miij »Jt«#iIXJ '■",'' : ii jLIBB P CONGRESS.? * ■ s I DMTED STATES OF 1 OOK OF BESI.GNSi' I W*J? .©} ID JA 1 AND MANTLE TRIMMINGS, C. A. $ * Manufacturer, ; i ■ f 85 CHAMBERS STREET, 3VJSS\Xr TT03E13E3C. Mayer, Merkel & Oltmann, 22 & 24 Churdi Street. N. V. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1877, l',\ C. A. SCHMIDT, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. 1 V) L. New York, 85 Chambers Street, TO THE TRADE: Having had many applications for samples and designs, from different parts of the country, 1 have revised and prepared the following Illustrated Price Lists and Catalogues. Illustrated Price List OF jSl^kde, ridtufe knd rAiftiitufe Wirqiqii^ Which will be mailed to all applicants. Illustrated Price List and Catalogue OF ©fcipefy, ijphol^tefy kqd ^kqtle ^rirqrqii^g^, Which will be mailed to all applicants upon receipt of 35c. i Book of Designs. THIS CONTAINS Illustrations of i^pholstery, Papery, ]?ancy Jrapef^y aj^d ^JVUntle ]" r.imminqs. Many of these designs are original, and all of them are good and worthy of attention. A copy will be mailed, post-paid, to all applicants on receipt of One Dollar. I am continually receiving orders for samples and catalogues from persons who are not my customers, and who do not even send stamps for return postage. I would inform all such, that on account of the great expense attending the publication of the catalogues, I cannot afford to circulate them gratuitously excepting TO 3M"Y" CTJSTOMEE.S, whose names are always recorded on my books, and who will be supplied without charge, and whenever a new edition is published. The amounts charged do not half pay the cost. IN DEX. Bell-Pulls and Acorns. Borders, Fancy, Cords, - - - Festoon Slides, Drapery. " " Fringe, Flower-Rosettes and Roses, Fringes, Fancy, Cretonne, (worsted ball), Worsted, - Worsted and Silk, - " Silk, - - - - " '' Shaped, - " Silk Ball. - - - " Gimp-band, - Gimp- Headings, for Fringes, Gimps, Furniture, - Curtain of Valance, Hangers, Drapery, " Fringe, - Lambrequin Designs of ) ... . - 5 1 '33 Journal of Decorative Upholstery, J i 2 1 1 1 1 10, I I 10 20 6,7,8,9 4. 5 5 Leather Lambrequins, Ornaments for Loops, Spiral, Medallion, Curtain, Single Tassel, Rosettes, Tassels, Drapery. Pillow. Turkish, Page. - I 2 - 32 - 2.3 - 13 - 18, 19 - 20 29. 3° - 29 - 26 26, 27 - 26, 27 - 30 - 29 - 1 1 27, 28 - 21 22, 23, 24, 25 14, 1 5 16, 17 18, 19 85 CHAMBERS STREET I«" 3E ■"OC "ST €> 3FI 3E3C MANUFACTURER OF Uf)l(ol^tei c y, 99- ITew 'York. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, iWrjittLfe kqd ©rapery doi'd^. See J'na-List, fag \ Bell Pull, Nos. 61, 62, 63 and 64. .. _... JL Tassel Bell Pull, No. 77. Acorn, Nos. 59 and 60 No. 325. Hanger, No. 40. Tassel Bell Pull, No. 78. Festoon Slide, No.-. 46. 47 and 48. Hh! No. 3 ,8. Hanger, Nos. 43, 44 and 45. Hanger, Nos. 41 and 42. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. ©rkpety ^ejftooq Slideg. See Price-List, Page 25. No. 31. No. 30. No. 32. No. 34. No. 33. No. 35. No. 36. No. 38. No. 39. No. 37 . C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Dfkpery Hkr\gei^ List, Page -•/• No. 9. No. 10. No. z. No. 1 1. No. 6. No. 17. No. 7. No. 13. No. 3. No. 12. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. Dfapei'y Hanged Lis . Pag --,•. No. 23. No. 15. No. 27 No. 5. No. 21 i : !|! No. 14. No. 18. No. 16. No. 22. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, ( ©fkf)ei 4 y Hciii^ei^ S Price List, Page 24. No. 30. 4 r :<— r— ,r~ r- B V No. 32. No. 25. No. 24. No. 26. No. 29. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. f)i 4 apery Hai^ei^ |5©6 ( See Price-List, Pag, / No. 1. No. 20. V,,,' ...^ No. 28. No. 34. No. 33. C A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Frii\ge Hai)ger£ aiid Festoor\ SSlide^. . S and 2g. No. 60. Fringe with Hangers No. ;6 attached. I H Q s 6 No. 54. No, c . No. 70. No. cc. : No. Fringe Festoon Slides. 6 No. 163. Ho. No. 52. - No. 59. W. D. No. ;8. No. 62. No. 56. No. ;. No. 53. DRAPER ) ■ AND ( P//0LS7ER J ' TRIMMINGS. SVir^e Hki|g c ef^ ai^cl tfejftooq $lid eg See Price-List, Pag i s8 and p, No. 68. WMi v^* J Mv//v ! € Fringe with Hangers No. 58 and slides No. 172 attached. No. 65. $ No 63. No. 73 . No. fringe ^estoor) $lide^. No. 72. No. 61. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Iftowetf-f^etteg ar»d f\o^. See Pri ^^J#" No. 96. No. 93- -£=5. No. 99. No. No. 90. No. 81. No. 97. I^o^ette^, See Price-List, Page 26. " v. !>,_ C No. 94. No. 92. No. 80 No. 82. :'•', No. 84. No. 83. Rosette No. 81, with Fringe Hanger No. 71 attached. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. jSilk ^hi\6j SWqitttfe G^irqp^ 5.v Fi-ice-List, ;" Nos. 201, 203 and 205. No. 211. No. 223. No. 213. No. Nos. 217 and 221. No. 231. No. 227. No. 237. No. 245. ?3K No. 2 35 ' Wmm WW 241 ^^ffl Wk No. No. 243. Nos. 239 and 249. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Valaqde Gciiup^. See Price-List, Page j / . No. 49. No. 47. No. 69. No. 57. No. 163. Nos. 65 and 168 . Nos. 43, 45, 108, 59 and 6 No. 129. Nos. 53, 71 nnd 131. No. 55. No. 1 13. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. No. 100. See rria-List, Page ji. No. 63. No. 51. No. 83. No. 73. No. 127. No. 87. No. 133. Nos. 75 and 159. No. 77. No. 116. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Vklkqde dirqp^. *, .List, Page 31. No. 6-. No. 79. No. 1 1 9 A. No. 81. No. 122. No. 587. No. 167. No. 171. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. S. I 'ri:c- Li st, Page 31. No. 546. No. 155. No. 1 No. 157. -n. \<>yff$ ■■■■■' No. 703. NO. !J2fc No. 515. No. 65 1. C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, SViri^e^. See Price-List, Pages 32 and 34 to 38. Nos. 302, 304. 306, 411, 413 and 603, with Lay in Heading. [iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii ,1 lit Nos. 204 and 850, with Cord Heading. Nos. 515, 607 and 609, with Cord Heading. Nos. 515, 607 and 6c with Plain Heading Nos. 202 and 960, « ith Cord Headine Nos. 521 and 623, with Cord Heading. Nos. 309, 415, 311 and 417, with Cord Heading. Nos. 523 and 625, with Cord Heading. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. See Price-List, Pages 32 and 34 to jS . Nos 517, 611,519, and 621, with Silk Lay and Cord Heading. No. 206, with Cord Heading No. 985, with Cord Heading. Gimp Heading No. 11, Gimp Heading No. 17. Nos. 525 and 627. with Cord Heading. Griix\p Hekdir\g0. Sir* Price List, Page ;j. Gimp Heading No. 13. Gimp Heading No. 19. iiisbisiiiliiiiiiiUiis C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, Qiii]p Headirig^ See Price-List, Pag J. Gimp Headi n f IS o '5- '"! \ } I » ffl Gimp Heading No. 21. Gimp Heading No 23. Gimp Heading No. 27. Gimp Heading No. 29. Gimp Heading No. 25. 1 1 lKV>A\V1 CJ'Vv' 1 V^wW^ ^S. \* iM^wM".)"^ 'vVJ. '■„!. ■', a^^Kffi Gimp Heading No. 33. Gimp Heading No. 31. pill AxTxT!* \ I WW$$ DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. See Priee-List, Pages jj, 34 and 39, Cut SSftqtfe. Gi 4 etot|:qe SVir)2fe. U w Q Q Nos. 1000 and 1002. Nos. 103, 105, 107 and log. I^Udy 5Vii)ge£. Nc. 2000. No. 1 1) I - C. A. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, d See Trice-List, Pages jj and jg Collide Exii^e. No. 1275. 3?ki\dy EVii^. "j ^ ^ y j -y ^"^^b kiQOOQ No. 1 01 ]Vlkqtle SVii^e. Nos. 1 249 and 1251. $kx\6y tfringeg. ■A 'A v'v" '.■' '■ v a v s V $ y No. 1013. No. 1009. DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS. I^kiriWequiq ©e^i^q. Similar to Design No. 13, in Rath's Journal of Decorative Upholstery, See Price-List, Pages 40 and 41 C. ./. SCHMIDT, MANUFACTURER, fhi}6j t6ofdei% Nos. 626, 6'8 and 630. -i'L't-i.'t c' : .-!. ';■-:■ i. i ;flwnn \ ^I'EL'P^llil'ni Em 4^L r Fr ^'; r .;j.:..' : WHWlllMiftW No. 638. fflfflMTO No. 632. No. 636. Similar to Design No. 7, in Rath's Journal of Decorative Upholstery, See Price-List, pages 40 and 41 iJSsT* 00 *™!? °0017 ?714 ^ iiili|llii!l|l|ll|ll