INTERIM REPORT OF EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL INCLUDING STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS BY STATES AND AUDITORS' PRELIMINARY REPORT ON ACCOUNTS May 31, 1921 Interim Report of European Relief Council PAGE Statement by the Chairman 3 Comptroller's Statement of Contributions as of May 31, 1921 11 Details of State Contributions 14-15 Auditors' Prehminary Report on Accounts, as of May 31, 1921 17 Personnel of State Commi+toes of the Na- tional Collection 23 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS JUL 201921 DOCUM^ .ITS D, VISION Interim Report of European Relief Council 1. The European Relief Council was organized in the Fall of 1920, and comprises:* American Friends Service Committee American Red Cross American Relief Administration Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America Joint Distribution Committee Knights of Columbus National Catholic Welfare Council Young Men's Christian Association Young Women's Christian Association 2. The purpose of the Council was to secure co-ordination of the efforts of American charitable bodies interested in child relief in Europe and to organize a joint appeal to the American people for funds for the continued support of these children through the individual distributive organizations for the year. 3. Herbert Hoover was elected Chairman, Franklin K. Lane, Treasurer, and the Council comprised: Dr. Rufus M. Jones James A. Flaherty American Friends Service Com- Knights of Columbus iv'Tt(~'tt a t^t T ^t a TTT^T? V Dr. Livingston Farrand National Catholic Welfare Council American Red Cross (Joined February 24, 1921) Julius H. Barnes q y jJibbard Edgar Rickard . 'Young Men's Christian Associa- American Rehei Administration ^^^j^ Dr. Arthur J. Brown ^.^ o r, t Federal Council of the Churches ^^^^" ^^^^^v ^'%v. ■ r a of Christ in America ^oung \^ omen s Christian Asso- ciation Felix M. W^arburg Joint Distribution Committee Christian A. Herter, Secretary *Further information in regard to the member orgaiiiz;iti(in.s and the ciindui-t of th<> appeal can be fuimd in the Report of the Control Committee pubhshed May 12, I'JJl. The following administrative committees were set uj): Executive Committee S. E. Nicholson American Friends Service Com- mittee H. J. HUCJHES American Red Cross Herbert L. Gutterson American Relief Administration Rev. Roy B. Guild Federal Council of Churches Albert P. Lewin Joint Distribution Committee John B. Kennedy Knights of Columbus G. H. Peterson Young Men's Christian Association Miss Marion Vincent Young ^^'omen's Christian Asso- ciation Cvnirol Comnilttci Heisbert L. Gutterson, Chnirman American Relief Administration H. J. Hughes American Red Cross Hknrv H. Rosenfelt, Chairman .Joint Distribution Committee Finance Committee Edward M. Flesh American Relief Administration H. J. Hughes, American Red Cross Puhliritji Com m iHee GEORCiE Barr Bakki;, Clidirman R. J. Cuddiiiy American Relief Adniinisinitit.!! 1 lie Literary Digest Wilbur K. Th().\l\s John B. Kennedy American Friends Service Com- Knights of Columbus mittee Di;. TiicMAs ]•;. C.i;i;i:x, Aiiu rican lied Cross 4. The various organizat ions co-opci-ated tosecui'c tlieaj;i)oiii!nK'n; oi' chair- men and executive committees comprising the leading men and womeu in each locaiily to ('(induct tlie campaigns in the vai'ious stales. (See page 23.) ■). It was estimated in September 1920, that a total of 3,500,000 ill, waif, undernourishetl or orphan children would fall upon the vaiious distributing societies for sui)port until the harvest of 1921. It was considered that $33,()()(),()0() would be requinxl foi' their care in supplement to local assistance in the countries wheic iclief was afforded. Of this amount, it was estimated, $10,()()(),0(K) was needed for medical servic(> and supplies and $23,000,000 to covei- the food and clothing reriuii'cments for the comi)onent distributing organi- zations in their own fields. 6. The various distributing organizations peneti'ate the following countries and cities in their distribution of relief: Albania, Austria, Constantinople, Czecho-Slovakia, Devastated Districts of Northern France, Esthonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Free City of Danzig, Hungary, Italy, Jugo-Slavia, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Palestine, Poland, Roumania, Russia, 8(>rbia, Shanghai, Vladivostok, Refugees. Russian Refugee Children, 7. Some of the memlx'r organizations had already instituted appeals, such as The Literary Digest fund for food and clothing on behalf of the American Relief Administration, and the appeals of the American Friends Service Com- mittee, the Joint Distribution Committee, etc. It was agreed that the results of such appeals should be accounted for to tlic European Relief Council. 8. On Februai-y 24th it was estimated that the money available from all sources, including special funds and ear- marked contributions, would total $28,750,000. The auditor's figures of May 31st show collections in cash and kind of $27,411,484.93, and in i)ledges and expectancies .$1,057,019.80, making a total of .§29,088,504 . 73 (See Auditors' account on pages 20 and 21.) 9. The Funds were collected upon both a national basis and a^ state l)asis. The origin of the funds by states is shown in the Comptroller's report on pages 14 and 15. Of the moneys jiaid dir(>ctly into the national treasury and distributed into the state contributions (included in the ( om])troller's report), the princii)al items are : The American I'liends Service Committee $753,08(i.O() The Litei-ary Digest 2,51(3,000 . 00 John D. Rockefeller, Jr 1,00(),( )()(). 00 The Rockefeller Foundation 1 ,0()O,0(H).O0 Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial 1,000,000.00 The Commonwealtli Fund 100,000.00 American Express Comj^any 29,845.50 Yoinig Vv'omen's Christian Association 52,204.52 (Absorbed directly into State Depositories.) Motion Picture Campaign $169,187 . 76 (For the most part the hirge sums from this industry went (Urcctly to the state committees and are estimated to total about one milHon dollars). (The school children of New York City raised over $100,000, and it is estimated that the collections of school children throughout the country reached over half a million dollars which was paid directly into State Depositories.) Cincinnati War Chest 179,180.82 Cleveland Community Fund 300,000.00 Detroit War Chest 200,000 .00 Miami County (Ohio) War Chest 35,000. 00 Rochester Patriotic and Community Fund, Inc 149,100.00 Youngstown Community Fund 25,000.00 (Listed above are the names of the community organizations which subscribed over $25,000. In all, 30 community organizations contributed to the National Collection, the total figure exceeding $1,000,000.) In addition, the following sums were accounted to the Treasurer of the Council and were not attributable to State collections: American Red Cross $5,000,000.00 Joint Distribution Committee 2,200,000.00 Interest Received on Contributed Funds 73,528.66 10. The oi'iginal calcuhitions made in September were based on the prices of commodities, services and transportation then obtaining, but with the considerable fall in prices of food, clothing and transportation, it was considered that sufficient funds were in sight at the end of February to meet the needs, and the National appeal was closed in order not to encroach need- lesslj' upon the many other cliaritable burdens of the American public. 11. In the division of the results of the appeal, the Council was guided first, by the principle of necessity, i.e.: the number of children in need under care of each distributing organization without respect to race or creed; and second, by the purposes of the special funds. Of total funds available, considerable amounts were sub- scribed through the member organizations upon which each had priority for its own field of activit.y. Furthermore, certain contributions were earmarked for special countries and purposes. In carrying out these considerations, the Council, with the unanimous approval of the member organizations, made the fol- lowing allocations in fulfillment of all obligations and necessities : 12. American Red Cross $10,000,150.00 The American Red Cross had made a subvention from its own resources of $5,000,000 directly to the funds, and as its work did not benefit materially by the fall in commodity prices and transportation it was agreed it should receive the full amount of its original estimates. The additional $150 represents gifts in commodities. The American Red Cross maintains medical services for children in Albania Esthonia Lithuania Austria Greece Montenegro Constantinople Hungary Poland Czecho-Slovakia Latvia Serbia Of the original program of the Red Cross to establish 100 child health centers in the countries above mentioned, over ninety are in operation. This original program lias been expanded and in the deveIo})ment of the work a much larger number of centers than originallj' contemplated will be estab- hshed. 13. Joint Distribution Committee $3,000,000.00 This organization had secured through its own subscribers J,200,000, and it was agreed it should receive this amount and ,000 to make up the full $3,000,000. In addition, the American Red Cross undertook to provide the Joint Distribution Committee with assistance to the amount of $400,000 in cash and $400,000 in medical supphes out of their allocation from this collection. In addition, Jewish children are cared for by the other societies wherever organization makes such an arrange- ment desirable. The Joint Distribution Committee operates on a non-sectarian basis wherever need is apparent, but was organ- ized principally to care for Jewish war sufferers in : Austria Italy Poland Constantinople Jugo-Slavia Roumania Czecho-Slovakia Latvia Shanghai i p f Hungary Lithuania Madivostok \ ^"ugees Palestine 14. National Pohsh Committee $25,000.00 This committee had subscribed a total of $50,000 and has been delegated to care for the return of Polish children from Siberia in the above amount, i.e., $25,000. 15. American Friends Service Committee. The American Friends Service Committee secured sub- scriptions amounting to a sum of $753,086.06, largely from Americans of German descent (including the collection from the Wisconsin Committee amounting to $442,588.25). The balance required to carry on its i)rogram was met by mutual agreement between the American Relief Administration and the American Friends Service Committee from funds allocated by the Council to the American Relief Administration. The child feeding program of the American Friends Service Com- mittee had for its principal item the care of German children to a number estimated in September, 1920, at 1,000,000. The actual experience of distribution, however, pro\(Hl that the nvmi- ber of children in Germany needing this care during the early part of 1921, was somewhat les.s than this estimate, and was increased to 1,000,000 only during the late spring and summer. Also a larger percentage of tlie cost than originally anticipated was met by the German Government. Aside from its work in Germany the Amei'ican Friends Service Committee distributes sui)plies received from the American Rehef Administration to some 20(),()()0 children in Moscow, Poland and Austria. The details of their work of distribution will be given in their own reports. 16. American Relief Administration: Cash and Kind $14,386,334.93 Pledges and Expectancies, estimated. . 1,657,019.80 $16,043,354.73 The American Relief Administration was given a priority allotment of $5 000,000 on the funds of the European Relief Council in order to insure the con- tinuity of its own operations during the drive. Also ^urnig the carnpaign h^ European Relief Council received $3,200,000 especially earmarked for the Ameii- can Relief Administration. , , , , • The principal item of the work carried on directly by the American Relief Administration has been the care of about 1,300,000 ^^f ^-L^"; P^^^^!!; ' 400 000 in Austria, 75,000 in Hungary, 200,000 in Czecho-Movakia, 3,000 m I in- land 46 000 in Esthonia, 43,000 in Latvia, 5,000 in Lithuania. Among the chil- dren' cared for directly by the American Relief Administration in the countries bordering on Russia were approximately 200,000 Russian refugees. In addition the American Relief Administration from the funds received from the European Relief Council furnished clothing supplies to the berbian Child Welfare Association and the American Women's Hospitals in Serbia esti- mated to clothe 35,000 orphans, and furnished food supplies to the American Red Cross toward the support of 15,000 children in Montenegro and to the Comite d'Assistance m the devastated area of France toward the support of 41,000 children. , , , ■, r a. Beyond this the American Relief Administration undertook from its tundb to supplement the resources of the American Friends Service Committee to the extent necessary to consummate their program as explained ;ibove. i he Amer- ican Relief Administration through a series of relief warehouses and distributing centres which it established has carried on the purchase of supphes and con- ducted their distribution throughout Central and Eastern Europe, and has accorded these facilities to other relief organizations, thus effecting great savings in their otherwise necessary overhead expenses. 17 Tlie auditors' preliminary report and statement of receipts of the European Relief Council and their distribution to the component orgamzations wall be found on page 20. IS The detailed accounts of the working expenditur<> of the alx^ve sums for the children cannot l^e made by the distrilniting organizations until tiieir work is completed. 19 The expenses of the appeal were borne to minor (>xtent l^y the dis- tributing organizations, but in major part by the American Relief Administration, which p?ovided the funds out of the profits on its sales of food drafts to person of European descent m America drawn upon its relief warehouses m European cities to i.rovide a living ration to relatives or friends dependent upon the pui- chaser Thus the full value of donations was applied directly to child service. 12 American Relief Administration HERBERT HOOVER CHAIRMAN 42 Broadway, New York City CON-mOU rNG THE OPERATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S RjND Tel. Broad 7210 THE AMERICAN RELIEF ADMINISTRATION WAREHOUSES July 16, 1921. INTERIM REPORT OF EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL. We are enclosing copy of Interim R^oort, of the European Relief Council, together with St; of Contributions by States and Auditor's Pre ^y Report on Accounts as of May 31st, 1921. This preliminary accounting will undoubtedly interest those who have taken such a generous part and assisted so materially in the collection of these funds . Additional contributions are being received v/hich prevents a, complete closing of the accounts at this moment. The relief operations in Europe are still being carried on, and until the completion of this work, the distributing organizations cannot make their final reports . AMERICAN RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, Liquidators of EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL. 13 European Relief Council SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO MAY 31, 1921 Cash Contributions: CoUecteci l\v various States, Territories, etc 19,445,887.22 Collected through the Comptroller's Office: Sundry Contributions $4,304,340.23 Proceeds of Motion Picture Collections 169,187.70 Proceeds of American Express Collections 29,845. .50 4,503,373.55 Cash Contributions received by American Relief Administration $2,426,971.94 The Literary Digest Contributions 2,516,000.00 American Friends Service Committee Contributions 753,086.06 — ■ — 5,696,058.00 Total Cash Contributions $19,645,318.77 Contriliutions of Securities $ 192,487.50 Contrilnitions of Commodities 300,150.00 Outstanding Pledges, etc 1,657,019.80 2,140,657.30 Total Contributions, etc. as analyzed by States on accompanying statement $21,794,976.07 American Red Cross Appropriation $5,000,000.00 Joint Distribution Committee Contriliutions 2,200,000.00 7,200,000.00 Interest received on Contributed Funds 73,528.66 Total Contributed Funds, ETC., May 31, 1921 $29,068,504,73 James J. Rick, Comptroller. 14 E uropeai ANALYSIS BY INDIVIDUAL STATES, TERRITORIES, ETC.. OF CONTRIBUTIOIS 439.95 281 .77 52 ,70 803 34 316 ()0 S,7S1, 93 49 ,75 15 .00 465 ,68 1.7S1 07 l,:i(i4 91) 840 10 52, .04 234.95 134.00 7,218, 24 S3, 90 131,ines were not received in time for this rcp l_)ci)i)sit()rics 117,734.82 S 1 ,050,349 . 20 DoNATi:i) Sk«t i;irii:s ox Hand: rnitc(l Siatrs Treasury Ceriificatrs of Iiiileliteducss, Lii'erty Loan I'.oiHl^aiui i:.\i- OF Disridiu rui.N or I''t"NDs: Due to .\nii'rican Hclicf .\dniinislratinoi-gh, Middletown Sanford, Mrs. H. C., Bridgewater S< HENCK, Mrs. E. H. G., Wilton Seeley, S. Ford, Washington Depot Shaw, Mrs. Samuel ('., Red. Small, Hon. and ^Mrs. Len E. Thompson, Hon. and ^Irs. William H.\le Mundelein, Cardinal Hirsh, Rabbi Emil Bailey, Albert L. Jr., Chicago Blair, CH.\rNCEY B., Chicago Butler, Mrs. Hermon, Winnetka Chandler, H. P., Chicago Cr.\ne, Mrs. Richard T., Jr., Chicago Fr.\nkenthal, Mrs. Charles L., Chicago Horner, Judge Henry, Chicago Houlihan, Edward, Cliicago Johnston, Rev. Howard .\., Cliicago Keeley, .Iames, Chicago Thompson, MULDOON, BiSHdl' J. M. Stone, Rev. John Timothy GuNSAULUs, Dr. Frank W. Young, Bicknell, C. S. B. Kelly, D. F., Chicago MacLeish, Bruce, Chicago MacMahon, Mrs. John, Chicago Meeker, Mrs. Arthur, Chicago Phillips, Mrs. Howard C, Chicago Pa-BENS, Charles, Chicago Ryerson, Donald M., Chicago StI'ART, R. Douglas, Chicago SuDLER, C. R., Chicago T,a.ylor, ]Mrs. Edward H., Chicago Leverett, Chicago Chairmurr. Treasurer: E-recutice Secretary: Puhlicity: Depository: Bechtkl, S. p.. Fdit Wayne C.\RLi.SLE, Mrs. C. V.. South Bond Christian, Mrs. W.. Indianapolis Fortune, V.'m., Indianapolis McCray. Warren T., Indianajiolis INDIANA Denny, C. S., Indianapolis KisER, Sol S., Indianapolis You.vG, J. S.ANDY, Indianapolis Tyler, Robert, Indianapolis Meyer Kiser Bank, Indianapolis NuRRE. Joseph M., Blnomington Rosenthal, xVlbert M., Indianapolis Pauh, Samuel E., Indianapolis Smith, N., Indianapolis Sullivan, Mrs. R., Indianapolis Trublood, Rev. W. (>., Indianapi >lis 32 IOWA Chairman: Young, Hon'. Lafayette, Des Moines V ice-Chairman: Warner, Frank, Des Moines Treasurer: Miller, Homer A., Des Moines Publicity: Brackett, A. C, Des Moines Depository: Iowa National Bank, Des Moines Blank, A. H., Des Moines Davidson, David, Sioux City Frankel, Anselm, Des Moines Kidder, W. H., Des Moines Mannheimer, Rabbi E., Des Moines McFarland, Harry J., Davenport Mueller, Alfred C, Davenport Orchard, W. R., Council Bluffs Rawson, Mrs. C. A., Des Moines Silberman, Chas., Des Moines Stronahan, E. H., Oskaloosa Utterbach, Judge H., Des Moines Wallace, Hon. Henry C, Des Moines Wallace, John P., Des Moines KANSAS Chairman: Scott, Charles F., lola V ice-Chairman: Mulvane, David W., Topeka Treasurer: Catlin, A. M., Topeka Exeaitive Secretary: Page, Mrs. David, Topeka Publicity: Sessions, Charles H., Topeka Depository: Bank of Topeka, Topeka AuERBACH, Henry, Topeka Bowman, W. W., Topeka Innes, Walter P., Wichita Sanderson, Ross, Wichita KENTUCKY Chairmen: Sackett, F. M., Louisville Br.'vndeis, Alfred, Louisville Vicc-ChairmeJi: Callahan, P. H., Louisville Dix, P. C, Louisville McDermott, E. J., Louisville JopLiN, George A., Louisville Treasurer: Bean, Richard, Louisville Exeaitive Secretary: Swain, J. Paul, Louisville Publicity: Jennings, Miss Kathleen, Louisville Depository: Louisville National Bank, Louisville Anderson, L. L., Louisville Donovan, John J., Ludlow Levy, Col. Fred, Louisville Norton, Miss Mattie, Loui.sville Stole, C. C, Louisville 33 Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Publicity: Depository: Booth, George D., New Orleans Buck, Mrs. Chas. F. Jr., New Orh Faulk, Clarence, Monroe Herold, Sidney, Shreveport Hopkins, Harry L., New Orleans Jervey, Mrs. W. E., New Orleans Leipziger, Rabbi Emil W., New Or Wegmann, John X., New Orleans LOUISIANA Carroll, Leigh, New Orleans Gunter, Felix E., New Orleans Stier, Emile v.. New Orleans Hadley, E. E., New Orleans Canal Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, New Orleans Many, Miss Anna, New (Jrleans ^s McInnis, Mrs. D. Emmet, New Orleans Saunders, Mrs. Paul H., New Orleans Seelye, Stuart A., New Orleans Smith, Mrs. R. N. Gourdin, New Orleans Storck, Mrs. J. A., New Orleans Taylor, B. B., Baton Rouge rleans Chairman: Treasurer: Manager: Publicity: Field Agent: Depository: Berman, Jacob S., Portland Bird, Maynard S., Portland BiNFORD, Lindley M., Deering Jetn. Brown, Mrs. H. J., Portland MAINE Brown, Herbert J., Portland Brockway, Walter B., Portland Sanderson, Benjamin B., Portland Hoegg, Daniel W. Jr., Portland Hyde, Mrs. Ruth Cook, Portland Canal National Bank of Portland Daly, John F., Bangor Day, Horace C, Avilmrn Lewis, Richard E., S. Portland Milliken, Gov. Carl E., Augusta Payson, Franklin C, Portland MARYLAND Chairman: Goodnow, Dr. Frank J., Baltimore Treasurer: Boyce, Frederick G., Jr., Baltnnore Executive Secretary: Maltbie, W. H., Baltimore Publicity Depository AuMEN, Wm. S., Baltimore Brooks, Walter B., Baltimore Carey, Francis K., Baltimore Gary, Richard L., Baltimore Cone, Mrs. Sidney M., Baltimore Epstein, Jacob, Baltimore Freeman, Mrs. Julius W\, Baltimore Gibson, Mrs. Edward Guest, Baltimore Hungerford, Arthur E., Baltimore Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co., Baltimore Garrett, Robert, Baltimore Jackson, Geo. S., Baltimore Jackson, Mrs. G. S., Baltimore Levy, Julius, Baltimore McCreary, Rev. Dr. L. W., Baltimore MoRRiss, Wm. H., Baltimore Motley, Mrs. James M., Baltimore Scrivener, Mrs. Frank P., Baltimore Williams, N. Winslow, Baltimore 34 MASSACHUSETTS Chairman: Hallowell, John W., Boston V ice-Chairmen: Hobbs, Conrad, Boston Wendell, Mrs. Barrett, Boston Treasurer: Jackson, James, Boston Publicity: Swan, Wm. U., Boston Depository: First National Bank, Boston Aiken, Alfred L. Arnold, Miss Sarah Louise Baylies, Walter C. Baer, Louis Burr, Allston Coleman, George W. Coolidge, Hon. Calvin Coolidge, J. Randolph, Jr. Cox, Gov. Channin^; Dane, E. B. Day, Judge J. Dennison, Henry S. Edsall, Dr. David L. Eisemann, Julius Forbes, Allan Frothingh.\m, Rev. Paul R. Frothingham, Louis A. Goodwin, Col. Robert E. Gordon, Rev. George A. GiLANT, Judge Robert Hallowell, Mrs. N. P. Herrick, Robert F. Johnson, Arthur S. KosHL.AND, Abraham Kirstein, Louis E. Lawrence, Bishop Levi, Rabbi Harry Liggett, Louis K. Liebman, Mrs. Harry Logan, James Macomber, John R. Marden, Robert F. Morss, Charles A. Nutter, George R. O'Neil, Joseph H. O'Connell, Cardinal Peters, Andrew J. Pr-\tt, George Dwight Raybold, W. J. Ratshesky, a. C. Robey, Mrs. William H., Jr. Root, Rev. E. T. Rotch, Arthur G. Saltonstall, Mrs. R. M. Slattery, Mrs. Francis E. Splaine, Rev. M. J. Thayer, Mrs. Nathaniel Webster, Mrs. E. S. Weed, C. F. Wood, Thomas Chairman: Director: PuhUcity: Depository: Alvord, Mrs. A. R., Detroit Allen, Mrs. G. Edgar, Detroit Burton, Mrs. Marion L., Detroit Crane, Miss Catherine B., Detroit Gessner, Herman, Escanaba Hartz, J. F., Detroit Inglis, James, Detroit Kresge, S. S., Detroit MICHIGAN CouzENS, James, Detroit Brown, David A., Detroit Damon, Gordon, Detroit Detroit Trust Co., Detroit MacDonald, E. a., Maniuette May, Meyer S., Grand Rapids Miller, Sidney T., Detroit Norton, William J., Detroit O'Brien, Ernest A., Detroit Pope, Gustavus D., Detroit Russell, John R., Detroit Wilson, Mrs. C. R., Detroit MINNESOTA Chairman: Vice-Chair men: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Publicity: Depository: Angus, Richard, Fergus Falls Bell, .James Ford, Minneapolis Benson, B. F., Minneapolis Blair, Burr D., Winona Decker, Mrs. W. F., Minneapolis Bowling, M. J., Olivia DuEA, S. B., Pipestone Fagerstrom, a. iW., Worthington Foot, L. F., Red Wing IsTED, C. L., Bemidii Josephs, H. Y., Duluth W Leslie, John, Minneapolis Warren, Mrs. Frank M., Minneapolis Carey, Frank L., Minneapolis Decker, Edw. W., Minneapolis WiLBERN, Harry, Minneapolis Tennis, R. L., Minneapolis Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis Leach, Col. Geo. E., Minneapolis Mayo, Dr. Charles, Rochester Myers, Paul N., St. Paul Neiger, James, St. Paul Palmer, George M., Mankato Peck, E. W., Minneapolis PuRDY, E. R., Minneapolis ScHANFELD, J. H., Minneapolis Selvig, C. G., Crookston Smithies, W. L., Duluth Spicer, Russel, Willmar HEELAN, J. C, Minneapolis Chairman: \'ice-Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Organiser: Publicity: Depository: Alex.\nder, Julian, Jackson Austin, Mrs. Iva, Laurel Bradshaw, E. H., Jackson Bratton, Bishop T. D., Jackson CoHN, A. A., Brookhaven CoNTi, Nicholas, Vicksburg CuLKiN, J. H., Vicksburg MISSISSIPPI McGrath, Gov. J. W., Jackson Percy, Will A., Jackson Taylor, Judge 0. B., Jackson Nason, Guy, Jackson Larsen, L. T., Jackson Ronsheim, Edward J., Jackson Yerger, Mrs. Henry, Jackson France. E. E., Jackson Merchants Bank & Trust Co., Jackson HiRSH, Joseph, Vicksburg Jones, Mrs. Stewart, Laurel KoRY, Rabbi Sol, Vicksburg Katz, Herman, Hattiesburg McGehee, Mrs. Mariorie, Como RoBERSON, Fr.\nk, Jackson Stovall, a. T., Okolona 36 MISSOURI Chair/nan: V ice-Chairman. ■ Treasurer: Executive Sea-etary State Director: Publicity: Depository: Armstrong, Dr. A. H., St. LouLs Bascom, J. D., St. Louis Bates, Chas. F., St. Louis Benoist, Mrs. Theo., St. Louis Bitting, Rev. W. C, St. Louis Blxby, W. K., St. Louis Blackmer, Mrs. L. Guy, St. Louis Blackwood, J. R., Hannibal Brooks, Mrs. Louis J., St. Louis Burke, Rt. Rev. Maurice, St. Joseph Bush, Benj. F., St. Louis Calhoun, David R., St. Louis Carter, \V. Frank, St. Louis Childress, L. Wade, St. Louis Compton, Wm. R., St. Louis Condie, H. D., St. Louis Cramer, Otto, St. Louis CuNLiFF, Nelson, St. Louis Davis, J. Lionberger, St. Louis DoDsoN, Geo. R., St. Louis Fairbank, Alfred, St. Louis Faris, H. p., Clinton Fli'NN, Warren C, St. Louis Frank, Nathan, St. Louis Gardner, Frederick D., St. Louis Glaser, Julius, St. Louis Glennon, Rt. Rev. John J., St. Louis Goldman, J. D., St. Louis Hammar, Frank V., St. Louis Harrison, Rabbi Leon, St. Louis Hart, Luke E., St. Louis Herbert, J. M., St. Louis Hinton, J. P., Hannibal Holman, Chas. L., St. Louis H-iT)E, Hon. Arthitr M., Jefferson City Johnson, Jackson, St. Louis Johnston, John L., St. Louis Kennard, J. B., St. Louis Kiel, Hon. Henry W., St. Ijouis Carleton, Murray, St. Louis Davis, Dwight F., St. Louis Pryor, Edward B., St. Louis Stowe, Miss Marcia C, St. Louis Wilson, H. 0., St. Louis Taussig, Miss Charlotte, St. Louis State National Bank, St. Louis IvNAPP, Chas., Rolla KuRN, J. M., St. Louis Lang, Bert H., St. Louis Lee, W. H., St. Louis Lehmann, F. W., St. Louis LiLLis, Rt. Rev. Thomas S., Kansas City Lonsdale, J. G., St. Louis MacIvor, Rev. John W., St. Louis McKeen, Benj., St. Louis McMuRRY, Rev. W. F., St. Louis Markham, George D., St. Louis Melson, E. p., St. Louis Merner, Geo. D., St. Louis Moser, Byron W., St. Louis Nagel, Charles, St. Louis NicoLAus, Henry, St. Louis O'Meara, John B., St. Louis Phillips, Rev. Z. B. T., St. Louis Porter, Geo., St. Joseph Queeny, John F., St. Louis Rauh, A.\ron, St. Louis Shepley, John F., St. Louis Singleton, M. E., St. Louis Spencer, Hon. Selden P., St. Lou's Stanard, W. K., St. Louis Stix, Ernest W., '. L uis Sutherland, G. W., St. Louis SwopE Horace M , St. Louis Tadlock, Rev. Chas W.. St Louis Wade, Festus J., St. Louis Waldheim, a., St. Louis West, Thos. H., St. Louis Whitaker, Edwards, St. Louis Widmann, F., St. Louis Wiggins, Charles, St. Louis Wilkinson, M. L., St. Louis Wilfley, X. P., St. Louis WooDFiLL, J. R., Jr., Aurora WooDROW, Rev. S. H., St. Louis 37 MONTANA Chairman: Atkinson, A., Bozeman Executive Secretary: Bowden, R. B., Bozeman Treasurer: Cox, George, Bozeman Publicity: Brewer, W. F., Bozeman Depository: Commercial National Bank, Bozeman Call, Harry L., Great Falls Dltncan, U. S., Billings Heilbroner, a. H., Butte Kendall, Herbert, Kalispell Levy, M., Billings Leavett, Scott, Great Falls McMahon, J. T., Miles City Reynolds, F. V., Billings Stow, Ralph, Billings Templeton, H. a., Great Falls Chnirinan: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: A ssista nt Secretary: Depository: Carroll, Ora W., Central City Gillmore, Mrs. G. F., Omaha Hardy, W. E., Lincoln Hopkins, John, Omaha NEBRASKA Wattles, Gurdon W., Omaha Kennedy, John L., Omaha Trester, L. W., Omaha Sparks, Mrs. Grace, Omaha United States National Bank, Omaha Ringer, J. D., Omaha Switzler, R. W., Omaha Smith, Rev. Frank G., Omaha Zimmen, Harry B., Omaha NEVADA Honorary Chairman: Boyle, Gov. Emmet D., Carson City Chairman: Campbell, George A., Reno Treasurer: Shockley, Mrs. W. A., Reno Executive Secretary: Lewers, Mrs. Robert, Reno Publicity: McDonald, Joseph F., Reno Depository: Scheeline Banking & Trust Co., Reno Adams, Rev. Brewster, Reno Belford, Mrs. Samuel W., Reno Collins, J. M., Ely Fulton, Mrs. John M., Reno KuKLiNSKi, Otto G., Reno Lawyer, Rev. Frank E., Reno Leonesio, C. J., Reno Spencer, Dr. C. W., Reno Thatcher, Geo. B., Carson City Wood, George W., Reno Wilson, Ralph E., Reno Withers, Mrs. Robert G., Reno 38 NEW HAMPSHIRE Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Depository : Abbott, Mrs. J. J., Rochester Ahern, Wm. J., Concord Bancroft, Mrs. Charles P., Concord Bartlett, Gov. John H., Portsmouth Bernier, Joseph E., Manchester BouRNiVAL, Ernest A., Manchester Brennan, James F., Peterboro Brown, Albert O., Manchester Brown, E. R., Dover Brown, 0. B., Berhn Brown, W. R., Berhn Burroughs, Sherman E., Manchester Carpenter, Frank P., Manchester Carpenter, Geo. A., Wolfel)oro Carr, Clarence E., Andover Carter, Wm. S., Lebanon Chamberlin, James S., Durham Chase, E. M., Manchester Cloutman, John F., FarminRton Cote, L. P., Somersworth Couch, Benj. W., Concord Demond, Fred C, Concord Derby, J. Clare, Concord Desautels, Moses J., Dover Deschenes, Ludger J., Manchester Drew, Irving W., Lancaster Drury, Dr. Samuel S., Conconl Dudley, Mrs. A. T., E.xetcr Dupont, Willlvm G., Berlin Felker, Andrew, Concord Flanders, Dr. Louis W., Dover Foster, Perley A., Concord Franks, Arthur L., Manchester Frost, Stephen A., Fremont GiLE, Dr. John M., Hanover Gleason, Dr. John H., Mancliester Glessner, J. G. M., Bethlehem Hall, Dwight, Dover Harriman, Mrs. A. H., Laconia Heard, Arthur i\L, Manchester Henry, Charles B., Lincohi Spaltlding, Huntley N., Rochester Pearson, Edward N., Concord Tucker, James W., Concord First National Bank, Concord Hetzel, Ralph D., Durham HoLLis, Allen, Concord Hopkins, Ernest M., Hanover Hunter, Roy D., West Claremont Huntress, Frank, Keene Huntress, Harriet L., Concord Husband, Mrs. R. W., Hanover Jenks, a. B., Manchester Keefe, F. Clitje, Dover Kimball, Miss Martha, Portsmouth Knox, Fr.ank, Manchester Ledoux, Henri T., Nashua McKjvy, Wm. B., Manchester Meader, Walter S., Dover Murdock, Admiral Joseph B., Hill Merrow, Lyford a., Ossipee MouLTON, Herbert B., Lisbon Murchie, Robert C, Concord Murphy, Francis P., Newport Musgrove, Frank A., Hanover McLane, John R., Manchester Niles, Rev. Wm. P., Nashua O'Ivane, Walter C, Durham Paine, Ralph D., Durham Parker, Bishop Edward M., Concord Parker, Mrs. Howard, Berlin Perry, Lewis, Exeter Precourt, Albert J., Manchester Quirin, Joseph, Manchester Ralnville, John A., Suncook Remick, Mrs. James W., Concord Sawi-er, Elizabeth C, Dover Shedd, C. Gale, Keene Spaulding, Rolland H., Roche.ster Streeter, Frank S., Concord SuLLOWAY, Frank J., Concord Thayer, Mrs. Lucius, Portsmouth Tobey, Charles W., Manchester ToBiN, Dennis F., Manchester Towle, Geo. N., Effingham Trudel, Geo. E., Manchester 39 NEW HAMPSHIRE— Co/!7m»ed Upham, J. DtTNCAN, Claremont Verrette, Moise, Manchester Whoriskey, Richard, Durham WiNANT, John G., Concord Wood, Mary I., Portsmouth WooDWORTH, E. K., Concord NEW JERSEY Chairman: Colby, Everett, Newark Hon.Vice-Chairman.-EDVfAnDS, Gov. Edward I., Trenton Treasurer: Conklin, Franklin, Newark Executive Secretary: Reed, Ernest A., Newark Depository: Fidelity Union Trust Co., Newark Ayer, F. Wayland, Newark Andrews, Jos., Englewood Fuld, Felix, Newark Farr, Edward L., Camden Morgan, Wm. C, Montclair Morrow, Dwight, Englewood O'Neill, John F., Jersey City Richardson, Henry T., Passaic Wittpen, Mrs. Otto, Jersey City Chairman: Vice-Chair man: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Publicity: Depository: NEW MEXICO Cutting, Bronson M., Santa Fe Grunsfeld, Ivan, Albuc[uerque Rogers, Guy L., Alljuquerque Goodell, J. E., Albuquerque Fox, M. L., Albuquerque Meacham, Mrs. C. C, Albuquerque First National Bank, Albuquerque Bergman, Rabbi Moise, Albuquerque Davies, E. p., Santa Fe Hagerman, Herbert J., Roswell Magill, Carl C, Albuquerque ScHULER, Miss Winifred, Albuquerque Springer, Charles, Cimarron 40 Chairman: Chairman Women's Committee: Vice-Chair men NEW YORK Love, John H. Wardwell, Miss Florence Emerson, Gut Fox, Alan Strauss, Manny McKelvey, J. A. Executive Secretary: Wilmarth, Mrs. D. A. NEW YORK STATE ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTATIVES A. R. A A. R. C A. F. S F. C.C J. D. C K. of C Y. W. C. A.. Y. M. C. A., Love, John H. .rodgers, h. j. .Wood, L. Hollingsworth .Laidlaw, Dr. Walter . ROSENFELT, HeNRY H. .CoixE, Dr. John G. .Morgan, Mrs. Wm. Fellowes .Kingsley, W. M. NEW YORK STATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Hatch, Harold A. Havemeyer, Horace Pulleyn, John J. Walbridge, H. D. Warburg, Felix M. CHAIRMEN OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES Burrell, H. D. Fiske, Haley Stetson, Clarence C. MOTION PICTURE COMMITTEE Brady, William A. Myers. Jerome Pettijohn, C. C. Rotil-vfel, S. L. GENERAL COMMITTEE, NEW YORK STATE Austin, Geo. B., Catskill Beattie, James A., Troy Bolton, O. N., Perry Burdsall, Ellwood, Port Chester Campbell, A. M., Mt. Vernon Cantine, Martine, LTlster County Carr, Rev. S. E., Walton Gary, Rev. H. M., Little Fall.s Clark, A. W., Schenectady CoE, F. J., Niagara Falls Cooke, Harris L., Coopcrstuwn Crumbie, Frank R., Nyack, Curtis, Edgar W., Cherry Creek Davenport, Mrs. J., Bath Dewdney, a. L., Auburn DiSHAU, J. L., Massona Ehrhart, E. Nelson, White Plains Ellis, Harris A., Wavcrly Farnsworth, A. M., Camden Ferris, Hon. T. Harvey, Utica FooTE, Clarence A., Mt. Morris Freyfogle, Bert, Haverstraw NEW YORK STATE Gibson, Rodney, New Rochelle Goodyear, A. C, Buffalo Guild, Mrs. Roy B., Scarsdale Hakes, Chauncey D., Albany Haskett, W. F., Yonkers Hoffman, L. L., Baldwinsville Hood, C. F., Seneca Falls Hopkins, Mary' D., Clinton Howe, D. F., Jamestown Hubbell, Dr. Sil.\s, Saratoga Springs James, E. R., Saugerties Johnson, H. L., Johnson City Keeney, Calvin N., LeRoy Lane, Wm. E., Peekskill Langdon, Jervis, Elmira Leaworthy, Henry, Fretlonia Lewis, E. R., Hudson Falls LooMis, J. R., Jr., Glens Falls Lord, Chester B., Endieott Marcus, B. M., Clean 41 COMMITTEES— Continued MoAK, Franz H., Meehanicsville Morris, James E., Pelham Manor NixDORF, H. Charles, Oneida O'Brien, Wm. H., Malone Owens, R. Elliott, Cortland Rockwell, Miss Edith M., Plattsburg RowE, 0. B., Onconta Sansoucy, a. E., OgdensI)urg Sexton, F. S., Gloversville Simon, C. H., Rome Sloane, Rush R., Newark Smith, E. Herbert, Tonawanda Spillane, M. H., East Syracuse SwARTOUT, Dr. H. M., Port Jervis Tickner, Geo. L., Syracuse Wagner, Mrs. Franklin, Dolilis Ferry Wainwright, Col. J. M., Rye Willoughby, J. E., Amsterdam Woodward, H. B., Middletown Wyckoff, E. G., Ithaca Young, C. Townsend, Ossininj! NEW YORK CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Bedford, Alex.\nder, J. S. Breed, William C. Du Pont, Gen. T. Coleman Coffin, C. A. Farwell, Grosvenor Kingsley, Darwin P. .\. ('., ('Iiiiiniiai) Love, John H. MoRG.\N, William Fellowes Ryan, John D. Stettinius, Edward R. Warburg, Felix M. Whitney, Geo. C. Emerson, Guy, Sccretanj GENERAL COMMITTEE FOR NEW YORK CITY Agar, John G. Albee, E. F. Armstrong, Collin AucHiNCLoss, John W. Bache, Jules S. Bailey, Frank Barret, Cecil Baker, George F., Jr. Beck, Hon. James M. Belmont, August Bertron, S. Reading Bliss, Cornelius N. Bonbright, William Bowman, John McE. Brown, Thatcher M. Burden, James A. Burf.ell, F. a. M. Caldwell, R. J. Childs, Wm. Hamlin Coffin, Charles A. Crane, George Francis Cravath, Paul D. Cruiksh.\nk, Warren Cutting, R. Fulton Deforest, Henry W. Deforest, Robert W. Duncan, W. Butler Elliott, Howard Frew, Walter E. FRIED.SAM, Col. Michael Fkothingham, Theodore L. Fuller, Henry J. (!arvan, Francis P. CiERARD, Hon. James W. Guinzburg, Col. H. A. Gunnison, Herbert F. Guthrie, William D. Hatch, Harold A. IIavemeyer, Hor.\ce 42 GENERAL HoDENPYL, Anton G. Hooker, Elon H. HoRNE, Frank A. IsELiN, Adrian, Jr. Jonas, Nathan S. Kahn, Otto H. Kelsey, Clarence H. Kimball, Carl Kingsley, Darwin P. Kruttschnitt, Julius Leach, A. B. Lernser, Victor A. Lewisohn, Sam. A. LiPPERT, F. G. Luce, Harry J. lufkin, e. c. McClemont, John H. McKelvey, John A. McRoBERTs, Samuel Marling, Alfred E. Maynard, Edwin P. COMMITTEE FOR NEW YORK Metcalf, Manton B. Meyer, Eugene, Jr. Mills, Ogden Mitchell, Charles E. Morgan, Wm. Fellowes MuNN, John R. Munson, Frank C. Nichols, Dr. Wm. H. Osborn, Wm. Church Perkins, Charles E. Peugnet, Ramsey Post, James H. Pratt, John T. Pulleyn, John J. Pyne, Percy R. Raymond, H. H. Reiss, Jacob L. Rossiter, Clinton L. Ryan, John D. Sarin, Charles H. Sachs, Samuel CITY — Continued Semel, Bernard schoonmaker, j. h. Seligman, Jefferson Sperry, Elmer A. Speyer, James Stettinius, E. R. Stillman, James A. Strauss, Frederick Strauss, Herbert N. Smith, R. A. C. Tilford, Frank Vintschger, Gustav Walbridge, H. D. Walcott, Fred C. Warburg, Felix M. Watson, Thomas J. White, Alfred T. Whitman, Malcom D. Williams, Arthur Williams, Thomas Woods, Col. Arthur (M)UNTY AND Bacon, Mrs. Hknry, (loslicii Benson, Mlss AL\r.iorie, Flushing Bowne, Mrs. Curtis IL, Merrick Bradley, Mrs. Harry, WcUsvillo Brower, Mrs. Ernest C, Roslyn Burrows, Mrs. Lynn M., Albion Campbell, Mrs. John, Herkimer Cassidy, Miss Florence, Watkins Churchill, Mrs. John C, O.swego Doubleday, Frank N., Oyster B;iy Edie, Mrs. James, Jr., Lynhrook Far.nam, Mrs. Frank W., Oneida Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. C, Garden City Forsyth, Mrs. James, Owego Francke, Mrs. Albert, New York City Gilbert, Mrs. W. L., Middleljurgh Hall, Mrs. Fred, Tarry town Jackson, Miss NLvhion F., Jericiio Kniffen, Mrs. IL S., Cedarhurst Lee, Mrs. Chas. L., Glen Cove Lee, Mrs. Harry W., Oneonta Lipe, Mrs. W. H., Canajoharie MacConnell, Rev. J. H., Norwich LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS ]\Iay, Mrs. Herbert S., Great Neck Merritt, Miss Alice, Farmingdale Olmsted, Mrs. Wm. L. S., Gene.seo Paris, Mrs. Preston, Hudson Falls Pate, Mrs. Walter L., Locust Valley Patton, Mrs. J. T., Saratoga Springs Peckham, Rev. E. L., Poughkee])sie Penfield, Mrs. Samuel F., Delhi Pettit, Mrs. Gle.nn, Rockville Centre Potter, Mrs. Alonzo, Sniithtown, L. I. RiGHT.MYER, Mus. F. P., (iloversville Sheppard, Miss Louise P., Penn Van Smith, Mrs. Chas. D., Freeport Simpson, Mrs. R. S., Lyons Stehdins, George, Watertown Stephens, Olin J., New York City Townsend, Mrs. Winfield A., Essex \'aill, Mrs. George P., Glen Cove Wakeman, Mrs. B. R., Hornell Welden, Benj. F., Birniinghain Wheeler, Miss Lilla C, Portville Whitson, Miss Esther, Fariningdale Willcox, Mrs. Wm. J., Staten Island 43 WOMEN'S EMERGENCY COMMITTEE Chairman, Straight, Mrs. Willard Barnes, Mrs. Courtlandt D. Brady, Mrs. Nicholas F. Cross, Mrs. Eliot CusHM.wj, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. W. Shippen Hay, Miss Mary Garrett EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hooker, Mrs. Ransom Kittredge, Miss Mabel Kohut, Mrs. Alexander Morgan, Miss Ruth Slmkhovitch, Mrs. V. G. Ward^vell, Miss Florence Whitney, Mrs. Richard Brewster, Mrs. Walter Harriman, Mrs. ,J. Bouden HoYT, Mrs. John Sherman Adee, Mrs. Ern'est Alexander, Mrs. Charles B. Borg, Mrs. Sidney C. Brokaw, Mrs. Irving Bdlkley, Mrs. Jonathan Burden. Mrs. J. A. Burden, Mrs. James A.. Jr. Burnet, Miss Ethel Cl.ark, Mrs. .\verill Cole, Julia L. CuRRAN, Henry Delano, Mrs. William .\dam deWolfe, Miss Elsie Duryea, Mrs. H. B., Mrs. Xewbold Leroy F.iRRAR, MaD.\.ME GeRALDI.NE Aldrich, Miss .\.mey Blair, Mrs. John Dixon, Miss M. Louise SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Jones, Mrs. F. Kobert.son Slade, Mrs. F. Louis Pr.att, Mrs. John T. Vanderuilt, Mrs. Willlam K. ,2nd Slack, Mrs. Tho.mas Wilcox, Mrs. William G. GENERAL COMMITTEE Fr.ankli.n, Mrs. P. A. Gatti-Cas.\zza, M/U)a.mb Guilio Gerard, Mrs. Sumner Gibson, Mrs. Charles Dana Grace, Mrs. Joseph (Sriswold, Mrs. Frank Gray HoYT, Mrs. Lydig Iselin, Mrs. .\dria.n ICahn, Mrs. Otto H. Kkech, Mrs. Alvin LoEB, Mrs. Jack Marbuhy, Miss Elizabeth Mayn.ard, Mrs. Walter E. Maynard, Mrs. Walter McM.AHON, Mrs. William MiNTURN, Mrs. Murphy, SPECIAL CO.MMITTEES Draper, Martha Lindley, Mrs. Charles Moskowitz, Mrs. Henry Notman, Mrs. Cteorge Pennington, Mrs. Plesants Porter, Mlss K.atherine Po.sT, Mrs. George B., Jr. Po.ST, Mrs. George, Jr. RoBiN.soN, Mrs. Monroe Rosen, Mrs. Walter ScHiFF, Mrs. Mortlmer Schley, Mrs. Reeve Scott, Mrs. Charles Smith, E. Tree, Mrs. Ronald Trowbridge, Mrs. .\lexander Tweed, Mrs. Harrlson Welsh, .Mrs. ?.I. M. WiBORG, Miss ^L\RY HuVT Webb, Mrs. Vanberbilt Wells, .Mrs. Tho.mas B. Astor, Mrs. Vincent Brown, Mrs. Raymond Colby, Everett Cro.mwell, Mrs. Seymour Damrosch, Mrs. Walter Edey, Mrs. Frederick Fle.ming, Mrs. Jackson SPEAKERS' COMMITTEE Fosdick, Dr. Harry Heuffer, Capt. Maddox Jones, Miss Olive Lovejoy, Dr. Esther P. Mead, Mrs. Robert G. Morgan, Miss Edith Parsons, Mrs. James R. Perki.ns, Miss Fr.^nces Robinson, Mrs. Dougl.a.s Rogers, Mrs. Fr.\ncis Stillman, Mrs. Leland S. Tiffany, Mrs. Charles L. Van .V.mee, Mrs. William Boynton, Rev. Nehemi.ah McComas, Miss C^^rroll Donnelly, Miss Dorothy SPECIAL COMMITTEE Chairman, Curran, Henry H. Ralph, Miss Jessie Duncan, The Misses Vo(iEL, Martin Hurst, Miss Fan.vie Hanson, Miss Gl.U)YS Patreguin, Miss Jean Metcalfe, Mrs. James 44 NORTH CAROLINA Chairman: Executive Secretary: Depository : Edwards, D. T., Kinston HoBBS, RiCH.\RD, Guildford O'Neill, Matthew J., Charlotte Patterson, Mrs. Lindsay. Winston Salem Page, Henry A., Aberdeen Page, Thad S., Aberdeen Page Trust Co., Aberdeen Pritchard, Judge J., Asheville Speir, Morgan B., Charlotte Sternberger, J., Goldsboro AYeil, Lionel, Goldsboro Chairman: Director: Treasurer: Depository: Chaney, Fr.\nk H., Fargo Howard, Dr. E. Lee, Fargo NORTH DAKOTA LooMis, H. L., Fargo Young, Judge N. C, Fargo CiEAREY, H. W., Fargo IMerchants National Bank, Fargo MacIntyre, Mrs. W. A., Grand Forks Manley, Howard J., Grand Forks Naftalin, D., Fargo Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Pithlicity: Depository: Butler, D. E., Columbus Chamberlin, Mrs. H. R., Cincinnati Duffy, T. J., Columlni.-i Eisman, Charles, Cleveland Hagerty, Dr. J. E., Columbus HoppES, Mrs. John J., SpringOeld Jones, Percy C, Toledo Kaufman, Otto, Youngstown Lamb, Rev. B. F., Columi)us Merriam, Mrs. Walter, Cleveland Maddox, James A., Columbus Pontius, John W., Coluinl>us Proctor, W. C, Cincinnati W OHIO Jones, William Eugene, Columbus Copeland, Foster, Columbus I\L\RTiN', Harry J., Daj-ton ]\IcVicKER, \'. E., Columbus City National Bank, Columbus Ramsey, Fred W., Cleveland Rhodes, Ivan B., Columbus liooD, Mrs. Prentice E., Toledo Sanger, Sigmund, Toledo Sharp, Mrs. W. H., Columbus Shiverick, Aza, Cleveland Shuey, E. L., Dayton Silver, Rabbi Abba H., Cleveland Spencer, Mrs. Henry R., Columbus Thompson, Dr. W. O., C'olumbus Timbehman, Dr. A., Columbus Warrington, Geo. 11., Cincinnati Wildman, Alvin J., Selma lliams, B. B., Mt. Vernon 45 OKLAHOMA Chair7nan: Hadlky, John R., Tulsa V ice-Chairmen: Lawson, Mrs. Eugene, Nowata Gibson, H. W., Muskogee Million, E. C, McAlester NoRRis, P. A., Ada Pearson, Mrs. J. C, Marshall Wade, Tom, Marlow Montgomery, Denny, Hobart M.^RL.AND, E. W., Ponca City Buck, W. 0., Tulsa .Johnson, Mrs. Hugh, Oklahoma City Brown, Connery & Co., Oklahoma City Central National Bank, Tulsa NiLES, Rev. Edwin I., Alva Offenbacker, Emile, Tulsa Owens, J. F., Oklahoma City Pierce, Rev. Perry E., Muskogee Roberts, C. C, Oklahoma City Sill, Mrs. W. N., Tulsa S.ALKELD, Rev. E., Oklahoma City Treasurer: Executive Secrctanj: Publicity: Depository: Buchner, C. E., Tulsa Carey, P. J., Muskogee Deerhake, F. M., Oklahoma City Englesman, a. D., Oklahoma City Hoffman, Mrs. Roy, Oklahoma City Jones, Richard L., Tulsa McAtee, W. S., Oklahoma City OREGON Chairman: Strong, Robert H., Portland Treasurer: Daly, John F., Portland Manager: Smith, Robert E., Portland Assistant Manager: Gollehur, Fr.\nk, Portland Depository: Hibernia Commercial & Savings Bank, Portland Ayer, W. B., Portland Baker, George L., Portland Butler, Leslie, Hood River Carter, E. V., Ashland Cookingham, Edward, Portland CoRBETT, Mrs. Helen Ladd, Portland Cranston, James A., Portland Coshow, O. p., Roseburg Falconer, Fred \V., Enterprise Griffith, Franklin T., Portland Hanley, William, Burns Hartwig, Otto R., Portland Hirsch, Max S.. Portland Hinshaw, H. a., Portland Jackson, C. S., Portland Kay, Thos. B., Salem Kerb, W. J., Portland Kuykendall, D. v., Klamath Falls Lewis, L. A., Portland MacMaster, Mrs. Wm., Portland Marsh, Chas. H., Pendleton McCormick, Hamilton, St. Helens McAfee, Ralph C, Portland Newell, W. K., Eugeae Olmste.^d, Emery. Portland Olcott, Gov. Ben W., Salem Piper, Edg.a.r B., Portland Pollman, William, Baker City Sawyer, Robt., Bend Selling, Ben, Portland Simpson, L. J., Coos Bay Stanfield, Robert N., Portland Stone, B. F., Astoria Talbot, Guy W., Portland Wheeler, J. E., Portland WHEELWTiiGHT, Wm. D., Portland Wheelwright, Mrs. W. D., Portland 4G EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Chairman: Manager: Treasurer: Depository: Headquarters: Adler, Dr. Cyrus, Philadelphia AiNEY, W. D. v., Harrisburg BiLLiKOPF, Jacob, Philadelphia Bright, Stanley, Reading GiMBEL, Jacob, Philadelphia Jennings, W. W., Harrisburg IvAur\L\N, David, Harrisburg Kirby, F. M., Wilkes-Barre Kramer, Albert N., Scranton Taylor, Dr. Alonzo E., Philadelphia Stevenson, Collier, Philadelphia Mason, John, Philadelphia Commercial Trust Co., Philadelphia 221 S. 18th Street, Philadelphia Lit, Jacob D.. Philadelphia Loughney, John V., Philadelphia Paist, Mrs. Frederick, Wayne Riioades, Chas. J., Philadelphia Schmidt, John C, York SHA-i-NE, Geo. C, Philadelphia Steele, Joseph, Philadelphia Strauss, Judge Simon, Wilkes-Barre Wolf, Louis, Philadelphia WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Publicity: Depository: Branson, Chas. F., Pittsburgh Harbison, Ralph W., Pittsburgh Heinz, Howard, Pittsburgh Howell, Alleyne C, Sewickley Lanahan, F. J., McKee's Rocks Lyon, J. Denniston, Pittsburgh Lehman, Irvin F., Pittsburgh Wardrop, Robert, Pittsburgh Mitchell, W. S., Pittsburgh MacLeod, Norman, Pittsburgh Ketchum, Kenneth, Pittsburgh Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh Mellon, A. W., Pittsburgh Oliver, A. K., Pittsburgh Rea, Mrs. Henry R., Pittsburgh Reed, David A., Pittsburgh RiES, F. W., Jr., Pittsburgh Sunstein, a. J., Pittsburgh Weil, A. Leo, Pittsburgh Chdinuan: Treasurer: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS OsiAS, Camiho Cotterman, C. M. Belden, H. J. O'Malley, M. H. Palmer, Miss Cecil Tan, Bienvenida 47 RHODE ISLAND Chairman: Lippitt, Hon. Henry F., Providence Vice-Chamnan: West, Thos. H., Jr., Providence Executive Secretary: Littlefield, James B., Providence Depository: Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co., Providence WOMEN'S EXECUTIVE COMAIITTEE Honorary Chairmen: Beeckman, Mrs. R. Livingstone (deceased) Gainer, Mrs. Joseph H., Providence Chairman: Peck, Mrs. Walter A., Providence Vice-Chairman: Hodgman, Mrs. Wm. L., Providence Secretary: McCausland, Mrs. Norman L., Providence BoDELL, Joseph J. Bradford, Rev. Arthur H., Providence Brown, Walter G., Providence Comstock, Richard B. Congdon, Harold Fuller, Frederick H., Providence Gardner, Rathbone, Providence Henius, Arthur Keenan, William J., Providence Kilvert, Charles A. Livingston, Mrs. Deborah K., Providence Wood, W Levy, Max, Newport Marshall, Carl B., Providence McDonnell, Thomas F. I. Metcalf, Stephen O. Roelker, Wm. G., Providence Sackett, Henry W. Schonfarber, Gordon Silverman, Archibald, Providence Stranahan, Farrand S. White, Clinton C. White, Willis H., Providence illiam Philo S(3UTH CAROLINA Honorary Chairman: Cooper, Gov. R. A., Columliia Chairnmn: Elliot, William, Columbia Vicc-Chairmen: McKissick, Mrs. Margaret Smyth, Greenville KoHN, August, Columbia Treasurer: Hart, 0. Frank, Columbia Publiciiy: Koon, J. Irby, Columbia Sams, Mrs. Stanhope, Columbia Carolina National Bank, Columbia P.\RKiNSON, B. L., Columliia Stoney, Mrs. S. J., Charleston Triest, Montague, Charleston Wilbur, Walter B., Charleston Depository: Bultman, F. L., Columbia Clark, Rev. Melton, Columbia Hollowell, Richard L., Columbia Johnson, Dr. D. B., Rock Hill 48 Chairman: Publicity: Treasurer and Depository: Assistant to Chairman: SOUTH DAKOTA Herreid, Charles N., Aberdeen KiESER, Paul W., Aberdeen Clements, W. W., Publicity for Sioux Falls and Minne- haha County Minnehaha National Bank, Sioux Falls LiGHTNER, D. H., Aberdeen Calmenson, Sam, Aberdeen Cressey, J. K., Sioux Falls DiGNAM, Father John, Dickinson Fantle, Sam., Sioux Falls FiFiELD, L. W., Sioux Falls Finnegan, David M., Yankton Guhin, M. M., Aberdeen Gunderson, Mrs. Carl, Mitchell Harmon, Mrs. T. A., W:>terto\vn Hess, Rabbi J., Aberdeen Hill, W. S., Mitchell Hunting, R. G., Sioux Falls Knappen, G. F., Brookings KuH, Louis, Sioux Falls Larson, Lewis, Sioux Falls Norbeck, Gov. Peter, Redfield Remington, Bishop Wm., Rapid City Skang, Mrs. Julius, Mobridge Thompson, Claude, Sioux Citj' Wright, Geo. W., Huron Chairman: Treasurer: Secretary: Publicity: Depository: Brown, C. E., N. Nashville Carson, Rev. H. V., Knoxville Coen, i\L L., Knoxville Cohn, Nathan, Nashville Fineschriber, Rabbi W., Memphis Haase, Charles J., Memphis Loventhal, Lee J., Nashville TENNESSEE Edgerton, J. E., Nashville Houston, P. D., Nashville George, E. E.. Memphis Foster, E. M., Nashville American National Bank, Nashville McCallie, Dr. T. S., Chattanooga McCarthy, Francis J., Nashville Payne, Bruce R., Nashville Peffer, J. R., Memphis Peres, Hardwig, Memphis Pitzer, H. H., Chattanooga Trawick, Mrs. Arch., Nashville 49 Honorary Chairman: Chairman: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Publicity: Depository: Baker, Rhodes S., Dallas Berman, Oscar, San Antonio BizzELL, Dr. W. B., College Station Blanton, Miss Axnie W., Austin Bowie, Mrs. Henry, El Paso Briggs, Geo. W., Dallas Bunch, R. L., Dallas Burgess, Geo. T., Dallas Coulter, L. A., Dallas Duringer, :\Irs. W. a., Fort Woiili Everman, Mrs. J. W., Dallas Floore, Mrs. Florence C., Cloliurno Fox, Rabbi Geo., Fort A\'(irtli HoBLiTZELLE, Karl, Dallas Jacobs, Rev. William S., Houston KiRwiN, Father J. M., La Forte TEXAS Hobby, Gov. William P., Austin Peden, E. a., Houston Hobby, Edwin, Dallas Davis, Bltrton, Houston Davis, Clara Ogden, Houston Security N.\tional Bank, Dallas Lefkowitz, Rabbi D., Dallas Levy', Abraham, Houston Marrs, Mrs. S. M. N., Austin McNary, James C, El Paso Oppenheimer, Jesse D., San Antonio S.\nger, Alex., Dallas Schramm, Julius, Taylor Shirey, Dr. Guy O., Fort Worth Sp.arger, Mrs. John, Dallas Stark, H. J. Lutcher, Orange Steves, Albert, Jr., San Antonio Terrell, Dick 0., San Antonio \'iNS0N, Dr. R. E., .\ustin Wolfe, M. H., Dallas Werkinthin, M. J., .\ustin ZoRK, C!us, El Chairman: Treasurer: Exec II tire Srrrela ry . Piihlieitij: Deposit, :ry: Alexander, Daniel, Salt Lake C.\rver, Rev. John E., Ogden Dixon, Leroy, Provo E\'ANS, Frank, Salt Lake Citj- UTAH Cannon, Mrs. Annie Wells, Salt Lake City Akmstrong, W. W., Salt Lake City Pit'KERiNc, r^lRS. Harold, Salt Lake City Connelly, Lillian B., Salt Lake City Xatkin.m, ("oppkr Bank, Salt Lake City City CoRHAM, Mrs. A. .]., Salt Lake City Morris, Xephi L., Salt Lake City O'CoNxoR, M. J., Ogilen TitEAXdR, 1!. C, Salt Lake Cily Chairman: Exeeiltire See/ Piihlieitu: Depository: Casey, D. J., Burlington Chittenden, Mrs. AL D., Burl Clark, Byron X., Burlington Hartness, Ja.mes, Springfield VERMONT E.MERY, Curtis S., Xewport '/(//;/; Gary, Miss j\L\rion, Rutland CisiiiNG, John T., St. Albans Xatio.nal Bank of Xewport, Xewport Holden, .\rthur J., Bennington ngion Ho\\Ai!n, V,. J., P>ello\vs Falls Merrill, Rev. C. ('., Burlington Stf.vkns, i;. ]•:., Ilarli'ord £0 VIRGINIA Honorary Chainnnn: Davis, Gov. Westmoreland, Richmond Chairman: Bryan, J. Stewart, Richmond Treasurer: Fitzgerald, Desota, Richmond Publicity: Sowers, Earl S., Richmond Depository: Merchants National Bank, Richmond Blackwell, Mrs. P. A., Roanoke Blake, John J., Richmond Calisch, Dr. E. M., Richmond Coleman, Rev. John F., Suffoliv Crain, Rev. James H., Norfolk Dabney, Judge A. D., C'liarlottesville Darling, F. W., Hampton Guggenheimer, C. M., Lynchburg Hanger, Mrs. Franklin, Staunton Johnston, Charles W., Portsmouth Levy, Moe, Norfolk Lewis, Mrs. L. C, Frcdcrick.shurg LiNDEJIAN, S. 0., Ricliiuoiul W'drthan, Magill, R. E., Richmond Mayfield, Mrs. W. 0., Newport News Newton, John B., Roanoke Noel, J. R., Lynchburg Ricks, Judge J. Hoge, Richmond Roy.ster, Wm. S., Norfolk Sloan, Mrs. Wm., Norfolk Si'ROUL, Hugh B., Staunton Thalhimer, Morton G., Richmond Taylor, Mrs. R. Cornelius, Norfolk Trueman, Charles S., Richmond Wheeler, Mrs. D. D., Fredericksl>urg White, H. M., Petersburg Coleman, Rii'lmiond Chairman: Vice-Chair7nan: Treasurer: Publicity: Baker, Frank S., Tacoma Blethen, C. B., Seattle CowLES, W. H., Spokane Ellis, Mrs. Overton G., Tacoma Hebberd, Charles, Spokane Henry, H. C, Seatllo Hilton, Mrs. A. A., Seattle Hoyer, W. F., Yakima Hughes, P. L., Yakima Keator, Rt. Rev. F. W., Tacoma Lang, Julius C, Seattle LipPY, T. S., Seattle LuBBY, M. J., Spokane Margolis, Rabbi, Tacoma MuFFLEY, Jas. L, Tacoma WASHINGTON Burnett, Louis H., Tacoma Penrose, Mrs. S. B. L., AValla Walla SwALWELL, Joseph A., Seattle McDowell, Lloyd W., Tacoma Nash, Dr. G. W., Bellingham Nettleton, Clark, Seattle Paulsen, Mrs. August, Spokane Pinkerton, Roy D., Tacoma Pretlow, Rev. Robt. E., Seattle Saunders, E. J., Seattle Saunders, LeRoy, Seattle Schultz, F. W., Wenatchee Stern, Samuel R., Spokane Thorne, Chester, Tacoma Welch, Chas. B., Tacoma Weyerhaeuser, Mrs. J. P., Tacoma Weyrauch, Col. P. H., Walla Walla Whitcomb, David, Seattle Wilcox, C. W., Seattle 51 WEST VIRGINIA Honorary Chairman Chairman: V ice-Chairman: Treasurer: Publicity: Depositonj: Baer, H. O., Wheeling Caldwell, Mrs. Gibson L., Wheeling Elkins, Hon. Davis, Fairmont GuNDLiNG, W. B., Wheeling Highland, Hon. Virgil, Clarkesburg Lynch, John C, Wheeling CoRNWELL, Gov. JoHN J., Wheeling Dickey, Dr. John L., Wheeling Whitaker, Mrs. A. C., Wheeling Irvine, W. B., Wheeling Hicks, Bruce, Wheeling National Bank of West Virginia, Wheeling O'Brien, Mrs. Chas., Wheeling Schbnk, Otto, Wheeling Sutherland, Hon. Howard, Elkins Thoner, Hon. Thomas F., Wheeling ToLSON, Mrs. Geo., Wheeling White, Hon. A. B., Parker.sburg WYOMING Honorary Chairman: Cahey, Gov. Robert, Cheyenne Chairman: Sherman, Jacob, Cheyenne Treasurer: Weston, Harry, Cheyenne Depository: American National Bank, Cheyenne Brooks, Hon. B. B., Casper Henderson, Henry B., Cheyenne Johnson, Mrs., Cheyenne Purcell, M. W., Casper 1 Printins: & Binding Co., New Vork. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 020 953 150 1