« « ° v^^ V*' V « * • o **- O "^ /.v;;;^vV /vi^>A .^^\c:^%% ^^..-2^' -'.^m^^\ ^^^rS o^^^Mh^'^ '^^^-h^ ^^l ^^^^ General Assembly of Virginia. It is not owned or controlled by state or government but by a Board of seventeen Trustees, representing different sections of the country and six re- ligious denominations, no one of which has a majority. The more important matters of finance are referred to the Executive Committee of the Board, and all endowment funds are cared for by the Endowment Committee in New York City. All moneys for legacies are placed in the endowment, or, in rare cases, when unrestricted, used for permanent improvements. A Board of Curators is appointed by the Governor of Virginia to report to the State on the use of $10,000, interest on one third of the Land Scrip Fund of Virginia, appropriated to the school toward the agricultural and military training of its students. Twenty-five years ago the imperative need of the Negro ^1 A ' was teachers in the country public schools of the South, who could show the people by example, as well as by precept, how to live, how to get land and build decent houses. This HAMPTON INSTITUTE 1868. n.^^ « o <^ "^■^0* o, A, o v^ <;, ^-I^d^yfe.** ^ ^0 IX * • o, ^:v \v ^ <'* ^ O " C "Ok ^0^ o o, 2__«.^ /S,^ >^ % 4p .*y^^ ^^K*° >^'^"\ °"%^*' 'i^^\ ^'^^/ /'^\. °' >