'•t •^-^^o^- .V^^ o - «• . -^^ .Or ^^^ >^ o ^-v^ ^^ v^ ^. 'o , » " G^ o "•1°. ^^^^=?/!^". \/ ;^'-, ^.^"^ ,'^\ %/ :^, \. r^ \^ *>* V cjoeeter ^tlff ©I^an ©J^i^i) V.vS!^- LIBRARY Of JONGRESS Vwu Copies rteuoivtMj AUG 14 l!^06 Qopyrii/ni cii[r> COPY 8. Copyright, loo^, by THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY THE WERNER COMPANY AKFiON, OHIO TO MY HUSBAND CONTENTS PAGE A Woman's Tribute 21 Promisk of Spring . 31 Love, the Gift 39 What the Violin Said 51 A Valentine i^-y Spring Song 65 Twilight -73 CONTENTS ( Continued) Because gi Sanctuary 3q The Coming of Love 99, Credo jq:^ Dreams .... ny Bud and Bloom \2^ ILLUSTRATIONS I. My Heart, It Is a Violin Froniispiece II. If I Could Touch THE Ivory Keys WITH Fingers That Swayed THE Souls of Men ... 25 ' III. Her Heart of Love Doth Know 33 IV. Though Flames Burn Out into Ashes, and the Past Is a Vague Regret .... 41 V. A Mystic Hope to Share . . 47 VI. With Living Sjring and Bow OF Flame 53 VII. Sunset and Sense of Rest, and THE Night's Long Dreams OF Thee S9 ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) VIII. A Purple Plume Leaps into Life ON THE Lilac Tree ... 67 ' IX. The Scarlet Maple, Glowing Like Pent Flame .... 7;^^ X. And Light the Springtime's Airy Tread 8^ XI. My Heart Is Thy Dear Temple 91 XII. Between Their Silken Folds I Set a Light loi . XIII. The Sword Which Guards That Paradise Brandisheth Still Its Blade of Flame . 107 XIV. Frail as Butterflies, Poised FOR Airy Flight . . . . 11 q XV. The Night is a Close-Shut Bud 127 / oK ©Y^onr^an'/i) ©JriSute m r /^ me tfte gift of a N5)oice ©Jftat couPcl cftarm aolfft f^e nofex^ of a borePie, 4 coouPiL /^ir^g ar24 ^'^g? ^'^^ ^^^^ ocjon c^ear cftoice, ©recjo iTie t*o ^ou aPcDQ^. ©^ifft a cnizarel foucfi an^ a Pi^e-fifte grace, ©Jftea cjoouPc^ (# painf ffte a:)"^oPe year tftrougft, picCurex^ o^ your c|ear ^ace. 23- ifft w -•^*'%3sf __,.^ ©Y^ifft finger/ fftat x^ooaijec^ tfte x^oufx^ o^ men, CJOouFc^ pPaij fiPf ffte ^ea^^ea-'6ora mePoc^iex^ bei. Ljou €acfe fo -^- """"^ Jli^ me agair^. Jl ©r 1^ J commaacleiL a x^u€>tPe pen iJ^at cjooaPi x^ear aPP fteartx^ coitft a x^trofee of fParrje, ©J^ea coouFil (i corite fiPP ffte coorPcj of rrjea Si)oa:>ec^ af tfte x^ounil of your name. / Si)uf ffte cjoizarc^ gl^f ar^il tfte magic oKre ^©ouc'^x^a^eiL fo "Buf feo:) in r7 tftix^ eommoQpPoce x^pftere; (sKnc^ "Being naagftf "6uf a cjoorrjar^ — cjoePP, ^ car^ onP^ Po^e "m LJOU, il ear. — 28- A>- ,.iCr^^ promise of ^prir^g fte rox^e^A ftearf tftrifPx^ ur^c^eraeatft Sn x^ifence ilim anil x^coeet; )ome^oa:>5 x^orQeaoaij, "^er ftearf o^ fo^e c|offt ftnocjo ©I^af ^prir^gfime^x^ mex^x^age fPeef (^omefft, cjoif"^ ooingeiL feet. —32— § n ftiPPx^ of ^une ©Y^itfi ^e^erilure cPa^ arix^e; fie purPing nofe of 6rooft<^5 ffie ODiPi. "BiriL^x^ tuae, olTux^fieil, iTjLjx^flc, mooaPif x^lCiex^5 iJraiP motfi/ anc| firefPle<^. are fong, ^tera tfte c^ecreex^ of f^-''^^; S^uf /omecoftere, ilear, a6lc^ex^ ffte ro'Biri^x^ '^or^g ; ©y/e can afforil fo ooait, ©Jftougft Springtime comefft fate. -36- bo^e, ^Re Syiff ftere ix^ aPcjoaLjx^ or^e "^earf tftat reiT|em'6erf5 ©J^oagfi ffte otHer fteart ^orgef ; fiougft ^Pame/ "Burn oaf info o/^e/, (sKniL f^e pa/f ix^ a ^ague regref. I^coe \f^ no pax^x^Ing fanc^, ©lo ^aile in a mor^t"^ or a ^ear^ Ji>ora o^ a poet^xi^ c^rearrjlng, oKnil an arelent atinoApftere. ©Jftoug^ tHe ^W\'R ftafo o^ romance ©Y^reatfte aPf coitft itx^ tropic gPeam, oKnil fte x^eex^ tfte one "BePo^ecl ©I'^roag'^ t^e "^aze o^ ^1/ goPc^ei^ c^ream. ^ iJor tfte x^ouP o^ ^igft ic|eaFx^ "booftx^ ^ortft to tfte ilayx^ to 6c ; oAaeL tftc pcet^x^ pax^x*)ionate coor- ©Y^ear/ ffie maafFc o^ frageilv. 45- Si)uf once unfo ^ucH ix4> ^hen qJ\ mvx^fic ftope to x^ftare; enileiLj (J-x^ a roac^ tftaf feac^x^ r^ooDftere. 46- /*i .♦^J ©yftaf r^e >^iofiri |)aic| Mu ftearf, it ix^ a ^£)loPin^ ©Y^if^ f>^''2g x^'Tring anc^ "6000 o^ ^Pame ; (#tA pciPx^ing no^eA are -d^cjoeet arjc^ ^our (^earj ilear narrje (J\n<^ x^ftouPi. ijou /bee?: ffte f^eme fo ^t/b fon(\e/b\' Pox/aPl^ to pro^5e5 ^ou^FP fiai. tftrougft aPP itx^ colilex^t rat^ge, ^afentli2e ^urjrixi^e anil mora- a^ ing x^far, (sKac^ tfte NS)ix^ion/ of^ noon fo "Be, (aKfP tftex^e, ^ePo^e^eilj ^ou are^ oKi^iL more to n]e. -58- of fftecj (2J\n4 PoNS)e ai^i. fife at tfteir €)ex^t ^ou are fo me. 6i - (Keart c^ tnij Reart fean near,- Sf Chacon or t^e e^^ening 6e^ G^^ery c|a^ ia ffte year iJftriFP/ fo me mougftt of ffiee, (sKPcDQLjx^ tfte c^reaiT] of fftee. r, —62— ipnr\g ^D^f^g Mil primrox^e coa^x^j ©J^e x^ac| ofc^ coorPd ix^ young agaii^; ©yor^e are tfte cjoinfer^x^ ilrearLj ila^x^j of mix^f anil rain^ ©J^eir c^e/oPafe ^rearn/ of pain. ■66- Ufie air ixi) x^coeef, anil a purpFe pFun]e beap/ Info ?\fe on f^e PiFac free, ohnR tfie CDooilx^ are ^uPP of^ a ^aiaf per- ©Jfte cjoooilx^ are a x^ODaijing x^ea ©f errjeraPiL propftecu. ■69. ©Y^Rat are cjoe ooaitir^g ^or^ Ljou anil (#? ©J^e pa/f \f ^eacj^anc^ tfte ila^/ ffiaf are "^ere iJftriff coitft an unK^nocon eex^taeV/j (sKnil a "^ea^ejet^ o^ PoNS^e fiex^ r^ear, ©urx^ ^or ffie fafeir^g^ c^ear. - 70 - J-fearf of^ mij ^earf, ^o you unc^erx^tanil Hftat fate maLj €>e con7pa//e46^jarf or^e iCix^x^? ©Jftat ^appinex^x^ fiex^ in f'^e cPax^p o^ Ljour ohn^ fteoNS>ei2^x^ ee- x^fafie 6Plx^x^ (#x^ onPij anil onPv tftlx^ — ^our K^Ix^x^j your pax^- x^ionafe ftix^x^? ©Icjoifig^f x^acjo a x^tar gPearrj tftrougft tfte mapfe tree^ ©Ifte x^carPef rrjapfej gfooolng Pifee peaf f f arr|e ; (sKniL aPF f'^e <^iPence trena- "BPeiL cjoifft tft^ namej (2J\nil aPP t'^e ^reaming 4urfe coq/ fuPP of (aKi^il t.hen tftou carriex^t, "Befo^ecl; tfttj ^oot/fep x^prai^g ©at of tfte x^tiPPnex^x^, aoitft a (sKail ecfto rar^ t'o meef it^ x^ooeefHearf mine^ G^9e furnec^fo noonc^a^, anc^ tfte xi^lPeace x^ang. (sKnil ^neatft tfte rrjapPe^/ erimAon (sJ\ x^^ac^oao among x^"^ac^e/ ljou came anil ooenC, T^ea^ing me aPP aPone^ "Buf ftaP^ cot^fenf ©y/IfR j^^'^t a x^fta^oco anc^ a memory. ■78- 5i)ecau/^e Si)ecau/e you x^mife tfte rox^e \^ re^j Ufte x^^unx^ftine aoea^s)ex^ it/ are cPoud[Pe//5 €>Pue, U^e air \j /of'f €>ecaure o^ LJOU, time^x^ airy treail. — 82- ©yftaf grief x^ftaPf pine uncomforfei.5 ®y/^eq x^rrjiPex^ Pifte yourx^ are x^coeefPLj x^fteil? Ufte x^ac^ oPc| ODorfi tafee/ ftearf anecjOj Si)ecaax^e ^ou x^miPe* ■S5- cjoftat xi^fonnx^ are "Brec^, ©Y^ftat tftur^iler-cPouilx^ anc^ PigfttaingA c^reail! (Ro 4ou-6f maf aPF 4 x^fafe ix^ true iJrom at^Lj poef^x^ polr^f of ^^iecjo.j ©earj ^tix^ enoug"^ fo furi^ one^x^ fieail, Si)ecaa/e ^ou x^miPe* ■86 #anefuar^ Hearf ix^ ffty ilear fem- pPe ; cotTLej my ocjoi^, (#nfo ffiij tempPe; — ^fix^ ffte ftour of anil 6Lreaa]x^ tfiat Murmur an orix^on tftat ij fftir^e aPone, (Kere f'^e cjo^Ife aPfar ODif"^ if A Pam'Senf ^Pame; Uftlne ix^ tfte aPCarj mine ffte x^acrifice; ©\f/Kat.e^er x^eerrjetft gooiLPtj in tftine ^i/^^j 1^)0 ! it ix^ t^ine^ coiPf t^ou "Buf/peaft it/ name. ■93- (Koco AftaFP S gi^e if ffiou cjoiPt nof ileiTLanc:^? ^iQce giN^ir^g i/ aPP iti\/ Pi^Gj (# praij tftee, MyPife ifx^ePf i/ mine; mine ffte c^ear fo/fe ©Jo Pay itx^ freax^urex^ open to tft^ ftanc|. •94- fftan iT|L| ^eart, f^enour^cec^ ffie crocoa of Po^s)e f^or PoN^e^x^ ocon x^afee; Si)uf from f^I/ "j^our Yi/ tRine, "BePo^ecl, to J\ giff for fftecj m^ con- queror, x^et apart. Mlj ^earf i/f^LjfairferrjpPe; come, rrjine ooon, ©CJoePP in tftij x^acrec^ /■^rine ^or e^errr^ore. iTLL) moretftar^ coa- Cjueror, Sro^^e ffte x^aoeet mij/ter- iex^ tftat are tfilne aPone. -q6- @JRe ©oming o^ l^c^e d- openeil (x>\(^e itilj curtain/ anc^ eacft nigfttj Si)eta:>eea tfteir x^iPK^en ^oPiLx^ (S x^ef a figftt, iJeariQg tfte "bo^e)e5 ilear "bo^e, mig'^t go ax^tra^, Mix^x^ing ffte goPilen g^^^y ^f tfte Ji)ut in ffte c^arfenex^x^ fte ftat^ f^^'24 Ri/ ooau. iJor coftet^ ffte nigftf cjoaxi) c^Im, coif^- out a x^tar, jKnil afP rrps/ oiP ^urr^f out, (# ftearc^ (J\ ^oot^aPP ec^oir^g t^rougft t'^e x^iPenf gPooin; ©Jftea xi)U6liLeaF^ aPP ffte miilr^IgRt ODax^ a'BPooiTL, (aJ\nc^ Po ! Ljour prex^ence ia itllj empfy room. — 103 ■ ■^ C^reiLi ©Jftat ix^ not Po>e)e ©r coP^fv caPcuPatex^ tfie eox^t; iJor fte mux^t cour^t Ifie cjoorPc^ CDcPP Pox^f, ©Y^fto x^tep/ cjoitfiin "bo^e^e^x^ av/x^tic ro6- pCLd)X^ >Icn 1/ nof aa empl^ narrie. ©Y^e ailing ax^ aPlen tonguex^ oR'o'i/^e ; ©Jfte Acjoorc| co^icft guarilx^ t^at SaraiLix^e arai^c^I/fiem x^tiPP \t^ ^Pa^e cf f Panie. log — ©Ific conimenf-6 o^ f^ecrificfiproag; ©Iftau /eff-appoinfec| coterie, ©yftat x^ftafF tftet) count In ila^x^ fo 6e, &f/^efl fife 4rlff/ on fo e^en x^or^g? iJor in fftaf ^agae anc[ ©Jfte x^ftaiLocjOLj JTea^en tfte cfturcftex^ teacft, ©y^af fruit of fo>^e x^ftaFP e^5er reacR "fte ftearfx^ tftat Ra>5>e "Been empl^ Here? ©J^e cjo^ife /far/ paf e anc^ f^4^ CLCJoaij, Ufte ftornfec^ moon grooD^ x^fim anc^ cjoaQj Si)efore tfte gPorij of tfte c^aoon, e farger rac^iancG ^ f ■>''^-' 3o iri ffte x^t'rejy o|^ tftat gi^eat ©Wfticfi. neNS)er x^ftone on x^ea or Fa nil 5 ©Jfte cPax^p o^ or^e 'SePo^^eiL ^ar^il l)^afP puf a f^ou- Aan(^ i.ou€>i/ J^St tofPigftt. ^^K 113— 1^ t"^e ^s)ioPet iJrorTL pafPic^ c^aoon/ OD^en x^form cPouilx^ focoer ; ^o x^teailfax^tP^ S fcice tfte ftour, J\n4 £iile me fife fftaf cjoalt/ me ^y et aPP ^ftaPP pro^e creeiL ; neeil, (Kere anc:| J-fere- a^fer^cr^pLj — IIS — t ©rearri)^ my x^oagx^ fiac^ coing^, ^^^ ©Jfte^ CJOouPil ^P^ to ^aPx^ing, x^enx^ote tftingx^^ ©Y^ftix^peri ng of me. — ii8- Poix^e^ for airy fPig^fj ©T^ey cjDouPcl feijy your eyej ^n ffie iT^iiLelfe nigftt. i^fte^ ODouPil ^\M ^our eijes, ecPipx^e ; ^^e^/ coouPi prex^^ your Pipx«>. (sKr^c^ ijour puFx^e odouP^ Peap, f^ex^tPex^x^5 pa<^x^ioa- tox^x^eilj ©Pax^ping in your 6?eei^ SorTiefftir^g you ftaNS)e Pox^to S^uc^ anc| 5^foom fie riigfif ix^ a cPo/e-x^fiut ^uR^ ©Jfiat ftoPaetfi fax^t afcoay, fie "BPoom of ffie mora fo ^e, Hfie l^oPc^ec^ fPocjoer of tfie c^au, ©Jfie fPoaoer of tfie coining 4^y* Ui^e iLream cf ^^ur ilear ^ace. —129— ■6Poorr|5 (#a a x^umn^er-time iLi>e)ine, ©Y^ften my ^anil/ are Faiil ia^ourfj jKnel ^our fip/ are Qear fo rrjlr^e; ^our c^ear Pip/ cPo/e to rrjine. 130- ^^.^-^ :'A%i/>h% U ,