B 21 ri58 917 opy 1 1917 STATE OF MICHIGAN LAWS RELATING TO ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS com l-II.I'I) UNDBJR THE SUPERVISION OF COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE 1917 LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOI- BALLENBBCK CRAWFORD CO.. STATE PRINTERS 1917 1917 STATE OF MICHIGAN LA WIS KELATIXO TO ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS COMPILED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE 1917 LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP IIALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO.. STATE PRINTERS 1917 SB 2/ CONTENTS. ~r\ 5 8 Page Authorizing and regulating a county agricultural department 3 Preventing importation of dangerous insects and contagious diseases 6 Preventing manufacture, sale, etc., of adulterated insecticides or fungicides 14 Preventing trespass on cranberry marshes 17 Preventing trespass on huckleberry and blackberry marshes 18 Protecting vineyards, orchards and gardens 19 Preventing wilful, etc., destruction of fruit, shade or ornamental trees 19 Preventing wrongful taking, detaching, etc., or injuring any fruit tree, shade tree, etc 19 Protecting glowers and owners of certain medicinal plants and herbs, etc 20 Preventing fraud, etc., in the sale of Michigan grown fresh fruits and vegetables, etc 20 Fixing standards for apples grown in this state when packed in closed packages, and regulating the packing and sale of such apples 22 Fixing the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables and other dry commodities 24 Fixing standards for climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other containers for small fruits, berries, vege- tables, etc r 26 Regulating the packing for shipment and sale of table grapes 27 n.* of P. MAR 7 191^ LAWS RELATING TO ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. An Act to authorize and regulate a county agricultural department. [Act 67, P. A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: § 7854. Section 1. The boards of supervisors of the several Appropria- counties of this state are hereby authorized to appropriate tlons ' from funds of their respective counties, or to assess and cause to be spread upon the taxable property of their respective counties, a sufficient sum of money to carry out the purposes of this act: Provided, however, That there shall not be so Proviso, appropriated, raised or assessed in any county in any one llmit ' year more than fifty cents on each one thousand dollars or major portion thereof of the assessed valuation of the real and personal property of such county, but in no case to exceed two thousand dollars, in addition to the salary mentioned in this act. § 7855. Sec. 2. Each of said boards of supervisors so Farm com- making such appropriation or assessment, shall also elect one ierm°saiar qualified person for each county, respectively, to be known as farm commissioner, who shall hold his office for two years and shall receive such annual salary as-sflid board of supervisors shall determine, not exceeding two thousand dollars. § 785G. Sec. 3. The fund so appropriated shall be known Farm deveiop- as the farm development fund, and the same may be used to ment fund - enable said commissioner to defray his actual expenses, aside from salary, and carry out the purposes of this act. § 7857. Sec. 4. The salary of such commissioner shall be salary, how paid out of the general fund of such county, and as other paid - county salaries are paid. § 7858. Sec. 5. Such commissioner shall be a person not Qualifications. less tli an twenty-live years of age, an experienced practical man who, in the opinion of said board, is versed in all matters pertaining to farming pursuits, the growing of agricultural products and fruits suitable in such county, and one who is versed in the knowledge of soil fertility, rotation of crops, fertilizers and fertilizing, and possessing a knowledge of the kind of crops best adapted to the various soils and conditions of such county. 2 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF (nun of office. § 7859. Sec. G. Such commissioner shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute the constitutional oath of office and file same with the county clerk of such county; and shall also before entering upon such duties execute and enter into a. bond in a sum to be fixed by said board of supervisors, not less than one thousand dollars nor to ex- ceed double the sum appropriated in the then current year, said bond to be signed by at least, two sureties and approved by the county treasurer of the county, conditioned for the faithful performance of bis duties and the accounting of all funds and moneys, material and apparatus coming into his hands; which bond shall run to the board of supervisors of such county and shall be filed in the office of the county clerk thereof, and action may be brought thereon for viola- tions of its conditions and provisions, the same as on other county officers' bonds running to said board. § 78G0. Sec. 7. The fund created by this act shall be raised and collected as are other taxes for county expenses, and paid over to the county treasurer, and by him kept sepa- rate from all other funds, and to be paid out only on the order of said farm commissioner or transferred to the general fund of such county as hereinafter specified. § 78G1. Sec. 8. Such commissioner shall keep an accurate account of all of the expenditures by him made from such fund and of the orders drawn thereon, and he shall make annual report of all such expenditures and orders drawn, and of his doings and actions in full to the board of supervisors of such county at each annual October meeting thereof. § 78G2. Sec. U. The duties of such commissioner in gen- [ssloner. eral sna]1 be ag f H ows ; a. To be of every material benefit and assistance to the farming and fruit interests of his county; b. To render advice and insf ruction to the people of the county who need help most, to make for successful cultiva- tion and cropping of the' soil for all products grown there- from ; c. To contract with farmers and fruit growers through- out the county for demonstration and experimental purposes, for acreage of ground and orchards or small fruits, to the end that each fanner or fruit grower so contracted with will fertilize, fit for crops, plant and sow to crops and care for and harvest the same in accordance with the instruction and direction of such commissioner, but without compensation; such farmer to have the crop grown thereon and to keep such records and data concerning the same, as to the kind of seed and fertilizer used, cultivation, rain fall on same, harvest, care and yield of crop and other information as such com- missioner shall require ; d. Such commissioner to so manage and keep records of each trad that each may be such a demonstration and ex- periment station in itself as to tend to bettering future con- ditions; Fund, how raised, etc. i xpendltures, account of, etc. I >utlea of ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. e. To instinct as far as possible the inhabitants as to important farm questions relating to soil fertility, crop ro- tation, fertilizers (crop and commercial), kinds of crops best adapted to various soils, and in every way to raise and im- prove the standard of farming and fruit growing; f. To work in conjunction with the Michigan agricultural college or any governmental or state aid that may be secured by federal or state appropriations for similar purposes; g. To stimulate interest for more scientific farming and fruit growing, and in every reasonable and practical way raise the standard of farming and fruit growing in such county. § 7S63. Sec. 10. Said commissioner shall keep an office in office- such county, and there keep on tile and for public examination in systematic form, records, data and results of the various experiments and demonstrations in such a way as to be of the greatest benefit to the public, and turn over to his suc- cessor in office all the records, files and documents, fixtures. apparatus and material of his said office which shall belong to the county. § 7864. Sec. 11. Such commissioner mav enter into con- JJJJ^SiS? tracts with farmers and fruit growers in his name of office, etc - and sue them for violations thereof in his name of office, and may employ such assistants as he deems necessary to carry on the work outlined by this act to the best advantage: Pro- Provlso - vided, however. That said commissioner shall devote substan- tially his whole time to said work, and shall not expend por- tions of such development fund for other assistants, except when the same are necessary to carry out the purposes of this act to the best advantage and benefit to the people. § 7865. • Sec. 12. Such commissioner is authorized to pur- Office fixtures chase such reasonable office fixtures and supplies and record purchase, books as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and is authorized to purchase such reasonable supply of apparatus and chemicals and material as is necessary for him to test soils, fertilizers, spraying materials and seeds, and carry on experiments; but he shall make no charge for such testing nor for any other services performed under this act, and he shall receive no other or further compensation or fees than such as are prescribed by this act: Provided, however. Proviso. That if such commissioner can procure adequate tests of above materials, soils, etc., at the agricultural college of the state, it shall be the intent of this act that he shall so do, and only purchase material for or hire such tests made as are necessary for adequate and efficient service in the work of his said office. § 7866. Sec. 13. The board of supervisors of each county Supenrtoow having appropriated or raised funds under this act may dis- tinue office. continue the office, and discontinue the raising of further funds thereunder by a resolution of such board adopted by a majority of the members thereof: Provided, however, That Proviso. such action shall not terminate the office or salary of any LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF Further proviso, referendum Funds, where applicable. Proviso. Further proviso. Referendum. commissioner elected thereunder until the expiration of liis term of office as provided herein: Provided further, That the said office shall not be terminated except by a referendum vote the same as is provided in section fifteen for its adoption. § 78C>7. Sec. 14. No funds appropriated or raised under this act shall be used for contribution to agricultural societies or any other purpose than that prescribed in this act: Pro- vided, however. That if such office and work should be discon- tinued by resolution of the board of supervisors, then in that case all moneys remaining in such development fund shall thereupon be by such county treasurer transferred to the general fund of such county: And provided further, That funds raised under the act may, by resolution of the board of supervisors or by order of said farm commissioner, be appro- priated or used to comply with and in co-operation with any state or governmental requirements for agricultural develop- ment, demonstration or experimental work in each county respectively. § 7868. Sec. 15. The provisions of this act shall not apply in any county of this state until the question of adopting the same shall have been submitted to the qualified electors there- of. Such question may be submitted either by resolution of the board of supervisors or upon petition, signed by not less than five per cent of the qualified electors resident in such county, addressed to said board. Upon receipt of such peti- tion it shall be the duty of the board of supervisors to submit the question at the first general election held after the meet- ing of the board at which the petition is presented, or at a special election called for that purpose. Ballots for the sub- mission of such question shall be prepared and distributed by the same officers as are required by law to prepare and dis- tribute ballots for county elections, and the canvass and re- turn of the vote thereon shall be the same as is provided by law for the canvass and return of the vote upon county of- ficers. If upon the canvass of the votes upon such question it shall appear that a majority of the electors voting thereon. are in favor of the adoption of the provisions of this act in their respective counties, then this act shall be in full force and effect in such countv and not otherwise. Ballots. An Act to prevent the importation from other states and the spread within this state, of dangerous insects and dangerously conta- gious diseases affecting trees, shrubs, vines, plants and fruits, and to repeal all acts or part [parts] of acts that contravene the pro- visions of this act. • I Acl 91, P. A. 190.-,.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: nir«(t^i tr.,s, § 7411. Section 1. Tt shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, knowingly, to keep upon their ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. premises, or upon premises under their control or charge, any trees or fruit infected with the diseases known as peach yel- lows, rosette, or little peach, or any part of a tree infected with the diseases known as black knot or pear blight, or any tree, shrub, plant or vine infected with any other dangerously contagious disease, or infested with the S;m Jose scale, canker- worm or any other dangerously noxious insect pest. It shall unlawful to , , -i " <• 1 <• ' /> sell infected also be unlawful tor any person or persons, firm or corpora- trees. tion knowingly, to sell or offer for sale, or to give away, any tree, shrub, plant, or vine, infected or infested with any dan- gerously infectious disease or noxious insect, or any fruit infected with peach yellows. § 7412. Sec. 2. The state board of agriculture shall, upon State tn- the passage of this act, appoint some competent person to be orchards! who known as state inspector of orchards and nurseries, who shall t0 a PP° int - hold office for two years, and whose duties shall be as here- inafter prescribed. He shall have power to appoint such nam- Deputies, ber of deputy inspectors as may be necessary, subject to the approval of the state board of agriculture. Said deputy in- spectors shall act under the orders of, and shall perform such duties as may be directed by the state inspector of orchards and nurseries. The salary, or per diem, of die state and s ^ a W' or deputy inspectors shall be fixed by the state board of agri- culture. § 7413. Sec. 3. Any person or persons, firm or corpora- ^ W rs r to° r tion, growing or offering for sale, in this state, any trees, have stock shrubs, vines or plants, commonly known as nursery stock, mspected - shall, on or before the first day of August in each year, apply to the Michigan state board of agriculture for the inspection of said stock under the provisions of this act and for a license for its sale. A license fee of five dollars shall be paid, and a Amount of bond for one thousand dollars, with sureties satisfactory to bond* 6 ' said board, and conditioned upon the compliance with the requirements of this act, shall be filed. No nursery stock shall No stock to be be shipped or delivered until it has been examined by the ut P certificate. state inspector of orchards and nurseries, or a deputy in- spector and has received a certificate as hereinafter provided. All growers or dealers in nursery stock, shall, upon demand Must^ furnish tile with the state board of agriculture a list of the persons to purcha whom they have sold or delivered any nursery stock, giving the species, which list shall be for the sole use of the state inspector of orchards and nurseries and his deputies: Pro- Proviso, vided, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons engaged in fruit growing, who are not nurserymen, but desire to sell or exchange surplus small fruit plants of their owu growing: Provided further, That the provisions of Further this section shall not apply to fanners or other persons who pr ° may sell shade trees from their own wood lots. § 7414. Sec. 4. No person or persons, firm or corporation, Dealers must residents of another state, territory, province or country, shall and certificate. engage or continue in the business of selling, or taking orders within this state for the sale of any trees, plants, shrubs or LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION' OF When license to lit' State ' or, duty of. When certifi- cate of inspec- tion given. Certificate may be revoked. vines, commonly known ;is nursery stock, withoul first obtain- ing from the stale hoard of agriculture a license ;is provided for in section three of this act, and filing a certificate of inspection from a state or government officer, or some person designated by the Michigan state board of agriculture. § 7415. Sec. 5. The state board of agriculture, shall, upon the receipt of the required fee and a satisfactory bond and certificate of inspection, issue a license to each applicant, whether a resident of this state, or of another state, province, or country, permitting the sale of nursery stock by the holder, or by his accredited agents, for the period ending the thirty- lirsl of July following the date upon which said license goes into effect. § 7I1G. Sec. 6. It shall he the duty of the state inspector of orchards and nurseries to examine all nurseries in the state, at least once each year, for the presence of San -lose scale and other dangerously injurious insects and diseases. If found to he apparently free from such dangerous insects and diseases, a certificate to that effect shall ho given the owner, upon the payment of an inspection fee sufficient to defray the per diem of the inspector. Said certificate shall he void on the thirty-tirst day of duly following. In case any dangerous insect or infectious disease is found upon any nursery stock, the inspector shall older and enforce such treatment as may he deemed sufficient to exterminate such insects or diseases before granting a certificate. If a subsequent examination shall show the stock to be infected, or infested, the certificate may he revoked. § 7417. Sec. 7. Whenever a nurseryman or other person shall ship or deliver within this state, except for scientific pur- poses, any trees, shrubs, plants or vines, commonly known as nursery stock, he shall place upon each car, box, hale or other package, a copy of a certificate of inspection, the original of which is signed by said inspector. Failure to do this, or the illegal use of said certificate by changing, defacing, or placing it upon uninspected stock, or using the same after it has ex- pired, or been revoked, shall render the shipper or owner liable to the penalties prescribed for a violation of this act. Dealers in nursery stock purchased from other firms may, upon tiling with the state inspector of orchards and nurseries duplicate Copies of the certificates of inspection issued upon tlie stock grown by said firms, and on the payment of a fee of one dollar, receive a certificate showing that the stock has been inspected. Said certificate may he used for the shipment of nursery stock that lias come bo them accompanied by a certificate of inspection, hnt for no other. Nurserymen may ship under their own certificate of inspection any stock that has conn- to them later ihan the firsl day of the previous August accompanied by a certificate of inspection, and, if from another state, territory, province or country, by a certificate of fumigation as required by this act. Nurserymen to place copy of certificate on packages, etc When Liabl • to pen all;. How dealers may receive certificate for stock on r- ctaased When nursery men may ship under their own certifl- ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 9 § 7418. Sec. 8. If any nursery stock of species subject to the when stock to attack of the San .lose 'scale, has been grown within one-half be fumigated - mile of where the San Jose scale exists, or has been known to exist within two years, it shall, before it is shipped or deliver- ed, be fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas of the strength commonly used for such purpose, for not less than thirty min- utes. All trees, plants, shrubs and vines, of species subject to the attack of the San Jose scale, shipped into this state from another state, territory, province or country, must be fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas in the usual manner, and each car, box or bale, in which said nursery stock is ship- ped, shall have upon it a certificate signed by the shipper certificate at- stating that such fumigation has been given in addition to the tached to box ■, ,• n <••,• or car - what usual certificate ot inspection. to state. § 7419. Sec. 9. The owner of any nursery trees, vines, Duty of owner shrubs or plants, upon receiving notice from the state in- ofnoticTtEai spector of orchards and nurseries, that any, or all of them, trees are in- are infected or infested with dangerous insects or diseases, shall, within the time specified in such notice, take such steps as will fully comply with the orders of the state inspector of orchards and nurseries and he shall not ship or deliver any such trees, vines, shrubs or plants, until after they have re- ceived such treatment, and until they have been re-examined and a certificate of inspection has been granted. § 7420. Sec. 10. Whenever it shall happen that the state inspector to inspector of orchards and nurseries shall give the notice here- SaJS C and~ tofore required to the owner of nursery stock, for the destruc- seize stock. tion of the insects or diseases mentioned, and said owner shall fail or neglect to take the measures necessary for the destruc- tion thereof, within the time mentioned in the notice given him, the state inspector of orchards and nurseries shall enter complaint aginst said owner and may seize and take posses- sion of said infected or infested nursery stock. Such seizure How seized may be made without a warrant. Said infected or inf ested p'^ ( f S ~ nursery stock shall be disposed of in such manner as may be directed by the court before whom the offense is tried, or by any court of competent jurisdiction. § 7421. Sec. 11. Whenever any trees, shrubs, plants or stock from vines, commonly known as nursery stock are shipped into this to^ave^abei state from another state, territory, province or country, every :^\\/ tl i ;'j itiia, ' J package thereof shall be plainly labeled on the outside with the names of the consignor and consignee, and the character of the contents, and certificates shall be attached to each pack- age showing that the contents have been inspected by a state and government officer, and that they have been fumigated in the usual manner with hydrocyanic acid gas. If any trees, Railway com- shrubs, vines or plants, commonly known as nursery stock, to report are shipped into this state without such certificates being violation - plainly fixed on the outside of the package, box or car contain- ing the same, the fact must be reported within twenty-four hours to the Michigan state board of agriculture, or its regu- larly appointed inspector, by the railway, express or steam- 10 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF Misdei what di When In- spector may seize stock. Notice to sliippers. How stock ilisposed of. Investigation and notice. Order to uproot, etc. I'i >\ [so, spraying. boat company, <>r the person or persons carrying the same; and any agent <>f ;i railway, express or steamboat company, or any oilier person or persons, who sliall fail to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. The state inspector of orchards and nurseries sliall have authority, when he has reason to believe that nur- sery stock, that has been shipped into the state, or shipped by some nursery in the stale, is infested or infected with dangerous insects and diseases, to examine the same and, if found to be infected by any dangerously contagious disease, or infested with dangerous insects, such stock may be seized without a warrant as a public nuisance. The shippers shall be notified of the seizure, and orders shall be given him to either destroy the stock or to give it effectual treatment, [f this is not done within live days, complaint shall he made to some court having competent jurisdiction and said infected or infested stock shall be disposed of in such manner as may !><> directed by said court. § 74i!l'. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the state inspector of orchards and nurseries, whenever it shall come to his knowledge that San Jose scale, canker worm, peach yellows, rosette, little peach, black knot, or pear blight, or any other noxious insects or dangerously infections diseases exist, or are supposed to exist, in any orchard, or upon any trees, shrubs, vines, plants or fruits in this state, to investigate the case and if such dangerous insects are found, he shall notify the owner, or his agent, in writing. The notice shall consist of a simple statement of the facts as found to exist, with an order to uproot and destroy in such manner as may be indicated, all trees infected with yellows, little peach, or rosette, or to cut off and burn the portions Infected with black knot and pear blight, or if attacked by San dose scale or canker worm, to effectually spray the trees, or to use such remedies as may lie prescribed lor other dangerous insects and diseases within live days, or such time from the dale of the service of the notice as may be designated: Provided also. That no such spraying shall be done while said fruit trees or vines are in blossom, except in cast 1 of canker Worm. In the case of fruit infected with yellows, the notice shall require its immediate destruction. Failure to comply with the requirements of said notice shall render the owner or agent liable lo the penalties prescribed for the violation of this act. The state inspector of orchards and nurseries is hereby authorized ami empower- ed to prohibit by proclamation the importation into this stale of any tree, shrub or plant which has been grown or propa- gated in any state, province or country, or in any place where it shall be determined by the said stale inspector of orchards and nurseries, after due investigation, that there exists and is prevalent to a dangerous extent any plant disease or de- siiuctive insect which is liable to. or capable of spreading to, and infecting the trees, shrubs and plants of this state, and which may be carried and transported to and into this state ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 11 on or in trees, shrubs or plants there grown. It shall be the Notice to duty of said inspector of orchards and nurseries upon thecSSpSies. making and promulgation by him of any such proclamation to forthwith mail a copy thereof to each railroad company doing business in this state, and to publish a copy thereof in Publication. a newspaper published in the city of Detroit, in the city of Grand Rapids, and in the city of Lansing, and any person, linn or corporation, or common carrier which thereafter knowingly or intentionally introduces or transports in this state any tree, shrub or plant grown or propagated in the territory described in such proclamation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. In case any trees, shrubs or plants are brought May destroy into this state contrary to the provisions of this act, the state or return inspector of nurseries and orchards is hereby authorized to destroy the same, unless they can be effectually treated, or return the shipment to the consignor. In case the injury certain inflicted by said dangerous plant disease or destructive in- s P ecies - sect is confined to certain species of trees, shrubs and plants the quarantine imposed by said proclamation may be limited to the species of trees, shrubs and plants likely to be in- fested by such destructive insect, or infected by such danger- ous plant disease. Am. 1917, Act 1ST. § 7423. Sec. 13. In any township, village or city in this Duty of town- state in which the insects known as the San Jose scale, and ^city age canker worm, or the diseases known as peach yellows, rosette, officers in infected dis- little peach, black knot and pear blight, or any other destruc- tricts. tive insects or dangerously infectious diseases exist, or in which there is good reason to believe they exist, or danger may be apprehended of their introduction, it shall be the duty of the township board, or the village, or city council, as soon as such information becomes known to such board or council, or any member thereof to appoint three competent freeholders of to appoint said township, village or city, to be known as fruit and ms P ectors - orchard inspectors, who shall hold office during the pleasure of said board or council : Provided, That inspectors already proviso. appointed and in office under similar and previous acts shall continue in said office under this act until the expiration of the term for which they were appointed. § 7424. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of said inspectors, inspectors. within ten days after appointment, as aforesaid, to file their du,y of acceptance of "the same with the clerk of said township, village or city, and said clerk shall be ex-officio clerk of said board of fruit and orchard inspectors, and he shall keep a record of cierk to keep the proceedings of said board in a book to be provided for ^tags* pr °~ the purpose and shall file and preserve all papers pertaining to the duties and actions of said inspectors, or either of them, which shall he a part of the records of said township, village or city. S 742."). Sec. L5. It shall be the duty of the township, whenin- village or city inspectors, or any one of them, whenever it i^e^rees. 6 *" 12 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF comes to their notice that any of the dangerously injurious in- sects or diseases, mentioned in section thirteen of this act, exist, or are supposed to exist, within the limits of their town ship, village, or city, to proceed without delay to examine the trees, shrubs, vines, plants or fruits, supposed to be infested or infected, and, if destructive insects or a dangerously in- fectious disease is found to exist, a distinguishing mark shall be placed upon the trees, shrubs, vines or plants, and a written notice shall be served upon the owner, or his agent. This notice shall be as provided for in section twelve of this act. In case the owner refuses to accept the opinion of a single inspec- tor, regarding the nature of an insect or disease, or the remedy that shall be employed, he may, within two days, appeal to the other inspectors in the township, village or city, by serving a written notice of such appeal upon each of them. Upon re ceipt of such notice of appeal, it shall be the duty of each and every inspector, if he has not already done so. to examine the trees, shrubs, plants or vines, supposed to lie infested or in- fected, and if all or a majority of said inspectors agree thai a dangerous insect or disease is present, they shall serve no- tice upon the owner or his ageni as above. If the decision of the full hoard of inspectors is still unsatisfactory to the per- son in charge, he may, within twenty-four hours, make an ap- peal to the state inspector of orchards and nurseries, who shall at once investigate the matter and order the proper treatment, and his opinion and orders shall he final. If the members of a township, village or city hoard of fruit and tree inspectors are unable to agree, or are in doubt, regarding the nature of an insect or disease, or the treatment that should lie given, they may call upon the state inspector of orchards and nurseries for information and advice. In cases where an owner appeals lo the full hoard of' township, village or city inspectors, or to the state inspector, and the findings of the original inspector are approved, the expense incurred as the result of the appeal shall he paid by the owner, and, in case Of his refusal to do so, the amount shall he certified to the township hoard, or village or city council, which shall allow the same and assess it as a special tax upon the property. Mark on ii fi ■ a 1 1 ■ - r may appeal from opinion of Insp Duty of in- - upon When owner may a] in- Inspectors ■ btain advice from -late In- spector. When i to pay ex- pense of appeal. irdera of tors flect- lve. >j 7426. Sec. Hi. In case the owner, or the person in chargt of trees, shrubs, vines, or plants, infested with a destructive insect, or a dangerously contagious disease, refuses or neg- lects to carry ont the orders of the state inspector, or of the township, village, and city inspectors, within the period stated in the notice served upon him. the stale, township, village, or city inspectors, respectively, shall employ such aid as may be necessary to carry ou1 their orders and recommendations. In case the owner refuses to reimburse them for the expense in- clined, it shall he certified to the township hoard, or village, or city council, who shall allow it, and spread it as a special tax upon the property concerned. ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 13 § 7427. Sec. 17. The state inspector of orchards and nur- state in- series and his deputies, assistants and employes, shall have may enter any authority to enter upon any premises in the state for the pur- P remises - pose of examining the trees, shrubs, plants and vines, for the presence of destructive insects and diseases, and, if any such insects or diseases are found, may, under the provisions of this act, take such steps as may he necessary to exterminate them. Township, village and city inspectors shall have the Authority of same authority within the limits of their respective jurisdic- injectors. 6 C tion. No damage shall he awarded for the destruction of any No damage tree, shrub, plant or fruit, or for injury to the same, if done destruction of by the inspectors and their assistants in accordance with the trees - provisions of this act : Provided, It is deemed necessary in Proviso, order to suppress dangerous insects and diseases. § 7428. Sec. IS. The township, village and city fruit and inspectors, tree inspectors shall be allowed for services under this act sa three dollars for each full day and one dollar fifty cents for each half day, and their per diem and other charges and dis- bursements hereunder shall be audited by the township board or village or city council. § 742!). Sec. 1!). Persons, firms or corporations engaged who not fe- . ° . ,,. , , . , quired to take in growing or selling plants commonly grown m greenhouses license, shall not be required to take out a license: Provided, They Proviso. do not grow or handle nursery stock, and certificates of in- spection are not required under this act for the shipment of greenhouse plants. § 7430. Sec. 20. Any person or persons, firm or corpora- Penalty. tion, who may fail to comply with any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten nor more than ninety days or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred in these cases upon any justice *of the peace, or other competent court, of the township, village, or city, where such trees, shrubs or plants may be, or where such nursery stock or fruit is grown, sold, shipped, disposed of, or delivered, contrary to the. provisions of this act. In all cases where a complaint is made under the provisions of any section of this act, by any State, township, village or city 'inspector, said complainant shall not be required to furnish security for costs. In con- struing and enforcing the provisions of this act, the act, omission or failure of any official, agent or other person act- ing for or employed by an association, partnership or cor- poration within the scope of his employment or office shall, in every case, also be deemed the act, omission or failure of such association, partnership or corporation, as well as that of the person. Am. 1917, Act 187. 14 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF State in- ira may obtain sup- plies, i Bills, how audited. Proviso. § 7431. Sec. 21. The slate inspector of orchards and nur- series shall have authority to employ snch aid and obtain such apparatus and supplies as may be Deeded for the proper performance Of his duties, and the hills for the same, and for the per diem and traveling and other necessary expenses of the stale inspector, his deputies and assistants, shall he audited by the state board of agriculture, and the auditor genera] shall draw his warrant for the payment of the same from the general fund of the state : ' Provided, Tha t all moneys collected by the stale board of agriculture, under this act shall. be paid into the state treasury. 22 repeals Arts 108 and 109 of 1895, Acl 137 of 1897, Act 144 of 1899, Ac) 206 "i 1903 and other ads or parts of acts that contravene the provisions of this act. Mi was evidently the intenl to repeal Act 100 of lS'J'J, rather than Act 144.) An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or misbranded Paris greens, lead arsenates, and other insecticides, and also fungicides, and for regulating traffic therein. Adulteration unlawful. Penalty. Uniform nation [Ad 2r,4. P. A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: § 15591. Section 1. It shall he unlawful for any person to* manufacture, sell, offer or expose for sale within the state of Michigan any insecticide, Paris green, lead arsenate, or fungicide which is adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this ad ; and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall he lined not to exceed two hundred dollars for the first offense, and upon conviction for each subsequent offense shall be fined not jo exceed three hun- dred dollars, or sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days, or hoth in the dis- crel ion of the court. § L5592. Sec. 2. The state hoard of agriculture shall make uniform rides and regulations for carrying out the pro visions of this act, including the collection and examinations Of specimens of insecticides. Paris green, lead arsenates, and fungicides manufactured or offered for sale in the state of Michigan. § L5593. Sec. '■'>. The examination of specimens of insec- ticides, Paris greens, lead arsenates, and fungicides shall be made at the agricultural college by snch existing departments as m:i\ be directed by the state board of agriculture for the purpose of determining from snch examination whether such articles are adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this act; and if it shall appear from any such examination thai any of snch specimens are adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this act, the state hoard of agriculture ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 15 shall cause notice thereof to be given to the party from whom such sample was obtained. Any party so notified shall be Hearing, given an opportunity to be heard, under such rules and regu- lations as may be prescribed as aforesaid, and if it appears that any of the provisions of this act have been violated by such party, then the state board of agriculture shall at once certify the facts to the attorney general, or prosecuting offi- cer of the county in which the offense is committed, with a copy of the results of the analysis or the examination of such article duly authenticated by the analyst or officer making such examination under the oath of such officer. After judg- ment of the court, notice shall be given by publication in such manner as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations aforesaid. § 15591. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the attorney gen- Prosecutions. eral or other prosecuting officer to whom the state board of agriculture shall report any violation of this act, to cause appropriate proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the proper courts of the state of Michigan without delay, for the enforcement of the penalties a's in such case herein pro- vided. § 15505. Sec. 5. The term ''insecticide" as used in this Terms act shall include any substance or mixture of substances in- • tended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling or mit- igating any insects which may infest vegetation, man or an- imals, or households, or be present in any environment what- soever. The term "Paris green" as used in this act shall include the product sold in commerce as Paris green and chemically known as the aceto-arsenite of copper. The term "lead arsenate" as used in this act shall include the product or products sold in commerce as lead arsenate and consisting chemically of products derived from arsenic acid (H 3 As0 4 ) by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by lead. The term "fungicide" as used in this act shall include any substance oi* mixture of substances intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any and all fungi that may infest vegetation or be present in any environment what- soever. § 1559G. Sec. 1 For the purpose of this act an article Adulterated shall be deemed to be adulterated, in case of Paris green : define!"* 1 First, If it does not contain at least fifty percentum of arsenious oxide; Second, If it contains arsenic in water-soluble forms equiv- t alent to more than three and one-half percentum of arsenious oxide; Third, If any substance has been mixed and packed with it so to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength. In the case of lead arsenate: First, If it contains more than fifty percentum of water ; Second, If it contains total arsenic equivalent to less than twelve and one-half percentum arsenic oxide (As 2 5 ) ; 16 LAW'S FOR THE PROTECTION OF Proviso. icides, 01 tier than Paris green. Fatso I Ing, defined. Third, If it contains arsenic in water-soluble forms equiva- lent to more than seventy-five one-hundredths percentum of arsenic oxide i As .< ) i ; Fourth, [f any substances have been mixed and packed with it so ;is to reduce, lower, of injuriously affect it s quality or strength: Provided, however, Thai extra water may be added to lead arsenate (as described in this paragraph) if the re- sulting mixture is labeled lead arsenate and water, the per- centage of extra water being plainly and correctly stated on the label. In the case of insecticides or fungicides, other than Palis green and lead arsenate: First, If its strength or purity fall below the professed standard or quality under which it is sold; Second, If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part tor the article : Third, It any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly # or in part abstracted : Fourth, If it is intended for use on vegetation and shall contain any substance or substances which, although prevent- ing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating insects, shall be in- jurious to such vegetation when used as recommended by the manufacturer. $ L5597. Sec. 7. The term "misbranded" as used herein shall apply to all insecticides, Paris green, lead arsenates, or fungicides or articles which enter into the composition of in- secticides or fungicides, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such ar- ticle or the ingredients or substances contained therein which shall be false or misleading in any particular, and to all in- secticides, Talis green, lead arsenates, or fungicides which are falsely branded as to the state, territory, or country in which they are manufactured. For the purpose of this act an article shall be deemed to be misbranded, in the case of in- sect icides, Paris greens, lead arsenates and fungicides: First, If it lie an imitation or offered for sale under the name of another article; Second, If it is labeled or branded so as to deceive or mis- lead the purchaser, or if the contents of the packages as orig- inally pnt tip shall be removed in whole or in part and other contents shall have been placed in such packages; Third, If in package form, and the contents are stated in terms of weight and measure, they are not plainly and cor- rect l\ stated on the outside of the package; in this connection it is held to be permissible to state the average net weigb.1 of the package. In the case id' insecticides (other than Paris green ami lead arsenates) and fungicides: First, M ii contains arsenic in any of its combinations or in the elemental form and the total amount of arsenic prea- ciit (expressed as percentum or metallic arsenicl is not -tat eil oil the label ; ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 17 Second, If it contains arsenic in any of its combinations or in the elemental form and the amount of arsenic in water- soluble forms (expressed as percentum or metallic arsenic) is not stated on the label ; Third, If it does not state plainly upon the label the cor- rect names and percentage amounts of each and every ingre- dient of the insecticide or fungicide having insect icidal or fungicidal properties and the total percentage of inert ingre- dients present. § 15598. Sec. 8. No dealer shall be prosecuted under the Guaranty. provisions of this act when he can establish a guaranty signed by the wholesaler, jobber, manufacturer, or other party re- siding in the state of Michigan from whom he purchased such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or mis- branded within tiie meaning of this act, designating it. Said guaranty, to afford protection, shall contain the name and address of the party or parties making the sale of such ar- ticles to such dealer, and in such case, said party or parties shall be amenable to the prosecutions, tines, and other pen- alties which would attach in due course to the dealer under this act. § 15599. Sec. 9. The word "person" as used in this act, d ^ fi e ™ d n '' shall be construed to import both the plural and the singular, as the case demands, and shall include corporations, com- panies, societies, and associations. When construing and en- forcing the provisions of this act, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent or other person acting for or employed by any corporation, company, society or association, within the scope of his employment or office shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such corporation, company, society, or association as well as that of the other person. § 15000. Sec. 10. The necessary expense incurred in Expense, carrying out the provisions of this act, shall be paid by war- lK rant of the auditor general drawn upon the state treasurer. Such expenses shall be certified to the auditor general by the state board of agriculture, but the total amount to be paid in any one fiscal year shall not exceed five hundred dollars. Soc 11 repeals acts 91 and 163 of 1909 and all conflicting acts or parts of acts. An Act to prevent trespass upon cranberry marshes. [Act 38, S. L. 1869.] The People of the Slate of Michigan enact: 5 15409. Section 1. That if any person shall enter the Penalties for • ,. ,, -i j *i i trespass. premises of any other person, and take and cany away cran- berries or cranberry vines there growing, shall trample or 18 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF otherwise injure or destroy the cranberry vines growing there- on, without the permission of the owner or occupant of s.i in conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than five days, or by tine noi less than five dollars, and costs of prosecution, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court; and if any of the offenses mentioned in this section shall he committed on the first day of the week, or in disguise, or secretly in the night-time, between sun-setting and sun-rising, on conviction thereof the punishment shall not be less than twenty dollars fine, or imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days, or both, at discretion of the court. § 15410; Sec. 2. Any person who shall commit any of the acts of trespass in section one of this act, shall be liable in treble damages, in an action of trespass to be brought in the name of the owner or occupant of the land upon which said trespass may have beeu committed. Further penalties. Treble damages. An Act to prevent trespass upon huckleberry and blackberry marshes and to provide a penalty therefor, and to provide for the collection of damages growing out of such trespass. [Act 261, P. A. 1900.1 Trespassing, what d Proviso, Penalty. When in treble dama The People of the State of Michigan enact: § ir>412. Section 1. If any person shall enter the enclos- ed premises of another person and take and carry away from any huckleberry marsh or lands growing blackberries, huckle- berries or blackberries there growing, or shall trample, break down or otherwise destroy the huckleberry or blackberry bushes growing thereon, without the permission of the owner or occupant of such premises: Provided, That such owner or occupant shall have previously posted a conspicuous notice in at least three different places upon the premises forbidding any trespass thereon, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than five days nor more than fifteen days, or by a line of not less than five dol- lars nor more than Iwenty live dollars and the costs of pros- ecution, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. L5412a. Sec. 2. Any person who shall commit any of the acts of trespass mentioned in section one of this act, shall he liable in treble damages in an action of trespass to be brought in the name of the owner or occupant of the land upon which said trespass may have been committed. ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 10 An Act to protect vineyards, orchards and gardens, and to repeal act number one hundred thirty-one, public acts of eighteen hun- dred sixty-nine, entitled "An act to protect vineyards in the state of Michigan," being section nine thousand one hundred and ninety- five of Howell's Annotated Statutes. I Act 79, P. A. 1895.] The People of flic Stale of Michigan enact: § 15413. Section 1. That any person who shall enter a Penalty for vineyard, orchard or garden, without the consent of the owner, vineyard, and pick, take, carry away, destroy or injure any of the °**| n d or fruits, vegetables or crops therein, or in anywise injure or de- stroy any bush, tree, vine or plant, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by im- prisonment in the county jail not more than three months, or by tine not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. -2 repeals Act 131 of 1S69. or shade trees. An Act to prevent the wilful and malicious destruction of fruit, shade or ornamental trees. [Act 52, S. L. 1853.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: § 15115. Section 1. That every person who shall wilfully Wi '! u ! ami Til Jill cious III- and maliciously, or wantonly and without cause, cut down or jury to. fruit destroy or otherwise injure any fruit tree or trees, or any other tree or trees, not his own, standing or growing for shade or ornament on the land of another, the damage for which said cutting down, destruction or injury to the owner or own- ers of said tree or trees shall amount to the sum of twenty- five dollars, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. An Act to prevent the wrongful taking, detaching from the ground, or injuring any fruit tree, shade tree, ornamental shrub, plant, vine or vegetable. [Act 174, S. L. 1855.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: § 15410. Section 1. That any person who shall wrong- Wrongful . n . , , i.i e 'j. j _ taking of fruit fully take and cany away from any place, any fruit tree, treesTetc, how ornamental tree, shade tree, ornamental shrub, or any plant, i ,u " 1 ^" 1 - 20 LAWS FOR THK I'UOTKCTION OF Proviso. vine, bush, or vegetable there growing, standing, or being, with intent to deprive the owner thereof, or who shall without righl and with wrongful intent, detach from the ground, or injure any fruit tree, ornamental tree, shade tree, ornamental shrnl). or any plant, vine. bush, or vegetable, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by line not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, or by both such line and imprisonment, ill the discretion of the court: Provided, That when the damage to the owner does not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, the punishment shall be a line not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison- ment in the said jail not exceeding three months, or by hoth such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court Felony, who guilty of. Penalty. An Act to protect the growers and owners of certain medicinal plants and herbs, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof, (a) I Act 74. 1'. A. 1905.] The People of lite Slate of Michigan enact: § 15411. Section 1. Any person, who shall without the permission of the owner enter tin 1 field, yard, building, garden or other enclosure of another, and wilfully break down, dig, destroy, take or carry away any ginseng or ginseng seed, golden seal plants, golden seal roots, golden seal seeds or any other medicinal plants, seeds or roots, there stored, growing, drying or being, shall he guilty of a felony, and upon convic- tion thereof shall he punished I»y imprisonment not exceeding six mon Ihs, or by line not exceeding live hundred dollars. Am. l'.HT. Art 360. " < Hosed ' how led. An Act to prevent fraud and deception in the sale of Michigan grown fresh fruits and vegetables, and to provide penalties for violations of this act. I A, I -JOT. 1'. A. 11113.] 'I'ln People of the sinte of Michigan enact: $ L5365. Section 1. In this act, unless the contents other- wise requires, the term "closed package" shall be construed to mean a barrel, box, basket, currier or crate, of which all the contents cannot readily be seen or inspected when such pack- age is prepared for market. Fresh fruits or vegetables in baskets or boxes, packed in closed or open crates, and pack- to ) Title urn. r.'ii. Art 860. ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 21 ages covered with burlap, tarlatan or slat covers shall come within the meaning of the term "closed package." None of the provisions of this act shall apply to other than Michigan grown fruits aud vegetables. § 15366. Sec. 2. Every person who, by himself or by his How marked. agent or employe, packs or repacks fresh fruits or vegetables in closed packages intended for sale in the open market, shall cause the same to be marked in a plain and indelible manner, as follows: First, with his full name and address, including the name of the state where such fresh fruits and vegetables are packed, before such fresh fruits or vegetables are removed from the premises of the packer or dealer; Second, The name and address of such packer or dealer shall be printed or stamped on said closed packages in letters not less than one-quarter inch in height. § 15367. Sec. 3. No person shall sell or offer, expose or sale, etc., have in his possession for sale, in the open market, any fresh f^ en ulUaw " fruits or vegetables packed in a closed package and intended for sale, unless such package is marked as is required by this act. § 15368. Sec. 4. No person shall sell or offer, expose or when marked " f tincv etc have in his possession for sale, any fresh fruits or vegetables packed in a closed. or open package, upon which package is marked any designation which represents such fruit as ''No. 1," "Finest," "Best," "Extra Good," "Fancy," "Selected," "Prime," "Standard," or other superior grade or quality, un- less such fruit or vegetables consist of well grown specimens, sound, of nearly uniform size, normal shape, good color, for the variety, and not less than ninety per cent free from in- jurious or disfiguring bruises, diseases, insect injuries or other defects, natural deterioration and decay in transit or storage excepted. § 15369. Sec. 5. No person shall sell or offer, expose or False represen- have in his possession for sale, any fresh fruits or vegetables tatlon - packed in any package in which the faced or shown surface gives a false representation of the contents of such package, and it shall be considered a false representation when more than twenty per cent of such fresh fruits or vegetables are substantially smaller in size than or inferior in grade to, or different in variety from, the faced or shown surface of such package, natural deterioration and decay in transit or storage excepted. § 15370. Sec. 6. Every person who, by himself, his agent Mtedemeanor, or employe, knowingly violates any of the provisions of this p< act shall,' for each such offense, be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Intent to sell fruit, or to offer for sale, or to possess the same, in packages that show hotter quality on the surface than the remainder oi the package contains, in violation of the prohibition of this net (207 of 1913), is an es- LAWS FOR II II-: PROTECTION OF si'ini.il ingredient of the statutory offense, and a complaint that failed i" - -knowledge or intent was Insufficient to sustain u conviction. — People v. I righi, 192 165. An Act to fix standards for apples, grown in this state when packed in closed packages, and to regulate the packing and sale of such apples. [Act 75, P. a. 1917.] The People of the State, of Michigan enact: ippies, Section 1. The standard grades for apples grown in this grades state when packed in closed packages shall be as follows: First, "Michigan Standard Fancy" shall consist of hand- picked, properly packed apples of one variety, which are well- grown specimens, normal in shape, uniform in size, of good color for the variety, and which are free from dirt, insect injury, fungus disease, bruises and other defects, except such as are necessarily caused in the operation of packing. "Fili- form size" shall he construed to mean that apples contained in any one package shall not vary in size more than one-half inch in diameter; Second. "Michigan Standard A" shall consist of hand-pick- ed, properly packed apples of one variety, which are well- grown specimens, normal in shape, of not less than fifty per centum of good color for the variety, and which are practically free from dirt, insect injury, fungus disease, bruises and other defects, except such as are necessarily caused in the operation of packing; Third, "Michigan Standard B" shall consist of hand-picked, properly packed apples of one variety, which are well grown, and practically free from insect injury and fungus disease: Provided, That the apples having healed-over insect punctures, small scab or blotch infections, fruit spots, or other defects which, taken singly or collectively, do not materially deform or discolor the fruit or injure its keeping quality, shall he admil led to this grade; Fourth, "Michigan Unclassified" shall consist of apples which do not conform to the foregoing specifications of grade, or which though conforming, are not branded in accordance therewith. Sec. 2. hi the interpretation of this act a tolerance of six per centum below the standard shall be allowed in the Stand- ard Fancy grade, ten per centum in the Standard A grade, :hmI fifteen per centum in the Standard B grade. Such tol- erances shall apply to size, color and other grade specifications and shall he computed by counting or weighing the specimens which are judged to be below the standard for the grade in any respect, and those which are found to be smaller than the minimum size, marked on the packaj ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 23 Sec. 3. In all of tbe grades specified in this act, the apples uniformity. included in the face or shown surface shall fairly represent the size and quality of the apples in the package. Sec. 4. Every closed package containing apples grown in Labeling. the state of Michigan which is sold, offered or consigned for sale, packed for sale, or shipped for sale, shall bear upon the outside of one end in plain letters or figures, or both, the name and address of the person by whose authority the apples were packed, the true name of the variety, the grade of the' apples therein contained when packed or repacked, and the minimum size or the numerical count of the fruit in the pack- age. If the true name of the variety is not known to the packer or the person by whose authority the apples are pack- ed or branded, then such varieties shall be designated as "unknown." Every package of apples which is repacked shall when ked also bear upon the same end of the package the name and ad- dress of the person by whose authority it is repacked, such name and address to be preceded by the words "repacked by." The letters and figures used in marking or branding closed packages of apples under the provisions of this act shall be of a size not less than twenty-four point Gothic : Provided, Proviso. That closed packages containing apples which cannot be readily marked on one end, so as to bear conspicuously the information herein specified shall be marked or branded in such other conspicuous place as may be prescribed by the regulations promulgated hereunder. Sec. 5. The marks and brands prescribed in this act may Brands, etc. be accompanied by any additional marks or brands which are not inconsistent with or do not in any way obscure tbe marks and brands recpiired by this act. Apples packed and branded in accordance with the United States apple grading law, ap- proved August third, nineteen hundred twelve, shall be ex- empt from the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. The minimum size of the fruit in all grades shall Minimum be determined by taking the transverse diameter of the small- determined. est fruit in the package. Minimum sizes shall be stated in variations of one-quarter of an inch, as two inches, two and one-quarter inches, two and one-half inches, two and three-quarter inches, three inches, three and one-quarter inches, and so on, in accordance with facts. Minimum sizes may be designated by either figures or words and the word "minimum" may be designated by the use of the abbrevia- tion "min." Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to pack for Misbranding, sale, ship for sale, offer or consign for sale, or sell, in closed etc - un aw u packages, any apples grown in this state which are not grad- ' ed, packed and marked or branded in accordance with the pro- visions of this act and the regulations made hereunder, or closed packages of apples bearing any false statement, design. or device regarding such apples within the meaning of this act. 24 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF Penalty. Sec. 8. Any person who violates any of the provisions of lliis act, or of the regulations promulgated hereunder, shall be deemed guilty of ;i misdemeanor and upon conviction there of, shall be punished by a fine of not move than fifty dollars for the first offense and not more than one hundred dollars nn.viso. for each subsequent offense: Provided, That no person shall be prosecuted under this acl who can establish satisfactory evidence thai no part of the packing or branding of the apples concerned was done by him or under his authority and thai he had no knowledge thai they were not packed and branded in accordance with said provisions and said regulations. Words.con- Sec. !>. The word "person" as used herein shall be con- struction of. stiiied to include individuals, corporations, partnerships, and associations. The act, omission or failure of any official or employe of any person, when such official or employe is act- ing within the scope of his employment or office, shall, in every case, he deemed also the act, omission or failure of the person, as well as of the official or employe. The words "closed package" shall mean a box, barrel, basket, or other package, the contents of which cannot be inspected when such package is closed. Commissioner Sec. 10. Tt shall he the duty of the dairy and food com- act 6 missioner to diligently enforce the provisions of this act and his officers, ' employes and agents are authorized to enter upon the premises of any person within this slate for the purpose of inspecting packages of apples and securing; evi- dence of violation of this act, and the said dairy and food commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to make, promulgate and enforce such regulations as may he necessary for interpreting the grade specifications prescribed in this Proviso. act, and for otherwise enforcing its provisions: Provided, however, That any grades or classes of apples packed in closed packages, or any requirements for making closed packages containing apples, mandatory as applying to interstate com- merce, which may hereafter be established by the authority of the congress of the United States, shall forthwith, as far as applicable, be established and promulgated by the dairy and food commissioner as official grades, classes and marks Cor apples packed in closed packages in the stale of Mich- igan. Sec 11 repeals all acts .-11111 parts of acts in conflict with this act. An Act to fix the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities. [Acl 88, l'. A. 1917.] '/'//< People of the State of. Michigan enact: Dimensions. Section 1. The standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries shall be «»i the ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 25 following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: length of staves, twenty-eight and one-half inches; di- ameter of heads, seventeen and one-eighth inches; distance between heads, twenty-six inches; circumference of bulge, sixty -four inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch : Provided, Proviso, dif- That any barrel of a different form having a capacity of seven ferem forms thousand fifty -six cubic inches shall be a standard barrel. The cranberries. standard barrel for cranberries shall be of the following di- mensions when measured without distension of its parts: • length of staves, twenty-eight and one-half inches; diameter of heads, sixteen and one-fourth inches; distance between heads, twenty-five and one-fourth inches; circumference of bulge, fifty-eight and one-half inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to sell, offer, or expose for unlawful to sale in this state, or to ship from this state, to any other state, barrefof less territory, or the District of Columbia or to a foreign country, capacity. a barrel containing fruits or vegetables or any other dry commodity of less capacity than the standard barrels defined in the first section of this act, or subdivisions thereof known as the third, half, and three-quarter barrel, and any person guilty of a wilful violation of any of the provisions of this art shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, in any court of this state having jurisdiction : Provided, however, That no barrel Proviso, shall be deemed below standard within the meaning of this ^mries. act when shipped to any foreign country and constructed ac- cording to the specifications or directions of the foreign pur- chaser if not constructed in conflict .with the laws of the for- eign country to which the same is intended to be shipped. Sec. 3. Reasonable variations shall be permitted and tol- variations. erance established by rules and regulations made by the di- rector of the bureau of standards and approved by the secretary of commerce. Prosecutions for offenses under this act may be begun upon complaint of local sealers of weights and measures or other officer of the state appointed to enforce the laws of the said state, relating to weights and measures: Provided, however, That nothing in this act shall apply to Proviso, barrels used in packing or shipping commodities sold exclu- sively by weight or numerical count. Sec. -i. This act shall be in force and effect from and after Date of the first day of September, nineteen hundred seventeen. effect- ' Sec. 5. An act entitled "An act to regulate the size of dry Repealing or packing barrels for fruits, roots and vegetables," being sec- chl " s '' tion six thousand two hundred fifty-four of the compiled laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. 26 LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF An Act to fix standards for climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and to punish violations of the same. [Act 74, P. A. 1917.] Standard climax baskets. Small fruit Penalty for violation The People of the stale of Michigan enact: Section 1. That standards for climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables shall be the two-quarl basket. four-quart basket, and twelve-quart basket, respectively. (a) The standard two-quart climax basket shall be of the following dimensions : length of bottom piece, nine and one- half inches; width of bottom piece, three and one-half inches; thickness of bottom piece, three-eights of an inch; height of basket, three and seven-eighths inches, outside measurement; top of basket, length eleven inches and width five inches, out- side measurement. Basket to have a cover five by eleven inches, when a cover is used ; (b) The standard four-quart climax basket shall be of the following dimensions: length of bottom piece, twelve inches; width of bottom piece, four and one-half inches; thickness of bottom piece, three eighths of an inch; height of basket, four and eleven-sixteenths inches, outside measurement; top of basket. Length fourteen inches, width six and one-fourth inches, outside measurement. Basket to have cover six and one-fourth inches by fourteen inches, when cover is used; (c) The standard twelve-quart climax basket shall be of the following dimensions: length of bottom piece, sixteen inches; width of bottom piece, six and one-half inches; thick- ness of bottom piece, seven-sixteenths of an inch; height of basket, seven and one-sixteenth inches, outside measurement; top of basket, length nineteen inches, width nine inches, out- side measurement. Basket to have cover nine inches by nine- teen inches, when cover is used. Sec. 2. That the standard basket or other container for small fruits, beriies, and vegetables shall be of the following capacities: namely. <\vy one-half pint, dry pint, dry quart, 01 multiples of the dry quart. (a) The dry half pint shall contain sixteen and eight- tenths cubic inches ; (b) The dry pint shall contain thirty-three and six-tenths cubic inches; (c) The dry quart shall contain sixty -seven and two-ieuths cubic inches. Sec :;. Thai it shall be unlawful to manufacture for ship mciil. or to sell within the slate any climax baskets or other containers for small 1'rnits, berries, or vegetables, whether idled or unfilled, which do not conform to the provisions oi this act; and any person guilty of a wilful violation of any Of the pro\ isions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be lined in any sum ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 27 not exceeding twenty-five dollars : Provided, That nothing Proviso. herein contained shall apply to the manufacture, sale, or shipment of climax baskets, baskets, or other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables when intended for export to foreign countries when such climax baskets, baskets, or other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables ac- cord with the specifications of the foreign purchasers or com- ply with the law of the country to which shipment is made or to be made. Sec. 4. That the examination and test of climax baskets, who to test, baskets, or other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, for the purpose of determining whether such bas- kets or other containers comply with the provisions of this act, shall be made by the dairy and food department, and the dairy and food commissioner shall establish and promulgate rules and regulations allowing such reasonable tolerances and variations as may be found necessary. Sec. ."). That it shall be the duty of each prosecuting at- Prosecuting ■ tittornGv torney, to whom satisfactory evidence of any violation of the duty of. ' act is presented, to cause appropriate proceedings to be com- menced and prosecuted in the proper courts of the state for the enforcement of the penalties as in such case herein pro- vided. Sec. 6. That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the pro- ™t e n ab \ e e aler visions of this act when he can establish a guaranty signed by the manufacturer, wholesaler, jobber, or other party re- siding within the United States from whom such climax bas- kets, baskets, or other containers, as defined in this act, were purchased, to the effect that said climax baskets, baskets, or other containers are correct within the meaning of this act. Said guaranty, to afford protection, shall contain the name and address of the party or parties making the sale of climax baskets, baskets, or other containers to such dealer, and in such case said party or parties shall be amenable to the pros- ecutions, fines, and other penalties which would attach in due course to the dealer under the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. That this act shall be in force and effect from and 2251™* after the first day of November, nineteen hundred seventeen. An Act to regulate the packing for shipment and sale of table grapes, and providing penalties for violation thereof. [Act 107. P. A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: § 6495. Section 1. No grapes that are not ripe, or are unripe, etc., the fruit of unhealthy vines, or are for any reason unhealthy mentof! P " or in a state of decay shall be packed for shipment by any grower, packer or shipper in any package or basket of less than sixteen pounds capacity. 28 ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. Penalty for violation. EiiforcviiHiit § 6496. Sec. 2, Any person or persons found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this act, in any conn of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. § 041)7. Sec. o. It shall be the duty of the state dairy and food commissioner, his deputies aud assistants, to enforce the provisions of this act. LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 003 144 486 P