CENTENNIAL 1814 — 1914 'Le and the second prize to Mrs. V. Cleaves for the old loom. The log cabin received the first prize for antiques and Mrs. Mary Campbell received the second prize for the old flax wheel. One of the features of the parade was a carriage containing thirteen babies, the mothers of whom were : Mrs. June Dexter, Mrs. Flora Leighton, Mrs. Bessie Sawyer, Mrs. Flora Lewis, Mrs. Maud Clukey, Mrs. Lilla Diffin, Mrs. Sadie Gifford, Mrs. Robie Perkins, Mrs. Grace Witham, Mrs. Lottie Seabury, Mrs. Nellie Grant, Mrs. Helda Folley. Mrs. Agnes Andrews, s 7-,-^r^ DUMBARTON WOOLEN MILLS, NO. 2, SANGERVILLE, MAINE. 106 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Historical Address By John Francis Sprague Mr. Chairman, and Fellow Citizens : One hundred years is not a great span of time if measured by the recorded history of the progress of man's civilization, but if measured by the tremendous events which have transpired since the first day of the centur}' whose milestone we mark toda} , it is equal to man}^ centuries which have passed since man began to make rec- ord of his doings. One hundred and thirteen 3'ears ago a man of bravery and sterling qualities left his home in Hancock, New Hampshire, and penetrated the wilderness, where is now the town of Sangerville, and on a spot near Lane's Corner on what was in subsequent years known as the Marr place, chopped down the first trees, had the first "burnt piece," built the first log house and began the first settle- ment of this town. His name was Phineas Ames^ and for thii'teen (a) The original family name was spelled E-a-m-e-s and this branch the family changed it to A-m-e-s about 1750. Phineas Ames was born in Rutland, Massachusetts, October 26, 1757, and descended in the fifth generation from Robert Ames, who came from England to Massachusetts sometime previous to 1661. It is not known ex- actly where he first landed, but it is known that he resided in Andover, Mas- sachusetts, in 1661. Phineas Ames was a Revolutionary soldier. His first service in the Continental Army appears to have been eleven days, commencing August 20, 1777. Edgar Crosby Smith, in Sketches of Revolutionary Soldiers of Piscata- quis County, (Piscataquis Historical Society Collections, Vol. 1, Page 155) says: "His second service of which we have any record is that of his enlist- ment of September 27, 1777. After the battle of Bemis' Heights, Septem- ber 19, 1777, reserves were hurried on to Saratoga to assist Gen. Gates. Ames enlisted in Capt. John Boynton's company. Col. Sparhawk's regi- ment, under the command of Major Jonas Wilder, and this regiment were ordered to join the army of the Northern Department. It is probable that he arrived at the seat of war in season to participate in the battle of Oc- tober 7. Burgoyne surrendered and laid down his arms October 17, 1777, and many of the militia companies were then discharged. Phineas Ames' discharge was dated October 18, 1777, the day after Burgoyne's surrender. Service, twenty-nine days." Francis M. Ames of Dover is a grandson, and Judson Ames of Foxcroft is a greatgrandson of Phineas Ames. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 107 vears this humble settlement, which was since expanded into the prosperous town with its busy factories and fertile farms which we know toda} , was, in honor of this first pioneer named and known as Amestown. Other settlers sighting the smoke of his little cabin curling through the tree tops and attracted by that location soon commenced other clearings, and made their own little openings and laid foundations for future homes. His first white neighbor was from the same state as himself, James Weymouth of Lee, New Hampshire, who came about one year later. This town was Number Four in the Sixth Range of towns north of the Waldo Patent. By order of the General Court of Massachusetts it was conveyed, on August 2, 1802, to John S. Fazy.'** Subsequently Colonel Calvin Sanger of Sherborn, Massa- chusetts, purchased three-fourths of it and soon after became its sole owner. Loring*^ says that Phineas Ames made a survey of the town * 'sometime previous to 1807," and that his survey proving inaccur- ate, Colonel Sanger employed Isaac Coolidge from Massachusetts to make a re-survey of his portion of the town, the southeast quarter having been already lotted out b}' Moses Hodsdon. Many of the first settlers came from Sherborn and vicinity. One of the earliest of these was Walter Leland, who came in 1809. About three years later his father, Henry Leland, who was also a native of Sherborn and was born April 30, 1761, moved here and lived with his son Walter, and resided on the same farm until the time of his death June 26, 1835. He was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary War, having been mustered into the service April 27, 1777, and served three years in Captain Alexander's Company of Colonel Edward Wigglesworth's Regiment of the Thirteenth Regi- ment of the Massachusetts Line.*" From an old account book that Walter Leland left, his son, Jediah Phipps Leland, now^ living, recently furnished me with the following copy of an entry in this book : (a) Owners of Maine Lands in 1820. Vol. 2, page 21 of the Journal. (b) Loring's History of Piscataquis County. (1880) p. 75. (c) Sketches of Revolutionary Soldiers in Piscataquis County by Edgar C. Smith. (Piscataquis Historical Collections.) Vol. 1, p. 177. 108 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Sherborn, Mass., April 30, 1809. I started for the Province of Maine to take charge of Colonel Calvin Sanger's saw and grist mill. I had charge of the mills until Isaiah Knowlton bought and took possession of the same in April, 1817. Walter Leland. He arrived here about the last week of the following May. He first settled in East Sangerville on land that is now known as the Fogg farm. He made the first clearing on that place, and liAed there until 1836 when he moved to an entirely new and wild lot of land and began the building of another farm, which is one of the well known Leland farms in East Sangerville, where he resided until his death, January 8, 1883. The Leland family of Sangerville descended from John Leland, born in London in 1512. His descendant, Henry Leland, born in England in 1625 and who married Margaret Badcock, came to America in 1652 and died in Sherborn, Massachusetts, April 4, 1680.''^ Walter Leland was three times married. His first wife was Louisa Oakes of Sangerville, His second wife's name was Dane and she lived but a short time. His third wife was Hannah M. Bennett of Sangerville. He was the father of five children by his first wife; Sarah Phipps, b. Oct. 5, 1813; Walter, b. Nov. 12, 1815; Lydia Brown, b. Dec. 15, 1817; Laura Matilda, b. July 3, 1820; Chauncy Col- ton, b. Jan. 13, 1822. His children by his third wife were Jediah Phipps, b. Aug. 5, 1834; Henry Lowell, b. May 14, 1836; Joseph Brockway, b. March 7, 1838; Adelade Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1841 ; Mary Helen, b. Feb. 12, 1845; Adeline Ellen, b. Aug. 21, 1847. Walter Leland has also left a record that the following with their families comprised all who were living in the settlement when he arrived m 1809. Phineas Ames, Jesse Brockway, Nathaniel Stevens, William Stevens, Timothy Hutchinson, Solomon Oakes, Levi Oakes, Abel Oakes, James Weymouth. — (a) The Leland Magazine and Genealogical Record of Henry Leland and his descendants. (Boston, 1850.) Pages 9 and 10. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 109 The Lelands of Sangerville have remained in the old homes and on the old farms of their sires, have adhered with commendable zeal to the same occupation inherited from them and the most honorable one known to the world. They are men of staunch and rugged character, and types of the highest kind of American citizenship. The late Henry L. Leland was during his life well known through- out Maine as an authority on agricultural subjects. Other early settlers were AVilliam Farnham who came here from Norridgewock, and Eben Stevens, a carpenter. Enoch Adams came from New Hampshire and Eleazer Woodward from Vermont. He was a millwright and superintended the building of Sanger's Mills since known as Knowlton's Mills. Two young men in his employ were Guy Carleton and Oliver Woodward. About 1812-13 Guy Carleton began the building of a sawmill near where is now Sangerville Village, soon adding to it a grist-mill and in 1816 started a carding mill at the same place. He was active in the af- fairs of the Amestown settlement and of the new town of Sanger- ville, named in honor of Colonel Sanger. His name appears with frequency on the early town records and he was second selectman during the first two years of the town's existence. His name ap- pears in these records occasionally as "Colonel" Carleton. That little river which courses its way oceanward through this village, has been, ever since his day in honor of his memory, called "Carle- ton Stream." In 1817 two brothers left Sherborn with a horse and pung and drove to this forest country where they were destined to become prominent in the new town, to build for themselves substantial homes and rear families who have all made an impress upon the community. These were Isaiah and William Knowlton, and they arrived here March 9, 1817. They preceded their father, whose name was Isaiah, by only a short time as he came here in the fol- lowing May. Two adjoining farms were settled and cleared by these brothers. Isaiah, Jr. , soon became owner of the Sanger Mills ; and from that day down through the generations since, Knowlton's Mill in East Sangerville served well the inhabitants for miles around, and although its wheels are now idle it yet stands as a landmark of the days of the fathers and when we used to "go to mill" there so 110 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY many years ago ; and it is a reminder of the worth and industry of Captain Knowlton. Isaiah Knowlton, Jr., was married to Clarissa Spooner Febru- ary 20, 1821. One of their sons, William Smith Knowlton, has won fame as a teacher of public schools and academies in Maine and Massachusetts. He has been a teacher for about fifty years and is still in the service. He was ordained as a Baptist clergy- man many years ago and frequently acts in that capacity. He is an eloquent speaker and has filled public positions with credit and honor. He has represented Piscataquis County in the Legisla- ture of Maine in both the House and Senate. He has also been an author of books and various publications and his writings rank among the highest of Maine writers. "The Old Schoolmaster or Fort}' -five Years With the Girls and Boys" is the title of one of his most entertaining literary effbrts. It was published by Burleigh & Flynt, Augusta, Maine, 1905, and is a charming story of his life work as a teacher of schools. The name of Benjamin C. Goss appears in the first records of Sangerville and he was its second town clerk. He was born in New- buryport, Massachusetts, February 2-i, 1787, but the exact date of his settlement here is not known. In the convention which assembled at Portland, October 11, 1819, for the purpose of forming a constitution for the State of Maine, among the delegates elected from Penobscot County towns, which are now a part of Piscataquis County, were Samuel Chamber- lain of Foxcroft, Benjamin C. Goss of Sangerville, Joseph Kelsey of Guilford, ^Villiam R. Lowney of Sebec and Eleazier W. Snow of Atkinson, who was afterwards the first judge of probate for the new county of Piscataquis. In the biographical sketches of the members of this conven- tion appended to "The Debates and Journal of the Constitution,"^ is the following : "Benjamin C. Goss, Sangerville, was a town clerk a few years, a shoemaker by trade, taught school. He possessed good native endowments and possessed qualities that might have led him to high literary and political position. He seems to have removed to (a) The Debates and Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Maine. (Augusta, Maine, 1894) p. 117. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 111 Sangerville from Keadfield, and after a few years returned to Read- field." Although the act of incorporation was passed by the Legisla- ture in 1814, the inhabitants of the new town of Sangerville de- layed acting under it until March 13, 1815, when they applied to Nathaniel Chamberlain of Foxcroft, a Justice of the Peace, to call the first meeting for organization. This meeting was held March 23, 1815, and a subsequent one to raise money for town purposes was held April 3, 1815. During the first few years many special town meetings were held for the purpose of accepting of town roads laid out by the selectmen and raising money to pay for the same, and also to fix the limits of school and highway districts. In the early struggles of these pioneers and first builders of a town, money was not as com- mon and plentiful as in our more fortunate times and at each annual town meeting for many years it was voted to take of the inhabi- tants, grain, such as wheat, corn and rye, as currency in payment for taxes. At the first meeting it was voted to allow one dollar and thirty-four cents per bushel for wheat and one dollar for rye and one dollar for corn. For a long while two tithing-men were chosen among the necessary town officers. This was an ancient custom of the Pilgrim Fathers and the Puritans and is of extreme antiquity. The first mention that we have of it is in Genesis where Abraham allows the king a tenth of the spoils taken from his enemies. Usually tithes were one-tenth of the annual profit of the land and were paid for purposes of church support. As the town meeting svstem developed in New England the office of tithing-man had a broader significance, and while his office pertained largely to church affairs, he became latterly more of a peace officer or a kind of Sun- day constable who saw that people came to church and obeyed all of the old rigid Puritan laws relating to "keeping the Sabbath Day holy." He attended Sunday meetings, compelled the people to go to church and with a fox tail wand kept them awake during the ser- mon. This ofiice has during the last half century become entirely obsolete in Maine. At a meeting held in April, 1817, Samuel McClanathan, Guy Carleton and AVilliam Oakes were chosen a committee "to furnish school masters and mistresses." 112 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY At the first town meetings some one was always found who liad the public welfare so much at heart that he collected the taxes free of expense. Later they began to pa}' a small compensation of less than one per cent and for many years it did not exceed one and one- half per cent. Leonard Dearth was also one of the Sherborn pioneers to San- gerville. He was born in Sherborn in 1792 and died in East San- gerville in 1880. The exact date of his settling here is not known but it is supposed to have been about 1818. He married Fanny Carslev of Sangerville. He cleared up and cultivated a large and thrifty farm at East Sangerville, where he resided daring the re- mainder of his life. He was a man of sterling qualities and his descendants have all been worthy and prominent citizens, among whom are Freeman Daniel Dearth, a leading lawyer and political leader of Dexter; Charles F. Dearth, a well known business man of Foxcroft, and their brother, the late Doctor Leonard Dearth, a na- tive of Sangerville, who recently died in California. Enoch Leathers was born in Dover, New Hampshire, October 2, 1763. On November 15, 1788, he married Mary Cilley of West- brook and settled in Buckfield. Later he had a residence in Brooks and in Crosbytown, now Etna, Maine. On November 26, 1829, his youngest daughter, Lois Aseneth, married Jonathan Roberts, a young man who had just settled in Sangerville, and at about that time he moved here and be- came a resident, where he remained until he went to Foxcroft with his family in about 1849. He died in the ninety-fifth year of his age and his remains rest in the cemetery at East Sangerville. kxoch lkathers. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 113 Edgar Crosby Smith, in his sketches of Revolutionarj^ Soldiers of Piscataquis County, (Piscataquis Historical Society Collections, Vol. 1, pp. 174-175) states that he was a soldier in both the wars of the Revolution and of 1812. He enlisted in the Continental Army in June, 1782, in the Company of Captain Samuel Cherry in Colonel George Reid's Regiment. He served two years and re- ceived an honorable discharge in 1782. In the war of 1812 he was in Colonel Ripley's Regiment and took part in several engagements, among which was the Battle of Lundy's Lane. The first attempt to have a settled minister in town was at a town meeting held on the first Monday in April, 1815, when it was voted not to accept of William Oaks as their minister. In 1820 an article appeared in the warrant to see if they would call elder John Daggett "to settle with them as their Minister" and the record states that "the vote was taken for and against and was against giv- ing him a call." The next effort in this direction was at the meet- ing of March 18, 1822, when it was voted "to give Elder Daniel Bartlett a call to come and preach upon trial with us." And on the fourth day of December, 1822, it was "voted that the ordi- nation of Mr. Daniel Bartlett be at the school-house near Carleton's Mills the 24th day of December and that the selectmen be a com- mittee to receive the said Bartlett after his ordination as town minister, agreeable to a former vote of said town & make all other arrangements that said committee may think proper." On the eighteenth day of June, 1822, it was "voted that Elder Daniel Bartlett* be town Minister by his giving back one half of the land that belongs to sd town for the first settled Minister to be divided b}^ Esq. Joseph Kelsey, Abraham Moore & Alexander Green- wood. Equal in value to the Congregational Society in sd town & the sd society agree to expend their part for the support of preach- ing equal with the Baptist Society in each part of the town ik the sd Bartlett is to have his choice after divided." The report of this committee is as follows: Presuant to the vote of the town of Sangerville appointing Joseph Kelsey, Abraham Moore & Alexander Greenwood, Esqs., a Committee to divide according to quantity & quality the lands in said town granted to the first settled minister. Have attended that service & reported as follows: That they value Lot No. one in the (a) Daniel Bartlett was a minister in the Baptist denomination. 114 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY first range at two dollars & twenty five cents per acre; Lot No. one in range eighth at one dollar & twenty five cents per acre the last had 140 acres & the first 168 acres Making a difference of one hun- dred & one Dollars & fifty cents to be paid to the congregational society or if the lot No. 1 in the first range is divided forty five acres to be taken of in the following manner or the west side line by a line parallel with the west side line of sd lot Dated June 27, 1822 agreeable to their report to me Isaac Macomber, Clerk. The following is also a part of the Record: June 21, 1822 Agreeable to notice given by the selectmen who were requested by the said town to give Elder Daniel Bartlett in- formation with regard to his being chose & on what conditions as towns Minister have attended that service and he came forward & declared his acceptance. Attest. Isaac Macomber, Clerk. Thus it seems that Daniel Bartlett was the first settled minis- ter in the town. In the early days of Maine our pauper laws were so lax that it was possible for towns to set up paupers at auction in open town meeting and bid them off to the lowest bidder. That is, the one who would agree to support the person who was a town charge the cheapest was given the job, and whatever work such person could perform belonged to the one who bid off such person. Sometimes the bids were merely nominal, only one or two dollars for a year, the labor of the pauper evidently being the principal object in the transaction. And as it is typical of a custom that prevailed in that day not only in Sangerville but probably in nearly all other Maine towns, I copy the following which occurred at a special town meeting held November 19, 1823: Voted to put up to the highest bidder Mrs. D's. three children separately for one year & the persons that bid them off are to board & clothe them & if they should be sick the town to pay the Doctor's bill, only Rachael the oldest was bid off by Mr. Oliver M. Brown for thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents for one year. Hiram was bid off by Mr. William Cleaves for eleven dollars & seventy-five cents for one year. Voted that Mrs. D. be set up at the same as the others & that she & the youngest be put up to- gether. Mrs. D. and the youngest was bid off by Mr. Oliver M. Brown for eight dollars per year. This method of caring for the town's poor was cruel and un- just, being no less than one form of human slavery. The privilege under the law to proceed in this way was so flagrantly abused, and HISTORICAL ADDRESS 115 it became such a state wide disgrace, that the Legislature of Maine by Chapter 12 of the Public Laws of 1847, passed the following act : "It shall not be lawful for the inhabitants of any town in this State, by its overseers or otherwise, to permit any poor and indigent persons, chargeable to such town, to be set up and bid off by way of auction, either for support or service." And this has ever since been the law of Maine upon this subject. This is one of the statu- tory changes and one of many events which mark the evolution of the final absolute dissolution of the united interests of church and state in Maine. The history of races, of nations, of states and of towns dem- onstrates the steady advancement and the unfaltering progress of man ; and we behold it right here in our study of these old Sanger- ville town records, not only regarding this matter and the abandon- ment of tithing-men as town officers, but in other things which they disclose. The poets and the philosophers of all the ages have seen and understood this great truth. We see with the eyes of Whit- tier : And step by step, since time began, I see the steady gain of man. Or with Tennyson : Yet I doubt not thro' the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widen 'd with the process of the suns. Somehow the human race has always desired the use of stimu- lants in the form of strong drink and in later years it has been deemed wise to regulate and restrict such use as far as it may be possible so to do. The Legislature of Maine by Chapter 133 of the Public Laws of 1821, approved March 20, 1821, enacted "that no person shall presume to be a common victualler, innholder, or seller of wine, beer, ale, cider, brandy, rum or any strong liquors by retail, except such persons be duly licensed as is hereinafter provided, on pain of forfeiting the sum of fifty dol- lars," etc. The licensing board consisted of the selectmen, treas- urer and town clerk of towns, and the assessors, treasurer and clerk of each plantation ; such persons to meet on the second Monday of September of each year for the purpose of acting on applications for licenses. The law instructed this board to license for one year 116 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY as retailers of strong drink, "as many persons of sober life and con- versation, and suitably qualified for the employment, for which they may severall}' apply to be licensed, as they may deem necessar3\" These licenses paid into the town treasury the sum of six dol- lars for this privilege and the town clerk received twenty-five cents for recording each license. The first record of the doings of the licensing board in Sangerville was on Monday, the ninth day of September, 1822, at the dwelling house of Isaac Macomber, when a license was gi-anted to Isaac Macomber "as a retailer agreeable to law."' It seemed, however, that Mr. Macomber was unable to sat- isfy all of the demands of this nature, for on Januar}' 28, 1823, "Mr. Edward Mitchell was licensed as a retailer until the next annual meeting in September." In 1825 the business of retailing strong drink and grog had increased so that five persons were li- censed, namely : Edward Mitchell, Moses Ayer, Isaac Macomber, Thomas Mansfield and Thomas Fuller, an innholder. For the first several years the town meetings were usually held indwelling houses, but about 1823 they began to hold them in "the schoolhouse near Carleton's Mills. " The first list of jurors pre- sented to the town by the selectmen and accepted as such by the voters was on April IT, 1823, and were as follows: William Par- sons, Guy Carleton, Thomas Fuller, Robert Cai-leton, Wing Spooner and Abel Brock way. It would have been both a physical and mental impossibility for any one to have prepared an accurate outline even of the early history of Sangerville in the short time allotted to me by your com- mittee. I could only take the old records available, and what they reminded me of, and the meager information of a few older persons which were attainable and make an attempt to give you an indis- tinct and what is simply a bird's-ej'e view of the life and labors of these first settlers in the town of Sangerville. There were four dis- tinct points of settlement in the town ; East Sangerville or Lane's Corner; Carleton's Mills or Sangerville Village; South Sangerville, (which later included Brockway's Mills), and Gilman's Corner, and French's Mills in the southwesterly part of the town. The settlers in East Sangerville came largely from Sherborn, Massachusetts, and the Gilmans and their neighbors from New Hampshire, while the sources of the Carleton Mills settlement were more mixed, coming HISTORICAL ADDRESS 117 not only from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, but from other towns in Maine and from other portions of New England as well. lienjamin Lane at Lane's Corner and Stephen Lowell at Carle- ton's Mills were among the first storekeepers in town. The Gil- mans of Oilman's Corner became famous foi- the making and selling of winnowing mills to the farmers for many miles around, and for a while Moses Gilman kept a small store at Gilman's Corner. I recall Lucian French of French's Mills as a man, for his day and generation, of more than ordinary intelligence and of rather superior intellectual attainments. He was a mechanic and quite studious along these and mathematical lines, but I remember him more as an enthusiastic follower of William Miller in his religious belief or what is now known as a Second Adventist. The Baileys, Lougees, Parsonses, Brockwaj's, Bishops, Maxims, Folsoms, Spragues and Fowlers were among the first settlers of South Sangerville. Rufus Brockway was from the Province of New Brunswick. His son, Cyrus Brockway, was quite prominent in town affairs and was at different times one of the selectmen. His daugh- ter Helen married the late Colonel Charles A. Clark of Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa, a prominent lawyer of the Middle West,'"* and a native of Sangerville. Among other men of note who are natives of this town the name of Colonel Stanley Plummer of Dexter should not be overlooked. Samuel Maxim was a prosperous farmer whose farm adjoined that of Heircy Bishop. He was a brother of Isaac Maxim, who lived for a time in the Nickerson house opposite the home of Cyrus Brockway at Brockway 's Mills. Isaac was the father of Sir Hiram Maxim and it was in this Nickerson house that Sir Hiram was born. In my boyhood days it was called the "Young Cyrus Brockway house'' as Cyrus Brockway 2d, a nephew of Cyrus, son of Rufus, resided there for several years after the Maxims moved out. It was the sons and daughters of the first settlers that I knew in my childhood days, and they were sturdy, frugal and industrious people. The old time musters with their annual jollifications, cider, rum and long sheets of gingerbread were then only a memory to be related to the younger generation by the old gray haired Colonels, Majors (a) Colonel Clark died at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, December 22, 1913. 118 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY and Captains who had survived from the glorious days of the old Maine Militia. I can recall the flocks of sheep being driven down the Bishop Hill by the Farnhams, Andersons, Damons, and others to be washed at the falls at Brock wa^'s Mills which were on the outlet of Center Pond. All of the neighbors thereabouts washed their sheep at these falls and a jug of good old cider usually accompanied the sheep washing process. I can see the pedlers with their carts top heavy with great sacks of paper rags, which they bought in exchange for their wares at three cents per pound; drovers, who went through the country buy- ing large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep for the Brighton mar- ket. I can see the "old stragglers'* that made periodical visits and who were of a similar type to our present wandering Willies, for the latter day "tramp," had not then been evolved. I remember perhaps more distinctly than an}' of them "Old Straggler French'' whom David Barker has immortalized in his poem "To Leather French."" Then the scanning of these old records brings vividly to mind the days when tallow candles and the blaze from the pine knots in the fire-places furnished the evening lights. I remember Sangerville in those days as a type of the country places in Maine as they existed a half a century ago or more. It had several large common school districts and there were saw, shingle and grist-mills at the village, at Knowlton's, Brockwa3''s Mills and French's Mills, but these grist-mills could only grind corn and grain into meal and could not bolt wheat, barley and rye into flour, so when that was to be done, we around Brockway's Mills, hauled our grists either to Dexter or Guilford, and those around East Sanger- ville I think generally went to Dover for this purpose. As the best description that I can write of the old neighbor- hood I quote the following from "Cy Strong's Neighborhood" in Backwoods Sketches -.^ Those were good old days, never to return, for the conditions can never again be the same. Although they lived far apart in many instances, they were very social and enjoyed life. Besides (a) Backwoods Sketches, John Francis Sprague, (Augusta, 1912) p. 147. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 119 meeting each other every Sunday at the schoolhouses to attend re- ligious meetings, they would also meet together to do considerable of their farm and household work. Not a quilt was ever made in the Strong neighborhood except at a quilting-bee, when the women and older girls would all assem- ble at the home where the quilt was to be made, and when it was finished the affair would wind up with all the men and boys being present at a generous supper of baked beans, pies and twisted doughnuts sweetened with molasses. Then the visiting women would all inquire of the hostess how she made such nice mince and pumpkin pies, and while riding home on the oxsleds would turn up their noses to each other and say that they were about the mean- est pies they had seen this year. All of the apples were prepared for drying at paring-bees, all of the corn was husked out and made ready for the shed chamber at huskings, and from time immemorial the finding of a red ear of corn by a blushing maiden was the signal for a diversion in kissing; all of the houses and barns were raised at raisings and the men and women all attended to assist the good woman of the house in pre- paring a big supper. Not least in the round of gaieties was the piling-bee. When any of the neighbors had a ten or twenty acre lot of trees which had been cut down in long wind-rows and which they called "a fell piece," they would set it on fire and get a good or a poor burn as the case might be, but after the fire many huge charred trees remained, which had to be junked up and rolled into piles to season for a second burning. When ready for the first pil- ing, the farmer would send invitations to all of the neighbors to come to his piling-bee and the same festivities would follow the pil- ing of the burnt piece that followed the making of the quilt, the paring of the apples, the husking of the corn and the raising of the barn. Then the young folks had their spelling, singing and writing schools in the long winter evenings in the schoolhouse when all were merry and gay. Each month of May was also a jolly time for the boys and girls, and more than one courtship was the result of the annual hanging of May baskets to each other's doors. An unwritten law governed the custom that the hanger must make a loud knock at the door when he or she left the basket, which was always made from some bright colored paper, and the recipient, if present, must give chase and catch the hanger, if possible. When thus caught, hugging and kissing followed, as a matter of course. When Mary Farnham hung a May basket for Martin Osgood she enclosed a neat little note upon which was written: A Martin is a pretty bird, The sweetest songster I ever heard; And I have come a rod or more To hang a basket at his door. 120 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Martin^ caught Mary, and as others had a hand in it the cat was out of the bag, for several saw the billet. But Martin and Mary didn't care much, as they were quite sweet on each other. If poor Martin hadn't died with consumption there might have been a wed- ding some day The lights and shadows of life in the old neighborhood are now only fading memories. Cy Strong and his sturdy neighbors long since passed into the mysterious be- yond. Some of the sons and daughters have taken the same dark journey, others are now wrinkled men and grayhaired women in other climes and places. The cows graze the hillside as then, the fields of waving grain are as golden, the clover is as fragrant, the flowers bloom as beautiful, the birds sing as sweetly and the sun shines as brightly as in the good old days when drovers, peddlers, travelers and old stragglers would inquire how far it was to Cy Strong's neighborhood. About the year 1784 Samuel Maxim and his brother Ephraim moved from Wareham, Massachusetts, to New Sandwich in the Province of Maine, afterwards (1798) incorporated as the town of Wayne. Subsequently their father, Nathan ]\Iaxim, moved from Wareham to Wayne and resided with them until his death. Isaac Maxim, the son of Samuel, was born in the town of Strong in the District of Maine, October 16, 1814, and died in Wayne April 29, 1883. He moved into what is now Piscata(j[uis County befoi'e the county was incorporated. He married Harriett Boston Stevens in Blanchard, Maine, October 14, 1838. His son, Hiram Stevens Maxim, now known throughout the civilized world as Sir Hiram Maxim, was born in that part of Sangerville known as Brockway's Mills, in what was formerly called the Nickerson house, February 5, 1840. Isaac Maxim resided with his family for many years in several different towns in Piscataquis County before his departure for AVayne. My own recollection of him is that of a man of full height, well proportioned, with keen black eyes, a massive forehead, with hair and a lengthy beard whitened by the frosts of many winters, giving him a truly patriarchal appearance. Although never hav- ing had but a limited education he was during his life a profound student of such subjects as engaged his attention. His favorite themes of thought were of matters that pertained to the mechan- (a) Martin Maxim is the one referred to. He was a promising young man who died in early manhood, and was the son of Samuel Maxim and a cousin of Sir Hiram, and the young lady was a daughter of Deacon Joseph Fowler. HISTORICAL ADDRESS 121 ical arts and inventions and also scientific and theological subjects. As his son Hiram said of him in after years in an interview pub- lished in the Pall-Mail Gazette: "He was a philosopher if there ever was one," yet he w'as a dreamer more than he was a practical man of affairs. It was from him that Sir Hiram received the first impression of the principle in mechanism upon which is founded the famous Maxim Machine Gun, that has made the name of Hiram Stevens Maxim world renowned and has placed him in the ranks of the world's greatest and most eminent inventors. But while the germ came from the father, it was the son's genius that developed and perfected it and made it of practical use to the armies of the world. Someone has said that the people of this world are divided into two classes, viz. : "The men who have seen visions and the herd that has laughed at the visions and the visionary." Isaac Maxim saw visions and dreamed dreams, but I will always remember him w ith reverence and respect for he was not only a man of great intellect but thoroughly honest and upright and gave in- spiration to a family of inventors who are not dreamers but pre- eminently men of affairs. Sir Hiram Maxim is a resident of the world and not of any one commonwealth, nation or kingdom, and deals, makes contracts and does things with great governments, and with sovereigns and potentates that represent millions of the world's inhabitants. He is one of the world's great inventors, the peer of a Newton, a Morse and a Franklin, and a compeer of the great Edison. William G. Clark was for man}^ years a lawyer in Sangerville. He was for a time town clerk and held other town offices. He reared a large family, his sons becoming leading and influential men. Colonel Charles A. Clark of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was one of them. Moses Carr, fated to become an important factor in the indus- trial expansion of the town, and who lived to the remarkable age of one hundred and one years, was born in Vienna, Maine, April 22, 1810. He married Sally Ladd of the same town. As a farm laborer in his native town he had earned and saved about three hundred dollars, and with this money in his pocket, and his wife and father accompanying him on a sled drawn by a pair of oxen, 122 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY in the winter of 1831, he moved to Sangerville and purchased a farm then having been but little improved by a few acres of cleared land and a log cabin. Here he developed a fertile farm which was his home during his lifetime. In his day there were no railroads in this part of ]\Iaine, and not only all of the travel here from other parts came over the highways in stage coaches, but all of the merchandise supplied to these inhabitants had to be hauled from Bangor on what were called "tote" teams. Mr. Carr early became a toter to and from Bangor. Then he extended his toting or teaming to the lumber camps in the woods at the north of us and would purchase products of the farmers and haul them to the lum- ber camps and sell them at a profit. One of the products that he handled with great success was called ' 'cider apple sauce. ' ' Then the farmers' wives were skilled in an art that at sometime during the past fifty years, was, apparently, suddenly and simultaneously lost by the farmer folk all over the State of Maine. In my opin- ion this was the richest and most delicious table sauce ever known of or used by any people in this world. It was to me like Brutus' idea, "a dish fit for the gods.*' While few if any today appear to have the least conception of how it should be made the process was then a matter of common knowledge. Farmers with large orchards in the neighborhood where I lived when a boy, farmers like Samuel Maxim, Heircy Bishop, Josiah S. Folsom and Joseph Fowler, would each make several barrels of it every fall. Moses Carr soon founded a successful business in purchasing barrels of apple sauce of them and selling it to the lumbermen. As a farmer, teamster and dealer in farm produce he amassed a fortune which in later years he successfully used in enlarging and develop- ing the woolen industry in this town. The later prosperity of Sangerville is largely indebted to Moses Carr and his sons and to the late David R. Campbell and his sons, for their activities in establishing here the business of manufactur- ing woolen cloth. Another early Sangerville famih' that made its mark in town descended from Elder William Oakes or as the family name is some- times spelled in the old records. Oak. He moved here from Skow- hegan, Maine, and was a descendant of Nathaniel Oak, born in England in about 1645 and who emigrated to Marlboro, (now HISTORICAL ADDRESS 123 Nerthboro, Massachusetts), about 1660-5. His son, William Oaks, Jr., Avas a colonel in the Maine Militia and active in the affairs of the new town. He was born in Canaan, Maine, November 8, 1795. He married Mary Weymouth, May 3, 1819. In the "Family reg- ister of Nathaniel Oak of Marlboro, Mass., and his descendants" by Henry Lebbeus Oak, published in 1906, I take the following relating to him : "8 children; Abner, James, William, Albion, Valentine, Wil- liam, Mary, Augustus. Colonel \\'^illiam Oaks was a very promi- nent citizen, Colonel of Militia holding town, county and state af- fairs. It is regretted that a more detailed account of his life has not been furnished. Many of his descendants are in the professions — lawyers, teachers, engineers and artists." The late William P. Oakes of Foxcroft was one of his sons, a graduate of Colby College, a member of the bar, but better known throughout eastern Maine as a civil engineer and land surveyor. While he resided in Sanger- ville he was for many years chairman of the board of selectmen and held the same position a part of the time while he resided in Fox- croft. The first marriage in Sangerville after its legal organization was that of Joseph Morgridge to Miss Olive Oakes, who were united in marriage May 15, 1815, by Samuel McClanathan, justice of the peace. He appears to have been the only justice of the peace here for several years and until 1821 when the name of Benjamin C. Goss appears in this capacity. Then followed Guy Carleton, Isaac Macomber and Samuel C. Clark. Among others of the leading men of Sangerville whom I can recall and who were either of the earliest settlers, then venerable, or their hard}' sons and daughters, were Enoch Adams, Enos A. Flanders, Benjamin Lane, John S. Cleaves, Phileoman C. Parsons, Leonard Dearth and John Parsons; the Jacksons, the Farnhams, the Ponds, the Ordways, the Weymouths and the Carsleys. John Parsons, who was my grandfather on my mother's side and also the grandfather of the Honorable Willis E. Parsons, your orator today, was the son of Kendall and Elizia (Bryant) Parsons and was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 15, 1781. His first home in Maine was in the town of Canton and it is not known just when he moved to Sangerville, but I believe it to have 124 SPRAGUES JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY been prior to 1830. He died in Easton, Maine, March 26, 1871. I can remember well of listening to his stories of the privation, the cold seasons, the severe winters and the toil and suffering- of his early life in this town. About 1820 Jeremiah Abbott of Andover, Massachusetts, settled in the adjoining town of Dexter and soon built a little card- ing mill which was the beginning of the woolen industry in that town. My Grandfather Parsons has often told me of shearing his sheep, taking the fleeces of wool on his back and carrying them down through the woods to Abbott's Mill, or as he expressed it "to Mr. Abbets" to be carded into rolls and later to be by the good wife spun into yarn and finally woven into cloth for family use. The Jacksons of Sangerville have always been numbered among the worthy and substantial citizens of the town. They descended from William Jackson who moved here from Litchfield, Maine, in March, 1812. One of his sons, Myrick S. Jackson, went from San- gerville to Bangor when a young man and resided there during the remainder of his life. He was long engaged in a successful mer- cantile business in that city. Alden D. Jackson still lives on the old homestead farm. It would require much time and tedious research, as much as it ought, injustice to their memor}', to be done, to assemble ma- terial facts relative to these rugged pioneers who first came into this wilderness and in a fierce battle for existence laid the foundations for the beautiful, comfortable and luxurious homes which we see to- day throughout this prosperous town. And they accomplished more even than the building of homes; the}^ were founders of a town and co-workers with other dauntless spirits who carved out a County and erected a State. JOHN FRANCIS SPRAGUE of Dover, Maine Son of Elbridge Gerry and Sarah (Parsons) Sprag-ue; born in Sangerville, July 16, 1848. He is a descendant of William Sprague who was born in England in 1609 and emigrated to Salem, Massachusetts, in 1629 and later to Charleslown, Massachusetts, and about 1635 moved to Hing- ham, Massachusetts. William was the son of Edward Sprague of Upway, County of Dorset, England, who died in 1614. He was educated in the common schools at the Brockway's Mills district in Sangerville; was admitted to the Piscataquis Bar in 1874: commenced the practice of law at Abbot Village, Maine, that year and moved to Monson, Maine, in 1879, where he resided until 1910, when he be- came a resident of Dover, Maine. Was a member of the Maine House of Representatives in 1885-1893; member of the Republican State Committee 1887-1891. He is referee in bankruptcy for Piscataquis County; trustee of Monson Academy; member of the Maine Historical Society and the National Geographic Society and president of the Piscataquis Historical Society; mem- ber and president of the Maine Society. Sons of the American Revolution; member and a past president of the Maine Sportsmen's Association; member of the Odd Fellows and Masonic orders; author of "Piscataquis Biography and Fragments;" "A History of Doric Lodge; Se- bastian Rale, A Maine Tragedy of the Eighteenth Century;" "The North Eastern Boundary Controversy and the Aroostook War," etc., and is now editor of Sprague's Journal of Mame History. 126 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Oration By Honorable Willis E. Parsons Mr. Chairman and Citizens of Sanj^erville : Upon this, 3'our one hundredth anniversary, I am pleased to greet you, and happy to recognize in the town of Sangerville a mu- nicipality which stands as one of the solid, substantial units of our beloved Commonwealth, one which has no superior among towns of like population in the best state in all the Union. For intelligence, integrity and moral worth, the people of Maine are unsurpassed by any in oiu* proud galaxy of states, or other portions of the civilized world. Your history has been written by one of your own distinguished sons, John Francis Sprague, lawyer and author, and I shall only re- fer to it in a general wa}'. Our fathers who cleared the way and conquered the wilderness were of that hard}'. Puritanical stock which believed in right living and good government, establishing as the foundation thereof the church and the school wherever it went, whether to the prairie lands of the West, or to penetrate the rugged forest of Maine. From the landing of our Pilgrim fathers upon the rock-bound coast of New England until the present time, the sturdy, persever- ing, self-sacrificing pioneer, whether seeking freedom to worship God, laying the foundation of a mighty empire, strengthening polit- ical and religious liberty, or seeking a home for self and loved ones, has endured hardships and privations which make him worth}' our highest praise and admiration ; and those who laid the foundation of your beautiful, prosperous homes in Sangerville deserve as a rec- ord of their heroic deeds a monument more enduring than the im- perishable rocks of the everlasting hills. Many before them had located upon the Imnks of the Penob- scot, that great highwa}' to the sea, and wei'e almost as much at home in the boat or swift-gliding canoe as upon the land. Timber was cut upon the shores and the taking of it to market and return- ing with the fruits of their labor had relieved them of much of the privation that was to be the lot and experience of those who located away from the river in the dense foi-est which they must clear to raise food for their dependent families. ORATION 127 Ikit the brave men and women of Sangerville were equal to the task. The}' overcame every obstacle. They not only made for themselves comfortable homes, but maintained schools for their children that laid the foundation for useful lives. As the fellinjT of the trees and clearino- away the forests let in the sunlight and warmth, so their industry, perseverance and in- teority laid a moral and social foundation for the intelligence, hap- piness and prosperity of today. We should now remember their noble work, their self-sacrificing toil, as we gather from their im- perishable harvest. Those early pioneers certaitdy knew what toil was; they knew what it meant to conijuer the forest and make the wilderness blos- som as the rose. Their day's work was not measured by hours, but lasted from sun to sun, or from daylight to dark. The log cabin was built, the trees were felled, limbs lopped; and then when they had dried a little, came the burning and piling, and the burning of the piles, and when the land was cleared, spudding in the potatoes, beans and corn, and sowing the oats, wheat, r}^ and barley, yes, and buckwheat, too, for what would a new country be worth with- out buckwheat griddle cakes ; and when not attending to their crops they were shaving shingles to take to that growing town on the Penobscot to exchange for produce at the store, and a little, very little, cash, or working on the highways and in the wdnter in the woods, while the good wife and boys looked after the stock and did the chores, or the boys and girls attended to the work about the place while mother spun the yarn and knit the socks and mitts, or wove the homespun cloth that her husband and little ones might be warmly clothed. And into that labor of love, entered the boys and girls of Sangerville, for the Johns and Jims and all the Bills, as well as Tom, Dick and Harry, helped father, and Susie and Mary and all the other girls helped mother, and sometimes the girls worked on the farm. And they all went to school in the winter, and the boys took turns building the fires, and the teacher boarded around; and some- times there were spelling schools and excitement ran high, and the boys would pluck up courage to go home with the girls and by and by William would become steady company for Mary and a little 128 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY later a new home would be started up here in the wilderness; and who shall say that those youn^' people were not just as happy up here, toiling for themselves and posterity, as the millionaire of to- day, for in all this heroic labor there were pleasant hours as well as sad, sunshine as well as shadow, and 3'et we can little realize today the privations and hardships of those eai'ly pioneers, who in this and other localities in the interior of our state, toiled unceasingly that they might erect and maintain for themselves and families comfort- able homes and establish conniiunities which should grow and de- velop into a blessing to all posterity. Your first settler, Phineas Ames, in 1801, was soon followed by others, and the men who followed the bridle path and erected the log cabins, felled the trees and planted the seed, trusting in God for the harvest, had something in mind other than a mere sub- sistence, and soon schools were established, and, possessing that deep-seated interest for the s{)iritual welfare of their children that has ever characterized our people, religious services were held in the log schoolhouse and the little communit}' of Amestown or Sanger- ville so grew and prospered that in 1814 a charter was asked for and granted by the General Court of Massachusetts, June 13 of that year, and the town of Sangerville entered upon her first one hun- dred yeai's of usefulness. Several years later, in 1822, your first settled minister. Elder Daniel Bartlett of the Baptist persuasion, began his labors among you, ministering to the welfare of your small community, in sick- ness and health, in sorrow and gladness, by the bedside of the d3'ing and at the marriage rites, guiding _the aged as well as the young, making the interests of the new settlement his own, ever pointing to a higher life, advocating that religious faith, moi-ality and right living which still obtains in the good town of Sangerville. The fruits of his labors and of others like him, we now enjo}', and few there are, whether professed Christians or not, who do not wish to do some good in the world. The martyred Lincoln, who among all the beacon lights of history, save Washington alone, still remains the surest guide to the American people, said, "God forbid that the world should not be made better for my having lived in it." And in his great life work he ever recognized that higher Power, before Whom earth's ORATION 129 •mightiest conqueror is but a grain of dust, or even as the shadow that fleeth away. Only two years before your incorporation, the war was de- clared with England and there was here in this little communitA', as in Foxcroft and the surrounding towns, much alarm in regard to the Indians. I have been unable to find any written history of Sangerville, but it is fair to presume that the same apprehensions as to the con- duct of the Indians prevailed here as in Foxcroft. There fortifica- tions were advocated, houses were strongly barred, and some families abandoned their homes for safe locations. That town was on the great highway of the Indians from the St. Francis Tribe on the St. Lawrence down Moose River to Moosehead, down the Wilson to Sebec Lake, and so on down the Piscataquis and the Penobscot Rivers to the Penobscot Tribe at Old Town. Much evidence has been found in the way of flint arrow heads and other stone implements around the shores of Sebec Lake, show- ing that it was one of their tarrj-ing places and a favorite resort. And from there they made fretjuent excursions into the surround- ing country in quest of game and often called at the white man's cabin. But as the war progressed and the Indians showed no dis- position to be unfriendly, all fears subsided and the fortifications were never built. From your earliest settlement agriculture has been a leading industry and it may well be said, few towns, if any, have better farms, more prosperous people or happier families than those who dwell upon the hillsides or in the dales of good old Sangerville. What more independent life can be led than is enjoyed by him who tickles the soil that it may laugh with a harvest; who enjoys the fruits of his own labor in the open, close to nature, with nature's God as a partner, Who sendeth the rain and the sunshine, and giveth the harvest. Sangerville is one of the leading agricultural towns of our state and agriculture is the principal industry of Maine and of America. In that fact lies the salvation of the great Republic, for the farmer not only feeds us all but, far removed from the corruption of con- gested districts, possesses a higher tone of morality and right think- 130 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY ing and living than is usually enjoyed in our American centers of population. The cities, too, draw their life blood from the country towns and rural population. A few 3'ears ago my attention was called to the fact in the Maine Legislature that everyone of the representa- tives and senators from the largest city in Maine were born in the country and most of them upon the farm. The farm, young man, is the best place in all the world to raise good citizens and the rural districts of our state are no exception to that rule. I am going to assert that no great city in America could long survive without the energ}', life and brains drawn from the country, but ere many generations had elapsed, would either be like Sodom and Gomorrah, or so degenerated as to be a disgrace to civilization and civic righteousness become as one of the lost arts. Sangerville has been, also, a prominent manufacturing town, and from the early sawmill, grist-mill, and carding mills your streams long since learned to turn the wheels of a mightier industry and the hum of machinery in your village has long gladdened the hearts of your people, millions of dollars going to support your families and build up your town, making this prosperous community what it now is. You have been fortunate indeed in having such men as the Carrs and the Campbells among you, who, as your own citizens, have taken pride in seeing their town prosper, and who, unlike a foreign corporation, have at times run their mills at a loss rather than shut down, knowing the effect that closed doors would have upon their neighbors and the entire community. Surely such men are appreciated by you. The noblest work of God is man, strong, fearless, self-reliant, ready for the conflict, ready to engage in any contest which makes for the elevation and advancement of his fellownien. And Sanger- ville has certainly produced men. One of the world's greatest men still living, a mighty genius. Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, was not a product of the great metropo- lis. New York, or of lettered Boston, but was born, reared and edu- cated in the town of Sangerville, where his father was one of your early settlers of limited means, unable to give his boys more than a common school education. Hut Hiram Maxim, inheriting his ORATION 131 ■father's inventive genius, coupled with practical ideas, has been one of the world's great benefactors in that his deadly weapons of war- fare have actually made for peace. There comes to my mind many other families who have made your town famous. The Clark brothers, noted lawyers of the Middle West and gallant soldiers of the Civil War, Colonel Charles A. Clark receiv- ing a medal from Congress for bravery and gallant services in that memorable struggle. The Carrs and Campbells, who built up your great industries and whose descendants are still with you. Moses Carr, who died but a few years ago at the advanced age of one hundred and one, and David R. Campbell have left monuments behind them of more value than bronze or marble. The Knowlton family at Knowlton's Mills, conspicuous among them. Professor W. S. Knowlton, Maine's famous school teacher and author and legislator as well, and we are happy to greet the old veteran today as poet of this occasion. Colonel William Oakes, as town officer and otherwise, was long identified with your growing community and other sections of the county, was president of the board of trustees of Foxcroft Acad- emy, held other important positions in county and state, and was a commanding figure in Amestown. He built the first framed house, which was occupied by him and later by his son, AVilliam P. Oakes, as a family homestead. It still stands on yonder hill just over the stream that turns the wheels of your industries, its timbers staunch and sound as in the days of yore. He was of New England stock and heritage, being a direct descendant of Nathaniel Oakes of prominence in colonial days. One of his sons, William P. Oakes, long chairman of town of- ficers of Sangerville and later occupying the same position in Fox- croft, when a young man, after leaving college, studied law but on account of ill health took up land surveying and by his great abil- ity and the soundest integrity became one of the greatest surveyors that Maine has ever known. Often appointed court surveyor, his judgment and skill were never questioned, and the very name of Oakes added luster to your town. Honorable Stanley Plummer of Dexter, distinguished legis- 132 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY lator, orator and financier, is another illustrious son who first saw the light of day in the rugged town of Sangerville, and I have thought that his sterling character and powers of oratory might be due to the early inspirations which he gathered from the magnifi- cent scenery of Piscataquis and that grand uplift of mountain brow which reaches from Mt. Abraham on the west to old Katahdin, king of mountains, on the east. Honorable John Francis Sprague, your historian of toda}', is modest in the extreme, but nevertheless an able lawyer, politician, and author of note, prominent legislator in days gone by, versatile w^'iter and now editor of "Sprague's Journal of Maine History." He and I are own cousins and used to go to school together in our native heath over in his famous "Cy Strong neighborhood." Honorable E. A. Thompson, late of Dover, noted physician, prominent politician of Maine, holding many important positions in county and state, used to take pride in the fact that Sangerville was the towai of his birth. And sometimes, after enumerating a long list of your illustrious sons, would add, "and 3'ou know. Par- sons, you and I were born in Sangerville." Captain Abner T. AVade, of wide experience and knowledge, conmianding appearance and great executive ability, was a strong personality of the town for many years. And in the early days there were Barnabus Bursley, our first register of probate; Daniel Dearth, father of a large family of bo3's and girls, a son. Judge Freeman D. Dearth, still practicing law in Dexter and postmaster of that town many years ; Doctor Leonard Dearth, who practiced medicine in Foxcroft and later in Los Angeles ; another son, Charles F. Dearth, former sheriff of Pis- cataquis, a prosperous citizen of Foxcroft. The Leland family of pioneer days whose descendants, thrifty farmers, still till the soil on the paternal acres to the third and fourth generations in the fertile Leland neighborhood. Thomas A. Sanders, and scores of others whose descendants have made your town and the Piscataquis valley a desirable place in which to dwell, are too numerous to mention here but still revered by you. And during all this time your citizens have been interested not only in the progress of your own community, but in the world about oil ATI ON 133 you, in the gigantic strides of the Republic and forward march ot the century. One hundred years ! How brief a span in the history of the world, in the life of nations ! And yet during that period what mighty changes have been wrought upon this continent and other parts of the civilized woi-ld. Your citizens have been interested in them all. They have discussed them over the newspaper and periodical, and the more im- portant ones in groups and by the roadside. They have seen the slow mail, requiring weeks for transmission across the continent, transplanted by the telegraph and telephone. The old stage coach replaced by the lightning express and overland limited moving sixty to one hundred miles per hour. The slow sail- ing vessel giving way to the huge leviathans of the deep and ocean greyhounds crossing the Atlantic in five days or less, and all lighted by electricity snatched from the clouds. And now, located as you are in the central portion of the state, you are expecting soon to see the flying machines, like huge birds of passage, hovering over your town or alighting on some of your smooth fields, their occupants to revisit the scenes of child- hood. And your young people, instead of discussing the anti- quated automobile, will be talking of the fancy dips, curves and coasting thrills of the up to date machine. Great progress has been made in all the arts and sciences, and the town of Sangerville, like the rest of the universe, has benefited by it. The good housewife's duties have been lightened by the sewing machine and other inventions, while labor saving machinery upon the farm has exceeded the predictions of the most visionary. The new discoveries in science are continually startling the wise as well as the foolish, and through all the changes the nation has been growing and expanding as no other people upon earth, our progress being the marvel of the world. Mr. Parsons next referred in glowing terms to our own state, the grandeur of the nation, the possibilities of the future, and some of the grave questions which, under ever-changing conditions, will have to be met. If the Republic endures, it must rest upon the honor and integrity of the people. Much depends upon the rural HONORABLE WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS The son of Levi and Lydia (Ellis) Parsons was born in Sangerville, May 16, 1854. Mr. Par- sons read law with the late Honorable Augustus G. Lebroke and was admitted to the bar in 1878 when he immediately formed a partnership as Lebroke & Parsons, which continued until his election as county attorney in 1884. He served three terms as county attorney, and was elected to the Maine House of Representatives in 1895 and the Maine Senate in 1897, serving on the Judiciary Committee and taking a leading part in legislation. He has been a member of the Republican State Committee; is one of the trustees of Foxcroft Academy: was presidental elector in 1912 and is now a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Hospitals. He is prominent in the order of Odd Fellows, having served as grand patriarch of the Grand En- campment of Maine and is now grand representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. He is a member of the Society of Mayflowers and has twice served as governor of that society in this State. He is also a member of Mosaic Lodge, F. & A. M.,of Foxcroft, is a member of the Chapter of St. John's Commandery, Knights Templar, of Bangor, and anoble of Kora Temple of Lewiston. He has acquired fame throughout the State as a political orator and public speaker. SPEECH OF SIR HIRAM MAXIM 135 population, upon the great agricultural sections of the country. Like the rest of Maine, Sangerville is interested. "Her work is not finished," said the speaker, "but is just begun. She must continue to rear stalwart sons and daughters, who, as they go forth into the world, will be armed and equipped with right principles and the highest sense of justice toward all, that they may do their part in upholding the institutions of their fathers, and maintaining to all posterity the noblest nation that has ever blessed the sons of men,, that beneath her fiag, the emblem of liberty and good governmentj, there may ever dwell a free, united and happy people." Speech of Sir Hiram Maxim (Read by Hiram Percy Maxim) Ladies and Gentlemen of Dear Old Sangerville: No one could regret more than myself my inability to be with you on this occasion — the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of Sangerville. Let me tell you something about my early days in Sangerville. Shortly after my father, Isaac Maxim, married Harriet Stevens, they built themselves a little house not far from Brockway's Mills, cleared a few acres of land and built a large barn. But I was not born in this little house. My father and mother went to Brock- way's Mills and took lodgings in old Estrus Nickerson's house and it was there that I was born on the fifth day of February, 1840. In the early spring, they returned to their little farm and lived thei'e until I was six years of age. The thing that I remember the most is seeing a big bear chas- ing our sheep. My mother screamed and the bear stopped and looked at us ; my father ran for his gun but before he could get out the bear was in the swamp. From the little farm we moved to French's Mills where my father had two wood turning lathes, one of the common sort for 186 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY turning bedstead posts, etc., and the other for turning wooden bowls which were much in demand at that time. We did not live very long at French's Mills however, but moved away to Milo, returning again to Sangerville village in the summer of 1856, where I worked for Augustus Williams making drag rakes and went to school in the winter following. At that time the village people used to assemble at Owen William's store of an evening. Cotton Brown's adopted son had been to Massachu- setts and brought back a first-class set of boxing gloves. I used to box with the boys of my own age but the bo3's of the same age as my brother Henry would not box with him because he was such a hard hitter, I remember one evening he was matched against a boy three years older than himself. He said it wasn't fair but Cy Prince was there, as large as life and twice as natural, and said, "That's nothing, I've often put on the gloves with old Elder Clark and he is more than twice as old as I am." Cy Prince was about thirty-two and Elder Clark was over eighty. By the way, Elder Clark was a cousin to my mother. His wife died while we were at Sangerville village and one day while I was walking up the main street I noticed approaching me what I took to be a very dapper young city man. He was dressed in black broadcloth with a black satin vest, white necktie, patent leather boots and the shiniest kind of a silk hat. He wore lemon colored kid gloves and carried the slimmest kind of a black cane with a gold head. His hair, eye- brows and moustache were jet black but his face was about the color of lard. It was old Elder Clark and a week later he was married to a maiden lady of forty. I regret exceedingly that I have nothing classical to write about Sangerville although I have a very soft spot in my heart for it, the land of my birth. Many years after I left Sangerville I revisited Maine and of course Sangerville. I first visited Captain Samuel Maxim, my uncle who lived near Brockway's Mills, and the second day I started to walk through the woods down to French's Mills. As I emerged from the woods I saw a very old man working on the land with a hoe. When he saw me he dropped his hoe and walked towards me, seized my hand and said, "It is Hiram," then he commenced to laugh, he said that I was "the queerest boy that ever lived.'' I SPEECH OE SIR HIRAM MAXIM 137 remonstrated and said that cei'tainly I was very mucli like other boys. "Not a bit," said he, "I was in your father's house at one time and you had a bip; bottle fly. You were holding it by both wings and pulling. Of course one wing came out and then you said in a very thoughtful manner, 'that fly's wings were not put in even ; if they had both been of the same strength they would both have come out at the same time.' Then again, you were the only boy in the world that would cut down a big tree with a butcher's knife. You caught every fish in the river and left nothing for any- one else." Of course the people in the State of Maine are nearly all of pure English descent. After living many years in New York City and coming to London it appeared to me that nearly everybody was fresh out from the State of Maine, they looked and talked alike. I have carried many of my State of Maine habits with me through my life ; I have never tasted tobacco in any form ; I only commenced to drink wine after I was forty, but the quantity that I drink is not great ; I am, however, very fond of my tea and it is the only drink that I care for. I wish I could weave some little romance round my sojourn in the town of Sangerville, but I can only think of one little episode: I was not very old at the time; my mother left me with old Ma'am Edgley for the day and it appears that I did not behave myself as I should. The old lady was not particularly fond of children, especially naughty boys of tender age, so she twigged my ear with her thumb and finger; her nail cut through the rim of m\" ear and made a notch that has lasted all my lifetime. When my mother returned home and found the blood running down my neck and my shirt saturated there was a lively scene which I shall never forget. I shall have the notch in my ear to remember Ma'am Edgley. Goodbye and good luck, dear old friends in Sangerville. 138 SPR AGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Speech by Honorable Stanley Plummer Honorable Stanley Plummer of Dexter spoke in part as follows : Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen : I have been long out of practice in the art of public speaking and did not come here to make a speech, as your committee well knows. But I was born in this town and that is why I am here to- day for I have little respect for the man who does not love the place of his nativity — the old town in which, wherever else his feet may have strayed, wherever else his interests may have centered and his life focused, the first toddling step of his infancy was taken. Colonel Plummer then spoke for some time in a vein reminis- cent of the people and events of his early life, saying of his mother's birthplace : On the way to this celebration when we approached the high land at Jackson's Corner, near the spot where Uncle Sam Farn- ham, hale and hearty at eighty-four, was killed by lightning, with tender emotions I looked upon the fields on which my maternal grandfather toiled hard for his daily bread and very little more ; the very house in which my dear mother's eyes first saw the light of day, July 4, 1825, the old spring, too far away to suit our modern ideas of convenience, from which she helped to carry water, sweeter than the sweet waters of Europe which fall into the Golden Horn, for their frugal meals, and the remnants of the beautiful grove with its rocks and big boulders still undisturbed, on which as a little girl she delighted to play and as a big girl to sit and dream and dream as is the wont of our New England maidens of all generations. After more reminiscences suggested by the road leading to the farm of his paternal grandfather, the big woods which have now dis- appeared, and the immense boulder which his Bible-reading grand- father told him was cleft in twain at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, and the village, in his boyhood called the "mink-hole," but now thanks to water power development, one of the neatest, thrifti- est and most beautiful in the state, he closed as follows : Now, Mr. Chairman, while I am not ready to say that Sanger- ville is the best town on earth, coming as I do from the town which touches its southern border, I unhesitatingly say, it is next to the best. One regret presses constantly on my mind and heart today and STANLEY PLUMMER 139 that is that Owen B. Williams, William P. Oakes, Charles A. Clark, Doctor E, A. Thompson and the grand old centenarian, Moses Carr, did not live to see this anniversary today. How pleasant for us as well as, doubtless, for them would it be could they be here in body as we love to hope they may be in spirit. Fortunate is the town which has a citizenship so loyal and pa- triotic that it could not let this anniversary day pass without due celebration and fortunate is the town which numbers among its liv- ing native sons such an orator as Willis E. Parsons, such a his- torian as John F. Sprague, and such a poet as William Smith Knowlton. HONORABLE STANLEY PLUMMER was born February 25, 1846, in Sangerville, Maine. When seven years of age, he removed with his parents to Dexter, iVTaine, which has since been his domicile, except when he has been absent in the public service. He was educated in the public schools, Foxcroft and East Corinth Academies, Bow- doin College, and the Albany Law School. At the age of twenty-two, he became a member of the House of Representatives in the State Legislature from Dexter. He was county supervisor of public schools for Penob- scot County for two years; was chosen city solicitor of Bangor, but before entering upon his duties went to Washington to be chief clerk of the Department of the Interior. After two years' service in that position, he was made internal revenue agent, and served for years in all parts of the country. He was postmaster of the United States Senate for four years. In 1895 he was again a member of the State House of Representatives, and from 1899 to 1903 he was State Senator from the Tenth Senatorial District. In 1896 he was a Reed delegate to the Republican National Convention held at St. Louis, and the same year he presided over the Republican State Convention of Maine. During the four years, 1888 to 1892, he was colonel on the staff of the governor of Maine. In 1904 he married Miss Elisabeth Bur- bank, born in New Hampshire but then a resident of Boston, and together they made a tour of Palestine, Egypt and Europe. In 1911 they made another extended tour of Europe. 140 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY HONORABLE WILLIAM SMITH KNOWLTON To whom reference is made on pag-e 110. (Courtesy of Bangor Daily News) Keinembrance in Rhyme By Prof. William S. Knowlton. I haven't a theme, I knew 'twouldn't do, To poUtics talk with election in view. And yet I lament, with tearful regret, I can't say a word for the sweet suflragette. If I talk about sin, and things that are evil The lawyer wiU think I mean him, or the devil. If I talk about death, that monster so grim, The doctor will think I am squinting at him. But, says the croaker, "the Centennial Is the theme of the day for Poet and all." But Pegasus' flight, tho' near to the stars. Unshackled, free-lanced, and l(>aping all bars, Will fall to the earth in direful distress, In attempting to follow Bro. Parsons' address. And Sprague, so skilled in antiquarian lore. Can produce the log-book of old Father Noah, KEMEMBRANCK IN RHYME 141 Could tell if the apple that Eve did devour Was bitter or sweet, or pleasant, or sour. Fair Sangerville, All hail! thy birth, Fairest land, to me, on earth. Each pond and river, hill and dale, Wood and stream and grassy vale, I love not less, though long away, The prodigal returns to-day. Like Manhannock's rocky shore. Black Stream lily padded o'er. Majestic hills, whose native oak Still survives the axman's stroke, The towering church upon the hill, The blacksmith's shop, and Carleton's Mill, The fairest farms in all the State And orchard fields, select and great, These all come back to me to-day, A tired child, come home to play. And what more lovely stream than this. Our boundarj' line, Piscataquis? Ah! Centre Pond, a sparkling gem, A diamond in a diadem, I sat, one day, beside that lake. Where every echo echoes make. Where water lilies fill the air. With perfume never known elsewhere. Where oft, at morn, or eve, or noon, Weird notes were heard, of duck or loon. The circling wood of spruce or pine. Perfumed the air like eglantine. The white birch, through the denser shade, Fantastic ghosts and shadows made. The daisied field of Spooner's land. Seemed a tiara's golden band. The fish hawk, circUng rovmd for prey, The lambs in Flanders' field at play. The tiny waves along the shore. Sang their chansons o'er and o'er. The fragrant fir distilled its balm. The pine tree sighed a holy calm. In retrospection still I see They all come back to-day to me. Here Father Sawyer preached and prayed. And married many a swain and maid. On Muster Days — but stop, my pen — There wasn't prohibition then. My early youth I now recall. And memory reproduces all. Who don't remember Johnny Cleaves, With paper cap and rolled up sleeves, With quaint conceit and ready joke? He always spat before he spoke. And Joseph Fowler, tall and slim. Sad of face and long of limb. He led the choir on Sunday, too. And sang as only saints can do. Stood first on heels and then on toes, And sang "Old Hundred" through his nose. 142 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY And Colonel Oaks, with beaver hat, Gold headed cane and silk cravat, Was quite sublime, inspu-ing, grand. Lord of mansion, stock, and land. Silas Coburn's wrinkled face, Lapse of time will ne'er efface. He dyed his hair at sixty-two, Put on the soldier's coat of blue. More lasting fame he said he found. Than on domestic battle ground. Remember Aunt Lois, just under the hill. Her humble abode is standing there still. When arrayed in her best, with neckchief of blue, She surpassed any fashion plate, ancient or new. Even the suit Queen of Sheba had on When she humbugged that wily old King Solomon. She regarded the novel as a work of the devil. Put poetry, too, all on the same level. Read Uncle Tom's Cabin, every word, through and through, And read it again, then read it anew. "Papy" Oilman, called the "Squire," Of politics would never tire. He'd talk all night and sleep all day, And drove an antique "one-hoss shay." Remember Leonard Dearth, "By Gad," Was the only oath he had. He made sweet cider, so they say. And mowed potato tops for hay. He once had been a Democrat, And oft among the leaders sat. He then became Republican, And read the Tribunes, every one. My father was an old time Whig, Of the Daniel Webster Rig. When Daniel died, and Clay and Pratt, My father turned a Democrat, So he and Dearth could ne'er agree, And both were stubborn as could be. They'd argue long with zeal and zest, And never give the tongue a rest. And Heircey the Bi.shop, though his stature was short, Had a voice hke Goliath of Gath. His whisper was mild as the dove's in its cote. But Niagara roared in his wrath. And good Deacon Drake, I remember quite well. He told me one Sunday I was sliding to hell. I ran to the house, put up my sled. And spent the whole day in terror and dread. The Deacon came of Puritan stock. Was firm in his faith as Plymouth's big rock. He hated the Baptists, and put on a level Universalist, Methodist, Bishop and Devil. And Brother Bridges, tall and straight, I heard him preach at eighty-eight. A grand old man, with classic face. He might have filled a broader place. He preached on Sundays, not for pay. And worked his farm each other day. And Brother Perry, staid and slow. REMEMBRANCE IN RHYME 148 With hair as white as (h-iven snow, He'd preach at ten and afternoon, And eat his lunch in chvuTh at noon. In winter time, when north winds drove, They'd eat their dinner round the stove, They then would fill a long T. D., And smoke and talk Theology. At one o'clock with might and main. The preacher would expound again. The wreaths of smoke that round his head A whitened halo seemed to spread. An incense from an urn of clay. That drove all bitter thoughts away. While listening to some I'ash tirade. When preacher seekd to just upbraid, I've often thought that a T. D. Would soften his theology. Their children they trained in the fear of the Lord, Prayed with them first, then handled the rod. The boys were taught to i-eap and mow. To hold the plow, and reap and sow. And when he drove his old "mobile," It was a barrow with one wheel. They weren't allowed to courting run Till they were fully twenty-one. And when the climax came at last. To make the contract strong and fast, He'd to the old man straightway hie With sheepish look and downcast eye. And ask, as though in colic pain, "Please-Sir-may-I-have IMary Jane?" The girls were taught to knit and sew, And spin the wool, and flax, and tow. They'd on old Dolly's bare back hop, Take her to mill or blacksmith shop. They did their hair up in a knot. Each satisfied with what she'd got. And looked as sweet in homespun tow. As costly silk, or calico. Each mother saw, when Jane was wed, She had a cow and feather bed. ******** When Rebel shots on Humj^ter fell The house of Clark, in Sangerville, Became a camp of v.'arriors true, Each one arrayed in Northern Blue, Went forth the Countrj-'s life to save. And wrench the shackles from the slave. They are sleeping now. For a moment let's pause, And let our heart beats record our applause. And others there are who gave up their all, And gathered at once at Abraham's call, And millions of men, through the length of the land. Honor, today, that patriot band. The sons of William G. Clark referred to were Whiting S., James and Frank, •who were members of the First Maine Heavy Artillery, and Colonel Charles A. Clark, who was a member of the Sixth Maine Regiment. There were three other sons, George, Eugene and William G. Clark. These last named were too young to enlist. William G. is the onlv one now living, who is a lawyer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.— EDITOR. WILLIAM PITT OAKES Son of Colonel William and Mary (Weymouth) Oakes and a direct descendant of Nathaniel Oakes (Oak) who came to Massachusetts from England in 1660. He was born in Sangerville, March 8, 1838, and died in Foxcroft, Maine, February 1, 1913. He was a graduate of Colby Col- lege. For many years he was a successful school teacher and was a member of the Piscata- quis Bar. He was far famed throughout Eastern Maine as a very competent civil engineer and land surveyor. A writer for the press at the time of his decease well said of him: "Few men in Piscataquis County have left a record so full of usefulness, good citizenship, fearless in- tegrity and sound judgment as has William Pitt Oakes." SPR AGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY 144a MOSES CARR Born in Vienna, Maine, April 22, 1810. Died in Sangerville, July 13, 1911. The picture shown on page 154 was taken on his one hundredth birthday. Much of the business prosperity of Sangerville is due to the energies of Mr. Carr and it was largely through his efforts that the beautiful Univer- salist church in Sangerville village was built. FRED H. CARR Grandson of Moses Carr and one of the proprietors and the Manager of the Carr Woolen Mills in Sangerville. His picture is shown on page 158. DAVID RAE CAMPBELL Was born in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, July 30, 1830. While a small boy the family moved to Galaspiels, Scotland, the seat of the woolen industry of that country. He served an apprenticeship of seven years learning this trade. Believing the opportunities for a young man were better in the United States, he came here in 1855, landing in New York nearly penniless and had to take a job carrying a hod to get money to take him to Rhode Island, where he secured a position of foreman in the carding de- partment of a woolen mill. He worked as foreman in several places in Rhode Island and Massachusetts for several years, coming to Dexter, Maine, in 1860. After working a few years for the Dexter Mills he leased a small custom carding mill at Corinna, running there a season or two, and it not proving satisfactory, he with a Mr. Lewis leased the old Copeland mill at Dexter. Their partnership only lasted a short time, he purchasing the interest of Mr. Lewis, carried on this business until 1867, when the plant was burned. He then came to Sangerville and in company with a Mr. William Fairgreve, started the mills there. Their partnership was soon ended, and alone, and later in company with his sons, Angus and David, carried on the business successfully up to the time of his death, February 15, 1910. His picture is on page 156. ALFONSO F. MARSH, Chairman of the executive committee, chairman of the historical committee and a member of several of the other committees, is the man to whom, with his capable associates, all credit belongs for the success of Sangerville's Centennial; indeed but for their enthusiasm and hard work the celebration would not have taken place. Mr. Marsh was born in Greenville July 27, 1861. He was educated in the public schools of Bradley, Maine, the Maine Central Institute at Pittsfield, and took a special two years' course in chemistry at the University of Maine. He was graduated from the College of Pharmacy in Massachusetts in the class of 1888. For several years he was engaged in the drug business in Old Town, and while a resident of that city served as superintendent of schools. In 1906 Mr. Marsh purchased the H. L. Densmore drug store in Sangerville and since that time has conducted one of the strictly modern stores of the county. In 1910 he was elected county treasurer on the Democratic ticket and served the county well while in this office, conducting the affairs in a strictly business-like manner and meeting the approbation of all the citizens of the county. LIST OF CENTENNIAL COMMITTEES 145 I^ist of the Centennial Connnittees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Alfonso F. Marsh, Chairman, WaUcr R. Farnham, Leslie M. Seabury, Secretary, John A. Wheeler, John Farr, Treasurer, Leslie O. Denieritt, S. Valentine Ripley, Will E. Leland, James Lynch, John L. Howard, Ekner J. Prince, Fred S. Campbell, Forest L. Hutchinson, Charles H. Sawyer, George P. Williams. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winslow Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Sanger A. Knowlton, Mr. and Mrs. LesUe O. Demeritt, Representing Patrons of Hu.sbandry. Mr. and Mrs. Omar F. Carr, Representing the Masonic orders. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso F. Marsh, Representing Independent Order Foresters. Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch, Representing Knights of Pythias. Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Hutchins, Representing Ancient Order United Workmen. Mr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Weymouth, D. of H. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. Alfonso F. Marsh, Will E. Leland, Walter R. Farnham. COMMITTEE ON ADVERTISING. Elmer J. Prince, Alfonso F. INIarsh, Leslie M. Seabury. BALL COMMITTEE. John Farr, Floor Manager, Alfonso F. Marsh, Assistant Floor Manager. Aids. Thomas C. Parshley, Sangerville. Orville D. Carr, Sangerville. George P. Williams, Sangerville. Harry M. Bush, Dover. Frank Washburn, Guilford . Paul D. Sanders, Greenville. JUDGES ON PARADE. Archie L. Getchell, Bar Harbor. Harry M. Bush,' Dover. Hiram Percy ]\Iaxim, Hartford, Conn. COMMITTEE ON SPORTS. Harold M. Carr, Forest L. Hutchinson, Arthur A. Witham. 146 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY COMMITTEE ON PARADE. James Lynch. John L. Howard, S. Valentme Ripley, George P. Wilhams, Fred S. Campbell, Will E. Leland, John L. Demerritt. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. Elmer J. Prince, Fred S. Campbell, Walter R. Farnham. PROGRAM COMMITTEE. Alfonso F. Marsh, Harold M. Carr, John Farr, Will E. Leland, James Lynch, Ehner J. Prince. COMMITTEE ON REFRESHMENTS. John Farr. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC FOR PROGRAM. Harold M. Carr, Chas. N. Stanhope, Clifton E. Wass, Mrs. Maud Genthner. com:mittee on collection of antiques. D. Alden Jackson, Josiah F. Prince, Kendall P. Knowlton, George Pond, Freeland D. Thompson, Hannibal H. Campbell, Charles Oakes, Martin V. Smith, Frank B. Lewis, S. Valentine Ripley, Gideon Dexter, Melvin J. Jewett, Enoch A. Flanders, Samuel M. Gile, Forest L. Hutchinson, George H. Douty, Jedediah P. Leland. Captain Abner Turner Wade (A tribute written by his nephew, Wm. O. Ayer, Jr.) (Read before the Piscataquis Historical Society, January 24, 1914.) I have been asked to prepare a memorial of my loved uncle. Captain Abner Turner Wade, to be read before this Historical society and to be preserved in its archives. This purpose to preserve the memories of noted men and women who have lived and wrought faithfully, is a worthy one. Charles Reade says in one of his books: — "Not a day passes over the earth but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows." We all recognize the truth of this; but it would be well if effort were made more insistently and sj'stematically to do what you are doing, viz. — to see to it that such worthy lives shall not be forgotten, butthat record be made of them for the instruction and encouragement of a wider circle of men and women who come after them. CAPTAIN ABNER TURNER WADE 147 Noble lives have been lived in the Piscataquis valley of whom we are justly proud. Worthy hves are now being Uved. It is not right that such lives should suffer obscuration and echpse just for the circumstance that these worthy ones are no longer seen on our streets, in our places of concourse and in om- homes. We are continually blessed by their posthumous influence, good thoughts and good deeds after their voices are hushed in death and their bodies committed to the tomb. The remembrance of their names and their personal traits should be cherished not only by the inner circle of surviving relatives and intimate friends, but by the wider company who always have the welfare of the community, state and nation at heart. The prevalence of community clubs, local historical societies and Hke organi- zations make this possible to an extent never realized in the generations gone. You of this organization are doing a useful service for those who shall come after you in thus seeking to keep clearly and distinctly in memory, not only the forces that have made for community betterment, but the very names, biographies and characteristics of those in whom those foi'ces resided. Though Captain Wade has been absent from the walks of Hfe nearly two decades, it can hardly be said he is beginning to be forgotten. Scores of young people who perhaps were not old enough to know him personally, have heard so much about him through the conversations of their elders, that he surely may not be classed with Charles Reade's people of "no note" in this rising generation. He was so really a leader or prominent figure in the social, pohtical and re- ligious hfe, not alone of Sangerville but of all the region round about, especially in Piscatacjuis County, that it seems even now that he must be active still in counsel and labor. His home life was such that his children and their descendants for generations cannot cease to be proud of their descent from him. He was a careful student of genealogy and liis family is in possession of a genealogical record of great interest and painstaking accuracy, the product of his research and sldll. He inspired others, at least one other, by his example, to undertake work in the same direction. To that one he once said, with that well remembered twinkle of his eye, accompanied with solemn tone that partly concealed the laugh that lay close behind it: — "Better not be too inquisitive about your ancestors; you might run up against one that was hmig." The Wade family need have no such fear in looking over the long hsts brought to perfection by his care and industry. The Wades are of English descent. Captain Wade's ancestor, Nicholas Wade (he used sometimes to refer to him as "the original Old Nick") settled in Scituate, Massachusetts, on the "South Shore." There he builded him a house and built so sohdly and wisely that the same house is in commission to this day, being occupied by one of his direct descendants of the eighth generation. Captain Wade's grandfather, also known as Captain Wade (in his case a military title) was of the fifth generation from Nicholas, born in 1746. He served in the Continental army the entire period of the war of the Revolution; that is, upwards of eight years, enjoying the confidence of General Washington and attaining the rank of captain. He was a sturdy patriot, a brave soldier, gifted beyond many of his contemporaries in strong and heroic character. Our Captain Wade remembered his Grandsire Abner as an old rnan of marked personahty, a born leader, of positive convictions and unswerving integrity. The boy Abner never tired Ustening to his grandsire's tales of the war and was doubtless deeply influenced by his lofty ideals. The Captain Wade of the Revolutionary war came to this State after the war, setthng in Woolwich near the mouth of the Kennebec River. He married in Woolwich a bride from Kingston, Massachusetts. Three years later he acquired by purchase a large tract of land, with outlying islands, in a beautiful and fertile part of Woolwich called Phipp's Neck. There in 1789, his son Turner was born, the father of Abner, and there also in the Wool- wich home was born Abner Tiu-ner, November first, 1817. CAPTAIN ABNER TURNER WADE CAPTAIN ABNER TURNER WADE 149 In the history of Alt. Ivinoo Lodge, F. jinci A. Masons,* of which Captain Wade was the author, he says of himself,—"! was born in the good old Puritan town of Woolwich, where many a better man was born before and since." That is a statement of characteristic modesty; but we may say that if better men have been born in Woolwich they have failed of recognition. For C^Iaptain Wade not only imbibed the manly and heroic sf)irit of hismilitary grandfather, but was blest with a godly parentage and a faithful and wise Christian training. His father, Turner Wade, though he died a comparatively young man, had become a deacon in the Baptist church. His mother, Hannah Carleton Farnham, of Woolwich parentage, was a devout, exemplary Christian all her days. This heredity and early training had profound and permanent influence on the character of Abner Turner. He was ever reverent and hospitable toward Christian ideals. He had great respect for true Christians who showed their faith in their lives. He was himself a Christian believer though for some reason never making public and formal profession of it. But to one friend, at least, he confessed personal faith in the saviorhood of the Lord Christ. His constant support of the church where he worshipped, his sympathetic reception of all ministers and unfailing hospitality to them, his deep and active interest in the Sunday school, his genuine interest in young people that they should walk in the ways of wisdom; such evidences he gave of the possession of a true Christian character. All his life Captain Wade maintained a warm affection for "that good old Puritan town of Woolwich," and was a frequent visitor there long years after he had ceased to be a resident. His memory is cherished in many a home in the town of his birth to this day. His father died when Abner was but twelve years of age. His mother was left with a considerable family of young children, and he, being the eldest boy, was obliged to labor and bear burdens of responsibility that deprived him of the schooling that otherwise would have been his. At sixteen he went to sea, a leading and attractive vocation for the hardy sons of Woolwich in those days of the prosperity of the American merchant marine. By fidelity and industry the young seaman rose from "fore the mast" through all the grades to master mariner. He proved himself a thorough seaman and also developed business sagacity of no mean order. At the age of twenty-eight the Pattens of Bath gave him charge of a ship, in which position he was not only captain of the ship but business manager for the owners. The Pattens were then in the cotton trade and the young captain took cargoes of cotton from New Orleans to Liverpool, attending to their disposal to the great manufacturing concerns there. These voyages and the business results were so successful that the Pattens retained him in their employ and gave him their un- limited confidence. On a return voyage with three hundred immigrants on board, his noble ship Halcyon encountered a succession of terrific gales off the coast and became help- less. The captain proved fully equal to the trying ordeal. By most skiUful seamanship he managed to keep the doomed vessel afloat until help appeared, other crafts answering his signals of distress. Meanwhile he kept his frightened passengers from panic and safely transferred everyone to the rescuing vessels before the Halcyon foundered. The loss of the ship was no fault of his seamanship, on the contrary he was praised by the owners for his skill and heroism in averting terrible loss of life. After fourteen years of this exacting service as master mariner. Captain Wade was compelled by ill health to resign and quit the sea greatly to the regret of the Pattens who were his staunch friends as long as he lived. When twenty-six years of age, ten years after he began seafaring life, he took in marriage MissSarah E. Ayer of Sangerville, whose father was Dr. Moses Ayer, a practicing physician then resident in Sangerville. From that time, 1843, until his death, 1895, Sangerville was his home. * Hist orv of Mt. Kineo Lodge No. 109, Free and Accepted Masons (1861-1868) by Abner T.^Vade (Portland, 1889). 150 SPR AGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY In his wife he had a helpmeet indeed, sweet, gentle, brave and wise in caring for the home while the husband and father was away on the seas. Seven children were born to them, four of whom have outlived both of their parents. Captain Wade's mother married, after a few years of widowhood, Captain John Stinson of Woolwich, and continued to hve in Woolwich until his death which occurred in 1877. After that event this loyal and affectionate son took his mother to his own home in Sangerville, she being then greatly advanced in years and in feeble health. Mrs. Wade rejoiced in the privilege of ministering to her husband's mother. She lingered, greatly beloved and tenderly cared for in this haven of rest until her death in 1SS4, in her ninetj-first year. Mrs. Wade outhved her husband but a short time, and died loved and mourned by all who knew her March 30, 1896. Sangerville village was a very quiet hamlet when the Wades estabUshed their home there, and it was a quiet hamlet when Captain Wade returned permanently from his seafaring hfe. There were then but two streets crossing at right angles. A store or two were at the corners. The only meeting house was perched on the summit of the steep hill on the east side of the hamlet. Up that long, steep inchne the church-going people wended their sometimes weary way to worship; none more faithfully and constantly than the family of Captain Wade. Out to the westward the road climbed another hill and then made off over the hills toward Parkman. The street to Guilford on the sotith side of the river was then undreamed of. The only way thither from Sangerville was by crossing the river through the covered bridge and thence by the road on the north side, then unvexed by iron rails and steam trains. There was a blacksmith shop and a grist-mill just below Captain Wade's residence. The stream on the banks of which now stand the busy woolen mills, was an idle, babbling brook where horses were sometimes led to water, and where barefooted tirchins waded, fishing for "chubs." Where now there are streets and beautiful, substantial residences, mills and churches, then were vacant lots, pastures, fields and woodlands. Communication with the outside world was by stage coach, and the "coaches" were "mud wagons" in the long seasons of heavy roads. The arrival of the stage from Bangor was the event of the day and furnished about all the excitement there was. How mtich the change of those conditions to the present was due to the coming and residence for fifty years of this man of farsightedness and public spirit may not easily be determined. Other pubUc spirited citizens SangerviUe had in those days, but none more so than he. What a change it must have been for a busy man like Captain Wade, used to the great world centers of trade, to settle in such a quiet hamlet shut away from the world of action. But for all this, and though his health was undermined, he was not the man to give way to discontent or settle down to a life of inaction. As has been said, his school privileges were limited when he was a boy; but he loved knowledge, had used his faculties when in active Ufe, had gathered books, and now in the quiet of his surroundings he gave himself to profitable study. He loved Enghsh literature and choice fiction. He became an authority on matters of history, ancient and modern. He acquainted himself with law. Even the trained ministers, of whom he had a wide acquaintance, found in him one who could most intelligently argue questions of theology and biblical and archaeological learning. Sunday school teachers found in him an unfaihng and willing helper with their problems. Besides this, his commanding knowledge of business, his good judgment and his acquired knowledge of law, gave him large influence and usefulness with men in matters of estates and other hues of business. And at length the time came of Sangerville's commercial awakening. Rail- roads came nearer. Water powers were valued and utilized. When the new CAPTAIN ABNER TURNER WADE 151 manufacturing life was offered to Sangen-ville, Captain Wade was a helper and a supporter both in encouragement and by investment. He shared the awakened Ufe with enthusiasm. The present prosperity of Sangerville manufacturing interests are due not a little to his foresight, practical counsel and help. His interest and helpfulness in the religious and social life in the community, to which we have ah-eady alluded, have been recorded by others clearly and well! A writer, at the time of his decease which occurred in 1895, when Captain Wade was seventy-eight years of age, says of him, — "Always in his place at church and Sunday school, he was very helpful to the pastor and his as.sociates in the good work by his always welcome counsel and earnest labors. He was a dear lover of children and the organizations made up of this class will sadly miss him. "The W>st Piscataquis Sunday School Association is largely indebted to him for its existence and the prosperous condition which it has attained. He was always present at its sessions and his modestly offered advice was sel- dom rejected, and when heeded proved beneficial in the highest degree." • He was also an ardent Mason and a strong and helpful influence in Masonic circles. He liked a good Mason just as he liked a con.si.stent Christian, and he detested sham and hypocrisy in either relation. Politically, Captain Wade was a life long Democrat. In his earlier life he made many close friendships among high-minded men in the South with whom he came into contact in business relations, and respected their opinions even when differing from them. With his training and the personal contact he had experienced with Southern- ers in the period of his seafaring hfe, he was enabled to look on the tremendous problems that faced the country before the Civil War with less prejudice than the average Northerner, and certainly with as much intelligence and judgment. But he respected political opinions of such as differed from him while ready enough to give expression to his own convictions. I have a mental picture of him that illustrates how he could extract fun out of politics. At one time his httle grandson was an inmate of the Wade home and followed his grandsire about (said grandsire being far from unwilling) much as I imagine Captain Abner following his grandsire when himself was the small boy. The lad had learned that his hero grandfather was a "Democrat," whatever that may have meant to him; hence as a matter of course "Barlie" was also a "Democrat." Together they start down the street to go to the post office. The captain meets a citizen, in this case a Republican, and they engage in a goodnatured chaffing over politics. Suddenly he tm-ns to his grandson standing by his side with upturned face. "Barlie," he asks, "What are you?" "Demo- crat, by Georts!" is the prompt and emphatic reply. There was some suspicion of previous rehearsal in private; but the captain administers a feeble rebuke with voice quivering with laughter mingled with pride. Then he passes on with the lad trailing along, perhaps to meet some other Republican victim and cover him with like discomfiture. The writer has among his choice souvenirs two likenesses of Captain Wade. One, an old fashioned photograph, taken when his hair and beard were dark and his kindly eye strong and piercing. The photograph, a vignette, is surrounded with pin pricks. How did they come there? Many years ago the photograph stood on the mantel in the room of a niece of his, a young girl, with whom the uncle had corresponded from her child- hood and who ardently appreciated the kindliness, sympathy, helpfulness and friendship of this friend of the young. She kept the picture where she could always see it, and usually it was garlanded with flowers held in position with pins. The flowers have faded. The niece passed out of this fife long years before her loved uncle. But the photograph with its curious markings remains, a silent token of blessings given and received, the influence as lasting as eternity — who can doubt? The other picture was taken later in life. The hair and beard in this are white, but the eye is yet sparkling and keen. He is shown in his library sitting tilted back in his easy chair before the fire, one leg crossed over the other, his table on one side, his working library of books on the other. One often found him so 152 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY when entering the hospitable room in response to a hearty call down the stairs, — "Come up to my den and we'll spin a yarn." Then would follow bright and interesting converse, witty and wise: — it might be theology, or it might be Bible exposition, or history, or pohtics; but it was sure to be worth while to the young man or the older person who shared the interview. ]\Iany there are, living today, who recall easily those pleasant chats with the Sage of 8angex-ville in the peace and quiet of that Ubrary at the head of the stairs. He was a good '"mixer" with all kinds of men; no less so with young people and children whom he loved and sought to serve. His friendship with his only surviving brother. Deacon Eben D. Wade, was very strong. Deacon Wade was seven years the junior of his brother. While Deacon Wade hved in Dover, as he did for many years before removing to Ocean Park, the brothers were often together. But Captain Wade has passed on. Others are bearing burdens and responsi- bilities that once he bore right manfully. How many are performing life's duties more patiently and strongly because influenced by this good man in former years, none can tell, — but many, not of his own household and kin only, not of his own townsmen only. His influence, like that of every right intending and right doing man, is wide reaching and going on forever. I close this tribute with the words of another, written of Captain Wade at the time of his decease : "The windows of memory will long be open in evidence of his high Christian and moral character, his kindly, genial nature, his unquestioned honor and integrity, and his sympathetic generosity extended so freely to all in affliction or adversity. "May we all emulate the example of this noble life." Kenduskeag, Maine. December, 1913. I^etter From Honorable Stanley Plummer Dexter, Maine, June 15, 1914. Dear Mr. Sprague: — Referring to the sketches of the Oakes family given in your address and that of Brother Parsons at the Sangerville celebration, in which you both pay high tribute to William P. Oakes, permit me to add a few facts from memory about Col. William Oakes, the father of WiUiam P., and younger brother of my grand- father, Otis Oakes, and his other sons. Col. William, besides being many years Colonel of a militia regiment. Justice of the Peace, Selectman, and Trustee of Foxcroft Academy, was a member of the State Legislature, and High Sheriff of Piscataquis County. But of greater credit and honor to him than any office he ever held was the fact that, Hving as he did in a little backwoods town with limited opportunities for money-making, he so loved that higher learning of which he himself often felt his own lack, with strenuous effort and much self sacrifice he was enabled to send four of his sons to college, all during the decade from 1850 to 1860, when the acquirement of a college edu- cation meant so much more than it does today. These sons were: Abner, who, after graduation from Waterville, married the daughter and only child of Dr. Oilman Lougee Bennett of Parsonsfield, Maine, a distinguished physician and poUtician, who served in both branches of the State Legislature and as Treasm-er of York County. Abner settled in South Berwick, where he practiced law successfully, making a specialty of Probate Law. He served in the State Legislature, and for years was Judge of Probate for York County. I have AGRICULTURE OF SANGERVILLE 153 been assured by a prominent State Senator from York County, his n(>ighbor, that such was the confidence of the people in his honesty and integrity, as well as his professional capability, that he was made executor of more wills and adminis- trator of more estates than any other man who ever lived in York County. Albion, who also graduated from Waterville, married into the Clarke f amity, prominent in the ship-building industry at Waldoboro, where he settled as a lawyer, interested himself in poHtics, and was a short time before his premature death when in his early thirties, defeated in a convention of his party as a candi- date for Representative in Congress, by only thirteen votes. Valentine, a handsome gallant fellow, who, just graduated from Dartmouth College, entered the Union Army, and was shot dead in a charge at the Battle of Fair Oaks in front of Richmond. The fourth was William P., to whom both you and Mr. Parsons have made appreciative reference. Very truly yours, Stanley Plummer. Agriculture of Sangerville Bv W^ill E. Leland Sangerville stands seventh in point of population among the towns of Pis- cataquis county but is first in the number of cows kept and is near the front in general farming. The assessors' books for the current year give the number of live stock as follows: Horses and colts 341, neat stock 797, sheep 610, swine 135. The number of cows is less than last year and an examination of the records shows a slight decrease from year to year for several years owing to a change in the system of farming rather than any decline in agriculture. The town has but little waste land and from an agricultural standpoint is well located as her products can be delivered at the great markets of New England in a few hom-s of time by way of the Maine Central and Bangor and Aroostook Rail- roads. The potato industry has become a very important branch of farming and is receiving increased attention, resulting in the plowing and renewing of many old fields and larger crops of grain and hay. Our hillsides, with their deep and fertile soil, are ideal locations for fruit trees and it is coming to be realized that we can grow apples of the finest quality. There are approximately 175 farms in town. As a rule the farms are owned by their occupants and the farm homes are commodious and comfortable and fitted with modern conveniences. The farmer of today has his mail deUvered at the door and is in close touch with his neighbors by means of the telephone. The social life on the farm is another feature that is better by far than was possible in the early daj's when neighbors were more distant and means of travel not so abundant. There are two granges in town that have added much to the welfare of their members, not only socially and intellectually but financially through fire in- surance and co-operation in buying. In the days of our grandfathers each farm home was a community by itself, producing most of the necessities of life and its products were largely manufactured at home. Today the farmer is as dependent on the manufacturer for his goods as is the manufacturer on him for the raw material, hence the interest of each is identical and all should work together in harmony to the end that the business of the town be developed and its growth and prosperity be assured. MOSES CARR THE WOOLEN INDUSTRY OF SANGERVILLE 155 The Woolen Industry of Sanoerville By Honorable Angus O. Campbell At the close of the Civil War, some of the enterprising citizens of Sanger- ville, seeing that if the town was to be anything more than a cross road, with a blacksmith shop in the corner, formed a mutual company and built a building suitable for a woolen mill. Among those identified with this company were A. T. Wade, Jacob True, O. B. WiUiams, Moses Carr, Rob'tOrdway, Edwin Jcwett, Stoughton Newhall, and others which I can't now recall. This building was leased to D. R. Campbell and Wm. Fairgrieve, who took possession in 1868. Mr. Campbell j^urchased the interest of Mr. Fairgrieve in 1S74 and ran this mill successfully until 1889 when he sold to the Carr family, who do business under the name of Sangerville Woolen Co. The original buildings were burned flat in 1891, but with indomitable energy they at once built a new and much better plant which has run continuously with marked success. The present officers are Frank S. Carr, President; Fred H. Carr, Treasurer, and H. M. Carr, General Manager. In the year 1881, a stock company officered by Moses Carr, President; Abner T. Wade, Treasurer, and O. B. Wilhams, Agent, built the Carleton Mills, on the original Carleton Mill privilege. This mill ran with variable success until 1910, when it was purchased by the Sangerville Woolen Co., who have since run it as a part of their plant. In the year 1885 the citizens of the town said to D. R. Campbell that if he would build a modern mill on the lower privilege on Carleton stream, they would provide a site and build a dam. They fulfilled their contract, and in 1886 he erected one of the best mills in New England. In 1890 he took in his sons, A. O. and D. O., and the company was known as D. R. Campbell & Sons, until 1900 when a close corporation called the Campbell Mfg. Co. was formed, the officers being D. R. Campbell, President, D. O. Campbell, Treasurer, and Angus O. Campbell, Agent and General Manager, which continued until the death of D. R. Campbell in 1911, when the heirs consolidated with a mill they owned at Dexter and it is now known as the Dumbarton Woolen Mills, the officers being Angus O. Campbell, President, and George Park, Treasurer and General Man- ager. The woolen industry has been the means of changing Sangerville from a small rural community to a large, prosperous village, filled with neat homes mostly owned by their occupants. The mills employ about two hundred opera- tives, and there is disbursed each month in wages the sum of fifty-five hun- dred dollars. The oiieratives are happy and contented; there are no labor unions, and there has never been a labor strike. Documentary History of the Town of Sangerville FROM PAPERS ACCOMPANYING CHAPTER 25, ACTS OF 1814 To the Honorable Senate and the Honorable House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled The Petition of the undersigned, Inhabitants of Township Number four in the sixth Range of Townships north of the Waldo Patent & West of the Penob- scot River in the County of Hancock and District of Maine, Humbly shows, that there are about forty Families— in said Township who, in their present situation, labour under man}' Burdens and Inconveniences which they are persuaded, might be removed or greatly alleviated if they were in a situation to enjoy the Privileges of an Incorporated Town DAVID R. CAMPBELL DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF SANGKRVILLE 157 They therefore respectfully request your Honorable Bodt that they may be Incorporated into a Town by the Name of SANGERVILLE Bounded Easterly by Township Number three in the sixth Rang(> of Townshijjs, .Southerly by Number four in the fifth Range Westerly by Number five in the sixth Range and Northerly by a part of Number five & a part of Number six in the seventh Range of Townships & in Duty bound will ever pray 1 Sam" M Clanathan Walter Leland John Carsley Ebenezer Carsley ElHs Robinson Ebenezer Stevens 1 Nath" Stevens John Stevens Edward Magoon n Phi. Ames Daniel Ames Nathaniel Stevens Jr. Samuel Ames Wilham Stevens Thomas Riley Samuel Waymouth James Waymoth Aaron Woodbury y In the House of Representatives Feb 11th 1814 Read & committed to the committee on Towns to consider & report. Sent up for concurrence Timothy Bigelow Speaker In Senate Feb. 15. 1814. Read & concurred t John Phillips Presid In Senate June 3. 1814 Read and Committed to the Committee on Towns Sent down for concurrence t John PhilUps Presid d In the House of Representatives June 3: 1814. Read & Concurred Timothy Bigelow Speaker ACT OF INCORPORATION. Commonwealth of Massachui^etts in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. An act to estabhsh the town of Sangerville in the County of Hancock. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same: That the township numbered four in the sixth range of townshi])s, north of the Waldo patent, in the county of Hancock, as contained within the following described boundaries; be, and hereby is established as a town by the name of Sangerville, viz: north by a hne drawn on the middle of the river Piscataquis, east by the township numbered thi-ee in the sixth range, south by the township numbered four in the fifth range, and west by the township numbered five in the sixth range of townships. And the in- habitants of the said town of Sangerville are hereby vested by all the corporate powers and privileges, and shall also be subject to the same duties and requisitions FRED H. CARR DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF SANGERVILLE 159 as other corporate towns, according to the Constitution and laws of this Common- wealth. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted that any Justice of the Peace, for the County of Hancock, is hereby impowered, upon application therefore, to issue a warrant, directed to a freehold inhabitant of the said town of Sangerville, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof, to meet at such convenient time and place as shall be appointed in the said warrant, for the choice of such officers as towns are by law required to choose and appoint at their annual town meeting. In the House of Representatives, June 13, 1814, this bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. In Senate, June 13, 1814, this bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. JOHN PHILLIPS, Pres. June 13, 1814. Approved CALEB STRONG. Sec. Office ) A true copy June 5, 1814 ^ Attest. A true record of copy. Attest, SAMUEL McCLANATHAN. March 13, 1815. Names of petitioners. L. S. March 23, 1815 Art. 1 Art. 2. PETITION FOR ORGANIZATION, ETC. To Nathaniel Chamberlain, Esquire, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Hancock. The Subscribers free holders and Inhabitants of the town of Sangerville named in the foregoing Incorporation bill hereby re- quest that you issue a warrant as the law directs for the Organiza- tion of said town. Dated at Sangerville this thirteenth day of March, A. D., 1815. John Carsley, Ebenezer Carsley, Ellis Robinson, Edward Magoon, Samuel McClanathan, Walter Leland, Phineas Ames, Samuel Ames, Ebenezer Stevens, William Stevens. WARRANT Hancock ss. To Edward Magoon one of the free holders and Inhabitants of the Town of Sangerville. Whereas by an act of the General Court of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts passed the thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1814, Incorporating the town of Sangerville in the said County of Hancock, it is enacted that any Justice of the Peace in said County may upon application issue a warrant to a freehold inhabitant of said town requiring him to notify and warn the Inhabitants to meet at some convenient time and place for the choise of such officers as the law directs towns to choose and appoint at their annual town meetings. And whereas John Carsley and nine others of the Inhabitants of the said town of Sangerville have requested me to issue a warrant for that purpose. These are therefore in the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to require you to notify and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said town, quahfied by Law, to vote in town affairs, to meet at the DweUing house of Wilham Farnham in said town on thursday the twenty third day of March Inst., at one of the Clock in the afternoon there and then to act upon the following articles, viz : To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. To choose a Town Clerk. 160 SPRAGUE'S JOURxNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Art. 3. To choose three or more Selectmen. Art. 4. To choose Assessors of Taxes. Art. 5. To choose a Collector or Collectors. Art. 6. To choose one or more Constables. Art. 7. To choose a Treasm-er. Art. 8. To choose all other necessary Officers. Art. 9. To agree where the town will hold then- meeting in future. Art. 10. To act upon any other business that the town may think fit. And you are to make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon vmto myself on or before the day and time of meeting as you will answer your defaults under the pains and penalty of the Law. Given under my hand and seal the thirteenth day of March, A. D., 1815. Signed. Nathaniel Chamberlain, Just of Peace. RETURN OF WARRANT, ETC. Hancock ss. March 16, 1815. Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed. I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the town of Sangerville as the law directs to meet at the time and place and for the pur- poses therein expressed. Signed. Edward Magoon. Record of proceedings at meeting. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Sangerville holden at the Dwelling house of William Farnham in said town on thursday the twenty third day of March, Anno Domini 1815 the following articles were acted upon, Viz : Art. 1. To choose a Moderator. Made choise of Nathaniel Chamberlain, Esquire to govern said meeting. Art. 2. To choose a Town Clerk. Made choise of Samuel McCIanathan. Art. 3. To choose three Selectmen. Made choise of William Cleaves, Guy Carleton, & Charles Morgridge. Art. 4. To choose Assessors. Voted to choose three and made choise of William Cleaves, Guy Carleton, & Charles Morgridge. Art. 5. To choose one or more Collectors. Voted to choose one and made choise of John Carsley, who procured Stevens Spooner & William Farnham, who acknowledged themselves his sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of Collector & Con- stable. Art. 6. To choose a Constable. Made choise of John Carsley. Art. 7. To choose a Treasurer. Made choise of David Douty. The above Officers sworn into office by Nathaniel Chamber- lain, Esquire, Just the Peace. Art. 8. To choose all other necessary officers. Made choice of John Carsley, Andrew Philbrick and WilUam Hinckley to serve the town as Fish Wardens. Surveyors of Boards, made choise of Levi Prouty and David Douty. Surveyors of Shingles and clapboards, made choise of Ebenezer Stevens. Fence Viewers, made choise of Phineas Ames, Jacob Jewett and Andrew Philbrick. Hogreeves, made choice of William Hinkley, Andrew Philbrick, Samuel Ames, Moses RoUins, Enoch Adams and Joseph Clough. Pound keeper, made choise of William Farnham. Field Drivers, made choise of William Hinkley, William Oakes, William Cleaves and Daniel Austin. The above Officers were qualified or sworn into Office by Nathaniel Chamberlain, Esquire, Just of Peace. A true copy of Original Record. B. C. Goss, Attest. The CaiT AN^oolen Mills, Sanoerville, Maine THE SANGERVILLE MILL THE CARLETON MILL 162 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY MEETING FOR TOWN BUSINESS. 1815. April 2, 3. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Sangerville assembled at the Dwelling house of Jesse Brockway on the first Monday of April, A. D. 1815, to act on the following Articles, viz: Article 1. To choose a Moderator, made choise of Stevens Spooner. Art. 2. To see if the town will accept of the report of the committee chosen to divide said town into School districts. The report was ac- cepted. Art. 3. To choose Highway Surveyors, made choise of David Douty, James Waymouth, Samuel McClanathan, John Carsley, William Oakes & Joseph Clough. The above surveyors sworn by Town Clerk. To see how much Money the town will raise to make and repair town roads — Voted to raise four hundred Dollars for the above pui-pose and to allow ten cents per hour for labor on said Roads, and voted that the surveyors should be collectors. To see how much money the town will raise for the support of schools — Voted to raise one hundred and fifty dollars. To see how much money the town will raise for to defray town charges — Voted to raise one hundred dollars for that purpose. To see if the town will take grain to pay town charges. It was a vote — Voted to allow one dollar and thirty-four cents for wheat per bushel and one dollar per bushel for Rye and one dollar Do for Corn. To see if the town will allow Samuel McClanathan, John Carsley & Enoch Adams for their services the year 1813 — Voted to allow their accounts. To see if the town will exempt William Haynes from paying a poll tax — Voted that he should be exempted. To see if the town will accept WiUiam Oakes as their Minister — Voted to strike out said Art . To see if the town will raise money to build a Bridge across North west stream near Carleton Mills — Voted to raise thirty Dollars. To see if the town will allow Edward Magoon for warning the first Meeting — ^ Voted to allow him one Dollar and fifty cents. To see if the town will allow Samuel McClanathan the Money which he paid for the expence of the Incorporation Bill — Voted to allow said accovmt. To see if the town will dissolve this Meeting. It was a vote. A true Copy of Record, Sam'l. McClanathan, Town Clerk. To choose a committee to divide the town into School districts made choise of Samuel McClanathan, John Carsley, WilUam Cleaves, Guy Carleton and Charles Morgridge. Art. 17. To agree where to hold future Meetings — ^Voted to hold said Meetings at the DweUing house of Jesse Brockway. Art. 4&5 Art. 6. Art. 7. Art. 8. 1815. Art. 9. Art. 10. Art. 11. Art. 12. Art. 13. Art. 14. Art. 15. Art. 16. 1815. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL DISTRICTS. April. To see in what way the Town Meetings shall be warned — Voted to warn Meetings by posting warrants. Art. 19. To see if the town will accept of the report of their committee chosen to divide the Town of Sangerville into School Districts. REPORT. Your Committee chosen to divide the Town of Sangerville into School districts held at the Dwelling house of Jesse Brockway on the first day of April, 1815. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF SANGER! ILLE 163 The division is as follows. Viz: School District Niimber one is bounded as follows: District Beginning at the North west corner of Lot No. 10 in the first range No. 1. of lots thence South to the South line of said Town, thence East to the North east corner of said Town, thence West to the first mentioned bounds, which is to constitute district No. one. District Number two is bounded as follows. Viz : Beginning at the North west corner of lot No. 1, in the first District range of lots thence West to the North west comer of said Town thence South to range No. 4 which shall constitute District No. 2. Number two. District Number three is bounded as follows : Beginning at the range line between the third and fourth ranges at the West line of said Town thence South to the South west 1815. corner of said Town thence East to District No. 1 — thence west No. 3. to the first mentioned bounds which is to constitute District Number three. Signed. Samuel McClanathan John Carsley Wilham Cleaves r- Committee Guy Carleton Charles Mogridge I Attest. Sam'l McClanathan, Town Clerk. Copy of Record from original. Attest. B. C. Goss. MEETING FOR CHOISE OF STATE OFFICERS. 1815. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Sangerville April assembled at the DweUing house of Jesse Brockway on the first Monday of April, 1815, to give in their votes for Governor, Lieut. Governor and Senators. The votes where as follows : For Governor Gov. His Honour, Samuel Dexter had twenty-one votes. His Excellency, Caleb Strong had nine votes, James Carr, Esq. had one vote. For Lieut. Governor. Lt. Gov. Honorable William Gray had twenty-one votes, Honorable William Phillips has eight votes. For Senators Rep. Sen. Mark L. Hill ) Martin Kinsley and had y twenty-two William D. Williamson, Esquires ) votes each Benjamin Hasey ^ WiUiam Crosby and had [- nine votes Ebenezer Inglee, Esquires ' each Attest. Samuel McClanathan, Town Clerk. Copy. Attest. B. C. Goss. 164 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY List of Taxpayers Assessed in the Town of Sangerville for the Year 1819 Phineas Ames, Daniel Ames, Samuel Ames, Enoch Adams, Jesse Brockway, Abel Brockwaj', Joseph Brockway, WiUiam Buck, Oliver M. Brown, Guy Carleton, Robert Carleton, Noah Clough, Joseph Clough, Wilham Cleaves, John Carsley, Eben Carsley, Gardner L. Chandler, Leonard Dearth, Kingman Drake, Abijah Davis, David Douty, William Farnham, William Farnham, Jr., Benjamin C. Goss, William Hinckley, Nathaniel Herrick, Asa Jackson, Otis C. Jackman, Jacob Jewett, Isaiah Knowlton, Isaiah Knowlton, Jr., Henry Leland, Walter Leland, Stephen Oakes. Samuel McClanathan, Edward Magoon, Isaac Alacomber, Aarone Morse, Samuel Mansfield, Hollis Mansfield, Charles Morgridge, Joseph Morgridge, William Oakes, Otis Oakes, William Oakes, Jr., Solomon Oakes, Abel Oakes, Abel Oakes, Jr., William Parsons, Apollas Pond, John Patten, Ellis Robinson, Moses Rollins, Aaron Rolhns, Calvin Sanger, Stevens Spooner, Lewis Spooner, Nathaniel Stevens, Jr., William Stevens, James Waymouth, James C. Watson, William Hill, Jr., Thomas Prince, John Andrews, Justus Herriman, Archulaus Jackson, Charles V. Ames, Record of Births in Town of Sano-erville (Copies of the Original Town Records.) Children of Enoch Adams & Eunice Adams : Hannah P. Adams, b. in Sangerville, July 6, 1814. Susannah Adams, b. in Sangerville, June 1, 1816. John Adams, b. in Sangerville, July 7, ISIS. Ehzabeth Adams, b. in Sangerville, June 7, 1821. JuUa Adams, b. in Sangerville, December 21, 1823. Children of Thomas & Frances Ann Sanders: David T. Sanders, b. in Bath, July 19, 1836. Sarah Frances Sanders, b. in Wiscasset, April 13, 1838. Sylvina Sanders, b. in Wiscasset, November 13, 1839. Alden Neal Sanders, b. in Sangerville, June 13, 1841. Lucy E. Sanders, b. April 19, 1844. RECORD Ol' RIRTHS 165 Thomas Sanders, b. June 3, 1846. Joshua W. Sanders, b. August 10, 1848. jSIay J. Sanders, b. FeVjruary 8, 1851. Joseph W. Sanders, b. May 14, 1858. Children of Alden N. Sanders & Clara B. Sanders: Sylvina E. Sanders, b. March 23, 1868. Charles W. Sanders, b. July 23, 1869. Meda M. Sanders, b. July 25, 1881. Children of Phineas Ames : Sally Ames, b. in Harmony, November 18, 1799. Phineas, Jr., b. in Harmony, March 6, 1803. Betsy, b. in Sangerville, April 1, 1807. Children of James & Sarah Oaks: Kingman Drake Oaks, b. May 24, 1823. Danville Parsons Oaks, b. November 19, 1829. Bethuel Howard Oaks, b. July 22, 1832. Orilla Finson Oaks, b. February 3, 1836. Hudson Saunders Oaks, b. July 16, 1838. Ruth Nickerson Oaks, b. September 13, 1840. Children of Walter ct Louisa Leland : Infant Daughter, b. in Sangerville, August 25, 1811. Sarah Phipps, b. in Sangerville, October 5, 1813. Waher, b. in Sangerville, November 12, 1815. Lydia Brown, b. in Sangerville, December 15, 1817. Laura Matilda Leland, b. in Sangerville, June 3, 1820. Chauncey Colton Leland, b. in Sangerville, January 13, 1822. Children of Walter & Hannah M. Leland: Jeddediah Phipps Leland, b. in Sangerville, August 5, 1834. Henry Lowell Leland, b. in Sangerville, May 14, 1836. Joseph Brockwav Leland, b. in Sangerville, March 7, 1838. Adelaide Ehsabeth Leland, b. in Sangerville, May 12, 1841. Mary Helen Leland, b. in Sangerville, February 12, 1845. Adeline Ellen Leland, b. in Sangerville, August 21, 1847. Children of William & Rachel Hinkley: William Hinkley, b. in Brunswick, August 1, 1782. Rachel his wife, b. in Arundell, Jvme 12, 1787. Sally Wiswell Hinkley, b. in Topsham, December 26, 1809. John Patten Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, March 11, 1811. Marv Wilson Hinklev, b. in Sangerville, September 19, 1812. Henry William Smith Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, Aug. 30, 1814. iQcrease Sumner Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, August 19, 1816. Thatcher Thomas Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, August 4, 1818. Betsey Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, June 16, 1820. Roxana Hinkley, b. in Sangerville, October 22, 1822. Rachel Ann Hinklev, b. in Sangerville, October 12, 1824. Children of William & Louisa B. Goff: Leonard B. Goff, b. September 15, 1827. Delana L. Goff, b. Mav IS, 1830. Willard B. Goff, b. July 22, 1833. George W. Goff, b. October 22, 1836. :Mary Ann B. Goff, b. Januarv 19, 1839. Charles L. Goff, b. January 11, 1846. Children of William & Cvnthia Stevens: u on lai? WilHam, son of William & Cynthia, b. in SangerviUe, December 20, 1817. Children of Anthonv and Mercy C. Besse: Viella Frances Besse, b. May 16, 1849. Susan Viella Robinson Besse, b. July 27, 1851. Seth Besse, b. in Sangerville, July 16, 1857. Children of Joseph Morgridge & Olive Morgridge: „^ .q, . Otis Oakes Morgridge, b. in Sangerville, October 2b, 1815. Flagg Morgridge, b. May 3, 1817. Children of James C. & Sally Watson: 166 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Jane, b. in Bowdinham, January 15, 1811. Martha, b. in Bowdinham, January 20, 1813. Samuel, b. in Sangerville, October 15, 1815. Betsy, b. in Sangerville, February 27, 1817. Phebe, b. in Sangerville, August 4, 1819. Children of Moses and Lidia A3^er: Ellen Matilda Ayer, b. in Sangerville, September 14, 1829. Children of Nathaniel, Jr., & Esther Stevens: Eliza, b. in Gardner, May 31, 1807. Clarisa, b. in Sangerville, August 5, 1809. William Francis, b. in Sangerville, September 21, 1812. Levi Goodwin, b. in Sangerville, August 5, 1815. Mary Francis, b. in Sangerville, May 31, 1819. Daniel Stevens, b. in Sangerville, October 17, 1822. Esther Stevens, b. in Sangerville, August 23, 1825. Children of Joseph & Martha Ann Pettengill: Wm. Henry Pettengill, b. in Sangerville, January 5, 1839. Joseph Pettengill, b. in Sangerville, March 21, 1840. Children of Nathaniel Atwood: Loana C. Atwood, b. in Fairfield, February 20, 1837. Esther Ann Atwood, b. in Fairfield, March 21, 1839. Children of Nathaniel Atwood and Martha Atwood: George W. Atwood, b. August 23, 1844. Martha Ella Atwood, b. March 16, 1846. Children of Abner Holt and Martha Holt: Mary L. Holt, b. July 17, 1856. Nancy C. Holt, b. April 4, 1858. Henry L. Holt, b. March 4, 1863. Children of Thomas and Sarah Fuller: EUzabeth Ann Fuller, b. March 31, 1827. Children of John and Sybil Leathers : Joseph B., b. July 6, 1835. Silas B., b. January 18, 1837. Abby H., b. April 3, 1840. Thos. J. — George W. — b. March 27, 1842. Children of Ebenezer Carsley: Miriam H. Daughter of Ebenezer Carsley, b. in Sangerville, September 1, 1817. Lena Carsley, b. April 8, 1819. Hiram, b. August 22, 1820. Children of Welbram and Nancy Hill : James W. R. Hill, b. June 5, 1820. George W., b. June 29, 1824. Besse L., b. October 12, 1829. Edwin P., b. September 9, 1830. Sarah A., b.' September 7, 1836. Children of Edward & Parmela Jewett : Ann Maria Jewett, b. in Solon, September 12, 1834. Edward James Jewett, b. in Sangerville, February 11, 1838. David Luellen Jewett, b. in Sangerville, June 11, 1840. George Fargo Jewett, b. in Sangerville, June 13, 1843. Melville James Jewett, b. in Sangerville, February 12, 1845. Benjamin C. Goss, b. in Newbury Port County of Essex (Mass), Februarj' 24 1787. Betsy, wife of B. C. Goss, b. in Readfield, February 28, 1794. Their children were: Susan Hodge Goss, b. in Readfield, May 26, 1811. Wilham, b. in New Sharon, May 30, 1815. Mary Ann EHzabeth, b. in New Sharon, February 5, 1817. Charles Stearns Goss, b. in Sangerville, October 21, 1819. Children of Jeremiah S. and Kesia Thompson: RECORD OF lilRTlIS 167 Clinton Cushman, b. May 9, 1835. Sumner Laughton, b. April 24, 1837. Mary Jane, b. July 31, 1839. Children of Benjamin K. & Olive A. Pollard: Benjamin Allen Pollard, b. in Sangerville, June 8, 1837. Children of Samuel Roby & Abigail Roby: Lemuel Bushby Roby, b. December 5, in Sangerville, 1821. Cecilia Rivers Roby, b. in Sangerville, August 24, 1823. Andrew Jackson Roby, b. in Sangerville, April 26, 1828. Henry H. Roby, b. in Sangerville, March 8, 1831. Henry Roby, b. in Sangerville, April 26, 1833. Children of William W. & Sarah P. Mitchell: Chauncey Leland Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, October 23, 1830. Sarah Jane H. Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, March 26, 1833. Hannah Melvina S. Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, May 8, 1835. Mary Louisa B. Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, October 3, 1837. John Wesley Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, January 20, 1840. George Lewellyn P. Mitchell, b. in Sangerville, August 7, 1842. Children of James T. Blair & Mary W. Blair: Mary Adela Blair, b. April 21, 1837. Sarah Ann Blair, b. March 18, 1840. Samuel McClanathan, b. in Rutland County of Worcester (Mass), October 28, 1782. Kerzia McClanathan, b. in Sherburn County of Middlesex (Mass), June 15, 1787. Their children were: Emily McClanathan, b. in Hubbards town County of Worcester, May 19, 1807. Sarah Leland, b. in Jericho County of Chittenden (Vermont), October 9, 1808. Roxia, b. in Sangerville, Maine, April 19, 1811. Samuel, b. in Sangerville, February 28, 1814. Anna Sanger, b. in Sangerville, October 18, 1816. Henry Leland Sew all, b. in Sangerville, May 14, 1819. Children of John Pollard, b. in Hartland, August 22, 1810 and Sarah B. Pollard, b. in Poland, May 25, 1815: Kelphino Pollard / Kendall Pollard ) born in Smyrna, September 7, 1836. Corysand Pollard, b. in Houlton, July 29, 1838. Loretto Pollard, b. in Sangerville, September 26, 1840. Children of Edward and Jerusha Magoon : Louisa Stevens Magoon, b. in Lichfield (Me), November 20, 1807. Joseph Magoon, b. in Lichfield, January 2, 1811. Mary Drake Magoon, b. in Sangerville, October 2, 1818. Children of Thomas & Mary Hannybea: Thomas Hannybea, b. January 9, 1840. Children of Samuel Ames : Phineas Ames, b. the 2d day of April, 1814. Hannah F. Ames, b. April 4, 1819. Mehitable J. Ames, 22d day of March, 1817. Enoch Ames, b. March 27, 1821. Cyrus Ames, b. in Sangerville, March 12, 1823. Children of Jonathan & Asenath Roberts : Jane Roberts, b. August 25, 1830. Jonathan Roberts, b. August 11, 1831. George Edwin Rolaerts, b. October 4, 1832. Mary Jane Roberts, b. September 16, 1834. Willard H. Roberts, b. December 2, 1838. James T. Roberts, b. December 2, 1839. James T. Roberts, b. November 1, 1840. Ira Oakes, b. January 16, A. D. 1820 and Martha A. Oakes, b. January 25, A. D. 1818. 168 SPR AGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Their children were: Sarah Frances Oakes, b. in Sangerville, February 11, 1845. Clara Ann Oakes, b. in Sangerville, April 9, 1847 Samuel Oakes, 2d., b. in Sangerville, July 13, 1852. Children of Doctor Charles Stearns and Betsy Stearns : EUzabeth Bond Stearns, b. in Sangerville, October sixth, 1820. Thankful Bartlett Stearns, b. in Sangerville, May the sixth, 1822. Children of Daniel Spooner: Mary B. Spooner, b. December 7, 1834. Benjamin F. Spooner, b. October 18, 1836. Asa Spooner Spooner, b. September 24, 1838, in Sangerville. Children of William Farnham and Betsey Farnham: Susan O. Farnham, b. in Sangerville, .June 15, 1821. Hannah Farnham, b. in Sangerville, April 15, 1823. Children of Moses H. & Mary Ayer: Martha Augusta, b. August 12, 1831. Mary Frances, b. January 21, 1836. George Gustavus, b. July 18, 1838. Charles WiUis, b. August 3, 1840. Abby Elizabeth Ayer, b. in Sangerville, October 13, 1842. Samuel Blake Ayer, b. in Sangerville, October 6, 1844. Sarah Ellen Ayer, b. in Sangerville, April 5, 1849. Ehnira Hale Ayer, b. in Sangerville, February 29, 1852. Children of Levi O. & Abigail N. Farnham: CaroHne R. Farnham, b. in Sangerville, October 16, 1840. Josephine Farnham, b. in Sangerville, December 6, 1845. Randall Farnham, b. in Sangerville, March 8, 1848. Children of Thomas & Lucy Prince: Lucy Howard Prince, b. in Sangerville, June 29, 1818. EUzabeth Farmer Prince, b. in Sangerville, March 2, 1821. Children of John & Lucia Weymouth : Ann Susan, b. September 22, 1840. Gustavus J. Waymoth, b. in Sangerville, December 13, 1842. Lucia Ella Waymoth, b. in Sangerville, March 14, 1846. Frank Blake Weymouth, b. in Sangerville, Oct. 22, 1848. Lydia Blake W^eymouth, b. in Sangerville, Aug. 31, 1853. Myi-on John Weymouth, b. in Sangerville, December 8, 1861. Children of George H. & OUive M. Lewis: George Lewis, b. in Sangerville, June 8, 1839. Nancy Rollins Lewis, b. in Sangerville, July 14, 1842. Frank R. Lewis, b. in Sangerville, Sept. 26, 1845. Susan E. Lewis, b. in Sangerville, April 16, 1850. Charles T. Lewis, b. in Sangerville, April 16, 1850. Willie E. Lewis, b. in Sangerville, March 8, 1856. Children of John S. & Ann Masterman: Edward Masterman, b. in Sangerville, April 1, 1842. Children of Guy Carleton & Sally Carleton : Sophia Carleton, b. in Readfield, November 4, 1807. Joseph Carleton, b. in Readfield, February 27, 1810. Sally Carleton, b. in Sangerville, January 12, 1819. Guy Carleton, Jr., b. in Sangerville, July 30, 1823. Children of Guy & Clarissa Carleton: Milton Pearce Carlton, b. March 10, 1830. Cyrus Hem-y Carleton, b. April 2, 1832. Francis Barker Carleton, b. in Sangerville, August 31, 1833. Children of Nathan and Cilinda Shed : EHzabeth Jane Shed, b. June 1, 1823. Augustus Nathan, b. July 1, 1825. Cyntha Watson, b. July 29, 1826. Mary Isabel, b. Sept. 20, 1828. Nathan Shed, Jr., b. 22, 18.30. Jotham Sexwall, b. March 29, 1833. RECORD OF RIRTHS 169 Ann Maria, b. June 10, 1835. Susan Fisk, b. Oct. 3, 1838. Olive Prescot, b. Dec. 8, 1841. Children of William and Ann Leathers : John Leathers, b. June 13, 1831. Mahalia Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1832. Helen Mar, b. Jan. 20, 1837. William Fairfield, b. Oct. 29, 1838. Children of Samuel & Charity Farnham: Albert W. Farnham, b. in Sangerville, June 18, 1832. Everett S. Farnham, b. in Sangerville, March 28, 1836. Emily Maria Farnham, b. in Sangerville, April 23, 1837. Luther F. Farnham, b. in Sangerville, April 17, 1842. H. Luciel Farnham, b. in Sangerville, Aug. 22, 1844. Sam Whitney Farnham, b. in Sangerville, June 2, 1851 Children of Alfred T. & Lydia E. Robinson : Erastus G. Robinson, b. in Sangerville, July 18, 1846. Childi-en of Oliver M. Brown & Mary Brown: Samuel Brown, b. in Sangerville, January 22, 1820. Maryan Brown, b. in Sangerville, February 12, 1822. Children of George W. and Susan Brett: Sarah An, b. Dec. 4, 1834. Alethea Robinson, b. June 29, 1836. Edward Kent, b. Sept. 1, 1837. Susan Wharff, b. March 11, 1839. Ahce Wharff, b. Sept. 30, 1840. George W. Brett, b. Oct. 8, 1843. Ezra C. Brett, b. Jan^ 28, 1845. Louisa C. Brett, b. Nov. 22, 1846. Pliny F. Brett, b. April 9, 1848. John R. Brett, b. Nov. 26, 1849. Mary E. Brett, b. Dec. 16, 1851. Emma J. Brett, b. Aug. 1, 1854. Edgar Brett, b. July 16, 1856. Benjamin C. Brett, b. May 10, 1858. Jennie M. Brett, b. ISIay 10, 1858. Children of Wing Spooner and Abiah Spooner: Daniel Bartlett Spooner, b. in Sangerville, August 19, 1823. Children of Francis K. & Marv Drake: Vesta Annette, b. May "^6, 1839. Francis Kingman, b. April 6, 1841. Esther Jane, b. Feb. 21, 1843. Children of Alpheus & Lucy Ann Proctor: Louisa Tufts Proctor, b. in Bangor, August 27, 1837. Ella Rebecca Proctor, b. in Sangerville, August 15, 1842. Lucy Hudson Proctor, b. in Sangerville, December 26, 1844. Children of Otis C. Jackman & Harriot Jackman: Catharine Carter Jackman, b. in Sangerville, October 15, 1823. Otis Montgomery Jackman, b. in Sangerville, January 29, 1826. Lucretia Spooner Jackman, b. in Sangerville, March 1, 1828. Children of William and Jennett Knowlton: Aaron Knowlton, b. May 29, 1830. Mary ElUs, b. Oct. 15, 1831. Charles Henry, b. Nov. 15, 1833. Susan Thompson, b. July 13, 1836. Emily .Jennett, b. July 28, 1841. Children of Jacob Pettengill, Jr., & Mary A. Pettengill: David Kincaid Pettengill, b. Oct. 15, 1837. John Wesley Pettengill, b. July, 1839. Abigail Kincaid Pettengill, b. April 16, 1841. Children of Otis Oaks & Ceha Oaks: Melvill Waterman Oaks, b. in Sangerville, March 10, 1824. 170 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Martha Miranda Oaks, b. in Sangerville, July 4, 1825. Children of William N. and Sarah Thompson. Martha N. Thompson, b. Sept. 13, 1834. WilUam G. Thompson, b. May 22, 1836. Children of Eben D. & Mary R. Wade: Eben Eugene Wade, b. in Sangerville, March 13, 1848. John Sawyer CHfford, b. in Minot, July 4, 1781. Edith Chfford, b. in Norridgewalk, September 18, 1788. Their children were : James Brace Doyle Clifford, b. in Newcharleston, March 10, 1814. James Spaulding CUfford, b. in Dover, June 28, 1815. Phebe Spaulding Clifford, b. in Newcharleston, September 3, 1817. Mary Prince Clifford, b. in Sangerville, August 26, 1820. Seth Spaulding Clifford, b. in Sangerville, January 17, 1824. Joseph Fowler, Jr., was born Sept. 17, 1804 in Winthrop, Me. Rachel D. Fowler was born May 9, 1811 in Bowdoinham. Their children were : Susan EUzabeth, b. in Sangerville, May 16, 1835. LuciUa Rachel Fowler, b. in Sangerville, Nov. 2, 1837. Hannah Ellen Fowler, b. in Sangerville, May 20, 1842. Albert Ross Fowler, b. in Sangerville, Sept. 30, 1844. Joseph Calvin Fowler, b. in Sangerville, June 23, 1847. Akna Cahsta Fowler, b. in Sangerville, Oct. 7, 1849. Children of Joseph & Hannah Galusha: Alva Norman Childs Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Nov. 11, 1824. FloriUo Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Jan. 15, 1826. Henry Burleigh Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Nov. 22, 1827. Mary Ann Galusha, b. in Sangerville, March 20, 1829. William Jordan Galusha, b. in Sangerville, May 29, 1831. Children of Joseph & Laura Galusha. Corringdon Hanniford Galusha, b. in Sangerville, June 1, 1837. Hannah Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Oct. 12, 1839. Amasa Pond Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Dec. 3, 1841. Rebecca HiU Galusha, b. in Sangerville, Dec. 10, 1844. Children of George & Sally Douty: Ehzabeth Macomber Douty, b. in Sangerville, Oct. 18, 1824. Sally Douty, b. in Sangerville, Dec. 23, 1826. Recorded March 1, 1827, by Isaac Macomber, town clerk. Winburn D. Douty, b. Sept. 11, 1828. Olive R. Douty, b. Jan. 5. 1832. Abagail C. Douty, b. Jmie 28, 1837. George H. Douty, b. Aug. 17, 1840. David J. Douty, b. March 8, 1846. Children of Enos G. & Susan Flanders: Enoch Adams Flanders, b. in Sangerville, Aug. 31, 1843. Children of Alanson and Mary Roberts : Susanna R. Roberts, b. Sept. 3, 1837. Eleanor C. Roberts, b. Jan. 10, 1840. Children of Henry & Eunice BuUard : Eimice Bullard, b. in Sangerville, Jan. 22, 1824. Timothy Hill Bullard, b. in Sangerville, Feb. 16, 1827. Henry Bullard, b. in Sangerville, July 18, 1829. JuUa Ann Bullard, b. in Sangerville, Nov. 23, 1831. Children of Joseph & Carohne Parsons: EUza Helen, b. Jan. 3, 1837. Almira Parsons, b. April 10, 1839. Abner Knowls, b. Feb. 17, 1841. Mary Matilda Parsons, b. in Sangerville, Aug. 2, 1842. Henrietta Parsons, b. in Sangerville, April 19, 1850. EARLY MARRIAGES IN SANGERVILLE 171 Early JNlarriages in Sangerville (Copies of the Original Town Records) 1815. Joseph Morgridge of Sangerville May 15. OHve Oakes of Sangerville, by Samuel McClanathan. 1815. Benjamin Patten of No. 6 R. 7. Nov. 30. Miss Dorcas Austin of Sangerville, by Samuel McClanathan. 1816. Jonathan Oakes of Sangerville. April. Miss Rachel Carsley of Sangerville, by S. McClanathan 1816. Noah Clough of Sangerville Nov. 27. Miss Abigail Oakes of Sangerville, by S. McClanathan. 1817. William Stevens, Jr., No. 5 R. 6. Feb. 4. Miss Cynthia Oakes of Sangerville, by S. McClanathan. 1819. Lieut. Wm. Oakes. May 3. Miss Mary Waymouth, by S. McClanathan. 1819. William Farnham, Jr. Nov. 28. Miss Betsey Oakes, by S. McClanathan. 1819. Ensign Abel Brockway Dec. 28. Miss Lucy K. Lealand, by S. McClanathan. 1820. Joseph Brockway Nov. 30. Miss Mary Lealand, by S. McClanathan. 1821. Isaiah Knowlton, Jr. Feb. 20. Miss Clara Spooner, by S. McClanathan. 1821. Otic C. Jackman March 25. Miss Harriet Spooner, by S. McClanathan. 1825. Alpheus Remmick April 25. Miss Mercy Miller, by S. McClanathan. 1825. Thomas Mansfield Feb. 6. Miss Mercy Carsley, by S. McClanathan. 1821. Robert Seward of Garland April 17. Miss SaDy Sanders of Garland, by B. C. Goss. 1821. Stephen L. Oakes of Sangerville May 6. Miss Sarah J. Ames of Sangerville, by Guy Carleton, J. P. 1823. Otis Oakes of Sangerville May 4. Miss Celia Morgridge of Sangerville, by Isaac Macomber, J. P. 1823. James Oakes of Sangerville July 10. Miss Sarah F. Parsons of Sangerville, by Isaac Macomber, J. P. 1823. Nathaniel Harriman of Sangerville June 12. Miss Sarah Brown of Sebec, by Samuel C. Clark, J. P. 1823. James Howe of Foxcroft Sept. 22. Miss Cynthia Jackson of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1823. Solomon Oakes, Jr., of Sangerville Dec. 14. Miss Philena Douty of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1823. George Douty of Sangerville Dec. 25. Miss Sally Macomber of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1824. John Quimby of Sangerville April 22. Miss Louisa Stevens of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1825. Alvin Haynes of Passadumkeag Jan. 27. Miss De Albra Record of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1825. James Lunt of Sangerville Feb. 8. Miss Zeruiah Porter of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1825. John H. Loring of Guilford Sept. 15. Miss Sophia Carleton of Sangerville, by Guy Carleton, J. P. 1824. Reuben Ordway of Sangerville July 5. Miss Harriet Record of Sangerville, by Rev. Daniel Bartlett. 1824. Issacher Thi.ssell of Sangerville July 18. Miss Lydia Dai.sy of Sangerville, bv Rev. D. Bartlett. 1825. John Robbins, Jr. of Guilford Sept. 18. Miss Polly Allen of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1826. Samuel Brown, Jr. of Sangerville April 25. Miss Sally Proctor of Sangerville, by Rev. D. Bartlett. 1826. Dr. Jeremiah Leach of Sangerville 172 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Nov. 12. Miss Rebecah Harville of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1826. Eleazer Brown of Sangerville Dec. 24. Miss Fanny Oakes of Sangerville, bj- I. Macomber. 1827. Philemon C. Parsons of Sangerville March 28. Miss Louisa S. Magoon of Sangerville, by I. Macomber, J. P. 1827. Jotham Farnham of Sangerville Feb. 21. Miss Jnha D. Pond of Sangerville, by Rev. D. Bart left. 1828. Samuel Farnham of Sangerville April 22. Miss Charity I. Oakes of Sangerville, by Edward MitcheU, J. P. 1828. James Weymouth of Corinna Dec. 24. Miss Betsy Pettengill of Sangerville, by E. Mitchell, J. P. 1829. Isaac W. Colton of Monson June 11. Miss Abigail R. Douty of Sangerville, by E. Mitchell, J. P. 1829. John Harriman of Bucksport Oct. 21. Miss Polly Farnham of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, 2d J. P. 1829. Arthur Stevens of Guilford Oct. 4. Theodosia Lombard of Guilford, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1829. Wm. Knowlton of Sangerville Nov. 26. Miss Jennett Waterman of Sangerville, bv Wm. Oakes, 2d J. P. 1829. WilHam W. Mitchell of Sangerville Dec. 2. Miss Sarah C. Leland of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1829. Robert Walton of Sangerville Dec. 13. Miss EUza Oakes of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1829. Richard Gragg of Sangerville Nov. 26. Miss Lucy W. Bennett of Guilford, by D. R. Straw, J. P. 1830. Joseph Carleton, of Sangerville Dec. 2. Miss Sarah Hilton of Sangerville, by E. ]\Iitchell, J. P. 1831. John S. Cleaves of Sangerville Jan. 1. Miss Ehza B. Parsons of Sangerville, by E. Mitchell, J. P. 1830. WiUiam Burgess of Dover May 2. Miss Mary Knowlton of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1830. James J. Weymouth of Sangerville Dec. 30. Miss Lovina Jones of Dexter, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1831. Jeremiah Bean of Sangerville April 10. Miss Nancy Pond of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, 2d. J. P. 1831. WiUiam Waymouth of Sangerville April 28. Miss Polly Jones of Dexter, by Wm. Oakes, J. P. 1832. Joseph WormcU of Sangerville Jan. 15. Miss Martha Douty of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, J. P. 1832. Robert Anderson, 2d of Sangerville March 25. Miss Harriet Walhs of Sangerville, by Guy Carleton, J. P. 1833. Temple H. Emery of Sangerville Oct. 7. Sally Waymouth of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, J. P. 1832. John M. Hill of Exeter June 7. Miss Eliza Folsom of Sangerville, by Heircy Bishop, J. P. 1832. Joseph F. Read of Sangerville Nov. 17. Miss Mary B. Sturgis of Sangerville, by Guy Carleton, J. P. 1833. John Douty of Sangerville Jan. 16. Miss Mary Ann Hilton of Sangerville, by Guy Carleton, J. P. 1832. Daniel Spooner of Sangerville Dec. 6. Miss Jemima Knowlton of Sangerville, by Wm. Gould, J. P. 1833. Mason S. Palmer of Corinth June 2. Miss Mary J. Coy of Sangerville, by Samuel Roby, J. P. 1834. John Leathers of Sangerville June 5. Miss Sybell Hutchinson of Dover, by L Knowlton, .Jr., J. P. 1834. Seth Roberts of Sangerville June 5. Miss Anna Young of Sangerville, by L Knowlton, Jr., J. P. 1834. Charles Morgridge, Jr. of Sangerville . June 22. Miss Lydia Bartlett of Sangerville, by Wm. Gould, J. P. 1835. Benjamin Roberts July 1. Miss Eliza Brown of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr., J. P. 1835. George Chase of Sebec EARLY MARRIAGES IN SANGERVILLE 173 Nov. 25. 1835. Dec. 27. 1835. April 12. 1835. July 24. 1836. Feb. 11. 1836. Mav 12. 1836. April 7. 1836. August 21. 1836. Aug. 12. 1836. Oct. 15. 1837. April 11. 1837. Sept. 18. 1837. Dec. 24. 1837. March 28. 1837. May 21. 1837. July 4. 1837. Oct. 17. 1837. Nov. 30. 1839. Jan. 5. 1839. Nov. 7. 1839. June 10. Nov. 7. 1840. March 19. 1840. Jan. 25. 1841. March 4. March 29. 1841. Feb. 7. 1841. Aug. 15. 1841. Dec. 25. 1841. Nov. 21. 1842. Feb. 15. 1841. Miss Hannah P. Roberts of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr., J. P. Jacob Duckuigdoff of .Stillwater Miss Lucinda liodsdon of ISangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr. J. P. Alpheus Grant of Sangerville Miss Clarissa Oakcs of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, Jr., J. P. James Tarr of Sangerville Miss Lovey P. W. Douty of Sangerville, by Wm. Oakes, Jr. J. P. Josiah S. Folsom of Sangerville Miss Miriam H. Carsley of Sangerville, by John FoLsom, J. P. Seba F. Brockway of Sangerville Mrs. Mary Pennington of Sangerville, by Samuel Roby, J. P. Micajah Swain of Atkinson Miss AHce B. Roberts of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr. J. P. Alanson Roberts of Sangerville Miss Mary Burrill of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr., J. P. Nathan Bachelder of Exeter Mrs. Hannah F. Pratt of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr. J. P. Samuel Humphrey of Exeter Miss Lydia Brockway of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr. J. P. Henry J. Pence of Sangerville Miss Britania V. Gray of Sangerville, by I. Knowlton, Jr., J. P. James Ordway of Sangerville Miss Mary GofT of Sangerville, by Stephen Lowell, J. P. Amos R . Ryerson of Sebec Mi.ss Anna Roberts of Sebec, by Abel Brockway, J. P. Benj. K. Pollard of Sangerville OHve A. Pattengill of Sangerville, by B. Bursley, J. P. Hosea B. Buck of Monson Miss Louisa C. Wharff of Guilford, by Barnabas Bursley, J. P. Isaiah Knowlton, Jr., Esq. Miss Lydia Pollard, by B. Bursley, J. P. Richard Palmer of Corinth Mrs. Celia Coy of Sangerville, by B. Bursley, J. P. David Oilman of Sangerville Miss Angeline BuUard of Sangerville, by B. Bursley, J. P. (?) William Morgan of Exeter Miss Rebecca Harlow of Sangerville, by Abel Brockway, J. P. Nehemiah Bartlett of Garland Miss Lydia Quimby of Sangerville, by Abel Brockway, J. P. Alanson Bennett of Guilford Miss Sophia Davis of Guilford, (?) by B. Bunsley, J. P. Joseph B. Osmer of Milo Susan Jane True of Sangerville, by B. Bursley, J. P. Albert G. Gray of Sangerville Mi.ss Mary Magoon of Sangerville, by B. Bvusley, J. P. John S. Masterman Miss Ann Goff, by Stephen Lowell, J. P. Sulhvan Warren of Parkman Miss Sarah Campbell of Sangerville, by Jonathan Roberts, J. P. Hiram Hardison of Sangerville Miss Mary Maloy of Sangerville, by Jonathan Roberts, J. P. Samuel Bean of Sangerville Miss Mary Town of Sangei'ville, by W. G. Clark, J. P. John Soule of Dover Mrs. Lydia Humphrey of Sangerville, by P. C. Parsons, J. P. Joseph Ford of Sangerville Mrs. Margaret Thompson of Sangerville, by Otis Bridges, Clergyman Jacob Burrill of Sangerville Miss Rachel P. Bennett of Sangerville, by Abel Brockway, J. P. Alfred Stephenson of Sangerville Miss Abba E. Wade of Sangerville, by Rev. C. Duren. Benjamin Rich of Bucksport 174 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Miss Sarai Davis of Sangerville, by P. C. Parsons, J. P. 1842. Rufus D. Atwood of Fairfield April 6. Miss Loantha S. Pollard of Sangerville, by L. P. French, Clergyman 1842. Nathaniel Atwood of Fairfield April 5. Mrs. Martha Ann Pettingall of Sangerville, by Peter Burgess, Clergyman. 1842. Asa Macomber of Dover April 14. Miss Romilla Campbell of Sangerville, by Rev. J. M. Dennitt 1841. Dan Read of Sangerville Aug. 21. Miss Sarah Randall of Sangerville, by Stephen Lowell, J. P. 1841. Ezra Roberts of Sebec July 26. Miss Jane Lancaster of Charleston, by J. Roberts, J. P. 1842. Joseph Magoon of Sangerville March 20. Miss Sarah Auspland of Sangerville, by J. Roberts, J. P. 1843. Col. Thomas Littlefield of Auburn Feb. 9. Miss Laura Read of Sangerville, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1843. Charles W. Douty of Sangerville March 12. Miss Mary E. Staples of Sangerville, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1842. Ebenezer Damon of Oldtown July. Miss Harriet M. Mitchell of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges 1843. John B. Wing, Esq., Letter D., Plantation Aroostook Co. Feb. 23. Miss Sarah P. Clark of Sangerville, by B. Burslev, J. P. 1843. William Godwin (?) Esq., of Garland March 21. Mrs. Lucy Silver, by M. Gilman, J. P. 1842. George S. Ordway of Bangor Sept. 16. Miss Caroline Richards of Bangor, by L. P. French, Clergyman. 1842. Hiram Jewett of Sangerville Sept. 21. Miss Nancy D. Daisy of Sangerville, by L. P. French, Clergyman 1842. William O. Tappan of Newburyport, Mass. Oct. 13. Miss Roxana Bennett of Guilford, by Rev. L. P. French. 1843. Jarius W. Hodgkins of Chesterville Feb. 15. Miss Mary A. Brown of Sangerville, by Rev. L. P. French. 1843. Ebenezer Cole of Exeter Oct. 15. Miss Alice Pollard of Sangerville, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1843. Alvin Herring of Guilford Dec. 21. Miss Nancy S. Carr of Sangerville, by Rev. Lebbeus Kingman 1843. Jonathan C. Daggett of Sangerville Nov. 2. Abigail Marsh of Sangerville, by Hiram Stacy, J. P. 1844. Stephen H. Sprague of Sangerville Feb. 18. Alice Parsons of Sangerville, by P. C. Parsons, J. P. 1844. William R. Washburn of Brewer March 26. Samantha B. Whitman of Sangerville, by P. C. Parsons, J. P. 1843. Michael L. Pingree of Parkman June 12. Mrs. Susanna Clifford of Sangerville, by O. W. Bridges, Clergyman 1843. James S. Potter of Sangerville Nov. 30. Miss Sarah C. Clough of Sangerville, by O. W. Bridges, Clergyman 1844. Charles Waterman of Sangerville June 18. Caroline D. Burrill of Sangerville, by H. Stacy, J. P. 1844. Elijah Nickerson April 12. Miss Bethania Leathers, by Rev. Hamor Gatchell. 1845. Horatio M. Wait of Mexico, Maine. Jan. 1. Miss Elizabeth F. Prince of Sangerville, by Rev. Athcrton Clark. 1845. Jacob Pettengill, Jr., of Sangerville March 16. Miss Ruanna Carle of Sangerville, by Rev. .\. Clark. 1845. James W. Whittemore of Dover March 25. Palmyra Besse of Sangerville, by H. Stacy, J. P. 1845. Stephen Wentworth April 3. ]Miss E. P. Gilman of Sangerville, by O. W. Bridges, Clergyman 1844. James Lougee of Sangerville Oct. 20. Miss Eliza Work of Sangerville, by M. Gilman, J. P. 1844. Nelson Bullard of Sherborn, Maine EARLY MARRIAGES IN SANGERVILLE 175 Dec. 5. Miss Susan M. Plumer of Sangervillc, bj' Samuel Ambrose, Clergy- man. 1844. Stephen Huston of Falmouth June 7. Miss Eliza Jane Dunham of Sangorville, by B. Burslcy, J. P. 1845. Daniel Rice of Cuilford March 30. Miss Sarah J. Bishoi) of Sangervillc, by Rev. Sanuiel Ambrose. 1845. Abiza Warren of Foxcroft May 4. Miss .Judith D. Spaulding of Foxcroft, by Rev. S. Ambrose. 1845. Elbridge G. Harlow of Sangerville ^lav 22. Miss Huldah D. Dearth of Sangerville, by Rev. S. Ambrose. 1845. ^ Benjamin Millett of Alaxfield May 26. Miss Hannah Cross of Sangerville, by Rev. S. Ambrose. 1845. Daniel Plummer of Sangerville ^lav 19. Miss Miranda M. Oakes of Sangerville, by Rev. Otis W. Bridges. 1845. Alfred T. Robinson of Orono Aug. 22. Miss Lydia E. Gould, of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1845. Thomas H. Rollins of Parkman Oct. 25. Miss Mary Brookins of Sangerville, by O. W. Bridges, Clergyman. 1845. William P. Bray of Abbot July 31. Mrs. Catharine Gale of Solon, by Henry Sewall. 1846. Osgood P. Lougee of Sangerville Feb. 15. Miss Abigail Ireland of Sangerville, by John Folsom, J. P. 1845. Merritt Saunders of Brewer, Dec. 11. Miss Eliza Davis of Sangerville, by Rev. C. D. Pillsbury. 1846. Jeremiah D. Cleaves of Sangerville Jan. 29. Miss Betsey Davis of Sangerville, by Rev. C. D. Pillsbury. 1845. David Wilkins, Jr., of Parkman July 13. Miss Marj- A. Lane of Parkman, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1845. Loring S. Holt of Sangerville Nov. 30. Miss Amitv H. Grav of Sangerville, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1846. Joseph W." Bradford of Sebec June 25. Miss Alethea W. .Snow of Sangerville, by Rev. C. D. Pillsbury. 1846. Hiram Anderson of Sangerville Nov. 5. Miss Martha Mitchell of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges, Clergy- man. 1847. Parley A. Bailey of Sangerville Jan. 21. Mi.ss "Judith Betsey Oilman of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1847. Joseph Mace of Sangerville Feb. 7. Miss Sophia Ann Page of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1847. John Marsh of Sangerville March 28. Miss Harriet Lanpher of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1846. John M. Lombard of Bangor Sept. 22. ]Miss Eugenia A. C. Edgerly of Bangor, by John Folsom, J. P. 1847. Daniel R. Gilbert of Parkman Apr. 5. Miss Sarah H. Clement of Sangerville, by A. J. W. Stevens, J. P. 1846. Joseph Littlefield of Sangerville Dec. 5. Miss Lorinda Webster of Sangervillc, by Wm. G. Clark, J. P. 1848. John C. Burrill of Sangerville Apr. 16. Sarah H. Beal of Sangerville, by Hiram Stacy, J. P. 1848. Sanford J. McPheters of Hermon May 1. Miss Sarah Oilman of Sangerville, by Moses Oilman, J. P. 184S. Charles C. Emery of Waterville May 15. Miss Hannah G. Clark of Sangervillc, by Wm. 0. Clark, J. P. 1848. Holmes D. Cov of Sangerville Sept. 17. Miss Marv Aiispland of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1848. Jacob Berrv of Alton, N. H. . Sept. 18. Miss Laura Ann Edgerly of Sangerville, by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1849. Asa H. Herring of Sangerville Feb. 27. Miss Ellen M. Ayer of Sangerville, by Eben G. Trask. 1849. Joseph M. Quinlev of Sangerville Aug. 12. Miss Ehza A. Goodwin of Sangerville, by Rev. John A. Perry. 1849. Robert Gray of Sangerville 176 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Sept. 23. Miss Eliza Ann Drow of Sangervillej by Rev. O. W. Bridges. 1849. James C. Watson of Parkman May 6. Miss Mary M. Quinley of Sangerville, by Rev. 0. W. Bridges. 1849. Royal Knowlton of Sangerville Apr. 8. Miss Mercy Ann Whitman of Sangerville, by Moses Oilman, J.'P. 1850. John F. Farrington of Bangor May 5. Miss Ann S. W. Parsons of Sangerville, by P. C. Parsons, J. P. 1850. Henry L. Parsons of Dover Oct. 20. Miss Rebecca H. Dearth of Sangerville, by Rev. J. A. Perry. 1850. Joseph J. Webb, Jr., of Sangerville Nov. 10. Lovina B. Temple of Hallowell, by Lucien French, J. P. 1850. Dunham Campbell of Hallowell Nov. 10. Jane Webb of Sangerville, by L. French, J. P. Record of Deaths in Town of Sangerville (Copies of the Original Town Records) John Adams died September 28, 1821. Enoch Adams died August 8, 1860. Eunice W. Adams, died March 5, 1856.' Elizabeth Adams Springall died September 17, 1852. Julia Adams died in Sangerville, March 29, 1846. Thomas Sanders died August 5, 1871. Francis Sanders died June 18, 1866. Sylvina Sanders died September 6, 1855. Thomas Sanders died November 3, 1855. Joshua W. Sanders died August 10, 1865. Meda M. Sanders died July 29, 1881. Walter Leland died January 8, 1883. Infant Daughter died August 26, 1811. Leonard B. Goff, died October 27, 1842. Viella Frances Bessey died in Sangerville, October 27, 1851. Nathaniel Atwood died December 15, 1850. Abner Holt died February 26, 1882. Martha Consort of John Carsley died June 26, 1819 aged 53 years. Abby of Leathers died March 30, 1841. Lena Corsley died May 8, 1819. Edward Jewett died October 20, 1883. Ann Maria Jewett died November 27, 1849. Edward James Jewett died July 14, 1862. WiUiam Goss son of B. C. & Betsy Goss died May 30, 1815. Olive A. Pollard died in Sangerville. Benjamin K. Pollard died in Sangerville, January 13, 1843. Henry Roby died in Sangerville March 8, 1832. Jane Roberts died August 25, 1830. Jonathan Roberts died February 1, 1832. George Edwin Roberts died March 28, 1834. James T. Roberts died February 28, 1840. B Cleaves died at Sangerville, February, 1850. George H. Lewis died September 16, 1872. George Lewis died November 24, 1861. Susan E. Lewis died September 3, 1861. Charles T. Lewis died February 22, 1884. Sally Carleton daughter of Guy and Sally Carleton died July 24, 1822. Guy Carleton, Jr. died October 5, 1825. WALTER LELAND To whom reference is made on page 107 178 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY Guy Carleton, Esq., died at Sangerville April 12, 1S36. Augustus Nathan died September 2, 1824. Nathan Shed Jr., died March 3, 1832. Charles Rollins son of Samuel RoUins died August 12, 1822. Samuel Farnham died June 28, 1889. George Douty died September 29, 1863. George H. Douty died July 15, 1863. David J. Douty died October 10, 1863. Martha Kingsbury died December 3, 1831 aged 73 years & 8 months. Abner Knowles died April 2, 1841. Mary Matilda Parsons died September 18, 1851. Betsy Oakes died at Sangerville April 19, 1850. Eleanor Jackson died in Sangerville August 14, 1827. James J. Weymouth died May Mary Dimon Weymouth died February 5, 1842.. Lovina Weymouth died February 11, 1865. Thomas V. Weymouth died January 29, 1885. Betsey Bearce W. Bursley died July 29, 1865. ReUance Martha Dennett died January 18, 1823. Lelinda E. Binsley died at Sangerville, September 22, 1845. Peter O. died at Sangerville, June 4, 1847. Charles Edward Proctor died in Sangerville, December 1, 1846. Mary S. Mitchell died at Wintkrop, November 11, 1825. Mrs. Rebecca Leech, died in Sangerville May 4, 1846. Jonathan Sherman Gihnan died September 30, 1839. Josiah Keen died January 11, 1882. Margery Keen died March 31, 1845. Martha Ann Keen died January 4, 1830. Mary Jane Keen died February 28, 1839. Cotton Brown died in Sangei'ville, February 4, 1882. Betsey Brown wife of C. Brown died in Sangerville, April 16, 1877. Delana Lowell died in Sangerville, August 2, 1845. Wilham Thomas Flanders died September 29, 1848. Isaiah Knowlton, 2d died in Sangerville, November 24, A. D. 1843. Cyrus Knowlton died in Sangerville, September 26, 1848. Lydia Ann Knowlton died in Sangerville, February 17, 1850. George Knowlton died in Sangerville, October 24. 1847. Stevens Spooner died in Sangerville, July 17, 1827, aged 64 years. Lucretia Spooner died in Sangerville, December 7, 1825. Charles Henry Parshley died September 1, 1840. Albion Paris Grav died April 29, 1848. John Hill died April 12, 1880. Rebeckah Hill died December 21, 1864. Lorrain Folsom died January 9, 1862. Lucv Ann Folsom died April 7, 1844. Sabina Carleton died April 3, 1823. Asa Jackson died July 6, 1882. Nancy Jackson died January 27, 1877. Alden Jackson died November 3, 1834. Ann Maria Jackson died April 7, 1839. Prentiss Mellen Jackson died May 31, 1847. Loreen A. Jackson died July 14, 1882. David McGregor Weymouth died May 28, 1832. William Weymouth Jr. died Januarv 22, 1876. Andrew J. Graves died in Guilford, 'Mo., July 27, 1828. Elvira Jane Graves died in Parkman, June 9, 1838. Era.stus Foote Gould died October 6, 1843. Smith Fairfield Gould died April 10, 1849. Adriana Dyer died February 11, 1848. WiUiam Parsons died Nov. 6, 1844. Whitefield G. Thompson died in Sangerville, July 27, 1870. Eunice H. Thompson died in Milwaukee, Wis., October 25, 1871. TOWN OFFICERS 179 Whitefield N. Thompson died in .Sangorville, April 4, 1845. Mary W. Thompson died in Pointlookout, Md., March 12,' 1865. Albert G. Emery died January 15, 1872. Zachary T. Emery died September 2, 1880. Susan Ellis Carleton died in Sangervllle, March 8, 1836. Heircy Bishop died November 27, 1868. Sarah C. Bishop died April 28, 1875. Ann E. Bishop died May 6, 1883. Sarah J. Bishop died November 20, 1856. John Bishop died .January 6, 1822. Mary Ann Ford died June 27, 1850. Benjamin Ford died Ann W. Ford died Martha Oakes died in Sangerville, November, 1851. Wm. Oakes died in Sangerville, January 12, 1851. Town Officers (Copies of the Original Town Records) CLERKS Samuel McClanathan, 1815-18; Benjamin C. Goss, 1819-21; Isaac Ma- comber, 1822-28; Edward Mitchell, 1829-31; Robert Carleton, 1832-35; Barna- bas Bursley, 1836-38, 39-40, 52; Francis R. Drake, 1841-42; WiUiam G. Clark, 1843-49; Moses Flanders, 1850; Hiram Anderson, 1853-55; Thomas Sanders, 1856-57, 59-60; A. T. Wade, 1858; E. G. Flanders, 1861-64-65; O. B. Williams, 1862; S. W. Newhall, 1863-66-67-69-87; D. A. Jackson, 1868-89-90; D. A. Jackson, 1888-91-96; H. C. Ford, 1889-90; W. B. Gray, 1897-99; W. A. Burgess, 1900-04; A. W. Campbell, 1905-1910; John Farr, 1911; L. M. Seabury, 1912- 1914. SELECTMEN 1815, William Cleaves, Guy Carleton, Chas. Morgridge 1816, Samuel McClanathan, Guy Carleton, David Douty 1817, Samuel McClanathan, David Douty, William Kinkley 1818, Samuel McClanathan, Appolas Pond, Guy Carleton 1819, Samuel McClanathan, Guy Carleton, Benjamin Goss 1820, Samuel McClanathan, Benjamin Goss, Guy Carleton 1821, Samuel McClanaf lian, Benjamin Goss, Guy Carleton 1822-24, Samuel McClanathan, Isaac Macomber, Guy Carleton 1825, Judidiah P. Leland, Capt. WilHam Oakes, Oren Record 1826, William Oakes, Oren Record, Moses Gihiian 1827, William Oakes, Moses Oilman, William Gould 1828, Edward Mitchell, WiUiam Gould, William Oakes, Jr. 1829, William Oakes, Jr., Henry Bullard, Isiah Knowlton 1830, Isiah Knowlton, Jr., Edward Mitchell, Henry Bullard 1831, Isiah Knowlton, Jr., Edward Mitchell, Stephen Lowell 1832, Isiah Knowlton, Jr., Stephen Lowell, Asa Jackson 1833, Robert Carleton, John Tucker, Benjamin Cunningham 1834, Stephen Lowell, Isiah Knowlton, Jr., Henry Bullard 1835, William Oakes, Jr., Thomas Flanders, Stephen Lowell 1836, Stephen Lowell, Isiah Knowlton, Jr., Eleazer Brown 1837-38, Eleazer Brown, Barnabas Bursley, Jas. Thompson 180 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY 1839, Eleazer Brown, Barnabas Bur.sley, Daniel Spooner 1840, Stephen Lowell, Daniel Spooner, Algernon Howard 1841, A. S. Howard, Samuel Bearce, William Oakes 1842, William Oakes, Benjamin Lane, David Oilman 1843, Eleazer Brown, Benjamin Lane, David Oilman 1844, Eleazer Brown, Benjamin Lane, Francis Droke 1845, F. K. Droke, Oeo. Douty, G. H. Lewis 1846-47, Oeo. Douty, William Oakes, Jr., P. C. Parsons 1848-50, Stephen Lowell, Jonathan Roberts, P. C. Parsons 1851, Stephen Lowell, P. C. Parsons, Lysander Waterman 1852, Stephen Lowell, Cyrus Brockway, Asa Jackson 1853, P. C. Parsons, Cyrus Brockway, Geo. H. Lewis 1854-55, Geo. H. Lewis, A\'illiam Oakes, Joseph Fowler 1856-57, William Oakes, Joseph Fowler, Hiram Jewett 1858, Joseph Fowler, Cotton Brown, William Campbell 1859, Cotton Brown, William Camj^bell, John Goggin 1860, William Camjjbell, John Goggin, William Oakes 1861, John Goggin, William P. Oakes, Isaiah Knowlton 1862, Joseph P'owler, Barnabas Bursley, F. D. Dearth 1863-64, John Goggin, Daniel Spooner, William P. Oakes 1865, William P. Oakes, Jas. Wej-mouth, Eben Damon 1866, P. C. Parsons, Ira F. Hayes, D. W. Hussey, 1867-68, William P. Oakes, Eben Damon, Enos G. Flanders 1869, ^^'illiam P. Oakes. Eben Damon, WiUiam Jackson 1870, D. W. Hussev, S. W. Xewhall, Hiram Anderson 1871, Eben Damon, S. W. Newhall, K. P. Knowlton 1872, William P. Oakes, D. W. Hussev, K. P. Knowlton 1873-74, WiUiam P. Oakes, K. P. KnowUon, M. C. Bailey 1875, William P. Oakes, K. P. KnowUon, C. A. Howard 1876, WiUiam P. Oakes, C. A. Howard, C. A. Morgan 1877, WiUiam P. Oakes, C. A. Morgan, H. L. Leland 1878, D. W. Hassev, K. P. KnowUon, A. E. HaU 1879, William P. Oakes, F. D. Thompson, A. E. HaU 1880, WiUiam P. Oakes, F. D. Thompson, C. A. Morgan 1881-82, WiUiam P. Oakes, F. D. Thompson. B. F. RolUns 1883, WiUiam P. Oakes, K. P. Knowlton, B. F. RoUins 1884, WiUiam P. Oakes, Jacob X. Lebroke, B. F. RolUns 1885, WiUiam P. Oakes, J. N. Lebroke, O. E. Brett 1886, William P. Oakes, C. A. Morgan, L. D. Edgerly 1887, D. W. Hussev, A. E. Hall, WiUiam JacLson 1888, WiUiam P. Oakes, O. B. WiUiams, A. E. HaU 1889, C. A. Morgan, L. O. Demeritt, F. D. Thompson 1890, C./A. Morgan, L. O. Demeritt, M. H. Jackson 1891, C. A. Morgan, J. N. Lebroke, Jacob Mason 1892, C. A. Morgan, J. N. Lebroke, F. J. Carsley 1893-95, M. J. Jewett, J. N. Lebroke, F. J. Carsley 1896, F. J. Carslev, Geo. L. Barrows, O. B. Williams 1897, O. B. WiUiams, H. S. Stubbs, Delon Robinson 1898-99, M. J. Jewett, J. N. Lebroke, Delon Robinson 1900-03, M. J. Jewett, J. N. Lebroke, M. H. Jackson 1904, M. J. Jewett, J. W. Watson, F. W. Cleaves 1905-06, W. A. Burgess, F. W. Cleaves, J. X. Lebroke 1907, M. J. Jewett, F. W. Cleaves, J. X. Lebroke 1908, M. J. Jewett, J. X. Lebroke, Jacob Mason 1909, W. A. Burgess, F. W. Cleaves, A. O. CampbeU 1910, W. A. Burgess, W. E. Leland, John L. Howard 1911, W. A. Burgess, John Farr, F. W. Cleaves, A. W. CampbeU, F. H. Herring 1912, John Farr, F. W. Cleaves. W. R. Farnham 1913, John Farr, E. J. Prince, F. W. Cleaves, W. E. Leland, W. R. Farnham 1914, E. J. Prince, F. S. Campbell, W. R. Farnham COUNTY OFFICERS FROM SANGERVILLE 181 TREASURERS David Douty, 1815-17; Samuel McClanathan, 1818-19; Apolas Pond, 1820- 21; Aaron Morse, 1822; Guy Carleton, 1823-26-28-29; Enoch Adams, 1824; Robert Carlton, 1825; Thissell, 1830; Edward Magoon, 1831-32; Robert Carlton, 1833; Stephen Lowell, 1834-37-38-39, 40; Samuel R. Bearce, 1835; Joseph Magoon, 1836; P. C. Parsons, 1841; William G. Clark, 1842-49; Benjamin Lane, 1850-51; Bishop, 1852-54; Edward Jewett, 1855; E. G. Flanders, 1856-57-62-71-72-78; Hiram Anderson, 1858-59; Josiah Fowler, 1860-61; David Carr, 1863; J. S. Folsom, 1864-07; William Oakes, 1868-69; S. H. Morgan, 1870- 71; D. W. Hussey, 1873; Lucien French, 1874; S. N. Gile, 1875-76-82-87; J. P. Leland, 1877: O. B. WiUiams, 1879-81; A. O. Campbell, 1888-89; J. W. Bishop, 1890-94; Geo. L. Barrows, 1895-97; H. S. Stubbs, 1896; W. A. Hill, 1898-90; A.-'L. Carr, 1909-1914. County Officers From Sangerville In comparison with others of the larger towns in Piscataquis County, it would seem that Sangerville has had rather a meagre share of the county officers. Wlieii the county was organized in 1838, Governor Kent appointed members of the Whig party to fill the various offices in the new county and Barnabas Bursley was thus honored with being the first Register of Probate and was elected to the same position in 1841, serving one term. In 1858 Samuel Whitney, for several years a merchant at Sangerville village, was elected Register of Probate and died in office. Colonel Wilham Oakes, Jr., was Sheriff 1842-1845 and Edward Jewett held the office for one tei-m in 1862. Mr. Jewett was again elected Sherif? in 1863 and held the office until and including 1872. In 1849 Jonathan Roberts was elected County Commissioner and Barnabas Bursley was elected to the same office in 1853 and Melvin J. Jewett in 1896. Wilham A. Burgess, then re- j New Mount Kineo House and Annex jj I >Ioosehead I..ak.e, Kineo, Elaine. || [ In the Centre of the Great Wilderness on a Peninsula Under the H I Shadow of Mount Kineo. H On the East side of the most beautiful lake in New England, forty || miles long and twenty miles wide, dotted with islands, and with hundreds !j of smaller lakes and streams in easy proximity, in the midst of some of H the grandest scenery in America, is the H NEW MOUNT KINEO HOUSE and Annex it recently remodeled and with many improvements added; making it second to none for || comfort, convenience and i-ecreation. Jl It is a Palace in the Maine woods and in the heart of the great game region. II This region leads all others for trout and salmon. Spring and Summer fishing. || The NEW MOUNT KINEO HOUSE opens June 27th, remaining || open to September 28th. New Annex opens May 16, Closes Sept. 28. || II WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, t{ containing full description of its attractions for health and pleasure during the Summer H season. First-class transportation facilities offered during the seasons. || Rlcker Hotel Company, Kineo, Maine n C. A. JUI>KIXS, Manager. jj 182 SPR AGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY siding in Sangerville, was County Attorney three years, 1897-10. Alfonso F. Marsh was County Treasurer 1911-12. Honorable Angus O. Campbell was a member of Governor Cobb's Council 1907-08. Notes About Sangerv'ille From Old Maine Registers 1826. Postmaster Samuel McClanathan Quarter Master, 5th Regiment, Maine Militia Reuben Ordway Coroner Wilham Hinkley 1831. Postmaster ; Edward Mitchell Attorney at Law David R. Straw Coroners Samuel Roby William Hinkley Jediah Leiand Justice of the Peace Guy Carleton David R. Straw William Oakes, Jr. 1843. Postmaster William O. Ayer. Sheriff Wilham Oakes, Jr. 1855. Postmaster Simeon Mudgett Blacksmiths George W. Brett Loren Holt Boot & Shoe Dealer Gilbert D. Parshley Cabinet maker William Sanborn Carriage Builder John Ordway, Jr. Country Stores Benjamin Lane Stephen Lowell Morgan Pubhc House Heircy Bishop Booksellers Past and ^"^1 t^e schoolmaster. They usually were rriends or the old-rashioned prmt- Present. er. who was nearlj' always an editor and in many cases an orator. Their (N. Y. World.) stores were headquarters for students A speaker at the meeting in New and thinkers. York of the American Booksellers" Such merchants have now disap- Association referred to "the blank- peared almost everywhere. There are faced book salesman, with his stupid- big cities in the United States that do ity, which acts as an obstacle between not have a true book store. There are the books and the reading public." hundreds of important towns that have That there is such a person is well nothing resembling a book store. known. Books are sold, of course, but they The bookseller of other days was not may be a side line for dry goods or for blank-faced and he was not an ob- peanuts. The lady or the gentleman stacle. He was in the business, as a at the counter sells books not as our rule, because he loved books. He old booksellers did but merely as one knew all about them, inside as well as who operates a cash-register. outside, and he took pleasure in their It is pleasing to note the fact that company. the trade is taking this blank-faced Booksellers of this type used to be person into consideration. There is found in every town having a popula- hardly any member of commercial so- tion of 10,000 or more. They ranked ciety who stands in such need of in- socially with the preacher, the lawyer struction. Sprague's Journal of Maine History Is the only publication in Maine devoted exclusively to State History. TERMS: For all numbers issued during the year. Including an index and all special issues $1,00 Single Copies, .25 Bound volumes of same, 1.75 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY AT DOVER, MAINE LIDnAAn I ^-'l W'w/i'iVJi ii-vj |||:||yillllllllll III lllllliillllllll 013 995 713 1