1^... f jjiCONOMY OF THE EYES i PRECEPTS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND PRESERVATIOJ)f OF THE SIGHT. PLAIN RULES WHICH WILL ENABLE ALL TO JUDGE EXACTLY WHEN, AND WHAT SPECTACLES ARE BEST CALCULATED FOR THEIR EYES; OBSERVATIONS ON OPERA GLASSES AND THEATRES, AND AN ACCOUNT OE FOR DOUBLE STARS, AND DAY TELESCOPES, '* Qui Visum, Vitam dat." By WILLIAM KITCHINER, M.D. Author of The Cook's Oracle ; T^he Art of Irivigomting and Prolonging Life ; The Pleasure of Making a Will ; Observations on Singing, &e. &c,; and Editor of The Loyal, Nationalj and Sea Songs of England. BOSTON : WfJjhS A^n LII.lt— AND E. LITTELL, FHILADELPHIA.. 1824. ^ ^^ CONTENTS. PAGE Prefacf, to be read ajttr the Work , • . 1 Introduction ...•••• 2 Spectacles for the poor 9 Chap. 1. On Reading Glasses for Persons WHOSE Eves are impaired by Age; and Single Eye Glasses for the Shurt-sight- ED 10 II. Spectacles with Plain Glasses . . 16 III. Cases of Persons who could not read IS Spectacles .... 18 and 31 IV. Hand Spectacles . « . . 14 and 19 V. Symptoms of the Eyes REauiRiNG Specta- cles to READ WITH 21 VI. Of Preservers 27 VII. Table of tle Focal Length of the Magnifying Glasses REauiRED at vari- ous Ages 30 The time that the First Glasses of 36 Inches fo- cus will assist the Si ^ht sufficiently . .33 VIII. When to change the First Specta- cles o 34 The Premature Use of Spectacles, how perni- cious to the Sight ..... 29 IX. My Grandmother s Spectacles . . 36 Spectacles for Gourmands . . , .37 X. Hints to Persons choosing Spectacles 40 Divided Spectacle Glasses . . . .44 Plan for Preserving the Sight , . .46 XL Hints to Persons beginning to wear Spectacles : and of Reading-lamps and 3V CONTEHTS. Candlesticks . . . . . . • 52 Case of Dimness of Sight from Over-exercise of the Eye 59 Of the Pole Star « 61 Of the Double Ring of Satur7i . . .62 Contents of the Second Part of the Economy of the Eyes 65 Magnifiers for Artists , , . , ,67 Concaves for reducing Miniatures . • ,70 Nervous Dimness of Sight . • , .71 Ointment for the Eye-lids . . . » 72 Chap. XII. Precepts for improving and Preserving the Si^ht .... 73 The Circumspector ... 75 and 181 Sight-Strengtheners for Painters, &;c. ♦ . 77 Double Rising Desk . . . , * 79 Reading Candlestick 81 Green ©r Coloured Glasses . , . .82 To keep Glasses perfectly clean . . .84 XIII. Glasses for Short-sighted Persons 85 History of the Author's Case of Spectacles . 86 Invisible Opera Glasses . , . . .93 The Disadvantages and the Advantages of be- ing Short-sighted . , . . • 94 XIV. 'Spectacle Frames . . . .96 Silver Frames , 96 Tortoise-shell Do .96 Blued Steel Do 97 The Length of the Bridge . . . .98 Mean Distance between the Eyes . . .98 Width of a common Spectacle Frame . . 99 How many Tears shed Daily . . . 100 Proper Shape for the Openings which hold the Glasses ...... 101 Length of the First Joint . . . .102 Prices of Spectacles ..... 103 XV.-. Of THE aiTALITYOF SPECTACLE GLASS- es, and how to measure their focal Length , , , ^ , * 103 XVI. Pebbles ....... 106 CONTENTS. The expense of the Best Glasses is a Groat per Annum . . . • • THE per fee Chap. XVII. On the various Degrees of Perfection of the Eye and ear The Gritty Chord The Ocular Harpsichord Beef and Cabbage, the music of Good Sense and Good Senses Perfect Senses . . , . Bad Senses Advantages of Insensibility Pancratic Eye-tube Portraits of 7)ow6/e »S7ar5 Dat Telescopes, how to use with Vision and with effective Power fit Geminorwn seen double , • f Bootis do , , . Hints to Observers of Double Stars . Hints to Dumpy Fanciers Newtonian Diagonal Eye-piece Advice to Buyers of Telescopes XVIII. Opera Glasses How to adjust an Opera Glass for various Eyes, and for various Ages, and Objects at diffe- rent distances How to hold an Opera Glass Field of View in an Opera Glass The Grand Dandy Opera Glass The Stops .... The Opening ©f the Pupil Revolving Eye-head French Operas English do • . . . Magnifying Power, how to vary To see if any of the Object Glass is cut ofF Diameter of Eye-glass Do. Eye-head Average Distance the common Eye can see distinctly the Expression of the Countenance 161 109 109 110 110 112 113 115 116 117 118 121 124 125 125 126 128 133 143 146 148 140 152 152 153 156 157 157 158 158 159 160 161 Average Distance between Spectators and Per- formers , , , Igl Requisite Magnifying Power to enable a Person to see as distinctly as if they were within 15 feet of the Stage •«,,., 1612 The Bell Opera with one sliding Tube the best 162 Of Operas which have many Tubes , . 162 Operas for the extremely Short-sighted . . 164 Operas that have no focus , . • • 164 Invisible Opera Glasses ... 93 and 165 Opera for a Picture Gallery c . . . 166 Opera for sweeping for a Comet » , , 166 The Ouranoiogia ..,,.. 16G Binocular Opera , , , , , .167 Single Object Glasses 168 Concave Eye-glasses for varying the Magnify- ing Power ....»., 169 To ascertain the relative Powers of Eye- Glasses 169 Imperfections in Opera Glasses^ to discover , 171 Prices of Opera Glasses „ • « . . 171 Cautions in trying Opera Glasses . . . 172 Comparisons of Single and Double Object Glasses ,...,., 174 To measure the Magnifying Powers . . 178 Diagonal Opera Glass <,<,... 181 Circumspector . , o . 75 and 181 Chap. XIX. Theatres ...... 183 Distance from the Curtain to the Boxes at the English Opera House ..... 184 Ditto at Drury Lane . • , . .184 Ditto at Covent Garden ..... 184 Of the Extension of the Voice • • , 18^ Mr. Arnold's Theatre . . . . ,188 Mr. Garrick's , 18§ Account of the Expense of Building the present Drury Lane Theatre .... 189—191 Humber of Seats, &c. in the English Opera House . . . . . . . .190 pittOj Drury Lane . . -> « a c 192 CONTENTS. Vn Number of Seats, &c. in Covent Garden . 192 Ditto, Haymarket 192 God I save the King 193 Ditto, the Words marked as they ou^ht to be sung 198 APPENDIX, RESPECTING SPECTACXES. No, I. Rules for Choosing Spectacles, by George Adams, Optician 201 II. George Adams on Short-sightedness . 203 III. Of Optometers 204 IV. Dr. Smith's Rules for Choosing Spectacles 205 V. Indistinctness in Old Eyes how caused and how cured, by Dr. JuR ve- hemence, and, to his extreme astonishment, exclaimed, — ''Sir, You nre strangely mis- taken. Sir ! — I did not tell you that I could not see to Read, Sir ! — lean see to Read, Sir, as well as ever I could, — I only com- plained that I could not see to read in S[)ec- tacles ! ! / can see to read very idbU without ! ! ! but my Acquaintance say how charmingly they can see with Glasses, and surely, it is very hard that I cannot enjoy the same Advantage." CHAPTER IV. HAJND SPECTACLES Are infinitely better than any Reading Glass,* however large it may be, — but are * " The Single Convex Glasses with which some Persons read, must be very injurious, if they be sufficiently large to admit the same object to be seen with both Eyes. For as both axes will then pass through them, one on each side of the centre, the interval of the pupils will be widened, and the refracting power of the Eyes be diminished ; so that here a disadvantage is to be added to the prejudice of the convexity of the Glass, — not a benefit to be placed against It, as in the case of Common Spectacles for the Long- Sighte(j."—Dr. W. C. Wells on Vision, 8vo. 1792. p. 130. 20 HAND SPECTACLES, Still, not so comfortable to the Sight as Spec^ iacles on J^ose — unless considerable care is constantly taken to always hold them exact- ly parallel with, and at exactly the same distance from the Eyes. Double Folding Hand Spectacles (see Figure IV. in Plate facing the Title) are preferable to a Single Eye-Glass^ for Short'sighted per- sons to view pictures, &c. &c. Moreoverj the use of them is not so likely to be set down to Impertinence and Affectation— a censure which all persons expose themselves to, as often as they stare about them with ^'a Quizzing Glass.^^ The ingenuity of the Optician is often dis- played in the formation of Hand Spectacles, and a variety of highly-finished Gold and silver mountings have been contrived — but unless the Glasses are defended by a case, as in the frame portrayed in Figure No. IV. in the Print facing the Title, they will ,soon become scratched and spoiled. The Pearl frame is the most elegant. SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES, &C. 21 CHAPTER V. SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES REQUIRING SPECTA- CLES TO READ WITH. The ni^tural decay of the Sight commen- ces, in Common Eyes, very soon after '^ the Meridian of Life," which, according to those who train men for Athletic Exercises, and according to Dr. Jameson,* is about our 28th, — according to others,! about our 35th Year. " Tht Crystalline Humour is clear and transparent like water — (ill about the 25th or 30th year of our age, when it begins to become a little Yellow towards the centre, which Yellowness grows gradually deeper and deeper, and extends more and more towards the surface, in so much that Dr. Petit found that the Crystalh'ne of a man 81 years old, resembled two pieces of beau- tiful Yellow Amber." — Dr. Porterfield on the Eye, 1759, 8vo. vol. i. p. 229. The commencement and progress of the dete- * See Dr. J. on the Changes of the Human Body, 8vo. 1811, p. 89. t See 4th Edition of " The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life-^''^ by the Author of this Work, "l2mo, 1822, p. 4ti. 22 SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES REQUIRING rioration of the Sights depends upon the health of the individual — upbn the original formation of the Eye,-- and upon how it has been used. Some Eyes, at 30 years of Age, require the aid of art as much as others do at 60, — while the Sight of some persons continues almost as perfect at 50 as it was at 30. The average period of the Eyes requiring Spec- fades to read with^ is about the 45th year* Nature has decreed, that soon after our 40th year, the most perfect Eyes shall no longer retain the privilege she gives to Youth, of the power of adjusting them to See dis- tinctly at different distances : — this range of accommodation diminishes gradually, till it fails almost entirely—those to whom it is given to continue to discern distant things distinctly ,~no longer see those which are near distinctly. Very few persons past the age of 40 can see quite so well by Candle-light, as they could before that Age- — those who can, — will generally find that there is a small de- gree of Shortness in their sight, which is the cause of their possessing that advantage lon^ ger than persons in general do— -if they will try that very shallow Concave which is ealledj by OpticianSj '^Ko^ 0. Concave^'^ or SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 23 ^'' Half a Number'^ — they will find it give a decided outline to distant objects, which they never saw defined sharply before. However, people who do not use their Eyes for minutely examining Near,- — or for accurately delineating Distant objects, — are quite unconscious of the finer perceptions of a fine and cultivated Eye — and are equally insensible to the smaller gradations of the deterioration of their Sight, and happily suppose that '• they have a Good Eye,*" while, as Beatrice says, <' They can see a Church b\- Day-light." There are several symptoms, too evident, even for the Self-love of the vainest and the weakest to mistake, by which All persons will easily perceive when they really require the assistance of Spectacles. The first Indication of the Eye beginning to he impaired by Age^ is that when You wish to read a small prints You are obliged to remove it further from your Eye than You have been accustomed to do, and desire the aid of plenty of Light ; and on looking at a near . object, it becomes confused, and appears to have a kind of mist before it, and the letters of a Book run one into another or appear dou- ble, &c. ; and, by Candle-light,* You catch ^ ^* There are many who find the effect of Candlc-light 24 SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES REQUIRING yourself holding a Book, &c'. close behind the Candle — and, that you begin to admire the ingenuity of the Gentleman who invent- ed Snuffers. You will begin to feel the absolute nece sify of using Glasses^ when you want to read a small print by Candk-light^ for Twelve months before you require their assistance by Day -light. —See Cumumbra Lamp. • If You obstinately strivQ against Nature, and barbarously refuse your Ej^es that assist- ance from Art — which will-enable You to see with great ease, but without which, you can- not see without great ditficulty — You will act as absurdly, as if You refused to eat when hungry, or to sit down when You are tired— and will soon strain and weaken your Sight, which will receive more injury in a few Months by such forced exertion, than it would in Years, if assisted by proper Glasses which render Vision easy. so different from the purer light of Day^ that they are obliged to use Spectacles by night, though they can do very well without them in the day. These, when the eye has become more flat, will find it advisable to have two pair of spectacles, one to use by day, the other appropriated for the night : by this means, nearly the same quantity of Light may be brought to act upon the retina at one time as the other ; thus the eyes will be less fatigued, and longer main- tain their natural Vigour." — Mr, G. Adams on Vision, Bvo. 1789. p. 108. SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 25 However, some people seem to be about as unwilling to acknowledge this Truth — as they are to confess thai they do not feel quite so frisky as 45 — as they did at 25. The common objection which people make to put on Spectacles, is, that '•'- if They once begin to wear them, They are afraid they can never leave them off as^ain :" — this is true enough ; — but why should they ? if by such aid, their Sight is relieved and preserved, and They are enabled to see easily and dis- tinctly, and when they attempt to read with- out, their Eyes ache, — their Head aches, — and every bit of 'em aches. A man afflicted with incurable Lameness, who cannot move without Crutches, would act just as wisely, in refusin^.^; to avail himself of them, — because he can never hope to walk again without; "Timely assistance from Glasses will ease the Eyes, and in some degree check their tendency to grow flatter — whereas, if they be not assisted in time, the flatness will be con- siderably increased, and the Eyes be weak- ened by the eflorts they are compelled to ex- ert ; all delaj^ is dangerous, and the longer those who feel the want of assistance, defer the use of Spectacles^ the more they will in- 3 26 SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES, &C» crease the failure of the Eye." — Adams on Vision^ 1792, 8vo. p. 109. " The change in the conformation of the Eyes, which renders Spectacles useful, seems to be one of those which Nature has destined to take place at a particular period of Life, and to which there is no gradual approach through the preceding course of Life. A per- son for instance at 40^sees an object distinctly, and at the same distance that he did at 20. When he draws near to 50, the change I have spoken of, commonly comes on, and obliges him in a short time to wear Spectacles. As it proceeds he is under the necessity of using others of a higher powder. But, instead of supposing that his Sight is gradually becom- ing worse, from a natural process, he attri- butes the increase of the defect in it, to his too early and frequent use of Glasses. Upon the whole, I should draw this inference from w^hat has been said, that — no person whose Sight begins to grow Long^ ought to be in the least prevented from enjoying the immediate ad- vantage which Spectacles will afford him^ by the fear that they will ultimately injure his Eyes*^'^ — - Dr. Wells on Vision. OF PRESERVERS. i« CHAPTER VI. OF PRESERVERS. By the help of Convex Glasses^ of 36 or SO Inches focus, if your Eyes are in the state above mentioned, You will be enabled to read with the same ease, and at the same dis- tance, that you did before your Sight was altered by the inevitable decrees of Old Time — such Glasses, will make things appear clear, and distinct as they did before your Eyes w^ere impaired ; and if judiciously cho- sen, lessen the labour of the Eyes — and ena- ble them to do their work with more ease, and therefore, I suppose, do, in a certain de- gree, preserve the Sight, This Title of Preservers, which some sa- gacious name-giver gave to Spectacles of 36 Inches focus or the First Sights is an admira- ble appellation to attract the attention ofpeo- * Of Convexes^ — i» e. Glasses for assisting those Eyes which are too Long Sighted — or what is commonly called an Old Sight, are named from their focal length ; the high- est num.ber, No. 36, niagnifies least, and is called the 1st Sight : See Figure 5 in the Plate facing the Title, Of Concaves, i. e. Glasses for a Short Sights — that which is the least concave, and gives the least assistance to the Eye, is called No, 1, See Figure 7 in the Plate fronting the Title, 28 OF PRESERVERS. pie — but is equally applicable to all the fol- lowing gradations of Glasses ; — for the term is generally misunderstood,^ — people seem to suppose, that Speciacies of 36 Inches focus, have the magic power of arresting the pro- gress of that failing of the faculty of Sight, which is one of the natural and unavoidable consequences of Age. When once the Sight begins to fail, it con» tinues to decay, till in extreme Age, our Eyes, like our other Senses, — become of almost as little use to us, as they were in our Infancy, It is very common for Persons after they have worn Spectacles of 36 Inches focus for a Year or two, to complain that they think that '' their Glasses cannot be of the right fo- cus for their Eyes, for when they do not wear them, they certainly cannot see so well with- out them as they did before they used them, therefore, — they certainly cannot be Pre- After the process of deterioration has been proceeding for 12 months — it would be won- derful if it had not made some perceptible progress ! — It is as ridiculous, to expect that it i.'. in the power of an Optical Instrument to eni-rely prevent the Eye undergoing that in- var ably certain, although alm.ost impercepti- ble change which accompanies the advance OF PRESERVERS, 29 of Age, as it would be to suppose that Art can prevent the failing of any of our other faculties. I make tbeseremarks, because, 1 know that the prepossessing term has induced sorn? ex- cellent Artists,* who were naturally extreme- ly anxious about their Eyes — (their Eyes are their Estate, the mainspring of their Fame and of their Fortune) — to wear Spectacles before they wanted them, Mem.- — The premature use of Spectacles^ is as pernicious to the Sight, as Physic to the Stomach of a Man in Health, and as absurd, and as uncomfortable, — as it would be to put on a Fur pelisse at Midsummer, as a Preser- -ver against your feeling the Cold of Christmas. * See Chapter xiii. The Art of Seeing, &c. FOCAL LENGTH OF CHAPTER VH. TABLE Of the Focal Length of the Convex or Magnify- ing Glasses commonly required at Various Ages. Years of Age- Inches Focus of Convexes. Remark. 40 45 50 36 30 24 Convex Spectacles are seldom wanted, except to read bv Candle-light till 45 or 50. 55 20 58 18 60 16 65 14 70 12 75 10 80 9 85 8 90 7 100 6 * * These three last deep Lenses are very rarely required except for Couched Eyes, *^One focus is seldom sufficient to enable those who have undergone the operation of Couching, to see objects at different distances — who gene- rally require one pah: of Spectacles for near^ and another CONVEX GLASSES, &C. 31 The above Scale was given to me by an eminent Optician, as the average resuhs oi, upwards of 50 Years' very extensive Experi- €iv e : — and I believe it is as good a General Rule as can be written ; but, as 1 have ob= scived in the Introduction to this work — Ko General Rule has more Exceptions* " No regular estimate can ever be esta» bl'shed as an absolute criterion, either of the for distant, objects. The foci which are used lie between 6 and 1^ inches.'' — G. Adams on Vision, 8vo. 1792, p. 126. If you are a Laughing Philosopher, gentle Reader, You will not be very angry with the Author for inserting the following Anecdote :~ *' In the city of Leyden, in Holland, a young woman lost her sight from a cataract ; tlie operation of couching was successfully performed upon her Eyes, and she reco- vered the use of them; but it appeared that the Visual Or- gan (as is usual in such cases) was not completely restor- ed to its primitive condition. Some very singular and un- accountable anomalies in her Vision presented themselves, which not a little puzzled the curious in Physiology and Optics. " It was ascertained that her Eye w^as able to define a certain class of very minute objects with abundant accu- racy, such as the Eye of a needle, for example, which she could thread as well as ever ; but on presenting her with a Book, it was evident that she could not distinguish a sin- gle letter, but complained that she could see nothing but a heap of odd marks. " These facts, no less strange than true, naturally excit- ed an intense interest among the Medical Piofe?;sors and Students; every one was anxious to distinguish himself by affording a satisfactory elucidation of these inexplicable phenomena. ->^ FOCAL LENGTH OF want of, or for the change of Spectacle Glasses ; because, the failure or the strength of the Sight, varies so considerably with dif- ferent people : — several youths under 20 years of Age, have applied to me,,who could not see either to read or Vvrite. without very strong Magnifiers of 6 or 8 inches focus- while I have met with other persons who have arrived at 80, able to read a small print without any.'' " That celebrated Preacher, the Rev. Mr. RoMAiNE, Rector of Sl Ann's Blackfriar^s^ who died in the Year 1795, having attained the age of 81, could read the small print in ^^ A hundred theories were framed— every one more inge» Bious than the other. The Professors Von KracbraneRj and PuzzLEDORF, favoiired their pupils with most excel- lent lectures on the subject, with which they were greatly edified. However, none of the disputants succeeded in establishing a Theory which met with univei&al approba- tion. Many of the vulgar still chose to think that all the said Theories might be liable to the old objection (howev- er satisfactory and plausible they might appear,) Viz,— ^ That they were not True.' *' Matters vvere in this state, when a mischievous rog;ue of an Irish student, who took a singular delight in ridi- culing every thing learned and philosophical, contrived to insinuate himself into the confidence of a younger brother of the Patient's by a present of an extra portion of Dou- "blegiit Gingerbread, which so entirely won the Youngster's heart, that he confessed (though v/ith some difjficulty) that to the best of his belief, his Sister " Sarah had 7iever learn- ed to Read,^^ hut unwilling to acknowledge her ignorance, hM mad€ him and all the Family — promise not to telL" CONVEX GLASSES, &C. 33 a pocket Bible, unassisted by Glasses, even to the last. He never wore Spectacles, nor wanted any." " I knew a Gentleman who took the assist- ance of Glasses at about 40 years of Age ; these after some time he exchanged for older ones; and although he lived to be 84, they were never afterwards altered, and his sight continued sound and healthy. Knowing this circumstance, I had the curiosity to measure the focus of the Glasses, and found it was 14 inches, which he had been using quite satis- factorily for upwards of 40 years." " Another Gentleman, now living, with whom I am well acquainted, did not take lo the use of Spectacles until he was 55 years of Age : since that period, his Glasses have been twice or three times changed ; and al- though he is now but little short of 87, yet the Glasses which he generally uses, and which he can see the best with, are 16 inches focus." For these last Remarks I am indtbted to Mr. Samuel Pierce. The time that the First Glosses of 36 inches focus will sufficiently assist the Si^ht-— depends on the peculiar nature of the Eyes-- on tne 34 WHEN TO CHANGE FIRST SPECTACLES. wear they have previously had — on their subsequent exertions-^ancl on the ConstitH-» lion and general Health of the Individual, Persons of a strong Constitution, who make more use of their Legs and Arms, than they do of their Eyes, seldoro want Spectacles so soon,— or want to change them so soon, as the Studious and those Artists who are much employed in fine works, which require not only the most earnest exertions of the Eyes, but also the application of a powerful Mag- nifier. As a general Rule, the first Spectacles will last You for reading by Daylight, during your first apprenticeship to Old Age — u t* about 7 Years* CHAPTER VIIL WHEN TO CHANGE THE FIRST SPECTACLES, FOR STRONGER MAGNIFIERS. When You find a recurrence of the Symp- toms which first prevailed upon You to wear Spectacles — and begin to see but little or no better with the first Glasses, than you then did with your naked Eye— your Eyes re- quire Tht Second Sight of 30 inches focusv--« FOR STRONGER, MAGNIFIERS, 35 But, I most earnestly entreat my friend the Reader, to be content with as little assistance as will enable him to read a Newspaper com- fortably by Candle lighi,^ at about the sanie distance he did before his Sight was impair- ed — from 8 to 10 inches, is the mean dis- tance at which common Eyes, in their mean state, see most distinctly. When you find that the First Sight of 36 Inches focus, is hardly sufficient help to read by Candle-light— to examine any very mi- nute object — i. e. to make pens, &c., You may get the Second Sights of 30 Inches focus. — But pray — only use them, for purposes for which you find the First Sight is quite insuffi- cient. 'The following Advice of Mr. George Adams, the Optician, is excellent : — " Those who are careful in following a re- gular gradation in the change of their Glasses, may preserve their Eyes to the latest period of Old Age, and even then be able to enjoy the comforts and pleasures which arise from distinct vision. Do not therefore precipi- tate these changes, lest you should absorb too soon the resources of Art, and not be * See Eeading Candlestick or Lamp, in The Table of Contents, :Vo MY GRANDMOTHER S SPECTACLES^ able to find Spectacles of sufficient power.'^ G. A. on Vision, 8vo. 1789, p. 108. Many persons have irreparably injured their Eyes, and indeed have worn out their sight prenriaturely — by beginning with Spec /a- cles of too Short focus, i. e. which magnify too much, or as the common expression is, are too Old* Nature soon bends to Custom. Eyes which have been excessively stimulated by too deep Magnifiers, seldom or never recover their elasticity. CHAPTER IX. MY GRAJ^DMOTHEKS SPECTACLES. How often a story like the following, is told to Opticians* by persons coming to change, what they call their First Specta- cles. * There are very few Opticians but what must have seen instances of Persons who by habituating their Eyes to Glasses of too short a focus, i, e, of too great a magnifjnng power, have so injured those tender organs as to deprive them of future assistance from Glasses, This not unfrequently happens to Bargain-hujntters — who buy their Spectacles of— Hawkers and Pedlars'—Toy- shops^ Dealers in Marine Stores^ &c. MY grandmother's SPECTACLES. 37 When their Optical friend expresses his surprise to find them choose very old Glasses of 12 or 10 inrhes focus, instead of the Se- cond Sight of 30 inches focus, They say, " Why, when I thought that I began to want Glasses, — I recollected — that there was a pair of nice J^ew Spectacles in my Grandmother's old Bureau, — and I had often heard the old Gentlewoman say, when she was past her 70th year— that she could still see to read Charmingly with her Jfew Spectacles ! — and so I thought, that I could not do better than use those Glasses whose sight-restoring power I had been Eye-witness of. — I naturally thought, that they must sure- ly be capital Spectacles which enabled so Old a Person to see so well : and when 1 put them on, I was not disappointed — for they made every thing appear very big indeed, and I could read the smallest print very nicely indeed — better than I had been able to do with my naked Eye for a long time past." I must now give you a hint, gentle Reader, — however improper such mighty Magnifiers may be for your Visual Organs — preserve them with all care — the occasional use of them will greatly contribute to preserve that Grand Organ your Stomach. No " Grand 4 38 MY grandmother's spectacles* Gourmand?'^ who has any pretensions to pru- dence, should venture to attend a tur.tle- FEAST* without such Sentinels on his Nose— they are absolutely as indispensable a part of the paraphernalia of the Banquet — as a Plate or a Spoon ! Tht Eye is a mighty and merciless enemy to tht Stomach — alas ! as the Proverb says, " it is bigger than the Belly." Now even supposing your Eye to be as big again, — with these powerful Spectacles, your Eyes may be filled with delight, and your Stomach also : for the former, will imagine that while you have been leisurely sipping a small Soup- plateful, you have been swallowing an im- mense Tureenful : — What a beautiful delu- sion ! at once, equally delightful to your Sto- mach, your Eye, and your Tongue — equally * " Nothing is more difficult of digestion, or oftener re« quires the aid of Peristaltic Pfrsuaders, than the gluti- nous Calipash, which is considered the " Bonne Bouche'^ of this surfeiting Farrago." The usual allowance at a Turtle-Feast is 6 Pounds live weight per head : — " At the Spanish Dinner, at the City of London Tavern, in August 1808, — 400 Guests attended, and 2500 pounds of Turtle were consumed/' — See Bell's Weekly Messenger for August 7, 1808. Epicure Quin used to say that it was " not safe to sit down to a Turtle Feast at one of the City Halls, without A Basket'hilted Knife and Fork.'''' — From page 251 of the 5th Edition of The Cook's Oracle, 12mo. 1823, MY grandmother's SPECTACLES. 39 magnifying the pleasure of those two most troublesome of the Senses — the Sight and the Taste— which ^re exerihe most irration- ally importunate m ttie r demands, and the Biosi difficult to be satisfied! Whenever your Tongue cries out for more dainties, than your Stomach has previously plainly told you is agreeable to it — lo settle ail the difference of their demands to their mutual satisfaction, you h^ve nothing to do, but to— put on your Spectacles, and you may set to at Calipash and Calipee with impunity 5 for, they will make "a little lark" look like ''A LARGE FOWL," and " A PENNY roll" ^s big as '' A QUARTERN LOAF ! ! !" Some Philosophers have said, that Pain is only imaginary,— we may as justly believe the same of Hunger ; and if a Gentleman who eats only an Ounce of Mutton, imagines, by the aid of these magnifiers, that he has eaten a Pound—his Hunger, ought, to be as fully satisfied. Mem. The addition to your Optician's Bill — will soon be overpaid by the subtrac- tion from your Butcher's and Baker's. 40 HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSINO CHAPTER X. HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSING SPECTACLES T0 READ WITH. A PART of the paraphernalia of an Opti* clan's counter, is a Book^ of rather a small print, (about the size of the Note at the foot of this Page) — which is presented to those who come to choose Spectacles- — and such Glasses are very properly recommended, as will enable the person to read it — at the same distance, and with the same ease, that he could before his Eyes were impaired, L «• through which the Letters appear perfectly distinct, and of their natural size. The first thing to attend to, is to look at a Book with each Eye alternately (shutting the other), and carefully ascertain, if you see equally well, with both Eyes, with the same Glass, at exactly the same distance. Per- sons are quite unconscious of the frequent inequality in the focus of the two Eyes till they thus try them separately ; when they often find that a Glass which will do very well for one Eye — is of little or no use to * The Authok* will be sadly disappointed if in future this Work is not the Volume chosen for that purpose. SPECTACLES TO READ WlTH. 4l the Other, which to be rendered effective must have a Glass of a different focus. With Glasses not Convex enough^ or, accord- ing to the common expression, which are too Youngs You will not see clearly, unless the Book is placed so far from your Eyes, that the Letters cannot be seen distincily. With Glasses too Convex — or too Old — You will be obliged to brino; the Book nearer to your Eyes than you did when your Sight was good- — and the Letters will appear larger, than they really are. Spectacles which magnify too much, v/ill strain the Eyes even more than those which do not magnify enough — -and instead of retarding, will acce- lerate the defect which age brings on. "When persons apply to an Optician for Spectacles to read or work with ; they should clearly understand, that the Objects for which such Spectacles are solely calcu- lated, are not placed more than 12 or 14 Inches from their Eyes — i, e. whether Read- ing, Writing, Sewing, &c. for there seems to be a natural impulse in most persons, that after a printed Book has been handed them for trial to read, they will presently look off ■ — to some object on the other side of the Room, or across the Street, and say, 'Why now I can see well enough to Read vyith 42 HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSING these Glasses— but I cannot discern what that word is over yonder Door ;' and the Optician h.^s oftentimes no little trouble to convince them, that such Spectacles are not intended to show objects at a distance— to see which, their Sight is as strong as ever; and in fact, that they can see distant objects best with their naked Eye." " A person in business, with whom I was acquainted, began to want the common Opti- cal assistance, especially for Writing, when about 40 years of Age— -tlie Glasses he first used were of 30 Inches focus, but he soon found them useful to look at the labels on the parcels of Muslin arran2;cd on the ^h^lves around his Shop: after a while, he found it easy and convenient to keep them on during the Day, to serve his Customers, or occa- sionally to look along the Street for a passing friend. Another pair of deeper focus, was a repeated necessi^ry consequence, for the mechanism of his Eyes naturally formed themselves to the power of the Convex Glasses, and his Eyes still growing older— and strained by too strong excitement, at last w^ould not perform their office distinctly, unless assisted by Spectacles of 1 1 Inches focus — so that he became literally half=blind in the course of about 10 Years/ SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 43 " This, is not a very singular,- — but a very common case, — »and one of the most frequent causes of irreparable injury to the Eyes, and is one of the first cautions to be given to those who are choosing Convex Spectacles, "From not being av\are ot this, I have known several Painters and other Artists, who have, in their natural anxiety to see as well as possible, irremediably injured their Sight — so that when they became 60 or 70 years of age, they were obliged to use Two half glasses of different foci fixed in the rings of a Spectacle frame— the upper half to help them to observe a distant picture or sketch, &c. and the lower half to transmit it to canvass." — Mr. S. Pierce. With such divided Glasses, it requires con- siderable attention to raise or depress the Eyes sufficiently, so as only to look through one half,~and that the rays from the other half, may not confuse the Eye and distress its adjustment—which would be extremely perplexing and detrimental to the Eyes, to which it would be as bothering, as it would be to the Ears to have two Barrel Organs at the same m.oment,— One playing '^ Sally in our Ally^'^ '—dind the Other " Ally Croaker J^'^ There have been several other plans for iDbtaining tne convenience of Two pairs of 44 HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSING Spectacles in One frame — bv having the glasses to turn up on the side, Stc. but all such contrivances are at the expense of the Eye — the Magnifying power of Spectacles has also been made to vary from 36 to 12 Inches focus, by having two Eye-glasses, of 72 Inches focus, one before the other, and separating them; but the vision cannot be so good as with the simple single Eye-glass •—and those who value their Eyes— will use no other. 1 think the most convenient plan, and also the least injurious to the Eyes, would be to have a pair of Spectacles glassed with Glasses of the focus required to see the distant object or sketch, &:c. and other Glas- ses in a frame attached to the Spectacle frame, and moving on hinges — which, when brought down before the Glasses fixed in the Spectacle fr me— might make combined the focus required for painting the Picture, and which, when it was requisite to refer to the Object or Skc ch, might be turned up on the Foreher^d, quite out of the way. " The late President of the Royal Acade- my — Benj^^min West, Esq. was in the habit of using Divided Glasses for many years ; the upper half was of 30 inches focus, and the lower of 12. But for some time before his death, which happened when he was about SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 45 90 years of age, he had the upper half of 30 inches focus, and the under hnlf of only 8 inches focus." The Glasses were round and an inch and a half in diameter. The above account of Mr. West's Specta- cles is another of the contributions of Mr. S. Pierce, who made (he Spectacles. By trying a variety* of Glasses at an Op- tician's, the Sight soon becomes confused and tired, and for the moment quite unfit to appreciate with proper accuracy, what Glas- ses are exactly the best for it. I advise persons who have never worn Spectacles — or are uncertain what Glasses will suit their Eyes best, to borrow One of the Sets of Glas^es^ which consist of Specta- * Though in the choice of Spectacles, every one must finally determine for himself, which are the Glasses through which he obtains the most distinct Vision ; — yet some con- fidence should be placed in the judgment of the A)tist of whom they are purchaseci, and some attention paid to his directions. '* By trying many Spectacles the Eye is fatigued, as the Pupil varies in size with every different Glass, and the Eye endeavours to accommodate itself to every change that is produced. Hence th^- puichasei often fixes (. pon a pair of Spectacles not the best adapted to his Sit^ht^ but those which seem to relieve him most, while his Eyes are in a forced and unnatural state ; and consequently, when he gets home, and they are returned to their natural state, he finds what he had chosen, fatiguing and injurious to the sight*" Mr. G. Adams on Vision^ 8vo, 1789j p. 96. 4G HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSIN© cles, of regular gradations of power, set in a frame — the first set of Convexes usually con- tains the first Seven Glasses mentioned in the Table at page 30 — or, if these cannot be had — choose at the Opticians, those Spectacles which they think they can see best with, and take home with them also. Two other pairs, one a degree more, the other a degree less Convex, or Concave, as they happen to be either Long, or Short-Sighted : — they should iry these repeatedly for whatever purpose they wish to employ them : — should take care, that the Glasses they try are all perfectly clean — and that they hold them as close and parallel to the Eye as Spectacles are placed. They will probably find, if they try them by Candlelight, especially with a very small print or fine work — that one degree of mag- nifying power more than they require by Daylight^ will show very small objects most distinctly — hut I protest against such indul- geri' e a^ first- — when the Sight is much im- pairs d by Age- — a pair of Glasses for use by Day. and ar.other ibr Night, are advisable coniforis for the Eyes. The best plan for the Preservation of the Eye ?, ' — is not to employ them in any work at Night that gives them any trouble :— let all Busi- SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 47 ness which requires intense attention, such as mending Pens, &c. be done by ^' the better Day." At any Age, — the less the Eyes are ac- tively employed at Night, the better — after the labours of the Day, the Eye participates in that languor which every other part of the System suffers, and the tone of the Visual Organ is comparatively feeble-— therefore avoid as much as possible, reading a small print, or any business which requires the earnest exertion of the Eyes — and always use a shaded light. The moment that your Eyes, by beginning to feel hot and fatigued, give you a hint, that they have done as much work for you as is agreeable to them — leave off exerting them. Forcing the Eyes to Work at jVight^^ even for a few moments after they are tired, — w^ill often, put them out of humour for the whole of the following Day, and is of all Eye-spoil- ing Acts the most mischievous ; — w^ant of Mercy in this respect, has prematurely ruined the Eyes of Thousands ! Several Young Ladies, of only about 25 * "The frivolous attention of a quarter of an hour of an Evening, has cost many, the comfortable and p-*-fect use of their Eyes for many years : — the mischief is effected imperceptibly — the consequences are irreparable."— Mr. G. ApAMS on Vision^ 8vo. 1789, p. 98. 48 HINTS TO PERSONS CHOOSINO years of Age, have complained to me that they could not work without Spectacles of 30 Inches focus — who I found, on inquiry, very justly attributed this premature failure of their Sight to having been obliged frequently to sit up at Needle-work half the Night dur- ing the time they were with Dress-makers. Those zvho have any regard for the Eyes of their Children — will make it part of the agree- ment, when they article them to any Business requiring the earnest exertion of their Eyes, that they shall never be required, on any pretence, to use them at latest after J^ine o'clock at Night. A friend of the Author, who has passed his GOth year, and has found it necessary to use Spectacles ever since he attained the age at which they are usually wanted ; whose oc- cupations have occasioned his Eyes to be constantly employed on small objects in print, writing, and drawing, by Candlelight as well as in the Day, by careful management, is still enabled to see with Spectacles of the first power, or 36 inches focal length, for common purposes ; — ?*. e. for reading moderately sized prints, and writing in Day-light. His practice has been, from the period of SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 49 first using Spectacles, never to employ a hio^ber power than was immediately and ab- solutely wanted for the particular occasion, —.for which purpose he constantly carries with him Two pair of Spectacles; one pair of 36 inches, and another pair of 24 inches focal length ; the two pair put on together, serving him for a magnifying power of 12 in- ches focal length for extraordinary purposes. The Two pair of Spectacles are for the convenience of being carried in the pocket : at Home, in his study, he has by him all the gradations of 36, 30, 24, 18, and 12 inches focal length, to be used as required. He observes, that immediately after using Spectacles of a high magnifying power, the Sight does not easily accommodate itself to a lower power ; and in such cases, it is ne- cessary to give the Eyes a little time to rest and recover themselves. This strain of the Eye, and occasion for Spectacles of a high magnifying power, is particularly found in Mending Pens ;* when the inconvenience of the Eye not readily re- storing itself to the capability of seeing with the ordinary Spectacles is strongly evinced : * Those who find the Mending of Pens rather a difficult Job ; I recommend the occasional use of a Steel Pen— aspecidlly when they wish to write very small and neatlv. ■5 60 HINTS TO PERSONS CH00SIN(1 to avoid the distressinginconvenience, he has a sufficient number of Pens,* to prevent the necessity of mending any of them until he has finished writing.— I'his method of using the higher powers when the lower powers will not be soon after wanted, is always a provident procedure. There is a convenience in Spectacles of a small power, while they can be used. No object can be distinctly seen through Spec- tacles which magnify very much, beyond their focal length; and in using the high magnifying power of 12 inches focal length, prints and writings to be referred to must be placed wUhin that distance -^^ ^^.y^; but with the smaller power oi 36 inches focal lenp^th such objects may be placed to that greater distance from the Eye for being re- ferred to.t Therefore the smaller the power, provided it be sufficient, the niore pleasant and conve- nient will be the Spectacles. * Mending Pens^ and all operations requiring the Sight to be in its best condition^ should be attended to early in the Day while the Nerves are brisk, and before the Eyes are fatigued : provided the higher magnifying powers are not wanted for this purpose. t This supposes a good light, and the object not very minute : but such as could be distinguished at the same distance by the best eyes without glasses. SPECTACLES TO READ WITH. 51 By placing upright against a wall, a paper with moderately large printed letters, such as usually occur in the title-pages of Octavo books, he finds the greatest distance he can distinctly see the letters with a good light, to be the Focal length of the Spectacles. For the usual method of measuring the Focal length of Spectacles — See Chapter XV. If any doubt should be entertained of the Two Glasses not being of the same focus, he tries each Glass separately with the same Eye, and the difference is immediately dis- covered. Besides the alteration in the convexity of the Eye and the muscular power of contrac- tion and dilatation, Age reduces the vividness of the illumination on the Retina ; in conse- quence of which, although objects may be sufficiently magnified by Spectacles, yet they may be scarcely visible when the light is not very strong : but, on the other hand, a too powerful Li^rht is injurious to the Eye. The Light should therefore be economized for the benefit of the Eye. See Chapter Xlll. The Artifiriai Light from CiMullesis rare- ly too strong i but '' the Blaze of Day" is often too intense on white paper, and should be tnoderated by placing the paper so as to reduce the reflection of the rays of light upon 52 HINTS TO PERSONS the eye : have enough Light, but no more than is sufficient. CHAPTER XL HINTS TO PERSONS BEGINNING TO WEAR SPECTACLES, AND OF READING LAMPS AND CANDLESTICKS. When persons first put on Spectacles, if they have chosen ihem ever so wisely — still, they frequently complain that theii' Eyes feel fatigued, — and sometimes even acl^e, after they have worn them some time, especially by Candlelight. There is no wonder in this — it would only be wonderful if they did not. It usually happens, that for some months previous to Persons w^earing Spectacles, their Sight has either been strained and weakened by their trying to see what Nature had de- creed that they should not, — or, their Eyes have been Idle, and unaccustomed to be used much, especially by Candlelight. The cause of the Complaint people so often make, that their Eyes very soon tire if they use them at Night, is not, as they seem to suppose, entirely from the inferiority of Ar- tificial Light. Beginning to wear spectacles. 53 Mr. Argand's invention gave us all that ^e wanted as far as Quantity of Li' What can be the reason,^' a very intelligent and accurately observing Artist said to me, who was sitting by the side of his window, '^ that w hen I look at that por- trait opposite to me, it looks Warm with my left Eye, and Cold with my Right ; i. e. with my Left Eye, which is from the window, it appears considerably brighter, than it does when I look at it with my Right Eye ?" I gave him a '' Circumspector^''^] and desir- * We can never be certain that an Object does now appear to us of the same precise Colour of which it appear- ed last Day or last Week : neither can our being insensible to any change ever prove to us that the Colour is the same. Not only different Persons may have different sensations of Colours, proceeding from the different dispositions of their optic nerves and Retinae, or from the different tinc- tures wherewith their Eyes are tinged, but also the same person may, from the same causes, see the same Object, differently coloured at different times without being sensi- ble of it; and experiments are not wanting, whereby it appears, that the same object was seen of different colours, according as it was viewed with the right or left Eye."— Dr. PoRTERFiELD 071 the Eye, 8vo. 1759, Vol. I. p. 128. t The CiRCFMSPECTOR, or " Diagonal Eye-glass,^' is a convenient assistant to a Portrait Painter, who wishes 76 I^RECEPTS TOE iSilPROVING A^'& ed him to attentively examine the size of the Pupil of each Eye while his head remained in exactly the same position—and tell me in which Eye the Pupil was largest : his answer was, " Why, in the left certainly,'' i. e. in the Eye least exposed to the Light, Mr, Butt, of Bath, informed me that he saw the Five first discovered SateUiies of Sa- turn in an Achromatic Telescope of 44 inches focus, and £| inches aperture- — by placing a patch before that part of the field of the Tele- scope where Saturn appeared— and thereby enabling the Pupil to expand, and the Eye to adjust itself for discerning the fainter objects, the Satellites, In observing Double Stars^ the very minute Star which accompanies some large Stars, (for instance the small Star near Alpha Lyrw} is visible when the large Star is out of the field^ — with a Telescope with which it is not discernible, while the larger Star is stimula- ting and shutting up the PupiL These very striking Facts, sufficiently es- tablish the position laid down in the com- mencement of this Chapter— that " cceteris to catch a likeness unobserved, and which is perhaps the only way of obtaining the true natural expression of a Countenance — and is also an invaluable Oracle for a fair Lady to refer to, to adjust the irresistible Artillery of htt Eyes and Smiles. i^RESERVTNG THE SIGHT. 77 paribus'''' the iinpre-^sions on the Retina, are vivid, in proportioti to the exparibion of the Pupil. These observation?^ led me to consider how beneficial it would be to the Eyes of Paint- ers, Engravers, and those artists whose Eyes are irritable from great exercise, if they could be so shaded, that the Pupil might be secured from being interrupted in its adjustment. For which purpose I recommend a shade made of black silk stiffened with wire, and fixed on a Spectacle frame something like the contrivance of Tubes* which are made for viewing Pictures; such assistance to the Sight — is surely quite as advantageous to the Artist to paint with, as it is to the Amateur to examine his Picture with. The Eye cannot adjust itself perfectly, while it is exposed to the stimulus of surround- ing Objects — a defence from the intrusion of collateral rays will prevent the picture on the Retina being confused by those adventi- tious rays which otherwise distract it ; and if only those rays are admitted into the Eye which come direct from the object under ex- * See an Account of the great aHvantages of Spect-icles with Leathern Tubes, in the 3d vol. of the Phil, Trans, for the year 1668, p. 727 and 765; aad for 1684 in VoL XIV. p. 474. 7 ^' /8 . PRECEPTS TOn IMPFvOTlNfi a:KP amination, it will make a much more vivid impression on the Sight, which will be sharp- ened and strengthened very much. This is worthy the attention of all who wish their Eyes to enjoy the utmost sensibili- ty that they are capable of being excited to •—because^ The action of the Eye is perfect in the pro- portion that its adjustment is perfect — and when all its attention is concentrated on one object, the sensibility of the Sight is much increased ;— moreover, you will not only see better, but Vision being rendered easier, your Eyes may be employed longer, with com- paratively less fati^^ue. The Pupil of the Eye is larger when sha- ded by a Broad Brimmed Hat — such as Coach- men w^ear, who probably adopted this cos- tume from its advantage in sharpening their sight. There is no part of the Economy of the Eyes more important, than that the object they are at work upon should be placed at exactly that distance from them at which they see with the greatest ease :~this may be easily accomplished by the assistance of A DOUBLE-RISIKG DeSK : PRESERVING THE SIGHT. and hard Students will do wisely to have a High Desk at which they can occasionally stand — instead of always sitting. Those who are much occupied in Engrav- ing — Painting — Writing— Reading — &c, or works which require all the power of the Eye to be exerted to the utmost — should be care- ful not to offend it by too much Li^ht,, which is quite as prejudicial as too little Light. Light enough to illuminate the object, and to make it easily and perfectly visible, is all that is wanted : — on this occasion, the Old Proverb, " Enough is as good as a Feast," is quite true, — more, is not only unnecessary, but injurious, and will not only over-stimulate the Eye — and force the Pupil to shut itself 80 PRECEPTS FOR IMPROVING AND up, but if continually so irritated, the Eye will soon become as much impaired by such over-stimulation, as the Stomach is by Dram- drinking. 1 have observed in my visits to a numer- ously attended Reading Room-— that the seats next the windows were generally filled by persons wearing Spectacles, who had no doubt accelerated the necessity for so doing by a habit of over-stimulating their Eyes with su- perabundant Light. The proper way of defending the Eyes from too much Lights is by preventing all that is superfluous from entering the Room, by means of Blinds or Shutters — thus, you may admit only just such a degree of Light as you find most agreeable to your Eyes. All Artists choose a Room lighted only from one aperture~^nd if possible with the steady JsTorth aspect ; that is the best place in the room, indeed the only proper place for Study for those who have any regard for their Eyes, where the Light falls on their work or book— coming- from the side or from behind. " It is requisite always to have an equal, well regulated Light in every employment^ particularly in the Evening; the Eye may be seriously strained and injured by work» PRESERVING THE SIGHT. 81 ing, writing, or reading with either too much or too little Light : for want of a due atten- tion to preserve the visual orfi;an, and irom using the Eyes very much during the busy part of lif^,a morbid sensibility is brought on, an unnatural weight of the Eye-lids, a great deficiency of distmctness, and occasionally a distressing, undulatory quivering appear- ance of refrangible colours on either side. To remedy this, washing the Eyes with clear cold water, and keeping them from the Light for an hour, or taking a Nap, will be found inost efficacious."— S. Pierce. If your Eyes are much employed in Read- ing, &C9 and are extremely irritable, you may have your window glazed with Green Glass, — or a bh'nd of it to put up occasionally —or a rolling blind of Green Silk or Muslin — or have a plate of Green glass fixed in a Frame, which may be placed so that the Light may pass through it to your book or work. But do without all these if possible — for if they alleviate the irritation while you use thejo — ihey will render the Eyes more morbidly irrilabie after. At Night -use a Reading Candlestick or Lamp with a shade to shield the Eye from the glare of the Light ;* which is of much ^ Every thing is best seen when the light of the candle is 82 PRECEPTS FOR IMPROVING AND greater assistance to the Sight than those who have not tried it can imagine : One candle so shaded will enable a person to see better than Two without such a shade, and with a Curnumbra Lamp — you may see 1 think al- most quite as well as by Day-light, — the sensibility of the Eye is preserved in such perfection. The Optic Pupil inevitably adjusts itself to the brig^htest object, which therefore should be that which it is its business to attend to, — not the flame of a Candle, — but the Book you are reading. Green, or any Coloured Glasses, veil ob- jects with a gloomy obscurity, and can never be recommended, except to those who have to travel over a white sand, or are much ex- posed to any bright glare, — which cannot be otherwise moderated. Light reflected from any white surface, is very piquant and injurious to the Sight, whe- ther proceeding from Water — Snow, &c. Gogglers — or black cups, glassed with plain glasses, and mounted in double-jointed frames formed to the shape of the face— are pre- intercepted : the bright light of the Candle not only makes the pupil contract, but by mixing itself with the images of other objects, it in some measure obliterates them, so as they cannot be so well perceived." — Dr. PoRTJBRFIELP Qn the Eye, 8vo. 1759^ VoL 11. p, 188« PRESERVING THE SIGHT* 83 ferable to those which are fixed in Leather and Silk and tied on with riband ; the latter come so close to the face that they soon be- come a Vnpour Bath for the Eye—but the former are occasionally found very service- able to travellers to protect their Eyes irom Wind and Dust, and to shield* them from a strong Reflected Light ; Blue or Green glass may be fixed in them, but it must be of a very light Colour. Some more nice than wisq folks, among other ridiculous refinements have recom- mended thin Green-Gauze or Crape^ instearl of Green Glass — under the pretence, thai while it moderates the Light, that it still admits the Air, and is, therefore, cooler to the Eyes. All Coloured Glasses increase the labour of the Eyes, and soon bring them into such an * ** Xenophon relates that many of his Troops were blinded by the strong reflection of the light from the Snow over which they were obliged to march. *' Dionysius the Tyrant of Sicily, among other means which he took to gratify his revenge, and satiate ^ he savage cruelty of his Temper, was accustomed to bring fnrth his miserable Captives from the deepest recesses of the darkest Dungeons, into white and well lighted Rooms, th^;t he might blind them by the sudden transition from one extreme to the other. " Actuated by principles equally barbarous, the Cartha- ginians cut off the Eye-lids of Regulus and then exposed him to the bright rays of the Sun~by which he was very soon blinded," — G. Adams on Vision, 8vo. 1789, p. 8, 84 PRECEPTS FOR IMPROVING, &C. irritable state as unfits them for all the ordi- nary purposes of Life : — there is scarcely an external or internal Sense, but may be brought by extreme indulgence, to such a degree of morbid delicacy and acuteness, as to render tJiose organs which nature intend- ed as sources of gratification-— the frequent sources of Disappointment and Pain. The. most proper tnaterial for Spectacle Glasses^ is that which shews objects the near- est to their natural Colour. Lastly — Whatever Glasses you use — take care to '^^ keep them perfectly clean :" this is as important, as the choice of the Figure or the Colour of them* Every time you wipe your Spectacles you scratch them a little, and " many a little makes a mickle" — therefore, when you have done using them, put them away carefully in their case, to prevent other people abusing theai"-- as a Naughty Boy did his Grand Pa's Spectacles — who took the Glasses out — and when the old Geoiieman put them on- finding that he could not see, exclaimed, '• Marcy me, Pve lost my Sight V — but think- ing the impediment to Vision might be the dirtiness of the Glasses- — took them off to wipe them — when not feeling them, he, stil! GLASSES, &C, 85 more frightened, cried out, "Why what's come now, why I've lost my Feeling too !" CHAPTER XIII. GLASSES FOR SHORT-SIGHTED PERSOiNTS, I HAVE met with several persons of 30 and 40 years of Age who had no notion that they were Near-sighted, until tljey accident- ally looked through my Speciacles at a dis- tant object ; when thej* exclaiiDed with sur- prise, '' Bless me, how clearly 1 see ! I never saw any Glasses before, that I could see so well with as v/ith my naked Eye, and there- fore had no idea that any Glass could im- prove my sight," '^ I can see to read a small print, as well as any body I believe, but I have sometimes suspected that I did not see any thin^ across the street, or at a Theatre, quite ^o plainly as 1 have heard other people say that they did; and I suppose that the Spectacles which I tried before were not suitable to my Sight — and so 1 had no idea that any Glass could improve my Sight." For such Eyes I have procured a No. 1, or No. 2, Concave- — and they have been delight- 8 SB GLASSES FOR || ed — and said, " Well, I see now that 1 have never before discerned the distinct outline of any object which has been further than a few feet from me." Being a Short-sighted Uiortal myself, 1 write this Chapter with confidence, from my own experience of upwards oi 31 years, and hope to be able to give some good advice to those who are unfortunately what is called JSTear'sighted — by briefly narrating " the His- tory of my ozon Case of Spectacles •'^'^ I was about 15 years old, when 1 first dis» covered that I could not discern distant ob« jects so distinctly as people who have com- mon Eyes usually do, Mr. Ware, whose pnper on Shortsighted- ness 1 had not seen till after 1 had written this Chapter, has remarked, (see Appendix^ that Young People seldom find out that they are remarkably Short-sighted^ until about the time that 1 did ; which is true, and perhaps for this reason, that Youne Folks seldom at- tend to any thing in earnest before they at- tain to that Age — when seeing, that 1 could not see what persons with common Eyes fre- quently pointed out to me as well deserving my attention, ! paid a visit to ^n Optician and purchased a Concave Eye-glass No. 2. After using this some little time, I acci- SHORT-SIGHTED PERSONS. 87 dentally looked through a Concave No. 3, and finding my Sight much sharper with this, than with No. 2 — had my Spectacles glassed with No, 3, which appeared to afford my Eye as much assistance as it could receive. After using No. 3 for a few Months, I chanced to look through No. 4, and again found the same increase of Sharpness, &c« which i perceived before when I had been using No. 2 and fii'st sav/ through No. S^ — therefore concluded that I had not yet got Glasses sufficiently Concave, and accordingly procured No. 4: — however, this soon became no more stimulus to the Optic Nerve — than its predecessors Nos. 2 and 3 had been. I then began to think th>if the Sight is sub* ject to the same laws which govern the other parts of our System ; i. e. an increased Stimu- lus by repetition soon loses its power to pro- duce an increased effect— therefore, I refus- ed my Eye any further assistance than it re- ceived from Spectacles Glassed with No. 2^ which I have worn for upwards of 31 years, and it is very nearly, if not quite, as sufficient help to me now, as it was when I first em- ployed it — giving me a Sight (for objects at a moderate distance,) as I find, by compari- son, about upon i par with common Eyes : — =• without my Spectacles^ I am quite as Short- 88 GLASSES FOE sighted as some of my acquaintance who use Nos. 6 and 7 concave ; L e, we read at the same distance. Soon after I passed my 40th year I found my Sight become rather S/ior^er as to distant objects — and rather Longer with respect to near objects— formerly, I usually wore Spec- tacles for Readinof, Writing, &c.— -but lately, the power of my Eye to adapt itself to vari- ous distances is so diminished, that when I read, &lc. I am obliged to take off my Glasses —and objects that are more than 70 feet from me, 1 see better with one number deeper than that I commonly wear. — See a similar case in the Appendix. The gradations of Concavity, in the Con- caves of the common Spectacles which are marked Cheap in the windows of Sale-shops, ' — Toy-shops, &c.— who pretend to undersell the regular Opticians, (Read Chapter XIX, and See the Appendix,) are not alw^ays work- ed to a certain standard, and what oue per- son calls No. 5, another rates as No. 3, or 4, or 6, or 7. Mr. Pierce informed me that the late Mr. Jesse Ramsden made the first No. of his Concaves to be equivalent to a Convex of 24 inches focus, — L e. if a Convex of that focal ie*ngth be united to a Concave No. 1— the SHORT-SIGHTED PERSONS* 89 eombination will form a Plane, and objects appear through it neither larger nor smaller than they really are. A 21 Inch Convex- - - No. 2. An 18 Inch No. 3. and that all regular Opticians proceed in like manner. The following is a very important fact, which the Short-sighted cannot be too fully sensible of: — "I shall mention a fact v."'ih which I was made acquaiaied by Mr. George Adams the late Mathematical Instrument Maker, who was not only well skilled in the theory of Vision, but, from his situation as an Artist, had better opportunities than most persons of learning such matters. '' The fact is this, that he does not know a Short-sighted Person who has had occasion to increase the depth of his Glasses, if he began to use them in the form of Spectacles ; where* as he can recollect several instances, where those have been obliged to change their Co?i- cave Glasses repeatedly, for others of higher powers, who had been accustomed to apply them to One Eye only.'^'' — Dr. W. C. Wells on Vision, 8vo. 1792, p. 124. The advantage of a pair^of Spectacles^ over a Single Glass\ is sufficiently obvious— as Ob- 90 GLASSES FOR jects appear brighter when seen with Both Eyes, than they do when viewed with One only. — See Appendix, For the Choice of Spectacles for Short- Sighted Persons, — I have few Rules to offer — it is a defect which has no reference to Age— no stated pro2;ression that can be a foundation to guide an Optician, or lead him to recommend one Glass in preference to another — but all depends on the observation of the Short-sighted themselves — who I most earnestly advise, to be content with as Shal- low Concaves as possible— i, e. to take the least Concave Glass through which they can distinctly discern the names on the corners of the Streets, and which gives a decided out- line to objects whose distance does not ex- ceed about 40 feet, and which renders them clear, without making Vision dazzling and glaring — the Glass which does, is too deep by a Number, — See Appendix, After your Eyes have been long accusto- med to the assistance of Concave Glasses, the smallest variation in thedeg^ree of their Con- cavity will be extremely distressing and in- jurious to the Sight : — when you have found Glasses which exactly suit you — have Two or Three pairs iitted to your Spectacles, that you may be provided if a Glass gets scratch- ed or broken. SHORT--SIGHTED PERSONS* 91 J^ear'S>g;htedness generally continues the same during Life, and precisely the same Glass continues to afford precisely the same assistance. After persons have used the same glass for some years — and it is broken, &c, it is often extremely difficult to make them think, that any new one suits their Sight exactly so well as the Old one which they had been in the habit of long using : therefore Pebbles are es- pecially desirable for the Short-sighted. Persons who are extremely Short-sighted^ to prevent their stooping in writing- — to read Music, &c. &c. may wear Spectacles with very shallow Concaves, just enough to ena- ble them to «^ee such objects at the same dis- tance which others do. A Deeper Concave is wanted to see very Distant Objects. Dr. PvIaskelyne,* the late * " When I look at the brighter fixed stars, at consider- able elevations, through a concave glass fitted, as I am short-sighted, to shew them with most distinctness, they appear to me without scintillation, and as a small round circle of fire of a sensible magnitude. If I look at them without the concave glass, or with one not suited to my eye, they appear to cast o'lt rays of a determinate figure not exactly the same in both eyes, somewhpl like branches of trees (which doubtless arise from something in the con- Stru^^tion of the Eye^, and to scintillate a little, if the air be not very clear. To see day objects with most distinct- ness, I require a less concave lens by one degree than for seeing the stars best by night, the cause of which seems to 92 GLASSES FOR Astronomer Royal, to look at the Constella- tions, found it convenient to use a Concave one degree deeper than he wore for common purposes in the day time— and the Author uses No, 2. in ordinary, but at Night sees many faint Stars well with No. 3, which he cannot see at all with No. 2. This is espe- cially remarkable in the early part of the Evening when the Stars first become visible* And at Large Theatres^ he finds one Number deeper than that which he ordinarily uses is a very advantageous indulgence to his Eye. To give more assistance to the Sight to see a distant object^ mdnj persons hold a Concave Eye-Glass very obliquely so the Ej'C — in which position, a Concave No. 3 will give al- most the same sharpness of outline to objects as No. 3i when held parallel to the Eye. For distant Objects, extremely Short- be, that the bottom of tbe Eye being illuminated by the day objects, and thereby rendered a light ground, obscures the fainter colours blue, indigo, and violet, in the circle of dissipation, and therefore th^ best image of the object will be found in the focus of the bright yellow rays, and not in that of the vnean refrangible ones, or the dark green, agree- able to Newton's remark, and consequently nearer the re- tina of a short-sighted person ; but the parts of the retina surrounding the circle of dissipntion of a st?y being in the dark, the fainter colours, blue, indigo, and violet, will have some share in forming the image, and consequently the focus Will be shorter."— See PhiL Trans. Vol. LXXIX. SHORT-SIGHTED PERSONS. 93 lighted persons should use a small Opera- glass, which having an adjustable focus, if it only magnifies Twice,* will be infinitely bet- ter than any single Concave, because U can be exactly adapted to various distances. My • Invisible Opera-Glass ^'^'^ a contrivance of Mr. Pierce and myself, is a great acquisi- tion to Short-sighted Persons, and is an ines- timable little Instrument for Artists, &c. who wish to discern the distinct outline of objects at short inaccessible distances ; i. e. for an Architect to see the exact outline of a Build- ing a furlong off — -or to examine the point- ing, &c. of the walis of upper stories, &c. When shut up in its case, this little Glass is only 2 inches in length ; — when in use, about 3 inches : — it has a single plano-convex Object-glass -^^ of an inch in diameter, and its Magnifyirii^ power is about 3 times. There is a very general Vulgar Error^ that Short-sighted persons w^ho use Concaves, as they get Older, become less Short-sighted : * An Opera-Glas? which only magnifies once, like the fashionable Grand Dandy Ope-as — of which the Eye-glass is as large as the Object-glass — is of no use to a JVear- sighfpd person ; — who, to receive the same benefit which a common Eye does, will require rather more magnifying power : — A very short-sighted person will receive very lit- tle more assistance from an Opera-glass which magnifies Twice, than a person with a Common Eye will from one which magnifies Once, 94 GLASSES FOR on the contrary, every Optician and Shori^ sighted person that I have consulted on this subject, have assured me, that as their Eyes become impaired by Age, to see distant ob- jects shnrp and distinct, they require rather deeper than shallower Concaves ; and at a very advanced Age, sometimes complain that they cannot see to read so well as for- merly, and require Convexes of 36 or 30 in- ches focus. Mr. Pierce informs me, that Dr. Parker, the late Rector of St. James's, Piccadilly, had from his youth a short-sight, and when al- most four score years of age, complained to him that he could not read so distinctly as he wished : with the help of Convexes of 36 inches focus, he was enabled to read and write with comfort to himself for several Years after. — See Appendix. That a Short-sight is stronger and better, and more lasting than a Common-sight — I have always set down among the most ab- surd of Vulgar Errors — unless, to be half blind all their Life, as the Short-sighted are, is better than to be so only during about one- third of it, and that during the latter part of Life, as common Eyes are. This prejudice is as foolish as the silly nG--^ lion some people have^ — that a severe fit of SHORT-SIGHTED PERSONS. 95 Gout, is a thing to give a man Joy of— which our philosophical poet, Pope, admira- bly illustrated when he said : — *' So when small humours gather to a Goutj *' The Doctor fancies he has driven them out." Lssay on Man, If the observations of Lord Chesterfield and Dr. Reid are true, a Short-sighted Per- S071 without Spectacles^ is under a sad disad- vantage in the common business of Life. — The following is the a.dvice this keen obser- ver of Human Nature gave to his Son : — " Mind not only WJuU people say, — out How they say it : — if j'ou have any sagacity, you may discover more truth by your Eyes than by your Ears. People can Say what they will, but they cannot Look just as they will ; and their Looks frequently discover what their Words are calculated to conceal.'- — See Letter 77. Dr. Thos. Reid's observation on the Eye is — '^ Of the faculties called the Five Stnses^ Sight is, without doubt, the noblest : by means thereof we can perceive the tempers and dispositions, the passions and affections of our fellow-creatures, even when most they want to conceal them : and w^hen the Tongue is taught most artfully to lie and dissemble, the Hypocrisy appears in the countenance V 536 SPECTACLE FRAMES. to a discerning Eye ! and we can perceive %vhat is straight and what is crooked in the Mind, as well as in the Body." — Inquiry into the Human Mind, 8vo. 1818, p> 140. How^ever, it is so^r-e :onsolation to the Short-sighted, to consider, that if the natural infirmity of their Eyes prevent? their enjoy- ing this advantage, the use of Spectacles not only enables them to see what is passing in the Eyes of others, but that they form a veil over their own, which, in a great degree, prevents any such Scrutiny ; and thus — their Weakness becomes their Strength. CHAPTER XIV. SPECTACLE FRAMES. I PREFER a w^ell-hammered Silver Frame with Double Joints, the Second joint of which may be turned on its pin over the First, so that they may be occasionally used with the Single joint only — they sit close and steady on the Head, and c*re convenient to wear under a Hat — do not press either on the Nose or on the Temples — but their pres- sure is general and equal, and as it may be varied, may be rendered more agreeable than any other Frame. SPECTACLE FRAMES. 97' Spectacles with only a Single Joints must press hard somewhere. Tortoise-shell Spectacles have a gloomy heavy appearance, are no lighter than Sil- ver ones, and are very easily and very often broken : — however, if you will have a Shell frame, let the front be all Black — variegated Shell is had for the Eye. The Blued Steel Frames are good looking enough when new, but soon lose their Azure lustre, and then look very shabby : there is a prejudice in favour of a Steel frame as being very li^ht, — and, from its elasticity, that its pressure on the Head is less than that of a Silver frame. — It may be for the first fortnight; but in the course of that time, such is the ductile nature of a Silver frame^ which soon adapts itself exactly and com- fortabljr to the Head, and becomes infin^'tely easier and pleasanter than the Springy S^ el ; and the truth of the old saying, "• as easy as an Old Shoe," is remarkably felt in " an Old Silver Spectacle Frame." That the Frame should be Light, is the only point which either the Makers or the Wearers of it seem to pay any attention to — and to Lightness, every other property of it is willingly, but ridiculously sacrificed. The actual difference in Weight between 9 98 SPECTACLE FRAMESi a Silver Front of that proper decree of strength which I have recommended, and one of the silly jflimsy fronts which are com- monly so much admired, does not exceed Four Penp.y weights 6 Let the Frame be large enough not to press on the Head, or Head-aches^ <^c* c^c. will be the inevitable consequence* The Length of the Bridge, L e. the dis- tance between the Glasses, must be regulated by the distance between the Eyes, and the Centres of the Glasses must come exactly before the Centres of the Eyes ; — according to the coincidence of which, Vision will be perfect or imperfect. The mean Distance between the centres of the Pupils of the Eyes of People in general, is about Two Inches and a Half. The following are the usual proportions of Spectacle frames. The Length of the Bridge^ from an Inch to an Inch and ^^ths. Gf the Openings which hold the Glasses, if they are Oval, the longest diameter should not be less than an Inch and jV^h, the Short- est about yVhs* The Length of the Common Knuckle is about ^^ths of an Inch :— in some peculiarly formed Faces, this must be wider, and in others nar~ rower. SPECTACi,E FRAMES. 99 The Length of the Knub Knuckle (which is decidedly the most elegant) is only tV^^ ^^ an Inch. THE WIDTH OF A COMMON FRAME. Bridge Openings for the Glasses Rims of ditto . . . , Common Knuckles . , In: he Tenths 1 2 1 4 2 8 4 5 See Figure in the Plate fronting the Title. To assist the Optician to ascertain exactly what ought to be the breadth of the Bridge^ — 1 recommend him to have a trial Frame, with an adjusting Bridge which w^ill separate half an Inch — and such separating part graduated 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. for each y^^th of an Inch — put these on, and adjust them till the centres of the Glasses come exactly before the centres of the Eyes. If his Frames are numbered 1. — 2. — 3. — 4. — 5. accpi'ding to the width of the Bridge — the Eyes of his Customers may be imme- diately suited to a nicety. The Form of the: Bridge must be regulated by the Form of the Nose which it is to cross. The closer the Giasse;- are brought to th^ Eye the better, provided they do not come 100 SPECTACLE FRAMES. SO close as to be touched by the Eje-lashes if they do, the Glasses will be continually dimmed by the moisture from the Eye-lash- es ;* and wha. is worse, the Eyelids w^ill bec'-' n uTitated and inflamed. in the course of time Spectacle frames get out of prr per shape, and become too looge to keep fhe Glasses up to the Eyes: — this arises so imperceptibly, that I have found it occur to several persons who were uncon- scious of it. — The Optician easily remedies this, by restoring the bend of the Sides to their original form, and new pinning the Joints of them. Nothing can look more ridiculous, than the trick which some Idle persons have, of sus- pending their Spectacles on the very tip of their Nose : — this is as injurious to their own Eyes, as it is absurd to the Eyes of others. The Bridge of Spectacles for Longsighted Persons^ who wear th^ to read with, is best * The quantity of Tears spread over the Globe of each Eye in the space of 24 hours, amounts to Two Ounces and upwards; i> €. a common sized wine-glass full.— People who make use of Spectacles have opportunities of observing, that the evaporation of Tears tarnishes very much the Circles w hich surround the Glasses.- — Dr, P. DegraverSj on the Eye and Ear, 8vo. 1800, p. 116. Surely the subject on which the Doctor made this experiment must have been^ ^qike ^Me all Tears," SPECTACLE FRAMES. 101 lof the form, (shewn in the Plate) which when the Eyes are employed in Reading or Work- ing, &c, brings the Glasses parallel to the centres of the Eyes. For Short-sighted Persons^ it should be straight — because the Glasses are required to be parallel to the Eyes when you look straight forwards horizontally. The proper Shape for the Openings which hold the Glasses^ is the true regular Oval^ — which form is similar to the Opening of the Eye. — ■ The Vulgar opinion is, that Circular Eye Glasses are ground of the most perfect Figure —the Fact is, that the Oval Eye Glasses are ground Round at first and then clipped Oval. T%e Front of the Frame should project be- yond the Glasses far enough to protect the GlavSses when people carelessly lay them down on their surfaces-^and also to prevent their being injured by rubbing against the Case, when passing in or out thereof. The Front must be Strong enough not to bend in the smallest degree — or the Glasses will lose their parallelism with the Eyes, vision will be distorted, and the Sight distressed. * Spectacle frame-makers complain that the Glass grin- ders have a barbarous custom of distorting their Ovals, by putting in ill-shaped Glasses — and forcing the openings to *^d$pt themselves to them. 9* 102 SPECTACLE FRAMES, The whole of the elasticity of the Frame must be in the sides. The First Joint should be of Silver wire of the y^-j-th of an Inch in Diameter, and Four Inches and a half in length, and so curved as not to touch the Head except bj the last half inch of it. The First Joint is seldom more than 4i inches in lensjth— but the apparent- ly trifling addition of a quarter of an Inch in its length gives it a much more steady and comfortable attachment to the Head, than can be imagined by those who have not tried it — -especially when the Second Joint is turn- ed down and you use it with the First Joint only. The Second Joint should be flat, about the ■Jth of an Inch in breadth, and 2f Inches in length, with a loop end — and the Pin which fastens it to the First Joint should be kept tight enough to p)reserve the Second Joint in whatever position the wearer finds easiest and most convenient.^ — If this becomes loose — it is easily tightened by placing the pin on which it turns, over a piece of Iron and giving it a gentle tap. Mem, — If the Fin which fastens the Second Joint to the First is not rivetted very nicely and smoothly — every time You take off* your Spectacles, you will find it an Infallible De- SPECTACLE FRAMES. 103 pilatory — and if ^' Time has not thinnVl your flowing Hair," your Second Joint very soon, will. N. B. If the Second Joint be turned up- wards to an x4ngle of about 30 de^>:rees, it will be in the best position for preserving the Frame in its proper place. PRICES OF SPECTACLES. L, s, d. Best double-jointed silver Spectacles with Glasses 110 Ditto witli Brazil Pebbles ...... 1 16 Best single joint silver ditto with Glasses . 13 Ditto with Brazil Pebbles 18 Double joint Steel ditto with Glasses .,050 Single joint ditto 036 Ditto 2 6 Morocco Cases , 16 Double-jointed Hand Spectacles in Pearl . CHAPTER XV. OF THE QUALITY OF SPECTACLE GLASSES, AND HOW TO MEASURE THEIR FOCAL LENGTH. The defects of SjKCiacle Glasses are either from Veins — Specks— -Scratches — -Colour— or false Figure. 1st. To discover Veins in a Convex Glass place a Candle about 5 or 6 yards from you ; then look through the Glass, move it from i^-^ SPECTACLE GLASSES* joirr Eye till you find it full of Light, and you will then clearly see every vein,&c. in it which renders Vision imperfect by distort- ing the Objects. 2dly. Specks or Scratches are not so mis- chievous as Veins — for they do not distort the object, but only intercept part of the Light ; — ^however, such defective Glasses will not be used, except by such persons who think that their Two Eyes are not worth Two Shillings. 3dly. False Figure. To prove the Figure, lay a Book before you, hold the Spectacles in your hand, and looking through them re- move them gradually from" the Book. If the figure of the Glasses is false, the objects will appear distorted and confused. Thus if you view any cross lines which form small squares, through a falsely ground glass — some of the squares will appear with strait sides distinct and all of a size ; others with crooked sides of different sizes and confused ; so that the whole will be neither like the original, nor all parts of it distinct at the same distance. If you view it through a true glass, it will be exactly like the original figure and uni- formly distinct, only magnified according to the degree of the power of the lens used ; and as you gradually remove the Glass he- I SPECTACLE GLASSES. 105 yond the focus, if you take care to move the Glass perpendicular to the plane of the Pa- per, all parts of ihe object will become equal- ly indistinrf u the same distance. 4thly . The Colour of the Glass — That is the best material for looking through, through which Objects appear nearest to their natural Colour — ^(he easiest way of examining the Colour of a Glass is to lay it upon a piece of White Paper. To MEASURE THE FoCAL LeNGTH OF SPEC- TACLE Glasses.— The usual manner of mea- suring the focus of Spectacles, is to hold them opposite a window against the side of a room, and draw them gently aw^ay forwards un- til the frame of the window can be seen, making a small image through the Spectacle glass on the Wainscot or Side of the room. When the window frame appears most dis- tinct, the number of inches, measured by a rule betw^een the glass and the wall, or par- tition opposite, will shew the real focal length. CHAPTER XVI. PEBBLES. SoiME folks have a notion, that " Pebbles are much cooler to the Eyes than Glasses :"-- - the relationship between " a Pebble" and *' a Stone" and the Proverb " as Cold as a Stone" probably gave rise to this prejudice in favour of Pebbles, It is quite impossible to distinguish between good Pebbles and good Glasses. People call that Glass coolest to the Eye, which is of the most proper focus for it, and which therefore irritates and fatigues it the least— and through which they can see easi- est and best. The only superiority of Pebbles over Glas- ses is, that they are not so liable to be bro- ken ; and as they cannot be scratched by any thing softer than a Diamond^ they may be carried in the pocket without a Case; which are certainly great advantages, espe- cially to Travellers and Short-sighted Per- sons— (See page 100) but I must warn my friend the Reader that Pebbles are so very veiny, that it is seldom a bit is found so per- fect as it ought to be, and therefore I pair of GBASSES FOB. SPECTACLES* 107 the Best Pebbles cost 16s. i. e. as much as S pair of the Best Glasses* OBSERVATIONS ON THE MATERIALS AND MAN- UFACTURE OF GLASSES FOR SPECTACLES. By Mr. S, Pierce, Optician, The best material for the formation of Spectacle-giasses^ is the White Plate, common- ly termed Dutch Glass;* it is very clear and hard, without veins or specks comparatively, and bears an excellent polish : Crown-glass is too dark and seedy for the purpose ; French or British Plate is more difficult to polish well, and Spectacle-glasses made there- with are generally Grey ; that is, the fine grinding from the Emery is not sufficiently polished off. Much has been said to persuade the Public tW each Spectacle-glass ought to be ground and finished singlj^ by itself, else its defects of variety of foci, incorrect representation of objects, and false colouring, must be consi- derable. But every one acquainted with Glass Grinding, is well convinced, and will * I am informed tha* the British Plate Glass now made in East Smithfield, is very superior to any that was formerly made in this country. -^Editor. 108 GLASSES FOR SPECTACLES. be ready to assert, that a Glass of so small a diameter as an inch and a half, cannot possi- bly be worked so steadily, nor so true, by the hand singly, nor polished off so fair and re- gular, as when several are worked together in a Block : this block may probably hold four dozen of glasses, which are worked, ground, and polished together in a tool of an exact radius to produce the focal length desired. The firmness of a Block of Glasses secures you against the possibility of form- ing any irregular sphericity, and gives it a decided advantage. Some years since. Spectacles were brought from Holland, the glasses of which had been heated sufficiently to receive a Concave or Convex form, by being pressed in iron Pin- cers or Moulds of various curvatures, without any other process: — it is easy to conceive that each Gl?^ss must have had an inequality of/od, extremely injurious to the sight of the unfortunate user, yet these vile glasses were almost universal throughout France and Ger- many. In England it is no uncommon thing to find the Spectacle-glasses of an itinerant optician, ground on one side only, while the other side . remains as it was originally cut out from the plate, without being worked at all, and, more- GF THE EYE AND EAR, lOS over, full of veins, &c. which refracting the light irregularly — distort the object and dis- tress and greatly injure the Eye, and are as detrimental to the Eyes as the former ; but the article is sold cheap, w^hich is too often the most tempting recommendation to the million : but as a pair of the very best Glas- ses, which are warranted free from all im- perfections, may be purchased for only two shillings — who would be so mad as to run the risk of forfeiting the fee simple of his precious Sight — for four-and-twenty pence! for a Groat a Year ! ! for the Glasses seldom require changing oftener than or.ce in half-a- dozen years, and sometimes not in a dozen ! ! ! CHAPTER XVIL ON THE VARIOUS DEGREES OF THE PERFEC- TION OF THE EYE AND EAR. Good, and well-educated Eyes are as much delighted with the Harmony of Colours — as fine Ears are with the Harmony oi Sounds — and a cultivated Eye is as much distressed by ill-according Colours — as a cultivated Ear is offended by discordant Sounds. I well re- member that excellent Musician, Dr. Arnold, 10 110 VARIOUS DEGREES OF PERFECTION telling me when I was studying compositiori with him, that when he first began to learn counterpoint, his Ears were so excruciated bj the Chord of the 2nd of the Key — u e. the Sharp 6th — that he used to call it " the Gritty ChordJ^'^ It has been recorded that the Eyes of some persons have been gifted with such Penetrat- ing power (as Dr, Herschel termed what I call Illuminating power) — that they could perceive the Moons of Jupiter. — See G, Adams on Vision^ 8vo, 1789, p. 64, I have heard of, but never met with such Visual organs,™ Common Eyes can scarcely perceive them with a good Achromatic Opera Glass magnifying 4 times. Father Castel invented an Ocular Harpsi- chord — which was strung with coloured tapes instead of wires, and being placed in a dark room, when the keys were touched, the transparent tapes which corresponded with them became visible. C. published a pam- phlet describing this curious machine, which was translated into English, and I once had a copy of it. I have met with some very sensitive Ears — and 1 have known several extraordinary Musicians who have been able, if a handful of the keys of a Harpsichord were put down. OF THE KYE AND EAR* 111 SO as to produce the most irrelative combi- nations- — to name each half-note without a mistake. — When I mentioned this to that ex- cellent Organ Player, Mr. Charles Wesley, he said, " At the age of twenty, 1 could do it myself — but I can't now.'' He was then in his 55lh year. The delicately discriminatingpower of the Ear is more the gift of Nature than extreme sensibility of the Eye, which latter is I be- lieve always in a considerable degree the re- sult of cultivation. — Miss Cubitt, of the The- atre Royal, Drury Lane, when only six^^years old, surprised me very much, by the high degree she then was gifted with the former faculty ; so was Mr. Watson, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden: which they still re- tain. Mr. T. Cooke, the Singer and Composer to Drury Lane Theatre, whom no one will contradict me when 1 style the most extra- ordinary Musician of the present Age, when I put down the following Notes on a Piano- Forte,— told me at once, '^ I think. Sir, that you have Beef in one hand— and Cabbage in the other* 112 VARIOys DECREES OF PERFECTION D b Minor, B E 1 CAB BAGE- CAB BaG^E,B E E F. or G -^ Major. Some Eyes are doubtless of as superior a quality as these Ears. But the other extreme is more common, of the ears being so dull and badly provided with defining powers, that their owners can hardly distinguish '^ Oh the Roast Beef of Old England*" from ''• Buttered Pease ;'''' — and are more delighted with the discordant screams of kheir Pet Parroquet, the snarling of their Darling Dog--- or some such Barba- rous Uproar — than w^ith the sweetest Melody or the sublimest Harmony — Arne or Handel ever ima2;ined. Sound passes through the Paste-board Par- OF THE EYE AND EAR. 113 ty Walls of modern houses with such unfor- tunate facility — that the majority of the Dogs — Parrots — Piano-fortes, &c, in this Me- tropolis are — Actionable Nuisances ! ! ! 1 believe that many of those imperfect per- formances, and erroneous opinions, which are visually ascribed to the want of Skill, or the want of Industry, or Good &7i5e~would be more justly, and will be, set down to the want of Good Senses by those who adjust the Micro- scope of Criticism with Good-nature. When I have heard the works of various Artists, of Painters, Enp:ravers, &c. found fault with—for either bad drawing, or bad colouring, or finishing, — 1 have often thought that such defects, in construction or arrange- ment, have been owing more to the Eyes of the Artists not being capable of shewing them how to do better — than to the careless- ness, &c. which they have been inconside- rately censured for those who had a sharper Sight. — A Good Eye, is unhappy, till every part of its work is as perfect as it can make it:— the gratification which it then receives is so superior to all other considerations, that to obtain it—Labour becomes Pleasure. We find persons of profoundly Good Sense, have imperfect notions on some subjects, to 10* 114 YAEJOUS BEGREES OF PERPECTIOK a degree which is quite surprising until ex- plained on these principles. Few men are " framed so in the prodigali- ty of Nature,'' as to have all their Senses in perfection— very few have a single One, that approximates within many degrees of it — - the Eye of Raphael^ the Ear of Handel^ — or the sensitive Touch of the Blind Girl who could feel Colours — are pancratic faculties which are seldom produced." The peculiar Genius and Character of each Individual originates either in the ex- quisite sensibility — or in the extreme obtuse- ness of some single sense :-— this makes one man a Painter, — another a Musician,-- in op- position to all the influence which can beset tip against it. Many eminent Painters and Musicians were originally self-taught, and unable to re- sist the fascination of their Eye or Ear, but were so overcome by their love of their Art — that they have overcome all Obstacles, which were placed in their way to prevent them pursuing it. I have met with persons in whom the sense of Seeing or Hearing was so absolutely pre- dominant, that — the other Four appeared to he totally eclipsed : OF THE EYE AND EAR. 115 «^ And hence one Master Passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest." Pope. Where Nature has given an extremely ^tn- sible faculty to a man, the employment there- of is more delightful and easy to him than the employment of any other, and the culti- vation of it, an irresistible enjoyment. This is Genius in ihe proper sense of the ivord, whether in Mind or Body — and is the super-eminent faculty which is born in man. The possession of extraordinarily Perfect Senses^ is by no means so enviable as people ordinarily imagine,^ — the works which they enable the possessors to produce can only be fully appreciated by faculties equally perfect and equallj^ cultivated. The purblind " Undelighted, gaze on all delight," The Sagacity to comprehend, and estimate the importance of any uncontemplated im- provement — is confined to the very few, on whom Nature has bestowed a sufficient de- gree of perfection of ihe sense wiiich is to measure it ; — fhe candour to make a fair re- port of it, is still more uncommon — and the kindness to encourage it — cannot often be expected from those, whose most vital inte- rest it is, to prevent the developement of that, "by which their own importance — perhaps 1 1 G VARIOUS DEGREES OP PERFECTION their only means of existence — may be for ever eclipsed ; and as Pope says— cc ' — How many are Condemned in Business or in Arts to drudge Without an Equal — or without a Judge." Thus, the Inferiority of the Senses of others — prevents their deriving much advan- tage from the Superiority of their own. When Ability and Industry have over- come the difficulties always attending the perfect execution of exquisite works, they have still to contend with the obfuscated imaginations of the Ignorant,-- and the mali- cious misrepresentations of the Idle, — -the In- terested, — and the Envious,— and are seldom repaid for their exertions, unless they are content to reckon with Pope, that *' One self-approving hour whole years outweighs Of stupid starers, and of loud huzzas. In parts superior what advantage lies ! Tell, for you can, what is it to be wise ? 'Tis but to know who little can be known, To see all other's faults, and feel our own ; Painful pre-eminence yourself to view Above life, weakness, and its comforts too,'* Pope. Persons who have Bad Senses^ i. e. only just enough Ear and Eye to hear a Dinner Bell, and find a Spoon — often appear to be gifted with Good Sense in a very superior de- gree, and seem to think deeper than those who have the External Senses in greater OP THE EYE AND EAR. 117 perfection.— When those avenues to the in- terruption of Intellectual abstraction, the Eyes and Ears, — are half shut, — it is reason- ble to suppose, that the Thinking Faculty may be more active, and more perfect. Those persoris vhose External Senses are obtuse and impeiiccL are generally, close Reasoiicrs— subtle Calculdior- — ri^^id Econo- mists, — and ill ail s .• ppcts Persons of exem- plarj^ Pruderice. The Insensibility, of people who have Bad Senses^ exempts them from many dive'ting temptations, Vvhich assail those who See — Hear — Feel — Taste — and Smell in perfection. That P;!ragon of Good Sense — Dr. S. John- son, was Short sight fd^ and could not see dis- tinctly more than 4 or 5 inches from him. — His Ears zvere imperfect also, — when others expressed the delig:Hi they received from Mu- sic, he said, '^ I should he happy to have that sense given to me ;"■— and v hen a celebrated Player had finished -an elaborate Concerto, which they told him was extremely difficult, — he said— '^^ Sir, I wish it had been impos- sible." The slovenliness of his own Drr«;s, — 1 dare say arose from the defect in his Sight, pre- venting him from being sensible of ihe agree- able impression produced by proper atten- tion to neatness in others. il8 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE. We have irresistible evidence that his Taste was defective^ — for his appreciation of a Good Dinner, was according to the Scale which Tasteless people always measure hy^-—- the Variety, the Rarity, and the Costliness of it,— for he needed not Dainties to excite his Appetite ; that, we are told, was sharp enough. PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE, INVENTED BY WILLIAM KITCHINER, M.D. Is applicable to Achromatic^ and Reflecting Telescopes of_ all Lengths^ and also to Microscopes. [See an Engraving thereof opposite this Page.] This Eye- Tube is applied to the Telescope in the same manner as other Eje-tubes, and is adjusted to distinct Vision by the same Pinion Motion. * Those in which the Errors arising from Colorific refrac- tion, are corrected by the figure, position, and refractive power of the Lenses which constitute the Object-glas? I a Gem??wrum. W7t7t 2SO. iM/'yi/ iners Ucorzomy of the Byes j Tart Ipaxje lit HTi^m (Emmmn^ti^>Mii PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE, 119 For the Lowest Magnifying power, the Three Inner lubes must be shut up within the Outer one ;— when the Magnifying power is to be increased, the smallest of the sliding tubes, A, must be draw^n out to either of the numbers engraved upon it ; care being taken not to draw out any part of the other sliding tubes, B and C, until the whole of the Firsts A, is pulled out ; — the Second tube, B, may then be drawn out to either of the numbers engraven thereon ; and in like manner the Third tube. The numbers engraved on the Tubes, de- note the Magnifying power of the Telescope. To change the Pozver for any less power than the one to which the tubes have been drawn out, the reverse of the above-described mode of proceeding must be observed ; — the Largest tube must be returned first, and so on, until they have been brought back to the number required. Each alteration of the Magnifying power will require a new adjustment of the Pinion ;— as the Magnifying power is increased, the dis- tance between the Eye-glass and the Object- glass must be diminished. " It has long been known, that the Magni- fying powers of Telescopes could be aug- mented by increasing the distance between 120 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE. the two glasses next to the Eye, and the two that are next to the Object-glass, to almost double the power of the Eye-tube in its usual form, i. e» from 30 to 55. This is the utmost that Opticians have heretofore accomplished ;— yet this variation is so desirable, that I think it only requires to be generally known, to be generally desired, both for Convenience and Cheapness.* ^^ A few months ago, I saw an Eye-tube, made by Mr, Cauchoix, with a scale of mag- nifying powers from 25 to 73 ; but, upon trial, I found that the vision was perfectly good only between 35 and 45. " My attention was strongly excited by the idea of One Eye-tube effecting the whole business of Magnifying; and after several experiments, with the assistance of Mr. S. Pierce, I combined lenses of such propor- tions that they admitted of being separated from each other so as to Magnify at one ex- tremity, more than double what they did at the other, the vision continuing uniformly distinct. * Before Mr. Jesse Ramsden invented, about 1785, The Pipe-draiverfoi- the Terrestrial Eye-tube — and chang- ed the Magnifying power, by chanj2;ingthe two Glasses next to the Eye—for which half Eye-tube he charged 10s, 6d.-— for every change of Magnifying power, there was the in- cumbrance and expense- of another Eye-tubCj costing II. Is. PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE. 121 " Having now done more than had been previously effected, I brought it to You. The approbation You expressed of what I had done, so encouraged me, that I applied unceasingly, determined to perfect the object in view, which I have now accomplished, " I beg to present to you the following accurate measurement of the powers, and faithful account of the performance of " The Pancratic Eye-Tube, which 1 think gives a better defined image of a fixed Star, — and shews Double Stars decidedly more distinct,* and perfectly separated, than any other Eye-tube, and t hope will enable us to determine the distances of these objects from each other, in a mot-e perfect manner than has been possible heretofore.! " This Eye-tube, when accurately made, applied to an Achromatic of 44 inches focus, produces, in the most perfect manner, every intermediate degree of Magnifying power between 100 and 400, either for Celestial or * Especially in Achromatic Telescopes, which are, what is termed, a little over-corrected, and the purple rays pre- dominate : that is, when the focal length of the Convex Lens, is formed rather too long for the Concave^ t This may, perhaps, be accounted for, from the greater degree of the aberration arising from the extreme sphericity of the lenses in other Eye-pieces which magnify so highly, 11 122 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE. Terrestrial uses— the Fidd^ of Vision confinU' ing U7iiformly distinct. "Therefore it is presumed, that the advan- tage of my Pancratic Eye-tube over the usual common Eye-tube, in variety of Mag- nifying power, — convenience, — cheapness, — and portability, — is as 300 to 1. — The cost of a common Eye-tube is One Pound ; of the Pancratic only Two Pounds, two Shillings. " The tubes are graduated ; every 10 de- grees, thus, 100, 110, 120, up to 400. '^ The change from one Power to another may be made instantaneously, with the ut- most facility and certainty, and the Observer always knows exactly what Power he is using." [The above is an extract from Dr. Kitchi- ner's Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., which was read at the meeting of the R. S. on the 20th of April, 1820.] Another is made, which is adapted for Terrestrial purposes, Magnifying with an Achromatic of 44 inches focus, from 55 to * It may be said that Common Eye-tubes have rather a larger field — but of what use is that part of the field in which objects appear distorted and fringed with Colour. That, can only be considered the actual and useful field of view, the Margin of which, is as perfectly distinct as the middle of the field, when the Telescope is adjusted at aa object seen in the middle of the field. DAY TELESCOPES. 123 200 times—and with a 30 inch from 40 to 160. The power it will give to a Telescope, is according to the focal lensith thereof, and is easily found by the Rule of Three; for in- stance — if the Telescope be of 18 inches focus — If a Telescope of) ( what will one of 18 44 Inches gives ) ^ ( Inches ? 18 44)990(22i the Magnifying 88 Power with an 18 Inch. 110 88 22 from 22i times, up to 88 — being as low a power as is requisite for Land Objects — and as high as is requisite to shew the Ring of Saturn^ — the Belts and Satellites of Jupiter and several Double Stars. If the Pancratic be applied to a Telescope with sliding tubes, it is desirable, on account of the great power it produces, that it should 124 DAY TELESCOPES, have an Adjusting Screw with a tooth and pinion ; these are made separate from the Telescope, and introduced between the first and second sliding tubes. The Advantage— of having All Powers in One Eye-tube is sufficiently obvious. In very Clear Days the Air is so transpa- rent, that we can use a Power of 100 for Land Objects, and on objects well illumi- nated sometimes 150, as well as in some other days we can a power of 50. Telescopes act best when used in the same direction that the Sun shines. — I have known good Teles- copes condemned by trying them upon ob- jects situated towards the East in the morn- ing, or the West in the evening. To have Perfect Vision— every Day, and every Object, must have its appropriate de- gree of Magnifying* power! — this can only be accomplished by the Pancratia Eye-tube. On the 25th of March, 1819, Mr. Pierce, the Optician, with a Pancratic Eye-tube which made a 1 foot Achromatic magnify 80 times, perceived a Geminorum to be double. * " The Effective Power of Telescopes has a considerable range of extent,— and can only be assigned— » when the Object to be viewed is given." — Sir Wm, HuR- scHELj in Vol, CV. of the PhiL Trans, page 294, 0OUBLE STARS. 125 On the 5th of April, 1819, 1 shewed this with a power of 70 to Mr. Wrn. Brockedon, the Painter, and to Mr. Charles Turner, the Mezzotinto Engraver in Ordinary to His Majesty. ct Geminorum requires very little Ilhimi- nating Power : I have shewn it to several persons who did not know that it was a Dou- ble star, with two 1 foot portable Telescopes, with an Object-glass of the usual aperture of li inch in diameter, to which 1 applied a Pancratic Eye-tube, which gave a power of 70 times, and they described to me its appearance very accurately. I have seen these two Stars with 230 in an Achromatic Telescope of 28 inches focus, and 2i inches aperture, (which was made by the present Mr. DoUond for the late Mr. G. Hodgson, at whose sale in February last I purchased it,) like Two Shillings on a bit of Black Cloth — See diagram facing page 118; but in which, I beg to observe, that the smaller Star is made rather too small in pro- portion to the larger Star. See Sir Wm. HerschePs diagram of Castor^ as it appeared in his 7 feet Newtonian with 460. in the Phil. Trans, for 1782. g Bootis^ was observed on the 25th of May, 1819, by Mr. H.Browne, F.R.S. and my- 11* 126 DOUBLE STARS. self, with an Achromatic Telescope of 2-^ths aperture, made by Mr, George Dollond, F.R.S. With a Pancratic Eye-tube magni- fying 270 the two Stars, were just as per- fectly and as distinctly defined, and at about the distance from each other, as represented in the Engraving of the Pancratic Eye-tube fac- ing page 118, without either rings or raysj &c., around them. This was in an extreme- ly fine clear evening — the air quite still — and the star very near the meridian. The Blue colour of the smaller star was remarkably bright for so small an aperture — This Dou- ble Star is very rarely seen perfectly distinct- ly, in an Achromatic with a less Aperture than 3i, or in a Gregorian Reflector of less than 5 inchfes, and a Power of 300. Sir William Herschel saw it in his 7 feet Newtonian when its aperture was limited to Si inches ; with 460 the vacancy between the Stars was i a diameter of the smallest. See Phil. Trans. Vol. 95, p. 42. Well might Dr. Maskelyne say that " Te- lescopes of Sir Isaac Kewton^s construction perform most excellently in the Minutim of Astronomy, especially if small Apertures and long Foci are made use of." See Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for 1787, p. 42. DUMPIES. 127 Magnifying power when required for ohserv- ing Double Stars, is also more perfectly effective in an Achromatic Telescope, in proportion, as it is derived from a prv>per degree of original powei from the Object Glass — the image of the Stars appears small- er, and their separation greater, I will here take the liberty to caution those who hereafter may be crazy with the Durapy"^ Mania, that the convenience de- rived from Telescopes being made short, (if beyond a certain proportion,) is greatly more than overbalanced, by the errors produced by the great increase of the aberration of Sphericity arising from the deep curves of the excessively small Eye-glasses we are obliged to employ — there is much difficulty * This appellation was first given by Mr. Short, the celebrated Maker of Reflectors, to a Telescope he made for the Honourable Topham Beauclerc, of 6 inches aper- ture, and which I saw in Colonel Auberfs Observatory at Highbury ; it was only 24, instead of the length he usually made them, i. e. 36* inches focus. The instrument is well known in the Optical World by the name of ^' Shorfs Dumpy,^'' Mr, Tullty informs me, that this Telescope is still in high preservation, and is now in the possession of Mr» AlleUy Plough Court, Lombard Street. * See the Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for 1787, p. 39. 128 DUMPIES* in getting deep Lenses well worked — and so much more mischievous are the errors aris- ing from any deviation from proper figure. It is almost impossible to find an Eye-glass so deep as even the -?^th of an Inch focus, that will give a well-defined image of a Star, notwithstanding much deeper magnifiers are useable in Microscopes. Steady Stands are now constructed at a very moderate expense, which make it as easy to use a Telescope of 9 feet, as one of 3 feet in length. Writing the above, reminds me of a con- versation I had about 25 Years ago with an eminent Optician of great experience:- — Kit. How much more convenient short Telescopes are than long ones ! I have late- ly bought a Dumpy. Opt. Do you find it perform much better, Sir, than Telescopes which are of the usual length ? Kit. No, it certainly does not perform better. . Opt. Did you pay much less Money for it then ? Kit. No, Sir — -a great deal more. Opt. Then 1 think, Sir, that You have laid out your Money very badly — I guess that You have not got so good a Telescope for DUMPIES* 129 £30. as You might have had with half the troi-ble to yourself and the Optician for £20. — for You might have had the choice of half a dozen Telescopes of th% usual length, and what does it signify whether the Tube is 2 or 4 feet long ? — a Stand that will carry the one will carry the other; and remem- ber, Sir, that Vision is better, and easier to the Eye — in proportion that Magnifying pow- er is produced by Eye-glasses of long foci,-— I am taking it for granted, Sir, that the In- strument is employed for important scientific purposes, when the first consideration is Op- tical perfection. — How^ever, I ask your par- don, Sir, for speaking^ so plainly — perhaps You purchased your Dumpy merely for a Plaything ? I have seen e Bootis, as distinctly as re- presented in the diagram, facing page 118, with a Telescope which would not exhibit a glimpse of the small star which accompanies RigeJ^ nor the small star near the Pole Star — and other Telescopes which would plainly shew the latter, but failed entirely at the former. Very few Instruments are so perfect, that they will perform perfectly well on all Ob- jects.— There is almost always, some false light flitting about some part of the Image^ 130 DOUBLE STARS. and if a small Star happens to be in that part, it is enveloped therein, and is " Invisible or dimly seen." I do not call it seeing a Star Double, when you can only now and then, fancy you can perceive a faint glimpse of a Utile flitting ghost of an accompanying Star, during fits of easy transmission — l)ut only, when the apparent diameters of the Two Stars are as perfectly round, well defined, and distinctly separate, with a deep black division between them : as they are delineated in the diagrams in the plate facing page 1 1 8. I have several times seen that very pretty object, y Andromedod^ with 1-foot Achroma- tics, with an aperture of 1 and -^yh of an inch, and a Magnifying power ot 35. In these little telescopes, the smaller Star which in larger instruments appears of a fine Blue colour — for want of illuminating power, ap» peared of the same colour as the larger Star. Tke Blue Colour of the Stars accom- panying this Star and f Bootis, becomes vivid in proportion to their proximity to the Meridian, and the Perfection and Illuminat- ing power of our Teiescopes. i mu^L here caution the Novice, that He must not often expect to see these extremely DOUBLE STARS. 131 minute objects to the utmost advantage,* as I have described them, when 1 saw them at very favourable moments with very fine Instruments — especially the Colour of the Blue Stars, even when they are near to the Meridian, and the Illuminating power of the Telescope is in due proportion to the Magnifying power, and the Instrument is Ex- tremely perfect — unless the Air is very clear and still — and every circumstance is favourable,^ * "For if there be any vapours iiiovlng and undulating in the atmosphere, which often happens, though tht^ night appenrs clear to the naked eye, these will entirely destroy the distinctness of the appe nance : and it often happens that the air in this respect, at least here with ns at Kew, will so suddenly and so totally alter, that the object will appear very distinct and very confused afterwards in 3 or 4 seconds of time ; and the air is sometimes so very varia- ble '"^hat objects will appear instantaneously to change, from being very clear to be confused, and then to be clear again. It will therefore be proper to accustom one's self to the fluctuating appearances of some land-objects, seen in the day time through the reflector ; lest the undulating appearances of the planets in the night may deceive one, and incline one to think this instrument does not succeed so well as it is certain it will in a*pure undisturbed Air." — Dr. Smith's Optics, 4to. vol. ii. p. 366. t " I have had recourse to my Journals to find how many Favourable Hours we may Annually hope for in this Climate, "It is to be noticed, that the nights must be very clear — ■ the Moon absent — no Twilight — no Haziness — no violent Wind — and no sudden change of Temperature ; — and it ap- pears that a Year which will afford 90, or at most 100 Hours, is to be called a very productive one^ ! ! /--Sir Wm. Herschel, in page 84 of "the 90th vol, of the Phil Trans. 132 DOUBLE STARS. The Astronomical Amateur should be fully aware, that such is the capricious and vibra- ting state of the Atmosphere of this Country, that many Evenings which seem to be ex- tremely fine, when the Stars appear very brilliant and dazzling to the naked Eye, are quite unfit for Observation, and our best Te- lescopes will perform but very badly. Sir Wra. Herschel observes, that '• Double Stars require a great deal of good distinct light ; or even with the best instruments, the observer must not condemn either his instru- ment or his eye if he does not discern them.'' N. B. The apparent Diameters — and the Distances of Double Stars^ from each other, — » vary very much, — according to the different states of the Atmosphere, — the Defining,— ^ Illuminating, — and the Magnifying power of the Telescope, and their proximity to the Meridian. ^ The Reader will find, in the 26th Number of The Jour- nal of Science^ edited at the Royal Institution, 1822, 24 Diagrams of Double Stars, by Mr. J. South, F. R. S. fn the Second Part of the Economy of the Eyes — will be given Portraits of the Planets, and Diagrams of the most remarkable Double Stars, as they appear in Tele- scopes of various Magnitudes, with various Magnifying powers — stating with how Low a Power and how Small a Telescope, the Stars may be perceived to be separate, and with What Power they are seen best. NEWTONIAN DIAGONAL EYE-TUBE. ISS To avoid the painful position when observ- ing Celestial objects when they are near the Zenith, I have tried all the 9 different kinds of Diagonal Eye-tubes, the respective advan* tages of which 1 shall state at large in the Second Part of this work ; 1 have only space here to say, that 1 think that the best 1 have was made by Mr. G. DoUond, and consists of a Plane Speculum placed at an angle of 45 degrees between the Object Glass and the Eye-glasses, and receives all the Eye- pieces, and renders an Achromatic Refracting Telescope as convenient as a Newtonian Re- flector. The light lost in the Reflection is scarcely perceptible when observing fixed stars — the position is not only pleasanter, but our organ of sight is more perfect, when we look com- fortably straight forwards — than it is in the break-neck position required in observing objects in a high Altitude without such as- sistance. It may be urged, that a Prism would bend up the rays with less loss than a Speculum can reflect them — but in the latter you have only one surface to get worked truly, and it is no easy thing to obtain that quite good* — in the former you have several, * "I find more difficulty in correcting the figure of the little flain piece of metal next the Eye-glass than one 12 134 NEWTONIAN DIAGONAL EYE-TUBE. and the imperfections of the glass to contend with into the bargain : — such is the intense intrinsic brightness of the fixed stars, that the inferior degree of vividness of the pencil of rays is, I may say, imperceptible. " «ft Lyrae, I surmise, has Light enough to bear being magnified at least a hundred thou- sand times, with no more than 6 inches of aperture, provided we could have such a power, and other considerations would allow us to apply it." See Sir Wm. HERScHEt, First Catalogue of Double Stars in the Phil. Trans^ for 1782. As Sir Wm. Herschel has remarked, "the Newtonian, as usually constructed, is admi- rably adapted for observation, for the Ob- server always stands erect, and looks in an ho- rizontal direction,though ihe Telescope should be in a vertical position, and elevated to the very Zenith." — The position it was placed in by this in- genious Astronomer is, perhaps, still more convenient. " My Eye-glass is mounted on that side of would expect." — See Sir Isaac JSTewtorCs Letter in the Phil Trans, for 1672, vol. vii. p. 4032 ; and Sir William HerscheVs Obs. in Octob. 12, 1782, in page 44, of the Phil. Trans, for 1 795. — Messrs. Watson and Tulley have assur- ed me that no figure is more difl&cult to make? than a per- fect Plane. NEWTONIAN DIAGONAL EYE-TUBE. 135 an octagon tube, which in the horizontal po- sition of the instrument makes an angle of 45° with the vertical — having found by ex- perience that this position, resembling the situation of a reading desk, is preferable to the perpendicular one commonly used in the Newtonian construction — which has the capi- tal advantage of rendering observations equally commodious in all altitudes; and you may therefore place the Instrument in the meridian, and view the stars in their most favourable position." — See PhiL Trans, for 1786, Vol. Ixxv., p. 457—8. I have no hesitation in saying, that in the uncomfortable (and if long continued, pain- ful) position required in observing objects near the Meridian with any other Telescope —no Half Dozen Observers, even if as ex- perienced, and as expert and as indefatigable, as the Immortal Herschel himself, could have performed, what that incomparable Ob- server achieved single-handed with his 1 feet J^eivtonian. When we wish to discern those delicate and minute objects, which are the most in- teresting exhibitions our Telescopes display to us, and with the finest Instruments are on- ly discernible with the most favourable cir- cumstances, — we should be in a position of 13G NEWTONrAN DIAGONAL EYE-TUBE. the greatest ease : no cramp or painful pos- ture must distort the Body, or irritate the Mind ; — the whole powers of which must be concentrated in the Eye. Such is the sympathy between the various organs of the human body, that we may as well attempt to think accurately on two sub- jects at the same time, as to use two Senses at the same moment : — each must be used alone, if we wish to give it a fair chance of doing it^ utmost. — As Skakspeare has observ- ed of Listening with such profound attention, that "rlich other Sense was lost in that of Hearing." The Magnitude and Colour^ of Celestial Ob- je^s^ appear surprisingly diff(?rent, to differ- ent Eyes. — The same Evening, that with a power of 180, the planet Jupiter has appear- ed to m.e to be about an Inch and a half in diameter, — a person, who observed it the next minute, said it looked as big as the moon ; — another, about Four inches diameter ; — and a third, thought it did not appear quite so large as a sm^il Pea. " It will be necessary here to take notice, that the estimations made with one telescope, cannot be applied to those made with ano- ther. Wh?*tever may be the cause of the apparent diameter of the Stars, they are cer-^ DOUBLE STARS* 137 tainly not of equal magnitude with the same powers in different Telescopes, nor of pro-^ portional magnitude with diff'erent powers in the same Telescope."— Sir Wm. Herschel, in vol. 72 of the PhiL Trans. N. B. The Reader is cautioned, that my Pancratic Eye-iube^ is composed of Three Inner ^ and an Outer Tube^ and that when all drawn out, it is 14 inches and |rhs in length ; — when shut up, not more than 5i inches ; — and that when drawn out, the magnifying power is Quadruple, what it is when the tubes are shut up. As 1 have no Interest in the sale of this Eye-tube, I have stated my opinion upon it — it is made by Mr. Dollond, and sold at £2. 2s. — for £l. Is. more than the common Eye-tubes. On the old Plan Two Magnifying powers cost £2. 2s. : with the Pancratic mentioned at page 122, you have Three Hundred for £2. 2s. J^one are Genuine but those precisely answer- ing the above description^ and exactly resemble the engraving opposite page 118, and have the following inscription engraven on the Outer Tube :— " The Pancratic Eye-tube : Invented by Wm. Kitchiner, M. D." 1o ^ 138 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBE. This remark is necessary, because, Couu" terfeits"^ are made with only One Tube. — which have oniy half the variety of powers the Pancratic has, and consequently, magnify on- ly Half as low — or Half as high as they ought — such are only put to ordinary Tele- scopes, for the reason we have stated, that a low power is pot to an ordinary Opera-glass. But the Reader must not expect that every ordinary Telescope which is fitted up mere- ly for Terrestrial purposes, — will properly carry for Celestial purposes, extraordinary high Magnifying Powers, — nothing like it; — nevertheless — such Telescopes may be per- fectly efficient Instruments for the purposes for which they are made, and perform very well for Land Objects — there are plenty of Good Day Telescopes, — but few Superlative Star Telescopes. To bear an uncommonly powerful Eye- glass, for Celestial purposes, you must have an uncommor-y perfect Object-glass, and as the difficulty of forming this, increases as the magnifying power to be used with it in- * To construct this Eye-tube perfectly, requires AU care and excellent workmanship — the Lenses must be All of ex- actly the right focus — All without any blemish — and the Glasses and the Tubes containing them must be very truly centered with regard to each other, and to the Object Glas?* DOUBLE STARS. 139 creases— in like manner, the makers must be rewarded for their trouble, — which is great- er, as the Instrument must be adjusted at a Fixed Star,— which is a much more elabo- rate and Eye-teazing operation than the or- dinary method observed with Day Tele- scopes, of the defining power of which, a Printed Paper is often considered a sufficient criterion. If I w^as an Optician, — I think that I would almost as willingly — fValiz blindfold and bare- foot among 9 Red hot Ploughshares laid at unequal distances from each o^Aer,— as have All my Telescopes tried by that truly trou- blesome test a Fixed Star. When a Telescope is perfectly adjusted, — a very trifling accident— will derange it so as to prevent its properly defining a Star — although it may not perceptibly affect the brightness or distinctness of the vision of it with any other object — not even w^ith the Planet Jupiter. Before You condemn a Telescope because it does not very nicely define a Star, — try it several Evenings with several Eye-pieces, — and let the Maker of it (trust it with no other Person) examine whether it be in perfect Ad- justment. Defects in Eye Glassev^ are seldom suspect* 140 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBl!:* ed — but, however perfect the original power of the Object Glass or Speculum may be, it will avail little, if one of your Eye Glasses is veiny, &c., or not quite clean— or not exact- ly truly centred to the Object Glass. — Sir Wm. HerschePs Observation in p. 31, of the 95th Vol. of the PhiL Trans, is perfectly true :~ " The best Eye-lens will give the least spu- rious diameter of a Star." Not One Instrument in Tzoenty can be made to give a neat Image of a Star with its w^hole Aperture, — and not 7bo of Them will give quite so perfectly well defined an Image with the Whole Aperture — as when it is to a cer- tain degree contracted. I do not think that any Achromatic of 21 inches Aperture, and 3i feet focus, can be made to give quite so neat an image of a Star with the w^hole of that Aperture, as a fine 5 feet of Sfths Aperture will when it is limited to 21 — I have never seen one that approxi- mated within some degrees of it. The more perfect vision in the 5 feet, am aware, is partly to be attributed to thej greater original power of its longer Object! Glass, and to its larger Eye Glasses — but what I have asserted is true of Telescopes of^ DOUBLE STARS. 141 equal length ; though the improvement is not in so high a ratio. Whatever inexperienced Amateur Opti- cians may think of this declaration of ^^ the Cook^s Oracle,''^ — 'tis true. The Author respectfuUj^ assures the Reader that these Lucubrations from his Garret — are the result of actual experiments; and, like those which were lately published from his Kitchen — are faithful statements of facts re- peatedly proved. Although he has been very cautious, in constructing every sentence with words which would express his meaning as exactly and as clearly as He could, — nevertheless, — his chief Ambition has been to give those who may do him the honour of perusing this lit- tle Book, all the Information he has accumu- lated, in the most convincing and most satis- factory manner ;— -and he has never been contented to offer a mere assertion, whenever it has been in his power to produce collate- ral proofs from the writings of experienced authors. " If the Aperture of a Telescope be 5 or 6 inches, there will be required a piece of Me- tal 7 or 8 inches broad at least, because the figure will scarcely be true to the edges." See Sir Isaac Newton's Letter to the Secre- 142 PANCRATiC EYE-TUBE. tary of the Phil Trans. March 26, 1672. vol, vii. p. 4032. It may be supposed that Speculums are now worked with more accuracy than when " the Optician's Oracle,*"' Sir I. Newton, wrote the above ; however, I have not yet seen a Reflecting Telescope of 7 Inches Aperture which did not define Stars much better when Jt was contracted in a certain degree. That excellent Optician, and candid wri- ter, Mr. Peter Dollond, observes of his Achro- matics, that " though the surfaces of the Con- cave Lens, may be so proportioned as to aberrate exactly equal to the Convex Lens, near the axis, yet as the refractions of the two lenses are not equal, the equality of the aberrations cannot he carried to any great distance from the axis.'' See Mr. Dollond's Letter to Mr. Short in the Phil. Trans, for 1765. I had an Achromatic of S^^ths Aperture, which was a remarkably brilliant Day Tele- scope, and with which I saw Planets very well- — but could not see Rigd and several other delicate objects distinctly, until its Ob- ject Glass was limited to 2| inches — with 3„6„t.hs-— the small Star accompanying Rigel was enveloped in the false light from the large one— with S-f^^^hs inches— it was not DOUBLE STARS. 143 much better— but with 2i inches, the little Star was ver}^ distinctly, and easily visible, ' — and it exhibited, 2 Bob'tis — y Leonis^ &c., better than I have generally seen them with Telescopes of 2| inches Aperture. Those who have Telescopes which do not define Stars so well as they wish — may, sup- posing the aperture to be 2iths, make a pasteboard cover for the Object end, with an aperture of 2y\ths — and if that be too large, contract it to 2/^ths, and so on by lOths till the Image of a Star is neatly defined. The best Advice I can give to Buyers of Telescopes^ is, that — -if they are particular about the Quality of the Instrument, the less curious they are about the Price^ the more likely they are to be pleased with the per- formance of it — if they deal with an Optician of established character, and leave it to his Judgment and Integrity to choose for them — not restraining him in Price — my own expe- rience assures them, they have then, the best chance of obtaining what they desire. For instance, a common portable Two feet Achromatic Telescope which is made mere- ly for Day purposes and magnifies about 30 times, is sold for £4. 4^. ; — if this is required to carry a power of 100, i e. three times the power it was made to bear ; and to define 144 PANCRATIC EYE-TUBH* Double Stars, &c. — it must have a picked Object-glass, — of a degree of perfection, which is only attainable by a casual concur- rence of the various circumstances which combine to form these Compound Object- glasses, The Planet Jupiter was till within the last 30 years considered the grand test of Tele- scopes for Celestial purposes, — and when it is near to the Meridian it is a pretty severe one — "but many Glasses will define a Printed Pa- per, and shew the Planets very well, w^hich will not so well define Double Stars^ because they were not adjusted at a Star. — Double >Stars were not thought of till the attention of Astronomers was called to them by Sir Wil- liam Herschel publishing his Catalogues in the PhiL Trans, for 1782 and 1785 — since that time, the Art of making Telescopes has been gradually improving, and both the Optical and Mechanical parts of them are now made much more perfect than they were Twenty years ago. For exquisite perfection,— we are, in all mechanical matters, almost as much indebt- ed to accident, as to Art : — for instance, a Watch-maker makes a Dozen Chronometers^ and bestows an equal degree of attention to the finishing of each of them ; so much DOUBLE STARS. 145 that he has reason to hope they will all per- form equally well : however, — when put to the trial, he commonly finds, that of the Dozen, — perhaps Four^ in spite of all his care and pains, will turn out but indifferent Watch- es, — Six of them good,— and the remaining Two, fine, and fit to "Correct Old Time, and regulate the Sun." But why Two of his Watches perform with such superior accuracy beyond the others he cannot imagine. In every department of Art it is the same, the Acme o/Per/ec^ion is always accidental, — and the most experienced and pains-taking workman cannot attain it with undeviating certainty by any Rules — this Observation applies to a Telescope even more than it does to a Watch — for the Optician has not only to contend with the difficulty of workmanship — but with the greater uncertainty of the quality of the Material he employs ; and if not One in Half a Dozen Chronometers will measure Time truly — not one in a Dozen Telescopes which perform perfectly well for all other purposes, will define Double Stars sharply — and accordingly, those which will, , bear a proportionately High Price. Very few persons, however, require Tele- scopes for this purpose. Objects which are 13 146 HOW TO ADJUST SO severe a test of a Telescope — are as se- vere a trial to the Sight— and those who have due regard for their Eyes, forbear from straining them by all needless exertions. See the account of an alarming Dimness of Sights from such fatigue of the Eyq, in pages 5d and 60 of this work. CHAPTER XVIII. OPERA GLASSES. ^^ Ne damnent, quae non intelligunt." This entertaining Optical Instrument, seems to have escaped the observation of preceding writers on Optics — -the whole, of the ^^ Lex Scripta''' which I have seen about it, is, that ^^ An Opera G/a^s" is like a Galilean Tele- scope, and composed of a concave Eye-glass and a plano-convex Object-glass— and that its Magnifying power will be augmented, in the proportion, that the focal length of the former is diminished, and that of the latter is increased. As so little has been written on this sub- ject — I have embraced this opportunity of endeavouring to communicate such informa- tion^as I have collected concerning it. OPERA GLASSES. 147 Pew Persons know even '' How to Adjust an Opera Glass- — " partly from the want of this knowlege, and partly from the very low Magnifying power, and imperfect consi ruction of Common Opera Glasses— I have not been much surprised, when I have heard people insist, that such Instruments are useless Machines, — which are made merely to be sold. Others, from not knowing how to adjust them, I have heard complain that their Ej^es are always so much strained by looking through them — that they are afraid to use one. To look through a Good Opera-Glnss, when it is properly adjusied, — I have not found to be more fatiguing to my own Eye,- — than to look with as earnest attention— at the same Object,-- -for the s;^rae length of time, with my naked Eye. These mi'^takes of Ignorance and Impatience, would not happen so often, if the Instruments were properly construct- ed, and if, in the Case of every Opera Glass^ there were pasted Plain Directions for ad- justing it to Distinct Vision. The irritable state of the Eyes, which some Persons complain of, after having passed the evening at a Theatre, is not a mere local af- fection,- — but is to be attributed chiefly, to that general exhaustion of their nervous En- 148 HOW TO ADJUST ergy, which many suff'er when they do not retire to rest at their accustomed hour.-- -See pages 58, 59, and 60 of this Volume. To give some idea of the Focus^ Opticians sometimes draw a line round the Tube,^ where it is most distinct for a Common Eye at the distance commonly required in our Large Theatres, which, to see the Scenery in perfection^ is seldom less than about 50 or 60 feet. When You use an Opera G/a55,— hold the Outer tube in one hand, and the Inner with the other hand — and while looking through the Glass at the Object you wish it to shezo you^ ADJUST IT patiently and precisely: — thus,— press the Eye tune towards the Object Glass, Vision will gradually increase in distinctness as the Eye glass approaches its proper dis- tance from the Object glass, and when there^ the Object will be seen perfectly and sharp- ly defined—if the Eye tube be put in be- yond the proper distance,— the object will again become indistinct, and in that casCj * As the Reader may have observed, that the Spying Glasses which are in use at Watering Places — and at Sea — have a mark on their tube which is called the place to set it to — very few persons have any idea that every variation in the distance of the Object, or the Age of the person^ requires a variation of the adjustment of the Glass* OPERA GLASSES. 149 the Eye tube must be withdrawn again :— a very little practice, will enable a person easily to obtain the precise point at which the most perfect distinctness can be obtain- ed, — This is a much better way of adjusting an Opera Glass — than to put it up to the Eye, and then pull out the Inner tube — by which act, if the tube does not slide regular- ly, or is shorter than you expect, it may suddenly sHp out, and strike your Eye. To prevent this — in the best finished Opera Glasses the end of the inner tube is attach- ed to the outer tube by a spring which screws in. The greater the Magnifying power of an Opera Glass, the greater nicety is required in adjusting it. If You wish to see any thing 10 or 20 feet further off^ or as much nearer,— for each va- riation of distance, a corresponding varia- tion of Adjustment is required ; i. e. of the distance of the Ocular Glass from the Ob- ject Glass — which must be dimmished, in the proportion that the distance of the Ob- ject is increased. This caution is quite ne- cessary — 1 have met wnth many persons who have condemned an Opera Glass-— be- cause they could only see some objects dis- tinctly with it, and for others they found it 13* 160 HOW TO ADJUST useless— merely, because they had not been told, thdit— -every variation of the Distance of the Object^ requires a corresponding variation in the Adjustment. More Opera Glasses have been coiidemned for the want of this know- ledge than from any other cause — and more Eye and Object Glasses have been spoiled* Those who are not aware of it — suppose^ that when they turn their Opera Glass to an Object to which it is not adjusted — its Glasses want w-iping, and they keep rub^ bing, til! in a little time they render them about as unfit to look through as Ground Glass. To See an Object distinctly at any given distance, The longer and older the Sight of the Person^ the longer the tube must be drawn out — Thus—if a person of 20 years of Age, who has a common Eye^ has adjusted an Ope-^ ra Glass with a power of 4, for distinct vision at the distance of 60 feet — and wishes to set it so that a person of 40 or 50 years of Age, who uses Convex Spectacles of 36 or 30 Inches focus, may see as distinctly with it an object at the distance of 60 feet-— he must pull out the tube about the eighth of an Inch further, — more or less, as the Eye is longer or older, and the Magnifying power, and the distance of the Object^ are OPERA GLASSES. 151 more or less, — or they must look through the Opera Glass with their Spectacles on. Near-sighted People^ when they wear their Spectacles, See at the same focus as persons who have a common eye — wilhout their Spectacles the tube must be pushed in near- er to the Object Giass. If an Opera Glass has been kept in a Cold place^ it very commonly happens that soon after a person has taken it from its case, a Mist will spread itself over the Glasses, so as to prevent his distinguishing any Ob- ject. — This, arises from the cold air within the Tubes, becoming condensed on the Glasses, either by the heat of the hand or of the house, — if the Inner tube is draw^n out from the Outer tube, the Mist will pre- sently go off. and the Glasses become quite clear — without any wiping. The best way of holding an Opera Glass* If you put it up to your Right Eye, hold it wiih your Left Hand— in such a manner, that the Left Arm forms a blind before the Left Eye. Some Fidgetty folks, when not looking through their Opera Glass, keep ever and anon, pawing, and wiping the Eye or the Ob- ject Glass ; — neither of these should be touched. — except when it is absolutely ne- 152 OPERA GLASSES* cessary to clean them, and then, only with a bit of soft Leather, fine Linen, or the finest Silver Paper. The Sliding Tube soon becomes dirtied by the dampness of the hands; — to avoid this, do not touch the Sliding Tuhe^ but take hold only of the Neck of the Eye-head, and ad- just by that. The Sliding tube must be wiped occasionally, and at the same time wipe round the cloth lining of the larger tube — so that it may slide smoothly~if it will move only by fits and st'^rts, you will not be able to adjust it accurately. I have heard persons (unacquainted with the Laws of Optics,) complain, that an Opera Glass magnifying 4 times, has not so large a Field of View as a Glass which magnifies only 2 — this cannot be remedied ;-—their only alternative, is to have a small Field distinct, or a large Field of little or no use — with a power of 4 they have in quality, what with 2 they have in quantity, — the objects which they do see, they see much more than twice as distinctly. In 1 801 there sprang up " the Grand Dandy Opera Glass^'^'^ with a Great Eye glass ^ as Ugj as its Object glass! — it was imagined, — by the Amateur Optician who introduced it,— that by increasing the diameter of the Eye- OPERA GLASSES* 16S glass, the field of view was proportionately increased, — and that the Stops'^ which had heretofore been plnced as Sentinels to pre- vent the inrusion of false light, — were im- pertinent impediments. The fact is.— these great Grand Dandj Eye-glasses, aclualiy magrnfied very little, and on that account had a very large Field • — iioid a Card with an aperture of half an inch in diameter, before the large Eye- glass — you will find the field of View as large, and the Vision as bright through that, as through the Eye-glass of an inch and a half in diameter i — or, apply a Concave of an inch and a half in diameter, which makes * These are often opened too Lar^e, especially in Ope- ra Glasses made with a Single Object Glass. — As the Eye^ glass should be a little Larger — so the Stop should be a little (very little) not irore than one-twentieth of an Inch less, than the cone of Bays conning from the Object-glass. The effect of the Stop varies according to its distance from the Object-glaFs. Tht Diamcttr of the Aperture of the Stop, must bepro^ portioned to the Df-gree of the Maanifying Foiver — the former must be contracted, in proportion that the latter is increased — if it is too large the Vision will be confused and indistinct by the intrusion at False light, if it is too small part of the pencil of rays will be cut off. The subject of Stops is excellently illuminated in a Paper on " Indistinctness of Vision," caused by the pre- sence of False Light in Optical Instruments ; and en its Remedies, by C. R. GoRiiVG, IVI.D., in the Journal of Science, No. xxxiii. for April 1824. 154 OPERA GLASSES. them magnify 4 times, and you will find that the field of view is not a hair's-breadth wider through that than it is through an Eye-glass of only half an Inch in diameter. Vision through the Smaller, is more distinct than through the Larger Eye-glass : — the Eye is apt to wander about before large Eye- glasses, and the margin of the field of view is curved,— Fi^ion is perfectly distinct^ — only^ when you look precisely through the centre of th^ Eye-glass. 1 shall relate some further Observations, PRO AND CON Concave^ Eye-glasses— when I treat on the comparative Illuminating Pow- ers of Cassegranian, Gregorian, Newtonian, and Achromatic Telescopes in the Second Part of this Work. The field of view in Telescopes construct- ed with Convex Eye-glasses, — is regulated, by the Stop which is placed in the focus of the 1st Eye-glass, or that next to the Eye; — the diameter of the Stop is regulated by the diaiarler of the 2d Eye-glass, the diameter of which, varies according to the Magnify- ing power used. If the Stop be opened * See several Remarks on Concaves in Sir W. Hers« ehel's paper on the Quintuple Belt of the planet Saturn.— Phil Trans, for 1794, vol, Ixxxiv. p. 28; and in vols cv* p. 296» OPERA GLASSES. 155 larger than the 2d E. G. it will produce a strong Orange Colour around a very indis- tinct margin — with the same Magnifying power j the field of view is the same^ whether the Aperture of the Telescope be One Inch, or Three. This is easily proved, by contract- ing the Aperture of a Three Inch Telescope to One Inch, when the field of view will re- main the same!i5 — you will find that the only difference in its appearance, is the diminu- tion of the brightness of it. But with Perspectives or Galilean Teles- copes, or Opera Glasses which have a Con- cave Eye-glass — The Field of View^ when they do not magnify more than Twice^ depends in a great measure on the Diameter of the Object Glass. If an Object Glass of an Inch and a half in diameter, is made to magnify only twice, it will have a much larger field than an Object Glass of an Inch in diameter. But when a Magnifying power of 4 times is applied, — an Object Glass of an Inch aper- ture will have very nearly as large a field as one of an Inch and a half— hut through the larger aperture, Objects will appear twice as bright, as they do through the smaller, the Illuminating power of the larger, to the small- er aperture, being as 22 to 10. — These facts 156 OPERA GLASSES. any body may prove, by looking through an aperture of an Inch and a half^ and then con- tracting it to an Inch. Some of our most valuable discoveries have been purely accidental, — as little the result of scientific investigation, as the Tele- scope, which was found out by Children play- ing with the lenses in a Spectacle-maker's workshop : — these Great Graiid Dandy Eye- glasses, as big as Object Glasses, led me to consider — what Diameter of Eye-glass and Object Glass is actually useful. Theoretical Opticians, — have said, — that if the Eye-glass, be as large as the Pupil of the Eye — it will perform as well, as if it was as big as the Dome of St. Paul's. The Opening of the Pupil of the Eye is in inverse proportion to the Brightness of the- Objects presented to it — as the latter in- crease in Brightness, the former diminishes in Diameter, therefore — the less the magfti- fying power, the less the Pupil of the Eye — which is always in an inverse proportion to the bigness and brigjhtness of the pencil of Rays from a Telescope. The ordinary opening of the Pupil^ when the Eye is turned to the Light, has been com- puted to very little exceed y'^th of an Inch in Diameter ; See Figure 3 in the Engravings OPERA GLASSES. 157 fronting the Title, and No. 10 of the Appen- dix. Under the idea, that the opening of the Pupil when before an Opera Glass, is of the like dimension, it has been assumed, thai — no matter what be the Magnilying power, or what the Diameter of the Object Glass ol an Opera Glass, an Eje-glass of -/^ths of an Inch in Diameter, would be even larger than is re- quisite. My Eye, had for some time suspected the Truth of this Theory : — wishing to avail my- self of the amu ement of a change of Mag- nifying power, and to have an opportunity of illustrating its efl'ects to others, I had a i?e- volving Eye head made like the double Head of the French Opera Glasses, invented by Mr. Cauchoix,* with two Glasses — one mag- * I have had three very good Achromatic Opera Glasses made for me by this Optician, of an Inch and a half, — and One of Two Inches apeiture ; but the latter size is heavy, and inconveniently, and I think, uselessly large, — its Dou- ble Object Glass weighs 5 ounces, and the Instrument alto- gether 9 ounces, and cost 5/, in Paris, — See an account of Mr. C'iUCHOix's Opera Glasses, in page 374 of the Edin- burgh Review^ for October, 1819. Mem. 1 do not quote this, because I am of the same opinion as the erudite Editor of the pnper referred to — my own opinion of Opera Glasses, is impartially stated^ at the termination of this note. Lemiere, JVo. 6 Palais Royal, has introduced an Opera Glass with a Screw adjustmerit, similar to what our 14 158 OPERA GLASSES. nifying 3, the other 4| 5 the Eye-glasses were y^^ths of an Inch in diameter — and I was sur- prised to find, that on trying an Eye-glass of half an Inch in diameter, Vision was consi- derably brighter and easier to my Eye. The Magnifying Power of an Opera GlasSj^ may be varied several different ways : ,1st, By having a Concave fixed in the Eye-head which magnifies 2|, |for viewing Pictures, &c. — and another to screw on over that, which will increase the power to 4, for Theatrical purposes ; One foot Achromatic Telescopes in a Brass Tube on a Stand have — but the adjustment is so fine, that it is more difficult to find the exact focus with it — than it is by i^oving the Tube, provided that be kept clean and slides smoothly : his charge for an Obera Glass with this adjustment and an Achromatic Object Glass of an Inch and a half in diame- ter, magnifying 2 1-2, is 2/, 4s, The machinery foi adjusting the focus, may be as much too fine — as too coarse — The fine Screw adjustment, which stills seems the best that can be applied to Gregorian Re- flectors, was applied to the original 46 Inch Achromatics— but when even a power of 150 is applied to them — it is not quick enough, and the focal point is not half so easily and exactly hit, as with the more modern invention of the Tooth and Pinion adjustment on the side of the Tube, I do not mean to insinuate, that I think the productions of our English Opticians are not equal to those of the Pa- risian Artists — I have had several Dozens of Opera Glasses^ made by Mr. Pierce and Mr. Dollond, which are as elegantly formed and finished — and the Optical parts, are as perfect as Art can produce : — For a Description thereof^ see, pp. 153, 154, 156, &c. OPERA GLASSES. 159 gdly, By having a Concave fixed in the Eyehead which magnifies 4— -and a Convex to screw on over that, which will reduce the power to 2|-. I like this last plan best, be- cause most light is required for theatrical purposes. The additional Glass may be at- tached to the Eyehead by a hinge on the side ; and when only one of th^ipi is w^anted, the other may be turned up. The opening of the Stop m the Eyehead must be regulat-* ed to suit the deepest power : — or when that is used, a smaller Stop must be brought be- fore the larger one, in the manner in which the Sun Glass is brought before the Eye Glasses in the 4 Eye Glass Perspectives. I am induced to offer it as an invariable maxim, — that although there may be no use in the Diameter of the Eye-glass being much larger^ yet, it should be somewhat larger than the Pencil of Rays transmitted by the Object- glass — which, when an Object-glass of 1|- Inch Diameter magnifies 3 times, w^ill, if not cut off by the Stop,* be | an Inch. (See next page.) * To ascertain whether any of the O'/ject- Glass is cut off by the Stop in the Eye-tube— 3ic\]ast th-^ Opera Glass to' distinct Vision— then, take out the Eye-glass, put your Finger on the edge of the outside of the Object-glass, and look down the tube-^if you can see your Finger just peep* ing over the edge of the Object-glass— none is cut olt^ 160 OPERA GLASSES. As I have before observed, it has been as- sumed that the opening of the pupil of the Eye, when before an Opera Glass, is about YV^h ul an inch in diameter; — 1 believe it ^i es not exceed |-%ths,— -that the Image is brighter with a pencil of three tenths and three quarters than it is with one of three tenths, my Eye assures me is evidently true —but why tne larger pencil of rays makes a stronger impression on the Eye, I will not pretend to offer any reason*— I know, it is contrary to the accepted i he. ry — however, it is True. ^« There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your Philosophy." Shakespeare. The Diameter of the Eye-glass, for any Opera Glass, and any Magnifying power — should be rather more than what is given, by reducing the diameier of the Object- glass into Tenths of Inches, and dividing that, by the Magnifying power — Thus : for an Object-glass of 1 Inch and a half, — or fifteen lOths in Diameter, — -if a Magnifying power of 4 times he desired, di- vide 15, — the number of Tenths the Object- * See Sir Wm, HerscheVs observations on Night GiasseSj in page 68 or 69 oi Vol, 90. of the Phil Trans, OPERA GLASSES. 161 glass is in diameter— by 4, the Magnifying power : — 4)i5(j^^ths and |(hs, the diameter of the 12 Pencil of Rays. 3 I would hdive the Eye-glass somewhat larger than the Pencil of Rays, i, e. for an OI>ject- glass of -^ inch in diameter, and magnifying 4 times, I think that my Eye sees easiest, when the opening of the Aperture in the Eye- head is about fths of an Inch in diameter. The Eyehead should be of Black Ivory, not less than an inch and -fths in diameter, and made concave — something in the form of an Eye-bath — or a shade on the side similar to those prefixed to the Tubes used for viewing Pictures — so that it may form a Screen around the Eye, and prevent the intrusion of any rays upon the retina, except those coming directly from the Opera Glass- — this, will not only improve the Vision very much, but also render it much easier to the Eye. {See page 78 of this Vol.) The average Distance^ at which a Common Eye^ can see distinctly^ the expression of the Human Countenance (in a good light) has been calculated to be about 15 feet. The average Distance^ between the Actor and 14 * 162 OPERA GLASSES* the Spectator^ in the Boxes of a Theatre, is about 4 times 15 feet, i. 6. about 60 feet — - therefore, — to shew distinctly,— an Opera Glass must mngnify 4 times. The Bell Operas, which have only one sliding tube, are the best ; in those which have more tubes, the centre of the Object* glass and the centre of the Eye-glass are very seldom exactly opposite to each other —-and in proportion as they are Eccentric, Vision is Imperfect, and the Instrument (ac- cording to a very usual and very useful Op- tical phrase) is said, to be Out of ^icjusU merit. Look with a scrutinizing Eye through Operas zvhich are elaborately ornamented and have many Tubes— for it is one of those General Rules which has the fewest excep- tions, that those which are so very pretty to look at, are — not seldom—mere Toys, w^hich are made to be looked at, rather than to be looked through. This Caution is quite needful, friendly Reader-- for I think I have been as much puzzled to produce arguments to persuade my friends that Opera Glasses are not always to be chosen for their Tubes, as I have had to assure them that — a Piano-Forte will not always make good its claims^ to lavour from OPERA GLASSES. 163 the Ear — exactly in the proportion that its external appearance happens to please the Eye. As Ten are mnde of the plain mountings, fo One of the other, it is, in like proportion, easy to pick out a fine one. The majority of the Opera Glasses which are sold at Trinket and Toy-shops, magnify so little^ and are of so little use — that many people who have good Eyes, say with truth, that they can see as well with their naked Eye — I have met with many who have said so to me — but, when I have shewed them a good Opera Glass, magnifying 4 times ^precisely tuned to the peculiar pitch of their Visual Organ ' — they have All, acknowleged, with astonish- ment and delight, the surprising aid that their Sight received from the Eye-invigorating power of Optics, which enabled them — to See Persons in the most distant parts of the Thea- tre^ almost as distinctly^ as those zoho were within 15 feet. After a deliberate, and fair trial of the Magnifying powers of 3 — 4 — 5 — 6, &c., my Verdict is, — that for use in the Theatre, for Common Eyes, a Magnifying power of about 4 times ^ is decidedly^ the most generally useful and agreeable^' — and what is of great impor- tance, as the Eye is sometimes before it for 164 OPERA GLASSES* a long time, it is — much easier to the Eye than a Higher Power. Persons who are extremely Short-sighted^ — (See the Note at the foot of page 93), may find a Concave which produces a power of 5 to a common Eye, not too much for them. It is desirable, that the Magnifying Power be as Low as can 6e, that the Field of View may be as Large as can be ; because the lat- ter depends party on the former — moreover, the vapour from the breath of a large As- sembly, and the Smoke from the numerous ' Lamps, &c. prevent our using much Magni- fying power. When I suggested my opinion of what ought to be the Magnifying power of an Opera Glass to an Optician — I was told, ^Mt has been tried— but the less they magnify, the more people like them ; and indeed, those seem to me to be most approved, which magnify so little that they scarcely require any Adjust- ment." Exquisite Opera Glasses^ that have no focus ! — and are equally distinct, whether all the Eye-tube is pulled out, or all put in ! ! — or you put up the Large, or the Small end to your Eye ! I ! — My Optical friend added, with a smile, " You may laugh, Sir, — but every body has not time to listen to a Long Story about — FocuSj — Adjustment, &c. &c. &c.—- OPERA GLASSES. 165 Gentlefolks don't like a troublesome thing,— that requires Half a Minute to set it in some particular form, before they can see through it." Opera Glasses have been one of my fa- vourite hobbies for the last Thirty Years — and to gain the information contained in these pages, I have carried my experiments to the greatest extent possible, for I think I have tried almost All Apertures and All Focal Lenghs — I had one Object-glass made by Mr. Pierce, of 4 Inches in Diameter — and from that Brobdignagian, he made for me all the intermediate sizes, down to the Lillipu- tian, which I have called my, '^ Invisible Ope- ra G/055," whose Object-glass is only -j^^ths of an inch in Diameter, and of which an ac- count is given in page 93. My favourite Single Obj.ct-glass Opera Glass^ which is very portable, and very light, for it only weighs two Ounces, — has a Piano Convex Object-^lass, of one inch and -^oths in Diameter, and usually magnifies 2i, but w^ith a deeper Eye-glass of 1 ^%lhs for Com- mon Eyes, or If^j^ths for the extremely short- sighted, Mr. Doilond informed me, may be made to magnify about 4 times, and is in his Catalogue called the Middle Size Opera Glass, with a Nourse Skin tube, and mounted with dyed Ivory-— its price £l. 1 1§G OPERA GLASSES. The most effective Achromatic Opera-glass for general use, which I have seen, is Mr. Dol- lond's Bell Opera of an Inch and a Half aper- ture^ with a Power of 4 — it is conveniently portable, an entertaining companion at a Play- house, and a very pleasant Prospect-glass. If the Eye-glass is changed, for One v^^hich makes it magnify Twice, it will be an excel- lent Instrument to assist the Sight to view distant Pictures at Exhibitions, c^c, which it will shew with very beautiful effect — and Short-sighted persons (especially) will find it an incomparable assistant to give them a General View of the Constellations^ — ^and it also deserves to be recommended as an excellent Finder to such as are fond of turning out on a fine frosty night to sweep the sky for a Cornet^ — those who are not, or have not Courage or Constitution to brave the incle- mency of mid^night Frosts and Damps, with* out which, actual Astronomical Observations' cannot be made, I recommend to pay a visit to the OURANOLOGIA,* * This Lecture on Astronomy and the Phmnomena of the Heavens and of the Earth., is annually given during Lent, at the English Opera House, on a Magnificent Orrery, de- scribing a circle of One Hundred and Thirty Feet, In this Immense Machine^ the jSun, and all the Planets and Sa^ OPERA GLASSES. 167 in which is shewn the most beautiful and perfect Orrery ever exhibited, and is one of the most Instructive Exhibitions that youth can be taken to. '^ Stars teach as well as shine." " An Undevout Astronomer is mad.'' ^^ The Heavens are telling the Glory of GoD, and the Firmament sheweth his handy work." " These are Thy Glorious Works, Parent of Good, Almighty." ^' A Deity believ'd, is Joy begun ; A Deity ador'd, is Joy advanc'd; A Deity belov'd, is Joy matur'd." Dr. Young. The late Astronomer Royal, Dr. Maske- LYNE, who was short-sighted, had a BinGCular Opera Glass^ i. e. two Opera Glasses, magni- fying about ivvice, fixed in the opening of a Spectacle frame, which he placed before his Eyes, like as you put on Spectacles. I re- member seeing a pair of such Spectacles in tellites revolving round him, are seen in motion, with their comparative Diameters and Orbits, The Comet of 1811, descending in its eccentric orbit towards the Sun, arriving at its perihelion, and retrograding, being an original and entirely novel mode of exhibiting and illustrating this beau- tiful Phenomenon. Mr. Bartley well deserves the fame he has acquired, by the impressive manner in which he delivers his illustra- tions of these sublime subjects, which are expressed in terms perfectly intelligible, and spoken so distinctly, as to be perfectly audible in the most distant parts of the Theatre, 168 OPERA GLASSES* the Observatories, of Mr. Larkins, on Black- heatb Point; of Mr. Aubert, at Highbury 5 and of Mr. Hodgson — at Hoddesdon. For those purposes which do not require a Magnifying power exceeding 24 — a Single Ob" ject Glass of 54 inches focus, and of ly%ths in diameter, is^ very nearly^ quite as good as an Achromatic^ and costs only half as much. The Colorific, and Spherical Aberrations, which cause that fringe of colour, and indis- tinctness around the margin of the field of view of Single Object-glasses — which arise in an extreme degree, when the Aperture of a Single Object-glass, is too large, for its fo- cal length — or the Eye-glass is too short and magnifies too much — and are sometimes so glaring when such a Glass is pointed at a highly illuminated object in the Day time — are often hardly, if at all, perceptible in a Theatre^ unless it be directed to the Lights. But half the errors of aberration arising from the over large apertures of Single Object Glasses are rendered imperceptible in most Opera Glasses — either by a small Stop cut- ting off half of the cone of rays, or the Eye Glass, or aperture in the Eyehead, not being half large enough to receive them — and while the observer imagines that his Object is illu- minated by an aperture of II inches, perhaps OPERA GLASSES. 169 he has, in fact, not the use of an aperture of H. Concave Eye-glasses may be had for 1.9. 65. each — and it will aftbrcl some amuser eni to have three or four — Magnifying 2 and 3 times, for viewing Pictures — 4 for the Theatre — and 5 or 6 as a Perspectivt Glass^ for use at a Review, or on a Race-course, &c. For 15s. every degree of Concave may be pur- chased — that is from Two inches to One inch focus — proceeding by tenths of inches : thus — any one who is anxious to give his Eye all the assistance that Art can afford it, may readily do so to the utmost nicety. The following Rules will serve for ascertain- ing the comparative decrees of the Magnifying Power of several Eye Glasses^ although, gen- tle Reader, you may think that the 1st — is one of the completest Paradoxes you ever met with. 1st. " The more a Glass Magnifies^ the more it Diminishes ;" — i. e. if you have two Con- caves^ or Convexes^ and wish to know which magnifies most — hold one in each hand, about one foot from your Eye, and about five feet from a window frame — the Lens through which the panes of Glass appear leasts — mag- nifies most: — this is the readiest way of 15 170 OPERA GLASSES* ascertaining the comparative power, of various Lenses, 2d. The further the Eje-glass requires to be removed from the Object-glass, and the more the Inner tube must be drawn out — the more the Eye-glass magnifies. If an Opera Glass magnifies 3, and the Eye-glass is chang- ed for a concave which is a little deeper ta make it magnify 4 times, to obtain distinct vision the tube will require to be drawn out fiirther. The Double Object-glass before-mentioned is an Inch and a Half in Diameter; its length, when in use, when it magnifies 4 times, is about 4 Inches; and with its tubes weighs 3 and i Ounces ; — a larger Glass is cumbersome to carry, — an unsightly machine to use ; — and the additional Illuminating and Magnifying power gained by a larger aper- ture and longer focus — are in a Theatre, of very little, indeed 1 think of no use. There is no need of a Magnifying power of more than 4 times — nor of a pencil of rays of more than three tenths and three quarters in diameter, which is given by an Object-glass of an Inch and a Half in diameter. That the Field of View is considerably larger through an Object-glass of Two inches in diameter, if the Magnifying power be as much as 4 times, is a Vulgar Errors OPERi. GLASSES. 171 The increase of the field of view in the larger Object-glasses is comparatively very- trifling, and much more than counterbalanced by their unwieldly weight and length. — More- over, the difliculty of making Object-glasses, as their diameter is increased, increases in so high a ratio, that those of Two inches, very rarely define Objects so perfectly and sharply, as those of an Inch and a Half in diameter. In every department of Art, the acmi of perfection is always partly accidental, and is not to be attained with undeviating certainty by any Rules; and as there are 100 of li made for 1 of 2 inches aperture — it is in the like proportion, more easy to select a Fine One. Imperfections in the Object-glasses of Opera Glasses, like those of Telescopes, are magni- fied and become evident, as the Magnifying power of the Eye-glass is increased. Defects in an Object-glass which, when it magnifies only Twice, are almost impercepti- ble — when it Magnifies Four or Five times, become too glaring to pass muster before a good Eye — the Vision, (especially the mar- gin of the field of view.) becoming less Sharp, and the edges of the Objects being fringed with Colour. Opticians charge £2. 12^. 6d. for the Best 172 OPERA GLASSES^ Achromatic Opera, in a plain mounting, with an Object-glass of 14 inch in diameter and which magnifies 4 times — £2. 2s. for the Common Achromatics, which magnify 24 — and £\. \s. for those of like power with Sin- gle Object-glasses. I must here caution my Reader, that the real, or the relative powers, of various Opera Glasses, can only be accurately appreciated by actual trial in the Theatre^ m which they are to be used — especially, comparisons of Ach- romatic and Single Object-glasses ; and unless particular care be taken that they are glass- ed with precisely the same kind of Glass—- w^ith Concaves which give precisely the same Magnifying power — and the Glasses are di- rected to the same Object, at, as nearly as can be, the same time ; and the Ocular Glass- es and Object-glasses are all perfectly clean — Comparison will be in vain. The difference of even 34 and 4 in the degree of Magnifying, will, with some objects, give quite a different character to an Opera Glass,— -even if the Object-glasses and Eye- glasses are equally good. An ifiCxperienced person, will say that the Opera Glass which magnifies 4 times, defines some objects more distinctly than that which magnifies only 34— but that there is a OPERA GLASSES. 173 greater degree of brightness about the latter, and that the vision in it appears clearer : — This, is thus to be accounted for,—- //le lower the Power^ the clearer and brighter objects appear — and upto a certain maximum, (which I think for use in a Theatre is about 4 fimes,) the higher the Power the better minute objects will be defined, and the sharper and more distinct the Vision will appear. The Achromatic Object-glass above-men- tioned, is composed of a Piano Concave lens, and a double Convex^^ which, combined, are generally (in every part) of the thickness of about |ths of an Inch. The thickness of the usual Piano Convex Single Object-glass of the like focus, — in the central and thickest part of it is seldom more than fths of an Inch, and in the thinner parts, not half that : — however, such is the advan- tage of the Achromatic — that if you compare m Single^ and a Double Object-glass of li * Sometimes a Film or Fog forms between the Object- glasseSy or, as the Optical phrase is, *' the Glasses sweat :" — when this happens, they must be taken out of their cell and wiped with a bit of soft Leather or of very fine Silver Paper— but never do this but when it is absolutely needful •—and then, take care to replace them in the same position ; it is seldom requisite oftener than once or twice in a Year. Nor wipe the Object or Eye-glass except they really require it — as often as you wipe them— you scratch them a little. 15* 174 OPEtlA GLASSES. inches in Diameter and 4i inches focus, and put to them Eye-glasses which make them magnify 4 times, you will find that Vision, (excepting just in the centre of the field of view in the Single Object-glass,) is more distinct, and objects are more sharply defined through the Double, than they are with the Single Object-glass. If you contract the aperture of the Single Object-glass to 1-^, you will find the Errors of Aberration consi- derably duninished — and more so if you li- mit it to l^yhs, and if the focal length of your Single Object-glass is increased from 4i to 6 Inches, its vision will be still more im- proved. If its aperture be 1 v\ths, the open- ing of the Stop must be limited to a little less than 3%ths of an inch in diameter. Tenths the Object-glass is in Diameter. Mag. Power 4)12 (y^hs, Diameter of the 12 Pencil. The Chromatic and the Spherical aberra- tions which produce prismatic colours, and distort the Vision in the Margin of the field of view, — exceeding^ly distress the Eye, and which are the main Evil of Single Object-glasses which have a larger aperture in proportion to their focal length than an aperture of l^ths OPERA GLASSES. inches, to 5i — and which magnify more than 3 times, are in a great measure corrected in Double Object-glasses, vvilh vvhic h the Image of Objects appears more Distinct, in propor- tion as the order in which the Rays proceed is better preserved. ^ The Grand superiority of the Double or as it is commonly called Achromatic Object-glass^ consists in the field of view being almost quite as distinct at the margin, as it is in the centre, and thus. Vision is made easy lo the Eye, w^ith a considerable Magnifying power. The Eye, is sadly puzzled, how, to adjust itself with a Single Object-glass, when it magnifies more than 3 times — (especially if its focus is less than 54 inches and its diame- ter more than H), which then becomes indis- tinct, except just in the very centre of the Field. I think that in the very Centre of the field of a Single Object-glass, the vision is quite as vivid, if not more so, than it is in a Double Object-glass — but as only just the very middle of the field is distinct—looking through it, soon becomes much more fatiguing to the Eye than with a Double Object-glass. Those who wish to prove this, may get a Single Piano-Convex Object-glass for five shillings, of exactly the same diameter and focus as the Achromatic one I have recom- 176 OPERA GLASSES. mended in page 157, — and judge for them- selves. If Vision is distinct, when the Sin- gle Object-giass is at the sanrie distance from the same Eye-glass, as when the Double one is used, the Magnifying power will be the same — if the Eye and Object-glass must be brought nearer together—the Magnifying power is less, and the Single Object-glass is of too short a focus — to have a fair compari- SQ7i^-— the focal length of each Object-glass^ must he exactly the same* For a Single Object-glass, to be at the Sc.me distance from the Eye-glass as a Double One of the same focus, the Eye-glass must be brought, apparently, full ^-^ih^ of an Inch nearer to the Single Object-glass— to make up for the Double Object-glass projecting so much further up the Tube than the Single One does. I formerly thought, that for use in a Thea- tre, the Single Object-glass was best. Until Mr. Pierce, about Five Years ago, just before he retired from business, made me an Acbrcojatic Opera glass, which magnified 4 times, 1 had not seen a Double Object Glass, nor do I think one had been made, which magnified more than 2J, which is the power usually put to those commonly sold. — My own excellent Single Object-glass, which OPERA GLASSES, 177 Mr. p. made for me, magnified rather more than 34 -— it is no wonder then, that I prefer- red it to the ineffective Double ones vvhi^h only magnified 2i. The reasons why Opera-glasses were for- merly not made to magnify more than 2i~ were, that the small size of the Theatres at the time these instruments were originally in- vented, did not require more magnifying pow- er, — and that with such a low power, the im- perfections in vision arising from the Spheri- cal and Colorific aberration of the Single Object-glasses of the very large"^ Apertures, v^ith which it has been the fashion to make them latterly, were comparatively trifling— indeed, an Opera-glass seems hitherto, to have been considered ^s^apreUy Thing to Look at — or a Play Thing to Look through- — rather, than — an useful and entertain- ing Instrument to See with, — its Proper Powers have never before been explained — with such Low powers, they were easy to Opticians to make, and to their Customers to use. I feel no awkwardness in publishing: this re- cantation of my former Opinion respecting Single Object Glasses — but willingly em- * The origin of these Great Single Object Glasses of so short a focus, was an attempt at an imitation of the aeter' nal appearance of the Achromatic Opera Glass, 178 OPERA GLASSES* brace this welcome opportunity of acknow- ledging my Error— to want the Candour to do so, — would be to want the Courage to con- fess that I am wiser To d iy, than I was Yes- terdays—remembering the excellent Advice given bj Pope in the 368th and following lines of his Essay on Criticism. • '^ Positive, persisting Fops ws know, WhOj if once wrong, will needs be always so; But You, with pleasure own your Errors past, And make each da}^, a Critique on the last." To measure the Magnifying Powers of Opera Glasses * Look at one object at the same time with both Eyes, — one eye viewing the object through the Glass — and the other without it. You will find som^ difficulty at first in keep- ing both Eyes open in this unusual way, while looking through the Glass ; but after a few trials you will be surprised at the great accu- racy and ease with which the Powers can be ascertained. The Object to be viewed, must not be more distant than what the naked eye can distinctly define : and not less distant than 60 or 80 feet. For this purpose, the best Object to be viewed, is perhaps the front of a huilding of regular stone work, with indented horizontal joints: or when such an object does not readily oc« OPERA GLASSES. 179 cur, a building of good regular brickwork will in general be found to answer tolerably well : other objects, as the squares of glass in a long window, which are usually of the same size, will be found convenient for the small powers that are usually applied to Opera-glasses. It will be obvious, from what has been said, that the object to be vievred must consist of a number of equal divisions in the height. These divisions must be regarded by one eye through the Opera-glass at the side and close against the object as seen by the other eye ; and the number of divisions seen by the nak- ed eye in the height of one division as seen through the Glass, is of course the Magnify- ing Power. The foregoing process gives the Magnify ing power in wliole numbers. It is, however, desirable sometimes to ascertain the power of an Opera-glass to the fraction of one quarter : this may be done by marking every fourth course of brick-work with a chalk line ; and the number of these chalked divisions and the additional joints of brick-work seen wdth the naked eye, in the space of one chalked division as seen through the Teles- cope, gives the Magnifying power in whole numbers and quarters. The Magnifying Power of any Object Glass 1 80 OPERA GLASSES, of an Opera Glass, is in proportion to its dis- tance from the Eye Glass— as I have before observed. Therefore — a person who is so Short-Sighted as to use a Concave No. 4, does not derive that degree of advantage from an Opera Glass, that a Common Eye does— the same Opera Glass which only magnifies 3i for him, — v/ill magnify 4 for a Common Eye^ and for a Long Sighted Eye of 60 Years old, which requires convex Spectacles to read with, of 18 Inches focus, it may magnify 4i or perhaps rather more. Shorty and Long Sighted Eyes when they look through an Opera Glass, with their Spec- tacles on — will see at the same focus, and con- sequently with the same Magnifying Power as Common Eyes — and without Spectacles the JN'ear Sighted will have about, or almost, half a degree less^ — ihe Long Sighted^ about as much more Magnifying Power. The exact Focal length of the Eye-glass which is best for any peculiar Eye, will be best determined by Experiment. See page 154. Lastly — take care that the front edge of the cell containing the Ohject-glass projects at least the 10th of an inch beyond the surface of the middle part of the Glass — that it may be properly defended when laid down ; and that it may not be soiled by the stuffing in the top of the case coming against it ; this said OPERA GLASSES. 181 Stuffing is a mighty silly decoration, and much better omitted- — if the inside of the top of the case be required to be double natty — let it be lined with bright green Velvet,-— The Eye-end should be sufficiently distant from the Eyeglass to prevent any thing touch- ing it. Diagonal Opera-Glasses.-- To the object end of an Opera-glass may be attached a plane mirror, placed at an angle of 45 de- grees, like the small speculum in a Newtoni- an Telescope : if this be well made, and the lateral aperture is as large as the Object- glass, the Illuminating power is so sufficient, that the light lost by the reflection is almost imperceptible, and the Diagonal is almost quite as bright as the Direct vision. This is an entertaining Optical Plaj^thing, with which, you may observe distant objects, as unobservedly, as you can those which are near with the QVci^m^pec^or, mentioned in page 75 of this work— as the Instrument points to a different object from that which is viewed - — and as there is an aperture on the side, it is almost impossible to guess which way you are observing. However trifling in value, or however inv 16 182 OPERA GLASSES* perfectly expressed the foregoing Observa- tions I fear are in many respects, notwith- standing the extreme labour and care I have bestowed in order to be accurate and intelli- gible — 1 hope, that my Reader will give me credit for having done my best, to put him into complete possession of all the '^ Practi- cal Facts" which I have been able to accu- mulate. Of the many " Casdes in the Air," which Theory has built at the expense of Truth, — there are none more numerous, or less sub- stantial, than those which have been set up by Speculative Op icians. — I have not aimed at amusing the Imaginations of such Ingenious Persons with abstruse Algebraic calculations, — or of amazing the reader with a confounding crowd of cramp Technical terms which are only intelligible to Practical Opti- cians — by which, if some Writers have suc- ceeded in exciting " Wits and Philosophers, Scholars and Conjurers," to admire their amazing erudition — it has been at the unwise expense, of rendering their works entirely useless to the Public. The humble efforts of the Author, have been confined, to an ingenious Endeavour to give a plain unvarnished account of the actu- al results of his experience, in so clear a manner that — All may easily and exactly Understand, OPERA GLASSES. 183 Truths interesting to All, should be told in Terms intelligible to Alh Errors, and Omissions, will no doubt be found, and from enlightened Readers,— will meet indulgence — They, — know,-— how un- avoidably, — and how often, — such defects, will escape the most persevering industry, and most unremitted attention. Those who are already well acquainted with the subject, which I have devoted many an hour to illuminate so plainly, that I hope All may understand, may think I have upon some matters, been tediously minute, — but if I had not written so fully and so plainly — I could not have enjoyed the main gratification I receive from publishing this little book — the pleasure, of hoping, that it will give an attentive Reader, in a Few Hours — ^what the Writer, has been collecting Many Years. ^' Content, if hence th' unlearn 'd their wants may view. The learn'd reflect on what before they knew : Careless of censure, nor too fond of fame ; Still pleas'd to praise, yet not afraid to blame ; Averse alike to flatter, or offend ; Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend." Pope. CHAPTER XIX. THEATRES. I AM informed that the distance from the 184 THEATRES. front of the opposite Boxes to the ( 'urtaio is — At the English Opera House 50 Feet. Drury Lane - » - 60 — 6 Inches Covent Garden - - 63 — — I am I believe correctly informed, that at the Theatre which Garrick rebuilt in Drury Lane^ and where he estabSisher! his immortal fame, the distance from the Front Boxes to the Curtain was not more than 47 feet 6 inches^'— and am disposed to attribute no small part of the great admiration which I hear that he excited in those who saw him act, and who speak still of the extraordinary distinctness with which he spoke, and of the variable and incomparable expression of his Countenance, — to the Spectators being so much nearer to the Stage. I understand from the best authority, that at the cotemporary Theatre of Covent Gar- den^^ the distance of the Spectators from the Performers was then 8 feet further, i. c. b^ feet — and that the disadvantage of this great- er distance, was then frequently remarked and complained of. " In most theatres, whoever wishes to have a tolerable view of the Stage, must be situat- *"In this Theatre, 1 foot 9 inches was the whole space allowed for seat^ &c, though a moderate-sized ^jerson can- •theatres. 185 ed beyond the reach of the Actor's voice — but if he wishes to be near the St^ge, he is (in the Boxes) miserably seated sideways — I am confident, that where the distance of 70 feet from the Scene to the opposite Boxes is exceeded, the Actor will be heard very im- perfectly. " It is an universal custom to take the point of Sight for the Scene Painting-^-dii the centre of the front of the opposite boxes ; and this, not only for the flats or end scene, but for the side scenes also, in which it is necessary, in many instances, to represent one continued line, such as the side of a Room, &c. ; in which case, the least remove from the centre breaks this line and weakens the efl'ect of the scene. This demonstrates that our painted Scenes can be viewed to a proper advantage in one situation only ; and that they will appear de- fective in proportion as they are viewed at a distance from this point. " It has often been observed, that if we view a person at a greater height than an Ancrle of 45 degrees, the features appear distorted and the expressions grimace. not conveniently sit in less space than that of 1 foot 10 inches from back to front, nor comfortably in less than 2 feet."— G. Saunders, Treatise on Theatres, 4to, 1790, p. 84. 16 * 186 THEATRES. " To discern well the motions of the fea- tures, we cannot be too near the Actor c il is with great difficulty we comprehend the . at the distance of 75 feet, and scarcely with a- tisfaction at more than one-third of that dis- tance. *^ Having traced a Circle of 100 feet ia diameter, 1 placed the speaker in the centre ; the distance, therefore, was the radius of 50 feet every way— the hearer moving in the circumference of this circle, heard most dis- tinctly when in front of the speaker, not much less so on each side, but scarce at all behind, and contrary to the common notion, that Sound ascends further than it descends— that " The Descension of sounds exceeds the Ascension. '' Exp, 2.—" The Well-hole of the Staircase in St. Paul's Cathedral, which is free of any redundancy of sound, is about 8 feet in diam- eter, encircled by^a stone wall, and covered with a skylight. At some distance from the bottom, and near the top, were alternately placed Speaker and Hearer ; when the Voice descending was heard at the distance of 80 feet, ascending 70 feet.'' — From the interest- THEATRES. 187 ing Treatise on Treatres^ 4to, 1790 (published by Tnylor at the Architectural Library' in Hoi born), pages 91,2, 4 and 6: this entertain- ing Volume gives a Description, and the Plans and Dimensions, of all the principal Theatres in Europe; and in which those who desire further information on such subjects, will find it both minutely and plainly set forth. I attribute Mr. Garrick's superlative suc- cess, to his proximity to his Audience. I can- not imagine, that there is any Part which the English Roscius of that day played, — but that several of our present excellent Actors per- form quite as v/ell. If our Actors appear to fail in any part, it arises from no other cause than occasionally being obliged to overstrain their Voice, (which cannot be done without some distor- tion of the features,) from being at Drury Lane 13, — and at Covent Garden 15 feet 6 inches, further from the Audience than in Mr. Garrick's Theatre — the very superior illumination given by the Argand lamp foot lights, side lights, &c. and the Brilliant'Gas light Chandeliers which are suspended from the centre of the Ceiling, in a great measure counteract the disadvantage of the increased distance, as far as the Eye is concerned, espe- cially when it is assisted by a good Opera Glass. 108 THEATRES, The Magic power, which some Performers seem to possess, of making themselves heard distinctly n\\ over the House, without any apparent effort — depends infinitely more on the faculty they have of catching and caging the intense attention of the whole Audience — than upon any extraordinary exertion of their Voice. In Mr. Arnold's Theatre, the distance between the Performer and the Spectator is only 2 feet more than it was in Mr. Gar- rick's House. The following accurate account of the Building of the present Drury Lane Thea- tre will, I think, be as interesting to the Reader as it is honourable to the Judgment and the Integrity of Mr, Benjamin Wyatt, the Architect who built it. The Amount of the Original Estimate for the present Drury Lane Theatre, as design- ed by Mr. Benjamin Wyatt, was JGII8.85O5 calculating on the work being completed on the ^\st of December, 1812. It being subsequently decided, that the Portico and the external Composition upon every front, excepting the West front, should be omitted, the Estimate was reduced to the sum of £1 1 2,750 ; those Items having stood in the original Estimate at the sum of jEejlOO, THEATRES. 189 After the Estimate had thus been reduced to the sum of £112,750, certain extra works were decided upon, which {previously to such decision) were com- puted at £11,540 During the progress of the work it was decided that the Theatre should be opened to the Public on the lOth of October^ instead of on the 31^^ of December^ 1812, as at first intended ; the addition- al expense arising from which alteration was cal- culated at the sum of - jei,500 Making, together with the foregoing sum, a total of ----- - -£13,040 above the reduced Estimate. Which sum of £13,040 added to £112,750, (the amount of the reduced Es- timate) makes a total of - - - £125,790 which was the precise sum actually paid for the Building; so that in fact the Proprietors never were subjected to One Shilling of expense 190 THEATRES. for the Building beyond the amount at which it was estimated; although, from the alterations above stated, h\ the work executed, the Esti- mate was, from time to time, either diminish- ed or augmented. The Building: was commenced on the 21st of October, 1811. and opened to the Public on the lOih of October, 1812, a period of little more than eleven months. Distance from the Curtain to the Front Bnxep. Number of Pv.r- sons the Seats in the Boxes will contain. Oj o 6 3 At the Feet. English Opera House, ^^ in 1823. ^" 700 at 5s, 175/. 650 at 35. 97/. 10 400 at 25. 40/. Drury Lane, ^^ « in 1823. ^^--^ 1134 396/. 18 700 122/. 16 500 50/. Covent Garden, ^^ in 1«21. ^'^ 1000 at Is. 350/. 700 at 35. 6d, 122/. 10 500 at 25. 50/. Hay market, in 1823. 750 at 5s, 187/. 10 400 at 35. 60/. 320 at 25. 32/, THEATRES # 1^1 For the foregoing Calculations T am in- debted to Mr. Arnold, Mr. Winston, and Mr. James Brandon. '*• When His Majesty went to Covent Gar- den Theatre on February 7rh. 1 821, ihe Per- formances were 'JwelfthJ^ight \ul Harlequin and Friar Bacon — Iweive Hundred People paid to the Boxes — hut iture is not Siding room for more than a 1 houband." — Mr. J. 6 JO B to 1° >> V s o o o o > 250 at Is. 2000 12/. 10 325/. In the Private Boxes, 160 Persons. 300 15/. 2634 584/. 14 16 Family Boxes, 124 Persons, 24 Piivute Boxes, 192 Persons. 300 j at Is. 1 2500 15/. 1 537/. 26 Private Boxes, 172 Persons. 200 at \s. 10/. 1670 289/. 10 14 Private Boxes, 98 Persons. 192 ^ THEATRES. Brandon^ late Box Book-keeper to Covmt Garden Theatre, When His Majesty visited Drury Lane Theatre on Monday, the 1st of December, 1823, every part of it was crowded to ex- cess — but I could not learn the exact num- ber of the Spectators. When The King went to Covent Garden Theatre^ on Wednesday the 3d of December, 1823, the Performances were The Cabinet and Tirnour the Tartar^ and the number of Persons who paid to the Boxes ...... 1936 Pit ------ - 1123 Gallery ..... 776 Upper Gallery - - - 420 4255 exclusive of Private Boxes. The above account was given to me by Mr. Robertson^ the Treasurer to Covent Gar- den Theatre. It appears by this Document, that such was the universal and earnest desire of His Majesty's Loyal Subjects to behold their Gracious Sovereign — that a greater number of Persons assembled in the Theatre on that Evening, than had ever been within it on god! save the king. 193 any previous performance : the whole scene was most brilliant. " God ! save the King" was sung several times. Many appear to have taken much pains to shew — When our favourite National Anthem was composed^ — I have endeavoured to shew — how it ought to be Sung* with *^ Good Emphasis and Good Discretion." See No. 4. of " the Loyal and National Songs of England." Perhaps the latter information, may be as useful as the former — for I remember to have read in " The Cook^s Oracle^'^^ that — '^it is no * Never having seen a Complete Score of "God s.ave THE King" for a full Band, Vocal and Instrumental, — I have given one, and have marked the words as they ought to be expressed, in " The Grand Selection of the Loyal, National, and Sea Songs of England, published in Commemoration of the Coronation of King Gf.orge the FoTTRTH, and most humbly Inscribed, and with Gs anions Permission dedicated to the King^s most ExcellE-\t Majesty by William Kuchiner, M.D. Printed for Hurst, B obiason, and Co. Booksellers to His Majesty, No. 90, Cheapside, and No. 8, Pall- mall, in which is now fiist printed, from the Original MS. in the possession of tlie Editor, Dr. John Bull's "®fO?l m\St tlir lilllge''— A.D. leie, and a Fac- simile of the earliest printed Copy of *' God save the King^' (1745) and 110 other Loyal, National, and Sea Songs of England. 17 194 god! save the king* matter how Good your Meat is, — if it is not well Dressed." 1 believe, 1 am entitled to the honour of having given the first hints which have been written, as to Hozi' what is Sung so often ought always to be Sung. " The Words being marked with proper Em- phasis—it is presumed will infinitely heighten the effect, and may be a standard for the performance of it — and ensure^ the proper pronunciation of the Words^ and the effective expression of the Music ; and revive that har- monious combination of them, the want of which has long been deplored, — by all who have faculties to comprehend how great is their power when united, and " Sound is married to immortal Verse •"--MiLTOK', ^' As soon as this is generally considered, Singers will see their readiest road to fame, is to avail themselves of the double power of making the words an appeal to the Hearts and Understandings of their Auditors — as well as attacking their Ears with Volutas and Cadences, &c. "To produce effect on others — Actors must themselves feel the passion they wish to inspire their audience with — and to sing with proper and effective expression, must god! save the king. 195 give to every Syllable, and to every Quaver, its exact relative value ; but not Shout and Bawl upon From — To — Of — In — And — But — On^ &c. &c. merely, because they hap- pen to be placed (improperly) under the accented part of the Bar, or under a long note, — or a favourite note in their voice. '^ Melody is the soul of Music — Poe- try is the soul of Melody — the warbling of Sounds without the distinct articulation of words pronounced with proper accent and emphasis does not deserve to be called Sing- ing : — it is merely playing upon the voice — a Concerto on the Lari^nx^ and comparatively, as uninteresting as a Frrime is without a Pic- ture. Briefly — The Art of Singing effect- ively — ih to Sing every zvord wit'', the same Accent and Emphasis as You would Speak it.* * " The Pupils of our excellent English Composer Dr. ARJfE, were remarkable for their proper pronunciation. — It will be thouirht almost inciedihlc when I relate that all the fine and clear pronunciation of the words which dis- tinguished the late vlr. Kennedy, nat^jral as it appeared, was the entire effect of hard up-hiil application of the Doc- tor's lofiy conceptions of what wus calculnted to touch the Hearts and Understanding of the Auditors. This immense difficulty was often accompanied by tears and sobbings, as impossibilities; but Arjve knew otherwise, and ' Omne tulit pnnctum.' I say it is inconceivable what lights the Doctor threw on the accentuation of each Word, nay on gyery Letter of every v/ord, whether commencing or finishing 196 god! save the king* In singing " God ! save the King,^' if every Syllable be sung, as it commonly is, " God save great Geoige our King," these words are pronounced as if they were spelt — Gavv-od say-eev grey-eat Jaw-orge ow-er Kee-ing ; thus making Monosyllables into Dissyllables* '' U the proper pronunciation be preserved, it must be thus — God ! save great George our Kin^g ; the only syllables in this line which should be sung, the time indicated by the notes, are— - God ! save — and — George. " This Solemn Invocation to the Almighty ! as commonly sung, sounds more like a Song of Triumph, — than a Prayer for the preser- vation of our Sovereign — hardly a word of it, except the first and last line, is heard dis- tinctly. " How much would the effect of this Loyal Anthem be increased, if the name of God! with either vowels or consonants, so as to render the sense of the SoDg intelligible to the most rommon ears as well as to the most refined. He would pass whole mornings, and never give up the Idea, that the Poetry of a Song ill ex- pressed was a Nullity to the Ui>rievstanding, instead of a Blaze of Light; and thus he succeeded with the British Public." — (Literary Gazette,) god! SAVE THE KINC. 197 was uttered with due reverence ! ! ! And if Singers would consider, that ''God save the King,^'is not a florid Song, — but an Anthem, — and like other Anthems admits of hardly any ornament beyond an Apogiatura — " Sing ye Praises with Understanding,^'' Psalm xlvii. ver. 7. Instead of vying with each other, which shall introduce most Trills — Shakes, &c. let us try who can most distinctly articulate every Syllable— and most effectively utter every Word! " The Loyal Anthem^ is not a singular ex- ample of the want of the coincidence of the Musical, and the Prosodical Accent. " It is almost impossible to point out a Song, that can be sung, exactly, as it is set down, from this want of the coincidence of the Rhythms of the Poetry and the Music, — which it is no easy task, even to Singers of superior ability, to adjust perfectly — so as to give full effect to the Poetry; and, at the same time, preserve the Melody," — See Observa- tions on Vocal Music and Singing,"^ The following is a Specimen of the manner of marking the Words which it is recommend- ed to Composers to avail themselves of, as a * Printed for Hurst and Robinson, No. 90, Cheapside, 12mo. 1821, price 4s. 17 * 198 god! save the king. means of avoiding false Accent and Empha- sis of the Poetry they are sfoing to set — and to Singers, to mark the Words of Songs (as they would spe-ak tiiem) before they think about the Tune, which will enable ihem to correct any little errors of accent, which may have inadvertently occurred in Songs already set to music. This may almost always be ac- complished without any detriment to the Me- lody, and to the infinite improvement of most Songs. God ! save Great George, our King, Long live our Noble King, God ! save the King ; Send Him victorious, Happy, and glorious, Long to reign over us. God ! save the King, 2. O Lord, our God ! arise, Scatter his enemies, And make them fall ; Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On Thee, our hopes are fix'd, save us all. god! save the king. 199 3. Thy choicest gifts in store, On George be pleas'd to pour, Long may He reign ; May He defend our Laws, And ever give us cause, To sing with Heart and voice, God ! save the King. APPENDIX : RESPECTING SPECTACLES. No. I. RULES FOR CHOOSING SPECTACLES. BY G. ADAMS, OPTICIAN. "When the eye sensibly flattens, all delay is dangerous ; and the longer those who feel the want of assistance, defer the use of Spec- tacles, the more they will increase the failure of the eye : there are too many who pro- crastinate the use of them, till at last they are obliged to use glasses of 10 or 12 inches focus, instead of those of 36 or 40, which would otherwise have suited them ; thus pre- ferring a real evil, to avoid one that is ima- ginary. Mr. Thomin mentions several de- plorable cases of this kind, pririicularly one of a lady, who, through false shame, had ab- stained from wearing Spectacles so long a time, that at last it was impossible to suit her, but with those adapted to eyes that have '202 APPENDIX. been couched. Whereas the instances are numerous of those who, by using glasses of a long focus at the first approach of Short- sightedness, have broug;ht back their eyes to their natural sight, quo been able to lay aside their spectacles for years. These considerations point out clearly the advantages that may be obtained by a pro- per choice of spectacles on first wearing them, and the importance of making such a choice ; as the eye will endeavour to con- form itself to any improper focus, and thus be brought into a state of extreme age, at a much earlier period than would have hap- pened had they bee?) suited with judgment. There are very few Opticians but what must have seen instances of those, who by habitu- ating their eyes to too short a focus, or too great a m,a2;nifying power, have so injured those tender organs, as to deprive them of future assistance from glasses. This fre- quently happens to those who purchase their spectacles of hawkers and ]:«edlRrs, men equal- ly ignorant of the science of optics and the fabric of the eye. '^ Let it, therefore, be carefully remember- ed, that magnifying power is not the point that is most to be considered in the choice of Spectacles ; but their conformity to our APPENDIX. 203 si^ht, their enabling us to see distinctly, and with ease, at the distance we were accus- tomed to read or work, before the use of Spectacles became necessary : or, in other words, glasses should so alter the disposition of the rays, at their entrnnce into the eyes^ as will be most suitable to procure distinct vision at a proper distance; an end of the highest import, as in this respect it places the aged nearly on a level with the young, and enables him to read a common print with ease, at a period when, without assistance, he could hardly distinguish one letter from another." — G, Adams on Vision^ 8vo. 1789, p. 105. No. II. MR. G. ADAMS' OBSERVATIONS ON SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS. " It is generally supposed, that the Short- sighted become less so as they advance in years, as the natural shrinking and decay of the humours of the eye lessen its convexity, and thus adapt it better for viewing distant objects : but among the great number of Short-sighted that I have accommodated with 204 APPENDIX. glasses, I have ever found the reverse of this theory to be true, and their eyes never re- quired glasses less Concave, but generally more Concave as they grow older, to enable them to see at the same distance." — G. Adams on Vision, 8vo. 1789, p. 126. '^ I have found it necessary, in some in- stances, to give Convex Glasses to the Short- sighted when very far advanced in age, not because their Eyes were grown less convex^ but to give them more light, and counteract an extreme contraction of the pupil." — Ibid, p. 127. No. III. OPTOMETERS. Dr. Porterfteld invented an Instrument for measuring the focal distance of the Eye, which he called an Optometer* — See Edinb^ Med. Ess. Vol. IV. p. 85. This Optometer has been considerably im- proved by Dr. T. Young, and has been made by Mr. W. Cary, of the Strand, and is easily applicable for the purpose of ascer- taining the focal length of Spectacles re- quired for Myopic or Presbyopic Eyes.— APPENDIX. 205 See an Account thereof in Dr. Young's in- teresting Lecture on the Mechanism of the Eye in page 36 of the Phil. Trans. Vol. XCI. This ingenious Instrument is a valuable succedaneum to a person residing at a dis- tance from an Optician : — but when the choice of Glasses can be obtained, the plain plan I have laid down in Chapter X. is more accurate, and more satisfactory. No. IV. DR. SMITH'S RULES FOR CHOOSING SPECTACLES , " 51. In order to determine the proper- est Glasses for defective eyes, the distance from the eye, where an object begins to ap- pear confused, should be found — by mea- suring the least distance from which a Long- sighted person can read a newspaper distinct- ly and readily : and likewise by measuring the greatest and the least distances from which a Short-sighted person can read small print readily.'' — Dr. Smith's Optics^ Rem. p. 8. " Those Glasses are the properest for de- fective Eyes, which are the least Concave^ or 18 206 APPENDIX. the least Convex of any that will answer the purpose of distinct vision." — Ibid. p. 8. " 58. Thus, any person may be fitted with the properest Glasses though he lives at a distance from the shops where they are sold, by sending their focal distances com- puted by the foregoing rules. But if choice of Glasses be at hand, they may be better fitted by trial ; observing only to use those Glasses which are the least Concave or the least Convex of any that will fit the eye. For since they cannot be put quite close to the eye, the less any glass is Concave^ the less it diminishes the pictures of any objects up- on the retina. It will also accustom the eye to that conformation of its coats and hu- mours, which is proper for seeing objects as far off as it can ; and consequently may pre- vent the eye from growing more Short-sight- ed. " On the other hand the less any glass is Convex^ the less it magnifies the pictures of objects upon the retina ; and also obliges the eye to that conformation, which is requisite for seeing the objects as near as it can. Both which may prevent the eye in some measure from growing more and more Long-sighted." —page 9. APPENDIX. 20^1 No. V. Reasons luhy Elderly Persons want Spectacles to read or work with. — By Dr. Jurin and Dr. Smith. Indistinctness in Old Men\s Eyes, how CAUSED, and how MENDED BY Convex Glasses. " 88. If the humours of the eye decay- by old age, so as by shrinking to make the cornea and coat of the crystalline humour grow flatter than before, the light will not be refracted enough, and for want of a sufficient refraction will not converge to the bottom of the eye, but to some place beyond it — and by consequence will paint in the bottom of the eye a confused picture ; and according to the indistinctness of the picture, the ob- ject will appear confused. This is the rea- son of the decay of sight in old men, and shews why their sight is mended by Specta- cles. For the Convex glasses supply the de- fect of plumpness in the eye, and by increas- ing the refractions make the rays converge sooner, so as to convene distinctly at the bot- ^08 APPENDIX. torn of the eye, if the glass has a due degree of convexity. '^ 89. The contrary happens in Short- sighted men whose eyes are too plump. For the refraction being now too great, the rays converge and convene in these eyes before they come to the bottom, and therefore, the picture made in the bottom, and the vision caused thereby, will not be distinct, unless the object be brought so near the eye, as that the place where the converging rays convene mj^y be removed to the bottom, or that the plumpness of the eye be taken off, and the refraction diminished by a concave glass till it come to a due figure." — Dr. Smith's Optics^ 4to. Vol. I. pp. 27 and 28. " Elderly persons do not see so well at small distances as those of less age. This happens partly from the shrinking, and part- ly from the rigidity of the Cornea^ which in- creases with our age, and may carry out the nearest limit of Perfect Vision from 3 or 4 inches, as in children, and from about 5 or 6 inches in youn? adult persons, to 20, 30, 40 inches, or a greater distance ; and in this case the eye has no assistance in viewing near objects but only from the contraction of the pupil, and this is not sufficient for Distinct Vision^ unless in a strong light.'' APPENDIX. 209 ^' If the arc of the cornea shrink ^^o^h part of an inch, this will remove the natural distance from 15 toll inches: and ihe cornea being now grown more rigid, the uvea will be less able to contract it into a greater con- vexity. While the cornea was more flexible, the uvea was ab!e to render it so convex as to reduce the natural distance from 15 inches to 5, that is to a third part : but now proba- bly the new natural distance of 77 inches can hardly be reduced to less than one half, that is to 38 or 39 inches. '^ Now this is probably the case of many persons above 50 years of age, and particu- larly my own, not to have perfect vision at a distance less than :^.8 or 39 inches." — Dr. Jurin's Essay on Vision^ at the end of Dr* Smith's Optics^ p. 148. No. VI. CURTOUS EXPERIMENT. " Into the rin^s of a pair of common Spec- tacles let two pieces of Stained Glass of dif- ferent colours be fixea ; and if these Specta- cles should be worn in the common manner, it is evident, that over one of the retinagwill 18 * 210 APPENDIX. be diffused rays which excite some other colour : and the consequence will be, that neither colour will be singly perceptible, but that some internnediate colour will be seen. — If the Eyes are alternately closed, so as to exhibit the Two Colours singly, one suc- ceedirig the other, — and immediate y after both Eyes be kept open, the intermediate colour wilt be very perceptible/' " If a Blue and a Yellow glass are placed one hef'jre the other, and applied to one Eye, the appearance will be that of a full Green ; but if the same glasses should be applied one before each Eye, as in the experiment of the Spectacles or tubes, the colour will be Green diluted with much white light, or a pale Green ; for when the Glasses are placed one before the other, the two in this position intercept much more light than when they are separate ; and this for a reason which must be obvious to all who are acquainted with Optics. — Dr. Crisp on Vision^ 8vo. 1796, pp. 161 and 166. APPENDIX. 211 No. VII. DR. WELLS ON THE CHANGES WHICH THE VISION OF SHORT-SIGHTED PERSONS UN- DERGOES FROM AGE. " It has been very generally, if not uni- versally, asserted by systematic writers up- on Vision, that the Short-sio;hied are render- ed by Age fitter for seeins: distant objects than they were in their Youth. But this opinion appears to me unfounded in fact, and to rest altogether upon a false analogy. If those who possess ordinary Vision, when young, become, from the flatness of the cornea, or other changes in the mere struc- ture of the eye, Long-sighted as they ap- proach to old age, it follows, that the Short- sighted must, from similar changes, become better fitted to see distant objects. Such ap- pears to have been their reasoning. But the course pursued by nature seems very diffe- rent from that which they have assigned to her. For, of four Short-sighted persons of my acquaintance, the ages of whom are be- tween fifty-four and sixty years, and into the state of whose vision I have inquired particu- larly : Two have not observed that their 212 APPENDIX* vision has changed since they were young, and two have lately become, in respect to distant objects, more short-sighted tha- they were formerly. As the manner in which this change has occurred is unnoticed, I be- lieve, by any preceding author, I shall here relate the more remarkable of the two cases. " A gentleman became Short-sighted in early life, and as his profession obliged him to attend very much to minute visible objects, he, for many years, wore spectacles with Concave glasses almost constantly, by the aid of which he saw as distinctly, and at as great a variety of distances, as those who €njoy the most perfect vision. At the age of fifty, however, he began to observe that distant objects, though viewed through his glasses, appeared indistinct, and he was hence led to fear, that his eyes were affected with some disease. But happening one day to take up, in an optician's shop, a single con- cave glass, and to hold it before one of his eyes, while his spectacles were on, he found, to his great joy, that he had regained distinct vision of distant objects. With regard to such objects, therefore, he had lately become shorter-sighted than he had formerly been. But along with this change, another occur- red of a directly opposite kind. For when APPENDIX. 213 he wished to examine a minute object atten- tively, such as he used to see accurately by means of his spectacles, he now found it ne- cessary to lay them aside, and toemploj^ his naked eye. He had become, therefore, in respect to near objects, longer-sighted. The power, consequently, in this gentleman, to adapt the eye to different distances, is either totally lost or much diminished ; but the point, or small space to which his perfect vi- sion is now confined, instead of being the most remote to which he could formerly ac- commodate his eyes, as is commonly the case with the ordinarily sighted, when they are becoming old, is now placed between the two extremes of his former range of accurate vision. The eyes of the other short-sighted person, a physician of considerable learning, whose vision has been altered by age, have been affected in a similar manner, but not in so great a degree. " The only change which had occurred from age, in the sight of such of my acquaint- ance as were considerably myopic, was a lessening, on both sides, of their range of perfect vision."— -From Dr. Wells, on Vision, in the PhiL Trans. Vol. CI. p. 385. 214 APPENDIX^ No. VIII. MR JAMES WARE THE OCULIST'S OBSERVA-- TIONS RELATIVE TO THE NEAR AND DIS- TANT SIGHT OF DIFFERENT PERSONS. From the 103d Vol. of PhiL Trans, p. 31. ^' The fact that J^ear-sightedness most com- monly commences at an early period of life^ and Distant-sightedness generally at an ad- vanced age, is universally admitted. Near- sightedness generally comes* on between the ages of ten and eighteen. The discovery of it most commonly arises from accident ; and, at first, the inconvenience it occasions is so little, that it is not improbable the imperfec- tion would remain altogether unnoticed, if a comparison were not instituted with the sight of others, or if the experiment w^ere not made of looking through a Concave glass." " It should be remembered, that for com- mon purposes every Near-sighted Eye can see with nearly equal accuracy through two glasses, one of which is one number deeper than the other ; and though the Sight be in a high degree more assisted by the deepest ^ It is generally observed as soon as persons begin t© use their Eyes in earnest, —-W. K,-~ APPENDIX. 215 of these than by the other, yet, on its being first used, the deepest number always occa- sions an uneasy sevisation, as if the Eye was strained- If, therefore, the glass that is most concave be at first employed, the Eye, in a little time, will be accommodated to it, and then a glass one number deeper may be used with similar advantage to the Sight ; and if the wish for enjoying ihe most perfect vision be indulged, this glass may soon be changed for one that is a number still deeper, and so in succession, until, at length, it will be diffi- cult to obtain a glass sufficiently concave to aftbrd the assistance that the Eye requires.* p. 34. " Although old persons lose the power of distinguishing correctly near objects, and re- quire for this purpose the aid of convex glasses, they usually retain the sight of those that are distant, as well as when they were young. Instances, however, are not want- * I have observed, that most of the Near-sighted per- sons with whom I have had an opportunity of conversing, have had the right eye more near-sighted than the left ; and I think it not improbable, that this difference between the two eyes has been occasioned by the habit of using a single concave hand-glass ; which, being most commonly applied to the right eye, contributes, agreeably to the re- mark above-mentioned, to render this eye more near-sight- ed than the other. 216 APPENDIX. ing, of persons advanced in life, who require the aid of convex glasses to enable them to see near, as well as distant objects, p. 43. " My own case," Mr. Ware observes, "militates against the common observation, that, as Near-sighted persons grow older they become less Near-sighted ; since my Eyes, on the contrary, are more Near-sighted, at the age of fifty-five, than they were at tw' en- ty-five, and I am now obliged to employ deeper concave glasses than I then used to see distant objects, though I am not able to see distinctly through them things that are near. " The alteration which has taken place in my range of vision, 1 have reason to believe, is not unusual. — The following is an instance of this kind, that is still more remarkable. Mr. L., sixty-six years of age, who has spent a great part of his life in the West Indies, and whose sight, when he was young, ena- bled him to see both Near and Distant ob- jects with great precision, began, at the age of forty, to experience a difficulty in reading and writing. He immediately procured con- vex Spectacles of the first number sold by Opticians, w^iich glasses are usually ground to a focus of forty-six* or forty-eight inches, * Bead thirty-six,— W^, K. APPENDIX. 217 mid by the aid of these he continued to read and write with ease (distinguishing perfectly in the usual way all distant objects without them,) until he was fifty. At this time he first began to perceive an indistinctness in the appearance of things at a distance ; and, on trying with different glasses, he discover- ed that, by looking through a double-concave glass of the sixth number, (which is ground to a radius of eight inches on one side and eleven inches on the other,) he was enabled to see distant objects distinctly. He has continu- ed to use glasses of this description, for the purpose of seeing distant objects, from that time to the present; but is obliged to remove them whenever he reads, and still to employ the first number of a convex glass. — In this instance a presbyopic was changed to a myo- pic sight, without any known efficient cir- cumstance to produce it. p. 47. "' In addition to these cases, I beg leave to add the information I have received from an eminent Mathematical Instrument-maker, about fifty years of age, who has long made use of convex glasses to assist his sight in reading. He tells me, that when he has been employed many hours together, for several successive days, in looking through a double microscope that magnifies twenty-eight times, 19 -io APPENDIXe (In order to enable him to mark the degrees on a small brass plate,) he has afterwards been able, repeatedly, for a few w^eeks, to read without his glasses ; but then the amend- ment gradually ceases, and he is soon oblig- ed to return to the use of the same .^^lasses that he had worn before*" £5* No. IX- AN APPENDIX TO MR. WARE'S PAPER ON VISION. BY SIR CHARLES BLAGDEN, F.R.S. In Vol. 103 of Phil. Trans, p. 110. " Mr. ¥/are states in his Paper, that Near- sightedness comes on most frequently at an early age ; that it is more common in the higher than the lower ranks of life ; and that particularly at the Universities, and various colleges, a large proportion of the students make use of concave glasses. All this is ex- actly true, and to be accounted for by one single circumstance, namely, the habit of looking at nefltr objects. Children born with eyes which are capable of adjusting them- selves to the most distant objects, gradually lose that power soon after they begin to read and write : those w^ho are most addicted t<^ APPENDIX. £19 Study become Near-sighted more rapidly ; and, if no means are used to counteract the habit, their eyes at length lose irrecoverably the faculty of being brought to the adjust- ment for parallel rays. Of this I am myself an example, and as I recollect distinctly the progress, it may not be useless to record it here. " When I first learnt to read, at the usual age of four or five years, I could see most distinctly, across a wide church, the contents of a table, on which the Lord's Prayer and the Belief were painted in suitably large let- ters. In a few years, that is about the ninth or tenth of my age, being much addicted to books, I could no longer read what was paint- ed on this table : but the degree of Near- sightedness was then so small, that I found a watch-glass, though as a meniscus it made the rays diverge very little, sufiicient to en- able me to read the table as before. In a year or two more, the watch-glass would no longer serve my purpose ; but being dissuad- ed from the use of a common conccjve glass, as likely to injure my sight, 1 suffered the inconvenience of a small degree of myopy, till I was more than thirty years of age. That inconvenience, however, gradually though slowly increasing all the time, at 2:20 APPENDIX^ length became so grievous, that at two or three-and-thirty, 1 determined to try a con- cave glass: and then found that the numbers 2 and 3 were to me in the relation so well described by Mr. Ware ; that is, I could see distant objects tolerably w^ell with the former number, but still more accurately v/ith the latter. After contenting myself a little time with No* 2, I laid it wholly aside for No. 3^ and, in the course of a few more years, came to No. 5, at which point my eye has now been stationary between fifteen and tw^enty years. An earlier use of concave glasses would probably have made me more Near- sighted, or would have brought on my pre- sent degree of myopy at an earlier period of life. If my friends had persuaded me to read and write with the book or paper al= ways as far from my eye as I could see ; or if I had occasionally intermitted study, and taken to field sports, or any employment which would have obliged me to look much at distant objects, it is very probable that I might not have been Near-sighted at all. Possibly the persons who become Near-sight- ed, by having constantly to adjust their eyes to near objects, may not usually change to be Long-sighted by Age." p. 11 L APPENDIX* ?21 No. X. FROM DR. HERSCHEL'S PAPER ON THE POWER OF PENETRATING INTO SPACE BY TELE- SCOPES. [In Vol. XC. of the Phil. Trans, p. 49."] " The Aperture of the Pupil of the Eye in different persons differs considerably« Its changes are not easily to be ascertained ; but we shall not be much out in stating its variations to be chiefly between 1 and 2 tenths of an inch. Perhaps this may be sup- posed under-rated, for the powers of vision in a room completely darkened will exert themselves in a very extraordinary manner. In some experiments on light, made ai Bath, in the year 1780,1 have often remarked that, after staying some time in a room fitted up for these experiments, where, on entering, 1 could not perceive any one object, I was no longer at a loss, in half an hour^s time, to find every thing I wnnted. It is, however, pro- bable that the opening of the Iris is not the only cause of seeing better after remaining long in the dark, but that the tranquillity of the retina, which is not disturbed by foreign objects of vision, may render it fit to receive impressions such as otherwise would have 222 APPENDIX. been too faint to be perceived. This seems to be supported by telescopic vision, for it has often happened to me in a fine winter's evening, when at midnight, and in the ab- sence of the Moon, I have taken sweeps of the Heavens, of four, five, or six hours' du- ration, that the sensibility of the Eye, incon- sequence of the exclusion of light from sur- rounding objects, by means of a Black Hood which 1 wear upon those occasions, has been very great ; and it is evident that the open- ing of the Iris would have been of no service in these cases, on account of the diameter of the optic pencil, which, in the 20 feet tele- scope, at the time of sweeping, was no more, than the 12th of an inch. ^^ The effect of this increased sensibility was such, that if a star of the 3d magnitude came towards the field of view, I found it necessary to withdraw the eye before its en- trance, in order not to injure the delicacy of vision, acquired by lone continuance in the dark. The transit of large stars, unless where none of the f>th or 7th magnitude could be had, have f^enerally been declined in my sweeps, even with the 20 feet Telescope. And I remember, that after a considerable sweep with the 40 feet instrument, the ap- pearance of Sirkis announced itself at a gr^at APPENDIX, ^23 distance, like the dawn of morning, and came on by degrees, increasing in brightness, till this brilliant star at last entered the field of the telescope, with all the splendour of the rising Sun, and forced me to take the eye from that beautiful sight. Such striking ef- fects are a sufficient proof of the great sensi- bility of the Eye acquired by keeping it from the Light, p. 54. " On taking notice, in the beginning of sweeps, of the times that passed, I found that the eye, coming from the light, required near 20 seconds before it would be sufficiently re- posed to admit a view of very delicate'ob- jects in the telescope ; and that the observa- tion of a transit of a star of the 2d or 3d magnitude would disorder the eye again, so as to require the same time for the re-estab- lishment of its tranquillity. "The difficulty of ascertaining the greatest opening of the Eye arises from the impossibi- lity of measuring it at the time of its extreme dilatation, which can only happen when eyt- vy thing is completely dark." 224 APPENDIX* No. XI. SNOW SPECTACLES. These appear as if formed of half the Mar- row-bone of a Leg of Mutton, and are worn by our untutored fellow creatures, to guard their Eyes from the glare of light from the Snow. See page 82. The following are the dimensions of a pair which were lent to me, and correspond very nearly with those mentioned at page 99. Length of Front 4-j^^ths. Breadth across it ly^^ths. Distance between the Eye slits Ij^ths. The Eye slits m length l^^^ths. Ditto m breadth -^^^th. The part which answers to the knuckle Troths. They are fixed on the head by skin Straps about an Inch broad, which also serve to defend the Eyes from side light. THE END* I I a HP j pcA A]y':riC A|^ gJ»V^ac»'**^ ^vV--^*"^" I Xi.jmmU.>im't,!!nhiL'i,i.l>u'JiHi H ^ ^ M il ' 1 II '1 1 l\ i 1 B iiii |i: vi! i m 'HMi 11 illiiiii ill \ ^ I'ip 1 11 -|il ft^iH ^^ '^ '' p|| ^ ':i i 1 '■ B i^l :,Hi>ii Sot o IP -all ^ iLo I ogg-nTTX P Blla >lxnnTn it J, itJ \ m l®;~ w. m ,P m .S — !^j — ra^l — M-A ^^^'^/?iF- cor ocr '.y M^^/^' I » (I i \ AVIS AU RIELIEUR I^ rilieur aura soin de placer le$ gravured, mivant cette table. PEEMiEK volum:£:. I Plan de Rome ancienne p. xi. % Plan de Rome moderne p. xiii. 3 Place Colonne p» si. 4 Temple d'Antonin le Pleux p. 3i« 6 Palais Buonaparte au Cours p. 58. 6 Gapitole p. y^* 7 Forum Remain p. liii. 8 J^glise de St. Theodore p. i38. 9 Temple d'Antonin et Faustine p. lifi*. 10 Basilique de Constantin p. 14^. J I Temple de Venus et de Rome p. iio» la Golisee p. i63. i3 Interieur du Golisee p. 168. 14 Basilique de St. Jean de Latran p. i8i, i5 Interieur de St. Jean de Latran p. i83. 16 Amphitheatre Castrense p. 193. in Basilique de Ste. Croix en Jerusalem p. 190. 18 Monument de I'eau Claudienne p. 194. \ig Minerva Medica p. 197- leo Basilique de Ste. Marie Majeure p. ao8» lai Interieur de Ste. Marie Majeure p. 209. i^a Thermes de Diocletien p* 233. a3 Place d'Espagne p. 281. !23 Fontaine de Trevi p. qZ%. JaS Golonne Trajane p. 298. 26 Forum Palladium p. 3 14. 27 Plan du Pantheon p. 332. 28 Vue du Pantheon p. 332. .^9 Interieur du Pantheon p. 33€. 700 SECCI7D VOLUME. 3o Place Navone p. 365. 3i Palais Massimi p. 373. 3a Plan du Theatre de Marcellus p. 385. 33 Theatre de Marcellus p. 385. 34 Janus Quadrifrons p. 388. 35 Thermes de Caracalla p. 4^a. 36 Arc de Drusus p. 411- 87 Cirque de Romulus dit de Caracalla p. 4^0 38 Tombeau de Cecile Metella p. 4^3. 89 Temple de Bacchus p. 4^6. 40 Plan de St. Paul hors des murs p. 43o. 4c Basilique de St. Paul p. 480. 4a Interieur de St. .Paul p. ^3i, 43 Pyramide de C. Cestius p. 436. . 44 Temple de Vesta p. 446* 45 Chateau St. Ange p. 5or. 46 Plan de St. Pierre au Vatican p. 607, 47 Basilique de St, Pierre p. 5ii. 48 Interieur de St. Pierre p. 5 19. 49 Escalier principal du Musee p. 6^4' 50 Chambre de la bigue p. 6a6. 5 1 Pont Mammolo p. 648. 5a Tombeau des Plautii p. 65a. 53 Temple dit de Vesta a Tivoli p. 660. 54 Grotte de Neptune p. 661. Die a8 August! i8a6. REIMPRIMATUR Fr* Dominicus Buttaoni Rev. Mag. S. P. A Socius. REIMPRIMATUR f, Delia Porta Patriarch » Constant, ac Vll cesgerens. XIX CHRONOLOGIE DES EMPEREURS ROMAINS. Octavien Aiiguste fonde Vempire apres les ^'i- ctoires de Philippes et d'Actium Van 3o avant Vere chretienne 5 et apres avoir ragne 44 ^^^^ il meurt , laUsant Vempire a Tib ere. J^re chrSt. Ans t4 Tibere. 87 Caligula. 4 1 Claude. 54 Neron. 68 Galba. 69 Othon. 69 Vitellius. 69 Vespasien. 79 Titus. 8r Domitien, 96 Nerva. 98 Trajan. 117 xldrien. 1 38 Antonin le Pieux. 161 Marc-Aurele 5 et Lucius Verus. 180 Commodea 193 Pertinax. 193 Didius Jullanus. 193 Septime Severe. 198 Antonin Caracalla ^ et Geta son frere. ^17 Macrin. aiS Heliogabale. iii>a Alexandre Severe. a35 Maximin I. a37 Gordien I et Gordien II. a37 Maxime et Balbin. 2.38 Gordien III. ^44 Philippe le pere et le fils. ^49 Deciu§. XX. Chronologie des Empereurs. 2,5 1 Gallus et Volusien. 253 Emilien. 2.53 Valerien. ^ ^53 Gallien. 368 Claude II. ayo Aurelien. S175 Tacite et Florien, 376 Probus. aSii Garu3, 2i83 Garin et Numerien. i284 Diocletien. a86 Maximien. 305 Constance Chlore , et Maximien Galere* 306 Constantiii le Grand. 3o6 Maxence. 3o8 Maximin II. 3o8 Licinius. 337 Constantin le jeune^ Constance, et Constant, 36i Julien. 363 Jovien. 3-64 Valentinien I^ et Valent. S67 Gratien. 375 Valentinien IL 379 Theodose I. 383 Arcadius. 393 Honoiius. 402, Theodose IL 42.1 Constance II. 42.5 Valentinien III. 4'5o Ma^rcien, 455 Avitus. 457 Majorien et Leon. 461 Lybius Severe. 467 Antheme. 472. Olybrius. 473 Glycerins. 474 Nepos et Zenon. 475 Romulus 5 ou Augustule qui Pannee suj- vante fut detrone par Odoacre Roi des He- rules, Avec luifinitrEmpire d'Occidenc, I XXI CHRONOLOGIE DES PAPES Depuis St. Pierre jusqu'a nos jours. JEre chret. Ans 54 St. Pierre de Bethsais en Galilee ^ etablit le siege a Romec 65 Lin Toscan. 78 Clet 5 ou Anaclet Athenien. 91 Clement I Remain. 96 Evariste Grec. 108 Alexandre I Romain, 119 Sixte I Remain. ia8 Telesphore Grec. 1S9 Hygin Atenien. 142. Pie I Aquileien. 167 Anicet Syrien. 168 Soter^ de la Gampanie. 177 Eleuthere Grec. 193 Victor I Africain. ao2, Zephyrin Remain. 2,18 Gallixte I Remain. 22.3 Urbain I Remain. 2,3o Pontien Remain. 235 Antb^re Grec. 236 Fabien Remain. aSe Cernelius Remain. 262, Luce I de Lucques. a53 Etienne I Remain. aS? Sixte II Athenien. ^69 Denis Grec. 269 Felix I Remain. ii75 Eutychien Toscan. 2i83 Gains Dalmate. 296 Marcellin Remain. 3q3 Marcel I Remain. XXII Chronologie des Papes. 3io Melchiade Africain. 3(4 Sylvestre I Remain, 336 Marc I Remain. 337 Jules I Remain. 352. Libere Remain, 355 Felix II Remain. 366 Damase I EspagnoL 385 Sirice Remain. 898 Anastcrse I Remain. 401 Innecent I d'Albano. 417 Zosime Grec. 418 Boniface I Remain. 4^^ Geiestin I de la Gampanie. 482, Sixte III Remain. 44e Leon I oil le Grand ^ Toscan. 461 Hilaire de Sardaigne. 468 Simolice Tiburtia. 483 Felix III Remain. 49a Gelase I Africain. 496 Anastase II Remain. 498 Symmac{U0 Remain. 5i4 Hormisdas de Frosinone. 52.3 Jean I Toscan. 52-6 Felix IV Samnite. 53o Boniface II Remain. 532, Jean II Remain. 535 Agapit I Remain. 536 Sylvere de Frosinone. 538 Vigile Remain, 555 Pelage I Remain. 56o Jean III Remain. 574 Benoit I Remain. 578 Pelage II Remain. 590 Gregeire I on le Grand ^ Remain, 604 Sabinien de Blere, 607 Boniface III Remain. 608 Boniface IV des Marses. 6i5 Deusdedit Remain. chronologic dos Papes, xxiii 619 Boniface V Napolitaln. 6ii5 Honorius I de la Gariipariie. 640 Severin Romain. 640 Jean IV Dalmate. 64^1 Theodore Grec» 649 Martin I de Todn 655 Eugene I Romain. 657 Vitalien de Segni. 6^2* Adeodat Romain. 676 Domnus I Romain. 678 Agathon Sicilian. 682. Leon II Sicilien. 684 Benoifc II Romain. 685 Jean V Syrien. 686 Conon Sicilien. 687 Serge I Syrien. 701 Jean VI Grec. 7g5 Jean VII Grea. 708 Sisinnius Syrien. 708 Gonstantin Syrien. 7i5 Gregoire II Romain. 781 Gregoire III Syrien. 741 Zacharie Grec. 75i2. Etienne II Romain. 757 Paul I Romain. 768 Etienne III Sicilien. 7712. Adrien I Romain. 795 Leon III Romain. 816 Etienne IV Romain. 817 Pascal I Romain. 824 Eugene II Romain. 82-7 Valentin Romain. 8i27 Gregoire IV Romain. 844 Serge II Romain. 847 Leon IV Romain. 855 Benoit III Romain. 858 Nicolas I Romain. 867 Adrien II Romain. 872. Jean VIU Romain. XXVI Chronologie des Papes* 1^276 Jean XIX, ou XXI Portugais. liiyy Nicolas III Ursin ^ Rornain. is8i Martin IV de Montpince. J i2<85 Honorius IV Sas?elli y Rorriain, liiSy Nicolas IV d'Ascoli. laga Celestin V Napolitain. 1294 Boniface VIII Ca'etani^ d^Anagni. i3o3 Benoit XI Boccasini ^ de Trevise. i3o5 Clement V de Gouthy Gascon. i3i6 Jean XXII d'Euse^ de Quercy. 1834 Benoit XII Fournier ^ du pays de Foix. 1842. Clement VI Limousin. i35a Innocent VI Limousin. i36a Urbain V de Grimoard de Grissae ^ du Ge- vaudan. i38o Gregoire XI Limousin. - iSgS Urbain VI Prignani , Napolitain. 1899 Boniface IX Tomacelli ^ Napolitain. 1404 Innocent VII Melioratij Abruzzois. ::^' 1406 Gregoire XII Corario ^ Venitien. - * 1409 Alexandre V Philarge ^ Cretois. 1410 Jean XXIII Cossa ^ Napolitain. 1417 Martin V Colonna , Romain. i43i Eugene IV Condolmere ^ Venitien. 1447 Nicolas V de Sarzane. 1455 Calixte III Borgia y Espa^noL 145B Pie II Piccolomini , Siennois. 1464 Pdul II Barhoy Venitien. 1471 Sixte IV de la Roi^ere , de Savone. 1484 Innocent VIII Cibo de Melfe^ Genois. 149a Alexandre VI Lenzoli-Borgia , Espagnol. i5o3 Pie III Todeschini'-Piccolomini ^ Siennoi$« i5o3 Jules II de la Rovere^ de Savone. i5i3 Leon X de Medicis ^ Florentin* iSaa Adrien VI Florent ^ Hollandais. i5a3 Clement VII de Medicis y Florentin. 1534 Paul III Farnese y Romain. i55o Jules III Giocchi del Monte ^ Romain. i555 Marcel II Cervin^ de Fano, li Chronologie des Papes. nxwi i555 Paul IV Caraffa ^ Napolitain, iSSf) Pie IV Medickini ^ Milariais. i566 Pie V Guislieri ^ de Ligurie- iSya Gregoire XIII Buoncompagni , de Bologne. i585 Sixte V Peretti^ de la Marche d'Ancone. 2690 Urbain VII Castagno j Genois. jSgo Gregoire XIV Sfrondati ^ Cremonais. 1 59 1 Innocent IX Facchinetti , de Bologne. 1592. Clement VIII Aldohrandini^ Florentin. i6o5 Leon XI de Medicis d'Otto'iano ^ Florentin. j6o5 Paul V Borghese ^ Siennois. i6i2i Gregoire XV Ludovisi ^ de Bologne. 3 6:z3 Urbain VIII Bcirberini , Florentin. 1644 Innocent X Pamphile^ Remain. 2655 Alexandre VII Chigi ^ Siennois. 3667 Clement IX Rospigliosi ^ Toscau. 3670 Clement X Altieri ^ Remain. 1676 Innocent XI Odescalcid ^ Milanais. 3689 Alexandre VIII Ottohoni^ Venitien. 1 69 1 Innocent XII Fignatelliy Napolitain. 1700 Clement XI Albani^^ du duche d'Urbin. I7i2i Innocent XIII Conti ^ Remain. 5734 Benoit Xill Ursin^ Romain. 3730 Clement XII Corsini^ Florentin. 1740 Benoit XIV Lambertini ^ de Bologne. 3753 Clement XIII Rezzonico ^ Veiaitien. ' 1769 Clement XIV Ganganelli , de St. Ange de Vado. 3775 Pie VI Braschi , de Cesene. 3800 Pie VII Chiarainonti y de Cesene. 1823 Leok XII des comtes de la Genga^ (jiie Dieu conserve pour toujour^* CATALOGUE CHRONOLOGIQUE DES ARTISTES PLUS GjfeLlfeBB.ES HOMMES DAITS GET OUTRAGE. PEINTRES. Naissance Mart 2 2i3o Cimabue, Florentin. 1^76 Giotto de Bondonej Florentin, 1405 Masaccioj Florentin. 142.1 Gentil Bellini, Venitien. 142.4 Jean Bellini^ Venitien. 1430 Andre Mantegne 3 de Padoue. 1446 Pierre Vannucci , dit le Perousin 5 de Citta della Pieve. 1452. Leonard 5 de Vinci en Toscane. J454 Bernardin Pinturicchio , de Perouse. 1469 Frere Barthelemi de St. Marc^ Flo- rentin. 1617 1471 Albert Purer 5 de Nuremberg. i5sS 1474 Michel Ange Buonarroti , Florentin. 1664 1477 Titien Vecelli ^ Venitien. 1676 1478 George Barbarelli 5 dit le Giorgione ^ de Castelfranco. i5ii 1479 Jean Antoine Razzi 3 de Verceil^ dit le Sodome, i554 1481 Balthasar Peruzzi 5 Siennois. j536 1481 Benvenuto Tifi, A\X.\q Garofalo ^ de Ferrare. i559 1483 Raphael Sanzio ^ d'Urbin. iSao 1484 Jean Antoine Licinius^ dit le Por- denon ^ Venitien. i54o 1485 Sebastien del Piombo ^ Venitien. 1647 1488 Jean Frangois Penni 5 difc le Fattore ^ Florentin. i5:a8 1488 Andre del Sarto^^ Florentine i53o From the New York Commercial Advertiser. To my friend C COLUMBUS CON WELL, M. D. on his departure for Rome. b champ^ de 1' Italie, O cainpagnes de Rome, oh dans tout son orgueil git le neant del' hommel C est \k que des aspects I'ameux par les grands noms, Pleins de grands souvenirs, et de hautes lecons, Vous offrent ces objets, nesors des paysages! jUbbee de Jardins^ Chant. 4. Thou art going hence, companion, to the old and mighty world; To read the records of the past, where glory's wing was fuil'd: , Where the sanctity a,nd beauty which thy classic page hatli ■ told, ^ Will shed their influence on thy heart— a lengthened scroll unrolled. Thou wilt roam tlie seven hill'd city, where childhood-tho'ts have been; Where the visions of thy withered years have dwelt on eveiy scene. Where the. palace of the Caesars will win the musing eye; Wliere the mighty spirits of the pasi have hallowed earth '\xi