him. and had set him down as a man of mark who had traveled considerably with his eyes and ears wide open. Mr. Coolman, who •■■By Judge James S. Carpenter and I'r. Alvin K. Fuuser. was himself an invaluable treasury of what open eyes and ears could gather up, smiled at the remark and replied: "That gentleman, sir, is Gregory Powers. He is becoming a very distinguished lawyer, and is, in truth, a rising man; but as to his traveling, he was born and brought up here in the woods, and I doubt whether he was ever out of Ohio." It is true that he had then seen little of the world out- side of Ohio; and that his acquaintance had rarely extended beyond the Western Reserve. In his profession, Mr. Powers was not a voluminous reader. His library was not at all extensive, and his reading was mostly element- ary. His practice at the bar was earnest, gi'ave, strictly honorable and always courteous. Ad- vocates had not in those days acquired the art of inspiring jiu'ors by blowing in their faces. They stood at a distance of six or eight yards from the jiuy-box, and maintained a manliness of deportment superior to the moie recent practice. But it was not orator'y that most distin- guished the forensic efforts of Mr. Powers. It was his ability by quick and clear analysis to disentangle the most covert and complex transactions among men, and follow them to their legal consequences. And it was matter of curious observation to a listener that his high tension of voice and feeling was more frequent and intense in his argimients to the coiu*t on some abstract point of law. than in unraveling facts to the jiu-y. In the latter case, his highest ascents of voice and manner were more mild and of a more even tenor, intensely pressing the high claims of right and justice He was born in the township of Stow, then in Portage County, in 1805. His father was a native of Naples, Italy, and had been a sea cajitain. His mother was a lady of Middletown, Conn., and died in 1811. Some- (s" V 304 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY time after his mother's death, Gregory entered Burton Academy and continued there two years, making rapid progress in all studies which he took in hand, being especially distinguished in Latin and still more in mathematics. On leaving the academy he began the study of law, in the office of Judge Van R. Hum- phrey, in Hudson. As a student at law. Judge Humphrey said he was not a rapid reader. He habitually quarreled with what he was reading — turned back and read over and over again, till he was master of the text, and thus reconciled it to his sense of right as he went along. In 1832, Mr. Powers was elected by the Clay men and Anti-Masons of Portage County, to the House of Representatives of Ohio. In 1833, he was a candidate for re- election, but political alternations had fixed that year for the Democratic party, and Mr. Powers was succeeded by Roan Clarke. In 1838, Mr. Powers was elected by the Whigs to the Senate of Ohio. In both branches of the Legislature his course was marked by the same high ability which had given him such eminence at the bar. He came home from the Senate apparently overworked and suffering at the heart, which brought him to his death at the age of thirty- foiu-, July 10, 1839, end- ing a career, which, had it continued to the common limit of old age, must have set him among the loftiest characters of our country. Van R. Humphrey was born at Goshen, Conn., July 28, 1800. His educational train- ing was wholly at the common school of his native place, but it seems to have been so thorough that he became a successful teacher of a common school while in his teens. At what time he commenced the study of law is not ascertained, but a certificate of The- odore North, attorney and counselor at law, dated Goshen, May 11, 1821, says: "He pur- sued his course of legal studies in my office with u.ncommon attention and diligence." A copy of the record of the Court of Common Pleas of Litchfield County, Conn., duly certi- fied by Frederick Wolcott, Clerk, shows that in September, 1820, he was admitted an attorney and counselor at law before all the Com-ts of Common Pleas in Connecticut. April 17, 1821, he was married to Stella Beach, of Goshen, and settled in Hudson, Ohio, the same year, where he continued his residence through life. An official certificate of S. Day, Clerk, shows that at a term of the Supreme Court of Ohio, on the 1st day of July, 1822, present the Hon. Calvin Pease and Peter Hitchcock, Judges, Van R. Hum- phrey was duly examined, admitted and sworn as an attorney and counselor at law and solicitor in chancery, within the State of Ohio. In 1824, he was elected, commissioned and qualified as Justice of the Peace for the township of Hudson. December 26, 1828, he was admitted to practice in the District Com*t of the United States, within the State of Ohio. In the year 1828, he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Ohio, and was re-elected to the same office in 1829. He was elected by the Legislature of Ohio President Judge of the Coui't of Common Pleas of the Third Judicial District for the term of seven years, beginning in 1836 and ending in 1813. From 1830, or perhaps a little earlier, till Judge Humphrey took his seat upon the bench, he and Gregory Powers were pitted against each other in most of the important cases in Portage and Medina Counties. They were both men of commanding presence, yet stand- ing at the opposite extremes of manly dignity and beauty. Powers tall, lithe and excitable, yet always self-possessed. Humphrey cool and impertm'bable, tall, large, though not unwieldy or fleshy, but full and rounded out at every point — a manifest embodiment of muscular strength. His manner was deliberate; his voice loud, clear, of large compass and never harsh. His sarcasm, not frequent, and seeming ever to be held back in reserve, and never sought after, always hit its mark. His humor was inex- haustible and spontaneous, and his wit forth- coming at will. His imagination was splendid, but would have been improved by early disci- pline. His arguments were not distinguished for consecutive reasoning, but they seemed to be guided by a kind of insight into the essential elements of his case, so that, if his imagina- tion at any time outstripped his logic, there was an inner light that still hu'ed him back to the essential points which he seldom failed so to group together and enlighten as to give '-^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 305 them eflfect. While Powei's went directly to the leading points of his case and pressed them to their inevitable sequence, Humphrey swept in much of the smTounding mass, which, under his glowing imagination, took the color of his leading points. In a word. Judge Humphrey had just that broad foundation for a mental structure which early intellectual training would have made more readily avail- able for logical argument. And yet, as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, his decisions were remarkably correct. His quick and penetrative insight stood him in good stead there. His invariable kindness and impartiality, and the apparent ease with which he disposed of business, gave to his administration a general and hearty approval. Christopher P. Wolcott was born in 1821, probably in Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio. His father removed from Connecticut to that place some time prior to that date, it is believed. However, that may be, Steubenville was the home of his childhood and youth. His education, which was thoroughly classical, was received at several institutions, but lastly, at Jef- ferson College, Pennsylvania. He studied law under the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, our distin- guished Secretary of war diu-ing the rebellion. In the spring of 1846, he formed a partnership withW. S. C. Otis, Esq., of Akron, to which place he immediately removed his residence. The chief indications he then gave of the eminence which he afterward attained, were his accm'ate knowledge of legal principles, the complete- ness of whatever pleading or other written document came from his hands, and the very careful preparation of his briefs. It was apparent that he distrusted himself before a jury and felt far more confidence in his ability to address the court. In truth, diffi- dence of his own powers was then his besetting impediment. Indeed, it was not till he had toiled under tortured sensibilities through a busy and laborious practice of several years that he had so shaken off this nightmare as to give full play to his forensic powers. He had given proof in many cases of ability to go through an extended statement of logical inferences with extraordinary clearness and force on questions of law, yet his efforts before a jui-y had always seemed constrained i and painful. But at length in the libel case of Wilson vs. Blake, in Common Pleas, Novem- ber term, 1852, he broke entirely away fi'om his self-consciousness, and abandoned himself with burning energy to the full flow of a warm imagination. The coiul and bar were taken by surprise, and the verdict showed that noth- ing had been wasted on the jiu-y. The trial of Parks for miuxler, in December, 1853, was the next occasion that aroused the energies of Mr. Wolcott to their highest pitch. For him it was simply a medium of thought; and in his handling it became as transparent as the air. But the argument which stands, and forever must stand, as the monument of Mr. Wolcott's intellectual power and of his high attainments as a lawyer, was delivered as Attorney General of Ohio before the Judges of our Supreme Com't at Chambers on two \vrits of habeas corpus, in the cases ex jfarfe Bushnell and ex parte Langston, in May, 1859. It is reported in 9 Ohio State reports, page 97, covering eighty- three pages. In the summer of 1856, Mr. Wolcott was appointed Attorney General of this State by the Governor, to fill a vacancy in that office occasioned by the death of F. D. Kimball. He was elected to the same office in 1857, and continued to discharge his duties with distin- guished ability until February, 1860. On the breaking out of the rebellion in 1861, the en- listment of volunteers for the military service was an easy matter. . But in a movement so sudden, so extensive and multitudinous, it was no easy matter to bring order and system out of chaos and iiTepressible haste and confusion. In this emergency, Mr. Wolcott spent much of that year in aiding Gov. Dennison to regu- late and systematize the militar}" operations of our State. Early in 1862 his brother-in-law, Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, having been appointed Secretary of War, IVIi-. Wolcott was appointed Assistant Secretary of War. It would be super- fluous to speak of the labors which the war of the rebellion imposed upon that department of the Government. Mr. Wolcott's sleepless de- votion to his official duties — the indefatigable energy with which he plied both mind and body in that service, soon wore him out. He died in the summer of 1862, a martp' to his country's cause. [9 3(Xi HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Isaiah Hiimplirey, after serving a term in the United States Army in fightincr Indians and passing through the various vicissitudes of guarding our Western frontiers, settled down upon a farm in the township of Boston, some fifteen miles from Akron. In the process of clearing up his land and applying his labors as a new farm exacts them of a luisbandman, he thought there were minutes and i]aterstices of time, which without damage to his agriculture, he could devote to the enlargement of his mind. He had a retentive memory, was a nat- ural humorist, had a keen sense of the ludi- crous, a perpetual fountain of ready wit, a rare knack at narration whether of anecdotes or of sober facts, and a good understanding, which, with persevering effort, could be disci- plined for logical reasoning. Here was a foundation for a lawyer. The distance of his residence from the county seat and its proxim- ity to the Ohio Canal where law-siiits within a justices' jurisdiction were necessarily frequent, would of course often put in requisition a com- bination of such mental qualities in aid of dis- tressed litigants. Amid importunities of this kind, Mr. Humphrey took up the study of the law under his brother. Judge Van R. Humphrey, of Hudson. Meanwhile his farm and his family occupied his time as usual. His legal studies having been pursued some miles from Judge Humphrey's office, it very natiu'ally happened that on his admission to the bar he foimd himself much abler in the general prin- ciples of the law than in matters of legal practice, which require skill that comes only with use. It followed, of course, that in the Common Pleas Mr. Humi)hrey's pleadings were often defective and involved in perplexities. But his impm'turbable coolness, good nature and tact got the better of them with occasional loss of time, which to the court and bar was amply com- pensated by the interludes of wit and humor that seemed to flash out in proportion as per- plexities thickened. He did not leave his farm, but with his farming went through many a lively wrangle in his profession. He died about April, 1877, sincerely lamented by his brethren of the bar. Wolsey Wells' card is found in the Portage Jonrnal then published at Middlebmy in 1827, giving notice that he had opened a law office at Akron in the hotel. The same paper informs us that the first boat on the Ohio Canal reached Akron July 2, 1827, having on board Gov. Trimble on his way to celebrate the opening of the canal to navigation, at Cleveland on the 4th of July. Gov. Trimble was welcomed to Akron in a speech by Wolsey W^ells, Esq. In 1885, Mr. Wells was in law practice in company with Harvey Birch, Esq., at Elyria. After some years, practice at Elyria, he migrated to one of the northwestern coun- ties of Ohio, as agent of the State for the sale of public lands. It is reported that he died there a few years since. He was a lawyer of fine abilities and the strictest integrity. He took an active part in the anti-slavery and temperance reforms, in which he was out spoken and disdained all compromise. George Bliss was a native of Vermont and came to Ohio quite young. He commenced the study of law about 1841, in the office of Hand & Cartter, and was admitted to the bar about 1848. His examination for admission was, with several other candidates, in the Su- preme Court at Medina; and his thorough understanding of legal principles and practice was remarked on by the committee in their retirement as pre-eminent among the candi- dates, and as the harbinger of certain success in his profession. He very soon rose to dis- tinction and formed a partnership with D. K. Cartter (now Judge of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia), their office being in Akron. He had a voice of remarkable smoothness. It was of the kind which Cicero seems to have meant by his vox argentea. It was a ringing, metallic voice, sliding through gradations so easily and coming forth in full volume with such apparent spontaneity, that it never wearied the hearer however long con- tinued. A vacancy occm'ring in the Common Pleas judgeship of this district in 1850, Mr. Bliss was a candidate for election to that office by the Legislature of 1849-50. There were two other candidates. After numerous fruitless votes were taken, no candidate having received a majority, the Legislature gave the election the go by, and adjourned leaving the vacancy mffilled. The Governor of Ohio being then of :k* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 307 the Democi'atic party, appointed Mr. Bliss to the office. The short time he held it was long enough to fix the general opinion of the bar that his administration of it, if continued for another term, would give general satis- faction. In 1852, Mr. Bliss was elected to the House of Representatives in Congress by the Demo- cratic party. He continued his residence in Akron until about 1860, when he removed to Wooster. He continued the practice of his profession theie until his death about 1875. Lucius V. Bierce was born in Connecticut. He came to Ohio with his father's family when a lad. He entered the Ohio University at Athens, in Athens County, where he graduated at the termination of the ciistomary college course. He taught some years in one or more of the Southern States, and then returned to Ohio and studied law. On being admitted to che bar he opened a law office at Ravenna, in Portage County. He was a very fluent and rapid speaker, had great facility in drafting and readiness in the dispatch of business. He soon became very popular as a lawyer, and was elected Prosecuting Attorney several terms in succession. About the year 1836, he removed his office to Akron, which was then in Portage County, where he continued his professional practice until the war of the rebellion broke out. Gen. Bierce was neither an extensive nor a profound reader of law. His chief character- istic as a lawyer lay in his extraordinary tact and ingenuity in putting his adversary in a false position. When his opponent had made out a clear case and set down with confidence that it was standing in such blazing sunlight that no mists could be conjui'ed uj^ to darken it. Gen. Bierce was on his feet. Of all occa- sions for calling up his magic skill that was the one. Then all sorts of odd combinations of the law and facts which could make the false resemble the true were held up to the gaze of the jury. Hints, suggestions, imag- inings, possibilities outside and inside of the case — the winged missives seemed to fill the air and flap in every juror's face, and it was good luck for justice and innocence if some of them did not lodge in the breast of many a juryman and puzzle the whole panel, in spite a lucid charge from the court and all the simshine that had blazed upon the case. Yet, take him as he was, no member of the Summit bar was so di'eaded before a jury as Gen. Bierce. He was never tlirown off his guard — never discomposed. The most threat- ening discomfiture foimd him on his feet ready to repel the onset. In 1861, he was elected to the Senate of Ohio by the Republicans of Summit and Port- age Counties. He took a very active part in raising troops for the Union in the late war ; and in 1863 he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General of Ohio, and discharged the arduous duties of that office with faultless exactitude. As a citizen and neighbor, Gen. Bierce was public- spirited, obliging and generous. He died November, 1876, and was buried with military honors. John Harris, Jr., was born at Canton, Stark County, November 26, 1823. He was class- ically educated at Western Reserve College, of which he was a graduate. He stud- ied law under his father's tuition at Canton, and opened a law office at Akron about 184:5. His health was delicate. He, however, showed himself fully competent in his profession. With abundant intellectual power to cany him through a contest, he shrank fi'om the rough collisions which coarser natures often invited. Experience, however, would have given to his sensibility a recoil against coarse and ill-tem- pered thrusts all the more wounding to an ag- gressor, because it came unsuspected, from a keen and concealed weapon. Had he lived, he would have taken a high stand in the pro- fession, which all his practice would have tended to dignify and refine. He died at Canton March 12,' 1855. Harvey Whedon was born at Litchfield, Conn., in 1812. He opened a law office in Hud- son, Ohio, probably in 1838. He soon acquired a good office practice, and a reasonable share of practice in the courts of this county. A well-read, industrious lawj^er, of good judg- ment, he was often consulted, and acquired a reputation of a safe coxmselor. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Summit County in 1852, and faithfully discharged the duties of that office for the constitutional term of two years. Mr. "\Miedon was a man of undoubted 308 HISTOPtY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, integrity and of solid woiih. He died of typhoid fever August 29, 1855. W. S. C. Otis was born in Cummington, Mass. He entered Williams College, where he took a high stand as a scholar, but left the college some time in his senior year, and, for awhile, followed teaching. In 1831, he en- tered the law office of Whittlesey & Newton, at Canfield, Mahoning County, and continued there with unremitting application till he was admitted to thw practice of law in Ohio in 1833. Soon after his admission, he became a partner in his profession with Hon. Jonathan Sloane, of Ravenna. Mi-. Otis' strength lay in his keenly discriminative perceptions, his ample powers of deduction, and the tenacity with which he held to the controlling points in his case, di'awing from them alone its ulti- mate conclusions, and guarding every such point as no one could do who had not viewed and reviewed every phase of the matter in hand. As an advocate, his voice and action brought him little aid. He had great earnest- ness, a ready memory, spoke fluently and always to the point, though somewhat wordily. His facts and alignments were laid out with rare skill and judgment. To the comi and the bar, however, he was much better known as a lawyer than as an advocate. In argument, whether to the court or jury, he was fond of making historical or classical allusions, which were always well selected and came in with happy effect. Hi s ambition, when he began his profession, was very high, and, so ffir as emi- nence at the bar went, it was certainly not dis- appointed. ^Ii'. Otis was elected Prosecuting Attor- ney for Summit County, in 1844, and, in 1850, he was elected as a delegate from this county to the Constitutional Convention which framed the Constitution of Ohio now in force. Outside of his profession, he was a man of large intelligence — a diligent reader of his- tory, of the cmTent literatm-e of the times, of the classics, both ancient and modern, and of the Book above all books. He always kept up a close acquaintance with the ancient authors, both Greek and Latin, in their original tongues. Not long before his last illness, he published a pamphlet containing an examination into the common translation of a passage in one of the epistles of the New Testament, drawing his conclusions from a critical acquaintance with the original Greek. In truth, from the beginning of his professional life, and we know not how much longer, he made the study of the Bible a specialty. About 1842, ]VIi\ Otis removed his residence from Ravenna to Akron, where he continued his professional practice. He was elected President of the first bank established in Aki'on, and held that office for some years. Abou.t 1875, he suffered fi'om a paralytic shock, from which he so far recovered as to give attention to his extensive business till 1877, when a second stroke of palsy gave wai'n- ing that his work was done. He died leaving his widow and family amply provided for. William M. Dodge was born January 2, 1805, in the State of New York. He ob- tained a good English education at the com- mon schools of his native place. He came to Ohio probably about 1828; studied law in Geauga County, and was admitted to the bar probably in 1830. Not long afterward, he took up his residence at Middlebury, and there opened a law office. After a short residence there, he settled in Ala'on, where he continued his professional business until he was elected Probate Judge of Summit County, in 1860. He had before then held the office of Prose- cuting Attorney for Summit County, hav- ing been elected to it in 1842, and discharged its duties satisfactorily through the term. Mr. Dodge was a public-spirited citizen. He took a very active part in the organization of the Aki-on school system. He was espe- cially efficient as a member of the Board of Directors, in all that pertained to building, or otherwise providing schoolhouses. In all such matters, he was a man of first-rate judgment, and he bent himself to the gi'atuitous work with untiring zeal. He died July 22, 1861. William H. Gaston had been a school- teacher. At what time or where he studied law, or was admitted to the bar, is not known. In 1844, he was doing business as a lawyer, in company with W. S. C. Otis, at Akron. He gave himself to the work of the law office with unremitting diligence. He was a lawj^er of a clear head, and of power to grasp and handle a matter of manifold complications in chan- 'Tl'^ .1^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 309 eery and was ambitious to rise in his profes- sion. But a fatal disease .seized upon his lungs and took him from the jarring crowds of suitors and lawyers, and jurors, and coui-ts, and all the varied tumults of earthly things. James D. Taylor was born at Youngstown, Mahoning County, November 24, 1816. He was admitted to the bar at Gallipolis, whither he rode on horseback for that purpose. About 1845, he entered into partnership with Henry W. King, Esq., of Akron, where he immedi- ately fixed his residence. The firm carried on a prosperous business till about 1850, when, the health of both partners declining, their partnership was dissolved. Mr. Taylor's ill- ness was pulmonary. He spent some time in the Southern States, in hopes, by help of a favorable climate, to overcome the malady which was wasting him away. It was sadly in vain. He died at Enterprise, Fla., March 23, 1855. "While residing at Akron, he was married to Miss Isabella Howard, now Mrs. James Mathews, of Aliron. Mr. Taylor was an industrious, clear-headed lawyer. He had a sprightly imagination, a keen, well-dis- ciplined intellect. A comely person, a good memory and ready command of language, an easy delivery, free but always graceful and appropriate gestui'es, a soft though not very sonorous voice, an animated countenance, and a wit that could make a home-thrust almost in a whisper, made him one of the most winning speakers of the time. But, better than all, a keen sense of honor and integrity above suspicion, seemed to add security and a high and commanding value to all the mental qualities of the man. His death, and its melancholy surroundings — far from home, where his wife was detained with a sick child — shed a deep and lasting sorrow thi'oughout his acquaintance. Chai'les G. Ladd was a native of Vermont. He came to Ohio in his yoiith, and read law with his brother-in-law. Gen. L. V. Bierce, with whom, after being admitted to practice, he became a partner, in the firm of Bierce & Ladd. With no shining advantages, Mr. Ladd soon began to show what influence can be ob- tained over common minds by self-assm'ance, and apparently an undoubting confidence that one's own knowledge is one's own exclusively. and can be shared in by others only as he himself imparts it. This quality of tmflinch- ing boldness he used with the address and tact of a master. He entered the arena of politics simultaneously with that of his profession, youthful as he was, and very soon passed tlirough a succession of minor trusts and offi- ces, all of which he discharged faithfully and with fair ability. On the adoption of ovir present constitution, in 1851, he was elected to the office of Probate Judge of Summit County in October of that year, but died in the following winter, with- out entering upon the duties of the office. Holland O. Hammond was born in Bath Township, in Summit County. He displayed in his childhood rare aptness in learning — so much so that his parents singled him out from among a large family of children for a liberal education. He fitted for entering a college course at the Preparatory Department of the Western Reserve College, which he entered in due time, and, in the regiilar progress of class- ical and mathematical studies, showed brilliant powers of acquisition. Chafing against the common restraints of a college upon his irreg- ularities, he left that institution and entered Oberlin College. Finding the restraints there quite as stringent as those at Western Re- serve, he took leave of Oberlin some time in his junior year. Not long afterward, in the winter of 1846-47, he commenced the study of law in the office of Carpenter & McClm-e, at Akron. He mastered the customary text- books with gi-eat facility, and, at the end of the statutory two years of law-reading, was admitted to the bar. A brief nin of practice revealed in him the elements of a fine legal mind, and a ready tact at picking up bvisiness and inspiring confi- dence in his clients. But such guaranties of success were weakened by a ceaseless itching for office and the wonted intrigues to secm-e it. In mid-career, however, a fatal disease set- tled upon his brain, fi-om which, after a linger- ing illness, he died, in 1866, leaving a widow and one daughter, and his memory for their heritage. George Kirkum was a native of Connecticut. He was for many years Clerk of the Coiu't of Common Pleas of Portage Coimty, before the erection of Summit. His skill in^putting T^ !a w. 310 HISTOKY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in order and systematizing the affairs of the office of Clerk of the Coui-t of Common Pleas was of public utility. In 1888, Mr. Kirk- um was elected to the House of Represent- atives of Ohio, from the county of Portage. The special interest his election was expected to subserve was the erection of Summit County out of Portage, Stark, Wayne and Medina Counties. Though a jnan of lai'ge intiuence in a popular body, so strong was the opposition that his indefatigable labors failed to cai'ry the measiu'e through the Legislatm'e. About the same time, Mi*. Kirkum took up his residence in Aki-on, where he opened a law office and practiced his calling for several years. His health failing, he moved his resi- dence to his farm in Norton Township, which he managed for a few yeai's, and then moved to another farm in the vicinity of Cleveland. All the while, his inevitable tormentor, dyspep- sia, followed him up, till he died at his last- mentioned home some years since. Frederick S. Hanford was born at Cuyahoga Falls, and was educated at Western Reserve College, where he graduated with distin- guished honors. He studie d law in the office of McKinuey & Tibbals in Akron, and at the Columbia Law School in New York City, where he was admitted to practice May 12, 1869. He entered into a law partnership with Hon. S. C. Williamson (now Probate Judge of Summit County), and afterward with Hon. N. J). Tibbals (now Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas). He rose rapidly in practice. But, suffering from hemorrhage of the lungs, he spent some months in Colorado in hopes of invigorating his health by change of climate. On returning to professional labor, hemor- rhages followed from time to time with fatal effect. He died at the home of his father-in- law in Ashland, Ohio, January 29, 1879. Hemy William King, son of the late Hon. Leicester King, of Ohio, was bom at Westfield, Mass., September 24, 1815. He was brought to Warren, Trambull County, when his par- ents settled there, in 1817. He was fitted for college partly at Wan-en and partly at Hart- ford, Conn., where he entered Washington (now Trinity) College, and graduated August 4, 1836. He studied law with the late Hon. Milton Sutliff at Warren, and also at the Cin- cinnati Law School, under Judge Walker. He was admitted to the bar at Gallipolis in February, 1839. Li the fall of the same year, he opened a law office at Aki'on, Summit County. June 1, 1844, he formed a law part- nership with James D. Taylor, which was dis- solved June 1, 1849, on account of the failing health of Mr. Taylor, who immediately re- moved to Peiii, 111., where, his health improv- ing, he carried on a very prosperous law busi- ness for a few years, imtil his pulmonary weakness could midergo the wear of strife no longer. Meanwhile, Mi'. King entered into partner- ship with his brother, David L. King, and vigorously pm-sued the business of the profes- sion. In 1850, the Legislatm'e of Ohio elected him Secretary of State. The duties of this office he discharged for two years with his cus- tomary exactness and punctuality. IVIr. King was an indefatigable worker. He shi'ank fi'om no legal di'udgery. This intense labor, how- ever, bore down upon a constitution never strong, until 1853, when his health gave way, and he was therefore compelled to re- linquish his professional practice. As a means of recovering, he betook himself to a more active life in open air, at Suamico, in the lumber regions of Wisconsin. He also tried a sea voyage, one or more, at mackerel fishing, and a voyage to the Bermudas. But his malady had laid fast hold on his life, and, in spite of remedies, and hopeful friends, and their tenderest cares, and the watchful nm-sing of her who for years had held her own life sec- ond to his, on the 2()th of November, 1857, he left all for another and a better life. The following are the names of lawj^ers who once practiced in Summit County, but who are still living elsewhere, or of whose decease we have no certain knowledge: Rufus P. Spalding, a native of Connecticut, graduate of Yale College, was one of the Supreme Judges of Ohio, when our State constitution took effect in 1851. He represented this dis- trict in Congress three successive terms, be- ginning in 1862; and now enjoys a healthy old age in Cleveland. Daniel R. Tilden, a native of Connecticut, began business as a lawyer ^'n Portage County about 1836; was twice elected to Congress from this district. hL HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 311 He opened a law ofl&ce in Akron about the winter of 1847-48; removed to Cleveland about 1850; was elected Probate Judge of Cuyahoga County in 1851, and has held that oflfice without interruption ever since. Abel B. Berry, a native of New Hampshire, gTadu- ate at Dartmouth College, and was admitted to practice in New England; came to Akron in 1844; read law one year in the office of Judge Spalding, and was admitted to practice in Ohio in 1845. He opened a law office in Akron, and after a few years returned to New England, and is now practicing law in Boston, Mass. Alvah Hand opened a law office in Akron about 1827; removed to Oshkosh, Wis., many years since. Seneca L. Hand kept a law office in Middlebury (now Sixth Ward, Aki-on), from about 1828 till about 1851, when he moved to Dubuque, Iowa. Frederick A. Nash was for some years a partner in law bus- iness with Seneca L. Hand; afterward with N. W. Goodhue, Esq., and still later with Messrs. King & Green. For the last twelve years or so, he has resided at Brattleboro, Vt. Philemon Bliss, a native of Central New York, and liberally educated there, opened a law office at Cuyahoga Falls about 1841. After a practice there of some three or foui* years, he removed to Elyi'ia, Lorain County, and there continued his law practice. While residing there he was twice elected to Con- gress. After some years' service in a Terri- toi'ial judgeship, he took up his residence in Missouri and became one of the Supreme Judges of that State. He has recently pub- lished a book of some note on code pleading, and is Professor of Law in the Missoui'i State University. H. H. Johnson kept a law office some years in Akron, but, upon the erection of the county of Ashland, he took up his resi- dence and pursued his law practice at Ash- land, the county seat of that county, where he was soon afterward elected to the House of Representatives in Congi-ess. David K. Cart- ter is a native of Western New York, where he was admitted to the bar. He opened a law office in Akron about 1887, and removed to Massillon, Stark County, about 1845. He was elected to Congress in 1848, and again in 1850. Early in Mr. Lincoln's administration he was appointed Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court of the District of Coltunbia; and is still the incumbent of that office. Henry McKinney was born in Portage County, Ohio; studied law under Judge S. W. McClure at Cuyahoga Falls, was admitted to the bar and entered into partnership with him in 1850. After some years he removed his residence to Akron, where he formed a partnership with Judge N. D. Tibbals. He was elected to the Senate of Ohio in 1809, and, in 1871, he re- moved his residence to Cleveland. John A. Pleasants is a native of Virginia. He settled in Alii'on in 1848, where he practiced law for several years, and then retui*ned to Virginia. Charles Baldwin entered into a law partnership with Gen. L. V. Bierce, of Ai'kon, about 1859 or 1860. He continued in that partnership till the General's appointment to the office of Assistant Adjutant General, when he a few years later removed to Omaha, Neb. Wilbur F. Sanders was born in New York, and read law under Hon. Sidney Edgerton, at Akron. He was admitted to practice and formed a law partnership with Gov. Edgerton in 1857. Upon Gov. Edgerton's appointment as Judge for the Territory of Idaho, Mr. Sanders became a resident of that part of the Territory now included in Montana, where he has been in practice as a lawyer ever since. Charles Rhine- hart was born in Hopkinton, N. Y. He was elected Clerk of the Com't of Com m on Pleas of Summit County in 1868 ; and was re-elected in 1866. At the end of the second term of that office, he opened a law office in Akron, where he continued practice till the fall of 1880, when he removed to Denver, Colo. Eugene Pardee was born in Wadsworth, Me- dina Co., Ohio; read law under Judge Van R. Humphrey at Hudson. He resided respect- ively in Wadsworth, Wooster and Aki-on, where he practiced his profession, and, in 1880, again removed to Wooster, where at present he resides. [This closes the sketch of the bar of the past, of Summit County, and brings us down to those now living. As the present members of the bar have biographical sketches in another department of this work, we deem it imneces- sary to repeat the same in this chapter. One of the oldest representatives of the present bar is Judge McClure, and to whpse biograph- rV 313 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ical sketch the reader is referred, as iinto most of the others following. — Ed.]. Judge James S. Carpenter studied law with Camp & Canfield, at Medina, Ohio, and was ad:nitted to the bar May 29, 183S, at Spring- field, Ohio. He came to Akron in 1846, and has practiced here ever since. Judge C. Bryan located in Akron in the fall of 1833, and was admitted to the bar in Columbus in 1834. Hon. Sidney Edgerton. (See biographical sketch.) Judge S. H. Pitkin studied law in Fulton County, 111., and was admitted to the bar at Lewiston (same coimty) about 1836, and came to this county in 1852. William H. Up- son (see biographical sketch), was admitted to to the bar at Cleveland in September, 1845: Edward Oviatt, in September, 1846, at Medina; N. AV. Goodhue, at the September term of the Supreme Court, at Akron, in 1847; Edwin P. Greene, at Akron, in September, 1852; Judge N. D. Tibballs, at Akron, in September, 1855; John J. Hall, at Canton, Ohio, in May, 1857; Gen. A. C. Voris (see biographical sketch else- where); J. A. Kohler was admitted to the bar in 1859; H. W. Ingersoll, at Columbus, March 29, 1859; Judge U. S. Marvin, in May, 1860; Gen. Thomas F. Wilde, at Cincinnati, in 1866; Calvin P. Humpln-ey was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1866; Edwin W. Stuart, at Cleve- land, in 1866; H. C. San ford, at Ravenna, in April, 1868; George T. Ford, in 1869; Newton Chalker gi-aduated fi'om the Law Department of the University of Albany in 1 869 ; James M. Poulson was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1870 ; G. K. Pardee, in 1870 ; George S. May, in 1872; Richard P. Marvin, in May, 1873; John H. Campbell graduated from the Law Depart- ment of the Michigan University in 1873; Charles Baird was admitted to the bar about the year 1874; John M. Fraze, at Louisville, Ky., in 1874; Charles R. Grant, in December, 1874; NewtonFord, at Akron, in August, 1876; Noah Hodge was admitted to practic in the Superior Court of Mississippi, in January, 1875; John C. Means was admitted to the bar in the District Court of Summit County, in August, 1876; John Johnston was admitted to the bar in 1876; James McNaughten was admitted to the bar in 1876; Charles Robin- son, at Columbus, in December, 1877; E. T. Voris, at Cleveland, in October, 1877 ; J. V. Welsh, at New Lisbon, Ohio, May 26, 1877; L. D. Seward, in 1878; R. J. Young, in June, 1879; Rolin W. Saddler, in April, 1878; Frank D. Cassidy, in March, 1879; Charles W. Foote, at Wooster, in June, 1879; L. D. Watters, March 17, 1879; D. A. Dovle, in May, 1880; F. M. Atterholt, October 5; 1880; A. F. Bartges (see sketch). [The following sketch of the medical pro- fession of Summit County, is by Dr. A. K. Fouser. — Ed.] The history of the medical profession in Summit County dates back to the year 1800, or the time of the earliest settlements, the demands for a doctor's services being then as now proportionate with the spread of civiliza- tion. The New England and Middle States having furnished most if not all of our earliest physicians, we have only to look at the history of the profession in those States to become acquainted with the material which made up the pioneer doctors of this county. At, and previous to, the period before mentioned, the greater niunber of the physicians in the East were what are called " regulars " — those who bled, blistered, gave calomel, jalap, tartar- emetic and the like. Homeopathy was scarce- ly known on this side of the Atlantic, while Thomsonianism, hydropathy, physiopathy, ther- malism, magnetism and kindred dogmas had not yet found their way into the world. But without entering into an extended de- scription of the different systems in vogue, then and now, we will pass to the local history of the different towns and townships, giving as nearly as possible the succession of physi- cians who have practiced in each with as much of their personal history as could be ascer- tained concerning the dead, and all that would be expedient of the living. Dr. Titus Chapman was probably the first physician who practiced in the vicinity of what is now known as Akron. He came to Middlebiury, now Sixth Wai'd of Aki'on, soon after the war of 1812, and practiced there about thirty years, after which he went to Tallmadge and thence to Oberlin where he died. Dr. Luther Hanchett was bom and educated in Connecticut, and after practicing in New York State a few years, came to Ohio, locating '.^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 313 in the vicinity of Middlebiuy while that place was yet in its infancy. He was born in 1778, and probably came to Akron about 1815. After practicing about twenty years, he re- moved to Michigan where he died in 1840. Dr. Elijah Hanchett, a brother, was born in Connecticut in 1776, and began practice in Saratoga County, N. Y., in 1798, where he remained until 1832, when at the solicitation of his brother, he came to Middlebmy. He then practiced in the vicinity of Middlebury until 1836, when he removed to Tallmadge where he died in 1843. Dr. Joseph Cole was probably the first reg- ular practitioner of medicine in what was at that time Akron proper, and for many years was the " old stand-by " of the profession. He was bom in Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1795, and lived on a farm until the age of twenty. He then began the stvidy of and a few years later graduated from Fairfield Med- ical College in his native State. In 1824, he came to Ohio and located at Old Portage, in this county, where he practiced until 1827, at which time he came to Akron where he remained in practice until near the time of his death— 1861. Dr. Richmond came from Taunton, Mass., and settled in Akron about 1833. After prac- ticing here for three or four years, he fell a victim to consumption, went to Kentucky and died soon afterward; his idea of going South was, " to die among strangers," as he expressed it. Dr. E. F. Bryan, bi'other of Judge Bryan, came to Akron in the summer of 1833, and remained until 1836 or 1837, going then to Grranville, Licking County. He was a na- tive of Delaware County, N. Y., and received his medical education at Yale College. Dr. Ackley came from Rochester, N. Y., about 1834, and practiced in Akron for a few years, going fi'om here to Cleveland, where he be- came quite prominent in his profession, and in his connection with the medical college. Dr. Crosby came to Middlebury some time about 1835, and remained there and in Akron for a number of years. Though originally of the regular school of medicine, he latterly embraced the homoeopathic faith and made some pretentions toward practicing it. How- ever, medicine was a secondaiy matter to him, as most of his time and energies were spent in speculations of different kinds. Dr. Cleveland practiced in Akron between 1830 and 1840. Dr. D. D. Evans was a native of New York State; came to Akron in 1836, and practiced here until the time of his death which occun-ed in December, 1849. He was a doctor of more than ordinaiy ability for the time in which he lived, enjoyed a good reputation and an exten- sive practice; was universally esteemed, and for many years was the leading man in the profession of this section of the State. In connection with the death of Dr. Evans, a sad but very interesting circu^mstance is related, which in substance is as follows : While treat- ing a case of malignant erysipelas at Cuya- hoga Falls, Dr. Evans in some manner became infected with the poison and died within a few days thereafter. A post-mortem examina- tion of Dr. Evans was made at which quite a number of physicians were present, and among them were Drs. Huntington and Angel, both of whom either became inoculated or absorbed the vims, the former dying within a few weeks, while the latter suflered immediate sloughing of one arm, and died from the poi- son a few years later. Nor was this all. A Mr. Chapman, a brother-in-law of Dr. Hunt- ington, while nui'sing the doctor in his sick ness, also absorbed the virus and died from its effects. Dr. Kendrick came to Middlebury about 1837, and remained a few years. Dr. J. O. Wade practiced in Middlebmy about the same time. Dr. Wyram West was also one of the early doctors in Middlebury. Dr. E. L. Mun- ger, a native of Vermont, located in Akron about 1838, but after a few years removed to Portage County. Dr. Kilbom-ne (Botanic), came to Akron about 1838, and, after practicing about fifteen years, removed into Coventry Township and began farming. Some time after this his mind became somewhat deranged, and in a fit of temporaiy insanity he committed suicide on his own farm. Dr. W. T. Huntington, a native of Connecticiit, located in Aki'on in 1839, and continued in practice until early in the year 1850, when he died as stated above. Dr. Mendall Jewett was born in Greenwich, Mass., in 1815, and came to Ohio in 1836. He soon afterward began the study of medi V9 314 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY cine with Drs. Noble and Town, of Hudson, and, in 1839, began practicing in Mogadore, then in Portage County, where he remained until 1858, in the meantime having taken a course of lectiu*es at Willoughby Medical Col- lege, and graduated after that college had removed to Cleveland. He spent two years — 1850 and 1851 — in California, and, from 1855 to 1857, represented this county in the State Legislature. Since 1858 up to the present time, he has lived in Middlebury (Sixth Ward of Akron ), and has during all this time followed his profession, besides being engaged in other business. Dr. William P. Cushman was born at Ran- dolph, Vt., in 1810, and up to the age of twenty- two he worked on a farm during most of the time. In 1882, he went to New York State and taught school, and, in 1834, came to Ohio and attended school at Oberlin, at the same time reading medicine with Dr. Dascom. He afterward attended the Cincinnati Medical College, and, in 1838, began practicing his profession in Elyria, remaining there two years and then coming to Akron. He still lives in Akron, but has retired from practice en- tirely. Dr. E. W. Howard was born in Andover, Windsor Co., Vt., in 1816, and until the age of nineteen lived with his parents on a farm, securing in the meantime a liberal education at the Chester Academy. He then took a trip West, during which he visited his cousin. Prof. E. L. Howard, at Elyi'ia, Ohio, and was by him persuaded to study medicine. He at once began reading in the office of his cousin, where he continued until the following year, when he attended a course of lectures in Pitts- field, Mass. He then went home and read two years with Dr. L. G. Whiting, and, in 1838, graduated from the Berkshire Medical College, Pittstield, Mass. After practicing one year with his preceptor, he came to Akron in 1839, and has since practiced here up to the present time, being now the oldest practitioner in the city. During the late war, he was sent South by Gov. Tod, and served several months in the hospitals at Frederick City, Md., and Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Edwin Angel was bom in Providence, R. I., in 1802, but when a few years old removed with his parents to Canandaigua, N. Y. At the age of foui'teen, he entered Union College at Schenectady, and gi'aduated two years later. He then began the study of medicine with his father, and soon aftei'ward attended lectures, finishing his coiu'se at the age of nineteen years. He then practiced some as an assistant to Dr. Valentine Mott, and on becoming of age received his degi'ee after which he returned to Canadaigua, and assisted his father. In 1840, he came to Akron, where he practiced until the time of his death, September, 1855. With his death passed away the last physician in a family which, for at least four generations, had been represented in the regular profession. Dr. Samuel W.Bartges(Uriscopist), was born in Union City, Penn., in 1814, and, in 1833, came with his parents to Columbiana County, Ohio, where he was engaged for a few years in a general merchand se store. In 1837, he began reading medicine with Dr. John Dellen- Ijaugh, with whom he remained for five years, during the last two of which he practiced to some extent. In 1842, he came to Akron, where he has continued to practice until the present time. Dr. Perkins Wallace came to Akron in 1843, and practiced here a short time. Dr. William Sisler was born in Lycoming County, Penn., in 1819, and at the age of twenty-one came to Manchester, in this county, where foi several years he was engaged in teachino; school and workings on a farm. In 1843, he began reading medicine with Dr. Fernando Dalwick, of Canal Fulton, Stai'k Co., Ohio, and continued there until about 184r), when he retm'ned to Manchester and began practicing. His brother, Adam, joined him soon after, and while one can-ied on their practice the other attended lectures, William graduating from Cleveland Medical College in 1851, and Adam in 1852. They then continued in practice together xmtil 1873, when William came to Aki'on and engaged in the di'ug biisi- ness which he can-ied on imtil 1879, when he sold out and since then has been practicing some in Aki'on besides being engaged in other business. He served three months in the hospitals dm-ing the late war, under the call of Gov. Tod, and, in 1867, was elected on the "717 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 315 Repiiblican ticket as Representative in the State Legislatiu'e, serving one term. Dr. John Weimer was born in Alsace, France, in 1813, and at the age of nineteen came to America. After working in a store several months in BniTalo, he went to Balti- more, Stark Co., Ohio, and began the study of medicine with Dr. W. Underwood, with whom he read two years, and then one year with Dr. Breisacher, of Canton, Ohio. In 1886, he located in Uniontown, Stark Co., Ohio, where he continued in practice until 1847, coming then to Aki'on, where he has continued to the present day. Dr. J. W. Hamilton, now Professor of Sur- gery in Columbus Medical College, practiced in Akron a short time about 1850. Dr. Joseph Stanton, brother of Prof. Dr. Byron Stanton, of Cincinnati, came to Aki'on about 1850: prac- ticed four or five years and died. Dr. Alex- ander Fisher, for several years a practitioner of Western Star, came to Akron soon after the death of Dr. Evans, and remained several years. He then went West and is now in Chicago. Dr. J. P. Peck read medicine with Drs. Evans and Angel; gi'aduated from Cleveland Medical College, and located in Akron about 1852. He practiced here several years in partnership with Dr. Fisher, and then went West, being at present a resident of Omaha. Dr. J. S. Wilson came to Aki'on about 1856 or 1857, as a successor to Dr. Fisher, and remained a few years. Dr. J. J. Smith was born in Springfield Township, this county, in 1820. Graduated fi'om Medical Depart- ment of Univei'sity of Michigan in 1855'. Practiced six months in Toledo, and located in Akron in 1856. Dr. William Bowen was born in Genesee County, N. Y.. in 1805. As soon as he had attained a suitable age, he was apprenticed to a carpenter, and, at the completion of his service, came West and settled in Stai'k Coiinty, Ohio, where for several years he worked at his trade, at the same time improv- ing his spare moments in acquiring an ediica- tion. Having attended school a short time, he began teaching and soon afterward took up the study of medicine with Dr. Estep, but, owing to limited means, was obliged to con- tinue his teaching in connection with his pro- fessional reading. In 1832, he began prac- tice in Doylestown, Wayne County, where he remained u.ntil 1835. He then attended lect- ures and graduated at the Medical College of Ohio, receiving his degree in 1836. He then practiced two yeai's in Canton, Ohio, going next to Massillon, where he practiced nearly twenty years, gaining in that time an exten- sive practice and wide-spread reputation. In 1857, he came to Akron, and continued in act- ive practice imtil the time of his death, Janu- ary, 1880. Dr. George P. Ashmun was a native of St. Lawi-ence County, N. Y., and, in 1834, came to Tallmadge. in this coiuity. In 1836, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Amos Wright, of that place, and, in 1839, gi'adu.- ated from Cleveland Medical College. Prac- ticed one year in Uniontown, Stark Couniy; five years in Boston, Summit County, and then in Hudson, Summit County, for nine years. In 1862, entered the army and served two years as Surgeon of the Ninety-third Ohio Vohmteer Infantry, but, in 1864, re- signed and retm'ned home, after which he practiced in Aki'on till the time of his death, in 1873. Dr. J. A. Knowlton was born in Vermont in 1824, and received his early education in Rut- land. Began reading medicine with Dr. Crit- tenden, of Kent, Ohio, in 1841, and four years later graduated fi'om Cleveland Medical Col- lege. Practiced in Portage County until 1863, and since then has been in Akron. Of late years he has given up the regular prac- tice, and devoted his attention principally to the drug business and treatment of clu-onic diseases. Dr. Charles R. Merriman was born in Dal- ton, Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1829, but while quite young came with his parents to this coiuity. His early education was obtained at the schools of Akron, Farmington and Nor- Avalk, and, in 1847, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Huntington, of Aki'on. Attended Cleveland Medical College in 1849, after which he practiced in Kentucky- and Missouri until 1857, when he retui-ned to Ohio and took another coiu-se of lectiu-es, graduat- ing in the spring of 1858. He then practiced a short time at Peninsula and Montrose, and :rv 316 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. then went West practicing at Virginia City and Helena until 1865, when he returned to Montrose. Practiced there until 1873, and then removed to Akron, where he has since remained. Dr. Charles R. Pierce came to Akron about 1858, and practiced until 1862, when he entered the service as Assistant Surgeon. Died in 1863. Dr. B. S. Chase was born in Vermont in 1834, and was brought up on a farm until he became of age, receiving in the meantime a liberal education at the Chester Academy. About 1856, he began reading medicine with Drs. Andrews and Woodman, of Paw Paw, Mich., and after taking one course of lectures came to Akron and continued his studies with his uncle. Dr. E. W. Howard. In 1856, he graduated from University of Michigan, fol- lowing which he practiced with Dr. Howard until 1862, when he entered the army as Assistant Surgeon of the Sixteenth Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry. In June, 1863, he was pro- moted to Surgeon and was transferred to the Fifty-third Mississippi Colored Regiment, with whom he served until the close of the war, becoming very popular as a Surgeon as well as a soldier. He served on the Op- erating Board at the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, and at the siege of Vicksburg. At the close of the war he located in Akron, where he continued in practice until the time of his death, February, 1878. Dr. T. M. Leight is a native of Snyder County, Penn., and was born in 1827. When twenty years of age, he began reading medi- cine, and after four or five years oiJice tuition began practicing at McKees Falls in his native county. He remained here about nine years, within which time he attended lectures in Phil adelphia a month or two each year, graduat- ing from Jefferson Medical College in July, 1857. He then practiced about seven years at Mifflin, Penn., after which he came to Akron, where he is at present. Dr. Thomas McEbright was born at Car lisle, Penn., in 1824, but at an early age came with his parents to Wayne Comity, Ohio, where he was brought up on a farm until the age of sixteen, after which he attended the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware. In 1848, he began reading medicine with Dr. I. H. Baker, of Wooster, and, in 1850, graduated from Starling Medical College, at Columbus, Ohio. Practiced seven years at Nashville, Ohio, and then removed to Millersburg, where he remained u.ntil 1861, going then into the army as Surgeon of the Eighth Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. After serving with the regi- ment two years, he resigned and came home, but soon after raised the Fifty-ninth Battalion, and, upon the call of the " hundred days' men," his battalion was attached to the One Hundred and Sixty- sixth Regiment, of which he was made Colonel, a position which he resigned in favor of Col. Blake, the doctor preferring to be Siu-geon. He was afterward made Brigade Surgeon and detailed as Chief of the Operat- ing Board. In 1864, he was mustered out with his regiment and soon afterward came to Akron, where he is still in active practice. Dr. W. C. Jacobs is a native of Lima, Ohio, and was born in 1840. His early life was spent in his native village and on a farm. At the age of sixteen he was appointed a cadet midshipman, and attended school at Annapolis until 1859, when he resigned and began the study of medicine with Dr. Carson, of Cincin- nati. In March, 1862, he graduated from Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati, and in the following month was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, with whom he served until December, when he was promoted to Surgeon and assigned to the Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. With this regiment he remained until the close of the war, and during the Atlanta campaign, served on the Operating Board of the Six- teenth Army Corps. In October, 1865, he came to Aki'on, where he has since followed his profession. Dr. W. J. Underwood was born in York County, Penn., in 1840, and received his early education in the common and select schools of the period. At the age of twenty, he began reading medicine with Dr. Ira Day, of Me- chanicsburg, and the next year attended a course of lectures at Jefferson Medical Col- lege. In 1862, he went into the army as Assistant Surgeon, serving with the Nine- teenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia a short time, and then with the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers during -7\: -k-. -s; > HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 817 the latter's term of enlistment. He then completed his course at Jefterson Medical College, and in the same spring (1864) came to Ohio. Practiced at Canal Fulton two years, and then came to Akron, where he still remains. Dr. Elizur Hitchcock was born in Tall- madge Township in 1832, and up to the age of eighteen worked on his father's farm and attended the common and select schools of the neighborhood. He then entered the Western Reserve College, where he remained two years, going thence to Yale, graduating from the lat- ter in 1854. After spending several years in teaching, he began reading medicine and graduated from the Cleveland Medical College in 1860. He then practiced three years in Ashtabula County, and, in the spring of 1863, entered the army as Surgeon of the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but after a service of six months resigned and came home and located at West Williamsfield, Ashtabula County, continuing there until 1869. He then attended a course of lectm-es in New Y^oi'k City, and, in 1870, came to Akron, where he has since been practicing. Dr. A. E. Foltz was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in 1840, and at the age of seventeen began teaching school, in which calling he continued until 1862. In July of the same year, he, with four of his brothers, enlisted in the One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving with the regiment until the close of the war. In 1869, he began reading medi- cine with his brother. Dr. W. K. Foltz, of Sharon Center, Medina County, and, in 1869, graduated at Charity Hospital Medical Col- lege in Cleveland. Practiced one year at Ashland and then came to Akron, where he has since followed his profession. Dr. L. S. Ebright was born at Eoyalton, Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1844, and received his early education in the common schools of his native town. He served his country diir- ing the rebellion, and after its close began the study of medicine with his uncle. Dr. Thomas McEbright, of Akron, graduating from Char- ity Hospital Medical College in 1869 or 1870, since which time he has practiced in Aki'on. Is quite a politician, and is now (1881) a member of the State Legislature. Dr S. T. Odell was born at Bellville, Ind., in 1842, and received his preliminary educa- tion at Bellville Academy. In 1861, he en- tered the army, serving until 1863 with the Eleventh Indiana (Zouaves), and the balance of his term with the Fifty-third United States Colored Troops, of which he was Fii-st Lieutenant and Adjutant. While connected with the latter regiment, he read medicine with the sm-geon. Dr. B. S. Chase, of Akron, and at the close of his service — fall of 1865, attended a course of lectures at Ann Arbor, Mich., and the next year attended his second course at the Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating in 1867. After practicing a few years in Indiana and Kansas, he came to Akron (Sixth Ward) in 1870, and has since remained there in practice, with the exception of about one year. Dr. H. C. Howard, son of Dr. E. W. How- ard, was born in Aki'on in 1842, and gradu- ated from the Akron High School in 1863. He then began the study of medicine with his father, graduated fi'om Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1871, and has since fol- lowed the profession with his father. Dr. W. E. Chamberlin was born in Alle- gheny City in 1840, and was educated at Marietta (Ohio) High School. In 1854, he began the study of medicine with his father — then of Peninsula, in this county — and, from 1859 to 1861, assisted him in his profes- sion. He then entered the army and served about one year, most of the time being detailed as physician and nurse. At the close of his service, he practiced in Portage Coimty sev- eral years, and, in 1865, located at Clinton, in this county, where he remained until 1875, since which time he has practiced in Aki'on. Dui'ing his stay in Clinton, he attended one course of lectures at Ann Arbor, Mich., and one at Cleveland Medical College, receiving his degree from the latter in 1869. Dr. O. E. Brownell was born in St. Law- rence Coiinty, N. Y., in 1855, but at an early age came with his j)arents to this county, receiving his early education in the common schools and Mount Vernon High School. In 1861, he entered thea rmy and served eighteen months. He then read medicine with Dr. Sisler, of Manchester, attended a course of Ml 318 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. lectures at Cleveland in 1868, practiced in Greensbtirg until 1878, and then came to Akron, where he is at present. He now pays most of his attention to dentistiy. Dr. A. F. Chandler was bom in St. Law- rence County, N. Y., in 1845, but at an early age removed with his parents to Rockford, 111. In 1863, he enlisted with the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Illinois Infantry, and served with the regiment until the close of the war. He then attended and graduated from Rock- ford High School, and, in 1847, began reading medicine with Dr. W. E. Chandler, of his own place. In March, 1871, he graduated from the Chicago Medical College, and in the fol- lowing month located in Ala'on, where he has since practiced. Dr. H. D. Taggart was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in 1851, and received his early education in the common schools and the Hayes- ville Academy. Began reading medicine in the spring of 1870, with Doctor Roebuck, of his native town, Dalton, and, in 1874, gradu- ated fi-om Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia. He then located at Easton, Wayne County, remaining there six months, after which he came to Akron, where he has since continued in practice. Dr. Gr. G. Ba]j:er was born in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1849, and received his education at the common schools of that place and at West- ern Reserve College. In 1868, he began reading medicine with Drs. Read and Ford, of Norwalk, and, in 1872, came to Akron and entered the office of Dr. Ashmim. In June. 1875, he graduated fi'om the Medical Depart- ment of Michigan University, and since that time has been practicing in Akron. Dr. H. M. Fisher was born in Waii'en, Penn., in 1848, and received his education in the Franklin and Warren Academies and Allegheny College. In 1867, he began read- ing medicine with Dr. Stranahan, of his native town, and, in 1872, graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. After prac- ticing in his native town a few months, he came to Akron, where he also remained a few months, going next to Allegheny City. In 1876, he returned to Aki-on and continues there at this time. Dr. A. K. Fouser was born in Stark County in 1854, and graduated from Akron High School in 1873. He then began reading med- icine with Drs. Chase and Underwood, and graduated from Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati in March, 1876, since which time he has practiced in Aki'on. Dr. James P. Boyd was born in England in 1850, but came to this country while quite young. Received his education at James- town, N. Y., and Ann Arbor, Mich., and, in 1872, began reading medicine with Dr. Hasel- tine, of Grand Rapids, Mich. In 1875, he graduated from Long Island College Hospital, and in the following year located in Akron, where he now remains. Dr. F. C. Reed was born in Ashtabula County in 1852, and was educated at the Grand River Institute in his native town — Austinburg. In 1872, he began reading med- icine with his brother. Dr. A. B. Reed, of Cleveland, and graduated from Charity Hos- pital Medical College in 1876, since which time he has followed his profession in the Sixth Ward of Akron. Dr. C. C. Davison was born in Northamp- ton Township in 1851, and was brought up on a farm. In 1872, he began reading medicine with Dr. E. W. Howard, and graduated from Columbus Medical College in 1877. After practicing several months at Botzum Station, in this county, he came to Sixth Ward, Akron, where he is now practicing. Dr. A. C. Belden was born at Castile, N. Y, in 1845, but at an eai'ly age removed with his parents toBvu'eau County, 111., receiving his ed- ucation at Dover Academy and at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1863, he entered the army and served until the close of the war as private in Sixty-foiu-th Illinois Infantry. In 1870, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Thomp- son, of Princeton, 111., and graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1875. In the following year, he came to Akron, and, in July, 1877, began the practice of his pro- fession, in which he has since continued. Dr. W. K. Foltz was born in Mifflin County, Penn., in 1829, and until the age of eighteen remained at home, alternately working and attending school. He then taught school for several years, and, in 1850, began reading- medicine with Dr. Stauber, of Wooster, Ohio. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 319 In 1855, be began practice at La Fayette Center, Medina County, and the following year removed to Sharon Center, where he remained until 1867, in the meantime having attended lectures and graduated at the Eclec- tic College of Medicine, Cincinnati, in 1859. From 1867 to 1877, he was engaged in the drug business at Ashland, and since then has been practicing in Aki'on. Dr. L. S. Sweitzer was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and was educated at Heidel- berg College, Tiffin, Ohio. Began reading medicine with Dr. Buchman in 1872, and graduated from Cleveland Medical College in 1875, after which he served eighteen months in the Cleveland Hospital. He then prac- ticed some time in his native county, spent one year in New York City attending lectures, and, in the spring of 1879, located in Akron, where he is at the present time. Dr. L. J. Proehl was born at Aki'on in 1850, but at the age of eight removed with his par- ents into Coventry Township. In 1873, he entered the National Normal School at Leb- anon, Ohio, graduating in 1876. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. W. C. J acobs, and gi'aduated from Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, in 1879, since which time he has practiced in Akron. Dr. Eli Conn was born in Butler County, Penn., in 1839. In 1861, he entered the army, serving four years, after which he attended Baldwin University, graduating in 1868. Attended lectures at Cleveland Medi- cal College in 1869 and 1871; practiced a short time, and, in 1872, was elected to the office of Prothonotary of his native county, serving four years. In the spring of 1876, he graduated from Charity Hospital Medical College; practiced in Butler County until 1880, when he came to Akron. Dr. T. K. Jacobs, Jr., was born in Lima in 1856, and, from 1873 to 1876, attended Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio. He then began reading medicine with his brother, Dr. W. C. Jacobs, graduated from Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, in 1880, and same year began practice with his brother in Akron. Dr. J. W. Lyon is a native of Copley, and was educated in the common schools of his neighborhood. Began reading medicine in 1874 with Drs. Chase and Underwood, of Akron. Graduated from Columbus Medical College in 1877. Practiced several years at Clinton, after which he came to Akron and entered the dental profession. In addition to the above we have the fol- lowing-named physicians who have practiced in the county, but of whom, for various rea- sons, no definite notes could be procured. Dr. B. B. Brashear is a native of Fayette County, Penn., where he was bom in 1822. Duringr the late war he served as Surgeon of the Sixteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantiy, and, in 1878, came to Akron. Dr. D. A. Scott was born in Harrison County, Ohio, and, since 1848, has practiced medicine in Akron. Dr. Frank A. Hanford, a native of Cuya- hoga Falls, and graduate of Western Beserve College; read medicine with Dr. T. Mc- Ebright, and graduated at Charity Hospital Medical College in 1875. He then practiced in Sixth Ward a short time, but his health failing he went to California, where he soon afterward died of consumption. Dr. John Wyltenbach practiced in Akron for some years previous to about 1876. He now lives in the South. Dr. J. K. Holloway came to Aki-on from Pennsylvania somewhere about 1870, and practiced until the time of his death in 1874. Dr. W. P. Morrison practiced in Akron a few years in the 70's, and then went to Can- ada, where he died. Dr. A. F. Peck came to Aki'on in the early part of last decade; practiced a few years, and then went to Cleveland where he died in 1877. Dr. O. D. Childs (Homoeopath), was bom at Moretown, Vt, in 1840, and up to the age of twenty-one lived at home on a farm, receiv- ing in the meantime a common and high school education. In 1863, he began reading homoeopathy at Oshkosh, Wis., and graduated from the Cleveland Homoeopathic College in 1867, since which he has j)racticed in Aki'on. Dr. William Mmxioch (Homoeopath), was born in Scotland in 1842, but at an early age came with his parents to this country and became a resident of Triunbull County, Ohio. His preliminaiy education was obtained at the -« ® l>> 320 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Orvill Normal School, and at Eastman Busi- ness College. In 1809, he began the study of homoeopathic medicine, and graduated from the Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College in 1873, since which he has followed his pro- fession ; two years at Garrettsville and the bal- ance of the time in Alcron. Dr. J. W. Rockwell (Homoeopath), was born at Hudson in 1840, and attended the Akron schools. In 1873, he began the study of med- icine with Dr. Childs, graduated from Chicago Hahnemann College in 1877, and since then has practiced in Akron. Dr. DeWitt Cx. Wilcox (Homoeopath), was born in Akron in 1858, and graduated from the Akron High School in 1876, after which he attended Buchtel College for a few years. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. Murdoch; graduated from Cleveland Ho- moeopathic College in 1880, and since then has practiced in Akron. Dr. T. R. Grow (Homoeopath), practiced in the Sixth Ward of Akron for several years, going thence to Vermont in 1880. Dr. Whitmore (Homoeopath), read medicine with Dr. Grow, and is now practicing in Sixth Ward, Akron. Dr. C. W. Rice, the first physician who was ever pennanently located in Cuyahoga Falls, was born in Middlefield, Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1803; studied medicine with Dr. Spafford, of Cooperstown, N. Y., and gi-aduated from Fair- field College, at Cazenovia, in the same State in 1829. After practicing one year with his preceptor, he came to Cuyahoga Falls in 1830, and there followed his profession until his death, which occm-red in 1861. He was a man of very decided character, positive in his likes and dislikes, bitter in his denunciations of homoeopathy, and outspoken in his oj5]iosi- tion to Freemasomy ; but withal was a skillful siu*geon as well as a benevolent and highly respected citizen. Dr. John Davis came to Cuyahoga Falls in 1840. He was well educated in medicine, acquired a good practice and was highly spoken of by the profession as well as by the people generally. He removed to Michigan about 1853. Dr. P. G. Summers, of what is known as the Thomsonian School of Medicine, practiced in Cuyahoga Falls a niunber of years, during which time he attained a good reputation as a physician and was held in high esteem by the people. He sei'\'ed one tenn in the State Legislature, and held the office of Postmaster under Lincoln and Johnson. Dr. Foote, an adherent of the botanical system of medicine, practiced in Cuyahoga Falls a number of years. Among those who practiced in this village at some time or other in the past, but of whom nothing definite could be learned, we find the names of Dr. Corry, Dr. S. Perham, Dr. J. S. Newbury, Dr. Hubbard, Dr. Shoemaker and Dr. Henshaw, the last being of the homoeopathic school. Dr. Mary Watson lived in Cuyahoga Falls some twenty years, leaving there in 1870. She claimed to be an Eclectic, and is reported to have had some practice, especially among her own sex, but is probably best remembered on account of her rather eccentric character. Dr. G. C. Upson, our oldest living practitioner of medicine, was born in Tallmadge Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1821. He read medicine with Dr. Rice, of Cuyahoga Falls, and attended lectures at the medical depart- ment of Western Reserve College, graduating fi-om that institution in 1847. After practic- ing three years with Dr. Taylor, of Twinsbm'g, in this county, he located at Cuyahoga Falls, where he has since practiced. Dr. T. F. Heath was born in Connecticut, but spent most of his early life in Western New York. Attended a course of lectures at the medical college in Pittsfield, Mass., and afterward two courses at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons in New York City, gradu- ating fi'om the latter in March, 1851. In July of the same year, he came to Cuyahoga Falls where he has since practiced his profession, besides being of late years connected with the drug business. Dr. J. M. Crafts was born in 1840, and is the son of Dr. Ambrose S. Crafts, who came to Ravenna in 1860. He graduated from Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, in 1864, and then entered the army as Assist- ant Surgeon, serving as such for nearly three years. In 1873, he came to Cuyahoga Falls, and is practicing there at the present time. Dr. W. S. Hough was born in Portage ik* HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 320a County, Ohio, in 1844, and served during the late war as a private. At the close of his army life he studied medicine, and graduated from Charity Hosptial Medical College in 1866. Practiced ten years with Dr. J. C. Ferguson at Mogadore, and then came to Cuyahoga Falls, where he is now practicing in partner- ship with Dr. J. M. Crafts. Dr. A. H. Bill was born in Cuyahoga Falls in 1851. Studied medicine with Dr. C. M. Fitch, of Chicago, and graduated fi-om Rush Medical College in 1875. Practiced in the office of his preceptor until November, 1875, when he returned to his old home, where he is now practicing. Dr. H. W. Carter (Homoeopath), was born in Twinsbiu'g, Summit Co., Ohio, in 1841. Graduated fit-om the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1869, and after one year of professional experience at Knoxville, Tenn., he located in Cuyahoga Falls, his present place of business. Dr. Moses Thompson was in all proba- bility the first physician w^ho was ever per- manently located in that section of the country now known as Summit County, and to Hudson belongs the credit of fiu-nishing this historical character. He studied medicine in Litchfield County, Conn., with Dr. Everest and Dr. North, and with such training as he got from his worthy preceptors, he went to what is now known as Kinderhook, N. Y., to practice his profession. While here the Con- necticut Company's great land purchase and the consequent Western fever attracted him, and being authorized by his father and brother to go and "spy out the land" for them, he came to Hudson with the colony under the guidance of Daniel Hudson. Having selected land for his father and brothers, he went East on foot and brought back his own family and those of his father and two brothers. This was in the year 1800, when he began the practice of his profession in the wilderness, and for some years there was no other physi- cian nearer than Warren, and his ride ex- tended fi-om Cleveland to fifty miles south of Hudson. In 1815, he retired fi-om practice and went into general business, which he fol- lowed until his death, which occun'ed in 1858. Dr. Jonathan Metcalf, the second physician to settle in Hudson, was a native of Connecti- cut, and received his early education at the academies of Franklin and Colchester, and the public schools of the period. In 1807, he went to Middlebury, Vt, and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. BaiT, and dm'ing his three yeai's stay here he attended two courses of medical lectures at Dartmouth Col- lege. After completing his medical education in the spring of 1812, he stai'ted on horseback to look up some good field for practice in the West. In this way he came to Am'ora, then a settlement of a few years' growth, but not being very favorably impressed with the out- look, he was on the point of returning to Pittsburgh, when he met Mr. Hudson, of the Hudson colony, who persuaded him to visit the latter place, which he did on the 6th of June, and being highly pleased with the pros- pect he decided to remain, and at once began the practice of his profession. At that time Twinsburg and Streetsboro were not yet set- tled, but subsequently his practice extended into those places as well as to Am'ora, Mantua, Aubmrn, Troy, Hiram, Brecksville and Bath. He retired fi'om active practice in 1850, and died in 1869. Dr. Israel Town came fi'om Connecticut to Hudson dm-ing the first half of the second dec- ade of present century. Of his early life nothing definite can be obtained, but he is credited with being a well-read and careful practitioner, his coimsel in critical cases being especially in demand. He continued in the practice of his profession until within a few years of his death. Dr. William Everett was a native of Ver- mont, and came to Hudson some time between 1 825 and 1 830. He continued in practice imtil his death, which occiu'red in 1833. On the occasion of his death, the Congregational Chvu'ch, of which he was a member, made the following record: "Dr. Everett was chosen to the office of Deacon in November, 1831, which office he well discharged while living. He adorned his profession as a Christian, and died universally lamented." Dr. L. D. Osborne, after receiving an academic education, entered the Lake Erie Medical College, since merged into the Star- ling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio; study- A^ 3201. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY. ing in the meanwhile as a private student under Dr. Delemater, a professor in the insti- tution. He graduated in 1845, and, after practicing in various parts of the State, came to Hudson in 1854, where he has since fol- lowed his profession up to the present time. Dr. F. Hodge began his collegiate course in Western Reserve College, subsequently gi-aduating at Yale College. He studied med- icine with Dr. Frank Hamilton, now of New York City, and attended lectures at the Buf- falo Medical College. In 1804 he settled in Hudson, where he is now practicing. Dr. A. E. Berbower began the study of med- icine with Dr. Baker, of Wooster, Ohio, and subsequently became the private pupil of Prof. Weber, of Cleveland. Grraduated from Medi- cal Department of the Wooster University in 1865, after which he practiced his profession until 1880, when he died of consumption. Dr. G. L. Starr is a native of Hudson, and an alumnus of Western Reserve College, Class of '56. He studied medicine with Di-. May- nard, attended lectm'es at the Cleveland Med- ical College, and subsequently graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York City. Located in Hudson in 1878, and continues in his profession to this time. Dr. J. P. Sobey graduated from the Cleve- land High School in 1871, and fi'om the Cleve- land Homoeopathic Medical College in 1877. Came to Hudson in the following year, and has since followed his profession in that place. Dr. Harrison Danforth, a native of New Hampshire, came to Hudson about the year 1840 and read medicine with Dr. Town. After sev- eral years of study, he adopted the so-called Eclectic system of medicine which he has since continued to practice. In the early years of his practice, he devoted some of his time to farm- ing, but for the past twenty years he has given his entire attention to the practice of his pro- fession in the vicinity of Hudson. Tallmadge Township, though it claims but a small share in the medical history of the county, yet furnishes one of the most valuable contributions in our whole collection, its spe- cial interest being due to the fact that tliree generations of the same name and family have been regular practitioners of medicine in the township; the first of whom was one of the earliest settlers, as well as the second phy- sician in the county; the second being now one of the oldest physicians in this section of the country, while the third has but recently entered the profession. /-nj Dr. Amos C. Wright was born in Winsted, Litchfield County, Conn., September 5, 1782. His father, Captain John Wright, was an officer in the Revolutionary war, and a pioneer in the settlement of the northern part of Con- necticut. At the age of sixteen, the subject of our sketch began the study of medicine with Dr. Minor, remaining with him about five years, and being in the meantime licensed to practice by the Litchfield County Medical So- ciety. In 1801, he came to Ohio and settled in Vernon, Trumbull County, where he remained about a year and a half practicing and teach- ing school, after which he went back to Con- necticut and was married to Miss Lydia Kinne. Accompanied by his wife and his father's fam- ily, he retui'ned to Ohio in 1803, and prac- ticed in Vernon, Trumbull County, until 1808, when, at the solicitation of Rev. David Bacon, he came to Tallmadge. At that time there were only three or four families in the town- ship, and Dr. Thompson, of Hudson, was the only physician in Summit County. In 1812, he was appointed Sui'geon to a company of militia which was stationed at Old Portage, by order of Gren. Harrison, until after Perry's victory on Lake Erie. Dr. Wright continued in the practice of his profession until near the close of his life; was successful, had a wide- spread reputation and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He died in 1845. Dr. Amos Wright, the son and successor of Dr. Amos C. Wright, was born in 1808, and was the first white male child born in Tall- madge Township. When nine years of age, he was sent to the academy to study the class- ics as preparatory to a professional ediication, and, at the age of nineteen, began the study of medicine under his father. In 1830, he attended his first course of lectures at the Med- ical College of Ohio, in Cincinnati, and the next year attended the Medical Department of Yale College, receiving his diploma fi'om the last-named institution in the spring of 1832. He first began practicing medicine in Mid- -4^ HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. 320c dlebuT}^, now the Sixth Ward of Akron, and while there kept the first exchisive drug store in the county. Six months later he went to Vernon, Trumliull County, where he remained three years, gaining quite an extensive prac- tice, but, in 1835, at the earnest solicitation of his father he returned to his native town, where he has been in practice continuously up to the present time. Dr. Samuel St. John Wright, son of Dr. Amos Wright, was born in Tallmadge and re- ceived his education at the common schools and at Western Reserve College. At the age of eighteen he began reading medicine with his father, and a few year's later gi'aduated from Cleveland Medical College. He practiced one year in Tallmadge, then removed to Ne- braska, where he remained four years, and since that time has practiced with his father in Tallmadge. Dr. Sperry has for many years been a resi- dent of Tallmadge, but diu'ing a considerable portion of the time has been engaged in the manufactui'ing business. His early history and place of birth were not ascertained. Sev- eral more physicians have at vai'ious times been located in Tallmadge, but none except those named above have ever remained for any great length of time. Concerning the eai'ly history of medical practice in Norton Township, very little can now be ascertained, but from careful research we find that since 1840 no less than fifteen phy- sicians have at various times been located with- in its limits for the practice of their profession. Dr. Alexander Fisher was born in Massa- chusetts, read medicine with a Dr. Richards in, or near, Skaneateles, N. Y., and came to Western Star sometime between 1840 and 1845, where he remained until about 1852; then practiced in Akron until near the time of the breaking-out of the rebellion, v/hen he went West and is now practicing in Chicago. During his stay in Norton he enjoyed the rep- utation of being a splendid physician for his time, and had probably more students than any one doctor ever in the township. Among the latter were Drs. Amos Warner, Harry Spellman, A. H. Agard, E. Gr. Hard, now of Medina, and John Hill, now a member of the Ohio State Legfislatiu'e. Dr. M. M. Dickson came to Norton Town- ship in 1852, and began the study of medi- cine, soon afterward taking his degi-ee from Cleveland Medical College in 1855. The next year he located at Johnson's Corners, where he practiced until 1862, when he entered the service of his country as Assistant Surgeon. Was attached to the Western army under Gen. Rosecrans in the campaign of Stone River and Chattanooga, and thence with "Sherman to the sea." After a service of two years and eight months he retm^ned to Johnson's Corners, where he has continued in the practice of his profession until the present time. Dr. A. H. Agard succeeded his preceptor, Dr. Fisher, in the practice of medicine at Western Star, but after a stay of only a few years he went West and is now at Sandusky, Ohio. Dr. Dreher began practicing at Western Star some time near the beginning of the late war, but after a few years removed to Loyal Oak where he remained two years, going next to Smithville where he now resides. Dr. John Hill was born in Sussex, England, in 1823. His father, Mr. John Hill, came to this country in 1828, and settled near Utica, N. Y., where he was engaged in farming until 1837, when he came to Cuyahoga County, in this State. The subject of this sketch left home at the age of fifteen, and by means of hard work and teaching school, succeeded in acquiring a lim- ited education. In 1847, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Alexander Fisher, of Western Star, and in the two following win- ters attended lectures in the Cleveland Medi cal College. In 1850, he went to California where he remained about thi*ee years, going from there to Australia, then to London and finally back home again in 1854. During the winter of 1854-55, he attended lectures at Cleveland Medical College, and the following winter went to Jefierson Medical College, Phil- adelphia, graduating in the sjiring of 1856. After practicing m Sharon, Medina County, for nearly a year, he settled on a fann near Western Star, where he now resides. For a few years he devoted part of his time to prac- tice, but soon di-o])ped medicine entirely and paid his entire attention to fanning. In 1870, he was elected to the office of County Commis- f H>^ 320d HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sioner, which office he held by virtue of re- elections until 1879, when he resigned by reason of his election to a seat in the State Legislature. Dr. F. F. Falk served dui'ing the late war as Hospital Steward of the Sixteenth Ohio Volunteers, and while acting in that capacity read medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. B. S. Chase. After being mustered out of serv- ice he attended lectures at Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, receiving his degree in the spring of 1865. He then went to Nash- ville, Tenn., where for the next six months he did efficient hospital duty under an appoint- ment of Assistant Surgeon United States Army. Upon his return to Ohio, he located at Western Star; but after a few years prac- tice he fell a victim to consumption and died. Dr. Charles F. H. Willgohs, a native of Germany, settled at Dennison, in Norton Town- ship, about the year 1870, and continued prac- ticing there until about 1878, when he removed to Doylestown, Wayne County, his present home. Dr. F. W. Swan, a native of Pennsylvania, succeeded Dr. Dreher, as the next physician, at Loyal Oak. He remained but two years. Dr. William T. Parmele, a native of New York State, came to Loyal Oak in 1875. After practicing in that place about three years, he went to Greensburg, but two years later, in 1880, returned to Norton Township, locating this time in New Portage, where he is now practicing. Dr. Austin T. Woods read medicine with Dr. J. A. Knowlton and Dr. H. M. Fisher, of Akron, graduated from Cleveland Medical Col- lege in 1879, and soon afterward began prac- ticing at Loyal Oak, where he is at the pres- ent time. Dr. A. B. Campbell, Dr. Griesmer, Dr. Zwisler and Dr. Mikesell, each practiced in the township a short time. Dr. Alpheus Babcock was one of the earliest settlers of Coventry Township, and practiced there for a number of years. Dr. Elijah Canfield, another of the early set^ tiers, practiced medicine in the township for over thirty years. Dr. Samuel Austin practiced in the town- ship a few years. Dr. Jackson Chapman began practicing in Copley about the year 1835, and continued twelve or fifteen yeai's. Dr. Byron Chapman began the practice of his profession in Copley about 1845, and has continued up to the present time. The history of Green Township furnishes us with an addition of about fifteen to our already long list of Siimmit County doctors, but, unfortunately for the I'eader as well as for futiu'e historians, little if anything more than a mere mention of their names can be said of a majority of them at this time. Dr. Smith, first name not known, was the first man wlio practiced medicine in this towTi- ship, and all that can be learned concerning him is that he was an old man in 1830. Dr. John Thomas was the first physician in the village of Greensbm'g. He came there about 1838, and remained two years, removing thence to Wood County. Drs. A. H. Mann, H. Peters, Jacob Musser, Wesley Boden, David Joseph, Benjamin F. Sampseil and Garber followed in close succes- sion, each remaining a year or two. Then came Dr. C. A. Perdue, who practiced in the village about six years, though not continu- ously. Next came Dr. Markam, who re- mained one year; then Dr. O. E. Brovraell, who remained ten years, and is mentioned among the Akron sketches. Following him came Dr. Howland who remained two years, Dr. Parmele, one year, and Dr. Reynolds, who was there at the same time and also remained one year. East Liberty has had two doctors, L. S. Witwer and Jonathan Buchtel, each of whom remained about six years. The township is without a physician at present. Richfield Township has for the last fifty years or more been well supplied with medical men, so far at least as niimbers are concerned ; and fi-om the date of the earliest settlements in the county up to 1840, the sm-roimding towns to a distance of about eight or ten miles depended upon Riclifield doctors. Dr. Secretary Rawson, the first physician in the township, was born in the town of Warwick, now Franklin Co., Mass., in the year 179(3, and received his early education in the common schools of that State. At the age of ten he k. IILSTOKY OF SVMMIT COINTY. 5-20e received from an uncle a share in a circulate ing library, which for the next six years occu- pied his leisure hoiu's; reading mostly at night and by the light of a pitch-pine knot stuck in the chimney corner, which, "as he says," not only gave light and intelligence to the recipient, biit to the whole household. When seventeen years old he began a regular coiu'se of study at New Salem Academy, where he continiied through the summer months of the next four years, his winters in the mean- while being spent in teaching school. He then entered the office of Dr. Secretary Rawson, of Waterbury, Vt., where he remained two years, going thence to Royalston. Mass., where he spent three years in the office of Dr. Batchel- lor. During the last two years of his medical course of study he practiced enoiigh to pay his own expenses, and at its close received a diploma from a medical society at Montpelier, Vt. In 1823, he came to Ohio, and after prac- ticing one year in Madison, Geauga County, came to Richfield, where he continued in active practice for the next forty-two years. In 18(j(), he removed to Des Moines, Iowa, where he still resides. He was always an en- ergetic and well-informed physician, and had the will and ability to defend his opinions with tongue or pen. being then, as he is now, a fre- quent contributor to the newspapers. Dr. Bela B. Clark practiced in Richfield fi'om 1830 to 1830, going then to Brunswick, Medina County. Next came Dr. Hiram Whee- ler and Dr. W^illiam Miuison, both of whom did a large business for a niunber of years. The former died several years ago, and the latter is now living in Independence, Cuya- hoga County. Following these came a Dr. Everett, who practiced in the township a few years only. Dr. Nathan Stevenson read medicine in Richfield with Dr. Mimson, and after gi'aduat- ing fi'om a college in New York City, prac- ticed some years with his preceptor. He Chen removed to Illinois; served as Surgeon durino- the rebellion, and died some years ago. Dr. A. E. Ewing came to Richfield in 1850, and has ever since resided there except when his roaming propensity has carried him off to some other field for a short time. He gradu- ated from an old medical collej/e in New En- gland, but, as he says, "is not considered quite orthodox in medicine or anything else." Dr. H. B. Johnson, now of Beloit, Wis., practiced in the township some years, and sei-ved as Sm-geon of an Ohio regiment during the re- bellion. Dr. I. B. Beach also practiced here a few years in company with his son-in-law. Dr. Johnson. Dr. William Jones studied med- icine with Dr. Johnson, and like his preceptor served as Surgeon in the late wai*. Dr. Cra- ven practiced here about three years in the first half of the present decade. Besides the above a Dr. Jewett was here a short time pre- vious to 1840, and a Dr. Dickerson fi-om about 1860 to 1870. Three or fom- homoeopaths have at different times tried to gain a patron- age in the township, but their success has never warranted more than a short residence in the place. At the present time the health of the town- ship is looked after by Dr. Ewing, Dr. Wesley Pope and Dr. Chamberlin. In Bath Township there are several doctors practicing at present. Dr. E. K. Nash, at Montrose, and Dr. R. Randall, at Haiimiond's Corners. In Franklin Township Dr. Adam Sisler, a native of Pennsylvania, has practiced in Man- chester since about 1850. Dr. D. Rowe has practiced in the same j^lace since about 1873 O ID. Twinsburg Township has foimd need for physicians like all the world beside, but very few have ever found it a profitable field for practice. Dr. Otis Bois, from Blanford. Mass., came to the township about 1834. and practiced medicine about two yeai's in connection with carrying on a general merchandise store. The next was Dr. Taylor, from Aurora, Portage County, who came to Northfield about 1840, and practiced successfully about three or four years. Following Dr. Taylor came Dr. John E. Stevens, who remained a few years and then went to Youngstown, Ohio. About the same time or perhaps a little later, Dr. Selby moved into the townshi]) from Colimer, and re- mained a few years. In 1803. Dr. Collins, of Bedford, came into the township where he practiced for the next three or fovir years. About the same time Dr. Seth Freeman, who ■'T ■S2(Y HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY had privately read homoeopathy, began the practice of his profession, and has advanced to a fair business. Not far from the same time Dr. Proctor Clark, after attending lec- tvu-es in Cleveland began the practice of ho- moeopathy. Suman Grriste, a brother-in-law of Dr. Freeman, studied homoeopathy with the lat- ter, and is to-day practicing his profession. The first physician of whom we have any record as having practiced in Noiilifield Town- ship was Dr. Hosea Bliss. He gradiiated from Burlington (Vermont) College, in 1825. and, fn 1884, came to Northfield where he continued in practice until the time of his death, in 1874. Dr. Perkins Wallace came to Brandywine, in this township, some time about 1886, and remained one year. After this we find the names of Dr. Caruther. Dr. Jones, Dr. Benja- min, Dr. Haseltine, Dr. Carley, homoeopath, and Dr. Cranmer, homoeopath, each of whom remained about one year. Next came Dr. H. B. Hart, who remained two years. Dr. K. S. Hul)bard came to the place in 1877, and continues in practice at the pres- ent date. He was educated at Baldwin Uni- versity, and is a graduate of Charity Hospital Medical College. The oidy physician who was ever located in Stow Township was Dr. Luther Spaulding. He came from Connecticut and located at what is known as Stow Corners in the spring of 1825, practicing there until August of the same year, when he died. From Boston Township we get the follow- ing brief history: Dr. S. Pixley was born in Franklin County, Mass., in 1810, but came to this county before he was a year old. Having received his preliminary education at the com- mon schools and Wadsworth Academy, he be- gan the study of medicine with Drs. Trask and Leonard, of Stringsville, about the year 1841. He afterward read one year with Dr. Miinson, of Richfield. Gradiiated fi'om Cleve- land Medical College in 1847, and since then has practiced most of the time in Penin- sula. Dr. Humplu'ey I'ead medicine with Dr. Pix- ley, and has practiced in Peninsula for foiu-- teen years. Dr. A. M. Cole also read medicine with Dr. Pixley, and has been in Peninsula for the last six years or more, though engaged in other business than the practice of his profession during most of the time. Coventry Township has for the most part depended upon Aki-on and Manchester for its doctors. Dr. William Reed practiced for a number of years in Thomastown, and, about 1876, removed to Mogadore. Dr. J. W. Sor- rick was born at Manchester, this county, in 1848, and received his education in the com- mon schools of that place, and the Noimal School at Lebanon, Ohio. About 1871, he be- gan reading medicine wdth Dr. W. C. Jacobs, of Akron, and, in 1875, graduated at medical college of Ohio at Cincinnati. Practiced in Aki-on until 1878, since which time he has been practicing at Thomastown. Dr. John B. Thomas was reared in the vicinity of Thomas- town, read medicine with Drs. Bowen and Foltz; graduated at Charity Hosiptal Medical College, Cleveland, in 1880, and has since then been practicing at his old home. It is but appropriate that some notice of the medical societies of Summit County should be made in this sketch of the profession. Our limited space, however, will admit of the very briefest mention. As early as 1842, the meml^ers of the medical profession met to- gether and organized a society by adopting a "preamble and constitution," and fonnally constituting themselves into a regular society. This society continued in existence a number of years, and finally became extinct. Again, in Febraury, 18()('), a meeting was held in the ofiice of Dr. J. J. Smith, its object being the re-organization of a medical society, and as a final result the "Suimnit County Medical So- ciety" was organized. This society is still in existence, and is an institution of considerable interest to the profession of the county. -:f]: .--^x-tr^^^^^C ^-^^^^^t^^-^ PORTACxE TOWNSHIP. 321 CHAPTER VII.* PORTAGE TOWNSHIP — INTRODUCTION — TOPOGRAPHY — EARLY SETTLEMENT— CANAL LOTTHRV- THE COUNTERFEITING PLOT— TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, ETC. r|"^HE township of Portage possesses a pe- 1 culiarl}' interesting history. Its celebrated " Portage Path " not only turnished a name to the township, but also to the county in which it was situate prior to the erection of Summit Count}-. As the Portage Path has served so man}- uses as a boundary line, it will not be out of place to here briefl}- note them. In the first place, it constituted a portion of the ancient line of separation between the confederated Six Nations and the Western Indians. B}- the treat}' of Fort Mcintosh, near where is now Beaver, Penn., in 1785, the United States ac- quired from the Indians all the territory be yond the Ohio River and east of this line. When the great Northwest Territory, including this and more, was established in 1787, by ordinance of the Continental Congress, the Governor and three Judges thereof were ap- pointed by Congress. These men entered upon their duties with headquarters at Campus Mar- tins, now Marietta. Their first act was to cre- ate the county of Washington, July 27, 1788, named in honor of Gen. George Washington. Its western boundary was the Cuyahoga River, the old portage path, and the Tuscarawas River as far south as the southern line of the West- ern Reserve. This was practically the western border of the United States, and so remained until the year 1805. In 1796, August 15, the county of Wayne was set off, having for its eastern limit the same line. July 29, 1797, Jefferson County was erected out of Washing ton, its western line being so far coincident with that of Washington. On the 4th of July, 1805, at Fort Industry, on the Maumee River, representatives of both the General Government and the Connecticut Land Company, after much delay and reluct- ance on the part of the Indians, succeeded in negotiating a treaty with them, by which a final settlement of their unextinguished claim to all lands of the Reserve west of the Cuyahoga River, the portage path and the Tuscarawas ■' By Charles Whittlesey Foote. River, was accomplished ; all their right and title to the lands in question were thereby ceded to the United States. Thus we see that for a consid- erable time a portion of what is now the town- ship of Portage was within the United States, while another portion was not. After several further unimportant territorial modifications, the counties of Cuyahoga and Portage were authorized the same day, by act of the Ohio Legislature, February 10, 1807, and were both within a few years erected in accordance with that act. Now, for the first time, the •' Portage Path " loses its distinctive service of impor- tance as a dividing line. All the early convey- ances of land in its vicinity make frequent reference to it as a well-known monument, and all parcels abutting upon it were so described and bounded. And now, having at such length evolved it historically, let us inquire as to just what the path was. Years before the white man invaded this country, the Indians had been in the habit of traveling across between Lake Erie and the Ohio River. The canoe was their most natural and easy mode of journey- ing. Ascending the Cuyahoga as far as the great bend, then transporting the boats and luggage by this, the shortest trail, a little more than eight miles in length, over to the head- waters of the Tuscarawas, they could reach the Ohio by way of the ^luskingum River without again touching land. Many a burden of those various things in which their traffic consisted has been packed "over the portage," one of the links in this chain of communica- tion and commercial highway. One of the very earliest maps of this section known, is that of Evans', published in Philadelphia in the year 1755. Upon it appears, witli tolerable geographic accuracy, the "Cayahoga" River, the " Portage, " and a stream evidently designed to represent the Tuscarawas. In a publication by Capt. Thomas Ilutchins, London, 1788, is a mention, among the '^ Carry- ing Places between the Ohio and Lake Erie," as follows : "From Muskingum to Cayahoga, ^^ 322 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. a creek that leads to Lake Erie, which is muddy and not very swift, and nowhere ob- structed with falls or rifts, is the best portage between the Ohio and Lake Erie." Evidences of the location of the path were plainly visible many years after its original followers were sunk again into the retreating forests. In fact, the track may now be observed in places, and the entire course closely followed from end to end. The path was very winding, a characteristic of all Indian trails, avoiding hills wherever possible and sidling up them when they must be climbed. Leaving the Cuy- ahoga near the present village of Old Portage, perhaps three miles north from Akron, it ran up the hill westwardly a half mile, then south- erly until near Summit Lake, passing just west and outside of the present corporation of Akron City ; thence nearl}' south to the Tuscarawas, which it reached about a mile above New Port- age. In July, 1797, Moses Warren, one of the Con- necticut Land Company's surveyors, ran the path from the Cuyahoga southward, meeting Seth Pease, who, with his party, had been run- ning the southern line of the Reserve. He made the length of the path 6-44.55 chains, or 8 miles 4 chains and 55 links. The path was again surveyed in 1806, by Abraham Tappan. To Col. Whittlesey's valuable " Early History of Cleveland," we are indebted for the following interesting description of a scheme looking to the improvement of this highway of commerce : The improvement of the Cuyahoga and Tusca- rawas was then (1807) the great idea of this part of the country and of Ohio. It was thought if $12,000 coukl by some means be raised, the channels of those streams could be cleared of logs and trees and the portage path made passable for loaded wagons. Thus, goods might ascend the Cuyahoga in boats to the Old Portage, be hauled seven miles to the Tuscarawas, near New Portage, and tiience descend that stream in batteaux. This great object excited so much attention that the Legislature authorized a lottery to raise the money. A copy of the scheme and one of the tickets is here given: Q No. 11441 CUYAHOGA AND MUSKINGUM NAVIGATION LOTTERY. This ticket entitles the bearer to such Prize as shall be drawn against its number (if called for within twelve months after the drawing is com- pleted), subject to a deduction of 12| per cent. No. 11441' J. WALWORTH, Afjeiit for the Boitrd of ConDniHsionerti. SCHEME OP A LOTTERY FOK Improving the Navigation between lake erie and the river ohio, through THE Cuyahoga and Muskingum. The Legislature of the State of Ohio having, at their last Session, granted a Lottery to raise the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars, for the above-men- tioned purpose and appointed the subscribers com- missioners to carry the same into effect. They offer the following scheme to the public: FIRST CLASS. 12,800 tickets AT $5 each, $64,000. 1 Prizeof. ...$5,0Q0is $5,000 2 do .... 2,500 5,000 5 do .... 1,000 5,000 10 do .... 500 5,000 50 do .... 100 5,000 100 do .... 50 5,000 3400 do .... 10 34,000 3568 $64,000 Prizes subject to a deduction of twelve and a half per cent. The drawing of the First Class will commence at Cleveland on the hrst Monday of January, 1808, or as soon as three-fourths of the tickets shall be sold; and the prizes will be paid in sixty days after the drawing is completed. Holders of Tickets, drawing prizes of Ten Dol- lars, may, at their election, receive the money, or two Tickets of Five Dollars each in the Second Class. For the convenience of the owners of fortunate numbers. Persons will be appointed in Boston, Hart- ford, New York and Albany, to pay Prizes. Their names, together with a List of Prizes, will be pub- lished in some Newspaper printed in each of those places, and in three of the Newspapers printed in the State of Ohio. Persons will also be designated to pay Prizes in Zanesville and Steubenville. The subscribers have taken the Oath and given the Bonds required l)y Law\ for the faithful dis- charge of tlieir trust, and they flatter themselves that an oljject of such extensive importance will not fail to attract the attention and patronage of many, who are not allured by the advantageous pros- pects held out in the Scheme. John Walworth, Esq., of Cleveland, is appointed Agent of the Commissioners, to sign the Tickets and transact the business of the Board in their recess. (Then follow the names of the twelve members of the Board of Commissioners.) Ci.eveland, May 23d, 1807. CRAMER, PRINTER. The drawing never came off. Those who had purchased tickets, many years afterward received their money back without interest. The price of each ticket was $5. The native timber of this section was oak, hickory, maple, cliestnut and box, according to .^ PORTAGE TOWNSHIP. 323 the notes of Moses Warren, Jr., before referred to. The white man who first settled permanently within this township came from Groton, New London Co., Conn., Maj. Minor Spicer, in the summer of 1810. He purchased from the Connecticut Land Company, whose headquar- ters were at Hartford, Conn., and who originally bought the entire territory of the Western Re- serve from the State of Connecticut (excepting two tracts previously sold, together aggregating something over a half million acres, or about one-sixth part of the whole area). Maj. Spicer's farm consisted of 260 acres of land, two-fifths of a square mile, and was situated about mid- way between what is now Akron's Sixth Ward and South Akron. From that time to this there have always been members of the Spicer famil}' living upon the site of the original pur- chase, and "the Spicer settlement " is a well- known section of town. Just what was paid for the land we have been unable to ascertain. It is worth noting, however, that the State of Connecticut, in October of 1786, several years prior to her sale of the Reserve to the Land Company as mentioned above, by resolution fixed the selling price at tliree shillings (50 cents) per acre. With a spirit strongly charac- teristic of the time and thought, she also pro- vided that 500 acres of land in each township should be reserved to the support of the Gospel ministry (in those days there was no opposi- tion to a union of church and State), 500 acres to the maintenance of schools, and 240 acres to the first minister who should locate within the township. As Connecticut did not succeed in disposing of her land at the figure above given, she once more, in Ma}', 1795, resolved the price at not less than one-third of a dollar an acre. The ensuing summer developed onl}- fruitless negotiations, but, finall}', on the 2d of September of the same year, a bargain was struck by the terms of which 3.000,000 acres of the Reserve next west from the Pennsyl- vania line (which was afterward found to be a little in excess of the exact quantity of land then actuall}' remaining within the limitations of the Reserve, after deducting the " Salt Spring Tract" of 24,000 acres already sold to Gen. Samuel H. Parsons, and located in Trumbull County, and the gi-ant of 500,000 acres com- monly known as the Fire Lands, from the western end (in 1792), were deeded to the Land Company for the consideration of $1,200,000, or 40 cents per acre. To return from our digression : At the time when Maj. Spicer prospected and located his purchase, he was the only white person within the township. About him stretched the un- broken forest with no clearing nor path, save that made by the hostile aborigine. In a sense more literal and forcible than comes to most men, was it true that " The world was all before him, where to chdose His place of rest." With admirable judgment he made his selec- tion. After some little labor and improvement, he returned in the fall of the 3'ear, to his home and family in the East. Leaving Groton again in June, of 1811, with the sturdy conveyance of an ox team and wagon, and this time accom- panied by his famil}', his brother Amos and Paul Williams, he once more reached the spot that was for more than twoscore years to be his home. Vigorous efforts soon erected a log house, the first in Portage Township, the site of which was but a few rods from the comforta- ble residence where still lives Averj' Spicer, son of Minor, in the dignity of a ripe old age and the assurance of the esteem and respect of an entire community, sprung up beneath his observation, and the recipient of many and substantial favors at his hands. Mrs. Avery Spicer, a daughter of Joshua King, Esq., was born at Old Portage, and was the first white child born in the township. We subjoin an incident in the life of Maj. Spicer, as we find it narrated in Howe's " Ohio, its History and Antiquities : " One night just l)efore retiring, lie heard some one call in front of his house, and went out and saw a large Indian with two rifles in his hand, and a deer quartered and luing across his horse. Spicer in- quired what he wanted. The Indian replied in his own dialect, when the other told him he must speak English or he would unhorse him. He finally gave him to understand that he wished to stay over- night, a request tliat Avas reluctantly granted. Ilis rifles were placed in a corner, his venison hung up and his horse put into a large pig-stye, the only stable attached to the premises. The Indian cut out, a piece of venison for Mrs. Spicer to cook for liim, which she did in the usual way, with a liberal quantity of pepper and salt. He drew nj) to the table and ate but a mouthful or two. The family being ready to retire, he placed his scalping knife and tomahawk in the corner with his rifles, and stretched himself upon the hearth be- fore the fire. When he supposed the family were asleep, he raised himself slowly from his reclining i "V 324 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY position and sat upright upon the liearth, looking stoalthil_y over his shonhlor to seo if all was still. He then got up on his feet and stepped lightly aeross the floor to his implements of death. At this juncture, the feelings of Spicer and his wife may be well imagined, for they were only feigning sleep and were intently watching. The Indian again stood for a moment, to see if he had awakened any one, then slowly drew from its scabbard the glittering scalping knife. At this moment, Sjncer Avas about putting his hanL CITY OF AKRON. 331 nicipal corporations were classified as cities, towns, villages and special road districts. Un- til the year 1825, Portage Township had been the only territorial distinction recognized. At that time, during the construction of what was then regarded as a great commercial highway — the Ohio Canal — Gen. Simon Perkins and Paul Williams platted and laid out a town which they denominated " Akron," upon and sur- rounding the present intersection of Main and Exchange streets, in upper town. The only road in the new town was that one leading to Middlebur}', about upon the line where Ex- change street now lies. In the fall of that year, 1825, the laborers on the canal put up about a hundred cabins along the line of work and within the town. The canal, when completed, gave a wonderful impetus to businsss, and at the same time aflforded its needed facilities of transportation. South Akron grew rapidly for a few years. In fact until 1832 there was noth- ing of any consequence outside of that section of the town, but in the year just mentioned several buildings were erected at and near the intersection of Market and Howard streets, and gradually business was diverted to the newer locality. A very great rivalry had for some time ex- isted between the two villages of North and South Akron. A committee of one, Erastus Torrey, was authorized by a number of the south end people to wait upon Mr. Hall and tender him the use of a large brick block in upper town, free of expense for a term of three years, if he would remove there. Mr. Hall, upon deliberation, declined the kind offer, and has never regretted his conclusion. In the ter- rible strain of the panic of 1837, Hall's was one of the three, out of fourteen stores in North Akron, which escaped a failure. By the time the town was incorporated, in 1836, the two villages of North and South Akron were not far from an equalit}-, and considerable bitter- ness of feeling was aroused by their jealous rivahy. Upon the northwest corner of Market and Howard streets stood the " Pavilion," a hotel, and a large wooden building, kept by Charles B. Cobbs, Esq. Two or three years later, Mr. Cobbs became proprietor of the " Ohio Exchange," a noted landmark upon the site at present occupied by the Paige Brothers' hard- ware store. Upon the northeast corner of 3Iarket and Howard, and from there up to the trench of the Water Power Companj^ stood a row of low, wooden buildings. The same was the case also upon the south side of jNIarket street, ex- cept upon the corner, where was being erected a fine three-stor}' stone block, and in which were afterward located the county offices, court room and jail, put up and owned by Hiram Payne. Thence southwardly, upon both sides of How- ard street, as far as to where Cherry' street now enters, were one-story and a story-and-a-half wooden buildings closely contiguous. Then came a gap and a deep gully ; and finally, upon the corner of Mill and Howard streets, where the post office now stands, was a two-story wooden building belonging to Lewis P. Buckley. In addition to these was the house of Gen. Bierce, in process of construction, and that of Dr. Bartges, upon opposite corners of INIarket and High streets, the house which is now the third south from the corner on the east side of High, and one on the corner of Main street and Mill ; and with these w^e have enumerated all of North Akron's buildings. At that time, Leicester King and Gen. Simon Perkins owned prett}' much all the land in this part of town. They together had a map published, which represents Akron as it then was, and which is elsewhere referred to quite at length. The house issuing this map was Messrs. Robinson & Co., of Reading, Yt. They had a branch office in Akron under the charge of Mr. Na- hum Fay, in Buckley's Block before alluded to. Earl}' in 1837, the IMap Publishing Company removed to a building of their own on North High street, upon the lot where James B. Storer now resides, and had a shop in the rear. To the north and east of them, there was only dense woods. When the old stone church (now occu- pied b}' the Baptist society, but built and first used by the Universal ists) was erected bj' Charles W. Brown, in 1838, the forest was so thick as that the church could scarcely be seen from Market sti'eet. Akron had remained a " town " by eourtes}' and general consent, from its platting, in 1825, until 1836. March 12, of that year, there passed the General Assembly, at Columbus, an " Act to incorporate the town of Akron, in the county of Portage." By this act it was provided : That .so much of the town.ships of Portage aiul C'livcntry. in the county of Portage, as is comprised witliiuthe following- limits, to wit : Beginning on the south lino of tract No. 8, in said township of ©~- JRT 1 332 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Coventry, and at a point in said line wliichi is three- fourths of a mile east of the southeast corner of the south town plat of Akron, as surveyed by John Heushaw; thence north to a line running due east and west, drawn ten rods north of Lock 16, of the Ohio Canal; thence west along such east and west line, one and a half miles; thence south to the south line of Tract No. 8, aforesaid; thence east, along said south line, to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby created a town corporate, and shall henceforth be known and distinguished by the name of " The town of Akron." Translating this into a form which shall con- vey a meaning to other people beside survey- ors, and indicating the same points and lines by landmarks recognizable to-day, we should bound and describe as follows: Beginning upon the present southern corporation line — that is, upon South street, at a point a little east of its junction with Spicer street ; thence north in a straight line intersecting Spicer street just below Exchange street, passing through the Fourth Ward a little west of Spicer street, through the Second Ward about on Fir street, through the First Ward in a continuation of the same right line, until the present north- ern boundary of the city is reached, a little be- yond the Little Cuyahoga River ; thence due west along the northern boundary to the pres- ent northwest corner of the corporation ; thence south along the present west line of the city to the south line of Tract No. 8 — that is, the southwest corner of the corporation ; and thence east along said tract line (with whicli the south side of South street coincides, so far as it ex- tends) to the place of beginning. Thus we see that the original survey of Akron, when incor- porated as a town, was a rectangular plat of one mile and a half breadth, east and west, and about two and a quarter miles length, north and south, therefore containing almost three and one-half square miles of area. We note, also, that the western boundary was identical with the present and also considerable portions of both the northern and southern lines. At this date, there were open to use, or platted, the following streets, bearing in a general east- erly and westerly direction : Furnace, Tall- madge. Market, Mill, Ash, Quarry, Water (now a portion of Bowery), State, Middlebury, a part of Carroll, Exchange, Cedar, Chestnut, Cather- ine, Second, Third and Bridge streets ; this last corresponding with Thornton street, of the present day. Bearing generall}^ north and south were West street. Maple, Oak, Walnut, ^^tna. Locust, Bowery, Water, Canal, Howard, Main, High, Broadway, Summit, and, in the so- called " Eastern Addition," First, Second and Third streets. About this time, Middlebury and Cuyahoga Falls partook also of the general business activity, and for some years bade fair to push Akron vigorously in a contest as to which should prove the coming metropolis. When, however, the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal at last passed by on one side, Middlebury received a blow whicii substantialh' put her out of the race. From that time destiny seemed to thrust her down to a subordinate rank, and that fate was philosophicall}' accepted. Cuyahoga Falls, however, stoutly maintained her priority, both as to time and station, for the Falls had ob- tained an incorporation just one week before Akron, on the 7th of March, 1836, the same day that Cleveland was advanced from a vil- lage to a city. The Falls people obstinately refused to believe that Akron possessed or could promise any better things than Cuyahoga Falls could offer. They pointed to their prac- tically illimitable water-power, and dilated up- on the superior healthfulness of their town, yei, nevertheless, Akron unreasonably insisted up- on keeping just a little ahead in point of num- bers. So matters went until the new county of Summit was carved out of the adjacent ones of Portage, Stark and Medina, in 1840. Section 2 of the act incorporating the town of Akron provided for the election, upon the sec- ond Tuesday of the next ensuing June, by " the white male inhabitants, who have resided within the aforesaid limits of said town for the space of six months next preceding, etc., etc.," of one Mayor, one Recorder and five Trustees, together constituting a Town Council. In pursuance of this provision, the first election of town officers was held at the house of Asa Larned, June 14, 1836, with the following result : Total num- ber of votes cast, 166, of which for Mayor, Seth Iredell received 91, and Eliakim Crosby, 75 ; for Recorder, Constant Brj-an received 87 votes, Charles W. Howard 75, and H. Johnson 4 ; Erastus Torrey, Jedediah D. Commins, Will- iam B. Mitchell, William E. Wright and Noah M. Grreen were chosen Trustees. The first meeting of the " Town Council of the town of Akron" convened on Saturday, the 18th of June. After some preliminary business, the first ordinance was passed, entitled, " An Ordi- ^ < =^==if CITY OF AKRON 333 nance regulating Exhibitions and Public Shows in the town of Akron." As William B. Mitch- ell declined the honor of a Trusteeship, at an adjourned meeting held Monda}', the 20th of June, Justus Gale was appointed a Trustee in his stead. Samuel A. Wheeler was also ap- pointed Treasurer. At the next Council meet- ing, Ithiel Mills was elected Marshal. From that time until Akron advanced in grade, be- coming a village at the adoption of the State's new constitution in 1852, by virtue of the gen- eral act, the officers were as follows : 3Iayors— 1836, Seth Iredell ; 1837, John C. Singletarv, Jr.; 1838, John C. Singletarv, Jr. ; 1839, Lucius V. Bierce ; 1840, Arad^Kent; 1841, Lucius V. Bierce ; 1842, Harvey H. John- son ; 1843, Harvev H. Johnson ; 1844, Lucius V. Bierce ; 1845^ Philo Chamberlin ; 1846, Philo Chamberlin ; 1847, Levi Rawson ; 1848, Israel E. Carter ; 1849, Lucius V. Bierce ; 1850, Greorge Bliss. In April, of 1851, Bliss re- signed the position, but no new Ma3'or was elected until the next regular election in June. 1851, Charles Q. Ladd ; 1852, Frederick Wads- worth. Up to this time the Mayor, Recorder, and Trustees had been elected by the people upon the first Monday of June of each year. Recorders — 1836, Constant Bryan; 1837, William E. Wright ; 1838, William'^E. Wright; 1839, Robert K. DuBois ; 1840, Robert K. Du Bois ; 1841, Robert K. DuBois ; 1842, Nahum Fay ; 1843, Nahum Fay ; 1844, William H. Dewey ; 1845, William H. Dewey ; 1846, Will- iam H.Dewey ; 1847, Nahum Fay; 1848, Arad Kent; 1849, Arad Kent; 1850, Edward W. Perrin ; 1851, Arad Kent : 1852, Horace Can- field. Treasurers— 1836, Samuel A.Wheeler; 1837, Horace K. Smith ; 1838, Horace K. Smith ; 1839, Russell Abbey ; 1840, Gibbons I. Ack- ley ; 1841, Gibbons I. Ackle}- ; 1842, Gibbons I. Ackley; 1843, Gibbons I. Ackley ; 1844 Gibbons I. Ackley ; 1845, Gibbons I. Ackley 1846, Grove N. Abbey ; 1847, Grove N. Abbey 1848, Grove N. Abbey ; 1849. Grove N. Ab- bey ; 1850, Milton W. Henry ; 1851, Milton W. Henry ; 1852, Milton W. Henry. Trustees — 1836, Erastus Torrey, Jedediah D. Commins, William B. Mitchell, William E. Wright, Noah M. Green ; Mitchell declined to serve, and Justus Gale was appointed to the vacancy. 1837, William K. May, William I. Mather, David D. Evans, Jesse Allen, Eber Blodget ; in September, May having removed from Akron, his seat was declared vacant, and William Patterson was elected b}' the other Trustees to succeed him. 1838, Jesse Allen, Ebenezer Martin, Justus Gale, James W. Phil- lips, Ansel Miller. 1839, Samuel Manning, Seth Iredell, James W. Phillips, Lewis P. Buckley, Ebenezer Martin ; Martin declining. Ansel Miller was appointed instead ; in July, Phillips resigned, and Ithiel Mills succeeded him. 1840, Seth Iredell, Samuel Manning, Ithiel Mills, Samuel A. Wheeler, William E. Wright ; Wheeler resigned in July, and Ansel Miller became his successor. 1841. Seth Ire- dell, Webster B. Storer, Jacob Allen, Ansel Miller, Leverett J. Ives. 1842, Ansel Miller, Seth Iredell, David Allen, George F. Ray, Hor- ace Ma}' ; in January, 1843, Allen died, and James Mathews filled the vacancy. 1843, Seth Iredell, James Mathews, George F. Ray, Horace May, Ansel Miller. 1844, William M. Dodge, Robert K. Du Bois, Nahum Fay, Jesse Allen, Samuel A. Wheeler ; in September, Jesse Allen resigned, and Jacob Allen was appointed. 1845, Robert K. Du Bois, Justus Gale. Lucius V. Bierce. William M. Dodge, James H. Craw- ford ; Gale refused to serve, and Samuel A. Wheeler was elected to the vacanc}'. In Novem- ber, Du Bois died and Horace Caufield suc- ceeded him. 1846, Horace Canfield, Samuel A. Wheeler, Allen Hibbard, Nicholas E. Vansickle, Lucius V. Bierce. 1847, Allen Hibbard, Lucien Swift, Samuel A. Wheeler, Joseph A. Beebe. Ansel Miller. 1848, Ansel Miller, Nathaniel Finch, Benjamin McNaughton, John M. Cutler. George W. Bloom. 1849, Nathaniel Finch, Ansel Miller, Charles Webster, George W. Bloom. Milton N. Henry ; in October, Finch resigned, and the remaining Trustees elected John M. Cutler. 1850, Thomas H. Goodwin, John Howe, Hiram Viele, Robert Jackson, L. C. Parker ; in October, William M. Dodge was elected to the place made vacant by the re- moval of Howe. 1851, James M. Hale, Ben- jamin McNaughton, William 0. Sanford, Milton W. Henry, D. F. Bruner. 1852, James M. Hale, William 0. Sanford, R. P. Myers, Peter Osburn, Ansel Miller. The total vote upon the occasion of the first town election, in 1836, was 166. At the last town election, in 1852, there were cast 278 votes. Tlie year previous, however, fifteen years after the first vote above mentioned, 334 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY there were 334 ballots cast, just two more than doable the first vote. From the time that Akron became a village until advanced to a city of the second class, in 18G5, the following were officers of the corporation, and were elected by popular vote ui)on the first Monday of April of each year. The Mayor, Recorder, and the five Trustees together constituted the Village Council : Mayors— 1853, Philip N. Schuyler; 1854, William T. Allen ; 1855, Nathaniel Finch ; 1856. Nathaniel Finch ; in December, Finch resigned, and in February of 1857, Frederick A. Nash was elected to succeed him ; 1857, Frederick A. Nash ; 1858, Frederick A. Nash ; 1859, George W. McNeil ; 1860, Henry Purdy ; 1861, Henry Purdy; 1862, Charles A. Collins ; 1863, Henry A. Collins; 1864, George .D. Bates. Recorders — 1853, Horace Canfield ; in De- cember, Canfleld died, and the Council elected R. S. Elkins to fill the vacancy- thus caused ; 1854, R. S. Elkins ; 1855, Joseph E. Wesener ; 1856, Joseph E. Wesener ; 1857, Ralph P. Waterbury ; 1858, Ralph P. Waterbury ; 1859, Allen Hibbard ; 1860, Alvin Rice ; 1861, James Holmes; 1862, Alvin Rice; 1863, Al- vin Rice ; 1864, Henry W. Ingersoll. Trustees— 1853, William T. Allen, Daniel H. Wheeler, R. S. Elkins, David A. Scott, George Thomas ; Elkins being appointed Recorder in January' of 1854, S. A. Lane was elected to fill the vacant place ; 1854, James B. Taplin, Thomas H. Goodwin, Richard Howe, David Hanscomb, James M. Hale ; 1855, Richard Howe, George Thomas, James B. Taplin, Will- iam T. Allen, David A. Scott ; in /Vpril, Taplin resigned, and R. S. Elkins succeeded him ; 1856, Henry Purdy, David A. Scott, Thomas H. Goodwin, Henry S. Abbey, Joseph Milli- gan ; 1857, George Thomas, Henry Fisher, Jr., Henry S. Abbe}', Henry Purdy, Charles Cranz ; 1858, Charles Cranz, R. B. Walker, John Cook, Joseph Milligan, Job Pierce ; 1859, William L. Everett, Job Pierce, R. B. Walker, Thomas H. Goodwin, Joseph Milligan ; 1860, Richard Howe, Ferdinand Schumacher, Robert L. Mof- fatt, James Christ}-, William S. Painton ; 1861, Robert L. Moffatt, Ferdinand Schumacher, George Buel, John Douglass, Henry Fisher ; in October, Fisher resigned, and, in November, George W. McNeil was chosen by the Council to serve out the term ; 1862, Charles Webster, John E. Bell, John Douglass, Isaac Harter, George Buel ; 1863, Arad Kent, John E. Bell, J. W. Hollowa}-, Jacob Goldsmith, John H. Wagoner ; 1864, Allen Hibbai'd, Stephen H. Pitkin, William H. Lapens, Charles W. Bon- stedt, James Christy. Treasurers — 1853, Milton W. Henry ; at this time, the election of the Treasurer was trans- ferred from the Council to the people; 1854, Milton W. Henry ; 1855, Milton W. Henry ; 1856, Milton W. Henry ; 1857, Milton W. Hen- ry ; 1858, John Good ; 1859, John H. Cham- berlin ; 1860, John H. Chamberlin ; 1861, Charles Cranz; 1862, Charles Cranz; 1863, Charles Cranz ; 1 864, Chai'les Cranz. In January, 1865, as is set forth more at length elsewhere, Akron became a city of the second class. From that time to the present, her officers have been the following : Mayors — Elected by the people, term two years: 1865, James Mathews; 1866, James Mathews ; 1867, Lucius V. Bierce ; 1868, Lu- cius V. Bierce ; 1869, J. L. Robertson ; 1870, J. L. Robertson ; 1871, J. L. Robertson ; 1872, J. L. Robertson ; 1873, Henry Purdy ; 1874, Henry Purdy ; 1875, Levi S. Herrold ; 1876, Levi S. Herrold ; 1877, James F. Scott ; 1878, James F. Scott; 1879, James M. Fraze ; 1880, James M. Fraze ; 1881, Samuel A. Lane. Clerks — Elected by the Council, term one year. The office is that of which the incum- bent was formerly denominated Recorder ; 1865, Jerr}- A. Long; 1866, Jerry A. Long; 1867, Mills B. Purdy ; 1868. Mills B. Purdy ; 1869, Mills B. Purdy ; 1870, Mills B. Purdy ; 1871, Mills B. Purdy ; 1872, Mills B. Purdy ; 1873, John A. Means ; 1874, John A. Means ; 1875, John A. Means ; 1876, Mills B. Purdy ; 1877, Adams Emerson; 1878, Adams Emer- son ; 1879, Newton Ford ; 1880, Newton Ford, 1881, Newton Ford. Members of City Council — Elected by the people. Term two years. After the first elec- tion, the six persons elected drew lots as to which ones should serve the full term of two years, and which the half term, until the next election, resulting as follows : First Ward — Two 3'ears, George W. Crouse ; one 3'ear, Charles W. Bonstedt. Second Ward — Two years, Henry W. Howe ; one }- ear, John E. Bell. Third Ward— Two years, Lewis Mil- ler ; one year, J. Park Alexander. Each year thereafter there has been elected one from each '-^ CITY OF AKRON. 335 ward, as follows : 1866 — First Ward, J. J. Wag- oner ; Second Ward, J. H. Collins ; Third Ward, George Sechrist. 1867 — First Ward, George W. Grouse ; Second Ward, W. H. Payne ; Third Ward, J. A. Long. 1868— First Ward, J. W. Holloway ; Second Ward, J. H. Collins ; Third Ward, J. Park Alexander. 1869— First Ward, C. R. Howe ; Second Ward, W. J. Atwood ; Third Ward, Clement J. Kolb. 1870— First Ward, William T. Allen ; Second Ward, W. P. Cassidy ; Third Ward, J. Park Alexander. 1871 — First Ward, David R Paige Jr.; Second Ward, John Memmer ; Third Ward, Elias W. Howard ; Fourth Ward, Robert McElhinney, George Burkhardt ; Fifth Ward, R. F. Palmer, Clement J. Kolb. 1872— First Ward, William T. Allen ; Second Ward, 0. C. Barber ; Third Ward, J. Park Alexander ; Fourth Ward, Noah N. Leohner ; Fifth Ward, James A. Metlin. 1873— First Ward, Milton W. Henry ; Second Ward, James Christy, H. E. Merrill ; Third Ward, H. L. Carr ; Fourth Ward, David Lam- parter ; Fifth Ward, A. J. Hamlin ; Sixth AYard, J. A. Baldwin, Thomas Johnson. 1874 — First Ward, William T. Allen ; Second Ward, E. H. Merrill ; Third Ward, Elias W. Howard ; Fourth Ward, Robert McElhinney ; Fifth Ward, James A. Metlin ; Sixth Ward, Enoch Rowley. 1875— First Ward, Milton W. Henry ; Second Ward, A. Brewster ; Third Ward, William A. McClellan ; Fourth Ward, J. H. Derhammer ; Fifth Ward, Simon Hankey : Sixth Ward, Da- vid E. Hill. 1876— First Ward, William Buch- tel ; Second Ward, John W. Baker ; Third Ward, John J. Cook ; Fourth Ward, John Schott ; Fifth Ward, Christian Vogt ; Sixth Ward, Enoch Rowley. 1877— First Ward, Charles A. Collins ; Second Ward, James Christy ; Third Ward, J. Park Alexander ; Fourth Ward, D. W. Morgan ; Fifth Ward, Ed- ward A. Lawtou ; Sixth Ward, David E. Hill. 1878— First Ward, L. G. Thorp ; Second Ward, W. J. Underwood ; Third Ward, Mason Chap- man ; Fourth Ward, John Schott ; Fifth Ward, Christian Vogt ; Sixth Ward, Enoch Rowley. 1879 — First Ward, Ulysses L. Marvin ; Second Ward, N. A. Carter ; Third Ward, J. Park Alex- ander ; Fourth Ward, Estep ; Fifth Ward, Edward A. Lawton ; Sixth Ward, F. W. In- man. 1880— First Ward, Milton W. Henry ; Second Ward, Henry H. Brown ; Third Ward, B. F. Goodrich ; Fourth Ward, John Schott ; Fifth Ward, Charles F. IngersoU ; Sixth Ward, Thomas H. Peckham. 1881— First Ward, Da- vid L. King ; Second Ward, N. A. Carter ; Third Ward, J. Park Alexander ; Fourth Ward, Philip Weber ; Fifth Ward, Edward A. Lawton ; Sixth Ward, James Housel. Pennsylvania cO Ohio Canal. — Judge Leices- ter King, of Warren, father of David L. King, Esq., of this city, was the man to whom, more than all others, Akron was indebted for her second canal, an enterprise which very mate- rially aided in developing the commercial in- terests of the growing village. B}' personal eftbrt and influence. Judge King conquered the many obstacles in the path, and carried to a successful completion, after many 3'ears of tireless endeavor, the project to which he had devoted his energies, and in whose eventual ac- complishment he had the fullest confidence. An old paper in the possession of Mr. George McMillen, of Portage Township, indicates that the lobby system obtained in full vigor over fifty years ago, and is not, therefore, one of the inventions of modern politics. We subjoin a copy of a portion of the paper, bearing date of " Middlebury, December 12, 1826," and running as follows : " We, the subscribers, citizens of the villages of Middlebury and Akron and their vicinity, confident that inestimable advantages would result to our villages and this section of the countr}' generall}', from a canal connecting the Ohio Canal at the Portage Summit with the Pennsylvania Canal at Pittsburgh, and anxious that an act should pass the Legislature of Ohio at their present session, authorizing the con- struction of such canal, will pay the sums an- nexed to our respective names, to John Mc- Millen, Jr., and Peter Bowen, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of delegates from the aforesaid villages to the Legislature, to assist in procuring the passage of such an act. Pay- ment to be made at the time of subscribing." To this are attached nineteen names. The delegates and other supporters of the measure proved speedily successful, for the Pennsyl- vania & Ohio Canal was incorporated by act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio January 10, 1827, which act authorized '-the construction of a canal to meet or intersect the Pennsylvania, or Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, at or near the city of Pittsburgh, in the State of Pennsylvania." The act was to take effect and be in ibrce " whenever the Legislature of Penn- sylvania should pass a law giving their assent 336 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. to and confirming the provisions of said act of Ohio," etc. Pennsylvania's Legislature subse- quentl}' passed the act desired. Hindrances of one sort and another intervened, and, a^ times, it looked as though the canal would never be built. Finally, in 1836, the State of Ohio was induced to extend a helping hand, which she did by a pledge to take one dollar of stock for every ticn dollars of private subscription ob- tained. Mr. King then visited Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other Eastern cities, and, by dint of earnest solicitation, secured a favorable attention from a number of capitalists, and re- turned, bringing with him across the mountains many thousands of dollars, in an ordinar}- hand satchel. Altogether, $840,000 was secured from private individuals, and the State, in pur- suance of her promise, added $420,000 of stock. As originally projected, the canal was to have passed through Middlebury, which at that time was about as large and as promising a place as Akron. However, since the connection with the Ohio Canal was to be made " on the Portage Summit," and some difficult}- was ex- perienced in accomplishing both these things, by act of the Legislature, March 2, 1836, the State Canal Commissioners were empowered to determine anew the location of the connection. The Board of Canal Commissioners ordered Leander Ransom, Acting Commissioner, to in- vestigate the matter and report. This he did, voluminously, January 29, 1837, fixing the junction " at the north end of the lower basin in South Akron, a few rods from the foot of Lock No. 1 of the Ohio Canal." The canal was at last completed from its eastern terminus at Beaver, Penn., to Akron, and opened through- out in 1841. Late in the fall, the first boat ar- rived from the East. A number of prominent citizens of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York and other Eastern cities, were on board Gov. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, and Gov. David Por- ter, of Pennsylvania, werfe specially invited to attend the formal opening. Gov. Corwin was detained at home by sickness, but Gov. Porter was present. When the boat, decorated with flags and banners, and carrying a cannon and a brass band, reached Warren, it met a hearty reception at the hands of the enthusiastic citi- zens. There Judge King, who was President of the Canal Compan}^ and his son David, then a lad of seventeen, and others interested, joined the party. At every town and village the peo- ple had turned out with hearty good-will to see the boat go by, and to every such gathering Gov. Porter declaimed his same set speech till all the passengers had memorized it as thoroughly as the speaker. At Ravenna, an- other accession was received, and at Franklin Mills (now Kent) and Cuyahoga Falls. Akron had been advised of their approach, and the en- tire populace went out to meet them, which they did about noon, at the big bend at the Old Forge. The escort accompanied the boat to town ; the company disembarked at the west- ern end of the long trench, in South Akron, and repaired to a large upper room in May's Block (where the Clarendon Hotel now is), where a grand banquet had been spread. One of the most important factors of the boat's cargo was its ample supply of liquor. There was a barrel of sherry, another of Madeira, and a great many dozen bottles of champagne ; what was left of these was conveyed to the dinner- room. Besides this thoughtful provision, much more of a like sort had been forwarded in anticipation of the event, and there was no lack of that with which to make merry. Not a few were attacked with a dizziness not incident to sea-sickness. In the evening, another jolli- fication was indulged in at the Ohio Exchange, a noted tavern, where Paige Brothers' hardware store now stands. Speeches were made and drinks taken ; bands played, and toasts were ofiered and responded to ; refreshment flowed freel3^ One of the visitors — old Gen. S., of Warren — imbibed too much, and died before morning, of apoplexy. A son the next day, himself also considerably obfusticated, sobbing and moaning to a friend, Mrs. E., remarked that "he always cried when his father died." One of the Ravenna part}^, upon his return, was narrating the joyfulness of the occasion to a group of neighbors, when one of them re- ferred to this death of a man who had taken so conspicuous a part, inquiring if that occurrence did not cast a shadow over the genei'al hilarity, to which he responded : " It was dora'd fine ! dom'd fine ! That dying of S 's was too bad, to be sure ; but the old fellow went out of the world with bis belly full of beefsteak and brandy ! " As is mentioned elsewhere, the canal com- pany took possession of the ditch through which the water-power was conveyed to Akron, from Old Forge to Moody's shop on Main CITT OF AKRON. 343 the electors of that village. By subsequent action it was also ordained that the same ques- tion, at the same time, and in the same man- ner should be declared upon by the voters of Akron. The result was as follows : Akron — For annexation, 1,042 ; against, 16. Middle- bury — For, 140 ; against, 26. Upon this deci- sive vote, the Council appointed William T. Allen, George W. Grouse and David L. King Commissioners on the part of Akron to ar- range terms and conditions with the Commis- sioners appointed by Middlebury, namelj^', Mendall Jewett. Frank Adams and George F. Kent. Upon the 13th of April, the terms of annexation were agreed upon, and, upon the 24th, the report of the Commissioners was pre- sented to the Council, by it adopted, and the former village of Middlebury formally added to the city and made to constitute its Sixth Ward. Final action, perfecting the work, was taken by the County Commissioners October 28, 1872. From a population of 10,006 in 1870, Akron grew to 16,462 in 1880, a gain of 64^ per cent. Excluding the effect of the annexation of Mid- dlebury, the increase would be 49^ per cent. During the same period the increment of the county was 26 per cent, the same as for the decade preceding. As a city, we are at the present in the midst of an era of active and great improvement. The telephone system has been in operation less than two years, and the eit}' is radiated in every direction by its wires. It has passed beyond the experimental stage, and from an interesting novelty has become almost a neces- sity. Akron was the first place in the State, excepting three or four of the largest cities, to possess the telephone. Under the charge of the private company which owns and controls this s^'stem, are lines now in successful opera- tion from x\kron to Tallmadge, a distance of four miles ; x\kron to Doylestown, fourteen miles ; Canton to Massillon, eight miles, and a line nearl}' constructed between Akron and Can- ton, twenty-two miles. When this is com- pleted, Tallmadge, Akron, Canton, Massillon and Do3'lestown will, for the first time in his- tor3', be on speaking terms with one another. To this circuit will in time be added Cleveland and Cu3'ahoga Falls, and eventually a number of other places. In the winter of 1879-80, Akron was ac- corded the privilege of a free postal deliver}-, and early in the succeeding spring the system was carried into execution, to the great satis- faction of every one. Akron is a pioneer in the matter of utilizing electricity as a means of lighting streets, and is the t^THt city of the world to adopt the meth- od of high masts for that purpose. It is yet too early to predicate the means or the method a success or otherwise, but certainly the begin- ning augurs well for the future. A new cit}' hall IS nearly ready for occupancy' ; the needs which this will supply have been long and se- verely felt. A system of water-works of the most im- proved type is well on toward completion. It is being put in by a private company, upon which falls the entire responsibility, expense and hazard. We are now promised the turn- ing on of the water by the 1st of June next, aud when it comes it will assuredly meet a hearty welcome from all our citizens. Besides this, a complete plan of sewage has been de- vised b}' our city Civil Engineer, and the nec- essary work is now being done. A new paving with stone to replace the worn-out Nicholson has been ordered upon East Market and Mill streets, and before man}- months, in all probabilit}', sevei'al other streets will be repaired in the same manner. With all these progressive steps, Akron \Qi enjoys the unique position among cities of being wholly free from debt. It is to be hoped that this blissful state of things will continue. Two more improvements seem earnestly de- manded in the near future. One of these, at least, will doubtless soon follow. We mean the hiding from sight that long-time eyesore — the ditch where was once the Penns3'lvania & Ohio Canal — alike obnoxious to the nostrils and deleterious to the health of our people. The initial steps toward so desirable a result have already been taken in the Cit}' Council, in a resolution to the effect that the old canal bed should be conduited from Tallmadge street to its end at Mill street. The other is the introduction of street rail- ways, and we confidentl}'^ predict that not man}- years will elapse before that also will be chron- icled among the manifold advantages of Akron. :^ dt ^ S) 344 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. CHAPTER IX.* CITY OF AKRON — ITS MANUFACTORIES SEWER PIPE AND POTTERIES- -THEIR RISE AND PROGRESS — THE REAPER WORKS- -MILLS, OATMEAL, ETC.— OTHER INDUSTRIES. "The bellows-puff, the hammer-beat, the whistle and the song, Told, steadfastly and merrily, toil rolled the hours along." — Street. THE first steps taken to inaugurate manu- facturing within what are now the corpo- rate limits of the city of Akron were b}^ Jo- seph Hart in 1807. This movement was com- menced in what is now the Sixth Ward, Middle- bury. Mr. Hart began, during that year, the erection of a " grist-mill." He soon sold one- half the land he had purchased to Aaron Nor- ton, and the two completed the structure in partnership, finishing their work in 1809. For many years this mill did the work of the sur- rounding country in the way of grinding — as did " Bagley's Factory " the cloth-dressing and carding. The projecting of the Ohio Canal gave an impetus to the manufacturing interests of Middlebury — mills, factories and mechanical shops springing into existence ; but Akron, on the canal, when once under way, brought a sad discomfiture to the village eastward. In 1831, Dr. Eliakim Crosby conceived the project of bringing the Little Cuyahoga from Middlebury round to Akron, thus creating a fine water- power. No sooner was the project conceived than it was undertaken ; the " Cascade mill- race " was dug and the Stone Mill put in operation. Thus was started on its astonish- ing career of prosperity the manufacturing in- terests of Akron proper. Middlebury lan- guished for awhile ; its factories closed, and the " grinding ceased." However, in the course of time, mechanical establishments began to increase and its water-power was improved. In the end, the pottery business gave it a per- manence, so that now the Sixth Ward is em- phatically a manufacturing ward of the city. Among the prominent industries of Middle- bury, nearly thirty years ago, was the carriage manufactory of C. A. Collins, which then turned off goods to the amount of $20,000 an- nually. Their carriages were of " the highest ♦Contributed by C. W. Butterfield. finish and st3-le, and in great demand in the Southern and Southwestern States." Irish, McMillan & Co. had an extensive machine shop, " where all kinds of machinery were man- ufactured." Their building was three stories high, and about three hundred feet long by forty wide. This firm averaged, in manufactured ar- ticles, about $14,000 a j^ear. Their fire-engines were superior to those made in Eastern estab- lishments. . " The pottery business," says a writer of that period, in speaking of the manufactories of Middlebury, " is carried on extensively. There are three devoted to the making of ordinar}- stoneware, one to the manufacture of stone pipes and pumps, and one to Liverpool ware. The clay is procured from Springfield, and the ware is of the best quality. The pipe for pumps or water drains, is made in joints of twent}- inches, and by shoulders and cement are put together so as to present an entirely smooth inner surface. They are glazed inside and out, to prevent decay of the pipe and an unpleasant taste to the water. They are des- tined to supersede all metallic pipes. " The potteries," continues the writer, " fur- nish 80,000 gallons of the manufactured arti- cles annually, which average five cents a gallon. There is also a cabinet-shop in this town (Mid- dlebury), which turns off an immense number of articles in its line. Every operation, from jacking an oak board to vaneering the choicest mahogany, is done b}- machinery. Rawson, Goodale & Co. have a woolen factory which employs a large number of hands and turns off a considerable amount of broadcloths, satinets and flannels. These goods are taken to the New York market, the Ohio mark taken off, and then, by the merchants, returned to Ohio and sold as European manufacture. The de- ception is a harmless one, as their goods are decidedly preferable to those imported. There is also a comb and button factory in Middle- bury, one of fanning-mills, and several for mak- ing: lucifer matches." Such was the state of y[- iiaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiitiiiiisii^^^^^^^^ I^ CITY OF AKRON. 345 manufacturing industries in what is now the Sixth Ward of Akron, something more than a quarter of a century ago. From 1831, when the first mill was built in the village of Akron, to 1854 — a period of twenty-three years — the manufactories of the place had largely increased both in number and importance ; but the great want was a speedy transportation. Says the writer already quoted : " When our immense beds of stone-coal, iron and pottery shall have an opening to market ; when our flour, by a speed^^ transportation, can come in competition with the New York and Eastern pi'oduction ; and when the milk from our dairies can be sent almost warm to the New York market, then Akron will indeed be not only the child of promise but of fulfillment." In 1857, there were in Akron two woolen- factories, five flouring-mills, a steam engine factory, a blast-furnace, a mineral paint mill, a card-factory, and an extensive stove-factor}', besides a number of smaller works. The next seventeen years showed a large increase ; for, in 1874, there were in the whole city, two woolen-mills, two paper-mills, seven flouring- mills, four foundries, one rolling-mill, one blast-furnace, one forge, three planing-mills, two manufactories of reapers and mowers, one of pearl barley, one of oat-meal, one of knives and sickles, one of rubber goods, one of chains, one of matches, and three machine shops. There were, also, one manufactory of boilers, two of plows, one of woolen goods, one of horse hay-rakes, one of stoves, one of iron fences, ten of stoneware, and one of blank books. There is now, probably, no city in the United States of the same population, presenting such a diversity of manufactories as Akron. The receiving and shipping facilities enjo^-ed by the manufacturers of the city may be regarded as one of the important factors in their progress and prosperity. The magnificent water-power is another noteworthy advantage ; and the abundant suppl}- of cheap fuel from the neigh- boring coal-banks is still another. The market is stocked, at all seasons, with cheap farm prod- uce ; house rents are reasonable ; in fact, all the expenses of living are verj' moderate. The city has already three railways. Tliis gives competing lines East and West, and insures the lowest rates for fare and freights. In no department of the mechanic arts, it is safe to say, has more marked progress and im- provement been made within the last quarter of a century than in that of labor-saving farm machiner3^ The problem of how to construct the most economical and eflective mechanism for the consummation of a given purpose in the arena of agricultural enterprise, has for a series of years been made the patient and unremitting study of some of the most talented of Ameri- can inventors. While admiring a beautiful and perfect piece of machinery, the creation of some master mind, how little conception has the beholder of the many months and even years of studious application, of persistent experi- menting, of scientific induction, that were in- volved in the successful development of it. This is known only to the inventor himself, and it is in entire accord with the doctrine of com- pensation that he should reap the legitimate reward for his incessant toil and pre-eminent skill. That this reward, in its fullest measure, is due to Lewis Miller, of Akron, inventor of the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, will be con- ceded by every one acquainted with his inven- tions. The fact that the machine is to-day, in its essential principles and mechanical construc- tion, the same as when originall}' brought out — in 1855 — is assuredly an emphatic tribute to Mr. Miller's genius. Of course, minor improve- ments have from year to year been made upon it — here a little and there a little — but its main features remain the same. These machines were first manufactured in Canton, Ohio, by the firm of C. Aultman & Co. In 1863, the works in Akron were started as a branch of the Canton house. There is now another branch, located in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taken together they rank among the largest works of the kind in the world. They are mak- ing at Akron sixty-five machines a day, and have shipped an average of three car loads a day since the middle of December, 1880. From this writing (March, 1881) until July following, the average will be about eight car loads a day. The works comprise in Akron a main building, 450x50 feet, with four floors ; a warehouse, 50x200 feet, having also four floors ; a mold- ing shop, equivalent to 150x70 feet, one floor ; engine and boiler-rooms, 50x40 feet, two floors ; a blacksmith-shop, 30x200 feet, one floor ; an old wood-room, 50x100 feet, having three floors ; a new building, 265x60 feet, with four floors ; a new engine-room, 20x30 feet, one floor ; a repair room, 30x50 feet, two floors ; an 346 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. iron warehouse, 35x116 feet, and an office build- ing, 40x80 feet, witli three floors ; the total area of the buildings being 243 900 feet, or upward of five and two-thirds acres. These buildings are thoroughh' equipped with very complete machinery, especiallv adapted to this kind of business, and operated by steam-power supplied from engines of colossal proportions. The machines are sold all over the United States ; but, the principal demand is from the wheat-growing districts west of the Mississippi. At the works in Akron are now manufactured the Buckeye Mower ; the Buckeye Single Reap- er ; the Buckeye Combined Mower and Drop- per, rear delivery ; the Buckeye Combined Mower and Table Rake, side delivery ; the Buckeye Harvester, for hand binding; the Buckeye Twine Self-Binder, and the Buckeye Wire Self-Binder. The firm of Aultman, Miller & Co. was or- ganized in 1865, with a capital of $300,000, since increased to $1,000,000, for the exclusive purpose of manufacturing these machines. The headquarters and main works of the company are located at Akron. But the "Buckeye" is not the only mower and reaper manufactured in Akron. The " Empire," made by J. F. Seiberling, at his works in the city, belongs to the lighter class of machines, and is now sold in ever}' State and Territory in the Union. In its construction numerous improvements have been made since its first introduction into the market. It has been thoroughly tested in all kinds of grass and grain, and on all conditions of ground, with gratifying results. For compactness, simplicity, lightness of draft, ease of manage- ment and beauty of finish, it ranks deservedly high. The Empire Mower and Reaper Works were established in Akron by Mr. Seiberling in 1875. Their capacity is now 7,000 machines a year. The Empire works turn out a mower which is a two-wheeled, front-cut machine ; to this can be added, at any time, a reaping at- tachment. This consists of a separate finger- bar, with either the dropper or Empire side- delivery table-rake, or sweep rake. Mr. Seiber- ling also manufactures the Empire Harvester and Binder, which is a new member in his family of machines. The buildings of Mr. Seiberling are those of the old P]xcelsior Mow- er and Reaper Works, located immediately east of the depot of the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad, on Forge and Lincoln streets. They consist of a foundry, 110x95 feet ; a main building, 45x180 feet ; a warehouse, 45x90 feet, and a blacksmith-shop, 35x40 feet. The steam engine which supplies the motive power of the works is of eighty-horse-power. That such a prosaic subject as the manufact- ure of shirts should have been made so highly poetical, under the magic touch of an English poet, as to immortalize his name, is strange in- deed ; but such is the fact, for "With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat in unwomanly rags, Plying her needle and thread ; Stitch ! stitch ! stitch ! In poverty, hunger and dirt, And still with a voice of dolorous pitcli. She sang the 'Song of the Shirt.' " That is to sa}-, it was wonderfully sung by Thomas Hood, as every one knows. But men- tion of the two factories in Akron will not be made in verse ; nor will the wa}^ their owners do business be chronicled in harmonious num- bers. The office and factory of Cleorge W. Wright & Co. are located at No. 112 South Howard street, on the third fioor. These gen- tlemen do excellent work, and are the sole man- ufacturers of the patent diamond neckband, which is used in all their shirts. The other factory is upon the same street, at No. 167, and is owned b}' Sperling & Roberts. The}' make first-class goods of four grades. The manufactory of Frank I). Howard, wiio makes plows, cultivators, field-rollers, road scrapers, farm bells and other articles, is on the corner of High and Mill streets. This manufactory was first started in 1869, by A. Rice & Co., and continued under that name un- til 1872, when the firm changed to Benjamin & Howard, and, in 1877, the present proprietor became sole owner. The premises occupied by the business covers a space of 120 feet on Mill street and 115 feet on High street. The build- ing consists of a two-story brick with basement, 35x70 feet, used as a factory, sample and sales- room and office ; a foundr}^ 40x50 feet ; a blacksmith-shop, 20x30 feet ; and an engine- room, 15x20 feet, with sheds and warehouse for storage of material and stock. A forty-horse- power steam engine is used in driving the ma- chinery. Mr. Howard makes superior chilled iron and steel plows, in which he has a large trade. In the foundry department, car wheels fe* CITY OF AKEON. sr, for coal cars are the chief product. The trade of this house extends throughout Central, Northern and Eastern Ohio, Western Pennsyl- vania, and the Eastern and Western States. In the Scriptures, carriages or chariots are frequently alluded to. Upon the flight of the the Israelites out of Egypt, they were pursued by Pharaoh with six hundred chariots, all of which were swallowed up by the Red Sea. Chariots and carriages were used mostl}' by kings and grandees on state occasions. The Greeks and Romans had chariots, but, strange to relate, it was so late as the sixteenth centur}- (1550) that carriages were introduced into France ; and at that date only three were known in Paris, then quite a large city. Since taste enters so largely into the construction of mod- ern vehicles, and their price brings them to the doors of many, the manufticturing of them has become general. There are in Akron four car- riage manufactories, where goods of that kind can be obtained second to none in the countr3\ C. A. Collins & Son have the oldest estab- lishment for manufacturing carriages in North- ern Ohio. It was commenced in 1837, by C. A. Collins. All styles of open and top buggies, fancy carriages, spi'ing wagons and sleighs are made b}- this firm. Their works ai-e located on the corner of Main and Church streets ; their repository is on the "old gas works" propertj-. An addition 30x50 feet, three stories high, has recently been made to their buildings. Another manufactory of carriages in Akron is that of John Heppert, at the corner of Mar- ket and College streets. IMr. Heppert com- menced in this line in 1858, in the Sixth Ward, then Middlebury. He now occupies as office, salesroom and repository two floors of the spacious building, 50x50 feet in size, at the cor- ner of the streets just mentioned. He turns out some of as fine carriages, road wagons, buggies, express wagons and other vehicles as are to be found in this section of country. A third raanufactor\' of carriages is that of Chai'les Vogt, who commenced business in that line in 1876, at the corner of Main and Middle- bury streets. Mr. Vogt has good manufactur- ing advantages and a prosperous trade. The old wood department and paint-shop measure 35x 70 feet, and the smith-shop 30x45 feet. These are now store buildings. His new and com- modious brick structure is used as an office and wareroom on the first floor. The second floor is occupied as a paint room and repository. This building is on the northwest corner of the streets before mentioned, while the old build- ings are on the southwest corner. His new frame building in the rear of the brick is used as a blacksmith -shop. In addition to the manufactories of carriages before described, there is one belonging to Har- pham Brothers, in the Sixth Ward, at 102 High street ; but this firm is employed more espe- cially in the making of wagons. They do a large and thriving business and their work is first-class. The large establishment of the Whitman & Barnes Manufacturing Company makes nothing but articles ai)pertaining to agricultural imple- ments. This compau}' is the outgrowth of two others : th{^ Whitman & Miles Manufacturing- Company of Akron, and George Barnes & Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., and was formerly con- ducted as a branch of a iMassachusetts house, founded a number of years ago. The capital stock of the W^hitman & Barnes Manufacturing Company is $500,000. The works at Akron are very extensive, and consist of a number of buildings erected and fitted up expressly for the rapid and perfect prosecution of this par- ticular branch of industr}-. They make mower knives, reaper sickles, sections, spring keys, guard plates and other articles of this nature. The demand for their goods extends from the rugged and rocky hillsides of New England, across the fertile prairie lands of the Mississippi Valley to the sunny slopes of the Pacific coast. They export large quantities to England, France and Germany. The annual business of the Akron bi-anch of this corporation is fully $500,000. Two immense engines of 150-horse- power each arc used at these works. The com- panj^ has a smaller brancii house at Canton. The tobacco trade is one of the most exten- sive in the United States, whether we regard the extent of the capital invested, or the num- ber of hands to whom it gives stead}- employ- ment. The use of " the weed "' is ^'ery general, notwithstanding the theories put forth by cer- tain medical writers concerning its bad eftccts upon the sj-stem, and the practice of smoking is on the increase, while chewing is perhaps scarcely holding its own, and snuflT-taking is a thing of the past. Cigar manufectories are multiplying all over the country. There are no less than ten in Akron : Freuderaan Broth- • (3 348 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ers, 165 South Howard street ; M. H. Hart, 125^ same street ; Holstein & Golberger. same street (No. 155) ; Louis Walde, uear the fair | ground ; John Lotze, 707 South Main street ; [ Benjamin McNaughton, 916 East Market street ; J. Mengendsorf, 1 25 South High street ; H. F. Shrank, 258 West Market street ; Peter Lang- endorf & Brother, 927 South Howard street, and John F. Weber, 164 same street. There are two tanneries in Aliron. The Ak- ron Tannery is the property of James Christy & Sons, and is located on Howard and Main streets. The business was founded here in 1842, by the present senior member of the firm, and, from a comparatively small beginning, has steadily increased to its present extent and magnitude. The firm now occupies as office, storeroom and finishing department, four floors of the spacious new brick structure, 38x60 feet, at the intersection of Howard and Main streets, with a two-story building, 40x100 feet, the first floor of which is used for the storage of bark, and the second as a dry-room for hanging hides, and a two-story tanner}' building, 80x80 feet. They have all the latest improved machinery in the various departments of their extensive establishment, and manufacture every descrip- tion of leather of superior grades, and the most excellent qualities, making a leading specialty of fine harness leather, which latter product has attained a national reputation for its uniform excellence and reliability. John H. Christ}^ is the owner of the other establishment. He is the successor of J. H. Christy & Co., who started the business in Akron in 1849. At that time, the firm pur- chased the tannery at the corner of Howard and North streets, which had been erected ten years before by Christy & Sawyer. The busi- ness continued under the firm name of J. H. Christy & Co. until April, 1849, when, by purchase of the company's interest, John H. Christy became sole owner. The building, occu- pied for storing and displaying goods, and as an office and salesroom, is a three-story brick, at 109 Market street. In rear of this is a brick warehouse, three stories high, 25x40 feet, with slate roof. Upon the site of the old tannery, an elegant one of brick, three stories high, 100x100 feet, is erected. The leather manu- factured is harness, upper and calf The trade of the house extends throughout all parts of the United States. Beds have come down to us from the •' ages primeval." An easy couch for the weary or sick— what is more comfortable ? " When thoughts Of the last bitter hour come like a blight Over thy spirit, and sad images Of the stern agony, and shroud and pall. And breathless darkness, and the narrow house, Make thee to shudder and grow sick at heart ;" When disease has laid us upon a sick bed, and our bodies racked with pain, what greater boon than an improved spring bed-bottom for our couch on which to lie ? F. F. Hale manu- factures Champion spiral spring bed-bottoms at 206 Mill street. He began business in April, 1880. H. Limbert also makes goods of this description on Summit street. He manu- factures, in addition, patent swings. The Akron Steam Forge Company was orig- inall}' a partnership concern, established in 1865, but, in 1879, it became an incorporated company under the above title, with a capital of $60,000. The area of ground owned by the corporation is ten acres, and the works oc- cup}- a space of 60x265 feet. These buildings have a fine appointment of mechanical appli- ances adapted for the special work performed here. In the axle-shop are four steam ham- mers — one 4,000-pound upright, taking steam both ways ; two halves, each with hammer- head weighing 2,000 pounds, and one with head of 1,500 pounds; five heating furnaces, and every requisite modern convenience com- mended by thorough experience. The product of this company comprises car, driving and locomotive axles, shafting, eleven sizes of eye-bars for bridges, and every descrip- tion of wrought shape work. In all depart- ments are employed long-experienced and well- skilled artisans, none but the best selected materials, and absolute perfection is aimed at and attained in all their manufactures. Hence, wherever these uniformly fine goods have been introduced and used, their qualit}', strength, finish and durabilit}' are acknowledged to be unsurpassed by the output of any other like establishment in the Union. In their line of manufacture, the character of the stock em- ployed is an all-important consideration, and therefore the}' use nothing but carefully se- lected wrought scrap, of tough and fibrous texture, insuring the most satisfactory re- sults. 1/ ■hL CITY OF AKRON. 349 The company are doing a very prosperous business, and their product is in active demand by railway and other corporations, keeping the works constantly busy. They now give em- plo3'ment to some fift}- hands, while their pa}-- roU foots up to $2,000 per month. The pres- ent output is at the rate of about $300,000 per year. The shipping facilities of this company are all that need be desired. The Valle}- Railway runs through their premises, and they have switches connecting with the A. & Gr. W. and C, Mt. V. & C. roads, whereby the}' are enabled to ship their products to all parts of the country at competing rates. The office and works are east of the Fountain Driving Park. One of the large industries of Akron is the manufacture of oat-meal. An analysis made by the eminent chemists Liebig and Hassal, shows that while wheat and barley contain 14 per cent of the nutritious elements — the life and muscle-giving qualities — and corn but 12 per cent and a fraction, oats contain nearly 20 per cent. The phosphorescent qualities of the latter act as a gentle and healthy stimulant to the brain ; and on no food can one endure so great or so prolonged mental labor as on oat-meal porridge. To a A'ery great number of people the value of oat-meal is little known, although the prejudice against it is fast giving place to a more just opinion, especially among the educated classes who are capable of appre- ciating the value of the favorable verdict of chemists and physiologists. There is more oat-meal now consumed in the United States than in Scotland. As it contains in an unusu- all}' large degree all the essentials which go to produce health, hardiness and long life, b}' all means give us more porridge, and less pastr}'. From a highly instructive paper on oat-meal, b}' Dr. H. A. ^lott, an eminent analytical and consulting chemist, of New York, we learn that of all cereal meals, oat-meal is far supe- rior for the following reasons : Because it con- tains more fattening matter than any other cereal grain ; it contains a large amount of ni- trogenous matter (gluten); it contains so much nutriment in small bulk ; it can be eaten for long periods with beneficial I'esults ; it keeps unchanged for a long time. In oat-meal the nitrogenous and carbonaceous elements exist in such proportions as to admit of it being eaten alone as a sustainina: diet ; hence it is a typical food. The proper preparation and use of oat-meal for the table to make it palatable, is, as yet, not well understood by a large por- tion of American cooks. The}' cannot prepare it properly. To do so, requires a double kettle for boiling in water and steam — iron outside, and tin about an inch smaller inside. In this way the meal cannot be scorched. The oat-meal mills of Akron may properly be said to have given the cit}' a goodly share of its wide celebrit}^ as a manufacturing cen- ter. The man as yet best known in this con- nection is Ferdinand Schumacher. Before he inaugurated the production in this country of this wholesome article of diet, it was generally believed that such a commodity as good oat- meal could not be made in America, simply be- cause it then was not. But .Mr. Schumacher entertained a different opinion in the premises, and, having had some experience in his native country (Germany) in this line, he came to the conclusion that the experiment looking to the production of superior oat-meal here should be persistently attempted. The signal success he has met with in his efforts in this direction shows that he was perfectly right in his judg- ment. When he began, all the oat-meal con- sumed in this country was imported from Can- ada and Europe ; but his excellent pi-oduct at length led the market, and at present the im- portations of this valuable hygienic food are comparatively trifling in amount. Near the depot of the New York. Pennsyl- vania & Ohio llailroad are located Mr. Schu- macher's German 31ills, devoted exclusively to the manufacture of this article of food. His are among the largest and best-equipped mills in the country'. They are seven stories high, and cover an area of 60x90 feet. They are fully furnished, from foundation to the top floor with the latest improved machiner}' and manufacturing apparatus. The engine, 20x42, is of 125-horse-power, built b}' the Putnam Machine Company, of Fitchburg, Mass., as were also all the other engines in this establish- ment. ^ The German Mills have two basement sto- ries, each thirteen feet high, containing sixteen oat-driers, with a capacity of 3,000 bushels per day. The oats are kept constantly stirred and turned b}- machinery, so as to secure perfect uniformity in drying. Though the fuel used is coal, the arrangement of the driers is such that sio HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. no smoke or smut can come in contact with the grain. In these mills are eleven hulling stones and buhrs for grinding feed, which are all run from a line shaft by ([uarter-twist bells. When per- fectly- hulled and cleaned, the berry of the oats are cut by ingenious machinery patented by Mr. Schumacher, consisting of a series of knives operating in connection with vibrating perfo- rated plates, for the purpose of cutting the meal, instead of bruising and crushing the berry as in the old process, whereby a large propor- tion of the starch was unavoidably converted into a comparatively worthless meal or flour. The packing and warerooms are ver^- commo- dious, light and airy, and kept scrupulousl}- clean. The oat-meal is conveyed from the mill into this department b3' machinery, for the pur- pose of being packed and shipped fresh every day. A fair proportion of the meal is put up in fourteen-pound air-tight tin packages, in which it ma}- be kept perfectly sweet for years. The "German Mills American Oatmeal" brand is largely shipped to every State in the Union, and its quality and flavor are pronounced un- surpassed on ever}' hand. Carter & Steward also manufacture oat-meal in Akron, at 111 South Main street. The buildings occupied by this enterprising firm were erected more than a quarter of a century ago and used as flouring-mills until 1873, when they passed into the hands of the present pro- prietors, and extensive alterations and improve- ments were made, and since that time the}' have been used exclusively for the manufacture of oat-meal. The main building is 83x95 feet in size, and the engine house and kiln, or depart- ment for drying oats, is 15x95 feet. The mill is supplied with complete machinery, especially adapted to the uses for which it is employed, and all the appointments of these works are of the best and latest improved designs. The products of these mills are sold in all portions of the United States, from Portland, Me., to San Francisco, Cal., in New Orleans and throughout the entire South. An idea of the capacit}' of the works and the extent of the business transacted b}' this house may be gath- ered from the fact that their annual sales in this one item alone exceeds .f 100,000. Besides the two mills already spoken of, there are those in Akron of Hower & Co., successors to Turner & Co., which make oat-meal, on the corner of Canal and Cherry streets. Turner & Co. started in 1877, and were succeeded by Hower & Co. In December, 1880. Their mills are now known as the Akron Oat-Meal Mills. Their capacity is sixty-flve barrels a day. The trade of the firm extends from Michigan to Maine. The latest addition to these mills is the man ufacture of rolled avena (rolled oats), which is oat-meal as originally made, and claimed to be superior in flavor and much more easily cooked than the granulated meal. There are in Akron four extensive planing - mills. The Weary, Snyder, Wilcox Manufact- uring Company have their buildings on Main street. This company was founded in 1864, hy Wear}-, Snyder & Co. It became a joint-stock company in 1877, with an authorized capital of $150,000. This company handles about 3,000,000 feet of lumber annually. Their yards and mills occupy about four acres of ground opposite the Empire House. The factory build- ing is three stories in height, and 80x120 feet in size. This is equipped with a variety of machinery especially adapted for this particu- lar branch of industry, among which is a gang of saws twenty-eight in number, planing ma- chines, ten single saws, numerous scroll saws, a dove-tailiug machine of their own invention, used especially in the manufacture of boxes for the establishment of F. Schumacher for the packing of oatmeal, pearl barley and cracked wheat : door, sash and blind machineiy, etc., operated by a forty-horse power engine. In this establishment is manufactured doors, win- dow sash, blinds, door and window frames, cas- ings and brackets. In 1852, J. H. Dix & Co. started a planing- mill at the ^tna Mills — ^the first in Akron. They moved in 1855 to south Howard street near the gas works, where the business is still carried on — but by other parties. They con- tinued the work for three years, when they sold their mill to J. Rockwell & Co. The last-men- tioned firm conducted the business about three years, when their intei'est was disposed of to W. L. Evert & Co., who continued the work for a time when the property was sold to W. B. Doyle & Co., the present owners. This firm manufacture doors, sash and blinds and other articles appertaining to house-building. They also have a lumber-yard connected with their mill. They carry on an extensive business. :^ CITY or AKRON. 351 Plaster, as a fertilizer, is also manufactured by them. Another planing-mill is that of Simon Han-' key. This was started at his present location, 1136 South Main street, in July, 1872, where he occupies three acres of ground. By reason of his straightforward course, characteristic push and integrity in all his dealings, he has succeeded in establishing a prosperous and con- stantly amplifying trade. His fine planing-mill measures 60x122 feet, part of which is of two stories. He has the latest improved machinery for general planing and the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds and moldings. His trade is chiefly that of the city and county. The planing-mill of D. W. Thomas, at 244 West Market street, is an extensive one. It was first started as a furniture factory b}' George Thomas, father of the present owner. After going through several hands and being changed to a planing-mill, the ownership finally passed to Mr. Thomas, who now conducts a large lum- ber business in connection with his mill. All nations, ancient and modern, savage and civilized, have considered respect for the dead a virtue, and burial-places as sacred. Abra- ham bought the cave of Machpelah as a burial- place. Egyptians hewed sepulchers out of solid rock, and built vast pyramids to serve as repos- itories for their dead, whose bodies were so em- balmed that after 3,000 years they are found in a good state of preservation. The Romans honey-combed the hills of Southern Italy with catacombs, in the niches of which they placed their dead. The cemeteries of modern civiliza- tion are fast getting to be picturesque cities of the dead. Monuments of all kinds mark the resting-places of those who slumber in the bosom of the earth. Akron is not behind her sister cities in the manufacture of these stand- ing memorials. The proprietor of the Akron Marble Works, M. H. Crumrine, manufactures and deals in American and Italian marble and in American and Scotch granite mantles and grates. He first started the business in Massil- lon, in 1857, and in 1863 changed its location to Akron, when he purchased a lot at 219 and 221 East Market street, 100x40 feet, and erected a frame building in which he continued his bus- iness until in 1866, when he moved the frame building to the rear of its former location, and on the same site erected a fine three-story brick block known as Castle Hall Block. In 1868, at 15 North High street, one door from the cor- ner of Market street, he erected a brick building 53x16, which he has since occupied as sample and salesroom and office, with a work-shop im- mediately in the rear 35x20. Besides the marble works just mentioned are those of Emil Feige, who manufactures monu- ments and tombstones of Italian and American marble, sandstone and other varieties, at 235 Main street. This house was founded in 1858, by Jennings & Henry. In 1877, the present proprietor, E. Feige, purchased the establish- ment and became sole proprietor. The build- ing at present occupied by the business is a frame 20x45 — the fi'ont portion used for display of manufactured good and the rear for manu- facturing. Not only oat-meal, but pearl barley is exten- sively manufactured in Akron. The Empire Barley Mills of Ferdinand Schumacher are lo- cated near the depot of the New York, Penn- sylvania & Ohio Railroad. These mills have six fioors, each measuring 85x()0 feet. The en- gine room contains a double engine with com- bined power of 250 horse. A 40-inch belt on an 18-foot pulley conveys the power to the pearling machines, which, thirteen in number, are attached to a long line shaft, and have a united capacity of 250 half barrels of pearl barley per day, of 110 pounds each. On the first floor are the barley machines, consisting of an iron shell turning in the oppo- site direction, from rapidly-revolving sand- stones, four feet in diameter by fourteen inches across. This mill, the German Mill, the model Akron (A) elevator, and the commodious pack- ing-houses, which are all adjoined, have a total frontage of 293 feet. Gorner & Planz are the pi'oprietors of the Akron File Works, located between Carroll and East Middlebury streets. This firm is the only one in Summit County engaged to any extent in this branch of manufacture. The enterprise was first started by Methias Harter, in 1868. The senior partner of the present firm became a partner in 1870, and the business was conducted until 1873 under the firm name of Harter & Gorner, when Mr. Gor- ner purchased the interest of Harter, and for a year and a half continued the business alone. In 1875, H. Pohle purchased the works from Gorner, and continued the business with Planz as partner until 1877, when Mr. Gorner re- rpv !>>. 352 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. purchased the interest of Pohle ; and since, the firm name has been Grorner & Planz. The buildings occupied for the conduct of the busi- ness are two in number — one, 16x82, the other 16x22. The location of the works is just east of the Buckeye Shops, and in the rear of the Akron Knife Works. In the works is a ten- horse-power engine, which is used principally in the grinding of files, five cutting-blocks, and all tools and machinery used in cutting files. The trade of the house extends throughout Northern, Central and Eastern Ohio, a large amount of the product being sold to the large manufacturing establishments of Akron. Baker, Merriam & Co. manufacture wood and clay smoking pipes, enameled teapot knobs, pail woods and cigar boxes, also all styles of Hamburg and Shaker pipes, at the corner of Bowery and Ash streets. J. W. Baker began business at this point in 1870, in the manufact- ure of cigar boxes alone, and was joined in the fall following b}- J. C. McMillen, who purchased an interest in the concern. They made cigar boxes about four years, after which they added wood smoking pipes and tinners' teapot knobs. They now carry on a large and flourishing busi- ness in the articles above mentioned. Among the multifarious industries of the city of Akron, there is no single one which has con- tributed in a greater degree to give the cit^' a wide-spread reputation than that of the pro- duction of sewer pipe. From the rock-bound coasts of New England to the prairie cities of the far West the fame of the Akron sewer pipe is familiar as household words, and has repeat- edl}^ received the highest encomiums from Mayors and boards of public works, engineers, contractors and chemists. It is manuftictured from a combination of the celebrated " Summit County Clays," which b}' careful analysis have been found to be superior to any yet discovered for this particular purpose. By skilled labor and powerful machinery of the latest and most approved design, the material is rendered homo- geneous and uniform throughout, and under immense pressure the pipe is made ver}' com- pact, and under a high temperature becomes thoroughl}'^ vitrified and impervious to the action of acids, gases and steam, all of which are found to a greater or less extent in cit}' sewei's. This kind of clay receives a perfect glaze from the vapors of salt, and does not re- quire slip or other foreign substances which are liable to cut or scale off by the action of sewer gases. The subject of thorough and perfect sewer- age is beginning to receive the general public attention and recognition which its importance demands. That the health of communities is seriously affected and impaired bj' faulty or inadequate drainage is a proposition suscepti- ble of ample demonstration. The disease-breed- ing miasmas contaminating the atmosphere of thousands of neighborhoods and homes, pois- oning the human sj'stem with noxious effluvia and deadl^y exhalations, are the sure and direct result of heedlessness with regard to sanitar}^ teachings in this direction. Go into a neigh- borhood where typhoid and typhus fevers pre- vail, and you will certainly find a cause for this infectious malady in the noisome gases eman- ating from the undrained soil or from imperfect sewerage, and, not infrequently, in consequence of drinking well water impregnated with fetid percolations from contiguous privy vaults and cess-pools. It is, moreover, unquestionable that many other forms of disease are contracted by similar means, emphasizing the vital importance of counteracting and removing this pestilent cause of disease and death. The fact of the need of a universal system of sewerage being well established, it now re- mains for us to consider and determine as to the best and most approved material for this purpose, inasmuch as upon this point of perfect sewerage depends the health and well-being of the public. The strange anomaly is too often observed of a house-builder, in order to save a few dol- lars, contracting for the introduction into his premises of a poor and cheap sewer connection, thus inviting febrile disease into his house- hold ; but then does the victim employ a quack doctor to attend his family ? No ; he hesitates not to summon the best physician to be had. Here is an illustration of obtuse empiricism at the first and corrective skill at the last, although perhaps the latter is employed too late to pre- vent fatal consequences of the imprudence of '' saving at the spigot and leaking at the bung." The initial process in the manufacture of vitrified pipe is the grinding and tempering of the clay, some of which is extremely " refrac- tory," in huge mills — the substance being ma- nipulated by large revolving discs describing l£l CITY OF AKRON. 353 diverse circles, and moving gradually from cen- ter to circumference of the clay receiver by the operation of an automatic screw. From the mills the tempered mass is thi'own into the " blockers," which expel the air, solidify the substance, and form it into blocks, which are brought b}^ elevators up to the powerful screw and steam presses, the cylinder whereof con- tains an inside die suspended from the top of the press, taking the place of the core in iron castings, and an outside die which forms the ex- terior of the pipe. The clay is forced down between these dies, producing pipe ranging in diameter from one to twenty-four inches, and is cut off at proper lengths by a series of knives. The present forms are then transported b}' steam and hydraulic elevators, consisting of endless belts, to the drying and finishing de- partments, where they are seasoned for three or four days by steam heaters. The}' are then taken by tramways to the burning kilns, ten in number, each of which is as large as a good- sized room, where for several days they are subjected to a most intense heat, perhaps not far from a thousand degrees — a " warmth " that would have made old Dr. LeMoyne, of crema- tory fame, dance with delight. The torridness of this temperature may be imagined Avhen it is stated that thereby iron can be reduced to a cinder. After the clay has approached the melting or fluxing state, coarse alkaline salt is thrown upon the fires, producing a dense vapor which per- meates every part of the kilns, circulating through and around the sections of pipe, com- pletely enveloping their inner and outer surfaces. This vapor chemicall}' unites with the pipe communicating to it a smooth and glossy finish, whereby the substance becomes vitreous or glass-like, and the glaze is an integral part of the pipe itself ; not a mere varnish-like coating, as is the case with the " slip "-glazed pipe. The contents of the kilns are allowed to gradualh^ cool off, and usually at the expiration of a week they are in proper condition for removal and the market. The Akron Sewer Pipe has for man}- years been in satisfactory use in every section of the country, and is its own complete recommenda- tion. Its even interior surface has no hum- mocks to arrest any floating substance, and its glassy smoothness enables a very small flow of water to carry along with it all the solid matter that finds its way into the sewer. For over twenty years the " Akron " has been the stand- ard in Chicago, where the flat, low-lying surface requires the most perfect sewers, because of the very slight fall possible in their construction. The experience of other cities and towns which have adopted this pipe uniformly corresponds with that of Chicago, and wherever practically tested it has maintained its justly exalted repu- tation. Another significant fact is that these pipes have been and are employed in chemical works and retorts, holding the strongest acids, and nothing has ever been used which will produce the slightest effect upon them ; they cannot be disintegrated or even weakened by any known chemical. There are three sewer pipe companies in Akron, each one which is largely engaged in the manufacture of sewer pipe. The Akron Sewer Pipe Company, at 173 North Water street. Sixth Ward, make standard Akron sewer pipe. The business is conducted under the name and style of the Akron Sewer Pipe Com- pany, was founded in this city in 1848, by Mer- rill, Powers & Co. It subsequently was trans- ferred to Hill & Adams, who were succeeded in 1867, by the Hill & Adams Sewer Pipe Com- pany. In 1871, the company was again recon- structed and became as at present, with a paid- up capital of $175,000, and an authorized cap- ital of $300,000. It is a joint-stock company, incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, with works and general headquarters at Akron, and agencies in all the principal cities of the United States. The works consist of one two-story brick structure, 50x240 feet in size, and one four-story structure, 50x150 feet, with numerous smaller buildings, sheds, etc. They have ten down-draft kilns, each with a capac- ity of twenty-five tons. These kilns are con- structed so as to secure a uniform heat, vitrify- ing each piece of pipe, which by gradual cool- ing is rendered free from checks and scales. The products of the company are sold in almost every State in the Union. These were the first sewer pipe works started west of New York City, and the second established in the United States. Th« Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company manufact- ure, at 921 East Exchange street. Sixth Ward, vitrified salt-glazed sewer pipe. This company was incorporated in 1872, with an authorized I^ '1^ 354 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. capital of $100,000. The buildings occupied were erected in 1867, for the manufacture of woolen machinery, and were occupied for this purpose until in 1872, when the business was changed to that of the present. They consist of two main shops of brick, 170x45 and 80x40 respectively, office, sheds, etc. The shojis are equipped with all modern appliances for the manufacture of sewer pipe ; six kilns of two car-loads dimensions each. The Hill Sewer Pipe Companj- also manufact- ure sewer pipe in Akron. Their place of bus- iness is at 1175 East Market street. This company was founded under its present title in 1873, as a stock company, with a capital of $80,000. D. E. Hill, one of the stockholders, and the gentleman from whom the company takes its name, originated the sewer pipe busi- ness in the United States, and to him is largely due the honor of bringing about a much needed reform in the sewerage system of most of the cities of the Union, by the introduction of this pipe, which is now acknowledged to be a safe and reliable article for sewers. The works oc- cupied b}' the Hill Sewer Pipe Company occupy a large tract of ground, and contain one four- story structure. 50x100 feet in size, equipped with all the necessary- machiner}^ for the manu- facture of these improved pipes, and four kilns, 15x30 feet in dimension. That the taste for personal decoration is a universal expression of human existence, and that the art of making jewehy was one of the first at which mankind arrived, is evident from the immense stores taken from the tombs of ruined cities of the Eg\'tians and other nations. In the manufacture of jewelry but little is done in Akron, but that little is well done by George J. Neiberg, at 179 South Howard street. Matches in their present form were first made public about 1830, b}- Farada}', and came rapidly into public use. The tip of the match is a combination of sulphur and phos- phorus. The phosphorus ignites at the heat of 120 degrees, which a slight friction will pro- duce, and this in turn ignites the sulphur, which requires 450 or 500 degrees. The flame of the sulphur sets fire to the pine of which the match is composed, and which ignites at about 600 degrees. The combination is neces- sary because the phosphorus alone would not kindle the match, while the sulphur alone would not ignite with ordinary friction. The number of matches that are annually con- sumed in this country is something wonderful to contemplate. According to the late report of the Kevenue Department, the tax on matches for the last year yielded revenue to the amount of $3,561,306. At 1 cent a box, this would represent, in round numbers, 356,- 000,000 boxes. Calling our population 50,- 000,000, this would give over 7 boxes to ever}'^ man, woman and child in the country. The taxes paid on matches by each individual in the land would thus be 7 cents. The revenue tax on matches is 1 cent for each 100 in a box. Where such an immense quantity' of matches are consumed, there must be considerable facil- ities for manufacturing them. This we have in the ingenious machinery used in making them, as most all of the processes in manu- facturing them are conducted by mechanical appliances. The wood used is the best — clear white pine — which is first sawed into blocks of equal size, and of two matches in length. These blocks are then made into splints of a proper size, by being forced through tubes with numerous perforations, made as near together as possible, leaving just enough strength for cutting purposes. These perforations may be either round, square or diamond shaped, the latter forming the name of the new combina- tion. The square forms are called '• telegraph " matches. These and the diamond are prefera- ble to the round, as they do not break so easily. After the splints are cut into proper sizes, the3' are fed through a hopper and re- ceived by a double chain, which carries them to the sulphur vat, then to the phosphorus vat, when they are taken off and removed to the packing room. The phosphorus composition into which the matches are dipped is composed of phosphorus, niter, glue, red ochre and smalt in proper proportions. In safet}' matches, the phosphorus is in sand paper on the box, and other materials on the end of the match, so that neither can be ignited without the use of the other. Matches are also made without dipping into sulphur, paraffine oil being used as a substitute. The parlor match is made without the use of sulphur, and phosphorus is replaced by the chlorate of potash and anti- mon3^ The wood is prepared with stearine or paraffine. On the 1st day of January, 1881, the Dia- mond Match Company, with branches in diflfer- e) ^ CITY OF AKRON. 355 t'iit parts of the United States, went into operation. (3ne of the largest of these branches is what was previously tlie Barber Match Company, of Akron. The Alvron works were established in 1847, by George Barber. The first factory was a small barn ; but, from the very beginning of the business, owing to the superior quality of the goods produced, the demand steadily increased. The average product of this branch is 1,500 gross, of 14,- 400 each, or 1^1,660,000 matches ever}' da}^, with a possible capacit}- for turning out 6,804,- 000,000 matches per annum. The United States revenue laws require a 1-ceut stamp to 1)6 placed on every 100 matches, and to do so requires an expenditure by the Akron works of over $1,900 a da}-. They use annually from 2.500,000 to 3,000,000 feet of the best quality of white pine lumber, 70 tons of brimstone 17,000 pounds of phosphorus, 33,600 pounds chlorate of potash, 30,000 pounds of glue, 50,000 pounds of parafflne wax for parlor and drawing-room matches or tapers, and a large quantit}' of other material. They manufacture their own packages, and use about 250 tons of straw board for boxes, and 20 tons of other paper, and for shipping boxes over 1,000,000 feet of Cottonwood lumber. Two printing- presses are kept constantly employed printing labels, and 15 box-making machines, each capa- ble of turning out from 7,000 to 10,000 straw board boxes per day. Three hundred and fifty hands, including men, boys and girls, are constantly employed, and the monthly pa3--roll amounts to full}' $6,500. The works are equipped throughout with the most perfect match-making machinery now in use, propelled I)}- two engines of 250 and 150 horse power re- spectivel}'. The works are located on Falor street. This branch makes about one-fifth of the entire product used in the United States. The Diamond Match Company also run a fac- tory near their match works, where animal pokes, curry-combs and smoking pipes are made. This factory was formed}' run by the Hopkins & Robinson Manufacturing Company. The Akron xMachine Works of Taplin, Rice & Co. are located on Broadway and Church street. These works were established in 1861, by Taplin, Rice & Ford. In 1867, under the manufacturing laws of the State of Ohio, it be- came an incorporated company, with a paid- up capital stock of $100,000, under the name and style of Taplin, Rice & Co. They have now a surplus of $40,000. The works cover a large area and consist of several commodious buildings, all connected, being 550 feet in ag- gregate length and of an average width of about fifty feet. In addition to these is a separate structure, 40x100 feet, used as a pattern-shop. The works are divided into three separate de- partments, as follows : Foundry, machine shop and stove department. The buildings are all supplied with the latest improved machinery, tools and appliances requisite for carrying on the business in all its various features and de- partments. The company manufactures stoves in every variety, and turn out brass and iron castings of all kinds. They make a leading specialty of steam engines, mill gearing, shaft- ing and pulleys, potters' and sewer-pipe ma- chinery, and Mason's Patent Friction Clutch and Pulleys. They attend to the repairing of machinery and gearing of every description. The company have recently purchased, directly opposite their works on Church street the ex- tensive buildings formerly occupied by J. F. Seiberling in the manufacture of his Empire mower and reaper. The patronage of Taplin, Rice & Co. is largely West, extending to the States of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, and east to the western portions of Pennsylva- nia. American inventive genius is to be credited with some of the most wonderful achievements of the age, and in the production of valuable articles the eminence of our country is univer- sally conceded. It is no less remarkable how quickly and thoroughly this talent finds appli- cations in the perfection of new ideas and the improvement of old ideas, so that no sooner has a discovery been announced, or a new in- vention made, than active minds are at once developing its capabilities and extending its uses in all directions. Economy in time, labor and material is the greatest desideratum, never lost sight of by the practical men in our midst, and the wastefulness and inefficiency of prima- tive methods are never allowed to shelter them- selves long behind the plea that nothing better has been thought of This train of musing can be particularly ap- plied to the drug trade. Skilled pharmacists become important factors to the trade of all cities. The Smith Brothers manufacture phar- maceutical products at No. 193 South Howard r'v- 356 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. street. This house was founded in 1873, by Sislei" & Hoy, who conducted the business suc- cessfull}' until September, 1878, when they were succeeded b}' the present proprietors. These gentlemen occupy two flooi's in the three- story brick structure, No. 193 Soutli Howard street, as office, salesroom and laboratoiy. Their laborator}- is supplied with the latest im- proved devices and appurtenances of chemical science for the manufacture of solid and fluid extracts, elixirs, pepsin, gelatine coated pills, and a great variety of chemical and pharma- ceutical preparations. They manufacture 120 different varieties of gelatine-coated pills. This house does a wholesale and retail business, dealing directly with druggists and physicians. An industr}- of considerable dimensions in Akron is that of the manufacture of chains, by the Miller Chain Company. This company succeeded to the business of S. Matherson, at Cu\-ahoga Falls, in 1879. In order to increase their facilities, and the better to accommodate their increasing trade, in September of that year, the}- established themselves at Akron, where the}^ have spacious and well-arranged works, with materially improved appliances and conveniences for manufacturing their va- rious goods. The works comprise four buildings, two brick and two frame, each having dimensions of 20x100 feet ; one brick, 60x80 feet, and one brick, 40x60 feet, besides a large packing-room- offlce building, etc. The firm make cable, crane, agricultural, machine and harness chains of ever}' description. The\' also make car-brake and other chains to an}* designated length, and chains for special purposes, from sample or drawing. All their chain are made from carefull}' se- lected stock, in the most faithful and workman- like manner, and are thoroughl}- inspected be- fore leaving the works. Hence, they can safely guarantee their productions to be of superior quality and finish. Possessing every modern facility, ample ca- pacity, and unsurpassed advantages for the economic prosecution of this department of in- dustry, they are enabled to oflTer the most favorable terms to manufacturers using large quantities of chain, and to the trade gener- ally. Their product finds a market from Maine to California, and they have a prosperous and in- creasing trade in St. Louis, Chicago, and through the Northwestern States. The Akron Iron Company is a stock com- pany, founded in 1866, under its present name. Its location is in South Akron. The capital in- vested in the business is $400,000. The}' man- ufacture ever}' variety of bar and pig iron, hot- polished shafting, best, common, refined and charcoal iron, American-Scotch pig iron of all grades and make. A leading specialty is the production of superior qualities of iron for ag- ricultural implements. This is one of the largest establishments of the kind in the Uni- ted States devoted expressly to the manufacture of iron for agricultural implements ; and for extent, capacity and general completeness of appointments, will compare favorably with any. The buildings occupied by this company are capacious and extensive, and are equipped in all their departments with the most perfect ma chinery and devices for carrying on their exten- sive business. Power is supplied at the Akron works by engines of 500-horse-power, and 175 men are regularly employed, many of whom are skilled and experienced mechanics. The company also owns and operates a blast fur- nace at Buclitel, Ohio, where engines of 700- horse-power are in operation. They also oper- ate coal and iron ore mines in the Hocking Valley regions, furnishing employment at the mines and furnaces to 175 additional hands. The total monthly pay-roll of these extensive works ranges from $10,000 to $15,000, and the amount of business transacted by the company reaches nearly three-quarters of a million dol- lars per annum. Their trade is principally de- rived from the large manufacturing establish- ments within a radius of one hundred miles around Akron. The manufacture of flour is extensively car- ried on in Akron. This is made possible by the fine water-power of the city, and the cheap- ness of coal to drive engines. The Cascade Mills are located at the foot of North Howard street. They are owned and operated by Fer- dinand Schumacher. They are run exclusively by water-power, and manufacture the highest grades of flour and farina, by the most approved patent process. The buildings are " L "' shaped, and have six floors. The mill measures 50x80 feet, with warehouses attached, 40x80 feet, and barrel-house, 40x40 feet. The water-power is ample at all seasons. It ^ ik CITT or AKRON. 357 has a head and fall of 38 feet. The power is derived from an iron overshot wheel, 35 feet in diameter, with a 10-foot face. This immense wheel weighs 37 tons, and yet, being well bal- anced, it revolves on its shaft as steadily and smoothly as if it were made of the lightest wood. The wheel contains a series of 96 steel buckets, having a total weight of 16,000 pounds. Each bucket is made of a single sheet of cold-rolled steel one-eighth of an inch in thickness. This complete wheel cost $8,000, and about $4,000 additional were expended for its foundation, which is built on the solid rock. The water supply flows through a 6-foot subterranean tube, to an iron stand-pipe rising about 18 feet to the level of the basin, and flowing from an iron-tank 26 feet long, 8 feet wide and 4^ feet high, to the iron-gate, which gauges and de- livers it to the buckets at the apex of the wheel. From spur-wheels, connected with a 12-foot pulle}-, by a 40-inch leather-double belt, 120 feet long, power is communicated to the line- shaft over a 10-foot pulley, whence the 12 run of buhrs are operated by quarter- twist belts. The mills are equipped with thirteen middlings purifiers, one pair each porcelain and iron-rolls, two cockle-machines, an ending-stone and brush- machine for cleaning wheat, and other appli- ances, all of the latest improved mechanism. The Ohio Canal runs through the premises, affording convenient facilities for receiving and shipping product. The waste water, as well as the water discharged from the wheel, flows into the Cu3'ahoga River through two substantial 12-foot stone underground conduits, each 220 feet long. The Stone Mills, of which Commins & Allen are proprietors, are located on Howard, Ash and Mill streets. These mills were erected in 1832, by Gen. Perkins and E. Crosby, and by them transferred to Ebenezer Beech, of Rochester, who, with his successors, continued in possession until about 1867, when they were in turn succeeded by the present proprietors, Commins & Allen. This is not only the largest mill in the city, but the oldest. The main mill structure is of stone, five stories in height, and covers an area of 60x120 feet. The machinery is all of the most complete character, and comprises eleven run of buhrs, from 4 feet to 4 feet 8 inches in diame- ter, six of which are propelled by water, and five by steam-power. One engine and boiler, of 125-horse-power, and water-power estimated as fully equal to 100 horses, furnish the motive power for the machinery employed. The amount of capital invested in the business is large and ample. The products of the Stone Mills are known by the following brands : The " Akron Mills," the " Stone Mills," the " Star Mills," the " Lake Mills," the " California Mills " and others. These gentlemen also manufacture and make a leading specialty of superior patent flour. The Allen Mills were originally a building used as woolen mills, which was changed to a flouring-mill in 1853, by Jacob Allen, Jesse Allen and J. D. Commins, who conducted their business under the firm name of J. & J. Allen & Company. The original building was erected by S. Perkins, J. D. Commins, Jacob Allen and Jesse Allen, who together constituted the Per- kins Company. The Allen Mills are located on Canal street, between Mill and Cherry streets, and are owned by F. H. Allen, Y. J. Allen and W. A. Palmer. The building, which is of brick, is 35x110 feet. The machinery of the mills is all first-class. The flour manufactured is the fancy patent, and the fine grades of family and baker's flour. The capacity of these mills is 225 barrels in twenty-four hours. A distillery was first erected on the spot where the ^Etna Mills now stand. The build- ing was enlarged and changed to a flouring-mill in 1837, and run by Chamberlain & Standard, of Cleveland. Subsequently, it passed into the hands of Rawson & Noble, who conducted the business until the building burned down. Upon the spot of the burned mill was erected, in 1857, the present mills by Buell & Taylor, who continued proprietors until 1862, when the mills were purchased by the Chamber Com- pany. They were owned by this company un- til 1877, when they became the property of the Second National Bank of iVkron. By the bank they were leased to McNeil & Baldwin, who conduct the business at the present time. The capacity of the mills is 200 barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. McNeil & Baldwin manufacture the straight grade and patent flour. The South Akron Mills are now owned by the Brewster Coal Company. These mills are located on South Main street. They were erected by George Steese, who sold them to L. S. Herrol'd, the latter disposing of them to the present owners in 1875. Only custom work is ;;k 358 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. done at these mills. Connected with them is a saw-mill — the onh' one in Akron. Coopering, as might be expected, is carried on to a considerable extent in Akron. The Union Stave Company-. C. B. Maurer, General Superintendent, carry on a large business at 402 South High street. This company is now erecting four new frame buildings. One of these will be 28x40 feet in dimensions, 14 feet high ; two other buildings will be 30x54 feet each and 18 feet high. These three buildings will front on High street. The fourth structure will be in the rear of the other buildings and will be 30x108 feet in dimensions, 18 feet high. The first-named building will be used for manufacturing purposes, and the remaining ad- ditions will be for storage room. The material used in the manufacture of barrels, at this place, is prepared from the for- est at Union City, Penn., by a force of about fifty men under Mr. Maurer's management. The annual shipments to this cit}- of staves, hoops and headings by Mr. Maurer is fully 200 car loads. This immense amount of stock is here made into about 1 60,000 barrels per year, b}' a force of fifty men. The trade is growing- very rapidly, and the present year's business will reach at least 175,000 barrels. Another item of interest in this connection is that, while the prepared material is shipped to this place, the finished barrels are shipped from here filled with fiour from the mills of F. Schumacher, and Coramins & Allen's (Stone) Mills. There are other establishments in Akron where barrels are made in large numbers : B_y T. J. Walk(M', corner of Middlebur^' and South Main streets ; b}' Lapp & Riner, near the ^Etna Mills ; by George Roth, 353 South Main street ; and by Edward Zschech, 362 same street. The question of ability to manufacture an artificial stone that would, in point of dura- bilit}' and genei'al efficiency, come up to all requirements has, for many years, received the attention not only of the curious and inquiring, but also the practical and scientific, and much time and labor has been devoted to the dis- covery of a successful process of manufacture. Success has crowned the effort, and now an artificial stone in every way equal to the best natural stone is produced at much less expense, while the fact of its being much lighter and more easil}^ molded into an}' desired shape, renders it more desirable. For building pur- poses it is superior to brick, as it is impervious to water, and is not affected by heat or frost, and will " stand fire " much better than either brick or natural stone. This stone .is of a hy- draulic nature and will harden when set in water, and will resist the action of steam, acids, and other disintegrating influences, as well as our best building stone. The artificial stone was patented b}^ James Harr}' Thorp, of New York, September 11, 1877, being the second patent issued to himself The process of manu- facturing being simple and requiring but few tools. Wood patterns are made of whatever shape the stone is wanted, sand and cement are then mixed together in proportions three to one, when thoroughlv incorporated, the chemical is added in (luantit}- sufficient to dampen the mixture, which is then tamped into patterns, the patterns are then taken away in pieces, the stone is allowed to stand a few days to harden and dry, and is then ready for use. In our larger cities this stone is fast superseding the use of other building material, and is being extensivel}' used for walks, trimming brick houses, etc. The sand found in this vicinity is particularly well adapted to making this stone, and thus the article can be furnished here very cheap. The expense of the material does not average one half that of natural stone. This industry which promises to be of importance to Akron, is carried on at Palmer & Pruner's Artificial Stone Works, 203 North Howard street — H. A. Palmer and H. A. Pruner. pro- prietors. They manufacture this stone under the patent Ijetbre mentioned, the firm control- ing the right in the counties of Summit, Trum- bull, Portage and Stark. The}- make orna- mental lawn vases, window caps, sills and keys, cemetery work, pavements in mosaic and other styles, cisterns and cellars, chimney tops, fount- ain basins, door steps, horse blocks, and lot fencing and solid stone of all kinds for build- ing purposes, of any size or dimensions. The Webster, Camp & Lane Machine Com- pany have their works on North Main street. They were established in 1851, under the name and style of the Globe Foundry. In 1860, a stock company, known as the Welister, Camp, & Lane Machine Company, was organized with a capital stock of $100,000. The works were remodeled and enlarged, and the scope of bus- iness considerably increased. The machine- shop, which is two stories in height, covers an ^ CITY OF AKEON. 359 area of 52x150 feet, and is constructed of brick, in the most thorough manner. The foundr}' building is one stor}-, of wood, 60x100 feet in size. The storehouse is a two-story wooden structure, 40x90, and the smith-shop of one stor}', 20x40. These buildings are all thoroughly equipped and supplied with the most approved styles of machinery for carr}'- ing on the extensive business of the company, in its varied departments and ramifications. One fort3'-five horse-power engine furnishes the motive power required. The compan}' manu- facture ever}^ description of gearing and pul- le3's, mining and milling machinery' (these two latter being leading articles of manufacture by this house), ix)ttery machiner}', brass castings of every description, steam and water pipe fit- tings, and other articles pertaining to this line. They make a specialty of furnishing engines constructed and fitted up with special reference to simplicity of mechanism, durabilit}- and freedom from derangement, regularity of speed, economy of fuel, and the largest amount of power. The trade of this house extends all over the West, particularly throughout the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, etc. The manufacture of boilers of every descrip- tion, and heavy sheet and boiler iron work, is extensivel}' carried on by J. C. McNeil, at the Akron Boiler Works, on South Broadway, di- rectly opposite the Buckeye Works. This bus- iness was established in January, 1866, by the present proprietor. The main building covers an area of 40x75 feet, and is supplied with the latest improved machinery and devices for car- r3ing on this extensive business. The sheds adjoining the main works cover an equal space, and are used for storage, and for the heavier work. One ten-horse-power engine and boiler furnishes the motive power required, and twenty skilled and experienced workmen are, on an average, emplo^^ed at this establishment. Mr. McNeil manufactures every description of ordinary boilers, making a specialty of heavy sheet and boiler iron work. His repairing de- partment is in charge of competent and expe- rienced workmen, and is made a prominent feature of his steadily increasing business. The Akron Boiler Works are thoroughl}' equipped in every particular, and will compare favorably' with any similar establishment in the West. Almost every manufacturing establishment in the cit}^ of Akron use and testify to the su- periority' of his boilers. He also makes a specialty' of steam heating " magazine " boilers for public and private buildings. The new buildings measure 66x100 feet, and the ship- ping facilities are as good as those of any manufacturing establishment in the city, being- located immediately on the New York, Penn- s^dvania & Ohio and Cleveland, Mt. Vernon & Columbus Railroads, thus alfording the great- est facilities for loading and shipping the prod- uct to any part of the countr}'. There are two creditable upholstering estab- lishments in Akron, where are manufactured everything in the line of upholstered stock, es- specially lounges and mattresses. The first is the house of Klinger & Dodge, originally Klinger & Grintz. Their place of business is at 126 Howard street. The other manufactory is that of K. Gintz, 114 Mill street, which was opened in 1880. The work at both these estab- lishments is done in the best manner, and sold at reasonable prices. Edam & Johnson, manufacturers of commer- cial fertilizers and best quality of Kelly Island White Lime, have their works at the corner of Cedar and William streets. George Edam be- gan the business in 1877, and Charles N. John- son pui'chased an interest in January, 1880. Their establishment is a large one ; they burn about forty tons of lime in twenty-four hours, and grind twenty tons of fertilizers in the same length of time. Their new buildings are 40x60 feet ; the old ones nearly the same dimensions. Their engine room is 25 feet square. They furnish ground limestone, land-plaster, pure bonedust, white lime, plastering hair, calcined plaster and cement. The Akron Straw Board Company are located in the Sixth Ward, Middlebury. Their works were established in 1873, by the present pro- prietors, J. F. Seiberling and M. Seiberling. Since that time their business has steadily in- creased, until it has now reached the handsome aggregate of $75,000 to $100,000 per annum. The works consist of three two-story buiUlings, one being 30x100 feet in size, one 40x85 feet. and one 40x60. These buildings are supplied with the most approved styles of machinery manufactured expressly for this line of business, and on which numerous improvements have been made by the members of the firm. The '9 . Jkl 360 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. mills are in every respect thoroughly equipped, and for general appointments and capacity will compare favorably with any similar establish- ment in the United States. The products of these works, which consist principally of a superior quality of steam-dried straw board, in numbers ranging from thirty-five to one hun- dred and fifty, are used for a variety of pur- poses, and meet with a ready' sale in the Phila- delphia, New York and Boston markets, where this trade is principally located. The capacity of the mills is at present from eight to ten tons of finished board per day, the demand for which is fully equal to the supply. The firm of May & Fieberger are .successors to Cramer & May in the manufacture of gal- vanized iron cornice, window caps and other work. They are located at 114 North Howard street, and do a large and successful busi- ness. Caoutchouc, or, as it is commonly called, India rubber, has within the last twenty-five or thirty years become a very important article of com- merce and industry. It is procured from the creamy exudations of several plants, and is found in abundance in a number of tropical countries, the principal sources of supply being Para, Java, Penang, Singapore, Assam and Central America. The best quality of rubber comes from Para, though much of the Central American product is in quality nearly equal to it. The India rubber tree is a beautiful specimen of the vegetable kingdom, being very tall and straight, with smooth bark, and measuring in many cases eighteen inches through at the base. In these trees small longitudinal gashes are cut, from which flows a white sap, of about the con- sistenc}' of cream, which is conveyed through an earthen spout to a trough placed beneath. The curing process is performed by means of a fire made from the nuts of the Urucury palm, the smoke of which has the peculiar propert}- of solidifying and curing the rubber in a ver}' thorough manner. The workman dips a wood- en paddle in the creamy fluid, turing it quickly in order to separate the sap as much as possi- ble, then passes it repeatedly through the smoke, until the substance assumes a grayish yellow color and becomes solidified. After the rubber has accumulated to a thickness of about two inches on each side of the paddle, it is cut open on one side, peeled from the tool, and hung up to dry out the water that accumulates between the layers. The color of the cured rubber is a light yellow, but it gradually changes until with age it takes on the dark brown so familiar in the rubber of commerce. An eflJbrt is being made, aided by the Brazil- ian Govei'nment, to systematize the cultivation of India rubber, and this, if successful, must largely^ increase the production beyond the re- quirements of manufacturers, thus decreasing the cost of the raw material, as also of the finished product. The chemical properties of India rubber are somewhat remarkable, inasmuch as, unlike all other solid vegetable products, it contains no oxygen, the constituents, according to Dr. Ures' analysis, being 90 per cent carbon and 10 per cent hydrogen. It is quite insoluble in alcohol, but in ether, derived from alcohol by washing with water, it readily dissolves and affords a col- orless solution. When the ether is evaporated, the rubber becomes again solid. When treated with hot naptha distilled from native petrole- um, or from coal tar, it swells to thirty times its former bulk, and if triturated with a pestle and pressed through a sieve it atfords a varnish. The present skilled stage in the manufacture of India rubber has only been reached after years of patient labor. To get two pieces of clean rubber to unite firmly together, at their recently cut surface ; to obtain fagile adhesion by the use of hot water ; to cut the rubber by the use of a wet blade ; to collect the refuse pieces, make them up into blocks, and then cut the blocks into slices, required years of time, the greatest patience and ingenious machinery to effect. Mackintosh, Hancock and Groodj'ear alike record the simple manipulations they first employed, and the impression produced at last when they compare their individual efforts with the gigantic and complex machinery now used to secure the same result. Of all the wonderful changes affected by chance, observation or chemical experiment of late years, few have been so important as the change in India rubber by the process called vulcanizing, which was discovered and patented by Charles Goodyear, of New York. The union of sulphur with rubber, to give new properties so valuable that it may be said the prior well- known (piality of elasticity is now rendered so variable that almostevery range, from the most (^(f-//. (^'YT.^ fe* CITY OF AKRON. 361 delicate tenuity to the hardness of metals, is obtained at will by the manufacturer. India rubber, until the time of Goodyear's invention, had been greatly restricted in use owing to the fact of its being entirely unfitted for man}' purposes ; but now, with extraor- dinary impetus, the ingenuity of manufactur- ers was employed in producing an immense variety of articles, which were constantly de- manded by the ever augmenting utility of vulcanized rubber in the arts and in mechan- ical construction. This invention, judged by its great usefulness to societ}', deserves lo rank among the leading discoveries of the nine- teenth century. There are thi'ee different and distinct classes of manufacturers of rubber goods, viz., those manufacturing belting, hose, packing, springs, wringer rolls, tubing — in short, goods used for mechanical purposes ; those making boots and shoes and clothing, and those producing the thousand and one small articles of utility and ornament which are ever increasing in variety. There is but one factory in Akron of rubber goods, but this one produces all articles made of caoutchouc adapted to mechanical purposes. This is the Akron Rubber Works, located at 111 Factor}' street. These works were estab- lished in 1869. The resources and trade of this concern have more than kept pace with the general prosperity of Akron. The capital employed is $75,000, and the annual trade reaches $300,000. The buildings occupied by these works consist of a main building, 120x60 feet (three stories), an additional back building of 80 feet in length, and a stock-room of 50 feet in length, all built of brick. The parties composing tlie firm are B. F. Goodrich, H. F. Wheeler and B. T. Morgan. The trade of these works extends over various States be- sides our own, and their products, among which may be found belting from 2-inch to 24- inch in width, 2 3 and 4 ply, steam packing for making steam-tight joints, standard hose of all kinds and for all purposes, which are unsurpassed, many of the processes used being of their own invention and the result of man}- years' experience. Hose for fire department service, springs, grain drill tubes, wringer rolls, billiard-table cushions, and, in fact, all articles made of rubber adapted to mechanical pur- poses. The Akron Paper Company, the proprietors ot which are Thomas Phillips & Co., have a fine brick mill, 100 feet square, with two floors, containing a full equipment of improved machinery, which is propelled by two steam- engines of respectively 80 and 18 horse power. They make a specialty of manilla flour-sack paper, turning out, on the average, 2 tons every 24 hours, and consuming 3^ tons of old rope per diem. The number of hands em- ployed is 70 ; annual product, between 600 and 700 tons of paper, worth in the neighborhood of $160,000. Besides a very large local demand by the millers of this city, the Akron Paper Company have considerable trade with the millers west to Chicago and St. Louis, and some Southern custom ; the aggregate demand being fully equal to the full producing capacity of their mill. The business was inaugurated in 1872 by Thomas Phillips (deceased in 1878), and it was through his eflbrts that the enterprise was made a success. Merrill & Ewart manufacture, on Brook street, Merrill's patent vitrified diamond roof- ing tile. This firm commenced the manu- facture of this tile in Akron in 1875. The works consist of a two-stor}^ brick, 64x32 feet in size, with a wing 24x48, and were erected by the firm at a co.st of $10,000. One 40- horse-power engine is used in driving the machinery, which consists in the main of a clay mill, clay packer and tile presser. The trade extends through Ohio, Pennsj'lvania and the Eastern States generally. The house has an agency in New York City, Boston and Phil- adelphia. The sizes of tile made by this con- cern are 14x8^ inches and 6x10 inches, and require 250 and 500 respectively to the square. This firm also manufacture a superior quality of drain tile. The business of D. A. James, designer and manufacturer of fine wood work, was inaugu- rated by him in 1875, on Main street, between Market & Mill, and was removed to the present location, 218 West Market street, in 1876. W. P. DeLand was admitted to partnership May 1, 1879, when the firm assumed the above title. The partnership continued one year, when Mr. DeLand retired. Mr. James makes fine office and church furniture from architects' or their own designs. All their work in this line is executed in a highly artistic and workmanlike 1^" 362 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. manner, from the best selected materials. He makes a specialty of ornate picture and mirror frames and room cornices, from unique and original designs, with the most elaborate and artistic finish. He produces special designs to order, which ai-e never duplicated except by permission. This superb art work is executed in precious natural woods, some of them very rare, including Hungarian ash, English oak, burr oak, chestnut, white holly, ebon}', African amboine, bird's-eye maple, silver-gray maple, thu3'a and tulip woods. Making a constant study of this special line of manufacture, and exercising cultured taste and skill in its perfect development, these gentlemen have met with marked success in their sedulous efforts to please their numerous patrons. He likewise pays special attention to wood decorations for dwellings, such as window and door casings, etc., in natural woods susceptible of rich carv- ing and high finish. The Akron Varnish Works, of which Kuliler & Beck are the proprietors, were established in Akron by E. Gr. Kubler, who, after many years of practical scientific experience in some of the largest manufactories of varnishes and japans in the East, concluded to " go West." He found Akron to be an advantageous point for manufacturing and shipping, and the de- cision to locate here proved to be a wise one. Mr. Kubler is a thoroughl)' skilled chemist, possessing intimate knowledge of all its de- tails, and enjoys the prestige of careful busi- ness training, ripe experience and uprightness in all his dealings. With this ample fortifica- tion, he has constituted it his strong point to manufacture none but the purest and best goods. After patient experimenting, he has brought the production of black baking japan to such perfection that even his competitors acknowledge the fact that it is unsurpassed in quality and durability. Owing to the constant growth of the busi- ness thus established on a firm foundation, it was found necessary to enlarge the facilities for manufacturing, and a copartnership was formed under the style of the Akron Varnish Works, Kubler & Beck, proprietors. Mr. Beck is also a gentleman of fine business ability, and has acquired a practical knowledge of producing processes in this line. Their goods are sold all over the United States to the largest manufact- urers of every description who have occasion to use varnishes. Their old works are located on Bowery street ; their new works on South Main street. Lager beer, in its use among Americans, is fast superseding whisky. The perfection to which its manufacture is brought in Akron is due in a great measui'e to F. Horix, who carries on a brewery on North Forge street. Mr. Horix came to Akron in 1868, and, soon after his arrival here, entered upon the brewery business, and has continued in it to the present time. His first start was in a small building which he erected on Exchange street. The buildings which he now occupies consist of the brewery proper, a three-story structure of stone and brick, 68x92 feet, a wai-ehouse of brick, 14x 14 feet, and an ice-house 30x80 feet. The cellar used for cooling purposes is beneath the brewery, inclosed by stone, and is 68x90 feet. The arrangement of these buildings is most per- fectly adapted to the business. These build- ings were erected in 1873 by F. Overholtz. The premises, with all impi'ovements, were pur- chased by Mr. Horix March 1, 1879, and imme- diately taken possession of by him. The capacity of this establishment is 20,000 barrels per annum. Excellent lager beer is also manu- factured by the Wolf Ledge Ale and Lager Beer Brewery, at 154 Sherman street, by Will- iam Burkhardt, proprietor. At 210 Cherry street, west of the Brick Mill, are manufactured the " Celebrated Cahow Pumps," by H. J. Cahow. He makes deep- well pumps a speciality. His work includes a great variety of force, suction and chain pumps. He also manufactures water pipe. Mr. Cahow does an extensive business in his line. The city of Akron is not only famous far and wide for the superiority of the sewer pipe and stoneware made within her limits, but like- wise for the excellence of the fire brick here produced. For a series of years J. Park Alexander, proprietor of the Diamond Fire Brick Works, made a careful, erudite studj^ of the subject of making first-class fire brick, expending many thousands of dollars in his laudable endeavors to bring about the consummation he so desired to achieve, and being ultimately rewarded with signal success. Mr. Alexander commenced the manufacture of fire brick in 1866 — the first one to start in this business in Northern Ohio, if not in the \^ a CITY OF AKRON. 3G3 entire State. His previous large experience in tlie production of stoneware from the chemi- cally peculiar clays of this region, with very satisfactory results, led him to experiment therewith in the making of fire or furnace brick. It was soon demonstrated, however, that only a low-grade brick, suitable for ordi- nary heating apparatus, could be made from it. In no wise disheartened at the comparative failure, he subsequently made a thorough test of the best clays from New Jersey, Penn.sylva- nia and elsewhei'e, laying under contribution, as it were, the divers aluminous deposits of the whole country, but still without the successful outcome aimed at. Though baffled, he contin- ued to persevere in his research after the cov- eted secret, ever keeping in view the adage that " persistency wins the day " at last. In 1870, or thereabouts, Mr. Alexander inau- gurated a series of experiments with the sili- ceous pebbles found in abundance in the con- glomerate rock formation near the western cor- poration line of Akron, feeling assured that therein he had the material for the production of an infusible and non-shrinkable brick. After long and patient study and experimenting with silica and alumina, and a large pecuniary out- lay, he succeeded in discovering a process whereby fire brick of unequaled qualit}' and durability could be made from silica alone. He made application for letters-patent on his new process, which were duly granted. The material alluded to was analyzed by Prof Cassell, and found to contain 98.75 per cent of pure silica — an extraordinary propor- tion — and affording an advantage not enjoyed by other localities. Mr. Alexander has availed himself of tliis, and for about three years past has made the silica fire brick, known as the "Diamond" brand. The manufactor3- of Allison & Hart is on Bank street. Sixth Ward. This firm manufact- ures fire brick also on a large scale ; they also make stove and furnace linings, and ground fire clay for laying fire brick. The uncommonly fine plastic clays of Summit County, rich in alumina, and practically inex- haustible in extent of deposit, formed the basis for the early inception of pottery manufacture in Akron. It was started hei'e on a somewhat extensive scale, when the town had but a few hundred inhabitants, it being the first mechan- ical industr}' of importance established here. From the date of its introduction, about 1830, it gradually grew in volume up to the year 1852, the surrounding country being supplied with brown, yellow and stone ware from this point. Up to the period mentioned^ the means of transportation were restricted to wagon con- veyance and the Ohio Canal, and, consequently, the commercially tributary area was limited. In 1852, however, when the Atlantic & Great Western Railway was opened to Akron, the business gained a fresh impetus, and has steadily increased in volume ever since. The fame of Akron stoneware has extended pretty much all over the country, and it ma}- be qualifiedly affirmed that it is the onl}- real stone- ware made on the continent. The peculiar fire qualities of the cla}' found here are such that the ware made therefrom is capable of standing any degree of heat to which it may be sub- jected ; neither fire nor hot water will aflTect it injuriously-. Hence, it may be used the same as iron vessels for culinary purposes. On the contrar}', the so-called stoneware made in New Jersey and elsewhere, from the friable cla}- of other sections, must be '• handled with care," and can only be preserved from fracture In* keep- ing it at a safe distance from caloric infiuence. By reason of this fact, Akron stoneware has justly achieved a wide reputation, and the de- mand therefor is rapidly extending. It is now being shipped largely to all parts of the West and Northwest (Chicago being one of the prin- cipal distributing points), to the South, to the interior of Pennsylvania, and latterh^, consider- able orders for this excellent ware have come from Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other Eastern cities. The business of Whitmore, Robinsons & Co., was established in a comparatively small wa3-, in 1857, by a number of practical potters, under the style of Johnson, Whitmore & Co. They commenced with one kiln, and their whole area for working consisted of about a quarter of an acre of land, situate on the south side of Market street, Middlebury, now the Sixth Ward of Akron, where they set to work making yellow- ware, then a new manufacture in this section. For- tune favoi'ed them, and their business prospered. In January, 18(12, 'Slv. Johnson retired, and in the following April, James B. Manton be- came a member of the firm, whereupon the style changed to Wliitmore, Robinsons & Co.. con- sisting of Richard Whitmore. Thomas Robinson, f 364 HISTOEY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. William Robinson and James B. Manton. In 1866, Henry Robinson was taken into the co- partnership. From time to time, commodious additions were made to their works, thus in- creasing their producing capacity', until they had the satisfaction of knowing that theirs was the most extensive and complete stoneware pottery in the world. They run six mills, oper- ated by three steam engines, with a total of 175- horse-power. While this company make stoneware their principal manufacture, they also produce all kinds of yellow and Rockingham ware. In this department, they have two up-draft kilns, which are run to their full capacity. The buildings of this immense concern have the following dimensions : Main building, of brick (stoneware department), 177x50 feet, three stories ; kiln sheds and engine houses attached, 177x50 feet, one stor^' ; yellow ware warehouse, of brick, 80x34 feet, three stories, with wing 20x30 feet ; yellow and Rockingham ware fac- tory, of stone, 70x36 feet, three stories ; stone- ware factory, of stone, 180x36 feet, two stories ; slipware shop, of brick, 50x40 feet, two stories ; dipping-house and green-house, frame, 100x30 feet, two stories ; other small buildings for va- rious uses, about half an acre of area. The aggregate floor surface of these works is 97,660 square feet, or about two and a quarter acres. They ship their goods principally to the West, and Southwest as far as Texas, while the}' also have a growing Eastern trade. The Akron Pottery, owned and carried on by E. H. Merrill & Co., was established in 1861. They do a large and prosperous business in the manufacture of beer and ink bottles, pump cylinders and all styles of stone tobacco pipes. They manufacture a variety of novelties in stone- ware, which are the invention of the proprietors, and they have also made many improvements in machinery, especially applicable to this branch of business, among which we may men- tion a bottle machine and a pipe machine, con- structed on new and improved principles. They have also invented an improvement in clay mills, which greatly facilitates the manufacture of their specialties. The buildings occupied by this firm consist of one three-story structure, 30x60 feet in size, and one-story building, 70x100 feet, equipped with all the necessary machinery and implements required in this branch of industry, with an engine and boiler 40-horse-power. Their place of business is at 404 South Main street. Meyres & Hall manufacture Ohio stoneware, having their office and warehouse near the depot of the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad. Their works, although located in another town, may appropriately be classed among the indus- tries of Akron. The business was established in 1864, by S. L. Stall & Co., at Mogadore, and passed into the hands of the present proprietors in 1873. The}' manufacture a superior grade of goods, widely known as " Ohio Stoneware," consisting in part of churns, butter, pickle and snufF-jars, milk pans, jugs, water fountains, fruit, preserve and cream-jars, bean pots, stove tubes, etc. The office and warerooms of the firm are located near the union depot, Akron, and the potteries at Mogadore. These consist of one building, 60x40 feet, with an L-shaped addition, 40x50 feet ; another building, 40x50 feet, and numerous smaller structures, sheds, etc. These are supplied with all the necessary machinery' and appliances, operated by one 20-horse-power engine and boiler, which serves to turn the lathes and to heat the buildings. All the ma- chinery is of the most perfect construction, es- peciall}' adapted to this line of business. Stoneware is manufactured by F. J. Knapp, wholesale dealer, east of Fountain street. He and his father began business at that point many years ago. The present buildings were erected by them. Mr. Knapp purchases his cla}' in Springfield. He has two kilns. His works have a capacity of 14,000 gallons a week. His motive power is furnished by a steam en- gine of thirty-horse-power. At 115, 117 and 119 Fountain street, are the pottery works of Whitsel, Gibbs & Co., man- ufacturers and wholesale dealers in Ohio stone- ware. Their buildings were erected over twenty years ago by F. J. Knapp and his father, who afterward sold to Beecher & Lantz. The latter ran the works one year and sold them to Peter Bodenbohl, who disposed of them to Shenkle Brothers & Mann. This firm conducted the business until last year, when the works were purchased by the present proprietors. The capacity of the establishment is 15,000 gal- lons a week. There are three kilns. Their trade goes West, largely. Next to the works of Whitmore. Robinsons & Co., those of the Akron Stoneware Company, on Bank street, Sixth Ward, are the largest in ^1 S) -^ CITY or AKRON. 365 Akron. This is an incorporated company, or- ganized May 1, 1879, vvitla a capital of $60,000. Joseph Cook, President ; R. H. Kent, Secretary and Treasurer ; David A. Butler, General Agent. This company manufactures every variet}' of standard Akron stoneware. Their works are large and their trade extensive. Johnson & Baldwin occupy the works first started by Johnson & Dewey as a redware manufactory, on the coi'uer of 3Iarket and High streets. Sixth Ward. The proprietors are Thomas Johnson and Harve}- Baldwin. Their works have a capacity of 15,000 gallons a week. They have two down-draft kilns. Their entire trade is disposed of to Quigle3' Brothers, of Akron, wholesale dealers in stoneware. The latter have an office at 215 High street, Sixth Ward, also one near the depot of the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad. Jones, Waite & Co. carry on the manufacture of stoneware on River street, Sixth Ward ; William Rowley on the same street ; Cook & Fairbanks on South High sti-eet ; and Viall & Markle on East Market street, same ward. These works are all extensive and their trade widely extended. Akron has three broom factories ; that of Bachtel & Pontius was established in 1870. This firm, of whom the members are A. C. Bachtel and N. Pontius, manufacture in large quantities every variety of the best brooms, at 125 Carroll street. Their broom-corn is brought from Illinois ; their handles from Columbus, Ohio ; their wire from Cuyahoga Falls ; and their twine from New York City. The shop of H. B. Cross, who also manufactures brooms, is at Lock No. 1, Ohio Canal ; that of Mr. Hardy is on Mill street. The Akron Malleable Iron Works are located on East Water street. Sixth Ward, Hope & Greer proprietors. W. Foster Hope, Business Manager ; John F. Greer, Superintendent. This firm manufacture malleable iron castings, nickel-plated castings, models for patents, and gray iron castings of every description. Lepper & Sackett make Bohemian or hulless oat-meal at their Bohemian Oat-Meal Mills, on Water street. Sixth Ward. Their goods are sent to various parts of the country. In addition to the industries already noticed, there are a number in Akron helping to swell the aggregate, each one of which is of impor- tance : Louis Cohn's Awning Manufactory is lo- cated in the Phoenix Block, South Howard street. N. 0. Freer, makes, at 176, same street, furnaces for heating and ventilating buildings. He began his business first on Mill street, in 1876, and moving to his present rooms in 1878. G. W. McNeil & Sons manufacture stone grain scourers and polishers on South High street. George W. McNeil, Jr., makes, at the same place, the Acme Wheat Steamer. M. Shouler manufactures soda water, ginger ale and Seltzer water, at the Akron City Bottling Works, 834 Bowery street. At 240 Mill street, R. L. & A. Andrew make window shades. The}' have been established in the business since 1876. Nahum Fa}', at 926 East Market street, manufactures cordage. John J. Grether makes soap and can- dles, at 717 South Broadwa3^ He established the candle business in Akron in 1852, adding soap manufacture some years subsequent. Adam Beck also manufactures soap near the fair grounds. Walter Andrews makes candies at the Akron Steam Candy Works, selling them at wholesale only. J. Bergdorf is engaged in the manufacture of baskets on Cuyahoga street. A summary of the manufacturing interests of Akron is as follows : Capital invested, $6,127,- 250 ; hands employed, 4,163 ; total value of materials consumed, $4,606,774 ; total annual production, $9,313,451. Number of establishments that turn out a product annually of $1,000,000 or over, 2 ; $900,000 or over annually, 1 ; $250,000 and less than $900,000 annually, 7 ; $100,000 and less than $250,000 annually, 7 ; $50,000 and less than $100,000 annually, 11 ; $25,000 and less than $50,000 annually, 18 ; $10,000 and less than $25,000 annually, 34. It may be said, therefore, with truth, that the crowning glory of Akron is her manufactories. It has been shown that a number of them are among the largest and most successful of their kind in the United States, giving them almost the control of the market for the particular commodities manufactured. The history of most of them shows a gradual development from small beginnings. Not all, of course, have been alike successful ; but, the rule has been, to which there have been but few exceptions, that every industry persevered in and conducted on strictly business principles in Akron, has, in the end, proved a success. There really seems no limit to the increase of the manufacturing interests of this thriving city. (2 »i>-. IE 366 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY CHAPTER X.* (ITV OF AKRON— ITS EAULV CHRISTIANITY— FORMATION OF CHURCHES— HUILDING OF CHURCH EDIFICES- RFLKilON AT THE PRESENT DAY- SUNDAY SCHOOLS, ETC. "Magna est Veritas, ct prevalebit.'" rr^HE church history of Akron dates back J_ almost to the dawn of its existence as a town or settlement. The great truths of re- ligion make their appeals to man, whatever may be his circumstances or surroundings. If there has ever been a church-going habit ; if the Sabbath has ever found recognition from him ; and truth and love to God predominated in his heart ; then, when deprived of the oppor- tunities of going to church, this religious nature will make its appeals with the recurrence of the seventh day, demanding that he should rest, or by some means recognize the day set apart for rest, by special command. This de- mand, or religious influence, is early felt in pioneer life ; and, because the opportunities for church-going are few, they are, therefore, the more highly prized. In a very early period in the histor}' of the town, religious societies were formed, and churches established, as will be gathered from a perusal of the sketches follow- ing of the different religious denominations having organized churches within the city limits. These sketches have been written, either by the Pastor or some leading member of their congregations, and are as full and com- plete as our limited space will allow, and are given without comment. The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Akron comes first in the order of formation, and dates its organization back to 1830. The following historical sketch of it was furnished for this work by Mr. Jacob Snyder, and will be found of interest to its members : With the characteristic zeal of the Methodist Episcopal societies of the world, that of the First Method- ist Episcopal Church, Akron. Ohio, secured a location in this cit}^ when it was but a 3'oung village. The society was organized in about 1830. and by the Rev. John Janes, of the North Ohio Conference, of the territory- of which the then village of Akron formed a part. In about the same jear of the organization of the so- * E.!ited by W. H. Perrin. ciety, the erection of a church edifice was com- menced, which was an unpretentious wooden structure of 40x60 feet, located directly in front of the present one, and fronting toward the West. It was destroyed by fire in jNIarcli, 1841, and upon its foundation another of like design was immediately built. In 1836, this city was taken within the bounds and placed under the control of the Erie Conference, when Revs. Thomas Carr and John L. Holmes were appointed to serve the society. In 1837, the appointees were Daniel M. Stearnes and Thomas Graham ; in 1838, Horatio N. Stearnes ; in 1839, John Robinson and Caleb Brown ; in 1840, John Robinson continued, and Benjamin K. Maltby ; in 1841, Ira Eddy and John Wood ; in 1842, Timothy Goodwin' M. D. ; in 1843, William H. Hunter ; and in 1844-45, Edwin J. Kinney. The busy throng in practical life is apt to be absorbed onl}' b}' what the present forces upon it ; yet there is now and then one, who, some- what more far-sighted, overleaps the general boundar}', and invites to remembi'ance the men and the deeds of the past. Such was Rev. Samuel Gregg, who was appointed to this sta- tion in 1846, and who was the author of "The History of Methodism in the Erie Conference," in two volumes, which we have taken the lib- erty to use in preparing these historical sketches. In 1847, James R. Locke was the appointee to the station ; in 1848, Martin C. Briggs ; in 1849, Reuben J. Edwards ; in 1850-51, Ezra Jones ; in 1852-53, John Tribby : in 1854, Gay- lord B. Hawkins ; in 1855-56, William F. Day ; in 1857-58, George W. Clark; in 1859, Thomas Stubbs, and in 1860-61, John D. Norton. With this last-mentioned pastorate, the time had arrived when, to meet the increased wants of the society, the old church must undergo extension and reparation. The Pastor seeing this necessity, urged upon the trustees its pos- sible accomplishment, which resulted in revers- ing its front, enlarging the building, and in otherwise improving its several apartments, at l^ CITY OF AKRON. 367 a cost in all of about $3,500. In 1862-63, John Peate was appointed to the charge ; in 1863, E. A. Johnson, and in 1865-67, D. C. Osborne. It was during the latter's pastorate in 1866 that the centennial of Methodism was celebrated by the society in the old church, at which time there was subscribed and paid about $30,000, as a nucleus from which the present edifice sprang. During this year and the early part of the following one, the Centenary pict- ure, now decorating the main Sunday-school room was made, whose design embodies the ideal of the then prospective departments, and exhibits the members of the entire Sunday school, as well as many of the congregation of the old church, to the extent of between seven and eight hundred photographic likenesses made by G. W. Manly, Esq. In the spring of 1867, ground was broken for the present edifice, and by late autumn, the foundation walls were elevated to about one- half their designed height. The work was then delayed in the winter, and again resumed in the spring of 1868, and thence prosecuted to the entire inclosing of the building by the return of the next autumn. Another winter's cessation from the work was followed by its resumption in the spring of 1869, and the completion of the Sunday-school and the lec- ture-room apartments in April, 1870, when the transition fi'om the old church to the present one was made by the society and Sunday school. On the 15th of this month, the finished apartments of the first story, main building, and the second story of the Sunday-school rooms were formally dedicated by Dr. C. H. Fowler, of Chicago, and Dr. J. H. Vincent, of New York. At this time, W. F. Day, D. D., had charge of the appointment, he having after an interval of about twelve years been re-ap- pointed thereto in 1868, and he continued in the position until August, 1871. During the last ten years previous to the occupancy of the new edifice, the ratio of increase of member- ship, both of church and Sunday school was greater than of any previous decade of the society's history. In June, 1871, the work upon the audience- room of the present church was resumed which had been permitted to rest during the interval of completing the other departments of the chui'ch ; and in the January following, it was completed and dedicated. Bishop Wiley and Dr. B. I. Ives conducting the dedicatory exercises. Both the main audience-room and the Sunday- school apartments are considered models of excellence, and, to an extent, even beyond a State-wide reputation. In 1871, W. W. Ramsay, of the Cincinnati Conference, was transferred to the Erie, and appointed to this charge, his term of service ending in 1874, when Henry Baker became his successor, and continued until 1877. In the latter j'ear, I. A. Pierce became the ap- pointee, and in 1878 W. W. Case, the present incumbent was transferred from the Cincinnati Conference to the East Ohio, and appointed to the charge. The present membership of the church is about eight hundred, and that of the Sunday-school about seven hundred and fifty. When the pews of the spacious audience- room are well filled, their united capacity is about one thousand sittings. When all of the vacant places of the room are supplied with extra means of seating, this capacity may be increased to 1,500, and the possible capacity by the availment of all of the standing room, which probably has been the case in a few in- stances, is 2,000. Both in the church and Sunday school there seems to be a continually growing interest upon the part of all connected therewith. And it seems as if the Sunday- school appointments especially were likely at some not far distant day to become too strait- ened to accommodate the growing attendance. For here ma}^ be seen " ' Fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, friends," And very little boys and girls — around, Across, within the spacious sacred rooms, 'They walk, they sit, they stand,' what Crowds press in !" The church and Sunday school are both greatly indebted to Mr. Lewis Miller for the great proportions the}' have assumed since the enterprise of the present church edifice was commenced, he having both by an unusual expenditure of time and money contributed to the advancement of their interests. The First Presbyterian Church of Middle- bury (now the Sixth Ward of Akron) is one of the early church organizations of this section. The following sketch of it was written by Mrs. Henry Robinson especially for this work : At a meeting held in the schoolhouse in the village of Middlebury, then Portage, now Summit County, Thursday, December 15, 1831, the First r^ 368 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Presbyterian Church of Middlebury was organ- ized by Kev. Benson C. Baldwin, assisted by Rev. John D. Hughes, of Springfield. The fol- lowing-named persons were then admitted to membership : Jesse Neal and Nanc}', his wife ; Dr. Titus Chapman, Richard Chapman, Mrs. Eliza Chapman, Mrs. Sj'lvia Chapman, Woolsey Welles, Mrs. Mary B. Welles, James Neal, William F. Astroon, Harvey B. Spellman, Ed- gar Chapman (only member now living). Miss Sallie Allen, Miss Amanda Gillet, Miss Mary A. Gillet, Miss Naomi Hickox, Miss Louisa Neal, Miss Sophronia Neal, Miss Sophia Neal, Miss Mary Erwin, Miss R. M. Jennison, Mrs. Jane Bell, Mrs. Mary Ann Cotter, Mrs. Clarissa Hickox, Mrs. Allen and Miss Emeline King. The officers of the church were Woolsey Welles aud Richard Chapman, Ruling Elders ; Jesse Neal, Deacon. Rev. Benson C. Baldwin re- mained a much-loved Pastor of this little church until Sejrteraber 30, 1838. when he re- moved to ^ledina. He was succeeded by Rev. Almon Saunders, of Unionville, who commenced his labors October 7, 1838, and continued with the church for one year. In July, 1840, the Rev. H. A. Sackett took charge, remaining until the next January. During his labors large numbers were added to the church. In the fall of 1841, Rev. James Shaw was settled as Pastor. The church was greatly blessed during his pastorate, 109 members being added. In the fall of 1845, on account of failing health, he requested that his pastoral relations with the church be dissolved. This good man passed to his eternal rest in 1874 or 1875. Soon after Mr. Shaw ceased his relations with the church, a part of the members seceded. The subject of slavery had for some time been agi- tated, and a part of the church, on this account, not being willing to retain their connection with Presbytery, withdrew and formed a Congrega- tional Church. From this time until the fall of 1846, the pulpit was supplied by the aged minister. Rev. William Hanford. In September of that year, the Rev. Horace Foot was engaged for one year, and in January, 1848, Rev. Elroy Curtis was called, and labored as Pastor until the spring of 1854, faithfully and efficiently. In 1860, the slaver}' question, which had di- vided the churches, being settled, they were united, and formed an independent church, un- der the charge of Rev. William Dempsey, who remained until 1863. He died in 1864 at Me- dina. The church then hired Rev. Mr. Hicks, who remained for three years, and was suc- ceeded by Rev. John G. Hall. He remained three 3'ears, and in May, 1871, Rev. Henrj- Aver}' came, remaining until May, 1874 ; Rev. Carlos Smith then officiated for three months. This brings us to the period in the history of the church, when it again connected itself with the Presbytery. This was accomplished through the earnest efforts of Mr. Ambrose L. Cotter, who has been connected with it for forty-six years having become a member in 1835. He has alwa^'s been an earnest and zealous worker in the cause of Christ, and, though now past his fourscore j^ears, his enthusiasm kindles at the very mention of the church. The next min- ister in charge was Rev. C. E. Barnes, who came in October, 1874, and was employed as stated supply until 1877. On the 1st of April, 1878, Rev. J. H. Jones was formally' installed as Pastor, and still continues his labors as such. During all these years, this little church has had but thi'ee regularly installed Pastors, viz.: Rev. James Shaw, Rev. E. Curtis and Rev. J. H. Jones, the others having officiated merely as stated supply. There are very few of the earlier members now known to be living. Mrs. D. A. Hine, who resides here, and who united with the church at the same time as did Mr. Cotter, is still an earnest and devoted Christian worker. The society is now recognized as the " First Pres- byterian Church of Akron." Its present mem- bership is sixty-one ; the officers are Rev. J. H. Jones, Pastor ; A. L. Cotter, J. K. Robin- sou and Henry Hart, Ruling Elders ; James B. Manton, William Robinson, Dr. F. C. Reed, Harvey Baldwin and J. K. Robinson, Trustees. The church edifice was erected in 1833, but has since been remodeled and repaired. The Sabbath school has been in existence ever since the organization of the church, and at present numbers over one hundred, with an average attendance of sixty-five. The officers are Dr. C. C. Davidson, Superintendent ; Mrs. Henry Robinson, Assistant Superintendent ; B3'ron Robinson, Secretary ; Miss Kate Palm- er, Treasurer ; Miss Frances Robinson, Organ- ist ; and Miss Belle Berger, Chorister. In connection with the church is a Ladies' Foreign Mission Society, formed May 17, 1880, by Miss Loring ; and at the same time the children formed a home Mission Band, to be CITY OF AKRON. 369 known as the " Austin Mission Band." They have undertaken the support of a pupil in Miss Austin's School, at Sitka, Alaska. Members, thirty -nine ; amount of money raised in less than a year over $45 ; officers, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Superintendent ; Miss Kate Palmer, Assistant Superintendent ; Miss Lizzie Clriffin, President ; Henry B. Manton, Vice President ; Miss Nellie Farwell, Secretary ; and Park T. Robinson, Treasurer. St. Paul's Episcopal Church,* Akron, Ohio, is another of the early church organizations. The records of the church were burned and conse- quently much that would be deemed necessary for its history is lost. What we give here has been collated from journals, Episcopal address- es, etc. Rev. A. Sanford reports in 1832 : " Solemnized one marriage at Akron." Bishop Mcllvaine in 1834, says : "From Stow to Mid- dlebur}', October 11 ; two or three Episcopal families in the neighborhood ; heard of none in the village ; preached at night in the school- house to a very considerable and attentive au- dience ; next day went to xlkron, to take the canal-boat for Massillon. This growing place is destined to become a manufacturing town of great importance. There was no place of wor- ship in it when I was there, and seldom any preaching of the Grospel. It should be a mis- sionary station as soon as possible. I should have preached there, had not the constant ex- pectation of the boat prevented." The Rev. W. K. Newman took charge of St. John's, in Stow, and of two new parishes at Akron and Franklin. From the Bishop's address, 1836 : " Jul}' 8, visited St. Paul's, Akron ; preached and met the Vestry, the Rev. Mr. Barrow has been invited to assume the care of this point and Franklin." This minister reports, in the same 3'ear, five com- municants. Mr. John Hanford was the first lay delegate from this parish to the diocesan con- vention. Rev. Mr. Barrow remained one year. In 1837, nine communicants are reported. In 1838, the Bishop reports preaching in the Bap- tist Church, and confirming five persons. This year the Rev. T. J. Davis, of Connecticut, as- sumed charge of the church. In 1839, Mr. Davis reports fifteen communicants, and that a Sunday-school has been organized, which num- bers twenty-five children ; also the organization of a society called the Christian Knowledge Soci- ety. A room was fitted up in a stone building * By Rev. K. L. Ganter. on the ground now occupied by Mr. Henry's store, to be used as a place of worship. Referring to a visitation made in 1839, Bishop Mcllvaine says : " In a large upper room in a warehouse fitted up for a church, I preached, catechised the young, addressed the parents, and confirmed three. This parish has much prospered since that date." November 6, 1840, the Bishop visited St. Paul's and confirmed six persons. It was this year, on a Sunday morn- ing, at the hour of worship, that a severe storm threw a large chimney and heav}' ornamental stones in upon the assembled congregation, and although the people were hurled down through a broken floor, but one man was killed and a few others injured. About this time the congregation undertook the building of what is known under the name of the old " Cobb House," northwest of the city, near the bend of the canal. It was to serve for the combined purposes of parsonage, seminar}^ and parish school. From a letter of a Warden, dated November, 1840, we give the following extract : " This parish has received donations, solicited by Rev. Mr. Davis, about $900 from the friends of the church in Philadelphia, and this diocese to assist in the erection of a tem- porary house of worship and parsonage and support of the Rector. It would probably be a satisfaction to the donors to know that their benevolent wishes have been fulfilled in the erection of the building contemplated, and the establishment of the church upon a permanent basis." This year occurred the first attempt to chant, under the direction of Mrs. Cowan. It was a nine da3's' wonder. In November, 1840, Rev. Mr. Davis resigned. The resolutions passed bj' the Vestry were exceedinglj- compli- mentaiy to Mrs. Davis, and were signed by John Hanford and E. W. Chittenden, Wardens ; Alvah Hand, Abram Smith and J. G. Darby, Vestrymen. In 1841, Rev. Lyman Freeman was called. During his administration, the building in which the congregation is now worshiping was undertaken. For this purpose $1,770 was col- lected from persons other than citizens of Akron. Mr. Lyman Cobb had the contract for building, and in part payment on contract, the title of the Cobb House was transferred to him. On the 2d of June, 1844, the church was con- secrated. The parish then numbered sixty communicants, and the building was described 1^ ^ 370 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. as being 40x60 feet. Four inonths after the consecration of the church, the Rev. Mr. Free- man resigned. Rev. Mr. Cox took charge De- cember 8, 1844. Rev. Mr. Mcllhinney, Novem- ber, 1847. Rev. J. K. Stuart in 1848. Rev. E. H. Gumming, December 20, 1850. He was followed by Rev. R. S. Nash, and he in turn was succeeded in November, 1854, by Rev. D. C. Maybin. The Rev. Edward Meyer preached his first sermon December 16, 1855. He reports that " during the summer of 1856, through the exertions of the ladies' society, a set of neat green blinds were procured for the south side windows, adding greatly to the comfort of the worshipers, and furnishing a pleasant and sub- dued light ; the cost was $40." Mr. Meyer's resignation was accepted July, 1859. The Rev. Henry Adams took charge in 1860 ; the Rev. Samuel Maxwell in 1863 ; the Rev. W. T. Fitch in 1866 ; the Rev. Henry Grregory in 1869, and the Rev. R. L. Ganter, the present Rector, in 1870. In 1870, the church edifice was enlai-ged and a new organ procured. The same year, also, a commodious parsonage was erected on North Summit street. In 1872-73, $4,000 were ex- pended for new Sunday-school rooms. The following are the pi-esent otHcers of the church : R. L. Ganter, Rector ; Senior Warden, D. L. King ; Junior Warden, Philo Bennett ; Vestrymen, Frank Adams, J. A. Beebe, 0. C. Barber, C. A. Collins, A. L. Conger, G. W. Grouse, U. L. Marvin, W. B. Raymond ; Super- intendent of Sunday school, H. J. Church ; Assistant Superintendent, U. L. Marvin ; Sec- retar}^ A. N. Sanford ; Assistant Secretary, Percy W. Leavitt ; Treasurer, W. B. Raymond ; Librarians, W. F. Snook and W. A. Noble. Ladies' Aid Society' : President, Mrs. Frank Adams ; Vice President, Mrs. Lorenzo Hall ; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Gommins ; Assistant Treas- urer, Miss Ruth Hubdell ; Directors, Mesdames H. H. Brown, E. W. Shook, A. Brewster, L. Camp, James McNeil, 0. C. Barber, G. B. Cobb and E. Buckingham. St. Paul's Church numbers 170 families, 230 communicants. Sunday-school teachers and officers, 31 ; scholars, 283 ; total, 314. The Baptist Ghui-ch of Akron* was organized at Middlebury (now Sixth Ward of Akron) April 18, 1834, under the name of the Akron and Middlebury Baptist Church. The names ♦Written by Rev. N. S. Burton. of Elder Caleb Green and Elder Araasa Clark appear as Moderator and Scribe of the Council. The church at its organization was composed of three male members — -Horace Barton, Daniel B. Stewart, Henry H. Smoke ; and six females — Miss C. Barton, Mrs. Thirza J. Smoke, Mrs. E. Burton, Mrs. Sally Smith, Miss Amanda Smith and Miss Elizabeth Stewart. The first house of worship (now owned by the German Reformed Church), on Broadway, just south of the Court House, was dedicated in September, 1837. The church had the services of several min- isters for brief periods for about two years after its organization, services being held in sclioolhouses in Akron and Middlebury. In the year 1836, Rev. E. Crane became the set- tled Pastor, and services were held in a hall in Middlebury, and in a schoolhouse in Akron while the first house of worship was in process of erection. Mr. Crane is still living, and resides at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Rev. H. Carr succeeded Mr. Crane, and was the Pastor at the dedication of the house of worship in 1837. While the church worshiped in this house, it had as Pastors Rev. H. Carr, Rev. S. Van Voris, Rev. C. S. Clark, Rev. J. Hall (after- ward President of Denison University), Rev. D. Bernard, Rev. L. Ransted, Rev. J. M. Gregory (now President of Illinois State Uni- versity) Rev. J. C. Courtue}' (who died after a brief pastorate), and Rev. A. Joy, during whose pastoi'ate the house on Broadway was sold, and the present house on North High street pur- chased and remodeled. It was dedicated June 17, 1853. Mr. Joy was succeeded by Rev. J. W. Hammond in 1855, whose pastorate contin- ued one year. Rev. Samuel Williams became Pastor in 1856, and remained five years. Rev. N. S. Burton succeeded him after an interval in 1862. Rev. F. Adkins was Pastor from 1866 to 1868. His successor was Rev. C. T. Chaffee, from 1869 to 1872. He was succeeded by Rev. J. P. Agenbroad for one year. Chai'les A. Hayden was ordained, and became Pastor Nov. 25, 1873. He resigned in May, 1876. The present Pastor, Rev. N. S. Burton, entered upon his second pastorate in July, 1877. The present membership is about 145. R. A. Grim- now and W. T. Allen are Deacons, and J. W. Burton, Clerk and Treasurer. A Sunday school was organized when the ^^ CITY OF AKRON. 371 church entered its first house of worship, and iias been maintained since. Its present Super- intendent is Dr. Denitt G. Wilcox. The aver- age attendance about 110. Three of the Pastors, J. W. Hammond. F. Adkins and C. A. Haj'den, received ordination here. More than most churches, tliis church has suftered loss by the removal of valuable members to larger cities, where the}' have be- come efficient workers in church work. Though small in numbers in comparison with neighbor- ing churches, it has always had its full propor- tion of men and families of high standing in business and social circles. St. Vincent De Paul's Congregation (Roman Catholic) of Akron, Summit Count}'. Ohio, comes next in order of church organizations. The following sketch of it was wi'itten at our request by Rev. T. F. Mahar, the present Pas- tor : Previous to the organization of this con- gregation, and as early as 1835, visits were paid to the few Catholics of Akron, by Father Henni, the present Archbishop of Milwaukee, who came on horseback from Cincinnati, and said mass in a log cabin owned by James McAllis- ter. Right Rev. J. B. Purcell, now Archbishop of Cincinnati, followed soon after and said mass here ; and the Rev. Louis De Goesbriand, Pas- tor of Louisville. Stark County, visited shortly after him. Rev. Father McLaughlin, of Cleve- land, was also here, and Rev. Basil Short bap- tized the children and attended the Catholics from 1837 to 1842. Hitherto mass was said in private houses or rented halls. The frame church on Green street was commenced by Rev. M. Howard, in 1843, and he remained in charge of Akron Congregation to 1844. Father Cornelius Daly succeeded in February, 1845, and was the first resident Pastor. He remained in charge till 1848, and enlarged and finished the church commenced by Father Howard. During the charge of Father Daly, the Archbishop of Cin- cinnati ordained Rev. J. V. Conlan, in the old frame church now used for school purposes. The Rev. Cassina Moavet, was here from Octo- ber, 1848, to June, 1850, then came Rev. Father Goodwin. He was succeeded by Rev. Francis McGann, who owned the present site of the new church and the present cemetery. Father McGann was here from December, 1850, to August, 1855. Rev. L. Molon came in January, 1856, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Walsh. Then followed the Rev. W. O'Connor, now a Redemptorist. Rev. M. A. Scanlon, was appointed to this charge in July, 1859, and remained here to November, 1873. During his pastorate the Catholic Germans, who till then formed part of St. Vincent's congregation, sep- arated (in 1861) and organized themselves by permission of Bishop Rappe, as St. Bernard's congregation. Rev. Father Scanlon was suc- ceeded November 23 1873, by Rev. Timothy Mahoney. Father Mahoney, after having freed the congregation from the greater part of a burdensome debt, was transferred August 1, 1880, to the larger and more important charge of St. Patrick's Church, Cleveland, and was succeeded by Rev. T. F. Mahar, D. D., the present Pastor. Among the prominent laymen and pioneer members of the congregation may be mentioned James Mcx\llister, John Cook, John Dunne — father of Judge Dunne — Thomas Jones, J. McSweeny, Martin Quigley and Thom- as Garaghty. The present and second church edifice built by St. Vincent De Paul's congregation was commenced on St. Patrick's Day, 1864, by Rev. M. A. Scanlon. It is a massive stone structure, fifty feet wide and one hundred feet long, and of Roman style of architecture. The interior is quite attractive, the ceiling, especially, being very beautifully stuccoed. Thei-e are no pillars, and hence an unobstructed view is had of the whole interior. The twelve elegant, stained- glass windows are gifts from the different church societies and from several members of the congregation. The altar is only tempora- ry, and will be replaced by another as soon as the debt is somewhat diminished. The cost of the church is estimated at about $50,000. The parish school was organized during the pastor- ate of Rev. Francis McGann, about the year 1853. There are at present two divisions with an average attendance of one hundred and fifty children. The Universalist Church* is among the early religious societies organized in Akron. Some time in the summer of 1837, Rev. Freeman Loring visited Akron for the purpose of estab- lishing a Universalist Church. His meetings were held in the building now known as Mer- rill's pottery, and, subsequently, in a hall on the site now occupied by the store of Wolf, Church & Beck. Among those who became * By Kev. Bicbard Eddy. V9 373 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. interested in the movement was Dr. Eliakim Crosby, tlien a man of wealtli and great enter- prise in business. An organization was ef- fected in a few months. Dr. Crosby, Minor Si)icer, Jacob and Jesse Allen and Henry Chittenden being among the more prominent members. WhoU}^ at the expense of Dr. Crosby, and under the superintendence of Mr. Loring, a stone church edifice 44x57 feet, sur- mounted by a steeple 100 feet high, was erected, and dedicated in November, 1839. The cost of the building was about $8,000. Mr. Jesse Allen presented the church with a fine organ, and the building was completely furnished with the church conveniences of that day. Mr. Loring was installed as Pastor on the day of the dedication, and the membership then amounted to about one hundred persons. Dr. Crosb}- was at this time engaged in the con- struction of a canal, commonly known as " The Chuckei'y Race," for the pui'pose of bringing wa- ter power from the Cuyahoga, at the falls, to Ak- ron, a project which proved to be a disastrous failure, involving the doctor in financial ruin. To relieve his embarrassment in a measure, the members of the church organized a stock company, and bought the church building, pay- ing therefor $7,000. Mr. Loring resigned in the fall of 1839, and was succeeded by Rev. Nelson Doolittle, whose pastorate extended through several 3'ears. To him succeeded Revs. J. Gr. Foreman and Z. Baker. Under the latter there were divisions growing out of the introduction by the Pastor, of skeptical theories and so-called Spiritualism. The build- ing needing extensive repairs, and the church becoming discouraged, the edifice was at last sold by the stockholders to the Baptist society, by whom it is now held and occupied. A new efiort to organize a church was made in November, 1872, when twenty-four persons adopted and subscribed a profession of faith and church government — John R. Buchtel, Moderator ; S. M. Burnham, Clerk ; Avery Spicer and Talmon Beardsley, Deacons. Rev. G. S. Weaver was chosen Pastor in April, 1873, and the church held its meetings- in the lecture room of Buchtel College. Thirty mem- bers were added to the church during the first year of Mr. Weaver's pastorate ; twentj-- three the second 3'ear. In December, 1876, Mr. Weaver resigned. He was succeeded by Rev. H. L. Canfield, whose terra of service lasted about eighteen months, during which time there was a small increase of member- ship. Rev. E. L. Rexford, D. D., became Pas- tor in April, 1878, and remained till July, 1880, when he resigned. During Dr. Rexford's pastorate, the church completed the erection, at a cost of about $45,000, of an elegant church edifice, on the corner of Broadway and Mill street. Large accessions were also made to the membership. The present Pastor, Rev. Richaixl Eddy, commenced his labors in Sep- tember, 1880. The officers of the Church, elected in Januar}-, 1881, are W. D. Shipman, Moderator ; S. M. Burnham, Clerk ; J. H. Pen- dleton, Treasurer ; Ferdinand Schumacher, John R. Buchtel, D. S. Wall, George W. Weeks, J. H. Pendleton, Dr. William Murdock, S. M. Burnham, William Hard}^, D. T. Parsons, Trustees. The present membership is 160. A Sunday school, the membership unknown, was established in connection with the early organization. The present school was organ- ized in 1872, and has a membership of 190, with an average attendance of 160. The pres- ent Superintendent is Mr. George W. Weeks. The creed of the Church is expressed in the following Profession of Belief, adopted by the Universalist Convention in 1803: I. We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain a revelation of the character of God, and of the duty, interest and final destination of mankind. II. We believe that there is one God, whose na- ture is love, revealed in one Lord Jesus Christ, by one Holy Spirit of Grace, who will tinally restore the whole family of mankind to holiness and hap- piness. HI. We believe that holiness and true happiness are inseparably connected, and that believers ought to be careful to maintain order and practice good works; for these things are good and profitable un- to men. The Church of Christ of Akron was organ- ized in 1839, but its history dates back several ^•ears bej-ond the period of its formation as a church. The following sketch was furnished by its Pastor, Elder C. C. Smith : In the history of ever}' church, there is first, the period of struggle previous to organization, when a few devoted persons, strong in faith and conviction, fight for a place among the workers in God's vineyard. This time of warfare in this church occupied about ten 3'ears preceding the beginning of the history of the Akron Church of Christ proper. From the time when Elder *7[. CITY OF AKRON. 373 William Hayden and E. B. Hubbard preached a few sermons in Middlebury in 1829, to the organization of the church in 1839. Some of the first fruits of the early seed-sowing was the baptizing of William Pangbura and Mrs. Judge Sumner, by Elder 0. Newcomb ; also the bap- tizing of Mrs. Pangburn and Levi Allen (still a member of the church), by Elder Hayden. Prominent at this early time may be noticed Elder M. S. Wilcox, who preached as opportu- nity permitted, in schoolhouses and private res- idences. A discussion was held in Middlebury between him and a Methodist minister of the name of Graham. The name of Elder A. B. Green is also prominent in the early history of the church. We could not very well give too much prominence to the labors of two women connected with this work, viz., Mrs. Dr. Parker and Mrs. J. N. Botsford. Brother A. S. Hayden sa3's : " These were the days of heart-song and heaven-reaching prayers and the preach- ing ! It was hail mingled with rain. The pro- longed hour flitted away unconsciously. The group of Disciples tarried, exhorted each other, sung warmh' and feelingly a parting hymn, and with a final, earnest supplication, they com- mended one another to the good Shepherd and separated. But they were unspeakably happy !" In the year 1839, Brothers Bently and Bos- worth came at the call of the brethren, and in the building on Main street, now occupied by Mer- rill's pottery, the}' organized, with thirty-two members, into the Church of Chi'ist of Akron, and with Levi Allen and Samuel Bangs as Elders ; W. R. Storer and Jonah Allen, Dea- cons. Although organized into a society, the church had no regular place of meeting. Some- times it came together at Middlebury, and some- times in Akron in schoolhouses and private residences. In 1843, a meeting was held by Elder John Cochrane, assisted by Elder John Henry, of Mahoning County (of whom it was said, he " was swift to hear, but not slow to speak"), which resulted in fortj'-nine conver- sions to Christ, and in greatl}' increasing the influence of the church. Shortly after this, the church purchased a small frame building on a lot on High street, the present site of the Ger- man Lutheran Church building and parsonage, which was its first home. In 1845, Dr. William F. Pool moved into Akron, and while practicing his profession, greatly strengthened the church, " laboring in word and doctrine." In 1849, M. J. Streator became Pastor of the flock, remaining with it about ten months. In 1854, W. S. Gray com- menced his three years' service for the church ; in 1857, during his last year's stay, it sold the above mentioned house and lot. For six years the church rented Tappin Hall, on Market street, for its place of meeting. Here Elder Warren Belding held for them a very successful meet- ing, and here they were blessed with the labors of Elder J. Carroll Stark. In 1861, Elder J. G. Encil commenced his pastorate. While he still remained with the church, a lot was purchased in 1863, and the building now occupied was erected at a cost of about $6,000. Then came the following ministers in the order named : J. O. Beardsley, L. R. Norton, R. L. Howe, L. Cooley, John L. Rowe. R. G. White, F. M. Greene and C. C. Smith, the present Pastor. The pastorate of L. Cooley was the longest of any, five years, and his memory is still held dear by those who labored with him. The labors of R. G. White during three years were signalized by a large ingathering of souls, and the establishing of the Mission Church at Mid- dlebury, Sixth Ward of Akron, resulting in eighty members going out from the church for that purpose. The otticers of the church at the present time are : Elders — Levi Allen, Dr. William Sisler, Jacob Rhodes and C. C. Smith. Deacons — William Allen, Bennett Smetts, William Wes- ton, Elijah Briggs, Edwin A. Barber, John No- ble and J. P. Teeple. Clerk — Horton Wright. Treasurer — Albert Allen. There is upon "the church books, 444 members, a net increase of 164 members during the four years of the last pastorate. It is in a vigorous and healthy con- dition, and stands first among the churches of Christ in the State in its liberality to establish the cause at home and abroad. Then there is the unwritten history of the struggles and tri- umphs of the individual members, and the un- recorded number who have taken membership from the church below to the church above. The names of the following ministers (not men- tioned above) were prominently connected with the early work of the church here : Elders A. S. Hayden, J. W. Jones, Benjamin Franklin and R. Moflett. The Sunday school was in existence as far back as 1845, but was not permanently organ- ized until 1864. under Brother Beardslev's ad- j "^ ^1 374 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ministration, since which time it has been steadily on tlie increase. Mrs. Harv}', Daniel Storer, Camden Rockwell, J. P. Teeple and Byron Grove were, at dilTerent times, Superin- tendents, and stand prominently connected with the woi'k. The present Superintendent is John Noble; Assistant, Charles Trarler ; Clerks, Eugene and P. Howe. During 1880, the aver- age attendance was 160 ; average collection, per Lord's Day, $5.60. It is but just to state that the attendance would be much greater if there were accommodations in the house for a larger school. In September, 1876, the sisters organized "The Akron Auxiliary of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions," with Mrs. Levi Allen as President. The society has been in a flourishing condition from the start, and is now one of the largest and most efficient societies of the kind in the State. The Congregational Church, although one of the oldest churches in the Western Eeserve, did not organize in Akron as early as some of the other denominations. The following sketch of " the Congregational Church of Akron," was written, at our request, by the Pastor, Rev. T. E. Monroe : On the 30th of May, 1842, a number of per- sons met to consider the expediency of organ- izing the present Congregational Church. A resolution was then adopted, declaring such or- ganization desirable, and appointing a commit- tee of three gentlemen — Mr. Seth Sackett, Mr. H. B. Spell man and Mr. A. R. Townsend — to prepare a confession of faith and a covenant, as a basis for final and permanent organization. At the same meeting a similar committee was ap- pointed to prepare a statement of the reasons which seemed to require another church organi- zation, and to invite neighboring ministers to as- sist in forming it. The meeting then adjourned to January 2, 1843. At this adjourned meeting, the articles of faith and the covenant were approved, and their adoption deferred to the 8th of June, at which time a Council was con- vened, to which these proceedings, witli the reasons which justified them, were submitted for advice. This Council was composed of Rev. Seagrove Magill, of Tallmadge ; Rev. Jo- seph Merriam, of Randolph ; Rev. Mason Grosvenor, of Hudson, and Rev. William Clark, of Cuyahoga Falls. This Council ad- vising the formation of a church, it was organ- ized b}' twenty-two persons signing the con- fession of faith and covenant. On the 3d of July, nine others united with the infant church, when, on the 7th of July, with thirty-one mem- bers, the first election of officers was made, Mr. H. B. Spelhnan being elected Deacon and Mr. Allen Hibbard being chosen Clerk. On the 1st of May, 1843, Rev. Isaac Jen- nings, having ministered to the church for six months as a supply, was called to be its first Pastor. This call was accepted, and on the 14th of June following he was ordained and in- stalled. In June, 1845, the society completed a comfortable house of worship, situated on North Main street, at a cost of .$1,800. Mr. Jennings remained Pastor of the church until June 7, 1847, when he tendered his resignation. Several meetings of the church having been held at which he was urged to withdi-aw his resigna- tion, it was reluctantly accepted on the 7th of February following, and the separation was ap- proved by Council, convened upon the joint re- quest of the church and Pastor, on the 12th of February, 1847. Rev. W. R. Stevens supplied the pulpit of the church from November, 1847, until iMay, 1849, when Rev. N. P. Bailey began his ministry to this people. On the 7th of Oc- tober following, he was ordained and installed l:)y Council. This relation continued until May, 1856, when Mr. Bailey tendered his resignation. This resignation was accepted on the 3d day of August following, without convening a Coun- cil. The church was supplied liy Rev. A. Dun- casson from February, 1857. to November, 1858, when Rev. Abram E. Baldwin was invited to officiate as Pastor for one year, with refer- ence to future settlement. This invitation was accepted, and at the close of this engagement it was renewed, and, in February, 1860, he was ordained by Council convened upon invitation of the church, and his ministrv continued until May, 1861. On December 30,"l861, the church called the Rev. Carlos Smith to become its Pas- tor, who accepted the call, and entered upon his pastorate February 2, 1862. The church at this time had a membership of about sixty. It had been heartily engaged in the great reforms of the day, and its new Pastor cordially co- operated in every work which sought the purity of society and the progress of reform. During Mr. Smith's pastorate, the present church edifice was erected, at a cost of about $40,000, and the membership of the church in- h^ CITY OF AKRON. 375 creased from 60 to 268. About three hundred members had united with the church during this time, a flourishing Sunday school had been maintained, and the church had prospered in all its activities. In the winter of 1873, after a pastorate of eleven years, which had endeared him to the entire people, Mr. Smith resigned his relation to the church, but remained a com- municant of it until his death, which occurred April 22, 1877, as the bell was tolling for morning service, at the age of seventy-six years. Few ministers have been so widely beloved or have made so warm personal friends. During the winter of 1873, the church called Rev. T. E. Monroe, who commenced his minis- try here on the first Sabbath of April, 1 873, and is still Pastor of the church. During this time, new Sunday' school rooms have been built below, and a gallery, accommodating 150 peo- ple, built in the audience-room above. An organ floor and small choir have been built in the rear of the church. These improvements, with repairs, cost $5,000, and furnish accom- modations for a Sunda}' school of 400 children and sittings for 750 people in the audience. The present membership is a little more than six hundred resident members, with about one hundred who are absent. The various benevo- lent activities of the church are earnestly pros- ecuted, and the church enters the current 3-ear with fresh hopes of usefulness. On the night of the second Saturday of Feb- ruar\', 1881, the house was seriously damaged b}' fire to an extent requiring .$9,000 for repairs. Extensive improvements are at present pro- posed, and subscriptions are now circulating for this purpose which will, if executed, aftbrd convenient accommodation for 550 children in the Sabbath school rooms, and 950 sittings in the audience room. The church is to be heated throughout with steam, ever\' pew having its steam- heated foot-rest, and every class-room its radiators. X superior organ will be procured, open-grate fires to be introduced as an attract- ive feature, and every convenience for social and public church work amply provided. The Sunda}^ school has been for eight years under the efficient management of Mr. Sam- uel Findly, to whom it is indebted for its emi- nent order and intelligence. Mr. Hear}' Per- kins, an officer beloved by all our pupils, was elected to the office of Superintendent for the current year, and, though the school suffered se- riousl}' from changes rendered necessary by the fire, it is regaining its numbers and its in- terest. Should the present plans for improvement be carried out, this church will be very ampl}^ fur- nished for a growing future work, and ought to prosper in the j^ears to come quite as much as in those gone by. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Middle- bury (Sixth Ward of Akron) is one of the very old churches of Summit County, or, rather, has grown out of the old Middlebury Methodist Church. In a very early period of the histor}' of the county, the Rev. Doctor Clark and the Rev. Mr. Monk, of Tallmadge, preached at this place. From the present Pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. Arundel, we obtained some of the facts pertaining to the history of this church, and which are here given. What is now known as the Second Methodist Episcopal Church of Akron was formerly part of a circuit consisting of Tallmadge, Pleasant Valley, Mogadore, Brimfield and Middlebury. Soon after, or about the time of the annexa- tion of Middlebury to the city proper, in 1870, this church was set off" as a charge b}' itself, and, since that time, has been supplied by the following clerg3'men : Revs. Painter, Greer, El- liott, Merchant, Wilson, Corry. Randolph, and Arundel, the present Pastor. Some three years ago, the old building was entirely remodeled, under the efficient direction of Mr. Jacob Sny- der, architect of Akron, at a cost of $3,000. The audience-room and parlor are ver}^ neat and conveniently arranged, and, together with the Sunday-school room, have just been handsomely decorated by Messrs. Diehl and Caske}', of this city. The present membership is about eightv- five. The Sunday school has some two hun- dred enrolled on its books, and an average at- tendance of one hundred and fift}'. The following historical sketeh of the First German Reformed Church of Akron was furnished for this work by the Pastor, Rev. J. Dahlmann. The First German Reformed Church of Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, had its origin in and was the continuation of the German Evan- gelical Protestant congregation which was or- ganized about 1842, and worshiped in the stone church on North High street near the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal. The building still stands, but is now turned into a dwelling house. The Lutheran element separated from r 376 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the congregation in 1852 and organized a con- gregation of tlaeir own. Tiie Reformed element remained and continued their organization until the year 1855, when it united with the German Reformed Church of Akron and be- came identified with it. Before the two con- gregations united their interests, the latter had already purchased the frame church building of the Baptists on the northwest corner of Broadway and East Center streets. After uniting their interests, they mutually assumed the responsibility to cancel the debt which still rested on the church property. Divine services were held in the English and German languages on alternate Sundays b}' Rev. L. C. Edmonds, a 3'oung minister of talent and en- ergy- The English portion of the congregation did not possess sufficient activity to go forward energetically. After Rev. L. C. Edmonds had resigned, the German portion, not wishing to be long without a Pastor, called Rev. John F. Engelbach, of the German Reformed Church in the United States as their minister. They had undertaken much and were successful. Under the pastorate of Rev. J. F. Engelbach, the German portion of the congregation — the En- glish portion merely existing in name — ^obtain- ed a charter, and was incorporated on the 27th day of April, 1857, as the First German Re- formed Church of Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. The following are some of the original mem- bers : John Heintz, Philip Heintz, Louis Koch, Joh. Kling, Peter Brecht, Carl Schwing. J. Jacob Grether, George Billau, Jacob Grether, George Grether, Michael Grether, Friedrick Gessler, George x\ngne, Cail Nilhr, Joh. Brobt, Nicolaus Fuchs, Adam Schaaf, Joh. Schaab, Joh. Fink, William Fink, Conrad Fink, Jacob Steigner, Christoph Baumgartel, Joh. Hiltter- ich, Christoph Oberholz, Conrad Zettel, Gott- fried Stegner, Andreas Koch, Joh. Gush and Friedrick Haushalter, etc. The First German Reformed Church con- tinued to worship in the house of God which they owned conjointly with the English portion or the German Reformed Church of Akron, Ohio, until the fall of 1858, when the former bought the latter out and obtained full posses- sion of the church properly which they still hold. Rev. J. F. Engelbach labored faithfully for the welfare of the congregation, and resigned near the end of the year 1860. The}^ were for some time without a Pastor. Rev. Robert Koehler, formerly of Mount Eaton, Ohio, took charge of the congregation in April, 1861, and entered as Chaplain of volunteers in the United States service in Au- gust, 1864. Very little progress was made dur- ing his pastorate, and this was that the con- gregation was separated from other congrega- tions and became a charge itself Mr. J. D. Leemann, an educated school- teacher, preached over two years to the con- gregation, and established a parochial school in the German language on the northwest corner of South High and East Center streets. This school flourished for some time, and with its discontinuance his labors came to a close, especially when the consistory and the congre- gation forbid him to preach any longer for them. Rev. John Bauragilrtner, an educated minis- ter, from Canton Berne, Switzerland, who had been Pastor for some time of a Reformed con- gregation in Pittsburgh, Penn., was chosen as Pastor. He entei'ed upon his labors in the fall of 1866, and continued until September 18, 1870. During his pastorate, a new constitu- tion for the congregation was drawn up and accepted, and an attempt made to sever the connection of the congregation with the Re- formed Church in the United States which was not successful. Rev. Christoph Schiller, from Limaville, Ohio, was by the congregation unanimously elected as Pastor on October 16, 1870, and entered upon his duties on November 27, 1870. He was successful in rescuing the congregation from ruin and enervate it to new life. It began to live again and became conscious of its duty as a Christian congregation. Under his labors, the congregation increased in membership and activit}', and purchased and enlarged the par- sonage next to the church on East Center street. In the summer of 1876 he resigned, and moved to Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Julius Herold, of Charleston, Ind., was his successor by unanimous election, and en- tered upon the pastorate in July, 1876. He was active, and caused the church edifice to be remodeled inside, and the purchasing of over seven acres of land on the west end of the city, north of Market street, for a burial-place, which was dedicated in August, 1880, for that purpose. After having resigned his pastorate --^ C^^.^5&t^ CITY OF AKRON. 377 in August, he continued his labors until No- vember 14, 1880. Rev. Jacob Dahlmann, D. D., of Philadelphia, Penn., succeeded him on the 9th of December, 1880. He was born in Barmen, Rhein Prussia, and emigrated with his parents to the United States in 1848, and entered upon his studies for the Christian ministry in Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Penn., in 1855. After graduating in honor in 1860, he pursued his theological studies at the seminary of the German Reformed Church at Mercersburg, Penn., under Dr. Philip Schaff and others. There was a call extended to him, in 1862, to go to Philadelphia, Penn., and organize the Emanuel's German Reformed Church in West Philadelphia, to which he responded, and, after laboring nearly nineteen years in his first charge, having built a large and beautiful church and parsonage, he accepted a call from this congregation for the purpose of leaving the general church work, which became too burdensome for him, to other hands. Having served the Reformed Church, especially the German portion thereof, in the East in various ways, he continues to be Assistant Stated Clerk of the General Synod of said church, and it is hoped that his pastorate will, his life being spared, be of long duration and crowned with great success. The church edifice, on the northwest corner of Broadway and East Center streets, was erected more than forty years ago, by the Bap- tist congregation. It is a frame building, massive in timbers, 40x60 feet, with four large pillars in front, and a steeple, in which Summit County placed a bell more than twenty-five years ago for the purpose of announcing the time for the convening of the court, and until latel}^ to give the alarm for fire. The congregation has 420 communicants and 280 unconfirmed members. The Pastor is Rev. Jacob Dahlmann, D. D.; the Elders, John Kling and John George Eberhard ; the Dea- cons are Henry Schmiedel, Charles Brodt, Louis Midler and Peter Kuhn. These form the consistory of the congregation, and constitute at the same time the Board of Trustees. The Sunday school of the congregation was organized by Mr. John Heintz, in 1857, with 20 to 30 scholars, and who continued to be Superintendent until 1862, when the school had increased to 50 and more scholars. Elder John Kling and others held the ofllce of Superintendent of the Sunday school. Elder John George Eberhard was, during the last ten years or more, on or off Superintendent until lately, when the Pastor, Rev. Jacob Dahlmann, D. D., became (ex officio) Superintendent of the Sunday school. The Sunday school is held every Sunday morning from 9 to 10:30 o'clock. There are 150 children on the roll, and 130 or more in regular attendance in the summer and 110 in the winter. Grace Reformed Church has been in exist- ence in Akron for a third of a century. The following historical sketch is by Rev. Emil P. Herbruck, its present Pastor : Grace Reformed Congregation was organized on the 5th of March, 1853, by Rev. N. Gehr, Missionary of the German Reformed Church in the United States. At a meeting held in the old Univei*- salist Church on High street, a constitution was adopted, and signed by the following per- sons : John Weimer, Catharine Weimer, Thomas Moore, Susanna Moore, William Heil, Esther Heil, Philip Kremer, Henry Rinehart, Sophia Rinehart and Magdalena Kremff. Rev. N. Gehr was elected Pastor, and served the con- gregation about one 3^ear. He was followed by Revs. P. J. Spangler, L. Edmonds, J. Schlasser, J. F. Helm, William McCaughey, W. H. H. Snyder, S. S. Miller, J. M. Mickley and I. E. Graff, in pastorates ranging from one to three years in length. In May, 1868, Rev. Edward Herbruck accepted a call to the charge, and under his direction it enjoyed a greater measure of prosperity than at an}' pre- vious time. He labored in the congregation successfully for four years, though having almost unsurmountable difficulties to over- come. Rev. M. Laucks became his successor, and served for about two years. In April, 1876, Rev. Emil P. Herbruck assumed the pastorship, and has discharged its duties ever since. The first edifice was bought at second-hand from the Congregational Church in Middle- bury, and moved piece-meal to the present lot on Broadway, where it was in constant use b}' the congregation for eighteen years. In 1881, it became apparent that a new building was necessarj^ to meet the growing demands of the church. Accordingly, on the third Sunday in April, the corner-stone of the present structure was laid. It is built of brick, with stone 378 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY dressing, and is 52x80 feet in dimensions. The auditorium is ampiiitheatrical in shape, and, in connection with a quarter gallery, has a seat- ing capacity of about five hundred. The com- modious basement is arranged for the Sunday school, with class-rooms of semicircular form. The building is neat and attractive, furnished with the modern conveniences, and cost $15,000. The present membership of the church is 270, and is constantly increasing. The officers for the year 1881 are: Elders, John Weimer and Frank Bolander; Deacons, John Kritz, Isaac Kittenger, Jacob Bans and A. F. Hun- sicker. The Sunday school was organized in 1853, and has been kept up ever since, though with a somewhat fluctuating attendance. It is at present in a flourishing condition, having an average attendance of 175. The school is well conducted by its Superintendent, Gr. F. Eber- hard. The G-erman Zion's Lutheran Church* was organized on the 6th day of August, 1854, by the Rev. P. J. Buehl. The original members were J. Beyruther, N. Henke, Ch. Baum- gaertel, J. Grad, D. Steinhagen, J. Rogler, J. Bauernfeind, B. Seidel, J. Dietz, W. Gerdts, H. Wishmeier, Mrs. W. Beck, Ch. Schmidt, L. Strobel, W. Strobel, A. Voss, N. Oellrich, G. Kling, J. Feuchter, I. Frank, G. Proehl, C. Kroeger, Mrs. Kaiser, J. Harter, G. Beck, J. Miller, W. Schroeder, P. Bibricher, B. Ditles, W. Hageman, J. Bernitt, D. Lamparter, J. Stein, C. Beinhard, S. Schmidt, G. Miller, J. Wolf, J. Brod, G. Goetz, J. Bitsch, Mrs. Sorrik, Ch. Nehr, J. Reibly, Mr. Schneider, G. Tents, Mrs. Shraiefield, Mr. Dresler. In 1855, the so- ciety purchased a church edifice for their own from the Disciples, a building which was the pioneer house of worship in Akron, having been erected in 1834-35, by the Congregation- alists, on a portion of the present court house grounds. Rev. Buehl having accepted a call to the Lutheran Church at Massillon, Rev. G^. Th. Gotsch was called as his successor in 1864, who served the congregation until 1872, when the present Pastor, Rev. H. W. Lothmanu, was called, and took charge of the congregation. On account of the rapidly growing member- ship, a larger structure as a place of worship became a necessity, and, on the 16th day of *By Bev. H. W. Lothmann. September, 1877, the present building, costing $16,000, was solemnly dedicated to the serv- ices of the triune God. It is situated at the corner of High and Quarry streets, and covers a space 50x100 feet, with a spire 150 feet high; it has a seating capacity of about five hundred people, and is built of brick. The congrega- tion at present consists of about one hundred and fifty families with 450 communicants. A school containing 130 scholars, is connected with the church, in which the children are taught both the German and English lan- guages, Mr. F. Stricter acting as teacher. The school is held in the old church building, which was removed to the rear of the lot back of the new church edifice. The present officers of the church are as follows : George Haas, Treasurer; F. Manthey, W. Wiese and W. Woehler, Trustees ; Ch. Baumann, H. Dietz and F. Kunz, Vestrymen. St. Bernard Catholic Church* (German) was organized in 1861. In that year, the few Ger- man families deemed it proper to form a sepa- rate congregation, and for this purpose gathered in the cooper-shop of Geoi'ge Roth, on Green street. The number of families then were twenty -three, and they resolved to separate from St. Vincent De Paul's Church, to which they had belonged up to that time. A church was formed under the title of St. Bernard Catholic Church. The lot on the northeast corner of Center and Broadway was purchased, where the present building of the society stands. Rev. Father Loure, of St. Peter's Church, Cleveland, attended the little flock for some time, and, in 1862, the corner-stone of the new church was laid by Very Rev. Father Loure. In June, 1862, Rev. Louis Shiele was appointed the first regular Pastor of the con- gregation, and remained one year. In Jan- ary, 1863, they took possession of their new building, and, in July, of the same year, Rev. Peter Donnerhoflfe succeeded Father Louis Shiele, and, on the 19th of July, 1866, Rev. Father Donnerhofle was succeeded by Rev. J. B. Broun, the present Pastor. In 1865, the residence of the Pastor was purchased, at a cost of about $2,200.; in 1866, the cemetery was purchased for $2,500 ; in 1867, the schoolhouse was built at a cost of $1,400; in 1868, the church was renovated throughout, and stained-glass windows put in, * By Rev. J. B. Broun. ^ CITY OF AKRON. 379 at a cost of $1,150; in 1870, two bells were bought, at a cost of $1,350 ; in 1872, the organ was purchased, costing $1,260; in 1874, some improvements were made at a cost of $1,200 ; in 1877, the tower on the church was built, at a cost of $2,600 ; the church frescoed at a cost of $400 more, and a large bell bought at $946, and other improvements at a cost of $200. In 1880, an addition was built to the church at a cost of $12,000. The present strength of the church is about three hundred families, with some four hundred attendants at the Sundaj' school. At the school, conducted under charge of the Church, the attendance is about two hundred and eight}- children. The Akron Hebrew congregation dates its organization back to the 3-ear 1865. On the 2d of April of that year, the following named gentlemen met and formed themselves into a societ}', to be known as the Akron Hebrew As- sociation, the object of the association to be the establishment of a school and synagogue, for the promotion of the educational, moral and re- ligious interests of the Jewish community. The charter members were Michael Joseph, Theo. Rice, J. L. Joseph, S. B. Hopfman, Simon Jo- seph, H. W. Moss, Isaac Levi, 8. M. Ziesel, Moses Josei^h, Herman F. Hahn, J. N. Leopold, D. Leopold, Louis Calish, Caufman Koch and Jacob Koch. The first Jewish residents in Akron were Mr. Isaac Levi and Mi-. Caufman Koch, who were engaged in business in Akron as early as the year 1845, when Akron was a mere village. Mr. S. B. Hopfman came to Akron in the year ] 851 ; Mr. H. jMoss in the year 1856 ; Mr. Michael Joseph in the year 1864, and thus the Jewish population gradually increased, until at the present writing (March, 1881), it numbers 175 souls, while the books of the congregation show a membership of 30. Owing to the fact that the congregation has never called upon the community at large for pecuniary assistance, a policy to which, until now, it has strictly adhered, its financial strength has been slow but steady, and constant in its development. For four years after its founda- tion, the congregation found itself unable to provide a permanent place of worship ; but had to content itself with the establishment of a school for instruction in German, Hebrew, Jew- ish history and religion ; holding religious serv- ice onl}' on special occasions, and on holida3's. In the fall of the year 1869, the congregation rented a hall and fitted up a synagogue and school on the third floor in Allen's Block, which it occupied for five years, when the steady in- crease in membership made the rooms inade- quate, and its financial prosperity enabled it to secure more commodious quarters. In the meanwhile, the Congregation had purchased " bui-ial grounds " adjoining the Akron Bural Cemetery ; but, the " grounds " being unsuit- able, they were exchanged, October 15, 1871, for a large section in the southeast corner of the Akron Rural Cemetery, the congregation paying the cemetery association the additional sum of $1,000. The new synagogue and school- room, which were located in Clark's building, were dedicated on the 26th of October, 1874. Besides supporting a school and s^-nagogue, employing a regular teacher and minister, and purchasing burial grounds, the congregation responded freeh- to appeals to its benevolence, contributing in the year 1868, $477 to the newly-established Jewish Orphan Asylum in Cleveland, and, sending in November, 1871, $198, raised by voluntary subscription, to the sufferers by the Chicago fire. In the 3'ear 1880, the increased membership, and the additional number of pupils, compelled the Congregation to seek new accommodations, and the third floor of the newl^'-erected Barber Block was leased for a term of five years. Over a thousand dol- lars were expended in fitting up the synagogue and school -room, which were dedicated to di- vine worship on the 23d of July, 1880, and which will compare favorably with the temples of man}' much larger congregations. As an adjunct to the congregation, the ladies organized a societ}^ called " Der Schweslerbund," which has been in existence for over thirteen j-ears, and which has nobly assisted in promoting the great objects of the congregation. During the sixteen years of its existence, the executive power of the congregation has been in the hands of the following nine Presidents : Isaac Levi, Moses Joseph (two terms), H. F. Hahn, S. B. Hopfman (two terms), Isidor Cohn. George Ma- rienthal, and the present presiding officer, Ben- jamin Desenberg. The first minister was the Rev. N. Hirsch, succeeded in regular order b}' Rev. N. L. Holstein, Rev. J. Jesselson, Rev. A. Suhler, Rev. A. Schreier, Rev. A. Burgheim and the present minister Rabbi S. M. Fleischman. This is the histoiy of the Akron Hebrew Con- gregation from the days of its inauguration to 380 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. the present time. Its prosperous condition in- dicates a bright future, and it is hoped that when the congregation is again compelled to remove from its present location, it will dedi- cate a temple built by its own money on its own property. — [Wn'tten by Rabbi *S'. 31. Fleisch- man fur this work.^ Calvary Church, of the Evangelical Associa- tion of Akron, was organized in 18G6, by Rev. H. F. S. Sichley, of the Bristol Circuit. To the Rev. L. W. Hankey, the Pastor, we are indebted for the following facts pertaining to this church : Calvary Church was organized with the follow- ing members : Benjamin Stahl (leader), Cath- arine Stahl, Henry Nicholas, Catharine Nicho- las, Samuel Nicholas, Leah Nicholas, Joseph Nicholas, Martha Nicholas, Louisa Cook, Nancy Henninger, W. W. Farnsworth, Max-garet Farns- worthand John and Eliza Shaffer. In 1867, it was determined by Conference that Akron should be made a Mission, under the charge of Rev. Mr. Sichley. There was no preaching, however, in the early part of the the year, on account of being unable to obtain a suitable building. A church was commenced during the year and the basement completed, and dedicated in October, 1867, by Rev. John StuU, Presiding Elder. The dedicatory sermon was preached by him, on the 6th of October. During the winter of 1867-68, the main audience-room of the church was finished, and dedicated to the service of God May 3, 1868, by Rev. Joseph Long, Bishop. The building, which is a substantial frame, cost about $4,000, outside of considerable work and material, which was contributed by individual members. It has been remodeled and improved since it was originall}' built, and is now a hand- some and commodious church edifice, located in South Akron. The following Pastors have been called to the charge since organization : Revs. Jesse Lerch, A. Swartz, H. E. Strauch, A. E. Dreis- bach, S. S. Condo, A. Yandersoll, and the pres- ent Pastor, Rev. L. W. Hankey. The member- ship at this time is two hundred and twenty- seven. The Sunday school of this church was organ- ized on the 27th of October, 1867, and num- bered at the time about forty scholars. It has continued since without interruption, and, at the present time, is in a very flourishing state, with a general attendance of 240 scholars, un- der the superintendence of W. S. Youts. The English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Akron, Ohio, was organ- ized in the spring of 1870. The pioneer work which resulted in this organization was per- formed by Rev. W. A. Passavant, D. D., of Pitts- burgh, and Rev. S. Laird, now of Philadelphia, Penn. There were about thirty members at the time of its organization. The first regular Pas- tor of the congregation was Rev. U. P. Rutli- rauff, now deceased. It was during his minis- try that the fine gothic church on Prospect street was built and the parsonage purchased, at a cost of about $45,000. The church, though not yet completed in its towers and Sunday school arrangements, was consecrated in June, 1872. Rev. W. P. Ruthrauff soon after resigned the charge and was succeeded by Rev. J. F. Fahs, the present Pastor, who took charge of the congregation in October, 1872. The con- gregation now numbers about one hundred and ninety-five communicant members. The Sunday school was organized soon after the organization of the congregation, and num- bers about one hundred and twenty-five schol- ars, with an average attendance of about one hundred. Mr. R. N. Kratz is the Superintend- dent. — [Written by Rev. J. F. Fahs.'\ The Church of Christ of Middlebury, or the Sixth Ward of Akron, is of recent organiza- tion. The facts for the following sketch of it were furnished by the Pastor, Elder T. D. But- ler : The Church of Christ, Middlebury, Sum- mit County, Ohio, was organized March 30, 1875, with eighty members, and the following officers : H. J. White, A. Brown, M. Jewett, El- ders ; F. W. Inman, G. F. Kent, T. H. Botsford and Richard Whitmore, Trustees ; G. F. Kent and T. H. Botsford, Deacons ; S. C. Inman, Clerk, and Almon Brown, Treasurer. The membership of the church at present is eighty- five. The first Pastor was Elder H. J. White. He has been followed by Elders F. M. Green, R. G. White, J. W. James, W. H. Rogers (in the order named), and by the present Pastor, Elder T. D. Butler. The church building is quite a model of architectural beauty, and was erected in 1878, at a cost of about 16,000. The Sunday school of this church was or- ganized during the summer of 1875, and is in a flourishing condition, with an average attend- ance of abcut eighty children, under the super- intendence of C. J. Robinson. :|A CITY OF AKRON. 381 CHAPTER XI.* CITY OF AKRON— EDUCATIONAL HISTORY— THE EARLY SCHOOLS— PERFECTION OF THE COMMON SCHOOLS— BUCHTEL COLLEGE- PRESIDENT AND FACULTY— ENDOWMENT, ETC. Precepts and rules are repulsivfl to a cliild, but happy illustra- tions wiuneth him. — Tiipper. IN a history of Akron, its common schools and educational facilities occupy a prom- inent place. The following historical sketch of the schools of the city was written by Judge C. Bryan, and is so full and complete that we in- corporate it almost bodil}' in this work. It is as follows : " In 1846, there were within the in- corporated limits of the village of Akron, 690 children between the ages of four and sixteen years. Of this number, there was an average attendance at the public and other schools the year through of not more than 375. During the summer of 1846, one of the district schools was taught in the back room of a dwelling house. Another was taught in an uncouth, in- convenient and uncomfortable building, gratu- itously furnished by Capt. Howe, for the use of the district. There were private schools, but these were taught in rooms temporarily hired, and unsuited for the purpose in man}' respects. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and gram- mar were more or less attended to in the pri- vate and public schools ; but of the above num- ber, there were, as estimated, 200 who did not at- tend school at all, who ought to have been re- ceiving the benefits of good school instruction. " It was in view of this state of things that Rev. I. Jennings, then a young man, and Pas- tor of the Congregational Church of Akron, self- moved, set himself to work to re-organize the common schools of Akron. There were many friends of a better education in the place, who co-operated with Mr. , Jennings, and, on the 16th of May, 1846, at a public meeting of the citizens, a committee was appointed, of which he was Chairman, ' to take into consid- eration our present educational provisions and the improvement, if any, which may be made therein.' On the 21st of November, 1846, there was an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Akron, at Mechanics' Hall, at which Mr. Jen- nings, on behalf of the committee, submitted ♦Contributed by W. H. Perrin. their report. It was a good, business-like doc- ument, clear in its statements, definite in its recommendations, and so just and reasonable in its views, that it I'eceived the unanimous ap- proval and adoption of the citizens there assem- bled, and a committee, consisting of R. P. Spaulding, H. W. King, H. B. Spelman and L. V. Bierce. was appointed to secure the neces- sary legislation. The following is the plan of the committee : 1. Let the whole village be incorporated into one school district. 2. Let there be established six primar}- schools in dif- ferent parts of the village, so as best to accom- modate the whole. 3. Let there be one gram- mar school, centrally' located, where instruction may be given in the various studies and parts of studies not provided for in the primary schools, and yet requisite to a respectable En- glish education. 4. Let there be gratuitous ad- mission to each school in the system, for the children of residents, with the following re- strictions, viz.: No pupil shall be admitted to the grammar school who fails to sustain a thorough examination in the studies of the primarj' school, and the teacher shall have power, with the advice and direction of the Su- perintendent, to exclude for misconduct in ex- treme cases, and to classify the pupils as the best good of the schools may seem to require. 5. The expense of establishing and sustaining this system of schools shall be thus provided for : First, by appropi'iating what public school money the inhabitants of the village are enti- tled to, and what other funds or propert}' ma}' be at the disposal of the board for this pur- pose ; and, secondly, a tax to be levied by the Common Council upon the taxable property- of this village for the balance. 6. Let six Super- intendents be chosen by the Common Council, who shall.be charged with perfecting the sys- tem thus generally defined, the bringing of it into operation, and the control of it when brought into operation. Let the six Superin- tendents be so chosen that the term of office of two of them shall expire each year. 382 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. " The plan was adopted by the Legishiture, and embodied in the 'act for the support and better regulation of common schools in the town of Akron,' passed February 8, 1847, with a change in the name and mode of election of officers named in the sixth paragraph only, the the substance being retained. The committee urged in behalf of this plan, that it will secure a thorougii classification of pupils, bring dif- ferent classes into constant fellowship, lay hold of native talent and worth, whether rich or poor, 1 and secure the best superintendence and man- agement. It will not only give the best i schools, but the cheapest : for while such in- . struction as the youth of Akron now get costs I about $2,200 a year, or $6.82 for each of the 375 who attend school, under the plan proposed ; 500 can be instructed for $1,700 a year, or $3.40 I a scholar for cost of instruction. The interval ] between the meetings in May and November, 1846, was improved by Mr. Jennings in col- lecting information, maturing the plan and elaborating the report. The idea originated with Mr. Jennings, and the labor of visiting e^'ery house in the village, to ascertain what children went to school and who did not go, and who went to public schools and Avho went to private, and how much was paid for school instruction, was performed by him. He went to Cleveland and Sandusk}' City in the same interest, to see the operation of graded schools there. He procured estimates by competent mechanics, of the cost of erecting a grammar- school building to accommodate 500 pupils, and omitted no detail of the plan that was nec- essary to show it in organic completeness ; and whatever credit and distinction Akron may have enjoyed for being the first to adopt the principle of free graded schools in Ohio, is due to Mr. Jennings. Others saw and felt the need of a system and of better methods of instruction and management, but in his practical and sa- gacious mind the subject took form and propor- tion as an organic whole, and under his pre- sentation the plan looked so feasible, so ad- mirable, that hostility was disarmed and the people were eager for its adoption. '■ Mr. Jennings was the father and founder of the Akron schools ; and, though he did not re- main in Akron to see their operation, he gave them their first impulse and direction, and in- spired their management and administration. His plan was flexible to the needs of the growth and enlargement, and in essential feat- ures remains as it first took form on the stat- ute book. For actions less signal and benefi- cent, men have been honored and recognized as public benefactors. The first election under the law was in the spring of 1847, and L. V. Bierce, H. B. Spelman, James Mathews, Will- iam H. Dewey, William M. Dodge and Joseph Cole constituted the first Board of Education, which organized by choosing L. V. Bierce, Pres- ident ; H. B. Spelman, Secretary, and William H. Dewey, Treasurer. The Town Council ap- pointed J. S. Carpenter, A. B. Berrj' and H. K. Smith, Examiners. The work of the board for the first year was mainl}' that of organization. They divided the Akron school district into eight subdistricts, built two primary school- houses, 25x32 feet, at a cost of $370 each, pur- chased two and a half acres of land on Mill, Prospect and Summit streets, at a cost of $2,137.31, on which stood a dwelling-house, which, at an expense of $613.44, was fitted up for a grammar school. Mr. M. D. Leggett, late Commissioner of Patents, was employed as teacher and superintendent at a salary of $500, assisted b}' Miss Wolcott, at a salary of $200, and Miss Pomeroy, at a salary of $150. The primaries were taught by young ladies, at $3.50 per week. There were two terms of the grammar school, the first commencing in x\u- gust, and enrolling 127, with an average daily attendance of 112, or eight3'-eight per cent; the second term enrolling 188, and having an average attendance of 167, or eight^'-nine per cent. The primaries during the year showed an average attendance of fifty-five per cent, and an enrollment during the first term of 641. During the second term, 880 was the number enrolled. Some of these were from with- out the district. Such was the state of opin- ion at the first annual report, made in March, 1848, that the board felt called upon to justify the employment of female teachers in the pri- maries on the ground, first, of economy, and, second, that the Superintendent was required to spend one hour each day in these schools, vis- iting them in rotation, which the Board be- lieved secured all the advantages to be derived from the employment of male teachers. " The Akron school law and the operations of the first board under it had a strong opposition from property-holders. The principle of free graded schools had not yet been recognized. 'i^ CITY OF AKRON. 383 These men felt it a grievance that their proper- ty should be taxed to educate the children of the village. An unlimited power of taxation for school purposes had been given the board which they felt to be dangerous, and made an objection to the system. As a peace-offering to this class and to disarm opposition, the first call was for but two mills on the dollar. But the board went farther, asking the Legislature to limit its power to five mills. The act was amended, fixing the limit at four mills a year for school purposes. This change was unfortu- nate. The State had just changed its rate of taxation for school purposes, by which the amount Akron would otherwise receive was reduced over $300. Schoolhouses had to be built, lots purchased and paid for, and the board was compelled to an economy of man- agement that bordered upon parsimony, and in the second year to lose the services of Mr. Leg- gett, who was doing well for the school. The board was able, however, to make a good show- ing in its first annual report in this, that the cost of tuition for each scholar was less than $2 a year — a saving to the town of from $1,340 to $1,776 a year on the common-school system. In the grammar school were taught orthogra- phy, reading, writing, arithmetic, geographj^, history, grammar, algebra, geometry, trigonom- etry, physiolog}^, natural philosophy, mental philosophy, chemistry, book-keeping, astrono- my, phonogi'aphy, and an hour each week given to composition and declamation. The board bears honorable testimony to the zeal and effi- ciency of teachers of grammar and primary schools, and to the Board of Examiners for ' efficient and valuable suggestions,' and in view of all the facts may be pardoned if it slightly magnified its work when it said it had given ' the benefits of a, finished English education to all the children of the town at less than the average rate of tuition under the common- school system.' During the second year, end- ing March 31, 1849, two new schoolhouses were erected for the primaries, at a cost of $480 each, but the accommodations were still inadequate. The schools were crowded, and more room needed without the means to build. The average daily percentage of attendance in the primaries had risen to be 62 per cent, and that of the grammar fallen to 71 for the first term and 80 for the last. In the third 3^ear the subdistricts were increased to nine, the primaries were graded, and the grammar school suspended from April 27 to September 3, 1849. At the latter date, Mr. C. Palmer took the charge under an engagement for two years, assisted by Mrs. Palmer and Mr. Graham. The suspension was a financial necessity', but the board was enabled to speak assuredly of the improvement in the public regard for the schools. 'The ardor of novelty had subsided, but the sober judgment of the people fully sus- tained the system.' 'We doubt,' the board say, ' whether at any time a motion to relapse into our former chaotic state would have been met by a more determined or numerous oppo- sition than now. In truth, we think our school system may be looked upon as having passed the crisis, and as being fixed in the convictions and cherished in the conscious wants of the people." "In the winter of 1850-51, the board en- tered into a contract with Mr. Charles Brown for laying the foundation of a brick edifice, 70x50 feet, and two stories high, for the gram- mar school, an undertaking for which there was pressing need on account of the entire un- fitness of the building then in use for that pur- pose. The corner-stone of this edifice was laid with due ceremonies Aug. 18, 1851, and the walls finished before the commencement of winter. The grammar school was taught but six weeks during the fifth school year, and closed in consequence of the illness of Mr. Palmer, the Superintendent, not to be opened again until the new building was read}' for occupa- tion. The necessity of this suspension lay in the state of the finances and the limited powers of the Board for taxation. Mr. and Mrs. 01m- stead were emploj^ed at $50 a month to teach a high grade primary school, which took the place of the grammar school. The salary of Mr. Palmer was $600. In the fourth annual report the term, ' High School, ' first appears in the transactions of the board. During the third and fourth school years, J. S. Carpenter, Esq., is President of the Board, and the reports deal more in certain general aspects, the meth- ods, means and ends of education ; less external stimulation, and more of self-help in the school room. The fifth annual report shows the same aptness for comparative statistics as the first and second, and gives the cost of tuition for the whole 3'ear : Per scholar upon average enrolled, $2 ; per scholar upon average attendance. & V #-4- 384 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. $2.80 ; per scholar upon average enumeration, $1.12, and believes an instance cannot be found where so thorough an education can be obtained at so small an expense. "On the 13th of October, 1853, the new structure was completed and dedicated to the cause of education. The cost of the building was $9,250, and in its plan and appearance was creditable to the then village of Akron. Mr. Samuel F. Cooper was put in charge of the high school, assisted b}' Mrs. Cooper and Miss Voris ; Miss Codding, assisted by Misses Prior and Gilbert, had charge of the grammar school. A nucleus of a philosophical apparatus and geological calnnet was formed under Mr. Cooper. In April, 1856, the engagement of Mr. Cooper closed. In the October following, H. B. Foster. Esq., of Hudson, entered upon the office of instruction and superintendence, and continued until the following spring, when his engagement closed. He was assisted by Misses Bernard and Williamson, all able and competent teachers, with whom the board was loath to part. Mr. Foster declining a re-engage- ment, Mr. E. B. Olmstead was employed to take his place, and J. Park Alexander was put in charge of the grammar school at $35 per month. The primary teachers were paid from $3.75 to $5. per week. In 1855-56, the grammar school was in charge of Mr. George Root, assisted a part of the year by Misses Angel and McArthur. Mr. Root gave special attention to penmanship and book-keeping in the high school, and his instruction in those branches was attended with marked results. The paj'-roll of teachers for the year ending April, 1856, was $2,777.42, including superin- tendence. In the report made April, 1857, the estimated expense of running the schools for the next year was $4,200, ' including inci- dentals,' and it was in this report that claim was first made for compensation* to members of the board for their services. It was in this report also that the first rule was laid down touching the reading of the Bible and religious instruction in the schools. The following is the rule : ' Teachers may open their schools in the morning by singing with the scholars, or reading a short passage of Scripture (the Lord's pra3'er, for instance), without note or comment, or without any general exercise, as they may think proper.' In this report also is laid down the rule of the board touching the qualifications of teachers. ' The board, as a general rule, have determined to emplo}' no teachers in the Akron schools but those of ripe age, ample experience and successful tact in their profession, while it is entirely necessary and essential that a teacher shall have a fine education, and an ample fund of general knowl- edge, it is as important to possess tact also.' Besides these, the teacher must have ' great goodness and kindness of heart, indomitable perseverance, good common sense, and last, but not least, the qualities, in a measure, of a suc- cessful military general.' It might excite our wonder that so rare and so fair a cluster of graces and acquirements could be had for the asking in the year 1854, and at so low figures as from $3.50 a week in the primaries to $65 a month to the principal of the high school and Superintendent of all the schools. The board hints at no difficulty in procuring teachers of ripe age, ample experience, successful tact, fine education, etc., or that the market is not full of that description of candidates for the office of instruction. The high school lot is being graded, and, when done, " the grounds will be planted with forest trees, evergreens and shrub- bery, such as will best conduce to the appear- ance of the place, and, in after years, to the comfort of the scholars.' A substantial stone wall has been erected on the west front, and on the other three sides a tight board fence. " The Akron School District was, in April, 1857, divided into five subdisti'icts, in- the first and second of which, primar}- and secondary grades of pupils were to be taught by the same teacher in the same room. In the other sub- districts, the primaries and secondaries were to be taught separately. A course of study is laid down. Reading and spelling run through the four grades, ' writing when desired,' in the secondary, and every day in the grammar and in the high school, ' so as to be able to write a fair hand.' The scholars in the grammar school shall be taught to read and spell the fourth reader fluently ; to master the first half of Stoddard's Intellectual Arithmetic ; the whole of Trac3^'s and Stoddard's Practical as far as in- terest ; the general definitions in grammar ; Colton and Fitch's Modern School Geography ; to practice writing every day ; map drawing ; declamation one hour each week, and general practical oral instruction daily. The high school course included, 3d, Stoddard's Practical *7[. 1± CITY OF AKROT^. 385 Arithmetic, after which Greenleafs National ma}' be taken up (one class), and the whole school practiced in mental arithmetic ; 4th, English grammar and parsing ; 5th. map draw- ing and geograph}' ; 6th, philosophy ; 7th, his- tor}' ; 8th, physiology ; 9th, algebra ; 10th, chemistry ; 1 1th, astronomy ; 12th, botany and geometry. Declamation and composition to be practiced by each pupil every four weeks. These in their order, the 1st and 2d being occu- pied by reading, spelling and writing. The Superintendent is to be Principal of the high school and institutes, and spend two hours each week visiting the other public schools of the town, advising with the teachers, examining the classes with reference to their classification, progress and promotion, and to report monthh' to the board. " This outline closes the tenth year of the Akron schools. One of the features of this period is the ' Specimen Schools or Teachers' Institutes', held each Saturday morning in the presence of all the teachers, members of the board, etc. One teacher, b}' previous appoint- ment, calls her school together on Saturday morning, and pursues her routine course for an hour and a half, and then dismisses it. After this, lectures, discussions, etc. These institutes, the board say, ' have worked admirably.' Teachers were required to attend them. It was in the seventh 3'ear of the schools (1854), that we first hear of these ' Specimen Schools or Teachers' Institutes.' They gave way in 1860 to teachers' meetings, which were designed for mutual improvement, and to enable the teacher to keep place with progress in the ' art of teach- ing.' When Latin and Greek were dropped does not appear, but here is the mind of the board upon the subject : ' The introduction of the study of languages into the high school has often been urged by a few of our citizens ; but, the board have been of the opinion that a good practical English education is all that an}' one has a right to expect or exact at the hands of a generous public' The Akron schools have now been in operation ten years, and under five dif- ferent Superintendents, three of whom, Leggett, Palmer and Foster, were capable, competent and valuable men for the place. Their work was mainly that of instruction in the depart- ment under their immediate charge ; the super- vision of other schools being quite nominal, consisting chiefly in occasional visitation. In the existing state of opinion and resources of the board, this was the best that could be done. But the necessity of permanence in the office of superintendence and instruction was being felt. The evils of frequent changes had become apparent. The schools had not at all times maintained the prestige they at first enjoyed, nor the pre-eminence to which they were entitled as the pioneer free graded schools of Ohio. In the eleventh annual report, the board declare their conviction that the ' lowest wages ' principle was not the best economy, and that such compensa- tion should be paid for superintendence and in- struction as would secure the best skill and ability in both departments. Acting upon these views, Mr. T. C. Pooler, a teacher of experience in the State of New York, was employed as Superintendent, at a salary of f 1,000, assisted by Misses M. K. Parsons and H. A. Bernard in the high school. Mr. H. M. Ford, assisted by Miss Coftman, was made Principal of the gram- mar school. During a part of Mr. Pooler's first year, Misses Angel and Church were his assist- ants, Miss Bernard coming in the second year. Mr. Pooler retained the position three years, and declined a re-engagement. With him began superintendence and the practice of making annual reports to the board. At this point also begins a change in the school year from the 31st of March, to the 31st of August, consequently this report covers fifty-three weeks of the schools— fifteen in the spring and summer of 1857, and forty weeks from September, 1857, to July, 1858. Hereafter the school year will commence with September. The above state- ment that with Mr. Pooler, superintendence commenced, must be qualified, for if it com- menced it did not continue to any valuable ex- tent. Rule fifth, of the board, adopted Septem- ber, 1859, provided that 'he shall visit each school at least once in four weeks, and advise and direct the several teachers in regard to classifying and disciplining their pupils.' His reports are practical, and relate to matters with which he is charged. The statistics of enroll- ment and attendance show an improving condi- tion in these regards. " The engagement of Mr. I. P. Hole as Princi- pal of the high school and Superintendent commenced September, 1870, at a salary of $900 a year, and continued until September, 1868, during which period his salary was from time to time increased, until it reached $1,500. ^1^ '^1'^ 386 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Besides this substantial approval by successive boards, Mr. Hole was cordially indorsed, as reports and resolutions of the Board abundantly show. His report as Superintendent was pub- lished during the first six years of his engage- ment, and are useful for the information they contain of the condition of the schools. The average attendance for all the schools is 91 per cent for the year 18G6, while for the 3'ears 1863 and 1864 it is 78 per cent. The tables accompanying his reports show an in- crease in enrollment and attendance during this period, and they also show that the num- ber attending the high school as steadily di- minished. In 1860 and 1861, tiie total enroll- ment in that department was 141 ; monthly membership, 83, and average daily attendance, 63, while in 1865 and 1866, the total enroll- ment was 67 ; monthly membership, 44 ; aver- age attendance, 41. * * * The schools had become crowded. Six primaries taught during the fall of 1865, and seven during the winter and spring following, had an enrollment of 724 pupils ; one secondary school, employ- ing three teachers, enrolled 216, and the gram- mar school, with three teachers, enrolled 156 pupils. The high school, with an enrollment of 67, employed one teacher regularly, one about half of the time, and the Principal something over one-half Of all these schools, except the high, he has words of unqaalified praise, and of that he says, • decorum seems to forbid that I should speak.' He makes hon- orable mention of Mrs. Coburn, who had been associated with him in that department six years, and had resigned, 'as deserving to be held in grateful remembrance by the people of Akron, and the hundreds of young persons whom she had served so earnestly and faith- fully.' llule 13 of the Board, adopted Sep- tember, 1859, defining the duties of Superin- tendents, says : ' He shall hold a meeting of the parents at the commencement of each school year, or oftener, and address them in reference to their school duties and obliga- tions.' He did not restrain himself to 'such facts connected with the operation of our pub- lic school system as may be of general interest to the community,' but sometimes expressed himself at large on the duties of parent and citizen. In his report of 1863, he notices the assumption of parents and teachers that when pupils have memorized the text-books put into their hands, 'that their work has been well done.' This assumption he saj's, ' stops too short,' and he proceeds to elaborate his views of the processes of the mind in acquiring knowledge through eight successive and dis- tinct operations, from impressions on one of the five senses, to reason, ' the most important characteristic of rationality." The moral tone is always good. The report of 1864 contains the first notice of graduation from the high school. Miss P. H. (xoodwin, of Akron, is the graduate of this year. We find no published reports of the board or of Mr. Hole, as Super- intendent, for the last two years of his con- nection with the schools, and the history of his period of principalship and superintend- ence substantially closes with September, 1866. In February, 1868, he tenders his resignation. The board passes a resolution of confidence, ' earnestly invokes the confidence and support of the community as being eminently due to those having charge of our public schools, as Superintendent and teachers, and as at present advised, decline to accept the resignation.' In December, 1865, the board assumes the con- trol of the Spicer Addition to the Akron School District, with about one hundred pupils, and in 1866, enters upon the enlargement of the high school building, bj' the addition of two wings, with two schoolrooms to each wing, and recita- tion rooms adjoining. An enlargement of school accommodations had become a neces- sity, and to meet this expense a loan of |15,- 000 was authorized by the board in May, 1867, and, in April, 1868, bonds in that amount were provided for by resolution of the board. " Before entering upon a new period of man- agement and administration of the schools, there are certain points of interest in the past which deserve to be noticed. In the second year of the schools, instruction was given in Latin and (xreek languages, and in the fourth year, classes and teachers were commended for thoroughness of training in those branches, as well as for others taught in the high school. Wlien these were dropped does not appear, but probably during the suspension of the gram- mar school. We have seen the stand taken by the board in 1858 in reference to these branches, but, in August, 1865, Latin and Greek were again admitted by resolution. Tardiness and irregularity of attendance are a grievance from the first organization of the \^. CITY OF AKRON. 387 schools — the refrain of every report down to 1865. Sometimes the remedy was supposed to be with the parents, and sometimes with teach- ers or pupils, or all combined. The expedient is tried of closing the doors against pupils a few moments after the hour for opening has arrived, and shutting them out until recess. This did not cure the evil. In 1864, three absences during one month were visited with suspension, and boards at succeeding meetings heard and granted restoration. This rule worked better. It put parents to inconven- ience ; made them feel the power of the board, and to see that Boards of Education had rights. In 1847-48, the percentage of attend- ance in the primaries was 55^ ; in the gram- mar school, 88 per cent ; while in 1866, the percentage of attendance reached 90 per cent for the schools. This improvement became a matter of gratulation with boards and Super- intendents. In the report of the board for 1861, jets of humor for the first time appear in these documents. As a Board of Education of Akron, after fourteen years' experience, ma}- be supposed to know something of boards and teachers in general, this board ma}^ be allowed to speak on the subject. Of the numerous applications for places as teachers in our schools, and the qualifications, or rather the want of them, which many of those appl}'- ing exhibit, the board says : ' Without heads or hearts for the teacher's work, come the Jer- emy Diddlers, out at the elbows, and the Flora McFlimseys, with nothing to wear, seeking the salaries of the schoolroom to mend their coats and failing fortunes, and to enlarge their scanty wai'drobes. Teachers and boards are often sadly at fault in their anatomy of the soul and body of the young. They would define a pupil to be a boy or girl from five to twenty-one 3'ears of age, having no heart to make better or keep pure, no bones and joints to grow strong and shapel}-, no muscles to train and develop to flexibility, no taste for the beautiful to be cultivated, but onl}* a head to be filled with syntaxes and prosodies, with ratios and quantities, with ologies and osophies — onl}^ this and nothing more. Herbert Spencers work on " Education " should be added to the library of all who give or accept this definition of a pupil.' Whether it was the expression of an abstract opinion by the board, or whether it was suggested by the state of things then existing in the high school does not appear, but the}' say in substance that, inasmuch as the high school had taken the place of the academy and seminary, where attention was paid to ethics and the proprieties of social life, the high school "should care somewhat for these things.' In 1859, a course of study was prescribed. For the grammar and high school it was a three-years course. There were to be exercises in singing daily by the pupils who could sing. Music was not a branch of in- struction, but an exercise. Moral instruction and attention to manners are enjoined upon the first division of the secondary, and in the grammar school, oral instruction in manners and behavior was to be given daily. The board regards its work with favor, and says 'the prominence which it assigns to moral culture, to drawing and to music, heretofoi'e much neglected, will meet with the approba- tion of all whose approbation is worth having.' Two years later, the course of study was revised — that for the high school enlarged to four years, and the same prescription as to manners and behavior in the grammar school continued. Why this discrimination does not appear, for the board, as we have seen, this year suggested that these matters were being neglected in the high school. To all that the board enjoins in regard to ' moi-als, manners and behavior,' it may be objected that they 'stop too- short.' Standards vary with persons and places, and what the ideal of this board was as to what constituted good morals and manners is left to conjecture. The ninth sec- tion of the act for the support and better regu- lation of common schools in Akron made provision for periodical visitation of the schools by persons to be appointed by the Council and Mayor. With thorough and sys- tematic superintendence of the schools, there would be little or no need of these visitations ; but that period had not yet arrived. Rev. S. Williams was appointed school visitor under that section of the law, and made, in the years 1858 and 1859, his reports to the Council, which were published, and, so far as appears, were the first official visitations made. Mr. Williams was a man of culture and of much experience as a teacher, and competent for the work he undertook. He was too kindly and urbane in manners for trenchant criticism, but he discriminates with candor, and leaves the it \, ^« 388 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY reader of his reports means of an opinion as to excellences and defects of particular schools. He marked the absence of historical studies from the grammar and high school, and, in the year following, we find history in the course of study for those departments. With the fifteenth annual report of the board is published the re- port of R. 0. Hammond, Esq., as school visitor for that year. His report shows the value of in- dependent criticism and observation of the conduct and management of the schools. He commends warml}' and censures unsparingly. He says : ' The board say in their report that mental philosophy, political economy, moral science and evidences of Christianity are taught in the fourth year. But they are not taught. And yet there is no good reason why the}' are omitted.' He urges the cultivation of vocal music. 'This, in my judgment,' he says, ' should be taught in our schools as a compo- nent part of daily instruction. I mean that the principles of music should be taught — taught as a science. In this way, at a small expense, singers with well cultivated voices, able to read music readily, may be fitted for the choir, the concert and the parlor.' "The school j^ear beginning September 1, 1868, was the beginning of a new period in the histor}' of the Akron schools. x\kron had become a city. Its school population numbered 3,007. The growth and promise of the place had brought in new men, and with new business success and prosperity, larger and more liberal views had come to prevail. Akron had no in- stitution or interest it cherished as it did its schools. They had acquired a sure footing in the regard and affection of the people. The re- port of the board by its President, Dr. Bowen, shows this by its tone of cheerful assurance. Mr. Hole and other teachers of the high and grammar schools had resigned, and it became the duty of the board to fill their places. ' They cast about for teachers who had attained a high rank in their profession, and were known by competent judges to have come honestly by their good reputations.' There were not man}- such, and the demand was lai-ge. ' Other Boards of Education were abroad as bidders, and having made selections, based, as was believed, on a full fitness for the work to be done, it remained for us to pay such prices as would take the teachers we wanted from other bids, and bring them to our schools, instead of allowing them to go elsewhere.' This is frank, free from tone of apology, and the board is to be commended for carrying out so good a programme. Mr. Samuel Findley, a gentleman of good scholarly attainments and ripe experience as a teacher, was secured as Superintendent ; Mrs. N. A. Stone, of State- wide reputation as a teacher and disciplinarian, was put in charge of the high school, and Miss Herdraan, a teacher of much experience and rare excellence, was put in charge of the grammar school. At the close of the year, the board was justified in sa3'ing of the work done, that it was well done. Mr. Findle}' had shown rare executive ability. The leading features of an improved management of the high school, under Mrs. Stone, assisted by Misses Saunders and Trowbridge, ' were thoroughness in preparing the lesson, an ani- mated, accurate and full recitation of it, and more of polite deportment.' The grammar school, under Miss Herdman, assisted by Misses Voris and Worthington, ' has become a well- behaved room, where decorum prevails, and where lessons are thoroughly studied and well recited. Never in all its life has its order been so good and its teaching so thorough.' The primary schools also were well taught. The board makes a financial exhibit for the year ending September 1, 1869, showing a total of disbursements of $32,763. Of this amount, the salaries of Superintendent and teachers were $14,002.50 ; building sites, building and repairs, $15,752.60 ; fuel and other contingent expenses, $2,907.98 ; total receipts, $35,553.34. * * * * * For the work Mr. Find- ley has shown I'are fitness and abilit}'. With great firmness he unites courteous manners and an openness of mind to what is new and also good in school management and instruction. He found it necessary, early in the year, to re- duce the eleven primary school districts to six, giving two schools to each district, except one, and making two grades of primary scholars. By this change, the teaching force was nearly, if not quite, doubled, without any increase in the number of teachers, or in expense. With this came a course of study for the primary and grammar schools, of four j-ears in each de- partment. Text-books are excluded from the primaries, except readers, and the school hours of the lowest grade reduced to four. There are to be monthly written examinations in the high and grammar schools. English literature takes 'A CITY OF AKRON. 389 its place in the high school, and vocal music becomes a specialty of instruction in all de- partments of the central building. Drawing, heretofore neglected, ' has been promoted to the rank of a regular study,' and runs through the grammar and lower grades. Morals and man- ners run through the three first years of the primary course in this specific form : ' Incul- cate reverence and love for God as the Great Father of all, obedience to parents and teachers, and a kind, forgiving spirit toward brothers and sisters and schoolmates. Guard against rude- ness of manners, and suppress profanity and other immoral practices.' This is a rule on the subject of moral instruction of all the schools : ' It shall be a duty of the first importance on the part of the teachers, to exercise constant supervision and care over the general conduct of their scholars ; and they are especially en- joined to avail themselves of every opportunity to inculcate the observance of correct manners, habits and pi'inciples.' Results for the first year must be regarded as satisfactory. The percentage of punctualit}- in no school falls be- low 96, and in many of them reached 98 and 99. and the average for all was 9*^.4. The per- centage of attendance on average number be- longing, for all the schools, was 93.1, and but two fell below 90. How much of this was due to the steady toning up of the Superintendent, is best known to the teachers. " Reports of the board and Superintend- ent, after the year 1869, are for the school years 1871-74-75. The board reports are plain and intelligible statements of the finan- cial condition and transactions of the board and the general state of the schools. In 1870, there were paid for building, repairs, furniture, etc., $17,412 ; and, in 1874, for sites and buildings, $17,200. In 1871, the primaries are crowded, and the necessity pressing for ad- ditional accommodation for the present and in- creasing population of the city. The board has settled upon a plan of systematic enlarge- ment of school structures, which is thus ex- plained in the report of G. W. Grouse, Esq., President of the Board : In providing addi- tional buildings, it is the present policy of the board that each additional school building erected shall be part of a general plan, which shall have for its object the supplying of each section of our cit}- with a suitable school build- ing, located centrall}' with reference to the part of the city it is designed to accommodate, and which shall contain not less than six rooms.' The estimated cost of such structures was $15,- 000, and, in pursuance of this plan, the North Broadway building has been enlarged to the capacity above named, and the school edifices known as the Perkins and Spicer, have been erected and occupied. The estimated value of all school property, in 1874, was $136,000. To this is to be added the Spicer Schoolhouse, since built, estimated at $25,000. In the report of this year, by Lewis Miller, Esq., Px-esident of the Board, attention is called to the fact that, about twenty-eight years ago, the experiment of free graded schools was authorized in Akron, by special act of the Legislature, and that about a year since the Legislature, b}^ general act, had extended the principle to all the public schools of the State. " In the year 1872, Middlebury became a part of the Akron School District, bringing with it 163 pupils, and the Board of Education, from 1872, consisting of twelve members, instead of six, as formerly. The reports of the Superin- tendent that accompany these reports of the board ax'e instructive reading. They relate to matters that come under his official supervision and are within the legislative sphere of the board. He carefully considers what he says, and gives trustworthy information and matured opinions on educational matters. The follow- ing summaries from the Superintendent's ta- bles, contain evidences of good condition and healthfulness. The averages are so high that they leave little room for improvement in that line : 1874 — Number of youth between si.x and twenty-one 3,809 1875 — Number of youth between six and twenty-one 3.964 Number of schools: High school 1 Grammar schools 8 Primary schools 24 Teachers in high school 4 Teachers in grammar schools 13 Teachers in primary schools 24 Music teacher 1 Average number of regular teachers 40.3 Average number of i)upils in daily attendance at Highschool 111-8 Grammar schools 513.8 Primary schools 1,158.8 Total average daily attendance 1.754.4 :fV 390 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COl NTY The percentage of average daily attendance on the average number belonging In tlie high school 95.6 In the grammar schools 94.8 In the primary schools 95 In all the schools 94.9 " The number of graduates from high school prior to 1869, beginning in 1864, were 15 ; in 1869, 5 ; in 1871, 4 ; in^l872, 17 ; in 1873, 11 ; in 1874, 16 ; in 1875, 18. "The course of study adopted in 1869 has been adhered to. The high school course has been cut down to three 3"ears, and the scholars of the A (xrammar Grade, who have been hitherto included in the high school have been confined to their proper department. Written examina- tions are twice a term instead of monthl}^ and promotions twice a year instead of annually. School hours have been reduced to five. Musical instruction runs through all grades, and is in the hands of a specialist in that department. ' The lessons in music,' he says, ' are given daily, and occupy from fifteen to thirty minutes, ac- cording to the age of the pupil. The instruc- tion is thoroughl}^ graded, commencing in the lowest primary grade with the simplest exer- cises in distinguishing and making musical sounds, and advancing b}^ regular gradations to the practice of classic music in the high school.' As Mr. Findley declares himself an original skeptic on the subject of musical capabilities, he may be allowed to state his conversion in his own words : ' Before investigating the subject and hearing the testimon}' of tliose who had made the experiment, I shared in the common belief that musical talent is a special gift, and that only the favored few have it in sufficient degree to make its cultivation desirable. That this is a fallacy has been amply proven. Noth- ing else in all my experience, in connection with the work of instruction has given me such enlarged views of what is attainable in the di- rection of the cultivation of the human powers. We can fix no limits to the possibilities of hu- man culture.' "The competence of women for instruction and discipline has been fairl}' tried in the Akron schools, and the results thus stated in the report of 1874 : ' The average number of regular teachers employed was thirty-seven — all women. I have no hesitation in sa3'ing, that the experiment we have made the last six years in employing none but women as regular teachers in our schools, has been eminently successful.' Moral and religious instruction is a subject wliich undergoes discussion in these reports. The views entertained on this subject b}' successive boards and Superintendents may, so far as they have given them expression, be briefl}' stated. In the second year, the moral nature is recognized as of equal rank with the intellectual. But this cannot have been a senti- ment rather than a conviction, though it led to no definite provision then and there for the moral nature. With teachers of the right ethical tone, the whole matter of ' morals and manners ' in schools might, with safety, be left, and this is where the earh' boards seem to have left them. In the tenth year, came the rule for the qualified reading of the Bible as an opening exercise. In the twelfth j-ear, ' moral culture,' heretofore neglected, or but little cared for, ' was assigned a rank with draw- ing and music' In the fifteenth year, Mr. Hole gave ' moral training ' a prominence, and introduced Cowdery's ' Moral Lessons,' but the board protested ' that nothing sectarian has been introduced into your schools — nor any sectarian practice permitted.' All Mr. Hole's convictions inclined him to do in the schools whatever could be done for the moral nature, and the twelfth board quotes this with ap- proval : ' It has become quite evident that moral education, not occasional and irregular, but systematic and thorough, is entitled to a fixed position in every system of instruction.' We share the surprise and conviction of Super- intendent Findley, as expressed in his report of 1869 : ' It seems strange that any attempt should be made to divorce intellectual and moral culture. The two are inseparable. Our moral and intellectual faculties are so closely allied as to be scarcely distinguishable to our consciousness ; at least, life's intellectual activi- ties and pleasures find their culmination and ful- fillment in the moral. The moral is the pinnacle of our whole being. A man is whatever his heart is. His faith, his love, his purposes — these deter- mine his character.' He touches the key-note to the whole great question of the Bible in the public schools, in the above passage, and others in the same and subsequent report : ' It is not so much what the teacher says, as what he /.s and does, which effects for good or evil the future lives and characters of his pupils. All the moral and religious influences of the school which is of an}- worth must come as an •l^ CITY OF AKRON. 391 emanation from the teacher's character and life.' ****** "In his report of 1874, the Superintendent called the attention of the board to the neces- sity of employing untrained and inexperienced teachers, as the greatest evil with which they have to contend, without, however, suggesting at that time any remedy. It is but one step from the discovery of an evil or want, to the invention and application of a remed}'. The remedy' in this case is simple, and consists in the conversion of the new Spicer building into a training or normal school. Young ladies, graduates of the high school, without experi- ence in teaching, are employed, nominal salaries for the first year, and set to teaching. Over them is placed a teacher of tried skill and abilit}' in the instruction and government of schools, who oversees and directs the work of the new teachers. It is an experiment which has beeh entered upon during the present year, and has the merit of originality' and simplicity, with a promise of good results. * * * * * * * Certain results have been reached, which are a promise of good fruits in the future. One of these is a demand for a higher education, as shown b}' the increased attend- ance upon the high school, which amounts for the six years ending January 25, 1875, to 234 per cent, while the increase in all the schools has been 50 per cent for the same period. That the suppl}' has kept pace with the demand, ma}' be seen in the fact that, at the close of the spring and summer term of 1874. four boys of the Akron High School passed creditable ex- aminations for admission to Western Reserve College, and three of them entered that insti- tution the fall following. Three of the four were prepared wholly under Miss Oburn, assist- ant in the high school, and the fourth in part. Another gain is the punctuality of attendance, and the substantial cure of tardiness and irregu- larity. This subject is referred to in the report of 1871, which sa^'s : 'Irregular attendance and tardiness have become unpopular with the pupils themselves, and the majority of parents appreciate the importance of punctual and con- stant attendance.' " Miss Herdman remained in charge of the Senior Grammar School with the same eminent success that marked her first year, until the spring of 1874, when she withdrew on account of ill health, and died in the November follow- ing. Her Superintendent saj's of her : ' Her strength of character, combined with fervent affection and genial humor, gave her great power over her pupils. She governed by the strength of her own character, rather than by the inflictions of pains and penalties.' Miss P. H. Groodwin, for many years an assistant in the high school, paid a touching tribute to her memory in a paper read befox'C the teachers' meeting : ' She has given to us an example of a true teacher, wrought out before our eyes in characters of light — a grand six years' object lesson that increases in significance as we study its harmony of parts.' " Mrs. N. A. Stone contuiued in charge of the high school as Principal until the close of the school 3'ear, 1873, a period of five 3'ears, with the same success and abilit}' which marked her first year, and then resigned for a 3'ear of rest and travel. She was succeeded by Miss Maria Parsons, who still holds the position, and is eminentl3^ faithful and successful in it. Many teachers in the Akron schools, not alread3' named, have attained a high degree of success ; but for a long and faithful service of sixteen years, Mrs. M. L. Harvey deserves honorable mention. During the first ten 3'ears of the schools, the labor of supervision, now per- formed b3- the Superintendent, was thrown upon the Board and Examiners ; and for the faithful and valuable services, the three first Presidents of the Board, Messrs. Bierce, Carpenter and Howard, and the three first Examiners, Messrs. Carpenter, Berr}' and Smith, deserve to be hon- orabl3' remembered ; especially Gen. Bierce, for eight 3'ears of service on the board — six of these as President ; and Judge Carpenter, for four years of service as member of the Board of Examiners — who gave to the schools in that period of construction and organization, the full benefit of their practical ability and generous public spirit. " The first death that occurred in the board was that of Dr. Joseph Stanton, in the year 1 855, of whom the board of that year say : ' In his death the board has lost a valuable member, the State an honorable citizen, and the cause of education an earnest friend.' The death of Houston Sisler, member and late Treasurer of the board, is announced in the report of 1861- 62, and of him the board say : ' We can bestow no fitter eulogy upon him than to sa3' that he ■^ ±1 392 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY was an honest, intelligent and conscientious man, just to himself, and just and generous to his neighbors.' The death of J. K. HoUoway is recorded at a meeting of the board April 18, 1874, and in him the board ' mourn the loss of a valuable member, a c )ngenial companion, an esteemed friend, and useful citizen.' The fol- lowing have been Presidents of the Board of Education of Akron for the periods named : Gen. L. V. Bierce, six j-ears ; Judge J. S. Cai*- penter, two years ; Dr. E. W. Howard, two years ; C. B. Bernard, two years ; Rev. S. Will- iams, three years ; M. W. Henry, two years ; Dr. I. E. Carter, two 3^ears ; Dr. William Bow- en, one year ; Judge S. H. Pitkin, two years ; George W. Grouse, two years ; Lewis Miller, two years ; Dr. Thomas McEbright, one year. There was fitness in the choice of these gentle- men as presiding otficers of the board." This closes the sketch of Judge Bryan, and but little more can be said of the public schools of Akron. In the foregoing, their history has been traced from a period when they were in a " chaotic state " to their present perfection. We will add but a few names and statistics. The following is from the last report of the Board of Education to the Countj^ Auditor : Balance on hand September 1, 1879 $26,423 32 State tax 6,697 50 Irreducible fund 429 37 Tax for school and schoohouse purposes. 85,953 76 Amount received from sale of bonds 5,000 00 Fines, licenses, etc 1,282 50 Total receipts $75,795 45 Whole amount paid teachers in common schools $37,507 50 Paid manager or Superintend- ent, 2,000 00 Paid for sites and buildings, . . . 9,641 25 Interest on redeption of bonds. 26,486 67 Paid for fuel and other ex- penses 9,892 39 Total expenditures $75,527 81 Balance on- hand September 1, 1880. .$ 267 64 Total value of school property 105,000 00 Number of teachers employed 56 Average wages paid teacliers per month $49 00 Pupils enrolled : Primary— males 1,448; females 1,417 2,865 High— males 61 ; females 129 190 Total 3,055 Average daily attendance: Primary — males 1,154; females 1,121 2,275 High— males 48; female 102 150 Total 2,425 The following is the roster of teachers* for the present year (1880-81), according to the grade or department in which they are em- ployed : Prof Samuel Findley, Superintendent of Instruction. High School : Wilbur V. Rood, Principal ; M. J. 0. Stone, Assistant ; M. A. Strong, Assistant ; M. E. Stockman, Assistant ; Ira Baird, Assistant. Grammar Schools, Grade A — J. A. Newberry, Principal ; M. M. Parsons, Assistant. Grade A and B — N. J. Malone, Principal ; Lizzie Bowers, Assistant. Grade B — S. A. Hi His, Principal ; Estelle Simmons, Assistant. Grade C — Mar}- Baird, Principal ; Carrie Allen, Assistant. Grade C and D — Clara Hemmings, Principal ; Cai'rie McMillan, Assistant. Broadway School : Sarah C. Lake, Principal, and teacher of D Primary ; M. C. Andrews, D Grammar ; Lida M. Dussell, A Primary ; Lillie Rice, B Primary' ; Lillian Walt- ers, B and C Primary ; Libbie Fish, C Primary. Crosb}' School : Ida B. Foote, Principal, and teacher of C and D Grammar ; Rilla Boardman, A Primary ; S. P. Bennett, B and C Primary ; Malana Harris, C and D Primary. Perkins School : S. I. Carothers, Principal, and teacher of D Primary ; Hattie A. Sill, D Grammar ; H. E. Applegatc, A Primary ; M. A. Bennett, A and B Primarj' ; Helen Fisher, B and C Pri- mary ; Mary A. Sill, D Primarj'. South School : Jennie E. McLain, Principal; Alice V. Chis- nell, D Primar}' ; N. E. Brown, C Primary ; Libbie Berg, B Primary ; Carrie Jones, B Pri- mary ; Addle Hamman, A Primary ; Anna Hol- linger, D Grammar ; Mary Cochran, C Gram- mar. Spicer School : M. L. Macready, Prin- cipal, and teacher of C and D Primary ; Fannie Sisler, C Grammar ; Maggie T. Bender, D Gram- mar ; Kate L. Palmer, A Primary' ; Julia L. Allyn, A and B Primary ; Nellie L. Wilcox, B Primary ; Lillian A. Randolph, C Primary ; M. Elma Campbell, C and D Primary. Sixth Ward School : Ada M. Kershaw, Principal, and teachi^r of C and D Grammar ; M. K. Pearce, A and B Primary ; M. E. Miller, B and C Primary ; Eliza Skidmore, D Primary. Bell School : Sa- rah J. Bardsley, C and D Primary. South Hill School : Clara Chisnell, C and D Primary. * Currected a!id revised by Piof. Findley. v <3 k^ CITY OF AKRON. 393 Teacher of vocal music (two days each week), N. L. Glover. Teacher of writing and drawing, Mary E. Bradley. The Board of Education at present (1880-81), comprise the following gentlemen : First Ward, Thomas McEbright, W. B. Raymond ; Second Ward, S. M. Burnham, W. C. Jacobs ; Third Ward, A. M. Armstrong, Lewis Miller ; Fourth Ward, E. W. Wiese, N. N. Leohner ; Fifth Ward, F. L. Bishop, F. L. Danforth ; Sixth Ward, J. A. Baldwin, H. J. Griffin, with Thomas McEbright, President of the Board ; E. W. Wiese, Secretary, and W. B. Ra^'mond, Treasurer. The term of service of the present board will expire in April, 1881, but not in time for an}' changes that may occur to be corrected for this work. Buchtel College now claims our attention. The following excellent sketch was written by Bev. Orello Cone, D. D., President of the insti- tution, at our special request, and is given in full. President Cone notices the founding of the college, and traces its history down to the present time. His sketch is as follows : The founding and establishment of Buchtel College, in the city of Akron is due to a move- ment which originated with the Universalist Church of the State of Ohio. In the year 1867, the Ohio State Convention of Universalists, composed of the clergy of the State, and repre- sentatives from all its parishes, heard a report from its Committee on Education in favor of establishing a Seminary for the education of the young of both sexes. At the next annual session of the convention, in June, 1868, a plan for the establishment of an academy was pre- sented by Rev. Andrew Willson, and unani- mously adopted. This plan was not, however, carried out, and, in 1869, the convention recon- sidered its former resolution, and authorized the Board of Trustees and Committee on Edu- cation to take the necessarj' steps for the estab- lishment of a college. The Board of the Con- vention then consisted of Rev. J. S. Cantwell, Rev. Andrew Willson, Rev. H. L. Canfield, Rev. J. W. Henley and 0. F. Haymaker, Esq.; and the Committee on Education of Rev. E. L. Rexford, Rev. M. Crosley and Rev. B. F. Eaton. In view of the near approach of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Universalist Church of the United States, it was desired to make the new college the centennial offering of Ohio. Accordingly, at a joint meeting of the above-mentioned board and committee, held in November, 1869, Rev. H. F. Miller, of Indiana, was invited to become their Financial Secretary, to supervise and direct the raising of the money necessary for buildings and endow- ment. Mr. Miller accepted the invitation, and entered upon the duties of his office in Janu- ary, 1870. Petitions from several places praying for the location of the college were received and con- sidered by the board, and finallj^ at a joint meeting held in Columbus, February 16, 1870, the location was fixed in Akron on the condition that the citizens of Summit County legally se- cure $60,000 to the State Convention of Uni- versalists. In pursuance of this oflTer, a prompt and vigorous effort was made at Akron to secure the location of the college in that city. John R. Buchtel led off with a subscription of $25,000 for the endowment fund and $6,000 for the building. He was followed by others so that on the 31st of May, 1870, the Financial Secretary was able to report to the Board of Trustees and Committee on Education that the ^60,000 necessary to secure the location of the college at Akron had been subscribed. This body then in a joint meeting on the above- mentioned day, passed a resolution locating the college which was then called the " Uni- versalist Centenary School of Ohio," in the city of Akron, and named as " corporators " to act in conjunction with itself. Rev. H. F. Miller, Rev. Willard Spaulding, Rev. George Messen- ger, Henry Blondy, Esq., and the following resident freeholders of Summit County : John R. Buchtel, Hon. N. D. Tibbals, E. P. Green, Esq., Col. George T. Perkins, James A. Lantz and George Steese, Esq. The steps prescribed by the laws of the State of Ohio for the organization of the corporation were then taken, and articles of association were drawn up and adoj^ted. The association which took the name of " Buchtel College " and organized " for the establishment and mainte- nance of a college of learning for both sexes, to be under the control of the Ohio State Con- vention of Universalists," was composed of John R. Buchtel, Rev. J. S. Cantwell, George T. Perkins, Henry Blond}', Rev. George Mes- senger, Rev. B. F. Eaton, N. D. Tibbals^Rev. J. W. Henley, E. P. Green, 0. F. Haymaker, Rev. Willard Spaulding, James A. Lantz and George Steese. It was made the duty of these to elect a Board of eighteen Trustees, five of whom i> V ^ 394 HISTORY OF SI^MMIT COUNTY. should always be resident freeholders of Sum- mit County, and who should be the directors of the college with power to make all necessary by-laws, erect suitable buildings, etc. It was provided that after the first election of Trustees by the corporators, the Ohio State Convention of Universalists should at each annual session nominate at least fifteen persons whom they may think to be suitable for the office of Trust- ees, and that the acting Trustees should from the persons so nominated make all elections and fill all vacancies. The first board elected was composed as fol- lows : For three years, John R. Buchtel, Presi- dent, H. Blondy, Philip Wieland, J. D. Auger, E. P. Green, George T. Perkins ; for two years. Rev. H. L. Canfleld, Rev. E. L. Rexford, Gen. James Pierce, J. F. Seiberling, Rev. J S. Cant- well, Hon. N. D. Tibbals ; for one year, 0. F. Haymaker, S. M. Burnham, Secretary ; J. R. Cochrane, Charles Foster, Rev. George Messen- ger, Avery Spicer. George W. Crouse, not a member of the board, was appointed Treasurer. As early as the next meeting of the board, December 28, 1870, it was voted that the Finan- cial Secretary' be authorized to make contracts for perpetual scholarships at 11,000, and a com- mittee was appointed to prescribe a form of contract for such scholarships. It was not, however, until November 19, 1872, that the report of this committee was made to the board, when the form of contract presented was adopted. According to this form, the donor agrees to pay at his decease the sum of $1,000 to found and secure for himself and heirs a perpetual scholarship in Buchtel College, and agrees to pay interest annuall}' on this sum, at a rate per cent to be agreed upon when the con- tract is signed. This rate of interest has gen- erally been fixed at 6 per cent. The privileges of these scholarships were limited, by action of the board, to the regular courses in the college and preparatory department, and may be used to defray the expenses of •' tuition and room rent as defined by the catalogues," but do not "include any extras therein specified." On the 28th of December, 1870, plans for the college building were submitted to the board by the architect, Thomas W. Lilloway, of Boston, and a building committee of seven was appointed to proceed with the construction of the edifice according to the plan adopted. The building was located on an eminence overlook- ing the city of Akron, and said to be one of the highest points of land in the State. On the 4th of Jul}', 1871, the corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies, and an address was delivered by Hoi'ace Greeley, on " Human conceptions of God as they effect the moral education of the race." The address was a masterly advocacy and defense of Theism in opposition to the spirit and tendency of an atheistic materialism. At no time, probabl}', within the next half-centur}', will the following vigorous words of this great and good man be inappropriate in the contest between these con- flicting and apparently irreconcilable forces of modern thought : " There are those who talk sonorousl}', stri- dently of law — of the law of development or progress — as though they had found in a word a key which unlocks all the mysteries of creation. But I am not silenced by a word ; I demand its meaning, and then seek to determine how far that meaning bridges the gulf which the word was invoked to overleap. To my appre- hension law is the dictate of an intelligent will, or it is nothing. That it should please the Author of all these things to make each ma- terial bod}' to attract every other in a ratio pro- portioned to their relative weight, and with an intensit}' corresponding to their distance from each other, I readily comprehend ; that such at- traction should inhere in and be inseparable from matter as an unprompted impulse, an in- evitable property, I cannot conceive. To ray apprehension gravitation, magnetic attraction, electricity, etc., are properties of matter which in themselves afford proofs of creative purpose —of Omnipotent design. In short, whatever demonstrates the presence of law in nature at- tests the being and power of God." It can hardl}^ be out of place in the histor}' of the foundation of a college, to quote Mr. Greeley's estimate of the function of this class of public institutions : " This, then, I apprehend, is the proper work of the college : To appreciate and measure, and undistrustfully accept and commend, the gigantic strides which physical science is mak- ing in our day, yet be not swept awa}' by them ; to lend an attentive and unprejudiced ear to the bold speculations of our Darwins and Hux- leys, wherein the}' seem almost to lay a confi- dent finger on the very heart of the great mys- tery of life, without fear that they will ever >^, CITY OF AKRON. 395 evict God from His uniA^erse, or restrict Him to some obscure corner tliereof; to welcome all that is true and beneficent in the impetuous currents of modern thought, but not to exag- gerate their breadth and depth, nor accept their direction as authoritative and final ; to proffer a genial and gracious hospitalitj- to whatever is nobl}^ new, yet hold fast, and from time to time assert, the grand old truths which are grounded in the nature of man and his relations to the universe, in the firm assurance that no discov- eries in science, no advances in human knowl- edge, can ever invalidate or ever belittle the Golden Rule, and no conclusions of philosoph}- ever equal in importance that simple affirmation of the untaught Judean peasant, who long ago perceived and proclaimed that God is Love." Rev. T. B. Thayer, D. D., of Boston, Mass., having declined a call to the presidency of the college, a call was extended to the Rev. S. H. McCallister, of New Hampshire, in March, 1872, which was accepted. The building was rapidly pushed to completion, and was ready for occupancy in the fall of 1872. On the 22d of September of this year. President McCallis- ter was inaugurated, the college having been opened for the reception of students a few days before. The Faculty was constituted as follows : Rev. S. H. McCallister, A. M., Pres- ident, and Professor of Mental and Moral Phi- losophy ; N. White, A. M., Professor of An- cient Languages ; 8. F. Peckham, A. M., Profes- sor of Natural Science ; Carl F. Colbe, A.. M., Professor of Modern Languages ; Miss H. F. Spaulding, L. A., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature ; Alfred Welsh, A. B., Pro- fessor of Mathematics ; H. D. Persons, Profes- sor in Normal Department ; Gustavus Sigel, Professor of Music ; Miss Hattie L. Lowdon, Teacher in English. The number of students registering the first year for the classical course was only seven, of whom six were classified as freshmen and one as junior. Tliese entered for the regular col- lege course of four years. For the short course of two years, called the philosophical course, thirt3--nine registered. The academical or pre- paratory department, numbered 171, making a total of 217, of w4iom 119 were gentlemen, and 98 ladies. This was the greatest number in attendance at one time during the year. The large number of ladies in attendance is worth}' of notice, as showing the confidence of the public at this time in co-education. Co- education was, indeed, no longer a novelty in the West, the experiment having been pretty thoroughly tested in Oberlin, Delaware, Anti- och College and other institutions. It is proper to add that the experience of Buchtel College up to this time (1881), has tended to confirm its officers in the opinion that the founders of the institution acted wisely in opening its doors on equal terms to both sexes. At the opening of the college but two courses were established — a classical course of four years with three years of work in the prepara- tory department, and a philosophical course of two years with preparatory work of three years. The classical course corresponded with that usually pursued in colleges in the United States, and has continued substantially the same to the present time (1881), except that in 1879 it was considerably strengthened in the department of mathematics, so that it is now equal to that of the best colleges in the country-. The philosophical course of two years, with three years of preparator}- study was extended to three years in 187-1, with two years of pre- paratory work, and was called the Philosophical and Engineering Course. In 187G, the name was again changed to that of Philosophical Course, when it was extended to four j'ears, with two years of stud^^ in the preparatory department. Besides the regular English studies usually pursued in college, it contained the modern languages, and the usual course in natural science, and was especiallv strong in mathematics. In 1878, this course was discon- tinued, and, in 1879, it was restored as a four years' college course, with three years of pre- paratory study, and Latin was substituted in place of the higher scientific and mathematical studies which it had formerly contained. As such it remains to this time (1881), containing the modern languages (two years of German and one year of French), the usual English studies, a thorough coui-se in the natural sciences and mathematics, and most of the Latin of the classical course. In 1874, a scientific course of three j'ears, with two years of preparatory work, was established, containing, in addition to the usual English, scientific and mathematical studies, all the Latin of the classical cour.se. In 1876, this was made a four years' course, with two 3-ears of pi'eparatory work. In 1877. the ^ ^1 -V- 5 396 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Latin work was reduced to Csesar, Cicero and one session of Virgil. In 1879, it was changed into a scientific course in the stricter sense of the term b}' excluding Latin, with the excep- tion of one year's work in this language in the preparatoiy school, in which form it remains to the present time (1881). It has now four years of college and three of preparatory work, and is especially in English and mathematics, including studies in engineering. It belongs to the history of the college to mention a course established for ladies in 1877 under the name of the Ladies' Literary Course. This was a course of four years, and the prepa- ration required was the ordinar^^ discipline in the common P]nglish branches. In 1878, it was made a three years' course, with two 3'ears of preparatory discipline, and, in 1879, it was discontinued. It will be seen that the college courses, as now constituted, embrace (1) the ordinary clas- sical course ; (2) a philosophical course, from which Greek is excluded, but which contains most of the Latin of the classical course, P]n- glish studies, German and French, a thorough discipline in the natural sciences and the mathe- matics usually taught in colleges ; (3) a scien- tific course, which is without Latin or Greek, but contains French and German and natural science, and is especially strong in mathematics (including studies in engineering) and in En- glish. The college has been generality fortunate in its Facult}'. The changes have been few, and some who began their work with the opening of the college are still members of its Faculty. It has had three Presidents : 1. Rev. Sullivan H. McCallister, D. D., as- sumed the office at the opening of the college September 11, 1872. He was ordained to the Universalist ministry in 1854 ; had filled several important pastorates, and been for some years wrincipal of Westbrook Seminar^', located at Pevens Plains, near Portland, Me. He won Stany friend.s during his administration, which mas distinguished b}^ a singular disinterested- ness, consecration and devotion to his duties. Dr. McCallister offered his resignation at the close of the college 3'ear, June, 1877. It was not, however, accepted until June, 1878, at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. He has resumed pastoral work, and is at present settled in Bellows Falls, Vt. 2. Everett L. Rexford, D. D. He gi'aduated in 18G5, at the Theological School of St. Law- rence University, Canton, N. Y., and settled as Pastor over the First Universalist Parish in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thence he moved to Co- lumbus, accepting a call to the church in that city. The New Universalist Parish in San Francisco, recognizing his distinguished abil- ity as a pulpit orator, soon after secured his services as Pastor, from which field of labor he removed in 1878 to Akron, and assumed the Presidenc}' of the college, and the pastorate of the Universalist Parish in the city. After two years of service in this double capacity, he re- signed, and accepted a call to the pastorate of the New Universalist Parish, in Detroit, Mich., where his abilities as a preacher have won a striking success. 3. Rev. Orello Cone, A. M., D. D. He en- tered the Universalist ministry from a profes- sorship in St. Paul's College, Palmyra, Mo., in 1862, and was ordained in 1864, as Pastor of a church in Little Falls, N. Y. He was called to the Chair of Biblical Languages and Literature in the Theological School of St. Lawrence Uni- versity, Canton, N. Y., in 1865, and held this position for fifteen years, when, in 1880, he ac- cepted a call to the Presidency of the college. The professors and instructors who have served in the colleafe are as follows : 1. Rev. Nehemiah White, A. M., Ph. D. He was a graduate of Middlebur}- College, Ver- mont, and was Professor of Mathematics in St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., from 1865 to 1869. He assumed the Chair of Ancient Languages in Buchtel College, on the opening of the institution, and served until the close of the fall session, in 1875, when he accepted a call to the Pesidency of Lombai'd University, Galesburg, 111., which position he now holds. 2. S. F. Peckham, A. M. He was Professor of Natural Science from the opening of the college for one year, when he accepted a call to the Chair of Chemistry, in the Universit}- of Minnesota, where he remained until 1880. 3. Miss Helen F. Spaulding, L. A. She was Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature for one year from the opening of the college. 4. Karl F. Kolbe, A. M. Prof Kolbe is a graduate of the University of Gottingen. and had already had considerable experience as a teacher of modern languages before he took this chair in Buchtel as a member of its first ^ 'k^ CITY OF AKRON. 397 Faculty in 1872. He held this position until the close of the college year in 1877, when he assumed charge, for one year, of an academy in Pennsylvania, after which he returned to the Chair of JModern Languages, which he had left, where he has since remained. 5. Alft-ed Welsh, A. M. He was educated in Baldwin University and was the first pro- fessor of mathematics. He held this position for two years and was then made Professor of Natural Sciences, and served in this capacit}- for one year to the end of the college year in 1875, when he accepted a position as teacher in the Columbus High School, where he still is. 6. Elias Fraunfelter, A. M., Ph. D. He was educated at Vermillion Institute, at Hayesville, Ohio, and was for a number of ^ears instructor in Mathematics and English in that school. In 1866, he was made co-Principal of Savannah Academ}', and Instructor in Mathematics, Nat- ural Science and Modern Languages. He was called to the collage as Professor of Civil En- gineering at the opening of the second year in 1874. The next year he was made Professor of Mathematics (his chair being made to include the instruction in Engineering) in which posi- tion he still remains completing this year (1881) his twent3'-first year of service as an in- structor. 7. Sarah M. Glazier, A. M. She graduated from Vassar College, and immediately accepted a call to the Chair of Natural Science in 1874. After serving in this capacit}' for one year, she accepted a call to a chair in Welleslev College. 8. Charles M. Knight, A. M. After grad- uating from Tuft's College he took the Chair of Natural Science in 1876, which he still holds. 9. I. B. Chote, A. M. He was called to the Chair of Ancient Languages in 1876, which he occupied until the close of the college year in 1878. He is at present studying in Harvard. 10. G. H. G. McGrew. He graduated from Harvard and occupied the Chair of Modern Lan- guages during the absence of Prof Kolbe in 1878. 11. Rev. George A. Peckham, A. M. He graduated from the college in the class of 1875, and was made a Tutor in Ancient Languages and Mathematics in 1876, which position he held for two years. After an absence of one year, as Pastor of a Disciples' Church, he was called to the Chair of Ancient Languages, which position he filled until 1880, when he ac- cepted a call to the Chair of Mathematics in Hiram College. 12. Benjamin T. Jones, A. M. He was ed- ucated at Bethany College, where he was after- ward for some years instructor in Ancient Languages. He was for a number of years Superintendent of Public Schools in Millers- burg and Ashland. In 1880, he accepted a call to the Chair of Rhetoric and English Litei-a- ture, and was the next year transferred to that of Ancient Languages, of which he is still the incumbent. 13. Miss Maria Parsons. She graduated from Putnam Seminary in 1857, in which in- stitution she afterward taught two 3'ears. She has been employed for some twent}- 3'ears in the high schools of Zanesville, Mansfield and Akron, in which last she was Principal for seven years. In the fall of 1880, she accepted a call to the Chair of English Literature in the college. 14. H. D. Persons was, during the first year, a Professor in the Preparator}- Department and afterward entered the profession of journalism in Union City, Penn. 15. Miss Hattie L. Lowdon. She was teacher of English in the Preparatory Department dur- ing the first year. 16. Wallace Mayo, A. M. He graduated from Tuft's College, Boston, Mass., in 1873, and accepted a call to the Preparatory Depart- ment, as instructor in Latin, Greek and other branches, in 1874. He continued until 1876, when he left and went into business in Akron. 16. Miss Mary E. Stockman, L. A. She was called from a chair in Westbrook Seminary, Maine, in 1874, as teacher of Latin and En- glish in the Preparatory Department, and con- tinued until 1876, when she was called to a position in the Akron High School, which she still holds. 17. Miss Susan E. Chamberlain, M. S. She is a gi'aduate of the college, in the Class of 1873, and was appointed teacher in English, in 1874, in the Preparatory Department. In 1879, she was made Professor of Mathematics in the same department, and, in 1881, she was en- gaged as a teacher of English branches. 18. Miss Jennie Gifllbrd. She is a graduate of the Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio. In 1875, she was engaged as instructor in English branches in the Preparatory Department, and was made Principal of that department and 4 398 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Professor of Science and Normal Studies, whicii position she still holds. 19. Miss Mary B. Jewett, A. B. She grad- uated from the College in the Class of 1876, and was appointed tutor in Latin in the Pre- parator}' Department, in which position she remained until 1878, when she accepted a call to a chair in Hiram College, where she still re- mains. •20. William D. Shipman, A. M. He gradu- ated from the college in 1877, and became Pro- fessor of Ancient Languages in the Preparatory Department in 1878, which position he still oc- cupies. 21. Miss Lizzie N. Slade, A. M. (now Mrs. E. F. Voris) was a graduate of the college in the Class of 1877, and became a tutor in the Preparatory Department during the 3'ear 1878. 22. Inez L. Shipman, M. S. She graduated from the college in 1876, and, in 1878, was made a tutor in the Preparatory Department, in which position she remained only during that year. 23. James H. Aydelott, B. S. He graduated from the Normal School in Lebanon in 1878, and became tutor in Mathematics in the Pre- parator}- Department in 1879, entering, at the same time, the Junior Class, and graduating with the same. In 1881, he was made Pro- fessor of Mathematics in the Preparatory De- partment, which position he still holds. 24. Gustavus Sigel was made Professor of Music at the opening of the college, and held the position until 1879. 25. Mrs. K. L. Rexford was made Director of Music in 1879, and held the position until the close of the college year of 1880. 26. Arthur S. Kimball, a graduate of the Boston Conservator}' of Music, was made teacher of Vocal Culture and Harmon}' in 1881 . 27. Miss Ella H. Morrison, a graduate of the Musical Department of the Ohio Wesleyan College, was appointed as teacher of instru- mental music in 1881. Buchtel College, it will be seen, is yet com- paratively a young institution. It has, how- ever, enjoyed a large share of patronage, and is now thoroughl}' organized and equipped for complete college work. Its courses of study are equal to those of the oldest institutions in the State, and it has all the usual apparatus and appliances for instruction in its several departments. Among its present Faculty it reckons instructors of large experience, ripe scholarship and rare skill in teaching and dis- cipline. Its aim is thoroughness and exact knowledge, which it seeks to secure by requir- ing faithful application and conscientious work of all its students. The results of its training already appear in many of its graduates, who are rising young men in several of the profes- sions. The authorities insist on a strict classi- fication, and aim to encourage and promote the class spirit — the esprit de corps — -in all the classes, believing that in this wa}' alone can the permanent success of a college be secured, though it ma}' sometimes lead through diffi- culties, and require the sacrifice of such stu- dents as are destitute of strength and resolute purpose. No student is allowed to graduate who has not faithfully completed the course whicli he has chosen. The college is under the auspices of the Universalist Church, but is not sectarian in its teaching, nor does it attempt in any way to exert upon its students a doctrinal influence. It aims to maintain a high standard of morals, and insists on dignified, refined and genteel de- portment on the part of all under its control. Devotional exercises, conducted by some mem- ber of the Faculty, are held in the assembly room at the opening of every day on which college work is done, and students are required to attend every Sunday the church of their choice, or that which may be designated by their parents or guardians. No excuses from attendance at church are granted to minors, except on request of parents or guardians. Special facilities are offered by the excellent courses in the Preparatory Department for Normal work, and many young ladies and gen- tlemen intending to follow the pi'ofession of teaching in the common and high schools here, pursue the studies preparatory to that work. The Principal of that department is a graduate of a normal school, and has had a large expe- rience in training teachers. The study of ornamental branches has been provided for, and especial attention is given to vocal culture and instrumental music. In- structors in these departments are permanently connected with the college, and pianos are fur- nished for practice. The property of the college, including build- ing, grounds, philosophical and chemical appar- atus, furniture, etc., cost originally about $175,- i^ MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP. 399 000. It has two endowments of $25,000 each given, one by Mrs. L. A. E. Messenger, in mem- ory of her deceased hushand. Rev. George Messenger, and one bj' John H. Hilton, of Akron. There are also two endowments of $20,000 each, one of which was given by the women of Ohio and Pennsylvania, to endow a Woman's professorship. Of this amount, $10,- 000 were given by Mrs. Chloe Pierce, of Sharps- ville, Penn., and the professorship has been called by her name. The other was endowed by J. R. Buchtel, in the name of his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Buchtel. There are thirty scholarships of $1,000 each, of which those already pro- ductive are paying six per cent per annum. Of these, two were endowed by residents of Summit County — John K. Smith and Mrs. John H. Hilton. The students have organized three literary societies — the Bryant and Everett, composed of gentlemen, and the Cary, composed of ladies. They all have well-furnished halls, and two of them have already made a good beginning in the accumulation of libraries. The Greek-letter societies, or inter-collegiate fraternities are represented by two chapters. Buchtel College is named after its most muni- ficent benefactor and real founder, Hon. John R. Buchtel. It will appear from his biography, which is given in another part of this volume, that he has devoted himself to the college with singular consecration from its foundation to the present time. He has come to its assistance in every time of need, and has already bestowed upon it more than $75,000. To its maintenance and endowment he has consecrated his tireless energy and his whole fortune. Among those who were active and prominent in the foundation of the college, and in its di- rection down to the present time, are deserving of especial mention Rev. George Messenger, whose counsel was of great value amidst the difficulties attending its establishment ; Rev. J. S. Cantwell, whose services as editor of the Star in West were unremitting in its behalf, and who has often spoken for it with great effect in public assemblies ; S. M. Burnham, for many years its Secretary ; Aver}^ Spicer, Hon. N. D. Tibbals, E. P. Green, Gen. A. C. Voris, Joy H. Pendleton, F. Schumacher, Henry Blondy, George T. Perkins, James Pierce, and Rev. E. L. Rexford, D. D., active and efficient member of its Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and Committee on Teachers. CHAPTER XII.* MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP— FOUNDING OF THE VILLAGE— EARLY INDUSTRIES— CHARCOAL MANU. FACTURE— NAMES OF EARLY SETTLERS— INCORPORATION— FORMATION OF TOWN- SHIP—ANNEXATION TO AKRON — EDUCATION AND RELIGION. "O, Country! rich in sturdy toil, In all that makes a people great; We hail thee, queen of Buckeye soil, And fling our challenge to the State, We hail thee, queen, whose beauty won Our fathers in their golden years; A shout for greater days begun, A sigh for sleeping pioneers." THE American people are becoming fa- mous for their love of celebrities. In opposition to the democratic theory of human equality, they have become genuine hero-worshipers, and usually select their idols from the nobler specimens of the race. They are not particular whether the per- son be dead or in the full vigor of life. So strong has become this sentiment, that the mind * Contributed by W. A. Goodspeed. is unsatisfied with homel}^ realities, but seeks faultless conceptions that lie within the magic circle of inspiration. Imagination comes for- ward and decks the images with the flowering attributes of nobility. The location of the be- ing worshiped, in point of time, depends upon the age of the devotee, his moral and intellect- ual temperament, and the natural elevation of his soul. The path which men pursue in life, the dark waves they struggle to repel, the placid waters the}' endeavor to traverse, and their tem- poral happiness, depends almost whoU}- upon surrounding circumstances. To the war-like, the names of Alexander and Napoleon will be fresh in the memorj- forever. Musicians bow in adoration at the gi'ave of Mozart. Poets burst into songs of inspiration over the gothic *^^ 400 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. bard of Avon. Philosophers view with wonder the logic of Bacon and Aristotle. Astronomers are astonished at the discoveries of Newton and Laplace. Artists stand entranced before the sublime paintings of Raphael or Angelo. The past is filled with venerated beings, many of whom had no just claims of pre-eminence. The uutrod paths of future years are partially explored bj* the feeble light of existing human experience ; the present is illumed by the daz- zling genius of the progressive man ; and the past, is seen in spectral relief through the many sided prism of the soul. The distance that lends enchantment to the view of the past, hides a cold sterility. Ideality takes the limpid clay of beings long since returned to dust, re-creates it in the image of divinitj', and breathes into it the breath of life. Contemptible creatures are lifted from among the undeserving, and crowned with the bright flowers of unearned greatness and eternal remembrance. Beings with tran- scendent virtues pass into obscurit}- and forget- fulness. The faculty of the human mind to venerate the dead, had its origin in the general results of evolution. It began in its lowest type in primitive and barbarous man, and as it steadily developed, mortals were deified and gods created. Ancestral worship is universal, and has been from time immemorial. The vir- tues or vices of the dead, as one or the other preponderates, are magnified by the passage of time, thus leading inevitably to hero-worship. The demand for such a sentiment, and its steady and rapid growth when begun, have re- sulted in its universal development in man, and have changed the whole current of his life. De- votion to God is the highest type of hero-wor- ship. Devotion to ancestors is second in degree of reverence, while the great beings of the pres- ent and the shadowy ones of the future, afford perhaps the lowest degree. The fact that history is but a record of the lives of men, and the relation of those lives to the plastic forms of social and political being, renders such a study of vast interest to mankind, ' in view of the statement that in the past are found the greater number of those heroes who are venerated by the race. Where is the youth who is not told to imitate the virtues of some person long since dead ? The existence of near relationship mul- tiplies the loyalty of the race to the departed ancestors. How tenderly we cherish the mem- ory of a parent or other dear friend, who has been laid at rest in the silent grave. Histor}- is the record of our hopes, ambitions, experi- ences, thoughts, deeds and accomplishments, and, consequently, is the most important study in the curriculum. But the historian has wandered far from the topic before him, and must retrace his steps. So far as Middlebury has contributed to the history of Summit County, appropriate and ample credit will be given. That it has played the part of a star actor in the drama of the county, becomes evident to those who will take the pains to ex- amine the memorials of its rise and progress. It was at the height of its power and prosperity when Akron was first founded ; and at that time was one of the most important trading- points in Northeastern Ohio. Much of its early history was never recorded, and the fact that all the early settlers are dead, transports the subject to the province of conjecture. An at- tempt, however, has been made to gather the prominent events of early years, with what fidelity the reader is required to determine. A citizen, well known to the people of the county,* writes as follows : " The founder of this village was Capt. Joseph Hart. In 1807, he purchased fifty-four acres of land, including the site now occupied by the village, moved on the farm thus selected, and commenced erecting a mill. He soon after sold one-half of his purchase to Aaron Norton, and the two in company finished the erection of the mill." The building was a one- storied affair, with one run of stone, a large tub wheel, and, from the fact that the Little Cuj^a- hoga, upon which the mill was located, con- tained three times as much water as at present, it was capable of operating the entire 3'ear. Near the spot where it was built, was a natural fall in the stream, of about ten feet. Instead of endeavoring to utilize this fine power, the owners of the mill had built a strong dam about five rods below it, and, at this point, on one side of the stream, was the log grist-mill, and, on the opposite side, a saw-mill, which was built soon afterward. Why the owners did not take advantage of the natural fall of water is difficult to determine. The labor would have been greater, the dam much more insecure, and the cost multiplied, had they done otherwise than they did. At least, these reasons seem to have been in their minds when they selected the mill- site below the fall. A splendid custom work * Gen. L. V. Bierce. ^< .^ MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP. 401 was immediatel}' secured, and the mill continued to be, until the building of the canal, the most valuable mechanical enterprise in the county. Settlers came for flour to this mill thirty and forty miles, and the Middlebury Mills became famous. No merchant work was done, as, on account of the enormous cost of transportation, it was impossible to compete with those mills near the consumer. The mill was a godsend to all the settlers for miles around, and was the cornei*-stone of the Middlebur}- of sixty years ago. After a few years, Mr. Hart died, and his interest went to his heirs. His son, William J. Hart, afterward a prominent man at Middle- bur}', controlled this interest until about the 3'ear 1818, when the settlement of the father's estate having been perfected, the son became the owner of one-half interest in the mill. At this time, about 1818, the old mill was torn down, and a new three-storied frame, 30x40 feet, was erected a short distance above it. Two run of stone were emplo3'ed, and the vast custom trade was renewed. At the death of Judge Norton, the nature of the mill was altered. The saw-mill was operated successfully until the time when the new grist-mill was built, and was then removed. It should be noticed that at this time Mid- dlebury did not exist as it does now. Four townships centered at that point, and the vil- lage had not been laid out. Heavy forests covered the land, and stumps and trees could be seen in all directions. In about the year 1810, John and Samuel Preston, then living in Tallmadge, purchased a small portion of the land belonging to Mr. Hart, and erected there- on a small frame building, in which was placed machiner}' for carding wool and fulling cloth. The machinery was simple, and the work was done largely by hand. Few sheep were in the country at that period, but a few j'ears later the carding-mill had all the custom woi'k it could do. Wool was brought to the mill to be carded, after which it was taken to the cabins to be spun and woven into cloth, and then returned to the mill to be fulled and perhaps dressed. The fulling, dressing and coloring were done by hand. These men continued their enterprise until about the year 1820, when Bagley & Humphrey assumed control, and increased the scope of the mill. They purchased machinery for weaving, and em- plo3'ed a first-class weaver of satinet. They manufactured considerable cloth, which was mostly used at home. Some five or six hands were employed. Mr. Almon Brown remem- bers that he purchased a suit of inferior broadcloth for the consideration of a barrel of whisk\' and $2. One of the industries in early years was a " furnace," erected by Laird & Norton. Con- sidering the meager population in the county at that time, the magnitude of this undertak- ing was gigantic. More than sixt}' employes were connected with it in one way or the other. The ore was obtained in Springfield, Copley, Northampton and other townships, and consisted of two kinds — bog-iron ore and kid- ney ore or stone ore. Large quantities of the latter were hauled by men with teams and unloaded at the furnace. Here it was first burned on log heaps, under which process it crumbled into lumps about as large as a wal- nut. It was then ready for the melting pro- cess. As soon as the molten ore was read}^ it was ladled into moldings, and there received its permanent shape. Man}' large cast-iron kettles were made, some of them containing a hundred gallons. These were sold to the settlers, and used in the manufacture of pot- ash, of which enormous quantities were pre- pared in the backwoods in early years. Smaller kettles for culinary and domestic purposes were also made. Flat-irons, andirons, chim- ney jambs and other useful articles were also provided. One of the chief articles manu- factured was stoves. These were known as box stoves, or ten-plate stoves. Ten distinct iron plates were cast with holes at the coi'- ners, and these were fastened together with iron rods, and sold to the settlers. They were looked upon as the perfection of inventive skill. A house containing one of these, instead of the old fire-place, was supposed to be with- out a care in the world, and its inmates were regarded as the happiest of mortals. The fuel used in this furnace was almost wholly char- coal. A score or more of men were em- ployed to chop the surrounding forests into cord-wood, and experienced colliers were given control of the subsequent proceedings. Under their direction the cord-wood was placed in great bowl-like heaps, often containing 100 cords, after which the whole was covered with several inches of leaves raked up in the forest. This being done, the entire heap was covered Pv jy. 402 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. with some five inches of earth, the leaves serv- ing to prevent the dirt from falling down be- tween the wood. In the center of the heap, a small opening was left, with which air-holes communicated. Here, material was left that fired the kiln after its erection was completed. The fire having been lighted, the blaze slowly ate its way through the heap of wood, under the guidance of the collier, who seemed to know just where it was burning and how rapidly. Care was necessary to prevent the fire from consuming the wood, instead of charring it as desired. A few small air-holes, changed as the charring progressed, were carefully guarded ; and when, in the judgment of the collier, the process was completed, all the air-holes were closed, and in a short time the charcoal was ready to be taken from the kiln. Mr. Beards- lee, who worked in the furnace for a number of 3'ears, says, that a pi'emium of a gallon of whisky was promised the collier for each stick of charred cord-wood he could produce un- broken. Sometimes several were found, in which case the liquor was provided and enjoyed. The kiln was first opened on the lower edge, and, as the wood was yet a mass of glowing- coals, the fire had to be smothered before the charcoal could be loaded into wagons and taken to the furnace. This smothering was done by means of the covering of earth, but air must be kept from the interior, as otherwise the wood would be wholly consumed and the kiln a total loss. It occasionally happened that, either from the structure of the kiln or its subsequent man- agement, the wood and labor were lost in the manner stated. A novice would he unable to tell when the burning was finished, and when the fire should be smothered out. Not so the collier. He could tell from several signs, the chief one being the settling of the covering of earth. The owners of the furnace employed, as stated above, some sixty hands in the vari- ous departments of mining and hauling the ore, melting it, and from the molten mass manufact- uring the desii'ed article, and cutting the cord- wood and burning the kilns and hauling the charcoal. This industry alone would have founded a village around it, as the greater number of the employes had wives and fam- ilies, who lived in the village. Some twelve or fifteen families lived at the village in 1812, and six or eight years later it had a population of between two and three hundred. Just before Akron sprang into existence with its gigantic manufacturing interests, the population of Mid- dlebur^' was almost or quite four hundred, and if the emphatic statements of the early settlers are to be believed, there were no idlers nor loafers. x\nother early and important industry was a nail-factory, begun and conducted by the Sum- ner brothers. The enterprise was begun in 1820, and is said to have been the first "com- bined rolling-mill and nail-factory " in Ohio. From three to five hundred pounds of nails were manufactured daily. The heavy iron was taken, and, by repeated rollings, given the de- sired thickness ; then, by means of suitable machiner}^ run by water-power, the plates were cut into rough nails, and the heading and point- ing process was done entirely b}' hand, the "header"' being able to prepare about one hun- dred pounds per day. The iron was largely obtained from New York, Philadelphia and other Eastern cities, and was transported to the village at the enormous cost of 12^ cents per pound. This was the cost of transportation alone ; four, six, eight and tenpenny nails were manufactured, and, on account of the scanty supply of ready money, the nails, kettles and other articles manufactured in the village became almost a legal tender. These products were exchanged for farm prod- uce, and many a promissory note was given, payable in nails, kettles or agricultural prod- ucts. The fuel used in the nail factory was charcoal, and many men were employed in this branch of the business. A forge was built on the stream, some distance below the village. The furnace, nail-factory and forge, it is said, were capable of consuming from four hundred to eight hundred bushels of charcoal per day. This fitly illustrates the enormous quantity of charcoal prepared. It was not long before the heavy woods, for several miles around, were leveled with the earth and used in the manner stated. This accounts for the denuded condi- tion of the surrounding country. The nails were sold for about 25 cents per pound, and the enterprise was continued until about the year 1828, and then abandoned. About this time Heine & Sherman owned and conducted a small furnace. They likewise made considera- ble potash. All the establishments having run- ning machinery were operated by water-power, most of them having large overshot wheels. It ^ MIDDJ.EBURY TOWNSHIP. 403 was also about this time that a small machine- shop was erected by Nathan Gillett, Jr., at which cards for the woolen-mills were manu- factured, besides other mechanical articles. When the furnace was closed in about 1828, Dr. Crosb}' l)egan manufacturing cast-iron plows on a small scale ; but soon afterward sold out to Daniel Stewart, who enlarged the scope of the enterprise. The plow was " Wood's Patent, " and man}' were manufactured and sold throughout the surrounding countr}'. A Mr. (xraham opened a distillery at a spring a short distance east of the grist-mill. This was about 1811, and terminated in 1815. Considerable liquor was manufactured. Mr. Gillett also con- ducted an establishment of the same nature, beginning in about 1817. It was continued in operation a few j-ears, and manufactured whisk}' at the rate of about eight gallons per day. All this found a speedy home consumption, selling at from 15 to 25 cents per gallon, largely in trade. During all these years, whisky was im- bibed b}^ everybody, and the most respectable people were often engaged in the mauufacture that is looked upon with so much disfavor at present. It is stated that all the leading mer- chants at Middlebui'y, in early years, kept a keg of whisky on their counters, at all times, for the free indulgence of customei'S. A tavern without a bar-room was a novelty that met with comment and criticism, if it did not meet with studious avoidance from the traveling public. In truth, taverns of this character were compelled to suspend business from a lack of patronage. Abstainers were careful not to adopt the occupation of hotel-keeping. Samuel Newton erected a large hotel in about 1817, and continued to entertain the public for many years. His old building was burned down but a short time since. He, on one occasion, bought twentj'-five barrels of whisky of a man in the Miami Valle}^, who was compelled to sell, pay- ing 16 cents per gallon, and finding a I'eady disposal for the whole. An early writer has this to say of Middle- bury : "From 1815 to 1828, business of all kinds increased, and the village became the center of trade and fashion for all the sur- rounding country. It seemed destined to be- come the leading town on the Reserve. As Akron had no habitation, not even a name, Middlebury became the resort of the enterpris- ing and business men, who were bidders and con- tractors on the Ohio Canal. So great was the business at that time (about 1825), that there were no less than sixteen stores in the village, and all doing a good business. Mills, factories, and mechanical shops sprang into existence as if by magic. On the location of the canal, Akron sprang up with its immense water-power, and, for a time, entirely overshadowed Middle- bury. Several of the early friends of the village died. Othei's looking to immediate effects, became discouraged, and with their capital, left the place. The factories closed, the grinding ceased, the thronged streets were transferred to Akron, and the epitaph of Carthage was almost inscribed on her monument. The friends of Middlebury then discovered that prosperity did not lie in speculation nor fashion, but in industry and enterprise. Mechanical estab- lishments began to increase, and the valuable water-power was improved. A company was incorporated by the Legislature of Ohio, called the Middlebury Hydraulic Company, and au- thorized to raise the natural sui'face of Spring- field Lake, in which the Little Cuyahoga had its rise, six feet, and lower it four feet below the natural surface. This gave to the water- power of the village a permanency and suffi- ciency that could at all times be relied on." Aaron Norton, one of the founders of the vill- age, did a great deal in earl}' years to improve it. The same writer continues, " AVhile the Judge was upon the bench, a fellow who had been em- ployed in the Middlebury Mills was indicted and tried for stealing a log-chain. His defense was former good character, to sustain which he called on the Judge who swore his character was about as good as that of millers in general. After the adjournment of court, Gen. Wood- ward, of Franklin, who was a miller took Nor- ton to task for what he called an impeachment of the character of the millers. ' I was bound,' said Norton, ' to swear to the truth. I believe his character for honesty is as good as millers in general, but I believe he stole the log-chain.' " The first tavern was opened by Peleg Mason. In about the year 1815, this man brought a small stock of goods to the village. About three years later, Orriu Pitkin began with a stock. Several others came in within the next two years. By 1 825, ten years after the first store was opened, there were, as stated above, sixteen stores in the village. Among the more prom- inent were H. & H. A. Howard, dry goods, gro- 1^ 404 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ceries, hardware, crocker}', glassware, stone and hollow-ware, tinware, drugs, medicines, surgical instruments, etc.; Hiram Johnson & Co., the same. (These firms bought all sorts of produce, flour, pork, whisky, pot and pearl ash, giving in exchange their goods or paying their mone}-.) McClure Brothers, general assortment ; John McMillan, ditto ; Kent & Oviatt, ditto ; McNor- ton & Cleveland, ditto. Besides these there were H. Briggs, boots and shoes ; James Ross, soap and candle factory ; M. Johnson, druggist and physician ; H. Loveland, attorney at law ; G. F. Norton, ditto ; Barlow & Allen, wool-carding and cloth-dressing ; William Bell, saddles, harness and bridles ; L. Chatfield, fancy and dining chair factory ; Hard & Sumner, wool-carding and cloth-dressing ; H. Rhodes, tavern keeper ; G. Powers, Jr., attorney at law ; McNaughton & Cleveland, tanners ; Mrs. L. Wheeler, mil- liner ; Phineas Pettis, plow manufactory ; John McMillan, grain buyer ; Zenas Chase, boot and shoe maker ; Alva R. Chapman, painter ; B. A. Allyn, cabinet-maker ; Payne & Squire, distil- lers at Old Forge ; Linus Potter, tailor ; Humphrey & Kirkum, attorneys at law ; John & Legrand Hanford, hat manufacturers ; Ed. Sumner, tavern keeper ; McNorton & Cleve- land, grain bu3'ers ; Erastus Tarre}', ditto ; Daniel Crist, boot and shoe maker ; and a multitude of others, in for a short time at various pur- suits. A Masonic lodge was organized in about the year 1822. It was known as "Middlebury Lodge, No. 34." It participated in the cere- monies of the laj'ing of the corner stone of the first college building erected at Hudson. A post office was secured at an early day, and soon a tri-weekly mail was obtained. Hem- perly & Sumner ran stages between Middlebur}- and the villages of Cleveland, Canton and Wooster. While the canal was in process of construction, large quantities of flour, pork and produce were purchased, to be consumed b}' the laborers. When the canal was opened in 1827, several companies of men began buying enormous quantities of grain preparatory to being shipped away when the canal was opened. But the greater portion of this business died out, when Akron sprang full-fledged into life. There was a company of firemen organized at Middlebury in an early day. From the fiict that McMillan & Dodge were engaged in the manufacture of " brake engines," the value of a fire organization was rendered at once easy and desirable. According to the statements of Julius A. Sumner, a " bucket company " was also organized. Whether these firemen had much work to do is not recorded. The Sumner Brothers engaged quite extensivel}' in buying and shipping cattle and horses. Julius Sumner sa3's he crossed the mountains eight times while engaged in this business. Oxen were purchased for about |40 a yoke, and three-year- old steers for some $10 or $12 a head. The brothers rode all over the country, buying 100 or 150 cattle, which were driven to Philadel- phia or New York. Mr. Sumner sa^'s he made $500 on his first drove, and continued the occu- pation until over a thousand cattle had been thus purchased and disposed of A few droves of horses were also bought and driven to New York, whence they were shipped mostl}' to the West Indies, to be used on the large sugar plantations. An independent rifle compan}- was organized in Tallmadge during the war of 1812, many of its members residing in what is now Middle- bury, a considerable portion of which belonged to the former township. It was under the command of Capt. Rial McArthur. The fol- lowing correspondence between the citizens and Gen. Wadsworth is intei'esting. as showing the exposed situation of the country at the com- mencement of the war of 1812 : To THE Hon. Maj. Gen. Elijah Wadsworth, Esq. : Sir: We, your petitioners, humbly pray that you will take into consideration the defenseless condition we are in; therefore, we pray your Honor to issue orders for Capt. Rial McArthur's Independent Company and the Fourth Company of the Independent Battalion. Fourth Brigade and Fourth Division of Ohio Militia, commanded by Capt. Sanuiel Hale, to be retained for public safety, as we are on the frontier ; that said companies be drilled one day in each week, and hold themselves in constant readiness in case of an attack to march at a moment's warning. Those families that were to the west of us have moved into the settlement, and we are left on the frontier ; therefore, we, j^our petitioners, wish you to take this into considera- tion, and act as in yoiu' wisdom you shall see fit, (Signed) Philander Adams, Jesse Neal, Charles Chittenden, Henry Chittenden, Elizur Wright, John Wright, Peter Norton. Springfield, July 13, 1812 Nathaniel Chapman, Aaron Norton, David Preston, Amos Spicer, Hosea Wilcox, Jonathan Sprague, •^s- ■.^ MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP. 405 "k* This communication proves that the citizens in the vicinity of Middlebury were thoroughly aroused to the fact of their exposed situation ; but subsequent events proved that their fears were almost wholly groundless. It may be supposed that the following letter afforded universal satisfaction : Capt. Rial McArthur : Sir: You doubtless are sensible of the critical situation of our country at this time. War being declared by the United States against Great Britain, it becomes necessary, as we have become the front- ier, for the ■whole body of the militia to be in per- fect readiness to meet the enemy ; and, sir, yours being an independent company, I place great confi- dence in your ability and activity in l)eing ready with your company to march and meet the enemy of your country at a moment's w^arning. You will, therefore, please to order your company to meet at any place you may think proper and convenient, one day in each week, and in the most perfect man- ner possible. See that every man furnishes himself with arms and ammunition, and other necessary accouterments for actual service. You will please to inform me after the first meeting of your com- pany of their actual situation, Elijah Wadsworth, Maj. Ge/i. Fourth Division Ohio Militia. Soon after this correspondence was held, the Independent Rifle Company was ordered, first to Cleveland, and afterward to Old Portage, the headquarters of Gen. Wadsworth, and, finally, to the camp of Gen. Simon Perkins, a temporary post on the Huron River. They returned during the spring of 1813, after a short, bloodless, though arduous, service in the field. There were forty-eight men in the com- pany, as follows : Captain^Rial McArthur, Lievitenant — Wiley Hamilton. Ensign — Charles Powers. Sergeants — Alpha Wright, Justus Barnes, Daniel Kennedy, Samuel Clieney. Corporals — Edmund Strong, Shubael Lowery, Jolin Campbell, Justin E. Frink. Drummer — Stephen Butler, Fifer— Ara Gillett. Privates — Philander Adams, Samuel Allyn, Sam- uel Atkins, Christian Cackler, Jr., Titus Chapman, Nathaniel Darrow, Liverton Dickson, Thomas Ellett. David Ellett, Samuel Fogger, Jesse Neal, Asa Draper, David Powers, Samuel Preston, Lot Preston, David Prior, Amos Spicer, Jr,, Joseph Towsley, Jonathan Williams, Abner Green, James Thompson, Henry King, Elisha Perkins, John S. Preston, Norman Sackett, John Wright, Jr., Eph- raim Clark, Jr., Aaron Norton, Joshua King, James Bradley, John Collins, Drake Fellows. Henry Bierce, John Castle, David Preston, Jr. When the above company was first ordered into the service, it comprised but forty-four men, several of whose names do not appear above, and were as follows : Luman Bishop, Charles King, Stephen Perkins and William Prior. The following men were not members of the company during the first enlistment: Samuel Atkins, Asa Draper, David Prior, Jona- than Williams, Abner Green, James Thompson, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Aaron Norton and Joshua King. This company first volunteered, and were ordered into the service of the United States for the protection of the frontiers, on the 22d of August, 1812. Their first term of service ended February 22, 1813. Although the company was then out of service, it did not disband, but kept drilling about once a week. On the 17th of April, 1813, Gov. R. J. Meigs wrote to Gen. Wadsworth, advising him that "The Fort at the rapids of the Miami (Fort Meigs) is threatened with an attack from British and Indians," and ordering him im- mediately to detach " one flank company to strengthen the post at Lower Sandusk}', as the post at the rapids is, I fear, too weak." In pursuance of this order, Gen. Wadsworth, on the 20th of April, 1813, ordered Capt. Mc Ar- thur's company to march to Lower Sandusky immediately, and to take with them five or six days' provisions, or a sufficient allowance to take them to that place. Gen. Wadsworth says in his order, " You will be shortl}' relieved, as a large number of troops are on their march to re-enforce that army." This was the company whose names appear at length above. It will be noticed that many members of the company lived at old Middlebury. Immediately after the surrender of Detroit by Gen. Hull, in August, 1812, Gen. Wadsworth was ordered to organize a brigade of 1,500 men. To eflect this, volunteers were called for, and, finally, the General was obliged to resort to a draft. The company above mentioned, with one or two exceptions, volunteered. Among the drafted were Reuben Upson. John Caruthers, Norman Sackett, Moses Bradford, Ara Gillett and Joth- am Blakeslee. Old Portage was the head- quarters of these forces, and became celebrated on that account. In later 3-ears, Col. John C. Hart organized a regiment of cavalry militia at Middlebury and the surrounding countrj'. It will be observed that almost all the members A^ 406 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of Capt. McArthur's company lived in what is now Summit County. It is now necessaiy to go back and notice other matters relating to the earh' history of Middlebur^'. The village comprises land for- merly belonging to the townships of Tallmadge, Springfield, Coventry and Portage. Some of the first owners of the Middlebury land were Capt. Joseph Hart, Aaron Norton, Liverton Dickson, William Neil and Ara Gillett, in Tall- madge ; Peter Norton, Rial McArthur and others, in Springfield ; Amos Spicer and Jesse Allen, in ('oventr^- ; and Amos Spicer, Jr., in Portage. During all the early history of the vil- lage, and for eleven years after the comple- tion of the canal, the electors residing in the village met to poll their votes in their respect- ive townships — the four mentioned above. The original village was in the southwestern corner of Tallmadge ; but, as it gradually enlarged, portions of the other three townships were occu- pied, after being surveyed into lots. Among the early residents of what afterward became Mid- dlebury, were the following, although this is neither a complete nor a perfect list : Capt. Joseph Hart, Judge Aaron Norton, Rial McAr- thur, Liverton Dickson, Samuel and John Pres- ton, Amos Spicer, Sr. and Jr., Ara (lillett, Peter Norton, William Neil, Barney Williams, Mr. Graham, William J. Hart, George Siiucox, Peleg Mason, Orrin Pitkin, John McMillan, Elijah Mason, Mr. Hazen, Thomas Sumner and his sons, Charles, Holland, Joseph, John, Increase, Edward and Julius A., the latter yet living at Akron ; Nathan Gillett, probably the first Post- master, and many others. The village was first regularly laid out into lots, and probabl}- re- corded at Ravenna, in 1818, by William J. Hart. That portion of the village known as W, was probably the first laid out, as it is recorded in Book F, at Ravenna ; while E and S are re- corded in Books S and K, respectively. It is likely that over fift}' lots were laid out by Mr. Hart, to which additions were made as the rapid growth of the village required. The " boom " at the time of the building of the canal no doubt vastly increased the number of lots, as it did the number of buildings of all kinds. It is likely that the village was incorporated b}' a special law of the Ohio Legislature, enacted during the session of 1837-38, as the following, quoted from the Middlebury records, would seem to imply, if it does not explicitly state : At a meetiug of the (lualified flcctors of the vil- lage of Middleliury, held in said vilhige on the first Tuesday in May, A. D., 1838, agreeable to an act to incorporate the village of ]\Iiddleliury, for the pur- pose of electing officers of said corporation. Roan Clark, Henry Chittenden and William L. Clark were chosen Judges, and Tlieron A. Noble was chosen Clerk of said election, whereupon, the following officers were elected: Henry Chittenden, President of the Council; Theron A. Noble, Recorder; Ros- well Kent, Jesse Neal, Gregory Powers, Thadeus H. Botsford and Harry Pardee, Trustees. (Signed) T. A. Noble, Recorder. These officers were immediately qualified, and entered upon the discharge of their several duties. The following committees were then appointed : T. A. Noble and Gregory Powers, on bj'-laws ; and R. Kent, Jesse Neal, Harry Pardee and T. H. Botsford, on appointments. At a session, May 6, 1838, the " set of rules for the regulation of the Council " was unanimously adopted ; also, Smith Burton was appointed Marshal ; Roswell Kent and T. H. Botsford, Committee on Streets, Highways and Nuisances ; Jesse Newland, Harry Pardee, Committee on Revenue and Expenditure ; and Gregory Powers and T. A. Noble, Committee on By-Laws and Ordinances. Soon afterward, John H. McMil- lan was appointed Treasurer ; Daniel McNaugh- ton, Assessor ; and William L. Clark, Surveyor. The records reveal the fact that the Council be- gan at this time to make a vigorous attack upon all nuisances, and passed several stringent ordi- nances looking to the abatement of the same. On the 21st of July, 1838, it was enacted by the Council '' That the Chief Warden be author- ized to procure a suitable number of hooks and ladders at the expense of the corporation, to be made and finished as he may direct, to be used in cases of fire and not otherwise." The five fire wardens appointed a short time before were Ambrose Cotter, Daniel McNaughton, Samuel Newton, Harry Pardee and John Johns. In 1843. Philpot and Camp were permitted to build a horse railroad through certain streets of the village, the road to be used for the passage of coal obtained in Springfield. In 1845, the first stone bridge over the Little Cuyahoga was con- structed, under the contract of Increase Sumner, who erected the stone work for $1.74 per perch, the whole cost amounting to $578.55. So far as can be learned, the village electors voted in their respective townships until the act of incor- 3 t* MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP. 407 poratiou was passed ; after which, the village, having been constituted an election district, the}' met there to poll their votes. The follow- ing is quoted from the records of November, 1846 : " The Council did not meet at the office of the President in Sherman's building accord- ing to adjournment, because the President was out of town on business, with the ke^' in his pocket. (Signed) George W. McMillan, Re- corder." The second stone bridge was built in 1847, by Abraham Rhodes, at a cost of $350. The total cost was, however, much greater than that amount. The inference from the following, taken from the records of 1849, is, that the sani- tar}' regulations of the village were inoperative or neglected : " Resolved, That $10 be appro- priated for the use of the Marshal in procuring Jifti/ bushels of hme, as required b}' the ordinance relating to nuisances." It is also to be inferred that the desired results were not secured ; for two months later, it was " Resolved, That each member of this Council be appointed a special committee to examine and report what is neces- sary for a thorough cleansing of this town, and to report at the next meeting." The records of a few succeeding meetings, show active work in the right direction on the part of the select committees. Early in 1857, the citizens of Middlebury petitioned the Count}^ Commissioners as fol- lows : " The undersigned householders residing in Middlebury, in said county, respectfully pe- tition your honorable body to erect and set otf a new township, to be composed of the terri- tory' embraced within the corporate limits of the village of Middlebury, in the county afore- said." This petition was signed b}' eighty-four householders of the village. Attached to the petition was " The undersigned. Trustees of the townships interested in the formation of a new township, as proposed in the above petition, hereby give our consent that the said new town- shij) ma}' be erected and set off in accordance with the prayer of said petition, to be composed of the territory embraced within the corporate limits of Middlebury." This was signed by a majority of the Trustees of each township. The County Commissionei'S, at the March session of 1857, proceeded as follows : " The Commission- ers, being satisfied that the majority of the householders residing in the village of Middle- bury had signed the petition, and that the eon- sent of a majority of the Trustees of the sev- eral townships affected by the creation of the new township had been obtained, and that the necessary legal notices had been given, Oi-- dered. That the territory comprised within the corporate village of Middlebury be set off from the townships of Coventry, Portage, Springfield and Tallmadge, and be hereafter known as the township of Middlebury." Notices were also issued by the Commissioners for the qualified electors of the new township to meet at the town hall in Middlebury, on the first Monday in April, 1857, for the purpose of electing town- ship officers. Thus the village remained until the spring of 1872, when the question of its an- nexation to the city of Akron, as the Sixth Ward, was submitted to the electors in both towns with the following result : Votes in Akron — for annexation, 1,042 ; against annexa- tion, 16. Votes in Middlebury ^for annexa- tion, 140 ; against annexation, 26. The neces- sary number of affirmative votes having been secured, each town elected a committee to con- fer with that of the other town, to unite on the terms of annexation. These terms are too vol- uminous to be quoted here, yet it ma}' be said that both towns will be benefited, in the end, by the annexation. The later history of Mid- dlebury will be found in another chapter. The first schoolhouse in Middlebury was erected near the site of the present one, in about the year 1811. It was a small one-sto- ried frame, 20x25 feet, with a broad fire-place in one end. The first teacher is not remem- bered ; but, in 1813-14 and 181^15, J. P. Skinner, from near Ravenna, taught. This man was a skillful disciplinarian and a competent instructor. He received his pay by subscrip- tion, at the rate of some $12 or $15 per month. The three R"s were largely dwelt on, and woe unto the scholar with a neglected lesson. Whis- pering was prohibited, and, in case the rule was violated, dire and summary correction was sure to follow. The old-time school-teachers were very strict about their rules. They usually succeeded in creating an understanding among their scholars that the violation of a rule of the school was an unpardonable offense, and it was often amusing to see how the guilty one lan- guished. Sometimes young men were severely feruled, and more than one school has terminat- ed in a promiscuous fight. One day Mr. Skin- ner, annoyed from having so much laughter in the room, made a rule that the first one that 408 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. laughed out should take the ferule and hand it to the next one that laughed out, who was to do likewise, and so on, and the scholar having the ferule when school was dismissed, should be feruled by the teacher. A short time after- ward some one laughed, whereupon the teacher handed him the ferule, of which he must get rid, or he would be punished when school closed. It passed through several hands, and finally' went to Ira Dixon. The rule was, by this time working altogether too well to suit the teacher. He, therefore, announced that the next one who laughed should ferule Dixon, and the latter should ferule him. Almon Brown and Ira Dixon were great friends, and, when the former saw that the latter was in for sure punishment, his mirth knew no bounds. He endeavored to repress the tide, and his efforts resulted in volcanic peals of laughter. That instantly precipitated events, and the teacher told the boys they must ferule one another. This each one did, laying it on with a gusto not at all appi-eciated by the other. By this time, the gravity of the whole school was seriousl}' affected. Mutterings were heard here and there, and at last a 3'oung man named Denison Williams burst into a roar of laugh- ter. He was feruled by the teacher, greatly to' his mortification, and then the rule that had pla3'ed so much mischief was declared annulled. Such scenes often transpired in the early schools, and even in later ones. There were fifty-nine scholars enrolled dur- ing the winter of 1814-15, at which time the above funny, though serious, event oc- curred. This schoolhouse was used, summer and winter, until 1828, when J. A. Sumner and others were employed to construct what is known in history as the "Old Brick." Both of these houses were used for school, church, town and other purposes. In 1826, Mr. I. N. Mason taught a "select grammar school" in the village. Other terms were subsequently taught. In 1853, the old brick schoolhouse was purchased by the Village Council for $255, and converted into a town hall, to which use it was devoted for many years. It is likely that the present school building was erected about the same time, although nothing is before the wri- ter of this chapter proving that to have been the case. From the fact that Tallmadge was blessed with good churches, and that many of the early residents of Middlebury belonged to these, no efforts looking to the organization of religious societies in the village were made until about the 3'ear 1830. Many of the villagers were laborers in the various shops, and were not professors of religion ; while the few who were professors preferred going to Tallmadge to church, instead of sustaining the cost of erect- ing a building of their own. However, soon after the completion of the Ohio Canal, several religious societies sprang into existence. The Methodists started up at an unknown date. The Presbyterians put up their church in De- cember, 1831, and the Congregationalists, in December, 1845. Other religious organizations have been established, and Middlebury is now well supplied with churches. Many other in- teresting historical events in the village will be found narrated in other chapters. HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 409 CHAPTER XIII.* HUDSON TOWNSHIP — ITS PRIMITIVE ATTRACTIONS — THE FIRST START IN THE WOODS— -OF MOVING ACCIDENTS BY FLOOD AND FIELD"— ON THE BORDER— THE EARLY RESOUR' . OF THE SETTLERS. "The sweet remembrance of the just, Like a green root, revives and bears, A train of blessings for his heirs, When dying nature sleeps in dust." ^'^O form a correct idea of the early history JL of the Western Reserve, it is essential that it should be viewed thi'ough the con- temporaneous history of the parent State. The Pui'itan colony which had been planted in Connecticut some one hundi'ed and sixty years before, had grown to the dignity of a State. Its primitive customs, involving a close union of Church and State, had gi'own with its gi'owth until the chm'ch militant had become the chm'ch triumphant so far as it concerned municipal governments and cormnunities. Each tovni had its ministerial fund, schools were everywhere provided, and a patriotic pride in the individuality of its institutions was the dominant influence with every citizen of the State. The Puritan of the last centmy was no weakling in his least estate, but at this period he was at the summit of his power. Of a robust nature, physically and mentally, he handled the ponderous themes of the time as the mythological deities did thunderbolts, and in the lowest condition of life counted himself " a hero in the strife." Thus equipped, he was aggressive in every fiber of his being, and pushed his conqviests with an imperiousness that abated not a tittle of his eai'thly or heav- enly heritage. It was with something of this spirit that the State maintained her right to the territory embraced by the provisions of her charter, in the midst of conflicting^ claims and the overwhelming opposition of non- claiming States. But when at last in the interest of harmony, Connecticut sun-endered her preten- sions, save to the Reserve, and finally relin- quished her jm-isdiction to that, she had sun-endered only her feeblest power. Her * Contributed by J. H. Battle. conquering spirit laid hold of its civilization, and in the hearts of its citizens she rules the Western Reserve to-day. The early settlement of the Reserve was an effort to reproduce in this Western wild the honored institutions of the motherland. This was the beginning of the golden period of the Connecticut churches, a period marked by revivals of religion throughout the State, dis- tinguished for their power, purity and perma- nent influence, gi'eatly enlarging the chm-ches, improving the moi-als of society, and bringing the people of the State, to a great extent, under the control of religion." It was just at this time also that the Connecticut method of " missions to the new settlements " was com- pleted, which was destined to play so impor- tant a part in the New Connecticut; and these civilizing influences combined to leave an impress upon the plastic civilization of the new land that has been ciystallized in the cult- m'e of to-day. These influences were early marked, and perhaps nowhere more distinctly than in the region which is now embraced in Summit County. A letter from the Western Reserve to Eastern friends dated 1812, reads as follows: "I like Tallmadge better on sev- eral accounts than any other place I have seen. The settlers in this toA\Ta are much the most respectable of any on the Reserve. There is provision made for the pennanent support of preaching, which is not the case in any other town." Another letter dated from Tall- madge in the same year, speaks in the same strain: "I am persuaded that if any of om' fi'iends tliiulv of going to a new country, they will find none that they will be so well pleased with, either on account of the quality of the land or of the society. I do not think there is in the State of Connecticut a society where there is that attention paid to the Sab- bath, and to religion generally, that there is ^^ 410 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. here. There are very few who do not attend meeting regularly, and very few prayerless families." There is no question but that the early histoiy of Tallmadge was exceptional in some respects, but of Hudson it was scai'cely less true. Its founder, the son of a tailor who taught his children as he plied his trade, grew up to advanced manhood embracing skeptical notions. Caught by the sweeping power of the chiur.h movement of this period he was converted, and with the characteristic practi- cability of the Pm-itan mind, he sought an opportunity to prove his faith in work. The missionary spirit that had begun to pervade the religious communities of his native State, and the recent organization of the gi'eat Land Company, prepared the way which he adopted without hesitation. Zealous in his new found faith, " he wished to do something to repair the injury he had done, and to advance, to the extent of his ability, the interests of that cause which he had early labored to destroy. These were the views that led him to emigrate. * * * * The early efforts and sacrifices of the men who came to Hudson, show that they were actuated by the motives I have ascribed to them. They never suffered the Sabbath to pass by after the settlement was commenced, without religious worship; and by great effort and great pecuniary expendi- ture, they provided for the enjoyment of relig- ious ordinances among themselves, and sought to promote the progi-ess of religion in this part of our country. It was the first desire of ^Ir. Hudson's heart to see the day when a chm'ch shou^ld be organized within the town- ship, and he rejoiced in that day. The next object of desire was that this chiu-ch might enjoy the labors of a settled Pastor, and he lived to see that day and was glad. Then it was in his heart to see a house erected for the worship of Grod, and that he saw completed to his great satisfaction. 'But,' said he, 'the college — the college; that was a child of my old age. I never expected to live to see that.' Yet the college was in coincidence with his plans and with his missionary spirit. He spent most of his time in visiting Clmstian families in all parts of the Reserve, and secur- ing the organization of churches and it was with him a matter of painful solicitude, how the infant chm*ches rising up on the Reserve were to be supplied with able, faithful minis- ters, in sufficient numbers to meet their wants. The college came in as the appropriate instru- ment to supply the deficiency."* The site chosen for this enterprise — Town- ship 4, Range 10 — was centrally located in the land company's purchase, and contained what has since proven to be among the best farm- ing lands in Summit County. It was laid down in the original survey, however, as a swamp township and was " equalized " by the addition of 10,000 acres, situated in the town- shi}>s of Norton and Chester. West of the central line of the township the land was cov- ered by an almost impassable swamp, which, filled with innumerable springs, gave rise to the Brandy wine Creek, flowing in a northwest- erly course to the Cuyahoga River and Mud Brook, flowing neaily due south in Hudson but fiu'ther on in its com'se, taking a ciu've to the westward finds an outlet in the Cuya- hoga. A branch of Mud Brook in the south- west part of the township, known as Powers' Brook, and Tinker's Creek, which flows in a northerly com'se in the northeast part of the township, crossing back and forth from Hud- son to Stratsboro, completes the list of the more important water-courses of the township. None of these, however, were found available in the first years of the settlement for such pioneer industries as the community needed, save the latter stream for a short period. Other water-com-ses were foiuid which in the changes wrought by the process of clearing and tilling, have become extinct or insignifi- cant, that afforded suitable power for the early attempts at milling and manufacturing. The township is now inhabited by a purely agri- cultm'al community. The luxuriant growth of heavy timber which once covered every acre, has largely given way to meadow-lands and grain-fields, save where each farmer's woodland gives token of the grandetu* of "God's first temple." The soil in the low- lauds of the western part is largely a black muck, rich but saturated with moistiu'e and liable to frost. In the eastern part the siu'f ace is more rolling with a soil varying from a stiff, stubborn clay to a clay loam. There is *Address by Kev. G. E Pierce, I>. D. ;k* HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 411 but little regularity in the disposition of these varieties, though in the southern and north- eastei'n parts it is said the clay-loam predom- inates. Eighty years of tillage has wrought great changes in the character of the soil, and the swampy portion of the early township has given place to good farms, and it is estimated that not over one thousand two hundred acres of low wet land remains. Water is every- where easily accessible. Springs abound in the western part, while in other portions of the township there is no special difficulty experienced in securing good wells: some artesian wells, however, have been sunk. The soil is the chief material resource of the town- ship, though there is an abundance of a fair quality of sandstone which has been utilized in the constniction of the foundations of the college buildings, most of the residences, rail- road culverts, etc. The chief objection to the stone is its dark color and its lack of weather- ing qualities. These objections would proba bly prove no serious obstacle to its general use, if the more desirable stone was not found in the near vicinity which is placed upon the ground here as cheaply as the product of the home quarries can be got ready for transporta- tion. As in most townships of the Reserve, the social and business center is at the geo- graphical center of the township. An early cluster of houses in the southern part of the township on the central road has given name to the road, and across the line in the adjoin- ing township it is designated, in the nomen- clature of the map, Darrowville. The early jurisdiction of the township embraced what is now known as the towniships of Stow, Boston, Twinsburg, Aurora and Mantua, besides its own territory. As the settlement increased in these tov^^lships the jurisdiction of Hudson became limited to the lines of the original survey, which now bou.nds it on the north by Twinsburg, east by Stratsboro, in Portage County, south by Stow and west by Boston. The original purchasers of this township with its annexes, were Nathaniel Norton, of Bloomfield, N. Y.,Birdseye Norton and David Hudson, of Goshen. Conn. There are no means now of ascertaining the arrangement between these partners in relation to this pur- chase. Nathaniel Norton was a well-to-do farmer in Bloomfield, N. Y., where he had come as an early settler ; Birdseye Norton was a wealthy merchant of Goshen, and David Hudson a farmer in comfortable circumstances, but of little cash capital. From such evidence as the old account books of Mr. Hudson afford, it is probable that Birdseye Norton furnished one-half of the capital and each of the others contributing a fourth, Mr. Hudson probably turning in his Connecticut farm to Mr. Birds- eye Norton. The land was purchased at 52 cents per acre, but with the equalizing annexes the average cost per acre was reduced to 34 cents. Nathaniel Norton, some time in 1S()1, disposed of his share, probably to Stephen Baldwin, Benjamin Oviatt and Theodore Par- mele. The first di-aft of the Reserve was made in 1798. and earlv in the following: yeai'. Mr. Hudson started out to explore and survey the land for the company in which he was a partner. His preparations for his new advent- ui'e were carefully made, as the following exhibit taken from an old account-book shows : David Hudson, Birdskye Norton and Nathan- iel Norton to Norton & Richardk, Dr. : May 11. 1799. £. s. d. By 2 sickles, 8s; 2 bells © 10s 1 8 00 By 1 doz. o-ardeu seeds (cc Is 6d 16 00 By 1 lb. allspice, 4s; 2 hoes, C«) 8s 6d 1 1 00 By 1 grindstone, wt. 62 lbs., fw Id 1 16 2 By 1 pail fa 5s 6d; 7^ lbs lead. 9s 4d. . . . 12 10 BV 1 comb. Is 6d; 1 almanack. Is 2 6 Bv 1 ax, 12s; 1 gallon bottle, os 17 00 By 1 bed-cord, 8s: 1 clothes-line. 6s 14 00 By 9* fts. dried venison, 7 1 By 693 lbs. pork 27 14 3 By 25 lbs. gammon @ Is 4d 1 14 00 By 1 carpenter's adze 14 00 Total £37 15 10 Th(! above articles were bought of Thadeus Ciia- pin. Mav 13, 1799: £. s. .1. To 4 lbs. ginger @ 2s 8; 2 lbs. tea @ 13s6d 1 15 00 To 6 lbs. chocolate @ 3s 6d; to 81 lbs. cheese (a- Is 5 2 00 To44 11)s, chain (fc 2s 4d; to 1.V ll)s. of chalk r«^ 9d..... 5 4 00 To 3 lbs. powder (a 10s: to 3 lbs. pep- per W 4s 8d ' 2 4 00 To 281 lbs. sugar @ Is Id: to 50i lbs. nails (a 2s 20 5 5 To 9^ lbs', leather (« 2s 6d 1 3 9 To 1 small account book 6 00 To 1 quire of paper, 2s 6d; 1 draw-shave, 5s 8d 8 2 412 HISTOKY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. £. 8. d. To 8 narrow axes @ 16s 6 8 00 To 2 bells @ 17s 17 00 To 1 plowshare, 50s 2d; 1 spider, 7s 6d. . 2 17 8 To 2 hoes @7s 14; 1 skimmer. Is; 1 dip- per. Is 6d 16 6 To 2 plane-irons To) Is 8d; 2 chisels ((b 3s. 8 4 To 1 chisel, 2s 6; 1 doz. awls, 8d; 3 awl- hafts. Is 6d 3 8 To 1 spade, lis; 3 gimlets. Is 6d; 3 au- gers, 17s , 19 6 To jacknives, lis, 4d; 1 pincer. Is od. .. 12 10 To i doz. fish-hooks, 3s; 1 line, 4s (used as chalk-line) 7 00 To 1 saw, 18s; 2 set teaspoons, 2s 4d 1 4 To 1 carving-knife and fork, 6s 9d 6 9 To i bushel clover seed 3 4 00 To 12 bushels oats @ 2s 6d 1 10 00 To 1 bushel and i peck herd-grass seed. 1 16 00 To 1 bushel peas, 10s; 2 sets teacups, 5s 8d 15 8 To 1 razor, 6s; razor-strop, 2s 6d 8 6 To 1 shaving-box, 2s lOd; 4 cakes soap, lOd .'. 6 2 To 3 barrels, 24s; 1 hammer, 4s 1 8 00 To 5 first blankets @ 32s 8 00 00 To 3 do («) 16s 8d 2 10 00 To 4i yards tow-cloth @ 3s 13 6 To 3 ax-helves @ Is 3 00 To 1 trowel, 4s; 1 hasp, 2s 6 00 To 100 dollars cash 40 00 00 To 1 set spoons, 3s; 2 knives. Is 8d 4 8 May 15, 1799: To 311 gallons whisky @ 18s 12 14 00 To 1 barrel 8 00 Total £122 4 3 On the same date Nathaniel Norton sup- plied the following items: 1 set harrow-teeth 5 1 4 1 iron kettle 3 4 00 3 bushels of salt @ 10s; 1 barrel, 6s 1 16 00 1 coflfee-pot, agreed at 3s 3 00 90 lbs, bread (0) 3d 12 6 1 hat , 18 00 2 yoke oxen 46 8 00 34' bushels wheat @ 8s 13 12 00 2 yokes and bows, irons, etc 1 6 8 1 cow, 20 dollars 8 00 00 7 barrels® 4s 1 8 00 2 barels pork @ 18 14 8 00 Transportation to Gerundagut 7 4 00 1 boat, 33 dollars 13 4 00 i bushel peas (a^ 5s 5 00 1 bushel potatoes @ 2s 6d 2 6 00 1 bag, 4s 4 00 1 cow. 13 dollars 5 4 00 Total £125 14 4 These articles, involving an outlay of upward of $700, were principally secured at Bloomfield. This point, at that time, was on the frontier, and the overland pioneer to the far West was forced to depend upon the uncer- tain guidance of Indian trails and the survey- or's marks. The thoroughfare of Western travel was by the lakes, and IVIr. Hudson has left a carefully prepared " traveler's guide " over that route as follows: From Black Rock to Buffalo Creek, tlu-ee miles; Buffalo Creek to Five Mile Creek, live miles; Five Mile Creek to Eighteen Mile Creek, thirteen miles; Eight- een Mile Creek to Cattaraugus, twelve miles; Cattaraugus to Four Mile Creek, four miles; Four Mile Creek to Fifteen Mile Creek, eleven miles; Fifteen Mile Creek to Chataqua, twenty-live miles; Chataqua to Lowiy's, six- teen miles; Lowry's to Presque Isle, sixteen miles; Presq^^e Isle to Walnut Creek, twelve miles ; Walnut Creek to Elk Creek, eight miles ; Elk Creek to Conneaut, ten miles; Conneaut to Ashtabula, fourteen miles; Ashtabula to Grand River, twenty-six miles; Grand River to Cha- grin, ten miles; Chagrin to Cuyahoga, twenty miles; a total of 205 miles. The only public source of information in regard to this country was " Morse's Geography," which represented the latter river as navigable for sloops for forty miles from its moiith. On the 22d day of April, 1799, in company with Jesse Lindley, William McKinley, whom he had hired as assistants, and Ira, his son of eleven years, Mr. Hudson started for Bloom- field, N. Y. The party was accompanied by a wagon driven by Thaddeus Lacey, who brought his wife and two childi'en. Mr. and Mrs. Lacey were engaged as purveyor and cook for the party, and were in charge of the supplies with which the wagon was loaded. Their route lay toward Albany, where they arrived on the 24th. Here Mr. Hudson hired Joseph Darrow for six months, at $10 per month, to accompany the expedition, terms similar to those on which the others had been engaged. Their course then led tlu'ough Schenectady, old Fort Schuyler, Onondaga to Bloomfield. Six- teen miles west of Schenectady, Mr. Hudson, leaving his son and Lindlev with the wagon, pushed on ahead with Darrow, making his way on foot to Fort Schuyler on the 29th, where he engaged Jonah Meecham; to Onondaga on May 2, where he added Richard H. Blin to his party, reaching Nathaniel Norton's in Bloom- field on the 5th day of May. Here the little *7" — © HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 413 party was detained eleven days, which they employed in fiu'ther providing for their enter- prise in the wilderness. Here IMr. Hudson fell in with Benjamin Tappan, later known as Judge, on his way to his town of Ravenna. ]VIi\ Ta])pan here bought a yoke of oxen and ]VIi'. Hudson, as will appear in the preceding statement, bought two yoke of oxen and two cows. These animals were conhded to the care of Meacham, who assisted by some of Tappan' s hired men, brought them safely on the Indian trail thi'ough Buffalo, until he found near the lake the west line of the seventh range on the Reserve. This line, the eastern boundary of the present township of Paiuesville, Concoi'd, Chardon, Monson, Newburg, Auburn, Mantua, Shalersville and Ravenna, they followed due south for more than forty miles, crossing the Grand and Cuyahoga Rivers and striking the Salt Spring Indian trail near the southeastern corner of Ravenna, and thence to their desti- nation. In the meanwhile Hudson had his baggage and supplies transported to Grondi- gut Bay, where, to his great disappointment, he found his boat in no condition for u.se. He sent back Eliada Lindley and Farr and Straight, whom he had secured at Bloomlield, and obtained passage in one of Tappan's boats for himself and DaiTow. He also had the good fortune to find Eli as Harmon here, about to start out with his wife for Mantua. In one of his boats he obtained passage for Blin and McKinley, dividing such of his store as he was able to take between the two boats. This was on the 16th of May, but meeting with bad weather the little fleet did not reach Niagara until the 22d, when to their astonishment they found the river full of floating ice. They proceeded up the river, however, against the united strength of the cmi'ent and floating ice, and with great effort reached Buffalo Creek on the 26th, where they were blocked up with ice " at least twelve feet high." Happily the ice broke up that night leaving Lake Erie clear, but with so heavy a swell rolling that the expedition was obliged to lay by until the 29th, when for three days the lake was almost at a dead calm. Prompt use was made of these advantageous circumstances, the little party rowing from Buffalo to Elk Creek, a distance of 120 miles in the meantime. On the 1st of June they put out and attempted to continue their jomTiey and rowed six miles, but they were obliged to beach their boats at Crooked Creek, and lay wind- bound for several days. "On the 5th," says IVIi-. Hudson, " we put out fi'om Crooked Creek and dined in Conneaut, with a fair wind fi'om the northeast. At 2 o'clock P. M., the wind shifted into the north and blew on the shore with such violence that the boat in which myself and Darrow were, and which was heavily loaded, filled with water before a single article could be got on shore. With most unremitting and violent exertion, we saved oin: boat and loading, and spent the remainder of the day and part of the next in diying our loading which was much damaged with water. On the 7th and 8th we sailed to Grand River, using the bed blankets as sails. The boat in which McKinley and Blin had taken passage and which was in oiu- company, fai'ed worse, it being stove, and a part of my potatoes went thi'ough her bottom. But after the wind had subsided they got her up, and with the help of my nails they so far repaired the wTeck that they got her into Grand River with her loading on the same day we got there."* This was the destination of JNIi-. Harmon's goods and as there was no way of securing the transportation of the goods on board, he pui'chased this boat of IVli*. Harmon for $1 and proceeded with his boat, leaving Blin and McKinley to proceed up the river some fom* miles, discharge Harmon's goods and then to continue the joiu-ney to the Cuya- hoga River. Without waiting for his second boat, Mr. Hudson j^roceeded, reaching the Cuyahoga River on the 9th, where, on the following day, finding that the other boat had not come up, he left Darrow to assist the inen up the river. He also took the precaution to lighten IVIi'. Tappau's boat of a large part of his stores, leaving them to be broiight on by his newly pm-chased boat, and proceeded up the river. The season previous to their coming having been very dry. they had proceeded but a few miles when they found the water in places only eight or ten inches deep, and were often obliged to get out, join hands and di'ag their boats over shallow ]>laces. In this way they *Diary of David Hudson. 1^ 414 HISTORY OF SUAnilT COUXTY. proceeded until the 12th, when they reached such a rapid ciuTent that it was impossible to draw the boat any further. Mr. Hudson con- tinues in his diary as follows: " I, myself, went on the land searching for some survey- or's line whereby we coiild find oxu' township. In this place my men overtook us, and to my great concern informed me that my boat had been })lundered the night before of a consider- able quantity of whisky. ])ork, flour and some few potatoes. The men suspected of this vil- lainy was an Indian in the Sandusky tribe, and a white man who calls himself Armstrong. They are two villains, famous in this quarter, and their conduct is not allowed of by their chiefs. " 13th. — We now took a part of Tappan's load into my boat, and by our united strength we got the two boats along slowly up the rapid and shallow water, I still continuing on the land searching for some town line. In this way we proceeded until the 17th, when, as I had not been able to find any land mark, we determined to take a few days' pro- visions and strike our course in a southeast direction till we could find some clew whereby we could tell what part of the world we were in. It was at this time I most heartily re- pented having undertaken the expedition, but I must now persevere. I proceeded with my men and Tappan with several of his assistants, and to my great joy found the southwest cor- ner of No. 4, Range 10, at about 11 o'clock on the 17th of June. I immediately went about making a road, getting oiu* stores up from the river, and in endeavoring to get a road into the middle of the town. In the lat- ter attempt a new dilficulty was met. I tried at many places and could find no pass for a road across a swamp which stretched itself from the south line of the town, aboiit three and a half miles, as I afterward found in a northerly direction about one-half mile from the west line. I afterward went across the swamp and found excellent land beyond. In this dilemma. I determined to set my men at work on the west side of the swamp", until the land could be so far surveyed as to find some pass for a road. We found it a work of time and difficulty to get a road across the gullies which lie in No. 4, Range 11 (Boston), but, by the 25th of June, we got some of otir things on." By a very happy combination of circum- stances the cattle, of which the explorers were just now begimiing to need, arrived at the land- ing on the 18th, just one day after the discov- ery of the township line. The journey of these men over some three hundred and fifty miles, guided ])y the tortuous trails of the Indian and the township lines of the siuweyor, through a totally unknown land, was one of the difiiculties of which we are scarcely able to appreciate. Their mode of traveling was to secure firmly upon the backs of the oxen several bags of flour and pork, together with two blankets and an ax. They waded fordable streams and compelled their cattle to swim those that could not be forded, crossing these streams themselves with their provisions on rafts hastily constructed of sticks. The teams thus happily at hand, rude sleds were con- structed and the labor of transporting the goods from the boats to the place where Mr. Hudson had decided to begin operations com- menced. In the meanwhile a road had been cut out and a bark shelter erected. The cattle were greatly tormented by the immense swarms of flies that attacked them at all times, nearly di-iving them mad. It is said they actually killed one of Mr. Tappan's cattle. Aboiit this time David Kellogg with his wife, applied to be taken into Mr. Hixdson's employ. He had come out in the service of Mr. Tappan, but for some reason desired to change his service. Judge Tappan afterward took occasion in the public prints to say that Mr. Hudson enticed him away, which is an entirely mistaken idea. The provisions of the Hudson colony were very low, and he had great fears that those already dejiendent upon him would sufter for lack of supplies. He, how- ever, granted the request, but Mr. Kellogg never became a permanent settler in this col- ony, though staying for a year or two. As soon as the first most pressing duties were accomplished, Mr. Hudson set about mak- ing a clearing, aided by his four men. The robbing; of his boat and the faihu'e of his goods, shipped by wagon, to come on began to give him some uneasiness as to their means of subsistence. He borrowed some 3^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 415 pork of a Capt. Stoddard, settled in what is now Northampton, and taking his boat as soon as unloaded on the 24th of June, proceeded alone down the river in quest of Lacey. Speaking of this trip in his diary, IVIr. Hudson says : " I had the misfortime to lose my fire, and being exceeding wet and the night very cold, I experienced the most uncomfortable night I ever felt. I arrived at Cleveland in twenty- eight hours, and, although several boats had lately arrived, I could not get any information concerning Lacey. I had not heard a word from him since I left him on the Mohawk River near Schenectady in April. I was at a great loss what to do, but, on the whole, I thought best to wait a little longer. In three days an opportunity presented of going down the lake, and, after a quick and dangerous passage, I had the good fortune to find my boy, Lacey and the boat." It appears that Lacey had got as far as Cattaraugus Creek with the boat which Mr. Hudson found unfit for a voyage when he left, and was resting there very much at his ease. He had also quite an addition for the colony in the way of several hired men, which Nathaniel Norton had secured to go to the settlement. But of what the settlement needed the most [they were nearly destitute. " My joy at finding the boat," says Mr. Hud- son, " was turned to sorrow on finding that they had but little more flour than enough to last through the voyage, excepting three bar- rels that belonged to Capt. Austin (Eliphalet Austin, of Austintown). I foimd myself under the most disagreeable necessity of abandoning my men, who were at work, to their fate, quitting the whole expedition and return- ing home, or else taking Capt. Austin's flour. After a sleepless night deliberating what was my duty in the trying case, I determined as the least of two evils to take Austin's floiu", to dismiss my hands, saving barely enough to manage the boat, pay Austin what- ever his damage might be and prosecute my business. Having written my situation and reasons to Capt. Austin and Esquire Norton, I proceeded on my voyage. In a few days, by rowing in the nigrht and crowding our business, I got to Cuyahoga, and without meeting any further disaster we arrived with all oiu- load- ing at the landing on No. 4, Range 11, on the 19th of July." It must be remembered that these voyages were made in open boats and were propelled by oars save when a light breeze was taken advantage of to raise a sail rudely constructed out of blankets. The courses of these boats were necessarily near the shore and were completely at the mercy of a brisk wind, and were greatly hindered in their voy- ages on this account. The present case was a pressing one, and Mr. Hudson made good some of the delays diu'ing the day by rowing nights. Among the crew was one Lindley, who declared that he was hired to work by the day and refused to work nights. Mr. Hudson therefore excused his rowing in night voyages, but when forced to lay by in the day- time put him at "chopping wood." A day or two of this experience caused him to smTender unconditionally. The supplies came just in time, and after getting them into the shelter (which took one hand and the team several days), three days were spent in cutting over the land begun for a wheat-patch. Hitherto the bark shanty which had been hastily erected, on their first arrival, had been their only shelter. Rain had fallen almost incessantly, and with the recent addi- tions the little colony, swelled to thirteen per- sons, demanded something better for their protection. A log house 16x18 feet was at once erected, and within a week's time the whole party were made comfortable beneath its roof. A day and a half had been spent in the meanwhile in stu'veying, the only fair weather during the week, but now matters were in a comfortable shape for the time being, IMi*. Hudson was anxious to get the township ready for settlement. " I now determined," says he, " to crowd the surveying business to the utmost, and if possible to get time to sm'vey om- annex- ation, but, in the last week in July, J. Lindley, Dai-row, Meecham and Blin were all taken sick, and, in short, there was none save myself that could be called well. For f ovu- weeks oiu- people who kept about did little else than take care of the sick. Rain fell in showers about every other day, and in those four weeks we cut three small stacks of poor hay which was much damaged by the rains, and fired and biu-nt the brush on about nine acres — the rain being such that we could not biu-n oiu- brush :^ 416 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. any other way than to pull our heaps to pieces and lay them on the fire. My original design was to sow a large piece to tm-nips, but not being able to burn the land over, I sowed on the 1st day of August a small piece from which we cut the timber and brush the week preceding. " On the 22d day of August, our people hav- ing gradually recovered, we resumed siu*veying and jiressed it closely as possible until the 12th of October, when the business and Merit- ing was completed." The settlement so far had been confined to the northeast corner of Lot 11, but on the 1st of September Mr. Hud- son brought his men to the center of the town- ship and began to cut brush and timber on Lots No. 55 and 56. Here he designed to make his home, and " twenty-three days' work" were spent in building a temporary hut and making the clearing for the more substantial cabin. " Sixteen days' work " erected a good log-house on the line of these two lots where Baldwin street now abuts on Main in Hudson Village, and two days were spent " in trying to dig a well." While this work was progress- ing the surveying party were finishing their work, while another party comiected the two clearings with a road; cut out another to the boat landing in "No. 4, Range 11," now called Boston. About the middle of this month they foiind their store of jirovision nmning very low. Supplies were expected every day from Nathaniel Norton, but at this point Mr. Hudson realized something must be done to avert possible distress. He went immediately to Cleveland and purchased of Lorenzo Car- ter a small field of corn and potatoes for $50, tm-ning in a yoke of oxen as the larger pai-t of the payment. In case of necessity he thought the corn might be pounded up in mortars juid sustain the company imtil relief should come. He hastened back to his station, but having previously heard that Ebenezer Sheldon had made a road through the wilder- ness to Aiu'ora, and that there was a bridle- path thence to Cleveland, he thought it prob- able that he might obtain pork for present necessity from that quarter. He accordingly set out on foot and alone, and regulated his course by the range of his shadow, making allowance for change in the time of day. He foiuid the Cleveland path near the center of Aurora, in a dense forest. Thence he pro- ceeded two and a half miles to Mi-. Sheldon's cabin, bu.t foimd he coiild obtain nothing within a reasonable distance. The next morn- ing he retiu-ned to his colony to find that his long-expected boat had aiTived, and that there was once more plenty in the camp. Having completed their surveying on the 11th of October, and got affairs well under way to make comfortable his family, and such colonists as he might bring back with him, he started on the following day with his son Ira, Meacham and Darrow for Connecticut. They went down the river in the old Harmon boat, intending to transfer to the sti'ong boat which Lacey had brought when he came, but on arriving at the mouth of the river he foimd the boat borrowed without leave and gone to Detroit. It was late in the year and any delay would only bring nearer the season of the year when such navigation was impossible or extremely hazardous, and they proceeded on their way in the old wreck. There was no tar at hand with which to " pitch " the seams, and it proved so leaky that it required one hand most of the time to bail out the water, and so weak that it bent considerably in crossing the waves. Dm'ing their passage the weather was generally cold and boisterous; tluve different times they narrowly escaped drowning by reason of the darkness of the night or violence of the wind. Referring to one of these nar- row esca|)es from both the wind and darkness, Mr. Hudson writes in his diary: " This salva- tion has determined me never in futm-e to put into the lake in a dark night." Lying wind- bound at Chataqua for several days, they eked out their scanty stock of provisions by living on boiled chestnuts. They arrived at Gerun- dagut on the 31st of October, whence their joivrney to Goshen was by land. Mr. Hudson in the middle of November, found his family well and anxioxis to hear of the land which was to be their new home. No time was spent in idling, however, and by the 1st day of Jan- uaiy, 1800, he had made his arrangements to leave with his family, his native State with all its tender and endearing associations, for the wilderness where he had knovna so much anx- iety and hardship. " Thus," says he, " ends ■S HUDSON TOAVNSIIIP. 417 the eventful year of 1799, filled with many troubles, out of all of which hath the Lord hath delivered me." His stay at his old home had been a busy time for him. He had settled accounts with the Norton brothers; had sought cunong his old fi'iends and acquaintances for colonists; and had his own afiairs in his old home to settle as well as to provide supplies for the one to which he was about to move his family. His accounts for the first year are interesting to read over and vividly illustrate the character of the man and the enterprise. Among the items of expenditiu'es are the fol- lowing: April. 1799, " paid $3 for an excellent dog which we lost in Schenectady;" May, " lent JVIi". Bacon $5 for ageeing to pilot us, for which he gave his note, which note I lost with all my minutes and observations on the Cuya- hoga in wading the stream;" "paid Mr. Holly for twelve bushels seed wheat, $18;" October, " Gave Mr. Kellogg as a present to support him- self and family, they being sick, $3; " October 19, "Gave as a gift to Mr. Berion, of Con- neaut, he and his family being sick and in dis- tress, $1 ;" November 16, " Retiu'ued to Goshen, expended in returning $9.75." The whole ac- count reaches some $300, which does not include the unpaid balance of wages due his help, and which was applied on the land which each purchased, nor the supplies which had been brought from the East. On the credit side, Mr. Hudson shows tools and materials still in possession of the j^roprietors to the amount of $350.90; surveying instrmnents, $33; "nine acres of wheat on the ground calculated at $20 per acre, $180; smidry other articles not here enumerated, $36.91;" making a grand total of $600 worth of property for little more than an equal expenditure. In raising recruits for the new colony, his efforts had been marked with excellent success. It is said that he offered a bounty of forty acres to the first one to vohm- teer, and Ruth Gaylord, whom Rev. John Sew- ard calls " an ancient maiden " received the land, which afterward she gave to her niece, the daughter of Elijah Nobles. Among the party that were prepared to return with Mr. Hudson and his family, were Samuel Bishop with his ioxxr sons, David, Reuben, Luman ;md Joseph, Joel Gaylord, Hemau Oviatt, Dr. Moses Thompson, Allen Gaylord, Stephen Perkins, Joseph and George Darrow, William McKinley and three men from Vermont by the names of Derrick, Williams and Shefford. The women in the company were the wives of Messrs. Hudson, Bishop and Nobles, with Miss Riith Gaylord and Ruth Bishop. The six childi-en of ]VIi-. Hudson completed the party that started for the New Conneeticut. Among these names will be noticed those of some who went out the preceding year. Dar- row returned with his brother, Joel Gaylord and Heman Oviatt went out to view the land with the intention of taking their families thither if the situation proved favorable. Mr. Bishop, with his son-in-law Elijah Nobles, alone hazarded everything on the single cast of the die. The three men from Vermont were evidently acqu.aintances of Lacey, thi'ough whom they had probably learned of this settle- ment, and was desirous of tiying their fortune. They probably did not stay long as no men- tion is made of them in any of the old papers of Mr. Hudson. In January, 1800, Mr. Hudson started, with his family, on sleighs, from Goshen for Bloomtield, N. Y., the place of rendezvous. Here he occupied an empty cabin of Eber Nor- ton's during the winter, employing his time in preparing for his journey by the lakes. He prociu'ed four boats, in addition to the Harmon boat, which he thoroughly repaired, and loaded them with supples, including win- dow-glass for his cabin put up the preceding fall, a large quantity of woolen and linen cloth, peach and apple seeds, garden seeds, addi- tional tools, and a supply of groceries in- tended to last his family for a full year — the whole reaching a cost of some $2,000. The balance of the party secured tliree boats for their transportation, and all was completed on the 29th of April. " The next night," said Ml'. Hudson, "while my dear wife and six children, with all my men, lay soundly sleep- ing around me, I could not close my eyes. The reflection that those men and women, with most all that I held dear in life, were now to embark in an expedition in which so many chances appeared against me; and, should we survive the dangers in crossing the boisterous lakes, and the disti'essing sickness usually attendant on new settlements, it was M\ ji.: S) 418 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. highly probable that we ratist fall before the tomahawk and scalping-knife. As I knew, at that time, no considerable settlement had been made but what was established in blood, and I was about to place all those who lay around me on the extreme frontier, and, as they would look to me for safety and protection, I almost sank under the immense weight of responsibility resting upon me. Perhaps my feelings on this occasion were a little similar to those of the patriai'ch, when exj^ecting to meet his hostile brother; but, after presenting my case before Israel's God, and committing all to His care, I cheerfully launched out, the next morning, upon the great deep." The little tieet experienced little difficulty coming up the lakes until they reached the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. The wind on this day was rather high, and IVIr. Hudson, in attempt- ing to enter with his boat, missed the channel and stuck fast upon the bar. In this perilous situation, the boat shipped considerable water, and the occupants must have inevitably all been drowned had not a mountain wave struck the boat with such power as to tioat it clear of the obstruction. On reaching a point within two miles of their destination, darkness com- ing on, they were obliged to stop for the night a little north of Nortbfield, at a place called the Pinery. They encamped on the baiiks, which were somewhat low. During the night, a tremendous rain set in, which had so raised the river by daybreak that it overflowed its banks, and was on the point of floating off the very beds on which they were lying. Every- thing was drenched, many finding themselves without a dry thread upon them, and here they were obliged to wait Ave days before the water had so far subsided as to allow them to force their boats against the current. On the sixth day. May 28, they reached the landing place near the Boston line. Here Mr. Hud- son left his family and the crew to look after the unloading, and hurried to visit the people he had left in the clearing, whom he found in good spirits. Before leaving Bloomtield, Mr. Hudson had secured some hogs, fourteen cows, a bull and a horse, which, with a yoke of oxen belonging to Mr. Bishop, were intnisted to the care of Elijah Nobles to bring through the wilderness by the route by which the cat- tle had been brought the preceding year. These arrived about the time the boats were unloaded, biit Mr. Hudson, busy in arranging for the large accession to the colony, did not take his horse to the landing after his family for several days. When he arrived, he found his family suffering from the persistent attacks of the gnats and mosquitoes that infested the woods at this season, and his wife, who had cheerfully borne all the trials of the jour- ney hitherto, was now very much discouraged. A change to more cheerful siuToundings, and a fairly comfortable house, wi'ought a great change in her feelings, and she nobly seconded the eftbrts of her husband. The work of transporting the goods from the boats to the settlement on wooden sleds, over eight miles of hilly woods-road, was no slight undertak- ing, and it was several days before it was accomplished. After all the persons belong- ing to the settlement had collected, Mr. Hud- son led them in rendering thanksgiving to the God of mercy, who had brought them safely to their desired haven. Public worship on the Sabbath, which had been discontinued in his absence, was resumed. In relating the fact, Mr. Hudson said : " I felt, in some meas- tu'e, the responsibility resting on first settlers, and their obligations to commence in that fear of God which is the beginning of wis- dom, and to establish those moral and relig- ious habits on which the temporal and etei-nal happiness of a people essentially depends." Once settled in their new quarters, the lit- tle commimity was at once a scene of bustling activity. Joel Gaylord selected and purchased 640 acres lying in a square piece on the south- west corner of the public square; Dr. Moses Thompson, who had been promised by Mr. Hudson $50, in medicine, if he concluded to settle here, selected for his father and brothers eight and a half lots, of K50 acres each, four of them forming a square mile of land adjoin- ing the southeast part of the public square; Heman Oviatt selected a site soiith of the vil- lage about a mile, adjoining the Thompson property; a large elm tree standing on the road line to the farm now owned by Philan- der Ellsworth, which sprang from a riding- whip which Mr. Oviatt brought on one of his trips to Pittsburgh, and carelessly stuck in the '.iL HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 419 ground there, marks the vicinity where he erected his cabin in this year. Dr. Thompson made some clearings and planted a crop on thi'ee lots, and all found plenty of work to do. DaiTow bought in the southern tier of lots, near the central road, and in July, Ebenezer Stone, of Boughton, Ontario Co., N. Y., came out and bought Lot 70. Notwithstanding the fi'equent rains, the season on the whole was very favorable for the crops, and there was an abundant harvest of potatoes and tm*- nips and wheat. On the 28th of October of this yeai', oc- cm'red the tirst native accession to the settle- ment. On this date, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, and, notwithstanding the lack of professional aid, with the attend- ance of the women of the settlement, mother and child prospered finely. The heroine of this occasion, and the eldest born of the county, was Anna Maria Hudson, later the wife of Hai-vey Baldwin, who now lives in a vigorous old age, to rejoice in the results of her parents' pioneer labors. Two weeks later, another event occurred which served to viv- idly impress upon these people the stern real- ity of frontier life. Milo and William, two sons of Mr. Hudson, were sent to drive the hogs out where they could find plenty of nuts to feed upon. The path tliey followed was very rough, and Milo, who was barefooted, experienced a good deal of pain in tiying to travel in it. His brother, finding that he did not need his assistance, sent him back and proceeded on alone with his charge. In re- tm*ning, Milo left the path to walk upon the leaves in the wooded part to avoid the " hubs," and inadvertently strayed too far and became lost. A slight snow had fallen, and it was a chilly autumn day. He looked about him for some clew to his whereabouts, and, seeing a clearing at some distance, ran toward it only to find that it marked the site of a swamp. The return of William and the absence of his brother at once excited alarm, and the men rallied out with horns, guns and bells to find the lost boy. He heard the signals of those in search, but, deluded by the appearances of a clearing made by the various swamp lands, he only got farther away, until, night coming on, worn out with the anxiety and exertion of the day, he prepared to pass the night in the wilderness. Raking a pile of leaves beside a great log, and wrapping his bare feet in his jacket, which he had taken ofi" for thepiu'pose, he biuTowed deep into the leaves and fell asleep. The hunters could not thus easily lay aside their cares. The unsuccessful search caused them to redouble their exertions dming the night, and Mr. Hudson, with a father's anxiety, offered a reward of $40 to stimulate a search in which the keenest inter- est was already enlisted. The search was con- tinued without avail until 11 o'clock the fol- lowing day, when the boy was foiind still asleep, his hair fi'inged with fi'ost and his toes slightly frosted, but otherwise unharmed. It was some years before the danger of being lost in woods was overcome by the num- ber of settlements. As late as 1809, a little girl of Eben Pease, eight or nine years old, was lost. She was sent on an errand to Ben- jamin Oviatt's, about two miles north of the center. She got there safely, but on her retm-n, mistaking a cow-path for the trail, she wandered off and was lost. Not retm'ning by dark, her parents became alaimed, and, going to Oviatt's, learned she had left there early and was probably lost. The neighbor- hood was rallied out in search. Guns and horns were brought into requisition, but it was 10 o'clock the next day before she was found by Richard Croy. She was foiuid asleep on a log, with her feet wrapped in some aprons which she had taken to bring home. The following spring brought the families of Joel Gay lord and Heman Oviatt, who came in wagons by the overland route, bringing with them Benjamin Oviatt, John Bridge and James Newton. Their wagons were the first that ever penetrated the wilderness in this part of the Reserve, and these pioneers were obliged to chop their way through the woods for miles. A little later in this year came Eliada Lindley, John Oviatt, William Bough- ton, Aaron Norton, Ezra Wyatt, James Walker, Deacon Stephen Thompson with his sons, Abraham, Stephen, Jr., and Moses, and his sons-in-law, George Pease and Bradford Kel- logg. In the same company came George Kilbom-ne and William Leach. Dr. Moses Thompson had expended his patrimony in Tv* .t 420 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY prosecuting his medical studies, biit his father proposed to give him a lot of land if he would investigate the Hudson settlement and, if fav- orably impressed, move the family out to it. After coming out with Mr. Hudson and select- ing the land, he retiu'ned on foot to Goshen, carrying his provisions in a pack at his back. He made the 650 miles in eleven and a half days, helped to do the haying, and, returning with his father's brother's family, as well as his own. He secured some apple seeds from some pmnace at a cider-mill in Reading, Penn., and the lirst apples from this seed, were the admiration of the little folks, who had never seen an apple before. His land was situated northwest of the village, on what is known as the Northampton road, where he lived until the day of his death. He was the earliest doctor in the township, and had a practice that took him over a terri- tory a hundred miles in extent. He retired from his practice in 1815, to engage in busi- ness. Christian Cackler came here in the spring of 1804, together with his father and eldest brother, settling on a part of Lot 10, in the southeast corner of the township. They came from Pennsylvania, bringing a horse and a yoke of oxen, and such supplies as could be packed on a horse. Coming to Ravenna, they found a few residents, and a road marked out and partly underbiiished to Hudson. Here they came, selected their land, and, going to the site, put up a temporary shelter. Four forks were driven into the ground, and upon them were laid poles, upon which a covering of bark was laid. The same material supplied the floor and the sides of this hastily constnicted tabernacle. Beds made of leaves and covered with blankets completed their household arrangements, and they proceeded at once to clear their lands for their spring crops. It was then the 10th of May, but they put in about three acres of corn, and cleared off another piece in time to sow some wheat. Provisions were hard to prociu*e, and were obtained by working for their neighbors. In his published reminis- cences, Mx. Cackler says : " In September, my father and brother went back after the family, and left me in care of the shanty until they should return. I was then only twelve years old. They left for my use a small loaf of bread, an old rifle that carried an oimce ball and some powder and bullets, that I might kill squirrels for meat. They thought they would be back in three weeks. It was a try- ing time for me. I could get along very well through the day, but when night came, I was lonesome indeed. I would build a big fire and roll myself up in my blankets so that I could not hear anything, and there remain until morning. I managed so about two weeks. My loaf began to get very small, and I had to make my allowance still smaller to make it hold oiit. Tln-ee weeks expired and nobody came. The foxuih passed; my bread was gone and squirrels furnished my only food. The fifth passed, and found me with- out bread or bullets. I managed to kill some squirrels with gravel-stones, but the most of those I shot at escaped without serious injury. I stayed there until the sixth week began to di'ag its slow length along, when one aft,ernoon in the cabin, to avoid a heavy thunder shower, I fell asleep, and awoke to find it growing dark. The th-e had gone out, and everything was so satm-ated with the rain that I could not relight. While tinkering with the fii'e, I was startled by the howl of the wolves in the near vicinity. I seized my gun loaded with stone, and, wrapping my blankets about me, sat down to defend myself against the wolves. I sat there until morning without a visit fi"om the wolves, and then I left the shanty to cai'e for itself, and went over to where Harry O'Brien lived, about three miles distant, and remained until om' family came back, which was not long." Others came from time to time to gladden the heai'ts and share the bm*- densof the little fi-ontier community. It is not possible, at this time, to learn all the particulars of their coming, or even of their names. Among those who came dm'ing the first fifteen years of the colony were David Hudson, 1799; Thaddeus Lacev, 1799; R. H. Blin, 1799; Will- iam McKinley, 1799; David Kellogg, 1799; Jo- seph Darrow, 1799; Jonah Meacham, 1799; Jesse Lindley, 1799; Samuel Bishop, 1800; David Bishop, 1 800 ; Joseph Bishop, 1800; Lu- man Bishop, 1 800 ; George Darrow, 1 800 ; Allen Gaylord, 1800; Joel Gaylord, 1801; Heman Oviatt, 1801; Stephen Thompson, Sr., 1801; -r* ^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 421 Abraham Thompson, 1801; Stephen Thomp- son, Jr., 1801; Dr. Moses Thompson, 1801; John Bridge, 1801; James Newton, 1801; George Pease, 1801; Eben Pease, 1801 ; Will- iam Leach, 1801; George Kilbourne, 1801; Bradford Kellogg, 1801; Amos Lusk, 1801; John Oviatt, 1801 ; Eliada Lindley, 1801 ; Will- iam Boiighton, 1801; Ezra Wyatt, 1801 ; Aaron Norton, 1801; Robert Walker, 1801; John Walker, 1801; James Walker, 1801; Robert Walker, Jr., 1801; George Walker, 1801; Elisha Norton, 1802; George Holcomb, 1802; Nathaniel FaiTand, 1803; Robert O'Brien, 1803; John O'Brien, 1803; Charles Miles, 1804; Rev. David Bacon, 1804; Henry Post, 1804; Zina Post, 1804; Jonathan Williams, 1804; Chi-istian Cackler, Sr., 1804; Owen Brown, 1805; Benjamin Whedon, 1805; Marmadxike Deacon, 1805; Daniel Johnson, 1809; William Chamberlain, 1809; William Chamberlain, Jr., 1809; Nathaniel Stone, 1810; Samuel Hollenbeck, 1810; Gad Hol- lenbeck, 1810; Joseph Kingsbury, 1810; Elisha Ellsworth, 1810; Dr. Jonathan Met- calf, 1812; Augustus Baldwin, 1812; Frede- rick Baldwin, 1812; Dudley Humphrey, 1812 Ai-iel Cobb, 1813; Gideon Mills, 1814 Chauncey Case, 1814; Harvey Baldwin, 1814 Rev. John Seward, 1814. Most of these per- sons came fi'om Litchfield County, Connec- ticut, or Ontario County in the State of New York. The larger proportion were married, and some brought into the country large fami- lies, that interman'ied, so that few of the earli- est families remained unrelated in this way. " David Hudson brought in a family of six children — Samuel, Jxa, William, Timothy. Milo and Abigail. Ii'a Hudson maiTied Hul- dah Oviatt; William mairied Phoebe Hutch- inson; Milo married Hannah Rogers; Abigail maiTied Birdseye Oviatt. Samuel Bishop had a family of five sons and four daughters: Timothy man-ied Rebecca Craig; David mai'- ried Miss Kennedy; Luman man-ied Rachel Gaylord; Reuben died single; Joseph man-ied Miss Hollenbeck; one of the girls married Stephen Perkins; one, Elijah Nobles; one, Samuel Vaile; and one. Gad Hollenbeck. Joel Gaylord brought with him thi'ee sons and foiu- daughters: John, Daniel, Harvey, Sally, Olive and Betsey; Sally Gaylord man-ied William Leach; and afterward a John Ford; Olive man-ied George Darrow; Betsey man-ied Will- iam McKinley; and Nancy man-ied William Chamberlain." * The little settlement thus dropped in the woods, like a pebble in the ocean, seemed lost in the vast expanse of wilderness that stretched, with interminable proportions, from the front- iers of Western New York along the lakes to the great West. By the treaty 1785 with the savages, the Cuyahoga River was made a pai-t of the dividing line between the territories of the contracting parties. Eight miles to the east of this national boundary, separated from the civilized world by hundreds of miles of wearisome, hazardous joiu-ney on land or sea, were a little handful of resohite men, with their wives and children, while on its western bank clustered the strongholds of the merciless sav- age, whose barbarous warfare had written the history of the Northwest in letters of fire and blood. None felt the seriousness of the situa- tion, and the crushing weight of responsibility which it brought, more keenly than the heroic founder of this colony. He knew the jealous watchfulness with which the natives mai-ked the coming of each accession to the white colony; the sentiment of reckless indifference to the rights of others which possessed that class of hunters and ti-appers which hang about the outskirts of advanced settlements, and, to prevent the contact of these antagonistic ele- ments, and to smooth the natural, inevitable as- perities of the situation, was his constant cai-e from the beginning. He was constantly en- gaged in Indian conferences, entertaining them at his house and giving them presents, and to his upright dealings and judicious manage- ment may be credited the hai-monious relations and commanding influence of the community with the natives. The Seneca, Chippewa and Ottawa tribes had villages in the vicinity of the Hudson colony, and were fi-equently found among the whites on trading or begging expe- ditions. Stigwanish, the chief of the Seneca vil- lage, was on intimate terms with his new neigh- bors, and was a fi-ecjuent and welcome visitor at Mr. Hudson's cabin. He was a large, mus- cular man, standing straight as an an-ow, neai-ly six feet in height, with a stei-n expres- *Bemiii;8ceuce8 by Chrijlian Cackler. V;' ^1 422 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. sion of coiintenaiice and a keen black eye. He is represented, by all who knew him here, as well disposed toward his white neighbors, and npright in his dealings, strongly discomi- tenancing anything in his followers which was likely to provoke trouble. His peojile had corn-fields on the river bottoms near where the village of Cnyahoga Falls now stands, which they cultivated for years. On one occasion, having reason to fear an attack from another tribe, he requested his white fi'iends to bnild him a fort near the falls of the river, which they did, though, happily, it was never needed for the pm-pose of defense. Heman Oviatt, with a shrewd eye to business, early estab- lished a trading- point at his cabin, about a mile south of the site of the village. This was a place of great attraction to the Indians, who gathered here in considerable numbers, ex- changing the furs they secured by trapping and hiuiting for trinkets of various kinds, powder, lead and whisky. The latter was in the greatest demand, and a scale of prices, according to Christian Cackler's account, was established, as follows: Coon-skins, a half-pint of whisky; buck-skins, one pint; beai'-skins' fom* quarts. Mrs. Oviatt soon acquired their language' and gained quite an ascendancy over their "untutored minds." Before giving them any considerable amount of whisty, she was in the habit of demanding their guns, tomahawks and knives, which they siUTendered to her until they got sober, as they invariably got " kok kusi." One of these orgies, as de- scribed by Cackler, was as follows: "They were of the Ottawa tribe, and there were about fifteen or eighteen of them. They were pro- vided with a deer-skin suit, like a little boy's suit, all whole, but open before, and sui)plied with openings for legs and arms. When put on, it was tied in fi'ont. It was ornamented aroimd the arms and lews with fringe some three inches three inches in length, to which was attached a vai-iety of animal claws, such as those of the tiu'key, coon, deer, bear, etc. One would put on this suit, and jump, hop, and kick about in a sort of Indian ' Highland fling,' while two others furnished the inspira- tion by patting and humming. The success of the performer seemed to depend upon his ability to get the greatest possible amount of clatter out of the claws attached to the fringe. When tired, he would doff the garment, take a diink of the whisky provided, and give place to another Terpsichorean artist. In this way, each one would try his agilitv, and gradually get beastly intoxicated. This they kept up two days. Before the proceedings began, however, they placed all their weapons in the hands of their squaws, who were quiet specta- tors of the scene. At the end of two days, all save two of the squaws who were assigned to the charge of the ])apooses, got di'imk, and exhibited all the worst phases of this degrad- ing revel." It was hardly to be expected that the free use of whisky in this way should always result so harmlessly to the general interests of the community at large. The women and children could never learn to look upon the savages with any degree of equanim- ity, and the natives were not slow to perceiv(^ this. Occasionally, an ill-disposed fellow, inflamed by whisky, would frighten a woman if he found her unprotected in an isolated cabin. On one occasion, a paiiy of Indians came to the cabin of Marmaduke Deacon, situ- ated where his son now resides, and, finding his wife alone with her children, approached her in a threatening manner, making some demand in their own langiiage. Not able to understand their iitterances, she provided them with a gen- erous supply of provisions. They still main- tained their menacing attitude, when she seciu'ed and gave them every cent of money there was in the cabin, and, finding them still unsatisfied, she left her childi'en and pro- ceeded, through the snow, to the cabin of O'Brien, who lived some distance away, for more to satisfy their demands. She reached her destination, but the fright, added to the exposm-e, was too much for her feeble strength, amd she never left alive, dying of qTiick con- sumption in a few weeks. This circumstance aroused the revengeful disposition of a certain class of the whites, who, known as " Indian haters," became Indian slayers whenever occa- sion offered the chance of escaping the penalty of their acts. Jonathan Williams, who came in with Christian Cackler, Sr., in 1804, was one of this class. " George Wilson," a son of Stigwanish, was a quarrelsome fellow when under the influence of liquor, and had several 1^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 423 sei'ious misvinderstandiugs with the whites. One time, when feeling paiiicnlarly surly, he happened at the cabin of " Old Mother New- ell," on Paines' road, near the town line. She was alone, and, noticing his approach, she took the precaution to hi\x the door. Denied admittance to the cabin, which had but one door, he pnt his gun-baiTel through the open- ing between the logs, and satisfied his ugly disposition by forcing her, with threats, to dance in the middle of the floor till, tired of the sport, he went away. He had scai'cely left before IVIi's. Newell, on the watch for some passer-by, saw Williams coming along the trail with his gim on his shoulder, as usual. She called him, and related the circumstances. Williams waited only to hear the story, and pushed on after the Indian. Williams' char- acter was not unknown to the natives, and, finding him on his trail, Wilson left the road and struck tlu'ough the woods hoping to avoid an encoimter. Williams gained upon him slowly but sm'ely, and, when in vicinity of a piece of "honey-comb swamp," taking advantage of a moment when the Indian was off his guard, he shot and killed him. Drawing his body into this piece of swamp, he thiiist it out of sight, send- ing, also, the Indian's rifle down with him. The mysterious disappearance of Wilson created a great commotion among the Senecas, and great effort was made to discover the whereabouts of his remains and the cause of his final taking- off. The Indians suspected what the whites did not learn imtil years afterward, and Will- iams was obliged ever afterward to be con- stantly on his giTard against surprise. It is said, on another occasion while hunting while there was a light coating of snow on the gromid, he lost for awhile his bearings, and found himself following his own track in a circle. He observed, in coming upon his own trail, the track also of a moccasined foot, and, with a himter's instinct, recognizing his pur- suer, he took to a tree and shot him as he came again following the trail. By the treaty of 1805, the Indians were removed from the near neighborhood of the whites, who were rapidly poiunng into this country, but they still continued to come back in squads to their old haiuits, to trade or hiint. In]1806, Stigwanish, with his sons, John Big- son, John Amur, his sons-in-law, Nickshaw and Wobmimg, and others of their family, came to their old camps inDeerfield. During their stay, Nickshaw traded his pony with a settler by the name of John Diver. The In- dian felt aggrieved, and complained to some of the leading settlers, and endeavored to trade back with Diver, without success. Nickshaw felt that he had been cheated, and agreed, with Mohawk, to shoot Diver. Until this horse trade, there had been the kindliest relations existing between the parties, and no fears were entertained that the disagreement would cause a ruptiu-e. The young men called at Daniel Diver's cabin soon afterward, and sought to get his brother within their gi-asp by strategem, but failed. A little later in the same evening, Daniel, in going out to placate the Indians, was shot so as to blind him — a wound which did not prove mortal — and fled, supposing he had killed the one with whom they had had the difficulty. A party of set- tlers at once started in pursuit. Their camp, some three miles distant, was found deserted, but, following their trail along the great Indian road from the Ohio River to Sandusky, they crossed the Cuyahoga River, where Kent now stands, and the center road of Hudson, about a mile south of the village, thence across the Cuyahoga again near the site of Peninsula, in Boston Township. The trail entered Hud- son on Lot No. 10, and passed within sixty rods of Cackler's cabin, and the pursuers, imder the lead of Maj. H. Rogers, reached this cabin about 1 o'clock in the morning. It was a clear, cold night in the latter part of Decem- ber of 1800; the moon was shining with pecu- liar brightness upon the earth, lightly covered with snow, giving the pursuers every facility. When they arrived here, however, some of the party were nearly frozen, and a nimiber of them went no further Rogers got Christian Cackler, Sr.,his oldest son and Jonathan Will- iams, to accompany him in continuing the pursuit. " They went to Hudson, got a new I'ecruit, and followed on to near the west part of Richfield. Here the Indians had stopi)ed, built a Are, stacked their arms, tied their ponies, and lain do^vn with their feet to the fire. Most of them had pulled off their moc- casins. When Rogers and his men saw the 424 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. fire, they scattered and surrounded the Indians, some of whom were in a doze, and some asleep. As they were closing up, Nickshaw and Mohawk sprang up and ran oif bare- footed. They closed in on the rest, and, it beginning to be light, Rogers wanted some- body to go after Nickshaw, and George Dar- row, of Hudson, and Jonathan Williams, vol- unteered to go. The Indians' feet began to bleed before they got a mile, when they sat down on a log, tied pieces of blanket on their feet, and then separated. DaiTOw and Will- iams followed one of them, who proved to be Nickshaw, and whom they overtook in about three miles. He looked back, and, seeing them, gave a whoop and increased his speed, and they after him like hounds after a fox. In about a mile they overtook him, and asked him to come back, but he would not. Dar- rows said he thought he would clinch him; but, when he made the attempt, Nickshaw would piTt his hand under his blanket as though he had a knife. Darrow thought he would get a club and knock him down, but Mr. Indian could get a club and use it too. They got out of patience, and Williams fired his gun over Nickshaw's head, to let him know what was coming if he did not yield. This did not make the desired impression, and Will- iams loaded his gun and killed him by a sec- ond shot. They placed him under a log, cov- ered him with brush and old chiuiks, and came back to Hudson."* The whites returned with Bigson and his two sons, who were com- mitted, by the Justice of Deerfield, to the jail at Warren. A squaw belonging to them was allowed to escape, and, it is said, perished in the snow. The killing of Nickshaw, however, it was thoiTght was unwarrantable, and. fearing the consequences of such an act if allowed to pass unnoticed, David Hudson, Heman Oviatt and Owen Brown mounted their horses and brought in the body of the dead Indian. The matter was brought before the proper legal authorities, l^ut the investigation came to a lame concliTsion, and finally ended in a "hoe- down," where whisky was plenty, and a collec- tion of $5 for Williams as a reward for the deed. Bigson was finally set at liberty, and remained near the settlements for years. ♦Cackler's Reminiscences. The affair occasioned no further trouble, although it occasioned considerable uneasiness amongst the settlers for a time. The Indians either acquiescing in the judgment of the whites, or realizing their inability to success- fully cope with the settlers, made a virtue of necessity and passed it by without notice. The year 1806 was a marked one in other respects, to both the whites and Indians. A full eclipse of the sun occun'ed on 17th of June, much to the terror of the untutored sav- age, and gi-eatly to the injury of the crops of the whites. The Indians were greatly fright- ened by the event, and, though it had been in some cases foretold by some of the sqviaws (how they learned of the fact has never been ascertained), it was not believed, and the women were executed as witches. When the event occurred, therefore, they were greatly frightened, and. forming in a circle, and marching around in regular order, each one fired at the evil spirit that was threatening the destruction of the world. Happily for one "brave," he discharged his gun just as the shadow began to move off, and he was created a chief on the spot for his bravery and the great service he had performed for the natives. The whites, though less affected by the phe- nomenon, were hardly less seriously aftected by its effects, if the reminiscences of Mr. Cackler are to be relied upon. He says: " The day of the great eclipse was a beautiful, warm day; we were hoeing corn the second time, with only shirts and pants on, but, after the eclipse was off, the weather was so much colder that we had to put on our vests and coats to work in. There were frosts every month that summer; no corn got ripe, and the next spring we had to send to the Ohio River for seed-corn to plant. The next summer was the hardest time I ever saw. There was no gi-ain in the country. My father and Adam Nigh- man went to Georgetown, on the Ohio River, for flour; they had no money, but took a rifle and pledged it for floiu*, and I guess they never redeemed it." A good rifle was a valuable piece of prop- erty to the first settlers. Next to his ax and plow, he depended upon it for support in sub- duing the wild land in which he reared his cabin home. The vast forests abounded with ~^FU 9 Ain^' HITDSON TOWNSHIP. 425 game, which at first was his principal depend- ence for sustenance, and later his greatest an- noyance and damage. Elk, the common deer, bears, wolves, panthers, with otters, beavers and raccoons infested the country and preyed on the crops and stock of the early community with comparative impunity. Bears came right into the settlement, and, seizing a hog, caiTied it, struggling and squealing, to the woods, and destroyed it before the aroused settlers could prevent. Wolves attacked stock, killing calves and yearlings, and frequently assailed travel- ers, though generally with no serious results. Squirrels, raccoons and blackbirds, in their attack upon the grain-fields, were hardly less troublesome, and all the available children of the community wei'e pressed into the service of protecting the growing crops from their depredations. As the settlement became less dependent upon game for food, the disadvan- tages of this abundance became more appar- ent, and organizations were made, much against the wishes of the professional hunter, to drive it out of the coimtry. The towTiship of Streetsboro, on the east of Hudson, was not settled for years after its neighbors, and offered a secure retreat for the animals that played such havoc upon the stock of the pio- neer settlements. The commimities which suf- fered most from this state of affairs deter- mined, in 1819, to rid themselves of these impleasant neighbors. A committee was ap- pointed, which marked off thirty or forty acres a little south of the center, into which the game was to be driven. The settlers of Hud- son came in on the west, of Franklin on the east, and of Aurora on the north. In d( ascrib- ing the hiuit, Cackler, who was an old hunter, says : " When the ring closed up, there was the gi'eatest sight I ever saw. There were over a hundred deer, and a large number of bears and wolves. As they ran around the ring, the guns cracked like a battle. The deer came in great hei'ds, forming a splendid sight with their large antlers, and, as they came toward the ranks, the hunters made wide gaps and let them out, closing in again to keep the bears and wolves. When we thought all dead, a wounded wolf came limping along a few rods from the line, calling out a perfect shower of bullets. A Hudson man, with another of the band, standing near each other, filled at the wolf when he fell dead. Both claimed the scalp, which then was worth |7, not a small sum for that time, and began a struggle for it that ended in a bout of fisticuffs. When finally the Hudson man was conquered, the wolf's scalp was gone. The proceeds of this hunt, when brought together, comprised over sixty deer, seven bears and five wolves. A large number of the wolves escaped, and many of the slaughtered animals were picked up and carried off by those who had not joined in the hunt, but enjoyed the game. The larger game grew rapidly scarce after this. The hunters of Hudson frequently went to the region of San- dusky Bay, the swamps of the Hui'on and Portage Rivers, and seciu'ed furs and plenty of game, but the lawlessness of the people who congregated at these points, and the dangers of lake travel, made it a hazardous rmdertak- ing, that scarcely remunerated the hunter for his risks and hardships. ■'v S IV 426 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. CHAPTER XIV.* HUDSON TOWNSHIP— CHARACTER OF THE EARLY COMMUNITY— ORGANIZATION— PIONEER INDUS- TRIES—VILLAGE OF HUDSON— ITS INCORPORATION AND GROWTH- FOUNDING OF CHURCH AND SCHOOL. " A'oTi ignara nali, rnineris mccurrere disro.'^ THE early community of Hudson was patri- archal in its characteristics. It originated in the self-sacrificing devotion of its founder; its first steps were directed by his judgment, and in its maturer years it bears his name and the impress of his character. It is difficult to imagine the early prosperity of this settlement without the material and moral support of Mr. Hudson. He is the central figure in all its early history, and remained so until his death. Coming with ample resources for the prosecu- tion of his enterprise, he allowed no desire for private ends to swerve him from his chosen course. He sought to establish a center of civilizing influence ; his was the mission of a public benefactor, and the records of that time bear ample evidence of his faithfulness. The sick and unfortunate found in him a helpful friend ; public enterprises were placed beyond the danger of failure by his eftbrts ; struggling merit never failed for lack of material aid when solicited of him, while his old account books, bearing the names of every member of the set- tlement in those early days, tell many a tale of his devotion to his people. In the building-up of the influence he sought, Mr. Hudson exer- cised his power without the aid of compulsion. He laid no restrictions upon the freedom of thought or action in the sale of his land. The support of church and school was voluntary on the part of each one, but his personal in- fluence — not an unimportant factor in the issue — he put without reserve in favor of these in- stitutions, and in the end he wrought success, where more exacting methods reaped failure. There were two elements here from the first, antagonistic to each other in both politics and religion, but Mr. Hudson, commanding the re- spect of his cotemporaries in years, and the reverence of the young, on the principle of the resolution of forces, though his influence united ♦Contributed l.y J. H. Battle. them in carrying forward the general principles upon which the settlement was founded. There was in all this, however, no spirit of asceticism. The New England pleasures of the husking- bee and apple-paring were added to the West- ern logging-bees and spinning matches. "When toil remitting lent its turn to play, And all the village train, from labor free, • Led up their sports." Dancing was a common form of amusement. There were plenty of violins and many a hard day's work in the field and cabin was supple- mented by a night's scarceh' less vigorous ex- ercise in dancing. The first ball in Cleveland was attended from all the surrounding settle- ments, and among the rest Hudson sent her complement. The occasion was the 4th of July, 1801, and R. H. Blinn, of Hudson, was one of the '' managers." An old chronicle says : " Not- withstanding the dancers had a rough puncheon floor, and no better beverage to enliven their spirits than whisk}' sweetened with maple sugar, yet it is doubtful if the anniversary of Ameri- can independence was ever celebrated in Cleve- land by a more joyful and harmonious compa- ny than those who danced the scamper-down double-shufile, Western swing, and half-moon fort3--six [eight}'] years ago in the log cabin of ^laj. Carter." The only record we have of the observance of this day in Hudson was on July 4, 1800. There were then just forty-two souls in the settlement, the most of whom had come in the preceding month. These all sat down at a table of elm bark, in the woods on what is now a part of the public square, a few rods north of the actual center of the township, and a very little west of the north-and-south road. Their fare may be imagined ; their guests were David Hudson, his wife Anna Hud- son, their children, Samuel, Ira. William N., Milo L., Timothy and Abigail L. Hudson ; Thaddeus Lacey, his wife Rosanna Lacey, their children, Isaac H., Ann and Susan Lacey ; >^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 427 David Kellogg, his wife Mrs. Kellogg, their children, Eleanor, Hiram and an infant ; Sam- uel Bishop, his wife, Mrs. Bishop, their chil- dren, Ruth, David, Luman, lleuben, Joseph, Phoebe, and a maiden sister of Mrs. Bishop, Ruth Gajdord ; Elijah Noble, his wife, Anna Noble and child, Ira Noble. Those not having families at that time, or whose families were still in the East, were Joel (laylord, Heman Oviatt. Dr. Moses Thompson, Stephen Perkins, William Leach, Reuben Parker, George Dar- row, Joseph Darrow, Gordon Crandall and John Wood. The property of the early community was very evenl}' distributed, and there were none who could be termed wealthy, even by the standard of that da}'. A few would be, per- haps, accurately placed by that New England term of-' fore-handed farmers." The accumula- tions of a well-advanced life-time invested in the cheap lands of the Reserve made a somewhat imposing show, but all were blessed with large families, among whom the parents sooner or later divided their property, so that there was but little difference in the size of their farms. All fared on the same food. The woods fur- nished freely to all an abundance of game, berries, honey and nuts, while none were so poor after a few years' residence that he could not raise his own pork and snppl}' his own table with milk, butter, cheese and flour. The most marked difference perhaps was in the su- perior comfort of some of the dwellings, and the fact that some wore shoes the year round. But even this difference brought with it the compensating burden of responsibility and risk to its possessor. The first, and perhaps the most pretentious house in the vilhige was the hewed-log cabin built by Mr. Hudson, on Bald- win street. This was supplied with glass win- dows, and was in its appointments a fitting residence for the principal man of the town. In 1802, his growing family and his duties of hospitality demanded a larger cabin, and he set about putting it up, choosing a site a few feet east of the first one. This he had completed and had moved a few beds and other things into it, and being in the middle of " moving " the family slept in their new home, the children leaving their clothing in the old one. An arbi- tration had been held in the old house untd quite late at night, and a roaring fire had been maintained on the hearth. A short time after closing the business and Mr. Hudson had retired to bed in the new building, he was aroused b}' the flames showing in the chamber of the old cabin. The old " cat-and-clay" chimney had proved rec- reant to its trust, and the chamber loft had been set on fire. Mr. Hudson saved his valuable papers, but everything else was lost, including a large stock of supplies intended to provide for his family and such of the settlers as would need them for a full year, and even his chil- dren's shoes. His loss was estimated at a .f 1,000, and was the more serious from the fact that the nearest market was Pittsburgh, which could onl}' be reached by traversing miles of trackless woods. There were others, like Chris- tian Cackler, Jr., who found consolation in that traditional old lady's philosophy, '' blessed be nothing." On moving from Hudson in 1816, •' our furniture," says he, " proved no incon- venience ; m}' wife had a bed, I had an ax, I added to this by purchase of Zenas Kent three white cups and saucers costing 75 cents, three knives and forks and a wooden pail. The woman who lived with us gave three wooden plates, and a kettle to cook our victuals in. My wife's father also gave us a table which completed our ' set out.' " (In 1870, his prop- erty was estimated at $30,000). Such a distinc- tion was obviously too slender a foundation upon which to build a spirit of caste. Indeed, the whole fabric of societ}- rested upon an aris- tocracy of labor, and none were so high or so low that he did not minister to his necessities with his own hands. The fathers of the com- munity wrought in the fields with their sons, and were not less strong in action than wise in counsel. Their endurance is the marvel of later generations. In 1802, Mr. Hudson was called to Goshen on business pertaining to the land which he held in company- with ^Ir. Norton. He started out on horseback and alone, carrying his pro- visions with him. It was in July, and after going some fifty miles he found his horse jaded by the journey and used up l)y the flies which were the scourge of animal life in the new country. He accordingly sold his horse, and slinging his pack upon his shoulder he pro- ceeded on his way on foot. On reaching the Cattaraugus Creek, which was considerably swollen with rains, and finding no one there to aid him. he determined to cross on his own ac- count. It was not far fi'om its mouth and the V 428 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY current was dangerously rapid, but taking an old hall-rotten sled that chanced to be near, he launched out for the other shore. Unfortunately he had miscalculated the force of the current and he found himself borne rapidly toward the open lake. To proceed far in this way meant death, and taking advantage of the course of the current he leaped from his raft upon a shifting sandbank which the current was piling up near the bank and after severe effort secured firm ground on the same side of the stream from which he had started, a wet but wiser man. Going some distance up the stream, he forded it in safety, continued his journey to Bloomfield, in New York, where he bought a horse and completed his journey and back to the settlement in safet}'. This was the exploit of a man over forty years of age. The matrons were of a not less hardy race, and are no less a marvel to the women of these •'degenerate days." " Carpets, or even painted floors, were not then found even in the houses of comparativel}" well-to-do families, but the floors were kept scoured to a snowy whiteness, and in the best rooms were neatly sanded and then marked into fantastic figures. Crockery, or queensware, as it was then called, was too expensive for the tables of the yeomanry, and the dresser was supplied with pewter platters, which must be kept polished to a silvery white- ness. The thrifty housewife kept her deal ta- bles and benches and unpainted doors washed to immaculate cleanness. The towels, table- linen, bed-linen, and most of the summer clothing of the family were the products of home industry. The mothers and daughters hatcheled the flax, at a small wheel spun the thread, and afterward their hands threw the shuttle that formed the durable fabrics, the re- mains of which are held as heir-looms by the descendants of the old families, and proudly- shown as proofs of the handiwork of hands long since laid to rest. Spinning, knitting and weaving linen, and braiding straw hats and bonnets, were a large part of the regular work of the winter. Bleaching, cutting, making and fashioning these ready for use was spring work. Then came cleansing, picking and carding the wool into bats ready for spinning on the large wheel. The yarn was woven into blankets for bedding. Some was made into checked flannel for aprons and dresses for the women, and died red for the children's dresses. Part of the flannel was fulled for clothing for the men and boj's. Then there must be many skeins of yarn of divers shades and colors for the hose and mittens and comforters of all. Knitting occupied the evenings of the grand- mother and daughters in the family of the olden time, and she was considered a poor knitter who could not show a well-shaped sock or a double mitten as the result of a winter evening's work. Summer gloves or mitts were made of linen thread with a hook similar to the modern crochet needle. Nor were these branches of home industry confined to the families of farmers. No woman was held of much account whose hands- laid not hold of the spindle and distaflT, and who looked not well to the ways of her household, or could even be suspected of eating the bread of idleness. The strength of these women Avas equal to their da}^, and their work did not hurry them so that they could not occasionally make and receive visits of half a day with neighbors and friends. They were able to attend two long services in church on the Sabbath, and to stand through the longest prayer that was ever oftered."* There was present in the earl}^ so- ciety not only the plain virtue of helpfulness, but there were some homes that without losing this, foreshadowed the culture which to-day is Hudson's crown of glory. The fathers of the colony were not men of learning or of courtly demeanor. With tastes formed by the experiences of New England farm life, and the echoes of that controversial conflict which was characterized more by the power exhibited than b}* the culture of the combatants, their intellectual tastes preferred "sound common sense" to the elegant ac- complishments. But they brought with them an earnest appreciation of and desire for edu- cational advantages, which attracted those like-minded, and early cast over the commu- nity here an air of culture that vvas to be found nowhere else on the Reserve. By the permis- sion of Miss Emily Metcalf, we are permitted to look in upon one of these early homes, which she has sketched with such a " tender grace." Mrs. Metcalf came to Hudson in 1814. "The first ten years of her married life were spent in a house of hewed logs, its four rooms neatly hung with newspapers ; an article only procured *Meinoirof Mra. Liioy D- Blown, widow uf Harm >n Hinslale auU Oweu Biown. "^ =^]^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 429 in sufficient numbers through the generosity of her ministerial friends and her legal friend, Judge Parkmau. Its windows were of glass instead of oiled paper, which ranked the ap- pointments of the house as decidedly superior, nor was it wanting in a certain air of refine- ment, which could not be absent from a house of which she was mistress. The house stood near the woods, a mile from the nearest neigh- bor. Wild animals from the forest often vent- ured near, and Indians frequently- called to light the pipe and beg a mug of cider. Her husband's ride in the practice of medicine was over sevei'al contiguous counties. * * * At such times the wife, left alone with her small children, had no diversion from intense solicitude except in reading ; and, in the scar- city of books and papers of general interest, she resorted to her husband's medical library In the long nights, when anxiety forbade sleep to the defenseless wife and motiier, these med- ical works were read and re-read, until, without aiming at such acquisition, she had gained a very creditable knowledge of medicine, which became of great value to her, both in rearing her own family, and in kindly offices for the sick in other families, when her services were ever esteemed above price." Mrs. Met- calf, before her marriage, had pursued a course of stud}' in the academy at Westfield, Mass. Here her fine mental powers, stimulated by that unquenchable thirst for knowledge which characterized her whole life, ranked her high in every department of study. Especially did the artistic chord in her nature respond re- joicingly to the aesthetic culture of the school, and, after a period of nearly sixty years (1870), she leaves as heirlooms several paintings and pieces of finest ornamental needle-work, exe- cuted by herself at chat time."* Dr. Jonathan Metcalf came to Hudson in 1812. After a long tour of inspection on horseback, he came to Aurora, and was about to leave for Pittsburgh, when he was met by David Hudson, who persuaded him to visit the Hudson settlement. The place pleased him, and he took up his abode with Mr. Hudson on the 6th of June. Two weeks later, the little community was startled by the intelligence that war had been declared with Great Britain. The militia which had been formed a few years previous were ordered out. A company formed * Memoir of Abigail L. Metcalf. from Hudson and the several adjoining town- ships, had its headquarters here, and was under the command of Amos Lusk as Captain. A good deal of uneasiness prevailed in this front- ier settlement, although there seemed no necessity for any public measure of safety save to remain constantly on the alert. Late one Saturday evening in August, a messenger from Newburg entered Mr. Hudson's house, bringing the news of Hull's surrender, and the further rumor that the British and Indians in great numbers were making their way down the lake in flatboats. The whole communit}- was thrown at once into a fever of excitement. Preparations were made for placing the women and chil- dren in a place of safet}-, and the company- of militia was summoned to their place of rendezvous. On the Sabbath moi'ning follow- ing, Capt. Lusk paraded his compan}' on the green, prepared to act upon the first informa- tion or order, when a messenger from the Com- mittee of Public Safet}- at Cleveland announced that the forces approaching were the paroled troops of Gen. Hull. At this juncture, Capt. Lusk called for a volunteer to carry the news to Warren, to which Dr. Metcalf responded, as he was provided with a good riding horse. •' There was then only a bridle path by marked trees to Warren, and no bridges across the streams, and he was an entire stranger to the country. He left Hudson about 11 o'clock with a letter of introduction from Capt. Lusk to Col. Edwards, of Warren, and rode forty miles on a sultry August da}-, swimming the Mahoning River two or three times, the water coming nearly to the seat of the saddle. He reached Warren about dark, found Col. Ed- wards at the house of Gen. Perkins, delivered his communication, and was invited to stay all night at the house of the former. In the morn- ing he found an Eastern acquaintance who was trading in Warren, who informed him that Col. Cotgrave, who was then encamped with his regiment on the common, under marching orders, had raised a great excitement the pi'e- ceding night. It was alleged that Metcalf was a British officer in disguise, and had brought the message to delay the marching of the regi- ment and gain time for the British. It was intimated, moreoxer, that if lie had not enjoyed the protection of Col. Kdwards, his life would probably have been sacrificed by the excited -^ V 430 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. soldiers."* Fortunately, the excitement was allayed by morning, and Mr. Metcalf returned to Hudson in safety. Capt. Lusk's compan}- was ordered a little later to old Portage under Gen. Wadsworth's command, and afterward to Huron and Sandusky, being out some three months, but saw no active service. While in the service. Dr. Metcalf accompanied them as Surgeon in charge. These troops were armed with such weapons as each man owned, and something of their effectiveness may be learned from an incident that occurred at old Portage. A compan}' of some twenty men practicing in firing b}' platoons found only one gun that did not miss fire at the first shot. The peace establishment after the war was entered into with enthusiasm by the Hudson people. A company of '' light infantry " was organized, which was the pride of the colony and the env^- of the regular militia at general musters in Ravenna. The political organization of Hudson was very early. The settlement here was, at that time, the largest on the Reserve, and the townships of Stow, Boston, Twinsburg, Aurora and Mantua were attached to it for township purposes. It has been agreed among the original proprietors that the township should be named after its founder, and, in 1802, the Commissioners of Trumbull County, sitting at Warren, the county seat, organized this territory with the name of Hudson. On the 5th of April following, twenty electors gathered at the cabin of David Hud- son, and elected Thaddeus Lacey, Township Clerk ; Heman Oviatt, Ebenezer Sheldon and Abraham Thompson, Trustees ; Elias Harmon and Samuel liishop, Poormasters ; Aaron Nor- ton, John Oviatt and Jotham Atwater, Fence Viewers ; Joel (xaylord and Elias Harmon, x\p- praisers of Houses ; George Kilbourne, Moses Pond and Moses Thompson, Supervisors of Highways ; Ebenezer Lister, Aaron Norton and Rufus Edwards, Constables. Of the election, Mr. Hudson was Chairman, and the voters were D. Hudson, J. Darrow, G. Darrow, Dr. Thomp- son, T. Lacey, William McKinley, A. Norton, H. Oviatt, P]. Sheldon (of Aurora), E. Nobles, S. Bishop, J. Gaylord, A. Thompson, Deacon S. Thompson. Robert Walker (of Stow), Elias Harmon (of Mantua), Jotham Atwater, Moses Pond, Rufus Edwards and George Kilbourne. In J 801, Gov. St. Clair Appointed Mr. Hudson, * MSS. of Misb) Emily Metcalf. Justice of the l^eace, and his first official act beai's date of March 21, 1801, with the follow- ing entry on his docket : '• Issued a writ of arrest in favor of Thaddeus Lacey against Thomas and Daniel Judd, to balance book ac- counts ; said Lace}' having made oath that, in his opinion, he is in danger of losing the debt due him from said Judds." It is proba- ble, that in his opinion he was mistaken, for there is no further entries upon that subject, or, in fact, in that year. His official services were called into requisition, however, during the lat- ter part of that year, but hardly in a way to call for a docket entry. This was on the occa- sion of the marriage of George Darrow to Miss Olive Gaylord, which he legalized on the 11th of October, 1801. On the 5th of November following, he performed the same functions for Stephen Perkins and Miss Ruth Bishop, all of Hudson. These marriages were before pro- vision had been made to record such events, and they are found noted upon the fly-leaf of an old land record book in the Recorder's office at Warren. In the first case, Mr. Hud- son is said to have been considerably embar- rassed, and was obliged to correct himself re- peatedl}' before he could satisfy himself that he had discharged his duty in the premises. The lady in the case did not exhibit so much trepidation, and showed her housewifely care, by dropping the hand of the groom at a criti- cal point, and proceeding across the room re- moved a "thief" that was "guttering" the candle. On resuming her position, the cere- monies went on. The story is told of her, that a little later, when the first census taker called on her with his usual bundle of interrogations, her only response was, " George and I live here," and with this the enumerator was forced to satisfy himself The year previous, a log schoolhouse had been erected, and this served for 3^ears in the threefold capacity of meeting, town and school house. The early records are in an excellent state of preservation, but they present nothing of any interest to the present generation. There was very little parade made by the governing powers, and, save the record- ing of " ear-marks," and noting the proceedings of each " annual meeting," there was no call for records. The April election was an impor- tant event, however, in the township, and was scrupulously attended by the male -i^ortion of the community. The business was generally ^1 1^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 431 opened with prayer, and the day spent as a holiday. After surveying the whole township into one hundred lots, following the plan of New England villages, the proprietors laid out a public square on the geographical center of the township. This consisted of two acres in a square form, taken equally from the converg- ing corners of Lots Nos. -45, 55, 56 and 46. There was, then, according to the record, " laid out to the proprietors of said town of Hudson, of mechanic lots, each lot containing two and a half acres, being 5.00 square, bounded south on the east and west center line ; west on Lot No. 54 ; north on the remaining part of David Hudson's Lot No. 55 ; east on the public green ; said lots taken off 5.00 wide from the south side of said Hudson's Lot, No. 55. Also seven me- chanic lots laid off from the south side of Lot No. 56 ; bounded west on the public green ; north on the remaining pai't of said Hudson's Lot No. 56 ; east on Lot No. 57 ; south on east and west center line ; each lot containing two and one-half acres, being 5.00 square. Also seven mechanic lots taken from the north side of Lot No. 46 ; bounded west on the public green ; north on the east aud-west center line ; east on Lot No. 47 ; south the remaining part of Lot No. 46 ; the above said mechanic lots divided by posts and lines at 5.00 distance. Thaddeus Lacey, surveyor ; David Hudson, agent for proprietors." The earliest road which opened this settlement to the outside world was that one leading to the boat landing in Boston on the Cuyahoga. This was the only outlet, and was used for several years. In 1802, Ed- ward Payne laid out what is known under the various titles of Aurora road, Payne road or Old State road, from Painesville to Chillicothe, then the capital of the State. This passed tlirough Kirtland, Chester, Bainbridge, Aurora, Hudson, etc. It entered the latter township where the Aurora road does, and followed its course until it struck the village, when it changed its course and followed the center road south, about a mile from the village, where it branched off to the southwest, touching a little later Cuy- ahoga Falls and then on to old Portage. About the same time, or perhaps a little earlier, the road from Cleveland to Canton passed through Hudson on the north-and-south center road, which is yet known as the Cleveland road. It was in this year also (1802) that Mr. Hudson, at the request of Capt. Olmsted, the proprietor of Franklin Township, laid out the Ravenna road. The work was set on foot by petition to the Commissioners in February, and it was the last of December before he was ready to build a bridge where the road crossed the Cu3'ahoga River. On the 31st of December, he secured nine volunteers — S. Bishop, E. Lindley, W. Mc- Kinley, A. Thompson, H. Oviatt, M. Parker, G. Darrow, W. Leach and T. Lacey, to accompany him to construct a bridge across the " Narrows," near the scene of Brady's leap. This was no slight undertaking, poorly provided as they were with tools and machinery. A tree stand- ing on the bank near at hand was first felled across the stream, and with this start, aided by three yoke of cattle and some volunteex-s from Ravenna, the structure was completed in two days, and was the first bridge constructed in this vicinity. The men took their provisions with them, camping out until their work was accom- plished, and though each one thought he was contributing his labor, Mr. Hudson secured them pay at 50 cents per day. The general line of this road is still marked by Ravenna street and its ex- tension. Some years afterward, the east-and- west center road was extended to Warren. The town thus early made accessible, took on a vigorous growth. The road thus laid out brought considerable through travel to Hudson, which could not fail to build up its business in- terests. A stage route was established from Cleveland to Pittsburgh as early as 1 825, pass- ing through Hudson. Jabez Gilbert was the earliest of a long line of stage-drivers who are remembered by the older residents of the place. He drove at first a two-horse vehicle, which with the increase of business was exchanged for one drawn by the regular four-in-hand, with frequentl}' a half-dozen '• extras " following it. The great drawback to this enterprise here as elsewhere, was the almost impassible condition of the roads during the inclement seasons. These were often in places too muddy to travel at all, and it was a common occurrence for teams passing on the Aurora road to make a detour on the high ground that is found to the noi'th of it. The first mill in this part of the country was at Newburg, which was erected by W. W. Will- iams in 1800. The Hudson colonists brought considerable fiour with them, and were forced occasionally to go to considerable distances to renew the supply before the}' secured a harvest, f* 433 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Dr. Thompson going at one time to George- town on the Ohio River, a distance of eighth- miles. The first harvest was derived from tlie nine acres which Mr. Hudson had sown in 1799. The yield was 183 bushels, one-foui'th of which Lace}' got for harvesting and threshing. The balance was apportioned among the pi'oprietors as follows : " Birdseye Norton, one-half and one-half a quarter, 85.25 bushels ; Hudson, one- quarter, 34.10 bushels; Oviatt, Parmele and Baldwin, one-eight, 17.5 bushels." The wheat was all used in the colonj-, however, and what was not lost was ground at the Newburg mill. " To go to mill " was a three days' task ; two consumed on the journey of twenty miles and return, and one in waiting for the grist. The first load of wheat was taken to mill by Samuel Bishop, in February, 1801, under a bargain of receiving one-half for his trouble. He was obliged to set out shortl}- after a rain, and arriving at Tinker's Creek he found the stream considerably swollen bj' the rainfall. He ven- tui-ed to cross, however, but found the current too strong for him, and he got back to shore, losing his entire load of wheat, and barel^' sav- ing his oxen and sled. At another time Dr. Thompson and William Leach undertook the task of going to the same mill in the spring of the year. They had three yoke of oxen and a cart. The river was high and the current strong, but they urged their team across. The lead cattle soon began to swim, then the second yoke, and soon the third yoke and cart. For- tunately the first yoke had b}- this time gained their footing and enabled the others to succes- sivel}- come to the shallower water. But the cart swinging down stream with the current, and not being a seaworthy craft, lost its load of wheat, and barely caiTied the drivers through in safety. The Doctor was not thus brought to the end of his resources. He bought some wheat for which he gave his note, got it ground, and returned with his flour to find the stream lower and fordable. It was not possible for all to go to this expense for flour. Corn was sub- stituted for wheat and smashed in wooden mortars, i. e., a stump with a hole burned in it with a long wooden pestle attached to a spring- pole. More of it was prepared on what was called " blood mills," a tin grater made by punching holes in a piece of old tin, then giv- ing it a curve and nailing it to a piece of board. The community was placed under such disad- vantages but a short time. In preparing for the settlement, Mr. Hudson had not forgotten this important feature of frontier life, and in his first bills of articles, mill-stones were prom- inent items. But who put up the first mill in Hudson is as variously claimed as the killing of " Cock Robin." In 1801, Ezra Wyatt and Aaron Norton commenced building mills on Tinker's Creek, in the northeast part of this township. From evidence gathered from the account-books of Mr. Hudson, though not clear, it is made probable that Mr. Wyatt began this undertaking alone, encouraged and assisted by Mr. Hudson. An entry without date is as fol- lows : '' Have been at the expense of furnishing all W3'att's provisions and laborers, and all things necessaiy to build one-half of the mills, and to take my payment in boards one, two, three and four 3ears hence, without intei'est. Also I have engaged to make him a free gift of 100 acres of land to encourage him to go on with the mills after the discovery of quicksand." Notwithstanding this liberal subsid}', Mr. W^'att became tired of his undertaking, and Mr. Nor- ton took his place, the former going to Cleve- land. The saw-mill was completed for busi- ness that fall, and the grist-mill so that it would grind, but not bolt, in the spring of 1802, not far from the 18th of April. A distillery was started in connection with the mills soon after- ward, and the whole business run in the name of Hudson & Norton. It stood but a year or two, when the whole establishment was de- stroyed by fire in the latter part of 1803. Nor- ton, in 1806, built mills on Mud Brook in Northampton, and two years later built others in Middlebury. Deacon Thompson built a saw- mill immediatelj- after the destruction of the Norton mill, on the site of the present Holmes mill. This stood until it rotted down, and was then replaced by Augustus Baldwin, and sub- sequently two others were built upon the same site. Joel Gaylord also erected a mill not far from the same time that Deacon Thompson put up his, which was replaced b}- George Leach, who at difi'erent times built two other mills on Breakneck Creek. The coming of Owen Brown in 1805, introduced another industry that was second only to the mills in its usefulness to the new settlement. He was a tanner by trade, and at once set about preparing to ply his trade here. He sank his vats a little west of the vil- lage, and made a good market for such skins ^' HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 433 as the settlers derived from the game. A few 3-ears afterward, he and his son John, known better to fame in Uxter 3'ears through his aggres- sive opposition to the slave-power, started another northwest of the village near where Morris Johnson now lives. Greorge Kilbourne essa^yed the same business about a mile and a half south of the town on the Center road. It was not a very extensive affair ; vats were sunk and a well dug, and some sheds erected, but no great amount of business was done. The well and the signs of the vats still mark the spot. Some time afterward, Asahel Kilbourne started a tannery on the run which passes Sherman Thompson's house, choosing a site just across where the railroad now runs. This was a more vigorous institution, and continued for some years. The most successful business in this line, however, was probably done bj' William Dobbs. He came here from Canton, and, pur- chasing the Brown tannery, extended the trade, and carried it on until the development of the country grew beyond his reach, and the busi- ness passed into the category of lost arts in this community. Another branch of the manufact- uring business, which subserved an excellent purpose in those pioneer times was an asher}*, established, and conducted by Hillis & James, early merchants in Hudson. Here the ashes of the settler's hearth and log-heaps were con- verted into " potash, pearl-ash and black salts," and made to serve him again in its new form. The social customs of the time, and the only avenue of foreign trade, made the distilling of liquor an early and profitable business. Oviatt, who commenced trading with Indians as early as 1801, found whisky not onh- a legal tender for whatever he cared to bu}-, but a commodity in ver}' lively demand by the natives. He built a distillery on the stream near Sherman Thompson's residence, but probably not until the Hudson & Norton distiller}' had burned down. This he continued for some 3'eai-s, but the sale of it to the Indians was forbidden b}' the Government, and he finally abandoned it, though it had proved very profitable to him. George Darrow erected another about 1815, where the Eagle Cheese Factory now stands, and manufactured rye and corn whisky for years, selling it at his place of business to such as wanted it. There was an abundant demand for it for 3'ears after the Indians had generallj^ removed. Whisky was found ever\'where in the earl}' society, and none were "Puritanic" enough in their sentiments to object to its use. At the stores the customer found it "on tap," to use free of expense ; ever}' social gathering was enlivened by its presence and use ; and even preachers and people drew nearer each other in a social glass. The good judgment of people was not blinded to the evil which was growing up in the shadow of this social custom, and a move- ment to curtail its use was begun by those who had used it freely for years. It began to be re- fused at house-raisings, perhaps, as early as 1820 or 1825, to the no small opposition of a consid- erable portion of the community. At one of these temperance raisings, it is said, the two elements of society met, and the opposition re- fused to let the building go up. They held on to the frame-work, until, by the redoubled efforts of the temperance men, who were in a major- ity, they were lifted off the ground and the structure went up. In 1828 or 1830, the barn of Dr. Everett was raised without whisky and without opposition, the opposition staying away entirely An incident is related of Rev. Randolph Stone which illustrates how strongly the habitual use of liquor had become fixed in the social intercourse of the time. Mr. Stone had taken a very pronounced position in favor of temperance, going to the extent of advising that all apple-trees should be destroyed to pre- vent the manufacture of cider. Soon after tak- ing this position, he took some students to board that had come to attend the Western Re- serve College, then just opened, and placed upon the table for their use, some " whisky and fennel," of which, however, he did not partake. This was probably from the force of habit and the desire to avoid the appearance of discourt- esy, but was very soon abandoned. The early years of the township did not de- mand a hotel to dispense its hospitality. Each pioneer entertained strangers as often without pecuniary remuneration as with it. But as the town grew in proportion and the through lines of travel wei'e established through the place, there was a demand for an inn. Heman Oviatt first provided such entertainment at his cabin, a mile south of the village, but, about 1813, he preferred to confine his attention to the more lucrative business of trade, and persuaded Mr. Hudson to open his house to the public in this way, and this was perhaps the first regular inn in the village. This was at the house where i) rj, iJ' 434 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Mrs. Harvey Baldwin now resides. Mrs. Bald- win, when a girl, often presided at the bar, and the fare dispensed in those days may be in- ferred from the fact that on one occasion the whole female force of the family was occupied the whole day in baking '• corn pones" for the consumption of their guests. In 1816 or thereabouts, George Kilbourne oflered " enter- tainment for man and beast ' where Justin Kilbourne now lives ; some years afterward — about 1825 — Augustus Baldwin opened a hotel in the house where Mrs. Buss at present resides, and another was kept b}- George Darrow at the present residence of William Darrow. The "Mansion House," the only survivor of this race of public benefactors, was built in 1830, for Samuel Edgerly. It was afterward put into a lottery by Mr. Hertzell and disposed of, but who the fortunate possessor of the ticket was is not revealed. A long line of hosts have en- tertained the public here, among whose names appear those of Edgerly, Hertzell, Shields, Wadham and Boutou, the present host. In the palmy days of the stage business, the Mansion House was a place of consequence, and at- tracted a large ci'owd of patrons of the stage and idle lookers-on, which of late years has been transferred to the railway' station. Business beginnings found their start with Heman Oviatt a mile south of the center of the township. His trade was at first confined chiefly to the Indians, who, so long as they re- mained, were his most valuable customers. When he had accumulated skins enough to make two good-sized bales, he would load them on a horse across a pack-saddle, and take them to Pittsburgh, which was his nearest market. His return load was made up of shawls, blankets, powder, lead and whisk}-. The latter he soon made himself and avoided transportation, and gradually worked into the sale of commodities to the settlers. About 1800, he came to the " Center " and opened up his business, more especially for the patronage of the settlement oc- cupying the front room of the Grosvenor House in later years. He was a keen business man, requiring the last cent in a bargain, but just as ready to pay it when he agreed to do so. A story is told of him which illustrates the for- mer characteristic of his dealings. In the course of some dealing with a member of the settle- ment he had taken a note for .fl.Ol, which was nothing unusual in those days of fractional cents and petty dealings. A short time after- ward, the drawer of the note handed Oviatt $1 which he accepted with some hesitation, and, after some cogitation, said, '' I suppose you want this indorsed on your note, don't you, John ? " He was alwa3's on the alert for a safe business venture, and, in the fall of 1815, he put in $1,000 into a partnership with Zenas Kent, the latter furnishing $500 more and set- ting up a store in Ravenna, which proved a " paying " business. He was a partner with Alison Kent in Canfield and with Roswell Kent in Middlebury. He retired from business about 1825, and is remembered as a close bargainer, strictly honest and successful in business. In 1812, the business circle of Hudson received a valuable accession in the Baldwin brothers. Pomeroy Baldwin, after the death of his father, came to Hudson in 1811, to look after the prop- erty the family owned here. He remained but a short time, and returned to his home in Goshen in company with Mr. Hudson. The journey was made in a " pung " sleigh, with conveniently shaped roots as runners. In the following year, Augustus and Frederick came to Hudson, arriving on the 12th of June, bring- ing with them Dudley Humphrej', who had shipped a lot of boots and shoes as a specula- tion. The Baldwins proposed to open up a business in dry goods, and all the goods were shipped from Buffalo, whither the}- had brought them with two teams. Seventeen daj'S were consumed in reaching Buffalo from Goshen. The distance from the former place to Cat- taraugus Creek, thirty-two miles, was accom- plished in a single day, w^hich was con- sidered a remarkable event. Their store was built near the site of C. H. Buss' present store, and, in 1827, the}- put up that building. The character of the early trade may be imagined ; cotton cloth, three-quarters of a yard wide, sold for 50 cents ; 75 cents for the yard-wide cloth. At that rate, it took three days' work to buy a shirt. The Baldwins built Mechanics' Hall about 1830. This was a frame building, placed in the rear of where Buss' store now stands, and, in accordance with the original plan of the founders of the town, was occupied by tiie me- chanics of the place. Here was the shop of the shoe-maker, the tailor and cabinet-maker, " to their majesties," tlie popular sovereigns of Hud- son. This formal arrangement did not last long, and each workman was soon found where ■k* HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 435 inclination or favoi-able circumstances suggested to him. Before this, the tanners were shoe and harness makers as well, and it was the custom to " cat whip it " throughout the community, {. e., the workman went to each family with his kit of tools, and worked up the leather which each provident citizen provided for the family, shoes and such harness as he needed. Among the early blacksmiths were Treat (who after- ward went to Aurora), Ruggles, Perley Mansur, and Hinsdale who came here in 1814. The Baldwin brothers changed the members of the firm several times, one brother and another re- tiring until they were succeeded by J. H. Ci'aw- ford & Co., who gave wa}' to Hillis & James, whom Mr. Buss followed in occupying the store. Mr. Augustus Baldwin went to Franklin Mills in 1836, to engage in the banking business, and his brother Frederick to farming in Hudson. In 1830, A. A. Brewster came from Ravenna and opened a store in a building which has since beeu enlarged and used by Mr. Farvvell as a blacksmith-shop. Soon afterward he moved into a building on the corner of Main and Au- rora sti'eets, where the present brick building was erected. Mr. Brewster first began business here in partnership with Zenas Kent, of Ra- venna, the latter being represented solely by his capital. Mr. Kent came to Hudson in the spring of 1814, and settled on Darrow street. He came, it is said, with his wife, in a one- horse peddling wagon, bringing in some goods. He worked the first summer at the carpenter's trade, and in the winter taught school. In the following fall he went to Ravenna and opened up business with Oviatt, where he amassed con- siderable property, buying out his partner and conducting the business alone for years. In 1833, he reciprocated the interest of Oviatt, and induced Mr. Brewster to come to Hudson under a similar arrangement. The latter pur- chased Mr. Kent's interest, and, in 1855, ad- mitted D. D. Beebe as partner, who eventually succeeded to full control and still conducts the business. About the same time with the com- ing of Kent & Brewster came Hamlin & Dawes, which changed later to firm name of Hamlin & Ellsworth, and then to Ellsworth & Buss, and, finally, to John Buss alone. Mr. Buss came to Hudson in 1833, to attend college, but, his health failing, he went South. Returning, he entered the store of Kent & Brewster, and, about 1841, entered into business with Ellsworth in the present old bakery building. While here the firm changed to Buss & Bond ; and, in 1845, Mr. Buss bought the store where his son, C. H. Buss, succeeded him in the business, which he still continues. The only attempt at banking in Hudson was by Mr. Brewster, who furnished facilities for collection and discount of commer- cial paper in connection with his dry goods business. He continued it only a few years. Up to 1851, Hudson's only means of commu- nication with tlie outside world was such as the dirt roads afforded, and these for a large part of the year were nearly impassable for light ve- hicles, not to mention heav3'-ladened wagons. Yet, in spite of these disadvantages incident to an inland town, the village gradually increased in size and importance, and the projected rail- road from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, which was agitated some time previous to 1851, did much to increase its prosperity. The first charter granted for this I'oad expired by limitation, be- cause it was not used ; but, in 1846, it was re- newed. The people of Hudson took a great interest in this movement, and subscriptions were made to the extent of the people's ability. Judge Sylvester H. Thompson being one of the commissioners appointed ou behalf of the State. In 1850, the road was finished to this place, and the people and the members of the Legislature received the first train in Hudson with great rejoicings in 1850. The business men and citi- zens of all classes became enthusiastic over the future prospects of the village, and an enter- prise was at once put on foot to construct another line of railroad, one that should connect New York with Omaha direct. The plan was to combine a number of separate lines through New York and Pennsylvania to the Ohio line. From this point, it was proposed to build the Clinton Air Line along the line surveyed years before for the Clinton Canal, to Hudson. The plan further proposed an " extension " west from this village to Toledo, and one to Omaha. During this movement, the " Akron Branch " of the Pittsburgh road was completed to Akron, and Hudson seemed right in the direct line of preferment. The Clinton Air Line was par- ticularly a Hudson enterprise, and some $200,- 000 were subscribed in stock, and some of the citizens prominent on the Board of Directors. The work was pushed with vigor, and some $18,000 expended on the road-bed in this town- ship. i) >y ^- 436 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY. This activity in railroad matters stimu- lated business circles in the little village into a perfect frenzy of speculation. Henry N. Day, who came to Hudson as a Professor in the col- lege, and who had some capital, went into business, and put up the Pentagon at a cost of $18,000, in 1849-50. It was occupied by Sawyer, IngersoU & Co., Mr. Day constituting the " company." This firm launched into the publishing business on the broadest scale. The town was known as an intellectual center, and a paper of considerable influence had been pub- lished here for years, and the firm proposed to build up a large publishing house. All branches of the business were undertaken, and proved successful so long as they confined their atten- tion to jobbing. Ambitious, however, to gain a reputation as publishers, they began to publish on their own account, and soon found their capital locked up in unprofitable books. The firm then changed hands, and D. Marshall & Co. took the business. The change brought no increase of capital to the concern, and it soon changed to the Hudson Book Company, which finally made an assignment. In the west part of the building, J. W. Smith & Co. opened a dry goods store about the same time. Prof Day and Jeremiah Day, of New York City, forming the company-. This firm, possessed by the same spirit of peculation, expanded their operations to the fullest extent, trusting to the realizations of the future to justify their risks. In the meanwhile, large accessions to the popu- lation of the village were attracted, and every house was crowded. Rents and property were high, and the demand was for more houses. At this juncture, a planing mill and lumber company was formed to cater to this demand for more buildings. Smith was the prime mover in this enterprise, and the business was planned on a large scale. A $10,000 stock of lumber was secured, houses were built for everybody on eas}^ terms, and the village bid fair to become a city on the strength of railroad promises. All this business activity exacted a large expendi- ture of mone}^, and far in excess of what the persons engaged in the operations possessed. But they had friends who were easily convinced that the future of Hudson was assured, and readily advanced large sums of money. In ad- dition to this outla}', the promoters of these projects were also deeply interested in the suc- cess of the Clinton Air Line Railroad, and were subscribers to a large amount, as were most of the mone^'ed citizens. All this activity and expenditure was crowd- ed into the space of some five or six years, and, before that time had elapsed, the suspicion began to be entertained that neither the pres- ent nor future of the village warranted this extravagant outlay of capital. Public faith in the final completion of the new railroad began to waver, the terrible strain upon the authors of this artificial business activity began to be observed, and the whole commercial fabric of the village, like a great wall tottering to its fall, seemed about to end in a crash. The end soon came, as it might have been foreseen, perhaps, from the beginning. There was one assignment after another, until not only was all of the overestimated business wiped out, but all business received such a shock as to re- quire several j'ears to rally. The lumber com- pany suspended with $35,000 liabilities, and J. W. Smith, who was active in all these enter- prises, retired with $100,000 liabilities and .$80,000 nominal assets. On the heels of all this came the realization of the worst fore- bodings of the Clinton Railroad, involving not onl}' a loss of all subscriptions, but a liability for an equal amount in addition. Fortunately', by the misplacement of some records, the Hud- son subscribers escaped from the full penalty of their enterprise in this matter, or the whole business communit}' would have been finan- cially annihilated. Belonging to this period, though in no way connected with the movers in other enterprises, were J. C. Sn3-der and I. C. Dowd, produce merchants, who, attracted by the business activity of the village, linked their fortunes with the place. The latter built a warehouse near the depot, and both did con- siderable business, but, in the end, they only served to swell the general disaster. Tall- madge & Jaynes' grist-mill, built on the Brandywine Creek, where the Cleveland & Pittsburgh road crosses the stream, was built in 1852 or 1853. Though suffering in the general depression, it did not cease altogether. It changed into the hands of a Mr. Wilson, and after an existence of some ten or twelve years was destroyed b}- fire. Singularly enough, in this prostration of business are found the beginning of some of the largest enterprises of the present. After a tedious litigation, the planing-mill property fell -^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 437 into the hands of Osborne, Dunham & Co., who fitted it up and manufactured the Buckeye Land Roller, and, later, with Benjamin Wheel- ock, manufactured chairs. The business did not prove successful, and the property came into the hands of Mr. Wheelock alone, and, in the fall of 1873, Jacob Miner put in two run of stone, and fitted it up for milling purposes, taking a share in the whole property. Thi'ough Wheelock's business embarrassment, the prop- erty once more fell into the hands of the law and the Sheriff. It has finally become the property of A. R. Hurd. It has since been improved by the addition of two new run of stone and otherwise improved to the capacity of fifty barrels per day. It is rented by the Hudson Mill Company, and does a large cus- tom business, filling an}' spare time on a light jobbing trade which they have fallen into rather than built up. On the ruins of the old Pentagon enterprises is now established the flourishing factory busi- ness of S. Straight & Son. The senior partner of this firm was, at the time of the Hudson depression, a member of the firm of Straight, Demming & Co., commission merchants of Cincinnati, and had done considerable business with the produce dealers here. One of the the Hudson dealers becoming involved, secured the Cincinnati firm on a part of this property here, which, in the end, was bid in for the Cin- cinnati house. Subsequently, when Mr. Straight retired from active relations with the Cin- cinnati business, this propert}- attracted his attention to Hudson, and was influential in determining his locating here. He began the cheese-factor}' business in Hudson in 1867, by the purchase of two and the building of one factory. He secured the Pentagon building and fitted it up with shelving for 15,000 cheeses for his business, at a cost of about 17,000 ; later, admitted his son to the business, and has enlarged the business from year to 3'ear, until now the firm owns and operates thirteen cheese-factories, making the milk of over 6,000 cows into 50,000 cheeses annually. In 1878, the firm erected a large brick curing- house in the rear of the Pentagon, 60x60 feet, with two stories and a basement, at a cost of $10,000. This building is supplied with an engine and boilers, steam elevators, three large exhaust fans, and shelving for 12,000 cheeses. The basement has storage capacity for 250,000 pounds of butter. An ice-house, with a stor- age capacit}' of 450 tons of ice, is provided with a series of pipes through which the air is drawn by the exhaust fans for the cooling of the curing-house. In addition to the large amount of cheese manufactured by this firm, they bu}' immense quantities in Illinois and elsewhere, shipping it East or storing it in their buildings in Hudson until the market will warrant its shipment. The firm employs sixty- five hands, and buys all the milk of the farm- ers, each factory working up the milk of from two hundred and fifty to six hundred cows. The capital invested in fixtures is esti- mated at .$100,000, and the business of the firm is rated among the few large Western firms in this business. Closely connected, historically, with these enterprises is the Hudson Butter-Tub and Cheese-Box Company. In 1870, Mr. E. A. Osborne, in connection with E. Cro}', built a small building and started this business. These gentlemen had had a connection with the enter- prises that preceded the grist-mill and with- drew to supply the demand which the cheese trade of S. Straight & Son began to make. The business rapidly developed, and seven or eight hands wei'e constantly employed in the manu- facture of cheese-boxes. In 1873, the ma- chinery for the manufacture of butter-tubs was added, and the business prosecuted together until 1878, when the partnership was dissolved. The firm is now E. A. Osboi'ue & Sons. They turn out in the busy season about one hundred tubs and two hundred cheese-boxes per day. The timber is taken in the log and worked up with little waste, the parts unsuitable for the boxes and tubs are worked up into staves, heading and spokes. The business demands an outlay of about $500 per month. Their boxes are sold principally to S. Straight & Son; the tubs are sold in Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Closely adjoining is the saw-mill and cheese-box works of E. Croy, who estab- lished an independent business on the dissolu- tion of partnership in 1878. This covers the manufacturing business of the village at pres- ent, save the Oviatt Manufacturing Company. This company was organized in Januar}', 1878, for the purpose of manufacturing the " Oviatt Grain-Thresher," the - Common-Sense Wagon,' and the " Independent Runner Sled." The patents are held by S. E. Oviatt and it was V3J 1^ 438 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY proposed to build up a manufacturing enter- prise of considerable extent. The company was composed of eight members, principally mechanics, on the co-operative plan. In a short time, four of the company bought the stock of the other four, but a lack of the nec- essary capital has greatly restricted the enter- prise thus far. Their products have met with abundant encouragement wherever placed upon the market, and the expectation is that at no distant day the necessary capital will be se- cured and the business developed. Meanwhile, the "internal improvements" of the de facto village had kept pace with its busi- ness enterprise. The earliest frame building was the barn of Mr. Hudson, built almost en- tirely of black-walnut lumber, sawed at Norton's mill. This was followed, in 1806, b}' the house which Mrs. Baldwin now owns and occupies as a residence. These pioneer frame buildings were soon followed b}' others as there was neither a dearth of timber nor scarcit}' of mills. In 1826, the college was established and the buildings, gradually put up, improving the ap- pearance of the town and stimulating its citi- zens to build more comely structures for dwell- ings. The soil rendered the supply of brick in- exhaustible and cheap. The brick needed for the spacious hearths and great chimneys of Mr. Hudson's house, were made by a Mr. Lj'on on the site now occupied b}" the Atheneum, the mud being tramped into condition for molding by two yoke of oxen. The first brick dwelling was put up by Julian Lusk. on the site occu- pied b}' Farrar's Block, and ante-dated the college buildings some three years, being erected in 1823. An early brick house and perhaps the second one was that erected by Asahel Kilbourne and now occupied by Sher- man P. Thompson, situated south of the village. The college brought a large accession to the population of the village, and the village began to expand. It was the design of the founder's that the town should gather about the geo- graphical center of the township, but there were several obstacles in the wa}'. The ground toward the south was low and undesirable for dwellings and the owners of these lands were rather reluctant to sell in small parcels, and the village early began to extend northward and eastward to the higher ground. The loca- tion of the college buildings, secured by a liber- al donation of land by Mr. Hudson, had some- thing to do with the direction in which the ex- pansion of the village took. With all this growth, however, such improvements as munic- ipal government grants to a community, was left to the voluntary action of the people with- out any very great results, and it was not long before the citizens began to agitate the desira- bility of securing a village de jure, with its ad- vantages in this respect. On April 1, 1837, an act of the Legislature was signed, incorpor- ating the village to be known thereafter as " The town of Hudson." The boundaries, inclosing an area one mile by one and a half miles, are described in the act as follows : " Beginning at the southwest corner of the herein contemplated corporation limits, at a stake and stones 160 poles west of the north-and-south center road, leading through said township of Hudson, and 240 poles south from the east-and-west center road, running through said township ; thence from said southwest corner, running north in a line parallel with said north-and-south center road 480 poles to a stake and stones ; thence east in a line parallel with said east-and-west center road, 320 poles ; thence south in a line parallel with the west line, 480 poles to a stake and stones ; thence in a line parallel with the north line, 320 poles to the place of beginning." These limits have not been found to interfere with the metropolitan aspirations of the village, and no extensions have been made. A few un- impoi-tant additions liave been platted on the Aurora road, and somewhat built up, but there has been no positive demand on the part of the owners of this property to be admitted to a share in tlie municipal taxes. The first election under the act of incorpora- tion was held on the first Tuesday in Ma^-, 1837, resnlting in the choice of Heman Oviatt as Ma3'or ; Lyman Hall, Recorder ; Frederick Baldwin. John B. Clarke, Jesse Dickenson, Harve}' Baldwin, Daniel C. (lay lord, Trustees. The largest number of votes received by any candidate was nineteen. The records of the Board of Trustees, or, in more modern phrase, of the Council, are devoid of any particular in- terest in the earl^' 3ears. One or two entries, however, afford a striking illustration of the vanit}' of all aspirations for wealth, when they appear on the tax lists. The real estate valua- tion of the village, in 1837, was placed at $93,- 967.58, and personal property at $19,474 ; in 1844, the next entry of the tax list, the real es- HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 439 tate had shrunk to $30,427, and the personal propert}' to $12,177. The attention of the Council during the first eight or ten 3'ears was to sidewalks and streets. The latter had been pretty well provided for by land owners before the incorporation of the village, and needed but little attention in the way of originating high- ways. The sidewalks was a subject of more portentous proportions, and gave the average Councihnan no end of worrj'. It was first oi*- dained that the sidewalks should by constructed of " brick, four feet wide, and curbed with heavy timbers," plank was afterward allowed as a sub- stitute for the brick, and represents the char- acter of nine-tenths of the sidewalks in the town at this day. Stock was " ordered off the streets," and a " pound " provided for, at the first meeting of the Council, but it was a year before the structure was ready to serve the public, and cost about $20 In 1852, the first step was taken to improve the pub- lic square. As early as 1812, the tendency of tlie village to extend northward was ob- served, and the Township Trustees took steps to modif}- the " public green " to suit the new or- of things. B}' exchanging portions of the original green, that portion of the green above Church street was secured. Nothing wa.s done to improve it save to clear it of the timber un- til 1852. The Council then provided a fence, seventy-four trees and had it plowed, sowed to oats and ''seeded down." In 1854, the sub- ject of proper protection from fire came before the Council. Neither the township nor village had suffered severely' from fire, if the terrible fatalit}^ in connection with the destruction of the cabin of Nathaniel Stone, in 1845, is ex- cepted. 3Ir. Stone was one of the early settlers, and was then occupying a cabin where his son, Roswell Stone, lives, when it caught fire. A son and daughter occupied the upper cham- bers, and, when they were aroused, the stair- way was in flames, having ignited from the fire-place. The chambers were filled with smoke, but the son, making his way to a win- dow, escaped ; but the daughter, some twentj' - two 3'ears of age, stifled with smoke and be- wildered with fright, was too late, and perished in the flames. Undoubtedly this tragedy made a lasting impression, and the growing village rendered the danger of fires more threatening. A small, rotar}' engine was bought at Middle- bury, but before it was paid for the au- thorities desired to " back out." The sel- ler would not accede to their wishes in this matter, and the coffee-mill afl'air was brought to scare the fire fiend awa}'. Res- ervoirs were constructed from time to time, but the inadequacy of the engine became more and more apparent, and, in 1858, the Council bought the present machine of Button & Blake. The pumps are 9 and 7 inches, 17^- foot brakes, 16 -foot suction hose, and wheels of 28 and 35 inches diameter. The cost was $725. The company organized to work the first engine took this in charge, and of this organization the fire department consists to-day. There is a chief of the department, and the company' is allowed a small remuneration for attending the fires that occur. The engine-house is found in the rear of the Congregational Church, to to which it belongs, but is given rent-free to the village so long as it is used as an engine- house and the machine kept there. In 1879, the Council re-organized this department, pro- posing to pay each member $1 each six months, provided that the number should not exceed forty. In 1870, the corporation rose to the dignity of a " lock-up." This was situated upon a corner of the school-lot, and was a wooden affair, with some iron supports about the windows, erected at a cost of some $125. It fell into disrepute with certain citizens, and was set on fire, it is supposed, b}' some one who had had a more intimate acquaintance with it than he enjoyed, and totally destroyed. An effort was put forth by the Council this 3'ear to im- prove the streets by the use of cinders from the rolling mills at Cleveland. This material was bought at the mills at $1.50 per car. and freighted here by rail at $6 per car load. A part of Main and College streets were treated with a layer of this material, covered with gravel from the vicinity of the village, with ver}^ beneficial results. Some portions of other streets have been treated in like manner, with some variation in the price of materials. In 1877, lamps for lighting the streets were pro- vided, on condition that certain parties who were chiefly benefited would supply the material for the lighting and care for the lights. A year later the Council took the matter into their own hands ; and from a start of thirteen lamps, in 1877. the number has doubled at the present. In 1878, the subject of a town hall began to be agitated. The Council had met in various 1 ^ 440 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY rooms and offices about town, and after the lock-up was burned, there was no provision for municipal criminals, and the demand seemed to be pressing. The Township Trustees took the proposition in hand, and, after submit- ting the matter to a vote, made preparation for the erection of such a building. The Coun- cil then proposed to join with them and provide for the need of the corporation in the same structure. Such an agreement was made, the Council buying the site of the old Congrega- tional Church for $800, and leasing it to the Township Trustees for ninety-nine j'ears, in consideration of the latter providing a coun- cil-room and cells, with an upper hall open alike to both parties. The contract for the building was let in 1878 to Thomas Crisp and Charles W. Stewart, for $4,575, and finally a further allowance of $215 for extra work was paid. The building is a two-story brick, with a large hall on the second floor, neatly seated, and two rooms below for the use of Trustees and Council with two cells in the rear for coi*- poration culprits. The first meeting of the Council in their new quarters was on Novem- ber 11, 1879. The Council took action in May of this year to support a public reading-room and librar}'. This project had been set on foot by private enterprise, but was likely to fail, and the Council stepped in and has maintained it since. There is no library in connection, although tiie original plan contemplated such an addition. Another department of the mu- nicipal government is the cemetery. The original cemetery purchased by the Township Trustees was situated on the Brandy- wine Creek, southwest of the village. The first death in the settlement was that of Ira Nobles, a child eight j^ears old, who died Aug. 23. 1801, and, it is supposed, was the first burial here. It was used as a burial-place until 1808, when, on the occasion of the death of Mrs. Owen Brown, it was found too wet, and Mr. Hudson effected an exchange for the ground on College street. Here Mrs. Brown, with a babe resting upon her arm, was the first occupant. This continued to be used until 1855, when Markellie laid out one in the north- west part of the village. At his death in 1869, he willed the ground to the corporation, the gift being accepted in the spring of that 3^ear. Since then it has been cared for by a regular appropriation. It has been enlarged since then, systematically laid out, and is the only place for burial in the corporation. Burials have been forbidden in the old burial ground on College street, and efforts have been made to remove the remains from that place, but it has been resisted hitherto. There are a num- ber of cemeteries about the township, some private and others for neighborhood purposes. Of the latter, an acre contributed by Mr. O'Brien in the southwest part of the township and Maple Grove Cemetery, on Darrow street, are the more important. Hudson village, of the present, is pleasantly situated, of some seventeen hundred inhabitants, noted for its neat dwellings, its general air of cul- ture, and the seat of the Western Reserve College. The business portion, situated principally on Main street and about the public green, con- sists of four general stores, four saloons, three hardware stores, three meat markets, five black- smith-shops, three harness-shops, two groceries, two barber-shops, two drug stores, two wagon- shops, two livery stables, a bakery, millinery store, undertaker's establishment, boot and shoe store, merchant tailor store, jeweler's shop, and one hotel. Of the public buildings, there are three church buildings, the town hall and the Adelphi Hall, or l^etter known as Farrars Block. This is composed of two large store- rooms below, with offices on the second story, and a fine large hall which occupies the whole of the upper stor}'. The hall has a seating- capacity of 900. is provided with commodious dressing rooms, a spacious stage and fine scenery. Such a hall, accessible to an apprecia- tive community, attracts some of the finest entertainments, and Hudson is favored far beyond the average village of its size. This block was erectedin 1866 by C. W. Farrar and Dr. A. E. Berbower. Hudson Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, No. 510, finds a home here. Its lodge, room is in the upper part of the old bakery building. The lodge was organized November 25, 1874, and worked under a dispensation until a charter was issued under date of October 18, 1876. The first officers were Lewis Lemoin, W. M.; James K. Frost, S. W. ; S. E. Judd, J. W. The charter members were J. K. Frost, S. E. Judd, C. H. Buss, and twenty-one others. They have a fine rented hall pleasantly furnished. There was an early lodge established hero, of wliich many of the prominent citizens — D. Hudson, vT (S ^ JOHN BUCHTE L HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 441 Harvey Baldwin and others — were members. During the excitement succeeding the abduc- tion of Morgan, the lodge was abandoned, and an opposition sprung up to this fraternity that lasted for years. In a settlement founded upon the principles upon which Hudson was established, it would be natural to find the church organization among the earliest institutions of the place. The difficulties in the way of such an organi- zation should not, however, be underrated. Ministers were few, and could not have been adequately supported by the scattered com- munities then planted in the wilderness, if there had, been more. Providentially the de- mands of the time and place were met by the representative of the Connecticut Missionary Societ}', Rev. Joseph Badger, whom Congrega- tionalists delight to call the " Apostle of the Reserve." From his printed diaiy, the first inception of the Hudson Congregational Church is learned as follows : He had come from Cleveland to Newburg. "In coming from Cleveland to this place, I fell in company with a man from Hudson, who wanted to know if I was going there to form a church. I replied that if I found suitable characters, I should. ' Well,' said he, ' if 3^ou admit old Deacon Thompson,' and some others he named, ' it shall not stand ; I will break it down. I will have an Episcopal Church.' I observed to him, '■ You must undertake a dangerous work to break down the church of Christ ; I advise you not to meddle with such an undertaking.' I went on to Hudson, preached on the Sabbath, and on Wednesday organized the church in that place, in which Deacon Thompson, Esquire Hudson and others were united." This was on September 4, 1802, the original members being Stephen Thompson and Mary, his wife ; David Hudson ; Abraham Thompson and Susanna, his wife ; Stephen Thompson, Jr., and Abigail, his wife ; George Kilbourne and Almira, his wife ; Heman Oviatt and Eunice, his wife ; Amos Lusk and Hannah Lindley. These were all members of the Congregational Church, at Goshen, Conn., save the last two, who were members of the same denomination at Bloom- field, N. Y. The church thus established depended up- on Mr. Badger and other missionaries for what preaching they had. Services were held in the log schoolhouse that was erected in 1801, and which served for all public gatherings relating to church or State. The absence of a minister did not prevent public worship and it is re- lated witli pride that not a single Sabbath since the latter part of June, 1800, has passed with- out public religious services of some character. The Rev. David Bacon, who had gone in be- half of the Connecticut Missionary Society as a missionary to the Indians in 1801, was re- called to New Connecticut in 1804. "In the month of August he left the isle of Mackinaw, with his wife and two children, the 3'oungest less than six weeks old, and, after a weai-y and dangerous voyage, some part of which was performed in an open canoe, they arrived safe on the soil of the Western Reserve. About the 1st of October they were at Hudson, where they found a temporary home."* The church proposed then to hire him one-half of his time, provided the society would retain him in their employ for the balance. This ar- rangement was effected — the first time that the Gospel was administered in any township oth- erwise than by occasional visits of itinerant missionaries — and continued until 1807, when he moved to Tallmadge. On the 19th of April, 1811, it was voted unanimously by the church that " Benjamin Whedon be appointed a committee for us, and in our behalf to pro- cure a minister of the Gospel to dispense the Word and ordinances in this place, and the said Mr. Whedon is hereby requested and author- ized to make such negotiations and arrange- ments on the subject as he shall judge prudent and proper." The result of this action on the part of the church was a vote, February- 27, 1815. to call the Rev. William Hanford. The call was issued under date of June 10, 1815, and brought an affirmative response under date of August 10, 1815, followed by the in- stallation of Mr. Hanford by the Grand River Presbyter}', on the 17th of August, 1815, the church having come under the care of the Presbytery shortly before this occasion. It would be interesting to note here that "Plan of Union" which eventually agitated church circles throughout the Reserve, and found in Hudson its main support and exponent. Eventually the church became divided upon this subject, and, in 1826, the article prescribing the form of its prudential committee was erased from its regulations. In 1830, a movement *A(lIr. David Gibbs. These commis- sioners were directed in making their decision " to take into view all circumstances of situa- tion, moral character, facility of communica- tion, donations, health, etc." The principal places which competed to secure the location were Burton, Aurora, Euclid, Cleveland and Hudson. After several meetings at different places, the commissioners, in January, 1825, ■ decided in favor of Hudson. The amount of the subscription at Hudson to secure the col- lege was $7,150, of which $2,142 was contrib- uted by Mr. David Hudson. In the competi- tion between different locations within the town, Mr. Hudson gave 160 acres of land to secure it for the place it now occupies, rather than have it put half a mile south of the center of the town. The Presbytery of Huron now added to the Board of Managers, as they had been invited to do, the names of Rev. Simeon Woodruff, Rev. Stephen I. Bradstreet, Hon. Henry Brown and Mr. Harmon Kingsbury. This Boai'd of Managers, now called Trustees, held their first meeting at Hudson on February 15, 1825. They approved of the report of the Commissioners for locating the institution, made arrangements for erecting a college edifice, ap- pointed Benjamin W^hedon Treasurer, and Da- vid Hudson, Owen Brown and Heman Oviatt a Committee of Agency, to superintend the work of building. The}' also adopted a confession of their religious faith, and elected Rev. John Seward and Mr. Samuel Cowles members of the board. The}^ iDcgan their efforts to procure funds, prepared a draft of a charter to be pre- sented to the Legislature, and of a petition in favor of the charter, to be circulated for sub- scription on the Reserve ; appointed Hon. Henry Brown " to procure the granting of the charter by the Legislature ' at its next session, adjusted the lines of the college plat, procured deeds of the ground, drew up a detailed plan of the first building, and decided upon the mode of laying out the campus. Their plan was to erect the buildings in a line from north to south, on the height of ground where they 450 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. now stand, but facing toward the east ; in front of tiie buildings, a street sixt}' feet wide was to be laid out, and on the east side of it, facing westward, were to be erected the houses for the President and Professors. Middle College was accordingly built facing eastward. The plan was changed for a west front in 1828, and the pi'csent location for Professors' houses was se- lected. It is said that the eftbrt to secure a charter encountered severe opposition in the Legisla- ture, especiall}' on account of the religious character which the institution was likel}' to bear. The names of the corporators contained in the petition were tiiose of seven clergymen and seven laymen. There were men in the Leg- islature of infidel sentiments, who were unwill- ing that education should be so much under the influence of the clergj-. These men so modified the draft of the charter asked for as to exclude all religious instruction from the college. It appears, also, that the}' made determined oppo- sition to two names among the corporators, so that these had to be dropped. This is said to have been on account of personal hostility. Eev. E. T. Woodruff" and Rev. Amasa Loomis had been appointed Managers of the Education Fund by the Presbytery of Grand River, and their names must therefore have been in the list of cor})orators in the petition, but the}' are not found in the charter. By some means, also, the name of Samuel Cowles was replaced by that of David Hudson. The corporators were thus seven la3'men and five clergymen. A cop3^ of the charter thus amended was sent to Mr. Hudson, who laid it before Mr. Pitkin. Mr. Pitkin immediatel}' started on horseback, in midwinter, for Brownhelm, and rode from there with Judge Brown to Columbus, to pre- vent the passage of this charter and secure an acceptable one. After laboring earnestly to- gether for some time with the opponents. Judge Brown, seeing the situation, said to Mr. Pitkin : " You had better go home and leave me to man- age this matter. This is a thing which sinners can manage best." Mr. Pitkin returned home, and Judge Brown secured, if not the charter asked for, at least an acceptable one — we trust not by sinful methods. The charter bears date of February 7, 1826. This was the fifth col- lege chartered in the State, not counting the Erie Literary Societ}'. In accordance with the charter, the Trustees met at Hudson on the 1st of March, 1826, and organized by electing Rev. Caleb Pitkin, Presi- dent ; Rev. John Seward, Vice President ; Rev. William Hanford, Secretary ; and Benjamin Whedon, Treasurer. The}" went immediately forward in their work with the greatest energy and harmony. They closed contracts for the building, fixed the proper forms for their busi- ness transactions, appointed agents to solicit funds, adopted a common seal, elected a pruden- tial committee and determined their duties, appointed a committee to prepare by-laws, and " a committee to prepare a condensed history of the origin " of the college, and attended to their duties as managers of the education fund of the Presbyteries. Preparation of materials had been made during the previous winter for the new building, and under the superintend- ence of Mr. Heman Oviatt, the foundation was ready in April. On the 26th of April, the cor- ner-stone was laid with great ceremony in the presence of a large assembly. It was a warm June like day. A procession was formed at Mr. Hudson's house, and moved to the meeting house, where there was prayer and singing. The procession then moved to the college campus, where an address was delivered in Latin by 3Ir. Pitkin, and the stone laid with Masonic ceremonies. The procession then returned to the meeting house, where Mr. Brad- street delivered an address on the principles which actuated the Trustees in the work they had undertaken. Owing to innumerable hindrances and em- barrassments, the building was not completed until August, 1827. But the work was thor- oughly and substantially done, as is proved by the fact that, with very slight repairs, old Mid- dle College did service until the summer of 1875, when it was thoroughly repaired within and without. In the summer of 1826, a cabinet and a library were begun, the first books and minerals having been presented b}' Rev. Judah Ely. On the 22d of September, Mr. David L. Coe, a graduate of Williams College and an excellent scholar, " was appointed Tutor j»-o tempore, and authorized, if application should be made, to examine and admit those whom he should find qualified into a Freshman class, and to take the class under his particular care and instruction. Mr. Coe had been Principal of the Burton Academy from 1820 to 182-1:, and was now ^\ l^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 451 teaching in the Academy at Tallmadge. He was not required to remove to Hudson because the building was not yet complete, and he could perform his office as Tutor while teaching the Acadeni}-. In December, he admitted to the Freshman class in college, J]llery Bascom, Charles M. Preston and Oren C. Thompson, and took charge of their studies during the 3'ear. Thus the college was established, and was actually carrying forward in 182G the work of building and the work of instruction. In the autumn of 1827, the first building was completed here and filled with students. In tlie catalogue of that year are found Sopho- more and Freshmen classes, a preparatory class and students in a partial course, under the instruction of Mr. Ephraim T. Sturtevant, a graduate of Yale College. It is astonishing with what energy the Trust- ees took hold of their work so soon as the}^ secured their charter. The Trustees of the Erie Literary Society had made very little ef- fort to establish and carry forward the college. Mr. William Law had made a donation of 1,130 acres of land for the college at Burton, but it does not appear that an}^ effort was made for further endowment until after the managers of the education fund had united with them. The supposed unfavorableness of Burton as a loca- tion for the college and the consequent attempt to secure its removal, doubtless restrained the managers from any great exertion to in- crease the endowment while it remained there. They did, however, secure some donations of land and of money. But so soon as the college was located at Hudson, its Trustees and friends most earnestly and systematically began to canvass the Reserve and sent agents to the East to raise the means requisite to build and support instructors. Mr. Pitkin, Mr. Kings- bury and Mr. Coe, of the Trustees, labored es- pecially in this work. A good deal of this kind of service was also performed b}' Rev. Daniel W. Lathrop and Rev. Greorge Sheldon. A number of others, both clergymen and \ay- meu, as much interested in the success of the college as its Trustees, engaged in agencies for short periods as special services were needed. Mr. Pitkin, who was President of the Board, seems to have been employed almost exclusive- I3' in some form of agency from January, 1826, until x\ugust, 1843. His devotion to the col- lege, and that of all those early Trustees, was most hearty and self-sacrificing. They never spared time, labor or expense when the inter- est of the college required their services. They would attend meetings of the Trustees or Pru- dential Committee four or five times a year, coming some of them fifty or sixty miles, through the horrible roads of a new country, with their own conversances, and remaining from two to six days together in earnest council and action. This unreserved devotion and indefatigable energy could not but secure them all the suc- cess which the nature of the case permitted. The country was yet very new and though population was increasing rapidly, there was 3'et ver}' little acquired wealth ; money was extremely scarce, access to markets difficult and the people still mostl}- engaged in the rough work of the pioneei's. The contributions, therefore, were made chiefly in land which bore a very low price, or in cattle or in some form of merchandise which required much care, en- ergy and prudence, to work them over into col- lege buildings and professors' salaries. This kind of donations, from the nature of the case, lasted a long time, and was a great source of perplexit}- and embarrassment down to the close of President Pierce's administration. This is not to be thought of as a discredit to the donors in an^- respect. On the contrary, it was greatl}- to their credit that with so little of read}' means, the people had such a sense of the importance of higher education, that they would give, though their gift might be small and of a kind not easily convertible. Thus, the college received donations of land and sold it for stone, lumber or labor. Mr. Pitkin re- ceived two-tliirds of the compensation for his services in kind. Tutor Sturtevant received a part of his salary in board and washing. Mr. Daniel Metcalf, iii 1827, gave the college $450 in goods. In looking over the list of donations, many are found to have come in ver}' queer forms. This " store pay," and what was worse, no pay, the Trustees and Faculty knew a great deal about for many ^^ears. These difficulties which met the Trustees at the beginning were inevitable. They foresaw them, of course, and being all hardy pioneers and pioneer mission- aries they were never daunted by them. The idea of a college which these men en- tertained, was of such an institution as they had been acquainted with and had enjoyed the :^ ^ 453 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. advantages of in New England. The Western Reserve was a second New England in all her interests and aspirations, especiall}' as per- tained to education and Christianit}-. All the clerical members of the board were college graduates — four from Yale, two from Williams and one from Dartmouth ; of the lay members Mr. Elizur Wright was a graduate of Yale, and Judge Brown had been a student at Harvard ; the rest were Connecticut men familiar with the organization, spirit and noble record of Yale College. The other ministers who so earnestly aided and encouraged the work of founding the college, from Father Badger's first petition for a charter in 1801, were almo.st all graduates of New England colleges. The peo- ple of the Reserve were mostly Connecticut people. They honored and loved those institu- tions, and believed that a college, which was to do the same work for the sons of New England, transplanted to a new soil, ought by all means to be of the same type, and should aim to be of the same rank. This explains how the}' came to speak of their college as the Yale of the West. The Reserve was very commonly called New Connecticut, both here and in New En- gland ; it was like in manner and for the same purpose to have its college, and it was both natural and probably wise, to pattern after that old college they had known and revered so well. The instruction for the year 1827-28 seems to have been given entirely by Mr. Sturtevant. Mr. Hanford, then Pastor of the church in the village, and Secretary of the Trustees, was ap- pointed to superintend the students, but it does not appear that he gave any instruction. In March, 1828, Rev. Charles Backus Storrs, then pastor of the church in Ravenna, was elected Professor of Sacred Theology. He accepted the appointment and entered upon his office in December, 1828. It does not appear that theol- ogy, be^'oud what forms a part of the course now, was taught at that day in the college, nor that there were special theological students here until 1831. But this chair was filled first on account of the prominence of the idea that the college was planted in order to raise up ministers for the destitute churches. Mr. Storrs probably instructed in mental and moi'al science, and the evidences of Christianity. Rev. Rufus Nutting, a graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege, was engaged in August, 1828, to give in- struction for the fall term, and finally engaged for the entire year. In March following, he was ap- pointed Professor of Languages, and Mr. Elizur Wright, a graduate of Yale College, was ap- pointed Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy-. In August, 1830, Rev. Beriah Green, a graduate of Middlebury College, was appointed Pi'ofessor of Sacred Literature, and the theological department was established. After man}' efforts to secure a President, Prof Storrs was finally persuaded to accept that office in August, 1830. He was in all re- spects admirably qualified for it, except in the matter* of bodil}' strength. He was born at Long Meadow, Mass., in 1794, descending from a long line of able and scholarly ministers. He had not graduated at au}^ college, but had neai'l}' completed the junior year at Princeton with the highest rank as a scholar, and distin- guished alike for talents and diligence, when ill health compelled him to abandon his stud- ies. After a time devoted to the restoration of his health, he studied theology in private, was licensed, and preached a year, when he was again compelled bj' feeble health to abandon labor. In 1817, he entered the theological seminary at Andover, and passed through the regular course of stud}' there, after which he went South and labored as a missionary' in South Carolina and Georgia. Again inter- rupted by poor health, he traveled northward through Ohio in 1822, and accepted a call to the church at Ravenna, where he labored with great success until he came to the college. He was very retiring, unselfish, unambitious, with a very deep and earnest religious devotion, in- flexible in his adherence to principle, solid, acute and comprehensive in thought, greatly loved and revered b}- all the students, of won- derful eloquence as a preacher. As a theologian, he was of the school of President D wight. His ill health had doubtless tended to make him more a man of reflection, and to heighten those qualities which excited the love and rev- erence of all who knew him. He was a quiet, unassuming man of power, suited to make deep and lasting impressions upon all who came under his instruction. Mr. Sturtevant left the township in May, 1829. Mr. Charles M. Preston, of the Class of 1830, was tutor in 1831-32, and Mr. Ralph M. Walker, of the Class of 1832, did excellent service as tutor from 1832 to 1835. The first Faculty was at length organized, with two pro- -4* HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 453 fessors and a tutor in the academic depart- ment, and two professors of theology. The institution was thus fully under way, but des- tined to encounter severe trials speedily. The few years which succeeded 1830 were years of great excitement upon most weighty questions respecting the internal management of the col- lege, which arose here as they did almost everywhere else. The first was, whether so large a use of heathen authors, as they were called, in the course of study, was necessary or right ; the second was respecting the manual labor S3stem. In regard to the former question, after con- siderable agitation, a committee of the Facultj' was appointed to examine and report on the subject. In August, 183-4, this committee pre- sented an able and sensible report, taking the ground on which the college had always stood in favor of the classics, but recommend- ing the study of the Bible also in the original languages. The discussion was carried on with much earnestness among the students and friends of the college, but good sense pre- vailed, and the classics in fact always retained their accustomed place in the course of study. The manual labor system was, at that time, a fashionable hobb}^ all over the land. The Presbyteries of Grand River and Portage, in their capacity as Education Societies, had, in 1822-23, b}' resolutions "recommended to the managers of the education fund, to adopt a system of manual labor for all students under their care, and that the avails be applied for the support of those students by whom the labor is performed. In March, 1830, the Trustees resolved '-that they deem it expedient that the students in this college, during term time, labor for exercise and the preservation of health, either in agri- culture or some of the mechanical arts, at least two hours every day, except the Sabbath, according to regulations hereafter to be made, and that it be recommended to all students now connected with the college, and required of all who shall hereafter become members, to labor in conformity with such regulations, ex- cept in extraordinar}'^ cases, of which cases a committee appointed for the purpose shall determine." To carry out this system, the college pro- vided three workshops — -a cooper-shop, cabinet- shop and wagon-shop — and a form for those who preferred that kind of work. They even went so far in 1837, as to consider the expedi- ency of opening a blacksmith's shop. These shops and the farm were provided with tools and superintendents, and an earnest and perse- vering effort was made to carr}' out the plan successfully. At one time, the students formed a mechanical society to carry on work, and had a standing advertisement in the Ohio Observer of their cabinet wares. A steam engine was procured for the shops. No care or expense seems to have been spared. But the students, like so many other people, proved to be disin- clined to manual labor. A^ery few had any knowledge whatever of the use of tools, and many had no capacity to learn to use them skillfull}', especially as the inclination was wanting. The wares were found to be rude, ill-jointed, unworkmanlike and hard to sell. Many, for various reasons, got relieved from the requirement to labor, and an invidious dis- tinction grew up between the workers and the non-workers. It even turned out that this un- willing labor was not beneficial to health. Grradually, after many shifts, one part of the system after another was reluctantly' given up, until the whole was abandoned. The last lin- gering ray of it is found in the catalogue for 1851-52. But greater questions than these agitated the college. About the time of founding the col- lege, the slavery question began to agitate the country. It was in 1829 that Grarrison came out boldly and decidedly in the advocacy of the immediate and unconditional abolition of slaver}'. He went on to attack the scheme of colonization as aflbrding no remedy for the evil, and its advocates as enemies of the slave and real supporters of the system of slavery with all its horrors. The Liherafor first published in 1831, quickly aroused the whole nation North and South. Many men of keen, moral sensibilities took up the cause of the oppres.sed with great fervor, and with true martyi'-spirit were read} to sacrifice everything — to make all other questions and all other interests subor- dinate to this one. The Liberator found its way to the Western Reserve ; it came into the hands of President Storrs, of Profs. Wright and (jrreen, and into the hands of the students. Its arguments and appeals were here '' like good seed sown on good ground.'' One of the students who had recently hid an 454 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, interview with Garrison, and had brought a package of documents and copies of the Lih- cnitor to distribute in tlie college, calling on President Storrs " and, seeing the Liberator on his table, asked the slow-spoken, sedate thinker what he thought of Garrison's writings on slavery. The answer was, '■ I do not see how the}' can be refuted." President Storrs and Profs. Wright and Green immediatel}' became ardent ad^-ocates of Garrison's views, and lost no opportunity to proclaim and defend them. They were able and eloquent men, and their advocacy had great influence in the community. In 1832, Prof. Wright began to write in the Ohscrvor and Telegraph, then published at Hud- son, against colonization, and in favor of aboli- tion. These articles aroused a great deal of opposition with some and great favor with others. In the summer of 1832, Profs. Wright and Green sent for Mr. Amos P. Hawle3% of the sophomore class, and requested him to pre- pare a colloqu}' to be spoken at the ensuing- commencement, and gave him for the subject of it "The Recaptured Slave." The colloquy was successful. At the opening of the next term, the question of negro slaver}' and its re- lations to colonization became prominent sub- jects of discussion among the students. On the 8th of May, 1833, President Storrs and Prof Green delivered addresses at the annual meeting of the Tallmadge Anti-Slavery Society. President Storrs spoke nearly three hours with great power. It was his last work. He had always been feeble in body, but now his lungs were seriously aflfected, and this great excitement and over exertion prostrated him. On the 26th of June he received leave of al)scence for six months that he might travel and recruit his health. He went lo Braintree, Mass., to the house of his brother, the Rev. R. S. Storrs, where he rapidly declined and died of pulmonary consumption September 15, 1833. Prof Green received a call to the Pres- idency of the Oneida Institute, at Whitestown, N. Y. He resigned his professorship and left Hudson in June. Prof Wright resigned at commencement in August. Thus only Prof Nutting and Tutor Walker were left of the old Faculty. When Profs. Green and Wright resigned, conservative people rejoiced, and declared that they had been dismissed by the Trustees and their course, and all their opinions on this sub- ject, condemned. This was not true. There is no intimation of anything of the kind in any of the records of the college. Prof Green de- clared it to be false in a letter to the African Repository. He resigned only because he deemed it his duty to accept his call to Whitestown. Prof. Wright, in a letter to the Observer and Telegraph, dated Hudson, September 9, 1833, says : " My resignation was produced, not by any attitude the board had assumed or was likely to assume, but simply by an invitation to another field of labor." The effect, however, of this year's transactions and of the misunder- standings which grew out of them, on the pros- perity of the college was very great, and con- tinued for a long time. This was a reformatory era in other respects also, and the students were thoroughly impreg- nated with the spirit of it. They entered with ardor into the temperance movement under the lead of the Faculty. They had their Temper- ance Society, made investigations and published their reports. The Society of Enquiry entered into what was called the moral reform move- ment. They had a standing committee on lewd- ness, and published a lengthy report on the subject. In 1834, they formed what they called a " Magdalen Society," in defense of the seventh commandment, in sympathy with Mr. McDowell and his movement in New York. One of the students prepared and published a tract on the subject for general circulation. The young men went abroad lecturing on this sub- ject also. They seem to have felt the moral burden of the world resting heavily upon their shoulders, and they were determined to dis- charge their responsibilities manfully. We can not but admire their devotion to duty, as they understood it, and to righteousness. But it is difficult to imagine the students of the present day going about the fcountry lecturing on slav- ery and the seventh commandment, however much they may debate any and all subjects of present interest in college. On the 13th of July, 1831, the college church was organized with twenty members. Seven other persons joined the church on the same day. The reasons for forming a separate church are not stated in the record, nor is it known who were the chief movers in the matter. It is probable that the founders had before their minds the example of Yale College and And- over Theological Seminary. The college church ^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 455 has been greatly' blessed with frequent and powerful revivals from the first down to the present year, though the effect of these revivals is but partiall}- seen in the membership of the church. Many young men born into the king- dom here have preferred to unite with churches at their homes. The church now unites with the village church in preaching services, main- taining, however, in all other respects, an inde- pendent organization. The financial condition of the college, up to the close of President Storrs' administration, had been steadily improving. At the time the charter was obtained, the property in the hands of the Trustees amounted to about $10,000. At the close of the 3-ear 1833, all the receipts from donations had amounted to about $54,000. There had been expended for grounds, buildings, including Middle and South College, the Presi- dent's dwelling-house,* the work-shop, etc., $14,- 600 ; for agencies, instruction, library, appar- atus, etc., probably about $17,000. The funds in hand, therefore, aside from the buildings, grounds and appliances for instruction, were a little over $22,000. Besides this sum in actual possession, more than $32,000 had been sub- scribed, which, for various causes, was never paid, though there was then good reason to expect that it would be paid. President Storrs himself devoted very little of his time to finan- cial affairs ; he had not the health, and probably not the inclination for verj- much work of that kind. He was a student, a teacher and a preacher. After commencement in 1833, the first work of the Trustees was to fill the chairs made vacant by death and resignation. The instruction for the succeeding year was provided for by the appointment of Mr. Clement Long, Instructor, and Mr. William C. Clark, Tutor,"both gradu- ates of Dartmouth College. In November, Rev. Nathaniel S. Folsom, a graduate of Dartmouth, was elected Professor of Sacred Literature, to succeed Mr. Green, and probably entered upon his work immediately. In March. 1834. Mr. Long was elected Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. The chair of 3Iathematics was not filled until 1835, when Mr. Jarvis Gregg, also a graduate of Dartmouth, accepted an appointment to it ; the work meantime was per- * South" Coll«ge was built in 1830-31, at a cost of Rb mt S5,000. The double-house for the President and Professor of Theology was built in 1830. formed by Tutor Walker. Ptev. George E. Pierce was elected President in March, 1834, but did not enter on his ofHce until commence- ment. The college year 1833-34, was, there- fore, an interregnum ; but there was the same number of instructors as during the previous year, and the work went on probably with more calmness after the first anti-slavery excitement was over. President Pierce was a Connecticut man, a graduate of Yale College in 1816, had taught an academ}' two years, studied theoleg}' at Aiidover, and had been a most successful Pastor of the church at Harwiiiton Conn., for twelve years. When he entered upon his office as President, he was just fort}' 3'ears of age, with good health and great animation, and his spirit and energ}' were immediateh' felt in eveiything. He was deeply imbued with the Connecticut idea of a college, and he kindled anew the determination to carry it out speedily and thoroughly. He immediately began the effort to increase the endowment, to erect new build- ings, to establish new professofships, to elevate the standard of scholarship, to increase the library and apparatus for instruction. The Trustees were ready to follow such a leader, and to support him in all his projects. The building of the chapel was begun early in 1835. President Pierce appealed, through the Ohio Ohsercer and the New York Ecdiic/elist, to the friends of the college to contribute $50,000 to increase its resources, and agents entered on the work of raising the mone}'. There was an obvious and decided improvement of college affairs in all respects. The number of students increased, the requirements for admission were raised, the course of study was made much fuller, fences and grounds were improved, trees were planted in the college campus and on the streets. Eveiything showed that a man of taste, force and high ideal and decided views was at the head. The work went forward with great rapidity. In 1836, the chapel was completed and dedi- cated at commencement, with a sermon by President Pierce. In the same year, Rev. Lau- rens P. Hickok, a graduate of TJnion College, came as Professor of Theology, the work of that department having been performed during the interim since President Storrs' death b}' President Pierce. After the accession of Prof Hickok, President Pierce gave instruction in K 456 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. other branches of theology. Prof. Folsom having resigned, Prof. Elijah P. Barrows, a graduate of Yale College, came, in 1837, to the Chair of Sacred Literature. With this enlarge- ment of the theological facult}'. North College was built in 1837-38 for the use of divinity students. Prof Gregg served but a part of a year in the Chair of Mathematics and Physics, and was then transferred to the Chair of Homi- letics and Pastoral Theology. His sudden and premature death in less than a year from his first appointment was a serious loss to the col- lege, for he was a man of fine scholarship, of great promise, greatly beloved by the Faculty and students. The Chair of Mathematics and Physics thus made vacant was immediatel}' filled by the appointment of Mr. Elias Loomis, a graduate of Yale College, who went to Eu- rope for a j-ear's stud}' and travel, commis- sioned also to procure books for the library and apparatus for the department of physics and instruments for the observator}-. He brought to his chair great abilities and enthusiasm in his department and power of work. Under his guidance the mathematical part of the libraiy and the apparatus were considerabl}' increased, and, in 1838, the observatory- was erected and admirably equij^ped. In 1838, Dr. St. John, a graduate of Yale College, was appointed Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Geology, and a large apparatus for that department was procui'ed. This led to the erection of a new building for the accommodation of the two departments of physics and of chemistry and geology. This building, called Atheneum, was not completed, however, until 1843. Meantime, in 1840, Rev. Henry N. Da}-, a graduate of Yale College, had been added to the Facult}-, taking the chair of of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology ; and in the same year Mr. Nathan P. Seymour, also a graduate of Yale College, had taken the Chair of Languages vacated b}- Prof Nutting. In February, 1844, a modification of the charter was procured from the Legislature so as to allow the establishment of the medical depart- ment in the city of Cleveland. A course of medical lectures had been begun in Cleveland in the autumn of 1843 by Dr. Delemater and his distinguished associates. The department was fully organized, and the first class gradu- ated in March, 1844. It is evident that during the first decade of President Pierce's administration, there had been a great enlargement and improvement of the institution. Three large, convenient and substantial edifices had been erected, and an astronomical observatory had been built and equipped. The Faculty had been increased from four to eight members, besides tutors. The number of students had increased from 83 to 140 ; the apparatus and librar}- had been enlarged ; the requirements for admission and those for graduation greatly increased ; a new and flourishing department added. The Fac- ulty which President Pierce gathered was com- posed of men distinguished for learning, gen- eral ability and teaching power, men who would have given honor and distinction to any insti- tution. He showed himself to be an admirable judge of men. Not only did the broad founda- tion of the college seem to have been laid, but the Connecticut ideal seemed to have been ac- tually realized. It was almost to the minutest particular a faithful copy of Yale College. During the second half of President Pierce's administration, the financial difficulties of the college increased until the}- became well-nigh overwhelming. The causes of these difficul- ties were two — first, what seemed to be unwar- rantably large expenditures for buildings and instruction ; and, second, the opinion of some, whether well or ill founded, that the manage- mens of the funds was not so cai-eful and pru- dent as it should have been. The four build- ings erected during the first half of President Pierce's administration, viz., the Chapel, North College, Observatory and Atheneum, cost but little above $22,000, or the actual fund inher- ited from President Storrs' administration. If the question were asked whether these build- ings were all necessary, we should have to re- ply that the plan on which Yale College was conducted was adopted here as the sum of all wisdom in such matters. The plan required abundant dormitories and a separate church — all the appliances for a community complete in itself, and separated from the rest of the world. It is easy now to find fault with the plan, and to point out other less expensive methods which have proved successful elsewhere. But the buildings then erected have proved ver}- useful ever since, and are indispensable acconl- iug to that plan. If we look at the expendi- ture for instruction, it certainly cannot be said that the salaries of the Faculty were ever large, and if we consider how much the President and M- HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 457 Professors contributed to the fund of the col- lege out of their salaries, it will be acknowl- edged that they were quite inadequate to their support. But even these small salaries, under the pressure of the circumstances, were often paid in a manner which made them b}' no means equal their nominal value. Seven hun- dred dollars was the highest salary paid to any one except the President, who received $900 ; and President Pierce often gave out of this $200 a year to the college, and the Pi'ofessors were in general equall}^ liberal in their dona- tions. Indeed, it is doubtful if an}- college was ever served by such able men for so meager stipends. The number of the Faculty was such that the salaries of all, with that of the Treas- urer, amounted from $3,500 to $7,500 a year. If the number of the Faculty should be drawn into question as unwise and unnecessar}-, the answer is eas}', that it was the plan to have the institution a real college of the highest order ; it must therefore be fully manned by able schol- ars and teachers. If the number of students was as yet small, it was reasonably expected that they would increase as the population grew, and that an able Faculty would attract students. Indeed, the number of students was increasing, and the learning and ability of the Faculty did establish for the college the high- est reputation, until the operation of the second cause mentioned led on to the most serious disastei's. It has alread}' been said that the financial necessities of the college kept President Pierce in the field as an agent a large part of the time for several years. His self-sacrifice and devoted labor in this hard and unpleasant task, we should think, have rarely been equaled ; but. with all his toil, to make ends meet, it was impos- sible. As early as 1836, the college had a debt of $6,000, though the nominal assets were $60,000. But these assets were largely sub- scriptions, many of which, after years of waiting, finally failed altogether ; others wei'c land, or other property, whicli could not then be wisely converted, or converted at all without serious loss. This state of things continued — the expense going on, which must be met with ready monc}' — the assets, however much they might be nominall}-, never answering to their face, and hard to bring into usable form. The debt steadily increased, until, in 1846, it stood at $35,000, and the assets at $38,000. The annual deficit at that time was such that five years more would consume all the assets in hand, and leave only the fixtures and the debt. The difficulty in paying the salaries of the Pro- fessors, and the sacrifice required of them, led to the resignation of Prof Hickok and Prof. Loomis in 18-14, the former being called to the Chair of Theology in Auburn Seminary, and the latter to the Chair of Mathematics and Physics in the University of New York. This was in every respect a most serious loss to the college. But it was not to be expected that such men would submit to so much perplexity in the matter of support when they could do the same work elsewhere in more comfortable circum- stances. Their places were, however, speedily filled, and the college went on doing its solid work, maintaining its high scholarl}- and liter- ary character, but groaning under its financial burdens. Prof Hickok's place was filled by the transfer of Prof Long to the Chair of Theol- ogy ; Prof Loomis', by the appointment of Mr. James Nooney, a graduate of Yale College. Prof. Long's chair was filled by the appointment of Rev. Samuel C. Bartlett, a graduate of Dart- mouth College. In view of the failure of pledges and the de- preciation of property, the board resolved, in 1845, to enter on an effort to raise $40,000 to replace the losses and pay the debts. This subscription was completed in 1848. They im- mediately began a new effort to add $60,000 to the permanent fund, the entire sum to be raised by January 1, 1850. This effort, entered upon with great vigor, was also successful. But the slowness with which payments were made left the college still in difficulty. Although the debt was diminishing, it was still $28,000 in 1850. The pressure of creditors and the im- mediate necessities of life led to the practice of loaning the money of the permanent fund to the general fund. From this and other causes, such as an inadequate S3stem of book-keeping, arose a suspicion, in the minds of some of the Trustees, whether well grounded or not, that the management of the funds was not good ; that there was a lack of business accuracy and order ; that the distinction l)etween mnim and fuum in the funds was not accurately kept. There can, of coui'se, be nothing dishonest in the mere loaning from one fund to another ; but, considering the difficulty in which the col- lege then was — the pressure on every side — it \ 458 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. is not strange that it excited nervousness in tlie hard-worked and ill-paid Faculty, and among some of the donors. No one could for a mo- ment question the perfect integrit}^ and high Christian character of President Pierce and the Trustees. But " the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley," and the college had had too serious an experience already of the uncertaint}' of pledges to trust the general fund too far with the sacred resources of the permanent fund. Moreover, it was the growing sentiment on all sides that the expenses should, by some means, be brought down to the proba- ble income, or nearl}' to that, and that the gen- eral fund should be so managed as speedily to remove all indebtedness. In 1850, the sum of .$60,000 had been sub- scribed to the permanent fund. In view of this fact and of the importance of the work of col- lecting and securely investing this, and in view also of the earnest request of President Pierce, that he might, as speedily as possible, be re- leased from all financial responsibility, at the meeting of the board in March, a Ji nance com- mittee was appointed, consisting of President Pierce, Mr. Joseph Perkins, Hon. E. N. Sill and Mr. C. L. Latimer, all of them men who were skilled and practiced in financial business, to take charge of the whole matter of collecting and investing the new fund, of the administra- tion of the general fund, and the payment of the debt. They were specially " charged to see that no part of the permanent fund was diverted from its proper purpose, or entangled with other funds or effects of the college." This committee, at the outset, made a full and minute survey of the state of affairs. With a debt of $28,000 they find assets applicable to its payment of $38,000. They declare that this debt must be paid without further delay, that the assets applicable to the purpose are "barely sufficient to meet the demands," and that '• decision and energy will be very requi- site " in the management of the matter, or " the funds will melt in our hands and our debts be left an incubus upon us." Besides interest, the annual expenses were then $1,500 beyond the reliable income. But all attempts at the reduction of expenditure were met wifh oppo- sition. There seemed to be a great desire on all hands to retrench, without retrenching ; and the committee, finding at the end of a year and a half that, with all their efforts they could not secure the requisite control, that the debt was reduced only $7,500, while the available assets had shrunk $1G,000, resigned. Their duties re- turned to the hands of the prudential com- mittee. This brought on a crisis in the affairs of the college. This finance committee had been di- vided in opinion — on the one side, President Pierce, the Chairman, on the ground, with the actual control in his hands, and dreading in an}' degree to impair the number or efficiency of the Facult}', which had brought the institu- tion up to his ideal in that respect — on the other side the other membei'S who saw clearly and felt deepl}' the financial necessities of the case. The disagreement which brought about the resignation of this committee now entei'ed into the board and divided it so that the cast- ing vote was alwa3-s in the hands of the Presi- dent, and he always cast it with the same side. The division touched every question of policy and of popular action. The Faculty, feeling most deeply ever3'thing which threatened the honor, stability and efficiency of the college for which they had so devotedly labored and sacrificed, and, though not doubting the integrity and good will, yet doubting the ability of President Pierce and the pruden- tial committee to successfully cope with the financial problem, insisted that the finance committee should be continued, and should have complete control of the funds according to its original plan. Disheartened and foresee- ing evil from the resignation of that committee, Profs. Barrow, St. John and Bartlett resigned, Prof Long having also resigned a few days be- fore the committee. This was almost a break- ing-up of the college, since there only remained besides the President, Prof Day in the Theologi- cal Department, Prof Seymour in the Academic, and Prof Frost Shepherd, who never received a salary, was never responsible for any fixed duty, and who was here but a small part of the time. After much agitation and negotiation with meetings of the Alumni and of students to consider the subject, and express their opin- ions and wishes at commencement in July, 1852, Prof Lord withdrew his resignation, and the other Professors were re-appointed, with the expectation that they would continue their labors, and the college would still live and flourish as of old. But these hopes were blighted. Personal disagreements had grown k^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 459 up out of questions arising in the Facult}', as well as deep differences of opinion growing out of the financial and other questions arising in the Board of Trustees, and concei'ning general policA'. The strong feelings excited could not be easih' calmed. The Professors, being widely distinguished in their departments, had tempt- ing offers of important positions elsewhere, where their fields would be larger and their salaries sure. The attempt to restore the old order of things failed. The Professors left, the students mostly left, and the labor and pa- tience of many good men for many years, seemed to have failed of the promise. Aside from the debt and the general fund available for its pa3-ment, the college had also a permanent fund, amounting nominally to $85,000 ; but $54,000 of this was in the "form of subscription notes, for the most part on in- terest, and payable between the years 1850 and 1855; $10,600 was in stocks and bonds; the remainder chiefly in real estate, bills receivable and the like, with $3,000 in cash. The discords and contentions in the college interfered with the collection of the principal and interest of this fund as it became due, thus greatly re- ducing the expected income and increasing the embarrassment. The}' alienated man}' of the donors, also, as might have been expected, and undoubtedly had an injurious influence upon other young colleges in the West which w'ere seeking to raise their flrst endowments. Men who had means to give to them had their fears excited that their donations might be lost through the discords, if not the mismanage- ment of boards of trust. In this view, the I " Societ}' for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West."' which had between the years 1845 and 1848 given the college about $13,000, and recommended it to the favor of the churches and Christian people at the East, took a deep interest in all these transactions here, and urged the speedy settle- ment of the difficulties. In Febuary, 1855, this society even sent a committee of distin- guished men, which met the Board of Trustees in their semi-annual meeting at Cleveland, and urged them to refer all their differences to arbi- tration. This friendly counsel was rejected by a majority of the board. They seemed to feel themselves bound to work the matter through without outside aid or advice. At the beginning of the academic year 1852-53, the Faculty consisted of President Pierce, Prof Seymour and Tutor Gates. Prof. Day still retained his office, but as the Theo- logical Department had no students, he ren- dered no service. There were only two classes — the sophomore and freshman — with twenty- three members. In March, 1853, Rev. Alfred Emerson, a graduate of Yale College, was elected Professor of Mathematics and Physics, and entered on his duties at the beginning of the year 1853-54. In November, 1853, Rev. Heury B. Hosford, a graduate of Williams College, was elected Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric, and entered on his duties in January, 1854. Both these elections were opposed and strongly protested against by a portion of the board, not out of objection to the men, well qualified pledges, but because in their view it was necessary to the prosperity of the institution that President Pierce should retire from office, and that there should be an entire reconstruction. At commencement in 1853 there were no graduates, and the commencement exercises consisted of the oration before the Alumni, by Mr. Hoadley, of the Class of 1844, the inaugu- ral address by Prof Emerson, two orations by representatives of the societies, and three mas- ters' orations. In the next year, beside the President, there w-ere three Professors, a Tutor and twenty-five students, all the classes being represented. The work of the college went on after the old fashion, according to the old sfandai'd, though the continued agitation in the newspapers and in private, must have made all parties extremely uncomfortable. Even through another year did this weary time of conflict extend. On the 31st of May, 1855, President Pierce, having arrived at the age which he had long before set as the proper time for him to retire, resigned his office, and Rev. Henry S. Hitch- cock, of Columbus, a graduate of Yale College and a distinguished minister, was elected his successor. All parties seem to have l>ecome weary of the conflict, as well they might. Mr. Hitchcock was inaugurated at commencement, on the I'ith of July. Several members of the Board of Trustees resigned : there places were filled by men having the confidence of both parties, and the college entered upon its new era. President Pierce lived sixteen vears after his rfv 460 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY retirement b}' the side of the college, rejoicing in its revived prosperity, its larger endowment, and in its faithfulness to the standard and the traditions which he had established. During these later years his health allowed him to do but little labor, but he had a keen interest in all public affairs and was full of sociality and good humor. Death came suddenly upon him at last without warning, and he was mercifully saved from a painful sickness, which he had always greatly feared. He died on Sunday morning, May 28, 1871, in the seventy -seventh year of his age. The task which President Hitchcock under- took was one of great difficulty on account of the labor involved, and of great delicacy in con- sequence of the excited state of feeling concern- ing the college in the community and among the graduates. Eveiy step he took was sure to be criticised ; all his acts and every aspect of the c 'liege under him were sure to be compared with the great days of old when achievements as well as hopes were high and skies were clear. He came to the college in the prime of his life, at forty-two years of age, with his powers well- disciplined by seventeen years of ministerial labors, in which he had learned to manage diffi- cult financial affairs as well as preach the Word. Singularly enough, he was a native of Burton, a pupil, and subsequently a teacher in the Academy of the Erie Literary Society, his father being a Trustee and all his family and friends stout defendants of that institution, when the attempt was made to remove it to Hudson. The sequel will show what a grand revenge Burton and that society had on Hud- son and the Western Reserve College. He bore one of the most honored names in the his- tory of the State of Ohio, and by his wisdom, prudence and earnest Christian labors had proved himself worth}- of it. He was not only made President, which brought upon him the financial responsibility, but he was also made Professor of Christian Theology and Pastor of the College Church. The professorship of the- ology required that he should teach natural theology and evidences of Christianity as they are usually taught in colleges. As Pas- tor of the church he was expected to preach twice on Sunday in the chapel during term time, and to do whatever other pastoral labor he should find desirable. His preparation for this last office was abundant ; for in all his min- istrj' he had written faithfully and had acquired the habit of extempore speaking. The teach- ing which he did gave him one recitation or lecture a day for half the year. For this he always studied diligently and he had an admir- able grasp of the subjects of his department. The teaching and the preaching would certain- ly be consiilered a sufficient burden for one man to bear in ordinar}^ circumstances ; but Presi- dent Hitchcock had other burdens greater than these. He had the financial burden of paying the debt and collecting the subscriptions from subscribers, many of them reluctant or hostile by the transactions which had occurred since they made their pledges ; and the task of doing away with the prejudice in the communit}', en- gendered by the quarrels of the last five years, of winning back alienated friends and divided Alumni. Few men could have been found willing to undertake such a work. It required a man who was ready to face long and incessant labor, will- ing to subject himself to ungrateful criticism, to encounter rebuffs, and tov/ait long for recog- nition and obvious success. President Hitch- cock had all these qualities. When he had made up his mind that duty called him to the work, his whole soul was devoted to it, so that no obstacles daunted him, and nothing that he possessed was kept back. He had all the en- ergy, devotion and spirit of self-sacrifice, which characterized President Pierce, but he was especially fitted for his difficult office because he was yielding and conciliator}- in his temper, never asserting himself, but always putting for- ward his cause, and, while firmly adhering to principle, and always insisting on what was just and right, he was cautious not to offend. He was kindly, charitable toward all men, friendly with everybody, considerate of everybody. He was such a thorough Christian man that none who knew him could fail to see that he was not serving himself but God. His modest, unassuming Christian character impressed it- self upon the students, and made it eas}- for him to govern and to lead them in right wa^-s. Another thing which fitted President Hitch- cock for his general work outside the college, was his ability as a preacher and his tact and experience in revivals of religion. This made him a valuable man to the religious interests of this part of the State, in a way which every- body could see and appreciate. His value as a Iv> HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 461 mail won friends to his cause. Indeed, we ma}' almost say that Dr. Hitchcock had no quality., intellectual, moral or personal, and there was no event in his previous histoiy which did not directly fit him for the laborious and delicate task whicii he now undertook. The most pressing demand which President Hitchcock met when he entered upon his work was the payment of the debt. This debt he found, at the beginning of his term of office, about $22,000. It had not been reduced at all since October, 1851. On the withdrawal of President Pierce it was increased to $25,000 by the vote of the board to pay him $3,000, rather as some small recognition of his past services than as a compensation for them. The general fund applicable to the pa3'ment of this debt had mostly disappeared. As no part of the permanent fund could be used for this purpose, it was necessary to raise the means by a special subscription. This was a hard thing to do, but one which absolutely must be done if the college was to survive. To this, therefore, the President applied himself It was necessary that he should go about it by personal solicita- tion. The work went on slowly but steadil}', as he could gain time from his other duties. It was no slight labor, meanwhile, to manage the obligations and to meet the interest. It was onlj' after nine years, in 18G4, that the last of the debt was paid. It had begun to accumu- late as early as 1836, and thus, after twent}'- eight years, having caused unspeakable vexa- tion and having nearly swamped the college in the meantime, it was removed. The lesson was one which this college will not soon forget. The good friends who helped to lift that load de- serve to be held in special gratitude. But this was not the only financial work of the President during this period. The out- standing pledges to the permanent fund, which amounted, in 1855, to about $43,000, were now all full}' due, and needed to be immediately collected, principal and interest, and invested. This was essential in order to provide for the running expenses. But such was the state of feeling among many of the subscribers, grow- ing out of the discords in the college, which had become so notorious, that we cannot won- der that the}' were very reluctant to meet their pledges. The financial crisis of 1858 brought a new difficult}" in the case of many who had not yet paid. But the work was carried stead- ily forward by this quiet, kindly, persistent man, until nearly the whole sum was paid or compromised. In connection with these labors, the President began, as early as April, 1856, to solicit new subscriptions to the permanent fund. This was necessary if the college was to main- tain its old standard of scholarship and in- struction ; for the Faculty must be enlarged, and salaries must be raised in order to get and retain suitable Professors. The means for sup- porting instruction must not only be more am- ple, but must not be contingent, as in the olden times, nor would it do again to pay Professors with orders nor with store pay. In 1859, he began to secure donations to the general fund. These various labors he carried forward simul- taneously, with such respites as the state of the country required, until the time of his death in 1873, when, it is found, that he added $67,000 to the permanent fund and $99,000 to the gen- eral fund, besides paying the debt and collect- ing all that was collectable of the money due on the pledges made between 1848 and 1850. A considerable portion of this general fund was afterward transferred to the permanent fund. And this work he did himself, not by agents, except in the matter of about $6,000. Besides this, with the aid of the prudential committee, of course, he had the care of the funds, and of their safe investment — a duty of no small im- portance — which he performed with great wis- dom and prudence. Of the Faculty of the old palmy days, only Prof Seymour remained under the new regime, Prof Day retaining a mere nominal connection with the college until 1859. Prof Emerson, who had come into the Chair of Mathematics and Physics during the interim, retired in April, 1856, and was succeeded in January following by Mr. Charles A. Young, a graduate of Dart- mouth, who served the college with great suc- cess until February, 1866, when he resigned to accept the Chair of Physics and Astronomy at Dartmouth College — a chair which had been filled by his father and grandfather before him. In April of that year, Mr. Young was succeeded by Mr. Allen C. Barrows, of the Class of 1861, who served until the close of the year 1869-70, when Mr. Charles J. Smith, of the Class of 1870, the present incumbent, entered upon that office. Prof Hosford came in, also, in what we may call the interim, to the Chair of Intel- lectual Philosophy and Rhetoric, which he rf^: 46-: HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY filled until December, 1859. He was succeeded by the present incumbent in April, 1860. Prof. Seymour retained the Chair of tlie Greek and Latin Languages until 1870, having en- tered upon this professorship in September, 18-10. He thus served the college with distinc- tion from the days of its greatest prosperit}' under President Pierce, through the period of conflict and darkness, until the time of its gi'eatest prosperity in the new era. On his i-esignation, he was made Emeritus Professor. He has since given instruction on two occa- sions, when his services were needed. Mr. Edwin S. (Iregory, a graduate of Harvard Col- lege, held the position of Atljunct Professor of Latin, and gave instruction in the college from 18G1 to 1866, while he was Principal of the preparatory school. On the retirement of Prof Seymour, the pro- fessorship was divided, 3Ir. Thomas D. Se}-- mour, his son, of the Class of 1870, being ap- pointed to the Chair of Greek and Modern Languages, with leave of absence for two 3'ears, that he might study and travel in Europe. The work of the Greek Department v/as performed meantime b}^ William R. Perkins, of the Class of 1868. The Chair of Latin and English Lit- erature was taken b}- Prof Allen C. Barrows, who filled it but one year, when he resigned to become Pastor of the church at Kent. He was succeeded immediatel}* by Kev. Lemuel S. Pot- win, a graduate of Yale, the present incumbent. In 1868, Mr. Edward W. Morley, a graduate of Williams College, was appointed Professor of ( 'hemistry and Natural History, a chair which had been vacant since Prof St. John resigned in 1852. The instruction in this department had been given, meantime, by lecturers — two years, 1855 and 1856, by Prof. Chadbourne, now President of Williams College, and from 1857 to 1868 inclusive by Prof Cassell, of the Medical Department. Mr. Morley began his services as Professor in Januar}-, 1869. In 1860, Prof Long returned to the college as lecturer for one term in the Department of Moral Philosophy. From 1869 to 1872, Hon. Thomas Hastings, of Cleveland, gave a course of lect- ures each year on Municipal Law. Since 1869, Mr. M. C. Read, of the Class of 1848, has given a course of lectures each year on Practical Ge- ology and Zo'.jlogy. Such were the changes in the Faculty during President Hitchcock's ad- ministration. The prosperity of the college, which was ob- viously returning in all respects, received a se- vere check at the breaking-out of the war in 1861. It was then the first thought of every one that all else must be sacrificed if need be, for the salvation of the country. Young men in college were among the first to feel the pat- riotic impulse. Several students entered the army at the first call for volunteers. During the summer term in 1861, all the students en- tered heartily into military drill under the in- struction of Col. Ilayward, of Cleveland. At the beginning of the next term, the classes were verj' much diminished, a considerable number entering the service for the war. The grammar school also furnished a large quota of soldiers. It is much to be regretted that no record was kept of the undergraduates who en- tered the array. The catalogue of 1862-63, at the end of the summary, adds the remark : " In addition to those named and enumerated above, there are in the army sixteen members of col- lege classes, and twenty-seven members of the preparatory school." Of course there were many others before and after that year who left to serve the country. In May, 1862, after the de- feat of Banks in the Shenandoah Valley, Presi- dent Lincoln issued a new call for volunteers to serve three months. The students had a well- drilled military- compan^' and immediately of- fered their services to Gov. Tod. They were accepted and repaired to Columbus, where they remained in charge of the military prison for three months, after which they were sent to Vicksburg in charge of a large body of prison- ers for exchange. They were mustered out September 29. Commencement was held that year on the 15th day of October, and the first term of the new academic 3'ear began on the following da}^ This was the only interruption of the regular work of the college during the war, but of course the numbers were kept down and the financial progress was doubtless much retarded. Of those undergraduates who en- tered the army, quite a number lost their lives, and those who returned found themselves either past the college age, or from other causes un- able to complete their studies. The war record of the college must be considered good, since somewhat more than 100 out of -102 of the ac- ademic alumni served in the army, to say nothing of the theological and medical gradu- ates. They were found in all ranks from pri- T fe* HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 463 vate and hospital steward up to Major Gen- eral. It might well be supposed that no man could bear alwaj's such a burden of care and labor as that which President Hitchcock took upon his shoulders. He maintained great vigor and elasticity of health and constitution for several years ; but, in 1867, his health seemed to be giving way, and it was obvious that he must rest or break down. He desired to be released from his connection with the college, but neither the Faculty nor the Trustees would con- sent to his resignation. The physicians ad- vised at least six months of rest. At a meeting of the prudential committee in September, leave of absence was given him for eight months, the Faculty undertaking to do his teaching and to supply the pulpit during his absence. Leaving home on the 8th of October, he went to the southern part of France, where he spent the winter. After some travel he returned home in season for commencement the following June, very much recruited in health. But the old energy and power to work never fully returned. He went on, however, as before, with some assistance in the pulpit, still improv- ing the financial condition of the institution, and discharging his ordinary public duties. But, in February, 1870, feeling too much the pressui'e of care, he tendered his resignation ; but, at the earnest solicitation of the Trustees, withdrew it. Again, in June, 1871, he renewed his resignation, which was now accepted. He remained, however, in his professorship as Pas- tor^of the church and in care of the financial affairs. He was really relieved only from the government of the college and from responsi- bility for home affairs. After the great im- provement in the financial condition, it was the responsibility for the government which had especiall}^ worn upon him. Dr. Hitchcock con- tinued in the discharge of his duties until the summer of 1873, when a few daj's before com- mencement he was taken sick and died on the 6th of July in the sixtieth 3'ear of his age. On the resignation of President Hitchcock, at commencement, in 1871, Prof Carroll Cutler was elected to fill the vacancy. He entered on the duties of the oflSce immediately, but was not inaugurated until commencement in 1872. The presence of Dr. Hitchcock and the respon- sible position which he still filled caused the affairs of the college to go on as before, and there was nothing to indicate to any one that any change had occurred. Before 1872, the question so much discussed in some other col- leges of the same type with this, in regard to the admission of women to equal privileges of study and instruction, had been often privately considered by the Facult}'. Especially when some women asked to be admitted to Wabash College and were refused, the question was sprung, " What course should we take in like circumstances ?" It was unanimousl}- agreed that if any woman thirsting for knowledge should seek it at their fountain she should not be refused merely because she was a woman. Neither the charter nor the laws of the college presented any obstacles to the admission of women, and, on inquiry, it was thought there would be no objection on the part of the Trustees. In his inaugural address, therefore, Mr. Cutler announced the fact that women would be admitted to all the privileges of the college on the same conditions with men. In the autumn of 1872, several 3'oung ladies entered the preparatory school ; in 1874, one entered the Freshman class, and, in 1875-76, there was one in the Senior class, one in the Sophomore, and two in the Freshman class. So far they have been conducted with credit and maintained an average grade of scholarship. During the existence of the Theological De- partment, its histoiy was one with that of the college, and has been substantially recounted above. It really began operation when Mr. Green came here as Professor of Biblical Liter- ature, in 1830, and continued until 1852. The time of its greatest prosperit}' was from 1842 to 1850. It was abandoned because there were not funds enough to support Professors. The necessit}' for a Seminary had ceased also, be- cause two others had been planted since the opening of this, one in and another near the field which this was intended to occup}'. The funds which were contributed as a permanent endowment of this department were very small. Mr. Heman Oviatt gave $10,000 in 1837 to endow the Chair of Sacred Rhetoric. In 1853, Mr. Oviatt, in writing, expressed his desire to the Trustees that, in view of the then present state of the college, the Professor, on his endowment, should give instruction in the Collegiate Department. To the endowment of the other theological chairs, there was contrib- uted only about $5,800. Twelve hundred dol- V 464 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. lars of this was o;iven by "sundry persons," through Moses Allen, of New York, and no further record can now be found of it. Four thousand six hundred dollars were given by eighty-six persons in small sums, the largest single donation being $212. All other funds were for current use. The high character of the seminary is obvi- ous from the abilit}' of the men who ftUed its chairs of instruction, and also from the stand- ing and usefulness of those who received their theological education here. One needs but to recall the names of President Storrs, Professors Green, Folsom. Long, Hickok, Barrows and Day to show that the instruction was nowhere abler. These names, also, as well as those of their pupils, clearly indicate the doctrinal views taught. Those who studied here have, many of them, occupied prominent positions, and all of them have been very useful in the ministrj' of the Presbyterian and Congrega- tional Churches, in both the home and foreign fields. The seminary was linked to that eccle- siastical system which grew upon the Reserve, called the '-Plan of Union." The Professors all entered heartily into it in good faith, as did most of the churches, until restless and grasp- ing men on both sides drove forward the work of division. The seminary, however, and all the Professors, continued their adhesion to the Plan. The number of those whose names appear in the catalogue as theological students is 106. It does not look at present as though this de- partment would ever be resumed, at least in its old form. The seminaries now in operation are enough for the wants of the countr}-, and will be for a long time to come. A preparatory school was opened in connec- tion with the college at the very first. Per- haps it would be better to say that the college was first opened in connection with a prepara- tory school ; for the first Freshman class was admitted and studied the first year at Tall- madge, in the academ}-, under Mr. David L. Coe, who was Principal of the school, and col- lege tutor pro tempore. When the college opened in the new building at Hudson, in the fall of 1827, the first catalogue shows that there was a Sophomore and a Freshman class, a preparatory class and a class pursuing a par- tial course. There has been a preparatory class ever since. The name " Preparament ^' was first used in 1838. In 1843, there was a Preparatory Department in two sections, class- ical and English. In 1850, this department was first called a " Grammar School," a name which it retained until 1860, since which date it has been called a " Preparator}' School." It was the expectation of the Trustees that it would be necessary to continue the school but a very few 3'ears, they supposing that academies would be established and endowed on the Re- serve as they had been in New England. At one time there were as man}' as twenty acade- mies in successful operation. First and last there have been more than thirty academies on the Reserve. But nearly all of these schools were entireh' unendowed, and as the public schools improved, the number of pupils in them diminished, and as new, more exciting and more remunerative fields of labor opened, teachers could not be found for them, and the}- were abandoned. A number of them have been attached to the school system of the towns where they are as high schools. But the}" do not thus accomplish the object of endowed academies. The necessit}' for the preparatory school, therefore, continues to this da}-, and we can see no prospect that it will soon cease. This school has always been under the super- vision of the college Faculty, and taught for the most part by some of the younger graduates. Oc- casionally some of the Professors have given in- structions there for brief periods, and Professor Gregory was Principal and carried on the school for five years, with the aid of a tutor, after he was made Adjunct Professor of Latin in college. The school has never been self-supporting, ex- cept for two years, 1850-52, under Mr. Turner. During the period when the great calamity and depression were upon the college, from 1852 to 1860, the teachers received only the tuition fees, but the college furnished for it a local habita- tion. The early catalogues show that there were from the beginning, students here in a partial course. The precise nature and extent of that course is not indicated. As these men were not Bachelors of Arts, it is probable that they pursued the higher English studies with the college classes and received a certificate of pro- ficiency, but not a degree. In 1855, when President Hitchcock entered on his office, a Scientific course was announced in the cata- logue, '' designed for those who desire a more complete education than is furnished by acada- TT ■^ HUDSON TOWNSHIP. 465 mies and high schools, without pursuing the learned languages." The course of study was intended to be three 3'ears. In 1839, the cata- logue contains the names of two resident grad- uates, and in 1845, one besides those engaged in theological study. They were pursuing those studies which properl}' belong to a Phil- osophical Department. In 1847, appear the names of eleven Bachelors and Masters of Arts, who were engaged here in such work, and in 1848 there were sis names in the same class. The library has grown, but ver}- slowl}-, to some 7,000 volumes, mostly by donations of books, while the college has paid out of the treasury probably about $1,200 for this object previously to the year 1874. The library has now an endowment of $3,700, and waits with strong desire for the payment of the remainder of the $10,000 subscribed for its endowment at commencement in 1873. The society libraries contain about 5,400 volumes, purchased by the students from time to time. The ph3^sical apparatus, which must have been reasonably good for so young an institu- tion according to the ideas of those early times, was greatly increased by Prof Loomis when he entered upon his work here in 1837. He brought with him from Europe the most im- portant instruments for investigation and in- struction, to the value of $2,200. This appa- ratus has been well preserved, and since 1868, has been steadily increased by the addition of almost all those new instruments which the ad- vance of science has made necessary or useful in a college in order that the instruction might keep pace with the times. The astronomical observatory was built un- der the direction of Prof Loomis in 1838, at a cost of a little above $1,000, and furnished with a transit circle, equatorial telescope and siderial clock, procured in Europe at an ex- pense of $1,750. When Dr. St. John came, in 1858, $2,500 was appropriated as an outfit for his depart- ment, some $500 of which was probably ex- pended in the purchase of chemical apparatus, and the $2,000 upon the cabinet. Accordingly, the cabinet seems to have grown and prospered for some time ; but, during the period of depression and disaster, it was almost entirely neglected. In 1858, it received a valuable accession from Rev. Horace S. Taylor, of the Class of 1840, and a missionary in India. He procured a large fragment of a meteorite which fell within his field of labor February 28, 1857, and sent it to the college. This was broken up in consequence of man}- applica- tions for specimens, and b}' exchanges the cab- inet contains now a series of seventy-six different meteoric irons and stones. There are 1,450 named and labeled specimens of mine- rals in ca,ses, 500 not labeled, 250 specimens of shells, with many duplicates, and a series of casts of typical fossils, 173 in number, which were added in 1874. There is also a small collection of archaeological specimens. The chemical apparatus procured by Prof St. John had almost wholly disappeared when President Hitchcock entered on his office. Very little was done in the way of repairing these losses until Prof Morley came, in 1869. Since that date, this department has received its proper share of attention. An admirable ap- paratus for the purpose of anal^'sis and re- search, as well as for use in instruction, has been procured, mostly purchased in P]urope, at an expense of $2,500. There is a well-furnished laboratory for the use of students, where the class perform, under the guidance of the professor, all those experiments which are suit- able for them. The departments of natural science, which, from the very first, seem to have attracted the enlightened attention of the Trustees, have thus been well provided with the means of instruction. At the present, an important change in the history of the college is pending, which must result in important consequences to the insti- tution. At a meeting of the Trustees at Cleveland in 1876, the question was proposed to the President as to how much money would cover the cost of removing the college from Hudson to Cleveland. After deliberation, the sum was placed at $500,000 by President Cut- ler, and an itemized statement to that effect was drawn up. Subsequently, Amasa Stone, Esq., of Cleveland, offered that amount if the removal should be effected. A movement was at once put in progress to secure this end, and the success of this effort seems to be not far from realization. There is, of course, a decid- ed difference of opinion upon the wisdom, of this course, some of the Alumni believing with the great majority of the citizens of Hudson that it does great injustice to those who have sacrificed a great deal in its behalf, and at the ^ 466 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUITTY. same time carries the youth right into the midst of temptations from which it is of the greatest importance to shield them. On the other hand, it is urged that Cleveland is des- tined to attract a university, which, if the Western Reserve College should neo;lect its present opportunity, would result disastrously to its interests. By removing to Cleveland, it is hoped that the scope of the college's influ- ence will be enlarged, its prosperity enhanced, and that it will speedily assume that place which its founders hoped for in its inception. CHAPTER XVI.* CUYAHOGA FALLS — INTRODUCTORY — FIRST IMPROVEMENT— EARLY SETTLERS— LAYING OUT OF VILLAGE — INCORPORATION — ORGANIZATION AS A TOAVNSHIP— INDIANS AND THEIR TRAILS — BANKS, CANAL AND OTHER BUSINESS— FACTS, INCIDENTS, ETC. ^r^HK citizen of the incorporated village of J._ Cuyahoga Falls who looks back upon the privations and labors which his predecessors went through, and sees how many comforts and advantages he has inherited, can hardly realize how short the time is since the work first be- gun. Those earliest laborers have all passed away except Henry Wetmore. He still resides in the town, at the age of over eighty yeai's. He has seen every step of the progress of the place, from the first real emigration to the pres- ent time. He has been an active participant in all these changes, since the day he helped to mark the spot where the first work was to be done. He alone can have a full, a complete realization of the change that has been wrought. To chronicle the leading incidents which have taken place since the first settlement of the village, and to record the changes brought about since that period, is the object of this and the following chapter. Cuyahoga Falls is among the most thor- oughly enterprising villages in Ohio. With im- portant manufacturing industries, fine business houses, and a progressive class of citizens, it is worthy of conspicuous notice in the history of vSummit County. It is situated on the Cleve- land, Mount Vernon & Columbus Railroad, thirty-four miles from Cleveland and five miles distant from Akron, the county seat. The place is four hundred feet above Lake Frie, with a healthy and pure atmosphere, abundance of purest water, fine churches and private resi- dences, and one of the most complete school buildings in the State. * Contributed by C. W. Butterfleld. There is probably no point in Ohio which of- fers more desirable manufacturing advantages ; and, as a place of residence, its elevated posi- tion freeing it from miasmatic influences, its beautiful scener}', and accessibility to the larger cities of the State, renders it most desirable. It has become a favorite resort for pleasure- seekers and excursionists during the summer months, where visitors can enjoy the beauties of natural scenery unequaled in Ohio. For the last twenty 3'ears its growth has not been rapid. According to the Federal census of 1860, the village had 1,516 inhabitants ; increased in 1870 to 1,859 ; in 1880 to 2,294. As early as 1812, the water-power of the Cuyahoga River, at the place where the stream is now crossed by the railroad, having been improved by Kelsey & Wilcox, there sprang up in that immediate vicinity a number of houses. This is still called the -'old village." But the real founders of Cu3'ahoga Falls were Joshua Stow (nominally), William Wetmore and Henry Newberry. The Western Reserve had been sold by the State of Connecticut to the Connecticut Land Company, who had it surveyed in 1797. It was laid off" in townships five miles square, and was designated b}' numbers and ranges. Num- ber 3, of Range 10, came into possession of Joshua Stow, of Middletown, Conn., and was named after him. The township of Tallmadge became the property' of two companies, of one of which Roger Newberrj^ was a member. His share was 1,000 acres. It la}- in the northwest part of the township, now the southeast por- tion of Cuyahoga Falls. So it was that the [^ CUYAHOGA FALLS TOWNSHIP. 467 two — Stow and Newberry — ^owned what after- ward constituted (as will soon be shown) " the town of Cuyahoga Falls." The undivided half of 210 acres in the south- west corner of Stow's township — which now embraces the northeast part of the village — was purchased by William Wetmore, and together they began the improvement of the tract in 1825. In 1814, Henry Newberry, the son of Ivoger Newberry, came on to see his lands which had been given him by his father, which have been just described as 1,000 acres lying in the northwest part of Tallmadge Township. Henry was so well pleased with his gift that he resolved to make there his future home. He did not remove to Ohio, however, until 1824. He first lived upon a farm at Stow Lake (now Silver Lake) two j^ears, meanwhile making im- provements at the Falls ; so that those of Stow and Wetmore on the north, and those of New- berry on the south were begun at about the same period. The year 1825 may, therefore, be considered as the one from which to date the existence of Cuyahoga Falls. While Henry Newberry was living at Silver Lake, he ei'ected a log house for his workmen upon the spot where George D^^re's house now stands, and cleared about an acre between it and the river. This was the first building upon his part of the town. Stow and Wetmore began their improvements by the erection of a cabin where the brown house now stands north of the livery stable, directly west of the upper dam. The improvements made by them of the water-power at this point will be noticed here- after. William Wetmore was born in Middle- town, Conn., September 15, 1771. He was a descendant of Thomas Wetmore, one of the proprietors of Middletown, who purchased the site of the Indians in 1662. He removed to Ohio in July, 1804, and built the second house that was erected in what was afterward Stow Township. It stood about twenty rods east- wardly of the northeast corner of Lot 36. In 1808, Stow Township was organized, and he was elected a Justice of the Peace. In August of that year, the county of Portage being or- ganized he was appointed Clerk of the Court at Kavenna. He afterward resigned the office, moved back to Stow and settled on his farm. He died at his residence on the east bank of Silver Lake, October 27, 1827. Henry New- berry was born in Windsor, Conn., in January, 1783. In 1814, soon after the death of his father, he came to Ohio, as before stated, to look at his possessions in the Western wilds. He first lived at Silver Lake two years, having moved there, as previously mentioned, in 1824, and then took up his residence at the Falls. He died in 1854, in the stone house, afterward the residence of James H. Cooke. Such, in brief, are the biographies of the founders of Cuyahoga Falls.* In 1822, Elkanah Richardson came from Stow and built the house long known as the " Red House," which stands a little north of the " Big Spring," on the west side of Main street. This house was the first frame house erected south of the "old village." The first frame building put up on Stow and Wetmoi'e's land was intended for a dwelling-house and store. It was built by William Wetmore, Jr., in 1826, and is now known as the " Perry House." In 1828, the store now occupied by Giles L'Homme- dieu was built, and the goods removed into it, leaving the first to be used for a dwelling only. It was not long before it became a place of en- tertainment for strangers, and finally a regular hotel. It was first kept by Benjamin F. Hop- kins. He was succeecled by E. B. 31organ, and he by Ira Loomis. It was known as the Amer- ican House. It has passed through several hands since then, but has been little changed. The same j^ear (1828), Jabez Hamlin came and built the house next south of the " Big Spring," and, soon after, the tannery now owned b}' C. Kettleberger. In 1829, Mr. Richardson built a log house in the southeast corner of what is now George Sacketts yard, and afterward the thii'd house south of Falls street, on Front street, in which he spent the rest of his life. He died in 1836. John Wells came to Cuyahoga Falls not long after Jabez Hamlin, and built the house now owned by the widow of the late John Tift. In 1829, John Rumrill came as the foreman in Stow & Wetmore's paper-mill. He built the house near the depot, known as the Jones House. Rowland Clapp came from Vermont and took up his residence in the village in 1828. He has made it his home in the place ever ♦Although Joshua Stow came to the township named after him in 1804, he returned to Connecticut the next year; So that he can only be identified as one of thefounders of the Falls from thecircum- stances of his having an interest therein. On that account no sketch of his life is given in this connection. \ ^- 468 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY since. E. N. Sill came in 1829, an 9^'A 'Uv CUYAHOGA FALLS TOWNSHIP. motion its stated council meetings are held. Besides its assessments, each council collects its quarterl}' dues for defraying its running ex- penses and creating a fund from which each member is entitled to not less than $1 per week in case of sickness. On the 8th day of June, 1867, the following citizens of Cuyahoga Falls — L. W. Loomis, I. N. Reid, G. M. Patterson, Amos Wills, W. H. Shaffer, D. Shumway, M. V. Burt, R. M. Hin- man,W. H. Carloss and B. B. Tremblin — former soldiers of the late war, met for the purpose of organizing a Post of the Grand Army, and signed an application for a charter which was forwarded to the headquarters of the then Eighteenth District, at Cleveland. On the evening of Jul}' 5, 1867, they met and were regularly mustered in by Col. George L. Childs, District Commander. The names of Josiah Brown, A. S. Emerson, J. H. Shewey were added to the charter list. The officers elected at this meeting for one year were A. S. Emerson, Post Commander ; R. H. Hinman, Senior Vice Commander ; D. Shumway, Junior Vice Commander ; B. B. Tremblin, Post Adjt. ; L. W. Loomis, Post Quartermaster ; W. H. Shaffer, Surgeon ; G. M. Patterson, Chaplain. The name chosen for the Post was Eadie (Post No. 232), in honor of the Eadie boys — John, James and Henry — who lost their lives as soldiers during the rebellion. The number was afterward changed to No. 37. The first meetings were held in the old Tem- perance Hall, but in a few weeks the Post made arrangements to occupy the hall in the Loomis Block with the I. 0. G. T. The organization grew rapidly during the years up to 1870. In that year the Post had increased from fourteen members to over one hundred and twenty -five. But in the year 1869, it pleased the National Headquarters to intro- duce a new system known as the " Three Grades " — (1st) recruit ; (2d) soldier ; (3d) vet- eran. For soldiers, this sj'stem did not work well. In consequence, recruiting about stopped, members became delinquent, and, finally, in December, 1873, the old Post ceased to exist. While it flourished, no member that belonged to it need be ashamed of its work. They col- lected, outside of the regular fees and dues, from the years 1867 to 1873, about $1,200, and used the same for charitable pui'poses. They took care of their own sick and poor ; they buried their own dead, and helped to establish the Sol- diers' Orphan Home. Slany a strange soldier was sent on his way rejoicing through the kind- ness of the comrades of Eadie Post. The last work they did was one of practical benefit to Cuyahoga Falls, the donating of the last $100 in the treasury to establish the free reading room, which is an honor to Cuyahoga Falls. In March, 1880, there met in the office of George Paul, a number of the old members of the G. A. R. and old soldiers, and signed an application for a new charter. The meeting for organization was held March 17, 1880, in the old Temperance Hall, and the Post was duly organized by Judge L. C. Williamson and comrades from Buckley, of Akron. Twenty- six members were regularly mustered in. The officei's elected from the charter list for the first year ending January 1, 1881. were W\ 0. Beebe, P. C; J. A. Ramp, Sr. V. C.; H. Ingals, Jr. V. C; C. T. Parks, Adjt. ; J. C. Reid, Q. M.; G. M. Patterson, 0. D.: M. H. Diffendorf, 0. G.; W. S. Hough, Surg.; J. A. Craffts, Chap- lain ; H. Steele, Sgt. M.; M. C. Tifft, Q. M. Sgt.; George Paul, Dept. Aid de Camp. The old name and old number was adopted, " Eadie Post, No. 37, Department of Ohio." Since April 1, 1880, the Post has occupied a lodge-room in Apollo Hall block. The Post has steadily increased in the last 3'ear, having now about fifty members, good and efficient officers, and well- attended meetings. In fact its future never was brighter than at present. There is but one grade ; the object is fraternit}', charity and loyalty. Since the re-organization, the Post has lost by death one of our most valued members, Adjt. W. J. Patterson, a brave soldier, and the most efficient Adjutant that has occupied that office since the Post was es- tablished in Cuyahoga Falls. The death roll as near as is known since 1877, of tlie Post is John Williams, Christopher Post, Frederick Bethel, Frank Brainard, William Cooper, A. H. Goble and William J. Patterson. In 1812, Kelsey & Wilcox built a dam across the Cuj-ahoga River at the place in Cu^'ahoga Falls where the railroad bridge crosses it. At this point they erected a grist-mill and a saw- mill. These were the first in the village. After the war with Great Britain of 1812-15, the property- was purchased by Stow & Wetmore, and an oil-mill l)uilt. ^1 490 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY It is well known that, at an early day, there was a portage or carrying- place between the waters of the Cuyahoga and those of the Tus- carawas used by the Indians and traders to transport their canoes and peltries within the present Summit County. This portage was an important path, even after the country was occupied by the whites. At a point on this carrying-place was erected by the United States Government a military post, and what was called a " navy yard," and supplies were gathered here for their maintenance. These were drawn from as far south as Chillicothe, being brought up to the head-waters of the Muskingum and conveyed overland to the Cuy- ahoga. William Wetmore was appointed Com- missary of this post, and all the lumber neces- sary to supply the wants of the Government at the station was supplied b}^ the saw-mill at the "old village," near, as we have seen, where the railroad bridge crosses the river. In the course of time it was discovered that a "power" existed farther down the river much to be preferred to the one which had thus been improved ; so the last named gentlemen commenced in April, 1825, to make improve- ments at the latter place. William Wetmore, Jr., acting for Stow & Wetmore, gathered thirty men from the surrounding country, who were set to work to construct a dam where the upper one now stands. This was finished in June following. Here was erected a grist-mill, also a saw-mill and an oil-mill. As the erection of this dam flooded the one above, the mills first built were taken down. In 1830, Stow & Wetmores (the father of the latter was then dead) built a paper-mill upon the east side of the river. The first sheet of paper was run off on the 8th of December of that year. Previous to this, the tannery, now occupied by C. Kittleberger, was erected. "On the 1st day of April, 1825," writes Henry Wetmore, " Brother William and I came to what is now the village of Cuyahoga Falls from the banks of Silver Lake, in the township of Stow. We cut away the alders on the bank of the river, where Israel James' flouring-mill was afterward erected, to take a look at the river, and the wild scenery on each side. The next day Father came to line out the 210 acres which were subsequently the Stow Township part of the village, and to take a level of the fall of the river, to ascertain the height of the dam he was to build. All around was an un- broken forest. On the 30th of April we had a house up, and a goodly numl)er of men em- ployed in cutting and hewing timber for our dam and saw-mill, flour and linseed oil mill, all of which were built in the year 1825-26. " In December we completed our paper-mill, it being the first mill in the State to make paper by the method of gathering the pulp on a cylinder. There were three or four small hand mills in Ohio which made paper with selves by dipping up the pulp and shaking it. Joshua Stow, of Middletown, Conn., was our partner, under the firm name of Stow & Wet- mores. In March, 1837, I sold out m}' interest in the firm to Mr. Stow. Since then the de- stroying hand of time and decay wore out the paper-mill frame and timbers, and it was pulled down. Some fiend burned the flouring-mill, and the oil-mill was discontinued for want of seed to stock it. "In 1836, a gentleman came to Cuyahoga Falls to locate in business. He liked the place much, but he had heard of a place called Chi- cago, and he would go and see it before locating. On his return, he said Cuyahoga Falls was doing the most business, and would always continue to do so ; so he located here !" While Stow & Wetmores, in 1825, were con- structing their dam and building their mills as before mentioned, Henry Newberry was engaged in making improvements in the lower part of the present village. What is now Turner, Parks & Co.'s dam was built by him during that year. The next year he erected on the west side of the river a saw-mill, and on the east side an oil-mill. The latter was carried away by a flood in 1832, but a new mill was immediately put up, and was used by E. N. Sill and Ogden Wetmore. It was afterward sold to John Rumrill, who disposed of it to Prentiss Dow, the latter converting it into a paper-mill. Dow ran it in company with Rum- rill, under the firm name of Dow, Rumrill & Co. This partnership was closed after a time, and then run by P. & G. Dow. The building was finally removed. The first woolen factory in Cuyahoga Falls was erected near where are now the shops of Turner, Vaughn & Taylor. This factory was burned — the incendiary was spontaneous com- bustion. There was an oil-mill which was run by Penfield & Starr, adjoining the woolen fac- >^. CUYAHOGA FALLS TOWNSHIP. 491 Uivy at the time of its destruction, which was saved ; but this has '• gone where the woodbine twineth." In 1834, a foundry and trip-hammer shop was built by Mr. Vaughn, on the south side of what is now the stone bridge, where the saw-mill stands ; but this was burned and never rebuilt. Just south of this was a car- riage-shop carried on b}^ Isaac Lewis. The building was afterward changed to a paper- mill, and run by George E. Clarke in com- pany with his nephew, Sej'mour ; but like others of its class, it, too, has passed away. In 1834. Ogden Wetmore and B. R. Manches- ter built a foundry and machine-shop near where the brick paper-mill now stands. They ran the foundry for about two years, when Manchester's place was taken by L. W. Butler. In 1835, the machine-shop was leased by the Messrs. Bill, who afterward purchased the prop- erty' and used it until 1843, when it was de- stroyed by fire. In 1845, the Messrs. Bill put up a brick build- ing for a foundry and machine-shop, but, for the purpose of renting it to J. M. Smith & Co. for a paper-mill, the}- erected a small shop on the other side of the street for their own use. The lease of this company was for ten years, but, before its expiration, they were succeeded by Harrison & Hanford, who purchased the propert}- and added to it till it became what was known as the Empire Mill. This came into the hands of Hanford Brothers, who ran it until 1872, when it burned down. The Messrs. Bill took into copartnership James Chamber- lain, and their shops were run for several j'ears under the firm name of Bill & Chamberlain. To accommodate their increasing business the}' removed the shops first built, and put up large buildings opposite the Empire Mill. There were some changes in the proprietorship from time to time, but the shops were kept running until the fire of 1872, when they disappeared with all their contents. A paper-mill, built by T. L. Miller, once stood on the east side of the canal. This was run by steam. It was sub- sequentl}- occupied by Caleb Howard, but fell into decay and was taken down. Among the " ancient institutions " of Cuyahoga Falls was a distillery. A portion of the buildings con- nected with it afterward were appropriated by the Taylor Wire Cloth Company. The " deadly worm " has long since disappeared. A lard oil and candle factory was started in Cuyahoga Falls in 1842, by George A. Stanley and Henry Holbrook, in the first building north of what is now the covered bridge on the west side ; but the enterprise was soon abandoned. Among other earl}' industries undertaken, but which was of short continuance, was a starch factory, by Birdsey Booth, at the spring on the bank of the river, near the present mill of Mr. Hinde. Another one was b\' G. & I. L'Hom- medieu, near the depot, a sandpaper and glue fiictory, under the management of Mr. Smith. Still another was a pump factory, on the east side, carried on by R. S. Williams. In 1852, there were in the village three paper-mills, two oil-mills, two forges, one webbing factory, one fork, hoe and tool factory, three machine-shops one saw-mill, one fork and hoe factory, two grist-mills, one flax factory and one shovel factor}'. In 1854, Cuyahoga Falls had three paper- mills in operation, and another in process of erection. The}- consumed 675 tons of the raw material, making 525 tons of paper annuall}'. In them were employed eight}' persons. They consumed $9,000 worth of chemicals and colors annually. There were two oil-mills, consuming 16,000 bushels of seed annually, making 30,000 gallons of oil. There was one forge for manu- facturing car-axles, consuming from six to seven hundred tons of pig-metal, and making about five hundred and fifty tons of axles annually. The establishment employed from twenty to twenty-five men. There were three foundries and machine-shops. One of them consumed from 300 to 400 tons of stock, manufacturing about $75,000 worth of machinery annually, and affording constant employment to about thirty men. There was also a steel-fork manu- fiictory, which turned out, on an average, 100,- 000 forks annually, consuming twenty tons of cast-steel, and employing from fifteen to twenty hands ; one shovel-factory, which made six dozen shovels daily ; one grist-mill, one tool- factory, two tanneries, one ashery, two flax- mills, and one distillei-y, as previously men- tioned. This last-mentioned •• institution " con- sumed 75,000 bushels of grain annually, mak- ing 30,000 gallons of high-wines. Tt furnished food for 3,000 hogs, '-and drinl: for ten times that number.' In 1876, there were in operation within the corporation one foundry, one rolling-mill, two grist-mills, two saw-mills, a rivet-factory and 'f 493 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. clay-mill, a wire-factory, wire-weaving works, a large foundry and machine-shop, a small machine-shop and town-clock factory, two pa- per-mills, another partly erected, an extensive sewer-pipe factory, two potteries, a planing- mill, a tannery, a tow-bagging mill and a tile- factory. Having thus briefly outlined the rise and progress of the manufacturing industries of Cuy- ahoga Falls, man}^ of which " were, but are not," the attention of the reader is asked while we recount the story of such as are now in ex- istence. The buildings of the Variety Iron Works of Turner, Vaughn & Taylor consist of the main building, 36x74 feet ; an L-shaped attachment, 32x76 feet ; and a wing, 36x72 feet— each con- taining two stories and a basement. The first shop upon the place where these buildings stand was used by a man by the name of Kel- ley as a chair- factor}'. Mr. Lawson used it for the same purpose for some time afterward. This was replaced by one built by Vaughn, Hunt & Co., which was removed to give place to the Variety Iron Works, founded in 1856, b\ the firm of Turner, Parks & Co. Mr. Parks and Mr. Wetmore afterward retired. The re- maining members were succeeded by Turner, Parks & Taylor, and the latter, in 1879, by Turner, Vaughn & Taylor, the present proprie- tors. The buildings of this firm are equipped with the most perfect machinery known in all the departments of iron and wood working, op- erated by water, aggregating seventy-five-horse power. The specialties of this house are im- proved steam engines, grain-cleaning machin- ery, mill-gearing, wire-working machinery and clay-grinding machines, which latter article is patented by this firm. They constructed all the wire-drawing machinery of the extensive Cleveland RoUing-Mills, and have made ma- chinery for every wire-mill in the United States, with but a single exception, and are now super- intending the erection of similar machinery in England. In addition to the leading products enumerated above, they also manufacture steam, hydraulic and screw presses for sewer-pipe, paper-mill, flour-mill and clay-mill machinery-, iron and brass castings in great variet}' to order ; Russia, sheet and galvanized iron and zinc screens, light cast-iron pipe for heating by steam, flange-pipe, etc. They have also facili- ties for sawing every description of lumber to order, and for grinding flour, feed, etc., for cus- tomers as required. The Falls Wire Manufacturing Company are located in Cuyahoga Falls, on the bank of the Cuyahoga River. The main building is of brick, 40x85 feet, three stories and a basement, with a wing 30x55 feet, well supplied with improved modern machinery and appurtenances for the production of every gi'ade of iron and steel wire. The production of this article, in all its forms and sizes, furnishes an interesting sight to the curiosity-seeker. Regarded as a promi- nent article of commerce, entering largely as it does into a variety of industrial pursuits, its manufacture forms no insignificant item in the manufactures of the village. The works were first known as the Falls Wire Mill, operated by the Falls Wire Company, a stock company or- ganized in 1873, for the manufacture of iron wire. This company was succeeded b}' the Falls Wire Manufacturing Company, organized in 1879, with an authorized capital stock of $100,000. The waters of the Cuyahoga River furnish the power (65-horse-power), to turn the machinery. There is here produced annually over one thousand tons of the various sizes of finished wire. The trade of this company is principally in the West. They make a specialty of wire for fine purposes, such as spring-wire for woven-wire mattresses, the extra grades of tinned wire, and broom and binder wire. On the evening of March 31, 1881, since the fore- going was written, these works were largel}' desti'oyed by fire. They will, however, be im- mediately rebuilt, with but a few weeks' inter- ruption of the business of the compan3^ The peculiar adaptability of the clay deposits of Summit County for the manufacture of potter}' has been spoken of in another chapter. Ohio stoneware has acquired an extensive reputa- tion. The Cuyahoga Falls Stoneware Factory was founded about eighteen years ago b}' the firm of Tiiomas & Harris. Thomas Brothers are the present proprietors. The building oc- cupied l)y tills company is a two-story structure, 36x120 feet in size, and is furnished with a complete and thorough outfit of machiner}' es- pecially adapted to the manufacture of the line of articles turned out, consisting of churns, butters, pans, Dutch pots, jugs, preserve jars, fruit jars with label tops, covers, stove tubes, etc. The capacity of the factor}' is upward of 300,000 gallons per annum, valued at not less :7i" . V. CUYAHOGA FALLS TOWNSHIP. 493 than $15,000, the demand for which is principally in the States of Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. Their manufactor}' is on the corner of Main and Broad sti'cets. At the corner of Front and Portage streets is the business house of L. W. Loomis. It was founded in 186i, under the firm name of Loomis & Co., with L. W. Loomis, H. E. Loomis, and Smith & Harington, of New York, as partners. Since 1868, it has been under the sole control and management of L. W. Loomis. A specialty of this house is the manufacture of tinware, for which purpose a large force is employed. A number of wagons are kept on the road dispos- ing of the manufactured stock. The clay banks of Summit County ai'e uni- versally acknowledged to be superior to any in the United States for the manufacture of sewer pipe and similar articles, and the class of goods manufactured here have a national reputation. The value of these immense deposits of cla}' is estimated at nearly $2,000,000 a year, and, as the variety and extent of these important arti- cles of commerce is continually on the increase, without any perceptible diminution of the raw material, there can scarcely be a limit to this great and important source of wealth and pros- perity. At Cuyahoga Falls, the manufacture of sewer pipe is extensivel}' carried on b}' G-eorge C. Germain. The works now conducted by him were founded in 1865, by Lewis, Fosdick & Camp, and, after passing through a number of changes in proprietorship, came into the possession of James H. Cooke in 1877. Mr. Cooke has since died. The trade has consider- ably increased, and now extends all over the United States from INIaine to Minnesota. Mr. Germain occupies a spacious and commodious building four stories in height, covering an area of 40x180 feet, with convenient yards ad- jacent. The works are located on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, where they have water- power equivalent to eighty horses, using one sixty horse-power and one twenty horse-power wheel. The works are supplied with the most appi'oved and latest styles of machinery, and appliances especially adapted to this branch of industry, and tor capacity, extent and general excellence of appointments, as well as for su- periorit}' of productions, will compare favorabl}' with any similar establishment in the State. He turns out ever}' variety of straight, bent, elbow, slant and branch pipe, with elbows, angles, ring joints and sockets of a superior quality. The pipe is vitrified by the chemical action of salt while in the process of burning, which renders it impervious to the action of steam, gas and acids, and is particularly notice- able for fine finish, durability and uniformity. On the site of these works there once stood an oil-mill, built by Cyrus Pi-entiss. It was after- ward used by Henr}- Wetmore to make linseed oil, till 1863, when it gave place to the works before mentioned. The Cu^'ahoga Paper Company was organized in 1875. Their first building occupied was the one built for a grist-mill by Yockey, Vantine & Co. This mill was run for the manufacture of flour for some years ; but was finally purchased by J. M. Smith & Co., and changed to a paper mill. Soon after, it was burned down. Another mill was immediatel}^ erected in its place, which was run bj- Harrison & Hanford, until that one was also burned to the ground. Again it was built, and used by the gentlemen last mentioned, until bought by the Cuyahoga Paper Company. This company went into possession in 1875. The last-named firm was organized by Robert R. Peebles, George Dow and George Sacket, for the purpose of manufacturing wrapping and colored papers, the latter article being used for posters, handbills and tobacco labels principally. In 1879, Mr. Dow and Mr. Sacket retired, and J. M. Loeser, A. S. Deutsch and S. Levi entered the firm. They occupy a number of buildings on the banks of the river, which are supplied with improved machinery, especially adapted to this branch of business. The capacity of the mills are 8,000 pounds a day. The motive power of the works is supplied by steam, and the water of the river. One of the largest and most complete manu- facturing establishments of its kind in the United States, is that of P. H. Standish, de- voted to the production of chains and chain machinery, and wrought saddlery hardware of every description. These works were established at this place in 1878, and comprise at the lower works one main building 30x50 feet, three stories in height ; one blacksmith-shop 30x75 feet, and one" 20x100 feet; a building 16x35 feetj used as a japanning and trimming depart- ment, and a coke shed 28x30 feet. The upper works consist of one main building 50x200 feet, with two additions, one 5(1x30 feet, the other 20x50 feet. All of the buildings are thoroughly ±lf __S) 494 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. equipped with most perfect and complete ma- chiner3-, mueli of wliich is of Mr. Standish's own invention, and protected by letters patent from the United States Government. Water-power, equivalent to 100 horses, supplies the motive power required. The leading productions of these works are ever}' description of harness coil, agricultural and wagon chains and chain ma> NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 497 CHAPTER XVIII.* NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP— ITS EAllLY HISTORY — PHYSICAL FEATURES — COMING OF THE WHITKS— INCIDENTS— PIONEER INDUSTRIES— RELIGIOUS— EDU- CATIONAL— STATISTICS, ETC. "NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP comprises J_\| twenty-five square miles of territory, and was included in an immense grant by King Charles II of England, in A. D. 1665, to the State of Connecticut, of which a large portion now comprises the State of Ohio. All that portion of the grant not included in the State of Con- necticut was, in 1786, released to the United States, except that included in the following boundar}- : North b}' the parallel of 42° 2', east by the western line of Pennsylvania, south by forty-first degree of north latitude, and westb}^ a line 82° 55', west longitude. This tract, the " Connecticut Western Reserve," was laid off into townships five miles squai'e, and numbered from south to north, beginning on the forty -first de- gree north as a base, and the ranges to succeed each other b}' increasing numbers westward, the Pennsylvania line being taken as a starting point. Northampton, being fift}' miles west from Pennsylvania and ten miles north from the foity-first parallel, took its place as Range 1 1 and Town 3. That portion of Northampton lying east of the Cuyahoga River was held and occupied by the Indian tribes till the treaty of Fort Mcintosh, in 1785, when it was ceded by them to the United States, and in May, 1801, the State of Connecticut also ceded to the United States its jurisdiction over this territo- ry, and the President, Jolm Adams, by patent, conveyed it back to the Governor for the use of the grantees of that State. Thus the title was passed from the Indians and through the sev- eral Governments, to secure its validity, and was then sold by the State of Connecticut to what was known as the Connecticut Land Com- pany, which secured to them about four mill- ion acres, at a cost of $1,200,000, averaging 30 cents per acre. This company' then con- veyed its title to the lands to John Morgan, Jonathan Brace and John Caldwell, to hold in trust for the proprietors, and they lived to sell or dispose of all the land, and thus closed their * Contributed by VVllliam Prior. trust. Those wishing to purchase would pay over their money and take certificates, which were numbered and drawn by lotter}^ but the book of drafts, in which the account of these drawings was kept, is not received as legal evi- dence, yet it is upon this that all the titles to lands are based, as shown b}' the records of our Trumbull County. In this Book of Drafts is found Town 3, Range 11 (Northampton), as the seventeenth draft, and thus passed to the own- ership of W. Billings, Oliver P. Holden, Solo- mon Stodard, Jr., John Stodard, Daniel Wright, Joseph Pratt, Luther Loomis, David King, John Levitt, Jr., Ebenezer King, Jr., Timothy Phelps and Fidelio King. This township was first included within the limits of Washington County, with its seat of justice at Marietta. It afterward belonged to Jefferson Count}', with its county seat at Steu- benville, next to Trumbull County, erected in the year 1800, with its Court of Quarter Ses- sions (similar to our Common Pleas), under the Territorial Governor, St. Clair, located in War- ren. It next passed, in 1808, under the juris- diction of Portage Count}', with count}'-seat at Ravenna, and finally became one of the sixteen townships of Summit County, in 1840, with its seat of justice at Akron. The outline boundary of Northampton as other townships along the Cuyahoga River, was completed by a surveying party of thirteen men sent out from Connecticut in 1797, but its re- survey into quarter-section lots was made by a party under John Stodard some time after, and it is said that, in their journey to this place, they bought at Buffalo a 15-gallou keg of French brandy to be used in the work, which may ac- count for the irregular lines and erroneous metes and bounds in the survey. As the brandy be- came exhausted before the township was com- pleted, part of the men were sent back for a fresh supply, and while they were absent, those remaining put in their time laying out a village plat in the northeast corner of Lot 26, now W 498 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY owned by James Harrington and Amos L. Rice. This was a " village on paper," nothing more. The lots of this township were numbered from north to south, commencing on the east side, and were intended to contain 160 acres each, but owing to causes before referred to, and per- haps some others, they frequentl}' overrun from 5 to 40 acres, while others fell short. The south tier of lots were of full length, but only a few rods in width, and were called a " gore." Of the aboriginal six nations occupying ter- ritor}' east of the Cuyahoga lliver, the fierce and warlike tribe of Tawas controlled Northamp- ton, except that part west of the river, which was occupied by the remnant of Mingoes, of whom the celebrated Logan had been chief, with their town near the west line of the town- ship, and a fort and earthwork for defense just over in Bath. Within a radius of half a mile are numerous mounds as large as fifty or sixty feet in circumference, and from five to ten feet high, which are overgrown with large trees. Another fortification opposite this, and on the east side of the river containing one-half an acre, is in the center of a cultivated field, and now nearl}' obliterated by the frequent turnings of the plowshare. Another is at a place where Hales and Furnace run from the west, with banks nearly a hundred feet high, approach so closely as to form a sliding ridge, so that but one person can be admitted at a time, thence diverging to several rods in width, terminating in banks too high for ascent. In this plat are holes arranged in a square, and about ten feet from each other, which seem to have been used for cisterns or store-rooms, and are nearly filled with dirt. To the south of this and near its narrowest point are the remains of a breast- work over eight}' feet in length, with an inside moat. The engineering skill displaj-ed in the location and construction of these fortifications for defense, is unquestionably of a high order for savages. In tlie forest near where Yellow Creek crosses under the canal, is an extensive Indian or pre-historic burying-ground, covered with full-grown trees, and from its numerous graves must have been the final I'esting-place of an immense population. Specimens of earth- ern dishes have been taken from their graves, but the early date of the ancient race that peo- pled these regions is lost and forgotten. We have evidences of existence, which proves they were numerous and the fortifications show their warlike character. Their burial mounds hand down to coming generations an evidence that they wished to perpetuate a memory of names and deeds. But of that nothing now remains. " Their history is unwritten and they themselves forgotten and unknown." It was to these fortifications in Northampton that, in the summer of 1780, Capt. Samuel Brady, commander of a company of rangers from Chartier Creek, Penn., pursued a band of warriors who had crossed over into that State, committing depredations, murder and plunder. Retreating back to their defenses, they here received the attack, when a fierce and bloody battle ensued. With forces largely outnum- bering his own, they defeated him and put his men to flight. Singling out Brady and leaving all the rest, he was hotly pursued till he arrived at the Cuyahoga River in Franklin, just north of whei'e the bridge now stands, on the Ravenna road. Here, to hem him in, they closed round, and with loud shouts of ti'iumph they thought their prisoner safe. Perpendicular rocks here form both banks of the river, with a chasm twenty-two feet across. With a bound impelled by the energy of despair and the certainty of death for failure, he cleared the abyss and gained the opposite bank, and, while his pursuers were hunting a place to cross, he ran to a little lake, called " Brady's Lake " to this day, and sunk his bod}' under the surface of the water, where he remained, breathing through a hollow weed, until his enemies abandoned the search, when he made his escape. A celebrated Tawa chieftain lived here, called by the Indians Stig-wan-ish, and, by the whites, Seneca. He was a fine athletic speci- men, tall, dignified, and of pleasing address ; could swing a robe over his shoulders as grace- fully as an oriental prince. In youth, he had been addicted to habits of intemperance, and, in a drunken tantrum, had attempted to kill his squaw, but, missing her, sunk his tomahawk into the head of his favorite papoose, which was lashed to her back. This sobered him, and he afterward drank only cider and wine very sparingly. Stigwanish was civil and friendly, had two beautiful squaws for wives, and lived in his wigwam until the whites built him a block-house on the river to protect him from his enemies. Indians remained here on friendly terms with the whites, except when - to l!t^ NOKTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 499 crazed with " fire-water," until 1812, when on the breaking-out of war, thc}^ joined the Brit- ish. Onl}' five of them ever after returned, and those formed a camp in the great bend of the river, where Capt. Mills, of Portage Coun- ty, with his Indian haters and hunters, at- tacked and fired upon them in the night, killing four of the five. The other one escaped, and was the " last of the Tawas " in Northampton. Indian Wilson was notorious for drunken- ness, and when in that condition was ugly. Returning one day from Hudson, where he got " cockazy," as the Indians called it, he stopped in a house where he found a woman and two little children alone. Seizing them by the hair, he flourished his scalping-knife as if in- tending to take their scalps, and, after fright- ening them to his heart's content, left. Soon after, came in Williams, who was brought up at Indian Wheeling. He was without educa- tion, and the only things he had ever learned thoroughly were to love his gun and hate the Indian. This Williams called at that house soon after the Indian left, and, hearing the woman's stor}'^ he went out with his gun, and the Indian was not heard from for years, when Williams owned to having shot him as he was crossing the marsh stream on a log, from which he fell, and Williams then pushed him down into the soft muck far as he could reach with his gun. Another one of a similar ugl}' disposition lived in this township, who fre- quently boasted of his success in killing pale- faces. The ninety-nine notches cut in the handle of his tomahawk represented, he said, the number he had scalped and killed, but he would not feel satisfied till one more was add- ed. He, too, " came up missing," and Williams used to say significantl}^ that some one else wou'd have to cut the hundredth notch for the Indian himself. The eastern part of this township is gently rolling or level, while the western is very broken and hill^^ with deep ravines coursing their way down to the Cuyahoga River, which flows across the whole breadth of the township from south to north in a line nearly parallel with its western boundary. Intersected by the eastern line is Mud Brook Pond from which a stream, by the same name flows south, then southwest, across that corner of the township, and becomes a tributary to the river at Old Portage. The soil along the river valley is exceeding rich and fertile, producing crops of corn equal to any other lands of Ohio, but some portions of the uplands are sterile. The most valuable timber is oak, of which the forests produced the great- est abundance and of excellent qualit}'. The other varieties were beech, maple, hickory, ash and elm, with more limited quantities of black- walnut, butternut and whitewood. Northampton at its settlement was a dense wilderness peopled only by Indians, and in- fested with wild animals. The first white man who settled here was Simeon Prior, with his wife and ten children. They were from West- field River, near Northampton, Mass., and landed at Cleveland, from an open boat, in July, 18U2, the year Ohio was admitted as a State into the Union. Cleveland was then but a hamlet of log cabins. Mr. Prior then came to Hudson which had been settled two years earlier. He left the famil}" here until the new home was hunted up in the woods. A log cabin was built on east part of Lot 25, in North- ampton, and in August the family moved in. Simeon Prior purchased 400 acres, of which one lot — No. 19 — is still owned by his descend- ants and heirs. Lot 33, now owned bj' D. G. Myers, was also a part of this original pur- chase. Their nearest neighbors were at Hud- son, six miles distant, with no roads, no con- veniences, no comforts ; they were compelled to be self-reliant and dependent on their own resources. Meal made from corn pounded fine on a stump, was the material from which bread was made mixed with water, salted and baked on a split shingle before the open fire. Their meat was the flesh of deer, bears and turkeys killed in the woods ; their clothing from flax, grown upon the farm, worked up into cloth, and all of which was done by different mem- bers of the family. Linen and tow-cloth were the domestic staple products, but for winter wear buckskin moccasins, pants and jackets were used until in after years when sheep could be protected from the wolves, and woolen cloth was manufactured by the family. After settlement had become more general, a large, two-story hewed-log house was built, which was used for a hotel for the accommonation of travelers. A blacksmith-shop was also built and furnished with tools and stock brought here with their household goods. On this farm Simeon Prior lived till his de- cease, in 1837, at the age of eighty-two. The f> y ^: 500 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. family becoming of age, dispersed and settled in different places. The oldest daughter, Sarah, married Joseph Darrow, of Darrow street, a prominent surveyor at that time. William, the oldest son, went south to Chillicothe, the first State capital, where he purchased a farm, but soon sold it and returned to Northampton. He married Sarah Wharton, of Indian Wheeling, in Virginia, and lived in Northampton till his death in 1872, at the age of ninet}'. David bought a farm in Stow Township, where he lived for many 3'ears, but sold out and went to Missouri where he died. Gurden, the last sur- viving member of the family-, sold his farm here, a part of the old original homestead, and moved to Iowa, where he now lives in comfort on the divide between the two great waters, the Missouri and Mississippi. The first marriage lisense issued in Portage County, was for one of the daughters, Polly, who married Eben Kennedy. Erastus and Pinkney also moved West and died in Iowa. Jerusha, Eliza, Judith and Elisha remained, lived and died in Summit County. The next family moving into this township was that of David Parker, from Hartford, Conn. His residence was at the foot of the hill where the Smith road now comes down into the val- ley. He built the first saw-mill on the Yellow Creek, in Northampton, and. soon after its com- pletion, took malarial fever and died. His son, Richard E. Parker, now of Akron, was the first white male child born in Northampton, at the date of March 9, 1811. In 1809, Samuel King moved in with his family, settling at Old Portage, where he pur- chased a farm and built a tavern and store, and embarked in many useful enterprises. He reared a family of eiglit children, some of whom filled places of honor, trust and responsibilit}'. While the canal was building, Ambrose King, a son, held the oflflce of Constable, and, with a warrant, went to arrest an Irish laborer for some offense, and found him in an unfinished lock-pit above Old Portage, in company with a gang of other workmen, who, when ascertaining King's business, refused to permit the arrest, surrounded him, threatening to take his life. Armed with picks, spades and cudgels, the}' cornered him in the lock. With only a horse- pistol for defense, he warned them to desist ; but, instead, they made a charge when he fired, the ball striking one of them on his rib, glanc- ing off without inflicting a serious wound. Being ver}- active, he sprang up the steep bank and ran for his life ; was followed, overtaken, knocked down and beaten with clubs until sup- posed to be dead. His friends hearing of the affra}^ sent a wagon for him, put him in it, and started for Akron, followed by the workmen, with threats and imprecations. Meeting a ph3'sician, they halted, while an examination was made, and King was pronounced 3'et alive. " Then," shouted an excited Irishman standing by, " we will kill him yet," striking a blow at his head with a long club, but the horses were frightened and started off, and the blow missed its mark. Then the furious laborer turned upon a German standing b}-, and, with a sweep- ing blow of his club, struck him on the head, from which he fell as though shot. He was left with the Irish and never seen again. It was supposed they buried him secretly at night in the canal bed, where he could not be found. This aroused indignation and vengeance to its highest pitch. Next day the military company was called out, armed with rifles and ammuni- tion ; a bottle of whisk}' was passed round, and a battle and bloodshed were imminent. Just then a rider came dashing up, his horse covered with dust and foam. He was a con- tractor, and had just heard of the diflSculty, and asked for time to hold a consultation with his emplo^-es, hoping to induce a surrender without resistance. He rode down, found them intrenched for defense, and explained what folly it would be to resist ; that every man would be shot down, if necessary, to make the arrest. They laid down their weapons, surren- dered and were marched to Middlebury for safe keeping, where the military stood guard till the trial and conviction of their leader. As King recovered, the penalt}- was not very severe, and peace was again restored. The first hamlet in Northampton Township was old Portage, on the Cuyahoga River, near the southern boundary. This was the head of navigation on this stream, and the northern terminus of the " carr}' " between the Cuya- hoga and Tuscarawas Rivers. It was a recog- nized landmark in the western boundary line of the United States in the treat}- of Ft. Mcin- tosh in 1798. This place became famous as a trading-post for both whites and Indians before and after the building of the Ohio and Erie Canal. Some time before the war of 1812, a ^^ NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 501 Frenchman moved in these to carr}^ on a tratfle with the Indians. He used to sell them "fire-water ' till they got drunk, then reduce with river water till they would drink them- selves sober. Then they would say, " Indian get too much Cuyahog-guh," and he would have to make it strong again. In weighing out powder and lead to them he used to put his hand on the scales, saying it weighed just a pound. This Frenchman used to indulge in some ugly traits by beating and flogging his wife, who was a half-breed Indian. The other squaws would interfere to save her from such punishment, but she would beg of them to let her alone, " for," she said, " it was so good making up again she really enjoyed the quarrel." After the canal was built, it was for a time called Booth's Port, after Birdsey Booth, a surveyor, and some goods shipped here were so directed, but the old name has been retained. It was said to be not an unusual occurrence for a hundred or so of teams to be seen there at one time engaged in receiving and transpoi'ting overland the goods and merchandise shipped by canal for places as far east as Canfleld and Warren, south for Canton and Massillon^ and west as far as Medina. Robert Thompson, in 1813, purchased Lot No. 24, now owned by William Viall, Esq. He raised a large family and after partly clearing up the farm, sold and moved on to the west half of Lot No. 23, where he lived till his death. Part of this place is yet owned and occupied by his son, Amos Thompson. Robert Tliomp- son was a shoemaker by trade, and, in the earl}' times, it was customary for the tailor, harness- maker and shoemaker to go round from house to house, boarding with the families, while making up a supply of such goods as needed. Mr. Thompson used to make himself, while on his mission, interesting to his customers by the odd and funny stories he knew so well how to relate, emphasizing the jokes by a sharp bat of his hammer on the sole of some unfinished shoe. Barcla}- Hogue was a harness-maker who used to go round in the same wa3^ carrying his awls and clamps with him, and many a broad " back- band " hung in the stables for years as relics of that old and easy style. Jesse Ellis was an- other early settler, and, besides hunting and fishing, his chief occupation was burning lime. His wife was the daughter of a wealthy, proud and aristocratic family in Canada, and their en- gagement being opposed by her parents, she eloped with Jesse, and married at the age of fourteen. They reared a family of twenty children, the first being born when the mother was fifteen and the last at sixt^'-five. She is still living, at the age of eighty-one, in Kent County, Mich., where her husband died in March, 1879, aged one hundred. Abel Vallen was one of the first to settle on the uplands west of the river, where he purchased a large tract in Lots 4, 5 and 6. John George Bot- zum located on the north half of Lot 76. He was a Prussian, from Luxembourg, and recol- lected distinctly hearing the cannonading at the battle of Waterloo. Walter Waite purchased a large tract in Lot 71, where he built a house and set an or- chard, the trees of which are standing 3'et, and the fruit is enjoyed by his children's children. The settlers in the northern and eastern parts of the township were the families of Burrill Viall, William Hill, Benjamin Templeton (a singing-master), William McLoney, John Cow- ick, David Billman, H. Chase, the two Dicker- son families, Jacob Bonesteel, John Everett, George Richardson, Eli Benedict and John Sapp. Nearer the center were Thomas Owens, Adam Gallowaj', John Best, Samuel Hart, Reese Jones, Franklin Carr, C. Davidson, Dr. Rogers, the Coulters, Tibbets, Porters. Lehman Bear, Sweitzer Fike, Frank Penfield and Dean. The Job Harrington farm, Lot 26, was first settled on by Thomas Yanhyning, who built his house on the east side of State road, where it is crossed by the center road going east. The spring of water used was the one near where Alvin Kelso now lives. Lot 14 was settled by Thomas M. Turner, of New York, who left that city the da}- after the landing and reception of La Fa3'ette, on his last visit to America. The impressions made by that grand pageant were not forgotten by Mr. Turner while he lived. The old home farm is now owned by his son, Thomas M. Turner. Daniel Turner settled on Lot 29, and built his house on the low ground between the hills, and planted an apple or- chard around it. of which many trees yet re- main. William Carter, a brick-mason, settled on a farm adjoining. He built the I^rick l)lock in Franklin, now known as the Kent Alpaca Mills. Henry Billman and George T. Uhner took farms along the road farther west, toward ^ 502 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Portage. Nathaniel Hardy purchased a large farm on the Cuyahoga River, which is yet owned by his sons. Austin Blacli, who was the last of the early pioneers in Northampton, bought Lot 37, the east half of which he spent a life of toil in clearing up, and in the full pos- session of which he died in 1 880. Many others, who came at a later date are not mentioned here. In the fall of 1812, an army for the protec- tion of these frontier settlements was stationed at Old Portage, under the command of Gen. Wadsworth, and after the surrender of Gen. Hull, this post was re-enforced witli a battalion under Maj. George Harrow, of Hudson, and Rial McArthur was Captain of one of the com- panies. Two of the boats composing the fleet on Lake Erie, under Commodore Perry, were built at Old Portage. They were launched and floated down the river to the pineries, and there detained for masts, and while the build- ers were preparing them, a wild porcupine was killed, and from this one of the boats was named the " Porcupine " and the other " Port- age," both of which took part in Perry's battle, on the 10th of September, 1812. In 1805, one Aaron Norton, afterward Judge Norton, of Portage County, bought of Solomon Stodard ten acres of land in the southeast cor- ner. Lot 27, now comprising the waterfalls and iron bridge, where he erected the first grist- mill in tlie township. This was duly appre- ciated as a great convenience by the inhabit- ants of this and adjoining townships. Previous to this, the method of grinding meal was to cut a tree so as to leave a concave surface in the solid stump, shaped like a wash basin, then bend over a small tree or sapling for a spring- pole, bringing its tip over the stump. To this tie a barlv or wythe and suspend an iron wedge, ax or other weight, for a pestle. The corn was then shelled and poured in the stump, and the weight taken in hand when the pounding pro- cess was commenced, and was continued till a tolerable good quality of meal was made. The next great public necessity seemed to be a dis- tillery, and one was built on the present site of the cheese factory, and the dammed waters (this is not intended for profanity) of the little brook from the opposite side were piped across to be used in the distillery. Gains in the rock on the south side 3-et show the location of that ancient dam. This building was destroyed by fire, and another distillery was erected by Wyley Hamilton and Aaron Norton just below the rock, at the south end of the present iron bridge. It was so situated that the little brook trickling over the rock was taken into the building high enough to run of its own accord into the vats or still-tubs. The mill property was afterward bought by Col. Rial McArthur, and run by him for years. When the distillery was abandoned as a manufactory of whisky, it was used as a dwelling, where lived Abraham Osborn and his two sons, Elias and Arad, who were millers. Afterward it was used as a meeting-house, then for a schoolhouse, and, finally, went to ruins. In the erection of the mill, Mr. Norton employed one Seth Webster, a skilled workman from Blanford, Mass., as millwright. Having become such an immod- erate drinker, he was hired, with the promise of three gallons of whisk}', extra, to abstain from drinking the day the mill was raised, as it stood in a precipitous, rock}', and dangerous place. This promise he kept, and, on the com- pletion of the work, took his extra allowance, and in company with a colored man, started on foot to Canton, and stopping for the night at a camp in the woods, Webster had become crazed with whisk}' and called for some water. While his traveling companion had gone after it, Web- ster, in a fit of delirium, ran out into the woods, got lost and died. He was found the next morning. It was rumored that he had been murdered, but he undoubtedly died of ddiriioti tremens, and his body was covered by brush to protect it from the wolves, till he was taken back to Northampton for burial. He was tlie first white man buried in the township. Another man by the name of Burge, from Pennsylvania, was employed as a workman on tliis mill, who acquired an unenviable reputation on account of the marvelous an incredible stories he was in the habit of telling. One of these was as follows : That once upon a time, he was en- gaged in shingling a mill on the bank of a stream. When near the ridge his foot slipped and he fell, sliding head foremost down the roof. At the eaves he caught the cornice with his hands, and turned a complete somersault through the air, and fell into the water without being harmed. Immediatel}- after telling this, he was sent on to the rock shelf to fix a prop to the timbers of the dam, which had nearly- filled with water, and while doing this, he, by some ;k: ^l^ NOKTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 503 unluck}' mishap, knocked loose the fastening, when the dam gave way, and he was swept over the rocky precipice by the resistless floods, falling twenty feet into the chasm below. Those who saw him swept over supposed he would be either crushed by the timbers, killed in the fall, or drowned in the seething waters. They rusiied down below to hunt for his mangled re- mains, and were surprised to see him crawl out with tangled, matted hair, eyes and mouth tilled with mud and sand and water dripping from his person, yet unharmed. As this seemed more strange and incredible than anything he had told, it reversed the opinion of those who thought him unreliable, and thereafter, his reputation for truthfulness improved, while he became quite a hero. Rial McArthur sold this mill to Capt. Law- ler, an educated Irishman, who had been a teacher. After getting possession, he claimed the building had not been properly constructed, and needing repairs, he took out the machinery and pulled down the structure, by which time his money had become exhausted, and he, drunken and dissipated, took to staying in a cavern some twenty rods below the mill. There he had placed a board upon the rocks, near a trickling spring, from the rocky ceiling over- head. So, while lying upon his board, he could reach his cup for a drink of pure, cool water on one side, or his jug for a drink of whisky on the other — making himself happy as Diogenes in his tub, until, one da}^ Arad Os- born and a young friend, walking along the bank overhead, heard him singing below. See- ing a bowlder lying handy, and the size of a salt-barrel, they rolled it over the bank, and it went crashing among the rocks below, as if loosened by an earthquake. Excited and fright- ened, Lawler ran out, calling upon tlie Holy Saints to protect him from destruction. Not daring to go back there again, he hired a boy to bring out his jug. Provoked at the destruc- tion of the mill and the loss of payment for it, McArthur ordered him to leave the country, which he promptly did, and, not long after, was drowned in the Upper Cuyalioga. His summer resort has since been known as " Lawler's Cave." Mr. Burnham and wife, accompanied by a neighbor, were one day going to see a wild precipice, half a mile below Lawler's Cave. Twin children, Almira and Alvira, were with them. Mrs. Burnham was carrying one of them, and her husband the other, when, just at the crest of a short, steep hill, down which they were to go, Burnham's foot was tripped by a root, and he, unable to resist, was sent rapidly down to the very verge of the precipice, over which he seemed to be impelled b}' the momentum he had acquii*ed, when, with a des- perate effort, he threw back the child, and it caught by the limbs of an evergi-een shrub, growing from the crevices of the rocks, and was thus saved. That place is known as " Burnhams Jump Ofl^," to this day. Just above this place was, in early days, built, by Moses and Oliver Dewey, a saw-mill, periiaps the first one in the township ; but, as it was off the line of the main road, and of ditficult ac- cess, went, after a time, into disuse, and, as another one had been built up at the grist-mill, this was allowed to go to ruins. In 1S24, two brothers-in-law, Elislia Prior and Elisha Per- kins, erected a saw-mill about two miles further up this stream, which, with the mill erected by F. J. French and Jesse Hays, manufactured most of the lumber used in the buildings of this township, besides large quantities for Cuy- ahoga Falls and Akron. At the place where the State road crosses this stream, the cas- cade is formed bj^ a broad, shelving rock, pro- jecting far out over the retreating cavern be- low. Over this the water pours in a veil of glistening lace-work, behind which the pedes- trian could pass under the unbridged stream drj'-footed, and was used as a sort of dry-ford b}' the Indians. From the gorge below, where William Prior and sons built their grist-mill, a most picturesque and beautiful view is ob- tained. Looking up stream, the old mill on the right, the shining cascade and precipitous rocks and cavern, while, higher up, the mason- ry and airy structure of the iron bridge, grace- fully arching the stream with a single span, the tapering evergreen trees overhanging their banks and casting shadows in the water, with cheese-factory and gently sloping hills in the distance, presents a picture of rare beauty and loveliness. The Prior & Perkins saw-mill was purchased by Harry Pardee, who. in 1842. erected in connection an extensive woolen fac- tory, which was continued in successful opera- tion for many years. Besides this, a chair-fac- tory, wood-turning and other industries, were carried on, but being remote from the public road, it was allowed to go into disuse. 504 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY A distillery was built by Abel Vallen in about 1814, near the junction of Mud Bi'ook with the Cuyahoga River, for the manufacture of potato whisky. The secret of this process was known only b}' old Mr. Hovey, who im- parted his skill to Samuel Sage. A sufficient quantity was made up to suppl}' the home de- mand, which was quite extensive, besides freighting an open barge, which was sent to Mackinaw, and disposed of with satisfactory results. Potato whisky was fiery and "dev- ilish " till it got old and smooth, when it be- came more palatable, and was considered a good article. This distillery was afterward convert- ed into a castor-oil factory, and the people cultivated Richius communis^ but not in suffi- cient quantities to keep up the manufacture. In later years the dairying business was sup- posed to pay better than Falma Christi, and on the site of the old distillery, a joint-stock corn- pan}^ cheese factory- was erected, but for some cause the manufacture of cheese has been also discontinued, showing this to be a fated localit}' for enterprise. On the river bank in Lot 72, Stephen Ayres erected grindstone works, and supplied a necessity to the local trade, besides shipping largely to Cleveland. In the same building he used as a factory he bored for salt, and at a depth of 125 feet entered a vein of salt water and gas. He intended to establish salt works, but was taken off by the yellow or gold fever of California, in 1850, and the prop- erty went into the hands of L. J. Mix, who util- ized the gas for light and fuel for his residence, and the saline waters for salting his stock and curing meat. This well would have been a great boon in early times when salt had to be brought from Cleveland on pack-horses, and cost from $25 to $35 per barrel. Prospecting was afterward made in this locality for petrole- um oil, but as no great depth was ever reached, the search was a failure. A pioneer hunter liv- ing two miles above here was visited one winter's day by Julius Sumner, then of Middle- bury, who delighted in a ramble through the forest in pursuit of game. With a gun on his shoulder he started down the Cu3'ahoga, arriv- ing at the cabin of his friend at sunset, tired and hungry enough. Being invited in at the door through which he was hauling great logs of wood for a fire, he made known his wants and was told that there was not a mouthful of food in the house, but that a deer, killed in the morning, hung to a tree just over the river, which, after kindling the fire, was brought over, sliced, stuck on sticks, and held over the fire to broil. In the absence of salt, a puncheon floor plank was pulled up, which covered an empty pork barrel, in which was some brine ; in this they saturated the cooking venison, and ate a heart}^ supper seasoned with a good appetite. Next day a boy was sent to mill with a bag of corn for meal, and a jug for whisk}-, when feast- ing and revelry ensued. All the records of Northampton Township showing its organization, naming, first elec- tion and officers up to the 3'ear 1820, were destroyed by fire at the burning out of Capt. Aaron French. The only original doc- ument now known to be left is in the posses- sion of J. M. Hale, of Akron. It is part of a poll-book tally-sheet, from which the date has been torn, of an election held when Northamp- ton and Bath must have constituted one elec- tion precinct. There were eighteen votes cast, of which six were by electors living in Bath, The following named persons were chosen offi- cers : Samuel King, Town Clerk ; John Hale, Simeon Prior and David Norton, Trustees ; Wi- ley Hamilton, Overseer of the Poor ; Elisha Perkins, Constable ; William Prior, Israel Par- ker and Jason Hammond, Supervisors ; Luman Bishop, Fence Viewer ; and Simeon Prior, Treas- urer. The first Justice of the Peace in this township was Samuel King. The principal township officers elected April 3, 1820, were Aaron French, Township Clerk ; William Prior, Abel Woodward and James French, Trustees ; and Daniel Turner, Treasurer. The clerks elected for the ten succeeding years were as fol- lows : 1821, Moses Dewe}' ; 1822, James French ; 1823, William Prior ; 1824, ; 1825, Bees Jones, who refused to serve ; 1826, William Prior: 1827, Gurden Prior; 1828, William Prior ; 1829, Oliver Dewey ; and April 5, 1 830, William Prior, and the persons filling that place for the next ten ^-ears to 1840 were Gurden Prior, Oliver Dewey, George W. Hogue, Anson Greenman, J. C. Alvord, Henry W. Prior, Peter Voris, Jr., and Daniel Penfield. Those serving as Township Clerk after that to present date were Arad Osborn, four terms ; Gurden Prior, seven terms ; Seth W. Harrington, six succes- sive terms ; J. C. Johnston, seven terms ; Will- iam Prior, Jr., seven successive terms ; C. L, Norton, one, and A. B. Galloway, two. Daniel (^y^^'/^a-^^?^ /^U^yi^M4^^^' NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 505 Turner, Hezekiah King, Elisha Prior, John Smith, Rees Jones, Nathaniel Hardy, Job Har- rington, Adam Gallowa}'^, Joseph Wallace and F. L. Harrington have filled the offices of Treasurer, and Simeon Prior, Abel Woodward, James French, Aaron French, Hezekiah King, William Prior, Gribson Gates, Silas Greenman, Job Harrington, Rial McArthur, Alvin Wright, Rees Jones, Joseph Sanford, William Norton, Nathaniel Hardy, Anson Greenman, Benjamin Templeton, Cj'rus Parker, W, H. Boyce, Frank- lin Carr, Walter Waite, Jobn Harrington, George S. Richardson, 0. F. Rice, H. W. Prior, William Hardy, William McLoney, P. D. Hardy, George Botzum, Adam Botzum, Edwin Folk, Abner Hitchcock. James Harrington, S. S. Prior and Henry Lowrey have at some time since its organization officiated as Township Trustees. The Ohio and Erie Canal was laid through this township along the Cuyahoga River in 1825, was built in tw^o 3'ears, and, on July 4, 1827, Job Harrington took his team to Akron, and towed the first boat to Cleveland. On board was the Governor of the State, and other im- portant officers, with many eminent citizens, and a band of music. The pomp and circum- stance of this trip, with banners fluttering in the breeze, and inspiring strains of music echo- ing among the hills, was such a pageant as never before witnessed. Jonathan Williams, the old Indian hunter, was present, as the boat moved slowl}' into the lock at Old Portage, and stood gazing in wonder and astonishment when a friend ventured to ask his opinion. He said it " looked almost exactly as he expected it would, except the boat was about three-eighths of an inch too long." Northampton had for many 3'ears, and has not yet entirely outgrown its reputation, of having a grade of morals scarcely up to that of the more fortunate surrounding townships. This was due principally to the influence of its distilleries, and the fact that, at and after the building of the canal, the river region was fre- quented by rough characters, among whom was a river bully b}' the name of Isaac Wells, who would drink whisky, quarrel and fight at every opportunity. Besides this, it was infested with a notorious gang of counterfeiters and horse- thieves. The Mallett brothers, from an adjoin- ing township, erected a '' mint " on a lonely iso- lated point of land, densel}' covered with timber. and ever since known as the " money shop." Here a foundry for melting mixed metals with molds, dies, plates, engraver's tools, etc., were kept secreted. When the annoyance to the citizens of this locality, from the presence of strange and suspicious visitors, became no longer endurable, a public meeting was called, and, by mutual agreement, the mint was destroyed. This disconcerted the manufacturers ; but the business was not suspended. Other and better secured localities were provided, where bogus coin was minted, and counterfeit bills manu- factured extensively for the trade outside. One of the leaders of this gang, a man of portly, dignified mein, prepossessing in his personal appearance, generous to his friends, kind and benevolent to the poor, always read}^ to relieve the wants and suflferings of the sick or distressed, had so won the affections of his fellow-towns- men, that he was elected a Justice of the Peace, which office he was filling satisfactorily, till arrested, and himself taken before a higher court, tried, convicted and sent to punishment. Even there, his self-sacrificing generosity won him hosts of friends, and made him con.spicuous among all the others, securing for him, finall}^, his restoration to freedom and citizenship. The invasion by Asiatic cholera, so fatal in many localities, entered the precincts of his prison walls, claiming more than its share of victims from among these unfortunate people. Here, standing bj- the bedside of the sick and dying, which appalled the bravest hearts, he did not shrink from dut}', and, for this devotion, he was pardoned, and retired to quiet, private life. Notwithstanding the questionable character of some of its earlier inhabitants, Northampton has not j'et been destitute of citizens possess- ing as high a grade of moral principles, honest integrity and respectibility as anj* in the land. Joseph Ritter and Jacob Morton came on from the East and built a house on the west side of the river, where they moved in and made themselves obnoxious to the citizens b}^ living with w^omen to whom they were not mar- ried. Neighbors objected to the scandal, from this pernicious cause, but to no purpose ; quiet remonstrance was in vain. The}' were notified to leave, but refused to go, and then William Hardy, Morris Mills and Tra Hovey went there in the daytime and commenced tearing down the house. Ritter came out with his gun to shoot the assailants, but was seen b}' a neighbor, Mrs. )Rr J^ 5U6 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Eddins, who screamed with fright. Her husband started after Hitter, who ran, but was caught, the gun taken from him, discharged and thrown away. The house was demolished and the par- ties dispersed. Next da}^ a warrant was issued by Squire Osborn for their arrest, and Loveland, the Constable, went first to Hovey's. The young man, seeing him, ran up stairs on the ladder, and attempted to pull it up after him, but the lower end was seized by the Constable when the tug commenced, Mrs. Hovey, in the meantime, plying the broomstick and hot words. Loveland secured the ladder, and when part way up his cornered prisoner kicked a hole through the clapboard-roof and went out, jump- ing to the ground fastened the door outside, got on the Constable's horse and rode off. Har- dy was next found on a load of hay, but re- fused to get off to be arrested, so the warrant was returned without producing the prisoners in court, and costs were afterward paid by friends. The first frame house built here was a store for Col. Rial McArthur, and was framed by scribe rule, fitting each tenon to its mortise, then numbered and taken apart till all was fin- ished. This store was said to have been stocked by goods brought in a single box, and distributed about the different shelves. The}' would go a good way in supplying finery for the sparse population at that date. The first building framed b}^ square rule was the school- house built at Steel's Corner, in 1832, of which Edward Prior was architect and boss car- penter. The timbers were hewn and framed in different localities, and not brought together till ready for raising when the spectators were disappointed at seeing it go together without a mistake. The early settlers were employed in clearing off the forest which cumbered the ground. Large fields of fine forest trees were cut down and felled into great timber windrows, or heaps, and after becoming dried and seasoned were set on fire and burnt. Timber was a drug in the market ; lumber sawed and delivered in market was only worth from $4 to $6 per thou- sand. Good barrel staves and heading, at $1, and " pit coal," bui'nt and delivered in Akron only brought $3.50 per hundred bushels. Agri- culture, stock-raising and dairying has since become the prevailing occupation. Before dairying became general, choice sheep, imported from Canada, were brought here till the flocks were greatly improved. The increased value of dairy products induced the citizens here to form a joint-stock compan}', in the winter of 1870-71, which chose Henry W. Prior as its President and Fred S. Prior as its Secretary. The factory was erected on the French farm, on the north bank of Mud Brook, just above the State road crossing, and is known as the Iron Bridge Factory, costing about $2,000, and was opened for business in the spring of 1871. The average price paid for milk the first few sea- sons, was about 10 cents per gallon. This fac- tor}- business has developed a better grade of dairy cows, and put more ready money in cir- culation among its patrons than they had be- fore. It was leased to S. Straight & Son, of Hudson, and soon after bought by them, at a loss to the stockholders of one-half its cost price. In the season of 1880, it manufactured from the milk of about 500 cows, 20,000 pounds of butter, and 168,000 pounds of cheese, and the average price paid for milk was 9^ cents per gallon of ten pounds. In 1839, William Prior & Sons, Edward and Henry, bought of Jesse and Eliza Hays the water-power and site in the gorge below the waterfalls, where they erected and put in operation a grist and flouring mill. Two run of French buhr stones and bolters were put in, and power supplied b}' a nineieen-foot breast wheel. The senior mem- ber owned his interest in this property till his death in 1 872, but the other shares changed owners frequently until the whole property was bought b}' John Hart and Adam G. Steel. Trumbull Countv records show a road to have been laid from the salt springs in that county to Old Portage, crossing diagonally through the southeast corner of Northampton, a portion of which, between McArthur's cor-* ners and the Elisha Prior residence, was va- cated to accommodate the mills. ^ In 1807, a public highway was laid out from Canton, via Middlebury, to Cleveland, and known in North- ampton as the " old State road," from which the trees were cut and cleared by William Prior, under a contract, and the proceeds of this job averaged him 25 cents per day for himself, team of oxen and an extra hand, they sleeping in blankets on the ground, and work- ing industriously from daylight till dark. The road from McArthur's kept on directly east to Stow Village, at the big spring, instead of e) NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. SOI turning to the right for Cu^^ahoga Falls, as now located. In 1836, Peter Voris, a surveyor,- who then lived in Northampton with one Snodgrass and Judge Henry, laid out a hundred acres at the the mouth of Yellow Creek, west side of river, into a village plat, and called it Niles. But few lots were ever sold. The property was afterward bought by J. and J. Vallen, and re- duced back to common lands, on account of high taxes. A warehouse and store was built here at the opening of the canal, and Nathaniel Hai'dy also erected a tavern, which received extensive patronage for many years. Nicholas Botzum and Thomas Owen ran rival mercan- tile establishments here at the same time, each occup3'ing opposite sides of the canal, but the decease of Thomas Owen and sale of his goods by administrators, broke up competition, and, at the building of the Valley Railroad through Northampton, a station was located here, called " Botzum," in honor of John A. Botzum, a most thorough and energetic business man, who took an active part in the railroad enterprise. He has been a merchant here for 3'ears, and is now the station-agent and Postmaster. Below here, on waste waters of tlie canal, have been two saw-mills built to manufacture lumber for the Cleveland trade. The Browns have also kept up a steam saw-mill on their farm for years, which has contributed largely to the convenience of lumber business. A railroad known as Clinton Air Line was laid in a diag- onal line across this township, from northeast to southwest, crossing the Cu^-aiioga between the Hovey and Brown farms. The grading of some portions of this road was commenced and stone hauled on for culverts, but, for some reason, the enterprise was abandoned. A rude and primitive establishment was built down the Mud Brook by William Rose, in which he turned a considerable quantity of wooden bowls for the local trade. It was near this that Mr. Filley built a saw-mill, and the property was afterward bought by L. D. Clements, who erected another and lai'ger, known as the Clements Saw-mill. The first school was taught in this township by Justus Remington in 1809, and the school- house was built on the north side of a road, from McArthur's Corners to Elisha Prior's, and run diagonally across Lots 17 and 18. The house stood on the lot line between lands now owned by H. P. Smith and Martin Shellhorn. Since that time, and within the radius of a half mile, there have been erected six different buildings in which schools were taught. But, owing to geographical diversities and configura- tion of land, schools for the whole youth of the township have been maintained at great incon- venience. The river divides the township into two sections, almost inaccessible to each other, and the deep gullies running down into the ri\er valley form almost impassable barriers, making opportunities for schooling a portion of the children exceedingly difficult. Under the general school laws of Ohio, seven subdistricts and three union school districts were formed where most thorough and efficient schools have been maintained, and the pupils arc in no wa}' inferior to those of surrounding townships. Many of the youth have been educated abroad. Emory A. Prior entered Buchtel College at Akron in 1871, and graduated with the degree of B. S. in 1873. Theiice he entered the Law Department of Harvard Universit}- at Cam- bridge, Mass., from which he graduated in 1877, and was the same year admitted to the bar before the District Court of Cleveland. Miss Viola Smitli also commenced a course of stud}' at Buchtel College in 1872. which she pursued for two \ears, then changed to Western Reserve College, from which she (the first of her sex) graduated in 1876. She has since then pursued certain courses of study in Cor- nell University, New York, and at Harvard, in Cambridge. John A. Johnston, Rial Smith. S. Hart, J. Botzum, George and Frank Billman, T. W. Motz and several others are now, or have been, students in either Western Reserve or Buchtel College. Methodism was the pioneer religious denom- ination of Northampton. Most of the earl}* families were members of this church. Before the organization of a societ}', the believers of both sexes would walk or ride on horseback to Darrow Street, or Hudson, on a Thursday even- ing, to attend prayer-meeting, wiiich could not be doubted as a sufficient test of tlieir sincerity and devotion. I'rotracted and quarterly meet- ings were held in the private re.>> STOW TOWXSHIP. 513 ty families living in Stow, in rude log cabins scattered at intervals throughout the township. The forests began to go down rapidly, and improvements multiplied. Land steadily in- creased in value, and settlers poured in to pur- chase before it over-reached their means. It was not until 1808 that Stow was organ- ized and its first officers elected. At the time Hudson was organized, in 1802, Stow was included in that township, and remained thus until 1808. William Wetmore was the first Justice of the Peace ; but, during the month of August, 1804, the county of Portage, of which Stow was a part, having been created, Wetmore was appointed Clerk of the Court, and removed to IJavenna ; but, not being satis- fied with the empty honor of his official posi- tion, he soon resigned, moving back to Stow, and locating just east of Silver Lake. The early records of Stow were not preserved, and the names of the other first officers cannot be given. The first election was held at the resi- dence of Mr. Wetmore. Capt. Gregory Powers built on Lot 85. He was a genius in his way, and had had a great deal of experience with the world. He was an Italian, and, for many years, had followed the wild and extremely dangerous profession of privateering on the ocean. His daughter Harriet was united in marriage with John C. Singletary in 180G, the wedding being the first in the township. A few months later, on the 29th of Januar}', 1807, William Lappin and Elizabeth Walker were married at Stow Corners by Squire Wet- moi'c. In 1806, George Darrow built a frame barn, the first frame structure in Stow. In the fall of 1803, "Betsey" Walker was born, her birth being the first in the township. Samuel Walker was born in 1805. Mary Campbell was born in 1804, and Clarissa ( Rice) South- mayd February G, 1805. In February, 1807, Mrs. Powers died, her death being the first. Elizabeth Gay lord died in 1809. • As early as 1805, the township had put on many of the characteristics of civilization. The ring and report of ax and rifle awoke the echoes of the forests. Numerous small, unpre- tentious cabins rested in the center of insig- nificant clearings, upon which could be seen the green plumage of growing grain. Wild animals roamed through the forests. Deer could be seen at almost an}' hour of the da}'. Many of the settlers had, for several years, no meat except venison and smaller game. Wolves were troublesome, especially in the night, when they seemed to enjoy surrounding some log cabin when the inmates were lost in slumber and making the night hideous with their howls. Bears were frequently seen, and there was scarcely an early settler who was not accustomed to roam the woods on hunting ex- cursions that did not encounter them, often under thrilling and extremely dangerous cir- cumstances. The Indians, whose headquarters were at Boston and Northampton Townships, were accustomed to spend the summers in the neighborhood of Silver and Turtle Lakes. In 1810, the carriage road at Silver Lake was a continuous line of Indian huts. These were made of round poles about six inches in diam- eter, the chinks being filled with moss and sod. About one hundred rods from the huts, on the lake shore, on a neighboring hill, were a great many more. About five hundred Indians — men, women and children — established them- selves here for several summers prior to the war of 1812. They wei-e in constant inter- course with the white settlers, and usually all dealings were of a friendly nature. It was well known to the settlers, however, that the Indians might " dig up the hatchet " at any moment, and begin the dreadful work of slaughter. These thoughts filled the mind, more especially when it first became known that war with England had commenced. When news of the battle of Tippecanoe reached the Indians, they all withdrew and went toward the western part of the State, much to the re- lief of the apprehensive settlers. It seems proper in this connection to notice a few of the many interesting anecdotes that are told concerning adventui'es had with wild ani- mals or with the Indians. One day, when John Campbell was away from home, his wife placed her little child on "the floor, with a cup of milk and a spoon, and closing the door, went a short distance to one of the neighbor's, on an errand. She soon returned, and, stepping up to the little window, looked in to see what her baby was doing. There sat the child upon the floor, while close at its side was coiled up a large, yellow, repulsive rattlesnake. It had crawled up through the cracks of the floor, and, when first seen by Mrs. Campbell, was lapping or drinking the milk, which had been spilled by the child. Just as the mother was taking her 'TZ -4 2) 514 HISTORY OF SUMxMIT COUNTY. first lightning survey of the fearful sight, the child reached out its spoon, either to give the reptile some millv or to touch its shining body with the sjDoon. The mother gave a piercing scream, and the snake slid down a crack and disappeared. Mr. Campbell came in soon after- ward, and, raising a plank of the floor, killed the snake. The "gulf" at Stow Corners was filled with these reptiles, and it was many years before they were killed off. So numerous were they, and so dangerous, that the settlers took turns in watching the rocks, to kill all that came forth. This was done on sunny days in early spring, when the snakes first came from their holes to bask in the sun. It fell upon Mr. Baker to watch the gulf one Sunda}^, when Deacon Butler was holding a class-meeting in a log cabin close by. While looking down into the gulf, Mr. Baker saw a large number of rat- tlesnakes crawl from a crevice in the rocks and coil tiiemselves in the sun. When it seemed that all had come forth, Mr. Baker dropped his coat near the crevice, and, with a long pole pre- pared for the purpose, pushed the garment into the opening. He then descended to the rock, and killed sixfy-Jioe of the venemous reptiles. The first intimation that the worshipers had of what had taken place, was made known by a son of Mr. Baker, who ran to the log meeting house at the top of his speed, crying out with a loud voice, " Oh, dad's killed a pile of snakes ! dad's killed a pile of snakes ! " This adjourned the meeting, and the members re- paired to the gulf, to continue their thanks for the victory over ihe ancient enemy of man. The rock whence the snakes had crawled was blasted open the next day, though but one was found — a lai'ge female, that was thought to be the mother of the numerous progeny that had been killed. Several persons were bitten, and many had narrow escapes from death. A young man — a relative of William Walker- was struck twice on the heel by a large rattle- snake, and did not recover. The Indians had a peculiar plant, which was used as a remedy in case of snake-bite. It is said that when the Indians left the plant also disappeared, and could not be found growing in the woods as usual. This seems somewhat im- probable, though the statement comes from some of the oldest and most respected citizens. One da}^, as Henry Wetmore was gathering nuts near his father's cabin, he heard a sudden com- motion in the bushes near him, and immediately saw a drove of hogs break cover and run across the clearing to his father's stable. Following close at their heels was an enormous black bear, that halted barely long enough to see the bo}- and continued the pursuit to the pen where the swine took refuge. Mrs. Wetmore, hearing the confusion outside, came to the door, and, seeing the bear and at the same time her boy, motioned for the latter to take a circuit so as to avoid the animal, that seemed in doubt whether it was best to attack the swine in their pen or not. When the boy was safe in the cabin, Mrs. Wetmore went out, and, by shouting, frightened the bear into the woods. On another occasion Jacob Cochran, while in his cabin, heard one of his hogs squealing terribly, and, surmising the cause, he seized his rifle and ran out, in time to see a large bear disappearing in the bushes, in whose company was an unwill- ing, remonstrating hog. The bear finally dropped the hog, which fell in between two sap- lings so that it could not be extricated. The detention enabled Mr. Cochran to overtake the bear, which was immediately shot. It was nec- essary to kill the hog also, as it was terribly torn and mangled. It is probable that William Walker was the most successful and intrepid bear hunter ever a resident of the township. He killed sixteen bears, sometimes under cir- cumstances which would appall the stoutest heart. More is said of him in the Twinsburg history. In 1803, Mr. Walker's dogs treed a large bear in a chestnut tree a few rods from the cabin. It was shot, and was found to weigh 400 pounds, and was so extremely fat that oil accumulated within the cavity of the bod}' within a few minutes after the animal had been killed. Mr. Walker was a chair-maker, and had a small log shop near his cabin. One day George Wilson, an Indian, came to the cabin and asked for whisky, which was given to him. He drank the liquor and sat down, and a few minutes later was asked to take a seat at the table and eat with the family. He accepted the invitation with due dignity, seated himself, and was handed a plate well loaded with meat and vegetables. But by this time the liquor had worked into his blood and brain, and, actuated by a devilish spirit, he suddenly, without any provocation, dashed the plate and its steaming contents in Mr. Walker's face. The latter leaped J^ STOW TOWNSHIP. 515 to his feet in a passion at the inhospitable act, anil started for his rifle to make short worii of the savage. But the latter, perceiving the dan- ger he was in, ran into a small bedroom and under the bed. Mr. Walker, rifle in hand, en- deavored to follow him, but was hindered by his wife and daughter, who had no desire to see the Indian shot. The latter noticed the dela}' and made his escape through the bedroom win- dow, taking refuge in the chair-shop already mentioned. By this time the other members of the family had succeeded in pacifying Mr. Wal- ker, and the refractory redskin was permitted to depart — without his dinner. One day Will- iam Lappin and William Leach were at the cabin of John Arbuckle, when six or seven Indians, among whom were John High, a tall, ugh'-looking savage, six feet three or four inches in height, and Wabmung, an under- chief of the Ottawas, passing along, stopped to talk with the settlers and get some tobacco. Mr. Leach traded his his hat with one of the Indians for some article belonging to the latter ; but, immediately perceiving that he had been cheated, he snatched the hat from the head of the redskin and placed it on his own. This was an insult which the savage would not brook, so, raising his fist, he knocked Leach flat on the ground. The act was no sooner done than Lappin sprang forward and with one blow sent the Indian sprawling by the side of Leach. Lappin was immediately assailed by John High and several others, though he suc- ceeded in keeping them at bay, and the fight became general. Blood began to flow from sundry noses, and knives gleamed in the air. One of the Savages snatched up a rifle, and pointed it at Lappin, intending to shoot him ; but the Chief Wabmung, who had remained an impassive spectator of the fight thus far, sprang forward and struck the muzzle up just as the gun was discharged. No harm was done, and the Indian, thinking, doubtless, he might get into trouble, took to his heels and was soon out of sight. The fight was over and the In- dians took their departure. Jonathan Will- iams, the Indian-hunter, lived for a number of years in a little log cabin, in the northwest part of the township, on Mud Brook. He gained great notoriety for his antipath}- for the Indi- ans, many of whom he shot on the slightest pi'ovocation. He had been one of those pro- fessional Indian slayers who, during the latter part of the last century, were in the habit of invading the Indian country to carry on their work of extermination. Williams was a dead shot, and was feared b}' the Indians. One da}- a member of the tribe came to his cabin and told him that a snake was on his track and would bite him. Without any further explana- tion the Indian went away. Mr. Williams con- strued this statement to mean that one of the tribe was lurking around to get a favorable op- portunity to shoot him. He, therefore, began to watch closely for his foe. The following morning, before leaving the cabin, he took a careful look from the little window, and, while scrutinizing the woods on the border of the clearing, saw an Indian suddenly peer from be- hind a tree about twenty rods distant, and then as suddenly conceal himself Williams told his wife what he had seen, and, taking his rifle down, looked carefully to the flint and priming. He said to his wife, " It's now death for one of us ; I'll trick him. Tie up the dog, and don't be scared." So saying, he suddenly opened the door, and before the Indian had time for a hostile movement, the former took refuge be- hind a bank of earth near the house. He hur- ried a short distance and got behind a large tree, and, with his rifle ready, began to watch cautiously for the approach of his foe. He saw the Indian's dog coming toward him, and thought it must soon discover his hiding-place. Suddenly, the Savage glided through a small glade in the edge of the woods. This was suf- ficient, and, like a flash, Williams raised his rifle and fired, just as his enemy was disappear- ing behind- the bank already alluded to. The bullet went straight to its mark, and the Sav- age fell upon the earth and expired. Williams hurried forward, and, securing the gun, shot the dog that had come so near revealing his hiding-place. He was at a loss at first what to do with the body. The death of the Indian would be avenged, if known to his friends. Finally, it was taken and sunk in Mud Brook. Williams went back to the cabin, and his wife, who had heard the report of both rifles, and was greatly distressed, not knowing what shape affiiirs had taken, was overjoyed to know that he was safe. The death of this savage, George Wilson, was not discovered until after the In- dians had left the county, so that all danger from them was averted. The Indians seemed to take especial pleas- 516 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ure in frightening the wives of the settlers when the latter were absent. They would enter the cabins and flourish their weapons in an omi- nous manner, and a plentiful supply of whisky and victuals would be their reward. The^^ would often brandish their scalping knives over the heads of children until the mother was half-distracted, when they would get almost anything the}' demanded, and go off grunting with satisfaction at the success of their artifice. It way be said, however, that generally the Indians were orderl}^ unless the}- had been abused or were under the influence of whisky. Mud Brook Swamp in the northwest corner, was the resort during the spring of the 3'ear of countless thousands of pigeons. They would come to this place to roost after having feasted all day on beech and other nuts growing on the higher grounds. When they all took wing, the noise was like the rushing of a mighty wind. They often filled the air so that the sun could not be seen ; and when they settled in the forest, large trees were broken down by them. It was dangerous to go into the swamps that were filled with pigeons, and the voice had to be elevated to be heard. The early settlers in Stow suffered the usual hardships incident to pioneer life. They were obliged often to live as best the}- could. Flour and meal were difficult to get, and when pro- cured were judiciously used and made to go as far as possible. It was a universal rule in pioneer mathematics, that the means of supply were inversely as the appetite to be gratified. The taste could not be petted with a variety of articles, but the meal very often consisted of but one, and that in such limited quantities that the cravings were unsatisfied. Roads were bad, conveyances were bad, supplies of all kinds were exorbitant, labor of the hardest kind received scarcely any reward, and all efforts were exhausted in the one object — to live. It is singular how the plastic nature of mankind can be molded for almost an}- condition of cir- cumstances. Actual enjoj-ment can be had in the midst of imminent peril or distressing sur- roundings. The settlers saw the bright side of their situation, and made the most of it. They were contented, because their customs were homogeneous, and their trials identical. If some settler had come in very wealthy and aristocratic ; if he had dressed his family in silks, satins and broadcloths cut according to the latest and prevailing fashion ; if he had scorned to associate with his neighbors, him- self and family would have been practicall}' ostracised — the}- would have been shunned like the plagues of Eg3'pt. It was a fortunate thing that they remained in the East with their money bags — fortunate for them and for the rapid settlement and improvement of the West. But, after all, hard times were experienced — times when it seemed as if the utmost effort could scarcely keep body and soul together. A large family of small children to feed and clothe, and nothing but strong hands and honest hearts to meet the demand ! This was the problem that many solved, and upon which many others failed. It was not long after the settlers had become quite numerous, before industries began to spring up in various parts of the township, to furnish for the stead}- demand supplies nearer home. While some settlers erected frame houses, the majority did not for many years, but lived contented in their rude, though comfortable log cabins. It thus occurred that there was not as strong a demand for sawed lumber as might have been expected. So far as can be learned, the first saw-mill in the township was built on the river at Moni'oe Falls, in about the year 1817, by Griswell & Wolcott. At the same time, a man named Francis Kelsey erected a grist-mill at the same place. These three men united means and built a log-dam where the present one is located. The grist-mill was located on the north side of the river, and the saw-mill on the south. The land on the north side was owned by John Graham, but he en- tered into an agreement with Kelsey, to deed the latter two acres for a mill site, provided a grist-mill was erected and operated. Both mills were supplied with water by means of short flumes or races, and a sutficient mill-head was obtained to operate both mills at a rapid rate. It was not long before both were on a firm financial basis, and a fair profit was realized by the investment. They were conducted by these men (or perhaps they had a change of owners) until 1836, with a few insignificant interrup- tions, at which time they were purchased by the Moni'oe brothers, of Boston Township. For a number of years prior to this change in owners, the mills had been neglected, especially the saw-mill, which had become somewhat rickety, and sadly in need of repairs. The Monroes, at '1l STOW TOWNSHIP. 517 the time they purchased the mills, also secured about two hundred and fifty acres of land, all, or at least a portion, upon which the village of Monroe Falls is situated. They had a grand project in view, which was to found a village that should become the public mart of all the surrounding country, and a metropolis of opu- lence and importance. At this period there were some eight or ten residences in the village ; but, so far as can be learned, no lots had been regularly surveyed and platted. It is thought that William Stow built the first dwelling in the village ; at least, he built there at a very early day. His father had been the proprietor of the township, but had sold a large por- tion of it to settlers and speculators. His residence was located on the south side of the river, and is 3'et standing. John Graham lived on the north side, but had sold out and left a few years before, or, perhaps, sold to the Monroes. There also lived at the village, in 1836, Samuel Cheney, Zebulon Stow, Mr. Griffiths and several others. The Monroes evidently expected to make their fortunes. They were quite wealthy when they purchased the village and mill-sites, and they ventured all they had in the enterprise, confi- dently anticipating, as many did in early years, that a city would spring up around them, like mushrooms from a hot-bed. They immediately laid out about a hundred lots, and in a few 3'ears succeeded in securing the incorporation* of the village, which, in their honor, had been named Monroe Falls. At the time they pur- chased all the land for sale in the village or surrounding it, they built a small storeroom, and placed therein about $1,200 worth of goods. A number of years before, perhaps as earl}- as 1830, John S. Harvc}' had come to the Falls, had built a residence and a small store, and had placed in the latter $600 worth of a general assortment of goods, consisting mostly of groceries and notions. He had obtained a fair country trade, and, according to the re- ports, had refused to sell to the Monroes, who desired to purchase his property. The Mon- roes wished no competition in the early history of their village, and had tried to purchase all property or enterprises that would in any way interfere with their intentions or obstruct their rapid march to opulence and fame. Several lots were sold, and tradesmen and mechanics * Gen. Bii-rce. appeared, and it seemed at first as though the bright expectations of the Monroes were to be realized. They founded a " bank," and began issuing " wild-cat," " red-dog " bills of credit in limited quantities.* Hax'vey soon found that the Monroe store was materially injuring his trade, so, about two years after the appear- ance of the brothers, he either sold out or closed out, and went to Akron, according to the reports. The Monroes purchased his store- room and filled it with goods, and thus monop- olized the trade in the village. Their stock was increased until they probably owned about $5,000 worth of goods. About the year 1828, or perhaps earlier, James Griffiths erected a wooden factory a few rods below the saw-mill, on the same (south) side of the river. He se- cured a paying custom trade. Wool-growers in the vicinity brought their wool to him to be carded, after which it was taken b}- them and spun, and then returned to the factory to be manufactured into flannel and various other varieties of cloth. It must be remembered that there were no readj-made clothing stores in those days. Suits for men and women were cut and made in the houses by the wives of the settlers, many of whom became expert tailors, especially if they had lai*ge families and large quantities of cloth to be disposed of. At cer- tain seasons of the year, the entire family would be provided with new suits. Journey- men tailors traveled from house to house, and took contracts at reduced rates to make suits for the whole family, often furnishing the cloth. Griffiths conducted his factor}' until 1836, when the entire property was bought by the Monroes. Converse & Barnes began man- ufacturing chairs in about 1833, and soon had quite a brisk trade. They peddled their wares in a wagon, which traversed the country for a circuit of many miles. Converse was a local preacher, and conducted many of the early meetings at the village. Some three or four men were employed to assist in the manufact- ure of the chairs. The owners continued the business until 1836, when the property, like almost all the balance, fell into the hands of the Monroe Brothers. Many years before this, iMr. Graham, who had lived on the north side of the river, built a small distillery, and began manufacturing a limited quantity of whisk}-. Considerable liquor was made, which found a IT^ iz 518 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ready sale in the neighboi'hood. Mr. Wet- more, also, at an early day, erected a distiller^' on what was then called Stow Pond. He also made ([uite a quantity of the drink which in- ebriates. These enterprises (which, by the way, brought to the owners a profitable rev- enue), were quite popular in early years, and continued so throughout what is now Summit County, until about the year 1830, when a large number of temperance societies was or- ganized, whose objects were to depict the enor- mity of the evil tendency of the liquor traffic, and to suppress the supply and demand among the settlers. The two distilleries above men- tioned were closed, however, before this cru- sade. The temperance movement became so strong and universal, that William Stow was induced to oflfer 160 acres of land just north of Silver Lake (this land is yet known as " tem- perance lot"), to be divided equally among those who would take the pledge and become abstainers. Many were thus induced to re- nounce their intemperate habits ; but a deed to the land was not made out, was neglected, and, at Mr. Stow's death, his heirs refused to com- ply with his promises, and retained the owner- ship of the " temperance lot." It will be seen that the Monroes became the owners of about all the business enterprises in the village in 1836. These men threw a vast deal of energy and capital into their gigantic undertaking, and deserved a better financial fate than they were compelled to suffer. They soon found that they had miscalculated. But few artisans and no capitalists came to their relief Instead of rising in value, the property depreciated from the price fixed bv the Mon- roe purchase. The proprietors had encoun- tered large expense. They tore down the grist- mill and the saw-mill, and erected larger and better ones. The saw-mill was located on the north side of the river, and the grist-mill on the south side, the reverse of what had for- merly been. The latter mill was established further down the river, and a long race, coming from the dam, supplied it with water-power. After struggling some ten years with their un- dertaking, the Monroe Brothers, seeing that they had failed and had lost large sums of money, gradually went out of business. Their " promises to pay " were not fulfilled, and many others besides themselves lost quite heavil}'. The property, or the most of it, fell into the hands of Oliver Brown, or, as some say, into the hands of William Cartright. At least, both men at different times owned the mills, and it may be that others also, at times, owned an interest in them previous to their be- ing purchased b}- the Cleveland Paper Com- pany. The saw-mill was owned by various parties, as was also the grist-mill. E. P. Willis sold goods in the village about the time of the Monroe purchase. Others have followed the mercantile pursuit at different times. A small hotel was built on the canal in early years. Phillip North, in about the year 1842, was en- gaged in manufacturing hoes — cutting the me- tallic portions from plates of iron or steel, and furnishing them with handles. Luther Loorais conducted an excellent store for many ^-ears. Charles Heed has a small store at present. In 1866, the grist-mill was purchased by the Cleveland Paper Company. It was fitted up with the apparatus necessary for the manufact- ure of paper ; but after a year or two was burned to the ground, whereupon the present commodious building was erected on the same site. Under the superintendency of Mr. Hall, there has been manufactured an average of three tons of paper each da}-. About thirty employes are kept constantly at work, and the village, at present, is populated almost wholly by the families of these workmen. All the coarser varieties of paper are manufactured. Many other things might be said about Monroe Falls, but enough has been given to exhibit its general growth and decay. It must be noted that other industries arose than those in the two villages in the township. Henry Wilcox owned and operated a saw mill on Mud Brook as early as 1820, Josiah Starr having built it a year or two before. The " Bryan Mill " was started quite early, and con- tinued many years. There was also an excel- lent saw-mill on Fish Creek at an early day. Many others have been conducted at different times. In about the year 1 810, Mr. Thorndyke, son of a wealthy merchant of Boston, Mass., opened a general store on Lot 14. After a short time, the store was moved to Lot 12 ; but, at the expiration of two or three years, the enterprise was abandoned, and the building was used by the Methodists as a house of worship. After the first settlers had opened up the township, and greatly modified the hardships to be under- gone, improvements went on rapidly. Capital '.[^ STOW TOWNSHIP. 519 sought investment, and, erelong, Stow could boast of a population as large and as enlightened in general knowledge as it can at present. A much larger portion of the land was covered with forest than now, and the roads and streams were in a very unsatisfactory condition. In the 3'ear 1837, there occurred one of those circling tornadoes, which occasionally strike the earth, spreading death and destruction in their course. It visited the township on the 20th of October, about 3 o'clock in the morning, strik- ing the earth first, in the western part, near the center road, and thence passing a trifle north of east, until it reached alDout the center of the township, when it either spent itself, or arose above the tops of the trees. The force of the wind must have been terrific, as large trees were snapped ofl[* like pipe-stems, and carried bodily several yards from the stump. Those who heard its approach, knew from the awful roar that was mingled with the crash of falling trees, that something unusual and dreadful was in the air. Its pathway had an average width of about forty rods, and, though its course la}^ through the heaviest timber, not a tree was left standing ; but all were heaped in tangled and promiscuous confusion. It was accompanied with almost incessant flashes of vivid lightning and volle3'S of the deepest thunder, and the rain came down in angry torrents. It struck Cochran Pond, and ver\- likely carried up large quantities of water. The residence of Frederick Sandford was torn into a thousand fragments, and the frightened inmates carried aloft in the air. The two sons, Charles and Norman, aged respectively twenty-five and eighteen 3-ears, were both killed and terribly bruised. Mr. Sandford's jaw was broken, as was also his thigh, in two places. He was alive when found, but died in a few hours, without recovering the use of his mind. Mrs. Collins, the mother of Mrs. Sandford, was also killed, while the latter, with the exception of a few bruises, was unin- jured. Mary, the daughter, aged about sixteen, was found lying insensible on a gate that had been wrenched from its hinges, and carried ten or twelve rods from the house. When found, she held in her hand a dress, which she was probably endeavoring to put on in the few ter- rible moments before the cloud struck the house. She was comparatively uninjured, and, after a spell of sickness, caused by the drenching rain, and the nerv^ous shock accompan3'ing so dire a calamity, she fully recovered, and is yet living within a few rods of where the old house stood. The cloud passed on ; wrenched asunder Mr. Graham's new house ; carried off the roof of the one occupied by Dr. Wells ; crushed in the gable of the Barnes residence, pinning several members of the famil}' fast until they were re- leased, and finally ended its mad freaks by un- roofing the Butler residence. The east and west road was filled with fallen timber. It must be understood that the last-mentioned houses wore only on the edge of the course taken by the gyrating cloud. Had it been otherwise, the historian would have more deaths to record. A plow, that had been left in a field in an up- right position, though not in the ground, was plunged in to the depth of eighteen inches, and a furrow in the form of a semi-circle, whose diameter was about six feet, was thrown up, and the earth scattered six or eight feet around, after which the plow was thrown out of the ground with landside, mold-board, share and other portions of the plow twisted and broken. Fowls and birds were plucked entire!}' destitute of feathers, and killed. The bed upon which Mary Sandford had been sleeping, was found lodged in the top of a tree, thirty feet from the ground. An ox-cart was blown thirtv rods. Articles belonging to the house were picked up several miles away ; among these was a small purse of money. Quite a number of domestic animals were killed or mangled. The first house in Stow Corners was built as early as 1806, by Ezra Wyatt, and was a small log building, located on the southwest corner of Lot 36. Within the next two years, three or four others were erected. Stephen Perkins built on the northwest corner of Lot 26, on a small tract of five acres which he owned there. Caleb Wetmore built soon afterward, as did also Titus Wetmore a few months later. The last named built a double log house for the pur- pose (as stated by one of his descendants) of furnishing a dancing-hall for the neighl)or- hood. Samuel Baker lived near by, and was a blacksmith by trade, the first in the township. Several other residences were erected in the village, but no store was opened until about the year 1820, when a man named Johnson placed a small stock of goods in the Wyatt log house, which, a number of years before, had been fitted up by Erastus Southmayd for a tavern. Lyman Beckley soon got possession 520 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. of the building, using it for a tavern. He was succeeded b}- Allen Nickerson, who, in about 1843, transferred the property to Gen. Gross The latter kept the most disreputable place ever in the township. It was a resort for the lewd and vicious, and was a disgrace to the neighborhood. The old building was discard- ed many years ago, and a new one erected. Dr. Sweeney owned and conducted the tavern for a number of years. It has since changed hands several times, and is at present owned by C. E. Kidne}^, who has a small stock of liquors, which he vends to convivial spirits. It is styled the Cliff House. Mr. Gross kept a few goods for sale, as did also a man named Edmunds. Enoch Brainard conducted a tan- nery for some four years, beginning in 1842. A few other industries have arisen in the vil- lage at different times. Knowledge obtained of the early schools is exceedingly limited. Recollection, upon which the historian largely depends, is erratic and treacherous. Traditions are vague, improba- ble and unsatisfactory. No one in the past has taken the trouble to gather crumbs of information for the intellectual appetite of coming generations. It has been a matter of no pecuniary interest or advantage, and has been studiousl3^ omitted from the curriculum of pursuits. The plodding details of agricult- ure have been far more attractive, for therein was seen the glitter of gold. The historian casts his hook in the Stream of Time ; it is swept backward ; a strange sensation is felt along the line ; a sudden effort is made, and a few quivering minnows of information are thrown upon the shores of the Present. Mrs. (Walker) Lappin, of Boston, sa3's that the first school in Stow was taught in the northeast corner, in the cabin of William Walker, as early as the winter of 1806-07. A young Vir- ginian, named Dennis B^-an, who had just come into the township, and who was decidedh' averse to chopping all day in the woods for a pittance, made the effort, and succeeded in get- ting a sufficient number of scholars subscribed to insure him something more than a living. The term was three months in length, and the subscription per scholar was $1.50. The teacher boarded around, and probably cleared the greater share of his wages. About fifteen scholars were enrolled, quite a number of whom came from the southern part of Hudson Township. Samuel Burnett had built a log cabin in the northern part in about the year 1805, but had vacated it some two years later, going no one knew whither. This building was appropriated for school purposes, and terms were taught there for several years, be- ginning in 1808. A man named Lowell taught here quite early. As near as can be learned, a schoolhouse was built in the vicinity of Stow Corners in about the year 1810, at which time the Burnett house mentioned above was alian- doned, and the children in the northern part sent to the former. It is possible that this building — the Wetmore Schoolhouse — was erected two or three 3'ears before 1810. It was located a short distance west of the present village site, and used until about 1816, when a frame building was erected, and located nearly south of where Josiah Wetmore's residence now stands. This house was used some twenty or twenty-five 3'ears, when the present one was constructed. The latter has been enlarged and remodeled until it resembles a newly-built schoolhouse. The first school building was erected at Monroe Falls in about the year 1816. Two other houses have succeeded it, each au improvement on its predecessor. School was taught in the cabin of Mr. Rice, near the Center, by Emma Cannon, as early as 1810. In 1825, there were more schoolhouses in the township than the present number — eight. There were then at least nine, and very probably ten or eleven. The greater number were built of logs, and were rude, inconvenient, unattractive, cheerless affairs. Notwithstand- ing their gloomy, dismal surroundings, they were well attended, and were the basis of the splendid public school system of to-day. One important feature of the early schools should be noticed. Knowledge was not turned into scholars by a sort of pouring process. The teacher refused to afford any assistance save where the scholar, after patient and protracted study, could not succeed. The schoolhouse was not a playhouse ; it was a workhouse — a place where many a self-made man received his first insight of the hard labor that was before him. Erastus Southmayd was one of the earl}^ teachers at the Center. He taught many terms, and his reputation as a competent in- structor became widespread. It is universally the case in the earlier his- tory of a township, that dift'erent religious de- "71" -iT^^uWfc^ J^ COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. 521 nominations arose and prospered— some of them for short periods, and others until the present time. Owing to the fact that fine churches have been erected in Cuyahoga Falls and Hudson, and are within a few miles of all parts (the farthest) of the township, a large portion of tlie citizens of Stow attend these, thus affording but little material upon which the historian of that township may work. For the first few years, the settlers went to Hudson to attend religious service. When Deacon But- ler came to the township in about the year 1806, he began forming a small class, which met regularly at his cabin. The meetings were conducted in pioneer fashion, and were full of entlnisiasm. Local preachers from Hudson addressed the congregation occasionally, as did also itinerant preachers. Butler was a Presby- terian, and an entertaining speaker. The society used the schoolhouse. Among the early mem- bers were Stephen Butler, William Stow, John Graylord, Thomas Gaylord and their families, and others. They built a small frame church in about 1833, in which they continued to wor- ship with increasing numbers, until near 1843, when the Disciples got possession of the church, and the Presbyterians went to Cu3'ahoga Falls. This building was used until a few years ago, when the present structure was erected. The above is given on the authority of Josiah Wet- more. It is stated that a St. John's Church society was organized at Stow Corners in about the year 1818 ; that it grew and flourished, and was finally removed to Cuyahoga Falls, where it yet lives, well advanced in j^ears, but with the vigor of youth in its limbs, if the figure may be indulged in. The chui'ch at the Cor- ners is the only one in the township ; but from this it should not be inferred that the citizens lack religious interest and zeal. They belong to churches in other townships. CHAPTER XX.* COVENTRY TO WNSHir— DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL FEATU^^FS— WHITE SETTLEMENT — GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENT — PIONEER REMINISCENCES —CHURCHES AND CHURCH BUILDINGS— EDUCATIONAL, ETC. •■ Tiie ax rang sharply 'mid those forest shades Which, from creation toward the sky Had tower'd in unshorn beauty." — Mrs. Sigourney. IT is difficult to realize, as we walk the streets of our beautiful towns and cities, and note the squares of solid blocks, the immense ware- houses, the bus}' mills, the ceaseless hum of a hundred factories, where the bulk of a busy population " gains its bread by the sweat of its brow," that scarcelj' a century ago these beau- tiful hills and valleys were peopled by wander- ing savages, and formed a part of one vast wil- derness, which gave no sign or promise of the multitudes of a strange race b}' which it is now peopled, or of the mighty developments in science and art which should make their lives so different from that of their rude predecessors. Here the bold immigrant pitched his loneh' Lent and staked all beside some stream or near some spring of pure and sparkling water, and be- neath those " forest shades " where erst the un- * Contributed by George I. Wrigbt. tamed children of Nature had so long roamed unmolested, at one time in search of food, and again engaged in the wild pleasures which seemed the onl}' occupation of their simple lives, and the onl}' end of their existence. The sound of the woodman's ax rang out amid this mighty solitude, frightening the denizens of the forest from their peaceful slumbers, and start- ing reverberations whose last re-echo has changed into the screech of the iron horse, and into the varied hum of a thousand industries, which now occupy the millions of busy men and women, who have been born and reared under a civilization which had its first beginnings in the rude log-cabins of those sturd}- pioneers. A pleasanter task could scarce!}^ be given than that which devolves upon the chronicler of our early history. Could he l)ut reproduce the scenes of three-quarters of a century ago, with all their natural surroundings, that the reader in imag- ination might see the unhewn log hut with its crevices filled with clay ; the adobe chimney' ; the broad fire-place, and the rough, unseemly T^ 522 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. furniture ; that he might see the small clearing, so covered with stumps that one could easily have leaped from one to another, and in that way have passed across the entire breadth of the farm. Could he picture the rude shed, made of poles and covered with branches, which was the forerunner of the fine bank barn, in which our modern owner of the same farm stores the wealth of grain and produce gathered from the fields his forefathers conquered, or the winding path to the edge of the woods, where, beneath some spreading beech or maple, the spring bubbled forth and cut for itself a tiny path toward some larger stream, where, after their slaking thirst, in the hot midday, the settler and his boys would rest for a time from their toil, and talk of the trip to the mill or post office ten or fifteen miles awa}- . Could he show the read- er '' the slashing," where the men, the boys and the girls were busy, making and burning log- heaps and brush-piles getting another piece ready for wheat or corn, the paths that indicate the direction of their near neighbors, perhaps miles away. Could the historian, we repeat, picture all these scenes in their wild but natural beauty, he would bring before many a reader similar scenes, whose impress have been left in the mind by the oft-repeated stories of the gray- haired grandsire, recounted with man}' an ani- mated gesture, as he " lived o'er again those olden times." But we must reluctantly recall the reader from these general recollections to the more prosy subject of our work. Coventry Town- ship is bounded on the north by Portage Town- ship and Akron City ; on the east by Spring- field Township ; on the south by Green and Franklin Township ; and on the west by the Tuscarawas River and Norton Township. A small portion of its territory projects from the northern center into Portage, on the western margin of the corporation line of Akron City. Its southern boundary is the famous south line of the Western Reserve, or forty-first parallel of north latitude. This line was run during the spring and summer of 1797, by one Seth Pease and an assistant, one of an expedition seut out by the Connecticut Land Company, to sur- vey the land which they had purchased of the State of Connecticut. This company paid $1,200,000 for the tract included between lati- tude 41° and 42° 2' north, and extending west 120 miles from the Pennsylvania line. This was surveyed into townships five miles square, as far as the Tuscarawas and Cuyahoga in 1797. In 1806 and 1807, the balance was sur- veyed, until which time the Indians owned all territor}' west of these rivers. This land was divided among the stock-holders in this way. The numbers of the townships were placed on slips of paper, and all but a few were put into a box from which each one drew. Those that were not drawn were called " equalizing town- ships," among which was Coventry. The ob- ject of thus reserving some was to give strips of this " equalizing land " to those who had drawn poor townships, and in that way make them equal to an average township. The book in which these assignments of ^ter- ritory was kept, was called the " Book of Drafts," and was the foundation of all titles to land on the Reserve. Coventry was the first township in Range 11, and was parceled out to several parties. Samuel Hinckley, who was proprietor of Hinckley Township, in Medina County, got the southeast quarter of Coven- try. Gen. Wadsworth and others got strips of this township as equalizing land. The survey, before noticed, closed on the bank of the Tus- carawas, fifty-six miles west of the Pennsyl- vania line, this being the western boundary of the United States at that time, and on a tree, possibly still standing, on the bank of the river, the surveyor. Pease, marked the result of his measurement — "56 M." This base line was re-run, in 1806, by Abram Tap^mn, who diflTered somewhat from the original survey, but not much considering the distance and sui-round- ings. South of this line, the land belonged to " Uncle Sam," and was surveyed by order of Congress, townships made six miles square, and was called " Congress Land " to distinguish it from the " Reserve." At the time of this survey, that part of Coventry which lies west of the Tuscarawas and the " Indian trail," be- longed to the Indians, and hence the township was fractional. This additional territor}-, how- ever, was added to it, when the survey was completed in 1806, just after it was ceded to the Government by the Indians in 1805. The Tuscarawas encroaches upon the territory of Norton, in the southwest corner of Coventry. But the river was retained here as the bound- ary, thus giving to Coventry more than the twenty-five square miles, and leaving Norton a fractional township. <2_ X£ COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. 523 The general surface outline is quite diversi- fied, and, when we consider the whole area we find as great a variety as could well be shown on as limited an area. The Tuscarawas enters near the middle of the southern half of the eastern boundary, passing in its beautifull}' winding course through the central part to the center of the western boundary, thence continuing in a southwesterly dii'ection until it leaves the con- fines of Coventry, entering Franklin and contin- uing onward toward " The Father of Waters," to be lost in its bosom or carried onward to mingle with the waters of the great ocean. The Tus- carawas has many small tributaries, perhaps the most important of which is Brewster's Run, which enters from Springfield and traverses the eastern half of the township, entering the river above the outlet of "Long Lake." This lake is a natural basin of pure water containing ex- cellent fish, which formed a source of provision for the earl}- settlers, as well as the savage red men who ranged the forest and fished in these beautiful lakes with his crude tackle, and per- haps had as good luck as some modern experts who frequent the place. Another lake of con- siderable note, not onl}' on account of its situa- tion but for the uses to which it has been put by the enterprising advocates of "rapid tran- sit," is Summit Lake, situated in the extreme northern center and occupying a position on the "divide" which separates the lake system of drainage from that of the Mississippi Valley. Originally it was surrounded b}' an impenetra- ble tamarack swamp, without any outlet worthy the name, and its source of supply springs at the sides and bottom, with the waters from the surrounding hills. It was, in 1825 or there- abouts, used as the source of supply for the upper level of the Ohio Canal, which passes through it. There is a number of smaller lakes, among which is Manning's Pond, on the northern margin of Summit Lake, connected therewith b}' a stagnant stream through which the water flows either wa}' according to the varying supply in the larger bod}'. Another is Nesmith Lake situated about a fourth of a mile west of the geographical center of the township. The Indian trail, or portage path, touched at the eastern side, and the dusky warriors perchance were wont to rest arid slake their thirst at this point on their expeditions to and from the North. A small body of water east of Long Lake and connected with it in high water, is called " Mud Lake," perhaps, on account of the swampy and uncertain character of the shores. Its dark waters are said never to have been fathomed, and the stories of the bed-cords and clothes-lines that have been used in the fruitless search for the remote foundations thereof, are, at least, interesting to one who has ofttimes paddled the frail canoe over its placid surface while trying to catch the "speckled bass" or the "blue sunfish." Perhaps, the most interesting body of water in the township is the reservoir, a series of con- nected lakes and ponds, partly natural and partly artificial. It is situated in the extreme southern part, extending into Gi'een and Franklin Townships and covers considerable territor}-. It was built in 1840 or thereabouts, and was designed to secure a sufficient quanti- ty of water for the use of the canal, which was at this time the principal outlet for the trade of Central Ohio. The great number of boats passing through threatened to exhaust the sup- posed abundant supph' in Summit Lake. A few items of the secret history of the Penn- sylvania & Ohio Canal, and " the bearings of which (as ' Bunsby ' would say), are in the ap- plication thereof" At the time when the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal was projected, the route was located through Middlebury into Coventry, and following the Wolf Ledge Run was to have emptied into the Ohio Canal above the guard lock, b}' means of a lock, which would have helped to supply the deficiency on the summit level, for which the reservoir was con- structed at a cost of over f 15(),()00 to the tax- payers of the State. But the Akron mill-own- ers perceived that if this canal could be brought into Akrou on the line of the Crosby race (by which they were supplied with water-power) by enlarging it and running up to the Summit ba- sin by means of a lock located (ilore their sup- ply race, they would get the benefit of both the enlargement and of each lockful of water let down, eventually, from the summit level ; hence pressure was brought to bear and the route was changed. But the supply of water on the sum- mit level was not sufficient for both canals, and the reservoir was built. It is supplied l)y means of a race which starts from the Tuscarawas about a mile from the eastern boundary line, near the Steese coal bank, runs west along the hillsides which skirt the valley, to within half a mile of Lono- Lake where it turns south, still 524 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. skirting the hills, and enters the reservoir near the 'Squire Freese farm. A huge embankment was built from this point across the lowland to the hills southward, and an extensive lake was thus formed. This discharges through an im- mense iron pipe (and runs into Long Lake when- ever there is need of water from this source), by means of gates which are raised to let the water into the sluice. Long Lake is likewise connected with Turkey- Foot Lake, making it also a part of the great suppl}' reservoir. These discharge through Long Lake into the Tusca- rawas, a little south of the center of the town- ship. This point was also made the terminus of the Portage path by the Indians, because the accession of waters from these lakes made the river navigable at all seasons to this point for their birch canoes. Being nearly on a level with the canal, a dam and a supply race or feeder were built, by means of which a never- failing supply was delivered into the canal. These lakes, creeks, and the Tuscarawas, form a most complete system of drainage. Aside from some low lands along the natural depres- sion in which the township was located, the township is quite free from waste lands. The soil is generall}' fertile, and especiall^^ in the southern part, where it is considered the best wheat land in the Reserve. Along the valley of the Tuscarawas are beautiful meadows, and, in the spring and summer seasons, the rich verdure relieved by occasional patches of tim- ber left to remind one of what it was fift}' years ago, forms as pleasant a sight as often meets the eye of the lover of the beautiful in natural scenery. In the northern part the soil is more inclined to clay, and is better adapted to gen- eral husbandry and stock raising. The geological structure presents many in- teresting features. The ridge or divide which crosses the township, anciently formed part of the beach of a great inland sea which extended over the entire basin now occupied by our chain of great lakes. One of several outlets to this sea, in all probabilit}^, cut through this divide and followed the lowlands to the Tus- carawas, which at that remote time conducted the overflow from the sea toward the gulf At a more recent time, after this sea had receded toward its present limits, the Cuyahoga passed through this water gap into the valley of the Tuscarawas, until, becoming dammed up, it cut for itself a new channel toward the lake, making the sharp curve in the river at this point. These facts are shown by an examination of the character of the deposits along this old channel. The surface is of drift origin, while underlying it we find the carboniferous forma- tion in full. The coal measures are overlaid with shale, while above this is sand rock. Im- mense quantities of coal are being mined in this township, and of an excellent quality. The vein averages in thickness about four and a half feet. There is some irregularity, how- ever, due, no doubt, to the uueven bottom of the old coal marsh, in which the vegetation it is formed of. was deposited, and when the overly- ing claj's were deposited, the coal material lay between the.se ridges and irregularities which are now found to obstruct the progress of the miners, and are called " horse-backs," or " hogs- backs." A bed of hard iron ore is found over nearly all the measures opened, varying from a few inches to a foot in thickness. Peat bogs are also found, some of which are said to be from thirty to forty feet in depth. This, by a process of drying, is made into an article of fuel, which may develop into a possible future supply, in case the coal measures are exhausted. Mr. J. F. Brunot prepared some for market, but it has no more than one-half the heating power of coal, and cannot compete with it at paying prices. It is an excellent fertilizer, and is of great value to the intelligent agriculturist. Shell marl is sometimes found, which is one of the most valuable fertilizers in the market. Any one finding this should test it, and ascer- tain its value and reap a harvest from the cat- swamp or marsh, that will make a garden of the whole farm. These peat and marl beds are the filled-up lakelets that ages ago occupied their sites, and which became overgrown with weeds and grasses, until they finall}' disap- peared. Some of them are even good meadows, over which cattle have roamed for j-ears. One of these dead lakes was discovered recently near Mogadore, on the route of the Connotton Railroad. All lakes with boggy oj' swampy shores, where one can shake the ground for rods, are in the first stages of progress toward the formation of peat bogs. Man}' granite bowlders are found, and the curious ma}' won- der whence the}' came. These rocks are evi- dences of the powerful iceberg and glacial agency in the distril)ution of the surfiice rocks, and in the formation of surface features. They y\- r^ :^i COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. 525 are strangers here, from the Laurentian hills of Canada, and tell the tale to the people of to- day of the wondrous changes and mighty forces that had played their parts in the con- struction of this continent. Before the first waves of immigration, pre- cursors of an overwhelming tide that was soon to sweep away the last vestige of a crude and imperfect civilization began to throw upon these shores the scattered settlers who were to form the picket line for the conquering race, there lived besides these lakes and streams bands of Indians belonging to the Delaware tribe. The territory over which these Indians roamed extended from the bend of the Cuya- hoga southward to the Ohio River. On the east was the country of the Iroquois family, or "Six Nations," while to the north and west lay the hunting-grounds of the Ottawas and W}'- andots. Thus we find ourselves on the borders of disputed grounds. The Delawares had been driven from the homes of their forefathers on the fertile banks of the Susquehanna and Delaware, b}^ the powerful Iroquois confederation, which extended from the Hudson to the valley of the Cuyahoga, some time in the middle of the pre- ceding centui'y. After wandering through Pennsylvania and into Ohio, they finally set- tled down in the beautiful valley of the Tus- carawas and Muskingum. They belonged to the great Algonquin family, which included all the tribes east of the Mississippi and north of the Tennessee, except the isolated Iroquois be- fore mentioned. They all spoke dialects of the same language, while the Iroquois had a different language. The Wjandots and Otta- was were Iroquois, but spoke a different dialect from the Six Nations, and were at bitter enmity with them, and frequentl}' combined with the Delawares against their kinsmen. When in- cursions were made to the northward, their route was from New Portage (their principal village in the north) to the southern terminus of the Indian trail, by canoe, thence overland (often carrying their canoes with them) along this portage path, past the western . border of Summit Lake, and over the hill past the pres- ent site of the house of Col. Simon Perkins, northward to the Cu3-ahoga at Old Portage, where they again embarked. These Delawares, or Lenni Lenapes, as they called themselves, were a brave and intelligent people. It is true they were at times cruel, and not very discrim- inating in their judgments. Many of those venturesome persons who preceded the actual settler, styled Indian hunters, met with tragic deatlis at their hands. Hopocan, or Capt. Pipe, as sometimes called, a Delaware chief, had his village near New Portage, in Coventry Township, which was con- sidered of much importance on account of its being at the head of navigation. The whites looked upon it in a somewhat similar manner, for we find that, in 1787, an ordinance was passed declaring the Tuscarawas navigable to this point, and " forever to be kept open for the use of the United States." By the treaty of Fort Mcintosh, in 1785, Coventiy, with all the land east of this stream, and the Cuyahoga, was ceded to the United States by the Indians. The history of the " State of Coventr}^ " begins with the downfall at this date of the " King- dom of New Portage," King Hopocan soon being obliged to move his headquarters west of the river, under the above-named treaty, which he signed with all the dignity of a born monarch, as " Hopocan, King of New Portage." This treaty remained in force, with onl}^ occasional infringements, until 1805, when the treaty of Fort Industry was signed, by which the west- ern boundary was moved further west, and the Indians, who remained in this territory for some 3'ears longer, remained b}' sufferance of the Government. The Delawares were generally friendly to the settlers, except when on the war-path. Hopo- can led them in the battle in which St. Clair was defeated, and he afterward declared that he had that day " tomahawked whites until his arm ached." He was at Maumee Rapids when " Mad Anthony " broke the spirit of the Indians of the northwest, who had combined to drive the invaders from their chosen hunting-ground. In 1812, Hopocan and his tribe took sides with the British, and when the fate of war was de- cided against them, he signed the treaty of Greenville. After lingering for a time in the lands which th^' had chosen, but which was now rapidly filling up with whites, these Dela- wares bade farewell to tiie iiomes they had hoped would be permanent, but which, alas, had proved to them hut, a transient resting-place in the in- evitable pilgrimage which fate had marked out for them, toward the setting-sun ! Successive removals followed, before the stead}" and re- lentless march of a higher civilization, which jy< 52G HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sweeps everything before it. The weak and broken remnant of a once proud and powerful nation was finally settled upon a small reserva- tion in the Indian Territory. In 180G, Daniel Haines eame into the un- settled wilderness of Coventry. He was from Pennsylvania, and settled on a piece of land near the northeast corner of the township, on what is now known as the Sumner farm. His log cabin was built in the midst of the forest, a little south of the site of the large stone house, which now occupies the sightly position on the hill back from the road. A small red house now occupies almost the exact spot, and thus keeps in rememlii'ance the location of the tirst house built by tlie hands of the paleface in Coventry. " Uncle Dan," as the younger people of that day called him, built his cabin and cleared a small place, where he lived happily in his forest home for a number of years. Ariel Bradley, at Mogadore, Joseph Darrow, at Dar- row Street, and old Deacon Hudson, at Hudson, were his nearest and only neighbors for a year or two. When the Harts and some others came to Middlebury, in 1811, the neighborhood began to get too crowded for '' Uncle Dan," and he sold out and went into the woods again. This time he settled in the central part of the town- ship, in a small ravine by the side of a spring, about a mile and a half from the north line, and about the same distance from the east line of the township, on or near what is now the Elias Hartong place. There he built another cabin and lived in peace, and raised a goodly family of children, who figure largel}' in the history of the early settlement of this sec- tion. The next settler of whom we have definite record was Capt. Amos Spicer, who located just north of the Haines place, in the northeast corner of the township. He was a cousin of Maj. Minor Spicer, and came at the same time, in 1810 or 1811. They were near neighbors, and were wont to go back and forth almost daily to see that all was well with the respective families. At this jtime there were a number of settlers in the vicinity, some at Middlebur}-, and a few in Portage Township, in the neighborhood in which Akron is now located, so that they were not so much alone in the world as " Uncle Dan '' had been for some years l)efore. Still they felt isolated from the world outside of their little settlement, and cut off from friends and acquaintances, and wh}' should they not feel so, for were they not em- barked in an uncertain venture, in a wild and untrained country ? Many anecdotes are re- lated of the skill with which the old Captain could avoid the difficulties of living in a region where men were obliged to depend upon their own resources and ingenuity in the emergencies that daily arose. One incident in which he figured as an actor was related to us by an old settler. It seems that an old bear made a raid on the pig-pen of Maj. Spicer. and carried off the squealing porker to the ravine in the edge of the cemetery, where he proceeded to make a meal. After satisfying himself, he left the re- mains for the morrow, and betook himself to his ramblings. But Avery Spicer, a boy of twelve, caught bruin in the act, and straightway ran to get Capt. Spicer to help to capture him. They soon matured a plan, which was to set a gun-trap, so that when he returned to get the rest of his pork (as the}' had no doubt he would), he would shoot himself They loaded their muskets with big loads, putting in several balls, and placed them on forks driven in the ground, just high enough to be in range with the bear, should he get upon their strings at any point. Three of these guns were set with strings from the triggers, running over little forks to the dead hog. After having everything arranged, they retired to the house to await developments. In the night, they were startled by the report of one of the old muskets, and. on going out, they found the bloody trail of bruin leading down the ravine. They followed cautiously for some rods, when they came upon the dying thief The old musket had sent its load clear through him. Such adventures formed the spice and variet}' of life to these old pioneers, and they enjoyed an occasional diversion from the routine of wood-chopping and clearing. About this time, Jesse Allen bought out old Daniel Haines, and settled by the side of Capt. Spicer. This was also in 1811, and shortly after, Nathaniel Allen, his half-brother, came in south of them, and bought the farm that is now the Philemon Allen farm. Jesse Allen was the first Justice of the Peace in the town- ship, in which capacity he served for many years. In 1815, Israel Allen also came into the same neighborhood, and was also a Justice of the Peace for many years. Nathaniel and his good wife, " Aunt Massey," as the boys called her, planted the first orchard in the "Tfc COVENTRY TOWNSHIP, 527 township, and some of the trees or stumps are still standing. They were not such fine grafted fruit as we have at the present time, but the}' were the best they could get, simply " seed- lings," raised in the garden from seeds gath- ered wherever they could get the fruit. Here, in after years, they had a cider-mill, the first one in the Section, where, whoever had apples, came to get cider made, and those who had none came and bought of the Aliens, who had a large orchard. People came here from ten or twelve miles in all directions to get cider. Here, surrounded by their children, their broth- ers and families, they lived and died, after witnessing many wonderful changes that the next half a century produced on all sides of them. Their sons and daughters grew up, married, and their children are among the peo- ple who to-day are performing the work allot- ted to this generation. Another settler in this part of the township was Maj. Hart, who bought what is at present known as the Stillwell place. Stephen Brewster settled just south of the Nathaniel Allen place, at an early day, on what is now the land of the Brewster broth- ers. The old coal-bank of Alexander Brewster was one of the first in the township, and has been in operation for many years. It was originallj' opened by a Mr. Whittlesey, who leased the place, but afterward the lease was bought off, and since that time it has been op- erated by Alexander Brewster or his sons. Stephen Brewster's sister married old John Bellows, and they settled near there at about the same time, and the two families raised their childi'en here, where the}' lived for many years and died, to be succeeded by their descendants, who still own the most of the lands their fath- ers or grandfathers cleared. Ithamore Bel- lows, who is looked upon as an old settler, though a son of the John Bellows before men- tioned, when he reached manhood took up land in the woods, back to the westward of the Allen neighborhood. He married a daughter of Daniel Haines, and a story is told of him that illustrates the methods of pioneer courtship. During the winter of 1815, two young fellows came over from Green Township to split rails for some settlers -in the neighborhood. One evening they followed young Ithamore through the woods to the log cabin of " Uncle Dan," where, unconscious of pursuit, he entered the house, and the spies secreted themselves so that they could see the proceedings on the in- side as they transpired. Late in the evening, " Cupid " was making rapid strides toward match-making, and the curtain ought to have been down, when a laugh from the outside in- terrupted proceedings. Young Bellows seized his hat and gave chase. We are led to sus- pect that one or both of these fellows engaged in this shabby trick was smitten by the same fair face. But Ithamore came out winner. William Triplet lived west of the Brewster place, and opened probably the first coal-bank in the township. It was a thin vein, however, and was abandoned after the Brewster bank was opened. His father settled in Green Town- ship, and William came over into Coventry and settled, where he lived and died. Another of the boys lived farther south, but we could not learn the name ; but, after his father died, the mother came up and lived on this son's farm. She had a little house whei'e she lived alone, not far from the log schoolhouse that used to stand near the Gregg farm. Here the sciiool children went for water, but they were always quiet and orderly, for they were afraid of "Old Granny Triplett." Basil Viers, the ancestor of the numerous families of that name who still live in various parts of the township, located near William Triplett's place, west of Stephen Brewster. He was among the very first settlers, and is remem- bered only by the old, gray-haired patriarchs of to-day. Just this side of the little log cabin in which Dan Haines lived, Wheeler Heniman located, on the place now known as the " Beck Farm," on what might be called South Main Street Extension. Little is known definitely about him as to where he came from, but he is spoken of as a good neighbor, and was well thought of Adam Falor settled in the northern center, just east of South Main street, in the hollow not far from the rolling-mill. He built and run a distillery, the first and, as far as we are able to find, only one in the township. It was located where the old stone house stood, through which the Brewster Coal Railroad cut its way just after passing under the track of the N." Y., P. & 0. R. R. Here the sturdy old settlers came from all the country around to get the necessary material for raising barns and houses, as well as for running the husking bee, and other social gatherings. Here Adam and his wife Eve lived in peace, never dreaming of ) "S* Xt k 52S HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. "temperance societies," "crusaders," or Mur- pliy pledges. They raised a family, many rep- resentati\'es of whom are still living in that neighborliood. Abram Falor, a son of Adam and Eve above-mentioned, built a saw-mill on what is now known as Falor's Run, whei'e he did a good business for many years. Chester Judd was another early settler who came into this same section some time before the year 1820, though that is the time at which we find him located just beyond the Adam Falor place. Peter and Moses Osburn, brothers, also lived adjoining, and near neighbors to Judd. Little could be learned in regard to them, as we find none of their descendants in the township. Thomas Grranger, an old Revolutionary- pen- sioner who lived like a king on the credit he got on account of his $8 per month from the Government, built his log cabin just beyond the railroad, on the present Moses Falor farm. Granger, with some half dozen other pensioners from neighboring townships, often congregated at the little store at Middle- bury, where they traded out their pension money, and had a gay time recounting the wonderful adventures in which they had par- ticipated to the gaping crowd of younger peo- ple, who are always eager to listen to anything that sounds of war. It is said that their stories rivaled those of Baron Munchausen in the mar- velous, and the}- themselves, like the old Baron, even came to believe in the truth of their won- derful yarns. In the northwestern part of the township several families had located at an early day, before 1820 at least, though the exact date could not be ascertained. Among them was Old Basil Cahow, a ftimily of Roots, a large family of Hethmans, Seibert Dodge and Samuel Nash. One of the sons of old man Hethman was for a good many years Justice of the Peace. He was an old bachelor, and is remembered by many as an eccentric but intel- ligent and well-read man. Samuel Nash kept a kind of tavern just beyond the Dodge farm. This was the first tavern in the towmship, and it consisted of nothing more than the log cabin of the settler and a stable for the horses, but they made the tired traveler welcome, and fed man and beast with the best the land aflTorded. In 1819, William W. Laird built himself a cabin on the banks of the Tuscarawas at New Portage, and began the construction of flat- boats to run on the river. Henry Chittenden, of Springfield, Abram Norton, of Middlebury. and Philander Adams, of Tallniadge, at tlie same time became contractors and speculators in the produce of the country, which they bought up of the farmers all over the country and hauled to New Portage, and shipped on Laird's boats to New Orleans. This seems almost incredible to those who know the present Insignificant size of the river at this point. But such was the case, as we learn from the old people, who still remember this river as a turbulent stream, which, at certain seasons, it was impossible to ford, and which at all times was a goodly stream. Now, however, it has sadly fallen, and the little school-boys wade across its pebbly bed or catch the minnows which sport in its shallow waters. Shortly after the starting of this new industry and the opening of New Portage as a port, one Ambrose Palmer and a Dr. Clark settled in what they considered the future metropolis, and started a glass factory, the site of which is in that part of New Portage located in Norton Township. It was in operation for several years, and turned out considerable quantities of glassware. Its history, however, is more particularly given in the chapter on Norton Township. The}- finally abandoned the glass business, and Palmer left for the West, where he died, in the Mormon settlement in Utah. Talmon Beards- ley, who was for a good many years a resident of the township, and some twelve years its Clerk, and about the same period Justice of the Peace, has in his possession a quart bottle which was turned out from this establishment in 1822. It is large at the base, and has a long, tapering neck, with a peculiar flare at the top. The glass is a good article, but has a yellowish green cast. In 1821, Van R. Humphreys, a young attor- ney, located in New Portage, thinking, with many others, that it was destined to be the principal city in Northern Ohio. But he soon became satisfied of his mistake and abandoned the new city, finally settling in Hudson. He was at one time Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas for this county. One of the first settlers at New Portage was Michael Dixon, who came there in 1814 or 1815. He lived there during the rise and fall of the varying waves of prosperity that came upon this, the only town and capital of the " State of Cov- entry," as this was wont to be called. He w^ COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. 529 shared not only its prosperity but also its ad- versit}^ for he remained long after its star had set and its prospects sunk into insignificance. At a later period, Mr. Viers sought to revive its waning prospects by laying out an addition, which was to grow and swallow up the old town and retrieve its sinking fortunes. One lot was sold to Jacob Brown, after whom it was proposed to name the place Brownville. But Fate did not smile upon the project, for but one house was built in the place, which was afterward for many years used as a match fac- tor}'. Such is the hard fate of many a beauti- ful prospective city. One other character must be mentioned before we leave the town. Joe Keeler was not only a celebrated Mormon preacher, but also a notorious passer of coun- terfeit money. He built a brick house near the canal bridge, where he lived in the purity of his faith for years, or until " religious perse- cution " thi'eatened to send him to Columbus. Jacob Kepler was one or Coventry's pioneers ; he settled early in the century in the south- western part of the township, and is still living, surrounded by the numerous family of children and grandchildren, who own some of the finest and most profitable farms in the entire town- ship. Many are the stories that this old settler can tell of the hardships and adventures of those early days. Here also came the Harters, another family of pioneers, and the Wagoner family settled in the same corner, west of the Long Lake. In the southeast corner, the earlier settlers were David Lee, Fred Hevener, Henry Billman, John Buchtel, Daniel Pontius, Dan Rex, and possibly' a few others. One of the events of the season in those days was the periodical coming of the itinerant shoemaker, one of whom — Dan Burns — fre- quented this corner of the township. He car- ried his tools and stock from place to place, and while there he generalh^ shod the entire family, living as one of the family meanwhile ; then he would take the next on the list, and serve them, and so on, until he had finished his list. Those coming late to engage him were often obliged to go barefoot until after mid-winter on account of their negligence. John Haines, a son of old Daniel Haines, was the first or pioneer preacher in the township. He was of the Baptist faith, though holding the " fore-ordination doctrine " of the Presby terians. This, however, he afterward renounced, saying that he had a revelation while hoeing corn, in which he was convinced of the error of that doctrhie, and the old man is said to have cried when he thought of the many people to whom he had preached it, and to whom he could not preach the new revelation. He often went oflT to the neighboring townships to pro- claim the "glad tidings" to the backwoodsmen and their families. On Sunday mornings he could be seen making his way to some log cabin or schoolhouse near home, where he would preach to his friends and acquaintances. Then he would start through the woods, follow- ing some path, crossing streams on fallen logs, until he reached a place where some old settler had promised to meet him with a horse or wagon, when they would journe}- on together. The waters of Summit Lake seemed to suit his idea of a baptising medium, and many was the young convert to the doctrines which he taught, who came from far and near to go through the ceremony of baptism. Here Cath- arine Buchtel and Nancy Richards came from Green Township in 1824, and were led into the lake and immersed, both of whom are still liv- ing " to testif}^ to the faith that was in them." Another pioneer preacher of the same faith was Elder Derthick, or, as the impious and irrever- ent young sinners of those days used to call bim, "Old Deathhook." He settled on the Abel Allen place, where he liv^ed and expounded the truth to the residents of the northeast. Many of the old residents remember to have gone to the schoolhouses often to hear him preach. One of his favorite places was the Falor Schoolhouse. Here one of the oldest cemeteries is located, and all the old settlers of the neighborhood were laid here, " to sleep the sleep that knows no waking," until Gabriel shall blow the trump that is to quicken these old bodies with the "life immortal." To these two men the earlier settlers owed a debt of gratitude, at least, for their unselfish devotion to the cau§e of religion during all these years of trials and hardships. In after years, when the soil had been broken, others came in and carried the bannei'S. Several churches have been built in different parts of the township. Perhaps the oldest is Wesle}' Chapel, on the banks of the Tuscarawas at Pleasant Valle}', a place which at one time bore the fateful name of " Sodom." Another at Thomastown belongs to the Welsh, who pre- >f^ 530 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. dominated in that place. There is also a church and cemetery just west of the Center, toward New Portage, and also one west of the reser- voir, on the place owned by Benjamin Bowers. In the cemeter}- back of each one may read much of the history of the early settlers. The moss-covered slab tells the tale of the sweep of old Time's scythe more truly than could be writ- ten by our feeble pen, and the little mounds, with the short records and dates, tell to the wanderer through these silent resting-places of the recklessness with which Death marked as his own the old and the young indiscriminately. Another character who played a conspicuous part in the very early settlement was Liber- tine Dixon, the Indian hunter and fighter. Be- tween this man and the red men, a deadly ha- tred existed, which often led to the shedding of blood. Dixon lived for many years in Mid- dlebury or near there, but his time was spent largely in the woods with his invariable com- panion, a long, ungainly looking rifle, which he always spoke of with respect, calling it by the peculiar name of " Starling." Many are the stories of wild, reckless disregard of human life, which are told of Libertine Dixon, or rather of his gun " Starling." He seemed to feel as though an}' Indian who had an oppor- tunity would shoot him as quick as he would a wolf, and acting upon that supposition, he always tried to get the first chance. One inci- dent illustrating both this feeling, and his re- gard for his gun, was told by an old gray- haired man who knew him well and knew of the particular time mentioned. One day in 1815, the narrator of this story was in Middle- bury Mills, to see after some sawing, grinding or something, at any rate, which called him to the mill, when some Indians were seen to come into the town and stop at the grocery, where Dixon was. As they entered at the front door, he came out the back way and hastily went to his cabin, saying that the Indians were after him, and if they wanted to see him they should come for him in the woods. He took his gun, ammunition and some dried beef and was gone, and did not return for some time; when he did, he told this story to our informant : " I went into the woods and kept low until the}- left, when I followed them, but kept myself so con- cealed that they did not suspect me. They were, however, on the lookout for some one, and scouz-ed the woods, until finally the}"* seemed to give it up, and started toward Old Portage. One, however, watched the ravine closely where the Big Cuj'ahoga flows through the chasm near the Big Falls, and once, as he was hanging by one arm over the precipice holding to a hemlock tree on the edge of the rock, and looking closely up and down the valley, I stepped out from behind a big chestnut and 'Starling' spoke to him. But ' Old Starling ' spoke so suddenly that it scared the fellow, and he jumped oft' the bank on to the rocks below some forty feet and killed himself After awhile, I went up to him and as he didn't seem to want his gun and other things an}' longer, I took them." At another time, when he was hunting down by Long Lake in Coventr}', he stepped to the edge of the lake, when he discovered an Indian fish- ing from a birch canoe. He jumped behind a ti'ee and Old Starling thought he would speak to the fellow. The Indian was so frightened that he uttered a terrific yell and jumped into the lake. The smoke had hardl}' cleared away when another Indian, a companion probably, who was making afire on the bank above, came rushing down to see what his companion had shot. While he was looking after his friend, Dixon slipped away and disappeared. He also shot one on a little lake west of East Liberty, whose yell can be heard frequently on moon- light nights even to this da}', and many times would the young people of that neighboriiood go miles around rather than pass that little lake, from fear of hearing the unearthly yell of the murdered Indian or seeing his shadowy form gliding over the smooth surface of the lake in his birchen canoe, that made " not a ripple as he passed." So goes the story, at least, and no believer in ghosts and hobgoblins has any reason to cast discredit on so well authenticated a story as the above. Many of the Dixons who live in Coventry are descended from this old Indian hunter. Between 1815 and 1820, Ben Haines, a son of Dan Haines and a brother of the pioneer preacher, built a rude grist-mill on the Tusca- rawas, near the place where the Steese Coal Railroad crosses the river, and on the David Jones farm. The dam crossed the valley where the road now runs. The old race can still be seen on the west side of the road just south of the bridge, and some of the old timbers still remain to mark the place where the first mill of the township was built. Possibly Ben ^^ fc* COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. 531 Haines might have built up a good business had he attended strictly to it, but it soon run down, and at last, for a number of j'ears, he occupied himself in studying on " perpetual motion," that bane of many inventive geniuses. A story is told of Ben's "machine" which we do not vouch for, but give as we heard it : At one time the builder thought he had succeeded (and perhaps he had, who liuows ?) at any rate be agreed to let some parties see it, if they would swear eternal secrecy, which thej^ agi'eed to do when he conducted them into the old tumble-down mill and started liis machine. It was constructed in some odd way b}^ an ar- rangement of iron balls, chains, wheels, etc. It started otf in good style, but began soon to go with accelerated speed, until the men who had been called in ran out as if to save their lives, for the " machine " became wild, and made a terrible din. Old Ben himself became fright- ened, and in order to stop it he threw a green handspike into the midst of the flying wheels, which broke it in such a way as to render it harmless at least, and it is said that old Ben never tried it again. The mill now known as the Steese or Brews- mill, situated on the Tuscarawas River, on the Springfield line, was not built until 1834-35, b3' John Wyley. Before its construction, the people in this part of Coventry and neighboring- townships were obliged to go to Middlebur}' mills, or to the Emerley mill in Franklin Township, at the foot of Turkey Foot Lake. This latter mill site was destroyed when the reservoir was constructed, but in 1842, or there- about, the State mill was built, utilizing the overflow from the reservoir and furnishing bet- ter accommodations to the farmers of this sec- tion. The first saw-mill was the one built by Abram Falor, on '' Falor Run," mentioned before. Another earl}^ mill was one built by Daniel Rex, a little west of the feeder dam, which supplies the reservoir on the Tuscarawas River, near Steese's coal bank. Another was in pro- cess of construction at quite an earl}' day a little above this, the old race of which can still be seen near the road that runs east and west past " Wesley Chapel." This was built b}- John Buchtel, Sr., taking the water from the river just back of "Wesley Chapel" Cemetery. It run west some half a mile, and discharged again into the river near the place where the railroad of Stam- baugh, Tod & Co. crosses the river. But this was never finished, owing to delays that held it in an unfinished condition until the feeder came in there and their dam was built just below, which backed the water on them and spoiled the site. The first frame house is sand to have been built by one of the Aliens, on the road to Mid- dlebury, and it was the wonder and admiration of the young people of several townships, some of whom made trips of a dozen miles to see it. Of the early schools very little can be said, except that the houses were rude log struct- ures, with a great fire-place in one end built on the outside, after the fashion of the day. The benches were made of logs split in halves and legs put in on the round side, while the split side was smoothed up with an ax. Not a plane ever touched them, and they were not the most comfortable seats in the world. It was not necessary to resort to bent pins, the school- boy's device, in order to produce a sensation, for all that was required was to pinch some one and get him to slide along the bench. Some of the bad boys are said to have lined the seats of their pantaloons with large pieces of leather for their protection, both from the roughness of the benches and the roughness of the "teacher's ferule. There were no fine desks with all the furniture of a modern schoolhouse, but simply these benches, along which the children ranged themselves, and which had to serve the double purpose of seat and desk, each pupil piling his books and slate on the seat be- side him. These seats of learning were in the midst of the forest, near some road (or path, along which the settlers expected to make a road some time). The pupils gathered from all directions, coming through the woods by paths known only to themselves, crossing the streams on logs or fallen trees. On one occa- sion, in time of high water, a family of some half a dozen children, were crossing on a fallen tree when the youngest, a little girl, becoming dizzy, fell into the rushing water and was be- ing whirled rapidly down stream, when in plunged her older brother, who swam lustily after her, finally capturing her some rods be- low, bringing her safely to shore ; after which they hastened on to school, instead of going home again, and dried their clothes by the fire in the schoolhouse. This shows that even the children thought little of such hardships and paid little heed to mishaps that would produce J^^ 532 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. consternation in a whole neighborhood to-day. One of these pioneer school houses was situated not far from the center of the township, and was known as the " Tamarack Schoolhouse." In this old log building the town meetings and elections were frequently held. During those early times, they were not so precise as they are now, as to the exact place of holding elec- tions, which were held here and there to suit the convenience of the people. There was an early schoolhouse in the woods on what is now the Sol. Renninger place, on the road just west of the Grregg place. These were built, probably, between 1820 and 1825. Then the Falor and the Allen Schoolhouses were also quite early, the dates of which I am unable to learn. This township was first organized in 1808, as a part of Springfield, which was then a part of Trumbull County. This county was afterward divided and Portage County formed, of which our township continued to form a part until 1840, when Summit County was erected, and Coventr}', with nine other townships, was taken from Portage County. Two of the early officers of this township are still living, viz., Avery Spicer and Talmon Beardsley ; possibl}^ many others, whose modesty forbade them to men- tion it, but who will be remembered by manj^ who read this sketch, as having rendered gra- tuitous service to their fellows in some of the various capacities. Some years ago, a fine town hall was built near the center, on the hill above the canal, at the famous " Waterloo Gro- cery." Here now the town meetings and elec- tions are held. When we seek to understand the whole sig- nificance of a recital of the facts and incidents relating to these previous generations, we must bear in mind that we owe to these same people the many advantages we enjoy. They came and conquered the wilderness, and made it to blossom as the rose. It is true that ignoi'ance and superstition prevailed, and a crude, imper- fect civilization took the place of the savage state ; but they were in unison with their sui*- roundings, and consistent in all respects. They were neither ahead of, nor yet behind the age in which they lived. It would not become us to belittle their labors ; but rather should we extol them, for they underwent the hardships, while we I'eap the harvest and enjoy the benefits ; they strove to make tolerable the path in life along which they were to travel, while we strive to enjoy the many advantages which are ours, not as the result of our own exertions, but be- cause our lot was cast in the middle of the nine- teenth century instead of a century before. CHAPTER XXI.* BOSTON TOWNSHIP— ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS— TOPOGRArHY AND GKOLOGY— OHGANIZATION AND FIRST SF/PTLEMRNT— COUNTERFEITING AND UNDERGROUND RAILROAD— G1U)WTH OF INDUSTRIES- VILLAGES— SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. IT is not generally known, even by those living in the northeast corner of the State, how the land of the Western Reserve became parceled out among its various owners, or how it came to pass that citizens in Connecticut sometimes found themselves in possession of tracts separated the entire length of the Re- serve. Accompanying this volume will be found a detailed description of the manner in which this was accomplished. It may be prop- erly stated here that the lands of the Reserve were divided into 400 shares, valued at $3,000 each, and that residents of Connecticut could purchase, if their means were limited, a frac- *Con(ributed by W. A. Goodspeed. tion of a share, or, on the other hand, could purchase as many shares as they desired and could bu3\ It was often the case that several citizens formed themselves into a com pan}-, each contributing as much as he could, or as much as he desired, and all together suflScient to purchase one township, or perhaps one share. The membei's of the company would decide among themselves as to their order of choice out of the tract purchased. Some townships were " equalizing townships." That is. inasmuch as they were inferior to the aver- age township, they were either divided into tracts which were distributed to other inferior townships to make the latter equal to the aver- ~r^ ■k^ BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 533 age, or portions in other parts of the Reserve were attached to them to make them equal in value to the average. Boston was an "equalizing township." It was divided into three tracts (and perhaps oth- ers) which were attached to other townships. It was decided by a committee appointed for the purpose, that, from the fact that Boston was crossed by the Cu^-ahoga River, and by ranges of steep bluffs which could never be cultivated, it was unequal to the average, and it was accordingly distributed to others. Tract 1, lying in the northwest corner, was attached to Eaton Township, Lorain County, and was owned by Judge Jared Kirtland, Mr. Blinn and others. Tract 2, in the southwest corner, was attached to Columbia Township, Lorain County, and was owned by a company of five men, as follows : Harmon, Levi and x\zor Bronson, Calvin Hoadley and Jared Pritchard. It is not remembered how the land east of the river was divided and owned, except that He- man Ely possessed the greater portion. When Tract i was surveyed by its owner, Judge Kirtland, it was found to have a surplus of 200 acres ; whereupon he instructed his survej'or, Alfred Wolcott, to survey Tract 2, and this was found to have an excess of 400 acres. The Judge immediately shouldered the respon- sibility of equalizing the two tracts, by sever- ing 129 aci'es from Tract 2 and attaching them to Tract 1. This equalizing tract was soon afterward sold to Robert and Thomas Brannan, a barrel of whisky being given in part pa}'- raent. But, when Harmon Bronson came to the township and found a portion of his land occupied and claimed bj^ the Brannans, he commenced an action of ejectment, and, after considerable annoyance, succeeded in having Kirtland's equalizing act set aside and the Brannans ousted. The Kirtland tract was sur- veyed into nine lots ; the Bronson tract into ten ; and all that portion of the township east of the river into forty-five. When the first settlers came to the township, the prospect was anything but encouraging. The Cuyahoga River, then a marshy stream that overflowed its banks altogetlier too often for the happiness or prosperity of the settler, passed northward across the township a short distance west of the center. Along the adja- cent valley were frequent bogs and marshes of decaying vegetable matter, that, under the heat of the summer sun, threw off noxious vapors to poison and contaminate the air. A large portion of the township was cut by narrow, deep gorges and ravines, that were overhung by precipitous ridges and hills, covered with a heavy forest, and having a heavy, sterile soil that gave no word of encouragement or prom- ise to the backwoodsman. The woods were filled with wild animals, and, what was equall}- a cause for apprehension of danger, bands of Indians were near that might begin the work of slaughter at Siuy moment. Markets and mills were miles distant, and the journe}' by team through the woods was rendered so slow and harassing b}' reason of mud and fallen timber, that the distance was practically doub led. It became evident — painfully so — that the settler must rel}' largely upon his rifle to supply his family with, very often, only the bare necessities of life. Thus was the settler surrounded with discouragements, disappoint- ments, and apparently unending future priva- tions. But he fortunately possessed unbend- ing resolution, dauntless courage, and incredi- ble hardihood, and the pleasant homes we have to-day were founded by him. It is well to notice the topographical and phj'sical features of Boston before proceeding further with its settlement and improvement. It is five miles square, with the exception of about three hundred acres,which a number of 3'ears ago, were taken from the center of the northern side and attached to Northfield for school purposes. The Cuyahoga enters the township from the south, about a mile east of the southwest cor- ner, passing in a zigzag course to within about half a mile of the center, thence flowing west of north and leaving the township one mile and a quarter east of the northwest corner. The river valley- varies in width from a few rods to a mile, and though now almost wholly cleared and under cultivation, was once heavily timbered and extremeh' wet. The vallej' is skirted with precipitous bluffs, which can never be used except as grazing land, and which ex- tend back from the valley more than half a mile. The Waverly group of rocks is exposed thi'oughout the township, moi'e especially along the river, where inexhaustible beds of splendid stone abound. Along the river in the northern part the Erie shale is exposed, while in the eastern part where the Waverly group first comes to the surface, ledges of sandstone con- •^ (S~ Tv 534 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. glomerate rise perpendicularly above the sur- rounding country, in some cases sixty or sev- enty feet. These ledges stand isolated and alone, far separated from their kindred strata, monuments to the eroding effects of time. Numerous small streams enter the river from the east, among which are Salt Creek, Richey's Run, Haskell's Run, Peninsula Run and Stan- ford's Run. The principal ones from the west are Oil Run, Slippery Run and Furnace Run.' A few small tamarack swamps were to be seen in early days in different parts of the township, but these have been drained, and a few of them are now under cultivation. When the settlers first came to the count}', a tract of land comprising thirty or forty acres, lying in the valley on the east side of the river a short distance below the center, was cleared of trees, and was under cultivation. It was an Indian corn-field, and it is stated that in about 1804, settlers living in Hudson went to this field and purchased corn of the natives. How long the field had been under cultivation is not known. A few stone implements, evidently used in till- ing the field, are occasionally turned up by the plow. Long before the whites came into the Northwest Territory', Boston was the site of large Indian villages, the evidences still remain- ing of their humble habitations. Going back still farther — back to an unknown age of the world — that peculiar, mysterious people known as Mound-Builders, whose gigantic earth and stone works excite so much curiosity and spec- ulation, dwelt in the valley of the Cuyahoga, as is shown by the mounds, sacred, militar}- and festival, which are scattered along the bluffs on either side of the river. What these two races had to do with Boston will be found, so far as known, in a separate chapter of this work. One thing is certain, when the whites first came to the county, the Indians under Ponta were stilled encamped about half a mile north of the village of Boston, on the west side of the river. Half a mile south of this camp, on the same side of the river, the chief of the Ottawas — Stigwanish — was also en- camped with a few of his followers. A de- tailed description of these camps, and many interesting incidents connected therewith, will be found in the chapter above referred to. We now come to the first settlement made by whites in Boston Township. On or about the 1st of March, 1806, Alfred Wolcott, John Teale and Samuel Ewart ap- peared in Boston, and immediately erected a rudely constructed log shanty, about eight feet square, and of barely sufficient height on the interior to insure safety to the heads of the in- mates. This building was erected on the pres- ent site of the Boston Village cemetery , and was intended to be occupied only until the men had time to build better dwellings on the farms. Teale was a single man, but the other two had wives, and, perhaps, children, who were left at Hudson until suitable cabins for their occu- pancy had been erected b}' the husbands. These three men " bached " and did their own cooking, except bread, which was brougiit by one of their number about once a week from Hudson, the nearest settlement. No difficulty was experienced in procuring venison, wild tur- key, squirrel, and occasionally a delicious piece of bear steak. Within about two months, Wolcott, with the assistance of Ewart, who was in some way connected with him in business, had built a large round-log cabin, about one one hundred rods northeast of Boston Village. It seems that Wolcott had purchased tlie farm soon afterward settled on by Stanford, but his wife, whom he had just married, objecited to locating on the farm, stating that she was ap- prehensive of sickness from the proximity of a disagreeable swamp lying just south of where the cabin must be built. This objection in- duced the fond husband to reverse the injunc- tion of the bridal vows, and to exchange his farm for one owned by James Stanford, the latter being willing, as, notwithstanding the presence of the swamp, a fine spring of pure water was discovered on the premises. Wol- cott immediately erected a cabin on his new farm, and was soon as comfortably situated as could be expected. On the 23d of March, 180G, James Stanford, William and Adam Vance, and Abner Robinson, a nephew of the Yances, came to the township. The Vances were Irishmen and old bachelors, and brought with them tlieir niece, a young lady named Eleanor Ashcroft, who came out to keep house for them. One cabin was erected, in which all these relatives resided. James Stanford owned land on Lot 41. This was sold to a man named David Cohoon, who, so far as can be leai'ned, did not reside in Boston, although he owned land there. These were the first set- tlers in the township. After this they con- ^l^ BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 535 tinued to come in about as follows, although the dates are not absolutely correct : Henry Post, Isaac and Jacob Ozmun, Moses Canning- ham, William Beer, Aaron sillier, Andrew Johnson, Robert Guy, Timothy Bishop, Jona- than Iddings, Lancelet Mays, James Jordan, John Cunningham, Andrew and Robert Don- aldson, John Duncan, Capt. Abraham Miller, Joseph Breen, John Galloway', Moses Decker, Jacob Morter, Samuel and Abraham Miller and John G. Mallet came prior to 1810 ; Samuel Brown, William Brown, Jonathan Williams, Erastus West, William Cranej' and others by 1812 ; Elizur Loveland, John Britt, William Brannan, Robert Wallace, John Robinson, James Dean, John Menough, Abial Hovey, Watrous Mather, Ephraim Moody, Nathan Drake. Alexander Metlin, James Fitch, Uriah Singletar}', came prior to 1820, and the most of them about 1814. There also came in previ- ous to 1830 the following : Jesse Thompson, William Collier. Daniel Collier, Joseph Lamb, Ichabod Lindle}-, Thomas Carter, Edward Coyn, John L. Butler, Samuel Coffin, W. L. Rich- ards, John A. Ackle}^, William Downs, Elisha Mather, William McCreary, Henry Burnam, H. T. Avery, Thomas Whelen, Nathaniel Parsons, William McBride, James Brown, J. A. Clapp, Benjamin Wait, Elisha Burnett, Stephen N. Sargent, Henry Wetmore, Talmon Bronson. Don C. Mathes, William Brannan, Herman Bronson, Alonzo Dee, Benjamin Randall, Mar- tin Morton, James Rumage, Billings Robinson, Amos Fletcher, Caleb Carpenter, Joshua Lilli- bridge, Samuel Hogue, Thomas Owens, Philan- der Carpenter, George Leveiy and others. The township was first organized in 1811. Upon the solicitation of the citizens, the Com- missioners of Portage County, of which Boston was then a part, ordered an election of town- ship officers to be held at the residence of Tim- oth}^ Bishop, on the 15th of January, 1811. The following action taken on that occasion is found the township records : ■• The inhabitants of the township of Boston, having met at the dwelling of Timothy Bishop in said township, by order of the Commissioners of Portage County, for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace and other officers, and having chosen Capt. Abraham Miller, Chairman, and Timothy Bishop, Lancelet Mays and Jonathan Iddings, Judges, and Alfred Wolcott and Will- iam Beer, Clerks for the Justices' election, and Andrew Johnson and Isaac Bacon, Judges of the township election, and after being sworn as the law directs, the following gentlemen were elect- ed : Alfred Wolcott and Moses Cunningham, Justices ; William Beer, Clerk ; Aaron Miller, Andrew Johnson and Timoth}' Bishop, Trust- ees ; Jonathan Iddings and Isaac Bacon, Over- seers of the Poor ; Lancelet Mays, Treasurer ; and James Jordon, Constable. Although this election was held in accordance with the order of the Commisioners, yet the term of office could run only until the following April, at which date the following additional officers were elected : Alfred Wolcott and James Stan- ford, Fence Viewers ; Moses Cunningham and William Beer, Listers ; Aaron Miller, John Cunningham, James Stanford and Isaac Bacon, Supervisors ; Robert Donaldson, Constable, and John Duncan, Treasurer. When Boston was first created, and its earliest officers duly elect- ed, Northfield and Richfield were attached to it for election purposes. This will explain why some of Boston's first officers really resided in those townships. The propriety of creating Boston into a separate township began to be discussed as early as 1807. It was about this time that James Stanford, Alfred W^olcott, Samuel Ewart, John Teale, William and Adam Vance, and a few others, when together one day, began casting about them for a suitable name for the township, which they anticipated would soon be created. Mr. Ewart modestly suggested Ewartsville ; Mr. Wolcott thought Wolcottsburg a much more euphonious cogno- men ; the Vances, Stanford, and the others were silent, though it was clearly perceptible that no name 3'et proposed was satisfactor}*. Finally Mr. Stanford said : " Suppose we name it Boston, after old Boston in Massachusetts." This prop- osition seemed to please all present, and the name was adopted. Thus the township had its creation and first settlement, and now its growth and improvement remain to be noticed. It may here be stated that Boston, in com- mon with almost every portion of Ohio, was first inhabited by wandering hunters, who loved no society except that afforded by the forest, and who thought the countr} was becoming too thickly settled when a dozen families lived within as many miles. The result was that the settlers above referred to caught but a momen- tary glimpse, as it were, of these roving hunt- ers, as they shouldered their rifles and moved "e) V ^1 536 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. farther out into the depths of the forest. Prob- abl}- the most noted hunter ever in Boston, or perhaps in Summit County, was Jonathan Will- iams, who lived for short periods in several of the townships. He was remarkabl}' skillful and successful in his hunts, but perhaps the most distinguishing element of his character was the intolerable, murderous hate he bore the In- dians. He lost no favorable opportunity to shoot them down without a moment's hesita- tion, and, in consequence, was feared and shunned by them. His constant companions were his two dogs and a long-barreled rifle that carried a ball weighing nearly an ounce. His dogs were so thoroughly trained that they obeyed the slightest sign from their master, and were of great assistance to Williams in bloody conflicts with bears and other dangerous animals. Physically, Williams was a remarkable man. He was six feet in height, and his movements were as noiseless and graceful as those of a pan- ther. It was a sight to see him in the forest in pursuit of game of more than usual size or ferocity. He knew no fear, and would pene- trate the deepest swamps, no matter what they contained. He went dressed like an Indian, with leggings and moccasins, and always took pains to have his clothing so harmonize with the color of the forest that the Indians or game could not easily see him. He wore a buckskin blouse, serrated in front and bordered with a fringe of otter skin. He was swarthy-complexioned, and it is reported that Indian blood ran in his veins, and this was generally believed by those who knew him, though undoubtedly incorrectl}-. He had a wife and family, who were supported by his rifle. To account for his hate for the In- dians, the tradition is that all his relatives were murdered by the Indians before he came to Ohio, in consequence of which he is said to have sworn " to kill them just as long as he lived." The.se reports are all incorrect. On one occasion some trouble arose between the Indians and whites at Deerfield, Portage County, regarding a horse trade that had been made. An Indian, to retaliate for some real or sup posed injury, shot Daniel Diver in such a man- ner as to put out both his eyes without other- wise injuring him. The Indians fled to their camp in Boston, but were pursued by the infu- riated friends of the injured man. The latter were joined by Jonathan Williams when they reached Boston. The Indian culprits discov- ered their pursuers and continued their flight westward, but were overtaken in Bath and one of them named Nicksaw, a harmless and inno- cent old Indian, was instantly shot by Jonathan Williams. Other incidents will be found in this work of his hostility toward the Indians. One night, Williams, with his two dogs, went to watch a deer lick in southern Boston. He remained there all night without meeting with the desired success. Just as the gray light of coming day began to steal through the forest, his dogs be- came uneas}- and restless, and eyed a small thicket near by, in such a manner that Will- iams knew that something more than usual was concealed there. He peered cautiously through the leaves, and. indistinctl}', saw the shadowy form of some large animal crouching behind a small bush. His dogs remained obediently at his side, and raising his rifle he fired at the animal. A thrilling scream rang ©ut on the morning air, and the animal bounded off through the woods, swiftly followed by the dogs, which had been told to " go." The animal ran up a tree, and Williams, hurrying forward, discov- ered a large panther crouched on a limb about thirty feet above his head. He had lost all his rifle balls except one. This was discharged at the panther, but only a slight wound was made, as it was yet quite dark, and the animal was partly' concealed by the limb. The hunter, at first, was at a loss what to do ; but, finall}^, he cut a branch that would about fit his gun bar- rel. The limb was cut up into plugs about an inch long, and with these hastily -improvised bullets, Williams continued firing at the pan- ther. A settler, named Carter, living near by and hearing the reports, started out to ascer- tain the cause. He came to the spot, and, handing his rifle to Williams, who was standing in a favorable position, he told the latter to " bring it down." One shot was sufficient, and the panther fell dead to the ground. It proved to be one of the largest of its species, and is said to have measured eleven feet " from tip to tip." Its hide was cut in numerous places by the wooden bullets fired at it by Williams. Thomas Owens was another noted hunter, and often joined Williams in his hunts. When these two hunters " put their heads together," they rarely tailed in killing whatever game they desii'ed. Owens had no particular antipatli}- for the Indians, and the Indian hunting branch »<^ (5" ~^ -51 (^vA^ J^ BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 537 of their sport was turned, without question, over to Williams. These two hunters often went on long expeditions to sections of the country that were wholly unsettled, and, when they re- turned, they were loaded with valuable hides and furs. Their families were the sufferers on these occasions. It was in this township that the Indian chief, Seneca, erected a wooden god, which was worshiped by his followers for many years prior to the advent of the settlers. When the Indians removed farther West in about 1812, ihis god was taken with them. It was proba))ly their god of war, as they held feasts and war-dances to propitiate his favor, just befoi'e starting on their marauding expeditions. On these occa- sions, an offering of tobacco was hung around the neck of the god, and as soon as the Indians were gone, some of the settlers whose taste for tobacco was stronger than their respect for the Indian deity, would steal forward and appro- priate the dried leaves of nicotiana tohacum. It is said to have been excellent tobacco. In 1814, the township was quite well settled. Cabins arose along the valley of the river and on the neighboring highlands, and the forest was disturbed by the busy hum of human life. Forests went down with a rapidity, which, if continued a few years, would entirely disrobe the land of its primeval covering. Wild animals became fewer and fewer, and soon none but stragglers remained. Those who were depend- ent on the products of the chase for subsistence were compelled to abandon the township, and depart for homes farther westward. Roads were laid out and cleared, that, in after years, were to be pressed by the feet of distant de- scendants of those who first worked them. The years rolled slowl}- by, fraught with mingled pleasures and privations. Malinda Wolcott, daughter of Alfred Wol- cott, is said to have been the first white female child born in the township. Her birth occurred April 14, 1807; she married Sherman Oviatt, and lived for many years in Hudson. The first male child born was Andrew J., son of James Stanford, his birth occurring March 27, 1806; and Alexander I., his l)rother, was born Ma}' 21, 1807 It had been generally thought that Henry Post, Jr., whose birth occurred April 8, 1809, was the first white male child born in Boston, but this is a mistake, as shown b}- the dates. Mary Ann Post was the first one to die in the township ; her death occur- ring June 9, 1808. Henr}^ Post raised the first crop of wheat in the township; this was in 1807. On July 29, 1812, William Carter and Elizabeth Ma3^s were united in marriage, it being the first. Soon afterward, during the same year, Israel Ozmun, of Boston, was married to Susan Mallet, daughter of John Mallet, of Richfield. Abner Robinson was what was known in early years as " a poet." He could compose " poetry" on all occasions and subjects, and took special delight in immortalizing any wrong doing, in verse. Two of his neighbors were guilty of stealing hogs ; and this fact, coming to the public ear, induced some young men to hang a hog's skin at the door of one of the men, and a hog's head, with eyes protruding, at that of the other ; whereupon Robinson evolved the fol- lowing : "There is a man on Furnace Run, Who keeps a dog, but not a gun. In hunting hogs he takes great pride, He lives by the sign of 'the hog's hide.' "Another neighbor lives close bj^ And has the sign of ' the pig's eye.' ' Hog's hide ' to ' pig's eye ' thus did say ; 'We will steal hogs while others pray.' " On another occasion, in a trial before Justice Chaffee, when Judge Bliss was opposing coun- sel to Abner, the latter gave the following im- promptu adverse decision : "My name is Billings Chaffee, In Boston I do dwell — There's not a neighbor in the town, But wishes me in hell. " They say that I am partial, And all such stuff as this. That I've no judgment of vay own. But follow that of Bliss." On yet another occasion, when Jacob Morter, whose reputation for honesty was on the wane, asked Abner Robinson and Robert Mays, the "poet," of Richfield, to compose some verses on the occasion of his presentation to them of a gallon of metheglin, they responded as follows: "Abner Robinson and Rob Mays Are truly worth}' of groat praise ; For what a neiglibor does that's wrong, Like two d— d tools, they'll tell in song. "Thus, Jacob Morter, it is said. Steals all the corn that makes his bread ; And while his noiglibors are asleep, He prowls about and steals their sheep," Tv* 538 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY, Morter paid the gallon of metheglin, which was relished by " the poets " far better than the former relished the " poetry."* Boston was for many years notorious on ac- count of a band of counterfeiters who made the deep, inaccessible gullies and ravines of the township their headquarters. Not only was silver coin counterfeited, but State bank notes, especially those of Indiana, were turned out by the bushel. Some of the most influential citi- zens of the township were induced to engage in the unlawful business, and it is even stated that a certain aspect of respectibility was con- ceded to this occupation. In 1832, the coun- terfeiting reached the zenith of its power and circulation, and at that period is said to have been "the most extensive banking establish- ment in Ohio, if not in the Union." There were branch offices or " banks," in Cleveland, in Rising Sun, Ind., in Vermont and in other sec- tions of country-. Coins of some heavy mate- rial were first manufactured and then covered with a thin film of silver ; or the coin was first prepared in plates and then stamped with a die of the denomination of money desired. Some of the dies used are now at the county seat. So successful were the counterfeiters in manufacturing and passing their money, that they contemplated visiting the Old World and even China, where they expected to exchange their money for the products of those countries. These products they expected to ship to dis- tant points to be sold. Their anticipations, how- ever, were doomed to encounter reverses and rebuffs. They proceeded as far as New Orleans, where they were detected and arrested. One of the men died in prison in the latter city ; an - other escaped, and, like the Wandering Jew, began an unending pilgrimage on the earth ; another was tried by the United States Court and sent to the penitentiary for ten years, but was pardoned by President Taylor. The last- mentioned offender was a resident of Boston and was one of its most intelligent and influen- tial citizens. Several of his descendants are yet living in the county, and are highly moral and upright people. Another one of the of- fenders died in the Ohio Penitentiary in 1838. Still another was sent to the same place from Liverpool Township, Medina County. He also died there. Others were prosecuted in differ- *From Historical Keminiscences of Summit Coun'.v by Gen. L. V. Bierce. ent parts of the State, many of whom suffered the extreme penalty of the law. The gang was at last broken up and it members scattered over the countr}- to repent at leisure for their misdeeds. It is stated that some of the most honored men in the county and in Cleveland were so connected with the unlawful business as to share its profits without incurring any of its liabilities. For many years after the gang was broken up, dies, counterfeit mone}', and various implements used in the manufacture were found in the ravines, and even in the houses of some of the citizens. There was scarcely a res- ident of the township who was not tempted to pass the coin and bills. On one occasion, a man with a valise came to Mr. Wait, now living in the northern part of Northampton, and asked him if he would purchase counterfeit bills on the State Bank of Indiana, at the same time opening his valise and showing it packed full of those bills. He offered them for sale at 25 cents on the dollar ; but Mr. Wait informed him that he had come to the wrong man, and the fellow departed to try his scheme on some other per- son. About twenty-five years ago, when a house belonging to one of the most respected citizens was torn down, a small leather bag filled with counterfeit coin in dollars and half- dollar pieces, amounting to more than a hun- dred dollars, was found concealed under the edge of the roof In the eastern part of the township are numerous sandstone ledges, which arise from the surrounding level in various forms and positions. Several deep, dark clefts or caverns are thus formed, and it is said that in these caves the counterfeiters were wont to ply their violations of the law. Evidences of their fires there are yet to be seen, and a few iron implements, evidently used in counterfeiting, were found a number of years ago. A great many other intei'esting incidents might be nar- rated, if lack of space did not prevent. It is said that, as late as 1860, an old orchard which had been planted by the French or Indi- ans was yet standing near Boston village. The trees were quite large, and were bearing when the white settlers first came to the township. How long they had been planted is not known. Of course, the fruit was none of our grafted and improved varieties, but was no doubt produced from seed obtained at some of the frontier settlements. This was the oldest orch- ard in the county. ^ — BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 539 The settlers, when they first came in, usually drove a few head of cattle, hogs, and, perhaps, sheep ; but the latter were found too tender to withstand the trials brought upon them by a home in the wilderness, and usually' died — those that did not furnish a repast for the wolves and bears. A team of horses was usu- ally brought, although many a settler came to the forests of Ohio with nothing save his rifle and his ax. When Abial Hove}' appeared in the township he had no horse, and was told that he could have one by purchase from Will- iam Beers. But Mr. Hovey told Mr. Beers that buying the horse was impossible without money. " You may clear land for me and thus pay for the horse," replied Beers. " But I have no time," responded Hovey. "Make a 'bee,' and get your neighbors to help you,' suggested Beers. This seemed feasible and to the point, and Hove}' at last consented. The day appointed for the " bee " came and went, and tlie land was cleared, and the hoi'se paid for. Some time afterward, when Messrs. Beers and Hovey, whose land adjoined, were fixing the line between their farms, the land as above cleared was found to hdong to Hovey. The two men stood looking blankl}- at one another for about a minute. The silence was at last broken by Beers, who quietly remarked to Hovev, " Let's take a drink." All controversy or dis- pute was prevented by the " devil-may-care "' influences of King Alcohol. How diflferent would be the course pursued to-day ! A knock- down would be very likely to occur, followed b}^ law-suits which would swamp horse and land, and create everlasting enmit}'. In after years, William Beers was a great friend of the escaping slave, and assisted many of them in reaching Canada. One named Lewis Boler came from Kentucky, and not fearing pursuit hired out to Beers, with whom he remained a year or more. Finally, his master appeai-ed, but meeting with decided rebuffs from Beers, he resorted to the plan of coaxing his slave to return with him to Kentuck}'. But the wily slave could not be deceived by promises, and was, in consequence, a few nights afterward, forcibh' and secretly taken and hurried toward his former home in the " Sunn}' South." Mr. Beers, upon learning of the act, summoned a few neighbors, and together they pursued the master, and despite his protests returned to Boston with Boler. The latter was told to push for Canada, which he accordingly did, arriving there in safety. Another escaping slave named Sandy came to Beers and obtained employment. His master came on and made all sorts of promises to induce him to return to the South, offering to make a " boss " or over- seer of him, and to make him a present of a dog and a beautiful white pony. Sandy could not resist all these offerings, and returned with his master. \ In 1824, a dreadful fever (probably typhoid) visited the country along the Cuyahoga River, and swept off about a score of old settlers — • those who had reached advanced ages and whose physical vitality was on the wane. With the exception of a few cases of this kind, the township has ever enjoyed good health. In the year 1830, there were living in Boston five persons of about one hundred years of age. These were Henry Brown, Andrew Johnson, Thomas Brannan, Eleazer Gillson and Eleazer Mather, the first three being Irishmen. Brown died at the age of one hundred and three years. In early years, there was raised an oc- casional crop of what was known as '' sick wheat.'' Animals that ate the grain in quan- tity died, and persons, upon eating a small quantity, were taken with violent vomiting and made deathly sick. No one is remembered to have died from this cause. Four or five cheese-factories have been in operation since comparatively early times. One is now owned h\ Mr. Straight, of Hudson, and, during the summer season, twenty-five or thirty cheeses, of about twenty pounds' weight each, are manufactured daily and shipped to Cleveland and other points. The building now occupied by Alanson Swan at ■• Johnnycake," or Everett, was built by Henry Iddings before 1820, and was the first in the village. Mr. Swan bought the Iddings property soon after the opening of the Ohio Canal. Mr. Swan's farm was n.creased until he owned 500 acres, including the land upon which the village now stands. The second building in the village was a store, erected l)y Swan & Smith in about 1885, into which about $500 worth of groceries, dry goods and notions were placed. The stock was selected with a view to the demand on the canal at that point. Smith sold out to Swan in about a year later, and the latter conducted the business alone for a few years, and then sold to other parties. J> ■ 540 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. David Baxter & Son owned this store for a number of years, as did also Ansel Hardy, L. J. Mix, Mr. Richardson, Henry Monroe and oth- ers. Swan also repurchased the property and sold it again two or three times. The stock was increased until it was worth probabl}' $2,000. Elihu Chilson opened a small store on land belonging to the State, near the canal lock, as early as 1838, but this never amounted to' much. In 1842, Mr. Swan erected a warehouse on the canal in the village, and be- gan buying corn, oats, hay, etc., to be fed to the horses and mules used in drawing the canal-boats and packets. A large stable, or barn, was erected, where the canal horses were fed and groomed. The packet company failed, and, in consequence, Mr. Swan lost several hundred dollars. The creditors of the com- pany at the village attached the packet horses, but Mr. Swan i-efused to do this, and, in conse- quence, lost what was due him. When it is remembered that nearly three hundred horses were fed by Mr. Swan, it will be seen that the business undertaken was on an extensive plan. Alexander Stewart bought the greater share of the Swan property about ten years ago, though the latter yet retains the old homestead, and lives there at an advanced age. Before com- ing to the State, Mr. Swan was licensed to preach by the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, ever since living in the township, he has been identified with religious and moral im- provement and growth. He deeded all his property except the homestead to his children, and can now sorrowfully say with King Lear : "You heavens, give me that patience I need ! You see me here, yoii gods, a poor old man. As full of grief as age ; wretched in both ! If it be you that stir these children's hearts Against their father, fool me not so much To bear it tamely ; touch me with noble anger ! ***** You think I'll weep ; No, I'll not weep ; — I have full cause of weeping ; but this heart Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws. Or ere I'll weep — O fool, I shall go mad, ******* How sharper than a serpent's tootli it is To have a thankless child — away, away ! " The village has been called " Johnnycake '" since 1828. In the spring of that year, a flood in Furnace Ilun swept into the canal and stopped navigation, and the crews and passen- gers were compelled to live, water-bound, as best they could. They were at last reduced to johnnycake, which constituted their diet for a number of da^'s. It has even been asserted that one baking of johnnycake early in the morning furnished the ravenous passengers with their only warm daily meal. The cake was warmed up for dinner and served cold for supper. However, there are probably some mistakes in these early traditions. Since the advent of the railroad, the village has somewhat revived. Its present name was bestowed upon it in honor of an officer of the road. It was also at one time called Union- ville. Evidences of oil appearing near the vil- lage in 1865, several members of Cleveland and New York oil companies appeared, leased the land where the oil was discovered, and began boring for oil. The laud was leased upon the conditions that the owner was to have from one-fourth to three-fourths of the oil produced. The terms of the contract were much more sat- isfactory and promising than the quantity of oil obtained. Oil was found in very small quantities. On a small creek near the sand- stone ledges, Norton & Ta^'lor began manu- facturing salt at an early day. The brine was taken and evaporated in several large kettles, and the salt found a ready sale at an advanced price. On one occasion, a barrel of salt was exchanged for a good cow. Abial Hovey was also connected with the salt works, as were several others ; but the quantity of salt capa- ble of being produced was limited, and, as the works proved unprofitable, the manufacture was discontinued. Probably the first building in Peninsula village was a log structure built on the east side of the river, near where Abel Thompson re- sides, by Alonzo Dee, in about 1818. Not far from the same time, John Robinson, James Brannan and one or two others built at or near Peninsula. Brannan was located a half- mile west of the village proper ; though, owing to the fact that the corporation includes some 2,000 acres, the builtling was really within its limits. Other houses were added ; and very likely during the building of the Ohio Canal, a tavern and one or more stores were located, at least temporarily, in the village. However, Peninsula had its real beginning when Hermon Bronson came to the township in 1824. In about the year 1833, J. M. Adams was conducting a general store, on the west ^ BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 541 side of the river. James Fielding was also there about the same time, with $1,000 worth of goods. Charles Curtis began about 1838 or 1840. He owned a good store, and made money. It was discovered that the way he got rich was by selling " 0-P" goods (those costing 45 cents) for $1. He evidently was not resid- ing in the village merely for his health. He began with some $2,000 worth of goods, and verj' soon succeeded in doubling his capital. William Haskell opened a store with a stock valued at $2,000, not far from 1843. Fielding sold out and left in 1836. Curtis continued until 1849, when he sold to Wood, Cole & Co. These men are yet in business in the village, though the partnership was dissolved many years since. Mr._ Cole died, but his sons succeeded him in the business. In 1838 or 1840, Adams died, and his goods were closed out. Merrill Boody began with a general store in about 1858, and continued until about three or four years ago. Others have sold goods in Peninsula at different times, though those men- tioned are the principal ones. There are at present three groceries, two hardware stores, two dry goods stores, two tin-shops, a barber- shop, a meat market, a harness-shop, and several shops the nature of which is difficult to ascertain. Hermon Bronson, two years after reaching Peninsula, built a warehouse about thirt3^-five feet square and two stories in height, and began buying pork, cheese, lard, butter and grain, which were shipped by boat to Cleve- land. This was continued until 1835, when Mr. Bronson sold out to Janes & Thompson, who, at the expiration of five years, retired, leaving the warehouse business in the hands of Charles Curtis and Wood, Cole & Co. The village has had for many years a brisk traffic in coal, timber, stone, etc. In the year 1826, Herman Bronson built a saw- mill on Slippery Rock Run, a small stream which empties into the river at the village. The mill was a rough frame structure, located on a short race fed by water from a dam a few rods above the mill. The capacity of the mill was about two thou- sand feet per day. It was operated some four years, and then the machinery was removed to a building erected on the river in the village. At this point Bronson and Dee built a log dam across the river, which is yet standing, though it has been rebuilt and re-adjusted several times since. The mill was built over the edge of the dam. It was operated by Mr. Bronson until 1835, when it was purchased by Janes & Thompson, who, in 1843, sold to Mr. Holcomb, and he, a few years later, to William Wetmore. This mill was located on the west side of the river. But at the time of its erection Alonzo Dee, who had an interest in the dam. also built a saw-mill on the east side, and continued Operating it some four j-ears, when it was claimed by Mr. Haskell, who had purchased the land upon which the mill stood. Dee had built his mill on land owned by Mr. Ely, one of the origina' proprietors of that portion of the township east of the river, and when the land was purchased by Has- kell, all the fixtures and appurtenances thereof came into the ownership of the latter. Dee, however, received his pay for the mill, which remained in the possession of the Has- kell family until about ten years ago. It is now owned by Otis Fitts. The river makes a wide detour at the village, and comes back to within fifty feet from where it started. A fall of about eight feet is thus created at the neck of the peninsula, which was taken advantage of by Mr. Bronson, who, in 1832, tunneled through about fifty-two feet, and built a grist-mill which is yet in operation. A first class natural water- power is thus secured, which is very valuable, in view of the fact that the dams along the river require constant watching and a vast amount of labor to prevent being washed away. In 1849, the mill came into the ownership of H. V. Bronson, a son of the Bronson already mentioned, who operated it until 1863, when the mill and dam site were sold to Pomeroy & Fisher. This firm sold out at the expiration of three years, and the property has been owned by several parties since. The mill saw its best days under the control and ownership of Her- man Bronson. Not only was a large custom work done, but considerable flour was shipped by canal to Cleveland. The merchant work was most extensive about 1840. In 1837, Her- man Bronson secured the services of a sur- veyor, and laid off seventy-one lots on the west side of the river, and mimed the village thus started " Peninsula," after the natural bend in the river already referred to. A plat of the village was recorded at the county seat. In 1866, Mr. Bronson made an addition of many lots, which was also recorded. Mr. Haskell also laid off a number of lots on the east side, '>" 542 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. but this addition was not properly recorded. No otlier man has done so much to build up Peninsula, and people it with intelligent, moral and enterprising citizens, as Herman Bronson. He was its founder, and was tlie first to introduce moral and religious tactics among tlie vicious and unlawful practices of the canal- boat men. He gave freely of his land and means to religious and educational purposes*. More will be said of him in the proper con- nection. Alonzo Dee built a small distillery at Penin- sula in about 1833, in which was placed a small still, where a limited quantity of whisk}' was manufactured. The liquor was consumed about as fast as it was made. This would impl}' that it was a superior article. The still was re- moved at the end of some two years. The village was incorporated some twenty years ago for school purposes, and now has an area of about 2,000 acres, with a population of some 600. Peninsula is the most important village on the Valley Railroad, in Summit County, north of Akron. It has been the leading place for canal-boat building, there having been from one to thirty boats built per annum, since the canal was first navigated. James A. Garfield, the President-elect, often stopped at Peninsula while working on the canal. It is said that he was so apt and bright, that the Captain of the boat upon which the bo}' worked remarked that he was too smart to be working upon the canal, and should seek some other employment. Within the limits of Peninsula are inexhausti- ble beds of the finest sandstone. Tlie stone belongs to the same stratum as the Berea grit, and is superior to the latter in point of dura- bility. Stone, at the rate of about a canal-boat load per day. is being taken out of these quar- ries, which are situated on the summit of steep bluffs, which border the river and canal. A large amount of labor is thus avoided in load- ing the stone on the boats. Another valuable property of the stone is, its capability of be- ing divided into slabs, varying in thickness from a few inches to man}- feet. The first building in the village of Boston was erected in 1820, and was a frame dwelling house. The following year, a saw-mill and grist-mill were erected on a dam that was built across the river, on the site of the village. Watrous Mather built the dwelling and the saw-mill, while Talmon Bronson Iniilt the grist- mill. Mather put up a two-story frame dwell- ing in 1824, and. two years later, Mr. Bronson also built one. Abram Holmes came to the village in 182G. Mather built a large ware- house in 1828, as did also Mr. Holmes two or three years later. In 1826, Brown & Ta3'lor built a storeroom, and placed therein about $1,500 worth of goods, which were sold to Mather in 1828. Brown then moved the store across both the river and the canal to the east side, where it was fitted up for a tavern, of which he was landlord for many years. While standing in the door of his tavern one day, he was struck by lightning and knocked about a rod into the yard. His clothing was torn into shreds ; his boots were literally torn into a hun- dred pieces and carried several rods away, and the man was rendered insensible b}' the shock. He had a remarkable physical development, and was a noted wrestler for miles around. Few men could throw him down. He is said to have irreverently remarked, after he recov- ered from the lightning stroke, " No man ever threw me so quick as Grod x\lmighty did." William T. Mather sold goods from a stock valued at $1,000, beginning in 1830. In 1835, he sold out to the Boston Land & Manufactur- ing Compau}'. This company purchased the mills and warehouse, but, failing in 1838, the property fell into other hands — that which was not closed permanentl}'. Benjamin Morse brought in a few goods at an early day. Wat- rous Mather, after opei'ating his saw-mill a number of years, tore it down and built a bet- ter one across the river, on the east side. It fell into the hands of the company, in 1836. When the company failed, William Smith be- came owner of the grist-mill. J. D. Edson bought it in 18-18. It was considered a good mill. The village of Boston, in early 3'ears, gave great promise, but its subsequent history is unattractive. William McBride operated a saw-mill for three years, beginning in 183-1, about a mile down the river from Boston Vil- lage. The canal destroyed his water privilege, and he was obliged to stop. Dr. Eleazer Mather was the first physician in the village, coming as early as 1822. A Mr. Fursons built a distiller}' at Boston at an earl}' day. It was furnished with one large still, and during its most rapid workings could turn out about three barrels of whisky per day. It was conducted some twelve or fifteen years. Alonzo Dee, n^ BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 543 also, was connected in early years with the manufacture of liquor at Boston Village. So far as can be learned, the first school in the township was taught during the summer of 1811, by Miss Lois Ann Gear, a young lady whose pai'ents, a number of 3^ears befoi'e, had been murdered by the Indians at Upper Sandusky. She was alone in the world and almost friend- less, and her proposition to teach a term of school in an old log building, erected by James Stanford within five rods of the present resi dence of his son George, was accepted, and the house rudely fitted up for the accommodation of teacher and pupils. She received as com- pensation for her labors seventy-Jive cents per week, and " boarded 'round." Where is the teacher who would teach at the present day for less than seventy-five cents per day? And yet, it is highly probable, that Miss Gear saved almost, or quite, all she earned. Her board was evidentl}- the principal consideration ; and what a feast of it she must have had ! Was she to be envied even in this respect ? She taught six months during the warm months, and after that no term is remembered to have been taught again until 1816, when a log schoolhouse was erected by the neighborhood about thirty rods north of the residence of Mr. Stanford, and a term of three months was taught therein by Alfred Wolcott, the first settler in Boston. Wolcott, the survej^or of the township, was well educated, and no doubt taught an inter- esting and instructive term of school. This was the first genuine schoolhouse in the town- ship, and was used every winter until about 1820, when a schoolhouse was built at Boston village, and the old house was deserted. In 1826, the house at Boston was too much to one side of the settlement to aflford satisfaction, and the greater number of the children were sent to Brandywine, which left the old house at the the village so nearly deserted that no teacher was employed there for a number of years, and the building was left vacant. In about the 3'ear 1836, a frame schoolhouse was built at Boston Village, which was used continuously until the erection of the present brick building, a short time before the late war. In the north- eastern part of Boston, in the Wolcott neigh- borhood, a school was taught as earlj' as 1813, and perhaps 1812. Mr. Wolcott is said to have been the teacher, and in the absence of any data to the contrary, he will be accorded the honor. The school was taught in a building that had been used a few years as a dwelling ; but which, becoming no longer comfortable or attractive, was thought ample and suitably adapted for school purposes, and was accord- ingly devoted to that use. A few years later, a log schoolhouse was built, and this has been succeeded by two or three other school build- ings, each of which has been a better building than the one before it. School was first taught in the southeast pai't in about 1820, but noth- ing of importance can be learned regarding this school. It is probable that school was taught at Everett as early as 1825. No facts to sup- port this, however, can be given. School was taught in about 1830, in a small log building near the residence of Mr. Swan. The first teacher is unknown, but among the first were Miss Gillett and Hector Osborn. A few years later, an acre of land was deeded by Mr. Swan to the school district for school purposes, and upon this a small frame school-building was erected in about the year 1838. The building was replaced by the present one a few years ago. A schoolhouse, located across the river from Everett and about half a mile further down the stream, was built in 1818. Squire Greenman was the first teacher, who received his pay by subscription. The house was built of logs by the neighborhood, and was used about seven years, when the children were either sent to Everett or to the " Holcomb School," in northwest Northampton, probably the latter. In 1829, school was held at Penin- sula, in a log house that had been used for a dwelling. Probably this was not the first. The teacher, in 1829, was Miss Rhoda Payne, who was paid by private subscription, and whose weekly (or perhaps weakly) recompense was $1. Her school comprised some dozen backwoods children. For a number of years, the east and the west sides had a common school, but after man}' years it was found best to divide the dis- trict, the river being the line, and since that period the village has had two schools, both of which are well attended and prosperous. A young man named Homer Warner was the first teacher on the west side. He received S13 per month and boarded round. The east side schoolhouse, which is built of stone, was erect- ed in about 1857. It is a two-storied building, the upper story being used as a town hall. The west side house is a frame building. A few a) W -W^ 544 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. years before the last war, the citizeus of Penin- sula became dissatisfied with the character of their village school, as compared with the amount of school tax they were called upon to pay. There were six or seven scliool districts in the township, and the one at the village was called upon to pay from a fourth to a half of the school fund raised per annum. Other con- siderations growing out of this state of things ' vexed the citizens for a number of years, until at last they concluded to incorporate the entire school district in the village of Peninsula, which was accordingly done. This altered state of affairs gave greater satisfaction, as the surplus of school tax raised could be applied to the vil- lage schools, and not to those in distant parts of the township. Since the village has been called upon, however, to support two schools, it is difficult to see what has been gained b}' the incorporation of the whole school district. The township was divided into six school districts in 1826, and three years later these were materi- ally altered. Numerous alterations have been made since. It is extremely difficult to tell with accuracy where the different church societies of Boston wei'e first organized, or under what condition of circumstances. Many of the settlers were religious, havinsr belonged to some church in the East, and did not abandon Christian wor- ship, at least in their families, after their ar- rival in the township. It is also (juite proba- ble that in the earliest da^'S of the settlement, various Christian families assembled at some selected cabin, and even went so far as to semi-organize a religious society, perhaps in different parts of the township. These con- jectures are rendered plausible by the fact that sincere Christian people are disposed to worship God, not only within the pale of civilization, but in the uninhabited and deserted depths of the forest. Religious services were held in the vicinity of Evei'ett soon after the erection of the old log schoolhonse, on the Butler farm, in 1818. But little is known except that occa- sional sei'vices were held here, ver}- likel}', by traveling preachers. When Alanson Swan, ■who had been licensed to preach by a Method- ist Episcopal society, in Connecticut, came to the township in 1834, he immediately united with others in his neighborhood, including por- tions of Bath and Northampton, and organ- ized a religious society, which continued to meet quite regularly in dwellings and school- houses, until it was at length divided by an alteration in the views of a portion of the members. Perhaps a majorit}^ of the mem- bers of this society lived in the two townships already mentioned. After flourishing for a number of years, and attaining a membership of about fift}", a detachment of about half, headed by Mr. Swan, separated from the re- mainder and re-organized at Everett under the name Protestant Methodists. No church was built by this society. Some ten years ago, it was so broken up by various causes, that the United Brethren came in and organized a so- ciety out of the fragments and out of new ma- terial. This is the ruling society at present. As earlj' as 1824, Herman Bronson, who was an Episcopalian, began holding religious serv- ices at his cabin in Peninsula. His few neigh- bors were invited to lend their encouragement and support in assisting to build up a strong, permanent religious society in the neighbor- hood. It is probable, however, that no so- ciety of this denomination was organized un- til about 1837. Some four years later, a small church was built, almost wholly at the cost of Mr. Bronson. This church is yet used. Mr. Bronson was clearly its founder and patron, and did more to sustain it than any other man. He deeded the lot upon which it stands to the society, and also gave a fine lot for a cemetery and one for a public school- house. The church cost something like $1,000. At the death of Mr. Bronson, he willed to the church he had founded a sufficient fund to af- ford about $325 per annum, to be used in de- fra3'ing the expense of employing a minister. This permanent fund has undoubtedly sus- tained the society from falling into decay at numerous periods of its existence. Some of the members of this church have been Herman Bronson, Daniel F. Bachelor, Hezekiah Bell, James Morrell John Fairweather, Thomas Mc- Carday, Jacob Barnhart, Nisbett Wood, W. H. Payne, Asa Kimball, Harry Janes, and most of their families. Abraham Bronson was the first minister in charge of the society ; and was paid a few hundred dollars for his services. A Con- gregational Society- was organized at the vil- lage about the same time that the Episcopalians began. Their meetings were held in school- houses and dwellings at first ; and sometimes the use of the Episcopal Church was tendered ^'^ *"^ / #1 /■^^^^^K^^ 0/r7^^^^??w 548 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. came in about 1811 ; there were Thomas, Jacob, George, James and Caleb, who were all brothers. Thomas fitted out a flat-boat at Massillon, loaded it, and started for the Crescent City via the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Rivers, to the Ohio. He arrived safely at Natchez, Miss., with his boat, but was there taken sick and died. Dr. Smith, of Akron, is his son. Jacob Smith was a hatter, and used to follow his trade in Spring- field. Deacon Mc Wright came in about 1809- 10, and was one of the original members of the Presbyterian Church. The EUets were early settlers, and comprise quite a large family. The old gentleman of all was a Revolutionary soldier. A Mr. Henderson was an early settler in the extreme south part of the township. Robert Smith, another family of those men- tioned above, came in shortly after Bradley and cleared up the first farm in Springfield. McCor- mic also came the same 3'ear, and settled in the corner of the township. It will thus be seen that Springfield was settled originalh' mostly from Pennsylvania. Peter Norton, who came in quite early, was from Connecticut, and came to Trumbull County, Ohio, at an early day. In 1809, he moved over into Tallmadge, and, four years later, came to Springfield and settled in the woods. He died there in 1822. Two sons are still living — Lester, now eight^'-three years of age, and " Tommy," as everybod}' calls him, who is seventy-five years of age. Geoi'ge Carroll settled near Springfield Lake. It is not known where he came from, but it is supposed he was from German}', as he could speak very little English when he first moved in. He lived and died upon the place of his settlement. John Weston ranks among the early settlers of Springfield. He was considered well off at that early period, because when he came he had a wagon and two yoke of oxen. He stopped with Norton until he got a cabin put up to go in. A son, Francis Weston, is still living on the old homestead, an old man now himself, and near- ly ninety years old. The old gentleman was a Revolutionary soldier, and died at the age of eighty-three. Henry and Charles Chittenden, mentioned as having bought the west side of the township, came from the East (probably from Connecticut) and were early settlers. Pe- ter Rodenbaugh came in about 1815, and Capt. Fulkerson in 1820. Manv others settled with- in the next few j'ears, and soon there was no vacant land left in the township. At tlie time of the organization of Spring- field as a township, it was a part of Trumbull County, as the first records are headed, " At a meeting held in the township of Springfield, count}' of Trumbull and State of Ohio." It then embraced, besides its present territor}', Randolph and Suffleld, in Portage County, and Tallmadge, Portage and Coventr}', in Summit. At the election held on the day of organization, Josiah Ward, of Randolph, was one of the Judges ; John Foster, of Mantua, Clerk ; John Goss (of Randolph), Benjamin Baldwin (of Springfield) and Stephen Upson (of Tallmadge), Trustees. The following is a transcript of the township records, and shows their mode of doing business : " At a meeting of the Trustees, on the first Monday in March, in the year of our Lord 1810, they settled with all and balanced accounts ; Supervisor James McCormic, ex- cepted. Found due from him, $2.40, for which said James gave his note, payable in labor on some county road in Springfield, on or before the 1st da}' of April next, at the rate of 62^ cents per day." On the 13th day of March, Benjamin Baldwin was sworn in as a Justice of the Peace, being the first Justice elected in the township. Robert Baird was probabl}' the next Justice of the Peace in Springfield ; Aus- tin Weston was an early Justice of the Peace, also, in this township. Springfield Township affords some fine mill sites along the Little Cuyahoga and Tuscara- was Rivers, which run through the township, and upon the outlet of Springfield Lake. One branch of the Little Cuyahoga has its source in this lake, and the other in Sufltield Lake which makes the flood of water ver}- uniform. As an example of the fine water-power, the water in the race opposite the Empire House in Akron, is 172 feet below the level of Spring- field Lake, and the latter is nearly 700 feet above the level of Lake Erie. The following incident is related of this beautiful little sheet of water : "In the spring of the year, just be- fore the breaking up of the ice on Springfield Lake, there is often heard a curious, moaning sound that is audible, at times, for miles. The first time it was noticed was in 1813, by James McKnight, while out hunting. He supposed it to be some huge animal, and started with his gun and little bo}' in pursuit. The sound ap- ■71^ 'K* SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP. 549 peared to be near the outlet, at the northeast part of the lake. In crossing the lake on the ice, when near the deepest part, it being ver}'^ dark, he stepped into an ' air-hole ' and went entirely under ; but holding on to his rifle, which reached across the hole, he drew himself out by it and thus saved himself The longest cords that have been tried, or that can be pro- cured, cannot sound the lake in its deepest parts." But to return to the water-power. One of the first mills in Springfield was built by James Brewster, the father of Alexander Brewster, in the extreme south part of the town, and is now known as the Fritts Mill. The next one, perhaps, was McCormic's, at Mog- adore. Clinton also built a mill very early, but it has long since passed away, and another, known as " Gilchrist's Mill," has been built in its place. DeHaven built a mill in 1830, on the Massillon road not far from the " White Grocer}'," on the outlet of Springfield Lake. Another of the earlj' mills was built on the Tuscarawas in the south part of the township. There were mills built in Middlebury very eai'ly which were well patronized by the people of Springfield. Springfield Township is intersected by the Valley Railroad, which enters at the northwest corner and passes out near the center of the south line. While there is no station in the township, it is of great benefit to the people, as Middlebury is within easy reach and has good roads leading to it from all parts of Springfield. There are several hamlets laid down on the map of Springfield, but none of them amount to much in the way of towns. Indeed, they have not even arrived at the dignity of villages. This, perhaps, arises from the fact that other villages and trade-centers sprang up, leaving but little or no necessity for villages in the township. Middlebury, a portion of which is in Springfield, was, at one time, the most im- portant place in Summit County. It com- manded the entire trade on this side of the count}', far beyond the present county limits. The nearest approach to a village in Spring- field, outside of Middlebury, is Mogadore, on the east line of the township, and about as much in Portage County as in Summit. It consists of a few dozen or so of houses, a store or two, shops, several potteries and a couple of churches, and, as we said, is on both sides of the county line. The Disciples and Methodists have churches in the village, though we believe the Methodist Church is over in Portage Coun- ty. The Disciples" Church has been there for a number of years. Alexander Campbell, him- self, was the first to preach that particular doc- trine at Mogadore, and established the church, which has ever since continued. One of the first merchants was Henry Sawyer, who had a small store there many years ago. Several others have had stores since, and Robert Atchi- son has one there at the present time. Thomas- ton is a coal mining place, and consists of a few straggling houses and a post office. It is on the line and mostly in Coventry Township, and is too near the city of Akron to ever amount to anything of a town. North Springfield, or North Center, is another small collection of houses, sometimes honored by the name of vil- lage. It is situated just north of Springfield Lake, and is known as the township center, because Springfield Lake occupies the geo- grapical center, and the only means by which the official center of the township could have been placed in the geographical center, would have been to have it like the city of Mexico, in the midst of a lake. And, in this case, the danger would be that, as the lake is said to be bottomless, the town house might have gone down to China, sometime in the midst of an im- portant township meeting. There is no store at North Center or Springfield, but the place consists of a few houses only, the town house, a pottery and the Presbyterian Church. Mil- heim is a hamlet in the south part of the town, and as regai'ds population and Importance, is on a par with North Center and Thomaston. One of the first coal mines opened in Summit County was opened in Springfield Township, by Abrara DeHaven, in 1808. It cropped out on his land, and was accidentally discovered by him. He mined it there for years, and the coal was hauled away in wagons. About 1842, Philpot leased the mines and built a horse rail- road to them, and thus facilitated the work. These are the only mines that have ever been worked to any extent in the township. A small one is owned by L. Sumner, but has not been worked very extensively. The clay used in the various potteries is of far more importance in Springfield Township than coal mining. There is an almost endless number of potteries in the township, turning ^T 550 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. out annually, it is estimated, not far short of 1,000,000 gallons of manufactured stoneware. As the ela}' is inexhaustible, this is an industry destined to cut a large figure in the history of Springfield. Says Gen. Bierce : " Immense amounts of the cla}' are carried to other States, and even to Canada. In fixing a tariff of duties for Canada, John Bull laid a heav}- duty on stoneware manufactured in the States, but not on cla}'. The enterprising Yankees came it over him b}' carrying the clay to Canada and manufacturing it there." The first of this cla}^ discovered in Springfield was by Fisk. about 1828, who manufactured the first stoneware in Springfield, under the firm of Fisk & Smith. Mr. Fisk discovered the cla}- on a four-acre lot, owned by a man named Cutchel. Fisk & Smith bought it of him and started a potter}-. Since then, almost hundreds of potteries have been established, and the amount of stoneware, sewer-pipe, drain-tile, etc., etc., made each year, is simply immense, and must be passed with this brief notice. The Presbyterians organized the first church in Springfield as early almost as any settle- ments were made. Rev. Thomas Beer was the first preacher, and was of the most unadulter- ated old school, believing in all the strict ten- ets of that strict sect. As an old gentleman informed us, he " believed in fore-ordination, predestination and infant damnation.' A church was built by them at North Center about the year 1812. This building was burned and another erected, which lasted some time, when the present one was erected. The last one is said to have been built in 1828, and hence is a rather old church building. Rev. Beer was the first Pastor, and was followed some years later by Rev. Benjamin Peini. Other earl}' ministers, who preached in this old church, were Revs. Lathrop, Merriman, Han- ford, Sheldon, etc. The membership has de- creased within the last decade by death and removals, but the church is still prosperous. A Methodist Church was built at North Center about the year 1831, but it did not last long, and was finally torn down and moved away. A post office was established in the southeast corner of the township about the year 1818, with Benjamin Baldwin as Postmaster. He was a Whig in politics, but kept the office for many years through Democratic administra- tions as well as Whig. Samuel Ellet was the next Postmaster in Springfield, and kept the ofiSce at his residence on the Canton road, about ten miles from Middlebury. It was established in 1835. The first white child born in Springfield Township was Jane Hall, a daughter of Robert Hall, born in 1 809, who, when grown, was married, and removed to Indiana. The first marriage was John Hall, a son of Robert Hall, to Margaret Blair. The marriage took place in 1810, and afterward they removed to Huron County, where they both died. The first death recorded in the township was Robert Hall, in 1808, who died from the effects of bursting of a blood-vessel, and was buried in the cemetery northeast of Middlebury. Samuel Hinson was another of the early deaths, and died from the effects of a fall from his horse, which ran away with him. The first school taught in Springfield was in a little log cabin, which stood near Cass' camp- ing ground. It was taught in the winter of 1812, by Reuben Upson, and was on the sub- scription and " board-around" plan. Here, in this little log structure, " skilled to rule. Master Upson taught his little school ; A man severe he was, and stern to view," as every truant and culprit soon learned to know to their sorrow. The next school was taught by a Mr. Briggs, in the Vallandingham Schoolhouse. This was followed by one taught by Jesse Hall, which was in what was known as the Virginia Schoolhouse. Austin Weston was the next teacher, and wielded the ferule in the Sheep Schoolhouse. This schoolhouse was called after a family- who settled in the neighborhood very earl}-, named Sheep. They finally grew tired of being considered Kheejnsh, and had their names changed by legislative act to Morton, a cognomen that their neighbors soon perverted into Mutton. Benjamin Meachem followed Weston as the next teacher, and taught in the McGrew Schoolhouse ; next came Will- iam L. Clark, whose widow has died in Akron since this work (1881) has been in the course of preparation. He was followed by Robert Baird, who taught in the Metlin Schoolhouse ; and Baird was followed by Henry Westfall, who taught in the Dunbar Schoolhouse. Sam- uel Ellet next taught in the Ellet Schoolhouse, and after him P. C. McDonald, in the Roden- ihL^ SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP. 551 baugh Schoolhouse. This comprises the earl}' schools of Springfield, and brings the educa- tional history of the township down within the period of the free school system. Springfield now has some six schoolhouses, all of which are good, comfortable brick buildings, well furnished and appointed, in which schools are taught by competent teachei's during the requi- site terms each year. For years after the first white people settled in Springfield, their highways of travel were blazed paths through the forest. The |irst road laid out was that leading from Canton to Middle- bury, known as the " Canton and Middlebury road." The next, perhaps, was the Middleburj' and Kendall road. These were followed by oth- ers, mostly centering in Middlebury, then a place of much importance. The first mails were brought to the post oflfice at Baldwin's, on horseback, along a blazed path through the woods, from Canton to Middlebury and back again. This road afterward^ became a some- what noted thoroughfare, and was a stage route between Cleveland and Canton. John C. Hart, of Middlebury, ran a line of stages over this route for a number of ^ears. Originall}', as we have stated,, Randolph, Suf- field, Springfield and Tallmadge comprised a single township. This was the case in 1812, and, under the old militia law of that period, all able-bodied men between eighteen and forty- five years of age, were compelled to drill on certain days of each year. The township above-mentioned was a military district, and formed a militia company, of which Bailey Hubbard was Captain ; Ariel Bradley Lieuten- ant, and Aaron Weston, Ensign. Weston was also Ensign of the company of volunteers from this section, under Capt. John Campbell, who were surrendered by Gen. Hull at Detroit, in the opening period of the war of 1812. When John Bull, in 1812, unchained his hungry lion upon the United States, there was considerable population in this section of Ohio. In Springfield Township there had settled quite a number of families. Gen. Bierce thus tells the war news of that period : " After Hull's surrender, a draft was made, and eight were taken fi'om Springfield — Joseph D. Baird, John Hall, Timothy Holcomb, Alexander Hall, James Baird, Lee Moore, Nathaniel DeHaven, and Mar- tin Willis, who went as a substitute. They be- longed to the company commanded by Capt. Lusk, of Hudson; Lieut. Holcomb, of Hudson, resigned to John Caris, of Rootstown, who was Second Lieutenant ; Hiram King, formerly' of Middlebury, was Ensign. The}' belonged to the regiment commanded by Col. Rayen, of Youngstown, in the brigade of Gen. Simon Perkins. Joseph D. Baird, Timoth}' Holcomb, Nathaniel DeHaven and Lee Moore are yet liv- ing.* John Hall died in Huron Coimty, and Alexander Hall died at Camp Huron ; James Baird died at La Grange, Ind.; and Martin Willis died on his way home at Tinker's Creek. On the return of the wreck of Hull's armj', after his surrender at Detroit, the ' Ohio volun- teers,' under Cols. Cass and McArthur, passed through Springfield, and encamped on the banks of the river near the south end of the bridge, at ' Clinton's Mill.' Samuel EUet, the father of John and Jehu Ellet, who then lived where Jehu Ellet now does, measured off half an acre of green corn and tui-ned it out to the soldiers, who picked and roasted it for their suppers. The following year, Maj. Croghan, when going to the lines with his command, en- camped on the same ground. At that time, Dr. Joseph DeWolf. of Ravenna, was the onl}- practicing ph3'sician, except Dr. Ashmun, of Hudson, between Cleveland and Canfield. De- Wolf being a Democrat and a strong supporter of the war, could do no less than attend on the the sick and wounded soldiers as the}' were re- turning from what was worse than sickness, Hull's disgraceful surrender. He rode night and day, performing that unpaid oflBce of hu- manity. The poor soldiers owe him a debt of gratitude, and his countr}' ought to compensate him. Man}' a political brawler has received thousands of dollars for far less meritorious service than that performed by Dr. DeWolf in receiving the sick of the ' Ohio volunteers.' Whatever may become of the pecuniary ob- ligation of this Government to him, let not the gratitude be canceled by the statute of limit- ation. " After the surrender of Hull, a press was made for horses for the use of the Govern- ment. David Preston, of Tallmadge, and oth- ers, were in the employ of the United States collecting horses in Springfield. The Rev. Mr. Beers, of Springfield, had five horses when the * The abovp extract from Gen. Bierce wag written in 1H54 ; all of the squad there mentioned have fought their last battle, and are now at rest. — [Ed. 'Hi TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 553 kins, of Warren, being at the time agent for the proprietors, had a survey made of Town 2, Range 10, into lots a mile square, making a total of twent^'-five lots, No. 1 being at north- west corner of the township. Caleb Palmer made this survey in 1803, and it was on this survey that the Brace Company, Starr and Tallmadge, made the partition of their land in May of the same year. The Brace Company were Jonathan Brace, Roger Newberry, Justin Ely, Elijah White and Enoch Perkins. In this partition the Brace Company received 6,105^'^^ acres l3'ing on the west side of the township. Ephraim Starr received 3,493,^3 acres, being a strip one mile wide through the center of the township, from the north to the south line, and Lot 24, east of Lot 23, on the south line. Col. Tallmadge received about 5,611 acres, lying on the east side of the township. The first sale of land to individuals was to John and Selah Payne, and Jotham Blakslee, of Kent, Conn., by Eph- raim Starr and Hannah, his wife ; the deeds were dated June 28, 1805. John Payne and Elizabeth Payne, his wife, conveyed to Col. Benj. Tallmadge 884 acres of land for $1,026, the deed to which was dated August 19, 1806. These deeds may be found among the land records of Trumbull County. Rev. David Bacon made a contract July 12, 1806, with Ephraim Starr, and soon after with Col. Tallmadge, also with the Brace Compan}' (for part of their lands), to become their agent for the sale of their lands in Town 2, Range 10. Mr. Bacon established himself with his family in Hudson until read}' to commence operations. His first step was a re-survey of the township. Seth I. Ensign was employed to make the sur- vey on a plan devised by Mr. Bacon, which was to survey into great lots or tracts one and a fourth miles square, and the lines running to the four cardinal points of the compass to be roads, and then diagonal roads crossing at the center and terminating at or near the cor- ner of the township. The public square or green of seven and one-half acres as a parade ground for the militia on training days, and on which the meeting house and the academy were to stand, occupied the center of the town. This square was surrounded by the store, the tavern, the mechanics' shops, dwelling houses, etc., and from it eight roads diverged, so that all residents of the townships had a road to come to meeting on the Sabbath Day. This showed Mr. Bacon's foresight, thus placing every lot or subdivision on a road, which has had a ten- dency to prevent much contention about roads, that some of the neighboring townships have been subjected to. Mr. Ensign made this sur- vey in November, 1806. His assistants as far as known were Justus Sackett and Salmon Weston, of Wan-en, Conn., and a man named Singletar3\ William Prior says : " I carried their provisions to them on a mule from North- ampton Mills to their camp. They found the noi'thwest corner of the township, then run east two and a half miles, then south two and a half miles, where they set the center stake, and turned their attention to a camping-place. They chose a spot about a fourth of a mile southwest from the center stake on the bank of the brook." Mr. Weston informed the writer that the camp was between the brook and a bank several feet high. They felled a large bass- wood tree which stood on the bank, and from it split puncheons with which the sides and top of their "camp" were formed. This circumstance it was that gave to the little stream the name of Camp Brook. When their camp was fin- ished, they again went to the northwest corner and commenced work. They run a line south one and a fourth miles, then east to town line, then south one and a fourth miles to the center line, then west again. The northwest corner tract was No. 1 ; the northeast corner tract was No. 4 ; and the southeast corner tract No. 1 6. The tracts were subdivided into six lots generally, which was done by Ensign, except Tracts 1 and 4 — the latter was surveyed by Elizur Wright in 1817, for Col. Tallmadge. The land of Tallmadge Township is rolling and somewhat elevated ; several points rising to a height of 540 feet above the level of Lake Erie. The summit of Coal Hill (near Daniel Hines'), is 636 feet, and is the highest point of land in the county, with one exception. The highest point is in Richfield Township. The soil is a light loam, and in places, somewhat sandy, but upon the whole, well adapted to grain, and also to grass. The prevailing tim- ber is oak and chestnut, intermixed with which is hickory, elm, ash, white and black walnut, bass, cucumber, with beech and maple on the streams. On many tracts, quite a collec- tion of sugar maples were found, from which quantities of sugar and molasses were manu- factured. The drainage of Tallmadge is all into \ 554 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. the Cuyahoga River on the north, and the Little Cuyahoga on the south ; the east and west center road being about the divide. The streams are all small. The Little Cuyahoga runs through Springfield near the line, and the Cuyahoga runs near the north line in Stow, making a sharp bend into Tallmadge on the Speng farm. The streams are fed by numer- ous springs, furnishing water on almost every farm in abundance. The swamps have been mostly reclaimed, so that at the present day, there is in the township but very little land un- suitable for cultivation. Tallmadge Township was originally bounded on the north by Stow Township, on the east by Brimfield Township (in Portage County), on the south by Springfield Township, and on the westb}' Portage Township. In 1851, Cuyahoga Falls was set off as a township, and takes from Tallmadge the whole of Tract No. 1, containing 899 ^acres, and about 100 acres oft' the north side of Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Tract 5. Then in 1857, Middlebur}' was set ofl" as an independ- ent township, taking from Tallmadge Lots 3 and 5, containing b}' Ensign's survey-, 299 acres. The productions of the township are the various kinds of grain, grass and fruit. The pursuit of a large majority of the inhabitants has been that of farming in its different branches, no one branch being made a specialt3\ The first permanent settlement in Tallmadge Township, from the most reliable testimou}', seems to have been made by George Boosinger. He was born in 1777, and, in 1801, his father emigrated to Ohio with his family, and located in Ravenna, in Portage County. George lived there until ^rown to manhood, when he mar- ried Miss Nancy Simcox. He then bought seventy -five acres of land in this township, in Lot 6, Tract 14, of Jotham Blakslee, of Ravenna, and off' the west side of the lot. This farm is now (1881) owned bv Sherman Pettibone. Boosinger came over and selected a spot on which to build, which was at a fine spring of water, near the south line of the township, and then returned to Ravenna. In March, 1807, he again came over, and brought help with him preparatory to building a house on his new purchase. Those who came over with him were Henry Sapp, Jotham Blakslee, Jr., John McManus, Moses Bradford, Philip Ward, William Price, David Jennings, William Chared, Robert Campbell, Abel Forshey and Henry Bozor. They assembled on the ground in the morning, cut the logs and raised the house, which was about 16x20 feet in dimen- sions, made the long shingles, or " shakes " (as they were called), put on the roof, cut out a door and laid down a floor of puncheons. These puncheons were split out of a straight- grained tree, and hewed smooth on one side and laid down upon the sleepers. As they seasoned, they were driven up close together, and made a good substitute for board or plank floors. The doors were also made of punch- eons, pinned on to wooden battens or hinges, and often not a nail was used in making them. The windows of the pioneer cabins were quite as primitive as the doors. A place was cut out, across which sticks were put at right angles, and tovered with greased paper as a substitute for glass. His cabin being ready for occupancy, Boos- inger left Ravenna the last of March or the first of April, and with his famil}' moved into his new home, thus becoming the original set- tler of Tallmadge Township. At the semi- centennial of the settlement of the township, Hon. E. N. Sill, in his address on that day, gave to Rev. David Bacon the honor of mak- ing the first settlement. This was disputed at the time b}^ several pioneers who were present, and who were familiar with all the circum- stances. The}' were well satisfied of the fact that Boosinger settled in the township in March or April, 1807. These pioneers are now dead, but, in years that are past, the writer has interviewed some of them, and has given that attention to the subject which has confirmed him in the opinion that Boosinger was the first settler. There was no intention on the part of any one to deprive Mr. Boosin- ger of all the honor that belonged to him, but there was evidentl}' a hast}' conclusion of some to give the honor of priorit}' in settle- ment to Mr. Bacon. Soon after Boosinger's settlement, his wife went back to Ravenna, and, while there, gave birth to twins — a boy and girl. As soon as prudent, she returned to her home in Tallmadge. In a few weeks after- ward, the boy sickened and died, and was buried on his father's farm. This was the first death in the township. Mr. Boosinger and his wife were honest, upright and industrious peo- ple, and just in their dealings with their fellow- men. He was not in sympathy with Bacon 'A TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 555 and his grand scheme for supporting the church by direct taxation, and united with the Presbyterian Church in Springfield, where lie and his family attended meeting. Mrs. Boos- inger died in Tallmadge, and he married a sec- ond time, to a Miss Wolfert. He sold his farm to Pettibone in 1836, and removed to Macoupin County, 111., where he died in 1862. To the Rev. David Bacon this township is greatly indebted for its religious and moral standing in the community. His influence in- duced many others to settle here from towns on the Western Reserve, and to co-operate with him in his plans for building up a state of society of Puritan tendencies. Mr. Bacon was born in Woodstock, Windham Co., Conn., in 1771. In early life he had a strong desire for a college education, but this he was unable to obtain. Tt did not lessen his desire, however, to preach the Gospel, and to this end he com- menced the study of theolog}' with Rev. Levi Hart, D. D., of Preston, New London Co., Conn. He was ordained a minister of the Gospel December 31, 1799, and was married to Miss Alice Parks about the same time, at Lebanon, Conn. He left Hartford on the 8th of August, 1800, under the patronage of the Connecticut Missionary Societ}', with a view of visiting the Indian tribes bordering on Lake Erie. He sailed from Buffalo September 8, arriving at Detroit on the 11th, and about the middle of December he returned to Connecticut with much valuable information. The next year he came back to Ohio, bringing his wife with him, arriving in safet}' at Detroit. This place was then but little else than a trading-post of the Indians, and a military point, garrisoned by United States troops. Here Mr. Bacon labored as a missionar}' among the Indians for some time, and here his eldest child (Rev. Leonard Bacon, D. D., of New Haven, Conn.), was born February 14, 1802. He went from Detroit to Mackinaw, where he labored until the latter part of the summer of 1804, when he left the place, and after a long and dangerous voyage, part of the time in a canoe, he arrived with his family on the soil of the Western Re- serve. About the 1st of October, he found a home temporarily at Hudson. He labored on the Reserve as a missionary, but soon became convinced that more good could be accom- plished for the Reserve by a township with all the appliances and the accomplishments of New England civilization as an example. Dr. L. Bacon, in an address delivered June 24, 1857, speaking of his father, says : ''Being on the western limits of civilization, he looked about for a vacant township, in which such an experiment might be tried. His prophetic mind saw the capabilities of Township 2, Range 10 ; its fertile soil, its salubrious air, its beautifully undulating surface, its pure and abundant water, its streams singing in the grand old woods and rich with power for the service of man. He saw the proprietorship of it was in the hands of men who, as his trusting and hopeful nature led him to believe, would enter into his views, and would even be willing to sacrifice something of their possible gains (if need should be) for so great a scheme of public usefulness as that with which his mind was laboring.'" He went to Connecticut with his family near the close of the year 1804, and, as alread}' stated, secured the agenc}- of tiie pro- prietors of most of the land in Tallmadge Township. Being a descendant of the Puri- tans, and deeply imbued with New England Puritanism, he was thought by man}- to be visionar}'. His ideas were uf the true Puritan stamp — the church first, and next the school- house. The church was to be Congregational, and no inhabitants were to be admitted into the settlement but those of that denomination, or who were in sympathy with the strictest Puritan principles. As a people and a town- ship we are greatly indebted to Mr. Bacon for laying, as he did, foundations so broad and deep, and embellished with moral, religious and educational principles. Some of the land he was unable to control, and a few persons settled on it that did not agree with Mr. Bacon in all his grand views. The majority of the settlers, however, for the first twenty-five years, were his adherents, and were firm supporters of the Gospel, and of elevating the standard of morality. In the spring of 1807, Mr. Bacon began to make prepartions for moving into Tallmadge. He hired a man named Justin E. Frink, who had just arrived at Hudson from Vermont, to clear a piece of ground for a garden, and on which to build a house. He and Bacon came over and selected a place which was near Starr's west line, and the south li^c of the township, at a spring of good water, and about a mile west of Boosinger's cabin. Frink cleared off :; iVsu 556 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the ground and cut logs for a house. The house was built, and was of pioneer pattern, with its puncheon floor and door, stick chimney, etc., and when completed the family moved into it. Says Dr. Bacon in the address already quoted from : " I well remember among the dim and scattered reminiscences of earl}- childhood, the pleasant day in the month of July, if I mistake not, when the family made its removal from the center of Hudson, to the new log house that had been prepared for it, in the township which had no other designation than ' No. 2, Range 10.' The father and mother, poor in this world's goods, but rich in faith and in the treas- ure of God's promises rich in their well-tried mutual affection, rich in their hopes of useful- ness, and of the comfort and competence to be ultimatel}" achieved by their enterprise, rich in the parental jo}- with which the}- looked upon the three little ones that were carried in their arms or nestled among their scanty household goods in the slow-moving wagon, were familiar with whatever there is in hardsliip and peril, and in baffling disappointment, to try the cour- age of the noblest manhood or the immortal of a true woman's love. The little ones were na- tives of the wilderness, the youngest a delicate nursling of six months. This child's name was Juliana ; was born in Hudson February 25, 1807. The others were born in a far remoter and wilder West than this was even then. These five were the family who, on that day, removed to their new home. I remember the setting out ; the halt before the door of good old Deacon Thompson to say farewell ; the fording of the Cuyahoga, at Monroe Falls ; the slow day's journey of somewhat less than thir- teen miles, along a road that had been merely cut, not made, through the unbroken forest ; the little clearing where the journey ended ; the new log house so long our home, with what seemed to me a stately hill behind it, and with a limpid rivulet winding near tlie door. And when at night, the first famil}' worship was offered in that lonel}' cabin, when the father and mother, having read from this Bible (Dr. Bacon holding up to the audience the identical Bible his parents used on that occasion), then commended to their Covenant God, themselves, and their children, and the work which they had that day begun ; the prayer that went up from those two saintly' souls, breathed the same spirit with the prayer that went of old from the deck of the Mayflower, or from beneath the wintry sky Plymouth. In the ear of God, it was as, ' The voice of one crying in the wilder- ness, prepare 3'e the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.'" From April, 1807, up to February, 1808, the only persons in Tallmadge were George Boos- inger and wife and child ; Rev. David Bacon, his wife and three children, and J. E. Frink, a hired man in Mr. Bacon's family, making in all five adults and four children. In 1808, Ephraim Clark, Jr., came in, being the third regular settler in the township. He was a na- tive of Southington, Conn., and, when he was sixteen years of age, his parents removed to Russell, Mass., where he lived until his matu- rit3^ He caught the Western fever, and, in 1799, left his laome in Massachusetts, his des- tination being " New Connecticut," his object- ive point. Town No. 7, Range 7, of the Western Reserve, now known as Burton Township, in Geauga County. Alone and on foot, he trav- eled the distance, often camping out at night without fire or blanket, but, finally, arrived in safet}-. He liked the country and settled in Burton Township. Like many others of the pioneei's of the times, he was fond of hunting. He once found the carcass of a deer that had been killed by a wolf Around the carcass he built a pen with an opening and a door, which was set with what trappers and hunters called a figure 4, and thus caught the wolf He pealed elm bark, made a rope, formed a noose at one end, which he succeeded in putting over the wolf's head, and by this means led it, as one might lead a dog, to Burton Square, where he tied the rope to the sign post of the tavern. Judge Calvin Pease, with an Eastern friend, were present, and the " Eastern friend " pro- posed to give a gallon of whisky for the priv- ilege of shooting the beast, that he might tell it at home that he had killed a wolf Clark agreed, and when the whisky was given him, he handed his gun to the man, who performed the great feat of shooting a wild wolf — tied to a tree. Mr. Clark killed many deer, wolves and bears. In 1805. he left Burton and settled in Mesopotamia, where, in 1807, he married a Miss Sperry, and, in 1808, removed to this township. His wife died in 1833, and he, in 1858, at the age of eighty years, having lived on the Reserve fifty-nine years. The next settler in Tallmadge was, probably, Jonathan Sprague, ^h. TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 557 who came from Connecticut. In 1801, he emi- grated to the territory northwest of the Ohio River, crossing over the mountains with his team. He stopped in Canfield where he re- mained until his removal to this township. He came here to co-operate with Mr. Bacon in his broad and liberal plans, and in him Mr. Bacon found an able and zealous coadjutor. He bought Lot No. 5, in Tract 14, of the Brace Company upon which he lived until his death. He was spoken of as a Puritan of the most approved Puritan style. Next in the catalogue of earl}' settlers, we may mention Deacon Nathaniel Chapman, Charles Chittenden, William Neal and George Kilbourn, all of whom were from Connecticut originally. Deacon Chapman, with his brother William, made a trip to the Western Reserve in 1800, on a tour of inspection. They stopped at Canfield, and, being pleased with the coun- try, he selected land and made what prepara- tions he could for settling on it, and then leav- ing his brother he returned to Connecticut. The next year, with an ox team, he started with his family, taking the " south road," as it was called, through Pennsylvania, and over the mountains to Pittsburgh. When within ten miles of Canfield, his wagon sunk into the mud and his team was unable to move it. He was in a rather helpless and forlorn condition ; no help near, nor any means visible, by which he might extricate himself from his difficulties. In his trouble, he sat down on a log, the better to contemplate the situation, and while thus engaged, his brother William's dog came to him. He used often to say, that he never, in all his life, met so welcome a friend, for he knew that help was near. His brother soon appeared with a yoke of oxen and assisted him to Can- field with his family, which then consisted of his wife and five children, and his father, Titus Chapman. Mr. Bacon, when he heard of his arrival, visited Canfield, and unfolded to him his plans in Tallmadge. Mr. Chapman at once fell in with the views of Bacon, by whom he was induced to sell out at Canfield and remove to this township. He came here with his family in April, 1808, and settled upon Lot 3 in Tract 14. Being of the strictest Puritan prin- ciples, he heartil}' coincided with Mr. Bacon in the great work he had inaugurated. His daugh- ter Sally was the first bride in Tallmadge ; she was married to John Collins on the 7th of January, 1809, and the ceremon}- was per- formed by Joseph Harris, of Randolph, a Jus- tice of the Peace. His father, Titus Chapman, died November 8, 1808, and was the first death of an adult person in the township, the first death being, as already noted, Boosinger's child. Mr. Chapman, Sr., was the first buried in the old Middlebury graveyard. Deacon Chapman was the first Justice of the Peace in the township after its organization. He was an exemplar}' man, and died November 12, 1834, at the age of sixty-six yeai's. Charles Chittenden removed to Canfield with his family in 1801, where his wife and child died. He afterward married Elma Steele, and, in the early part of 1808, removed into this township. He settled on Lot No. 6, Tract No. 13, which he bought of the Brace Company, and built his cabin at a spring, on the place now owned by the Buckle family. Here the first white child in Tallmadge Township w-as born in June, 1808, to Mr. and Mi's. Chittenden. She after- ward married Isaac Newton, and removed to the far West. Mr. Chittenden was a strong Episcopalian, and not in accord with the Ba- conian ideas of Puritanism. He sold to Deacon Gillett about the year 1811, and moved over into Springfield Township, where he died in 1833. William Neal came to Ohio in the win- ter of 1806-07, and it is believed that he settled in this township in the spring of 1808. He bought land of the Brace Company, the north half of Lot No. 4, Tract 13, and lived the re- mainder of his life in Tallmadge and Coventry. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. and died in December, 1842, aged seventy-eight years. George Kilbourn left Connecticut on the 1st day of September. 1801, with ox team, and crossed the mountains to Pittsburgh, and thence to Hudson Township in this county, where he arrived on the sixtieth day of his journey. He was a tanner and shoemaker by trade, and had been in business in Farmington, where he had been quite successful before coming West. In 1805, he removed to New- burg, where he worked at tanning and shoe- making. In the spring of 1808, he came to this township and settled on Lots 8 and 9, in Tract 10, antl also bought at same time Lots 1 and in Tract 11. He and his sons carried on the farm and tanning business on Camp Brook. This was the first tannery in the township. He built a frame barn in 1811, and a ft-ame dwell- »f IT Ml 558 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ing in 1815. In 1817, he sold to Aaron Hine, untl bought the farm of Capt. Heinan Oviatt, in Hudson Township, where he died March 15, 18G6, aged ninet3'-six years. His wife had died in 1859, aged eighty-seven years. They had traveled together over life's rugged road for sixt^'-eight years. To this period in the history of Tallraadge it had been known and designated as Town 2, Range 10, and as yet had no other name. There is, however, some traditions, borne out b_v more or less evidence, that the settlers met at the house of Mr. Bacon in June, 1808, for the special purpose of selecting a name. Mr. Bacon expressed a desire to have it called for Col. Tallmadge. one of the original proprietors of the land, a proposition that was agreed to. It is not known whether all the settlers were present at this christening of the township ; the following, however, were holders of land at that time : Rev. David Bacon, Ephraim Clark, Jr., George Boosinger, Jonathan Sprague, Nathan- iel Chapman, George Kilbourn, Charles Chit- tenden, William Neal and Capt. Joseph Hart. The latter was the first settler in Middlebury, now the Sixth Ward of Akron. Justin B. Frink, a single man, and another single man named Bradley, were in the town at the time. At the close of the year 1808. in addition to those named above, the following had moved in, viz. : Aaron Norton, Dr. Ainos C. Wright, Mo- ses Bradford from Ravenna, Thomas Dunlap, from Pennsylvania, and Eli Hill, from Vir- ginia. These were all men of families, except Hill. The following births had occurred in the township since the first settlement : Cornelia, daughter of Charles Chittenden ; Eliza, daugh- ter of Capt. Hart, and who was the first born in Middlebury : Eliza, daughter of (leorge Kil- bourn : Amos, son of Dr. Wright, and the first male child born, not only in Tallmadge, but in the county ; and Alice, daughter of Mr. Bacon, making a total, perhaps, of seventy souls in the township. Dr. Amos C. W^righL was from Connecticut, and settled in Tallmadge in the latter part of the year 1808. He settled originall}- in Smith- field, now Vernon, in 1802, but the influence of Mr. Bacon brought him to tliis township, where he became an active participant in everj'thing calculated to promote the interests of the com- munity. He died May 19, 1845, at the age of sixty-five years. In February, 1809, the first additions for the year was made to the settle- ment, in the persons of Edmoud Strong and John Wright, Jr., natives of Connecticut. They left Morgan, where they had previously lo- cated, in sleds drawn by oxen, and by this mode of travel brought their families to this township. Thej' came by wa^^ of Cleveland, and were three days in coming from Gleasoa's Mills, in Bedford, in Cuyahoga County, to Tallmadge. Strong settled on Lot No. 3, Tract No. 6, and was the first settler north of the east and west center road. Wright settled on the south half of Lot No. 10, Tract 10, where he lived until his death, in 1845. Capt. John Wright, the father of the one just mentioned, emigrated to Ohio with his fixmil}' in 1802, and came to Tallmadge in the spring of 1809. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and lived here until his death, which took place July 29, 1825, aged eighty-two years. This branch of the Wright family were famous singers and music teachers, and it may be very truthfully said that, from 1808 to the present time, the choir of the Congregational Church of Tallmadge has not been without some representative of the Wright famil}'. Alpha, another son of Capt. Wright, and who was but fourteen years of age when his father came to Ohio in 1802, settled with his father, in 1809, on Lot No. 8, in Tract 11, and continued a resident of the township until his death, in 1856. Jotham Blakslee set- tled on Lot 4, in Tract 15, in the earl}' part of 1809. His nephew, also named Jotham Blaks- lee, and who married his daughter, came to the settlement with him. The}^ had originally set- tled in Portage County, near Ravenna, in 1^05, and the marriage of Jotham Blakslee, Jr., to his cousin, was the second marriage ceremony per- formed in Portage County. During the sum- mer of 1809, he, in company with Gen. Elijah Wadsworth, of Canfield, Selah Pa3'ne and a Mr. Stewart, explored Tallmadge Township, and at night struck up camp on Coal Hill. The next morning, they followed the lot lines to the center. Here Gen. Wadsworth said to young Blakslee, " Boy, let us cut a brush-heap here at the center ; I shall not live long to tell of it, but you may." Three years later, Blaks- lee became a resident of the township, and so remained until his death, sixty-one j-ears after- ward. He it was that helped Boosinger build his log cabin, the first in the township. He was a blacksmith, and made wrouo;ht nails, when 1L£ TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 559 nails were a scarce article, not only in Tall- madge, but on the Reserve. He made the nails used in Dr. A. C. Wright's barn, the first framed barn in the township, and which was built in 1810. He was of strong anti-slavery principles and a devoted Christian. He died in 1870, at the age of eighty years. Conrad Boosinger, father to him who is recorded as the first settler in Tallmadge, settled near his son, in the spring af 1809. He was also a Revolu- tionary soldier. Both he and his wife died on the place of their settlement, which was on Lot 6, in Tract 14. Elizur Wright, a wealthy farmer of Connec- ticut, exchanged his improved farm there for 3,000 acres of land in Tallmadge Township, and, in 1809, came out to see his new posses- sions. Of Puritan descent, and strong in that faith, he easily became a disciple of Bacon, and adopted his views for the building-up of a church and religious society. He made arrange- ments to have some land cleared and a house built, and then returned to Connecticut to pre- pare for removing his family to Ohio. On the 22d of May, 1810, he left his old home in the Nutmeg State for his new one in Tallmadge. His goods were brought in two large wagons, each drawn by two 3'oke of oxen ; the family came in a carriage drawn by two horses, and their route was over the mountains by wa}^ of Pittsburgh, arriving at their destination on the 30th of June. A man of wealth, he was a valuable acquisition to the little community ; liberal in his support of the church, and all worthy, benevolent objects. Through his im- mediate influence, David Preston was induced to sell out in Connecticut, and move to Tall- madge. Mr. Preston came in the summer of 1810, and bi'ought with him his wife ; Drake Fellows and wife and two children ; John S. Preston and wife and two children. Mr. Preston settled on Lot 2, Tract 13. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and died July 11, 1827. Fellows bought the south half of Lot No. 1, in Tract No. 14. William Neal, with that true hospitality characteristic of pioneer life, opened his cabin to Fellows until the latter could build. For the benefit of some of our modern people, we will give the following true description of Mr. Neal's cabin at the time he took in Mr. Fellows and his family : " It was about 18x24 feet ; a bed in one corner ; a loom in another corner, in the others a table, some chairs, pots. frying-pan, etc., while Mr. and Mrs. Fellows made their bed on the floor under the loom. This was the way the pioneers roughed it." It is believed that Elizur Wright built the second frame barn in Tallmadge in 1811. It stood west of the residence of Daniel A. Upson, a grandson of Mr. Wright, and was taken down (the barn) a few years ago. This barn was used as a place of worship before there were an}' churches or schoolhouses built in the town- ship, and, within its walls, the pioneers were assembled together for divine worship, when the news came of Hull's sui'render at Detroit. The little band instantly dispersed, and, before nightfall, all the able-bodied men in the settle- ment were ready to march to the defense of Cleveland. A second dispatch, however, as- sured them that Cleveland was in no immediate danger. It was also in this barn that Rev. Simeon Woodrufl" preached his first sermon in Tallmadge, July 25, 1813. Mr. Wright was the senior deacon of the church for thirty years ; he died in December, 1845, aged eight3'-three years. Samuel McCoy, a native of Ireland, came to the township in 1810, and bought Lot No. 4, in Tract 14 ; and, the same year. Deacon Salmon Sackett came to Tallmadge to look at the land, with a view of exchanging for some of it his farm in Connecticut. He was well pleased with the country, and, returning home, made a trade with Col. Tallmadge for 648 acres of land, which he took in part payment for his farm. He moved on it in 1811, and arrived on the first Monday in Jul}-. In speak- ing of his first visit to Tallmadge, in after ^ears. Deacon Sackett said : " On my arrival in Tall- madge, I was cordially received by the people after the good old New England fashion. They met for Sabbath worship in Capt. Wright's log house ; the inhabitants of the township were mostly there, men, women and children, and we had a good meeting. I found that a majority of the people were from my native county of Litchfield, and among them was Deacon Elizur Wright. It was so much like New England that I felt at home." Of his sons, and sons-in- law, with their families, the party that Deacon Sackett brought to the town numbered seven- teen persons, quite a valuable addition to the settlement. He settled on JiOt 9, in Tract 11, and died in November, 1846, at the age of eighty-four years. In April, 1811, John Car- ruthers moved in from Pennsylvania. His "7 •^k- 560 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. family consisted of his wife and four children, and they settled on 100 acres, which he pur- chased on the east side of Lot No. 1, in Tract IG. When he arrived, he stopped at the cabin of Thomas Dunlap, who received him in true pioneer style, for both were Pennsylvanians. Mr. Carruthers was of Scotch descent, and Pres- byterian to the core. The lives of Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers were spent in Tallmadge, where they were useful members of society. He died in 1853 ; she in 1836. Luther Chamberlain settled in Tallmadge in June, 1811, and lived to an advanced age. In 1811, Deacon Nathan Gillett and his son Ara, bought out Charles Chittenden, and settled on his place. Mr. Gil- lett was also a Revolutionary soldier. Hosea Wilcox came from Morgan, and bought out Peter Norton ; and, in 1812, Reuben Upson and famil}' came in ; also, Jesse Neal, from New York, settled in the township the same year. The following incident is illustrative of the times of which we write : Hosea Wilcox, Ed- mond Strong and Adam Cowles, early in the spring of 1802, left Connecticut on foot for the Western Reserve. At Gennesee River, they overtook Rev. Joseph Badger with a four-horse team, moving with his family and goods. As both parties were bound to the same place, Mr. Badger proposed to them to put their knapsacks in his wagon and travel with him, which they did. Wilcox drove Mr. Badger's team, which is said to have been the first wagon that came through from Buffalo to the Western Reserve. Cowles and Strong went ahead with axes to remove any obstructions that might be in the way. The road had been cut through the 3'ear before by Gen. Pa3^ne, but had not been used. Strong and Wilcox were both pioneers of Tall- madge. The time of the pioneer was taken up with his farming operations, or in performing a piece of work for a neighbor to obtain some needed article for the benefit of his family. In early days all able-bodied men, between eighteen and forty-five years of age, were subject to mili- tary duty. This was all the holiday the peo- could afford to enjoy, the 4th of July, perhaps, excepted. The laws of Ohio set apart the first Friday in September for " company training," and " regimental training ' the last of the same month. Everybody attended these meetings, even those who had passed beyond the milita- ry age of forty-five, and all seemed to enjoy them. A great source of enjoyment, especially to the young people, was the pioneer "quilting party." A lady would invite her friends to assist her in getting out a quilt. It must be done before night, as parlor, dining-room and kitchen were invariably comprised in one room. In the evening the quilt and its frame gave place to the tea-table, which in turn gave way to social enjoyment, as darkness usuall}' brought in the young men of the neighborhood, when plays, forfeits, etc., were introduced for the en- tertainment of the young people. Sometimes, and in some particular places, a man would enter the room with a mysterious package un- der his arm in a green baize bag. The entrance of this important personage was the signal to " clean the deck for action," or in other words, to clear the room of chairs and tables for a dance, as the opening of the green baize bag always produced the fiddle, and to its enliven- ing music the youngsters would '-trip the light fantastic toe," regardless of the rough puncheon floor. A puncheon floor in a log cabin of one room was no obstacle to those who liked to dance a jig or reel to the stirring tune of "Money in Both Pockets," or, "Polly Put the Kettle on," or, "Durang's Hornpipe," or, "The Girl I Left behind Me," or, " The White Cock- ade," etc. The pleasure and enjoyments of those days, if not so refined as now, were of quite as much interest to the young people. Ye aged pioneers, how was it in the years long ago, when, on horseback, you rode to the log cabin home of her, with whom, perhaps, you have since walked life's rugged journey, and found her dressed in a flannel, linsey-woolsey, or calico dress ; and when from the corner of the rail fence, or from a convenient stump, she sprang on the horse behind you and put her arms around you to keep her seat — well ! no bad feeling existed then. People, perhaps, were more honest than they are in this fast age. The family supplies of the pioneers were mostl}^ produced by themselves. Meat, bread and a few vegetables were the main staples in the way of provisions. Whisky was very common after 1818, and in a few families previous to that date. The surplus grain was made into whisky and thus it was put into better and more con- venient shape to handle. Whisky was almost a legal tender. Previous to the opening of the Erie Canal, goods were hauled from Albany and Buffalo in Conestoga wagons, and from \^ a TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. ifil Philadelphia and Baltimore across the mount- ains. Of course, this put upon the goods so high a tariff that home manufactures were the main dependence for clothing. But little at- tention was then dev^oted to stock-raising, or to the improvement of stock. Horses and cattle were of inferior breed, and hogs even worse if possible. Long and gaunt, with snouts of suf- ficient length to root a foot deep without get- ting dirt in their e3'es ; regular racers and chuck full of fight. Sheep were native breeds, and course of wool, verj' unlike those we have now. The pioneer farmer worked to a great disadvantage ; his teams were oxen, and his plow was what was called the " bull plow," and was made principally' of wood, by some farmer, more handy with tools than his neighbors. Crops were not raised and harvested without the sevex'est manual labor. Coal-mining in Tallraadge has been carried to some extent, but as this branch of industry has been more particularly mentioned in another chapter, we shall say but little on the subject. Coal was discovered at an earl}' day, at or near the southeast corner of the township. There is a tradition that it also was discovered one mile west of the center, by means of a woodchuck, which, in digging its burrow, threw out pieces of coal. Col. Charles Whittlesey says : " Coal was first found at Coal Hill, in 1810. There was an entry made in a ravine north of the east- and-west road, which was owned b}- Asaph Whittlesey and Samuel Newton. The demand for coal in 1824 was considerable, and no other mine was opened then. About this time, Hen- ry Newberr}', of Cuyahoga Falls, discovered coal at the northwest six corners." In later years, coal has been extensively mined in the township, and the deposits by some are sup- posed to be nearly exhausted. The first attempt at manufacturing in Tallmadge was in 1817. Asaph Whittlese}', in connection with Lair & Norton, built a forge and manufactured bar- iron. The location is still known as the " Old Forge." In 1827, Amos Avery opened a shop for the manufacture of wagons. William C. Oviatt had opened a blacksmith-shop the year before, and in 1836, he and Avery entered into partnership for the manufacture of carriages. This business, under various firms, has been continued to the present time. The manufact- ure of stoneware is carried on extensively, and sewer-pipe was made by Sperry & Richie until they were burned out. John A. Carruth- ers at one time did a large business in the man- ufacture of sorghum sirup. After carrjing on the business for some time, he turned his atten- tion to the making of apple-butter*. Barnes Brothers also do a large business in this line. The first tannery was opened on Camp Brook, south of the center, by George Kilbourn. in 1809. He was followed by Anson Ashley, who for several years carried on the business. John Carruthers also did some tanning in the south- east part of the town. The streams of water in Tallmadge were small, and of little force as a water-power, but were utilized to some ex- tent. A saw-mill was built on the Sperr}' Farm in 1828, but finally failed for lack of water. Another, built in the southeast corner of the township, on the farm of Seth Meacham, failed from the same cause. Two steam saw-mills have for years supplied lumber to the people ; one of them is still in operation. A tavern was opened by Aaron Hine in 1819, and was the first public-house in the township. This tav- ern was south of the center. He was followed in the business by William S. Granger", who kept a tavern on the south side of the public square. He was succeeded b}^ William Kingsbury, Ephraim Shaler and others. A large house was built on the east side of the public square, and has since been opened as a public-house. There has nearly always been a tavern in oper- ation at the center since 1819, the date of the first one opened in the township. When Tallmadge first became known to the whites, there was a well-defined Indian trail passing through the township in a southeasterly course from Cuyahoga Portage, and crossed the town line a short distance west of the center road. Another trail passed up the south side of the river, through the township, and half a mile from the northeast corner passed into Stow Township, crossed the corner into Franklin, thence near the river to the '' Standing Stone," where was the Indian fording-place. One of the first roads in Tallmadge was the north-and-south center road. The petition for it was granted by the County Commissioners of Portage County, soon after its organization as a county in 1808. The signers to the petition for this road were Charles Clinttenden, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Jona- than Sprague, Nathaniel Chapman, Joseph Towsley, Theodore Bradley, William Neal, Jus- tin E. Friuk and Joel Gaylord. Upon granting Al' 562 HISTOEY OF SUMMIT COT/NT Y. the petition, George Kilbourn, Nathaniel Chap- man and David Bacon were appointed a com- mittee, and Joseph Darrovv, Surveyer. About 1824, a State road was laid out from Canton to Cleveland through Tallmadge, on the north- and-south center road. Another State road from Wooster to Mantua, in Portage County, passed through Tallmadge on the northeast and southwest diagonal road, and was laid out about 1827. A second petition for a road, dated February 20, 1809, was for what is now the southeast diagonal road to the center, thence to the east line of Great Lot No. 1, and thence to the most conv,enient place to build a bridge over the Cuyahoga River, near the north line of the town. Another road was laid out from Hart & Norton's Mill, called the " mill road." It was laid out in 1809-10, and another from Middlebury to Cuyahoga Falls, passing the old Forge and Bettes' Corners. The first mail route was established in 1814, over the road from Cleveland to Canton, the mail passing twice a week. For some years it was carried on horseback ; then a hack or stage was put on, and passengers as well as the mail were car- ried between those points. Some years later, another route was established from Akron to Kent and Ravenna, and returning via Brim- field. Still later a mail route was established from Cuyahoga Falls to Tallmadge. the mail being carried on horseback. The mail for Tallmadge is now received dail}' by the Penn- sylvania, New York & Ohio Railroad. The At- lantic & Great Western — ^now the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railway — was survej-ed through the township and in order to have it pass tbe center, the people of the township subscribed $43,000. This road has been of in- estimable value to us. The Valley Railroad touches a ver^- small corner of Tallmadge. The railroad history', however, is moi'c fully given in another chapter. The first store was opened in a building which stood in front of the resi- dence of I. P. Sperrj', and it is supposed that the firm was Fenn & Howard. They con- tinued in business some time, and were followed by Christopher C. Sturdevant. He erected the building now used as a store. Wiswell &Groff opened a store in this building, but did not re- main long, and Eleazer C. Sackett was the next merchant. William A. Hanford clerked for Sackett, and eventually bought half of his in- terest ; then Homer S. Carter bought out Sack- ett. This firm carried on business until E. V. Carter bought out Hanford, when the firm be- came H. S. & E. V. Carter. E. V. sold to his partner, who carried on the store until Clement Wright took an interest, and the firm became Carter & Wright. Carter finally withdrew, and Wright still continues the business. A man named Clark opened a store about the year 1835, in the house now the residence of Benja- min D. Wright, which was continued for some two years or more. A post office was estab- lished in Tallmadge April 9, 1814, with Asaph Whittlesey as Postmaster, a position he held uniil his death in 1842. His son, S. H., suc- ceededed him as Postmaster, and he was suc- ceeded by H. S. Carter. During Buchanan's administration, Heman K. Parsons was ap- pointed, who resigned at the beginning of Mr. Lincoln's administration, and H. S. Carter was again appointed, who retained the office until the appointment of Clement Wright, the pres- ent Postmaster. The first church society organized in the township is known as the " First Congrega- tional Church of Tallmadge," and has borne that title for sixty years. Rev. David Bacon preached the first sermon, not only in Tallmadge but in Springfield and Suffield, for the few scat- tered inhabitants of the three townships would gather on the Sabbath Day, at the cabin of some settler, and Mr. Bacon would officiate as a vol- unteer missionar}- to the little congregation. The first meetings were held in his cabin, and after- ward barns were used as temples of worship. It is supposed that Rev. Jonathan Leslie was the next preacher to Mr. Bacon. He was a mis- sionary, and sent out in the interest of the missionary' society of Connecticut. Rev. Sim- eon WoodruflT was another of the early minis- ters who proclaimed the woi'd to the pioneers of Tallmadge, and the first regular Pastor of the church. Rev. Jonathan Leslie preached his first sermon on the 20th of Jauuar}', 1809, and, on the next day, which was Saturday, a number of persons met together for the pur- pose of foi-ming a ■■ Church of Christ," Mr. Les- lie acting as Moderator. The following is the record of the Sabbath meeting, January 22, 1809 : " Met according to adjournment. Pres- ent, George Kilbourn, Almira his wife ; Eph- raim Clark, Jr., Amelia his wife : Alice Bacon ; Amos C.Wright, Lydia his wife ; Hepsibah Chap- man and Justin E. Frink. The persons above ^1 TV k. TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 563 named presented themselves to be constituted a Church of Christ. A system of faith was then read, to which the}^ gave their consent. They were then led to the solemn adoption of a cov- enant, in which the}- engaged to keep and walk in the ordinances of the (xospel of Christ. The}' were then declared a Church of Christ, com- mended to His blessing, and charged solemnly to keep covenant and walk worth}' the follow- ers of the Lord Jesus, the head of tlie church. (Signed) Jonathan Leslie, Moderator." This organization took place in Mr. Bacon's cabin, and, at the same time, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered for the first time the township. The ordinance of baptism was also administered on four children, viz., Juliana and Alice, daughters of Mr. Bacon ; Amos, son of Dr. Amos C. Wright, and Eliza, daughter of George Kilbourn. The last one of the original nine members died in Hudson. This was the venerable George Kilbourn, who died there March 14, 1866, at the age of ninety-six years. The spot whereon Mr. Bacon's house stood and in which this church was organized has been marked, and is looked on as almost sacred. Here it was that the Scriptures were first read in the township, here the first sermon was preached, and here the first church society was organized — almost equal to the spot on which King Sol- omon's temple stood, which had been " thrice dedicated to the one true and living God." The Congregational Church of Tallmadge is claimed to be the eleventh church organization on the Western Reserve, a fact that is probably beycmd dispute. The first is the Fii'st Presby- tei'ian, of Youngstown, which was organized in 1800— this following in 1809. There were some of Mr. Bacon's ideas that were not by any means popular with the mass of the people, and eventually proved impracti- cable. He found theory was one thing and practice another. One of his cherished ideas was that none should receive land but those who were either members of the Congregational Church or in sympathy with its principles, and $2 were to be paid on each one hundred acres of land, the sum to go toward the support of the Gospel. This provision was inserted in some of the early contracts and deeds, but never went into general use. The clause was as follows : •' Reserving an annuity of $2 on each and every 100 acres of land sold, to be paid on the 1st day of January of each year forever, to the committee of the Society of Tall- madge for the support of the Gospel Ministry of the Calvinistic faith, and of the Congrega- tional order of said society forever, with a right and power to distrain for the same in case the same be in arrear. Which annuity we, for di- vers good considerations, especially for the sum of $1, received of the society in Tall- madge, in the county of Portage, do for our- selves and our heirs hereby give, grant, sell, assign and transfer the aforesaid annuity of $2 on each and every 100 acres of land in the said society of Tallmadge, and to their successors forever ; to hold and receive the same in trust, for the use and purpose of supporting the min- istry aforesaid in said society forever. (Signed) David Bacon." As we have said, this provision did not go into general use. Edmond Strong re- fused to pay the sum thus levied on his land, and Mr. Bacon commenced a suit against him as a test of the legality of such contracts. Pe- ter Hitchcock, of Burton, since a Member of Con- gress and Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, was Mr. Strong's attorney. Mr. Bacon lost the case, and thus ended the perpetual land tax to support the church in Tallmadge. This suit took place about the year 1811. But, notwith- standing these little difficulties, a majority of the people were Bacon's warm, true friends, and he was held in high estimation in the commu- nity. Early in 1812, he made his arrangements to return to Connecticut with his family. The people assembled in the schoolhouse at the four corners on top of the hill, near Jesse Sprague's, to hear his farewell sermon. He chose for his text 2 Tim., iii, 9 : " But they shall proceed no further : for their foil}' shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. ' From the account given of this sermon by Mr. Blakslee, who was present, Mr. Bacon did not spare the little flock, and was very pointed and emphatic in his re- marks to Ephraim Clark, Jr., and Mr. Sprague for the course they had pursued in opposition to his cherished plans. Mr. Bacon died in Hart- ford, Conn., August 27, 1817, at the early age of forty -six years. The first regular Pastor of the Congrega- tional Church of Tallmadge was Rcy. Sim- eon Woodruff", already alluded to incidentally. He was a native of Litchfield, Conn., and a graduate of Yale College. He studied theol- ogy at Andover, and was licensed to preach in 1S12. In 1813, he was sent to the Western (T- f 564 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Reserve as a missionary, and on the 18th of May of that year he was installed Pastor of the church in Ephraim Clark's barn, a building that is still standing. His pastorate closed September 19, 182.3, and he died in Bainbridge, Mich., in August, 1839. The second Pastor was Rev. John Ke^'s, a native of New Hamp- shire, and a graduate of Dartmouth College. He was installed Pastor of the Tallraadge Church by the Presbyter}' of Portage Septem- ber 9, 1824, and continued until April 16. 1832, when his connection ceased. He died in Cuyahoga County in January, 1867. Rev. Jedediah E. Parmelee succeeded Mr. Ke3's, and began his duties as acting Pastor of the church Januai'3' 18, 1833. Owing to failing health, he resigned his charge April 1-1, 1840, and died in New York in June, 1841. Rev. William Magill commenced his duties as Pastor of Tallmadge Church in 1840, and was regularly installed as Pastor August 16, 1841. He remained until 1843, when his connec- tion ceased ; he is yet living. Rev. Carlos Smith was the next Pastor, and commenced his ministrations July 25, 1847. By vote of the church he was called to the pastor- ate, but was never installed as such. He labored as Pastor elect until January 14, 1862, when he received and accepted a call from the Second Congregational Chui'ch of Akron. He died in Akron April 22, 1877, at the age of seventy-six years. Rev. Seth W. Segur suc- ceeded Mr. Smith as Pastor of the Tallmadge Church, and commenced his labors on the 8th of June, 1862. He continued until April, 1871, when he tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and, on the 30th of the month (Sabbath), he preached his farewell sermon. He was invited to attend the semi-centennial of the church held September 8, 1875. He came and participated, but was very unwell, and after the services went with IMr. Daniel Hine to his home, where he died on the 24th. He was the first of the Pastors of our church buried in Tallmadge. At this time (1881) there are sleeping in the little graveyard at Tallmadge Center nine ministers of the Gos- pel, viz.: Rev. Aaron Kinne, Rev. Aaron Kinne Wright, Rev. Fayette D. Matthews, Rev. Will- iam "Hanford, Rev. Elisha S. Scott, Rev. Will- iam Monk, Rev. Benjamin Fenn, Rev. John Seward and Rev. S. W. Segur. The next Pas- tor of the Tallmadge Church was Rev. Charles Cutter, who commenced his pastoral duties September 1, 1871, and closed his work with the church May 30, 1875. The present acting Pastor is Rev. William Blackmore Marsh. The Congregational Church of Tallmadge erected a temple of worship in 1822. It is 56 x44 feet in dimensions, surmounted b}' a steeple 100 feet high. The building was raised and inclosed in 1822, but not llnished until 1825. On the 8th of September of that year, it was dedicated to divine worship. The exact cost of it is not known, but will probabl}- approxi- mate $8,000. It was remodeled in 1849, and re-dedicated in 1850. At the time of its first dedication, it was considered the best house of worship on the Western Reserve, and upon re- search was proven to be the fifth built with a steeple, after the New England fashion. The first of these five was built at Austinburg (now in Ashtabula County) in 1816 ; the second in Euclid, now known as Collamer, about the year 1817; also in the same year, the old brick meeting-house at Aurora was begun, but was not finished until 1825 ; the fourth was built in Hudson in 1819. All of these ancient temples have passed away before the march of improvement, but those of Tallmadge and Col- amer. The number of communicants of the Tallmadge Church at the present time are 105 males and 169 females. The Sunday school was organized probably about the spring of 1822, although classes had been taught after the manner of Sunday schools previous to that time by Deacon Elizur Wright and others. Previous to 1335, the school would disband at the beginning of winter, and resume work in the spring, but since that time (1835) has con- tinued in active operation throughout the en- tire year. The Methodist Episcopal Church is the only religious denomination, aside from the Congre- gational Church, that has ever been represented in Tallmadge by an organized society. The first introduction of Methodism into the town- ship occurred somewhat as follows :. Milo Stone and Jotham Blakslee, not fully agreeing with the Congregational doctrine in ever\- particular, went over to Middlebury to listen to the words of wisdom falling from the lips of Rev. Billings 0. Plimpton, at that time preaching on the Canton Circuit of the M. E. Church. Being well pleased with the liberal doctrine promul- gated by Rev. Mr. Plimpton, they invited him Li* TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. 565 to Tallmadge Center to expound the truth in that localit}'. He accepted the invitation, and preached his first sermon in the schoolhouse, which tlien stood west of the Center road, nearly in front of the town hall. He contin- ued his labors at intervals, and near the close of the year formed a class at the Center con- sisting of Jotham Blakslee (class leader), Milo Stone, Sarah B. Stone, his wife, S. H. Lowrey, Anna P. Lowrey, his wife, and Mrs. Martha Stephens. Mr. Plimpton was returned to the Canton Circuit the next year (1826), and Tall- madge Center became one of his regular ap- pointments. At this time it was in the juris- diction of the Pittsburgh Conference, and so remained until 1837, when it became a part of the Akron Circuit, Ravenna District, and Erie Conference. The first meeting-house was a plain structure, about forty feet square perhaps, costing some $1,500, and stood about two hun- dred rods northeast of the public square ; built in 1832, and completed and dedicated the next year. The dedicatory services were performed by Presiding Elder Rev. W. B. Mack. It was occupied b}' the church until 1874, when a lot was purchased on the south side of the square, and the present elegant edifice erected at a cost of $8,000, and dedicated on the 4th day of April, 1875, by Rev. J. H. Vincent, D. D. The present Pastor is Rev. E. A. Simmons, with a large and flourishing membership. A Sunday school was organized in 1830, which has been continued to the present time. It is a note- worthy fact that these two denominations have always worked together in harmony and love, holding Thanksgiving services alternately at each church, and the ministers frequently exchanging pulpits. The cause of temperance has always had many warm friends and sup- porters in Tallmadge, though sixt}' years ago it was not considered derogatory to the character and standing of a family to use spirituous liquors as a beverage. Very many farmers would exchange their grain for whisky, and often would have a barrel of it in their houses. But about 1828-30, many began to abandon the use of it altogether as a beverage, and this feeling has continued to the present day. It is highly creditable to the people of Tallmadge that there has never been but one distillery within the town limits, and this existed but about two years, and was near the northwest six corners. The church and the schoolhouse were always leading points in the minds of the Puritans of New England, and wherever they went they al- ways carried these principles with them ; first, to organize a church, ei'ect a building suitable for holding meetings, and, next, to erect a school- house. Mr. Bacon, in his plan of settlement of the town, was, as we have seen, to provide for the preaching of the Gospel and its support, and also was to provide for common schools and academic instruction. In the survey made b}^ Ensign there was to be at the Center and at each six corners erected district schoolhouses, while at the Center was to be located the acad- em}'. On the hill now occupied as a cemeter}', where sleep so many of the pioneers of Tall- madge, Mr. Bacon located in his mind the Western Reserve College, the Yale of New Connecticut. The first attempt at a school of which we have any account was in the spring of 1810. A small log building was erected for school purposes at the south four corners. A meeting was called at this place, as the writer was informed by Jotham Blakslee, but two men got into an altercation, and it was broken up without accomplishing an3'thing. But so deeply interested was Mrs. Blakslee in having a school, that she undertook the duty of visiting the settlers upon the subject. She also went to Martin Kent's, in SuflSeld, and hired a Miss Lucy Foster as a teacher. She came and taught school during the spring and summer of 1810, which was doubtless the first school in Tallmadge. She afterward married Alpha Wright, and spent the remainder of her long and useful life in Tallmadge, and died Septem- ber 30, 1875, at the ripe age of eighty-five 3'ears. It is thought that a schoolhouse was "built in the fall of 1810, on the hill at the southwest four corners, and a school kept in it during the winter of 1810-11. A similar house was built at the south four corners, and another in the east part of the township, soon after those already mentioned. The first frame schoolhouse was built on the public square, on the spot now occupied by the Congregational Church. It was commenced in 1814, but not finished until the next 3'ear ; was 20x30 feet, two stories high, the lower story being occupied by the district school, and the upper story by the academy, and also for religious worship. The academj' was opened with Rev. Simeon Woodruff as teacher or Principal, and was sue- ^i: ^ 566 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. ceeded by Elizur Wright and others. An act incorporating the Tallmadge Academ}'^ was passed February 27, 1816. The academy buikling was burned on the night of January 12, 1820, and a new building erected the same year, especially for the purpose. A separate building was erected for the district school, southeast of the town hall, and it was in this building that the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized. As the population and wealth of the township inci'eased, frame school build- ings were erected in other districts, and some have been replaced with handsome and com- modious bricks. When the new town hall was built, the people, by subscription, raised a suf- ficient amount to build the second story for the academ}', and for several years competent teachers were employed in this department. But the system of graded schools finally super- seded the academy. A special district was formed at the Center June 1 1 , 1870, and a lot was purchased and a building was erected, which was used until it was burned. It was speedily rebuilt, at a cost (building and furniture) of $4,500. There are four departments, occupying four rooms, with competent teachers. The Deaf and Dumb School of Tallmadge was an institution that should have a place in the township's history. This project was in- augurated in consequence of there being a family in the neighborhood in which there were three children who were deaf mutes. A meeting was held March 19, 1827, to look into the matter, and a committee, consisting of Rev. John Keys, Deacon Elizur Wright, Dr. Philo Wright, Garney Treat and Alfred Fenn, with power to act and devise means for a school. The}' finally adopted a measure for organizing a deaf and dumb school, secured rooms and employed Col. Smith, who had taken a thorough course in the Deaf and Dumb Asy- lum at Hartford, Conn. The school was opened May 1, 1827, in a room of Alpha VVright's house, one mile south of the Center. Tuition was $6 per quarter, and the session was for six months. In 1829, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum was established at Columlnis, and the school was transferred to it. But Tallmadge claims the honor of establishing the first institution of the kind in the State. A library was organized in Tallmadge in 1813, and continued in existence for over fifty years. The idea of a public library- was brought from New England. It was supported by shares of stock, or memberships, fines, bids, donations, etc., etc., and it continued to in- crease until it contained over three hundred volumes of standard works. Plays and novels were excluded, and the best of works only allowed. The good accomplished through this means cannot very well be measured. Perhaps we should not close the history of Tallmadge Township without a brief notice of anti-slaverj', a question in which Tallmadge felt the most lively interest. A large number of the people were in sympathy with the anti- slaver}' movement, and a man who would in- form upon or arrest a colored individual under the Fugitive Slave Law would have found Tall- madge a rather warm climate to live in. The cause gained strength gradually, and, when Fort Sumter was fired on, in 1861, Tallmadge was read}' for her part in the great battle f(.)r humanity and the Union. (T' :£ NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. 567 CHAPTER XXIV.* NOHTHFIELD TOWNSHIP— OUTLINE OF PIIVSICAL FEATURES — RISE. PROGRESS AND DECAY OF INDUSTRIES— IMPORTANT .nTATISTICS FROM OLD RE'^oRDS— INSTITUTIONS FOR MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL IMPROVEMENT — VILLAGES. ^TORTHFIELD was one of the equalizing l\i townships. It was originally' called Town 5, Range 11 ; and the reason of its being classed as one of the equalizing townships will be found elsewhere in this volume. It was in- cluded among the few townships which were su- perior to the average, and each proprietor was anxious to have a portion of it ; consequently, it was divided into shares of 160 acres each, and parceled out among the New England pro- prietors, who, not having seen the land, and believing that, from its stated superiority, it should be retained until time had assured the settlers of its value, refused to sell for a num- ber of years, thus accounting for the tardy appearance of this portion of the county in market. It may also be stated that some of the original proprietors died, leaving their pos- sessions in this township to minor children, thus preventing the disposal of the land until after these children had arrived at their ma- jorit}'. The fact of its being one of the best townships in the Reserve served to prevent its earl}' appearance in market. It will be noted in this connection that, while average townships were not altered or cut up into seg- ments and distributed to others, on the other hand, townships both poorer and better than the average were parceled out as has been de- scribed. Northfield was accounted one of the best sections of country in the Reserve, and the various reasons for this view will now be carefully noticed. Its location was thought at that time to be excellent. Along its entire western border was a river that could be navigated by boats of the largest size, thus favoring the township with easy and constant communication with Lake Erie and all the towns upon its shore. At that time, twice the present volume of water swept down the river, and it was not dreamed in the philosophy of the earl}' settlers, that the quan- *Contril)Utcd by W. A. Goodspeed. tity would ever be materially decreased, at least to such an extent as to prevent extensive navi- gation. The valley of the river on the North- field side was sloping and well drained, giving abundant promise that future years would dis- close a soil of unusual fertility and strength. The bluffs bordering the valley, though too abrupt and precipitous to be turned up by the plow in the future, were sufficiently sloping to afford fine pasture land. Back of the hills was as fine a land for -the agriculturist as lay beneath the sun. Though sufficiently flat to be too damp for the farmer in early years, it was also sufficiently rolling to promise that, when the heavy woods were removed, and the cheer- ful light and heat of the sun were permitted to drink up the superficial waters, a soil would be found of excellent adaptability to agricult- ural purposes. The soil is largely alluvial, and contains an unusual percentage of par- tially decayed vegetable material, though years have elapsed since it was first brought under cultivation. It contains less clay and more organic I'emains than almost any other portion of the county ; and for this reason, as well as for the fact that there is but little waste land, the township was classed by the examin- ing committee as one of the finest in the entire Reserve. The river on the west affords the principal source of drainage. It has various small branches, which traverse the township with sufficient fall, in many places, to furnish fine water-power. Of these branches. Brandywine Creek is the main one. This stream flows from near the southeast corner toward the north- west, until the village of Little York is reached, when it is joined by Indian Run, and takes a coarse toward the southwest, dipping across what was once the township line into Boston, but returning toward the northwest, and finally uniting with the river on Lot 70. Indian Run rises near the northeast corner, and flowing a TV :i^ 568 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. trifle west of south, unites with Brand3'wine Creek at Little York. Much of the northern part is drained b}- Sangamore Creek, while the western part sends its waters to the river by means of numerous small unnamed streams. There are several valuable stone quarries in Northfield, though from their remoteness from the river, they will not prove as profitable as those from which the stone can be loaded with- out much expense on the canal boats. A few, however, are found bordering the river ; these in time will secure merchant work, though at present, the stone is mostly used at home. The first settler was Isaac Bacon, a native of Boston, Mass., who, in 1806, purchased 160 acres (Lot 63) in Northfield, and the following year, in April, came with his family to their forest home. No settler lived within six or eight miles ; and, as Mr. Bacon was a total stranger, and was uncertain where to go to secure help in rearing his log cabin, he at last concluded to undertake it alone. This was no light undertaking, as the logs were much too heavy to be raised b}' one man to their elevated positions on the wall. Mr. Bacon was there- fore compelled to resort to some skillful pro- cess, whereby the needed assistance might be avoided. Large skids were braced against the wall, and then, by means of a long rope, which passed over the half-finished building, a yoke of oxen pulled the heavy logs to the required position. At the end of five days the cabin was raised, and covered with a roof made of bark ; the family living, in the meantime, in the wagon, which stood near. With no neigh- bor nearer than Tinker's Creek for three years, with the privilege of seeing white faces only by traveling many miles, the family of Mr. Bacon lived here isolated and alone. Mrs. Bacon was afterward often heard to remark, that for six months after their arrival she saw the face of no white woman, save the one re- flected to her aye when she looked in some clear pool of water. Many incidents of the dangers and privations endured by this family ere the township received other settlers have been gathered ; and a few of these, which illus- trate the lonely, deserted and dangerous sur- roundings of the forest will be narrated. At this period, almost every stream of any note which flowed into Cuyahoga River was the site of numerous Indian encampments, which varied in size from one wigwam, which sheltered one family, to encampments containing several hundreds of the semi-civilized race. A small camp of three wigwams was on Mr. Bacon's farm, and these families continued to camp there at stated seasons for many years, or until they took their final departure for the West. One daj' when Mrs. Bacon was alone in the cabin, a party of six or seven Indians went to the house, and, after entering without ceremony or invitation, called for whisky-. 3Irs. Bacon, knowing her helpless condition, and foreseeing difficulty and very likely extreme danger should her visitors become intoxicated, informed them that she had none, and that they had better be going on, as her husband would soon appear. After talking among themselves a few minutes, and carefully and suspiciously e3'ing Mrs. Bacon and the various articles in the room, the Indians finally insisted that she did have whisky, and immediately proceeded to search for it, notwithstanding the energetic and earnest pro- tests of the defenseless woman. A large bottle containing about a gallon of the liquor was soon found, and was quickly passed from hand to hand until all was gone, when the Indians, with man}- grimaces and threatening looks and gestures, quitted the premises, to the great relief of the apprehensive woman. She had attempted to interfere when the bottle was first discovered, but several of the Indians drew their knives, and circling them in the air as if in the act of scalping, sternly motioned her back. They de- parted and were seen no more. The Indians were not the only human beings to be feared. Many desperate men, numbers of whom were undoubtedly outlaws, passed through the front- ier settlements on the look-out for any game, no matter how dark, that would meet their de- sires of avarice or selfishness. One day, about noon, a dark-visaged man made his appearance at the cabin when Mr. Bacon was awa}', and, after learning of the absence of the husband, and asking all sorts of impudent questions, sat down with his fierce eyes fixed on the woman, and on a large dog that lay near the hearth watching, with suspicious glances, ever}' motion of the strange visitor. That the stranger did not relish the presence of the dog was soon ev- ident from his uneasiness. That Mrs. Bacon did not relish the presence of the strange man was also clearly evident. As night approached, the man was informed that he could not be ac- commodated until morning, and, as several liL NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. 569 miles intervened until the nearest house was reached, that he would better be going on. He did not seem inclined to go, and to add to the alarm of Mrs. Bacon he asked one of the little bo3-s to turn the grindstone, while he sharpened his knife. He took his place in the cabin, and the woman, with the dog before her, sat down to watch and wait. As midnight ap- proached, the stranger asked why she did not turn out the dog and go to bed. She replied, that the dog was allowed to sleep in the house. He then opened the -door and told the animal to go ; but the faithful creature, with a fierce growl, refused to move. The man seemed dis- appointed and sat down, and thus matters stood until morning, when the unwelcome guest de- parted and was seen no more. The family have ever since thought, that the presence of the dog alone saved Mrs. Bacon from insult or death, or perhaps both. Wild animals, both fierce and dangerous, were often seen in the vicinity of the cabin. Wolves would approach in the night, attracted by the scent of meat, and howl dismally until the break of dawn. Deer were seen by the hundreds, and often came quite close to the cabin. On one occasion, in broad daylight, a bear came quickly from the woods near the cabin, and, seizing a half-grown hog, carried it bodily off into the woods, where it was partly devoured and left. Mr. Bacon obtained a few sheep at quite an earl}' day, but they were found to be more bother than they were worth. One day a pack of wolves got after them, when they ran into the cabin, and were saved for that time. Mr. Bacon was the only inhab- itant until June, 1810, when Jeremiah Cranmer, Mr. Bacon's brother-in-law, arrived, and built a cabin on Lot 72, within half a mile of the cabin of the former. During the excitement occasioned by the war of 1812, Bacon and Cranmer made preparations to take their fam- ilies and seek the protection of the more pop- ulous settlement at Hudson. While the prep- arations were in progress, an Indian was seen skulking in the woods near, and was told that if he valued his scalp he had better depart without dela}'. He departed. After the}' had started, a report reached them that there was no danger, whereupon they returned, though they kept up an anxious watch for several weeks afterward. Mi*. Bacon was drafted and ordered to Cleveland, but was soon afterward discharged and sent home. Here, in Novem- ber, 1812, he was taken sick and died, and was buried on Tinker's Creek. Prior to this sad event, the Bacon family had, in 1808, lost an infant daughter, her death being the first in the township. In 1813, Abraham Cranmer appeared and bought the north half of Lot 72. His cabin was built with the assistance of Bacon and Jeremiah Cranmer, and his family made as comfortable as possible. In June of the same year, a young man named Henry Wood, one who was destined to play an important part in the affairs of Northfield, came to the township. While here, he won the affections of Estber, daughter of Jeremiah Cranmer, who accepted his proposal, and the}' were married September 22, 1813, at the residence of the bi'ide's father. This was the first wedding in Northfield. Henry Wood was in the war of 1812, and in his compan}' were Henry Post, who acted as Orderl}' Sergeant ; Abner Robinson, the poet of Boston, and Jonathan Williams, the latter serving in the capacity of scout. The com- pany went west as far as Sandusky, but did not see any active service. It was Henry Wood who, in passing a small creek in the township, and seeing several small parties of Indians encamped thereon, called it Indian Creek, a name it yet retains in honor of this man, who is yet living at the unusual age of ninety-one years. Mr. Wood often had hogs killed by the bears. It is related by him that on one occasion, he owned one shoat in a lot of sixteen, which ran wild in the forest. Hear- ing loud squealing one night, he took his rifle and hurried out to ascertain the cause, where- upon he found that his pig had been selected out of the herd, and carried off by a large bear. The squealings at a distance in the dai'k forest disclosed its fate. In 1814, George Wallace came to Brand}^- wine, and built a saw-mill. A relative of his named John Menough took charge of the mill, and Mr. Wallace returned to Cleveland, and did not bring his family out until 1818. In 1815, Robert Wallace came on with his fjimily, and built a small log cabin at Brandywine. It is said that this village and the creek of the same name were named by John Menough, after the historical stream in the East, where Gen. Washington fought a severe battle during the Revolution. In March, 1817, Henry Wood, t 570 HISTORY or SUMMIT COUNTY. John Duncan, Maurice Cranmer and a few other families moved into the township. There also came in, prior to 1819, William Cranney, Will- iam Mather, Abel Havens, Abner Hunt, Daniel Robertson, Edward Coyne, John Britt and Shubael Austin. The following is taken from the township records : " At a meeting of the qualitied electors of the township of Northfield on the 24th of May, 1819, the following officers were elected for the occasion : John Britt, Moderator ; Jeremiah Cranmer and John Duncan, Judges ; Orrin Wilcox, Clerk. After the officers had been duly sworn, the following township elections were made : Henry Wood, Clerk ; George Wallace, Jeremiah Cranmer and John Duncan, Trustees ; William Cranney and William Mather, Overseers of the Poor ; Robert Wallace and Maurice Cranmer, Fence Viewers ; Watrous Mather, Treasurer ; John Duncan, Abel Havens, Daniel Robertson and Abner Hunt, Supervisors of Highways ; Edward Coyne and Abraham Cranmer, Constables." Mr. Wood, who is yet living, says that this first election was held at the cabin of William Cranney. He also says that just before the township received its name, the settlers, who had assembled to erect a log house near the cemetery, began to sug- gest names. Mr. Wood wanted it called " York." Other names were suggested by several parties, among which was "Northfield," by Jeremiah Cranmer. A vote was taken on the various names suggested, and -'Northfield" was se- lected. The following is quoted from the records : " Poll Book of Northjield, Portage County, Ohio, October 12, 1819 — Jeremiah Cranmer, (xeorge Wallace and John Duncan, Judges of Election, and Henry Wood and John Britt, Clerks. Number and names of electors on this day : Abraham Cranmer, Abel Havens, Jeremiah Cranmer, John Duncan. Shubael Aus- tin, George Wallace, John Britt, Henry Wood, Robert Wallace and Edward Coyne— in all ten. Names of persons voted for and for what offices, containing the number of votes cast for each candidate : For Convention, 1 ; against Con- vention, 8. For Senator, Almon Ruggles, 7 ; William Whitmore, 1. For Representative, Samuel King, 10. For County Commissioner, Stephen Woodward, 8 ; Rial McArthur, 2." The ten electors just mentioned were not all there were in the township, and yet there were but few others. The following oflScers were elected April 3, 1820, as shown by the records : Henry Wood, Clerk ; John Duncan, Maurice Cranmer and A. Cranmer, Trustees ; Amos Richardson and Nathaniel Parsons, Overseers of the Poor ; Edward Coyne and Abner Hunt, Fence Viewers ; Dorsey Viers, Isaac Lake, A. S. Honey and Robert Richardson, Supervisors of Highways ; William Cranney and Robert Men- dal. Constables ; William Mather. Treasurer. Three weeks later, another election was held for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace, resulting as follows : George Wallace and Wm. D. Mather. At this election, there were twenty- six votes polled. The following items, which are deemed worthy of preservation, are taken from the records, which are fast falling into pieces : " State of Ohio, Portage County, North- field Township : To the Constable of said Town- ship, Greeting : Abraham Cranmer, Constable : You are commanded to warn Huldah Seeley out of said township forthwith, by the order of the Trustees and of the Poor Masters for said town- ship, and to cany her to the Constable of Inde- pendence Township, or Newburg, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Of this writ make legal service and due return. Given under our hands and seals, this 2d day of June, 1819. George Wal- lace and J. Cranmer, Trustees ; W. D. Mather and William Cranney, Jr., Poor Masters. Per- sonally served by me, Abraham Cranmer, Con- stable." It is told by way of joke in North- field, that Mr. Cranmer, the Constable, not knowing how to dispose of his charge, Huldah Seeley, finally took her on horseback to New- burg, where he left her, his idea being that the law would be best subserved by removing her as far as possible from the township. In 182G, there were thirty-nine householders in Northfield, and the following year there were forty-seven, as follows : George Phipps, Abner Hunt, Electa Dewey, Casper Noel, David Bow- ersmith, William Barkhamer, Widow Lesley, Daniel Croninger, Paul H. Beard, George Hills, Jonathan Pike, Jeremiah Cranmer, William Cliflbrd, A. B. Cranmer, Levi Leach, D. C. Ba- con, Henry Hopkins, William Cranney, H. Bump, Dorsey W. Viers, Sally Pritchard, Henry Croninger, Thomas Hills, Shubael Austin, John Wilson, Daniel Stanley, Thomas Appleton. Eliza- beth Richardson, John Jones, Maurice Cran- mer, A. D. Havens, Abraham Cranmer, Chester Northrup, John Duncan, Thomas McKee, Rob- ert Guy, William Guy, Allen Burroughs, George ® - ii NORTIIFIELD TOWNSHIP. 571 McClelland, Erastus Burdick, Robert Wallace, George Wallace, David Dilley, Joshua Post, Nathaniel Holmes, Mr. Townsend and Marv Post. By this time, the township was almost as well settled and improved as it is at present. But we must go back and trace the growth of industries, etc. As was before stated, George Wallace erected a saw-mill on Brandywine Creek ; and this mill, until Lots 19 and 40, of Boston, were attached to Northfleld, was in the former township. It was a frame mill, and was located on the creek where an abrupt fall of about ten feet gave an excellent and enduring water-power. It was built in 1814, and, in the following 3'ear, a grist-mill was built on the opposite side of the fall. This mill was a three- storied, frame structure, and is 3-et standing, being in a fair state of preservation. About the same time that the grist-mill was erected, a distillery was built back some distance on the farm, and given in charge of Allen Burris, a practical distiller. It disposed of some twelve bushels of grain dail}', and turned out in the same time between thirt}- and forty gallons of excellent whisky. The old account-books of Mr. Wallace are yet in existence, and reveal that, not onl}^ was whisky used b}^ ever}' one, including ministers (and perhaps abstainers), but was used extensively as an article of ex- change, serving the purpose almost as well as bank notes. Almost every entry involves the word " whisk}'." John Menough, who owned a third or a half interest in the grist-mill, was the miller, and operated it for many years. Robert Wallace owned an interest in the saw-mill, and was the sawyer until the mills were given into other hands. The distillery was conducted un- til about 1830, when it was abandoned. The saw-mill was operated, with several change of owners, until about the year 1851. The grist- mill is yet running. Mr. Wallace built a woolen- factory near the mills in 1821. During the first year of its operation, nothing was attempted, except wool-carding and cloth-dressing ; but the following year, and for many years there- after, the whole process of carding and spinning and weaving and dressing was conducted on an extensive scale, and a fine income realized. This was, perhaps, the most important industry ever in Northampton. At one time, the fac- tory, the grist-mill, the store, the saw-mill and the distilleiy were all in operation, and. as these various industries required the assist- ance of from twelve to twenty employes, the extent and importance of these eflbrts in the backwoods can be plainly seen. It is stated that, in about 181G, the village of Brandywine rivaled the village of Cleveland. But all has not yet been told. In 1816, Mr. Wallace sent some $1,600 worth of goods to the village, and placed them in an apartment that had been set oflf" for that purpose in the second story of the grist-mill. James, the son of George Wal- lace, was placed in the store to dispose of the goods. He had come from Cleveland with the teamster who brought the goods. The wagon moved very slowly through the muddy roads, and, as night was fiist coming on when they reached the northern part of the township, the boy James concluded he would hurry ahead, and reach home before the teamster. He was walking on quite rapidly, guided by the ob- scure markings of the winding road, when suddenly he was startled by a large deer which bounded across the path but a few yards in front of him. Almost at the same instant, he heard a loud crashing in the bushes close by, and a moment later a large, dark animal came swiftly into the path before him. The terrified boy saw that the animal was a large bear, and, though his blood froze in his veins, he determined not to run. But the bear, with scarcely a moment's hesitation, and without paying the slightest attention to the cowering boy. continued its headlong pursuit after the deer. The boy was so terrified that he ran on for several miles, when, reaching the cabin of a settler near Brandywine. he prevailed upon some of the boys to accompany him until he reached the village. It is scarcely necessary to add that the various pursuits thus begun at Brandywine w'ere the means of bringing to the neighborhood numerous families of settlers, and soon the place had all the appearance of a thriving village. In 1825, all tliat portion of the property owned by George "\\'allace fell to the ownership of James Wallace, his son, who is yet living, at a hale old age, near Macedonia. A year later. Robert Wallace also secured an interest in ihe various pursuits, and then the business firm was Wallace Brotliers. In 1843, a remarkable flood occurred, which swept the factory away, scattering the debris for miles along the banks, and badly injuring the grist- mill. This, however, was immediately repaired, IV 573 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUXTY. but the factory was not rebuilt. After this, the property gradually fell into other hands, and its former usefulness was greatly impaii'ed. The firm of Wallace & Wallace opened a store at the village in about 184-i, and carried a stock of some $2,000 worth of goods for ten or twelve years. This storehouse is now used as a dwelling. In about 1822, George Wallace succeeded in getting a post office established at Brandywine. Mr. Wallace was appointed Postmaster. The village at its best contained some ten or twelve families. The village of Little York has had a less eventful history. In about 1825, Henry Post built a saw-mill on the site of the village. He did not own the land, but -'squatted" there for the purpose of sawing lumber. His mill was operated b}' water-power, partly by natural facilities and partlj' by artificial. There was at that point a heavy forest of whitewood, which at that time was greatly in demand for boats on the canal, and for vessels on Lake Erie. The mill was enabled to run some eight months of the year, and, for six years, Mr. Post did an extensive and profitable business. George Leach then got possession of the mill, and, as the dam was a cheap aflTair and liable to be washed away by the first freshet, a larger and stronger one was built in the same place. This man continued many 3'ears, and, at times, did an enormous amount of work, operating two saws, and shipping by canal large quantities of oak, maple and whitewood lumber to Cleveland. In the early history of the village, a blacksmith, a shoemaker, a tan- ner and a few other tradesmen and mechanics located there. This has been about the extent of the rise and fall of Little York. The first building at the Center was very likely a schoolhouse, built as early as 1825.* Hezekiah H. Palmer erected the first dwelling. This was a round-log cabin, about thirty feet square, built in 1832, and divided by partitions into bedrooms and sitting-rooms. A 3'ear later, George Lillie built the second dwelling, and, soon afterward, Lucien Bliss, the third. All these were rough log cabins, hastil}' constructed, and, from their external appearance, it was evi- dent that the architect was inferior in point of genius to Michael Angelo, or, perhaps, he thought that the more beautiful products of his skill could and would not be appreciated in the forest. At all * Narrated to the writer by Ambrose Bliss. events, the buildings were neither models of architectural beauty and precision, nor equal in point of sumptuousness to Aladdin's palace. However, the families seemed to enjoy life just as well as they whose habitations were supe- rior and more elegant. During the same year, 1833, or perhaps the following spring. Col. Milton Arthur built a storeroom which is now a part of an outhouse belonging to Mr. McCon- nell. Arthur placed in this storeroom some $500 worth of goods, consisting of a general assortment that had been purchased at Cleve- land. The store did not amount to much, but was an accommodation to those living in the vicinit3f and was well patronized. A few years later, B. F. Cannon placed a small stock of goods in another building, but, after a short time, sold out to Hosea and Lucien Bliss, who increased the stock somewhat. Soon after the Bliss brothers opened their store, Frank Allen built another building near by, and placed therein a small general assortment. After this, frequent changes were made in the merchants, none of whom remained any great length of time. The village was not a very lively trad- ing-point. Many country stores were located in adjoining townships, and even in Northfield, and storekeepers, with a few fortunate excep- tions, were compelled to continue, if at all, upon meager remuneration. However, there have been some good stores in the village. Af- ter Frank Allen and the Bliss Brothers, the fol- lowing merchants have held forth at various times in about the order given : Warner Wal- lace, Mr. Putnam, Woodman & Howe, James McElroy, Nelson Decker, M. O'Neil, S. K. Alex- ander, Lyon & Logue and J. G. Alexander, the present merchant. The most of these men kept ordinar}' country stores, including limited deal- ings in all the various kinds of country produce. It was usual to accumulate a considerable quan- tity of the latter, which was then conveyed to some shipping-point and sent off for foreign consumption. Other industries have existed for short periods in the village. Bliss & Taub- man (the latter being an experienced tailor), opened a clothing store soon after. Ready-made clothing was kept, and suits of every descrip- tion were made to order on short notice. In 1841, 0. A. Bishop built a tavern which was thrown open for the entertainment of the public the same year. The building is now used as a combined grocery and post office. ~:f\: «> ht* NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. 573 The tavern, which was located on the State road, did a good business until the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad was projected through the township, when it was closed for lack of cus- tom. The first blacksmith in the village was a man named Phillips. Ambrose Bliss was the first carpenter. Dr. Hosea Bliss was the first resident physician. He became well known, and continued to practice his profession until five or six years ago. Dr. Hazleton ap- peared a number of j-ears later, and soon se- cured a lucrative practice. George Lillie was the first Postmaster, receiving his commission in about 1836, the office having been removed from Brand3wine to the Center. In about the 3'ear 1840, George Lillie, Hezekiah Palmer, Lucien Bliss and Col. Ai'thur, each of whom owned a corner at the cross-roads, threw out half an acre of land each for a public square. This square is yet sacred to the use of the public, and is likely to remain so. The village has not been regularly' surveyed and platted, the lots being laid off and sold as calls are made for them. Perhaps the greatest popula- tion the village has had at any one time has been about seventy-five. It is proper at this point to narrate an occur- rence which took place in the township at an early day, and which, from its peculiarity, de- serves preservation. We quote as follows from Gen. L. V. Bierce : " An Englishman named Rupert Charlesworth, who was boarding with Dorsey Viers in 1826, suddenly and mysteri- ously disappeared. He was traced to the cabin of Viers on the night of the 23d of July, but on the following morning when a Constable went there to arrest him, he was gone, and no trace of him could be found. On the arrival of the Constable Mrs. Viers was found mopping up the floor. Questions were asked, but Mr. Viers told contradictor}- stories as to the disappearance of the man. alleging in one instance that he jumped out of the win- dow and ran off and could not be caught, and in another, that he left when Viers was asleep, and the latter knew nothing of his where- abouts. A few days later, some one announced having heard the report of a rifle at Vier's cabin the night of the man's disappearance, and of having seen blood on a pair of bars which led from the cabin to the woods. Years rolled on, and the excitement grew stronger with age, until, on the 8th of January, 1831, complaint was entered before George Y. Wal- lace, Justice of the Peace, that Viers had mur- dered Charlesworth. Viers was arrested, and a trial of eight days followed. Not only were the circumstances above narrated proved, but a hired girl who was working for Viers at the time of the man's disappearance swore that a bed blanket used by Charlesworth was missing from the cabin on the day of his departure, and that it was afterward found concealed un- der a haystack, with large black spots on it, resembling dried and clotted blood. It was also proved that Charlesworth had a large amount of money, and that Viers was, previ- ous to the disappearance of the man. compar- atively poor, but immediately afterward was flush of mone^^ To complete the chain of circumstantial evidence, a human skeleton had been found concealed under a log in the woods, beyond the bars already mentioned. Matters were in this shape when two men from San- dusky unexpectedly appearejl and swore that the}^ had seen Charlesworth alive and well after the time of the supposed murder, though when seen he was passing under an assumed name. On this testimony Viers was acquitted, liut his acquittal did not change public sentiment as to his guilt. It was generally believed that the witnesses had been inducted to perjure themselves. Viers, however, did not let the matter rest at this stage. He began a vigor- ous and protracted search for the missing man, and continued it with unwavering perseverance. He visited all parts of the Union, and, after a search of years, he one day went into a tavern at Detroit, and in the presence of a large as- semblage of men, inquired if an}' one knew of a man named Charlesworth. x\ll replied no. Just as he was about to leave, a man stepped up to him, and, taking him to one side, inquired if his name was Viers, from Northfield. Viers replied that it was. The stranger then said, 'lam Rupert Charlesworth. but I pass here under an assumed name.' Charlesworth was informed of all that had taken place, and he immediately volunteered to go to Northfield and have the matter cleared up. On their ar- rival, a meeting of the township was called, and after a thorough investigation it was the unanimous vote, with one exception, that the man alleged to have been murdered now stood alive before them. It appears that he had passed a counterfeit $10 bill on Deacon Hud- 574 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY son, and fearing an arrest he left the cabin of Viers suddenly, and soon afterward went to England, where he remained two years, at the end of which time he returned to the United States under an assumed name, and went into the backwoods of Michigan, where his real name, former residence and liistory were un- known. Tlie name of the family was thus, al- most b}' accident, cleared of infamy and shame. This renuirkable case is rivalled only b}' the celebrated case of the Bournes in Vermont.'' The following is also quoted from Bierce's history : *• A more tragic affair occurred in Northtield, on the 24th of July, 1837. On the night of that date, some person or persons entered the house of Robert McKisson, a respected citizen of the township, and with an ax struck Mrs. McKisson as she lay on the bed, splitting, or rather hewing, the right side of her head nearl}' away, and leaving the brain exposed or scattered upon the bedding. Lucinda Croning- er, Mrs. McKisson's daughter by a former hus- band, lying on an adjoining bed, hearing the confusion, raised up and sci'eamed, but was in- stantly knocked down, senseless, with the ax. An alarm was given by some other member of the familj', and the murderer made off. The neighbors collected and obtained from Mrs. McKisson, who, a few hours later, died, the statement that the murder had been committed by her father-in-law, Samuel McKisson. This was the d^'ing declaration of the murdered woman, and the testimony of the daughter at the trial. Samuel McKisson was arrested that night at his own house. Suspicion immediate- ly attached to David McKisson, a brother-in- law of the murdered woman, who had been paying his addresses to the daughter, but who had been refused admission to the house by the mother. He had been lurking around for several days, during which time he had ob- tained several interviews with Miss Croninger, in one of which they exchanged rings. A few minutes after the murder, a person was heard running past a house toward the canal from the direction of the McKisson cabin. The next morning, at daylight, he was seen on the canal, about three miles from the place, getting a passage to Cleveland. A few days later, he was arrested on the Government works at the mouth of Maumee Bay, with the blood still on his shirt-sleeves. The father and son were in- dicted for murder by the grand jury in Sep- tember, 1837, and soon afterward tried. The father was acquitted, but the son was convicted of murder in the first degree, and, on the 9th of February, 1838, was executed at Ravenna." Abraham Cranmer, in 1824, built the first house in Macedonia. It was a hewed-log building, with the usual inconveniences and lack of attractions, and was located in the northeastern part of the village. This house stood until 1854, when it was taken down. Edwin Hutchinson built the second, just above the church, in about 1831. About this time, or soon afterward, George Shattuck and Eras- tus Beldin also built dwellings at the village. All these buildings were of logs, and some per- sons have insisted that the three buildings last referred to were probably erected some four years sooner than as stated above. The above, however, is given on the authorit}' of Mrs. (Cranmer) Munn, who was living in the village with her father, Abraham Cranmer, at the time, and who is probably not mistaken. Sev- eral other dwellings were erected soon after- ward, and the citizens then began to suspect that a village was springing up around them. A few mechanics and tradesmen appeared, but no stock of goods was bi'ought to the village until 1852, when Odell, Price & Co. placed about $4,000 worth in a storeroom that had been built by John Odell the year before. This partnership began a brisk business, selling or exchanging their goods to the surrounding country, and shipping farm produce, including eggs, butter and cheese, to Cleveland. The quantity of cheese handled by this firm was re- markable. They began slowl}^, like cautious and experienced merchants, feeling their way, until at last all hesitancy was thrown aside, from the steady condition of the market, and enormous quantities of cheese were purchased and shipped to Cincinnati and other points. The cheese and butter products of sixty dairies were handled by the partnership. Each dairy avei'aged one cheese of twenty- pounds" weight dail)', making, in all, 1,200 pounds that were shipped away each day, from the 1st of May until the middle of September. When the number of days are considered, it will be seen that about 175,000 pounds of cheese were shipped from Macedonia each season. During the same period, flft)' pounds of butter were re- ceived daily from these dairies, and shipped oflF n^ ^ NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP 575 with the cheese, making a total of about 7,000 pounds handled per annum. In 1854, this firm was succeeded by Odell & Co., who con- ducted the same business even more extensive ly than the former firm. Either goods or money were given for butter and cheese. Two years later, Odell & O'Neil took charge of the business, but, at the end of about eight months, the senior partner bought the junior's interest, and conducted the business alone until July, 1857, when he failed and closed out his stock. Archibald Nesbitt took up the broken threads of this trade in 1858, and conducted a fair busi- ness until about the time the last war com- menced. After this, for a few 3'ears, the store- room was vacant. Michael O'Neil was in for a few months, during the latter part of the war. In 1866, Sage & Hine opened with a small stock, and, a year later, Hine sold his interest to Chamberlain, and, in 1869, Sage also sold to Chamberlain ; but, soon afterward, Darling & Drennan took charge of the store, increasing the stock until it was valued at $5,200, and handling, at the same time, the cheese of two factories. Lewis Lemoin became owner in the spring of 1875, but sold out at the end of a year to J. C. Johnson, who continued until the spring of 1879, when S. M. Ranney & Co. took possession and have continued since. It would seem by the constant change of ownei's, that the merchants were either novices at their call- ing, or that the mercantile pursuit in the vil- lage was as uncertain as it was unprofitable and unsatisfactory. Probably both of these reasons have contributed to the failures. O'Neil & Wilcox opened a store, with $800 worth of goods, in 1854, but, soon afterward, O'Neil sold his interest to his partner, who, a year or two later, failed with maledictions on his lips. Marvin Ford sold groceries for a short time about 1865. Lewis Lemoin bought him out, and after continuing eight months, with Palmer as his partner part of the time, sold his share to Mr. Stone, the latter selling to Alton Griswold a year later. In 1870, Palmer sold to Griswold, and, four years later, the lat- ter sold an interest to L. L. Palmer, who, at the end of a year, bought his partner's share, and continued alone until 1878, when the present firm of Munn Brothers assumed ownership. Merchants of Macedonia have surely experi- enced a checkered career. They spring up from all quarters, like mushrooms from a hot-bed. L. Gr. Odell was the first Postmaster, receiv- ing his commission in 1852. Zedick Everest built an ashery in 1844, and continued the manufacture of potash until 1858, turning out a ton a week the year round, the most of the time he conducted the business. When the woolen factory at Brandywine was swept away in 1843, David Armstead and Carl Storrs bought a portion of the machinery, and immediately thereafter erected a fine saw-mill at Macedonia. They owned and operated the mill until 1852, when Alexander Nesbitt bought them out, and four years later a man named Griffith became owner. Stone & Buswell owned and operated it during the war, and did an enormous business. They sawed vast quantities of car and wagon lumber from oak, ash, maple and black walnut, which was shipped by rail to Cleveland. They made their fortunes and sold out when the war ended. Since then Woodbury, Lemoin, Barnum and others have owned the mill. Shields & Chapin have owned it since 1872, and are at present doing a large business for the car manufacture at Cleveland. David Armstead built a hotel in 1840. The •Riley House " was built seven years ago.* It is probable, though not certain, that the first term of school was taught at Brandywine. A log schoolhouse was built there as early as 1817, and a Mr. Stiles was employed to teach the few children then in the village. He kept irregular hours and was paid at the rate of about $1 per scholar for the term. He taught several terms, prior to 1820, in the same house, which was occupied until about 1830, when a frame schoolhouse was built across the road opposite the old one. This building was used many years, and, though silent and deserted at present, is yet standing, a relic of pioneer times. The old log schoolhouse at Brandywine was well attended from 1820 to 1830. The children within a radius of several miles were sent to it without regard to township lines ; for it made little difference whence they came, provided they paid promptly their allotted subscription. Children from up nearly to the center were given their first schooling in this house, while, also, many of those who had attended the Stan- ford School while the old log schoolhouse was standing there, were sent to Brand3'wine when it was taken down. Everybody at that time looked upon Brandywine as an unusually prom- *Giv<'ii on the authority of Mr. Odell, of Macedonia. rv 576 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ising village, and for many years it was the center of education, religion and industry. The place was deemed so important, that its being situated partly in Boston and partly in North- field was regarded as a drawback to its im- provement and growth, and the result was that through the influence of the Wallaces and others, two lots were severed from Boston and attached to Northfield. The following action was also taken by the Trustees of the two townships at a joint meeting : "■ The second school district in the Township of Northfield is this day annexed to the second fractional school district in the Township of Boston, by the Trustees of the said townships. December 1, 1827." It is thought by several, that the first school in the township was taught in the Bacon neigh- borhood. It will be remembered that, in 1815, there were several families living there, each of which comprised several children. Henry Wood, whose memory is now slowly failing him on account of age, but who is probably correct, says that school was taught prior to 1 81 7 in a vacated log dwelling known as the Row- ley house. If this be true, it was the first in Northfield. A man named King was the first, or one of the first three or four who taught there. In about 1818 or 1819, a log school- house was built within a quarter of a mile of the cemetery which lies half a mile north of the Center. Henry Wood was one of the first teachers in this house. This was used until not far from 1825, when a schoolhouse was built at the Center, and another about two miles northwest of the Center. The following action taken from the records was probably the first relating to the division of the township into school districts : " At a meeting of the Trustees of Northfield on April 12, 1826, for the purpose of dividing the township into school districts, the following division was made : Commencing at the northwest corner of said township, thence south to the center line of said township, thence east along said center line to the road running north and south through the center of said township, thence south along said road to the south line of Lot 7, thence east along said line to the east line of said township, thence north to the northeast corner of said township, thence west to the place of beginning — said district containing twenty-four householders, and to be known as No. 1. Also, commencing on the east line of said township and running east along the center line to the center road running north and south through said township, thence south along said road to the south line of Lot 47, thence east along said line to the east line of said township, thence south along said line to the north line of Boston, thence west along said line to the Cuyahoga River, thence north to the place of beginning — said district con- taining fifteen householders, and to be known as No. 2." The following is also quoted from the records : " We, the Directors, Maurice Cran- mer and Levi Leach, do agree to have two schools in District No. 1, to the best ad- vantage of the inhabitants, and the public monc}' to be divided to the number of scholars each school affords as one school, April 5, 1828." This division was formally made on the 3d of the following Ma}^, the two districts thus formed being designated 1 and 8. Prior to the division of 182G, the township schools had been supported wholly b}^ subscription. The houses had been built by everybody with- out regard to public or individual expense. The one built at the Center, as previously stated, was used until 1835, when a frame structure was erected to take its place, and was used until two years ago. Robert Smith, after- ward School Examiner, taught a select school in the Putnam storeroom after the latter sold out. He taught several terms of excellent school. He also taught in the town hall, which was built in 1848. Rev. Andrews also taught a select school in the Presbyterian Church. Esther Cranmer taught the first school in Macedonia. She went to Hudson for her cer- tificate, and was examined in geography, reading writing, spelling and arithmetic by Lawyers Humphrey and Kirkham. She taught a summer school of four months, and received ten shill- ings per week, and boai'ded around. This school was taught in about the year 1833. The old house was soon disused and a new one built, and another has taken the place of the place of the last. There are now seven school districts in Northfield. There are four churches in the township. For many years prior to 1831, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists and Seceders held meet- ings in dwellings and schoolhouses, yet, so far as known, no society was regularl}' organized until the year mentioned. From Mrs. Bacon L^ NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. 577 we learn that the Methodists organized a society on the 21st of Juh-, 1831, with the following members : Abner Hurt, Charles Leader, Caleb Brown (the first minister), Betsey Hurt, Jere- miah Cranraer and wife, David C. Bacon and wife, Daniel S. Stanley and wife, Abram Cran- mer and daughter Esther, William Guy and his mother, Mrs. Duncan, Morris Cranmer and wife, Lyman Richardson, and one other whose name is forgotten, making eighteen members. The minister. Rev. Mr. Brown, preached his first sermon from the text, " Why halt ye between two opinions ?" etc. The society wor- shiped in a log schoolhouse at Northfield Cen- ter for some time, and in Mr. Stanle3''s house also. Mr. Brown, after organizing the church, preached but twice before going to Conference. He was succeeded by Revs. Alfred Bronson and John J. Steedman. The circuit at that time included Cu3'ahoga Falls, Ravenna, etc. The surviving members of the first organiza- tion are Mrs. Jane C. Bacon and Esther Cran- mer, now Mrs. Munn. Mrs. Bacon remembers a camp-meeting held in August, 1832, the next 3'ear after the formation of the church in Northfield, over in Hudson Township, at which Mr. Steedman preached one night from the text, " And at midnight there was a cry made. Behold, the bridegroom cometli ; go ye out to meet him." During the .sermon a most terrific thunder-storm came up, and as the people sought shelter in their tents, the minister took the opportunity' to make the storm an applica- tion of his argument — that if they did not have refuge in Christ, etc., etc., and following the application, he commenced singing in a tremendous voice the h^mn beginning — * " He comes, He comes, the Judge severe, The seventh trumpet speaks him near. The lightnings flash, the thunders roll." etc. The whole scene made a lasting impression upon the congregation, and was the means of starting a great revival, which continued throughout the meeting. About the year 1836, the societj' built a church edifice. There were several members who lived at Macedonia, which led to the organi- zation of a separate society there, and the use of the church at that place, or perhaps its undi- vided ownership was thus secured. This church was built in about 1835 by people who held a variety of religious opinions, among whom perhaps the Free- Will Baptists predomi- nated. One of the greatest revivals ever in Northfield was conducted at Macedonia, in the old log schoolhouse, b}^ Rev. Mr. Worrellow. It lasted five weeks, and sixty-five were con- verted, a portion of whom joined the Free-Will Baptists, others the Methodists, and still others the Presbyterians. The first services held by the Presbyterians in Northfield were by Rev. Mr. Hanford, who came over from Hudson and preached occasionally. A church was built by this denomination in 1834, which was used until about thirt}- years ago, when the present one was built. Among the earl}- members of this church were A. Chapin, John and Matthew Wilson, Levi Taylor, Mrs. Ozmun, Mr. Hall and others. A Congi'egational society was early organized, mainly through the influence of the Taylors. A small church was built by them about the year 184-1. Most of this societ}^, however, eventually united with the Presbyterians, and their church, which was thus left vacant, was used a few times in which to hold select schools, and was then fitted up for a dwelling, and is still used as such. The follow- ing has been handed us b}' Rev. J. W. Logue, of Northfield : •• The earliest members of the First United Presbyterian Church of this town- ship came from Ligonier Valley, Penn., in 1831. These and a few others that came in a short time afterward, numbering in all foui'teen souls, formed themselves into a church society in 1833 by the election of William Lemmon, Ruling Elder. A short time afterward John Nesbitt, Jacob- Leslie and John Phillips were elected to serve in the same capacity. Their first communion was held in a schoolhouse in the vicinity, the above number of communi- cants uniting with them. Their first settled minister was Rev. Joseph Banks, who com- menced his ministry among them in 1834, remaining some five years. Their first church building was a comfortable frame house, about 35x45 feet, and was erected in 1837 at a cost of about $1,000, and located near the center of Northfield. Their second settled minister was Rev. James W. Logue, who began his labors among them in 1843, and has continued until the present time. Their second church is a commodious frame building, about 40x60 feet, tastefully constructed and furnished at a cost of some $8,000. It was erected in 1871 on the site of the former one. This church, the strongest in the township, is strongly Calvinistic iJ; 578 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in its principles. It took an early and leading part in the anti-slaver}' reformation in this community, and has always been active in all moral reforms.'" In 1864, a cornet band was- organized in the township, composed of the following members : Thomas W. Kichey, William F. Drennen, Milton A. Van Horn, Joseph Wilson, L. Bliss, J. Gr. Alexander, George Eichey and Charles Peck. These members, with their own means, pur- chased a set of second-hand brass instruments, and their subsequent efforts were crowned with moderate success. The band continued thus, with some changes, until 1872, when, through the efforts of A. W. Bliss and the liberality of many citizens of the township, a set of fine new silver instruments was purchased at a cost of $841. This was sufficient to lirouse the mem- i bers of the band to their greatest efforts, and the surrounding hills and dales echoed with music as sweet as that of Orpheus. Perhaps, also, the birds of the air, the fish in the streams, the wild beasts of the forest, and even the trees, rocks and hills, gathered around to hear the divine strains. The members of the band shared a fate almost as sorrowful as that of Orpheus. Three years after their new instruments were purchased, they disbanded, and their delicious music died out in plaintive echoes. In 1877, a new band was organized, composed in part of members of the former band. This is yet in existence. The members have furnished them- selves with new brass instruments, and have recently made their appearance in a bright new uniform. The present members are George Bliss, Isaac Buskirk, Charles Peck, Frank Brower, John N. McConnell, Cass Proctor, J. L. Ranney, Henry Nesbitt, L. E. Stanley, W. Tj. Palmer, Frank Buggies and Will Howe. The band is a credit to the township, and should be encouraged in a hearty and substantial man- ner. A Lecture Association was organized in North- field in the winter of 1878, of which the folio wing- were the six original members : M. A. Van Horn, Dr. R. S. Hubbard, Lorin Bliss, G. M. Seidell, J. G. Alexander, Jo Harter, and afterward B. A. Bobinotte was added. The first officers were M. A. Van Horn, President ; J. G. Alexander, Secretary ; Dr. R. S. Hubbard, Corresponding Secretary, and G. M. Seidell, Treasurer. It be- gan as a matter of experiment, and they hired their own lecturers, for which they paid out of their individual pockets. It proved a success. Lectures were held on Thursdaj' evenings of each week, alternating in the different churches. The association has become self-sustaining by the sale of family tickets, memberships, etc., and is apparently- on a firm basis. The pi-esent officers are Jo Harter, President ; B. A. Bob- inette, Vice President ; Dr. R. S. Hubbard, Cor- responding Secretary ; Lorin Bliss, Assistant Corresponding Secretary : J. G. Alexander, Sec- retarv and Treasurer. CHAPTER XXV.* NORTON TOWNSHll'— ITS PHYSK'AL FEATURES— COMING OF TFIE WHITES — PIONEER INDUSTRIES —GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT— VILLAGES— CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. ■Ar|"ORTON TOWNSHIP was originally .jJN known as Town 1, Range 12, and was a a part of Wolf Creek Township, which com- prised all that territory now known as Norton and Copley, in Summit Countv, and Wads- worth, Sharon, Guilford and Montville, in Me- dina County. Wolf Creek Township was or- ganized in 1816, and, at an election held in April of that year, at the house of Philemon Kirkham, which stood on Lot 11, in Norton, Henry Van Hyning, Sr., and Salmon Warner * Contributed by M. L. Shook. were chosen the first Justices of the Peace. Van H3'ning lived on Lot 19, and Warner, just across the line in what is now Wadsworth Township. Philemon Kirkham was elected Town Clerk ; Nathan Bates, Jacob Miller and Abraham Van Hyning were elected Trustees. Twenty-two votes were polled at this first elec- tion in a precinct whose boundaries inclosed 150 square miles. In 1818, Norton Township was organized, with its boundaries the same as at pi'esent. It had been surve3'ed eight or nine years previous to this by Joseph Darrow and (r~ -^ :NOIiTON TOWNSHIP. 579 others, and platted into lots half a mile square, numbering from one to one hundred, and be- ginning in the northwest corner of the town- ship, numbering fi'om the west to east, thus : the west lots were 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, to the southwest corner. It is bounded on the north bj- Copley ; on the east by Coven- try, part of which boundary is marked b}^ the Tuscarawas River ; on the south l)y Franklin and Chippewa, and on the west by Wadsworth. Norton is not exactly five miles square, as are most of the townsliips on the Western Reserve, the reason for which we will endeavor to show. That part of the Reserve lying east of the Cuy- ahoga River, Portage Path and Tuscarawas Branch of the Muskingum was acquired of the Indians by the treaty of Fort Mcintosh in 1785. It was surveyed in the years 1796 and 1797, by running the base line of forty-one degrees north latitude through from the Pennsylvania line to the Tuscarawas, where a mark was made on a tree, " 56m," meaning fifty-six miles from the Pennsylvania line. This made eleven ranges and one mile over on the base line. The territory west of Cuyahoga River, Portage Path and Tuscarawas River was not ceded b}- the Indians until the treaty of Fort Indus- try, in 1805, after which the balance of the Re- serve was survej^ed, and that part of Range 12, Town 1, or Norton, lying east of the Tusca- rawas, having been annexed to Range 11, Town 1, years before, was never transferred. An in- cident which occurred at the time the survey was made will not be out of place. Squire David Hudson, of the town of Hudson, being one of the original owners of Norton Township, concluded to go down and see how the land which he owned lay ; and also to ascertain how the survey was moving along. Arriving in Norton, he accompanied the surveying party several days, and, one day while looking around through the forest, he became detached from the rest of the part}' and partially lost, or at least did not know which direction to take to find his companions. The surveyors did not miss him until they heard some one making a terrible noise a little distance off, and at once made their way to the spot from which the sounds came. Here they found Hudson, with his arms closel}^ clinging to a tree, which he was vainly trying to climb, and calling lustily for some one to •' Shoot the bear ! " It seems he had happened to surprise an old she bear and two cubs, which took to their heels as soon as they saw him, being as much frightened as the Squire himself was. It is reported that he kept close to the surveying party after this. This township is drained by the Wolf Creek and its tributaries. Wolf Creek enters the township from the north, in Lot 7, takes a southerly course in general, and empties into the Tuscarawas River from Lot 88. Its chief tributaries are (beginning at the north) Pigeon Creek, which enters the township from Copley in Lot 10, flows south and a little west of south through or across the corner of ]jots 10 and 20, and empties into Wolf Creek in Lot 19. Van Hyning Run, which rises in a marsh near the north line of the township in Lots 3 and 4, takes a southeasterly course through Lots 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 37, 38, and empties into Wolf Creek on Lot 48. Hudson Run rises partly in Wadsworth Township, Medina County, and partly in Norton Township, flows southeasterly through Lots 21, 31, 32, 42, 43, 53, 54, 64, 65, 75, 76, 77, and empties into Wolf Creek on Lot 78, near Wolf Creek Lock. Silver Creek, a branch of the Chippewa River, drains a small portion of the southwest corner of the townsliip. Hubbard Run rises near Western Star, in Wadsworth Township, enters Norton in Lot 41 , takes an easterly course through Lots 51, 52, 62, 63, 53, and empties into Hudson Run on Lot 54. A small lake, called Davis Lake, in Lot 68, is the only lake in the town- ship. It has no visible outlet, and is fed by springs, it is supposed, from the bottom. It is about a mile in circumference, and a pleasant spot. The bottom is sandy, and it is conse- quently a favorite resort during the summer months for bathing. The soil in Norton Township is somewhat diversified. The extreme eastern portion, north and east of Wolf Creek, is inclined to- ward a sandy loam, in some parts more sandy than in others. This land is very easy to till, and with care brings abundant crops. The land l^ing adjacent to the Wolf Creek is of a loamy, mucky nature, and, when first turned up by the plow, resembles decayed vegetable matter, of which, indeed, it is largely com- posed. West and southwest of Wolf Creek, we find the soil contains more clay, but in places so mingled with gravel and loam as to make the best of soil for agricultural purposes. D "V 580 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Drainage is sufficient in all parts of Norton with the exception of the south half of the Wolf Creek bottoms and a portion of swamp lying partly in this township and partly in Copley. At the building of the Ohio Canal, the waters of Wolf Creek were taken to feed the canal below Wolf Creek Lock. This caused a stagnation in the last few miles of its flow, which is the source of a great deal of waste wet land, and that the ver}' richest soil in the township. The eastern part of the township is somewhat broken and hilly, al- though very little of it is so rough as not to be utilized. A ledge of sandstone just strikes the township on the northeast corner. Another ledge forms the Western boundary of the Wolf Creek bottoms, this last passing entirely through the township from north to south, and from one to two miles from the east line. This sandstone is quarried at several places, and makes the best of building stone. Among the quarries now open may be mentioned those of Shaw's, near Wolf Creek Lock ; Irish's, on Lot 47, and Miller's, on Lot 37. The principal productions of Norton Township are wheat, oats, corn and live stock and coal. This shows agriculture to be the chief occupation of the citizens. Considerable attention has been paid the past few years to the raising of stock. Some fine thoroughbred cattle are owned in the township. Among cattle-raisers, the name of A. D. Betz takes first rank, although others have made considerable advance toward fine stock. Norton has long been noted for its draft horses, and, at the fairs of the county, the farmers of Norton very rarely take the sec- ond place in the matter of horses. Norton is well supplied with villages, no less than seven being wholly or in part included in its terri- tory. New Portage is situated near the east line of the township, and midway between the north and south lines, on Lots 50 and 60. Loyal Oak, in the north part of the township, about one and three-fourths miles from the center ; Western Star, partly in this and partly in Wadsworth Township, on the county line between Summit and Medina Counties, two and one-half miles west of Norton Center ; Denni- son Station, one and one-half miles west and one mile south of Norton Center ; Johnson's Corners, one and one- half miles south of Nor- ton Center ; Hametown, one and three-fourths miles southwest of Johnson's Corners, on the Wooster roajj ; and, last and least, Norton Cen- ter, situated in the geographical center of the township. Norton Township, as we have said, was Town 1, Range 12, in the Western Reserve, and at its formation was named after Birdsey Norton, one of the original owners of the township. It was formed into an independent township in the spring of LS18 ; and at an election held on the first Monday of April, Joseph D. Hum- phrey was elected Town Clerk ; Abraham Van Hyning, Ezra Way, and Charles Lyon, Trust- ees. Among the Supervisors of Highways for that year, of whom there were five, we find the names of Joseph Holmes, Elisha Hins- dale and John Cahow. Henry Van Hyning, Sr.. was Justice of the Peace. Probably the first purchase of land was made by James Rob- inson, he having purchased Lot 19, as early as 1810, and built a hut on it. It seems, however, that he did not make this his permanent resi- dence. He was originally from Otsego County, N. Y. In 1815, he sold his lot to Mr. Henry Van Hyning, Sr. About the same time that Robinson came to Norton, John Cahow settled on Lot 20, about a half-mile east of Robinson's place, and erected a log cabin. It is a matter of some dispute, whether Robinson's or Cahow's house was the first one built in the township. Some authorities claim the former and others the latter. Cahow came from Marjdand and had raised some crops before the war of 1812, and kept a hotel or tavern as it was then called, during that war ; his place being on the great trail from old Portage, on the Cuyahoga, to the Scioto. No progress was made toward set- tling up the township until after the war of 1812, when a general rush of settlers found their way through the trackless forest. Among them we notice Philemon Kirkham. who set- tled on Lot 11 ; Seth Lucas, on Lot 12 ; the Bates brothers, who settled south of what is now Johnson's Cornel's at first, and soon after two of them removed to where Loyal Oak now is. Their names were Nathan and Lyman Bates. The}' each erected a cabin, one on the southwest and one on the northeast corner. The place took its name from them. Abraham Van Hyning came in 1814 and settled on Lot 75, now Johnson's Corners. His house stood on a spot about twenty rods nearly due west of the present storehouse, on the l)ank. John Bryan, or O'Brien, perhaps more properly, set- w — •-4* NORTON TOWNSHIP. 581 tied a little southwest of Van Hyning's place, near the present Wooster road, on Lot 85. i About the same time, a family by the name of Clark settled at New Portage, and built a log cabin, partly in this and partly in Coventry' Township. A son of this familj', named Miles, afterward became the first physician of the township. In 1815, quite a number of families settled in the township, among them Henry Van Hyning, who, with his sons, plaj^ed a most important pai't in the earlj' history of Norton. Having purchased Lot 19, of James Robinson, he I'emoved his family from North- ampton, where he had settled ten years before, to Norton, where he had intended to pass the remainder of his days. Van H3'ning came originall}' from Saratoga, N. Y., and was of \ Dutch origin, his forefathers having emigrated ; from Holland to New York, when that was called New Amsterdam. His second wife was I a direct descendant of the great Bogardus men- tioned in history. Van H3'ning, with his fam- ily, left Saratoga for the West in 1805, with two yoke of oxen attached to wagons, and his wife riding horseback through the forest, driving three cows which followed the wagons and re- quiring little effort on her part. Their course lay through Buflfalo, N. Y., to Erie, Penn., near which place Mr. Van Hyning built canoes, lashed them together and launched them on French Creek. He passed down this creek to the Allegheny, and thence to Pittsburgh, whith- er his teams were coming as fast as they could travel. From Pittsburgh they went across the counti-y to what is now Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio, where they stopped about two months. The lamily was here increased by one who was named Sylvester, and who is now liv- ing on the old homestead. During the stop at Canfield, Mr. Van Hyning went on to North- ampton to locate his home, whither he removed as soon as circumstances would permit. From Canfield they went to Ravenna, thence back to Warren where the}' laid in a stock of provis- ions, consisting of a barrel of pork, a barrel of flour and a barrel of whisky, with numerous other articles of necessity to a backwoodsman. From Warren they made their way to west- ward to the Cuyahoga River, which they crossed at a point called " Brady's Leap.'" The bridge across the stream at tiiis place, consisted of two " stringers," or logs, placed across the stream (which was about twenty' feet wide) and a split puncheon floor. Over this they crossed and to Northampton they were obliged to cut a road most of their way. The journey, including the stop at Canfield, occupied about four months. These early settlers were subjected to many privations ; their provisions did not hold out until more could be produced and after a crop was raised they had no mill within a distance of thirty miles. When they went to mill they had to take a big load or the teams would eat it all up before they got back home. A few years, however, removed the diflSculty. The mill and other comforts were added from time to time. This is a sample of the journey across the unbroken wilderness by the earl}' settlers, and one will suflSce as all were much alike. About the same time that Van Hj^ning came to Norton, Benjamin Hoadley moved in and settled in Lot 15, near Loj'al Oak. He was from Connecticut and had bought eighty acres of land, which he afterward cleared and where his widow still lives to tell of the hard- ships of their early life. In 1816, Joseph Holmes settled on Lot 67, having bought 197 acres in Lots 67 and 68. Holmes came from Mass- achusetts originally, but like a great many more had stopped several years in New York State, and from there moved to Ohio. Previous to this, the settlers had erected a log house near the line between Norton and Coventry for school and church purposes. Here Holmes landed and stayed a few days. He moved on to his land on a Wednesday, and camped beside a big tree which had blown over on a spot near where William George now lives. Next day, Thurs- day, he cut the logs for a cabin, on Friday the neighbors helped him -^ log it up," and on Sat- urday his family moved into it. This shows how expeditious these old pioneers were. Of course the house was not " chinked up." or plastered with clay, yet it was a dwelling, and sheltered the inmates from the chilling April storms. Our informant was one of the party who camped beside that big log. He says the wolves howled around them all night long, but they knew no fear, and suffered no harm from them. The same day that Holmes raised his house, Charles Miller, father of Cyrus Miller, now living near Norton Center, landed in the township. He settled a little west of Johnson's Corners on the south side of the Wooster road. Numerous other settlers came this same year, and small clearings began to spring up all over i