f 5=n .C507 LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 016 085 454 6 (Of ME £• LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST A TOURISTS' GUIDE TO THE SUMMER RESORTS AND FISHIXG AND HUXTING GROUNDS REACHED \'IA THE CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN' LINE. WITH INFORMATIllN COVERING SUMMER TRAIN SER\TCE. AND A COMPLETE LIST OF HOTELS, WITH T H K I It LOT- AT II IN. KATI'^ AND CA1'A( 1T\' Chicago and North Western Railway Passenger Department Chicago, III. 1914 •C50"] VffrTnitlxon L>il- INOICATdS DOUBLE TRACK KEY MAP Full page maps, each covering territory outlined by one of the numbered squares, appear on pages shown in the index. CoPVRIiIHT. 1111 1 Chicago and North Wkstkrn Railww )CI.A389H84 DEC -7 1914 '^ntroDuctorv WIIF,X st'k-cliii^' a ])la(<' in wliic'li to spend llic snuiincr vacation ]KTiod, one .seeks to get far enough iiortli to escape the heat, near enough to some pleasant hody of water to secure the henetit of cooling ])ree/,es, and far enough away from tlie city and its turmoil for pure air, quiet and rest. With these things in mind, tlie .seeker after rest and summer quiet looks each year for n<'\v territory in which to spend the vacation, and inqiroved transpoi-tation facilities greatly encourage thi.s .search for an annual change of .scene. It is tlie purpose of tliis ])ookk't to descril)e, for the Iienefit of the hunter, fisherman and tra\eling i)ul)lic in general, various summering places located on the shores of cpiiet lakes, surrouniled hy the .shade of noble trees, equipj)ed with those conveniences necessary for one's full enjoyment of the vacation jx'riod, and situated in a region easily reached by the train .service of the Chicago and North Western Line. Hundreds of delightful lakes and resorts situated in Wisconsin, the npper ])eninsula of Michigan and southern Minnesota answer this descriplion. They are in a region where one may escape from the heat and dust of the city, where the nights are cool and restful, the days full of sunshine, and where there is an evenness in clirnalie conditions and a purity of atmosphere that cannot be suri)asseil. Within a hundred miles of Chicago one can make choice of a place for the sununer sojourn from among hun(lrc(ls of these resorts, where the finest of fishing, bathing, boating and yachting are at hand, where golf and tennis, riding, driving and automobile tours, through the adjacent country, are at one's ready disposal, and where, with the complete quiet of rural surroundings, all the conveniences of city life are provided. The hotel accommoda- tions at these resort.s are ample and of a wide range of quality, which ])crmits the fidl indulgence of individual tastes aufl means. Farther afiekl are scores of fishing and hunting resorts, hidden away in the virgin forests of northern Wisconsin and the upper |)eninsula of Michigan, where the lover of Nature may make cam]) amid innumerat)le lakes and streams, surrounded by forests, where the soft balsam of the pines ])ervades the air, where speckled trout are abundant in the streams, and black bass and nuiskellunge in the lakes. Round-trip rates are in effect during the summer season from all ])oints, and the train .service of the Chicago and Xorlh Western Line is such that one may spend the vacation |)ci'io(l within an hour of Chicago, or may select some one of the hundreds of jxiiuts situated in the (Ireat North Woods, and reached by a night's ride in through I'ullman sleej)ing cars that land the exi)eetanl tra\i'ler in the heart of the woods in time for an early breakfast. DOWN STREAM ON A CANOE "TRAIL" IN THE COOL NORTH WOODS i List of Hotels and Boarding Houses AT THE \ARU)US SUMMER RESORTS AND KISHlNl. AND HUNTINC GROUNDS REACHED BY THE CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN LINE, TOGETHER WITH SCHEDULE OF RATES, CAPACITY, DISTANCE FROM STATION, ETC., ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY STATES. ILLINOIS Hotels and Boarding Houses GARY, ILL. — See Map, page H Route — Chicago and North Western Line, locaL Cary is situated on the Fox River, thirty-eight miles from Chicago. Its nearness to the city is one of the chief reasons for its popularity. Here it is possible for a resident of the city to send his family during the heated term, while he runs out at the week's end to a cool breathing spot to spend the time comfortabh' amid ideal surrmnidings, and thus escape the stifling heat. Proprietors Distance 1 from Station Colonial Inn Mrs. C. Werren . . I (i mis. Hotel Sheffield . . . C. A. Sheffield. ... (i " Nachusa Hotel . . . ;T. Young 1 ml. Assembly Park(a) .iT. Young 2 mis. Dixon Inn ki. G. McCarthy..] 1 ml. ZO RATES Per Day Per Week 40 2.00 S.00-12.00 7.5 2.00-2..50! S.OO-IO.OO 100 2.00-2.50 12.00 200 L.iO S.00-10.00 60,2.00-3.00 12.00 Proprietors Distance from Station 0"^ O 3 ZO RATES Houses Per Day Per Weelc Fox River Hotel. .J. Narowetz 2 mis. 75 1.50 S.OO River Bend Hotel .iT. W. Daley .3 " .50 2.00 S.OO .Abbotts' Bend.. . .'A. H. Abbott If" 50 2.00 S.OO Castle Pavilion. . . Eman Opatrny. . . 1 ml. 60 1.25 7.00 Private House. ... R. H. Grantham. . 2 blks. 12 1.50 7.00 Hotel Shannon . . . Mrs.H. T.Shannon 2| mis. 25 1.50 7.00 Freeman's Hotel. . J. D. Freeman.. . . 1 blk. 35 1.50 7.00 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL.— .Sf<- Map, page G Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Crystal Lake is about forty-three miles from Chicago. Here one finds a beautiful sheet of water, placid and clear as a crystal, with a sloping, gravelly beach which affords splendid bathing. The lake is celebrated for the fine quality of its bass and pickerel, and every facility is pro- vided for those who would enjoy a few hours' fishing. A bus makes regular trips from the station to the lake, or, as an alternative, excellent livery may be engaged at reason- able rates. a Open only during Chautauqua season, July 15-20. FOX LAKE, ILL. McHenry Station — See Map, page 6 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. .svt- Map, page Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Highland Park is located on the beautiful North Shore, twenty-three miles from Chicago. Being within the suburban zone, it enjoys exceptionally fine train service. Excellent fishing, bathing and boating is to be had on Lake Michigan, and just west of the town is a fine golf course, maintained bv the Exmoor Club. Hotel Moraine . Highland Hall. R. W. Larke, Mgr • Mrs. R. E. Schwalbe 1 ml. 300 3.00-6.00 85 2..50-O.00 17.50 up 14.00 Hotel Leonard. . . . P. H. Leonard. ... 1 ml. Lake Shore House. Robt. H. Burr 2i mis. CrystalLakeHouseiMrs. E. Levin 100 •2..5(l-3.00 12.00-15.00 50 2.00 10.00-12.00 50 1.50 7.00-8.00 DIXON, ILL. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Little more than two hours' ride from Chicago, on the main line of the Chicago and North Western Railway west from Chicago, is Dixon, nestling in the Rock River Valley. In its immediate \icinil>- is soirie of the most picturesque scenery to be found in northern Illinois. Excellent fishing, bathing and boating may be enjoyed in the Rock Ri\er. Six miles from Dixon, connected with it l)y good macadam road, and reached by auto or by launch on Rock River, is Grand Detour, an exceptionally pretty spot, where good accommodations may be had. LAKE BLUFF, ILL.— 5ff Map. page 6 Route — Chicago and .North Western Line, local. Situated on the high l)luffs of Lake Michigan, only thirty miles frt)m Chicago, Lake Bluff is a favorite with many Chicagoans. It is particularly desirable as a family resort. Bathing on the beach, one of the finest along the lake, is a popular summer pastime. Sheridan Inn Mrs. Laura B Fowler Hotel De Rogers. . Mrs. A. D. Rogers Colonial S. A. West The Lilacs Mrs. M. Mapes 5 blks. 35 1.40 4 " 40 2.00 6 " 50 2.50 2 " 30 2.00 7.00-10.00 10.00-12.00 10.00-15.00 9.00-12.00 LAKE ZURICH, ILL.— Palatine Station — See Map, page r, Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Palatine, thence P. L. Z. & W. R>'. Lake Zurich is another of Chicago's near-by resorts. It is located about eight miles from Palatine (twenty-six miles northwest of Chicago), and can be readily reached from that point by the serxice oi the Palatine, Lake Zurich & Wauconda Railwa\ . A short, pleasant run from Chicago, immediately after leaving work for the week-end, and you are free — away from the hum-drum and monotony of cit\" life — to enjoy yachting, golfing, rowing, fishing or bathing, out in the cool, L A K E S A N D R E S R T S OF THE X R T II W E S T Stsi^fiTOt PValrle \ CMiTTrr.T^Eh NORTH CHIOAGO |u.S,N«val 'rralnlDgSUtloa [cheat lakes li tight HOMM Hketvosha ^HUBSARO WOODd \^lN1iCTRA i>* ^tf^NILWOSTH \»/t\.<* ETTC a 4~. '^^^-°>-ii^^^>^ Electric Lines . Indic^is) Double Track. =-^ Wijon Reidi. ale of Miles ^ t ? ^ J *? ? ? - 1_AJ ?— jLL'' Copyng/tt. 1904, 6y Cfxcago i. North-Weatern tty, Co., Chicago, III. :l REACHED BY CHIC A G O A N D N O R T H E S T E R y R Y. Lake Zurich, 111. — ( Cont'd i in\iting open. Palatine is within the suburban limits of Chicago, and therefore enjoys excellent train service. Fishing, boating and liathing arc unexcelled at this and other near-bv lakes. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from j Station Per Day Per Week Maple Leaf Hotel Elm House Whitney House.. Hoeft House .... Lake Home Hotel Lake Side Hotel . Ficke House (x) . Mrs. Philip Young 7 mis. Ed. Gainer i 5 " James Suetsinger. 3 " Mrs. Fred Hoeft. . I 6 " C. Will I 5 " R. E. Beutler 7 " Mrs. E. A. Ficke.. I 5 " 50L50-2.0() 30 2.00 2.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 251.00-1.50 X No meals. McHENRY, ILL.— Fox Lake, III.— See Map. page 6 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. McHenry, 111., is located fifty miles northwest of Chicago, on the Chicago and North Western Lino. Here beautiful lakes dot the landscape and comfortable summer homes and hotels furnish ample accommodations. It is the railway station for Pistakee Bay, Fox Lake and Nippersink Lake, a region noted as a great migratory track for waterfowl, and as one of the inexhaustible fishing grounds of the country, black bass, pike, pickerel and silver bass being most abundant. During the summer tourist season buses convey passen- gers between McHenry station and the Everett Hunter boat dock, from which launches will be operated to and from points on the Fox River and Pistakee Bay. Howard's Mineola Hotel Cirkle Park Hotel.... (a) Riverside House. . Kingsley House(6) Lakeside Stilling's Hotel . . . Oak Park Hotel . . Illinois Hotel North Western Hotel Buch House . . . . Hotel McHenr>-(a) Rosedale Summer Resort Orchard Beach . . . Moore House Mellin's Summer Resort E. C. Howard. . . M. G. Cirkle. . . . Mrs. S. Dermont F. O. Gans A. H. Kingsley. . DcProft & Her- bertz Ben Stilling J. J. Mertes J. E. Diener ,S. Heimer IF. Justen :J. C. Bickler... 300, 2..50up 14.00-1S.(U) 2.501.50-2..50 7.00-14.00 go! 2.00 S.OI) in0 2.00-2..50 10.00-14,00 1001.50-2.00 8.00-12O1) 1.50 2.00 up I 10.00 up 1.50,2.00-2. .50 10.00-12.00 75t 2.0U L-.0'^2.00up :«! 2.00 30 2.00 40' 2.00 J.F. Miller U mis. C. F. Norager. . O. L. Moore . . . S. J. Mellin.... 50 45 10 1..50 2.00 1.00 50 2.00 a Postoffice, West McHenry. 111. all others McHenry is the postoffice. b Pistakee Bay postoffice; for NUNDA, ILL. See Crystal Lake — See Map, page n PISTAKEE BAY, ILL. See McHenry, 111. — .svt- Map, page i: RICHMOND, ILL. See, also. Powers Lake, Wis. — See Map, page 6 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Richmond, 111., located on the Illinois-Wisconsin border, is one of the stations for Powers Lake and the Twin Lakes. The resorts located here are well known as family resorts — quiet and restful. S.00-10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 9.00-10.00 4.00-10.00 Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance from Station RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Columbia \V. K. Motley. . . 3blks. 50 2.00 7.00-8.00 WAUCONDA, ILL.— 5f<" Map, page 6 Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Palatine, thence P., L. Z. & W. Ry. Forty miles northwest of Chicago, on the shore of Bangs Lake, quickly and conveniently reached by the splendid suburban service of the Chicago and North Western Railway in conjunction with the P., L. Z. & W. Ry. Good livery. Excellent boating and bathing; black bass and pickerel are abundant. The "Oak Openings" afford good camping grounds, and an exceptionally fine place for summer outing. Jenks House . . . East Side Hotel. Lakeside Inn. . . Private House. . Burton Villa . . . Oakland Hotel. Shadow Lawn . . X'illage Hotel . . . C. E. Jenks iM. S.Clark D. H. Murphy. . Mrs. B. K. Duers Burton. . . . Crabtree . . L. E. Sowers Neal C. S. A. L Mrs. J. H. 10 mis. 10 " 10 " 9 " 8 " Iblk 8 mis. .501 1.50 60: 1..50 40i2.00-2.50 20! 1.25 20' 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 8.00 8.00 10.00 7.00 12 00 8.00 8.00 7.00 WINNETKA, ILL.— See Map, page 6 Rotite — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Winnetka is located on the shore of Lake Michigan, and is usually termed "One of Chicago's Beautiful North Shore Suburbs." Located sixteen miles from the city it affords all the advantages of city life, with none of the disadvantages. 10.00-12.00 10.00-12.00 12.00 Special 10.00 S.OO 9.00 4.00 10.00 .North Shore Health Resort.. W. K. Whitaker. mile 30.00 up WISCONSIN ANTIGO, WIS.— .SV<- Map. page SO Route — Chii-.i.i;o and North Western Line, local. Near Antigo are several rapidly flowing trout streams, including the Fau Claire River, the Two Evergreens and smaller streams, while farther afield will be found cool, clear lakes, offering unexcelled bass and muskellunge fishing. Partridge are plentiful and deer are to be found during the open season. Hotel accommodations are good, and competent guides can be had at moderate prices if desired. LAKE S A N D RESORTS OF THE N O R T H W EST Antigo, Wis.— (Cont'd) Hotels and Boarding Houses Hotel Butterfield.. HotelAlIright..(a) Hoffman House.. . Lily Hotel HotelEvergreen(c)]F. Hendrick . , Hotel Backbone. .|G. B. Herman Proprietors C. F. Long John Matteson. . F. J. Hoffman. . . Wm. Priem , . (b) Distance from Station 2 blks. 12 mis. i blk. 14 mis. 16 " O 3 20 RATES Per Day Per Week 80|2.25-3.00| 12.00 30 2.00 I 10.00 1001.50-2.00 6.00-12.00 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 8.00 Special ASHIPPUN, WIS.— 5e« Map, page IS Route — Chicago and \orth Western Line, local. Located thirty-nine miles northwest of Milwaukee, on the new branch of the Chicago and North Western Railway across Wisconsin. Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance from Station ^. . OJ O 3 zc RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Lake \'ie\v Hotel. . L'cberall Bros. . . . 2 mis. 100 1.50 8.00 a Postoffice, Phlox, Wis. b Postoffice, Lily, Wis.; the 14 miles is distance from Bryant station. c Reached from Ellon station, 2 blocks. Postoffice, Elton, Wis. APPLETON, WIS.— .SVe Map, page 34 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Appleton, a beautiful city, is situated on ihe lower Fox Ri\cr. Bass, pike, pickerel and perch are plentiful in Lake Winnebago, five miles distant. BARABOO, WIS. See Devil's Lake and Mirror Lake- Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. See Map, page 12 Hulbert House. (o) J. M. Hulbert.... 8 mis. 20 1.50 8.00 New Warren Hotel G. W. Ziebell 4 blks. 125 2.00 up 14.00 up Wellington Hotel . Lueth Bros 6 " 100| 2.00 up 10.00 up OakLawnCottage(a) Mrs. G. B.Goodall 10 mis. 10 1..50 8.00 Huntington's . .(a) J. T. Huntington 10 " 20 2.00 8.00 The Sherman ijohn Conway. . . . Hotel Randolph. .N. D. Randolph. . Briggs Hotel iD. J. Wittig North Western Hotel John A. Brill 3 blks. 200; .75 up 2 " 1002.50-3.00 4 " 60 1.25 21 i< 100 1.50 European 5.00 up ' Special ASHLAND, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Lake Superior is the largest body of fresh water in the world. Its rugged shores, covered with pine and hemlock, are dotted with hundreds of islands that add to its pictur- esque charm. .'Ashland occupies a unique position at the head of this great lake, and in relation to the great woods of the North, where deer and bear and smaller game abound, and where the eye feasts on unsurpassed beauty of shore and water. Sixteen miles off shore from Ashland is the historic group known as the Apostle Islands. Madeline Island, of this group, has many features of historical interest and is a beautiful spot for a season of rest and amusement. Com- fortable cottages are to be had at reasonable rates. The islands are placed in direct touch with the mainland by daily steamer. The summer climate around Lake Superior is highly enjoyable. Oppressive heat is unknown. The incense from the pine and balsam, which hea\ily cover its rugged shores, fills the air and is especially fa\-orable to sufferers from hay fe^■er. Boating, fishing and bathing are excellent. o Postoftice, Delton, Wis. BAYFIELD, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Deer, partridge and wild duck. The climate is espe- cially favorable to suft'erers from hay fever. The State Fish Hatchery, the largest lake trout hatchery in the United States, is two and a half miles from the city. Good trout fishing in the \icinit\' of Bayfield. Chas. Ladd. . Mrs. C.T.Andreas Mrs. L. E. Davis. Mrs. B. ."^rseneau H(jtel Bracken.. . . Ravine View Cottage Davis House Baldwin Hotel.. . . Old Mission, Madeline Island St James Hotel. . . Island \ie\v \.B. Sayles. . . Union Hotel [Mrs. J. Supple E. P. Salmon Mrs. J. A. Farrow 2 blks. 30 1.50 6 " 25 2.00 2 " 30 2.00 7 " 30 1.00 4 mis. 100 2.50 2 blks. 25 1.50 6 " 80 2.00-3.00 Iblk. 30 1.50 6.00 10.00 10.00 4.50 12.00-15.00 4.50-6.00 8.00-12.00 6.00 Knight Hotel [C. H. Clark, iMgr The Chequamegon Miller Culver . . . Briggs Hotel IW. T. Briggs. . . . Tremont House.. .John H. Franker. Seventh Ave. HoteljSellburg & Benson Old Mission, Madeline Island Boston Rest Hotel 9th Ave. House. . . E. P. Salmon. . (a) F. G. Asbach. Louis Gocttz 9 blks. 150 2.50 up 3 " 70 1.50-2.00 5 " 50 2.00 6 " 125 1.00-1.25 Iblk. 75 1.50 up 16 mis. 100 2.50 5 blks. 30 1.00 up Iblk. 30 1.00-2.00! 17.50 up 7.00-9.00 10.00 5.00-6.00 8.00 up 12.00-15.00 iropean 5.00 BIRCH WOOD, WIS.— ^fp Map, page 50 Route — Chicago ami Nortli Western Line, local. Birchwood is in the center of a veritable sportsman's paradise. Red Cedar Lake, Balsam Lake, Birch Lake and Lake Chetec form a chain as picturesque as can be found in Northern Wisconsin, and are well stocked with bass, wall-eyed pike and pickerel. .A numl^er of streams entering into these lakes furnish excellent trout fishing. A short distance from Lake Chetec are Big and Little Sissabagamo lakes, where good muskellunge fishing is found. Long Lake, si.x miles from Birchwood or Brill, is well stocked with bass, pike and pickerel. a Postoffice, Bayfield, Wis. Thomas Inn |Chas. Thomas. Birch Lake Inn. . . Jacob Senty ...(/) Isaacson Farm. . .iPeter Isaacson (b) Garbutt Cottages. DeerpathLodge(d) Gouchenour Resort Joseph Garbutt (a) G. A. Dameier . . . Chas. Gouchenour. 4i mis. 60 1.50 Iblk. 48 .50 Eu. 5 mis. 25 1.50 4 " (a) 20 1.50 7 " (c) 50 2.50 4 " 50 1.00 8.00 Special 8.50 9.00 12.00 7.00 a On Chetec Island, in Lake Chetec. b Postoffice, Stone Lake, Wis. c By launch, d Postoffice, Mikano, Wis Meals by request. REACHED BY CHI C A GO AND NORTH WESTERN R l . CABLE, WIS. See, also. Lake Owen, Wis. — See Map, page si Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Deer, bear and small game. Cable Lake, Lake Owen, Hamils Lake and Bass Lake, near the station, are good fishing lakes: several good trout streams near by. Nine miles east is Lake Namekagon and, farther on, Lost Lake and Lake Number Four are comfortably reached by good roads; bass, pike, perch, pickerel and muskellunge abound in these waters, and guides, boats, lixery and fishing tackle are always obtainable. CONOVER, WIS.— 5ft' Maps, pages -',11 and U Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. There are ten lakes that can be fished, using Lakota as a base. The drive from Conover is a very pleasing one through a forest of pines and maples. Fine brook trout, muskellunge, black and Oswego bass, pike and pickerel are abundant, while duck and deer shooting is excellent in season. Easy portages for boats, a good supply of canoes, sail boats, a steam yacht and competent guides are available. Hotels and Boarding Houses Cable Hotel Lake View The Cavalier . , (o) Lakewoods . . ..(a) Island Camp. ..(a) Proprietors VV. H.Williams... J. La Pointe L. E. Cavalier. . . . Miss .A. B. Nemee Miss A. B. Nemee Distance "o In from Station zd Iblk. 25 10 mis. 15 3 " 30 9 " 60 10 " 14 RATES Per Day Per Week 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 5.00 10.00 Special 12.00 a Arrangements must be made in advance. CAMBRIDGE, WIS. London Station — See Lake Ripley — See Map, page 12 CAMPBELLSPORT, WIS. See Forest Lake — See Map, page IS 1 CECIL, WIS. — Shawano Lake. — See Map, page so Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Beautifully located at east end of Shawano Lake. Boats, | guides and teams readily obtained. This lake, and Berry Lake, six miles from Cecil, about one and one-half, miles long by one mile wide, are well stocked with black ! bass, wall-eyed pike and pickerel. Loon Lake, another 1 beautiful lake two miles long and surrounded by wooded shores, is about four miles from the station and afTords fine fishing. Good duck hunting in season. Fine boating and bathing. Boats run between North Beach and Cecil; also between Shawano and North Beach. Proprietors Distance from Station ZO RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Lakota Hotel and Cottages (also cottages at Port- age and Bass lakes) (c) Wm. Adams . . (o) 5 mis. 150 2.00 10.00-12.00 Adams' Summer Resort (at Twin Lake and on Island in Pioneer Lake) Antler Lodge Rush Resort Haymcadow Farm Buckataba Lake Resort Wm. Adams . . (b) A. J. Handlos. . . . M. D. Rush E. F. Hay ward. . . Fred Weyer 5 " 9 " 5 " 2^ " 5 " 50 15 20 20 20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1..50 8.00-12.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 a Postoffice, Lakota, Wis. b Postoffice, Conover, Wis. c Also meets guests at Phelps with launch. CRANDON, "^IS.—See Map, page 36 Route — Chicago antl North Western Line, local. At Crandon are Sand Lake, Stone Lake, and Lake Metonga, at the head waters of the Wolf River. The fishing is good and there are numerous hotels ofTering accommodations. The deer shooting is excellent through- out this region and owing to the large numljer of wild rice beds close at hand this region forms one of the best duck hunting localities in Wisconsin. Washington Hotel W'm. Peterman. . Loon Lake Resortjohn J. Kaempf. iblk. 4 mis. 1..50 1.50 9.50 9.00 Park Hotel IH. L. Andrews. Duffrin House. ... 'Wm. Duffrin... Rice Lake Resort . J. Hettinger.. . . Rolling Stone .... J. Schacker . . . . Pickerel Lake Resort T. Tyra 5 blks. 20 2.00 Iblk. 20 1.00 S mis. 10 2.00 9 " 35 2.00 13 " 20 2.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 CEDAR LAKE, WIS. See West Bend, Wis.— .SVc Map, page is CHETEK, WIS.~5ee Map, page 50 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local, via Eau Claire. The fishing for bass, muskellunge, trout and wall-eyed pike at Lake Chetek is without superior. Ample accommo- dations are found for the traveler in hotels and camps where the fare is wholesome and the prices reasonable, where boats can be rented and the services of reliable guides obtained. CUMBERLAND, WIS. 5>e Map, page r,o Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. In the vicinity of Cumberland is Beaver Dam and Granet lakes; also many other lakes alTording fine black bass, pickerel and croppie fishing and excellent hunting in season. Numerous trout streams near bv. Hotel Cumberland's. E.ThomasiS: Son Commercial Hotel Edw. Brand 1 1 Log Cabin Summer Yellow Lodge . . Outer's Resort. Pokegamo Inn. A. A. Haffie Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Steele. . . A. C. Hougland. 4 blks. 7 " 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00-14.00 10.00-12.00 Resort (c) Lake View House. Merchants' Hotel. Miller Cottages.. . R. S. Kendall A. Chapman( R T II If E S T E R X R V. DELAVAN LAKE, WIS. See Williams Bay, Wis. — See Map, page 6 DELTON, WIS. See Mirror Lake and Baraboo — See Map, page 12 DEVIL'S LAKE, W\S.~See Map, page 12 Koiite — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Devil's Lake is thirty miles northwest of Madison on the direct route of the Chicago and North Western Line to the Twin Cities and Duluth. For years this district has been a popular one, the summer outers visiting it in ever-increasing numbers, to enjoy the many attractions it offered. The State of Wisconsin, realizing what the region meant to its citizens, as well as those throughout the Middle West, and appreciating the fact that to lea\e it in private hands would mean the despoiling of its beaut>-, has made the entire district a State Park. Annual appropriations will be made for its upkeep, strict laws will guard its every charm, for the people of to-day and for all time to come. The lake is a beautiful sheet of water, without a \-isible outlet, fed by hidden springs and surrounded by great crags and bluffs thrcjwn up in wild confusion by the volcanic action of some former age. The place is marked by an extraordinary \ariety of plant and animal life. On the summits of the bluffs the cactus grows, while at the bottom of the northern slopes the pink orchid is found. Fur- bearing animals still inhabit the hills and wooded slopes of the \icinitv and a few deer still remain. """■''uoler'"'""^ rroprietors Distance from .'Station 3 RATES Per Day | Pit Week Kirkland Hotel 1 and Annex H. 0. Terwilliger (a), 3 blks. lOOi 2..'i0 , 12.50 up a Also cottages. DIAMOND LAKE, WIS. See Grand View, Wis. — See Map. page ni DOUSMAN, WIS. See, also. Golden Lake — See Map, page is Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Within a short distance of Dousmanare Larkin, Hunters, Nemabin, Silver, Golden, Dutch and Genesee lakes and Bark River. The fishing is excellent. Ample facilities in the way of livery, boats, etc. Fine beach for bathing. finest ol muskellimge, bass and pike fishing. On various lakes gasoline launches and other boat liveries are main- tained. There are several excellent hotels and fishing resorts located about four miles from the station, on the famous Eagle chain of lakes. The hotels and resorts in this region are admirably adapted to the requirements of the sportsman and are ecjually pleasant for those who merely seek rest and quiet. The Eagle chain of lakes, with their connecting thorough- lares and inter\eniiig stretches, offer not only fine fishing but an opportunity for a mighty attractive canoe or launch trip. During the late summer and early autumn months the woods around Eagle waters are full of pheasants, rufled grouse, partridge and teal. Mallards and l)lue-bill ducks inhabit the different lakes. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Dista nee from Station 6 = '^0 RATES Per Day Per Week The Everett Resort The Hemlock .... Clearwater Lake Lodge Red Oak Resort . . Austin Hotel Shing-Quak-En- Dot Resort .... Tilden Bros. Resort Camp Winnepe. . . Commercial flotel Hunters' and Fish- ermen's Home. . Morey's Resort. . . Riverside Hotel.. . Greenwood Ranch Hotel Milwaukee Billy's Resort (Little! St. Germain Lake) Smith's Cottage , E. A. Everett .... 5 mis. Hermann Clrick. . N. A. Coleman. . . Geo. H. Jackson. . A. J. Austin H. W. Morris. ... Tilden Bros Kelley & Marriott F. W. Mclntyre. . Wm. J. Strombcrg F. Morev A. Budde J. E. Egglebroad. J. Stephenski. . . . Wm. Prowath Prof. C. E. Smith 4 " 10 mis. Iblk. 4 mis. 5 " 91 ** iblk. 7 mis. 3 " 2i " 12 " h ml. 11 mis. 150 125 16 60 50 60 45 100 30 25 50 30 40 20 15 4' 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 150.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1..50 14.00 up 12.00-14.00 10.00 12.00 10.(10 10.00-14.00 12.00-14.00 12.00-14.00 for season 10.00 8.00-10.00 14.00 4.50 10.00 4.50 12.00 10.00 ELCHO, WIS.— See Map, page 36 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Within close proxiinity of this station are Enterprise, Post, Summit, Crystal and Duck lakes, each teeming with gamy fish, muskellunge being the predominating variety. The Muskie Inn. .,Mrs. J. Fallsted . . near 2.00 10.00 ComraercialH"teK.a)H. M. Bischel....] 2blks. 10! 2.00 10.00 Lake Front Sum- , ! i mcr Resort ..(6) Ernst Schwager. .; IJ mls.l 30;i.25-1.50 7.00-9.00 DousmanHouse(a) Johnson &Lohda. iblk. ' 24 1.50 6 00 a Postoftice. Dousnian, Wis h Postoftice. Uconomowoc, Wis. ELKHART LAKE, WIS. Glenbeulah Station — See Maps, pages 18 and 24 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. A delightful quiet resort, where families can the sumiTier holidays comfortably and pleasantly, fishing in the lake — pike, perch and rock bass, and tackle at the lake. spend Good Boats DUDLEY, WIS. See Parrish, Wis.— .S^s Mat' EAGLE RIVER, WIS.— 5^6 Map, page 40 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. From Eagle River station the chain of lakes and streams known as the "Eagle Waters" is reached. These afford the Hotel Schwartz. . . "Pine Point" Resort Osthoff Hotel .... Sharpe's Resort.. . Crystal Lake Ke.sart Central Hotel . . . , Lake Side Park. . . Schmidt's Resort. Hill Crest HoteKrt ■iigmund Bloomlield A. Stark Otto P. Just P. C. Sharpe Louis Stark Geo. Brickhcimcr, Louis Laun I. B.Schmidt. . .. C. D. Saridakis. . . 4 nils. 350 3§ " 425 4 " 200 3 " 100 .7 u 140 Tml. 2.'-) 3 mis. 100 3 " 110 2 " 50 3502.0O-3.00il2.0O-lS.OO 2.00 2.,50 2.01) u|.. 2,00 1.^0 1.00 uj) 2.0!) 2.00 lO.OIVKi.OO 12.00- l.s.OO 12 (10 lOOD-l 4 00 SDH Sprci.il 10 00 12 00 8.00-12.00' a Postofiic mnuth. Wis., R. R. 28, 11 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTH W E S T II II S^= IfldlciteiDoubls Trick. ■ Witan RnfC BclcofMI... ? 1^ i_f Ct L ? ° . ' i-JLJf Copyrhtit. 190*. bu Chicago A ftoftft-Wtltei'o Bit, Cg- Citev9 Ht. 12 REACHED BY CHICAGO A N D NOR T H W E S T E R N R Y. EMBARRASS, WIS.— See Map, page 30 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Near Embarrass is a beautiful chain of lakes known as the Clover Leaf Lakes, on the shores of which will be found numerous quiet and beautifully located summer resorts; there are, in addition, several cottages which may be rented, and plenty of bathing, boating and fisiiing facilities are also to be found for the followers of these sports. Proprietors Distance "o "^ from ^ ^ Station "^.O RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Schmidt Hotel... . Mrs. Fred M. Schmidt Clover Leaf Resort, \V. Englebrecht. . . Rustic Resort .... Mrs. A. W. Grover Iblk. 25 1.00 2^ mis. .50 1.50 1 ml. 150 1..50 6.00 (3.00 s.oo FORT ATKINSON, WIS. See Lake Koshkonong — .svc Map, page 12 GALESVILLE, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Charmingly situated on Lake Marinuka, and with its numerous springs and beautiful Eastside Park, Galcsville offers many attractions as a summer resort. Good bass, pickerel and trout fishing in the lake and neighboring streams; ample facilities in the way of boats, tackle, etc. Gale College is located here. EPHRAIM, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line \n Green Bay; K. G. B. & W. Ry. and A. & W. Ry. to Sturgeon Bay; automobile service to destination. May also be reached via Chicago and North Western Line to Menominee. Steamer service from Menominee via Hart Transportation Co. (For Description See Sturgeon Bay, Wis.) Eagle Inn Evergreen Beach . Anderson's Hotel. Forest Idyll ... Edgewater Lodge iVIrs. D. B. Thorp. 20 mis. 100 F. Hogenson |l8 " 75 Mrs.H. A. .4nderson.20 " 100 A. W. Fichtner. E. Helgeson. , . . ;35 " 100 By boat 75 2.. 50 1..50 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00-15.00 .S.OO-IO.OO 9.00-12.00 10.00-14.00 9.00-12.00 FISH CREEK, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Green Bay; K. G. B. & W'. and A. & W. Ry. to Sturgeon Bay; automobile service Sturgeon Bay to points north. ;\Iay also be reached via Chicago and North Western Line to iVlenominee. Steamer service from Menominee siall,irt Transportation Co. (For Description See Sturgeon Bay, Wis.) Thorpe's Hotel.. . Central Hotel. . E. C. Thorpe Mrs. J. Barringer 25 mis. By boat 125 50 2.00 1.50 9.00-10.00 S.OO FOND DU LAC, WIS.— 5ff Maps, pages IS and 2i Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Fond du Lac lies at the head of Lake Winnebago, one of the largest inland lakes in the country. It is a city of beautiful homes and may well be used as a l)ase for a summer's outing. Palmer House. . . .^D. C. Sargent. . New Erving Hotel Wm. Ross Forest Ave. Hotel H. K. Downing Park Hotel J. H. Molony . . Commercial Hotel Miss Stella Adams Buena Vista Emily B. deNcveu 5 biks. 100 2 25 up 4 " 125 2.00 up 2 " 50 2.00 near 24 1..50 5 blks. in 1.25 4 mis. 50 2.00 14.00 up 9.00 up 10.50 5.00-6.00 6.00-7.00 12.00 FOREST LAKE, WIS.— See Map, page 18 Campbellsport Station, P. O., New Prospect, Wis. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. On the line between Milwaukee and Fond du Lac is Campbellsport, the railwiiy station for Forest Lake. This is a quiet and comfortable resort and is famous as being particularly adapted to the use of families. Forest Lake HotellHarryEenigenburg..! "mis. [lOOJ 2.00 1000 Hotels and Boarding Houses Commercial Hotel Riverside Hotel.. . Cliff House SkandinavenHotel Proprietors Distance "o « from ^ g Station 2^0 E. Gardner I 5 blks. C. Klandrud i " Wm. Mack 4 " A. Skundberg. . . . 5 " RATES Per Day Per Week 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 3.. 50 :3.00 GENOA JUNCTION, WIS. See Powers Lake — See Map, page 6 GILLETT, WlS.-See Map, page SO Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. The lakes near Gillett contain rock bass, pickerel and wall-eyed pike. Brook trout are found in the adjacent streams. The drive of nine miles to Berry Lake and Kelly Lake, where good bass fishing is found, is a pleasant one. Partridge and deer in season. Hotel Raddant Wanner Hotel. . Paul Schardt. . Wm. Wanner . ,blk. 60 1.2.5-2.00 6.00 up 25 1.00 Special GOLDEN LAKE, WIS. Between Dousman and Sullivan — See Map, page is Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Four miles west of Dousman, surrounded by a charm- ingly wooded country. It is a favorite resort for families. Several private houses and a number of cottages furnish accommodations for guests. Lake P'ront Sum- mer Resort Ernst Schwager(ai li mis. 35 1.50 I 7.00-9.00 a Postofiice, Oconomowoc, Wis. GORDON, W\S.—See Map, page 51 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Within from four to fifteen miles of Gordon are Bass, Ox, Island, Red, Eau Claire, Leader, Bond and Staples lakes, all much frequented during the summer season. Bass, pickerel and pike are found in abundance. Deer is quite plentiful, and partridge shooting is good. Trout streams arc numerous, and trout caught here weigh from one-quarter to two and a half pounds. Berry picking in season. On the shore of Staples Lake is the Mishc-muckwa Club. Another clubhouse is located on the shore of Island Lake. 13 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTH W EST Gordon, Wis. —(Cont'd) Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance from Station RATES Houses Per Day | Per Week Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station RATES ^ O ^^^ ^^y P^r VVeek Eau Claire House . Mrs. Jas. Smith Kinloch Lodge.. . . R. A. Kinloch. . Idyhvylde IH. C. Fletcher.. Lake View jThos. Blaylock. Farm House iD. J. Boyne. . . . Oak Dean Cot. . . .!g. H. Gregory. .() 11. .A. Scotford Cash Coburn . .(b) C. W. Sibbald..(a) 17 mis. 20 2.00 9 " 20 2.00 4 blks. 20 1.25 12.00 10.00 5.50 ■ a Postoffice, Diamond Lake, V\'is. b On Diamond Lake. GREEN BAY, WlS.See Map. page 24 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local Green Bay attracts many visitors each season. Mineral Springs, the waters of which are highly recommended on account of their curative properties, are among the attrac- tions, and the bay furnishes opportunity for aquatic sports. Cottages for rent. HAUGEN, WIS.— 6VC Map. page 50 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Haugen is a desirable point in northwestern Wisconsin for sportsmen who delight in nature in its primitive state. Bear Lake, three-quarters of a mile from the station, is an ideal place for bass, pike and pickerel fishing. It is seven I miles long and averages two miles in width; has a beautiful densely wooded shore line and is connected with Bass. Pckaquma and Monde lakes. From the station, launch j serxice is maintained daily up Bear Creek to the lake. Long Lake, seven miles from the station, is another 'sportsmen's gem. Good livery service can be obtained in Haugen. 14 R E A C II E D B Y C II I C A G A N I) N (> R T II E S T E R N R Y. Haugen, Wis — fCont'd) Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance o % from 3 ^ Station 2 '3 RATES Houses Per Day | Per Week KELLNER, WIS. See Grand Rapids, Wis. Kunz's Island 1 I Resort (o) C. G. Kunz S nils, j 2.")l Gainev's Resort . . J. P. Gainey ' near S Bear Lake Hotel.. F. A. Bates -J blk. jl2 Tronstad's Resort(a) L. Tronstad 7 mis. 1.5| L.W 1 .00 1 bO 1.00 0.01) 7.011 7.00 7.00 KELLY LAKE, WIS. See Suring, Wis. — See Map, pazc so a Postoffice, Nobleton, Wis. HAYWARD, WIS.— See Maps, pages SO and r,l Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Lying south and southeast of Hayward, distant from six to twenty miles and reached by beautiful drives through the heart of the pines, are Bass, Grindstone, Spring, Lac Court Oreilles (pronounced Court O'Ray), Sand, White Fish, Chief, T>'ner, Scjuaw, Gurneau and Isham, all well stocked with bass, wall-eyed pike and muskellunge. On the Lac Court Oreilles reser\'ation an Indian agency and school are maintained. To the east of Hayward, about seven miles, is Round Lake, an entrancing body of cold, clear water, fed by numerous springs. It ranges from one-half to one mile wide and from four to five miles long. Black bass are the most abundant of its finny tribes, the liberal stocking which it has been gi\en during the past five years, assuring the best bass fishing for years to come. Further along in the same direction are Callahan, Buck and Moose lakes and the Chippewa River. Callahan Lake is known for its muskellunge fishing. Buck Lake abounds with small-mouthed bass, and Moose Lake combines the two varieties. The Chippewa River supplies wall-eyed pike, black bass and large muskellunge in unusual cjuantities. Northeast of Ha>'ward from twelve to twenty-five miles are Twin, Spider, Lost, Teal and Ghost lakes. Booze, Partridge, Crop and Clam lakes. All are readily reached by good roads through dense forests. Twin Lakes are famous for their musky fishing, Spider Lake for musky and black bass, Teal Lake for musky and wall-eyed pike. In addition to the lakes, clear, spring-fed trout streams are found throughout the region. Thus Nature has endowed the vicinit>- of Ha\-ward with everything the outdoor sportsman might want, and it remained for man to siii)ply but one thing — accommo- dations f(jr visitors. This has long been accomiilished. Giblin Hotel j Cornick's S|iiilfr Lake and ! Teal Lakf IJes-rts Smith's Sammer Rpsnrt. . . Idlehurst Lodge. . Drake Hotel Boulder Lodge.. . . Forest lliiiiie— Tral Lake... Clover Leaf Lodge Williams' Grindstone Lake Resort Simonson's Lodge, Sand Lake Resort . Round Lake Club Berger's Resort . . . W. E. Cornick.. Chas. J. Smith . C. D. Benack . . Ole Hanson. . . . James Goodwin R. F. Hubbard. .L E. Smedes & Sons S. J. Williams. O. Simonson. . Anna Larson. . J. Jorgenson . . ,W. E. Hogin. . iblk. 50 2.00 14 mis. 60 2.00 7 " 25 2.00 9i " 50 2.00 3 blks. .50 1.00 2.5 mis. 22 2.00 24 " 30 2.00 15 " 50 2.00 () " 25 2.00 6 " Rates on 12 " 10 2.00 S " 30 2.00 2.-) " 17 2.00 10.50 10.00 5.00 14.00 14.00 10.00 application 9.00 10..50 9.00 KENOSHA, WIS.— .S>,. Map, page 0- Ruule — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Noted for many years as an all-the-year-round health resort; possesses an equable climate free from malaria, with summers remarkably cool and winters mild: water supply, artesian wells. In addition to Lake Michigan, which affords the best of floating and fishing, Kenosha County has several inland lakes which are much frequented by sportsmen. A special feature at Kenosha, and one of national reputation, is the Pennoyer Sanitarium, which occupies a beautiful site near the shore of Lake Michigan. Golf links. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station s^ :: RATES Per Day Per Week Pennoyer Sanitarium Drs. Pennoyer and Adams. Mgrs. . . \\ mis Hotel Ivenosha . . . f. E. Keating ... (i lllk^ Hotel Borup Theodore Borup . S " Hotel Orth John B. Orth 9 " Lake Side Hotel , . Mrs. J. Johnson . 10 " Park Hotel John F. Langan. . . 7 " 125 3.00 up !21.0(l-3ii.00(a) 40 1.00 up ' European 100 2.00-3.00 10.5(V14.OO 301.25-1..50' 5.00-6.00 40 1.00 7.00 25 .7,5-1.00 European a Includes treatment. KOSHKONONG, WIS. See Lake Koshkonong — Sec Map, page 12 LAC DU FLAMBEAU, WIS. See, also, Powell, Wis. — See Maps, pages JfU and J,S Route — Chicago and North Westerji Line, local. The Lac du Flambeau region takes its name from the Indian reservation on which it is located. From this point the Pine Forest Resort, on Pike Lake, as well as the resorts on Bass, Round, Deer, Turner, Tucker and Squaw lakes and Lac du Flambeau are easih' reached. Flambeau Lodge is reached from Powell. Muskellunge, black bass anfl pike fishing is good. The Indian \illage and their modes of lixjng, as seen on the reserxation, is well worth the trip itself. The Gauthier Mr. and Mrs. Resort I B. Gauthier. . . . Pine Forest Resort Sim I. Caro Cellar Lodge Resort.. Wm. Hill Squaw Lake Resort..! Mrs. R. L. Everle. I'ike Lake Resort'i) J. E. Feely Pokegama Ldg.(o) G. GoUer Cole.s Point . . .(6) Mrs. Janet M.Cole 3 mis. 75 2.25 15 00 15 " .50 2.50 12.00-lS.OO 12 " 40 2.00 12.00 12 " 25 2.00 12.00 12 " 100 2.00-2.,50 10.00-15.00 2 " 4,00 12 " 25 2.00 12.00 a Furnished Cottages, h Postotlice, Fiheld, Wis. LAC VIEUX DESERT, WIS. State Line, Mich., Station — .S'f Map, page 6 See Williams Bay and Lake Como, Wis. Refute — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Of the group of southern Wisconsin's summering places. Lake Geneva is in many respects the central figure. Situated but seventy-one miles northwest of Chicago, many of that city's wealthiest citizens make this lake their summer home, and maintain beautiful residences along the shores of same. Few outing places in the L'nited States can, for natura Beaver Lake Hotel and Cottages(a) E. Beaumont 3 mis. 140 2.00 10.00 Hickory Grove. (a) Wm. Marquardt {x) 1ml. 75 1.50 8.00 Newell Farm Resort (a) S. E. Hansen 2^ mis. 30 1.00 4.00-6.00 Pine Grove Resort(*) J. Fieldhack . . (.v) 2 blks. 100 1.50 8.00-9.00 NeumuellerHou3e(6) Geo. Neumuellcr. Iml. 20 1.00 7.00 Kaad's Summer Resort (0) P. Kaad 21 mis. 25 2.00 12.00 Judson Hall R. D. Marshall (.r) a Postofifice, Hartland, Wis. for rent; rates on application. b Postoffice, Mcrton, Wis. .v Cottages LAKE KOSHKONONG, WIS.— .sv<. Map, page 12 Koshkonong or Fort Atkinson Stations and Postoffices. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. About six miles from Milton Junction, two miles from Koshkonong, and six miles from Fort Atkinson. Omnibus beauty, equal Lake Geneva, surrounded as it is by sloping, ' meets all passenger trains at Koshkonong station. Good wooded hills, which form a beautiful setting for the blue livery. The natural beauty of the broad Lake Koshkonong and dimpling waters, across which flit the white sails of has suffered no loss of its primeval grandeur, for the hotel lumdreds of pleasure craft. and cottages, half hidden on the timbered slopes, only Foremost among the hotels is the new Lake C'Cnexa I ggrve to emphasize the native beauty of the surroundings. Hotel, located at the head of the lake and looking down pjj-e^ ^^^^^ pickerel and smaller fish abound. A bathing its entire length. It is an attractive fireproof Inulding , p^^, ^^j 1^^^^,^ ^^ff^^ ^,g,^.y„^p relief from the summer's heat. with a frontage of 360 feet, along the entire stretch 01! which runs a nine-foot piazza. It is conducted on the,, ,, ; I T- , 1 ■ 1 Koshkonong 1 European plan exclusively. . P,,,^,^. Hotel 2 n,ls(<,)'l2.5 Two stations are maintained here b\- the (_ liicago and, [ North Western Line, one at the town of Lake Geneva and | the other at Williams Bay. a Six miles from Fort .'Atkinson by twice-a-day launch service, or two miles from Koshkonong, Wis., by omnibus. LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTH W EST R E A C II E D BY C II I C A G O .1 .V 1) .V (> K I' II WESTER .V R Y. LAKE MILLS, WIS.— 5(v Mat>. /><,,«.■ ;,.' Kiputi.' — Chicago and \urth Westi-rn Lino, local. Rock Lake, immediately adjoining the town, i> d l()\el\' sheet of clear, cold water, fed b\' suliterranean springs. The scenery is picturesque, the fishing good, and the dri\cs are charming Hot<-ls and Boarding; Houses Distance "o V from rS^ Station zo\ Scluiltz Cottage , Rocl< Lake Hotel. Hotel Central . . . I*roi)rietors B. H. .\nderly... bll ;Mrs. B. E. Walsh , 1 ml lotto Knoff lOblUs, Per Day Per Week s. (1) 2(10 111! 9.00-15.0U (ill LMKI i Rmite — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Lake Owen abounds in muskellunge, tw(3 varieties ot lil.ick bass, and the usual niunber of smaller fish. The entire region hereabout is dotted with lakes and streams containing almost every variety ot northern fresh-water fish, so that one may have his choice of muskellunge, bass, pickerel, trout or pike fishing. The forests contain deer, jjcar and other game. The air is bracing and filled \vilh the aromatic scent of the great jiine forests. Tlie water is noted for its medicinal properties. The Cavalier. .(u)L. E. Cavalier. 3 mis. 30 ;.oo 12.00 (I Postofficc, Cable, Wis., reached by launch. LAKE RIPLEY, WIS. London Station. P. O., Cambridge, Wis. — See Map, paRc 12 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. This beautiful lake lies alioiit three miles southeast of London station, and abounds in fish of numerous varieties, including black bass, pike, pickerel and silver bass. Boat- ing is fine; good li\ery at the station. This is an ideal, quiet, summer home for families. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station RATES Cedar Lodge H. L. Cowles SJ nils The Havden J. W. Hayden. . . . 3* " Bluff Cottages. . . . Mrs. S. A. Wuighn 2\ " Arbor Dell 'O. CTUst.iveson . . - 3 " Furnished Cottages..,! I. .A. Olson 35 " too .",() 1 til) .50 Per Day Per Week 2.00 10.00 up 10-2.00 8.00-12.00 1..50 S.00-10.00 2.00 S.OO-IO.OO /i.oo-ifl.on / i.i.iiii-iiiii.dii 1 per wk. \ season LAKOTA, WIS. See Conover -Sec Maps, pages .',() and 44 LONDON, WIS. See Lake Ripley — See Map. page 13 LONG LAKE, WIS. See Phelps — See Maps, pages l,l> and Jf4 MADISON, WIS. — .SV Map, page 12 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Madison, the State capital, is one of Wisconsin's most ideally situated summer resorts. It is the site of the famous Uni\ersity of Wisconsin, whose numerous large buildings dot the shore of Lake Mendota. The University Summer Session is an attraction to students and teachers that is worthy of mention. It is a charming city sur- rounded \}\ a chain of lovely lakes, and is thoroughly equipped with good hotels and boarding-houses. Both Lake Monona and Lake Mendota abound in pickerel, pike, black, yellow, silver, white and rock bass, whitefish and perch. They are navigated by fine sailing and steam boats, and the opportunities for fishing, bathing, yachting and other aquatic sports are excellent. Splendid roads, winding around the shores of the lakes, under long stretches of shady trees, or over hill and throtigh \-aile>", form numerous charming drives in the \icinit\' (.)f Marlison. The Avenue Hotel Capital Hotel .... Simon's Hotel. . . . Fess Hotel Elver House Hotel Madison . . . Cardinal Hotel ... Sherlock Hotel . . . Trumpf Hotel. . . . New Park Hotel . . The Irving Rest Harrow Geo. P. Gifford... W. C. Nichols.... F. W. Simon Geo. E. Fess John Chech L. C. Hoffman.. . . E. Eckstcdt F. C. Harbort. . . . E. G. Trumpf. . . . J-Rigby Miss B. C. Crowe. Miss B. C. Crowe. 5 blks. 100 3 " 100 4 " 50 4 " 7.5 near 50 6 blks. 1,50 1 bik. 00 4 blks. (iO 10 " 00 200 30 li'blks. U mis. 3.T 1.00 up European 2.50 up 16.00 up 1.50 10.00 1.25-1.50' 7.0t>-S.OO .75-2.00 10.00 .50-2.0(1 Eu.' 3.00-12.00 1.00-1..50 European .7.5-1.00 2.25-3.00 1.00-2.. 50 2.25 up 2.25 up 4..i0-i.00 Kii. 14.00-28.00 European 10.00 up 10.00 up MANITOWISH, yfflS.—Sce Map, page J,S Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. With a good guide one can go up the Manitowish Ri\ er from the village of the same name, fishing the tributar>" lakes, strike the headwaters of the Turtle Ri\er by a short portage and go down this river, crossing numerous lakes and reaching the railway again at Mercer or Winchester. 19 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST Manitowish, Wis.— (Cont'd) | MARIBEL, WIS. This makes an ick-al canoe trip of about fort\' miles through i Route— Chicago and North Western Line, local, a chain of lakes and streams, channels and waterways, | Beautifully situated on the Neoshota or West Twin surrounded by \'irgin forest. River. The attractions are the natural scenery, high What is known as the Manitowish Waters comprise rocks and cliffs, and a mineral spring of medicinal properties. Rest, Stone, Manitowish, Clear, Island, Rice, Mud, Big, Caves of vast proportions, opening in cliff's of solid lime- Round, Papoose, Boulder, Trout and innumerable lakes of stone, add to the interest of the place. Fine boating, lesser note, all easily reached by boat or stage. Here are j bathing and fishing, some of the finest bass and muskellunge waters in this country. Good partridge, duck and deer shooting, excel- lent camps, guides, liveries, boats, camp equipage, etc., can be had at Manitowish. More than one hundred lakes are accessible liy canoe and portage, using as a base the line of camps maintained along the Manitowish Waters. Fish and game are very abundant and camps are comfortable and well equipped. Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance from Station O ^ 20 RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Maribel Caves Hotel Hotel Kellner.... Private House .... Nic. Wegner Frank C. Kellner . M. Kvitek & Son . 2\ mis. Iblk. 2 bIks 50 40 1.5 2.50 14.00 1.00 1 6.00 1..50 4.00 Hotels and Boarding ' Houses Proprietors Distance , "o "S from I o % station 120 \V. Buck. Spider LakeResort (a )( Deer Park Lodge and Cottages(a)'M. E. Engeniann Manitowish House|H. J. Stone Island Lake Resort. ."X. La Fave Manitowish Resort, and Cottages. . .iDoriot Bros Dam and Rest ■ Lake Resort.. . . R. C. Powell S Mitchell's Rest Lake Resort.. . .IE. J. Mitchell I ,S 12 mis. I 90 Iblk, 16 mis. 12 " RATES Per Day | Per Week SO 50 36 40 20 30 2.00-2..50 2.00-2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00-2.50 2.00 2 00 12.00-14.00 12.00-14.00 10.00 12.00 10.00-14.00 10.00 12 on MARINETTE, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Excellent fishing in Menominee River and Green Bay — brook trout, lake trout and other varieties; ample facilities in the way of guides, tackle, bait, etc. Boating and bathing facilities are of the best. Se\'en miles of shore along Green Ba\'. Excellent resort for sufterers from hay fe\'er and bronchial troubles, owing to the large amount of pine. Hotel Marinette. . Chas. D. Heath...! 4 blks. Queen Citv Hotel . iJohnson&Brickley 4 " Lake Side'lnn JG. W. McPherson, Mgr IJmls. New Arlington Hotel F. P. Ruby 1 blk. Travelers' Home... Peter Neidl i near Hotel Grant ij. Jepsen 1 2 blks. Wisconsin House. .John Desjardins. . I 7 " 15012.50-3.0(1 17. .50-21. 00 50 1.2.5-1.50 7.00-S.OO 28 2.00 I 10.00 401.50-2.00. 6.00-8.00 60i 1.00 6.00 4011.00-1.25: 4.50-6.00 30| 1.2.5-1 ..50l 7.00 a Postollice, Powell, Wis. MANITOWOC, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Situated on the west shore of Lake Michigan, 160 miles m Aii/^ij-r/->Nt north of Chicago. There is beautiful scenery up the' McNAUGHTON, WIS.— 5«- .l/ap^. />tig« 56 ««c Map, page 36 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Beautifully located on the shores of Two-Trap Lake, abundantly supplied with bass, pike, perch and pickerel. At Rice Lake, five miles distant, fishing is good. Duck, deer and bear hunting excellent in season. Hotel Monico. .. .|M. Wesolowsky. .| iblk. | 45| 1.00 | 4..50 MOUNTAIN, WIS.— .SV Map. page SU Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Several fine trout streams near town, also lake with pickerel and bass. Mountain Hotel. . BlueMtn. Hotel. . Badger Club Crooked Lake Rosort Matt Savage. H. H. Allan.. P. Nast Carl Much... iblk. 12 1.00 i " 22 1.00 6 nils. 20 1.50 8 " 25 2.00 5.00 10.00 NEENAH-MENASHA. WIS.— .S« Map, page 2^ Route — Chicagrj and North Western Line, local. Neenah-Menasha, located at the northern end of Lake Winnebago, at the point where it empties into the Fo.x River, is one of the oldest of fishing and summer resorts in Wisconsin. Both cities are beautiful and are rich in historic interest. Lake Winnebago is well stocked with black and white bass, and pike, pickerel and perch are ])lentiful. Summer cottages, hotels and camping grounds are found at various points along its shores. Good livery, boats and fishing tackle are obtainalile at moderate rates. Brighton Beach. Hotel Neenah . . Hotel Menasha. Hotel Gehring. . Hotel Lenz Union House. . . Walters Hotel. . J. Schneider.. Mrs M. E. Chenevert J. B. Stitgen. G. Garvey. . . J. Lenz W. S. Kasson Wm. Hahl... limls. .50 2.00 5blks. GO 2.00 up 6 " 100 2.00 up iblk. 25 1.25 6 blks. 40 1.00 up 5 " 25 .50-.75 f ml. 16 1.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 up 5.00 5.00-7.00 European 4.50 21 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST A'' ^':ik *l* M f^:r ' . 'i i- '■- -. Motor boats can be chartered reasonablw Wriiiln Lodge. . . .[.'Adelaide W. j Thompson ....... 40 2.(10 12.t)0 The Lake House. . iF. F. Campbell. . . 8 mis. .50 2.00 10.00-12.00 The Ferndale . (a)ljas. J. Gore 12 " 60 2.00 12.00 Burke's Resort (Chain 0'Lakes)|Phil. Burke U " 50 1.50 10.00 Basswood Resort.. Kascy & Zeimet . , 9 " (iO 2.00 10.00-12.00 Maplehurst J. K. Davies 13 " 30 2.00 9.00 up Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Hotel Athearn.. . . The Tremont Revere Hotel Hotel Fowler Commercial Hotel Lake Rest (a) Athearn Hotel Co K. C. Frey L. M. Clark Wm. Crook W. F. (iipson . . . . Mrs. J. P. Roe. . . Distance from Station 3 blks. 2 " 4 " .5 " 4 " 2 mis. zo Per Da>- I Per Week 200 100 200 50 50 20 l.OOupEu. 2.00 up 1..50up 1.25 1.25 2.00 14.00 up 14.t)0 up 9.00 0.00 5.00-0.00 10.00 :>{ boats. page LS a Rates includ NORTH LAKE, WIS.— .s.r Map Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. From North Lake, on the new line across Wisconsin, North, Okauchee, (.)c(3nomowoc. Mouse, Alderly, Fries, Lowe, Plat, Huburtus and Pine lakes and Lac La Belle are reached. To the north is Holy Hill and Monches, points of unusual interest to summer visitors. The hotels provide „ . . ^. „ . , . , ample quarters at moderate rates. Black Bass, pickerel Prairie _River^ near Parrish is very j?ood and perch abound in the waters. The best of facilities are maintained for the enjoyment of outdoor sports, such as bathing, boating, etc. Okauchee Lake. . . Cottages. . ..(a) N. P. Tweedon ... 5 mis. 45 1.50-2.00' 9.00-10.00 SchlitzHotel...(A) J. P. Van Larc . . . 3 " 25 1.25 8.00 The Oaks (ft) E. E. Reynolds. . . 3 " 40 1.75 9.00-10.00 North Lake House Chas. Tannis 5 blks. 35 1..50 8.00-10.00 The Anglers' Lin. . Carl Hanson 3 20 1,00 7.00 Lake View Resort Luke Wcstover. . 21 mis 45 2.00 1 9.00-10.00 The Woodlands ((-) Mrs. T.J. Rea. . 2k " 30 2.00 9.00-12.00 Elm Spring \illa. , S. M. Hanson. . . . 5 blks. 70 1.50-2.00 9.00-14.00 McX.irv House. . LF. McNary.... 6 mis. 40 2..5()-3..50 Special Idlehaven .\Irs..A.Schuchardt 3 blks. 10 2.00-2..50 9.00-15.00 Pt. Comfort Hotel Mrs. J. Cunningham.. 8 mis. .50 1.50 S.00-10.00 Shady Beach ..(c) Howard L. Oeflein 31 " 80 2.00 up 10.00-14.00 Hazelwnod Resort(f ) .Mrs. M. Mitchell. 3 " 30 2.00 9.00 up Rudbcrx's House. . C. Rudbery 2i" 30 2.00 8.00-10.00 a Also several cottages for rent. PARRISH, WIS. Dudley — See Map, page 36 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. In the region that includes Parrish, Pelican Lake, Monico and Rhinelander, many fine fishing grounds are to be found in the streams and lakes tributary to the Wisconsin Ri\er. The brook-trout fishing in the There is good muskellunge fishing in several near-by lakes and excellent duck, partridge and deer shooting in season. There are several farmhouses close by where guides and good accom- modations niav be had. Kuhl Hotel Mrs. T. W. Bethel 2 blks. 25 1.50 6.00 PELICAN LAKE, WIS. Pelican Station --.^Vc- Map, page 36 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Charmingly situated in the forest region of Northern Wisconsin. There are acres of pleasure grounds, and cottages are for rent. No better muskellunge, bass, pike and pickerel fishing in the State. Good hunting in season for deer, bear, ducks and partridge. Ciuides and boats at reasonable rates. a Postoftice, Oconomowoc, Wis. b Postofificc, Nashotah, Wis. c Postoftice, Hartland, Wis. OSCEOLA, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line to St. Paul, M. St. P. & S. Ste. M. Ry. to destination. Edge wood . Geo. A. Tewkeshury! 7 blks. I IS' 1..50 7.00 New Beach Inn. . . B. F. Jillson Rest Haven ICcorge Keeler. . . , Lake \'iew Ijoseph Fcuerstein Wild wood Lodge. . Moore i!t Co Northern Pines Farm Resort (a) John Davelin . . . . Iblk. ilOO 1 "(b). .50 1 " . 30 4 blks. 50; 2.00 2.00 1.00 2 00 6 mis .30 1..50 12.00 8.00-10.00 6.25 S.OO 8.00 a Situated on Post Lake; postoftice, Pelican Lake. b One block from Keelcr's Landing and four miles from P( Station; postoftice, F.ntcr[)risc. Wis. ■licau 23 -V /) R E S () R T S F r II E X R T II II' E S T =a -.^ , , I -,.1 v^^., . <: .■■■■-fn' f i\ liT^ 1 ' -=^^< B£ SE R V/A\r I N .U ' /.' /- v;' in o i ^G ft £ E N V I L L^^^^ t /■■/ bal>|H.9 I j III 2 M f H DH ^ludu filled ^ "Hi mCB-t-l" , ^.rlNEENAH ^ \ Ij^— fro! ni l I fV Lhl ,-g— 1^^>,^ ^ iTATE'HOSPlTAL MJ ~ NCBACO P.O. i^^na z:^{ LJJJ JJ/S. OSHKOSH N iE¥^55i:iLl/lllsw„) ^ . ( / PO/ I /I 1 ^^ij .•; cm ,^j,., REACHED B Y C II 1 C A G O N D N R T II \V E S T E K N R Y PHELPS, WIS. (Formerly Hackley) — See Maps, pages 40 ami 44 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Long Lake and Big and Little Twin lakes are three of the prettiest in Northern Wisconsin. In this and other near-by lakes muskellunge, black bass, pickerel and pike are very plentiful. There is also good brook-trout Hoteisand Boardi nshing and excellent deer and partridge hunting in season PRINCETON, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Several varieties of ducks are found in large numbers on Fox River and Lake Puckaway; excellent fishing grounds; boats, tackle, good livery and guides. Houses Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance ro ■&" from oS Station 2;o RATES Proprietors Per Day Per Week Long Lake Lodge. Chas. E. Hazen Little Twin Lake Resort iAndrewM. Hansen! 6 "Cozy Nook" . . . .Ij. M. Eby .... Big Twin Lodge . . lAxel Oberg . . . LakeEmogeneLoiigelW. H. Love . . Sj mis. 2k mis. 9' " 2.00-2.50112.00-16.00 75 45 2.00 251 2.00 20' 2.00 20i 2.00 American House. . J. Mulhern . . . . Commercial HouseJF. W. Schendel. Riverside Hotel.. . 'D. Eggleston. . . Fox River House.. Jno. Kerski. . . . Distance "S^ from Station zo 3 blks. 50 4 " 15 5 " 15 4 " 15 RATES Per Day 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 Per Week Ou ii{i|ilicati()a Special 5.00 4.50 up 12.00 10.00 10.00-15.00 12.00 POWELL, WIS. See, also, Lac du Flambeau — See Maps, pages 46 and 4s Route — Chicago and North Wostern Line, local. Flambeau Lodge, a splendidly ecpiiiiped resort, located , l)catcd on the shores of the lake bearing the same name RADISSON, "WlS.—See Map, page 50 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Along the branch running through Birciiwood to Radisson the fisherman will find ample opportunity to test his skill against various species of game fish, while the lover of the picturesque finds, in addition to natural beauty, an added feature in the Court O'Reilles Indian reservation. on Springstead Lake and reached from Powell, is under To those who enjoy life in the woods, this particular the same efficient management as last season. It is an : district will appeal strongly, as all the natural conditions ideal wilderness camp. Those who know and love the j now in existence are practically those of the primitive days woods will here find that hospitality that combines all of the desirable features of wilderness life, without its discomforts. The sleeping rooms are comfortable, the large cabins and smaller cottages are of the most perfect character, and the table is made an especial feature. The management maintains its own garden; there are fresh fruits in season, and plenty of rich cream and milk. Address all mail to Flamljeau Lodge, Springstead Lake, P. 0. Emerson, Wisconsin Powell on flag for guests. Deer Park Lodge. . M. Engemann. . . . 7 mis. 80 2.50 14.00 Flambeau Lodge. . \V. S. Watrous. . . 14 " 60 2.50 Pro Rata Sherman House. . . Wm. Sherman. . . . Iblk. 2.00 14.00 Cedar Lodge Chas. Dariot 5 mis. 2.00-2.50 12.00-14.00 Birchwood Lodge and Cottages. . . Voss Bros 4§" 20 2.00 12.00 Spider Lake Resort G. W. Buck 5 " 80 2.00-2.50 12.00-14.00 Island Lake Resort Abe. LaFave 6 " 35 2.00 12.00 of the earliest trappers. Muskellunge, bass and pike fishing may be had at the rapids in the Chippewa River. About si.x; miles from Radisson is Muskellunge Pool, where Kenyon Creek flows into the Brunet Ri\er. Deer and an occasional bear, as well as partridge, pheasants, etc., during the open season here tempt the hunter with the best of sport. Lake Elizabeth, about one mile north of the "pool" is All through trains stop at j a good place for bass, pike and muskellunge. There are no accommodations at the lake, but along its shores are ideal spots for camping. The Brunet River, which empties into the Chippewa a few miles below Radisson, is accessible to the fisherman and hunter. Accommodations can be secured at the dam. Twenty miles north of Radisson lies Barker Lake, con- nected by narrow channel with Hunter and Blaisdell lakes. Good hotel accommodations and li\ery ser\ice in the town. POWERS LAKE, WIS.— .S R T 11 W EST Rhinelander, Wis. —(Cont'd) "°"" Souses '"''"^ Proprietors Distance from Station o t5 ■ OJ 2C RATES Per Day Per Week Rapids House . . . . |Mrs. M. J. Chaffee Commercial Hotel (V .\. Horn Sugar Camp Resort. .'Knapp & Jones(a) 2 blks, 3 " 13 mis. 50 30 25 2.00 2,00 2.00 10.50 14.00 10.00 a Postoftice. kohbins, Wis. RICE LAKE, WIS.~-.Sc<' Map, page 5U Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Grouse, partridge and deer plentiful. Pike, pickerel, bass, whitefish and bro(.k trout abound in Rice, Cedar and Long Lakes; good li\er\-, guides, boats and tackle. Cottages and gasoline launches for rent. Hotel Tourist J.P.Walsh 2 blks. 60 2.00 10.00 Hotel Ross A. J. Hintz ... ' 3* " 25 1..50 7.00 The Omaha T. J. Phelan ... 1 blk. .50 2.00 7.00 Phelan Hotel I J. Phelan I 3 blks. .501.25-1.50 5.00-6.00 Commercial HousclOtto Johnson . , , j 4 " SALEM, yi/\S.—See Map, page (! Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. In Paddock, Camp, Hooker and Rock lakes, excellent bass, pike and pickerel fishing is found. The Old Settlers' Club, with beautiful grounds and large pa\ilion, is located on the banks of Paddock Lake. Camp Lake Hotel («)'WaUerC.Williams(d). laiii!i'sllolfl,('aiiipLake(a)'H. Van Zandt.. id) HookerLakeHotel(6)| ' s. Jepson American House. . Airs. E.R.Sherman Silver l.aki'Siiniraerlie«rl(fjShotliff & Huck . Corbin's Resort and Cottages (c)'Dr. B. J. Corbin.. 11 mis. 200 2.00 3 " 60 1.50 1 blk. .50 1.00 1 " 10 1.25 1 ml. 100 2.00 3| mis 2.00-5.00 10.00-12.00 9.00 6.00 7.00 10.00-14.00 12. .50-25.00 a Postoffice, Camp Lake, Wis. h Postoftice, Salem, Wis. c Post- office, Antioch, 111. d One mile from Carter's Crossing, e One mile from Peck's Crossing; postoftice, Silver Lake, Wis. SARONA, WIS.— .S>p Map, page oO Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Nearest railroad point to Long Lake Summer Resort, distant nine miles. Ripley Lake (distant two miles) and its chain of lakes, t(jgether with Shell Lake, makes a delightful run of twenty-fi\e miles for boats. All lakes and streams are well stocked with trout, bass and muskellunge. Partridge and other small game plentiful in season. Hotel Rockford (on Long Lake) .A. B. Curtis S mis. ' 50 1.50-2.0(1 9.00 Crandview Hotel P. W. JVIommscn. . Iblk. '25 1.00 5.00 Siiona ILlflaiiil Lii«v , .'G. W. Fann i " 2(l! 1.00-1. .50' 5.00 SHAWANO, WIS. See, also, Cecil, Wis. — See Map, page 30 But seven miles distant is the Menominee Indian Reser- vation, where, even now, one may see the Indian "at home." An e.Kcellent automobile road crosses the reservation, leading for many miles through Wisconsin's largest tract of virgin timber. On the north shore of Shawano Lake is North Beach, an attractive resort with summer outers. The district north of Shawano, between that city and Van Ostrand, is one of the best brook trout regions in Wisconsin. Hundreds of small streams traverse the region, the Red Ri\er is near, the west branch of the Wolf Ri\er and several branches of the Evergreen are crossed. They are practically unfished waters. Van Ostrand is on the Wolf River; and north of this point the Wolf River Valley is easily reached at a number of desirable points. Hotels and Boarding Houses Murdock Hotel.. . Gumaer House . . . Green House Wisconsin House.. Gamble House . . . Green Ba\ House . Northwestern Hotel Mahl Hotel Proprietors , Distance from Station O 3 RATES Per Day Per Week H. M. Sanderson.. R. B. Gumaer. . . . A. Green A. Dietzler A. N. Hazeltine.. . Emil Schweiser. . . B.H.Garfield.... C. C. Mahl 7 blks. 2i mis. 3 blks. 9 " iml. 10 blks. i blk. 2.00 up 1.50 1.50 up 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 up 1.00 10.00 5.00 up 5.00 up 5.00 5.00 5.00 up 4..50 SHEBOYGAN, WIS.~6><. Map, page IS Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. An inviting summer resort, occupying a splendid site on the shore of Lake Michigan. Cool breezes, boating, fishing and excellent mineral spring water (1,600 feet deep) have given Sheboygan a high reputation. Numerous near-by lakes, including Elkhart and Crystal lakes, abound with pike and bass. Foeste Hotel L. Kckhardt, Mgr. Grand Hotel Richard L Warner The Park Hotel.. . Otto Hiob Loebel's Hotel. . . . Oscar Loebel Washington House .'\. Blanke Bellevue Hotel . . A. L. Radclifte . . . 8 blks. 125 2.00-3.50 10..50-21.00 41" 75 2.00-2.50 12.00-17.50 8 " 35 1.00-1.25 6.00 3 " .50 1.2.5-1..50 6.00-7.00 5 " 35 1.00 5.00 6 " 50 1.25 7.00 SHELL LAKE, WIS.— 6>c Map, page so Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Shell Lake is one of the largest lakes in northern Wisconsin, and is noted for its excellent black bass and pike fishing. Sawyer Brook, one of the finest trout streams in this section of the State, has its source within the village limits. Sand Creek, six miles, and Clam Ri\er, eight miles, abound with trout. Chain Lake and Ripley Lake, Little Long Lake, Bashaw Lake, Yellow Lake and Clam Lake all abound in bass, pike and pickerel, and are famous as duck hunting grounds during the season. Speckled trout, weighing as Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local The Shawano district embraces Shawano, Pine, Grass, "''"^^ ^^ one and three-quarters pounds, are caught in the Long, Round and Mcshauquetts lakes, besides many smaller ' manv trout streams in the vicinit>-. ones, all well supplied with pike, black bass and pickerel. At I Summit House. ..IE. Knoop Shawano are desiralile accommodations at hotels and private i ^,'^^^ ^''^"' House, j A. R. Sawyer. houses. A steam yacht plies the river from the city to the ' HoteH^wkforf' ' ' f ' "^^^^"^ (on Long Lake)!A. B. Curtis. . head of Shawano Lake. Excellent duck shooting in season Boats and guides can be secured for trips on the lakes (b) 2 blks. Iblk. 1 " 100 15 25 2.00 1.00 1.00 12 mis. 100 1..50 9.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 b Postoftice, Madge, or Shell Lake. Wis. 26 REACHED BY CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN R Y SISTER BAY, WIS. Route —Chicago and North Western Line to Green Bay; K. G. B. & W. Ry. and A. & W. Ry. to Sturgeon Bay; automobile service Sturgeon Bay to destination. May also be reached via Chicago and North Western Line to Mennniinee. From Meiuiminecsteamer SLTN'ice \ ta 1 l.irt Transport at ion Co. (For Description See Sturgeon Bay, Wis.) Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance I from Station o = 20 RATES Per Day Pine Grove Resort . . Charles Jarniania) 20 mis. Liberty Park Sum- mer Resort A. .\. Carlson . . ! 2 blks. 40 40^ 2.00 1.25 Per Wcelc 8.00-10.00 S.OO a Distance overland; Menominee bv steanirr. twenty-two miles from Marinette or SPOONER, WIS.--.S,. Map, page 51 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local, via Eau Claire. Solon Springs, Wis., is oit Upper St. Groix Lake, the source of the St. Groix and Brule rivers. This lake is I The MacKenz nearly a mile wide and about fi\'e miles long. Black bass, ' House rock bass, pickerel and pike are plentiful. There are many other lakes in which fish abound, within convenient driving distance of the station, some of which are Sand, Loon, Kinloch and Muck lakes. Good muskel- lunge fishing can be enjoyed in Snake Lake and good brook and rainbow trout fishing in the Brule Ri\er. Deer, prairie chicken and partridges are plentiful in season. One of the attractive features (jf Solon Springs is the group f)f numerous cozy cottages of varying types for rent at moderate prices. Good livery and rowboats can be had. {b) Ferron Park Resort . . . SpooTicr Hoti Depot Hotel Farmhouse Kimball House. (a) Proprietors Distance from Station F. Ferron 12 mis. C. K. Brock i blk. C. K. Brock , \ " L. Hastings 15 inks. C. H. Kimball. 22 " Fred. Wallis 16 " Zo RATES Per Day 40 100 40 20 in 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 40 1.50 Per Week 15.00 10.00 10.50 10.00 7.00 10.00 a Postoffice. Birch Island, Ferron Park, Wis. Wis. i Collages for rent; postoffice, SPRINGBROOK, WIS.— .See Maps, pages SO and SI Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. In the vicinity of Spring Brook are some of the finest trout streams to lie found in northwestern Wisconsin. There is also good bass and pickerel fishing in Spring Lake, located one and one-half miles from the railway station. Fairview Hotel. . . Mrs. F. Gander. . Kinloch Lodge (c) Frank Murray . . . The Springs Hotel H. P. Haling.' Cottages rented, furnished jP E.Waterbury & Co. Park Hotel IWm. Gowman.. . . Cottages rented, furnished ,T. Favell Cottages rented, furnished G. W. Bell 1 blk. 12 mis. iblk. 20 20 50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .3 blks. 1 blk. 50 40 1.00-1.5U 1.50 i ml. 10 i " 5 S.OO 10.00 10.00 r.(io^io.t)o 5.00-8.00 I r.00-10.00 1 7.00-1(1.00 Teller's Lodge .(a) Private House .(a) SpringbrookHotel(a) C. E. Teller 3 mis. F. E. Bragg. 10 1.50 8 2.00 5 1.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 c Postoffice, Iron River, Wis. SOUTH BEAVER DAM, WIS.— 5a> Map. page IS Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. South Beaver Dam, located sixty-three miles northwest: of Milwaukee, on the bank of Beaver Lake, has all the environments necessary to the making of a great summer resort. The natural beauty of the region is charming. Fishing, boating and bathing may be enjoyed in Beaver Lake, or other inland lakes in close pro.ximity thereto. Bea\er Lake is thirteen miles long by one and one-half miles wide. Pickerel and bass are the principal varieties of fish. Steamer service on the lake. Northwestern Hotel'R. F. Lentz. . . . Hotel Manley .(a),]. M. Manley . . Hotel Newton .(a)Mno. Mahoney.. Milwaukee Housefo)iMrs. A. Seifcrt . Iblk. 12 2.00 2.2.5-2.50 1.50 1.. 50-2.00 6.00 American American American a In Beaver Dam, Wis. (/ Postoffice, Springbrook, Wis., R. U. STURGEON BAY, WIS. Route — Chicago .ind North Wi-stern Line 10 C,reen Bay; K. G. B. & W. Ry., A. & W. Ry. to Sturgeon Bay; automobile service. Sturgeon Bay to points north. May also be reached via Chicago and North Western Line to Menominee. From .Menominee steamer service \-ia HartTransportationCo. On the eastern side of Green Bay, almost directly across from Menominee, lie three or four (]uaint villages, which for rural beauty and picturesqueness cannot be surpassed. Sturgeon Bay, Fish Greek, Ephraim and Sister Bay furnish the summer tourist with an ideal country in which to relax and recuperate. Their natural location insures a healthful climate and the invigorating l)reezes from Lake Michigan add to this attractiveness. The irregular wreather-lieaten bluff's and craggy headlands, alternating with sheltered coves and white sandy lieaches, form a continuous panorama of striking beauty. Bass fishing in the bay is excellent and many other species of fish are caught also. Boating and bathing, together with long walks through the primitive woods, form an unending attraction. The hotel accom- modations are ample, and strictly hrst-class service is offered at reasonalile rates. 27 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST ONE OF THE CRAGS OVERLOOKING DEVIL'S LAKE, WIS. 28 REACHED BY CHICAGO AND NORTH W E S T E R N R Y. Sturgeon Bay, Wis. — (Cont'd) Excellent transportation is afforded \isitors to this region. From Green Bay, high class tin rough service is maintained via K. G. B. & W. Ry. and A. & W. Ry. to Sturgeon Bay, from which point commodious twelve- passenger automobiles operate to and from Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Ephraim and Sister Bay, making direct con- nections with all trains. From Menominee, the Hart Transportation Co. maintains good boat service across Green Bay to the various resorts in Door County. Daily stage and steamer service is also maintained to Egg Harbor, Ellison Bay, Washington Island, Jacksonport, Bailey's Boats, launches, guides and camping outfits may be had at reasonable rates. Good livery. Hotels and Boarding Houses Fournier's Camp. . Pleasant View Resort Virgin Lake Resort Oak Grove Resort Lake Side Resort. . Korzilius' Summer Resort Blue Ribbon Point Resort. . . Harbor and Rowley's Bay, afTording a wide range of ideal ; Three Lakes Resort Proprietors Distance from Station 20 short trips to c hoose from. Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance from Station OS RATES Houses 3 Per Day Per Week The Cove M. E. Lawrence. . ; 2 mis. Hotel Waldo 'F. T. Ludlow ' 3 blks. Goodrich Hotel. . .'Sam Coyonette. . . 4 " Cheeseman Resort W. B. Cheeseman.] 6 " Hotel Union :Mrs. Wm. Moellerl 1 blk. First National. ... J. Schlise I 2§blks. Bay View House, . ]. Goettelman. . . . ' j nil. Hotel Bhirdo |Violet Bhirdo .... 4 blks. Idlevvild Inn ;C. J. Fay, Mgr. . . 7 mis. 200': 60 40 40 75 .00-2. ,50; 2.00 2.00 I 2.00 2.00 35:L00-L50, 60 L50up I 35! 1.00 100 2.00 10.00 up 12.00 10.00 8.00-10.00 9.00-12.00 4..50-5.00 5.00 up 5.00 9.00-12.00 SUPERIOR, "^IS.—See Map, page .51 Route No. 1 — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Route No. 2 — Chicago and North Western Line, via Milwaukee, to Ashland; Northern Pacific Railway to destination. Fine fishing in Lake Superior and excellent trout tribu- taries. Partridges, ducks and deer plentiful in this \icinity during season. Butternut Lake Summer Resort jj. The Curti The Laurelton. . . . The Chicago Resort Camp Wah-Nee-Ta (for girls) M. S. Fournier . . . |18 mis. Emil Kloes | 6 " H. M. Scry...!?)) 6 " John Berg | 3 " W. A. Beach ; U" 1 ml. 4 mis. Iblk. 18 mis. 18 " .1 a 4 " J. H. Korzilius . Mrs. Pauline Roderwald. . . J. B. Locy B. Grandy. . !A. L. Reese. . . Homer Drake. H. J. Puis Camp Minnie Wanka Mr andMrs.Eden, Directors F. H. Ewerhardt.. 5 mis. RATES Per Day 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.. 50-2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Per Week 10.00 up 10.00 up 8.00-12.0(1 9.0O-12.0U 12.00 10.50-12.00 2.00 2.00 45 2.00-2.50 20 2.00 12.00 10.00 10.00-12.00 10.00-12.00 12.00-1400 12.00 . . 125.00 fo 25 150.00 fo r season (a) r season Hotel Superior.. . .A. A. Bechtell. . The Euclid W. P. Perry. . . . The Richelieu. . . .^. E. Patterson. Saratoga Hotel. . .J. Twohy Commercial Hotel T. W. Leahy. . . Rossiter Hotel E. Rossiter. 5 blks. 200 1.00 up 6 " 25 2.00 2 " 90 1.00-2.01) Iblk. 120 .ri(i-l..^(i Ell. 6 blks. 50 2.00 2 " 100 ..50-1.. 50 European 10.00 7.00 3. .50-15.00 10.50 European SURING, WIS.— See Map, page 30 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Kelly Lake, ten miles distant, is beautifully located, being surrounded by natural forests of evergreens, maples and birches. Here sufferers from asthma and hay fever find great relief. Excellent bass fishing. Wynona Wye . . . . |E. K. Peacock. ... 10 mis. 40 2.00 i 9.00-12.00 C)ld Homestead Resort F. W. Briggs 8 " 16 1.50 7.00 Kelly Lake Resort and "Outsyde! Inn" E. F. Johnson....! 9 " 150 2.00 9.00-12.00 10 mis. 40 2.00 8 " 16 1.50 9 " 150 2.00 a Short time rates on application, b Camping grounds. TOMAHAWK LAKE, WIS.— 5ee Map, page A6 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Tomahawk Lake has over forty miles of shore line and is a beautiful expanse of water in a picturesque setting. The Wisconsin River, Tomahawk Lake and many smaller lakes are easily reached from this point. Excellent boats, guides and camping outfits can be procured here. Excur- sion steamers ply the lake and se\eral fishing clubs have established permanent quarters on its banks. Muskel- lunge, bass, Mackinaw trout and lake trout are the species of fish most abundant. A short distance northeast of the town is Gilmore Lake, on the shores of which a colony of summer outers is rapidly building the town of Bungalow. Sanders House. . .jChas. Sanders Sunflower Cottage] Roman Woodzicka Carr Lake Resort (a)!M. E. Means Tomahawk Lake Cottage jMrs. J.S.Hughson Fleigel & Johnson Camps Fleigel & Johnson Two Lakes Cottages Tomahawk Lake House W. F. Lathrop. Mrs. C. Fleigel. IJ mis. 2\" 4 " 30 40 30 2.50 2..50 2.00 3 blks. 6 1.00 up 3 mis. 8 5 2.00 Rates on Iblk. 12 2.00 12.00-14.011 10.00-15.00 10.00-12.00 Special 10.00 application 10.00 .i6 and AO THREE LAKES, WIS.— 5fe Maps, pages Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. The station is located on the lower chain of the Three Lakes Waters. This chain is composed of twenty- , chickens and grouse, eight lakes, reached by boat without portage, giving an endless variety of fishing trips and excursions. The bass, pike, muskellunge and pickerel fishing is excellent. Deer, partridge, ducks, geese and snipe hunting good in season. a Cottages for rent. TURTLE LAKE, WIS.— See Map, page ,50 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. The lake and trout streams in this vicinity afford fine fishing for trout, bass, pickerel and pike. The principal lakes are the two Turtles, three miles from town. Horseshoe Lake, Bear Lake and Moon Lake. Good hunting in season for pheasants, partridge, prairie Guides, boats and fishing tackle are for hire at all these places. Commercial Hotel Summertime Farm Fisk Hotel D. S. Wallace blk. L. L. Tipper 4 mis. H. W. Fisk 1 blk. 15 50 25 2.00 1.50 2.00 7.00 29 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTH W EST TraiIs.=^Wagon Roads, scale of milbs ^ ] ' f •! t 7 Copyright, 7903, by Chicago d Morth-Wettarn Ry. Co., CUoago, III. 30 REACHED BY C II 1 C A G A N D NO K 1 II IT E S T E R A' K r TWIN LAKES, WIS.— See Map, page t! Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Can be reached via Genoa Junction or via Kenoslia; also about four miles distant from Richmond station. Fine scenerv, good fishing and camping groimds. Numer- ous springs furnish pure drinking water. Proprietors Distance "o ^ from o Si Station ^5 RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Hotel VValdeck . . . Lake House Ackerman Resort . J.J. Cappelen. . . . Edw. Zerfas A. Becl^er ^ml. |125 i blk. SO 4 blks 200 2.00 2 00 1.50-2.00 12 00 S.00-12 00 9.00-10 00 TWO RIVERS, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Two Rivers is on Lake Michigan, eight\-h\e miles nortli i)f Milwaukee and 1()9 miles north of Chicago. The West and East Twin risers flow through the cit\,', furnishing excellent boating, bathing and fishing. The summer climate is delightful; an excellent resort for hay fever sufferers. Hotel Hamilton. . . Wa\'erly Union flouse Washington House Wisconsin House.. W. S. Wood 2 blks. Fred Wilsmann. . . j 5 " Ira Levenhagen. . . 3 " John Wilsmann. . . 4 " Toe Reinert 7 " 100 2.00-3.00 35 1.50 25 1.00 2011.00-1.25 .50 1,00 10.00 up 7.50 5.00 4.00-4.25 4.00 WASHBURN, WIS. Route — Chicago and North Wesiirn Line, local. The dry, bracing climate and temperature, free from malaria, is particularly well adapted to afford relief from ha\' fever. Fine boating on Chequamegon Bay ; excellent fishing. Good livery. Bi-weeklv excursions among Apostle Islands. Hotel Washburn.. jMrs. Belle Pedersoi. 1 blk. 1.50 Dalziel House M. E. Dalziel 4 blks. 10 The Mcehan JF. J. Mechan 3 " 35 Commercial HotcliMrs R.J Millen . 3 " 35 2.00 10 00 up 1.00-1.50 5.00-(i.00 1.50 5.00-7.00 1.00 4.50-5 00 WASHINGTON ISLAND, WIS. P. O. Detroit Harbor, Wis. Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Menominee, iVIich. Steamers leave Menominee daily for Detroit Harbor, Washington Island. A beautifully wooded island in Lake Michigan, about thirty miles from Menominee. An ideal spot for complete rest and recreatifin. There is excellent fishing, boating and bathing in the beautiful bay, which is almost entirely landlocked. Detroit Harbor Hotel B. L. Anderson . West Harbor HotellJ. P. Paulsen. . . Hotel Washington 'B. Johnson . . Stmr. 60 1..50 " 30 1.. 50-2.0(1 " 50 1..50 S.OO-IO.OO lt.00-1000 9.00-1000 WAUKESHA, WIS.— .SVe' Map, page IS Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. This renowned summer outing place, located twenty miles west of Milwaukee, has long been dear to the hearts of Chicagoans and Milwaukeeans as a high-class resort city. Many high-class summer hotels and health resorts are open to tourists, with luxurious and modern equipment. Pewaukee Lake is close at hand and quickly reached by electric line, while a little farther away is the great Oconomowoc lake district. Plenty of opportunity for out-of-door sports. Hotels and Boarding; Houses I'roi)rietors Tub Terrace Belhesda Schlitz Hotel Resthaven Hotel. , Grand View Health Resort. . Lyons Cottage. . . . Caldwell Cottage . Davis House The Arlington. . . . Walbridge Cottage. . Fardy House Fountain Inn Hotel Waukesha. . Still Rock Spa S. R. Clark (",. F. Butterfield.. S. R. Clark Waukesha Moor Bath Co John L. Lyons. . . . MissM. Caldwell. W. L. Davis J. H. Newell, Mgr. B. F. Walbridge. . Mrs. M. Fardy. . . M rs.E.Mc Cumber Geo. F. Wahner. . . H. M. Heath, Mgr Distance 'o t^ from r;£ Station 20 2 blks. 150 .5 " 30 7 " 250 1ml. 150 2 blks. 60 '> '* 30 o " 30 1 blk. 75 3 blks. 30 4 " 25 3 " 50 () " 25 5 " 60 Per Day Per W.ck 2..50 up 15.00 up 2.00 up 10.50 up 3.00 up 17.50 up 3.50 22..50 2.50 up 15.00 up 10.00-12.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 u|) 10.00-15,00 1..50 7.00-0.00 I 1.. 50-2.00 10(10-14.00 2.00 u|i 111(10 uj. 25; 1.00 up 10.50 up 15.00 up WEST BEND, WIS. Cedar Lake, Wis. — See Map. page is Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Little Cedar Lake is a very attractive resort, four miles from the station at West Bend. There is good fishing, and fine facilities for boating and bathing. In addition. Big Cedar and Silver lakes and the Milwaukee Rixer furnish excellent fishing. Stege's Home Hotel John R. Stege. . . , Harnsward LodgeMrs. I". W. Harn: Grove Hotel |Mrs. C. Thoma. . , Hillside Hotel. . . Hacker's ( jrove. , Lucas Silver Brook Resort.. Riverview Farm . M "ederle. . Hacker. Edward Lucas . M. N. Emerv- , 5 mis. 100 2.00 5 " 40 1..50 5 " 65 1..50 4 " 200 1.00-2.(50! 5 " 20 1..50 2 " 75 1.00 up 1 ml. 10 1..5n 10.00-14.00 9.00 9.00 7.00-12.00 8.00-9.00 S.OO 7.00 WILLIAMS BAY, W\S.—See Map, page 6 Riiute — Chicago and North Western Line, local. W'illiams Bay, at the western end of Lake Gene\a, has many splendid hotels and boarding houses, and ideal sur- rounding scenery of thickly wooded hills and vales, forming a perfect setting for the azure waters of the bay. It is gaining more in favor each year with the throngs of Lake Geneva summer visitors, to whom the spirit of home life and informality which pervades the entire town, appeals. In addition to the splendid hotels listed below, the town has many private boarding houses, where one may receive good accommodations at reasonable rates. Ample accommodations may also be had in the town of Lake Geneva (see reference on page 17). W^illiams Bay, is in addition, the gateway for tra\-el to renowned Lake Delavan, and the Delavan Lake Golf Club, which are located but five and one-half miles distant and are readily reached by a con\'enient automoliile service which meets trains of the Chicago and North Western Rv. Hotel Glenwood Glenwood Sprgs. Hotel Minier. . . (a) Olivet Camp. . . (b) The Norniandie. . . Marsh. ill Uros (a) R,.I M.-irshall.Mgr. Hr.iiDdllrs. II. If. Jl.nier.. .J.M. Hestenes, Mgr. C. A. Walsh 2^ mis. 200 2.50 up H blks 150 2.50 Umls. 2.50 1.25-2.00 4 blks 45 2.00 12,0(1 up 10.00-12.00 7.00-11,00 10.00 up a Postotlice, Fontana Wis. b Until opening of Camp the address will be Olivet Institute. Vedder and Penn streets, Chicago: after that, Williams Bay. Wis. 31 L A K E S AND RESORTS OF THE NORTH W EST WINCHESTER, WIS. (Formerly Divide, Wis.) — See Map, page 45 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Splendid muskellunge, pike and bass fishing, duck and partridge shooting in season. Excellent and camoins facilities. MICHIGAN Deer, hotel Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station RATES Per Day Per Week Divide Resort ... Favette Buck. . . . 4blk. 70 2.U0-2 .50 12.00-14 00 WOODRUFF, WIS.— 5ee Map, page 46 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. At Woodruff, roads have been cut through the woods for manv miles, so that sportsmen can now easily reach Trout Lake, Big and Little St. Cermain, and innumerable other lakes, where there is good black bass and muskellunge fishing. The lake trout fishing at Trout Lake is unexcelled. They are frequently caught in summer in as deep as one hundred feet of water, and in the spring, when they are in the more shallow water, they rise readily to the artificial fly. Lake Shishebogama, eight miles distant, contains muskellunge, bass and pike. Deer hunting throughout the region is good in season. Excellent accommodations, as well as good guides, boats, etc., may be obtained at Trout Lake or otherlakcs near this point. Many of the resorts are reached by a delightful combination land and water ride. BIG BAY, MICH. Camp Sosawagaming — See Map. page 51, Route — Chicago and .\orth Western Line to Negaunee; D. S. S. & \. Ry. to Marquette. Connect with L. S. & L Ry. for Big Bay, Mich. Camp Sosawagaming is located in a most ideal spot, on the shore of Lake Superior and at the mouth of the Yellow Dog River, about four miles from Big Bay. On every side are thick forests of balsam, pine, spruce, hemlock, cedar, maple and birch, and a short distance away (within sight of the camp) are the beautiful Huron Mountains. Two miles inland is picturesque Lake Independence, to and from which the boys make canoeing trips along the attractive Yellow Dog River. This is a high-class boys' recreation camp, pro\iding healthy outdoor diversion during the summer \acation [jeriod, with every worth-while attribute for wholesome enjoyment. Summer term commences June 29th. Proprietors Distance from Station . . . RATES Houses Per Day ] Per Week Camp SosawagaminglC. E. Snyder 4 mis. iwks 90.00 Swks 16.5.00 For information address Mr. C. E. Snyder, care of Girton School, Winnetka, 111. ... A. Chabrison 11 mis. . (o)Gus. Nolan \\ " Musky Inn . . . The Northern The Manitowish Hotel and Cottages John. B. Mann. . . 14 " Camp McKinley (Cot- tages in Woods) (6) John Oxley 24 " Rocky Reef House J. Whitbeck 12 " The Pines (a) Mrs. P. E. Barnum 9 " Belle Grove Park.. J. A. Lamotte. .. . 5 " Hillside Home j and Resort . . (a)'I. L. Means 10 " Camp Franklin Hotel and Cottages C. J. Coon 4^ " Woodland Rustic Resort M. H. Bradley ... i ml Blue Lake Resort (a) Frank Roemer (e) J " Sportsman's Home Mrs.M. J.Johnson. 9 mis. The McGregor 1 Summer Resort (/)'Robt. McGregor Hotel Franklin . . .Ames & O'Malley 9 mis. Hotel Scott and Cottages 'Mrs. M. E.Scott.. 2 blks. Clear Lake Resort H. B. Chapin ... (i mis. Minocqua House. . T. M. Bolger 2 " Forest Home Resort, Squirrel Lake Hotel & Cottages (a )i Henry Hanson. . .Ill " Squaw Lake Resort (a R. L. Everle '22 " MercerLakeResorWa Mrs. M. J. Bishton 8 " Babbit's Podt Ke8ort...(i:) Dennis Paquette. ,18 " Walsh's Resort (o) E. Walsh | 8 " GreenwoodRanch(d) C. R. Allen, Mgr. . 14 " Billy's Resort (Little ! St. Germain Lake) Wm. Prowath.... 15 " Sunday Lake Inn (a) E. W. Harris. . .. , 9 " 75 SO 2.00 2.50 12.00-15.00 12.00-15.00 75 2.50 112.00-15.00 50 75' 30 20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00-12.00 12.00-14.00 12.00 10.00 202.00-2.5010.1)0-12.00 i 100 2.50 .50, 50i 30 2.50 1.50 2.00 35l 2.50 251.00-2.001 30' 1.00-2.00 CISCO LAKE, MICH.— 5fs Map, page U Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. During the season there are Pullman sleeping cars, Chicago through to Cisco Lake and return. The Bent Camps are reached by steam launch, which meets trains at Cisco Lake station or at State Line station, when advance advice is given, or they may be reached by stage from this point. There is a multitude of lakes here, with excellent facilities as to guides, boats, etc. The streams have been made navigable for canoes, and trails have been 12.00-16.00 i cut from lake to lake. The waters hereabout are tributary to Lake Superior, and are noted for their small-mouthed black bass and lake trout (landlocked salmon). High Lake, Fish-Trap and Wild Cat lakes (the waters of which flow south) are excellent muskellunge waters. 10.00-12.00 8.00 8.00 25 75, 401 251 40 60 40i 40| 15 15 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 7.00-10.00 4.00-6.00 12.00 10..50 Bent's Resort (a)Chas. .\. Bent, Camp Tenderfoot (6)'Mrs. Chas. E. Lundberg. . (c) 3 mis. 60 2.50 1 (c); 9 " 50 2.50 12.00 12.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 12.00-14.00 10.00-12.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 up a Postoffice, Minocqua. Wis. b Postoffice, 0.\ley. Wis.; hotel on Wolf Lake, c Postoffice, Boulder Junction, Wis. d Postoffice, Eagle River, Wis. e On an island in Blue Lake, f Postoffice, Arbor Vitae, Wis. a Postoffice, Cisco, Wis. b Postoffice, Watersmeet, Mich, c By launch. ESCANABA, MICH.— 5ce Map, page 54 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. At Escanaba one has the advantage of a delightful climate, the cool air being tempered by summer breezes from the lake. The city is located on Little Bay de Noquette, below the mouth of the Escanaba River. There is plenty of opportunity for trout and deep water fishing around this point. Black bass, pickerel and other varieties are also found in abundance in the near-by lakes. Excellent deer hunting in season; good livery, boats, tackle, guides. 32 R E A C H E D B y C H I C A G A N D N R r H W E S T E R N R Y Escanaba, Mich. — (Cont'd) etc. Around the shores of the bay are l- j Per Week HotelOssawinHmakee L. Maleltc. , t ml. Barnes Hotel John Smith 1 " St James Hotel. P. McNamara.. . . ' S l)lks. Hiawatha Hotel , Mrs. J. S. McLcod; 1 blk. American House. . f. H. Schunk 1 ml. ( jardcn House. . . . Russel Deloria ... ,15 mls.(a^ 50 2. .50 '10.00-14 00 40 1..50 1 5.00-7.00 ,50 1,.50 00 (iO 1.00 too 40 1,50 (i.OO 101.00-2.00 Special MENOMINEE, MICH. Roiiti — (."hicai,'o and North Western Line, local. FickcTfl and bass are caught in Green Bay, and trout in Menominee Ri\cr. Excellent facilities in the way df liverv, guides, boats and tackle. Daily steamers to Fish Creek, Ejihraim and all |)oinls on east shore of (.".reen Bay. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station o V. O 3 2C RATES Per Day Per Week a Distance from Cook's twenty-six miles; postofficc, Mill sl.itior ( i.irden. Mi distance from Manistiiiiie, I.; reached by stage. MARENISCO (GOGEBIC LAKE), MICH. — .s,r,i/„;^,/>u,t;f^.^ Route — Chicago and North Western Line, loc.il. F"rom Marenisco, a beautiful drive thmtigh the primeval forests, with the incense of \nne and lialsam ever present, liringsthe visitor to Gogebic Hotel, on the southern shore of the lake bearing the same name. C^.ogebic has achieved a national reputation as a health resort, the climate being especially luiieficial to sufferers from hay fe\er, asthma and all bronchial troubles. The lake is noted for the size and quantity of fish taken froin it, especially sinall-mouthed bass. Hotel Menominee. W. S. Carpenter. . I 5 blks. National Hotel . . . D. Brown 15 " Richards Hotel. . . Edw. Richards. . .'■ 5 " Private House... i\Irs. ]. Ruprecht I 2 " Charles Hotel Chas." Kahle 4 " Private House. . . . Mrs. M. Arsineau., 4 " New Commercial I Hotel J. Flynn 1 lilk. Exchange Hotel . . Thos. McGuire. . I i " American House. . I. Sherry i 3 blks Forest Idyll A. W. Fichtner. . .By boat 100 Anderson Hotel.. . iMrs. Anderson . . . 20 mis. ,200, 1001 2. ,50 up i 75' l.,50 ' S5 1.00-1. .50 12: 1.00 251.00-1,.50 lo: 30! 1.00 351.00-1.50 25' 1.00 up G.OO up Special 0.00 u|i 5.00-0.00 4.50-5.00 4. .50-5.00 4. ,50-5.00 Special 00 :10.00-14.0II 2..50 ;10.00-12.(.)0 Gogebic Hotel and Cottages 'G. F. Dare nis. 200 2„50 1 5 ( H I MARQUETTE, MICH.— iV? Map, page .;/, Rf Map, page a.i Route — Chicago .md North Western Line, local. Many places can be reached from this station where there is good deer and partridge shooting and brook trout, bass, and pickerel fishing. The best places are Brown's, Lion's, Six Mile. Pickerel and Norway lakes, Ford, Skunk and Sturgeon risers. Hotel accommodations are good. Guides can be had by applying to the hotel proprietors. S. S. lS; Private House . (a) A. Rian Private House . (o)'Chas. Solberg . On the southern shore of Lake Superi<>r is a region of | ^^ ^ZIV.: [ ! ! NL ^vlckLn. rare beauty, with a clunate the merits of which are sung far and wide by summer visitors, esijecially those seeking relief from ha>' fe\'er. The city of Marquette is particu- larly well known in this respect. Prescpie Isle and many other picturesque points may be reached from this place. In the ^-icinity of the city and Munising Bay are many lakes and streams, well stocked with brcjok and rainbow trout, landlocked salmon, steel- head trout and bass. Deer and partridge are found in abundance in season, and year after year sportsmen return to this vicinity to enjoy good hunting and fishing. 2 blks. 10 Jblk. 8 2 mis. 10 3 " 5 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 a Postoffice, Fetch, Mich. MICHIGAMME, MICH.— 5ff Map, page 54 Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Lake Michigamme is within the city limits, and about four miles distant are three other beautiful lakes, plentiful, and deer found in season; good boating. Trout North Western Hotel|Mrs.E.Scott cSiSon Camp Kechuwa((i)'Helen Ross .blk. I ,50i 2.00 125.00 10.00 for season Hotel Marquette.. John H. Lewis . . . 2 blks. 100 2..50-4.00 Hotel Clifton Daniel Sullivan.. . Oi '* 60 2.00-2..50 14.00 up Summit House . . . Mrs. A.C. .Anderson. 3 " 75 1.50-2.00 G.00-9.00 Hotel Brunswick.. Wm. .A. French.. . 1 blk. 75 1.2.5-1. .50 7.00-S.OO Queen City Hotel . Mrs. Jos. Morin . . 3 blks. 20 1..50 0.00 Central House.. . . Jos. Gagnon near 30 1.00-1. .50 5.00-7.00 Private House. . . . Misses M. and L. Probst 3 blks. 25 1.00-1. .50 0.00-10.00 McKinnon's Resort.. A. McKinnon. . . . 2i mis. 20 1..50 10.,50 Private House. . . . F. Deucette 9 blks. 10 1.00 4.,50 Pri\ate House. . . . Mrs. D. Meyers. . 4 " 10 1.00 0.00 Private House. . . . Smith & Leeman. . " 10 1.00-1.50 0.00-10.00 Morton House. . Mrs. T. W. Griffin 2 " 20 1.00-1. .50 O.OO-.S.OO Merchants Hotel. . Mrs. O. Tillander. 2 " 20 1.00-1.50 O.OO-.S.OO Hotel Janzen .Mrs. Wni. Janzen. h blk. 40 1.00-1.25 5.00-0.00 a Season July Sth to August 19th. This is a high-class summer recreation camp for girls, located on the northern shore of Lake Michigamme. Rate includes instruction in outdoor activities, board, and even laundry. Arrangements must be made in advance through Miss Ross, 214 N. Spring Street, Independence. Mo, MUNISING, MICH. Route Pictured Rocks and Grand Island. to Little Lake, Mich.; -Chicago .ind North Western Line Munising Railway to destination. Munising is located on Munising Bay, one of the most beautiful bays on the Great Lakes. The famous Pictured Rocks are within an hour's launch ride from Munising. It is a modern city with up-to-date improvements and excel- lent hotel accommodations. Good fishing and hunting. 35 LAKE S AND RESORTS OF T H E NORTHWEST REACHED BY CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RY . Munising, Mich.— (Cont'd) Grand Island Forest and Game Preserve, an island at the entrance of Munising Bay, containing 13,600 acres, is stocked with game, has many roads and trails, and with Hotel Williams, a modern hostelry, offers inducements which should not be overlooked when making a choice for a summer's outing. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from tation 2;0 RATES Per Day Per Week Beach Inn W. C. French . . . . Hotel Williams (on Grand Island, in Munising Harbor The Munising Co. IMunising House. . Jas. Barbait (Jlson House A. .i^nderson Do < .ary Hotel . . . IMrs. A. De Gary. near 100 3 mis. 150 3 blks. 30 7 " 35 2 " 20 2. .50 up Special 3.00-3.50,15.00-21.00 1.00-1. .50 4.50-5.00 1.00 , 4. .50-5.00 1.00 5.00 REPUBLIC, MICH.— 5ff Map, page 54 Route — Chic.ii;o and .North Western Line, local. Brook trout and lake trout are plentiful in the lakes and streams in the vicinity of Republic. Deer, bear and partridge shooting is good during the fall months. Log Gable ij- F. Viele Trout Lake House'Lewis J. Adams. Rowland Inn E. S. Rowland.. . Hotel Republic. . . :W. Thomas 5 blks. 15 1.50 4 " 35 1.00-1.50 5 " 201 2.00 2 " 25 2.00 8.00-9.00 7.00 Special 10.75 SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. Route No. 1 — Chicago and North Western Line to Escanaba; M. St . P. & S. Ste. M. Ry. to destination. Route No. 2 — Chicago and North Western Line to Negauncc; D. S. S. & A. Ry. to destination. Sault Ste. Marie is the northern terminus for another of the Chicago and North Western Railway's through sleeping car lines. It is a place well worthy of a \isit and is of particular interest to summer travelers as being the gateway to the beautiful Georgian Bay country, and to the fishing grounds on the northeastern shore of Lake Superior. Steamer lines are maintained regularly between Sault Ste. Marie and Michipicoten Island, located on the northeastern shore of the lake at the base of the Laurentian Mountains, and a circuit tour of Georgian Bay, on one of the steamers which lea\'e the "Soo" at stated intervals, is one of the most interesting journeys imaginable. Park Hotel iA. E. Marriott Murray Hill !jas. W. McTavish Sherman House.. . \V. J. Hanley Belvidere Hotel.. Franklin House.. Hickler House. . . .Alberta House. . . .American House. Tremont House.. P. R. Downey. . . . M. Matthews J. Rapin [Mrs. A. D. Wright Jos. Corriveau.. . . IJ. E. Morrissey. . . 2 blks. 150 3.00-4.00 4 " 300 2.00-3..50I 4 " 30 1.50 5 " 75 1..50 4 " 35 1.00-1.25 8 " 40 1.50 up U" 40 1.50 1 blk. 30 1.00-1.25 3 blks. 40 1.00 12..50 up 7.00 8.75 6.00 Special 5.75 6.00 4.00 SPREAD EAGLE, MICH. P. O., Iron Mountain, Mich. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. On a chain of thirteen beautiful lakes. There is an abundance of deer and partridge in the woods and e.xcellent fishing in the lakes and streams. Good hotel accommoda- tions. Tourists are met with electric launches. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Distance from Station Hotel Dennis. W. L. Dennis . 1ml. o s 20 RATES Per Day Per Week 50 Rates on application STATE LINE, MICH.— .V u 200 1.00 up 7 *' 100 1.00 up S " 100 1.00 up 3^" 40 1.00 u:. 10 " 150 l.OOap !u. 3 " 100 .75 up 5 blks 150 .75 up s " 75 .75 up 7 " 100 .75 up (j " 200 .75 up 5 " 200 .75 up 1 blk. 1,50 1.00 up 3iblks. 125 1.00 7 " 400 2.00 up 8 " 60 .75 up 9.00 up Eu. 6.00-35.00 European European European European European European European European European ST. PETER, MINN. See Lake Washington. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Located within a short distance of St. Peter are Lake Washington, Lake Jefferson and Lake Emily. These lakes are well stocked with bass, pike, pickerel, perch and croppies. (I Locatetl on Lake Jetlerson. b Located on Lake Emily. SPICER, MINN. Ruiile — Chicago and North Western Line to St. Paul; (j. N. Ry. to destination. (jreen Lake, in Kandiyohi Count}', Minnesota, near Spicer, on the Great Northern Railway, is one of the most beautiful lakes in the State. It is about five miles long and three miles wide. Its shores are clean, consisting of sandy beach and strands of rocks and boulders. It is a perfect specimen of inland lake, affording excellent fishing. West Lake, two miles from Spicer, also offers excellent fishing. I nterlachen 01 iver Larsen . . . 21 mis. 50 2.00 10.50 'I epeetonka A. H ultgren. . . . . 3 " 50 2.00 10.00 reen Lake H ouse L. C. Art hum . . near 35 1.00 5.00 Route TAYLOR'S FALLS, MINN. Dalles of St. Croix. -Chicago and North Western Line to St . Pa destination. il; N. P. Rv. Taylor's Falls, Minn., is located on the bank of the St. Croix River, and is the entrance to the Inter-State Park and the Dalles of the St. Croix, which are noted for their beautiful scenery. The hillsides are full of cool, bubbling springs. The surrounding country is dotted with beautiful lakes which afford excellent fishing, boating and bathing. There are good trout streams within a short distance, reached by stage. Good livery. Guides at reasonable prices. Hotel Cocheco.. . . L.D.Phillips.Mgr. Dalles Hotel E. Kattenberg. . . . Taylor Place 2 blks. Iblk. 75| 50' 2.00 2.00 8.00 up 7.00-10.00 (Private House) The Misses Kattenberg. Lake Side (Farm House) (i)|Geo. Eaton Toby House . . , (a) M. H. Thompson. Birch Lodge. . . (i) W. E. Skinner. . . 4 blks. .50 1. .50-2.00 7.00-S.OO 5 mis .2:5 30 10 1..50 1.50 1.00 S.OO 7.00 6.00 a Postoffice, Balsam Lake, Wis b Postoffice, Dresser Junction, Wis. TOWER, MINN. Lake Vermillion Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Duluth; D. & I R. R. R. to destination. Lake Verinillion — noted for fishing, bathing, boating. Fully ecjuipped cottages for rent; 36.5 islands in lake. Pickerel, pike, white fish, muskellunge and bass. F"amous hay fever resort. Canoe trips to Canadian border. *3 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST =^= Wagon Roads. Trails, scale of miles tX^JU Copyright, 1903, by Chicago d Korth-Western Ry, Co., Chicago, ///, a REACHED BY CHIC A G (> A N D N O R T H W E S T E R N R V Tower, Minn —(Cont'd) Hotels and Boarding Proprietors Distance 'o « from Q i Station xc RATES Houses Per Day Per Week Vermillion Hotel.. GooiJwill Summer Home (a) Hunter's Lodge(a) Fabin's Park.. . (a) J. M. Montgomery 1 blk. I. Goodwill 20 mis. A. E. Shively 18 " G. Fabin 7 " 751 2.00 352.50-3.00 20' 2.00 201 2.50 8.00-10.00 14.50-19.00 12.00 15.00 a By launch. TRACY, MINN. Lake Shetek Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Hunting and fishing good. Lake Shetek, ten miles distant, has se\'eral miles of fine gravel beach, and is one of the prettiest resorts in the State. This lake is filled with fish and is always kept well stocked. Prairie chicken, duck, snipe and grouse shooting is excellent in this \icinity. There arc other lakes near Trac>-. Automol)ilcs will meet parties at station on application. The Hotel Waukesha, at Lake Shetek, and hotels at Tracy furnish good accommo- dations at reasonable rates. Hotel Antlers , . . |D. F. Blackney. . . 1 blk. Exchange Hotel . .|Wm. Carroll 1 " Deal's Hotel, on Wall Hall Island Rudolph Beal 3 mh Ic Waukesha Hotel. .]D. D. Campbell . . 10" (b) R.R. Eating HouselC. H. Schafer . . . . near 100 300 50 2.00-2.50 2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 10.00-14.00 9.50 7.00-10.00 7.00-15.00 Meals, .50 cents b Ten miles from Tracy, five miles from Currie, Minn.; hotel post- office is Tracy, Minn. c Three miles from Currie. reached by gasoline launches: postoliice, Slayton, Minn. WACONIA, MINN.— Coney Island Route — Chicago and .\orth Western Line to St. t\iiil; M. X St 1.. K. R. to destination. (')n one of the finest bass lakes in the State, situated in a charming pastoral district. *Conev Isl'd Hote' J. W. Zeglin 1 ml. 1.50 2..50 11.00-13.00 Lake House Mrs. A. .Schutz. 8 blks. 50 1..50 Special North Star Hotel. Tester & Fischer. . 8 " 50 1.50 Special Automobile Hotel Emile Amblard . . . S " 50 2.00 12.00 * Steamers connect with all trains at water tank. WALKER, MINN. Route — Chicago and .\orth Western Line to St. Paul: X. P. Ry. to Brainerd, and Minnesota & International Ry. to Walker. Walker is the station for Leech Lake, one of the largest and most beautiful bodies of water in Minnesota. Muskel- lunge and other varieties of game fish abound. Ample hotel accommodations. Glengarry Springs Hotel Hotel Chase Lake \'iew Lake Shore Mohler P. H. McGarrv...:l| mis. L. H. Chase 1 blk. R. Still 2 blks. C. Carlson j blk. W. P. Mohler.... i " 100 2.00-3. .50 10..50-20.00 100 2.00 I 12,00 50 1.50 I S.00-10.00 501..5O-2.0(); 8.00-10.00 30 1.00 I 4.50-5.00 WASECA, MINN. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Waseca is a thriving city of .3, .500 people, 10.") miles west of Winona, Minn. Just northeast of the city is Clear Lake, one of the beauty spots of Minnesota. The lake is one mile wide and one and one-half miles long, with a drive around it. At the north end of the lake is Starr Park, where many people go every summer to camp and enjoy a rest. Other near-by lakes are Loon, Rice and W'atkins. The lakes are well supplied with pickerel, black and silver bass, and other varieties of fish. Good facilities in way of boats, tackle and bait. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Hotel Grant.. . Waverly Hotel Hotel Rvan. . . . |C. S. Gardinicr. IE. H.Smith.... . M. W. Rvan. . . Distance from Station ■2 ^ RATES Per Day Per Week 4 blks. 50|2.00-2.25: 10..50 up 2 " 50; 1.50 I 6.00 10 " I .50! 1..50 up i 8.00 WINONA, MINN. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Picturesquely situated on the Mississippi, W'inona offers many attractions as a summer resort. The surrounding scenery is fine, and there is good fishing, both in the Mississippi River and the numerous smaller streams in the vicinity. Fine boating. Many farmers near Winona, along the Mississippi, will take boarders at .|3.00 to iS.^.OO per week. Hotel Winona. . . . The Nortli Western Park Hotel City Hotel Schlitz Hotel Ludwig Hotel .... Commercial Hotel Merchants Hotel.. F. B.Tuttle, Mgr. W. W. Moulster . . C. C. Miller & Son Mrs. F. McCarthy Fakler & W'illianis Mrs. W. Milne.. . L. Cisewski, Mgr , F.Witt 3 blks. 200 At Sta. 2 blks. 2 " 4 " 6 " 50 1.50 40 40 75 40 30 2.00-4.00 Special 2.00 10.00 2.00-3.0010.00-18.011 1.25 5.00-7.00 1.50 European .50 up 3.00 up 1.25 5.00-7.00 1.50 i 6.00-7.00 WORTHINGTON, MINN. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Ducks, prairie chickens, plover and snipe plentiful. The lake adjacent to the town is well supplied with pike, pickerel and perch. Good livery, boats and tackle. Hotel Thompson. Western Hotel. , . C. A. Sampson . iC. B. Ward... . 3il)lks 65 2.50-3.00 3 " 40, 1..50 7.00-10.50 SOUTH DAKOTA Route DEADWOOD, S.D. -Chicago and North Western Line, local, via Pierre or Chadron. Franklin Hotel . Gillmore Hotel . Holzner Hotel. . F. W. Medbery. . . J. T. Gillmore. . . . Mrs. Holzner Parrell 1 blk. 2 blks 3 " 100 60 100 1.00-2.50 European 2.00 9.00-12.00 1.00-1.,50 3.00-5.00 45 LAKES A X D RESORTS OF THE NORTH W EST Trails. "Wagon Roads, scale of miles, t^ •■ ! f ^ Copyright, 1903, by Chicago i Notlh-Western Ry. Co., Chicago, III. REACHED BY C II I C A il O AND N R T II W E S T E R N R y HOT SPRINGS, S. D. Route — Chicago ami North Western Line, local. Situated in tiie southern Black Hills region amid pine- covered hills, this resort is attracti\-e to the tourist, pleasure-seeker and invalid. With an altitude of 3,400 feet, neither extreme heat or cold is ever experienced. The curative properties of the waters of the natural Hot Springs are highly efficacious in cases of rheumatism and kindred ailments. There are splendid baths, fine hotels and excellent sanitariums. are plentiful in season. Wall-eyed pike, bass, pickerel and perch abound in the waters of this fine lake. Hotel accommodations at lake. Nature has made this an ideal resort for the hunter and fisherman. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Hotels and Boardiny Houses Proprietors Distance from Station O 3 RATES Per Day Per Week The Evans Hotel. , Evans Hotel Co (u) i blk. 400 2.50 up 15.00 up New (iillespie, . (b) C. C,. Fargo, Mgr i " 1001. .50-2.00 S.00-12.00 Hot Springs Hotel. Mrs- M. S. Nicholson 2blks. 100 2.00 S.00-12.00 Heubner Boarding House iVVm. Heubner. . . . 4 " ■SO 1.00 6.00 Siloaui Boarding i House Will 0. Ferguson. . 1 ml. 00 1.50 7.00 Minnekahta Blocki Rooming House iMrs. W'. M. Lash- baugh near 75 1.25-1.75 7.00-10.00 Gibson House ... Geo. Gibson 3blks. 40 2.00 8.50 Nicholson Apart- ments Mrs. M. S. Nicholson .3 " lib 1.50 6.00-8.00 Valley House D. N. Kupps 2 " 40 1.00 6.00 .Arcade Hotel The Kampeska. . . Grand The Lincoln North Western Hotel Savoy Hotel Cotiitiiercial Hotel Burlington Hotel.. .•\ntlers Hotel .... The Stony Point Resort North Side Hotel.. Square Deal Hotel L. G. Thompson. C. K. Snyder. . . . Jas. E. Kiley. . . . Hess& Rau Geo. R. Church.. Oleson & Palm . . G. S. Ireland. . . . L. O'Neil L. E. Gingry. . . . Distance from Station C. M. Williamsdi Theo. Leafdahl. Geo. Church 3 blks. 5blks. Iblk. 2 blks. Iblk. 3 blks. Iblk. X ** 3 blks. Iblk. 5 blks. 1 blk. 26 Per Day Per Week 100 200 100 300 75 40 60 60 50 .75 up 2.00 up i.00-2.00 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50 1.25 1.00-1.25 1.00-1.25 1.00 .50-1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 European American European American American 7.00 5.00-7.00 6.00 5.00 3.00-7.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 (I Two miles from Kain|ieska. u Open all year. b Also have a sanatorium department for which they solicit patients at .$25.00 per week, including nurse. LAKE KAMPESKA, S. D. See Watertown, S. D. LAKE PRESTON, S. D. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Duck and prairie chicken shooting. station. Good li\ery at NORTH DAKOTA DEVIL'S LAKE, N. D. Route— Chicago and North Western Line to St. Paul or Duluth; N. P. Ry. or G. N. Ry. to destination. On Great Northern Railway, Minnewaukon Station; on Northern Pacific Railway, Station is at west end of the lake. Park Hotel A. Sheets 5 blks. Commercial Hotel J. H. Lubes , 1 blk. 2.00 2.00 10.51) TheSevilla....(a)M. R. Mayer 4 blks. Hotel Oakwood(a)C.Gifford, Mgr.(6) 6 mis. Reid's Hotel !w. H. Reid | 2 blks. Victoria (a)lAndrew Huseby . . 2 " Columbin Hotel .. T. W. Slutz 2 " Colonial Hotel.... |C. E. Gray ; Iblk. a Postoffice and station to grounds. 14.00 1125 2.25 up ,300i 2..50 120' .50-1.00 European 40, 1.00 I 25|l.00-1.25: 6.00-7.00 100 .50-1.50 Special Devil's Lake, N.D. b Street cars and auto WYOMING LANDER, 'WYO. RAPID CITY, S. D. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local, via Pierre or Chadrun. In the Black Hills, surrounded by some of the most interesting points in this famous region, and at the junction of the Chicago and North Western with the Pierre, i Ro^Jt^-Chicago and North Western Line, local. Rapid City and Northwestern Railway. The city is Situated as it is at the base of one of the grandest beautifully located in the valley of the Rapid River, ranges of mountains in the United States, with an elevation Harney's Peak and some of the noted mines of the Hills "f 5-350 feet, Lander has much to ofier the tourist, are reached from Rapid Citv. E.xcellent trout fishing and Beautiful mountain lakes and rapid streams, with the camping grounds on Rapid River. Deer, antelope and best of fishing, grand unsealed peaks, living glaciers, ideal small game hunting is good in the adjacent territory. camping spots along streams or in mountain forests, ^ '■ i '- hunting unequaled in this country, bright warm sunshine and an atmosphere so clear and invigorating as to be itsell judged a most healthy tonic. Harney Hotel . . . , Midwest Hotel Co 2 blks. International Hotel. P. B. McCarthy, . 4 " New Patton Hotel A. A. Judson 1 blk. 100 2..ill-:l.(KI,\iii. 100 1.50 I 75i 2.00 : j.OO ii|i Jill. 10.00 10.50 WATERTOWN, S. D. Lake Kampeska. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. Lake Kampeska, three miles from Watertown, is a \ery popular resort. Prairie chickeris, snipe, ducks and geese Hotel Fremont . . Albany Hotel . . . City Bakery and Cafe Washington House Coalter's House.. . Central House. . . . E. F. Seaver, Mgr. Jennie Boland.. . . I. D. Rae t. H. Batte W. N.Coalter.... Mrs. F. S. Seals... 2 blks. 115 1.00 up 2 " 50 .50-1.00 3 " 25 2.00-3.00 4 " 50 1.50 iblk. 75 .75-1.00 3 blks. 40 1.50 European 3.0(1-5.110 Eli. 10.00-15.00 9.00 Special ] 1 8.00 47 L.Helen O I Broiwi X., OnytaM C. J ~lstattr Line L. iiintiow U/> -S*"*^ WTlMcIGAI^ , Jpo/ircta.^i^^^^lteilvidi Resort JT 'V ^ I r^i,. HESTER^'>jO ^ Buct-«(so:J /^p^ucks Camp ) xxiKe Tamerick> 'resqfie Isle) Metlnaid MANITC LJtfs/'Ue o LUIULonffLX I r-U (_>y-v \jPVrtjoo»e i ZiUU Fapooae lJJ^ °J (\ /-> c^" '»BVU4camp<~> iou;„c„ , ',C? Round ^ A ■'Tim ^'' Lake 3ig L. BassL. ,Florence L. woil: L. ,John Oxleys Resort ie.Pauw 3 Re»i)Lake riear L, ijadL ^- tiAft^La Fabe ipideV^akeStior BuckJt^Son V^ ^-^" /V /^ *■ — / >:;Beer I'ark Lodge Cu ftrrv L lAUU Tr ''spruce L. (P. 'Jk "^^ pokegaiiia Sand Lnlh =Wagon Roads.— Trails.scALE of MiLES. jVjt^ ? ■ ? Copyrlgfit, 1903, by Chicago A North-Westem By. Co.. Chlcauo 111.^ REACHED B Y 11 I C A G O A N D N O R T II E S T E R N R Y. IOWA CLEAR LAKE, IOWA. Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Mason City; Mason City & Clear Lake Ry. to destination. This beautiful sheet of water, about seven miles in length, and varying in width from two to three miles, is clear and limpid, with luxuriant growths of maple, elm and walnut trees lining its shores. other inviting parks and camps provide for summer visitors. The pike, bass and pickerel fishing is excellent. Steam yachts, sail and row boats are available. Town of 2,000 population, with abundance of hotel and cottage accom- modations. A Chautauqua assembly ineets here each summer. Hotels and Boarding Houses Proprietors Banff Springs Hotel Can. Pac. Ry. Co Sanitarium Hoti .-Mberta Hotel P. A. Rodrigue, Mgr Chas. E. Stcnton.. L. C. Orr King Edward Hotel The Chateau P. A. Rodrigue, Mgr The Hydro iRobt. Thomson Hotel Mount Royal. .J. 1. Brewster.. Clear I^ake Park and ' bkellinDfnMkaOhiiletia) B. G. Way Brett Hospital.. . . R. H. Brett. . . . Upper Hot Springs B. .\shton Grand View C. B. Crawford Alpine Hotel R. G. Brett. . . . The Homestead. . . ]. Locke Hotels and Boarding Houses 'The Oaks" . Hotel Elk The Silsby The Leader Oakwood Park Hotel Lake Shore Hotel. . Proprietors Western Lakes Resorts Co ... . F. C. Chaphe .... C. B. Silsby A. J. Cleanes Oakwood Park Co. A. M. Ingersoll. . . Distance OS from Station zo *4 blks. 120 *7 " 100 (*) 100 (*) 10 *(a)2inls. 2.5 (*) 100 Per Day Per Week 2.00 up 2.00 up 1.25 1.25 1..50 .,50-1.00 10.00 up Special Special 5.00 S.On-12.00 (3.00-7.00 (European * The Mason City & Clear Lake Ry., which connects with C. & N.W. Ry. trains at Mason City, lands passengers at the doors of the above- named resorts, except where distance is specified, which means from the M. C. & C. L. Ry. Line. a In Oakwood Park, conveniently reached by boat or by carriage. LAKE VIEW, IOWA. Wall Lake. Route — Chicago and North Western Line, local. On the banks of Wall Lake, a sheet of water four miles long and one and a half miles wide, abounding in fish — pike, perch and catfish being the principal varieties. The lake is well supplied with boats and pleasure steamers and sloping, sandy beaches, bath houses, etc., afford ample opportunity for bathing. Good livery. Mineral springs, whose chemical analysis is almost identical with that of the famous Bethesda water. Distance from Station 1 ml. 3 U i 1 *< i '1 " •k mis. i ml. 8 mis. i ml. 3 mis. 3 " iml. O 3 ZO Per Day .5004.00-7.00 2501.00-2.00 100 2..50 1.(10 iin Ru. 250 tup I 1.50 3.00 up 401.50-2.00 200 3.50 12 2.50 up 753.00-4.00 40; 2.50 24.50 up European 14.00 Eu. j 15.00 Am. 10.50-12.00 20.00 up 17.00 21.0(V2S.00 14.00 30l2.50-3.00 16.50 up .30! 1.00u|iEii.' .30!l.. 50-2.001 a Postoffice, Bankhead, Alberta. PORT ARTHUR, CANADA. Route — Chicago and North Western Line local to Duluth via Eau Claire or St. Paul: Canadian Northern Ry. to destination. Prince Arthur Hotel A. L. McLean. . . .i near 200 Union Hotel IW. Pike ' Port Arlliur 50 Western Hotel. . . . J. H. Ward " 75 Marioggi Hotel. . . A. Broufman I " 125 New Ontario G. Arthur " 125 Algoma Merrill E. Hodder " 75 Hotel Vendome. . . R. I. Mullcvcv. . . " 100 1.50 up 1.00-1.50 1.50 Am. 3.00 up 1.25-2.00 2.00 up 1..50un European 6.00 Am. 9.00 Am. American American American 10.00 up Hotel Lakewood. Windsor Hotel . . Cottage Grove. . . C. J. Larson 2 mis. A. G. Gilbert ' 2 blks, J. P. Maedhurst . . 3 nils. 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 HOTELS AND RESORTS ALONG THE NORTHERN SHORE OF LAKE SUPERIOR Route — Chicago and North Western Line to Duluth via Eau Claire or St. Paul ; U. S. & D. Trans. Co. (Booth Line) to destination. Picturesque Isle Royale in Lake Superior and various points on the north shore, including Grand Marais, Port Arthur, Fort William and the Nipigon, are reached via boat from Duluth. Isle Royale is a beautiful summer resort. The island is dotted with small lakes that contain bass and pickerel, and traversed by countless creeks and streams, well stocked with trout. The shores are lined with little bays with beautiful harbors, offering every advantage for fishing, hunting and yachting. Duluth. E. T. Singer . MISCELLANEOUS BANFF, ALBERTA. Route — ^Chicago and North Western Line to St. Paul; Canadian Pacific Ry. to destination. Bow River, the Vermillion Lakes and Lake Minnewanka afford excellent opportunity for mountain trout fishing. Park Place K. Neutson, Mgr. (RockHarbor)(e) The Island House and Cottages. (6) Chicago Bay. . .(a) Louis EUingsen Baptism River, (g) Peter Pvette. . - . . Lake View (c) R. H. Slater Broadway Hotel.. ( direct to Lander, ^^y^)nling, and thence north on a delightful cami)ing and hunting tour across the Wind River Indian Reservation and the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, through the famous Jackson Hole Country, to the sontliern entrance of the Park on Yellowstone Lake. Arrangements for this latter trip nuist he made in ad\ance. Special low fares are in effect to these great pleasure grounds which ])rovide the traveler and the seeker for recreation with means to reach these points during the summ<'r season at a minimum of cost. The special fare arrangements include the extremely low excursion fares that are ;innouTiced to Colorado, Utah and the Pacific Coast, ;ind to various national ecjnventions and meetings that are held each summer. Personally escorted, all-cx|)ense tours, under the ausjjices of the Department of Tours of the Chicago, Union Pacific ant fully meet all requirements of the summer visitor; train service to Lake t".ene\a, Fox Lake, Devil's Lake, Waukesha and Green Lake includes an additional summer service of parlor cars and cafe cars on fast trains at con\enient hours. To more distant points fast summer schedules are so arningi'd thai one can leave Chicago at the close of the day's work and, traveling northward in through Pullman sleeping cars, surrounded with all the comforts of high-class train ser\ice, alight in the North Country- in the early morning refreshed from a good night's rest. Through Pullman ser\-ice is maintained between Chicago, Milwaukee and Monico. Khinelander, Tomahawk, WixKlruff, Lac ilii Flambeau, Manitowish, Mercer, Three Lakes, Eagle Ri\cr, Conover, State Line, Watersmeet, Cisco Lake and Marenisco, as well as the high-class all-the-\car-round service between Chicago and St, Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland, Marquette, Houghton, Calumet, Green Bay, Escanaba, Manistique, Sault Ste. Marie and other points; also between Kansas City and Omaha, Sioux City, St. Paul and Minneapolis. RouniLlri|) tickets from St Louis. Kansas City, Little Rock, Memphis, New Orleans, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas points, Jacksonville, Birmingham, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus, Indian- apolis, and all points south, cast and west to all summer resort points reached via the Chicago and North Western I^ine, concerning which information can be secured on application to ticket ofifices of this line or connecting railways. F'or summer literature, sleeping car reservations, rates and schedules, appK to any representative of the Chicago and North Western Line, or to ticket agents of an\- r.iilwav in the Lhiited States, Canada or Mexico. fi n I O'TF AND CONNECTIONS OVER WHICH THROUGH TRAINS ARE RUN lOlCATES DO-jai,E TRACK. AGENCIES THE CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN LINE Antigo, Wis.— I). U. HirUuk. Ti:iv<-ling Afi-nt Birmingham, A!a. — Brown-Marx BiJii — V. C. Bnsh. Tiav. Asfiit Boone, Iowa — A. .1. Clu-cseninu, Traveling Agent Boston, Mass. — o22 Washington St. — J. E- Brittain. General .Vgent Buffalo, N.Y.— 301 Main St, (Ellicott Square)— H. B. Louck.s. .Ir., Cleneral Af-nt Cedar Rapids, lowa^M II. Ilizer. Passenger and Ticket Agent Chicago, III.— 148 South Clark St . City Ticket Offiee— H. A Gro-«s. Genera! Agent Passenger Department '2'H'} West Jaek.scm St. — .Inc. T> Ferguson, Ass't Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agent: M. R. ],cahy. Ass't Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agent; R. Thomson, .\ss't Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agent: F. P. Eynian. Jr.. Traveling Agent Passenger Terminal; H. G- VanWinkle, Terminal Passenger and Ticket Agent. Cincinnati, Ohio — 434 W^alnut St. — N. ^I. Breeze, Genera! Agent Cleveland, Ohio — 207 Euclid Ave — .■\.. R. Gould, General Agent Council Bluffs, Iowa — 520 Broadway, City Ticket Office— Wm. B Richards, General Agent Deadwood, S. D. — E. E. Benjamin. General Agent Denver, Colo.— -SOI 17th St.— T. S. Rattle, General Agent Des Moines, Iowa — 002 Walnut Street, City Ticket Office — ,1. J. Livingston, General Agent Detroit, Mich. — ^30 Fort St , West — W. L. Stannard, CJeneral Agent Duluth, Minn.— 302 West Superior Street. City Ticket Office — E. J- Garland. General Agent Passenger Department Fremont, Neb. — H. B. Eller, Traveling Agent Green Bay, Wis. — E B- Da!y. Traveling Agent Helena, Mont. — 37 Sixth Ave., West — E. A. Gray. General .A.gent Houghton, Mich. — Douglas Hou.se BIk. — C. E. W'ebb. Gen'l Agent Huron, S. D.^F. E. Donegan, Traveling Agent Indianapolis, Ind. — 610 Merchants Bank Building — J. S. Talbot, Cleneral .\gent Kansas City, Mo.— 443 Sheidley Bldg.— F. A. Brown. Traveling Passenger Agent Lincoln, Neb.— 1024 "O" St., City Ticket Office— R. W. McGinnis, General .-Vgent Los Angeles. Cal. — 605 S. Spring St. — C. A. Thurston. Gen'l Agent Madison, Wis. — A. L Fisher. Traveling Agent Mankato, Minn. — J. C! Perr\-, Traveling Agent Milwaukee, Wis.— DO Wisconsin St.. City Ticket Office- Charles Thiiiiipson. General Agent Minneapolis, Minn. — 600 Nicollet Ave., City Ticket Office — .1. A, O'Brien, General Agent Passenger Department New York City — 1282 Broadway — C. C. Walton, General Agent Passenger Department Omaha, Neb.— 1401 and 1403 Farnam St., City Ticket Office- John Mellen, General Agent 1201 Farnam St- — W. II. .lones. Division Passenger Agent. Nebraska and Wvoining Divisions Peoria, 111.-333 Main St.. City Ticket Office— J. W. Hendley. Cieneral Agent Philadelphia, Pa.— 1020 Chestnut St. — D. M. Davis, General Agent Pittsburgh. Pa.— 520 Smithfiekl St. — A. Q. Tallant. General Agent Portland, Ore.- 102 Third St.— E, C. Griffin, General Agent St. Louis, Mo.— 315 North Tenth St. — Geo. F. Brigham. General Agent St. Paul, Minn.— 396 Robert St. (Ryan Hotel), City Ticket Office— H. H Lankester, General Agent Passenger Department Sacramento, Cal. — E. H. Lamb, Traveling Agent Salt Lake City, Utah— 317 Main St.— C. A. Walker. General Agent San Francisco, Cal.— R. R. Ritchie, Gen'l Western Agent, Room 388, Flood Building; R. V. Holder. General Agent. Flood Building. 878 Market St. Seattle, Wash.— 615 Second Ave. — F. W. Parker, General Agent Sioux City, Iowa — Security Bank Building, City Ticket Office— M M Betzner, General Agent. Spokane, Wash. — 607 Sprague Ave. — H. S. ColUns, General Agent Superior, Wis. — 910 Tower .-Vve., City Ticket Office — J. D. Mahon. tleneral Agent Tacoma.Wash.- 604 Bankers' Trust Building — A. S. Nash,Travehng Agent Toronto, Ont. — i6 Yonge St. — B. H. Bennett, General Agent Vancouver, B. C. — 905 Dominion Bldg. — Edw. A. Dye, Traveling Agent Winnipeg, Man. — 333 Main St. — W. S. R. Cameron, CJeneral Agent Winona, Minn. — H J. Wagen, General Agent A. C. JOHNSON. Passenger Traffic Manager C. A. CAIRNS. Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent General Offices -226 West Jackson Street, Chicago, III POOLE BUGS. CHICAGO LIBRARY OF CONGRESS