- 3L.jSL-^S7VS .a^-^ ^lioJZ 1. The Association is organized under the Pledge of THE Loyal National League. We, the undersigned, citizens of the United States, hereby associate ourselves under the name and title of the Loyal National League. We pledge ourselves to an unconditional loyalty to the Government of the United States, to an unwavering support of its efforts to suppress the Eebellion, and to spare no endeavor to maintain unimpaired the National unity, both in principle and territorial boundary. The primary object of this League is, and shall be, to bind together all loyal men, of all trades and professions, in a common union to main- tain the power, glory, and integrity of the Nation. 2. All persons signing this Pledge shall be members of the Loyal National League. 3. Its officers shall be A Council of Twenty-five, and An Executive Committee of Twenty-five perma- nently chosen, each body with power to fill va- cancies in its own number, subject to the ap- proval of the League — A Treasurer, to be elected by the Council ; A Secretary, to be elected by the Executive Committee. V ) r / 4. The auty of the Council shall be to have a general super,Vision over the affairs of the League, and to repoi-t to the Association for their approval, from time to time, such additional by-laws as they may deem expedient. The members shall preside over the meetings of the Association. 5. The duty of the Executive Committee shall be to take charge of the Hall of the League : to provide it with suitable journals and documents : to super- intend the general details of its business, and de- vise plans for its enlaro-ement and usefulness. It shall also be a chief duty of the Executive Com- mittee to provide by correspondence and other- wise for the spread of this national organization throughout the loyal States, with a view to harmo- nious and united action in furthering the primary objects set forth in the pledge. 6. The duty of the Treasurer shall be to receive and disburse all the monies of the League, under such rules and regulations as the Council may prescribe. 7. The duty of the Secretary shall be to keep a fair copy of all minutes and proceedings of the League, to conduct the correspondence under the direction of the Executive Committee, and to be the custo- dian of its archives. 8. The League shall be supported by voluntary sub- scriptions and monthly contributions of its members. 9. No debt shall be incurred beyond the actual cash funds in the hands of the Treasurer. :a Exchauye Peabody Inst, of tialtOt Jane 16 1927 «<3 \ ^ Ward Representation. ^ Whereas, Clubs have been formed, and are now o' . forming, in various wards of this city, under the ^' pledge of the Loyal National League, and in some u; instances delegates have been appointed to co- operate with delegates from other wards ; and W/if:-ras, it is desirable to bind in a common Union ah the associations which, by accepting this pledge, evince a desire to affiliate together. It is therefore recommended that the Executive Committee be instructed to give their first attention to the perfecting of a scheme whereby all such Clubs may be properly represented in this organization. And they further recommend that the Executive Committee report at the first meeting of the Associa- tion a suitable badge of the national colors. Resolution adopted in joint session of the Council and Executive Co'tninittee. Resolved, That in addition to the Council and Executive Committees appointed at the meeting at Cooper Institute, Friday, 20th March, for organization of the Loyal National League, and in accordance with the resolution of instruction unanimously adopted at that meeting, there shall be a Committee of twenty-two, consisting of one representative from the organization which has been or may be raised in each ward of the city ; and that such Committee shall be entitled " The Ward Com- mittee OF THE Loyal National League," and shall unite with the Coun- ■cil and Executive Committees in joint session. This Ward Committee may make rules for its own government, and adopt measures for the spread of the organization, with the concurrence of the Council and Ex- ecutive Committee. Correct copy of the By-Laws and Resolution on Ward Representation. JAMES A. ROOSEVELT, Secretary of the League. New York, March 26, 1863. % LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 196 763 7 'i (Sitm d t\}t f apl l^atioiial f mfliit COUNCIL OF TWENTY-FIVE. GEORGE OPDYKE, CHARLES KING. JOHN A. STEVENS, WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, JOHN C. GREEN, A. T. STEWART, FRANCIS LIEBER, WILLIAM E. DODGE, WILLIAM CURTIS NOTES, MORRIS KETCHUM, SETH B. HUNT, JAMES E. CAYLUS, MOSES TAYLOR, CHARLES BUTLER, FRANCIS B. CUTTING, ROBERT BAYARD, JOHN J. CISCO, C. V. S. ROOSEVELT, FRANCIS G. SHAW, CHARLES A. HECKSCHER, W. H. WEBB, WILLIAM F. CARY, McKAYE. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF TWENTY-FIVE. GEORGE GRISWOLD, JOHN COCHRANE, FRANKLIN H. DELANO, J. BUTLER WRIGHT, GEORGE CABOT WARD, JOHN JAY, ISAAC H. BAILEY. WILLIAM A. HALL, HUGO WESENDONCK, WILLIAM T. BLODGETT, PARKE GODWIN, ADRIAN ISELIN, SYDNEY HOWARD GAY, ROBERT B. MINTURN, Jr., JAMES A. ROOSEVELT, CHARLES ASTOR BRISTED, ROBERT LENNOX KENNEDY THOMAS N. DALE, JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, Jr., WILLIAM E. DODGE, Jr., WILLIAM ORTON, WOLCOTT GIBBS, C. E. DETMOLD, GEORGE P. PUTNAM, LIBRARY ^^