.0 " " " ♦ "^ -V^^ •>-. C^ ^0 "<*». ^ ^^fA" -^t. ^ *^ t:' J.^--^ 4 O <^^ * ^°-d>. VITAL RECORDS OF PALMER, MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 1850. PUBLISHED BY THE NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, AT THE CHARGE OF THE EDDY TOWN-RECORD FUND. BOSTON, MASS., 1905. THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 6 November, 1901, as follows: Voted : That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose. Committee on Publications. C. B. TiLLINGHAST, FrANCIS EvERETT BlAKE, Charles Knowles Bolton, Don Gleason Hill, Edmund Dana Barbour. Editor. Henry Ernest Woods. Stanbope press . CILSON COMPANTf BOSTON U.S.A. THE TOWN OF PALMER, Hampden County (formerly in Hampshire County, until 1812), was established January 30, 1752, as the district of Palmer, prior to which time it was the plantation called The Elbows, sometimes called New Marl- borough and sometimes Kingsfield. April 23, 1760, a part of Brimfield was annexed to Palmer. February 7, 1763, the bounds of Palmer were definitely established. August 23, 1775, the district of Palmer was made a town by general act. February 8, 1828, bounds between Palmer and Monson were established. February 7, 1831, a part of Western (now Warren) was annexed to Palmer. Population by 1776 (Prov.), 1800 (U. S.), 1820 (U. S.), 1840 (U. S.), 1855 (State), 1865 (State), 1875 (State), 1885 (State), 1895 (State), Census 727; 1039; 1197; 2139; 4012; 3080; 4572; 5923; 6858; 1765 (Prov. ), 508 ; 1790 (u. s.; ), 809; 1810 (u. s.; ), 1 1 14; 1830 (u. s.; h 1237; 1850 (U. S.) > 3974; i860 (u. s.; ), 4082; 1870 (U. s.' ), 3631; 1880 (U. s.^ ), 5504; 1890 (u. s.; ), 6520; 1900 (U. S.j , 7801. EXPLANATIONS. 1. When places other than Palmer and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Prior to 1798, the vital records of Palmer are imperfect. 2. In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties, but the full information concerning each party is given only in the entry under his or her name. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed ; and where a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i. e., any explanation, query, inference, or difiference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used only when they occur in the original text, or to separate clauses found there — such as the birthplace of parents, in late marriage records. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age abt. — about b. — born ch. — child chn. — children Co. — county c.R. — church record, First Congregational d. — daughter; died; day Dea. — deacon dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — gravestone record, Palmer Cemetery G.R.2. — gravestone record. Old Center Cemetery h. — husband inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — married ; month p.R. — private record, from Book of Marriages by Jonathan Shearer, Justice of the Peace prob. — probably rec. — recorded s. — son Sr. — senior w. — wife ; week wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year 1st. — first 2d. — second 3d. — third PALMER BIRTHS. PALMER BIRTHS. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOT (see Abbott), Sally Apleton, d. Gideon and Mary, Mar. 14, 1793- ABBOTT (see Abbot), Bethiah, d. George and Mary, May 13, 1768. George, s. George and Mary, Sept. 4, 1770. Hannah, d. George and Mary, June 22, 1758. MoUey, d. George and Mary, Sept. 20, 1762. Nathan, s. George and Mary, June 26, 1760. Sarah, d. George and Mary, Oct. 25, 1865 [sic, 1765]. ADAMS, Amos [dup. Ames], s. Andrew Jr. and Rebekah, Feb. 12, 1790. Catharine, d. John, . Eunice Wight, d. Oliver and Betsy, Oct. 4, 181 2. Lucy, d. Andrew Jr. and Rebekah, Oct. 18, 1791. Sally Swift, d. Andrew Jr. and Rebeckah, Jan. 11, 1798. , s. John, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. ADAMSON, Loring G., s. William of Barre, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Lucy, d. W[illia]m, Dec. 11, 1847. AIKEN, Betsey F., [1826]. g.r.i. ALDRICH (see Aldritch), Adelade M., d. Samue[l], [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. ALDRITCH (see Aldrich), Deforest S., s. Samuel, June 27, 1849. ALEN (see Allen), , s. John, . ALLEN (see Alen), Abner Jr., ch. Abner and Philadelphia; Nov. 15, 1807. Abner, [1808]. g.r.i. 9 lO PALMER BIRTHS. Allen, Abner B., s. Abner and Mary G., June lo, 1837. Albon Jr., s. Albon, . Backster, s. Abner and Philedelphia, Apr. 28, 1803. Cheney [h. Harriet], [18 19]. g.r.i. Clarisy, d. Abner and Philedelphia, Jan. 18, 1802. Cyrena, d. Abner and Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1797, in Peters- ham. Cyrus, s. Abner and Philedelphia, Apr. 8 [? 4], 1796, in Peters- ham. Eleanor, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Apr. i, 1740. Elijah, s. Abner and Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1794, in Peters- ham, Elizabeth [ ], w. Lambert, [1800]. g.r.i. Ehzabeth C. (Bradley), w. Judge James G., Mar. 20, 1820. g.r.i. Ephraim, ch. Abner and Philadelphia, Apr. 18, 1806. Huldah, ch. Abner and Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1804. James D., eldest s. Judge James G. and Elizabeth C. (Bradley), Jan. 29, 1848. G.R.I. James G., Judge [h. Elizabeth C. Bradley], July 18, 1820. g.r.i. John, [1808]. g.r.i. John, ch. Abner and Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1809. Lambert [h. Elizabeth], [1799]- g.r.i. Lambird, s. Abner and Philadelphia, June 29, 1799, in Peters- ham. Philadelphia 2d, ch. Abner and Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1811. William, [1827]. g.r.i. , s. Cheny, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. , s. Henry P., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. , d. George H., Dec. 20, 1849. AMES, James B., s. James S., Jan. 11, 1849. AMIDON, Ellen M., d. Samuel D., -, s. Sam[ue]l D., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. ANDREWS, Abigail (Hitchcock), w. Marshall, Feb. 19, 1816. g.r.i. Amelia, d. M. and A., w. F. H. Kendall, July 8, 1846. g.r.i. Marshall [h. Abigail (Hitchcock)], Aug. 20, 181 2. g.r.i. Sally W. [ ], w. Ira E., [i794]- G.R.2. APPLIN, Annah, d. Thomas and Mabel, Oct. 21, 1755. Ebenezer, s. John and Rebecca, Nov. 25, 1734. John, s. Thomas and Mabel, Nov. 27, 1753. Rebecca, d. John and Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1740. PALMER BIRTHS. II Applin, Sarah, d. John and Rebecca, Nov. 24, 1737. Sarah, d. Thomas and Mabel, Sept. 10, 1757. Timothy Brown, s. Thomas and Mabel, Nov. 13, 1760. , d. Thomas and Mabel, Oct. 10, 1759. ARNOLD, Edgar W., s. Wilson, Feb. 23 [1849]. , d. Wilson, . ASCHE, Catherine, d. James, July — , 1849. ASHTON (see Athton), James, s. Arthur, Nov. 6, 1849. Samuel, s. Arther, , 1846. Sarah, d. Peter, [rec. June 24], 1846. , d. Robert, Oct. 10, 1849. ATHTON (see Ashton), Rebecca [? Ashton], d. Peter, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. ATWOOD, Louisa, d. W[illia]m and Louisa, bp. Mar. 31, 1834. C.R. AYRES, Galon M., s. Galon [rec. June 25, 1847]. BABCOCK, Mary, w. Sylvanus G. Shaw, [181 1]. g.r.i. BABSON, Martha [ ], w. George F., [1833]. g.r.i. BACON, Adaline, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, May 13, 1819. Benjamin Foster, s. Benjamin and Jerusha, Apr. 25, 1821. Charles, s. Adonijah, June 3, 1849. Daniel, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, May 13, 18 13. Flavia, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, July 11, 1807. Ira, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, Mar. 19, 1805. John, s. Thomas and Jerusha, Oct. 23, 1790. Julia M., d. Rufus, . Lucindia, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, Mar. 16, 1811. Mary, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, Dec. 3, 1809. Mary S., d. Rufus, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Pennuel, s. Newell, Apr. 15, 1849. Phebe, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, Dec. 22, 1802. William, ch. Benjamin and Jerusha, Jan. 26, 1817. BAILEY (see Baily) [E. Louise], ch. John S. and w., -. , d. Levi A., Nov. 13, 1849. BAILY (see Bailey), Levi A., [1817]. g.r.i. BALDWIN, Billey, s. Rev. Moses and Becke, June 19, 1776. Charles Augustus, s. Moses and Roxey, Nov. 29, 1819. 12 PALMER BIRTHS. Baldwin, Daniel, s. Rev. Moses and Becke, Dec. 3, 1771. Ezra Lee, s. Rev. Moses and Becke, Nov. 20, 1773. Ezra Lee, s. Billa and Bettcy, Mar. 20, 1799. Franklin M., s. John T., . John, s. Rev. Moses and Becke, Feb. 13, 1770. John, s. William and Betsy, Apr. 24, 1803. John Frink, s. Moses and Roxey, Dec. 19, 1818. Jose[p]h, s. "William and Betsy, Mar. 3, 1807. King, s. Billa and Betsey, Mar. 27, 1797. Lydia, d. Rev. Moses and Becke, Apr. 4, 1768. Mary M., w. J. R. Wellman, [1824]. g.r.i. Mary Maria, d. Moses and Roxecy, Sept. 13, 1823. Moses, s. Rev. Moses and Becke, Mar. 28, 1787. Nabbe Semore, d. Rev. Moses and Becke, July 12, 1766. PoUey, d. Rev. Moses and Becke, Mar. 16, 1782. WiUiam, s. Billa and Bettey, Jan. 30, 1801. BALL, Amos, s. Eben[eze]r and [Sally], June 14, 1820. William, s. Ebenezer and [Sally], May 7, 1815. BARBER, Jerusha White, ch. Joel and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1819. John, ch. Joel and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1818. Mary, ch. Joel and Lydia, Oct. 10, 182 1. Watson, s. Joel and Lydia, Sept. 17, 18 16. , d. J. D., Feb. 28, 1849. BARDWELL, Betsey [ ], w. Martin, [1777]. g.r.2. BARNES, Charles E., s. Aaron of Warren, [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. Clarissa, inf. Moses and Clarissa, bp. Dec. 15, 1827. c.r. Clarissa Ann, ch. Moses and Clarissa, bp. Aug. 9, 1829. c.R. John P., , 1829. G.R.I. Lucy Ann, d. Moses and Clarissa, bp. July 3, 1835. c.r. Polly, w. Charles Taft, Aug. 31, 1813. g.r.i. BARRETT (see Barritt), Augustus [h. Cornelia (Rindge)], [1798]. G.R.I. Cornelia (Rindge), w. Augustus, [b. 1808]. g.r.i. , s. Butler, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. BARRITT (see Barrett), Charles H., s. Charles H., Apr. — , 1849. BARTHOLLIE, Maryann, d. Thomas, . PALMER BIRTHS. 1 3 BARTLETT, Henery A., s. Horace, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. BASCOM, Alanz[o] F., ch. Alanzo and Clarrissa, July 20, 1838. Clarrissa E., ch. Alanzo and Clarrissa, Sept. 18, 1840, BASS, Sophia (White), w. Ethan, [1802]. g.r.2. BATES, Elisha (Barte), s. Simon and Mary, Feb. 9, 1774. Laura P., d. Rufus B. of Springfield, July 12, 1848. BEALS, Almira, d. W[iUia]m and Mary, w. George A. Bishop, [1819]. G.R.I. Jane, d. WiUiam and Mary C, [18 16]. g.r.i. BEARD, Andrew, s. Andrew, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. BEAUREGARD, Gelonise L. [ ], w. Desire, [1839]. G.R.I. William, [1835]. G.R.i. BEEMES (see Beemis), Edward Payson, s. Moses and Clarissa, bp. May 13, 1832. c.R. Julia- Ette, d. Moses and Clarissa, bp. June 30, 1840. c.R. BEEMIS (see Beemes), Albert, s. Moses and Clarissa, bp. [June 30], 1837. c.R. BELDEN, Sarah, d. Aaron, Feb. 16, 1849. BELKNAP, Clara, w. Dr. WiUiam Holbrook, [1825]. g.r.i. BELL, Andrew, s. William and Elizabeth, May 2, 1751. Elizabeth, d. William and Elizabeth, Jan. 21, 1736. Emily [ ], w. Thomas, [1812]. g.r.i. Halendar, [twin] d. William and Elizabeth, Mar. 2, 1744. Isabel, [twin] d. William and Elizabeth, Mar. 2, 1744. James, s. William and Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1754. Jean, d. William and Elizabeth, Mar. 2, 1739. John, s. William and Elizabeth, Jan. i, 1748. Mary, d. William and Elizabeth, Dec. 5, 1747. Samuell, s. WiUiam and EHzabeth, Jan. i, 1757. Thomas Jr., [1848]. g.r.i. WiUiam, s. WiUiam and Elizabeth, July 25, 1741. BEMENT, Hellen Maria, d. , Three Rivers, bp. July 2, 1843. c.R. 14 PALMER BIRTHS, BENNET (see Bennett), William, s. John and Margaret, Mar. 24, 1843. BENNETT (see Bennet), Eugene F., s. Joseph 2d, , in Belchertown. John Eugene, s. John, Aug. 19, 1849. Maryann, d. John, . Sarah, d. Joseph, . BERGASS (see Burgess), Francis [sic], d. Joseph (Burgass) and Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1843. BESER, Lucy Adelaide, adopted d. Mrs. Eunice Colton, bp. Nov. I, 1844. C.R. BIDWELL, Mary F. [ ], w. Osborn H., [1835]. G.R.I. Osborn H. [h. Mary F.], [1825]. g.r.i. BIGELOW, Maria, w. EHsha Warner, [1828]. g.r.i. BILLINGS, George M., s. Amos C, Sarah A. (Ferry), w. Amos, Mar. 30, 1812. g.r.i. BISHOP, George, s. George, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. John P., s. George, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. BLACKNER, Abner, s. Stephen and Jane, Aug. 11, 1768. EUsabeth, d. Stephen and Jane, Jan. 19, 1764. Joseph, s. Stephen and Jane, Oct. 7, 1761. Stephen, s. Stephen and Jane, Oct. 7, 1766. Thomas, s. Stephen and Jane, Nov. 29, 1759. BLAIR, Bacca, d. Samuel and Margaret, Feb. 28, 1780. Jennie C., w. Marcus C. Kendall, , 1828. g.r.i. Roxea, d. Samuel and Margaret, Mar. 28, 1778. BLANCHARD, Alonzo V. [h. Elvira A. (Shearer)], [1805]. G.R.I. Fannie M. [ ], w. George P., [1842]. g.r.i. Frances Ellen, ch. J. D. and w., bp. Apr. 26, 1844. c.R. George Phelps, ch. J. D. and w., bp. Apr. 26, 1844. c.R. Henry F., s. John D., Feb. 23, 1849. [s. John D. and Dolly M., G.R.I.] Jane M., w. WilUam J., [1809]. g.r.i. Jennie, d. W. J. and J. M., w. J. W. Hopkins,"Feb. 17, 184c. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 1 5 Blanchard, John, s. \V. J. and J. M., May 25, 1847, John B. [h. Silence], [i779]- G.R.i. John D. [h. Dolly M.], — - [1816]. g.r.i. John H., [1846]. G.R.I. Joseph, s. William dec'd, Dec. 3, 1848. Joseph, s. WiUiam J. and Jane M., [1849]. G.R.i. Mary King, d. Alonzo and Elvira, bp. [July i], 1832. c.R. Sarah [ ], w. Franklin T., [1822]. g.r.i. Silence [ ], w. John B., [1780]. g.r.i. William S., s. W[illia]m J. and Jane M., Mar. 26, 1838. BLISS, Julia A. [ ], w. Samuel, [1808]. g.r.2, BLODGET (see Blodgett), , s. Abner and Zerviah, Dec^ 13, 1803. G.R.I. BLODGETT (see Blodget), Jerusha, [1795]. g.r.2. Sarah S. [ ], w. Calvin, [1841]. g.r.i. BOARDMAN, EHza Jane, w. Truman Griswold, [1834]. G.R.I. BOIDEN (see Borden, Boyden), Azel, s. Ezekiel and Hannah, Apr. 20, 1796. Ezekiel Jr., s. Ezkeil and Hannah, Mar. 23, 1794, in Wallpole. Salley, d. Ezekiel and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1802. BOND, Almenia EHda, d. Emilius Esq. and Almenia, bp. Oct. 9, 1836. c.R. Carlos Emilius, ch. Emilius and Almena, bp. Sept. 6, 1829. C.R. Christopher Cornelius, s. Emilius and Almena, bp. Nov. 12, 1832. c.R. Thomas, s. Emelius, . BOOT, Henry A., s. Henery, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. BORDEN (see Boiden, Boyden), Ansall, ch. Selden (Bordea) and Hannah, Apr. 26, 1804. Arminda, ch. Selden (Bordea) and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1802. Roswell, ch. Selden (Bordea) and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1794. Selden, ch. Selden (Bordea) and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1797. BOURROUGHS (see Burroughs), Molley, d. Simon and Mariam, Apr. 5, 1776. BO WEN, Hannah, d. David C, O., d. David and Ruth, Apr. 25, 1843. 1 6 PALMER BIRTHS. BOWLES, Betsy [ ], second w. John, [i797]- G.R.i. Harriet M., [1829]. g.r.i. John, [1789]- G.R.I. BOYDEN (see Boiden, Borden), Hannah, d. Ezekail and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1808. John F. (Baryden), s. John C, . BRACK, Isbella, d. William and Eliza, Oct. 16, 1843. BRACKENRIDGE (see Brakenridge, Breckenridge, Breckne- ridge), Charles Henry, s. Azel and Eliza, bp. Nov, 3, 1837. C.R. Margret [dup. Brakenridge], d. George [dup. James, sic] and Mary, July 13, 1763. Mary Louisa, d. Azel and Eliza, bp. May 2, 1834. c.r. BRADLEY, Elizabeth C, w. Judge James G. Allen, Mar. 20, 1820. G.R.I. BRAINARD (see Brainerd), Franklin H., s. Nelson, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. John Wilson, s. Wilson and Carohne, bp. Jan. 5, 1844. c.r. BRAINERD (see Brainard), Amy, [1796]. g.r.i. Charles Timothy, s. Wilson and w., bp. Jan. 3, 1845. c.r. Helen (Breckenridge), w. C. T., Nov. 10, 1849. G.r.i. Phebe, [1789]. g.r.i. Wilson, Dea., Feb. 22, 1806. g.r.i. BRAKENRIDGE (see Brackenridge, Breckenridge, Breckne- ridge), Anna, d. George and Mary, May 13, 1761. Daniel, s. George and Mary, Apr. 2, 1775. Francis, s. George and Mary, June 4, 1777. George, s. James and Sarah, June i, 1733. George, s. George and Mary, Sept. 29, 1769. James, s. George and Mary, Sept. 20, 1759. John Albert, s. Asel and w., bp. Apr. 26, 1844. c.r. Mary [ ], w. George, May 16, 1736. Mary, d. George and Mary, Sept. 9, 1765. Molly, d. James [sic, George] and Mary, Oct. 19, 1767. Ruth, d. George and Mary, Apr. 18, 1773. Sarah, d. George and Mary, May 16, 177 1. , d. Azel, Nov. 10 [1849]. BRAMAN, Nathaniel P., Apr. 26, 1802. g.r.i. , s. Patrick, Aug. 12, 1849. PALMER BIRTHS. 1 7 BRANELL, Dolly, d. John, Sept. — , 1848. BRATTEN (see Brittan), Bettey, d. David and Martha, May 10, 1774. EHzabeth, d. Robert and Elizabeth, May g, 1749. Mary, d. David and Martha, June 5, 1769. Robert, s. Robert (Batten) and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1751. Samuel, s. David and Martha, Apr. 14, 177 1. Sarah, d. Robert and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1746. BRECK (see Breeke). BRECKENRIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakenridge, Breckne- ridge), Azel [h. Eliza W.], [1800]. G.R.i. EHza W. [ ], w. Azel, [1809]. g.r.i. Harriet E., [1842]. g.r.i. Helen, w. C. T. Brainerd, Nov. 10, 1849. g.r.i. Rebecca (Brakranridge),d. Francis and Rebecca Blair, Mar. 6, 1790. William Azel, s. Azel and EHzer, bp. July 22, 1832. c.R. BRECKNERIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakenridge, Brecken- ridge), , d. Azel, . BREEKE, Philipina [ ], w. George, [1834]. g.r.i. BREWSTER, Kate A., d. Dr. J. M., w. A. B. Chapman, [1848]. g.r.i. BRIDGMAN, Erastus S. [h. Lucinda K.], [1810]. g.r.i. James E., s. Erastus S., Sept. 30, 1846. Leroy, [1842]. g.r.i. Loron, s. Erastus and Lucinda, Aug. 30, 1843. Lucinda K. [ ], w. Erastus S., [1814]. g.r.i. BRITTAN (see Bratten), Alvin Smith, s. Smith, . BROADBERT, Robert H., s. John, July 16, 1848. BROOKS, Chauncy [h. Susanna], [1784]. G.r.i. Chauncy W. [h. Elvira S.], [1806]. g.r.i. Chloe, d. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 5, 1740. Elvira S. [ ], w. Chauncy W., [i799]- g.r.i. Israel, s. Joseph and Mary, Sept. i, 1736. Joseph Jr., s. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 10, 1735. Martha A. [ ], w. E. S., [1843]. g.r.i. Silas, s. Joseph and Mary, June 25, 1738. Susanna [ ], w. Chauncy, [1788]. g.r.i. , s. Joseph, Nov. 7, 1835. 1 8 PALMER BIRTHS. BROWN, Alvah, s. Seth and Elizebeth, Aug. 26, 1796. Amasa, s. Seth A. and Elisebeth, Apr, 26, 1798. Andrew, s. Thomas and Jane [dup. Jean], Dec. 28, 1745. Anne, d. Thomas and Jean, Oct. 24, 1753. Aseneth Shaw, "former" w. Samuel Shaw, Jan. i, 1816. G.R.I. Caroline [ ], w. Seva, [1810]. g.r.i. Clara, d. Seth and Elizebeth, June 19, 1795. Dexter, s. Dexter, . Ebenezer, [1823]. g.r.i. Elener, d. Robert and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1765. Elizabeth, d. William and Margit, Aug. 12, 1753. Elizabeth, d. Robert and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1760. Elizebeth, d. Seva, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. H. Maria, w. Andrew J. White, [1828]. g.r.i. Hannah (Graves), w. Joseph, Nov. 15, 1796. g.r.i. Hannah Mary, Sept. 18, 1828. g.r.i. Harriet S. [ ], second w. Samuel, wid. Francis E. Kendall, [1815]. g.r.i. Janes [James], s. William and Margrit, June 10, 1767. John [dup. Brow], s. Thomas and Jean [dup. Jane], Oct. 6, 1749. Joseph [h. Hannah (Graves)], May 7, 1792. g.r.i. Malissa [ ], w. Samuel, , 1844. g.r.i. Margaret, d. Thomas and Jane [dup. Jean], Aug. 21 [dup. Aug. 24], 1751- Margrit, d. William and Margrit, Aug. 29, 1756. Mary, d. Thomas and Jean, Feb. 17, 1756. Mathew, s. William and Margrit, June 7, 1751. Polly, d. Solomon and Ruth, Mar. 15, 1799. Prudence, d. Robert and Sarah, July 19, 1775. Rebeca, d. Robert and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1768. Robert, s. Thomas and Jane [dup. Jean], Nov. 17, 1747. Rufus, s. Joseph and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1823. g.r.i. Ruth [ ], w. Solomon, [i774]- g.r.2. Samuel Johnson, s. W[illia]m and Margrit, Jan. 6, 1775. Samuel Jonathan [dup. Johnston], s. William and Margaret [dup. Margritt], May 9, 1749. Sarah, d. Seva, Aug. 11, 1848. Sarah J. (Worthing), w. Dea. George F., Apr. 7, 1840. g.r.i. Seeva, s. Seth and Elesebeth, Dec. 3, 1799. [Seva [h. Caroline], G.r.i.] Seth, s. Robert and Sarah, June 9, 1762. PALMER BIRTHS. 1 9 Brown, Seth, s. Seva and Caroline, May 9, 1843. Solomon, s. Robert and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1772. Solomon [h, Ruth], [1772]. g.r.2. Thomas, s. Robert and Eleanor, Apr. 24, 1750. Thomas, s. Robert and Eleanor, Apr. 24, 1755. Thomas, s. William and Margrit, Sept. 2, 1759. WiUiam, s. W[illia]m and Margrit, Aug. 9, 1762. , s. Smith, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. , d. Seva, . BUCKLAND (see Bucklin), Charles A,, s. Solomon, June 9, 1849. Mary E., d. James, Aug. 15, 1848. BUCKLIN (see Buckland), James A., ch. James, . BUELL, Annah, d. Samuell and Lydia, July 24, 1774. Eunes, d. Samuell and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1777. Lydia, d. Samuell and Lydia, Oct. 6, 1768. Sarah, d. Samuell and Lydia, Oct. 7, 1770. BUGBEE, Charles [h. Mary B.], [1783]. g.r.i. Francis, ch. Rufus and Lora, bp. Sept. 28, 1828. c.r. James Henry, ch. Rufus and Lora, bp. Sept. 26, 1830. c.R. John Clarke, s. Rufus and Lora, bp. July 29, 1832. c.R. Rufus Earle, s. Rufus and Lora, bp. Sept. 3, 1835. c.R. BULLOCK, Harriet L. (Burt), w. Samuel S., [1820]. g.r.i. Samuel S. [h. Harriet L. (Burt)], [1819]. g.r.i. William H., s. Samuel S. and Harriet L, (Burt), Jan. 10, 1847. G.R.I. BURBANK, , d. George, , in Somers, Conn. BURCHAM, , s. James T., Dec. 19, 1849. , d. James T., . , s. Ja[me]s T., . BURGESS (see Bergass), Ella S., d. Joseph C, [rec. be- tween May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. BURKE [Oliver Parrish], ch. Dr. Geo[rge] W. and [Ann], . BURLEIGH (see Burley), Albert, Sept. 23, 1834. g.r.i. BURLEY (see Burleigh); Lucia, d. Benja[min] A., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. 20 PALMER BIRTHS. BuRLEY, Mary, d. Benj[ami]n A., Sept. 14, 1849. William E., s. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1843. BURNET (see Burnett), George Merrick, s. Philetus W. and w., bp. [Sept.] 5, 1839. c.R. BURNETT (see Burnet), Diantha Eliza, d. Philetus and w., bp. Nov. 4, 1842. c.R. BURNHAM, Caroline, w. Theron McMaster, Apr. i, 1804. G.R.I. Harriet [ ], w. James C, Feb. 19, 1810. g.r.i. James C. [h. Harriet], [1816]. g.r.i. Louis W. [h. Ohvia A. (Clark)], Apr. 17, 1831. g.r.i. Olivia A. (Clark), w. Louis W., [183 1]. g.r.i. BURNS, Patrick, s. Daniel, Mar. 12, 1849. BURPEE, James M., [182 1]. g.r.i. Rebekah S., [1827]. g.r.i. BURROUGHS (see Bourroughs), Senary (Bourroughs), d. Simon and Mariam, June 30, 1774. BURT, Almira, d. Edward, . Harriet L., w. Samuel S. Bullock, [1820]. g.r.i. Sam[u]el Morgin, "Deputed " s. Capt. John Morgin Burt and Kate Hamelton, Apr. 3, 1790. BUTLER, Jane, [1813]. g.r.i. Jane, bp. [July] 7, 1839. c.R. BUTTON, Matilda A., d. Charles W., ,in Somers, Conn. CADY, , s. David, Nov, 22, 1849. CALKINS, Amanda, w. Joshua Graves, Feb. 17, 18 12. g.r.i. Angenett (Clough), v^^. Enos, [1814]. g.r.i. Esther, d. Dudley, Feb. 12, 1849. Romaro, s. George, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Sarah, d. Dudley and Eunice, Nov. 5, 1843. Sarah M. (Watrous), w. Abel H., Aug. 14, 1823. g.r.i. , d. Enas, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- , s. Lewis, . CALLAHAN (see Callighan), Jane, d. Michael, [rec. bs tween May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. PALMER BIRTHS. 21 CALLIGHAN (see Callahan), Thomas, s. Patrick, Dec. 21, 1848. CAMPE, Abel, s. Joel and Rebecca, Nov. 21, 1758. Hannah, d. Joel and Rebecca, Mar. 10, 1749- John, s. Joel and Reb[e]cca, May 8, 1756. Samuell, s. Joel and Rebecca, June 25, 1751. Sarah, d. Joel and Rebecca, July 13, 1753. CAPEN, Ella A. (Kenerson), w. Charles D., , 1819. g.r.i. CAROLL, Lamber A., s. Israel and Alvira, Aug. 12, 1843. CARTER, Frances Freeland, d. Cullen [and] Mary, bp. [July 22], 1832. C.R. CARTHEWOOD (see Catherwood), Elizabeth, d. Patrick, CATHERWOOD (see Carthewood), W[illia]m, s. Patrick, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. , d. Patrick, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. CAVINOGH, , s. David, Apr. i, 1849. CHAFFEE, Fanny S., d. Elam and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1843. CHAMPNEY, Harvey, s. Nathan and Molley, Apr. 16, 1790. CHANDLER, John, s. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 23, 1783. CHAPIN, Abner, s. Jonathan and Ann, Sept. 24, 1746. Alpheas, s. Gideon and Elizabeth, Dec. 2, 1766. Anna, d. Luke and Elizabeth, Mar. 31, 1771. Anne [dup. Ann], d. Jonathan and Anne [dup. Ann], Mar. 21, 1737- Caleb Stebins, s. Joseph and Martha, Nov. 25, 1785. Charles F., [1830]. g.r.i. Chloe [dup. Cloe], d. Jonathan and Ann, July 12, 1751 [dup. July 13, 1749, sic]. Daniel, s. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 30, 1779. Ethen, s. Joseph and Martha, Mar. 13, 1774. Gad, s. Jonathan and Ann, Nov. 3, 1748. Gideon [dup. Gedion], s. Jonathan and Ann, Feb. 24, 1742. Gideon, s. Gideon and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1765. Johnathan, s. Joseph and Martha, Sept. 8, 1772. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Ann [dup. Anne], Oct. 22 [dup. Oct. 12], 1738. 22 PALMER BIRTHS Chapin, Joseph, s. Jonathan and Ann, May i8, 1744. Joseph, s. Joseph and Martha, Aug. 9, 1788. Lebbeous, s. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 2, 1783. Lebeus [h. Margaret], [i774]- g.r.i. Livi, s. Luke and Ehzabeth, Mar. 31, 1773. Luke, s. Jonathan and Ann, Apr. i, 1740. Luke, s. Joseph and Martha, July 3, 1777. Plynhey, s. Joseph and Martha, Sept. 2, 1781. Shadrack [dup. Shadrick], s. Jonathan and Ann, Sept. 16, 1753. CHAPMAN, Albert P. [h. Mary K.], [1827]. g.r.i. Alonzo B., s. A. P., July 31, 1848. James M., Oct. 3, 1824. g.r.i. Kate A., w. A. B., d. Dr. J. M. Brewster, [1848]. g.r.i. Mary K. [ ], w. Albert P., [1831]. g.r.i. CHILD (see Childs), James K. [h. Laura E.], Apr. 19, 1S17. G.R.I. Laura E. [ ], w. James K., Dec. 20, 1828. g.r.i. Martha Emily [ ], w. William C, Sept. 2, 1824. g.r.i. William C. [h. Martha Emily], Apr. 13, 1820. g.r.i. CHILDS (see Child), Charles J., [1825]. g.r.i. Clara, w. George W. Snow, July 4, 1834. g.r.i. Isaac, [1836]. g.r.i. Margaret, w. WilHam McGuire, [1798]. g.r.i. Mary, [1829]. g.r.i. William A., s. WilHam C, Dec. — , 1848. CLARK, Hannah C. [ ], w. A. W., [1836]. g.r.i. Horace [h. Mary (Tenny)], [1799]- g.r.i. Mary (Tenny), w. Horace, [1806]. g.r.i. Olivia A., w. Louis W. Burnham, [183 1]. g.r.i. , d. Horace of Rutland, . CLEAVELAND (see Cleavland, Clevland), Loran, s. Samuel and Catherine, June 14, 1800. CLEAVLAND (see Cleaveland, Clevland), Charity, d. Hopestill and Patience, Jan. 13, 1793. Sam[ue]ll, s. Hopestill, June 12, 1769, in Canterbury. CLEVLAND (see Cleaveland, Cleavland), Cyrus (Cleavland), s. David and Orra, Apr. 30, 1801. Mariah, d. Samuel (Cleavland) and Cathrine, Nov. 12, 181 1. Policy, d. Samuel and Catheren, Aug. 12, 1802. PALMER BIRTHS. 23 CLIFFORD, Patrick, s. Patrick, Apr. — , 1848. CLOUGH, Angenett, w. Enos Calkins, [1814]. g.r.i. Dan, s. Dan and Jerusha, July 26, 1819. Jerusha, d. Dan and Jerusha, Aug. 6, 181 7. COBB, George W., [1824]. g.r.i. COLE (see Cowles, Cowls), Almond, s. Elbridge, . COLEGRAVE (see Colgrove), — , ch. Daniel, . COLEMAN, Charles N., [183 1]. g.r.i. COLEY (see Cooley), Johnathan, s. Johnathan and Lusey, Nov. 5. 1783- Lusey, d. Jonathan and Lusey, Apr. 5, 1780. Moses Dickinson, s. Johnathan and Lusey, June 18, 1785. Pattey, d. Jonathan and Lusey, Apr. 22, 1782. COLGROVE (see Colegrave), Columbia, d. David, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. COLLINS, Abigail C, June 18, 1811. g.r.i. Farney, ch. Gamaliel and Martha, Sept. 11, i[8]4o. Gamaliel, ch. Gamaliel and Martha, Sept. 23, 1835, in Hard- wick. Marth, ch, Gamaliel and Martha, Nov. 8, 1838. COLLIS, Marcus, s. Luther and Delina, Oct. 19, 1843, i^ Ware. Mary A., d. Luther, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- Sarah, d. Luther, Oct. 15, 1848. COLTON, Mary E., d. Jesse M. of Springfield, . CONANT, Andrew W., [1818]. g.r.i. CONE, Martha Ann (Fay), w. Richard S., [1812]. g.r.i. Richard S. [h. Martha Ann (Fay)], [1811]. g.r.i. CONVERSE, Adeline, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, July 24, 1814. Adelphia, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, Feb. 14, 1803. Asahel Elliot, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Oct. 16, 1808. Benjamin 2d, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Mar. 2, 1803. Betsey, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Dec. 10, 18 13. Daniel, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Feb. — , 18 16, Elisha [h. Mahitable], , 1794. g.r.i, Eliza, d. Welcome and Huldah, Nov. 15, 18 12. 24 PALMER BIRTHS. Converse, Harriot, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, Nov. 29, 1804. Hiram, Dea. [h. Maria S.], [1806]. g.r.i. Hiram, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, Mar. 24, 1807. James, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Sept. 18, 1806 [sic, see Lydia H.]. Jennette W. [ ], second w. Dea. Hiram, [1820]. g.r.i. John M., [1823]. G.R.I. John S., s. Hiram and Mariah, Dec. 15, 1838. John Sedgewick, s. Hiram and Maria, bp. Apr. 11, 1841. c.r. Jonathan [h. Lydia], [1782]. g.r.i. Joseph 2d, ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Apr. 10, 181 1. Lydia H., ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Jan. 13, 1807 [sic, see James]. Mahitable [ ], w. EHsha, May 26, 1795. g.r.i. Mary Leavens, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, Mar. 10, 1801 [sic, 1810]. COOK, Lucie E., d. Elizur and Margia, w. Chester Strong, , 1822, in W. Springfield, g.r.i. COOLEY (see Coley), Aaron (Aarna) Merrick, s. Jonathan and Lucy, Apr. 28, 1787. Alven, s. Ruben and Margerett, Dec. 9, 1772. Asher, d. Noah and Mercy, Sept. 16, 1752. Betsy, d. Zadock and Rachel, Apr. i, 1803. Billy, s. Jonathan and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1791. Byron G., s. PHney and Huldah, [1843]. g.r.i. Caroline, d. [Capt.] W[inia]m and Laura, Dec. 15, 1823. Cyntha (see Sintha). Frances Jane, d. Pliney and Huldah, [1830]. g.r.i. Hannah, d. Noah and Mercy, Aug. 6, 1749. Hannah Eliza, ch. Aretus and Elvira, bp. Sept. 20, 1829. c.R. Harriet Maria, ch. Jonathan and Sally, bp. Aug. 2, 1829. c.R. Henry G., [1835]. g.r.i. Henry S., s. [Capt.] William and Laura, Nov. 27, 1826. Huldah [ ], w. Pliney, [1804]. g.r.i. James F., s. [Capt.] William and Laura, Sept. i, 1833. Jonathan Jr. [h. Sallie B.], [1784]. g.r.i. Lucy C, d. [Capt.] William and Laura, Sept. 9, 1829. Lusina (see Susina). Marshal Merrick, ch. Aaron M. and Sally, bp. Sept. 7, 1828. c.R. Martha Chapin, ch. Aaron M. and Sally, bp. Sept. 7, 1828. C.R. Mary, d. Noah and Mercy, Sept. 13, 1747. Mary Brainard, d. Jon[atha]n Jr. and Sally, May 15, 1819. Mary Elizabeth, inf. Aretus and Elvira, bp. Mar. 2, [1828]. C.R. PALMER BIRTHS. 25 CooLEY, Mary Elizabeth, d. Aretas and Elvira, bp. Aug. 26, 1832. C.R. Mercy, d. Noah and Mercy, Aug. 26, 1743. Merrick, s. Zadock and Rachel, Dec. 24, 1795. Noah, s. Noah and Mercy, Aug. 21, 1741. PHney, s. Zadock and Rachel, Mar. 25, 1799. Pliney [h. Huldah], [1799]- G.R.i. Ruben, s. Noah and Mercy, June 2, 1745. Sallie B. [ ], w. Jonathan Jr., [1788]. g.r.i. Sela, d. Jonathan and Lucey, Feb. 27, 1778. Sintha, d. Jonathan and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1793. Sophronia, d. Zadoch and Rachel, Feb. 24, 1801. Susina [? Lusina], d. Zadock and Rachel, July 14, 1797. William E., s. Pliney and Huldah, [1846]. g.r.i. , s. Pliny, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- -, s. Samuel D., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. CORBIT, Albina, d. Sumner and Diana, Mar. 30, 1843. COREY, John [h. Nancy], [1805]. g.r.2. John, ch. John and Nancy, Oct. 24, 1842. Mariah M., ch. John and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1840. Mary, d. John, , in Ware. Mary Jane, d. John and Nancy, [1844]. G.R.2. Nancy [ ], w. John, [1814]. g.r.2. CORP, Eugene, s. Charles, . COULTON (see Colton). COURIER (see Currier), Andrew A., s. Alanson C, . COWAN, Alexander B., Dr., [1833]. g.r.i. Elizabeth H., Dec. 17, 1830. g.r.i. COWLES (see Cole, Cowls), Catherine C. [ ], w. Dea- James, June 3, 1812. g.r.i. James, Dea. [h. Catherine C], Jan. 25, 181 2. g.r.i. Lucretia, [1841]. g.r.i. COWLS (see Cole, Cowles), Merrick, s. Elbridge and Mary, Dec. 4, 1843. CRANE, Harriet E., d. Nathan and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1843. Saryan, d. Nathaniel A., . Timothy, s. John E., May 12, 1849. 26 PALMER BIRTHS. CRICHTON, William, Aug. 13, 1839, in Scotland, g.r.i. CR(5SBY, John M., s. John M., Feb. 13, 1849. CROSS, Anna M. [ ], w. C. W., [1846]. g.r.i. HoUis G., Dec. 20, 1830. g.r.i. CROWNING, , d. Cornelius, June 9, 1849. CUMINGS (see Cummings), Grover, s. Benjamin and Lu[c]y, Sept. 12, 1800. Lucy, d. Benjamin and Lucy, July 5, 1806. Pamelia, d. Isaac Jr. and Olive, Feb. 10, 1802. Raymond 2d, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1802. CUMMINGS (see Cumings), Benjomin Jr., s. Benjamin and Lucy, June 14, 1807. Billey, s. Solomon and Mary, Oct. 9, 1776. Chauncey O., s. Chauncey O., Sept. i, 1849. Cyntha, d. Solomon and Mary, Aug. 22, 1784. Joanna, d. Simeon and Joanna, Jan. 24, 1814. John Graham, s. Solomon and Mary, June 22, 1782. Laurinda, d. Simeon and Joanna, Oct. 16, 1807. Linus, s. Dr. Nathen and Phebe, Nov. 27, 1796. Loisa, d. Simeon and Joanna, June 11, 1810. Nabby, d. Solomon and Mary, Dec. 17, 1778. Pattey, d. Solomon and Mary, Feb, 13, 1775. Samuel Nye, s. Sim.eon and Joanna, Jan. 16, 1809. Sophia (Gumming), d. Dr. Nathin and Phebe, Aug. 16, 1795. Theodore, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Apr. 8, 1809. CURRIER (see Courier), Reuben B., s. James M., . CUTLER, Amanda Malvina, d. Jarvis and Philidelphia, Sept. 23, 1802. Maryan, d. Jarvis and Philidelphia, Aug. 22, 1800. , d. Aaron, Jan. — , 1849. DADMAN, Emily, d. John and Betsey, [1828]. g.r.i. DALY, Hannah, d. Arthur, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. DANFORTH, Bradash, "Deputed" s. Jonathan Danforth Jr. and Mary Brown, Feb. 23, 1783. DARLING, Amoss, s. Willard and Betty, Nov. 6, 1802. Ira, s. Willard and Bettey, Jan. 13, 1800. Polly, d. Willard and Bettey, Dec. 29, 1801. PALMER BIRTHS. 27 DAVIS, A., M. D., [1808]. G.R.I. Alford, s. Nathen and Marancy, Sept. 17, 1800. Bemsley, s. Nathen and Marancy, Apr. 23, 1789, in Wards- burough, Vt. Calvin, s. Nathin and Marany, July 19, 1783, in Bro[o]kfield. Charles, s. Benjamin and Cordelia, Oct. 21, 1843. Charles Jackson, ch. Leonard and Eliza, bp. Apr. 3, 1829. c.R. Edwin L., Feb. 17, 1831. g.r.i. Eliza Maria, ch. Leonard and Eliza, bp. Apr. 3, 1829. c.R. Foster, s. Nathen and Marancy, Nov. 14, 1794, in Brookfield. Frances [sic], s. Nathen and Marancy, Dec. 17, 1798. Franklin, ch. Leonard and Eliza, bp. Apr. 3, 1829. c.R. Franklin, s. Leonard and Phidelphia, Aug. 3, 1843. George, s. Leonard and Eliza, bp. July 5, 1834. c.R. George, s. Leonard and EHza, bp. June 30, 1837. c.R. Hannah, d. John and Mary, Feb. 14, 1764. Henry Jackson, s. Leonard and Betsey, bp. June 3, 1832. c.R. John, s. John and Mary, June 26, 1762. John Ward, ch. Leonard and Eliza, bp. Apr. 3, 1829. c.R. Lewis Franklin, s. Leonard and Delphia, bp. May 2, 1845. c.R. Louisa [ ], w. FrankUn, — — [1833]. g.r.i. Lucy A., [1841]. G.R.I. Lucy A., d. Dr. A., [1847]. g.r.i. Lucyan, d. Dr. Amasa, . Luther, s. Nathen and Marancy, Aug. 20, 1785, in Brookfield. Lydia V., d. Jacob J., [tec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. Martha A., [1835]. g.r.i. Mary J. [ ], second w. Franklin, [1834]. g.r.i. Mary Jane, d. Leonard and Eliza, bp. Nov. 2, 1838. c.R. Policy, s. Nathen and Marancy, Feb. 21, 1791, in Bro[o]kfield. Polly [ ], w. Samuel H., May 17, 1807. g.r.i. Samuel H. [h. Polly], Sept. 22, 1803. g.r.i. Theodotia, d. Nathen and Marancv, Jan. 20, 1793, in Brook- field. , s. Leonard, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- , s. Dr. Amasa, . DELIGE, , s. Michael, Feb. 8, 1849, in Engfield. DENISON, Elisabeth, d. Thomas and Eunice, Dec. 25, 1768! DEWEY (see Dewy), Agnes, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1735- 28 PALMER BIRTHS. Dewey, Alonzo N., Capt. [h. Mary P.], Oct. ii, 1798. g.r.i. Alonzo N., s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., June 25, 1831. G.R.I. Charles E., Dec. 11, 1835. g.r.i. Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Elesabith, Mar. 20, 1733. Ellen D., d. A. N., w. M. C. Hubbard, Nov. 28, 1837. g.r.i. Frances A., d. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., May 6, 1840. G.R.I. George E., s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., Dec. 11, 1835. G.R.I. Mary O., d. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., Apr. 5, 1821. g.r.i. Mary P. [ ], w. Capt. Alonzo N., Mar. 26, 1798. g.r.i. DEWY (see Dewey), W[illia]m Henry, s. A[lonzo] N., [Dewey, s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., Oct. 19, 1844, G.R.I.] DICKENSON, Horace [h. Sophia], Jan. 25, 1797. g.r.i. Lilas [Lilhs], d. Dr. David and Salley, Jan. 5, 1801, in Ashfield. Louisa, d. Dr. David and Salley, July i, 1802. Sophia [ ], w. Horace, Nov. 28, 1799. g.r.i. DODGE, Betey, d. Daniel and Sarah, July 9, 1775. Candace [ ], w. Freeman, [1808]. g.r.i. Charlott, d. William and AdaHne, July i, 1843. Daniel Danforth, s. Daniel and Sarah, June 14, 1779. Ellis, [1825]. g.r.i. Freeman [h. Candace], [1809]. g.r.i. Lucy, d. Daniel and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1778. Nelley, d. Daniel and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1780. Phaney, d. Daniel and Sarah, July 8, 1776. Sarah, d. Daniel and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1773, in Brookfield. Sarah E., w. Henry Graves, Mar. 6, 1838. g.r.i. DONAHUE, Caroline, d. John, Aug. 27 [? 1848 or 1849]. DOOLETELL (see Duttle), Masses, s. Samuel (Doletell) and Jane, Oct. 18, 1732. DORCHESTER, Meary, d. James and Lydia, June 18, 1729. Phebe, d. James and Rachel, Apr. 6, 1736. Reachel, d. James and Reachel, July 4, 1730. Tamer, d. James Jr. and Rachel, Dec. 18, 1732. DOWD, Mary, [1829]. g.r.2. DUCKWORTH, Joseph Jr., s. Joseph, . PALMER BIRTHS. 29 DUNBAR, Amos B., ch. Seth and Cynthia, Jan. 31, 1808. Betsey, d. Seth and Cynthia, Sept. 26, 1826. Cynthia, d. Seth and Cynthia, Feb. 10, 18 19. John D., s. Seth and Cynthia, Sept. 2, 1829. Sally, ch. Seth and Cynthia, May 15, 18 16. Samuel, ch. Seth and Cynthia, Feb. 10, 181 2. Seth, s. Seth and Cynthia, Mar. 28, 182 1. Simeon C, ch. Seth and Cynthia, Mar. 14, 1814. Susannah, ch. Seth and Cynthia, Feb. 22, 18 10. William Coney, s. Seth and Cynthia, Dec. 17, 1823. DUNCAN, Sarah D., d. W[illia]m E., . Sarah M., [1822]. g.r.i. DUNLAP, Elizabeth (Donlap), d. Robert and Martha, Mar. 17, 1732-3- DURANT, Abner W., ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Nov. 25, 1809. Bersheeba, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Nov. 16, 1817. Cornelius L., ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Dec. 19, 1801. Cornelius L., [1802]. g.r.i. Harriet, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Aug. 13, 1804. James, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, June 10, 1803. John, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Oct. 9, 1814. Maria, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Apr. 14, 1806. Sophia, ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Sept. 12, 1820. Thadeus B., ch. Dennis and Bathsheba, Mar. i, 1812. Thomas D., ch, Dennis and Bathsheba, May 22, 1808. DURPEE, , s. Richard, [rec. between May r, 1846, and May i, 1847]. DUTTLE (see Dooletell), Mary, d. Samuel and Gane, Feb. 16, 1729. DWIER, Thomas, s. Daniel, Feb. 8, 1849. EARL (see Earle), INIaranda, d. Kitridge and Adaline, Mar. 6, 1843. EARLE (see Earl), Miranda Maria, d. Kittridge and Adaline, bp. Apr. 30, 1844. c.R. Kittredge Calhoun, ch. Kittredge and Betsey, bp. June 13, 1830. c.R. EASTMAN, Jennie A., [1847]- g.r.i. 30 PALMER BIRTHS. EATON, Franklin, s. Timothy, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. EDGERTON, Samuel [h. Hannah], [1814]. g.r.i. EDMONDS, John A., s. John, Feb. 22, 1849. ELLIS, Priscilla, second w. Benjamin A. Walker, [i 79 1]. g.r. i . Stillman, Dec. 15, 1829. g.r.i, ELSBRE, Edmond, s. Bradford and Waity, Nov. 22, 1843. ELWELL, Aaron, s. Aaron and Abigail, Dec. 28, 1764. Billy McClanathan, s. Jase and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1787. Deidamia, d. Aaron and Abigail, Feb. 21, 1763. Harrison, s. Aaron and Abigail, Aug. 20, 1766. Jesse, s. Aaron and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1761. Polly Woodbridge, d. Jase and EHzabeth, Sept. 30, 1785. Susanna, d. Aaron and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1760. ENGLISH, Andrew, s. James and Mary, May 6, 1745. David, s. James and Mary, Apr. 26, 1743. Ezebel, d. William and Jean, Aug. 16, 1748, James, s. James and Mary, Apr. 6, 1747. Samuel, s. William and Jean, Jan. 23, 1747. FAIRFIELD, Franklin, s. Allen, June 20, 1849. FAKES, Frances J., [1835]. g.r.i. FARRAND, Andrew, s. Thomas and Marey, Apr. 29, 1755. Ann, d. Andrew and Sarah, May 5, 1743. Barnard, s. Andrew and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1736. Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Marey, Apr. 13, 1750. Jane, d. Andrew and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1733. Jean, d. Thomas and Marey, June 21, 1735. Margret, d. Andrew and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1739. Mary, d. Andrew and Sarah, May 20, 1731. Mary, d. Thomas and Marey, Aug. 27, 1732. Ruth, d. Thomas and Marey, Aug. 12, 1741. Sarah, d. Thomas and Marey, Apr. 21, 1752. Sewsannah, d. Andrew and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1744 [sic, 1747]. Thomas, s. Thomas and Marey, Mar. 21, 1738. William, s. Andrew and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1744. FAY, George, s. Ira, . Martha Ann, w. Richard S. Cone, [181 2]. g.r.i. Mary, d. Solomon A., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. PALMER BIRTHS. 3 1 FENTON, Edwin [h. Tirzah], [1818]. g.r.i. James, s. Edwin, Apr. 3, 1849. John, Col. [h. Rosalana], [1793]- g.r.i. Lucy S. [ ], w. Matthew C., [1827]. g.r.i. Matthew C. [h. Lucy S.], [1831]. g.r.i. Rosalana [ ], w. Col. John, [1796]. g.r.i. Tirzah [ ], w. Edwin, [1828]. g.r.i. FERRE (see Ferrey, Ferry), , s. Lorenzo C, , in Ware. FERREL (see Ferrell), Andrew, s. Robert and Mary, Feb. 6, 1748. Armena, "reputed" d. Andrew Ferrel and Salla McMichel, Mar. 27, 1801. Betsy, d. Josiah and Elisebeth, June 16, 1796. George Jesse King, ch. Timothy and Myrana, bp. July 6, 1828. C.R. Jean, d. Robert and Mary, Mar. 17, 1750. Robert, s. Josiah and Elisebeth, May 5, 1793. FERRELL (see Ferrel), Allen H., s. Theodore, . Ann, d. Timothy and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1767. CorneUa [ ], w. John K., [1828]. g.r.i. Edda Elmira, d. John K., Aug. — , 1849. [Ida, d. John K. and Cornelia, g.r.i.] Eleanor, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Mar. 19, 1772. Eli [dup. Ferrel], s. Josiah and Elisabeth [dup. Elisebith], Mar. 4, 1789. Elizabeth, d. Timothy and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1762. Elmira [ ], w. Marble, [1801]. g.r.i. Isaac, s. Timothy and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1765. John Allen, s. Timothy and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1769. John K. [h. Corneha], [182 1]. g.r.i. Lewis, s. Theodore, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Marble [h. Elmira], [i797]- g.r.i. Mary M., [1816]. g.r.2. Polly [ ], w. Austin, [1781]. g.r.2. Prudence, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1783. Robert, s. Timothy and EHzabeth, May 10, 1780. Sarah, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1774. Timothy, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1777. FERREY (see Ferre, Ferry), Hezekiah (Hickiahmon Fenney), s. Jude[h] and Hana, Nov. 2, 1770. 32 PALMER BIRTHS. FERRY (see Ferre, Ferrey), Charles F., s. Loronzo C, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Hezekiah [h. Hannah], [1769]- g.r.i. J. S., [1789]- G.R.2. James, Jan. 22, 1797. g.r.i. Mary (Gould), w. Cooley, Aug. 24, 1816. g.r.2. Reuben, [1791]- g.r.2. Sarah A., w. Amos Billings, Mar. 30, 181 2. g.r.i. FISK (see Fiske), Gordon M. [h. Sarah A. (Putnam)], May 9, 1824. g.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. Abner, , in Ware. Sarah A. (Putnam), w. Gordon M., June 4, 1824. g.r.i. FISKE (see Fisk), Esther [ ], second w. Cha[rle]s B., Sept. 12, 1838. g.r.i. Frances M. [ ], w. Cha[rle]s B., [1847]. g.r.i. Otis A., [1826]. G.R.I. FITZGERALD (see Gerald), Catherine, d. John, July — , 1849. Michael, s. John 2d, Apr. — , 1849. FLEMING (see Filming), Elizabeth, [twin] d. David and Sarah, May 29, 1766. Margret, [twin] d. David and Sarah, May 29, 1766. Mehssa [ ], w. George, , 1824. g.r.i. William, s. S. L. Esq., July 12, 1849. , h. Melissa, , 1823. g.r.i. FLETCHER, , s. Nathan, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. FLIMING (see Fleming), David, s. David and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1756- James, s. William and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1770. Jan, d. David and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1763. Mary, d. David and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1758. Mary, d. William and Sarah, Jan. 29, 1772. Sarah, d. David and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1760. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, May 26, 1774. FLINT, Michael, s. Jeremiah, Mar. — , 1849. , s. James, [rec. June 20, 1848]. FOLAY, JuHa, d. James, Dec. 9, 1848. FORBUSH, Harrison, [1813]. g.r.2. Laura [ ], w. Charles, [1834]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 33 FOSKET (see Foskett, Foskit, Foskitt), Fanny T., d. Marcus and Fanny, [1842]. g.r.i, Marcus, [1807]. g.r.i. Marcus A., s. Marcus and Fanny, [1841]. g.r.i. FOSKETT (see Fosket, Foskit, Foskitt), Charles Henry, s. Mar- cus and Fanny, bp. Aug. — , 1840. c.R. Eliza Maria, d. Marcus and Fanny, bp. July 3, 1836. p.r, Merrick Robinson, s. Marcus and Fanny, bp. Aug. 9, 1835. c.R. [b. , 1835, G.R.I.] FOSKIT (see Fosket, Foskett, Foskitt), Dwight, s. Joshua and Luce, Dec. 9, 1790. Luce, d. Joshua and Luce, Aug. 25, 1788. Paggey, d. Joshua and Luce, Dec. 19, 1783. Susanna, d. Joshua and Luce, Mar. 20, 1786. FOSKITT (see Fosket, Foskett, Foskit), Elisha, s. Joshua and Luce, Jan. 10, 1781. FOSTER, Alden, s. William and PoUey, Feb. 14, 1802 [sic, see Tarzy]. Betsey, ch. Wilson and Prudence, Feb. 21, 18 13. Charles D. [h. Jane E.], [1826]. g.r.i. Dwight, ch. Wilson and Prudence, Dec. 22, 1804. Dwight [h. Lovisa P.], [1804]. g.r.2. Ella Ehzabeth, d. Freeman, June 15, 1849. [^- Dea. Freeman and Sarah Desire, g.r.2.] Freeman (Treman), ch. Wilson and Prudence, Apr. 26, 1816. Freeman S., Dea., [1816]. g.r.2. Harriet A., w. S. W. Lawrence, Oct. 30, 1832. g.r.i. Jane E. [ ], w. Charles D., Nov. 13, 1833. g.r.i. John, ch. Wilson and Prudence, July 5, 1810. John H., s. Freeman, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. [John Howe, s. Freeman and Sarah D., bp. Oct. 29, 1846, C.R.] [John Howe, s. Dea. Freeman and Sarah Desire, b. , 1846, G.R.2.] Keyes, s. Willson and Prudence, Feb. 13, 1800. [[h. Philema] G.R.I.] Laura, d. William and Policy, May 21, 1799. Nabbey, d. William and Policy, Sept. i, 1796. Phebe [ ], second w. Dea. Wilson, [1776]. G.R.2. Philema [ ], w. Keyes, July 28, 1802. g.r.i. Rebeca, d. Willson and Prudence, Mar. 14, 1798. Salley, d. Willson and Prudence, July 5, 1802. Sarah Desire [ ], w. Dea. Freeman, [1823]. g.r.2. 34 PALMER BIRTHS. Foster, Selina, ch. Wilson and Prudence, July 21, 1807. Tarzy, d. William and PoUey, Aug. 12, 1802 [sic, see Alden]. Wilson, Dea. [h. Prudence], [1776]. g.r.2. Wilson, s. Freman, . Wilson Tolman, s. Freeman and w., bp. Nov. — , 1844. c.r. FOX, Ellen M., d. Marshal, Marshall [h. Martha S.], [181 5]. g.r.i. Martha S. [ ], w. Marshall, [1821]. g.r.i. FRENCH, William P., [1838]. g.r.i. FRINK, Harvey Bicknell, s. John [Jr.] and Martha Ruggles, Dec. 17, 1821. John Sumner, s. John [Jr.] and Martha Ruggles, Jan. 29, 1820. Maria, w. B. F. Morgan, Dec. 25, 1804. g.r.i. ^ FROMAN, Aaron, s. Anthony, July 12, 1848. FROST, Easter, d. Samuel and Delinvinal [Deliverance], Apr. 17, 1731- Geo[rge] E., s. Ashbel, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Reabel, d. Samuel and Dehnvinal [Deliverance], Apr. 14, 1727. Samuel, s. Samuel and Dehnvinal [DeHverance], Oct. "the Last," 1729. Sary, d. Samuel and Delinvinal [Deliverance], Feb. — , 1728. FULLER, George Edward, S.James and w.jbp. [Nov. 4], 1842. c.R. James E., s. James of Brimfield, [rec. June 20, 1848]. Jennie A., Jan. 20, 1848. g.r.i. Laura A. [ ], w. T. F., [1833]. g.r.i. Olive Maria, ch. Lyman and w., bp. May 26, 1842. c.r. William Ariel, ch. Lyman and w., bp. May 26, 1842. c.r. GAGE, Jane, d. Alexander, Mar. — , 1849. , d. Alexander, . GALLIHAN (see Gollyham), , d. Sylvester, . GAMWELL, John [h. Margary], [1769]. g.r.2. John Henry, s. James and Mary Ann, bp. [June 30], 1837. c.R. Mary V., d. James, . -, s. James, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. GARDNER, Ann, d. Humphry and Ann, Mar. 13, 1732-3. Henry, s. John and Anna, Oct. 10, 1783. GARFIELD, Charles M., 1822]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 35 GATES, Alvira, d. Micah and Mary, Sept. 15, 1801. Bena, d. Ephraim [Jr.] and Mary (Hill), Sept. 18, 1794. Bettsy, d. Micah and Mary, Feb. 24, 1804. Daniel, s. Micah and Mary, May i, 1798. Emma, d. Josiah and Minerva M., [1849]. g.r.2. Ephraim Jr., s. Ephraim [Jr.] and Mary (Hill), Sept. 28, 1792. Jesse, s. Micah [dup. Mikah] and Mary, Feb. 11, 1789 [dup. 1739, sic]. John, s. Ephiam [Jr.] and Mary (Hill), Sept. 17, 1789. Mary, d. Ephraim and Mary, Apr. 18, 1761. Mary Hail, d. Micah and Mary, Mar. 22, 1795. Olive, d. Micah [dup. Mikah] and Mary, Jan. 28, 1792 [dup. 1732, sic]. Patiama, d. Ephraim [Jr.] and Mary (Hill), Sept. 17, 1796. Samuel, s. Ephraim Jr. and Mary (Hill), Apr. 20, 1791. GERALD (see Fitzgerald), George, s. Isaac F., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. Sahna B., d. W[illia]m F., . GIBBS, Lucy, w. Amos P. Kendall, May 23, 1822. g.r.i. , d. Isaac, [rec. betv^^een May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. GIBSON, Annah, d. John and Mary, Aug. 27, 1773. Hannah, d. John and Mary, July 23, 1769. John, s. John and Mary, Nov. 15, 1782. Patte, d. John and Mary, Apr. 10, 1777. Tryphene, d. John and Mary, Nov. 21, 1779. GILCHRIST, Charles Bates, s. Lucy Ann, Apr. 12, 1849. Frances A., Jan. 9, 1823, in Barnet, Vt. g.r.i. GILLMAN, George W., s. Jonathan M., [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. GLASSFORD, Paul, s. Paul and Eleanor, June 13, 1749. GOFF, Mary E., d. Jonathan Jr., [rec. June 20, 1848]. O., s. Jonathan and Catherine, Jan. 3, 1843. GOLLYHAM (see Gallihan), Frances [sic], s. Sylvester and Mary, Aug. 10, 1843. GOODALE (see Goodell), Samuel Hosea, s. Orson, , in Amherst. , ch. Denson [Duncan], . 36 PALMER BIRTHS. GOODELL (see Goodale), Andrew L. [h. Clista M.], [18 15]. G.R.I. Clista M. [ ], w. Andrew L., [18 15]. g.r.i. GOODLOO, Delia, d. Ambrose, Aug. — , 1848. GOODMEN, Alvah, s. William and Mary, Feb. 26, 1797. Elbridge, s. William and Mary, Aug. 15, 1798. Howard, s. William and Mary, Nov. 25, 1795. GOOLD (see Gould), Mary, d. William and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1754- GOULD (see Goold), Mary, w. Cooley Ferry, Aug. 24, 18 16. G.R.2. GRAHAM, Andrew, s. David and Mariah, July 27, 1843. Helen E., d. David, . William Rufus, s. Sam[ue]l S., Sept. 21, 1849. GRAVES, Abegail Woodbrig, d. Aaron and Mary, Jan. 23, 1772. Abel, [1847]. G.R.I. Amanda (Calkins), w. Joshua, Feb. 17, 1812. g.r.i. Andrew, Jan. 8, 1842. g.r.i. Delilah [ ], w. John, [1798]. g.r.i. Gideon, s. Daniel and Joanna, Aug. 25, 1758. Hannah, w. Joseph Brown, Nov. 15, 1796. g.r.i. Hannah, Oct. 26, 1826. g.r.i. Hannah S., Oct. 24, 1826. g.r.i. Horras, s. Simeon and Katharane, Sept. 13, 1769. John [h. Delilah], [1800]. g.r.i. John M., [1830]. G.R.I. Joseph W., [1839]. G.R.I. Joshua [h. Amanda (Calkins)], Mar. 25, 1805. g.r.i. Katharane, d. Simeon and Katharane, Aug. 26, 1781. Pamelia, d. Gideon and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1795. g.r.i. Persis, d. Daniel and Joanna, Aug. 22, 1756. Salla, d. Aaron and Mary, Aug. 11, 1776. ^ Sarah Ann, d. Josh[ua], . Sarah E. (Dodge), w. Henry, Mar. 6, 1838. g.r.i. Sibell, d. Daniel and Joanna, Aug. 10, 1761. Willet, [1803]. G.R.I. , s. Joshua, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. PALMER BIRTHS. 37 GRAY, Betsey W. (Paul), w. William R., [1819]. g.r.i. Lucy E., [1849]. G.R.I. William R. [h. Betsey W. (Paul)], [1820]. g.r.i. , d. William, Nov. 26, 1849. GREEN (see Greene), Alvin S., s. Dea. Ralph, [1842]. G.R.2. Chauncey, [1811]. g.r.i. Ralph, Dea. [h. Betsy], [1792]. g.r.2. Susan M., d. Dea. Ralph, [1832]. g.r.2. GREENE (see Green), Elizabeth, d. Ralph and Betsey, Apr. i, 1824. ^^ ,, . Samuel Shepherd, s. Samuel and Dephine, Dec. 3, 1820.^''""*^ '"^ , s. Avery W., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. GRIFFIN, Emma L. [ ], w. George A., [1846]. g.r.i. George A. [h. Emma L.], May 4, 1841. g.r.i. William, s. William, July — , 1849. GRISWOLD, Eliza Jane (Boardman), w. Truman, [1834]. g.r.i. William, s. Marcus, . GROSVENOR, Lydia (Royce), w. Charles F., [1848]. g.r.i. GROVER, Barnard, s. Robert and Lucy, Oct. 5, 1801. Dolly, d. Steven and Margret, Aug. 4, 1799. John, s. Steven and Margret, Apr. 25, 1796, in Ware. Lemuel, s. Steven and Margret, Nov. 14, 1797, in Ware. Prudy, d. Steven and Margret, Apr. 27, 1794. Triphose, d. Robert and Lucy, Feb. 24, 1800. HADLEY, Darius, s. Silas and Cyntha, Feb. 19, 1843. Silas, [1807]. G.R.I. HAINS (see Haynes), Mary, d. Daniel and A. Hannah (Haynes), May 4, 1732. HALE, George H., s. Baker, Oct. 3, 1849. Sarah J., d. Adolphus, . W[iUia]m H., s. Horatio G. of Springfield, -, s. Prescott [?], [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. HALL, Anna, d. Sidney H., Aug. 30, 1849. Geo[rge] W., s. Willis, . 38 PALMER BIRTHS. HALLO WELL (see HelHweU). HAM, Lydia A. [ ], w. William B., [1841]. g.r.i. HAMBELTON (see Hamelton, Hamilton), Francis, s. James and Ester, June 17, 1771. James (Hamiblton), s. James and Esther, Nov. 17, 1766. John (Hanbelton), s. James and Esther, Nov. i, 1768. Phebe, d. James and Esther, Sept. 5, 1776. Sarah Barrey, d. James and Esther, Feb. 13, 1774. HAME, Henry [h. Villette B.], [1818]. g.r.i. Villette B. [ ], w. Henry, [1821]. g.r.i. HAMELTON (see Hambelton, Hamilton), John [dup. Hamilton], s. Assa and Nabbe Semore [dup. ch. Asa and Nabby], Sept. 10, 1787. Moses Baldwin [dup. Hamilton], s. Assa and Nabbe Senior [Semore] [dup. ch. Asa and Nabby], Dec. 19, 1789. Sarah, d. Amos and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1802. HAMILTON (see Hambelton, Hamelton), Amos Jr., s. Amos and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1804. Amos Charles, s. Amos and Sarah, July 3, 1813. Asa Jr., ch. Asa and Nabby, June 9, 1803. Cherlotty, d. Joshua and Dolly, June 2, 1801. Cyrus [h. Mary Jane], [1825]. g.r.i. Daniel, [1792]. g.r.i. Daniel, ch. Asa and Nabby, Jan. 23, 1794. Harit (Hamelto[n]), d. Joshua and DoUey, Sept. 17, 1802. Horace, ch. Asa and Nabby, Nov. 18, 1806. John [h. Martha], [1796]. g.r.i. Julian, d. Amos and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1808. Lorin, ch. Asa and Nabby, May 4, 1797. Martha [ ], w. John, [1805]. g.r.i. Martha J., d. John and Martha, [1834]. g.r.i. Mary Jane [ ], w. Cyrus, [1828]. g.r.i. Moses Baldwin, ch. Asa and Nabby, Nov. 30, 1799. Priscilla M. [ ], w. Daniel, [i793]- g.r.i. Rebeca Lee, ch. Asa and Nabby, Mar. 9, 1792. Sally, [1780]. G.R.I. Sarah Brewer, d. Amos and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1806. WiUiam Dickerson, ch. Asa and Nabby, Aug. 17, 1809. HANCOCK, Amanda M., [1834]. g.r.i. George Franklin, s. Hary O. (Hansort), . PALMER BIRTHS. 39 Hancock, Harvey O., June i8, 1807. g.r.i. Mary A., w. B. M. St. Clare, [1847]. g.r.i. William E., Aug. 7, 1827. g.r.i. HANIGAN, , s. John, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. HANNUM, Benjamin Franklin, s. Arannah and Caroline, bp. Jan. 9, 1839. c.R. Eliza, ch. Arannah and Caroline, bp. [Feb. 23], 1834. C.r. George, ch. Arannah and Caroline, bp. [Feb. 23], 1834. c.R. Mary A., [1827]. g.r.i. Phebe Works, ch. Arannah and Caroline, bp. [Feb. 23], 1834. C.r. Susan, ch. Arannah and Caroline, bp. Feb. 23, 1834. C.R. HARRINGTON, Lewis A., s. Lewis, Martha, d. Henry and Adaline, Sept. 10, 1843. Salem, [1816]. g.r.i. , d. Lewis, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. HARRIS, Harriet N., d. Henry H. and Catherine, [1838]. g.r.i. Jason D., s. Henry H. and Catherine, [1834]. g.r.i. Mary, d. Elijah and Abigal, Nov. 28, 1843, ^^ Barre. , ch. Hiram, . HARVEY (see Hervey), Emulous, [1825]. g.r.i. , ch. William, bp. July 19, 1835. c.R. , s. Wilham, Mar. 10 [1846]. , ch. Erasmus, Apr. 26, 1849. HASTINGS, Albert Perry, ch. Perry and Betsey, bp. Aug. 29, 1830. c.R. Chester [h. Sally], [1787]. g.r.2. Dan, s. Rozel and Lucy, June 29, 1804. Jane E. [ ], w. George H., [1845]. g.r.i. Joseph Newman, ch. Perry and Betsey, bp. Aug. 24, 1828. C.R. Julius E., s. Emerson and Lorinda, [1826]. G.R.2. Martha Ann, d. Perry and Betsey, bp. July i, 1832. c.R. Mary, d. Alvin and Nancy, Nov. 14, 1843. Perrcy, s. Rozel and Lucy, Nov. 6, 1801. Sally [ ], w. Chester, [1790]- g.r.2. , d. Emerson, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. , ch. Emmerson, . 40 PALMER BIRTHS. HAWKES, James A. [h. Ruth P.], [1820]. g.r.i. James A., s. Austin (Hawks), Jan. 15, 1849. HAYNES (see Hains), Anna, d. Daniel and Anna, June 19, 1730- Lydia A., [1832]. g.r.i. HEATH, Julia E. Warner, w. Ira C, [1827]. g.r.i, HELLIWELL, Janie W. [ ], w. John G,, Feb. 14, 1829. G.R.I. John G. [h. Janie W.], Apr. i, 1826. g.r.i. HENDRICK, Annette M., d. Edwin C, [rec. June 20, 1848]. HENRY, George O., June 55 [sic], 1840. g.r.i. Herbert, s. Orson (Henery), [rec. June 20, 1848]. Josephine, d. James, . W[inia]m Franklin, s. Orson, Feb. 8, 1849. HERVEY (see Harvey), , d. Amasa, [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. HEWS, Mary (Hewss), d. Nath[anie]ll and Abigail, Aug. 31, 1760. Ruben, s. Nath[anie]ll and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1763. HIGGINS, John, s. Samuell and Martha, Apr. 4, 1739. HILDREATH, George, s. William and Rachel, Aug. 11, 1843. HILL (see Hills), Abner, s. John and Martha (Lamberton), Mar. 7, 1784. Daniel, s. John and Martha (Lamberton), Apr. 22, 1787. Hannah, d. John and Martha (Lamberton), Jan. 3, 1770. Jane, d. John and Martha (Lamberton), Jan. 8, 1779. Jean, d. Thomas and Mary, May 26, 1737. John, s. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 14, 1735. John Jr., s. John and Martha (Lamberton), Apr. 24, 1773. Mary, d. John and Martha (Lamberton), May 13, 1765. Noah, s. John and Martha (Lamberton), July 26, 1781. Phinehas, s. John and Martha (Lamberton), July 25, 1775. Ruben, s. John and Marthar (Lamberton), May 26, 1767. Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 26, 1741. HILLS (see Hill), Lydia [ ], w. Sylvester, [1803]. G.R.I. Lyman S., — — [^829]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 4I HITCHCOCK, Abigail, w. Marshall Andrews, Feb. 19, 1816. G.R.I. Adelaide Victoria, d. Robert and Adelaide, bp. May 13, 1838. C.R. Ann Elizabeth, ch. of wid. of Luke, bp. May 26, 1843. ^.R. Bille, s. Luke and Elizabeth, July 10, 1796. Caleb, s. Luke and Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1782. Caleb Strong, ch. Caleb and Betsey, Apr. 5, 181 2. Calvin, [181 1]. G.R.i. Cena, d. Winchester and Anna, June 28, 1802. Cutler, s. Winchester and Anna, Oct. 30, 1800. Daniel, s. Luke and Elizabeth, July 3, 1785 [sic, 1787]. Delpha Marsh, ch. Caleb and Betsey, May 6, 1810. Dorinda, [1809]. g.r.i. Edwin Freeman, s. Luke and Rebekhah, bp. Sept. i, 1839. ^.R. Francis Lilly, s. Robert and Adelaide, bp. Mar. 20, 1835. c.R. George Gillmore, ch. Caleb and Betsey, Sept. 25, 1814. Hellen J., d. Marshall L., [rec. June 20, 1848]. Herman, s. Luke and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1799. Hurlburt, s. Marshal L., . Justus, Mar. 22, 1824. g.r.i. Loisa, d. Winchester and [Anna], Mar. 15, 1806. Luke, s. Luke and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1791. Olive, d. Joseph, Mar. — , 1849. Pattey, d. Luke and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1785. Robert, s. Luke and EHzabeth, Oct. 6, 1789. Salley, d. Luke and Elizabeth, Apr. 23, 1781. Samuell, s. Luke and Elizabeth, Mar. i, 1794- Sophia, d. Winchester and Anna, Mar. 8, 1804. Terise, d. Winchester and Anna, Mar. 20, 1808. W[iUia]m Henry, ch. of wid. of Luke, bp. May 26, 1843. c.r. HOAR, Armenia K., ch. Ozias and Elsa B., July 5, 1840. Opheha Lamira, ch. Ozias and Elsa B., Jan. 5, 1835, in Vernon, Conn. HOBSON, Elizabeth, d. John and Mary Ann, Mar. 7, 1843. , s. John, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]- HODGES, Alice Ray, d. Rev. Joseph Jr., Mar. i [1847]. Sarah S., d. Rev. Joseph and Rosebella, Sept. 27, 1843. HOLBROOK, Charles D., [1835]. g.r.i. Clara (Belknap), w. Dr. WiUiam, [1825]. g.r.i. 42 PALMER BIRTHS. HoLBROOK, Harriet E. [ ], w. Samuel, [1802]. g.r.i. Samuel [h. Harriet E.], [1800]. g.r.i. HOLDEN, Adaline, d. Amasy and Axsy, Nov. 24, 1843. Henry Parker, [1842]. g.r.i. HOLDSWORTH, George, Feb. 6, 1834. g.r.i. Margaret, May 20, 1816. g.r.i. HOOD, Daniel, s. Michael, June — , 1849. HOPKINS, Jennie, w. J. W., d. W. J. Blanchard and J. M., Feb. 17, 1840. G.R.I. HOWARD, John, s. Shubael, Aug. 16, 1849. , s. Nathan, , in Monson. HUBBARD, Ellen D., w. M. C, d. A. N. Dewey, Nov. 28, 1837. G.R.I. Harriet M., w. Harding Hunt, [181 2]. g.r.2. , d. Joseph, [rec. between May i, 1846, and Mav i, 1847]. HUGHES (see Hews). HUNT, Elizabeth, [1762]. g.r.2. George A., Apr. 29, 1843. g.r.i. Harden, s. John and Hulday, Jan. 14, 18 12. Harriet M. (Hubbard), w. Harding, [181 2]. g.r.2. Huldah Banister, d. John and Huldah, Nov. 17, 1813. Limon, s. John and Huldah, Jan. 11, 1816. Marits, ch. John and Huldah, Aug. 23, 1808. [Maret, g.r.2.] Roxana, [1802]. g.r.2. HUNTER, Cathrine, d. Robert and Cathrine, Sept. i, 1772. Elizabeth, d. Robert and Cathrine, Mar. 5, 1757. Eunes, d. Robert and Catherine, Nov. 20, 1767. Isaac, s. Robert and Cathrine, Feb. 29 [sic], 1766. John, s. Robert and Cathrine, Apr. 6, 1764. Marey, d. Robert and Marey, Aug. 4, 1751. Martha, d. Robert and Cathrine, Apr. 23, 1762. Robert, s. Robert and Cathrine, June 15, 1777. Samuel, s. Robert and Cathrine, June 17, 1770. Sarah, d. Robert and Cathrine, May 31, 1758. Sarah, d. Robert and Cathrine, Mar. 7, 1760. HURLBURT, Billings S. [h. Anne E.], [1849]. G.R.2. PALMER BIRTHS. 43 HURLEY, , s. Jerry, . HUTCHESON (see Hutchisson), Epehram, s. Benjamin and Rebackah, Sept. 28, 1769. HUTCHISSON (see Hutcheson), Benjamin, s. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1782. Salley, d. Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1783. HYDE, AdeUne, d. David and Nabby, July 12, 1802. INGRAHAM, Ella, d. William T., June 29, 1848. JACKSON, Luther, [1814]. g.r.i. Sarah, d. Stephen, . -, d. Stephen, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. JENKS, Mary, d. Otis, [rec. June 20, 1848]. Olive, d. Thomas of Belchertown, . Samuel, s. Otis, Sept. 11, 1848. JOHNSON, Been H., [1819]. g.r.i. Edward Fhnt, s. Israel and Abial, June 14, 1771. Lorin W., [1837]. g.r.i. Maria M., [1831]. g.r.i. Mirtie H., s. Beeri and Candace, [1845]. G-R-i- Thomas, s. Israel and Abial, June 7, 1768. Zebadiah, s. Israel and Abial, Jan. 10, 1765. JONES, Adanijah, s. Adanijah and Anna, Apr. 24, 1780. Harriet, d. Josiah (Janes) Jr. of Springfield, [rec. June 20, 1848]. Henry, [1827]. g.r.i. Lucretia, d. Ebenezer and Zerviah, Sept. 9, 1772. Thomas, [1827]. g.r.i. JOSSELYN, Alden, ch. Rolen and Polly, Nov. 10, 1805. Daniel Foster, ch. Rolen and Polly, July 8, 1802, in Leceister. Madorne, ch. Rolen and Polly, Feb. 14, 1804. KAY (see Key), Margerit, d. Charles, . KEITH, Charles H., s. Joseph H., Aug. 23, 1849. Dorcas [ ], w. Joseph L. [dup. omits L.], [^79o]- G.R.I. Ellen, d. Arial C, . Joseph H., -, 1812. G.R.I. 44 PALMER BIRTHS. Keith, Joseph L. [h. Dorcas], [1789]. g.r.i. Matilda J., , 1848. g.r.i. , s. Arial C, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. • , d. Joseph H., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. KELSEY, Sidney S., [1827]. g.r.i. KEMPTON, MarshaU L., [1847]. g.r.i. Martha, d. Melon and Sarah Ann, Aug. 20, 1843. Mary Ann, d. Mellen J., . KENDAL (see Kendall), Elizabeth, d. F. E. (Kendall), Dec. 12, 1849. KENDALL (see Kendal), AmeUa, w. F. H., d. M. Andrews and A., July 8, 1846. g.r.i. Amos P. [h. Lucy (Gibbs)], Oct. 3, 1814. g.r.i. Clare E., June 15, 1848. g.r.i. Francis E., [1812]. g.r.i. Jennie C. (Blair), w. Marcus C, , 1828. g.r.i. Lucy (Gibbs), w. Amos P., May 23, 1822. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. Amos, [i793]- g.r.2. Mary E., d. Albert C, Aug. 30, 1848. Otis Field, ch. Amos and Polly, bp. Jan. 23, 1829. c.r. Reuben B., s. Hiram, . -, s. Carlow M., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- KENERSON, Benjamin B., Oct. 30, 1822. g.r.i. Ella A., w. Charles D. Capen, , 1819. g.r.i. Isaac [h. Mary E. (Peckham)], May 7, 1838. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. Benjamin, Feb. 26, 1814. g.r.i. Mary E. (Peckham), w. Isaac, [1842]. g.r.i. KENNEGAN, , s. Barna, . KENT, Dolly Howard, ch. Thomas V. and Hepsibath R., Aug. 24, 1837. Julia, d. Thomas V., , in Stafford, Conn. KENYON, John C, July 13, 1848. g.r.i. Thomas R., Aug. 9, 1846. g.r.i. KERSHAW, , d. Thomas, [rec. June 20, 1848]. KEY (see Kay), , d. Charles, [rec. between May i, 1846, and Alay i, 1847]. PALMER BIRTHS. 45 KIBBE, Elvira [ ], w. Harlow B., [1830]. g.r.i. Harlow B. [h. Elvira], [1827]. g.r.i. KILBORN, Abigail Jr., d. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1735-6. Jonathan, s. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 24, 1734. KILLEM, Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, Feb. 12, 1732-3. Elenar, d. Dan[ie]l and Mary, Apr. 27, 1729, in B[rimfield]. John, s. Daniel and Mary, Oct. 6, 1730. Katherine, May 29, 1723, in Brimfield. Moses, s. Daniel and Mary (Killm), Sept. 29, 1736. Rhoda, d. Daniel and Mary, Apr. 27, 1727, in B[rimfield]. Thomas, s. Daniel and Mary, Jan. 9, 1734-5. KING, Aaron, s. Aaron and Sarah, July 2, 1750. Aaron, Dr. [h. Eliza], [1773]- g.r.i, Aaron, s. Jesse and Molly, Oct. 15, 1782. Aaron, ch. Isaac and Abby, bp. June 27, 1830. c.r. Abby [ ], w. Col. Isaac, Oct. 22, 1798. g.r.i. Almira, d. Walter and Marcy, Aug. 24, 1798. Anna, d. Gideon and Salve, July 26, 1784. Anne, d. John and Betty, May 15, 1768. Batty, d. John and Batty, May 30, 1775. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lucy, July 14, 1787. Betsey, d. Benjamin and Lucy, Sept. 8, 1795. Billey Lee Graham, s. David and Mary, Dec. 31, 1783. Catey, d. James and Jenny, Aug. 23, 1771. Charles, s. Benjamin and Lucy, July 24, 1801. Charles A., s. Col. Isaac and Abby, [1830]. g.r.i. Charles Hempstead, ch. Isaac and Abby, bp. June 27, 1830. C.R. Cyrus, s. Benjamin and Lucy, June 23, 1797. Daniel, s. Thomas and Jennimey, Sept. 2, 1749. David, s. John and Sarah, Apr. "the last week," 1733. Elisha, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1789. Eliza, d. Walter and Marcy, Apr. 7, 1802. Eunes, d, Thomas and Jennimey, Sept. 6, 1753. Eunes, d. Thomas and Jennimey, Jan. i, 1759. Evelina, "Deputed" d. John King and Lidia Watson, Jan. 11, 1800. Frederic, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1799. Gedeon, s. John and Deborah, Feb. 17, 1754. Gideon, s. Gideon and Salve, Jan. 11, 1780. Hannah, d. John and Seary, Aug. 8, 1729. . Hannah, d. John and Deborah, Oct. 13, 1759. 46 PALMER BIRTHS. King, Henrietta Butler, ch. Daniel and Mary, bp. July i, 1828. C.R. Isaac, s. Aaron and Sarah, June 20, 1757. Isaac, s. Jesse and Molly, July 2, 1795. James, s. John and Margaret [dup. Margret], Oct. 14 [dup. Oct. 16], 1742. James, s. James and Jenney, Aug. 18, 1780. Jesse, s. Aaron and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1759. Jesse, s. Aaron and Eliza, Nov. 18, 181 1. Joann, ch. Isaac and Abby, bp. June 27, 1830. c.e. John, s. John and Margaret [dup. Margret], Oct. 21, 1740. John, s. James and Jenney, Feb. 17, 1774. John [h. Betsey], [1774]- g.r.i. John, s. Gideon and Salve, Jan. 19, 1794. John Jr., ch. John 3d and Betsy, Apr. 5, 1805. John, s. Cyrus and Peggy, May 22, 1824. John Lord, ch. Daniel and Mary, bp. July i, 1828. c.r. Jonathan, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1735-6. Joseph, s. Aaron and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1752. Joseph, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1791. Joseph, s. Jesse and Molly, Nov. 19, 1798. Joseph, s. Isaac and Abby, bp. Sept. i, 1837. c.R. [s. Col. Isaac and Abby, b. Nov. — , 1836, g.r.i.] Lenay, d. John and Batty, Nov. 3, 1777. Lucinda, d. Benjamin and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1798. Luenda, d. David and Mary, Dec. 16, 1779. Lucy [dup. Luse], d. Thomas and Jennimey [dup. Jemima], Apr. 28, 1747 "old stile." Lucy, d. Benjamin and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1793. Lucy, d. Cyrus and Rebecca, w. Christopher S. Sime, [1825]. G.R.I. Lydia, ch. Wills and Betsy, May 26, 1805. Margaret [dup. Margret], d. John and Deborah, Jan. 14 [dup. Feb. 14], 1750. Margrit, d. John and Betty, Sept. 9, 1771. Mary, d. John and Sary, Dec. 30, 1730. Mary Akerly, d. Aron and Eliza, Oct. 24, 1813. Mary Ehza, ch. Isaac and Abby, bp. June 27, 1830. c.r. Mary Jane Gray, ch. Daniel and Mary, bp. July i, 1828. c.R. Mercey, d. Thomas and Jennimey, Sept. 18, 1756. Moses, s. Thomas and Jennimey, Sept. 8, 1745. Myrane, d. Jesse and Molly, July 5, 1786. Myrvane [Myrane], d. Aaron and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1755. Nabbe, d. Jesse and Molly, Aug. 11, 1788. PALMER BIRTHS. 47 King, Orron, s. Willis and Betsy, Oct. 6, 1808. Perres, s. Gideon and Salve, Feb. i, 1782. [Persis], d. James and Jenney, June 10, 1776. Polly, ch. Wills and Betsy, Feb. 6, 1807. Prudy, d. Gideon and Salve, Mar. 21, 1787. Rodney, s. Gideon and Marsilva, Jan. 6, 1801. Ruben, s. Thomas and Jennimey, Sept. 2, 1751. Samuell, s. Gideon and Salve, Feb. 13, 1790. Sarah, d. Aaron and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1747. Sarah, d. David and Mary, Aug. 7, 1776. Sarah, d. Jesse and Molly, Oct. 22, 1784. Susan, w. Samuel, d. Dr. Jonathan Shearer, [1791]- g.r.2. Vilet, d. Gideon and Salve, June 14, 1799. Walter, s. Gideon and Salve, Feb. 27, 1797. Wilham, s. Walter and Marcy, Feb. 24, 1800. William, s. John 3d and Betsey, Feb. 12, 1807. William Henry, ch. John 3d and Betsy, June 25, 1803. KINNUM, Barney, s. Barney and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1843. KIRTLIN, Abigell, d. Samuel and Freelan, Mar. 21, 1751. KNIGHT, Abby S. [ ], w. Theopolus H., [1812]. G.R.I. Anslyem [dup. Amsel], s. Theophylus [dup. Theophilus] and Lois, May 17 [dup. May 11], 1797. Erastus, s. Theophalus [dup, Theophilus] and Lois, July 16, 1799. Eresthe [dup. Eraste], d. Theophilus and Lois, Feb. 14, 1803. Theophalus [dup. Theophilus] Harris, s. Theophalus [dup. Theophilus] and Lois, Apr. 18 [dup. Apr. i], 1801. [Theo- polus H. [h. Abby S.], g.r.i.] KNOX, Cyrus, Col, [1795]. g.r.i. David, [1826]. G.R.I. George M., s. Col. Cyrus and Peggy, [1835]. g.r.i. John Shaw, s. Cyrus and Peggy, June 14, 1819. Peggy (Shaw), w. Col. Knox, June 15, 1798. g.r.i. LAMB, Catherine, d. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, Oct. 2, 1788. Charles, s. George and Ruda, Sept. 7, 1843. Dyer, s. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, [i7]82 [?] [written in pencil]. Harvey, s. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, June 2, 1791. Mary Eliza, d. David, . Peggy, d. [Dr.] Jabez and Margaret, June 29, 1799. Philhp, s. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, Aug. 19, 1779. 48 PALMER BIRTHS. Lamb, Rebekah, d. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, Apr. ii, 1777. Reuben F., s. Phillip, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Ruben, s. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, May 14, 1794. Sally, d. [Dr.] Jabez and Sally, Mar. 8, 1775. , d. David, [Jan. 20, 1848]. , d. David, . , s. Philip, . LAMBERTON, Adam Lenire [Henry], s. Lenere [Henry] and Paron, Oct. — , 1775. David, s. James and Marey, June 26, 1771. Eunes, d. James and Mary, Mar. 19, 1773. Hannah, d. Robert and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1756. Henry, s. Robert and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1757 [sic, 1751]. James, s. James and Marey, Sept. 25, 1761. Jean, d. Robert and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1748. John, s. James and Marey, July 12, 1759. Loucinda, d. Lenre [Henry] and Paron, July 23, 1798. Margrit, d. Robert and Hannah, Oct. 16, 1743. Martha, d. Robert and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1746. Robert, d. Robert and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1753. Robert, s. Elenire [Henry] and Paron, Dec. 26, 1773. Sarah, d. James and Marey, Aug. 16, 1756. Seth, s. James and Marey, Mar. 10, 1764. LAMON (see Lamont), Samuel, s. James and Mary, Jan. 10, 1731-2. LAMONT (see Lamon), Francis, s, James and Mary, Dec. 3, 1732. Jane, d. James and Mary, Mar. 5, 1735. John, s. Francis and Margret, Sept. 12, 1761. Mary, d. James and Mary, Sept. 30, 1739. Moses, s. Francis and Margret, Mar. 7, 1764. William, s. James and Mary, June 26, 1736. LARRY (see Lary, Leary), , d. Cornelius, Oct. 17, 1849. LARY (see Larry, Leary), Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah, . LATHAM, Asa G., s. Mendall of Ludlow, [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. LATHROP, Margarett, d. Albert of W. Springfield, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. i PALMER BIRTHS. 49 LAWRENCE, Harriet A. (Foster), w. S. W., Oct. 30, 1832. G.R.I. Solomon R., [i8ig]. g.r.i. LEACH, Niles L., [1825]. g.r.i. LEARY (see Larry, Lary), Jeremiah O. J., s. Jeremiah O., Mar. 13, 1849. Michael, s. Jeremiah, July 20, 1849. LEE, Charles, s. Hiram and Hannah, June 4, 1843. Charles Henry, s. Joseph and Sally, June 14, 1824. Francis, s. Orren, May 22, 1849. Hannah R. [ ], w. Hiram P., , 1808. g.r.2. Hiram P. [h. Hannah R.], [1815]. g.r.2. Hiram Porter, s. Joseph Jr. and Sally, Jan. 12, 18 16. Joseph [h. Salley], [i777]- g.r.2. Lucius B., s. H. P., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Mary Ann, d. Joseph Jr. and Sally, Jan. 31, 1819. Salley [ ], w. Joseph, [1781]. G.R.2. William Henry, ch. Joseph Jr. and Sally, Dec. 27, 1814. LEMON, Amos James, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. May 22, 1835. C.R. Cynthia Jane, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. [May 22], 1835. c.r. Lorenzo Francis, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. [May 22], 1835. c.r. Reuben Stearns, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. [May 22], 1835. c.r. Samuel Manasseh, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. [May 22], 1835. C.R. Sarah Sophia, ch. Amos and Nancy, bp. [May 22], 1835. c.r. LEMONT (see Lamon, Lamont). LENAX (see Lenox), Mary, d. Samuell (Lenox) and Jean, Feb. 18, 1734. Samuell, s. Samuell and Jean, Aug. 25, 1737. LENOX (see Lenax), Margret, d. Samuel (Lenax) and Jean, Apr. 24, 1739. LESTER, Sarah E., d. William, Mar. 17, 1849. LILLABRIDGE, Kenyon L., [1797]. g.r.i. LONGLEY, Lazette, s. Samuel W., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. LOOMIS, Albert, [1821]. g.r.i. Lydia, d. Abner and Charrity, Feb. 27, 1765. 5© PALMER BIRTHS. LOTHROP (see Lathrop). LOVE JOY, Bettey, d. Peter and Silent, Oct. 15, 1785. Dolly, d. Peter and Silent, Jan. 9, 1782. William, s. Peter and Silent, Apr. 25, 1778. LUCUS, Aaron H., s. Samuel, July 12, 1849. , s. George, Nov. 8, 1849. , s. George, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. MACKEE, Jerusha, d. Andrew and Mary, May i, 1736. MACKELWAIN (see McElwain, McElwaine, McElwan), Anna, d. Jonathan and Mirriam, May 13, 1780. Betty, d. Jonathan and Miriam, Mar. 25, 1786. Esther, d. Johnathan and Miriam, Mar. 27, 1784. James, s. John A. and Hannah, June 23, 1798. John Allen Jr., s. John A. and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1794. Jonathan Melvin, s. John A. and Hannah, July 11, 1796. Timothy, s. Jonathan and Mirriam, May 14, 1782. William, s. John A. and Hannah, July 11, 1800. MACKNITT (see McNitt), Elizabeth, d. Bernard and Jane, Mar. 28, 1729. MAGILL, John E., s. George P., . MAGOON, Charles J., [1828]. g.r.2. Isaac, s. Isaac Jr. and Katherine (Magoorn), Aug. 23, 1734. Margeret, d. Isaac Jr. and Kather[i]ne, June 8, 1738. William, s. Isaac Jr. and Margerett, Sept. 16, 1739. MALONY (see Melona), Elizabeth, d. Aaron, . MAN (see Mann), David, s. William and Lydia, June 22, 1770, in Chester. Hugh, s. William and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1755. Joseph, s. WiUiam and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1753. Lydia, d. William and Lydia, Apr. 13, 1766, in Chester. MANN (see Man), Betsa, d. David and Phebe, Feb. 7, 1795. Chester, s. David and Phebe, Aug. 19, 1800. Lydia, d. David and Phebe, Feb. 28, 1796. Salla, d. David and Phebe, Feb. 9, 1798. MARCY, Isadore E., d. Rev. Thomas, . Oscar C, [1843]. g.r.i. 1 PALMER BIRTHS. 5 1 MARSH, Lucy E., d. Gamalius, -, d. Darius, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]- — , s. Sam[ue]l, . MARSHALL, Enoch [h. Mehitable], [1800]. g.r.i. Josephine, d. Benj[amin] F., . Lyman D., s. Benja[min] C, . Mehitable [ ], w. Enoch, [1800]. g.r.i. MASON, Abby Trask, d. Amos and Lydia, bp. Sept. 13, 1840. C.R. Albert Wliitman, inf. s. Amos L., bp. Apr. 6, 1843. C.R. Amos Lamb, s. William and Nancy, Nov. 15, 1798. Charles, s. W[illia]m and Nancy, Aug. 6, 1808. Charlotte, d. Charles and Charlotte, Mar. 2, 1843. Charlotte S. [ ], w. Charles, [1818]. g.r.2. Ebenezer, s. William and Nan[c]y, Jan. i, 1797. Ellen Charlotte, d. Charles and Charlotte, bp. May 2, 1845. C.R. Frances Adelaide, d. William and w., bp. Oct. 7, 1842. c.R. John L., s. Abraham, Sept. 23, 1848, in Chicopee. Joseph, s. W[illia]m and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1810. Joseph, s. Amos L. and Lydia, bp. July 5, 1839. ^.r. Lucy Ette, d. Cha[rle]s and Charlotte, bp. [July 5], 1839. c.R. Marana, d. Isaac and Elizebeth, Aug. 12, 1843. Maria Elizabeth, ch. William Jr. and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 5, 1828. c.R. Mary B., [1823]. g.r.i. Mary Eliza, ch. WiUiam and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 24, 1830. c.R. Nancy, d. William and Nancy, Mar. 5, 1795. Olive, d. Abraham and Julia, Feb. 23, 1843. Sarah E. [ ], w. Dwight, [1839]. g.r.i. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Cha[rle]s and Charlotte, bp. [Sept. 13], 1840. c.R. Susanna, d. William and Nancy, Aug. 6, 1800. William, s. Eben[eze]r dec'd and Elvira, bp. [Jan.] 13, 1839. c.R. MATTESON, Betsey [ ], w. D. B., [1826]. g.r.i. MAXWELL, Desire, d. Alexander and Phebe, Sept. 14, 1760, in Lime. Elisabeth, d. Alexander and Phebe, June 18, 1766. James, s. Alexander and Phebe, Sept. 2, 1764, in Lime. John, s. Alexander and Phebe, Aug. 25, 1762, in Line. 52 PALMER BIRTHS. Maxwell, Levi, s. Alexander and Phebe, Sept. 20, 1770, in Monson. Mary, d. Alexander and Phebe, Aug, 9, 1768, in Monson. MAY, Joseph, s. David, July — , 1848. MAYNARD, Elizabeth, [1769]. g.r.2. Jason B. [h. Polly], [1799]- g.r.i. Polly [ ], w. Jason B., [i793]- g.r.i. McCLANATHAN, Bettey, d. Thomas and Catherine, Jan. 26, 1775- Cate [dup. Kate], d. Thomas and Catherine, May 12, 1786. Charles, s. Thomas 2d and Hannah, Apr. 5, 181 2. Elaner, d. Thomas and Margret, Sept. 16, 1757. Elisebeth, d. Thomas and Margret, Aug. 12, 1764. James [ch. Samuel and Mary], Apr. 12, 1772. Jane (Tana), d. Samuel and Mary, May 3, 1783. Jean, d. Thomas and Catherine, Feb. 16, 1768. John, s. Thomas and Catherine, May i, 1777. John, s. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 15, 1779. John Jr., ch. John and Becca, Oct. 25, 1800. Josiah, s. Thomas and Margret, Mar. 31, 1762. Luci[a]n Cargill, s. John (McClanthan) and Mary, May 25, 1804. Lurana, d. Reuben (McClanthan) and Sally, June i, 1806. Margrit, d. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 26, 1773. Mary, d. Thomas and Margret, July 20, 1766. Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 10, 1786. Molly, d. Thomas and Catherine, July 20, 1770. Pattey, d. Thomas and Catherine, June 16, 1788. Pegey, d. Thomas and Catherine, Nov. 11, 1772. Robert, s. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 10, 1780. Ruben, s. Thomas and Catherine, Jan. 24, 1780. Samory, ch. John and Becca, Nov. i, 1805. Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary, July 6, 1775. Samuel, s. Thomas 2d and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1814. Thomas, s. Thomas and Jean, June 15, 1733. Thomas, s. Thomas and Margret, Nov. 13, 1769. Thomas, s. Samuell and Mary, Mar. 7, 1777. W[inia]m, s. Thomas and Margret, May 18, 1759. William, s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 23, 1770. WiUiam, s. Thomas and Catherine, Sept. 17, 1783. McCLENTOCK (see McClintock), Charles, s. Ja[me]s H., . PALMER BIRTHS, 53 McCLINTOCK (see McClentock), David, s. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1764. Homer, s. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1750, in Blanford. James, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1753. John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1760. Joseph, s. Thomas and Sarah, July 5, 1758. Margret, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1755. Margret, d. Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1762. Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 11, 175 1, in Blanford. William, s. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1748, in Westfield. McCRILLIS, Orren T., s. Lewis, July 9, 1849. McDonald, , s. John, Apr. — , 1849. McDowell, Alexander, s. William and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1788. Eunice, d. William and Hannah, June 8, 1782. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, July 11, 1783. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1790. Hannah (Shaw), w. Willam, Jan. i, 1763. Harper, s. William and Hannah, May 4, 1795. Ira, s. William and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1800, in Monson. Katie, d. William and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1793. Sally, d. WiUiam and Hannah, May 20, 1802. William [h. Hannah (Shaw)], July 15, 1755. William, s. William and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1785. William, s. William and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1791. Williom Harper, s. Williom and Hannah, July 16, 1805, in Mon- son. Zina, d. William and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1797. McELWAIN (see Mackelwain, McElwaine, McElwan), Arrela, d. Roger and Delina, July 30, 1799. James F., s. William, Oct. 27, 1848. Lorenzo, d. Roger and Delina, Nov. 30, 1801. Merriam Spear, d. Roger and Delina, July 20, 1791. Ralph, s. Roger and Delina, Jan. 10, 1793. Salla, d. Roger and Delina, May i, 1797. Timothy, s. Roger and Delina, Mar. 4, 1795. McELWAINE (see Mackelwain, McElwain, McElwan), , d. Jonathan, . McELWAN (see Mackelwain, McElwain, McElwaine), Anne, d. Timothy and Susannah, Feb. 27, 1753. Betsey, d. Timothy and Ann, Mar. 24, 1741. 54 PALMER BIRTHS. McElwan, Elinor, d. Timothy and Susannah, June 29, 1757. Elizabeth, d. Timothy and Susannah, Jan. 31, 1755. Esther, d. Timothy and Susannah, Sept. 13, 1761. John Allen, s. Timothy and Ann, Mar. 12, 1743. Roger, s. Timothy and Susannah, Aug. 23, 1759. Sam[ue]ll, s. Timothy (McElwane) and Susanah, June 13, 1751. Sarah, d. Timothy and Ann, Aug. 24, 1739. Timothy, s. Timothy and Ann, Apr. 17, 1746. McFARLAND (see McFarlin), Levens, Three Rivers, bp. Nov. 5, 1843. C.R. McFARLIN (see McFarland), Carolina A., d. Levins, . McGILORARY, , d. D. F., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. McGUIRE, Margaret (Childs), w. William, [1798]. g.r.i. WiUiam [h. Margaret (Childs)], [1802]. g.r.i. McKEE (see Mackee). McMARCAS, Margret, w. Dea. John Smith, Aug. 24, 17 17 "Old stile," Sept. 4, 1717 "New Stile," in co. Derby, Ireland. McMASTER (see McMasters), Almira (MacMaster), ch. Ruben and Jerusha, Nov. 4, 1808. Calvin, s. Clark and Margret, May 10, 1793. Caroline (Burnham), w. Theron, Apr. i, 1804. g.r.i. Carrie L., d. Theron and Caroline, [1847]. g.r.i. Chester, s. John and Sarah B., July 24, 1804. Clark, s. Dea. John and MeUity, Dec. 6, 1761. Clark, s. John and MilUty, Dec. 6, 1781. Clark Jr., s. Clark and Margret, Aug. 16, 179 1. Clark [h. Lena], [1792]- g.r.i. Dwight, s. Ruben and Jerusha, Aug. 18, 1802. Easther, d. John and Sarah B., June 6, 1802. Eli Parsons, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, July 14, 1818. Harriot, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, Feb. 20, 1813. Homilton, s. John and Sarah B., Feb. 21, 1808. Horace, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, Nov. 4, 1809. James, s. John and Sarah B., Feb. 27, 1799. Jane, [1802]. g.r.2. Jenny, ch. John 2d and Thankful, July 4, 1802. Jimme, s. John and Thankful, July 11, 1797. John, [1769]. G.R.2. I PALMER BIRTHS. 55 McMaster, John Jr., s. John and Sarah B., Sept. 15, 1797. Julia, d. Clark and Orpha, [1835]. g.r.i. Julian, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, May 18, 181 1. Levi, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, Dec. — , 1814. Linda, d. Clark and Margret, May 15, 1799. Livy, d. Clark and Margret, Nov. 21, 1801. Lovisa, s. [sic] Clark and Margaret, May 30, 1804. Lurene, ch. Ruben and Jerusha, Mar. 30, 1816. Luther, s. John and Sarah B., June 11, 1810. Mandana, d. Reuben and Jurcha, Sept. 13, 1806. Margaret, [i795]- g.r.2. Margareta, sister of Clark, [1822]. g.r.i. Mary, [1785]. g.r.i. Orpha [ ], w. Clark, [1799]- g.r.i. Pagey, d. Clark and Margret, Apr. 20, 1795. Pagy, d. John and Thankful, Mar. 24, 1795. Patty, d. Ruben and Jerusha, Feb. 20, 1800. Patty, ch. John 2d and Thankful, Nov. 20, 1804. Phile, d. Clark and Margret, Apr. 8, 1797. Robert, s. John and Thankful, Jan. 5, 1800. Robert [h. Roby], [1800]. g.r.2. Roby [ ], w. Robert, [1800]. g.r.2. Sally, d. John and Sarah B., May 4, 1806. Schuyler, s. Ruben and Jerusha, May 6, 1801. Sophiara, d. Rubin and Jerusha, Nov. 12, 1803. Tabetha, d. John and Thankful, Jan. 18, 1793. Theron [h. Caroline (Burnham)], Sept. 24, 1794. g.r.i. Tirzah, d. Reuben and Jerasha, Apr. 28, 1805. McMASTERS (see McMaster), Abner, s. William and Mary, Aug. 25, 1776. Catherine, d. Hugh and Mary, July 5, 1745. Daniel, s. William and Marey, Sept. 20, 1782. Elizabeth, d. Hugh and Mary, Apr. 4, 1742. Hugh, s. Hugh and Mary, Oct. 15, 1752. Isaac, s. Hugh and Mary, Sept. 5, 1757. Isaac, s. William and Mary, June 29, 1779. James, s. Hugh and Mary, Oct. 8, 1750. John, s. Hugh and Mary, July 14, 1743. John, s. Robert and Tabitha, May 8, 1770. Margret, d. Hugh and Mary, Dec. 29, 1748. Martha, d. Robert and Tabitha, May 26, 1767. Mary, d. Hugh and Mary, May 18, 1755. Peggie, d. WiUiam and Mary, Mar. 18, 1774. 56 PALMER BIRTHS. McMastees, Policy, d. William and Marey, July 18, 1785. Robert, s. Hugh and Mary, June 18, 1739. Ruben, s. Robert and Tabetha, Jan. 29, 1774. William, s. Hugh and Mary, Apr. 13, 1747. McMICHEL, Adolphus Dickinson, s. Robert Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 17, 1811. Annie, d. Robert and Sarah, July 12, 1785. Ashel, s. Robert and Sarah, May 6, 1775. Azel, s. Robert and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1790. Benjamin, s. Robert and Sarah, May 8, 1773. Elmira, d. Robert Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 6, 1809. John, s. Joseph and Thankfull, Aug. 9, 1758. Joseph, s. Robert and Sarah, June 7, 1778. Metildey, d. Robert and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1779. Pegey, d. Robert (McMichell) and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1789. Robert, s. William and Margrit, Apr. 22, 1745. Robert, s. Robert and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1783. Sarah, d. Robert and Sarah, May 26, 1781. McNAMARA, Hannah, d. Patrick, Sept. 9, 1849. McNITT (see Macknitt), Abner, s. William and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1756. Adam Clark, s. Barnard and Jean, Apr. 16, 1744. Andrew, s. Barnard and Jean, Aug. 15, 1751 "old'stile." David, s. Barnard and Jean, Apr. 27, 1731. Eunice, d. W[illia]m and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1759. Jeams, s. Barnard and Jean, Jan. i, 1739. Jean, d. Barnard and Jean, Aug. 25, 1754. John, s. Barnard and Jean, Apr. 25, 1749. Margerit, d. Barnard and Jean, Dec. 15, 1746. Mary, d. Barnard and Jean, "May 6, 1741. Samuel, s. Andrew and Clara, Feb. 14, 1771. Sarah, d. Barnard and Jean, May 29, 1736. Sarah, d. W[ilHa]m and Elizabeth, June 30, 1757. William, s. Barnard and Jean, July 25, 1733. MELONA (see Malony), Angenett, d. Aaron, [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. MERRET, Billey, s. William and Ruth, Apr. 6, 1795. Elum, s. WiUiam and Ruth, Feb. 23, 1801. Ervin, s. William and Ruth, Feb. 20, 1799. Fila, d. William and Ruth, Apr. 22, 1793. Isaac, s. William and Ruth, May 27, 1790. PALMER BIRTHS. 57 Merret, Patty, d. William and Ruth, Dec. 25, 1791. PoUey, d. William and Ruth, Mar. 25, 1797. MERRIAM, Asa, [1809]. g.r.i. Charles A., [1843]. g.r.i. Laura D. [ ], w. Joseph, "former" w. Manville Hulett, [1839]. G.R.I. MERRICK (see Mirick), Alanson C. [h. Mary K.], [i795]- G.R.I. Charles D., [1827]. g.r.i. Charles Dexter, ch. Lucina, wid., bp. [May 3], 1833. C.R. Franklin Cooley, ch. Lucina, wid., bp. [May 3], 1833. C.R. George Benjamin, ch. Lucina, wid., bp. May 3, 1833. C.R. Harriet, ch. Lucina, wid., bp. [May 3], 1833. C.R. James E., s. Dwight Merrick of Monson and Butler, John Sullivan, ch. Lucina, wid., bp. [May 3], 1833. c.r. Lucina, w. John Ward, [i797]- g.r.i. Lucina [ ], wid., bp. [July i], 1832. c.r. Mary Jane, d. Alanson and Mary, bp. June 17, 1832. c.r. Mary K. [ ], w. Alanson C, [1800]. g.r.i. , s. FrankHn C, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- , d. F. C, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. MERRITT (see Merret). MICHEL (see Michell, Mickel, Mickell, Mitchell), Ellen M., d. James L., Orrel A., d. Delana B., . MICHELL (see Michel, Mickel, Mickell, Mitchell), , d. Lysander, . MICKEL (see Michel, Michell, Mickell, MitcheU), Edwin T., s. Lysander, Oct. 7, 1848. Margaret, d. Catherine, May — , 1849. MICKELL (see Michel, Michell, Mickel, Mitchell), , s. Warner B., . MILES, George, s. Elmer B., Dec. i, 1848. MILLARD, William J., [1844]- G-R-i- MILLEN, Patrick, [1814]. g.r.2. 58 PALMER BIRTHS. MILLER, Andrew, Sept. ii, 1821, in Baten, Germany, g.r.i, Jerusha W. [ ], w. Aaron J. Jr., [1820]. g.r.2. MILTON, Elias, [1820]. g.r.2. MIRICK (see Merrick), Rachel, d. Ebenezer and Mehitabell, Dec. 10, 1733. MITCHELL (see Michel, Michell, Mickel, Mickell), Betsey [ ], w. Lysander, [1819]. g.r.i. Edwin F., s. Lysander and Betsey, [1849]. g.r.i. Emory G., [1836]. g.r.i. Lysander [h. Betsey], [1813]. g.r.i. MOFFATT, Emeline L., [1843]. g.r.i. MOODY, Maria, d. Joseph, w. Alonzo Peebles, [1818]. g.r.2. MOOERS (see Moor, Moore, Moores), Charles, s. Jona[than] (Moores) Jr. and Sally, July 22, 1808 [sic, see John]. John, s. Jona[than] Jr. and Sally, Nov. 7, 1808 [sic, see Charles]. Mary, d. Jona[than] (Moores) Jr. and Sally (Moors), Sept. 3, 1807. Rebecca, d. Jona[than] Jr. and Sally, Apr. 8, 1810. Sally [ ], w. Jona[than], Jan. 3, 1836. C.R. MOOR (see Mooers, Moore, Moores), Aaron, s. David and Mary, Mar. 9, 1767. Alexander, s. James and Margaret, Aug. 31, 1742. Anne, d. James and Margaret, May 20, 1744. David, s. James and Margaret, May 18, 1736. David, s. David and Mary, Mar. 6, 1763. Elinee Filming, d. James and Margaret, July 2, 1752. Elisabeth, d. David and Mary, Feb. 24, 1765. Hugh, s. James and Margaret, July 15, 1738. James (More), s. James and Marerit, Mar. 12, 1730. James, s. James and Elisabeth, Mar. 24, 1756. Jane, d. James and Margaret, May 20, 1740. Jean A., d. John and Mary, Mar. 2, 1753. John, s. James and Margret, June 26, 1727. Jonathan, s. Jonathan, Jan. 20, 1782. Joseph Alkison, s. Jonathan, Nov. 8, 1770, in Nubery Port. Mary, d. James and Margaret, Nov. 26, 1733. Mary Smith, d. James and Elisabeth, June 22, 1752. Matey, d. David and Mary, Feb. 18, 1771. Mercy, d. John and Mary, Apr. 7, 1755. PALMER BIRTHS. 59 Moor, Peggey, d. Judah and Mary, Dec. 10, 1778. Persus, d. Jonathan, Jan. 3, 1780. Phebe, d. Jonathan, Apr. 29, 1777. Polly, d. Jonathan, Apr. 5, 1774. Robert, s. James and Elisabeth, May i, 1760. Samuel, s. John and Mary, July 12, 1751. Sarah, d. John and Mercy, June 22, 1754. Sarah, d. David and Mary, Apr. 29, 1769. Susana, d. Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1768, in Nubery Port. MOORE (see Mooers, Moor, Moores), Alivaid S., d. Lemuel R., Clarissa, [1813]. g.r.2. Franklin, s. George, [rec. Dec. 23, 1843]. Harriet G., d. H. A. and Almira, [1848]. g.r.i. Henry A., [1815]. g.r.i. James H., s. H. A. and Almira, [1840]. g.r.i. Robert, s. Joseph, May 4, 1849. , s. Charles D., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I. 1847]. MOORES (see Mooers, Moor, Moore), Joanna, "Deputed" d^ Joseph Moores and Margret Thomson, May 4, 1801. Jonathan, Capt. [h. Sally], [1783]. g.r.2. MORGAN, B. F., Maj. [h. Maria (Frink)], Jan. 5, 1798. g.r.i. James Wood, s. Gidian and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1780. Jonathan, s. Gidian and Lucy, Apr. 16, 1785. Maria (Frink), w. B. F., Dec. 25, 1804. g.r.i. Sarah, d. Israel W., . William, s. Israil W., June 10, 1848. MORLA.RTY, Catherine, d. John, Sept. 13, 1849. MORRIS, James S., s. James S., [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. MORSE, Eliza, d. George and Mary, May 8, 1843, i^i Monson. MOULTON, Almeda [ ], w. Trowbridge, [182 1]. g.r.i. Elbridge [h. Ruth], [1812]. g.r.i. Harriet, d. Daniel E., Sept. i, 1849. Lotrop, s. Elbridge and Ruth, Aug. i, 1843. Ruth [ ], w. Elbridge, [181 5]. g.r.i. Trowbridge [h. Almeda], [182 1]. g.r.i. , s. Daniel E., . 6o PALMER BIRTHS. HUNGER, Harrison W., [1827]. g.r.i. MURDOCK, Franklin Morgan, ch. Abraham R. and [Lois Snow], June 12, 1837. , d. Elizah, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]- MURPHY, John, s. Jeremiah, [rec. between May i, 1846^ and May i, 1847]. MYRICK (see Merrick, Mirick). NALLAGAN, Patrick, s. Martis, Feb. 20, 1849. NELSON, Eleanor M., [1818]. g.r.i. Lyman A., Aug. 3, 1816. g.r.i. NICKELS, Adna, " Deputed" s. Aseph Nickels and Mary Brown, Apr. 12, 1781. NORTHROP, Andrew J., [1826]. g.r.i. NUTTING, Eunice [ ], w. Jonathan, [1792]. g.r.2. , chn. Wid. Nutting, bp. [Sept. 26, 1830]. c.r. OAKS, Elonzo, s. Hosea, . O'CONNEL, Thomas, s. Peter, Oct. 19 [1849]. O'CONNOR, Bridget, d. Michael, July — , 1849. John, s. Thomas, Mar. — , 1849. OLDS, Aaron, s. Enoch and Eunice, Nov. 14, 1792. Amos, s. Enoch and Eunice, June 16, 1800. Cyrus, s. Enoch and Eunice, May lO, 1803. Cyrus [h. Keziah], [1803]. g.r.i. David, s. Enoch and Eunice, Apr. 8, 1791. Keziah [ ], w. Cyrus, [1805]. g.r.i. Zubah, d. Enoch and Eunice, Dec. 20, 1794. , s. James M., Dec. 3, 1849. ORCUTT, George, s. Lyman, . Sarah, [1821]. g.r.2. -, s. Lyman, , in Belchertown. OSBURN, Hanks, s. John, Jan. 20, 1849. OVIATT, Clodius L., s. Amas, . I PALMER BIRTHS. 6l PACKARD, D. B., "member of Co. H, 46th Mass. Infantry," [1826]. G.R.I. PAGE, , s. Benjamin B., . PAIN (see Paine), , d. Jadediah A., [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. PAINE (see Pain), Albert, s. Jedediah A., Aug. 30, 1849. PALMER, Moses, Rev. [h. Olive D.], [1815]. G.R.i. Olive D. [ ], w. Rev. Moses, [1823]. o.R.i. PARK (see Parks), Calvin W., s. Harrison G., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. PARKHURST, Almira, d. W[illia]m and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1790, in Wardsbury, Vt. Flavia, d. W[illia]m and Lydia, Jan. 28, 1795. Hiram, s. W[illia]m and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1792. James R. [h. Jane E.], [1832]. g.r.i. Jane E. [ ], w. James R., [1833]. g.r.i. Lydia, d. W[illia]m and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1797. PoUey, d. W[illia]m and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1798. Salley, d. W[illia]m and Lydia, May 3, 1788, in Wardsbury, Vt. PARKS (see Park), Laura A. [ ], w. Dea. Sylvester, [1793]. g.r.i. Sylvester, Dea. [h. Laura A.], [1792]. g.r.i. PARSONS, Abigail, d. Benjamin and Martha, June 17, 1745. Benjamin, s. Joshua and Elenor, Mar. 15, 1776. Charles E., s. Alpheus, Sept. 8, 1849. Daniel (Parson), s. Joshua and Elenor, Jan. 5, 1774. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Elisebath, July 27, 1765. Joshua, s. Benjamin and Martha, Aug. 13, 1743.. Joshua, s. Joshua and Elenor, May 13, 1779. Margret, d. Benjamin and Martha, June 15, 1749. Moses (Persons), s. Joshua (Persons) and Elenor [dup. Eleanor], Sept. 9, 1769. Phylothelea, d. Jo[s]hua and Elenor, Nov. 20, 1771. Stephen, s. Joshua and Elenor, Aug. 25, 1781. , d. Alp[h]eus, . PARTRIDGE (see Patridge). PASCO, George, s. Justice and Mary, Nov. 26, 1843. 62 PALMER BIRTHS. PASTABLE, James, s. Batt, June 3, 1849. PATRIDGE, , s. Edward, . PATTEN, John M., s. John, . PAUL, Betsey W., w. WiUiam R. Gray, [1819]. g.r.i. John, [1796]. G.R.I. , d. Elias L., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. , d. EHas L., . PEBLES (see Peebles, Pibles), John Harvey, s. John (Pibles) and Dorothy, Nov. 9, 1745, "Baptized the 5 Day of De- cember following on a Thanksgiving Day called John Har- vey Pebles for his mothers brother John Harvey Jun' . . . baptized by his Grand father the Revr'* John Harvey in^a place called Kingstown then Alias elbous, since corporeted by the name of Palmer." PECKHAM, Mary E., w. Isaac Kenerson, [1842]. g.r.i. PEEBLES (see Pebles, Pibles), Maria, w. Alonzo, d. Joseph Moody, [1818]. G.R.2. PEPPER, Thomas, s. Porter and Perses, Mar. 25, 1843. PERKINS, Martha, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mercy, May i, 1777. Olive, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mercy, Mar. 13, 1781. Phinhes, s. Sam[uel] and Mercy, Feb. 10, 1774. Samuel, s. Samuel and Mercy, July 27, 1772. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mercy, May 8, 1789. Susanna, d. Sam[uel] and Mercy, May 5, 1775. PERRY, Henry H., [1828]. g.r.i. PHARNE (see Pharnes), Sarah, d. John, . PHARNES (see Pharne), , s. John, Nov. 13, 1849. PHILIPS, Jason, s. Sebraa, July 10, 1781. PIBLES (see Pebles, Peebles), Jean, d. John (Pebles) and Do- rothy, Sept. 5, 1748. PIERCE, Joseph, , 1805, in West Brook, Me. g.r.2. PIKE, Abigail, d. Samuell and Mehitable, Sept. 9, 1761. Jones Newel, s. Samuel and Mehitable, Mar. 17, 1765. Martha, d. Samuell and Mehitable, Sept. i, 1759. PALMER BIRTHS, 63 Pike, , d. Lysander, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. POMEROY, Mary, d. Seth, . POOL (see Poole), Adelia (Allelia) A., d. Thomas M., Alnason, s. Thomas and Judith, Oct. 25, 1816. POOLE (see Pool), Amanda, d. Thomas and Judith, Feb. i, 1802. Cyrus, s. Thomas Jr. and Judith, Mar. 7, 1804. Judith [ ], w. Thomas, [1782]. g.r.i. Lucy Ann, d. Thomas M., Apr. 30, 1849. Mary E. [ ], w. Thomas M., [1813]. g.r.i. Nathen, s. Thomas and Judeth, Apr. 29, 1800. Orran, s. Thomas and Judith, Oct. 12, 1807. Thomas M. [h. Mary E.], [1813]. g.r.i. Thomas Mathews, s. Thomas and Judith, Nov. 7, 1813. PORTER, Charles, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1843. Chloe, d. Manuel and Mary, Feb. 8, 1843. Mary [ ], w. Cha[rle]s A., [1849]. g.r.i. POTTER, Charles, s. Josiah, May i [1849]. George J., s. Josiah, -, d. Charles, Dec. 2, 1848. POWELL, Alice, d. Ogiboia, . Oj^ l'^' ^ Orren A., s. Ogden, . < ' POWERS, John, s. W[illia]m and Mary, Apr. 23, 1838, in Troy, N. Y. Margaret, d. W[illia]m and Mary, Nov. 7, 1835, ""^ Troy, N. Y. Maryann, d. W[illia]m and Mary, June 24, 1830, in Troy, N. Y. Richard, s. W[illia]m and Mary, Dec. 24 [dup. Dec. 8], 1843, ^^ Troy, N. Y. PUFFER, Ednah M., d. Elijah of Brimfield, . PULLEN, Salla, d. Solomon and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1775. PUTNAM, George Lebbeus, ch. Betsey, wid., bp. Oct. 7, 1842. C.R. Rebecca Lee, ch. Betsey, wid., bp. Oct. 7, 1842. c.r. Sarah A., w. Gordon M. Fisk, June 4, 1824. g.r.i. QUINTIN (see Quinton), John, s. Thomas and Sarah, June 27, 1784. 64 PALMER BIRTHS. QuiNTiN, Molly, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1775. Robert, s. Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1772. Sally, d. Thomas and Sarah, May 10, 1778. QUINTON (see Quintin), Ann [dup. Ane], d. Dunkin and Unice [dup. Unis], July 20 [dup. July 26], 1738. Dorcas, d. Dunkin and Unice [dup. Unis], May 18, 1741. Elizabeth, d. Dunkin and Unice [dup. Unis], Nov. 8 [dup. Nov. 20], 1735- . Eunice (see Unis). Jean, d. Dunkin and Unis, June 16, 1748. John, s. Dunkin and Unice [dup. Unis], Dec. 26, 1743. Mary, d. Dunkin and Unis, Apr. 10, 1751. Sarah, d. Dunkin and Unis, July 23, 1758. Thomas, s. Dunkin and Unis [dup. Unice], Feb. 17, 1746 [dup. 1743, sic]. Unis, d. Dunkin and Unis, Nov. 12, 1753. RAMSDELL, , s. Orrin, . RANDALL (see Randell), , d. George W., Dec. 15, 1848. RANDELL (see Randall), Ellen S., s. [sic] George W., . READ, James, [1804]. g.r.i. RICH, Charles, s. Rosmond, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. J. C., Capt., [1802]. G.R.I. John C., [1826]. G.R.I. RICHARDS, Julia, d. Curtis E., Oct. 28, 1848. , s. Edwin C, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. RICHARDSON, Mary, d. Danforth, Jan. 13, 1849. Sarah, d. Rodolfa and Ann, Aug. 15, 1843. , s. Rhodolpho, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- RILEY, Luke, s. Michael, Jan. 28, 1849. ^RINDGE, Cornelia, w. Augustus Barrett, [1808]. g.r.i. RIPLEY, Amasa R., s. Norman, . ROACH (see Rotch), Stephen, s. Michael, . Thomas, s. Michael, Aug. — , 1849. , d. Michael, . PALMER BIRTHS. 65 ROBERDS (see Roberts), Mary, d. Isaac and Mary, July 4, 1782. ROBERTS (see Roberds), Betsy, d. Nathaniel and Nabby, May 12, 1791. David, s. Nathaniel and Nabby, May 28, 1796. Dorcas, d. Isaac and Mary, Feb. 5, 1784. Lucy, d. Isaac and Mary Shaw [sic], Mar. 13, 1786. Sally, d. Nathaniel and Nabby, Sept. 7, 1793. ROBINSON, Frederick G., [1828]. g.r.i. George, Judge, [1836]. g.r.i. Mary B. [ ], w. William, [1803]. g.r.i. Mary J., d. Abigail Barnes, Feb. i, 1849. William [h. Mary B.], [1803]. g.r.i. ROGAN, William, s. Richard, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. ROGERS, Edwin, ch. Reuben, bp. Jan. 23, 1829. c.R. Elizabeth, d. Robert and Jane, May 28, 1738. James, s. Robert and Jane, Nov. 8, 1740. Joanna, d. Robert and Jane, Aug. 14, 1745. John, s. Robert and Jane, Mar. 19, 1752. Latice, d. Robert and Jane, Aug. 14, 1747. Pamelia, ch. Reuben, bp. Jan. 23, 1829. c.R. Reuben, [1793]- g.r.2. Robert, s. Robert and Jane, Apr. 8, 1743. Sophia, [1797]- g.r.2. ROOT, Ralph, [1824]. g.r.i. , d. Ralph, Apr. 12, 1849. [Willietta, d. Ralph and Abby, G.R.I.] ROSBOTTOM (see Rossbottom), Elizabeth, d. James and Cath- arine, Nov. 16, 1843. ROSSBOTTOM (see Rosbottom), Catherine, [1810]. g.r.2. ROTCH (see Roach), James, s. Atwood and Rebecca, June 27, 1769. Phineas, s. Edward [? Atwood] and Rebecca, Oct. 9, 1774. Rebecca, d. Atwood and Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1771. ROUSE, Philip W., "member of the Mass. heavy Artillery," Sept. 13, 1804. G.R.2. Philip W., [1806]. G.R.2. 66 PALMER BIRTHS. ROYCE, Lydia, w. Charles F. Grosvenor, [1848]. g.r.i. RUGGLES, O., s. Roswell and Susan, Apr. 20, 1843. Orestes, [1824], g.r.i. RUSSELL, John, s. John, Nov. 15, 1848. RUTHERFORD, Elenor, d. Andrew and Maray, Apr. 4, 1754. John Best [? Burt], s. Andrew and Mary, Nov. 20, 1752. Thomas, s. Andrew and Mary, Sept. 25, 1755. RYAN, Daniel, s. Cornelius of Springfield, . SANDERS (see Saunders). SANDERSON, Charles H., [1827]. g.r.2. SARGENT, , d. John, . SAUNDERS, Lydia Jane [ ], w. George, [1836]. G.R.I. SCHEHER, Mary, d. dec'd and Mary, Aug. — , 1849. SCHOLTZ, Katherine, w. Charles' H. Tesh, [1823]. g.r.i. SCISM, Henry [h. Julia A.], [1810]. g.r.i. JuHa A. [ ], w. Henry, [1816]. g.r.i. SCOTT, Asenath, d. Calvin and Sabra, Jan. 7, 1798. Asenath Burt, d. W[illia]m and Violet, Jan. 13, 1786. Calvin, s. W[illia]m and Abagail, grand s. W[illia]m Sr. and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1754. Elizabeth, d. William and Sarah, June 20, 17 14. g.r.i. George, s. Calvin and Sabra, May 31, 1790. George, s. Calvin and Sabra, Feb. 9, 1795. Helen [ ], w. Rev. Charles, [1840]. g.r.i. John, s. WiUiam and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1709. g.r.i. John, s. W[illia]m and Abagail, grand s. W[illia]m Sr, and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1752. John, s. Calvin and Sabra, Jan. 2, 1788. Lucy Burt, d. William and Violet, Aug. 24, 1775. Margaret, d. William and Sarah, Aug. 2, 171 2. g.r.i. Margaret 2d, d. William and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1720. g.r.i. Marget, d. W[inia]m Jr. and Abajail, Dec. 11, 1746. Peggy, d. Calvin and Sabra, Apr. 9, 1786. Samuel Burt, s. William and Violet, Oct. 24, 1788. Sarah [ ], w. William, , in Hatfield. G.r.i. Sarah A., [1847]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 67 Scott, Violet [ ], w. William Esq., Oct. 21, 1750, in Springfield, g.r.i. William [h. Sarah], Aug. 8, 1676, in Springfield, g.r.i. William, Lt., Nov. 10, 1723, in Springfield, g.r.i. W[illia]m, s. W[illia]m Jr. and Abagail, Feb. 10, 1749-50. William, s. William and Violet, Nov. 20, 1776. SEABURY, Lewis, s. Charles, Mar. 31, 1849. SEAMANS, Emogene, s. Harrison of Pittsfield, . Isadore V., d. William R., . Josephine E., d. Harrison, Mar. 25, 1849. SEAVER, Cha[rle]s M., s. John, . SEDGE WICK (see Sedgwick), Jonathan Webber, ch. Harvey and Mary, bp. [Sept. i], 1837. c.R. Martha Maria, d. Harvey and w., bp. Mar. 4, 1842. c.R. Mary Eliza, ch. Harvey and Mary, bp. [Sept. i], 1837. c.R. SEDGWICK (see Sedgewick), Aaron, s. Gordon and Hannah, Apr. 27, 1772, in Wesstfield. Anna, d. Gordon and Hannah, June 4, 1793. Asenath B. [ ], w. John, [1787]. g.r.i. Betty, d. Gordon and Hannah, Aug. 2, 1778, in Becket. Deborah, d. Gorden and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1780, in Becket. Hannah, d. Gorden and Hanah, Apr. 15, 1782, in Louden. Harvey, s. Gordon and Hanah, Jan. 7, 1799. John, s. Gorden and Hannah, Dec. i, 1788, in Bethleham. John, s. Hervey and Mary, June 14, 1843. John, s. Harvey and w., bp. Feb. 27, 1845. c.R. Joseph, s. Gorden and Hanah, Apr. 22, 1784, in Louden. King, s. Martin and Salla, June 26, 1801. Martha, d. Gorden and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1786, in Bethleham. Martin, s. Gordon and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1774, in Westfield. Martin [h. Sally], [17 74]- g.r.2. Morton, [1844]. g.r.i. Polly, d. Gordon and Hannah, June 22, 1795. Salley, d. Gorden and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1791. SHAW, Achsah [ ], w. Amos, bp. Nov. 20, 1836. c.R. Almira L., d. Chauncy C. and Mary Ann, [1847]. g.r.i. " Amos, s. Solomon and Rebekah N., Sept. 13, 1801. Amos Freeman, ch. Amos and Achsah, bp. [Feb. 9], 1837. c.R. Ann, d. David, . Arsenath, d. Charles and Sally, Dec. 31, 181 5. 68 PALMER BIRTHS. Shaw, Betey, d. Joshua and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1771. Bettey, d. Noah and Mahitable, Aug. 9, 1802. Betty, d. John and Margaret, July 4, 1792. Calvin K., [1823]. g.r.i. Calvin M., [1820]. g.r.t. Cena, d. Isaac and Mary, June 16, 1796. Charles, s. Erwin and Anna, July 5, 1791. Charles [h. Sally], [1791]- g.r.2. Charles, soldier of 181 2, [1791]- g.r.2. Chauncy C. [h. Mary Ann], [1814]. g.r.i. D. M., , 1824. G.R.2. Daniel, s. Seth and Jean, Feb. 4, 1748. David, s. Seth and Jean, Nov. 5, 1738. David, s. William and Miriam, Mar. 26, 1749. David, s. Sam[ue]l and Catherine, Dec. 28, 1751. E. Boardman, [1824]. g.r.i. Elen, d. Charles and Margaret, July 14, 1843. Eliza Jane, d. Ch[arle]s and Sally, Apr. 6, 1820. Elizabeth, d. Seth and Jean, Mar. 19, 1743. Elizabeth R. [ ], [1823]. g.r.i. | Erwin, s. Seth and Jean, Dec. 29, 1752. i Eunice, d. William and Miriam, Oct. 28, 1756. f Eunice, d. James and Mary, July 9, 1792. Eunice M. [ ], w. John E., [1820]. g.r.2. \ Foster, s. Solomon and Rebekah N., Jan. 16, 1798. | Franklin, s. C. M., Sept. 12, 1848. I Franklin Morgan, s. Charles and Sally, July 12, 183 1. • George, s. Levi and Mary, Nov. 16, 1843. 1 Gidien, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1768. | Hannah [w. Willam McDowell], Jan. i, 1763. ^ Hannah, d. Noah and Mahitable, May 5, 1787. 1 Harriet Maria, ch. Amos and Achsah, bp. [Feb. 9], 1837. c.R. Hepsibah, d. James and Mary, Oct. 4, 1781. Irwin (see Erwin). James, s. Joshuah and Elizabeth, Nov, 16, 1755. James, s. Joshuah and Elizabeth, Mar. 12, 1757. James, s. William and Miriam, June 12, 1759. Jamey, s. James and Mary, Jan. 17, 1785. Jean, d. Seth and Jean, Apr. 14, 1754. Joel, s. William and Ligdia, Apr. 16, 1784. John, s. Seth and Jean, July 6, 1750. John E. [h. Eunice M.], , 1818. g.r.2. John Erwin, s. Ch[arle]s and Sally, Mar. 26, 1818. PALMER BIRTHS. 69 Shaw, " Jno," s. James and Mary, Feb. 15, 1783. Joseph, s. William and Miriam, Nov. 17, 1751. Joshua, [1804]. G.R.I. Joshua, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1763. Joshua, s. Noah and Mahitable, Sept. 22, 1799. Julius P., s. Chauncy C. and Mary Ann, [1836]. G.R.i. Layna, d. Samuel and Lucey, July 28, 1802. Lodicea, d. Charles and Sally, Apr. 29, 1827. Lucy [ ], w. Samuel, [1782]. g.r.2. Lucy, d. Solomon and Rebeckah N., Oct. 22, 1796. Margaret, d. Charles and Sally, Jan. 2, 1825. Margret, d. Seth and Jean, July 23, 1745. Margrit, d. William and Mirriam, Apr. 17, 1758. Marion, [twin] d. William and Leydia, Nov. 25, 1785. Martha AmeUa, ch. Amos and Achsah, bp. Feb. 9, 1837. c.r. Martin, s. Isaac and Mary, Sept. 6, 1798. Martin, s. Reuben and Jane, Oct. 2, 1807. Mary, d. Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Catherine, Mar. 2, 1745. Mary, d. Joshuah and Elizabeth, Apr. 18, 1754. Mary, [twin] d. William and Leydia, Nov. 25, 1785. Mary Ann [ ], w. Chauncy C, [1813]. g.r.i. Mary (Babcock), w. Sylvanus G., [1811]. g.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joshua, Oct. 25, 1849. Mary Jane, ch. Amos and Achsah, bp. [Feb. 9], 1837. ^•^^ Miriam, d. William and Miriam, Dec. 22, 1752. Molly, d. James and Mary, Feb. 18, 1795. Moses, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1761. Nancy [ ], w. Samuel D., [i794]- g.r.i. Nellie M., [1843]. g.r.i. Noah, s. Joshuah and Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1760. Noah Jr., s. Noah and Mahitable, Oct. 2, 1788. Oliver, s. Noah and Mahitable, Apr. 5, 1794. Pagga, d. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 25, 1801. Pawnell, s. James and May, Apr. 24, 1790, in Wilbraham. Peggy, d. John and Margaret, June 15, 1798. [w. Col. Knox, G.R.I.] PoUey, d. Erwin and Anna, June 25, 1782. Prudence, d. Sam[ue]ll and Catherine, May 24, 1755. Prudey, d. Isaac and Anna, Sept. 14, 1793. Reuben, soldier of 1812, [1780]. g.r.2. Reuben [h. Jane], [1780]. g.r.2. Royal, s. Ch[arle]s and Sally, Sept. 4, 1822. Royal K., [1823]. g.r.i. Ruben, s. Erwin and Anna, Mar. 7, 1780. 70 PALMER BIRTHS. Shaw, Samantha [ ], w. Joshua, [1810]. g.r.i. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l and Catherine, July 4, 1753. Samuel, s. Reuben and Jone, Apr. 5, 1809. Samuel, [1809]. g.r.2. Samuel D. [h. Nancy], [1797]- g.r.i. Samuel D., [1819]. g.r.i. Samuell, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, June 5, 1774. Sarah, s. Joshuah and Elizabeth, July 14, 1752. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]l and Catherine, Aug. 21, 1758. Sena (see Cena). Seth, s. Seth and Jean, Oct. 23, 1740. Solomon, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1765. Solomon, s. Noah and Mahitable, Aug. i, 1790. Sophia, d. Noah and Mahitable, May 5, 1805. Squire, s. James and Mary, Aug. 11, 1787. Steward, s. Isaac and Mary, Sept. 5, 1803. Sylvanus G. [h. Mary (Babcock)], [1806]. g.r.i. Tarezy, d. John and Margaret, Sept. 15, 1800. W[illia]m, s. Sam[ue]l and Catherine, Jan. 3, 1749. William, s. William and Miriam, Apr. 29, 1752. , ch. Moses and PoUy, Aug. 26, 1798. g.r.2. , s. Calvin M., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]- , d. Chancy C, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. SHEARER (see Shearers), Alfred F., [1843]. g.r.i. Arasmus, s. [Dr.] Jo[h]n and Hannah, July 6, 1799. Austin, s. [Dr.] Jo[h]n and Hannah (d. Noah Dickinson of Conn.), Dec. 12, 1794. Betsey, d. John Jr. and Jeney, July 5, 1773. Caty [ ], w. David, Aug. 23, 1771. g.r.2. Columbus, s. David and Caty, Oct. 14, 1812. g.r.2. Daniel, third s. John Jr. and Jeney, May 9, 1792. David [h. Caty], Aug. 17, 1760. g.r.2. Hannah, d. [Dr.] Jo[h]n and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1796. Hannah Williams, ch. Noah and Tirza, Mar. 27, 1806. James, s. William and Jerusha, Sept. 8, 1761. Jane, d. David and Caty, July 2, 1802. g.r.2. John Jr., eldest s. John Sr. and Jain, Mar. 22, 1746. John, second s. John Jr. and Jeney, Nov. 10, 1782. John Little, ch. Noah and Tirza, Feb. 12, 1804. Jonathan, Dr., Mar. 29, 1762. p.r. Loisa, ch. Noah and Tirza, June 5, 18 16. PALMER BIRTHS. 7 1 Shearer, Marcia, d. [Dr.] Jo[h]n and Hannah, Apr. 14, i8or. Marcus M., [1793]- g.r.2. Maria, d. [Dr.] Jo[h]n and Hannah, July 22, 1803. Merrick, ch. Noah and Tirza, Apr. 3, 1800. Minerva, ch. Noah and Tirza, May 9, 1793. Patrick, eldest s. John Jr. and Jeney, Mar. 30, 1775. Perlin, June 6, 1808. g.r.i. Ruben, s. William and Jerusha, May 25, 1759. Salley, d. John Jr. and Jeney, Apr. 18, 1788. Septus, ch. Noah and Tirza, Feb. 28, 1802. Susan, d. Dr. Jonathan, w. Samuel King, [1791]- G.R.2. William, s. William and Jerusha, June 18, 1735. William, s. Noah and Tirza, Oct. 27, 1791. , s. Purlin, Dec. i, 1849. SHEARERS (see Shearer), , s. Lorenzo, . SHEARMAN (see Shearmon, Sherman, Shermon, Shermons), Roxana, d. Benja[min] and Roxey, May 25, 1816. SHEARMON (see Shearman, Sherman, Shermon, Shermons), Alsy, d. Benja[min] and Roxey, June 18, 1805. SHELDON, George, s. Samuel and Ruth, July 9, 1843. Ruth E., d. Sam[ue]l B., . SHEPARD (see Sheperd, Shepherd), Mary Hellen, d. Otis [S.] and Mary, Jan. 8, 1835. SHEPERD (see Shepard, Shepherd), , d. , Nov. 14, 1849, i^ Springfield. SHEPHERD (see Shepard, Sheperd), , s. Otis L., . SHERMAN (see Shearman, Shearmon, Shermon, Shermons), Albert, ch. Harvey U. and Louisa, Aug. 19, 1836. Azel, s. Benja[min] and Roxey, Aug. 13, 1819. Charles, ch. Benjamin (Sheormon) and Roxey, Oct. 29, 1813. Henry Clay, ch. Harvey U. and Louisa, Oct. 10, 1830. Hervey Utly, ch. Harvey U. and Louisa, Feb. 11, 1832. Sarah Jane, ch. Harvey U. and Louisa, Apr. 20, 1834. , ch. Hervey, [July] 29, 1835. c.r. SHERMON (see Shearman, Shearmon, Sherman, Shermons), Benjamin Porter, ch. Benjamin (Sheormon) and Roxey Dec. 22, 1811. Betsy, ch. Benjamin (Sheormon) and Roxey, Nov. 28, 1809. Olive, ch. Benjamin (Sheormon) and Roxey, Dec. 14, 1807. 72 PALMER BIRTHS. SHERMONS (see Shearman, Shearmon, Sherman, Shermon), Scyntha, d. Benjamin (Shearmons) [and] Roxey, Dec. 3, 1803. SHORLEY, Eugene, [1827]. g.r.i. SHUMWAY, Lo[u]isa, d. Asa and Orinda, Nov. 5, 1843. , s. Asa, . SIME, Lucy, w. Christopher S., d. Cyrus King and Rebecca, [1825]. G.R.I. SLOAN, John, s. William and Mary, Aug. 7, 1770. Joseph, s. William and Mary, June 24, 1760. Margrit, d. William and Mary, May 24, 1765, in Lyme, N. H. Mary, d. William and Mary, Mar. 9, 1768, in Lyme, N. H. Sarah, d. William and Mary, Dec. 15, 1772. SMITH, Agnes, d. Hugh and Agnes, Nov. 11, 1765. Alfred, s. John and Lucy, May 31, 1816. Alva, s. Elihu and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1813. Alva, s. Elihu and Hannah, May 18, 1814. Amasa, s. Willard and Mary, Feb. 14, 1814. Amasa, s. Willard and Mary, Sept. 16, 181 5. Amos, s. James and Dolley, Apr. 26, 1781. Amos, ch. Billy and Betsey, Sept. 26, 1824. Amos Mason, s. Jesse and Nancy, Nov. 25, 1824. Annie H. [ ■ — ], w. Harvey, — — [1804]. g.r.2. Austin R., ch. Freeman and LiUis, Aug. 18, 1825. Austin Rice, ch. Freeman and Lilies, bp. Aug. 31, 1832. C.R. Bertha, d. William and Prudence, Mar. i, 1787. Bettey, d. Robert Jr. and Hanah, July 22, 1798. Betty, d. Lt. James and Dolley, June 18, 1791. Bille, s. William and Prudence, June 6, 1791. Catharine, d. Elihu and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1816. Celia Cooley, d* Jesse and Cynthia, June 12, 1833. Charles F., s. Freeman, . Chauncy, s. Joseph and Sally, Nov. 16, 1785. Clarca, d. Joseph and Salley, Dec. 2, 1801. Dolly W., ch. Billy and Betsey, Nov. 28, 1813. Dwight, ch. Billy and Betsey, Sept. 8, 1829. Elbridge, s. Joseph and Salley, Jan. 17, 1800. Elehu, s. William and Prudence, Aug. 11, 1782. Eli, s. James and Dolley, May 20, 1787. Eli, Jan. 22, 1813. g.r.i. Elihu, s. Hugh and Agnes, Aug. 8, 1764. Elihu [h. Hannah], [1782]. g.r.2. PALMER BIRTHS. 73 Smith, Elisabeth, d. S. P. and w., Thorndike, bp. July 10, 1843. C.R. Elizabeth, d. Hugh and Agnes, Mar. 6, 1756. Emily, d. John and Lu[c]y, Dec. 4, 1818. Emily C, d. Rufus and Isabel, [181 2]. g.r.i. Eunice, d. Leander, . Fanny, d. Elihu and Hannah, July 25, 18 10. Fanny, bp. May 2, 1830. c.r. Francis W., [1829]. g.r.i. Freeman, s. Robert Jr. and Hannah, Feb. i, 1796. Freeman, — — [181 7]. g.r.i. Hanah Nealson, d. James and Dolley, Jan. 22, 1785. Hannah [ ], w. Robert, [i774]- g.r.2. Hannah [ ], w. EHhu, [1781]. g.r.2. Hannah, ch. Freeman and Lillis, Aug. 24, 1833. Hanry Bolton, s. Joseph and Salley Cooley (d. David), Aug. 16, 1784. Harriot W,, d. Jesse and Nancy, May 17, 1821. Harvey [h. Annie H.], [1803]. g.r.2. Harvy 2d, s. Robert Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1802. Henry, s. Joseph and Salley, Oct. 12, 1805. Henry, ch. Freeman and Lillis, Feb. 6, 1828. Henry, ch. Freeman and Lilies, bp. [Aug. 31], 1832. c.r. Henry Bolton (see Hanry Bolton). Henry T., s. Leander, -; . Henry W., ch. Billy and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1820. Horace C, [181 5]. g.r.i. Hyrum S., ch. Billy and Betsey, Sept. 26, 1827. [Hiram Sweet, C.R.] Isabel [ ], w. Rufus, [1786]. g.r.i. James, s. John and Margret, May 13, 1744. James, s. James and Margret, Feb. 22, 1754. Jesse, s. James and Dolley, July 2, 1789. John, Dea., eldest s. Elder James and Margret Sr., Dec. 22, 1 7 16, "Jan. 2, 1717 New Stile," in Ireland. John, s. James and Margret, Feb. 15, 1757. John, s. Hugh and Agnes, Sept. 27, 1768. John, s. James and Dolley, Apr. 16, 1778. John [h. Lucy C], [1778]. g.r.i. John A., ch. Billy and Betsey, Feb. 11, 181 6. John McWhorter, s. Robert Jr. and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1804. Johnathan, s. John and Margret, July 5, 1742. Johnathan, s. John and Margret, July 30, 1748. Joseph, s. Hugh and Agnes, Mar. 12, 1758. 74 PALMER BIRTHS. Smith, Julia Convers, d. John and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1822. Lena [? Sena], d. Robert Jr. and Hannah, June 26, 1800. Lucy C. [ ], w. John, [1780]. g.r.i. Lydia, d. James and DoUey, Nov. 11, 1794. Marcus H., "Union soldier," [1838]. g.r.2. Margaret, d. John and Margaret, Oct. 22, 1752. Margret (McMarcas), w. Dea. John, Aug. 24, 1717 "Old stile,' Sept. 4, 1717 "New Stile," in Derby Co., Ireland. Margret, d. James and Margaret, Aug. 12, 1749. Martin, s. Joseph and Salley, Aug. 23, 1797. Mary, d. John and Margaret, June 13, 1750. Mary, d. Robert and Margret, Nov. i, 1760. Mary, d. Hugh and Agnes, May 26, 1765. g.r.2. Mary, d. Hugh and Agnes, May 26, 1767. Mary, d. WiUiam and Prudence, Aug. 7, 1775, in Belchertown. Mary, d. Elihu and Hannah, July 17, 18 17. Mary, [1821]. g.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. Harvey and Annis, bp. [July 5], 1834. C.r. Mathew, s. Hugh and Agnes, Jan. 19, 1761. Moses F., Union soldier, [1845]. G.R.2. Nehemiah, Nov. 26, 1795. g.r.i. Orrel, d. Joseph and Salley, June 7, 1793. Patrick Watson, s. Elihu and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1809. Peggy, d. William and Prudence, Sept. 21, 1778. Pegy, d. Lt. James and Doly, Nov. 16, 1796. Phanney, d. William and Prudence, June 28, 1784. Poley, d. James and DoUey, Nov. 22, 1782. Prudenes, d. Elihu and Hannah, Dec. 8, 1818. Prudy, d. William and Prudence, Apr. 2, 1789. Robert, s. James and Margret, Sept. i, 1754. Rufus, s. Joseph and Salley, Oct. 19, 1787. Rufus [h. Isabel], [1787]. g.r.i. Salley, twin d. W[illia]m and Prudence, Sept. 11, 1780. Salley, d. Joseph and Salley, Oct. 6, 1790. Samuell, s. James and Dolley, Mar. 4, 1775. Sarah D., ch. Freeman and Lillis, Nov. 26, 1830. Sarah Dickinson, ch. Freeman and Lilies, bp. [Aug. 31], 1832 C.R. Sena, d. W[illia]m and Prudence, Aug. 16, 1795. Sene, d. James and Dollev, Sept. 21, 1776. Seth W., [1822]. g.r.i. Susan, twin d. W[illia]m and Prudence, Sept. 11, 1780. Susanah, d. John and Margret, Dec. 15, 1754. Thankful, d. James and Margaret, Dec. 8, 1763. PALMER BIRTHS. 75 Smith, William, s. John and Margret, June 2, 1746. William, s. Hugh and Anna, Dec. 19, 1772. William, s. Elihu and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1811. William, s. Willard and Mary, Nov, 5, 181 1. William, s. Jesse and Nancy, June 3, 18 19. , s. Joseph and Sally, July i, 1803. g.r.2. , d. William of Belchertown, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. SNELL, Jane, d. Rev. Amos, — ■ . — ■ , d. Rev. Amos, . SNOW, Clara (Childs), w. George W., July 4, 1834. g.r.i. George W. [h. Clara (Childs)], Aug. 17, 1829. g.r.i. Jonathan, Mar. 7, 1798. g.r.i. Lyman S., July 14, 1837. g.r.i. SOUTHGATE, Elizabeth, d. Steword and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, I73S-6. John, s. Steward and Elezabath, Jan. 15, 1737-8. William, s. Steward and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1739. SOUTHWICK, Henry L., s. Peter, . SPARROW, E. B. [h. Mary A.], [1842]. g.r.i. SPEAR, Ann, d. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1753. Anna, d. Wilham and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1788. Calvin, s. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1761. Calvin, s. David Jr. and Sarah, June 12, 1779. David, s. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1755. Elizabeth, d. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1763. Elizebeth, d. Luther and Anna, Sept. 30, 1799. Eunice, d. David [Jr.] and Hannah, May 21, 1768. Eunice, d. David Jr. and Sarah, Nov. i, 1782. John, s. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1757. John, s. David Jr. and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1789. Laney, second d. Luther and Anna, Feb. 6, 1797, in Bethleham. Luther, s. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1766. Molley, d. David Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1786. Salla, d. William and Elizabeth, May 4, 1794. Salley, d. Luther and Aanna, Jan. 31, 1795, in Bethleham. Thomas, s. David Jr. and Sarah, June 18, 1797. W[inia]m, s. David [Jr.] and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1759. SQUEIR (see Squier, Squires), , d. Chancey, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. 76 PALMER BIRTHS. SQUIER (see Squeir, Squires), Amanda, d. Chauncy, Dec. 15, 1848. , d. Ephraim, Nov. 15, 1848. SQUIRES (see Squeir, Squier), John A. [h. Mahi table G. (Weld)], [1816]. G.R.I. Mahitable G. (Weld), w. John A., [i8i6]. g.r.i. Zebrina, [1787]. g.r.i. STACY, Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1785. George M., Aug. i, 1829. g.r.i. STARK (see Starks), , s. Lewis, . ST ARKS (see Stark), Charles L. Jr., s. Charles L., , in Ware. George H., s. Henry W., . JuHa M., d. Charles S., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May I, 1847]. ST. CLARE, Mary A. (Hancock), w. B. M., [1847]. g.r.i. STEBBINS, Charles, s. Joel and Julia, Nov. 21, 1843. Malvina, d. Franklin and Sarah Ann, July 20, 1843. Nancy [ ], w. Orsen, [1801]. g.r.i. Orsen [h. Nancy], [1807]. g.r.i. STEVENS, Mary, d. Henry and Abi, Mar. 3, 1792. STEVENSON, Andrew, [1820]. g.r.i. STEVER (see Stevers), Ann L., d. Jacob, [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. [A- L. F., inf. d. Jacob and Marana, bp. July i, 1847, c.R.] STEVERS (see Stever), Timothy Ferril, s. , Thorndike, bp. July 2, 1843. c.R. STIMPSON (see Stimson), Rufus Alonzo, s. Rufus and Polly, Jan. 29, 1818. STIMSON (see Stimpson), Samantha W., ch. Noah and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1812. Sanford J., ch. Noah and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1818. Sarah E., ch. Noah and Hannah, June 6, 1827. Sophia W., ch. Noah and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1820. Sophronia T., ch. Noah and Hannah, June 29, 1808. Sumner B., ch. Noah and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1810. Susan L., ch. Noah and Hannah, Sept. 25, 1822. PALMER BIRTHS. 77 STOCKWELL, Charlotte, [1795]. g.r.i. John, [1805]. G.R.I. STOWE, Willard H., M. D., , 1844. g.r.i. STOWELL, Luther, s. Daniel and Anne, Feb. 8, 1770. STRICKLAN (see Strickland, Stricklin), Amery, s. James and Naomi, Dec. 4, 1788. Asa, s. James and Naomi, Feb. 10, 1796. Betty, d. James and Naomi, Jan. 15, 1791, in S. Brimfield. Deborah, d. James and Naomi, May 31, 1800. Eli, s. James and Naomi, Nov. 9, 1793. Elijah, s. James and Naromi, July 14, 1786. Ira, s. James and Naomi, Apr. 11, 1798. John, s. James and Naomi, Sept. 24, 1802. STRICKLAND (see Stricklan, Strickhn), Angeline M. [ ], w. James, [1828]. g.r.i. Elijah, [1786]. g.r.i. Ella A., d. James and Angeline M., [1848]. g.r.i. Ella Adelaide, d. E. and P., [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. Mary, [1831]. g.r.i. Persis C. [ ], w. Emory, [1815]. g.r.i. Sophia [ ], w. Elijah, [1784]. g.r.i. , s. Emery, . STRICKLIN (see Stricklan, Strickland), Ella A., d. James, Dec. 6, 1848. O., s. John and Betsy, Apr. 14, 1843. STRONG, Chester, s. Aaron and Lurena (Searle) [h. Lucie E.], Mar. 16, 1811, in Southampton, g.r.i. Hervey, Oct. 8, 1808, in Southampton, g.r.i. Lucie E., w. Chester, d. Elizur Cook and Margia, , 1822, in W. Springfield, g.r.i. STUDSON, Olivia, s. [sic] Lewis, . SULIVAN (see Sullivan), , d. Patrick, . SULLIVAN (see Sulivan), Harriet E., d. Orrin, July 6, 1849. Julia, d. Bartholomew, Nov. 16, 1849. , d. Mary, June 10, 1849, i^ Brookfield. SWEATLAND, Charles F., s. Francis H., June 20, 1848. SWEENEY (see Sweney). 78 PALMER BIRTHS. SWEET, , d. Amos L., [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. SWEETLAND (see Sweatland). SWENEY, Dennis, d. [sic] Peter, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. , s. Peter, . SYMMES (see Sime). TACKELS, Alexander, s. William and Jean, June 15, 1755. Cristian, d. William and Jean, Feb. 28, 1748. Elizabeth, d. William and Jean, Mar. 21, 1743. Hugh Easter, s. William and Jean, Apr. 10, 1752. James, s. William and Jeam, Feb. 14, 1750. Mary, d. William and Jean, May 26, 1741. Maryann, d. William and Jean, June 4, 1744. TAFT, Frances E. [ ], w. Joseph, [1839]. g.r.i. Joseph [h. Frances E.], [1823]. g.r.i. Mahala H., [1802]. g.r.i. Polly (Barnes), w. Charles, Aug. 31, 1813. g.r.i. TAYLOR, Amelia A. [ ], w. Newell S., [1831]. g.r.i. Emily Jane, d. Sanford, June 5, 1848, in Stafford, Conn. Newell S. [h. Amelia A.], [1829]. g.r.i. TENNEY (see Tenny), Eliphalet, Dea., [1807]. g.r.i. Josiah, s. Josiah and Mary, May 14, 1760. Lewis, [1810]. g.r.i. Lewis M., s. David, Mar. 12, 1849. Mary, d. Josiah and Mary, Mar. 21, 1763. ■ , d. David, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. TENNY (see Tenney), Mary, w. Horace Clark, [1806]. G.R.I. , s. David, . TESH, Charles H. [h. Katherine (Scholtz)], [182 1]. g.r.i. Katherine (Scholtz), w. Charles H., [1823]. g.r.i. THAYER, Edwin F., s. Ovando, Aug. 21, 1848. Fanny V., d. Ruffus, . Harriet, d. John of Wilbraham, Marshall W., s. Rufus of Monson, [rec. Jan. 20, 1848]. PALMER BIRTHS. 79 THOMAS, Jeremiah, s. Carmody, Nov. — , 1848. Mary, [1829]. g.r.2. Mary H., [1835]. g.r.i. THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tompson), Elizebeth, d. Joseph of Northampton, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]- THOMSON (see Thompson, Tompson), Benjamin, s. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1745. Bette Bessel, d. Hanrey and Rebecca, June 23, 1768. Charles, s. Hanrey and Rebeca, Dec. 24, 1783. Elizabeth, d. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, May i, 1737. Emery, s. Nathen and Rebecah, Apr. 10, 1801. Emoson, s. Nathen and Rebecah, Oct. 16, 1802. Eunes, d. Hanrey and Rebeca, Sept. 28, 1775. Eunice, d. Shadrick and Martha, Nov. 21, 1787. Gideon, s. Hanrey and Rebecca, Feb. 15, 1773. Hanrey, s. Hanrey and Rebecca, Mar. i, 1772. Henry, s. [Capt.] John and Ehzabeth, Oct. 8, 1739. Jean, d. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1735. John, s. Hanrey and Rebecca, Dec. 24, 1765. John Rutherford, s. Shadrick and Martha, June 17, 1785. Margret, d. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1726. Mary, d. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Mar. 25, 1732. Molley, d. Hanrey and Rebeca, July 18, 1781. Noah, s. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1742. Paggey, d. Hanrey and Rebecca, Feb. 23, 1778. Rebeca, d. Henrey and Rebeca, May 27, 1785. Robert Hunter, s. Shadrick and Martha, Aug. 21, 1792. Rufus, s. [Capt.] John and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1752. Shadrick, s. Shadrick and Martha, Apr. 17, 1790. THWING (see Twing). TOMPSON (see Thompson, Thomson), Robert, s. Robert and Agina, Nov. 6, 1730. TOUSLEY, Jacob, s. Abner and Bashaway, May 30, 1758. TRIM, Mary L., d. Isaac C. and Mary A., Oct. 16, 1845. TRUMBLE, Alfred, [1817]. g.r.i. Louise L. [ ], second w. Alfred, [1823]. g.r.i. TUCKER, Sarah G., d. Josiah and Martha, [1838]. g.r.2. TUPPER, Alfred, s. William and Tamer, Dec. 11, 1797. 8o PALMER BIRTHS. TURNER, Delphia [ ], w. Col. Elias, [1812]. g.r.i. Elias, Col., [1795]- G.R.2. Eliza, Apr. 16, 1791. G.R.2. Erasmus M., [1821]. g.r.2. Hannah D. [ ], w. Col. Elias, [i797]- g.r.2. TWING, Lucy M., d. William B., . Sarah, d. William and Lucy, July 14, 1843. TWISS, , d. William, [rec. June 20, 1848]. TYAS, Aaron, s. William, . UNDERWOOD, Lucinda, d. Ruben and Adaline, Jan. 30, 1843. UPHAM, Charles WiUiam, s. W[ilUa]m and w., bp. [Apr. 26], 1844. C.R. UTLEY, Almira, ch. Harvey and Catharine, June 12, 18 10. Caroline, ch. Harvey and Catharine, June 2, 1806. Dexter, ch. Harvey and Catharine, May 3, 1814. Gilbert, ch. Harvey and Catharine, June 24, 181 2. Tindy [?], ch. Harvey and Catharine, May 23, 1808. VAN DEUSEN, Freeman, Feb. 7, 1805. g.r.i. Lucretia, May 22, 1814. g.r.i. WAITE, John, [1800]. g.r.i. John H., [1841]. G.R.I. WALKER, Appleton, s. Selvenos and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1784. Benjamin A. [h. Mary (Van Buren)], [1785]. g.r.i. Benjamin Appelton, s. Sylvanus and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1785. Calvin, s. Sylvanus and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1784. Calvin, s. Selvenos and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1789. Eliza I., ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, Mar. 29, 1829. Eliza Jane, ch. Appleton and Mary, bp. [Sept. 20], 1832. c.r. Harriot, d. Josiah, . Henry, [1820]. g.r.i. John K., ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, Mar. 4, 1826. John King, ch, Appleton and Mary, bp. [Sept. 20], 1832. c.r. John T., s. Sylvanus, . Lucinthy Jewett, d. Sylvanus and Hannah, Dec. 11, 1797. Lucyntha J., ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, Mar. 13, 1822. Priscilla (Ellis), second w. Benjamin A., [1791]- g.r.i. Rebecca, ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, May 21, 1824. Rebecca, ch. Appleton and Mary, bp. Sept. 20, 1832. c.r. PALMER BIRTHS. 8 1 Walker, Sarah A. A., ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, Aug. 26, 1818. [Sarah A., d. Benjamin A. and Mary (Van Buren), G.R.I.] Sylvanus, Capt., Apr. 8, 1728, in Brookfield. Sylvanus, ch. Benjamin A. and Mary, Apr. 12, 1820. Sylvenus A., s. Sylvenus of Monson, . , d. Albert, , WALLACE, Samuel J., [1833]. g.r.i. WARD, Abner, s. Urijah and Prudey, Jan. 19, 1782. Aliza Graves, d. Asa and Dosha, Jan. 24, 1796. Asa, s. Urijah and Prudey, Sept. 17, 1767. Asa [h. Mary E.], [1817]. g.r.i. Asseneth, d. Asa and Dosha, Apr. 9, 1801. Benjamin, s. Urijah and Prudey, Jan. 19, 1772. Bethsheba, d. Urijah and Prudey, Oct. 6, 1779. Calvin, s. Urijah and Prudey, Nov. 28, 1783. Calvin 2d, "Deputed" s. Calvin Ward and Salley Hitchcock, Nov. 18, 1803. Calvin [h. JuUa], [1804]. g.r.i. Charlotte M., d. John and Charlotte C, Feb. 14, 1842. [Char- lotte Maria, c.R.] Eliza Graves (see Aliza Graves). Graves, s. Urijah and Prudey, Feb. 7, 1776. Henry H., s. Ebenezer, June 22, 1849. John 3d, s. Urijah and Prudey, Oct. 6, 1769. John, s. Asa and Dosha, June i, 1804. John, [1805]. G.R.I. John A., s. John and Charlotte C, Jan. 7, 1840. [John Abbott, C.R.] Julia [ ], w. Calvin, [1808]. g.r.i. Julia S., d. Calvin and Julia, [1848]. g.r.i. Levi, s. Obediah and Mary, Dec. 6, 1762. Lucina (Merrick), w. John, [i797]- g.r.i. Mary E. [ ], w. Asa, — — [1827]. g.r.i. Maryan, d. Abel, . Nabbey, d. Urijah and Prudey, Mar. 3, 1774. Orrilla, d. Asa and Dosha, Mar. 31, 1799. Ruben, s. Urijah and Prudey, July 2, 1765. Stephen, s. Obediah and Mary, Feb. 7, 1764. WARD WELL, — , d. Francis H., [rec. between May I, 1846, and May i, 1847]. 82 PALMER BIRTHS. WARE, Joseph, ch. Joseph K. and Clarissa, bp. Apr. 25, 1830. C.R. WARNER, EHsha [h. Maria (Bigelow)], [1820]. g.r.i. Julia E. [ -], w. Ira C. Heath, [1827]. g.r.i. Maria (Bigelow), w. Elisha, [1828]. g.r.i. WARRENER (see Warriner), Abner Morgin, s. William and Ruth [sic, Lois], Apr. 15, 1787, in Wilbraham. John, s. W[ilha]m and Lois, June 18, 1777. Lois, d. William and Ruth [sic, Lois], Aug. 11, 1780, in Brim- field. Nabby, d. William and Ruth [sic, Lois], Dec. 15, 1778, in Brim- field. Ruth, d. William and Ruth [sic, Lois], Sept. 22, 1782, in Brim- field. William Bostwick, s. WiUiani and Ruth [sic, Lois], Feb. 3, 1785, in Wilbraham. WARRINER (see Warrener), Emily F. [ ], w. Ethan, [1834]. G.R.I. Fidelia M., d. Ethan, — . WASHBURN, Ann Maria, ch. Ira Jr. and Maria, July 11, 1825. Eliza Ann, ch. Ira Jr. and Maria, Nov. 24, 183 1. Harriet, ch. Ira Jr. and Maria, Nov. 20, 1829. July Ann, ch. Ira Jr. and Maria, Dec. 5, 1834. Quincy Adams, ch. Ira Jr. and Maria, July 10, 1827. WASSUM, Anne E. [ ], w. F. J., [1837]. g.r.i. WATKINS, Theren A., s. Hiram, . WATROUS, Sarah M., w. Abel H. Calkins, Aug. 14, 1823. g.r.i. WATSON, Asa, s. Patrick and Esebel, Oct. 8, 1790. Betsey, d. Patrick and Esabel, July 17, 1777. Dolly, d. Patrick and Esabel, Sept. 10, 1779. Hannah, d. Patrick and Esabel, July 8, 1781. [Isabel] [twin] d. Patrick and Esabel, Oct. 19, 1786. James, s. Patrick and Esabel, Apr. 3, 1771. John, s. Patrick and Esabel, Sept. 17, 1772. John, [1772]- G.R.I. Lydia, d. Patrick and Esabel, Mar. 18, 1783. Mary [ ], second w. John, — ■ — [1806]. g.r.i. Molly, d. Patrick and Esabel, July 23, 1769. PALMER BIRTHS. 83 Watson, Patrick, [twin] s. Patrick and Esabel, Oct. 19, 1786. Sally, d. Patrick and Esabel, July 17, 1775. WEBBER, Clarissa, d. Abel, Aug. 22, 1849. Lucinda, d. Abel, . Robert, s. Col. Ebenezer and Rebecca (d. Robert Blair), Dec. 27, 1792. WEBSTER, Mary B. [ ], w. Parker W., Dec. 11, 1822. G.R.I. Parker W. [h. Mary B.], Dec. 11, 1812. g.r.i. W. Parker, s. P. W., Oct. 30, 1849. WELCH, James, s. Patrick, Oct. 29, 1849. WELD, Mahitable G., w. John A. Squires, [1816]. g.r.i. WELLMAN (see Welman, Willman), J. Frank, [1846]. G.R.I. Maria, d. John R., Mar. — , 1849. Mary M. (Baldwin), w. J. R., [1824]. g.r.i. Phebe, , 1799. g.r.i. WELMAN (see Wellman, Willman), George, s. John R.. . WEST, , d. Richard, Sept. 3, 1849. WHITE, H. Maria (Brown), w. Andrew J., [182S]. g.r.i. Mary P., d. Elbridge and Harriet, bp. July i, 1847. ^.r. Sophia, w. Ethan Bass, [1802]. g.r.2. WHITHILL, WiUiam, s. James, [rec. between May i, 1846, and May i, 1847]. WHITING, Artemas Sargeant, s. Laban and Polly, Feb. 17, 1821. Betsey Stoddard, d. Laban and Polly, Apr. 17, 1825. Frances Antoinette, d. Laban and Polly, June 27, 1829. Mary Ann, d. Laban and Polly, Apr. 8, 1827. Sarah Lombard, d. Laban and Polly, Feb. 3, 1823. WHITNEY (see Whittne), Samuel, s. Ebenezer and Anna, Apr. 6, 1779. WHITTEMORE, Ann A. [ ], w. Edward W., [1823]. g.r.i. WHITTNE (see Whitney), Garsham (Whittnes), s. Gorsham and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1757. 84 PALMER BIRTHS. Whittne, Hannah, d. Garsham and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1765. Hezakiah, s. Gorsham and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1762. Josiah, s. Gorsham and Sarah, June 23, 1760. WILCOX, George W., May 17, 1835. g.r.i. WILDER, John, s. Patrick, Dec. 25, 1848, Levi F., s. Joseph, . Sarah Ann, d. Joseph, Mar. 20, 1849. , d. George, . WILLIAMS, Mary, [1846]. g.r.i. WILLMAN (see Wellman, Welman), John T., s. John B., WILSON, FrankUn S., s. Sylvester Jr. of Winchester, N. H., Mary J., d. Estus, . WITT, Adilade, d. Austin, . WOOD, Charles, s. Abel, Aug. 24, 1849. Elbridge G., [1814]. g.r.i. George, s. George and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1766. Henry C., s. Joel D., , in Stowe. Mary A., d. Mary, Aug. 22, 1848, in Wis. WOODHEAD, James, s. Loammi, Mar. 19, 1849. , s. William, Aug. — , 1849. WOODWORTH, Silas, s. PeHck and Abegill, Dec. 25, 1771. WORTHING, Sarah J., w. Dea. George F. Brown, Apr. 7, 1840. G.R.I. WRIGHT, Abel, s. Joel and Lydia, May 2, 1807. David, twin s. Joseph and Miriam, Oct. 8, 1727. Gideon, s. Joseph and Miriam, July 10, 1738. Jonathan, twin s. Joseph and Miriam, Oct. 8, 1727. Mariam, d. Joseph and Mariam, Oct. 24, 1731. Mary A. [ ], w. , [1845]. G.r.i. , s. Solomon, . YOUNG, James, [1817]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 85 UNIDENTIFIED. Abby, w. Col. Isaac King, Oct. 22, 1798. g.r.i. Abby S., w. Theopolus H. Knight, [181 2]. g.r.i. Almeda, w. Trowbridge Moulton, [1821]. g.r.i. Amelia A,, w. Newell S. Taylor, [1831]. g.r.i. Angeline M., w. James Strickland, [1828]. g.r.i. Ann A., w. Edward W. Whittemore, [1823]. g.r.i. Anna M., w. C. W. Cross, [1846]. g.r.i. Anne E., w. F. J. Wassum, [1837]. g.r.i. Annie H., w. Harvey Smith, [1804]. g.r.2. Asenath B., w. John Sedgwick, [1787]. G.r.i. Aseneth Shaw Brown, "former" w. Samuel Shaw, Jan. 816. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Martin Bardwell, [17 7 7]- g.r.2. Betsey, w Lysander Mitchell, [i8ig]. g.r.i. Betsey, w. D. B. Matteson, [1826]. g.r.i. Betsy, second w. John Bowles, [1797]- g.r.i. Candace, w. Freeman Dodge, [1808]. g.r.i. Caroline, w. Seva Brown, [1810]. g.r.i. Catherine C, w. Dea. James Cowles, June 3, 1812. G.R.I. Caty, w. David Shearer, Aug. 23, 1771. g.r.2. Charlotte S., w. Charles Mason, [1818]. g.r.2. Chsta M., w. Andrew L. Goodell, — — - [1815]. g.r.i. Cornelia, w. John K. Ferrell, [1828]. g.r.i. Delilah, w. John Graves, [1798]- g.r.i. Delphia, w. Col. Elias Turner, [1812]. g.r.i. Dorcas, w. Joseph L. [dup. omits L.] Keith, [1790]- g.r.i. Dwight, ch. , bp. July 19, 1830. c.r. Eliza W., w. Azel Breckenridge, [1809]. g.r.i. Elizabeth, w. Lambert Allen, [1800]. g.r.i. Elmira, w. Marble Ferrell, [1801]. g.r.i. Elvira, w. Harlow B. Kibbe, [1830]. g.r.i. Elvira S., w. Chauncy W. Brooks, [i799]- g.r.i. Emily, w. Thomas Bell, [1812]. g.r.i. Emily F., w. Ethan Warriner, [1834]. g.r.i. Emma L., w. George A. Griffin, [1846]. g.r.i. Esther, second w. Cha[rle]s B. Fiske, Sept. 12, 1838. .1. Eunice, w. Jonathan Nutting, [1792]. G.R.2. Eunice M., w. John E. Shaw, [1820]. g.r.2. Fannie M., w. George P. Blanchard, [1842]. g.r.i. G.R 86 PALMER BIRTHS. , Frances E., w. Joseph Taft, [1839]. g.r.i. , Frances M., w. Cha[rle]s B. Fiske, [1847]. g.r. r. , Gelonise L., w. Desire Beauregard, [1839.] c.r. r. , Hannah, w. Robert Smith, [i774]- g.r.2. , Hannah, w. Elihu Smith, [1781]. g.r.2. , Hannah C, w. A. W. Clark, [1836]. g.r.i. , Hannah D., w. Col. Elias Turner, [i797]- g.r.2. , Hannah R., w. Hiram P. Lee, , 1808. G.R.2. , Harriet, w. James C. Burnham, Feb. 19, 1810. g.r.i. , Harriet E., w. Samuel Holbrook, [1802]. g.r.i. , Harriet S., w. Francis E. Kendall, second w. Samuel Brown, [1815]. g.r.i. , Helen, w. Rev. Charles Scott, [1840]. g.r.i. , Huldah, w. Pliney Cooley, [1804]. g.r.i. , Isabel, w. Rufus Smith, [1786]. g.r.i. , Jane E., w. Charles D. Foster, Nov. 13, 1833. g.r.i. , Jane E., w. James R. Parkhurst, [1833]. g.r.i. , Jane E., w. George H. Hastings, [1845]. g.r.i. , Jane M., w. William J. Blanchard, [1809]. g.r.i. , Janie W., w. John G. Helliwell, Feb. 14, 1829. g.r.i. Jennette W., second w. Dea. Hiram Converse, [1820]. G.R.I. — , Jerusha W., w. Aaron J. Miller Jr., [1820]. g.r.2. — , Judith, w. Thomas Poole, [1782]. g.r.i. — , Julia, w. Calvin Ward, [1808]. g.r.i. , Juha A., w. Samuel Bliss, [1808]. g.r.2. , Julia A., w. Henry Seism, [18 16]. g.r.i. , Keziah, w. Cyrus Olds, [1805]. g.r.i. , Laura, w. Charles Forbush, [1834]. g.r.i. , Laura A., w. Dea. Sylvester Parks, [1793]- g.r.i. , Laura A., w. T. F. Fuller, [1833]. g.r.i. , Laura D., w. Joseph Merriam, "former" w, Manville Hulett, [1839]. g.r.i. , Laura E., w. James K. Child, Dec. 20, 1828. g.r.i. , Louisa, w. Franklin Davis, [1833]. g.r.i. , Louise L., second w. Alfred Trumble, [1823]. g.r.i. , Lucinda K., w. Erastus S. Bridgman, [1814J. g.r.i, , Lucy, w. Samuel Shaw, [1782]. g.r.2. , Lucy C, w. John Smith, [1780]. g.r.i. , Lucy S., w. Matthew C. Fenton, [1827]. g.r.i. , Lydia, w. Sylvester Hills, [1803]. g.r.i. , Lydia A., w. William B. Ham, [1841]. g.r.i. PALMER BIRTHS. 87 Lydia Jane, w. George Saunders, [1836]. g.r.i. Mahitable, w. Elisha Converse, May 26, 1795. g.r.i. Malissa, w. Samuel Brown, , 1844. g.r.i. Martha, w. John Hamilton, [1805]. g.r.i. Martha, w. George F. Babson, [1833]. G-R-i- Martha A., w. E. S. Brooks, [1843]. g.r.i. Martha Emily, w. William C. Child, Sept. 2, 1824. GR.I. Martha S., w. Marshall Fox, [1821]. g.r.i. Mary, w. George Brakenridge, May 16, 1736. Mary, w. Amos Kendall, [1793]- G.R.2. Mary, second w. John Watson, [1806]. g.r.i. Mary, w. Benjamin Kenerson, Feb. 26, 1814. g.r.i. Mary, w. Cha[rle]s A. Porter, [1849]. g.r.i. Mary A., w. Wright, [1845]. g.r.i. Mary Ann, w. Chauncy C. Shaw, [18 13]. g.r.i. Mary B., w. William Robinson, [1803]. g.r.i. Mary B., w. Parker W. Webster, Dec. 11, 1822. g.r.i. Mary E., w. Thomas M. Poole, [1813]. g.r.i. . Mary E., w. Asa Ward, [1827]. g.r.i. Mary F., w. Osborn H. Bidwell, [1835]. g.r.i. Mary J., second w. Franklin Davis, [1834]. g.r.i. Mary Jane, w. Cyrus Hamilton, [1828]. g.r.i. Mary K., w. Alanson C. Merrick, [1800]. g.r.i. Mary K., w. Albert P. Chapman, — - [183 1]. g.r.i. Mary P., w. Capt. Alonzo N. Dewey, Mar. 26, 1798. g.r.i. Mehitable, w. Enoch Marshall, [1800]. g.r.i. Mehitable (see Mahitable). Melissa, w. George Fleming, , 1824. g.r.i. Nancy, w. Samuel D. Shaw, [i794]- g.r.i. Nancy, w. Orsen Stebbins, [1801]. g.r.i. Nancy, w. John Corey, — — [1814]. g.r.2. Olive D., w. Rev. Moses Palmer, [1823]. g.r.i. Orpha, w. Clark McMaster, [i799]- g.r.i. Persis C, w. Emory Strickland, [1815]. g.r.i. Phebe, second w. Dea. Wilson Foster, [1776]. g.r.2. Philema, w. Keyes Foster, July 28, 1802. g.r.i. Philipina, w. George Breeke, [1834]. g.r.i. Polly, w. Austin Ferrell, [1781]. G.R.2. Polly, w. Jason B. Maynard, [i793]- G.R.i. Polly, w. Samuel H. Davis, May 17, 1807. g.r.i. Priscilla M., w. Daniel Hamilton, [i793]- g.r.i. 88 PALMER BIRTHS. G.R Roby, w. Robert McMaster, — Rosalana, w. Col. John Fenton, Ruth, w. Solomon Brown, [i774]- Ruth, w. Elbridge Moulton, - Salley, w. Joseph, [1781 SaUie B., w. Jonathan Cooley Jr., [1800]. G.R.2. [1796]. G.R.I. G.R.2. -[1815]. G.R.I. G.R.2. -[1788]. G.R.I. [1790]. G.R. 2. Sally, w. Jona[than] Mooers, Jan. 3, 1836. c.R. Sally W., w. Ira E. Andrews, [i794]- g.r.2. Samantha, w. Joshua Shaw, [1810]. g.r.i. Sarah, w. Franklin T. Blanchard, [1822]. g.r.i. Sarah, w. WiUiam Scott, , in Hatfield, g.r.i. Sally, w. Chester Hastings, I Sarah Desire, w ,2. Sarah E., w. Dwight Mason, — Sarah S., w. Calvin Blodgett, - Silende, w. John B. Blanchard, Sophia, w. Elijah Strickland Dea. Freeman' Foster, [1823]. [1839]. g.r.i. - [1841]. G.R.I. — [1780]. G.R.I, [1784]. G.R.I. Sophia, w. Horace Dickenson, Nov. 28, 1799. g.r.i. Susanna, w. Chauncy Brooks, [1788]. g.r.i. Tirzah, w. Edwin Fenton, [1828]. g.r.i. Villette B., w. Henry Hame, [182 1]. g.r.i. Violet, w. WiUiam Scott Esq., Oct. 21, 1750, in Spring- field, g.r.i. — . , d. , Oct. 3, 1849, i^ Boston. PALMER MARRIAGES. PALMER MARRIAGES. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOTT, Gideon of Brookfield, and Mary Walker, Dec. 28, 1790. Rachel of Brookfield, and Zadock Cooley, Mar. 30, 1795. Thomas of Weston, and Sarah Cutler, Nov. 7, 177 1. ACKLEY, Almarin L. of Middletown [int. Middleton], Conn., and Clarissa Carpenter, May 15, 1833. ADAMS, Benjamin and Salley [dup. and int. Salla] Lamb, Apr. 2, 1801. Francis of New Brantree [int. New Braintree], and Polly Mc- Clentock, Mar. 5, 18 14. Franklin [int. of Marlborough] and Mahala McMickall [int. McMikcle], Nov. 30, 1826, in Ware. John and Silvia Toby, Mar. 23, 1791.* Lucy and Benjamin King, Nov. 30, 1786. Miner and Mary S. Rood, int. Nov. 14 [1835]. William and Sarah P. Maine, — ^[rec. before May i, 1844].* [William of Monson, May 31, 1843, C.R.] AKERS, Albert M., 22, s. Henry and Achsah, and Susannah L. Howard, Nov. 12, 1849.* ALDEN, E. B. [male] of Enfield, Conn., and F. A. Dennison, int. Jan. 13, 1848. ALDRICH (see Aldritch), Anna of Belchertown, and Procter B. Davis, int. Dec. 10, 1824. Olive of Belchertown and Reuben S. Lazell, May 17, 1838.* ALDRITCH (see Aldrich), Nahum of Ware, and Cynthia Buf- fington, Dec. 23, 1833. ALEXANDER, Alice of Western, and Seth Chamberlain, int. Mar. 20, 1830. * Intention not recorded. 01 92 PALMER MARRIAGES. Alexander, Sullivan of Brimfield, and Sophia Fairbanks, Apr. II, 1832, in Western.* c.r. ALLEN, Abner Jr. and Mary J. Hale, int. Oct. 6, 1832. Alban and Sarah M. Bourn, int. Oct. 16, 1841. Antoinette [int. Antoinett] and Jacob Leavens, Apr. 11, 1831. Charles and Olive Woolcott, int. Aug. 3, 1840. Cheney [int. Cheny A.] and Harriot [int. Hariot] Orcutt. [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. July 22, 1843]. [Aug. 7, 1843, C.R.] Clarissa and Moses Barnes, Dec. 19 [1822]. Cyrene and Jonathan Wade, Dec. 13, 1827.* Cyrus and Sally Blodget [int. Blodgett], Mar. 17, 1817. Ephraim and Mary Ann Scripture, int. Apr. 9, 1831. George H. and Violett [int. Violet] R. Anderson, Sept. 22 [1847]. [Vilette R., Sept. 27, c.r.] Huldah and Pliny Cooley, Feb. 18 [1829]. John and Susan Thompson, int. Jan. i, 1808. Lambert and Elizabeth S. Steele, int. Apr. 23, 1825. Levi of E. Winsor [dup. adds Conn.], and Nancy G. [dup. omits G.] Allen, Oct. 7, 1804. Nancy G. [dup. omits G.] and Levi Allen, Oct. 7, 1804. Philadelphia and Leonard Davis, Aug. 4, 1840. AMSDEN, John of Deerfield, and Sally Graves, int. Jan. 5, 1798. ANDERSON, Ira E. [int. Andrews] and Sally Wordsworth [int. Wardsworth], Apr. 19, 1840. Olive P. of Ware, and Wyatt C. Marsh, int. Nov. 13, 1847. Sally of Ware, and Alva Brown, int. Feb. 27, 1820. Tho[ma]s and Eliz[abeth] Davise, Sept. 19, 1755.* Violett [int. Violet] R. and George H. Allen, Sept. 22 [1847]. [Vilette R., Sept. 27, c.r.] ANDRAS (see Andrews), Elizabeth and John Brown, June 8, 1775.* ANDREWS (see Andras), Ira E. (see Ira E. Anderson). Mary [int. Andruce] and George G. [int. C] Sanford, Nov. 18, 1838. [George C, c.r.] APPELTON (see Apphn), Sarah [int. Applin] of New London, Conn., and Sylvanus [int. Eilvenos] Walkee [Walker] Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Apr. 12, 1783. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 93 APPLIN (see Appelton), Thomas and Mabel Brown, Nov. 9, 1752.* ARE (see Ayers), Thankfull and William Augger [? Rugges], Aug. 10, 1786. ARNOLD, Ezick B., widr. [int. omits widr.], and Cly mania [int. Clymena] Pierce, May 5, 1846. Wilson and Emeline Brown, May — , 1847. Wilson, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], 32, s. Sylvester and Locia, and Sarah J. [int. Jane] Powell, Apr. 23, 1848. ASHBURN, John and Betty Clark, int. Apr. — , 1782. ASHTON, Arthur and Sarah Lucas, int. Nov. 16, 1844. ATKINSON, David "a transient person," and Vina Moores, int. July 26 [1831]. ATWOOD, Dianna, 30, of Ludlow, d. Hannah, and Dr. William B. Miller, Nov. 25 [1847].* AUGGES, William [? Rugges] and Thankfull Are, Aug. 10, 1786. AUSTIN, Hannah and Lymon Howard, int. Sept. 14, 1839. Sarah D. and Orson Henry [int. Harvey], Aug. 5, 1839. AVERILL, Abigail and Issac Stacy, June i, 1780. Polley and Abner Sikes, int. Sept. 17, 1784. AYERS (see Are), Rachel of Ware, and Thomas Spear, int. Aug, 25, 1817. BABCOCK, Polly and Ezenas Bliss, int. Aug. 29, 1784. BACHELDER, John and Sarah Bulerd, int. Nov. 10, 1778. BACKUS, Mary Ester [int. Esther] and Amasa A. [int. U.] Lyon [int. Esq.], Nov. 29, 1840. [d. Rev. S., and Amasa U. Lyon, Nov. 27, c.r.] BACON, Albert J., 25, s. Ira P. and Irene, and Susan Stewart, Mar. 8, 1848. Benjamin and Jerusha Rogers, Dec. 26, 1799. David, Dr., of Scarboro, Cumberland Co., and Ruth Warriner, int. Nov. 24, 1802. Elizabeth and James Grimes, int. Jan. — , 1784. Freeman and Mary F. Hamilton, May 3, 1838. * Intention not recorded. 94 PALMER MARRIAGES. Bacon, George of Brimfield, and Mary E. Ferry, Sept. 24, 1834, [Terry, c.r.] Hannah and Thomas Wood, int. June 12, 1779. Jerusia of Warren, and Harison G. Bartlett, May 28, 1844.* John and Olive Gates, Feb. 4, 1813. Joseph and Nancy Moore, int. Mar, 15, 1791. Lovisa and Charles Blodget, Nov. 24, 183 1. Pennuel of Ware, and Sally [int. Salla] Stevens, Nov. 7, 1799. Phila and Lemuel Grover, Dec. 31, 181 7. BADGER (see Bajer). BAGGS, Sally of Belchertown, and Jonathan Moors Jr., int. Aug. II, 1805. BAILEY, Levi A. and Mary E. [int. Eliza] Hamilton, Apr. 29, 1846. BAJER, John and Dorcas Blair, June 19, 1792. BAKER, Cloe of Belchertown, and John Shearer Jr., int. May 26, 1806. BALDWIN (see Boldwin), Amos of Suffield, Conn., and Sarah A. Ferry, Sept. 24, 1834. Bille [dup. int. Billy] and Betsey [int. Betty] King, Oct. 17, 1796. Betsy and Michael Swinington, int. June 25, 1809. John and Philena Shearer, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Mary M. and John B. Welman [int. John R. WellmanJ, Sept. 27, 1843. Moses, Rev., and Mrs. , int. . Nabe Semor and Asa Hamilton, Oct. 24, 1786. Polly and Alpheus Converse Jr., int. Apr. 9, 1802. Rebeckah [int. Becca] [and] John McClanathen [int. McClana- than], Aug. 29, 1799. BALL, Ebenezer and Salley Swift, int. June 11, 1814. George H. and Eliza Ann P. Willson, int. June 27, 1842. Julia E. and George W. Randall, int. Nov. 22, 1841. Richard C, 61, of Princeton, s. Aaron and Rachal, and Lucy Roper, Mar. 2, 1846. Sophia and Dwight M. Stebbins, Apr. 15, 1841. Susanna and Seth B. Olds, int. Sept. 29, 1841. BALLARD, Lydia of Monson, and William Shaw Jr., int. Aug 21, 1773. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 95 BANIESTER, Anne [int. Banister] and Eleazar Bishop, Mar. 28, 1765- BARBER (see Barbor), Atlanta M. A. of Springfield, and Joseph Fleming, int. Apr. 29, 1848. Jarusha [int. Jerutia] W. and Aaron J. Miller [int. Jr.], Mar. 25 [1847]. Joel and Lydia Watson, Nov. 15, 1814. Josiah and Sarahann Miller, int. Nov. 10, 1843. BARBOR (see Barber), Joseph, Lt., and Ehzabeth McClana- than, int. Nov. — , 1782. BARDWELL, Martin Jr. of Belchertown, and Betsy Watson, Mar. 13, 1811. BARKER, Cyrus G. and Eliza King, int. Jan. 13, 1826. Edwin and Mary S. White, May 11, 1845.* Gilbert and Persis King, int. Oct. 23, 1824. John K., s. Gilbert and w., and Chariety [int. Charity] Hyde, Oct. — [int. Oct. 9], 1846. Lydia and Sylvester Hills, Aug. 28 [1828]. Roxana [int. Roxanna] and Royal Rindge, May 8, 1820 [int. Apr. 10, 1818, sic]. Sitnah and Alanson [int. Aanson] Burr, Nov. 23, 1820. William S. and Hersey Knoulton, int. Feb. 3, 183 1. BARNES (see Barns), Aaron and Nancy Shaw, Dec. 28, 1820. Merriam and Levi Harrington [int. Jr.], Feb. 14, 1832. [Miriam, C.R.] Moses and Clarissa Allen, Dec. 19 [1822]. Nancy, Mrs., and Orson Stebbins, int. June 10, 1835. BARNS (see Barnes), Moses of Weston, and Mary Wood, June 22, 1769. BARR, Mary of New Braintre, and John Learned, int. Oct. 19, 1828. BARRETT (see Barritt, Berret), Abiel and Esther C. Lyon, int. Nov. 23, 1828. Ann S. and John A. Goff, Sept. — , 1846. Augustus and Cornelia Rindge, int. Apr. 8, 1832. Calvin of Springfield, and Abegail [int. Abigail] Clough, Oct. 16, 1811. Mercy and James Hill, int. July 13, 1843. * InlentioD not recorded. 96 PALMER MARRIAGES. Barrett, Moses [int. Moses Barret Jr.] of Carsenove [int. adds N. Y.], and Betty [int. Bettey] Sedgwick, Oct. 17, 1802. Olive R. of Manchester, N. H., and Joseph R. Little, int. Sept. 16, 1848. Sabrina, 16, d. Butler [and] Polly, and Fayette [int. Lafaett] Stebbins, Jan. i, 1846. Sarah of Belchertown, and John Boyden, int. Nov. 5, 1842. BARRITT (see Barrett, Berret), Amasa [int. Barrett] of Orange- ville [int. adds Gennesee Co.], N. Y., and Margaret [int. Martha] Sedgwick, Jan. 25, 1829. BARTLETT, Harison G. of Warren, and Jerusia Bacon, May 28, 1844.* BARTON, Aaron S. of Oxford, and Roxy Ann [int. Roxey M.] Rogers, Jan. 8, 1840. Nehemiah P. of Monson, and Betsey Brainerd [int. Brainard], Oct. 26 [1836]. BASCOM, Alonzo and Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] Keith, Sept. 5, 1837. BASS, Jonathan and Sally Shearer, [rec. Apr. 30, 181 1] [int. Feb. 17, 181 1] [int. Mar. 11, p.r.], Rhoda and George Lamb, int. June 7 [1834]. Sally, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Charles Shaw, Oct. 14, 1814. BASSETT, Austin and Laura L. Hastings, int. Oct. 31, 1846. BAITE (see Bates), Simon and Mary Davis, int. Mar. 13, 1773. BATCHELDER (see Bachelder). BATES (see Baite), John and Salley [int. Salla] Ferrel, July 2, 1801. John and Eliza Davison, int. Apr. i, 18 10. Phoebe of Southbridge, and Wilson Foster, int. Feb. 24, 1837. Samuel and Phebe Moores [dup. Moors], May 15, 1803. Sarah and Enoch Morgan, int. Nov. 3, 1827. W[illia]m S. and L. Nickols, Jan. i, 1846.* BEARAD (see Beard), Mary N. S. and William F. F. Gerald, int. Nov. 5, 1842. BEARCE, Urbino L. C. (see Urbino L. C. Beard). * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 97 BEARD (see Bearad), Andrew and Lydia Cummings, int. Mar. 28, 1844. Urbino L. C. [int. Bearce] and Samanth [int. Samantha] Dav[i]s, May 14, 1842. BEBE (see Beebey), Christopher [int. Beebe] of Monson, and Clarisia [int. Clarissa] Graves, Feb. 15, 18 15. [Beebe, and Clarissa Graves, p.r.] BECKWITH (see Buckwith), Gena and Elenor [sic] Hopkins, Dec. 28, 1786. BEEBEY (see Bebe), Namon and Eliphlet Mitchell, int. Sept. 19, 1786. BEERES, Sarah of Ware, and Lewis G. Cummings, int. Mar. 23, 1833. BELCHER, Woodbridge and Rebecca Chase, Sept. 24, 1778.* BELKNAP, Persis S. and Jonathan Taylor, int. Apr. i, 1832. BELL, Mary of Ware, and Andrew Brown, int. Apr. 18, 1767. Thomas and Emily Blanchard, Nov. 5, [i8]38. WiUiam of Ware, and Elizabeth Shaw, int. Apr. 27, 1765. BELLOWS, Lucy and Thomas Blanchard, Jan. 28, 1790.* BEMISS, Sarah W. and Ovando Thayer, Jan. i, 1838, in South- bridge. BENJAMIN, Allen [int. Jr.] of E. Windsor, Conn., and Essther [int. Esther] Gleason, May 30, 1816. BENNETT, Braman [int. Bramin] and Mary Cleavland, Dec. 9 [1828]. Elizabeth [int. EHzabeth E. Benett] and Benjannin Pernayer [int. Pernoyer], May 16, 1838. Hannah C. of Ludlow, and Enoch G. Shaw, int. Dec. 6, 1837. BERK, Edward D. and Mary J. White, int. Apr. 24, 1845. BERRET (see Barrett, Barritt), David and Deborah Fisher, Jan. 18, 1798. BEZAR, Mary Ann and Lyman R. Shumway, int. June 24 [1843]- Sarah H. and William H. Dobbs, int. Aug. 11, 1842. * Intention not recorded. gS PALMER MARRIAGES. BIGELOW, John R., Rev., and Eunice Parks, Sept. 13, 1836. ♦ BILLINGS, David P. and Betsey Foster, Apr. 5 [1837]. E. [int. Eliza] A. and Lucius Washburn, Sept. 7 [1842]. Elizabeth A. of Wilbrahan, and George Bishop, int. Oct. 26, 1844. Hannah R. of Hardwick, and Hiram P. Lee, int. Aug. 28, 1841. Lydia [int. adds J.] and James Gamwell, July i, 1840. Mary and John Merrit, int. Apr. — , 1782. Mary and Walter Kang, Dec. 25, 1822. BIRD, Enach [int. Enoch], 25, s. Edmund and Polly, and Naomi [int. Maomi] B. Moore, Apr. 24, 1849. Tans and Janity Collins, int. Aug. 13, 1849. BISBEE, Marvin and Susanna Rogers, Nov. 4, 1837. BISHOP (see Bishup), Augustus H., 23, of Attleboro, s. Neriah and Harriet M., and Sarah S. Smith, Oct. 17, 1849.* Benjamin and Mary Wage, Mar. 25, 1773. Eleazar and Anne Baniester [int. Banister], Mar. 28, 1765. George and Elizabeth A. BilHngs, int. Oct. 26, 1844. Rhoda and Samuel Capen [int. Jr.], Jan. 3, 1771. BISHUP (see Bishop), Seth and Sarah Wage, July 6, 1775. BISSEL (see Bissell), John and Dorety [int. Dorethy] Martin, Nov. 3, 1766. BISSELL (see Bissel), Huldah and Thomas T. Curtis [int. Cort- tis], Nov. 28, 1839. BLACKMER (see Blackmore), Elizabeth and Solomon Patter- son, int. Oct. — , 1 78 1. Jane [int. Mrs. Jain] and Lt. Robert McMaster [int. McMas- ters], Dec. 10, 1795. Joseph and Seley Paterson, int. Aug. — , 1783. Samuel of Weston, and Lowisee King, int. Mar. 21, 1788. Thomas and Sarah Bolles, int. Jan. 3, 1790. BLACKMORE (see Blackmer), Soloman and Jean Thomson, Sept. 17. I7S4-* BLAIR (see Blare), Ambrase [int. Ambrose] of Warren, and Sarah Dunbar, Apr. i, 1835. Dorcas and John Bajer, June 19, 1792. Isbel of Rutland [int. Esibel Blare of Rutland], and Patrick Wat- son [int. Willson], June 23, 1768. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 99 Blair, James S., 26, of Brimfield, s. Olivin and Eunis, and Sarah C. Fisk, Sept. 17, 1845.* [Fiske, C.R.] Jane of W. Brookfield, and Marcus C. Kindall, int. Mar. 11, 1848. John of Weston, and Catherine Shaw, Nov. 19, 1771. Mary of Rutland, and Samuel McClanathan, int. Sept. 8, 1769. Mary Ann of Warren, and Albert W. Lincoln, Nov. 17, 1841, [in] Warren.* Orpha of Western, and Clark McMaster, Apr. 7, 1829. Philip J. of Warren, and Mary McMaster 2d [int. omits 2d], Apr. 13, 1836. Royal E., 27, of Warren, s. Ezekiel (Blare) and Betsey A., and Prudence C. McMaster, Oct. 28, 1847. Ruth of Brookfield, and Stephen Parsons, int. Mar. 15, 1807. Samuel of Blanford, and Margret Smith 4th, May 5, 1774. Shepard of Western, and Sehna [int. Salina] Foster, Feb. i, 1832. [Shepherd, c.r.] Susan of Brookfield, and Solomon Webber, int. Mar. 15, 1829. Susan M., 23, d. Simeon and Ruth, and Seth W. Smith, Oct. 24, 1848. BLAKE, Maria of Springfield, and Charles G. Rice, int. May 24, 1826. BLANCHARD (see Blanchards, Blancher), Alonzo V, and Elvira [int. adds A.] Shearer, Oct. 25, 1827. Dwight and Mary Dean, Nov. 24, 1831. Emily and Thomas Bell, Nov. 5 [i8]38. Fran[k]lin and Sarah S. Blanchard, int. Aug. 26, 1843. John D. and Dolly M. Phelps, int. July 21, 1838. Louis [female] of Monson. and Mowry Kimball, int. Nov. 26, 1834. Mary K., 17, d. Alonzo and Elvira, and Albert P. Chapman, Oct. 25 [1847]. Nathan of Monson, and Eliza Squire, Jan. 22, 1838.* [Squier, Jan. 23, C.R.] Sarah S. of Boston, and Fran[k]lin Blanchard, int. Aug. 26, 1843. Thomas and Lucy Bellows, Jan. 28, 1790.* William J. and Jane M. Shearer, Aug. 23, 1831. BLANCHARDS (see Blanchard, Blancher), Harriot and Christo- pher Trim, int. Nov. 21, 1818. BLANCHER (see Blanchard, Blanchards), Freelane and Samuel Kirtlin, June 21, 1749.* * Intention not recorded. lOO PALMER MARRIAGES. BLARE (see Blair), Rebekah of Weston, and Francies Bracken- ridge, May 14, 1789. BLISS, Abigail and Artemas Bliss, int. Sept. 20, 1828. Adelia D. of Monson, and Bela M. Kent, int. Sept. i, 1849. Artemas of Ware, and Abigail Bliss, int. Sept. 20, 1828. Ebenezer [int. of Weston] and Abagail Parsons, Apr. 9, 1771. Eleanor of Belchertown, and Ebenezer Whitney, int. Aug. ta, 1787. Eliza of Monson, and Elmer Colton, Oct. 4, 1849.* Ezenas and Polly Babcock, int. Aug. 29, 1784. James of Brimfield, and Sarah King, Apr. 25, 1765. Lou[i]sa [int. Loisa Blis], wid., and Lt. Justine [int. Justin] Olds, May 7, 1817. Lucinda of Monson, and Joshua Graves, int. Apr. 18, 1838. Lucy of Ware, Hampshire Co., and Daniel Shearer, Nov. 2, 1840, in Belchertown. Sollomon of Western [dup. Solomon of Westron], and Margret Smith, Sept. 20, 1790. Sophia of Western, and Reuben Rodgers, int. Oct. 19, 1825. WiUiam A. and Sophronia Stimpson [int. Stimson], June 14, 1829. BLODGET (see Blodgett), Abner and Zeviah Rice, int. Dec. 7, 1802. Charles of Brimfield, and Lovisa Bacon, Nov. 24, 183 1. Daniel and Betty Russell, int. Mar. 25, 1792. James, Maj., and Lucy Capan, wid., Jan. 25, 1816. Sally [int. Blodgett] and Cyrus Allen, Mar. 17, 1817. BLODGETT (see Blodget), Samuell Jr. and Massa Gilbert, Mar. 20, 1796. BLOOD, Marcia Ann of Ware, and Zenas Marsh, int. July 7, 1849. BOIES (see Boyes), David of Blanford, and Molly Watson, Feb. 23, 1790. BOLD WIN (see Baldwin), Moses [int. Baldwin] and Roxana Frink [int. 2d], Apr. 6, 181 7. BOLLES (see Bowles), Sarah and Thomas Blackmer, int. Jan. 3. 1790- BOLTER, Clarrissa of Northampton, and Kittridge D. Earl. int. Oct. 3, 1827. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. lOI BOLTON, Agnes and Hugh Smith, Nov. 5, 1754.* Alvin and Sally Mixter, int. Aug. 16, 1807. Mary and John Savage, Dec. 28, 1780. Mathew of Colrain, and Mary McClanathan, Oct. 9, 1762. BOND, Catherine, 32, d. Nathanael (b. Wales), and Baxter Boy- ington, Aug. 24, 1848. Emilius and Elmera Graham, int. June 16, 1827. Horace S. of Wales, and Sarah Cowles, int. Jan. 21, 1843. Jacob of Leicester, and Tamesin Powers, int. June 7, 1823. Joseph and Malinda Shaw, Sept. 23, 1830. Lorenzo W., 27, s. Nathan and Lovinia, and Martha M. Morgan, Jan. 19, 1848. Maria, 23, d. Seth and Delany, and Lot M. Chamberlain 2d, Sept. 17, 1849.* Rufus of Wilbraham, and Ehsabeth [int. Elizabeth] Ryder, May 17, 1809. Sumner N., 43, s. Nathan and Lavania, and Mariah [int. Maria] C. Davis, Apr. 28, 1847. BONRER, Elizabeth O. and Jabez K. Ferry, int. Oct. 17, 1834. BORDEN, Clarrissa [int. Clarrisa] and Stephen Cross Jr., Dec. 31, 1805. Selden (Loldu) and Hannah Cleveland, int. Aug. — , 1785. BOROUGHS (see Borus, Burroughs), Weakhy G. of Warren, and Woldo Converse, Sept. 26 [1837].* [Burroughs, C.R.] BORUS (see Boroughs, Burroughs), Simon [Burroughs] and Ivliriam Shaw [int. Jr.], Apr. i, 1773. BOSWORTH, Henry A. and Mary E. May, June 12, 1849. BOURN, Samuel D. (Boun) and Maria Newell, Jan. 15, 1839. Sarah M. and Alban Allen, int. Oct. 16, 1841. BOWDEN, EHzabeth, 22, and Andrew Garhe, Oct. 4, 1849.* Mary, 22, d. Samuel and Betsey, and William Heathcoat [int. Heathcote], Aug. 30 [1847]. BOWE, George G. [int. of Wilbraham] and Amanda A. Hill, Aug. 6, 1846. BOWEN, David C. and Ruth Handy, int. Oct. 9, 1841. Semantha J. and Rufus E. Knowlton, int. May 16, 1848. Sylvester N. and Hariot Winter, int. Apr. 3, 1845. * Intention not recorded. I02 PALMER MARRIAGES. BOWLES (see Bolles), Catherine J. and Harvey C. Hitchcock, int. Oct. 28, 1848. BOWMEN, Margaret and Stephen Grover, int. Jan. 22, 1793. BOYCE (see Boies, Boyes). BOYDEN, Amelia of Belchertown, and Elijah Tomson, int. Sept. 7. 1839. Asahel and Amelia Stevens, int. Oct. 18, 181 5. Azel and Martha Stevens, Nov. 23, 1815.* Hannah and Elijah Thompson, Nov. 25, 1824. John and Sarah Barrett, int. Nov. 5, 1842. Mary G. and Martin Sedgwick Jr., int. Mar. i, 1839. Sally and Alvin Bumstead [int. Bumpstead], Apr. 21, 1820. BOYES (see Boies), Lorinda and William Knox, Mar. 24 [i8]38.. BOYINGTON, Baxter, S3, s. Shepherd (b. Belchertown) and Mary, and Catherine Bond, Aug. 24, 1848. BRACE, Jemima of S. Hadley, and Arad Ferrel, Dec. 6, 1770. BRACKENRIDGE (see Brakenridge, Brakneridge, Breckinridge, Brickenridge), Esther and James Hambelton, Feb. 6, 1766. Francies and Rebekah Blare, May 14, 1789. George [int. Brakenridge Jr.] and Molly McClanathan, Nov. 10, 1795- Rebecca, Mrs., and Col. Ebenezer Webber, Mar. 15, 1792, BRACICET, Joseph of Dudley, and Phebe Hamilton, int. Apr. 8, 1810. Jose[p]h of Dudley, and Rebecckah [int. Rebecca] Brakenridge, Nov. 16, 1813. BRADLEY, Addison M., 23, s. Lyman and Dorcas, and Sarah A. Rood, Sept. 27, 1848. Hannah of Southwick, and Ariel Fuller Jr., int. May 5, 1836. BRADWAY, Sabra C. of Monson, and Oren Poole, int. Aug. 15, 1828. BRAINARD (see Brainerd, Branard, Branerd), Catherine and James Hays, int. Jan. 13, 1848. Pegey [int. Peggy Branerd] and Benjamin Converse, Oct. 15, 1801. Sally and Capt. [int. Lt.] Jona[tha]n Cooley, May 15, 1817. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 103 Brain ARD, Timothy Jr. and Sophronia Crosbey, int. Nov, 19, 1819. Wilson and Caroline N. Wilson, int. Jan. 22, 1842. BRAINERD (see Brainard, Branard, Branerd), Betsey [int. Brainard] and Nehemiah P. Barton, Oct. 26 [1836]. BRAKENRIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakneridge, Breckinridge, Brickenridge), Azel and Eliza W. Smith, Apr. 14, 1830. Francies and Margret Cowens, Apr. 22, 1755.* George and Mary , Nov. 16, 1758.* Margret [dup. Brackenridge] and Clark McMaster [int. McMas- ters], Oct. 14, 1790. Obadaih [int. Obediah] and Chloe Watson, Nov. 3, 1802, in Leicster. Polly [int. Molly, dup. int. Breckenridge] and Isaac Warren, Oct. 18, 1797. Rebecckah [int. Rebecca] and Jose[p]h Bracket, Nov. 16, 1813. Ruth [dup. Brackenridge] and Solomon Brown, int. Mar. 3, 1798. Salley [int. Sally] and John Dunbar Jr., May 14, 1801. BRAKNERIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakenridge, Breckinridge, Brickenridge), Mary [int. Mary T. Breckenridge] and Calvin Ward [int. 2d], Mar. 27, 1828. BRAMAN (see Bramin), Mary and Patrick Mack, int. Dec. 4, BRAMIN (see Braman), Julia and Abraham Mason, int. June II, 1842. BRANARD (see Brainard, Brainerd, Branerd), Asa and Eliza- beth Welch, int. Mar. 27, 1793. BRANE, Julia and Daniel Dwyre, int. May 27, 1848. BRANERD (see Brainard, Brainerd, Branard), Timothy and Sarah Wilson, int. Feb. — , 1783. Timothy 2d and Vashti Ehnwood, int. Sept. 14, 1798. BRATTIN (see Bratton), Lydia [dup. int. Bratten] and David Patterson, Feb. 11, 1766. BRATTON (see Brattin), David and Martha Lawson, int. Oct. 31, 1767. Jane and John King, Ju^y 7, 1778.* * Intention not rscorJed . I04 PALMER MARRIAGES. BRECKINRIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakenridge, Brakneridge, Brickenridge), Sarah and John Paul, May 9, 1771.* BREWER, Lucinda A. of Wilbraham, and Samuel D. Cooley, int. Dec. 31, 1840. Mary of Ludlow, and George Waid, Aug. 15, 1822.* Mary S. of Wilbraham, and Samuel D. Cooley, int. Jan. 11, 1839. BRICKENRIDGE (see Brackenridge, Brakenridge, Brakneridge, Breckinridge), James and Eunice Shaw, Dec. 6, 1781. BRIDGES, Abigail and Richard Mably, May 21, 1833. Hackaliah and Sarah Lovering, int. Dec. 8 [1832]. Sally and Henry W. Durant, Mar. 17, 1829. BRIGHAM, Delia and Porter Shearer, May 17, 1836. BRITTAIN (see Brattin, Bratton). BROCK, William and EHza Green, int. July 3, 1841. BROOKS, Abegal of W. Springfield, and Ralph Root Jr., int. July 17, 1846. Joseph R. and Mary A. Dadman, July 10, 1844. Josiah and Lucy Cumings, int. July 15, 1848. Patty and Walter Pollard, Dec. 11, 1783. BROWN, Abigail of Western, and William Merrick Jr., int. Jan. 4, 1821. Almira and Bradford L. Cook, int. July 2, 1838. Alva and Sally Anderson, int. Feb. 27, 1820. Andrew and Mary Bell, int. Apr. 18, 1767. Bettey of Westron, and John King, int. Apr. 4, 1802. Charles T., 25, of Belchertown, s Robert Jr., and Sarah A. Houston, May — , 1847.* [Charles G. Broun, May 18, C.R.] Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and Daniel Dunbar, Apr. 11, 1820. Daniel P., 23, s. Joseph and Dolly, and Sarah F. Carter, Dec. 15, 1844. David of Ware, and Margret Brown, Jan. i, 1771. Edward and Jane Moor, July 11, 1765. Edward and Zilypha Smith, May 28, 1766.* Eleanor and John Hunter, Dec. 18, 1788. Elizabeth and Josiah Jewell, Oct. 26, 1786. Emeline of Ludlow, and Wilson Arnold, May — , 1847. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 105 Brown, Francis H. and Mary A. Whiting, int. Jan. 24, 1842. H. [int. omits H.] Maria, 20, d. Joseph and Hannah, and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Andrew J. White, Aug. 30, 1848. Harriet J., 19, d. Smith and Ruth, and Remington James, Oct. 10, 1848. Henry W. and Chloe A. Squares, int. Aug. 18, 1842. John and Elizabeth Carver, May 8, 1770.* John and Elizabeth Andras, June 8, 1775.* Joseph of Monson, and Hannah Graves, Aug. 6, 1818. Joseph A., s. Joseph, and Ellin [int. Ellen] Louisa Ferrell, June 19, 1844. [Joseph A. of Boston, and Ellen Louisa Ferril, C.R.] Louisa and Martin Shaw, Oct. 29 [1828]. Lucy Ann and George H. Calkins, int. Aug. 6, 1840. Mabel and Thomas Applin, Nov. 9, 1752.* Margret and David Brown, Jan. i, 1771. Margret and Andrew Young, Mar. 14, 1775. Maria A. of Presecotte, and David K. Graham, int. Oct. 31, 1835. Mary and James Shaw, int. Oct. 19, 1780. Polly and Reuben Olds, Nov. 5, 1840. Prudence and Willson Foster, Oct. 19, 1797. Rebecca and Isaac Hunter, Feb. 13, 1798. Robert and Elizabeth Gray, Sept. — , 1754.* Robert and Sarah Shaw, Feb. 10, 1757. Rufus and Hannah Patridge, int. Aug. 14, 1847. Ruth and Elijah [int. Elejah] Dunton, Sept. 29, 1763. Sally and Royal Collister, int. Sept. 13, 1823. Sarah of Licester, and Gad Chapin, int. Nov. 21, 1772. Seth and Elizabeth Pond, Aug. 21, 1794. Solomon and Ruth Brakenridge [dup. Brackenridge], int. Mar. 3. 1798- Thomas and Jean McNitt, Dec. 15, 1774. William H. of Chicago, III., and Nancy A. Duncan, Apr. 25, 1835, in Belchertown.* BRUCE, Elizabeth C. [int. omits C] and W[illia]m C. Whitney, May 21, 1840. Jane and John Williams, Feb. 27, 1764. BUCKLAND (see BuckHn), Charlott [int. Bucklin], d. — , wid., and Harris Smith, July 3, 1849. BUCKLIN (see Buckland), Mary S. [int. Mary Ann], 27, d. Mary, wid., and Solomon [int. Salmon] Johnson, July 10, 1845. [Mary Ann and Salmon Johnson, c.R.] * Intention not recorded. Io6 PALMER MARRIAGES. BUCKWITH (see Beckwith), Joseph [int. Beckwith] and Anna Ferrell [int. Ferrel], Nov. 29, 1787. BUFFINGTON, Cordelia and Benjamin Davis, May 4, 1836. Cynthia and Nahum Aldritch, Dec. 23, 1833, Olive and Gurdon Chapman, May 4, 1836. Royal Jr., 33, s. Royal and Eunice, and Mary Upham, Apr. 17, 1849. Rufus B. [int. P.] and Eleanor S. Gove, Nov. 26, 1839, in Bel- chertown. BUGBEE, Charles of Brimfield, and Polly [int. PaUy] Haynes, Oct. 13, 1805. Ebenezer of Westron [int. Westren], and Lucy Lovjoy, [rec. after Nov. 28, 1799] [int. Nov. 16, 1799]. BULERD, Sarah and John Bachelder, int. Nov. 10, 1778. BULL, John W. of Hartford, Conn., and Mary King, July 17, 1834. BULLARD (see Bulerd). BUMSTEAD (see Bumsted), Alvin [int. Bumpstead] of Monson, and Sally Boyden, Apr. 21, 1820. Joseph L. (Bums[t]ead) and Sarah Ann Harvy, int. Mar. 2, 1843. [Joseph S., and Sarah Ann Harvey, m. Apr. 4, 1843, C.R.] BUMSTED (see Bumstead), Arnold, 23, s. Joseph and Phebe, and Elmira M. Wood, Aug. 6, 1846.* S[arah] M. [int. Bomsted] and W[illia]m E. Duncan, Apr. 21 [1842]. BURGERS, DoUy T. [int. Dolly P. Burgess] and John P. Hitch- cock, Sept. 30, 1835. BURK (see Berk). BURLEY, Abner and Deborah Hawes, int. Jan. 5, 1826. Benjamin A. and Hannah S. Cook, int. Oct. 31, 1839. BURLINGAME, Caroline A., 20, d. Loren and Almira, and Freeman Smith, Feb. 17, 1846. David and Emily Cross, int. Mar. 6, 1844. BURNETT, Abigail of Springfield, and George D. Hicks, int. Sept. 27, 1832. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 10/ BURNHAM, James C. of Brimfield, and Harriet Ferry, Nov. i8, 1841. BURNS, James and Margaret McGee, int. Jan. 27, 1849. BURR, Alanson [int. Aanson] of Wilbraham, and Sitnah Barker, Nov. 23, 1820. Edwin and Lucinda Foskitt [int. Foskit], May 15, 1834. [Fos- kett, C.R.] Elizabeth J. of Wilbraham, and Joel R. Stebbins, int. Apr. 19, 1847- Hannah of Wilbraham, and Walter Maynard, Apr. 11 [1838].* BURROUGHS (see Boroughs, Borus), SamuU R. of Western [int. Samuel R. of Westen], and Eliza S. Converse, Nov. 23, 1831. BURT, Eunice and Marshall S. Durkee, Jan. 4, 1839. Marshfield D. of Wilbraham, and Welthy Ann Davis, May 18, 1840, [in] Monson.* [Wealthy Ann, c.r.] Prudence and Isaac Gibbs, int. Aug. 30, 1841. Samuel Morgan and Rebbecca [dup. and int. Rebecca] Perry, Dec. 2, 1812. Violet (Burk) of Springfield, and William Scott Jr., Dec. 21, 1774- BUTLER, Abel A. of Amherst, and H. M. Peck, Nov. 22 [1842].* [Harriet M. Peck, c.R.] Benjamin of Wilbraham, and Hannah A. Cross, int. May 7, 1831. Betsey of Monson, and Thomas Butler, Apr. 25, 181 1, in Monson. P.R. Eunice and Ira Chaffee, int. June 6, 1846. John and Theodara Warriner, Nov. 19, 181 5.* [John of Mon- son, and Theodora Warriner, in Monson, p.r.] John of Wilbraham, and Nancy Butler, Jan. 12, 1828.* P.R. John H. of Monson, and Sally Hatch, May 7, 1820.* Nancy of Wilbraham, and John Butler, Jan. 12, 1828.* P.R. Sibbel and Silas Lee, int. June — , 1782. Thomas of Monson, and Betsey Butler, Apr. 25, 181 1, in Mon- son. P.R. BUTTERFIELD, Anna G. and Sumner Sibley, int. July 16, 1838. Azro M. and Esther Dennison, Nov. 7, 1838. * Intention not recorded. I08 PALMER MARRIAGES. BuTTERFiELD, Damarius and Hugh Farran [int. Farren], Feb. 3, 1839. Orris M. and Augustus W. Sortell [int. Sawtell], May 25, 1840. BUTTON, Laban of Wilbraham, and Harriot Newell, July 10, 1822. BUXTON, Phebe of Belchertown, and Chauncey Smith, int. Sept. 8, 1805. William Jr. and Lydia Smith, Dec. 25, 1805. BYINGTON (see Boyington). CADEY (see Cady), Lydia and Aaron Moors, Nov. 7, 1791. CAD WELL, Saphronia of Wilbraham, and Zachariah M. Thayer, Sept. 4, 1823.* p.R. CADY (see Cadey), David H., 21, s. Hiram and Julia, and Phebe Ann Sterns [int. Stearns], Jan. 3, 1849. CALKINGS (see Calkins), Dickerson A. and Hannah Gilligan, int. Oct. 15, 1836. CALKINS (see Calkings), Abel H. and Sarah M. Watrous, int. May 17, 1844. Amanda and Joshuay Graves, int. July 18, 1842. Amelia and B. Franklin Goff, int. Nov. 9, 1843. Dudley and Eunice Shaw, Feb. 4, [i8]39. Enos and Angenett Clough, Oct. 2, 1838. George H. and Lucy Ann Brown, int. Aug. 6, 1840. Jane A. and Alixander [int. Alexander] Gage, Nov. 30, 1843. Lucy A., 21, d. Abel and Esther, and Louis F. Shoals, Oct. 11, 1848. Malissia and John M. Carpenter, int. Oct. 23, 1842. CALLAHAN, John W. of Worcester, and Mary G. Powers, Oct. 19 [1837].* CAMPBELL, Russell [int. Russel] of Ware, and Betsey Gates, July 15, 1829. CANNING, Thomas and Jane McSweaney, int. May 15, 1849. CANTERBURY, Henry and Melintha Leach, Aug. 20, 1829. Henry and Matilda Williams, Jan. 21, 1846. Phebe of Monson, and Ezekiel Terry Jr., int. Nov. 6, 1818. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. lOQ CAP AN (see Capen, Capin), George, 21, s. Dexter and Cynthia, and Martha A. White, Dec. 31, 1849.* Lucy, wid., and Maj. James Blodget, Jan. 25, 1816. CAPEN (see Capan, Capin), Edmond and Mary Wilson, Apr. 5, 1764. Samuel [int. Jr.] of Belchertown, and Rhoda Bishop, Jan. 3, 1771. CAPIN (see Capan, Capen), Dexter of Belchertown, and Cyntha Jencks, int. Dec. 7, 1827. Hannah and Samuell [int. Samuel] Sawin, Mar. 2, 1762. John and Sarah Riche, int. Feb. 25, 1762. Lydia and Lynsey, int. June — , 1783. CARGILL, Charles and Betsy Shaw, int. Jan. 25, 1806. James, Ens., and Eunice Marsh, int. May 14, 1808. Mary and John McClanathan, Jan. 27, 1803. Mary Eliza and Nathan K. Ellis, int. Jan. 12, 1826. Salley [int. Mrs. Salla] and Rev. Abiel William [int. Williams], Apr. 14, 1802. CARLYLE, Mary and Robert Paul, Oct. 4, 1770. CARPENTER, Abigail and Van R. Shearer, Jan. 16, 1834. Clarissa and Almarin L. Ackley, May 15, 1833. John M. of Auburn, and Malissia Calkins, int. Oct. 23, 1842. Lovina and Edmond H. Smith, Feb. 26, 1835. Lucinda and Abel Webber, int. Feb. 26, 1842. CARRILL, Daniel [int. David] Jr. of Sutton, and Lydia Fuller, Apr. 23, 1820. CARTER, Betsy [int. McCarter] and Luther Jackson, July 14, 1814. Luther of Warren, and Ruby Shearer, Dec. 5, [i8]37. Luther C. of N. Y., and Mary L. Converse, Sept. 29, 1829. Sarah F., 35, d. Luther and Ruth of Monson, and Daniel P. Brown, Dec. 15, 1844. CARVER, Elizabeth and John Brown, May 8, 1770.* CHAFFE (see Chai=fee), Thirza (Chofife) and Daniel S. Collins, int. Aug. 14, 1840. CHAFFEE (see Chafife), Ira of Monson, and Eunice Butler, int. June 6, 1846. * Intention not recorded. no PALMER MARRIAGES. Chaffee, Lucetta (Choffee) and Ebenezer Hawlett, int. Sept. 9, 1836. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Hiram and Fatima Nutting, int. Feb. 26, 1825. Lot M. 2d, 27, of Ware, s. Rob[er]t G. and Rachel, and Maria Bond, Sept. 17, 1849.* Nancy and Morris Makee [? McKee] Powers, int. Mar. 17, 1821. Peter B. and Salley Durant, int. Nov. i, 1819. Rispah and Hiram Powers, Nov. 12, 1835. Seth and Alice Alexander, int. Mar. 20, 1830. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Sarah of Sturbridge, and Timothy Sherman, July 3, 1781.* CHAPEN (see Chapin), Joseph and Martha Stebbins, int. July 19, 1771. CHAPIN (see Chapen), Abner and Lucy Frost, Oct. 9, 1769. Betsey C. (see Betsy C. Chapman). Cloe [int. Cloey] and Andrew McNitt, July 13, 1771. Elijah and Abbee Graves, Oct. 13, 1785. Gad and Sarah Brown, int. Nov. 21, 1772. Gideon and Elizabeth Thomas, July 25, 1765. Jonathan and Bertha Parsons, May 2, 1771. Jonathan and Matilda Fay, int. Sept. 10, 1794. Joseph and Elizabeth Mann, Jan. 22, 1795. Lebbeus [int. Chopin] and Margaret Merrick, June 8, 181 2. Lebias [int. Lebbeus] and Fanny Smith, Mar. 17, 1806. Luke and Elizabeth Fery, Dec. 3 [? 1761].* Luther of Belchertown, and Dinah Jones, Dec. 21, 1773. CHAPMAN, Albert P., 21, s. Moses and Polly, and Mary K. Blanchard, Oct. 25 [1847]. Betsy C. [int. Betsey C. Converse] and James A. Putman, Nov. 20 [1839]. [Betsey C. Chapin, c.R.] Gurdon of Ware, and Olive Bufi&ngton, May 4, 1836. Jacob of Belchertown, and Anna Sedgwick, int. Feb. 21, 1823. Phebe C, 18, and Emelius B. Murdock, May — [int. May 4], 1847- Shubael, 43, and Electa P. Mason [int. Masson], July 15, 1845 [sic, 1844]. [Mrs. Electa P., 1844, C.R.] CHASE, Rebecca of Brookfield, and Woodbridge Belcher, Sept. 24,1778.* ^^ . * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. Ill CHILD, W[illia]m C, 25, s. W[illia]m and Ann, and Emily Dewey, Sept. 8, 1845. [^^- Emily, c.r.] CHIPMAN, Edward S., 22, s. Cyrus and Mary, and Joanna H. Tucker, Aug. 22, 1849. CLARK (see Clarke), Adah and Elisha Cleveland, int. Feb. 29, 1780. Bettey and Walter Pollard, int. Nov. 17, 1780. Betty and John Ashburn, int. Apr. — , 1782. Elisha [int. Jr.] and Sarah King, Apr. 28 [1842], Lorin H., 20, s. Lorin and Mary, and Eliza [int. Elisa] Nevens, June 10, 1848. Mary of Brimfield, and Obediah Ward, Sept. 23, 1762. Neomy and Abraham Walton, int. Sept. 18, 1780. Prudence (see Prudence Wright). Sally of S. Hadley, and Benjamin Cleaveland, int. Apr. 23, 1814. Sarah and Isaac Powers, July 25, 1765.* CLARKE (see Clark), EUjah (Clorke) of Wilbraham, and Lydia Mixter, Jan. 20, 1803.* CLEAVELAND (see Cleavland, Cleveland), Benjamin and Sally Clark, int. Apr. 23, 18 14. Hopestill and Hannah Man, int. Oct. 29, 1774. Julia A. of Belchertown, and Isaac Hunt, int. Oct. 21, 1847. CLEAVLAND (see Cleaveland, Cleveland), Abigail of Monson, and Nathan Warriner Jr., May 21, 1815.* [Abigail S. Cleveland, in Monson, p.r.] Jese [int. Jesse] of Belchertown, and Hannah Follit, Mar. 20, 1805. Maria and John Maxwell, int. Dec. 19, 1826. [Mariah Cleve- land, m. Jan. 3, 1827, p.r.] Mary and Braman [int. Bramin] Bennett, Dec. 9 [1828]. Patience [int. Cleaveland] and Ephraim Wright [int. Ephrem Wight], Dec. i, 1774. Pulchera and Isaac Plumley, int. June 8, 1822. Ruth and PHnney Root, int. Aug. 10, 1810. CLELAND, Lucinda and Robert Fisher, int. Jan. 25, 1799. CLEVELAND (see Cleaveland, Cleavland), Cyrus of Wilbraham, and Eleanor Plumly, Feb. 4, 1826.* p.r. Elisha and Adah Clark, int. Feb. 29, 1780. Hannah and Loldu [Selden] Borden, int. Aug. — , 1785. * Intention not recorded. 112 PALMER MARRIAGES. CLIFFORD, John and Mary Dwyre, int. May 3, 1848. CLOUGH, Abegail [int. Abigail] and Calvin Borrett [Barrett], Oct. 16, 1811. Angenett and Enos Calkins, Oct. 2, 1838. Daniel, 29, s. Dan[ie]l and Jerutia, and Julia Paul, July 29, 1849. John and Mary A. Thompson, int. Mar. 26, 1839. Ralph and Malina Webber, int. Feb. 7, 1835. COBLIN, Elizebeth, 19, d. Hiram, and Loren [int. Lorin] Parker, Dec. 12, 1844. [Elisabeth, c.r.] CODING, Miranda of Winchester, N. H., and Samuel McClana- than Jr., int. [rec. between Nov. 13 and Dec. 19, 1813]. COFFIN, Alfred William and Patience G. Wood, int. Oct. 22, 1831. Becka and William Joslyn, Feb. 20, 1794. COLE, Eathan (see Ethan Cow^ls). COLGROVE, Sally [int. Salley] M., 15, d. Thomas [and] Elize- beth, and Amos Oviatt [int. Ovaett], Jan. 19, 1846. COLLINS, Clarrissa of S. Hadley, and Dr. Anson Moody, int. Oct. II, 1817. Daniel S. of Hardwick, and Thirza Choffe [Chaffe], int. Aug. 14, 1840. Janity of Belchertown, and Tans Bird, int. Aug. 13, 1849. Joseph R. and Lydia Howard, int. Oct. 27, 1842. COLLIS, John and Cynthia Silloway, Sept. 11, 1843. Louisa of Brimiield, and Samuel R. Moore, int. Mar. 18, 1841. COLLISTER, Horace of Western [int. Calister, of Westren], and Mary Merrill [int. Merritt], Dec. 9, 182 1. Royal of Western, and Sally Brown, int. Sept. 13, 1823. COLTON, Amanda M. of Monson, and Simeon C. Dunbar, int. Sept. 21, 1839. Elmer of Monson, and Eliza Bhss, Oct. 4, 1849.* George of Monson, and Jalitha Conley, Aug. 22, 1771. James of Wilbraham, and Priscilla Walbridge, Dec. 19, 1826.* P.R. Lucretia of Longmeadow, and Rev. Simeon Colton, int. July 4, 1812. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. II3 CoLTON, Simeon, Rev., and Lucretia Colton, int. July 4, 1812. Simon and Eunice Nutting, wid. [int. omits wid.], [Jan.] i, 1839. COMENS (see Comins, Commins, Cuming, Cumings, Cum- mings), Solomon and Jane McClanathan, Dec. 30, 1773. Solomon and Marcy Graham, int. Oct. — , 1781. COMINS (see Comens, Commins, Cuming, Cumings, Cum- mings), Sarah of Wair, and Robert McMichel, int. Apr. 25, 1772. COMMINS (see Comens, Comins, Cuming, Cumings, Cum- mings), Martha of Ware, and Benjamin Thomson, int. Oct. 10, 1767. CONEY, William [int. Jr. of BrOokfield] and Hannah Dunbar, Dec. 30, 1794. CONLEY, Jalitha and George Colton, Aug. 22, 177 1. CONVERSE, Adaline and Albert Norcross, June 4, 1834. [Ade- line, C.R.] Alfred L., 23, of Brimfield, s. Marquis and Sophia L., and Almira C. Sedgwick, Oct. 20 [1847]. [Sedgewick, c.r.] Alpheus Jr. and Polly Baldwin, int. Apr. 9, 1802. Benjamin and Pegey Brainerd [int. Peggy Branerd], Oct. 15, 1801. Betsey C. (see Betsy C. Chapman). Charles of Brimfield, and Hannah Watson Smith, Mar. 3, 1803. Chloe of Thomson, Conn., and John Hamilton 2d, int. Aug. 8, 1800. Daniel and C. [int. Charlotte] H. Walker, Feb. 3, 1842. Eleonor, wid. [int. Eleanor, omits wid.], and Jomes [int. Jairus] Howard, June 5, 181 2. Elisha Jr. and Mehitable Fenton, int. Apr. 8, 1820. Eliza S. and Samull [int. Samuel] R. Burroughs, Nov. 23, 183 1. Emeline, 18, d. Stephen and Phebe, and Austin Witt, Oct. 10, 1844. Hiram and Maria S. Sedgwick, Jan. 30 [1838]. [Sedgewick, C.R.] Hiram and Jennette P. Washburn, int. Sept. 9, 1848. Joseph and Polly [dup. Polley] Smith, Apr. 16, 1801. Joseph and Betsy Lewis Shaw, int. Nov. 29, 1801 [sic, 18 10]. Joseph 2d and Ehza Ann Webber, int. July 22, 1835. Julana of Belchertown, and Marshall L. Hitchcock, int. Mar. 23, 1839. 114 PALMER MARRIAGES. Converse, Mary L. and Luther C. Carter, Sept. 29, 1829. Maxcey Manning and Anna Guthrie, int. Oct. 21, 182 1. Polly, wid. [int. omits wid.], and William Mason, Nov. 5, 1820. Woldo of Wardsborough, Vt., and Wealthy G. Boroughs, Sept. 26 [1837].* [Waldo and Wealthy G. Burroughs, c.r.] COOK, Bradford L. and Almira Brown, int. July 2, 1838. Hannah S. of Springfield, and Benjamin A. Burley, int. Oct. 3i> 1839. Lois and Asa Thomson, Sept. 24, 1807. Lucia E. of W. Springfield, and Chester Strong, int. May 2, 1844. [Lucie E., b. W. Springfield, d. Elizur and Margia, m. May 22, 1844, G.R.i.] Polly and Joseph Davis, int. Feb. 8, 1806. COOLEY, Aaron M. and Salley Cutler, int. Jan. 29, 181 5. Aretus and Elvira Groves, int. Apr. 19, 1817. Charlotte and John Ward, Sept. 27 [1837]. Cotton M. and Eunice Tinker, int. Apr. 2, 1834. Cyntha and Jesse Smith, Mar. 24, 183 1. Elizabeth S. [int. Somn[e]r] and Kittridge D. Earl [int. Kitteridge D. Earle], Dec. 22 [1828]. Hannah and Judah Ferrel, int. July 12, 1770. Jona[tha]n [int. adds Lt.] and Sally Brainard, May 15, 1817. Lucy and John Smith 3d, June 14, 1801. Lusina and Benjamin Merrick, July 17, 1816. Margret and Aaron Mirick, Dec. 6, 1766. Mary and David Russel [int. Rusel], Feb. 6, 1766. Mary and James Fuller, Oct. 9, 1769. Merrick and Rebecco Moores [int. Rebeca Mooers], Apr. 8, 1830. Orrel and Necanor Towsley, int. July — , 1784. Pattey and Samuel Smith, Aug. 8, 1802. PHny and Huldah Allen, Feb. 18 [1829]. Ruben and Margret McNitt, Jan. 22, 1772. Salley and Joseph Smith, int. Nov. — , 1783. Samuel D. and Mary S. Brewer, int. Jan. 11, 1839. Samuel D. and Lucinda A. Brewer, int. Dec. 31, 1840. Submit and Lewis Langdon, Mar. 2, 1775. William, Lt., and Laura Fenton, int. Dec. 6, 1822. Zadock and Rachel Abbott, Mar. 30, 1795. COON, WilHam H., 20, s. William and Rebeckah, and Achsah T. Hale, Nov. 24 [1847]. [Mrs. Acsah S., C.R.] CpPELAND, Joseph and Semina Hamilton, Nov. 24, 1837. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. II5 CORBIT, Mary of Ware, and Martin L. Hastings, int. Aug. 29, 1846. CORTIS (see Curtis, Curtiss), Phebe and Joel Sizer, Jan. 3, 1848 COULTON (see Colt on). CO WEN (see Cowens), Robert of Cambridge, "in York Gov- ernment," and Joanna Rogers, Oct. 17, 1765. COWENS (see Cowen), Margret and Francies Brakenridge, Apr. 22, 1755.* COWL (see Cowles, Cowls), Irene D. of Amherst, and Henry Stocking, int. Jan. 10, 1839. COWLES (see Cowl, Cowls), Sarah and Horace S. Bond, int. Jan. 21, 1843. Waity of Ware, and Nichols Cummings, Oct. 29 [1847].* COWLS (see Cowl, Cowles), Ethan S. [int. Eathan S. Cole] of Belchertown, and Sally Roberts, Feb. 20, 1816. COX, Bridget of Ware, and Michael McBride, int. July 21, 1849. COYE, Betsy and Obed McLane, int. June 16, 1787. Mary and Alexander Hymes, Sept. 10, 1807. GRAIN (see Crane), Stephen and Mary Minor, int. Apr. — , 1784. CRANE (see Crain), John E., 23, s. John and Susan, and Adeline V. Walker, Nov. 17, 1844. Nathan A. and Sarah M. Wing, int. June 27, 1842. Susan E. and Cyrus B. Dodge, May 11, 1845. CRAWFORD (see Crowfoot), Alexander "of the Eunyon," and Mary Lamont, Dec. 29, 1763. Mary and John McCluen, Mar. 26, 1772. Sidney and Maria Fuller, int. Jan. 26, 1828. CRESTON, Jemima of Belchertown, and Lt. Eli Powers, int. Sept. 20, 1821. CROSBEY (see Crosby), Sophronia of Enfield, and Timothy Brainard Jr., int. Nov. 19, 1819. CROSBY (see Crosbey), John M. [int. Crasby], 21, s. Ansel and Everhne of Belchertown, and Lodicea Shaw, Aug. 22, 1848. ♦ Intention not recorded. Il6 PALMER MARRIAGES. CROSS, Emily and David Burlingame, int. Mar. 6, 1844. Hannah A. and Benjamin Butler, int. May 7, 183 1. Moses K. and T. Adaline Spaulding, int. Apr. 4, 1842. Stephen Jr. of Monson, and Clorrissa [int. Clarrisa] Borden, Dec. 31, 1805. CROWFOOT (see Crawford), Mary and John Moor, June — , I754-* Sarah and John Moor, July 17, 1777. CULVER, Artemas [int. Artemus], 21, s. David and Betsey, and Emily I. Walker, Sept. 30, 1849. CUMING (see Comens, Comins, Commins, Cumings, Cum- mings), Isaac Jr. [int. Cumings] and Olive Hyde, Nov. 27, 1800. CUMINGS (see Comens, Comins, Commins, Cuming, Cum- mings), Lucy and Josiah Brooks, int. July 15, 1848. Mary and Benjamin Parsons, Oct. 25, 1803. CUMMINGS (see Comens, Comins, Commins, Cuming, Cum- ings), Cyntha of Ware, and Seth Dunbar, int. Mar. 13, 1807. Haskell of Ware, and Aseneth Ward, int. Feb. 25, 1826. Lewis G. and Sarah Beeres, int. Mar. 23, 1833. Lydia of Winchendon, and Andrew Beard, int. Mar. 28, 1844. Nathin, Dr. [dup. Nathan Commins, omits Dr.], and Phebe Maxwell, Oct. 13 [dup. Oct. 30], 1793.* Nichols of Ware, and Waity Cowles, Oct. 29 [1847].* Olive, Mrs., and Dr. Recompence Leonard, int. May 27, 1809. Simeon and Joanna Page, int. Sept. 28, 1806. Simeon 2d of Ware, and Mary Fitzgeral [int. Fitzgerald], May 31 [int. June 15, sic], 181 5. CURRIER, James M. and Mary A. Powell, int. Sept. 25, 1841. John W. of N. Troy, Vt., and Mrs. Betsey James, int. Apr. 14, 1849. CURTIS (see Cortis, Curtiss), Margaret D. of Springfield, and Stephen H. King, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Thomas T. [int. Corttis] of Somers, Conn., and Huldah Bissell, Nov. 28, 1839. CURTISS (see Cortis, Curtis), Eliza L. and William H. Wright, int. Dec. 12, 1848. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. II 7 CUTLER (see Cutter), Abigail of Western, and Isaac King, int. Apr. 3, 1817. Elmira and Marble King Ferrill [int. Ferril], July 2, 1819. Nathan M. and Columbia Shearer, Sept. 12 [1836]. [Cutter, C.R.] Salley of Ware, and Aaron M. Cooley, int. Jan. 29, 18 15. Sarah and Thomas Abbott, Nov. 7, 177 1. CUTTER (see Cutler), Aaron, 35, s. Aaron and Eliza, and Laura Keith, May — , 1847.* Caroline R. and Absolon [int. Absalom] C. Peck, Nov. 6, 1834. Hiram B., 20, and Elizebeth R. Elsbree, Oct. — , 1846. CUTTING, Samuel T., 24, of Southbridge, s. Tyler and Abigail, and Susan E. Melony, Nov. 29, 1849.* DADMAN, John [int. Dadmun], 52, and Jane D. Strickland, July 20 [1847]- Mary A. and Joseph R. Brooks, July 10, 1844. DAMON, Albert (Doman) [int. Albert A. Demmon] of Ware, and Lucy Hitchcock, Sept. 30, 1835. DANELSON, Calvin and Catherine McMasters, int. Mar. — , 1784. DANIELS, Justin of Ludlow, and Prudence Shaw, May 4, 1820. DANIELSON (see Danelson). DARLING, Asa and Susannah Smith, May 26, 1794 [int. Jan. 29, 1791]. Elijah and Eunice Spear, int. Apr. 7, 1808. Jerusha [?] and Samuel Tousey [Tousley], int. June — , 1782. Margaret and William Lesster, Oct. 17, 1837. Ruth and Peter Webber, Feb. 3, 1794. Speady and Wilham Thomson, Aug. 21, 1799. DA VIES (see Davis, Davise), Jemima and Patrick McMichel, Apr. 2, 1772. Mary and Andrew Rutherford, Nov. 28, 1751.* Simeon and PoUey Needham, int. Mar. 30, 1789. DAVIS (see Davies, Davise), Aaron and Cinda Stevens, int. Mar. 16, 1801. Aaron of Ware, and Peggy Moore, Aug. 10, 1822.* ♦ Intention not recorded. ,■ Il8 PALMER MARRIAGES. Davis, Benjamin and Cordelia Buffington, May 4, 1836. Betsy of S. Brimfield, and Isaac Merritt, int. Dec. 14, 18 17. Dexter and Susan Dunbar, Dec. 17, 1829. Eden of Thompson, Conn., and Ann Webber, int. Sept. 30, 1826. Eliza M., d. Leonard and Eliza, and Nelson Maxon, Oct. — , 1846. Hanah and Marshall J. Newcomb, int. June 11, 1842. Hariot [int. Hariet] and Austin Smith, [rec. before May I, 1844] [int. June 5, 1843]. [Harriet, June 21, 1843, C.R.] Henry C, 23, of Boston, and Anna M. C. Ferrell, May — , 1847. [May 18, C.R.] Jacob J. and Harriet A. Rood, int. Aug. 31, 1844. Joseph of Thompson, Conn., and Polly Cook, int. Feb. 8, 1806. Lemira and John Lemon [int. Jr.], Jan. 20, 183 1. Leonard and Eliza [int. adds Graves] Ward, June 29, 1820. Leonard and Philadelphia Allen, Aug. 4, 1840. Mariah [int. Maria] C, 27, and Sumner N. Bond, Apr. 28, 1847. Mary of Wilbraham, and Simon Baite, int. Mar. 13, 1773. Olive B., 21, d. John, and George G. Lyman, May 8, 1844. Paris and Benjamin G. Haynes, int. Feb. 9, 1824. Proctor B. and Anna Aldrich, int. Dec. 10, 1824. Ruth and John Shav^, Nov. 3, 1785. Samanth (Dav[i]s) [int. Samantha] and Urbino L. C. Beard [int. Bearce], May 14, 1842. Sarah and Obed M. Ward, Apr. 16, 1827. Welthy Ann and Marshfield D. Burt, May 18, 1840, [in] Monson.* [Wealthy Ann of Monson, c.r.] DA VISE (see Davies, Davis), Eliz[abeth] of Reedston, and Tho[ma]s Anderson, Sept. 19, 1755.* DAVISON, Eliza of Monson, and John Bates, int. Apr. i, 18 ro. DEAN (see Deans), Betsey of Brookfield, and Wills King, int. Sept. 5, 1803. Mary and Dwight Blanchard, Nov. 24, 183 1. DEANS (see Dean), James of Ashford, Conn., and Sally B. Foster, Sept. 28, 1825. DENISON (see Dennison), William G. of Springfield, and Esther C. Franklin, int. May i, 1847. DENNISON (see Denison), Esther and Azro M. Butterfield, Nov. 7, 1838. F. A. [female] and E. B. Alden, int. Jan. 13, 1848. ♦ Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. II9 Dennison, Julia A. and Morris P. McClentock, int. Apr. 25, 1846. Martha [int. adds J.] and George Mooers, Oct. 10, 1839. DERBY, Hepsibath, 22, of Belchertown, d. Ira, and Horace M. Perry, Sept. 5, 1848.* DEVERAUX, Rebecca of Monson, and William Upham, int, Apr. I, 1842. DEWEY, Emily, 21, d. Alonzo and Mary, and W[illia]m C. Child, Sept. 8, 1845. [M. Emily, c.r.] DEWNAP, Emma [int. Dewnop], 23, and Francis Merrell [int. Merrill], Jan. 20, 1848. DEXTER, Ferdinand, 22, of Brookfield, s. Eseck and Sophia, and Rosetta T. [int. S.] Kendall, July 3, 1848. DICKINSON, David (Dickcosson), Dr., of Willmenton, and Sally Watson, Feb. 23, 1796. Delany N. of Ware, and W[illia]m Ellis, int. Apr. 7, 1845. Lilies of Columbia, Conn., and Freeman Smith, int. Sept. 5, 1824. DIMOCK, George M. and Elizebeth Learned, int. Apr. 12, 1844. DIVANEY (see Divany), Patrick and Margarett McGee, int. July 23, 1848. DIVANY (see Divaney), Patrick and Catherine Doughtery, int. July 10, 1848. DOBBS, WilHam H. and Sarah H. Bezar, int. Aug. 11, 1842. DODGE, Adaline and WiUiam Dodge, Nov. 23, 1840. Cyrus B. and Susan E. Crane, May 11, 1845. Martha and Walter Mathews [int. 2d], Oct. 31, 1824. Mary and Jonathan McElwain, Nov. 8 [1836]. William and Adaline Dodge, Nov. 23, 1840. DOOLITTLE, Mary of Sturbridge, and Willard Smith, int. July 2, 1809. DORMAN, Albert of Monson, and Julia A. Merriam, int. May 2, 1849. Arathusa A. of Belchertown, and Charles Smith, int. Oct. 9, 1847. * Intention not recorded. I20 PALMER MARRIAGES. DOUGHTERY, Catherine and Patrick Divany, int. July lo, 1848. DOUGLAS, Leonard A. [int. Douglass] of Waterford, Conn., and Lydia Hall, June 14, 1830. DRAPER, George and Hannah B. Twing, int. Feb. i, 1839. DRURY, Clarrissa of Warren, and Theodore L. Washburn, int. Apr. 7, 1835. DUDLEY, John H. of Westfield, and Marana P. Mason, int. May 5, 1847. DUNAM, Benjamin of Brimfield, and Charlotte Tharia [Thayer], Dec. 3, 1793. DUNBAR, Daniel and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Brown, Apr. 11, 1820. Esther and Timothy Parsons Marsh, [rec. after Nov. 28, 1799] [int. Oct. 5, 1799]. Hannah and William Coney [int. Jr.], Dec. 30, 1794. John Jr. and Salley [int. Sally] Brakenridge, May 14, 1801. Sarah and Ambrase [int. Ambrose] Blair, Apr. i, 1835. Seth and Cyntha Cummings, int. Mar. 13, 1807. Simeon C. and Amanda M. Colton, int. Sept. 21, 1839. Susan and Dexter Davis, Dec. 17, 1829. Susanna and Joseph Ripley, Dec. 15, 1796. DUNCAN, Leander of Ware, and H. [int. Hannah] P. Holt, Apr. 21 [1842]. [Hannah J., c.R.] Nancy A. of Belchertown, and William H. Brown, Apr. 25, 1835, in Belchertoun.* W[illia]m E. of Weston [int. Western], and S[arah] M. Bumsted [int. Bomsted], Apr. 21 [1842]. DUNHAM (see Dunam). DUNTON, Elijah [int. Elejah] of Weston, and Ruth Brown, Sept. 29, 1763. DURANT, Caroline of Ware, and Theron McMaster, int. Oct. 16, 1829. Daney [int. Dana] and Bethsheba [int. Bathsheba] Ward, Oct. 8, 1801. Harriot and Moses E. Eager, int. Feb. 16, 1827. Henry W. and Sally Bridges, Mar. 17, 1829. I* Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 121 DuRANT, John Jr. [int. of Watertown] and Nabbe Ward, Feb. i8, 1796. John and Lucy P. Haynes, int. Dec. 20, 1844. Nathaniel and Mary Gates, Sept. — , 1808. Salley of Ware, and Peter B. Chamberlain, int. Nov. i, 1819. DURFEE, Richard and Nancy Green, int. Aug. 5, 1842. DURKEE, Marshall S. of Brimfield, and Eunice Burt, Jan. 4, 1839. DUTTEN (see Button), Lydia of Brimfield, and John McMasters, int. Apr. 23, 1768. DUTTON (see Dutten), Almarin of Ludlow, and Loisa Hall, int. Nov. 12, 1838. DWYRE, Daniel and Julia Brane, int. May 27, 1848. Mary and John Clifford, int. May 3, 1848. EAGER, Moses E. of Marlborough, and Harriot Durant, int. Feb. 16, 1827. EARL (see Earle), Kittridge D. and Clarrissa Bolter, int. Oct. 3, 1827. Kittridge D. [int. Kitteridge D. Earle] and Elizabeth S. [int. Somn[e]r] Cooley, Dec. 22 [1828]. EARLE (see Earl), Kittridge D. [int. Earl] and Adeline [int. Adaline] Haynes, Aug. 7, 1835. [Kittredge D., c.R.] EATON, Orinda H. of Pelham, and Asa Shumway, int. Dec. 9, 1837. EDDEY (see Eddy), Charles and Mercey King, Aug. 31, 1775. Mary and David Hayes, int. Sept. 5, 1780. EDDY (see Eddey), Margaret and Eli Groves, Mar. 19, 181 2. ELLET, Jind and Sam[uel] Wayket, Mar. 20, 1796. ELLIN, Elenor of Ware, and Joshua Parsons, int. Aug. 22, 1767. ELLINWOOD, Vashti of Brimfield, and Timothy Branerd 2d, int. Sept. 14, 1798. ELLIS, Nathan K. of Ware, and Mary Eliza Cargill, int. Jan. 12, 1826. 122 PALMER MARRIAGES. Ellis, Pricilla of Monson, and Benj[amin] A. Walker, May 28, 1840, [in] Monson.* [Priscilla, c.R.] W[illia]m and Delany N. Dickinson, int. Apr. 7, 1845. ELSBREE, Elizebeth R., 17, and Hiram B. Cutter, Oct. — ; 1846. George H. and Emeline Pierce, May 20, 1846. Lyman A. and Hellen J. Walker, int. Sept. 9, 1848. Susan E. and Daniel [int. David] N. Squire, May 20, 1846. ELWELL, Abegil and Peleg Woodworth, Dec. 6, 1770. Harison and Cloe Parker, Feb. 23, 1788. Jese and Elizabeth McClanathan, int. Mar. — , 1784. Lucinda and Douglass Haynes, Nov. 30 [1837]. ENTWISTLE, Lydia, 30, d. William and Elizabeth Todd, and Richard West, Oct. 7, 1848. FAIRBANKS, Samuel [int. adds Capt.] of Mendon, and [int. adds Mrs.] Joanna Gillmore, Nov. 29, 1807. Sophia of Western, and Sullivan Alexander, Apr. 11, 1832, in Western.* c.R. FAIRFIELD, Horace P., 21, of Ludlow, s. Elizebeth, wid., and Laura F. Thayer, Nov. 13, 1845.* [of Ludlow, Jenks- ville, C.R.] FARGO, Darius of Tinmoth, and Elizabeth Man, Feb. 5, 1793. FARLEY, Hipsiba [int. Hipza Farla] of Brimfield, and William Lovjoy, Dec. 18, 1801. FARRAN (see Farrand), Hugh [int. Farren] and Damarius But- terfield, Feb. 3, 1839. FARRAND (see Farran), Jane and Hugh McCalpen, Apr. i, 1765- FARREL (see Ferrel, Ferrell, Ferrill), Elener and Sergt. John Shaw, Feb. 23, 1796. Isaac of Weston [int. Western], and Sarah McNitt, Aug. 27, 1762. Joseph and Mary McNitt, int. Apr. 9, 1768. Sarah of Western, and Joshua McMasters, int. Sept. — , 1762. Sarah and Samuel Mackelwean, June 27, 1776. Timothy and Sarah Makelwan [int. Mackluan], Dec. i, 1760. t* Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I 23 T^^AYy Angeline M. of Sturbridge, and James Strickland, Dec. 25 [1847]. C.R. ^. Caroline E., 18, of Sturbridge, d. Keyes and Annis, and Alfred G. Lamb, Sept. 16, 1847. Elthina M., 23, b. Monson, of Monson, d. Ruffus and Elthina, and John K. [int. King] Knox, May 21, 1848. Louisa of Munson, and Pliny Stowell, May 8, 1834, in Munson.* C.R. Matilda of Brimfield, and Jonathan Chapin, int. Sept. 10, 1794. Nancey of Monson, and Jonathan Shearer Esq., int. Nov. 26, 1812. Solomon A. [int. omits A.] and Mary Kent, Mar. i, 1838, in Springfield. William, 29, and Abby Nickolds [dup. Nichols], Apr. 24, 1844. FENTON, Chandler [int. of Brimfield], s. of Brimfield, and Laura M. Shaw, June 18, 1845. Edwin and Tirzah A. Warner, int. Dec. 19, 1846. Elvira M. of Brimfield, and George N. Stone, int. Aug. 7, 1849. Ira of Belchertown, and Maria Shearer, May 9, 1832. Laura of Brimfield, and Lt. William Cooley, Dec. 6, 1822.* Mary J., 21, d. John and Roxana, and John W. Robinson, Feb. 6, 1849. Mehitable of Brimfield, and Elisha Converse Jr., int. Apr. 8, 1820. FERRE (see Ferree, Ferry, Fery), Cloe [int. Chloe Ferry] and Philip Lamb, Oct. 10, 1803. Hannah and George Wight, int. Apr. 14, 1810. Hezekiah and Hannah Fisher, int. Aug. 9, 1792. Judah Jr. and PoUey Taintor, int. Mar. 8, 181 2. Louisa [int. Ferry] and Havey [int. Harvey] U. Sherman, May 26, 1829. Sabre and Ebenezer Lacy, Apr. 2, 1793. Sally and George Puffer, Apr. 13, 18 12. Sarah and Samuel D. Smith, Oct. 28, 1835. FERREE (see Ferre, Ferry, Fery), Noah [int. Ferry] and Rebecca [int. Rebeckcah] Ward, Apr. — , 1816. FERREL (see Farrel, Ferrell, Ferrill), Anna and Luther Spear, Oct. 25, 1792. Arad and Jemima Brace, Dec. 6, 1770. Betzy of Brimfield, and John Thomson Jr., int. Oct. 15, 1794. Elizabeth and Isaac Weld, int. Jan. 11, 1781. * Intention not recorded. 124 PALMER MARRIAGES. Ferrel, Elizabeth and William Spear, int. Sept. 2, 1787. Isaac and Anna King, Dec. 26, 1786. Jeney and John Roggers [int. Rogers], Dec. 2, 1773. Judah of Brimfield, and Hannah Cooley, int. July 12, 1770. Persis [int. Perses] and Robert Rogers, Oct. 29, 1801. Prudence and Joseph Nicies, int. May i, 1802. Robert and Damerus Wilder, int. May i, 1803. Salley [int. Salla] and John Bates, July 2, 1801. FERRELL (see Farrel, Ferrel, Ferrill), Anna [int. Ferrel] and Joseph Buckwith [int. Beckwith], Nov. 29, 1787. Anna M. C, 20, d. Timothy and, Marana, and Henry C. Davis, May — , 1847. [May 18, C.R.] ElKn [int. Ellen] Louisa, 24, d. Timothy, and Joseph A. Brown, June 19, 1844. [Ferril, c.R.] John K., 26, s. Marble K. [and] Elmera, and Cornelia McCray, Aug. — , 1846. Mary and Henry King, Nov. 15, 1831. Prudence and WiUiam [int. WiUiams] N. Packard, Oct. i, 1833. Sarapt M. [int. Saraph M. Farrell], 26, d. Andrew, and Alden [int. A. Alden] Keith, Nov. 27, 1844. [Seraph M. Ferril and A. Alden Keith, c.R.] Timothy Jr. and Mirana King, int. Feb. 22, 1807. FERRILL (see Farrel, Ferrel, Ferrell), Betsey and Ransom King, int. Mar. 18, 1825. Eli and Aseneth Taylor, int. Jan. 27 [1827]. Lewis and Mary Holton, int. Nov. 3, 1840. Marble King [int. Ferril] and Elmira Cutler, July 2, 1819. Mirana and Jacob Stever, Mar. 20 [1838]. [Marana Ferrell, C.R.] Sarah and Edwin Norcross, Oct. 4 [1828]. Theodore and Eliza Shaw, Apr. 30, 1840. FERRY (see Ferre, Ferree, Fery), Harriet and James C. Burn- ham, Nov. 18, 1841. Jabez K. and Elizabeth O. Bonner, int. Oct. 17, 1834. Lorenzo C. and Mary Gould, int. Oct. 31, 1842. Lucinda and Walter Haynes, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. May 5, 1843]. [May 31, 1843, c.R.] Lucius [int. adds L.] of Brimfield, and Cornelia Randolph, Apr. — , 1847. Lucy and Bezalell Sherman 2d, Apr. 20, 1835. Mary E. and George Bacon, Sept. 24, 1834. [Terry, C.R.] Sarah A, and Amos Baldwin, Sept. 24, 1834. I PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 25 FERY (see Ferre, Ferree, Ferry), Elizabeth and Luke Chapin, Dec. 3 [? 1761].* FESSENDEN, John S. of Shrewsbury, and Lucy Shaw, int. Oct. 10, 1831. FIELDS, Gracia of Northfield, and Joseph Hubbard, int. Mar. 26, 1842. FISHER, Deborah and David Berret, Jan. 18, 1798. Hannah and Hezekiah Ferre, int. Aug. 9, 1792. Robert and Lucinda Cleland, int. Jan. 25, 1799. FISK, Abner and Mary Smith, Aug. 16, 1836. Persis B. and Abel Wilder, May 11, 1848.* Sarah C, 24, of Enfield, d. Amosy and Sally, and James S. Blair, Sept. 17, 1845.* [Fiske, c.r.] FITCH, Abijah and Eleanor Parsons, Nov. 23, 1775. Fanny of Wintonbury, Conn., and Samuel Green, int. Nov. 9, 1827. Thomas of Westfield, and Laura Shaw, Nov. 21 [1837]. FITTS, Ira, 27, s. Arba and Marv, and Catherine Mullett [int. Mullet], Oct. 8, 1848. FITZGERAL (see Fitz Gerald, Gerald, Ceroid), Mary [int. Fitzgerald] and Simeon Cummings 2d, May 31 [int. June 15, sic], 181 5. FITZ GERALD (see Fitzgeral, Gerald, Ceroid), Ruth and Joseph Orcut, int. Aug. 8, 18 12. FLAGG, Lucy M. and Rev. Thomas Marcy, Apr. 21, 1841. Sarah E. and Hiram Randell, int. Mar. 2, 1844. FLEMING (see Flemming, FHming), David and Sarah Long- head, May 22, 1755.* David and Ehzabeth , int. Aug. i, 1785. Ehsabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Lt. Luke Hitchcock, May 30, 1805. George, 22, s. Samuel, and Mehssa [int. MaHssa] Keith, Oct. 29, 1845. Jane and Nathan Man, May 26, 1763. Jane and James Freland, Nov. 24, 1785. Joseph and Flave Hitchcock, int. Aug. 18, 1792. Joseph and Atlanta M. A. Barber, int. Apr. 29, 1848. Margaret [dup. Margret] and Dr. Jabez Lamb, Sept. 13, 1798. * Intention not recorded. 126 PALMER MARRIAGES. Fleming, Mary and Mathew Huthin, int. Mar. 9, 1781. Polly and Nathaniel Ward, Jan. 2, 1814. Samuel [int. Flemming] and Abigial Sherbrick [int. Abigail Shorbrooks], wid., Jan. 26, 1815. William and Sarah Shaw, Oct. 27, 1768. FLEMMING (see Fleming, Fliming), John and Lucy Munroe [int. Monroe], May 7, 1840. FLEMING (see Fleming, Flemming), Hannah and William Wood, Sept. 24, 1772. Sarah and John Hamilton, int. Jan. 24, 1789. FLYNT, WilHam N., 28, of Monson, s. Rufus and Sarah, and Joanna King, June 3, 1846. FOLLIT, Hannah and Jese [int. Jesse] Cleavland, Mar. 20, 1805. FORBES, Henry [int. Fobes, adds Capt.] of Enfield, and Linda McMaster, Mar. 24 [1840]. FORGATE, William of Brimfield, and Olive Hubbard, int. May 18, 1842. FOSHAY, James, 20, s. Benson, and Hariot [int. Harriet] Sacket, Dec. 25, 1844. Sally Ann and Daniel Lynch, int. June 6, 1846. FOSKITT, Louisa and Lorenzo Shearer, May 8, 1834. Lucinda [int. Foskit] and Edwin Burr, May 15, 1834. [Foskett, C.R.] FOSTER, Betsey and David P. Billings, Apr. 5 [1837]. Dwight and Louisa W. Penniman, int. May 18 [1834]. Freeman S. and Sarah D. Toleman, int. Nov. 5, 1842. Harriet and Loren Shumway, int. Nov. 6, 183 1. John and Mary Sedgwick, Sept. 4, 1838. [Sedgewick, c.r.] Joseph B. and Mary E. Puffer, int Mar. 13, 1848. Kyes [dup. Keyes] and Philena [dup. Phylina, int. Phylena] Shaw, Feb. 19 [1824]. Philena and Noah Pratt, Dec. 28, [i8]37. Rebeckah N. and Solomon Shaw, Dec. 10, 1795. Rebeckah and Luke Hitchcock Jr., Apr. 20, 1820. Sally B. and James Deans, Sept. 28, 1825. Selina [int. Salina] and Shepard Blair, Feb. i, 1832. [Shepherd, C.R.] PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 27 Foster, William and Policy [dup. Polly] Pottle, Dec. 10, 1795. Willson and Prudence Brown, Oct. 19, 1797. Wilson and Phoebe Bates, int. Feb. 24, 1837. FOWLES, Stephen and Elvine Moores, int. Apr. 25, 1839. FRANCIS, Roxany of Barre, and Leander Smith, int. Feb. 4, 1844. FRANKLIN, Esther C. and William G. Denison, int. May i, 1847. Mariah L. and Henry N. Shaw, int. July 18, 1847. FRELAND, James and Jane Fleming, Nov. 24, 1785. FRENCH, Hiram M., 22, of Belchertown, s. Hiram C, and Elizabeth F. Wood, June 3, 1849.* FRINK, John and Dolly Phelps, int. Nov. 17, 1838. Maria and Franklin Morgan, Dec. 22, 1827. Roxana [int. 2d] and Moses Boldwin [int. Baldwin], Apr. 6, 1817. FROST, Ashbel and Juha D. Whitney [int. Whiting], Nov. 27, 1845- Fanny of Wilbraham, and William Shearer, int. Dec. 14, 1820. Lucy of Monson, and Abner Chapin, Oct. 9, 1769. FUFF, Anna [int. (Fugh) of Brookfield] and Hugh Smith, Oct. 24, 1771. FULLER, Ariel Jr. and Hannah Bradley, int. May 5, 1836. Eliza of Belchertown, and Joseph S. Hastings, int. Aug. 9 [1834]. Esther and Isaac Roberts, Mar. 10, 1774. Hariet A. of Ludlow, and David Tenney, int. May 5, 1843. James of Monson, and Mary Cooley, Oct. 9, 1769. James and Chloe Hubbard, int. Mar. 26, 1840. Lucinda of Ware, and Reuben W. Lamb, Feb. 4, 1836 [int. Dec. 23, 1837, sic]. Lucy of Ware, and Williams McWaine, int. Apr. 9, 1825. Lydia and Daniel [int. David] Carrill Jr., Apr. 23, 1820. Lyman and Clarrissa Rice, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Maria of Stafford, Conn., and Sidney Crawford, int. Jan. 26, 1828. Mary and John McNitt, Dec. 23, 1773. Percis and Chesebro [int. Chesbro] D. Lewis, May 12, 1829. * Intention not recorded. 128 PALMER MARRIAGES. GAGE, Alixander [int. Alexander] and Jane A. Calkins, Nov. 30, 1843- GALLOP, Catherine E., 33, d. Amos and Polly, and Joshua D. Sawyer, Feb. 28, 1849. Mary [int. adds A.] and Elihu S. Perkins, May 5, 1838. Sarah L., 22, and Dudley Stebbins, Nov. 27, 1844. GAMWELL, James and Mary Ann Hubbard, int. July 28, 1830. James and Lydia [int. adds J.] Billings, July i, 1840. John and Mrs. Sarah Shearer, Dec. 2, 1830. Sally and John Smith 2d, int. Jan i, 1825. GARDNER, Ann [int. Gardiner] and James Smith, Nov. 15, 1764. Anna and Ephrean Shaw, int. Mar. 27, 1778. Hannah and William Shaw, Dec. 4, 1771. John and Anna Hutchison, May 6, 1778. John V. of Monson, and Sally Spear, Oct. 5, 1813. GARFIELD, Charles M. and Harriet D. Hawes, int. July 29, 1849. GARLIE, Andrew, 23, and Elizabeth Bowden, Oct. 4, 1849.* GATES, Betsey and Russell [int. Russel] Campbell, July 15, 1829. Ephraim and Mary Hill, May 31, 1789. Ephraim [int. Ephriam] B. and Sophia W. Stimpson, Apr. 14, 1841. John and Elanor Phelps, Mar. 10, 1790.* Josiah and Minerva M. Vinton, int. Sept. 16, 1848. Mary and Mirah [Micah] Gates, int. May 30, 1787. Mary and Nathaniel Durant [int. Duront], Sept. — , 1808. Mary L. and Harrison H. Shumway, Mar. 5, 1840, in Belcher- town. Mirah [Micah] and Mary Gates, int. May 30, 1787. Olive and John Bacon, Feb. 4, 18 13. GERALD (see Fitzgeral, Fitz Gerald, Gerold), William F. F. and Mary N. S. Bearad, int. Nov. 5, 1842. GEROLD (see Fitzgeral, Fitz Gerald, Gerald), Mary M. [int. Ceroids], 20, d. John and Mary, and Edwin N. Hale, Mar. 13, 1849. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 29 GIBBINS, Joel of Wilbraham, and Mary Thayer, Oct. 4, 1824.* P.R. GIBBS, Ann and Lemuel R. Moore, int. Nov. 3, 1838. Isaac of Belchertown, and Prudence Burt, int. Aug. 30, 1841. Lucy of Ware, and Amos P. Kindall, int. Sept. 26, 1845. Miles of Blanford, and Susanna Moors, Feb. 23, 1796. GIFFIN (see Gisen). GILBERT, Abner of Leverett [int. Levveritt], and Martha Upham, Oct. 15 [1828]. Damaris [int. Gilard] of Brookfield, and George Wood, Oct. 21, 1790. Eunice of Leverett, and Jonathan Nutting, int. Sept. i, 1822. Massa of Brimfield, and Samuell Blodgett Jr., Mar. 20, 1796. GILLIGAN, Hannah of Ludlow, and Dickerson A. Calkings, int. Oct. 15, 1836. GILLMORE (see Gilmore), Betsy of Ware, and Caleb Hitch- cock, int. May 14, 1808. Joanna [int. adds Mrs.] and [int. adds Capt.] Samuel Fairbanks, Nov. 29, 1807. GILMORE (see Gillmore), Jonathan M. and Mariah Western, int. Apr. i, 1842. Phylena [int. Phylenia Gillmore] of Ware, and Dyer Hutchins, Dec. 30, 1818. GISEN, James and Lucy Hamilton, Sept. 28, 1786. GLASSFORD, Eleanor and W[illia]m Smith, June 19, 1755.* GLEASON, Essther [int. Esther] and Allen Benjamin [int. Jr.], May 30, 1816. R. T. [int. Russell, omits T.] of Warren, and Emily Smith, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. Oct. 14, 1843]. [Russel T., Nov. 2, 1843, C.R.] GOFF, B. FrankHn of Ware, and Ameha Calkins, int. Nov. 9, 1843. Charles H. and Emily Thayer, int. July 8, 1848. Jane A. and Henry W. Starks, int. Dec. 13, 1843. John A. and Ann S. Barrett, Sept. — , 1846. Lucius W. and Lucy Henshaw, Oct. 30, 1834. * Intention not recorded. 130 PALMER MARRIAGES. GOODNOW, William [int. Goodman] and May Needham, Aug. II, 1794. GOODRICH, Cornelius and Mary E. Mitchell, int. May 23, 1845. GOODWIN, Mary A. of Springfield, and Ransom Shepard, int. Nov. 18, 1835. GORDON, Cosmo and Sibyl Graves, int. Apr. 7, 1800. GORTON, Betsey, 21, and Henry Gregory, July 14, 1849. GOULD, David Jr. of Ware, and Jenny Shaw, int. May 25, 1815. John [int. Goold] of Brimfield, and Abagail [int. Abigail] Hall, June 6, 1760. Laura of Ware, and Rozel S. Hastings, int. Dec. i, 1838. Leonard [int. Leonord] of Ware, and Sally Shaw, Apr. 11, 1811. Mary of Ware, and Lorenzo C. Ferry, int. Oct. 31, 1842. GOVE, Eleanor S. and Rufus B. [int. P.] Buffington, Nov. 26, 1839, ^^ Belchertown. GRAHAM, David K. and Maria A. Brown, int. Oct. 31, 1835. Elmera of Western, and Emilius Bond, int. June 16, 1827. Marcy and Solomon Comens, int. Oct. — , 1781. Mary and Davice King, June 24, 1775. Policy Becky and Jabe King, int. Feb. 22, 1781. Sam[ue]l S., 27, s. David and Lovica, and Sarah E. Mills, Oct. 17, 1848. GRAIGRYS (see Gregory), Maria of Wilbraham, and Jonas White, int. Dec. 27, 1818. GRAVES, Aaron and Mary Woodbridge, int. Dec. 7, 1769. Aaron, Maj., and Rachel Patridge, int. Oct. 6, 1801. Abbee and Elijah Chapin, Oct. 13, 1785. Clarisia [int. Clarissa] and Christopher Bebe [int. Beebe], Feb. 15, 181 5. [Clarissa and Christopher Beebe, p.r.] Gideon and Abiah Rogers, Oct. 3, 1786. Hannah and Joseph Brown, Aug. 6, 1818. Harriet A. J. and Jedediah A. Paine, int. June 6, 183 1. Horace and Percy Hamelton, July 5, 1792. Joshua and Lucinda Bliss, int. Apr. 18, 1838. Joshuay and Amanda Calkins, int. July 18, 1842. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I3I Graves, Nancy [int. Naocy] and Ebinezer [int. Ebeneser] VV. Whipple, Mar. 23, 1819. Persey and Lt. Eb. Parsons, June 5, 1777. Sally and John Amsden, int. Jan. 5, 1798. Sibyl and Cosmo Gordon, int. Apr. 7, 1800. Simeon and Charity Wood, int. Nov. 15, 1765. Simeon and Katherine [int. Catherine] Kindel, Nov. 10, 1768. Tharp [? Sharp] and Dinah Woodard, negroes, "transhant per- sons," int. Oct. 24, 1789. "These to persons were posted up as residents of Palmer, by a false Represntation of theirs so that they could not have the benifit of a certificate, and the publication is of no afifect and void." Whiting and Betsey Woodman, int. Mar. 8, 1835. GRAY, EHzabeth and Robert Brown, Sept. — , 1754.* Mary and Nathaniel Hughs, int. Nov. — , 1783. WilHam K. [int. R.], 26, s. Anthony and Mary, and Betsey W. Paul, Mar. 19, 1846. GREEN (see Greene), Eliza and WiUiam Brock, int. July 3, 1841. Elizabeth, 23, d. Ralph and w., and Edward A. Shaw, Sept. 24, 1848. John S. and Amanda Jencks, int. Dec. 13, 1824. [Greene, and Amanda Jenks, m. Dec. 29, p.r.] Nancy and Richard Durfee, int. Aug. 5, 1842. Ralph and Betsey Swington, int. Sept. 17, 1820. Samuel and Delphina Shepherd, int. Feb. 5, 1820. Samuel and Fanny Fitch, int. Nov. 9, 1827. GREENE (see Green), James D. [int. Green], 27, s. Jonathan (Green) and Dolly, and Sarah Jones, May 17, 1849. Laura, 18, d. John and Amanda, and Fisher A. Washburn, Nov. 7, 1849.* Ralph and Harriet Maynard, int. Apr. 17, 1830. GREENLEAF, Moses of Belchertown, and Anna Kibba, Nov. 8, 1791.* GREGORY (see Graigrys), Grace and Lt. Noah Warner, June 12, 1777. Henry, 22, s. William and Susannah, and Betsey Gorton, July 14, 1849. GRICE, Hannah and Joshua Shaw Jr., Feb. 14, 1793. * Intention not recorded. 132 PALMER MARRIAGES. GRIFFIN, Henry and Mary Ann [int. Maryann] Towne, Dec. 3, 1839. GRIMES, James and Elizabeth Bacon, int. Jan. — , 1784. GRIMSHAW, Ann and Solomon A. Woolcott, int. Oct. 26, 1839. GROVER, Allen and Phebe Magoon, int. Jan. 4, 1806. Lemuel and Phila Bacon, Dec. 31, 181 7. Robert and Lucy [int. Luce] Thomson, Aug. 29, 1799. Stephen of Goshen, and Margaret Bowmen, int. Jan. 22, 1793. GROVES, Eli of Brimfield, and Margaret Eddy, Mar. 19, 181 2. Elvira of Monson, and Aretus Cooley, int. Apr. 19, 181 7. Henry and Wealthy Hovey, int. Nov. 13, 1813. GUTHRIE, Anna of Brimfield, and Maxcey Manning Converse, int. Oct. 21, 1821. HAD LEY (see Headly), Jane and Leonard Olds, int. Nov. 2, 1847. HALE, Achsah T., 27, and William H. Coon, Nov. 24 [1847]. [Mrs. Acsah S., c.r.] Adolphus and Achsah S. Keith, int. Mar. 30, 1839. Diana and Almon Whitaker, Apr. 15, 1841. Edwin N., 24, of Southbridge, s. Norris and Mary, and Mary M. Ceroid [int. Ceroids], Mar. 13, 1849. Mary J. of Brimfield, and Abner Allen Jr., int. Oct. 6, 1832. Nerissa and John Hitchcock, int. Sept. 19, 1846. HALL, Abagail [int. Abigail] and John Gould [int. Goold], June 6, 1760. Austin of E. Windsor, Conn., and Abigail Roberts, int. Jan. 3, 1829. Ellis of Ware, and Lucy Shaw, Nov. 29, 1832. Loisa and Almarin Dutton, int. Nov. 12, 1838. Lydia and Leonard A. Douglas [int. Douglass], June 14, 1830. Smith A. and Susan Hitchcock, int. Sept. 18, 1844. Willis of Brookfield, and Mary Smith, Oct. 3, 1838. HAMBELTON (see Hamelton, Hamilton), James of Colrain, and Esther Brackenridge, Feb. 6, 1766. HAMELTON (see Hambelton, Hamilton), Percy and Horace Graves, July 5, 1792. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 33 HAMILTON (see Hambelton, Hamelton), Amas [int. x\mos], Col., and Mrs. Lucy Shearer, Jan. 31, 1832. Asa and Nabe Semor Baldwin, Oct. 24, 1786. Asa of Washington, and Samina Lamb, int. Sept. 22, 183 1. Catey [int. Katey] and Dr. Jared Hitchcock, Mar. 25, 1802. Daniel and Prisca [int. Prischa] Weaver, June 8, 1817. George, 25, s. Asa and Emily, and Louisa M. Hamilton, May 2, 1849. Jacob C. and Fanny Robinson, int. Feb. 15, 1827. James Orton and Mary Lamb, int. Apr. 29, 1826. John of Chester, and Sarah Filming, int. Jan. 24, 1789. John 2d and Chloe Converse, int. Aug. 8, 1800. John 2d (see Joshua). John Jr. and Abigail Lamb, int. Jan. 2, 1819. John and Martha [int. Patty] McMaster, Apr. 8 [1828]. Joshua [int. John 2d] and Salla Wharter, Nov. 27, 1794. Joshua and Dolley [dup. and int. Dolly] Watson, Apr. 26, 1801. Leander of Wore [Ware], and Mary M. Maxham [int. Maxhom], Aug. IS, 1838. Louisa M., 20, d. Dan[ie]l and Prisca, and George Hamilton, May 2, 1849. Lucy and James Gisen, Sept. 28, 1786. Malvina and Charles Severance, June 26, 1833. Mary E. [int. Eliza] and Levi A. Bailey, Apr. 29, 1846. Mary F. and Freeman Bacon, May 3, 1838. M. [int. omits M.] Joshua and Minerva Rives [int. Reeves], Dec. 10, 1809. Phebe and Joseph Bracket, int. Apr. 8, 18 10. Sabra and Dr. Calvin Scott, [int. July 28, 1785]. Salley [int. Sally] and Oliver Shaw, Apr. 29, 1818. Sarah B. and Paschal P. Russell, Aug. 4 [1828]. Sarah Berry and John McMaster, Dec. 22, 1796. Semina and Joseph Copeland, Nov. 24, 1837. HANCOCK, Betsy [int. Betsey], 18, d. Harry O. and Lydia, and William P. Tucker, Sept. 14, 1848. William E., 21, s. Harvey O. and Lydia, and Amanda M. Pray, May 25, 1848. HANDY, Ruth of Smithfield, R. I., and David C. Bowen, int. Oct. 9, 1841. EANKS, Ebenezer [int. Ebinezer] B., 28, of Enfield, s. Isaac and Betsy of Enfield, and [int. adds Mrs.] Elizebeth Whit- ney, Jan. 19, 1845. 134 PALMER MARRIAGES. HANNUM, Justus and Mary Preston, int. Sept. lo, 1784. HARE, Doretha of Mansfield, and Moses Lamon, int. Oct. 30, 1773- HARKNESS, Samuel (Hankness) [int. Sumner Harkniss], 26, of Pelham, and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary A. Perkins [int. Pur- kins], Feb. 5, 1845. HARRINGTON (see Herrington), Levi [int. Jr.] of Oakham, and Merriam Barnes, Feb. 14, 1832. [Miriam, c.r.] HARVEY (see Harvy), Dorothy (Ha[r]vey) and John Pibles, Nov. — , 1740.* Ebenezer (Horvey) of Brimfield, and Margaret McMichel, int. Nov. 19, 1809. E. P. [int. EHzabeth P. Harvy] and Corlos [int. Carlos] Parsons, Mar. 8 [1843]. Orson (see Orson Henry). William and Atchsah Ruby, int. May 3, 1834. HARVY (see Harvey), Erasmus [dup. and int. Harvey], 32, s. Ebenzer [and] Peggy, and Mary E. Kendall [dup. Kin- dall], Apr. 10, 1844. Sarah Ann and Joseph I. Bums[t]ead, int. Mar. 2, 1843. [Har- vey, and Joseph S. Bumstead, m. Apr. 4, 1843, c.R.] HASKELL, Sarah E. of N. Brookfield, and Rev. Thomas Wilson, int. Sept. 4, 1848. HASTIN (see Hastings), Marshall [int. Hattin] and Acsah [int. Axey] Holden, Sept. 22 [1842]. [Hattin, c.R.] HASTINGS (see Hastin), Chester (Hostings) and Sally [int. Salle y] Smith 2d, Nov. 21, 181 1. John N. [int. Newman], Dr., of Enfield, and Eveline Smith, Oct. 5 [1825]. Joseph S. and Eliza Fuller, int. Aug. 9 [1834]. Laura L. of Ware, and Austin Bassett, int. Oct. 31, 1846. Lucy and Erastus Warren, Nov. 30, 1826. Martin L. and Mary Corbit, int. Aug. 29, 1846. Mary, 23, d. Chester and Sally, and Adolphus P. Whipple, May 30, 1848. Perry and Betsey Shaw, int. Apr. 24, 1824. Perry, widr. [int. omits widr.], and Charlotte [int. Mrs. Charlottee, omits wid.] Mason, wid., Jan. 25, 1848. Phoebe W. and Cyrus Trusdell, int. Apr. 14, 1841. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 135 Hastings, Rosel S. [int. L.] and Lucretia [int. adds C] Hitch- cock, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. May 7,1843]. [Rozel S., June 4, 1843, c.n.] Rozel [int. Rozell Jr.] and Phebe [int. Pheebe] White, Dec. 31, 1816. Rozel S. and Laura Gould, int. Dec. i, 1838. HASTON (see Houston), Altania and William A. Shepard, Nov. 26, 1834. [Atlantia Huston, c.R.] HATCH, Baker of Monson, and Jain Richerdson, int. Aug. 27, 1795- Harriot of Monson, and John Trumbull 2d, Aug. 22, 1816.* [Harriet and John Trumble 2d, in Monson, p.r.] Henry of Monson, and Ruth Shaw, Apr. 5, 1825.* p.r. Lucinda of Monson, and Aaron Trumbull, Sept. 15, 1819.* [Trumble, p.r.] Sally of Monson, and John H. Butler, May 7, 1820.* Stephen of Monson, and Bethiah Irons, Oct. 8, 1768.* HATTIN, Marshall (see Marshall Hastin). HA WES, Deborah of Monson, and Abner Burley, int. Jan. 5, 1826. Harriet D. of Barre, and Charles M. Garfield, int. July 29, 1849. Mary [int. Haws] of Monson, and John Watson, Sept. 3, 1834. HAWLETT, Ebenezer of Stafford, Conn., and Lucetta Choffee [Chaffee], int. Sept. 9, 1836. HAYES (see Hays), David and Mary Eddey, int. Sept. 5, 1780. HAYNES, Adeline [int. Adaline] and Kittridge D. Earle [int. Earl], Aug. 7, 1835. [Kittredge D., c.R.] Benjamin G. of Monson, and Paris Davis, int. Feb. 9, 1824. Douglass and Lucinda Elwell, Nov. 30 [1837]. Lucy P. of Greenwich, and John Durant, int. Dec. 20, 1844. Polly and Charles Bugbee, Oct. 13, 1805. Walter of Brimfield, and Lucinda Ferry, [rec. before May I, 1844] [int. May 5, 1843]. U^^^Y 3^, i843> c.R.] HAYS (see Hayes), James and Catherine Brainard, int. Jan. 13, HEADLY (see Hadley), Silas and Cyntliia Stricklin, int. Apr. 24, 1833. * Intention not recorded. 136 PALMER MARRIAGES. HEALD, Betsey of Pepperill, and Noah Shearer, int. Feb. 22, 1822. HEATHCOAT, WilHam [int. Heathcote], 23, s. John and Mary, and Mary Bowden, Aug. 30 [1847]. HELMER, William and Margarett [int. Margaret] Shaw, Sept. n 1843- HEMSTEAD, David L. [int. Hempsted] of Buffalo, N. Y., and Joanna [int. adds E.] King, Sept. i, 1835. HENDERSON, Nancy C. and Horace Reed, Aug. 29, 1838. HENDRICK (see Hendricks), Lucy of Wilbraham, and W[illia]m Tilden, July 26, 1787. HENDRICKS (see Hendrick), Grasilva [Grasilva Hendricks] and Gideon King, May 21, 1778. Samuel and Hannah King, int. Mar. 14, 1781. HENRY, Cyntha and John H. Richardson, int. Mar. 17, 1842. James V. of Blondford [int. Blanford], and Ehza McMaster, Oct. 15, 1839. Mellissa [int. Melissa] and Albert C. Kendall, Sept. 7 [1842]. Orson [int. Harvey] and Sarah D. Austin, Aug. 5, 1839. Sophia [dup. Henery, 21] and Alva Thayer, Mar. 28, 1848. HENSHAW, Elizabeth of Waltham, and Rev. Henry H. F. Sweet, int. Dec. 29 [1825]. Lucy and Lucius W. Goff, Oct. 30, 1834. HERRINGTON (see Harrington), Benjamin of Ashford, Conn., and Betty Bissell Thomson, Apr. 17, 1790. HICKS, George D. and Abigail Burnett, int. Sept. 27, 1832. Ira of Stafford [int. adds Conn.], and Tabitha McMaster, Jan. 30, 1822. HIGINS, Elisha and Thankfull Rice, int. Sept. 22, 1764. HILL (see Hills), Amanda A. and George G. Bowe, Aug. 6, 1846. Hannah and David Row [?], May 31, 1792. James and Mercy Barrett, int. July 13, 1843. Jean and William Man, int. Apr. 15, 1780. John and Martha Lamberton, May 31, 1764. John Jr. and Betzy Olds, Mar. 6, 1794. Mary and Ephraim Gates, May 31, 1789. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 37 Hill, Pliny and Matilda Rogers [int. Rodgers], Apr. 15, 1829. Thomas and Jane Lambreton, Oct. 31, 1771. HILLS (see Hill), Cyrus and Amanda Olds, int. Mar. 10, 1821, Delina of Brimfield, and Roger McElwain, Nov. 25, 1790. Olive and Rufus Kimball, Jan. 19 [1843]. R. Watson, 21, of Nashville, N. H., s. Reuben and Mary, and Lucy S. King, Oct. 10, 1848. Sylvester and Lydia Barker, Aug. 28 [1828]. HIMES (see Hymes). HITCHCOCK, Adelade [int. adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Moore, Jan. 3, 1848. Adelpha [int. Delphia L.] and Lyman Spalding, Apr. 7, 1841. [Adelphia S., C.R.] Caleb and Betsy Gillmore, int. May 14, 1808. Calvin of Ware, and Dorinda Sterns, int. Apr. 11 [1834]. Daniel T., 23, of Warren, s. Robert and Orra, and EHza H. Sedgwick, Aug. — , 1846. Flave of Brimfield, and Joseph Fleming, int. Aug. 18, 1792.-— Harvey C. and Catherine J. Bowles, int. Oct. 28, 1848. Jared, Dr., of Greenbush [int. adds N. Y.], and Catey [int. Katey] Hamilton, Mar. 25, 1802. John and Nerissa Hale, int. Sept. 19, 1846. John P. of Wilbrahom [int. Wilbraham], and Dolly T. Burgers [int. Dolly P. Burgess], Sept. 30, 1835. Lovania [int. Lavania] and Bainbridge Moulton, May 30, 1844. Lucretia [int. adds C] and Rosel S. [int. L.] Hastings, ■ [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. May 7, 1843]. [Rozel S., June 4, 1843, C.R.] Lucy and Albert Doman [Damon] [int. Albert A. Demmon], Sept. 30, 1835. Luke and Elizebath Hunter, Oct. 26, 1780. Luke, Lt., and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Fleming, May 30, 1805^ Luke Jr. and Rebeckah Foster, Apr. 20, 1820. Marshall L. and Julana Converse, int. Mar. 23, 1839. Molly and James Williams, int. Nov. — , 1783. Oren [int. Orren] of Western, and Sarah Moore [int. Moors], Jan. 29, 1818. Robert and Orra Lilly, Apr. 14, 18 13. Robert and Adelade Miles, int. Mar. 22 [1833]. Ruth of Brimfield, and King H. Moore, int. Oct. 13, 1839. Susan of Ware, and Smith A. Hall, int. Sept. 18, 1844. 138 PALMER MARRIAGES. Hitchcock, Susan[a]h [int. Susanna], wid., and John Mcin- tosh, Apr. 26, 1815. Susanna 2d [int. Susannah, omits 2d] and John Mcintosh Jr. [int. omits Jr.], June 12, 1814. William and Martha McMasters, Oct. 21, 1793. William of Springfield, and Betsey Sherman, Apr. 20, 1831. HOAR (see Hore, Horr). HOBSON, John and Mary Jane Lewis, int. July 4, 1849. HOGERNEY, Lewis and Asubia Olds, Sept. 23, 1819. HOLBROOK, Erasmus of Sturbridge, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Smith, Oct. 21, 1819. HOLDEN, Acsah [int. Axey] and Marshall Hastin [int. Hattin], Sept. 22 [1842]. [Hattin, c.r.] Lucy M. and Elijah D. Tourtelott, int. Dec. 30, 1848. HOLMES (see Homes). HOLT, H. P. [int. Hannah, omits P.] and Leander Duncan, Apr. 21 [1842]. [Hannah J., c.r.] HOLTON, Mary of Northfield, and Lewis Ferrill, int. Nov. 3, 1840. HOMER, Wilson of Brimfield, and Hannah P. Seaver, Sept. — , 1846. HOMES, Jenny of Monson, and Jack Jackson, May 9, 181 1, in Monson.* p.r. HOPKINS, Elenor [sic] and Gena Beckwith, Dec. 28, 1786. Luce and Aaron Nelson Jr., int. Apr. 2, 1780. HORE (see Horr), Hannah of Brimfield, and Robert Smith Jr., June 27, 1793. HORR (see Hore), William of Prescott, and Samantha [int. Semantha] Stevens, Apr. 15, 1840. HOUSTON (see Haston), Sarah A., 26, of Belchertown, d. John O., and Charles T. Brown, May — , 1847.* [Charles G., May i8, C.R.] HOVEY, Wealthy of Monson, and Henry Groves, int. Nov. 13, 1813. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 39 HOWARD, Benjamin Jr. and Mary Sturtevant, int. July 28, 18 19. Jairus of Greenwich, and Eleanor Converse, int. May 17, 181 2. James (Jomes) of Greenwich, Hompshire Co., and Eleonor Converse, wid., June 5, 181 2.* Lydia of Belch[e]rton, and Joseph R. Collins, int. Oct. 27, 1842. Lymon of Ludlow, and Hannah Austin, int. Sept. 14, 1839. Nathan and Amanda Ruby, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Sanford, 22, s. Nathan and Amanda, and Charlott [int. Char- lotte] Tupper, Oct. 26, 1849. Susannah L., 20, d. Prosper and Huldah, and Albert M. Akers, Nov. 12, 1849.* HOWE, George of Vernon, Conn., and Lucy A. Hubbard, int. July 6, 1846. Henry, 28, of New Haven, Conn., s. Benjamin and Mary B., and Violett B, Sedgwick, Oct. 20 [1847]. [Sedgewick, c.r.] John H. of Enfield, and Melissa Jane Lemon, Jan. 5, 1841, [in] Ware.* HUBBARD, Adaline M. and Samuel S. Kimball, int. Oct. iS. 1833. Chloe of Brimfield, and James Fuller, int. Mar. 26, 1840. Harriot M. of Holden, and Harding Hunt, int. Oct. 24, 1844. Joseph and Gracia Fields, int. Mar. 26, 1842. Lovena of Ludlow, and James H. McClentic, int. Mar. 27, 1841. Lucy A. and George Howe, int. July 6, 1846. Mary Ann of Brimfield, and James Gamwell, int. July 28, 1830. Olive and William Forgate, int. May 18, 1842. Sally and Reuben L. Nicholds, int. Nov. 30 [1832]. Samuel [int. Samuell Hubberd] and Bettey [int. Betty] Shaw, Dec. 27, 1796. Sophronia [int. Sophrona] and Quartus Sikes, Sept. 21, 1836. HUDSON, Leonard and Sarah P. Thayre, int. Dec. 3, 1844. Ruben R. [int. Reuben M.] of Worcester, and Lucyntha T. [int. Lucynthia J.] Walker, Nov. 19, 1845. HUES (see Hughs), Clarissa of Willington, Conn., and James Niles, Feb. 14, 1814.* [Feb. 15, P.R.] HUGHS (see Hues), Nathaniel and Mary Gray, int. Nov. — 1783. HUNT, Annis and Harvey Smith, June 29, 183 1. Harding and Harriot M. Hubbard, int. Oct. 24, 1844. Isaac and Julia A. Cleaveland, int. Oct. 21, 1847. * Intention not recorded. I40 PALMER MARRIAGES. HUNTER, Elizebath and Luke Hitchcock, Oct. 26, 1780. Isaac of Bethleham [int. Bethlahtam], and Rebecca Brown, Feb. 13, 1798. John and Eleanor Brown, Dec. 18, 1788. Martha and Shadrack Thomson, Sept. 2, 1784. Mary and William McMaster, July 23, 1772. Robert Jr. and Cath[e]r[ine] Shaw, Feb. 19, 1756.* HUSTON (see Haston, Houston). HUTCHINS, Dyer of Ware, and Phylena Gilmore [int. Phy- lenia Gillmore], Dec. 30, 1818. HUTCHISON, Anna and John Gardner, May 6, 1778. HUTHIN, Mathew and Mary Fleming, int. Mar. 9, 1781. HYDE, Chariety [int. Charity], d. Chariety, wid., and John R. [int. K.] Barker, Oct. — [int. Oct. 9], 1846. David Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] of Monson, and Nabba [dup. Nabbe, int. Nabby] Warriner [dup. Warener], Apr. 6, 1801. Olive of Monson, and Isaac Cuming [int. Cumings] Jr., Nov. 27, 1800. Tertius of Monson, and Nancy Swinington, Jan. 6, 1824. HYMES, Alexander and Mary Coye, Sept. 10, 1807. IRONS, Bethiah of Wilberyham, and Stephen Hatch, Oct. 8, 1769.* JACKSON, Jack and Jenny Homes, May 9, 181 1, in Monson.* P.R. Luther of Monson, and Betsy Carter [int. McCarter], July 14, 1814. JACOBS, Maria L. and Willard G. Ruggles, int. [rec. between Feb. 22 and Mar. 11, 1849]. JAMES, Betsey, Mrs., and John W. Currier, int. Apr. 14, 1849. Remington, 21, s. Jonathan A. and Betsey, and Harriet J. Brown, Oct. 10, 1848. JENCK (see Jencks, Jenks), Chloe and Horace Walker, int. Aug. II, 1842. JENCKS (see Jenck, Jenks), Amanda and John S. Green, int. Dec. 13, 1824. [Jenks, and John S. Greene, m. Dec. 29, P.R.] Cyntha and Dexter Capin, int. Dec. 7, 1827. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I4I JENKINS, Alvina and Dickinson Wallis, [rec. May — , 1846].* JENKS (see Jenck, Jencks), Jeremiah of Belchertown, and Su- sana Perry, int. May 16, 1807. Otis and Asenath Plumley, int. Nov. 21, 1829. Simeon L. of Belchertown, and Sarah O. Thomas, int. Apr. 12 1847. Thomas and Lovisa Underwood, Dec. 20, [i8]37. JEWELL, Josiah and EHzabeth Brown, Oct. 26, 1786. Lemuel of Winchester, N. H., and Mary McClanathan, int. Sept. 16, 1809. JEWETT, Lucinthy [int. Timothy, sic] of Easthampton [int. of E. Haddam], Conn., and Sylvanus [int. Solomon] Walker Jr., Aug. 16, 1795. JOB, Saul of Newbrantre, and Floranna White [negroes], int. Nov. I, 1798. JOHNSON, Solomon [int. Salmon], 30, of S. Hadley, s. Ephraim and Jane, and Mary S. [int. Ann] Bucklin, July 10, 1845. [Salmon, c.r.] JONES, Adonijah and Anna Macklwain, July 9, 1778. Asa and Cleora T. Oaks, int. July 17, 1839. Dinah and Luther Chapin, Dec. 21, 1773. Ebenezer and Anna Spear, Apr. 23, 1778. Israel and Elizabeth Mackelwain, int. Aug. — , 1782. Sarah, 22, d. Solomon and Sarah, and James D. Greene [int. Green], May 17, 1849. JOSLIN (see Joslyn, Josslyn), Mary A., 20, d. Jonathan and Fanny, and John H. Pepper, Oct. 4, 1845. [Joslyn, Oct. 2 1 , c.r.] JOSLYN (see Joslin, Josslyn), William of Westron, and Becka Coffin, Feb. 20, 1794. JOSSLYN (see JosHn, Joslyn), Mary B. and Parker W. Webster, May — [int. May i], 1847. KEBBE (see Kibba, Kibbe), Julian [int. Julan Kibbee] and Er[r] L. Maxwell, Apr. 13, 1842. KEESS, Hannah [dup. int. Kees] of Longmeadow [int. Long- medow], and Sylvanus [int. Silvenas] Walker [int. Jr.], Dec. 15, 1796 [int. Nov. 26, 1798, sic, dup. int. 1796]. * Intention not recorded. 142 PALMER MARRIAGES. KEITH, Achsah S. of Belchertown, and Adolphus Hale, int. Mar. 30, 1839. Alden [int. A. Alden], 20, of Warren [int. of Ware Village], s. J. of Warren, and Sarapt M. Ferrell [int. Saraph M. Farrell], Nov. 27, 1844. [Seraph M. Ferril, c.r.] Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] of Belchertown, and Alonzo Bascom, ^ Sept. 5, 1837. Julia A. of Belchertown, and Jason Washburn, Oct. 18, 1837. Laura, 25, and Aaron Cutter, May — , 1847.* Melissa [int. Mahssa], 20, d. Joseph and Darius, and George Fleming, Oct. 29, 1845. KELLEY (see Kelly), Mer[ri]ck T. and Hariot A. Thayer, int. Nov. 12, 1842. KELLIHER, Catherine and Timothy Oleary, int. Jan. 22, 1849. Cornelius and Mary Nansie [?], int. Feb. 16, 1849. KELLY (see Kelley), Adeline [int. Adaline] and Francis Walker, Jan. I, 1839. KENDALL (see Kindall, Kindel), Albert C. and Mellissa [int. MeHssa] Henry, Sept. 7 [1842]. Chester Sumner of [int. Jonesville] Mich., and Roxey Sherraon [int. Roxana Sherman], Aug. 26, 1841. Francis E. [int. Kendell] and Harriet [int. Harriot] S. Robbins, [Jan.] 29, 1839. [Francis Elizur and Harriet S. Robins, C.R.] Mary E. [dup. Kindall], d. Polly, wid., and Erasmus Harvy [dup. and int. Harvey], Apr. 10, 1844. Rosetta T. [int. S.], 17, d. Amos and Mary, and Ferdiraand Dexter, July 3, 1848. William W. and Clarissa K. Moody, int. May 5, 1843. KENT, Bela M. and AdeHa D. Bliss, int. Sept. i, 1849. Ezera, 24, s. Thomas V. and Dolly, and Mary F. Townsen [int. Townsand], Sept. 2 [1847]. [Ezra and Mariette Touns- end, C.R.] Mary of Wilbraham, and Solomon A. Fay, Mar. i, 1838, in Springfield. WiUiam Jr. of Wilbraham, and Laura Smith, Oct. 22, 1834.* KENTFIELD, Bethiah of Belchertown, and Alden S. Winslow, int. Aug. 5, 1837. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I43 KEYES (see Keess). KIBBA (see Kebbe, Kibbe), Anna and IVIoses Greenleaf, Nov. 8, 1791.* KIBBE (see Kebbe, Kibba), Gideon, Dr., of Holland, and lil- dea Munn, June 15, 1809.* Harlow B. of Somers, Conn., and Elvira Shaw, int. Nov. 6, 1846. KIMBALL, Mowry and Louis [female] Blanchard, int. Nov. 26, 1834. Rufus of Ludlow and Olive Hills, Jan. 19 [1843]. Samuel S. of Wilbraham, and Adaline M. Hubbard, int. Oct. 18, 1833. KIND ALL (see Kendall, Kindel), Amos P. and Lucy Gibbs, int. Sept. 26, 1845. Carline of Ware, and Leavens McFarland, int. Feb. 7, 1829. Marcus C. and Jane Blair, int. Mar. 11, 1848. KINDEL (see Kendall, Kindall), Katherine [int. Catherine of Monson] and Simeon Graves, Nov. 10, 1768. KING, Aaron, Dr. [int. Esq., omits Dr.], and Evelina King, Feb. 14, 1839. Abigail (see Nabby). Anna and Isaac Ferrel, Dec. 26, 1786. Anna and Elliot [int. Eliot] Morse, May 28, 181 2. Benjamin and Lucy Adams, Nov. 30, 1786. Betsey [int. Betty] and Bille [dup. int. Billy] Baldwin, Oct. 17, 1796. Cath[erine] and David Shearer, Apr. 24, 1794. Daniel and Hannah Lood [Lord], int. Sept. 21, 1780. Daniel, Lt., and Mary L. King, June 5, 181 7. Davice and Mary Graham, June 24, 1775. Eliza and Cyrus G. Barker, int. Jan. 13, 1826. Eliza of Belchertown, and Luther McMaster, int. Apr. 3, 1838. Evehna and Dr. Aaron King [int. Esq., omits Dr.], Feb. 14, 1839. Gideon and [Grasilva Hendricks], May 21, 1778. Gideon Jr. and Ruby Merrick, int. Apr. 29, 1804. Hannah and Samuel Hendricks, int. Mar. 14, 1781. Hannah and Charles Woodman, May 5, 1835. Henry of Allentown, Pa., and Mary Ferrell, Nov. 15, 1831 Isaac and Abigail Cutler, int. Apr. 3, 1817. Jabe and PoUey Becky Graham, int. Feb. 22, 1781. 'I' Intention not recorded. 144 PALMER MARRIAGES. King, James and Jane Moors, int. Jan. 5, 177 1. Joanna [int. adds E.] and David L. Hemstead [int. Hempsted], Sept. I, 1835. Joanna, 25, d. Isaac and Joannah, and William N. Flynt, June 3, 1846. John Jr. and Batte Mackelwane, int. May 19, 1764. John and Jane Bratton, July 7, 1778.* John 2d and Betzy Shearer [int. Sherer], Nov. 28, 1799. John and Bettey Brown, int. Apr. 4, 1802. Lovi^isee and Samuel Blackmer, int. Mar. 21, 1788. Lucinda and Leavans McClintock, int. Oct. 29, 1825. Lucy and Samuel Shaw, Nov, 12, 1801. Lucy S., 20, d. Sam[ue]l and Susan, and R. Watson Hills, Oct. 10, 1848. Lydia and Seth Pomroy, Feb. 22, 1832. [Pomeroy, C.R.] Margret and John Shaw, Apr. 28, 1791 Margrit and Joseph Shaw, July 8, 1773. Mary and John W. Bull, July 17, 1834. Mary J. G. and Silas B. Titcomb, Oct 7, 1841. Mary L. and Lt. Daniel King, June 5, 18 17. Mercey and Charles Eddey, Aug. 31, 1775. Mirana and Timothy Ferrell Jr., int. Feb. 22, 1807. Moses and Deliverance Newton, Apr. 4, 1771. Nabby [int. Abigail] and Gershom Makepeace, Sept. 22, 1814. Percis [int. Perces] and Holland Mainard [int. Holan Maynerd Jr.], Dec. I, 1803. Perez and Polly Mainard, int. Sept. 3, 1804. Persis and Gilbert Barker, int. Oct. 23, 1824. Polly and Jesse Molten [int. Molton, dup. int. Moulten], Apr. i3» 1797- Ransom and Betsey Ferrill, int. Mar. 18, 1825. Ruth [int. adds A.] and Luther Shaw, Aug. 23 [1837]. Salla [int. Sally] and Martin Sedgwick, Feb. 26, 1801. Salley and Daniel Shearer Esq., int. Apr. 4, 1802. Samuel and Susan Shearer, Jan. 12, 1813. Sarah and James BHss, Apr. 25, 1765. Sarah [int. Salley] and Samuell Shaw, Apr. 26, 1787. Sarah and John Watson, int. Mar. 10, 1798. Sarah and Elisha Clark [int. Jr.], Apr. 28 [1842]. Stephen H. and Margaret D. Curtis, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Violet and Joseph Morse, Feb. 7, 18 19. Walter of Monson, and Mary Billings, Dec. 25, 1822. Wills and Betsey Dean, int. Sept. 5, 1803. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 45 KINGSBRY, Delia L. of Williamsburgh, and Samuel W. Longley, int. Sept. 15, 1846. KINGSLEY, Allen R., 26, s. David and Statira, and Mary S. [int. L.] Priest, Dec. 30, 1845. KIRTLIN, Samuel and Freelane Blancher, June 21, 1749.* KNIGHTS (see Nights), Catherine and Jyles Roberds, int. June — 1783- KNOWLTON (Knoulton), Abigail, Mrs., and John Patridge, int. Feb. 4, 1842. Abraham of Wilbraham, and Emily Witt, int. Aug. 22, 1844. Nathan Jr. of Wilbraham, and Lucy M. Murdock, int. Apr. 25, 1840. Rufus E. and Sermantha J. Bowen, int. May 16, 1848. KNOULTON (see Knowlton), Herseyof Wilbraham, and William S. Barker, int. Feb. 3, 1831. KNOX, Cyrus of Monson, and Peggy [int. Margaret] Shaw, Aug. 27, 1818. James of Monson, and Betty Shaw, Mar. 22, 18 16. John K. [int. King], 24, s. Cyrus and Margaret, and Elthina M. Fay, May 21, 1848. Patience and Joel Magoon, int. Apr. 27, 1822. William and Lorinda Boyes, Mar. 24, [i8]38. LACY, Ebenezer and Sabre Ferre, Apr. 2, 1793. LAMB, Abigail of Spencer, and John Hamilton Jr., int. Jan. 2, 1819. Alfred G., 27, s. Philip and Chloe, and Caroline E. Fay, Sept. 16, 1847. Almena and Abijah Stratton, Mar. 12, 1829. Daniel D. of Western, and Martha Merrit, Nov. 11, 1817. George and Rhoda Bass, int. June 7 [1834]. Jabez, Dr., and Margaret [dup. Margret] Fleming, Sept. 13, 1798. Mary of Spencer, and James Orton Hamilton, int. Apr. 29, 1826. Philip and Cloe Ferre [int. Chloe Ferry], Oct. 10, 1803. Reuben W. and Lucinda Fuller, Feb. 4, 1836 [int. Dec. 23, 1837, sic]. Salla [dup. Salley] and Benjamin Adams, Apr. 2, 1801. Samina and Asa Hamilton, int. Sept. 22, 1831. * Inteation not recorded. 146 PALMER MARRIAGES. LAMBERTON (see Lambreton), Hannah and Theophilus [Wed- stover], int. Jan. 2, 1779. Henry and Paren Nickels, [int. Nov. 30, 1771]. James and Mary Shaw, May 5, 1755.* Martha and John Hill, May 31, 1764. Sarah and James Lamon, Apr. 25, 1778 [int. Feb. 8, 1780, sic]. LAMBRETON (see Lamberton), Jane and Thomas Hill, Oct. 31, 1771- Margret and James McClelan, May 14, 17 61. LAMON (see Leman, Lemon), James and Sarah Lamberton, Apr. 25, 1778 [int. Feb. 8, 1780, sic]. Jean (Lanmon) and James Patrick, Nov. 27, 1755.* Moses and Doretha Hare, int. Oct. 30, 1773. LAMONT, Esther and George Robeson, Oct. 30, 1766. Francis and Margery Ray [int. Margret Wray], June 25, 1761. Mary and Alexander Crawford, Dec. 29, 1763. LANE, John and Diantha Rollins, Mar. 14, [i8]38. Mary and Stephen Powers, int. May 24, 1823. LANGDON, Lewis of Wilbraham, and Submit Cooley, Mar. 2, 1775- LAPHAM, Lilburn and Fanny Smith, Apr. 15, 1834. LATHE, Cheney and Rhobia [int. Rhobie] M. Wade, Dec. 17, [i8]37- LATHROP, Amasa D., 21, s. Dan[ie]l and Elizabeth, and R. EHza Snell, Oct. 18, 1849.* Rufus of Russell, and Betsy Lovjoy [int. Lovejoy], May 28, 1807. LAWRENCE, Solomon R. and Maria Whitcomb, int. Jan. 2, 1846. LAWSON, Martha of Union, and David Bratton, int. Oct. 31, 1767. LAZELL, Reuben S. of Wore [Ware], and Olive Aldrich, May 17, 1838.* LEACH, Melintha and Henry Canterbury, Aug. 20, 1829. LEARNED (see Leonard, Leorned), Elizebeth of Suffield, Conn., and George M. Dimock, int. Apr. 12, 1844. John and Mary Barr, int. Oct. 19, 1828. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I47 LEAVENS, Jacob of Thompson, Conn., and Antoinette [int. Antoinett] Allen, Apr. 11, 183 1. LEAVITT, Clarina of. Heath, and Rev. Joseph K. Ware, int. Apr. 12, 1828. LEE, Betsey [dup. and int. Bets)'] and Ebenezer Nye, Oct. 25, 1812. Hiram P. and Hannah R. Billings, int. Aug. 28, 1841. Joseph Jr. and Sally Smith, Apr. 29, 1813. Silas and Sibbel Butler, int. June — , 1782. LEMAN (see Lamon, Lemon), Amos J., 23, of Ludlow, s. Amos (Lemon) and Nancy, and Elizebeth W. Lemon, Nov. 21 [1847].* LEMON (see Lamon, Leman), Cyntha J. and Alva W. Pasco, int. June 6, 1846. Elizebeth W., 22, of Ludlow, d. Anthony and Susan, and Amos J. Leman, Nov. 21 [1847].* John [int. Jr.] of Ludlow, and Lemira Davis, Jan. 20, 183 1. Melissa Jane of Ware, and John H. Howe, Jan. 5, 1841, [in] Ware.* Sidney B. of Ware, and Almira B. Snow, Dec. i, 1840, [in] Ware.* LEONARD (see Learned, Leorned), Recompence, Dr., of Ash- ford, Conn., and Mrs. Olive Cummings, int. May 27, 1809. LEORNED (see Learned, Leonard), Mary of Woodstock, Conn., and Elisha Smith, int. Sept. 5, 181 2. LESSTER, WiUiam and Margaret Darling, Oct. 17, 1837. LEWIS, Chesebro [int. Chesbro] D. and Percis Fuller, May 12, 1829. David of Belchertown, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Asenath Mason, Nov. 26, 1829. Mary Jane of Newburyport, and John Hobson, int. July 4, 1849- LILLY, Dosho [int. Dosha] and Chouncey [int. Chauncey] Smith, Nov. 21, 1811. Orra and Robert Hitchcock, Apr. 14, 1813. Zuby, Mrs., of Brimfield, and Lt. WiUiam Spear, int. Jan. 25, 1800. LINCOLN, Albert W. of Warren, and Mary Ann Blair, Nov. 17, 1 84 1, [in] Warren.* * Intention not recorded. 148 PALMER MARRIAGES. LINDSLEY (see Lynsey), Abigail D. [int. Lendsley, omits D.J and Francis Wall, Jan. 30, 183 1. LINNE, Moses of Mendon, and Anne More [int. Moor], Jan. 27, 1763. LITTLE, Joseph R. and Olive R. Barrett, int. Sept. 16, 1848. William of Schenaedida, and Eleanor Nelson, Dec. 2, 1762. LONGHEAD, Sarah of Blandford, and David Fleming, May 22, 1755.* LONGLEY, Samuel W. and Delia L. Kingsbry, int. Sept. 15, 1846. LONGWORTH, William and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Qtiin-- ton, Apr. 2, 1770. LOOMIS, James L. and Nancy I. Shaw, int. Jan. 2, 1849. LORD, Hannah (Lood) and Daniel King, int. Sept. 21, 1780. LOTHROP (see Lathrop). LOVE, John and Susanna Whittne, Mar. 3, 1768. LOVEJOY (see Lovjoy), Silent of Ware, and Samuel McClana- than, Apr. 7, 1790. LOVEL, William (see William Soul). LOVERING, Sarah of Phillipston, and Hackaliah Bridges, Int. Dec. 8 [1832]. LOVJOY (see Lovejoy), Betsy [int. Lovejoy] and Rufus La- throp, May 28, 1807. Lucy and Ebenezer Bugbee, [rec. after Nov. 28, 1790] [int. Nov. 16, 1799]. WilUam and Hipsiba Farley [int. Hipza Farla], Dec. 18, 1801. LUCAS, Sarah and Arthur Ashton, int. Nov. 16, 1844. LULL, James and Bula Reed, Nov. 15, 1754.* LYMAN, George G. and Olive B. Davis, May 8, 1844. Henry J. and Maria T. Upham, int. Dec. 18, 1841. LYNCH, Daniel and Sally Ann Foshay, int. June 6, 1846. LYNDS, Daniel H., 22, s. Daniel and Tamzon, and Rebecca Walker, July 17, 1849. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 49 L'^NDS, Elizabeth E., 18, d. Daniel and Tamzon, and John K. Walker, Aug. 21, 1849. LYISISEY (see Lindsley), and Lydia Capin, int. June — , 1783. LYON, Amasa A. [int. U. Esq.] of N. Y., and Mary Ester [int. Esther] Backus, Nov. 29, 1840. [Nov. 27, c.r.] Esther G. of Granby, and Abiel Barrett, int. Nov. 23, 1828. MABLY, Abigail of Brookfield, and Chauncy Smith, int. Oct. 21, 1837. Richard of Western, and Abigail Bridges, May 21, 1833. MACK, Patrick and Mary Braman, int. Dec. 4, 1848. MACKELWAIN (see Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Macklwain, Makelwan, McElwain, McElwane, Mcllwain), Elizabeth and Israel Jones, int. Aug. — , 1782. John Allen and Miriam Spear, int. July 15, 1779. MACKELWANE (see Mackelwain, Mackelwean, Macklwain, Makelwan, McElwain, McElwane, Mcllwain), Batte and John King Jr., int. May 19, 1764. MACKELWEAN (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Macklwain, Makelwan, McElwain, McElwane, Mcllwain), Samuel and Sarah Farrel, June 27, 1776. MACKLWAIN (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Makelwan, McElwain, McElwane, Mcllwain), Anna and Adonijah Jones, July 9, 1778. MAGOON, Isac [int. Isaac] of Ware, and Hannah Shaw, Mar. 3, 1814. Joel of Ware, and Patience Knox, int. Apr. 27, 1822. Phebe of Ware, and Allen Grover, int. Jan. 4, 1806. MAINARD (see Maynard), Holland of Northborough [int. Holan Maynerd Jr. of Northboro], and Percis [int. Perces] King, Dec. I, 1803. Polly of Northboroh, and Perez King, int. Sept. 3, 1804. MAINE, Sarah P. and William Adams, [rec. before May I, 1844].* [Sarah P. of Monson, May 31, 1843, C-R-] MAKELWAN (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Macklwain, McElwain, McElwane, Mcllwain), Sarah [int. 150 PALMER MARRIAGES. Mackluan] and Timothy Farrel, Dec. i, 1760 [int. Oct. 24, 1 761, sic]. MAKEPEACE, Gershom of Western, and Nabby [int. Abigail] King, Sept. 22, 18 14. MALONY (see Melony). MAN (see Mann), David and Phebe Parker, int. Nov. 30, 1793. Elizabeth and Darius Fargo, Feb. 5, 1793. Hannah and Hopestill Cleaveland, int. Oct. 29, 1774. John of Springfield, and Hannah Willson, Mar. 28, 1765. Nathan of Moors Town "so called," and Jane Fleming, May 26, 1763. William and Jean Hill, int. Apr. 15, 1780. MANN (see Man), Elizabeth and Joseph Chapin, Jan. 22, 1795. Lydia and Eli Parker, Sept. 23, 1794. MARCY, Thomas, Rev., of S. Hadley, and Lucy M. Flagg, Apr. 21, 1841. MARSH, Eunice (Morsh) of Ware, and Ens. James Cargill, int. May 14, 1808. Joel and Anner Smith, Aug. 20, 1784. Pearley and Zerviah Tayler "otherwise called Renay Moores," int. Sept. — , 1818. Samuel C. and Abigail S. Wright, int. June 6, 1846. Timothy Parsons of Hadley, and Esther Dunbar, [rec. after Nov. 28, 1799] [^^^- ^^t. 5, 1799]. Wyatt C. and Ohve P. Anderson, int. Nov. 13, 1847. Zenas and Marcia Ann Blood, int. July 7, 1849. MARTIN, Dorety [int. Dorethy] and John Bissel, Nov. 3, 1766. MASON, Abraham of Springfield, and Juha Bramin, int. June II, 1842. Amos L. and Lydia Whitman, int. Oct. 11, 1837. Arvilla and Nathan Oaks, int. June 8, 1844. Asenath, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and David Lewis, Nov. 26, 1829. Charles and Charlotte [int. Charlott] Shaw, Jan. 7 [int. Jan. 9, sic], 1836. [Jan. 27, c.r.] Charlotte, wid. [int. Mrs. Charlottee, omits wid.], and Perry Hastings, widr. [int. omits widr.], Jan. 25, 1848. Electa P. [int. Masson of Monson], 42, and Shubael Chapman, July 15, 1845 [^i(^, 1844]. [Mrs. Electa P., 1844, c.r.] Marana P. and John H. Dudley, int. May 5, 1847. PALMER MARRIAGES. 151 Mason, Nancy and Jesse Smith, Oct. 2, 18 16. Thomas [int. adds W.] and Asenath Smith, Nov. 30, 1820. William and Polly Converse, wid. [int. omits wid.], Nov. 5, 1820. WiUiam Jr. and Elizabeth Whitman, int. Sept. 27, 1822, MATHEWS, Walter 2d of Prospect, Me., and Martha Dodge, Oct. 31, 1824. MAXHAM, Mary M. and Leander Hamilton, Aug. 15, 1838. MAXON, Nelson of Cumberland, R. I., and Eliza M. Davis, Oct. — , 1846. MAXWELL, Er[r] L. of Munson, and Julian Kebbe [int. Julan Kibbee], Apr. 13, 1842. John of Monson, and Maria Cleavland, int. Dec. 19, 1826. [Mariah Cleveland, m. Jan. 3, 1827, p.r.] Phebe and Dr. Nathin Cummings [dup. Nathan Commins, omits Dr.], Oct. 13 [dup. Oct. 30], 1793.* Ruth of Monson, and Elbridge Moulton, int. June 14, 1834. Semantha of Monson, and Joshua Shaw, int. Oct. 9, 1828. MAY, Erastus of Washington, Berkshire Co., and Betsy Strickhn, Oct. 9, 1811. Mary E. and Henry A. Bosworth, June 12, 1849. MAYNARD (see Mainard), Campden [int. Camden] of North- borough, and Julia Ann Shearrer [int Shearer], Jan. 31, 1838. Harriet of Cambridge, and Ralph Greene, int. Apr. 17, 1830. Julia Ann and Marcus M. Shearer [int. Esq.], Dec. 26, [i8]37. Susan and Eliphelet Tenney, Mar. 31, 1833. Walter of Sudbery, and Hannah Burr, Apr. 11 [1838].* McBRIDE, Michael and Bridget Cox, int. July 21, 1849. McCALPEN, Hugh and Jane Farrand, Apr. i, 1765. McCARTER (see Mocarter), Betsy (see Betsy Carter). McCHESTER, Dosha and Asa Ward, Nov. 20, 1794. McCLANAHAN (see McClanathan, McClanathen), Thomas [int. McClanathan] and Catherine McMaster, May 28, 1767. McCLANATHAN (see McClanahan, McClanathen), Catherine and Chester Packard, Mar. 4, 1813. Elizabeth and Lt. Joseph Barbor, int. Nov. — , 1782. * Intention not recorded. 152 PALMER MARRIAGES. McClanathan, Elizabeth and Jese Elwell, int. Mar. — , 1784. Jane and Solomon Comens, Dec. 30, 1773. Jane and Gideon Shaw, Apr. 28, 1791. Jenna [int. Ginna] and Reuben Shaw, Dec. 25, 1806. John and Mary Cargill, Jan. 27, 1803. Mary and Mathew Bolton, Oct. 9, 1762. Mary and Lemuel Jewell, int. Sept. 16, 1809. Molly and George Brakenridge, Nov. 10, 1795. Pegey [int. Pegga] and Calvin Spear, Nov. 4, 1802. Reuben and Sally Parkhurst [dup. Parkers, int. Parkus], Feb. 7, 1805. Samuel and Mary Blair, int. Sept. 8, 1769. Samuel and Silent Lovejoy, Apr. 7, 1790. Samuel Jr. and Suza Smith, May 31, 1804. Samuel Jr. and Miranda Coding, int. [rec. between Nov. 13 and Dec. 19, 1813]. Thomas and Margaret McMighel, Apr. 8, 1756.* Thomas 2d and Honnoh Potter, int. Nov. 29, 1810. Wilham and Abegail [int. Abigail] Snell, July 12, 1810. McCLANATHEN (see McClanahan, McClanathan), John [int. McClanathan] [and] Rebeckah [int. Becca] Baldwin, Aug. 29, 1799. McCLELAN, James of Stockbridge [int. of Sheffield], and Mar- gret Lambreton, May 14, 1761. McCLENTIC (see McClentock, McClentosh, McClintock, Mc- Clintook), James H. and Lovena Hubbard, int. Mar. 27, 1841. McCLENTOCK (see McClentic, McClentosh, McClintock, McChntook), Morris P. and Julia A. Dennison, int. Apr. 25, 1846. Polly and Francis Adams, Mar. 5, 1814. McClentosh (see McClentlc, McClentock, McClintock, McChntook), Luany and Charles Z. Potter, int. Oct. 24, 1845. McCLESTER, John of Infield, and Elizabeth McMasters, int. Jan. 26, 1765. McClintock (see McClentlc, McClentock, McClentosh, Mc- Chntook), Leavans of Ware, and Lucinda King, int. Oct. 29, 1825. Otis and Abigail Upham, int. Feb. 18, 1826. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 53 McCLINTOOK (see McClentic, McClentock, McClentosh, McClintock), James Jr. [int. McClintock, dup. int. McClen- tock, omits Jr.] and Lucinda Power [int. Powers], Apr. 9, 1818. McCLUEN, John of Brookfield, and Mary Crawford, Mar. 26, 1772. McCRAY, Cornelia, 18, and John K. Ferrell, Aug. — , 1846. McCURDY, Elizabeth R., 19, d. C. L. and Eveteen, and Mar- shall W. White, Sept. 29, 1849.* McDowell, Alexander and Eunice Shaw, Jan. 21, 1754.* Willam [int. William McDoell] and Hannah Shaw, [int. May 2, 1781]. McELWAIN (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Macklwain, Makelwan, McElwane, Mcllwain), Anna and William Olds, int. Sept. 26, 1807. John A. and Hannah Melvin, int. Sept. 27, 1793. Jonathan and Mary Dodge, Nov. 8 [1836]. Roger and Delina Hills, Nov. 25, 1790. McELWANE (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Macklwain, Makelwan, McElwain, Mcllwain), Timothy and Ann Spear, Aug. 24^ 1738.* Timothy and Susanah Thomson, Aug. 10, 1750.* McFARLAND, Leavens and Carline Kindall, int. Feb. 7, 1829. McGEE, Margaret of Brimfield, and James Burns, int. Jan. 27? 1849. Margarett and Patrick Divaney, int. July 23, 1848. McILWAIN (see Mackelwain, Mackelwane, Mackelwean, Mackl- wain, Makelwan, McElwain, McElwane), Susanna and James Shaw, int. May — , 1785. McINTERE, Roby [int. Mclntire] and Robert McMaster, Apr. 4, 1839, ^^ Belchertown. McINTOSH, John Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Susanna [int. Susan- nah] Hitchcock 2d [int. omits 2d], June 12, 1814. John and Susan[a]h [int. Susanna] Hitchcock, wid., Apr. 26, 1815. McLANE, Obed of Chemsford, and Betsy Coye, int. June 16, 1787. * Intention not recorded. 154 PALMER MARRIAGES. McMARCAS, Margrett and John Smith, Dec. — , 1739.* McMASTER (see McMasters), Catherine and Thomas McClana- han [int. McClanathan], May 28, 1767. Charles and Sally Smith 3d, Nov. 21, 181 1. Clark [dup. McMasters] and Margret Brakenridge [dup. Brack- enridge], Oct. 14, 1790. Clark [int. Clerk] and Asanath [int. Sena] Smith, June 17, 1818. Clark and Orpha Blair, Apr. 7, 1829. Dolly (see Polly). Eliza and James V. Henry, Oct. 15, 1839. Hugh [int. Jr.] and Sarah Smith, Oct. 22, 1793. Jean and Ebenezer Parsons, int. Aug. 20, 1779. John 3d [dup. McMasters] and Thankful [dup. Thankfull] Smith, Apr. 10, 1792. John and Sarah Berry Hamilton, Dec. 22, 1796. Joshua [int. 2d] and Rebecca Thomson, Nov. 20, 1794. Katherine and William Self ridge, int. Feb. 5, 1757. Linda and [int. adds Capt.] Henry Forbes [int. Fobes], Mar. 24 [1840]. [MacMaster, c.r.] Luther and Eliza King, int. Apr. 3, 1838. Martha [int. Patty] and John Hamilton, Apr. 8 [1828]. Mary Jr. and Judah Moor Jr., May 21, 1778. Mary 2d [int. omits 2d] and Philip J. Blair, Apr. 13, 1836. Polly [dup. int. Dolly] and Moses Shaw, Apr. 20, 1797. Prudence C, 23, d. Clark and Sena, and Royal E. Blair, Oct. 28, 1847. Reuben [int. Ruben] and Jerusha Merrett [int. Merrit], Oct. 31, 1799. Robart and Elizabeth Young, int. May 25, 1765. Robert and Tabatha Parsons, Apr. 17, 1766. Robert [int. McMasters], Lt., and Jane [int. Mrs. Jain] Black- mer, Dec. 10, 1795. Robert and Roby Mclntere [int. Mclntire], Apr. 4, 1839, i^ ^^^~ chertown. Tabitha and Ira Hicks, Jan. 30, 1822. Theron and Caroline Durant, int. Oct. 16, 1829. William and Mary Hunter, July 23, 1772. McMASTERS (see McMaster), Catherine and Calvin Danelson, int. Mar. — , 1784. Elizabeth and John McClester, int. Jan. 26, 1765. John and Lydia Dutten, int. Apr. 23, 1768. Joshua and Sarah Farrel, int. Sept. — , 1762. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 55 McMasters, Martha and William Hitchcock, Oct. 21, 1793. Prudence and John Spear, Dec. 30, 1788. McMCIKELL (see McMichel, McMickall, McMickell, Mc- Mighel), James Lysander [int. McMickell] and Betsey Strickhn, Mar. 16, 1835. [McMikel, C.R.] McMICHEL (see McMcikell, McMickall, McMickell, Mc- Mighel), Annis [int. Anas] and Eliphalet Pierce [int. Eliphlet Perce], Apr. 3, 1804. Margaret and Ebenezer Harvey, int. Nov. 19, 1809. Matilda [dup. and int. McMichell, dup. Metilda, int. Mitilda] and Levi Rice, Jan. 20, 1805. Patrick and Jemima Davies, Apr. 2, 1772. Robert and Sarah Comins, int. Apr. 25, 1772. Robert Jr. and Susannah Wheelock, int. Feb. i, 1806. McMICKALL (see McMcikell, McMichel, McMickell, Mc- Mighel), Mahala [int. McMikcle] and Franklin Adams, Nov. 30, 1826, in Ware. McMICKELL (see McMcikell, McMichel, McMickall. Mc- Mighel), Delana B. [male] of Ware, and Orril Merritt, int. Sept. 17 [1835]. McMIGHEL (see McMcikell, McMichel, McMickall, McMick- ell), Margaret and Thomas McClanathan, Apr. 8, 1756.* Mary and William Sloan, Sept. 25, 1725.* McNALL, Joseph and Elizabeth Ward, Dec. 3, 1761. McNITT, Andrew and Cloe [int. Cloey] Chapin, July 18, 1771. Arthur and Jane Quinton, Sept. 4, 1765. Jean and Thomas Brown, Dec. 15, 1774. John and Mary Fuller, Dec. 23, 1773. Margret and Ruben Cooley, Jan. 22, 1772.* Mary and Joseph Farrel, int. Apr. 9. 1768. Sarah and Isaac Farrel, Aug. 27, 1762. W[inia]m and Elizabeth Thomson, May 8, 1755.* McSWEANEY, Jane and Thomas Canning, int. May 15, 1849. McWAINE, Williams and Lucy Fuller, int. Apr. 9, 1825. MELONY, Susan E., 23, d. Cornelius and Susan, and Samuel T. Cutting, Nov. 29, 1849.* * Intention not recorded. 156 PALMER MARRIAGES. MELVIN, Hannah of Belsher[town], and John A. McElwain, int. Sept. 27, 1793. MERIDOM, William of Granby, and Phebe Mocarter, June 7, 1791. MERIT (see Merret, Merrett, Merrit, Merritt), Issac and Anne Quinton, Sept. 26, 1776. MERRELL (see Merrill), Francis [int. Merrill], 25, and Emma Dewnap [int. Dewnop], Jan. 20, 1848. MERRET (see Merit, Merrett, Merrit, Merritt), William [dup. Merrit] and Ruth Needham, Oct. i, 1789. MERRETT (see Merit, Merret, Merrit, Merritt), Elam [int. Merritt], 22, s. Isaac and Betsey, and Almena Stratton, May — [int. May 7], 1847. Jerusha [int. Merrit] of Ware, and Reuben [int. Ruben] McMas- ter, Oct. 31, 1799. MERRIAM, Julia A. and Albert Dorman, int. May 2, 1849. MERRICK (see Mirick, Mirrick), Alanson C. of Monson, and Polly Sedgwick, int. Mar. 24, 1821. Alanson C. and Mary K. Phipps, int. Aug. 13, 1840. Benjamin and Lusina Cooley, July 17, 18 16. Franklin C. and Mary A. Rogers, int. Aug. 23, 1845. Harriet [int. Merick] and James A. Warren, Dec. 14 [1842]. Lucina, Mrs., and John Ward, int. Mar. 11, 1849. Margaret and Lebbeus Chapin, June 8, 181 2. Ruby of Monson, and Gideon King Jr., int. Apr. 29, 1804. William Jr. and Abigail Brown, int. Jan. 4, 1821. MERRILL (see Merrell), Mary [int. Merritt] and Horace Col- lister [int. Calister], Dec. 9, 1821. MERRIT (see Merit, Merret, Merrett, Merritt), John acid Mary Billings, int. Apr. — , 1782. Martha and Daniel D. Lamb, Nov. 11, 181 7. MERRITT (see Merit, Merret, Merrett, Merrit), Isaac and Betsy Davis, int. Dec. 14, 1817. Martha M. and Elam Shurman, int. Jan. i, 1842. Mary (see Mary Merrill). Orril and Delana B. McMickell [male], int. Sept. 17 [1835]. Phila and Live [int. Levi] Shaw, Oct. i, 1816. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 57 MILES, Adelade of Ruthland, and Robert Hitchcock, int. Mar. 22 [1833]. William B., 22, s. Sam[ue]l and Elmira, and Sally Nevens, June 10, 1848. MILLER, Aaron J. [int. Jr.] of S. Hadley, and Jarusha [int. Jerutia] W. Barber, Mar. 25 [1847]. Nancy P. and Luke Olds, Oct. 19, 1832. [Oct. 17, c.r.] Sarahann of South Houthampton, and Josiah Barber, int. Nov. 10, 1843. William B., Dr., 28, of Ludlow, s. John and Lucindia, and Di- anna Atwood, Nov. 25 [1847].* MILLS, Adalyn S., 20, d. Richard and Adaline, and Albert H. Newton, Dec. 11, 1849.* Sarah E., 22, d. Richard and Adaline, and Sam[ue]l S. Graham, Oct. 17, 1848. MINER (see Minor), Ph[i]nehes Jr. and Sarah Shaw, July 9, 1778- MINOR (see Miner), Mary and Stephen Grain, int. Apr. — , 1784. MIRICK (see Merrick, Mirrick), Aaron of Monson, and Mar- gret Cooley, Dec. 6, 1766. Elizabeth and Samuell Palmer, Dec. 29, 1762. MIRRICK (see Merrick, Mirick), Thersey of Monson, and Noah Shearer, int. May 8, 1791. MITCHELL, Eliphlet and Namon Beebey, int. Sept. 19, 1786. Mary E. and Cornelius Goodrich, int. May 23, 1845. W[illia]m G. of Wilbraham, and Betsey Mooers [int. Moores], Nov. 30 [1837]. MIXTER, Lydia and Elijah Clarke, Jan. 20, 1803.* Polly and Jonathan Shaw, int. Aug. 13, 18 14. Sally and Alvin Bolton, int. Aug. 16, 1807. MOCARTER (see McCarter), Phebe and William Meridom, June 7, 1791. MOFFETT, Lewis of Canton [int. adds Pa.], and Philothera [int. Phylothera] Parsons, [int. Mar. 23], 1806. MOLTEN (see Moulton), Jesse [int. Molton, dup. int. Moulten] of Monson, and Polly King, Apr. 13, 1797. * Intention not recorded. 158 PALMER MARRIAGES. MONROE (see Munroe). MOODY, Anson, Dr., and Clarrissa Collins, int. Oct. 11, 1817. Clarissa K. of Granby, and William W. Kendall, int. May 5, 1843. Maria and Alonzo F. Pebbles [int. Peebles], May 2, 1837. Roxana, 21, d. Joseph and Rhoda, and Orrin [int. Oren] B. Smith, Oct. 3, 1848. MOOERS (see Moor, Moore, Moores, Moors, More), Betsey [int. Moores] and W[inia]m G. Mitchell, Nov, 30 [1837]. George and Martha [int. adds J.] Dennison, Oct. 10, 1839. Sarah [int. Moores] and James W. Ward [int. Woodward], June 6 [1837]. [Moors, and James W. Woodward, C.R.] MOOR (see Mooers, Moore, Moores, Moors, More), Hugh and Catherine Nelson, Feb. 23, 1768. Jane and Edward Brown, July 11, 1765. John and Mary Crowfoot, June — , 1754.* John and Sarah Crowfoot, July 17, 1777. Judah Jr. and Mary McMaster Jr., May 21, 1778. Mary and Solomon Warner, June 19, 1777. Sarah and James Richardson, Mar. 18, 1773. Sarah and James Tinney, int. June 4, 1789. MOORE (see Mooers, Moor, Moores, Moors, More), Alaxander of Westren, and Betsy Trim, int. Oct. 10, 1803. Catherine O. of Ludlow, and Edwin Tupper, int. July 20, 1836. Edward and [int. adds Mrs. [?]] Betsey Jane Smith, July 21, 1831. John A. and Lovisa Moulton, int. Oct. 31, 1846. Jonathan and [int. adds Mrs.] Adelade Hitchcock, Jan. 3, 1848. King H. and Ruth Hitchcock, int. Oct. 13, 1839. Lemuel R. and Ann Gibbs, int. Nov. 3, 1838. Nancy of Greenwitch, and Joseph Bacon, int. Mar. 15, 1791. Naomi [int. Maomi] B., 23, d. Elisha and Eunice K., and Enach [int. Enoch] Bird, Apr. 24, 1849. Nicholas and Lydia Nights, int. Dec. 6, 1766. Peggy of Ware, and Aaron Davis, Aug. 10, 1822.* Peter W., 22, s. Elisha and Eunice, and Mary L. Simons, Dec. II, 1849.* Samuel R. and Louisa Collis, int. Mar. 18, 1841. Sarah [int. Moors] and Oren [int. Orren] Hitchcock, Jan. 29, 1818. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 59 MOORES (see Mooers, Moor, Moore, Moors, More), Elvine and Stephen Fowles, int. Apr. 25, 1839. Orlando [int. Moore] of Springfield, and Margaret Shaw, Nov. 15 [1828]. Phebe [dup. Moors] and Samuel Bates, May 15, 1803. Rebecco [int. Rebeca Mooers] and Merrick Cooley, Apr. 8, 1830. Renay (see Zerviah Tayler). Vina and David Atkinson, int. July 26 [183 1]. MOORS (see Mooers, Moor, Moore, Moores, More), Aaron and Lydia Cadey, Nov. 7, 1791. David and Mary Nelson [int. Nilson], Jan. 28, 1761 [int. Dec. 5, 1761, sic]. George and Ruth Olds, int. Apr. 15, 1797. Jane of Union, and James King, int. Jan. 5, 177 1. Jonathan Jr. and Sally Baggs, int. Aug. 11, 1805. Lany and John Nevins, int. Nov. i, 1816. Susanna and Miles Gibbs, Feb. 23, 1796. MORE (see Mooers, Moor, Moore, Moores, Moors), Anne [int. Moor] and Moses Linne, Jan. 27, 1763. MORGAN (see Morgin), Knock of Brimfield, and Sarah Bates, int. Nov. 3, 1827. Franklin and Maria Frink, Dec. 22, 1827. Loisa and Simeon Phelps Jr., Mar. 28, 1839. Martha M., 18, d. Israel and Martha, and Lorenzo W. Bond, Jan. 19, 1848. Mercy, wid., and Capt. Thomas Shearman, May 4 [181 5]. MORGIN (see Morgan), Lois of Brimfield, d. Jonathan and Ruth, and William Warriner, Oct. 10, 1776.* MORSE, Elliot [int. Eliot] and Anna King, May 28, 181 2. Joseph of Marlborough, Vt., and Violet King, Feb. 7, 1819. Nabby of Weore [Ware], and Calvin Ward, int. Apr. 6, 1806. MOSELEY, Albert of Enfield, Conn., and Louisa Saunders, int. May ID, 1834. MOULTON (see Molten), Bainbridge and Lovania [int. Lavania] Hitchcock, May 30, 1844. Elbridge and Ruth Maxwell, int. June 14, 1834. Lovisa and John A. Moore, int. Oct. 31, 1846. Nancy and James Smith 2d, int. July 29, 1827. ♦ Intention not recorded. l6o PALMER MARRIAGES. MULLETT, Catherine [int. Mullet], 22, and Ira Fitts, Oct. 8, 1848. MUNGER, Freeman and Sophia Shaw, May 28, 1832. Milton C, 23, s. Whitman and Esther, and Mary E. Squire, Jan. 9, 1849. Sarah B. (Mu[n]ger) and Chester M. Pease, Nov. 15, [i8]37. MUNN, lildeaof Monson, and Dr. Gideon Kibbe, June 15, 1809.* Rice S. of Monson, and Susan L. Stimson, Apr. 21 [1840]. MUNROE, Lucy [int. Monroe] and John Flemming, May 7, 1840. MURDOCK, Elijah G. and Nancy A. Pond, int. Apr. 5, 1843. Emelius B., 21, s. A. R., and Phebe C. Chapman, May — [int. May 4], 1847- Lucy M. and Nathan Knowlton Jr., int. Apr. 25, 1840. Mary A. and Charles H. Smith, July 3, 1849. MYRICK (see Merrick, Mirick, Mirrick). NANSIE [?], Mary and Cornelius Kelliher, int. Feb. 16, 1849. NEEDHAM, May of Brimfield [int. Mary of S. Brimfield], and William Goodnow [int. Goodman], Aug. 11, 1794. Polley of Ware, and Simeon Davies, int. Mar. 30, 1789. Ruth of Ware, and William Merret [dup. Merrit], Oct. i, 1789. NELSON, Aaron Jr. and Luce Hopkins, int. Apr. 2, 1780. Catherine and Hugh Moor, Feb. 23, 1768. Eleanor and William Little, Dec. 2, 1762. Mary [int. Nilson] and David Moors, Jan. 28, 1761 [int. Dec. 5, 1 761, sic]. NEVENS (see Nevins), Eliza [int. Elisa], 26, d. John and Lana, and Lorin H. Clark, June 10, 1848. Sally, 18, d. John and Lana, and William B. Miles, June 10, 1848. William, 24, s. John and Lana, and Maria Wright, June 10, 1848. NEVINS (see Nevens), John of Westorn, and Lany Moors, int. Nov. I, 1816. NEWCOMB, Marshall J. and Hanah Davis, int. June 11, 1842. Suse, Mrs., of Summers, and William Scott, int. Nov. 3, 1792. NEWELL, Harriot and Laban Button, July 10, 1822. Jonathan Jr. and Caroline Stone, int. Sept. 23, 1837. ♦ Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. l6l Newell, Jonathan Jr., widr. [int. omits Jr. and widr.], 37, s. John and Chloe, and Simantha [int. Sirmantha] A. Perry, July 18, 1848. Maria and Samuel D. Boun [Bourn], Jan. 15, 1839. NEWTON, Albert H., 22, s. Hiram and Mary, and Adalyn S. Mills, Dec. II, 1849.* Deliverance of Wilberyham, and Moses King, Apr. 4, 1771. NICHOLDS (see Nichols, Nickels, Nickolds, Nickols, Nicies), Reuben L. of Brimfield, and Sally Hubbard, int. Nov. 30 [1832]. NICHOLS (see Nicholds, Nickels, Nickolds, Nickols, Nicies), Ruby [int. Nichals], 20, and Liberty Switser [int. Swetser], May 20, 1848. NICKELS (see Nicholds, Nichols, Nickolds, Nickols, Nicies), Paren of Brimfield, and Henry Lamberton, [int. Nov. 30, 1771]. NICKOLDS (see Nicholds, Nichols, Nickels, Nickols, Nicies), Abby [dup. Nichols], 19, and William Fay, Apr. 24, 1844. Abert F. [int. Nickols] and Abegal Thayer [int. Abigal Thayre], Nov. — , 1846. Fredrick D. and Sarah Thayer, int. Jan. 29, 1846. NICKOLS (see Nicholds, Nichols, Nickels, Nickolds, Nicies), L. and W[illia]m S. Bates, Jan. i, 1846.* NICLES (see Nicholds, Nichols, Nickels, Nickolds, Nickols), Joseph and Prudence Ferrel, int. May i, 1802. NIGHTS (see Knights), Leydia [int. Lydia] and Asse [int. Assa] Stone, Dec. 14, 1770. Lydia and Nicholas Moore, int. Dec. 6, 1766. Mary and Isaac Roberds, int. Mar. 10, 1781. NILES, James of Willington, Conn., and Clarissa Hues, Feb. 14, 1814.* [Feb. 15, P.R.] NORCROSS, Albert of Monson, and Adahne Converse, June 4, 1834. [Adeline, c.r.] Edwin of Monson, and Sarah Ferrill, Oct. 4 [1828]. NUTTING, Eunice, wid. [int. omits wid.], and Simon Colton, [Jan.] I, 1839. * Intention not recorded. l62 PALMER MARRIAGES. Nutting, Fatima of Brimfield, and Hiram Chamberlain, int. Feb. 26, 1825. Jonathan Jr. of Brimfield, and Anna Spear, June 23, 1805. Jonathan and Eunice Gilbert, int. Sept. i, 1822. Thomas B. of Ware, and Marcia Ann White, Oct. 18, 1838.* [Thomas B. of III., in Ware, c.R.] NYE, Ebenezer and Betsey [dup. and int. Betsy] Lee, Oct. 25, 1812. OAKS, Cleora T. and Asa Jones, int. July 17, 1839. Nathan and Arvilla Mason, int. June 8, 1844. OLDS, Aaron and Melinda [int. Mylinda] Taylor, June 8, 1817. Amanda of Belchertown, and Cyrus Hills, int. Mar. 10, 182 1. Asubia and Lewis Hogerney, Sept. 23, 1819. Betzy and John Hill Jr., Mar. 6, 1794. Enoch [dup. Enock] and Achsa [dup. Acsa] Rice, Nov. 24, 181 2. Jonathan of Belchertown, and Lucy Wood, May 30, 1805. Justine [int. Justin], Lt., of Belchertown, and Lou[i]sa Bliss [int. Loisa Blis], wid., May 7, 181 7. Leonard and Jane Hadley, int. Nov. 2, 1847. Luke and Nancy P. Miller, Oct. 19, 1832. Nabbey [dup. Nabby] and Nathaniel Roberts, Mar. 28, 1790. Reuben of Ludlow, and Polly Brown, Nov. 5, 1840. Ruth of Ludlow, and George Moors, int. Apr. 15, 1797. Seth B. and Susanna Ball, int. Sept. 29, 1841. WilHam and Anna McElwain, int. Sept. 26, 1807. OLEARY, Timothy and Catherine Kelliher, int. Jan. 22, 1849. ORCUT (see Orcutt), Joseph and Ruth Fitz Gerald, int. Aug. 8, 1812. ORCUTT (see Orcut), Harriot [int. Hariot] and Cheney [int. Cheny A.] Allen, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. July 22, 1843]. [Aug. 1, 1843, C.R.] Maryett and Charles Shaw, Feb. 10, 1841. WilHam of Ashford, Conn., and EmeHne Watkins, Oct. 4, 1830. OVIATT, Amos [int. Ovaett], 22, of Hardwick, s. Clorridas [Claudius] [and] Mary G., and Sally [int. Salley] M. Col- grove, Jan. 19, 1846. PACKARD, Chester of Wilmington, Vt., and Catherine McClan- athan, Mar. 4, 1813. WiUiam N. of Monson, and Prudence Ferrell, Oct. i, 1833. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 63 PAGE, Joanna of Ware, and Simeon Cummings, int. Sept. 28, 1806. PAINE, Jedediah A. and Harriet A. J. Graves, int. June 6, 1831. Sally of Ludlow, and Patrick Shearer, Mar. 14, 1805. PALMER, Joseph of Monson, and Lydia Warriner, Mar. 2, 1820.* Samuell of Springfield, and Elizabeth Mirick, Dec. 29, 1762. PALTER, William of Wilbraham, and Abegal Woodbridge, Mar. 7, 1792. PARKE, Mary Ann (see Mary Ann Parks). PARKER, Cloe of Ware, and Harison Elwell, Feb. 23, 1788. Eli [int. of Patridgefield] and Lydia Mann, Sept. 23, 1794. Loren [int. Lorin], 20, s. Samuel and Mary, and Elizebeth Gob- lin, Dec. 12, 1844. [Elisabeth, c.r.] Phebe of Patridgefield, and David Man, int. Nov. 30, 1793. PARKHILL, Jane [int. Jean] and Ebenezer Robinson [int. Robertson], Nov. 10, 1757. PARKHURST, Sally [dup. Parkers, int. Parkus] and Reuben McGlanathan, Feb. 7, 1805. PARKS, Eunice and Rev. John R. Bigelow, Sept. 13, 1836. Mary Ann and John W. Smith, Sept. 9, 1834. [Parke, c.R.] PARKUS (see Parkhurst). PARSONS, Abagail and Ebenezer Bliss, Apr. 9, 1771. Benjamin and Elisabeth [int. Ehzabeth] Stone, Oct. 26, 1762. Benjamin and Mary Gumings, Oct. 25, 1803. Bertha and Jonathan Ghapin, May 2, 177 1. Corlos of Monson [int. Garlos of Munson], and E. P. Harvey [int. Elizabeth P. Harvy], Mar. 8 [1843]. Eb., Lt., and Persey Graves, June 5, 1777. Ebenezer and Jean McMaster, int. Aug. 20, 1779. Eleanor and Abijah Fitch, Nov. 23, 1775. Joshua and Elenor ElUn, int. Aug. 22, 1767. Margrit and Daniel Worthington, May 7, 1772. Philothera [int. Phylothera] (Porsons) and Lewis Mo£fett, [int. Mar. 23], 1806. Stephen and Ruth Blair, int. Mar. 15, 1807, * Intention not recorded. , 164 PALMER MARRIAGES. Parsons, Tabatha and Robert McMaster, Apr. 17, 1766. Thankful, 35, d. A. T. and Abigal Hathaway, and Lucious [int. Lucius] Smith, Feb. 28, 1846, PARTRIDGE (see Patridge). PASCO, Alva W. and Cyntha J. Lemon, int. June 6, 1846. PATERSON (see Patterson), Seley and Joseph Blackmer, int. Aug. — , 1783. PATRICK, James and Jean Lanmon [Lamon], Nov. 27, 1756.* Samuel and Sarah Smith, Dec. 24, 1782. Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Dec. 24, 1782. PATRIDGE, Hannah and Rufus Brown, int. Aug. 14, 1847. John of Ware, and Mrs. Abigail Knowlton, int. Feb. 4, 1842. Rachel of Holem, and Maj. Aaron Graves, int. Oct. 6, 1801. PATTERSON (see Paterson), David of Greenwitch, and Lydia Brattin [int. Bratten], Feb. 11, 1766. Joseph and Abigail Russall, int. Jan. 7, 1757. Solomon and Elizabeth Blackmer, int. Oct. — , 1781. PAUL, Betsey W., 26, d. John and Jurutia, and Wilham K. [int. R.] Gray, Mar. 19, 1846. John of Halifax, and Sarah Breckinridge, May 9, 177 1. John, widr. [int. omits widr.], 49, s. James and Polly, and Sally Randall, Apr. 2, 1846. Julia, 22, d. John, and Daniel Clough, July 29, 1849. Maryann [int. Mary Ann], 21, and Hiram G. Smith, Aug. 3, 1845. Robert and Mary Carlyle, Oct. 4, 1770. PEAS (see Pease), Frederick of Monson, and Loisa M. Smith, Nov. 29, 1837. PEASE (see Peas), Chester M. of Monson, and Sarah B. Mu[n]ger, Nov. 15, [i8]37. Christopher H. of Springfield, and Olive Sherman, Apr. 16, 1833. Harriet [int. Harriot] and Joel Webber, Oct. 23 [1828]. Hosea of Brookfield, and Susan Sherbrooks, Dec. 31, 1832. Lucy A., 20, of Monson, d. Salmon and Roxa, and Joseph W. Stebbins, Sept. 23, 1849.* Mary of Ludlow, and Hosea Record, int. Aug. 21, 1848. PEBBLES (see Pebles, Pibles), Alonzo F. [int. Peebles] and Maria Moody, May 2, 1837. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 65 PEBLES (see Pebbles, Pibles), Elmer, 23, s. James and Nancy, and Sarah Prouty [int. Prowty], May — , 1847. PECK, Absolon [int. Absalom] C. and Caroline R. Cutter, Nov. 6, 1834. Emily and Lewis Stebbins, Nov. 3 [1847]. H. M. of Monson, and Abel A. Butler, Nov. 22 [1842].* [Harriet M., C.R.} PEIERCE (see Pierce), Jerush[a] and W[illia]m Shearer, June 30, 1792.* PELTON, Thomas of Blanford, and Anna Smith, int. July 29, 1787. PENNEY, Cloey of Brimfield, and Luke Walsh, Dec. 24, 177 1. PENNIMAN, Louisa W. of Woodstack, Conn., and Dwight Foster, int. May 18 [1834]. PEPPER, Betsey and Asa Sticklin, Oct. 7, 1824. John H., 21, of Ware, s. John and Eunis, and Mary A. Joslin, Oct. 4, 1845. [Joslyn, c.r.] PERKINS (see Pirkins), Ehhu S. of Belchertown, and Mary [int. adds A.] Gallop, May 5, 1838. Mary A. [int. Purkins, adds Mrs.], 26, d. Amos and Mary Gallop, and Samuel Hankness [Harkness] [int. Harkniss], Feb. 5, 1845. PERNAYER, Benjamun [int. Pernoyer] and Elizabeth Bennett [int. EHzabeth E. Benett], May 16, 1838. PERRY, Horace M., 23, of Belchertown, s. Enoch, and Hepsi- bath Derby, Sept. 5, 1848.* Rebecca [dup. Rebbecca] and Samuel M. [dup. and int. Morgan] Burt, Dec. 2, 1812. Simantha [int. Sirmantha] A., 27, of Belchertown, d. Enoch, and Jonathan Newell Jr., widr. [int. omits Jr. and widr.], July 18, 1848. Susana and Jeremiah Jenks, int. May 16, 1807. PHELPS, Dolly of Shrewsbury, and John Frink, int. Nov. 17, 1838. Dolly M. of Shrewsbury, and John D. Blanchard, int. July 21, 1838. Elanor of Belchertown, and John Gates, Mar. 10, 1790.* * Intention not recorded. 1 66 PALMER MARRIAGES. Phelps, Simeon Jr. of Belchertown, and Loisa Morgan, Mar. 28, 1839. PHINEY, George W. of Russell, and Polly Tinker, Apr. 23, 1839, ^^ Blanford.* PHIPPS, Mary K. of Ware, and Alanson C. Merrick, int. Aug. 13, 1840. PIBLES (see Pebbles, Pebles), John and Dorothy Ha[r]vey, Nov. — , 1740.* PIERCE (see Peierce), Clymenia [int. Clymena] and Ezick B. Arnold, widr. [int. omits widr.], May 5, 1846. Eliphalet [int. Eliphlet Perce] of Monson, and Annis [int. Anas] McMichel, Apr. 3, 1804. Emeline and George H. Elsbree, May 20, 1846. PIKE, Jonas and Eunice Prince, int. Jan. 10, 1839. PIRKINS (see Perkins), Samuel and Mercy Seson, Mar. 5, 1772. PLUMLEY (see Plumly), Asenath of Belchertown, and Otis Jenks, int. Nov. 21, 1829. Erastus and Laura Richardson, int. June 19, 1841. Eunice and Greenfield Randal, Sept. 26, 1813.* Isaac of Wilbraham, and Pulchera Cleavland, int. June 8, 1822. Lydia and Jonas Pratt, Sept. 16, 1813.* PLUMLY (see Plumley), Eleanor of Wilbraham, and Cyrus Cleveland, Feb. 4, 1826.* p.r. POLLARD,' Walter and Bettey Clark, int. Nov. 17, 1780. Walter and Patty Brooks, Dec. 11, 1783. POMROY, Seth and Lydia King, Feb. 22, 1832. [Pomeroy, C.R.] POND, Elizabeth [int. of Colrain] and Seth Brown, Aug. 2X, 1794. Lucy P., 20, d. Sam[ue]l and Maria, and Shubael C. Stearns, Mar. 8, 1849. Nancy A. of New Salem, and Ehjah G. Murdock, int. Apr. 5, 1843. POOLE, Daniel and PoUey Vince, int. Oct. 25, 1803. Oren and Sabra C. Bradway, int. Aug. 15, 1828. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 67 POTTER, Charles Z. of Wilbraham, and Luany McClentosh, int. Oct. 24, 1845. Hannah of Brattleborough, Vt., and Thomas McClanathan 2d, int. Nov. 29, 1810. Mary and Emery Russell [int. Rusell], May i, 181 7. POTTLE, Polly and William Foster, Dec. 10, 1795. POWELL, Bradford of Springfield, and Caroline E. Wellman, int. Aug. 15, 1846. Mary A. and James M. Currier, int. Sept. 25, 1841. Oglive N. and Harjet S. Rice, int. May 25, 1842. Saran J. [int. Jane], 30, d. Prasser [Prosper], and Wilson Arnold, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], Apr. 23, 1848. POWER (see Powers), Lucinda [int. Powers] of Brimfield, and James McClintook Jr. [int. McClintock, dup. int. McClen- tock, omits Jr.], Apr. 9, 18 18. POWERS (see Power), Chloe and Almon Smith, May 11, 1825. Eli, Lt., and Jemima Creston, int. Sept. 20, 1821. Hiram of Brimfield, and Rispah Chamberlain, Nov. 12, 1835. Isaac of Hardwick, and Sarah Clark, July 25, 1765.* Mary G. of Brimfield, and John W. Callahan, Oct. 19 [1837].* Morris Makee [ ? McKee] of Brimfield, and Nancy Chamberlain, int. Mar. 17, 1821. Stephen of Brimfield, and Mary Lane, int. May 24, 1823. Tamesin and Jacob Bond, int. June 7, 1823. PRATT, Jonas of Shutesbury, and Lydia Plumley, Sept. 16, 1813.* Noah of Ludlow, and Philena Foster, Dec. 28, [i8]37. PRAY, Amanda M., 16, d. Reuben and Lucy R., and WiUiam E. Hancock, May 25, 1848. PRESTON, Mary and Justus Hannum, int. Sept. 10, 1784. PRIEST, Mary S. [int. L.], 25, of Northfield, d. Nathan and Polly, and Allen R. Kingsley, Dec. 30, 1845. PRINCE, Eunice and Jonas Pike, int. Jan. 10, 1839. PROUTY, Roxanty [int. Roxany], 15, and Harrison Woodward [int. Woodard], Feb. 21, 1848. Sarah [int. Prowty], 18, and Elmer Pebles, May — [int. May 3], 1847. * Intention not recorded. 1 68 PALMER MARRIAGES. PUFFER, Elijah and Caroline Trumbull, Apr. 26, 1840. George of Monson, and Solly [int. Sally] Ferre, Apr. 13, 1812. Mary E. of Monson, and Joseph B. Foster, int. Mar. 13, 1848. PUTMAN, James A. and Betsy C. Chapman [int. Betsey C. Converse], Nov. 20 [1839]. [Betsey C. Chapin, c.r.] QUINTON, Anne and Issac Merit, Sept. 26, 1776. Dorcas and David Shaw [int. Jr.], May 31, 1764. Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and William Longworth, Apr. 2, 1770. Jane and Arthur McNitt, Sept. 4, 1765. John and Margret Shaw, June 9, 1771. Mary and William Watson, Feb. 22, 1774. Thomas and Sarah Wilson, July 4, 1771. RANDAL (see Randall, Randell), Greenfield of Braintree, Vt., and Eunice . Plumley, Sept. 26, 1813.* RANDALL (see Randal, Randell), George W. and Julia E. Ball, int. Nov. 22, 1841. Sally, 45, d. John and Mahitable Peso [?], and John Paul, widr. [int. omits widr.], Apr. 2, 1846. RANDELL (see Randal, Randall), Hiram and Sarah E. Flagg, int. Mar. 2, 1844. RANDOLPH, Cornelia and Lucius [int. adds L.] Ferry, Apr. — , 1847. RAY, Margery [int. Margret Wray of Greenag] and Francis Lamont, June 25, 1761. READ (see Reed), Polly and Peter Rogers, Oct. 15, 1789.* RECORD (see Records), Hosea and Mary Pease, int. Aug. 21, 1848. . RECORDS (see Record), Tirzah M. and Ira Washburn, int. Dec. 13, 1840. REED (see Read), Bula of Reeds Town, and James Lull, Nov. i5> I754-* Horace and Nancy C. Henderson, Aug. 29, 1838. REEVES (see Rives). RICE, Achsa [dup. Acsa] and Enoch [dup. Enock] Olds, Nov. 24, 1812. Betsy and Jo[h]n Oliver Wheelock, int. Jan. 3, 1813. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 69 Rice, Charles G. and Maria Blake, int. May 24, 1826. Clarrissa of Wilmington, Vt., and Lyman Fuller, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Hariet S. and Oglive N. Powell, int. May 25, 1842. Jerusha and Oliver Wheelock, Feb. 17, 1814.* Levi and Matilda [dup. Metilda, int. Mitilda] McMichel [dup. and int. McMichell], Jan. 20, 1805. Thankfull of Hardwick, and Elisha Higins, int. Sept. 22, 1764. Zeviah of Belshertown, and Abner Blodget, int. Dec. 7, 1802. RICH (see Riche), Russell and Sabra Woodward, int. May 8, 1845. RICHARDSON (see Richerdson), James and Sarah Moor, Mar, 18, 1773. John H. and Cyntha Henry, int. Mar. 17, 1842. Laura and Erastus Plumley, int. June 19, 1841. RICHE (see Rich), Sarah and John Capin, int. Feb. 25, 1762. RICHERDSON (see Richardson), Jain and Baker Hatch, int. Aug. 27, 1795. RINDGE, Cornelia of Wilbraham, and Augustus Barrett, int. Apr. 8, 1832. Royal of Wilbrahan [int. Wilbraham], and Roxana [int. Roxanna] Barker, May 8, 1820 [int. Apr. 10, 1818, sic]. RIPLEY, Joseph of Windsor, and Susanna Dunbar, Dec. 15, 1796. RIVES, Minerva [int. Reeves] and M. [int. omits M.] Joshua Hamilton, Dec. 10, 1809. ROBBINS, Harriet [int. Harriot] S. and Francis E. Kendall [int. Kendell], [Jan.] 29, 1839. [Robins, and Francis Elizur Kendall, c.r.] ROBERDS (see Roberts), Giles (see Jyles). Isaac and Mary Nights, int. Mar. 10, 1781. Jyles and Catherine Knights, int. June — , 1783. ROBERTS (see Roberds), Abigail and Austin Hall, int. Jan. 3, 1829. Isaac and Esther Fuller, Mar. 10, 1774. Nathaniel and Nabbey [dup. Nabby] Olds, Mar. 28, 1790. Nathaniel Jr. and Ruby Shearer, int. June 10, 1820 [dup. Mar. 9, 1823]. [m. May 22, 1823, p.r.] ♦ Intention not recorded. lyo PALMER MARRIAGES. Roberts, Sally and Ethan S. Cowls [int. Eathan S. Cole], Feb. 20, 1816. ROBERTSON, Ebenezer (see Ebenezer Robinson). ROBESON (see Robinson), George and Esther Lamont, Oct. 30, 1766. ROBINSON (see Robeson), Ebenezer [int. Robertson] and Jane [int. Jean] Parkhill, Nov. 10, 1757. Fanny of Hartland, Conn., and Jacob C. Hamilton, int. Feb. 15, 1827. John W., Dr., 22, s. Ebenezer and Ehza, and Mary J. Fenton, Feb. 6, 1849. ROBSON, Mehitable and Noah Shaw, int. Jan. i, 1786. RODGERS (see Augges, Rogers, Roggers), Henry D. of Canton [int. of S. Canton], Conn., and Caroline Shepard, Jan. 31, 1832. [Rogers, c.r.] Letitia [int. Lettice Rogers] and Seth Shaw, May 27, 1767. Reuben and Sophia Bliss, int. Oct. 19, 1825. ROGERS (see Augges, Rodgers, Roggers), Abiah and Gideon Graves, Oct. 3, 1786. Jerusha of Ware, and Benjamin Bacon, Dec. 26, 1799. Joanna and Robert Cowen, Oct. 17, 1765. Mary A. of Springfield, and Franklin C. Merrick, int. Aug. 23, 1845. Matilda [int. Rodgers] and PHny Hill, Apr. 15, 1829. Peter and Polly Read, Oct. 15, 1789.* Polly and Abner Younglove, Jan. 23, 1806.* Robert and Persis [int. Perses] Ferrel, Oct. 29, 1801. Roxy Ann [int. Roxey M.] and Aaron S. Barton, Jan. 8, 1840. Susanna and Marvin Bisbee, Nov. 4, 1837. ROGGERS (see Augges, Rodgers, Rogers), John [int. Rogers] and Jeney Ferrel, Dec. 2, 1773. ROLLINS, Diantha and John Lane, Mar. 14, [i8]38. ROOD, Harriet A. and Jacob J. Davis, int. Aug. 31, 1844. Mary S. and Miner Adams, int. Nov. 14 [1835]. Sarah A., d. Thadeus and Fanny, and Addison M. Bradley, Sept. 27, 1848. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 171 ROOT, Plinney of Ludlow, and Ruth Cleavland, int. Aug. 10, 1810. Ralph Jr. and Abegal Brooks, int. July 17, 1846. ROPER, Benjamin H. and Betsey Whiting, May 12, 1844. Lucy, 52, d. Samuel and Martha Stratton, and Richard C. Ball, Mar. 2, 1846. ROSEBROOKS, Mary of Brimfield, and Otis S. Shepard, Nov. 29, 1832. [Rosebrook, c.r.] ROW [ ?], David of Stockbridge, and Hannah Hill, May 31, 1792. ROWAN, Charles and Clarissa C. Streeter, int. Jan. 5, 1840. RUBY, Amanda of Union, Conn., and Nathan Howard, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Atchsah of Union, Conn., and William Harvey, int. May 3, 1834. RUGGLES, Evander K., 29, s. Benjamin and Abigail, and Sophia Wellman, Nov. 21, 1848. Willard G. and Maria L. Jacobs, int. [rec. between Feb. 22 and Mar. 11, 1849]. RUMWELL, Abby, 22, and Charles G. [int. omits G.] Shaw, Mar. 29, 1848. RUSSALL (see Russel, Russell), Abigail and Joseph Patterson, int. Jan. 7, 1757. RUSSEL (see Russall, Russell), David [int. Rusel] of Brimfield, and Mary Cooley, Feb. 6, 1766. Susanah of Wilbraham, and William Tilden, int. June 6, 1817. RUSSELL (see Russall, Russel), Betty of Brimfield, and Daniel Blodgett, int. Mar. 25, 1792. Emery of Norwich, Conn., and Mary Potter, May i, 18 17. Paschal P. and Sarah B. Hamilton, Aug. 4 [1828]. RUTHERFORD, Andrew and Mary Davies, Nov. 28, 1751.* RYDER, Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Rufus Bond, May 17, 1809. SACKET, Hariot [int. Harriet], 22, d. Peter, and James Foshay, Dec. 25, 1844. SANDERS (see Saunders). ♦ Intention not recorded. 1^2 PALMER MARRIAGES. | SANFORD, George G. [int. C] and Mary Andrews [int. An- druce], Nov. i8, 1838. SAUNDERS, Louisa and Albert Moseley, int. May 10, 1834. SAVAGE, John and Mary Bolton, Dec. 28, 1780. SAWIN, Samuell [int. Samuel] of Grinneg [Greenwich], and Hannah Capin, Mar. 2, 1762. SAWTELL (see Sortell). SAWYER, Joshua D., 31, s. WiUiam and Esther, and Catherine E. Gallop, Feb. 28, 1849. SCOTT, Asenath B. and John Sedgwick, Oct. 6, 1813. Calvin, Dr., and Sabra Hamilton, [int. July 28, 1785]. Rose and Abijah Storey, int. Sept. 17, 1808. William Jr. and Violet Burk [Burt], Dec. 21, 1774. William and Mrs. Suse Newcomb, int. Nov. 3, 1792. SCRIPTURE, Mary Ann of Monson, and Ephraim Allen, int. Apr. 9, 183 1. SEAVER, Hannah P. and Wilson Homer, Sept. — , 1846. SEDGWICK, Almira C, 20, d. John and Asseneth B., and Al- fred L. Converse, Oct. 20 [1847]. [Sedgewick, c.r.] Anna and Jacob Chapman, int. Feb. 21, 1823. Betty [int. Bettey] and Moses Barrett [int. Barret Jr.], Oct. 17, 1802. Eliza H., 22, d. John and Aseneth B., and Daniel T. Hitchcock, Aug. — , 1846. Hannah and Jonathan Whitney, Jan. 25, 1816. Harvey and Mary Tiffany Storrs, int. Feb. 17, 1826. John and Asenath B. Scott, Oct. 6, 1813. Joseph [int. Jeseph] and Ellen Shaw, Dec. 6, 1810. Julia A. [int. Juhann] and Purhn Shearer, Mar. 2 [1840]. [JuHa Ann Sedgewick, C.R.] Margaret [int. Martha] and Amasa Barritt [int. Barrett], Jan. 25, 1829. Maria S. and Hiram Converse, Jan. 30 [1838]. [Sedgewick, C.R.] Martin and Salla [int. Sally] King, Feb. 26, 1801. Martin Jr. of Belchertown, and Mary G. Boyden, int. Mar. i, 1839. Mary and John Foster, Sept. 4, 1838. [Sedgewick, c.r.] PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 73 Sedgwick, Polly and Alanson C. Merrick, int. Mar. 24, 182 1. Sally and Jonathan Webber, int. Oct. 12, 1822. Violett B., 25, d. John and Asseneth B., and Henry Howe, Oct. 20 [1847]. [Sedgewick, c.r.] SELFRIDGE, William and Katherine McMaster, int. Feb. 5, 1757- SESON (see Sessesons, Sessions), Mercy and Samuel Pirkins, Mar. 5, 1772. SESSESONS (see Seson, Sessions), R. Oscar of S. Wilbraham, and Emely Stebbins, int. Mar. 9, 1843. SESSIONS (see Seson, Sessesons), Lucy of Brimfield, and Dr. Jonathan Shearer Esq., int. Jan. 2, 182 1. SEVERANCE, Charles of Montague, and Malvina Hamilton, June 26, 1833. SEYMOUR, Calista E. of E. Granville, and Lewis Tinney, int. July 31, 1849. SHAW, Asenath and Samuel Shaw [int. 2d], Nov. 29, 1836. Betsey and Perry Hastings, int. Apr. 24, 1824. Betsy of Ware, and Charles Cargill, int. Jan. 25, 1806. Betsy Lewis of S. Brimfield, and Joseph Converse, int. Nov. 29, 1801 [sic, 1810]. Bettey [int. Betty] and Samuel Hubbard [dup. int. Samuell Hubberd], Dec. 27, 1796. Betty and James Knox, Mar. 22, 18 16. Catherine (Cahhing) and Samuel Shaw Jr., June 7, 1754.* Cath[e]r[ine] and Robert Hunter Jr., Feb. 19, 1756.* Catherine and John Blair, Nov. 19, 177 1. Charles and Sally Bass, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Oct. 14, 1814. Charles and Maryett Orcutt, Feb. 10, 1841. Charles G. [int. omits G.], 25, s. Gardner and Bersheba, and Abby Rumwell, Mar. 29, 1848. Charlotte [int. Charlott] and Charles Mason, Jan. 7 [int. Jan. 9, sic], 1836. [Jan. 27, c.R.] Clark and Sabra Wood, int. Mar. 27, 1830. David [int. Jr.] and Dorcas Quinton, May 31, 1764. Eber [int. Shaws] of Monson, and Tirzah Shaw [int. Shaws], Apr. 16, 1821, [Apr. 26, p.r.] Edward A., 23, s. Sam[ue]l D. and Nancy, and Elizabeth Green, Sept. 24, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 174 PALMER MARRIAGES. Shaw, Eliza and Theodore Ferrill, Apr. 30, 1 840. Elizabeth and WiUiam Bell, int. Apr. 27, 1765. Ellen and Joseph [int. Jeseph] Sedgwick, Dec. 6, 18 10. Elvira and Harlow B. Kibbe, int. Nov. 6, 1846. Enoch of Enfield, and Mary Upham, Nov. 22, 1821. Enoch G. and Hannah C. Bennett, int. Dec. 6, 1837. Ephrean and Anna Gardner, int. Mar. 27, 1778. Eunice and Alexander McDowell, Jan. 21, 1754.* Eunice and James Brickenridge, Dec. 6, 1781. Eunice and Dudley Calkins, Feb. 4, [i8]39. Gardner and Barsheba Ward, int. Oct. 10, 1813. Gideon and Jane McClanathan, Apr. 28, 1791. Hannah and David Spear, Nov. 2, 1752.* Hannah and Willam McDowell [int. William McDoell], [int. May 2, 1781]. Hannah and Isac [int. Isaac] Magoon, Mar. 3, 1814. Henry N. and Mariah L. Franklin, int. July 18, 1847. James and Mary Brown, int. Oct. 19, 1780. James and Susanna Mcllwain, int. May — , 1785. James and Lucey Whight [int. Lucy White], [rec. after Nov. 28, 1799] [int. Oct. 12, 1799]. Jenny and David Gould Jr., int. May 25, 1815. John and Ruth Davis, Nov. 3, 1785. John of Brimfield, and Margret King, Apr. 28, 1791. John, Sergt., of Ware, and Elener Farrel, Feb. 23, 1796. John and Leanthia M. Warner, int. Dec. 11, 1847. Jonathan and Polly Mixter, int. Aug. 13, 1814. Joseph and Margrit King, July 8, 1773. Joshua Jr. and Hannah Grice, Feb. 14, 1793. Joshua and Semantha Maxwell, int. Oct. 9, 1828. Laura and Thomas Fitch, Nov. 21 [1837]. Laura M. and Chandler Fenton, June 18, 1845. Live [int. Levi] of Ware, and Phila Merritt, Oct. i, 18 16. Lodicea, 21, d. Charles and Sally, and John M. Crosby [int. Crasby], Aug. 22, 1848. Lucy and John S. Fessenden, int. Oct. 10, 183 1. Lucy and Ellis Hall, Nov. 29, 1832. Luther and Ruth [int. adds A.] King, Aug. 23 [1837]. Malinda and Joseph Bond, Sept. 23, 1830. Margaret (see Peggy). Margaret and Orlando Moores [int. Moore], Nov. 15 [1828]. Margarett [int. Margaret] and William Helmer, Sept. 7, 1843. Margret and John Quinton, June 9, 1771. * Intention not recorded. I PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 75 Shaw, Martin and Louisa Brown, Oct. 29 [1828]. Mary and James Lamberton, May 5, 1755.* Mary and James Smith [int. 2d], Sept. 19, 1770. Mary 4th and Samuel Shaw, May 5, 1774. Miriam [int. Jr.] and Simon Borus [Burroughs], Apr. i, 1773. Moses and Polly [dup. int. Dolly] McMaster, Apr. 20, 1797. Nancy and Aaron Barnes, Dec. 28, 1820. Nancy I. of Monson, and James L. Loomis, int. Jan. 2, 1849. Noah and Mehitable Robson, int. Jan. i, 1786. Oliver and Salley [dup. int. Sally] Hamilton, Apr. 29, 1818, Peggy [int. Margaret] and Cyrus Knox, Aug. 27, 1818. Philena [dup. Phylina, int. Phylena] and Kyes [dup. Keyes] Foster, Feb. 19 [1824]. Prudence and William Smith, Nov. 10, 1774. Prudence and Justin Daniels, May 4, 1820. Reuben and Jenna [int. Ginna] McClanathan, Dec. 25, 1806. Ruth of Monson, and Henry Hatch, Apr. 5, 1825.* p.r. Sally and Leonard [int. Leonord] Gould, Apr. 11, 181 1. Samuel Jr. and Cahhing [Catherine] Shaw, June 7, 1754.* Samuel and Mary Shaw 4th, May 5, 1774. Samuel and Lucy King, Nov. 12, 1801. Samuel [int. 2d] and Asenath Shaw, Nov. 29, 1836. Samuell of Brimfield, and Sarah [int. Salley] King, Apr. 26, 1787. Samuell A. and Mary B. White, int. Mar. 22, 1828. Sarah and Robert Brown, Feb. 10, 1757. Sarah and William Fleming, Oct. 27, 1768. Sarah and Ph[i]nehes Miner Jr., July 9, 1778. Seth [int. of Monson] and Letitia Rodgers [int. Lettice Rogers], May 27, 1767. Solomon and Rebeckah N. [dup. omits N.] Foster, Dec. 10, 1795- Sophia and Freeman Munger, May 28, 1832. Stewart [int. Steward] and Mary Shepard, Nov. 15 [1828]. Susanna of Brimfield, and Joseph Worthington, int. Mar. 3, 1798. Tirzah [int. Shaws] of Monson, and Eber Shaw [int. Shaws], Apr. 16, 1821. [Apr. 26, p.r.] William and Hannah Gardner, Dec. 4, 1771. WilUam Jr. and Lydia Ballard, int. Aug. 21, 1773. SHEARER (see Shearrer, Shirar), Betzy [int. Sherer] and John King 2d, Nov. 28, 1799. * Intention not recorded. 176 PALMER MARRIAGES. Shearer, Columbia and Nathan M. Cutler, Sept. 12 [1836]. [Cutter, C.R.] Daniel Esq. and Salley King, int. Apr. 4, 1802, Daniel and Lucy Bliss, Nov. 2, 1840, in Belchertown. David and Cath[erine] King, Apr. 24, 1794. Elizabeth and William Wright, June 12, 1777. Elvira [int. adds A.] and Alonzo V. Blanchard, Oct. 25, 1827. Hannah and Elias Turner, July 4, i8ig. Jane M. and William J. Blanchard, Aug. 23, 183 1. John Jr. and Jenne White, int. Jan. 30, 1774. John Jr. and Cloe Baker, int. May 26, 1806. Jonathan Esq. and Nancey Fay, int. Nov. 26, 181 2. Jonathan Esq., Dr., and Lucy Sessions, int. Jan. 2, 182 1. Lorenzo and Louisa Foskitt, May 8, 1834. Lucy, Mrs., and Col. Amas [int. Amos] Hamilton, Jan. 31, 1832. Marcus M. [int. Esq.] and Julia Ann Maynard, Dec. 26, [i8]37. Maria and Ira Fenton, May g, 1832. Noah and Thersey Mirrick, int. May 8, 1791. Noah and Betsey Heald, int. Feb. 22, 1822. Patrick and Sally Paine, Mar. 14, 1805. Philena of Colerain, and John Baldwin, int. Mar. 17, 1827. Porter and Delia Brigham, May 17, 1836. Purlin of Wilbraham, and Julia A. [int. Juliann] Sedgwick, Mar. 2 [1840]. [Julia Ann Sedgewick, c.r.] Ruby and Nathaniel Roberts Jr., int. June 10, 1820 [dup. Mar. 9, 1823]. [m. May 22, 1823, p.r.] Ruby and Luther Carter, Dec. 5, [i8]37. Sally and Jonathan Bass, [rec. Apr. 30, 18 11] [int. Feb. 17, 181 i]. [int. Mar. 11, p.r.] Sarah, Mrs., and John Gamwell, Dec. 2, 1830. Susan and Samuel King, Jan. 12, 1813. Van R. and Abigail Carpenter, Jan. 16, 1834. W[illia]m and Jerush[a] Peierce, June 30, 1792.* William and Fanny Frost, int. Dec. 14, 1820. SHEARMAN (see Sherman, Shermon, Shurman), Thomas, Capt., of Brimfield, and Mercy Morgan, wid., May 4 [181 5]. SHEARRER (see Shearer, Shirar), Julia Ann [int. Shearer] and Campden [int. Camden] Maynard, Jan. 31, 1838. SHEPARD (see Shepherd), Caroline and Henry D. Rodgers, Jan. 31, 1832. [Rogers, c.r.] Mary of Springfield, and Stewart [int. Steward] Shaw, Nov. 15 [1828]. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 177 Shepard, Otis S. and Mary Rosebrooks, Nov. 29, 1832. [Rosebrook, c.r.] Ransom and Mary A. Goodwin, int. Nov. 18, 1835. William A. of Warren, and Altania Haston, Nov. 26, 1834. [Atlantia Huston, c.r.] SHEPHERD (see Shepard), Delphina of Enfield, and Samuel Green, int. Feb. 5, 1820. Jacob [int. Shepard], widr. [int. omits widr.], 69, s. Jacob and Patience of Sturbridge, and Sally Steward, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], July 16, 1848. James and Jane Sparks, int. Jan. 27, 1775. SHERBRICK (see Sherbrooks), Abigial [int. Abigail Shorbrooks], wid. [int. of Belchertown], and Samuel Fleming [int. Flem- ing], Jan. 26, 1815. SHERBROOKS (see Sherbrick), Susan and Hosea Pease, Dec. 31, 1832. SHERMAN (see Shearman, Shermon, Shurman), Betsey and William Hitchcock, Apr. 20, 1831. Bezalell 2d of Brimfield, and Lucy Ferry, Apr. 20, 1835. Havey [int. Harvey] U. and Louisa Ferre [int. Ferry], May 26, 1829. Olive and Christopher H. Pease, Apr. 16, 1833. Timothy and Sarah Chamberlin, July 3, 1781.* SHERMON (see Shearman, Sherman, Shurman), Roxey [int. Roxana Sherman] and Chester Sumner Kendall, Aug. 26, 1841. SHIRAR (see Shearer, Shearrer), Mary and Josiah Tinney, May 10, 1759.* SHOALS, Louis F., 23, s. Joseph and Mary, and Lucy A. Cal- kins, Oct. II, 1848. SHORT, John [int. "otherwise Mr. John Short Jun' by his last special direction," s. Manasseh] and Lucretie Tourtelott [int. Lucretia Wood, "otherwise Miss Lucretia Tourtilott"], Feb. 20, 1820. [Lucretia Tourtelotte, p.r.] SHUMWAY, Asa and Orinda H. Eaton, int. Dec. 9, 1837. Harrison H. and Mary L. Gates, Mar. 5, 1840, in Belchertown. Harrison H. and Nancy Wellman, int. Apr. 15, 1841. Loren and Harriet Foster, int. Nov. 6, 183 1. * Intention not recorded. 178 PALMER MARRIAGES. Shumway, Lyman R. of Belchertown, and Mary Ann Bezar, int. June 24 [1843]. SHURMAN (see Shearman, Sherman, Shermon), Elam of War- ren, and Martha M. Merritt, int. Jan. i, 1842. SIBLEY, Laura Ann and Henry H. Wooledge, int. June 25, 1841. Sumner and Anna G. Butterfield, int. July 16, 1838. SIKES, Abner and PoUey Averill, int. Sept. 17, 1784. Quartus of Hatfield, and Sophronia [int. Sophrona] Hubbard, Sept. 21, 1836. Triphena S. of Belchertown, and Dwight M. Stebbins, int. Aug. 30, 1838. SILLOWAY, Cynthia and John Collis, Sept. 11, 1843. SIMONS, Mary L., 23, d. John and w., and Peter W. Moore, Dec. II, 1849.* SIZER, Joel of Blanford, and Phebe Cortis, Jan. 3, 1848. SLOAN, William and Mary McMighel, Sept. 25, 1755.* SMITH, Almon of Western, and Chloe Powers, May 11, 1825. Amos and Sally White, int. Mar. 9, 1804. Anna and Thomas Pelton, int. July 29, 1787. Anner and Joel Marsh, Aug. 20, 1784. Asanath [int. Sena] and Clark [int. Clerk] McMaster, June 17, 1818. Asenath and Thomas [int. adds W.] Mason, Nov. 30, 1820. Austin of Buctland [int. Buckland], and Hariot [int. Hariet] Davis, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. June 5 [1843]]. [Harriet, June 21, 1843, C-R-] Betsey Jane [int. adds Mrs [?]] and Edward Moore, July 21, 1831. Betsy [dup. Betsey] and Billy [dup. Billa] Smith, Jan. 27, 1813. Betsy [int. Betsey] and Erasmus Holbrook, Oct. 21, 18 19. Billy [dup. Billa] and Betsy [dup. Betsey] Smith, Jan. 27, 1813. Charles and Arathusa A. Dorman, int. Oct. 9, 1847. Charles H. and Mary A. Murdock, July 3, 1849. Chauncey and Phebe Buxton, int. Sept. 8, 1805. Chauncey and Dosha Lilly, Nov. 21, 18 11. Chauncy and Abigail Mably, int. Oct. 21, 1837. Edmond H. of Springfield, and Lovina Carpenter, Feb. 26, 1835- * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 79 Smith, Elihu and Hannoh Watson, May 12, 1808. Elisha and Mary Learned, int. Sept. 5, 181 2. Eliza W. and Azel Brakenridge, Apr. 14, 1830. Elizabeth and Thomas Patrick, Dec. 24, 1782. Emily and R. T. [int. Russell, omits T.] Gleason, [rec. before May i, 1844] [int. Oct. 14, 1843]. [Russel T. Gleason, Nov. 2, 1843, C.R-] Eveline and Dr. John N. [int. Newman] Hastings, Oct. 5 [1825]. Fanny and Lebias [int. Lebbeus] Chapin, Mar. 17, 1806. Fanny and Lilburn Lapham, Apr. 15, 1834. Freeman and Lilies Dickinson, int. Sept. 5, 1824. Freeman, 28, s. Roswell and Ester, and Caroline A. Burlingame, Feb. 17, 1846. Hannah A. of Monson, and James M. A. Squire, Feb. 10, 1835.* Hannah Watson and Charles Converse, Mar. 3, 1803. Harris, s. Elisha and Hannah, and Charlott Buckland [int. Bucklin], July 3, 1849. Harvey and Annis Hunt, June 29, 183 1. Hiram G., 23, s. WiUiam, and Maryann [int. Mary Ann] Paul, Aug. 3, 1845. Hugh and Agnes Bolton, Nov. 5, 1754.* Hugh and Anna Fuff [int. Fugh], Oct. 24, 1771. James and Sarah Speene, June 10, 1760.* James and Ann Gardner [int. Gardiner], Nov. 15, 1764. James [int. 2d] and Mary Shaw, Sept. 19, 1770. James 3d and Dorothea Walson, int. Mar. 22, 1774. James 2d of S. Brimfield, and Nancy Moulton, int. July 29, 1827. Jesse and Nancy Mason, Oct. 2, 1816. Jesse and Cyntha Cooley, Mar. 24, 183 1. John and Margrett McMarcas, Dec. — , 1739.* John 3d and Lucy Cooley, June 14, 1801. John 2d and Sally Gamwell, int. Jan. i, 1825. John W. and Mary Ann Parks, Sept. 9, 1834. [Parke, c.r.] Joseph and Salley Cooley, int. Nov. — , 1783. Laura of Ludlow, and William Kent Jr., Oct. 22, 1834.* Leander and Roxany Francis, int. Feb. 4, 1844. Loisa M. and Frederick Peas, Nov. 29, 1837. Lucious [int. Lucius], 34, of Belchertown, s. Aza, and Thankful Parsons, Feb. 28, 1846. Lydia and William Buxton Jr., Dec. 25, 1805. Margret 4th and Samuel Blair, May 5, 1774. Margret and Sollomon [dup. Solomon] Bliss, Sept. 20, 1790. Mary and Harlow Wolcott [int. Woolcott], Jan. 26, 1832. * Intention not recorded. l8o PALMER MARRIAGES. Smith, Mary and Abner Fisk, Aug. i6, 1836. Mary and Willis Hall, Oct. 3, 1838. Orrell [int. Orrill] and Moses Mendell Warner, Jan. i, 18 17. Orrin [int. Oren] B., 20, s. Tho[ma]s and Jane, and Roxana Moody, Oct. 3, 1848. Patty of Ludlow, and Joel Wright, June 25, 1818.* [Polly, in Ludlow, P.R.] Polly [dup. Polley] and Joseph Converse, Apr. 16, 1801. Robert Jr. and Hannah Hore, June 27, 1793. Rufus and Issabella [int. Issabel] Watson, June 20, 1811. ' Rufus of Hadley, and Lovina Underwood, Oct. 12, 1836. Sally [int. Salle y] 2d and Chester Hastings, Nov. 21, 1811. Sally 3d and Charles McMaster, Nov. 21, 1811. Sally and Joseph Lee Jr., Apr. 29, 1813. Samuel and Pattey Cooley, Aug. 8, 1802. Samuel D. and Sarah Ferre, Oct. 28, 1835. Sarah and Samuel Patrick, Dec. 24, 1782. Sarah of S. Hadley [int. S. Hadly], and Hugh McMaster [int. Jr.], Oct. 22, 1793. Sarah S., 19, d. Nehimiah and Mary K., and Augustus H. Bishop, Oct. 17, 1849.* Seth W., 27, s. Jona[than] and Abby, and Susan M. Blair, Oct. 24, 1848. Susannah of Holland, and Asa Darling, May 26, 1794 [int. Jan. 29, 1 791, sic]. Suza and Samuel McClanathan Jr., May 31, 1804. Thankful [dup. Thankfull] and John McMaster [dup. McMasters] 3d, Apr. 10, 1792. Willard and Mary Doolittle, int. July 2, 1809. W[illia]m and Eleanor Glassford, June 19, 1755.* William and Prudence Shaw, Nov. 10, 1774. Zilypha and Edward Brown, May 28, 1766.* SNELL, Abegail [int. Abigail] of Ware, and William McClana- than, July 12, 1810. Mary L. of Ware, and Russel Stetson, Apr. — , 1837.* [Russell, Apr. 17 [?], C.R.] R. Eliza, 20, d. Amos and Phebe P., and Amasa D. Lathrop, Oct. 18, 1849.* SNOW, Almira B. of Ware, and Sidney B. Lemon, Dec. i, 1840, [in] Ware.* Daniel of Paxton, and Anna Tinney, Mar. 21, 1787.* * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 151 SORTELL, Augustus W. [int. Sawtell] of Warren, and Orris M. Butterfield, May 25, 1840. SOUL, William [int. Lovel [?]] of Wilbraham, and Mehitable Walton, Sept. i, 1781. SPALDING (see Spaulding), Lyman of Ashford, Conn., and Adelpha [int. Delphia L.] Hitchcock, Apr. 7, 1841. [Adel- phia S., C.R.] SPARKS, Jane and James Shepherd, int. Jan. 27, 1775. SPAULDING (see Spalding), T. Adaline of Amhers[t], and Moses K. Cross, int. Apr. 4, 1842. SPEAR, Ann and Timothy McElwane, Aug. 24, 1738.* Anna and Ebenezer Jones, Apr. 23, 1778. Anna and Jonathan Nutting [int. Nuting] Jr., June 23, 1805. Calvin and Pegey [int. Pegga] McClanathan, Nov. 4, 1802. David and Hannah Shaw, Nov. 2, 1752.* Eunice and EUjah Darhng, int. Apr. 7, 1808. John and Prudence McMasters, Dec. 30, 1788. Luther and Anna Ferrel, Oct. 25, 1792. Miriam and John Allen Mackelwain, int. July 15, 1779. Sally [int. Sarah] and John V. Gardner, Oct. 5, 1813. Thomas and Rachel Ayers, int. Aug. 25, 1817. WiUiam and Elizabeth Ferrel, int. Sept. 2, 1787. William, Lt., and Mrs. Zuby Lilly, int. Jan. 25, 1800. SPEENE, Sarah and James Smith, June 10, 1760.* SPENCER, Esther of Oxford, and John Stone, June 19, 1753.* SPINNEY (see Speene). SQIER (see Squares, Squiers, Squire), John A. and Mahitable C. Weld, int. May 12, 1844. SQUARES (see Sqier, Squiers, Squire), Chloe A. and Henry W. Brown, int. Aug. 18, 1842. SQUIERS (see Sqier, Squares, Squire), Amanda [int. Squier] and William Webster, Nov. 26, 1845. SQUIRE (see Sqier, Squares, Squiers), Daniel [int. David] N. and Susan E. Elsbree, May 20, 1846. Eliza of Monson, and Nathan Blanchard, Jan. 22, 1838.* [Squier, Jan. 23, c.R.] * Intention not recorded. 152 PALMER MARRIAGES. Squire, James M, A. of Monson, and Hannah A. Smith, Feb. lo, 1835.* Mary E., 19, d. John and Chloe, and Milton C. Munger, Jan. 9, 1849. STACY, Issac and Abigail Averill, June i, 1780. STARKS, Henry W. and Jane A. Goff, int. Dec. 13, 1843. STEARNS (see Sterns), Shubael C, 28, s. Aaron and Abegail, and Lucy P. Pond, Mar. 8, 1849. STEBBINS, Dudley, 23, and Sarah L. Gallop, Nov. 27, 1844. Dwight M. and Triphena S. Sikes, int. Aug. 30, 1838. Dwight M. and Sophia Ball, Apr. 15, 1841. Emely and R. Oscar Sessesons, int. Mar. 9, 1843. Fayette [int. Lafaett], 21, s. David [and] Mary, and Sabrina Barrett, Jan. i, 1846. Joel R. and Elizabeth J. Burr, int. Apr. 19, 1847. Joseph W., 23, of Monson, s. Rufus and Phebe, and Lucy A. Pease, Sept. 23, 1849.* Lafaett (see Fayette). Lewis and Emily Peck, Nov. 3 [1847]. Martha of Wilbraham, and Joseph Chapen, int. July 19, 17 71. Mary of Wilbraham, and James Weaver, int. Oct. 29, 182 1. Orson of Wilbraham, and Mrs. Nancy Barnes, int. June 10, 1835- STEELE, Elizabeth S. of Ware, and Lambert Allen, int. Apr. 23, 1825. STERNS (see Stearns), Dorinda of Ware, and Calvin Hitchcock, int. Apr. 11 [1834]. Phebe Ann [int. Stearns], 20, and David H. Cady, Jan. 3, 1849. STETSON, Russel of Plainfield, and Mary L. Snell, Apr. — , 1837.* [Russell, Apr. 17 [?], c.r.] STEVENS, Amelia of Ware, and Asahel Boyden, int. Oct. 18, 1815. Cinda and Aaron Davis, int. Mar. 16, 1801. Martha and Azel Boyden, Nov. 23, 1815.* SaUy [int. Salla] and Pennuel Bacon, Nov. 7, 1799. Samantha [int. Semantha] and William Horr, Apr. 15, 1840. STEVER, Jacob and Mirana Ferrill, Mar. 20 [1838]. [Marana Ferrell, c.r.] * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 83 STEWARD (see Stewart), Sally, wid. [int. omits wid.], 65, and Jacob Shepherd, widr. [int. Shepard, omits widr.], July 16, 1848. STEWART (see Steward), Susan and Albert J. Bacon, Mar. 8, 1848. STICKLIN (see Strickland, Stricklin), Asa and Betsey Pepper, Oct. 7, 1824. STIMPSON (see Stimson), Sophia W. and Ephraim [int. Ephriam] B. Gates, Apr. 14, 1841. Sophronia [int. Stimson] and William A. Bliss, June 14, 1829. STIMSON (see Stimpson), Samantha W. and Pearly Truesdell Jr., int. Apr. 14, 1832. Susan L. and Rice S. Munn, Apr. 21 [1840]. Thomas and Elizabeth , June i, 1780. STOCKING, Henry and Irene D. Cowl, int. Jan. 10, 1839. STONE, Asse [int. Assa] and Leydia [int. Lydia] Nights, Dec. 14, 1770. Caroline of Halifax, Vt., and Jonathan Newell Jr., int. Sept. 23, 1837. Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] of Leicester, and Benjamin Parsons, Oct. 26, 1762. George N. and Elvira M. Fenton, int. Aug. 7, 1849. John and Esther Spencer, June 19, 1753.* STOREY, Abijah of Monson, and Rose Scott, int. Sept. 17, 1808. Betsey of Monson, and James Wicks, Aug. 10, 1813.* [in Mon- son, P.R.] Hannah [dup. Story] of Monson, and John Williams, May 27 [dup. May 12], 181 2.* [in Monson, p.r.] STORRS, Mary Tiffany and Harvey Sedgwick, int. Feb. 17, 1826. STORY (see Storey). STOWELL, Pliny of Wales, and Louisa Fay, May 8, 1834, in Munson.* c.r. STRATTON, Abijah and Almena Lamb, Mar. 12, 1829. Almena, 17, d. Abijah and Almena, and Elam Merrett [int. Merritt], May — [int. May 7], 1847. ♦ Intention not recorded. 184 PALMER MARRIAGES. STREETER, Clarissa C. and Charles Rowan, int. Jan. 5, 1840. ^STRICKLAND (see Sticklin, Stricklin), James and Angeline M. Fay, Dec. 25 [1847]. c.r. Jane D., 46, of Fair Haven, Conn., d. James and Naoman, and John Dadman [int. Dadmun], July 20 [1847]. STRICKLIN (see Sticklin, Strickland), Betsey and James Ly- sander McMcikell [int. McMickell], Mar. 16, 1835. [Mc- Mikel, C.R.] Betsy and Erastus May, Oct. 9, 181 1. Cynthia of Ware, and Silas Headly, int. Apr. 24, 1833. STRONG, Chester and Lucia E. Cook, int. May 2, 1844. [b. Southhampton, s. Aaron and Lurena (Searle), and Lucie E. Cook, m. May 22, g.r.i.] STURTEVANT, Mary of Ware, and Benjamin Howard Jr., int. July 28, 1819. SWEATE (see Sweet), Abigail and Sollomon Wright, int. Dec. 31, 1842. SWEET (see Sweate), Henry H. F., Rev., and Elizabeth Hen- shaw, int. Dec. 29 [1825]. SWEETSER (see Switser). SWIFT, Salley of Ware, and Ebenezer Ball, int. June 11, 1814. SWINGTON (see Swinington), Betsey of Belchertown, and Ralph Green, int. Sept. 17, 1820. SWININGTON (see Swington), Michael and Betsy Baldwin, int. June 25, 1809. Nancy and Tertius Hyde, Jan, 6, 1824. SWITSER, Liberty [int. Swetser], 25, s. Almond and Susan E., and Ruby Nichols [int. Nichals], May 20, 1848. SYKES (see Sikes). TACKLES, Jeremiah (Shachell) and Sarah Whittney, int. Mar. 3» 1769- TAINTOR, Policy of Brimfield, and Judah Ferre Jr., int. Mar. TAYLER (see Taylor), Zerviah, "otherwise called Renay Moores," and Pearley Marsh, int. Sept. — , 1818. /,. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 85 TAYLOR (see Tayler), Aseneth of Granby,and Eli Ferrill, int. Jan. 27 [1827]. Jonathan and Persis S. Belknap, int. Apr. i, 1832. Melinda [int. Mylinda] and Aaron Olds, June 8, 181 7. TENNEY (see Tinney), David and Hariet A. Fuller, int. May S, 1843- Eliphelet of Sudbury, and Susan Maynard, Mar. 31, 1833. TERRY, Ezekiel Jr. and Phebe Canterbury, int. Nov. 6, 1818. THAYER (see Thayre), Abegal [int. Abigal Thayre] and Albert F. Nickolds [int. Nickols], Nov. — , 1846. Alva, 23, and Sophia Henery [dup. and int. Henry], Mar. 28, 1848. Charlotte (Tharia) and Benjamin Dunam, Dec. 5, 1793. Ebenezer T. and Rachel Thayer, Apr. 4, 1840. Emily of Monson, and Charles H. Goff, int. July 8, 1848. Hariot A. and Mer[ri]ck T. Kelley, int. Nov. 12, 1842. Laura F., 18, of Ware, d. Abijah and Sophia, and Horace P. Fairfield, Nov. 13, 1845.* [o^ Ware Village, C.R.] Mary of Monson, and Joel Gibbins, Oct. 4, 1824.* p.r. Ovando and Sarah W. Bemiss, Jan. i, 1838, in Southbridge. Rachel and Ebenezer T. Thayer, Apr. 4, 1840. Rebecca of Monson, and Harvey Wright, Mar. 7, 1816.* [in Monson, p.r.] Sarah of Belchertown, and Fredrick D. Nickolds, int. Jan. 29, 1846. Zachariah M. of Monson, and Saphronia Cadwell, Sept. 4, 1823,* P.R. THAYRE (see Thayer), Sarah P. of Swanzey, N. H., and Leon- ard Hudson, int. Dec. 3, 1844. THOMAS, Elizabeth and Gideon Chapin, July 25, 1765. Sarah O. and Simeon L. Jenks, int. Apr. 12, 1847. THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tomson), Elijah and Hannah Boy- den, Nov. 25, 1824. Martha E., 18, d. Sam[ue]l and Mary, and Horatio W. Whit- man, Dec. 16, 1848. Mary A. of Colerain, and John Clough, int. Mar. 26, 1839. Susan of Monson, and John Allen, int. Jan. i, 1808. THOMSON (see Thompson, Tomson), Asa of Belchertown, and Lois Cook, Sept. 24, 1807. * iDtention not recorded. 1 86 PALMER MARRIAGES. Thomson, Benjamin and Martha Commins, int. Oct. lo, 1767. Betty Bissell and Benjamin Herrington, Apr. 17, 1790. Elizabeth and W[ilHa]m McNitt, May 8, 1755.* Hanery and Rebecca Willson, Mar. 28, 1765 [int. Mar. 2, 1795, sic]. Jean and Soloman Blackmore, Sept. 17, 1754.* John, Capt., and Mrs. Ann Willson, int. Oct. 27, 1764. John Jr. and Betzy Ferrel, int. Oct. 15, 1794. Lucy [int. Luce] and Robert Grover, Aug. 29, 1799. Noah and Rachel Thomson, int. June ^, 1763. Phinehas and Tarzeah White, int. Sept. 15 [dup. Sept. 10], 1797. Rachel of New Brantery, and Noah Thomson, int. June — , 1763. Rebecca and Joshua McMaster [int. 2d], Nov, 20, 1794. Shadrack and Martha Hunter, Sept. 2, 1784. Susanah and Timothy McElwane, Aug. 10, 1750.* William of Belshertown, and Speady Darling, Aug. 21, 1799. THORN, Susan, 20 [int. of SulHvan, Me.], and James White Feb. 3, 1849. THWING (see Twing). TILDEN, W[illia]m and Lucy Hendrick, July 26, 1787. William and Susanah Russel, int. June 6, 181 7. TINKER, Eunice of Springfield, and Cotton M. Cooley, int. Apr. 2, 1834. Polly of B[lanford], and George W. Phiney, Apr. 23, 1839, in Blanford.* TINNEY (see Tenney), Anna and Daniel Snow, Mar. 21, 1787.* James and Sarah Moor, int. June 4, 1789. Josiah and Mary Shirar, May 10, 1759.* Lewis and Calista E. Seymour, int. July 31, 1849. TITCOMB, Silas B. of Leicester [int. of Clappville], and Mary J. G. King, Oct. 7, 1841. TOBY, Silvia of Hardwick, and John Adams, Mar. 23, 1791.* TOLEMAN, Sarah D. of Ware, and Freeman S. Foster, int. Nov. 5, 1842, TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson), Elijah and Amelia Boy- den, int. Sept. 7, 1839. Truman of Belchertown, and Ann Weston, int. Nov. 10, 1833. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 87 TOURTELOTT, Elijah D. and Lucy M. Holden, int. Dec. 30, 1848. Lucretie [int. Lucretia Wood, "otherwise Miss Lucretia Tourti- lott"] and John Short, Feb. 20, 1820. [Lucretia Tourte- lotte, P.R.] TOUSLEY (see Towsley), Samuel (Tousey) and Jerusha [ ?] Darling, int. June — , 1782. TOWNE, Mary Ann [int. Maryann] and Henry Griffin, Dec. 3, 1839. TOWNSEN, Mary F. [int. Townsand], 22, d. John H. (Towns- and) and Lydia, and Ezera Kent, Sept. 2 [1847]. [Mariette Townsend and Ezra Kent, c.r.] TOWSLEY (see Tousley), Necanor and Orrel Cooley, int. July TRIM, Betsy and Alaxander Moore, int. Oct. 10, 1803. Christopher and Harriot Blanchards, int. Nov. 21, 1818. TRUESDELL (see Trusdell), Pearly Jr. of Monson, and Sa- mantha W. Stimson, int. Apr. 14, 1832. TRUMBELL (see Trumbull), Lucindia [int. Lucinda Trumbull of Monson], 50, and Henery Vancor [int. Henry Vanson], Nov. 26, 1846. TRUMBULL (see Trumbell), Aaron of Monson, and Lucinda Hatch, Sept. 15, 1819.* [Trumble, p.r.] Caroline and Elijah Pufifer, Apr. 26, 1840. John 2d of Monson, and Harriot Hatch, Aug. 22, 1816.* [Trum- ble, and Harriet Hatch, in Monson, p.r.] Polly of Monson, and Abel Wright Jr., Sept. 16 [18 19].* [Trum- ble, Sept. II, P.R.] TRUSDELL (see Truesdell), Cyrus of Monson, and Phoebe W. Hastings, int. Apr. 14, 1841. TUCKER, Joanna H., 18, d. Josiah and Martha, and Edward S. Chipman, Aug. 22, 1849. William P., 22, s. William and Eliza of Brimfield, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Hancock, Sept. 14, 1848. TUPPER, Charlott [int. Charlotte], 19, d. Ichabod and w., and Sanford Howard, Oct. 26, 1849. Edwin and Catherine O. Moore, int. July 20, 1836. ♦ Intention not recorded. 1 88 PALMER MARRIAGES. TURNER, Elias of Wilbraham, and Hannah Shearer, July 4, 1819. TWING, Hannah B. of Uxbridge, and George Draper, int. Feb. I, 1839. UNDERWOOD, Lovina and Rufus Smith, Oct. 12, 1836. Lovisa and Thomas Jenks, Dec. 20, [i8]37. UPHAM, Abigail of Brimfield, and Otis McClintock, int. Feb. 18, 1826. Maria T. of Sturbridge, and Henry J. Lyman, int. Dec. 18, 1841. Martha and Abner Gilbert, Oct. 15 [1828], Mary and Enoch Shaw, Nov. 22, 1821. Mary, 22, and Royal BuflSngton Jr., Apr. 17, 1849. ' William and Rebecca Deveraux, int. Apr. i, 1842. VANCOR, Henery [int. Henry Vanson], 51, s. of Vt., and Lucindia Trumbell [int. Lucinda Trumbull], Nov. 26, 1846. VANSON (see Van cor). VINCE, Polley of Belchertown, and Daniel Poole, int. Oct. 25J 1803. VINTON, Minerva M. of Ware, and Josiah Gates, int. Sept. 16, 1848. WADE (see Waid), Jonathan of Ludlow, and Gyrene Allen, Dec. 13, 1827.* Rhobia [int. Rhobie] M. and Cheney Lathe, Dec. 17, [18)37. WADSWORTH (see Wordsworth), Ebenezer and Jamima Withington, Feb. 7, 1793. WAGE, Mary [int. of Brimfield] and Benjamin Bishop, Mar. 25, 1773- Sarah and Seth Bishup, July 6, 1775. WAID (see Wade), George of Ludlow, and Mary Brewer, Aug. 15, 1822.* Isabell of Ludlow, and Abel Wright, Nov. 7, 1823.* p.r. WALBRIDGE, Priscilla of Wilbraham, and James Colton, Dec. 19, 1826.* P.R. WALCOTT (see Wolcott, Woolcott). * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 189 WALKER, Adeline V., 22, d. Veruna, wid., and John E. Crane, Nov. 17, 1844. Benj[aniin] A, of Monson, and Pricilla Ellis, May 28, 1840, [in] Monson.* [Priscilla, c.R.] C. [int. Charlotte] H. and Daniel Converse, Feb. 3, 1842. Emily I., 18, d. Phila, and Artemas [int. Artemus] Culver, Sept. 30, 1849. Francis and Adeline [int. Adaline] Kelly, Jan. i, 1839. Hellen J. and Lyman A. Elsbree, int. Sept. 9, 1848. Horace of Belchertown, and Chloe Jenck, int. Aug. 11, 1842. John K., 23, s. Benj[amin] A. and Mary, and Elizabeth E. Lynds, Aug. 21, 1849. Lucyntha T. [int. Lucynthia J.] and Ruben R. [int. Reuben M.] Hudson, Nov. 19, 1845. Mary and Gideon Abbott, Dec. 28, 1790. Rebecca, 25, d. Benj[amin] A., and Daniel H. Lynds, July 17, 1849. Solomon Jr. (see Sylvanus Jr.). Sylvanus Jr. [int. Silvenos, omits Jr.] (Walkee) and Sarah Appel- ton [int. Applin], Apr. 12, 1783. Sylvanus [int. Solomon] Jr. and Lucinthy [int. Timothy [sic]] Jewett, Aug. 16, 1795. Sylvanus [int. Silvenas Jr.] and Hannah Keess [int. Kees], Dec. 15, 1796. WALL, Francis of Barre, and Abigail D. Lindsley [int. Abigail Lendsley], Jan. 30, 183 1. WALLIS, Dickinson and Alvina Jenkins, [rec. May — , 1846].* WALSH, Luke and Cloey Penney, Dec. 24, 1771. WALSON, Dorothea of Leicester, and James Smith 3d, int. Mar. 22, 1774. WALTON, Abraham and Neomy Clark, int. Sept. 18, 1780. Mehitable and William Soul [int. Lovel [?]], Sept. i, 1781. WARD, Asa and Dosha McChester, Nov. 20, 1794. Aseneth and Haskell Cummings, int. Feb. 25, 1826. Barsheba and Gardner Shaw, int. Oct. 10, 1813. Bethsheba [int. Bathsheba] and Daney [int. Dana] Durant, Oct. 8, 1801. Calvin and Nabby Morse, int. Apr. 6, 1806. * Intention not recorded. 190 PALMER MARRIAGES. Ward, Calvin [int. 2d] of Enfield, and Mary Brakneridge [int. Mary T. Breckenridge], Mar. 27, 1828. Eliza [int. adds Graves] and Leonard DaWs, June 29, 1820. Elizabeth and Joseph McNall, Dec. 3, 1761. James W. [int. Woodward] of Springfield, and Sarah Mooers [int. Moores], June 6 [1837]. [Woodward, and Sarah Moors, C.R.] John and Charlotte Cooley, Sept. 27 [1837]. John and Mrs. Lucina Merrick, int. Mar. 11, 1849. Nabbe and John Durant Jr., Feb. 18, 1796. Nathaniel of Brimfield, and Polly Fleming, Jan. 2, 1814. Obed M. of Monson, and Sarah Davis, Apr. 16, 1827. Obediah and Mary Clark, Sept. 23, 1762. Rebecca [int. Rebeckcah] and Noah Ferree [int. Ferry], Apr. — , 1816. Ruben and Rebekah Wood, May 28, 1789. Urigah [int. Urijah] and Prudence Wright [int. Clark], Nov. 28, 1764. WARE, Joseph K., Rev., and Clarina Leavitt, int. Apr. 12, 1828. WARNER, Leanthia M. of Ware, and John Shaw, int. Dec. 11, 1847. Moses Mendell of Hardwick, and Orrell [int. Orrill] Smith, Jan. I, 1817. Noah, Lt., and Grace Gregory, June 12, 1777. Solomon and Mary Moor, June 19, 1777. Tirzah A. of Ware, and Edwin Fenton, int. Dec. 19, 1846. WARREN, Erastus of Ashford, Conn., and Lucy Hastings, Nov. 30, 1826. Isaac and Polly Brakenridge [int. Molly Breckenridge], Oct. 18, 1797. James A. of Hoosick, N. Y., and Harriet Merrick [int. Merick], Dec. 14 [1842]. [James A. of Hoosic, N. Y., c.R.] WARRINER, Lydia of Monson, and Joseph Palmer, Mar. 2, 1820.* Nabba [dup. Nabbe Warener, int. Nabby] and David Hyde Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Apr. 6 [dup. Apr. 9], 1801. Nathan Jr. of Monson, and Abigail Cleavland, May 21, 1815.* [Abigail S. Cleveland, in Monson, p.r.] Ruth and Dr. David Bacon, int. Nov. 24, 1802. Theodara and John Butler, Nov. 19, 1815.* [Theodora, in Mon- son, P.R.] * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. I9I Warriner, William of Brimfield, and Lois Morgin, Oct. 10, 1776.* WASHBURN, Abial [int. Abiel] and Polly Webber, July 24, 1825. Fisher A., 19, of Belchertown, s. Elisha and Lucinda, and Laura Greene, Nov. 7, 1849.* Ira and Tirzah M. Records, int. Dec. 13, 1840. Jason and Julia A. Keith, Oct. 18, 1837. Jennette P. of Barre, and Hiram Converse, int. Sept. 9, 1848. Lucius of Stafford, Conn., and E. [int. Eliza] A. Billings, Sept. 7 [1842]. Theodore L. and Clarrissa Drury, int. Apr. 7, 1835. WATKINS, David of Deerfield, and PoUey Whitney, Aug. 4, 1789. Emeline and William Orcutt, Oct. 4, 1830. WATROUS, Sarah M. and Abel H. Calkins, int. May 17, 1844. WATSON, Betsy and Martin Bardwell Jr., Mar. 13, 181 1. Chloe of Leciaster [int. Lecister], and Obadaih [int. Obediah] Brakenridge, Nov. 3, 1802, in Leicster. Dolley [dup. and int. Doll}'] and Joshua Hamilton, Apr. 26, 1801. Hannah and Elihu Smith, May 12, 1808. Issobella [int. Issabel] and Rufus Smith, June 20, 181 1. John and Sarah King, int. Mar. 10, 1798. John and Mary Hawes [int. Haws], Sept. 3, 1834. Lydia and Joel Barber, Nov. 15, 1814. Molly and David Boies, Feb. 23, 1790. Patrick [int. Willson] and Isbel Blair [int. Esibel Blare], June 23, 1768. Sally and Dr. David Dickcosson [Dickinson], Feb. 23, 1796. William of Leicester, and Mary Quinton, Feb. 22, 1774. WAYKET, Sam[uel] and Jind Ellet, Mar. 20, 1796. WAYS, Hannah and Jim WiUiams, "Transiont Persons" [negroes], int. Dec. 27, 1798. WEAVER, James and Mary Stebbins, int. Oct. 29, 182 1. Prisca [int. Prischa] and Daniel Hamilton, June 8, 181 7. WEBBER, Abel and Lucinda Carpenter, int. Feb. 26, 1842. Ann and Eden Davis, int. Sept. 30, 1826. Ebenezer, Col., of Worthington, and Mrs. Rebecca Brackenridge, Mar. 15, 1792. * Intention not recorded. 192 PALMER MARRIAGES. Webber, Eliza Ann of Brimfield, and Joseph Converse 2d, int. July 22, 1835. Joel and Harriet [int. Harriot] Pease, Oct. 23 [1828]. Jonathan and Sally Sedgwick, int. Oct. 12, 1822. Mahna of Wales, and Ralph Clough, int. Feb. 7, 1835. Peter of Brimfield, and Ruth Darling, Feb. 3, 1794. Polly and Abial [int. Abiel] Washburn, July 24, 1825. Solomon and Susan Blair, int. Mar. 15, 1829. WEBSTER, Parker W. and Mary B. Josslyn, May — [int. May i], 1847. WiUiam and Amanda J. Squiers [int. Squier], Nov. 26, 1845. WEDSTOVER, Theophilus [Wedstover] and Hannah Lamber- ton, int. Jan. 2, 1779. WELCH, Elizabeth of Brimfield, and Asa Branard, int. Mar. 27, 1793- WELD, Isaac and Elizabeth Ferrel, int. Jan. 11, 1781. Mahitable C. of Holland, and John A.,Sqier, int. May 12, 1844. WELLMAN (see Welman), Caroline E. and Bradford Powell, int. Aug. 15, 1846. Nancy and Harrison H. Shumway, int. Apr. 15, 1841. Sophia, 26, d. Preston and Phebe, and Evander K. Ruggles, Nov. 21, 1848. WELMAN (see Wellman), John B. [int. John R. Wellman] and Mary M. Baldwin, Sept. 27, 1843. WEST, Richard, 27, s. Richard and Ehzabeth, and Lydia Ent- wistle, Oct. 7, 1848. WESTERN (see Weston), Mariah of Belchertown, and Jona- than M. Gilmore, int. Apr. i, 1842. WESTON (see Western), Ann and Truman Tomson, int. Nov. 10, 1833. WESTOVER (see Wedstover). WHARTER, Salla and Joshua [int. John] Hamilton [int. 2d], Nov. 27, 1794. WHEELOCK, Jo[h]n Ohver and Betsy Rice, int. Jan. 3, 1813. Oliver and Jerusha Rice, Feb. 17, 1814.* Susannah of Leverrett, and Robert McMichel Jr., int. Feb. i, 1806. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 93 WHIGHT (see White), Lucey [int. Lucy White] and James Shaw, [rec. after Nov. 28, 1799] [int. Oct. 12, 1799]. WHIPPLE, Adolphus P., S3, of Southboro, s. Eligah D. and Polly, and Mary Hastings, May 30, 1848. Ebinezer [int. Ebeneser] W. of Springfield, and Nancy [int. Naocy] Graves, Mar. 23, 1819. WHITAKER, Almon and Diana Hale, Apr. 15, 184 1. WHITCOMB, Maria of Swansey, N. H., and Solomon R. Law- rence, int. Jan. 2, 1846. WHITE (see Whight), Andrew J., Dr. [int. omits Dr.], 24, s. Geo[rge] S. and Mary W., and H. [int. omits H.] Maria Brown, Aug. 30, 1848. Floranna and Saul Job [negroes], int. Nov. i, 1798. James, 20, s. Horatio and Anna Blair, and Susan Thorn, Feb. 3, 1849. Jenne of Lancaster, and John Shearer Jr., int. Jan. 30, 1774. Jonas and Sarah Maria Graigrys, int. Dec. 27, 18 18. Marcia Ann of Ware, and Thomas B. Nutting, Oct. 18, 1838.* [in Ware, c.R.] Marshall W., 20, of Bristol, N. H., s. Warren and Abby, and Elizabeth R. McCurdy, Sept. 29, 1849.* Martha A., 17, of Belchertown, d. Jefferson, and George Capan, Dec. 31, 1849.* Mary B. of Ware, and Samuel A. Shaw, int. Mar. 22, 1828. Mary J. and Edward D. Berk, int. Apr. 24, 1845. Mary S. and Edwin Barker, May 11, 1845.* Phebe [int. Pheebe] and Rozel [int. Rozell] Hastings [int. Jr.], Dec. 31, 1816. Sally of Spencer, and Amos Smith, int. Mar. 9, 1804. Tarzeah of Hadley, and Phinehas Thomson, int. Sept. 15 [dup. Sept. 10], 1797. WHITING, Betsey and Benjamin H. Roper, May 12, 1844. Julia D. (see Julia D. Whitney). Mary A. and Francis H. Brown, int. Jan. 24, 1842. WHITMAN, Elizabeth of Belchertown, and William Mason Jr., int. Sept. 27, 1822. Horatio W., 19, s. Marcus and Betsey, and Martha E. Thompson, Dec. 16, 1848. Lydia of Belchertoun, and Amos L. Mason, int. Oct. 11, 1837. * Intention not recorded. 194 PALMER MARRIAGES. WHITNEY (see Whittne, Whittney), Ebenezer and Eleanor Bliss, int. Aug. 12, 1787. Elizebeth, 28, d. M. and Sally Bruse, and Ebenezer [int. Ebinezer] B. Hanks, Jan. 19, 1845. Jonathan of Cozenova [int. of Cazanova, N. Y.], and Hannah Sedgwick, Jan. 25, 1816. Julia D. [int. Whiting] and Ashbel Frost, Nov. 27, 1845. PoUey and David Watkins, Aug. 4, 1789. W[illia]m C. and Elizabeth C. [int. omits C] Bruce, May 12, 1840. WHITTNE (see Whitney, Whittney), Susanna and John Love, Mar. 3, 1768. WHITTNEY (see Whitney, Whittne), Sarah and Jeremiah Shachell [Tackles], int. Mar. 3, 1769. WICKS, James [of] Farmington, and Betsey Storey, Aug. 10, 1813.* [in Monson, p.r.] WIGHT, Ephrem (see Ephraim Wright). George and Hannah Ferre, int. Apr. 14, 18 10. WILDER, Abel and Persis B. Fisk, May 11, 1848.* Damerus of Ware, and Robert Ferrel, int. May i, 1803. WILLIAM (see Williams), Abiel, Rev. [int. Williams], of Dudley, and Salley [int. Mrs. Salla] Cargill, Apr. 14, 1802. WILLIAMS (see WiUiam), James and MoUy Hitchcock, int. Nov. — , 1783. Jim and Hannah Ways, "Transiont Persons" [negroes], int. Dec. 27, 1798. John and Jane Bruce, Feb. 27, 1764. John and Hannah Storey [dup. Story], May 27 [dup. May 12], 181 2.* [in Monson, p.r.] Matilda and Henry Canterbury, Jan. 21, 1846. WILLSON (see Wilson), Ann, Mrs., of Springfield, and Capt. John Thomson, int. Oct. 27, 1764. Eliza Ann P. of Belchertown, and George H. Ball, int. Jime 27, 1842. Hannah and John Man, Mar. 28, 1765. Patrick (see Patrick Watson). Rebecca and Hanery Thomson, Mar. 28, 1765 [int. Mar. 2, 1795, sic]. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MAILRIAGES. 1 95 WILSON (see Willson), Caroline N. of Colerain, and Wilson Brainard, int. Jan. 22, 1842. Mary and Edmond Capen, Apr. 5, 1764. Sarah and Thomas Quinton, July 4, 1771. Sarah and Timothy Branerd, int. Feb. — , 1783. Thomas, Rev., and Sarah E. Haskell, int. Sept. 4, 1848, WING, Sarah M. of Springfield, and Nathan A. Crane, int. June 27, 1842. WINSLOW, Alden S. and Bethiah Kentfield, int. Aug. 5, 1837. WINTER, Hariot of Brimfield, and Sylvester N. Bowen, int. Apr. 3, 1845. WITHINGTON, Jamima and Ebenezer Wadsworth, Feb. 7, 1793- WITT, Austin, 22, s. Josiah [and] Wealthy, and Emeline Con- verse, Oct. 10, 1844. Emily and Abraham Knowlton, int. Aug. 22, 1844. WOLCOTT (see Woolcott), Harlow [int. Woolcott] and Mary Smith, Jan. 26, 1832. WOOD, Charity and Simeon Graves, int. Nov. 15, 1765. Elizabeth F., 23, of Monson, d. Francis, and Hiram M. French, June 3, 1849.* Elmira M., 19, d. Loren and Flava, and Arnold Bumsted, Aug. 6, 1846.* George and Damaris Gilbert [int. Gilard], Oct. 21, 1790. Hiram and Mary Wright, int. Jan. — , 1782. Lucretia (see Lucretie Tourtelott). Lucy and Jonathan Olds, May 30, 1805. Mary and Moses Barns, June 22, 1769. Patience G. of Hardwick, and Alfred William Coffin, int. Oct. 22, 1831. Rebekah and Ruben Ward, May 28, 1789. Sabra of S. Wilbraham, and Clark Shaw, int. Mar. 27, 1830 Thomas and Hannah Bacon, int. June 12, 1779. WilUam of Brimfield, and Hannah Fhming, Sept. 24, 1772. WOODARD (see Woodward), Dinah and Tharp [? Sharp] Graves, negroes, "transhant persons," int. Oct. 24, 1789. "These to persons were posted up as residents of Palmer, by a false Represntation of theirs so that they could not have the * Intention not recorded. 196 PALMER MARRIAGES. benifit of a certificate, and the publication is of no affect and void." WOODBRIDGE, Abegal and William Palter, Mar. 7, 1792. Mary of Stockbridge, and Aaron Graves, int. Dec. 7, 1769. WOODMAN, Betsey of Springfield, and Whiting Graves, int. Mar. 8, 1835. Charles of Springfield, and Hannah King, May 5, 1835. WOODWARD (see Woodard), Harrison [int. Woodard], 20, of Leverett, s. Lorenzo D. and Sally, and Roxanty [int. Rox- any] Prouty, Feb. 21, 1848. James W. (see James W. Ward). Sabra and Russell Rich, int. May 8, 1845. WOOD WORTH, Peleg and Abegil Elwell, Dec. 6, 1770. WOOLCOTT (see Wolcott), Olive and Charles Allen, int. Aug. 3, 1840. Solomon A. and Ann Grimshaw, int. Oct. 26, 1839. WOOLEDGE, Henry H. and Laura Ann Sibley, int. June 25, 1841. WORDSWORTH (see Wadsworth), Sally [int. Wardsworth] and Ira E. Anderson, Apr. 19, 1840. WORTHINGTON, Daniel [int. of Hadley] and Margrit Parsons, May 7, 1772. Joseph and Susanna Shaw, int. Mar. 3, 1798. WRIGHT, Abel Jr. of Ludlow, and Polly Trumbull, Sept. 16 [1819].* [Trumble, Sept. 11, p.r.] Abel of Ludlow, and Isabell Waid, Nov. 7, 1823.* p.r. Abigail S. of Spencer, and Samuel C. Marsh, int. June 6, 1846. Ephraim [int. Ephrem Wight] of Wilbraham, and Patience Cleavland [int. Cleaveland], Dec. i, 1774. Harvey of Ludlow, and Rebecca Thayer, Mar. 7, 1816.* [in Monson, p.r.] Joel of Ludlow, and Patty Smith, June 25, 1818.* [Polly, in Ludlow, P.R.] Maria, 18, d. John and Eunice, and William Nevens, June 10, 1848. Mary and Hiram Wood, int. Jan. — , 1782. Prudence [int. Clark] of Brimfield, and Urigah [int. Urijah] Ward, Nov. 28, 1764. * Intention not recorded. PALMER MARRIAGES. 1 97 Wright, Sollomon of Ludlow, and Abigail Sweate, int. Dec. 31, 1842. William and Elizabeth Shearer, June 12, 1777. William H. and Eliza L. Curtiss, int. Dec. 12, 1848. YOUNG, Andrew and Margret Brown, Mar. 14, 1775. Elizabeth of Brimfield, and Robart McMaster, int. May 25, 1765- YOUNGLOVE, Abner and Polly Rogers, Jan. 23, 1806.* UNIDENTIFIED. -, Elizabeth and Thomas Stimson, June i, 1780. -, Elizabeth and David Fleming, int. Aug. i, 1785. -, Mary and George Brakenridge, Nov. 16, 1758.* -, , Mrs., and Rev. Moses Baldwin, int. * Intention not recorded. PALMER DEATHS. PALMER DEATHS, To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOT (see Abbott), Mary [dup. Abot], d. James, Aug. 4, 1804. ABBOTT (see Abbot), Gideon, Sept. 8, 1801, a. 38. g.r.i. Mary, wid., Oct. 23, 1846, a. 80. c.r. ALDRICH, Lucius Manelius, s. Nicholas and Betsey, Oct. 24, 1802, a. 18 m. 16 d. G.R.2. ALLEN, Abner, Capt., Oct. i, 1843, ^- 75- c.r. [a. 76, G.R.2.] Baxter, s. Capt. Abner and Philadelphia, "Killed by the fall of a tree," Oct. 17, 1817, a. 14. g.r.2. Eleanor, . Mary J., d. Abner and Mary J., measeles. Mar. 10, 1849, ^- 9 Y- 7 m. 8 d. [Mar. 9, g.r.i.] Mary M. (see Allen). Philadelphia, w. Abner, Mar. 16, 1841. [a. 69, C.R.] [w. Capt. Abner, G.R.2.] , d. Abner, drowned in a tub of water, [Oct.] 13, 1834, a. 15 m. C.R. [Mary M., d. Abner and Mary, Nov. 13, G.R.I.] AMSDEN, Thomas, s. John and Lydia of Deerfield, Feb 29 [sic], 1765, a. 17. G.R.I. APPLIN, Ebenezer, s. John and Rebecca, Jan. 20, 1737-8. Edward, s. John and Rebecca, Jan. 3, 1737-8. Jeremiah, Feb. 13, 1766, in 67th y. John Jr., s. John and Rebecca, Jan. 25, 1737-8. , d. Thomas and Mabel, Oct. 29, 1759. ASPDEN, Joseph, b. England, s. John and Margaret, dysen- tary, Oct. 17, 1849, a. 5 m. ATWOOD, Louisa, w. W[illia]m, puerperile fever, Apr. 2, 1834, a. 24. C.R. 202 PALMER DEATHS. BACKUS, Sarah Lord, eldest d. Rev. Sam[u]el, Nov. 3, 1838, in Canterbury, Conn. c.r. BAILEY, EUouisa E., d. John S. and Betsey S., dropsy on the brain, Mar. 12, 1849, a. i y. 9 m. BAINES, Clarissa Ann, d. Moses, hydrouphoby, [Mar.] — , 1832, a. 3. C.R. BALDWIN, Betsey, wid. William, Jan. 29, 1814, a. 39. g.r.2. Daniel, s. Rev. Moses and Becca, " member of the senior class at Dartmouth," consumption, June 3, 1791, a. 20 y. 6 m. g.r.2. Ezra Lee, Dr., s. Rev. Moses and Becca, consumption, Jan. 2, 1797, a. 23. G.R.2. Moses, Rev., Nov. 2, 18 13. [[h. Rebecca] a. 81, g.r.2.] Moses, "blind," Sept. — , 1846, a. 59. c.r. Moses Dickenson (see Baldwin). Rebecca, wid., Apr. 14, 1842, a. 97. c.r. [wid. Moses, g.r.2.] Rebecca L. (see Baldwin). William, Oct. 16, 1806. [in 31st y., g.r.2.] , inf. Billee, Feb. 4, 1805. [Moses Dickenson, s. William and Betsey, Feb. 5, a. 6 d., g.r.2.] -, ch. Capt. John, May — , 1807. [Rebecca L., d. Capt. John and Peggy, May 21, a. 2 y. 6 m., g.r.2.] BARBER, John A., s. John A. and Sarah E., Jan. 27, 1842, a. 6 m. G.R.2. Lydia, wid., [Feb.] 10, 1835, a. 51. c.r. [wid. Joel, Feb. 11, a. 50, G.R.2.] , inf. , Thorndike, Aug. 28, 1842. c.r. BARKER, Lydia, w. Nathan, old age, Dec. 2, 1849, ^- ^^• Nathan, b. Montville, old age, Oct. 10, 1849, ^- ^7' BARTLETT, , ch. , Oct. — , 1834, at Three Rivers. C.R. BARTON, , ch. , June 16, 1832. c.r. , Mrs., Aug. — , 1838, a. 58. c.r. BASS, Ethan [h. Sophia (White)], Mar. 22, 1843, ^- 44- g.r.2. Harriet Augusta, d. Ethan and Sophia (White), Aug. 9, 1847, ^' 9. G.R.2. Jonathan, Dr., Nov. 7, 18 12. , ch. Dr. Jonathan, Oct. 8, 181 1. , s. Ethan and Sophia (White), Nov. 8, 183 1, a. 10 d. G.R.2. PALMER DEATHS. 203 BATES, Asa, Mr., Feb. 19, 18 10. , inf. John, , 1803. [Betsey, d. John and Sarah, June 9, a. 9 m., G.R.2.] BEALES, M. E., Mrs., inflamatory fever, Aug. 21, 1843, ^- 54- C.R. [Mary C. Beals, w. WiUiam, g.r.i.] William, May 14, 1843, ^- 55- c.R. [Beals [h. Mary C], May II, G.R.I.] BEMENT, Cornelia E., consumption [and] fever. May 26, 1844, a. 16. C.R. BIGELOW, Aaron Sylvester, s. J. R. and E. P., Nov. 26, 1842, a. 2. G.R.I. Charles Eugene, s. J. R. and E. P., Mar. 5, 1848, a. 3 y. 7 m. G.R.I. BILLINGS, John H. (see Billings). Lydia, wid., Oct. — , 1846, a. 73. c.r. [Mrs. Lydia, Oct. 5, G.R.I.] , inf. , Depot, Sept. i, 1842. c.r. [John H., s. A. C. and Mary, a. 6 m., g.r.i.] BLACK, Oliver "old," May — , 1833. c.r. BLACKMER (see Blacknar, Blackomore), Lemuel, Aug. 10, 1799, in 73d y. G.R.2. BLACKNAR (see Blackmer, Blackomore), Thomas, [Mar.] — , 1834, a. 75. C.R. BLACKOMORE (see Blackmer, Blacknar), Margaret, wid., Jan. 19, 1808. [Blackmer, wid. Lemuel, in 83d y., G.R.2.] BLACKWOOD, Mary of Ireland, "mother to Mary Shaw wife to David Shaw," Jan. 18, 1755, in 99th y. BLANCHARD, Abiather, b. Oxford, consumption, July 7, 1848. [Ablathae, July 8, a. 53, g.r.i.] Dolly, b. Shrewsbury, w. John D., consumption, [rec. between Mar. 12 and May 4, 1849], a. 28. [Dolly M., Mar. 15, 1849, a. 30.] Jane, d. W[illia]m and Jane, [Jan.] 29, 1840, a. 6. c.r. [Jane Brewer, d. WiUiam J. and Jane M., g.r.i.] John, s. W[illia]m and Jane, crushed by a cart wheel, Sept. 10, 1845, a. 3 y. 6 m. C.R. [s. William J. and Jane M., g.r.i.] Laura S., d. Franklin and Sarah, consumption, July 12, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. 204 PALMER DEATHS. Blanchard, William J., b. Milbury, s. John B. and Silence, cancer in the throat, Nov. 15, 1848, a. 40 y. 11 m. BLISS, G., Mr., Apr, 11, 1847, ^- 81. c.r. BLODGET (see Blodgett), Zerviah, Mrs., May i, 1S45, a.. 70. C.R. , inf. s. Abner and Zerviah, Dec. 13, 1803. g.r.i. , Mrs., Jan. — , 1837, at Thre R[ivers]. c.r. BLODGETT (see Blodget), Seneca, Dec. 6, 1815, in 33d y. G.R.2. BOND, , s. E. Esq., Oct. — , 1836, a. 3. c.r. BOWKER, Ishmael, [May] 31, 1838, a. 76. c.r. BOWLES, Mary, b. Hartford, Conn., w. John, consumption, Jvily 14, 1848, a. 58. [Mary G., July 13, g.r.i.] BOWN (see Brown), Ruth [? Brown], b. Cumberland, [d. or w.] Smith Brown, consumption, Nov. 18, 1849, ^- 5^ 7- 6 m. 5 d. BOYDEN, Ezekiel, Ens., Nov. 29, 1820, a. 51. g.r.2. BRADFORD, Joseph H., June 18, 1822, a. 16. g.r.2. BRAINERD, Lucy, d. Timothy and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1797, in 6th y. G.R.2. Mary, Aug. 8, 1818, a. 20. g.r.i. Mindwell, d. Timothy B., May i, 1835, a. 33. c.r. [a. 34, G.R.I.] Phebe, d. Timothy and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1786. g.r.2. Sarah, wid., dropsy, disease of the heart, Mar. 19, 1839, a. 73. C.R. [w. Timothy, g.r.i.] Timothy, [Sept.] 29, 1834, "Mr. B. was related to David Brain- erd the missionary to the Indians. He left Eight children — - Three of them married — and a widow." c.r. [a. 89, G.R.I.] BRAKENRIDGE (see Breckenridge), Cloe, w. Obadiah, Jan. 5, 1808. Daniel, s. George and Mary, Apr. 9, 1775. [Breckenridge, Apr. 10, a. 2 d., G.R.2.] James [h. Sarah], Apr. 5, 1767, in 72d y. g.r.2. Mary, d. George and Mary, Oct. 17, 1769. Obadiah, Jan. 27, 1809. Sarah, w. James, Nov. 17, 1773, in 79th y. g.r.2. I I PALMER DEATHS. 20$ BRECKENRIDGE (see Brakenridge), Anna, Sept. 2, 1816, a. 55. G.R.2. Francis [dup. adds Sergt.] [h. Margaret] [dup. adds soldier of the Revolution], Jan. 30, 1790, in 63d y. [dup. a. 63] g.r.2. Louise, Sept. 22, 1823, a. 20. g.r.2. Margaret, w. Francis, Sept. 9, 1787, in 56th y. g.r.2. BREWER, Cha[rle]s, s. Cha[rle]s [Mar. 29], 1840, a. 5. c.r. Mary, d. Cha[rle]s, [Mar.] 31, 1840, a. 3. c.r. BRIDGEMAN (see Bridgman), James, s. Erastus and Lucinda, consumption, Nov. 25, 1849, ^- 4- [Bridgman, Nov. 23, G.R.I.] BRIDGES, Luther, July 12, 1830, a. 48. g.r.2. BRIDGMAN (see Bridgeman), Adelade (see Bridgman). Almeda A., b. Amherst, d. Erastus and Lucinda, consumption, May 9, 1849, ^' ^6- [^- i5> g.r.i.] Everett, Feb. 10, 1849, ^- ^4- G-R-i- , scarlet fever, June 10, 1843, ^- 2. c.r. [Adelade, Jan. ID, a. 19 m., G.R.I.] BRIGHAM, Everett, b. Amherst, s. Erastus and Lucinda, con- sumption, Feb. 12, 1849, ^- ^4- BROWN (see Bown), Elener, w. Robert, d. Elder Thomas Mack Clanathan, May 6, 1755. Eli, "an Idiot," Nov. — , 1838. c.r. Henry A., only s. Henry W. and Arodyne C, Sept. 10, 1847, ^^ 18 m. 3 d. G.R.I. Matthew, Apr. 30, 1766, a. 80. g.r.2. Samuel Johnson, s. WiUiam and Margaret, Oct. 5, 1758, in 9th y. G.R.2. Sarah, wid., Aug. 20, 181 2. Seth, July 23, 1843, ^- ^i. C.R. Thomas, Nov. 3, 1756. Thomas, s. William and Margaret, Nov. 24, 1767, in 8th y. G.R.2. William, Feb. 26, 1783, in 62d y. g.r.2. , ch. Luther, Feb. 2, 18 13. , Mrs., [Sept.] 27, 1838, at Three Rivers, c.r. , Dec. 6, 1844, a. i, at the Depot, c.r. BUGBEE, James, s. Rufus, [Aug.] 30, 1834, a. 5. c.r. [James Henry, s. Rufus Jr. and Lory, Aug. 29, a. 4 y. 10 m. g.r.2.] 2o6 PALMER DEATHS. BuGBEE, Lory Eleanor, d. Rufus Jr. and Lory, Oct. ii, 1822, a. 3 y. 4 m. g.r.2. Mary B., w. Charles, Mar. 6, 1841, a. 57. g.r.i. Rachel, w. Rufus, Nov. 26, 1826, a. 73. g.r.2. Rufus [h. Rachel], Jan. 16, 1832, a. 84. g.r.2. Rufus, [Jan.] — , 1834, a. 84. c.R. BURLEY, Julia A., d. Benjamin A. and Hannah S., fever, Dec. 29, 1849, ^- 7 y. 6 m. [Burleigh, Dec. 28, 1848, a. 7, g.r.i.] BURLINGAME, , ch. , [Dec] — , 1839, in Thorn- dike. c.R. BURNET, Charles W. (see Burnet). Geo[rge] M., s. Philetus W., Sept. 5, 1839. c.R. [Burnett, s. Philelus W. and Abigail, a. 5 m. 2 d., G.R.2.] , s. P. W., June 2, 1840, a. 3. c.R. [Charles W. Burnett, s. Philelus W. and Abigail, g.r.2.] BURNHAM (see Burnim), Asa, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1849, ^- 72- BURNIM (see Burnham), James, Apr. 14, 1803. BUSS, Zephemah, s. John and Eunice of Lunbury, Dec. 5, 1759, in i8th y. g.r.i. BUTTERFIELD, Azro [?] M., [May] 30, 1838. c.R. Louisa, Jan. i, 1841. c.R. Lucy, d. Agro M., consumption, Aug. 14, 1849, ^- i°- CALKINS, Abel, b. Wilbraham, heart disease, Dec. 24, 1849, a. 59. CARGEL (see Cargill), Benjamin, Capt. [h. Nancy], Jdy 26, 1813, a. 75. G.R.2. CARGILL (see Cargel), Charles, June 28, 1808. , Mrs., Dec. 25, 1803. [Nancy, w. Capt, Benjamin, a. 65, G.R.2.] CARTER, Rebecca, Aug. 15, 1806, a. 51. g.r.2. Rhoda, wid., Aug. 13, 1806. Sumner S., s. Sumner and Dianah, Aug. 25, 1840, a. 20 m. G.R.I. CASEY (see Kasee). CHAMBERLIN, , "Old" Mr., Aug. — , 1840. c.b.. PALMER DEATHS. 207 CHAPIN, Ann [dup. Anne], d. Jonathan and Ann [dup. Anne], Aug. 5, 1756, a. 19 y. 4 m, [dup, in loth y.] [in 20th y., G.R.2.] Anne, w. Jonathan, May 27, 1770. [Ann, in 55th y., G.R.2.] Fanny, w. Lebius, Dec. 23, 1808. [w. Lebeus, childbed, in 25th y., G.R.2.] Jonathan, July 3, 1780, in 70th y. [[h. Ann] G.R.2.] Luke, s. Jonathan and Ann, Sept. — , 1776, in 37th y., at Mt. Independence, g.r.2. Margaret, w. Lebeus, Oct. 10, 1847, ^- 68. g.r.i. Martha, w. Joseph, June 11, 1794, in 50th y. g.r.2. CHAPMAN, Shubael, heart disease, Apr. 25, 1849, ^- 72- CHASE, , twin s. , Oct. 5, 1837, a. 6 d. c.r. CHILDS, Isaac, Aug. 11, 1840, a. 48, in Brooklin, N. H. g.r.i. CLARK, Stephen, accidentally shot, Sept. 11, 1750, in 30th y. G.R.I. CLASTER, John M., Dec. 5, 1803. CLEAVLAND (see Clevland), Charity, d. Hopestill and Pa- tience, Jan. 18, 1794. Patience, w. Hopestill, Jan. 25, 1793. , Nov. II, 1778. CLEVLAND (see Cleavland), EHsa, ch. , [Sept.] 9, 1803. Martin, ch. , Sept. 3, 1803. CLOUGH, , ch. Timothy, Nov. 14, 18 10. , [Mar.] — , 1834, a. 57. c.R. CODWELL, John Jr., Dec. 10, 1806. CONVERSE, Adelphia, ch. Benjamin and Peggy, Mar. 10, 1803. [a. I m., G.R.2.] Alfred, s. Elisha Jr. and Mehitable, Jan. 5, 1830, a. 2 d. g.r.2. Alfred, Apr. 5, 1830. g.r.i. Alpheus, Dec. 21, 1816, a. 34. g.r.2. Alpheus, Capt. [h. Jerusha], Mar. 5, 1817, a. 65. g.r.2. Anna, w. Lt. Jacob, Jan. 23, 1817, a. 83. G.R.2. Asahel Elliott, Nov. i, 1829, a. 21. g.r.2. Charles, Sept. 9, 18 10. [[h. Hannah] in 30th y., g.r.2.] Hannah, wid. Charles, June 22, 1816, in 31st y. g.r.2. Henry D., Jan. 25, 1848, a. 22, at Yale College, g.r.i. Jacob Jr., May 23, 1808. [Jacob, A. B., a. 42, G.R.2.] 2o8 PALMER DEATHS. Converse, Jacob, Lt., Oct. 12, 1809. Jacob, Lt. [h. Anna], Oct. 10, 18 10, a. 83. g.r.2. Jerusha, wid. Dea. Alpheus, May 8, 1826, a. 72. g.r.2. Lydia H., ch. Alpheus Jr. and Mary, Oct. — , 1810. [d. Al- pheus and Polly, Oct. 22, 1812, a. 5 y. 9 m., g.r.2.] Maria S., w. Dea. Hiram, May 19, 1847, ^- 33- g.r.i. Mary M., d. Elisha and Mahitable, Mar. 5, 1829. g.r.i. [d. Elisha Jr. and Mehitable, a. 10 m. 2 d., g.r.2.] William M. (see Converse). , ch. Alpheas Jr., Oct. 22, 1810. , inf. Daniel and w., Sept. 11, 1843. ^.r. [William M., s. Daniel and Charlotte H., Sept. 12, a. 4 m., g.r.2.] , inf. Dan[iel], Sept. 20, 1844. c.R. COOLEY, A. E., d. Dexter (Cooly) and w., Apr. 11, 1846, a. 3. c.R. Celia, d. Jonathan and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1831, a. 42. s.r.i. Charles Byron (see Cooley). David [h. Margaret], Oct. 19, 1793, in 82d y. g.r.i. Harriet, d. Jonathan Jr. and Sallie B., Oct. 6, 1827, a. 6. G.R.I. Jonathan [h. Lucy], May 22, 1823, a. 79. g.r.i. Linas S^, s. Aaron M. and Sallie, Sept. 9, 1819, a. 19. g.r.i. Lucy, w. Jonathan, Sept. 5, 1828, a. 73. g.r.i. Margaret, w. David, Aug. 6, 1804, a. 92. g.r.i. Martha, d. Jonathan Jr. and SalHe B., Sept. 6, 1825, a. 3 y. 10 m. G.R.I. Mary, w. Dexter, [Jan.] 8, 1840, a. 25. c.R. Mary Elizabeth, d. Aretus and Elvira, Sept. 8, 1829, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.I. Merrick, s. Zadock and Rachel, "drowned in Ware River . . . found on the bank or Island of the River in Wilbraham," Mar. 25, 1801. [Oct. 19, 1800, in 5th y., g.r.i.] Moses Dick[i]nson, s. Johnathan and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1803. [s. Jonathan and Lucy, g.r.i.] Samuel D. (see Cooley). Sarah (see Cooley). Sarah, only d. Merrick, Jan. 2, 1840. C.R. [d. Merrick and Rebecca, a. 4 y. 10 m., g.r.2.] , inf. s. Jonathan and Lucy, Aug. 8, 1795. g.r.i. , w. David, Mar. 6, 1808. [Sarah, in 70th y., g.r.i.] , ch. Zadock, drovimed, June 23, 1809. [Samuel D., s. Zadock and Rachel, in 3d y., g.r.i.] , inf. d. Aaron M. and Sallie, Feb. 28, 1816. g.r.i. f PALMER DEATHS. 209 CoOLEY, , ch. Merrick, dysentery, Sept. 17, 1834, a. 22 m. c.R. [Charles Byron, s. Merrick and Rebecca, Sept. 25, G.R.2.] , ch. Cill., Sept. — , 1839. c.R. CORBITT, , ch. , [Aug.] — , 1840. c.R. COREY, John, s. J. and N., Feb. 15, 1816, a. 3. G.R.2. , ch. , [Jan.] 20, 1840, a. 2, in Thorndike. c.R. [Mary Ann, d. John and Nancy, a. 2 y. 11 d., G.R.2.] CORREN, Mary, b. Ireland, cholera, Aug. 24, 1849. CRANE, Martin, b. England, fever, Dec. 23, 1849, ^- ^• CROCKER, Samu[e]ll, b. Wilbraham, drowned, June 24, 1849, a. 5. CROSS, , Mr., suicide, Apr. — , 1833. c.R. CROWY, , Irish, inf. s. Thomas, Sept. 18, 1849. CUMINGS (see Cummings), Grover, eldest s. Benjamin and Lucy, June 6, 1803. [Cummings, in 4th y., G.R.2.] Grover, , 1803. Isaac Jr., Mar. 29, 1807. [Cummings, in 40th y., G.R.2.] , ch. Isaac, Oct. 3 [1804]. CUMMINGS (see Cumings), Betty, d. Solomon and Mary, Feb. 22, 1778, a. 3. G.R.2. Mary, w. Solomon, Oct. 4, 1779, in 34th y. G.R.2. PameHa, d. Isaac Jr., Oct. 3, 1804. [d. Isaac and Olive, a. 2 y. 7 m. 23 d., G.R.2.] , inf. L, G., July 4, 1834. c.R. CUTTER, , Mr., Dec. 4, 1838, a. 21, in Thorndike. c.R. DADMAN, Betsey, wid. John, Dec. 31, 1847, ^- 47* G.R.i. DAVIS, Almira H., w. Dr. Porter, Mar. 27, 1828, a. 31. G.R.2. Calista H., May 27, 1810, in 4th y. g.r.2. Eliza, w. Leonard, Mar. 5, 1840, a. 44. c.r. [Eliza G., Mar. 4, G.R.2.] Franklin M., consumption, Dec. 18, 1843, ^- 21. C.R. [s. Leonard and Eliza G., G.R.2.] George, s. Leonard, [Apr.] 28, 1835, a. 18 m. c.r. g.r.2. John J,, s. Leonard and Eliza G., drowned, May 3, 1823, a. 15 m. G.R.2. Leonard [h. Eliza G.], May 20, 1849, ^- 57- G.R.2. 2IO PALMER DEATHS. Davis, Mary Jane, ch. Leonard, [Nov.] — , 1838, a. 7 m. c.R. [d. Leonard and Eliza G., Nov. 29, g.r.2.] Nathan, [July] — , 1836, a. 68. c.R. Porter, Dr. [h. Almira H.], Apr. 7, 1824, a. 27. G.R.2. , w. Nathan, Dec. — , 1832, a. 22. c.R. DENNISON, Charles G., b. Springfield, s. William and Esther, lung fever, Sept. 14, 1849, ^* 4 ^' Esther, b. Guilford, Vt., [d. or w.] William, consumption, Sept. 15, 1849, ^- 22. DEWEY, Alonzo N., s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., Aug. 8, 1847. G.R.I. Frances Abby, d. A. N., Feb. 14, 1841, a. i. c.R. [d. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., g.r.i.] George, s. Alonzo N., June 3, 1837, a. 18 m. c.R. [George E., s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., g.r.i.] Mary, inflamation of the bowels, Apr. 24, 1843, ^- 21. c.R. [Mary O., d. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., Apr. 21, g.r.i.] W[illia]m H., s. Capt. A. N., Mar. 3, 1846, a. 17 m, c.R. [s. Capt. Alonzo N. and Mary P., g.r.i.] DIBBLE, Nancy, b. Leyden, consumption, Sept. 16, 1849, a. 38. DODGE, Charlotte, d. William and A., Feb. 25, 1845, a. i y. 8 m. G.R.2. Keziah, w. Levi, Feb. 4, 1845, ^- 65. G.R.2, Samuel Orison, s. Levi and Keziah, Oct. 7, 1839, a. 21. G.R.2. DOOLITEL, Samuel, Lt., July 17, 1736. DORCHESTER, John, s. James and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1732, a. 24, " Perished on the Rode agojine from Kinsgfield to Spring- field." DOULOGE, , Miss, b. England, cholera, Aug. 16, 1849, a. 32. DRUMMOND, Alexander, b. Scotland, dysentary, [rec. between Sept. 20 and Sept. 29, 1849], ^- 3° Y- 4 '^• DUNBAR, Ellen A., d. James R. and L., teething, Aug. 10, 1849, a. 3 m. I d. DURANT, John, Mar. 8, 1814. Mary, wid., Aug. 16, 1845, ^- 8°- c.R. [w. Nathaniel, G.R.2.] Nathaniel, July 4, 1840, a. 80. c.R. [[h. Mary] G.R.2.] PALMER DEATHS. 211 DuRANT, Thaddeus Burr, Oct. 15, 1845, ^- 33- c.r. , ch. Henry, May i, 1834, a. i. c.r. DURKEE, Marshall S., b. Brimfield, consumption, June 16, 1849, ^' ^2. EARLE, , inf. , [Mar.] 18, 1832. c.r. ELWELL, Cloey, w. Harrison, Mar. 22, 1788. ENGLISH, Mary, w. James, Apr. 16, 1747. FALVEY, John, Irish, cholera, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 60. FARNUM, , Miss, July — , 1837, at Three Rivers, c.r. FARRAND, Andrew, . John, s. Andrew and (first w.), Jan. 30, 1736-7, a. 16 "wanting one month and two days." FAY, , Mrs., [Jan.] 26, 1840, a. 57, at Three Rivers, c.r. FENTON, Justina M., d. John, [Apr.] 13, 1840, a. 11. c.r. [Justin M., s. Col. John and Rosalana, Apr. 14, g.r.i.] FERREL (see Ferrell, Ferrill), Andrew, s. Robert Jr. and Mary, June 12, 1749, a. I y. 4 m. 6 d, Marany, w. Capt.Timothy, [July] 31, 1839, a. 53. c.r. FERRELL (see Ferrel, Ferrill), Anna, w. Isaac, June — , 1814, a. 46. G.R.I. Elizabeth, w. Robert, "mother of 16 children," June 15, 1758, a. 64. G.R.2. Isaac, paralysis and consumption, May 2, 1839, a. 74. c.r. [[h. Anna] May 9, g.r.i.] John K., May 8, 1818, a. 25. g.r.i. Josiah, Nov. 30, 1815, a. 58. g.r.2. Judah, s. Hezekiah and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1808, in 14th y. G.R.2. Robert [h. EUzabeth], Oct. 22, 1765, a. 78. g.r.2. Robert, Oct. 4, 1787, a. 64. g.r.2. Robert, adopted s. Joshua McMaster and Sarah, June 3, 1795, in 25th y. G.R.2. Sarah, wid. Lt. Timothy, Apr. 27, 1819, a. 80. g.r.2. FERREY (see Ferry), -, ch. Hesekiah, , 1803. FERRILL (see Ferrel, Ferrell), John, May 8, 1813. Timothy, Lt., Feb. 8, 1814, a. 80. [Ferrell [h. Sarah] [dup. soldier in the Colonial Wars], g.r.2.] 212 PALMER DEATHS. FERRY (see Ferrey), Ann, w. Jonathan, Dec. 20, 181^, a. 69. G.R.2. Charles F., s. Lorenzo C. and Mary, Oct. 15, 1848, a. 14 m. 8 d. G.R.2. Hannah (see Ferry). Hannah, w. Hezekiah, dysentary, Aug. 27, 1849, ^- 74- [^' ^o» G.R.I.] Jonathan [h. Ann], May — , 1838, a. 90. G.R.2. Judah [h. Hannah], Apr. 8, 1824, a. 74. g.r.2. , wid., [Dec] — , 1839, a. 90. c.R. [Hannah, w. Judah, Nov. 21, G.R.2.] FISHER, , ch. Richard, Oct. 8, 1804. FITZ GERALD (see Gerald), George, s. J[oh]n, "Killed by a fall through a shuttle in Thorn dike Factory," Nov. 4, 1840, a. 9. c.R. FLEMING (see Flemming), Abigail (see Fleming). David, Jan. 21, 1813. David [h. Sarah], Feb. 26, 1814, a. 95. g.r.2. [soldier of the Revolution, G.R.2.] George, s. Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1822, a. 2. g.r.2. Henry, ch. Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 18, 1830, a. i. g.r.2. Joseph, Oct. 15, 1757, a. 84. g.r.2. Sarah, w. David, Mar. 29, 1826, a. 95. g.r.2. , w. Sam[ue]l, Sept. 2, 1838, " at the insane hospital Worces- ter." c.R. [Abigail, a. 54, g.r.2.] FLEMMING (see Fleming), William, "a pauper," Feb. 25, 1811. FLINN, Emily, cholera, Aug. 15, 1849, ^- 3- FOSHAY, Mary E., Feb. 10, 1845, a. 8. c.R. FOSKET, Charles H., s. Marcus and Fanny, Apr. 17, 1838, a. 7 m. G.R.I. Louisa, w. Zenas, Sept. 23, 1847, ^- ^^- g.r.i. FOSTER, Byrant, May 22, 1813. [Bryant [h. Thankful], a. 72, G.R.2.] Ellen L., d. Dwight and Lovisa P., Mar. 18, 1842, a. i y. i m. G.R.2. Lovisa P., w. Dwight, May 7, 1840, a. 31. g.r.2. Prudence, w. Dea. Wilson, July 7, 1834, a. 59. C.R. g.r.2. Thankfull [dup. Thankful], w. Briant, Aug. 18, 1804. [Thank- ful, w. Bryant, , 1802, a. 62, g.r.2.] f PALMER DEATHS. 213 Foster, Thankful!, wid., Feb. 21, 1808. Wilson Tolman, Aug. 5, 1847, ^- 3- c.r. [s. Dea. Freeman and Sarah Desire, Aug. 4, a. 3 y. 2 m., g.r.2.] FOWLER, Abigail, w. John, May 4, 1810. [Abegail, May 4, 1800, a. 85, G.R.I.] FRINK, John, Apr. 21, 1847, a. 7$. C.r. [[h. Roxey] G.R.2.] Roxey, w. John, Sept. 5, 1833. c.r. [a. 62, G.R.2.] FROST, Samuel Jr., Dec. 17, 1755, in 26th y. g.r.2. FULLER, Clarissa, Mrs., July 9, 1842, a. 27. c.r. G. E., s. James and Chloe, Mar. 22, 1846, a. 4. c.r. William, Oct. 2, 1829, a. 73. g.r.2. William, consumption, [Oct.] 13, 1832, a. 22. c.r. , "old" Mrs., Dec. — , 1837. c.r. GALLUP, , ch. , Jan. 9, 1835, a. abt. 9, at Three Rivers, c.r. GAMWELL, Ansel, s. John and Margary, Aug. 27, 1826, a. 33. G.R.2. Margary, w. John, Oct. 27, 1825, a. 56. g.r.2. Mary Ann, w. James, lightning, July 9, 1839, a. 30. c.r. [July 8, G.R.2.] Samuel, s. John and Margery, Feb. 23, 1826, a. 19. g.r.2. GARDNER, Julia S., d. John V. and Sarah, May 12, 1814, a. 5 W. 6 d. G.R.2. GATES, Mary, w. Micah, Sept. 29, 1830, a. 69. g.r.2. GAY, , Miss, of Stafford, [June] — , 1839. c.r. GERALD (see Fitz Gerald), William F. Jr., Dec. 14, 1813. , ch. W[illia]m F. Jr. dec'd. Mar. 4, 18 14. GIBSON, Charles H., s. John, disease of bowels, Aug. 23, 1849, a. 7 m. GILLMORE, Terrill, Dec. 7, 1806. GORDON, Charles, English, disease of brain, Sept. i, 1849, *• 48. GOULD, , ch. , Sept. — , 1837, at Three Rivers. C.R. 214 PALMER DEATHS. GRAHAM, David, consumption, Oct. 6, 1832, a. 63. c.r. [[h, Louisa] g.r.i.] Helen M. (see Graham). Lovice, wid., Jan. 18, 1844, a. 68. c.R. [Louisa, w. David, G.R.I.] William L., s. Rev. Richard C. and Nellie C, July 20, 1781, in 20th y. G.R.I. , d. David, scarlet fever, Aug. 15, 1844, a. 3. c.r. [Helen M., d. David L. and Martha A., g.r.i.] GRAVES, Anson, s. Moses and Experence, Oct. 7, 1779. g.r.i. Catherine, v^^id. Simean, Nov. 26, 1836, a. 97. g.r.i. Daniel, smallpox, Nov. 29, 1760, a. 59. g.r.i. Daniel, Oct. 20, 1803. Experence, w. Moses, Oct. 9, 1779, in 30th y. g.r.i. Gideon, Mar. — , 1834, a. 77. c.r. [[h. Hannah] Mar. 8, g.r.i.] Hannah, "w. Gideon, Apr. 6, 1831, a. 61. g.r.i. Harry, [Jan.] — , 1834, a. 44. c.r. [Henry, Jan. 30, g.r.i.] Rachel, w. Maj. Aron, Oct. 8, 1813. Simean [h. Catherine], Dec. 20, 1814, a. 75. g.r.i. Zadock, s. Moses and Experence, Oct. i, 1779, in lotli y. g.r.i. , inf. Moses and Experence, May — , 1774. g.r.i. , wid. Daniel, Mar. i, 1808. , Mrs., Nov. — , 1835, a. 96. c.r. , inf. , [Sept.] II, 1837. C.R. GREEN (see Greene), Betsy, w. Dea. Ralph, Aug. 8, 1829, a. 34. G.R.2. Elizabeth, d. Dea. Ralph and Betsy, May 24, 1822, a.i d. g.r 2. Harriet E., d. Dea. Ralph, May 21, 1842, a. 2 y. 8 m. g.r.2. W[illia]m A., s. , Three Rivers, Aug. 26, 1847, a. 5 ra. C.R. GREENE (see Green), , ch. , [Apr.] — , 1838. C.R. , ch. , May 16, 1840. c.r. GRIFFIN, Alraena, w. Henry, Apr. 5, 1838. c.r. , ch. Henry and Almena, "in the sumer," 1838. c.r. GROVER, John, s. Steven and Margret, Aug. 2, 1798. GUILFORD, , ch. , [Feb.] 22, 1839, a. i w. c.r. HALE, Isabella, d. Francis M. and Lydia, whooping cough, May 6, 1848, a. i y. 3 m. PALMER DEATHS. 21 5 Hale, Mary, consumption, July 13, 1843, ^- 23. c.r. [Mary W., d. Morris and Mary, g.r.2.] , ch. , [Aug.] — , 1838, in Thomdike. c.r. , s. Horatio, [Mar.] 29, 1840, a. 6. c.r. HALL, George, s. Willis [and Mary], consumption, Nov. 31 [sic], 1849, 3.. 2. [George Willis, July 2, a. 16 m., G.R.2.] Mary, w. Willis, Sept. 4, 1848, a. 31. g.r.2. HAMILTON, Abigail, w. John, Dec. 10, 1826, a. 28. g.r.2. Abigail (see Hamilton). Amos Jr., s. Amos and Sarah, July 20, 1811. [s. Amos Esq. and Sarah, a. 6 y. 7 m., g.r.2.] Amos, Col., dropsy of the heart, Feb. 12, 1843, ^- 7°- c.r. [Amos Esq. [h. Sarah], g.r.2.] Asa (Hami[l]ton), July — , 1836, a. 31. c.r. Charles Jr., eldest s. Amos and Sarah, May 22, 1804. [Charles Fox, a. 3, G.R.2.] Chloe, second w. John, May 20, 1848, a. 72. g.r.2. Dolly, w. Joshua, June 13, 1806. Esther, w. Dr. James, Sept. 10, 1803. [w. Dea. James, a. 72, G.R.2.] Freeport, s. Joshua, Sept. 22, 1807. Henry P., b. Springfield, s. Paul, consumption, Sept. 9, 1849, ^• 2 y. 5 m. James, Dea., Oct. 21, 1813. James A. [h. Mary], Mar. 10, 1829, a. 24. g.r.2. Joanna, wid.. May 9, 18 13. John, Lt., June 16, 1806. John [h. Sally], July 12, 1824, a. 56. g.r.2. Lemira Lamb, Mrs., "Intemp. & consump." Apr. — , 1839. C.R. Lucy, Mrs., cancer, Aug. 3, 1843, ^- 5^- c.r. [w. Amos Esq., G.R.2.] Mary, w. James A., July 15, 1830, a. 26. g.r.2. Moses Baldwin [dup. Hamelton], ch. Asa and Nabby [dup. Nabbe], July 2, 1799. Reuben, crushed by a cart wheel, Sept. 6, 1845, ^- ^°- c.r. Sally, w, John, Aug. 23, 1799, in 32d y. G.R.2. Sally, Dec. 3, 1843, ^- 7°- c.r. g.r.2. Sarah, d. Amos and Sarah, July 10, 1805. [a. 2 y. 8 m., g.r.2.] Sarah, w. Amos Esq., Jan. 9, 183 1, a. 62. g.r.2. Sibyl, d. John and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1824, a. 3. g.r.2. William Dickerson, ch. Asa and Nabby, Sept. 13, 181 1, a. 2 y. 27 d. 2l6 PALMER DEATHS. Hamilton, , wid. Asa, [Jan.] i6, 1840, a. 74. c.r. [Abi- gail, d. Rev. Moses Baldwin, Jan. 15, g.r.2.] HANCOCK, George F., s. H. O. and Lydia, drowned, Aug. 3, 1848, a. 4. G.R.2. Mary A., fever, July 29, 1844, a. 7. c.r. [d. H. O. and Lydia, a. 7 y. 8 m., g.r.2.] HANNUM, George, " Killed by an explosion of powder (6 casks)," July 7, 1839, a- 16. C.R. HARRINGTON, , Mr., ''Town Pauper," Feb. 22, 1846, a. 76. C.R. HARVEY, Lucinda (see Harvey). , ch. , [May] 23, 1834, at Three Rivers, c.r. , ch. William, still-born, July 19, 1835. c.r. , w. Edwin, inflamatory fever, Sept. 2, 1843, ^- 29. c.r. [Lucinda, G.R.2.] HASTINGS, Betsey, Mrs., May 15, 1847, a. 42. c.r. Joseph N., s. Perry and Betsey, fever on the brain. May 5, 1849, a. 22. Laura, w. Sumner, [Feb.] 18, 1841, a. 22. c.r. Lucy, wid., June 23, 1845, ^- 83. c.r. [w. Rozel, G.R.2.] Rozel [h. Lucy], Feb. 25, 1825, a. 69. g.r.2. HATTIN, Acsah H., Mrs., Jan. 5, 1844, a. 20. c.r. HAYNES, EUzabeth, w. Cassin, Mar. 29, 1827, a. 56. g.r.2. HILL (see Hills), Mary, wid., Apr. 15, 1779, in 75th y. g.r.2. , Mr., Mar. — , 1833, a. 33. c.r. , w. Elijah, May 3, 1841, a. 63. c.r. HILLS (see Hill), Elijah Jr., July 11, 1833, a. 35. g.R.i. Elijah [h. Olive], July 11, 1841, a. 69. g.r.i. Lyman C, Oct. 2, 1827, a. 19. g.r.i. Olive, w. Elijah, May 11, 1841, a. 70. g.r.i. Sanford, Sept. 14, 1828, a. 26. g.r.i. Sylvester, May 26, 1830, a. 30. g.r.i. HITCHCOCK, Elizabeth, w. Luke, May 3, 1802. Harriet, d. Robert and Orra, Oct. 21, 1830, a. 10. g.r.2. Luke 2d, Sept. 7, 1812. [Mr. Luke, g.r.2.] Luke, soldier of the Revolution, Sept. 12, 1812. g.r.2. PALMER DEATHS. 21 7 Hitchcock, Luke, consumption, May 25, 1843, ^' S^- c.r. [[h. Rebekah] g.r.2.] Martha, w. Winchester, Dec. 31, 1793, in 27th y. g.r.2. Orra, w. Robert, Apr. 26, 1831, a. 40. g.r.2. Orrin, s. Orrin and Sally, Dec. 22, 1839. g.r.2. Bekebah (see Hitchcock). Robert, May 26, 1842, a. 52. c.r. [[h. Orra] May 27, a. 53, G.R.2.] Urbane S., fever, Sept. 10, 1845, ^- 22. c.r. , ch. Caleb, Mar. 30, 181 1. , ch. Winchester, Sept. 24, 1813. , w. Luke, [Mar.] — , 1833, a. 33, c.r. [Rebekah, Mar. 26, a. 35, G.R.2.] HOLBROOK, , inf. , [Aug.] 19, 1832. c.r. HOLDEN, Samuel, b. Hardwick, s. Amasa, consumption, Aug. 4, 1849, ^' 21. HOLT, Aristus, Dec. 27, 1834, a. abt. 24. c.r. HOVEY, , Mr., Aug. — , 1834, at Three Rivers, c.r. HOW, Steward, Apr. i, 1846, a. 42. g.r.2. HOWARD, Sally, suicide, [May] 11, 1832, a. 45. c.r. HOWE (see How). HUBBARD, , Mr., Mar. — , 1 841, at Three Rivers, c.r. HUMES, , ch. Alice, [Oct.] 12, 1834. c.r. HUNT, Abigail, May 25, 1837, a. 79. g.r.2. Abigail, June — , 1837, a. 81. c.r. Huldah, w. John, Aug. — , 1836, a. 64. c.r. [Aug. 2, g.r.2.] Huldah B., d. John and Huldah, Nov. 26, 181 5, a. 2. g.r.2. Huldah Banister, d. John and Huldah, Nov. 26, 1825. Isabel M., d. F. M. and L. A., May 6, 1848, a. 18 m. 17 d. g.r.i. John, s. John and Huldah, Nov. i, 1830, a. 31. G.R.2. John [h. Huldah] [dup. soldier of the Revolution], Jan. [dup. June] 24, 1843, ^- 82. G.R.2. John, Jan. 26, 1843, ^* ^4- ^.R, Limon, s. John and Huldah, Apr. 11, 1816. [Lyman, a. 3 m., G.R.2.] , w. Cotton, consumption, [Jan.] — , 1832. c.r. HUNTER, Mary, w. Robert, Aug. 12, 1 751. Robert, s. Robert and Cathrane, Sept. 5, 1777. 2l8 PALMER DEATHS. Hunter, Robert, Dec. 5, 1783, in 78th y. Sarah, d. Robert and Cathring, June 10, 1761. HYDE, Abigail, w. David, Sept. 7, 1807. [Nabby, a. 28, g.r.2.] JACKSON, Betsey, w. Luther, Apr. 27, 1848, a. 63. g.r.i. Luther, b. Boston, consumption, Aug. 28, 1849, ^- 62. [[h. Betsey] a. 63, g.r.i.] JENKS, Russel, [July] — , 1838. c.R. JEWETT, , ch. [of] Thorndike, [June] 26, 1840, a. 2. c.R. JONES, Elisha, Oct. 17, 1819, a. 23. g.r.2. KASEE, Lucy, [Oct.] — , 1836. c.R. KEITH, Hannah, wid., Feb. 28, 1847, ^- 99 y- 7 ^' c.R. Matilda J., , 1848. g.r.i. KENDALL, Amos, [Mar.] — , 1834, a. 44. c.R. [[h. Mary] Mar. 16, G.R.2.] Catherine M., b. Ludlow, w. Carlo M., consumption, Jan. 26, 1849, ^- 38 y- II m. 24 d. Chester S., Jan. 13, 1844, a. 32. g.r.2. Clara E., d. Amos P., inflamation of stomach, Sept. 20, 1849, a. I y. 3 m. [Clare E., Sept. 25, g.r.i.] George B., s. C. [Carlo, written above] M. and C. [Caroline, written above] M., Three Rivers, June 28, 1847, ^- ^ m. c.R. Mary E., d. F. E. and H. S., June 27, 1843, a. 11 m. g.r.i. Sumner, palsy, Jan. 13, 1844, a. 32. c.R. , inf. , Thorndike Village, June 29, 1842. c.R. KENNEL, Dennis, b. Westford, s. Dennis and Hannah, cholera, Aug. 24, 1849, a. 3. KETCHUM, Angeline, w. Morris of N. Y., [July] 27, 1835. c.R. KEYS, , ch. , [Sept.] — , 1837, [at] Three Riv[er]s. c.R. KIBBE, Ellen, d. Harlow B. and Elvira, Sept. 19, 1848, a. 3 w. G.R.I. KILLEM, Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, Nov. 7, 1730. PALMER DEATHS. 21 9 KING, Aaron, s. Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1754, "being in the fourth year of his age three Months and eighteen days old." [Oct. 20, 1755, a. 10, G.R.I.] Aaron, Apr. 21, 1782, a. 57. g.r.i. Ann, d. Capt. John and Betty, June 12, 1765, a. i d. g.r.i. Benjamin, s. John and Sarah, "killed by the Indians at Fort Mass.," June 7, 1756, in 34th y. g.r.i. Benjamin, [Feb.] — , 1833, a. 70. c.r. [[h. Lucy] Feb. 5, G.R.I.] Betsey, w. John 2d, Dec. 18, 1814, a. 37. g.r.2. Betsey, Jan. — , 1832. c.r. Betsey, w. John, Jan. 14, 1841, a. 63. g.r.i. Betty (see King). Billey Lee Graham, s. David and Mary, Nov. 14, 1786. [Billy L. G., only s. David and Molly, in 3d y., g.r.i.] Casper Avala, s. Peres and Polly, Sept. 30, 1805, a. i m. g.r.i. Charles, s. Benjamin and Lucy, Dec. 5, 1801. [Dec. 4, a. 4 m., G.R.I.] Daniel Esq. [h. Hannah], Mar. 15, 181 5, a. 65. g.r.i. David, Lt., May 3, 1820, a. 87. g.r.i. Deborah, wid., Feb. 26, 181 1. Eliza, w. Dr. Aaron, Feb. 4, 1837, a. 47. c.r. [Feb. 14, g.r.i.] Eunes, June 5, 1757, in 4th y. Eunice, d. Thomas and Jemima, June 10, 1757, a. 5 y. 9 m. G.R.I. Gideon, s. John and Deborah, Dec. 17, 1735. [Dec. 27, 1755, a. I y. II m., g.r.i.] Hannah, w. Daniel Esq., Mar. 21, 1813, a. 65. g.r.i. Hanner, d. John and Leary [Sary], Sept. 4, 1729. James, Dr., , 1803. James, "bit by a dog," Jan. 17, 1807, in 65th y. g.r. James, Mr., Feb. 10, 1807. Jemima, w. Dea. Thomas, Jan. 23, 1817, a. 98. g.r.i. Jesse, s. Jesse and Molly B., Apr. 19, 1796, a. 3. g.r.i. Jesse, Capt., Nov. 16, 1837, a. 79. C.R. [a. 78, g.r.i.] John [h. Sarah], "The first settler of the Town of Palmer," Apr. — , 1744, a. 63. g.r.i. John, Ens., smallpox, July 2, 1778, in 64th y. g.r.i. John, Capt., Apr. 2, 1812. [[h. Betty] in 72d y., g.r.i.] Jonathan S., s. Samuel and Susan, Oct. 16, 1814, a. 16 m. g.r.2. Joseph, s. John and Sarah, Feb. i, 1753, in 38th y. g.r.i. Joseph, s. Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1754, "being in the second year of his age one month and six days old." [Oct. 6, 1755, a. 2 y. I m., g.r.i.] 220 PALMER DEATHS. King, Joseph, s. Jesse and Molly B., Apr. 19, 183 1, a. 32, in Mobile, Ala. g.r.i. Laury, d. Capt. John and Betty, Aug. 16, 1780, a. 5. g.r.i. Lucinda, d. David and Molly, June — , 1798, in 19th y. g.r.i. Lucy, w. Benjamin, June 24, 1829, a. 70. g.r.i. Lucy, [May] 18, 1840, a. 92. c.r. Margaret, w. John, July 31, 1749, in 27th y. g.r.2. Mary B., w. Capt. Jesse, eldest d. Rev. Richard A. Graham, Feb. 19, 1828, a. 64. g.r.i. Mary L., w. Capt. Daniel, Aug. 9, 1828, a. 37. g.r.i. Moses, s. John and Leary [Sary], Apr. 26, 1729. Polly, Dec. 13, 1840, a. 85. c.r. Prudy, d. Capt. John and Betty, June 28, 1786, a. 4. g.r.i. Rebeckah, w. Cyrus, Dec. 25, 1829, a. 30. g.r.i. Sarah, wid. John, Jan. i, 1762, in 71st y. g.r.i. Sarah, wid. Aaron, Feb. 6, 1817, a. 94. g.r.i. Susan C, d. Samuel and Susan, Dec. 4, 1832, a. 5. g.r.2. Susie, d. Capt. John and Betty, July 30, 1780, a. 6. g.r.i. Thomas, Dea. [h. Jemima], May 28, 1801, a. 83. g.r.i. W., "Town Pauper," Apr. 30, 1846, a. 76. c.r. Williom Henry [dup. Williams H.], ch. John 3d and Betsy, Oct. 12, 1805. [William Henry, s. John and Betsey, in 3d y., G.R.2.] , inf. Gideon, Oct. — [1804]. , w. Capt. John, Oct. 17, 1810. [Betty, in 70th y., G.R.] , w. Daniel Esq., May 20, 18 13. , wid. Ransom, Mar. — , 1832, a. 33. c.r. , Mrs., [Jan.] — , 1841, at Three Riv[ers]. c.r. KIRTLIN, Frelane, May 14, 1751. KNIGHT, Samuel R., s. Aziza and Jemima, Aug. 9, 1842, a. i. G.R.2. , inf. , Thorndike Village, July 10, 1842. c.r. KNOX, Betsey, w. James, June 5, 181 7, a. 25. g.r.i. Mary, d. Col. Cyrus and Peggy, July 16, 1823, a. 2. g.r.i. , Mrs., May 10, 1837, a. 26, in Thorndike. c.r. LAMB, Jabesh, s. Dr. Jabesh and Sally, Apr. i, 1784, a. 17 m. G.R.2. Judah Feny, Jan. 11, 1837, a. 27. c.r. Peggy, d. Dr. Jabesh and Sally, Feb. 15, 1800, a. 7 m. g.r.2. Philip, Nov. 29, 1836, a. 58. c.r. Sally, w. Dr. Jabez, June 21, 1797. PALMER DEATHS. 221 Lamb, , Mrs., [July] — , 1838, a. 60. c.r. , ch. Philip, Dec. — , 1839. c.R. LAMBERTON, James [h. Mary] [dup. soldier of the Revolu- tion], Jan. 22, 1777, a. 51 [dup. a. 31]. g.r.2. Mary, w. James, July 28, 1826, a. 92. g.r.2. LEARNED, Betsey, w. Moses, May 12, 1816, a. 33. g.r.2. , inf. Moses, Feb. 27, 1813. LEE, C. H., Apr. 2, 1845, a. 2. c.r. [Charles Henry, s. H, P. and H. R., a. i y. 2 m,, g.r.2.) Charles H., s. Jos[eph], June — , 1834, a. 10. c.r. George, s. Joseph and Sally, June 24, 1838, a. 10. g.r.2. Hannah, w. Joseph, Nov. 11, 1814, a. 61. g.r.2. Joseph [h. Hannah], Oct. 12, 1830, a. 88. g.r.2. Lucian B., s. H. P. and H. R., Sept. 21, 1847, a. 14 d. g.r.2. WiUiam, s. Joseph and Salley, Aug. 24, 1820, a. 7. g.r.2. LELAND, , Mrs., [Jan.] — , 1841, in Thorndike. c.R. LEMMON (see Lemon), Wilham, Mr., Feb. 12, 1813. LEMON (see Lemmon), Joseph, s. Daniel, disease in the bowels, Sept. 16, 1849, ^- 3- Nancy, Mrs., Sept. 8, 1844, a. 40. c.r. , Mrs., mother of Mrs. Pepper, Sept. 10, 1837, a. 72. C.R. ■ , inf. d. • , Mar. — , 1843. c.R. LEONARD (see Learned). LEWIS, , ch. , Sept. 23, 181 1. LOOMIS, Abigell, d. Abner and Charrity, Jan. 25, 1765. LOVJOY, , ch. Betsy, June 17, 1803. LOWELL, Stephen, s. W[inia]m and Catherine, bowell com- plaint, May 15, 1849, a- 2 m. LYON, , [Apr.] 10, 1834, a. i, at Three Rivers, c.r. [Vernon, s. Henry and EUza, Apr. 9, G.R.2.] MACKEE (see Mekee), Jerusha, w. Andrew, d. Capt. Nathaniel Vose of Milton, May 22, 1732, a. 30. g.r.i. MAGOON, Mary L., d. Charles J., May 18, 1849, a. i y. 10 d. G.R.2. 222 PALMER DEATHS. MAHALIA, Tosth, b. Hungary, suicide by hanging, [rec. between Sept. 20 and Sept. 29, 1849], ^- 3°' MALONE (see Melona), Eliza, d. Timothy and Elizi, teething, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 5 m. MANN, Betsa, d. David and Phebe, Oct. 4, 1800. [Betsey, in 6th y., G.R.2.] Ginna, w. Wilham, Sept. 14, 1806. Mary, wid., Apr. 13, 1792, in 78th y. G.R.2. Sally, d. David and Phebe, Sept. 24, 1800. [in 3d y., g.r.2.] MARRICK (see Merrick), Benjamin, consumption, Apr. 8, 1832, a. 39. c.R. MASON, Betsy, d. WiUiam, Oct. i, 1812. Celia B., d. Ebenezer and Electa P., June 17, 1843, ^- ^3- G-R-2. Charles, Nov. 23, 1846, a. 38. c.R. [[h. Charlotte S.] G.R.2.] Charlotte E., d. Charles and Charlotte S., May 7, 1848, a. 4. G.R.2. Dwight, s. William and Nancy, Dec. 8, 1820, a. 16. g.r.2. Ebenezer, [Dec] 11, 1838, a. 41. c.R. g.r.2. Eliza, d. T. W. and Aseneth, Jan. 20, 1822, a. 4 m. g.r.2. Elizabeth, d. William and Nancy, Oct. i, 1812, a. 10. g.r.2. Emily, consumption, Oct. 7, 1849, ^- ^^- [^- Ebenezer and Electa P., Oct. 5, G.R.2.] Isaac, s. William and Nancy, May 29, 1823, a. 18 m. g.r.2. Joseph, [Jan.] 15, 1837, a. 26. c.R. g.r.2. Linus S., s. T. W. and Aseneth, Dec. 4, 1823, a. 6 m. g.r.2. Nancy, w. William, Feb. 15, 1820, a. 51. g.r.2. Suky, d. William and Nancy, Jan. 30, 1818, a. 17. g.r.2. Thomas W., July 2, 1823, a. 30. g.r.2. William, inflamatory fever. Mar, 15, 1843, ^- ^°- ^.R. [soldier of 181 2 [dup. [h. Nancy]], g.r.2.] MAXWELL, Lorin O., s. John and Mariah, July 27, 184 1, a. 3. G.R.I. MAY, , ch. , Oct. 28, 1811.I MAYNARD, Charlotte, Apr. 20, 1844, a. 43. g.r.2. McCALLA, Hugh, "a foreigner,"JJan. 10, 1836. c.R. McCLANATHAN (see Mclanathan, McLenathan), Betsy, Apr. 4, 1810. [Betsey, d. Capt. Thomas and Catherine, in 36th y., G.R.2.] PALMER DEATHS. 223 McClanathan, Carroline, d. Samuel Jr., Dec. 26, 1808. [Caroline, d. Samuel and Susanna, Dec. 27, 1809, in 4th y., G.R.2.] Jane, w. Dea. William, July 22, 1783, in 75th y. G.R.2. Margaret, Nov. 26, 1843, ^- 7°- G.R.2. Mary, w. Samuell, Feb. 19, 1786. [w. Dea. Samuel, in 41st y., G.R.2.] Patty, Feb. 7, 1809. [d. Capt. Thomas and Catherine, in 21 st y., G.R.2.] Samuel, Dea. [h. Mary] [dup. soldier of the Revolution], June 14, 1825, a. 85. G.R.2. Susanna, w. Samuel Jr., Jan. 11, 1808. [in 29th y., g.r.2.] Thomas, Dea., Jan. 30, 1764, in 79th y. g.r.2. Thomas, Capt., soldier in the Colonial Wars, June 6, 1818, a. 75. g.r.2. Thomas, Capt., soldier of the Revolution, Nov. 26, 1843, ^- 7°- G.R.2. McCLINTOCK (see McKHntock), Thomas A., "Killed by the falling of timber," [Aug.] — , 1833, ^- ^o- ^•^- , ch. Sally, May 29, 1810. McDowell, Eunice, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1782. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1785. Hannah, wid., Sept. 27, 1845, ^- 82. c.R. Harper, s. William and Hannah, July 6, 1795. Katie, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 24, 1794. William, s. William and Hannah, July 5, 1788. William, s. William and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1792. McELWAEN (see McElwain, McElwaine, McElwan, McEl- wane), Anne, w. Timothy, Apr. 28, 1746. McELWAIN (see McElwaen, McElwaine, McElwan, McElwane), Esther, Mrs., Dec. 31, 1846, a. 86. c.R. [McElwane, Jan. 4, 1847, G.R.2.] John A., Feb. 27, 1814. [McElwane [dup. John Allen] [h. Hannah] [dup. a soldier of the Revolution], in 71st y., G.R.2.] Susannah, wid., July 28, 1813, a. 92. [Susanna McElwane, w, Timothy, July 28, 181 5, G.R.2.] McELWAINE (see McElwaen, McElwain, McElwan, McEl- wane), Hannah, wid., [Sept.] 20, 1833, a. 82. c.R. McELWAN (see McElwaen, McElwain, McElwaine, McElwane), Miriam, w. John A., May 16, 1790, in 37th y. G.R.2. 224 PALMER DEATHS. McELWANE (see McElwaen, McElwain, McElwaine, McEl- wan), Ann, w. Timothy, Apr. 20, 1740, in 31st y. g.r.2. Hannah, w. John A., Sept. 18, 1833, a. 74. g.r.2. Timothy [h. Ann], Sept. 7, 1790, in 8ist y. g.r.2. McKEE (see Mackee, Mekee). McKINSTRY, Almira, b. W. Springfield, consumption, Nov. 10, 1849, ^- 42- McKLINTOCK (see McClintock), Eleanor, wid., July 13, 1844, a. 89. c.R. MCLANATHAN (see McClanathan, McLenathan), William, s. WilUam, Dec. 22, 1759, a. 23 y. 8 m. [McClanathan, s. William and Jane, a. 25, g.r.2.] McLENATHAN (see McClanathan, Mclanathan), Margaret, Nov. 24, 1843, ^- S°- ^•^' McMASTER (see McMasters), Calvin, Feb. 8, 18 11. [s. Clark and Margaret, in i8th y., g.r.2.] Chester, Nov. 3, 183 1, a. 27. g.r.2. Clark [h. Margaret], Jan. 23, 1824, a. 62. G.R.2. Esther, ch. John and Sarah B., Oct. 22, 1805, in 4th y. g.r.2. Eunice, ch. Dea. John and Millicent, Feb. i, 1760, in 3d y. G.R.2. Eunice, ch. Dea. John and Millicent, Oct. 3, 1779, in nth y. G.R.2. Gideon, ch. Dea. John and Millicent, Aug. 14, 1775, in 3d y. G.R.2. Hamilton, ch. John and Sarah B., Aug. 3, 1828, a. 20. G.R.2. Hugh, Aug. 28, 1803. [soldier of the Revolution, a. 88, G.R.2.] Hugh, Jan. 19, 1815, a. 62. g.r.2. James, ch. John and Sarah B., Nov. 10, 1805, in 7th y. g.r.2. John, Jan. 25, 1761, a. 89. g.r.2. John, Dea. [h. MilHcent], Mar. 16, 1793, in 79th y. g.r.2. John, Mar. 14, 1836, a. 85. c.R. g.r.2. Joshua, Mr., Apr. 5, 18 13. Katherine, w. John, Nov. 11, 1763, in 77th y. g.r.2. Lena, w. Clark, Sept. 8, 1826, a. 31. g.r.i. Livy, Jan. 19, 1830, a. 28. G.R.2. Louis, s. Clark and Margaret, Dec. 21, 182 1, in i8th y. G.R.2. Margaret, d. Hugh and Mary, Oct. 20, 1771, in 23d y. G.R.2. Margaret (see McMaster), Mary, wid. Hugh, Mar. 30, 1807. PALMER DEATHS. 2 2$ McMaster, Milla, wid., Jan. 2, 181 1. [Millicent, wid. Dea. John, in 83d y., G.R.2.] Millicent, ch. Dea. John and Millicent, Jan. 6, 1767, in nth y. G.R.2. Millicent, ch. Dea. John and Millicent, May 5, 1791, in 2d y. G.R.2. Patty, d. Ruben and Jerusha, Oct. i, 1800. Peggy, Jan. 16, 1812. [d. Clark and Margaret, in 17th y., G.R.2.] Phila, Mar. 24, 18 13. Philemus, Sept. 14, 1802, in 45th y. g.r.2. Pinla, d. Clark and Margaret, Mar. 24, 1813, in i6th y. G.R.2. Polly, ch. John and Sarah B., Aug. 7, 1801, a. 9 m. g.r.2. Robert, Sept. 21, 1808. [Lt. Robert [dup. h. Tabitha], soldier of the Revolution, a. 83 [dup. a. 63], G.R.2.] Sarah, w. Joshua, Feb. 12, 1804. [in 65th y., G.R.2.] Tabitha, w. Lt. Robert, May 25, 1790, in 62d y. g.r.2. Thankful, w. John 2d, consumption, Apr. 15, 1818, in 55th y. G.R.2. , inf. Charles, Nov. 20, 18 13. , inf. d. Clark and Lena, , 1819. G.R.i. , inf. d. Clark and Lena, , 1826. G.R.i. , wid., [Aug.] — , 1833, in Munson. c.R. , wid., [Aug.] 31, 1834, a. 71. c.R. [Margaret, wid. Clark, G.R.2.] McMASTERS (see McMaster), Isaac, s. William and Mary, Oct. 14, 1781. McMICHAEL (see McMichel), Sarah, wid., Nov. 8, 1836, a. 91. c.R. McMICHEL (see*McMichael), Ashel, s. Robert and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1784. Joseph, s. WilHam and Margret, Dec. 7, 1759. Joseph, s. Robert and Sarah, Nov. — , 1778. William, s. William and Margret, Dec. 14, 1759. McNALL, Arthur, May 26, 1744, in 29th y. G.R.2. McNITT, Alexander " from the North of Ireland from the County of Dunigall," Feb. 10, 1746, in 90th y. Sarah, w. Alexander, May 10, 1744, in 84th y. MEKEE (see Mackee), Jerusha (Yurshua), d. Andrew, Apr. 29, 1732. Jerusha (Yurshua), w. Andrew, May 22, 1732. 226 PALMER DEATHS. MELONA (see Malone), , [Apr.] 26, 1834, a. 5. c.r. MERRICK (see Marrick), Aaron Esq., Dec. 2, 1810. [[h. Mar- garet] in 77th y., G.R.I.] Benjamin, Mr., Oct. 25, 181 1. Benjamin, Apr. 8, 1832, a. 39. g.r.i. Gideon, Lt., smallpox, Feb. 28, 1758, a. 30 y. 11 m. 26 d. g.r.i. Henry, b, Brimfield, s. Ruel, absess on the knee, June 8, 1849, a. 30. James, Capt., Jan, 2, 1790, a. 91, g.r.i. John S., s. Benj[a]m[in] and Lucina, drowned, July 9, 1849, ^' 20. [July 15, a. 21, in Bath, Me., g.r.i.] Margaret, w. Aaron Esq., Mar. 28, 1810, a. 74. g.r.i. Mary, w, Alanson, cancer, [Feb.] 26, 1839, ^- 43- ^.R. [w. Alanson C, Feb. 28, G.R.2.] , w. Aaron Esq., Mar. 28, 1810. , s. Benjamin, Oct. 11, 1823, a. 7 d. g.r.i. MERRITT, Elam, s. William and Ruth, Mar. 12, 18 18, in 18th y. G.R.2. Ruth, w. William, Dec. 15, 1824, a. 56. g.r.2. Ruth, d. WiUiam and Ruth, Dec. 16, 1824, a. 21. g.r.2. , wid., Oct. — , 1810. , "Idiot," ch. W[illia]m, [June] 28, 1834, a. 10. c.R. MESSENGER, , Mr., "town pauper," Nov. 2, 1845, a. 30. c.R. MICKEL (see Mitchell), , Mrs., Mar. 14, 1845, a- 26. c.R. [Orril Michel, w. Delana B., Mar. 7, G.R.2.] MITCHELL (see Mickel), , ch. , Thorndike, Dec. 14, 1842, a. 4. c.R. MIXTER, Emery A., dropsy on the brain, Aug. 6, 1849, a. 6 m. 20 d. MOOERS (see Moor, Moore, Moores, Moors), Sally, Mrs., Oct. ■ 24, 1847, a- 66- C.R. [Moores, w. Capt. Jonathan, G.R.2.] MOOR (see Mooers, Moore, Moores, Moors), Jean, wid., Feb. 27, 1748, a. 86 y. 8 m. Mercy, w. John, Aug. 30, 1733. MOORE (see Mooers, Moor, Moores, Moors), , Mrs., [Oct.] 23, 1834, a. 91. c.R. [Mary Moores, w. Jonathan, G.R.2.] PALMER DEATHS. 227 MOORES (see Mooers, Moor, Moore, Moors), Jonathan [h. Mary] [dup. soldier of the Revolution], Feb. 13, 1830, a. 85. G.R.2. Mary, d. Capt. Jonathan and Sally, Dec. 10, 1807, a. 10. g.r.2. MOORS (see Mooers, Moor, Moore, Moores), John, "a pauper," Feb. 26, 1811. , ch. Sally, Sept. 14, 18 10. MORGAN, Annis, d. Mortis, Feb. 19, 1807. Elenor, Aug. 8, 1806. MURDOCK, , "old" Mrs., June — , 1839, in Thorndike. C.R. MYRICK (see Marrick, Merrick). KELSON, Benjamin, May 20, 18 10. NEVINS, Samuel "formerly" of Londonderry, Nov. 2, 1751, in 94th y. G.R.2. NEWELL, Eliza, Oct. 3, 1822, in i8th y. G.R.2. Eliza, d. Jacob, wound on the head, Sept. 20, 1832. c.r. [d. Jacob and Thankful, a. 6 d., G.R.2.] Elvira, b. Chatham, N. Y., d. Leonard and Elvira, dysentary, Oct. 22, 1849. Mary, Mrs., Apr. 5, 1847, ^- 8i- c.r. Mary Ann, b. Chatham, N. Y., d. Leonard and Elvira, dysen- tary, Oct. 13, 1849, ^- 12 y. 9 m. NEWTON, Emily M., d. Jeduthan and Julia, dropsy, Dec. 15, 1849, a. I y. 7 m. [d. Jeduthan and Julia A., g.r.i.] NIMS, Benj[ami]n F., s. Sam[ue]l D. and Johanna T., bowel complaint, Aug. 23, 1848, a. i y. 9 m. NUTTING, Anna, w. Jonathan, Feb. 27, 1822, a. 32. g.r.2. Jonathan [h. Anna], Dec. 6, 1831, a. 56. G.R.2. Sarah Ann, "Her death was supposed to be caused by taking salt petre by mistake," Feb. 27, 1836. c.r. [d. Jonathan and Anna, a. 20, g.r.2.] , ch. Jonathan, Mar. 20, 181 1. O'CONNER (see O'Connor), John, Irish, Aug. 23, 1849, a. 55- O'CONNOR (see O'Conner), James, b. Ireland, consumption, Sept. I, 1849, a- 28. 228 PALMER DEATHS. OLDS, Enoch, Mr., Mar. i6, 1813. , w. Enoch, Jan. 27, 1812. PAINAS, Sarah, w. Isaac, June 10, 1808, in 68th y. g.r.i. PAINE, , Aug. 17, 1832, a. 6 w. c.r. PARKHURST, Flavia, d. W[iUia]m and Lydia, Mar. 24, 1802. PARKIS, Charles, May 4, 1849, ^- 24. g.r.i. PARSONS, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Martha, Jan. 6, 1753, in 26th y. G.R.2. Benjamin [h. Martha], Nov. 4, 1762, a. 81. g.r.2. Daniel (Parson), s. Joshua and Elenor, . David, s. Benjamin and Martha [dup. soldier in the Colonial Wars], Nov. 8, 1755, in 28th y., at Ft. Edwards, g.r.2. Israel, s. Benjamin and Martha [dup. soldier in the Colonial Wars], Oct. 28, 1755, in 19th y., at Ft. Edwards, g.r.2. Joshua, June 4, 1808. Martha, d. Benjamin and Martha, Mar. 30, 1737, in 4th y. g.r.2. Martha, w. Benjamin, July 17, 1760, in 53d y. g.r.2. Moses, s. Benjamin and Martha, Nov. 4, 1762, in 12th y. , ch. Stephen, Jan. 23, 1808. , inf. , Feb. 2, 1837, in Sedgewick. c.r. PATTERSON, Mary, w. WilHam, July 23, 1735. PAUL, Ellen, d. E. L. and S. F., Jan. 2, 1845, a. 9 m. g.r.i. PECK, Eliza, consumption. May 20, 1839, 2-21. c.r. Joseph F., s. Lemuel and Rhoda, July 26, 1840, a. 10. g.r.2. , s. Lemuel, [July] 27, 1840, a. 12. c.r. PERKINS, Chandler, b. Troy, Vt., s. Newland, measels. May 4, 1849, a- 24- Martha, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mercy, Oct. i, 1779. Susanna, d. Sam[uel] and Mercy, Jan. 18, 1778. PIERCE, Joseph, Aug. 8, 1825, a. 23. g.r.2. , d. , consumption [Apr. 8], 1840, a. 17. c.r. POLK, George A., Oct. 8, 1846, a. 32. g.r.i. POOLE, Amanda, d. Thomas, Mar. 9, 1811. Thomas, Apr. 11, 1807. PALMER DEATHS. 229 PORTER, Mary, b. Ashford, Conn., [d. or w.] Manoa, consump- tion, Dec. 5, 1849, ^- 49- POTTER, Lydia, Nov. 19, 1813. POWERS, , Mrs., colored, consumption, Apr. 2, 1844, a. 48. C.R. PRINCE, Everson Vasco, s. Nathan W. and Lana, whooping cough. May 3, 1848, a. i y. 2 m. PROUTY, Eunice, [Mar.] 24, 1840, a. 8. c.r. Molly, wid., palsy, Mar. 30, 1844, a. 57. c.r. Sally, Mar. 20, 181 1. PUFFER, Sally, w. George, Nov. 11, 1814, a. 23. g.r.2. QUINTON, Dunkin, Mar. 7, 1776, a. 82. g.r.2. Eunice (see Unies). Thomas, Sept. 19, 1822, in 77th y. g.r.2. Unies, d. Dunkin and Unies, Mar. 12, 1760. REINLIGHT, Susanna, b. Scotland, cholera, Sept. 6, 1849, ^- ^^^ RICH, John F., s. J. C. and A. M., Aug. 20, 1849, ^- ^^ "^• G.R.I. RICHARDSON, Delphia M., d. Caleb and Betsey, Mar. 29, 181I, a. II. G.R.2. RILEY, Luke, teething, Sept. 2, 1849, ^- i y- i rn- 15 d. ROBERTS, , inf. Nathin, , 1803. , w. David, Sept. or Oct. — , 1839. c.r. ROBINSON, Betsey, w. David, Oct. 9, 1839, a. 40. g.r.2. Content, Mrs., Jan. 9, 1838, a. 49. c.R. ■ , s. David and Betsey, Oct. 9, 1839, ^- 3 w- g.r.2. ROGERS, Dolly, Mrs., Mar. 3, 1825, a. 30. g.r.2. Edwin, s. Reuben and Sophia, Apr. 3, 1829, a. 7 m. g.r.2. James, s. Robert and Jean, Nov. 23, 1758. [s. Dea. Robert and Jane, in loth y., G.R.2.] Jane, w. Robert, May 14, 1746, in 38th y. g.r.2. Jean, w. Robert, May 14, 1749. John, Feb. 25, 1809. [a. 57, g.r.2.] Oliver, " Burned to a cinder in a barn which he set on fire in a fit of derangement . . . Supposed with a design of suicide," [Feb.] 5, 1837, a. 40. c.r. 230 PALMER DEATHS. Rogers, Robert, s. Robert and Jean, Nov. 23, 1758 [sic]. Robert, s. Robert and Jean, Jan. 5, 1759. [s. Dea. Robert and Jane, Jan. 5, 1758, in i6th y., G.R.2.] Robert, Dea., May 17, 1776, a. 69. g.r.2. Susan, Feb. — , 1833, a. 93. c.r. , ch. John, [Sept.] 11, 1803. , "Old Mrs.," Jan. 8, 1807. ■ , Mrs., [Apr.] 12, 1840, at Three Rivers, c.r. ROOD, , ch. , Jan. — , 1834. c.r. , Mr., "In the fall," 1838, in Bondville. c.r. ROSS, , "old" Mr., "In the spring," 1835, at Three Rivers, c.r. RYON, Cornelius, Irish, cholera, Sept. 4, 1849, ^- 3^- Joanna, Irish, cholera, Sept. 6, 1849, ^- 28. SARGENT, Maria, d. J. and R., Feb. 22, 1845, a. i y. 16 d. G.R.2. William H., s. J. and R., Jan. 3, 1843, ^- ^ m. g.r.2. SCOTT, Elizabeth, d. Wilham and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1748. G.R.r. George, s. Dr. Calvin and Sabra, Mar. 8, 1791, a. 9. g.r.i. John, s. William and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1737, in Hadley, a. 29 y. 6 m. 23 d. [in Amherst, G.R.i.] Lucy, Mar. 30, 1811. [d. WiUiam Esq. and Violet, a. 35, g.r.i.] Margaret, d. William and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1716, in Springfield, G.R.I. Margaret, d. W[inia]m and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1737, a. 16 y. 3 m, 12 d. [Margaret 2d, Apr. 6, 1736, in Springfield, g.r.i.] Margeret, d. Wilham and Abigail, throat distemper, Nov. ir, 1748, a. I y. II m. 16 hrs. 20 min. [Margaret, d. Lt. Wil- liam and Abigail, a. i y. 11 m. 16 d., g.r.i.] Sabra, wid., June 21, 1809. Sarah, wid. Wilham, Nov. 22, 1764. g.r.i. Violet, w. William Esq., May 28, 1792, a. 41. g.r.i. Wilham [h. Sarah], Dec. 31, 1763. g.r.i. William, Lt., May 25, 1790, in 67th y. g.r.i. SEDGEWICK (see Sedgwick), Gordon, Dea., [Jan.] 15, 1838, a. 89. C.R. [Sedgwick, a. 90, G.R.2.] Hannah, wid., [May] 5, 1838, a. 82. c.r. [Sedgwick, a. 83, G.R.2.] John, [Jan.] 24, 1840, a. 51. c.r. [Sedgwick [h. Asenath B.], G.R.I.] PALMER DEATHS. 23 1 SEDGWICK (see Sedgewick), Alice, w. Martin, May 17, 1848, a. 51. G.R.2. Deborah, Mar. 23, 1806. [d. Dea. Gordon and Hannah, in 27th y., G.R.2.] Jona[than] W., s. Harvey, dysentary, Sept. 5, 1849, ^- ^6. [s. Harvey and Mary T., Sept. 4, g.r.i.] Mary T., d. Harvey and Mary T., Aug. 30, 1831. g.r.i. Sally, w. Martin, Oct. 12, 1820, a. 43. G.R.2. SHAALY, Leonard, b. Ireland, cholera, Aug. 29, 1849. SHAW, Aaron, b. Brimfield, s. Sylvanus and Lovina, fits, Nov. 12, 1848, a. 32. Anna, w. Erwin, Aug. 15, 1826, a. 65. G.R.2. Annett, d. Chauncey, bowel complaint, Aug. 24, 1848, a. i y. 8 m. 17 d. Becca (see Shaw). Betsey, non compos, Feb. 3, 1840, a. 38. c.r. David, Dea., Nov. 21, 1760, in 84th y. g.r.2. David, July 4, 1775, in 84th y. G.R.i. Eleanor, w. Maj. John, Oct. 18, 1828, a. 56. g.r.2. Elizabeth, w. Ens. WilUam, June i, 1799, in 36th y. g.R.2. Elizabeth, wid., Mar. 3, 1810. Elizabeth, wid., Apr. 30, 1810. [wid. Dea. Joshua, in 80th y., G.R.2.] Erwin, [Apr.] 26, 1832, a. 80. c.r. [Irwin [dup. h. Anna], soldier of the Revolution, a. 79, G.R.2.] Freeman, s. Solomon and Rebecca, Oct. 11, 1818, a. 2. G.R.2. George Washington, s. Lt. John and Eleanor, Mar. 24, 1802, in 4th y. G.R.2. Irwin (see Erwin). J., Mrs., w. Reuben, May 9, 1847, ^- 64. C.R. [Jane, G.R.2.] James, s. Joshua and Elizabeth, Jan. 16, 1755. James, Aug. 7, 1763, in 46th y. G.R.2. James, Lt., soldier of the Revolution, Sept. 14, 1807. G.R.2. Jane, w. Dea. Seth, Mar. 17, 1789, in 77th y. g.r.2. John 2d, Maj., Oct. 22, 181 1, a. 41. g.r.2. John [h. Margaret], June 2, 184 1, a. 73. g.r.i. Joshua, Dea., Sept. 14, 1807. Joshua, s. Noah, Feb. 20, 181 1. Katherine, d. Dea. Samuel S., July 4, 1766, in 20th y. g.r.2. Lethe, wid. Seth, Oct. 29, 1820, a. 73. g.r.2. Lodicea, d. Erwin and Anna, Apr. 30, 1830, a. 24. G.R.2. Marey, d. Joshua and Elizabeth, May i, 1754. Margaret, w. John, May 12, 1833, a. 62. g.r.i. 232 PALMER DEATHS. Shaw, Martin, s. Erwin and Anna, Oct. 31, 1800, insdy. g.r.2. Mary, w. David, June 4, 1782, in 85th y. g.r.2. Mary, w. James, Mar. i, 1795. [w. Sergt. James, in 30th y., G.R.2.] Mary A., d. Chauncy C. and Mary Ann, Aug. 22, 1848, a. i y. 8 m. G.R.I. Mehitable (see Shaw). Moses, s. Gideon and Jane, Mar. 26, 1795, a. 4 m. 25 d. g.r.2. Moses, Apr. 20, 1835, a. 73. c.r. [[h. Polly] g.r.2.] Moses (see Shaw). Noah Jr., June 30, 1807. Noah, Apr. 20, 1842, a. 82. c.r. [[h. Mehitable] g.r.2.] Polly, d. Erwin and Anna, Sept. 5, 1795, in 14th y. g.r.2. Polly, wid. Moses, Apr. 9, 1837, a. 71. c.r. g.r.2. Sally (see Shaw). Samuel, Dea., June i, 1767, in 95th y. g.r.2. Samuel [h. Lucy], Apr. 10, 1843, ^- ^9- G.R.2. Sarah, d. Erwin and Anna, Nov. 10, 1800, in 5th y. g.r.2. Seth Jr., July 14, 1785, in 45th y. g.r.2. Seth, Dea., Mar. 29, 1798, a. 91. g.r.2. Solomon, Aug. 19, 1828, a. 62. g.r.2. Tirza, w. Eben, Mar. 8, 1823, a. 22. g.r.i. , ch. Moses and Polly, July 26, 1798. g.r.2. , ch. Moses and Polly, Aug. 26, 1798. G.R.2. , ch. Moses and Polly, Oct. 29, 1800. g.r.2. • , ch. Solomon, Nov. 17, 181 1. [Becca, d. Solomon and Rebecca, in 4th y., g.r.2.] , ch. Samuel, Sept. 29, 1813. [Moses, s. Samuel and Lucy, a. 4, g.r.2.] , ch. Solomon, Oct. 11, 1813. , w. Noah, [June] 17, 1832, a. 70. C.R. [Mehitable, June 20, G.R.2.] , inf. Amos, Nov. 24, 1838. c.r. -, w. Cha[rle]s [Nov. 25], 1840, a. 52. c.R. [Sally, Nov. 24, a. 50, G.R.2.] SHEARER, Caty, w. David, Oct. 20, 1825, a. 51. g.r.2. Columbus, s. David and Caty, Sept. 13, 1815. g.r.2. Daniel, consumption, May 25, 1836, a. 22. c.r. [s. Daniel dec'd, g.r.2. ] David, "Killed by a fall from a wagon in Pittsfield whither he had gone to attend the funeral of his brother," [Sept.] 22, 1838, a. abt. 80. c.r. [[h. Caty], a. 78, g.r.2.] Eliza, d. Daniel and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1820, a. 7 m. g.r.2. PALMER DEATHS. 233 Shearer, Hannah, w. Jona[than] Esq., Nov. 27, 181 1. [w. Dr. Jonathan, suddenly, in 59th y., G.R.2.] James, b. Antrim Co., Ireland, Jan, 21, 1745, a. 67. g.r.2. Jane, d. David and Caty, Oct. 25, 1825. g.r.2. Jenny, w. John, Oct. 12, 1816, a. 63. g.r.2. John St., Jan. 12, 1802, in 92d y. [a. 96, g.r.2.] John [h. Jenny] [dup. soldier of the Revolution], Dec. 18, 1817, a. 72. g.r.2. John, Mar. 6, 1840, a. 56. g.r.2. Jonathan, Dr. [h. Hannah], Sept. i, 1828, in 67th y. g.r.2, Lyman, s. John, Nov. 4, 1816, a. 18 m. g.r.2. Marcia, d. Jonathan and Hannah, consumption, Sept. 29, 1849, a. 48. Martha B., d. Dr. Jonathan and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1814, a. 11 m. G.R.2. Minerva, ch. Noah and Tirza, July 6, 1813. [d. Noah and Terza, a. 21, g.r.2.] Nancy, w. Dr. Jonathan, Oct. 9, 1818, a. 31. g.r.2. Simina, d. Daniel, Oct. 19, 1806. [Semi, d. Daniel and Sally, in 4th y., G.R.2.] Terza, w. Noah, Oct. 10, 1820, in 51st y. g.r.2. Wallace, Oct. 4, 1849, ^- ^8. g.r.2. , b. Derby Co., Ireland, w. James, July 7, 1750, a. 75. g.r.2. , inf. Noah, Dec. 5, 1809. , inf. John Jr., Dec, 31, 1810. SHEARMAN (see Sherman), , ch, Benjamin, Feb. 7, 1808. [Alse, d. Benjamin and Rosie, in 3d y., g.r.2.] SHERMAN (see Shearman), Albert S., s. Hervey U., Jan.""!, 1842, a. 4. c.R. [Albert, s. Harvey and Louisa, Dec. 30, 1841, a. 5, G.R.2.] Benjamin, July 9, 1825, a. 52. g.r.2. Hervey Utly, ch. Harvey U. and Louisa, Feb. i, 1834. [Harvey Utley, a. 2, c.R.] [Harvey W., G.R.2.] , ch. Hervey, still-born, [July] 29, 1835. c.R. SHORTRIDGE, , M[r.], [Aug.] — , 1833, at Three Rivers. c.R. SIMMONS (see Simons), , inf. , [Apr.] 18, 1840. c.R. SIMONS (see Simmons), Sumner W., s. John and ^laria A., Mar. I, 1842, a. 22 m. G.R.2. 234 PALMER DEATHS. Simons, William B., s. John and Maria A., May 7, 1845, ^• 2 y. 4 ra. G.R.2. , Mrs., [Feb.] 24, 1835, a. 59. c.r. SIMSON [?] (see Stimpson), Maning, Mar. 15, 1809. SMITH, Agnes, w. Hugh, Sept. 27, 1768. [a. 33, G.R.2.] Alva, s. Elihu and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1814. [a. i, G.R.2.] Amasa, s. Willard and Mary, Oct. 8, 18 14. Anna, w. Hugh, Feb. 21, 1774. [second w. Hugh, a. 42, G.R.2.] Catherine, d. EUhu and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1831, a. 15. g.r.2. ChiUab, bleeding, Jan. 28, 1732-3. David, s. James Jr. and Margaret, Dec. 10, 1763, in 3d y. g.r.2. Dolly, May 5, 1777, a. 7 m. g.r.2. Dolly, w. Lt. James, July 29, 1810. [a. 56, g.r.2.] Elihu [s. Hugh and Agnes], Aug. 30, 1775. Elizabeth (see Smith). George, ch. John and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1834, a. 2 y. 7 m. g.r.2. Hannah, scarlet fever, Apr. 12, 1844, a. 10. c.r. Helen Annette of Ware, Aug. 21, 1847, a. 4. c.r. [ch. John and Sarah, Aug. 22, a. 4 y. 6 m., g.r.2.] Henry B. [dup. omits B.], s. Joseph and Salley, "by drowning in the mill pond," Jan. 9, 1803. [s. Joseph and Sally, in 19th y., g.r.2.] Hugh, May 18, 1805. [soldier in the Colonial Wars [h. Agnes], a. 77, G.R.2.] Jaine, wid., Feb. 12, 1790. James, Dea., June 16, 1776, a. 84. g.r.2. James, May 5, 1777, a. 7 m. g.r.2. James, Mar. 13, 181 1. [soldier of the Revolution [dup. [h. Margaret]], a. 90 [dup. in 90th y.], g.r.2.] James, Oct. 9, 1834, a. 83. c.r. [Lt. James [h. Dolly], G.R.2.] Jane (see Jaine). John, s. John and Margaret, Aug. i, 1741, a 11 m. g.r.2. John, s. James and Margaret, Oct. 27, 1758, a. 11 m. John, Dea., June 19, 1803. [[h. Margaret] a. 87, g.r.2.] John A., [May] 11, 1837, a. 89. c.r. [John Allen, soldier of the Revolution, g.r.2.] John M. (see Smith). John P., ch. John and Sarah, July 22, 1828, a. 2. g.r.2. Joseph, June 27, 1844, a. 86. c.r. [soldier of the Revolution [dup. [h. Sarah]], June 26, a. 84 [dup. 86], g.r.2.] Linus, s. John and Lucy, June 2, 18 16, a. 9 y. 4 m. Linus (see Smith). PALMER DEATHS. 235 Smith, Lydia, d. James and Dolley, Feb. 17, 1796. [d. Lt. James and Dolly, in 2d y., g.r.] Margaret, w. Patrick, Sept. — , 1749, in 48th y. g.r. 2. Margaret, w. Dea. James, Dec. 30, 1750, a. 75. g.r.i. Margaret, w. James, Sept. 12, 1796, a. 69. g.r. 2. Margaret, w, Dea. John, Mar. 10, 1799. [in 83d y., g.r. 2.] Margaret, wid., June 28, 1812. [w. Robert, June 27, a. 83, G.R.2.] Margary M., ch. John and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1834, a. 6 m. g.r.2. Margret, w. Elder James, Dec. 29, 1753. Maria L., scarlet fever, Apr. 5, 1844, a. 8. c.r. Martha F. (see Smith). Martha M., ch. John and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1826, a. 14 m. g.r.2. Mary, d. Robert and Margret, Mar. 8, 1761. Mary, d. Hugh and Agnes, July 30, 1767. [Sept. 20, 1768, a. 10, G.R.2.] Mary, Aug. — , 1833, a. 83. c.r. [d. Dea. John, Aug. 22, G.R.2.] Mary, d. Harvey and Annis, inflamatory fever. Mar. 15, 1843, a. 10. C.R. [Mary E., d. Harvey and Annie, a. 10 y. 7 m., G.R.2.] Mary Ann, d. John of Ware, [Jan.] 19, 1840, a. 2. c.r. [ch. John and Sarah, a. 2 y. 3 m., g.r. 2.] Mathew [s. Hugh and Agnes], Aug. 30, 1775. Nancy, w. Jesse, June 21, 1829, a. 31. g.r.2. Pegey, d. William and Prudence, Apr. 7, 1796. Peggy, d. Lt. James and Dolly, Apr. 30, 1816, a. 19. g.r.2. Polly, Dec. 30, 181 1. Prudence, fever, Oct. 11, 1844, a. 25. c.r. [d. EHhu and Han- nah, G.R.2.] Robert, s. James and Margaret, Oct. 28, 1758, in 4th y. [s. James Jr. and Margaret, a. 4, g.r.2.] Robert, " born in the north of Ireland, " father of Elder James and Patrick, Dec. 21, 1759, in 87th y. [grandfather of John, Robert, James and Hugh Smith, g.r.2.] Robert, Mr., Jan. 4, 1812. Robert [h. Margaret], June 27, 181 2, a. 93. g.r.2. Robert [h. Hannah], Mar. 15, 1819, a. 51. g.r.2. Sarah, w. Dea. James, Aug. 15, 1762, a. 58. g.r.2. Sarah, w. Joseph, Apr. 30, 1830, a. 67, in Deerfield. g.r.2. Sene, d. James and Dolley, May 5, 1777. Susanna, d. John and Margret, Dec. i, 1798. [d. Dea. John, in 44th y., G.R. 2.] Wilham, s. John and Margret, May 30, 1797. [in 51st y., g.r.2.] 236 PALMER DEATHS. Smith, , inf. s. Joseph and Sally, July i, 1803. g.r.2. , inf. Joseph, , 1803. , ch. Robert Jr., Jan. 13, 181 1. [Linus, s. Robert and Hannah, Jan. 12, a. 5, g.r.2. ] , inf. Amos, Sept. 23, 1813. , ch. Elisha, Mar. 16, 18 14. , s. Elihu and Hannah, July 27, 1820, a. 5 w. g.r.2. , ch. John of Ware, "previous to" Oct. 3 [1834]. c.R. , ch. John of Ware, "previous to" Oct. 3 [1834]. c.R. , oldest ch. John of Ware, "previous to" Oct. 3 [1834], a. 5. c.R. [John M., ch. John and Sarah, Sept. 22, g.r.2.] , ch. Solomon, Sept. — , 1836. c.r. , ch. Solomon, Sept. — , 1836. c.R. , ch. of w. of Chauncy, Mar. 15, 1838, a. 2. c.R. , d. Harvey, [Sept.] 17, 1838, a. 3. c.R. [Martha F., d. Harvey and Annie, a. 2 y. 7 m., g.r.2.] , s. John of Ware, Oct. 17, 1841, a. 6 m. c.R. [s. John and Sarah, g.r.2.] , ch. Sam[uel] P., bowel complaint, July 12, 1843, ^- -- C.R. [EHzabeth, d. Samuel P. and Sarah, July 11, a. 17 m., G.R.2.] , s. John and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1846, a. 2 d. g.r.2. SOUTHEY, , Irish, inf. Jam[e]s and Susan (Southy), Dec. 27, 1849, ^- ^I^- SOUTHGATE, EHzabeth, d. Steward and Elizabeth, throat dis- temper, Jan. 28, 1737-8, a. 2 y. I d. SPEAR, Betsey, [Mar.] — , 1832, a. 70. c.R. Calvin, s. David and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1775, in 15th y. g.r.2. David, Elder, Nov. 21, 1760, a. 83. David, Capt. [dup. Dea.], soldier of the Revolution, Apr. 11, 1800 [dup. in 75th y.]. g.r.2. Elizabeth, w. WilHam, June i, 1799, a. 36 y. 5 m. Eunice, d. David and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1775, in 8th y. g.r.2. Peggy (see Spear). , inf. Luther, , 1803. ■ — , w. David, Nov. 2, 1842, a. 84. c.R. , w. Calvin, consumption, Apr. — , 1843, ^- 7°- ^•^• [Peggy, Apr. 14, g.r.2.] SPENCE, John, b. Antrim Co., Airland, July 23, 1753, a. 88. g.r.2. STEAR, Annie, w. Daniel, Nov. 4, 1826, a. 21. g.r.2. PALMER DEATHS. 237 STEBBINS, Julia S., Mrs., June 23, 1844, a. 24. c.r. [w. Joel R., G.R.2.] , Mrs., [Nov.] 25, 1840, at Three Rivers. c.R. STEERE (see Stear). STEVENS, Hannah, wid., fever, Apr. 4, 1845, '^- 54- c.r. , Mrs., May 5, 1832, a. 82. c.R. , ch. , Apr. 8, 1840. c.R. STEWART, , ch. , [Jan.] — , 1832. c.r. STIMPSON (see Simson), Hannah, b. Monson, w. Noah, dysen- tary, Oct. 6, 1849, ^- 62. STONE, Abner, Dr., Dec. i, 1778, a. 25. g.r.2. Nancy, b. Dana, d. Hosea and Pamilea, consumption, [rec. between Feb. 16 and Mar. 10, 1849], a. 15 y. 2 m. , Mr., "town pauper," July 31, 1842, a. 53. c.r. STRICKLAND (see Stricklin), , Mrs., Apr. 4, 1844, a. 72. c.r. STRICKLIN (see StricMand), , Mr., Mar. — , 1837, a. 78. c.R. SWEENEY, Naba, Sept. 4, 1803. SWEET, Henry H. F., Rev., Feb. 20, 1827, a. 30. g.r.2. SWININGTON, Betsy, w. Michael, Jan. 29, 1814. Lois, w. Michael, Feb. 22, 1807, in 37th y. g.r.2. Mary E., Jan. 25, 1825, a. 20. g.r.2. TAYLOR, Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1838, a. 85. g.r.i. , w. Jonathan, Nov. 12, 1843, ^- 80. c.R. TENNEY (see Tenny), George D., s. E. and S., Mar. 19, 1840, a. 3. g.r.i. TENNY (see Tenney), ■ , ch. Ehp[hale]t, [Mar.] 25, 1840, a. 3. c.R. THAYER, Harriot, consumption, Apr. 14, 1842, a. 15. c.R. , Mrs., consumption, [Sept.] 10, 1839, ^- 42- C.R. , ch. , [Mar.] 16, 1840. c.R. , June — , 1840. c.R. THOMPSON, Abigail, d. Noah and Rachel, Dec. 3,' 1788, a. 19. G.R.2. 238 PALMER DEATHS. Thompson, Elizabeth, w. Capt. John, Oct. 11, 1763, a. 63. G.R.2. Jesse, s. Noah and Rachel, drowned, July 20, 1783, in 15th y. G.R.2. John, Capt. [dup. [h. EHzabeth]], soldier in the Colonial Wars, Jan. ig, 1785, a. 85. g.r.2. , inf. Estus, [Jan.] 20, 1837. c.r. , Mrs., "In the fall," 1838, in Bondville. c.r. TILDEN, Susanna, w. William, Dec. 11, 1824, a. 35. g.r.2. TRUMBULL, Aaron, Nov. — , 1838. c.r. , d. Aaron dec'd, [Dec] 11, 1838. c.r. , "Old" Mr., Dec. — , 1838. c.r. TURNER, Daniel [h. Elizabeth], Jan. 25, 1842, a. 72, in Wil- braham. g.r.2. Elisabeth, wid., Feb. 25, 1844, a. 75. c.r. [Elizabeth, w. Daniel, Feb. 24, a. 74, g.r.2.] James, Dr., Dec. 16, 1833, a. 39, in Wilbraham. g.r.2. UNDERWOOD, Edwin A., s. EH and Aurilla, Aug. 26, 1842, a. 4 y. 6 m. g.r.i. Eli, Aug. II, 1845, 3-. 30 y. 6 m. 22 d. g.r.i. , Mr., [Nov.] — , 1835, at Three Rivers, c.r. UPHAM, Patty, w. Charles, Jan. 5, 1842, a. 66. g.r.2. UTLEY, Sophia, wid., consumption, Sept. 22, 1845, ^- 42- C.R. WADSWORTH (see Wardsworth, Wordsworth). WALCOTT (see Wolcott). WALKER, Josiah, Dec. 31, 1847, ^- 4^- c.r. Lucinthy, w. Sylvanus Jr., Dec. 28, 1795, in 35th y. Mary, wid., Oct. 31, 1813. Mary, d. Tyler, fever, Apr. 8, 1849, a. 5. Mary J., d. Benjamin A. and Mary (Van Buren), Apr. 3, 1828, a. 2 W. G.R.I. Mary Van Buren, w. Benjamin A., Oct. 27, 1833, a. 35. g.r.i. Sarah, w. Sylvanus Jr. [dup. Selvenos, omits Jr.], Oct. 5, 1785, in 25th y. Sarah, d. Col. Abel and Elizabeth of Charlestown, N. H., Oct. 25, 1789, in 20th y. G.R.I. Sylvanus, Capt., Jan. 9, 1797. Tyler, Apr. 7, 1845, ^- 3i- c.r. [Apr. 6, a. 30, g.r.2.] PALMER DEATHS. 239 Walker, , s. Benjamin A. and Mary (Van Buren), Mar. 20, 1831, a. 2 d. g.r.i. , inf. Appleton, [Mar.] 20, 1832. c.r. WALLACE, Roxana, colored, d. Nancy, Sept. 18, 1835, a. 22. C.R. WARD, Abner, July 24, 1808. Asa, Nov. 26, 1835, a. 69. c.r. [[h. Dolia] g.r.2.] Charlotte C, w. John, Feb. 26, 1848, a. 32. g.r.i. Eunice, , 1839, a. 91. c.r. Mary, w. Obadiah, Dec. i, 1796, in 64th y. g.r.i. Nat, [Oct.] 14, 1837, a. 70. c.r. Orilla, d. Asa and Dotia, pleuricy, Dec. 24, 1849, a. 51 y. 8 m. [Orrilly, Dec. 25, g.r.i.] Prudence, w. Lt. Ward, Dec. 15, 1815, a. 73. g.r.2. Uryah [dup. Urijah], Lt., soldier of the Revolution, June 7, 1820, a. 74. G.R.2. , ch. Calvin, Feb. 20, 181 2. , s. John and Charlotte C, Sept. 30, 1838, a. 6 m. g.r.i. • , wid. Asa, Nov. 27, 1838. c.r. [Doha, a. 67, G.R.2.] WARDSWORTH (see Wordsworth), E. [h. Jemima], Mar. 26, 1825, a. 73. G.R.2. Jemima, w. E., May 25, 1829, a. 76. g.r.2. WARREN, Eunice, w. Isaac, Mar. 10, 1796, in 31st y. g.r.2. WARRENER, John, s. W[illia]m and Lois, June 18, 1777. WASHBURN, Ira, [Feb.] 23, 1840, a. 83. c.r. Martha, Mrs., Apr. 20, 1847, ^' 86. c.r. , w. Ira W., suicide, Apr, 26, 1840, a. 48. c.r. WATSON, Ameha H., May 6, 183 1, a. 27. g.r.2. Aramintha, June 15, 1831, a. 31. g.r.2. Asa, s. Patrick and Esebel [? Oct. 8, 1790]. Asa, s. Capt. Patrick and Isabel, Apr. 29, 1791, a. 7 m. g.r.2. Isabel, w. Capt. Patrick, Dec. 31, 1831, a. 84. g.r.2. James [h. Sarah], Aug. 7, 1820, a. 43. g.r.2. James, Lt., Aug. 7, 1820, a. 49. g.r.2. Patrick Jr., Aug. 26, 1808. [s. Capt. Patrick and Isabel, in 22d y., G.R.2.] Patrick, Capt. [h. Isabel], Nov. 30, 1827, a. 82. g.r.2. Sarah, w. John, June 22, 1831, a. 55. g.r.i. Sarah, wid., May 2, 1838, a. 62. c.r. [w. James, a. 60, g.r.2.] 240 PALMER DEATHS. WEBBER, Ebenezer, Col., May 15 [1807]. [[h. Rebecah] a. 64, G.R.2.] Rebecah, wid. Col. Ebenezer, Oct. 21, 1828, a. 75. g.r.2. Robert, Sept. 7, 181 2. [s. Col. Ebenezer and Rebecah, a. 19, G.R.2.] WELLMAN, , ch. , Feb. 10, 1835, [at] Three Rivers. C.R. WHITE, Calvin [h. Phebe], July 31, 1838, a. 69. g.r.2. Phebe, w. Calvin, Aug. 31, 1832, a. 55. g.r.2. Ruby, Feb. 21, 1848, a. 51. g.r.2. WHITING, , Miss, Sept. — , 1840, at Three Rivers. C.R. WIRTHINGTON (see Withington), Sarah, Mrs., Feb. 17, 1814, in 53d y. G.R.2. WITHINGTON (see Wirthington), Joseph, June 4, 1806. Susanna, w. Joseph, Nov. 29, 1805. WITT, Emeline, [d. or w.] Austin, consumption, Apr. 12, 1849, a. 23. Wealthy, [d. or w.] Josiah, fever, Oct. 27, 1849, ^- S^- WOLCOTT, , twin inf. , [Oct.] 17, 1832, at Three Rivers, c.r. , tvi^in inf. , "soon after" [Oct.] 17, 1832, at Three Rivers, c.r. WORDSWORTH (see Wardsworth), Sally, Feb. 17, 18 14. WORTHINGTON (see Wirthington, Withington). WRIGHT, Alfred (see Wright). Laura, d. Joel and Lydia, Jan. 23, 1813, in 8th y. g.r.i. , ch. Joel, Feb. 26, 1807. [Alfred, s. Joel and Lydia, in 4th y., G.R.2.] [inf. Joel and Lydia], Apr. 25, 1811. g.r.i. , s. Joel and Lydia, May 28, 1813, a. 3. g.r.i. YOUNG, Arabel T., d. James and Frances, Apr. 10, 1843, ^' ^ Y' 5 m. G.R.I. UNIDENTIFIED. -, Tommy, Irish, "one of the four blown up with powder," [July] 27, 1839. C-R- PALMER DEATHS. 24I — , , "An unknown Hessian soldier . . . one of the prisoners who died in Palmer in 1777 while on the way to Boston," , 1777. G.R.I. — , , ch. , "soon after" [Oct. 17], 1832. — , , ch. , Aug . — , 1836, at Three Rivers. C.R. -, ch. , Feb. — , 1837, at Thre Rivers. c.R. -, ch. , Feb. — , 1837, at Thre Rivers. c.R. -, ch. , [Mar.] — , 1837, at Three Rivers. C.R. c.R. -, ch. , [Dec] — , 1837, in Thorndike. c.R. -, "an Irishman on Rail Road," Apr. — , 1838. — , , "a foreigner killed on rail road," [May] 29, 1838. c.R. — , , d. , [May] 30, 1838, a. 12, in Thorndike. c.R. -, Irishman, July — , 1838. C.R. -, Irishman, July — , 1838. c.R. -, ch. , [Aug.] — , 1838, at Three Rivers. c.R. c.R. -, ch. , [Aug.] — , 1838, at Three Rivers. -, ch. , Nov. — , 1838, in Bondville. c.R. -, ch. , Nov. — , 1838, in Bondville. c.R. -, ch. , Feb. — , 1839, ^^ Thorndike. c.R. -, ch. , abt. May 2, 1839, in Thorndike. c.R. — , , Aug. — , 1839, i^ Thorndike. c.R. — , , d. , drowned, Sept. or Oct. — , 1839, ^• 13, at Three Rivers. c.R. — , , ch. D., Sept. or Oct. — , 1839. c.R. — , , d. , Nov. — , 1839, ^t Three Rivers. c.R. — , , ch. , [Feb.] — , 1840, a. i, in Thorndike. c.R. — , , "Young woman," Mar. — , 1840, at Three Riv[ers]. c.R. — , , "woman," [Apr.] 30, 1840, at Three Rivers. c.R. c.R. -, ch. , Sept. — , 1840, at Three Rivers. -, ch. , Sept. — , 1840, at Three Rivers. C.R. 242 C.R. a. 14 d. PALMER DEATHS. -, ch. , Sept. — , 1840, at Three Rivers. -, Irish, d. , bowel complaint, Feb. 16, 1849, -, b. Ireland, s. -, bowell complant, Sept. 18, 184Q, a. 45. H 416 85 .0^ ^■^^ V ^^. '"., "^^ ^^ c'^vf'. A .•*°. ^^^TT.-^-'/' \/^?^->^^ V^'^^%0'^ \.^^*'^'*/ -^v, . r>^ r. o " o ♦ *c) HECKMAN BINDERY INC. JUN85 N. MANCHESTER. INDIANA 46962