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SIDNEY S . n I I) E K .
Copyright by
18 80.
riH)Vii»i;N(|.; I'ltK.ss coMi'ANv, i'i;iNTi:i:s
[Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, in Providence, March 17, 1874.]
In any sketch of the Wampauoag Tribe of Indians,
Massasoit, and his renowned son, Pomktacom, or
King Philip, must of necessity be the central fig-
ures. The first, as the early friend and sturdy ally
and preserver of the Plymouth settlement in its years
of feebleness, and the latter as the bold and intrepid
leader of his race, in their wild and desperate eflx)rt
to stay the march of civilization, and reclaim the
huntin«: orrounds of their fathers from the adventur-
ous intruders who had entered in and possessed the
The first knowledge we have of the Indians in this
section, is from Verrazzano, a Florentine pilot, who
was sent out by Francis I, of France, in 1524, in
command of the ship Dolphin, or Dauphin. He
sailed from Madeira on the 17th of January, 1524,
with fifty men and eight months' stores, and steer-
ing west, in fifty days made land ; which proved
to be what is now a portion of the Carolina coast.
Sailino^ north alono^ the coast, occasionally stopping
to land, he discovered Block Island, and entered
Narragansett Bay.
In a letter to the King, of France, after his return,
he o-ives an account of his visit to these waters, and
a description of the natives, as follows : —
" We discovered an Island in the form of a trian-
gle, distant from the main land ten leagues, about
the biirness of the island of Rhodes. It was full of
hills, covered with trees, well peopled, for we saw
fires all along the coast. We gave it the name of
your Majesty's mother (Louisa). And we came to
another land, being tifteen leagues distant from the
Island, where we found a passing good haven (New-
port harbor), where, being entered, we found about
twenty small boats of the people, Avhich with divers
cries and wonderings, came about our ship ; coming
no nearer than fifty paces towards us, they stayed
and beheld the artificialness of our ship, our shape
and apparel, then they all made a loud shout to-
gether, declaring that they rejoiced ; when we had
something animated them, using their gestures, they
came so near us, that we cast them certain bells and
glasses and many toys, which when they had re-
ceived, they looked on them with laughing, and
came without fear on board our ship.
"They were dressed in deer skins, wrought arti-
ficially with divers branches like damask; their hair
was tied up behind with divers knots. This is the
goodliest people, and of the fairest conditions, that
we have found in this our voyage ; they exceed us
in bigness ; they are the color of brass, some of
them incline more to whiteness ; others are of yel-
low color, of comely visage, with long and black
hair, which they are very careful to trim and deck
up ; they are of sweet and pleasant countenance.
The women are very handsome and well favored, of
pleasant countenance and comely to behold. They
are as well mannered as any women ; they wear deer
skins branched and embroidered, as the men use —
there are also of them which wear on their arms
very rich skins of Lucernes ; they wear divers orna-
ments, according to the usage of the people of the
" We bestowed fifteen days in providing ourselves ;
every day the people repaired to see our ship,
bringing their wives with them, whereof they are
very jealous, and caused their wives to stay in their
boats, and for all the entreaty we could make, we
could never obtain that they would suffer them to
come aboard our ship. There were two kings of so
goodly stature and shape as is possible to declare ;
the oldest was about forty years of age ; the second
was a young man of twenty years old, and when
they came on board the Queen and her maids stayed
in a ver}' light boat at an island a quarter of a league
"There was a little island near the ship (Goat
Island,* probably) where the men went — the woods
* Now used by the Uuiteil States Government for a torpedo station.
were oaks, cypress trees and other sorts unknown in
Europe, damson and nut trees ; there arc beasts m
irreat abundance, as harts, deer, Lucernes and other
kinds. Their boats are made of one log, by the aid
of tire and tools of stone, and of sufficient capacity
to carry ten or tifteen men.
"We saw their houses, made in circular form, ten
or twelve paces in compass, covered with mats ot
straw, wrou^sht cunningly together. They live long
and are seldom sick, and if they chance to fall sick
at any time, they heal themselves with tire, without
any physician, and they say that they die for very
Verrazzano describes the "entrance to the bay as
lying open to the .south, half a league broad, and
being entered within it, between the east and the
north, it stretches twelve leagues, where it w^axeth
broader and broader, and maketh a gulf about
twenty leagues in compass, wherein are line small
islands, very fruitful and pleasant, among which .
islands any great navy may ride safe. This land is
situated in the parallel of Rome, in forty-one de- »
grees and two terces. The 5th of May we departed."
This is a description of the inhabitants of the land
bordering on our bay, of the Wampanoags, and
probably of the ancestors of Massasoit, more than
a hundred years before its settlement by the whites.
The visits of the Northmen to our bay and shores
more than live centuries before this visit of Ver-
razzaiio, of which we have so interesting an account,
are also chiimed to be well authenticated. I have
recently noticed that Iceland has it in contemplation
to celebrate the present year (1874), the thousandth
anniversary of the settlement of the island in 874.
The Cologne Gazette makes mention of this proposed
celebration, and says: "As early as 860, a Dane
named Gardar was drifted from Scotland in stormy
weather northwards to an unknown coast. lie win-
tered in the country and called it Gardarsholn.
Shortly thereafter a Norwegian, Nadod, was also
drifted there. In >^Q^ the island was visited by
another Norwegian, Floke, who remained for a year
there and named it Iceland. Ingolf, driven into
exile on account of cruelties perpetrated by the
Norwegian King Hagar Haarsagar, proceeded in 874,
with his foster brother to Iceland, and they founded
the earliest settlements. These w^ere near the place
where Reikjavik, the capital of the island, now
stands. Others followed the two brothers, and the
island was soon inhabited. From Iceland, Green-
land, it is known, was discovered, and from it hardy
Norse seamen, about the year 1000, reached that
part of the coast of the American continent now
forming Massachusetts. It is consequently," con-
tinues the Gazette^ "not without some historical justi-
fication that the celebrated Norwegian violinist, Ole
Bull, has been collecting subscriptions among his
countrymen to erect a monument to the Norwegian,
Leif Erikson, the first discoverer of America, as the
latter touclied American ground from four to five
hundred years before Columbus, and there are indi-
cations that the Genoese was not only acquainted
with the voyages of the old Norse sailors to America,
but that they were not without influence on his plan
and its execution."
It is believed that the Leifs-booths of Erikson was
at Mount Hope (Jlon Top of the Norsemen, Moni
Haup of the Indians, and Mount Hope of the
Eno-lish) in Bristol, where he and his crew landed
and built houses and wintered at the very beginning
of the eleventh century.
There was known to the early English settlers in
Bristol, a rock upon the west shore of Mount Hope
Bay, on the surface of which were inscriptions in an
unknown tongue. These inscriptions were believed
to be traces of the Northmen's visit. This rock w^as
lost sight of for many years, and it was supposed
had been destroyed. Prof. J. Lewis Dinian, when
a young student, wrote some historical sketches of
his native town under the head of " Annals of
Bristol," which were published in the Bristol Phenix
in 1845-G. In these sketches he gives a detailed
account of the visit of Thorfinn, a distinguished
Northman, to these shores in 1007, with three ships
and 160 men. The first ship was commanded b}^
Thorfinn and Snorre Thorbandson, also of distin-
guished lineage. The second by Bjarne Grimalfson
and Thorhiill Ganilasoii, and the third by Thorward
or Thorhall. The first and third retnrned to Green-
land after an absence of more than three years.
The second, commanded by Grimalfson, never re-
tnrned to Greenland, and of her fate I shall here-
after speak. Prof. Diman, in closing his account,
says: "The only trace which has been left by the
Northmen, of their wintering in Bristol, is a rock
situated near the 'Narrows.' This rock was said to
have been covered with characters in an unknown
tongue, but was unfortunately destroyed by a heed-
less hand. This circumstance can never cease to be
This interesting relic has been recently rediscov-
ered. The rock lies upon the shore of the farm of
Doctor Charles H. R. Doringh, between Mount
Hope and the Narrows. It is what is termed by
geologists as "graywacke," and is about ten and a
half by six and a half feet in size, of oblong shape,
and about twenty-one inches thick, with a nearly
flat surface. Jn company with Doctor Doringh, who
takes a lively interest in the matter, I visited this
rock for the first time, last autumn, and scanned the
strange inscriptions upon its surface with much
They certainly bear marks of gi'eat antiquity.
The rock is bare at low water, but its surface is
washed by the full of the sea. The most prominent
figure npon it is that of a boat, the outlines of which
are cleurly cut, and it is of such peculiar shape that
it possibly may aid iu the sohition of the problem of
its nationality. Let us imagine that a boat's crew
went ashore from the vessel at anchor in the bay for
a stroll upon the land ; or it may be upon a more
important mission, to explore the land and communi-
cate with its inhabitants ; that they left one of their
numl)er as boat keeper during their absence ; 'that to
while away the time he engraved his name upon this
rock, and the boat lying upon the shore, directly in
front of him, he also engraved her outlines upon the
rock. These characters cover but a very small por-
tion of the surface of the rock, and being much
worn by the action of the elements, during the long
ages they have been there, it is not surprising that
they were lost sight of for so many years. [S^ee
Appendix A.']
Canon Kingsley introduced his eloquent and thril-
linjr lecture on the Northmen as the first discoverers
of America, which he delivered in Boston on the
23d of February last (1874) with a story, the scene
of which was the North Atlantic 863 years ago. It
runs thus : " Rjarne Grimalfson was blown with his
ship into the Irish ocean, and there came worms and
the ship began to sink under them. They had a
boat which they had payed with seal's blubber, for
that the sea worms will not hurt. But when they
got into the l)oat, they saw that it would not hold
them all. Then said Bjarne : 'As the boat will only
hold the half of us, my advice is that we should
draw lots who shall go iu her, for that will not he
unworthy of our manhood.' This advice seemed
so good that none gainsaid it, and they drew lots.
And the lot fell to Bjarne, that he should go in the
boat with half his crew. But as he went into the
boat, there spake an Icelander who was in the ship
and had followed Bjarne from Iceland : ^Art thou
going to leave me here, Bjarne?' Quoth Bjarne:
' So it must be.' Then said the man : ^Another thing
didst thou promise my father when I sailed with
thee from Iceland than to desert me thus. For thou
saidst that we should both share the same lot.'
Bjarne said : 'And that we will not do. Get thee
down into the boat, and I will get up into the ship,
now that I see thou art so greedy after life.' So
Bjarne w^ent up into the ship, and the man down
into the boat, and the boat went on its voyage
till they came to Dublin in Ireland. But most men
say that Bjarne and his companions perished among
the worms, for they were never heard of after."
"And this story," adds Mr. Kingsley, ' "should
have a special interest for Americans. For, as
American antiquaries are well aware, Bjarne was on
his voyage home from the coast of New England,
possibly from that very Mount Hope Bay, which
seems to have borne the same name in the time of
those old Norsemen as afterwards in the days of
King Philip."
Is this inscription, cut into the surface of the rock
on Blount Hope B.iy, the name of one of the crew
of Bjarne's worm-eaten ship? It thrills one to think
that it may be even so. Not the name, we hope, of
the craven who basely saved his own life at the
sacriiice of that of his heroic commander, but rather
the name of one of the fated company who accepted
his hard lot without murmur, and went down to his
watery grave without complaint.
These Northmen were probably the first Europeans
the Indians ever looked upon.
The first Enoflishman known to have visited Mas-
sasoit, was Captain Thomas Dermer, in 1619. The
account says he sailed from Monhigon (Maine),
thence in that month (May) for Virginia, in an open
pinnace, consequently was obliged to keep close in
shore. He found places which had been inhabited,
but at that time contained no people ; and further
onward nearly all were dead, of a great sickness,
which was then prevailing, but had nearly abated.
When he came to Patuxet (now Plymouth) all were
dead. From thence he travelled a day's journey
into the country westward to Namasket (now Mid-
dleborough). From this place he sent a messenger
to visit Massasoit. In this expedition he reclaimed
two Frenchmen from Massasoit's people, who had
been cast away on the coast three years before. In
a letter, under date of December 27, 1619, Captain
Dermer writes as follows : ''• When I arived at my
savage's (Sqiianto) native country, tinding all dead,
I travelled alongst a day's journey, to a place called
Nummastaguyt, where, tinding inhabitants, I des-
patched a messenger a day's journey farther west, to
Pokanokit, which bordereth on the sea ; whence
came to see me two kings, attended with a guard of
fifty armed men, who being well satisfied with that
my savage and I discoursed unto them (being desir-
ous of novelty), gave me content in whatsoever I
demanded, where I found that former relations were
true." The two kings mentioned, were probably
Massasoit and his brother Quadaquina. Captain
Dermer says that the savages would have killed him
at Namasket, had not Squanto entreated hard for
him. Squanto (or Squantum, alias Tisquantum, for
he was known by all these names,) was one of the
five natives carried from the coast of New England
in 1G05, by Captain George Weymouth, who had
been sent out from England to discover a northwest
passage. Squanto, who had just returned from En-
gland with Dermer, and who was a native of Patux-
et, or Plymouth, was s:iid to have been the only per-
son belonging in that section of country who sur-
vived the great plague. He was very useful to the
English as a guide through the Indian country from
Plymouth to Narragansett Bay, and also as an inter-
preter, in their early intercourse with the natives.
He died in December, 1G22.
At the time of the arrival of the English at Ply-
month, the territory of the Wampanoag Tribe of
Indians, over whom Massasoit was Chief Sachem,
extended over nearly all the sontheastern part of
Massachnsetts, from Cape Cod to Narragansett Bay.
The district of country under the immediate govern-
ment of Massasoit, was what is now Bristol County
and East Providence, in this State, and parts of
Swanzey, Seekonk and Rehoboth, in Massachusetts.
It was known by the Indian name of Pokanoket.
The plague which broke out among the Indians in
iniG, and was so fatal to many portions of the tribe,
(and which, I may add, is regarded as a special in-
terposition of Divine Providence in behalf of our
Pilgrim Fathers, in opening up a large section of
country for their occupation, with few or no natives
to oppose them,) was comparatively mild in its rav-
ages on Mount Hope Xeck. The fact that here was
the head tribe of the nation, and the residence of its
principal Chief, together with the fertility of the soil,
and uncommon facilities for fishins:, caused it to be
more thickly settled than any other portion of Mas-
sasoit's domains. There were, probably, in 1620,
not less than four large Indian villages on the Neck,
— one at Mount Hope, another at the head of the
Cove, near the Asylum in Bristol, a third at Kicke-
muit, around the spring there, and a fourth at So-
wams, or Sowamset, in Warren. In fact the whole
Neck along the shore, on all sides, abounds in evi-
dences of Indi^^n occupation, in the great mass of
shells mixed hi the soil to the depth of several feet.
Human bones have been often disinterred in plough-
ing up the soil, and Indian implements, warlike and
domestic, have been unearthed in ahiiost every sec-
tion that has been brought under cultivation. Forty
or fifty years ago, these relics were very numerous
and w^ere regarded with but slight interest. Of late,
however, they have become scarce, and it is to be
regretted that the towns which abounded in these
evidences of aboriginal occupancy, did not, years
ago, take steps to collect specimens of them. I have
no doubt they would be regarded with deep interest
by future generations.*
Massasoit, it is known, visited the English in
March following their landing at Plymouth in De-
cember, 1G20, and readily entered into a treaty with
them, which was faithfull}^ kept on his part to the
day of his death, a period of more than forty years.
He was undoubtedly prompted to make this treaty
in order to gain an ally as important and valuable as
the English, with their fire-arms would be, to protect
him against his rival, Canonicus, the Sachem of the
powerful tribe of Narragansetts, who inhabited the
lands on the Avest side of the bay, and who had
already, taking advantage of the weak condition to
which the plague had reduced the Wampanoags, en-
*The Faculty of Brown University have recently started a museum at that
institution, in which, through the zealous efforts of Professor J. W. P. Jenks,
Curator, are already gathered many articles of rare interest. Stone imple-
ments and other Indian relics are a prominent feature of the collection.
crouched upon their domains. They had taken pos-
session of Aquetneck (Rhode Island), and the ishmd
was afterwards sold by JNIiantonomi to John Clarke
and others for a settlement.
A few months after this visit of Massasoit to the
Pilgrims, Governor Bradford decided to send a depu-
tation to return his visit, for the following specified
objects : To make him a present ; to learn the exact
place of his residence; to see the country; to con-
firm the treaty made in March, and to procure seed
corn. Accordingly, on the 3d of Jul}^ 1621, Ed-
Avard Winslow (afterwards Governor of Plymouth
Colony) and Stephen Hopkins, with Squanto for a
guide, commenced their journey through the woods
from Plymouth to Narragansett Bay. By consulting
Winslow's narrative in Morton's Memorial, their
route is easily traced. Their first stopping place
was Namasket (Middleborough), at which point
they arrived about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the
inhabitants entertaining them with joy, in the best
manner they could, with a kind of bread they called
Maizium and the spawn of shads, which then they
got in abundance; "insomuch," says Winslow, "as
they gave us spoons to eat them ; with these they
boiled musty acorns, but of the shads we ate heartily."
They continued their journey, and at sunset arrived
at a point on Taunton river now known as Titicut.
Here they found many of the men of Namasket fish-
ing upon a weir, which they made on the river, and
caught abiiiKliince of bass. "These welcomed us
also," sa3^s the narrative, "gave us of their (ish and
\ve theui of our victuals, not doubtinof we should
have enousfh wherever we came. There we lods^ed
in the open fields, for houses they had none, though
they spent most of the summer there. Upon it (the
river) are and have been many towns, it being a
o^ood lens^th. Thousands of men have lived there
which died in a great phigue not long since. Upon
this river dwelleth Massasoit. It cometh into the
sea at Narragansett Bay." The next morning, after
breakfast, they continued their journey, being accom-
panied by some half dozen savages, about six miles
along the south bank of the river to a known shoal
place for crossing. As they attempted to cross over,
their passage was resisted by two savages on the
opposite bank of the river, one of them a very old
man, who with great courage demanded to know
who they were. Finding they were friends, the
savages welcomed them with such food as they had.
Proceeding on their journey, the weather became
very hot for travel ; "yet the country [was] so well
watered that a man could scarce be dry, l)ut he
should have a spring at hand to cool his thirst,
besides small rivers in abundance. But the savages
will not willingly drink but at a spring head."
Passing along they met a man with two women
which had been at rendezvous by the salt water, and
they had baskets full of roasted crab fishes and other
dried shell fish, of which the party partook and then
continued their journey. Not long after they came
to a town of Massasoit's, called Mattapoiset, (at
Gardner's Neck in Swanzey), where they ate oysters
and other fish. From there they went to Pokanoket,
but Massasoit was not at home. He was sent for,
and when he arrived they saluted him with a dis-
charge of their guns.
"For answer to our message, he told us we were
welcome, and he w^ould gladly continue that peace
and friendship which was between him and us, and,
for his men, they should no more pester us as they
had done ; also, that he would send to Paomet and
would help us with corn for seed, according to our
He then made a "great speech" to his men, the
substance of which was that he was Massasoit, com-
mander of the country about them, naming some
thirty different places, and they should bring their
skins unto the English, as he desired. To all which
they answered they were his, and would be at peace
with the English, and bring their skins to them.
"Late it grew, but victuals he offered none; for
indeed he had not any, being he came so newly
home. So we desired to go to rest. He laid us on
the bed with himself and his wife, they at the one
end and we at the other, it being only planks laid
a foot from the ground and a thin mat upon them.
Two more of his chief men, for want of room,
pressed by aiul upon us, so that we were worse
weary of our lodging than of our journey.
"The next day being Thursday, many of their
Sachems or petty governors came to see us, and
many of their men also. About one o'clock Massa-
soit brought two fishes that he had shot ; they were
like bream, but three times so big and better meat.
These being boiled, there were at least forty looked
for share in them, the most eat of them. This meal
alone we had in two nights and a day, and had not
one of us bought a partridge, we had taken our
journey [homeward] fasting. Very importunate
he was to have us stay with them longer. But we
desired to keep the Sabbath at home, and feared we
should either be light-headed for want of sleep, for
what with bad lodo:ino^, the savaofes' barbarous sins^-
ing (for they used to sing themselves asleep), lice
and fleas within doors and musquitoes without, we
could hardly sleep all the time of our being there,
we much fearing if we should stay any longer, we
should not be able to recover home for want of
strength. So that on Friday morning, before sun-
rising, we took our leave and departed, Massasoit
beins both ^ the certainty
thereof, and withal to acquaint Corbatant of their
presence at his house. The messenger returned just
before sunset with the news that Massasoit was not
dead, though there was no hope that they would find
him living. Upon this they were much revived, and
set forward w^ith all speed, though it was late within
night ere they got thither. About two of the clock
that afternoon the Dutchman departed, so that in
that respect their journey was "frustrate."
When they reached Massasoit's residence, they
found the house so full of men that they could scarce
get in, though the Indians used their best diligence
to make way for them. "There were they in the
midst of their charms for him, making such hellish
noise, as it distempered us that were well, and there-
fore unlike to ease him that was sick. When they
had made an end of their charming, one told him
that his friends, the English, were come to see him.
Having understanding left, but his sight was wholly
gone, he asked who was come? They told him.
He desired to speak with me. When I eame to him,
he put forth his hand to me which I took. Then he
said twice, though very inwardly : 'Keen Winsnow?'
(for they cannot pronounce the letter 1), which is to
say: 'Art thou Winslow?' I answered: 'Ahhe,'
that is, 'Yes.' Then he doubled these Avords : 'O,
Winslovy, I shall never see thee again.'"
Then Hobbamok, under instructions from Wins-
low, told Massasoit that "the Governor hearing of
his sickness, was sorry for the same, and though, by
reason of many businesses he could not come him-
self, yet he sent me [Winslow] with such things for
him as he thought most likely to do him good in
this his extremity, and whereof if he pleased to take,
I Avould presently give him, which he desired, and
having a confection of many comfortable conserves,
etc., on the point of my knife, I gave him some
which I could scarce o^et throus^h his teeth. When
it was dissolved in his mouth he swallowed the juice
of it, whereat those that were about him much re-
joiced, saying he had not swallowed anything in two
days before."
It would make this paper too long to give the
details of the simple means used by Winslow for his
restoration, although they are quite interesting. Suf-
fice it to say, that God blessed these means, and his
sight soon came to him, and he was so far improved
the next day, as to desire food. Within two days
thereafter, his restoration was so well assured, that
Winslow and his conipjinion decided to return to
Plymouth. Massasoit was very grateful, acknowl-
edo-in«>- the Enoflish as the instruments of his preser-
vation. He said: "Now I see the English are my
friends and love me ; and whilst I live, I will never
forget this kindness they have showed me."
At their leaving, Massasoit called Hobbamok to
him, and privately (none save two or three braves
who were of his council being present) revealed a
plot of the Massacheuseucks, against Weston's Col-
ony, and so against them of Plymouth ; saying that
the people of Nauset, Paomet, Succonet, Mattachiett,
Manomet, Agowaywam, and the Isle of Capawack,
were joined with them ; himself, also, in his sickness,
was earnestly solicited ; but he would neither join
them, nor give way to any of his. Therefore, as w^e
respected the lives of our countrymen, and our own
after safety, he advised us to kill the men of Massa-
cheuseucks, who were the authors of this intended
mischief. And whereas we were wont to say, we
would not strike a stroke till they first began ; if,
said he, upon this intelligence, they make that an-
swer, tell them, when their countrymen at Wicha-
guscusset are killed, they being not able to defend
themselves, that then it will be too late to recover
their lives ; nay, through the multitude of adversa-
ries, they shall with great difficulty preserve their
own, and therefore he counselled without delay to
take away the principals, and then the plot would
cease. With this, he chtirged him thoroughly to :ic-
quniut mc by the way, that I might inform the Gov-
ernor thereof, at my first coming home. Being fitted
for our return, we took our leave of him; who re-
turned many thanks to our Governor, and also to
ourselves, for our labor of love ; the like did all they
that were about him. So we departed.
" That night through the earnest request of Cor-
batant, who till now remained at Sowams, or Poka-
noket, we lodged with him at Mattapoiset. By the
way I had much conference with him ; so likewise at
his house, he being a notable politician, yet full of
many jests and squibs, and never better pleased than
when the like are returned again upon him. Amongst
other things he asked me, if in case he were thus
dangerously sick, as Massasoit had been, and should
send word thereof to Patuxet for maskiet, that is,
physic, whether then Mr. Governor would send it ;
and if he would, whether I would come therewith to
him. To both which I answered, yea; whereat he
gave me many joyful thanks. Here we remained
only that night, but never had better entertainment
amongst any of them."
The day following Hobbamok told Winslow of the
private conference with Massasoit, and all that he
charged him withal. They arrived home in time to
prevent Capt. Standish from embarking on a friendly
visit to the Massacheuseucks,atthe importunate solici-
tation of an Indian of Paomet (a part of their plot to
get the "mail of war" in their power), who was still
present on their arrival. The narrative concludes :
" But their secret and villainous purposes, being,
through God's mercy, now made known, the Gover-
nor caused Capt. Standish to send him (the Indian)
away without any distaste, or manifestation of anger,
that he might the better effect and bring to pass that
which should be thouirht most necessary."
This timely disclosure of Massasoit enabled Miles
Standish to organize his notable army of eight men,
who surprised the Massacheusett Indians before they
had time to execute their plottings, and by the vigor
of his movements, and personal prowess, effectually
suppressed all further attempts to carry them into
These reciprocal acts of kindness and friendship
between the English and Massasoit, very naturally
caused their relations to be more intimate, and the
route through the woods between Plymouth and
Mount Hope Neck, soon became a well-worn path.
As early as 1632, the Plymouth settlers had a trad-
ing post at Sowams. So warns was probably the
name of the river (what is now known as Warren
river), where the two Swanzey rivers meet, and run
together for near a mile, when they empty themselves
in the Narragansett Bay. The trading post was sup-
posed to have been located on the Barrington side of
the river, on the land known as "Phebe's Neck."
This hitter, Jiiul Aqiictneck, were the two places
luiiiied by Roger Williams to John Clarke, and his
associates, as desirable locations for settlement.
Inasmuch, says Callender, "as they were deter-
mined to go out of every other jurisdiction, Mr.
Williams and Mr. Clarke, attended with two other
persons, went to Plymouth to inquire how the case
stood. They were lovingly received, and answered
that Sow^ams was the garden of their Patent. But
they were advised to settle at Aquetneck, and prom-
ised to be looked on as free, and to be treated and
assisted as loving neighbors." And so John Clarke,
William Coddington, John Coggeshall, and the other
gentlemen associated with them, who left Boston,
"for peace sake, and to enjoy the freedom of their
consciences," settled on Rhode Island in March, 1638.
W^inslow's narratives of his two visits to Massasoit,
were published in London, the first in 1622, and the
latter in 1624. They are both republished in full in
Morton's New England Memorial. There is no
doubt that Massasoit's residence, at the time of these
visits, was on the Sowams river, in what is now the
village of Warren. The late Guy M. Fessenden, in
his little History of Warren, which contains a num-
ber of interesting facts in this connection, clearly
demonstrates this. At the foot of Baker street, in
that town, is a living spring of water, called Massa-
soit's Spring, and doubtless he resided, during a por-
tion of the year, neai- this spring. In the winter
months, pro])al)ly most of the Iiidums on the Neck,
made their liome at Monnt Hope, Avhich Avas heavily
wooded, and the conformation of the surface such as
to alford great protection from the cold north winds
and storms. As soon as the shores were clear of
snow and ice, in the spring, they would naturally
flock to them, for shell-lish, and watch for the com-
ing of the early sea fish. A note in Morton's Memo-
rial, says Massasoit " resided at So warns, or Sowamp-
set, at the confluence of two rivers in Rehoboth, or
Swanzey, though occasionally at Mont Haup, or
Mount Hope, the principal residence of his son
Philip." That the Indians and their Chiefs changed
their residences from plac6 to place, within their
domains at diflerent seasons of the year, there is
abundant proof. Clark, in his history of Norton,
speaks of a Well known resort in that town, as the
summer residence of King Philip.
Roger Williams, when banished from Massachu-
setts, left Salem and journeyed through the wilder-
ness to Narragansett Bay, in mid- winter, and un-
doubtedly visited Massasoit, or Ousemequin, at
Pokanoket (whose acquaintance he had before made) ,
and perhaps spent days with him, visiting different
portions of the Bay, and making himself familiar
with the "lay of the land." It is known that he ob-
tained from Ousemequin the grant of land at Seekonk
upon which he first settled and built.
Isaack De Rasicres, a French Protestant, who was
Secretary of the Colony of New NetherlaiKls, in
10)27 was dispatched on an embassy to New Ply-
mouth, for the purpose of opening trade between
the two colonies. This was the first interview or
intercourse between the Dutch of New York and the
Plymouth Pilgrims. De Rasieres made a favorable
impression upon Governor Bradford, who speaks of
him as "a man of fair and genteel behavior." On
his return to Holland near the close of the same
year, 1627, he wrote a very interesting letter, des-
cribing the situation of New Plymouth, and the
manners and customs of the Pilgrims. He also gives
the following description of the customs of the In-
dians — the Wampanoags. He says : "The savages
[there] practice their youth in labor better than the
savages round about us [meaning Ncav Netherlands]
— the young girls in sowing maize, the young men in
hunting. They teach them to endure privation in the
field in a singular manner, to wit: when there is a
youth who begins to approach manhood, he is taken
by his father, uncle, or nearest friend, and is con-
ducted, blindfolded, into a wilderness, in order that
he may not know the way, and is left there by night
or otherwise, with a bow and arrows, and a hatchet
and a knife. He must support himself there a whole
winter with what the scanty earth furnishes at this
season, and by hunting. Towards the spring they
come again, and fetch him out of it, take him home,
and feed him up again until May. He must then go
out again eveiy morning with the person who
is ordered to take him in hand ; he must go
into the forest to seek wild herbs and roots which
they know to be most poisonous and bitter ; these
they bruise in water and press the juice out of them,
which he must drink, and immediately have ready
such herl)s as will preserve him from death or vomit-
ing; and, if he cannot retain it, he must repeat the
dose until he can support it, and his constitution
becomes accustomed to it, so that he can retain it.
Then he comes home, and is brought by the men
and women, all singing and dancing, before the
Seckima, and if he has been able to stand it all out
well, and if he is fat and sleek, a wife is given to
him." And we may add, that after passing through
such an ordeal, he would be entitled to one, and
a good one, too.
The Esquimaux in Greenland have a custom, as
Telated by Doctor Hayes, somewhat similar to this —
where a young man must show his prowess by hunt-
ing alone the Polar bear, and kill and return with
his game to the settlement, before he is deemed
worthy to have a wife — and then he must show his
fleetness of foot, running the gauntlet of all the
impediments the old women can put in his way to
catch his loved one, who makes great efforts to
escape him, but is finally caught, of course.
Massasoit had a large family. Besides his wife,
it is known that he had two brothers, Quadequina
aiul Akkompoin ; three sons, the first known by the
names of Mooauum, Wamsitta and afterwards as
Alexander, the second as Pometaconi, Metaconi and
afterwards as Philip, and the third as Sunconewhew ;
also a daughter [see Appendix ^], w^hose name is
not known, but Philip in a letter to the Plymouth
government, gives an excuse for not visiting them,
as requested, that his sister is "verey sike." This
letter was written in 1062, and was addressed to
Governor Prince. It is, amono^ other interestinof
memorials, in the archives of the Pilgrim Society at
Plymouth. There is to be added to those already
named of Massasoit's family, Namumpum or Weeta-
nioe, "Queen of Pocasset," the wife of Alexander;
Philip's wife, Wootouekanuske, sister to Weetamoe,
and Philip's son.
Quadequina is described, at the time he was first
known to the English, as "a very proper, tall young
man, of a very modest and seemly countenance."
He held a high position in his brother's government.
Akkompoin held an important position in Philip's
ofovernment, sisfnino^ deeds of land and treaties made
by Philip, and was also his counsellor in Philip's
Wamsitta or Alexander, the oldest son of Massa-
soit, was associated with his father in the Wam-
panoag government for a number of years previous
to Massasoit's death, and after that event succeeded
to the Sachemship.
Massiisoit died in IGlU. Published documents
prove him to have been alive in May, 1661, and
verv probably so late as September in that year. In
a letter of Roger Williams, of the date of December
13, 1661, he refers to Massasoit as being dead.
He writes: "Ausamaquin, the Sachem aforesaid,
also deceased." If, when he first visited the English
at Plymouth, and was described as "in his best
years," he was about forty years old ; he must have
been nearly or quite eighty years of age, at the time
of his death.
The personal appearance of Massasoit, when he
first became known to the English, is thus given :
"The King is a portly man, in his best years, grave
of countenance, spare of speech." Trumbull, in his
"Indian Wars," says: "He seems to have been a
most estimable man. He was - just, humane and
l)eneficent, true to his word, and in every respect
an honest man." Other early writers also speak of
him in a similar strain. That he was no ordinary
man is abundantly evident. Fessenden, in his His-
tory of Warren, to which I have before referred,
pays him the following tribute : "Massasoit, though
a heathen, proves himself true to the dictates which
the light of nature suggested. He possessed all the
elements of a great mind and a noble heart. With
the advantages of civilized life and the light which
a pure Christianity would have supplied, he might
have achieved a brilliant destiny, and occupied a
high niche in the temple of fame. In all the
memorials which have come clown to us, Massasoit's
character stands above reproach. No one has ever
charged him with evil. From the time when he
repaired to Plymouth, March 22, 1621, to welcome
the Pilgrims and to tender to them his friendship, till
the time of his death, — when they were weak and
defenceless, encountering sickness, want and death,
when at ahiiost any moment Massasoit could have
exterminated them, in no one instance did he depart
from those plain engagements of treaty which he
made when he plighted his fliith to strangers. He
was not only their uniform friend, but their protec-
tor, at times when his protection was equivalent to
their preservation."
I cannot more fittingly close this notice of Massa-
soit than by showing how dearly his memory was
cherished by the descendants of the Pilgrims, more
than a hundred years after his death. At the first
celebration of the "Landing of the Pilgrims," or
" P'orefather's Day," which took place at Plymouth
on Friday, December 22d, 1769, under the auspices
of the Old Colony Club, which was organized in
that year, the fifth regular toast was given as fol-
lows :
"To the memory of Massasoit— our first and best frientl, :ind
ally of the natives.'-
[Uead before the Khode Island Historical Society, in Providence, March IG, 1875.1
In my first paper on the Wampanoag Tribe of
Indians, read before this Society, on Tuesday eve-
ning, March 17th, 1874, I stated that Wamsitta, the
oldest son, was associated with his father, Massasoit,
in the Wampanoag government, for a number of
years previous to Massasoit's death, and after that
event, which occurred in the hitter part of the year
1661, succeeded to the Chief Sachemship.
In 1()62, Wamsitta, and his younger brother,
Pometacom, repaired to Plymouth, and "professing
great respect," requested that English names might
be given them. The Court, in response to their
request, named them respectively Alexander and
Philip — it is supposed, after Alexander the Great,
and Philip of Macedon. Very soon after this event,
and in the same year, Governor Prince, of Plymouth,
learning that Alexander was plotting rebellion against
the English, sent Major Josiah Winslow, with an
armed force, to arrest him, and bring him to Ply-
month, to answer to the charge. Some time before
this, Governor Prince had sent a messenger to Alex-
ander, at Monnt Hope, to inform him of these re-
ports of his liostile intentions, and to request him to
attend the next Court in Plj'mouth, to vindicate
himself from these charges. Alexander, it is stated,
denied the charges, and promised to attend the Court
as requested. But when the Court met, instead of
making his appearance, he was found to be on a visit
to the Sachem of the Narragansetts, his pretended
And let us here consider for a moment, the changed
condition of the two races. The lands of the In-
dians were rapidly passing away from the native pro-
prietors to the new-comers, and English settlements
w^ere everywhere springing up in the wilderness.
As the forests were cleared, and the settlements in-
creased, the wild game, on which the Indian largely
relied for his subsistence, grew scarce, while the
more valuable of the fishing resorts were monopo-
lized by the English. It was evident that the Indian
power was rapidly declining, while that of the white
man was on the increase. And as is forcibly de-
picted by Abbott, in his " History of King Philip,"
"with prosperity came avarice. Unprincipled men
flocked to the colonies ; the Indians were depised,
and often harshly treated ; and the forbearance 2chkh
marked the early intercourse of the Pilgrims icith the
mitives teas forgotten,'" It cannot be denied that
many of the savages had been greatly demoralized
by contact with the Avhites, and were constantly
committing depredations upon them, shooting their
cattle, piUaging their houses, and sometimes com-
mitting mnrder. We may imagine that it was quite
as difficult for the Sachems to restrain these vaga-
bonds, as it is for civilized society to keep in check
its bad classes. It will thus be seen that there were
constant sources of irritation upon both sides, and
ample cause for alienation aud suspicion.
When Governor Prince learned of Alexander's
visit to the Narragansetts, and of his apparent treach-
ery, he "assembled his counselors, and, after delib-
eration, ordered Major Winslow, afterward governor
of the colony, to take an armed band, go to Mount
Hope, seize Alexander by surprise, before he should
have time to rally his warriors around him, and take
him by force to Plymouth." This was certainly a
deliberate act ofivar. " Major Winslow immediately
set out, with ten men, from Marshfield, intending to
increase his force from the towns nearer to Mount
Hope. When about half way between Plymouth
and Bridge water, they came to a large pond, proba-
bly Moonponsett Pond, in the present town of Hali-
fax. Upon the margin of this sheet of water, they
saw an Indian hunting lodge, and soon ascertainecj
that it was one of the several transient residences of
Alexander, and that he was then there, with a large
party of his warriors, on a hunting and fishing
"The colonists ctiutiously approached, and saw
that the guns of the Indians were all stacked outside'
of the lodge, at some distance, and that the whole
party were in the house, engaged in a banquet. As
the Wampanoags were then, and had been for forty
years, at peace with the English, and as they were
not at war with any other people, and were in the
very heart of their own territory, no precautions
whatever were adopted against surprise.
" Major Winslow despatched a portion of his force
to seize the guns of the Indians, and with the rest
entered the hut. The savages, eighty in number,
manifested neither surprise nor alarm in seeing the
English, and were apparently quite unsuspicious of
danger. Major Winslow requested Alexander to
walk out w^ith him for a few moments, and then,
through an interpreter, informed the proud Indian
chieftain that he was to be taken under arrest to Pl}^-
mouth, there to answer to the charge of plotting
against the English. The haughty savage, as soon
as he fully comprehended the statement, was in a
towering rage. He returned to his companions, and
declared that he would not submit to such an indig-
nity." There being some indications of resistance,
the stern major presented a pistol to the breast of
Alexander, and said : ''I am ordered to take you to
Plymouth. God willing, I shall do it, at whatever
hazard. If you submit peacefully, you shall receive
respectful usage. If you resist, you shall die upon
the spot."
The Indians were disarmed, and could do nothing ;
Alexander was almost insane with vexation and rage
in finding himself thus insulted, and yet incapable of
making any resistance. His followers, conscious of
the utter helplessness of their state, entreated him
not to resort to violence, which would only result in
his death. They urged him to yield to necessity,
assuring him that they would accompany him as his
retinue, that he might appear in Plymouth with the
dignity ])eHtting his rank.
The colonists immediately commenced their return
to Plymouth with their illustrious captive. There
was a large party of Indian warriors in the train, with
"Wetamoe, the wife of Alexander, and several other
Indian women. The day was intensely hot, and a
horse was tendered to the chieftain that he might
ride ; but he declined the ofier, preferring to walk
with his friends. When they arrived at Duxbiiry,
as they did not want to thrust Alexander into a
prison. Major Winslow received him into his own
house, where he guarded him with vigilance, yet
treated him courteously, until orders could be re-
ceived from Governor Prince, who resided on the
Cape at Eastham. At Duxbury, Alexander and his
train were entertained for several days with the most
scrupulous hospitality. But the imperial spirit of
the \Vami)anoag chieftain w^as so tortured by the
humiliation to which he was subjected that he was
thrown into a burning fever. The best medical at-
tendance was furnished, and he was nursed with the
u m t eare, but he g.ew daily worse, and sorsoW
ous f ars were entertained that he would die.
hpin , , .''" '''"■'■'""'■'' ^""'^^y «l'"-med for their
beloved ch.eftain, entreated that they nii
geance „p„„ any who injn.-ed them or their kindrei
vhenever opportunity oifered, though it mi^ht be a
long t,me after the offence was committed. ^Goolin
otheT:; t '" *'^^^^^-'-'— "If-ymurther ;
gu.mty look upon themselves concerned to revenue
hat wrong, or murder, unless the business be tak^n
Lf- '' ^^^T''' "^ ^^^•"PompeHgue, or other sat-
- action, which their custom admits, to satisfy for
all wrongs, yea for life itself " ^
An incident is related of Philip, that occurred in
1665 by which we may judge something of his
proud and miperious spirit. He learned that an In-
dian had spoken disrespectfully of his father, Massa-
soit. Traducing the dead, was by Indian law, an
offence so grave as to demand the life of the offender
by the hand of the nearest of kin of the party tra-
di'ced. I hihp, accordingly, with a band of braves,
repaired to Nantucket in search of liis victim, a
Piaying Indian, named Assasamoogh. The latter
was sitting at the table of a colonist, when a mes-
senger rushed in and informed him that Philip, the
avenger, was at the door. He fled from house to
louse, closely pursued by Philip with uplifted toma-
iiawk, to the great amazement of the English at this
exhibition of Iiulian vengeance. At length Assasa-
moogh leaped a high bank and plunging into the
forest eluded his pursuer. The English were anx-
ious to save the life of the offender, and for that
purpose sought an interview with Philip. But he
refused to leave the island until a ransom was paid.
The sum paid was nineteen shillings, that being all
the money there was on the island. With this, it
was said, he returned home to Mount Hope satisfied.
Philip frequently visited Plymouth and the other
English settlements in that colony, and became well
acquainted with the inhabitants. He traded wnth
them, and exchanged hospitalities. And yet, it is
supposed, that all this time, the insult which had
been offered to his brother Alexander was ranklino:
in his heart, and calling for revenge. Where special
acts of kindness had been shown him he remembered
them, even after hostilities commenced, to the saving
of a number of Eno^lish households. Fessenden
relates the instance of Hugh Cole, who with others,
in 1(>69, had purchased five hundred acres of land of
Philip, in Swanzey, on the west side of Cole's river,
and settled there. At the breaking out of the war,
two of Cole's sons were made prisoners by the
Indians, and taken to Philip's headquarters at Mount
Hope. Philip, from his friendship for their father,
sent them back, with a message that he did not wish
to injure him, but as his young warriors might dis-
obey his orders, advised him to repair to Rhode
Island for siifetv. Mr Tnlo f.,ii,r
ready and started with all his iinnily. Tlfev Ind
proceeded hut a short distance, (probily i„ f b^
down the Bay,) when he beheld his housi i„ L^Z
west s>de of Touisset Neck, on Kickemuit river in
he present town of Warren, where the farm I, d
the we,, he dug in 1677, are yet in the possei. f
hshneal descendants. Philip^iso performed a sim-
ilar act of kindness, m protecting the family of Mr
James Brown, one of the constituent members if
Uie Swanzey church. Clark, in his -History o
Norton," states that not a house was burnt by the
Indians m the town of Taunton during the war, for
fear that some harm would come to ^he Leonards
who resided in that town, and who had often re-
paired guns, and performed other jobs in iron work
or Philip gratuitously,_so strict were his orders in
the premises.
As early as 1671, the Plymouth colonists had be-
come jealous of the growing influence Philip had
obtained over all the New England tribes, with the
exception, perhaps, of the xMohegans.-and profes-
sing alarm at what they termed "increasing indica-
tions that he was preparing for hostilities," sent an
imperious command to him to come to Taunton and
explain his conduct. For some time Philip made
divers rather weak excuses for not compiyino- ^vith
this demand, at the same time reiterating assurances
of his friendly feelings. " He was as yet," says Ab-
bott, "unprepared for war, and was very reluctant to
precipitate hostilities, which he had sufficient sagac-
ity to foresee would involve him in ruin, unless he
could first form such a coalition of the Indian tribes
as would enable him to attack all the English settle-
ments at one and the same time. At length, how-
ever, he found that he could no longer refuse to give
some explanation of the measures he was adopting,
without giving fatal strength to the suspicions
against him. Accordingly, on the 10th of April of
this year, he took with him a band of warriors,
armed to the teeth, and painted and decorated with
the most brilliant trappings of barbarian splendor,
and approached within four miles of Taunton.
Here he established his encampment, and with native-
taught punctiliousness, sent a message to the Ply-
mouth <2fovernor, informinij him of his arrival at that
spot, and requiring him to come and treat with him
there. The governor, either afraid to meet these
warriors in their own encampment, or deeming it
beneath his dignity to attend the summons of an
Indian chieftain, sent Roger Williams, with several
other messengers, to assure Philip of his friendly
feelings, and to entreat him to continue his journey
to Taunton, as a more convenient place for their
conference. Philip, with caution, which subsequent
events proved to have been well-timed, detained
these messengers as hostages for his safe return, and
then, with an imposing retinue of his painted braves,
proudly strode forward toward the town of Taunton'
When he arrived at a hill upon the out-skirts of the
village, he again halted, and warily established sen-
tinels around his encampment.
"The governor and magistrates of the Massachu-
setts colony, apprehensive, it would seem, that the
Plymouth people nnght get embroiled in a war with
the Indians, and anxious, if possible, to avert so
terrible a calamity, had dispatched three commis-
sioners to Taunton, to endeavor to promote recon-
ciliation between the Plymouth colony and Philip.
These commissioners were now in conference with
the Plymouth court. When Philip appeared upon
the hill, the Plymouth magistrates were quite eager
to march and attack him, and take his whole party
prisoners, and hold them as hostages for the o-ood
behavior of the Indians. AVith no little difficulty
the Massachusetts commissioners overruled this rash
design, and consented to go out themselves and per-
suade Philip to come in and confer in a friendly
manner upon the adjustment of their affairs.
"Philip received the Massachusetts men with re-
serve, but with much courtesy. At first he refused
to advance any farther, but declared that those who
wished to confer with him must come where he was.
At length, however, he consented to refer the diffi-
culties which existed between him and the Plymouth
colony, to the Massachusetts commissioners, and to
liold the conference in the Taunton meeting-house.
But that he might meet his accusers upon the basis
of perfect equality, he demanded that one-half of the
meetino-.house should be appropriated exclusively to
himself and his followers, while the Plymouth peo-
ple, his accusers, should occupy the other half.
The Massachusetts commissioners, three gentlemen,
were to sit alone, as umpires. We can but admire
the character developed by Philip in these arrange-
"Philip managed his cause, which was evidently a
difficult one, with great adroitness. He could not
deny that he was making great military prepara-
tions, but he declared that this was only in anticipa-
tion of an attack from the Narragansett Indians.
But it was proved that at that moment he was on
terms of more intimate friendship with the Narra-
gansetts than ever before. When the English com-
plained of Indian outrages, he brought charge for
charge against them ; and it cannot be doubted that he
and his people had suffered much from the arrogance
of individuals of the dominant race. Philip has had
no one to tell his side of the story, and we have re-
ceived the narrative only from the pens of his foes.
They tell us that he was at length confounded, and
made full confession of his hostile designs, and ex-
pressed regret for them."
As the result of the conference, a treaty was
entered into, in which mutual friendship was pled-od
and in which Philip consented to the extniordi.miy
measure of disarming his people, and of surrender-
ing their guns to the governor of Plymouth, to be
retained by him so long as he should distrust the
sincerity of their friendship. Philip and his warri-
ors immediately gave up their guns, seventy in num-
ber, and promised to send in the rest within a ^iven
time. It is related of one of Philip's Captainsfthat
when he learned that his Chief had consented to
surrender their guns, he was so enraged, that he
threw down his arms, and said he would never own
him again, or fight under him : and from that time
ever after adhered to the English. It was further
agreed in the council, that, in case of future troubles,
both parties should submit their complaints to the
arbitration of Massachusetts.
This settlement, apparently so important, amounted
to nothing. It was said of the Indians, that they
were ever ready to sign any agreement whatever
which would extricate them from a momentary diffi-
culty ; but such promises were broken as readily as
they were made. It is certain that Philip sent in no
more guns, but was busy as ever gaining resources
for war, and entering into alliances with other tribes.
He denied this, but the people of Plymouth thought
they had ample evidence that such was the case.
The summer thus passed away, while the aspect
of affairs was daily growing more threatening. As
Philip did not send in his guns according to agree-
ment, and as there was evidence, apparently conchi-
sive, of his hostile intentions, the Plymouth govern-
ment, late in August, sent another summons, order-
ing the Wanipanoag chieftain to appear before them
on the loth of September, and threatening, in case
he did not comply, to send out a force to reduce him
to subjection. At the same time they sent commu-
nications to the colonies of Massachusetts and Rhode
Island, stating their complaints against Philip, and
soliciting their aid in the war which they thought
evidently approaching.
"In this affair," I quote again from Abbott,
"Philip gained a manifest advantage over the Ply-
mouth colonists. According to the terms of the
treaty, all future difficulties were to be referred to
the arbitration of Massachusetts as an impartial
umpire. But Plymouth had now, in violation of
these terms, imperiously summoned the Indian chief-
tain, as if he were their subject, to appear before
their courts. Philip, instead of paj^ing any regard
to this arrogant order, immediately repaired to Bos-
ton with his councilors, in strict accord with the
treaty. It so happened that he arrived in Boston
on the very day in which the governor of Massachu-
setts received the letter from the Plymouth colony.
The representations which Philip made seemed to
carry conviction to the impartial umpires of Massa-
chusetts that he was not severely to be censured.
Ay hen the letters from Plymouth were read to him,
he replied that his predecessors had always hv.n
ineudly with the Plymouth governors, and that an
engagement to that end was made by his father and
renewed by his brother, and when he took the '<.ov-
ernment, was made by himself; but it was only an
agreement for «m%, not for subjection. He had
acknowledged himself a subject of the Kin- of
England, but he averred that he knew not thai he
and his were subjects to the Plymouth govermnent.
I'ra^rn^ Indians, he said, were subjects, and had
officers and magistrates appointed for them, but he
and his people had no such thing with them, and
therefore were not subjects/^ The inference from this
IS, that Philip having acknowledged himself a sub-
ject of the King of England, the Plymouth govern-
ment claimed that he and his tribe were under the
government of that colony. Freeman, in his His-
tory of Cape Cod, in a note, page 26S, says :—
" Notwithstanding that in treaties from time to
time, the Indians have acknowledged themselves
subjects to the King of England, they seem not to
have comprehended the meaning of the term. They
ever retained an idea of independency to which
English subjects had no pretence."
Philip desired to be shown a copy of the engage-
ment, and requested the governor of Massachusc^tts
to procure it for him. As a result of this confer-
ence, the Massachusetts authorities wrote to Ply-
mouth as follows : —
"We do not uuderstand how Philip h;ith sub-
jected himself to you. But the treatment you have
o-iven him and your proceedings toward him, do not
render him such a subject as that, if there be not a
present answering to summons, there should pre-
sently be a proceeding to hostilities. The sword
once drawn and dipped in blood, may make him as
independent upon you as you are upon him."
Soon after this, a general council of the united
colonies was called to assemble at- Plymouth on the
24th of September. Philip agreed to meet this
council in a further effort to adjust their differences,
and at the appointed time was present, with a retinue
of warriors. Another treaty was made, similar to
the Taunton treaty, and the two parties again sepa-
rated with protestations of friendship ; but, says
Abbott, "quite hostile as ever at heart."
Three years now passed away of reserved inter-
course and suspicious peace. The colonists were
continually hearing rumors from distant tribes of
Philip's endeavors, and generally successful endeav-
ors, to draw them into a coalition. The conspiracy,
so far as it could be ascertained, included nearly all
the tribes in New England, and extended into the
interior of New York, and along the coast to Vir-
ginia. The Narragansetts, it w^as said, agreed to
furnish four thousand warriors. Other tribes, ac-
cording to their power, were to furnish their hun-
dreds, or their thousands. Hostilities were to be
commenced in the Spring of IGTG, by ji simultaneous
assault upon all the settlements, so that none of the
English could go from one portion of the country to
aid another. In the latter part of the year 1G74,
the signs of the conspiracy were so palpable, that
the Governor of Massachusetts sent an ambassador
to Philip, demanding an explanation of these threat-
ening appearances, and soliciting another treaty of
peace and friendship. Philip's haughty reply to
this ambassador was : "Your governor is but a sub-
ject of King Charles of England. I shall not treat
with a subject. I shall only treat with the king,
my brother. When he comes, I am ready."
The war was waged against the Indians by the
"United Colonies," so called, which comprised the
three colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay,
and New Plymouth. Rhode Island was not included.
But as early as 1667, letters were received by the
Rhode Island authorities from the neighboring colo-
nies, calling their attention to the rumors that were
rife of the treacherous designs of the Indians against
the English, and invoking the good offices of Roger
Williams and others to pacify them. In the inter-
vals between the sessions of the General Assembly,
says Mr. Bartlett,* the Governor and Council (which
embraced the Governor, Deputy Governor, and
Assistants), held frequent meetings, particularly
during the periods when the colony was in danger
* Rhode Island Colonial Records, volume ii, page 191.
from invasion, or from attacks of tlie Indians.
(England was at war at this time, 1667, with the
French as well as the Dutch.) A separate record
was kept of the proceedings of this Council. It was
entitled : "The Book of Records, containing the acts
and orders made by the Governor and Council, both
general and particular, since the first of May, 1667."
At the second meeting of the Council, held on the
10th of May : "It is ordered that Thomas Willmott
(probably Willett) of 8ecunk, hath informed the
Council, now sitting, of such deportments of the
Indians, especially of Philip, which giveth great
occasion of suspicion of them and their treacherous
desiofus. It is therefore ordered that the Indians
residing upon the island shall be forthwith disarmed
of all sorts of arms, and that the captain and mili-
tary officers meeting with any Indian armed, they
are authorized to seize the arms, and by the authority
from the magistracy of either town, the constables
or their deputies, are to search and seize any arms
to them belonging ; and the said arms, wherever so
seized, to be delivered to the Governor or some
magistrate, that so they may be safely kept, and at
his or their discretion to be restored. It is also left
to the magistrates of Providence and Warwick to do
as they shall think meet, as referring to disarming
the Indians among them. And it is ordered, that if
in Khode Island, or in any other towns, any Indian
shall be taken walking in the night time, he shall be
seized by the wiitcli {ind kept in custody till morn-
ing, and brought before some magistrate, which said
magistrate shall deal with him according to his dis-
cretion, and the demerit of the person so offending."
On the 21st of May, 1667, "at a meeting of the
Council," it is ordered that a letter be sent to the
Commissioners of Plymouth, of thankful acknowl-
edgment for their civility in writing to us concerning
their proceedings with Philip and his men with
respect to the rumors of their conspiracies ; and it is
further ordered that one of each town of the Colony
be chosen to treat with Mosup, Nennecraft (Ninne-
grit) and Cothannequant (Canonchet) concerning the
rumors aforesaid; and the parties chosen are, for
Newport, Mr. Peleg Sandford ; for Providence, Mr.
Wm. Harris; for Portsmouth, Mr. Wm. Baulston ;
and for Warwick, Mr. John Green; and these or
the major part of them, are fully empowered to
appoint the place of treaty, and time or times there-
of, and to appoint interpreters, and to make return
thereof with all convenient speed to the General
Council ; but in case the said Sachems shall refuse
to meet and treat, then the Commissioners are to
protest in his Majesty's name against the said
A copy of the letter sent to the Sachems follows :
" Loving Friends and Honorablk Neighbors : —
The Governor and Council having met this 21st of
May, have thought fit and necessary to acquaint you
that they have commissionated four of themselves
to treat with you conceruing the reports of the con-
spiracies of the Indians against the English, that so
if it may l)e, they may be better informed of the
truth and extent thereof; and for that end and
purpose desire and require you in his Majesty's
Dame, to give them a meeting at Warwick on Tues-
day next, which will be the 28th of this instant,
where accordingly you may expect to meet with
them. So we take leave and remain your friends.
"By the appointment of that Council.
"W. Dyke, Secretary."
In 1669 letters were received by the Governor
and Council, from the Governors of Connecticut and
New York, and also from Major Mason, charging
that Ninnicraft and the Lonsf Island Indians were
plotting against the English, in combination with the
French ; and further, that he, Ninnicraft, had held
a great dance, at which Philip was represented by
seven of his chief men. The authorities of Rhode
Island at once took steps to examine Ninnicraft and
other Sachems, and after a most searching inquir}^
became satisfied there was no real ground for the
charge, and so informed the authorities of Connecti-
cut and New Y(U'k. Before this, however, they sent
the following letter to Governor Prince, of New
Plymouth, under date of 22d July, 1669 : —
" Sir : — These coming in safety to your hands.
will inform you that whereas, we have had informa-
tion of a plot of the Indians to cut off the Eno-lish
which we doubt not but you have also had the full
report of; and we having used endeavors to search
out the thing, have sent some discreet persons over
to see if they could find Ninnicraft's temper at this
juncture ; and in examination they received indiffer-
ent answers by way of excusing himself, and denyino*
any knowledge of such a plot ; only when he was
asked why and to what end seven of Philip the
Sachem's ancient men had been with him, the said
Ninnicraft, for nine or ten days, then together, some
of them being of Philip's Council, he gave no satisfac-
tory answer to that point, but put it off with a
laugh and very slight return, which gives us some
further cause of suspicion ; and have therefore sent
for him to be examined before us, and dealt with as
we may find cause thereupon ; and do represent thus
much to yourselves that you may, if you think fit,
question Philip, of Mount Hope, upon the premises.
And whereas. Major Mason writes that it is too
apparent there is a plot contriving or contrived
between the French and almost all the Indians in the
country ; it doth the more allarum us to take notice
of it, seeing such an eminent person doth so repre-
sent it; and do entreat if anything do appear to
yourselves, you will be pleased to communicate it
to (Sir),
*' Your affectionate friends and servants,
"EiCHARD Bailey, Secretary."
Governor Lovelace, of New York, addresses a let-
ter to Governor Benedict Arnold, under date of Au-
gust 24th, 1669, in which he acknowledges the receipt
of the hitter's letter of 29th July, in answer to his,
and says : — " I must render yon my most particular
thanks for those civilities you were pleased to afford
me in your friendly expressions ; next, I cannot Init
kindly resent that care you have shown in settling
the minds of some over-credulous persons amongst
us (who being possessed with a panic fear), were
apt to entertain very melancholy thoughts accordingly
as they were instilled by the intelligence and infor-
mation of some fond Indians to the great disturbance
of the public peace ; and by it animating the heathens,
who take courage from our fear, might be apt to
break forth into extravagances not to be redressed
without a war, and all the miseries attending it ; but
those apprehensions are now vanished, and men's
minds, by reason of your excellent letter, well paci-
fied and settled, neither do I believe they will too
hastily again give credence to the information of a
faithless and false generation." All which clearly in-
dicates that even as early as 16(59, the public mind
was greatly agitated about the Indians, and ready to
believe the most extravagant and unreasonable stories
of their plottings.
At a meeting of the Governor and Council at New-
port, August 30th, 1671, in response to a letter re-
ceived from the General Assembly of New Plymouth,
the following reply was made : —
"Much Honored Gentlemen: — Yours, by the
much respected Mr. Thomas Hinckley and Mr. Con-
stant Southworth, we have received, and by confer-
ence with those gentlemen and our own observations,
are sensible that there are more than ordinary causes
to suspect and believe the Indians are treacherousl}^
inclined against the English in general, and that
therefore we are bound by the highest obligations,
with united hearts and hands to use our uttermost
endeavors to resist and defeat (through the assistance
of the Almighty) their bloody and perfidious de-
signs. In order whereunto, our General Assembly
did, in theirs by Mr. Cornell of the 16th of June last,
propose unto you that some persons might be em-
powered by yourselves and us, to meet and confer
upon the reasons, ways and means, why and how it
ought, and may be accomplished. And to that end,
did nominate and appoint our honored Governor,
Capt. John Cranston, Mr. William Baulston, Mr.
William Carpenter, and Capt. John Greene, Assist-
ants ; or any three or four of them to meet and treat
with so many of yours at Taunton. This act of our
General Court is still in force, and is that which we
conceive may be the only expedient to come to a se-
rious debate and agreement in a matter of so great
concern ; and which, if you please to embrace, we
shall readily attend, where all difficulties may be
examined, advantages considered, reasons on both
sides weio^hed, and such an agreement concluded, as
we hope by the blessing of God, may be for the secu-
rity and peace of these parts and the English inhabi-
tants ; and if in the meantime, and before this be
accomplished, the Indians shall make any attempts
upon any of his Majestj^'s subjects, we shall use our
utmost endeavors in our stations and places to sup-
press and subdue them.
" Honored Gentlemen, — you have our real inten-
tions herein, which as these proceed from our hearty
and unfeigned desires of the peace and safety of our
countrymen in general, and of yourselves our loving
neighbors in particular, so we shall, to the best of
our abilities (God willing), perform the same."
The letter above referred to, of the 16th of June,
to Plymouth Colony, does not appear in our Colonial
Records, as published.
The next day, the 31st of August, steps were taken
to put the Colony in a state of defence, and to notify
the several towns to be watchful, and keep such an
eye over the Indians, as to prevent being surprised
by them.
At a session of the General Assembly at Newport,
November 2nd, 1671, a letter was ordered to be sent
to the Governor of New Plymouth, of which I give
the major portion : —
"These are to give you to understand that your
loving and wellcome lines, both of September 14th,
and 2yth last past, have been communicated unto us
by our honored Governor, &c., the contents of both
being very much obliging, and doth indeed move us
to be thankful unto the Most High for preserving us
yet in peace, and diverting the cloud which he was
pleased to let hang over the country, threatening a
storm of war, or the sad effects that attend thereupon,
as massacreing, and destrojn ng persons and estates,
which would inevitably have followed upon an abso-
lute breach with the natives, as we were well aware
of, and it exercised our minds and put us upon labor
and charge to withstand or prevent it. Neither can
we, but together with you, acknowledge the goodness
of the Lord in so mercifully sparing the country.
We also acknowledge your prudent and patient pro-
ceedings in that matter, and your candid respect and
great affection expressed unto us, in giving us sea-
sonable information of your apprehensions, resolu-
tions, and conclusions had, taken and made concern-
ing those mtttters. And you may assure yourselves,
that you may expect from us, as occasion shall re-
quire it, such demonstrations of our love and duty to
yourselves, as is becoming us, not only as we are
English subjects to one and the same King : but also
as neighbors and friends very nearly obliged to love
and serve 3^our Honors in all sincerity. And it is
not a little grievous unto us, that we cannot procure
the like cause from our Honored the Colony of Con-
necticut, from whom we met with very hard, harsh,
and undesirable passages, which we would be glad
they would forbear. But they nre put upon it by the
ambition and coveteousness of some few."
This misunderstanding with Connecticut grew out
of the conflicting chiims of the two Colonies to the
King's Province of Narragansett. A person not
familiar with the geography of our country, might
meet with some difficulty in finding the State of
Rhode Ishmd on a map of the United States, even
with her present boundaries ; but if the claims of
Massachusetts on the east, and Connecticut on the
west, had been made good before the King in Coun-
cil, you would have had to search for it with a micro-
scope. We were being ''ground between the upper
and the nether millstone." They have been elbowed
back, somewhat, upon both sides of our Bay.
It would be interestino^ to know the cause or causes
which operated to prevent Rhode Island from being
invited to join with the United Colonies in the war
against Philip, or if invited, why she did not respond.
This Colony suffered, in common with her sister
Colonies of Massachusetts and New Plymouth, from
the attacks of the natives, and the forces of the
United Colonies marched into her territory, and at-
tacked and destroyed the Indian Fort at South Kinofs-
town, without her consent. I do not know if there
be papers in the archives of the State, explaining
these points ; if so, they do not appear in the R. I.
Colonial Records as published, and from which I
have copied the foregoing correspondence. In fact,
no letters are given, if any passed, between Rhode
Island and the other New England Colonies on the
Indian troubles, after the year 1671, up to the close
of the war. Can it be there was no correspondence
between them during all these years of dread alarm
and woe? It is probable, I think, that the disputed
boundaries between Rhode Island and her adjoining
neighbors, was one cause, if not the chief cause, of
the non-affliation. But I must not dwell longer upon
this matter, or I shall weary your patience.
According to Gookin (Mass. Hist. Coll., vol.
i.), there were live principal Tribes of Indians in
New England, when the Pilgrims landed at Ply-
mouth, viz. : — The Pequots, the Narragansetts, the
Pokanokets, or Wampanoags, the Massachusetts,
and the Pawtucket. The Pequots, as a distinct
tribe, were annihilated in 1637, leaving only four at
the time of which we write. Of the Pawkunnawkutts,
Gookin, writing in 1674, says : "They were a great
people heretofore. They lived to the east and
northeast of the Narragansetts ; and their chief
Sachem held dominion over divers other petty saga-
mores ; as the sagamores upon the island of Nan-
tucket, and Hope, or Martha's Vineyard, of Nawsett,
of Mannamoyk, of Saw^kattukett, Nobsquasitt, Mat-
akees, and several others, and some of the Nipmucks.
Their country, for the most part, falls within the
jurisdiction of New Plymouth Colony. This people
were a potent nation in former times, and could raise,
as the most credible and ancient Indians affirm, about
three thousand men. They held war with the Nar-
ragansetts, and often joined with the Massachusetts,
as friends and confederates, against the Narragansetts.
This nation, a very great number of them, were swept
away by an epidemical and unwonted sickness in the
years 1612 and 1613, about seven or eight years
before the English first arrived in those parts, to
settle the colony of New Plymouth. Thereby Divine
Providence made a w^ay for the peaceable and quiet
settlement of the English in those nations. What this
disease was, that so generally and mortally swept
away, not only these, but other Indians, their neigh-
bors, I cannot well learn. Doubtless it was some
pestilential disease. I have discoursed with some old
Indians, that were then youths, who say that the
bodies all over were exceeding yellow, describing it
by a yellow garment they showed me, both before
they died and afterward."
One writer gives the English population of New
England, in 1674, at about fifty-live thousand, and
that of the aboriginals at less than one-half that
number. If this l)e so, together with the great ad-
vantage possessed by the whites in provisions, disci-
pline, and munitions of war, it Avould seem that
there could not, at any time, have been a doubt as
to the final result of the struggle. Many of the In-
dians had been converted to Christianity, and had
adopted the habits of civilized life, and schools and
churches were established among thein. Of these
"Praying Indians," the Christian life, it would seem,
w^as somewhat irregular, and there were frequent
lapses among them, to barbarism again. So much
so, that some of the colonists always persisted in
spelling the word "praying" with the letter e. Af-
ter the Indians were suitably instructed, some of the
more intelligent and energetic among them, received
appointments to office, such as petty judges and con-
stables. With such commissions they were said to
be highly pleased, and would sometimes discharge
their official duties with ludicrous pomposity. The
following warrant, directed to an Indian constable,
was issued by one of these native magistrates. For
"sententious brevity" it is in striking contrast with
our modern writ : —
"I Hihoudi, you Peter Waterman, — eJeremy
Wicket, quick you take him, fast you hold him,
straight you bring him before me, Hihoudi."
As has already been stated, it was the intention of
Philip to commence the war in 1676, but the death
of John Sassamon, a Christian Indian, early in the
spring of 1675, hastened the event. Sassamon, who
was a Wampanoag Indian, but who had been "bred
up in a profession of the Christian religion," and
educated at Harvard University, was employed as a
school -master at Natick, the Indian town. Upon
some misdemeanor, however, he fled from his place
to Philip, who at once employed him as his private
secretary. He is represented to have been a cun-
ning, plausible fellow, and it is stated that Philip
trusted him with all his affairs and secret counsels.
After a time, ms J find it recorded in "Barber's His-
tory of 2s'ew England," — and from which I quote —
" whether upon the sting of his own conscience, or by
the frequent solicitations of Mr. Eliot, that had known
him from a child, and instructed him in the princi-
ples of our religion, who w^as often laying before him
the heinous sin of his apostacy, and returning back to
his old vomit, he was at last prevailed with to for-
sake Philip, and returned back to the Christian In-
dians at Natick, where he was baptized, manifesting
public repentance for all his former offences ; and did
apply himself to preach to the Indians. Yet having
occasion to go up with some others of his countrymen
to Namasket (Middleborough), whether the advan-
tao'e of fishing, or some such occasion, it matters not.
Being there, not far from Philip's country, he had
the occasion to be much in the company of Philip's
Indians and Philip himself; by which means he dis-
cerned that the Indians were plotting anew against
us ; which, out of ftiithfulness to the English, the said
Sassamon informed the Governor of ; adding, also,
that if it were known that he revealed it, he knew
they would presently kill him."
There had been so many alarms which had not
proved serious, that this story of Sassamon was not
at first believed ; but there appearing much concur-
rent testimony from other sources, made it appear
the more probable. Philip, by reason of the inquiries
made of him, concerning these fresh rumors of
trouble, was convinced that Sassamon had betrayed
him, and it was said, took steps to have him killed for
his perfidy.
Early in the spring of 1675, Sassamon was miss-
ing, and his friends, in searching for him, not long
after, found his hat and gun upon the ice of Assa-
wompset Pond in Middleborough, near a hole, and in
such position as to leave the impression that he had
accidentally broken through the ice, and was drowned.
His body was soon found, and although his friends,
particularly one David, observed some bruises about
his head, they buried him without further inquir^^
However, these stories comins: to the ears of the Gov-
ernor some time after, he had the body taken up,
and upon examination, became satisfied that Sassa-
mon had been murdered. The English decided that
this was a crime which came under the cognizance of
their laws. Three Indians connected with the coun-
cil of Philip, were arrested on suspicion of being his
murderers. The prisoners were tried before the
Plymouth Court, in June, and were all adjudged
guilty and sentenced to death, the jur}^ consisting of
twelve Englishmen and four Indians. The con-
demned were at once executed, two of them contend-
ing to the last that they were entirely innocent, and
knew nothinof of the deed. One of them, it is said,
when upon the point of death, confessed that he wiis a
spectator of the murder, which was connnitted by the
other two. Barber says that, " by a strange provi-
dence, an Indian was found, that by accident stand-
ing unseen upon a hill, had seen them murdering the
said Sassamon, but durst never reveal it, for fear of
losing his own life likewise, until he was called to
the Court at Plymouth, or before the Governor,
where he plainly confessed what he had seen. The
murderers were convicted by his undeniable testi-
mony, and other remarkable circumstances.^^
One of these " remarkable circumstances " is thus
stated by Dr. Increase Mather : —
"When Tobias (one of the accused) came near the
dead bod}^ it fell a bleeding on fresh, as if it had
been newly slain, albeit it was buried a considerable
time before that." It was a superstition with our
Pilgrim Fathers, that the body of a murdered person
would commence bleeding afresh on the approach of
the murderer.
AVhether guilty or not, the summary execution of
three of Philip's subjects, greatly enraged and alarmed
him, as, knowing that he was charged with ordering
Sassamon's death, he feared that he also might be kid-
napped and hung. His young warriors were roused
to frenzy, and could no longer be controlled. They
commenced a series of amioyances upon the whites,
such as shooting their cattle, frightening the women
and children, and insulting wayfarers wherever they
were met. They had imbibed the superstition, prob-
ably taught them by their powwows, that the party
which should commence the war and shed the first
blood, would be defeated. They therefore endeav-
ored, by a show of force and by insult, to provoke
the English to strike the first blow, Philip keepino*
his men constantly armed, marching them from place
to place, and receiving all the strange Indians that
he could gather from all quarters.
The Court of Plymouth took no further note of
these proceedings than to forbid, on a penalty, the
lending of arms to the Indians, and to direct a mili-
tary watch to be established in the towns borderino-
on Philip's territory, hoping that Philip, finding
himself not likely to be arraigned by the Court on
account of the murder, would remit his hostile pre-
parations, and this war cloud would blow over,
as others had before it.
On the 14th of June, at the urgent solicitations of
Mr. James Brown, of Swanzey, the Governor dis-
patched a letter to Philip, filled with amicable profes-
sions, and disclaiming all hostile intentions, but com-
plaining of his movements, and advising him to dismiss
all the strange Indians that had resorted to him, and to
give no credit to the sinister reports made to him of
the English. This letter, it is said, he answered
only with threats and menaces of war. Church, in
his history of Philip's war, in which he acted so im-
portant a part, relates that at this interview Philip's
youni? men "would fain have killed Mr. Brown,"
who, Avith Samuel Gorton (son of Samuel Gorton of
Warwick) as interpreter, and two other men, bore
the letter, "but Philip prevented it; telling them
that his father had charged him to show kindness to
Mr. Brown."
Church was also informed at the same time, by
Peter Nannuit, the second husband of Alexander's
widow, Wetamoe, that the Indians with Philip were
so impatient for war, that "Philip was forced to
promise them that on the next Lord's day, when
the English were gone to meeting, they should rifle
their houses, and from that time forwiird, kill their
cattle." Wetamoe and her husband were at variance
in the war, she taking sides with her own race, and
he fighting under Church with the English.
Church received this information on the 15th of
June, and was so impressed with its importance
that he immediately started for Plymouth, to com-
municate it to the Governor, where he arrived early
the next morning. Governor Winslow, now con-
vinced that a war with Philip was unavoidable,
ordered the whole force in the vicinity to march
towards Mount Hope, and dispatched messengers to
the Governor of Massachusetts, informino: him of
the hostile movements of the Indians, and soliciting
immediate assistance.
On Sundav, the 20th of June, accordinsf to
Philip's promise, eight of his men, fully armed, .
left Mount Hope, and made a raid into the adjoining
town of Swanzey, now Warren, in this State. They
called at the door of a colonist, and demanded per-
mission to grind their hatchets. He informed them
that it Avas the Lord's day, and that it would be
a violation of God's command if he should let them
do it. They replied : " We know not who your God
is, and we shall grind our hatchets, for all you or
your God either." They then went to another house,
and demanded and helped themselves abundantly to
food. Proceeding along the road they chanced to
meet a colonist Avhom they took into custody, and
kept for some time, and then dismissed him, de-
risively telling him he "should not work on the
Lord's day, and that he should tell no lies." As
they continued on the road, they began to shoot the
cattle which they saw in the fields. They encoun-
tered no opposition, as the houses were at some
distance from each other, and most of the men were
absent at public worship. At last they came to a
house where the man was at home. They shot his
cattle, and then entered the house and demanded
liquor. This was refused, and they attempted to
get it by violence. The man, at last provoked
beyond endurance, seized his gun and shot one of
them, inflictins: a serious thouiifh not mortal wound.
The first blood was now shed, and by the English,
and the drama of the war was opened. The savages
retired, bearing their wounded companion with
them, and threatening war and slaughter to all the
[Read before the Khode Island Historical Society, in Providence, March 28, 1876 ]
My second paper, read before this Society, on the
evening of March 16th, 1875, closed with an account
of the raid made by a niuiiber of Philip's Indians,
from Mount Hope, upon the inhabitants of Swanzey,
on Sunday, June 20th, 1675 — the opening scene in
Philip's War. The news of these outrages quickly
spread through Plymouth Colony, and led the au-
thorities to take prompt measures to protect the in-
habitants of the towns bordering on Mount Hope.
Church, in his ^'Indian Narrative," says, "an express
came the same day (June 20th) to the Governor of
Plymouth Colony, who immediately gave orders to
the captains of the towns to march the greatest part
of their companies, and to rendezvous at Taunton on
Monday night, where Major Bradford, (son of Ex-
Governor William Bradford,) was to receive them,
and dispose them under Captain Cudworth, of
Scituate. The Governor (Josiah Winslow) desired
Mr. Church to give them his company, and to use his
interest in their behalf, with the gentlemen of Rhode
Ishiiicl. He complied with it, and they marched next
day, Monday, June 21st."
The Court of Plymouth, besides ordering the forces
of the Colony to march toward Mount Hope, sent
word to the authorities of Massachusetts Bay, to
hurry forward their forces ; and also proclaimed a
fast, in view of the threatened difficulties with the
Indians, to be observed throughout the Colony, on
the following Thursday, June 24th.
The proclamation reads as follows : —
"The Council of this Colony, taking into their
serious consideration, the awful hand of God upon
us, in permitting the heathen to carry it with inso-
lency and rage against us, appearing in their great
hostile preparations, and also some outrageous car-
riages, as at other times, so in special, the last Lord's
day, to some of our neighbors at Swanzey, to the ap-
parent hazard, if not real loss of the lives of some
already ; do therefore judge it a solemn duty, incum-
bent upon us all, to lay to heart this dispensation of
God, and do therefore commend it to all the churches,
Ministers, and people of this Colony, to set apart the
24th day of this instant, June, which is the 5th day
of this week, wherein to humble ourselves before the
Lord for all those sins whereby we have provoked our
good God sadly to interrupt our peace and comfort,
and also humbly to seek his face and favor in the gra-
cious continuance of our peace and privileges, and
that the Lord would be entreated to go forth with
our forces, and bless, succeed, and prosper them,
deliverinof them from the hands of his and our ene-
mies, subduing the heathen before them, and return-
ing them all in safety to their families and relations
again ; and that God would prepare all our hearts
humbly to submit to his good pleasure concerning us.
" By order of the Court of N. P.,
"Nathaniel Morton, Secretary,
"Plymouth, June 22, 1675."
Massachusetts, before the actual outbreak occurred,
had determined to raise one hundred men for the
assistance of Plymouth ; but before complying with
the urgent appeal of Plymouth to hurry them for-
ward, they thought it best to send messengers to
Philip, at Mount Hope, to divert him, if possible,
from his designs. But the messengers, seeing some
of the Swanzey men lying murdered in the road, did
not think it safe to go any further, and returned as
fast as possible, with their intelligence to Boston.
The people of Swanzey and Rehol)oth, in anticipa-
tion of an outbreak, had selected certain houses to
garrison, and immediately after the raid of the 20th
of June, the inhabitants beffiin to srather into these
retreats. There were two permanent garrison houses
in Rehoboth, and one in Swanzey, into which the
people gathered, and where they rendezvoused dur-
ing the war. They were continually guarded in time
Of danger, unci were so strongly fortified and well-
pro visioned, as to enable a few men to sustain a lor...
seige against a large body of savages. Woodcock't
garrison in Rehobotli (now Attleborough), was
named from John Woodcock, who built the house
and occupied it before the war and after it, durinc.
h.s hfe, for a public tavern. Bliss, in his "History
of Rehoboth," says, "this garrison was in Attle-
borough, near the Baptist Meeting House, on the
spot where Hatch's Tavern now stands. A public
house has been kept there, without intermission
from July 5, 1670, to this time, September, 1835, a
period of nearly one hundred and sixty-five years!
"It is situated on the Boston and Providence turn-
pike. The old garrison was torn down in 1806, and
a large and elegant building erected on the spot, bS
feet by 60, three stories high. The old garrison
had stood one hundred and thirty-six years, when it
was pulled down ; yet a great part of the timber was
said to be perfectly sound— 'pierced, however, by
many a bullet received in Philip's war.' A small
remnant, one room of the old garrison, may still be
seen adjoining the old wood-house. A relict of it,
also, it is said, is preserved in the archives of the
Massachusetts Historical Society." So wrote Bliss,
in 1835, but whether the "small remnant, one room
of the old garrison, adjoining the wood-house," may
still be seen, I am unable to say. The other garri-
son house, in Rehoboth, stood on the southeast side
of the Common (Seekonk), on the spot occupied by
the house of Phanuel Bishop.
The principal garrison-house in Swanzey was near
Miles' Bridge, in the northern part of the town. It
was called " Miles' Garrison," from Rev. John Miles,
the minister of Swanzey, whose house was garri-
soned. It stood a short distance west of Miles'
Brido-e, near the site of the residence of the late
Mason Barney. This Bridge is over Palmer, or
So warns river, about three miles north of Warren,
and connects the northwestern part of Swanzey with
Mount Hope Neck. Bliss, in a note on page 77,
"History of Rehoboth," says : — "In the year 1833,
in digging or enlarging a cellar on this spot (the site
of the Miles' Garrison), a large number of cannon
balls were dug out of the ground ; which leads me
to suppose that this was the site of the garrison. It
is not mentioned by any historian, that cannon were
used by the English at Swanze}^ at the time of Philip's
war. But I know of no other purpose for which
those balls could have been deposited there. The
place where they were found, I conjecture to have
been the spot of Mr. Miles' cellar."
Several other houses were occupied temporarily
as garrisons ; but the three above described were the
strongest, and were always resorted to in the times
of greatest danger. Bourn's garrison at Mettapoiset,
was one of the former, and Brown's garrison at Wan-
namoiset, was another. Mettapoiset was what is now
known .s Gardner's Neck, in Swanzey, east of War-
ren. It IS SIX miles from Mount Hope, and about the
same distance from Miles' Bridge. The exact site
ot Bourn s house is not known, but was probably well
down the neck, and near the shore, convenient for
the transportation of the women and children in boats
down Mount Hope Bay, to Rhode Island. Brown's
garrison was in what is now the southern part of East
I^rovidence, on the road from Providence to W^arren
near to and on the opposite side of the road of the
residence of Samuel Viall. Mr. Viall's house is well
known as the site of the Thomas Willett house
Bicknell, 111 his "Historical Sketches of Barrinirton,"
says the bricks in the chimney of Mr. Viall's "house
are the same ones used by Mr. Willett, and were either
made by the Dutch in New York, or imported from
Holland. There are two doors in the present house
that were taken from the old house, and which still
preserve the somewhat ftmtastic and ornamental paint-
mgof two hundred (or more) years ago. One of
the original doors taken from Captain Willett's
dwelling, and his sword, are in the possession of the
city of New York."
A few words in description of Mount Hope Neck,
and we will return to the events of the war. Mount
Hope Neck is about nine miles in length, two miles
wide at the north end in Swanzey, and nearly three
miles wide at the south end in Bristol, and narrowing
to less than one mile in Warren, at a point where the
railroad track crosses the main street at the southern
entrance of the compact part of the town. About
one-half of the neck projects into the Bay — bounded
on the east by Mount Hope Bay, and on the west by
Narragansett Bay. The remaining part of the neck
is formed by the Kickemuit river on the east, and
Warren, or Palmer's river, on the west. About one
mile of the northern end of the neck is in Swanzey ;
the next three miles, including the "narrow of the
neck," are in Warren ; the remaining five miles are
in Bristol. Kickemuit is in Warren, east of the vil-
lage. Near Kickemuit Spring, before the advent of
the English, there was, probably, a large Indian vil-
There was an English settlement within Mount
Hope Neck, in the northern part, appertaining to
Swanzey. It contained eighteen houses, all of which
were destroyed in the early part of Philip's war.
Warren, it will be recollected, was set off from Swan-
zey when the boundary line between Khode Island
and Massachusetts was adjusted in 1746-47.
The first troops that arrived at Swanzey at the
beginning of the war, Avere a Bridgewater Company.
The express sent on the 20th June to Plymouth, to
notify the Governor of the threatened danger, on its
return the next day, left a requisition at Bridgewa-
ter, for twenty well armed men to repair forthwith
for the defence of Bourn's garrison at Mettapoiset,
which contained seventy persons, sixteen only of
whotn were men, the remainder being women and
children. This garrison, it will be remembered, was
within six miles of Mount Hope proper, and was
probably considered to be in most imminent peril.
Seventeen of the Bridgewater troops immediately
started on horseback, "and were the first that were
upon their march in all the country." Baylies, in his
"Memoirs of Plymouth Colony," says the Bridge-
water Company reached Swanzey (Mettapoiset) on
the 21st June, and were ordered there by Captain
(Major) Bradford. On their way, they were met by
a number of people of Swanzey, who had abandoned
their homes, and were flying from the enemy, " wring-
in2: their hands, and bewailins: their losses." On the
next day (22nd), as a part of these troops were re-
turning to the garrison from another part of the town,
where they had been to escort Mr. Brown, (a son of
the Assistant), their pilot of the previous day, home,
they fell in with a party of thirty Indians. As their
orders were positively to act only on the defensive,
they quietly passed them, and reached the garrison
without molestation. Before reaching the garrison,
however, they met a part}' of the English with carts,
going to a barn, about one-fourth of a mile distant,
for corn. The soldiers informed the drivers that the
Indians were out, and advised them not to proceed.
But, heedless of the advice, they went on, and were
surprised and attacked at the barn, and six of their
number killed or mortally wounded. The troops
hearing the attack, mounted their horses, and rode
towards the barn, hut before they could reach there,
the affair was over, and the enemy had fled. One
Jones escaped with a mortal wound, and barely
reached his friends to die in their arms. This tragi-
cal affair, in which the first English blood was shed,
occurred on Tuesday, June 22nd.
"The gathering storm," says Baylies, "had now
burst upon the devoted town of Swanzey. The first
blood was shed at Mettapoiset." The troops re-
mained at Bourn's garrison until they were rein-
forced, and then the house was abandoned, and its
inmates transported in safety to Rhode Island.
On Thursday, June 24th, the day appointed for
the fast, as the Swanzey people were returning from
church, "where they were met in the way of humil-
iation that day," they were tired upon by the Indians,
and one man was killed, and another wounded. Two
men going for a surgeon to attend the wounded man,
were killed in the way. Six men were killed in
another part of the town ; and in a short time, so
closely were the colonists beset, that the Indians
would "shoot at all the passengers, and killed many
that ventured abroad." Some writers have supposed
that the troops could not have been in Swanzey on the
24th, because of these occurrences; but Captain
Church states that the Plymouth forces were there
on the 24th, and a letter of Nathaniel Thomas, in
"Morton's Memorial," page 429, dated June 25th,
speaks of the tragical affairs of the previous day, and
adds : — " The forces here are dispersed to several
places of the town, and some toRehoboth, which this
da}^ we intend to draw into a smaller compass."
Swanzey was a large town, being not less than
twelve miles in length, and the Plymouth forces were
probably quartered in detached companies, in differ-
ent parts of the town. They had reason to believe
that the Indians were in too large force at Mount
Hope, for them to venture down the Neck to attack
them, until reinforced b}^ the Boston troops. Hub-
bard says, referring to these early attacks of the In-
dians, " all which outrages were committed so sud-
denly, that the English had no time to make any
On the 26th of June, a company of foot, under
Captain Henchman, and a troop of horse, commanded
by Captain Prentice, marched from Boston towards
Mount Hope. During their march, they observed
an eclipse of the moon, and some of the soldiers im-
agined that they discovered a black spot on the face,
resembling the scalp of an Indian ; while others
fancied that they saw the form of an Indian bow.
"But (says Hubbard) after the moon had waded
throngh the dark shadow of the earth, and borrowed
her light again, by the help thereof, the two compa-
nies marched on towards Woodcock's house, thirty
miles from Boston, where they arrived next morn-
ing." They remained until afternoon, when they
were joined by a company of volunteers, under Cap-
tain Samuel Mosely, and on the next day, 28th, they
all arrived at Swanzey, at Mr. Miles' house. "They
arriving there some little time before night," con-
tinues Hubbard, "twelve of the troop, unwilling to
lose time, passed over the bridge for discovery in the
enemy's territories, when they found the rude wel-
come of eight or ten Indians firing upon them out of
the bushes, killing one William Hammond, and
wounding one Corporal Belcher, his horse being shot
down under him ; the rest of the said troops having
discharged upon those Indians that run away after
their first shot, carried off their two dead and
wounded companions, and so retired to their main
guard that night, pitching in a barricado about Mr.
Miles' house." Captain Benjamin Church was one
of this company, and displayed that coolness and
daring: that afterwards so distini^uished him in the
war, and made him its great hero.
On the next day, Tuesday, 29th June, several In-
dians showing themselves near the garrison, the troop
of horse, and Mosely's volunteers, pursued them a
mile and a quarter beyond the bridge, killing five or
six of the Indians, and then returned to headquarters.
It is said that this chars^e of the Ens^lish force alarmed
Philip, and determined him to abandon Mount Hope
Neck. But to me it seems more probable that the
squad of Indians near the bridge were sent there to
give Philip notice of the arrival of the English forces,
to enable him to make his arrangements to abandon
Mount Hope Neck. For, had he remained, he would
have been caught in a cul de sac, and compelled to
fight a decisive battle with the colonists, who he knew
were much better armed and drilled than his forces.
Pitched battles might do for the English, but they
w^ere not the Indian mode of warfare. That ni^ht
Philip and his forces abandoned Mount Hope Neck,
and in their canoes passed over Taunton river to Po-
On Wednesday, June 30th, the whole English
force crossed the bridge and marched down the neck
towards Mount Hope. Near what are now known
as King's Rocks, a mile and a half from the bridge,
they came to some houses newly burned ; and a
Bible newly torn, and the leaves scattered about,
"by the enemy in hatred of our religion therein re-
vealed," says Hubbard. Two or three miles further,
at the '' narrow of the neck," in Kickemuit, they saw
the heads of eight Englishmen that were killed near
the head of Mettapoiset Neck, stuck up on poles,
near the highway. Fessenden says this was near
the pound on Kickemuit river. The pound, he adds,
did not then exist, but was first built in 1685.
These were taken down and buried. Marching on
two miles further, they came to the " narrows " (of
the river) "where they found divers wigwams of
the enemy, amongst which were many things scat-
tered up and down, arguing the hasty flight of the
owners." Half a mile further, passing tbrongh
stately fields of corn the while, which they trod
down and destroyed (one writer says there were a
thousand acres of corn growing), they came to
Philip's own wigwam, at Mount Hope. Two miles
further the}^ came to the seaside (Bristol Ferry),
and Captain Cudworth, with some of the Plymouth
forces, passed over to Rhode Island.
Major Savage and his command bivouacked all
through a rainy night, in the open field, and the
next morning, July 1st, returned to their head-
quarters at Miles' garrison, seeing many stray dogs
on the Neck without masters. On the next day
(Tuesday, July 2d), a portion of the troops scoured
the country north of Miles' bridge, and killed four
or five Indians. One of the Indians killed in this .
raid was said to be a brother of Philip, though
Hubbard speaks of him as "a chief counsellor of
Philip." If his brother, it must have been Sun-
conewhew. All that is known of him is, that his
name appears, signed to a deed of Philip, of lands
on both sides of Palmer's river, in 1668. "The
mark of Sunconewhew, Philip's brother," appears
on this deed. Another of the killed, says Hubbard,
was ''Thebe, a Sachem of Mount Hope." This was
undoubtedly Peebee, whose name is also attached to
the same deed as "counsellor." Peebee resided in
Barrington, opposite Warren, on what is known as
Peebce's neck — usually spelled on modern maps,
"Phebe." This deed may be found entire in Bliss'
"History of Rehoboth," pp. ()4, 65.
On Sunday, July 4, Captain Cudvvorth returned
from Rhode Island to the garrison, leaving forty
men under command of Captain Church, to l)uild a
fort at the "Narrows," much to the disgust of
Church, who "told them that Philip was doubtless
gone over to Pocasset side to engage those Indians in
a rebellion with him, which they soon found to be
true." Church continues : — " A strand council was
held, and a resolve passed, to build a fort there, to
maintain the first ground they had gained, by the In-
dians leaving it to them. And to speak the truth, it
must be said, that as they gained not that field by the
sword, nor their bow, so it was rather their fear than
their courage, that obliged them to set up the marks
of their conquest." He looked upon the fort and
talked of it, with contempt, and urged hard the pur-
suing the enemy on Pocasset side.*
The site of this fort, at the "Narrows" (Bristol
side), is still pointed out, though the hill on which it
was located has been so badly washed by the action
of the water at its base, as to remove nearly every
vestige of the fort. I have within two years picked
up some pieces of stone, half way down the bank, dis-
colored by heat and smoke, which were probably
used in the fire-place.
Church urged the pursuit of the enemy on the Po-
* Church's Philip's War, p. 35.
casset side, with the greater earnestness, becanse of
a promise he had made to Awashonks, the Squaw
Sachem of the Sogkonnate Indians, a few days before
hostilities commenced, that he would see her again
within a few days ; and he believed, if he could keep
his promise, he would be able to secure her and her
tribe as allies of the English ; or at least to prevent
them trom taking an active part with Philip.
After some delay, orders came for Captain Fuller,
with six tiles, to cross the Bay, and "try if he could
get speech with any of the Pocasset or Sogkonnate
Indians, and that Mr. Church should go his second."
They drew out the number assigned them, 36 in all,
and marched the same night (6th July) to Bristol
Ferry, and were transported over to Rhode Island ;
and the next night passed over to Pocasset, in Rhode
Island boats. On the morning of the 8th, Church,
with nineteen men, marched down the neck into
'•Punkatee's Neck," the southern part of Tiverton,
where he and his little party were attacked by a large
body of Indians, in " Almy's Peas-field." Notwith-
standing the great disparity in numbers. Church suc-
ceeded in withdrawing his little company to the sea-
shore, though hotly pressed by the Indians, where
they were discovered by Captain Golding, of Rhode
Island, who came to their rescue with his sloop, and
transported them, without loss, back to the Ishuid.
Captain Fuller and his squad of seventeen men,
also encountered a large body of the enemy, but for-
tiinately was in the vicinity of the water, and near an
old house, in which he and his men sheltered them-
selves, until a vessel discovered and conveyed them
oflf, with no other loss than havins: two men wounded.
The Massachusetts forces, distrusting the Narra-
gansetts, marched into their conntry, and by force of
arms, compelled such of their Sachems as they could
reach, to unite in a treaty with them against the
Wampanoags, and stipulating that all of that tribe
that should be found among them, should be deliv-
ered up. This treaty was of no account, and was
broken as soon as the Massachusetts forces withdrew
from their country. The treaty was signed at Peta-
quamscot, July 15, 1675, and bore the marks of
Tawageson, Agamaug, and Wampsh, alias Corman,
who, in the body of the treaty, are represented as
Counsellors and Attorneys to Canonicus, Ninigret,
Matataog, old Queen Quaiapen, Quananshit, and
Ponapham, " the six present Sachims of the whole
Narragansett country." It took four days to conclude
this treaty, and which could only have been regarded,
even by the representatives of Massachusetts and
Connecticut, as the merest sham.
On Monday, July 18th, the Massachusetts and
Plymouth forces combined, reached the swamp in
Pocasset where Philip and his forces were encamped.
As the colonists entered the sWamp, they were fired
upon, and six of their number killed, and seven
wounded. After the first shot, the Indians retired
deeper into the swamp, deserting their wigwams,
about one hundred in number, newly made of green
])ark, so as they would not burn. The English, tind-
ine: it difficult and dangerous to pursue the Indians
further into the swamp, abandoned their plan of direct
attack, and withdrew with the intention of starving
them out. To quote from Hubbard: — "It was
judged that the enemy being by this means brought
into a pound, it would be no hard matter to deal
with them, and that it would be needless charge to
keep so many companies of soldiers together, to wait
upon such an inconsiderable enemy, now almost as
good as taken ; whereupon, most of the companies
belonging to the Massachusetts were drawn ofl'; only
Captain Henchman, with an hundred foot, being left
there, together with Plymouth forces, to attend the
enemy's motion, being judged sufficient for that end."
To prevent Philip's escape, the English forces be-
gan to build a fort. Church had no better opinion
of this movement, than of the erection of a fort at
the "Narrows" in Mount Flope Neck. He says; —
"The army now lay still to cover the people from
nobody, while they were building a fort for nothing."
Philip at once suspected their design, and took prompt
steps to efiect his escape. "The swamp where they
were lodged," I again quote from Hubbard, "being not
far from an arm of the sea, coming up to Taunton,
they, taking the advantage of a low tide, either
waded over one night in the end of July, or else
wafted themselves over upon small rafts of timber
very early before break of day, by which means the
greatest part of the company escaped away into the
woods, leading into the Nipmuck country, altogether
unknown to the English forces that lay encamped on
the other side of the swamp. About an hundred or
more of the women and children, which were like to
be rather burthensome than serviceable, were left be-
hind, who soon after resigned up themselves to the
mercy of the English."
It was said that by arrangement, the Wampanoags
sent their wives and children over the Bay to the
Narragansetts, for protection, before hostilities com-
menced. But the above incident clearly indicates
that it was not so. The " arm of the sea" where
Philip crossed, is supposed to have been Taunton
river, near the "Dighton Writing Rock."
"Philip, in crossing the great plain of Seekonk,"
says Bliss, "was discovered by the people of Reho-
both, who, headed by the Rev. Noah Newman, their
minister, and accompanied by a small party of Mohe-
gans, gave him a close and brisk pursuit, killing
twelve of his men, without sustaining any loss on
their part."
Hubbard says : — "The Mohegans, with the men of
Rehoboth, and some of Providence, came upon their
rear over night, slew about thirty of them, took much
plunder from them, without any considerable loss to
the English." This force consisted of 74 English, 34
of whom were from Providence, and 54 friendly In-
Captain Henchman, who, it will be remembered,
was stationed at Pocasset, hearing of Philip's flight,
as soon as he could get over the river with six files of
men (6S in number), "rowing hard all or most part
of the day to get to Providence, followed after the
enemy." At Providence he was joined by the Mohe-
gans, and they pursued Philip to JSfipsacket (in Rur-
rillville), when they gave over the chase. Adds
Hubbard : — "By this means Philip escaped away to
the westward, kindling the flame of war in all the
w^estern plantations of the Massachusetts Colony,
wherever he came." In the pursuit of Philip from
Providence, Captain Henchman was supplied with
provisions by Captain Andrew Edmunds, of Provi-
dence, and Lieutenant Brown, " w^io brought pro-
visions after him to the Nipmuck Forts."
There was great complaint that Philip was per-
mitted to escape from Pocasset; and also, that he
was not more vigorously pursued. Hubbard re-
marks : — "But what the reason was wh}^ Philip was
followed no further, it is better to suspend, than too
critically inquire. This is now the third time when
a good opportunity for suppressing the rebellion of
the Indians, was put into the hands of the English ;
but time and chance happeneth to all men, so that
the most likely means are often frustrated of their
desired end."
We must now pass rapidly over events, tracing
Philip in his movements as far as we are able to cio so.
On the 5th of August, in a swamp, not far from
Quabaog, (Brookfield,) Philip, with forty of his men,
forms a junction with the Nipmucks. On the same
day, a severe fight takes place at Sugar Loaf Hill, in
which 9 or 10 English, and 26 Indians are slain.
August 2 2d, Lancaster is attacked, and eight of its
inhabitants are killed. Part of the town of Deer-
field is burned, and one man killed, on the 1st ot
September. On the same day the Indians attack the
town of Hadley, but are repulsed. It was in this
action that General Goffe, one of the regicide Judges,
is said to have left his hiding place in Rev. John
Russell's house, and rallied the inhabitants at a criti-
cal moment of the fight, and drove them ofi". His
sudden presence in the fight, and his equally mysteri-
ous disappearance after the fight was over, was a
great mystery to the people of Hadley. They re-
garded the circumstance as a direct interposition of
Divine Providence in their behalf. God had sent
one of his angels to succor them. It is -most remark-
able that Generals Whaley and Gofie could remain
secreted in the house of Rev. Mr. Russell so many
years, without discovery. And Mr. Russell nuist
have been a sturdy man to harbor them, at the risk
of the swift and sure vengeance of Charles II, his
king, if discovered. Mr. Russell's son Jonathan
was pastor of the church at Barnstable, and his son
Joseph came to Bristol a young man, and resided
there the remainder of his life. He was many years
Town Clerk and Treasurer of Bristol. He also
served ten years as one of the Assistant Justices of
the Supreme Court of this Colony, and three terms
as Chief Justice. He died July 31st, 1780, in the
78th year of his age, leaving three children, two
sons and a daughter. His son Jonathan was the first
Collector of Customs of the Port of Bristol, ap-
pointed by Jefferson. Neither Jonathan or his sister
Nancy ever married. Nathaniel, the other son, mar-
ried a daughter of the late Bishop DeHone, and
their descendants are connected with Bristol famdies.
Descendants, also, of Rev. Jonathan Russell's oldest
daughter Rebecca, are now living in Bristol.
On September 2d, 9 or 10 English are kdled at
Northfield, and the next day. Captain Beers and 20
men are surprised near the same place, and all ot
them are slain; and soon after the town is entirely
destroyed. On the 18th of September, Captain
Lothrop, with a company of about 90 men are cut
off almost to a man at Deerfield. The next day,
the Indians are repulsed from Deerfield, but they
soon after return, and destroy the town, together
with Hatfield* and a portion of Hadley. On the
*The attack upon Hatfield, ended, after killing and burning, "in the carry-
ing away, northward, of seventeen captives, mostly wives, mothers, and young
children." ****** ,,+ 1,0,1
"Two brave and patient men, whose wives and children had been snatciiea
from them into the horrors of this exile-Benjamin Wait and Stephen Jennings
-after suffering their solitude for a month, in the vain hope ot someettecm
19 th of October, Had ley is again attacked by 700 or
800 Indians ; but they are repulsed with the loss of
many of their number. Thirty-two houses in Sprino--
field are burnt about this time. Philip is the o-reat
leader in all these actions.
On the 18th of October, Canonchet and other
Chief men of the Narragansetts, visit Boston, and
make a treaty with the English. As early as the
middle of November, the United Colonies, con-
vinced that the Narragansetts were affording shelter
to Philip and his Nipmuck allies contrary to their
treaty stipulations, determined to make war upon
them. An army having been gathered at Dedham,
on the 9th of December, they take up their line of
march for Narragansett. Arriving at Providence, a
portion of the army proceed to Wickford b}^ water,
while the remainder march down through the country
on the west side of the bay, to the same rendezvous,
which was Major Richard Smith's garrison at Sowgan,
pursuit or negotiation, arose and went forth together with their grief. Their
first point was Alban}^ where the unfeeling autliorities not only discouraged
them, but sent them by force to New York, to Gov. Andros. The dear faces
were farther off than ever ! Every day was a fresh anguish. A month more,
and they were back at Albany, with permission to proceed. But new hindrances
met them. Winter was setting in. .At last they hired a Mohawk to guide
them to Lake George, where he left them, with a canoe and a rough sketch of
tlie route. They were the first New Englanders that passed that way to Caia-
ada. Over the two Lakes, over the hills, and the streams, and through the ice
and frost, paddling their canoes, or bearing them on their backs, sleeping be-
tween the snow and the stars, with only God's hand to lead them, and the faith
in Him to uphold them, and the love of the dear ones to urge tliem on,— they
made their difficult way, till, at last, in January, at Sorell, they overtook and
greeted the lost. Who of us would not give some tears to see that meeting?
The captives were all redeemed, save three that had perished. Protected by a
(Wickford). General Winslow, (Governor of Ply-
mouth Colony,) was commander-in-chief of the ex-
pedition. He hoped in the night to surprise and
capture Pumham, a noted chief of the Narragansetts,
and his town at Shawomut, (Warwick). But Pum-
ham was made aware of their approach and escaped.
Seven of the Indians were killed, and 8 taken pris-
oners, and 150 wigwams burned.
On the 16th of December, the Indians attacked
and burned Jireh Bull's garrison at Petaquamscot,
(Tower Hill, South Kingstown,) and killed 15
persons, only two escaping. This was a heavy loss
to the army, as they expected to find good quarters
here on their march to attack the Indians in their
swampy retreat.
On Saturday, the 18th of December, the entire
army, numbering about 1,000 men, (the Connecticut
forces having joined the army at Wickford the same
day,) commenced their march to attack the Narra-
French guard, they traveled back to Albany, in May. One day a messenger
appeared at Hatfield, and the news spread from, honse to house, awakening
anxious inquiries, heart-throbs of new fear, and weepings of joy, that the res-
cued prisoners were safe! Two touching letters were brought, which were
sent forward to Boston, were read publicly in the churches of the Colony,
where thanksgivings were offered up, and with apostolic charity collections
were taken for the ransom, for the heroes, and for their families. Benjamin
Wait wrote from Albany to his Hatfield neighbors :— ' Any that have love to
our condition, let it move them to come and help us. We must come very
softly, because of our wives and children. I pray you hasten — stay not for the
Sabbath, nor shoeing of horses— stay not night nor day.' The Hatfield people
met tlie party at Kinderhook, and led them in with praises to God who ' loos-
eth tiie prisoners, and bringeth them by a way they have not known.' "—^ic-
tract from the Address of Prof. Hantington, at the Two Hundredth Anniver-
sary of the settlement of Hadley, Mass., June 8th, 1859.
gansetts. That night the army bivouacked on the
now desolate Tower Hill, without shelter for officers
or men. The night was bitter cold, and there was
a heavy fall of snow. All suffered severely, and
some of the men were so badly frozen in their hands
and feet as to be disabled. The snow was from two
to three feet deep when the army renewed their
forward movement on Sunday morning. Hubbard
says : — " Through all these difficulties they marched
from the break of the next day, December 19th, till
one of the clock in the afternoon, without either fire
to warm them, or respite to take any food, save Avhat
they could chew in their march." They reached the
swamp in which the Indians had built their winter
home and fort, about one o'clock p. m. The severe
cold of the previous night had frozen the swamp,
which greatly facilitated its passage by the English.
But for this, the Indian retreat would have been al-
most inaccessible. Aided by an Indian guide, they
soon reached the fort, and commenced the attack.
Hubbard says : — "There was but one entrance into
the fort, though the enemy found many ways to come
out. It was raised upon a kind of island of five or
six acres of rising ground in the midst of the swamp ;
the sides of it were made of palisadoes set upright,
the which was compassed about Avith an hedge of
almost a rod thickness, through which there was no
passing. The place Avhere the Indians used ordina-
rily to enter themselves, was over a long tree upon
a place of water, where l)ut one man could enter at
a time, and whicli was so w^aylaid, that they would
have been cut off that had ventured there. But at
one corner there was a gap made up only with a
long tree, about four or five foot from the ground,
over which men might easily pass." The work
around the fort was not quite finished, for it had evi-
dently been prepared with great labor, and this gap
was the w^eak point. Here an entrance to the fort
was finally effected, after a desperate struggle, the
Indians defending it with deadly aim from a block-
house which completely commanded it. The first to
enter the fort was John Ra3^mond, of Middleborough,
a soldier. Many of the English officers and men
were killed either in passing over the tree or at the
entrance of the fort. Those that first entered were
soon forced to fall back, and prostrate themselves
upon the ground to avoid the fury of the enemy's
shot, until it " was pretty well spent." Captain
Johnson was shot dead upon the tree, and Captain
Davenport at the very entrance, the latter receiving
three fatal wounds at the same instant, so deadly was
the aim of the Indians. " But at the last," says
Hubbard, "two companies being brought up besides
the four that first marched up, they animated one
another to fnake another assault, one of the command-
ers crying out, ' tJieij run, they run;' which did so
encourage the soldiers that they presently entered
amain. After a considerable number were well en-
tered, they presently beat the enemy out of a flanker
on the left hand, which did a little shelter our men
from the enemy's shot till more company came up,
and^so by degrees made up higher, first into the mid-
dle, and then into the upper end of the fort, till at
last they made the enemy all retire from their
sconces, and fortified places, leaving multitudes of
their dead bodies upon the place." A portion of the
Connecticut forces cut a passage into the further side
of the fort, and the Indians finding themselves at-
tacked both in front and rear, finally abandoned the
fort, after a three hours' struggle, and concealed
themselves in a cedar swamp near by. The English
having obtained possession, set fire to the wigwams,
some five hundred or six hundred in number, and
the whole fort was soon wrapped in flames, in which,
it is said many Indian women and children perished.
General Winslow oflfered Church a command in
the expedition, which he declined, but accepted a
position on his staflT. He took an active part in the
fight, and was badly wounded. He was opposed to
burning the fort, and urged that many of the wounded
might be saved, if it was held. His advice was vio-
lently opposed by "a certain Doctor, Avho, looking
upon Mr. Church, and seeing the blood flow apace
from his wounds, told him that if he gave such advice,
he should bleed to death like a dog, before they
would endeavor to stanch his blood."*
* Church's Philip's War.
Drake adds in a note : — "The General (Winslow)
had already adopted Church's advice, and was about
to ride into the fort himself, but as he was entering
the swamp, one of his captains seized his horse, pay-
ing he should not expose himself, and if he did not
desist, he would shoot his horse under him. Thus it
seems the General was commander-in-chief only in
name. Doubtless the jealousy of this Captain and
some others, had been excited, owing to the confi-
dence the General had placed in Mr. Church's judg-
Was the captain referred to above, the son of ex-
Gov. William Bradford, of Plymouth Colony? He
was in the expedition, and commanded one of the
Plymouth companies. A letter of his, published in
the Journal of this city a few weeks since (the orig-
inal of which is in the hands of his descendant. Gov.
Van Zandt, of Newport), and made public for the
first time, contains several sentences that indicate
jealousy of Church. The letter is dated "Taunton,
24 July, 1G76." Captain (or Major) Bradford was
then in command of the English forces, and there was
great comphiint that these forces were inactive, while
Church, at the head of a volunteer company, was
constantly engaging the enemy, and bringing in large
numbers of prisoners. Read in the light of these
occurrences, the whole letter is very intelligible. I
quote two sentences : — " We are going forth this
day, intending Philip's headquarters. I shall not put
myself out of breath to get before Ben Church."
Captain Churcli's wife (Alice Southworth) was re-
lated to Captain BradforcVs mother, who was the
widow Alice Southworth when Gov. Bradford sent
for her to Leyden, to come over to this country, and
married her. She came over in the ^' Ann," in 1623.
Mrs. Southworth had two sons by her first husband,
and Church's wife was a daughter of her son Con-
stant. This is a digression, and we will return to the
Daylight was now almost gone, but as the army
had no shelter, or provisions, save what they had
carried in their march, they were necessitated to re-
turn to their quarters at Major Smith's garrison,
"full fifteen or sixteen miles oflf, some say more,
whither with their dead and wounded men, they
were to march; a difficulty scarce to be believed, as
not to be paralleled almost in any former age," says
Church says : — " The wigwams were musket proof,
being all lined with baskets and tubs of grain, and
other provisions, suflicient to supply the whole army
until the spring of the year." Many of the wounded
died from exposure in the terrible return march,
"which might otherwise have been preserved," says
Hubbard, "if they had not been forced to march so
many miles in a cold and snowy night, before they
could be dressed." When we recall what the arni}^
had passed through in the past twenty-four hours —
their exposure the previous night without shelter,
the long morning miirch through deep and damp
snow, and the prolonged and deadly struggle at the
fort — we may well believe that their endurance had
scarcely a parallel " in any former age."
The Eusflish sustained a loss of more than two
hundred in killed and wounded. The loss of officers
was very heavy. Six commanders of companies
were slain in the assault, viz. : — Captains Davenport,
Gardner and eJohnson, of the Massachusetts forces,
and Captains Gallop, Siely and Marshall, of Con-
necticut. The fall of Captain Gardner is thus touch-
ingly related by Church : — " Seeing Captain Gardner,
of Salem, amidst the wigwams in the east end of the
fort, I made towards him; but on a sudden, while
we were looking each other in the face. Captain
Gardner settled down ; I stepped to him, and seeing
the blood run down his cheek, lifted up his cap,
called him by his name. He looked up in my face,
but spake not a word, being mortally shot through
the head."
The loss of the Indians, including women and
children who perished in the flames, was supposed to
be quite three times that of the English. After the
army returned to VVickford, nearly one hundred and
fifty of the wounded, after their wounds were dressed,
were sent over to Khode Island, where they Avere
kindly received by the Governor and others, and
cared for. "Only some churlish Quakers were not
free to entertain them, nntil compelled by the
It is not positively known that Philip was in the
fort, though there is a tradition that he was there,
and left after the fort was fired. It is supposed that
the Wampanoags very generally returned from the
western frontier along the Connecticut, and took up
their winter quarters with the Narragansetts ; but
whether Philip did, is uncertain. Some suppose
that he visited the Mohawks and Canada Indians for
assistance. We next hear of him on the 10th of
February, when he surprised Lancaster, killing lifty
people, and carrying away a number of captives.
Among the latter was Mrs. Rowlandson, the wife of
the minister of Lancaster. Accordins^ to Lidian
custom, she was a slave to her captor, who sold her
to the husband of VVeetamoe, Queen of the Pocassets,
and she became the servant of that "severe and
proud dame." When first captured, she suffered
much from hunger and ill-usage, but after Philip
joined the party into whose hands she had fallen, she
was more humanely treated. He called upon her,
and expressed regret at her capture, and bargained
with her to make some articles of clothinof for his
little boy. When the work was completed, he paid
her for it; and this example of Philip was followed
by others, until Mrs. Rowlandson soon had means to
purchase food, and make her condition more tolera-
* Old Indian Chron,, pp. 74, 75.
ble. As soon as negotiations were opened for her
release, Philip informed her of the fact, and ex-
pressed the hope that thej might be successful. The
next mornin^^ ^.\y
The first or left-hand letter or character, may not be and probably is not entire .
It is at the edge of the rock, which appears ragged, as though one or more
pieces had fallen or been broken from it. It will be noticed, that between the
second and third characters, there is a space. There may have been and prob-
ably was another letter in here, as there are marks on the rock, indicative of
its presence, but so much worn by the action of the elements as to preclude its
being traced.
While there are grave doubts in the minds of many scholars
as to whether the rock inscriptions found upon the New England
coast are traces of the Northmen's visits to these shores, of the
fact of such visits there can be no question. They are matters
of record.
R. B. Anderson, himself a Norwegian, Professor of Northern
Languages in the University of Wisconsin, in a little work,
published at Chicago in 1874, entitled, "America Not Discovered
by Columbus: A Historical Sketch of the Discovery of America
by the Norsemen in the Tenth Century," gives, translated from
the Icelandic Sagas, an account of these voyages of the Norse-
men to the American coast. " The manuscripts which have the
Sagas relating to America," he says, " are found in the celebrated
Codex Flatokensis, a skin-book that was finished in the year
1387. This work, written with great care, and executed in the
highest style of art, is now preserved in its integrity in the
archives of Copenhagen, and a carefully printed copy of it is to
be found in Minies's library, at the University of Wisconsin."
Alexander Von Humboldt, discussing the pre-Columbian dis-
covery of America by the Norsemen, in Cosmos, vol. ii, pages
269-272, says:— "We are here on historical ground. By the
critical and highly praiseworthy efforts of Professor Rafu and
the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries in Copenhagen, the
Sagas and documents in regard to the expeditions of the Norse-
men to Helluliind (Newfoundland), to Markland (the mouth of
the St. Lawrence river and Nova Scotia), and to Vinland
(Massachusetts), have been published and satisfactorily com-
mented upon. * * * The discovery of the northern part of
America by the Norsemen cannot be disputed. The length of
the voyage, the direction in which they sailed, the time of the
sun's rising and setting, are accurately given. While the Chali-
fat of Bagdad was still flourishing under the Abbasides, and
while the rule of the Samanides, so favorable to poetry, still
flourished in Persia, America was discovered, about the year
1000, by Lief, son of Erik the Red, at about 4U degrees of north
So much from Baron Von Humboldt, who is recognized as
authority the world over, upon all subjects of which he treats.
Malte Brun, and many other distinguished scholars also fully
acknowledge the authenticity and authority of the Icelandic
By these Sagas, it appears that America was first discovered
by Bjakne, son of Hekjulf, or Bjarne Herjulfsox, as he is
called, in the year 986, who, on a voyage to Greenland from
Iceland, was driven off his course to the south and west, and
enveloped in a fog which lasted many days, " and they knew not
where they were sailing to." The account continues : — "The
sun at length appeared again, so that they could determine the
quarters of the sky, and lo ! in the horizon they saw, like a blue
cloud, the outlines of an unknown land. They approached it.
They saw that it was without mountains, was covered with
wood, and that there were small hills inland. Bjarne saw that
this did not answer to the description of Greenland ; he knew
he was too far south. So he left the land on the larboard side
and sailed northward two days, when they got sight of land
again. The men asked Bjarne if this was Greenland; but he
said it was not. 'For in Greenland,' he said, ' there are great
snowy mountains; but this land is flat and covered with trees.'
They did not go ashore, but turning the bow from the land,
they kept the sea with a fine breeze from the southwest for
three days, when a third land was seen. Still Bjarne would not
go ashore, for it was not like what had been reported of Green-
land. So they sailed on, driven by a violent southwest wind,
and after"* four days they reached a land which suited the
description of Greenland. Bjarne was not deceived, for it was
Greenland, and he happened to land close to the place where his
father had settled," who had preceded him to that island from
"It cannot be determined with certainty what parts of the
American coast Bjarne saw; but from the circumstances of the
voyage, the course of the winds, the direction of the currents,
and the presumed distance between each sight of land, there is
reason to believe that the first land that Bjarne saw in the year
986, was the present island of Nantucket; the second. Nova
Scotia ; and the third, Newfoundland. Thus Bjarne Hehjulfson
was the first European whose eyes beheld any part of the
American Continent." — America Not Discovered by Columbus,
pp. 46-47.
The report of Bjarue's adventure, which he carried to Norway
a few years later, aroused in the mind of Leif Erikson, son
of Erik the Red, a determination to solve the problem, and find
out what kind of lands these were that were talked so much
about. He bought Bjarne's ship, and with a good crew of
thirty-five men, set sail and found the lands just as Bjarne had
described them, far away to the southwest of Greenland. They
landed in Helluland (Newfoundland) and in Markland (Nova
Scotia), and gave them names, and then proceeded into the
open sea with a northeast wind, and were two days at sea before
they saw land again. They sailed into a sound and up a river
into a lake, where they cast anchor, brought their skin cots out
of the ship and raised their tents. This lake where they cast
anchor, is claimed to be Mount Hope Bay. The account farther
says that they took counsel and resolved to remain through the
winter, and built a large house. The nature of the country
was, as they thought, so good that cattle would not require
house-feeding in winter. It must have been a mild winter, not
unlike the one just past (winter of 1875-76). Day and night
were more equal than in Greenland or Icehind, for on the
shortest days the sun was above the horizon from half-past
seven in the morning till half-past four in the afternoon ; which
indicates the latitude of the place to be 41° 24' 10'^, the latitude
of Mount Hope, where Leif 's house is thought to have been
situated. Erikson called the country Vinland. Tlie reason for
giving it this name was that one of the crew named Tyker,
a German, rambling in the woods, discovered, to his great joy
and surprise, grapes growing wild. This circumstance gave the
land the name of Vinland, and, adds Professor Anderson,
** history got the interesting fact that a German was along with
the daring argonauts of the Christian era."
This expedition took place in the year 1000. In this centennial
year of our country's independence, when the struggles and
trials and glories of the past are recalled to mind, it is but just
that Leif Erikson, who was the first pale-faced man to plant his
feet on the American continent, should be remembered and
Let a person visiting Mount Hope on a bright, clear day, and
looking out upon the beautifully -blended stretch of land and
water that opens to his view — unsurpassed in its loveliness — and
banishing from the scene every vestige of man's cultivation —
picture to himself how it appeared, in all its native wildness, to
the hardy Northern rovers who first landed on these shores,
almost nine hundred years ago. If not content with this
" reach of years," he has only to cast his eyes to the earth at
his feet to see where nature's great planes have grooved their
way into the hard quartz rock on the very summit of the hill, as
they swept over it in the great glacial drift.
[B.— Page 29.]
The daughter of Massasoit, Philip's sister, was named Amie.
The date of her birth is not known. She became the wife of the
Black Sachem, so called, the chief of the Assawamset Indians.
His name appears in history as Tuspaquin. He was one of
Philip's captains, and was captured by the English and put to
death at Plymouth, some time in September, 1676. He had a son
named Benjamin Tuspaquin, who married an Indian named
Weecum. These latter also had a son named Benjamin who
married Mercy Felix. Mercy was the daughter of an Indian
named Felix, who married Assowetough, a daughter of John
Sassamon. Benjamin and Mercy Tuspaquin had one child named
Lydia. Lydia married an Indian named Wamsley, and they had
a daughter named Phebe, who was born February 26, 1770, and
died August IG, 1839. She was twice married, — first to Silas
Rosier, an Indian of the Marshpee tribe. After his death she
married, March 4, 1797, Brister Gould. They had a daughter
Zerviah, who was born July 24, 1807. She married Thomas C.
Mitchell, October 17, 1824. She now resides, or did in 1879, in
North Abington, Mass., and is the publisher of a book entitled,
"Indian History, Biography and Genealogy: pertaining to the
Good Sachem Massasoit of the Wampanoag Tribe, and his de-
scendants." The book is compiled by Ebenezer W. Peirce, of
Freetown, Mass., and from it is derived the above recited bio-
graphy of tlie descendants of Massasoit. It was published in
1878. Two daughters of Zerviah Mitchell, Melinda and Char-
lotte, canvassed for subscribers to their mother's book, and by
their intelligence and modest behavior, won universal respect.
The Indian name of Melinda is Teweelema, and that of Charlotte,
[C. — Page 116.]
After the capture and death of Philip, Capt. Church, while at
Plymouth, learned that old Annawou was with his company, rang-
ing about the woods in Rehoboth and Swanzey, and being solic-
ited by the Government, consented to engage in an expedition for
his capture. He enlisted Mr. Jabez Rowland, his old Lieutenant,
and some of his soldiers, and ranged through the woods to Po-
casset. It being the latter end of the week, he proposed to go
on to Rhode Island and rest until Monday. "But early on the
Lord's day morning," I quote again from Church's history,
"there came a post to inform the Captain, that early the same
morning a canoe with several Indians in it passed from Prudence
Island to Poppasquash Neck. Captain Church thought if he
could possibly surprise them, he might probably gain some intel-
ligence of more game ; therefore he made all possible speed after
them. The ferrj'- boat being out of the way he made use of
canoes. But by that time they had made two freights and had
got over the Captain and about fifteen or sixteen of his Indians,
the wind sprung up with such violence that canoes could no
more pass. The Captain seeing it was impossible for any more
of his soldiers to come to him, he told his Indians if they were
willing to go with him, he would go to Poppasquash and see if
they could catch some of the enemy Indians. So they marched
through the thickets that they might not be discovered, until
they came unto the salt meadow * to the northward of Bristol
town, that now is. Then they heard a gun, the Captain looked
about not knowing but it might be some of his own company in
the rear; so halting till they all came up, he found 'twas none of
his own company that fired. Now though he had but a few men,
was minded to send some of them out on a scout. He moved it
*At Silver Creek, near where the Gas Works are now located.
to Captain Lightfoot to go with three more on a scout; he said
he was willing, providing the Captain's man Nathanael (which
was an Indian that they had lately taken), miglit be one of them,
because he was well acquainted with the Neck (Mount Hope
Neck), and coming lately from among them knew how to call
Dexter, in his " History of King Philip's War." in a note says :
" The Indians were accustomed to have some call— like a wolf's
howl, a loon's cry, or something of that sort — by which they
could signal each other in the woods. This was changed as
often as there w^as danger of its becoming known to their ene-
mies. Nathanael, being recently captured, would know what
that signal of his tribe now was."
" The Captain bid him choose his three companions and go;
and if they came across any of the enemy not to kill them if they
could possibly take them alive; that they might gain intelligence
concerning Annawon*. The Captain with the rest of his com-
pany moved but a little further toward Poppasquash, before they
heard another gun, which seemed to be the same way with the
other, but further off; but they made no halt until they came
unto the narrow of Poppasquash Neck; where Captain Church
left three men more to watch if any should come out of the Neck,
and to inform the scout, when they returned, which way he had
" He parted the remainder of his company, half on one side of
the Neck, and the other with himself, went on the other side,
until they met; and meeting neither with Indians nor canoe, re-
turned big with expectations of tidings by their scout. But
when they came back to the three men at the narrow of the Neck,
they told their Captain the scout had not returned, and they had
not heard nor seen anything of them. This tilled them with
thoughts of what should become of them. By that time they had
sat and waited an hour longer it was very dark, and they de-
spaired of their returning to them Some of the Indians told
their Captain they feared his new man Nathanael had met with
his old Mount Hope friends, and turned rogue. They concluded
to make no fires that night (and indeed they had no great need of
any), for they had no victuals to cook, not so much as a morsel
of bread with them. They took up their lodgings scattering,
that if possibly their scout should come in the night and whistle
(which w\as their sign), some or other of them might hear them."
Church says they had a very solitary, hungry night, and as
soon as the day broke (Monday, 11th of September, 1676), they
drew off through the brush to a hill without the Neck (probably
where the cemetery is now located), and soon discovered an In-
dian running somewhat toward them. The Captain ordered one
man to step out of the brush and show himself, upon which the
Indian ran right to him, and proved to be Captain Lightfoot.
He reported that he had captured ten Indians, and that they
guarded them all night in one of the " flankers of the old English
garrison," — the English fort at the Narrows that Church had be-
fore ridiculed. Their prisoners were a part of Annavvon's com-
pany who had left their families in a swamp above Mattapoiset
Neck. As they were going towards the Narrows, Lightfoot gave
Captain Church a particular account of their exploit, as follows :
*'That presently after they left him, they heard another gun
which seemed to be towards the Indian burying place,* and mov-
ing that way they discovered two of the enemy fleeing of an
horse. The scout clapping into the brush, Nathanael bid them
sit down, and he would presently call all the Indians thereabout
unto him. They hid, and he went a little distance back from
them and sat up his note and howled like a wolf; one of the two
immediately left his horse and came running to see who was
there; but Nathanael howling lower and lower drew him in be-
tween those that lay in wait for him, who seized him. Nathan-
ael continuing the same note, the other left the horse, also fol-
lowing his mate, and met with the same. When they caught
these two, they examined them apart, and found them to agree in
their story, that there were eight more of them come down into
the Neck to get provisions, and had agreed to meet at the bury-
ing place that evening. These two being some of Natlianael's
old acquaintances, he had great influence upon them, and with
his enticing story (telling what a brave Captain he had, how
* There was an Indian Burying Ground at the Narrows, and this was un-
doubtedly the one referred to. It is on the farm of Loring B. CoggeshalL— 1877.
bravely he lived since he had been with him, aud how much they
might better their condition by turning to him, etc.), persuaded
and engaged them to be on his side, which indeed now began to
be the better side of the hedge. They waited but a little while
before they saw the rest of them coming up to the burying place,
and Nathanael soon howled them in as he had done their mates
before." At the garrison, Captain Church met Lieutenant How-
land and the rest of his company, who, "on getting across the
ferry and following Church, may have fallen in with one of
Lightfoot's scouts, or may have gone to the old garrison at a
venture, as a likely place for meeting him or news from him,"
saj'^s Dexter, before quoted. The next move was to capture the
women and children, that the prisoners reported they had left at
Mattapoiset Neck, which they succeeded in doing, together with
some others who had newly come to them They all held to one
story, that it was hard to tell where to find Annavvon, for he
never " roosted twice in a place." One of Church's Indian sol-
diers asked liberty to go and fetch in his father, whom he said
was about four miles from that place, in a swamp with no other
than one young squaw. Church concluded to go with him, think-
ing he might gain some intelligence of Annawon, " and so taking
one Englishman and a few Indians with him, leaving the rest
there, he went with his new soldier to his father. When he came
to the swamp, he bid the Indian go see if he could find his father.
He was no sooner gone but Captain Church discovered a track
coming down out of the woods, upon which he and his little com-
pany lay close, some on one side of the track, and some on the
other. They heard the Indian soldier make a howling for his^
father; and at length somebody answered him, but while they
were listening they thought they heard somebody coming towards
them ; presently saw an old man coming up with a gun on his
shoulder, and a young woman following of him in the track which
they lay by. They let them come up between them, and then
started up and laid hold on them both. Captain Church imme-
diately examined them apart, telling them what they must trust
to if they told false stories. He asked the young woman what
company they came last from. She said from Captain Anna-
won's. He asked her how many were in company with hira,
when she left him ; she said fifty or sixty. He asked her hovy
many miles it was to the place where she left him ; she said she
did not understand miles, but it was up in Squaunaconk Swamp.
The old man, who had been one of Philip's Council, upon exami-
nation, gave exactly the same account. Captain Church asked
him if they could get there that night. He said if they went
presently and travelled stoutly, they might get there by sun set.
He asked whither he was going. He answered that Anuawon
had sent him down to look for some Indians that were gone
down into Mount Hope Neck to kill provisions. Captain Church
let him know that those Indians were all his prisoners. By this
time came the Indian soldier and brought his father and one In-
dian more. The Captain was now in great straight of mind
what to do next. He had a mind to give Annawon a visit, now
he knew where to find him ; but his company was very small, but
half a dozen men beside himself, and was under a necessity to
send somebody back to acquaint his Lieutenant and company
with his proceedings. However, he asked his small company
that were with him, whether they would willingly go with him
and give Annawon a visit. They told him, they were always
ready to obey his commands, but withal told him that they knew
this Captain .Vnuawon was a great soldier, that he had been a
valiant Captain under Asuhmequin, Philip's father, and that he
had been Philip's'Chieftain all this War; a very subtle man. and
of great resolution, and had often said that he would never be
taken alive by the English ; and moreover, they knew that the
men that were with him were resolute fellows, some of Philip's
chief soldiers, and therefore feared whether it was practicable to
make an attempt upon him with so small a handful of assailants
as now were with him. Told him further, that it would be a
pity that after all the great things he had done, he should throw
away his life at last, etc. Upon which he replied, that he
doubted not Annawon was a subtle and valiant man; that he
had a long time but in vain sought for him, and never till now
could find his quarters, and he was very loth to miss of the op-
portunity, and doubt not but that if they would cheerfully go
with him, the same Almighty Providence that had hitherto pro-
tected and befriended them, would do so still. Upon this with
one consent tliey said, tliey wonld go. Captain Church then
turned to one Cook of Plymouth (the only Englishman then with
him), and asked him what he thought of it, who replied. Sir, I
am never afraid of going anywhere when you are with me. Then
Captain Church asked the old Indian if he could carry his horse
with him. He replied that it would be impossible for an horse
to pass the swamps. Therefore he sent away his new Indian
soldier with his father and the Captain's horse to his Lieutenant,
and orders for him to move to Taunton with the prisoners, to
secure from them there, and to come out in the morning in the
Rehoboth road, in which he might expect to meet him, if he
were alive and had success. The Captain then asked the old
fellow if he would pilot him to Annawon. He answered th:it he
having given him his life, he was obliged to serve him. He bid
him move on then, and they followed. The old man would out-
travel them so far sometimes that they were almost out of sight ;
looking over his shoulder and seeing them behind he would halt.
Just as the sun was setting, the old man made a full stop and sat
down, the full company coming up also sat down, being all
weary. Captain Church asked what news. He answered that
about that time in the evening Captain Annawon sent out his
scouts to see if the coast was clear, and as ^oon as it began to
grow dark the scouts returned, and then, said he, we may move
again securely.
" When it began to grow dark the old man stood up again, Cap-
tain Church asked him if he would take a gun and fight for him?
He bowed very low, and prayed him not to impose such a thing
upon him, as to fight against Captain Annawon his old friend.
But says he, ' I will go along with you, and be helpful to you,
and will lay hand on any man tlrat shall offer to hurt you.'
*' It being now pretty dark, they moved close together ;— anon
they heard a noise. The Captain stayed the old man with his
hand, and asked his own men what noise they thought it might
he? They concluded it to be the pounding of a mortar. The
old man had given Captain Church a description of the place*
* '• This solitary retreat is in the southeasterly part of the town of Rehoboth^
but being near Taunton line, some, in relating the story, report it to be in this
where Annawon now lay, and of the difficulty of getting at him.
Being sensible that they were pretty near them, with two of his
Indians he creeps to the edge of the rocks, from whence he could
see their camps. He saw three companies of Indians at a little
distance from each other; being easy to be discovered by the
light of their tires. He saw also the great Annawox and his
company, who had formed his camp or kenneling place by falling
a tree under the side of the great cliffs of rocks, and setting a
row of birch bushes up against it ; where he himself, his son, and
some of his chiefs had taken up their lodgings, and made great
fires without them, and had their pots and kettles boiling, and
spits roasting. Their arms also he discovered, all set together,
in a place fitted for the purpose, standing up an end against a
stick lodged in two crotchets, and a mat placed over them, to
keep them from the wet or dew. The old Annawon's feet and
his sou's head were so near the arms, as almost to touch them.
" The rocks were so steep that it was impossible to get down,
as they lowered themselves by the boughs, and the bushes that
grew in the cracks of the rocks. Captain Church creeping back
town. It is about eight miles from Taunton green, and nearly in a direct line
to Providence. The northwest corner of Dighton runs up between Taunton
and Relioboth, througli which we pass in going from Taunton to Annawon'S
KOOK. (By this name it is known throughout that part of the country.) It is
in a great swamp, called Squannaconk, containing nearly three thousand acres,
as I was informed by Mr. A. Bliss, the nearest inhabitant to it. The road
passes round the northwesterly part of the swamp, and within six or eight rods
of the rock. This immense rock extends northeast and southwest seventy or
eighty feet, and to this day the camp of Annawon is approached with difficulty.
A part of its southeast side hangs over a little, and the other, on the northeast
part, seems in no very distant period, to have tumbled down in large clefts.
Its height may be thirty feet. It is composed of sand and pebbles. A few
scattering maple, beech, birch, &c., grow about it; as also briars and water
bushes, so thick as almost to forbid approach. Formerly, it was, no doubt,
entirely surrounded by water, as it is to this time in wet seasons. The north-
west side of the rock is easily ascended, as it gradually slopes away from its
summit to its base, and at an angle, perliaps, not exceeding thirty-five degrees.
Small bushes grow from the seams in its steep side, as in the days of Church.
Near the southwest extremity is an opening of an angular form, in which, it is
said, Annawon and the other chiefs were encamped. This opening now con-
tains the stump of a large tree, which must have grown since those days, as it
nearly fills it up.
again to the old man, asked him, if there were no possibility of
getting at them some other way? He answered, 'No.' That
he and all that belonged to Annavvon, were ordered to come that
way, and none could come any other way without difficulty, or
danger of being shot.
" Captain Church then ordered the old man and his daughter to
go down foremost with their baskets at their backs, that when
Annawon saw them with their baskets he should not mistrust the
intrigue. Captain Church and his handful of soldiers crept
down also, under the shadow of those two and their baskets.
The Captain himself crept close behind the old man, Avith his
hatchet in his hand, and stepped over the young man's head to
the arms. The young Annawon discovering of him, whipped
his blanket over his head, and shrunk up in a heap. The old
Captain Annawon started up on his breech, and cried out
' Howoh.' And despairing of escape, threw himself back again,
and lay silent until Captain Church had secured all the arras, etc.
And having secured that company, he sent his Indian soldiers to
the other fires and companies, giving them instructions, what to
do and say. Accordingly they went into the midst of them.
When they discovered themselves, told them that their Captain
Annawon was taken, and it would be best for them, quietly and
peaceably to surrender themselves, which would procure good
quarter for them ; otherwise, if they should pretend to resist or
make their escape, it would be in vain, and they could expect no
other but that Captain Church, with his great army, who had
now entrapped them, would cut them to pieces. Told them also,
if they would submit themselves, and deliver up all their arms,
unto them, and keep every man in his place until it was day
they would assure them that their Captain Church, who had
been so kind to themselves when they surrendered to him,
should be as kind to them. Now they being old acquaintance,
and many of them relations, did much the readier give heed to
what they said ; complied, and surrendered up their arms unto
them, both their guns and hatchets, etc., and were forthwith
carried to Captain Church,
" Things being so far settled, Captain Church asked Annawon,
'what he had for supper?' 'For,' said he, ' I am come to sup
\vitli yoii.' * Taubut' (said Anuawou), with a big voice, and
looking about upon hib women, bid them hasten and get Captain
Church and his company some supper. Then turned to Cap-
tain Church and asked him whether he would eat cow beef or
horse beef? The Captain told him cow beef would be most ac-
ceptable. It was soon got ready, and pulling his little bag of
salt out of his pocket, which was all the provision he brought
with him. This seasoned his cow beef. So that with it and the
dried green corn, which the old Squaw was pounding in the mor-
tar, while they were sliding down the rocks, he made a very
hearty supper. And this pounding in the mortar proved lucky
for Captain Church's getting down the rocks ; for when the old
squaw pounded, they moved, and when she ceased to turn the
corn, they ceased creeping. The noise of the mortar prevented
the enemy's hearing their creeping, and the corn being nov#*
dressed, supplied the want of bread, and gave a tine relish with
the cow beef.
" Supper being over, Captain Church sent two of his men to in-
form the other companies, that he had killed Philip, and taken
their friends in Mount Hope Neck, but had spared their lives,
and that he had subdued now all the enemy, (he supposed) ex-
cept this company of Annawon ; and now if they would be orderly
and keep their places until morning, they should have good quar-
ter, and thi\t he would carry them to Taunton, where they might
see their friends again, etc.
" The messengers returned, that the Indians yielded to his pro-
'' Captain Church thought it was now time for him to take a nap,
having had no sleep in two days and one night before. Told his
men, that if they would let him sleep two hours, they should
sleep all the rest of the night. He laid himself down and en-
deavored to sleep, but all disposition to sleep departed from him.
" After he had lain a little while, he looked up to see how his
watch managed, but found them all fiist asleep. Now Captain
Church had told Captain Annawon's company, as he- had ordered
his Indians to tell the others; that their lives should all be
spared, excepting Captain Annawon's, and it was not in his
power to promise him his life, but he must carry liim to his
masters at Plymouth, aud he would entreat them for his life.
" Now when Captain Church found not only his own men, but
all the Indians fast asleep, Annawon only excepted, who, he per-
ceived, was as broad awake as himself; and so they lay looking"
one upon the other, perhaps an hour. Captain Church said noth-
ing to him, for he could not speak Indian, and thought Anna-
won could not speak English.
" At length Annawon raised himself up, cast off his blanket, and
with no more clothes than his small breeches, walked a little way
back from the company. Captain Church thought * * * i^q
would very soon return. But by and by he was gone out of
sight and hearing, and then Captain Church began to suspect
some ill design in him ; and got all the guns close to him, and
crowded himself close under young Annawon ; that if he should
anywhere get a gun, he should not make a shot at him, without
endangering his son. Lying very still awhile, waiting for the
event, at length, he heard somebody coming the same way that
Annawon went. The moon now shining bright, he saw him at
a distance coming with something in his hands, aud coming up
to Captain Church, he fell upon his knees before him, and offered
him what he had brought, and speaking in plain English, said,
' Great Captain, you have killed Philip, and conquered his coun-
try; for I believe that I and my company are the last that war
against the English, so suppose the war is ended by your means;
and therefore these things belong unto you.' Then opening his
pack, he pulled out Philip's belt, curiously wrought with wom-
pom, being nine inches broad, wrought with black and white
wompom, in various figures, and flowers and pictures of many
birds and beasts. This, when hanged upon Captain Church's
shoulders, reached his ancles ; and another belt of wompom he
presented him with, wrought after the former manner, which
Philip was wont to put upon his head. It had two flags on the
back part, which hung down on his back, and another small belt
with a star upon the end of it, which he used to hang on his
breast, and they were all edged with red hair, which Annawon
said they got in the Mohog's country. Then he pulled out two
horns of glazed powder, and a red cloth blanket. He told Cap-
tain Chnrch these were Philip's royalties, which he was wont to
adorn himself with, when he sat in state; that he thought him-
self happy that he had an opportunity to present them to Captain
Church, who had won them, etc. Spent the remainder of the
night in discourse. And gave an account of what mighty success
he had formerly in wars against many nations of Indians, when
he served Asuhmeqnin, Philip's father, etc.
" In the morning, as soon as it was light, the Captain marched
with his prisoners out of that swampy country towards Taun-
ton. Met his Lieutenant and company about four miles out of
town, who expressed a great deal of joy to see him again, and
said it was more than ever they expected. They went into
Taunton, were civilly and kindly treated by the inhabitants.
Refreshed and rested themselves that night.
'• Early next morning, the Captain took old Anna won, and half
a dozen of his Indian soldiers, and his own man, and went to
Rhode Island ; sending the rest of his company, and his pris-
oners by his Lieutenant to Plymouth."
After tarrying two or three days upon the island, Capt. Church
went to Plymouth, taking Annawon with him. He had been
there, however, but a few days, when he was informed of a par-
cel of Indians in the woods between Plymouth and Sippican, and
started in pursuit of them. They soon came upon the track of
an Indian, and following it, discovered a party of about fifty sit-
ting around their fires, whom they captured, not one escaping.
An examination proved these Indians to belong to Tispaquin
[or Tuspaquin], one of Philip's captains, and the husband of
Philip's sister. Tispaquin himself was gone with two or three
others, to Agawam and Sippican — Wareham and Rochester — for
provisions, "and were not expected back in two or three days."
Captain Church was desirous of securing the services of Tispa-
quin to fight the eastern Indians, and " left two old squaws of the
prisoners, and bid them tarry there until Tispaquin returned,
and to tell him that Church had been there, and had taken his
-wife and children, and company, and carried them down to Ply-
mouth, and would spare all their lives and his too, if he would
come down to them, and bring the other two with him, and they
should be his soldiers."
Captain Church returned to Plymouth with his prisoners, and
two da.ys after went to Boston. " The same day Tispaquin came
in and those tliat were with him. But when Captain Church
returned from Boston, he found, to his grief, the heads of Anna-
won, Tispaquin, etc., cut oft", which were the last of Philip's
And these few lines chronicle the annihilation of a once power-
ful and haughty people. One after another, their great leaders
had been betrayed by the foulest treachery, and slain without
mercy. In the case of Tispaquin, the plighted faith of Church
was broken, apparently without the least hesitation, by the Ply-
mouth authorities. Drake, in a note, says :—" The conduct of
the government in putting to death Annawon, Tispaquin, etc.,
has ever been viewed as barbarous ; no circumstance now made
it necessary. The Indians were subdued, therefore no example
was wanting to deter others. It is true, some were mentioned
by the government as unmeriting mercy ; but humanity forbade
the execution of laws formed only for the emergencies of the
Gov. Hutchinson says: — "Every person, almost, in the two
colonies [Massachusetts and Plymouth], had lost a relation or
near friend, and the people in general were exasperated; but all
does not sufficiently excuse this great severity." f
Hubbard, on the contrary, justilies these executions, as he
does every act of treachery and cruelty against the Indians.
• * Church's Philip's War, p. 146. t Hist. Mass. i., 277.
*' This name is given to a spot in Cumberland, where nine men
were slain by the Indians, on the same day with Pierce's Fight.
This place is in what is called ' Camp Swamp,' so named from
the fact tliat the Indians frequently made it a place of retreat
durin*^ Pliilip's war. There are two or three traditions respect-
ing this event, but the one which seems the most probable, and
the best suppoited by circumstances, is, that these nine men
were a remnant of Pierce's brave band, who were taken prison-
ers by the Indians, and reserved for torture. They were taken
to the spot, and seated upon a rock. Its position is said to be
precisely defined on the maps ; but there is nothing to indicate a
natural ampitheatre, as described by some early writers The
savages commenced the war-dance around their prisoners and
were preparing to torture them; but, disagreeing about the
manner of torture, they fell into a quarrel among themselves,
during which some of the Indians despatched the prisoners with
the tomahawk. This story is said to have been related to the
English by an Indian who was soon after this taken prisoner.
The Indians having scalped them, left their bodies upon the rock
where they had slain thein, and here they remained uuburied till
they were discovered by the English some weeks after. They
were then buried, all in one grave on the higher ground, fifteen
or twenty rods from the rock on which they were slain. A heap
of small stones in the shape of the earth on a newly made grave
marked the spot where they were buried. A part of these bones,
about the time of the American Revolution, were disinterred by
some physicians of Providence. One of the men was ascertained
to be a Bucklin, of Rehoboth, from his very large frame, and
from a set of double teeth all around. In the Rehoboth town
record of deaths and burials the names of four individuals are
recorded as ' slain on the 26th of March, 1676,' viz. : John Reed,
Jr., John Fitch, Jr., Benjamin Buckland, and John Miller, Jr.
Between the first two of these names and the last two, are in-
serted the names of seven other persons, bearing a later date;
which leads me to infer that John Reed, Jr., and John Fitch, Jr.
were found with the main body of the slain of Pierce's army,
and that Benjamin Buckland and John Miller, Jr., were found
among the nine, at ' Nine Men's Misery,' and interred at a later
period than the other two." *
* Bliss' History of Rehoboth, pp. 94 and 95.
A skull of one of the men slain at "Nine Men's Misery," is
in the museum of Brown University, at Providence, and plainly
shows the " cut" of the tomahawk.
On the 9th of April, 1676, Canonchet was found on the Black-
stone river, not far from the village of Pawtucket. Hubbard
gives the following account of his capture: —
" Captain George Deunison, of Stonington, and Captain
Avery, of New Loudon, having raised forty-seven English, the
most part volunteers, with eighty Indians, twenty of which were
Narragansetts belonging to Ninigret, commanded by one Cata-
pazet; the rest Pequods, under Casasinamon, and Mohegins
under Oneco, son to Uncas, being now abroad upon their third
expedition, which they began March 27, 1676, and ended on the
10th of April following. They met with a stout Indian of the
enemy's whom they presently slew, and two old squaws, that
confessed Nanuntenoo, alias Canonchet, was not far off; which
welcome news put new life into the wearied soldiers, that had
travelled hard many days, and met with no booty till now;
especially when it was confirmed by intelligence the same instant,
brought in by their scouts, that they met with new tracks, which
brought them in view of some wigwams, not far from Pautuket,
by some called Blackstone's river, in one of which the said
sachem was at that moment diverting himself with the recital
of Captain Pierce's slaughter, surprised by his men a few days
before. But the alarm of the English, at that time heard by
himself, put by that discourse, appalled by the suddenness
thereof, as if he had been informed by secret item from heaven,
that now his own turn was come. So, as having but seven men
about him, he sent two of them to the top of the hill, to see
what the matter was ; but they, affrighted with the near approach
of the English, at that time with great speed mounting over a
fair champagua on the other side of the hill, ran by, as if they
wanted time to tell what they saw. Presently he sent a third,
Avho did the like ; then sending two more on the same errand,
one of these last, endued with more courage, or a better sense
of his duty, informed him in great haste that all the English
army was upon him. Whereupon, having no time to consult,
and but little to attempt an escape, and no means to defend him-
self, he began to dodge with his pursuers, running round the
hill on the contrary side. But as he was running so hastily by,
Catapazat, with twenty of his followers, and a few of the Eng-
lish, lightest of foot, guessed by the swiftness of his motion,
that he fled as if an enemy, w^hich made them immediately take
the chase after him, as for their lives. He that was the swifter
pursuer, put him so hard to it, that he cast off first his blanket,
then his silver laced coat (given him at Boston, as a pledge of
their friendship, upon the renewal of his league in October be-
fore) and belt of peag, which made Catapazat conclude it was
the right bird, which made them pursue as eagerly as the other
fled ; so as they forced him to take to the water, through which,
as he over hastily plunged, his foot slipping upon a stone, it
made him fall into the water so deep, as it wet his gun ; upon
which accident, he confessed soon after, that his heart and his
bowels turned within him, so as he became as a rotten stick,
void of strength; iusouiuch as one Monopoide, a Pequod swift-
est of foot, laid hold of him within thirty rod of the river side,
without his making any resistance, though he was a very
proper man, of goodly stature, and great courage of mind as
well as strength of body. One of the first English that came
up vfith him, was Robert Stanton, a young man that scarce had
reached the twenty-second year of his age, yet adventuring to
ask him a question or two, to whom this manly sachem, looking
with a little neglect upon his youthful face, replied in broken
English, ' You much child, no understand matters of war ; let
your brother or your chief come, him I will answer ;' and was as
good as his word ; acting herein, as if, by a Pythagorean me-
tempsychosis, some old Roman gho^t had possessed the body of
this western pagan ; and, like Attilius Regulus, he would not
accept of his own life, when it was tendered him, upon that (in
his account) low condition of compliance with the English, re-
fusing to send an old counsellor of his to make any motion that
way, saying he knew the Indians wouki not yield; but more
probably he was not willing they should, choosing rather to sac-
rifice his own, and his people's lives to his private humour of
revenge, than timely to provide for his own, and their safety, by
entertaining the counsels of peace, so necessary for the general
good of all." *
He was afterwards carried to Stonington, Ct. When up-
braided with his breach of faith to the English, and with having
said that •' Tie would not deliver vp a Wampanoag, or the paring
of a Wampnnoag's nail," and " that he would burn the English
alive in their houses," ho replied that " others were as forward
for the war as himself, and that he desired to hear uo more
thereof." When told, his sentence was to die, he said " he liked
it well, that he should die before his heart was soft, or he had
spoken anything unworthy of himself." He was shot at Stoning-
ton, under the eye of Denlson, and the friendly Indians were
his executioners.
* Hubbard, pp. 1*^7, 128, 129.
On the 24:th* of August, 1876, the Rhode Island Historical
Society commemorated the two hundredth anniversary of the
death of King Philip, by planting a memorial treef on the sum-
mit of Mount Hope. The exercises were of a highly interesting
character, and were participated in by His Excellency Governor
Lippitt, Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, President of the Historical
Society, and other distinguished gentlemen.
The following beautiful and appropriate poem, written for the
occasion, did not reach the Committee of Arrangements in sea-
sou to be presented and read " amidst the scenes and associa-
tions it describes " : —
* The 23d of August was the anniversary of the death of King Pliilip. Eleven
days only should be added to change the date from old to new style.
t The tree did not live.
On Pokanoket's height
All life is hushed beueath the summer heat;
No human step is heard from morn to night,
And echo can repeat
Naught but the lonely fish-hawk's piercing screams,
As swooping downward to the placid bay,
To touch the water's breast he scarcely seems.
Then slow flies homeward with his struggling prey,
Where mate and clamorous young hang eager o'er
Their nest upon the blasted sycamore.
You little grove of trees
Waves soundless in the breeze
That wanders down the slope ;
Hushed by the countless memories
Which cluster round thy crest, renowned Mount Hope.
How fair the scene!
The city's gleaming spires, the clustering towns,
The modest villages, half hid in green.
Soft hills and grassy downs ;
The dark-blue waves of Narragansett Bay,
Flecked with the snow-flakes of an hundred sail,
And southward, in the distance, cold and grey,
Newport lies sleeping in her foggy veil.
Beyond the eastern waves.
Where Taunton river laves
The harbor's sandy edges,
Queen of a thousand iron slaves,
Fall River nestles in her granite ledges.
But not to look on these- —
Not for the azure lustres of the bay,
Not for the beauty of the waving trees.
We gather here to-day.
Two centuries have strengthened our weak siirht,
And showed us virtues where we saw but crimes ;
Two centuries have thrown a clearer light
On the dark secrets of those troubled times.
Once blinded, now we see,
And to one memory
A tribute late we bring,
And plant this poor memorial tree
To Metacomet, warrior, sachem, king.
When here King Philip stood.
Or rested in the niche we call his throne.
He looked o'er hill and vale and swelling flood,
Which once were all his own.
Before the white man's footstep, day by day,
As the sea-tides encroach upon the sand.
He saw his proud possessions melt away.
And found himself a king without a land.
Constrained by unknown laws,
Judged guilty without cause,
Maddened by treachery.
What wonder that his tortured spirit rose.
And turned upon his foes.
And told his wrongs in words that still we see
Recorded on the page of history : —
" The English, when they came, ^
Were but a handful, poor, distressed, forlorn ;
My father, who was Sachem, gave them corn ;
To serve them was his aim.
He gave them lands to build upon, and plant,
Hospitable and kind, relieved each want.
As others came across the seas.
He watched their feeble strength increase.
"My father's counsellors were wise and old;
They saw the power the deadly firearm gave ;
They saw the whites grow proud, and uncontrolled,
And dreaded lest the Indian be their slave.
As yet their numbers were not great;
They said, destroy them, ere it be too late.
But to my father's mood,
Their counsel seemed not good ;
Gently he answered then :
' My country has, in vale, and hill, and wood,
Room for both Indians and for Englishmen.'
'*His words prevailed, although with ruin fraught.
And so he gave the English room, and food ;
But as they flourished, soon experience taught
The wise men's words were good.
By various means, I know not how, each day
Some part of our domain was taken away;
But still my father could not see the end,
And till he died, remained the white man's friend.
**My elder brother, next,
Wamsutta, was the Sachem of our race,
And on some false pretext.
Made captive even in his dwelling place.
With pistols at his breast,
Dragged rudely from his rest
A prisoner, with a soldier on each side.
Fatigued, enraged, sore wounded in his pride,
What wonder that he died?
"Now, the last Sachem of our tribe, I see
Our strength and power decay.
My people tried by laws they did not make,
And forced to see the cruel white man take
Their lands for damages they cannot pay.
Whose ever herds transgress the boundary line,
I rudely am confined and forced to sell
Tract after tract, to pay an unjust fine.
Nought but the whole, the white man's greed can quell;
But a small part remains to give
Of the dominions of ray father's race,
I am determined not to live
Until I have no country and no place."
Such were King Philip's wrongs,
Told by himself to one who plead for peace ;
To the ungrateful white man's treacheries
Surely all blame belongs.
Then swelled the death-song of Pometacora,
Upon the site of his ancestral home,
Before he plunged into the fatal strife,
AVhich ended only with his life :
Then the war-cry rang out.
With shriek, and yell, and hideous battle shout,
The silent arrow hurtled through the air,
In every copse there lurked a secret foe;
From hill and valley, rose the smoky glare
Which told of peaceful villages laid low.
The mother clasped her babfes in mute affright,
And dreaded, lest before the coming night.
There might be seen, where now her dwelling stood,
But dying coals and embers quenched in blood.
How many mourned the dead?
The tale has oft been read
In stories and in songs,
How raged the conflict fierce and dread ;
How the roused Indians avenged their wrongs.
O'er hill and plain.
The years rolled on, amid the cruel strife ;
One fought their ancient heritage to gain.
One fought for life.
At first the Indians triumphed; but at last
The tide of battle turned ; the skill and strength
And numbers of the whites increased so fast
The red men fell before them, till at length
Pometacom, subdued but undismayed,
Saw wife aud sou consigned to slavery ;
Saw the brave chiefs who rallied to his aid,
Some lifeless ftill, some lost by treachery ;
Cauonchet, captured, vilely tortured, burned;
(Such savage treatment, Indians would have spurned :)
Awashonks, queen of foir Seaconnet's shore,
False to her race, was his ally no more ;
And one true woman, ever at his side,
With grief enraged. Wamsutta's widowed bride.
Found dead beside the river flow.
Was it a broken heart that laid thee low,
Pocasset's warrior queen, unhappy Weetamoe?
Nearer and nearer came
The fatal end; they weaker grew each day.
Despair, disease, starvation made their prey
Upon each feeble frame ;
And white men saw with hearts exulting high,
The haughty race of Wampanoags fly
Before their gathering force, from swamp to fen ;
Hunted like some wild beast, from den to den ;
The last weak remnant of the proud red men.
At last, in yonder swamp that skirts this hill,
Betrayed, despairing, but undaunted still.
Circled by stealth, with hostile bands.
King Philip fell by traitor hands.
Shot through the very heart.
He looked towards his ancestral throne,
His fair Mount Hope, no more his own,
From which he must depart.
His spirit fled to seek some happier place.
The last great Sachem of the Wampauoag race.
And lies he here?
Is this tree planted o'er the chieftain's breast?
Did they, on leafy bier,
Bear their dead foeman to his peaceful rest?
No! base insult and injury
Were lavished freely on him then ;
While Indians stood aghast, to see
The tender mercies of the Englishmen.
Of all the boundless lands he gave,
They could not spare him even a shallow grave.
His remnants from four neighboring trees hung down.
And severed head and hands, oh ! shameful story !
Sent to far Plymouth, and to " Boston towne,"
As trophies to display the conqueror's glory.
We know not where on earth his bones may be,
But plant upon Mount Hope King Philip's tree,
And give this tribute to his memory: —
A chieftain, politic and wise,
A faithful friend in time of peace.
An enemy without disguise,
Too proud to yield to injuries ;
A leader, daring in the strife.
Loving his country more than life,
A conqueror, kind to gentleness.
As all his captive foes confess ;
Humane in battle as in peace, — oh! where
Is there a liing could better record bear?
And so, to-day, a little band.
On Pokanoket's height we stand.
And look back o'er the page of history,
On proud Pometacom.
Perchance his spirit hovers nigh,
Come from the " happy hunting grounds " to view
What more the white man's hand can do
To desecrate his home.
Shade of King Philip ! to thy bitter wrongs.
This tribute of a late regret belongs.
No marble stone, or monument, bring we,
Nor polished shaft of granite; but, to thee.
Son of the forest, plant this forest-tree;
Long may its life perpetuate thy name.
Green as tliy memory, deathless as thy fame.
As a fitting close to these " Notes concerning the Wampanoag
Tribe of Indians," I copy from the " Proceedings of the Rhode
Island Historical Society, 1877-78," the following
Soon after the commemoration of the two hundredth anniver-
sary of the death of King Philip it was proposed by Rev. Dr.
Caswell that the place of King Philip's death should be marked
by a boulder, inscribed with his name. At tlie quarterly meet-
ing, October 3d, 1876, Dr. Alexis Caswell, Dr. George L. Collins,
and Hon. Samuel W. Church, of Bristol, were appointed a Com-
mittee for this purpose, and a subscription of $105 was sub-
sequently obtained, principally by Mr. William G. Williams, to
meet the expense. After the death of Rev. Dr. Caswell, Mr.
William J. Miller, of Bristol, Dr. William F. Channing, and
Prof. J. L. Dimau were added to the Committee.
The Committee found that there were no suitable boulders on
or near Mount Hope to move to the " Miery Swamp," where
King Philip met his death, or to its immediate margin. Having
full authority from the Society, the Committee therefore separ-
ated the objects originally proposed ; first selecting a boulder on
the top of the Mount, cutting therein a recess about two feet
square, until a plain surface was obtained, and marking thereon
in bold letters, this inscription :
Au<;usT 12, 1G7(). O. S."
The boulder was a breccia containing quartz pebbles and very
hard to cut. Second, the Committee placed beside the Cold
Spring, on a cemented foundation, a massive granite block,
weighing probably two-thirds of a ton, with rough sides,
bevelled edges and smooth top, sloping like a desk, bearing the
following inscription :
ArrENDix. 147
"In the Miery Swamp, IHG feet W. S. W. from this Spring,
according to tradition, King Philip fell, August 12, 1G7G. O. S."
'* This stone placed by the Rhode Island Historical Society,
December, 1877."
The Cold Spring is itself one of the landmarks of Mount
Hope, and one of the principal feeders of the Miery Swamp,
(spvlt 31 i c r y, in the old deeds). The stream runs out from
under the bank of the comparatively smooth terrace at the
western foot of Mount Hope. This terrace is the natural route
for a future road.
Tradition and history both point to the place assigned, —
mimely, tlie intersection of a northerly line from the grove
where King Philip camped, with the overflow of the Cold Spring,
— as the spot, or very nearly the spot, of his death.*
* By request of the Society tlie following historical note has been prepared
).y Mv. William J. Miller, of Bristol :
Note. — It is well known that Captain Benjamin Church, the bold and suc-
cessful " Indian tighter," commanded the expedition that surprised the Indians
at .Mount Hope on the morning of the 12th of August, 1676, and which resulted
in riiilip's death. In Church's "Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's
War," the place of the Indian encampment is described as " a little spot of
upland that was in the south end of the Miery Swamp, just at the foot of the
Mount, which was a spot of ground that Captain Church was well acquainted
with," The Indian " shelter was open on tliat side next the swamp, built so
on purpose for the convenience of tlight on occasion." When the Indians dis-
covered that the English were upon them they fled into the swamp, " and
I'tiilip, the foremost, who, starting at the first gun, * * * ran as tast as he
could scamper, * * * and directly upon two of Captain Churcli's ambush.
They let him come fair within shot, when, the Englishman's gun failing to go
oir, he " bid the Indian tire away," and the latter shot Philipthrough the heart.
'' He Ml upon his face in the mud and water, with his gun under him." The
Indian "ran with all speed to Captain Church and informed him ot his ex-
ploit, wlio commanded him to be silent about it, and let no man more know it,
until they had drove the swamp clean; but when they had drove the swamp
througii and found the enemy had escaped, or at the least the most of them, and
the sun now up, and so the dew gone, that they could not so easily track them,
the whole company met together rt< the place utfhere the enemy's niyht shelter
was; and then Captain Church gave them the news of Philip's death," and
" ordered his body to be pulled out of the mire on to the upland."
Hubbard, and other contemporary writers, make mention of a severe
drought along the New England ccjast, during the month of August, 1070. The
growing " corn curled in tlie fields," it was said, lor lack of moisture. This
The work above described 1ms been thoroughly and durabl.v
done under the superintendence of Mr. E. W. Tingley, who
made no charge for his own time. The expenses were necessa-
rily increased by the very bad transportation, at all seasons, be-
tween Bristol and Mount Hope.
The amount of subscription was $105 with 62 cents interest
accruing in the Treasurer's hands. The total cost, included in
the receipted bill of the Tingley Marble Co., is $103.33, leaving
a balance of $2.29 cents in the treasury.
For the Committee,
William F. Channixg.
Providexck, R. I., January 15, 1878.
being the case, it is probable that there was no water in the swamp wlien Pliilip
was killed, except the overflow from " Cold Spring." This we know has been
the condition of the swamp, on one or two occasions, in a very dry time within
the past thirty years. And this historical fact goes far towards fixing the spot,
as the spring is near the southern end of the swamp.
So much for history.
In 1080, four years after the close of the war, four merchants of Boston
purchased that part of Mount Hope neck wiiicii had been condemned by Ply-
mouth Colony, as "conquered territory," and laid out the township of Bristol.
Among the first settlers was Captain Benjamin Church, who built a house and
resided in Bristol probably more than twenty years. It is natural to suppose
that the early settlers would be interested to know the spot where so renowned
a warrior as Philip fell; and that Captain Church would take pride in pointing-
it out. And further, that this important incident would be kept in remem-
brance from generation to generation. Somewhere about 17.55, Doctor William
Bradford became a resident of Bristol. At that time there must have been
persons living in Bristol who remembered Captain Church as a resident. As
Doctor Bradford, (afterwards Lieutenant Governor, anO one of the two Sena-
tors who lirst rei)resented this State in the Congress of the United States) was
the great-grandson of Major WMlliam Bradford, who commanded the combined
Plymouth and Bay forces in Pliilip's War, we may well assume that he would
feel a deep interest in the tradition, and would acquaint himself with the spot.
Governor Bradford purchased the Mount Hope estate, and after the close of
the "War of the Revolution resided on the farm where Philip fell, and died there
in 1S08. Governor Bradford's son .John inherited the farm from his father, and
it is through John's youngest son William, who was born and reared upon the
farm, that the tradition comes to us. He points out the spot, and says,—" this
is the place where my father always told mo Philip fell."
I will only add, in conclusion, that as this presumably direct tradition as to
tlie spot is in accord with history, we nuty reasonably accept it as reliable.
WiJ.LiAM .J. .Arn.i.Ki:.
.January 1."). 187^*.
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