Standardization of Some of the Common Tests Used in Deter- mining the Acuteness of Vision of School Children BY J. M. McCALLIE TRENTON, N. J. A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy STANDARDIZATION OF SOME OF THE COMMON TESTS USED IN DETERMINING THE ACUTENESS OF VISION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN J. M: McCALLIE TRENTON, N. J. A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfil- ment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy June, 1912. L"B 3 4 5" J .M3 19/8 STANDARDIZATION OF SOME OF THE COMMON TESTS USED IN DETERMINING THE ACUTENESS OF VISION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Most, if not all of the tests, both letters and characters, used for testing the acuteness of school children are based, in theory, at least, upon the Snellen test letters. Since the Snellen letters will be referred to often, a brief account of their origin and structure is here given : In 1862, Dr. Herman Snellen, professor of ophthalmolgy in the Uni- versity of Utrect, Holland, and director of the Netherlands Institute for Diseases of the Eyes, published an improved series of test types for measuring the acuity of vision.* The principle which guided him in the constmction of these test letters is based upon the fact that the normal eye can just discern objects that subtend a one minute angle, the vertex of the angle being* the point where the rays of light cross before falling on the retina. In order that a letter may be recognized each one its elements must be discernible, hence, each of these elements must have a diameter equal to the tangent of an angle of at least one minute. In constructing uni- form letters in conformity with this principle, Snellen found that each letter must have at least one diameter equal to the tangent of a five- minute angle. Each letter is therefore made in a square which is sub- divided into twenty-five equal squares, each small square being equal in diameter to the tangent of a one-minute angle. Since the tangent of a five-minute angle is equal to 0.001454, to obtain the longest diameter of a letter to be seen at a given distance, Snellen multiplied the length of the tangent of five minutes by the distance, in centimeters, of the letter from the nodal point of the eye; thus, at a distance of one-hundred cen- timeters the height of the letters should be 0.1454 centimeter, and each stroke of the letter should be at least one-fifth of this, or 0.0291 in length. Before beginning the work a large number of test cards were collected from different dealers. On some of these were lines of letters of different sizes, on others, lines of pictures or characters of different sizes. Under each one of these lines of different sized letters, pictures, or charac- ters, was printed the distance at which they were supposed to be seen by the normal eye. An examination of this col- *Snellen, H. Optotypi ad visum determinandum secundum formu- d_ D scharfe.) Berlin, H. Peters. 1904. larum y — Ed. XVII. (Probebuchstaben zur Bestimmung der Seh- D lection of material soon disclosed the fact that there was no uniformity either in the size, style, or structure of the let- ters or characters or pictures, gotten out by different houses, which were supposed to be seen at the same distance by the normal eye. Not only was there a lack of uniform- ity, but, not on a single card, could there be found a set of letters or characters or pictures whose proportions were in accordance with the Snellen measurements. And, not only were these out of proportion, according to Snellen, but they were not of the right size to be seen at the different dis- tances. The letters and characters intended to be read at the shorter distances were generally printed so poorly as to make them useless as tests. Add to these faults the facts, that these letters and characters were printed in black on several shades of white or cream colored cardboard or different shades of white letters on black cards, and, that the finish of the cardboard varied from a glossy white or black to a lustureless white or black, and it can readily be seen that there could be no uniformity of results, to say nothing of accuracy or the possibility of selecting any one of these measures for a standard. It was evident, there- fore, that if my work was to have any value, new letters must be made. This was done by most accurately drawing the letters according to the Snellen dimensions from which new and accurate type were made, and, from which, the letters used in these tests were printed, except the tests made in comparing the relative visibility of the "illiterate E," with the 16 ft. letters. The picture' tests were discarded because they were not and could not be constructed according to the Snellen measurements, consequently the results obtained could not be compared with results obtained by tests made with the Snellen letters. The tests made were divided into two parts. The first had to do with the visibility of the "illiterate E," supposed to be seen by the normal eye at no greater distance than 16 ft., as compared with the visibility of the Snellen letters constructed to be seen by the normal eye at no greater dis- tance than 16 ft. The second part had to do with determining whether tests made by the Snellen 12 ft., or 16 ft. letters, or a dot, supposed to be seen at 20 ft., are not as accurate as tests made with letters to be seen 50 ft., 40 ft., 30 ft., or 20 ft. The following is a detailed description of the method and results obtained by comparing the visibility of the "illiterate E" with the Snellen test letters of the same di- mensions : As stated above, types for the 16 ft. "illiterate E" and the 16 ft. letters were not made anew. This was not neces- sary because a copy of Snellen's classic work on test types was found which contained the "illiterate E" and the let- ters of the desired size. The letters taken from this book were O, L, N, Z, B, D, T, and E, and the "illiterate E" turned up, down, right, and left, (see Pig. 1) all of which were supposed to be visible to the normal eye at 16 ft. These were printed on white unglazed paper about the thickness of ordinary book paper. The 16 ft. letters and the 16 ft. "illiterate E," were selected of one and the same size to enable comparison of results to be made more readily and because the size of the rooms in which the tests were made would not admit of using larger letters. Each one of these letters and "illiterate E's," were carefully cut out, and pasted on white unglazed cards, three and one-half by six inches, one and one-half inch from the top of the card and equally distant from the sides, one letter or one " illiterate E" on a single card. On the back of each card was written the same letter or ' ' illiterate E" that appeared on the front. This was for the purpose of enabling the operator to know the letter or to tell which way the "illiterate E," was turned, when presented to the subject. By having the letters on separate cards, so that only one letter was in view at a time, the operator could be sure that the pupil's reply was a judgment on that letter and not on some other letter, as often happens when several letters are shown at one time. This arrangement, also, made it possible to vary the order of presentation, and, so prevent the letters from being memorized. The operator by this device was left free to give his entire attention to the efforts put forth by the children in reading the letters. By holding the cards in his hands, the operator was enabled 6 to utilize the best light in the room more easily than if he had used a large card hung on the wall, as is usually done in such tests. The best position for exhibiting the letters, so far as light was concerned, was selected, and, beginning with this position, short chalk marks were made on the floor every two feet the entire length of the room, the first mark being' two feet away from the position selected for best light, the second four, and so on. Everything being ready, the pupils were called one at a time and told to stand with their toes to line twenty, with a card held over one eye. Two or three letters were pre- sented. If the pupil could not read them, he was asked to step up two feet and try again. If he failed again, he was asked to step up two more feet and try again. If he failed at this distance — sixteen feet — he was asked to step up one foot at a time, after each succeeding failure, until he was able to read at least five consecutive letters correctly. The letters were not exposed to view longer than two sec- onds. If the correct names of five consecutive letters could not be read in the time limit, the result was counted a fail- ure, until a distance was found where the letters could be read. If the subject could read all the letters correctly at sixteen feet, this fact was indicated by placing the fraction 16/16 opposite his name on the record sheet. If he could read the letters only at six feet, this fact was indicated by the fraction 6/16. If the letters could be read at twenty- four feet, this fact was represented by the fraction 24/16, etc. Having determined the greatest distance at which one eye could read the letters, the same process was repeated with the other eye. Immediately after each pupil was test- ed with the alphabet cards he was tested with the ' ' illiterate E," cards, by the same general method, except that instead of naming the character the pupil was required to point in the direction, up, down, right, or left, thus indicating the direction of the opening of the E. In this case, as with the letters, a single error was taken to indicate that the pupil's vision was not sufficiently acute to read the characters at that particular distance, and he was required to move to- ward the cards until he reached the point at which at least five consecutive characters could be read correctly within the allotted time of not more than two seconds each. In doing this work the tests with the "illiterate E," al- ways followed the test with the letters, so, if fatigue played any part in the tests it would show itself in the results ob- tained with the "illiterate E." Before beginning the test each day, the operator tested his own vision to see whether the light was satisfactory. Tests were made only on days when the light was good. No work was done on cloudy or dark days. These tests were carried on in the different class-rooms, and, so far as each pupil was concerned the test with the "illiterate E," and the letters were made under exactly the same conditions. 470 children took the tests during the months of April and May. The results of these tests are presented in the table I. This shows the number of eyes tested in grades I to VIII, with the greatest distances at which the alphabet and illit- erate characters could be distinguished, Four hundred and seventy pupils, or 940 eyes, were tested. These pupils were distributed throughout the grades as follows : 72 in the first grade, 54 in the second, 39 in the third, 28 in the fourth, 41 in the fifth, 29 in the sixth, 130 in the seventh and 77 in the eighth. The 344 pupils in grades III to VIII, inclusive, were tested with both the alphabet and illiterate characters. In columns headed Totals II to VIII, may be found the fig- ures affording the most ready comparison of the results with the alphabet characters, and illiterate cards. Thus, with the alphabet characters, the largest number of eyes, 148, distinguished the letters at fourteen feet; the next largest 128, at sixteen feet, and the next largest 114, at twelve feet. Of these 688 eyes tested, 390, or 56.7 per cent., distinguished the letters at from twelve to sixteen feet. With the illiterate cards, however, these same eyes dis- tinguished the "illiterate E" at a much greater distance, in fact, 94 pupils saw the "illiterate E," at twenty- two feet. This was the largest number seeing this character at any distance, and the next largest number, 92, saw it at twenty- four feet. The next largest number, 86, saw it at twenty feet. The results of this comparative test with two characters are graphically exhibited in Graph I. Curve I o H -t-. nil •< SS Z o 4- *. 1C O /- S *. M O GO «1 ^ M O OO O) *i M O 00 O "Jl *i CO t* -> O 4 CD CD l- 1 GO 4> to OOOOOOOOOO054^004i.4i-C005C7lCn4i.Ot0a5i-'^ > •a pr CD ooootnoi-)»toMMO)tiiOHHOo = to OS o h-» to 4> en *. CO to 00©©00©GCOOt04^tOCOCnJ>OiCOO-Jrf^04>00 > 6" sr p & CD j>toh-'toh^ 000004^0504>-l-'GOI-'Oi*'eoh-'Ot04^COOl-'000 g GO ooooooooooocnwoocntoostoii— 'tsSOCOOOl— i > •a 3" "i p a CD < en CXI ►JOMiiM^ffl-JMOOiil-'^KNOI-'COOKOOl-'OO g go to to to t-» OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOSOOtOtO-qOCnMI— 'MM© > a p & CD <1 GO to tO M ©©©©MCno©OOCn4^GOM4i.cO©a>MM©M©©©© g ©©©©©©©©©©©©tooi©©-JMeoM©©©©© > •o p o, CD C5 ©©©©©J^COCJi-JMCntO-icOlOltOCMM©©©©©© 1 GO 1— ' to OOOOOOOOOOOOO05I— '— 1-qOS-J-JMOMP*. > Br" o p & CD M Ml -J oo OOOOOOwfflOltnWOiOCniMIiHtHMMOOiiK = 05 GO GO Mto'OSt-OJl'M.OO.&.tO M OOOOOOOOOOGOCOO*eOGOG04>-qtOi05-a054^C003 CURVE I. > •a a- < p DO OS GO GO Mh5*.a>OHDtO00OlMCO M MI-'M MOM*!B010-)»00»l^010-)000 MM Q MMM ^ H CURVE II. g O CO OOOOOOt0 4^.034>00O-Jtni— 'OSOOjiOOCOOtOOOO g n 4- 4- OOOOOOOtnCnooOOl— 'OOOl^WW^oih » O WO M^ 1 p to en to M >U Ol to H M H OOOOOOMOHMOlKtaHOO!O01oot(*oOlON(i CURVE III. g a. o 4- O IvWOiCCO.t.MO004iWWMMM MOtO^COOHOJ^OOOUlHHUHC4iOtC^M*3tN3'OiU1 CURVE IV. g > a Q_ H o en ct> P e-t- 8i 3 a s- &■& CC (D CD * 8, CD o IT? >!: y o a> t? i— i > 7 7 a 7 7 43.13 ft 30 ft. > > )) }1 ?> 33.5 ft 20 ft. j » > J > > > J 22.2 ft 20 ft. dots > > ) 7 > > 20.9 ft. 16 ft. letters > > > > 7 7 16.94 ft. 12 ft. ? ? 77 J > > 7 12.48 ft If each one of these different sized letters and the dot has the same value in making tests, then the fraction ex- pressing the acuteness of vision as shown by the 50 ft. let- ter test will be equal in value to the fraction representing the acuteness of vision as shown by the tests made by the 40 ft. letter, the 30 ft. letter, and so on, to the fraction representing the acuteness of vision as shown by the 12 ft. letter test. In other words, the fractions representing the acuteness of vision as shown by making tests with each of the different sized letters and the dots will be equal in value. How nearly this proved to be true with the tests under consideration is shown in Table 10. The first fraction was obtained by adding the numerators of each of the 200 frac- tions representing the acuteness of vision, as shown by each test with the 50 ft. letter, and placing this sum over the sum of all the denominators, which of course, was, in this case, 200x50, because there was a fraction for each of the 200 pupils tested and the denominator representing the acuteness of vision was always 50. The second and all the other fractions were obtained in exactly the same way, except that the denominators of the respective fractions were obtained by multiplying 200 by 40, 30, 20, etc. 29 Table 10 Fraction's showing the acuteness of vision of 200 pupils when tested by the 10894 50 ft. letters 10000 8625 40 ft. ) 7 8000 6705 30 ft. ? J 6000 4474 20 ft. yy 4000 4186 20 ft. rlotd KX\J Lo 4000 3387 16 ft. 19 ft letters 3200 2495 or expressed decimally 1.089 1.077 1.118 1.119 1.046 1.056 1.04 2400 Of course, if each of the 200 pnpils had tested np to normal with each kind of test the fractions wonld not only have been equal in value but each would have been equal to one or unity. The decimal parts of the numbers in the column to the right show just how much each test is away from the normal. Thus the first decimal .089 means that tests made with the 50 ft. letters averaged .089 of 50 ft. above normal or 4.45 ft. The next decimal .077 means that tests made with the 40 ft. letter yield results .077 of 40 ft. or 3 ft. above normal, etc. 30 If we take the decimal .077 which shows the variation of the results obtained by the 40 ft. letter test, as the mean variation, then the variation of each of the other decimals from this mean would give a result so small that it could be neglected in any ordinary tests for acuteness of vision with any of the letters or dots. These fractions not only show that the amount of vari- ation of each kind of test from the mean variation is slight, but that all of these variations are uniformly above normal. The fact that each one of these tests shows but little variation from the normal or from the mean variation does not, within itself, necessarily mean that each is equally val- uable for making tests of acuteness of vision. Grave errors may exist of a plus and a minus nature, but of magnitude so nearly equal as not to be disclosed by mere averages. The exact location and the exact extent of these varia- tions from the assumed normal is shown in tables 2 to 8. A glance at these tables shows at once the number of pupils (column A), who could see the different tests at different distances. These same facts are graphically represented in graphs 4, 5, and 6. These graphs not only represent the number and extent of the variation from the normal, but graph 4 shows the variation of these in the 12 ft., 16 ft., and 20 ft. letter tests both from the normal and from each other. Graph 5 shows the same facts in reference to the 20 ft. let- ter test and the 20 ft. dot test. Graph 6 shows these facts in reference to tests made with the 30 ft., 40 ft., and 50 ft. letter tests. In each one of the graphs the line a-b represents the assumed distance at which the normal eye could just make out the letters or dots. The vertical column of numbers at the left represents the number of pupils who could see the tests at the differ- ent distances. The horizontal line of figures beneath the curves in- creases by two's, both right and left, beginning at the base of the line a-b, and shows the number of feet variation from the normal, a-b, made by each group of pupils, indicated by the vertical line of figures at the left. The figures to the left of the base of line a-b represent the distance above normal and the figures to the right, the distance below nor- mal. 31 Number of feet variation on either side of normal. Right side is above normal, left side below normal, Graph 4. 32 Number of feet variation on either side of -normal Right side is above normal, lelt helovr. Gkaph 5. 33 r-4 «) ^ O o c 0> r-* m -*- (U +> > v-» o QO a tr> (/i - •n <» p •H 0) • -P • §: 5 * 4 -ox: tn -h CO ttf O *- M a 34 If all of these seven tests had been of equal value in testing normal vision and those above and below normal, and, if the curves representing these results had all been placed in one figure, then the apexes of each of these curves would either have been- on the line a-b or some other line parallel to line a-b. Furthermore, the curve representing the results obtain- ed by testing with the 50 ft. letters would have its apex higher than any other curve and the distance between the two ends of the curves would be greater than the distance between the ends of any of the other curves. Immediately under this curve with its apex on the same vertical line with the apex of the 50 ft. curve and with its two ends less distance apart would come the 40 ft. curve. Then would follow the 30 ft., 20 ft., 16 ft. and 12 ft. curves in order, each being not so high or wide as its predecessor and the sides of each would be parallel with the 50 ft. curve, and, of course, with each other, also. The curve for the 20 ft. letters and the curve for the 20 ft. dots, theoretically, should be the same, and, of course, would be represented by one and the same curve, if placed in the same graph. It was found impractical to put all of these curves in one graph, so they are shown in three graphs : 4, 5 and 6. A glance at these graphs shows at once that no two curves are parallel and, consequently, the results of no two tests are uniform. As a matter of fact, no two such curves will ever be parallel, even if the tests used were of equal value as tests, for the personal element, of both the oper- ator and the subject, and the influence of environment are constantly injecting themselves into and modifying the re- sults, consequently, variations of these curves from each other are to be expected within certain limits. We can pre- scribe these limits, however, and require that results from tests obtained by using any size letter and character shall come within these limits. It would be fair, it seems, in making tests with different sized letters and characters to expect that the numbers who could see these letters and characters further than 12y 2 % of the selected normal distance should be fairly constant. The same requirement might be made for the lower limit of vision with these same tests. That is, the number un- 35 able to see each test without moving nearer to the test than 12 1 /o% of the selected normal distance should be fairly con- stant. If this limit were not broad enough then any percentage of the normal distance above or below the normal greater than 12y 2 % might be taken, as 25%, 37%, or 50%, and we could require that the number seeing the different tests further than normal by these percentages should be fairly constant, and, that the number who could not see the same tests without getting nearer to them than the percentages of the normal distance indicated, should also, be fairly constant. Both of these methods of determining whether a test is reliable or not has value. If it is desirable to deter- mine how acute the vision of a pupil is who has acute vision, then the upper limit method of trying out the tests will be of value. If, however, it is desired to know how acute the vision of a pupil is who cannot see the test as far away as the normal distance, then the lower limit method will be of value. But, since most pupils are supposed to have some- where near normal vision, it would seem, if the correct tests are used, that the number seeing these tests at normal and a certain percentage above and below the normal dis- tance should be fairly constant, for all the tests. This might be called the mean limit of tests for acuteness of vision. These methods of determining the relative value of testts have been used in connection with the seven dif- ferent tests under consideration and the results are shown in table 11. The (a) portion of this table represents the results ob- tained by applying what has been called the " upper limit test," for the given percentages above normal, to the re- sults obtained from each of the seven tests. In (b) is shown the result of applying the "lower limit test," with the same percentages, to the results of the same tests. In (c), is shown the results of applying the "mean limit test, ' ' with the same percentages, to the results of the same tests. The uniformity of the results shown in (b) by apply- ing the "lower limit test" is quite striking in the 12*4% line except the numbers under the 16 ft. and the 12 ft. let- ters and a close degree of uniformity in all the tests, is also seen in the 25%, 37y 2 %, and 50% lines, respectively. 36 > w t- 1 SJ1 CO K> o Cn CO to p cn CO to O o -J cn o -J cn O -J cn ,'. £ c£ # £ # # # S3 ^5 03 cn 3 o crq 3 ^ o rt 3 o £. - r+ p # • to oi ^ 5' • 5" • 0! ■ 93 ' 3" ^5 H" 7! to 0> -< 2. 10 3 . M> • c : 5 . -! • << t~ ui 2. ° 00 — ] co CD M to to *- CO CD o O OJ O oo cn CO CD o 3 F a © CO -J *>• CO H CO I- 1 CO ~] -J CD *- 00 O) oo 00 to -a co 00 o s pr r ui 00 -J 4- 00 00 to CO 00 oo tO cn Cn cn 00 05 to -a o CD CO 3 ' oo -0 CO co CO *. -J r k> 3. O Ol rfi 00 CT5 *. co C5 to h-» -j OS to 3 ?" 1-0 a o o -. , 00 oo *- to CO CO CT> oo o CD -J cn tO o to co oo ~ ST r — rt c> CD oo Oi o to to CJl CO Cn 05 rf> OO 4> CO CO -J cn 4* 3 F co 00 I- 1 00 to 4- ** -J r — *■• r. -J cn Oa 00 4> o to 00 3 F H tsf i— •• 33 -. «■+■ CD p 2 o - e+- P-j 2 W 2 g* o o » *i §T M ^ r+ CD £- 03 c5 o l-b y r^ £ O, CD 00 <^+- ,-> JO O £ Ms O CD ^ P 5= £ C Is w whic pr J3- m r+ © vj (3 d - rr CD g ^ ^ a. CD CO O o CD erf- i-j QQ — rr S» P j- c Pi & o rr - e+ ■< E/J r^ p & rt5 CD •-J 37 According to these figures, either one of the tests ex- cept the 12 ft. letter test could be relied upon to detect vision, that is less than 50% of normal, or 37%% or 25% or even 12y 2 % of normal. Since the detection of poor vision, rather than the determination of how many have acute vision, above normal, is the chief purpose of testing the vision of school children, any of the seven tests under consideration except the 12 ft. letter test would be adequate for this purpose, especially is this true, if, as is usually the case, only those, pupils who have vision less than 25% nor- mal are given attention. By inspection of the (c) portion of table 11 or that por- tion showing the mean variation from the normal, we see here, too, a rather close degree of uniformity of results. This is especially marked in the figures showing variations on both sides of the normal of more than 25%, and, it would seem reasonable to expect that any vision test that makes any pretension to reliability should show similar re- sults when this test is applied. If we now give our attention to the (a) portion of table 11, we see here, too, a rather close degree of uniformity in all the tests for the upper limit of vision for all the per- centages taken above normal. Since the application of all of these tests to the tests under consideration give fairly uniform results, it is reasonable, it seems, to conclude that the results in general will be about as accurate with one test as with another. Exceptions, however, will have to be made with the 12 ft. letter tests, although the figures in the tables would seem to indicate that this test is generally about as good as any of the other tests. This exception will have to be made in spite of these figures, because in at least two cases of undoubted nearsightedness, the pupils could not see the larger letters at anything like the normal distance, but they could see the 12 ft. letters at about nor- mal. The variation of results of certain tests from the results of other tests as shown in table 11 demands some attention. In the (a) portion of the table it is noted that the num- ber seeing the 20 ft. dots beyond the normal distance by the different given percentages is smaller in every case than with any of the other tests except the 16 ft. letter. From the data obtained from these tests it is not possible to as- 38 sign a reason why the 16 ft. letters were not seen as far proportionately above the normal as were the twenty ft. letters or any of the other letters, but it is believed that the failure to see the 20 ft. dots as far as the letters, can be accounted for in this way. In deciding what a letter is, the element of intelligence as well as the ability to see enters in as a determining factor much oftener than is the case with deciding wiiether the dot is seen or not. In seeing the dot only two things can enter into the mind on which a decision is to be made, and these two things are, is the dot there, or is it not there, or does the dot make a sensation on the retina or does it not. The decision that is made will depend almost exclusively upon pure retinal sen- sation. While in the case of seeing the letter there can be no doubt that the. letter is seen, that a retinal impression is made, but in deciding what the letter is that is making this particular impression, often, undoubtedly, involves a com- plicated mental operation, in which the general shape and appearance of the letter play a very important part. Hence, one must expect fewer pupils to see the 20 ft. dot at distances considerably above normal than will see the same sized letters or letters of any size at proportional dis- tances. This expectation is borne out by the figures in (b), table 11. Here it is seen that the dot shows up more pupils with defective vision, on the average than any of the letter tests, at the percentages below normal given, except the 12 ft. letter. The figures in (c) under the 20 ft. dot column also show that the letters of all sizes above the 16 ft. letters can be seen better than the 20 ft. dot at the same relative distances. Take, for example, the 12y 2 % variation on either side of normal, there were only 90 pupils who could not read the 50 ft. letters, while there were 117 who could not make out the dot at the same relative distance from normal. The fact that the vision of the 200 pupils tested averaged above normal and that more pupils saw the 20 ft. dots at the average distance above normal than for any of the other tests, and, since the number found with defective vision was unusually small, but the dot test showed more than any, one would be inclined to the belief that the dot is the best of any of the tests used. One would be justified in 39 coming to k this conclusion, not only because it tests vision, and vision only, and the results are more in harmony with what other investigators have found out about the number of children who have defective vision, but, also, because of the simplicity of the test and the fact that it can be used to test little children, illiterates or literates with equal ease and accuracy. Further evidence that the dot is a good test is shown by the fact that there was not a single case of poor vision detected among the 200 pupils by any of the other tests that was not also detected by the dot test. This was also true with the tests made with the 16 ft. and the 12 ft. letter, except in the two cases mentioned above. This shows undoubtedly that for certain defects of the eye the 12 ft. letters are not reliable. The 16 ft. letters were found to be reliable for the detection of all cases of poor vision that would need attention and which were detected by the other tests. The results of these tests clearly justify one in drawing the following conclusions : 1. The "illiterate E" as now constructed is practically useless as a test of the acuteness of vision. If it is to be used as a test when constructed of the size of the 16 ft. let- ter, then the distance at which it should be placed from the one being tested should be, not 16 ft., but 26 ft. Or, if the 16 ft. distance is to be maintained then the size of the letter must be reduced to 16/26 of its present size. 2. The 20 ft. dot test is thoroughly reliable for testing- poor vision, normal vision, or acute vision. None of the 200 pupils tested seemed to have any optical trouble — myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism or any other optical defect — that was not detected by this test as well or better than by any other test. 3. The 16 ft. letter test is reliable for all defects of suffi- cient gravity to justify the teacher in recommending the pupil to go to an oculist. 4. The 12 ft. letter test will detect most of the graver defects of vision, but not all, therefore, it is not to be relied upon. 5. The eyes of 150 of the 200 pupils, subjected to these tests were tested, one eye at a time, a few weeks before. 40 Every pupil, with four exceptions, who had vision 25% or more below normal, as shown by this one-eye-at-a-time test, could with two eyes make a better showing. Not only was this true of pupils having poor vision, but it was equally true of all other pupils. This can be taken as an indication, not only, that binocular vision is better than monocular vision, but it accounts for the fact that the pupils in these tests averaged above normal in vision. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 736 332 THE MODERN PRINT SHOP TRENTON. N. J.