PS6ZS Z<^ ^^53 '^^t-r'^^^jg^'^j'^r^^^^^^jfr'^j^r'^j^-'^^^.jfr-^^^ AMES AND IIOLGATE'S ■ "IT, SERIES OF ) timmm and ^iNOft drama. ( % (si^ni'M SIX.) \ THE STUDIO. I ) { ) immim FiR8s m mm mi.{ With tt dt'?<;rIptDu oi Cosuiine— Knlranccs rikI Exits, and the whole of the Stage Business. AMES (fc UOLGATS, PUBl-ISHIi^S, @LYD£, OHIO. "-->. AMES & HOLGATE'S EDITIOiS OF 16 CENTS EACH. No 1. Mr an^l Mus Pkingle, a Farce in one act, by Don T DeTreba Cosio'v^*!?i very amusing piece, seven male, five female ^ characters. Nc. 2. Desperat^ Gam«, a Comic Drama Mn one act, by Jolm Aladisoii Morton, the well known Dramatic Author, three male and two female cliaracter.s. No. 3. LiDY of Lyoku, or L)7c aud Pride, Play in '"ivo acts by Sir Edward LjttonBulv/erj tW'.l /emale and five fern ih char- acter^, No 4^ RiCHELitu, or the Conspiracy, a Play In five acts by ■ Sir Edward Lytton Buhver, sixteen male and two female char- ters. . ■ No. 5; ' Wii?.:< Women Yv'eePi a Comedietta in one act, by J, Newton Gj-thoid, This very pleasing Play is entirely new, and wherever it has been played, has been, received vvith great" ap-' plause: No. 6. The Studio, an .Ethiopian Farce in on(? act, thrc3 male characters j No; 7; The Vow of the Ornan-j a Drama in three actsifroiit the German, by J, Newton Gotthoid, eight male and one iemalc character; No. 8. The Better Half, Comedietta in one act, by Tho?, J Williams, th6 well known Author, five male and two femvale characters: No. ■). Lady Audley'^ Se-oret, a Drama int'vo actsj from Miss Br.iddon's novel of the same name, by Wm, E, Sutcr, dthei^ ^lays \Olll roLpidlj follou), y THE STUDIO. '^ ' •r. AN ETHIOPEAN FAECE IK ONE ACT. 'A ? iJ^^^red actco-iJlng: to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by AMES AND HOLGATE, in the office of the Librariau of Coa-ress, at WAsMog-t»a. AMl'fi AM) HOLOATE, PUBUfHtEE, Clyde, Ohie. I yjii A^l'o^ •^ ^> SCENES IN THE STUDIO. [Art for three character?.] ^Time of representation, fifteen to twenty minutef.^ CHARACTERS. Mr F^Lix Gumbo, from the country. Mr Collodian, a photographer. Adolphos, a hoy up-at-alUfuii- TMP96-007i84 COSTUM-ES. Gumbo.- White beaver h?ot, queer shaped, nap nibbed llje wroa^f way, red coat, rather t'hort-skirted, broad plaid waistcoat^ cut low in the neck to show shirt of blue stripe on white grcmpd a blue or green, battered umbrella, a large valiso or carpet-- bag crammed with paper, not to be opened. Collodian,— Is/^ dress, black trousers, wliitc vest, drcssing-gowtj and smoking-cap with tassel. 2nd dress, the fame, with loos* jacket, instead of dressing-gown. Adolphufr. — Page's suit with button and lao«, l^areheadwt, PROPERTIES, , Table up C, against flat, covered with fancy cloth, phoiograpbti of all sizes, smaller tables at R. and L. U. corners.with book?. and statuettes upon them. Chairs along flat, one R. front, one C. on line of 2nd grooves, carpet-bag and umbrella for Gum- bo, long-handled broom in L. U. corner, exagerated apparat- us, consisting of tripod of mans high th, with camera, as fol- lows., a plain, neat, box, 2 by 2 by 3 feet, placed hori7:ontaly placed the long way, circular hole in front, for tin tube (10 inches in diameter, one foot long), to which is a lid with a handle to remove and replace it at outer end, a slide opening made at same end of box to admit of a frame being passed into it and across it, black or dark blue baize cloth tacked to other end of box, v/hich is open, in loose folds to hang down from r>K *on edfje, a shelf is fitted to the tripod R. side (facing au- dience) , to hold a large pantomime watch with steel dog-chain s to maici, iraine lo lit rfllvle-opeaing in camera, on which is p placed for each perfovmance-papar on which is rudely sketched two faces of the sarae size, one upright, the other a little traas« inversely, a handful of fk-^' reedy in cup on tabl« C- (br THE 8 T U D X O. .i-..,:.^...- . SCENE, An Intcal^or, rather Pxice pr.rlar^ pictnres' on the oralis, statues in the corners, painted or natural. Closed in R. and L.,with practical doors side. Adolphus. {dusdng tahle, etc.) What's de use ob kcepm' do place so nice lookin' wjien it's more dan a fortnight since a cus- cmer caine'Tnj^cd such a fort'nit wont happen again in a hur- ry. Oh ! helfe'^ 'a mu'sS/ {.dust's chair R. ) Col. {enter R. D, ) I)ont, mak^ the dust flj so Adolphus I We've too much 5iS\kilty as it ' Is 'in rai-iing the wind and brindn' down the dust. Any one call? Adol. Yes ! Col. Den dar is hopefullessuess ! > Adol. Maybe dar is, hut'it was de landlord, who said dat.dis studjoe stood 3V in too little' for him to let vou be left tenant i^.noder tree' quarters for nolmg. Col. Nobody else? (R.C.) Adol. Mt a else. (L. C.) ■ Col.^, Den/da'r is no lise a-strivin', I've sold ebberyting in dc house 'cept'de c'ciitents of dis room. I tell you what boy, as de public vron't "appreciate high at;t bnde sixth storj, we must de- seen' to dem, and iiia|.e dem give us a chance. ., Adol. 'i3r£ther dey'd give us some change. . * Col. Boy,'ifyouwanf to know what a dinner looks, tike dis v.'eek, you fnust gbdo^Tn 6^ de street and fotch up de very fu£< man what J'ou can handle. Adol. S'pose he v/on't be fotched? Col. LaSPgo aud lay by for a smaller one/ Adol. rn do it ! {shakes his hroom.) THE STUDIO. Col. 1*11 raise, your celliiiy — Adol. I cant raise any niyseli". Col. You shall sleep on top ob de table, instid ob under it. Adol. I'D. fasten on de lust man, (sets hroom L. U. con ta' hing attitude.) Your likeiiesjj or vuur life. (Exit L. I). Col. Can't say I wanted any urging to display niv energy. If an artist like me can't get customers dis way, I'll get up a i-affle, all the prizes blanks, and gamble ofi'de tings from de cam- ?.-ra obscura (and likely to go away still more obscurely). Hark ! {hand on breast.) Be still my heart be still, De boy's nailed somebody, I must give him sixpence more a monf from this time on. Here day come ! {to c.) Now to change my suit fur more artistic habiliments. {Exit R. D. — great noise L. {frautpling L.) Adol- enters L. pulling Gumbo, to C Gumbo umhrella in one hand., hag in otJier^fall over chair C. Sits np aghast. Adol. Dar y'are. Gumbo, {rises, Aside. )T)i\v I are. AVell dat's much is trufl*, {picks up hag (£'c,)It's kinder scurious, I lieard dcy was wcrry frien'ly in the big city, but I ueber t'ought dis was de Avay dey took 'em in. Is dis a hotel, boy? Adol. Dis is a photomagraphic studjoe. Gumbo. Eh? Adol . Dis is &c. Gumbo. Yes and I used to know him. Is he avcH? Adol. Who? Gum. Ole Stew Joe. Adol. I said a photomagraphic stud-joe, A gallery. Gum. And so dis is a gallery, I wonder that they will leiT you behave so boy-stir-us here den. AVhy de ruif is a winder ! Dat is kinder scurious. Abol Dej take pictures here. Gum.Do dey? (hugs hag.) I got an ilo ]>aiuting in my ridicufp f, THE STUDIO. an I'd like to behold de fust man take dat. Adol. We dont take pictures dat way. You can hare your- self delineated in any style you wish. . , . , Gum. Iwould'athave myself de-lin-in-ated in any tile butdis , Adol. And at all prices. Hold on a bit till I tell my master, (exit K.) Oh, Master ! here's a customer. Gum, (scared) Dis i& kinder scurious, Hullo, what's dis ma- chine, I wonder-r looks like a new fangled hash-cutter, only dont see no crank. Kinder sci^rious. (to table) Hullo, heyahs a lot of o' pictures, Jeerusaleminy, ain't dey pritty ! Whew here's a man wid two crowns to his head, why ha, ha, here's his name on it. De Emperum Lewis Nappleum, Did he come here to have his figger drew ? Kinder scurious. Latest news. Dresses made lower dan eber. My, heyah's a pootier gal, I rader link I'll keep dis one, All de young fellers does dat now a pd says— ^e gals gub it to 'um, JEnterQo\. K. Col. Ah, Oh, Hum. Gumbo, (starts) Oh, Ah, Hum. Col. Good— ah— morningc Gum. Good arternpDn ebenin', \_r)icture falls from hat, .^aud stops Gntnho) Look heyah, massa. Col. {to C.) What do you mean by walking off with dat ehair? Gumbo. You gub it me. Col. I tole you to take a chair and, sot down, {to R.) Gumbo, sits in chair L. other chair in lap. — Adol. pulU it from him. — Gumbo springs to his feet, and dances wildly a fnif steps around Adolphus io frighten him, returns to L. front Col. [at camera R.] Adolphus, 'pose de gembleman. Gumbo. Keep your post off. [guarding himself Avith uij}- brella.] — [Adol. gets broom from L. tj. corner, cOmes dowm C. Combat.] — [He beats down Gumbo's guart^, runs in, disarma him of umbrella, pushes him to chair L», forces him into scat.] • — Col. at camera. (Gumbo suddenly perceives that the camera tube is levelled at him, and holds up his bag before his face). [Adol. pulls bag from him, and flings it up L., kicks um- brella up L., and,. behind Gulnbo, holds him dov/n m cliair br nhoulders.] — Gumbo acts very nervously . Col. Go way boy, and leff de 'gembleman alone-. , . (^dol. knocks Gumbo's hat off, and goes off L. 1).^ chaBfcrc by Gumbo. ' Col. Will you gtjt into the focus f Cumbo. It's dat boy of your'ui Col. G^et into de focus ! . Cumbo. V/har's de work*us? . .^ . (Col. X's to him, and brings him to L. front)— (Adol. enter L. D.--C0I. forces G^umbo into chair L., when Adol. pulls i tway, andGurabbis teft on floor Us ^Collodion turns away. Gwit-- o trie.$ to «?:n'^e AdolphuB, %7i'5 vunp. out J^. D^, seated oh fl^tvr. THE STUDIOo Col. (at camera, looks over the box) Wharever is dat man ; I lefF him in de cha'r dis bony moment ! Gumbo resumes f^eat.): — Col, (waves his hand to'hipi to move, — (Gumbo's business, still sealed, pf carrying chair with him upstage anddo'ATi, in obediance to Collodion's gestures.) — Col. hechons him. — Gumbo comes to C. — Col. luaves him hack. Gumbo, (hitches chair back till his head strikes the side-set- ■flat) Dis is kinder scurious ! Col. (beckons to him, heaving his head in the camera all the while.)— -Gumbo (leaves lis chair, and goes straight to the /camera's front, whep he looks into the tube. Sees Collodion's right hand Avaving up and down, and takes hold of it.-r-Thcy shake hands for a mom.ent.) Col. (draws his head out of the camera angrily, collars Oumt)o, and drives him back to L.) Gumbo removstratcs iu -pantomime. Col. ISitdown, sir ! and don't move ag'in ! (X's to E., at cam^ era, as before.) Gumbo, (quiet for a brief space, ha? his attention direr'el up L. to his bag and umbrella. Leaves his chair cautiously for umbrella, and, by means of it, rakes the -bag to him. He re- sumes his seat just as Collodion looks overtop of camera to seo where he had gone.) Col. Will you keep quiet, sir ! or shall I light de magnes- ium? 6^umbo [puts bag on chair, and sits en it, and assumes king- on-lhrone attitude, the umbrella open over his head. Col. (discovers this) How dare you, sir, wheii I had you in position ? Gumbo. It's an imposition altogether? Ain't you oooked de portrait yet? Col. Don't budge? I'm goin' to get de plate? Gnmbo. Fotcli a tumbler an' some water — I'd rader drink dan eat. Col. I'll be back in one second. [^Exit^ R. D. iO XIIE SXUDiq. Gumbo. l?m kincler scurious Avhat lie'g gone for. ^ahout to Col. {^enters R. D., with frame, which he puts into camera). If you move, you'll spile all? Tm goiu to iix de bath. (&umbo. Who is dey gw'lne to wash nov/? Adol. enters L. D.', silently, spies iCrumbo, chucMeSy gets feath er, and tickles Guiabo. Gumbo (imagines that all his sensations are caused by the Camera. Very resiless', siieezes) Ain't it drelFul, dough? Pins and needles all obei? Oh ! I feel kinder scurious ! Adol. climhs on bac\; of chair, ancl^ leaning forioardy lookn (lov;n into Gnmbo's /ace, Ovimbo. terrified) Massy sakes ! what dat ! (jumps up, butj reccollectinir, resumes his scat.)— A PAUSE.— Adol. [stands pn his head L., and v.'alks on his hands arpund jii front of Gum. Gumbp [is staring at camera, and s^es Adolphus's feet sudr flenly intervenp. Starts up) Murder ! Qh, it's dat awful boy n.^^aiu. [Clta-^es Adolphusall around the stage, Adolphus kick-. iiig Gumbo's hat and bag, and runaing off L. D.) — Gumbo fusiies back to chair, and sits as before. Collodion (eaters R. D., quickly, looks at Avatch, 5lip=5 the covir on the end of the tube, drops out the frame) V on kin jnove nov. ? [ruf^hes ovt R. D., Gumbo. Dat's one comfort ! (to C, looks around) Jt's wer* ry scurious? (goes to II., examines camera) Pooh! I don't b'iiev it's much to do, art er all ! Oh! {sees ivatch) Here's ^ magloriwus ticker ! If it wasn't for dat boy bein' on de stairs, 1 t'Ink I'd play de Take-it-and-lcave-Man ! (scratches his head) I'd juss like to know weeder any man could'ut do it. S'pose I try u^y hand. In de words of de prophet Bulwig. "Dar's no sich word f!S f[iil !' (puts his umbrella through bag handle, to to prop it \:pright on chair L., £iic';3 his hat on top of umbrella, laughs. Goes to camera, puts hc?ui in) I can't see suffin'? li •TII^ STJDIQ /ion-'t sc'^ii ^o work ! (looks at watcli, hamnj^ra it on can>era, ^shakes it, locks into ctiinera, ^gain, waves his hand to the dumrr r.iy oil chiiir) No go ! li's kinder scii-ri — oh ] (discovers that (he tube is covered) J forgot to take off de sasspun lid ! (tayfceg pff cover; business wi(h watch, etc,, li/ce Collodion's, only still jnore cxlravaganf .)-:-(Ado]phus enters stealtliily L. D., goes to stri/t'e hat in chair L., when he discovers disappearance of Gum^ bo.--:^.pies him U., gets umbrella, ^^'s to Iv., and stri'es (^ambo, who, wiih his head in box, can offer no defence, rr^-^^umbo can- pot extricate, him&elf. — Adolphus runs over JL..— rCollpdion en-, ters wilhpiclure, R, D.) Collodion. (7umbo. Adolphus. K- C, I., Col. You moved ! (Jwlds up picture.) (rumbpj Dat's kinder scurious ! I nebcr so much as wink- Col. I shall charge you double. It's a binograph ! 6^umbo. I'll buy no graphs of you ! Col. Ten shillings single — double, one pounds Gumbo. Only ten if dar was but de one head? Col. Yes — (6^ambo smashes fravied paper over Ms head, — Adolphus ^/^owr* Ais face,) CURTAIN, Ames & H?Igate'« Press Clyde, O. HO WARD'S BOOK OF 1 lleatricals A collection of short and amusing plays in one act and or-« Bccnc, specially adapted for private performances ; with practical directions, for their preparation and management. Some of thg plays are adapted for performers of one sex only. This is just what is wanted by those who purpose getting up an entertain- ment of private theatricals ; it contains all the necessary instruc, tions for insuring complete success, and includes tlic following pieces : The Students Frolic, Farce for tliree male and two .females* A Household Fairy, Flay for one male and one "fem^e. Mrs. Willie's Will, comic Drama for five female chp.racteps. His First Briet, Comedietta for three male «nd two females. A Sudden Arrival, Farce for five male character. A Medical Man, Comedietta for two male and one female. A Terrible Secret, Farce for two male and two females. Poisoned, Farce for four male characters. An Eligible Situation, Eccentricity for three male and six fe male characters. 'Wanted, A Young Lady' Farce for two male and one femal 180 Pages, Paper Cover. Price Bound in Boards 30 CI 50 Send orders to A3IES (& HOLGATE, Clyde, 0, iiUm iiFESSiSi. Oui\s is (he first house that [has attempted the publication of plays in the West, and Ave assure the profession that no pains shall be spared to render ourselves worthy of their best wishes and patronage. We receive ^promptly, I as soon as issued, the publications of other houses, and sb.all, in addition to the Plays publislied by us, bave always on hand a full stock of those published by French, UeWitt, aad Spencer; also foreign Plays. All orders committed to our care will receive prompt atten- ticu ; and Plays will be sent by express or mail to any part of the country. Being situated on the principal route between the East and West, also on one of the principal thoroughfares between the North and South, our facilities are not surpassed by any house for shipping goods promptly. Cash must accompany orders in all cases, and should be sent by P. 0. Order when possible ; otherwise by Registered Letter )r Express. We can only be responsible for money sent an bove directed i We shall take pleasure in replying to all letters of inquiry, f^^An edition of each of our Plays interleaved^ is prepared n' u'essly for Managers and Prbmpters or others who wish such, ly to mark stage business; 'e are tlie first JPublishers who havb ever interleaved Playgs /^e will send them by mail to any address for 25 cts. each. Address AMES & IIOLGATE, Clyde, Obit); LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS Dramatic PiWiiers, STATiOKEB.S & NEWS DEALERS 016 103 774 6 OUR jlIAiLlNG DFA'AllTMENT, E vvoukl call lI:o r.!' fact that ^73 c'- enablcB U3 to u:. 1 c- all v.Iioin it may Interest to tfco \'.ncrsi, Magazine?, &c', loal! \K\y\9. ■ '- -0 un.^Brpasscdby Aoy hoj^so | ' prominent publis.-icrs -which 5 with llicir periodicals, in a(3- ;m nGv/i>ilcalcr3 ar; Tha advant:)!''- , . iircnt to f)^^ i l^i^y:oi'3 and I^l?•; lisiiorswlil noir as A%^e vrill furi! 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Address, AMKS & IIOLGATE., DrAixifttic Publishers, Clyde Ohto. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ililllliiliillllllllilllliillL 016 103 774 6 #