i 1847. (With streets intersecting, not released.) ) Otter. Original high^fay. w. and e. laing and co.*s plot. — (not released.) — Formerly Heiskell's, viz : Streets diverging northerly from Otter street : — Linden, Locust, and Maple, 1851 ; and intersected by- Pearl and Green, parallel with Otter, 1851. SEAL [Borough]. On the margin the words " Borough of Bris- tol, Pa. — A Steamboat engraved in the centre. This devise was proposed and adopted in Council, the 15th of August, 1826. time's doings. 33 FISCAL AFFAIRS: For a long period of years the Borough finances had been fully supplied out of the receipts of the corporation for wharfage, market rents, hay-scales, &c. ; so that little or no assessment of taxes for Borough purposes were required up to the close of the 17th century. We here present the amount of taxes required to be levied, annually, during the past half-century : TAXES authorized to be Levied. Feb. 1803, $100 00 Julv, 1803, 235 43 Sept. 1804, 80 00 1805, 000. Sept. 1806, 150 00 1807, 000. May, 1808, Sept. 1808, 1809-'10, 000. Sept. 1811, 450 00 Nov. 1812, 1813, 000. Feb. 1814, 1815, 000. Oct. 1816, Oct. 1817, Sept. 1818, 1819, 000. 80 00 132 00 200 00 250 00 321 00 550 00 350 00 Sept. 1820, Sept. 1821, Sept. 1822, Sept. 1823, Sept. 1824, Dec. 1825, Sept. 1826, 1827, 000. April, 1828, Sept. 1828, Sept. 1829, Sept. 1830, Sept. 1831, Sept. 1832, Sept. 1833, Sept. 1834, Sept. 1835, Sept. 1836, 250 00 200 00 200 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 400 00 450 00 400 00 400 00 200 00 400 00 500 00 600 00 450 00 450 00 600 00 Sept. 1837, Sept. 1838, Sept. 1839, Sept. 1840, Sept. 1841, 1842, 000. Sept. 1843, Sept. 1844, Sept. 1845, Sept. 1846, Sept. 1847, Sept. 1848, Sept. 1849, Sept. 1850, May, 1851, April, 1852, April, 1853, 1000 00 2000 00 1200 00 1000 00 1260 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 650 00 1000 00 1000 00 1400 00 1400 00 LOANS, &c., during the past 20 years: — 1831, Ap. to Ap. 1840,— (to build Town House, and for other improvements,) $2,000 00 1831, Aug. to Oct. 1838,— (to repair breach of mill-dam into Bath street,) 1,000 00 1837, May.— Issue of scrip authorized, 5,000 00 [83,000 of which to be applied to building the Public School-house.] July, additional sum authorized, of 3,400 00 1638, Ap. 16, — (to pay balance due on school-house, 81936 87, and for other objects,) not to exceed 6,000 00 1838, Ap. — (to take out of circulation a like amount in less sums than 850,) 6,000 00 -1837-8. Whole amount of scrip in circulation, 4* 7,689 00 34 HISTORY or BRISTOL. 1839, Sept. — Loan to redeem certificates and pay other debts, 7,000 00 1839, Ap.— (Temporary,) 8,000 00 1842, Jan. do. 4,000 00 " March, do. 2,000 00 1842-'51. Whole amount of indebtedness on loans, 7,000 00 1351, Ap.— (To rebuild and extend Mill street wharf,) 1,500 00 1852, March.— Indebtedness on loans, 8,500 00 1852, Mar.— Liabilities, (deducting $647 61 in dues) 7,852 89 1853, March.— Indebtedness on loans, 8,500 00 " Total indebtedness, 8,597 18 1853, March.— Liabilities (deducting $ 1184 91 in re- sources and monies in hand, 7,412 27 1853, Ap.— (Loan to redeem 2 loans of $1000 each,) 2,000 00 In 1846 Council commenced a sinking fund for the gradual extinguishment of the debts of the corporation, by setting aside and loaning on interest, annually the sum of $100. Since 1851, no appropriations have been made to this fund. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES for Borough purposes from 1842