Class Book Copyright N°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. EASTERN MAINE PRACTICAL GUIDE By ALBERT M. ROLLINS 1905 THE LAKESIDE PRESS CO. PORTLAND, MAINE 'And there the weary are at rest." — J>ib/t L [wo Copies K APR 3 1905 Oooyngiu tnuy GUtSS <£, XXC, Not //^ // Z O oopy b. Copyright, 1905, by Albert M. Rollins. Free copies of this book can be obtained by applying in person to the Maine Central Railroad, the Washington County Railroad, and the Boston & Maine Railroad at their City Ticket Office in Boston. From Mr. L. F. Tobie, Calais, Me., and Mr. F. E. Boothby, Portland, Me., by sending five cents in stamps. Contents, I. Introduction. Acknowledgmi II. I he Se< tion. III. Naturalist's Calendar from May to November (inclusive Eastern Mai i I\'. Th'- Proper Time For Fishing. For Birds. For Game, lor a Canoe Cruise. For a Shore ( Kiting. V. Preparations tor a Cruise in the Maine Woods. Transporta- tion. Personal. Shelter and Sleeping. The Kit. Canoes and < 'mules. Food. ( VI. An exhaustive outline of the Lakes and Streams, following up the Rivers and showing Special Fish and dame Sections. VII. Lakes and Streams near the Railroads not in VI. VIII. ' am ><■ ( Tuises in I )etail. i. West Branch of the St. Croix Circle. 2. From Springfield to East Machias. 3. On the Last Branch of the St. Croix. \. West Branch of the St. Croix and down the Machias. 5. On Tomah Stream. 6. Down the Passadumkeag. IX. The Machias River. Its Roads and Camps. X. Driving and Automobile Roads in Eastern Maine. XL Coast Resorts on the Smith Shore XII. Coast Resorts in Passamaquoddy Bay. XIII. Grand Lake. Meddybemps Lake. XIV. Around the Camp Fire. The Canadian Porcupine. I )riving Swamps. Loading ( 'am How to take a Lake in a Wind in a Canoe. Care of ( )utdoor Fires. A Moose Yard. Forest Colors of Autumn. Moose- and Hears killed in 1904. I listory of the Moose in Eastern Maine. Stocking the Lakes. XV. Game Laws. Revised for 1905 and 1906. INTRODUCTION. IY ' T IS the purpose of these pages not so much to por- 1 tray Maine scenery, which is the same all over the sgp&p) State in its general features of rugged shore line, a wide expanse of forest set with immense numbers of lakes and ponds, and rivers flowing rapidly from upland sources, as to explain the ways and means of going to the woods and shores, to tell when and where to go, what prepa- rations to make, how to get adapted to outdoor life in order to get the best returns, and to furnish estimates on the cost of outings. The writer is a native of Eastern Maine, who spent his boyhood there, and who has with one exception spent portions of every summer for the past ten years canoeing and camping there in the woods and on the shores. It is hoped that this little volume will induce many who have not been in Eastern Maine to go there. Do not expect to find a deer in every thicket, a trout in every pool, or a bear in every swamp. The writer desires not to be misunderstood in what he is going to say. He is too loyal a son of Maine to depreciate or undervalue any section of it. In all candor, after having been in most every section of our State, that has become such a playground for the large population centres of the Atlantic seaboard, the writer believes that Eastern Maine, with its salmon pools, pleasant shore line and deep sea fishing, its bear hunting which is a feature, its inland fishing from the prolific trout and gamy black bass to the salmon of Grand Lake, not to mention the deer and moose, is the best all-around section of Maine for a return to the best Nature affords. Ruffed grouse is used for partridge, and landlocked has been dropped from salmon. The 's has been discarded from the names of several lakes and streams. These changes are in accord with the facts in each case. The most of the material has been taken from personal observations and notes kept when in the section. No pretense of literary merit is made. Practical ends and plain language have been kept in the foreground. It has been written in the midst of active duties in another line. After all, is the true sportsman he who comes to kill and carry away game merely? Is not the true lover of the woods and country he who goes there to study the natural features, to note the character and classification of the vegetable growth, the ways and habits of the animals, and to become acquainted with men whose long adaptation to outdoor woods life is evi denced in their manners and customs? Fishing and hunting are incidents and very laudable ones. It is fair to supply the camp with meat and fish. Is it necessary that tons of our big game should be shipped each year to satisfy the vanity of game destroyers ? The writer wishes to make one comment. Maine people who have gone to New York and Massachusetts are loyal to their native State. On general principles, leaving out the question of ability to pay, it is hard for them to be obliged to pay a tax to hunt in the haunts of their boyhood. With the above exceptions the writer has refrained from expressing his own views on the several aspects of game law policy on which reasonable men differ. He has also tried to avoid a re-hash. Pictures of dead game have been purposely omitted. The book is a result of a still hunt. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The writer wishes to thank all of the advertisers, and to especially commend them to vacationers who use this volume. since it has its source and support in their advertising. In Kastern Maine for close local information: Judge Wm. Fowler and Mr. J. A. Sears, of Calais; Mr. H. A. Averill, of Crawford; Mr. Frank Sanborn, of Fast Machias: Dr. F. F. Shaw and Mr. L. B. Wilder, of Machias; Mr. S. S. Quimby, of Milltown; Mr. C. F. Eaton and Mr. C. A. Rolf, of Prince- ton; Mr. G. W. Ross, of Yanceboro, and Col. S. B. Gates, of Winn. For the most of the photographs. Mr. James MacDonald, of Milltown, and Mr. Harry A. Peabody, of Portland. For other photographs, Mr. S. S. Pineo, of Milltown; Mr. C. F. Eaton and Mr. C. A. Rolf, of Princeton: Col. S. B. Gates, of Winn, and Mr. Fred Strout, of Springfield. Mass. All of the gentlemen in Fastern Maine whose names have 5 been mentioned are excellent parties for strangers to write for reliable advice; and any of them will be pleased to answer a reasonable inquiry. The writer especially desires to acknowledge the cordial support he has received from Hon. Frederic E. Boothby, of Portland, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Maine Central Railroad. His hearty interest and business-like help have made this volume possible. Thanks are also extended to his assistants, Mr. H. B. Coe, of Portland, and Mr. L. F. Tobie, of Calais. To Mr. N. B. Dana, City Agent of the Bos- ton & Maine Railroad, for the suggestion of the publication and for his indorsement. He has also to thank, for a letter of good wishes for the success of the publication, Hon. Grover Cleveland, of Princeton, N. J.: and for his friendly indorse- ment, Gov. William T. Cobb, of Maine. ALBERT M. ROLLINS. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., March i, 1905. Okf livxt Kvayv o^ £ a S-ttTy^ Vvva.L'Vvl. Ouiv f coo .S <• < 'v^v L . £ V XL - ft e v\v\o tf,, ^S = IXccU^U ft. vi -- T^ — vi S, 0* i--W^ >W*»« Summer Excursion Rates. To points on or reached via the M. C. R. R. and Washington County Railway. Subject to change. Rates are in effect May 1st to November 20th, good returning 30th. AND. Cont. Pass. $12.00 12.00 12 50 12 00 10.25 10 90 11.10 10.00 12.00 12 00 12.00 10 00 9 50 10 00 9 15 10.65 12.00 1135 10.00 10 00 9 50 12 00 12 00 12.00 9 50 12 00 9.50 9.50 12 00 12. QO 12.00 i:>.25 12.00 12.00 12 00 9.60 10.10 10.00 11.85 9 50 10.00 until Nov. 30th.' Rates from Boston and Portland to Ayer's Junction, Me And Return Calais, Me Campobello. N. B Charlotte. Me Cherry held, Me Columbia, Me Columbia Falls, Me Dan forth. Me Dennysville East Machias, Me Eastport Me Eaton, Me Entiekl, Me Forest, Me Franklin, Me Harrington, Me Jacksonville. Me. Jonesboro, Me Kingman. Me Lambert Lake, Me Lincoln & Lincoln Center, Me.. Lubec, Me Machias, Me Marion, Me Mattawamkeag, Me Mill town. Me Olamon, Me Passadumkeag, Me Pembroke, Me Perry. Me Pleasant Point, Me Princeton, Me St. Andrews, X. B.viaVanceboro St. Croix Junction, Me St. Stephen. N. B Tunk Pond, Me Unionville. M« Vanceboro. Me Whitneyville, Me- Winn, Me Wytopitlock, Me BOSTON. PORTL Reg. Cont. Pass. Reg. .$16.00 $14.50 $13.00 16.00 14.50 13.00 16.5D 15 00 13 50 16.00 14.50 13.00 14.75 13.25 11.75 15 55 13.90 12.55 15.60 14.10 13.00 12 60 16.00 14.50 13.00 16.00 14 50 13.00 16.00 14.50 13 00 12 50 13. <0 13 00 13 80 12.15 10 80 15 15 13 6 > 12.15 16.00 14.50 13.00 16 00 14.35 13.00 13.00 12.50 13 00 16.50 14.50 13.50 16.00 14 50 13 00 16.00 14.50 12.50 13.00 16.00 14.50 12.15 12.4(1 13.66 16.00 14.50 13 f0 16.00 14 50 13 00 16.00 14 50 13.00 17 25 15.75 14.25 16.00 14 50 13.00 16.00 14 50 13 00 16.00 14 50 13.10 14.30 12 60 11.30 14.75 13 10 13 40 11.75 16 00 14.50 12.50 13.00 13 00 Steamer Boys on Big Lake. A Chowder Party. A B. W. CARLOW CO. t Investment Securities REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGES, 262 Washington Street, BOSTON, MASS. THE SECTION. CHE section covered by this volume comprises that portion of Maine east of the Penobscot and Mattawamkeag Rivers. It includes all of Washington and Hancock Counties and one-third of Penobscot County. Washington and Hancock have the ocean on the south. Washington has the Passamaquoddy Bay and the St. Croix River on the east. The summer resorts in Passamaquoddy Bay in New Brunswick are included. The Maine Central Railroad from Bangor to Vanceboro skirts the western and northern borders of this whole region ; another branch of the Maine Central and the Washington County Railroad follows the coast of Eastern Maine from Bangor to Par Harbor, Kastport and Calais. Between these two lines of Railroad is a vast area of over five thousand square miles containing over a hundred lakes, and hundreds of streams and ponds. Six small rivers and the St. Croix River, one of the principal rivers of Maine. come to the ocean in parallel courses at quite regular intervals. The Boston & Maine and Maine Central Railroads give quick and efficient all-rail transportation from Boston to this whole section in twelve or fifteen hours. During all of the outing season the steamer Frank Jones, from Portland, follows the coast line to Machias vcinity. The Eastern Steamship Company runs steamers into Penobscot Bay and across the mouth of Passamaquoddy Bay. What Eastern Maine Specially Offers: It presents a fishing and hunting section down to the coast line. The population is on the borders of the region. The Maine coast from Kittery to Penobscot Bay has many beautiful shore resorts, but back of them are the settled portions of Maine. Aroostook and Xorthern Penobscot, and other counties in the interior a hundred miles and more, are excellent sporting regions. Eastern Maine combines the good qualities of both the coast west of the Penobscot River in having several hundred miles of shore line, and of the interior portions of Maine in her game and canoe districts. West Grand Lake. Pokumpus Thoroughfare. THE Penobscot Exchange,, MOON 6c CRATTY, Proprietors. Exchange Street, - BANGOR, MAINE. A \'.\ix House, within one 1 1 lock of Eastern I la il way Station where trains for the Maine Sporting Region are taken. HotH lias 150 rooms, handsomely fur- nished; private baths and shower; writing desks in private looms as well as ten individual desks in public writing room. Elevator to all floors. Handsome Dining Hall, with unsurpassed cuisine ami sen ice. The Exchange is Bangor headquarters lor Sportsmen on the waj to ami from the Maine \Voods. Try I s then you'll see why. HACKS AT ALL TRAINS. We're Here to Furnish Travelers with Every Comfort, and we do it ! All Places Described in This Booh and All Parts of Maine, The White Mountains and The Maritime Provinces are reached ...BY THE... Maine Central Railroad. When you come to Maine be sure and visit BAR HARBOR, POLAND SPRING, Belgrade Lakes, Moosehead Lake, Rangeley Lakes, Portland and Casco Bay, Sebago Lake and the Songo River, The Sail Up Penobscot Bay and River. The Trip Through the Crawford Notch of the White Mountains. The Finest Scenery East of the Rockies. Low Rate Excursion Tickets are on sale from New York and Boston, to all Points, and are good until November ist. During the Summer Season Through Sleepers run between New York and Bar Harbor, without change, connecting at Portland for All Interior and Coast Points Three Through Trams a Day between Boston and Bar Harbor. Four Through Trains a Day between Boston and Rockland. Two Through Trains a Day between Boston and St. John, N. B. Through Trains Daily to All Other Points. Our Booklets and Folders tell the whole story. Sent on request. Address, CEO F. EVANS, F. E. BOOTHBY, Vice Pres. and Gen. Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, ME. Ca] us Parties, Oathance Lake. 1m ami I »K Ml . 1 >ESERT D Where < >ur Dreams Come True. '3 r % Washington County Railway The Scenery of the Maine Coast East of Bar Harbor is as Grand as that at any part of New England There are Attractive Summer Outing Places, at moderate expense, as well as at the big hotels of Campo- bello and St. Andrews. At Grand Lake, the finest Landlocked Salmon (the genuine ouananiche) Fishing in the State and excellent Trout Fishing as well. At Meddybemps Lake Hon. Grover Cleveland had, in 1903, what he considered the finest Black Bass Fishing he ever had. In Cathance Lake and Tunk Pond the Trout run large and in great numbers. The network of Lakes and Streams offers unexcelled opportunities for Canoeing and Camping. Big Moose roam the forests near Princeton. The Blueberry Plains and Burnt Lands give the best Bear Hunting in the State. There is Fine Woodcock Shooting in the Southern Part of the County, and the Bays along the Coast are the Feeding Grounds of Ducks in their migratory flights. During the Tourist Season there are two through trains a day, Boston to Calais and Eastport. Leave Boston 8.00 a. m. and 9.45 p. m. (Daily). Arrive Calais S. 10 P. m , 11.26 a. m. (Daily), Eastport S.20 P. M., 11.33 a.m. (Daily). Through Sleeping Cars on Night Train. The 9.45 p. m. train from Boston connects through to Prince- ton where steamer or team is taken for Grand Lake Stream. Guide BooKs and Folders Sent on Application. I L. F. TOBIE, F. E. BOOTHBY, Asst. General Pass. Agent. General Pass. Agent, CALAIS, ME. PORTLAND, ME. CEO. F. EVANS, Vice President. 1 I ^NATURALIST'S CALENDAR From May to November in Eastern Maine. MAY: Moonlight ioth to 22d, in 1905. The ice is out of the lakes. Migratory birds are arriving and many of the flight birds have gone north. Salmon arc coming up the St. Croix River. Salmon arc rising in ('.rand Lake and other West branch waters. Good brook trout fishing in the streams after the middle of the month. Alewive and bass are coming up the rivers to spawn. bears are wandering about but do not often take bait in May. After the middle of the month the hard-wood trees are leaving out. Water in man}- of the streams and rivers high, having been held back for river driving, which is in full swing. JUNE: —Moonlight 8th to 21st. in 1905. Vegetation comes on now very rapidly. A few days will work wonders. Good salmon fishing, and in many streams better trout fishing than in May, as the water is dropping after the drives of logs are passed. The ash and elm are leaving. Bears are on wide search for food. Ruffed grouse often heard in all parts of the woods around the settlements drumming. Hatching season. Frequently a few days of very warm weather, which is felt all .the more from lack of shade as yet. Insect life becomes abundant. JULY : — Moonlight 7th to 21st. in [905. The mosquitoes and black flies are very annoying in the woods. brook trout have gathered in deep holes at the mouth of the cold brooks. Salmon are not rising much. Deer are about the meadow lands of streams and around the flat lands of lakes, where they feed morning and evening and have access to the water. Summer visitors are coming. Many resort to the seashore. The hotels are opened. Numerous excursions down the bays carrying local parties. Snipe and woodcock have been breed- ing. Hay cutting is in full swing. AUGUST: — Moonlight 5th to 20th. in 1905. Still very pleasant at the shore. Good deep-sea fishing. The deer this Suggested by reading one kept by an English army officer in New Brunswick forty years ago. IS month linger around the settlements where they not infrequently feed on bean patches. Blueberries are ripe, and scores of tents are pitched on the blueberry plains between the Machias and Narraguagus Rivers. The house fly becomes a nuisance. Insects are gone. The swallows go in great flights, and the crow blackbirds in large flocks. Towards the last of the month salmon rise in the lakes on the West Branch. Last year's salmon fry goes to the sea. Plenty of ruffed grouse and black duck in flocks. The nights are cooling. SEPTEMBER: — Moonlight 3 d to iSth, in 1905. No better month in Eastern Maine. Most of the summer birds have gone, but flight birds are plentiful going south. Good duck shooting in the lakes and streams. The hills are in their autumn glory. A few early frosts leave plain evidences in blackened leaves of vegetation that belongs by nature south. Moose begin to wander in search of mates by the first of the month, and from far and near bull moose are reported seen. All the plover come from the north. Snipe on the outside islands. Bears are seen on the ridges. OCTOBER: — Moonlight 3d to 18th, in 1905. During the earlier portion of the month the colorings of the forest linger. The hunter's month. Deer began mating about the first of the month. They have gone from their summer haunts and are on the ridges and in the black woods. Good wood- cock and ruffed grouse hunting. The last of the migratory birds are going, robbins and sparrows, and, when the ground freezes, woodcock. Ruffed grouse and Canada grouse feed on berries. It is very important to remember, if you follow the food an animal or a bird depends upon, you will know where to find him. For example the ruffed grouse feeds on buds, insects, berries and pine boughs at different times in the year. Black duck, teel, coot, etc., in the bays. Big game has been killed, winter birds are coming. NOVEMBER: — Moonlight 1st to 16th, in 1905. Cold nights. The ridges are bare. Animals are taking on their winter colors. Snow offers easy hunting. A few Indian sum- mer days. The gray goose is flying south. The rivers and lakes freeze. 16 Established 1874. Incorporated 1893. T. B. DAVIS ARMS CO JOBBERS OF PORTLAND, MAINE. GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION and FISHING TACKLE. General Distributors of Winchester and Marlin Rifles, Winchester and U. M. C. Ammunition. BLASTING MATERIAL. THE PROPER TIME For Fishing. February is the month for ice fishing for togue and salmon. By May ist the ice is generally out of the lakes, and May and June are the best fishing months of the year. Worms and live minnows will be more effective for a few weeks. June is the best fly-fishing month. In the streams from May 15th to July 15th hundreds of brook trout from the law limit to three pounds can be caught with ilies or worms. Canoeists note : As the water gets warmer the trout collect at the mouths of cold brooks, and even late in the season from such places it is easy to fish a mess for the camp. from early spring till into July. Calais Salmon Pool offers unexcelled salmon fishing. Here is where Peter Newell made the record of fifty-three one spring. He hooked the most of them before daylight. From September ist to the 15th, the salmon rise very well in West Grand Lake, and above the dam at Grand Lake Stream there is good fishing morning and evening at this time. Black bass fishing is excellent in spring and summer in Meddybemps, Hadley and Spednic Lakes and Round Pond. No better deep-sea fishing can be found on the New- England coast than off these shores, especially off Cutler. East Machias, Machias and Jonesport. A party of eight out of Machias, in 1903, from 9 a. m. to 6 P. m., caught thirteen hun- dred pounds. 17 Pickerel that are caught in the deep waters of some of the lakes, for example West Maguerrewock Lake in Calais, or in the streams that are not sluggish, are good and hard in the summer time. The pickerel is rather unpopular, but there is not a much better pan fish. Fish reflect the food they eat. and, speaking broadly. Eastern Maine lakes and streams afford plenty of good food for their animal life. White perch abound in the majority of the lakes. You will get them by deep fishing early in the morning at most any time. For Birds. The law will be your best guide. We make a few com- ments. You will find the best black duck shooting from Sep- tember i st for two or three weeks in the interior. From late October on the Might birds are in the bays. They fly much as a river flows and the deeper currents of their flight offer the best shooting. Important centres of the flight are Holmes bay. four miles from East Machias, Crumple Islands, ten miles outside of Jonesport, Petit Manan, and along Eggemoggin Reach between Deer Isle and the mainland. In the spring wild geese and brant. In the fall all of the varieties of coot and duck and the other shore birds. You will find the best ruffed grouse shooting after October i st. when the woods are less dense with leaves and brakes. These birds are near the settlements and old opens and their enemy the fox has come with them. The old fields and roads in the farming districts are better grounds for ruffed grouse than the deep woods forty or fifty miles up river. Eastern Maine abounds in woodcock covers. The fall of 1904 saw more hunters and all previous records broken. Machias, Marion, Whiting, Grand Lake Stream. Columbia Falls and Calais are the centres of the best reports. In 1904 the woodcock followed the water courses as a snipe. Generally they are found in higher covers, on side hills and ridges. They feed on a white ground worm, and stay in the fall as long as the ground is soft enough to allow them to feed. This whole region, as well as New Brunswick, is a general breeding place for this bird, and it is very recently that it has been hunted by any number of people. For years Mr. J. A. Sears, of Calais, has quietly feasted on this delicacy. is For Game. The law will have to be your guide for moose and deer. From September on till winter it is good bear hunting. In September you are likely to find them in the berry districts; later, on the ridges of hard wood looking for nuts. In June the trappers get their bears. The animal has come out of winter quarters with a growing appetite, which Nature does not quite satisfy at this time of year. The bear will not take bait till the fat is out of his stomach. Trapping the animal has largely become a thing of the past, since the bounty was removed. In [90 \, in Washington County alone, thirty bears were killed. The chief centres of the killing were Princeton. Cutler and the West and East Machias Rivers. Many were reported to me seen in all parts of the region. There is good fall fox hunting and plenty of open country offers abundance of spoil. For a Canoe Cruise. The law of compensation is at work here. June and early July are ideal times to run many of the streams from the stand- point of water and fishing. The black dies and mosquitoes are troublesome, but their annoyance is exaggerated. Liquid preparations, netting and smoke will minimize the pest. Some are especially poisoned by such bites, and they should not go into the woods at this time. The most of us are thick skinned enough so that with the above-mentioned aids the tlies are only an incident. Late August, all of September and half of October are delightful months for the real enjoyment of the woods, which are in their glory by the third week in September in Eastern Maine. Some of the streams in places will be low. according to the season, but with a little extra labor they can be run. For the Seashore. The season does not open till three or four weeks later than the season in Southern Maine and Massachusetts. About July 1 st can be called the beginning. It lasts until the first of September. It is to be regretted that .so many leave at this time. The opening of schools has much to do with the general exodus. September is generally an ideal month at the shore. The fog has gone, and sky and foliage combine in splendid days. We know of no better month for driving and automo- biling. 19 r Camp Supplies for Sportsmen. Special attention given to Packing to avoid damage while being transported over "Tote Roads*': and when goods are to be carried in canoes they can be packed in boxes of convenient size for easy handling. SEND FOR PRICE-LIST. S. S. Pierce Co., Importers and Grocers. Tremont and Beacon Streets Copley Square Boston Coolidges Corner BrooKline may enjoy the healthiest of pastimes, shooting with the STEVENS The firearms that insure per- fect sport, because they never disappoint— splendid arms in every way — built in all suit- able sizes and weights. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE STEVENS. A great catalog of 140 pages of interesting articles on hunt- ing, target shooting, etc., FREE. Enclose 4 cents to cover postage. J. STEVENS ARMS and TOOL CO., P. O. Box 3793 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. S, A. Underwood's Deviled Ham will be found invaluable. Wholesome, de- licious, and appetizing, whether eaten cold just as it comes from the can, or as an addi- tion to eggs, fish, and birds when cooked. Made of ham and pure spices, that's all. Look on the can for the little red devil. That's the real UNDERWOOD'S. All dealers. Preparations for a Cruise in the Maine Woods. Especially Designed vnu Harvard Students for iiik Closing Weeks of iheir Long Vacation. The Maine law requires non-residents to take at least one licensed guide in the months of May to November (inclusive) for every five persons going to hunt or fish, or to camp or kindle fires on wild lands of the State. We shall estimate foods for a party of five, including a guide. It is very proper for all who can afford it to take more guides, but there are many persons of moderate means who are obliged to figure more closely. Again a party of young men may desire as part of the outing to paddle, and carry, and assist about the camp. For big game hunting in the fall it has become a settled policy of several States to tax non- resident hunters. In Maine May to September (inclusive) are left for camping trips with no tax other than the requirement of a guide as mentioned, or of stopping at a boarding camp kept by a licensed guide. Assume we are starting on a late August or early Sep- tember canoe cruise with a party of four from Boston to some point of departure from the railroad, Princeton. Winn or Yanceboro, to be gone two w r eeks or a month. Transportation. Evening trains leave Boston for Eastern Maine, and Eastern Maine for Boston, every evening in the week with sleeping cars attached. The following morning you are at your destination. Personal Effects. One gun to a man is enough, with one rirle to a canoe. A stout pocket knife. Do not overload. Remember the carries, and reduce your personal wants to a change of inside clothing and the necessary toilet articles. A pair of rubber boots is very convenient to slip on when you are obliged to lead the canoe, to avoid wet feet. One camera in the party is now considered a necessity. For outside clothing use your own taste. Short corduroy trousers, a sweater, a canvas jacket and a pair of suitable woods shoes are a good combina- tion. Don't forget in June and July to take fly ointment. Shelter and Sleeping. A small wall tent will serve for shelter when not in a camp. It is not advisable to be without one; for there may be a day or two of stormy weather, in which case the conven- ience of it in passing a rainy clay will be realized. As a gen- eral rule September gives excellent weather. We strongly advise sleeping bags. The secret of enjoying such a trip D G. ROLLINS. N. G. SAWYER. BANGOR MATTRESS CO., 120 Second Street, - BANGOR, MAINE. Manufacturers and Jobbers in WOVEN WIRE BEDS, COTS, COUCHES, MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, IRON BEDSTEADS, SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS and QUILTS, in Great Variety. depends upon getting good rest at night. Fir houghs and brakes make a good bed, but on canoe cruises you are moving often and will find it a task, especially when you pitch camp late in the afternoon, to cut your bed each day. This course, does not apply if you are camping for a week in one place. Then you make a good bough bed, and rebrush it a little as it requires. If you are on a canoe cruise of a hundred miles and more, or on a fall hunt, a sleeping bag is a strong asset. ( )ne with loops on each side through which poles are run, with these in turn rested at the ends on fallen logs run- ning at right angles to the poles, is a practical kind to take. They are made waterproof, and are capable of being rolled up into a small bundle, and rough poles can be quickly cut each night. This bed brings you from the ground and is conducive to refreshing sleep. Pneumatic beds are also used. They are blown up each night with a bicycle pump. Each man should have a g;ood rubber blanket. 23 The Kit. Do not forget the ax, hatchet, two frying pans, two lan- terns, oil, small tin baker, two wire toasters, bean pot and stew kettle. I have seen a combination kit of three kettles and coffeepot, fitting inside each other, and plates over them with a cover fitting the outside kettle that serves as a dish pan; knives, forks and spoons go inside the coffeepot. A strap about all. This is a very convenient and useful outfit, and very compact for carrying. Such a kit can be made to order for not over five dollars. Canoes and Guides. For two weeks five men can carry all they need in two eighteen-foot canoes. For a month the same number of men will need three canoes. At Princeton, Grand Lake Stream and Dobsis Lake (South Springfield P. O.) canoes can be hired without guides. Each guide has his own canoe. Food. Here your own tastes must govern. I shall give you an accurate record of amounts of staple articles taken by a party of five for two weeks, not including sweets, which you can buy, factory made or baker made, or take from home, in the way of doughnuts, cakes and turnovers. For fish depend upon the country and for some meat in its season. Eggs are hard to take. A few dozen can be used the first of the trip. Five Men for Fourteen Days. — Twenty loaves of bread, 10 lbs. of butter, 12 lbs. of pork, 15 lbs. of sugar, 5 lbs. of coffee, 1 lb. of tea, 10 lbs. of hard bread, 1 bu. of potatoes, j ham, ^ cheese, 2 qts. of beans, 30 cans condensed cream, meats, etc., 5 pkgs. prepared flour for pancakes, 1 small bag salt, 5 lbs. onions, 1 qt. molasses, 1 qt. maple syrup, pepper. The above is given as a guide to help in estimating quan- tities. On that particular trip we had plenty of salmon, trout and pickerel. We found an abundance of cranberries. The amount of carrying should be considered in making the outfit. However, Eastern Maine canoe cruises are very free from long carries. For sweets we had the equivalent of twenty-five dozen of doughnuts. 24 The cost from Boston and return for party of four for one month. Traveling and sleeper, one guide, $20.00 K.OO two Average of food. Average of guide hire. Average of canoe hire uides, S 20.00 1 7.00 1 8.00 2.00 00 D3 36.OO 2.00 75.OO Average cost per man. The same for two weeks. Traveling and sleeper, one guide. 520.00 two guides, $20.00 Average of \o^h\. Average of guide hire. Average of canoe hire. Average cost per man. 7-5 9 00 [.50 1S.00 [.50 48.00 When you consider that one has to be fed wherever he is. and that when in town money is needed at every turn, I think vou will agree that for the amount expended no such returns in health and keen life can be had as from a canoe cruise on the old water ways of Maine. Hunter's Camp on Dobsts Lake. 25 ..MAP of MAINE.. Compiled from my own surveys made during the last 35 years, and cor- rect in every detail. Shows County and Town lines, location of Cities and Villages, all Highways, all Railroads and Stations, all Sporting Camps. Colored by counties, mounted on cloth, hound edges, molding and roller. A complete wall .Map. Size :>4 x 78 inches Price, $5 00 C. (). D. R. M. NASON, 180 Exchange St., - Bangor, Maine. Principal Lakes and Streams in Eastern Maine Following up the Rivers. Special Fish and Game localities are indicated. The main rivers and largest lakes are in the larger type. I. ST. CROIX RIVER. i. East Branch. Maguerrewock Stream. Ducks, snipe. West Maguerrewock Lake. pLast Maguerrewock Lake. Mohannes Stream. Ducks. Hound Stream and Lake. Deer. Canoose River. Ruffed grouse. Simsquish Stream and Lake. Moose, deer. Scott Brook, Lambert Lake. Three moose killed in 1904. Ruffed grouse. Schoodic Chaix. First Lake. Spednic Lake. Salmon, trout. Digity Lakes (3), 4 miles up Spednic, 1^- miles up to First Digity. canoe; 1^ miles by river from head of Spednic to Grand Lake. North Lake. 26 West Branch. Tomah Stream, canoe. Moose, ruffed grous< moose killed in 1904. Lewey Lake. 1 hicks. Long Lake. Big Lake. Ducks, moose, deer, ruffed grouse. Big Musquosh Stream. Canoe. 5 miles. W. Musquosh Lake, dear water, sandy bottom, hills around. Salmon. Prom Talmage 10 miles by team: up Big Musquosh, two, mile-carries. Bonny Brook. Short deadwater. Scott Brook. Short deadwater. Little River. Short deadwater. Grand Lake Brook. Short deadwater. Little Musquosh. Canoe 3 miles. Clifford Stream. Canoe 2 \ miles, carry, right, 1 mile, canoe to Clifford Lakes (2). Two-mile carry from head to Machias waters Grand Lake Stream. Canoe i mile, haul 3 miles to ( Iran i> Lake. Salmon, togue. Ox Brook Lake. One mile, north side. Trout Lake. One and one-half miles carry out of Whitney Cove. Trout, [unior Stream. Canoe 3. miles to [unior Lake. Salmon. Scragley Lake. Canoe, carry .1 mile to Pleasant Lake. Trout. 1 hick Lake. Bottle Lake Stream. Canoe to Bottle Lake, carry , ; mile into Dobsis Lake. Road to Winn. Pokumpus Lake. Joins Grand. Salmon. Go south to Wabash Stream, canoe \ mile, carry .1 mile to Wabash Lake (through two ponds and three car- ries of 1 mile, all to Machias Third Lake). Co north in Pokumpus to Locks. 30 rods carry to Dobsis Lake. Salmon, trout. Haul 1 } miles from Shaw's to Fourth Machias Lake. Chain Lakes (3). One-half mile cany. Horseshoe Lake. Three-fourths mile carry. Carry \ mile, canoe + mile to 27 Upper Dobsis Lake. Salmon. Beautiful lake, hard, carriage drive beach. From head of lake 2 miles across to the Passadumkeag. Lumbert Lake. Trout, salmon. Pug Lakes. Trout. II. DENNY RIVER. A few salmon, 500 to 700 barrels of alewives. Fine, large trout up the river. Twenty- three miles to lake in great canoe water. Cathance Stream. Trout. Cathance Lake. Ten square miles of water. Most famous trout lake. Troll till June, then fly-fish. Troll one hook, or gang of three hooks, bunch of worms, trail a spinner 4 or 5 inches long behind. Some days catch all salmon, others all trout. Eight cottages from Machias on west shore. Little Cathance Lake, 2 miles below. Meddybemps Lake. Black bass, ruffed grouse. Seven miles long, 52 islands, beautiful coves, an ideal lake. Many summer homes. At high water has a northern outlet into the St. Croix. 1 6th Stream. Canoe to Stevenson Lake (short carry to Barrows Lake, and thence to Love Lake). III. EAST MACHIAS RIVER. Five moose, 2 bears, 1904. Gardner Lake. Bear, 1904. Hadley Lake. One of the best black bass lakes. Scott Brook. West side, just above Hadley Lake. Trout. Second Lake. Northern Stream. Trout, ruffed grouse. Rocky Lake. Spectacle Lake. Love Lake. Deer, moose. Barrows Lake. Three bears in 1904. Round Lake. Seavey Brook. Deer, trout. Long Lake. Seavey Lakes (2). Beaver Dam Brook and two lakes. Harmon Brook. Three moose in 1904. From the mouth of brook a mile down river famous trout fishing ground. 28 Rocky Brook. Best game section. Trout. Crawford Lake. Ruffed grouse. Pug Lakes. Allen Stream. Canoe 5 miles. Pocamoonshine Lake. One bear in 1904. [V. MACHIAS RIVER. Twelve moose, ri bears in 1904. Mark Lake. Six Mile Lake. Great Brook Lakes (2). Trout and black bass. Middle River. Bog Lake. Plenty of 3 and 4 pound salmon caught in 1904. New Stream. Trout, bear, deer, moose. Old Stream. Famous trout stream. Chain Lake Stream. Chain Lakes (3). Pickerel. Old Stream Lakes i 4 1. Trout. Mopang Streams. Trout. Mop \x<; Lakes 5 1. Pembroke Stream. Crooked River. Great trout stream. West Branch of River. [nsrlee Brook. Trout. Rollaford Brook. Trout. Cranberry Lake Stream. Cranberry Lakes (2 1. Deer. Sabeo L vke. Rear. deer. Big Machias Lake. Little Machias Lake. First, Second, Third. Fourth, Fifth Machias Lakes. Excellent big game section. V. Chandler River and Indian River are small .streams com- ing to the coast a few miles west of the Machias River. Indian River is a noted trout stream, and 1 am sure that the west branch of Chandler River has most excellent trout. VI. Pleasant River has its head in Pleasant Lake, near the Mopang Branch of the Machias River, and it flows into Pleasant Bay at Addison Point. An immense swamp above its first big bend. Deer. 29 VII. Narraguagus River. West Branch. Spring Run Pond. East Branch. Schoodic Lake. Blueberry plains. Narraguagus Lake. Trout. Chalk Pond. On the Air Line Road. Baker Brook Flowage. Third Lake. 1 >eer Lake. Eagle Lake. This river has its source near the head waters of the west branch of the Machias and Passadumkeag Rivers. An old writer says : •' The true Indian orthography is said to be Na-la-gua-gwees. and signifies palate, stream or river. To use the precise language of my Indian interpreter, opening his mouth wide, and thrusting his fingers clown his throat. 'It means all one, jes' if I open my mouth and river run down my throat into mine belly.' " The river takes a very straight course from its head waters to its fiord. Note its very long and narrow fiord. VII P Union River. Thirteen moose killed in east end of Hancock County in 1904. Webb Pond. Sea mm on Pond. Molasses Pond. East Branch. Ruffed grouse, deer. Spectacle Pond. Rocky Pond. Near Air Line Road. Middle Branch. West Branch. Morrison Ponds. Great Pond. Deer. Long Pond. Alligator Lake. IX. Passadumkeag River. Excellent trout stream. The region drained by the Passadumkeag is hilly and picturesque. Vou can reach this section from Pas- sadumkeag, Olamon, Enfield or Winn. Roads lead to the sporting camps. Five moose killed in 1904. Sponnac Lake. Ruffed grouse. Mattagascat Stream. Nicatous Stream. Nicatous Lake. Deer, bear, moose. Pistol Stream and Pistol Lakes. Trout. Duck Lake. Cassabeus Stream and Lake. Deer, moose. Cold Spring Pond. Large trout. No. 3 Pond. Ware Pond, near Upper Dobsis. One of the most beautiful of small lakes, sheltered among the hills. W \i:k Pond. Lakes and Streams Near Railroads Not in VI. I. Going south and east from Bangor. Phillips Lake. Close to Railroad. Excellent for camps. Hilly west of it. Long and narrow. Green Lake. Close to Railroad. Several cottages. Hatcase Pond and Mountain Pond. East of Rail- road Branch Pond, Patten Pond, Fitz Pond and Brewer Pond. West of Railroad. Rocky Pond. From Washington Junction the Railroad is running east and west to East Machias. Franklin Pond. Crossed by Railroad. Donnell Pond. North of Railroad. Flanders Stream and Pond. Trout fishing. Close to Railroad. Tunk Pond. Salmon, togue, trout and ducks. Near the Railroad. Spring River Lake. Salmon, trout. Stover Brook. Trout. In two or three places along here the roadbed cut into the stream, and good strings of trout have been caught in the ditches. Holmes Stream. Five miles south of East Machias. Ducks and trout. Indian Lake. Seven miles from East Machias, in Whiting. Trout. Salt and pepper, mixed. Southern Inlet. Seven miles from East Machias. Large trout. Gooche Brook. Three miles from East Machias. Trout. Woodcock and ruffed grouse all about. Whiting and Cutler have lots of fish and game. From East Machias to Calais the general direction of the Railroad is north and south. Patrick Lake. Fishing. Good game section. Round Pond. Good black bass fishing. Pennamaquan Lake. Excellent for camps. Moosehorn and Pennamaquan Streams. A'ery famous trout streams, fed by very cold springs. Hoyden Lake. Near Eastport branch of Railroad. Well situated for camps. II. Going north from Bangor. Nichols Pond. Cold Stream Pond, and salmon. Mattaceunk Lake. Railroad from Winn and Mattawamkeaj <_> Molunkus Stream. Famous sporting section north of Mattawamkeag. Baskahegan Stream, and Baskahegan Lake. Three moose killed in 1904. Near Enfield. Trout and big game . trout . North of Si. ( roix River \ I'kw Miles Smin 01 V.w eboro 33 CHAS. A. ROLFE, PRINCETON, MAINE. Terminus of Princeton Branch Washington County Railroad. ...DEALER IN... SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES i Not Sporting Goods) All goods guaranteed first-class. Orders filled promptly and goods safely packed. Best hunting for moose, deer and partridge near by. Information given freely AGENCY PASSAMAQUODDY TRIBE OF INDIANS. SANBORN'S TAVERN EAST MACHIAS, MAINE Centrally located with teams and bnck- boards to the sea-shore resorts about Machias Bay and Cutler, and the Inland Fishing and Hunting Grounds of the East Machias River, Cathance Lake and Whiting. FRANK SANBORN Proprietor RATAHDIN HOUSE, WINN, MAINE. Pure Water. High Location. Healthy Town. Fine Drives No Flies or Mosquitoes The Point of Departure from the Railroad for all of the Canoe Water, Hunt- ing and Fishing of the West Branch of the St. Croix, Machias, East Machias and Passadumkeag Kivers. Teams in readiness when ordered in advance. Food Supplies packed and ready at a week's notice. Will be pleased to answer letters for information. S. B. GATES, Proprietor. 34 CANOE CRUISES IN DETAIL. i. West Branch of St. Croix Circle. Leave railroad at Princeton. The lake shore is only a few rods from the station. Your route is through Lewey Cake. Long Lake, past the Indian Village and to the head of Big Lake. Three-quarters of a mile by canoe up Grand Lake Stream and you reach Gould Landing. Here Mr. Gould is always ready to haul you to Grand Lake, three miles, for whieh he will charge you the moderate sum of fifty cents to a canoe and its baggage. Go up Grand Lake following the south side to Pokumpus Lake. Follow the right hand shore in Pokumpus Lake to the Locks (carry 30 rods). You arc- now in Dobsis Lake. Go to the left of the big island out in the lake and thence up the lake. Shaw's Camp is on a Norway point on the left shore opposite the island. From the head of the lake a smooth carry one-half mile brings you to Bottle Lake. Thence down this lake and Bottle Lake Stream (no carries) to Junior Lake. Down Junior Lake and Junior Lake Stream 1 no carries 1 to Grand Lake. Come down Grand Lake on its north shore inside the islands; and in reverse order from Grand Lake Stream to Princeton. Here is a cruise of over 75 miles with only 2 hauls and only 2 carries, one of which is very short. Out of Junior Lake are delightful side trips. From Dobsis Lake you can take side trips to Chain I akes or LJppei Dobsis. Out of Pig Lake there are several excellent side trips into fish and game country. So that the cruise, if desired, can be easily lengthened 50 miles with little carrying. There are lots of permanent camps and club houses in this whole section. 2. From Springfield ro East Machias. Leave the railroad at Winn. Teams are at hand to take you to Pottle Lake, 16 miles over a smooth country road. From Pottle Lake you can go to Princeton, as indicated in Trip No. r, either into Grand Lake by way of Junior Lake or Dobsis Lake. 35 From Princeton you can get hauled 6 miles to Pocamoon- shine Lake, the head of the East Machias River. Down Pocamoonshine Lake, Stream, two Pug Lakes, and Crawford Lake, in all 10 miles (Allen Stream, canoeing 5 miles in a good fish and game region, black growth, comes in on west side below Second Pug Lake. Huntley Brook comes into west side of Crawford Lake, 1 mile from head). Carry and lead canoe one-half mile (Rocky Brook comes in on east side, canoe one-half mile to road bridge, 1 mile above this great trout fishing). Dead water one-half mile. Rirrlings 20 rods. Dead water. Carry 15 rods. Dead water (Harmon Brook on west. I have seen large strings of large trout caught here and for a mile down river). Rirrlings 1 mile steady canoe ( Beaver Dam Brook 1 mile below Riftiings on west side. Indian Camping Ground at head of Broad Cove). Dead water 5 miles to Great Meadow Riffling, 2 short pitches. (Seavey Brook on west side, trout. At foot of Upper Pitch a good spring in eddy). Three miles dead water to Round Lake (1 mile). Rocky Lake Stream on east one- half mile below Round Lake. Pitch 10 rods, dead water 2 miles to Munson Rips, which can be run, dead water to Second Lake (the inlet and outlet are within 75 rods of each other on west side, camping ground at outlet, on the opposite side of the river from camping ground. Just below outlet is a spring). Dead water, Wigwams 100 rods, easy, dead water, Crooked Pitch, dead water, Lower Pitch can be run, dead water 5 miles passing through Lower Meadows (Big spring in meadow 4^ miles down). Hadley Lake 7 miles. Two and one-half miles to East Machias. One-half way down Hadley Lake on west side are sand bar, Governor's Point, camping ground, high shores. This is a good canoe river and it runs through an excellent fish and game district. Bears and moose are plenty. Five moose killed on the lower river in 1904. At East Machias you strike the railroad again, the Washington County Branch. 3. West Branch of the St. Croix and down the Machias. From Princeton one starting place to Shaw's Camp on Dobsis Lake go as in Trip No. 1, or from Winn, by way of Bottle Lake, go to Shaw's Camp as in Trip No. 2. 36 Meddybemps Lake. Dobsis Lake. 37 From Shaw's a road ij miles long leads to Fourth Machias Lake. Mr. Shaw will haul you across. The road much of the way follows the top of one of many such glacial deposits in this section, called horsebacks. Before starting down river from the foot of Fourth Lake it is well worth the time to go to the head of the lake and up Fifth Lake Stream i mile. A 2-mile carry on the right along a horseback will bring you to canoe water in the stream again leading up to Fifth Lake, the head of the Machias River. On this carry the road is often 200 feet above the stream. Tall old trees with little underbrush give a clear view for a long distance in the forest. Fifth Lake Stream contains famous trout pools. After this trip retrace your course to the foot of Fourth Lake. A short carry below the dam and you are in good canoe water and in an excellent deer section. At the left one- half mile after you enter Third Lake is a good camping ground and a cold spring. Look sharp for it. Five miles down Third Lake you pass through narrows. Note two deep coves ahead soon after you go through the narrows with a long middle ground between. Take the right- hand cove. On the middle ground are acres of cranberry vines. (On the left from the head of the middle ground you can go back into St. Croix waters by way of two ponds and Wabash Lake and Stream. There are 3 carries of a mile all together.) From Third Lake dam, one-half mile of Rifflings, in which canoe will run to dead water one-half mile. Rifflings and a pitch, carry 20 rods. Dead water 1 mile. Long Falls, carry 1 mile on east side to Second Lake, 1 mile. Dead water 2 miles to First Lake (Fletcher Brook comes in on west halfway between the two lakes). From First Lake good canoeing 4 miles to mouth of West Branch. L^p the Branch is some excellent trout fishing. Three miles to mouth of Crooked River, a famous trout stream. Two miles to Bacon Bridge. Here Obrien Rips, 100 rods, are quick. One mile to mouth of Pembroke, a good trout stream. Two miles to Little Falls, 200 yards carry. Eight miles to Wigwams, one-half mile carry. Four miles to Holmes Falls, one -half mile carry. 33 Ten miles to Great Falls, one-eighth mile carry. Six miles to Whitneyville railroad station on the Washington County Road. 4. On the East Branch of un St. Croix. Vanceboro or Danforth are your points of departure from the railroad. North of these points lie the East Schoodic chain of lakes, fifty miles long. There is cleared land on some shores. Grand Lake and Che-pet-na-cook Lake are the largest bodies of water. In general outline they are long and narrow. From the foot of the lakes the East Branch of the St. Croix flows through rocky and intervale channels to Passama- quoddy Bay. It is a good canoe river to Baring, where canoe can be taken out within a few feet of the railroad. There are three carries between Vanceboro and Baring. Spednic Falls, one-fourth mile (below Enoch Brook 1 two pitches; Grand Falls, one-half mile (at the junction with the West Branch). If desired you can canoe up the West Branch and thence up Tomah Stream (Trip No. 5 ) ; or up to Princeton and beyond. The third carry is at Sprague Falls, one-fourth mile. From Baring, if you wish to spend a few days more in an attractive region, haul 3 miles to Meddybemps Lake and go down the lake 7 miles, and Denny River 22 miles to Dennys- ville, where you strike the Washington County Railroad again. 5. Tomah Stream. From Princeton 5 miles down the West Branch; then iS or 20 miles up Tomah Stream, Clifford Rips can be poled, Cpper Falls 10 rods carry. This is one of the unique places in Eastern Maine. The banks are high and there is much hard- wood growth of elm and oak. Moose, deer and ruffed grouse are very plenty. In 1904 eight moose were killed. Private camps have been built. This side trip can be taken as well from the Fast Branch (Trip No. 4) as from Princeton, by coming up the West Branch from the junction. 6. Down iiik Passadumkeac. From Winn railroad station drive 14 miles to Ware Pond. Canoe can be put in here and a run of 25 miles with scarcely a ripple brings you to Grand Falls, along an excellent trout 3" stream. Side trips into Cold Spring Pond, trout, and Nicatous Lake region, big game. Seven miles down river is Sponnac Lake. Lowell Dam 4 miles below the lake, carry of 50 feet. Thence good canoe water into the Penobscot River, coming to the railroad at Passadumkeag. The same cruise may be taken from Upper Dobsis Lake with a two-mile carry from that lake to the Passadumkeag below Ware Pond. Mr. S. B. Gates, Winn, Me., has some excellent land for sale about Ware Pond and L T pper Dobsis Lake, for camps and cottages. A Machias River Camp. ' Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife. 40 NEW EASTERN HOTEL MACHIAS, MAINE Day trips to the best of salmon, trout, bass, and deep sea fishing ; to big game hunting' and all kinds of bird shooting. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIENCES P. 5. DORSEY, Proprietor THE MACHIAS RIVER. Its Roads and Camps. m AC II IAS is one of the old towns of Maine, situated at the head of tide water on the river of the same name. This river lias been the scene of much lumbering, and on its head waters the soil is suited for natural roads. Miles of such roads that have not been turnpiked can be found suitable for the lightest carriage. This region is a very interesting one for a geologist, as it contains many evidences of the great agencies that have been at work in past ages. Very many '-horsebacks"* are to be seen, especially to the east of the county road from Machias to Wesley, seventeen miles from Machias, along Old Stream. Crooked River and Fourth Machias Lake. These are first- class specimens of drumlins and kames and eschars which were formed by the movements and deposits of the glaciers. There are also large heaths through which sluggish streams wind with almost always a small lake or pond near by. Twenty or thirty feet below the level of present heath vegetation you will find the old lake bottom; and your imagination has ample room to picture the contour of this region thousands of years ago. Though much of the old growth timber has been cut or burned, there are hundreds of old pines whose konkus unfitted them for the market, but has left them standing as a memorial of the past. There are woods enough, however, and the nat- ural growth of trees has long defied the attempts of man to keep it down. 4i As you go up the river you find a good turnpike road to Wesley Corner, twenty miles. Near this road are Mark Lake, Mark Second Lake, Six Mile Lake, the Great Brook Lakes, Seavey Lake and New Stream, good fishing and hunt- ing. For New Stream go to Guptills in Wesley and make your headquarters. From the Machias Union, Nov. 29, 1904: "Guptill Bros.' team of Wesley came here Friday morn- ing with a large bull moose and two deer that had been shot near their place by James W. Craig, of Portland, who has been hunting there for a week past. The load attracted a large amount of attention from the people in the streets, in spite of the fact that the moose is no longer a rare sight in the streets of Machias." At Wesley Corner you strike the famous Air Line Road from St. John to Bangor. In early days all of the travel and mail from Bangor to the Provinces went over this road, and large coaches were run with relays of horses at ten-mile intervals. From Wesley Corner the Air Line runs west through a natural road soil for miies, crossing streams and rivers, that is running at right angles with the water sheds. Two miles from Wesley Corner is a good country hotel, one mile from which lie Chain Lakes. The upper lake lies by carry two miles from Clifford Lakes on the St. Croix River. A Canoe Trip. It is a good canoe trip from Winn, Princeton, through Big Lake and Clifford waters, carry into Chain Lakes, canoe to Sargent Dam at foot of lakes, haul into Machias River, seven miles by smooth road, thence down the Machias River. Three miles beyond Wesley Corner a smooth truck road turns to the right and leads up to canoe water on Old Stream four miles, and then leads across to the lakes on the Machias River through as good a bear section as one can wish. Coming back to the Air Line, one mile and you cross Old Stream, which offers great trout fishing in May and June. Five miles more and you cross the Machias River at Bacon Farm with Tug Mountain to the left. A mile beyond lies the Race Ground, a large tract of open, rolling country of a gravel soil. Foxes are plenty. From the Air Line at this point and 42 for a few miles beyond, smith nearly to the sea, lie vast areas given up to the cultivation of blueberries, one of the chief industries of Washington County. At the Race Ground two roads lead to the right. The first (going west on the Air Line) follows up the Machias River to its source, a good blackboard road through the lumbering districts with numerous camps. It crosses Crooked River and the West Branch at good fording places. 1 let ween Crooked River and the Branch a good truck road branches to the left. which crosses the West branch at Rollaford Dam and goes to Fifth Lake. Above Rollaford Dam one and three miles two streams empty into the Branch from the north, first-class trout streams, especially in June about their mouths. The second branch road at the Race Ground crosses two dams on Crooked River, an unexcelled trout stream. Thence past Cranberry Lakes to the Sabeo Lakes at the head of the West Branch of the Machias River. This is a good deer country. See Around the Camp Fire, "Driving Swamps." I have never seen such deer signs as around a small lake here, I think it is called (ireen Lake. Between Sabeo and Fifth Machias Lake bear are common. The road from a mile beyond the last dam on Crooked River is rough, but a buck- board will take it. Following the Air Line beyond the Race Ground a little distance is a sporting camp at Lily Lake. Five miles beyond you cross the Mopang, one of the sources of the Machias. A good road here to the left will take you down through the plains to the coast. To the right of the Air lane lies Pleasant Mountain, some of the highest land in Eastern Maine, from whose summit you can look to the sea. Of course this Machias River region can be reached by team from Bangor, Columbia Falls and Calais, almost as easily as from Machias; or from Winn and Princeton by canoe, as shown in another part of the book. We have indicated how the Machias River region is net- worked with roads. We have named only the main thorough fares. From these scores of shorter roads lead to lakes and streams and camps. This section has many camps. Some are regular sporting camps or hotels. Many are logging camps used in winter. All are located in good centres for fish and 43 game. These lumber camps can be used in the fall in many cases, by seeking those in charge of them. The lumberman of Eastern Maine will meet you halfway. He knows a thousand things of interest that he has caught from his close and hard contact with nature. Cast aside many preconceived notions of ceremony, take good care of the camps you use, put out your outdoor tires, show a disposition to learn of the woods, and you cannot fail to have a profitable trip in every way. By permission of U. S. Geological Survey we quote from the Report of Progress of Stream Measurements, 1903. Machias River Drainage Basin. "The Machias may be taken as fairly representative of several of the smaller streams of Maine which empty their waters directly into the ocean, and which are commonly referred to as 'coastal rivers.' Its total drainage basin is 495 square miles, nearly all of which lies in Washington County, Me. Its extreme headwaters lie at an elevation of nearly 500 feet, and are not more than 50 miles from tide water. Wells listed 20 lakes in this basin, aggregating 29.5 square miles in area of water surface. Without important exception these lie, however, in the extreme headwaters. Dams are maintained at several of the outlets of the lakes, and the stored water is used for log driving. The underlying rock is usually granite. Probably 70 to 80 per cent, of the basin is still in forest."' At the Sources of the Machias. 44 MORK IM. Sl'nski \m> l'.\ bnin< 3 4^ ^^^^ffiC SURREY, TYPE ONE $1,350 18 Horse Power Immediate Delivery CflActual use has demonstrated that this vehicle is exactly suited to the needs of persons of moderate means for a beautiful, roomy, powerful and reliable family touring car. •J Its operation is both simple and natural. The ignition of the spark is entirely automatic. The brakes are operated by pedals, not by levers. With the steering wheel and throttle attached to it operable by one hand, the other hand is always free to manage the clutches by the single lever, and, as many women and children have found, no confusion is possible. CflThe working parts are easily inspected by removing the hinged floor and seat falls, and it is never necessary to crawl under the machine, nor to keep a mechanic to look after repairs. Six Other Models: $750, $850, $1,250, $2,000, $3,000. Send for a copy of Thk Rambler Magazine (free) and learn with what remarkable facilities Ramblers are made, and better under- stand why we can undersell other makers of fine cars. Branches: BOSTON. 145 Columbus Av.; CHICAGO, 304 Wabash Av. ; PHILADELPHIA, 242 N. Broad St. Representatives in Maine: The Maine Motor Car Company, 44 Plum Street. Portland. Main Office and Factory, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Thomas B. Jeffery (EH Company 46 "Driving and Automobile Roads in Eastern Maine. Penobscot Exchange Hotel, Bangor, one minute from the New Maine Central Station, has special accommodations for automobiles. From Bangor North. Through Old Town and thence up the Penobscot River along the old Military Road through Winn and Mattawamkeag to North Pake, at the head of the Schoodic chain. This is a very picturesque ride through the valleys of the Penobscot and Mattawamkeag Pixels, bordered on all sides by hills, more so as you go north. At North Pake you are also on an excellent road running north through the heart of Aroostook County, and south to Calais, Eastport, and returning along the south shore to Pangor, making a circuit of nearly 400 miles. Several automobile parties that have been in Eastern Maine report good roads, better than up-state roads in New York and Pennsylvania ; and all kinds of fun shooting wood- cock and ruffed grouse. In fact it belongs to such tourists, that woodcock have been found so abundant here. Pocal parties have not hunted for them. In the first place they have no dogs for them. From Bangor — South and East. Through Ellsworth, Franklin, Cherryfield, Machias, and thence to Calais via Dennysville inland, or Lubec and East- port, bordering on Passamaquoddy Pay. All of these roads are in good condition. Poth on account of the fact that no railroad went into Washington County till recent!) 1 $99), and that natural road soil is found in many places, this region has good through lines. not to mention many side roads. At most of the places mentioned are famous old inns. hospitable and homelike. Here have stopped for years the A gentleman in Cambridge, Mass., spent two weeks last tall on a hunting trip in Maine. He toured in a Rambler automobile, and lived largely from supplies so carried. AT business men passing through the country, the politicians on their stumping tours, the lawyers on their way to court sessions and the judges on their circuit. From Calais north to Houlton and Northern Maine is a much traveled road. Automobiles are frequently seen on this route. Good hotels, all kinds of hunting and fishing, and a handsome region make this an attractive section for a tour in late summer or early autumn with team or automobile. In Hancock County there are unrivaled coast drives along shores of Frenchman and Blue Hill Bays, and across the peninsula to Castine and Bucksport. The Air Line crosses the centre of Eastern Maine from Bangor to Calais (see Machias River, its roads and camps). It goes through a good fish and game region. In a score of places it leads close to famous fishing grounds. It crosses four of the main rivers, Union, Narraguagus, Machias and East Machias, between the Penobscot and the St. Croix, and a large number of their confluents. In many places scenes not soon forgotten are laid before the tourist. From high ridges can be seen Mt. Katahdin and Mt. Desert. Again whole river valleys lie at your feet, and lakes with wooded shores, and islands. Along the Railroad and County Road at East Machias. 48 Looking from Lubec to Campobello. Meddybemps Lake. 49 _^»»»»^>>>>->i$:^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^$^$^^^$ » »^^»$^>^^$9^ Cbe lHalvern Botel, * i Bar Harbor, Me. | ERNEST G. GROB, - Manager. | Opens Jtily 1st. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ^9 ^9 ^9 ^ ^9 ^9 i Grindstone Tnn, | $ Winter Harbor, Me. $ 4> v!/ ERNEST G. GROB, - Manager. Opens Jxily 1st. ENLARGED AND RENOVATED. OUTDOOR SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. 50 Coast Resorts on the South Shore. 77 ■ E are aware of the size of our subject, the Maine shore %%P from Castine to Cutler (inclusive). Of some portions of it we cannot hope to say anything new or not well known. The shore of Hancock County is already famous, liar Harbor, South West Harbor. Hancock Point and Sorrento are familiar names outside of New England. The scenery along these shores cannot be described. The whole region is a marvel, with its hills that seem toned by their long proximity to the sea, with its sounds that fill the deep openings in the lands. with its estuaries where the tide Hows for miles to meet the fresh water. Bar Harbor possesses all sorts of attractions for the summer visitor, and its hotels are flourishing again after a few vears of eclipse. In most places in this region the second and more permanent stage of development has been reached, and we find the summer colony. In other sections of Hancock County many of our best-known citizens have summer homes. A few years ago President Eliot published an article in the Century Magazine, "One of the Forgotten Millions."* which, in a practical story of the every-day life of an old native of one of the islands off the coast, idealized the most humble life. It has since been published in book form in the serh s of ••Types of American Character, John Gilley." I believe it is a very valuable character sketch. YYe may be able to say something of interest about the peninsula between Penobscot and Blue Hill Hays. As shown by the U. S. Coast and (ieodetic Survey the land runs from sea level to 100, 200 and 300 feet high all over the peninsula. For water surface it has a number of fresh ponds and several arms of the sea. Blue Hill, the highest land (940 feet*, stands close to the sea. and from its top a very wide view is given, as there is no land of near its elevation on any side. South lie bays and ocean, and Mt. Desert: westward. Castine and Penobscot Pay ; northwest. Hucksport, Port Ivnox and Cpper Penobscot Hay: north, the hills below Bangor; northeast, Ellsworth and the mountains at the head of the Narraguagus and Union Rivers. 5i The drives about here are magnificent. From Blue Hill to Bucksport (18 miles) the road leads along high places. The shore road to Brooklin abounds in scenery. We cannot specially mention others. Eggemoggin Reach between the mainland and Deer Isle is one of the best currents in the flight of our sea birds ; narrow and long it offers every advantage from its position and shape for bird shooting. Blue Hill has many visitors in the summer. In looking over the list I find it is quite a resort for musicians and pro- fessional men, some of our most noted. Castine is another place of fine old families of residents, and of summer colonists. In fact, too much cannot be said in praise of the people who have become permanent summer residents of all these shores. East from Frenchman Bay. Gouldsboro, Steuben, Millbridge, Harrington, Addison and Jonesport present very similar features in extending long Inland on Mt. Desert Island. 52 Portland, Mount Desert, and Machias Steamboat Company. 206 Miles.— THE PIONEER AND INSIDE (Avoiding Seasickness' LINE FOR MOUNT DESERT.— 206 Miles. Steamer " FRANK JONES" leaves Portland, weather permitting, Tuesdays and Fridays, at 11.00 p.m. (aft«»r arrival of train leaving Boston I'nion Station at 7 00 p.m , for Rockland, leaving there Wednes days and Saturdays at 5.15 a.m. for Islesboro, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Blue Hill (stage from Sedgwick , Brooklin, Southwest Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Bar Harbor, Millbridge and Jonesport. Due Bar Harbor 1.35 p.m., Jonesport 5.30 p.m. Returning, will leave Jonesport, Mondays and Thursdays at 5.00 a.m., for above landings, arriving Rockland 4 HO p.m., Portland 11.15 p.m., connecting with early morning trains for Host on. Summer Excursion TicKets are on Sale at following rates: TO Bar Harbor, Me, and Return, All Hail j Rail to Portland, thence Steamer Blue Hill, Me.. Rail to Rockland, and Steamer j Rail to Portland, thence Steamer Castine, Me., and Return, Rail to Rockland, and Steamer , Rail to Portland, and Steamer.. Dark I [arbor, Me., and Return See Islesboro I >eer Isle, Me., and Return. Rail to Rockland, and Steamer , Islesboro, Me., and Return, Rail to Rockland, and Steamer Rail to Portland, ami Steamer Jonesport, Me .and Return, Rail to Rockland, and Steamer Rail to Portland, and Steamer Millbridge, Me .and Return, Rail to Rockland, and Steamer Rail to Portland, and Steamer North East Harbor, Me., and Rwturn, Rail to Rockland, \ and Steamer I North Past Harbor, Me, and Return. Rail to Portland, and Steamer North East llarh>r. Me., and Return, Rail to Mt. Deceit j Ferry, and Steamer I Seal Harbor, Me., and Return, Rail to Mt. Desert Ferry, I and Steamer I Sedgwick. Me., and Return, Rail to Rockland, audi Steamer I Sedgwick, Me .and Return. Rail to Portland, and Steamer Sorrento. Me , and Return, Rail to Mt. Desert Ferry, I ami Ste imer, t Sorrento. Me . and Return. Rail to Portland, and Steamer South \\'e>t Harbor. Me., and Return, Rail to Mt. Desert I Ferrv, and Steamer.. ... i South West Harbor, Me, and Return, Rail to Rockland, I and Steamer i South West Harbor, Me., and Return, Rail to Portland, and Steamer Sullivan. Me., and Return, Rail to Mt. Desert Ferry, ( ami Steamer i Winter Harbor, Me., and Return, Pur. base to Bar Harbor Boston. Portland. • SI 4. 00 $11.00 11 50 850 9.00 6.00 • 9.50 6.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 • 9.50 5. 'J5 T 800 7.00 4.00 • 9 50 5.50 T 8 00 ' 9.00 5.25 7 50 6 50 3.50 11.00 8.00 10.00 7.00 11.00 8.00 1 1 7.00 10.00 9 GO 6 50 8 SO 6.00 • 15 00 12.00 t 12 50 9.50 ■ 15.00 12,00 t 12 50 9.50 • 9 50 6.00 8 (Ki 7 50 4.75 ' 14.00 11 (K) 11 50 8.50 9 75 6.75 •■ 15 00 12.00 12.50 9.50 • 9.75 9.50 6.00 6.00 • 14.00 11.00 11.50 8.50 * Stop over. Limited F. E. BOOTHBY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Me. 53 necks of land into the sea, the land being from ioo to 200 feet above the sea level in a great many places. Grindstone and Winter Harbor overlook Winter Harbor and Frenchman Bay. Schoodic Peninsula extends far out to sea, and is over 300 feet in elevation in several places, rising in Schoodic Mountain to 437 feet. Prospect Harbor is on the east side of the peninsula. Dyer Neck, Petit Manan Point, the shores and islands of Narraguagus Bay, Ripley Neck, Jonesport and Mason Bay are well situated for summer homes. The Portland and Machias Steamboat Company runs excellent service to all of these points. In many cases the railroad is not far off. Machias, East Machias, Machiasport and Cutler. We do not wish to show partiality, but we must assert our confidence in the bright future of this region for resorts. The conditions are perfect. The railroad comes close to the shore for some distance. Two rivers come together, both flowing: among picturesque black headlands. Large fresh water lakes are near at hand. Day trips take you to some of our best fishing and hunting. Substantial old towns, the homes of intelligent and public-spirited citizens. Eight miles from Machias, at Roque Bluffs, is a colony of 100 cottages. In Machiasport there is considerable of a summer settlement. The southern point of the latter place, Point of Main, rises 300 feet perpendicularly from the ocean. Northwest of this is Jasper Beach, three-fourths mile, crescent shaped. Polished jaspers are moved to and fro by the tide. Machias Bay has many islands, and is noted for sea birds and deep-sea fishing. From East Machias Starbaird Creek below Howard Mountain, bay and islands; cottages to let. There are high spruce promontories all about East Machias and Machias. Birch Knoll and Clarke Point, where hieroglyphics are cut in the rocks, are near. Inland from East Machias, as shown in another article, are numerous attractions. Cutler, reached from East Machias with team, 12 and 14 miles, has all the requisites desired by visitors. Near the sea and all of its attractions, it also lies close to inland trips, especially to Whiting, that abounds in fish and ruffed grouse and woodcock. Bears and deer are plenty. Five bears were 54 seen in Cutler in one place in 1904, three of which were killed. Cutler Harbor proper is one of the deepest and safest on the Atlantic coast. The 28th annual report of the Maine Commissioners of sea and shore fisheries for 1903 and 1904 shows a yield worth >i 5.707.561. It shows that the figures for Washington County have never been equaled, and that in quantity of fish taken Washington makes the largest return for both years, 81,388,029 pounds in 1903, 107.630,496 pounds in 1904. The value of the product in Hancock Count} in 1904. $565,441, was third in order in the State. Lincoln County being second. I give the above figures to corroborate what I have been claiming for the fishing on the shores of Eastern Maine. Coast Resorts in Passamaquoddy Bay, OPPOSITE Grand Manan Island in the bay of Fundy, there is a wide break in the coast made by Passamaquoddy Bay, full of charming scenery, and replete in its early history. The remnants of a once powerful Indian tribe still hunt and fish in the waters along the whole length of the St. Croix River. Before the English Colonists came to the Atlantic coast, the French had explored and settled on the St. Croix. Into this bay four rivers How. the St. Croix. Denny, St. George and Magaguadavic. Cong fiords are at the mouth of the Magaguadavic and the St. Croix. Three large islands, Cunpobello, Deer and Eastport, lie in the bay besides man) smaller ones. Hotels and colonies of cottages are to be found at several points, Campobello, St. Andrews. Lubec and along both the American and Canadian shores of the St. Croix River below Calais and St. Stephen. The fust two places mentioned are especially attractive, and possess all of the advantages for yachting, golf and driving. Their nearness to both salt and fresh water fishing is a feature. Remember all of the Eastern Maine resorts on the shores are within easy access to the best inland attractions. At Shackford Head is some fine shore property. 55 The S. L. CROSBY CO. Leading Taxidermists of America F.rmerly at 203 Exchange St., Ran nrnr Agencies at Rangeley. Green- now in more commodious and ***»«£vr* j attractive quarters at 186 lf a ville Jet., and Northeast Carry, EXCHANGE STREET.... I'lC. Moosehead Lake.... With more suitable quarters and better facilities than ever before, we are now prepare! to do the very best of Taxidermy work, deliver the finished mounts when promised, and guarantee absolute satisfaction. All work warranted Moth Proof. In our large workroom, is an immense stock of taxidermy goods — a veritable museum of woods and water trophies — open always to tbe inspection of the public. In our main salesroom is a complete and wonderfully varied assortment of mounted Game Heads, Fish, etc , and Guns, Rifles, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, and Hunters' complete equipment, Tents, Sleeping Bags, Knapsacks, Leggins, Moccasins, Hunting and Wading Boots, Knives, Axes. Pedometers, Flash- lights, Gold Medal Camp Furniture. Canoes, Canoe Seats, Chairs. Snowshoes, Rugs, Deer-foot Novelties, Indian Baskets and Novelties, etc., etc. Visitors are always Welcome. Hunter's Lincenses for Sale. Rifles and Shot-Guns for Rent. Our Representatives meet all trains at Bangor during the hunting season. Calais and St. Stephen are excellent places for summer tourists. Golf, baseball, horse racing, excursions down the bay in the river steamers, all make a pleasant summer. The Eastern circuit of races comes to both the Calais and St. Stephen tracks, and attracts a line string of horses every year. We believe that many strangers can pass a delightful summer here at a moderate expense. Summer Day Sounds in Passamaquoddy Bay. On calm summer afternoons at different times sounds like distant gun reports have been heard in and down the bay. It is an old phenomenon, and the classical allusion is that "Indians are shooting porpoise." It is believed that these vibrations are due to peculiar conditions of the atmosphere, and for a more careful study of them, observers are asked to time their occurrence, date, hour, etc., and report their observations to Searles Scientific Building, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. 56 r ^ St. Croix Valley Association of Mass. GRAND EXCURSION ...TO THE... STT. CROIX VAIvLEY ...BY THE... BOSTON ® MAINE, MAINE CENTRAL, and WASHINGTON CO. RAILROADS, ...TO... CALAIS, EASTPORT and Vicinity. Over 350 male members in the Massachusetts Association. Ladies and Children will be included. Former residents of the St. Croix Valley in Portland and Bangor will join the excursion. It is open to all wishing to visit the valley whether or not mem- bers of the two above-named Associations. ROUND TRIP ONLY $10.00. Children Five to Twelve, $5.QO- Tickets good to return within two weeks with privilege of an extension. SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Boston, North Station, Monday, Aixg. 7, 1905, at 7 a. m. Across the Old Home State of Maine by Daylight [n Portland, 10 \. m.; Augusta, at neon: Bangor, at 3 p. m. ; Calais, al Sunset. Vouchers on sale that can later be exchanged for tickets. All who are going will benefit themselves and confer a favor on the management by signifying their intention early. G. W. DICKENSON, Secretary, F. B. LIVINGSTONE, President. 87 Milk St., Room 45, Boston. 57 STEAMER BOYS Connects Grand LaKe with all Trains Arriving and Leaving Princeton. After the fishing season special runs and charters for pleasure and hunting parties to all points in Big Lake Region at reasonable prices. Will answer correspondence freely regarding section. C. F. EATON, Princeton, Me. Grand Lake Stream, Washington County, Maine, Queen of fishing waters, "Home of the King of game fish, the Leaping Ouananiche," conceded the best fishing waters in America for Ouananiche "Landlocked Salmon" and Lake Trout. Square tails not so plenty though good fishing. Ninety miles of Lake Shore for trolling and three miles stream for fly fishing. -. 1 Good fly fishing above dam after 25th May: stream not open until 1st June, closed 30th Sep- tember. No better vacation country lies out-of-doors: g 1 Brook Trout fishing all the Season; Streams are from one-half to five miles away from Village. As a hunting proposi- tion it stands Al. Every- thing '"except moose'' abundant in thisterritory, moose increasing each seas, in : last year quite a number being killed in this section. OUJMAIMAIVICHE LODGE AMD COTTAGES are in the Village of Grand Lake Stream. Sunset Camps are rive miles on the shore of Grand Lake. Every comfort at either of these places Open tires, clean beds, home cooking, good service. Steam Launches by the day or week. Teams, Guides and Canoes furnished. Land and Camps to lease and sell in various locations. All inquiries cheerfully answered. Address from April 15 to October 31 The year round. Send for 1905 Circular. W. G. ROSE, Grand Lake Stream, 108 Water Street, Boston, Mass. Washington County, Maine, or Telephone, Main 6600 GENERAL STORE ...SPECIALTIES... Fisning' TacRle, Ammunition, Supplies for Hunting and Fisning' Parties. Glad to answer correspondence regarding guides and other informa- tion. Central Telephone Office. TARBOX CSL ELSEMORE, Grand LaKe Stream. 58 WINCHESTER RIFLES and AMMUNITION SHOTGLNS and LOADED SHELLS ^ FISHING TACKLE ^ Sporting Goods of all kinds. Sportsmen visiting Calais will find a complete assortment of the above goods at the Hardware Store of TODD BROS., Calais, me. WEST GRAND LAKE. n EARLY in the centre of Eastern Maine lies Grand Lake. To do justice to one of Nature's finest products we wish to give it special mention. Here are nearly 50 square miles of water, running to good depths, over a clear bottom over which are scattered very many large granite boulders. Its water is very clear, making it possible to see bottom in 20 feet of water, and so near does it seem that a novice will think to touch it with his paddle. Great boulders stand in plain view far below the surface. High ridges of beech, and birch and evergreens extend around the lake, in a measure no doubt accounting for the purity of the water, in that there is no Hat land draining into the lake. These ridges furnish good filter beds for surface water. The same features are true of Pokumpus Lake, directly connected with Grand Lake, and of Dobsis and Junior Lakes. These lakes are the only natural home in the United States of the ouananiche of a few Canadian rivers. The St. Croix River is one of the few rivers in North America that can make such a claim. Man has transplanted the salmon into many northern lakes, but here it is our privilege to see one of the old homes of the ouananiche, and also to find the best fishing to-day in Maine. The people on the St. Croix are indeed fortunate who draw their water supply from these waters, whose freshness and purity have for ages attracted this incomparable fish. I have never visited this lake without wishing again that some great centre of population could draw its water from this reservoir. 59 Both West and East Grand Lakes lie in a belt of granite that comes into Maine from New Brunswick. Lay your pencil on the map from West Grand Lake to the centre of the East- ern Lakes of the St. Croix and you have the general direction of this granite belt across New Brunswick. To give you an idea of its width, McAdam Junction marks a fair eastern boundary point, and 10 miles or more south of Winn one of the western points of its extent. This belt of granite is the parent source of most of the boulders scattered south of it in Eastern Maine, carried by ice and water forces combined in an earlier age. The curious 4k horsebacks '' of all shapes and sizes in this whole Eastern Maine region are also of glacial origin. Many of them attain considerable length. They are from 20 to 80 feet in height and slope at an angle of 30 degrees and more. Their composition is gravel and sand. Our highways and railroads depend very much upon them for material. A number of good camps are on the shores of Grand and Dobsis Lakes. At the foot of Grand Lake are the prin- cipal guides in this region, at Grand Lake Stream. Go to this lake if you can. It is in many respects the most beautiful sheet of water in New England, and from it as a centre, a variety of long cruises in canoe can be taken, coming to the railroad at different points. MEDDYBEMPS LAKE. A Canoe Trip. CHIS lake is easily reached from Charlotte, Baring or Calais. Canoeists who come clown the East Branch of the St. Croix to Baring can take an added trip of 30 miles in splendid canoe water by getting hauled from Baring to Meddy- bemps Lake, a distance of 3 miles. The lake is about 7 miles long by 3 and 4 wide, and has hundreds of camp sites on its shores, and islands of all sizes, 50 and more in number. At the foot of the lake is Meddy- bemps Village, where there are boats and guides. This lake is the most famous black bass water in Maine, and has attracted the most famous fishermen in the country. Several 60 Pink Lodge, Meddybemps Lake. Boston and New York parties have built permanent camps on its shores and islands, and more are being added every year. From its convenient location, near the railroad and yet in the heart of a game country, it is destined to become more and more a favorite. With perhaps one exception, the writer knows of no better region for ruffed grouse, and plenty of deer are killed close to its shores every year. Seven deer came into Calais from a camp at the Narrows, north end of the lake, in 1904. Judge Fowler, of Calais, who has a permanent camp, " Pine Lodge," on the northwest shore, met a bear on the road leading to his camp two summers ago. On the whole the camps about Meddybemps Lake are very creditable structures, and show that their builders have determined on this locality as a permanent resort. A word about permanent camps. Xo one will ever regret an invest- ment of from 5500 to $1,000 in such a structure in Fastern Maine. You can get plenty of good hard wood cheaply, and large open fireplaces are in order. A week or two each year spent in the open, with your evenings before a blazing log tire in camp on a spot of earth your own. and you are receiving 61 not only the standard 12 per cent, on real estate, but also a sinking fund which in a very short time will wipe out the original amount expended. Outlying hills, deep coves, black and hard wood head- lands and a multitude of wooded islands on its western shore combine in one splendid effect. Several smaller lakes are near at hand. Cathance Lake and Pennamaquan Stream, both in the first rank for trout, are in this vicinity. West of the lake a short distance lie the upper waters of the East Machias River. AROUND THE CAMP FIRE. The Canadian Porcupine. CHE porcupine belongs to the order of rodents, one of the dozen or so large general classes of mammals. In this order are the rat, mouse, musquash, beaver, hare, etc. The distinctive feature of this order is that they have only two kinds of teeth, incisors and molars. The incisors, two in front of each jaw, are used for gnawing and cutting. There are several classes of the porcupine family. 1. The Common Porcupine, black and white annulated, not found in America. 2. Prehensile Porcupine, quills all over body and legs, brown and white barred, found in South America. 3. Mexican Porcupine. 4. Brush Tailed Porcu- pine of Africa. 5. Canadian Porcupine, found in North America north of 44th and 45th degrees latitude. By the way, the 45th degree of latitude runs across this Eastern Maine region, striking the land in the southern part of the city of Calais. The Canadian Porcupine is the one found in Eastern Maine. In 1903 the Maine Legislature placed a bounty of twenty-five cents on him, and appropriated $500 to pay the same. Eastern Maine, in the last two years, has broken all records in demanding bounty. Late returns in 1904 indicate that 80,000 had been killed to December 1st. Wesley, Ellsworth and Princeton, all in Eastern Maine, were first in order of bounty payers; these three towns alone aggregating over 7,000 porcupines. 62 I have gone thus into detail, not to take sides as to the wisdom of that law, now repealed, but to show how abundant animal life is in our woods. No one thought the woods of Maine had so many porcupines in them. The legislature only allowed for 2,000, no doubt expecting that number would be overrun, but not dreaming it would be increased forty-fold. We do not feel at all sure that it is always safe for man to disarrange the balance Nature has ordered, and there are many instances in the world where such attempts, on his part, have not met with success. We hope the case in hand will prove an exception. This much ought to be certain, camps in Eastern Maine ought to be safe from the gnawing of the porcupine for a few years. Driving Swamps. In the vicinity of Sabeo Lake, on the Machias River, are large areas of burned lands, from a tire that swept across from Union River forty years ago. Many large swamps are still green and thick, of various sizes, many acres in extent. They afford an unusual and exciting way for hunting deer. The writer has hunted in that region, and remembers the excitement of the chase. The most of the party are stationed about the leeward end of the swamp in the open land, and along the sides well up towards the leeward end. 'Two of the party go into the swamp at the windward end, and work down with the wind in parallel lines. It is not at all uncommon to start two or three deer, and they will, after a time, break the swamp and take to the high land. Much chance is mixed up with it all. They may break the swamp out of gunshot of those in the open. The more guns the better. The animal has lots of chances for his life. It is an exciting hunt and we believe a manly one. though opposite to the usual methods of still hunting. Loading Canoes. Generally you can choose smooth water for your trips. Xow and then it is necessary to paddle against a wind. In so doing load your canoe a little heavier forward, so that the bow will be steady. It is often very easy to make long runs on a 63 big lake with a wind behind you without using much elbow grease. In so doing load your canoe heavier back of the centre, so that the stern will ride steadily. How to Take a Lake in a Wind in a Canoe. Indians in most all weather will follow the lee of the shore of a lake. They do it both because they find calmer water, and that they get more chances at game close to the shore. Of a fair wind and a head wind we have spoken. It is perhaps more common to strike a side wind in lakes. With a little head work you can keep moving in such a wind and be in quiet water much of the time. For example : — Suppose you are at the head of the lake at A. With a fair wind, or in a calm lake in going to B your course is the line A B. Suppose the wind is blowing out into the lake as the arrows indicate, your course will be the broken and curved line A C B. By following up into the cove C till near the head of it, you avoid rough water out in the lake opposite the mouth of the cove. You have a partial head wind getting up into the cove. After you turn and get across the head of the cove, a fair wind takes you out till you come to a lee shore again. This is a safe and comfortable way of moving, even when a stiff breeze is on so that white caps are showing in the open lake. 64 Care of Outdoor Fires. When you leave a camping place, pour plenty of water about the edge of your open fire. This will prevent it from spreading in the turf. Fire will often linger and mull in the turf for days, and finally fanned by a wind break out and become a bad tire. The above precaution is always advisable as a matter of good sense, not to speak of the law. which is very plain in its requirements. Malice, and burning fur blue- berries, and local hunting grounds have caused more tires than anything else on wild lands. A Moose Yard. An old guide down east once described a moose vard to me. which he had seen the winter before. Think of a stream running through a strip of black growth varying in width from a fourth to half a mile. On each side of the swamp the land sloped up to the ridges, and here from the borders of the black growth grew poplar, moosewood and the like, on which the animals feed. As instinct had ordered it. they had selected this place where the stream ran north and south, and the old guide insisted that the moose browsed on the west side of the black land in the morning and on the east side in the afternoon. using the black growth for shelter. I judge a section of a few hundred acres was traversed by their tracks. I have been informed by reliable woodsmen of half a dozen moose yards by exact location in the last two years. Forest Colors of Autumn. Late September and early October furnish ideal color effects in our northern woods. The first day of last October (1904) I took a day ride from Calais to Bangor. The panorama along the Washington County Railroad was beyond description. Time and again passengers shifted from one side of the car to the other, en masse, to get a better glimpse of a passing ridge. The foliage was specially beautiful last fall. The causes of the great variety of colors are many and intricate, and questions by no means easv are raised. Obser- vation and speculation are left for us. I have noticed that deciduous trees are quickest to turn along the borders of and 65 in low land, and that, broadly speaking, such trees in the open turn sooner than those in deeper groves. All agree that the drying up of the sap in the stalk of the leaf is the first step in the process. But why such an infinite variety of colors? Why are some falls so much more brilliant in display than others? Some claim that those leaves which first come out in the spring are soonest to turn, since they are on the borders of the trees and get more sunlight. Others connect the stopping of the sap Mow with the early frosts which occur a few weeks earlier in the low lands than on the ridges. Mr. Springer, in "Forest Life and Forest Trees," suggests that the transparency of our northern atmosphere plays a large part in the general color effects. He says: "The red maple is most remarkable for the varying color of its leaves, which greatly beautify forest scenery. The leaves begin to turn in the latter part of summer and during the earlier part of autumn, from green to deep crimson or scarlet. The forests of no other country present so beautiful a variety of coloring as our own ; 'even corresponding climates with the same families bear no comparison.' The difference is said to depend 'on the greater transparency of our atmosphere, and consequently greater intensity of the light; for the same cause which renders a much larger number of stars visible by night, and which clothes our flowering plants with more numerous Mowers, and those of deeper, richer tints, gives somewhat of tropical splendor to our really colder parallels of latitude/ Moose and Bears Killed in 1904. The estimates below have been formed from corrobora- tive statements from residents and guides in the different river basins. Mr. Geo. \V. Ross, Chief Fish and Game Warden of Washington County, was also consulted as to the moose; and Mr. E. H. Smith, of Machias, who has bought more bear skins than any other man in Maine, as to the bears. In Washington County, the east end of Hancock County and in the Passadumkeag River region we believe we are con- servative in putting the number of moose killed at seventy. In Washington County, in both the trapping and hunting- seasons, thirty bears killed. I desire to say that I am well 66 LofC. acquainted with the men from whom I have obtained my esti mates and I believe they are reliable. History of the Moose in Eastern Maine. Many of the old residents can remember when moose were very plenty. For a number of years they were not here. During the past live years the}' have been reported seen and killed, more each year. [ t m iei) States I iikuv, Grand I.ak Stocking Eastern Maine Lakes. Ilelow we show what has been clone in [904, an average year with the last five years. Our figures are from Mr. Geo. W. Ross, Chief fish and Game Warden. The figures are in cans, of 250 to 275 finger lengths. Lake Local Party Interested Hog, L. B. Wilder. Borden, G. W. Ross. Blue Hill. Mr. butler. Cathance, Machias Parties. East Grand, G. W. Ross, Salmon 20 [ 5 I o 20 30 I • I I I "7 Lake Ellsworth Falls, Local Party Interested Dr. Morrison, Salmon 5 Troi Flanders Pond, N. P. Baker, 5 Gouldsboro, IO Little Tunk, H. A. Allen, 5 5 Molunkus, Mr. Swett, 5 5 Mattawamkeag, W. B. Robinson, IO Mount Desert, G. W. Ross, 5 5 Peaked Mt. Pond, H. Leighton, IO IO Pennamaquan, H. Leighton, IO Schoodic Pond, George Coffin, IO Sedge wick, Mr. Doherty, IO Sixteenth Stream, Judge Fowler, IO Spednic, Sibley, Thompson Pond, G. W. Ross, Herbert Sprague, N. P. Baker, 3 5 3 5 Tunk Pond, Senator Wilson, 20 Woods Pond, Judge Peters, IO Wytopitlock, William Staples, IO fl . ^lfc tt fe* Looking from the Highway into one of Eastern Maine's Granite Quarries. 68 M (< \K r r1 t fi^si- fic^ss AgMusl lU hxoJj^f n*v U/o-o Camp ^d Tourists' Outfits Tents, KnapsacKs, Canvas Clothing and Leggings, Thompson's and Ideal Boots and Shoes, Sleeping Bags, Rubber Blankets and Ponchos, Camp Stores and Utensils, Camp Furniture and Folding Beds, Drink- ing Cups, Pocket Compasses, Lanterns, Cutlery, Hunting Knives, Mattresses, Packs and Pack Harnesses, Cameras and Supplies, Moccasins, Pedometers, Etc., Etc. Guns Rifles, Ammuni- tion... Just now a lot of the well-known New "Worcester Double Hammerless Guns. Entirely New, 12 and 16 bores, at $18.00 Each. HIGHEST QUALITY FISHING TACKLE: Fine Rods, Reels, Lines, Baskets, New Grout Bait Box, etc., etc. Agents for the New Liberty Reel. Best and most improved reel yet produced, etc. Kodaks, Cameras, etc. WM. READ (EL SONS, - 107 Washington St., Boston. ESTABLISHED 1826. THe Lakeside Press PORTLAND, MAINE Designers Engravers and Printers of Advertising Matter for Railroads, Hotels and Resorts This Guide Book is an Every-day Specimen of Our 'Work, 72 . i«gr*Ms •9K - 4 M K n &&m %s^ 'ifirz PRACTI W i3S"05