D 515 .1134 Copy 1 *i ffl ffi ff^ mi{^ ffl ffl f^ j^^^j^^^s^-^ E WITH A WILL TO VICTORY BY J. HARTLEY MANNERS Hate, O ye people, and Hate with a Will to Victory'' HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY BY J. HARTLEY MANNERS // *^Hatey oh ye people, and Hate with a Will to Victory* NEW YORK MITCHELL KENNERLEY 1918 COPYRIGHT 19 1 8 BY MITCHELL KENNERLEY NOV 12 1918 /S PRINTED IN AMERICA ©CLA508114 The author will not accept a royalty on the sale of ^^Hate with a Will to Victory" and the publisher will fill orders for quantities of one hundred copies and over for distribu- tion, at the cost of manufacture. DEDICATION To Pro-Germans in the United States: To German- Americans : To Defeatists: To Pacifists: To those who have accepted German money to foster rebellion in Ireland: To those who have striven to impede the ac- tion of the United States Government in speeding up the war: To those who have made their hatred of Great Britain a justification for their dis- loyalty to the United States: To those who organize labor troubles so that the production of munitions^, aeroplanes, ships and all war-materials may be griev- ously handicapped: To those who urge that the Hun should not be humiliated after he has been beaten: 5 6 DEDICATION To those who preach that the German peo- ple are not in sympathy with the war and that they do not hate the peoples of the United States a/nd her Allies: To those who annually celebrate in the United States the sinking of the "Lusi- tania"t To those who believe in and approve Ger- many's war of conquest: Germany's war on civilians: Germany's war on women: Germany's poison-gas: Germany's liquid- flame : Germany's sinking of hospital-ships: Germany's murder of nurses: Germany's attacking undefended cities and massacring their inhabitants: Germany's sending the women of invaded provinces to slavery and to be prostituted by German soldiers: Germany's starving prisoners of war: Germany's crucifying prisoners of war: DEDICATION 7 Germany's infecting healthy prisoners of war with disease: To those who believe in and approve every- thing in a race that is foul, treacherous, brutal and degenerate, I subscribe the fol- lowing for their edification and exceeding content, J, Hartley Manners. August, 1918. HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY AN INDICTMENT OF THE HUN BEWARE OF A GERMAN PEACE GERMAN agents are at work all over the world today promulgating peace — a German Peace. If they succeed this horrible war, forced by Germany on civilization, will end in German Victory. A German Victory would mean the destruction of everything Americans have fought for and are still fighting f or :— ideals ; government by the people; religious tolerance and the common decencies of Hf e. A German Victory would cast a slur on the American people that would go down through 9 10 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTOEY the ages and carry its aftermath through all civilization. No two forms of government are more op- posite than those of Washington and Berlin. In the former the bent of every succeeding administration has been to the common good; in the latter every effort is directed toward universal ill. Merciless tyrants over the com- mon people ; predatory and treacherous neigh- bors; discredited before the rest of the world in their corrupt diplomacy Germany stands pilloried for all time, represented by a gov- ernment without honor, void of justice, want- ing in pity. Every form of legislation; the teaching of their schools and universities; the doctrines of their leaders of thought for generations have all been directed to one end : conquest. Civil- ization is armed against them today as indi- viduals in outlawed communities arm against the thief and the murderer. Germany arro- gates to herself the right to plunder: to mur- der : to terrorize : to violate : to disregard every HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 11 law of God and man. They have made their own laws. They respect none else. They have created their own god — the god of the Him — to him they pay homage and offer in sacrifice sacked cities, burning villages, cruci- fied men, outraged women and bayoneted chil- dren. There is no civilized human being to- day who claims kinship with the German with- out a shudder and a sense of burning shame. None, outside of the brute by instinct, can raise a voice in defence of their actions in forcing this unjust war and their conduct of it during the last four years. One may search in vain through the records of savages to find the forerunner of the bestial and filthy out- rages committed against civilian populations by the soldiers of the most degenerate race that in this year, 1918, disfigures the earth. Therefore, I call on the decent, clean-living people of this great Country to: BEWARE OF A GERMAN PEACE 12 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY The American spirit has always been for justice in their relations with the rest of the world. Whenever they have taken up arms it has been in defence of right. The German spirit is, and has always been one of enmity to everything non-German and hatred for all who think, speak and act adversely to their foul and cruel doctrines. No better exempli- fication of their attitude toward peaceful and — ^until this terrible war was forced on the world by the German- Austrian governments — friendly countries than by their conduct to and in the United States. For twenty-five years they have been working, insidiously at first, then, growing bolder through apparent immunity from suspicion, openly, to engender bitter feeling between America and her neighs bors and her Allies in civilization. Spain, Mexico, Japan and England have all been ex- ploited for the purpose of embarrassing the United States Grovernment. Germans have worked ceaselessly, treacherously and con- temptibly to first create and then foster hos- HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 13 tile relations between these countries and the United States. When the war first broke out in 1914 American citizens of German blood openly stated that England had been pre- paring for years for the war by making enor- mous quantities of munitions at home and sending them secretly to Canada to be later shipped to whatever front the war would com- mence on. No more ridiculous or preposterous lie was ever promulgated. At the beginning of the war England had barely ammunition enough for 100,000 men and no Mgh-eccplosives, Ger- many had 50,000 machine guns, the British army less than 500 : Germany had 4,000 mil- lions of rifle cartridges, England had 20 mil- lions. Germany had the 17-inch Krupp how- itzer, England had only batteries of 4!.7's — and, I repeat, no high-explosives. It was not until Lloyd George became Minister of Muni- tions that high-explosives were made in Eng- land in quantities sufficient to negative the German stupendous preparation. 14t HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY And, in passing, it is a significant commen- tary on the invincibility (!) of the German army that, inferior in numbers as they were, ill-equipped in everything Germany had in overwhelming quantity, the "contemptible lit- tle army" under General French not only re- fused to be beaten by this all-conquering (!) foe but actually made General Joffre's glori- ous victory of the Marne possible. And it is also worthy of at least passing note that, in the face of Germany's much-vaunted efficiency, in two years from the time Lloyd George took control, Britain had not only equalled the forty years' preparation of the Hun but had in many important instances — notably in the mastery of the air . . . sur- passed it. What America has done in little more than a year turns to ridicule Germany's pretension to ''efficiency" Before this war is finished that word will never be heard by a German without a feeling of nausea. They have pitted their coarse, brutal, slow mentali- r "^ties against the keen, alert intelligence of civil- HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 15 ized countries. The result has never been in doubt. The unciean in mind, body and habits cannot successfully cope with the clean for any protracted period. All history teaches that barbarity, after the initial successes of over- powering numbers, has always been subdued. The Hun will be subdued. He will achieve the fate of all foul, unclean mankind. But the brute, when beaten, whines long and loud. He tries to accomplish by corrup- tion what he has failed to win by force. The Hun is doing that today. So, oh, I pray you, beware of a German Peace. II PRO-GERMANISM IN THE UNITED STATES, THE IRISH-AMERICAN AND THE WAR, AND THE GERMAN-AMERICAN T N support of, and in addition to, the lie as ^ to England's alleged preparation, these same citizens of German blood or German sympathy stated freely in this Country in the early days of the war, that England and Japan had formed a secret treaty to make war on America and divide the spoils. These propa- gandists also told all who would listen to them that it was fortunate that Germany had gone to war to protect America from Japan and England. That Germany was the natural ally of the United States, The events of the first three years of the war leading up to America's entrance into it 16 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 17 have proven the malignancy of that form of pro- German propaganda. Many who disseminated it are now in intern- ment-camps, serving terms of imprisonment for sedition or are awaiting trial under the new act. But I most strongly urge any man or woman who, before America came into the war, heard those lies repeated, to at once re- port the names of the people spreading them at that time to the Department of Justice, so that, if they are not already interned they may be kept under surveillance. It is also essen- tial that their names should be known to the authorities in the event of any of them holding important positions either under the Govern- ment, in munition, aeroplane or ship-building works; in steel-plants — ^in any quarter where they may work incalculable harm — ^so that their places may be filled by men loyal to America and the Allied Cause. I dare here to say, and I challenge contra- diction, that men who were pro-German prior to April 6th, 1917, who defended the sinking 18 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY of the Lusitania and the butcheries of the civil populations of Belgium cities, and who strove with every means in their power to keep the United States from coming to the defence of its citizens and of civilization are pro-German today and should be put out of any responsi- ble office engaged in war-work. They should, in addition, be kept under strict observation and, if their actions or speech suggest disloy- alty, interned. Pro-Germanism is in the blood. The law can punish any overt act of the malefactor, but it cannot eliminate the poison from the pro- German's mijid. I insist that men who were pro-German be- fore President Wilson dismissed that pitiful example of German diplomatists — ^Bernstorff — are dangerous today. They are bad citizens ; their sympathies and hopes are still with Ger- many and they will help the Hun by any underhanded, stealthy means. They should be recorded in the Department of Justice and ceaselessly watched. HATE WITH A AYILL TO VICTORY 19 If they have been converted to a civilized outlook and have renounced all allegiance to Germany and her propaganda let them prove it in their daily lives, in their actions, in their speech, in their subscriptions to Liberty Loans and to the Red Cross. If they are disloyal they should be placed where they can do no more harm. BELGIUM ATROCITIES PAR- ALLELED BY AMERICAN SOLDIERS! One of the most sinister forms of disgrace- ful pro-German propaganda that was being industriously circulated not long since stated that the loathsome atrocities inflicted by the Hun on the people of Belgium were no greater than similar excesses practised by soldiers dur- ing the Civil War in the United States, and that for every form of German bestiality the people of Northern France had to endure analogous outrages will be found in the his- 20 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY tory of all wars. Both of these statements are foul and repellent lies. They are made with but one object — to foster pro-German- ism. Those who give utterance to them are a menace to any community during a crisis such as we are living amidst today. They should not be at large. Their names should be reported to the authorities and whenever it is proven that they have made such state- ments steps should at once be taken to intern them for the duration of the war. They are spreading a corrosive poison at a time when the Nation's health and vigor are being directed to a holy endeavor. Whenever any society, re- ligious or otherwise, has issued in pamphlet form for private circulation, such obnoxious untruths the officers responsible should be pro- ceeded against. They are serving but one purpose — Pro- Germamsm. No race, whose history is recorded, however ignorant, brutal or savage, has been guilty of the abominations, bestialities and tortures per- HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 21 petrated on helpless prisoners and civilians by the Hun brutes — with the full knowledge of amd in many instances hy the orders of their officers and their government. Men spreading such propaganda are bad citizens to the Country of their adoption. They use their citizenship as a cloak to mask their disloyalty. Down in their hearts they want to see Germany victorious and would render any aid they could to that end so long as they did not risk their own safety. THE imSH'AMERICAN AND PRO- GERMANISM Another most dangerous element of Pro- Germanism is furnished by the Irish-Ameri- can, who would use this Country as a means to strike at Great Britain whilst she is fight- ing to free the world of the tyranny of the loathsome Hun. Such Irish- Americans are a distinct and dangerous factor. They have no loyalty to the United States. They use 22 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY their citizenship to plot against England. That the Government is keenly alive to the menace is proved by the vigorous prosecutions now in progress and in contemplation. It is the duty, manifestly, of every citizen to report to the authorities any disloyal senti- ment expressed by these plotters against the public good. In their endeavors to injure Great Britain by attempts at spreading revo- lutionary doctrines in Ireland and America they are striking at the heart of the United States Government. They are active traitors. Watch should be kept on them by citizens in clubs, restaurants, public conveyances and at their disloyal meetings. They should be re- moved far from the places where their influence can be most malign. Russia has furnished the world an appalling example of what treachery within a country can bring to a suffering peo- ple. Attempts are already being made to spread Bolshevism in the United States and I am told that many of the upholders of that HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 23 dangerous and destructive propaganda are men of Irish extraction. Search out the motives of these propagan- dists and in every instance it is revealed that it is not love of America — ^the Country of their adoption — or reverence for Ireland — the Country from which they sprang — ^but hatred of England that inspires their nefarious preachments. They are not agitating so much for the freedom of Ireland as they are for the crushing of England. Home Rule in Ire- land is the last thing they wish to see granted since it would rob them of their principal grievance and deprive them of the means of attracting notoriety through their loudly- vaunted hatred of all things British. Home Rule is on the Statute Books of Eng- land. The act granting it was passed in 1914o It has been suspended for the duration of the war. The only fear of the professional agita- tor is that some measure will be passed before the war's ending granting Ireland self-govern- ment. Then they would have to devise other 24 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY grievances to enable them to pose as martyij and to shriek their plea for vengeance on the hated English. What is the real condition in Ireland? Re- ports of oiScials and eye-witnesses agree that the Irish people are better fed, better housed, and own more land through their peas- antry pro rata than any other country today. The British Government advanced immense amounts of money to purchase the land, hand it to the peasants and are repaid at a smaller rate than the tenants were paying in rent. In a certain number of years the land will be owned by the peasants. Compare their condition with that of the German peasant — a slave from birth, with no rights as a free man, owing allegiance to a militaristic government to whom he looks for his very life; crushed by taxation to keep up the military machine; ill-nourished, ignorant, prone to crime in greater measure than the peasants of any other country — as the Ger- man statistics of crime show — a degraded pres- HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 25 -nt, a wretched future and a loathsome past — these are the inheritances to which the Ger- man peasant is bom. What type of nature can develop in such conditions? But one — the brute. And the four years' commerce of this war has shown the German from prince to peasant as offspring of the one family — the hrute family. And yet the pro-German Irish-American agitator paints in vivid colors the wretched lot of the Irish peasant and schemes with German agents to hand over Ireland to the sway of the Hun! Such men are a danger in civilized communities. No Irishman stands before the world as a greater patriot, a more reverent and sincere lover of his country than T. P. O'Connor. His words have brought comfort for over a gen- eration to loyal and suffering Irish men and women. His influence has done much to help remedial legislature for Ireland to pass in the English House of Commons; he has spread the truth about Irish wrongs with a fervid 26 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTOEY tongue and a glowing pen ; he has given all his best years to the service of his country men and women, cheering them in distress, fighting for them in Westminster and pleading their cause in alien countries. Yet he declared but a httle while since that much as he loved Ire- land, sincerely as he longed for her freedom he would not have that freedom purchased at the price of an enslaved Belgium. There spoke the real Irish patriot; the real lover of hberty. Ireland's wrongs in the past cry out for jus- tice, and they shall have justice. The English people — through their govern- ment — awake at last to the bitter and un- worthy treatment of Ireland in the black days, happily gone, are only too willing to give it— if only the Irish people will agree as to what they want. Home Rule can be theirs for the asking. What holds legislation back? The paid agitator; the pro-German agita- tor; the anti-English agitator. Home Rule, HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 27 by a single stroke of the pen, would relegate them to the obscure. Their occupation would be gone. So they strive unceasingly to keep hatred alive against England. They are play- ing the German game. They are a reproach to the Country they profess to love. They are a danger to the Country they have adopted. Thank heaven their numbers are few compared to the great body of noble Americans of Irish stock now doing battle with the Hun and heating Mm, Irish soldiers were the first to go on board the first troop-ship leaving England for France in August, 1914. They were the first to land in France. They have made imperish- able history for valor at Mons, at Ypres, at Suvla Bay — at every important engagement of the British forces wherever the undertaking seemed the most hopeless there the Irish sol- diers shone at their best — notably the seeming- ly impossible landing at Suvla Bay, up an al- most perpendicular cliff, on which played the Turkish heavy artillery, aided by nests of ma- 28 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY chine guns. Yet the Irish made the landing. Of the first eighth/ decorations given for conspicuous gallantry under fire by the Brit- ish army, seventeen were bestowed on Irish soldiers I Ask the Irish soldier, who has met him in battle, how he regards the Hun! Dare to suggest to the Irish soldier that his Country be handed over to the Hun I Put the Irish-American, pro-German, Bol- sheviki agitators amongst the Irish soldiers of the famous old 69th Regiment to preach his filthy, defeatist doctrine I Such renegades to the Sacred Cause of Lib- erty defame the fair name of Ireland, the land of heroes, and America, the refuge of the op- pressed. They are outcasts from the body-politic of civilized countries. If Germany means to them the consummation of their ideals then let them be interned for the remainder of this world's conflict, put to useful work, and when peace comes send them on the first out-going HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 29 ship to the country they admire, where they will find fitting associates for their despicable doctrines. Civilization is in a holy war against bar- barity. All who try to hinder it are self-confessed outlaws of civilized peoples. Their present dwelling place should be be- hind barbed wires. Their future home should be in the land of the Hun. GERMAN-AMERICANS Another subtle and far-reaching propa- ganda extols the merits and decries suspicion of German-Americans. To that a great American statesman has answered: — **There are no German- Americans. There are only Americans and traitors!" The two words do not mingle. There can be no bond between the two countries. The present generation still rages with a just anger 30 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY at the inconceivable crimes of Germany against everything American — ^her broken laws, her outraged hospitality, her citizens, old and young, done to death on the high seas. Al- ready accounts of American soldiers found hanging to trees fans the outburst of national wrath against the hordes of the unspeakable Hun. To couple "German" with American is a form of insult. Who dares to hyphenate falsehood and truth, brutishness and decency, unparalleled bestiality with enduring justice? If they are American let them be satisfied to be so known. They should be proud to be. It is their honor. If Germans, let them affect an honesty even if they do not feel it, acknowledge their pre- dilection and bear the stigma. No man can give allegiance to two nations so diametrically opposed in their standards of honor. Let the mask be stripped from self-styled German- Americans. They should be compelled to stand forth acknowledgly German or Ameri- can. Ill THE DOCTRINE OF HATRED IN the first year of the war, frenzied at Eng- land's intervention on behalf of Martyred Belgium, every German ship driven from the sea by the British Fleet, the great German Fleet, built up with so much blatant boasting, helpless, the Germans sent out to the world their "Hymn of Hate" against the little island that had checked their first move toward world-dominion. All their pent-up fury found vent against England. From end to end of Germany, to the millions of their soldiers East and West, in Russia, in the Balkans and in France hatred of England was imposed as a ritual. It was indeed a typical German hymn. In the year 1918 that same doctrine of 31 32 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY hatred has recoiled on the Hun as a boom- erang. Today all civilized peoples in all civilized nations hate them. The doctrine has deflected against the Hun ^nd they cry out to relinquish it. It is even as their poison-gas. With what triumphant barbarous glee they screamed with joy over their first success with such a genuinely German invention. Now that the Allies can produce a more virulent poison and in far greater quantities what would the Hun give today never to have used it? When he instituted its use, it was a glorious achievement for the "unconquerable" German armies and their "incomparable" leaders. Now that it is used against them they complain that it is against the rules of war. All is fair against the enemy. Everything that reacts against them is "against the rules of war." They threw down the gauntlet of "Hatred!" HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTOKY 33 The Allies take it up. Let us hate the Hun and hate him with a . will to victory over him I A healthy and natural hatred and loathing for the unclean, the bestial and the degenerate is implanted in all right-thinking peoples. Every religion teaches a hatred of evil. V Is not the Hun evil? V Does he not out of his own actions cry out for the world's hatred? He has boasted of his contempt for civiliza- tion. He has shown it in his foul acts. Let him know civilization's contempt for him. Therefore I call on you, **Hate the Hun and hate him with a will to Victory so that he may perish." Posterity will give him his right place amongst the malefactors of all time. 34 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY THE GERMAN PEOPLE BACK OF THE HUN And in voicing our doctrine of Hate let us not forget that the German people were and are still solidly behind him in everything he does. There is no more dangerous suggestion for the outcome of this war, to the Allied aims of a Civilized Peace, that will include a council of civilized nations, than the one asking us not to blame the German people for the horrible acts of their soldiers. The G^erman people are actively and pas- sively with their government to the last man and the last mark. No people receive their faith and their rules of conduct more fatu- ously from their rulers than do the German people. Fronting the world they stand as one with their beloved Kaiser. He who builds on a revolution in Germany as a possible ending of the war knows not what he says. They will HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 35 follow through any degradation of the body, through any torture of spirit the tyrants they have been taught from infancy to regard as their Supreme Masters of body and soul. The German people gloried in the declara- tion of war: rejoiced in every barbarity of their soldiers and have given their whole sup- port to the prosecution of the war. Then let us analyze carefully the attitude of the Ger- man people before we dare to lay the flatter- ing unction to our souls that we are not fight- ing them, I contend we are fighting them. And we are not only contending with Ger- mans in their own country but with Germans in this country. Remember what they had been and in some instances are still doing, in America sfnce Au- gust, 1914. They have not only openly defended every act of their government — even to the murder of American citizens — but they have plotted under the shelter of the then neutrality of the 36 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY United States to destroy her munition plants, burn her provender, undermine the loyalty of her citizens, subsidize newspapers to pro-Ger- man propaganda, place bombs in her ships and to vilify and hamper her President in his sacred duty of guarding and guiding his coun- try. Germans are fighting America and her Allies today in their homes as surely as their soldiers are on the fighting line. The German people are against you. If you value all that makes life endurable you must be against them. It is as much a people's war as a soldier's war. There is no half-way course. The allied soldier neither wants nor expects mercy from the Hun. The Hun hates him. The German people hate you. They will show you no mercy should it ever be in their power to harm you. Even as their armies, only one doctrine will the German people bow to — force. HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 37 Let US not waste sentimental platitudes on the German people. They waste none on you. They hate with a will for their soldiers to victory. Let us of all the allied races hate them and hate with a will to overwhelming victory, a victory from which the Hun and her people y will never rise to butcher and ravage again. Let the stimulus to victory be hatred. ^ Let the accumulated force of that hatred impel to a victory that may beat barbarity to its knees I Crush it until it cries for a mercy it has never shown to a fallen foe. Therefore, all ye Allies, hate with a will to victory. Turn a deaf ear to the Defeatist cry that the Hun must not be humiliated in the hour of his defeat. Humiliated I In the name of the God above us all what has the Hun brute done in the four years of this merciless war but humiliate wherever his foot has trod? Were the people of Belgium humiliated? 38 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY Were the grief -stricken women of Northern France humiliated when, torn from their fami- lies, they were sent to slavery and to be prosti- tuted by the German soldiery? Were the Armenian Jews humiliated when by agreement with Germany's accursed Kaiser their worthy allies, the Turks, tortured and maimed and put them to unthinkable deaths? Humiliated! If it were only possible to humiliate them one tithe as much as the suffering peoples martyred for four years by their disease and loathsome soldiers have been humiliated! Hate and hate with a will to victory. They have given every cause. Every country they have entered is now a reeking inferno. Hate them, all you allied peoples, for the ^ pestilence they have spread over once fair lands. Hate them for the wrongs wreaked on your defenceless women. Hate them for the God in Whose name their HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 39 ruler blasphemously proclaims they do these deeds — the God of infinite patience and infinite justice. They have outraged all we hold sacred. They have tortured and maimed and cruci- fied: sent wounded men and gentle nurses to death on hospital-ships — and the German people have hung out flags and kept holiday for the glorious victories of their "unconquer- able" soldiers. They have burned women, bayoneted chil- dren, placed old men and young girls in front of their "brave" Huns when advancing to bat- tle — and the German people have laughed with ^ glee, rung bells of rejoicing, while their em- peror pinned crosses on the valorous breasts of his brave Prussians ! They have put healthy prisoners in typhus- fever camps, injected others with the bacillus of tuberculosis, starved and ill-treated and sub- jected them to every conceivable coarse hu- miliation — and not a word of protest has come W HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY from one German either in his own country or in neutral countries. And yet, we are implored by the Defeatist, when their power for ill is broken, civilization must exercise the greatest care lest, in making the terms of peace, these despicable ruffians be in their turn humiliated! Hate, I implore you, with a will to victory and humiliation! HUMILIATION AFTER THE WAR AN INCENTIVE TO THE HUN TO FIGHT MORE RESOLUTELY Pacifists, too, urge that the knowledge they were to be punished for their crimes when the day of accounting comes would make them fight all the harder to fend off that day of. retribution. That is bad psychology. Separate the brute from his mob of cut- throats, and he is at heart a coward. He HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 41 dreads physical pain. More especially does he shrink from hurt administered by law. Many years ago robberies with violence broke out all over England. No terms of im-- prisonment, however severe, had any effect in checking the epidemic of brutal crime. The law-makers and judges of the country were baffled. None seemed to know just how to deal with the growing menace. But extreme crises beget leaders. England was fortunate in having one such, Mr. Justice Hawkins. Through his instrumentality a law was passed empowering judges to make part of the sentences on men convicted of robbery with violence (they were known as "garotters") a flogging with the "cat-o'-nine-tails." In a few years that form of crime had be- come practically extinct I Justice Hawkins used to tell of one brute brought up before him, after the new law had been passed, for an aggravated case of robbery and assault. He sentenced him to a long term of penal servitude. The thug 42 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY laughed at him. "In addition," proceeded the judge, "yo^ w^ll receive twenty strokes of the cat per week for the first three months of your sentence." The brute, who had warred on the defence- less, who laughed at a jail sentence, fell down in the dock unconscious. He could inflict suf- fering on others without mercy. But when told his body would be hurt, he fainted. Judge Henry Hawkins knew the psychology of the ruffian. He earned the gratitude of the United Kingdom by eliminating that peculiarly Hun- like form of outrage. The moment the tribunal of the Allies makes it known that every infringement of the Law of Nations will be punished after the war : that the criminal in uniform fighting under the Ger- man flag will stand in the dock, when their power is broken, to receive sentence, so far from the pronouncement giving strength to the Hun arm it will strike terror to his heart. The Hun fears justice. He does not understand it. HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 43 CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL IN GER3IANY He has been reared in the most infamous of schools. He has been taught that all things are right if you have force enough to do them. From childhood he has been reared on the doctrine of terror. That, and his own brutish nature account in a large measure for the fact that the German people lead the world in criminal /^ records of all forms of assault : — "Germany in 1913 had over 4,000,000 crimi- nals, or about one to every 16 inhabitants. Professor Moll, of the University of Berlin, estimates the number of prostitutes in the Ger- man empire at no less than 1,500,000. Bebel stated that Germany supplies half the prosti- tutes of the world, and his statement still re- mains unrefuted. "Unnnatural vice has also assumed the gravest dimensions. In Berlin it was estimat- ed by an authority that there are 30,000 per- sons afflicted with the disease, and that 2,000 44« HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY male perverts are known to the Berlin police, who tolerate forty resorts frequented by these individuals. The vice is known to exist in all the large towns of Germany, where there are clubs and other resorts frequented solely by perverts. This state of affairs is so well- known to French scientists and physicians that the term "le vice allemand" is now used to des- ignate the aberration. . . . Venereal disease in Germany has risen to colossal figures. In 1913 it was publicly announced in Prussia alone, for a period of five years, there had been an annual average of 773,000 cases. It has also been publicly announced in Berlin that 90% of the male Berliner s have at one tim6 or another been afflicted with sexual disease. "The German capital is the centre for the White Slave traffic of the world. ... In 1906 the number of juvenile offenders was 55,000. Germany is the land of the 'lust-murder/ a particularly Teutonic and bestial form of hu- man butchery. Sadism, Masochism, Fetech- ism and Necrophilism — significantly these are diseases on which German physicians are the leading and recognized authorities. ... In the following table the figures represent only the minimum of damage that health, property and the person suffered in Germany in 1909: — HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 45 CONVICTIONS IN GERMANY IN 1909 (From the ''Krimmalstatistch des Deutschen Reiches'') CCXXVII CRIMES AND OFFENCES Number of Offences Violence and assault on state of- ficers 21,385 Breach of the peace 41,085 Inducing women to prostitution 3,236 Indecent assaults, etc.; on chil- dren under 14- 8,407 Insult 110,830 Simple assault and battery 93,598 Petit larceny 115,844 Petit larceny when frequently re- peated 22,018 Grand larceny 16,862 Grand larceny when frequently repeated 6,709 Embezzlement 46,922 Fraud 51,810 Fraud frequently repeated 12,535 Forgery 12,446 Malicious mischief 30,337 All crimes and offences against national laws 797,112 46 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY "In contemplating these figures we may well be pardoned employing a somewhat over- worked term these days — they are simply ap- palling, 8,407 cases of indecent assault on children under 14 years of age; 115,844 con- victions for petty larceny; 46,922 convictions for embezzlement; 51,810 cases of fraud and 30,337 convictions for malicious mischief — a grand total of 797,112 convictions for one soli- tary year I What is to be said of the mentality of a race producing this vast host of criminal persons? And yet in Germany these terrible figures appear to occasion but little concern; they seem to be taken as a matter of course. "In the year 1903, according to German im- perial statistics, the number of juveniles con- victed amounted to no less than 50,219. In 'Crime and Its Repression' by Gustav Aschf- f enburg, the Professor remarks : 'Just on four- fifths of these were setting foot in the criminal arena for the first time — soon to compete with the veterans. . . . Our penal system is abso- lutely ineffective to check the spreading de- pravity.' "In the wholesale outrages committed by the German soldiery there are whole categories of crime which the order of superiors cannot pos- sibly palliate nor excuse, particularly the HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 47 countless cases of mutilation of mothers, girls and little children. As an example of the Ger- man soldiery's treatment of the helpless wounded take the following ( Viscount Bryce's report, page 57) : 'Outside Ypres we were in the trenches and were attacked, and had to retire until reenforced by other companies of the Royal Fusiliers. Then we took the trenches and found the wounded, between 20 and 30, lying in the trenches with bayonet wounds, and some shot. Most of them, say three-quarters, had their throats cut' *'Let us have no more talk of the 'kindly and good-natured' German people, whether in official documents or not. It is a pernicious and proven falsity. "To the last man, to the last shilling, Brit- ain has to see that the depraved, diseased and barbarous German people can never again jeopardize the peace of Europe."* The foregoing figures prove that terms of imprisonment in Germany have no effect in reducing crime. On the contrary crime in- creases. Flogging would reduce crime to a minimum. The German brute cannot bear * * "Degenerate Germany," Henry de Halsalle. 48 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY pain. He, in his turn, would faint at a sen- tence carrying with it bodily hurt. Another fact one grasps at reading the hor- rifying record of German crime in times of peace is that civilization need not wonder at their still more atrocious record of crime against the civilians in captured towns. Law statistics prove the German to be by instinct predatory and destructive amongst his own people. How much more so is he when ordered to ravage at will by his officers. He has been taught that laws are for the weak. That the Hun is above law, so he has gone his desolate way burning, pillaging, murdering the old and the helpless. Surrounded by his fellow-Huns he reeks of blatant, boasting courage. But, I repeat, segregate him and he is of the stuff cowards are made of. I in- sist he dreads hurt. He is driven, in many in- stances, as German prisoners have complained and whined about, covered by machine guns, whilst his 'incomparable' officers lead him from behind. The four years traffic the Allies have ♦ HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 49 had with the Hun make pitiful history for fu- ture ages to read of the all-conquering ( I) in- vincible ( !) German armies. Take from them their heavy guns, their high-explosives, their poison-gas, their liquid- fire and put them to fight as men did in Napo- leon's campaigns against armies similarly equipped and I contend there is scarcely a country bearing arms today that would not defeat them however great might be their numerical superiority. No army, confident in the justice of its cause, the courage of its troops and the spirit of brave leadership of its officers has ever had to descend to employ ev- ery form of diabolical invention science can produce to endeavor to snatch a victory. ANB THEIR ARMIES HAVE NOT WON ONE VICTORY! After employing every filthy, devilish, con- temptible method of warfare what have they to show today in August, 1918, after four 50 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY years of incessant warfare? Every army they have attacked is intact! Not one has been compelled to surrender to them I NAPOLEON'S FIRST PRINCIPLE They have failed in the first principle of warfare Napoleon and Wellington developed: "Destroy or capture your enemy's armies and his lands will fall with his men. Leave his armies even partially intact and he will re- form and recruit them and take from you any adventitious advantage you may have won." And that will be the final history of the war. Every acre of land taken by the Hun will be re-taken by the Allies since their armies are not only intact but ever-increasing. So slow have the Hun armies been to fol- low up their weight of metal and superiority in numbers, so inefficient their infantry for protracted battles, that even the small armies of Belgium and Serbia, after inflicting terrible HAIE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 51 losses on the Germans in rear-guard actions, are after four years still intact and, in the ease at least of Serbia, actually stronger than when the Hun first attacked them. It is true Germany can show great stretches of country on the map taken from the Allies. As an offset every colony Germany pos- sessed has been lost. And the battle is still being waged and it will continue to wage until the Hun will be fighting on the soil of his beloved Fatherland '—fighting on the defensive with all power of offensive gone. That is if a German Peace is not rnade first. It must not be made. It will not be made if all the peoples of the allied countries will that it should not. It is on their voices that the ultimate civi- lized peace will be formed. The voice of the allied peoples wiU be as the voice of God calling for Justice, Justice on the Hun. y Punishment on the Hun. y 52 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTOHY Y Hatred for the Hun. Let all the peoples of all the allied countries hate the Hun and hate him with a will to Vic- tory. Let that Doctrine of Hate be spread until it reaches to the smallest towns in the United States. Scatter broadcast the catalogue of Hun atrocities so that none who read may escape it. Teach the people that no peace can be made or must be made until Germany will be power- less to harm nations large and small. If a body of armed men run amok in a community they are disarmed first and pun- ished afterward. Germany must be disarmed and punished. Instruct the people of America how Ger- many has repaid the hospitality extended by the American people. They have violated all diplomatic law and custom, betrayed friendship, used American mails as carriers for plots against the Ameri- can people and instilled their insidious and HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 53 treacherous propaganda even into the school- books of American children. GERMANS AND VICE Search the police records and learn of their control of the vice of some of the great cities of the United States, As their own figures show Germany leads the world in every form of vice, perversion, bestiality and the diseases pertaining thereto. And, as lepers, they carry and spread these diseases through the lands of France, Belgium, Poland — wherever their tainted soldiery has set its foot. Small wonder a Jewish scientist makes six hundred and six experiments with arsenic in an attempt to relieve the German population of the major sexual disease. Compare the statistics of crime in Germany with the records of this country and the people of America will be aghast at the comparison. Analyze the claims of the German people in 54 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY science, philosophy, art, music and invention and convince yourselves how immeasurably they are behind all civilized countries. But for the great Jewish race how many artists or musicians could they point to as represent- ing Germany? Almost all scientific inven- tions claimed by Germans originated either in America, France or England. Their philosophers succeeded in destroying religion and substituting science. Poison-gas has been one of the major results. Germans have never been leaders. Their brains are not creative. They seize on the dis- coveries of others and plod wearily to improve them. By taking out patents for the improve- ments they arrogate to themselves the right of the inventor. They have brought neither comfort, truths beauty nor virtue to humanity. Even in their vices they hark back to the days before civilization. And yet forsooth, they would impose their degenerate will on civilization ! HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 55 Hate the Hun, oh ye people who love clean- liness and decency, and hate him with a will to Victory. It is only by loathing all things evil that we value good. Then let us hate all that is evil, as repre- sented by the Hun, so that good may endure. A CIVILIZED PEACE When the council of civilized nations meet at the conference for civilized peace let the Hun and his butcher allies, the Austrians, Turks and Bulgarians, stand as servants awaiting orders from their masters. Barbarity must be leashed so that it can never again threaten the peace of the world. Never again should it be necessary that the best blood of noble countries be shed in defence of their homes and the honor of their women-kind from the murderers and thieves of Germany, Aus- tria, Turkey and Bulgaria. 56 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY SERBIA AND THE PAN-GERMAN MAP This war was not launched for any prin- ciple. It was conceived solely from a desire to rob. Serbia blocked the Pan-German map. Serbia had to be crushed. If Germany is left with any control over Serbia, she will have won this war and the first battle of the next. Serbia must be restored to her people intact. Her integrity as a self-governing state is essential to destroy Germany's pretensions to world-power. From the council of the civilized nations Serbia must be given complete immunity from the possibility of future German- Austrian ag- gression. By that edict Pan-Germanism in the East will be definitely broken. HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 57 PUNISHMENT FOR THE HUN CRIMES When the lands stolen by the Huns have been restored; cities rebuilt; indemnities paid to the survivors of the martyred peoples, then the coimcil of civilized nations will face the punishment of the instigators and perpetra- tors of the terrible outrages against civiliza- tion. The ring-leaders must be brought to trial before the Tribunal of Civilization and publicly executed. Their followers should be pubhcly flogged. IneiFectual as such punish- ment may seem remembering the atrocities of which he has been guilty, the Hun should be made to suffer since it is only bodily hurt that impresses him. He has inflicted it wherever he has gone with fiendish thoroughness. Let him know something of what his victims have felt. Sufi^ering for suff'ering. It is only just. Hate — and with a will to Justice. 58 HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY / GERMANY AND FUTURE GENERA- TIONS In the minds of the just, the decent and the clean-lived Germany is outlawed. It is for their future peoples to strive by honorable liv- ing, by respecting their neighbors, by observ- ance of the duties and customs of civilizations, to redeem the good name of their country from the heritage of loathing which she has so justly earned. It will be for them to endeavor to remove the stigma of dishonor and bestiality from the word "German" and by their work of redemption win back some place for their country in the world's esteem — a place they have forfeited through their wicked, wanton, treacherous and bloody acts. SACRIFICE TO VICTORY The road will be long and hard to victory. But that Victory must come. It will come if every individual wills it, works toward it, sac- HATE WITH A WILL TO VICTORY 59 rifices for it and makes it the be-all and end-all of every day in every week for all the months the Allied soldiers will be battling on toward it. Think to one purpose — ^work to one pur- pose — ^hate to one purpose — crushing the Hun. f Let it be your watchword by day. May it be in your dreams by night. Expose sedition wherever you meet it. Help your President and your Government unceasingly. You will do all these things, and more, if you hate the Hun and hate him with a Will to Victory. These are the tenets of the Doctrine of ^ Hate. Out of it will come Freedom, Justice, Honor among nations and reverence of a / merciful and just God. In His name I pray you hate the Hun to his complete and ultimate defeat so that civil- ization may endure and the blessings of peace may rest on tortured peoples. l\ ^? 3 V- ¥' 7 5"? ^^ iS^"^ ^^ CONGRESS 021 547 279 6