THE KINGDOM OF LOVE BY FRANCES ELOISE CHRISTIAN PRICE 25 CENTS Eldridge Entertainment House Franklin, Ohio Denver, Colo. TWO PLAYS FOR BOYS By SEYMOUR S. TIRBALS. Mr. Tibbals has been unusually successful in fur- nishing boys' plays that introduce characters true to life. While the plays are strong and forceful in the lessons they teach, clean comedy predominates and the boys like them. "The Millionaire Janitor" A comedy in two acts. Here is a rollicking play for eight or more boys with plenty of action. Just the thing for a Boys' Class or Junior Y. M. C. A* Easily staged and costumed. Opportunity for intro- duction of 'musical numbers and recitations. By in- troducing such features the play may be used for an entire evening's entertainment. Price 25 Cents it Up Caesar's Creek" A splendid pl-ay for any number of boys. The characters are real boys and the play deals with their experiences while Camping up Caesar's Creek the per- formance closing with a minstrel show in camp. Cos- tumes and scenery are not elaborate and the play may- be produced on any stage. Price 25 Cents These comedies are protected by copyright, but permission for amateur production is granted with the purchase of the book. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio The Kingdom of Love. A Christmas Flay for Boys and Girls. By FRANCES ELOISE CHRISTIAN. Copyright, 1919, Eldridge Entertainment House ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE FRANKLIN, OHIO DENVER, COLO. /# CHARACTERS A <\ Spirit of Love — Young girl in long while robe; silver crown or wreath of pink roses, hair flowing. Her Co-Workers: Courage, Joy, Patience, Hope, Health, Faith, Peace, .Honor, Compassion, Beau- ty, Justice, Truth, Wisdom, Obedience, Purity and Harmony — Children dressed in short, white tunics trimmed with silver ; silver bands or wreaths ; silver wings. The robe and tunics should be made of clinging material. Spirit of Hatred and her sorcerers of evil : Fear, Mel- ancholy, Greed, Gossip, Frailty, Infidelity, De- struction, Deceit, Cruelty, Hideousness, Injus- tice, Falsehood, Ignorance, Disobedience, Im- morality and Discord — Boys or girls dressed in long, black robes or capes; pointed hoods and black masks. These costumes can be made of black cam- bric. The black masks should cover the eyes and nose, leaving the mouth free. Spirit of Hatred should carry a cane and hobble when she walks. The voices of Hatred and sorcerers should be squeaky. Colored or spot lights would add greatly to the weird effect of Scene II. Saint Nick wears the conventional costume. His cap and shoulders should be covered with diamond dust to represent snow. The scenes in this play are easily arranged. Scene I. The Kingdom of Love can be made very at- tractive with evergreens, Christmas bells and arti- ficial flowers. A throne trimmed with flowers is placed in center of stage. A large silver star is sus- pended over throne — Christmas toys, packages, etc. Scene II. The Realm of Evil has no properties with the exception of a stool or so — it is nothing more than a curtain scene. A dark green or black curtain, that can be quickly drawn across stage in center is used for background. Cover lights with green shades to give a weird effect. DEC 221319 ® cl ° 53418 The Kingdom of Love SCENE I. The Kingdom of Love (Play opens with Spirits singing back of scenes the first stanza of "Oh, little Town of Bethlehem! How still we see thee lie." [Found in almost any hymnal'] The curtain rises on second stanza. Spirit of Love is discovered on throne with her helpers grouped around. They are tying Christmas packages as they sing:) Love — (speaking) We've expended much force this year, For the mortals on earth's dark sphere; Have been bowed with great sorrow and care; Desolation of war, famine and woe Have befallen the children below. The powers of darkness, our foes, With their evil have tried to oppose Our work, their time is now past, Our forces have triumphed at last! Great progress, dear Spirits, you have made, In helping to comfort and aid The oppressed — Our Master above, When He visits the Kingdom of Love, Will be pleased with the work you have done, And rejoice at the battle we've won. Truth — (rising) Great Spirit of Love, it is true, We've accomplished much; through you Have we helped the children of woe, On the sorrowful planet below. The Kingdom of Love Wisdom — (rising) Yes, Spirit of Truth, you are right, It is Love's sweet influence bright, Her force that inspires and protects, Her hand that wisely directs, And the light of her spiritual ray That guides us by night and by day. (Joy enters with Beauty from left laughing merrily. He carries an armful of fruit and drops part of it as he enters — apples and oranges roll over stage. Co-workers rush to help him.) Love — You've been wandering again, gay boy, Where've you been, my mischievous Joy! Joy — (placing fruit with packages) To the land of enchantment, near, I plucked this fruit for good cheer. Beauty — (holding up a basket of flowers) And I gathered sweet flowers, fair, In the beautiful land over there. Love — The dear little children this eve, Will be glad, I am sure, to receive Such dainties, rare — near our door Sweet fruit and candies galore Are stacked with packages high, All ready when Santa comes by. Patience — Saint Nick will be loaded this year, For the children on earth's dark sphere, Are in need of comforts to wear, And bright gifts to lighten their care. Health — Soon he will come with a bound, For our toys to distribute around. Hope — ; I do wish dear Santa were here! The Kingdom of Love Faith — From the clouds he will shortly appear! Joy— And he'll laugh and he'll shake full of fun, And then he will hug us each one! It is I, who fills him with mirth. Honor — I don't blame the children of earth For loving Saint Nick — Spirits — (in unison) Nor I! (Sleigh bells are heard faintly without, get- ting louder and louder.) Harmony — Hark! (all listen) I hear him close by! Love — Come, gather the rest of the toys, We must not delay, it annoys. (Spirit of Love remains on throne, while her workers gather up packages and rush off left with them. She picks up a box with a doll left near throne.) Love — (caressing doll) Some dear heart this Christmas will be, Beautiful doll, delighted with thee ! Dear Saint Nick ! He is late I fear, (Looks anxiously off left.) He will have to work hard this year. (Stamping of steeds and sleigh bells are heard distinctly off left. Love places doll in box and hur- riedly ties package.) Saint Nick — (in loud voice without.) Whoa! Prince, what's the matter! Come, Prancer! don't make such a clatter! Lightfoot, my boy, not so fast! Ha! Ha! We've arrived at last! The Kingdom of Love (Merry laughter is heard without. Enter Saint Nick with helpers clinging to his arms and coat,) Saint Nick — (holding out his arms) And now for a hug! great big squeeze! (He tries to hug all of them at once — Joy pulls his whiskers) Saint Nick — (pulling Joy's ear) You mischievous boy, you're a tease! Joy — (punching Saint Nick's nose) Oh, Santa! what a queer, funny nose! It is red as the berry that grows! (all laugh.) Saint Nick — (brushing the snow from him) I must speak to the Spirit of Love, (He kneels in front of throne and kisses her hand) Saint Nick — (rising) Well, how is our kingdom above, Bright Spirit! And the children of woe, On earth's great planet below? Love — We are glad to see you once more, Saint Nick — we have presents galore, Lovely gifts and toys for each one — Saint Nick — I see, great work you have done ! God bless your kingdom above, Most radiant Spirit of Love, And your dear little helpers so bright. Just think of the children tonight, Who are dreaming and watching for me! How happy the darlings will be, When the wonderful toys they see! Harmony — ■ Tomorrow, the earth will resound With thanksgiving and praise, and around The great globe, the whole hemisphere, Sweet, melodious chimes we will hear. The Kingdom of Love Saint Nick — (looking at watch) A quarter to eight! I must go! I have much to deliver, you know. Love — Now, be careful, Saint Nick, for I fear, That the powers of darkness are near. Saint Nick — In the East, the mystical star, That led the wise men from afar, Is my guide and my beacon tonight, And will finally lead me aright. (addressing Peace) Has Labor loaded my sleigh? Peace — (looking off left) Yes, Santa, dear Saint Nick — Now away! Through the clouds and the snow I must fly! (Spirits follow Saint Nick to left as he makes his exit.) Spirits — (waving their hands) Good-bye! dear Santa! Saint Nick— (without) Good-bye ! (Sleigh bells are heard as curtain falls.) CURTAIN. 8 The Kingdom of Lone SCENE II. The Realm op Evil (Spirit of Hatred is discovered hobbling up and down stage impatiently.) Hatred — Silly knaves! what makes them so slow? They should have returned long ago. The clock has already struck eight, Am afreid they have waited too late! I will punish them all when they come. Aha! I will flog them, each one! (Enter Fear from right, shaking and trembling) Fear — We have searched, great one, far and near, For Saint Nick with his flying reindeer, But no traces of him have we found — Hatred — Silly knave ! he must be around ! Begone! (raises stick) don't return, do you hear? Without him, you coward! base Fear! (Exit Fear, trembling) (Enter Deceit, sneaking from left.) Deceit — I have come, fair mistress of Hate, With much haste, great one, to relate: We have looked above and below For Saint Nick, but can't find — Hatred — And so, You have failed, you thief! cunning knave! If you wish your neck to save, Jlere return, without further delay, With Saint Nick — do you hear! Away! The Kingdom of Love (Hatred taps the floor impatiently as Deceit sneaks off stage. Enter from left, Frailty leaning on Ignorance.) Hatred — Silly dames! what have you to tell? Ignorance — Sister Frailty was not well So she had to lean on me — Hatred — (chuckling) Tis quite evident, I see. Frailty — And Ignorance lost her way — Hatred — (waving them aside) Is this all you have to say? (Frailty and Ignorance are seated on stools to left. Enter Jealousy, Greed and Discord from right, quarreling and fighting. Greed carries an armful of toys. They are followed by Falsehood, Deceit and Gossip,, making gestures as if disputing.) Discord — (striking) You can't have them all, it's not fair! Greed — (scrambling for fallen packages) Stop, Discord! they are mine — Cruelty — (entering from right) Hey there! Brother Greed! I found them, you know, For the sleigh and the toys we will throw. Jealousy — Ay ! Cruelty's right, come boys ! We will throw for the sleigh and the toys. Hatred — (separating them with her stick) What's this noise, Discord, about? Have you captured Saint Nick, you lout? Falsehood — ■ Great one, he was captured by Greed — 10 The Kingdom of Love Hatred — You are brave, my man, indeed! Gossip — Fair ruler, this is not true, Dame Falsehood has storied to you ! Deceit — Sister Gossip is right, for I know Brother Cruelty struck the first blow! Hatred — Falsehood, you had better take care! How you tell me stories, beware! Where's the the prisoner and others, I pray! Discord — Kind mistress, they are coming this way. (Enter from right, Fear, Melancholy, Destruc- tion, Injustice* Hideousness, Infidelity, Disobedi- ence and Immorality, pulling Saint Nick by a rope.) Injustice — Come! move fast, jolly face! Saint Nick — Too bad! you don't like my slow pace. (looking around with curiosity) So this is your kingdom, my men! Your palace of evil, your den ! (Spying Hatred) What a hideous creature I see! Old hag, whom may you be? (Laughs.) Hatred — (raising her stick) How dare you to call me such names ? Beware! You'll be roasting in flames, Before the next set of the sun. Saint Nick — ► Now, Snaggletooth, what've I done? Hatred — You will know in plenty of time. The Kingdom of Love U Saint Nick — (bowing) Thank you ! The pleasure's all mine ! (Sorcerers titter and nudge each other. Soft music as Spirits speak behind curtain. They should speak distinctly. Spirits appear and disappear after speakng. Music ceases when sorcerers speak. Sorcerers huddle close together as if frightened.) (Courage appears gradually from folds of cur- tain in center, then disappears, after speaking the following lines:) Courage — I'm the Spirit of Courage, so brave, With my valor and strength from the grave, When destruction and death are close by, I rescue the souls that would die. I give courage to men as they fight For the sake of justice and right. The trembling, dark sorcerer, Fear, Flees, when my spirit is near. Fear — (trembling) I believe, dear friends, I'll not stay — Hatred — Begone! Silly coward! Away! (Saint Nick laughs as Fear makes his exit, trembling.) Joy— I'm the Spirit of Joy and of mirth, Good cheer I bring to the earth, Melancholy, brooding with dread, Disappears at my light, buoyant tread. I'm the offspring of Happ'ness and Love, I am Joy ! and I come from above. Melancholy — I must be leaving, boo! hoo! Hatred — Away with your weeping, old shrew! 12 The Kingdom of Love Saint Nick — Melancholy, for whom do you waste Those tears? Now don't be in haste. (Saint Nick mocks Melancholy as she makes her exit weeping, then laughs boisterously. Hatred hobbles up and down stage impatiently.) Peace — I'm the Spirit of Peace and I bring A message to all, from our King. Great wars and destruction will cease, When I, the Spirit of Peace, Descend on the planet below, The sorrowful planet of woe. Destruction — I, like the rest, must take leave — Hatred — (raising her stick) Make haste! Or else you'll receive A blow from my stick, don't lag! Saint Nick — Come! Just be aisy, old hag! Beauty — I'm the Spirit of Beauty and Grace, On earth, my image, my face, Is reflected in all that is fair Of form and of color, rare. Hideousness — My friends, good-bye, I must go, I have urgent business, you know. Saint Nick — Madame, you are ugly, but wise, To cover your face in disguise. (Exit Hideousness,) The Kingdom of Love IS Compassion — (as Red Cross nurse.) The Spirit of Compassion am I, Where the sick and the wounded lie Helpless in anguish and woe, On the field of battle, I go; And I nurse them with tender care, For a blood-red cross J wear. Cruelty — Excuse me, great one, adieu! It is time I were leaving here, too. Saint Nick — Brother Cruelty, tarry awhile! Hatred — Begone with your grinning old smile. (Exit Cruelty) (The following spirits appear, each speaking his portion of the folloiving speech:) I am Patience, I'm Faith, Hope am I, We are forces of good from the sky. Obedience and Honor are we, Trutb, Health and Harmony. I illumine the earth with my light, For I'm sweet Purity, bright. I'm the Spirit of Justice, my fame Is known far and near— my name Is Wisdom, I wisely bestow Knowledge and power where I go. (The above Spirits appear and disappear to- gether, the remaining sorcerers, wit)\ the exception of Hatred, sneak off stage to right. They cling to- gether as if frightened.) Saint Nick — (yawning and stretching) So the cowards have sneaked away! A case of desertion, must say! lit. The Kingdom of Love Love — I am Love, universal am I, I disperse evil foes that are nigh. With my force I vivify all Of creation, no matter how small; I am essence divine from above, I'm the Spirit of Life and of Love! (Appears and disappears) Hatred — (hobbling toivard right) I must look for those cowards, base men! Saint Nick — (mockingly) Don't leave me alone in this den! It is dark, awful gloomy, you know, So, please, Mistress Hatred, don't go! (Exit Hatred, shaking fist. Saint Nick laughs,) Spirits — (rushing on stage from left) Did we scare them away? (They untie rope) Saint Nick — Surely did! They have flown to the woods and hid! Dear friends, I thank you each one, For the kindness this night you have done. The rascals have caused much delay, Did they carry the toys away? Love — (appearing from left) No, the sleigh and the toys are here, Hid behind a bush that is near. Saint Nick — I must go! It is late, I must fly! So, my friends, again, good-bye! Spirits — Good-bye! Peace on earth we proclaim, This Christmas Eve, in His name! (They sing three stanzas of the hymn, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear/' found in almost any hymnal.) CURTAIN. ;s\ "THE HOUSE THAT HELPS" The VINEY SKETCHES (funny things), to everyone amusement brings. A list of them you'll find below, they'll make your Entertainment go. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE, Franklin, Ohio also Denver, Colo. THE FAMOUS "VINEY" SKETCHES. By Blanche Goodman. These tales as told by black "Viney" and written by Blanche Goodman, have all appeared in The Saturday Evening Post and are now reprinted in new form by pel-mission. They are great colored dialect monologs for any occasion arjd make especially good encore numbers. They will be welcomed by all amateur and profes- sional readers. Here are the titles and they are all good. BOOK-RAISIN'. A laughable description .of the attempt to raise "Miss Mary's" baby by book rules. Price 15 cents. CHECKMATING MISS FANNY. Tells how Viney helped the Colonel with a suffragette problem. Price 15 cents. A CHANGE OF HEART. Viney uses vigorous measures to cure Uncle Isom's shortcomings. Price 15 cents. EDUCATING SALLY ANN. Viney adds something practical to Sally Ann's "book learnin'." Price 15 cents. THE EQUALIZING BUG. Viney reviews the Negro question and her cure for the "Equalizing Bug's" bite. Price 15 cents. HELPING ROSABEL. Viney helps Rosabel "land the new preacher," by loaning her Miss Fanny's dress. Price 15 cents. ON MATRIMONY. Viney airs her views and Uncle Peter agrees "Dat dey ain't no rule." Price 15 cents. OUT ON BAIL. Colonel Slocum gets a good cook by "bailing" her out of jail, with disastrous consequences. Price 15 cents. RECHRISTENING CORNELL. A story of why Cornell Un'- vers'ty Jackson had his name changed. Price 15 cents. ROCKBOTTOM AND MISS SALLY BAKER. Viney tells how the Baker's got "down to rockbottom." Price 15 cents. THE UNACCOUNTABLE SEX. Viney dissertates on the un- accountable sect," which is the "male man." Price 15 cents. VINEY AT THE MOVING PICTURES. Her experiences as related by herself will bring many laughs. Price 15 cents. VINEY ON CONSERVATION. Viney hides behind the skirts of the "Food Conversation S'ciety" when caught "toting vittles home." Price 15 cents. VINEY ON CLUB DOINGS. A story of how the town was "clubbed" to a finish by two women. Price 15 cents. These monologs are also issued in one volume, Price 75 cents vie E^ ffi "THE HOUSE THAT HELPS' These Novel Musical Recitations will please your friends and good relations, Make them laugh and make them cry, they're just the thin g for you to buy. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE, FRANKLIN. OHIO also DENVER. COLO. Written by Mary Jordan Lea, In Sheet Music F'orm. CIRCUMSTANCES ALTER CASES. Poem by Dunbar. Irish dialect with a clever climax. FEELIN' FINE. Poem by J. W. Foley. (Both the above in one number, 50 cents.) THE BOOGAH MAN. Poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar. This is one of Dunbar's most effective readings set to appropriate music. Negro dialect. Price 50 cents. DA LEETLA BOY. Poem by T. A. Daly. Italian dialect. Full of pathos. Very effective number. Price 50 cents. 'CEPT YOU. A pathetic but decidedly enjoyable number. APPLE BLOSSOMS. Poem by Wm. Wesley Martin. (Both the above in one number, 50 cents.) DANCING AT THE FLAT CREEK QUARTERS. Poem by John A. Macon. Splendid Negro dialect selection. Price 50c. TRY SMILING. A good encore number. It will bring smiles. PLAIDIE. Scotch dialect, dainty and with climax. (Both the above in one number, 50 cents.) NOTHING TO SAY. Poem by James Whitcomb Riley. De- scribes father's kindly talk to daughter, who tells him she is going to be married. Price 50 cents. THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY. Poem by Julie M. Kippman. A splendid number with good lesson. The music and the verses are admirably adapted to each other. Price 50 cents. Two New Musical Recitations by H. C Eldridge. DE FUST BANJO. Musically accompanied recitation by Harry C. Eldridge. A striking dialect recitation with rollicking mu- sic. Splendid entertainment number. Price 50 cents. THE CANE-BOTTOM CHAIR. By Thackeray. Music by Harry C. Eldridge. A beautiful number, describing the re- flections of a traveler and his thoughts, reverting to the old chair at home. You will like it. Price 50 cents. Here Are Two Splendid Titles. THE WAR ROSARY. Music by Sarah Eldridge— is a musical recitation which will appeal to everyone. Price 50 cents, net. WHEN LIBERTY WELCOMED THEM HOME. Musical reci- tation by Sarah B. Eldridge. An excellent number for the boys who have come back. Price 50 cents. =^ " THE HOUSE THAT HELPS " WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN i Amateur Entertainments It is not a side line with us, but we devote our entire time to that business 11 Realizing that many people have grown weary of searching through catalogs and read- ing entertainments only to discard them as unavailable we appreciate'.the f act that our cus- tomers have often spoken of us as "the house that helps.' V We have had practical exper- ience in selecting and producing amateur en- tertainments and we feel that we know what will please the public, and what can be pro- duced under certain conditions. Our experience i$ at your disposal. Write us, giving full particulars of your special need in the way of an enter- tainment, and we will select a play, an oper- etta, a drill or even an entire program for you. But always enclose a stamp for the reply. Remember, that in addition to our entertain- ments we carry a large line of publications of other dealers. If in doubt as to the entertain- ment you desire, send particulars and we will suggest something to fit. We are at your service. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 400 915 6 THE NEW COSTUME buuiv HERE AT LAST IS A BOOK WHICH WILL BE WELCOMED BY EVERYONE WHO HAS AN ENTERTAINMENT IN CHARGE AMATEURS' COSTUME BOOK - 1, rty n iTnnmi niirni i DESCRIBES ACCURATELY HOW TO MAKE OVER 100 COSTUMES FOR Mother Goose Characters Fairies, Witches, Goblins Spirit of Christmas Characters of Flowers Patriotic Personalities Elves, Brownies and Gnomes A Variety of Dolls Little Folks of Long Ago Grecian Maids and Matron Characters of Comedy The Four Seasons Holiday Characters Different Nationalities Angels, Cupids, etc. etc. ILLUSTRATED FROM ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS Useful to enterprising mothers who are called upon to costume their children for amateur entertainments or fancy dress parties. ::::::: PRICE PAPER, 50 CENTS CLOTH, 75 CENTS ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE FRANKLIN. OHIO *, ^ DENVER, COLO.