fspflpiii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS mi inn I 00003253105 ^\ : -l '•^ .0 v .*! ^? ^ % ^°- °o. \ j>-^ ^v ** •.- <> *'V..- *3, -o v v - V "5v jp-n*. .-•♦ ^ .• l « ^ .A V •1 o^. W ^ ^ ** A V?> 6AUMGARDT PRINT. 1 1 6 N. BROADWAY 1%^ p .... 29 J' And when the stream Which overflowed the soul was passed away, A consciousness remained that it had left, Deposited upon the silent shore Of memory, images and precious thoughts That shall not die, and cannot be destroyed. *ix LOVING MEMORY OF THOSE WHOSE FACES SHALL NO MORE *-* BE SEEN AT OUR REUNIONS, CD« $0CiCtV Of €0l01lial UlflTS in the State of California has caused to be recorded in ITS ARCHIVES OUR TRIBUTE TO THE WORTH OF THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT US, AND OUR TESTIMONY TO THEIR EXALTED INDIVIDUALITY AND EMINENT ABILITY. NOT ONE OF THEM BUT HAD BEEN GREATLY DISTINGUISHED IN HIS PROFESSION, AND THESE EXPRESSIONS OF OUR HIGH APPRECIATION OF THEIR MERITS, ARE BUT ADDITIONAL DECLARATIONS TO THEIR WORTH, PERPETUATED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JURISPRUDENCE, OF THE CHURCH, AND OF THE ARMY OF OUR COUNTRY. THEIR LIVES HAVE BEEN FACTORS FOR GOOD, AND THEIR EXAMPLE AN INCENTIVE FOR OUR EMULATION. So, when the Angel of the darker drink At last shall find you by the river-brink, And, offering his Cup, invite your soul Forth to your Lips to quaff — you shall not shrink. ^$(ie&Hd*v Co>o (***< *•<■*>. Governor. Los Angeles, May 14, 1903. & -(for some we loved, the loveliest and the test "* That from his Uintage rolling Cime hat prest, Rave drunk their Cup a Round or two before, And one by one crept silently to rest. JUnd we, that now make merry In the Room They left, and Summer dresses in new bloom, Ourselves must we beneath the Couch of earth Descend— ourselves to maRc a Couch- for whom? And fear not lest existence closing your B ccount, and mine, should know the like no more ; Che eternal Saki from that Bowl has pour'd millions of Bubbles like us, and will pour. Che moving Tinger writes? and, having writ, moves on; nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Cine, nor all your Cears wash out a word of it. ( Born in Lynchburg, Virginia, September 30, 1862 Died at Pasadena, California, May 14, 1896 Having in the Providence of God been removed from us by death, May 14th. 1896, we, his fellow members of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, resolve to place on record the following tribute to his memory: As one of the Charter members of this Society and its first Secretary, Air. Latham is held in grateful remembrance in view of his enthusiastic co-operation and his efficiency and fidelity in the performance of all official duties. As an American citizen we admire him for his loyalty to our institutions, his noble ideas of citizenship, and zealous advocacy of principles and measures essential to the welfare of the Republic He was a talented and conscientious lawyer, a valued officer in the Church of his choice, and an ardent promoter of schemes of philanthropy. In social circles he was highly prized as a young man of broad culture, kindly heart, cheerful disposition and attractive manners. Honorable, upright and pure, sympathetic and true, with adamantine purpose for the right, he moved among us a Christian gentleman of rare gifts and sterling character— a noble exponent of qualities that shone so conspicuously in our Colonial ancestors, to whose heroic virtues and memorable deeds we owe so much of that which is best in these days of National greatness. That a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to the widowed mother and surviving brother of our beloved friend and fellow-member, Mr. Latham, with expressions of heartfelt sympathy in their affliction. Qttfreb See (gnmx, ©• ©. The Reverend Alfred Lee Brewer, D.D., was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on June 4. 1831, the son of Lyman Brewer and Harriel Tyler Brewer, and thus connected with some of the most noted families of the State,— the Leffingwells, Winslows, Tracys, an 1 Bushnells. As a boy he attended Christ Church Hall, Pomfret, Con- necticut, of which the Rev. Roswell Park, D.D., afterwards the founder of Racine College, was the Rector. Dr. Brewer entered Trinity College, Hartford, in 1850, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1853, being a member of Trinity Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. From his Alma Mater he received the degree of Master of Arts in course, and in 1891 the degree of Doctor in Divinity. He was graduated from the General Theological Seminary, New York, and made a Deacon by Bishop Williams in 1853. One year later, he was ordained Priest by the same Bishop. He was for one year assistant in the Church of the Epiphany, New York, under the rectorship of the Rev. Lot Jones, and for nearly two years he assisted the Rev. Joseph Brewster, then Rector of Christ Church, New Haven. His first rectorship was that of Grace Church, Tantic, Connecticut, in 1859, whence he was called to the charge of the Mariner's Church, Detroit, Michigan, in I860, which he accepted. Here he was associated with the Rev. William E. Armitage, afterwards Bishop of Wisconsin; and the Rev Benj. H. Paddock, afterwards Bishop of Massachusetts, who were then the Rectors of the adjoining Parishes. Here also, in Detroit, he married, on July 29, 1862. Miss Frances Chittenden Hale, daughter of Hon. William Hale, a lawyer and Judge of eminence, who served his State in Congress and for one term was Attorney General of Michigan.. In 1864 they came to California, and settled in San Mateo. Dr. Brewer made this the center of his missionary labors, establishing churches at Redwood City and Belmont. He devoted a part of his time to classes at Laurel Hall, a school for girls, at one time one of the leading schools of the State, and of its pupils, for nearly twenty years, he had the pastoral care. In the following year. 1865, Dr. Brewer started his school for boys, known as St. Matthew's School, which steadily grew in numbers and reputation, till it was the best known of any on the Coast, a prominence it has always maintained, more than seventeen hundred young men having been under its fostering care. The beautiful ivy covered stone Church in San Mateo was built under Dr. Brewer's personal supervision, and for twenty-five years his voice soiuided forth the Gospel of love and mercy. He was known and loved by all in the community, of every name. While devoted to his parish and school, he and his wife had for many years planned a Church home for orphans, and this plan resulted in the founding of the Bishop Armitage Orphanage for Boys, and later, in that of the Maria Kip Orphanage for Girls. These received his unremitting efforts till the latter was removed to San Francisco, which left the Armitage mainly his care. The prosperous condition of St. Matthew's School, which enabled him, a few years ago, to build on extensive grounds at its new location, gave him renewed courage and enthusiasm, qualities which had ever characterized him, even in those early years when the difficulties surmounted were great and numerous. He was ever a constant preacher, going wherever he was needed. He was an instructor in the Church Divinity School, and Chaplain of the Armitage Orphanage. In attending to the latter duties he contracted the cold which resulted in his death at St. Matthew's School, on Thursday, February 16th, 1899, in his sixty-eighth year. Every great undertaking of his had received God's blessing and reached success. Few men have this satisfaction and few so well deserve it. Truly, his was a finished life, and calmly and peacefully he sur- rendered it, surrounded by those who were the dearest to him, and in the home of his love, which echoed with the music of the noble Pacific, so far removed from the scenes of his childhood. The loss of such a man, Christian, scholar, philanthropist, patriot, gentleman, cannot but be felt, no matter how broad his State, or pent-up his Utica, and we, of the Society of Colonial "Wars in the State of California, place this Memorial upon our records as a lasting testimonial to the worth of one who has gone from us, whose life was stainless and who will be cherished in our memories as well- beloved. The Secretary is directed to include this Memorial in the record of the Fifth General Court of this Society, and transmit a copy thereof to the Rev. William Augustus Brewer of San Mateo. Cjjarfea Bee CoWna Captain Twenty-Third Infantry, United States Arroy Born at Newport, Kentucky, July 24, 1859 Died at the Island of Cebu, September 7, 1899 Captain Charles Lee Collins, son of the late Colonel Henry B. Collins, who served throughout the Civil War, in the Cavalry arm of the Union Army, was appointed a cadet to the Military Academy at West Point in 1878, by President Hayes. Graduating in June, 1882, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Infantry, from which time he was in active service in the army upon the frontier and on staff details up to his death, when he had been promoted to the rank of Captain. Early in the winter of 189S, while stationed at Whipple Bar- racks, Arizona, as Adjutant of the Eleventh Infantry, he was ordered to do duty as military attache of the United States Legation at Caracas, Venezuela, where he remained for over a year. His uni- form courtesy and the unhesitating compliance with the request of the President of Venezuela for suggestions looking toward a greater efficiency of the military forces of the State, were recognized by decorating him with the famous "Order of the Liberator," (Busto de Bolivar.) In the spring of 1899 he was ordered home and assigned to var- ious duties pertaining to the organization of the Volunteer forces, until the latter part of July, when he sailed with his wife from San Francisco for the Philippine Islands on the Transport "Ohio," in command of a detachment of troops. He was taken ill soon after his arrival at the Islands, and his physical condition had become so exhausted that he could not ra'ly from the effects of a surgical operation made at Cebu. His desolate widow, Emma Byrd Beach Collins did not long survive the shock of her great loss, and, returning to San Francisco, she died at the Presidio, on October 22, 1899. Captain Collins, in right of his father, was a Companion of the .Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and by representation, a mem- ber of the Pennsylvania Society of the War of 1812. He was one of the incorporators, and first Secretary of the California Society of Sons of the Revolution, and he was elected to membership in this Society on November 4, 1897. The profound sympatahy of the members of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California is extended to his relatives and friends, and to the family of his young widow who so soon joined him; and in affectionate testimonial to the worth of one of our associates, and in commemoration of the loss to this Society of a zealous member, a patriotic soldier, and a companion whose life was gentle, it is ordered that this Memorial be spread at large upon our records, and a copy thereof transmitted to his relatives. V?iW*m ($n*(5on£ &b*tx&m Colonel of the United States Army Born In Potsdarrj, New York, May 15, 1839 Died In Mlddletown, New York, January I, 1900 Graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in May, 1861, Colonel Elderkin entered the Army as Second Lieutenant of the Second Regiment of Artillery, and was immedi- ately ordered to join his command upon the commencement of hos- tilities in the War of the Rebellion. Participating in the Battle of Bull Rim, July 21, 1861, as an officer of Rickett's Battery, and in many campaigns, his service was active and continuous in the field, except for a short time when he was detailed as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, and Instructor of Artillery Tactics, at West Point. In 1864 he was promoted from the Line to he Captain, and Commis- sary of Subsistence, in which branch of the Staff Service of the Army he served until he was retired, in March, 1898, with the rank of Colonel. His tours of service covered almost every command in the Army and almost every State and Territory of the Union. During most of the period when the Headquarters of the De- partment of Arizona were located at Los Angeles, Colonel Elderkin was in charge of the Subsistence branch of the Servic, and he re- mained at this Station after Headquarters were removed to Denver, until 1896, when he was ordered to Chicago. Colonel Elderkin was a member of the Order of the Loyal Legion and of the Military Science Institution. He was one of the incorporators and the first Vice-President of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of California. When a charter was granted to the California Society of Col- onial Wars by the General Society, he was elected its Lieutenant- Governor. The California Society of Colonial Wars herewith places on record its tribute to the memory of the late Colonel William Anthony Elderkin. As a charter member and a prominent officer of the Society, he is held in kindly remembrance. His name is honored among us as that of one who, by long con- tinued and faithful service for his country, brought honor to himself and benefit to the Republic. Moreover, he endeared himself to us all by his amiable character and g-enial companionship. We sincerely mourn the loss that has come to this Society through the decease of this devoted patriot, this loyal friend and Christian gentleman, and his memory will be fondly cherished. To Mrs. Elderkin and her daughters in their great bereavement, we would express our heartfelt sympathy, and the Secretary is hereby instructed to forward to them a copy of this memorial. Born In Detroit, Michigan, April 10, 1824 Died at San Jose, California, November I, 1901 Of him we may say with confidence, Death does not end it all. For himself he has erected a monument more durable than brass, and loftier than the royal heights of the pyramids. His life has heen an exemplification of the willing sacrifices made for independence for personal convictions, for freedom from tyrannical oppression, and an establishment of a government founded upon the eternal prin- ciples of justice, characteristic of his great ancestors, John Alden, a signer of the Mayflower Compact ; William Bradford, a Governor of the Pilgrim Republic, and William Pynchoon. who governed Connecticut, the land that has been the shining exemplar of the public school system of our country. The education of his early youth was pursued in the private academies of Detroit, Kinderhook, New York, and Kenyon College, Ohio. Adopting the profession of jurisprudence, he was admitted to the Bar of New York in July, 1847. Soon after he came to Cali- fornia, attached to the Mexican Boundary Commission. He settled at Sutterville, in the Sacramento District, from which he was elected a member of the first California Legislature, which met in San Jose in December, 1849, and two years later he was made Adjutant Gen- eral of the State. He was chosen Judge of the Seventh Judicial District in 1852, and in 1858 he was re-elected, but he resigned the office in 1862, and for three years he was a leading practitioner in Nevada. He re- turned to California in 1865, and in 1867 he was elected Judge of San Francisco for a term of four years. In 1869 he was elected Dis- trict Judge of San Francisco, for six years, but. in 1873 his eminent abilities placed him upon the Bench of the Supreme Court of Cali- fornia, where he continued until his resignation in the year 1888, when he again took up active practice in San Francisco. Soon after, he accepted the position of Senior Professor in the Hastings College of Law, and the University of Michigan honored herself by conferr- ing upon him the Degree of Doctor of Laws. He has been President of the Pioneer Society and of the California Society Sons of the American Revolution, and the confidence and good will of his fellow citizens have placed him in many other positions of trust and responsibility. His written opinions as Justice of the Supreme Court of Califor- nia, during the many years of his service, while a member of that exalted tribunal, are classed as profound expositions of the law of the State. He " Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued," for justice, freedom and toleration among the people of the land he loved so well. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, at this, its Seventh General Court, held in the City of Los Angeles, records this tribute to the memory of a member whose face will never again be seen at our meetings, and whose voice will no more be heard in the conventions of the Council. Our profound sympathy is extended to the afflicted family of our departed associate, and we direct that this Memorial be spread at large upon our records, and a copy thereof be transmitted to his widow, sons and daughters. Office of tbe Governor. Los Angeles, March 10, 1903. Dear Sir : As many inquiries have been made concerning the statement of the Governor in our Register for 1903, concerning the proposed publication by this Society, it has been thought proper, again, to present the matter fully, more especially for the information of the later members. At a Special Court of this Society, wherein the matter was fully discussed, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz: " RESOLVED : That all of the members of this Society be and they are hereby requested to deliver to the Registrar their autobiographies embracing the princi- pal events of their live?, and such other occurrences in their experiences as they may desire to have perpetu- ated, for the use of the Society, or the information of their children, and that said autobiographies be spread at large upon the records of the Registrar. "RESOLVED : That the same be printed in suitable shape under the direction of the Historian when the amount of money in the Treasury shall warrant such an expense. " The members are further requested to forward to the Registrar their photographs in cabinet size. Said photographs shall be preserved in suitable albums among the records and archives of the Society." The plan set forth in the foregoing resolutions, of having the personal history of the members perpetuated upon our Records, has met with the general approval of the gentlemen of this Society. It is intended that these biographies shall cover only the personal ex- periences of our members, and not embrace any facts concerning their ancestors, as provision is made, under Article XXI of the By-Laws, for an Ancestral Record. It is earnestly hoped that you will prepare and forward to the Registrar, without delay, the history of your life containing the most marked events, such as date and place of birth ; where educated ; what College degrees or other honors have been conferred upon you ; your profession or avocation ; offices held ; maiden name of wife ; place and date of marriage ; names and dates of birth of children, etc., etc. The publication under consideration, if issued, will contain these bio- graphies with the half-tone portraits of members, in the same manner as printed in our Register for 1900, with an historical account of the services of Ancestors. Other matters of interest concerning the General Society, and our California Society will be included, and we shall be glad to insert such Ancesteral portraits as may be furnished by members. Nearly all our income is required for the rent of a society room and the payment of current expenses, the Treasurer's account presented at the Eighth General Court, on December 22, 1902, showing a balance on hand of only $95.66. The publication as proposed will cost about five hundred dollars and this expense must be paid by individual subscriptions. An edition will be printed large enough so that members can have without charge as many copies as they desire for their children and friends. Like all our publica- tions it will be sent to all the State Societies of Colonial Wars and to certain libraries. No money will be required from subscribers until the work is ready for the press, but it will not be commenced unless there be responses sufficient to warrant the labor. Of course it is to be understood that the work of compilation and editing will be gratuitous, and that members must furnish their individual half-tone portraits. Will you fill up the enclosed blank with such an amount as you care to subscribe and return it to me at your earliest convinience. Yours very sincerely, HOLDRIDGE O. COLLINS, Governor. » £e * $■ *, •>? # % _ %. " ^ <5o \p. ** .** ,v ^ T/OT* % / w ^\ j"\ i +Mr$ >o x '+* A 6 •?> * * ^ v. " , - O -y C O t AX^ A * v ^ aV <, A> V A. , ^ ' v , • • •** ♦ $ JAN 13 1989 ...V" mm