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PUTNAM'S SONS, 27 AND 29 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET. iJH47 ■I Willst du ins Unenclliclie Schreiten Geh'nur im Endliclien nach alien Seiten, Willst cTu dich am Ganzen erquicken? So musst du das Ganze im Kleinsten erblicken. Goethe's Spruche. ^ teacher need make no apology for adding another to •ist of text-books, if he supplies what he believes, rightly ongly, to be a want, if he does his work conscientiously, and if he is content to abide by the verdict which natural selection will make abundantly clear to himself and his publisher. I have endeavoured to give greater continuity to the Geological argument than is usual in books on Physical Geography, and in doing so it has been necessary to intro- duce topics which are still under discussion. Had space permitted I should have done so to a larger extent, knowing by experience that students learn more from careful analyses of current controversies than from the safer but less inte- resting lectures which are confined to the recapitulation of ** generally accepted conclusions." Every teacher can devise questions on each chapter for himself, but the private student will derive much assistance from the "Two Thousand Questions on Physical Geogi-aphy," by Professor Ansted. By their aid he will be able, not merely to test his own progress, but to acquire the art of answering questions, which, apart from its special value in this age of examinations, is an admirable training in the art of studying. I am gi-eatly indebted to Mr. James Macaulay, of St. Stephen's School, Glasgow, for important assistance and valu- able advice in the preparation of this book. To him I am indeLted for tlie comparative Table of Centigrade and ralirenheit Degrees. My former colleagues on the Geological Survey, especially Professor Geikie, Mr. James Geikie, and Mr. Whitaker, will find tliat I have borrowed largely from their conversa- tions, and from their published papers. I trust they will forgive me for thus laying them under contribution, if I liave succeeded in faii'ly representing their views. To Professor A. C. Pamsay, Director General of the Geological Survey, I am under obliga,tions which the fre- quent references to him do not exhaust, and I should have asked permission to dedicate this volume to him but that the association of his name might have been misconstrued into an unauthorised guarantee for a mere text- book. He has, by his writings and his personal influence, done more than any living Geologist to establish the connection, rather the identity of Geology and Physical Geography, which I have tried to make clear. In his and Professor Huxley's contri- butions to the Proceedings of the Geological Society, the future historian of Geology will recognise the convergence of the geological and zoological lines of investigation. The reconciliation of the physical investigations which Hutton initiated, with the zoological enquiries to which Cuvier's name gave for many years undue Aveiglit, is not yet complete; but Professor Pamsay has pointed out the vray from the geo- logical side. I shall have earned my reward if this volume is found to be entitled to a share in the work which he has done so much to advance. John Young. IlNIVERSITy OF GlASGOV,^, November 1873. CONTENTS. PACK I^'TEODUCTION", ------_9 CHAPTER I. Section I.— The Earth, ' - -, - . - 13 ,, II. — Composition of Earth's Crust, - - - 19 ,, III.— Rocks, -----. 24 ,, IV. — Sedimentary Strata, - - - 35 CHAPTER II. Section I.— Continents, - . ... 55 ,, II.— Islands, ------ 63 ,, III. — Varieties of Land Surfaces, - - - 70 CHAPTER III. Section I. — Proportion of Land to Water Surface, - - 102 ,, II. — Movements of Water, - - - - 118 CHAPTER IV. Section I. — Rivers, . • - . - - 137 ,, II. — Lakes, .-.-.. 1G6 „ III. — Water in the Interior of the Earth, - - 177 CHAPTER V. Section I. — Forms of Water in Atmosphere, - - -, 104 ,, II.— Snow and Ice, - • - • - 212 8 . CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. fj^oa Section I. — The Atmosphere, - - . - . 239 ,, II. — Atmospheric Circulation, .... 257 ,, III. — Electricity and Magnetism, ... 278 CHAPTER VII. Climate and Weather, - - - - ^ - 285 CHAPTER VIII. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, etc., - . - - - 207 CHAPTER IX. Distribution of Plants and Animals, - - - - 317 CHAPTER X. History and Distribution of Man, . - . . 345 Comparative Taele of Fahrenheit and Centigrade Degrees, - - - - - * • SCI Index, ...-.--- 3G2 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, INTRODUCTION, Physical Geography is tlie liistoiy of the Earth, its past and present, interpreted by the light of Astronomy, Geology, and Biology. It is not a mere description of the features of sea and land, for these, as we now see them, are only one phase in a series of events of which we do not know the beginning, nor can we foretell the end. The enumeration, however accurate and exhaustive, of the movements of Ocean and Atmosphere is comparatively useless, unless we can arrive at some general principle to which these are subordinated. Nor is it enough to know the plants and animals which occupy the various regions of land and water : we must seek for the explanation of theii* diversity, and ascertain if the distribution of organised beings in the past throws any light on their relations in the present. Physical Geography is, to adopt the elegant figure of M. Guyot, the anatomy and physiology of the earth. Geology deals with the anatomical problem, what are the materials of which the earth's crust is composed, and appeals to chemistry and physics for aid in elucidating the details of the processes by which these materials come to exhibit theii' present arrangement ; it illustrates, by phenomena going on around us, the agencies by which the surface configuration has been modified from time to time ; but with this purely anatomical investigation its labours end. It is a part of the duty of the zoologist and botanist to determine, by reference to their comparative structure, the animals or plants which now and in the past have lived on the earth, and to group them so aa 10 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. to exhibit tlieir affinities. Palaeontology is a subordinate section of zoology and botany ; as a science it has no place, since the task of enumerating the species which formerly lived and the localities in which they occurred leads to no result if separated from the study of living forms, just as these are meaningless without reference to the past. Astronomy informs us of the behaviour of the earth as a body in space, and of the influences exerted on its mass by other bodies. But the bearing of these influences on the structure and features of the earth's crust, and on the distribution of organised beings over its surface, it is no part of the astronomer's duty to discuss. Physical Geography takes up the results achieved in all these departments and proceeds to higher generalisations. It shows how the behaviour of the earth as a body in space, and its relations to other bodies determine the atmospheric currents, and, through them, the movements of the ocean; it points out how these ocean currents modify, and are afiected by the tides ; it determines the extent to which the character and variation of climate are dependent on secular changes. The changes of sea and land, as ascertained b}'- the geologist, are used to explain the movements of organised forms, and the biologist finds in atmospheric, topographical, and climatal influences the key to the presence or absence, the abund- ance or scarcity, of particular groups in any locality. Nor is man himself excluded from this wide field of research : the influence of external conditions on his migration and his development is an important investigation, on which depends our judgment as to his prospects in any region, while our contemplation of his history would be incomplete without the light which physical influences shed on his moral develop- ment and actions. Thus the earliest inhabitants of western Europe of whom we have knowledge were confined to the river valleys, the rigorous climate of the northern hemisphere at that early time restricting theii' movements, and making them the fellow- citizens of the elk, reindeer, and other forms whose proper home is in northern regions. The climate, whose severity rendered Europe so widely different from what it is now, was the indirect result of the gi'eater distance of the earth from the urrrtoDtfCTioN". 11 sun at that time, and, as in consequence of further secular change, the climate improved, arctic animals retreated to theii' homes, and man was enabled to spread over a larger area, and to occupy it more completely, while the land con- nection of Britain with Europe allowed him to reach the extreme west. Without following his liistory in detail, suffice it that the subsequent isolation of Britain, and the separa- tion of Ireland, cutting off the inhabitants from the good and evil eflects" of contact with the men of the continent, permitted the uninterrupted development of a relatively high civilisation in Ireland at an early period, though the very fact of this isolation led to its arrest at a certain point, and to its easy overthrow when greater facilities of transport brought invaders of inferior cultivation. But long before the human period the British area had acquired the general features it now presents, and the hills and plains offered a great variety of surface and capability. The tribes, isolated by these irregularities, and by the thick forests and swamps which then covered large tracts, unable to deal success- fully with the unproductive soil which the glacial period had left as a legacy to the northern part of the island, developed the character common to all the inhabitants of mountainous and detached regions. Tribal warfare Avent on, and slowly were the earlier occupants driven by fresh invasions on the east coast to the recesses of the hills, where they remained as a disturbing element, effectually retarding the progress of I the peaceful arts, though these advanced somewhat in the richer eastern low grounds. Soon the geographical structure of the country bore fimit ; the abundant minerals of the palaeozoic rocks gave Britain advantages over its less richly endowed neighbours, while the necessities of their position maintained that maritime spirit among the people which, at first of use only for war and plunder, afterwards gave Britain its pre-eminence in commerce. The climate gradually became milder, and the progress of agriculture still farther improved it by drainage and the diminution of the forest lands, while the position of the islands in the northern seas, at the meet- ing point of the faunas of several marine zoological provmces, added to the supply of food, and tempted men to a sea- faring life. Thus the greatness of Britain, the character of 12 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. her inhabitants, even the nature of her political institutions have been to a large extent dependent on events long anterior to the advent of man. Similar illustrations might be drawn from the history of other countries, but few fiu'nish a similarly connected and simple narrative. It is impossible within the compass of a volume such as this to. do more than touch incidentally on the leading generalizations which are now regarded as sufficiently estab- lished to be safely put before the student. It is necessary to give a brief summary of the principal astronomical facts which must be borne in mind in the investigation of currents, climates, and seasons, and to state as concisely as 2')ossible those geological processes, the operation and results of which will be considered in the immediately succeeding chapters. Geology and Physical Geography are so intimately associated that it seems unfortunate that both terms should be retained. The dismemberment of one science was useful in those earlier days when, there being no recognised past in the material world with which at least man had any concern, the history of the earth was summed up in mineralogy and preconcep- tions, but the dismemberment is now arbitrary and mis- leading. CHAPTER I. SECTION I. The Earth: its Dimensions — Equatorial Protuberance — Axis of Rota- tion: Limits of its Oscillation — Ecliptic: Influence of its Obliquity on the Distribution of Light and Heat — Mass and Density of the Earth — Oi^inions as to Internal Fluidity ; Underground Temperature ; Secular Cooling — Eccentricity of the Earth's Orbit ; Limit of Variation — Precession of the Equinoxes — Dis- turbing Influence of Planets — The Moon : its Distance ; its !Mass. . The Earth is one of the planetary bodies which, revolving round the Sun as a centre, make up the Solar system. The size of these bodies is unequal, and some of them are only secondarily related to the Sun as a centre, since they revolve as satellites around other bodies. 1. Dimensions of the Earth. — The mean diameter of the earth is 7912 miles, the equatorial or larger diameter being 7925-6 miles, and the polar 7899'1. The difference between these dimensions, 26*5 miles, represents the amount of polar compression which gives to the globe the figure of an oblate spheroid. Nor is this the only inequality, since it is asserted that the equatorial diameters do not all agree, a difference even to the extent of a mile exist- ing between some of them. We may compare the equa- torial protuberance to a layer laid on a sphere, so that we have around that region of the earth a mountain mass, so to speak, with slowly sloping sides. On the assump- tion of the former plasticity of the earth's mass, the oblate spheroidal form is that which a sphere, revolving on its own axis, would naturally assume. It has been suggested that the tapering of continents southward was connected with the rotatiou form of the earth's mass; but; in the fi^-st place. 14 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. there is no reason to believe that the earth now alters its form otherwise than by the modification of the surface effected by denudation and local subterranean movements; in the second place, the attenuation commences to the north of the equator, and some of the pyi-aniids, in place of tending away from, tend towards the equator; and thirdly, marine sedimentary deposits prove that at one period more or less of the region of most rapid rotation was itself the seat of an ocean. The stability of the axis of the earth is a necessary consequence of the equatorial protuberance, since any disturbing force which would be sufficient to shift the axis of rotation, must be very powerful to overcome the obstacle provided by this great mass. Hence, any departure from the normal position of the polar axis is within very narrow limits; and, in point of fact, there is a constant oscillation in the endeavour to restore equilibrium. The inclination of the polar axis to the plane of the earth's orbit, that is, to the ecliptic, is 23|^^, but it is known that this is diminishing at the rate of 48" in the century; and, after attaining its maximum, will move in the opposite dii'ection, the range of variation being 1° 21'. 2. Distribution of Light and Heat. — As a consequence of this obliquity the earth in its movements round the sun receives heat alternately to the north and to the south of the equator ; so that, in place of an equatorial band of warmth and two polar zones of constant and extreme cold, we have alternations of temperature and more equal distribution of light ; for, if the sun were always vertical to the equatorial area, a considerable tract of the arctic and antarctic circles would be in deep twilight, and the duration of day and night w^ould be equal all over the rest of the globe. This distribution of light and heat equally over the north and south hemispheres promotes equilibrium in all other respects. As we shall afterwards find, the movements of the atmosphere and of the ocean are, doubtless, powerfully affected by the rotation of the earth, but are chiefly deter- mined by the physical features of the land. . 3. Mass and Density of the Earth. — The mass of the earth is about 259,801 millions of cubic miles, and the specific gravity has been determined by experiments to be INTERNAL FLUIDITY. 15 ft'om 5 to 5-67, tlie extreme amount having heen observed by Aiiy who, from experiments at the mouth and bottom of a coal pit, estimated it at 6 '5 6. Intimately associated with the estimate of the density of the mass is the question of its internal condition. 4. Internal Fluidity. — Different views are entertained at the present time as to the existence or not of a central fluid mass, and the observations upon which is based the inference that there must exist such a fluid core are, that at 2151 feet the temperatm^e is 75°F. (24°C.), that of a stratum at 17 feet being constantly 61°F. (10'5'^C.). In Cornwall 32*5° C. have been recorded at a depth of 1200 feet, and the borings at Creuzot show that there is an in- crease of temperature by 1°F. for every 55 feet of descent, but after 1800 feet have been reached the increase is 1° in 44 feet. The existence of hot springs, issuing from vaults which extend to very considerable depths, likewise point to the conclusion that a very high temperature exists some distance beneath the surface ; and the outpouring of lava from so many orifices has hitherto always been looked upon as only explicable on the assumption that a great reservoir of molten matter uniformly underlay the crust. If the increase of temperature goes on increasing with depth accord- t ing to the calculations at Creuzot, then we should expect to j find that, at 50 miles beneath the surface, the heat would be I 4600^r,, that is considerably greater than is required to fuse I platinum. It has been calculated that the sedimentary j strata represent a thickness of 20 miles, and, on the assump- tion of a uniform increase of temperature, we should find that the sedimentary strata were at their deepest part subjected to a temperature capable of melting brass, and probably not far short of that at which gold is melted ^ so ' that a very short distance comparatively beneath the crust i would bring us to a region in which every kno^vTi substance J would be in the fluid condition. But it is unknown how far I increase of pressure has to do with the keeping matter in a solid condition even at very great temperatures, and, at the > same time, when it is remembered that the specific gravity of the earth is estimated at 5 or 6, while none of the con- stituents of the earth's crust have a higher specific gravity 16 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. than 3, it is obvious that pressure and heat have opposite tendencies, and that the influence of pressure is greater than that of heat ; for, while the compressed rocks would give a specific gravity very much higher than that of the earth's mass, the expansion consequent upon the existence of heat in their substance keeps it down to the more moderate limit. Sir William Thomson has investigated the question of the cooling of the earth, and looks upon the increase of tempera- ture from the surface downwards as proof of the constant loss of heat from the globe, the heat radiating into space without sensibly elevating the temperature of the upper crust through which it passes. The continuance of such a loss of heat involves belief in the occurrence of a period at which the earth was a fluid mass, and Sir William Thomson has fixed that period at not less than 200 millions, nor more than 400 millions, of years ago ; the probability being that 100 millions of years is the limit of geological history, and that, prior to that time the earth's surface was unfit for the main- tenance of animal or vegetable life. But he does not con- sider it probable that the crust was formed, as is commonly assumed, by the consolidation of an outer layer : he believes that this outer layer did not acquii'e its firmness till the globe had become very nearly solid ; and that, as the con- solidation commenced from the centre and went towards the circumference, the last portion to be formed would be the external crust. He agrees with Mr. Hopkins in believing that within the crust, cavities or chambers exist in which molten matters are found, and that it is this cavernous layer, separating the external crust from the solid core, which is the source of volcanoes and their attendant phenomena, whose development is excited either by the breaking in of the roofs, or by the introduction of matter, chiefly water, from the exterior, or by the subsidence of the crust compressing the fluid matters contained in the spaces. While it is certain that the earth has consolidated from the fluid state, the vagueness of the limit above assigned has been made ground of objection, and it has been pointed out that there is no means of determining the rate at which radiation has taken place in the past, since at present the atmosphere checks radiation in proportion to the quantity of aqueous vapour it PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. 17 contains. These and other considerations have been advanced, not in disproof of the statements as to the fact that there is a loss of temperature, but as suggesting that our knowledge is not yet sufficient to fix the rate of loss, still less the period when the globe became habitable, and when it shall cease to be so. The organic world does not furnish any guide to the solution of the problem, and this speculative question must, therefore, be left in the meantime. 6. Eccentricity of the Earth's Orbit. — The path described by the earth round the sun is an ellipse, of which the sun occupies one focus. The amount of eccentricity varies, so that, as calculated by Mr. Carrick Moore, the difierenco between the earth's greatest and least distance from the sun was as given in the following table : — 250,000 years before ISOOj A.D., 4;V millions of miles. 210,000 „ ,10i 200,000 „ lOi „ 150,000 „ 6 ,, 100,000 „ 8i „ 50,000 „ 2| „ 3 „ The orbit, therefore, made its nearest approach to a circulai' form 50,000 j'^ears ago, and is now tending again towards greater eccentricity. 6. Precession of the Equinoxes. — The rotation of the 'earth on its axis gives the alternations of day and night ; but its revolution round the sun gives with the obliquity of the axis the seasonal diiferences, as well as the alternation of these seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. Twice every year in the course of its revolution the earth arrives at a point where the ecliptic cuts the equator, and the day and night are then equal all over the earth; twice eveiy year the earth arrives at a point where the sun illuminates the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere respec- tively, and when the sun has attained its greatest northern limit, the summer solstice of the northern hemisjihere takes place, the sun thereafter declining to the south, till, puijsing the equator, the summer solstice of the southern hemisphere is reached in its turn. If the revolutions of the earth round the sun were performed in equal times, the solstice would 23 c 18 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. ahvays occur at tlie same point iii the orbit. But retardation makes the earth arrive at the same point successively a little later at each revolution, and thus the solstice of the northern hemisphere, occurring at one period when the earth is nearest tlie sun, or in perihelion, gradually comes round later and Liter till it coincides with the earth's greatest dis- tance from the sun, or aphelion. But another influence also comes into play, namely, the revolution of the apsides, the long axis of the earth's elliptic orbit slowly changing its direction under tlie same disturbing influences. By the joint influence of precession and the revolution of the apsides, the period in which the earth completes this cycle is 21,000 years : within that time the north pole will have passed through every intermediate position between that when its winter was in aphelion back again to the same point. 7. Amount of Heat received by the Earth. — The total amount of heat received by the earth is in the inverse pro- poixion to the minor axis of its orbit ; a larger amount, therefore, is received during extreme eccentricity of the orbit than when it is more nearly circular. The obliquity of the eclii^tic, or the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit, varies as has been said : at its maximum the polar regions would receive ■— more of heat than they do at present, and at its minimum the amount of heat would be ■ correspondingly diminished. It is unnecessary to S2:)eak of the theoretical consequences of these various astronomical conditions, since, in discussing changes of climate the actual results, controlled by the physical conditions of the earth's surface, will be summed up. 8. Disturbing Influences of Planets. — The disturbing influences alluded to above are due to the attraction of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, superior j^lanets, as they are called, whose orbits, that is to say, are external to that of the earth, and by Yenus among the inferior planets, or those whose orbits are internal to that of the earth. 9. The Moon. — The moon describes an elliptic orbit, having the earth in one of its foci. Its mean distance from the earth is 22G,000 miles, and its orbit is inclined to the ecliplic at an angle of 5'' 8' 48", so that its altitude is greater and less than that of the sun at its summer and winter COMPOSITION OP earth's CRUST. ID solstices. Its mass has beoii determlnecl as -g]-.-^ of the earth ; its bulk to be •Jg- of the earth, and its density -6. Its rotation is performed in the same time as its revolution round the earth, the lunar month or period of these moA-e- ments being 29d. 12h. 44m. 2-87sec. The attraction excited by this satellite on the earth, and especially its influence on the tidal phenomena, will be discussed in a future chapter. The relations of the other planetary bodies to the earth belong to the domain of astronomy, from which we borroAv the fact that their attraction on the earth's mass varies witb their proximity to or distance from it, according as theii elliptic orbits bring them nearer or carry them fax^thex' away. SECTION II. Composition of Earth's Crust — Table of Formations — Interpretation of such Tables — Comparative Sections in Britain — Unconformity — Sedimentary Formations not all Marine. 10. Composition of Earth's Crust. — Whatever may be the composition of the interior of the earth, it is certain that its surface consists of various materials, aiTanged either in regular masses or irregularly comingled. The chemical substances entering into the composition of the earth's crust are, of course, all those which are known to the chemist, but the proportions in which they exist are exceedingly various; thus calcium carbonate is almost universally found, whereas phosphorus is comparatively I'ai'e. Tlie quantity of each of the elements which enter into the composition of the sti'atified deposits, and their relative impoi'tance, are fairly represented by the following analysis given by Roscoe from the examination of palseozoic rocks. In 100 parts, by weight, there are of Oxygen, 44 to 487. Calcium, 6 "G to 0-9. . Silicon, 22-8 to 36-2. Magnesium, 27 to O'l. Aluminium, 9"9to 6"1. Sodium, 2-4to2*5. Iron, 9 9 to 2'4. Potassium, 17to3'l. The composition and mode of combination of the diffex'ent elements is likewise vexy various. The discussion of these 20 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. differences "belongs to the province of daemical geology, but it will be necessary to point out in a general way, the manner in which the different ingxedients are presented to the field observer. 11. Formation of the Earth's Crust. — Commencing at the surface of the earth in temperate regions, we find a variable amount of soil overlying gravel, sand, and clay, all more or less incoherent. Beneath these we come to harder material, disposed in layers, the inclinations of which to the horizon are widely different, ranging from horizontal to pei-pendicular. As every one of these layers owes its existence to the dis- integration of a previously consolidated mass, it is ob^dous that there must be a point beyond which it is impossible for us to trace the stratified rocks, a point at which the earliest formed strata have disajDpeared, and that point is reached in the Laurentian series; for though these have obviously been deposited as sedimentary strata, yet the sources of these sediments are nowhere to be recognised now. Lauren- tian rocks are therefore not the oldest, but the oldest known components of the earth's crust; all the succeeding forma- tions, tabulated as follows, — e P o s 1 Cm Eecent. Pleistocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Eocene. : f v..S^ Cretaceous. S ■Wealden. : §1 111 Oohtic 1^ Permian. Carboniferous. Old Eed. Silurian. Cambrian. ^Laurentian. are derived each from that which had gone before. Calcula- tions have been made as to the thickness of the earth's crust, the greatest thickness of each of these formations, or their mean thickness, according to the views of the calculator, being taken and added together; the result is very serious mis- apprehension of the relations of the strata to each other. For although a table, such as that above, represents every formation as if it lay in contact with one above and one below, and though it thus suggests the presence of all these layers as the normal condition of the earth's crust, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible for all of tliese strata to exist at every point of the eai-tli's surface, without our imagining that the seas and lands of the past had alternated, i^OU^U'TlON OF fliE EAkTH's CRUST. ^1 and Bad, each of them in turn, covered the surface of the globe, a su[)position which is contrary to analogy and to ex- perience. A geological section or table is true only for the locality at which it is taken. Movements of elevation and subsidence are constantly going on at various points, and the positions of sea and land are constantly shifting; it will be apparent that every change in the position of land and water means addition to, or diminution of, the amount of sedi- mentary layers, or even the entire arrest of their deposition. The persistence of continental conditions for a long period necessarily prevents the formation of sedimentary accumula- tions over that area, and thus we have in the British Islands a remarkable difference in the succession of the rocks at difibrent parts, the following being very good examples of what it is desired to explain : — COMPARATIVE SECTIONS IN UNITED KINGDOM. North of Scotland. W. ^ E. •2 """'^n-h. H. ^^^^ds Oolit '•in. ^'^fi "^tf^io. '^e. Grajitians to Lammermoors. N.W. S.E. '% °"% . "'"'' °"tr"' . ou-^^-^"^"' <>■ . 1 .-V s. 22 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 12. Unconformity of Formations. — Tlie thickness of the stratified portion of crust may or may not be twenty miles, but the calculations upon which it is based are futile, and apt to convey an erroneous notion of physical geography. If our opportunities of observation w^ere complete, we should be able to form a picture at every epoch of the changes of land or water; we should be able, from a comparison of sedimentary deposits and the areas they occupy, to fix the ]30sition of every change. But^ in the first i:)lace, the geological record is not complete, denudation having re- moved a great many of the strata; and, in the second place, we have no guide to the absolute time which may h?vve elapsed between any two events. Thus we find in Scotland that the old red sandstone is covered by the oolites, W'hereas in England the carboniferous epoch, the permian, and the triassic intervened between these two sets of beds; but we cannot tell whether the interval rei^resented by the absence of deposit is greater, equal to, or less than the. interval, re- presented in England by all these formations, though the probability is that it was about the same. If every one of the formations mentioned in the table represents the sea bottom, and if we find that any one ot these formations is in contact Avith, not one, but several of those which were formed before it, it is obvious that the sea bottom upon Avhich it is laid down w^as not uniform, and was not made up of the same parts. This relation, which is known as unconformity, may be represented by the subjoined diagram, in which the. planes of the strata are indicated by the slope of the printed names. TPvANSVERSE SECTION OF SCOTLAND. Uolitii;. ta ""a. v 13. Sedimentary Formations not all Marine. — This section shows a number of iniconformities, each one of which repeats exactly the same steps. We have, first of all, the BEDIMEXTARY FORilATIOXS KOT ALL MARINE. 25 deposit of tlie strata from water, then elevation until they have lost tlieir approximate horizontality; we have them brought -within the denuding action of the waves of the sea, or they may be elevated still more so as to be acted on by the atmosphere; and, again submerged after their up- turned edges had thus undergone considerable reduction, they become the seat of fresh accumulations. The time occupied in these processes is unknown; it may be long or it may be short, for we cannot tell how many times these processes may have been repeated, we camiot tell how many accumula- tions have been laid down thus unconformably, have been swept away, and upon the fresh vrorn surface of the sub- jacent rocks another pile deposited. We see in fact only tho last step in the process; we cannot tell how many similar steps had occurred before. But from the statement that all these formations represent sedimentary deposits, and by that is usually meant marine accumulations, some deduction must be made. Professor Ramsay has given good reason to believe that the cambrian, the old red sandstone, the pcrmian, tho triassic, and part of the carboniferous formations, represent the remains of contmcntal areas, of land surfaces, or of land locked basins in which a meagre fauna lived, and in which the deposits were largely chemical. This is among the first attempts that have been made to connect the continents of the present with those of the extreme past; and it seems as if we were very nearly able to say that the land surfaces of the triassic times are continued by the present continents, and that, extensive as may have been the upward and down- ward movements and other changes of their surface, these have not been simultaneous at all points, and thus the direct, uninterrupted transmission of plant and animal life has taken place as unmistakably as it has taken place in the ocean. In a subsequent section, an attempt will be made to show how a continent may gradually become developed or evolved by the addition of layer to layer, by the gradual elevation of each layer, as it has been formed, to become the shore of tho land. 21 PHYSICAL GEOGEAPHY. SECTION III. • Most Common Minerals— Table of Rocks — Difficulty of Classifica- tion: Transition Groups — Mechanically, Chemically, Organically Formed Hocks — Hypogene Rocks. 14. Minerals. — The elements whicli enter most largely into the composition of mineral masses are : hydrogen, chlo- rine, sodium, potassium, oxygen, sulphur, calcium, mag- nesium, carbon, silicon, aluminium, iron, fluorine, boron, phosjDhorus, lithium, barium, zirconium. A mineral is a chemical substance having a definite composition and" a definite form; a rock is made u]y of various minerals in difterent proportions, and has no definite form. It only concerns the geographer to ascertain the composition and structure of rock masses, or that deiDartment which the geologist recognises as petrology. 15. Rocks. — Rocks may be grouped as — A. Mechanical. 1. Sediimentaky : — a. Arenaceous, e.g., Conglomerate. Sandstone. b. Argillaceous, e.g., Mud. Clay. Shale. 2. ^oltan: — Blown Sand. Dunes. 3. Subaerial: — Superficial Moraines. Moraine profonde. Boulder Clay. Talus. B. Chemical. 1. Calcareous, e.r/., Stalactite. Travertine. 2. Siliceous, e.g., Sinter. 3. Rock Salt. 4. Gypseous. C. Organic. 1. Calcareous, e.g., Coral Reefs. Oazc. 2. Carbonaceous, e.g., Peat. Lignite. Coal. 3. Ferruginous, e.g.. Bog Ore. D. Hypogene. 1. Met AMORPHIC: — Quartzite, Ilornstone. Porphyry. Mica Schist, Slate. Dolomite. Sei-pentine. Gneiss, Granite. Anthracite. Graphite. ROCKS. •J J o p >— .'3 - ~ O Jt — *" P - O P 5- !5 3 S?" o o 5j ^ 2. E § o re o 3 re B c- £ H5 o JT d OJ •-( j; - r-C «< - =-3 ? 5 » 3 ^ - c^n 5f ?o y. — J; ^ ~ re (0 £2 a =♦ §• c E s » as-g 1! t?: « Agglomerates. 26 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2. Igneous:— a. Volcanic. "^ Felspatliic Series, e.g., Tracliytes. Aslies Augitic Series, e.r/., Dolerite, Basalt. 1 jj^eccias h. Trappean. Felstones. Melapliyre. 16. Classification. — These groups cannot be regarded as sliarply defined : in each a typical form may be selected, but, excej)t among the lavas and perhaps a few granites, we do not find perfectl}'- simple re23resentatives of the family char- acters. The difficulty of classification will appear in the sequel; but the accompanying diagram gives a general idea of the mutual relations of the groups. 17. A. Mechanically Formed Rocks. — 1. Sedimentary. — The rocks formed by deposit from water constitute the grea-t bulk of the stratified formations, and the two ingredients, silica and alumina, which form their greatest mass, characterise, according to their predominance, the sandy and the clay •■series, arenaceous and argillaceous, but they are seldom found pure. The finest arenaceous rocks, the purest sands, or the finest grained sandstones, present quartz masses comminuted to the smallest possible size. The series commences with bi-eccia, or angular fragments which have been disengaged from rock faces, but have not undergone any action by which their angular asperities might be removed. Water- rolling is the most powerful agent in smoothing and polish- ing in all directions, a pebble being, in 2D0j)ular language, a rounded piece of quartz equally smooth at all points; but it is convenient to use the word for any uniformly rounded fragjment. The Ioniser the friction is continued the smaller does the fragment become, so that the coarse shingle of the sea-shore, Avhich, when consolidated, yields a conglomerate, passes into gradually finer gravels — fine sand being the last term in the series. The consolida- tion is effected in the case of sand by compression, by in- filtration of iron and lime from the strata above, or by the solution of calcareous fragments, as of shells, which may have been enclosed in it. Breccias and conglomerates become coherent rocks by intermixture with sand, and tlic MECHANICALLY FORMED ROCKS. 27 pressure wMcli effects consolidation may be guessed from the fact that the pebbles are sometimes indented at their points of mutual contact. Sandstones contain varying quantities — - sometimes minute, at other times considerable — of clay, iron, calcareous, felspathic, and organic matters; and thus we have transitions to shales, ironstones, hypogene rocks, lime- stones, and coals. The debris brought into the sea by streams, or derived from the Avaste of shores, is sifted in the sea, and deposited according to its relative weight; gravel, sand, and mud form, generally speaking, successive zones of deposit parallel to the coast. Sandstones occur massive, with- out stratification planes, forming the liver rock of quarry- men, or divided into seams of various thickness separated from each other by layers of other materials. The value of sandstone as a building material, is in proportion to the closeness of its grain, the presence of stratification planes destroying the free working in all directions. Clav is the characteristic material ' of aroillaceous rocks. The silt of a river is a heterosfeneous substance, consistinjj of fine mud, sand, organic and chemical matters, which are gradually separated. The aluminous matter is always fine grained, and the glacier detritus can only be said to present a greater tenuity of its materials, because the sand which it contains has been ground into an unusually fine powder. The only pure clays are those derived from the decay of felspathic rocks, the result — kaolin, porcelain clay, or meer- schaum — consisting of hydrated silicate of alumina, from which other ingredients have been washed out; and those clays on which a similar depuratory action has been exercised by vegetation. The fire-clay found along with coal seams is the representative of the white clay on which jDcat rests, and the principal impurity of both is a small quantity of car- bonaceous matter. Clay as a stratified deposit forms shale, which is usually extremely fissile; but this fine lamina- tion must not- bo confounded with the division planes of slate, which form a structure superinduced upon and not necessarily coinciding with the planes of original stratifica- tion. As an increasing cpiantity of sand would lead into sandstone, so an increase in the carbonaceous or calcareous admixture would give the transition from clay to coal or 23 PHYSICAL GEOGRAniY. limestone. A small quantity of limo gives the fertile marls, and of sand gives to loam its pervious character. The con- solidation of this last variety yields the mndstones of the older formations, which are less fissile and tougher than the purer shales. Lastly, the addition of volcanic ashes to shales in course of formation gives a nearer or more distant aj^proach to volcanic rock in proportion to the quantity introduced. 2. jEolian rocks are the blown sands of the desert and the sea shore. They are sometimes, especially the latter, regu- larly stratified, and shells, blown up from the beach, are often found in the lamime. This kind of formation is only recognisable in the present, its incoherence and the circum- stances of its accumulation preventing its preservation in the form in which it was first laid doAvn. 3. The term iSubaerial is intended to apply to those materials which are derived from atmospheric waste, but have not been reasserted in water. The talus found at the foot of every cliff, consists of debris which may be washed down in j)art by rain, but the quantity of water is not suffi- cient to give it a stratified character. The coarser materials are found at the bottom of the slope, which has the fan- shape characteristic of all sediment allowed to spread with- out restraint from a single point. The glacier debris will be referred to in a subsequent chapter. Meanwhile, it may be mentioned, that though the Moraine profonde may have more or less of an alluvial aspect, an imperfect stratification being discernible in it, the rearrangement of its materials has not the regularity even of river deposits, and in the case of the boulder clay or till, the distinction is Avell known between the pell-mell aspect of the great mass, and the regular stratification of those j^arts Avhich have been laid down in the sea, or upon Avhich the sea has come to act. 18. B. Chemically Formed Rocks. — The limits of this group are very indefinite, but well marked types of rock may be found Avhich, though deposited in water or by water, have their final form very unlike that of true sedimentary rocks. 1. Calcareous deposits take place in caves, and, on a small scale, in cellars and under bridges, v/here water drops down carrying an excess of carbonate of lime. The Avater Avhich falls on the ground eA^aporates or runs off, leaving a calcareous EOCKS OF ORGANIC ORIGIIT. 29 deposit wliicli may come to form very thick layers of stalag- mite. The falling drop also parts with its lime, which gradually forms a dependent rod like an icicle; and the stalac- tite and stalagmite may meet, finally filling up the cavern with a spongy mass of variously coloured carbonate of lime, in which crystallization may afterwards take place without destroying the lamination. Travertine is a porous limestone deposited by precipitation from the waters of calcareous springs and streams. It forms masses which, as at San rilijDpo, may be 250 feet thick; and a thickness of one foot has been laid down in about four months. If fragments of foreign matter are enclosed in it, the lime may arrange itself round these in concentric masses giving a spheroidal texture. 2. The Siliceous sinters found around thermal springs, are precisely similar to the calcareous travertines. The silex is deposited on the cooling of the warm water charged with soda, which kept it in solution at a high temperature. 3 and 4. Bock salt is found in lenticular masses, 60 or even 90 feet thick in England. In France the layers are each of them thinner, but at Vic 180 feet of salt are found in 650 feet of strata. Kock salt (sodium chloride) and gypsum (anhydrite, and hydrated calcium sulphate) are usually found in association ; they occur in various forma- tions, but their remarkable development in the triassic strata, I and others whose tints are red, yellow, or green, according to the iron salt tliey contain, furnishes an important evidence in favour of Professor Kamsay's theory, that these formations were deposited in inland seas. Rock salt is also found in considerable quantity saturating the soil of inland plains, or deposited round the shores of land-locked basins. 19. C. Rocks of Organic Origin. — The segregation of various substances by plants and animals is doubtless a chemical process; but being determined by the living tissues ' of organised bodies, and yielding rock masses of very difierent forms and relations from those of the last group, it is at least convenient to keep them apart. 1. Calcareous. — The coral reefs of tropical and sub-tropical seas, and the isolated corals of other oceans, offer the largest ratio of chemical substances to living tissues that we know 30 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. of in nature. Tlie enormous thickness of some reefs makes them very important members of the stratified series, while their disintegration forms sedimentary deposits whose ulti- mate organic origin is obscured. Their interest is increased by the fact that they contain carbonate of magnesia along with carbonate of lime, and thus these two minerals are found in conjunction, which, as in the permian strata, are believed to represent metamorphism. The oaze which covers the floor of the Atlantic and other oceans, consists of about 85 per cent, of calcareous matter, derived from the tests of Globigerinse (Huxley); 10 per cent, of silicious matter of inorganic origin, or obtained from diatoms and other lowly organisms, with silicious coverings; while the remainder consists of the debris of molluscs, Crustacea, and other marine animals j which are enclosed in calcareous shells. This fine soft sedi- ment hardens on exposure, and both in composition and structure is well nigh identical with the earthy limestone forming the white chalk. Mr. D. Forbes finds that white chalk contains 94 to 98 per cent, of carbonate of lime, oaze not more than 60 per cent. He thence concludes that oaze would yield a calcareous shale. The proportion of lime probably depends on depth; the generalisation may there- fore in the meantime be accepted as in the main correct. Lacustrine limestones or marls are formed in many small basins, and are found on a large scale in Lake Superior. The varieties of limestone are considerable. The white chalk has already been mentioned; it is earthy in England, more compact in France. The limestones of the carboniferous period are seldom quite pure, giving transitions into sand- stone and shale. Bich as they are in fossils, the quantity of lime is greater than the fossils preserved will explain; and it is probable that the great mass consists of debris of organisms similar to those which have come down, while it is not unlikely that the deej) seas of ancient periods contained oaze similar to that of more recent times. Bituminous and fetid limestones owe their characters to the presence of organic matter. Limestones may be earthy, compact, or crystalline, according to their purity and the conditions to which they have been subjected since their formation. The oolitic and pisolitic structui'es are, like the spheroidal condition of traver- ROCKS OF ORGANIC ORIGIN. 31 tine, clue to the presence of small foreign bodies; but the isolation of the spherules has been effected by the rolling of the first concretions to and fro, so that they come to consist of concentric layers. Siliceous infiltrations may give great hardness, while decomposition yields rottenstone. Conglo- meratic or brecciated limestones are found under circum- stances suggestive of the waste of islands in their vicinity during deposition. The Broken beds of Portland have been accounted for by supposing the deposit of lime on a mass of vegetation, whose decay and collapse fractured the layer, while continued deposit of lime recemented the whole. 2. The carbonaceous group is the most important econo- mically. The following table, given by Dr. Percy, illustrates the composition of various members of the coal group, the ?arbon being taken as 100. The last column shows tho excess of hydrogen above that required to make water : — Carbon. Excess of Hydrogeu ^yoocl, : loo 8307 1218 i-8o Peat, Ligiiitc, 10 Yard coal, Stafford, Steam coal, Tyne, Pentref elin coal, S. Wales, . . Anthracite, Peiinsjdvania, . . . Oxygen. Hydrosen 83 07 12-18 55-67 9-85 42-42 8-37 21-23 6-12 18-32 5-91 5-28 4-75 1-74 2-81 2-39 3 07 3-47 3-62 4 09 2G3 This table shows the decrease of the other ingredients in proportion to carbon, anthracite being the extreme form of the metamorphism of coal, in which the volatile matters have been largely expelled. In the conversion of wood into coal, part of the hydrogen is eliminated with carbon, as marsh gas (CH^), a part unites i with oxygen to form water, and part of the remaining (oxygen unites with the carbon to form carbonic acid (CgO^). Coal is formed from the decay of vegetable matter, and the process may go on where the vegetation grew, or the finer debris may be washed down into pools, settling down there to form the fine grained compact cannel or gas coal. The ordinary bituminous coals, as they are called (though they contain no bitumen, no substance, that is to say, which is soluble in ether or benzole), have, for the most part, an '.mperfect cuboidal structure, the planes by which the mass 32 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. is divided being vertical to those of stratification. Tliese joints result from the pressure to which the once soft mass DQ has been subjected, the bulk of the original vege- ^ table matter having been, it is calculated, eight or I s twelve times that of the coal. The seams usually %'^ rest on fire-clay, the soil on which the vegetation B OQ flourished, while upwards they may pass into car- ^ » bonaceous shales. But the coal itself is remark- g I able for its freedom from sedimentary materials, a P condition only compatible with its formation be- § yond the reach of sea or rivers. The occasional intersection of coal fields by bands of gravel, the KQ ordinary debris of a river channel, confirms the B i view that the coal swamps were analogous to those 11 of a delta like that of the Mississippi, the plants ^ a^ decaying on the islands between the streams, being o I! protected from incursions of alluvium by the thick g- 1 undergrowth all round. The subaqueous deposit of cannel coal is rendered more probable by the horizontal passage of cannel into blackband iron- stone, with which are associated the remains of amphibians, so that the series probably was as in the adjoining table. The oil shales mentioned in the last line of this diagram, are now an important article in Scottish manufactures. They are ordinary shales, saturated with animal matter derived from the decay of minute entomostracan crustaceans and of vegetable matter, the former being the characteristic inhabit- ants of brackish and stagnant fresh waters. 3. Ferruginous deposits, whose position is deter- mined by organic bodies, are illustrated by the bog iron ore, which forms deposits sometimes of toler- able size in peat swamps, concentrated on particu- lar spots by the partially decaying plants. The ^•" seorresfation of the iron in carboniferous times was w o o 5 determined likewise by the vegetation. CO p O 3 •- a a n t^ a a p = S ft S?^ Si. ><; If tlic lines of tlic strata on citlier side wore produced as shown in the dotted lines, it would become apparent that a conical mass had been denuded away, the quantity then removed being capable of calculation from the known thickness of the beds on either side. The horizontal strata in the middle rest on the denuded edges of beds which had been bent into an anticlinal arch. The valley of tlie Tay is, tlicrefore, a geogi-aphical valley, but a geological hill, and the u])])cr is violenty unconformable on the lower old red. 25. Curvature. — Elevation and depression of limited tracts of country, accomplished with more or less violence and suddenness, give the simplest form of disturbance by which sedimentary strata are removed from their original horizon- tality; for the limited elevation gives a dome or a ridge, from the centre of which the beds dip away. If the dome becomes 4:3 PHYSICAL GEOGRArHY. clenuded by sea and atmospliere, and thereafter Is submerged so as to be covered Avitb marine strata again, unconformity is the relation between the older and newer deposits. This relation is shown in the diagram given above, and in those in Art. 11, and it indicates that a period of time of unknown length has intervened between the dates of the two deposits. The occurrence of such unconformities between formations shoAvs that there has been a great change in the physical geography of the district, and that this change has been great enough, and the time long enough, to allow the plants and animals of the earlier period to remove, and either to return modified in form during their migrations, or to be replaced by a new set of organisms coming in from some other locality. The curvatures are usually, however, more complicated than in the case first supposed. Several adjacent elevations form a succession of anticlines with intervening troughs or syn- clines, and in rare cases, as the Apj)alachians and the Jura, these features corresjDond to the features of the ground, in place of being reversed, as in the case of the Tay valley. The amount of folding to which the strata have been subjected varies much; a few broad undulations, for example, form the Thames valley and the Solent, the intervening ridge having been denuded into a valley, the Weald like the Tay occupying the site of a geological hill. In the silurian districts, on the other Land, the strata are thrown into many narroAV curves, and in these subordinate crumplings abound. 26. Faults. — The curvature of the rocks in a district is usually in the inverse ratio of the fractui'es which the strata liave sustained. Fractures are of two kinds, both' traceable, however, to the same cause. All rocks, at least all of any density, are traversed by joints, are intersected by division planes, which, when well developed, cut up the rock between the planes of stratification into cubes. These joints facilitate the work of the quarryman and miner, the "face" of the coal making the process of extraction also more economical than it would otherwise be. This kind of structure is due to pressure, and is essentially the same as the cleavage of slate already referred to. The fracture with displacement consti- tutes a fault, such as is illustrated in the section of the ^trathblane valley. The rocks have been broken, and cno FAULTS. 47 side has slipped past tlie other, so that coiTesponding portions come to lie at very different levels — the trap in that parti- cular case forming the top of one hill, and occurring far down in the opposite hill. The amount of displacement, what is called the throw of the fault, varies from inches to thousands of feet, and the distance to which they may be traced is equally varied. But in tracing a fault line for enormous distances, as in tracing a volcanic chain or an earthquake movement, it does not necessarily follow that only one move- ment has determined the whole : the 2:>robability that there were several increases with the length of the fault, and more than one parallel fracture line may become united. The inverse relations of faults and contortions of the strata have been ingeniously explained by Mr. J. M. Wilson, who j^oints out that if a portion of the earth be elevated, and thus come to occupy a greater horizontal area than it did before, it cannot return to its former position so as to leave everything as it was. The rock has been displaced, and the earth's surface is curved; hence, when the area subsides, the rocks would become folded on themselves so as to occupy the former space, and contortion v/ould thus be due to subsidence of a curved surfiice, while elevation might occur in an adjoining district, so that the strain in the first would be relieved. But if, during elevation, the convex surface of the mass becomes fractured by the strain, subsidence may be accom- panied by the relative displacement of the portions on either side of the fracture line, and thus the whole might be again accommodated within the former area without contortion, and without compensating movements in adjacent districts. Faults, like the metamorphosis of sedimentary strata, and the fusion of igneous rocks, are doubtless in progress" at the present time : great elevations, as that of the Chilian coast, extensive subsidences, like those of Grecidand and of the Ai'alo-Caspian area, cannot have left the strata unaffected ; and geologists have shown that the smooth surfaces of rock on either side of faults are scratched or scored in such a way as to indicate that the displacement has been effected by several movements at different periods, and not always in the same dii*ection. The gi-adual development even of a displacement to the extent of 2000 feet, is one of the reason3 48 PHYSICAL GEOGHArilT. why faults are not indicated at the surface by any prominent features. Even had the dislocation been sudden, denudation would in time have smoothed away the outstanding portion; still more would denudation efface the asperity of surface resulting from a gradual downward movement. But fault lines do sometimes coincide with the wall of a valley for a considerable distance. Thus the northern boundary of the Silurian hills of South Scotland is to a large extent in a line of fault. In the subjoined diagram, the names in Roman letters represent the present surface ; those in italics occupy the place of the strata removed since the full de^'elopment of the fault. Section at Biggae. N.] Pentlands. Old Red Sandstone. Southern Hills. [S. Old Red Sandstone. Old Red Sandstone, Old Eed Sandstone. ^^'^ ^^^ Sandstone. / Silurian. Traps and Sandstones. Old Eed Sandstone. Silurian. Silurian : not seen. Section S.E. or HAnniNGTOisr. N.] Old Eed Sandstone. [S. f Silurian. Carboniferous. Old Eed Sandstone. 1^ Tn the upper of these fijifures, the italics show the former relations, the old red sandstone having once covered the tops of the Silurians. Near Biggar, the Silurians are now bare; but to the N.E. the old red is still found in patches on the Silurians. The relative displacement near Biggar is very much greater than near Haddington; but the tapering fonn of a fault line is perhaps best suggested by a ground plan of the Campsie district, from Stirling westwards. The Lower Carboniferous Traps. d Ballagan Beds. |^ W.j Up per Old Eed Sandstone. 2 [3. Fault Line. t^ a> o •'pi^^j^^g snoisjiuoq.TC;;) joAVorj pu^ oiioijsauiiT; « PRESERVATION OF FOSSILS. 49 fault line dies out eastwards; and the carboniferous lime- stone, which, west of Stirling, is found only on the soutli side of the line, is there found on both sides of it, forming a continuous sheet across. 27. Contemporaneous and Intrusive Igneous Rocks. — The relations of the igneous rocks will be discussed in a future chapter; but it may be mentioned here, that by con- temporaneous trap rocks are meant those sheets of lava wliich have been poured out at the surface on sedimentary strata, and which are afterwards covered by other sedimen- tary strata, while the rising column of molten rock, which overflows at the surface, is an intrusive neck which breaks through sedimentary strata. But as this column ascends under pressure, portions of it may force their way between subterranean strata, or into the vertical fissures which may travei'se them. Thus a single volcanic outburst would, if we could see the whole course of the molten matter, illus- trate all these phases. The subjoined diagram will suggest the relations — the space below the horizontal line being occupied by stratified deposits ; — Crater. Contemporaneous Lava Flow. Level of Ground. Interbedded Trap, "g ^1-*' o^^^^'' S5 I Volcanic focus. Tlie contents of rocks, apart from their essential compo- nents, are mineral substances which are segregated after their consolidation, and organic remains, or fossils. The former are the province of the mineralogist; the latter are the materials with which the palaeontologist has to deal. 28. Preservation of Fossils. — The remains of plants and animals are either preserved in the places where they lived, or are drifted to other localities, and there preserved. The completeness of the remains depends on the rapidity with which they have been covered up, or on the process to which they have been subjected. The mammoth was frozen into the Siberian clifis, and the bodies, untouched by decav, were 23 o 5(5 PHYSICAL GEOGRAfEtr. perfectly preserYcd till our own time; men and animals buried in peat liave been found, slirivelled but entire, and the tissues, deprived of their moisture, may be perfect if the body has been exposed to great heat in a dry atmosphere. But for the most part decay has set in before the object is covered up, or goes on afterwards ; in the latter case, we should expect to find the whole of the hard parts preserved in their natural relations; in the former case, the amount which comes down to us depends on a variety of circum- stances. Thus, shell fish dying in great depths of water will slowly decay, and only the hard shells be covered up; but tho shells may, in a sandy material, subsequently dis- appear, infiltration of water charged with carbonic acid dissolving the calcareous matter; and this action usually goes on in fresh waters before the shells are covered up, so that only a layer oi marl represents perhaps a very abundant molluscan fauna. If the mollusc dies within reach of the shore waves, it may be rolled to and fro till it is ground to powder, as if it were a pebble. Animals dying on land are either eaten up by other animals, or decay disintegrates even their skeletons, while the ha,rdest parts may be washed into rivers, rolled to and fro, and finally entombed in a very mutilated state. If the carcase is at once carried ofi' by a stream, it may be partly devoured as it floats, and fragments ot the skeleton may thus be dropped at intervals, leavmg curious puzzles for the zoologist. Icebergs every year float from the extreme north, carrymg away Arctic animals which could not escape, and whose remains are scattered over the sea floors of temperate or even sub-tro^^ical regions. Dr. Buckland experimentally demonstrated the reason for the comparatively large number ot lower jaws of vertebrated animals contained in fossiliferous strata. These bones have very slight attachments to the trunk, and drop ofl;* therefore easily. If we knew the exact equivalents in time of the jaw-containing strata, we might find the reinains of their skeletons, and thus combine into one parts which, in their fragmentary strata, have been referred to different genera. Large numbers of animals are sometimes found entombed together, killed probably in shoals by floods of fresh water poured into the sea^ or hj outbursts of springs charged with rrvESERVATIOX OF FOSSILS. 51 noxious substances; these two phenomena having* occurred in recent times in the Bay of Eundy and in the Indian Ocean. The Pampean mud contains vast quantities of mammals which have sunk in the swamps, and been trampled down by those which followed, eager to drink after-droughts. Of animals v/hich contained no firm joarts, no remains can be expected to survive; yet even of the gelatinous jelly fishes or medusae, the casts have been preserved in soft sedi- ments with sufficient perfection to allow the zoologist to determine their affinities. But these are exceptional cases, and the paucity of the remains of inferior invertebrates is doubtless due to the extreme softness of their tissues. The zoologist, therefore, is deprived of an important kind of evidence on which to rest his speculations as to the succession of life. The tissues may be preserved, retaining their original chemical composition; but they may undergo meta- morphism, thus the carbonate of lime in stone lilies and bivalve shells may be crystallized in the characteristic rhombs, the form of the shell being retained. The material may entirely disappear, being replaced grain for grain by other matters : thus plants and animals may show all their finest structure in silica, or the structure may be lost while the form is intact, if grains of sand have taken the place of the organic substances. The value of fossils is twofold; they may serve as guides in the identification of particular strata, the definiteness of theii* forms giving them high value for this purpose ; or they may afibrd the biologist the means of filling up his scheme of the classification of plants and animals, their study being then an integral pai-t of botany and zoology. The interpretation of fossils, then, is not a mere mechanical process, but depends for its value on thorough knowledge of the nearest living kindred of the extinct forms. The general tables of the succession of fossilifcrous strata wevQ based for the most part on the more mechanical investigation of fossils. But fuller knowledge has shown that tables so constructed do not toll all the truth. Thus it is cputo correct that tho Silurian strata contain fossils on the whole distinct from those of the old red sandstone, still more distinct from those of the carboniferous. But Professor Pamsay has pointed out 52 PHYSICAL GEOGHAPHY. that even the subordinate members of the silurian series are separated from each other by gaps of great importance. He has tabulated the sihirians as follows, from above down- wards: — Wenlock Shale. Break and strong unconformity. Upper Llandovery Beds. Break and decided unconformity. Lower Llandovery Beds. Large break, especially in species, and probable uncon- formity. Llandeilo and Caradoc Beds. Break very nearly complete, both in genera and species, and probable unconformity. Tremadoc Slate. ' " ' Break very nearly complete, both in genera and species, and probable unconformity. LiNGULA Flags. Great differences in the fossil contents of two successive groups of strata are, in some cases, associated with uncon- formity, and this, as has been explained, means repeated move- ment of the inferior mass of strata with some amount of denudation, the whole representing the lapse of a considerable period of time, and a correspondingly great change in the physical geography of the region. Again, he has shown that the lower greensand contains 280 sj^ecies of animals, of which 233 are peculiar to it, while 57, or 18 per cent., are found also in the upper cretaceous. Unconformity accompanies this great break in the succession of life, and the 182 species not found in England migrated, or were destroyed by the geographical change. Again, the occurrence of recognised terrestrial con- ditions in this and other areas, as during the Cambrian, old red sandstone, upper carboniferous, part of the permian, trias, weald, and eocene times, presents so many interrup- tions in the succession of the marine life, on which our classifications were almost exclusively based. What, then, is a formation 1 The evidence points in the direction of an important change in our conception of that phrase. Whereas, formerly, the idea of time was inseparable from itj whereas, formerly, a formation meant a group of tRES^kVATlON OP FOSSILS. flS deposits laid down during a particular period, and the next overlying formation laid do^vn during the succeeding period, the obsei'vations and speculations of Godwin Austen, E. Forbes, Huxley, and Ramsay, on the older rocks, and the remarkable results obtained by Carpenter, Wyville Thomson, and others, in deep sea soundings at the present, indicate what may be called an overlap of formations, the most obvious consequence of which is that they no longer represent a perfectly definite chronology. The principle has already been conceded by the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom in the case of the old red sandstone or devonian, for these formations are thus arranged on the table published by that department : — Carboniferous. K Upper Dill Red SaTidstone. ►_ if tt.,^»« rkM v>^a ao«^..^^r,„ iS -Upper Devonian. .£ Middle Old Red Sandstone. | ^^fP^^ ^M Red Sands one.-^ .^ ^/.J^j ^e^ouiau S Lower Old Red Sandstone, t^ ^"^^^^ ^^'^ ^^""^ faaudstone. s ^ ^ower Devonian. Silurian. Two perfectly distinct kinds of sediments and types of animals, represent two perfectly distinct geographical areas, the one continental, the other marine, which co-existed during the interval between the silurian and the carboniferous; we have here, therefore, a good case, illustrating the general proposition that formations represent geographical areas, not 2)eriods of time. Again, the wealden land existed befoi'e and after the set of deposits, which now preserve its debris, were laid down, and the fact might be represented in a table, thus : — Tertiary. Wealden Land. j ^l^P^^ Cretacerus. Purbeck Land. Lower Cretaceous. ( J urassic. The wealden land merged into the tei-tiary, just as it was itself the direct continuation of the purbeck land; oi' again, to take marine deposits: EV4.' « c! „„ Existing; Continents. Cretaceous Scaa lortiary Continents, l^retaceous tocaa. Wealdeu Land. 54 PHYSICAL G20GRAPHY. It may be a long time yet before the details of these re- lations are elaborated. But it is right to set before the student such a general vieAv as may enable him to understand the drift of modern investigation, and to appreciate the con- nection which exists between the geography of to-day, and the geography of former periods. CHAPTER IL SECTION I.— CONTINENTS. Their Aren,s — Honiomorpliism — Coast Lines : their Homomorphism ; Mountain Chains Parallel to Coast Lines — Evolutions of Conti- nents: Great Britain; North America — Persistence of Deep Oceans — Theory of an Insular Period — Influence of Variations of Land and AVater Surfaces on Historj'- of ISIan. The surface of the globe is divided between land and water, tlie latter covering an area nearly three times as large as that of the former. The approximate measurements for the land being 51 millions of square miles, for the water 146 millions of square miles, makes the total area of the globe 197 millions of square miles. The ratio, on this calculation, is 1 :2-8; the proportion given by Sir Charles Lyell, on Mr. Saunders' authority, is 1 : 2-42. 29. Areas of Continents. — The land is iiTegiilarly distri- buted : 1° The greater mass is found in the noi-thern hemi- sphere, and in that portion of it which lies between 40° W. Ion. and 150° E. Ion., the area thus indicated including the European and Asiatic masses. 2° The gi-eat blocks of land have their northern extremities massive, while they taper towards the south. 3° The mean elevation of the continents follows generally their horizontal dimensions. The following table gives some of the measurements adopted by various Average Ilciglit. Area in Square Miles. Coast Line. Europe,. . . . Asia, 670 630)1010 1150 lOSO ' 17,200,000 1 14,128,000 1 17,000,000 30,800 33,000 America,. .. 030 S7G 16,000,000 10,60S,COO 14,000,000 47,000 44,500 Europe,.. .. 070 030 3,550,000 2,GSS,000 3,400,000 17,200 20,000 Africa,,.. .. IGOO 11.511,000 8,720,000 11,300,000 14,000 10,500 Australia, .. 500 1 3,413,000 2,208,000 3,500,000 7,000 7,000 56 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. writers ; they are thus tabulated to show the range of variations between calculations, which are, after all, mere aj)proximations. Inspection of a map or a globe will show that the land and water are inverse to each other in ratio as well as in form in the two hemispheres. All the continental masses, including Australia, have their greatest breadth towards the north, and this tendency is apparent even in both divisions of the American continent. Hence the northern circumpolar land may be said to be prolonged in wedges southwards, while the great water cii'cle of the southern hemisphere presents corresponding alternations towards the north. 30. Homomorphism. — The similarity in form of the conti- nental masses is one of those resemblances which have been spoken of as geographical homologies; but the importation into geography of this anatomical phrase is unfortunate, since we are not yet in a position to affirm that the forms have been impressed in all cases by the operation of the same law, however probable it may be ; aad we know that neither in point of age nor geological structure, are the continents identical. As, however, a compendious term is required to express this relation of similarity, homomorphism is less open to objection, and it is used in the following pages because it implies no theor}'-, and would still continue applicable even if a iniiform cause were demonstrated. 31. Coast Line. — The greater breadth of continents at ( their northern extremities, and their attenuation southwards, are obvious, and are carried out even in considerable detail. Thus N. America and S. America repeat the same figure: in both the eastern shoulder projects, culminating in Cape Charles in Labrador, and Cape St. Roque in Brazil. Africa projects westward, the coast line between 10° and 30° N. lat. overhano-ino- the Gulf of Guinea. Thus the S. Atlantic basin is bounded by two masses of symmetrical form, save that their leading features are not under the same parallels of latitude. The Red Sea separates Africa from Arabia, and the latter country is again separated by the Persian Gulf from Persia. Arabia, moreover, has a north-westerly angle, the Muscat peninsula, which repeats the Somali prominence of Africa, so that the entrances to the Red Sea and the COAST LINE. 57 Persian Gulf present the same angular form. Cape Comorin terminates a triangular area, which the valleys of the Indus and the Ganges nearly separate from Central Asia, and the Malayan peninsula gives numerous examples in detail as well as in its general form of the same triangular shape. Australia is at present separate from Asia, but there is suj3i- cient evidence that this separation is of comparatively recent date, according to the geological standard of time, though in the ordinary language of men it is of very remote antiquity; and, bearing this in mind, it is clear that the Pacific Ocean is in reality bounded by two homomoi-phic masses, the main axes of which are parallel, the Central American isthmus finding its counterpart in the isolated lands of Sumatra, Java, and Timor. The axes of these masses — not the leading mountain chains, but the lines equally dividing their area — are meridional, those of S. America and Australia curving westwards, N. America and Asia eastwards. Europe is excep- tional to what at first appears the rule, that the northern and southern masses have contrary inclinations, since that mass of which Spain is the south-western extremity has, at least at present, its axis convergent with that of Asia. Other exce])- tions are found on a minor scale, the land pyramids of the northern Mediterranean shore having theii' axes iri-egularly disposed, and rarely meridional. The homomorphism of land masses then, striking as its leading features are, cannot be maintained as an absolute rule. The exceptions are due to the irregular lines along which those influences acted to which the form and character of the coast line may be traced ; and in the coast lines of various countries homomorphism of another kind may be detected. The extent of coast line of the principal masses of land has been stated in the table, Art. 29. Not much importance can be attached to these figures from a theoretical point of \iew. The configm-ation of the coast depends upon the geological structure of a country, upon the length of time during which it has been exposed to denudation, upon the uniformity or variety in hardness of the rocks, on the influ- ence of prevailing winds and marine currents, the amount of rainfall, or the presence of ice — in short, on all those circum- stances on which depends the wasting or denudation of the 58 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. dry land. The uniform outline of Africa and Australia is analogous on a large scale to the configuration of the east coast of England, where the sea line, being formed of rocks comparatively homogeneous in texture, shows notable inden- tations only at those points where streams reach the sea from the interior. Again, the serrated coast lines of Norway, West Scotland, and Ireland, and of western S. America, tell not merely of similar conditions as regards atmospheric waste, meaning thereby the influence of rain, rivers, and ice, but also of similarity in the texture of the rocks themselves, Avliich are, in all these cases, highly disturbed and altered strata of unequal hardness, and disposed in layers at con- siderable angles, often at right angles, to the horizon. The characters of the coast line are those of the general surface of the country; a generalization which only expresses in other y^'^ords the fact that the features of the sea bottom are those of a former dry land now submerged. This relation of the submarine valleys to those of the dry land will be more evident v/hen the origin of valleys has been discussed; mean- while the student may satisfy himself, from the atlas, that the intervals between the islets off the coast of N. and S. America, of ISTorway, Scotland, and other countries with similarly rugged outlines, may be referred to prolongation of the river courses of the dry land. 33. Mountain Chains Parallel to Coast Line. — Consider- able importance has been attached by geographers to the fact that, in a large number of cases, the leading mountain axes are close to and parallel with the coast lines. Thus, the American continent is traversed by a nearly continuous line of mountains; Scandinavia has its line of heights towards the western shore. The margins of the S. African central basin are elevated; the Australian highest grounds are on the eastern shore. But the exceptions are more important : thus, the European Alps have no obvious relation to a coast line; the Himalayas are far from the sea; the transverse chain which, there is good reason to believe, traverses Equa- torial Africa, is neither close to nor parallel with any adjacent shore at the present time, though it was close to the margin of the geologically recent Sahara Sea. The position of the highest grounds is for the most part capable feVOLUtlON OF CONTINENTS. 59 of explanation by reference to the geological history of a country; for, though it is not in all cases possible to follow the evolution of the continents, still a few instances occur in which the course of events is tolerably clear. 33. Evolution of Continents. — On the geological map of tlie British Islands {Student's Physical Atlas, PI. XX), the bands of colour which represent the formations have con- siderable regularity. The oldest rocks, the laurentians, are found in the north-west in the Hebrides, and these are themselves formed out of the debris of pre-existing dry lands, whose position, however, we cannot positively deter- mine. Probably it was to the west and north-west, in the position of the present Atlantic basin. This at least is cer- tain, that the next succeeding formation, the cambrian, lies in hollovv'^s on the surface of the laurentian, and that these tof>'ether formed the floor and shore, on and acjainst which the Silurians were deposited eastwards and southwards. The inland seas of the old red sandstone represent another eleva- tion of the sea floor along a !N.E. ancl S.TV. line, the regu- larity of which is, however, broken by the valleys, into which rain and rivers had fashioned the plain of marine denudation, and the semi-continental area had on its south shores the seas in which the devonians of S.W. England and Germany were deposited. Prior to this time, by inequalities of movement and by denudation, the Silurians had been divided into isolated masses, those of Scotland forming three bands, imperfectly parallel: the one to the N.W. of the Caledonian Canal; the next the wedge Avhose apex is sea- wards towards Donegal Bay, and which is se]:)arated by tho Inroad middle valley of Scotland from the southern uplands. This Silurian ma.ss has its axis prolonged into Ireland, and the hog-backed ridge it presents sinks down to the N.E. and S.W., and is there covered by the later formations. But already Scotland had undergone more elevation than England, for the upper silurinns, which in England had been laid down around the emerging lower silurians, are not found in N. Scotland, and, in the south, fringe the great bank of land just mentioned. At the Pentlands, S.W. of Edinburgh, at Lesmahagow and Girvan, on the north side of the lower Bilurian tract, and near Kirkcudbright on the south, tho 60 Physical geography. upper Silurians rest iinconformably on the lower, tlie latter having therefore been disturbed and elevated — perhaps they even formed an island — before the deposit of the former. The slow submersion and re-elevation of the area during carbon- iferous times, did not disturb the relative heights of the two countries; at least the marine carboniferous rocks of Scotland have more the character of shore and shallow water deposits than those of England. After the partially continental con- dition which characterised the close of the palaeozoic and the commencement of the mesozoic periods in this area, there is a steady change in the axis of elevation of the shore line, and the colour bands describe a curve the convexity of which is towards the S.E., while the axis of the tertiaries is east and west, as are the axes of the latest elevatory movements in this part of England. In general terms, therefore, the land has grown towards the S.E., and the hill ground on the west has come to border the coast line, because the lower ground in that direction has partly subsided, and partly been removed by denudation. A similar history of develop- ment is furnished by the eastern portion of the N. American continent; but though the laurentian rocks, the first sedi- mentary deposits formed on the shores of unknown lands, form a much more complete series, the rocks subsequent to the carboniferous are not so varied as in Britain. The thick sedimentary strata of the Appalachians contrast with the thick limestones on the west of the Mississippi basin, and indicate the position of land to have been out towards the Atlantic. But though this ocean was formerly the site of extensive dry land, it does not follow that it ever formed one continuous continent. The probability is, that the changes to which reference has been made left a central valley always under water, that the shores of the ocean have advanced and receded, but never effaced the intervening trough. Palaeontology and physical geology agree in main- taining the all but certainty of a continuous land having connected S. Africa with N. Europe since the trias. The peculiar reptiles are of the same tyP®^> ^^^ ^-^^^ necessity for them of a land surface on which to pass from the one to the other locality, has compelled investigations which have resulted in the above-stated conclusion. But it does not INSULAR PERIOD. 61 follow that tlie land was as continuous as it is now; tlie shift- ing of the continent may have been slow, but the migration has been permitted, perhaps compelled by it — just as in more recent times, the shifting land of the Pacific has isolated the Tasmanian, who could not even build a raft, from his kindred in New Caledonia. The land on which the trees and the gigantic lizards of the weald flourished stretched from western England across Biscay into S. France, and the chalk ocean deep to the north shoaled as it approached the Pyrenees. 34. Insular Period. — Conjectures have been formed as to a former insular condition of the northern hemiaj^here during the carboniferous period ; but it is now satisfactorily ascertained that the facts of that period are more intelligible on the theory that the land was continuous, and that the archipelago of small islands assumed to have existed would have involved a departure from the known proportions of land and water, for which there is neither proof nor analogy. In his Principles of Geology, Sir Charles Lyell gives a map showing those parts of Europe which have been under water since the commencement of the tertiary epoch. It aj^pears that very little of Europe has been dry land through all that period; but the relations of existing to fossil species of animals show that the dry land has for a long time occupied the same general area. In S. America the same relation holds, for the edentates of the present day are the represen- tatives of the gigantic sloths and armadilloes of the latest deposits, and the more recent fossils of New Zealand and Australia belong to the same peculiar types which now inhabit that area. To admit the extreme antiquity of continents, and to believe that the land and water have always exhibited the same general proportions, does not necessarily involve denial of the possibility of other distributions having existed in the remote past; but the doctrine of uniformity requires 2:)roof of any departure from the ratios which, so far as our know- ledge goes, have existed from the beginning of the fossilifer- ous strata; and the doctrine of evolution, which is only a particular case of the law of uniformity, leads us to seek in the geological changes of the* past an explanation of tJi6 62 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. geograpliy of to-day, tliougli we may not always be able to trace all the steps. Tlie existence of tlie Atlantic as a deep water a.rea, at least since tlie clialk formation, is one of tlie tilings proved by tlie N. Atlantic exploring expeditions, and the characteristic forms of the Atlantic oaze have been recognised by Giimbel in limestones of the palDsozoic period. 35. Influence of Variations in Land and Water Surfaces on History of Man. — The importance of the facts mentioned in this chapter is considerable as bearing on the history of man. The greatest amount of dry land is situated in th® temperate regions, which are thus occupied by the most active members of the human race, to whom they yield the most abundant supply of animal and vegetable food, climate and soil j)ermitting the adoption of methods of continuous cultivation impracticable in warmer regions. The coinci- dence in the temperate regions of the chief subterranean stores of iron and coal, has further contributed to render these areas the most important in the history of the world, since they are at once the chief seats of commerce, and are in possession of the means of conveying their wares, and of producing the arms by the use of which the spread of com- merce and civilisation is accompanied. The continuity of the Europeo-Asiatic continent permitted the uninterrupted spread of the various families of mankind, and their almost universa,! diffusion over the whole area has reduced to very small dimen- sions the tracts occupied by the comparatively uncivilized peoples of the extreme north and north-east. The isolation of the southern continental masses, on the other hand, has helped to maintain the tribes living in their southern extremi- ties in a state of low civilisation, the condition of the South Africans and the Tasmanians being alike extreme cases — the one being cut off from his northern neighbours by tracts of desert land, the other by a sea which he had not the means of crossing. It must of course be borne in mind that between the northern and southern peoples constitutional differences exist, but these do not explain all the facts for which physical conditions sujDply the necessary key. The intersection of the coast line by numerous indentations, as in Scotland on the small scale, in the Mediterranean on the large, helps to diminish the distance of the interior froni islands; definition. 63 tlie sea, and to render interconrse easier. AVLere, as in the West Highlands, neither the soil nor the people were adapted for commerce, the natural features only made clan v.'ai'fare easier; but the northern shores of the JMeditei-ranean rendered possible the creation of the vast empires, rich in commerce, and powerful in Avar, the ruins of which are still grand. Thus the geological structure of a country, its antiquity as a continent or part of a continent, and the nature and amount of the external influences to which it has been ex- posed, have an important influence on the history of man. SECTION II.— ISLANDS. 1° Islands — Dismemberment of Continents — Australia — Malaya — Polynesian Islands — Great Britain — 2^ Islands, directly or indirectly due to Volcanic Action — Coral Islands — Reefs — Barriers, and Atolls — Volcanic Islands — Submarine Gravel Banks. 36. Definition. — The distinction between continents and islands is arbitrary, both being masses surrounded by water, and inequality of size does not constitute a true difference. The artificial character of the distinction is further apparent when chains of islands, as the Hebrides, even Great Britain and Ireland themselves, New Zealand, New Caledonia, and New Guinea, at the Antipodes, are found to be successive dismemberments of the adjacent larger masses of land. The elevation of a limited portion of land till it projected above the surface of the sea would constitute an island, which, though still — as a matter of definition — in the same category with a continent, belongs to a different group from the isolated masses formed by the ordinary dismemberment of l)arts of a coast line. It has been proposed to separate islands from continents by reference to the form of the sur- face, a continent being a land mass, with an inner basin, like Africa or Australia. But this is practically to make an exception the rule. The African continent exhibits an imusually large area, for its sizo^ of horizontal strata, and 64 PHYSICAL GEOGEAPIIY. the clenudation of these has left a central basin, "by processes "which have occupied long periods, but of which we do not know the details. The disturbed strata of the British Islands and of Canada, though equally ancient as continents, have not assumed a basin form, -which, indeed, was incompatible with thek' structure. 37. Classification. — Islands fall naturally into two groups, those which have been part of continuous land, and those which have a different origin. It is anticipating what will be said in a following section, but it must be j^remised that the contour of the surface of the dry land is prepared either by movements proceeding from the interior of the earth's crust, or by operations taking place on its surface, and these two phenomena find their extreme illustration in the develop- ment of islands. The two groups are — 1. Islands which were once portions of continental lands. 2. Islands which never were portions of continents, but which may become associated with them by extension of the mainland. 38. Islands once part of Continents. — The fii-st group embraces a very large series, the majority of existing islands, v/hich are capable of an ajDiDroximate chronological classifica- tion by reference to the plants and animals they contain. Thus, Australia represents a very ancient separation from all other lands. The animals which it contains, marsupials, ornithorhynchus, and echidna, once had a much more exten- sive diffusion over the globe, their fossil remains being found in the mesozoic strata of Europe and America. At present, the opossum family [Didelphidce) are the sole representa- tives of the marsupials beyond the Australian area, and they are found in the Southern States, in Central America and the north part of South America. The i-emaining orders, the ornithorhynchus and the echidna are confined to that area which includes New Cuinea, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia. If, on the map, a line be drawn from the N.W. extremity of Celebes to the N.E. extremity of New Zealand, and if the axis of the latter be prolonged to intersect a line drawn from Adehxide on the south coast of Australia, so as to touch the western shores of Tasmania, a pyramidal area, with its apex at the Macquarie ISLANDS ONCE PART OF CONTINENTS. 65 Islands, will be described, which coiTesj)oiids to the position and form of a continental mass, similar to the Africa of the present time. The north-western boundary of this continent would be formed by a line comiecting Celebes and Western Australia, and passing through the strait between Lombok and Bali. Of this continent, the islands included within this area would be the surviving representatives, while many of the islands lying to the north and east of the limits here given ought, probably, also to be included The definition of this ancient continent is based by Wallace on the distinct- ness of its fauna from that of the immediately adjacent Asiatic continent; and if we take into consideration the resemblance of the land and marine forms of this region to those of the mesozoic strata of Europe, good reason will be found for accepting his conclusion that these South Pacific Islands are the fragments of a continent which occujiied an extensive area at a time when an open ocean occupied the place of South-Eastern Asia. On the other hand, the deep- water sea chamiel which skirts the western shores of Celebes and Lombok has, on its western side, a group of islands, the animals of which manifest the closest agreement with those of Asia, and prove their recent separation from that mass of land. A plan is subjoined of the Malay o-Polynesian Archi- pelago, for the purpose of showing the leading lines of the insular groups, lines which may yet prove to have been deter- mined by the leading features of the earlier continent from which they became detached. The lines curve eastwards in Java, Sumatra; and though these islands lie to the east of that ancient deep channel fixed by Wallace, it is important to note that the outline from New Zealand conforms to the lines of high ground in Eastern and Central Africa. Madfigascar, though separated from Africa by a channel of only 300 miles in width, has a fauna so peculiar as to suggest the extreme remoteness of its separation from the adjacent mainland; while Britain agrees so closely with Europe in its animal and vegetable inhabitants as to sug- gest, independently of other evidence, its recent isolation. Further, the common characters of the types of life found on its western shores with those of Scandinavia, on its south- western portions with those of the Iberian peninsula, and on 23 B 66 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPIiy. ISLANDS DUE TO VOLCANIC ACTION. 67 1 its ea.stern shores witli those of Central Europe, suggest not merely a recent, hut a direct connection with the various regions named; and an inspection of a submarine chart informs us that the United Kingdom projects from a sub- marine plateau less than 100 fathoms in depth, the limit of which extends from the north coast of Spain, round and beyond the west coast of Ireland, the Hebrides, and the Shetland Islands, passing thence to the Gulf of Christiania, and skirting the Norwegian coast to the north [Student's Physical Atlas, PI. II.). Physical and zoological evidence thus concur in demonstrating that Great Britain and Ireland are islands recently detached from the mainl-^nd. Applying the zoological test, the greater difference of the fauna of Cor- sica and Sardinia from that of Prance, indicates a greater antiquity for these islands than for Britain, and thus a graduated scale may be constructed between Britain, in which the variation of species is slight, to Ceylon and Tas- mania, in which the number of peculiar forms is progressively greater.^ I 39. Islands Directly or Indirectly Due to Volcanic Action. — The second group of islands includes two distinct types, those which are obviously of volcanic origin, the rocks I of which they consist being volcanic products of various ages, and those which arc indirectly due to volcanic action. i The Coral Islands of the Pacific Ocean may be taken as j the most convenient illustration of the latter class. The I general conclusions to which their study by Darwin, Dana, , and others leads, are, that the coral reefs are very slowly . built up, the gi'owth being estimated variously from -J^ of an inch to Yuir of an inch in the year. Allowing for the im- I portant help given by shell fish and other marine animals with calcareous investments, -j^- of an inch is a large estimate, I and gives one foot in two hundred years. But as the I zoophyte, which secretes in its walls the limestone skeleton, requires a certain depth of water, of which the lowest limit 1 is, on an average, twenty fathoms in the open ocean (though a greater depth is possible in warm waters, as of the Bed Sea) to enalDle it to live luxuriantly, and as the species have very different limits of depth, it follows that the coral may continue growing only so long as any change which 68 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, may take place in its relative level is very slow, a sudden elevation or depression being fatal to it. The presence of great coral reefs on dry land, as in Florida and the Ladrone Islands, indicates the elevation of the surface on which the mass grew; and taking coral debris, not coral reef, as the test of elevation, a relative change of level is certain if the debris is found in quantity at and over twenty feet above high tide mark, that being the general limit of storm- heaped accumulations. That depression has occurred is proved by the separation, by a deep and wide channel, of a coral reef from the island to which it is attached, by the existence of atolls, and by the discovery of atolls beneath the surface of the sea. The atolls or lagoon islands are more or less complete circles of coral reef surrounding a basin of salt water, in other words, representing a barrier reef, the island round which -it grew having gradually sunk and dis- appeared, while the downward movement has not exceeded the rate of upward growth of the coral. If subsidence con- tinues long, the upward growth of the coral will diminish the size of the lagoon, the place of which may come to be taken by a very small coral island. Thus the paradoxical statement is true, that the small size of a coral island may be proof of its antiquity. Recently emerged islands are necessarily destitute of vegetation, and time is required before the waste of the coral provides a soil on which plants may grow. The intro- duction of seeds may have taken place by their drifting from some wooded island, by their being carried in the soil lodged in hollows of driftwood, or attached to the feet of birds, or dropped undigested by them. The amount of life is small in such islands, and the variety is not great, but the distinct- ness of the species from those of adjacent lands is often extreme. The barrier reefs and atolls have usually one or more openings, leading into the enclosed water. These correspond to the position of streams descending from the island during its submersion, the coral not growing at these points where water, charged with impurities, flowed over its surface. Dana finds in the irregular outline of the islands another jDroof of subsidence; fov, the valleys having been formed by streams, and the notches TfitU whicji tLey indent the coast 6uBMAfei2?l: ghavel bajx^ks. CO being produced while the ishxiid is above the "water, the existence of irregularity of outline shows that submersion has not lasted long enough to allow the sea to smooth away the inequality. The lands on which the reefs grow may be either volcanic or, as has been said, may be a fragment of a former continent. Volcanic islands are either entirely composed of volcanic material, or of volcanic and sedimentary materials combined. And in the latter case we may again recognise a distinction, the volcano, in one case, being the centre around which sedi- mentary materials have accumulated, in the other an orifice opened from beneath in the midst of pre-existent sedimentary strata. Such islands as Saint Paul's, Amsterdam, and, above all, the temporary Graham's Island, are examples of the tjqiical volcanic island, the genesis of which seems to be traceable in the shoalincr of the Atlantic basin alonoj a line connectino: the most westerly point of Africa with the most easterly point of S. America. That actual elevation of the sea floor takes place is unquestionable; but in Graham's Island, and in the sub- marine Atlantic formation, we have evidence of that other method of raising a cone by the superposition of lava and ashes which have been poured out from a crater. The north-eastern peninsula of Celebes furnishes an ex- ample of the fusion of an originally distinct volcanic island with an adjacent land mass, the elevation of both ending in the ultimate junction of their bases at and above sea level. The volcanic islands; of greater antiquity, as JNIadoira, Tenerifle, Sumatra, Japan, exhibit every gradation from those of which the volcanic rocks form the nucleus, to those of which they are, so to speak, only later accidents. The animal and vegetable population of these islands suggests sundry very complicated problems, which we are not yet able to solve, the distinctness of the faunas of JNIadeira, Porto Santo, and the Azores, not being explicable, save by the conjecture that tliey have been separated for very long periods of time, during which important specific variations have been brought about. 40. Submarine Gravel Banks. — Tlie last point which remains to be noted regarding islands is the evidence of 70 Physical geography^. tlieir ultimate disappearance. On the cliarts of tlie Englisli Cliannel, slioals occur wliicli are " awasli," tliat is to say, level with the surface of the sea ; others are at various depths beneath the surface, and on these accumulations of gravel are found, proving their submersion. Eor gravel, the coarse detritus of land, is a shore accumulation, a,nd when it occurs in patches at some distance from land, it obviously could not have been transported, but must have been formed where it is found, and in the case of Jones' Bank, must have been formed on the shore of an island, of which that shoal is the submerged representative. SECTIOISr III. Hclief of tlie Dry Land — Its Features dependent on External Agents and on Subterranean Movements — Plane of Marine Denuda- tions — Valley Formation — Hilly Districts of Britain — Transverse and Longitudinal Valleys — Shapes of Vallej'-s — Sections Pointed, Truncated, and Pectangular, or Evenly Curved — Remains of Older in Newer Valleys — Axis of Elevation does not Kemain in Centre of Land Mass — Hills and Mountains — Sand Dunes : Gravel Mounds ; Moraines — Linear Directions of Chains : Scan- dinavia ; Ourals ; Pyrenees ; Alps ; Asia Minor ; Asia ; Africa ; America — Axes of Elevation not PaD'allel — River Valleys in England — Western Escarpment of Mesozoic Rocks — Forms of Hills : Rounded, Serrated, Precipitous — Cliffs — Escarpments: their Origin hy Denudations, not Faults, nor Marine Action — Grouping of Hills into Chains — Table-Lands. 4L Relief of the Dry Land. — Hitherto the horizontal aiea of the dry land has been considered. We turn now to consider the varieties of surface which it presents. The relief of its surface depends on two influences : the upward or downward movements which originate within the crust of the earth, and the denudation which sea and atmosphere unite in producing, while local modifications are the result of volcanic outbursts. What is above the surface of the sea is, however, the same in all essential clmracters with what is below j the land of the present time has been at former periods the floor of ocean, and the sea-bottoms of to-day will in time appear, in their turii; as dry land. Vv^e are thus tLANE OF MARINE DENUDATION. Vl enabled to take a coinpreliensive view of tlie features of the land, and to reduce the phenomena of land and submarine surface to one general law. It has been found convenient to treat of islands as distinct from the continents. In discuss- ing the contours of the land the distinction disappears. 42. Subterranean Movements. > — All rocks that are neither volcanic in their origin, nor, like coral reefs, due to the direct action of animals, are sedimentary, their primitive aspect being sometimes obscured by that change of chemical composition and texture which is known as metamorphism. The land having been accumulated under water, had its materials at first arranged in definite order. That order may have been disturbed by subterranean movements, Avhereby the strata have become tilted, crushed, fractured, and other- wise disarranged, and the mass may not be elevated above the sea till these changes have taken place. But if such a disturbed mass comes within the infiuence of the waves, denudation smooths off its asperities, and it finally emerges from the ocean with an even surface. The strata, if elevated without disturbance, likewise emerge with an even sui-fixce, and this we must take as the starting point in our investi- gation of the features of the land. 43. Plane of Marine Denudation. — Though even, the surface is not necessarily flat, probably never is flat, 'but presents a gentle slope from a central position, slightly elevated, if we suppose a mass to be raised ch oiovo from beneath the sea. If the mass is nearly circular the slope will be quaquaverscd, that is, in all directions from the centre ; if it is elongated, the centre will form a ridge with opposite inclinations, and sinking at either extremity into the sea. The gentle seaward slope, "the plane of marine denudation" (Ramsay), is the result of the horizontal action of the waves on the vertically ascending land, the resultant of the two forces yielding a plane whose inclination is pro- portional to the speed of elevation on the one hand, and the intensity of wave action on the other. As soon as land appears, moisture descends on it; and as the mass enlarges the moisture increases, so that at last little rills are formed. The first drops of water which sought a lower level took the shortest route down the slope, that is, at right angles to its 72 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY* axis, and thenceforth the position of a valley was detei'mlned, which every subsequent increase in the size of the rill deepens and widens. If two such rills are immediately adjacent, the deepening of their hollow^s renders sharper the ridge of ground which separates them, and thus another series of slopes is produced, from which again streamlets descend by the shortest course nearly at right angles to their axes; thus secondary streamlets are formed, and as these go on deepen- ing their channels, the ridge between them becomes lowered, and we may finally have two such secondary streamlets flow- ing in opposite directions, in what appears at first sight a HlVER, receiving tributaries on both sides, flowing in the direction indicated by the arrows. The primary tributaries b, b, enter the main stream at right angles. The deepening of the tributary valleys leaves between each pair a sloping ridge which secondary streamlets descend, as in &^, 6-. If these eat back the interven- ing ridge a connecting valley may result, such as that connecting Z>-, b^. Several of these may unite as at c, and form a valley parallel to the main one, from ■which, as it deepens, it becomes separated by a ridge. single valley, or one without a water parting. If the deepen- ing of the secondary streamlets proceeds more rapidly than the deepening of one of the primary valleys, the secondary valley may intercept the waters of the p)rimary, and thus we may have the principal drainage of a district effected by a channel which is, for a large part of its course, parallel to the principal river of the region. In the south of Ireland, Mr. Jukes has shown that the Bandon and Lee, which appear as the main drainers of the district, are in reality secondary streams which have inter cejDted the primary water courses, and at last rejoin a primary valley at right angles to enter the ^ea. Such, in brief terms, is the theory of the origin of valleys TRANSVERSE AXD LONGITUDINAL VALLEYS. 73 by river action, or, in more general terms, by atmosj^heric denudation. It appears, then, that the original contour of the country is that of a flat surface or plain, and that the hills, Avhether isolated or in continuous chains, are in reality jior- tions of the original plain, Avhich have been left outstanding between grooves excavated by atmospheric denudation. The hills of a region are, in other words, very rarely due to elevation, but are for the most part the result of denuda- tion. In Wales, Professor Kamsay showed that the plane of marine denudation is still recognizable, since a line drawn from the summit of Snowdon to the sea would be above every peak intermediate between the tw^o ends of the line. In Scotland, both in the north and south, the same observation holds good, the hilly districts having central heights which are the axes of the original elevations. Thus we have Great Britain divided into six hilly districts: Wales, Cumberland, the southern Highlands, the region between the Grampians and the Caledonian Canal, and the region lying to the north- west of the Canal; and each of these has the same character, consisting, namely, of a central jirincipal axis, with a series of peaks and ridges gradually descending therefrom. In these localities we have on a small scale the same arrange- ment which is met with on a large scale in other continents, namely, the Cumberland hills represent a nearly circular mass of heights, while the Scottish hill masses are all arranged in chains, whose direction coincides with that of the longi- tudinal axes of elevation. 44 Transverse and Longitudinal Valleys. — The valleys descending from a doubly sloping ridge are transverse to its axis, and to any valleys which may be formed parallel to that axis. Madagascar, Sardinia, and some other islands, consisting of a simple ridge, exhibit only transverse valleys. The map of Scotland, perhaps, best illustrates the transverse and longitudinal systems. The mass of high gTOund, whoso middle line runs from the Koss of Mull to midway between Cape Wrath and the Pentland Frith, is grooved by streams which run generally to W.N.W. and E.S.E. The Sound of Mull is apparently formed by two such valleys, which have lowered the intervening water parting, till practically a single valley has been formed. The longitudinal valleys arc formed 74 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. by the deepening of tiibutaries at a more rapid rate tlian tlie main stream; tluis the tributaries are intercepted and carried to N.E. and S.W., while the continuance of the lowering process ultimately lays these two valleys into one, and a longitudinal valley is formed, Vv^hich, if the land is depressed, becomes an arm of the sea, isolating a larger or smaller tract of country. If such submersion takes place slowly, the ab-vading action of the waves planes down the floor of the valley, so that on re-emergence we should expect to find a smooth surface, from which all trace of the original water 2)arting has disappeared. The influence of the sea on the form of such a valley is exerted in widening it and in smooth- ing it down, so long as its floor remains within the action of its surface waters: but there is a limit to its operation; for, though there is evidence that the great valley of the Forth and Clyde has been beneath the sea, a distinct water parting has survived the submersion, and the streams flow in oj)po- site directions. 45. Shapes of Valleys. — The water parting in the imagined case of a newly elevated ridge, coincides with the summit of the ridge; but, as the ridge is lowered at the points corre- sponding to the head waters of streams descending in opposite directions, gaps will be formed, and, as the lowering process goes on, till at last the valleys become continuous, the com- mon groove will become a pass. If a larger body of water, or softer strata, enable the stream on one side to eat down the gap more rapidly than it is being worn away on the other, the water parting will become sinuous, and the sources of the streams would appear on the map to interlace. In temperate regions, the shape of such valleys as have been described, is that of a triangle V, the apex of winch may in the larger valleys become truncated \ /, the flat- tened area representing the alluvial flats formed by the flood- borne detritus. But the action of the stream at the bottom of the groove goes on along with the disintegrative action of the atmosphere on the higher part of the walls, a slope being thus maintained on either side. In rainless regions, such as that of the Zambesi, in Africa, or the Colorado district of western N". America, the stream wears down its channel vertically, and the shape of the gorge is more nearly rectan- EEMAIXS OF OLD VALLEYS. 75 gular I I, the channel of the Zambesi below the falls as described by Livingstone, and the cafions of the Colorado district, sometimes 3000 feet deep, being stupendous examples of the power of unaided streams. Such valleys, moreover, have their lines very ii-regularly disposed, manifesting little subordination to the axis of greatest elevation in the dis- trict. In glaciated districts on the other hand, as in the British Islands, the passage of glaciers down the valleys has obliterated the angles, and given the regular curve — char- acteristic of ice- worn channels. The difference of form of valleys thus gives a guide to their age, the convergent slopes being peculiar to thorje grooves which have been excavated since the ice period, whether on the sides of a hill, or in the glacial detritus Avith which a wide valley has been partially filled up. 46. Remains of Old Valleys. — A river valley for the most pai-t has the stream flowing at its lowest level; but' in temperate regions, a -river bed is sometimes above the level of the lowest point, is in fact scooped out on the side of the valley, and parallel to its axis. These excej^tional cases are confined to ice-worn districts, and suggest that the stream, or the glacier, has worn dovm sl new groove, leaving the original stream channel as an index of the amount of denu- dation which has taken place since it formed the sole drain of the district. In the same districts we often observe that the walls of the valley slope in two distinct planes on either side; the upper, more gentle inclination representing the original form, through the floor of which the latter more acute an^ded vallev has been worn. The abrupt change in the walls of a valley, from gentle slopes to almost vertical gorges, is a phenomenon chiefly associated Avith glaciation, the gorges being for the most part rock-worn channels, which the stream has cut for itself since the glacial period, having been unable to wear through the detritus with which its old channel had been choked up. The walls of fiords or submerged valleys, which indent the west coast of Scotland, Norway, Ireland, and S. America, arc cither continuous or interrupted; for if the submersion 76 PHYSICAL GEOGl^APIn^ only bring clown the ridges nearly to the sea level, the cols become shannals, isolating larger or smaller peaks. 47. Axis of Elevation. — In the imaginary case of newly elevated land, we have assumed that the axis of elevation coincided with the middle line of the mass. But this is not the case in land masses of any antiquity. In them there is a gradual rise from the coast towards the greatest heights, and these, as has been already mentioned, are usually found nearer to one or other coast line. Thus, in S. America there is a gradual ascent on the east side, an abrupt descent to the western shore. The long slope may be either uniform, or, as is more frequently the case, interrupted by terraces. It is usually stated that a long slope on one side has a steeper counter slope on the other side; but, from what has been said regarding river valleys, it is clear that this general state- ment only describes the large valleys whose ridges separate them from more recently excavated grooves. The gradation, therefore, in point of age among these parallel or intersecting valleys, explains the variety of the inclinations, and suggests that the lesson often taught to military engineers, the slope on one side is nearly the slope of the other side, is a rule open to exception to begin with, and still more liable to be inaccurate when the action of ice in one, but not in the adjacent valleys, is remembered as a not unfrequent event. 48. Mountains and Hills. — The low undulations of a country which has been abandoned by the sea, and on which atmospheric agents have begun to work, stand to the grand features of such mountain masses as the Himalayas in the same relation as the islet to the continent. The height of the undulating surface above the sea is in exact proj^ortion to the depth of the furrows, so that, in general terms, eleva- tion and denudation go together in assisting to determine the relative age of the high grounds. The advocates of atmo- S])heric waste as the agent to which we chiefly owe the features of the dry land, do not exclude the sea from all share in determining the position of future vallej's. No surface, probably, is ever left absolutely smooth; and the mud bank of an estuary shows, as the tide ebbs, the kind of inequality to be expected on a large scale in emerging continental land. The slight hollow helps the atmosphere to commence, but SAND DUNES, ETC. 77 witliout such a lielp, the atmosplieric moisture would of necessity excavate grooves for itself. The outstanding features are hills, mountains, and table- lands, plateaux or terraces, terms to which certain tolerably precise meanings are attached popularly, but which it is very difficult to define, so as to establish a real difference between them as regards their origin. The cliffs, escarpments, and slopes, by which these features merge into each other, are more easily dealt with. Between a hill and a mountain the only difference is a convention of language, by which the latter term is vaguely limited to heights of between 2000 and 3000 feet and upwards; the emplopnent of one or other term does not therefore, from a geological point of view, involve error. Hills are detached or connected by their bases into groups of various forms, the linear arrangement constituting a range; the junction of several ranges forms a group with more or less radial arrangement, while system refers to the ranges or groups Avhich, in form and position, belong to the same period, to the same region, or what comes to the same thing, are due to the same processes of elevation or denudation. Inequalities of the surface are caused by denudation, by the outpouring of volcanic or other materials from the interior of the earth, and by the shifting of loose materials on the surface of the earth. In Scotland, isolated cones of gravel are frequent towards the coast lines; and though many of these are obviously denuded fragments of sand and gravel plateaux, others have certainly been left as w^now see them by the sea, which, at the close of the glacial period, covered the low grounds. The heaping together of the gravel by cross currents of water, brings sul^marine and subaerial deposits very close together. 49. Sand Dunes, etc. — Sand dunes form ranges, the rela- tions of which are often very interesting. The wind blowing A'om the sea carries from the water edge a roll of loose sand, and drives it onward till it is arrested by the slope of the shore, or by some other obstacle; the piling thou goes on, the particles travelling up one side and down the other, sq tliat tlie masses travel forward by stages, the breadth of which is half the breadth of the base of the sand ridge. 78 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. These mounds can only be formed wliere a wind blows on the shore steadily, or, Avhen it is not blowing, no other wind passes over the surface with equal strength and frequency. Hence the parallel ridges of the dunes inland, till cultiva- tion, or a wood, or a river, arrests them. In this country these ridges are trifling for the most part, the gi^eatest development of them being on the north coast of Cornwall. But in Africa, for example, the movement of the desert sand over the Egyptian plains, where gaps occur in the high grounds separating the two regions, is on a grand scale of destructiveness, and in the Thurr or sand desert, which lies north of the Kunn of Cutch and east of the Indus, the ridges attain to 400 feet in height, their summits being thus 500 feet above sea level. It is right to mention, however, that Sir H. Bartle Frere doubts this explanation of the origin of these ridges, and suggests a series of parallel fractures and subsidences as one of the many volcanic phenomena of the district. The mounds of glacier detritus, the terminal moraines of extinct as well as existing glaciers, form piles of no incon- siderable importance in some valleys, those of the Yal d'Aosta attaining a height of 1600 feet above the plain. They ai-e mentioned here simply to enumerate in conjunction all the surface features. 60. Bearings of Ranges. — The directions of the linear ranges and the grouped systems of hills varies in different regions, as the following table, an abstract of that given by Jukes, ^'' shows. The orientations are reduced to Bingerloch, and they have not been corrected to any British locality, as it is intended to show the relations of the systems to each other, not to any particular point : — N. 1° ir W. Corsica, Sardmia. Red Sea, Hungary, Syria. Upper part of Loire and Allier, Khone. L. Miocene, N. 2° 30' E. Malvern Hills. I. of Gothland. N. of Russia. Permian. N. 15° 4G' W. Greece. Italy. Sicily. N. 21° 4' E. Vosgcs. Ireland. Scotland. Scandinavia. N. 31° 15' E. Longmynd. Saxony. Sweden, Finland, * Manual of Geolofiy, Second Edition,' MOUNTAIN SYSTEMS. 70 Cambro-Silukian'. ■ E. 4''32'N. IsleofWiglit Satra (Carpatliians). E.Alps. Jura, Eocene. E, 2' O'N. From Elbe to St. Bride's Bay. Brittany. S. Ireland. Thuringia. S.Russia. E. 15' 6' N. S.E. England. ^^. France. Spain. N. Africa. Atlas. Caucasus. E. 37° 55' N. Oolitic Escarpment, England. Saxony. ISIonte Pilato. W. 23° 3' N. Pyrenees. Italy. Sicily. Greece. Carpathians. Weald of Kent.' An attentive comparison of tliis table witb tlie map will show, more especially if the student refers to detailed maps of each locality, that it is easy to construct parallels if we disrecrard the dates and amounts of denudation in favour of assumed elevating movements. 61. Mountain Systems. — The Scandinavian peninsula is traversed by a ridge of continuous heights, of which Sulitelma is 5956 feet in height, Skagesloestinden is above 8000 feet in height. The axis of this chain is nortli-east and south-west. The northern portion of the chain is higher than the southern, and the snow line at the seaward side descends to 3200 feet above the sea level. The axis w^ould, if prolonged, intersect the protracted line of the Oural mountains, while, south- wards, the British Islands may be regarded as a member of the chain which, bordered the European continent to the nortli-west and west, as the geological structure in both countries is the same. The Ourals extend over more than twenty degrees of latitude, dying out southwards in the plateau of Sakmara, ' wdiile the higher peaks are situated' in the northern portion, and the average height is about 2500 feet. This, the eastern limit of the European area, has its longer slope to the west- ward, the steeper declivity fronting the lower plains of Asia. From the sea at Cape Finisterre, to the shores of the Black Sea,' a nearly continuous line of mountains traverses Europe, I and, through the Caucasus, the line is prolonged through t Asia, running out in Burmah. The Pyreneean section of this long line has been elevated since the chalk period, and now 80 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. constitutes a natural barrier between France and Spain, having an average heiglit of 7000 feet, without any low passes intersecting it. The highest peaks are Maladetta, 11,168 feet, Penaranda, 10,663 feet. Pic de Nethou, 11,426 feet, Mont Perdu, 11,994 feet. The slopes are the reverse of what is usual along the great east and west chain, for the declivity into Spain is shorter and more gradual than that into France. In fact, the Pyrenees are the northern rampart of an elevated plateau from which several ridges approxi- mately, east and west, project; of these, the most northerly are the Cantabrian Mountains, which are almost a continua- tion of the Pyrenees, and the most southerly, the Sierra Nevada, parts of which approach 12,000 feet. The snow line of the Pyrenees averages 8000 feet; in the Sierra Nevada it is at 11,000 feet. The nucleus of the Alpine system lies between the sources of the Pliine, Phone, Ticino, Inn, and Adda; it gives off to the S.W. the Italian Alps, of which Corsica and Sardinia are appendages; to the N.W., the Gallic Alps; to the S.E. the Apennines, which are separated from the central mass by the valley of the Po, almost as completely as South India from the Himalayas by the Ganges; on the N.E., the German Alps pass towards the Sarmatian plain, of which the southern boundary is formed by the Carpathians; while the Hellenic Alps are the S.E. prolongations, reaching through the Balkan to the Black Sea, and forming, by its southern spurs, the deeply intersected south-eastern corner of Europe. The heights in this extensive system are Etna, the most southerly point 10,874; Mount Athros, 9628; the highest of the north-easterly branch does not exceed 9000 feet; the Glockner is 12,956 feet; Mount Blanc, 15,784 feet; Mount Pelvoux, 13,468 feet, and the Gallic portion has an average of 5000 feet. A large part of this group is the seat of perpetual snow, and of large glaciers, the snow line aver- aging 8500 feet, being lower on the south than on tlie north slo])cs. Tlie Caucasus, the Taurus, and Antitaurus, form the con- necting liuk between the Alpine and the Himalayan nuclei. The Caucasus rises above the snow line at many points, its paximum, Elburz, being 17,112 feet. The Armenian or MOUNTAIN SYSTEMS. 81 eastern portion of tlie Taurus and Antitaurus culminates in Mount Ararat, 17,200 feet, and Demavend, 21,000 feet, is a peak of the range which merges in the Hindu Kush, £-2 ©a E.g^o a. tr '-. o "o a cc'K 5 fi" 2 n £ ''^ E o = 05 S 2 -■ 05 N e^ la »C LATEAUS. 91 steep face only rarely represents tlie mass of strata along the line of fracture, towering above the portion which has sunk down to a lower level. The fissure or line of parting between the two masses of rock seldom if ever gapes at the surface, and if the movement of the two masses past each other left at the surface an inequality, atmospheric and marine denudation would in their turn strive to smooth it down, so that unless the feature were of recent develop- ment, it would not be recognisable. In the few cases in which the escarpment owes its origin to a fault, its face is parallel in direction to that of the fault, but it has receded to a distance proportioned to the time during which atmo- spheric denudation has been at work. Thus — Volcanic Plateau, Volcanic Plateau. In this diagram, where ''volcanic plateau" on the left side represents the general level of the country formed by aii approximately horizontal layer of trap rocks, which have sunk down from the higher level of "volcanic plateau" on the right, the face of this escarpment has receded from the line of the fault in the same way that the escarpment of the chalk has receded from the margin of the Severn valley to its present position. - 56. Plateaux. — Bearing in mind that the plane of marine denudation is the starting point for all modifications of the surface of dry land, and further, that the extent to which the interior of continents is raised above the level of the sea varies in difierent regions, it is a necessary con- sequence that indications of the primitive i:)lain should be met with at very different heights. Geographers have en- deavoured to establish a distinction between mountains and hills, and have desired to modify the meanings of the popular terms, so that conventionally a mountain shall mean a more connected series of higher ground, such higher 95 PHYSICiAL GEOGkAPHy. ground having the form of cones or ridges, with more or less rapid slopes, while hills shall indicate more isolated groups of smaller relative height, and mostly consisting of detached conical forms. Obviously this distinction, though convenient, is unscientific, since there is not, in the case of the features of the dry land, the same natural separation which furnishes the distinction between continents and islands. The writers referred to lose sight of the gradual transition effected by denudation processes from the primitive plateau, through hills and valleys, to the plain to which denudation tends to reduce all prominent features. As might be expected, parallel vagueness attaches to the classification of plateaux Avhich are grouped according to their heights; commencing with those of the first class, which are more than 4000 feet above the level of the sea, we have in the profile section of Asia {Student's Physical Atlas, Plate YIII., fig. 2), the Thibetan Plateau of about 15,000 feet; further to the north the Pamir Steppe of about 14,000 feet, and from these great elevations a series of low terraces leads down to the Ai'ctic Ocean, the slope of the Siberian surface being gradual. To the south of the Himalayan Mountains the descent is more abrupt. The plains of the Ganges have an average elevation of 250 feet, forming low grounds which circle round the northern extremity of the Deccan. The Mountains of Asia Minor, again, project from a plateau of about 5000 feet in elevation. The great sandy desert of Gobi is somewhat lower, while the Aralo-Caspian depression is in the midst of a plateau of about 2000 feet. In Europe (fig. 1) the Caucasian Isthmus, the Steppes which border the Black Sea, and the plains of the Danube form a great tract of low ground, which is continuous with the Aralo-Caspian tract. But Europe presents less extensive continuous plains than we find in Asia, the hill surfaces being more extensive relatively to the horizontal area. Minor plateaux are recognizable in Hungary, in North Germany, in France, in Spain, and in the British Islands. Ireland perhaps presents the largest continuous expanse of low ground. Of Africa the Sahara is the best known plateau; to the south the central area is believed to be a table-land, inclining on all sides towards the middle, constituting thus a shallow trough. In the extreme PLAINS OF DEPOSIT. 93 south, Table Mountain furnishes an illustration of the con- struction of a plateau which may be afterwards compared to the great desert of Western North America. The table- lands which occur between the eastern and western peaks of the Andes and the E-ocky Mountains, the prairies in the midst of which the Mississippi flows, and the great similar tracts bordering the Amazon and the River Plate repeat again the general features of other regions. But to make this enumeration of plateaux complete, it is necessary to mention the submarine plains, of which one of the best known is that siUTOunding the British Islands, and indicat- ing the western extent of Europe at no very distant date. Other plains or terraces occur at various points of the ocean ■floor, as determined by soundings; and if our information regarding them were complete, we should be enabled to tabulate a graduated series of different levels from the lowest point of the ocean to the summit of the Himalayas. Many of the erroneous ideas which prevail regarding these plateaux arise from the fact that sections are not commonly drawn on a " true scale," that is, one on which the horizontal and the vertical measurements are on the same scale. If such a section were drawn from the Himalayas across the Pacific to the Bocky Mountains, it would appear that the slope from the highest to the lowest points is a very gTadual one, and that our division of the slope into plateaux is somewhat arbitrary. 67. Plains. — Plains fall into three natural groups, plains of deposit, plains of denudation, and plains of volcanic origin. 68. Plains of Deposit are illustrated by the deltas of great rivers, and the alluvial flats which form the coast line in many places. The deltas of great rivers are the deposits which have gradually filled up estuaries running into the I mainland; their presence, therefore, is proof of a very con- siderable antiquity of the river valley. The mode of forma- tion of such plains is very simple. A river carrying down from the higher grounds loose materials, and spreading these over the bottom of its channel, gradually elevates its channel so that the banks at last overtop the level of the surrounding country, as in the case of the Po and other streams. Every 9^ PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. overflov/ leaves upon the adjacent coimtiy a tliin layer of silt, and thus gradually a plain is built up, the st?;atification of which is typical in its regularity. Even where, as in the rivers of our own country, the level of the stream is not above that of the surrounding country, the alluvial plains are still built up by a process which is essentially the same; repeated floods, raising the stream surface to the level of or above its banks, spread over the adjacent ground, and leave behind a deposit of water-worn detritus. One of the most ancient of such plains, which we may call typical or normal, is Table Mountain, the strata of which are horizontal, the mountain beings in fact the survivor of an enormous table- land, the rest of which has been removed by denudation. 59. Planes of Denudation are the result of marine action, I ' aided in many cases from time to time by other agents of waste. The central plain of Ireland, the Sahara, the Cheshire plains, probably large part of Ai'alo- Caspian plains, are illustrations of this class. We have evidence that these now level surfaces Avere formerly covered by thick masses of strata, which have been entirely removed, and their apj)roxi- mately level surface is to be regarded as a sign that, while subjected to the denuding agent, they remained stationary for considerable periods of time. When it is borne in mind that whether a plain is due to deposit or to denudation, it cannot be long exposed to the influence of the atmosphere without suiFerino: denudation, it is evident that we have here again a very ill-defined line of distinction between these and the planes of marine denudation. If plains are elevated to considerable heights above the sea level, their waste would carve them out into deep valleys, separating hills of various forms, and thus the difference of material becomes unimport- ant in comparison with the identity of the processes to which the materials are submitted. - 60. Plateaux of Volcanic Origin are small in. extent, and few in number as compared with those already described. Every volcanic region furnishes examples of sheets of vol- canic material evenly spread out, and giving to the landscape a characteristic aspect. In Central Prance, in Catalonia, in North America, we have volcanic plateaux which still retain upon their surfaces the irregularities of the scoriaceous lava. FORMATION OF DELTAS. 95 [ii . Britain we find, in many districts, fragments of such ancient plateaux; but they are either still covered by sedi- mentary strata accumulated upon them since their formation, or Avhere these latter deposits have been removed, they may perhaps be more accurately regarded as plateaux of denudation. The importance of these plains from an economic point of view, or because of their- influence on civilization, is very great. Sandy deserts are even more serious barriers to pro- gress than the intervention of deep and broad seas; and, even within the very limited area of Belgium, we find in the well-known colony of Gheel, a small population sur- rounded by the Campine, shut off from the other parts of the kingdom, and remaining in a state of j)rimitive simplicity which it is difficult to parallel in Western Europe. The Landes of Gascogne illustrate the influence of a plain, the structure of whose soil renders it unfavourable to the health of the district; the sand of the Landes rests upon a hard cake formed of organic debris which has matted together the particles of the soil, and i-enders the surface liable to be converted by floods into a stagnant marsh. The removal of endemic disease from the district has been largely a result of the draining of this area, whereby a great addition has been made to the agricultural surface of France. The slow formation of a plain of deposit in the valley of the Ganges, and, indeed, along various points of the Indian shore, which at different localities supported a thriving population, has con- verted regions once populous and wealthy into an unhealthy desert. The delta of the Ganges, stretching • for 200 miles through Bengal, and forming the rich plains of Bengal, is made up of the anastomosing branches given off by the Ganges and the Brahmapootra, and between the streams are islands of alluvial mud of very various heights, and frequently shifting their places as they are worn away by floods from the land or the ocean side. On the islands which form the lower delta, a rich vegetation gives shelter* to wild animals of all kinds, and the tiger has banished the inhabitants from some parts of a region where man had maintained a footing against the ravages of the flood. 61. Formation of Deltas. — The formation of deltas 96 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. requires some little consideration. The first requisite is that the mud-bearing stream should enter the sea so slowly that the detritus is not swept at once beyond the shore into deeper water. A tidal river with a rapid flow like the Thames is scoured out twice daily, and accumulations are not per- mitted to rest, far less to consolidate. A tidal stream, again, such as the Clyde, where the estuary is long and narrow, and the slope of the bed not great, allows a deposit of sediment which forms alluvial flats on either side, and thus ofiers the transition from the ordinary mud banks of a river to the delta properly so called. The commencement of a delta is at that point where the stream divides under the influence of slight obstacles, and its channels form a network embrac- ing alluvial patches elevated above the surface of the waters.^ These patches are not all at the same level ; for just as a ' single stream like the Po may build up its banks above the surrounding country, the channels thi'ough a delta may build themselves up so as to form conspicuous projections, not, however, permanent ; and Mr Ferguson records that, within a very few years, the debris of a house which he had himself built has been covered to a depth of 30 feet, while on the new surface a village has arisen. By this alternate laying down and sweeping away, the general surface is, on the whole, steadily raised, and at the same time the seaward progress of the triangle continues. The name delta is borrowed from the Greek letter a, whose figure that of the river accumula- tions repeats; but it must be noted that this form is not peculiar to river mouth deposits, since, as the cone de dejec- tion, it is the characteristic, fan-like pile of stones at the foot of a dry gulley, and the more flattened mass which the ravine lays down in the lake. The base of the triangle reaches the coast line, and then one of three events takes place : it pushes out seawards ; it becomes arrested, or the river carries its mouths outwards without the rest of the delta pushing equally far. The seaward extension, possible only when coast currents are not strons^ enough to remove the sediment as it is brought down, is especially noticeable in the Adriatic, where the Po and Adige are steadily building their alluvia seaward ; but the rate of advance has greatly increased within the last ceixtury, being accelerated by the means STEPPES. 97 taken to protect the plains of Lombardy from being flooded. The rivers are now confined within high artificial banks, and the additional speed tlius conferred carries the sediments farther outv/ards. The growth of the E-hone delta within historic times is well known. Towns once on the coast are now, after nine centuries, two leagues from the sea, and the successive sand bars, thrown np parallel to the coast by the south winds, aids a process the results of which are made lasting by the infiltrated lime which gives solidity to the Ager lapidosus, the stony delta of the Elione. It may give an idea of the approximate horizontality of subaqueous deposits to state, that off the mouth of the Rhone the bottom sloj)es southwards at an angle of less than 1°, or 1 foot in QQ. The arrest of the Nile delta at the present coast line is effected partly by the current which sets eastward along the African shore, and partly by the subsidence of the land which is still going on, and which permits the settlement of large parts of its sedimentary burden in the interior. The rapid descent of the sea bottom from 12 to 380 fathoms con- trasts with the slow slope of the Rhone silt, and shows that the arrest of the delta is not of recent commencement. The peculiar process by which the Mississippi terminates by mouths at the extremity of a long tongue of land, which spreads out like a bird's foot at the end, is the same as that by Avhich it, like the Po and other rivers, builds up the levels of its banks. 62. Steppes, etc. — The plains have received particular names, or rather the native names are adopted into English on account of the convenience of thus recalling their characteristic features. The plains of Europe j)resent great diversity ; level or gently undulating, they are either grassy meadows or forest lands ; in winter they may be flooded, and in summer more or less swampy. The Steppes of Eastern Europe and Asia, already treeless in the time of Herodotus, as they now are, support for a brief season a coarse but often tolerably abundant vegetation; but summer and winter convert them alternately into utter deserts and trackless snow plains, thus making ib only too easy to understand how they have arrested civiliza- tion over an area of more than a million of square miles. The antiquity of these wastes is confirmed by Yon Bar's 23 a 98 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. observation, tliat tlie squirrels whicli throng the woods to the north of the Steppes in Kussia are not found in the Crimean forests j the separation of the two woodlands must, therefore, have been remote. The Prairies of North America, the counterpart of the Steppes in the Old World, are great tracts of rolling ground, mostly meadow, but, like the Steppes, destitute of trees. Bounded westward by the Rocky Moun- tains and the desert land at their base, the Prairies pass eastwards into the forest lands of the Appalachians and the Atlantic shores. NortliAvards towards the Arctic Ocean, and southwards to the Mexican Gulf, the waste occupies an area of 3,000,000 square miles, and in South America an area of nearly the same extent is divided between the Llanos of Venezuela, the Campos Geraes of Brazil, the Pampas, and, farther south, the deserts of Patagonia ; v/hile, to complete the series of similar tracts, the deserts of Atacama, and the Salt Lake region of North America, may be mentioned. A careful comparison of the conditions under which these various regions are placed will shov«r that to the dryness of the climate, to the long intervals between their rainfall, and in the extreme cases of the Sahara, Gobi, Atacama, and the like, to the total absence of rain, are their peculiar aspects due. Everj^where do we find forests intermingled with the steppe lands, but the trees follow the coast lines, and pass into the interior only along the river courses. The full meaning of this generalisation will only be intelligible after a consideration of the Atmospheric Currents in a subsequent chapter. But the sharp limitation of the forests to the joerennially moist areas is nowhere better illustrated than in America. Passing westwards from Arkansas, in 35° to 3G° north latitude, the forests here and there enclose patches of prairie land, which increase till the woods are only oases; the vegetation becomes restricted to bufililo grass, but in 106° west lono'itude the forests ai>"ain commence. In South America the selvas or forest lands of the Amazon are in the line of the easterly winds, which blow from the Atlantic up the valley, the natural moisture of which is thus enabled to support a greater vegetation. The increased dryness of regions in which, artificially or by accident, the timbe)' has been destroyed, as in Madeira, since the beginning of the • STEPPES. 99 fifteeiitli centniy, wlieii the forests were burnt; tlie disap- pearance of springs after the woods have been cut down; the refilling of the lakes in Venezuela while the Creoles, during their struggle for independence, neglected the cultivation of the sugar cane; the formation of oases round the wells bored in Algeria by the French, these and many other instances might be cited in support of the view that the amount of moisture is the condition on which the stepjoe or the forest depends. Forests cannot be made to grow unless the climate is favourable, still less can they be forced on the Kussian Steppes, where for long ages no timber has grown, because the climatal conditions are entirely changed. That region, like the interior of Africa, Australia, Asia, has its winds dried before they reach the interior, and the rainfall is at a minimum. The Tundras or peat mosses of Siberia, and the heathy plains of Germany are usually grouped with the steppes ; but the former, like the polders of Holland, the fens of England, are the result of a supply of moisture in excess of evapora- tion ; while the latter are separated from the steppes by the forests, and require a greater supply of moisture, or, at least, are less able to retain it than extensive woods. CHAPTER III. WATER. Forms of Water — Cycle of Water — Imperfect Analogy of Aqueous and Atmospheric Envelopes of Earth — Effects of Cycle of Water. 63. Cycle of Water. — Water is tlie most important geological agent of which we have knowledge. The forms in which it effects change upon the surface of the earth are: 1°. Atmospheric moisture, whether insensible as vapour of water, or condensed into dew and rain, or, lastly, the con- densed moisture solidified into ice. 2°. E-ivers above and below ground; and under this heading come the glaciers, which, as moving rivers of ice, are denuding agents of great importance in temperate regions. 3°. The ocean. It is difficult to say with which of these forms we ought to commence our investigation, for the the cycle is a con- tinuous one, by which water is carried into the atmosphere and returns a2:ain to the ocean through the intermediate stages of rain and rivers. 64. Imperfect Analogy of Aqueous and Atmospheric Envelopes of Earth. — The endless movement of water stands in a somewhat peculiar relation to what, recalling M. Guyot's figure, may be called the other functions of the globe, and especially to that of the atmosphere. The currents by which the waters of the ocean travel to and fro, maintaining the balance of distribution, are determined by the- winds, their direction and velocity being likewise affected by the earth's rotation ; by evaporation, as a consequence of great local heat ; by the tidal movement, and by the features of the coasts and sea floor. The atmospheric currents again are variations of the westerly winds, which form an oblate spheroidal shell round the earth; blowing at the level of the se^v in high lati- EFFECTS OF CYCLE OP WATER. 101 tudes, at some distance above tlie earth at tlie equator, and this permanent movement is dependent on the earth's rota- tion. The parallelism usually taken for granted between the two fluids, air and water, which surround the earth, is therefore of the most imperfect kind, and could only be perfect if both elements formed spheres around a smooth globe which presented no projections, no features capable of causing deflections ; and even then it would be further neces- sary that both fluids should present the same physical properties. 65. Efiects of Cycle of Water. — By the movement of the ocean, heat and cold are distributed over extensive regions with a regularity and moderation due to the slowness with which its temperature is altered. Evaporation not merely supplies the needful moisture for the support of animal and vegetable life, it tempers the atmospheric currents — regulates them, so to speak. Acting on the land on which it falls, rain and rivers distribute chemical substances over larger areas, and prevent them from being accumulated in one locality. They carry off*, slowly but surely, the materials which, spread over the ocean floor, are in their turn raised into dry land, and thus the subterranean movements are compensated. But these movements again owe their energy, at least frequently, to the presence of water. The circulation of water underground is a physical necessity of the broken condition of the strata, a necessity which results in the for- mation of springs, but for whose presence many regions would be uninhabitable for plants and animals, while the percolation of water charged with chemical solutions allows the deposit, in fissures, of minerals of various kinds. But part of this water, in place of returning to the surface, gets access to the underground reservoirs, and either originates or hastens the volcanic phenomena which we speak of as violent, and whose results we term catastrophes, because we cannot rightly estimate their place and proportion among natural phenomena. 10^ PHYSICAL GEOGRAniY. SECTION I. rroportion of Land to "Water Surface — General Relations of Oceans — Deep Sea Soundings : How taken — Soundings in Atlantic ; Mediterranean ; Indian Ocean ; Pacific — Form of the Ocean Floor — Deposits on Ocean Floor — Specific Gravity and Contents of Water — Pressure of Water — Temperature of Ocean — Colour of the Water — Luminosity of the Sea. 66. Proportion of Land to Water Surface: General Eelations of Oceans. — ^The ocean, as lias been stated, is fonr times more extensive than the dry land, and' in the water surface of the globe must be reckoned the area covered by rivers and .lakes on the dry land. Paradoxical as it may sound, the greatest water area in a continent is toward the high grounds where the feeders of the rivers are most numerous, uniting successively as they approach the lo^Y grounds, so as ultimately to form streams, which occupy a greater vertical and diminished horizontal area. The oceans of the globe are the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian, and these three are connected by the southern circumpolar ocean, their northern circumpolar connection being very much smaller. These diflferent oceans are further subdivided into regions which, in general terms, correspond with the prominent features of the continents; thus the Atlantic Ocean is obviously divided into two basins, marked off by the constriction caused by the eastern projection of South America, and the western projection of Africa. The Pacific Ocean has its northern and southern basins roughly marked oif by the Polynesian Islands, while the Indian Ocean shows a less complete division into two by the pyramidal mass of southern India. The minor areas which are referred to as seas, gulfs, and bays, belong to two cate- gories : in the one case they are denudation valleys, in the other areas of subsidence. The German Ocean partakes of both characters, but it is pre-eminently an aix)a of subsidence. The Ked Sea is a denudation valley. The narrow channels v/hich separate Madagascar from Africa, and divide Celebes and Lombok on the one side from Borneo and Java, outliers of Asia on the other, though doubtlesss to some extent valleys, DEEP SEA SOUNDINGS: HOW TAKEN. 103 are, by their antiquity and comparative depth, as well as by tlie distinctness of tlie animals on either side, entitled to a prominent place, if they cannot be ranked as co-ordinate with the great oceanic areas. The Pacific Ocean coA^ers an area of about 90 millions of square miles, the Atlantic occupies less than a third of that surface, the Indian Ocean covers a somewhat smaller area than the Atlantic. The Antarctic Ocean, in which all these great basins converge, is very imperfectly known, and the smaller Arctic Ocean is also even yet the subject of discus- sion and inquiry. The Atlantic Ocean has in connection with it certain bays or recesses, more or less shut off from the general ocean space, and, in a few cases, entirely excluded from it. The North Sea is simply a bay of the old European continent, the Straits of Dover being a recently formed passage; the Baltic, with its branches, the Gulf of Finland, and the Gulf of Bothnia, is a valley v/hich opens by a narrow channel into the North Sea; and from the Straits of Gibraltar eastwards a series of basins is defined, the first of which is bounded by the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta; the second, by the pro- longation of the line of the Grecian Peninsula, to the east of which is the third ; these three divisions of the Mediterranean likewise receiving lateral branches, such as the Adriatic and Ai'chipelago. This last named shallow basin is connected with the sea of Marmora, and that again opens into the Black Sea, from v/hich the Sea of Azof is shut off by a narrow channel, while the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Aral are obviously basins which have become closed off from the Mediterranean. 67. Deep Sea Soundings : How taken. — ^The sotmdings conducted in recent years have given important information as to the shape of the ocean floor. The method of conduct- ing these observations deserves some attention. The simplest plan in still water is to let drop from a boat, w^hose position can be fixed by the oars, and by reference to objects on the land, a line with a weight at its extremity, the w^eiglit having an " arming" of grease or other adhesive substance by which evidence is obtained that the lead has reached the bottom, and what the character of the bottom is. The inventions of 104 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Brooke and others have resulted in instruments by which a portion of the bottom is removed and brought up for examina- tion. The difficulties to be contended with in sounding are the uncertainty, first, as to whether the lead touches the bottom.; second, as to whether the amount of line let out is much in excess of the vertical depth; and third, as to whether, supposing his lead sinks properly, the observer's position has shifted during the descent of the lead. This last difficulty is felt at sea only where no fixed objects are visible, the bear- ings of which can act as a guide, the sinking of the lead from a boat (which is, under certain circumstances, less liable to shift than a ship) diminishing, not removing, the chance of error. Experienced observers are, for the most part, con- scious of the contact of the lead with the bottom, or at least of a momentary change of speed in the line as it passes through the hand, even in very deep soundings ; but currents may sway the line, so that it describes curves which greatly exaggerate the depth. Nor does the absence of sand or other matters adherent to the arming prove that the weight has not touched ground; the "Hydra," "Bulldog," and other machines can scarcely come up empty if once they have touched soft soil. The record, " no bottom," on a chart, is only negative evidence, showing that the observation is imperfect, either because of the inexperience of the observer, or because currents have drifted the line, or, where the cleanness of the arming has been relied on, because the lead has touched hard and smooth bottom. Such records are especially untrustworthy when, as usually happens, they suggest enormous depths. 68. Atlantic Soundings. — The Atlantic Ocean has been carefully surveyed for the purpose of' ascertaining the nature of the bottom on which it was proposed to lay the tele- graphic cable; and, more recently, j)art of the northern basin has been carefully sounded by the Porcupine and Lightning Expedition, while the United States Coast Sur- vey has contributed most valuable observations regarding the western area. The following analyses of the soundings across the N, Atlantic will show the general contour of that region. ATLANTIC SOUNDINGS. 105 Section between Labrador and the Orkney Islands, BY Iceland. Lahrador, 67°30' Lon. W. Greenland. 50' 45"— 43' 32° 25°30' 23°30' 2032 1572 117 203 Iceland. Faroe, 22'o0'— 16° 13'30' 13° 10' 8° 5°aO' Orkney. 632 850 2G9 181 6S3 Section from Ireland to Newfoundland. Newfoundland 61° 44° 39° 32' 2a°30' 20° 19° 14' 161 2385 2424 1550 2400 1575 210U 216 Section bet'ween United States and France, ' U. S. Plateau, French Plateau, 71°— 57\ 52° 49°30' 47° 25°, 17° 10° 10"— 5° Maximum <> '^^ <^ %^ % -S 240 1250 650 2760 1600 2510 107 Maximum 84 In the northern section it appears that the curved line it follows traverses an undulating surface, the greatest de23th of which is in 32° lon. W. To the south, the greatest depth is between 39° and 44° W., while the traverse from France to the United States gives the maximum soundings, 2760 fathoms, at 42° and 17°. A basin on the eastern side show^s its greatest depth in 19° and 26° W.; but northwards the two basins are broken uj) by the banks of land forming the Faroes, Iceland, and Greenland, the whole ocean in this region being generally shallower. Iceland is a prominent peak of a long ridge which separates the eastern and western basins as far south as 40° lat. N., and Avhich is of nearly uniform height for the greater part of its length. This feature of the sea floor is curiously parallel to the leading lines of heights on the American Continent, and if it should prove to be con- nected with the volcanic West Indian group, the relation would be one of great interest as increasing the number of meri- dional bands of disturbance connected by an equatorial band. i06 Physical geographic Some instruction as to tlie Atlantic depths may he obtainecl from the subjoined section between the Cape of Good Hope and England; but it must not be taken as true for any other than one line of soundings. The undulations here shown are remarkable, the alternations of deeper and shallower succeed- ing each other with singular regularity. St. Helena separates two slopes of unequal but gentle inclination, that to the south being at the rate of 1 in 150, that to the north reaching 2350 fathoms in 2° N. lat., that is, at a rate of 1 in 314. If a line of 5 inches be draAvn, this inclination would raise a line representing it J^j of an inch above the horizontal plane at one end, while, on the same scale, the slope between 2° and 37° N. lat. would scarcely cause an appreciable thicken- ing of the pencil line. The last slope from 2600 fathoms to the English coast slightly misrepresents the facts; for the line of 100 fathom soundings, the limit of the British plateau, extends so far south that the inclination from its surface to the depth mentioned would be in reality about 1 in 15. The principal fact to be gathered from the above, and from othei incidental statements scattered through books, is, that the South Atlantic and IsTorth Atlantic basins have a line of maximum depth which, in the latter area, bifurcates north- wards, and probably does so in the south likewise, but the results of the Challenger Expedition will give more accurate information on this point. Section from Cape of Good Hope to England. Cape of Good Hope. 2900 1300 2S0O St. Helena IGOO 1 ill 73 lines 1 in 212 1 in 150 1 in 352 S. Lat. 34° 28° 26° 20° 12° 0° 2350 1400 2200 1610 2000 England. Iin94 linSSO 1 in 176 1 in 179 1 in 106 1 in 27 2' N. Lat. 37° 41° 44° 47° 50° 69. Mediterranean Soundings.— The Mediterranean sec- tion is as follows : — ■ Section from Gibraltar to Egypt. Gibraltar. 9C5 1535 234 Maltese IGO 2170 1100 1460 1S90 Egypt. linllS lin29S linl56 Plateau. Iin56 linlG6 lin300 lin78 lin37 E. Long. 2" 3-30° 9 30° 15 -30° 10° 24° 27° 2S° 30° fORM OF THE OCEAN FLOOR. lO* To tlie tliree basins liere sliown a fourtli should be added, tlie islands of Corsica and Sardinia dividing the deep trough between Spain and Italy. The Adriatic may at one time have equalled these two eastern depressions, but long ages of deposit from streams laden with Alpine detritus have con- verted that arm of the sea into a very shallow valley. 70. Indian Ocean. — No continuous sections of the Indian Ocean are accessible, but the following will give a general idea of the form of the basin, or valleys of its eastern and western troughs. Sectioi!? from Aden to Bombay. Bombay Plateau. Aden, 1470 1020 2170 125 1 in 151 1 in 78 1 in 514 lia7 E. Long. 45' 51-50° 52-30' • 67° 7r Section from Ceylon to Penang. Ceylon, 2340 1455 . 2320 545 950 59 PcnaDg Plateau. 1 in 48 1 in 252 1 in 81 1 in 15 1 in 153 1 in 85 E.Long. 85° 30' 90° 30' 92° 30' ... 93° 35' 95° 30' 98' r ,101' These two sections agi'ee in representing the troughs a9 having their shortest slopes on the west, while their eastern shores terminate in submarine plateaux. That of Bombay runs out for over 100 miles before the depth of 100 fathoms is exceeded; while the Penang plateau has less than 70 fathoms at the same distance from land. 71. Pacific Ocean. — Of the Pacific there are no soundings sufficiently connected to furnish satisfactory tables, but it seems certain that nowhere has a greater depth been found than 3000 fathoms; so far, therefore, as our present know- ledge goes, the oceans have a remarkable uniformity in their vertical measurements^ Such observations as are reliable mil be found in a subsequent section, under the heading " Temperature of Ocean." 72. Form of the Ocean Floor. — It has been customary to speak of the sea bottom as the counterpaii; of the land as regards its contours, the assumed resemblance being a part of the notion already alluded to^ that the ocean and the air w^ere parallel in their relations. But it is now certam that this resemblance holds good only for moderate depths. When 108 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. an estuary widens, it retains the valley form wliich it once had as a result of its denudation when exposed as dry land. When we pass to depths exceeding 100 fathoms, the sea floor presents inequalities, but these are of a very gentle kind; no deep chasms, no abrupt descents, but long undulations, and great areas the surface of wliich, when drawn ©n a true scale, entitles them to be regarded as plateaux, and to be compared with justice to that recent sea bed, the Sahara. It is difficult to account for this in a satisfactory way. It is true that the sea bed, once the surface of dry land, has under- gone marine erosion as it sank, and that the process was repeated during the oscillations wliich preceded the final submergence of such an ocean iloor as that of the Atlantic. The plane of marine denudation thus formed would, so far as known, undergo no subsequent change, since the move- ment of water at great depths cannot be, and is as a matter of fact known not to be such as to produce any denudation, especially as it had no pebbles to carry along and use as grinding tools. Even granting the extreme power that has been claimed for the Gulf Stream, this mass of water can only exert its power over a limited area, and its effect would be to create those features whose absence is so remarkable. It would be impossible to imagine a series of gulf streams, or similar currents, to have planed down the floor of all the great oceans; and it is unnecessary, since the denudation during descent would account for much at least of the result. The subject is a difficult one, but the explanation suggested is the best at present available. The student must again be cautioned against forming his opinions from sections in Avhicli the horizontal and vertical measurements are not on the same scale. 73. Deposits on Ocean Floor. — Another assumption has also been disproved by recent research, namely, that the sea floor at a certain distance from land is bare and rocky. This has been found in a small number of cases; but the sea floor is almost universally covered by a layer of fine materials, for the most part organic in their origiu. The oaze of the Atlantic has already been spoken of as a fine calcareous mud, representing the debris of animals covered with tests, and containing also the siliceous cases of other similar organisms. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND CONTENTS OF WATER. 109 The Indian Ocean and the Pacific have yielded afc their greatest depths similar materials, though in the Ked Sea and Indian Ocean the sand blown from the deserts has con- tributed inorganic matter, and the ashes of volcanoes, slowly- settling, have furnished a small amount of felspathic ingre- dients. But allowing for such admixtures, which would, of course, be greater in j^roportion to the vicinity of land, recent observations bear out the generalisation that limestones, not consisting exclusively of coral, are formed in deep water, and that their horizontal area and vertical thickness are in the direct ratio of their distance from shore. 74. Specific Gravity and Contents of Water. — Perfectly pure water may be regarded as only an artificial compound, the normal condition of all known waters being to contain varying quantities of other chemical substances ; and we are justified in calling this normal, since on the admixture de- pends the importance of water in the physiology of the earth. The rain as it descends absorbs carbonic acid gas and ammonia, in quantities varying with the season, being less in winter when the decomposition of organic substances is least. Thus, on reaching the earth, the water is prepared to act on the surface on which it falls, and to minister to vege- table life by the nitrogenous matter it contains. The water of rivers varies in composition according to the rocks over v/hich it flows, and the amount of orga.nic matter furnished to it by surface drainage. The Thames drains a region of which the chalk is a princij)al rock, and at Kingston the waters of the river are found to contain 19 grains of dis- solved matters per gallon. The substances which thus pass down, invisibly to the eye, are carbonates of lime and mag- nesia, sulphates of lime, potash, and soda, chlorides of sodium and potassium, silica, and traces of alumina, iron, and phos- phates. Mr. Prestwich estimates the total quantity of solid matter thus carried away in solution at 548,230 tons per annum. Of the 1502 tons which are thus daily carried past Kingston, carbonate of lime constitutes two-thirds, or about 1000 tons, sulphate of lime 238 tons. This estimate is apart from the solid matter, mineral or organic, which is held in suspension, and which may be taken at 1 '68 grains per gallon, or (the daily discharge of the river at Kingston being 1250 110 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. millions of gallons) 300,000 lbs., or 134 tons in the twenty- four hours, being 48,91 tons in the year. This example shows the greater importance, from a physiological point of view, of the invisible contents of Avater, and indicates the function of water as a distributer of fresh materials. But for this source of supply, chemical equilibrium would tend to be reached; the new matter, however, maintains chemical action and all those processes, organic and inorganic, which make up the life of the earth. In 100 parts of sea water 96*473 are water, the remainder salts, namely, chloride of sodium, magnesium, and potassium, bromide of sodium, sulphates of lime and magnesia. Carbonate of lime is not mentioned, its quantity being very minute, though in the immediate vicinity of a calcareous coast, as in the English channel, it forms '0057 parts per 100 of water. The reason of the small proportion in sea water compared to that poured in from land, is doubtless the rapid using up of it by animals and plants, the coral reefs and the more minute, but perhaps more important, crustaceans and shell fishes. Taking Bischof s estimate that the Rhine at Bonn would supply with lime a mass of oyster shells covering four square miles to a depth of a foot, it is obvious how readily the lime must be removed from the sea at all points. The average proportion of chloride of sodium may be taken as between 2 and 3 parts per 100; but the proportion is liable to increase or decrease, in the one case by evaporation, in the other by excess of fresh water. The Dead Sea illustrates the extreme of saltness, the Black Sea furnishes an example of a basin receiving a large supj^ly of fresh water. The following table gives the specific gravity of v/ater at various localities :— Northern Ocean, '. j J q2G64 Southern Ocean, . ^f^l ^^^^^i^^^ranean, | ^y^^«*, J igl^ Under tlie Equator, . 1-0277 Black Sea, . 1-01418 North Pacific, . . 1-0254S Bed Sea, . Si. i -no?"^ South Pacific, .. . 1-02G53 | South 1 02/2 Indian Ocean, , , 1-02G3 These figures must not be taken as absolutely correct; for in the Pacific, as an instance, the observations are few, and SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND CONTENTS OF WATER. Ill though the lower specific gi-avity in the north, as compared with the south, agrees generally with the observations in the Atlantic, the difference between the Atlantic and Pacific is not necessarily constant, the observations in the latter ocean being neither sufficiently numerous nor made far enough from the land to justify the generalisation that the waters of the Pacific have a lower specific gravity than those of the Atlantic. We must again look to the scientific explorations now in progress for the settlement of this difficulty. That the specific gravity of the surface waters may be lower than that of deeper water, was first inferred from the observa- tion of Edward Forbes; who explained the death of many specimens dredged up, by supposing them to have been killed by the fresher surface Vv^aters. Difference of pressure had probably more to do with this phenomenon; but Buchan quotes Dr. Pankin's observation, that the density of the water at the mouth of Loch Fyne sank from its normal 1"0250 to 1-0210 after a heavy fall of rain, and in less than twenty-four hours regained its usual value. Apart from exceptional cases, where the sadden melting of great masses of ice has flooded the adjacent sea with fresh water, or a few constant phenomena, such as the influx of the fresh waters of the Amazon and Orinoco into the ocean, it may be remarked that the lagoon waters of some atolls, though they rise and fall Avith the tides, the sea filtering through the coral mass as through a sieve, are fresh; nor is this remarkable, since it is pointed out by Wilkes in his rejDort of the United States Exploring Expedition, that the surging up and boiling over of a hot current, intercepted by a coral barrier, gives rise to almost constant precipitation of rain. The specific gravity of sui-face water has been found to bo increased during the prevalence of high winds, an unexpected result, since the surface waters are warmer after a storm, their motion being converted into heat. The density of water below the surface is not uniform; ordinarily lighter water floats over denser, but the relation may be reversed if the lighter water is introduced as a swift stream; thus the fresh water in some cases underflows the sea water in tidal rivers, and water of specific gravity 1"02G5 has been found at 73 fathoms, while above it the specific gi'avity was 1*0270., 112 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Wyville Tliomson found at 49° 12' N. lat., 12° 52' W. long., that tlie density increased from 1*0272 at 50 fathoms to 1-0277 at 800 fathoms; while at 54° 28' K hit., IV 44' W. Ion., the surface showed 1'0280; the bottom (1425 fathoms) showed 1*0269; and at another point the difference was, surface, 1*0280; bottom (664 fathoms), 1*0272, the evapora- tion of the warmer surface increasing its density. Fresh water heated to the boiling point and allowed to cool, contracts as it cools down to 4°C. (39 '2° F.); if the temperature is still further lowered, it again expands till it reaches 0°C. (32° F.), when it freezes. But salt water thus treated does not attain its maximum density till it has reached - 3*67°C. (25*4°F.), the freezing point of undis- turbed, — 2*25° C, that of disturbed sea water. While fresh water therefore expands under opposite extremes of heat and cold, salt water expands from its freezing point uniformly to its boiling point. 75. Pressure of Water. — A column of water 35 feet in height is equal to a column of mercury 30 inches in height, and these two represent the pressure of a column of aii* live miles high, of equal density throughout. At the depth of a mile, the pressure of the water equals that of 152 atmospheres, and its bulk is reduced by y^; at greater depths the pressure increases, so that at twenty miles the reduction in volume would be y. But this acts injuriously only on compressible bodies; thus air is greatly reduced in volume, but just as animals on the dry land are not injured by the weight of the atmosphere, so the ocean pressure does not affect those animals whose bodies are supported inside by the same clement as that which presses on them outside : the pressures being equal, the animal is in equilibrium. Thus animals are enabled to live at great depths, shell-fish having been brought up from more than 2000 fathoms, while tlie same species are found living also in very shallow water. But though uninjured by pressure its sudden removal is fatal, since the animals from great depths reached the surface dead or dying, just as man would be killed by passing through the u])per regions of the atmosphere. 76. Temperature of the Ocean. — The waters of the ocean never siiik below -3°*5C. (24° F.), and very rarely rise at TEMPERATURE OP THE OCEAN. 113 the surface above 34° C, tMs exceptional temperature being recorded near Aden. Water has the highest specific heat of any known substance ; thus, if a pound of mercury and a pound of water are both raised 1°, it requires thirty -three times as much heat to do this for the water as for the mercury, and if these are cooled 1°, the water sets free thirty-three times as much heat as the mercury. Tables have been constructed showing the specific heats of different bodies. Taking the specific heat of water as 1000, that of mercury is 33, or, as it is also written, water 1*000, mercury 0*0333. The following table shows the specific heat of equal weights of the most important substances, the determinations being those of Kegnault, cited by Tyndall : '^ — Water, 1-000 Air, 0-237 Oxygen 0-218 Nitrogen, 244 Hydrogen, 3-409 Carbon, 0-2414 Diamond, 0-1469 Copper, 00952 Gold, 0-0324 Iron, 01138 74 53 12 Lead, 00314 Magnesium, 0-2499 Mercury, 0333 Potassium, 1 696 Silicon, 0-1774 Silver, 00570 Sodium 0-2934 Sulphur, native,. 1776 Tin 00562 Zinc, 0-0955 100 15 The figures in the second column give the relative conductivity of the metals for heat. The relation of land and water as regards heat, is such that it requires four times the heat to raise water to tlie same temperature as land; the quantity of heat therefore •retained by the sea is greater than that retained by the land, hence the sea never i-ises so high nor sinks so low in temperature as does the land. A glance at the above table shows that capacity for heat does not mean conductivity, the molecular transfer by which each atom passes on the motion to its neighbour being dependent on difterent conditions from those of the specific heat. Water, though having tlie highest specific heat, is a very bad conductor of heat, the raising of a mass of v/atcr to the same temperature through- out being effected by convection, or the transfer of masses of 23 Tyndall. Heat as a Mode of Motion, Chap. V, 11 114 t>HYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. heated water from place to place, not the transfer of motion from atom to atom. It will be api^arent from what shall be said hereafter regarding currents, that no general statements can be made which shall profitably represent the general temperature of an ocean. The observations must be studied, map in hand, and for each particular tract that has been carefully explored, if it is desired to have a thorouQ:h knowledo-e of the surface variations. From what has been said, it will not be unex- pected that the surface temperature of the sea does not folloAv that of the air in contact vv-ith it. To illustrate thia, a table is subjoined, extracted from the deep sea soundings of the " Porcupine." The noonday observations have been taken for the month of June 1869, and they are arranged, not in chronological order, but according to degree of west longitude, between north latitudes 51° and 54° 30'. The upper of the two lines of figures represents the sea tempera- ture, the lower that of the air. Ail the temperatures are centigrade. Valentia. J^T :o.5. yi;-: 11-3. i>|uM5.;»: ir ..-:?: 12° 20' jr.y I2". A CO C3 1 * T*! m fl VTT" _ "-^ X X XlllciX V "- 8 e3 'C PI O o ^ith v/ater, and the Khone now floAvs out of the lake ill an ordinary river valley. It must not be supposed that this theory is applicable to all lakes; all that is contended for is, that it solves the problem of the occurrence in so many regions, where ice has formerly existed in considerable quantity, of deeply excavated basins, whose floor is below the level of the channel of outflow, and in many cases also below ■ — it may be considerably below — the level of the sea. 141. Lakes Formed by Subterranean Erosion. — 'A few- lakes, of small size, arise in some low-lying districts in con- sequence of subsidence, after the removal of some of the underlying bodies of rock; thus, in limestone districts, under- ground channels frequently exist, the calcium carbonate having been slowly washed away by v/ater containing de- composing organic matter; and the subsidence consequent upon tlie breaking- in of the roofs of these underground channels not merely creates a depression, but, by blocking up the subterranean watercourse, forces its contents up to the surface. The removal of solid beds produces a similar effect, whether the removal is natural, as in the limestone districts and where beds of rock salt have been dissolved away, or artificial, as Avhere subsidence follows mining operations. 142. Lakes in Areas of Subsidence. — The Caspian Sea, or lake, as it ought strictly to be called, covers an area as largo as Spain, its length being 180 miles, its aver.age breadth 210 miles, and its maximum depth 3,000 feet. Not merely is its surfiice 83 feet 6 inches belov/ the level of the Black Sea, but if the barrier between the two were submerged, a vast tract of land would be beneath the waters, including i^.stra- khan and Orenburg. There can be no doubt that this great basin is one of true depression, in which the Aral Lake has to some extent shared. It is about one-nfth of tho area of 172 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tlie Caspian; it is 120 feet above tlie level of tliat lake, and 37 feet above that of the Black Sea. Its maximnm cleptli, 95 feet, is towards the western side, the eastern portion being shallow. The Dead Sea occupies the southern end of a longitudinal valley, the northern portion of which is drained by a stream which cuts across the valley wall at Belfort, and enters the Levant. The Jordan passes through the fresh water Lake of Tiberias on its way to the salt Dead Sea, whose surface is 1,300 feet below the level of the Mediter- ranean. The deepest part of the lake is towards the north end, where it is 1,308 feet; at the south end it is only 104 feet. Probably many of the lakes in the interior of conti- nents owe their origin to slow subsidence; but, in defect of evidence, it is safer to speak of their relations without specu- lating on their origin. One of the best examples of lako formation by rapid subsidence is that of Missouri, in which State the earthquake of 1811 — 12, felt over an area of 300 miles north and south, let down a tract of 70 to 80 miles north and south, by about 30 miles east and west. Thus the Sunk Country, near New Madrid, is only one of several such depressions in that region, and the cause is still visible in the trenches and sink holes which were opened at the time of the convulsion, water and fragments of rock being forcibly ejected from the latter. The White Water pours into the lake, as does the Mississippi when high in flood. To this group may be referred a certain small number of lakes, never of any very great size, which occupy the craters of some extinct volcanoes. Their waters are either derived from atmospheric sources, or they are filled from below by subter- ranean channels. In Trinidad, a lake was formed on the western coast by the subsidence of a patch of land, the hollow becoming filled with a small lake of fluid bitumen; this pro- cess having likewise probably originated the great Pitch Lake of that island. "^ 143. Lakes Formed by Elevation. — Some of the lakes found, for example, in the Andes at a height of 12,000 feet may represent local depressions, or, as is possible in that disturbed region, an upheaval of part of the valley floor may have blocked the valley and converted it into a permanent Jand-locked basin; but evidence is v/anting on this subject, CONTINENTAL LAKES. 173 and the explanation is suggested because the general features of these valleys strongly resemble those of ordinary valleys excavated by rain and rivers. To this group belong Lake Titicaca and its analogues in the Andes, and Salt Lake in the E-ocky Mountains. 144. Continental Lakes. — ^A large number of lakes cannot be referred with certainty to any of the above-mentioned groups ; the topographical details, as well as the geological structure of the areas in which they occur, being unknown or imperfectly known. The great lake region of Africa is possibly in an area of subsidence, at least in part ; but the origin of each particular lake is unknown, as their relations to each other are still obscure. Lake Tchad is variable in its dimensions, being in some seasons a shallow lake covering upwards of 200,000 square miles, at other seasons reduced to a marsh, connecting pools. The country in the midst of which it lies is a wide, grassy plain, the monotony of which is scarcely interrupted by a shi-ub. If the definition of a lake involves the idea of a special basin, Tchad scarcely fulfils this condition. The temporary lodgment of water on the surface of a plain is a frequent occurrence on the plateaux of Africa, Asia, and Australia, and the former existence of such sheets in regions now too arid for the development even of a marsh, is proved by the rait incrustations on the surface left on the evaporation of the water. The following are the principal lakes of Equatorial and Southern. Africa: — Height above Sea. Victoria N'Yanza,... 3, 740, or 3,308, Speke. Albert N'Yanza, 2,720, Baker; 2,500, Buclian (computed). Tanganyika, 2,880, Livingstone; 2,800, Finlay (computed). Liemba, 2,880, Livingstone. Bemba, 4,000. Nyassa, 1,522, Kirk. Whether Tanganyika is in connection with Albert N'Yanza, as Baker was informed by the natives, or is distinct from it, as Livingstone believes, rests still (1873) on the accuracy of the observations of height above the sea, in defect of the practical solution by success or failure in the attempt to pass from the one to the other. The conflicting statements bring 174 PHYSICAL GEOGKArHY. into prominence one fact of great interest, namely, that tlie dimensions of Tanganyika vary with the season. That its waters are fresh, points to its having some outflow free enough to prevent the accumulation of salt in a region where that is the most frequent result of evaporation. The lakes of the Asiatic high grounds have probably very various origins, some lying in glacier lines, others on the plateaux, while others are perhaps due to movements of disturbance which have altered the level of the valley bottoms. The Australian continent has great sheets of w^ater in the interior, their limits being variable, as in Africa ; but their extent, comparative fixity, and association with lakes whose supply is permanent, are points on which there is not yet precise information. 145. Analysis of Lake Waters. — Ramsay gives {N'ature, vol. vii, p. 312) the following table, illustrating the composi- tion of the salts in the water of partially and completely land- locked basins, and the last column shows the composition of those obtained from the Old Well, Bath : — rerccntag-e. Mediter- ranean. Black Sea. Sea of Azof. Caspian. Dead Sea. Old Well, Bath. Grains per gal. Chloride of Sodium, „ Ma^nesiuia,... „ Calcium, ,, Potash, Bromide of Magnesium, . . Sulphate of Lime, ,, Magnesium, .. Bromide of Sodium, Carbonate of Lime, ,, Magnesia,... Peroxide of Iron, Bicarbonate of Soda, Sulphate of Soda, 2-9480 0-3223 0505 0-1357 0-2430 0-0553 0-0113 0-0094 1-4020 0-1304 0-01S9 0-0005 0-0105 0-1470 0-0359 0-0209 0-9G5S 0-0887 0-0128 0-0004 0-0288 0-0764 0-0022 0-0129 0-3G73 0U32 0-0076 trace "^ 0-0190 0-1-239 0-0171 0-0013 — / 12-110 7-822 2-455 1-217 0-452 12-5 14-5 80 9 17 3-770 1-7661 1-1889 0-6294 24-056 1S3 From these figures it appea,rs that there is a diminution in the proportion of common salt from the Mediterranean to the Caspian, and that the waters of the Dead Sea contain a relatively enormous quantity. The former fact is intelligible when it is remembered that these seas receive a very largo supply of fresh water from rivers, and the latter acquii-e^ ANCIENT LAKES AND LACUSTRINE AREAS. 175 interest from the circumstance tliat the sole aS.uent'of the Dead Sea is the Jordan, which flows out of a fresh water lake, that of Tiberias. Lakes have been divided into groups — those which have an outflow, and those which have not. This simple grouping corresponds in some respects to the difference between salt and fresh water lakes. But as the saline character va.rie3, the Caspian and the Dead Seas being very unlike in this respect, the lakes which have no outflow ma.y perhaps be divisible into those which ha,ve an abundant supply of fresh water, and those in which it is small relatively to the size of the lake. Since salt is found crystallized or efflorescent wherever sheets of fresh water have evaporated, as in the steppes of E-ussia, the 'plains of North Persia, of Africa, America, and Australia, the facts of the Jordan Vcilley justify the pro- visional generalization that when a lake is fresh the pro- bability is that it has a steady supply and discharge, even though the latter may be secured by percola,tion through fissures in its basin, llueh stress cannot be laid on the apparently exceptional case of the Casj)ian, for though that lake was probably Salter when its separation from the Black Sea was accomplished than it now is, there is reason to believe that its saltness is increasing, evaporation lowering its level more rapidly than the fresh water is poured in. 146. Ancient Lakes and Lacustrine Areas. — Guided by the analogy of existing formations, Mr. Godwin Austen first suggested that the old red sandstone deposits represented lacustrine formations on a large scale. Professor Kamsay has applied this suggestion in the investigation of several geological formations, and has succeeded in showing the pro- bability that most of the red coloured strata have been formed in lakes or inland seas. The red colour due to the presence of salts of iron cannot be explained on the supposition that these strata represent accumulations in the open sea, since all marine strata with which we are acquainted are of various hues, but never red. It is scarcely to be expected that a dej^osit of peroxide of iron should take place in the ocean, since it3 diffusion would certainly be immediate. In many lakes, as in those of Sweden, peroxide of iron is deposited ; and the old red sandstone, at least of the Scottish type, is an exceed- 176 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. ingly local formation. Tlie area whicli it covers was pro- bably limited towards tbe south by a barrier of land, which stretched across England from east to west, and which, if prolonged, would pass to the south of Ireland. This barrier was an important one in the carboniferous period, serving to isolate two distinct types of coal formations, though these terres- trial or swamp accumulations are not so distinct from each other as the comparatively unfossiliferous old red sandstones to the north of this line are from the truly marine and abundantly fossiliferous deposits of the devonian series to the south of the British Channel. The old red sandstone rests conformably upon the upper Silurians, and the transition from one to the other formation is effected by alternations of gray and red strata, which gradually culminate in the entirely red sand'stones. The difference in tint likewise corresponds to a difference in organic contents, and with the gray beds the characteristic Silurian fossils disappear. The life of the old red sandstono consists of vegetable remains of terrestrial types, of shells which are closely allied to fresh water families, and of ganoid fishes, whose modern representatives are confined to tlie fresh waters of the Nile, the North American rivers, the rivers of Australia and of South Africa. The paucity of life on the whole is remarkable ; the small size of such shells as do occur, and the absence of characteristic marine remains, give pro- bability to a hypothesis which rests to a considerable extent upon physical and chemical grounds. The permian strata present very many of the same characters; the shells are few in number, the remains of amphibians or terrestrial reptiles are abundant, their footprints being conspicuous where all traces of the body have disappeared. Such plants as are met with belong to terrestrial types; and, when all these are considered, along with the fact that magnesian limestones occur in large quantity — the magnesian carbonate being de- posited by evaporation — that gypsum occurs in considerable quantity, and that jpseudomorphous crystals of rock salt indicate evaporation in confined areas, while peroxide of iron gives a characteristic tinge to the beds, there is good reason to believe that in the permian we find evidence of the exist- ence of a confined basin, not necessarily a salt sea, but one which, like the Caspian, may have gradually become mors FILLING UP OF LAKES. 177 saline. The same reasoning wonld apply to tlie cambrian and other red-coloured pal£eozoic strata; hut the corrobora- tive evidence derived from the character of the fossils cannot be obtained, in consequence of the small amount of unaltered Cambrian strata now exposed at the surface, and the great metamorphism to which the deposits of that age, in England and Ireland, have been subjected. 147. Filling up of Lakes. — The history of a lake basin subsequent to its formation is very simple. Every tributary, as well as the main stream, carries down its contribution of detritus, and if the lake is of any size, the sediments have time to subside, at least to a considerable extent, before the waters reach the point of outflow. Delta formations com- mence, and gradually carry the mouths of the streams farther out towards the centre of the lake, till at last they join the main stream as it flows through the swamp, which the shallow- ing of the water by deposit tends to form. Thereafter we should have a river flowing through a plain of alluvial materials, and joined by tributaries at various angles. This is the explana- tion of the frequent occurrence of alluvial plains at various levels in the course of streams. The subsequent events are identical with those that take place in the plains of open grounds, the river gradually cutting its channel deeper into the alluvial soil, shifting its position from time to time, and thus at once deepening its o^Yll bed and slowly lowering the general level of the plain. SECTION III.— WATER IN THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH. ' Conditions which permit its Presence — Springs due to Percolation, or Connection with Volcanoes — Water Supply of London — Limit of Saturation — Pollution of Water — Retentive Power of Strata due to their Character, or to Subjacent Strata — Lodgment of U Water — Leakage of Subterranean Reservoirs — Artesian ^Vells — Yield of Springs — Contents of Spring Water — I^Iineral and Ther- mal Springs — Springs in Yellowstone Valley — Thermal Waters in England — Iceland : Theory of Intermittent Springs — Periodic Springs — France and Spain — Bischof's Classification of Springs — Examples of Springs Geologically Interesting — Petroleum Springs — Underground Pavers and Caverns — Contents of Caves — Landslips. 23 M 173 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 148. The Conditions which permit its Presence.-— Hitherto we have treated of water in the form of extensiva sheets — oceans; of smaller sheets — lakes and inland seas; and of the tributaries of these — rivers.. "VVe have now to consider the v/^ater held in suspension in the atmosphere, and the various forms under which it returns to the earth. In the present section we shall speak of the circulation of water in the interior of the earth, its movements, its properties, and its results. The quantity of water which sinks into the soil is obviously proportioned to the porosity of the surface, and to the length of time during v/hich it is retained on any particular point. Thus, if water falls on a rock surface, the greater part of it flows off directly; if it falls on sand — sup- posing that the sand is not overheated, as is that of the desert — ^it sinks in, and descends vertically, until it is arrested by some less porous stratum. 149. Springs exclusively due to Percolation, or Connec- tion with Volcanoes. — ^Ifc may be said in general terms that there is a subterranean circulation parallel to that on the surface; and, if there v/ere no curvatures of the strata such as have been described, v\^e should expect to find the largest quantity of subterranean v^ater in the low grounds. The exceptions, however, to this general statement give rise to a large number of varieties of springs — varieties both as regards their origin and their chemical properties. Those springs v/hich are more or less intimately related v/ith volcanic phenomena illustrate two different sets of conditions; in the one case the springs are directly due to the volcanic action, and in the other they are only modified by the vicinity of volcanic activity. Water which sinks into the soil is either retained by the strata into which it passes, or, if the quantity of moisture supplied is in excess of their retentive power, it escapes directly, but unseen, into rivers or the sea, or sinks to still lov/er levels, or issues at the surface in the form of springs. 150. Water Supply of London. — The history of the city of London illustrates, perhaps better than any other case, at once the economic importance of underground water supply, and the principal geological features upon which tliat supply depends. The valley in which London is situated is bounded j WATER SUPPLY OF LONDON. 179 to tlie nortli by the outcrop of the chalk in Hertfordshii-e, to the south by the outcrop of the chalk in Surrey, and in the hollow thus formed lies the London clay, a mass of lower eocene strata. A vertical section beneath London passes through the following strata : — Bagshot Beds, London Clay, Woolwich and Reading Beds, Thanet Sands, and these rest upon Chalk. Thus there is on the surface a permeable stratum of gravex from 10 to 20 feet in thickness, resting upon tenacious clay of from 100 to 200 feet in thickness, while beneath this retentive mass 70 to 100 feet of sands and gravel are inter- posed, and the subjacent chalk is itself also porous. The growth of the City of London has been determined by this upper gravel mass, for the ease of obtaining water supply fixes the population necessarily on its surface. Where, to the west and north-west of London, clay is exposed at the surface by denudation, population for a long time was arrested, until artificial water supply was obtained. Again, the river and its tributaries are bordered by a lower lying bed of gravel, and on this again a line of villages sprang up. The popula- tion became continuous, and extension into the adjacent dis- tricts was possible only when water was conveyed from a distance by conduits. Again, the northern heights of Lon- don are composed of sands from 30 to 80 feet thick, which readily yielded a sufficient number of wells for the villages which formerly occupied these sites. To the west, where the Bagshot sands increase in thickness to 300 or 400 feet, the depth to which it would have been necessary to sink for water prevented these localities from being occupied. Finally, where the sands which underlie the London clay crop out at the surface, the line of outcrop determined another series of villages. There is therefore a trouGjh in the centre of which a large quantity of water accumulates, part of it bein^:^ovo and part below the level of the river and of the sea. The water sinking through the gravel which borders the river has its level determined by that of the adjacent stream, and tho surplus would overllow at tho surface if an opening wero pro- 180 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. vided for its escape. But if, either by drouglit or by an excessive withdrawal of water through these wells, the quan tity contained in the porous strata is very much diminished, then the level will sink correspondingly, and none will over- flow. (Prestwich, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, 1872.) 151. Limit of Saturation. — The limit of saturation, there- fore, has a very important effect upon the amount and per- manence of water supply. In the centre basin the sands are from 100 to 200 feet below the level of the Thames; at Greenwich, the basin containing these strata is notched to a depth of 100 feet, and below the level of the bottom of this notch the London basin is constantly saturated. The chalk is itself permeable by water, but it is comparatively retentive, since a cubic foot has been found to retain 2 gallons of water by mere capillary attraction, and the water is dis- charged therefore very slowly. But the chalk is traversed by fissures and broken up by lines of flints; and although these above the limit of saturation are, so to speak, slow conduc- tors of water, the movement below that level is very much more rapid — there is, in fact, a tolerably free circulation. The gradual drainage, by artificial wells, of the strata above the chalk has compelled the penetration of the chalk itself, which now supplies a large part of London south of the Thames. The water is, as has been said, derived from the surface, the rainfall being the most important source; but some is also obtained from the adjacent high grounds, while the river, aided by the rise and fall of the tides, dams back a large body of water at and below its own level. 151. Pollution of Water. — It is obvious that, in addition to the rain, any substances found upon the surface will like- wise flow down into this subterranean reservoir; and attention has been called to the fact that around London the old habit of sinking cesspools has contributed a considerable quantity of contaminating matter to the water suj-yply. That these matters travel downwards with exceedinc: slow- ness is true, and it must also be remembered that the more distant is the source of the evil from the great body of the water, the greater is the chance of injurious substances being permanently kept back by filtration ; but the danger is one deserving of consideration. ARTESIAN WELLS* 181 163. Retentive Power of Strata due to their Character, or to Subjacent Strata. — The retentive power of strata varies considerably ; the case of the chalk has already been mentioned, and the sandstones of the older deposits are per- liaps even more retentive than it. It may in fact be said, in general terms, that the return of the water to the surface would be restricted entirely to the escape between the planes of stratification, but for the joints and fissures with which all rocks are traversed. In the case of a conical hill, composed of nearly horizontal strata of which the lowest above the level of the valley is very hard, the quantity of water con- tained in the hill above the hard bed will present a curve which rises highest in the centre, and has its height deter- mined by the annual rainfall. In such a case springs might be expected to issue at the junction of the softer and the harder rocks. 154. Lodgment of Water. — Where the strata are highly inclined, and especially where they are finely laminated, even though they themselves are not porous, surface moisture will find its way down the stratification planes, and the succes- sive layers of water become connected by the joints and fissures of the strata, so that, following the inclination or dip of the beds, we should expect to find at some point a reservoir, whose place might be fixed with tolerable precision if the strata curved in the opposite direction so as to form a synclinal trough. But in the centre of the trough a fissure, whether due to a fault or to the upward passage of a trap dyke, might form a natural drain for the reservoii', and thus the water might escape to still lower levels. 155. Leakage of Subterranean Reservoirs. — The general proposition that a series of porous strata resting upon an im- pervious one, more especially when a natural trough exists, will yield a supply of water, is dependent on the contingency of subterranean disturbances, the existence of which may not be indicated by the surface features. But in a series of water-conducting strata, a fault line or a trap dyke may have the opposite efiect of damming back the water, and thus forcing it to escape at the surface, and we have, in such a case, a natural Artesian well. 166. Artesian Wells. — These v>^ells have derived their 182 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. name from the place in wMch. they have been so long em- ployed, Artois, in France. The method of sinking an Artesian well is the same as that by which we endeavour to ascertain the presence of underground minerals. Augers, iron instru- ments, are gradually sunk down by the hand, or, when the depth is great, by machinery, the hard rocks being pounded and the debris withdrawn, and when the instrument at last penetrates into the water-bearing bed, the fluid escapes to the surface with varying force and persistence. If the boring is arrested at this point, the supply may be permanent; if it is carried still farther, the penetration of other reservoirs may yield an increased quantity; but it has happened that the last retentive stratum has been passed through, and the water, instead -oi esca,ping at the surface, sinks to still lower levels. The deepest wells in England range from 450 to 550 feet, and the water which escapes from them comes from the chalk hills at least 15 or 20 miles from London. The well of Grenelle, the bottom of which is more than 1,700 feet below the sea level, drains a district a,bove 100 miles distant from Paris, its lowest point being 1,798 feet; that of Passy is sunk to 1,923 feet. The diameters of these bores are various, but the Passy well is 4 feet at the surface and 2 feet 4 inches at the bottom. At La Chapelle, St. Denis, Mr. Prestwich says the bore was commenced 157 feet above the sea level; a shaft, 6 J feet in diameter, was sunk for 113 feet; the bore thence started with a diameter of 5^ feet, and in 1872 had reached a depth of 2,034 feet, with a diameter of 4 feet 4:lj inches. It is expected that the lower greensands, the stratum below the chalk, will be reached at a depth of 2,300 feet. Wliile the boring usually goes on uninterrup- tedly, it happens occasionally that the auger suddenly sinks some distance, and the inference is that the instrument has penetrated into a hollow reservoir. From such a reservoir at Tours were obtained land and fresh water snails and the seeds of water plants, and in Westphalia, under similar cir- cumstances, fish were obtained, these having doubtless come from the nearest streams, situated several leagues away. Desor verified Zickel's observation, that fish were obtained from the Artesian well in the oasis of Ain Tala, in the north- eastern part of the Sahara; and as these fish are found like- 'I. CONTENTS OP SPrJNG WATEIt. 183 Wise in tlie neighbouring pools, it is probable tliat tlie pools and tlie wells are both supplied from a common subterranean reservoir, to which distant streams have contributed by canals wider than simple fissures. 157. The Yield of Springs. — The quantity of water which issues from springs varies considerably. Ketentive rock, parting slowly with its contents, will yield in temperate regions a permanent spring, betraying fluctuations only at in- tervals; thus it has been calculated by Mr, Beardmore that water requires froui four to six months to pass from the sur- face to the saturation level in the chalk, and that the effect of the winter rainfall is therefore not apparent in deep springs before summer. Hence the supply is practica,lly permanent under existing conditions, since the extreme effect of a dry summer and autumn v/ould not be appreciable fo]' sixteen months — that is to say, the storage or reserve of water is more than sufficient to maintain the stream till the effects of the next rainfall are appreciable. More porous strata, through which the transmission of water is rapid, are more liable to fluctuations, and even to intermissions. On the other hand, in limestone, where the water is confined to the plains of stratification, and to the joints and fissures which traverse the rock, the delivery is frequently as rapid as the supply, and the spring therefore is dependent entirely on the rainfall for its maintenance. The yield of the Artesian wells furnishes interesting differences. Thus the well at Fulham, .317 feet deep, yielded 50 gallons per minute; that of Tours discharged 300 cubic yards of water in twenty-four hours. But the force of discharge varies still more. In the Sheer- T^css well the water rose from 328 to 189 feet rapidly; but it required some hours to ascend to 8 feet above the ground. The Chiswick well rose 4 feet above the ground from 620 feet; and one at Tooting did considerable damage, from the force of its discharge, when it was pierced. 158. Contents of Spring Water. — The water seldom escapes pure. Apart altogether from the contaminations already mentioned as resulting from the ignorance, selfish- ness, and carelessness of men, some wells regularly, others occasionally, give forth the debris of vegetables, indicating that surface matters have from time to time got access to 184 PHYSICAL GEOGEAPHY. their sources. In other cases, solid inorganic matters are delivered in suspension and in solution. The following table, drawn up by Dr. Frankland, illustrates the varying quantity of materials by weight in 100,000 parts of water, the liist column representing the total quantity of carbon and nitro- gen in the organic matter. As the effects of filtration are conspicuous in the case of the nitrates, these results must, as Mr. Prestwich remarks, be accepted with caution as indica- tive of the orioinal condition of the water : — EOURCED OF V/ATEU. Vv'ell, Royal Institution, London, „ Eoyal Mint, ,, Barclay's Brewery, , Thames V/ater at Hampton, , Springs, Head of Tliames, , „ Moorparic, ,, Otter, near Watford,.. . . Well, Croydon, ,, Cfiterham, ,, Crenelle, S 2 S^irface Gravel,.. 0-525 Tertiary Sands.... 220 „ .. 0-065 — I 0-2S4 Oolites....... .. ..! 0-023 Lower Greensand,' 0-040 Chalk, I 0-038 „ I 0-047 „ i 0-026 Lower Greensand, 021 et-t c O n ^ m *? ei r: if^ ?t tn^ p h CM !25^ o H 4-855 20-8 93-70 7-7 S3 -96 0-035 4-1 71-56 0-196 15-7 27-87 0-3f8 17-0 •28-25 0-034 4-55 0-422 21-0 32 -06 0-551 12-9 320 0-027 10-4 SI -08 » 6-8 14-09 It appears from this table that the freedom ot water from organic matter is in proportion to the depth of the spring ; but the facility with which organic matters scattered through the soil are oxidated must be kept in mind; for the conclusion that the source of deep wells is pure would be erroneous, since the purity is only due to the prolonged filtration the waters have been subjected to. 159. Mineral and Thermal Springs. — "While no springs are absolutely pure, while the waters always contain a certain amount of inorganic matter, the term mineral springs is employed to designate those in which the mineral matters are either in great excess, or of a kind not usually met in waters. Thus, the silica of the Iceland geysers is not a normal con- stituent, nor are the arseniates of the African springs. Car- bonate of lime, again, is present in most waters, but its excess in the springs of Auvergne and Tuscany, as well as in those which arise in limestone regions, entitle these waters to SPRINGS IN YELLOTfSTONE VALLEY, NORTH AMERICA. 183 separate recognition. Again, while all springs of consideralDle depth, have a temperature greater than that of the surface — the increase ranging from 1" C. in 50 to 1° in 80 feet of descent, the highest average of those not associated with volcanoes being 27*7° C. — thermal springs are those w^iose temperature is in excess of that proper to their depth. Both mineral and thermal springs occur for the most part in districts where there are either active or extinct volcanoes, or in which earthquake phenomena are of fre- quent occurrence, or, lastly, in localities which have been the seats of very great disturbance. 160. Springs in Yellowstone Valley, North America. — The Yellowstone National Park of the United States, a district about half the size of Wales, presents a combination ot phenomena as regards springs which will be more instruc- tive than a series of systematic statements. In this area of 3,575 square miles, recently, geologically speaking, one of volcanic activity, the sedimentary strata are carboniferous, Jurassic, cretaceous, and tertiary, the whole resting on meta- morphic rocks. Volcanic rocks occupy large part of the area, and as these began to be deposited in tertiary times, the present replacement of the igneous matter by springs issuing from the old craters may be looked on rather as an episode in the life ot a volcanic region than a sign of its final quiescence. The floor of the valley in which Gardiner's Biver (a branch of the Yellowstone) flows is covered with a crust deposited by springs now no longer calcareous, and the slopes are covered with a white crust 20 to 50 feet thick. The water now issuing from beneath this surface layer forms a stream 6 feet wide and 2 feet deep, whose temperature is 55 'S" C, but higher up the slope, in basins of 20 to 50 feet in diameter, whose waters are 65*5° to 72° C. The calcareous springs now active contain, in addition to the predominant carbonate of lime, sulphuretted hydrogen, soda, alumina, and magnesia. The siliceous springs are intermittent, boiling, and quiet springs. The waters of the boiling springs are always at 100° C. ; they graduate into the intermittent by those in which the water is projected as much as 6 feet at regular intervals. The intermittent are at 100° C. only during activity, falling to 65° 0. in the intervals. The quiet springs, 186 t'HYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. once probably boiling, range from 64*4° C. to 26° C. ; and it is interesting to note that tlie deposit of iron takes place at lower temperatures than 65° C, the siliceous sinter showing all gradations of colour, from deep red to the purest "white. The mud springs vary in temperature and activity; the mud contains a large quantity of alum, and is kept in movement by jets of steam which toss up the pasty mass to the height of 4 or 5 feet. There is overflow in these craters, and in one where a jet of steam is constantly ascending to the height of 600 feet, the black mud is about 20 feet below the rim of the basin. Sulphuretted hydrogen makes the atmosphere near one spring oppressive. The geysers are most interesting, from the variety of tint and form of the sinter with which their orifice of outflow is surrounded. The column of one rises for 200 feet, and after a quarter of an hour gradually subsides to 2 feet below Ihe mouth of the orifice, the temperature being then 6o° C. The waters of this, and the others of the same group, contain as much as 85 per cent, of silica, 11 per cent, of water, 4 per cent, chiefly of chloride of magnesium, ■\^T.th a trace of lime. The association of such varied springs, active and extinct, their generally pulsating character, amounting in some cases to true intermittence, and their association with earthquakes at the present time, in the midst of a tertiary volcanic district — all these indicate the source of the phenomena, but do not explain the chemical variety in the waters, adjacent springs having unlike composition, and afibrding dissimilar deposits. In some of these thermal springs there is a large develop- ment of confervseand similar vegetables, diatoms in abundance, and that silky organic matter wdiich it is difficult to refer to animals or plants with certainty. Chemically this haregin varies in different springs, but its true nature is not knoAvn. 161. Thermal Waters in England. — The waters ol the Old "Well at Bath, having a temperature of 48 '8° C, contain 144 grains of solid matter per gallon. The hot S2:)rings of Bristol have a temperature of 20° or 22° C. At Buxton and Matlock there are also warm springs. The occurrence of calcareous springs in limestone districts has already been referred to. Ferruginous springs are met witli under similar conditions : thus the drainage of car- gPEINGS; FRANCE AND SPAIN. l87 Tboniferous districts sometimes yields oclireous springs, and tlie water that lias drained silurian high grounds (in v/hich there is an enormous quantity of diffused ii'on) often yields a copious rusty precipitate. 162. Iceland: Theory of Intermittent Springs. — The vol- canic region, of which Hecla is the active centre, contains those geysers which were first studied by geologists. The intermittence of these hot springs was long regarded as proof of the existence of reservoirs in which water and gases v/ere lieated till the expansion of both raised the fluid in the long tube of the fountain to the level of overflow. The duct then became a syphon, and an interval was necessary before the reservoir was again full enough to permit the process to recommence. In the chapter on Volcanoes it will be shown that Tyndall's explanation of the gej^'sers as slowly but steadily flowing springs, whose waters pass through portions of rock at a high temperature, meets all the difficulties of the case, and, moreover, renders it intelligible that intermittent springs should be of such different chemical character. 163. Periodic Springs. — The alternations of a wet and dry season give one kind of periodicity; but in those sj^ecially included under the designation, the recurrence of the flow is at intervals which cannot be thus accounted for. In some cases the existence of a cavern is probable, the outflow being little above the flow. As soon as the water attains a certain level, its duct, bent and syphon-like, drains the cavern to the level of outflow, and then ceases till fresh accumulation repeats the process. In springs connected with volcanic phenomena, the expansion of gases in such a reservoir is likely to take place, ancl if it occurs is almost certain to furnish periodic phenomena, supposing the supi^ly of water and gas to be constant, and tlie orifice of discharge not too large. 164. France and Spain. — The volcanic areas in these two countries furnish abundant examples of springs of various kinds. Ansted points out that not all mineral and thermal waters reach the surface of the ground; and his observation accords with what was stated (Art. 27) regarding the courso of lavas from the volcanic focus to the surface. In the older strata, especially in the limestones of volcanic districts, -we sometimes find that portions of tho limestone strata have ISS PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. been silicifiecl from below, tbe alteration presenting a para- bolic outline; and the only possible explanation is, that a spring, probably thermal, sought to escape upwards by a joint or fissure, which brought it in contact with a limestone, and there exhausted its energy. The cases to which Ansted refers occur in Anvergne, near Clermont, and in Cornwall — the, so to speak, concealed springs in the latter locality having only been discovered by boring. The calcareous springs of Anvergne are well known, their waters being employed there, as elsewhere, in the rapid production of ornaments, by the deposit of lime in moulds over v/hich the water is conducted. Carbonic acid, boracic acid, carbonates of soda, and even arseniates of soda and potash, are found in the waters of Vichy, the carbonates of soda forming by far the largest ingredient. Sulj^hur in combination, as sulphur- etted hydrogen or sulphate of lime, is of very frequent occur- rence, especially in the Pyrennean springs. In Sj^ain the presence of sulphurous springs seem more usually associated with deposits of gypsum (sulphate of lime) than with the jDresence of volcanic materials. 165. Bischof s Classification of Springs. — The substances found in spring water are thus enumerated by Bischof {Chemical Geology, i., p. 74), and, as they are usually im- perfectly quoted, the list is here given entire : — 1. Saline Bases — Soda, potash, lithia, ammonia, lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta, alumina, protoxides of iron and manganese, oxides of zinc and copper, tin, lead, silver, antimony, arsenic, nickel, cobalt, probably also as oxides. 2. Acids — Carbonic, sulphuric, sulphurous, nitric, phosphoric, boracic, silicic, hydrosulpliuric. 3. Halogens and Metaloids — Chlorine, bromine, iodine, sulphur, hydrogen. 4. Organic Substances — Extractive matter (baregin), crenic and apocrenic acids. And the chemical substances are obtained in different quan- tities, according to the mode of origin of the spring. Bischof 's classification according to origin is the most natural, from the practical chemist's point of view. It is — 1. Springs which originate from rivers. 2, Springs originating in the water which sinks through the beds of brooks and rivers, EXAMPLES OP SPEINGS GEOLOGICALLY INTERESTING. 189 3. Springs which originate from elevated lakes. 4. Springs formed by the melting of the snow and ice of glaciers. 5. Mountain springs. C. Springs from great depths. 166. Examples of Springs Geologically Interesting. — Besides those already mentioned, the following are the best known examples of mineral and thermal waters : — The Carls- bad waters contain 462 grains per gallon of solid matter, and have potash and soda as their dominant ingTedients, but they contain also a considerable quantity of metallic compounds. The waters of Aix la Chapelle emit large quantities of nitro- gen, probably derived from decomposition; and nitrogen in one combination or another is found in many of the springs in the central plain of Germany. The calcareous w^aters of France have been mentioned; the source of their lime is obscure, since few of the rocks iii that region contain it in large quantity, and the disprop)ortion between the deposits and the apparent source is even more striking in Tuscany, where the deposits are rapid, continuous, and extensive. Italy, rich in regions of volcanic activity, contains many springs whose composition is as various as usual in volcanic regions. The carbonic acid exhalations of the Campagna di Roma, of the famed Grotto del Cane, near Naples, are of the same kind as those of the Limagne d'Auvergne, and among the extinct volcanoes of the Rhine. The enormous quantity of this acid thus disengaged at the surface probably does not represent all that is generated. Considering its power to decompose many rocks, either as a gas or dissoh-ed in ■water, it is obvious that this gas, derived from below" ground, must have an enormous share in the alteration of strata in addition to the work it does wiien carried down by rain from the atmos})here to the soil. The deposit of silica from hot springs has been mentioned, and the action of w^arm alkaline w^aters in maintainincj silica in solution is intelliorible. But its deposit from cold water is less clear. It appears that such cold springs as form sinters either discharge little water, which forms a stream so shallow as to admit of total evapora- tion — as perhaps w^as the case when the veins of rocks were lined, and ultimately filled, with quartz; or, as in the cold siliceous spring of th.e Azores, the mineral is in the form of a 190 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, double silicate of iron and alumina. It must always be hoYiiQ in mind that our interpretation of wbat cold springs do is open to fallacy, since the warm springs of Bagneres de Bigorre became cold after the earthquake of 1660, while that of Bagneres de Luchow, in the Pyrenees, formerly cold, has had a temperature of 50° C. since the earthquake of Lisbon, 1755 — two interesting examples of the connection between thermal waters and subterranean disturbances, or, to put it in another form, of the relation which still exists between the volcanic centres and these areas of former disturbance which have lonsf been quiescent. The geological interest of siliceous springs lies in this, that fossilization, as of the wood in the Azores, West Indies, and Australia, is effected on a comparatively large scale by the agency of these underground waters. 167. Petroleum Springs. — The oil wells of America, chiefly found in connection with devonian rocks, owe their origin to percolation, the hydrocarbon compounds being de- rived from the decomposition of animal and vegetable remains. The borings by which the rock oil reaches the surface either provide a channel for the fluid which travels along the fissures of the strata, or tap reservoirs, just as the Artesian wells reveal the presence of water caverns. It is not always clear why the oil reaches the surface with impetus. The first dis- charge from a boring is sometimes a quantity of gas with more or less brine, the oil thereafter running pure, so that in some cases, at least, the expansion of gases may be efficient. But the whole history of these springs is still obscure. The upper miocene strata of Trinidad yield the asphalt which gives to the pitch lakes of that island their name. The volcanic rocks of the carboniferous series in Scotland, on the other hand, sometimes retain the products of decomposition, as in the oil shale district of Bathgate, the bituminous matter having doubtless slowly filtered out of the shales. Equally retentive are the fetid limestones, that of the upper Silurians at Niagara yielding its bitumen when the limestone is burnt in kilns. 168. Underground Rivers and Caverns. — Underground channels of considerable magnitude are sometimes formed, and their formation is closely connected with the phenomena of springa. The ingulfment of streams is a frequent event, UNDERGROUND RIVERS AND CAVERNS. 191 botli on tlie large'and small scales, and tlie phenomenon takes place chiefly in limestone districts, where the percolation of water charged with carbonic acid dissolves away the lime along the lines of fissures. Fractures of strata undoubtedly may, probably often do, take part in fixing the line; but the solvent power of water is sufficient to do the v/ork without much assistance. Bearing in mind what was said (Art. 151) regarding the rate of flow of water through fissures — that capillarity retarded it so long as the fissure was above the level of saturation, but that below that level the water flowed freely, if not rapidly — the genesis of an underground stream is not difficult to follow. The rivers of the IMorea, v^hich subside into " swallow holes," or Katavothra, to use the Greek name, emerge near the sea in streams of remarkable uniformity, showing that during the eight months' drought which inter- venes between the seasons of rain the subterranean channel is largely supplied from other sources than the swaJlow holes; or that, as is more likely, the reservoir is slowly drained by narrow apertures, the closure of which, by sediment or by earthquake disturbance, might give rise to a lake in the posi- tion of the swallow hole. Similar examples are met with alon^' the north shores of the Mediterranean in the cretaceous limestone, in v^hich the Morean channels are excavated. But the most interesting district is that of Carniola on the Adriatic. There the Timavo rushes at once from the rocks a navigable stream, being fed by underground tributaries from the interior. The caves of Planina, Lueg, and Adels- bcrg are well known, the principal channel of the last being more than a mile and a half in length, so far as it has been followed. The swallow holes or "dolinas" of this district, tlie cavities into which the streams sink, form, according to the patency of the mountain streams, and the size of their channels, empty chasms, wells, or lakes — the Lake of Zirknitz {Lacus Lugens of the Bomans) varying in area from 40 to 80 square miles. This complicated network of channels above and below ground finds its counterpart in other regions. The Humrersee of the Harz Mountains is a dolina like that of Zirknitz ; but the great devonian limestone district near Liege is historically and geologically the most important of the cavern systems. Dr. Schmerling examined forty caverns, 192 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. among tliem the now celebrated Engis and Engihoul Caves, and these, with the series found in the Dordogne and Perigord, have furnished most important evidence as to the former fauna of Southern and Central Europe, as to its arctic character, and the association of man with animal forms now extinct or restricted to the far north of Europe and Asia. In England — where, as in Yorkshire, ingulfed streams are also found, important tributaries issuing directly from the rocks bordering the main river — caverns are also met with whose contents are imjDortant contributions to the early liistory of man. The caves of Settle, Ingleborongh, Kirkdale, Denbighshire, of Wokey Hole, Kent's Hole, Brixham, may be mentioned as among those from which remains have been obtained, proving their human occupation at one and, for the most part, at several periods between the time when the reindeer, mammoth, and rhinoceros flourished and the time when men sheltered in them from the Hanoverian troops, or hid therein the smuggled stores which were to cheat the king's revenue. The papers of Euckland, Pengelly, Boyd Dawkins, and others, have given details of those caves hitherto discovered, but their number will be greatly increased as chance reveals openings which debris has concealed. The miammoth Cave of Kentucky, whose main passage is 10 miles long, while the length of the lateral passages amounts to 240 miles, contains a curious assemblage of animals, the imperfec- tion of whose organs of sight raises interesting questions for the zoologist. A long time was, of course, needed for the erosion of such enormous subterranean caves, but there is no ground for believing that the inhabitants of the Mammoth, the Adelsberg, or the other Carniolian caves have an earlier date than the latest tertiary times. 169. Contents of Caves. — The floors of caves are covered with stalagmite, fine mud more or less calcareous, and breccia, consisting of rounded as well as angular fragments, among which, as well as through the other sediments also, bones and implements may be scattered. One or all of these materials may be present, and each layer may contain organic remains belonging to a diflerent period, though disturbance of the layers may confuse the chronology. In observing such da- posits, it is important to bear in mind that the sources of the LANDSLIPS. 193 bones may be various; the occupants of tbe cave dying, would leave their remains to be covered over by calcareous droppings from the roof, or by the sediments of the stream which still flowed through the cave. An alteration of the level of the cave mouth, or a rise of the stream on whose banks it opened, might allow the flood-borne bodies of ani- mals to be swept in and left there. Fissures might allow the bones of animals to drop in from the surface of the ground, and to become mingled with the older species. Lastly, the Morean rivers show that bones and conglomerate may enter simultaneously, and the cavern will then yield evi- dence as to the animals which flourished on the surface of the country at periods which cannot be defined. The hematite deposits of Cumberland are laid down by rivers which have flowed through limestone caverns, tho segregation of the iron being due to the action of decaying vegetable matter. 170. Landslips. — Fissures in loose soil or solid rock are traversed by water which may displace more or less of tho surface by its excess in a rainy season, by its expansion on conversion into ice, or by the coincidence of either of theso with underground erosion, whereby a part of a hill slope or clift may be made to topple over. The amount and form of the slipped mass depends on a variety of circumstances; but it may be said, in general terms, that those slips which, are due to underground erosion have steeper faces than where only surface joints are concerned; and that the harder the rock, and more definite its system of jointing, the more will the characteristic features of such a rock be preserved after the catastrophe. The oblique joints of masses of tough boulder clay furnish an admirable study in the mechanism of springs. The walls of a valley which a glacier has fashioned describe an elegant and even curve. Those of a valley in which atmo- spheric waste has been at work in soft, superficial deposits, consist of two parts — the steeper, rockier part, and the more sloping, softer portion; but, where landslips have occurred, the ascent is by a series of lines at difiei-ent angles, to the more vertical rocky portion. The landslip leaves its mark iu a change of slope. 23 N CKAPTEK V. SECTION I.— FORMS OF WATER IN ATMOSPHERE. Atmosplieric Circulation of "Water — Atmospliere every^^'here Humid — Aqueous Vapour: Evaporation — Amount of Evaporation from Soils and Plants — Condensation — Saturation — Dew, Mists, and Fogs — Fogs of Cities — Height of Fogs: Fogbanners of Hills — Clouds — Condition of Water in Clouds — Velocity of Clouds — Distinction between Dew and Fog — Rainbow — Colour of Clouds — Transport of Aqueous Vapour — Conditions of Rain- fall—Relation of Rain to Prevalent Winds — Influence of Higli Grounds: Ilomomorpliism— Wliy Rainfall is not Incessant — Dryness of Interior of Continents — Angle of Wind to Land — ■ Polar and Equatorial Winds — Influence of Vegetation — Rain from Clear Sky — Amount of Rain wbich Flows off the Surface ■ — Periodic, Variable, and Constant Rains — Periodicity of Raiu- faU— Table of Rainfall. 171. Circulation of Water in Atmosphere. — Hain is the form in which, over the largest portion of the world, mois- ture, is restored to the earth, after it has been lifted into the atmosjjhere from land and sea. In the extreme north and south, precipitation takes place only in the form of snow. In the temperate regions v/e find seasonal differences, so that snow and rain alternate, while on either side of the equator snow is never encountered except as a precipitation upon the summits of the highest mountain ranges. If we were to connect by a curved line the limits of snowfall in the northern and southern hemispheres, with tlie limit of snowfall ujDon the mountains of the equator, we should find that the figure thus described v/ould be that of an oblate spheroid, the poles of which would coincide generally with the poles of the earth; thus a shell of temperature above the freezing point would surround the earth, not parallel to its surface, but rather exaggerating the equatorial protuberance and polar flattening of the globe. AQUEOUS vapour: evaporation^. 195 172. Atmosphere everywhere Humid. — A certain amount of moisture is present in the atmosphere even in the hottest regions, with the exception of a few very limited areas known as rainless, and even there an absolutely dry atmosphere probably does not extend to any great distance above the surface. In the Arctic regions themselves, part of the snow- fall is simply the restoration, to the surface, of moisture derived from it. 173. Aqueous Vapour: Evaporation. — Atmospheric mois- ture is in the form of aqueous vapour. Evaporation means the removal of water into the atmosphere in this invisible form, and as the vapour seldom remains in contact with the sui'face from which it has risen, there is constantly ojopor- tunity for the formation of fresh vapour, the volume of the water correspondingly diminishing. Evaporation is limited by diminution of temperature, or by the confinement of the space into which the vajDour is thrown off. The pressure of a very small quantity of aqueous vapour upon the surface of v/ater checks evaporation, and thus fmnishes a difficulty not yet solved, since a very considerable atmospheric pressure does not interfere with the process. In cold weather, at the temperature of 0°C. (32° F.), the pressure is '1811 inches of mercury; e.t 20° C. it is '6850 inches; at 50° C. it is 3-622 inches. Trifling as are these pressures, they are enough to arrest the process, though a much greater atmospheric pressure has little or no effect in retarding it. The same effect is produced when evai:»oration takes place into a con- fined space, the intervals between the particles of air being occupied by particles of vapour; in other words, the resist- ance of the vapour being purely mechanical, the atmosphere becomes very speedily saturated, and the water thereafter ceases to diminish in volume, its particles being impeded in their ascent. By the process of evaporation the temperature of water is diminished. Thus the cooling effect of a breeze on the body does not in reality result from the contact of ail', but is due to the removal of moistnro, to the hastening of evaporation from the surface of the skin. Applying this upon a most extended scale, we find that to evaporation, or rather to the great extent of surface from which CA^aporation took place in former times, was due that extreme amount of 196 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. cold wliich rendered the winters of this area more severe, and which prolonged the glacial cold into, geologically speak- ing, recent times. 174. Amount of Evaporation from Soils and Plants. — It appears from Professor Elliot's experiments, that the rate of evaporation from different soils, depends, in the first instance, on the extent of surface their particles present; and, next, on the compactness of their structure, which in- creases or diminishes the capillary flow of water from below upwards. While sand lost -^ of its moisture in a given time, clay lost -f, and peat moss -|; the amount has thus a direct ratio to the incoherence of the materials. Moreover, the capillarity of earth is greater than that of moss, hence the evaporation continues longer after the surface has become somewhat dry. The observations of Von Pettenkofer on a growing oak tree show that there is an increase of evapora- tion from May till July, a decrease thereafter till October; and that the amount of evaporation is 8*33 times greater than that of the rainfall. Hence it follows that a consider- able amount of moisture is poured into the atmosphere by vegetation, and that the water is drawn through the roots of the plants from the subsoil. Vegetation thus not merely retards the surface evaporation, but also restores the mois- ture which some months before had sunk into the deeper parts of the soil. 175. Condensation. — During evaporation, heat is inces- santly communicated to the vapour, or, in other words, the separation of the particles which constitute the vapour stores up force. When the heat is withdrawn, when the force with wliich the particles are kept asunder is overcome, the particles of the water return into contact with each other, liquefaction taking place, or, as it is called, condensation, and the elastic force of the vapour manifests itself as heat. When water is boiled, if the steam is brought in contact with the skin, or with cold water, it is condensed, and the heat becomes apparent by scalding the skin, or by boiling the water into which it is introduced. 176. Saturation of Air. — The saturation point of the atmosphere is that point at which it ceases to be capable of containing more vapour o^ water. If the atmosphere i-emains DEW. 197 at tlie same temperature, there is no apparent cliange, even when the air can receive no more moisture. But if, by lowering the temperature, the elastic force of the vapour is diminished; if, that is to say, the force with which the particles repel each other is lessened, condensation takes place; and the point at which this occurs is known as the dew point. -♦-' 177. Dew. — For the formation of dew, three things are necessary: air saturated with moisture, a clear sky, and depression of temperature. Any object on the ground which is a rapid radiator parts with its heat into space, and, chilling the ail' in immediate contact with it, causes the precipitation of the moisture in that portion of air. As the phenomenon is thus due to radiation, it will be affected by anything which modifies that process. In the case of grass, the blades part with their heat, while the moisture in the lower part of their stems prevents its replacement by radiation, as the feeble con- ducting power of the vegetable prevents its transmission in that way. The passage of clouds across the sky, diminishing the amount of radiation by reflecting the heat, stops the process, as does shelter of any kind, the thermometer beneath Dr. Wells' experimental sheds being 1'8°C. higher than one out- side. The necessity for calmness of the air arises from this, that circulation would equalize the loss by radiation, and prevent any one portion from sinking sufficiently low. The tempera- ture of the grass is often as much as 10° to 18°C. below that of the air a few feet above it; and this difference is explaiued by a convective movement, whereby successive layers become lowered so as to m^ntain an interval of 2°C. between their temperature and that of the surrounding air. Thus, \inder favourable circumstances, the dei:)Osit of dew would go on steadily, and the injurious effects of low temperature be from hour to hour increased. Hence the necessity of guarding tender plants for some distance above groimd from the effects of excessive radiation. In tropical countries, the artificial formation of ice in shallow pans, kej^t off the ground by dry straw, takes place under the same conditions which determine the fiill of dew, and the dry straw, bemg a bad conductor, prevents the transmission of heat from the soil to replace that lost by radiation; for the process is arrested when the straw becomes wet, and is converted into a good conductor. 19& PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. It belongs to meteorology fco determine tlie precise tempera- ture at wliicli dew is deposited; it is sufficient here to indicate that the temperature of the dew point varies with that of the atmosphere 178. Mist: Fogs. — The formation of dew only takes placo when the aqueous vapour is invisible; but fogs and mists are visible under other conditions. Inequality of surface and movement of the air are, together or apart, essential to bring into contact masses of air, one or both of which are charged with moisture. In a valley in which dew formation might go on if the superincumbent air remained clear, the cold air on the slojDOS gradually moving downwards turns the balance. It was stated that the atmosphere above the dewy surface is often considerably below the dew point. If other cold, moist air is brought in contact with it, further condensation at once takes pla.ce, and fogs are formed such as may be seen creej^ing from either side of a valley till the v,^hole flat ground is covered. The colour of these fogs varies from the delicate blue, almost transparent^ veil, to the dense white mass which saturates the clothes of the traveller. In a very wide plain, like that of Biggar, between the Clyde and Tweed, such a dense mist forms a sea-like surface about three feet deep, above which mounds project like islands, and on these dew may be formed within a few feet above the fog. The position of lakes and rivers is marked by fogs whenever a considerable difference of temperature exists between the' air over them and that on the banks. It is imm.aterial whether the land or river atmosphere is the coldei'; whether it is the glacier stream v;hich traverses the warmer low grounds, or the river which flov/s from warm high grounds to cooler plains. Conversely, when a long strip of land projects into the sea, the inequality of temperatm*e gives rise to fog, which may fringe the bank of land or entii'ely obscure it. The British Islands repeat this phenomenon on a large scale, with this addition, that the seas they separate are of unequal temperature ; in winter and spring, when this difference is at its maximum, fogs prevail. The direct contact of two masses of warm and cold air is Illustrated off the Newfoundland banks, the Labrador current and the Gulf Stream being accompanied by humid atmo- HEIGHT OP fogs: FOGBANNEES OP HILLS. 199 splieres whose meeting gives rise to almost constant fogs; and the difference of teuiperature is as great farther to the sonth, the waters of the Gulf Stream being proportionally Y>-armer than those of the adjacent sea. In the Pacific Ocean, where a coral bank lies across a current of warm water, the boil up and flow over of the interrupted warm stream maintains a constant temperature in excess of that proper to the latitude, and a correspondingly constant fogbank and rainfall. High grounds at right angles to the prevailing v/inds, more espe- cially where these travel over a considerable ocean area, are for the . same reason the seat of fogs, the coasts of Norway and Peru being notable examj^les. 179. Fogs of Cities. — London fogs are good examples of interference with natural processes. The artificial heat of the city, and the smoke which, though scarcely obvious to the resident, marks its position at a great distance, combine with the humidity consequent on its proximity to the river to make the coldest months periods of long-continued and dense fogs. Professor J. Thomson has described similar phenomena at Belfast. In all large cities dew and hoar-frost are infrequent as compared with equal a,reas in smaller tovms, or in the country; and the reason of the difference has been put to practical use by the vine-growers, who maintain smoky fires on clear nights to windward of their vineyards, the artificial clouds checking radiation. 180. Height of Fogs : Fogbanners of Hills. — It is diffi- cult to fix the upper limits of fogs. In general, Avhen of local origin, they form a layer which conforms to the undulations of the surface. The fogs which come with the east winds of spring on the shores of Britain are probably of considerable depth. The flat summit of the Campsie hills is the last resting place of these fogs towards the west, and when the low grounds are clear, the fog mass gradually declines from a vertical thickness of about 800 feet to a thin layer, which ultimately disappears. As the height of the range averages 1100 feet above the sea, this would give about 2000 feet, or less than half a mile, as the upper surface of the fog. There is, one may almost say mth certainty, an interval between fog and cloud. The connecting link between the two is the fogbanner, which sometimes hangs over the ridgo 200 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY*; dividing two valleys of unequal slope, as may be seen every autumn in tlie highlands of south and north Scotland; some- times streaming out from a prominent peak, changing its corm but not shifting its place. These furnish only another phase of what has been already described as the consequence of the contact of two masses of moist air at unequal tempera- tures. The chill mountain top condenses the atmospheric moisture to leeward of its peak, and as the chilling is increased by the wind the streamer maintains its place, its extremity, however, being dissipated by the wind. The mass is, in fact, constantly regenerated at the peak as it is wasted to leeward. But if the air falls in temperature, the condensa- tion extends till at last a sheet of fog cloud covers the adjacent summits, and creeps downwards over the slopes. But before this general covering is developed, fog masses may become detached and float away on the wind; these "packmen," as they are called in south Scotland, being solitary travellers which surely foretell rainfall. In all hilly countries the evening fog masses take the direction, and often follow closely the form, of the ridges below, and they may be seen by watching, to grow from above downwards till they rest on and finally cap the hills, the clear interval between them and the hills being occupied by moist air, which the slowly- moving breezes (for this is only seen on quiet evenings) gradually condense. These clouds are, therefore, due to terrestrial radiation. 181. Clouds. — The distinction is not always attended to between these hill fogs due to terrestrial radiation, and those clouds, properly so called, which result from a cooling process that commences in the upper regions of the air itself. Clouds have been made the subject of very various classifications, but the simplest is that which divides them into three prim- ary groups : — 1. Stratus, the horizontal layers due to the cooling, by radiation, of a mass of air hi situ. 2. Cumulus, the massive foam-like clouds which form the sum- mits of ascending columns of moist air, condensation com- mencing with a loss of electric tension. 3. Cirrus, which owes its existence and its light curd-like form to the contact and cooling of two masses of air. Between these leading forms an endless variety of inter- 1 VELOCITY OF CLOUDS. ^01 ]3fiecllate steps may be recognised. The stratus, vrliich in Britain is well called the cloud of night, is the dominant form in the central plains of Germany. It is the lowest of the cloud masses, and represents the cooling by radiation of moist air which very slowly ascends. As the sun's rays decrease in power with their obliquity, the aqueous va]Dour is less and less dissipated; its tension diminishes as the temperature falls, and radiation gradually condenses the upper layer from the east towards the west. The cumulus again is the cooling of a mass of moist air which is, so to speak, poured into the colder upper atmosphere, its form being, as Saussure first suggested, exactly comparable to that of a coloured fluid poured into clear water, and the analogy is often very close when the cumulus masses seem to roll over each other upwards. The cirrus belongs to the highest of the cloud-bearing regions, and its form and movements are a sure index of the direction of the wind within the next few hours at the surface. For the details of the form and significance of clouds, the student must consult special treatises on meteorology, Buchan giving in his Handbook an excel- lent summary of the leading points. 182. Condition of Water in Clouds. — It has been sup- posed that the cumulus is a frozen mass; but the diificulty, already sufficiently great, of understanding how clouds are supported in the air, is thereby needlessly increased. The movements of masses of cloud, even of the seemingly fixed cumulus of summer, shows that if they approach solidity it can only be by their assuming the state of snow. The edges of the masses are irregular; they are constantly changing, and when precipitation takes place the sudden change of form in the mass immediately above indicates a very great amount of mobility. If they were in the state of ice, we should expect that evaporation imder the sun's heat would coat them with a fog layer, which is never the case. 183. Velocity of Clouds. — It is probable that the clouds move much more rapidly than do the lower strata of the atmosphere, even when both are travelling in the same direction. Buchan has observed a velocity at the rate of 72 miles an hour, and quotes Mr. Stephens as having, from twenty observations, calculated 109 miles as the rate. If the 202 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHIC. higliest cirri, the isolated masses of which are most easily made subjects of observation by following their often sharply- defined shadows on the gTonnd, are at 10 miles elevation, even if they are at 5 miles height, theii^ apparent motion may be very much less than their real motion; but the high velo- cities above quoted have an important bearing on the move- ments of the upper air currents, as demonstrating in them a to and fro movement, depending probably on the radiation of vapour masses; just as slight surface movements are seen on the surface of the Gulf Stream. 184. Distinction between Dew and Fo^. — The clearness of the atmosphere above the surface on which dew is con- densed is the consequence of the unequal rate at which the tension of the vajjour and of the air diminishes. Before the dew point in the air itself can be reached, the gas must have fallen to the same temperature as the vapour. The formation of fog commences when this happens, as a consequence of the mixing of tAVO masses of air. Clouds begin to appear when the cooling which accompanies expansion reduces the air to the same temperature as the vapour. Neither dew nor fog forms on the thermometer suspended above the ground, the air cooled by its radiation sinking down to the ground as fresh portions take its place, just as the cool air flows down the hill side into the valley. In the preceding articles an attempt has been made to separate the two kinds of condensation, the one giving rise to dew and fogs in consequence of the cooling by radiation of the earth's surface, and of the air in contact with it; the other giving rise to clouds, properly so called, which result from radiation of vapour suspended in the air, whose tem- perature is lowered along with its rarefaction. :."-".:" 185. Rainbow: Colour of Clouds. — The spectrum pro- duced by refraction in the drops of condensed vapour is usually double, the inner and the outer having the reds adjacent, the violets being at the extremes. The form of the bow is that of a semicircle when the sun is on .the horizon, but the a-rc becomes less the higher the sun rises, and at 45° the bow is not formed. The occurrence of rainbows against a clear sky, though not frequent, proves the possibility of a con- siderable amount of condensation taking place in the form of . 1 TitANSPORT OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR. 203 / a thill layer not thick enough to obscure objects behind it. The refractive power of the atmosphere gives rise to in- cr'^asing chromatic changes towards sunset. As the sun de- chnes westward the amount of the atmospheric layer which his rays traverse increases : at noon the vertical thickness is pierced, towards sunset the oblique, almost horizontal, rays undergo greater diffusion and refraction. The absorptive power of the atmospheric vapour depends on its quantity and form, according as it is in the finest state of division, or its particles are aggregated into sj)^^^^6S. The succession of tints at dawn and sunset is due to the changing absorptive power relative to each tint; but this, as well as the details of the refraction and reflection within drops of water, belongs to the department of Physics. Equally beyond the scope of this volume is the discussion of Mock Suns or Parhelia, Mock Moons or Paraselen^e, Halos, Coronas, or Broughs as they are called in Scotland, and Lunar rainbows. These are all due to refraction and reflection on and in masses of vapour; but whether that vapour is in the gaseous, or the vesicular state, or is crystallized, is not certain. In leaving this subject it may be added that the electric and magnetic states of the atmosphere are stiH comparatively unknown, and that thus influences may be at work whose action and power we cannot at present estimate. 186. Transport of Aqueous Vapour. — The moisture lifted from land and sea does not remain where it has been gathered, but is carried away by the currents of air, which will be described in the next section, and distributed over large areas. In those regions characterised by the prevalence of steady winds, we have this conveyance of moisture regular in certain ' directions, and thus we have a constant circula- tion or transfer of water from one region to another, the result of which is the maintenance of equilibrium, the circle being completed by the return of water to sea and land, to make up for the loss by evaporation. Condensation of atmospheric moisture has already been spoken ofl", but as yet the quantities thus restored to the ground have been small, though since they are incessantly being lifted up and laid down, they are important geological agents, as well as essen- tial to the Avellbeing of plants and animals. 204 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHIC, 187. Conditions of Rainfall. — The conditions uncler wliich rain is precipitated, are stated by M. E. Renou, as quoted by Buclian."^ 1. Two layers of cloud at least: an upper layer, the cirrus, which, being at a great height, is composed of minute ice particles at a very low temperature, probably not higher than -40°C. ; and a lower layer, the cumulus or cumulo-stratus, which has its density increased and its tem- perature diminished by the descent of the ice crystals of the cirrus. 2. The temperature of the air at the earth's surface as high as possible. 3. The atmospheric pressure notably lower than in surrounding regions. 4. Regular horizontal currents of air allomng the atmosphere to remain a sufficiently long time in a state of unstable equilibrium. 5. A rapid movement of the air tending to re-establish the equilibrium of pressure and temperature, by mixmg together the different layers of the atmosphere. 188. Rainfall Greatest near Ground„ — A curious imper- fection of rain gauges is illustrated in the following tables, constructed by Colonel Ward from observations extending over four years, 1864-7, and Mr. Chrimes, during 18G6-7. The amount of rainfall is relative. ETeight above Belative Rainfalt,. Ground. 'Ward. Clirimes 0. 107 2 inclies 1'05 6 „ 101 12 „ 100 1-00 24 „ -99 36 „ -98 60 „ -96 -94 120 ,, -95 -91 180 ,, -90 240 „ -94 -89 800 „ -88 The explanation of the anomaly, which must be borne in mind if exact comparison is attempted of observations at many different localities, is, that the rain drops enlarge by attracting vapour particles as they approach the ground; that, especially in heavy rains, the water rebounds from the ground and forms a fine spray over it; that tlie gauge causes * Ilandhoolc, p. 18G. INFLUENCE OP HIGH GROUNDS: HOMOMOJIPHISM. 205 eddies in tlie air, and thus becomes the centre of convergence for a large amount of water particles. 189. fielation of Eain to Prevalent Winds. — Obviously the rainfall and the prevalent winds of a country go together, the direction whence the rain conies being that of the winds. In the British Islands the most abundant rains are found upon the west coast, the westerly and south-westerly winds crossing the Atlantic, and in their way becoming charged with moisture. As the temperature over a great expanse of water is more uniform than that on land, the transfer of a volume of humid atmosphere from the warmer ocean to the colder land area results in precipitation. Other illustrations will be found in the rainfall of Southern India, which comes with the S.W. monsoon; in that of the Peruvian coast, and others. But in these cases the features of the land have something to do Avith the amount of rainfall. 190. Influence of High Grounds: Homomorphism. — Homomorphism, already referred to in a previous chapter, is vv^cll illustrated by the distribution of the rainfall. On the coast of Norway the mean yearly rainfall is 82*12 inches; at Portree, in Skye, 12|- inches fell in thirteen hours in December, 1863. At Coimbra, 118 inches of annual rainfall is recorded, and the quantity diminishes as we pass onwards, the greatest amount being upon the western side of such mountain ranges as project prominently from the plains. In America, on the western side, 89-9 inches are recorded at Sitka; 65 on the west side of Vancouver's Island; 45 at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia river; and only 5 over a large part of the great inland basin. In South America the same excess is found upon the western coast ; the same increase as we advance from the equator southwards, and the same diminution of rainfall upon the eastern portion of the land. In Asia the greatest amount of rainfall is at the foot of the outstanding high grounds : thus the Malabar coast intercepts a considerable quantity of rain; the Himalayas arrest an enormous quantity, which is returned to the plains of Bengal. But the total quantity is greatest, and tlie sift- ing process exerted by hills on moist air is clearest, in the Khasia district. At Darjeeling, the rainfixll between June and September amountcci to 120 inches in one year, while a3 206 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. mucli as 264 inclies fell in August, 1841, and" the total annual fall has been known to exceed 600 inches. "When it is remembered that by the rainfall of a district is meant a layer of water which would cover the district uniformly, supposing it neither to run away nor to become absorbed, nor to evaporate, the meaning of these measurements will be intelligible by stating this last-mentioned quantity as a layer 60 feet in thickness covering a district. And as 1 inch of rain corresponds to 100 tons of water per acre, the quantity of change of the surface which may be credited to rainfall alone is very large. From all these cases it would appear that mountains have a powerful effect in causing precipita- tion; on the one hand, by arresting the air in its movement, and thus subjecting it to a certain amount of cooling and compression, the result of which is downfall; on the other hand, the air thus arrested rushes upwards, being forced from behind, and passes into a cooler, more rarefied stratum, where precipitation at once takes place. But that this latter ascent of the air is more important than mere cooling by contact, is shown by cases in all hill districts, where, if the hill is low, the rainfall is on the lee side of it. 191. Number of Rainy Days. — In temperate regions it is difficult to say what constitutes a rainy day: -01 inch in twenty-four hours is that suggested by Symons, and made the basis of Buchan's table. ^'' Latitude, 60°— 50" 161 dcays per annum. }} 50°— 46'' 134 }) 46°— 43° 103 j> 43°— 12° 78 This table is quoted for the sake of the general relations it suggests; but the total quantity of rainfall may be small or great in proportion to the estimated number of rainy days. 192. Why Rainfall is not Incessant. — The simple fact of the air containing a large amount of moisture does not necessarily involve its downfall, else the trade winds, which are always heavily charged with moisture, would coincide with regions of well-nigh constant rain. The moA^ement of the atmosphere being constant and uninterrupted enables the air to carry its burden, the capacity for moisture being * Handbook, p. 191, INFLUENCE OF VEGETATION^ 207 increased tlie farther it travels. But where, as iii what might be called the atmospheric backwater of the Doldrums, the movement of the winds is arrested, precipitation is seen on an enormous scale. 193. Dryness of Interior of Continents. — This stoppage of the wind and constant draining of the atmosphere by con- tact with elevated ground explains the dryness of the interior of continents. Immediately to the north of the Himalayan chain we have the dry table-lands of Central Asia : the Kocky Mountains border a region in which only 5 inches fall yearly, although a little way off the annual average is as much as 89 inches. Upon the west coast of the British Islands the mean is about 40 inches, rising at some places to 70 inches; upon the east coast 25 inches forms the average. The mean for Bussia in Europe is 15, and the effect of the Scandinavian chain of mountains is seen in the 20 inches recorded for Sweden as contrasted with the 82 inches of the Norwegian coast. The same holds true for South America, Western Patagonia being tolerably wet, wliile Eastern Pata- gonia suffers at times from excessive and protracted droughts. The central areas of Australia and Africa owe their dryness to the same cause. 194. Influence of Angle of Wind. — ^\Yhile it is true in general terms that the points of greatest rainfall are upon the windward side of high lands, on which prevailing winds blow, a slight modification is traceable to the angle which the wind forms with the trend of the high ground. The greatest rainfall will be where the wind blows at right angles to the coast ; but the quantity will decrease in pro- portion to the obliquity, so that the arrest of the prevailing wind by the high ground may be very slight, and the rainfall will then be due rather to the friction retarding the margins of the moving current. 195. Polar and Equatorial Winds. — It is also a sound general proposition that winds blowing from the poles are, as a rule, drier than those blowing from the equator; and as the westerly winds prevail increasingly from the region of the trades towards either pole, the rainfall upon the western shores is naturall}'' greater than on the eastern. J96, Influence of Vegetation. — Vegetation has a consider- 208 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. able power in affecting tlie rainfall ; and it is now a well established fact that luxuriant forests have a larger amount of precipitation, other things being equal, than other parts of the same region. The cutting down of the timber on the island of Mauritius was a very important one among the influences which suddenly increased the unhealthiness of the island. Sir John Herschel's observation at the Cape of Good Hope illustrates the influence of trees. The fog clouds of Table Mountain frequently hang for some time without any rainfall. But Sir John remarks that in a forest there v/as heavy rain, though outside the air was simply moist. The explanation is very similar to that of dewfall on grass, the extended radiating siu'face of the leaves lowering the temperature and causing precipitation. 197. Rain from a Clear Sky. — Rainbows have been mentioned as occurring under this anomalous condition. The fine rain, or serein as it is called, is probably due to local refrigeration of the air, caused by the interference of one current with another, the arrest of motion giving a short time of condensation before the air, takes a new or resumes its old course. 198. Amount of Rain which flows off the Surface. — It has been calculated that one-third or one-fourth of the rain which falls on the surface flows off it, the remainder being absorbed by the soil, or given back by evaporation to the atmosphere. 199. Periodic, Variable, Constant Rains. — The equa- torial zone of constant rain is that in which the atmospheric currents are most variable, and where at the same time the results of evaporation are most abundant. The frequent changes of direction cause correspondingly frequent conden- sation by arrest of movement. The periodic rains of the trades and the monsoons corre- spond to the passage of the sun to north and south of the equator, and though great quantities fall within short periods, wliilo tlic dry season is one of little or no rainfall, these must not be regarded as dry seasons, since the dews are very heavy. The variable rains characterise the regions to the north and south of the trades and monsoons, including, therefore, all the temperate and polar regions. PERIODICITY OP RAINFALL. 209 200. Periodicity of Rainfall. — J. JSTorman Lockyer lias tabulated tlie evidence in favour of an eleven years periodi- city of rainfall, coincident with the periodicity sun spots and cyclones. Mr. G. J. Symons gives the following table'*" : — Maximum Sun Spot years, 1837 1848 18G0 1871? Heavy Rainfall, 1836 1848 1860 1872 Amount of Eainfall, 33-49 35-98 33-34 ?34 Per cent, above average, 19 28 18 20 Minimum Sun Spot years, Small Rainfall, Amount of Rainfall, Per cent, below average, TABLE OF RAINFALL. England and Wales. ,r' 1833 1844 1856 1867 1834 1844 1858 1868 24-52 23-72 22-79 ?28-8 13 16 19 4-2 West Coast. South Coast. East Coast. Cumberland — Cornwall, 22-47 Norfolk, 21 Cockermouth, 22 Devon — York (High Seathwaite, 113 Sidmouth, 16-64 Grounds), 40-50 Lancashire — Dartmoor, 52-33 Doncaster, 21 Manchester, 30 Plymouth, 45-100 Durham — Bolton, - 40 Dorset — Bishop Wear- Coniston, 64 Abbotsbury, 18-45 mouth, 17 Liverpool, 24-25 Blandford, 29 Northumber- Anglesea, 34-5 Hampshire — land — Caernarvon, 54 Aldershot, 16-51 Newcastle, 24 Montgomery Woolmer Shields, , 23 & Merioneth, 54 Forest, 26-90 TKTiAN^T) Cardigan, 37 "5 Sussex — Staffordshire, 23 Pembroke, 31-40 Hastings, 1818 Leicester, 19-26 Caermarthen, Chichester, 32-79 "Rf>rlfnrr1 1 (» Glamorgan, 42 Kent and Middlesex — Somerset — Taunton, 19-06 Surrey — Margate, 16 38 Hampstead, 16-22 Winchmore W. Harptree, 36 76 Cranbrook, 28-90 Hill, 23-11 Wiltshire — Chippenham, 18-14 Salisbury, 25-25 23 Average of 14 stations on W. Coast, 43*33. 12 ' „ S. Coast, 30-26. 6 „ E. Coast, 25-16. 7 „ Inland, 2014. * Nature, Dec 26, 1872. 210 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Scotland. West Coast. Isles, 19-59 Mull, 74-5 East Coast. Eife, 18-25 Midlothian, . . . 16-27 Haddington, . . . 17-23 Average of 2 stations on W. Coast, 56-75. „ 3 „ E. Coast, 17-25. Ireland. Waterford, 39-5 Sligo, 38-5 Dublin, 21-75 W. Germany, .... 20 Sweden, 20 Mr. S3nnons riglitly doubts tlie importance of the coin- cidence v/ith cyclonic periodicity, since greater energy of cyclones can hardly be expected to influence the rainfall over the whole globe. But from a very extended comparison of observations, the conclusion seems justified that the maximum and minimum sun spot years have respectively a larger and smaller num- ber of atmospheric disturbances, ranging from 9 to 12 on the table, Art. 310, and that the rainfall likewise varies. But such annual variation cannot take place without correspond- ing variations of temperature, and as this would depend on unequal solar radiation, the coincidence empirically ascer- tained may yet prove to include electric and magnetic dis- turbances, and to refer all to a common cause. The follov/ing lines, on the adjoining table, taken from Mr. Symon's Abstract of liawfall, 1832-68, arranged according to sun spot years, will illustrate this special relation, and give a fair comparison of tlie rainfiiU oyer the globe, TABLE OF RAINFALL. 211 1844 1848 1856 18G0 Year ie>. CO >&• to 00 >?>. C» -I o ni o -V Guernsey. rr.' CO CO to CO to to to O 1*^ o to to o Greenwich. CO to OS CO CO -r -r to o rf^ cb K' Sandwick, Orkney. to t^. to CO O rf^ O' o CO O ~-I CO Tarn, Bacsin de Saint Ferriol. to CO OS CO CT I-" O tf^ CO O O M Halite Garonne, Toulouse. Ife. >*^ CO Ut O CO o to o 00 di o Basses Pyrenees, Bages Beost. OS to to to --r --T o-i o O )ji. rfl C/) Conrcon, Cliarente Inferieure. to to to to t^ V< tr- ~^I >^ o « o Paris. Its- 1^. CO CO t-J l-J CO )(- CO o tri tji- Geneva. CT >;^ ci C5 O >f^ lO o CO t-J l^. I-J Great Saint Bernard. to to CO ; CO Ci o CO rfi- o Rome. o to Jerusalem. O C-T ~1 ; >(- CO CO to -^ «5 Calcutta. &r? lO to (^ *" O CO O t-" CJ< -i OT to Algiers. > I-" to to to CO O CO o >f^ CJl M CO Oran. lO t-l OS en ; ; Constantino. to to CO CO ; ; o >-^ * Toronto. ^9 CO 00 Pluhulelnhia. a P- re CO Ci ; ; era O ' ■ * ob 4I New York, Fort Cohuubus. OS OS 10 to Ma.9sacliusetts. eg 1 JLunmto, i n.>^^ rfl 1 N. Gr.inada. \ r a ' 2 ««>• - 1 10 lu 4^ itl CO C-i Carbadoes. 1?^! w o > 212 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. SECTION II.-SNOW AND ICE. Sno"w: Form of its Crystals — Hoar-frost — Snow Flakes — Sleet— Tex- ture and Colour of Snow— Snow as compared with Rain — Limit of Snowfall — Snow Line, or Limit of Perpetual Snow — Height of Snow Line in different Latitudes — Geological Importance of Ice — Temperature and Density of Freezing Water — Density of Salt Water at Freezing Point — Lowering of Freezing Point by Pres- sure — Influence of Forces applied to Ice — Plasticity of Ice : Glacier Motion — Expansion of Frozen Water : its Geological Effects — Ice Formed by Compression of Snow — Genesis of a Glacier — Unequal Movement of Parts of a Glacier — Structure of Glacier Ice — Comparison of Glacier and Lake Ice — Daily Motion of Glaciers — Curves of Glacier Valley : their Influence on Erosion of Valley — Mean Daily Motion : Seasonal Variations — Varia- tion of Movement at Surface — Variation of Movement below Surface — Retardation due to Compression — Difference of River and Glacier — Bifurcation of Glacier — Crevasses : Bergschrund — Dirt Bands — Diminution of Glacier by Superficial and Ter- minal Waste — Dimensions of Glaciers — Diminution of Feeding Ground : Surface Waste — Avalanches — Position of Morainic Detritus on Glacier — Part of the Detritus sinks into the Glacier — Moraines of Deposit — Subglacial Stream : Notch in Terminal Moraine — Glaciers at Sea Level — Striation of Glacier Bed — Characteristic Features of Glaciated District — Extent of Ice over Different Regions — Development of Ice Sheet of N. Hemisphere during Glacial Period — Definition of Glacier and Ice Sheet — Ice Sheet formed by Fusion of Local Glaciers— Lower Boulder Clay : the Moraine Prof onde of the Ice Sheet — Upper Boulder Clay — Relation of these Two Deposits — Erratics — Pack Ice : Ice Foot — Coast Ice — Ground Ice — Iceberg — Ice Floe — Travelling of Icebergs — Geographical Effects of Icebergs : Striation — Hail — Structure of Hailstones — Relation of Hail to Storms. 201. Snow. — The particles of aqueous vapour in the atmo- sphere are frozen when the temperature falls below 0°C. The crystalline figures then formed are hexameral. The simplest forms are six-sided rods; more complex combinations are offered by stars, the rays of which consist of simple rods, whose extremities are bevelled into six-sided pyramids. The angles of these rays are 60°, and if secondary rods project from them, these also have an angular divergence of 60°. But this regularity is lost sight of in the secondary ornamen- tation when that ceases to be rod-like. Petaloid figures may be reduced to the simple six-rayed type, but it is scarcely SNOW AS COMPARED WITH RAIIT. 213 possible to trace the rectilinear foundation of many of the secondaiy patterns. Mr. Glashier's figures of snow crystals might easily be mistaken for drawings of the siliceous skeletons of radiolarians, or microscopic protozoa, Avhose ' homogeneous body substance is associated with frameworks of the most exquisite beauty, and marvellous regularity. , The crystals sometimes form regular hexagonal plates, which I may be deduced from the six-rayed stars by increasing the secondary raylets. 202. Hoar-frost. — Crystals are formed after dewfall if j the temperature continues to sink; but they are less regular, and they adhere so as to form, not a continuous layer, but a fur of minute ])yi'amids. 203. Snow Flakes: Sleet. — Snow flakes are formed by aggregation of the crystals into masses varying from an inch to a quarter of an inch in diameter. Their adhesion is less perfect the lower the temperature; and boys are well aware of the fact that snow which will not work into balls is always small flaked. Sleet appears to be snow flakes partially melted in their descent, and accompanied by moisture condensed on the surface of the irregular masses. 204. Texture and Colour of Snow. — The variety of surface which the bevelled spicules of a snow crystal ofier to the light, yields an infinite play of prismatic colours, which combine into white ; while the reflection from the crystals in the walls cf cavities, formed by air entangled among the crystals and flakes, contributes to this effecfc in the same way that salt or sulphate of magnesia is whiter in mass than when in a thin layer. The red and green tint of snow witnessed in the Alps is due to the presence oi Protococcus nivalis, a microscopic alga. 205. Snow as compared with Rain. — Snow is to water as 1 to 10 by weight on an average; but the small size of the flakes sometimes diminishes the ratio to 1:8. In general it may be held that 1 inch of snow is equal to '1 inch of water. But the efiects of snow are not to be thus estimated. Whereas evaporation reduces rapidly the temperature of the soil on which '1 inch of water has fallen as rain, an inch of snow checks terrestrial radiation because of its low conductivity, and of the air entangled in its mass; and this same fact like- wise prevents the evaporation from the suiface of the »snow ^14 i?HYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. affecting the temperature of the soil. Hence a difference of 20° C, or mucli more, may exist between the soil under snow and the air above it. 206. Limits of Snowfall.— To the south of 30° IST. lat. snow never falls in Europe; but the line which marks its most southerly extension is not a straight one. It is, in fact, the isotherm of 11'1° C, and this, like all other lines of equal temperature, passes into lower latitudes over continents ; into higher latitudes over oceans. In the Atlantic it recedes to 45°, and over N. America descends to 33°ISr. lat.; in the southern hemisphere the limit shows similar but less extensive curves, the flexures northwards corresponding to the southern apices of Australia, Africa, and America. 207. Snow Line, or Limit of Perpetual Snow. — The snow over the greater part of the area thus marked ofi melts after it falls ; but as we advance towards the poles the length of time during which it lies, that is, remains unmelted, increases, till, in 78°ISr. lat., 54-5°S. la-t., the heat of summer is unable to remove the winter's accumulation, and the snow is there said to be perpetual. While this is the horizontal limit of perpetual snow, the vertical is at an increasing height above sea level, till, at the equator, it is on the Andes of Quito 15,800 feet above the sea. But the lines connecting the equatorial with the polar limits are not regular any more than are the isotherms; in other words, the shell of air at a higher temperature than 1'6°C. is not of luiiform thickness. In the first place, it is nearly at the same height from the equator to 20**^ on either side of it; thence it declines slowly towards the poles. But the area is unequal in the two hemi- spheres, since it reaches 23° farther towards the pole in the north than in the south. Further, its height varies under local conditions : thus, it is 4000 feet lower on the south face of the Himalayas than on the north. On the east side of the Andes it is more than 2000 feet lower than on the west. The quantity of moisture determines the amount of precipi- tation, and it is greater over the plains of Bengal than over the dry, heated Thibetan plateau; greatest over the track of the S.E. trades blowing from the Atlantic; while the steeper, barer slopes towards the north of Asia and towards the Pacific retain less moisture and absorb more radiant heat. GEOLOGICAL IMrORTANCE OF ICE. 215 HEIGHT OF SNOW LINE IN DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Lat. • Ileiglit ill Feet. Spitzbergen, ..... N. 80° jE. l^Y. 2500 Norway, 71° 2500 ••■••* • • . . . • 70" (2900 \ 3350 Sulitelma, .... 3835 G0° { C* 4450 i . . . . . (I.f 5500 Kamtschatka, ..... 56-30° 5249 Oonalaska, Aleutian Isles, 53-30° 8510 Aldan, or 4476 Altai, 50° 7010 Alps, ..... 46° (N. 8500 I S. 8885 Caucasus, . . 43° 11,063 JWBlY^Vy •••••• 39-40° 14,170 Pyrenees, 42-75° 8,950 Rocky Mountains, .... 40°-43° 12,500 Etna, 37-75° 9,500 37° 11,200 Himalayas, ..... 28°-29° ^N. 19, 560 : S. 15,500 1.3° 14,000 Andes of Quito, .... 0° 15,800 Bolivia, .... S. 16° 17,700 ... ... .... 18° 20,000 ... ... . • . . 27° 13,800 Chili, .... 33° (E. 12,700 ( W. 14,700 ... .... . • * . 42-30° 6,010 43° 6,000 Mount Cook, New Zealand, . • 44-25° ( S.E. 7,800 1 W. 6,900 Straits of Magellan, .... 53 30" 3,707 South Georgia, 54-30° * Coast, t Interior. 208. Geological Importance of Ice. — The geographical dis- tribution of ice, as it is popularly understood, in the shape, that is to say, of solid masses of considerable size, is perhaps, from the geological point of view, the least important of all the facts concerning this form of water. Largo as are the glaciers of tropical and sub-tropical lands, thcii' effects are 216 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. trifling in comparison witli the modifications of the features of a country effected at every point of the temperate regions by the conversion of watery vapour into ice. 209. Temperature and Density of Freezing Water. — Fresh water attains its maximum density at 4*^0.; if the temperature sinks below that point fresh water expands gradually as the temperature falls, till the freezing point is attained, at which there is an abrupt increase of volume caused by abstraction of heat during solidification, but with- out any lowering of temperature. The lowering of the temperature is efiected by convection. When the surface layer has reached its extreme density at 4°C., it sinks to the bottom, and there is a vertical circula- tion which only comes to an end when, all being of the same density, this vertical motion is no longer possible. If the water now remains still, it may continue liquid even though the temperature sinks considerably below 0°C. But if such lowering takes place, a very slight disturbance will convert the whole mass into ice. But this process is not an indefinite one in water of any depth, and having a consider- able extent of surface. Evaporation accelerates the cool- ing of the surface, and with the continued sinking of the temperature to 0°C., the point of maximum density is passed; thereafter expansion occurs and the chilled water floats. If ice is formed, that also floats, being of less density than the chilled water. The change of behaviour, at a point short of freezing, prevents the fresh Avaters of the globe being frozen throughout their mass. After a cake of ice is formed its increase is slow, the cake, among other effects, checking cool- ing by radiation. 210. Density of Salt Water. — But the ocean is differ- ently affected by cold. As has been already said (Art. 74), salt water continues to contract to its freezing jDoint, -3-G7°C. (25-4° F.) if kept still, -2-6^0. (27-2^ F.) if disturbed. 211. Lowering of Freezing Point. — Professor James Thomson inferred, from the mechanical theory of heat, that the temperature at which water freezes is not a fixed point, but that it must vary with the pressure ai^plied to the water, and comnumicatcd by it to the ice in process of freezing or fLASTlCITlT OP ICE: MOTION OF GLACIERS. 217 melting. In fact, he found that tlie freezing point must vary with pressure, just as the boiling point was already well known to do. From experimental data of various kinds he deduced, by theoretical considerations, the result that the freezing point must be lowered by "0075^0. for one additional atmosphere of pressure applied, and twice as much for two, thrice as much for three, and so on for many additional atmosj^heres. This deduction was subsequently confirmed exiDcrimentally by Sir "William Thomson. 212. Influence of Forces Applied to Ice. — Professor Thomson also deduced afterwards, by other theoretical con- siderations, that any force whatever Avhich tends to alter the form of ice wet Avith ice-cold water, whether these forces apply to the ice pressures or tensions, that is, pushes or pulls, whether they are twisting or cross-bending forces, must impart to the ice a tendency to melt and to give out its cold, which will tend to generate, from the surrounding water, a corresjjonding quantity of ice free from the applied forces. This second result, it is to be observed, is quite distinct from the former one, which related to the lowering of the freezing point by pressure applied to the water and communicated by it to the ice; here the forces are applied to and transmitted through the ice alone, and are not communicated to the water at all. 213. Plasticity of Ice; Motion of Glaciers. — From these two principles, and especially from the later of them, he has offered a theory to account for the plasticity of ice, as mani- fested by the motion of glaciers down their valleys, past all kinds of obstructions and sinuosities. He has pointed out that, whatever part of the ice may be subject to forces tend- ing to change its form, that i:)art must proceed to melt away, and to give out its cold to the surrounding liquid. Each such melting away, and transfer of forces to newly frozen ice, must entail a change in the general dimensions of the mass of ice as a whole, which will constitute a flow of the glacier down its valley. The yielding by melting entails also successions of fractures, either as small fissures or great 'crevasses, which allow a more general rapid movement tlian would occur in virtue of the melting and refreezing alone. The fractured masses reunite when pressed together again in ^1^ PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. the subsequent progress of tlie glacier. The principles brought forward by Professor James Thomson relative to simultaneous melting and freezing under forces which tend to change the form of the ice, appear to afford an explana- tion of the process of ''regelation," discovered by Faraday, when he turned attention to the fact that two pieces of melt- ing ice will, even in hot summer weather, unite firmly together if left pressing against each other. ^ 214. Expansion of Frozen Water: its Geological Effects. — Water, when it passes into ice, changes its volume from 1 to 1*099. In the well known experiment, water in a corked bottle is frozen, and the bottle bursts ; but if the cork is left out, a plug of ice projects from the neck. As the surface of the earth in temperate regions — and these represent the greater part of the area of the northern hemispheres — is constantly charged with moisture, the freezing and expansion of the water with which the ground is saturated has the effect of loosening its particles, and although no apparent change may be obvious during the frost, when the thaw comes the loose granular condition of the soil is very apparent; nay, we can sometimes even detect an appreciable elevation of the surface to the extent of an inch or two inches above its former level. Such a loosening of the particles prepares them for removal, and thus the agency of frost is one of the most important in atmospheric denudation. In glacier valleys, the surface moraine is derived from the sides of the v?lley, but this debris is very seldom obtained by the undercutting of the cliffs, the unsupported face of which would then tumble, as haj^pens in river vallej^s; the rocky fragments are in reality cast off by the rending action of the ice formed in their interstices, which splits them wedge -like, producing ever fresh surfaces. 215. Ice Formed by Compression of Snow. — But the conversion of Avater directly into ice is only one of the methods of its production. The enormous masses of this * J. Thomson. Theoretical Considerations on the Effect of Pressure in Lowering the Freezing Point of Water. Trans. Roy, Soc, Edin., xvi., 1849. On the Plasticity of Ice. Proc. Roy. Soc, viii., 1S5G-7. Pecent Theories and Experiments on Ice at its Melting Point. Ibid., x., 1859. On Crystallization and Lujnef action. Ibid., xi., ISGl. Genesis op A GLACiEit. 219 inateiial wLicL. constitute a glacier, are obtained by the gradual compression of snow till it lias jDassed from tbe crystalline form into that of solid, transparent ice. The colour of snow is due, as has been said, to the presence between the crystals — entangled amongst the crystals — of air which intensifies the white formed by the blending of the prismatic rays from the crystalline faces; and from the dull opaque appearance of snow to that of clear ice, several transition stages may be observed. The imperfectly consoli- dated snow constitutes neve or firn, the friable mass cf rotten ice of Alpine travellers — found for the most part above the snow line. 216. Genesis of a Glacier. — The passage of snow into ice takes place in this v>^ay : the snow which falls upon the mountain summit is increased from time to time by fresh precipitation; but in the interval it undergoes diminution by evaporation, which takes place to a very great extent even in the most remote Arctic regions. The supply of snow, however, is in excess of the removal by this process, and thus we have from year to year an increasing residue, which grad- ually rises higher and higher above the surface of deposit. If the area upon which this increasing mass alights sinks to the low grounds by vertical cliffs, accumulation may go on for a considerable time before any of the mass leaves the surface ; but as the depth of snow increases, the pressure upon the lower strata likewise increases, and unless the area is confined, that pressure produces lateral displacement of the lower portion, which then falls over the cliffs. In such an imaginary locality no great amount of ice may be produced, this lateral displacement relieving the vertical pressure. But, in general, the snow alights upon the summits of hills from which gradual slopes descend, and the vertical accumu- lation, pressing vertically upon the lower strata, displaces them downwards along the line of slope, and thus we have at once pressure acting in two directions — vertically through the mass, and parallel to the surface of the slope, causing the extruded portions to descend to lower levels. But as the vertical accumulation goes on steadily increasing, the portion that descends the slope likewise increases; and by the double pressure, vertically and from behind, the snow is gradually 220 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. made to pass tliroiigli a neve stage, and to acquire that of pure solid ice. Tliis descending mass is not, liowever, uni- form in composition tliroughoutj tlie surface is covered with fresh fallen snow, and we have, therefore, transitions verti- cally from snow, through neve, into the characteristic glacier ice. The simple push from the feeding ground is speedily exhausted, the motion of the glacier being due to that plas- ticity which was explained in Arts. 212, 213. The moving mass descends the valleys in exactly the same way that a rivulet descends from the summit of a waterparting, and the glacier therefore has a superficial resemblance to a river, but the conditions of its motion are in contrast with those of the flowing water. , 217. Unequal Movement of the parts of a Glacier. — But the surface of the moving mass exhibits features similar to those on the surface of a river, and we can map the appear- ance in the one case by the movement of the debris which tumbles upon the surface of the ice; in the other case by the foam or drifted material carried forward by the water. In both we have the friction of the moving mass greater at the bottom than at the sides of the stream, and least in the centre at the surface. The motion, therefore, is most rapid at the last-named point, and in consequence we have a series of curves, the convexity of which points down the stream. Hence the detritus in mid-stream arrives soonest at the end of the river, be it of ice or of water. 218. Structure of Glacier Ice. — Glaciers exhibit a strati- fied appearance, which is due to certain subordinate processes that their materials pass through. In the intervals of snow- fall the sun acts upon the surface, and Avith great intensity at the higher parts of the mountains. It melts the particles somewhat, and forms an imperfectly consolidated layer of greater or less thickness, according as the interval between the successive snow showers is greater or less; the danger of glacier travelling is, therefore, in proportion to the frequency of the snow showers, for the less the interval the softer is the surface. The vertical pressure, already spoken of, thus operates not upon snow alone, but likewise upon imperfectly frozen layers, formed by the consolidation of water — that is, pf melted snow particles. DAILY MOTION OF GLACIERS. 221 219. Comparison of Glacier and Lake Ice. — The origin and subsequent history of lake and glacier ice being unlike, their structure is likewise dissimilar. The lake ice represents the slow crystallization of the water, and shows a beautiful in- ternal structure when examined in strong light. The crystals of which it is built up are identical with those of snow, and lie in the planes of freezing. The glacier ice, on the other hand, is formed by comj^ression of snow; and in the process the crystalline character is annihilated, yielding idtimately a transparent substance. Moreover, in addition to vertical, there is lateral pressure and motion: the ice mass is broken up internally by the motion, and comes, in fact, to present a granular aspect, not a crystalline one. They stand to each other, as Helmholtz puts it, in the same relation as calc spar and marble, both of which consist of carbonate of lime; but in the former, as in lake ice, the material is regularly crystallized; in the latter, as in the glacier, it is in irregular crystalline grains. 220. Daily Motion of Glaciers. — It is well known that glaciers descend the valleys in which they lie. Their lower end remains at the same place for many years, notwithstand- ing the incessant melting to which it is subjected, and this fixity can only be secured by a constant supply from above. The fact that the glacier extends beyond the limit of per- petual snow, necessarily presupposes motion. But apart from theoretical considerations, the motion has been observed and registered by recording the movements of the debris on its surface, and by the insertion of jDOsts in lines across the ice. On the Mer de Glace, below Montanvert, the daily motion of pegs inserted in a line from west to east, was found by Tyndall, 12, 17, 23, 26, 25, 26, 27, 33 inches. Higher Tip, opposite Les Fonts, the posts from west to east showed a movement of 7, 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 22, 15. Without following all the details of the experiment, suffice it that the shifting of the maximum speed from one side to the other corresponds with bends of the valley; so that glacier and river alike impinge most forcibly on the concavities of the curves in their course. To this extent, therefore, the general statement that the ice in the centre of the surface of tho glacier moves fastest, must be modified. 222 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 221. Curves of G-lacier Valley; their Influence on Erosion of Channel. — The significance of the facts just mentioned lies in this, that in some valleys or fioi'ds, such as that of Loch Long, in Argyleshire, the deepest soundings are nearer alternately to one or other side, and that the deviation is greatest below the point at which a tributary glacier entered. Of course this depth cannot fairly be assigned to glacier erosion, unless its amount exceeds that which a river of water is capable of scooping out for itself. 222. Mean Daily Motion: Seasonal Variations. — The maximum speed of the Mer de Glace, observed in these experiments in 1857, ranged from 20 to 33 or 36 inches daily; while the movement at the margins varied from 7 to 15 inches daily. On the tributary glaciers the movement is less rapid; that of the Glacier du Geant showing 11, 13, 5 inches as its lateral and maximum movement along the transverse line; that of the Glacier de Lechand showing 5, 10, 6 inches. The winter motion of the Mer de Glace in 1859 shovv'ed, from observations near Montanvert, a speed only half that of the summer months. 223. Variations of Movement at Surface. — It appears from Tyndall's observation,''^ that not only does the maximum velocity shift towards the concavity of the valley curves, but that the movement is alternately faster and slower along the same line. These irregularities are due to inequalities of the channel in which the ice flows, inequalities such as to make obvious at the surface the frictional resistance to which the obstacle gives rise at the bottom. 224. Variation of Movement Below the Surface. — The diminution of frictional resistance is progressive from below lip wards; but the difference of rate of movement in the highest and lowest portions, is pro2:>ortional to the depth of the glacier. It has been stated that the surface velocity varies, a reduction taking place where, probably, inequalities of the channel diminish the vertical thickness of the ice. An observation of Tyndall's on the Glacier de Geant showed that the motion at 4 feet from the bottom, at 35 feet from tlie bottom, and at the top vras 2| inches, 4 J inches, 6 inches in twenty-four hours. * Forms of Water, pp. 67-97. BIFURCATION OP GLACIERS. 223 S25. Retardation Due to Compression. — The Mer de Glace is the joint stream formed by the glaciers de Geant, de Lechaud, and de Talefre. The width of these before their union is 2597 yards; but afterwards the three pass through a valley, which at Trelaporte is only 893 yards wide. Below this point the maximum velocities, already referred to, were 20, 23, 34, 25, 27 inches; but in the Glacier de Geant, thi^ee points in the length of the stream moved 20*55, 15-43, and 12-75 inches daily, and as the extreme points were 1032 yards apart, the inference seems fair that the compression of the ice in the narrows, and the consequent deepening of its mass, have to do with the retardation, the counterpart of which would be found in a river under similar conditions. 226. Difference of River and Glacier. — Similar as are the movements of fluid and solidified water, one geologically important difference exists. The river is arrested by an obstacle and flows roimd it, the ice surmounts the obstacle, retaining to a considerable extent its average thickness. The ice is not rigid, neither is it viscous, but it has a certain power of adaptation to the ineqiialities of its channel, conferred by that plasticity which has been spoken of in Alii. 213. 227. Bifurcation of Glaciers. — In one very important particular the glacier differs from the river; for while both are enlarged by the convergence of tributaries, the river only divides in the delta, if it forms one. But the glacier, by virtue of its plasticity, is not arrested, is not always diverted from its course by elevations of its channel. An inequali'jy of surface which would constitute a waterparting between two streams of water, may present no obstacle to an ice stream. The glacier may, however, divide, and its moieties may descend valleys which lead ultimately to different seas. Between the source of the Tweed and St. Mary's Loch, two examples of such bifurcation are recorded in the still fresh moraines. The glacier which occupied the seat of Loch Skene divided on the opposite hill, and the curved terminal moraine shows that one portion went towards the Grey ]\Lxre's Tail to reach the Solway, the other descended Winter- hope Burn to join the Megget. On the opposite side of the waterparting, the Upper Talla glacier similarly divided, one 22^ PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. portion passlnf^ to the left, tlie otlier passing by Megget to St. Mary's Loch.^ 228. Crevasses: Bergsclirund. — When the angle of the bed of a glacier changes: a, if the bed rises, the ice of the Tipper stratum passes through a greater space in the same time than that of the lowest layer; h, if the bed slopes downwards, the bottom moves through a greater arc in the '^ame time. In the one case the surface is compressed; in the other it is stretched. The cross fractures, known as crevasses, occur where a change of level takes place, as in the cascade of the Glacier du Geant, where the bed suddenly slopes, and in the Gorner glacier at Zermatt, where the more rapid motion of the mid stream strains the lateral portions, which break when the pull exceeds a certain amount, in other words, when it is greatly in excess of the yielding by melting (Art. 213). The ridges between these transverse fissures may give way under local strain, and originate new fissures connecting the crevasses, the portions of ice thus isolated being known as seracs. The bergschrund is a crevasse formed where the neve adheres firmly to an outstanding precipice, while its lower part is carried forward by the stream; in this, as in the other case, the line of fracture is at right angles to that of the stream. 229. Dirt Bands. — But below the point at which the cre- vasses are formed, regelation unites the broken surfaces; not uniformly, however, for the portions descend so as to present a series of terraces, just as a faulted mass of rocks presents inequalities of level of its parts. Solar radiation begins to act, and, as the vertical face of the terrace melts at a different rate from the plane surface, alternate bands of pure and of debris-strewn ice result, the latter soon showing the characteristic curves of a stream in which friction retards the lateral portions. 230. Diminution of the Glacier by Superficial and Ter- minal Loss. — The upper surface of the glacier undergoes diminution by evaporation, and the lower by melting. The svm's heat during the day melts the surface, and the water pours down into the centre of the glacier through the ore- ^' quart. Jour. Geol Soc, 1864. riMINUTION OF FEEDING GROUND: SURFACE WASH. 225 vasses. The limit of forward movement of the glacier is determined by the temjDerature of the valley into which it flows, and variations of "temperature are recorded by the position of the detritus which falls from the extremity. If the heat of the valley is such that the melting of the ice is equal to its forward movement, the extremity of the glacier is stationary; if the melting is greater than the supply from behind, the extremity recedes; if, on the other hand, the forward movement is in excess of the melting, the glacier advances farther into the valley, and these three stages are illustrated from time to time in the Alps. The rate of movement has been determined by Agassiz, Forbes, Tyndall, and others, and varies from a few inches daily to a few feet. The backward or forward movement of the glacier, or, as it may be more strictly called, the advance or retreat of its lower limit, according to seasonal variations or climatal changes during long periods, is estimated by the position, at the extremity of every glacier, of the detritus which it conveys. 231. Dimensions of Glaciers. — The length and depth of a glacier depend on the area of the feeding ground, the number and size of tributaries, the amount of snowfall, and the temperature of the valley into which the ice descends. The Alpine glaciers are never more than thirty miles in length at the present day, but the signs of their former greater size are traceable for more than sixty miles from the present end, and their scorings are seen 2000 feet above the bottom of the valley. Nowhere in low latitudes are such dimensions to be found now. Higher average annual tem- perature, due to secular changes; a drier atmosphere, conse- quent on man's agricultural operations; hot winds from the Sahara sand desert, in place of the cooler moist winds which crossed the former water surface of that region — all these have tended to diminish the size of the Alpine glaciers. In the Himalayas, a glacier of 36 miles long has been measured, and in New Zealand the great Tasman glacier is 12 miles in length. The Humboldt glacier, in Greenland, measures at the coast 60 miles across, and 300 feet tliick. 232. Diminution of Feeding Ground: Surface Wash. — In addition to these climatal changes, it must be remembered 23 P 226 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. that the downward passage, even of neve, denudes the rock over which it travels. In all hill^ districts on which snow lies for some part of the year, the higher slopes are covered with a quantity of irregular debris, the fragments of which are often irregularly scratched. The snow, slipping from time to time, tumbles these fragments over each other, and they are gradually carried down hill. This surface wash is also met with in glacier districts, on spots too steep for the formation of a glacier. During the long periods that the incipient glaciers have slowly ground their beds, reduction of the snow field or feeding ground must have resulted, and this must be added to the causes of the diminution of glaciers. MORAINES. 233. Avalanches. — If the slope is too rapid for the snow to accumulate and slowly compress its lower strata into ice, the snow, or it may even be the neve, glides down, when the equilibrium is overthrown. These avalanches are often of enormous size. But ice avalanches also occur when a glacier forms in a hollow, which terminates not in a gentle declivity, but either in a cliff or in a slope too steep for it to rest. The end of the glacier breaks off: if it were in water, it would float away as an iceberg; being on land, it forms aji avalanche, POSITION OP DETRITUS ON GLACIER. 227 234. Position of Detritus on Glacier. — Moraine is tlie term used for the rubbish while it is still being borne by the ice. The larger blocks, and the more conspicuous debris, are along the sides of the glacier, being derived from the walls of the valley; and if the glacier remains single, the two marginal lines run parallel nearly to the end. But if two glaciers unite into one stream, the adjacent lateral moraines coalesce, and form a single median moraine. But this union is accompanied by a change of speed; for whereas both lateral moraines were retarded by friction, united they descend with the speed of the central stream. The finer detritus, and the small isolated stones, sink into the ice, being heated by the sun. But all debris in large enough blocks, or in thick enough layers, to permit the slow conductivity of stonB to come into play, remains on the surface. As the ice melts, that portion on which the objects rest is protected from the sun's heat; it does not melt, and thus comes to form a pillar or a ridge, with a more or less extensive cap. In the same way, small pebbles jn'otect little cones of sand from rainfall, and thus come to rest on peaks, the intervening hollows beino- denuded. ~<"^ ^^ ' -L'»,aiJ CLACIEr» TABLE. 223 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 235. Part of Debris Sinks into Glacier. — But not all the rubbish remains on the surface; part drops in between the ice and the valley wall, part is engulphed in the crevasses. Received into the spongy, slushy ice forming the lowest stratum, the coarse and fine materials are carried forward, grinding and being ground. The sediments resulting from this process are carried out at the end of the glacier by the stream thence issuing, the water of which is derived from the melting of the upper and lower surface of the ice. The coarser materials are detained in the immediate vicinity of the glacier; the finer are carried away and deposited along the course of the river, the distance to which the consequent muddiness extends depending on the speed of the river, or the occurrence of lakes in its course. The loess (loss), which forms so important a deposit in the tertiary series of the Continent, is derived from glacier erosion. 236. Moraines of Deposit. — Two kinds of material are found at the lower end of the glacier, the one distributed mostly in mounds, and consisting of angular fragments of rock in the same state as when they fell from the slopes bordering the glacier ; the other consisting of fine mud, of gravel. and of larger blocks, all giving evidence in their rounded edges and smooth surfaces of prolonged friction, llie superficial mor- aine, as the piles of angular rubbish are called, may have the form of a series of cones, each cone corresponding to the line of detritus that has travelled down on the ice ; or it may appear as a continuous ridge parallel to the face of the glacier, and sometimes so regular as to look like an artificial embankment. The melting at the extremity of the glacier is not confined merely to its face, but the sides likewise, for a short way up, melt at the same rate, and the rubbish borne at these parts, falling over, constitutes a lateral moraine, which, uniting with the terminal moraine, may form a semicircular barrier round the ice. These piles of angular materials, the size of the fragments in which is often very considerable, rest upon a quantity of deep morainic matter, SUBGLACIAL STREAM. 229 As no English word exactly corresponcls to the French term, it is perhaps preferable to use it, and speak of the mud and polished stones as constituting the moraine profonde. This moraine profonde derives its materials both from the iipper and the under surface of the glacier. The liea-sy mass of ice, travelling slowly along its channel, grinds the surface of the rock beneath, and carries away a certain amount of finely pulverized material. The droppuigs from the sides of. the valley tumble either upon the top of the glacier, or fall into the groove between the ice and the valley wall. Some of the superficial moraine drops into the ice through the cre- vasses, and ultimately reaches the lower surface; while that which has fallen in at the side of the glacier very speedily gets to the bottom, and each particle, caught up and carried forward by the ice, becomes a powerful agent in friction, disintegTating the sui'face over which it travels. But the fragments ha^'e not the free motion of pebbles in water ; and while the latter rolling over and over acquire a rounded form, being smoothed at all points, the glacier -formed stones are usually angular, the angles being sciiiewhat rounded, and one or more of the surfaces uniformly smoothed. The dii-ection of the scratches or strise upon these polished surfaces tells whether the stone has moved continuously onwards in the same line, or has moved alternately in diffe- rent lines; in the one case the scorings are parallel, in the other they cross each other. The mud and very fine sand form an impalpable powder, which takes a very long time to settle in water, and this thinner material issues from beneath the ice in a turbid stream. 237. Subglacial Stream — Notch in Terminal Moraine. — There is constant melting going on between the ice and its channel, due to heat developed by friction, to pressure, and the passage of water from the surface into the deeper parts, the evidence of this passage being the fact that a g^icier stream is smaller during the night than during the day. In consequence of the permanence of this stream the terminal moraine never forms an uninterrupted mound, but is breached at some point or another, and the finer sediment is carried away to lower points in the valley, the coarser being left Ibehiud. If the glacier recedes rapidly, the moraine profonde 236 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. is sp:f^ead out as a sheet -witliiii tlie termmal moraine, and lias all the appearance of a newly-drained lake bottom. If the recession is slow, rows of terminal moraine form semicircles across the valley, and it is by the distance of the older moraine mounds, from the ice at the present time, that we infer the former extension of the glacier. 238. Glaciers at Sea Level.— To the north of 70° kt. glaciers descend to the coast line. When the ice reaches the sea the detritus it carries is spread out over the' adjacent sea bottom. If the ice is in sufficient mass to push out beyond the shore line, it may travel seawards for some distance in contact with the bottom before it gets into water deep enough to float it. As the specific gravity of ice is such, that for every foot of ice above the surface of water there are about 9 feet below, it is obvious that in shallow seas a glacier may extend very considerably beyond the limits of the land; nay, if the ice is very thick, it may spread over the surface of the sea as a considerable cake before the movements of the water have sufiicient power to break it through. Kane speaks of the ice sheet in the Arctic seas as moving up and down with the action of the tide like a door upon its hinges. At some point or other of the floating sheet portions are detached by the formation of crevasses, and these float away as icebergs, carrying with them, adherent to the under surface, such detritus as they may have picked up. Upon the upper sur- face, animals that have by accident been unable to escape are not unfrequently carried ; and in this way fragments of the rocks of one region may be scattered over the ocean floor of another region, and the bones of animals may be found in latitudes to which they are not native. 239. Striation of Glacier Bed. — The friction exerted by a glacier is greatest, obviously, at the bottom of its channel; but the sides likewise are grooved and scratched in exactly the same way, although with diminishing force, as far as the last point of contact of ice and rock. The former greater thickness of glaciers is frequently recognisable from the height at which these lateral longitudinal markings are found above the limits of the present glacier. Glacier denudation is unlike that of rivers, inasmuch as, when an obstacle occurs in its course, the results of friction are entirely confined to GUCIAL PERIOD. 231 tlie upper side of the obstacle. " TliiiS; we may distinguisli tlie lee side of a projecting mass of rock by its angularity; whereas, in a river, both the upper and the lee side are smoothed, although, perhaps, not equally so. 240. Characteristic Features of a Glaciated District. — The uniform abrading power of the ice gives a characteristic roundness to the inequalities of surface over which it has passed; and thus the centre of Scotland is distinguished by the evenly curved outlines of the hill summits, particularly in the southern districts. The smaller dome-shaped bosses of rock are known as roches moutonnees, a term which, however, is equally applicable to the hills. 241. Extent of Ice over Different Regions. — The amoimt of ice covering particular districts varies considerably^ In the Alps, snow and ice cover the central summits and the heads of the valleys, the peaks and ridges separating valleys being frequently entirely free. In Greenland, on the other hand, no mountain peaks are seen projecting; but the whole country is covered with a sheet of ice and snow, which seems to rise inland, and to conceal even the most prominent features of the land. But it must be remembered that little of the interior has been explored, and that fog and haze render unreliable the observations made from a distance. It is possible that Greenland is not a continent, but a. series of low-lying islands. 242. Development of Ice Sheet of N. Hemisphere in the Glacial Period. — During the glacial period a sheet of ice covered the whole, even of the more prominent features, of the land in the northern temperate regions. The growth and diminution of this great polar ice -cap was gradual. The increasing rigour of the climate, dependent upon astronomical changes which will be discussed hereafter, permitted the for- mation of glaciers at first round the central peaks of mountain ranges. As the cold increased these extended into the plains, and, filling the valleys up to their summits, flowed over them, so that adjacent glaciers became united. The land — in some areas at least — went down, and thus the ice covering became universal; enormous tracts presenting the appearance of Green- land. As the climate improved again, and as the land rose above tho level of the sea, the ice covering shrank, till at last 233 tHYglCAL GHOGRAPfiY. only limited glaciers remained in tlie higli grounds j and iii some parts of the northern hemisphere these also disappeared. Thus, in Britain, the hill districts of Wales, Cumberland, south and north Scotland, still contain the remains of glaciers in the form of moraines, as perfect as if they had been shed yesterday. 243. Definition of Glacier, and Ice Sheet. — It is conve- nient to retain the distinction between glacier and ice sheet, notwithstanding the fact that they merge into each other. The former refers to a mass of ice whose movements are con- trolled by the minor features of a country; the latter to a mass which has overtopped these boundaries, and is no longer controlled by them. 244. Ice Sheet of Glacial Period formed by Fusion of Local Glaciers. — The theory that the ice coverings of all the northern continents originated, each in its own district, and that, as for example in Britain, each separate hill district became a centre for a separate mass of ice, depends for its proof upon the now well-ascertained fact, that the scratch- ings left by the ice follow the lines of ,, the great valleys, and radiate from the highest points of the country. Not merely do these stride follow the valleys, but they curve in the valleys in such a way as to suggest a solid body which has been deflected from side to side like a stream of water, only with less sharp curvatures : they repeat, in fact, the deflec- tions indicated (Art. 220) by the observations on the Mer de Glace. The mass of the Scandinavian peninsula shows very beautifully this radiation from the higher grounds. In Britain we find indications that the ice sheet, as soon as it had become continuous, moved without regard to minor inequalities, though still retaining a certain relation to the leading features of the country. 245. Lower Boulder Clay, the Moraine Profonde of the Ice Sheet. — The northern part of the British Islands is covered with a series of accumulations, the lowest of which is a clayey mass, more or less tenacious, according to the amount of slialey strata whose distintegration has contri- buted materials to it. In this clay are included fragments of rock showing the rounding of the edges, the smoothing and scratching of the flat surfaces, and the frequent limita- ttELAflON OP BOULDER CLAYS. 233 tion of tlie scratching to one face only; in fact, all tlie characters which are presented by the galets of the modern glacier. Tliese materials, of Tarious sizes and shapes, are thrown together Avithout any order; they are scattered irre- gularly through the mass, and this, as well as their positions, indicates that they have not been assorted by water. The absence of angular fragments in the mass, though they are frequent on its surface, or to put it more plainly, the fact that all the fragments, large and small, have undergone fric- tion, shows that the till is not the remains of the superficial moraine, but of the moraine profonde. The absence of such unworn fragments as have travelled along the surface of the modern glacier, might have been expected, since, in the first place, the ice sheet at the period of its greatest develop- ment covered all the peaks from which fragments might have dropped on its surface; and, in the second place, the shrinking and re-extension of the ice sheet, of which there is abundant evidence, must have given even to unworn frag- Inents their galet form. 246. Upper Boulder Clay, or Stratified Till.— But this Tinstratified mass is covered in the north of England by a deposit into which it gradually passes, or from which it is separated by a layer of sands and gravels containing marine shells. The stones in this till have evidently the same characters as those of the upper boulder clayj but they show signs of longer friction; and the more or less regular strati- fication indicates that water has had some share in their reassortment. 247. Relation of the Upper and Lower Boulder Clays. — The accompanying diagram shows how the lower till was deposited by the ice sheet, and how the stratification came to pass. The enormously thick land ice could not have allowed the accumulation of 90 or 100 feet of till beneath it, so long as the whole country was above sea level. But bearing in mind that the ice sheet actually passed far beyond the limits of the land, and that its specific gravity kept it in contact with the bottom for a considerable distance, it is evident that when the depth of water was sufficient to float the ice, an angle was left between its lower surface and the sea bottom, in which the rubbish pushed down by the ice lodged. As 234 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPii^. the land went down this angle increased, the detritus was deposited in greater quantity, until afc last there was suffi- cient depth of water to allow currents to affect the uppermost part, and to reassert it in a rude fashion. The lower and upper tills are inverse to each other in quantity, as might be expected from the above explanation. It follows, then, that the lower till was not deposited on the land above sea level but below it, and its accumulation in quantity was only possible when the ice was lifted off the sea bottom in conse- quence of continued submergence. -^-, BERa GLACIER Lav el S. B. C— Stratified Boiilder Clay. B. C— Lowel' or Unstratified Boulder Clay. The diagram represents the glacier from the point where it quits the land. 248. Erratics.— Over all glaciated regions large blocks are found, whose size indicates that they could not have been carried by water, while their shape shoAvs tha,t they have not been subjected to water friction. Some of these have been identified as fragments of rocks, whose locality is so distant that no agent but ice could have transported them to where they are now found. Some of these were doubtless carried on glaciers and left when the ice melted; others must have been carried on icebergs, and dropped when the berg melted, or, as frequently happens, was overturned. Since icebergs at the present time travel in the North Atla„ntic as far south as the Azores, in the South Atlantic to within 36° of the equator, it is not difficult to understand how, in former times, erratics may have wandered far from the parent rock. These blocks are sometimes found perched on the summits of rocky ridges, in positions where water could not have left them. But it must be remembered that some rocks, as granite, are decomposed by the atmosphere in such a way as to leave blocs percheSf exactly simila■■■■ 265. Hail. — Though hail is one of the forms of water which has been frozen, the circumstances which invariably attend its occurrence entitle it to separate consideration. Hail S.torms are events of summer and of the day, not happening at night or in winter. They are preceded by slight depres- sion of the barometer, and usually great heat: immediately before the fall a shivering sound is often audible; the baro- meter rises, and the air is cooler afterwards. They are most frequent within the tropics, diminishing northwards. Moun- tain ridges seem to influence their severity and frequency. RELATION OP HAIL TO STORMS.' 237 Obviously the freezing of atmospheric moisture yields the hailstones; but the rapidity with which they have been frozen, judging from the regularity of the crystals, makes it difficult to explain their formation, since the dry condition in which they usually fall indicates that they have been subjected to a temperature far below 0°C. 256. Structure of Hailstones. — They are more or less spherical or oval; and on fracture often very strikingly re- semble the zeolites or radiating crystalline minerals found in trap rocks. The crystalline lines are often crossed without being interrupted by concentric lines, such as would result from the freezing of successive layers of water. The size varies from small shot up to masses of an inch in diameter; larger stones — and some of very great size are reported — are formed by adhesion of several, and probably in the extreme cases the regelation took place after they had reached the ground. The freezing probably affects a sphere of water on which more moisture is deposited and freezes, so that when conical pieces are formed these are probably fragments of broken sjiheres. But in the hailstorm of July 1872, in Glasgow, fragments were caught in large quantities before they reached the gi'ound, and these were conical, with spherical bases, but no trace of concentric arrangement. Their dis- ruj)tion must have taken place in the atmosphere. 267. Relation of Hail to Storms. — Hail in Europe usually comes with a S.W. wind, though local features may shift the direction. The suddenness of the storms, the speed with which they travel, and the restricted area they cover, coupled with the fact that their direction coincides with the usual wind storms of a country, make it probable that, taking place most frequently in tropical regions, and in the hot weather of temperate regions, they are associated with alterations in the electric tension of the atmosphere even when they are not accompanied, as often happens, by a thunderstorm. Whether the cold is that of the upper air into which warm moist air has ascended, or is the result of the meeting of two currents at une(^ual temperatures; is uncertfiin, CHAPTER VI. SECTION I.— THE ATMOSPHERE. Composition of Air : its Density — Height of the Atmospheric Column: Ether — Variations of Pressure : Height and Temperature : Aque- ous Vapour — Areas of High and Low Pressure — Annual Varia- tions of Pressure — Influence of Aqueous Vapour on Temperature - — Absorptive Power of Gases — Influence of Ozone — Temperature of Atmosphere — Decrease of Temperature with Height — Eftects of Heat — Analogies of Light, Heat, and Sound — Transmission of Light through the Atmosphere — Transparency and Colour of Atmosphere — Reflection: Refraction: Absorption — Twilight — Absorption : Diminution of Light by Distance — Polarization of Atmosphere — Transmissson of Sound — Intensity of Sound — Sounds louder by Night — Refraction and Reflection of Sound — ■ Resonance — Transmission of Heat — Reflection of Heat — Diminu- tion by Distance. 258. Composition of Air. — Having hitherto considered what may be called the proper mass of the earth, all, that is to say, which is essential to the planet as a body moving in space, v/e have now to inquire into the composition, proper- ties, and movements of the environments of the spheroid. Disregarding, for the time, speculations as to the existence of an ether occupying an apparently vacant space, through which the terrestrial bodies move, we shall confine our attention to the atmosphere, that invisible, elastic layer of variable and uncertain thickness, which surrounds the globe. Perfectly pure air consists of oxygen and nitrogen, in the proportion of 21 to 79 by volume; but this theoretical atmosphere so constantly contains other substances that one is almost in doubt whether the term impurity is legitimately applicable to the compound. Carbonic acid is almost always present; other gases are likewise present in small quantities; and there are, in addition, solid matters of various kinds, organic as well as inorganic. The mixture of the different I HEIGHT OF THE ATMOSPHERIC COLUMN: ETHER. 239 gaseous components of the atmospliere is not one which depends upon motion for its completeness, since, if the gases were left in contact without disturbance, a compound would very soon be formed by diffusion. The particles of which this elastic layer is composed are not stationary, either rela- tively to each other or to the solid globe, and the various kinds of movement, the existence of which we know with certainty, fall to be considered by the meteorologist, who tests the scientific value of his conclusions by the accuracy v\^ith which they enable him to foretell atmospheric change. 259. Density of Atmosphere. — If we ascend from the level of the sea to the summit of a mountain, we find that the density of the air is diminished, the pressure, that is to say, is less ; and if the height to which we have ascended is 12,000 feet, the atmosphere, which at the sea-level would have occupied a certain cubic space, will, at the greater elevation, occupy double that space. The mode of estimating this difference of pressure is by the barometer, and if the mercury stood at 30 inches at the lower level, it would re- quire 15 inches at the upper level. At the level of the sea the pressure of a column of atmosphere, the height of which is unkno^vn, equals the pressure of a column of mercury 30 inches in height; and as this represents the pressure of about 1 5 pounds (14*7 lbs.) on each square inch of siu'face, the pressure at the top of the mountain of 12,000 feet would be about 7^- (7*35 lbs.) pounds on each square inch. It has been calcu- lated that at the altitude of between 40 and 50 miles, no appreciable pressure would be detected. 260. Height of the Atmospheric Column: Ether. — If the atmosphere were of equal density throughout, it would be, judging from the mercurial column, five miles in height. But we have seen that the density diminishes with height, and that at 40 or 50 miles no appreciable pressure Avould be detected. It has been calculated from observations on meteors, which become visible when they penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere, that the upper limit is about 200 miles, while M. Liais, from the phenomena of polarization, fixed it at 212 miles. Within and beyond this limit space is occupied by an elastic medium or ether, which is capable of transmitting the vibrations of light, and of retarding b^ friction, though the 240 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. influence be very small, the motion of the celestial bodies through it. 261. Variations of Pressure ; Height and Temperature. — The pressure expressed in inches of mercury, that is to ,say, the height of the column which the atmosphere can sus- tain, varies under several influences. The diminished pressure felt in ascending to a height is not equal in all parts of the globe. For, as the force of gravity diminishes as the square of the distance from the centre of the earth to any point on its surface, the diminution will be slowest at the equator, most rapid at the poles, the mean being about 45° N. lat. The correction for height is, in Britain, '001 inch for every 400 feet of ascent ; the vertical column of the atmosphere is less by that amount, and '001 expresses its diminished sustaining power in inches of mercury. To equalize the difierence in the rate at which the force of gravity diminishes, the mean point, 45° N. lat., is the zero point; but, at the equator, "003 inch requires to be subtracted from the observed height ; at the poles that amount requires to be added, so as to obtain an average for pressure at the sea level at all points. The temperature of the air modifies its pressure, which is less at high than at low temperatures; but as temperature falls •55^ C. for every 300 feet of ascent, the correction for height is the addition to the observed temperature of a number of degrees corresponding to the elevation. 262. Varieties of Pressure: Aqueous Vapour. — The quan- tity of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere varies under condi- tions whose recurrence is determined by the variations of solar influence. In discussing this subject, the student must bear in mind that he will find in these paragraphs only such a general summary as will make him t© understand the compli- cated character of the phenomena on which climate depends, and the consequent difiiculty of deciding on the influences to which plants and animals are subjected. The fuller discussion of the phenomena will be found in special treatises, such as Buchan's Handbook of Meteorology. Buchan tabulates the diurnal variations of pressure at Calcutta, from which it appears that the greatest pressure, varying from "039 to '076, occurs at 9-30 a.m.; the next, at 10*30 p.m., varies from -008 to' •026: while the minima range from - '017 to - -027 at 3-30a.m,; AREAS OF HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE. 241 from - '048 to - -071 at 4*30 p.m. As the tidal wave is later than the time at which the sun and moon cross the meridian of any place, these barometric variations follow periods at which, judged by the sun's position, the daily maxima and minima should occur. The sun crosses the meridian afc noon; but as the earth is not rapidly heated, the highest temperature is about three hours later; and the lowest tem- perature, about 3 A.M., is correspondingly later than the hour at which the sun crosses the antipodal meridian. The highest and lowest pressure correspond to the hours at which the atmosphere contains the greatest and least amount of vapour of water. But though evaporation is greatest at the hottest hours in the afternoon, the pressure is greatest in the fore- noon, when the atmosphere has not yet been heated up by solar radiation, and the elastic vapour is therefore retained in its lowest stratum. The afternoon heat relieves the pressure by expansion; the evening cold increases it till dew falls, and thereafter the pressure diminishes till about 3 a.m., when, though the air is coldest, it is also driest. It is obvious that the more nearly equal the daily temperature, or the lower the temperature, the less will be the daily variation of pres- sures, and the difference is also less marked in uniformly moist climates. But if the moisture is well-nigh equal throughout the year, while the hot and cold of summer and winter are extreme, the barometric variations will be great, as in Siberia, and westwards, into the central plain of Europe. 263. Areas of High and of Low Pressure. — Apart from the influences already mentioned, pressure is modified by some other conditions. Thus, whoever has walked beside a wall on an exposed hill top, while the wind was blowing at right angles to the wall, has seen the dust blown against the wall and obliquely upwards and leewards, or, if the wind was very strong, vertically upwards, while, on the lee side, a slower movement carries dust towards the wall, and upwards along its face to join the main current. This atmospheric backwater is more due to the action of the wind as it passes the top of the wall, tearing off a portion of the leeward aii*, and thus drawing on a current, than to the curve downward of the air behind the obstacle. To windward the air is jammed against the wall, to leeward it is rarefied : to windward atmospheric 242 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. pressure is increased, to leeward diminislied. By analogy, the weather side of mountain chains might be expected to exhibit increased pressure. This, doubtless, helps to increase the pressure in Siberia, the maximum for that area not being at the place of greatest cold, but to the westAvard, the Altai and other high lands, whose axis is E.N.E., stopping the west winds and heaping them up; while the area in which Yakutsk lies is, like Eastern Patagonia, a leeward area of low pressure. 264. Annual Variations of Pressure. — The annual varia- tions of pressure are determined by the heat and cold of summer and winter, the former causing an increase of evapo- ration, thus overcharging the lower strata with vapour; the latter checks evaporation, while the tension is diminished by the more copious precipitation. From the isobaric maps, or maps on v/hich the lines of equal barometric pressures are recorded, it appears that the pressure diminishes towards the poles, but that the area over which pressures less than 29-9 are observed, advances and recedes with the season. Thus, while in July the line of 29*9 is limited by the parallel cf 40° S. lat., and the lines of lower j)ressure are curiously parallel to it, in January the line curves northwards from New Zealand, and gradually reaching lower latitudes in the S. Atlantic, approaches nearest to the equator in S. America about 25*^ S. lat. The 29*9 line in the northern or land hemi- sphere is about 50^ N. lat. over tlie Atlantic in January, 55*** in July. In the summer this isobaric line curves south- wards, over the American continent, nearly to the Gulf of Mexico; over the eastern continent it reaches as far south as the equator; but in both cases it recedes northward as it approaches the Pacific. In winter (January), the line recedes from its lowest latitude over the Atlantic, so as to form a curve whose convexity is towards the poles, while the high pressure follows the great continents. The seasonal influ- ence is therefore well marked. Taking the mean of the year, it appears that maximum pressure (30'1) exists in the north and south Atlantic, in the former stretching across the ocean between 25° and 40° N. lat,, in the latter between 15° and 25° S. lat., and that similar areas occur in the Pacific, between 120° and 160^ W. Ion., and 25° and 40° N. lat., tliough no equally definite space can be indicated to the south INPLUE!TCE OP AQUEOUS VAPOUR ON TEMPERATUEE. 243 of the equator. A mean annual pressure of 30 inclies ranges over JSTorth America between 20° and 50° N. lat., while in the Old World it passes obliquely from the south of Europe to the north-east of Siberia. In the southern or water hemi- sphere, the belt is more nearly latitudinal between 10° and 35° S. lat. ^A low pressure zone, 29*9, swells out north- wards towards the Himalayas, while the same pressure characterises the Arctic area north of 55° lat., the Antarctic area south of 40° lat. The greatest superficial area of high pressure is over the land, of low pressure over the sea. 265. Influence of Aqueous Vapour on Temperature. — The sha,re which the vapour of water takes in the phenomena of atmospheric pressure is scarcely inferior to that which it takes in modifying temperature. Perfectly pure air, consist- ing only of oxygen and nitrogen, permits all the waves of the sun, luminous and non-luminous, those of light and heat, to pass through; its diathevinancy, which is to heat- waves what transparency is to light-waves, is perfect; and this is true also for oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. A sun-beam concentrated on ice, after passing through a globe of water, is not apparently affected, yet it has no longer the power of melting the ice; and if the positions of the two "forms of water" v/ere reversed, the same result would ensue. The want of diathermancy is therefore due to the presence of water, not to the mode in which its particles are aggregated. Several very impoiiiant conseqiiences follow from this fact. The temperature of dry air is not affected by the passage of the sun's rays through it; it is at once transparent and diathermanous. While, therefore, the face is blistered by the direct rays of the sun on an Alj^ine glacier, the traveller has only to step into the shadow of a rock to realize the fact that the temj)erature of the air is in reality at the freezing point. This, of course, is only true where the air is greatly rarefied, expansion lowering the tem- perature. But even at great heights the air is comparatively, not absolutely, dry in glacier districts, evaporation taking place freely from the surface of the ice. The capacity of the atmosphere for heat is therefore in proportion to the aqueous vapour it contains. Air is, however, heated by contact with warm surfaces, and, expanding, rises, colder and heavier 244 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. air taking its place. The molecular motion produced in dry air by a heated piece of metal is very different from that due to the passage of heat-waves through moist air. Again, the same layer which, as Tyndall puts it, filters the rays of heat due to solar radiation, so that they do not reach the earth, arrests the passage of heat radiated from the earth. It appears from Tyndall's experiments, that " the aqueous vapour of the air from (several) localities exerted an absorp- tion seventy times that of the air in which the vapour was diffused;" and that at least 10 per cent, of the terrestrial radiation is arrested within 10 feet of the earth's surface. From these facts it is clear that while the earth's loss of heat by radiation cannot be so great as it would be were the air perfectly dry, solar radiation does not contribute so much as it would on the same hypothesis. Further, the greatest possible proximity (Art. 349) of the earth to the sun would not secure the melting of the polar ice, since the evaporation due to the great heat would interpose a sieve which lilfcered the heat rays, and saved the remaining ice from melting. 226. Absorptive Power of Gases. — But the air contains other matters than oxygen, hydrogen, and aqueous vapour. Carbonic acid and ammonia are also present, and both of them present in greater quantity during warm than cold v/eather. The importance of these gaser' will be apparent from the following table, taken in pavli from that of Tyndall:-''— Relafcive fibsorption at 1 iuoli of pressure. Air, ..... 1 Oxygon, ... - - 1 Nitrogen, - - - - - 1 Hydrogen, - ... - 1 Chlorine, ----- 60 Bromine, - - - - - IGO Carbonic Oxide, - - - . 750 Carbonic Acid, .... 972 Nitric Oxide, - - - - 1590 Nitrous Oxide, - - - - 18G0 Ammonia, ----- 54(50 Sulpliurous Acid, - . - - 6180 * Heat as a Mode, of Motion, p. G20, TEMPERATURE OF ATMOSPHERE. 245 Striking as is tlie proportion of heat rays, or calorific rays, arrested by air and ammonia respectively, the power of arresting the passage of radiant heat exercised by perfumes is even more remarkable. In a series of experiments on aromatic herbs, detailed at p. 335 of the above-quoted work, it is shown that the following relations exist : — • I ! , ■• A Absorptive Power. Air, 1 Thyme, - - ... 33 Peppermint, - - - - 34 Spearmint, ... - 38 Lavender, ----- 32 Wormwood, - - - - 41 Cmnamon, ----- 53 Allowing for the minute exaggeration in these results due to the presence of aqueous vapour, it still appears that interference with the passage of heat rays is enormously out of proportion to the quantity of solid matter which the per- fumes of these plants contain. The vegetation of tropical regions is less characterised by the brilliancy of its tints than is that of temperate regions. In the latter, evaporation spreads a protective curtain against the solar radiation; in the former, the development of perfume by plants after sundown will tend to check terrestrial radiation. Insiffnifi- cant as these observations may appear to be, they are brought under the notice of the student for the purpose of showing him how many are the points to be taken into consideration before we accept as final any judgment on the rate at which the earth receives or parts with heat. The absorptive power of carbonic acid given above establishes, apart from other reasons, the impossibility of an atmosphere of that gas having existed during carboniferous times, the plants of which we have every reason to believe were physiologically identical with those of the present. 267. Influence of Ozone. — This gas is an allotropic form of oxygen, is, in fact, condensed oxygen, capable of effecting oxidations which the elementary gas cannot. It is easily decomposable by heat, its atoms resiiming, after expansion, their relations as oxygen, but its absorptive power is 165 times greater than that of oxygen. ^68, Temperature of Atmosphere.— The sensation of 246 PHYSICAL GSOGRAPHy. lieat or cold is relative, like tliat of salt and sweet, or any other pair of contrasting impressions.' The traveller descend- ing from the Alps complains of heat at the same place where the ascending traveller suffers from cold; the impression conveyed by the same degree of actual temperature is deter- mined by the previous conditions. Statements founded on mere sensa^tion are open to all kinds of fallacy, only instrumental observations are reliable. The popular saying, that " as the day lengthens the cold strengthens," means, when interpreted by science, that as the drier atmosphere of frosty weather is succeeded by a moister and warmer state of the atmosphere, the great conductivity of the moisture, whereby heat is rapidly abstracted from the body, chills the body, notwithstanding that the thermometer is steadily rising. The contrasting heat and cold on the Alpine glacier have already been mentioned, the air having the same temperature in sunshine and shade. The thermometer records the varying amount of heat contained in the complex substance, atmospheric air; and the influence of aqueous vapour is not separated from that of other substances. The temperatm^e of the air of the desert Gometimes rises to 51'6°C,, this being due, however, to the quantity of superheated sand particles suspended in it. This is an extreme case of the phenomenon of heating by convec- tion, or the successive transfer of masses of heated air. Con- tact with warm surfaces raises the temperature of the lowest stratum of air, the amount varying with the humidity. In short, the temperature of the atmosphere is for the most part expressive of the amount of other substances besides oxygen and nitrogen contained in it, and the most potent of these foreign bodies are aqueous vapour and fine sand. 269. Decrease of Temperature with Height. — The ob- servations of Mr. Glaisher made during balloon ascents {BritisJi Association Re'poTts, 1869), show that the estimate above given — "55° C for every 300 feet of ascent — though fairly representing the facts for air in contact with the ground, is not correct for the air away from that kind of disturbing influence. It appears that there is considerable irregularity in the decrease, consequent on the number of atmospheric currents. At a height of 24^000 feet; the tern- EFFECTS OF HEAT. 247 perature in September was -17-7°C., and at 37,000 feet it was - 24r'39°C. At lower elevations, it would appear that the ratio of decrease is slower; and that within 1000 feet it is affected by the state of the sky, being -55^0. for 223 feet when the sky is cloudy, for 162 feet when it is clear. 270. Effects of Heat. — The expansion of the air under heat amounts to -^r^ of its volume for every . 1 "^ C. ( ^^o" ^^^ every l^F.), so that if a cubic foot of air be heated 273° C, it will double its volume. The co-efficient of expansion, or the fraction by which the volume of a gas is augmented, when its temperature is raised l°C.,is -00366 for hydi'ogen, -00367 for air and carbonic oxide. If a cubic foot of air is raised from 0° to 273^0., its volume is doubled; and 1-29 oz. of air is capable of raising through 1 foot the weight of 1 5 lbs. to the square inch, or 2160 lbs. of atmospheric pressure. But if the expansion is prevented, and the volume of the air kept constant, there is a difference in the absolute quantity of heat received by the two cubes of air. A gi-eater araount is required to enable the air to overcome the resistance offered by pressure to its expansion than when the air is heated within unyielding boundaries; in other words, the air which is prevented from expanding has no work to do, the air which expands under pressure does work : it lifts a weight, and heat is spent in doing this over and above that needed for the given quantity of air. The proportion is 1 : 1-421; that is, if the cube with constant volume requires one part of heat, the cube which expands vrhen heated under pressure requires 1-421 parts. The excess is spent in doing work. To take again the cube of air: the lifting of 2160 lbs. through one vertical foot, is the work done by the excess of heat over that needed to raise the temperature of the cube to 490°F. (273°C.). The excess would be sufficient to raise 2-8 lbs. of water 1°F. of temperature, so that divid- ing 2160 by 2-8, it follows that 771-4 lbs. would be lifted 1 foot by the amount of force which is made use of in raising 1 lb. of water 1°F. in temperature. Such was Mayer's calculation; Joule has corrected this result, and fixed the amount at 772 lbs. This, the mechanical equivalent of the heat, is known as the unit of heat, as a foot-pound; and the quantity of heat received by solar radiation at different 248 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. points of the earth's surface is frequently expressed in these units or foot-pounds. Joule's equivalent is, in terms of the centigrade scale, 1390 foot-pounds for 1° C. The increase in volume of heated air corresponds to the diminution during cooling: that which has been heated in a confined space parts Avith its heat when it is allowed to escape and expand. Rarefied air is chilled during expansion, its heat being parted with in the motion of its particles. If the weight which the heated air lifted during its expansion descends during its cooling and contraction, the amount of energy parted Avith is that of temperature, plus that due to the impiilse given to the particles by the weight. Ascent of heated and descent of cooled air, are thus incessant and supplemental of each other. If priority is to be claimed for either phase of the cycle, heating may be regarded as the first step, since if the air were uniformly cool, there would be no cause of disturbance. The replacement of warm by- cold air is not always efiected by two equal parallel move- ments. If a heated chamber is opened, the expanded air rushes out, is checked, and chilled; there is a reflux of cold air, and thus a succession of pulses occur before equilibrium is established between the air within and that outside the room. The movements are more simple when there is free space for the opposite movements. 271. Analogies of Heat, Light, and Sound. — Heat, light, and sound are vibrations of the particles of bodies; and these are made manifest to our senses by the movements which they impart to the elastic medium between them and our organs of sense. Light and heat are both given off by the sun, and experiments have been already referred to which show that it is possible to stop the one set of vibrations, and allow the other to pass. The independence of light and heat has been asserted by Melloni, but it seems now satis- factorily demonstrated that the solar spectrum represents a series of vibrations of particles or waves, the length of which permits them to be sensible to the human eye as colour; that the length of the waves diminishes from the red to the violet, and that beyond these visible rays other waves exist, those beyond the violet having too short, those beyond the red having too long, a wave length to be visible to the eye. TRANSMISSION OP LIGHT THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE. 249 Finally, the invisible rays beyond the violet are powerful to excite chemical action, those beyond the red produce heat. The vibratory nature of sound is known from the action of the tuning fork, of the violin string, or, to take a more familiar illustration, the result of drawing the teeth of a comb across the edge of a piece of paper. The range of sonorous vibrations capable of being detected by the human ear, varies very widely in different individuals, either naturally or by practice. The limit of apprecia- tion of sound is very wide, ranging, according to Helmholtz, from 16 to 38,000 vibrations in the second, vibrations slower or more rapid thp.n these, respectively, being inaudible. But the series of audible vibrations is very wide, extend- ing over eleven octaves; whereas of the visible rays of light, the shortest vibrations are not quite half the length of the longest. The analogy between these four kinds of vibrations is very in- teresting; in strictness, there are only two sets of phenomena to compare, light and sound being respectively the centres of two series, of the ex- tremes of which we are only made conscious by their effects. It appears from what has been stated that our conceptions of external influences on living things would be very imperfect, and necessarily erroneous, if we considered only those phenomena which are capable of direct interpretation by our senses. Kecalling the wide sphere which at the outset we claimed for Physical Geography, it is obvious that the student of that science has only done a portion of his work Avhen he has estimated the effect on living beings of physical features, of movements of the earth's crust, or of the circula- tion maintained in the atmosphere and the ocean. 272. TranBmission of Light through the Atmosphere. — Light travels at the rate of 192,000 miles a second, as inferred from ob- 250 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. servations on tlie occnltation of Jupiter's satellites j or 184,000 miles according to the most recent experiments. Their obscuration appears to occur about a quarter of an hour (16m, 26s.) later when the earth is at the oppo- site side of its elliptic orbit from the planet, than when it is at the nearest point of that orbit to the planet; and as the diameter of the orbit is about 190,000,000 of miles, the light of the occulted body takes 15 or 16 minutes to traverse that distance. But this speed is liable to bo modified by the density of the atmosphere. By the undula- tory theory, according to which the vibrations of the lumin- ous particles of a body are communicated to the elastic ether, the transmission would be more rapid the denser the medium ; by the theory of emission, according to which luminous particles infinitely minute pass from the source of light to the eye, increased density would retard the light. Practically, the results are the same whatever theory be adopted, since, as Sir John Herschel points out, the extreme difference be- tween the calculations on one or other theory in an extreme case he puts, amounts to ^oloo ^^ ^ second. 273. Transparency and Colour of Atmosphere. — Trusting to the evidence of our senses, we should regard the air as normally pure, just as we are accustomed to consider it as un- changing. But the pure binary mixture of oxygen and nitro- gen scarcely exists out of the laboratory. The air may be clear, yet instruments of ordinary delicacy will demonstrate the abundant presence of impurities. Tynclall had great diffi- culty in procuring optically pure air for his experiments, and only obtained it by sifting out the inorganic and burning the organic particles which floated in it. The sunbeam that traces a line of light from sky to earth demonstrates, by becoming visible, the presence of substances which diffuse the light. Aqueous vapour is present even in the clearest aii', so that clearness is not an index of dryness. Absolutely pure air, as obtained in tubes from which all the floating particles have been removed, or as seen in stellar space, is colourless, a dark appearance being due to the absence of anything by which light might be diffused. Great variety of colour is afforded by the play of su»light on dust and vapour : blue is the most frequent; its cause — vapour — being the most abun- Twilight. 251 (lant. Tlie purples, reds, and violets of autumn sunsets are doubtless due to the same source j but this whole question of the colours of the sky is one of great difficulty, and is yet far from being decided. 274. Refraction; Absorption. — A ray of light entering air does not travel directly through it : its course becomes bent in such a way that the rays from an object below the horizon, which should pass tangentially to the earth's sur- face, become deflected and reach the earth. Now, as the eye necessarily estimates the direction of a whole ray from the direction of that last portion of it which enters the eye, as if it were in a straight line from an object above the hori- zon, the sun, or other luminous body, appears to be above the horizon before or after it is so. The refractive power of the air, water being taken as 1, is "000589 71, both substances being examined at 0°C., and under 29*92 inches of mercury. The amount of refraction depends on the condition of the air as regards density and humidity, being gi^eatest when the air is most humid. 275. Twilight. — To refraction, coupled with the diffusive or reflecting power of the particles in the atmosphere, we owe the phenomena of twilight. In this figure, which represents a section of the earth seen from the North Pole, R being east, S west, H P is the horizon line of an observer at N : when the sun is above that line the atmospheric segment H A D O receives his dii'ect rays; when the sun declines to M, the dii'ect rays illumi- 252 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. iiate ADO m, but by refraction a part of tlie atmospliere to the left of the line A C still receives direct ligbt, while the remainder of the space H A C N will receive the light diffused from the aqueous and other particles in the directly illuminated atmosphere. Imagining the sun to be rising in place of setting, the phenomena of dawn are of the same kind. The twilight ends when the sun sinks to 18°, or at the utmost 21° below the horizon ; biit the afterglow of the clear Nubian atmosphere is a secondary reflection from the diffused light of a twilight; thus, if when the sun is at K, the twilight is bounded by the line A C, the afterglow may be seen along the line H IST, or even further to the east. 276. Absorption: Diminution of Light by Distance. — Light travelling through space^ and diverging as it proceeds, imparts to successive objects of equal superficial area an amount which is inverse to the square of the distance ; thus a surface which receives, at the distance of a yard, a certain amount of light, will receive farther off;, at the distance of tAvo yards, a fourth of that amount; at three yards one-ninth, and so on. But this diminution of intensity, which may be accelerated by the intervention of solid or refractive particles, as when mist or dust blocks the way of the light, is entirely different in its results from that absorption by which certain rays are arrested, and cease to give outward signs of their existence. The solar spectrum, which ranges from violet to red, consists, as has been said, of vibrations of unequal lengths. If the yellow flame of common salt is placed in the track of the sunbeam undergoing analysis, the yellow of the spectrum will show dark lines, the absorption bands, which represent the arrest by the sodium flame of those beams to which it gives rise itself : yellow intercepts yellow. A red object appears black in every beam except red. As white light represents the sum of unequal vibrations of the lumini- ferous ether, absorption means the transfer of the motion of the ether to the particles of a body; but these particles must vibrate in the same time ; absorption means, therefore, coin- cidence of vibrations. It would be beyond the scope of this volume to discuss this subject fully, so that its physiological bearing should be fully explained. But the point which the foregoing remarks may induce the student to investigate for POLARIZATION. 253 himself is, tliat as the rays of the solar spectrum have very different influences on vitality, the condition of the atmo- sphere may from time to time change, and thus exert an influence on organic beings, while the sources of that influ- ence can only be revealed by instrumental investigations. 277. Polarization. — Light which enters any transparent body vertically to its surface, passes directly through; but if it enters obliquely, the parts of the ray are successively retarded, so that the light has an oblique course through the body, emerging at the opposite surface of a body with parallel planes at the same angle which the ray had before entering ; emerging at the opposite surface of a triangular prism at an equal and opposite angle to that of entrance. But a body may have its particles so arranged that light passes more readily in one direction than in another. The whole beam is refracted in water as a single beam ; but in ice there are two planes of refraction, the one pei'pendicular, the other parallel to the freezing plane. In ice, and in Ice- land spar, there is double refraction, and the light of the two rays which result from this property has different properties in each ray. The angle of refraction varies for different substances ; it is also obviously unequal for the two parts of the same beam in the case of double refraction. The light now consists of two parts, each of which can only be trans- mitted through another mass of the same substance in exactly the same direction ; if the planes are altered, that particular ray is arrested. The same property is conferred by reflection from an ordinary reflecting surface, as of a mirror. In these cases the extraordinary ray, as that one is called which rotates round the ordinary ray as round a fixed point when the spar is made to revolve, is composed of vibrations of the ether, which take place in one plane only. But certain crystals, as of quartz, have the power of making the vibra- tions move in a circle, and as the component rays of light have different velocities, the result is that a spectrum is formed by the separation of these rays. The details of the mechanism by which these facts are ascertained belong to the domain of Physics. A beam of light, then, falling on a crystal is partly reflected, partly refracted. As the angle of refraction is fixed for every substance, while that of reflection 254 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. depends upon tliat of incidence, tlie beam of light must be shifted from a position perpendicular to the face of the crys- tal towards one of parallelism, till the plane of refiection is at right angles to the plane of refraction ; the angle of the incident beam is then the angle of polarization. .: 278. Polarization of the Atmosphere. — This angle for air is 45° 0' 32". The neutral points are certain spots at which no polarization takes place. Their positions are, " for Arago's point 18° 30' above the antisolar point when the sun is on the horizon; but if the sun is 11° or 12° above the horizon, and the antisolar consequently as much below it, the neutral point is on the horizon, or 11° or 12° above the antisolar point." After sunset, the maximum distance of the neutral point is 25°. Babinet's point is "as much above the sun as Arago's is above the antisolar point." Brewster's point is between the sun and the horizon. The changes in the polarization of the atmosphere are due to fogs, mist, and ice crystals. The influence of atmospheric moisture is im- perfectly known, and the relations of vapour of water still less so ; but it is probable that in the determination of these, meteorology will find invaluable aid for those prognostica- tions Avhich are its most important practical application. 279. Transmission of Sound. — By experiment it has been shown tha,t rays of heat, capable of inflaming bodies upon which they are concentrated, may be transmitted through an atmosphere at the freezing point; the ether, v/hose vibrations are translated into heat, is thus distinct from the atmosphere. But the vibrations of sound are de2:)endent on the existence of atmosphere. The enormous range of the appreciable sounds has already been referred to as extending from 16 to 38,000 vibrations per second. In a previous paragraph (Art. 80), a wave was described as consisting of a condensation and rarefaction; thus the movements of a tuning fork alternately compress and exj^and the air in contact with it, and these movements are transmitted to other portions of air; but while the pulse is thus propagated, the individual j^ar tides of the air move very slightly to and fro. The transmission of the wave takes place in air at the freezing temperature at the rate of 1090 feet per second. But temperature affects the velocity very importantly, as the following table shows, from INTENSITY OF SOUND. 255 which it appears that the velocity increases about two feet per second for every 1° of increased temperature : — Temperature of Air, Velocity of Sound. 0-5°C. 1089 2-10° 1091 8-5'' 1109 120* 1113 26-6° 1140 280. Intensity of Sound. — The intensity of a sound depends on the character of the atmosphere in which it originates, not of that through which it travels. A cannon fired on the summit of a high hill may be inaudible in the valley, while, if fired in the valley, it would be distinctly heard on the summit: in the one case the initial intensity is less, the air being rarefied; in the other it is greater, the air being denser. But this does not afiect the law of the dimi- nution of intensity, which is, as in the case of light, propor- tional to the square of the distance. The rate of transmission of sounds varies in different sub- stances, the variation being determined by the relation of their elasticity to their density. Mertheim found that sound vv^as transmitted by the water of the Seine — Temperature 15° C, at the rate of ^47 14 feet per second. Temperature 30° C, at the rate of 5013 feet per second. Temperature 60° C, at the rate of 5657 feet per second. Through gases the rate varies widely, being 858 feet per second for carbonic acid, and 4164 for hydrogen. In solids, the rate varies with the elasticity and the temperature of tlie body. The following are taken from a table quoted by Tyndall:— Velocity. at20''O. at 100' C. at 200" C. Lead, 4,030 3,951 Copper, 11,66G 10,802 9,690 Steel Wh-e (English), . 15,470 17,201 16,394 Cast Steel, 16,357 16,153 15,709 Iron Wire, 16,130 16,728 Iron, 16,822 17,386 15,483 It appears that while increase of temperature diminishes the transmissive power of some metals, as copper, that of iron is increased up to a certain point; and the above table has been quoted for the purpose of suggesting the difiicultiea 256 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. in tlie way of estimating tlie velocity of subterranean sounds. In an interesting series of experiments on the transmission of sounds tlirough different kinds of rock, Mr. Mallett found that much broken rock impaired the velocity very consider- ably, and that heterogeneous structure, as of granite, has the same effect. These results are in accordance with the similar fact, that whereas sound travels along the fibre of the wood of a tree at the rate of 15,314 feet, its speed across the rings is only 4567. It is possible, therefore, that the observed velocity of the earthquake noise may be true only for two directions, and that a different conclusion might be drawn from observations made on the progress of the sound at right angles to them. 281. Sounds more Intense by Night. — Sounds are more intense, and heard at a greater distance, by night than by day. This is not relative, other sounds being less by night, for, in reality, there is more sound audible than by day, but absolute, the cooler air being more uniform, and permitting more of the sound waves to travel direct. 282. Refraction of Sound. — Sound, like light, may be concentrated by a lens, the lens being a spherical mass of air enclosed in a highly elastic substance, as collodion. The divergent vibrations thus made to converge have the effect of rendering sounds audible at a distance by increasing the number of vibrations in a given space. 283. Reflection of Sound. — Again, like light, sound may be concentrated by reflection from a concave surface, and the focal length of the sound mirror accurately determined. The phenomena of echoes are illustrations of reflection, the multi- plication of the surfaces multiplying the repetitions, as the facets of a prism multiply the reflected images. 284. Resonance. — But the reflection of sound from a solid body is distinct from resonance, which is the intensifying of a sound by the synchronous vibrations of a mass of air, which thus multiplies the vibrations, or rather multiplies the points whence they proceed. Echoes proceed from concave surfaces, which may be resonant only to sounds of a particular pitch. It is to resonance that the thunder-like sound of a gun fired in a narrow valley is due, while the sound may be reflected only from one or two points. REFLECTION OF HEAT. 257 285. Transmission of Heat.— Air in contact witli a warm hodj lias its temperature raised by conduction or convection. In the former case, the heat radiated from the body, or, in the language of the mechanical theory, the motion of its particles transmitted to those of the air, is j)assed on through the air by each particle imjDarting movement to the next. Convection is the transfer of this motion, not by single particles, but by groups of particles : masses of air move upwards, other masses take their place, till the loss of motion by the radiating body is equal to the gain by the air. Equi- librium and rest are then arrived at. But this equilibrium would not exist were the air perfectly dry and perfectly pure ; the body would cool by radiation into space; the heat would be thus lost, but the air would receive none of it. The air is therefore in theory neutral to heat rays, it neither absorbs nor radiates. But, as a matter of fact, since it is never pure, it both absorbs and radiates; and, as has been already said, stops 10 jDer cent, of the terrestrial radiation within 10 feet of the earth. Conduction and convection, therefore, are phenomena of air which is not chemically pure. 286. Reflection of Heat : its Diminution by Distance. — In these two particulars the analogy of heat and light is complete, since the heat or calorific rays may be concentrated by apparatus of the same character as is employed in the case of light; and the ratio of diminution is likewise inverse to the square of the distance. SECTION II.— ATMOSPHEHIC CIECULATION. Movements of Atmosphere : Influence of Earth's rvotation— Theories as to the Cause of Currents : Hadley and Maiuy — OI)jections — Constant Westerly Current at High Altitudes — "Winds of N. Atlantic Basin : N.E. Trades — Mediterranean — Local Winds — Sirocco : Fohn : Analogous Wind in New Zealand — West Winds of N. Atlantic — Calms of Tropic of Cancer — Hurricane Region — Winds of N. America: S.E. Trades — Pacific Ocean — Indian Ocean: Monsoons — Monsoons in other Regions: S. America; Chinese Seas; Western N. and S. America; S. Africa — Course of Atmospheric Currents — Land and Sea Breezes — Velocity of Wind — Storms — Storms of Acceleration — Tornadoes — Rotatory 23 R 258 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Storms : Hurricanes, Cyclones, Typhoons, etc. — Velocity of Botatory Storms : their Area — Storm Waves — Whirlwinds : Waterspouts : Dust Storms — Simoom. 287. Movements of Atmosphere : Influence of Earth's Rotation. — As the air forms a layer round the globe, and as it is practically a fluid, the movement of the globe within this sphere necessarily involves movement likewise of the investing atmosphere. The globe, rotating on its own axis from west to east, and rubbing against the lowest portion of the atmosphere, sets the whole superjacent mass moving in the same direction. But as the sectional area of the globe diminishes towards the poles, it follows that the movement of the air diminishes in rapidity as we approach the poles. That is to say, the space which the air has to travel at 30'' of latitude is less than that which the air at the equator has to travel ; thus the air at the 15 til parallel of latitude has to travel through 869 miles in an hour, while air at 30° N. lat. passes through 450 miles in the same time. As, therefore, the amount of space to be passed through diminishes as the latitude increases, and as eaoli particle of air has the velocity of the point of earth witii which it is in contact, if by any disturbance a particle of air is sent towards the pole, or towards the equator, it lapses, on the one hand into an area of slower, on the other hand into an area of more rapid, movement. Suppose that a par- ticle of air having an eastward movement, at the rate prop)er to the 45th degree of latitude, is directed towards the pole, it will move eastwards more rapidly than the points of the earth over which it passes, and hence it will appear to have a motion very nearly eastward. If^ on the other hand, it moves towards the equator, its rate will be less than that of the regions into which it enters, and it will thus appear to have a westward dii'ection; it lags, so to speak, behind the mass of the earth. 238. Theories regarding the Causes of Currents: Hadley and Maury. — It has been assumed that the two influences under which the circulation of the currents of the atmosphere take place are heat and the rotation of the earth, heat l)eing the primary oiiginator of its currents ; and Hadley's theory £isserts, (1) that the trade winds which move from the poles THEORIES REGARDING THE CAUSES OP CURRENTS. 259 towards the equator, and the counter trades which move from the equator towards the poles, are due to the relatively high temperature of sqnatorial regions as compared with that of polar regions; (2) that the westward tendency of the trades, and the eastward direction of the counter trades, are due to the rotation of the earth. This is the commonly asserted doctrine, and in accordance with it the course of currents in the atmosphere is stated to be after the following order : — 1, The over-heated air at the equator rises vertically into the atmosphere, and spreads itself towards either pole, while the colder, and therefore heavier, air from the north travels towards the equator to take its place. 2. The ujoper stratum of air, when it reaches about the 35th parallel of latitude, has parted with its excess of heat, and descends towards the surface of the earth. 3. Part returns again towards the equator, and part passes on towards the pole, forming ■ the south-westerly winds of high latitudes. Maury further imagines that the air, having again reached the equator, becomes heated, but does not part with its onward move- ment, and, m fact, continues its progress across the line to one or other pole, as the case may be, whence it again returns in the same undulating line and completes the surface of the giobe^ the currents thus pictured forming a series of figures of eight, the nodes of w^hich, or the points where the currents meet the surface of the earth, constituting the three bands of calms — the equatorial, and those of Cancer and Capricorn. 289. Objections to these Views. — Several objections must be taken to this view : in the first place, the regions of calms and variable winds do not form continuous zones all round the earth ; they are like the dead waters of the Sar- gasso Sea in the Atlantic, and of its counterpart in other oceans, limited in dimensions, and do not touch the land on either side. In the second place, if excess of heat were the determining ca,use of the atmosj^heric movements, the north- easterly trades of the Atlantic would be converted into west winds blowing across the continent of Africa, since the in- terior of that continent has a temperature at times 27° higher than that over the Atlantic ; for while air in contact with the sea at the equator seldom exceeds 27-7° C. (82° F.), as much as 544° C. (130° F.) has been recorded in the interior 260 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. of Africa. Again, westei-ly winds blow in tlie polar regions both in winter and in summer, although at the one season the ocean area, at the other the land area, is the warmer. Neither can the rotation of the earth be admitted to influence to any great degree the movements of the air currents; be- cause we find that the air actually travels from north-west to south-east, or from south-east to north west in the northern hemisphere; and from south-west, or from north-east, in the southern hemisphere, beyond the 45th parallel, although these directions are contrary to what should take place ac- cording to theory, being polar not equatorial ; and it is certain that the air acquires directly the motion of the earth at the point with which it comes in contact. It seems more probable that the movements of the atmosphere are, as a whole, from west to east, and that the variations from this dominant direction are local in their origin, and are the counterpart of the movements which take place in the ocean. 290. Constant Westerly Current at High Altitudes. — It has been frequently ob^^erved that ashes from tropical volcanoes travel to windward, contrary to the direction of the steady easterly and north-easterly winds, and that they have been thus transported for hundreds of miles. Frequent observations have been recorded ot the upper clouds travel- ling eastwards, contrary to the movements of the lower strata ; and the observations of many travellers coincide with those of Professor Smyth on Teneriffe, to the efiect that strong- westerly winds prevail at high altitudes, while easterly winds are travelling along the surface of the earth. So far, tliei-e- fore, as these observations go, there seems no reason for doubting that the upper current has a westerly movement in high altitudes, and that that movement is for the most part a very rapid one. In the higher latitudes, both north and south, westerly winds prevail, and these are subject, as they approach lower latitudes, to various deflections, which are the counterpart of those observed in the case of the easterly drift of the Antarctic Ocean. 291. Winds of the Atlantic Basin : NE. Trades.— For the most convenient description of the various winds which predominate at difierent points of the earth's surface, it will be best to follow the same geographical arrangement as was MEDITERRANEAN". 261 adopted in the case of the ocean circulation. In the North Atlantic, between ] 0° and 25° N". lat., the north-east trade pre- vails, the belt thus limited advancing towards or receding from the equator according to the seasons, being nearest to the equator in January, farthest from it in July. Between 15° and 20^ the trades blow steadily throughout the year; and this fact is recognised by navigators, Avho know this region as the heart of the trades. Towards the northern limit of this belt the currents have a more northerly direction, and towards the American side the westAvard dii-ection is more conspicuous, this variation being due to the influence of rotation. The winds, however, upon the African shores are deflected at Cape Yerde, and become north-west winds, passing southwards towards the Gulf of Guinea. On the African continent, easterly and north-easterly winds prevail; and under their influence the sand storms of the desert are carried out seawards, the red dust being frequently deposited upon ships at considerable distance from land. Harmattan is the local name of the north-east wind blowing seawards from the Sahara to the south of Cape "Verde in the winter months, especially January and February. The conA^ersion of the trades into easterly winds, towards the West Indian Islands, renders them important auxiliaries of the equatorial current, which sets towards the Gulf of Mexico. On the east side of the Atlantic, beyond the limit of the trades, nor- therly winds, chiefly north-Avest, though sometimes also north- east, preA"ail, and influence navigation importantly, since homeward-bound vessels, returning from Spain, are obliged to go 20° to the we'st before they can turn northwards, though the outward voyage is facilitated by them. 292. Mediterranean. — The dominant direction of the Medi- terranean winds is from the north. Local names are given to particular winds : thus, the north-west wind of the Gulf, of Lyons and West Italy is knoAvn as the Mistral; the north wind of the Adriatic is the Bora; the Gregale is the north- east wmd which strikes Malta; and the Archipelago is visited by the Etesians, or north-east Avinds of summer; Avhile the Tramontana is the winter Avind of that region. In the Levant I the summer Avdnd is from the north-east, that of spring from the north-Avest; and along the north coast of Africa the 262 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. easterly wind known as a Levanter is tolerably steady. The Sirocco is a remarkable exception both to the direction and the character of these Mediterranean winds. It travels from the south-east, carrying with it the red sand of the desert, andj crossing Malta and Sicily, strikes upon Italy, producing there very remarkable physical and physiological effects. It is hot and damp; the temperature rises as high as 35° C, and its severely depressing effects are manifest both on animal and vegetable life. Its character is consequent upon the elevation of the Sahara into dry land, and there is every reason to believe that to its influence may be traced the shrinking of the Italian glaciers upon th6 southern slopes of the Alps. It has been calculated that if the Sahara were again laid under water, the plains of Lombardy would cease to be the richly productive regions we now see them. 293. Causes of Sirocco: Fohn.— The sirocco crosses the Alps and becomes the fohn, or south-west wind of Switzerland. But it has entirely changed its character; and as the history of this current illustrates several important points, it deserves some attention, more especially as it is even yet a subject of discussion among meteorologists. The JST.E. trades in the Atlantic recede northwards during summer, and the coast winds of Africa are at that season frequently from the west. The north-east winds of the continent are thus impeded in their seaward progress, even blown back, and forced to find an escape to the north as the sirocco over Italy, the solano in Spain. The sirocco blows at all periods of the year, but most frequently in spring and autumn; and at these periods the African interior receives supplies of air, Avarm and moist, from both coasts, from the Gulf of Guinea, and from the Red Sea, as v/ell as from the Mediterranean. It thus starts with a considerable quantity of moisture, which is increased as its over-heated lower strata pass over the sea. Precipitation takes place in the north of Italy: the wind, however, goes on, rises over the Alps, and, cooled during expansion, re- gains a higher temperature on the low gTounds to the north, where it resumes its former density. But the temperature is not quite so high, since the vapour which it still carried over the heights would permit radiation into space, and this heat would not be regained by renewed density. HURRICANE REGION. 263 294. Transmontane Wind in New Zealand. — The plieno mena attending its passage over the Alps are exactly parallel to tliose observed in New Zealand, where a north-west Avind throws down rain or snow on the coast and hill face on which it strikes, though this is not always the case, as the precipitation sometimes takes place before the land is reached. On the south- west face of the range, the wind descends the valleys with heat sufficient to cause floods in the glacier streams by the sudden melting of the ice. In the northern part of the Atlantic basin, north that is to say of 35°, west winds prevail, and the " Roaring Foi'ties," about 40° N. lat., are tolerably steady in their direction, though in winter they reach the British coasts often with very great violence. The years of greatest loss, by shipwrecks, on the west shores of the British islands are those in which these westerly winds have attained their greatest violence. It may be said that generally west winds prevail over Europe, and reach as far as the Black Sea,, to the south of which the northern tendency reappears. 295. Calms of the Tropic of Cancer. — Over an area generally similar to that of the Sargasso Sea, to the north, that is to say, of the trades, in 30^ to 35^ W. Ion., there is a variable region known to sailors as the Horse Latitudes, which lies in an area bounded by northerly winds on the east and west; by the west winds to the north; by the trades to the south. The winds in this region may come from any point; they may blow with great violence, or may be succeeded by calms. This change in the character of the winds increases the analogy to the Sargasso Sea, whose shifting position is due to the encroachment of one or another current. 296. Hurricane Region. — The hurricane district of the "West Indies comprises the islands from Barbadoes north- westv/ard, even to Mexico, and north-eastwards to about TC "VV. Ion,, and there is reason to believe that their influence is felt indirectly upon the shores of Europe. The general track of the hurricanes is from a point to the east of Bar- badoes, in 10*^ to 15® N. lat., thence to the west north-west as far as Florida, and northward to about 40° N. lat., where they die out. They are sometimes continued westwards into 264 PHYSICAL GEOGKAPHY. the Gulf of Mexico, but never affect the continent beyond the Alleghanies. 297. North American Winds. — The continent consists of a central valley lying between the Kocky Mountains and the coast ranges, but open to north and south. The Rocky IMountains cut off well-nigh entirely the westerly winds, and a northerly direction prevails in the central trough as far as about 35° N. lat. ; south of that the direction is unceas- ingly from the south-west, though south-east i^ frequent at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the wind following the curve of the high ground. The winter winds are chiefly from the north-west, a direction observed even in the Caribbean Sea. These cold winds, which blow down the whole American valley, become more and more westerly among the islands, whence they pass to rejoin the westerly Avinds of the North Atlantic. They are the northers of the Mexican Gulf, the counterpart of which exists on the homomorphic western coasts of the Pacific. 298. South-east Trades. — The south-east trades are very steady, and in general stronger than the north-east. They occupy a belt, likewise variable in position, between 0° and 25*^ S. lat. ; in winter they reach 5'^ N. lat. On the African coast they are more southerly in direction, and in the Gulf of Gumea westerly Avinds prevail, the direction shifting from west north-west to west south-west, and calms are of frequent occurrence. This region of variable Avind extends as far as S"^ W. Ion., and the names by which it is knoAvn are: Region of Equatorial Calms, Region of Variable Calms, Region of "Variable Winds and Calms, Region of Constant Precipitation, Doldrums, or the Rains of earlier navigators. This region, in fact, corresponds generally with the triangle left between the two roots of the equatorial ocean current, and is thus an atmospheric dead-water, in which west winds struggle for predominance. To the north and south of it the trades sometimes coalesce into an east wind, blowing towards the Caribbean Sea. On the opposite sides of the S. Atlantic basin, opposite tendencies exist, the northerly prevailing on the American shore, the southerly prevailing on the African side, thouoh these are converted into west winds durino: winter. On the southern continent of Africa^ as on the northern, the trades PACIFIC OCEAK. 265 are, as a rule, distinctly felt. On the American continent con- siderable variations, however, exist; thus, the trade passes up the Amazon valley as an east wind, which from July to Janu- ary — the dry season — blows with increasing strength ; but in the wet season dies down almost to the coast line. In Para- guay north-east winds pi'e vail, north-west being rare. But the l^amperos, farther to the south, are north-west, west, or south- west winds, which blow across the pampas, often with great and sudden violence. From 40* S. lat. the westei'ly circum- polar winds prevail as stead^r and strong currents which^ near Cape Horn, form westerly or south-westerly gales. Another region of calms exists between 0° and 1 5"^ W. Ion. ,27*^ and 37*** S. lat., and represents an ellipse whose position is variable, and whose long axis is from north-west to south-east. 299. Pacific Ocean. — The Pacific Ocean manifests the same westerly currents in high latitudes as does the Atlantic. The north-east trades form a belt between 0' and 20'' N. lat. The south-east trades range from 0* to 25° S. lat. The north trades are not so steady as those of the Atlantic, and both they and the south trades have a more easterly direction. The north-east trade, striking upon the Philippine Islands, acquires a southerly direction, thus following to some extent the coiu'so of the Japan current. In the north China seas the winds undergo seasonal changes, being south-west in summer, and north-east from November to April; and, to complete the resemblance which this region presents to the corresponding portion of the American continent, we have hurricane regions in which typhoons occur between August and October, their position being from 10° to 23° N. lat. To the seasonal variations the term monsoon is applied, although the phrase is more strictly applicable to the variable winds of the Indian Ocean. As in the latter region, the south-west monsoon is the wet summer wind, the north-east is the dry wind of winter. On the American side, the trade winds go farther to the north, and have, as on the corre- sponding shores of Africa, a more northerly direction, even acquiring a north-westei'ly inclination. On the Mexican coast, the winter winds are north or north-west, the summer south-west or south-east, but across the open ocean westerly winds prevail above 40° of latitude; and between this region M6 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. and the sliifting limits of the trades, a vai'iahle region exists, which does not, however, reach the land upon either side. In the southern Pacific Ocean, the south trade loses strength westward, and among the islands is replaced by irregular westerly winds. On the Chilian coast, monsoons vary from south and south-west in summer to north, commencing in March; and here, as in many other cases, the polar wind is dry, the equatorial moist. But, on the Peruvian coast, the summer wind is south-west and moist, though heavy fogs accompany the rare north winds. In winter, the north wind blows from the Caribbean Sea as a papagayo or tehuanfcepecer. 300. Indian Ocean. — The winds to the north of 12° S. lat. in the Indian Ocean, are alternately from north-east and south-west, and are hence known as monsoons, though that term is originally applied only to the alternating winds on the Arabian coast. The south-east trade blows in winter to the equator; but, in summer, its northern limit retreats to 12^^ S. lat. In winter, it is more and more easterly towards the equator; but, in summer, the area of 12° which it has deserted, is traversed by winds from the west, north-west, or south-west. The trade shifts its southern limit also, and thus the variable region, the calms of Capricorn, which separates it from the constant Antarctic west winds, is carried up and down. This region is only a patch separated from Australia by the winds which blow northwards to feed the trade, while the African winds again limit to the west. We have here another example of an atmospheric backwater, in which the westerly winds struggle to prevail, and the weather is thus very irregular and broken. Summer and winter are those of the north and south hemi- spheres respectively. 301. Monsoons. — It is impossible, within the compass of this chapter, to make clear the great irregularity of the movements Avhich are comjDrised under the one phrase, monsoons. It is usual to state their character summarily, as that of a v>rind which, from May to September, blows from the south-west; and from October to April, from tlie north-east. But this is only true for a few localities, as the coast of Arabia. It may be said, in general terms, that the winds north of the equator, from October to April, are MONSOONS. 2G7 northerly, chiefly from the east of north, but even from the west of north; and that the winds from May to September are more markedly westerly in the open sea. The deflec- tions may be grouped according to the coast lines. Thus the parallel lines, from Calcutta south-eastwards and from Cutch to Cape Comorin, from Calcutta to Ceylon and the west side of the Indian Ocean, show parallel movements of the winds. On the Malabar and Burmah coasts, the N.E. monsoon, which, at sea is steady, blows from north-west; the S.W. monsoon is from the west, or north of west, on the Malabar coast; it blows north-west past Point de Galle, and returns as a south- easter to the Coromandel coast, though it is more strictly south in the open sea; and again south-west when it blows inland at the north end of the bay. The Red Sea, during the N.E. monsoon, i.e., from October to April, is traversed by a south-east wind; and from May to September, by a north- west. Some of the summer variations are tabulated below. N.W., . . . Gulf of Oman. S.W.; S.S.W., . S.E. Coast of Arabia. N.; N.E., . . EedSea. W.; S.W.; S.E., . Bay of Bengal (Avest and north). W. ; N., . . . Bay of Bengal (east coast). W.; W.N.W., . Malabar Coast. N.W.; W.N.W., . Cape Comorin. N.W., . . . Kilglierries. S.W.; W.; KW., . Off Hooghly. The similarity of the movements on parallel coast lines, and the remarl^able variations in the Ked Sea, indicate the power of local geographical conditions as superior to any general influence, such as rotation of the earth. To the south of the equator, the south-east trade is only variable in position, is not reversed in direction by the seasons; this is true at least for the area from 12° to 25° S. lat. The seasonal reversal between 0° and 12°, gives during winter the eastward movement, which may be regarded as the extreme deflection of the south-east trade; while in summer a westerly wind traverses the ocean, and passes into the Pacific through the island channels. This westei-ly wind, the N.W. monsoon of the South Indian Ocean, is more northerly near Madagascai', and even may blow from the east of north. The influence of local features is again illus- 268 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. trated in tlie winds of the Mozambique Channel, which blow during winter from the south-west, during summer from the north-east. Now, as the wind blows along the coast of Africa from the mouth of the Arabian Gulf as a north- east wind during the months October to April, and as in summer the S.E. trade retreats to 12° S. lat., the Mozam- bique wind of that season is a jorolongation of the N.E. monsoon of the North Indian Ocean, while the winter wind is the deflection of the S.E. trade, which at that season blows to the equator. 302. Monsoons in other Regions. — The word monsoon is now used for alternating winds in other regions; and as this custom is becoming popular, it would, perhaps, be well to use the term, in books on Physical Geography, for any winds at any locality whose direction shifts with the seasons, and which divide the year, however unequally, between them. Using the term, then, in this wider sense, we have monsoons in the China seas, in the Mexican Gulf, on the coasts of Africa, and South America. 303. S. American Monsoons. — The N.E. trade reaches the north-east of South America, north of the equator, from December to April; but, for the rest of the year, the venda- bales, wet westerly or south-westerly winds, alternate with south-easterly winds along the coast. There is here repeated, and for exactly the same reason, what haj)pens on the east coast of Africa in the Mozambique Channel. The northern summer carries the trades to the north, and the S.E. trade blows into the Caribbean Sea, while the southern summer brings the N.E. trade nearer the equator. In the Gulf of Mexico itself an alternation of the same kind is seen, but its periods are not sharply defined; and the north Avinds come down the Mississippi valley, their movements having reference to other influences. 304. Chinese Monsoons. — From October to April, the Formosan winds are steady at north-east; and, like the polar winds on the American side of the Pacific, they are dry and clear. For the rest of the year, with the exception of the typhoon months, the wind is from the south-west, and is even more southerly at the Phili23pine Islands. These regular COURSE OF ATMOSPHERIC CURRENTS. 269 seaso]ial alternations extend, there is every reason to believe, into the interior, the floods of the Yang-tse-Kiang not being explicable by the melting of snow, which does not lie on the Thibetan high gronnds; so that a wet season, that of the southerly or south-westerly monsoon, is the only other source of the excessive moisture. 305. Monsoons of Western N. America. — From June till October, or rarely November, the winds are, on the west coast of Mexico, from south, south-west, or south-east, and are wet, as equatorial winds are for the most part. In winter, over the same area, north-westerly winds prevail, and may reach even to the equator, if they pass their customary limit about 10° N. lat. 306. Monsoon of Western S. America and S. Africa. — The north-west winds, with much moisture, increase in their duration as we advance southwards on the American coast, till in Patagonia westerly winds occupy most part of the year ; but these are derived from the westerly ^^^Jlds of high latitude, and the alternate preponderance of the northern or southern element is recognisable. But the winds on the American continent liaA'e at once greater obstacles to encounter in the mountain chains, and greater freedom of escape over the open Pacific. Hence their movements have much less of periodicity than where, as in the Indian Ocean, the space is more restricted. In the South Atlantic, the African coast is lower than that of America, while the great projection of the northern portion acts more effectually than the similar prominence of western North America, in checking the movements of the air and forcing the currents more into the interior. Hence the African coast is characterised chiefly by the frequency of its calms. 307. Course of Atmospheric Currents. — There are two startmg points from which to trace the winds. According to the common notion, the starting point is the trades, which are the indraught of cooler air to replace the warmer air which ascends over the thermal equator, or line of greatest heat. This in July reaches as far as 10*^ north of the equator, and in January to 2° or 3° south of the equator. The ascending current over this region, then, is the starting point, whether or not the existence of those undulations 270 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. already refeiTecl to (Art. 288) is believed in. But, on the other hand, the region of a steady westerly wind seems a much more reliable area to start from, than one in which, so far from a vertical cii'cnlation being proved, easterly and westerly winds struggle, and calms frequently indicate the absence of all motion, while excessive rainfalls likewise tell of arrested motion in the air. Starting, then, with the westerly current as consequent on the rotation of the ea.rth, we find that it strikes the level of the sea at 40*^ lat. N. and S. Its progress eastward is arrested by the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific, But these present very unequal obstacles. The mountain backbone of America is low only, in the centre. To the north and south it stops almost entirely every direct influence from the west. The eastern shores of the Atlantic, on the other hand, consist chiefly of low grounds, or of chains which run from east to west, and thus present less powerful obstacles to the progress of the current. The wind passing over Europe is deflected by the central mountain chains through gaps in Avhich the mistral, the bora, and other north-westerly currents pass, while the Ourals and the colder, denser air of north and central Asia check its eastward progress, the eastern and western direction of the great ranges permitting its free passage as far as the western rampart of the Thibetan plateau. From Hay- ward's explorations, it appears that the winds of eastern Turkestan are dominantly from the west, and that there are passes through which these winds enter the country to the north of the Himalayas. But to the south of the sources of the Kashgar river, a mountain range, with peaks of upwards of 21,000 feet in height, forms a wall which reaches the Hindu Kush, and thus gives that southerly direction which Burnes records as prevalent in Bokhara. Thence it may be followed to the south-east, till it enters the low ground south of the Himalayas, and descends the main valleys of the Ganges and Indus. Its eastward direction is resumed on the east sides of the Indian Ocean, but it divides on the north-east corner of Africa, part turns south-westwards with the African coast, while the other part follows the hollow of the Bed tSea. The S.W. monsoon corresponds in time with the easterly monsoon which blows south of the equator. But when COURSE OF ATMOSPHERIC CURRENTS. 271 the nortli-westerly monsoon, or more strictly tlie westerly monsoon, blows in the summer of the south hemisphere, the N.E. monsoon is blo\ving in the north; the two winds, there- fore, intervening between the N.E. monsoon and the S.E. trade, are in reality different phases of the same westerly wind, Avhich in the narrower Atlantic fails to attain the same fetch, and thus blows with less strength in the open ocean; in the Indian Ocean, moreover, it has an escape throu£>"h the insular channels, The N.E. monsoon is in position the equivalent of the N.E. trade, and thus compar- ing this with the two great oceans, the equatorial calm and variable region is here greatly enlarged, sv,dnging alter- nately to the north and south of the equator through a greater range The deflections of the trades have still to be accounted for. If there is no continuous range of mountains across Africa, there seems some obstacle sufficient to prevent the European winds passing south, and to foi'ce them -s^estwirds to join the trades, which, however, start farther north than this source of supply. The air over the land is appealed tj as, in defect of other more poweiful barricades, sufficient to deflect a cur- rent. It would appear as if the equatorial belt of westerly wnids and calms presented such a case; the trades acquire increased easting as they approach the equator, and the belt shifts with them to north and south. As that belt is one of low barometeric pressure, it must be only difference in quality of atmosphere which prevents its being torn away and absorbed into the trades on either side; the contrary takes place in the west of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where the trades contribute to the westerly winds which sometimes blow in the equatorial calm region. The order here indicated is founded on theoretical con- siderations, which have not yet met with entire acceptance. Into the arguments in support of the arrangement it is impossible here to enter. The student will find them dis- cussed in Laughton's work already referred to, and in various communications in journals. It is only necessary to say further, that, while the primary motion is ascribed to a westerly current, and the great majority of the phenomena are easily strung on this theoretical thread, the auxiliary 272 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. influence, under certain circumstances, of pressure, and differ- ence of temperature, is by no means excluded. 308. Land and Sea Breezes. — Thus the alternate move- ment of air to and from the land, by day and night, seems due to the combined influence of increased pressure and difference of temperature. The air over the sea receives, as the heat increases, a large amount of vapour by evaporation, and thus acquires greater elasticity than that over the land, upon which it thrusts itself. During the night, when evapo- ration is checked over the sea, the air, cooled down by radia- tion and by diffusion, loses more elasticity than that of the land, which thrusts itself out seaward. A certain approach to equilibrium between the sea and land air, however, is needed; thus these breezes are not known where the shores are bare of vegetation, and the temperature of day and night are thus very different. The east wind of night on the Tapajos as observed by Bates to replace the west wind, doubtless comes from the interior, and thus gives a transition from the diurnal variation to a seasonal variation, of which many examples occur in the monsoon area on a small scale. It is again, as in the case of ocean currents, defective knowledge or extreme statements which give rise to contro- versy; and as there is still uncertainty as to the machinery of atmospheric circulation, that view has been here adopted which gives greatest coherence and simplicity to the subject. The student must bear in mind that it is a question of how much influence each agent may fairly be credited with, and upon these amounts the most conflicting statements are made. 309. Velocity of Wind. — The same necessity for reference to a fixed standard exists in the case of wind, as of heat and light; perhaps even greater, since the circumstances under which excitement is likely to make the unaided senses worth- less giiides, are those against which it is most important to guard, by learning most accurately every detail of their occurrence. Wind gauges of various kinds are used, and these of course give sure results. But in defect of these, it is necessary to have a scale commonly intelligible, by reference to which the risks of error are diminished. The Beaufort scale recognises thirteen grades of movement, which are determined by reference to the speed of a ship or the sails STORMS. 273 slie can safely cany. But it is more common to use a scale of seven grades, — 6, between which the intermediate steps are marked '5. The formulae for calculating the velocity V, and pressure P, are P = Y^ x -005; and V = \/200 x P. The pressures and velocity are given in the following table, which is copied from Buchan, p. 211. 4) Pressui-e. Velocity. t) 02 lbs. per miles per 0—6 sq. foot. hour. 0-0 0-00 0-5 0-25 7-1 1 1-0 1-00 14-1 2 1-5 2-25 21-2 3 2-0 4-00 2S-8 4 2-5 6-25 35-4 5 3-0 9-00 42-4 6 3-5 12-25 49-5 7 40 16-00 56-6 8 4-5 20-25 63-6 9 5-0 25-00 70-7 10 5-5 30-25 77-8 11 6-0 36-00 84-8 12 Beaufort's Scale. Calm, . . . . Light air, . . . Light breeze, Gentle breeze, . Moderate breeze, Fresh breeze, Strong breeze, . Moderate gale, . Fresh gale. . . Strong gale, . . Whole gale, . . Storm, .... Hurricane, . . Just sufficient to make steerage way. "I With M'hich a ship with ) 1-2 kts. |- all sail set would go in > 3-4 ,, ) smooth water. ) 5-6 „ Royals, etc. Single reefs and T.G. sails. Dble. reefs, jib, &c. Triple reefs, etc. Close rfs. & courses ( In which she could jiist bear < close-reefed maintopsail and ( reefed foresail. Under storm staj'sails or trysails. Bare poles. i In which siie coiild just carry But while, as has been said, the estimated force may be exaggerated, the instrumental observation is liable to error, both of excess and defect. In every gale gusts may, for a few minutes, give a pressure of 80, though the storm is far short of a hurricane; and, on the other hand, the instruments do not fully record the suddenness which constitutes the chief dangers of the revolving storm to sailing ships. 310. Storms. — Though it may not be easy to say at what point a storm begins in temperate regions, where the accele- ration of the wind is often gradual, the ti-opical storms are abrupt enough to mark them sharj^ly ofi" fi-om the ordinary states of the atmosphere. Their suddenness gives them a distinct character apart from their rotation, but does not afford a basis of classification. We may, perha2">s, regard storms as belonging to two groups. 1. Those which are accelerations of the prevailing winds, whether caused by increase of pressure from behind, or by diminished i^ressure in front. 2. Those in which the prevailing direction is altered. 23 S 274 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 311. Storms of Acceleration. — The hot v/inds, the sii'occo and simoom, both southerly, both coming from heated sandy deserts, are perhaps the best examples of winds driven by pressure from behind. The gales of the N. Atlantic, of the Patagonian coast, and of other localities where the prevailing v/ind comes in contact with a current of different temperature and different elastic tension, are due to the sudden diminu- tion of pressure by condensation, which is propagated back- wards in one or other current by the steady advance of that which has after the contact the greater amount of tension. 312. Tornadoes. — The harmattan has abeady been de- scribed (Art. 291); but it remains to add that the southward shifting of the thermal equator has probably to do with the occasional acceleration of this wind, by the amoimt of sudden precipitation which takes place. This certainly seems to be the case v/ith the tornadoes of West Africa, in which the barometer and the dii-ection of the wind are unchanged during the height of the storm. 313. Rotatory Storms. — But difficult as it is to trace the origin of storms whose direction is rectilinear, perplexing as is the effort to fix the relative importance of barometric variations, it is still more difficult to accept, as conclusive, any of the explanations hitherto given of the rotatory storms. The meeting of antagonistic air currents, differences of elec- tric tension, rotation of the earth on its axis, as well as variations of atmospheric pressure, have been appealed to. The facts seem to be: — 1. That the hurricanes of the West Indies, the cyclones of the Indian Ocean, the Chinese tyi^hoon, start from the areas in which currents mingle from different directions. 2. The rotation is, in the West Indies, N.W.S.E.,vdth the sun; in the South Indian Ocean N.E.S.W., against the sun, but with the hands of a watch. 3. That the centre of the revolving mass is an area of low pressure, two inches lower than outside. 4. That the track of the spiral follows the course of the prevailing wind. 5. That the barometer falls before the storm. 6. That heavy rainfall, and frequently electric displays, accompany the storm. 7. That when the storm approaches and touches the shore, a storm-wave is hurled on the land with terrible effects. The unsettled questions in meterology are : Is the barometric ROTATORY STORMS. 275 depression "before the arrival of the storm the cause, or is it an effect like the Avave which precedes a swift steamer? is the rainfall a cause here of movements which in other tropi- cal localities it does not cause? The months in which these storms occur are given below, the West Indian figures being a mean of several years ; those for the cyclones the statistics of one year ; while for the typhoons the months of greatest frequency are merely marked with a star. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mav. Jan. Jly. Aug. Sep. Oct. J^ov. Dec. West Inches, 1-5 2 3 2 1-5 37 28-5 24 20*5 5 2 S. Indian Ocean, 10 16 17 10 13 Typhoon, '" ^- '■'' The track of the hurricane has already been described (Art. 296). It practically starts along the oblique line formed by the northward passage of the S.E. trade. Its parallelism to the course of the Gulf Stream seems to indicate that both are directed in their movements by the trend of the coast- line as soon as they are clear of the Mexican Gulf. But when a portion of the storm enters the gulf, it there also follows the coast line and sweeps round the shores. The origin, course, and period of the typhoons are singu- larly repetitive of those of the hurricane. Their range in latitude is from 10<^ to 24°. The cyclones are on the northern limit of the S.E. trade, as it recedes southwards, followed by the N.W. monsoon. They start far to the east, near to Java, and travel along the margin of the trade, bending towards the south-west near Mauritius, the N.AV. monsoon there blowing farther south than elsewhere, just as the S.E. trade in the Atlantic reaches far towards Barbadoes. In the North Indian Ocean they start near to the Nicobar Islands, and reach to Calcutta or to Madras, for their course varies in different years. They are less frequent to the west of the Indian peninsula, along whose shores they commonly travel. These are the principal areas in which revolving storms occur as regular periodic events. But in temperate regions cyclonic storms sometimes are observed, and of these baro- metric variations are probably the efficient causes. 276 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The Storm Chart of Europe for ^^ovember 2, 1863, given by Buchan, page 242, illustrates the relation of the strongest winds to the area of minimum barometric pressure, 28*9 (that of Euro2:)e being on the average 29*9). The track of the two storms was from the west of Ireland to the head of the Gulf of Finland on the one hand, through Denmark towards Riga on the other. As the former of these is the more common for the European storms, and as it is from S.W. towards N.E., it is again an example of the prevailing winds fixing the course, whatever may have been the origin of the movement. 314. Velocity of Rotatory Storms. — Two distinct velocities must be kej)t apart ; that of the wind, which may attain to 100 miles an hour, shifting round the compass, and that of the storm which travels at from 10 to 15 miles an hour — though the hurricane of 1866 is said to have approached Bermuda at 30 miles an hour. The storms of Europe travel at rates varying from 15 to 45 miles an hour, 18 miles being the most common rate; and it is worthy of note that those which occur in the area of westerly wind?, are more rapid than those of the trade return currents. The determination of velocity is of importance with reference to the transmission of storm warnino's. o 315. Area of a Rotatory Storm. — The diameter of the revolution is variously stated. Many are known to have had a diameter of 50 miles : 100 miles is proved to have been the diameter of one. But the extreme breadth assigned, 1500 miles in some cases, requires strong proof. Buchan's chart, already referred to, shows that the proximity of two distinct storms might have led to their reference to one had the intervening points not been observed ; and apart from this, the observations on which such wide limits are asserted would requii-e to have been made simultaneously. 316. Storm Waves. — The centre of a storm is an area of low barometer ; but this is not due to centrifugal force, for it is certain that the movement of the wind is in reality vorticose. Precipitation in the centre of contiicting winds gives rise to vortex movement, just as water escaping through a hole entails secondary whirls in the air above it. This sometimes takes place in the tornadoes, and in the gales DUST STORMS: SIMOOM. 277 formed, as at tlie mouth of tlie La Plata, "between the sea and the river winds. The consequence of precipitation is diminution of elasticity; thereafter the vorticose movement increases in strength, and rises as air is drawn in along the ground, for in all these cases the wind is not parallel to the ground, but strikes down and is reflected from it. The centre is thus a cup with the mouth downwards, into which the water is raised; and when an obstacle occurs, when the cup is broken, the water, no longer supported, " holds its way," and is thrown down in mass over the land. 317. Whirlwinds: Waterspouts. — Every gusty day one may see eddies round corners, which illustrate the j)rinciples laid do-svn as to the movement of wind and water w^hen they come against an obstacle. But the phenomena which have now to be considered are of another kind. They are in tem- perate regions usually connected with electric disturbance. These local rotatory storms are sometimes called tornadoes; and etymologically the name is better applied than to the usually rectilinear gales of West Africa. The account of that of Chatenay, near Paris, in 1839, quoted by Noad, de- scribes what is sometimes seen on a small scale on the high grounds of north Scotland; the lower part of a thunder- cloud swelled downwards and became a conductor between the upper clouds and the earth. The inverted cone became surrounded by dust and light objects, drawn up to and wheel- ing round it; the now continuous pillar travelled forward for some time, iiprooting and twisting everything in its way, and finally, the upper half was withdrawn into the clouds, while the base of the pillar sank, a mass of rubbish, to the earth. A similar description is given of the waterspouts whose formation has been observed in the Pacific; and it is interesting to note that the descent of the cloud-funnel to meet the ascending cone of water was preceded by veering winds, in the axis of which the spout was formed. Palgrave describes deep circular hollows in the Arabian desert which were probably formed by such Avhirlwinds, and in the Aus- tralian deserts similar appearances have been detected. 318. Dust Storms : Simoom. — The dust storms of India consist of a number of whirlwind columns moving together; those of Nubia, described by Baker, move independently, as 278 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. do tliose of tlie Saliara. The phenomenon may be imitated by the ascent of a number of adjacent columns of smoke from smouldering cotton, the spirals of each pillar and of the whole mass being distinct if the air is stilL The simooms of the Arabian desert, and the samiel farther to the east, seem to belong to this group; they certainly differ from the sirocco, inasmuch as their origin is within the limits of the desert, and local heating of the surface geems the only adequate explanation of theii* origin. SECTION III.— ELECTPvICITY AND MAGNETISM. Terrestrial Magnetism — Magnetic Equator — Line of no Variation-^ Annual and Daily Variations — Intensity — Magnetic Stoi'ms — Aurora Borealis : Cause of its Light — Atmospheric Electricity —Diurnal and Annual Changes — Relation of Electricity to Heat : Conductors — Conditions affecting the Amount of Electricity in the Air — Thunderstorjns. 319. Terrestrial Magnetism. — The magnetic needle, when suspended horizontally, does not point to the north pole of the earth, but at Greenwich points between 20° and 21^^ west of north. This, the north magnetic pole, has its counter- part in an antarctic pole, which is correspondingly east of the earth's pole. This variation of the needle is not constant. The pole has shifted since a.d. 1576 from 11° 15' E. to due north in 1657, thence to its westward maximum, 24° 27' 18'' in 1815, from which it is now moving back. But the change has not been in one plane. If a needle is suspended so that it can swing verticoily, it will not rem^ain horizontal, but its north pole will be deflected downwards at an angle of about 68^ to the horizon at Greenvfich. The nearer to the magnetic pole the greater Avill be the deflection, so that at the pole it should be vertical. The deflection diminishes towards the magnetic equator, and again increases in the opposite dii^ection in the southern hemisphere. Now this dip of the needle has diminished, at London, from 74° 42' in 1720, to 68° 2', and this indicates a greater distance from the pole now than formerly. Taken in connection with INTENSITY OP MAGNETIC FORCE. ^7^ the variation from east to west, tlie magnetic pole seems to have described a circle round the terrestrial pole from east to west, and Mr. E.. A. Proctor assigns about G50 years as the period of the complete revolution. The earth is thus a magnetic mass which afiects the needlo as any other magnetic mass would ; and the student caii repeat the main features of the phenomena with a magnetic bar suspended in a paper globe, v.diile a needle is carried to and fro outside. 320. Magnetic Equator, — Latitudinal bands have been described round the globe, passing through the points of equal dip. The equator, or line of no dip, is north of the equator between the meridian of Greenmch and ISO*^ AV. Ion., south of the equator for the rest of the globe's circum- ference. 321. Line of no Variation. — This line, though not regarded as of great importance, is of some interest. From the mag- netic pole it passes to the svest of Hudson's Bay, thence south-east outside of the Antilles, crosses the eastern promi- nence of South America to the south magnetic pole ; thence crossing the western portion of Australia, it reaches the teiTestrial equator in about 75*^ E* Ion., and passes north- ward to the magnetic pole. 322. Annual Variations. — Between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice, that is, from April to July, the westward variation diminishes ; for the rest of the year it returns westward. 323. Daily Variations. — The needle moves alternately eastward and westward towards the sun, whether he is above or below the horizon : the maximum of the easterly move- ment is reached at 7 a.m., the maximum westerly movement at Ih. 10m. P.M., whence it recedes eastward till 10 p.m.; the mean deviation for the day varying through 9' 8". These are the mean movements, but they are modified seasonally. In summer the extreme range is 13' 27''; in winter the minimum daily range is 7' 2". In winter the westerly move- ment is continuous throughout afternoon and night ; in summer the eastward movement is continuous from 7 p.m. to 7 A.M. 321 Intensity.— The intensity of the magnetic force 280 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. varies, being at a maximum at the magnetic pole, and in Siberia, for the northern hemisj^here; near the magnetic pole for the southern hemisphere. The points of least intensity are near the equator in the middle of the Pacific, and near St. Helena in the South Atlantic. 325. Magnetic Storms. — The needles under observation are disturbed from time to time, and as these disturbances extend simultaneously over the globe, the influence to which they are due is presumably a very widely acting one. The relation of the magnetic storms to solar disturbances, indi- cated by changes in the form and position of the solar spots, has long been matter of observation; but their coincidence with auroral displays is better known. 326. Aurora Borealis. — At either pole a dark arch rises, Tvdiose plane is at right angles to that of the magnetic meridian. Above the dark arch the auroral light is de- veloped as a band of light from which long peaks are pro- jected to the zenith ; or else a succession of concentric bands of light, separated by dark arches, gives the appearance of vertical curtains, seen in perspective, even the changing folds of the drapery being to appearance recognisable. The horizon of the auroras, or the line along which they are most fre- quently seen, extends from New York through St Peters- burg, cities whose parallels of latitude are 15^ apart, though they are approximately in the same magnetic parallel. 327. Cause of Auroral Light. — Spectroscopic investiga- tions, conducted during the Scandinavian Polar Expedition, seem to indicate the presence in the atmosphere of iron and carbon in a fine state of division, and of snow as ocmtribut- in 2: to the character of the auroral liijlit. 328. Atmospheric Electricity. — Pure air offers little or no resistance to the ^^^ssage of electricity through it: in rarefied air the resistance is so diminished that it may be looked on as a conductor rather than as an insulator. Hence the intensity of electricity increases with height. The elec- tricity of the atmosjDhere is positive, 10,000 observations, extending over three years, showing 3*17 j^er cent, of negative indications. In fair weather, Thomson found negative indi- cations to precede a change from N.E. to a westerly wind, and explains it by the accumulation in the air, over any RELATION OF ELECTRICITY TO HEAT. 281 locality towards whicli winds blow from different points, of the earth's electricity, conducted off by trees, etc. The con- dition of air and earth are then temporarily reversed, and the same result might be expected to follow a whirlwind. 329. Diurnal and Annual Changes. — The intensity of the atmospheric electricity varies periodically, increasing from June to January and decreasing again to June. The daily chanfijes are more marked in winter than in summer. The following summary of his observations by Quetelet represents also the conclusions drawn from the extended observations at Kew: — 1. The electricity of the air, estimated always at the same height, undergoes a diurnal variation, which generally presents two maxima and two minima. 2. The maxima and minima vary according to the seasons of the year. 3. The first maximum occurs, in summer, before 8 a.m., in winter towards 10 a.m. ; the second maximum occurs, in summer, after 9 p.m., in winter towards 6 p.m. The inters^al of time which separates the two minima is therefore more than thirteen hours at the epoch of the summer solstice, and eight hoiirs only at the winter solstice. 4. The minimum of the day is towards 3 a.m. in summer, 1 a.m. in •\\dnter. 5. The mean electric state of the day is best represented about 11 a.m. 330. Relation of Electricity to Heat: Conductors. — Electricity is commonly spoken of as a polar force, as if it differed therein from other forces. But the conversion of heat into electricity, or, to speak more correctly, the change of that motion which appears as heat into that motion which appears as electricity, though unknown to us save by its results, is manifestly a change either in the transmissive power of the particles in a particular line, or an alteration in the line of transmission. The similar relation between electricity and magnetism, makes an illustration available from diamagiietism. Some bodies, held between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet, swing axially, others swing with their poles pointing towards those of the magnet. Among the diamagnetic substances, or those which placed themselves in the line connecting the poles of the magnet, is bismuth. Tyndall prepared a rod of bismuth powder, made firm by gum water, and found it possessed the property of the metal j but 282 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. ■wlieii tlie rod was laterally compressed it became magnetic, the molecular aggregation apparently controlling the dii^ection. Between heat and electricity there is a remarkable coincidence in properties, by which both are conducted equally by the same bodies : a good conductor of the one is a good conductor of the other. 331. Conditions Affecting the Amount of Electricity in the Air. — The passage of a current is retarded by heat, accelerated by cold: hence the seasonal differences already stated, as well as those consequent on rarefaction. The amount of electricity may be said to vary with the amount of mois- ture in the air ; but the movement of moist air develops no electricity by friction, unless the vapour has already assumed the vesicular form; in other words, has undergone some condensation. Probably the largest amount of electricity is due to chemical action ; evaporation of perfectly pure v/ater in still air develops none; but when compound solutions are evaporated, when, therefore, chemical combinations are formed or altered, electricity is generated. Hence combus- tion, as a particular case of chemical combination, is a soui^ce of electricity. Yf hen the evaporating compound is acid, and when combustion takes place, positive electricity is given off; when the solution is alkaline, negative electricity is given. And it is worthy of comparison with the effects of perfumes on radiation, that the relation is reversed by the presence of vapour of turpentine in the discharge pipe through which steam issues. As pure air is as little retentive of electricity as of heat, the accumulation of electricity in it can only be in proporticn to that of substances capable of retaining it, chiefly watei*. But mere moisture is not sufficient; the same quantity of water at different degrees of- temperature occupies different cubic space in the air, and the electric intensity is in jDropor- tion to the density; hence the contrast in winter and summer, in the heat of day and the cold of dewfall. 332. Thunderstorms. — The formation of every cloud is therefore the accumulation of electricity; but if the formation is slow, equilibrium is maintained by the escape of a portion. But if large masses of vapour are suddenly accumulated, and if these are in opposite electric states, a spark passes between THUNDERSTORMS. 283 them, and tliis is continued till equilibrium is established. The reaccumulatlon may be very rapid, as in summer even- ings, v.^hen the flashes continue for more than an hour from, at least apparently, the same cloud. Forked lightning is due to the breaking up of the flash by unequal conductivity of different atmospheric layers ; this very frequently occurs when the spark passes between cloud and earth, though it also occurs v/hen the spark passes from cloud to cloud. Sheet-lightning and silent lightning are probably the reflec- tion on the clouds of thunderstorms at variable distances, beyond or just within the limits at which the thunder or its echo may be heard. Thunderbolts or fuloriirites. the track of the flash through the soil, have been artificially produced with a lar2;e friction machine discharginGj into salt and sand, the vitreous tube thus formed exactly resembling those found in the desert. Whirlwinds and . waterspouts have already been mentioned, but they must be referred to hero as the gentler restoration of electrical equilibrium between the earth and the atmosphere, than that which takes pla,ce during a thunderstorm. The report heard after the flash is due to the sudden displacement of the air by expansion, and the consequent inrush to fill the space; its propagation is impeded by the resistance of the air, so that it does not travel so far as might be expected from its initial intensity. The number of seconds between the flash and the first sound of the thunder multiplied by 1090, the average velocity of sound through air, gives approximately the distance of the thunderstorm, in feet, from the observer. CHAPTER YIL CLIMATE AND WEATHER. Climate and Weather — Relation of Temperacure to Latitude — Equivalent Periods in both Hemispheres — Isothermal, Isotheral, Isocheimal Lines — Continental and Insular Climates — Influence of Currents ; East and West Shores — Climate of British Isles — Climate of Lake Regions — Influence of Marsh Land — Form of Ground — Decrease of Temperature in Altitude — Influence of Barometric Pressure — Surface Temperature of Land and Sea — Influence of Vegetation — Changes of Climate — Cycles of Climate — Influence of Eccentricity of Earth's Orbit — Influence of Obli- quity of Ecliptic — Coincidence of Extreme Eccentricity and Obliqiiity — Geological Evidence of Climatic Cycles — Influence of Geographical Changes — Weather — Deviations from Normal Tem- perature — Lunar Influence — Weather Prognostics. 333. Climate and Weather. — Climate was at first intended to express the annual temperature of a place, when tempera- ture and latitude were believed to correspond. Additions have been gradually made to this limited meaning, and now it has even been used''' to include food as one of the external conditions to which animals are subjected. This is, however, too extended a sense to give to a term for which at present no exact definition can be framed. Climate may be regarded as the general tendency of a district towards mild or severe, average or extreme, temperature, moisture, atmospheric pres- sure. Weather is the variation from time to time in resi:)ect of all or any of these conditions. A man's constitution is a popular phrase for his tendencies towards any particular kind of disease, and his capacity to endure changes : health means his daily departures from, or return to, this condition of equilibrium; for it is only in sanitary science that the health of a district means disease. 334. Relation of Temperature to Latitude. — The alter- * Juke's 3Ianual of Geology. Third Edition, p. 486. KELATIOy OF TEMPERATURE TO LATITUDE. 285 nate exposure of tlie nortlierii and soutliern liemispliere to the sun (Art, 2) destroys the j)arallelism to the equator of the zones of equal solar heat. As a consequence of the obli- quity of its axis, the earth at B, which represents the northern summer solstice, has the sun above the horizon of any place in the northern hemisphere for more than twelve hours ; and within tlie Arctic circle, that is, within 23° 27' 30", the sun never sets. As the temperature of a region is in proportion (omitting minor modifications) to its exposure to the sun's rays, the northern hemisphere receives, in this phase, as much more than the average as it receives less than the average in the opposite phase D, which shows the southern summer solstice. In the intervening jDositions A and C, the day and night are equal all over the earth; and at these times, spring and autumn respectively, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, the solar radiation on both liemispheres is equal. Climate, therefore, presents for every locality a seasonal maximum and minimum. If the hemispheres were identical as regards the distribution of land and water, solar and terrestrial radiation would balance each other ; but the northern, the land hemisphere, is more rapidly heated and cooled than the southern or water hemisphere. The summer and winter temperatures of the former are, therefore, extreme ; of the latter, nearer the mean. The following, which shows also that the whole earth receives more heat in one half of the year than in the other, is Dove's approximate estimate : — ■ N. Hemisphere. S. Hemisphere. WlioleEartb Temperature for July, 21 -0° C. (summer) 12° C. (winter) 16-7°C. „ Jan., 9-3°C. (winter) 15°2C. (summer) I2'3°C. ■2SQ IPHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 335. Equivalent Periods in Both Hemispheres. — The hottest month in the N. temperate region is July ; in the sub- tropical regions, May and July; near the equator, April and August; at the equator, March and September. While, therefore, the greatest warmth of the temperate regions, nortli and south, is separated by six months from the greatest cold, there are, nearer the equator, two warm seasons. As these two hot months correspond to the passage of the sun across the equator, it follows that the interval which separates them decreases towards the poles, till at last the summer of June indicates the time when the sun approaches to verti- cality in the northern temperate zone. From this diagram the student will recognise the seasonal correspondences, the italicised names in the inner circle giving the cold seasons at each quadrant. Summer Solstice. June. December. May. July, April, August. (Vernal (Autumnal March Eq.uinox June. . •) . Eq^uator. . . .December Efiuinox.) September February. October. Janua June. December. November. W INTER Solstice. 336. Isothermal, Isotheral, Isocheimal Lines.^ — Maps have been constructed on which the mean annual temperature of the earth is shown by a series of lines passing through the sj^ots which have the same temperatures. But these isother- mal lines only give a very general idea of climate. Thus, the mean of St. Louis is 12-2°C., of Algiers, 13-2°; but St. Louis has a summer temperature of 23 "S", a winter of 0*5°; v/hereas summer and winter in Algiers show 23-3° and 12*2°; it is this range of 23° in the one case, of 11° in the other, which characterises these two places. But St. Louis is 7'' farther north tban Algiers; Nev/ Orleans is 2° farther south; the tcmj^eratures at the latter place are: mean, 20*5*^0.; summer, 27*7*^; winter, 13*3^. The mean does not tell of INFLUENCE OF CURRENTS. 287 tlie range tlirougli 14°, nor does the clifierence of latitude account for the higher mean. Fully to realise all the conditions on which the climate of a region depends, would require the comparison of daily thermometric readings at many points. But the broad facts of the distribution of temperature may be gathered from isotheral and isocheimal maps on which the lines of equal temperature for summer and winter, respectively, are recorded, or are still more obvious from the quarterly charts,'* 337. Continental and Insular Climates. — The influence of sea is well seen by the comparison of localities iieai'ly on the same latitude. Thus : — Miiiimuiii. Maximum. Diff. jroan. (EioJaneho, 20°C. 26-l°C. CrC. 23'C. \ St. Helena, 14-4'' 17 7^ SS 16° (Mauritius, 23-8^ 27-7" S'O 25° i Honolulu, 22-7= 26 1° 4-1 244° {Mexico, 12-2° 18'3° 61 15" JBatavia, 25-5° 25-5° 25 5° J Lima, 21° 255° 45 235° ( St. Petersburg, .... -7-2° 16-1° 233 4-6° I Reykjavik, -1'8° 11-6° 13 5° i St. Louis, ■ 0-5° 23-8° 18 12° j Kizeljelgah, E. Turkestan, -17° +3-8° • 20-8 -7° Nain, ....... 88° -15° 238 -36°' Fort York, Hudson's Bay, 15-5° -20o° 36 -3° Sitka, 12-2° 12-2 61° Edinburgh, 14-4° 3-3° 11 '1 8-8° These examples will serve to illustrate the extreme range of places, even on the shores of continents as compared with islands, on the same latitudes. The insular as compared with tlie continental climate is characterised by moderation, in consequence of the different specific heat of land and water (Art. 75). The isothermal lines show the greatest variations of curvature over land surfaces, least over ocean areas. 338. Influence of Currents: East and West Shores.— But the Gulf Stream oives a remarkable northward convexitv of the curves, so that the summer temperatures at sea are considerably to the north of their proper latitudinal position, * Studenfs Adas of Physical Geography ^ Maps X. and XI. 288 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. fclie winter isotlierm of 5°C. reaching to 58^ N". lat. in the Atlantic, to 50° IST. hit. in the Pacific; on the other hand, it descends below 40° N. lat. on the American coast. The Arctic current thus indicates its course on the surface. Similarly, the summer line of 25° C. in the southern hemi- sphere is wavy, bending northwards with the prolongations of the Antarctic drift. The efiect on the land climate is not by radiation, but by the passage of heated air from sea to land. Hence the western shores of the N. Atlantic are colder than the eastern. The mean annual temj)eratures of the following places show this : — Halifax, - - 44° 39' N., G-2''C. Faroe Islands, 62° 2' N., 7-l°C. Boston, - - 42° 21' K, 9-6°C. Dublin, - 53° 21' N., 9-6°C. Falkland Islands, 52° S., 8-2°C. Port Famine, 53° 21' S., 5-3°C. The third line shows the temperature of corresponding southern latitudes. In the S. Atlantic the west shores are the warmer, Rio Janeiro having a mean annual of 23° C, Cape Town of 17-7°. But the warm air is accompanied to the land by moisture, and this, checking radiation (Art. 265), helps to maintain the temperature. 339. Climate of British Isles. — The summer and winter temperatures of the British Isles are instructive. Through- out the year the source of its higher temperature, the Gulf Stream, is indicated by the direction of the isothermal lines, which in winter are on the whole parallel to the trend of the coasts, in summer run from south of west to north of east. In winter, temperatures above 4°C. are found to south and west of a line from the Straits of Dover through the Isle of "Wight, by Bristol, to the Irish Sea. The centre of Ireland averages 3*8°C., but the line of 4° embraces a narrow margin of the island on the east side, and a very broad tract of the south and west. The west coast of Scotland has an average of 3-8°C., the rest of Great Britain is 2*7°. In summer the relations are reversed; the highest temperatures are still to the south-w^est, but they now occupy the interior of Britain, and the temperature of places to the east is higher than that of places to the west on the same parallel of latitude. Hence, while the difierence of summer and winter temperatures at Galway is 9°, in the valley of the Thames it is 15°. On a INFLUENCE OF BAEOMETRIC PRESSURE. 289 minor scale, therefore, the east part of the area approaches tlie continental character of climate. The difference between east and west would be greater, but that a portion of the cold water steals down as far as the west of Ireland. 340. Climate of Lake Regions. — In K America, the freezing of the lakes seems to exercise the same influence as if they were solid land. The isotherm of 0°C. (January), curves to the south of the lake area, as far as it does over the arid continent of Asia, whereas in summer it retreats within the Arctic circle. The specific heat of water tells therefore in summer; but in winter, ice gives the same results as an equal mass of land. A similar deflection of the 0"^ line is due to the Baltic Sea. 341. Influence of Marsh Land. — The depth of water in the lakes gives them a beneficial effect in summer, whereas the evaporation of the thin layer of water over the swampy grounds of Arctic America and Asia has the oj^posite effect, of keei^ing down the summer temperature, as did the ill- drained lands of Britain in former times. 342. Form of Ground. — A mountain range acts in two ways; it forces the air into greater altitudes, refrigeration being the consequence; and it condenses the moisture, thus drying the wind. If the rarefied air descends on the other side it reacquires a part, but only a part, of the heat it had on striking the hill range, having lost a portion by radiation. But it has also parted with moisture; it offers less impedi- ment to radiation, and hence the diurnal range of temperature is greater. Thus the Scandinavian chain separates two areas, of which the western shows a difference of 18° between the summer and winter temperatures, while on the east side the difference is 23''. 343. Decrease of Temperature in Altitude. — It has been already stated (Art. 269) that temperature diminishes with height, and that the diminution is less rapid, and less regular, away from mountains than in air which is in contact with earth. Solar radiation is more powerful at great heights, the air being drier, but terrestrial radiation makes up for this, and the nocturnal loss of heat powerfully aids the influence of rarefaction on the air in depressing the mean temperature. 344. Influence of Barometric Pressure. — It appears 23 T 290 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tliat tlie position of high barometric pressure strongly affects the temperature of particular regions. Buchan tabulates the barometric pressure over Europe''" for several seasons of unusual warmth and cold, showing that when the pressure in January 1867 gradually diminished from 30*262 inches in Iceland, to 29 '604 inches in Jersey, the cold was 3*5° below the average in Orkney, and 1-6 in Jersey, the mean temperature of Scotland being as much as 6-1° below the average of the month. Again, in November 1867, the pressure in Jersey was 30*278 inches, in Iceland 29*957 inches, a slight difference, yet the average tempera- ture was above that of the month by 5*5° at Paris, 3° at Orkney. Lastly, in December 1860, the barometric slope was from 30*7 inches in Siberia, to 29*7 over Britain; and the mean temperature of eastern Scotland was 15° C. below the average on Christmas day. The movement of the air was along the slopes indicated, and these examples abundantly strengthen Buchan's appeal for the regulation of weather telegrams, as a certain means of enabling the physician to take precautions against dangers to health, as great as* the dangers to shipping, to avert which storm warnings are issued. 345. Surface Temperatures of Land and Sea. — The depth to which daily variations of temperature are felt extends, for the sea, to 100 fathoms in the Indian Ocean, 50 fathoms in the N. Atlantic, the limit of constant temperature being 1700 and 1000 fathoms respectively (Art. 75). The curve of the snow line has already been stated (Art. 207). The limit of constant temperature of the soil is speedily reached. The soil can heat only by conduction downwards, and the impediments are such that the diurnal changes are probably nowhere perceptible beyond four feet. The evapora- tion from different soils has already been mentioned (Art. 174). The heat of the surface also depends on the character of the soil, sand attaining the highest temperature, 70° in S. Africa; but the Arabian and N". African mean is 33° to 35°0. The more compact the material, the greater may its con- ductivity be in general expected to be; hence the lower temperature of solid rock than sand. Clays, on ihe other * Handhooh, pp. 129 et seqq. CYCLES OF CLIMATE. 291 Iiancl^ are shielded by evaporation from the sun's direct rays. 346. Influence of Vegetation. — Plants protect the soil from being highly heated, radiation preventing the accumnla- tion of heat. On the other hand, the moisture which accom- panies vegetation helps to maintain a more equable, and therefore a higher mean temperature. The importance of forests has already been more than once alluded to (Art. 60), and it is only necessary here to point out that, as their evaporation increases the rainfall, and as the condensation of moisture liberates a certain qiiantity of heat which became latent on vaporization, the direct as well as the indirect influence of vegetation on tem- perature is considerable. 347. Changes of Climate. — The investigation of the changes on the earth's surface has prepared the student to understand the influences by which climate may be altered : a. Elevation or depression of a coast line may alter the du'ection of currents. h. The greater or less height of a mountain chain may stop or permit the passage of the v/inds from one basin into another; even the lowering of a pass is of importance, since migTatory birds, though high in air, are found to follow the Alpine passes in their southward flight. c. The deflection of a warm or cold current, as of the Gulf Stream or the Labrador current, would be productive of considerable change. d. The removal or the increase of vegetation. e. The draining of land. All these are sources of slow change, and their occurrence is irregular, as the movements on which chiefly they depend are not subject to any law, so far as is yet known. 348. Cycles of Climate. — But the facts mentioned in the first chapter regarding the earth's varying distance from the sun, and the phenomena of precesssion and nutation, corre- spond to variations in the amount of heat received from the sun by different parts of the earth's surface. And as these are periodically recurrent, though the intervals may be affected by the attraction of other planetary bodies, astrono- mical cycles correspond by their indirect influence to climatal 292 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. cycles. Changes of physical geography, modifications of the distribution of land and water, may increase or diminish the temperature of particular regions, but they are subordinate and uncertain influences compared with the astronomical. 349. Influence of Eccentricity of Earth's Orbit. — When the eccentricity of the earth's orbit is at the maximum, the earth in aphelion would be 8,641,876 miles more distant from the sun than now. The two hemispheres would have very diflerent temperatures if the winter solstice of one ha2:>pened in aphelion. The northern hemisphere would be reduced by 25*^ C, while the southern hemisphere, the winter of which occurred in perihelion, would enjoy a more equable climate. In consequence of the great reduction of temperature in the north, the thermal equator would be much to the south of its present position, the north-east trades, representing the return of the westerly currents arrested far to the south of their present limit, would have greatly increased force, and, crossing the earth's equator, would drive the warmer tropical waters to the south, so that the equatorial drift would not enter the Caribbean Sea. Now, as the temperature of Scot- land is 15-5* C. in excess of that proper to its latitude, the withdrawal of the Gulf Stream would lower the temperature by that amount; and as that current of warm water carries to the north 3234 times the heat which would be conveyed by a current of air of the same volume, the cessation of that influence, and its transfer, even in a modified form, to the Antarctic regions, would be of great impoi-tance. But the northern summer occurring in perihelion would be, at first sight, very warm. It must be remembered that the winter cold would cause precipitation to take the form of snow, and the summer heat would be largely spent in melting the winter's accumulation; but melting leads to evaporation, and the fogs thus resulting stop the heat rays from the sun, while the snow and ice reflect the heat rays, and, at the same time, cool the air by contact. A Avarm summer, therefore, ministers to the snow and ice of the pole. The transfer, under the influence of the strong N.E. trades, of warm water to the south pole, would tend to diminish the ice there, and ultimately to remove it. The loss of heat by radiation into space, whieh warm air at the equator sustains by ascending COINCIDENCE OF ECCENTRICITY AND OBLIQUITY. 293 into higher altitudes, must also be taken into account, since it diminishes the influence of a warm summer. The reversal of the winters, the occurrence of the northern winter in perihelion, would lead to a contrary condition of things; and the Gulf Stream would then have as much more heating power than it at present possesses in northern latitudes, as it had less in the case just stated. It follows from the relative power of warm water currents, as compared with warm air currents, that an equatorial ocean would have much greater power in moderating the severity of the polar climate. 350. Influence of Obliquity of Ecliptic. — The maximum obliquity of the ecliptic (Art. 1) would, according to Meech's calculations, increase the amount of heat received at the poles by Yg, that is, if the thermal days at the equator at present are 365*24, and at the pole 151 '59, these numbers would be, at the maximum obliquity, 363*51, and 160 '04 resjDectively, a diminution of 1*73 in the one case, an increase of 8*45 in the other; and this increase of ■—. would represent a rise in the mean annual temperature of the poles to the extent of from 7*5"^ to 8*5° C, if the polar region were free of ice and snow; but the increase of temperature would, in reality, be spent in melting part of that ice and snow, the air not rising above 0°C. The conjunction of extreme eccentricity and obliquity with Avinter in aphelion would be to moderate the severity of the climate of that hemisphere whose winter occurred in aphelion, and to diminish the ice at the opposite pole. But the conjunction of maximum eccentricity and minimum obliquity would tend to increase the cold of the aphelial winter, and to diminish the warmth of that in perihelion. 351. Coincidence of Extreme Eccentricity and Obliquity. — The coincidence at remote periods, say 11,700 years ago, is not determinable with certainty, nor is the rate of preces- sion uniform vso far as is known. Mr. Croll gives 11,700, 33,300, and 61,300 years as periods when the winter solstice of the northern hemisphere was in aphelion, the intervals being 21,600 and 28,000 years respectively, and to this extent, therefore, the statement in Art. 6 must be modified. The further back calculations are carried, the less certain 29^ ' PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. become tlie periods at wliich phenomena are believed to have occurred, the greater the chance of perturbations having interfered with the reguhtrity of the movements. All that it is proposed in these paragra2)hs to indicate is that, in obedience to laws, the details of whose operations are not known with certainty, the position of the earth relatively to the sun has changed, and the temperature of the north and south hemispheres has varied in correspondence with this change, 362. Geological Evidence of Climatal Cycles. — Within the Arctic circle the remains of plants and animals proper to regions now greatly warmer have been found, and, beyond the limits of existing species, carboniferous fossils prove resemblance, even identity, of forms in polar and temperate regions. The foregoing paragraphs suggest that these facts are ex^Dlicable by reference to astronomical movements, whose date we cannot, however, even approximately determine. The presence of the elk, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, in Europe, is among the most recent palseontological evidence of change of climatal conditions ; while the boulder clay and striated rock surfaces bear testimony to a recent period of great cold in regions where formerly permian, old red, and Cambrian glaciers probably existed. The student will find the full discussion of this most interesting problem in Mr. Croll's papers in tlie Reader and Fliilosophical Magazine since 1864, and in Sir Charles Ly ell's Frinciiiles, vol. i. 353. Influence of Geographical Changes. — The position of the great masses of land at the poles, or at the equator, is an important element in the change of climate. Equatorial land would part more rapidly with heat into the air, and radiation keeps the upper strata of the atmosphere cool, in conjunction with rarefaction. It would also diminish the area of warm water at the equator, and stop its movement toward the poles. An equatorial ocean and polar land is a hjrpothetical case, the conditions of which it is not easy to determine; but, supposing that the preponderance of land lay at the poles, and that in equatorial and temperate regions there were still land masses (and there is no reason for believing that land has ever ceased to exist in those regions), the arrangements would be presented by which atmospheric Weather prognostics. 295 ^nd oceanic circulation would take place as at present, though the details might not be identical. 354. Weather. — The student will have seen that much of what has been said regarding temperature might be con- sidered as affecting weather, not climate, and will therefore be prepared to recognise climate as the mean of the weather, thus making both terms the symbols of different quantities of the same thing. 355. Deviations from Normal Temperature. — There is seldom a regular gradation of temperature from the hottest to the coldest months, or the converse. The departures from a regular movement are either storms, or periods of heat and cold in excess of that proper to the season. Some of these deviations recur with great regiilarity, and are due to varia- tions in barometric pressure, such as have been already men- tioned, and which are probably determined by equatorial disturbances of greater or less area. The deviations observed in Scotland, and some of them are also European, are as follows :* — Cold, 7-10 Feb. , 11-14 Apr. , 9-14 May, 29tb Jn.-Uh .Ty. , C-11 Aug. , C-12 Nov. Waru), 12-15 July, 12-15 Aug., 3-9 Dec. 356. Lunar Influence. — Popular tradition assigns great power to the moon, and the lower temperatui-e^ after full moon, has been ascribed to lunar heat dispersing clouds and increasing terrestrial radiation. What the lunar heat may be which is arrested in the atmosphere we cannot tell, but Zengerf has shown, from a large number of observations, that changes in the moon's distance are really followed by differences of temperature. The preponderance of S. and W. winds in the first, and of N. and E. winds in the last half of the moon's revolution, is an isolated observation as yet; but it is worthy of inquiry whether there are not in truth atmo- spheric tides as there are of the ocean, movements not identical in kind nor coincident in time with those of the sea, but to which some peculiarities in the distribution of barometric pressure may be traced. 357. Weather Prognostics. — These belong to the province of practical meteorology, at present an empirical branch of * Buchan. t Philosojphkal MafjazinCf 1868. 296 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. science, and likely to remain so till long time or increased points of observation shall yield the data on which more certain principles shall be established. At present the care- ful application of physical laws to data, comparatively scanty, has led to conclusions, the general accuracy of which is popularly discredited by the dishonest use which ignorance and prejudice make of the failures. CHAPTEE VIII. Hypogene, or Subterranean Changes — Intensity of Forces — Volcanoes — Structure of the Cone — Ashes in Sedimentary Deposits — Trans- port of Ashes : their Size and Composition — Texture and Com- position of Lava — Quantity of Lava poured out — Alteration of Cone and Crater : Course of Lava below Ground— Dormant and Extinct Volcanoes — Distribution of Volcanoes — Latitudinal Vol- canic Chains — Earthquakes — Eartlnvave Twofold — Form of Earthwave — Modification of the Wave Shells — Earthquake Wave at Sea — Tests of Direction of Movement — Change of Surface — Phenomena accompanying Earthquakes — Area of Disturbance — Distribution of Earthquakes — Causes of Volcanoes and Earth- quakes — Hypothesis of connection between Sea and Volcanic Centres — Vapour and Thermal Springs — Intermission of Geysers — Periodicity of Earthquakes and Volcanoes — Secular Move- ments of the Earth's Crust. 358. Hypogene, or Subterranean Changes. — Yolcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and upward and downward move- ments of the earth's crust, may occur apart or in conjunction, or may succeed each other so as to suggest that their develop- ment is alternative. Their association thus renders them a natural group for systematic description, if it does not necessarily indicate their common origin. But the operations to which the metamorphism of rock masses is due, whether they have 'been chemically or mechanically altered, or have undergone both changes simultaneously or in succession, are for the most part wdthout equivalent in degree at the surface of the earth, though they may have representatives in kind. In the present imperfection of our knowledge regarding the chemistry of metamorphism, it is safest to keep that sulycct apart from those previously mentioned, and to disregard to some extent the probability of the common origin of all these phenomena. 359. Intensity of Forces. — From the necessarily slow changes in a rock undergoing alteration — through the oscilla- 298 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tions of level which are so gradual that even a minute change is only detected by comparing the records of generations — to the earth(^uake which ruins a region, and may have its horrors intensified by simultaneous volcanic eruption, there is a scale of intensity v/hich, if estimated by work done in equal times, is in the order of enumeration; but, if tested by the total of work done, the volcano is dwarfed by the side of the slow elevation. The volcanic outburst, it must be remembered, is only the last in a long series of events : it represents the slight excess of force in some direction v/hich overthrows, the balance and sets in motion operations which tend to restore equilibrium. Violent as the eruption may be, it is only a symptom; it cannot be regarded as more than a very subordinate event, and in speculating on the progressive diminution of volcanic energy, it is not the outburst but the force of which it is the expression, that must engage our attention. Now, the occur- rence from time to time of violent events is a part of the doctrine of uniformity, which means identity in kind, but not necessarily in degree, of the processes which have gone on at all times of the earth's history. The degree may have varied, so that the intensity is greater now, or was greater in the ]3ast than now. The amoimt of energy in the earth is undergoing diminution, but at what rate we cannot tell : if we assume that volcanic activity depends on a store of materials, or of force which has not been renewed, the dimi- nution in amount of volcanic activity is a necessary conse- quence of the tendency to equilibrium manifested by all chemical change. But geology gives no reason for believing that there has been less activity in recent times, and furnishes evidence that defective observation has exaggerated the intensity of the past, by massing together events which were really far apart. On the other hand the conflict of opinion among competent chemists and physicists, as to the conditions of volcanic activity, proves that speculations are far from resting on a sufficiently wide induction of facts, and that even the chemical elements of the jDroblem are undetermined. 360. Volcanoes. — In such long mountain chains as those of America and Central Asia, numerous volcanic peaks occur which were not the cause of the mount?vin elevation, and STRUCTURE OP THE CONE. 299 may have been developed at any period before or since the elevation. The most obvious phenomena connected Avith volcanic outbursts are the events which take place at and near the seat of eruption. The majority of the orifices by which material escapes from the interior of the earth's crust open on the summit of elevations of greater or less height. Usually the crater of the volcano, as this aperture is de- nominated, opens on the top of a conical hill, more or less abruptly truncated, and for the most j)art having one side higher than the other, the smooth outlines of the cone con- trasting with those generally presented by ordinary denuded hills. The crater gives exit to lava, ashes, steam, sulphurous vapours, nitrogen, hydrogen, and hydrochloric acid. Several of these are present in all eruptions, but in very various quantities. The lava may be the principal material; in others no lava flows out, only ashes are driven forth, or hot water, sulphurous vapours, or other gaseous emanations may escape alone. Lava pours out of the orifices of the crater, or, as very frequently hapj)ens, through apertures upon the side of the cone ; it flows out in a stream or coulee, which may not descend below the cone, or may travel do■s^^l to the plain, and even — if the quantity of lava is large — pass for miles over the adjacent country. The slope, at first high, as much as 30*^, gradually becomes less as the stream approaches the low grounds, until it finally terminates, usually with a more or less vertical face. This description aj^plies to the typical volcano, consisting of a cone, through which passes a single supply pipe. But such a simple case is of comparatively rare occurrence, the volcano, for the most part, presenting a complicated structure, due to the presence of several orifices more or less distinct from each other. 361. Structure of the Cone. — The cone, as has been said, terminates the truncated extremity, and its orifice leads into a funnel-shaped cavity, the materials on the sides of which slope downwards towards the orifice of the supply pipe. The gi-eater height of one side is due to the manner in which a cone is formed; for the volcano is not a mountain of elevation, it is in reality a mass which grows at the sum- mit. Volcanic ashes, that is to say, the molten matter which is blown into a coarser or finer powder by the force of 300 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. the explosions, are thrown npAvards, and descending for the most part round the orifices, gradually pile up a hill which has the same typical form as the heap of sand in the hour- glass. If the prevalent winds have any strength, the high side of the volcano will be to the leeward, and by repeated eruptions the height of the mass may go on steadily increas- ing. Its incoherent materials are liable to be suddenly re- moved, as has happened in Java, where the cone has suffered a diminution of 4000 feet after the close of a series of erup- tions. If a long period of quiescence follows, the cone becomes affected by atmospheric waste ', its height is slowly reduced, and ravines are furrowed out of its sides, so that, as Junghuhn said of the Javan cones, they look like umbrellas, the ridges representing ribs. 362. Ashes in Sedimentary Deposits. — The ashes, how- ever, do not always fall in the immediate vicinity of the crater; they may be transported to a considerable distance. If they fall into the sea, they become incorporated with the sedimentary deposits there going on, which thus present transitions from the purely volcanic to the purely sedimen- tary formations (diagram, p. 25). Again, steam is the almost constant accompaniment of eruptions, and, becoming con- densed immediately after its ejection, is precipitated upon the surface of the volcano, carrying with it the finer ashes, and, flowing down towards the lower grounds in a stream of mud, is perhaps as destructive as a stream of molten lava. These floods, known as moya in South America, form deposits which, if preserved by subsequent lava flows, ofier a close resem- blance to subaqueous accumulations. 363. Transport of Ashes. — But the force of the eruption may carry the ashes into the air for a considerable distance, so that they may actually pass into the upper stratum, and be carried by the steady westerly winds. Thus, in 1815, the ashes of Sumbawa were carried to Amboyna, a distance of 800 miles to the north-east; the ashes of Coseguina were carried to Kingston in Jamaica, a distance of 700 miles, in four days; while the ashes of Hecla reached the Shetland Islands, transported, however, in this case, by a lower cun-ent, to the S.E. The quantity of this kind of material is various. What it may be, however, is suggested by the fact that eight COMPOSITION OF LAVAS. 301 leagues to tlie south of Coseguina tlie aslies formed a layer of three feet in thickness; and ashes formed the chief part of the material which buried Pompeii and Herculaneum. 364. Size and Composition of Ashes. — The size of the ejected material varies very much : blocks as large as an ox have been thrown out, and, falling upon sedimentary strata in course of formation, have sunk into them. The soft layers are carried downwards by the weight; new layers, as they are laid down, arch over the block, and thus a record is preserved of the periods at which eruptions may have occurred. The quality of the aslies varies with that of the lava in the same eruption ; being, therefore, siliceous or basic, as will be imme- diately explained 365. Texture of Lava. — The lava poured out varies in character, being in some cases more tenacious than in others: thus. Von Buch describes the lava of 1805 as shooting down the cone of Vesuvius, the velocity being probably several hundred feet in a few seconds; but, for the most part, it is somewhat more viscid. Whether it overflows the lip of the crater, or passes out by lateral orifices on the cone, it parts with its heat rapidly from the suil'ace, and thus becomes coated with a dense layer, which graduallv retards its speed. The vertical section of a lava flow shows that the central portion of the mass is more compact, while the upper and lower surfaces form a layer of scorise of greater or less thick- ness, the included gases expanding as they approach the sur- face, and escaping with more or less violence at the upper surface, so as to give the coulee that ragged aspect Avliich is preserved in some of the Auvergne outflows as freshly as if they had been of yesterday. Rock being a bad conductor, the formation of this hardened outer layer diminishes the speed of radiation, and thus the heat of the central mass may be retained for a considerable time; thus the lava of Jorullo retained sufiicient heat after eight years to light a cigar a few inches below the surface. It is this incrusting of the mass with a solid covering w^iich gives to the termination of the coulee its usually abrupt form. 366. Composition of Lavas. — Lavas are trachytic, or doleritic; contain, that is to say, a larger amount of silica on the one hand, and of tho hcayier basic ingi'edients on 302 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tlie other. Tlie mean composition of the two types is given below : — Trachj'tes. Dolerites Silica, ■^ . , 66-5 51-0 Alumina, 17 140 Potash, 50 0-2 Soda, 4-0 3-4 Lime, 1-4 100 Magnesia, ri 5-5 Oxides of Iron and Manganese, 8 14-7 Loss by ignition, . ... 10 11 But though these varieties frequently occur separately, they are also met v/ith in combination as a product of the same volcano, being either discharged by distinct orifices, or at the same orifices at different periods, giving rise to alternate layers of the two species. As their specific gravity is different, that of trachyte being, on the average, 2-6, while the dolerites are nearly 3, it has been suggested that they represent different layers of molten material in the interior. But the fact of their indiscriminate occurrence makes it more probable that the difference is due rather to the mode of segregation from a common mass than to any original differences in the source of supply. Similarly, in one and the same coulee varieties in the proportions of the ingredients may be found, due to the greater or less distinctness of the crystallization, or, in other words, to the greater or less pressure to which the mass has been subjected; and the differences must bo borne in mind, as they help to explain the unequal modifica- tion which lava flows have undergone. The scoriae resemble the slag of a glass furnace, and they may present the appear- ance kno\vn as ropy, if, by the onward movement of the lava, they become twisted and carried forward in curved lines, which recall the curves across the surface of a river or of a glacier. By the onward movement the gas bubbles, striving to reach the surface, may be protracted so as to present, not spherical, but lenticular, cavities, or even elongated lines, a character of use in the more ancient lavas or trap rocks, as enabling us to recognise the direction in which the stream has moved. 367. Quantity of Lava at one Eruption. — The total quantity of lava emitted at one eruption is very various ; COURSE OF LAVA BELOW GROUND. 303 the coulee may never pass beyond the cone, or it may, like that of SkajDtar Jokul, Iceland, in 1783, extend over forty- five miles, with a varying breadth of seven to fifteen miles, and a depth of one to six hundred feet, a mass which, as Lyell calculates, would stretch from Hampstead to Gloucester. The quantities poured out in the older formation often cover an enormous area, and to a great thickness. But it is im- possible to recognise the portions belonging to indivdual outflows, and the position of the crater is equally beyond our knowledge. 368. Alteration of Cone and Crater. — It has been' men- tioned that a crater is an incoherent mass consisting w^holly of ashes, or of lava and ashes interstratified. Such a struc- ture is not likely to be permanent, and it is only very rarely that we find any trace of the actual crater of volcanoes which have, since their formation, been exposed to marine denuda- tion. Etna ofiers a grand example of this : the Val del Bove is excavated by atmospheric waste to a depth of 3000 feet, entirely out of the softer materials of many outpourings. The summit of Arthur Seat, at Edinburgh, is a fragment of a tertiary cone, part of the ashes being still preserved in place as they lay round the orifice, which is now filled by a plug of basalt. 369. Course of Lava below Ground. — The ancient trap rocks give us information as to what may be called the ana- tomy of the volcano. The diagram (Art. 27) sums up that anatomy, and shows that between the contemporaneous ?-nd the so-called intrusive masses there is no distinction save that of position, a,nd of such textural characters as result from greater or less pressure, or speed of cooling. Every volcano breaks through sedimentary strata; and whether the direction of outburst is determined by the eftbrt of the lava to reach the surface, or the lava takes advantage of fissures already created (and both things may have concuried), it is certain that in its upward progress, more especially if movement be retarded at the surface by any cause, the force from behind will compel the molten matter to escape in any direction, wherever a line of Aveakness exists. It would, therefore, tend first to pass between the planes of stratification. The direction of the lava would be altered, 304 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. further, by joints or fissures across tlie strata, and, if it actu- ally reached the sui'face, its place of escape would be regarded as another lateral orifice. It is this mechanical tendency to take advantage of weak points which originates the many dykes that traverse the cones of most volcanoes. Denudation makes the position of dykes obvious by wearing away the sedimentary strata; but the trap itself is sometimes wasted so as to leave a parallel-sided gap: the projection in the former case, the gap in the latter, correspond to the Scottish and Cumbrian sense of the word dyke, respectively. 370. Dormant and Extinct Volcanoes. — We do not know if any volcano, now quiescent, is extinct in the sense of final cessation of possible activity. Probably there is no such extinction any more than there is reason to believe that a volcano cannot break out at a spot where such an event never happened before. A volcano may be quiescent for centuries, and its dormant state may end in a very violent and long-continned period of activity. We cannot even regard as proof of extinction an interval of, it may be, many thousand years, since, for aught we know, the j)i'Ocesses which termi- nate in an outburst may be going on beneath, but do not make themselves manifest, either because the operations are slow, or because their tension is relieved in other directions. Thus the interval between the carboniferous and the tertiary eruptions in Scotland was probably greater than that between the tertiary and the present time. 371. Distribution of Volcanoes. — The distribution of volcanoes over the surface of the earth at the present time presents a certain kind of system, and lines may be traced as mountain chains have been traced, though in the one and in the other case we cannot regard these lines as evidences of simultaneous action at all points. We ought properly to look upon them as a series of successive actions, which, occur- ring at different periods, have maintained the same general direction. The American continent furnishes the most con- tinuous line. The continuity, taken in conjunction with the alternating activity of different points, suggests that they are situated over a single longitudinal fissure. Commencing at the south we have those of Fuego, the highest of which is 7000 feet; and the Patagonian volcanoes; situated about DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOES. 305 5i° south latitude. In the Andes the chain extends from 43*^ to 30° lat. S., and numbers more than thirty peaks, Aconcagua being the highest; those of Bolivia, seven or eight in number, from 21^ to 15*^ ; the Quito district, from 2^ lat. S. to 3^ lat. IST., includes about twenty peaks, nearly all above 14,000 feet of elevation. About 9^ lat. N". the volcanoes of Central America, Mexico, and Western America commence ; nearly sixty are known, and several are recorded whose history is, however, im^^erfectly known. The series terminates in Mount St. Elias, whose height is about 18,000 feet. The great Mexican volcano, JoruUo, is 123 miles from the nearest ocean, but the rest present the usual relation of most active volcanoes, namely, close proximity to the coast line. The West Indian Islands are connected with this great north and south line by a line passing from Quito through Granada. The West Indian Islands form two parallel chains; in the western there are ten volcanoes, while the eastern consists chiefly of calcareous rock. The American line is connected with the Asiatic by a chain stretching through the Aleutian Islands, of which more than twenty are volcanic, to Kamtschatka, which contains about twenty volcanoes. Southwards, the Kurile Islands, twelve of which are volcanoes, and the Japanese group, with twent}'- five, form a fringe on the west shores of Asia. In the Philippine Islands, with about twenty volcanoes, the chain is traversed by a very numerous series, passing from the Indian Ocean eastwards to New Guinea, through Sumatra and Java, each of which contains about fifty active or dor- mant volcanoes. The line curves away to the south-east of New Zealand, and nearly comi)letes a ring round the Pacific. Though the general direction of the line thus traced is tole- rably continuous, it is probable that detailed enquiry will prove the existence of several distinct axes belonging to diffe- rent periods of activity ; but it is interesting to note that the two opposite shores of the Pacific manifest exactly the same kind of distribution of the volcanic chain. Another line has been traced from the borders of China westwards into Asia Minor, and thence by the Mediterranean to the Cape Yerde Islands ; but the interruptions of this line pre- vent us from regarding it as a common axis. It is certain 23 u 306 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tliat Spain and the north-west of Africa form a single vol- canic region, while the north-eastern corner of Africa, with Arabia, is singularly free from, all record even of former activity. Isolated volcp.noes occur which cannot be asso- ciated with any of the recognised lines ; thus, in the North Atlantic, Jan Mayen and Iceland are separate centres, though they may possibly be connected. Passing southwards, the Azores, the Cape Yerde Islands, the submarine eruptions at the equator. Ascension Island and Tristan d'Acunha, form for the most part perfectly isolated volcanoes, though two of them, the Azores and the Cape Yerde group, have been held to belong to the Mediterranean axis. St Paul's Island and the Mauritius group are likewise isolated, and other volcanoes have been recorded still farther to the south, whose relations, however, are absolutely unknown. The diagram on p. 66 is intended to show the deviation of the axial lines among the islands of the Pacific. The remarkable way in which they contrast with the lines of existing continents is of great in- terest in connection with the hypothesis that the Pacific and part of the Indian Ocean were, since the appearance of man on the earth, the seat of a continent, that it had been so for long ages previously, and that Australia, JSTew. Zealand, Tas- mania, are the last fragments of this changing land surface (Art. 38). 372. Latitudinal Volcanic Chains. — The volcanoes hitherto sj)oken of are either on the margins of continents, in chains of islands, or isola^ted in ocean. But the mountain lines across Asia are to some extent associated with volcanic phenomena, mud and vapour vents occurring at intervals across the continent. But these are most numerous in the western area, near the Ponto-Caspian area, and no active volcano exists in the interior, far a,v/ay from a water area. The subjoined diagram shows the relations of the leading mountain chains to the lines of volcanic activity, enmnerated in last paragraph. 373. Earthquakes. — An earthquake is a vibration of the earth's crust, a disturbance whose effects are immediately appreciable, which is therefore connected vv^ith violence. The movement of the surface of Yesuvius before an eruption is only detected by Palmieri's delicate instruments, but it fore- MOUNTAIN AXES, 507 MouirrAiN Axes of Europeo-Asiatic Continent. coo c p a <^ vv' o>*- .s^^^ W. Tj-rcnees. CaiitaLrian Mts. Sien'a Nevada. Central A]^.^. Balkan. Germanic Mts. %, % E, ^/ \ v> ■^4: % "% % Caucasus. Aimeniau Mts, Taurus. Antjtaurug, Ilindo Kush. Altai. Kuon Lun. Thian Shan. Aldau Mts. Neilgherries. •'■/■a < '\ <5> V V" 5s^' Mountain Axes of America. / Guiani^. Trinidatl 308 PHYSICAIi CEOClRArilY. tells and passes into tLat violent action amid wliich even tliunder is unheard. -■r- " 374. Earthquake Wave Two-fold. — A shock of some kind is communicated to a mass of the earth's crust; it gives rise to two distinct movements: 1. The shock displaces the particles relatively to each other, at the point of impact, and this displacement tends to travel in a straight line. 2. From the point of shock a wave of elastic compression travels for- wards at right angles to the line of shock. The latter travels more rapidly than the former. In the Calabrian earthquake, Mr. Mallet found that the rates were 789 : 13 in feet per second. Keverting to the definition of a wave given in Art. 38, the student will see that the transmission of the wave- form,, each particle returning to its place, must be more rapid than the propagation of motion in which each particle displaces that which precedes it. Standing on the shore on a calm day when steamers are passing at various distances, it "will be seen that each steamer causes two sets of waves to break, the one later than the other, by an interval which is directly as the distance of the steamer. The first waves are those of elastic compression, which are converted into move- ments of translation against the shore; the second, more powerful, are the waves of displacement. 375. Form of Earth Wave. — An upward blow on the earth's crust tends to travel vertically uj^wards, and this, the seismic vertical, produces at the surface a vertical displace- ment upwards and downwards; but from the point of shock other waves reach the surface at angles which gradually increase with distance, the tendency to horizontality of the consequent movement likewise increasing. Thus, if C is at the surface of the ground, the line A B C is the seismic 4 3 210 1234 B A vertical. If B is the point of impulse, lines Bl, B2, B3, represent the increasing angles of emergence; the intensity of the shock is inverse to the angle, and the tendency to horizontality increases till the line of shock is at right angles to the vertical. If the disturbed medium were homogeneous, the points 11, 2 2, 3 3, which are the coseismic points^ EARTHQUAKE WAVE AT SEA. SOD would be in the circumference of circles; and tlie angle of emergence would be equal all round the seismic verti- cal as a centre. The waves would thus form conical shells. The deeper the point of shock, as at A, the acuter the angle of emergence, Al, A2, etc., to start with, and the wider the area over which the concentric shells would extend. It is obvious that, though the sensations of an observer suggest that the ground undulates from the point C out- wards, the undulation is in reality made up of a series of movements at many consecutive points of the surface, and each of these starts independently from A or B. If, there- fore, the direction of movement at 1, 2, 3, could be ascer- tained, the depth of the point of shock might be calculated. This is the substance of Mr. Mallet's teaching, and the perusal of his reports to the British Association will repay the student who desires to follow the application of mechanical principles to natural phenomena. 376. Modifications of the Wave Shells. — But the medium is not homogenous : it consists of layers of different texture, density, and thickness; and as the earth wave, like other waves, is due to reflection and refraction, the figure which the coseismal points would describe on the surface must vary. In the foregoing diagram, the lines lAl, 2A2, repre- sent inverted cones, with a circular base on the surface of the ground, but by such inequalities of movement as have been suggested, the circle may become an ellipse, or some still more irregular figure. A fault line in sedimentary strata has its dii'ection altered in passing through layers of difierent density, as the ray of light is deflected in passing from air to water; and the earth wave undergoes the same change of direction, so that the area at the surface, bounded by any set of coseismal points, may be smaller or larger than it should be were the angle of emergence, proper to the distance of these points from the vertical, at its normal value. 377. Earthquake Wave at Sea. — Though these move- ments at sea are not registrable like those on land, it is obvious that, after the earth wave is commmiicated to the water, its behaviour mil be more regular in the homogeneous fluid, and the movements already produced will travel with 310 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. less unequal speed. The wave of translation thrown on the land, always a powerful agent of destruction, depends for its power on one or two conditions. Thus the horizontal tendency increases from the seismic vertical to a certain point, whose distance depends on the depth below ground of the shock, diminishing thereafter. If it strikes on a shelv- ing shore, it gathers strength as it advances, in the same way as the tidal wave under similar circumstances. 378. Tests of the Direction of Movement. — As the plane of the wave tends to coincide with that of the earth's surface, its effect on buildings varies. The less the angle of emergence, the greater is the intensity, and the more of the vertical height of a pillar or building which shares in the horizontal movement. Hence, near the vertical, a pillar of sik feet high will be thrown forwards j at a greater distance the base will be shifted forwards, but the inertia of the upper part will make it fall behind, as a man falls when a carriage suddenly moves. A wall running in tlie dii-ection of the wave is fissured at right angles to its plane, so that if the wall and the wave are, say, in a plane from E. to W., the fissure will be oblique from above downwards, from W. to E. The twisting of spires seems due to the reflection of the wave, and to be the joint product of the first and second movements already mentioned. Fissures of the ground take place in very irregular fashion, either at right angles to the line of shock, or radial, as if vorticose movements had occurred. 379. Changes of Surface. — These fissures may be tempo- raiy or permanent; in the latter case they sometimes become the seat of mud or other springs. The permanent elevation of coast lines, as Chili and north Australia, and the conver- sion of valleys into closed basins, as has probably occurred in the Andes, are interestincj as connecting these sudden violent disturbances with the more gentle movements of elevation and subsidence. Equally interesting is the formation of lakes, as in the Sunken Country of the Missouri in 1812. 380. Phenomena Accompanying Earthquakes. — The phenomena accompanying earthquakes are, as Mr. Mallet sums them up — 1, The gi-eat earthquake wave; 2, the wave which is formed by the vertical displacement of the ocean CAUSES OF VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. 311 floor, and the consequent overflow, in all dii'ection«, of the water thus elevated; 3, the wave of sound through the earth, which may or may not precede that of the shock; 4^ the wave of sound transmitted through the air or sea; 5^ the grea.t wave of translation which represents, in the sea, the displacement eflected by the emergent movements of land. 381. Area of Disturbance. — The area over which earth- quake movements are felt is often considerable; but an uncer- tainty prevails when very gi-eat distances are alleged to be included imder one movement, more especially when sea intervenes between the different points affected ; for we cannot be sure that there have not been intermediate points of disturbance which have escaped observation, while their results seem to carry forward the one recorded event. 382. Distribution of Earthquakes. — The earthquake areas on the surface of the globe correspond generally to the vol- canic districts; and it is noteworthy that, for example in the case of the Mediterranean, disturbances extend upon either side of the long axis which passes through that region, the phenomena showing, at least northwards, where they have been best observed, gradual diminution of intensity. Beyond the Alps tremors are experienced even as far as the British Islands; and the considerable disturbance which co- incided with the great earthquake of Lisbon in 1755, was looked upon as proof of the extent to which that shock reached. It is possible, however, that the tremor in Scot- land was a simultaneous — one might call it a sympathetic — disturbance, due to alterations in the subterranean cavities consequent upon the great change to the south. The process, Avhatever it was, which overthrew Lisbon, probably disturbed the relations of the fluid cavities which, as has been already stated, are believed by Sir William Thomson to exist. 383. Causes of Volcanoes and Earthquakes. — The belief in the common origin of earthquakes and volcanoes rests upon the very frequent coincidence of earthquake movements with volcanic outbursts ; and probably no great developments of the latter ever take place without very important develop- ments of the former. In the Mediterranean area a remarkable alternation has been observed between the volcanic eruptions of the Archipelago and the earthquakes of Syria; and the 312 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. same relation is believed to exist between Ischia and Vesu- vius. These alternations are similar to those whereby the volcanoes of the great American chain have their maximum intensities at different periods, and it is possible to explain the phenomena by reference to the existence of subterranean lava lakes. 384. Hypothesis of Connection hetween Sea and Vol- canic Centres.— It has been already more than once remarked that the majority of volcanoes are in the vicinity of the ocean, Jorullo, in Mexico, being but an apparent exception, since it seems to be a member of a chain, the great part of which is certainly close to the shore. The volcanoes in the Caucasus are distant indeed from the ocean, but close to the borders of the Caspian Sea. The constancy of this rela- tion has suggested the probability of water being the principal agent by which volcanic activity is called into operation. The passage of water downwards into the volcanic foci, seems to have the effect of calling into fresh activity those chemical changes by which heat is evolved, and, as a consequence, the expansive power of vapours is increased, and even the solids themselves come to occupy a larger cubic space. Common salt has been obtained from the fumes of Vesuvius — is even thickly de^Dosited with other chlorides after eruptions. Hydrogen is known to escape from volcanoes, although its flame is not readily detected amidst the more powerful light of red-hot cinders. In its discharge and conversion into water Avhen burnt in the open air, we find one explanation at least of the steam which constantly occurs in eruptions. The absence of magnesia, which seems a difficulty in the way of this theory, is exj)licable by the circumstance that the chloride of magnesium is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and magnesia, the latter coming to form a very important constituent of lava (Art. 366). That materials from the the surface have been introduced is well known from the fact that Vesuvius has ejected, from time to time, infusorial cases amongst the ash, these animal remains having obviously reached the interior by fissures of some sort. It is not quite so easy to imderstand the source of the nitrogen which is obtained from the craters of active volcanoes, and is observed in the waters of thermal springs. Perhaps tho VAPOUH AND THERMAL SPRINGS. Si 3 only plausible explanation of its occurrence is that, as the columns of molten matter and of heated water surge upwards and do^vnwards in the supply pipe, the vacuum created by their sudden retirement becomes filled with air, which ulti- mately reaches the interior. It is not altogether out of place to recall the suggestion put forward by Sir Charles Lyell, that the loss of heat which the earth is kno^vn to sustain may be replaced in some measure by electro-magnetic force from the sun. It is defended by him on the ground that, although it may appear like an attempt to establish perpetual motion, our knowledge does not yet permit us to be content with an epigrammatic condemnation of the sugges- tion, since farther knowledge might prove the possibility of the hypothesis, just as observation has established the unex- pected fact that the radiation of heat is retarded by atmo- spheric moisture. It must of course be remembered that the tendency of all chemical change is towards equilibrium, and that equilibrium must ultimately be arrived at, further change being thereafter impossible without the introduction of fresh material, or the disruptive action of some force different in its manifestations from that of ordinary chemical combination. The only question of any irnportance is as to the rate at which we are tending towards equilibrium, as to the rate therefore at which it is probable physical and organic changes Avent on in the past; and on this problem we are scarcely yet in a condition to speculate profitably. 385. Vapour and Thermal Springs. — It has been men- tioned that some volcanoes, as those of the Andes, emit lava comparatively rarely, and chiefly give escape to ashes and vapours. One step more brings us to those orifices from which steam alone, or hot water alone, or gaseous vapours alone are discharged, a solid material, even in the form of fine ashes, never accom])anying the emission. To this group belong the geysers, or hot springs of Iceland, of the extinct volcano of Ischia, of the island of St. Paul's, and many other localities which are obviously directly associated with volcanic activity, either in the past or the present; second, the solfa- taras, from which sulphurous vapours alone are emitted, these being either on the volcanic cone or near it, or, as sometimes happens, at considerable distances from craters active or 314 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. extinct; tliircl, fumarolos, frora whicli boraclc acid is dis- cliarged; fourth, naphtha; or, fifth, carbonic acid vapour. To the same category belong the sulphurous, siliceous, and gyp- seous springs in various regions, as in Yellowstone Park (Art. 160), Savoy, and Germany, where, at least within recent geological times, no volcanic activity has been mani- fested. Chemically, the substances found in these springs and lakes are identical with those obtained from volcanoes; and although it might be difficult to establish by direct proof the actuaJ connection between all these kinds of phenomena, still the probabilities are in favour of, at least, the community of their origin. 386. Intermission of Geysers. — A very interesting physi- cal problem is associated with the intermittence of the Ice- landic geysei's, and Tyndall has given a satisfactory explanation of it, and an illustration by a simple experiment. He carried down a metal tube from the centre of a basin full of water, and surrounded the bottom of the tube, as well as a part of its length, with a ring of fire. The water being thus sub- jected to a considerable heat at two points, he procured eruptions of hot water and steam at irregular intervals of five minutes; for the water at the bottom, becoming heated, ex- panded and lifted the water above it for a certain distance. Relieved to some extent of pressure, and its boiling point thus lowered (as in passing from thirty-eight to thirty-two feet), it expanded into steam, and the heat evolved in the process generating steam in the mass beneath, the whole suddenly burst into ebullition and propelled the superincum- bent mass out of the tube. It fell back chilled into the basin, descended again into the tube, and the process went on again until the temperature of the whole mass was suffici- ently raised to permit of another explosion. The application of this experiment to the geysers relieves us of the necessity of imagining underground caverns containing water and steam, and restricts the mechanical production of the phenomena to the heating of the fissure through which the spring rises. In the subjoined table the boiling temperatures are those at which water should boil at that depth and pressure : the ob- served temperatures are the actual ones ascertained by Bun- sen in the tube of the great geyser, and these are below the Secular movements of the earth's crust. 315 boiling point ; it is obvious tbat the water must be raised in tlie tube before it can pass into steam. Observed Temperature, Feet. Boiling Temperature, 85-5° C. 6 107° a 110° 22 116° 32 120-8° 121-8' 38 123-8° 124° 50 130° 126° 64 136 Of the effects produced by these and other sj)rings, which contribute solid matter to the sedimentary strata, enough has been said in a previous chapter Avhen treating of springs. 387. Periodicity of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. — It only remains to speak of the periodicity which, it is alleged, may be observed in earthquake and volcanic phenomena. That tolerably equal intervals have been noted, as the thirteen year periods of Icelandic disturbances, is true ; but the rai-ity of such observations, when taken in conjunction "svith the much better observed irregularity of the events in other regions, makes it probable that the supposed periodicity rests upon coincidences. The history of Vesuvius, as given by Professor Phillips, and of Etna, does not bear out any periodicity of either, or even any regularity of their alternations. Only one observation seems to suggest the possibility of external influences securing regularity in the phenomena, namely, that the great majority of volcanic eruptions have taken place in winter. M. Perrey believes that there is a greater amount of activity when the moon is nearest the earth, and when the earth is in perihelion. If a sufficient number of observations, sufficiently authenticated, should confirm this suggestion, a certain amount of periodicity might be traceable to thcso astronomical influences; but in the meantime the data are insufficient to warrant the general conclusion, which is scarcely reconcilable with the teaching of physicists regard- ing the effects of tides in the earth's interior. 388. Secular Movements of the Earth's Crust. — Inti- mately associated with this subject is that of slow elevations and subsidences. It is known that rocks imdergo a certain change of dimension in passing from the fluid to the solid state. The estimates of the amount of this change vary considerably^ thus Bischofs calculations make it appear 316 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tliat granite suffers a diminution in volume of twenty-five per cent, in passing from the fluid to the crystalline con- dition, while Delesse calculates that the contraction is only nine to ten per cent. These materials, however, occupy a comparatively small part of the earth's crust, while the sand- stone, upon which extensive observations have been made, are more important as regards their mass, and, therefore, as re- gards the influence they may perchance have. Lyell calcu- lates that, according to the data given by the experiments of Totten on building stones, a mass of sandstone a mile in thickness would, if raised to a temperature of 93*3° C, lift the rock above to a height of ten feet, while the heating of a mass fifty miles in thickness to a temperature of 316° or 426° might yield an elevation of 1000 or 1500 feet, the sub- sequent cooling producing a corresponding amount of depres- sion. The contraction, again, of clay rocks under the influence of high temperature might yield subsidence. Taking this in conjunction with the supposed falling in of the roofs of sub- terranean chambers, we have, in the volcanic foci, an adequate cause at once for the violent and the slower variations of level at the surface; while, as has already been suggested, the per- colations of springs below ground may likewise, oj the removal of soluble rocks, lead to depressions on the smaller scale. It is alleged that the globe is still undergoing contraction, and that the elevation of mountain chains is attributable to this cause, which also takes share in the production of vol- canic outbursts. But it is difficult to adopt this view, for we have abundant evidence of rej^eated elevations and sub- sidences in the same area at very different periods, and to very unequal amounts. Africa, though a continent for an immense period, has no gi'eat mountain clmins such as this theory would require, and some of the oldest mountain chains have not that enormous height which their antiquity might be expected to involve, while the highest chains are those of most recent date. It must on the other hand be remembered that the great ocean basins are of great antiquity, and that, while subordinate movements have occurred in abundance, the geological record only tells of one grand alternation, that whereby the Atlantic and Pacific, once land, have become sea, while land has taken the place of the former great oceans. CHAPTER IX. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Fauna and Flora: Aspects of Life — Relation of Existing to Former Faunas and Floras — Aspect orFacies of a Region: How Determined — Laws of Distribution — Non-coincidence of Botanical and Zoo- logical Provinces — Aquatic and Subaerial Animals : Not Essen- tially Different — Influence of Climate — Parallel Regions in Latitude and Altitude — Marine Batlij-metrical Zones — Pro\*inces Determined by Physical Conditions — Specific Centres — Biological Provinces Laiequal — Sclater's Provinces: Neotropical; Ethiopian; Indian; Australian; Palfearctic — Common Character of Neo- tropical, Ethiopian, Indian, and Australian Provinces — Ana- logous or Representative Forms — Migration of Species and Ex- tension of Area— Results of ^Migration — Natural and Artificial Selection: Survival of Fittest — Variations: How Beneficial — Mimicry : Protective and Independent Resemblances — Repre- sentative Species — Dangers Incident to Migi'ation — Tabular View of Organic "World — Homotaxis — Insular Faunas and Floras — Hj'pothesis of Lost Continents — ^Marine Provinces : N. Atlantic ; Caribbean; Indo-Pacific ; Australian; Western S. America — Pelagic Forms — Deep-sea Faunas — Continuity of the Cretaceous Epoch — Extension and Replacement of Species — Persistent Typos — Progressive Development. 389. Fauna and Flora: Aspect of Life. — The animals "wliicli inhabit any area constitute its fauna; the plants con- stitute its flora : and these terms are equally applicable to the inhabitants of contiguous or of distant areas. They are, in fact, quantitative terms, while the qualitative comparison of these faunas and floras shows that there are diflerenccs which give to each fauna and flora its aspect or fades. The aspects may be identical in closely-contiguous areas, utterly uiilike when distant areas under dissimilar conditions are compared, or representative of each other in the case of dis- tant localities under similar conditions. It has already been gtated that the provinces of the earth at the present day are 318 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tlie same in kind as tlie provinces of former periods, Tlie comparison of the faunas and floras of tlie past with those of the present shows that the plants and animals of the present are very closely allied to, if not identical with, those which flonrished in the most recent times over the same area; that the difference between the existing and former faunas and floras increases the further back we 'go, and that the organic forms in one locality at one period frequently strongly re- semble those of another locality at another period. 390. Relation of Existing to Former Faunas and Floras. ■ — The fact that the most recent fossils are of the same genera, or even species, as the living beings is clearest where, as in South America and Australia, the characteristic forms are restricted v/ithin narrower limits. The gravel and cave bones are of marsupials in the one case, of sloths or their allies in the other; but equally good, though less-striking, examples are to be found in every country. The wealden fauna and flora are very unlike those of Europe now; but there are points of resemblance to those of Australia; and it may be said, in general terms, that the mesozoic animals have an aspect to which at the present time the Australian area offers the only resemblance. Principal Dawson has shown that the pfe-carboniferous flora of N. America has greater affinity to the secondary flora of Europe than to the carboniferous or subsequent floras of America. But it must be remembered that in plants the non-preservation of the parts essential for safe classification, these being usually of very soft tissues, places great difiiculty in the way of this systematist, and renders his conclusions imperfect and insecure. 391. Aspect or Facies of a^Region : How Determined. — From what has been said in earlier chapters it is plain that the modifications in texture or composition of rocks must be great before they can give rise to marked differences between two countries which have been subjected to precisely similar influences. The physical aspect, therefore, results from a smaller number of factors than the organic. But while the practised eye may gather the main points in the geological history of a country during a rapid visit, general impressions do not count for much as regards the life of a country. Brilliant descriptions of tropical vegetation, after all, teach ASPECT OR FACIES OF A REGION. 319 little except tlie well-known fact that great lieat favours anotlier kind of vegetation than that found in temperate or, still more, in cold regions; or the generalization may be extended to this, that endogenous plants are more prominent than exogenous in the tropics. But if by facies or aspect is meant, not the obvious featiu^es merely, but those which give individuality to particular regions, we find that here, as in the domain of physics, some standard more reliable than that of the senses must be appealed to. The following table, given by Pokorny, shows how changing is the statistical guide, even in the case of plants, which are, in one way, more easily obtained and enumerated than animals : — Linuceus enumerated in 1754, about 7728 species Persoon ,, 1801, ,, 21,000 „ Sprengel ,, 1828, ,, 30,000 ,, Stendel „ i840, ,, 87,000 „ linger „ 1852 ,, 92,6G2 ,, In 1859, the number of species was variously estimated, according to Hooker, at 80,000, and 150,000 according to the opinion of the systematist as to what constitutes a species. And this source of difficulty increases with the number of new forms observed in new localities explored. But these numbers do not, after all, represent a fair sum- mary of the whole earth. Some regions are as little known as others have been exhaustively investigated; and this is still more true for the animal kingdom. The lists of fossils, necessarily incomplete for any region, since we have not exhausted, and never shall exhaust, the contents of its rocks, are for most countries fragmentary, while in many the explo- ration can scarcely be said to have commenced. If, therefore, the aspect of the life of any region at any period helps us to trace out its geographical history, we must qualify our con- clusions by the recollection of our imperfect knowledge, and, setting aside our impressions, trust only to careful enumera- tions of all the species that have been recorded. It is a common impression that a group of animals tells by simple inspection its native place: but, in reality, the judgment is based, not on the impression conveyed by the whole, but on the rapid recognition of the individual species which make up the group. 320 PHYSICAL GEOGKAPHY. 392. Laws of Distribution. — The facts as to tlie presence or absence, tlie luxuriance or insignificance, of species, genera, or families, in particular regions, and the conditions of tem- perature and the like which these regions present, have been embodied in propositions which are spoken of as the laws of distribution. The phrase is an unfortunate one, since it suggests too great a value for the results of experience in this branch of science. All laws are, in one sense, the fruit of experience, and their experimental verification is the test of their scientific value, for they can be received as laws only if they enable us to announce what is past, and to anticijDate the future. The law of the attraction of bodies is so exact as to lead to the recognition of the exsistence of planets, before they have been seen, the influence of gravitation being determinable at any point in the orbit of a planet. The mechanical theory of heat enabled James Thomson and Magnus to arrive simultaneously at the conclusion that the freezing point might be lowered by pressure, and the experi- mental verification of this opinion proved it to be an accurate deduction from an exact generalization, a law in the scientific sense of the word. The constant sequence of phenomena in these two cases is, so far as our knowledge and experiments go, uninterrupted; but the necessary connection between the antecedents and consequents in any phenomenon, that peculiarity of the things which makes their relation to others not merely invariable but inevitable, it is impossible for us to ascertain. But while the phenomena of the inorganic world manifest the nearest approach to absolute certainty with which experience makes us acquainted, those of the organic world display an uncertainty which increases with their complexity, or, to use more precise language, their sequence is obscured by the number of contending influences. There is no law operative in the inorganic world which is not also operative in the organic; but as the tissues which make up an organised body are multiplied, their proportions vary, and the j^i'eponderance of particular parts undergoes change. Hence the sequence of phenomena, which by analogy we are assured must be normal, is concealed, because we cannot isolate events. Our estimates, therefore, of the power of any one kind of influence on an organised body, LAWS OP DISTRIBUTION. 321 are only reliable in proportion to the number of instances on which they are based; for it is only by multiplying the cases that we can diminish the chances of error. The theoiy of probabilities teaches that a certain event must recur in a certain number of trials, when we know the number of con- tingencies upon which it depends; but in the organic world the number of contingencies is not and cannot be known, so that a generalization based on 1000 instances may be at variance with the next instance, the details of which are unkno^vn and cannot be foreseen. And if this is true for any one physiological process, the results of which are compared in 1000 individuals, it must be true also for the sum of the processes which take place in 1000 individuals. The external influences to which organic beings are subjected are com- paratively few in number and kind; but the internal modi- fying influences are indefinite in number and variable in kind. In previous chapters it has been shown that these external influences are perpetually changing ; the multiplication of instances, therefore, is of itself apt to multij)ly the chances of error, since, if they are taken over a wide range in sj^ace or in time, the introduction of new influences is more probable. Now, as plants and animals are in themselves thus variable, and as the external influences are likewise liable to change, any general proposition regarding the distribution of organic beings is true only for the cases that have been observed. It is not, and cannot be, a law, as that word has already been defined, for it cannot make us sure that the like has happened in the past or will in the future. The distribu- tion of the elephant at the present time would not lead us to expect that the remains of any member of that genus should be found in Britain or Siberia, still less would the characters of existing genera have led us to believe that any members of the family had been protected by a hairy cover- ing. If it is impossible to assign a higher value than that of a careful summary of facts to the results of our comparison of many individuals, or groups of individuals, i.e., classifica- tions, it is still less possible to attach greater importance to the results of comparison of the faunas and floras of different regions, I.e., botanical and zoological geography. The ante- cedents in many cases are connected Avith the consequents in 23 -I 622 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. a way wliicli it is impossible for us to understand; tlius we say that increase or diminution of temperature has driven out the animals of a region, but we cannot frame an explanation of the way in which heat or cold affects an animal or vege- table, so that the difterence of a few degrees in the annual average may render a country favourable to it, or the reverse. 393. Non-coincidence of Botanical and Zoological Pro- vinces. — Botanical and zoological geography do not coincide ; the natural provinces of the one or other kind of life have different limits and centres, as might be expected, when we consider their different physiological endowments and sus- ceptibility to external influence. 394. Aquatic and Subaerial Provinces. — The most obvious distinction of distributional areas is that of aquatic and subaerial, and the aquatic forms are restiicted to fresh or salt water, to lakes or rivers. But the difference between gills and lungs is more of form than essence : in the one case the oxygen is held in suspension in the water ; in the other it is in mass in the atmosphere. The distinction between aquatic and subaerial animals, though greater than that between aquatic and subaerial plants, is after all less than is commonly supposed; for in both cases the gas passes through membrane to reach the circulating blood, and the temperature of the animal is in proportion to the amount of air absorbed, which is least where the water flows over the membranous projections covering blood-vessels, and increasingly greater vv^here the air is received into membranous sacs, on the out- side of which the vessels are distributed. The possession of gills is permanent or temporary in the life of the individual ; thus the fish is aquatic throughout life, but in the groups of amphibians some retain gills permanently, others speedly lose the gills and acquii*e lung sacs; while in a third group both organs are present, and are alternately wsed as the necessity arises. 395. Climate. — If vital phenomena were as limited in their range as are inorganic, or, in common phrase, physical processes, the isothermal lines might be expected to corre- spond more or less closely to the limits of larger or smaller groups. The correspondence is, however, not very exact, since physical features, affecting atmospheric and oceanig PARALLEL REGIONS IN LATITUDE AND ALTITUDE. 323 currents, cause local variations from the normal temperature, or that proper to tlie latitude; but more striking is the want of correspondence when the seasonal temperatures are con- sidered in place of the mean annual temperatures. Thus the annual migrations of birds, as of the swallows from the south, the fieldfares from the north, into our own area, are examples of the uncertain limits which average temperature imposes on distribution. But, besides these extreme cases, insjoec- tion of the maps of distribution shows that the same species may have very wide limits, passing through several zones of temperature; thus the bison and Virginian opossum range from Canada to the Mexican Gidf. The tailless hare and the tiger extend from about 55*^ N. lat. as far south as Java, but their range to east and west is restricted. This absence of animals from adjacent regions under the same conditions is one of the reasons for assigning to climate a subordinate influence in distribution. 396. Parallel Regions in Latitude and Altitude. — Ascending a mountain under the equator brings the traveller into successive belts of temperature, which repeat the expe- rience of one passing towards the poles, and as each zone in latitude has a characteristic aspect of life, so have the corre- sponding belts in altitude ; the snow line is the limit of abundant life in both cases. The following are the zones of distribution of plants useful to man:"' — • Zone. Tropical, . . . . > Subtropical or warm temperate, Temperate, Subarctic, Arctic, Approximate Latitudes. Charactei-istics. 0° to 23° 30' ^ ^ic6» iiaaize, palms, spices, sugar. 23" 30' to 45° 45no55° \ Wheat and tropical grains, \ Olive, fig, grape, citron. ( Wheat and northern grains. < Orchard fruits, deciduous ( leaved trees. I 55° to 66° 30' \ Northern grains. Berries, 66° 30' to 90° Saxifrage, mosses, hchens. The eight zones tabulated by Meyen give undue imjoort- ance to mere temperature, and are therefore artificial in their construction, as well as arbitrary in their grouping, of the plants in each. The zones in altitude corresponding to these '■^ Yeats, 324 PHYSICAL G:]OGrvAPHY. horizontal areas are shown on the figure, Student^ s Physical Atlas, Map XVIII., and their temperate limits ai-e better founded. They are, in ascending order, the regions of — (1), bananas and palms on the low grounds; (2), tree-ferns and figs, up to 2020 ft. ; (3), of myrtles and laurels, 4050 ft. ; (4), of evergreen dicotyledonous trees, 6120 ft.; (5), of European dicotyledonous trees, 8100 ft. ; (6), of pines, 10,140 ft.; (7), of rhododendrons, 12,150 ft.; (8), of Alpine plants, 14,170 ft.; (9), the plantless region, commencing with the snow line, 16,200 ft. The correspondence of these two kinds of zones is not, of course, exact ; but the agreement is in keeping with what has been already said (Art. 207) of the shells of temperature with which the earth may be regarded as surrounded. 397. Marine Provinces: Bathymetrical Zones. — The areas of distribution in the sea are less distinct in climatal demarcation than those of land, the temperature being more uniform. The belts distinuished by Professor E. Eoi'bes are, therefore, purely topographical, and approximately correct for every region, representative forms occupying correspond- ing positions. The five bathymetrical areas are : 1. The littoral zone, between tide marks, or at the water's edge in tideless seas. 2. The circum-littoral zone, from low tide to 15 fathoms. 3. The median zone, from 15 to 50 fathoms. 4. The infra -median, from 50 to 100 fathoms. 5. The abyssal zone, from 100 fathoms downwards. Since it is now known that life descends to the bottom of the ocean, the fifth zone may yet be subdivided, but the data are in the meanwhile imperfect. 398. Provinces Determined by Physical Conditions. — The influence of temperature is controlled by the physical features of the land above and below water. A mountain chain, such as the Andes, is an insuperable barrier to the passage of plants or animals. The deserts of Africa separate regions as sharply as does the sea. In the sea, where a superficial view might lead us to expect great uniformity, there are provinces recognisable, though their demarcation is not always clear. But a current may be a bar as absolute as a mountain range, and a deep central trough, as that of the Atlantic, seems as eflLCctual a means of separation as a SPECIFIC CENTRES. 325 desert. In the N. Atlantic basin warm and cold areas wero described as connected with the features of the sea bottom (Arts. 75-85), and by their interlacement the faunas of northern and southern regions are found under the same parallels. Among the anomalies of distribution must be mentioned the absence of animals from an adjacent area from which they are separated by obstacles seemingly out of pro- portion to the result. Thus the distinctness of Madagascar from Africa, and of the two parts of the Malayan Archi- pelago, even of Ireland from Great Britain, leads us to what is the primary cause of the features of the botanical and zoological geography at the present time. 399. Specific Centres. — Plants and animals are grouped under species, and these under genera; these again imder families, orders, classes. The number of species included under a genus varies, and the number of varieties under a species is likewise unequal. But the proportions in both cases have reference to the extent of country they cover, and to the variety of its surface. There is little variety in the animals of a country which, like Africa, is remarkable for uniformity; on the other hand, the changes of conditions jDresented by such a region as the Amazon valley are associated with the presence of many local varieties among the butterflies, as Mr. Bates has described. Though they do not prove, these two converse facts support the view, that species are modified as they spread from the area or centre in which they first appeared. It is now accepted as indis- putable, that species which have become extinct, do not recur in the geological series, and the forms which have descended almost unchanged from remote times to the present confirm us in the belief that continuity of descent is insepar- able from continuity of character. The isolation of specific or generic types at the present time is, therefore, explicable by reference to the geographical changes which have been described in previous chapters of this volume. It is beyond the scope of such a book as this to discuss the question of the origin of species; but the view here adopted is, that species are developed out of other species by modification. Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the nature of the processes by which this modification is accomplished; 32^ PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. but the theory affords the only means of co-ordinating a mas^ of facts which no other doctrine yet proposed has brought into harmony. To physical changes, therefore, must be assigned the primary influence in bringing about the distri- bution of organic forms such as we now see. 400. Biological Provinces Unequal. — Reference has been made in previous paragraphs to the unequal plasticity of organised forms, to the unequal power they possess of endur- ing vicissitudes in the conditions to which they are subjected. It may be said in general terms that this power of endurance is in proportion to the simplicity of the organism; that the simplest forms are those which have the widest range iu space, and have had the longest existence in time. As the complexity of an organism increases, its power of endurance diminishes, as a rule, in the same proportion; so that the continued existence of its offspring depends upon their capacity to change at the same rate as the conditions alter. If the capacity is limited, extinction of the type must ensue. If the capacity is great, or if the external changes are slow, the modification gives rise to new species. In some groups, both of plants and animals, the changes in a given time must be greater than in others, and after long intervals the specific centres, say of the grasses or of the molluscs, must have undergone considerable change of position. A series of maps, each devoted to the distribution of a distinct species or genus, would present very great differences, the amount of which may be inferred from the comparison of those given in Mr. A. MMYrsifB Distribution of Mammals, 1866. But while the centres of maximum development of animal and vegetable species do not coincide, there is sufficient agreement to render possible the division of the earth into regions, each of which is characterised by the presence of an assemblage of plants and animals whose association has reference to the previous geographical conditions of the areas. 401. Sclater's Provinces. — The provinces, which thus harmonize biological and geographical changes, are those first set forth by Dr. Sclater for the birds, and since approved by Mr. Wallace for the animal kingdom generally, while they include tolerably well the main facts as to the distribution of plants. ETHIOPIAN REGI02T. 827 Regions. Areas. 1. Keotropical, . 2. Nearctic, . . 3. Palasarctic, 4. Ethiopian, . . 5. Indian, . . . 6. Australian, South America, Mexico, West Indies. The rest of America. Europe; Asia, north of the Himalayas, as far as Japan; Africa, north of the Sahara. The rest of Africa; Madagascar. Southern Asia; west half of the Malayan Archipelago. East half of Malayan Archipelago; Australia; and most of the Pacific Islands. 402. Neotropical Region. — South America contains, as its characteristic animal forms, the platyrhine monkej^s, which are distinguished from the Old World forms by the thicker septum between the nostrils, and by the possession of 36 not 32 teeth. The antiquity of the province is shown by the exclusive presence in the tertiary dejDOsits of monkeys belonging to this type, no member of the Old World group having been discovered. The sloths and armadilloes are similarly related to their predecessors, the megatherium, glyptodon, and the like, and Mr. Bates regards the arboreal habit of the sloth as acquired during long residence in a ■wooded country. The llama, alpaca, and guanaco, form a characteristic group confined to the higher plains of the eastern slopes of the continent, while the vampire bats are also confined entirely to this region. 403. Ethiopian Region. — The submersion of the Sahara down to tertiary times, formed a barrier which helps to explain the separation of the north coast of Africa from its tropical and southern districts, and the specific distinctness of its elephant, of its three species of rhinoceros, and the restriction to it of the hippopotamus. The chimpanzee and gorilla are the anthropoid apes of this region, while the lower groups are numerous, but all belong to the catandiine division. Madagascar, separated from Africa by the Mozam- bique Channel, contains very few mammals common to it and the continent (Art. 419). The characteristic lemurs have been found fossil in Europe, and the difference between two countries so near, and placed under similar climatal conditions, indicates the antiquity of their separation. 328 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 404. Indian Region. — The eastern boundary of tMs area, the strait between Borneo and Bali on the one hand, Celebes and Lonibok on the other, is only fifteen miles broad, but its depth is greater than 100 fathoms, and this corresponds to a geographical separation of great antiquity. The western boundary is less definite geographically, the Ethiopian and Indian types being mingled on the continental land surface of j^rabia. The scitaminese, zingiberaceae, and bananas are the most characteristic forms of plants, and the fitness of local climates for certain species of food plants from other regions, has been experimentally proved. The elephant, tapir, and rhinoceros are wide spread over the area, and the species of ox {Bos gaurus and B. gavialis), though kindred to the S. African species, have remarkably local areas. The reptiles of the Indian area are well defined, the exceptional occurrence of tropical snakes in Japapi, and of a few tropical butterflies, telling of a former southern land connection of Japan, whereby these Indian forms gained a footing among a mass of palsearctic species. They represent groups which otherwise would have been unrepresented, and their continu- ance looks like the fulfilment of a function in nature. 405. Australian Region. — But though mammals, birds, and reptiles agree in defining the Indian region by the Straits of Lombok, the insects wander over the line on both sides, the mixture of species being here due to power of flight, as in Arabia it was due to absence of obstacles. The other groujDS of animals leave no doubt as to the definiteness of the Australian region. The marsupials, and the absence of placental mammals, are the leading features of the greater portion of the land. Among birds, the emu, mound-building megapodius, the honey-suckers, and loris, form a characteristic assemblage, while the kivi or ajDteryx still represents the struthious birds, of which the moa was the last survivor, having become extinct probably within the last century. The gum trees, eucalypti, heaths, epacrides, the proteacese, casuarinas, and gummiferous acacias are among the most characteristic for the continent, but the variety of climate which difierent portions of its borders ofler, is accompanied by local peculiarities in the grouping of the plants. The grass plains of the interior are like those of the north tem- PARALLEL REGIONS IN LATITUDE AND ALTITUDE. 329 perate zone; the scrub is peculiar, since no turf accompanies it, and the heath -like, vertically placed leaves offer little protection to the soil beneath. The combination of American, Australian, and Antarctic plants in New Zealand, the latter being confined to the high gi'ound, renders it probable that the present aspect of the vegetation was acquired after many great changes of the geography of the South Pacific, and after the dispersive influence of a southern glacial epoch had been felt. 406. Palaearctic Region. — The Europeo-Asiatic continent from Japan to Spain, and to the north of a line from the Atlas through the north of Arabia and the Himalayas, pre- sents a singular uniformity in the distribution of mammals, 76 per cent, of European species being common to Amoor- land, while Algeria contains forty-seven sjDecies and about twenty-eight genera common to the lands north and east of the Mediterranean. There is a similar agreement as regards the other groups of vertebrates, with the exception of the Japanese serpents, which are tropical. The land molluscs ngree, on the whole, with the vertebrates; and the plants likewise render this a natural province, save in the eastern Asiatic region, in which American affinities indicate relation- ship to the miocene flora. 407. Common Character of Neotropical, Ethiopian, Indian, and Australian Regions. — The bird fauna of the great area thus included is of great interest. To these regions are confined the struthious birds, including tlie ostrich of Africa, emu and apteryx of Australia, cassowary of the Malayan groujD, rhea of America. The edentates, including the sloths and armadilloes of America, the pangolin of Africa and Malaya, and the orycteropus of Africa are confined to this area; Avhile the anthropoid apes range from Eastern India to the west of the Ethiopian region. The tapir is American and Indian, the elephant Ethiopian and Indian, the marsu- pials American and Australian. To this must be added the common characters of the plants of S.America, S. Africa, and Australia, which, though not comparable in importance with the zoological resemblances just stated, contribute to the evidence in favour of a former connection between these different land masses in the southern hemisphere, though the 830 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. connection was not simultaneous. Oscillations of land, such as the coral islands show to be still going on in that region, formed at various periods bridges between the different areas, and it is probable that some of these connections date from the triassic times, when S. Africa assumed the continental form which it has since retained. 408. Analogous or Representative Forms. — A distinction must be observed between these common types and what are known as representative forms. As a general rule, the habits of species under the same genus are closely similar, if not identical, the affinity of structure which constitutes them members of the same group offering a ]3resumption in favour of such resemblance. Thus, the elephants of Asia and Africa are equivalent, so far as their share in the economy of nature is concerned. The llama and its kindred, again, represent the camel, but are not equivalent to it. These relations are con- sequent on the diffusion of the descendants from a common stock, the forms, divergent in their migi'ations as well as in their structure, being dissimilar also in habits according to the character of their new surroundings; but the departure stops short of that utter difference which would be associated with changes so extreme as to efface even the family resemblance. But another kind of resemblance, for v/liich analogy is the best term, exists between members of distinct orders. Thus the marsupials present, within the limits of that group, most of the habits and corresponding modifications of form which occur among the placental mammals. The carnivore has its analogue in the thylacinus, the ruminant in the kangaroo, the " insectivore in the myrmecobius. This remarkable parallelism is due to the long occupation by the marsuj)ials of their iso- lated territory, and to the consequent competition among them, resulting in the adaptive change which has specialized each group by its mode of life. 409. Migration of Species, and Extension of Area.— Every species tends to spread in all directions as the number of individuals increases ; and if the conditions are similar on all sides the spread will be equal, an event vv^iich can rarely happen. But this extension of area must be distinguished fi'om transfer of the point of maximum development. This takes place — ^.-^ MIGRATION OF SPECIES. 331 a. \Vlien climatal changes occur. All species are not equally capable of migration, lience extinction in the primary locality may go along with increase of numbers on the margins of the area, while expulsion in mass will shift the area of the more locomotive species. The glacial period was the climax of a series of migrations whose progress is traced in the changes of the pliocene faunas. h. "When geogi'aphical changes occur. But as there is every reason to believe that these are, on the whole, gradual, the changes are more likely to have been by migration, and expansion on the margins of the specific area, than by ex- tinction in one locality. c. When the food supply oi a species axters. Whatever affects the vegetation of a district must affect, hoAvever slightly, all the inhabitants of that district. Any disturbance of the balance, say by the failure of one kind of plant, will to that ex- tent alter the diet of the graminivorous mammals, while space will be left for the free development of other kinds, or their importation from elsewhere; and importation of new plants usually brings new animals, whether then: influence be im- portant or not. The annual migrations of animals, commonly referred to instinct, are, in many cases, rather due to appetite. Their occurrence at the time of seasonal change has led them to be referred to climatal causes. But the migTation of the swallow southward at the close of the summer is towards a region where he will find during winter abundant insect food, wanting in that he has quitted. The bison travels after the food which he exhausts in each successive locality by destruction as well as consumption ; and the lijsrds have their return timed by the renewal of the herbage. The quest of water leads to other gi-eat migrations, and these movements, of irregular periods, are identical in kind with those which, from analogy, may be assumed to have some share in this shifting of sj^ecies. d. When enemies or competitors appear or disappear. The vegetation of New Zealand seemed that best adapted for the countrj'-, but its development was due to long isolation ; for, where European plants were imported, the white clover is displacing the ferns and native grasses; the cow-gi'ass {Poly' goniim aviculare) follows all the road lines; the dock {liumex 332 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. ohtusifoUus and crispus), sow-thistle, and water-cress spread with great rapidity, and attain wonderful luxuriance. Dr. Hooker's correspondent, who gives the above facts, says that the Maori will disappear before the white man, as the Maori's grass, and rat, and fly have been driven away before these companions of the white man. The horse had become ex- tinct in S. America before the arrival of Europeans : it there flourishes now in such fashion as to make its extinction unintelligible, unless light be thrown on it by the fact that it cannot gain a footing in Paraguay, an insect in that region attacking the navel of new-born foals. e. Excess of numbers within an area is sometimes spoken of as equal in importance with those already mentioned. But this opinion seems to rest on an overstrained analogy of what happens in the case of man and some other social animals. Where there is organization of labour, where each individual has his place assigned, it may be possible for the excessive population to be received for a time into what may be called the social interstices. But after a time the surplus must remove, or the whole community will suffer. In the bee-hive there are no interstices, and the surplus is added suddenly and in mass; the swarm must be cast at once. In highly civilised human communities the surplus is constantly added, and as constantly drained off, while the swarming process is only a feature of a very imperfect state of civilisation, when tribes are isolated, and when, as in Asia at the present day, the traveller cannot journey alone, but must wait for a caravan. Among animals, say the carnivores, each individual requires a certain area for the satisfaction of his wants; and if he is restricted in this enjoyment he must fight his encroach- ing neighbour, and the weaker must either go or die. The slow expansion of this specific area is therefore indistinguish- able in kind from the sudden migration in mass. Even the lemming wanders forth, not as an emigrant in the human sense, but as a migrant like the swallow, for the lemming swarm precedes a severe winter, that is diminished food supply. 410. Results of Migration.— If circumstances are favour- able, the wandering may mean only extension of unaltered forms over a wider area. By unfavourable conditions the SELECTION OF SPECIES. 333 wanderers may fail to obtain a footing, perishing by climate, by want of food, or the opposition of enemies. But the extinction may not be rapid, and in the struggle to retain their place, the species may become modified in various ways. Modifications also may take place even where a species easily holds its ground, for there are few areas identical in their conditions throughout. 411. Analogy of Distribution of Species in Space and Time. — Observation has shoAvn that, in the majority of cases, species «.rise in areas which coincide both in space and time with those of other closely allied species, and that, as has been already said, varieties are proj)ortioned in number to local difierences of conditions. It is further known that man can cultivate varieties, that is, when a desirable varia- tion of form or colour appears in plant or animal under domestication, man can, by careful selection of the offspring, perpetuate the variety. If the efibrt is suspended, the descendants gi'adually revert to the original form, but never actiially resume identity therewith. It is further known by observation, that species which have once disappeared do not recur, their place being taken by others; that members of the same genus differ the more the further the strata in which they occur are separated from each other in time ; and that, finally, if at the present we travel from the nor- thern to the southern temperate zone, Vv'e gradually diminish the number of identical forms, the species changing as we advance, till at the antipodes a very small number of identi- cal forms would be met with. 412. Natural and Artificial Selection : Survival of the Fittest. — By these two phrases is meant that the organic world is never in a state of equilibrium, but that as there is constant fluctuation in the physical surroundings of organised beings, there is a corresponding struggle among these beings themselves to maintain their existence. The one phrase calls attention to the result of the struggle, the other to the machinery by which it is carried on. Whether the changes which result in permanent species are due to plasticity of the animal or vegetable organism, whereby external influences lead directly to changes of structure, or these changes are gradually accumulated after having come into existence 334 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. under some influences whose operation we know nothing of, it is immaterial here to discuss. Suffice it that these changes will be perpetuated if they are beneficial to the animal; that just as particular varieties are " selected" artificially by man, so in nature a stronger or better endowed animal is selected, and survives and mnltiplies, its weaker or worse endowed associates disappearing. Continuing to use the impersonal language hitherto employed, the illustration taken by Mr. Huxley is a happy one, when he says that the wind selects the successively finer sand on the dunes, and that frost selects the weak plants as the gardener would select them. 413. Variations : How Beneficial. — The modifications which constitute " the fittest/' may be either of an obviously useful kind, as the length of neck which extends the girafie's browsing ground, the length of limb which increases the swiftness of a carnivore, or which gives its prey better chance of escape. In artificial selection that may be desirable which to the wild animal would be fatal, as the shortness of limb which gave to the Ancon sheep of Massachusetts their value, because they could not leap fences. But the benefit may be indirect, as when a beetle (Psox) has the colour and appear- ance of dust, and thus escapes detection; when a leaf — or a stick — insect is indistinguishable from the vegetable matter amid which it lives; when one butterfly comes to resemble a butterfly of another species, so as to acquire the immunity from the pursuit of birds enjoyed by that one which it resembles; or when a moth and a humming bird have a suj)erficial likeness protective to both. 414. Mimicry: Protective Resemblances: Independent Resemblances. — All these modifications are in reality uncon- scious on the part of the animals, though the poverty of language renders it difficult to avoid the suggestion of voli- tion in the last -mentioned cases. But the occurrence of resemblances which cannot be protective, demonstrates the unconscious character of the change, and points to similarity of endowment of living bodies as the source of the accidental similarity which is seen, for example, in the curious likeness of marine shells in one part of the world, to land shells in another. Homogenetic has been proposed for resemblances which luay be traced to common ancestry, homoplastic for HOMOTAxia. 335 cliaiiges proclucecl by similar influences on similarly enclovred tissues. 415. Representative Species. — In distant regions identical forms are met with, tlie more frequently the lower are the organisms, wide distribution in space and time being propor- tioned to the simplicity of the forms. But among the higher plants and animals, the independent origin in both localities of the identical forms is rendered improbable when it is found that, in the one case, the individuals are so numerous as to indicate that tliis is their proper habitat, while, in the other, their paucity indicates that they are outliers, and sometimes the intervening area may yield fossils proving the former continuity of the sj)ecies. Moreover, on the assump- tion that all species reach their present localities by migra- tion, the imj^robability of identical variations occurring far apart is very gi^eat, since the influences camiot be absolutely identical, and perfect reversion is unknown. But closely allied forms may arise, and these are truly representative species, since they set forth the changes produced by similar conditions in the descendants from a common stock. 416. Dangers Incident to Migration. — The diminish- ing number of the travellers might be expected, when it is remembered that every change of locality may yield change of temperature, of food, of rivals, and of enemies. The prospect, therefore, of great extension of a species, and of its numerical superiority, is a complicated problem, to which must be added another factor, the number of individuals which may have started on the route. The names in the following table must be regarded as the ends of branches which are given off successively from pre- vious branches. It is not necessary in this volume to state the points of divergence. It is only desired to suggest that the succession Is no more linear than is that of the branches of a tree, the highest branches of which diverge from the axis equally with the lowest. 417. Homotaxis. — It is often said that, in the silurian times, there was a greater uniformity of life over the earth \ than there is now, the deposits of that epoch, wherever examined, revealing closely similar forms. But all stratii fire assumed to be silurian which are the earliest fossiliferous :36 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. ?3 ^ o To m $L( xi xn O 03 ^ u o ■ • P4 g t M >5 1— ( O o >> o o 1 TO 0) rS p^ f>» o O •^ o g w o 0) 1^ m m O fcH r^ O ^ o so t> P ^ I « ^ . . g !^ j-J C« -rf ;; CS ™ ja Q) o p: O ^ o • iH rd O t s . ^ r§ 03 e3 'o •+-> O • M c3 o < o 1^ N -4J '^ ^ rt S 1 .1 75 O »2 O to o C/2 o 8 o o c3 _c3 1 t-3 << INSULAR FAUNAS AND PLOI^AS. 337 sti^ta of each region, an arbitrary basis is assumed, and tlie resemblance of these rocks in different regions is exaggerated, it being forgotten that as these strata everywhere rest on metamorphic rocks (where their lowest portions are visible), it is impossible to say to what extent the records of pre- existent zoological provinces have been destroyed. In later deposits, as the marine portions of the carboniferous series, community of fossils in distant localities has been taken to indicate contemporaneity of deposits, and the existence of identical species at the same time in these localities. Eeason- ing from the small number of identical species at distant localities at present, and from oiu' imperfect knowledge of the strata whose organic contents are said to be identical, the opinion fii'st announced by Godwin Austen seems correct, that identity of species indicates lajDse of time sufficient to have admitted of migration from one locality to another. Professor ^uxley proposed the term homotaxis as expressive of the relation of such fossil groups, insisting that strata, characterised by similar remains, show a similar but not identical sequence in each locality; and this doctrine, that geological formations represent geographical 2:)rovinces rather than periods of time, is in accordance with Professor Ham- say's investigations into the distribution of former continental areas. 418. Insular Faunas and Floras. — In an earlier chapter the population of islands was said to differ from that of ad- jacent lands in proportion to the antiquity of its isolation. The Atlantic islands illustrate this generalisation. The Madeira, Canary, and Cape Yerde groups differ from the mainland and from each other. There are no indigenous mammals except bats; but such quadrupeds as have been introduced prosper remarkably. Madeira has, on the other hand, ninety-nine species of bii'ds, of which one is peculiar, two are common to it and the Canaries, the rest are Euro- pean ; and it is noticeable that the number of these is greater on the eastern than on the western islands, the wind-driven birds first alighting on the eastern. Every island seems to have its own peculiar insect forms, two-thirds of the Madeira beetles being as yet unknown elsewhere. The flora of these islands has the same American aspect as the miocene flora 23 y 338 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. of central Europe, and it is probable tbat this resemblance is due to the transport, from adjacent miocene land to these islands, of seeds which might be carried by birds or drift wood, the transport being perhaps facilitated by intermediate islands now submerged. That the isolation of these islands is anterior to the glacial period follows from Hooker's obser- vation, that whereas in all continental mountains boreal forms are found, the fragments of an expelled flora, the main body of which has returned northwards, the mountain flora of these islands is simply that of the low grounds. The antiquity of these islands is further shown by the distinct- ness of the pliocene fossil shells in the adjacent islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, and by their equal distinctness at the present time. The Galapagos Islands have a fauna of land birds, all belonging to S. American types, yet four- fifths are peculiar, whereas an equal proportion of the aquatic birds are of S. American species. In the Atlajitic islands the birds are tolerably equally diffused, probably by aid of winds ; but the calms of the Galapagos area explain the re- striction of some of the birds to separate islands. These facts are explica,ble on the assumption that the isolation of these islands is of great antiquity, and that the presence of forms belonging to adjacent islands is in proportion to their means of transit, as in the case of birds and bats, or to the likelihood of their being drifted by help of ice, floating wood, or in the mud adhering to the feet of birds ; that these im- portations are not of frequent occurrence, and that the forms thus isolated have varied so as to lose their identity with the I'tarent stocks, as has happened in the case of Australia. The student will find in Mr. Wallace's book on the Malay Archipelago, an admirable statement of the method of inves- tigating the differences of life in adjacent areas, and of the geographical evidence which may be elicited from them. 419. Hypothesis of Lost Continents. — As our knowledge of the various means by which plants and animals may be transported increases, it is less necessary to assume the former evidence of hypothetical land connections. A miocene At- lantis, across which American plants migrated to Europe, is especially unnecessary, since the existence of miocene plants in the far north suggests their passage in that region, and MARINE PROVINCES. 330 likewise explains the common characters of the vegetation of the then northern continents; and in the second place the mio- cene corals, common to Europe and the West Indies, required open sea in the Atlantic, or at least a more or less scattered archipelago, a supposition quite in accordance with the facts above stated. The absence from Madagascar of widely dis- tributed African mammals has suggested the former exist- ence of a continent in the Indian Ocean; but the presence of lemurs on the African shore, seems to indicate a former land connection with Africa at a period so remote that time has sufficed for the variation of the isolated species, so that nearly all are now peculiar. Moreover, the presence of a lemur in Europe in miocene times renders more likely the existence of dry land where the Mozambique Channel now is. The land connection with the Pacific area is supported by the affinity of the insectivore centetes to the American genus solenodon, and by the presence in Madagascar of American types of serpents and insects. 420. Marine Provinces. — Continuous as the sea appears, it is mapped out into provinces as distinct, though more ex- tensive, than those of the land. The fishes have free powers of locomotion, but they are as much addicted to particular localities as the birds, while it is less easy to recognise the conditions on which their limitation depends. The species associated in the bathymetrical zones, already mentioned, are as local as the inhabitants of subaeiial plains, and after the limit of influence of surface temperatures is passed, the species become more extended in range, just as the mountains, even to the equator, support boreal forms. The littoral species are the most varied, they being most under the influence of seasonal vicissitudes, and diversity of soil and food. The provinces of terrestrial life have their analogues in the 421. N. Atlantic. — The North Atlantic province includes a large part of the Ai'ctic shores of the Old and New Worlds, and extends far down the American coast on the one side, the European shores on the other : the Mediterranean and Aralo-Caspian lakes belong naturally to it, and its southern limit is the equatorial drift. Over all this area the living and the most recent tertiary species of mollusca agree, and 34:0 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tlie cliaracters whicli unite so large a tract under one desig- nation are due to the dispersive power of the glacial cold, whereby boreal forms are now located in the Mediterranean, and the aifinities of that sea with the Indian Ocean have been greatly reduced as compared with what they were in pliocene times. The adherence of cod, salmon, and herring, to the coast lines is as marked as that of the molluscs, and confirms the view that the community of species on either side, amounting to nearly one hundred among the molluscs alone, is due to the existence of a former land connection in the far north. 422. Caribbean Province. — This area extends from Concep- cion on the west coast of S. America, to the outflow of the Gulf Stream. Its molluscs, by which chiefly the province is determined, merge into each other, the Falkland Isles (Malvinas) proving their antiquity by the possession of 73 per cent, of peculiar species. The fauna of the Mexican Gulf includes a large number of corals, but its molluscs have about 3 per cent, of species common to the western side of Darien, and some of the common species are found also in Western Africa. The transport of these species by the equatorial drift, and their migration westward during the patency of a channel through the Isthmus of Darien, is an event of the same kind, probably, as that by which a few species have been carried by the Gulf Stream to the shores of Britain. But when it is remembered that of 522 Sicilian species, thirty-five are common to the West Indies, and twenty-eight to the west coast of Africa, it is possible that the extension of species from Panama to Africa may have occurred at the same time, and by the same means, that Central Europe and the West Indies shared their coral fauna. 423. Indo-Pacific Province. — This, the largest marine area, is still imperfectly known. Following the coast line, a remarkable continuity of molluscan forms can be traced, and such agreement as the Pacific Islands present with the American continent, ceases at the Peninsula of California. The sea lions range throughout this great area, and even beyond it, manifesting as little agreement in detail with the regions marked out bv terrestrial life as do the other ani- DEEP SEA FAUNAS. 341 mals possessed of various powers of locomotion, with the areas whose limits have been marked out by Mr. Wallace. The area is predominantly that of corals, and the specific variety of the mollusca is due to the multiplicity of local con- ditions arising from the submergence and re-emergence of lands whose prominent peaks have been seized on by the corals (see page 66 for the axes of Pacific lands). In this region, too, are foimd the remains of the decadent group of cephalopods, which filled the mesozoic strata with ammonites, but is now rediiced to the nautilus. 424. Australian Province. — The large number of peculiar genera, and of genera which here attain their maximum, gives as marked a character to Australia as it owes to its terrestrial fauna, more especially as mesozoic types are con- spicuous. But the common genera are also of interest, since they are, with unimportant exceptions, found in the southern land masses of America and Africa, as Avell as on the shores of the Antarctic continent. 425. Western S. America. — The Gulf of California belongs to the great province of which Panama is the centre, and whose southern limit is the margin of the easterly or Antarctic drift. The community of forms on either side of Darien has already been mentioned; it only remains to say that the total difference of the molluscan fauna of the Indo- Pacific from that of this portion of America, renders the region thus limited a very natural one. . The Galapagos Islands maintain in their marine fauna the preponderance of peculiar forms seen in their terrestrial population. 426. Pelagic Foims. — The conditions of migration of some families of animals are unknown. Cuttle fishes are found in most regions, but the species, though dwellers in the high seas for the most part, are very conservative of their customary tracks. If it is difiicult to follow the move- ments of an animal like the herring Avlien it approaches the coast, it is impossible to say how the pelagic species travel, and our marine provinces are therefore defined entirely by reference to the coast faunas. 427. Deep Sea Faunas: Continuity of the Cretaceous Epoch. — Only in the Atlantic Basin have soundings as yet given systematic information regarding the inhabitants of a 342 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPnr. depth, beyond 200 fathoms, and even there, great as has been the addition to our knowledge, the observations are few and isolated. It appears that the oaze, often referred to, repre- sents the chalk of the cretaceous formation, its large amount of diffased silica not having yet been segTegated in the flint nodules of the old rock; that the area occupied by the deep water species is wider than that of the shallow water forms; and that while the propriety of including within one area the regions mentioned in a previous paragraph is confirmed by the presence of miocene and pliocene Sicilian forms, in others a remarkable affinity is shown to the cretaceous forms. The continuance of these forms, belonging to types supposed to be extinct, in association with a deposit so peculiar, one which from theoretical considerations we should expect to fi.nd, as it is known to be a deep water accumulation, has given grounds for the generalisation that the chalk is con- tinued to the present time. Whatever exception may be taken to the phrases in which this idea is embodied, the fact is, that the cretaceous deposits persist with very much of their characteristic fauna, and that thus two provinces co-exist, which, judged by the pal^eontological standard, would be regarded as belonging to distinct periods of time. It further appears, as Dr. Wyville Thomson points out, that, "the gasteropods range from the shore to a depth of 100 to 200 fathoms, the lamellibranch molluscs become scarce at a slightly greater depth, while some orders of brachiopods, Crustacea, echinoderms, sponges, and foraminifera descend in scarcely diminished numbers to 10,000 feet. In fact, the hatliymetrical range of various groiqys in modern seas corre- sponds remarkably loith their vertical range in ancient strata." The sentence which we have italicised contains a generalisa- tion which accords with that of Agassiz as to the order of the genera of corals in a reef, the representatives of the groups whose maximum was in the remote past being near the bottom, the modern species towards the surface of the reef. 428. Extinction and Replacement of Species. — The dis- appearance of species is very slow, and the final extinction can very rarely be determined. ' The lists of fossils given in works on geology show that a species may not occur in every successive series of strata in one region; but its absence in PEESISTENT TYPES OF SPECIIIS. 343 any particular layer may be due to its migi'ation elsewMtlier, or to our imperfect knowledge of the layer, as well as to its extinction; and one of the former is clearly the explanation when it occurs in the layer above. The colonies of M. Barrande show how extensive migrations may be, and how long an interval may separate the earlier and later occupancy of a region by the same species. As there is no reason to believe in the sudden and entire destruction of a species, which, so far as evidence goes, could only take place with a decay- ing species, whose numbers and area were therefore already gTeatly reduced, the sudden sharp cessation of, say, the meso- zoic types in Britain at the close of the chalk, is due to migration and to the nonpreservation of the highest strata of the chalk series. For the same reason the replacement of species is a process not traceable, even if it were effected only by migration; still less can the steps be followed when modi- fication is instrumental in the changed aspect, 429. Persistent Types; Progressive Development.— It is impossible to enumerate the influences by which plants and animals are altered, destroyed, or displaced ; but to the external agents must be added one whose power we cannot estimate, namely, inherent tendency to decay. If there is in species a natural period of existence, as there is in indi- viduals a limit to functional activity, it is not probable that the full period of duration is often attained, since species are subjected to ever-varying external influences. It is not necessary to argue against theories of progressive development, as that term was understood some years ago. It is now well known that the earliest fossils with Avhich we are acquainted belong to types as well developed as those of the present day; and that while new orders have made theii' appearance, they have done so, for the most part, at remote dates. Vertebrates, fishes, are found in the Silurian series, molluscs of various groups, the lamellibranchs, gasteropods, and cephalopods, are all present in the same strata : brachyurous and macrurous crustaceans (of which the crab and lobster are the familiar living examples) appear in the carboniferous rocks, along with sharks and highly-organised labyi'inthodont amphibians. In the triassic strata all the orders of reptiles, except serpents, are represented. Birds are found early in the Jurassic series; 344 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. and the lower tertiaries contain nearly, if not all, the orders of mammalia. But these higher types not only appear very early, they also persist for long periods alongside of the lower types. Thus trilobites are still found in the carboni- ferous rocks with the decapod crustaceans mentioned; the labyrinthodonts still flourished in the triassic times, along with the reptiles; the marsupials, which still exist, commenced their career early in the mesozoic series. Among the inverte- brates similar cases are found. The classes, crustaceans, insects, myiiapods, and arachnids, are all found in the carbon- iferous, and of the orders of insects several have appeared in strata lower than the cretaceous, deposits; and in the shores of the chalk sea air-breathing gasteropods of the genera Physa and Paludina, lived in lakes and lagoons, over which dragon- flies hovered, while beetles (Bu2)restes) crept through the decaying plants on the margin. The orders, then the types of structure, are of great antiquity, and those which have disappeared have given place to more specialised forms, in which, that is to say, the adaptation to particular conditions is more complete. But genera are also very persistent, many dating from the early Silurians, as lingula, rhynchonella ; and others appear at successive periods, lasting, with little change, to the present time. On the theory of the origin of species by descent with modification, the early appearance of so many highly organised forms is exjolicable by their origin in pre-existent common ancestors, not by their evolution each out of the other. But it is clear that, in the first place, this requires the ea-rliest plants and animals to have been in existence long before the cambrian, perhaps even before the lanrentian; and thus we should be without fossil evidence of a population as important, and, for aught we know, numeri- cally as great, as that of the present time. In the second place, there is still greater proof, in the fact stated, of the existence of zoological provinces distinct from each other even at the earliest times. The provinces, as they existed in the later palaeozoic and earlier mesozoic periods, have been sketched out, but the consideration of them, of their differ- ences from those already given, belongs more properly to descriptive geology, in connection with which the relations of this triassic continent will be discussed. CHAPTEE X. HISTORY AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAN. Diffusion of Man — Unity or Plurality of Mankind — Are Races Species? — Bases of Classification — Language — Form of Skull — Hair: Woolly and Straight Haired Races : ISIelanoi, Xanthomelanoi, Xanthochroi, Melanochroi, Negroes, Negritos — Antiquity of Man — Evidence of Antiquity — Prehistoric Periods — Stone Period — Metallic Age — Primitive Home of Man — Hypothesis of Lost Continents. 430. Diffusion of Man. — The diffusion of man over the surface of the globe, and the permanent footing he has secured in all regions — save those polar and tropical localities in which cold on the one hand, drought on the other, forbid the pre- sence of animals and vegetables in sufficient quantities, or for long enough periods, to supply his wants — are sometimes referred to as if they were characteristics of man alone, and implied an inherent power of adaptation to various external conditions. But his history, and the analogy of other animals, justify the opinion that this power of endurance and of adaptation is an acquisition requiring long time for its full development; and even now there are certain limits beyond which his skill and energy cannot carry him in the struggle with nature. The Bengali and the Esquimaux cannot occupy in permanence each the other's country; and though the native of temperate regions has greater tenacity than he who is subjected to extreme conditions of temperature, there is no instance of the permanence of a race from temperate regions in tropical countries, in which intermarriage with natives and a steady stream of immigrants have not shared in bring- ing about the result ; while the change which the descendants of the British colonists in North America and Australia have undergone, shows that the permanent occupation of a country does not imply the maintenance of the original character of the people. Mr. Bates has given strong reasons for believing in the comparatively recent occupation of South America by 346 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. tlie tribes wMcIi we speak of as native; but the facility with •wbich the Negro has become acclimatised in the same area shows that the pov/er of adaptation does not depend on the relative elevation of a race, the Negro and the South American being nearly on the same level. The difficulty of determin- ing the conditions of the problem is increased by the fact that, while certain anatomical differences can be recognised between the races in difierent regions, none of them account for the physiological dissimilarities which we know to exist. 431. Unity or Plurality of Mankind. — Two opposite opinions are held regarding the origin of man. According to the one, the varieties which now people the world are the descendants of a single pair; the other assigns the varieties to a plurality of ancestors. The latter view may be set aside as not resting on sufficient evidence. The monogenists, as the advocates of the former view are called, believe that the ancestors of mankind were specially created in one locality, and were most probably a single pair, or that they were developed by evolution out of lower forms, and that they were a pair or several, but in either case appeared in one locality. It is erroneous and unjust to assume, as is too frequently done, thsd, this last view excludes the influence of that higher power which is more conspicuously appealed to by the hypothesis of special creation. The hypothesis of evolution has been adopted in the case of plants, and animals other than man; and it is here again adopted because it affi)rds adequate explanation of a larger number of phenomena which are related to each other as antecedent and consequent than does any other hypothesis. 432. Are Races Species ? Bases of Classification. — This is not the place to enter into the discussion of the question, Are races of man varieties or species ? The grounds on which they have been regarded as sub-species, that is, as presenting variations more constant than is usual with varieties, but v/hich cannot be certainly regarded as of sj^ecific value, are chiefly: (1) that the variations are not universal in each race, intermediate forms being found which might be referred to other races ; (2) that there is no certainty that any races are mutually infertile; (3) intellectually, all the races a.re so equally endowed as to establish the probability of their identity. LANGUAGE. 347 The characters on which the varieties are established are, the form of the skull, the complexion, and the quality of the hair, points which, though not themselves of absolute value, nevertheless characterise very well the great groups. 433. Language. — There is no reason to believe that lan- guage differed as to its origin from man's other characteristics, or that its development was other than gradual. But this analogy with physical j)henomena leads us to anticipate that philology should be an uncertain guide to the original rela- tionships of races. At the present time, apart from the facility with which somo tribes, who have no written language, acquii'e the language of their neighbours or invaders ; apart from the evidence we possess that a national speech may be washed over by others, so that language alone Vv'-ould fail to reveal the original rela- tions ; setting aside also the fact, important though it is, that the ultimately dominant speech is not always that of the dominant race ; that, in fact, whereas the spread of physical characters in the animal and vegetable Avorld is in the ratio of the numbers of indi^'iduals who present them, speech is extended sometimes by the weaker in numbers and tenacity — setting all these considerations aside, we find that among uncivilized tribes superstition plays an important part in modifying the language, the taboo of the chiefs, and. that consequent on death or misfortune, leading to the abolition of words which are replaced by arbitrary symbols, at least this is the case in Africa. The roots, therefore, of the earlier speech are not certainly transmitted ; and their couiparative fixity at later periods is chiefly helpful in tracing migrations. In other words, the physical difierences between the Aryan and Semitic races are less than the linguistic, the distinction having been perhaps exaggerated by some such influence as that just mentioned. It will appear, from the subsequent paragraphs, that the general statement regarding the westerly tendency of nations is true only for the latest disj^ersion of the Xanthochroic races : that a jiortion of that stock migrated towards the south-east, and that the diffusion of that great section of mankind has had its movement largely determined by circumstances. Thus the westward movement from Asia was a necessity, smce the east had been already occupied by 348 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. the descendants of the people who first tenanted that southern continent, of which fragments only survive. Alternate east- ward and westward movements are historically known among the Mongols. The Malay has spread to south-east and south-west. And at the present day the European nations are throwing off their surplus population in all directions, but chiefly where the indigenous people are not strong enough to hold their own, where the climate is not bad enough to kill the immigrant within a few years, and the soil or native productions are not poor -enough to forbid the hope of great gain with moderate labour. But if the material of language does not give positive evi- dence as to the ancestry of nations, its structure has been found to indicate their grade of development. Languages were grouped by Humboldt as isolating, agglutinating, and inflectional; the simple ajDposition of the roots, as in the old Chinese, being the lowest of a series which culminates in the highly complicated grammar of European tongues, in which prefixes and suffixes are now merely symbols of particular kinds of relation, are merely the faint shadows of words which had primarily an independent existence. These words have undergone two kinds of change, a logical and a physi- cal. The latter, called by Miiller phonetic decay, is a con- venient index of the former, or at least of the extent to which it has gone. It must be rememl3ered that what he denominates decay, ought on the hypothesis of evolution to be called progressive adaptation; for that hypothesis includes language among those phenomena which are of slow develop- ment and of changing type, while Miiller starts with phonetic types or roots which he thinks exist by nature, change of which is a departure from the standard, and in his view decay. But without accepting the interpretation, Miiller's summary of the facts is a useful one, and is here subjoined in tabular form, Humboldt's classification being placed alongside of it. Midler. Humholdt. 1. ER Chinese ^ = Isolating. 2. R + g ) rt g^ g + E ) J.i g + R+ g ) -^ S^ ( = Agglutinative. > >>;« r s ^ \ 's '^ { S. rg X^'Sgr \j^r grg \ ^% I - Inflectional. [4. II + g + r (?) Bask and American, polysyuthetic. = Incapsulating]. FORM OP SKULL. 349 In this table, E, = symbol of a root wliicb bas suffered no phonetic change; r = symbol of a root which has lost its primary significance, but without having undergone phonetic change; while g represents roots which have undergone both processes, and in respect of their loss of meaning relative to the objects vfhich they primarly indicated, may be called dead or empty, though as the exponents of new relations (for they multiply as the life of nations becomes complex), they have acquired new vitality. The student will find the ample discussion of these topics, and of the origin of language, in Max Miiller's writings, especially the Stratification of Lan- guages; in Farrar's Essa]/s; and in the works of Sir John Lubbock and Mr. E. B. Tyler, on Primitive Civilization and Primitive Culture of Man. 434. Form of Skull. — The terms used in the subjoined table, as descrijDtive of the skull forms, have reference to the proportions of length to breadth; the length being taken as 100; thus an extreme transverse diameter of 7 inches, with a length of 9 inches, would give the proportion, 9:7 or 100: 77-7 = index •77.'"^ I. Br.ACHYCEPHALIC. Round Skulls. Cephahc Index '80 or mora. Brachistocephahc. Index at or above '85 Eury cephalic. ..> ., "85 to "80 II. Dolichocephalic. Long Skulls. Cephalic Index below '80 a. Oval Skulls. Sub-brachycephalic. Index "80 — "77 Orthocephahc. ,, -77 — "74 Mecocephahc. ,, '74 — '71 b. Oblong Skulls. Mecistocephalic. Index '71 and less. This mensuration does not give information regarding the facial angle, or inclination of the facial profile to a hori- zontal plane drawn from the anterior end of the cranial axis, which is 67^ in the young Orang, 70^ in the Negro, 85° in the European. Neither does it tell of that relation of the incisors which furnished Retzius with the subordinate char- * Prehistoric Remains in Caithness. Laing and Huxley, p. 85, 350 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY.' acters, orLliognatlious wlien the canines are vertical, pro- gnathous when they are inclined. These features accompany any proportion of skull, the dolichocephalic Negro, and the brachycephalic Mongol being prognathous, the dolichocephalic Aryans and the brachycephalic Peruvian, orthognathous. 435. Hair: the Distinction between the Woolly and Straight Haired Races. — TJlotrichous and Leiotrichous, ti'ivial as the distintion may appear to be, correspond to important differences in character, capacity, and geographical distribution. The following table shows the results of the application of the tests, skull form, and hair character. DolkliocepTialk, Brachycephalic. s § ( Wooly haired, (Negroes; Bushmen.-. g ( Crisp haired, ( Negritos ; Andaman Islanders. U ( Melanoi \ -^^^tralians ♦ ' "' * ' { Dravidians ; Ancient Egyptians. ? Xanthoclu-oi, j f^tli^I^ll^f/gt^rans. Scandinavian. ■» yr 1 T . \ Silures : Iberians : Melanocliroi, | park Aryans. 436. Melanous Races. — The aboriginal Australians are among the lowest, both phj^sically and mentally. Their prognathous skulls are small and long, the prominent super- ciliary ridges are solid. Their skin is dark chocolate- coloured; the hair black and wavy; the eyes dark. The nose, though broad, is not flattened, and the lips, though thick, are mobile, as compared with those of the Negro. When first known to Europeans, they were ignorant of agri- culture, the manufacture of pottery was unkno^vu to them. Even in weapons they were deficient, not possessing the bow and arrow, those commonest weapons of the savage; but, on the other hand, they are almost the sole possessors of the boomerang, while the Esquimaux share with them the use of the thro^ving stick. With an extensive sea-bord, they XANTH03IELAN0US RACES. 351 had very inferior canoes, and only the ^vestern Australians had fishing hooks and nets. Their unity of descent is not incompatible with the great dialectic differences T\^hich Friederich Miiller points out as separating the tribes. These are rather to be expected among people long resident in an isolated continent, and grouped in tribes, which a not over- plentiful sustenance kept in unceasing hostility. The primitive inhabitants of southern India, the Dra vid- ians, belong to this physical type. Largely displaced by the Aryan invaders from the north-west, they still number over 32,000,000, a fifth part of the population of India. Five linguistic divisions are recognised: Tamil, which is spoken over the Carnatic and north Ceylon j Telegu, misnamed Gentoo, on the east coast; Kannadi, at Mysore; Malayalma, on the Malabar coast; and the decadent Talu of Mangalor. The people who occupied south and wesfc Europe in pre- historic times presented the same physical characters, so far as may be inferred from their remains, and were either pure representatives of the Melanous group, or were the earliest members of that gi'oup, the Melanochroi, to which the Xanthochroi and Melanoi contributed. In either case, there was, on physical evidence, a continuous band of uniform characters from Australia to western Europe, and it is note- worthy that this band manifests likewise a remarkable uniformity of megalithic structures from the Penrose Islands to Scandinavia. 437. Xanthomelanous Races. — The north-east of Europe, Asia north of the Caucasus and Himalayas, large part of the Pacific Islands, and the whole of America, are occupied by races which have a yello^^ish or reddish-brown tint of skin, dark eyes, and black haii% usually long and straight. The Asiatic t}^)es, inhabitants of the fertile plain of China in the east, and of the deserts to the v.^est, the Mongol, the Thibetan, and the Chinese, agree in the brachycephalic character of the skull, in the squareness of their fiices, the breadth of the cheek-bones, the usually oblique position of the eyes, and their long, straight black hair. Some of these characters become less conspicuous as we go southwards along the east shores of Asia, and in the Malayan Peninsula we find a race agreeing in complexion, in colour of hair, and in 252 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. features, Avith tne Mongol, and connecting that group with the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands as far south as New Zealand. The Esquimaux or Innuit, in the north of America, and with him goes the Greenlander, represents the dolichocephalic type, to which the Samoiedes and Tun- guses of northern Asia may be referred. They are of small stature, broad faced, dark olive brown, with black hair, and the skulls are low as well as long. These latter considerably resemble the Mongols, even to the obliquity of the eyes, while their language is structurally related to that of the North Americans. The other inhabitants of the New World, setting aside the European, African, and Chinese colonist, agree generally in having a complexion which is some shade of brown, or even olive ; in having dark eyes and straight black hair. The skull is broad, high, and long, the length being greater in the northern and eastern tribes than in those to the south. The face is broad, and the beard is slight. It is impossible to recognise any important physical distinction between the native peoj)les of America. The Fuegians are at present the most wretched of people. Their chief food is molluscs, fish, which they eat i-aw, bones, and scales, and blubber, when it can be procured, whether fresh or putrid. "With very scanty clothing at best, they and their sucklings are often naked during snowfall. They have no pottery, and scarcely any weapons. There is reason to suspect that they are brachycej)halic, and that the difference which exists between them and the other South American tribes, may be due to divergence from a common stock. 438. Xanthochroic Races. — The combination of abimdant fair hair, blue eyes, and a pale skin, with a short skull, is found in the Scandinavians, with a long skull in the Bel- gians, South Germans, Swiss, Finns, and Slavonians. These peoples at an early period occupied the centre of Asia, between the Siberian low grounds and the Himalayas, from the confines of China westwards by successive migrations till they reached the extreme confines of Europe, the shores of the Atlantic, while southwards they encroached at inter- vals Qii the civilization of Greece and the power of Home. NEGROES, NEGRITOS. 353 At present they occupy Europe north of the Alps, mingling in Russia with the Mongol, and in Britain with Melanochroi. 439. Melanochroic Races. — From the plains of India to Britain, there may be traced along the track of the races referred to under Art. 436, a series of peoples agreeing in that they possess a pale complexion, with dark hair and eyes, and for the most part dolichocephalic skulls. These peoples occupy Persia, western Asia, and both shores of the Medi- terranean, being mingled in France and Britain with the preceding stock, which invaded and partly rej^laced them. In former times they occupied Spain, south France, and probably large part of western Europe, including Britain. It is obvious that this mode of grouping races breaks up the Aryan peoples into two distinct groups, the Xanthochroic and Melanochroic, and while one division of the Celts belongs to the former, the latter includes the dark Celts and the Semitic tribes. Mr. Huxley is inclined to regard the Melanochroi as an area of population which owes its character to the spread of the Xanthochroi over earlier Australoid races. 440. Negroes, Negritos. — From Tasmania by New Cale- donia, Papua, and Madagascar, a broken line of Ulotrichous peoples may be traced, and on the other side of the Mozam- bique Channel the same type extends over Africa south of the Sahara. But again, in Africa, as in Australia, the antiquity of the continent, and the isolation of its people, have given rise to great diversity in speech, the dialectic varieties being numerous and important. The woolly hair of the Negro is evenly distributed over the head, and, taken in conjunction with his black skin and prognathism, which gives his thick immobile lips remarkable prominence, gives him an aspect which is more characteristic than that of any other stock, the oblique-eyed Mongol alone excepted. The Negro is a cultivator of the soil; within the last few hundred years he has acquired the art of dealing with metal : his weapons are' the spear, bow and arrow, and are always carefully made, often elegantly finished and ornamented. The yellow-skinned Bushman has his hair disposed in locks, not uniformly distributed. Inferior in size and strength to the Negro, he also occupies a lower place as regards his civilization. The Negritos of Tasmania were dark, prognathous, and 23 S 354 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. dolicKoceplialic, while their frizzly hair separated them from the Australian. Their civilization was even lower than that of the Australian, since they had no canoes, very imperfect fishing apparatus, and not even the throwing stick "as a weapon. The Papuan, as described by Wallace, is of a sooty brown or black, nearly but not so jet black as the Negro. The harsh, dry, tufted hair, at first in short curls, forms in the adult a thick mass projecting from the head. The nose is prominent, broad, but not flattened. Apart from the volatile restless energy of the Papuan, characters in which he con- trasts with the Malay, the distinctness of the races is evidenced by the fact that members of the Negrito stock now form the population of the interior of many of the islands, and stand to the Malay of the coast in the same relation as the Dravidian to the Aryan, save that the antagonism between the former two stocks is greater, and has resulted in the more depressed state of the earlier peoj)le, driven into the fastnesses of the island for safety from their conquerors. 441. Antiquity of Man. — What was the date of man's first appearance, it is impossible to say. In Europe, human remains are found under circumstances which prove him to have been the contemporary of the reindeer, elk, rhinoceros, mammoth {Elephas primigenius), and other animals which are now either extinct, or are the characteristic inhabitants of other regions. Thus the west of Europe was already occupied by man long before the Xanthochroic races spread from central Asia. At Hoxne, in Suflfolk, flint weapons have been found in a deposit which lies on a hill slope, and which is evidently the remainder of a formation largely denuded during the excavation of the adjacent valley, thu^ Aj indicating a remarkable change in the physical features of south England since man first occupied it. At present, the earliest indications of man are preserved in the deposits formed during the amelioration of climate after the glacial period. Of miocene man there is no certain evidence, neither can it be held as demonstrated that in America he co- existed with the mastodon. But, bearing in mind what has been said in previous chapters, the student will see that if I man lived in central Europe, in the valley of the Somme, i when ice covered the river for a large part of the year, there I STONE PERIOD. 355 is no reason to doubt, from tlie analogy of other animals, he must have lived elsewhere at earlier periods. What that locality may have been, we shall immediately enquire. 442. Evidence of Antiquity. — The evidence requisite to prove man's co-existence with extinct animals is: — 1. The association of the remains of both in undisturbed deposits, under circumstances which leave no doubt that both had been laid do^Ti simultaneously. 2. The absence of rolling, or those siinis of friction which would leave no doubt that bodies so soft as bones had been transported for some distance, and might therefore have come from more ancient accumu- lations. 3. In the case of articles of alleged human manu- facture, the appearances must be such that no accidental fractures or other markings could be supposed to coincide. 443. Prehistoric Periods. — Successive epochs of man's history are recognised by the character of the weapons he employed. Three principal ej)ochs are: the Stone Period, the Bronze Period, and the Iron Period, the material used corresponding to the progress he had made in civilization. But these periods, like those of the geological tables, are only true for each country, or each race; they do not mark the same chronological stages for all. Thus the Esquimaux is at the present day in the stone period, while the Hottentot has reached the iron, and these unequal grades are found close to a higher civilization of European origin. Nor is the material necessarily a guide to the degree of civilization, since weapons of the stone age type have been found in America fashioned out of copper, which was easily wrought, but was not used as a metal. 444. Stone Period. — Stone weapons of a rude kind are found associated with the extinct animals above mentioned; while more elegant and beautifully polished weapons of flint and other kinds of stone were carefully prepared at a later date. The periods at which these weapons were in common use arc distmguished : the earlier as the palaeolithic, or arcliKiolithic, or drift period, the later as the neolithic or polished stone period. The localities in which i^alaeolithic remains are found are limited, and the men who used these primitive tools must have led a life similar to that of the Esc^uimaux. The river gravels, or drift, or quaternaiy 356 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. deposits, the early bone caves, tlie kjokkenmoddings or sliell mounds of Denmark, and tlie lowest portions of the peat- mosses have yielded the chief remains of this early age. These primitive races were, unlike the Esquimaux, without domesticated animals; yet in some localities, as in Perigord, the designs roughly carved on their instruments show some artistic sense. The palseolithic men seem to have been con- fined largely to the river valleys, and to the vicinity of the sea, from which food could be more easily obtained, in which it was also more abundant than on the land. The neolithic age was that in which the tumuli or ancient burial mounds were formed, the Pfahlbauten or lake dwell- ings of Switzerland were erected, the shell mounds were in part collected, and in which the later cavemen lived. The celts (Lat. celtis, a chisel) are most frequently of flint, but other kinds of stone were used, kinds which are not known to exist in some of the countries where the wrought speci- mens are found. Thus jade in Europe, mica in the Mississippi valley, represent probably barter, and suggest that the tribes, which thus obtained more valuable materials than those at hand, had already attained some mercantile sagacity. The monuments already referred to, as also showing, like the stone instruments, uniformity over a large part of the earth's surface, are the menhirs or standing stones, cromlechs or stone circles, dolmens or stone chambers, and tumuli or bar- rows of various kinds. These last belong to two distinct types, long and round, and the skulls differ according to the form of the barrow, thus 82 per cent, of long barrow skulls had a cephalic index of "63 to "73, while 63 per cent, of those from the round barrows were brachisto- cephalic. The lakemen of Switzerland belonged to two periods, those of the neolithic having left most abundant remains in eastern Switzerland, the west and central districts containing the habitations belonging to the bronze period, while those of the iron period are represented only on the lakes of Bienne and Neufchatel. Crannoges, as the pile dwellings of Irish and Scotch mosses are called, are found under circumstances which suggest that this mode of securing cattle may have been adopted in later troublous times, but the majority are ^rehistorip constructions, The existing PRIMITIVE HOME OP MAN. 357 equivalents ai*e the platform dwellings on the Orinoco, and in New Guinea. It is not possible to determine the races of the neolithic period in Europe; but as we approach the later part of that epoch, it is noteworthy that the size of the weapon handles increases, indicating a corresponding differ- ence in the manufacturers. The shell mounds of Denmark and west Scotland commence in the earlier part of the neo- lithic 2^Griod, and extend down to the bronze, while the Tasmanian and Fuegian have within historic times prepared exactly similar piles. 445. Metallic Age. — The gi-adual amelioration in the con- dition of the early Europeans, shown by the discovery and increasing dexterity in the use of metals, by the introduction of domesticated animals, and by the greater attention to agri- culture, presents a history far too complicated to be more than alluded to here. The range and importance of that history may be inferred from the change of meaning whereby Max Mllller shows Aryan roots indicating copper were trans- ferred to iron, and the word which originally stood for fir became quercus (oak) while the Greek word (pijyoe (oak) is represented in Latin by fagus (beech) ; these terms, taken in the order mentioned, corresponding to the order in which the trees succeed each other from below upwards in the Danish peat mosses. Hesiod tells of a period when cojoper only, not iron, was used, and alludes to a time when weapons did not exist ; that is, when metals were unknown. The pas- sage, therefore, from the stone period to the epoch of Greek civilization may have been witnessed by those whose traditions, slowly accumulated, constituted the mythology of early Greece. 446. Primitive Home of Man. — It is clear, then, that man had occupied Europe long, we know not how long, before that period the tradition of which represents the human family as diverging from central Asia. That dispersion was, in fact, the latest event in the history of the race. If our interpretation of events in the palaeolithic age is correct, we have evidence of a mode of life not higher than that of the Esquimaux, while every succeeding epoch shows some im- provement, some sign of progress. To the question, Did a higher civilization exist at any other part of the earth's siuface % it is impossible to reply positively. Following up 358 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. the line of argument adopted in tlie previous chapter, Ihe' dispersion of tribes from a common centre must coincide with changes both in the travellers and those vrho remain; and change means progress in the case of man. If, therefore, we find that man in western Europe had not at first risen beyond the conditions of the Esquimaux, it is fair to ask, how low in condition was he in his primitive home ? or had he retro- graded 1 The student must, in all such inquiries, bear in mind that retrogression is an uncertain phrase; that the Englishman who spends a winter in the Arctic region retrogrades, inas- much as his habits are no longer those of his home, but suitable to his surroundings; thus he adopts the custom of eating his food raw, that being apparently most conducive to health. It is open to doubt whether man had not reached Europe before the glacial epoch, and whether the river-gTavel folk were not, like the reindeer, driven back from their more northern homes, carrying with them the customs and habits suitable to a rigorous climate. On their retreat northward (for their extinction at that period is an unnecessary assump- tion), they were seemingly overlapped by the advancing wave of brachycephalic men of the bronze age, and thus the pi-ogi'ess of western Europe was made up of that which might result from intelligent efforts to deal with surroundmg difficulties, and of that which was borrowed from the invaders. Eor it must be remembered that man passed through regions of unlike conditions, and his exijeriences thus varying, his inventions and discoveries would likewise vary. The flint arrow-head was tied on the shaft as the shark's tooth, from which it was copied, was tied on, and the spread of this pattern over inland America is, like the exchange of copper and shells between Lake Superior and the coast, another evidence of the early intercommunication of these primitive folk. But when the comparative facilities for migration offered by Europe and America did not exist, there man Avas arrested, so to speak, in his intellectual development. His needs were, in the tro2:)ical islands, easily supplied; and, in the absence of competition from without, excessive popula- tion w^ould be checked, as at the present day in the Pacific and Fuegia, by killing the children and the aged, while the dominant family or families are protected from starvation by Hypothesis op lost continents. 359 tlie taboo wliicli they lay on the cocoa-nut tree, which there- after it is a capital offence to touch. Other things being equal, the occupants of an isolated country might be expected to have more and more varied aj)pliances, if they had tra- velled to it, than if they were isolated after long residence there. The Australian and the Tasmanian are feebly endowed with the appliances for physical comfort : the more migratory Kegrito, in addition to the necessity imposed on him by his changes of place, was brought in contact with other tribes, and profited by the contact; hence civilization is greater among that stock nearer the equator than it is farther south. If the student follows up this suggestion, and compares the condition of different peoples, he will find reason to believe that while in all cases a tendency to improve has been shown, and while in very few cases has this tendency failed to pro- duce fruit, the amount of improvement depends chiefly on the necessities imposed by the surroundings of each nation, and thus we have many different stages representing the condition of the people when they first reached localities that did not cultivate their inventive powers. 447. Hypothesis of Lost Continents in Southern Hemi- sphere. — It is clear that, unless the palaeolithic men were created in western E jpe, they must have spread from some centre which lay beyond the limits of Europe, and which lay to the south of Asia. The Australian is cut ofi" from his Dravidian kindred by the Negritos, which stretch from New Caledonia round by New Guinea, across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar. The Malay has moved south-eastwards, if we take language as the guide, for the Arabic element disappears in that direction; but did he not first remove northwards'? There is abundant physical proof of elevations and sub- sidences in that great area which lies between Africa and S, America, in the middle of which is Australia, a fragment of a continent homomorphic with the other two. The Tas- manian is a Negrito who cannot have reached his present home by sea, else the tradition of his canoe would have survived, nor was there any system of slavery, before the Europeans arrived, by which the process of iransplanting might have been efiected. The reasons for asserting the existence of continuous land in the Southern Ocean^ at a 360 t>HYSICAL GEOGRAtnl^. geologically recent period, were stated in last chapter : from this land, now to a large extent submerged, man jprobably spread on all sides, not necessarily in every case over con- tinuous land; for navigation undoubtedly bad an early sbare in the dispersal of tribes. The Australoid and the woolly-haired races may be regarded as presenting the two earliest divergences from the common stock, the latter, how- ever, reaching sooner to the limits of their progress than the descendents of the former. The distribution of the woolly-haired peoples is singularly close in its parallelism to that of the marsupials, lemurs, struthious birds, and anthropoid apes, the Sahara sea having apparently cut them off entirely from contact with the primitive dolichocephalic (probably Melanous) races of the Mediterranean shores. The community and diversity of characters between the Mongol and the American are intelligible on this hypothesis. The Malayan type does not appear in southern India, the lines along which the tribes travelled being thus so far parallel, not coincident. The glacial period doubtless suspended the spread and development of man during a considerable period prior to his advent in western Europe. To the period of climatal improvement we ought probably to assign that later dispersion from central Asia which flooded India with pale faces, whose influence is manifested in the mixed stock, the Melanochroic, by which Dravidian tribes are isolated. To this time perhaps belongs the Malayan reflux which has given so great uniformity to the Polynesian area. It is clear that the terms, Aryan or Indo-European, are suggestive of theories on which we cannot decide, for the Xanthochroi may be primarily derived from Asia, east and north of the Himalayas, and Indo-Euroj)ean may thus be only true, in a secondary sense, for their Melanochroic descendants. Be this as it may, the fact is that, while the Xanthochroi are not traced beyond the Himalayas, the Melanochroi — all those peoples with whom religion, science, and art, have attained their earliest and greatest development — all those people to whom grand conceptions, whether in cycloj)ean masonry, or in gigantic empires, seem natural — extend to the shores of the Indian Ocean. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF FAHRENHEIT AND CENTIGRADE DEGREES. Boiling point on the Fahrenheit scale is 212°, or 180° F. above the freezing point (32°), and as boiling point on the Centigrade scale is 100° above 0°, it follows that 180° F. are equal to 100° C, that is, 9°F. are equal to 5°C. The result may be formulated thus : — Degrees F. X 5 ^ p (.- 9 But as the Fahrenheit scale commences 32° F. below freezing point, the Fahrenheit scale may be reduced to the Centigrade, or Centigrade to Fahrenheit, thus : — ' ,1 ) 5(TemperatoeF.-32°) ^ T,„p„^t„, 0. Ex. : 5(55'r. -32°) _ 12.70c. ^, J 9 Temperature C.+ 32° ^ Temperature F. c (^' ^%^ d fe| (** jiS d fe' fe'®(2 d 60 to CD n ft to n -la ft 32 p fe S, 00 32 51 19 10-5 31 1 - 0-5 33 1 0-5 52 20 111 30 2 - 11 34 2 11 53 21 11-6 29 3 - 1-6 35 3 1-6 54 22 12-2 28 4 - 2-2 36 4 2 2 55 23 12-7 27 5 - 2-7 37 5 2-7 56 24 13-3 26 6 - 3-3 38 6 3-3 67 25 13-8 25 7 - 3-8 39 7 3-8 58 26 14-4 24 8 - 4-4 40 8 4-4 59 27 150 23 9 - 50 41 9 5 68 36 20 22 10 - 5-5 42 10 5-5 77 45 25 21 11 - 61 43 11 61 86 54 30 20 12 - 6-6 44 12 6-6 95 63 35 19 13 - 7-2 45 13 7-2 104 72 40 18 14 - 7-7 46 14 7-7 113 81 45 17 15 - 8-3 47 15 8-3 122 90 50 16 16 - 8-8 48 16 8-8 212 180 100 15 17 - 9-4 49 17 9-4 . . fl . • . 14 18 -100 50 18 100 ... INDEX. Aesorptioit, of heat, 244; of liglit, 251; bands in spectram, 252. Africa, Mountains of, 83; plateaux of, 02; north current, 131; rivers of, 159-161; lakes, 173; winds of, 231; niousoous of, 269. Alluvium, 36, iTT. Alps, 80, 215. America, Plateaux of, 93 ; rivers of, 153-155 ; rivers. Pacific slope, 164 ; winds of North, 264; winds of South, 265 ; monsoons of, 263; biological provinces, 341; races of, 352. Amygdaloid, 35. Aualj'-sis of Thames "Water, 109; of lake waters, 174; of sjiring water, 1S3. Andes, 84, 215. Antarctic Drift, 131, 132. Anticline, 45. Antitaurus, 80, 161. Aqueous Vapour, 195; condensation of, 196, 203; transport of, 203; pressure of, 195, 240; influence on tempera- ture, 243. Aralo- Caspian Area, 92. Arctic Current, 128. Artesian Wells, 181; yield of, 1S3. Aryan Races, 350, 353, 360. Asia, Central, Mountains of, 82 ; pla- teaux of, 92. Asia, Eastern, Rivers of, 103. Asia Minor, Mountains of, SO; rivers of, 161. Astronomy, Relation, to Physical Geo- graphy, 10. Atlantic, 102; soundings, 104; tempera- ture of, 114, 126 ; warm and cold areas in, 128, 325; winds of, 260; marine provinces, 339, 341. Atmosphere, Solid Particles in, 238; water in, 194; saturation of, 196; composi- tion of, 238; density of, 239; height of, 239 ; temperature of, 240, 245 ; temperature affected by liumiditj', 243 ; diathermancy, 243 ; cooled by expansion, 243; decrease of tempera- ture with height, 246, 289; colour and transparency, 250; polarization of, 254; movements of, 258; constant westerly current, 260; course of cur- rents, 269; electricity of, 280. Aurora Borealis, 280. Australia, Currents, 133 ; rivers of. 164 ; terrestrial life, 328, 329; marine, 341. Auvevgna, Springs, 184, 188. Avalanche, 226. Axis of Earth, stability, inclination, 14. Axis of Elevation, 70,85; of mountain chains, 78, 307, Backwater, 144. Baltic CuiTent, 130. Barometric Pressure, Influence on Cli- mate, 239, 289. Barrande's Colonies, 43. Bathymetrical Zones, 324. Beaufort's Scale of "Winds, 273. Bergschrund, 224. Biological Provinces, unequal, 326. Bischof's Classification of Siniugs, ISS. Black Sea Current, 130. Bora, 261. Bore, 123. B:)tanical Provinces, 322. Botany, Relation to Physical Geograi^hy, 9. Boulder Clay, upper and lower, 232 ; deposit of, 233 ; moraine i^rofonde of ice sheet, 232. Brahmapootra, 82, 161. Brazilian Current, 131. British Islands, 157; climate of, 2SS; inha- bitants of, 353. Buchan, 290. Calcareous Springs, 1S4. Calms, Regions of, 263, 204. Canons, 161. Caribbean Sea, Biological Province, 340. Cataracts, 150. . " . - Caspian, 92, 171. Caucasus, 80, 215. Caves, Formation of, 120 ; enguMng rivers, 190; contents of, 192. INDEX. 8G3 Celts, i?eople, 353; instruments, 356. Cephalic Index, 349. China : Monsoons, 268 ; typhoons, 274 ; people of, 351. Cirrus, 200. Cleavage, 34. Cliffs, - V ' « vV c •^- 5> -U. ^ '^^ -^^ .-^ ^ c " ^ '' * . '^O ■^■,^* ". v^ o '^ V. A^^' .0- .0 o ^^'^' nV '•>. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 708 025 8