HARVARD COLLEGE CLASS OF 1902 LIST OF ADDRESSES COMPILED FOR THE , TRIENNIAL CELEBRATION JUNE 1905 Harvard College CLASS OF J902 LIST OF ADDRESSES COMPILED FOR THE TRIENNIAL CELEBRATION JUNE 1905 To THE Members op the Class of 1902. This year when it became time to think of arranging for the triennial celebration, the secretary found that owing to the frequent changes of many members his address list was out of date. He therefore decided to compile a new list of addresses and occupations, and to publish with this a list of marriages, deaths, and a statement of the class fund. An innovation was tried this year of writing personally to each man, as it was hoped in this way to show that more than an ordinary amount of time and money was being expended, and so arouse sufficient interest to get a reply from everyone. In this undertaking the secretary has signed somewhat over eleven hundred letters. The result has been fairly satisfactory, as answers have been received from about six hundred men. Every effort has been made to obtain an address from each man, and in future communications will only be sent to those who have furnished or shall furnish an address where letters reach them. A list of men who have failed to answer is appended. In some instances the addresses given are of a temporary character such as (Richard Roe, Harvard Law School, Cambridge). The secretary asks all men leaving a professional school to work in some other place to acquaint him im- mediately with their new address. The secretary wishes to thank in general the officers of colleges, news- papers and business houses whose help he asked, for their valuable assis- tance and in particular Mr.W. R. Thayer, Editor of the Harvard Graduates' Magazine, Mr. John D. Merrill, Editor of the Harvard Bulletin. In behalf of the class committee the secretary wishes to urge every member of the class to subscribe as freely as possible to the class fund, as at present it is inadquate to provide for our celebrations and yields barely enough to supply the current yearly expenses. Let those who have given, continue their annual installments and those who have not given anything, make up for lost time. The secretary wishes to urge the necessity of keeping him informed of the changes of address, the marriage or the death of any classmate as it is in this way only that we shall continue in touch with one another, and keep up a strong and healthy class spirit. Barrett Wendell, Jr., 37 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. June 28, 1905. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. The Secretary will be grateful for immediate notice in case of change of address of any member of the Class, and also for any address that is not known. NoTB. — ° Denotes bachelors of science, f indicates non degree holders. tAbbott, Sprague, has not answered secretary's notices. Abraham, James Ezekiel, 46 West 90th Street, New York, N. Y., business Importing, 490 Broadway, N. Y. City. fAbu-khalil, Alexander, has not answered secretary's notices. Adams, James Warren, WaynesviUe, Hajnvood County, N. C. fAdams, Kilburn Elie, 69 Mt. Vernon Street., North Cambridge, Mass., Mechanical Engineer, care of E. D. Leavitt, Consulting Engineer. fAdams, Winthrop Cochrane, 541 Center Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Flour business, 608 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass. fAdamson, Alfred, Jr., 11 Sachem Terrace, Lynn, Mass., Treasurer of Middlesex Street Railway Company, and Plymouth County Street Railway Co., 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. fAhlborn, Emil Bernhardt, 259 Marlborough Street, Boston, Art Student. Aldrich, Charles Edward, Jr., 136 Townsend Street, Roxbury, Mass., Real Estate, care of Charles E. Cotting, 309 Barrister's Hall, Boston, Mass. fAUyn, Philip Morton, 26 Hurlbm-t Street. Cambridge, Mass., care of AUyn & Beacon, Publishers, 172 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. tAlvord, Earl Berry, 28 Cheshire Street, Cleveland, O., Chemist, care of Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, O. Ambrose, Charles Merritt, 32 Warren Avenue, Somerville, Mass., Law Student Harvard Law School. °Andres, Max George, 27 Aldworth Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Architect, 517 John Hancock Building, Boston Mass. tArms, William Taylor, Charlemont Hotel, St. Louis, Mo., care of Laclede Fire Brick Co., St. Louis, Mo. t Arnold, Ernest White, Covalli, Ore., Student University of Cal., 2732 Ben- venue Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. fAtkinson, Robert Witham, 55 Bates Street, Honolulu, T. H., Cashier and Manager of Ins. Dept. of B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., Honolulu, T. H. lAyer, Fred Rollins, Bangor, Me., care of Eastern Mfg. Co., Bangor, Me. Ayers, Harry Morgan, 2 Drayton Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Assistant in English at Harvard College. °Bach, Milton Jacob, 11 East 92d Street, New York, N. Y., Lawyer. Backus, LeRoy Manson, has not answered secretary's notices. 6 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Bailey, Arthur Scott, 36 East 21 Street, New York, N. Y., care of Fox, Duffield & Co., Publishers, 36 East 21st Street, New York City. tBaker, Arthur Freeman, 22 Monadnock Street, Dorchester, Mass., Wool Salesman. Baker, Alfred Talbot, 37 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass., Wool Commisioil Merchant, 248 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. ° Baker, Charles Herbert, Mechanical Engineer, 10 Bridge Street, New York City. Baker, Herbert Sumner, 5 Beeckman Street, New York, N. Y. tBaker, Walter Francis, 246 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. fBall, Frederick William, 126 Clinton Avenue, Newark, N. J., Merchant. Bancroft, Guy, Cambridge, Mass., Banker, care of Kidder, Peabody & Co., Boston, Mass. Barber, Harold Fletcher, 66 Summit Street, Newton, Mass., Advertising Agent, 24 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Barbour, Samuel Lewis, 14 Shepard Street, Cambridge, Mass., Clerk, care of Kidder, Peabody & Co., Boston, Mass. Barlow, Harrington, Wayland, Mass., Student of Architecture, Harvard University. Barnard, Charles Artbur, 1306 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington, D. C, Lawyer, Centiury Building, Washington, D. C. Barnard, Roger Conant, 30 Shaw Street, West Newton, Mass., Engineer, care of Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 10 Bridge Street, New York, N. Y. fBarnes, Charles Loring, 46 Orchard Street, Maiden, Mass., is in business. Barnes, Donald Carter, 25 Lancaster Street, Cambridge, Mass., Electrical Engineer, care of Ford, Beacon & Davis, 24 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Barnette, Alfred Greenleaf, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. fBarrett, Hosmer James, Broker, care of Dick Bros., & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Bartlett, Paul, 40 Pine Grove Avenue, Chicago, 111., Illustrator. Bartlett, William Bradford, Concord, Mass., Harvard Medical School. Bates, Edward Stillman, 47 Everett Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, first year. Baxter, Charles Newcomb, 200 Quincy Avenue, Quincy, Mass., Assistant in Boston Athenaeum Library, 10^ Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. tBeal, Albert Reynolds, 1 West 121st Street, New York, N. Y., Student Lawrence Scientific School. fBeifield, Albert Henry, Sherman House, Chicago, 111., Student Johns Hopkins Medical School. Baltimore, Maryland. fBenedict, Ralph P., 11 Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Reporter on the Boston Herald, Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Benscoter, Warren Egbert, Huntington, Pa. fBernbaum, Ernest, 6 Acacia Street, Cambridge, Mass., second year Har- vard Graduate School, Cambridge, Mass. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 7 Bernstein, Allen Milton, 161 William Street, New York, N. Y., Importer and Exporter, 161 William Street, New York, N. Y. fBerry, Oscar Grant, 421 Chestnut Street, Manager of Phoenix Mutual Life Insiu-ance Co., 421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fBetts, Percy de Marae, has not answered secretary's notices. fBigelow, Frank Winthrop, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. Bigney, Arthur Osborne, has not answered secretary's notices. Billings, Charles Otis, 285 Franklin Street, Newton, Mass., Chemicals, P. O. Box 2446, Boston, Mass. Bing, Lawrence Livingstone, 318 Elm Street, Cincinnati, O., Wholesale Clothing Manufacturer. tBirckhead, Malbone Hunter, 133 East 21st Street, New York, N. Y., Harvard Divinity School. Blagden, Crawford, 16 East 10th Street., New York, N. Y., Banker, 52 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. fBlair, Robert Sterling, 16 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., Editor, Bible House, New York, N. Y. Blake, John Amory Lowell, 37 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Clerk, care of Blake Bros., Bankers, Boston, Mass. tBlakely, Edward Bradford, has not answered secretary's notices. Blanchard, Archibald, 1091 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., Broker, care of W. O. Gay & Co., 24 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. Bland, Richard Howard, 2 Prescott Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Boardman, William Parsons, 388 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Student Harvard Medical School. Boothby, Walter Meredith, 508 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., care of Boothby Surgical Hospital, Worcester Square, Boston, Mass. Bowdoin, William Graham, Jr., 1106 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., Clerk, care of Alexander Brown & Sons, Bankers, Baltimore, Md. fBowerman, Warren Dennison, 322 Egmand Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., address, 45 Broadway, N. Y. Bowler, Robert Bonner, care of Harvard Club, West 44th Street, New York City. ' Boyd, Francis Raymond, 28 Center Street, Quincy, Mass., Teacher, Betts Academy, Stamford, Conn. Boynton, Eleazer Bradley, 593 Union Street, Manchester, N. H., Student of Textiles at Manchester, N. H. fBradley, Arthur Alexander, has not answered secretary's notices. Bradley, Joseph Gardner, 407 North Front Street, Harrisburg, Pa., Coal & Lumber Merchant, Clay, West Va. Brandmiller, Herman, Jr., Park Avenue, Youngstown, O., Harvard Law School, third year. Branson, John Hood, has not answered secretary's notices. Brewer, CUfton Hartwell, Fitzwilliam, N. H., Episcopal Clergyman, 271 North Main Street, Providence, R. I. a HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Brooks, Lawrence Graham, 8 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. tBrooks, Walter Dennison, 85 Water Street, Boston, Real Estate, Broker, care of Henry D. Bennett, 85 Water Street, Boston, Mass. tBrown, Halcombe James, 200 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., Purchasing Agent of U. S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, lU. Brown, Paul March, 112 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass., Musician. Brownell, Morris Ruggles, 46 5th Street, New Bedford, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Bruce, Harold Milton, Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, Mass., Harvard Med- ical School, third year. Bruce, Roscoe Conkling, Director of Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala. Bryant, Walter Lyman, 19 Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Bubier, Thomas Stacey, 23 Lafayette Park, Lynn, Mass., Lawyer, 38 Exchange Street, Lynn, Mass. fBuckingham, Theophilus Nash, has not answered secretary's notices. Budd, Kenneth Pepperell, 1 Greene Street, New York, N. Y., Merchant, care of William Iselin & Co., New York. Bulkley, Robert Johns 802 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O., Harvard Law School, second year Russell HaU, Cambridge, Mass. fBuUard, Charles, has not answered secretary's notices. fBuUard, Harold, 239 Marlborough Street, Boston, business address, 77 Journal Building, Boston. BuUinger, Howard Valentine, has not answered secretary's notices. fBurbank, Charles Ellsworth, has not answered secretary's notices. ° Burden, Arthur Scott, Broker, 7 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. fBurgess, Frank, 411 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Coal Mining and Shipping, Coalgate, Indian Territory. Burgess, HoUis, 411 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Marine Supplies, care of Maritime Stores Co., 38 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. tBurlingame, Bruce Sedgwick, 204 Dewitt Street, Syracuse, N. Y., Me- chanical Engineering, care of The Solway Process Co., Solway, N. Y. Burnet, Harold, 50 East 77th Street, New York, N. Y., Banker, 28 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. °Burnham, Leroy Pearl, 36 Myrtle Street, Waltham, Mass., Architect, Villa Aurora, Rome, Italy. °Burns, Harry Carleton, has not answered secretary's notices. Butler, Alfred Munson, 20 Elm Street, Brookline, Mass., Teacher, Schenectady High School, Schenectady, N. Y. t Butler, Patrick Francis, 328 Sherman Street, Roxbury, Physician. Bynner, Harold Witter, 16 Grammercy Park, New York, N. Y., Publisher and Editor, care of S. S. McClure Company, New York, N. Y. tCady, Joseph Patrick, 85 Maverick Street, East Boston, Teacher, Box 477, Mobile, Ala. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 9 fCalhoun, Ferdinand Phinizy, 672 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga., Physician, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York City. Callander, Arthur William, Springfield, Mass., Manufacturer, Indian Orchard, Mass. "Campbell, David Colin, 1116 Main Street, Carthage, Mo., Mine Manager, care of American Z. L. & Smelting Co., Carterville, Mo. Captosto, Antonio Alfredo, 30 Hull Street, Boston, Mass., Lawyer, 306 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. Carleton, Guy Edward, 11 Park Street, BrookUne, Mass., Clerk, care of Kidder Peabody & Co., Boston, Mass. Carley, Glenn, Sharon, Pa., Contractor, care of Wallis & Carley, Sharon, Pa. Carleton, Henry Avery, 3205 Harper Street, St. Eouis, Mo., Chemist, care of Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. f Carney, Alexander, has not answered secretary's notices. Carpenter, George Oliver, Jr., southwest corner Russell and Compton Avenues, St. Louis, Mo., Insurance Broker, care of W. H. Markham & Co., 906 Century Building, St. Louis, Mo. "Carroll, Howard Hastings, 38 Putnam Street, West Newton, Mass., Teacher. Carroll, Philop Acosta, EUicott City, Md., Harvard Law School, third year. Carson, James Oakley, 725 Michigan Trust Building, Grand Rapids, Mich., Advertising Agent. fCarstairs, James, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. fCarter, Frank Clifford, 55 Woburn Street, Reading, Mass., Bookkeeper, care of Wakefield National Bank, Wakefield, Mass. Cary, Guy Fairfax, 17 East 54th Street, New York, N. Y., Lawyer, 59 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. fCase, Charles Center, Jr., Lawyer, 92 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. Chaffee, Ernest Bunce, Dress Goods Salesman, 80 Green Street, New York, N. Y. Champion, MerriU Edwin, has not answered secretary's notices. tChampoUion, Andre Cheronnet, 150 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y., Painter, business address, care of Corbin Banking Co., 192 Broadway, N. Y. Channing, Henry Morse, Sherborn, Mass., Lawyer, 73 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. Chapin, Lawrence Dudley, 20 Maple Street, Springfield, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year, 104 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. °Chase, Julian Dwight, Dedham, Mass., Mechanical Engineer, care of B. F. Sturtevant Co., Readville, Mass. Chase, WiUiam Francis, West Newton, Mass., Banker, care of R. L. Day & Co., 35 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. °Chickering, Tileston, Milton, Mass., care of Carnegie Steel Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 10 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Child, Warren Hunnewell, Hingham, Mass., care of Library Bureau, 530 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. Christenson, Reginald, 6 Cottage Avenue, Arlington, Mass., Teacher. tChristiernin, Charles Leonard, 133 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. Chubb, Harry Christopher, 24 Linden Street, Wellesley, Mass., Teacher. Church, Morton Lebaron, 2 Dean Street, Taunton, Mass., Cotton Manu- facturer, Cohannet Mill No. 3, Taunton, Mass. Claflin, Walter Harold, 140 Mt. Vernon Street, Newtonville, Mass. fClark, Frank Merritt, 14 Clark Avenue, Derby, Conn., Banker, care of B'ham National Bank, Derby, Conn. Clark, Louis Crawford, Jr., 21 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y., Banker, care Clark, Dodge & Co., 51 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. fClark, Milo Verrochio, has not answered secretary's notices. fClay, Curtis Livingston, 35 South 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Lawyer, 411 Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Clifford, John Henry, New Bedford, Mass., Lawyer, 6 Masonic Building, New Bedford, Mass. fCobb, John Chandler, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. Cobb, Oren Howard, 222 West 24th Street, New York City, Medical Student at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Coburn, Paul Naylor, Lawrence, Mass., 7 Beck Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, second year. fCofifin, Francis Parkman, 138 Ivy Street., Brookline, Mass., care of Gen- eral Electric Co., 4 Union Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Coker, Francis WilHam, 540 West 113th Street, New York, N. Y., Student in Political Science, Columbia University. Colby, Clarence Conant, Hamlet Lodge, Pomfret Center, Conn., Teacher and Summer Camp Director; summer address, Pine Island Camp, Belgrade, Wis. fColby, Frederick Bronson, Naval Station, San Juan, P. R., Lieutenant (senior grade) U. S. Navy, 99 John St., New York, N. Y. fColby, Herbert Warren, 54 Hyde Street, Newton Highlands, Mass., Architect, care of McFarland, Colby & McFarland, 2A Benson Street, Boston, Mass. tCole, Edward Ball, care of U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C, 2d Lieutenant Marine Corps, U. S. Navy. fColesworthy, Daniel Clement, Orange, N. J., Electrical Engineer, Ampere, N. J. Collier, William Parker, 15 Tennyson Street, SomerviUe, Mass., Teacher Sidney, Ohio. tCoUins, Paul, Telephone Traffic Engineer, care of American Tel. & Tel. Co., 125 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. fConnell, Charles Mulford, The Melwood, 1201 Michigan Avenue, Evans- ton, 111. Cook, Leon John, Principal Piermont High School, Piermont, New York. Cook, Walter, Jr., 135 East 37th Street, New York, N. Y., Lawyer. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 11 Coons, Charles Anson, St. Johnsville, Montgomery County, N. Y. Cooper, Oscar Fulton, 2723 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal., Lawyer, 16 Nevada Block, San Francisco, Cal. Corson, Charles Emerson, 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, Pa., care of Metallographist Latrobe Steel Co., Latrobe, Pa. Corson, Thomas Moody, 10 Chandler Street, Salem, Mass., Harvard Divinity School, fourth year. Cotter, Richard Joseph, 487 Somerville Avenue, Somerville, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Covel, Borden, 503 Audubon Road, Boston, Mass., Coal Merchant, 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Cram, Paul Henry, 10 Rue Pierre Puget, Marseille, France, U. S. Vice- Consul General. Cram, Robert Jackson, Shornecliff Road, Newton, Mass., Lawyer, care of J. W. Lund, 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. Crane, William Merriam, 16 East 37th Street New York, N. Y., Student, Culbacher Strasse 8, Berlin, Germany. Crawford, Gustavus Chambers, has not answered secretary's notices. fCronkrite, Floyd MelviUe, has not answered secretary's notices. fCrosse, Shirley Robbins, Marshfield Hills, Mass., Student. fCudahy, Joseph Michael, 506 South 36th Street, Omaha, Neb., care of Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha, Neb. °Cuniffe, Bernard, 114 State Street, Boston, Mass., Mining Engineer, Utah. Cushman, Elton Gray, Taunton, Mass., 15 Wadsworth House, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Dabney, George Bigelow, 298 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Dame, Alfred Mitchell, 399 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass., Teacher Wor- cester Academy, Worcester, Mass. t Darling, Philip Grenville, 158 Central Street, Somerville, Mass., Student. fDaugherty, Allen Harry, 218 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., Teacher of Music, 218 Tremont Street, Boston. Davidge, John Washington, 1624 H Street, Washington, D. C, Lawyer, 500 5th Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. fDavis, Walter Raymond, has not answered secretary's notices. fDavison, Joseph Edward, 122 Orange Street, Chelsea, Mass., Vocal Teach- er, 218 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Davison, Lucien Adelbert, Teacher St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. fDavol, Edwin Russell, 245 Winthrop Street, Taunton, Mass., Student. Day, Richard Melville, 205 La Salle Street, Chicago, III, Note Broker. DeCoster, Cyrus Cole, Jr., 375 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn., Furniture Dealer. fDerby, John Griswold , Newport, R. I., care of Maine Central R.R. Co., Bangor, Me. fDevens, Arthur Lithgow, Jr., Hamilton, Mass., 218 LaSalle Street, Chicago 111., Note Broker. 12 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Dewes, Edwin Pierre, 1849 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, 111., Secretary of Standard Brewery, 571 Campbell Avenue, Chicago, 111. Dewing, Arthur Stone, 2 Clinton Street, Boston, Mass. Dickinson, Howard Cocks, 47 East 30th Street, New York, N. Y., Lawyer, care of Russell, Piatt & Soley, 35 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. tDillingham, Walter Francis, P. O. Box 556, Honolulu, T. H., Treasurer of B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., Oahu Railway & Land Co., Hilo Railway Co., and Hawaiian Dredging Co., Ltd., P. O. Box 263., Honolulu, T. H. Dix, John Adams, 27 West 25th Street, New York City, Banker, care of A. Iselin & Co., 36 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Dixey, Arthur Sturgis, 44 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Secretary to U. S. Minister, Seoul, Korea. °Dodge, Albert, Jr., Gloucester, Mass., Merchant, Hyde Park, Mass. fDodge, Mocena Miles, has not answered secretary's notices. °Doe, Ernest' Irwin, 59 Hammond Street, Waltham, Mass., care of Stone & Webster, Electrical Engineers, 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. fDoherty, William Olive, 17 State Street, Marblehead, Mass., Mechanical Engineer. Dow, Julian Ellis, has not answered secretary's notices. Downes, Dennis Sawyer, 83 Sutherland Road, Brookline, Mass., care of Little, Brown & Co., Publishers, 254 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ° Drown, Richard Wiggin, 37 Phillips Avenue, Lynn, Mass., Steam Heating, Ventilating & Plumbing, 17 Central Street, Lynn, Mass. fDudley, Benjamin William, 215 North Mill Street, Lexington, Ky., Phy- sician, Lexington, Kentucky. "Dudley, Harry Chittenden, Guilford, Conn., Mining Engineer, Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Ironwood, Mich. Durant, Aldrich, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., Mechanical Engineer, Purdue University. °Dutton, Leland Turner, Elizabeth, N. J., Gelatine & Glue Manufacturer, 45 East 25th Street, New York, N. Y. Dwinell, James Fisher, 98 Main Street, Winchester, Mass., care of New Eng- land Tel. & Tel. Co., 119 Milk Street, Boston, Masss. Earle, Ralph Swain, 125 Galen Street, Newton, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Eaton, Charles Curtis, 701 Smith Street, Providence, R. I., care of Nichol- son File Co., Providence, R. I. °Eaton, William Dearborn, 419 Huron Street, Chicago, 111., Wholesale Grocer, 29 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., tEayers, Norman Wilder, care of Mrs. J. C. Eayers, 47 Wendell Street, Cambridge, Mass., Coal Department, W. & L. E. R. R., Cleveland, O. Eby, Walter Mauney, 136 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, second year. Edgell, Corbin, 41 East 38th Street, New York, N. Y., Banker, 192 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 13 Edwards, Richard Elbert, Peru, Ind., Secretary Wolverine Cedar & Lum- ber Co., Menominee, Mich. Ehenfried, Albert, 10 Claremont Park, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. fEldridge, Emmett Franklin, 627 Jennings Avenue, Cleveland, O., Teacher Lincoln High School, Cleveland, O. °Eldridge, Stanley Hall, has not answered secretary's notices. Eliot, Henry Ware, Jr., 2635 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., Publisher, care of F. A. Stokes Co., 5 East 16th Street, New York, N. Y. t Elliott, George Henry, The Rectory, Port Medway, Nova Scotia, Clergy- man. fEUis, John Harvard, 69 Monmouth Street, Brookline, Mass,, care of Ely & Co., Stock Brokers, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. Ells, Alfred Edward, Middlesex School, Teacher of English, Middlesex School, Concord, Mass. Elsas, Louis Jacob, 112 West 72d Street, New York, N. Y., Secretary Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, New York, 236 Spring Street, New York, N. Y. fEly, William Brewster, Bellevue Street, Newton, Mass., Electrical En- gineer, Newton, Mass. Emerson, Kenneth Bales, 36 South Elliot Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., Civil Engineer, 4 Court Square, Brooklyn, N. Y. fEmery, Arthur Thomas, has not answered secretary's notices. Emery, Frederick IngersoU, 160 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass., care of Universal Winding Co., 95 South Street, Boston, Mass. fEmmes, Ernest Victor, 39 Fairfield Street, Boston, Mass. fEmmons, WiUiam Bacon, Laramie, Wyoming, Stock Breeder. Emory, George Bach, Cazenovia, N. Y., Medical Student. Eschbach, Allen Gehman, Newportville, Bucks County, Pa., Teacher, care of WiUiam McKinley High School, St. Louis, Mo. fFairbank, Livingstone, has not answered secretary's notices. Farley, Frank Cheney, South Manchester, Conn., Student of Architecture, Paris, France. Farlow, John Smith, 258 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Faxon, Cyrus Wheeler, Elyria, O., care of Hayden, Miller & Co., Bankers, 320 Citizens Building, Cleveland, O. ■; Faxon, Nathaniel Wales, Stoughton, Mass., Harvard Medical School, fourth year. Fay, Theodore Bradshaw, Technology Chambers, Boston, Mass., Archi- tect, 122 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. Ferrell, Garland Pierre, 249 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Reporter, Boston Herald, Boston, Mass. Fick, Hermann Theodor, 109 Warren Avenue, Boston, Mass., Student, Harvard Graduate School. Findlay, John Van Lear, Bank of Baltimore Building, Baltimore, Md., Student of Law. 14 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Fischel, "Walter, 3841 Washington Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo., Physlr'ian , fFitch, Ralph RosweU, 14 Morrill Street, Dorchester, Mass., Physician, Children's Hospital, Boston, Mass. ■j-Fitts, Frederick Whitney, St. Stephen's House, 2 Decatur Street, Boston, Clergyman, St. Stephen's Church. Boston. fFitzGibbon, Richard Ambrose, 118 West 78th Street, New York, N. Y., Broker & Mining Operator, care of Farrington & Co., 15 Wall Street New York, N. Y. Fitzpatrick, James Henry, 1810 Massachusetts Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass., Real Estate Broker, Cambridge Mass. Fitzpatrick, Paul Edward, Gardner Road, Brookline, Mass., care of Brown, DurreU & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods, Boston, Mass. fFlanagan, Arthur Bowers, North Cambridge, Electrician, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. fFloyd, Charles Harold, Hyde Park P. O., Mass., Residence, Milton, Mass. fFloyd, John Taylor, 50 St. Paul Street, Brookline, Mass., Merchant, 70 High Street, Boston, Mass. fFoley, Joseph Westmont, 90 West Street, Concord, N. H., Harvard Law School, 1st year. Forbes, George Shannon, 51 Thornton Street, Roxbury, Mass., Teacher, and Student Harvard Graduate School. Forbes, Waldo Emerson, Milton, Mass., care of Estate of John M. Forbes, Sears Building, Boston, Mass. Foster, Joseph, Jr., 371 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass, Manu- facturer, 530 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. f Fountain, OUve Reynolds, has not answered secretary's notices. tFox, Austin Hoppin, 45 West 33d Street, New York, N, Y., Clerk, care of Sanderson & Porter, Electrical Engineers, 52 WiUiam Street, New York, N. Y. France, Sandford Dewey, Hamilton Avenue, North Brighton, N. Y. Franchot, Edward Ells, 109 West 54th Street, New York, N. Y., Lawyer, 290 Broadway, New York, N. Y. "Francis, Richard Standish, 105 East 24th Street, New York, N. Y., Constructor, care of George A. Fuller Building Construction Co., FuUerBuilding, New York, N. Y. fFrank, Edgar Block, has not answered secretary's notices. Franklin, George Small, 24 East Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md., Har- vard Law School, third year. fFrazer, William James Francis, has not answered secretary's notices. fFreese, John Henry, 62 Cedar Street, New York City, Lawyer, care of Rounds, Hatch, Dillingham & Debevoise, 62 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. Friedman, Adolph, 325 South Lafayette Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Dry Goods Merchant, 41 Monroe Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Frost, Vincent Morse, 1125 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Erecting Engineer, care of Westinghouse Machine Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 15 Frothingham, Channing, Jr., 87 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. tFrothingham, Joseph Leforme, 493 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., care of E. H. RoUins & Sons, 21 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Frothingham, Lawrence Potter, 164 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacttuer of Cotton Fabrics, care of C. L. Bausher & Co., New York, N. Y. tFrye, Charles Crowninshield, 205 West 102d Street, New York, N. Y. Architect, 424 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Frye, WiUiard Hayward, 55 Hawthorne Street, West Somerville, Mass., Clerk, care of Carley Life Float Co., Hast Boston, Mass. •fGaiUard, John, Jr., Mobile, Ala., has not answered secretary's notices. Garcelon, Donald Dean Frye, 117 High Street, Aubtun, Me., Harvard Law School, first year. fGasquet, Fernand, Vaughn, has not answered secretary's notices. fGates, Howard Baird, Joplin, Mo., Superintendent Pittsburg, Missouri Zinc & Lead Co., Box 235 Joplin, Mo. fGates, Jacob Mayer, has not answered secretary's notices. °Gault, James Hunter, 2211 Venango Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Manufac- turer, Gaul & Adams Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. fGay, Frank Dyer Beer, has not answered secretary's notices. Gealey, James Alonzo, Volant, Pa., Teacher, Mercer, Pa. fGeorge, Harry AUan, 40 Chase Street, Newton Center, Mass., Mechani- cal and Civil Engineer, 6 Beacon Street., Boston, Mass. George, WilUam Henry, Beaver Falls, Pa., Harvard Divinity School. Gibson, James Andrew, 105 Hammond Street, Cambridge, Mass., Assis- tant Instructor, Chemistry, Harvard University and Radcliffe CoUege. fGierasch, Walter Siegfried, 682 La SaUe Avenue, Chicago, 111., Fire Insur- ance Broker, 315 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. GiUes, Joseph William, 12 Holyoke Place, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. °Gittings, Henry May, Ashburton, Baltimore, Md., Civil Engineer. Goddard, Arthur Eldridge 1507 South Main Street, Campello, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. fGoddard, James Brewer, has not answered secretary's notices. Godfrey, Henry White, Hampton, N. H., Harvard Medical School, third year. Goelet, Robert, Newport, R. I., Financier, 9 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. Goelet, Robert Walton, Newport, R. I., Columbia Law School, third year; business address 9 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y., tGoldsborough, Fitzhugh Coyle, 1331 K Street, Washington, D. C, Student of Music at Vienna. Goldthwait, James Walter, 93 Nahant Street, Lynn, Mass., Instructor in Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston, lU. GoodeU, Roscoe Harris, Banker, 218 La SaUe Street, Chicago, lU., °Gordon, George Byron, has not answered secretary's notices. 16 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Gough, John Francis, 183 Fourth Street, Jersey City, N. J., Law Student, 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N. J. Gray, Howard Storey, Knickerbocker Club, New York City, Stock Broker, care of E. & C. Randolph, 111 Broadway, New York City. Green, Louis Lawrence, Portsmouth, N. H., Harvard Law School, third year. Green, Robert Montraville, 78 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Har- vard Medical School, third year. Greene, Eldridge Howe, 23 Lee Street, Cambridge, Mass., Shoe Manu- facturer, care of Hurley Shoe Co., Rockland, Mass. Greenlaw, Ralph Keller, 415 West 118th Street, New York, N. Y., Civil Engineer, New York Subway, 231 West 125th Street, New York, N. Y. Gregg, Donald, 134 Westmorley Court, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Med- ical School second year. Grew, Joseph Clark, 185 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Diplomatic Service, American Diplomatic Agency, Cairo, Egypt . Griffiths, Evans Warren, 24 Shepard Street, Cambridge, Mass., Teacher, Rindge Manual Training School, Cambridge, Mass. Griswald, Arthur Heywood, 9 Catharine Street, Worcester, Mass., Medi- cal Student, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Grosenbaugh, Royal Arthur, 18 North Munn Avenue., East Orange, N. J., Teacher, East Orange High School, East Orange, N. J. Grossman, Ernst Hermann Paul, Atherton Ave., Roslindale, Mass., Instructor German, Harvard University; also Student of Germanic Philology, Harvard Graduate School. Grossman, Isadore, 69 Wallingford Court, Cleveland, O., Lawyer, 830 Williamson Building, Cleveland, O. Groth, Benno Hubert Alfred, has not answered secretary's notices. Hale, Richard King, Chestnut Hill Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Mass., Civil Engineer, 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Hale, Ralph Tracey, 409 East 15th Street, Indianapolis, Ind., Editor of The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Hall, Arthur Wellesley, 55 Summer Street, Dover, N. H., Law Student. fHall, Reuben John, has not answered secretary's notices. Hall, William Wilder, Lakeville, Mass., Duck Raiser, Lakeville, Mass. Ham, Clifton, 166 Adams Street, Chicago, 111., General Editor, care of Rand, McNally & Co., 166 Adams Street, Chicago, 111. Hamburger, Leopold Spotten, 46 Wolcott Street, New Dorchester, Mass., Paper and Paper Stock Business, 318 A Street, Boston, Mass. Hamill, Edward William, 38 Hastings Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Student of Architecture, M. I. T. Hardon, Joseph Bradford, 1648 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Banker, 64 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Harris, Frank Wilbur, Bridgeton, Me., Travelling Salesman, care of Merchant's Dye Works, Dedham, Mass. ' ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 17 Hartt, Dudley Nickerson, 371 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.i Wool Merchant, 252 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. fHartwell, Richard Karl, 35 Stratford Place, Chicago, 111., Lumber Dealer, care of B. S. Hartwell & Co., Fisher Building, Chicago, 111. tHarvey, Paul Stanwood, 157 Rush Street, Chicago, 111., Vice-President and Secertary Acme Gas Company, 1010 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111. Harwood, Joseph Alfred, Littleton, Mass. tHathaway, Alvan Bourne, 192 Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, Mass., Bank Clerk, Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, Mass. fHaviland, William David, 25 Murray Street, New York, N. Y., Pottery Manufacturer in Lemoges, France. tHazlett, James Howard, has not answered secretary's notices. Head, Walter Dutton, 104 Orchard Street, West Somerville, Mass., Instructor St. Marks School, Southboro, Mass. fHenderson, Charles Rapello, Jr., 27 East 65th Street, New York, N. Y. Henderson, Ralph Mahon, has not answered secretary's notices. °Henneberry, George Francis, 2618 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., Book Manufacturer, 554 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, lU. fHerman, Edwards Woodbridge, has not answered secretary's notices. IHigley, William Mortimer, 420 N. Y. Life Building, Minneapolis, Minn,. Special Agent and Fire Insurance Adjustor. tHildebrant, Paul Wiley, Washington Court House, Ohio, Court Reporter. Hill, Jacob Foster, 1667 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Mass. fHills, Leon Clark, 115 South Cliff Street, Ansonia, Conn., Engineer, care of American Brass Co., Ansonia Conn. tHinckley, Harold, 112 Broadway, Bangor, Me., care of Four Wheel Drive Wagon Company, 3202 Vliet Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Hinds, George Clarence, 25 Gardner Street, AUston, Mass., Student. Hirst, George Clarkson, care of The Osborn Co., Broadv^ay and 16th Street, New York, N. Y., Advertising Agent. Hobbs, Clarence Whitman, Jr., 12 Westland Street, Worcester, Mass.^ Lawyer, 314 Main Street, Worcester, Mass. fHodges, William Joseph, Newton Center, Mass., Mechanical Engineer and Civil Engineer, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Hodgin, Samuel Horace, Greensboro, N. C. ' Hoffman, William Wickham, 53 East 79th Street, New York, N. Y., Harvard Law School, third year. Rollings worth. Amor, 135 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass., Paper Manu- facturer, 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. HoUister, Burr Allen, Washington, Conn., Private Tutor, care of Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France. Holmes, Fletcher Beach, 315 Glover Street, Woodbury, N. J., Chemist, care of Eastern Laboratory, Chester, Pa. Holmes, John Hayes, 18 Granville Street, New Dorchester, Mass., Unita- rian Clergyman. fHolt, Milton Carter, Crowley, La., Minister, Jennings, La. 18 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Hooper, Parker Morse, 3 West 46th Street, New York, Architect, 160 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. fHopkins, Mark, Jr., 250 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Ranchman, Sey- mour, Texas. Hosmer, Charles Albertus, 3 Potter Park, Cambridge, Mass., Paymaster, care A. H. Hews & Co., Incorp., North Cambridge, Mass. "House, Herbert Bissell, South Manchester, Conn., careC. E. House, Clothing & Men's Furnishings, South Manchester, Conn. Hoyle, Alexander Edward, Concord, Mass., Draughtsman, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Hoyt, Charles Wentworth, 50 Westminster Road, Rochester, N. Y., Har- vard Medical School, 125 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass. Hoyt, Francis Cary, 34 Elm Street, Morristown, N. J., Real Estate Broker, care of Greyrock Land Co., 231 Atlantic Street, Stamford, Conn. Hoyt, Howard Clark, 40 Oak Street, Hyde Park, Student, f Hubbard, Robert Frederick, Cazenovia, N. Y. HuU, George Harvey, 48 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass., Student, Har- vard Law School, f Humphrey, George Richardson, Ipswich, Mass., care of Joseph Ross & Sons, Bridge Contractors, 28 School Street, Boston, Mass. Humstone, Millard Gumming, 213 Hanover Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Law- yer. Hunnewell, Francis Welles, 2d, Wellesley, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. tHurd, Charles Lyman, Jr., Burlington, Vt., Wholesale Beef & Provision Dealer, Burlington, Vt. Hurley, Charles Joseph, has not answered secretary's notices. fHurley, John Christopher, has not answered secretary's notices. Hutchins, Gordon, Concord, Mass., Stationer, care of Thomas Groom & Co., 105 State Street, Boston, Mass. Ingalls, Horace Bright, Swampscott, Mass., Banker, 16 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. Ingalsbe, Grenville Howland, Sandy Hill, New York, N. Y., Law Stu- dent, 86 Main Street, Sandy Hill, N. Y. °Iselin, Arthur, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., Mercantile Banker, 1 Greene Street, New York, N. Y. Jackson, Charles Edward, 30 Moore Street, East Boston, Mass., Episcopal Clergyman, Curate at Church of the Epiphany, '143 East 35th Street, New York, N. Y. Jackson, Edward William Cecil, Teacher, Milton Academy, Milton, Pvlass. James, Benjamin Percy, Cambridge, Mass., Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. tjamieson, William Daniels, Lessing Annex, Chicago, 111., Mining Engineer, 1213 Schiller Building, Chicago, 111. Janes, Robert Foster, 2192 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., In- surance Broker, 1917 Park Row Building, New York, N. Y. tjanney, Lawrence Aquila, Albany Building, Boston, Mass., Patent Lawyer. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 19 °Jenson, Joseph, Logan, Utah, Teacher of Engineering, Agricultural Col- lege of Utah, Logan, Utah. tjett, Chan Moon, has not answered secretary's notices. Johnson. Arthur Franklin, has not answered secretary's notices. Johnson, Charles Henry, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Clergyman, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. ° Johnson, Richard Crosswell, Hotel Marion, Jeanette, Pa., Mechanical Engineer, care of American Window Glass Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ° Johnston, John Robert, 622 Crown Street, Cincinnati, O., or Oakview Terrace, Boston, Mass., Teacher, 622 June Street, Cincinnati, O. Jones, Arthur James, 31 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y., Teacher. Jones, Frederick Kennard, 33 Claremon Street, West Somerville, Mass., Freight Department, Northern Pacific Railway, 217 South Divson Street, Spokane, Washington. ° Jones, Frank Lorimer, Sandwich, Mass., Assistant Engineer, care of Westinghouse Church, Kerr & Co., 10 Bridge Street, New York, N. Y. Jones, John Price, has not answered secretary's notices, tjunkin, Joseph De Forest, Jr., Coalgate, I. T., Coal Mining, care of Coal- gate Co., Coalgate, I. T. Kauffmann, Raymond Morris, care of Kauffman Bros., Pittsburg, Pa., Assistant Superintendent of their Department Store. fKauffman, Sidney Walter, 25 East 76th Street, New York, N. Y., Columbia Law School, third year. fKeating, James Albert, has not answered secretary's notices. Keenan, Vincent Aloysius 80 Fifth Street, South Boston, Mass., Teacher. tKeUer, Ralph Henshaw, 104 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., care of N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., General Construction Dept. tKelley, Stillman Randolph, Cambridge, Mass. Kelsey, Paul Henry, 4 Buckingham Place, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Medical School. Kendall, Charles Pierce, Willsboro, N. Y., Teacher, Wareham, Mass. Kendall, Edward Hale, has not answered secretary's notices. tKent, Gilbert Ray, WoUaston, Mass., Civil Engineer, City Hall., Quincy, Mass. fKibbey, William Beckford, Jr., Store Manager for Green Consolidated Gold Co., La Brisca, Magdalena District, Sonora, Mexico. jKimball, Fred, has not answered secretary's notices. fKimbrough, James Lloyd, 911 East Main Street, Muncie, Ind., care of Indiana Bridge Co., Muncie, Ind. King, Chester Harding, 200 DeWitt Street, Syracuse, N. Y., Lawyer, 201 Sack Building, Syracuse, N. Y. fKing, Frank Shapley, Teacher Brimmer School, Boston, Mass. fKinney, David Golden, Forrester, care of U. S. Bureau of Forrestry, Washington, D. C. Kinnicutt, Roger, Worcester, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year, address 87 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. 20 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Kittredge, Daniel Dwight, Avondale, Cincinnati, O., writer. Klock, Augustus, Concord, Mass., Teacher, Concord High School. fKnight, William Horatio, Hopedale, Mass., Box 336, Mettalurgist, 12 Summer Street, Cambridge, Mass. Knowles, Henry Swift, New Bedford, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year, t Knowles, Lucius James, 842 Main Street, Worcester, Mass., Real Estate Broker. Knowles, Thomas Charles, Moreland Terrace, New Bedford, Clerk, Bos- ton, house 371 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Koechel, Paul Victor Adolph, 47 Montgomery Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kratzenstein, Hugo, has not answered secretary's notices. Lackner, Francis Alexander, Kenilworth, 111., Mortgages, 622 Reaper Block, Chicago, 111. Lacey, Frank Robinson, 1640 Main Street, Dubuque, la., Lincoln Build- ing, Dubuque, la. Ladd, William Edwards, Milton, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. Lamb, Venice John, 108 West Wood Street, Youngstown, O., Real Estate and Insurance Broker, 411-13 Dollar Bank Building, Youngstown, O. ♦Lambert, Ambrose James, has not answered secretary's notices. °Lander, Clarence Haskell, 210 Linwood Street, Cleveland, O., Teacher. Lang, Malcolm Burrage, 8 Brimmer Street, Boston, Musician, 6 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. Langmaid, John Frank, 278 Lafayette Street, Salem, Mass., Teacher, Case School, Cleveland, O. fLathrop, Fred Haskins, has not answered secretary's notices. tLawrence, George Campbell, has not answered secretary's notices. Lawrence, Richard, Groton, Mass., care Perry, Coffin & Burr, 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. °Lay, Charles Downing, 19 Montgomery Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., Landscape Architect, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Leaycraft, Edgar Crawford, 311 West End Avenue, New York, N. Y. Real Estate Broker, 19 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Lee, Roger Irving, Peabody, Mass., Harvard Medical School, fourth year. *Lefcowitch, Morris, 41 Rutland Square, Boston, Mass. Lehmann, Sears, 10 Benton Place, St. Louis, Mo., Lawyer, 87 Laclede Building, St. Louis, Mo. fLeighton, Charles Edward, has not answered secretary's notices. Letchworth, Edward Hance, 98 Anderson Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Lewis, Edison, Pittsburgh, Pa., care of Spang, Chalfant & Co., Incorp., Iron & Steel Manufactvuers, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lewis, Frederic Percival, Musician, care of Henry P. Smith, WeUesley Hills, Mass. Lewis, George Randal, has not answered secretary's notices. fLewis, John Henry, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 21 fUlienthal, Joseph Leo, 1805 Franklin Street, San Francisco, Cal., Banker, care of The Anglo-Calif ornian Bank, Ltd., San Francisco, Cal. "Lincoln, Alfred Reynolds, 42 McKnight Street, Springfield, Mass., Teacher, Technical High School, Springfield, Mass. tLindsley, Frederic Cleland, has not answered secretary's notices. Lindsley, Halstead, Milton, Mass., Mining Engineer, Telluride, Col. Linehan, Paul Henry, 79 East Canton Street, Boston, Mass., Instructor in Mathematics, College of the City of New York, 525 West 141st Street, New York, N. Y. tLippincott, Isaac, Reporter, 594 West Cabane Place, St. Louis, Mo. Lodge, William Clarence, care of T. M. Sinclair & Co., Ltd., Cedar Rapids, la. Loring, Charles Raymond, 251 Park Street, Newton, Mass., care of Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Boston, Mass. Love, Joseph Aloysius, 23 Chase Street, Webster, Mass., Lawyer, 62 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Lovering, Charles Taylor, Jr., 845 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., care of Chas. Hathaway & Co., Commercial Paper, 27 State Street, Boston, Mass. Low, George William, 61 Chestnut Street, Andover, Mass., Teacher Punchard School, Andover, Mass. tLow, Josiah Orne, 38 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y., care of Moffat & White, Bankers, 5 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. °Luce, Barnard Coffin, 92 Himtington Avenue, Boston, Mass., care of Sher- man & Conant, Board of Trade Building, Boston, Mass. tLutz, Frederick Louis, Dedham, Mass., Silver Mines, Tundacion, Los Arcos, AmaUoya, Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Lyman, Ronald Theodore, P. O. Box 1717 Boston, Mass., Cotton Manu- facturer, 50 State Street, Boston, Mass. tLynch, Hemy Hawley, 141 Salisbury Road, Brookline, Mass., Presi- dent, Hodge Boiler Works, 99 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Lyons, Lawrence William, 150 Quincy Avenue, Quincy, Mass., Lawyer. McAleer, John Adrian, has not answered secretary's notices. McCarthy, Clarence Alvin, has not answered secretary's notices. McCarthy, Charles Penderghast, has not answered secretary's notices. fMcClelland, George William, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Teacher, College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. McCormick, Islay Francis, Boothbay Harbor, Me., Assistant Principal of Bridgeton Academy, North Bridget on. Me. °McCornick, Lewis Bell, North Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, care of McCornick & Co., Bankers, Salt Lake City, Utah. tMcDonald, Louis Ronald, 116 Main Street, Charlestown, Mass., Medical Student. MacDonnell, John Albert, 33 Suffolk Street, Boston, Mass., Paper Manu- facturer, Holyoke, Mass. fMcFarland, John Jay, has not answered secretary's notices. 22 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. fMcKay, Thomas Jefferson, Anderson Avenue, Shady Side, Pittsburg, Pa., Manufacturer, 421 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. °McKelvy, Eugene Adams, has not answered secretary's notices. McKinnon, Bergan Arling, 31 East 17th Street, New York, N. Y., Circu- lation Manager of Everybody's Magazine, Union Square, New York, N. Y. McKnight, William Sampson, Mantown, Kings County, N. B., Canada, Harvard Law School, 17 Wendell Street, Cambridge, Mass. fMcLean, Guy Baker, has not answered secretary's notices. McLeod, Norman Murray, 10 Rhode Island Avenue, Newport, R. I., Harvard Medical School, fourth year. McNeill, William Everett, Lower Montague, Prince Edwards Island, Canada, Instructor of English, Bates College, 18 Frye Street, Lewis- ton, Me. fMahon, John Keith, Ottumwa, la., Wholesale Grocer. Maloney, John Joseph, has not answered secretary's notices. fMargoHes, Samuel, has not answered secretary's notices. Marsh, George, has not answered secretary's notices. Marshall, Herbert Leonard, 48 Lyndhurst Street, Dorchester, Mass., Student. Marston, William Woodruff, 131 West Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md., Teacher, 1205 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Mason, James Frederick, 237 Spring Street, Portland, Me., Teacher of French and German, Trinity Hall, Washington, Pa. fMason, Pliney Parker, 7 Harvard Street, Charlestown, Mass., Bookkeeper, care of Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co., Charlestown, Mass. Mayers, Walter James, 749 Broadway, South Boston, Mass., Clerk, Police Headquarters, 35 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. Mearns, WilUam Hughes, 7112 Boyer Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa., Instructor of Enghsh, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. fMeriam, Townsend Scott, Salem, Mass., Paper Manufacturer, 246 Devon- shire Street, Boston, Mass. Merritt, Walter Gordon, has not answered secretary's notices. Metcalf, Carlton Ray, 22 Linnean Street, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. Metcalf, Edward Harris, 303 Angell Street, Providence, R. I., Mechani- cal Engineer. Metcalf, Ernest Turner Harris, 303 Angell Street, Providence, R. I., Bookkeeper, 36 Kawaguchi, Osaka, Japan. Metcalf, Joseph Mayo, care of C. R. Metcalf, Lawrence, Kansas, Civil Engineer, 14th and Hickory Streets, Kansas City, Mo. °Maylan, George Louis Julien, Professor at Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Michelson, Truman, 241 Wingate Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y., Student at Bonn, Germany. ^Mills, Edwin Walter, Assistant Superintendent Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Chemulpo, Korea. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 23 °Moeller, Eduard Heine, has not answered secretary's notices. Montross, Charles Green, 622 Broomfield Avenue, Montclair, N. J,, Private Tutor. ° Moore, Landon, Clarence, Box 457 Greenville, Texas, General Superin- tendent Texas Refining Company, Greenville, Texas. Moran, Charles Leo, 231 Warren Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. fMorgan, Charles Francis, has not answered secretary's notices. Morgan, Edmund Morris, Jr., 1061 Marshall Street, Youngstown, O., Harvard Law School. Morris, Caspar Wistar, 2052 Locust Street, care of Edward B. Smith & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 511 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fMorris, Ralph Waldo, 18 Matthews Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Private Tutor, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. Morrison, Alva, Braintree, Mass., Box 135, Bond Salesman, care of Merrill, Oldham & Co., 40 Water Street, Boston, Mass. Morse, Arthur Holdrege, 200 East 36th Street, Kansas City, Mo., Lawyer, Boston address 37 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. °Moses, Edmund Quincy, 1141 14th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, Assistant Examiner U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Motley, Edward, 22 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., Broker, care of Curtis & Sanger, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. Motley, John Lothrop, 22 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., Lawyer, 735 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. Movius, Hallam Leonard, 91 Bow Street, Cambridge, Mass., Student Landscape Architecture, Harvard Graduate School. Mulliken, William Emery, 14 Usher Road, West Medford, Mass., care of American Soda Fountain Co., 282 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. fMurphy, Edward, Jr., 24 Charlotte Street, Dorchester, Mass., Dry Goods Merchant, 77 Bedford Street, Boston, Mass. fMuzzey, Herbert Sprague, has not answered secretary's notices. Meyers, John Clement, Ashland, O., has not answered secretary's notices., fMeyer, James Edward, has not answered secretary's notices. fMyles, Leo Thomas, has not answered secretary's notices. fNash, Paul Michael, 2526 Slattery Street, St. Louis, Mo., Lawyer. fNevins, Charles Freeman, has not answered secretary's notices. fNiles, Irving Harris, Real Estate Broker, 6 Walnut Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. fNixon, Vaughn, 69 North Avenue, East Atlanta, Ga., Manufacturer of Woolen Goods, Atlanta Woollen MiUs, Atlanta, Ga. fNoon, Herbert Augustine, has not answered secretary's notices. Norwood, Charles Augustus, 29 Arch Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Law School. fNoyes, Gordon August, 427 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Boston Representative E. H, Kluge & Co., of New York, 426 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. '24 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. fNoyes, Robert Boutelle La Tresa, Aguvire, Porto Rico, Sugar Planter, Porto Rico. fNutting, Philip Albert, 1680 Cambridge Street, Cambridge Mass., Student Lawrence Scientific School. tNye, Ephraim Brown, Technology Chambers, Boston, Mass., care of N. E. Telephone Co., 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. O'Connell, James Eugene, 13 Bowdoin Street, New Dorchesster, Mass. Reporter on Boston Globe, 244 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. O'Dowd, Edward Francis, 15 Whitby Terrace, Dorchester, Mass., Teacher, Dudley School, Roxbury, Mass. Ogilby, Remsen Brinckerhoff, 2 Hathaway Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Theological Student, address Chelsea Square, New York, N. Y. fOlmstead, John Morgan, 185 Bryant Street, Buffalo, N. Y., care of Buffa- lo Pitts Co., Buffalo, N. Y. fOrcutt, Julian DeWitt, 58 Somerset Avenue, Winthrop, Mass., Printer, 25 Center Street, Winthrop, Mass. O'Reilly, James Archer, 1643 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., Medical Student, address, 4 Beck Hall, Cambridge, Mass. tOtis, Wilbur Corthell, 2318 South Hicks Street, Philadelphia, Pa., CivU Engineer, League Island, Pa. Otter, William Mills, 1106 Third Street, Louisville, Ky., Wholesale Grocer, 220 Sixth Street, Louisville, Ky. tOwen, Francis Hamlet, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, Piano Manufactiu-er, fPackard, Chester Frank, has not answered secretary's notices. Paine, Thomas Thompson, has not answered secretary's notices. Palmer, Philip Mason, 34 North New Street, Bethlehem, Pa., Instructor in German, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. fParker, Frank Peter, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. fParker, George Nelson, has not answered secretary's notices. tParker, Lewis Clifford, 310 Congress Street, Boston, Mass., Asbestos Goods. fPaul, Arthxu- Folsom, 220 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Landscape Architect. Peabody, Charles Samuel, 54 William Street, New York, N. Y., Student, Beaux Arts, Paris, France. Pearson, Edmund Lester, 4 Park Street, Newburyport, Assistant Librari- an, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, D. C. Pease, Arthur Stanley, Perkins 10, Cambridge, Mass., Student Harvard Graduate School. fPeckham, Thomas Proctor, 334 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y, care of Savage Arms Co., Utica, N. Y. Pierce, Bradford Hendrick, 10 Summer Street, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. °Pierce, Royal Kellum, 230 La Salle Street, Aurora, 111., Mechanical En- gineer, 209 Adams Street, Chicago, 111. fPenniman, Frank Wentworth, has not answered secretary's notices. ♦Perkins, Harry Forester, 126 Magazine Street, Cambridge, Mass. , ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 25 °Pettit, Townsend Baldwin, 179 Fulton Street, Hempstead, L. I., Manu- facturer of Cotton Jute Bags, 742 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. fPew, Harry Gerard, Gloucester, Mass., Wholesale & Retail Fish Dealer, care of John Pew & Son, Gloucester, Mass. °Phelps, Gouverneur Morris, New Rochelle, N. Y., Student, College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, N. Y. fPike, Harry Eugene, 22 Claremont Park, Boston, Mass., Student Episco- pal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. fPike, William Smedley, has not answered secretary's notices. Piper, Carroll Durgin, Wolfeboro, N. H., Insurance Broker, Wolfeboro, N. H. Pitkin, Wolcott Homer, Jr., 8 Hastings Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, second year. Piatt, Charles, 3d, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., Fire and Marine Insurance Broker, 434 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ° Pollack, Robert Raphael, CuUum, Ala., Civil Engineer, 2041 Constance Street, New Orleans, La. Pollard, Harold Stanley, Riverbank Court, Cambridge, Mass., Journalist Box 2837, Boston, Mass. Pope, Arthur Kendrick, 55 Bedford Street, Boston, Mass., Wholesale Uniform Merchant. tPope, Niran Bates, has not answered secretary's notices. Porter, Charles Irving, Merchant, care of William Porter & Son, Manu- facturers, Lynn, Mass. Powers, Irwin LaVerne, 9 Hanover Street, Lynn, Mass., Chemist, care of General Electric Company, Chemical Laboratory, River Works, West Lynn, Mass. °Pownall, William Arthur, General Delivery, St. Joseph, Mo., Mechanical Engineer, 209 Adams Street, Chicago, 111. Pratt, George Woodman, 29 Gibbs Street, Newton Centre, Mass., Stationer 11-15 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. Proudfoot, Arnold Smith, 10 Evelyn Place, Maiden, Mass., Mechanical Engineer, care of Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Maiden, Mass. fPruyn, Robert Dunbar, 112 East 38th Street, New York, N. Y., Manu- facturer, 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Quigley, Robin Wilfred, 82 Hammond Street, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Radovsky, David Reuben, 553 William Street, Fall River, Mass., Lawyer, Hudner Building, Fall River Mass. Rainsford, Ralph Stuart, 209 East 16th Street, New York, N. Y., Mining Engineer, 1326 Evans Street, Denver, Colo. Rand, Leon Woodbury, Newton Centre, Mass., Wool Merchant. tRathbun, Charles Stephen, 18 Summit Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Hay Grain & Feed Broker, care of Milton Rathbun Co., 453 4th Avenue, New York, N. Y. tRaymond, Emmons, 485 Washington Street, Brookline, Mass., Salesman, care of Library Bureau, 530 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 26 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Read, Charles Albert, 121 Federal Street, Salem, Mass., Assistant, Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. fReardcn, Daniel Bartholomew, 22 School Street, Quincy, Mass., Physician. fReed, Carlisle, 12 Gloucester Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, fourth year. fReed, Joseph, has not answered secretary's notices, t Reese, Albert Strange, has not answered secretary's notices. Rice, AUen Gaipin, Medical Student, Boston, Mass., Boston City Hospital. Rich, Edwin Gile, 11 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y., Publisher, 64 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. "Richards, Gragg, 135 Court Street, Dedham, Mass., Mining and Civil Engineer, care of Pictou Smelting Co., Ltd., Pictou, Nova Scotia. Richardson, Charles Tiffany, care of Union Club, 51st Street, New York, N. Y., Stock Broker, 74 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Richardson, Edward Pierson, 224 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. Richardson, George Homer, 11 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y., Note Broker, care of E. Naumbiurg, & Co., 33 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. tRicker, David Swing, 419 East Superior Street. Chicago, 111., Newspaper and Magazine Writer, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, 111. fRicker, Eugen, Augustus, has not answered secretary's notices. jRicker, Guy Clifton, has not answered secretary's notices. Riddle, Lincoln Ware, Roanoke Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Harvard Graduate School, 61 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. fRistine, Albert Welles, Flat River, Mo., care of Federal Lead Co. Ristow, George Charles, has not answered secretary's notices. ° Ritchie, Nelson Grant, has not answered secretary's notices. Robbins, Ralph Walter, 36 School Street, Leominster, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. fRobinson, Charles Bonnycastle, Jr., 27 West 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Cotton Goods Commision Merchant, 281 Church Street, New York, N. Y. Robinson, Leonard George, 174 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. Rogers, Clifford Reynolds, 38 School Street, Springfield, Mass., care of Morrill Lead Co., 76 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass. Rogers, Leo Abraham, 6 Robinwood Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Law- yer, 211-14 Pemberton Square Building, Boston, Mass. °Rossiter, Frank Heath," 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y., care of Fick & Robinson, Bankers, 35 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. fRothschild, Clarence George, Mining Engineer, care of Federal Lead Co., Flat River, Mo. Roughan, Robert, has not answered secretary's notices. Rowley, John Carter, 80 Manson Terrace, Brookline, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. fRumsey, Charles Cary, cor. Delaware & Thayer Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., Art Student, Beaux Arts, Paris, France. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 27 Russe, Frederick William, 340 Vance Street, Memphis, Tenn., Assistant Chemist, Harvard University, also student in Harvard Graduate School, 1750 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Mass. RusseU, Charles David, Watertown, Mass., care of Boston Ice Co., 110 State Street, Boston, Mass. RusseU, Charles Theodore, 2d, 69 Sparks Street, Cambridge, Mass., Real Estate Broker, 114 State Street, Boston, Mass. Sage, Herbert Alexander, 21 Russell Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. St. John, George Clare, Simsbury, Conn., Teacher, winter address, Cocoa- nut Grove, Fla., otherwise. Rainbow Lake, N. Y. Saks, William Andrew, 20 West 58th Street, New York, N. Y., Retail Business, Broadway and 34th Street, New York, N. Y. tSalvio, Alphonse de, 608 Church Street, Evanston, 111., Teacher. Sargent, Charles Sprague, Jr., Brookline, Mass., Clerk, care of Kidder, Peabody & Co., 115 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Saville, Richard Littlehale, Waban, Mass., Journahst, 162 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Sawtell, Frank Melvin, 169 Summer Street, Maiden, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. Sawyer, John Mills, 4243 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Student 3 Rue Palatine, Paris, France. Sawyer, Robert William, Jr., 58 Frost Avenue, Bangor, Me., Harvard Law School, third year. Sawyer, Wilbur Augustus, 1132 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Sayre, WiUiam Pomeroy, 98 Pelham Road, New RocheUe, N. Y., care of American Express Co., New York, N. Y. Schlesinger, Henry, has not answered secretary's notices. Schoenfuss, Arthur Julian, 84 Sheridan Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Copper Milling, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Schuler, Charles Oesting, has not answered secretary's notices. Schweppe, Charles Hodgden, 87 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass., Bond Salesman, care of Lee, Higginson & Co., Boston, Mass. fSchwiU, Juhus Orrin, has not answered secretary's notices. Scott, Andrew Edward, 29 Walter Street, Somerville, Mass., Student General Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y. Scott, Richard Gordon, care of H. B. Scott, Burlington, la.. Farming, Mannville, Alberta, Canada. Scott, Russell Gordon, 220 Forest Street, Medford, Mass., Machine Tools, care of Scott & Sons Co., Medford, Mass. Seager, Schuyler Fiske, Lansing, Mich., Manufacturer, Secretary and Treasurer of L. M. R. R. and Manager of A. S. G. P. Co., Lansing, Mich. Seaver, Clifford, 262 Franklin Street, Cambridge, Mass., Civil Engineer, 222 West 31st Street, New York, N. Y. 28 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Seaverns, Charles Frederic, 891 Center Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Teacher, Robbins School, Norfolk, Conn. Seavey, Warren Abner, 17 Park Avenue, Somerville, Mass., Lawyer, 10 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Sedgwick, Robert, Jr., 129 East 36th Street, New York, N. Y., Real Estate Broker, care of Pease & Elliman, 520 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Serviss, Schuyler B., 167 Spring Street, Amsterdam, N. Y., Austin Teach- ing Fellow in Physics, Harvard University, 30 Weld Hall, Cam- bridge, Mass. Sheahan, George Maurice, 6 School Street, Quincy, Mass., Harvard Medical School, second year. fShepard, Frederick Mead, Pittsfield, Mass., Fanwood, N. J., Electri- cal Engineering, care of General Electric Co., 44 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Shepard, Walter James, Assistant and Austin Teaching Fellow, Har- vard University, 71 Sacramento Street, Cambridge, Mass. tShirk, Elbert Walter, Peru, Ind., President Indiana Mfg. Co., and U. S. Cement Co., Peru, Ind. Shirk, Joseph Henry, Peru, Ind., Banker, care of First National Bank, Peru, Ind. Shuebruk, Walter, 61 Columbia Road, New Dorchester, Mass., Lawyer, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. fShute, Bruce Thurber, Clovis, Cal., Vineyardist. tSilsbee, Joseph Lyman, Jr., 1328 Hollywood Avenue, Chicago, 111., Miner, care of Silverlake Mines, Arastra, Col. tSimmons, Roger Wiley, 4 Longwood Terrace, Boston, Mass., Reporter Boston American, 80 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. .°Singer, Sidney Kent, has not answered secretary's notices. fSkinner, Harry Hooker, Special Agent and Inspector, Hawkeye Insur- ance Co., Des Moines, la. fSloan, William Wilson, Jr., Fort Worth, Texas, Hog Farmer, Sloan- hurst, Fort Worth, Texas. tSmith, Arthxir Morgan, Derbyshore Road, Euclid Heights, Cleveland O., care of Gas Machinery Co., 719 Citizens Building, Cleveland, O. fSmith, Alpheus William, has not answered secretary's notices. Smith, Earnest Everett, Matthews 7, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School, second year. Smith, James Hopkins, Jr., 17 East 47th Street, New York, N. Y., Engineer. fSmith, Malcom Kinmouth, 7 Morris Avenue, Morristown, N. J., Medical Student. fSmith, Paid Shortt, Parlin, N. J., Chemist, care of International Smoke- less Powder & Chemical Co., Parlin, N. J. fSmith, Royal Earle, care of More Jones Brass & Metal Co., St. Louis Mo. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 29 Sniff en, Joseph Madison, Mt. Vernon, la., Teacher, Academy of the Uni- versity of Chicago, Morgan Park, Chicago, 111. Snow, Wilbur Henry, 720 Walnut Avenue, Fairmont, West Va., Assis- tant Superintendent Wagner Palmros Company. ° Snyder, Allen Lane, Wellesley Hills, Electrical Engineer, care of Stone & Webster, 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. Southworth, Roy Channing, 454 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass., Secretary to President of Wm. Filene's Sons Co., 453 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Sparrow, Ernest Harold, 326 Harvard Street, Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard Medical School, third year. fSpear, Le Roy Freeman, Walpole, Mass., Solicitor and Collector for International Correspondence Schools, 10 P. O. Building, Hyde Park, Mass. Spofford, Walter Richardson, 11 Cherry Street, Hudson, Mass., Clerk, 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass, fSprague, Percy Theodore, Watertown, Mass., Real Estate Broker, Water- town, Mass. Sprague, Wilbur B., Durham, N. H., Superintendent of Schools, Dur- ham, N. H. fStanley, Ivan Isaac, has not answered secretary's notices. Stanton, Charles Sanford, 1470 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass., Har- vard Law School. Stedman, John Weiss, South Street, Brookline, Mass., Bond Salesman, care of Clarke, Dodge & Co., New York, N. Y. Stephenson, William Claude, 55 Dartmouth Street, Somerville, Mass. fStetson, Edward Meriam, Ash Street, New Bedford, Mass. fStevenson, Charles Royal, 319 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., Sys- tem and Production Engineering. Stickney, Harold Dean, 46 West 66th Street, New York, N. Y., Real Estate Broker, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Stockton, Herbert King, 16 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y., Harvard Law School, 57 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. fStoddard, Alexander Eliot, has not answered secretary's notices. Stone, Emii Herman, 335 Techonology Chambers, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass., Harvard Medical School. Stone, Ralph Edgarton, 161 Cabot Street, Beverly, Mass., Physician. tStrauss, Emil Ludwig, 737 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, O., Secretary and Treasurer, Central Brass Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. fStuart, James, has not answered secretary's notices. Sturgis, Russell, 44 The Fenway, Boston, Mass., Lumber Dealer, Fivay, Fla. Sturtevant, Francis Raymond, 15 Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Divinity School. Sweetser, Frank Ehot, 37 Warren Street, Brookhne, Mass., Harvard Law School, third year. 30 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Sylvester, Carl Alden, 866 Beacon Street, Newton Centre, Mass., care of Electric Railway, 797 Washington Street, Newtonville, Mass. Sylvester, Philip Haskell, 866 Beacon Street, Newton Centre, Mass., Harvard Medical School, third year. Talbot, John Edward, Holliston, Mass., Lawyer. Talmadge, Arthur White, Plainfield, N. J. Tarpey, William Joseph, 39 Oakview Terrace, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lawyer, 54 Equitable Building, Boston, Mass. fTaussig, Amadee Jolivet, 5965 West Cabanne Place, St. Louis, Mo., Mining Engineer, 14th and Locust Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Taussig, Garfield Joseph, 3501 Lafayette Street, St. Lcuis, Mo., Office of the Superintendent of Terminals of C. B. & Q. Ry. Co., 2d and Mound Streets, St. Louis, Mo. fTevis, Robert, 1608 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, Ky., Inventor, 719 Louisville Trust Building, Louisville, Ky. °Thayer, Nathaniel Augustine, 60 Willow Street, WoUaston, Mass., Civil Engineer, Room 1107, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. Thomson, Philip Livingston, 415 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, lU., care of Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Thomson, PhiUp Wingate, Andover, Mass., Clerk, care of Kidder, Peo- body, & Co., 115 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Thorndike, Herbert Cahoone, Lock Box 40, East Bridgewater, Mass., Lawyer. Thorndike, Richard King, 175 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass., Real Estate Broker, care of E. T. Redmond & Co., 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. fTone, Frederic Isaac, 109 Cant Avenue, Des Moines, la., Assistant Manager of the Marion Motor Car Co., West 15th and Big Four R. R, Streets, Des Moines, la. Towne, Arthur Whittlesey, has not answered secretary's notices. fTownsend, Frederic de Peyster, 761 West Ferry Street, Buffalo, N. Y., Landscape Architect, 1326 Prudential Building, Buffalo, N. Y. fTravis, Howard Currier, has not answered secretary's notices. Trevor, John Bond, Yonkers, N. Y., Lawyer, care of Robert Winthrop & Co., 40 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Tyng, Dudley, 100 Bellevue Avenue, Cambridge, Mass., Schoolmaster at Holderness School, Plymouth, N. H. Urner, Martin Harley, 2315 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O., Physician, Cincinnati, Hospital. Van Law, Howard Ruggles, Arlington, Bureau County, 111., Teacher Washington School, 3901 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, D. C. Wade, Harold RoUins, Salem Depot, N. H., Instructor Chemistry, Low- ell High School, Lowell, Mass. Wadsworth, Alexander Philip, 526 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Student of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATION. 31 fWadsworth, Stephen Franklin, has not answered secretary's notices. Wadsworth, Willard, 452 West 8th Street, Plainfield, N. J., Manufacturer 136 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Waldron, Albert Ladd, Teacher, Mitchell's Boys' School, Billerica, Mass. fWaldstein, Abraham Solomon, has not answered secretary's notices. ° Walker, Chester Sargent, Hotel New DeWitt, Lewiston, Me., Chemist, care of Lewiston Bleachery & Dye Works, Lewiston, Me. ° Walker, Robert Salisbury, Oakdale, Mass., Civil Engineer, 40 State Street, Boston, Mass. Wall, Alexander, Banker, P. O. Box 1140, Milwaukee, Wis. Wallace, Austin Edward, Jr., has not answered secretary's notices. Wallace, Frederick, 65 Prospect Street, Fitchburg, Mass., Paper Business, care of Fitchburg Paper Co., Fitchburg, Mass. fWalsworth, Roscoe, 31 College House, Cambridge, Mass., Law Student. Ware, Moses Weld, Teacher, Morristown, School, Morristown, N. J. Ware, Storer Preble, 1834 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass., Note Broker, 67 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. t Warner, William Skinner, care of The William Skinner Mfg. Co., 42 Chaun- cy Street, Boston, Mass. fWarnock, William Alfred, has not ansv»rered secretary's notices. fWaterhouse, Harold PiUsbury, 46 Lake Avenue, Melrose, Mass., Electri- cal Contractor, 11 Central Street, Boston, Mass. fWatson, Forbes, 195 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass., Law Student, t Watson, Frank Lewis, Gorham, Me., Retail Grocer; Gorham, Me. fWebb, Charles Parker, 94 Wendell Street, Cambridge, Mass., Real Estate Broker, 105 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. t Webster, Carrol Wilmot, has not answered secretary's notices. Wehle, Louis Brandeis, 1514 Brook Street, Louisville, Ky., Lawyer, Louis- ville Trust Building, Louisville, Ky. Weil, Arthur William, care of A. J. Weil, Esq., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Lawyer, 55 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. t Welch, William Marriott, Dedham, Mass., Real Estate Broker, care of Hayes & Welch, 112 Water Street, Boston, Mass. Wellington, Raynor Greenleaf, 320 "Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, Mass., Student, Berlin, care of Baring Bros. & Co.', London, England. Wells, Clifford Giddings, 19 Groveland Park, Chicago, 111., Agent for Inde- structible Post Co., First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. Wells, Harry Lord, 1014 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111., Harvard Law School, 28 Plympton Street, Cambridge, Mass. Wendell, Barrett, Jr., 37 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Clerk, care of Lee, Higginson & Co., 44 State Street, Boston, Mass. fWertheimer, Louis, has not answered secretary's notices. Weymouth, Harrison, has not answered secretary's notices. °Wheeler, Homer Charles, Petersboro, N. H., Bridge Designer, care of American Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa. t Wheeler, Henry Hamilton, Spencer, Mass., Retail Clothing, Sugden Block, Spencer, Mass. 32 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. t Wheeler, Melvin Hoyt, Peterboro, N. H., Bridge Designer, care of Am- erican Bridge Company, Ambridge, Pa. Wheeler, Plumer, Glover and West Streets, Woodbury, N. J., Chemist, care of E. J. Dupont Co., Box 257, Chester, Pa., White, Alain Campbell, Litchfield, Conn., Business Address, 560 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. fWhite, John Hillyer, has not answered secretary's notices. White, Loomis Lawrence, 3 Broad Street, New York, N. Y., Broker, t Whiting, Percy HoUister, care of News Scimitar, Memphis, Tenn., Sport- ing Editor of the News Scimitar. Whiting, Percy Linwood, Manor School, Stamford, Conn., Teacher. Whitman, Allan Hiram, 67 Chestnut Street, Char lest own, Mass., Lawyer. fWhitney, Clifford Brigham, Kendal Green, Mass., Bank Clerk, 202 Devon- shire Street, Boston, Mass. Whitney, Charles Fuller, 105 Chestnut Street, Cambridge, Mass., Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 15 Court Square, Boston, Mass. Whitney, Robert Bates, 40 Wales Street, Dorchester, Mass., Student of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University. Whitten, Arthur Fisher, 23 Woodbridge Street, North Cambridge, Mass., Instructor in Romance Languages in Harvard University. Whittington, Hayward Parker, Hotel Buckminster, Beacon Street, Bos- ton, Mass., care of Paine, Weber & Co., 27 State Street, Boston, Mass. Whorf, Edward Webster, 29 Hartford Street, Roxbury, Mass., care of N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Wight, Delano, 9 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass., Lawyer, care of Long & Hemenway, Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Wight, Warland, 122 East 34th Street, New York, N. Y., Stock Broker, care of Ellingwood & Cunningham, 41 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Williams, Bradlee, Springfield, Mass., Reporter, Springfield Republican. Main Street, Springfield, Mass. Williams, Edward Cary, 528 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., Clerk, State Street Trust Co., State Street, Boston, Mass. Williams, Holden Pierce, 37 Perrin Street, P^oxbury, Mass., care of Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, Mass. "Williams, John Henry Gardner, Phoenix Building, Springfield, Mass., Engineer. Willis, Joseph Grinnell, South Street, Morristown, N. J., Dry Goods Com- mission Merchant, 44 Leonard Street, New York, N. Y. Wilson, Charles Harold, 6 Gannett House, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law School. Winslow, Henry Joshua, 152 Magazine Street, Cambridge, Mass., Lawyer, 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. Winsor, Alfred, Jr., Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass., care of Boston Tow Boat Co., 131 State Street, Boston, Mass. "Winter, John Barthol, has not answered secretary's iiotices. Wiseman, Joseph Rosenfield, 705 East Genesee Street., Syracuse, N. Y., Medical Student. ADDRESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. 33 °Wisewell, Herbert Joseph, has not answered secretary's notices. Wolfe, Albert Benedict, Teacher, McKinley High School, St. Louis, Mo. fWolff, John Shearer, Morgan Hall, Auburn, New York. fWood, Henry Duncan, has not answered secretary's notices. Wood, Harry Oscar, Instructor in Mineralogy and Geology, University of Cal., South Hall, Berkeley, Cal. °Wood, William Barry, 25 Davis Avenue, Brookline, Mass., Cotton Broker, care of E. A. Shaw & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. °Wose, Alfred Millard, has not answered secretary's notices. |Wose, Fred Will, has not answered secretary's notices. tWright, John Cameron, 638 West Huntington Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Journalist, Evening Bulletin, 612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wyllys-Pomeroy, Samuel Wyllys, Jr., Coalgate, I. T., Miner, Coalgate, I.T. Young, Charles Edmund, 132 19th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Teacher, Milwaukee Academy, Milwaukee, Wis. fYoung, Levi Edgar, 484 East Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, Assistant Pro- fessor of History, University of Utah. Zelle, Fred Francis, 2227 University Street, St. Louis, Mo., Medical Stu- dent. MARRIAGES. Allyn, Philip Morton. Andres, Max George. Ayers, Harry Morgan. Baker, Herbert Sumner. Berry, Oscar Grant. Blanchard, Archibald. Boothby, Walter Meredith. Boynton, Eleazar Bradley. Browne, Halcombe James. Bruce, Roscoe Conkling. Burbank, Charles Ellsworth. CampbeU, David Colin. Channing, Henry Morse. Chase, Julian Dwight. Colby, Fred Bronson. Connell Charles Mulford. Coons, Charles Anson. Covel, Borden. Blfrieda V. Macdonald, Cambridge, Mass., June, 1902. Children: Phillis, Aug. 13, 1903. Miss Burkhardt, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Feb. 28, 1905. Amy Wentworth Sawyer, Montclair, N. J., June 6, 1905. Alice La Salle Sanford Koyl, New York, May 31, 1905. , Swampscott, Oct. 16, 1901. Elinor Whitney, Boston, May 23, 1904 Grace F. Stanley, Boston, June 11, 1902. Maud Fletcher, Boston, Mass., Jan. 18, 1904. Children: Eleazar Fletcher, Sept. 15, 1904. Marion Russell Prescott , Swamp- scott, Mass., June 14, 1905. Clara Washington Burrell, Washing- ton, D. C, June 3, 1903. Children: Clara Josephine. Anette Merritt, Boston, Mass., Jan. 27, 1892. Charlotte L. Jackson, Salt Lake City, Dec, 9, 1903. Children: Jean Matilda, Aug. 28, 1904. Katharine Minot, Boston, Mass., Nov. 22, 1904. Alice Louise Wight, Boston, Mass., June 3, 1903. Children: JuUan Dwight, Jr., May 2, 1905. Amelia E. Brinsmade, New York, May 5, 1904. Evangelia Hawley Walker, Auvergne, River Forest, 111., June 10, 1905. Myra Stevens, St. Johnsville, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1894. Alice May Kuhn, Paris, France, June 8, 1904. MARRIAGES. 35 Crane, William Merriam. Cudahy, Joseph Michael. Daugherty, Allen Harry. Dickenson, Howard Cocks. Drown, Richard Wiggin. Dudley, Benjamin William. Eby, Walter Mauncy. Edwards, Richard Elbert. Elliot, George Henry. Emmons, William Bacon. Ely, WiUiam Brewster. Eschbach, Allan Gehman. Ferrell, Garland Pierre. Frost, Vincent Morse. Frye, Charles Crowninshield. Frye, Willard Hayward. Gates, Howard Baird. Eleanor Winslow Runkle, Cambridge, Mass., July 29, 1902. Children: WiUiam Merriam, Jr., June 22, 1903, and Edward Pay- son, 2d, Nov. 12, 1904 . Jean Morton, Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 1, 1904. Nellie A. Kennedy, Boston, Mass., July 2, 1902. May Woolsey Soley, New York, Dec. 8, 1904. Florence Dustin Parker, Lynn, Mass., Jan. 14, 1903. Ethel Slingluff, Baltimore, Md., Feb, 21, 1905. Gertrude Irene Gordon, Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 21, 1903. Marie Stuart, Lafayette, Ind., Oct. 11, 1904. Bessie S. Wetmore, Boston, Mass., Jan. 8, 1901. Children: Mabel Anna April 16, 1903. Harriet Emily Balch, Denver, Col., Aug. 1902. Bessie M. Chapman, London, Eng., Sept. 25, 1901. Carrie Geisler Smith, Bristol, Pa., Nov. 25, 1890. Children : Russel Smith, Oct. 4, 1891, Dilworth, Feb. 12, 1895, Howard Kenneth, March 13, 1900, Waldo, Sept. 28, 1904. Helen Bayne Reilley, Witchita, Kan., June 19, 1901 Children: Twins, Robert Myers and Lloyd Bayne, Jr., May 10, 1902. Emily AUce Randall, Boston, Mass., April 30, 1905. Elizabeth B. Graff, Pittsbtugh, Pa., Jan., 1903. Frankenina E. Wallis, Rowley, Mass., Oct. 22, 1903. Children : Dorothy J. Eba Stockwell Shinn, Ashland, O., Oct. 14, 1903. ' 36 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Gay, Frank Dyer Beer. Gibson, James Andrew. Gierasch, Walter Siegfried. Goelet, Robert. Goodell, Roscoe Harris. Griffiths, Evan Warren. Grossman, Ernest Herman Paul. Hale, Ralph Tracy. Hamberger, Leo Spotten. Haviland, William David. Higley, WilUam Mortimer. Hinckley, Harold. Hirst, George. Holmes, Fletcher Beach. Holmes, John Haynes. Hopkins, Mark, Jr. House, Herbert Bissell. Hubbard, Robert Frederic. Elizabeth Arnold, March 19, 1902, Council Bluffs, la. Eva lyinwood Brown, Exeter, N. H., Sept. 29, 1902. Children: Millicent Catherine, July 13, 1904. Georgia Mercer Boit, Longwood, Mass. May 14, 1902. Children: Christina Stuart, July 29, 1903. Died October, 1904. Elsie Whelen, Devon, Pa., June 14, 1904. Helen Peabody, Evanston, 111, May 17, 1905. Valera Kaeppel, Delaware, O., June 1895. Bertha Helen Egge, Boston, Mass., Nov. 24, 1898. Children: Arnold Paul, March 20, 1902 Margaret Stone Greenleaf, Newbury- port, Mass., May, 23, 1905. Ethel May Kent, Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 19, 1904. Catherine Bancroft, Cambridge, Mass., June 7, 1905. BeUe F. Farmer, Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 4, 1902. Mary O. Butler, Milwaukee, Wis. Oct. 15, 1903. Edna Leona Hand, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 30, 1901. Children* George Chaloner, March 9, 1903. Ruby A. Stone, Reading, Mass., Dec. 26, 1902. Children: Charles HiUman, May 11, 1904. Madeleine Hosmer Baker, Brooklyn, N. Y., June 27, 1904. Gwladys S. Crosby, Colorado Springs, Col., Oct. 11, 1904. Sophia Glover Staver, Jersey Shore, Pa., Oct. 20, 1904. Helen S. Ledyard, Cazenovia, N. Y. Nov. 27, 1901. Children: Richard L., Oct. 28, 1903. MARRIAGES. 37 Humphrey, George Richardson. Ingalsbe, Grenville Rowland. Iselin, Arthur. James, Benjamin Percy. Jensen, Joseph. Johnson, Charles Henry. Jones, Arthur James. Jones, Fred Kennard. Junkin, Joseph de Forest., Jr. KeUey, Stillman Randolph. Kendall, Charles Pierce. Kendall, Edward Hale. Kimbrough, Jas. Lloyd. King, Frank Shapley. Klock, Augustus. Knowles, I^ucius James. Lamb, Venice John. Lander, Clarence Haskell. Lay, Chas. Downing. Marion Pike Roos, Ipswich, Mass. Oct. 19, 1903. Children: Helen, March 31, 1905. Lillian McLain, Boston, Mass., March 3, 1902. Eleanor Jay, New York, Nov. 29, 1904 Mary A. Jones, Nov. 17, 1902, Wilkes- barre. Pa. Irena Mendenhall, Salt Lake City, Utah, December, 1896. Children: Joseph R., Nov. 24, 1897, R. Elwood June 6, 1901, Elna C, July 15, 1903, and Irena May, Sept. 16, 1904. Elvina Peterson, Minneapolis, Minn., October, 1894. Children: Orville Parker, 1895. Florence N. Lewis, Cleveland, O., June, 1905. Etta Louise Darling, Woonsocket, R. I., June 17, 1903. Children: George Wilbur, May 6, 1905. Wilhelmina Schaus, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 3, 1905. Edith May Jorcett, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 28, 1905. Jennie Moss Kendall, WiUisboro, N. Y., September, 1900. Children: George, September, 1901 and Lee, December, 1903. Rebeccas. Thomas, Nov. 19, 1902. Child. Huda M. Smith, Muncie, Ind., Nov. 5, 1903. May Slater, Lyringham, Mass., June, 1895. Bessie Baldwin Wheeler, Boston, Mass., June 27, 1904. Laura Macginley, Pittsburg, Pa., 1903. Pearl Y. Whiteside, Youngstown, O., April 16, 1902. Maude Lindsey, Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1904. Laura Gill, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1904. 38 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Lippincott, Isaac, l/overing, Charles Taylor, Jr. Lyman, Ronald Theodore. Lynch. Henry Hawley. Mackinnon, Bergan Arling. Mahon, John Keith. Mearns, William Hughes. Meylan, George Louis Julian. Michelson, Truman. Mulliken, William Emery. Nash, Paul Michael. Nixon, Vaughn. O'Dowd, Edward Francis. Olmstead, John Morgan. Otis, Wilbur Corthell. Owen, Francis Hamlet. Edna May Wright, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 24, 1903. Children: John Wright, Oct. 14, 1904. EUen Brewer Lyman, Boston, Mass., Nov. 9, 1903. Children: girl (unnamed), Aug. 5, 1904. EUzabeth Van Cortlandt Parker, Washington, D. C, Oct. 26, 1904. Lucy Washburn I vers, Maiden, Mass., 1902. MaibeUe B. Hayden, Boston, Decem- ber 2, 1901. Children: Bergan Arling, Jr., June 14, 1904. Ellen Stoltz, Ottumwa, la., June 29, 1904. Mabel Fagley, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 22, 1904. Louise Mathot, New York, July, 1897, Children: Juliette, f Aug. 15, 1898. George, Feb. 18, 1900; Vivianne, May 4, 1902 and Eveline, June 3, 1903. Katherine T. Harrison, Redding, Conn., July 18, 1903. Edith J. Otis, West Medford, Mass., June 29, 1904. Nana R. Lee, Andover, Mass., July 17, 1904. Emmy H. Johnson, Atlanta, Ga., June 17, 1901. Children: Emmy Rawson, June 29, 1902. Teresa Marie Foley, Charlestown, Mass., June 29, 1904. H. Marguerite Prescott, Foxboro. Mass., Oct., 24, 1903. Children: Janet, Sept. 20, 1904. Harriet A. Satterly, Boston, Mass., Aug. 19, 1903. Children: David Warren, June 13 1904 Anna Belle Van Vleck, Springfield, O., Aug., 1899. Children: Van Vleck, Oct. 21,1900, Francis Hamlet, Jr., July 12, 1902. MARRIAGES. 39 Palmer, Philip Mason. Pew, Harry Gerard. Piatt, Charles, 3d. Pruyn, Robert Dunbar. Quigley, Robin Wilfred. Raymond, Emmons. Ricker, David Swing. Seavey, Warren Abner. Shepard, Walter James. Shirk, Elbert Walker. Shuebruk, Walter. Sloan, William Wilson, Jr. Smith, Royal Earle. Snow, Wilbur Henry. Sprague, Wilbur B. Stevenson, Charles Royal. Stickney, Harold Dean. Stone, Ralph Edgarton. Mary Frost Hodgdon, Westbrook, Me., Aug. 4, 1903. Children: Philip Motley, Nov. 1, 1904. Alice G. Sartwell, Nov. 11, 1903. Gloucester, Mass. Children: Charles H. 2d, Sept. 17, 1904. Dorothy F. Simms, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1904. Children: boy, June 14, 1905. Betty Metcalf, New York, Dec. 15, 1903. Children: Robert Lansing, Nov. 5, 1904. Mary Evelyn Sinsabaugh, New York, Jan. 20, 1900. Children: May Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1902, Ada Janet, July 31, 1904. Julia B. Moore, Bayonne, N. J., May 25, 1904. Elizabeth Spurck Shay, Chicago, 111., Jan. 27, 1904. Adelaide B. Welch, Boston, Mass., Dec. 31, 1903. Emma Alice Adams, KirksviUe, Mo., June 26, 1903. Mary Kimberly, Redlands, Cal,. May 7, 1905. Alice G. Einnell, Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 11, 1904. Rose Lincoln Edwardes, Lynn, Mass., June 20, 1899. Abigail O. Luce, Vineyard Haven, Mass., Aug. 29, 1904, Cora C. Cresap, Bellaire, O., Jan. 5, 1905. Ortha H. Spaulding, Moriah, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1903. Agnes R. CoUins, Brookline, Mass., Aug. 30, 1902. Children: Ruth, Patricia Aug. 10, 1903. Mabel G. Slocum, New York, Oct. 15, 1904. Lucy Holmes Wheatley, Baltimore, Md., Apr. 6, 1904. 40 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO Strauss, Emile Ludwig. Townsend, Frederick de Peyster. Ware, Moses Weld. Wheeler, Henry Hamilton. White, lyoomis Lawrence. Whitney, Charles Fuller. Wolff, John Shearer. Myrtle Mahler, Cleveland, O., Apr. 7, 1904. Katharine Jermain Savage, Albany, Feb., 1895. Children ; Marie Jermain, June 4, 1896; Ehzabeth Kirtland, August 20, 1897; Edith Draper, January 17. 1899; Frederick de Peyster, Jr., April 20, 1901; Katherine Anne, De- cember 9, 1902. M. Maude Jennings, East Orange, N. J., Apr. 13, 1905. Harriette L. Brooks, Thedford, Ont., Sept. 28, 1904. Julia Jerome Fanshawe, New York, Nov. 14, 1903. Children: Loomis Lawrence, Jr., Aug. 28, 1904. Ethel P. Sargent, Brookline, Mass., June 10, 1903. Erma Mary Dobbin , Geneseo, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1901. Children: Thomas Dobbin, June 13, 1903. DEATHS. Bartlett, Frank Dickenson. Belcher, Wade Carleton. Converse, Joseph H., 2d. Coxen, Charles Winslow. DeBray, Herbert. Fletcher, Charles Shattuck. Hayes, George Irving. Hobbs, Walter Edwin. Johnson, Frank Ortelle. Locke, Henry W. Luce, Gilbert Haven. McBreen, Hugh Aloysius. Meem, Gilbert SimraU, Jr. Reilly, William G. Robson, Arthur Lawrence. Shipman, Paul Cutler. Tenny, Frederick Maximilian. Whitmore, Chester Lambert. Wilson, Howard Barrett. Munich, Bavaria, July 12, 1900. Randolph, Mass., July 12, 1900. Boston, Jan. 2d, 1905. New Bedford, Mass., Mar. 9 1902. Schuyler, Neb., Aug. 13, 1900. Lake Saranac, Sept. 13, 1903. Dorchester, Mass., Mar. 9, 1902. Stonybrook, Mass., July 20, 1903. North Berwick, Me., Feb. 15, 1903. Cambridge, April 7, 1905. South Berwick, Me., Feb. 11, 1902. Dec. 8, 1903. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 28, 1904. Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 21, 1904. Salem, Mass., Nov. 10, 1900. Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 18, 1900. Boston, Mass., Feb. 22, 1900. Winthrop, Mass., Sept. 10, 1902. Willows, Cal., Aug. 4, 1903. LIST OF MEN WHO HAVE NOT ANSWERED THE COMMUNICATIONS OF THE SECRETARY. The following men have not replied to the communications of the secre- tary, who hereby gives notice that he will make no more effort to find their addresses and will not send to them any further communication, until they furnish him with a correct address. The secretary will be grateful to any friend or acquaintance who can furnish an address of any of these "lost" men. The names on these lists are subdivided into degree holders, who have never answered,or whose letters have been returned, and degree holders who have never answered, and whose letters have not been returned, from which fact the secretary presumes they were received. The same classification is made of non-degree holders. Secretaries of other classes who have any of these names on their lists should notify the secretary of 1902 to that effect, and he will remove the name in question from his list. Any man who, on account of attending another college, or being identi- fied with another class, desires to have his name removed from this class list, should notify the secretary. The following degree holders have either never replied to any communi- cation, or the letters sent out to their last addresses have been returned. Backus, LeRoy Manson. Bigney, Arthur Osborn. Frank, Edgar Block. Henderson, Ralph Mahon. HiU, Jacob Foster. Hurley, Charles Joseph. Kranzenstein, Hugo. McCarthy, Charles Penderghast. Maloney, John Joseph. Parker, George Nelson. Towne, Arthur Whittlesey. Wallace, Austin Edward, Jr. Washington National Bank, Seattle, Washington. 147 Lawrence Street, West Pontiac, Michigan. Carnegie Hill Hotel, 92d Street and Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. 92 Haynes Street, Johnstown, Pa. 1667 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Mass. 132 French Street, Fall River, Mass. 7 East 94th Street, New York, N. Y. 65 Clark Avenue, Chelsea, Mass. 66 Webster Street, East Boston, Mass. Billerica, Mass. Atlanta, Georgia. 656 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. DEGREE HOLDERS NOT HEARD PROM. '43 The following degree holders have not replied to the communications sent out this year, and their letters have not been returned. Barnette, Alfred Greenleaf, Jr. Branson, John Hood. BuUinger, Howard Valentine. Champion, Merrill Edwin. Crawford, Gustaous Chambers. Dow, Julian Ellis. Fick, Hermann Theodor. Findlay, John Van Lear. Grossman, Ernst Hermann Paul. Groth, Benno Humbert Alfred. Harris, Frank Wilbur. Jones, John Price. McAleer, John Adrian. McCarthy, Clarence Alvin. McCormick, Isley Francis. Marsh, George. Merritt, Walter Gordon. Myers, John Clement. Nevins, Charles Freeman. Parker, Frank Peter, Jr. Ristow, George Charles. Roughan, Robert. Schiesinger, Henry. Schuler, Charles Oesting. Seaverns, Charles Frederick. Stone, Emil Herman. Weymouth, Harrison. 1418 Forest Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. West Union, O. 1510 Frankfort Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Greenwood, Mass. Sussex, New Brunswick. 9 Arlington Road, Woburn, Mass. 109 Warren Avenue, Boston, Mass. Bank of Baltimore Building, Baltimore, Md. Atherton Avenue, Rosliudale, Mass. Exeter, N. H. Bridgeton, Me. 1661 Rhode Island Avenue, Washing- ton, D. C. 75 Sheridan Street, Jamaica Plain. 4224 Oakenwald Avenue, Chicago, 111. Boothbay Harbor, Me. 41 Fourth Street, East Cambridge, Mass. 350 Main Street, Danbury, Conn. Ashland, O. Concord, Mass. 1424 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Care of Federal Lead Co., Flat River, Mo. 42 Monument Square, Charlestown, Mass 53 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. 53 Campbell Street, New Bedford 891 Center Street, Jamaica Plain. 335 Technology Chambers, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass. 15 Beech Street, Cambridge, Mass. The following non degree holders have never replied to any communica- tions or the letters sent out to their last addresses have been returned. Abbott, Sprague. Abu-Khalil, Alexander. Betts, Percy de Marse. Bigelow, Frank Winthrop, Jr. Bradley, Arthur Alexander. Buckingham, Theophilus Nash. BuUard, Charles. The secretary has no address for this man. Mushgara, Syria Hackensack, N. J. The secretary has no address for this man. The secretary has no address for this man- 486 Vance Street, Memphis, Tenn. 67 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 44 HARVARD NINETEEN TWO. Burns, Harry Carleton. Clark, Milo Verrochio. Cronkxite, Floyd Melville. Emery, Arthur Thomas. Gaillard, John, Jr. Gasquet, Fernand Vaughn. Gates, Jacob Mayer. Gay, Frank Dyer Beer. Goddard, James Brewer. Hall, Reuben John. Hazlett, James Howard. Hurley, John Christopher. Jett, Chan Moon. Keating, James Albert. Kimball, Fred. Lambert, Ambrose James. Lathrop, James Haskius. Lawrence, George Campbell. Lefcovitch, Morris. McFarland, John Jay. McLean, Guy Baker. Moeller, Edward Heine. Morgan, Charles Francis. Paine, Thomas Thompson. Penniman, Frank Wentworth, Pike, WiUiam Smedley. Pope, Niran Bates. Reed, Joseph. Reese, Albert Strange. Ricker, Guy Clifton. Ritchie, Nelson Grant. Stoddard, Alexander Eliot. Stuart, James. Waldstein, Abraham Solomon. War nock, William Alfred. Webster, Carroll Wilmot. Wertheimer, Louis. Winter, John Bartol. Wose, Fred Will. Davis Avenue, Brookline, Mass. The secretary has no address for this man. 8 Parker Street, Ithaca, N. Y. Toledo, O. Mobile, Ala. 2511 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, La. 302 Manassas Street, Memphis, Tenn. Denver, Colo. Wellesley Hills, Mass. The secretary has no address for this man. 92 Wendell Street, Cambridge, Mass. 44 Park Street, Charlestown, Mass. 51 Decatur Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. The secretary has no address for this man. Exeter, N. H. The secretary has no address for this man. The secretary has no address for this man. 904 Hillman Avenue, Evanston, 111. 41 Rutland Square, Boston, Mass. 42 Bowdoin Street, Cambridge, Mass. The secretary has no address for this man. 55 Hodge Avenue, Buffalo, New York. 20 Institute Road, Worcester, Mass. Marblehead, Mass. Concord, Mass. Media, Penn. 14 Trowbridge Street, Cambridge, Mass. 413 Pacific Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 West 72d Street, New York, N. Y. Horn's Mills, N. H. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Cohasset, Mass. 13 Albemarle Street, Boston, Mass. 67 Poplar Street, Boston, Mass. Hotel Dunvegan, Cambridge, Mass. Farmington, Mich. 3511 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Mo. 94 Amherst Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 621 Catherine Street, Syracuse, N. Y. NON DEGREE HOLDERS NOT HEARD FROM. 45 The following non degree holders have not answered the communications from the secretary sent out this year, and their letters have not been le turned. Ball, Frederick William. Barnes, Charles Loring. Beal, Albert Reynolds. Blakely, Edward Bradford. Burbank, Charles Ellsworth. Carney, Alexander Raymond. Carstairs, James, Jr., Cobb, John Chandler, Jr., Davis, Walter Raymond. Dodge, Mocena Miles. Eldridge, Stanley Hall. Fairbank, Livingstone. Foley, Joseph Westmount. Fountain, Olive Reynolds. Frazer, William James Francis. Gordon, George Byron. Herman, Edwards Woodbridge. Kendall, Edward Hale. Leighton, Charles Edward. Lewis, John Henry, Jr. Lindsley, Frederick Cleland. Margolies, Samuel. Muzzey, Herbert Sprague. Myers, James Edwards. Myles, Leo Thomas. Noon, Herbert Augustine. Nutting, Philip Albert. Packard, Chester Frank Perkins, Harry Forrester. Ricker, Eugene Augustus. Schwill, Charles Orrin. Singer, Sydney Kent. Smith, Alpheus William. Stanley, Ivan Isaac. Wadsworth, Stephen Franklin. White, John Hillyer. Wiswell, Herbert Joseph. Wood, Henry Duncan. Wose, Alfred Millard. 126 Clinton Avenue, New York, N. Y. 46 Orchard Street, Maiden, Mass. 1 West 121st Street, New York, N. Y. 48 West 98th Street, New York, N. Y. 908 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Mariette, Wisconsin. 1018 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Milton, Mass. Monson, Mass. The Sherman, Washington, D. C. Yarmouth Port, Mass. 1801 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 90 West Street, Concord, N. H. Lubec, Me. 182 7th Street, South Boston, Mass. 7 Linnsean Street, Cambridge, Mass. 93 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. 32 East 75th Street, New York, N. Y. 489 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. 523 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. 443 East First South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. 366 West 117th Street, New York, N. Y. 2 Clinton Street, Cambridge, Mass. Box 272, Collinsville, Conn. 55 Hammond Street, Cambridge, Mass. 42 Romsey Street, Dorchester, Mass. 1680 Cambridge Street,Cambridge, Mass. 118 Day Street, Fitchburg, Mass. 126 Magazine Street, Cambridge, Mass. Horn's Mills, N. H. 4337 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 10 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. 12 Howland Street, Cambridge, Mass. 807 North 12th Street, Fort Smith, Ark. 56 Middlesex Avenue, Reading, Mass. 18 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. Mineville, Essex Co., N. Y. 58 West 51st Street, New York, N. Y. 502 McBride Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Note. To get this list ready for the triennial dinner, the publication had to be hurried. The proof was not read as carefully as the secretary would have wished, and some errors may have escaped detection. The secretary will be grateful for any corrections. Barrett Wendall, Secretary, 27 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. CLASS FUND REPORT. Statement June 20th, 1905. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO CLASS FUND. 1 Subscription of $200. 1 ' ' 150 19 Subscriptions of 100 4 ' 75 84 50 4 ' 40 6 ' 35 13 • 30 204 ' 25 11 • 20 13 16 19 10 5 5 1 Subsc ription c )f 3 385 Average subscription $34.39. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Total subscriptions First installment $2,370.00 Second " 2,171 .00 Third " 1,917.00 Fourth " ., 1,482.00 Anticipated payments 845 . 00 Overdue accounts 2,425 . 00 Balance not yet due 2,033 .00 $200.00 150.00 1,900.00 300.00 4,200.00 160.00 210.00 390.00 5,100.00 220.00 195.00 190.00 25.00 3.00 $13,243.00 $13,248.00 $13,243.00 BALANCE SHEET. Dr. First four installments $7,940.00 Anticipated payments 845 . 00 Balance from Class Day Committee 1,790.04 Interest 354.31 $10,929.85 Amount carried forward $10,929 . 85 CLASS FUND REPORT. 47 Amount brought forward $10,929.85 Cr. Class Dinner, June, 1902 . $1,075.00 Publishing first class report 1,210.00 Secretary's expenses 141 . 69 Treasurer's expenses 103 . 48 Expenses, Commencement, 1903 50. 00 Expenses, Commencement, 1904 61 .80 1902's dues to Alumni Assn. of Harvard College . 25 . 00 Pictures of University teams of the year 1902 for Harvard Union 12.00 Balance 8,250.88 $10,929.85 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. 2000 Western N. Y. and Peuna. R. C. 4% bonds $1,997.50 1000 B. & O R. R. Co., 4% boads 1,000.00 1000 B. & O. R. R. Co. S. W. Div., 3^ % bond 883.75 1000 Penna. & N. Y. Canal & R. R. Co. 4 % bond 984. 33 1000 Schuylkill River East Side, 4 % bond 1,050 . 14 Cash in Penna. Trust Co 2,335. 16 $8,250.88 For the Committee, Charles Platt, 3d, Treasurer of Class Committee, 434 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. June 20th, 1905. LIBRARY °L|S,S|'||| _ 029 892 790 1 H ARYARD CLASS OF 1902 ADDRESS LIST COMPILED JUNE J905