.5 As 1919 Class. Book :^5_ Ui^^lSS PRESENTED BV As PRINCETON PUBLISHED BY THE ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY // PRINCETON, N. J. 1919 Vl^^ss^ .h^ \\^^ f*^ o y Preface, President John Grier Hibhen PART ONE CHAPTER PAGE One. Why Princeton Needs Endow- ment 9 Two. Summary of Specific Needs. . . 24 1. Endowment of Professorships 24 2. Preceptorial Method of In- struction 25 3. Financial Aid for Students (Dormitory) 28 4. Regional Scholarships 30 5. Memorial Scholarships 31 6. The University Library 32 7. The Department of Chemistry 33 8. The School of Engineering. . 35 9. The School of Architecture. 37 10. The Department of Astron- omy 38 11. McCosH Hall 42 12. Graduate Fellowships 43 13. University Religious Work.. 45 Three. Schedule of Endowments. ... 46 Princeton PART TWO Four. Geographical Distribution of Students 51 Five. Princeton's National Tradi- tion 58 1. Princeton in the Service of THE Nation 59 2. Princeton's Organization and Administration 79 Six. Princeton's Educational Pol- icy 85 PREFACE There is no more important task confronting us as a nation in the new world upon which we are entering than that of education, and par- ticularly of higher education. The whole vigor and sanity of the coming generation depends upon the kind of training we are able to give those boys of today who are to become the leaders of men tomorrow. We must have the necessary machinery and equipment to furnish to the na- tion a group of men capable of recognizing the truth, and possessing the courage to maintain and defend it at all hazards against the ignorance of the unenlightened on the one hand, and the sophistries of the vicious on the other, who through lack of any education, or because of the wrong kind of an education, are the natural foes of all social welfare and progress. To perpetuate and reinforce the influences which proceed from this place, our present finan- cial resources must be adequately increased. To pay our teachers a living wage, to relieve them of the daily anxieties which fret and fray the nerves, to enable them to devote their fresh en- ergies and enthusiasm to their classroom work, 6 Princeton to create an esprit de corps which shall impart a new spirit to teaching activities, to safeguard the teaching profession itself, so that it may not come to be regarded as an impossible vocation for a man of spirit and ambition, — this is om' first and most urgent duty. In addition we must be in a position to attract to Princeton the best teachers in the country; to hold those who at present are of incalculable value to the university because they have discovered the secret of giving Hfe to knowledge ; to increase the number of our faculty so as to give to our students more individual and particular attention according to our preceptorial method of instruction which has proved its worth by its marked success. We must give to both teachers and students alike increased facilities in laboratory and library equipment. We must be able to open up to our undergraduates the new fields of knowledge, as fast as the new world itself opens before us and flings to us its challenge. We must be in a position to plan such a comprehensive program of studies that our students will come to have an enlarged and sympathetic interest in their own human kind and feel a quickening sense of responsibility to serve their day and generation as men conscious that life in its supreme significance is of the na- ture not of a self seeking career but a mission, in the realization of whose end the welfare of the Princeton 7 many is of more concern than the prosperity of the individual. A miiversity with such aims and purposes is the servant of the nation. It is in this sense that we wish to maintain our position and function in the educational world as a national university, and to preserve throughout our campus life the atmosphere of patriotic loyalty and devotion. Patriotism is not a sentiment confined to periods of national peril and possible disaster. It is a de- votion born of the appreciation that our country needs and has a right to our services at all times. It shall be our constant aim to lead our students to the recognition of the fact that their university privileges impty corresponding obligations, and that, if they carelessly ignore these obligations, they will fail lamentably not only in the duty which they owe to themselves, but in the duty which they owe to their country as loyal patriots, and to mankind at large as citizens of the world. The nation's peril has certainly not ceased with the signing of the armistice and the treaty of peace. Our country is in a sense always in dan- ger, always dependent upon the power and wis- dom of her right-minded citizens who stand in readiness to uphold her traditions and defend her honor and integrity. It is my fondest hope for Princeton that in the years to come she may con- tinue to be a conspicuous center of patriotic 8 Princeton propaganda, so that the prevailing and dominant spirit of the place shall have such compelling power that every undergraduate will insensibly come to relate his daily activities to the national need and demand for enlightened minds, devoted to the patriotic task of the service of mankind. We make an appeal therefore to you, the friends of Princeton, in the following pages, to help in this great undertaking, and to share with us in an investment which shall be permanently productive through generations to come of those human values which we most highly prize, — in- telligence, wisdom, character and the finely temp- ered spirit which is steadfastly persevering in the common routine and richly resourceful before the critical emergencies of life. John Grier Hibben. Princeton, N. J., August 11, 1919. PART ONE CHAPTER ONE Why Princeton Needs Endowment The University has not embarked upon any plans of vague expansion. It does not contem- plate any sudden or large increase in enrollment. It is making plans only to take care of its natural and steady growth for the next decade. It does not propose to establish any schools in addition to the Graduate School and the School of Engineer- ing already in existence, and the School of Archi- tecture, an extension of one department in the college of liberal arts. It is aiming merely to at- tain the maximum of usefulness possible within its particular sphere. To do this, however, it needs a verj^ consider- able increase in endowment first, to stabilize, or put on sound financial basis, its present establish- ment in view of the greatly increased cost of edu- cation, and secondly, for purposes of develop- ment. Development Never have the universities been submitted to a more serious test than during the recent war. 10 Princeton In the light of this experience, the Princeton curriculum was thoroughly revised. This re- vision of the curriculum and the survey of the departments, with provision for the nor- mal growth of the University for the next eight or ten years, indicate that im- staff *""^ " portant additions must be made to the present teaching staff. Certain departments of the University need to be strengthened and their facilities largely increased, due to the increased demand for men trained in these fields. Such, for instance, are the cases of the School of Engineering and the Department of Chemistry, whose facilities even before the war were inadequate, and whose especial needs will be presented later in a more detailed manner. The war has likewise decidedly S?War^ changed the world in which we live and much extended its boundaries. It will therefore be necessary to introduce into the curriculum a number of subjects not previously taught. This is particularly true in the fields of political science and government, in history, in economics and social institutions, and in the modern languages. In the past a considerable number Diplomacy ^^ Priuccton men have entered the consular and diplomatic service of the United States. The plans of the University Princeton 11 contemplate increasing this number of men who will give intelligent and disinterested service as American representatives abroad. To do this, a chair of diplomacy and international relations must be created. Chair of The recognition of our full respon- South Amen- sibihtv to the othcr nations of the can Hii'.tory -^ and Institutions Western Hemisphere clearly calls for the establishment of a chair on South Ameri- can history and institutions, to train men in the political, commercial and educational progress of South America, and to bring about better under- standing and more cordial relations with the United States. ehair of ^^ ^^^ Department of Economics Economic and Social Institutions a chair of eco- nomic geography is needed both to prepare men for most efiFective work in the con- sular service and in the widening sphere of for- eign commerce, and to give them a better knowl- edge of modern international relations. Chairs of Slavic In the Department of Languages Laneuager ^lore cmphasis must be laid upon the and History teaching of the living tongues and the institutions, literature and histoiy of the new na- tions, such as the Poles, Czechoslavacs, Jugo- slavs and the Russian. Considerable expansion of the present course of study is here demanded, particularly a chair of Slavic languages and in- 12 Piinceton stitutions. Similarly, there is need of a chair or chairs of Asiatic history, languages and litera- ture. These new chairs are typical of expected fu- ture developments but are not included in the present estimates for endowment. Other departments and phases of the Univer- sity's life which call for important increases in funds will be dealt with later under special heads. Careful computation indicates that this necessary development of the University will re- quire the income on an endowment of $8,000,000. Stabilizing By far the most pressing need of The Most ^Y\e University, however, is that of Pressing Need ... stabilizing the University's present establishment. This will call for about the in- come on $6,000,000. A consideration of the re- cent history of Princeton's expansion, of the de- velopment of education in this country, and of the shrinkage in university endowments due to the decrease in the purchasing power of money, will help to make the reasons clear. „ . ^ , In the twenty years from 1895 to Princetons ^ . Recent 1915 Priuccton's entire enrollment in- creased from 1109 to 1643. During the same period she very largely extended her functions. In 1896, on the one hundred and fif- Princeton 13 tieth anniversary of her foundation, the College of New Jersey, as it was then officially called, be- came Princeton University. This change implied especially the development of a strong graduate school and the providing of instruction in all the higher branches of advanced university work. Necessarily such instruction was relatively more expensive than collegiate teaching, since it called for a faculty of highly trained specialists in var- ious departments. It likewise demanded very much extended library and laboratory facihties. This transformation was therefore accompanied by a very large increase of budget. In 1905 the University introduced the precep- torial method of instruction which proved itself so important a factor in the development of ef- fective teaching. This likewise called for an ad- dition to the faculty of about fifty assistant pro- fessors of special qualifications. To meet the needs of the growing Budget ° number of students and this exten- sion of the University's work the bud- get of the University was increased from $157,- 893.77 m 1895 to $847,711.29 in 1915. In the seven years from 1905 to 1912, the budget had nearly doubled, having been increased from $455,994.79 to $831,538.84. And meanwhile, in the way of permanent improvements, the physical and natural science laboratories, which are con- 14 Princeton sidered models of their kind, had been erected, and very important additions had been made to the University library. These buildings had been erected and the cost of educating the larger number of students had been borne by trustees or alumni without any appeal for outside assistance, though in the later years of that period additional gifts from the alumni were necessary to meet current expenses ; and it was even then felt that it was necessary to raise a considerable endowment. Plans were made with this end in view in 1916 and 1917, and a committee appointed. But with the countiy's entry into the war Princeton did not wish to ap- peal for endowment in the period of crisis, and the plan was temporarily abandoned. The War Princctou's scrvicc to the nation Princeton's during the war was made at a very Finances heavy financial sacrifice. The Uni- versity took no profit from the government and the contracts made for the use of buildings, and for providing food, were designed to cover only maintenance costs. The patriotic response of her students cut her enrollment in half, and left many of her dormitories, which are one of her sources of income, vacant. Likewise the return from tuition fees was virtually cut in half. Although the University adopted a stringent policy of economy, it was not possible to reduce the budget Princeton 15 in any similar proportions since professors and assistant professors were on permanent tenure. The University f ui*ther wished to facilitate the en- trance of members of its faculty into service and made provisions that they should do so without financial loss to themselves. During these years the alumni, through the Graduate Council, have contributed over $250,000 to these war deficits. The need of endowment is therefore now more pressing than ever. Growth of ^^^ increase in Princeton's bud- University cret as showu abovc in the period since Incomes 1905 should not lead to the inference that she has been peculiarly fortunate, or that she has sufficient funds to carry on her work as a University. The figm^es of the larger universi- ties of this country show that in many instances their incomes have increased 300 to 500 per cent in the decade from 1905 to 1915. The appended Hst of nineteen universities in the order of their income in 1915 will give an idea both of the in- creased expense of higher education and the rela- tive position of these institutions with regard to their annual income. It should be remembered that these figures were those given in 1915, in other words before our entrance into the war and before the consequent increase in cost of living. 16 Princeton Annual in- Annual in- University come 1905 come 1915 Harvard $2,501,170 $3,805,428 Cornell 1,020,500 3,139,530 Minnesota 486,853 3,033,891 Columbia 1,586,309 2,920,031 Pennsylvania 580,599 2,903,162 Wisconsin 852,901 2,858,118 Illinois 858,697 2,844,541 California 943,837 2,784,024 Michigan 759,957 2,535,260 Chicago 1,186,075 2,132,012 Yale 900,929 1,777,134 Ohio State 477,610 1,466,120 Missouri 346,836 1,311,364 Nebraska 431,250 1,309,752 Leland Stanford, Jr.... 800,000 1,235,000 Iowa State 440,406 986,513 Northwestern 533,394 935,370 Purdue 329,790 929,983 Princeton 402,533 839,316 This increased cost has placed a particularly severe strain upon privately endowed universities like Princeton. . . , , The most serious need of the Uni- Needed Increase of vcrsity today is an immediate increase of salaries for the teaching staff. How acute this question has become may be judged from the fact that three years ago a joint com- mittee composed of members of the trustees' Committee on Curriculum and the faculty Con- Princeton 17 ference Committee considered what was already at that time a pressing problem and made a re- port from which we quote the following: "At a regular meeting on December 22nd, 1916, the subject of the salaries of the teaching staff of the University was presented, and there was a full discussion of the fact that the rapidly increasing cost of living in connection with the compara- tively constant salaries of university teach- ers is creating a situation of serious mo- ment for higher education throughout the country, and one with which Princeton is vitally concerned. It involves the effi- ciency of university teachers, their free- dom from anxiety (an important factor in their efficiency), and the power of univer- sities to attract good men to their facul- ties and to hold those who have proved most successful. The matter was deemed of such importance that a sub-committee was appointed to formulate a statement for presentation to the Board. This state- ment is presented, not because it is thought that the trustees are not alive to the situa- tion, but because it seems desirable that the urgency of the matter should be em- phasized, and that some of the important facts should be stated in concise and con- venient form." At this time the situation was already consid- 18 Princeton ered sufficiently serious to warrant the following recommendations : "It (the committee) realizes the many opportunities for expansion and enlarge- ment of scope that are opening before the University, and the desirabihty of taking advantage, if possible, of some at least of these opportunities. It feels, however, that the matter of the salaries of the pres- ent teaching staff is of vital importance, and it therefore presents this statement, and urges upon the Board that in planning the work of the University, in shaping its financial affairs, and in efforts to secure en- dowment, this should be regarded as prob- ably the most pressing need at present, if Princeton is to maintain a position of lea- dership among American universities." The need of increase in salaries was based on a consideration of the movement of prices and sal- aries at Princeton University at that time. The board of trustees felt that the problem called for speedy remedy and planned an endow- ment campaign. This had to be postponed be- cause of our entrance into the war. That post- ponement has rendered a situation which was al- ready acute, one which may without exaggeration be qualified as desperate. For in the meantime it has been impossible to take any general action because of the immediate sacrifices which the Princeton 19 University imposed upon itself to offer every as- sistance toward winning the war. The committee stated that the sal- sitries^ ary of instructors was $1200, with an annual increase of $100 up to $1400. Assistant professors received slightly more than this and when the assistant professor was placed on permanent tenure at Princeton, usually after five years, the minimum salary was fixed at $2000. The average professor's salary at that time was $3600, but thirty full professors were receiving less than $3000. It has been possible in a few cases to raise in- dividual salaries. Funds are not available, how- ever, at present to make any substantial change. Indeed, although the trustees have been inter- ested in this problem and fixed the minimum sal- aries for instructors and assistant professors on permanent appointments, no complete adjust- ment of the salary question has been made at Princeton since 1900. It is hardly necessary therefore to expatiate upon the situation. It will be well, however, to recall a Prices" ^^^ facts. The tabulation of the sta- tistics provided by the index numbers of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Annalist, Dun's and Bradstreet's, show that wholesale prices from 1896 to 1913, the year be- fore the outbreak of the war, increased 58 per 20 Princeton cent. From 1913 through 1918, the increase was 99 per cent. Wholesale prices in 1918 thus aver- aged 217 per cent above prices in 1896 and 175 per cent above the average for the decade which closed with 1900. It will be noted that the prices of various com- modities were practically doubled in five years from 1913 to 1918. If we take 100 as the average of retail food prices in 1913, we find that by April 15, 1919, they had increased 83 per cent. These are the figures of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. The fact of this increase in prices is familiar to all. It is difficult to fully appreciate the ir^ff^n^r hardship that it has worked upon the members of the Princeton faculty. Their salaries were already recognized as very in- adequate by the committee in 1916 before the latest and most serious rise in prices began. Their salaries have remained stationary and they have been called upon during the war to undertake heavier burdens of teaching than ever before. In the meantime, the salaries of salaried employees in business and in other fields have been increased. A large proportion of wage earners are now re- ceiving more than our instructors and assistant- professors. It is impossible for faculty members to continue to live on even the modest scale which was theirs ten years ago. Princeton 21 „, , The consideration of the data pre- Shrinkage in Purchasing pared by the United States Uureau ower ^£ Labor Statistics shows that an in- structor at $1200 today can purchase with that sum only 40 per cent of what he could ten years ago and only 60 per cent of what he could six years ago. To other men, faculty members of higher rank, the pressure is no less serious. An assistant professor, who ten years ago at the age of thirty was receiving $2,000, and has since been promoted to a full professorship, at $3,500 let us say, is from the financial point of view worse off today than he was at that time. In the case of the members of the faculty with families, their chil- dren are now growing up and the demands upon them are far heavier than they were then. This situation is already showins EflFect on , . i i . i . i Teaching rcsults, which thosc mtcrcstcd m edu- ro ession catiou cauuot vicw with equanimity. In the case of a large number of professors it has forced them to devote much of their time and a great deal of their energy to outside and often uncongenial tasks in order to support their fami- lies. This makes it impossible for them to con- tinue their own researches and develop in their chosen specialities. The sacrifice of their ener- gies to such pressing tasks has likewise lessened their efiiciency and enthusiasm for teaching. Some of them, unable to continue in academic 22 Princeton life because of their inadequate remuneration and readily able to command larger salaries in other fields, have left teaching against their wills and during the last four years Princeton has lost sev- eral men of promise for this reason. Not only are some of our trained and success- ful teachers forced to leave their chosen profes- sions, but it has been impossible to fill the ranks by men of equal training and ability. The best qualified young graduates cannot now be per- suaded to enter upon this work. This situation is not something in the future. It is already here. In certain fields almost no qualified men are avail- able for teaching positions. Chairmen of cer- tain departments report that they have had re- quests for some eight or ten times as many men as they had upon their lists. A similar report comes from the Bureau of Appointments. Professors in general do not expect the same financial reward that is given to men of like abil- ity, training and proficiency in other learned pro- fessions. Their position and function are, how- ever, such that they must be given a remunera- tion which will make it possible to live in an aca- demic community and provide their children with the advantages which they themselves enjoyed. The members of the Princeton f ac- Education in ulty would rcscnt having any appeal General made for them on sentimental Princeton 23 grounds. In justice to them, however, and in the interest of education in general, it is necessary that an immediate and very substantial increase in salaries at Princeton should be put into effect. It is necessary that the country at large as well as Princeton restore the professor to the relative standing in the professions which he enjoyed in 1900. In the last resort the character of The Faculty -.it i i and a a univcrsity depends upon the char- mng age ^^^.^j. q£ ||.g faculty and President Hibben summed up the situation in his state- ment to the alumni at Commencement in 1919: "We have come to a point in the history of the University when these men must be paid a living wage. That is why we are starting this endowment, and the verj^^ first money given is to be set aside for increas- ing the salaries of the faculty. I am not in favor of erecting any building on our campus (unless it be a dormitory that yields income) until we have squared our account with the faculty." CHAPTER TWO Summary of Specific Needs 1. Endowment of Professorships It is no secret that Princeton's existing en- dowment for professorships and assistant pro- fessorships yields only about $107,000 annually, while her salary budget reaches an amount more than four times larger. At present there are in the University 59 pro- fessorships and 49 assistant professorships which are unendowed and the salaries of which therefore are drawn from general funds or from annual gifts. Before progress can be made in meeting the widened demands on Princeton's type of instruction, due to the increased signifi- cance of that instruction, the University must be freed, by endowment for existing chairs, from the drain on her current resources for general pur- poses. It is hoped that some of these professorships may be endowed as memorials to Princeton men fallen in the service of the country during the Eu- ropean War. Piinceton 25 2. The Preceptorial Method of Instruction The most distinctive feature of Princeton's educational system has been the preceptorial method of instruction, introduced under Presi- dent Woodrow Wilson in 1905. The preceptorial method was made possible by the addition to the Princeton faculty of about fifty preceptors, who were experienced and in- spiring teachers and authorities in their respec- tive subjects. They were appointed with the rank of assistant-professor, and each was sup- posed to be especially qualified to act as "guide, philosopher and friend" to a certain number of students in their work. The preceptor met his students in small groups of from five to eight, usually in his own rooms and discussed with them the work assigned by him for that week. In a large imiversity much of the instruction must necessarily be given by means of lectures, delivered before large groups of students. In such courses it is manifestly impossible for the lecturer to come into personal contact with or to give individual guidance to very many of his audi- tors. In many cases, he does not even know them by name, and under the old system there was no method of checking the student's work, or of en- couraging him to work independently and to do his own thinking along the lines suggested. The 26 Princeton method was impersonal, formal and very often ineffective. The preceptorial method of meeting the stu- dent at least once a week in an hour's conference made it possible to follow and encourage him in his progress, to give him experienced individual guidance, and to adapt the work to his needs and capacity. This method proved itself highly successful. All the so-called "reading departments" of the University, such as those of philosophy, the liter- atures and languages, history, economics, and kindred departments introduced the method, and without exception they have testified that under it, it was possible to achieve results not formerly deemed possible in the rapid development of the student's interest and capacity for work. The informality of the system made it possible to adapt it to the individual needs of the student, and friendly informal relations with a mature man gave the undergraduate the intellectual stim- ulus and the steadying guidance which he most needed. Not only did it make for closer rela- tions between student and teacher, but also it served to bring the students more closely together in their intellectual interest and to develop their own esprit de corps. An investigation carried on three years ago to test the results of the system, showed that grad- Princeton 27 uates in all parts of the country and engaged in all forms of activity, all virtually agreed that the association and training developed under the pre- ceptorial method were among the most valued re- sults of their college course at Princeton. "Every institution in this countiy," said Presi- dent Lowell of Harvard at the inauguration of President Hibben, "owes a debt of gratitude to Princeton for the preceptorial system. There is no college or university in this country whose thought has not been affected by that move- ment." If this method of teaching is peculiarly effec- tive, it is likewise expensive. It cannot be suc- cessfully carried out except by picked teachers of trained capacities. After fourteen years it has been thoroughly tested. The financial con- ditions of the University, especially since the war, have made it impossible even to maintain this method on its previous basis. The departments in which it is used are unani- mous in calling for its decided extension. To do so, and to give this individual attention to stu- dents and small groups of students, will call for additions to the faculty of all departments and in some cases, as in History and Economics, a doub- ling of the staff. 28 Princeton 3. Financial Aid for Students (Dormitory) Since the founding of the University, it has been a deHberate poUcy at Princeton to give fi- nancial aid to students of limited means. Under the system which has been operating for the last fifteen years this aid is granted on the basis of scholastic standing; a student of high standing in need of assistance will receive greater considera- tion than one of poorer standing; students who stand below the middle of the class receive no fi- nancial aid. The University aids students either by partial remission of tuition or by the grant of scholar- ships, and in the case of ministerial candidates a small endowed fund is also available. The schol- arships are endowed so that they constitute no actual drain on resources, but remission of the tuition fee constitutes a severe drain inasmuch as it means a postponement or loss of annual in- come. The University remits annually tuition fees to the amount of about $12,000. This sum although covered in part by notes of recipients, in which they agree to pay back event- ually the amount remitted, virtually constitutes an annual loss of income which the University can ill afford. The University particularly desires to encourage poor but deserving young men and to increase these grants of aid. To relieve the Uni- Princeton 29 versity of this burden, a substantial endowment is urgently needed. This endowment may best be seciu*ed in the form of an additional dormitory providing rooms of moderate rental, the income from which would be set aside as a fund to cover the financial aid now given to needy students. The proposal to erect such a dormitory would conform with the long settled pohcy of the Uni- versity to bring all of its students into the demo- cratic community hfe of the campus by housing them in campus dormitories. At present, even with sixteen of these it is not possible to carry out this policy completely because of lack of rooms. The proposed dormitory might well be erect- ed as a memorial to one or more Princetonians who lost their lives in the war. 4. Regional Scholarships One of the main difficulties in extending the national scope of the University is the increased cost of education to young men compelled to trav- el long distances. The University particularly de- sires to increase its enrollment materially in the West, Northwest and South, especially among deserving young men, graduates of public high schools of moderate means. To make it possible for such young men to 30 Princeton come to Princeton, the University intends to es- tablish about two hundi'cd scholarships, the in- come of which would be sufficient to meet the added cost of education at Princeton. Such scholarships would provide for the hold- er's tuition, his travelhng expenses, and in spe- cial cases for a part of his living expenses. The annual income of these scholarships would range from three hundred to six hundred dollars, which would make it possible for any young men of special ability to come to Princeton without addi- tional cost to himself. Such regional scholarships will be granted by competitive examination, thus bringing together a picked group of representative students from all sections of the country. In most cases such holders of scholarships would return to take up their life work in the parts of the country from which they came, after four years of association with representatives of American constituencies in a distant part of the Union which would otherwise have remained strange to them. It is believed that the training of such a group of men will help to develop a "back pull toward the center" and a stronger sense of common in- terests in broadly American ideals. Princeton 31 5. Memorial Scholarships The Trustees and the Graduate Council of the University have decided that the most fitting spot in which to establish a memorial to the one hundred and thirty-seven Princetonians who laid down their lives in the service, is Nassau Hall. This Hall is beautiful in itself and is perhaps more closely associated with the nation's history than any other college building in America. It has been decided to remodel the entrance hall of this building and construct of it, directly in front of the large Faculty Room, another spa- cious room, fittingly panelled and decorated, in which would be preserved Princeton memorials and relics. On the marble panels of this hall will be carved the names of Princeton's sons who made the supreme sacrifice. In addition, in order to perpetuate his spirit and memory, each will have a scholarship estab- lished in his name. The individual endowment of these scholarships will range from five to ten thousand dollars. It is believed that a number of these scholar- ships will be made available to men who might otherwise have not been able to secure an educa- tion or to come to Princeton. They will be awarded to men in special sections of the country after the manner of regional scholarships. 32 Princeton 6. The University Library A library is the heart of a university. In 1896 the hbrary of Princeton University con- tained 102,000 volumes; today it has 405,000 and yet it is by no means a properly equipped univer- sity collection. For unlike a college library, a university library must be adequately furnished in all the higher branches of study embraced in the university curriculum. With the limited means available, and in spite of the careful and painstaking endeavor that has been expended, the library has been able to pur- chase only a fraction of all the books recommend- ed by the various departments. This situation is felt most painfully in depart- ments which may expect large numbers of stu- dents as an indirect result of interest re-awak- ened or originated by the war. It is evident, for example, that the historical, poUtical, social, economic, and modern language departments will receive, and already are receiv- ing, marked stimulus as a result of the war. What the laboratory is to the departments of physical science, the library is to the other depart- ments. The increased activity and interest in the latter will be made a living force of incalculable future usefulness, or will be starved to death now at birth, according to the expansion or the stric- ture of the library's resources. Princeton 33 There is scarcely a department of the library which does not need a large increase of endow- ment to enable it to carry on its work, and espe- cially true is this of the departments mentioned in an earlier paragraph. The absence of any large collections within reach of the University, such as in all probabihty would be the case were Princeton urban instead of rural, makes only the more imperative the need of assuring an adequate working equipment in her library. 7. The Department of Chemistry America is the great source of raw materials, and prior to the European War supported to a large extent the European chemical industries. These in turn furnished many chemicals and fin- ished products required by this country. Ger- many in particular had led in these industries and had acquired a commanding position in the fields of science that form their background. When the war cut America off from many necessary products — the dye situation so fre- quently cited was typical of a whole group of problems — this country was confronted with the necessity of developing new industries to meet its needs, and these in turn required not only the extension of existing chemical industries, furnish- ing acids, alkahs, metallurgical products, and 34i Princeton intermediates of all kinds, but also enlarged lab- oratories for the control of the products and raw materials and for research and development. And obviously the demand for highly trained chemists was extraordinary, the universities al- most without exception being drained of their expert chemical staffs. The technical experience thus gained is not to be discarded, but hereafter America must remain independent of foreign re- sources. Even before the war the demand for technical chemists highly trained in their science was far greater than the supply; the demands made on the science by America's present oppor- tunity render the need of trained men even greater. It is therefore with no selfish idea that Prince- ton desires large development of her equipment in the science of chemistry. Its vital importance to national industries, their helplessness without trained investigators, and the obvious duty of the universities to supply the national need in this direction, all justify Princeton's insistence on this feature of her plans for greater service to the na- tion. Not only is a new chemical laboratory with proper modern equipment a pressing neces- sity, but an enlargement of the staff of instruc- tion and the foundation of several research fel- lowships in the newer applications of chemical science are imperative. The appointment of these Princeton 35 Fellows would, of course, also mean additional strength to Princeton's Graduate School. 8. The School of Engineering The Department of Civil Engineering at Princeton as originally planned was part of a larger scheme for a School of Engineering in the John C. Green School of Science which has waited until the present to be carried out. That there is opportunity for national and even world service in an engineering school which will so organize its course that its students shall acquire a truer per- spective of human life, a keener sense of values, and a higher ideal of their profession and their service to the commonwealth, seems to admit of little question. Possessing already what many technical schools lack — the broadening influence of a university environment and the intimate intermingling of academic and engineering students, the Prince- ton Engineering School has in the university standards of liberal studies, its traditions, and its geographical advantage of location in the heart of an industrial region, the best possible basis for a development such as is proposed. The true type of an engineering education requires the elements that Princeton is pre-eminently quah- fied to contribute; for a professional engineer needs not only soimd knowledge of fundamental 36 Princeton sciences and methods, but also the enlightenment of a liberahzing spirit such as pervades and dom- inates the University. It is not more engineers that are needed but a better kind of engineer; and the frank purpose of the present plan is to de- velop the best kind of engineers, men of vision, with disciphned minds, capable of leadership in the industrial world. No class of men is doing a larger part of the work which is moving the world forward than the engineers. The material problems of civilization are largely engineering problems ; and more par- ticularly is this true at the present time when the scientific development of the resources of hitherto imexploited regions of the world lies within the power of American skill and energy, touched with a sense of humanity. Plans were accordingly drawn after long and careful consultation with expert advice, and in general were accepted before the war as a devel- opment that was not only advisable but necessary. The war has reenforced those opinions to such a degree that any longer delay in putting the plans into execution would seem negligent. The pro- posal is to develop engineering education at Princeton in the five principal branches of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining and Chemical Engineering, requiring four years of imdergrad- uate work in the fundamental principles of en- Princeton 37 gineering science leading to the degree of Bache- lor of Engineering, followed by a fifth year of specialized work in one of the five branches of engineering and leading to the degree in that branch, of C.E., M.E., E.E., E.M., or Chem.E. These plans await endowment. 9. The School of Architecture For several years there has been developing at Princeton a particular interest in the study of architecture with a view to the profession of ar- chitect. Steps have already been taken toward founding a School of Architecture. This has grown naturally out of the Department of Art at Princeton, rather than out of the technical de- partments as has been the case with so many schools of architecture in America. This fact gives its students a broad training in sculpture and painting which are so intimately allied with architecture, and also in languages, in politics and in science. It thus tends to transform into a fine art a profession which only too often has been merely technical and barren. Leading American architects, themselves also artists, who have been consulted, agree enthus- iastically that the influence of a School of Archi- tecture thus liberally planned would not only be far-reaching in American Kfe, but is something urgently called for by the situation of art in this 38 Princeton country. The course will carry men who have had the necessary undergraduate courses through at least two years of graduate study leading to the degree of architect or some equivalent, and would call into aid the Departments of Art and of Mathematics besides certain technical courses given in the School of Civil Engineering. The plans include the extension and comple- tion of the present unfinished Museum of His- toric Art for the proper training of these students, as well as the enlarging of the staff of the Depart- ment. They had been so far advanced before the outbreak of the war that they may hardly be withdrawn. 10. The Department of Astronomy The need of the Department of Chemistry, outlined in an earlier paragraph, is parallelled by the need of the Department of Astronomy. It might be supposed that this science is some- what remote; but the best evidence to the con- trary is found in the part which astronomers were able to play in the recent war. Almost every observatory contributed members of its staif , and the Princeton Observatory had the hon- or of a 100 per cent record. The five members of the staff of September 1917 were a few months later engaged in war wark; the two computers (ladies) took commercial positions to release men Princeton 39 for military service ; the Thaw Fellow, physically incapacitated for active service, became a compu- ter at the Sandy Hook Proving Grounds; one of the faculty devoted his whole time to instruction of naval candidates for commissions, while the director of the Observatory entered the service of the War Department as a civilian engineer and was engaged in technical problems such as anti- aircraft defense and the navigation of airplanes. The results obtained in the latter field are of value in peace as well as war and have been communi- cated to the British Air Service, at their request. Thus in most of this war service the technical training of the astronomer was directly useful. Astronomy is becoming more and more inti- mately related to the other sciences, notably to physics. Merely as one example of this relation, it may be pointed out that more than thirty years ago astronomers announced the existence of a gas, probably as light as hydrogen, in the sun, and named it helium. Today this gas is used to fill balloons and may solve the problem of the safe navigation of dirigible airships. The preeminent position of the United States in the science of astronomy is generally recog- nized, and in the attainment of this national po- sition, Princeton, though possessing but a modest equipment in comparison with the great western observatories, has borne a worthy part. The 40 Princeton great name in our tradition is that of Professor Charles Augustus Young whose researches on the sun won for him high distinction. The tradi- tion which he estabHshed has been continued in recent years by the volumes of "Contributions from the Princeton University Observatory," and by numerous papers in scientific journals. Cer- tain subjects have become the recognized special- ties of this observatory, as for example the study of double stars in which it is not too much to say that a new branch of double-star astronomy has been created by the work done at Princeton. Mention may also be made of a theory of the evo- lution of these stars which has aroused much in- terest here and abroad. If Princeton is to continue to do her part in the advancement of astronomical science an as- sured and increased income for the Department is necessaiy. The great telescope of the Halsted Observa- tory is of excellent quality so far as the lenses and the optical parts are concerned; but the me- chanical parts are forty years old and so unsuited to requirements of the present day that, of the various lines of work open to a modern instru- ment, hardly one in three can be here attempted. A new mounting of the lenses would remove this embarrassment and at least double the efficiency of the instrument. Princeton 41 Various minoi* accessories for the larger instru- ments are also needed, together with improve- ments which have long been desired but could not be purchased from the small annual appro- priation the observatory now controls. The removal of the observatory from its pres- ent unfavorable position in the center of the town to a freer location outside of it, and the con- struction of a modern building are much to be de- sired; but no appeal is made for this while the other needs of the University are so pressing. The present staff of the observatory is insuffi- cient to carry on the work of teaching and of theoretical research, and at the same time to use the great telescope at its full capacity. The pro- vision of salary for a trained assistant would en- able the telescope to be used when it now stands idle and would greatly increase the output of the observatory. A cogent argument for such a pol- icy is found in the case of a brilHant student who came to Princeton some years ago as the Thaw Fellow and was later appointed a Procter Fel- low. On receiving his doctor's degree in astron- omy he was offered a position at the Mount Wil- son Observatory, and Princeton was unable to re- tain him. His subsequent work has already won him distinctions usually awarded to much older men and he is likely to achieve lasting fame as an astronomer. From the point of view of science 42 Princeton at Princeton the limitations which prevented the retention of such a man amounted to a calamity. It is also essential that funds be provided to secure the services of computers to handle the extensive and laborious numerical work incident to researches in progress and planned, and of stenographic and other clerical assistance such as is available to any business man even in a sub- ordinate position. The lack of these facilities has been a serious hindrance. Briefly then, the Department needs an endow- ment if it is to continue to progress, or even to hold its own, and to keep the members of the pres- ent staff. This situation is emphasized by the call recently extended by a sister university to the present director. 11. McCosh Hall The completion of McCosh Hall was contem- plated at the time of its erection in 1907. Since then the congestion of recitation and lecture rooms on the campus has become acute, and ob- viously will not grow less unless relief is afforded. At certain hours of the day every recitation and lecture room is occupied; several are over- crowded. In addition, the expanding work of several de- partments is seriously hampered by the lack of adequate quarters, especially for preceptorial Princeton 43 conferences. As an example, the Department of History and Politics, one of the most important in the University, both as regards its present work and its future development, has for some time past been in urgent need of additional quar- ters in order to facilitate the work of its students under the modern methods of instruction pur- sued. If there shall be growth in enrollment, as seems to be indubitable, the completion of McCosh Hall is a physical necessity which cannot be avoided. An important feature of the proposed exten- sion of McCosh Hall is the intention to provide in the building adequate private offices for pro- fessors who lack at present any quarters on the campus wherein they may meet students privately for consultation outside of the class rooms. 12. Graduate Fellowships The increased difficulty of adequately supply- ing the ranks of the teaching profession is a com- monplace in educational circles and has become the frequent topic of newspaper comment. Un- der present circumstances, few of the best seniors in our colleges and universities are giving any consideration as a career to the life of the profes- sor, the pure scholar, the teacher of the liberal arts, the scientific investigator. Many a promis- ing young student is compelled, because of the 44 Princeton financial question involved in the further prose- cution of his studies, to relinquish his genuine preferences and give up all thought of carrying his studies on into graduate years. Should this be allowed to continue, not only will there result a marked decrease in the supply of highly trained specialists on whose technical and theoretical knowledge so many purely com- mercial enterprises now largely depend, but, what is of far graver national importance, the whole future of American higher learning and Ameri- can scholarship, in short the intellectual life of the nation, will be jeopardized. Princeton has hitherto been able, by means of her system of fellowships, to maintain in her Graduate School a picked body of advanced stu- dents drawn by competitive process from every part of the country, who have been willing to re- sist the allurement of immediate business and commercial openings with their prospectively larger financial returns, and to prepare them- selves for academic and scientific careers. Her endowments for the purpose of encourag- ing higher studies and the advancement of learn- ing have, however, suffered grave shrinkage in their purchasing value. A fund is urgently de- sired whereby they may be brought up once more to an adequate level. Princeton 45 13. University Religious Work There has never been any endowment for our chapel services and the work of the Y. M. C. A. under the auspices of the Philadelphian Society. Consequently it is highly desirable that we should have some permanent fund which will as- sure the wider scope and greater effectiveness of the religious activities of the University. To pro- vide for the University preachers at the Sunday morning services in the chapel and for the conduct of a weekday chapel throughout the year, to- gether with the work of the Philadelphian So- ciety, it has been estimated that a fund of $200,- 000 is needed. The authorities of the University recognize the importance and significance of making an especial effort at this time to maintain all of the Christian activities of the University in a manner befitting our religious tradition, and in recognition of the faith and hope of those who were the original founders of the College of New Jersey, later to become Princeton University. CHAPTER THREE Schedule of Desired Endowments The following is a schedule of the endowments, the purposes of which have been described in the last two chapters. 1. Increase of Salaries. For the immediate increase of salaries to a point more commensurate with present conditions of living, an endowment of $2,000,000 is imperative. 2. Professorships and Assistant Professor- ships. In order to endow professorships and as- sistant professorships at present dependent on general funds, an endowment of $3,000,000 will be necessary. This makes no provision for new chairs. 3. Preceptorial Method of Instruction. In or- der to place the preceptorial method on a footing in which its potential value can be attained, an endowment of $1,000,000 is desired. 4. Financial Aid for Students. (Dormitory.) To erect the additional dormitory with which it is planned to relieve the University of the burden entailed in remitting the tuition fees of students with limited means, approximately the sum of $300,000 is necessary. Princeton 47 5. Regional Scholarships. In order to carry out the national purpose of the scholarship plan, a foundation of at least $1,000,000 is desired, in addition to individual memorial endowments per- petuating the names of Princetonians fallen in the service of the country. 6. The University Library. An extremely conservative estimate made by each department in 1917 showed that to maintain the collections in the various fields of literature, language, his- tory, and science, would require the income of a sum not less than $600,000. This makes no pro- vision for administration. 7. The Department of Chemistry. It is esti- mated that the sum of $2,000,000 would be neces- sary to erect and equip a new laboratory and to provide the requisite staff of instructors and fel- lows to place the department on a par with mod- ern developments. 8. The School of Engineering. The carefully considered plans for completing the School of Engineering along the lines suggested elsewhere in these pages call for a fund of $3,000,000 to cover buildings, equipment and maintenance and to provide necessary additions to the staff. 9. The School of Architecture. The plans for this development ask for the expenditure of $350,000. 10. The Department of Astronomy. The 48 Princeton proposed plans for the equipment of the Obser- vatory and for the increase of the staff call for a sum not less than $250,000. 11. McCosh Hall. It is estimated that the completion of an additional wing of McCosh Hall would cost in the neighborhood of $250,000. 12. Graduate Fellowships. An additional in- come of $15,000 for the increase of existing fel- lowships is required to meet the effect of present conditions on the value of stipends. This means a special foundation of $375,000. It makes no provision for additional fellowships. 13. University Religious Work. It is esti- mated that a fund of $200,000 will be necessary to assure the wider scope and greater effective- ness of the religious activities of the University. Summary of Endowments 1. Immediate increase of salaries. . $2,000,000 2. Professorships and assistant pro- fessorships 3,000,000 3. Preceptorial Method 1,000,000 4. Financial aid for students (dor- mitory) 300,000 5. Regional scholarships 1,000,000 6. The University Library (mini- mum) 600,000 7. The Department of Chemistry. . 2,000,000 Princeton 49 8. The School of Engineering 3,000,000 9. The School of Architecture 350,000 10. The Department of Astronomy. 250,000 11. Extension of McCosh Hall 250,000 12. Graduate Fellowships 375,000 13. University Religious Work 200,000 $14,325,000 PART TWO CHAPTER FOUR Geographical Distribution of Students ,,. ^ ^, The founding of institutions of Higher Educa- , . , , - ■ a -it tion in the higher learning in America has been left entirely to individual states, lo- calities, and denominations, or to the generosity of philanthropists. The interest of the Ameri- can people in education has from the first been keen, and fortunately there is no lack of such in- stitutions. The United States has a larger num- ber of universities and colleges in proportion to its population than any European nation. Already in 1902 there were in the United States 700 institutions of very unequal grade, calling themselves colleges or miiversities. The state of Ohio contained forty such colleges or nearly twice as many as the entire German Em- pire. Missouri, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Iowa contained considerably more than Germany of before the war. This has had the advantage of making it possible for young men of nearly every 52 Princeton section of the country to obtain collegiate instruc- tion without traveling far from home. So important had this localization Localization of i i • i i Higher of our higher education become that Education ^^^ General Education Board made it the subject of special consideration in its report for 1902-14. Is a University In its study of the laws of college sco^e^"""''^ growth in America the Board's re- impossibie? pQp|. statcs that wc cau have only such a national system as results from adding together the separate state systems. Although the authorities at Princeton admit that this tendency to localization is strongly operative, they feel convinced that, in certain cases at least, the subject of higher education ought to be approached "from the standpoint of the Union as a whole, not from that of separate states or localities." Areas of influ- The General Education Board fur- can Colleges ^^^^^ states : "The circle from which a college chiefly obtains its students is rarely two hundred miles, and usually not over one hundi'ed, in diameter. If we draw circles around each American college fifty and one hun- dred miles from its halls, and trace every student to his home, we shall most fre- frequently find the homes of the majority Princeton 53 within these circles. Almost invariably the homes will be thick about the base of the institution, thinning out with distance. This marked tendency is equally strong in all sections of the country." It is quite true that there is such a tendency in American education. It can readily be explained on economic grounds. The cost of education to a young man increases directly with the distance, and the increased cost of education to those com- pelled to travel long distances is such as to make it impossible for any but young men relatively well-to-do. The report continues: "Moreover state lines have likewise counted heavily in determining the area of college or university influence. The state line is a formidable barrier." _, , . The serious disadvantage of this of the condition has been the fact that there ^^ ^™ are very few institutions in our coun- try where the yoimg man leaves his local atmos- phere and puts himself into touch with a body of students who represent America in its wider sense, and in which the spirit of the instruction is not in any sense influenced by the desire to satisfy utilitarian claims or local demands. Princeton is one of the relatively few institu- tions possessing, she believes, particular advan- tages in this regard. In her further development 54s Princeton it is intended to work for a still larger represen- tation from the sections of the country not now adequately represented in her student enroll- ment. Princeton The f ouudcrs of Princeton Univer- Center of" sity Contemplated this larger useful- Coionies j^^ss whcu in 1746 they located the col- lege in what was then the center of population. It was for this reason that they refrained from es- tablishing it in any town or city of the Colonies, but chose as its site a village in the open country exactly midway between New York and Phila- delphia. The college therefore still finds itself in what is the most densely populated section of America. It is also within four hours' ride of the National Capitol at Washington. Already in 1772 Fithian speaks in his Journal of there being students in the college "from almost every prov- ince of the continent," and this statement is cor- roborated in the correspondence of President Witherspoon. Throughout Princeton's history this feature has been noticeable. Center of Princeton is one of the few insti- state line tutions in America with a certain momentum that do not readily fall into the class of local institutions. The state line in her case is not a "formidable barrier." Al- though situated in New Jersey, the number of students from New Jersey itself is surpassed by Princeton 55 the number enrolled from New York and fre- quently by the number enrolled from Pennsyl- vania. In 1915-16, for instance, there were 535 students from New York, 336 from Pennsyl- vania, 333 from New Jersey. Important as dis- tance is, it likewise has not been the determining factor in Princeton's enrollment. In 1915-16 there were more students at Princeton from Colo- rado than from Indiana or from Wisconsin, and as many from California as from Indiana. Twen- ty-two states were represented by more than ten students, Missouri being represented by 45, Min- nesota by 20, Illinois by 48. Forty-six states and eighteen foreign countries were represented. In its plans to make itself even EnSen?^ morc national in scope, Princeton is making a determined attempt to in- crease its enrollment particularly in the South, the Middle West and the West. Regional trustees have recently TrS^ been appointed to the board of trus- tees, so that these sections are now adequately represented in the governing body of the University. Princeton does not wish to have her &dSiTr?hips students represent only one geo- graphical section or one social strat- um. She wishes to draw representative young men from all sections in increasing numbers, 56 Princeton especially able young men who belong to the class that could not now afford the expense of travel. To this end it is intended to establish a large number of regional scholarships in the South, the Middle West and the West, the income of which will be sufficient to make it possible for young men to come to Princeton for their higher edu- cation without increased cost to them. Princeton aims therefore: First : To bring together a body of picked stu- dents who shall represent, even more fully than in the past, all sections of the United States. Second : To make the conditions of life in the University and the character of its instruction even more broadly national in spirit. Aside from its historical traditions Conditions fav- j ■ i ii i • i j* oring Devei- ^^0 atmosphcrc the physical condi- opment of tious at Priucctou are favorable to Nahonal Spirit these ends. It is situated in the country on a ridge amid beautiful natural surroundings, where the health of the students and their physical development are assured. It is within ready access to great t^o^Greft'cTties ccutcrs of population, like New York and Philadelphia, where the social conditions of modern life can be studied, as has been done in the past in university courses, such as those of social economics. Princeton 57 Spirit of The town of Princeton is small, SpirfAIf^her with a population of about five thou- students sand inhabitants. It is entirely domi- nated by the university life. The atmosphere in which her students live is that created by the stu- dents themselves, as would be impossible if the University were merely a part of a large center of population. The conditions of life and asso- ciations are those of the university campus and all students live with their fellows from various sections of the country in a student community which is very largely self-governing. CHAPTER FIVE Princeton's National Tradition Princeton is not a sectarian insti- Princeton tution. It stands on the broad basis Non-sectarian of Christian hberalism. The charter creating the College of New Jersey in 1746 was exceptional for those days in its latitudinarian terms. The charter of 1748 was even more gen- erous. It made the college for all time neither a church nor a state affair; and, attaching it to no denomination or region or locaHty, safeguard- ed its free development and devoted it broadly and simply to the promotion of "a liberal and learned education" to be vouchsafed henceforth to "those of every religious denomination" with equal liberty, "any different sentiments in reli- gion notwithstanding." Princeton is fortunate in that its Mctik)"£s history runs back into colonial days and that it was privileged to play an important part in the founding of the nation. The town and campus are therefore crowded with historic memories. In the Revolution it was the scene of the Battle of Princeton of which Nas- Princeton 59 sau Hall was the pivot, and this famous old build- ing was occupied by the British and American armies in turn. In this building the Continental Congress met at the close of the war. Here au- dience was given to the first foreign minister reg- ularly accredited to the United States, and here General Washington received the thanks of the nation for his service in the Revolution. Washington himself was a frequent ^^PriBcrton visitor. Hc maintained headquar- ters at Princeton during the summer of 1783, honored the college with a gift "in token of his esteem," and later sent his adopted son to Princeton. 1. Princeton in the Service of the Nation The spirit which pervades her past is well ex- pressed in one of the last addresses of President Grover Cleveland, delivered on the opening of the new Faculty Room in Nassau Hall: "I almost fear to speak here lest I may by some ill-selected word or ill-considered thought disturb the spell created by the associations of this place. I am pro- foundly impressed by the thought that the spirit which built our nation and which in Revolutionary days was here more than a visitant has not altogether departed, and that the consecration of this room by the apostles of liberty and free government 60 Princeton has not faded away. This spirit and this consecration span the chasm of more than a century of years and by mysterious guidance make easy the journey of our thought to the time when Washington and other immortals within these walls watched and nurtured the promise of a new Republic. To recall these things is to remember that we who have gathered in Nassau Hall today hold in trust her precious traditions and her heritage of splendid patriotism. . . . From these conditions arises an inescapable duty. This room has been changed to better suit the use of the University; but its spirit and atmosphere, derived from its distin- guished past, cannot be changed without unfaithfulness. The teachers that meet in this room for counsel may adopt im- proved methods of education; but they cannot without recreancy change the cur- rent or purpose of Princeton's teaching." „ . , . Nor was it the accident of geo- Pnnceton m ^ ^ ^ ^ the Nation's graphical position that gave Prince- ^^"^ ^ ton this prominence in Revolutionary days. To indicate her role briefly one cannot do better than to quote from President (then Pro- fessor) Woodrow Wilson's notable address, "Princeton in the Nation's Service," delivered in 1896 at the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its founding. Speaking of the early days, he said: Princeton 61 "One thing is certain; Princeton sent upon the public stage an extraordinary number of men of notable quality; be- came herself for a time, in some visible sort, the academic centre of the Revolu- tion; fitted among the rest the man in whom the country was one day to recog- nize the chief author of the federal consti- tution. ... It would be absurd to pre- tend that we can distinguish Princeton's touch and method in the Revolution, or her distinctive handiwork in the Constitution of the Union. We can show nothing more of historical fact than that her president took a place of leadership in that time of change, and became one of the first figures of the age; that the college which he led and to which he gave his spirit contributed more than her share of public men to the making of the nation ; outranked her older rivals in the roll call of the constitutional convention, and seemed for a little while a seminary of statesmen rather than a quiet seat of academic learning. What takes our admiration and engages our fancy in looking back to that time is the generous union then established in the college be- tween the life of philosophy and the life of the State. "It moves her sons very deeply to find Princeton to have been from the first what they know her to have been in their own day, a school of duty. . . . Her rolls read 62 Princeton like a roster of trustees, a list of the silent men who carry the honorable burdens of business and social obligation — of such names as keep credit and confidence in her. ... It has been Princeton's work in all ordinary seasons not to change but to strengthen society, to give not yeast but bread for the raising." In a sense this role was the natural outgrowth of the tradition that dated to colonial times. Even then the college was spoken of as a center of the new spirit of Americanism bom of the French and Indian War. It had been strength- ened in the stormy days that preceded the Revo- lution. President Witherspoon served steadily in the Continental Congress and with two other Princetonians signed the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The activity of Princeton's president doubtless served to render even more keen the spirit of her sons, and it is perhaps for this rea- son that we find the names of so many of her yoimg graduates, like that of "Light Horse Harry" Lee, of the class of 1773, high in the ros- ters of the Revolutionary Army. The impetus for patriotic service which had as- serted itself so powerfully in the days of the Rev- olutionary War naturally made itself felt on the return of peace. The predominance of Prince- tonians in the Federal Convention is illustrated by the fact that ten of the twenty-five college Princeton 68 graduates in that body held Princeton diplomas ; that the two rival plans debated were drawn up by William Paterson (class of 1763) and James Madison (class of 1771) respectively; that com- promises were offered by two other Princeton- ians only to yield finally to the proposal of Madi- son. In twelve of the thirteen original states Princeton graduates were leaders in the conven- tions securing popular sanction for the national charter. The outstandiug role which Princeton had played in the days of the founding of the nation not only gave her a rich store of historic memor- ies, but served also to create that spirit of service to the nation which has been exemphfied in her later history. Its various phases can be studied in Princeton's record during the War of 1812, the Civil War, and the War with Spain, ^j^ As was likewise true of other edu- Enropean catioual institutions of the country War the most recent and striking test of Princeton's patriotic spirit is to be found in her response to the nation's appeal in the Eu- ropean War. The University did not await the formal entry of the United States into the conflict to show where its sympathies lay. A majority of the faculty signed formal pro- tests against the sack of Louvain, the destruc- tion of the Cathedral at Rheims, and the sink- 64 Princeton ing of the Lusitania. President Hibben's scathing reply in 1914 to Professor Eucken, the German philosopher, on Germany's trespass in Belgium, was widely quoted. His denunciation of German inhumanity and his insistent demand for preparedness since 1914 aroused public atten- tion as the message of few other private citizens had done. Long before they could fight in their own army, Princetonians were working for or fight- ing in the armies of the AUies. On the Commis- sion for the Relief of Belgium, organized before this country's entrance into the War, there were proportionately more men from Princeton Uni- versity than from any other American institution of higher learning. The American Ambulance Field Service, organized by A. Piatt Andrew, of the class of 1893, naturally enlisted a large num- ber of men from his college, four of whom re- ceived the French Medaille Militaire and twenty- five others the Croix de Guerre from the French Army before American troops reached France. Scores of students left the University to vol- unteer in the service of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association among our own troops on the Mexican Border, among Chinese soldiers in Pe- king, and with British and Indian forces in Meso- potamia. They were present at the fall of Bag- dad and at the capture of Jerusalem. When steps were taken to shape the voluntary Princeton 65 military courses given in 1916 for the first time at Princeton and correlate them with the work of the summer camps so urgently advocated by President Hibben, the University in answer to severe criticism officially replied that it was "try- ing in obedience to its cherished traditions to ful- fil its obligations to the Nation as well as to the undergraduates on whose disciplined loyalty the country in time of emergency must rely." The spirit of service to the nation expressed itself not only among the undergraduates but among the alumni as well. The University has kept a record of the alumni and students who gave all of their time to the government during the war and took part in some active branch of the nation's work. The records thus far received show that 4625 were in active service, with 1300 still to be reported. Of those whose reports are not yet received, it is known indirectly that more than half were enrolled. When the record is com- plete it will be found that considerably over 5000 Princeton men were in service. The returns already filed indicate that close to 3000 Princetonians earned promotion to officer rank and served as such during the war. Among these were 4 brigadier generals, 4 colonels, 2 com- manders, 37 lieutenant colonels, 5 lieutenant commanders, 161 majors, 321 captains, and 1475 lieutenants. The records at present show that 231 were dec- 66 Princeton orated for distinguished service, and that 137 laid down their hves. In February 1917, on severance of diplomatic relations, a volunteer Princeton Provisional Bat- tery was organized under command of Captain (now Brigadier General) Stuart Heintzelman. Half the undergraduate body enrolled forthwith, 500 of them on the first day. By the end of April over 1000 undergraduates were drilling or other- wise receiving military instruction. Before Com- mencement, 741 had left college for active ser- vice or for officers' training camps. At that time the official university records showed that of an undergraduate enrollment of 1409, all but 15 were either already in service, or were drilling, or receiving other military instruction at Princeton. The effect on the university enrollment was ap- parent in the following fall and winter. The cus- tomary undergraduate enrollment of approxi- mately 1400 had dropped to 793. Practically all of the men old enough to enter the aviation schools or training camps had volunteered. At the opening of the college year of'*i9rr' 1916-17 the senior class of 1917 had numbered 337 men. Three months after the declaration of war, at their Commence- ment 232 or 68.8 per cent were known to be in service. A year after graduation the percen- tage of this class had risen to 79.2 per cent, and Princeton 67 two years after graduation (June 1919) 323 or 96.7 per cent had been in some branch of service. This means virtually every man physically quali- fied. Of this class, 20 died in service and 20 were decorated for valor. By June 1917, while the class of oM9?8^'' 1918 were still juniors, 173 of the 287 men in the class, or 60 per cent, had volunteered. At the opening of the next col- lege year (1917-18) when this class had become seniors, 193 or 67 per cent were recorded as ab- sent in service, only 94 having returned to col- lege. By June 1918, 74 had completed the course but only 61 were present at Commencement to receive their degrees. By January 1919, or six months after graduation, 284 of the class had been in service, 7 had fallen and 7 had received decorations. As accurately as could be figured from existing data in January 1918, 54 per cent of the under- graduates who had been in college at the break of diplomatic relations in February 1917 were in the service of the country. This accounts for prac- tically all undergraduates old enough or physi- cally qualified for service. Of the 184 members of the faculty Faculty . , , * ' m 1916-17, 80 (or 43 per cent) were in war service, more than half of these (48) in uniformed service. Twelve members of the forty- 68 Princeton eight received decorations, 3 were taken prison- ers, 4 were wounded, and 3 died in service, 2 be- ing killed in action and one dying of wounds re- ceived in action. The preceding statistics refer to the Scho^o?*^ faculty and the undergraduate body. The record of the graduate school is equally notable. Except a small handful ex- empted by government regulation, all graduate students in residence in 1916-17 and 1917-18 were in the military or naval service of the United States or in recognized government war work. A partial record of the graduate school shows that of the 107 graduate students in residence in 1916-17, 97 joined the training corps organized in the spring of 1917. Of these, in 1918, 80 were in the uniformed service of the United States, 4 in Y. M. C. A. work, 4 in ununiformed govern- ment service. Among them were 51 commis- sioned officers. Of the graduate students of 1917-18, 80 per cent are known to have been in service, and the record is still incomplete. As soon as this country declared war, the University put at the dispo- sal of the government its entire equipment. Be- fore the government could act, however, a group of alumni and friends, foreseeing the need there would be of trained aviators, immediately started at Princeton an aviation school which was con- Princeton 69 tinued until the government had perfected its plans and took charge of this branch of training. As a result of the start already made and the ex- ceptional advantages offered, the government took over the school and established at Princeton one of the foremost ground-schools of military aeronautics in the country, which continued for over two years and from which more than 3700 aviators were graduated. The character and spirit of this work are evident in the record of the first class, graduated in midsummer of 1917, which numbered 27 men, all but two of whom were Princeton undergraduates. All of them be- came officers in the aviation service ; 5 were killed in action ; 3 lost their lives by accidents in line of duty ; 4 became American aces ; and 5 won decor- ations. In order that the school might be comfortably housed, the University vacated two of its larger dormitories, gave it the use of laboratories and recitation rooms, and for two years its students were fed at the University Dining Halls. The quadrangle of buildings Officeis^*^ which constitutes the Graduate Col- lege was turned over to the Naval Department for the establishment of a Naval Pay Officers School, where more than 1200 men were trained as officers. 70 Princeton For the study of gas warfare a re- Warfare scarcli division of the Chemical War- fare Service was estabhshed in the Chemical Laboratory. A radio station of re- search was established as well as a bureau of medical research. The laboratories for the study of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology were therefore given over to government work. ^ , , The entire facilities of the uni- Data for . i t Peace vcrsity library were placed at the dis- mmi. sion pQs^i Qf i\^q National Board for His- torical Research, and under Professor Dana C. Munro of the Princeton faculty chairman of the board, a corps of historians prepared at Prince- ton material for our State Department and for the use of the Peace Conference in Paris. On its own initiative, the University CarTs^"^ established courses for the training of men entering the Navy as well as the Army. During the two summers military camps were maintained on the campus. When the Students Army Training Corps was organ- ized in the autumn of 1918, Princeton was able, in addition to the men training for the aviation and the pay officer corps, to accommodate about a thousand men preparing for the Army and Navy at the time the armistice was signed. Princeton 71 It would be impossible here to give War^Ser^ce ^ record of individual Princetonians who rendered important service; but it may be well to mention a few names merely to illustrate the diversity of the types of service which the University and her sons rendered to their country. As President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson of the class of 1879 was Commander-in- Chief of the Army and Navy. It was under his leadership that the country entered the war and helped bring it to a victorious conclusion. He was a leader at the Peace Conference and with Mr. Lloyd George and M. Clemenceau was large- ly instrumental in formulating the peace which it is believed and hoped will mark a new era in history. In the Princeton Physical Laboratory Profes- sor Augustus Trowbridge of the University per- fected a device for locating hidden enemy batter- ies and registering their cahbre. This proved of such value behind the Allied lines that Professor Trowbridge was made Chief of the Sound and Flash Ranging Service of the Second American Army and was ordered abroad as Lieutenant Col- onel of Engineers, serving in that capacity. For his work he was awarded the Distinguished Ser- vice Cross and the Distinguished Service Medal. On the medical side. Brigadier General John 72 Princeton M. T. Finney (class of 1884), the well known surgeon and a trustee of the University, was ap- pointed head of the Surgical Division of the Al- lied Hospitals. He received the Distinguished Service Medal and the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The difficult problem of debarkation of Amer- ican troops and their transportation to training camps in England was in charge of Lieutenant Colonel M. C. Kennedy, a classmate of Dr. Finney. Mr. Raymond B. Fosdick (class of 1905), was head of the War Department's Commission on Training Camp Activities. He has recently taken up his new duties as American representa- tive in the secretariat of the League of Nations. Professor Joseph E. Ray croft of the faculty was chairman of the Athletic Division of this commission and had charge of the physical fitness of the men in the camps. Princetonians were to be found in every form of service, military, naval, or civilian. They served on relief commissions, food and fuel com- missions, in hospitals and ambulance work and in the Y. M. C. A. They were found in all parts of the world, in France, England, Belgium, Rou- mania, Russia, China, Jtaly, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, Palestine, Persia, Siberia and Manchu- ria; in the North Sea, the Atlantic, the Pacific, Princeton 73 and in South American waters ; in the air, on land and sea, and under the sea. Of hardly less importance than the work of the men in active service was that of Princeton's sons in the branches of humanitarian and social cooperation. It is only necessary to mention the aid and inspiration, furnished to the American Red Cross by men like Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge and to the Y. M. C. A. by Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick, both graduates of President Wilson's class (1879). Mr. McCormick was also a member of the Mission to Russia in 1918. Dr. Livingston Farrand (class of 1888), after serving abroad on the Tuberculosis Commission, is the present head of the American Red Cross (1919). Paul van Dyke (class of 1881), served as As- sociate Director of the American University Union in Paris during the War. Henry B. Thompson (class of 1877), was Treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the Uni- versity Union. The spirit of service which permeated Prince- ton's board of trustees is illustrated by the fact that four members of that body, all graduates of the University, were members of the National War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. Princeton has always prided her- Princeton and ,- ,11 ii ni the Nation's Sell on the broad character of her ^* training. It is for this reason that 74 Princeton her graduates were prepared to serve in so many diverse fields during the national crisis. The same characteristic of her training has made it possible for her in times of peace to send out men into virtually every department of national life. Her history is therefore interwoven with that of every phase of the country's development and it is impossible to go back through American annals in politics, science, theology, or letters without somewhere crossing the path of her influence. Two presidents of the United States, James Madison (class of 1771) and Woodrow Wilson (class of 1879) have been graduates of the col- lege and a third president, Grover Cleveland (hon. 1897), was one of its devoted friends and trustees. Two vice-presidents and one chief justice of the United States have also been Princeton alumni. The annals of American diplo- macy show that Princetonians have frequently represented their country in the capi- tals of Europe and Asia. Three times have grad- uates been ministers plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James, while the number of lesser appoint- ments runs into scores. During the recent war, Princeton men were stationed in the American embassies at each of the Allied capitals. The most arduous neutral post, that at the Hague, was at first occupied by Henry van Dyke (class of Princeton 75 1873), and then by John W. Garrett (class of 1895). The present ambassador to Japan is Roland S. Morris, class of 1896. The history of American jurispru- dence is shot through with Princeton names, from Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth and Justice William Paterson of the eighteenth cen- tury to Justice Mahlon Pitney of the present time. They are found in the records of bench and bar in nearly every state in the Union. In New Jersey half of the jurists who have occupied the seats of highest legal authority have been gradu- ates of Nassau Hall; since 1776 twelve of the twenty-four attornies general of the State, thir- ty-one of the seventy associate justices, seven of the thirteen chief justices of the supreme court, and seven of the nine chancellors of the state have received their education at Princeton. The history of the American church at home and abroad tells a similar Princeton story. Early American Protestant Episcopal bishops, like Clagget, Meade, Mcll- vaine, Johns, and Hobart, stand side by side with great leaders of the Presbyterian Church, like Edwards and Hodge, Alexander, Green, and Warfield. Not less characteristic are the Education . . scores, it not hundreds, ot mmisters of the gospel who, not only in religion but also in 76 Princeton education were pioneers, torch-bearers of lib- eral learning, founders or presidents of colleges in the South and West, patterned often after Nassau Hall in curriculum and sometimes in ex- ternal form. Princeton has been a mother of College ^' colleges, among them Brown Uni- versity and Dartmouth College in New England, Union College in New York, Washington and Jefferson College in Pennsyl- vania, the University of North Carolina, and Hampden Sidney College in Virgina. Several others were founded or first presided over by graduates of Nassau Hall. Four American col- leges and universities and three theological semi- naries have within recent years drawn members of the Princeton faculty to their presidential of- fices. The story of foreign missions bears MiSSs witness to Princeton's service in the double cause of religion and educa- tion. Hepburn (1832) and MacCauley (1864) in Japan, Nassau (1854) and Owen (1835) in India, Gulick (1825) in Hawaii, Baldwin (1841) and Wherry (1858) in China, are names that stand high in the pages of missionary history; and with these may be coupled that of Robert W. Gailey (1896), head of the "Princeton Center in Peking," the Chinese Y. M. C. A. organization Princeton 77 whose influence is spreading so widely and which is manned and financed entirely by Princeton. How strong is the call to such service is indicated by the fact that before the war there were more Princeton alumni living in China than in any other foreign country, virtually all of them en- gaged in branches of humanitarian service. Princeton names have not been lacking in the history of American literature. From the days of Philip Freneau (1771), the poet of the Revolution, through Charles Godfrey Leland or "Hans Breit- mann" (1845), down to Henry van Dyke (1873) and the later school of Booth Tarkington (1893), Jesse Lynch Williams (1892), and the present generation such as Ernest Poole (1902), and Maxwell Struthers Burt (1904), Princeton's authors seem to have caught and expressed dif- ferent phases of the nation's life and spirit. In science, the writings of Benia- Science •-ni/ \ n ii mm Hush (1760) loreshadowed mod- ern researches,while the names of David Hosack (1769), and Professors Torrey, Maclean and Stephen Alexander in the realm of natural sci- ences, Arnold Guyot, the geographer, Joseph Henry and Cyrus F. Brackett, the physicists, and Charles Augustus Young, the astronomer, are inevitably associated with Princeton class rooms and laboratories. Chemistry as a separate sci- 78 Princeton ence was first taught to American college stu- dents by Maclean of Princeton, the pupil of Priestley, himself the teacher of Silhman ; and to the same professor fell the first course in natural science ever placed in an American college cur- riculum. These distinctions belong to the CharatSistics University's intellectual history. There are others which relate to the present day and to its material side. Apart from the appealing natural beauty of its campus and of its setting within a girdle of green fields and woodland, the characteristics of Princeton are the signal stamp of the communal dormitory life that marks the daily existence of the place, its highly developed form of undergraduate self- government, its honor system so closely treasured by the student body, its well known preceptorial method of instruction combining the advantages of the large university with the intimate associa- tion between teacher and pupil that characterizes the smaller college, and finally its residential graduate college, unique in America, and not only affording to graduate students at Princeton ade- quate living quarters but also giving them a com- mon scholarly life and the beneficent spur of daily democratic contact with one another and with the University as a whole. These were the features of Princeton's graduate college which Princeton 79 appealed with peculiar strength to that sturdy American, Ex-President Cleveland, in whose memory the great tower of the graduate college was erected by the subscriptions of the people of the United States. 2. Princeton's Organization and Administration Within recent years changes have been made in the administration and organization of Prince- ton, all of which have had as their aim a higher degree of cooperation. The fundamental conception underlying Princeton's plan of organization is that it is a university consisting of trustees, faculty, alumni and students. To do its work most effectively there must be the closest cooperation between these four factors. The Board of Trustees The board of trustees consists naturally in very large part of Princeton alumni. They rep- resent nearly all of the important professions and careers, and include educators, doctors, divines, men of affairs, lawyers, and engineers. Various religious denominations are represented. Until 1901 the board was self -perpetuating. In order that alumni, however, might be more Alumni dircctlv represented, in that year Representation J r ^ j Princeton initiated the system of hav- 80 Princeton ing members elected to the board by vote of the alumni. At present there are five such alumni trustees, each elected for a term of years. The election of alumni trustees ch*^**"t^ made for democracy in representa- tion. The board has recently taken action to make the governing body of Princeton University more national in character. For this purpose three regional trustees are now elected who represent sections of the United States not adequately represented in the personnel of the board. There are now such trustees representing the Northwest, the Far West and the South, sec- tions from which the University is making an especial effort to increase its enrollment. The board of trustees, consisting CoiSSt?M ^^* as it does of numerous representatives from all parts of the country, is able to meet in full session only four times a year, and most of the work is necessarily done in com- mittees. In order to bring the work of the various committees into harmony and to make it more consecutive, an Administrative Committee, con- sisting of the chairmen of the finance, curriculum, and grounds and buildings committees, with three members chosen at large, meets with the President once every month. Princeton 81 The Faculty Recognizing that the strength of the Univer- sity depends upon the character of its faculty and that the faculty is the body best qualified to speak upon matters pertaining to education, the Princeton trustees have committed themselves "not to take any action affecting academic policy without consulting the faculty." In order that the trustees and fac- Cbopcration i ■ i i and Trusteed ulty might work together, a stand- a« *y ing committee was appointed in 1912 which marked an important step in American university administration. This Committee of Conference, as it is called, consists of five mem- bers of the faculty elected by that body, to discuss with the curriculum committee of the trustees all questions affecting educational policy before such matters are submitted to the board. This plan had worked so well that it has been followed in many other institutions. Joint Committees of Faculty and Students Just as important as mutual understanding between trustees and faculty is mutual under- standing between faculty and students. Here likewise important steps have recently been taken. 82 Princeton Discipline is no longer being en- forced by the faculty alone. The committee on discipline has been so reconstructed as to include undergraduate representatives. The athletic affairs of the Univer- ShktiSi"" °" sity are controlled by a committee representing alumni, faculty and students. A similar committee composed of Committee on . . , Student faculty and students is now m charge c m les ^^ ^jj matters pertaining to the non- athletic extra-curriculum activities of the campus. Questions involving a man's per- Sy^tem soual houor and honesty in examina- tions have for more than twenty-six years been left entirely in the hands of the stu- dents. The Princeton Honor System is one of the features of Princeton life and has successfully entrusted the student with a responsibility not usually left in his charge elsewhere. Advisory Council of Faculty Special committees of the faculty deal with special questions, such as entrance, course of study, standing, etc. In order to discuss ques- tions of a general nature, an Advisory Council of the Faculty has been created. It consists of the chairmen of all the various departments and meets on call of the President. Princeton 83 The changes enumerated above indicate changes in the spirit of campus life. The rela- tions between professors and students and the sense of their alliance in a common cause have of recent years become much closer. The profes- sor who is an efficient teacher gives far more of his time to his students than formerly. In most cases he wishes to be accessible to them during the hours of the working day. For this reason, the University plans to provide in its new recitation halls offices for every professor, so that he may do his work on the campus. Alumni Organization The most important factor in the University's life has been the body of her alumni. They are of course represented on the board of trustees and in the faculty. In addition they are at present being organized into a national body. In this way they are in touch with the nation's problems and needs in every section of America. Every effort is made to keep them in closest possible touch with affairs at the University. To this end they have had for many years a special alumni organiza- tion, the Graduate Council, meeting S^cu** twice a year. The Council strength- ens in every way the relations be- tween the alumni and the University. It encour- ages, for example, the class organization on which 84 Princeton Princeton alumni loyalty rests; it promotes the establishment of regional alumni associations, supervises the University's publicity in the press and among the preparatory schools, keeps in touch with undergraduate activities and the life of the campus, and has been instrumental in rais- ing several hundred thousand dollars for the bene- fit of the University in the past years. Further- more, the Council frequently appoints special committees to consider problems of policy and organization in connection with committees of the trustees and of the faculty. In addition to the annual reports of the Presi- dent and the Treasurer of the University, alumni are informed on university matters through an or- gan of their own, the Princeton Alumni Weekly. This is organized and directed by the Graduate Council. CHAPTER SIX Princeton's Educationai. Policy The range of subjects taught at cScuhun the University is naturally large, for it embraces nearly every field of hu- man endeavor. The list of courses offered to the student and the conditions under which they are to be taken cannot therefore be given in detail here. During the past year the curriculum of the University has been thoroughly revised, the details of the new scheme of studies may be ob- tained from the university catalogue and a book- let which will be forwarded on application to the Secretary's Office. Aside from the tendencies which Intelligence have already been mentioned, the University is not committed to in- culcate any particular doctrine or any one school of thought. It aims to give the student such an education as will make him familiar with human achievement in the past and place him in a posi- tion to understand and appraise critically the cross currents of the present. Its course of study is designed to teach men as far as possible to see life "steadily and whole." 86 Princeton Special The University believes that its in^One'* students should be afforded ample op- Divisiou portunity to prepare along general lines for their chosen professions, and to this end it allows, especially to the upper classes, a wide range of election. But it refuses to permit this freedom of individual preference either to de- stroy the substance of a thorough education or to prevent the acquisition of a proper mental disci- pline. It therefore makes two requirements of all its students. It stipulates that each of them shall, in his underclass years, master certain sub- jects which it deems fundamental to all real edu- cation, and that in his upperclass electives he shall take some special continuous training in one of the three divisions of studies : Philosophy, Liter- ature, and Art; History, Politics, and Econom- ics; Mathematics, and the Sciences. Princeton has long been recog- jiized as a center of classical studies. The comprehensive series of courses in Greek and Latin which were designed to give the stu- dent a thorough mastery of the languages, liter- atures, and philosophy underlying so much of modern culture will not in any way be cur- tailed; indeed, new courses on Greek life and literature are to be introduced. The recent re- vision of the curriculum and entrance require- ments which made Greek no longer required for Princeton 87 entrance to the A.B. course is designed to give the system of study greater flexibility and to al- low larger freedom to students of different types of mind. Without in any way lowering its stand- ard the University wishes to put itself into closer touch with secondary education throughout the country, especially that provided in high schools of various states. The changes made, though they provide for in- struction in all important contemporary phases of history and movements of thought, were in no way designed to provide vocational or techni- cal education in the four years' college course. The spirit underlying these changes may be made more intelligible by a statement of the principles which were brought out in the faculty committees and discussions. r., , Vocational education without the Liberal vs. Vocational foundation of liberal training and dis- cipline tends to limit the student to one line of thought and technical activity. He may become the master of his specialty, acquiring the art of doing one thing well and even supreme- ly well ; but his mental powers have never broken through the inevitable barriers of his narrowing studies and pursuits. On the other hand, a liberal education, as its very name implies, tends to free the inquiring spirit of the limitations of special interests and 88 Princeton habits of thought, and to present a varied field of intellectual challenge which is well calculated to produce an alert, wide-ranging, resourceful mind. When the mind is thus liberated, there are no limitations which can stay its progressive develop- ment and accumulating power. With such an in- tellectual basis, the student can naturally turn his attention to special courses of study and in- vestigation in any field which he may choose for his life's work. He is then prepared not only to perform adequately the daily tasks of his voca- tional routine, but is equal to the emergencies and the crises that may arise in his professional or technical experience. In situations wholly un- familiar and unexpected he is not found wanting in wise initiative and resourceful effort. The test of a well trained man is his ability to deal with the unexpected. In educational policy and departmental organ- ization, therefore, Princeton aims to give liberal rather than vocational education, as defined above. The four years of a student's col- stages of * ... student lege coursc represent stages in his in- rogress tcllcctual growth. It has been the experience of most college teachers that the stu- dent's intellectual awakening occurs usually in his junior or senior year. Naturally his work would be most effective if this period of stimula- Princeton 89 tion could be brought down to an earlier stage of his college life. Therefore, at Princeton every- thing possible is being done to strengthen the first year of the student's university work. Freshman Year It is essential that the student inteUectuai should be made to feel as early as stimulation ^ ^ *' may be that he is in an atmosphere radically different from that in which he hved in the time of his preparation for college. He is not so much a pupil who is being taught, as an independent learner. Certain subjects of study are introduced which invite questions and involve methods which he has not yet encountered in pre- paratory school. Best Teachers ^^ Order to Stimulate his awaken- in Freshman jng, therefore, the best teachers of the University are to devote some of their time to teaching in freshman subjects. For the same reason, he is allowed considerable latitude in choosing sub- jects that appeal to his new interests and thus arouse in him an immediate motive to learn. But in order that his selection may be intelligent and profitable, guidance is given him by an adviser, a member of the faculty whom he can consult in- formally at any time, with whom he can maintain unofficial and friendly relations, and with whose 90 Princeton assistance he maps out his courses of study. He continues throughout his college course with the same adviser. .. ...^ An important purpose of the fresh- Responsibility ^ ^ r r to World of man work is also to create in the stu- ^ *^ dent a sense of his responsibility to the world of today, of which he is a part. A brief statement of the plan of one of the new courses introduced into the freshman year will illustrate Princeton's method of attaining this object. The course known as the Historical Introduction to Politics and Economics is specially designed to foster this sense of responsibility, by developing intelligent interest in the questions of today, their background, and the proper method of approach- ing them. The elements of history, polities, and economics will be taught by a study of existing peoples in various stages of development. Geo- graphical factors will be emphasized as a back- ground. Conditions of life and government and their evolution by contact with more advanced civilization will be discussed. The necessity of understanding the history and point of view of the peoples, the importance of transportation and of scientific inventions, and the responsibilities of the more advanced nations will be some of the subjects treated. Princeton 91 Sophomore Year . The sophomore year is the period Special in which students generally are con- fronted with the problem of deciding the special field of their life work. The nature of intellectual problems generally is put before them in a course in philosophy required of all stu- dents. Aside from this they are given a very wide field of choice. Each department of the University is repre- sented by a course open to all sophomores which presents the field covered by the department and the general principles of the subject. In this way the sophomore has the opportunity of learning the general range and character of each depart- ment and his aptitude for it. The only checks put upon his liberty of choice are designed to prevent the dissipation of his energy and to give him some solid preparation for later work in one of the three divisions of study already mentioned : Phil- osophy, Literature, and Art; History, Politics, and Economics ; or Mathematics and the Sciences. Junior and Senior Years ^ . . ^ In his upperclass years the T.mder- Traimng for . Future graduate's studies are usually concen- trated in that special field which will afford most adequate training for his future career. The junior chooses a department or a di- 92 Princeton vision in which he elects at least two subjects and must continue these in his senior year. The work of each department in these upper years is planned not to train specialists but to give the student a thorough grounding and discipline in a particular field of study. The aim is not only to impart information, but also to teach methods of investigation which will prove useful in the pursuits of later life. Princeton believes that in connection with those subjects which are of most immediate and press- ing importance today her tradition of liberal edu- cation should be continued. It has become necessary therefore to intro- duce many new courses to cover the various types of problems confronting the modem student and to illustrate different methods of approaching them. An example of the extension of the Courses work in many departments is the case of the Department of Economics and Social Institutions. The plans call for seven types of course : 1. Courses which deal with fundamental prin- ciples and the history of economic theory; 2. Courses in finance which deal with the sub- jects of money, banking, and public and govern- mental finance ; 3. Courses in labor problems which deal espe- Princeton 93 cially with the history and present status of the relations between capital and labor; 4. Courses in transportation which deal with the history, management and pubhc relations of railroads and with movements of domestic and foreign trade ; 5. Courses which deal with the principles of accounting, corporation finance and public utiH- ties; 6. Courses in statistics which deal with statisti- cal methods in their application to governmental, business, and social pr(>blems; 7. Courses in social institutions which deal with the origin and history of human culture, with the family, the race problems of color and immigra- tion, with crime, degeneracy, and social progress. In all of these courses the aim will be to teach fundamental principles and to put before the stu- dent the problems involving their application, without attempting to give him technical knowl- edge primarily. Spirit of "^^^ spirit and purpose of the in- Princeton structiou at Princctou cannot be set forth in any form. Its general tenor may be gathered, however, from a statement of President Hibben to the graduating class in June, 1919: "Whatever, develops and magnifies the spirit of man makes for the progress of the 94 Princeton race; whatever starves and confines that spirit, lowers humanity in the scale. Lead- ers of men who are themselves led by the spirit, move forward in the progressive evolution of a higher type of manhood. When they are blind to the vision of the spirit and deaf to its call, mankind is there- by degraded and becomes slave to its brute inheritance. All history is a com- mentary upon these two propositions. . . . "The new world opening before you, the world of your generation particularly, calls for idealists, not the idealist who dreams dreams and sees visions forever unrealized and unrealizable, but the true idealist, who will not weakly yield to the materialistic drift of his age, but who be- lieves in an enterprise and purpose in life which will make the possibility of a better world something more of a reality. . . . "I appreciate the fact that life does not consist solely of great emergencies and startling events. Much of it is given necessarily to the daily routine and drudgery. Life is an integration of many small and often petty elements. But we can bring to these little things a big purpose, and through the multiplicity of wearying and often annoying de- tails move steadily towards an inspiring goal. . . . "Whatever be your station, you will be sooner or later called upon to deal at close Princeton 95 quarters with your fellow men. Your success in life will depend upon your abil- ity to work with them and through them in mutual understanding and cooperation. The restlessness of the great masses of mankind today which is a constantly in- creasing menace to all our political, social and economic life, challenges the atten- tion and serious study of the college man. The problems created by this condition cannot be solved until they are understood. Who can understand, if not the man of trained mind? There is no solution which is content to palliate symptoms merely — the causes must be discovered and the spring healed at its source." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS » 028 340 054 2