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Metaphysics in a Nutshell. A CONCISE TREATISE ON Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. Their Application as a Therapeutic Agent, in the Cure of all Diseases, whether in Acute or Chronic Form. ^ IN SCOPE, It covers the entire domain of Man's relations to God, the Neighbor, and to the Universe of Tilings. Mind is a universal prophylactic; it renders both body and soul impervi- ous to all moral or physical perturbations. Op TOPEKA, KANSAS: Geo. TV. Crane & Co., Printers and Binders. 1886. / -R "Z- 4-M COPYRIGHT, 1886, BY J. B. CROCKER. PREFACE. ^JtttUCH has been said and written of late on the subject of Metaphysical Pa- thology and Therapeutics. Of necessity, each author has mapped out his own cluster of conceptions, amplified his premises, and in- tensified his fundamental idea; and, in some instances, its power in healing has been dem- onstrated. No uniform Theory or Practice has, as yet, been established, save the proposition of a general denial of the existence of matter on the one side, and the affirmation that "All is Mind," on the other. Much of the thought- matter heretofore published has had its origin in the personal experience of the writer, rather, than in an adaptation to, and an outcome from, the fitness of things, made manifest in universal nature. The public mind is ready to welcome any new movement having for its end the allevia- tion of human suffering, and which would 4 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. pave the way for the expression of higher and purer conditions of life. Health and disease are fundamental ques- tions, interwoven with the dearest interests of all mankind, in their individual, as well as, their collective capacity. The present writer is fully conscious that much good has already resulted from the agitation of thought in this direction. But a vast amount of missionary work remains to be done; for the fields are white unto har- vest, and the real — the genuine, unselfish workers — are few. It may seem merely analogous and pro- phetic to state, that the day is not far distant when a wave of divine harmony will reach this planet, and the rule of righteousness be applied to the affairs of every -day life. Then all-sided perfection in individual character will be attained. Sin and sickness will be things of the past, and all public institutions will be the highest expressions of Divine Love and Wisdom. "My Physician, Mind," is sent forth to aid its coming. Aid its dawning, tongue and pen; Aid it, hopes of honest men. Aid it, paper — aid it, type; Aid it, for the hour is ripe. And our earnest must not slacken into play ; Men of thought and men of action, clear the way. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics, basic principles. God, the Universe, Man. Soul and Spirit. Spirit and Mind. Mind and Body. Body and Environment. Ontological. Statement of Being. CHAPTER II. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics AS Relative Opposites and Mutual Dependents in Association. CHAPTER III. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics in their application to Sexology, Parentage and Population. CHAPTER IV. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics in reference to a Universal System of Education, in WHICH Mind and Body, Intellect, Intuition and Emotion are Eelative Opposites and Mutual Dependents. CHAPTER V. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics in reference to a Universal System of Scientific Cooperation, in WHICH Capital and Labor, Production and Consumption, are Relative Opposites and Mutual Dependents. CHAPTER VI. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. Bridging Over Old Conditions Into the New. Pathological. CHAPTER VII. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. Therapeutical — Ethical. CHAPTER I. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics, basic principles. God, the Universe, Man. Soul and Spirit. Spirit and Mind. Mind and Body. Body and Environment. These all exist as Relative Opposite* and Mutual Dependents. They are merely the antithetical repetitions of the higher in the lower, and vice versa, reciprocally. OSTTOLOGICAL. STATEMENT OF BEING. SEEING is both passive and active. Its passive side corresponds to the absolute and infinite. It is the boundless ocean of unconscious thought — the limitless sea with- out a shore. Its active side is the relative, the finite, which enters into, or rather, repre- sents, the infinite, being its expression. Being is the repository of all forces and their forma- tive processes. Being is self-extant — lies back of and beyond all prime elements and principles, 8 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. ideas and their illustrations. It is an un- broken unit, unlimited by time, space, sense or soul. All forms and forces derive their existence. They are but the manifestations of that In- finite Fountain of principles, interior, anterior and posterior to all motion, life and sensation, throughout all domains of thought. Being, or God, the Absolute and All-em- bracing, as an Infinite Unit, remains eternally in statu quo, without beginning, end or change. All that was, is. To the whole nothing can be added — nothing taken from — since it takes all the parts to constitute the whole. God, the I Am, is more than Principle and Personation ; more than Unity and Variety ; more than the Universal and Particular; more than Life, Truth and Love, Substance and Intelligence ; for these exist in endless modifications, and the eternal wisdom which combines all is less than "God, blessed for- evermore." God cannot be comprehended, for the rea- son that that which is comprehended is less than the comprehendor. It would be com- pressing the whole within the limits of a part. A proper thought and understanding thereto is possible, but this knowledge can only be MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 9 attained through the Soul's connection with God. The procedure or manifestation of force, vis, life, or the subtle, creative essence, does not emanate from one single power alone. The Infinite Father involves the Infinite Mother as its relative opposite and mutual dependent. The Brotherhood of the race has a diviner complement, a " better half," in the Sisterhood of the race. As it is writ- ten, (Gen. i, 26): "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." The Infinite and Finite, male and female, are the "us," the inseparable two, in one. Unity is complemented in the infinite variety, displayed in contrasted elements, uni-variety, two in one. The omnipresent and everlast- ing change has its relative opposite and mu- tual dependent in the inexpugnability of prime elements. In every change there is al- ways a persistent remainder. The Creator and the creature are but reflections of each other — two in one. 10 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. There is no substance but that made mani- fest through form. All objective forms are but illustrations of interior forces, (Mental and Spiritual Dynamics,) thoughts and intel- lectual perceptions on the one side, and in- tuitional, emotional energies on the other side. The former represents the male ele- ment; the latter the female. These acting and reacting upon one another, bring Life and Immortality to light. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "And God said, Let there be light, and there was light." Light was the result of the Word (thought, impulse). "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." The word "beginning" has no value when exclusively applied to time, for the universal symbol of duration is an unbroken circle, without beginning or ending. Time is only the comparative degrees of motion over space. Day and night, spring- time and harvest, summer and winter, are merely results from the diurnal and annual MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 11 revolutions of the earth. The common time piece is constructed upon the same principle, the different motions being indicated upon the circle of the dial. Beginning must have reference to the Word, thought or intention, the formative force from which the earth and its atmosphere resulted, and these could have had but a relative beginning, since they are reflections of God and the Word — two in one. The form and substance constituting the earth and heaven never had a beginning as prime elements. They are reflections of God's thought, but, through new combina- tions, are forevermore producing new ex- pressions; and these expressions are the outcomes of Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. And God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. ,, Man is the re- sult of a dual force, and his constitutional make-up is — Male and Female, Positive and Negative, Finite and Infinite, Absolute and Relative, Form and Substance. These are all expressed in infinite degrees 12 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. of variation — no two expressions ever being the same. Man is the perfect image and exact likeness of God. The Soul of Man forms a complete circle — is a perfect entity. The life of the Soul is immortal, and this immortality has reference alike to past, present and future — is related to God in the ratio of the atom to the whole. The innermost of the circle or sphere of the soul represents the female principle; the outer, the male principle — two in one. The former is the more spirit- ual ; the latter more intellectual. The soul does not dwell within the body, any more than God dwells within the soul, or the painter within the picture. The soul is the absolute and infinite principle — God's perfect idea. The life of the soul is broken into two halves, or, rather, one- half is eclipsed or shaded, like evening chasing the morning, darkness the light. These two distinctive features of consciousness are relative op- posites and mutual dependents, comple- mentary to each other. The Absolute side is the fountain source of all aspiration, and forms the background of the picture of all MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 13 spiritual expressions and human endeavors; it constitutes the better self, toward which man is forever reaching, and, through which, he discovers Deity, develops individual rea- son and intuition, and recognizes the beau- tiful law of interdependence and divine harmony. Spirit, in contradistinction to Soul, refers to that side forming the connection between the celestial and the terrestrial ; it is repre- sented in the organic structure as the neck which connects the head with the trunk. It is the dynamic force which forms all organs and repairs all injuries. The spiritual con- sciousness is broken by three elements, viz., by time, space, and the senses, and becomes subject in its visible expression to the action of the outer laws of the universe. The experiences entered upon by the soul, through the spirit, in connection with the body, are infinite in their variety; and, are carried forward uninterruptedly from one point of culmination to another; therefore, each experience makes its record upon the being of the soul, as the rings within the tree denote the years of its growth. The soul's descent, through the spirit into limitations, is symbolized in Genesis, third 14 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. chapter. The "Eden" condition, or Para- dise, represents man previous to his coming in contact with the corporeal principle (mat- ter, if you please); for, his descent was a direct spirihial imptdsion, an aggregation of prepared atoms, and not through generation ; for, marriage, as yet, had not been instituted. Man, the human, was a spiritual creation, and did not come to the earth alone; but, like the atoms, the stars, the flowers, came in groups; consequently, an orderly and or- ganized condition of life is the natural state of man ; hence, the family, society, community, etc. The spiritual ties being stronger and more enduring than the ties of consanguinity, accounts for the discord exist- ing among blood relations; such are not of the same group, or of the same spiritual household. All forms in objective life result from the attrition and coalescence of relatively opposing forces, which are harmonious, or otherwise, in the exact ratio of parallelism entering into such association or marriage of relatively op- posing forces. This fact is basic and founda- tional. It forms the key of harmony in the constitution and construction of all things; it is exemplified in the atomic structure of MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 15 worlds and systems of worlds ; and applies, with equal force, to man and all man-made institutions. CHAPTER II. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics AS Eelative Opposites and Mutual Dependents in Association. S%|%ENTAL and Spiritual Dynamics in- volve those forces which are ex- pressed in the domain of the senses; they are amenable to human power externally ap- plied, on the one side, and that vast, subtle, invisible force, not amenable to human power externally applied, on the other side. To- gether, they constitute all organs, being the organizer ; all functions, with their operating and repairing forces ; all the faculties and the inspiration that infills them. They exist as male and female — are relative opposites and mutual dependents ; and, through their attri- tion and coalescence, human life is sustained and the species perpetuated. Man is surrounded by silent forces, which play upon his senses in a vague and un- defined manner. He breathes them in the atmosphere; absorbs them through contact; [16] MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 17 assimilates them in the processes of nutri- tion ; discovers them by thought, idea, and perception in form and substance; catches their vibrations and tones of harmony through the ear ; sees their beauties through the eye; knows and communes with them through the affection and wisdom faculties, the outermost laws of which, in a very limited sense, only, have been discovered and applied to ultimate use ; while the inner- most laws of which, have, as yet, not been dreamed of by any mind on earth. Remember, that for every ultimate phys- ical atom there is a correlative, spiritual force; for every ultimate physical result, there is a correlative spiritual cause; for every manifestation of matter defined by the intellect, there is a spiritual cause not defined by the intellect — not yet reached by science. Mind, alone, is positive. Spirit, alone, is elemental, indestructible, primal. That which is combined can be disintegrated ; that which is an aggregation of atoms can be changed and its form destroyed. But Soul is the one sole primate — never combines, is indestructible, changes not, passes not away; is ancient as God, coeval with His spirit, born of His breath, living in 2 18 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. His life ; does not have its birth on earth ; is not the result of physical organism; does not proceed from combinations of matter, favorable to the production of essences, called mind. Man, the epitome of material creation, is also the expression on earth of a spiritual creation. Where material science pauses, spiritual science begins with its wonderful wealth, its knowledge of all past and future things — a revelation which transcends the senses and brings to human consciousness the truth that there is no lost link in the chain of being. Thought never perishes, but abides forever; it builds the temples of the future, and paves the way for more exalted states of existence, of which we have, to- day, no more knowledge than has the ma- terial scientist of the primal atom of matter which, as yet, has not been found. Spiritual dynamics has given proof of its potency in the broad illustrations of universal worlds, and throughout the separate king- doms each may contain — in the pulling down of old forms, and their reconstruction into the more beautiful new. It has verified its wonder workings, in the domain of the human senses, in apparently suspending the MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 19 forces of cohesion and attraction, by causing bodies of equal density to pass silently and rapidly through one another ; as in levitation, overcoming the law of gravitation ; Jesus walking upon the sea; persons floating through the air; ponderous bodies moving without any visible contact; also, as in ma- terialization, the instantaneous production of beautiful, fragrant flowers, luscious fruits, and the like; converting water into wine; feeding five thousand hungry people with five loaves and two small fishes, and gather- ing up twelve baskets that remained ; taking from fire its power to consume the human organism, while handling red hot coals ; pass- ing through the fiery furnace ; in raising the apparently dead ; in healing the sick ; taking up venomous reptiles ; in accordance with the Master's promise, "If ye drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt you." It has been displayed in the Fine Arts, tracing beautiful fruits and flowers and familiar forms in the mundane and super-mundane spheres ; truth- fully transferring the grand old mountains and the gorgeous canons of Colorado upon canvas, through the organism of a blind- folded artist. It is the force, which in the domain of mind, floods human consciousness 20 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. with sublime inspirations, making brilliant orators from untutored maidens, whose beauty and pathos have astonished the world; whose clear logic has confounded the skeptic with argument so complete that there remained no grounds for disputation; through it new ideas have been evolved, new thoughts of life, and what life portends ; un- folding the purposes of being — its laws, and their application in uplifting processes of human progress; it has rolled back the stone from the Sepulcher, proving continu- ous life beyond the grave, opening up the beauties of inter-communion between the two worlds ; it has brought to the home and hearth-stone of almost every family the intel- ligent presence of the long-mourned loved ones; it has broken down the barriers of superstitious fear; delivered from the thrall- dom of the senses, changing the grim mon- ster, Death, into the white-winged messenger of immortal life and celestial glory. This world presents the extremes of pov- erty and riches, beauty and deformity, virtue and vice. Human life is an endless combina- tion of these extremes, which the Intellect is endeavoring to explain, Religion to reconcile, and Philosophy to harmonize. MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 21 These extremes are the natural results which must outflow from incomplete and imperfect comminglings of elements in the realm of thoughts, ideas and things ; and not from the prime elements themselves. These are all-wise, beneficent and harmonious — God's perfect idea. The natural condition of man is an orderly, not a disorderly condi- tion — a healthy, not a diseased one; and it is just as easy to organize for health as for sickness; for success, as for failure; for vir- tue, as for vice. Through man's associations, combinations and organizations, the dual forces of his being find expression. His dependencies and compensations are limited and qualified by his associations. Any unsatisfied need through dependence not fully and ade- quately responded to, through compensa- tion, is prima facie evidence that the sufferer is ignorant of the law of association, or, else, that the law of association is incomplete in itself. The prime elements in the vast as- sociation of universal nature, on the one side, and man-made institutions on the other, constitute the sum total of man's dependen- cies and compensations. These dual principles which are discover- 22 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. able in all domains of conscious thought are, in their distinctive contrasts, complementary, as parts to a whole. They make up the two halves which enter into man's being and the make-up of humanity; and, when they flow together harmoniously, as relative opposites and mutual dependents in man's institutions, as well as in the individual life, the acme of civilization will have been reached ; and pov- erty, pain, injitstice, war and disease will have been outgrown. These fearful calamities, now resting like ar pall upon humanity, are only danger signals, held out to warn them against violated and abused relations — tender appeals to the "prodigal to arise and go to his father," rather than having any basis in truth. The scale or standard of compatibility be- tween relative opposites and mtitual dependents, both in their simple and complex forms, may be rendered as simple and self-evident as the degrees of latitude which mark the various zones upon the planet, or as those of the thermometer, which indicate the relative de- grees of heat. It may be applied, alike, to individuals, communities and nations, as well as to the universe of things ; it is the stand- ard for all elements combining for organiza- MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 23 tion ; it is a universal criterion and system of equations — the measure of all value and force. The arm of all power and momentum being in association, combination and or- ganization, the work before us is simple and self-evident, to wit: The application of the law of relative opposites in sexology, parent- age, population and ownership, making it im- possible for any one to be sick, deformed, insane or vicious, and forming a prevention to divorce, adultery, and the begetting of im- becile children; the application of this law to an Integral System of Education, in which proper facilities shall be afforded for the cul- ture of the entire being; healthy action of all bodily organs ; the development of vigor- ous intellectual powers; the evolution of in- tuitive and spiritual forces. • To apply the law r of relative opposites in a comprehensive and all-sided system of scientific co-operation, in which Capital and Labor shall be divinely married, would ad- vance the highest civilization, the natural out- come of which would flood the world with wealth, making it impossible for any to be poor or uncultured. CHAPTER III. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics in their application to Sexology, Parentage and Population. ^XOLOGY, Parentage and Population do not result from one arbitrary power alone ; they are the commingling of the com- plementals of life, love, truth, substance and intelligence. This truth is universal in its scope and application. Marriage covers the whole domain of life; it is evident in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. In man, it is the call and answer of his better self found in woman, bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh — the beauty of his life, and the# completeness of his being. In woman, it is the responsiveness to that call — the spiritual to the material; the intuitional to the intel- lectual; the bearing, passive side, to the ac- tive, aggressive side; the joyous and loving assumption of the sacred and tremendous functions of maternity, with a sweet welcome and patient endurance of the vast responsi- [24] MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 25 bilities involved in reproduction and the per- petuation of the race. To understand sexology in its entirety, constitutes the perfect law of life and the perfection of human character, and fulfilling its conditions is the only intelligent obedience to God, the only possible worship of Him in the beauty of holiness. The science of marriage is the perfect blending of the love-spirit in use and beauty as relative opposites, when they are com- patible, for a higher outcome. It is Type- culture, or the prefiguring of a higher type of manhood in the ascending scale of being, wherein the qualities of both parents are united in a single expression — a new birth, a sublimer creation. Nothing exists outside the domain of fecundatory movements in relative oppo- sites; and they are intensified and widened, exalted or lowered, in the exact degree oj the parallelism in adaptation to the constitu- tion and make-up of the elements com- mingling. Correspondence and variation are complements, both simple and complex ; as in the variation and continuity of silence and sound, high and low pitch in the ele- ments of music. 26 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. Harmony or discord is the result of the association in the composition, and not in the elements themselves ; so, too, all forms oj evil, sin, sickness and death are not in prime elements. God never made them. They originate in and through combination — are the offspring of marriage under the regime of immature thought, motive, perception and blind ignorance; they are, then, circumstan- tial, not primal. Much has been said in regard to heredity and the transmission of qualities. The sub- ject is daily widening and intensifying in interest; but, as yet, no basic ideas, no fundamental principles, have been discov- ered, or, if discovered, have not in any ex- tensive manner been applied. The transmission of qualities from one generation to another is not absolute, since nature never repeats herself — that is, she is infinite in her variety, there being no two expressions precisely alike. It is relatively true, all things being equal, that * ' like begets like." The leading qualities of both parents are generally represented in their offspring. It is a common practice with the agricul- turist to select situation, climate, soil, etc., with wise reference to the nature and constit- MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 27 ucnts of the seed sown, the tree planted; and, in the process of growth, should one blos- som be more perfect than the rest, he fructi- fies the next best of its kind, or engrafts a new stem upon the tree whose roots are more thrifty and enduring than that which is not indigenous; thereby he secures the very best result as to quantity and quality ; noth- ing short will satisfy his progressive mind. So, too, the stock-raiser asserts the divinity of his idea in selection through sexual blend- ings; his sire and dam are chosen in refer- enbe to his object in the ultimate use of the offspring. If a draft horse be purposed, weight, size, bone, muscle, in just proportion to the requirement, are appealed to. He has recourse to very different selections in the production of a racer — speed is now the dominal element sought for, with correspond- ing proportions adapted to the use or service to be performed, functional activities being the only formative force. Man is an active agent in the discovery and application to use of all laws and forces. He discovers these in their adaptation to the conditions in the various zones of the earth ; their indigenous aspects are indexes to his fertile mind, having in his thought their cor- 28 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. respondentials. The electric and magnetic fields of force are beginning to be recog- nized — the various tones and producing properties oif sunlight are all more or less regarded to-day, and the discovery is not far distant when mental and spiritual dynamics will have their place, and be regarded the divine art in reproduction. It would indeed be very singular to contemplate an artist in whose mind there was not prefigured the image and idea he was about to transpose to the canvas. He would be a strange sculptor who did not behold in the rough block of marble his divine idea ere he applied the chisel. The architect has the entire plan of the edifice ere the foundation stone is laid; the inventor, his invention ; the designer, his design. What shall be said, then, in reference to human typeculture? Is there no royal grace prefigured upon the baby brow? No hy- perion curls, no Jove-like front, no classic curves? Do not the stars laugh with joy when the mother endows her child /with grace and beauty in her appeals to this science of all sciences — human typeculture? Does the father forget in the fiery throes of holy inspiration, and in the acme of his MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 29 aspiration, does he fail to plumb the line to fine proportions, classically to cut the precise adjustment of corresponding parts ? Beneath the emotional, underlying the senses — aye, even the consciousness, there exists an under- current of mental and spiritual forces not yet fathomed, not, as yet, understood. The body, the shell, the habiliments only, are combined through marriage; under the auspices of the spirit 's suggestion is the body compounded, the ger7n selected, through which the spirit fingers shall attune its human melo- dies through human experiences. It is the combination of elements, the setting for the precious jewel — the tabernacle for the Shekinah — in which the ever-burning and illuminating ray of spirit may act, be it for a century, be it only for an hour. Parentage furnishes the body only, the fundamental premises, considered from a purely physical standpoint. The incoming spirit which quickens, the emanation from soul's eter- nal sphere, hath no beginning — is self- existent, self-affirming. In soul-life, the male and female forces were embodied in one organism, correspond- ing to the deep sleep "God caused to fall upon Adam" ere the "rib" was taken from 30 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. his side — the passive side of being, the in- finite, fathomless side, which is the relative opposite and mutual dependent of the finite, the active side. The spirit } s sojourn on the planet is limited by the fulfillment of its intention in the les- sons gathered from outer consciousness through the experiences incumbent upon its embodied career. Some, only, come for a moment^ just to touch again the earth's outer sphere, while others work a century or more. Moses made his exit at the age of one hun- dred and twenty years. "His eye was not dimmed, nor his force diminished." Environ- ments, and their compatibility to perfect or imperfect expressions form a factor in the longevity of individual existence. If the cir- cumstances be too intense for the degree of energy embodied, the spirit assumes anothei form, better adapted to fulfill its designs. It never returns from the field of battle without its laurels of victory, mind being positive to matter, spirit to sense, soul to circumstance. The infinite variety of experiences which earth affords has to be entered upon by each and all; hence the pauper and peasant of one series of experience may be the autocrat in another, and vice versa, reciprocally. The MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 31 compensating forces in being are absolutely and relatively just. No abuse of any of the functions of life goes by uncorrected by the abuser himself. When this law is understood, no person can afford to act viciously or un- wisely ; it will then be discovered that stealing is robbing one's self; and the hero of a thou- sand battles will learn that mitrder does not kill. "A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside ; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it And some fell upon a rock ; and soon as it sprang up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And others fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold." In typeculture, who and what the wayside? Who and what the de- vouring fowls of the air, but the vile, secret sin, the carrion raven of abortion?. Who and what the thorns, but the mis-mated — those out of parallelisms in wedlock? Which the rocky ground, but the extremes, the incompatible conditions? To raise the standard of population in morals, in intelli- gence and in environments, is to apply the law 32 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS* of perfect physical and spiritual adaptation in Sexology, and the result will be the birth of a royal brotherhood — a race of gods. "He who hath ears to hear, let him hear." CHAPTER IV. Mental and Spieitual Dynamics in reference to a Universal System of Education, IN WHICH Mind and Body, Intellect, Intuition and Emotion, Abstract Ideas and their Practical Illustrations are Eel ati ve Opposites and Mutual Dependents. 3TDUCATI0N and Mental and Spiritual ' Dynamics are relative opposites and mu- tual dependents in themselves, since Education is a mental and spiritual process — one mind acting on other minds — a spiritual force act- ing 07t other spiritual forces. The distinction between mind and spirit is similar to that existing between mind and body; the body being the servant of the mind, in its functional operations is reached by the action of the faculties of the mind through the brain and nervous system. The mind, in turn, becomes the active agent in receiving and transmitting the motives, in- tention and designs of the rational-spiritual 3 [33] 34 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. from headquarters — the realm of Infinite Soul. In the fitness of things, a universal system of integral education calls for a universal lan- guage to express it. The different languages of the earth did not arise, and do not exist, on account of any difference in form or sound as prime factors in speech. A point, a line, an angle, or any other form, is the same the world over. A tree is a tree, alike in Con- stantinople or Moscow. So the lungs and vocal organs are formed on the same uni- versal principle. Even in the science of music, the scale is uniform among all nations and races. Why, then, should the human voice give forth an uncertain sound? Why spend time and force to acquire an arbitrary and am- biguous dialect in order to make known to one another the significance of ideas, thoughts or objects, which in themselves are the common property, known and understood alike by all mankind? A universal language would, at least, relieve the mind from this onerous task, as well as to free language itself from its variety of contradictions and arbitrary dictum. There was a period in the earth's history MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 35 when there was but one form of speech, but one language. But, through the abuse of this tremendous power proceeding from unity, (for union is strength,) language was broken into fragments by the Lord, ( [Gen. 1 1,] the man of the planet,) who came down and scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth (the grandest coloniza- tion scheme ever inaugurated.) If this con- fusion and dispersion was a penalty for the trespass on the good order previously exist- ing, if it were the consequence of an error, an abuse, the sooner it is repented of, the sooner will the lost arts of that primal age be re- stored. Education is continuous and life-long. It consists in the knowledge of objects, their relations and functional operations on the one side, the active, spiritual principles, ideas and intelligent purposes they were intended to illustrate, on the other, as relative opposites and mutual dependents. Self-knowledge on the one side, man and the universe of things, on the other, as relative opposites and mutual dependents, — the ideal and intellectual on the one side, the experimental and practical on the other. The wise men of ancient Greece considered an education the best possible 36 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. legacy they could transmit to posterity, and had emblazoned in golden capitals upon their magnificent temple at Delphos these im- mortal words, "Know Thyself." This is the golden key which unlocks the inexhaustible treasures of Being in its physical, mental and spiritual aspects. It is the revelator of God in man, the neighbor, and the universe of things, together with all the rights and re- sponsibility involved therein. In an integral system of education, the contrasted elements, body and mind, must exist, and be sustained in equatorial lines of compatibility as relative opposites and mutual dependents. The same law maintains in the associations of the intellect with the intuition and emotions. The intellect corresponds to the engine, the emotion to the steam; in parallelism they are the locomotive of mental dynamics. The intellect alone, like the en- gine without the steam, is lifeless, and the intuition and emotion, without the modifying force of the intellect, is void of expression. Perfect as the present school system of this country may be considered, it certainly lacks those essential elements and facilities for the ultimation and practical illustrations of abstract ideas. It lacks the expressive MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 37 side, which can only be outwrought through the utilities of industrial science in association with the elements necessary therefor. Educa- tion is not a system of forced measures, but a drawing out of that which is written, the un- folding of the sacred scroll upon which the finger of God has traced His own absolute attributes. * CHAPTER V. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics in reference to A Universal System op Scientific Cooperation, in WHICH Capital and Labor, Production and Consumption, are Eelative Opposites and Mutual Dependents. SLAVING unbounded confidence in the progressive nature and infinite possi- bilities of man, mind, also, in the wise or- dination of all things in universal nature, we are fully assured, that, from the present conflicting elements the harmonies of a world-wide confederation must emerge; that, through the divine marriage of opposing forces, a new civilization must be born, which will embody in its constitution all natural law, which will express all natural rights and their corresponding responsibilities, growing out of all human relations ; which will guarantee to all the full opportunity of satisfying their natural wants; thus harmonizing the indi- vidual and collective interests of humanity, [38] MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 39 without reference to race, nationality or sex, uniting all into one universal fraternal tie. To organize a universal system of scien- tific co-operation challenges the best efforts of the foremost minds upon the planet. In a comprehensive sense, organization appertains to the discovery of those functional activities which constitute fixe, formative force — the be- getting principle in universal nature. It is absolute and despotic — the law of necessity, the rule of science. In a popular sense, it alludes to any particular formula, rule, sys- tem of parliamentary usage, under which a variety of individualities flow together in a unitary or combined endeavor to ultimate the original designs of the organizers. Father and Mother, the Creator in the stupendous and perfect mutuality of the uni- verse, has written out the law of organization which covers the entire domain of man's re- lations. The lines of demarkation through all these relations are simple, self-evident, universal in their scope and application ; at the same time, in their silent potency, all- wise and beneficent. The student may turn his investigating eye to any one of earth's kingdoms, and he will discover this principle unfolded in infinite variety; or, should he in 40 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. the piercing glances of astronomical research view the position of the mighty worlds mov- ing in the vast, illimitable fields of ether, he will find there a perfect system of classifica- tion in group-life, cluster after cluster com- bining with each other and revolving round a common center. The beautiful law of cor- respondence runs through all with order and harmony; and, taking each part separately, or as a vast whole (as far as can be com- prehended), it is alike marked with a sacred wisdom and beauty which time and space can- not encompass. The same principle that im- pelled the wonderful energies of the Divine Mind in the development of worlds through- out space — some a million times larger than the earth, and flying at a rapidity of over fifty thousand miles an hour, carrying with them in their orbits vast retinues of smaller worlds, all moving in harmony with certainty and pre- cision, is alike applicable to the regulation and government of all human affairs in every relation of life. No system of co-operation, or form of gov- ernment can be permanent which does not ad- mit of universal application ; is not scientific and natural in its origin; discovered, and not man-made. It must proceed from the func- MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 41 tional necessity involved in the inherent na- ture of things, and which is decided by scientific verities, and not by the voice oi the multitude. The grand and all-pervading law of com- pensation, with its relative opposite, depend- ence, is the fundamental law of the universe, and a system of mutual combination fur- nishes the only vehicle through which these forces can operate in their natural and bene- ficent attrition; hence we see this law de- monstrated not only in the form and approximation of all things in objective nature, from the innumerable systems of planetary worlds through the separate king- doms each may contain, to the generic, specific and individual expressions, but also in the highest operations of supreme love and wisdom, through every gradation of thought and feeling the human mind is susceptible to, or capable of, even to the faintest impulse of instinct in organic life. As there cannot take place a single act but what this law covers, and, as in the affairs of life, there has never as yet been any order or system of combination instituted sufficiently broad to admit of the full exemplification of this law in its richness, beauty and beneficence 42 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. in maris relations, these facts furnish ample incentives to right effort in this direction, for the law still acts, through unfavorable as well as favorable conditions, giving life and happiness, if co-operated with, or poverty, pain, disease and death, if infringed. That there is no defect in the universal system of association, in point of form, magnitude, position of each individual ob- ject, is evident from the harmonious result observed throughout nature. The form given to the planetary worlds, together with their peculiar motions, is such as to secure, not only, the most equal distribution of bene- fits flowing from the central source of light and heat, as well as from all the sister orbs in the group, but at the same time to give off in return an equal amount, so that every advantage is fully reciprocated. The same principle operates in the existence and rela- tions of every atom that has motion, life or sensation. No institution can endure which is not sus- ceptible to universal application — discovered, not man-made — inherent in man's constitu- tion, and innate in the nature of things. It must operate after the order of nature from center to circumference, and vice versa, recip- MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 43 rocally — must be perfectly voluntary and free. Its cohesiveness is derived from the fact that all parts are held together by its life- giving elements ; the individual and collective benefits it confers are so vital to success and happiness, that to separate one'sself there- from, would be an act of suicide. Nature, and Nature s God, are the only capitalists. The only wise God, an eternal Father and Mother, are the only creators of all prime elements of production. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth/ 9 "The earth," therefore, "is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof." The Creator has made ample provision for the functional operation of consumption in man, which he has himself imposed as an arbitrary necessity to physical life. When He ordinated the in- carnation of man, the earth and all that it contained was entrusted to man as man, for his benefit and wise use. In the infancy of the race, the spontaneous productions of the earth and sea were all-sufficient for human needs. In the growth and development of man, as he became educated in relation to the forces that surrounded him, he began to make selections, and introduced the order of cultivation and care to secure the perfection 44 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. of the elements on whose assimilation his comfort and happiness so largely depended. This was the first introduction of productive labor, and to-day all direct efforts at produc- tion are in the line of cultivation and develop- ment of existing forces. Labor, both mental and physical, is nature's great developing process. It not only forms the avenue through which she reveals herself to man, and opens up to him her exhaustless resources, but, at the same time, unfolds his capacity to become all-wise, all-good. This capacity is the mark of distinction between him and the brute; bearing the traces of infinite principles in his constitution, they express themselves, first, in desire, incentive or want ; that want forms the basis of all motive and inquiry, calls out action, which action becomes the means through which the want is sup- plied; want furnishes the motive, then, that prompts all industrial effort; therefore, to create a full supply for every need of every human being, with the least exhaustion of elements and wear and tear of agents, con- stitutes the function of industrial science, and expresses the true relation man sustains to God in material things. The natural elements and forces, then, to- MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 45 gether with labor, as relative opposites and mutual dependents, constitute the only crea- tive agencies for the production of man's sup- plies. In the creation of the necessaries of life, man, by his intelligence, understanding the functional relation of the natural ele- ments and things to each other, can bring them together, or organize, according to the law of relative opposites in those relations, and thus secure the highest possible results. The same principles that govern matter in inanimate nature apply to man, for, in his physical constitution he is made up of the same elements, only that his higher nature and intelligence enables him to recognize the laws of his being, and to co-operate with them understandingly. Man physically, being an outcome from the natural elements, can neither separate himself from them, nor suspend the absolute and omnipotent laws governing his relation thereto; hence, every individual possesses an inherent claim upon these elements, and an inalienable right to their beneficent uses ; a right to the credentials which he receives from the hand of God in his own organization, and they are indisputable. But these ele- ments and forces, which are the only source 46 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. from which man's needs can be supplied, are not productive, except in the ratio that intel- ligent effort is combined therewith, causing- a reciprocal play of forces that result in, not only, the refining of the elements, them- selves, that they may give back higher and still higher productions, but constitute the legitimate means of man's unfoldment and his royal road to Salvation. The application of the principles involved in relative opposites to Sexology, parentage, population, ownership, education and industry combined, will revolutionize the world. God, the love of the neighbor, will be universal. No more disputes respecting maris rights^ woman s rights, individual rights and collec- tive rights. All these are settled upon the simple and self-evident principle of universal goodness (Justice), leaving no grounds for disputation. It will secure to the individual the highest expression of the relative action of pure wisdom with unselfish love, harmon- izing the -instinctive, passional, emotional, with the rational-spiritual ; thus, cleansing the heart of all impurities, abolishing all in- temperate habits, and lifting up body and mind to a vigorous condition of action. It will secure to each individual, a mutual MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 47 interest in all instihctions — religious, gdv em- mental and financial; making them public property, instead of the private capital of emperors, kings, and all that long train of political functionaries, who feed at the public crib at the expense of the public; and who curse humanity by giving examples of abuses which outrage common sense and sear the public conscience as with a hot iron. It will secure a mutual interest in the natural prime elements of production, limited by beneficent uses; thus abrogating all abuse through selfish spoliation, speculative monopolies, nefarious trade and money power. It will secure a mutual interest in a uni- versal system of integral education and in- dustry combined, through which, only, the natural elements and forces can become the beneficent instruments of universal good to man. Through which the laws governing the spiritual and material universe in their beneficent application shall be discovered, which will secure the only possible deliver- ance from the tyranny of material and mental slavery; the despotism of political tricksters and arbitrary, unnatural codes of man-made laws. CHAPTER VI. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. Bridging Over Old Conditions Into the New. Pathological. Right thinking does the work, Immortal youth it brings, — Death and its shadow throws away ; And life, eternal life, in things Is seen, is felt, tasted and touched — Becomes the evidence to sense; So sense, in turn, is servant here below, Preserver of the life in lower things. ( ^THE virtue of one culminating period ^^ seems to be a relative vice to another culminating period. These periods are self- evident marks of progress in the career and procedure of men and things. It is in order to have, first, the blade, then the blossom, the promise, then the full fruition ; from the lower to the higher, from the simple to the complex, from the known to the unknown. The endless combinations of elements con- stitute the shell, or objective, within which is the kernel — the spiritual intention and its declaration. Earth's rock-written page at- tests the same in the Azoic, Paleozoic and [48] MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 49 Cenezoic periods. Each wrote its history — then ascended into higher expressions of planet-life. Vegetable life, which began in sea-weed, culminated in the palm, the lus- cious peach and nut trees. Animal life, com- mencing in the stemless protozoans, ended in Man. Through the see7ning extermination of the lower is the foundation laid for the higher, foreshadowing the highest Love that would lay down its life for an enemy, thus revealing the divine intention, the spiritual force hidden in God's idea. There is nothing to condemn. The sin, sickness and death which are so universally deplored, are only points of change in our mental vision. All material forms have their basis in mind. All the errors of life to-day, arise, not from any disorder in the elements of being, as such, but in imperfect associa- tion — the result of immature thinking, which leads to immature expressions, for thinking and being are the two relative halves of the same thing; since what a man knows or thinks he knows, is one with the mind so thinking. We can draw no line between past, present and future — all merging into an everlasting now. Duration has no beginning nor end- 4 50 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. ing, save in the domain of man's senses — there they constitute the comparative process of the mind, and present the differential points of unfoldment in all the senses can comprehend. Man is surrounded by giant forces, which are not in themselves compre- hended. He lives in a world of effects, until spiritual perception introduces him into the realm of causation. Man is a microcosm in himself; exists, the reflection of all principles and their formulas; all forces and their po- tencies. He possesses choice, self-assertion, self-reliance ; and, these have their fields of force, and are complemented by stern neces- sity and inexorable laws, which are relative opposites and mutual dependents. The laws governing this association were imposed by Infinite Intelligence, and are cyphered out in the living organism of man and in universal nature, which should be a sufficient guarantee to every soul, that the order of life in its ultimate is perfect, com- manding: "Be ye also perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." This degree of perfection will be attained when man-made laws shall be in unison and not at variance with the self-operating laws made manifest throughout the realm of men and things. MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 51 As the angle of divergence, so is the tend- ency to poverty, pain, injustice, the carnage of bloody warfare; the necessity of training vast armies and navies to the trade of whole- sale slaughter ; the perpetuation of the hang- man and gallows, penitentiary, prison, mad house, and all those barbarous instruments pertaining thereto. God's fiat and man's free will are relative opposites ; the points of divergence from their parallelism constitute the only curse that can ever come — the only evil that ever was, and the only torment that hath sting ; and these are intensified and widened by the extent of the association, organization and co-operative effort involved in the use or abuse of any prime element in the domain of man's rela- tions to God in the universe of things. Co-operation means joint operation. Com- binations are joint operations, combined. Or- ganization is a system of ideas upon which combinations are formed. A combination according to organization is an institution, to wit : Time was when a com- bination of functionaries who assumed the care of men's souls was designated a Religi- ous Institution. The barbarous practice of dogmatic laws, 52 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. that comprehended little that was remedial, charitable or just, whose final appeal was to the dungeon and gibbet, was a Legal Institu- tion. Seeking shelter behind the ramparts of legal enactments, converting the human stomach into an apothecary shop, not to mention other kindred cruelties in physics, constitutes a Medical Institution. A combination which endows a mere promise to pay with functions of repro- duction, and converts credit into an active agent of revenue,, unassociated with intel- ligence or labor, is a Financial Institution. A combination, standing between producer and consumer, plundering both at the same time, is a Trading Institution. The anxious, corosive care, weary toil, the enslavement of the forces of the being in the abuses of labor, is the only apology for a scientific system of co-operative industry and education combined. Incomplete, imperfect ideas, perfectly or imperfectly applied, are the fountain source, the producing cause, and the begetting prin- ciple of all forms of evil — of crime and the criminal, of sin and the sinner, of sickness MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 53 in its countless varieties and infinite degrees of manifestation. Imperfect Theological Ideas have reversed the entire order of being; produced an in- competent god; established an eternal di- vorcement between Creator and the created, making All-wise God, our Eternal Father, the author of a personal devil, a local hell, and a system of rewards and punishments which alone could appeal to the lowest selfish instincts in animal life, not to the rational-spiritual in man ; they have instituted cruelty, injustice, slavery, both mental and physical; have subjugated the weak to the strong, the less to the greater, through the barbarous weapons of carnal warfare, (the barn-yard law) — the strongest hoof and longest horns — alike under all forms of government, Theocratic, Democratic, Repub- lic and Empire. This immature theological idea was re- flected upon the conscious thought of man- kind, and, since as "men think, so they act," the untruthful relations involved in the un- truthful idea, together with its rights and responsibilities, culminated and became cir- cumstantial, actual. The fulfillment of these unnatural and untruthful relations, called for 54 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. the introduction of sacrifices — the plentiful shedding of blood of beasts, not sparing turtle doves and young pigeons, to pacify this mental monster, this idea of an angry god. Huge temples have been reared and consecrated to these practices, wherein the fiery god was worshipped with all fear and trembling. This fearful idea of an angry god, this oriental conception of Father and Mother- creator, inevitably resulted in all forms of disease — mental mania, in all its degrees of madness. These diseases, of necessity, blos- som out in, and through, the corporeal prin- ciple, which is but a manifestation of mind. "I, the Mind," or spiritual principle, organize the body through Sexology, through parent- age, and the formative force of the en- vironments conferred by the combination, associations and circumstances which this imperfect idea propagated. Turn back history's page, and behold the cruel, inhuman and relentless warfare — Cru- sades and Crusaders, which have been in- augurated and sustained by the force of this idea, for the perpetuation of its life and glory; or, to-day, cast a glance across the Atlantic Ocean — to Italy, Spain, Portugal, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 55 and portions of Ireland — where the people, under its inspiration, pray the most and re- ceive the least. These countries are cele- brated for their magnificent temples of worship, and the abounding of the multi- hide of both prelates and paupers as relative opposites and mutual dependents. This imperfect idea is made manifest in exchange — the system of onerous usury on unproductive property, falsely called the philosophy of finance ; in the abuses of trade, extending the privileges of the purchasing power to the rich, and denying it to the poor, from which arises "the smaller the parcel the higher the price ;" the introduction of the tax-gatherer for the sustenance of this empty carcass, without blood or brains, is a practical fraud imposed upon intelligence and produc- tive industry ; in clothing the lawyer with the unnatural practice of law-making and law- enforcing, instead of law-discovery, the spirit of which is manifest in punishing the body for the errors of the mind, consequent upon the imposition of the imperfect idea itself. It is the begetter of all for which armies, navies and bludgeoned police are instituted, the cause of poverty and pauperism, and all dis- ease and vices flowing therefrom. 56 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. This idea, like a midnight assassin, has dared to enter into the sacred precincts of Sexology, confining the marital right and re- sponsibility to a public acknowledgement of the same before a functionary of the church or state, instead of educating and enforcing, by obedience, the sacred science it involves ; which would result in the begetting of a healthy and efficient population, and in the entire prevention of adultery, divorce, and ten thousand other imbecilities, all the legiti- mate offspring of this imperfect idea, "per- fectly or imperfectly applied." This oriental trinity in unity, this child of polygamous origin, to wit: First: An ideal, personal, vindictive god, the fury of whose justice could be satisfied only by the shedding of blood through the plentiful sacrifice of animal life. Second: An ideal, personal devil and imps, specially endowed by this ideal, wrathful god with attributes to lure astray the innocent and unwary. Third: An ideal, local hell, presided over by Beelzebub, who administers its torments, its living death, everlasting burning yet never consumed, with no possible escape, no re- mote redemption, (with a furious inspiration MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 57 too horrible to contemplate or describe,) has flooded the rivers of life, opened wide the gates of false habit and custom, making veri- table the saying: "Man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward." Wonderful ! that such a preposterous idea could have been entertained for one moment and made the formative force in mental dynamics; yet, its psychological influence has been such that it has been proclaimed from the pulpit by specially qualified doctors of divinity, been sanctioned by the public press, has constituted largely the literature of the ages, was the inspiration of the poet, taught in the schools, seminaries, colleges and universities. It has — this delusive idea — has threaded its devious way into the warp and woof of the entire social fabric, expressing itself in the barbarous manners and customs of the centuries. This was the seed! What the harvest? Fearful ! Full of fear ! Fear of God ! Fear of devils; fear of hell-fire; fear of death! Fear of the curse upon maternity ; fear of poverty through the curse upon the earth; fear of the curse upon labor ; hence penal servitude — Slavery ! 58 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. The revenge of this imaginary god was infectious — contagious. It became the model after whose pattern every judgment was formulated, this arbitrary curse forming its precedent. Revenge and Fear are relative opposites ; and, in their individual or col- lective expressions are the sources of all diseases in their positive and negative types. Revenge, Envy, Jealousy, and their kindred qualities, blossom out in the body in the form of the positive series, or groups, of so- called disease — from fevers, scarlet as hell- fire, gradually down to the low intermitting fret, which noiselessly devours the vital forces; while on the other side, the reacting force of fear in doubt, becomes the parent of the negative series, whose name is Legion. The modern religious revivalist little dreams of what he does under the ex- citement of this idea ; how he psychologizes his audience, and by his allusions and vigor- ous appeals to what is involved in this oriental scheme, inoculates the unborn child, through the listening mother, with the virus of Fear which must inevitably produce the so-called mn of diseases in children. The unnatural action of this idea can be explained on no other hypothesis than that MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. 59 "A lie in Heaven is truth in Hell," and vice versa. Beneficent use in natural relations represents the heavenly condition; the misuse or abuse of true relations, or the substitution of false or erroneous ones therefor, repre- sents the latter conditions. Absolutely there can be no possible sick- ness or sin ; the good God never made any. In the beneficent uses of things, which ex- tends through the senses, functions and or- gans of the body, all is harmonious, all divine. But misuse, through ignorance or otherwise, of the good, is terminally converted into evil, harmony into discord, truth into error, health into sickness, pleasure into pain. This law is fortuitous. It drives mankind back out of misuse and abuse, torment being the index to the false condition. Sin and sickness are self-corrective, circumstantial, being the out- flow of the abuse of use. The investigation of the causes of sin, which is the true diagnosis of disease, is not pleasurable to the sensuous life. But "My Physician, Mind," would deeply probe, would thrust the lancet of intelligent investigation to the center and core of the polluted ulcer, a false civilization, which enslaves the masses of mankind and prostitutes the finer forces 60 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS. to degraded uses. These conditions must be uncovered. Ere the stream can cease to flow the fountain must be dried. Ere its cancer- ous, devouring fire can be quenched, its producing roots must be extracted, and its psychological chain of bondage must be broken. CHAPTER VII. Mental and Spiritual Dynamics. Therapeutical — Ethical. The cure, the cure, is quick, is sure, Sin and sickness cannot endure ; But vanish like the morning dew When the full sunlight conies in view. The light of Truth doth soon dispel The fear of Sin— the fear of Hell — Sin and disease will flee away Before the Truth's illumining ray. ****- ***** **** *********** fcW*-* ***« *-** :•■ **Hfr ****************************** ******-: ************** £**"* ***** ********************* " ****^ -************************** * * * ******* ****************** * * *********** * * -". :*>***************"******************* ************************************^ >**-** *************************- -*+* **>****>****************■** H *****^ e**************************** * * * ***** *h* i - ^^hh^**^***^******^*******^ e************************************ *******-********* ******************** J >*******-***************************** *^* , ^****^^**^4***K-************^*****^ ,*****^X-*********^J^H^*******^^*******^ *****************************^****** t ***** **-***************************** ******* *^*** ******************* ***** fr***^-^^^^H^********* *************** ************************************ K«-*******************-****<'**********^ ************************************ MM^******************* *************** ************************************- M^*********************************** ■-******************************* ;******** ****************************^ ****************♦****************'• £A * ********************** * *****4 *************^********************** :^;***-************^*******************-»: ************************************ ^***********************************^ ************************************* ^*^* *h^^^^*a.**** ^ ^ ^^^*^jj£ a ^ ***^ ^********************************* £******** ****************************^ -************************************ ****************************-** ******^ ,^>a-*a*.*****.******- 4**%******** , *^N ^***** *** ****** ** * ** ***************** ******** ************* ****************' ^************- -**************** fr******>***************^ ********* e****** ****************************** *******>*********** *■* * *** ***** * * ****** ****************** ********* **** ****** ***************** ******************** ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* h&-***** -****-******** *****^ >*-*-* ** >*\* v V V- %< v*fr***** * * ** ** * * V 9 v- V* A* * * * * ! <** H#t***4** #* # * * * * * * ** *** ■ ;• * * * * n** «jh * ******* *mh * * * * : H2 >•****** * *********** * *** •■ '•• * * '••' >"* * *********** *********** *** * a* HHNNt * ****** * ** ** ** ********* * * * ** * * * * *** *- :**** ***** * ************ * ** * ***■;< *** * * * * ***************** ******* **** * a'****' ** ^** ******** *^*A*******-*******,^^V***** *******************>>****** *i*W* v ********************** *******^***£,w .>*************************4*******^ *A******^ ^********** 4 ******************A**4^*^ *********^*********************^^*** ^********** ******************** ****.^ *********************-*************** ^***.*******-*************************^ ^******************************.*** ^** ****************^^ ********************* *************^* **** 4-^*.A-**^********************A**^4.^ **-♦*************«****************** ^**********'**********************4**^ ********** ****J****^ ^***********************************^ *******************************^**** i^***********************************^ ************************************- ^**********-*************************^ *****************************-******* ^**********-*************************4 ************************************' *-*** ************************ #^****^^ ************************************ M^**********.************************^ ************;***** | *^*********'f ******* ^***************************4*******4 ****************************^******* ^***************************^*******^ ************************************ ^***********************************^ ****************************^******* ^****-< fr ** * **-****4*****^+******-'***** jfe^ ******* *********************^****^^* ^** > ********************************^H • *******>****************** * *** * *^(M ***************************^*^*^A*** M^******************************** ********************************** 4 * HM^***************'**********4*******^ **************************** *'###'**■* *. ■■ ... .-■ ■». .». .+. .». .«, -w, J!, ,«. .w. 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