Plimpton Print. f ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF — IMIil-ilBBII filll& CHARLES GOODYEAR. JOHN W. f^MAX & C©., M>I(UFACTUI[EI[S, EXPOI[TEI[S Ap De>LE[[S, 147 Sc 149 Asylum Street, HARTFORD, CONISTEOTICUT, U. S. A. ■<&!=-f>^^^ Plimpton Print, Hartford. VT^T ^"0 '1 ^ A We respectfully call the attention of our friends and the trade in general to our very extensive line of India-Rubber Goods adapted to all classes of trade. It is our constant endeavor to offer goods of the most excellent qualities., devoting our energies to raising the standard of quality of our goods, rather than in seeing how cheap we can make them. " The Best is the Cheapest." Besides the goods illustrated in the following pages, we have many others, and are constantly adding to our line the neiu kinds of India-Rubber Goods as they appear icpon the market. Our prices will always be found to be as low as is consistent tvith the quality. Yours very truly, JOHN W. GRA Y 6- CO. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. GOSSAMER WATER-PROOF GARMENTS. Fig. 2. Ladies' and Misses' Leggins. Fig. I. Lady's Newport. Fig. 3. Lady's or Miss's Circular. Fig. 4- Gent's Coat. Fig. 5. Gent's Talma. Fig. 6. Gent's Leggin. Fig. 8. Hat and Cap. Ladies' Garments are measured by the length in the back, and sizes kept in stock are from 36 to 60 inches. The sizes of Gents' Garments are 36 to 50 inches, breast measure, and should usually be large enough to go easily over the overcoat. SEND FOR PRICES. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig. 9. Man's or Boy's Sack. About 45 inches long. Fig. 10. Long Coat. About 50 inches long. Fig. II. Ulster. About 54 inches long. Fig. 12. Fireman's Coat. Fig. 13. Gent's Cape. Fig. 14. Gent's Fine Light Coat on Silicia. Fig. 15. Gent's Talma. Fig. 16. Pants. Fig. 17. Overalls. SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBES GOODS. Fig. l8. Gun Cover. Fig. 19. Ice Apron. — Light and Heavy — Rubber both sides. Mechanic's Apron. — Rubber one ■ side or both sides. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. Light Hunting Riding or Walking Fishing Stocking Boot, made also Leggins. worn inside of Square Top. the shoe. Fig. 20. Sou'-Wester. Fig. 21. Fish Hat. Fig. 22. Cape Cap. Fig. 26. Fishing Pants, viforn inside of the shoe. SEND FOR PRICES. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig. 27. Fisherman's Pants with Boots. Cloth Surface. Fig. 28. Baptismal Pants. Alpacca. Fig. 29. Lumberman's Pants. Rubber Surface. Fig. 30. Horse Cover. Fig. 31- Horse Cover with Hood. Fig. 32. Wagon Apron with Pocket to slip onto dash. Sizes to fit all widths of Dashes. Fig 34- Wagon Apron, all sizes. SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. Fig- 35- Curry Comb. Fig. 36- Wagon Spring. Fig. 37- Anti Shaft Rattler. Fig. 38. Hoof Pad. Fig. 39. Hoof Brusher. Fig. 41. Trotting and Soak Boot. Fig. 40. Tickler. Fig. 42. Improved Spiral Trotting Roll. SEND FOR PRICES. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig- 43- Ankle Boot. JFig. 44- Ankle Boot. Fig- 45- Knee Boot. Fig. 46. Door Mat, 17 X 31 in. 7 A I i AA kA A i A A * vwri ^_a ^^^^ 1 , %0^ *.-} i ^-' k. ^ ' r* * r*^ H t-'t'»'*'r fi V * *««*« "^>«i^S Fig. 47. PitcTier Mat, 8|- in. f:;;^ --^«2cS-'4c: Fig. 49- Door Mat, 17 x 31 in. Fig. 50. Door Mat, 17 x 31 in. ' » 4- Pitcher Mat, io4 Fig. 51. Door Mai. II X 31 in. Fig. 52. Corrugated Stair Plate. No. I, 27 X I2i in. No. 2, 22 x 12^ in. No. 3, 27 x 8 in. SEND FOR PRICES. Fig. 53. Door Mat. 2 Sizes: 18x36, 20x40. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. Fig, 57. Bed Pan. Fig. 58. Air-Tight Noiseless Cover. Rubber Chamber. i.iilUliiilL.I.Jii iii Fig. 59- Cuspadore. Fig. 60. Door Spring. * Fig. 61. Spittoon. Fig. 62. Waste-Pipe Force-Cup. For forcing out the stoppage in Discliarge- Pipes of Sinks, Bowls, etc. Fig. 63. Portable Force-Pump. SEND FOR PRICES. Fig. 64. Squeegee, for Cleaning Floors. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig. 65. Dilator. Fig. 66. Flexible Cup. Fig. 67. Tumbler. Either Hard or Soft Rubber. Fig. 69. Flat Life Preserver. Fig. 68. Circular Life Preserver. ui'iy dim '^ Fig. 70. Bath Tub, Oval. Size, 20 X 24 in. Fig. 72. Gas Bag (Pure Gum). All sizes, from }4 to 10 gals. li f'i IlLlli Fig. 71. Bath Tub, Round. Sizes, 24, 30, and 34 m. diam. Fig. 73- Gas Bag, Made to Stand Pressure. Sizes, iS X 24. 20 X 30, 24 X 30, and 30 x 40, SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. b ig. 76. Ice Cap. Fig- 74- Fig. 75. Water Bottles, for Hot or Cold Water. These Bottles are extensively used, and wherever once in- troduced are absolutely indispensable. For warming in bed, they are vastly superior to the foot-stone, glass bottle, etc.; instantly made ready for use, and holding the heat much longer. They are soft and pliable, and emit pleasant heat. Boiling water will not injure them; or, they can be used with ice-water for headache, etc. Indispensable for travelers. Fig. 77. Ice or Water Cap. (Three Sizes.) Fig. 78. Water Bag. Sizes, 14 X 14, 16 X 16, 18 X 18 in. Spinal, Throa!:, Fig. 79- Ice Bag. 12 to 20 inches. 7 to II Fig. 81. Umbilical Belt. Pure Gum. 10 to 18 in. long. Fig. 80. Sponge Bag. Plain 01 Fancy. Sizes, 6 X 7 inches 7 -^ 8 8 X 9 9 X 10 10 X II II X 12 Air Bed. Sizes, 32 X 80 inches. 42 X 80 " 52 X 80 " Water Bed. Sizes, 24 X 36 inches 32 X 80 42 X 80 52 X 80 " Fig. 82. SEND FOR PRICES. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig. 83. Chair Cushion with Back. Seat. Back. 16 X 16 inches. 16 x 16 inches. 16 X 16 " 16 X iS " 16 X 18 18 X 18 18 X 18 18 X 20 Fig. 84. Air Pillow. Sizes, 9 X 13, 10 X 16, 12 X 18, and 14 x 23, iiiches. Fig 85. Carriage Cushion. Sizes, 14 X 16 inches, 16 x 16 inches. Fig. 86. Fig. 87. Chair Cushion, Square Reeded. Chair Cushion, Center Reeded. Cloth Surface. Sizes, 12 x 16, 14 x 16, 16 x 16, 15 x 18, inches. Fig. 88. Chair Cushion, Linen Surface. Fig. 89. Hospital Cushion, Linen Surface. SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. 13 Fig. 90. Invalid Cushion. Sizes, from 9 to 18 in., outside diam. Fig. gi. Chair Cushion, Linen Surface. Sizes, 15 and 17 in, diam. Fig. 92. Dress Shield. Fig. 93- Lady's Apron. Fig. 94. Bath Cap. Fig. 95. Diaper. Three Sizes. Fig. 96. Diaper. Three Sizes. Fig- 97- Child's Bib. Fig. 93- Child's Bib. SEND FOR PRICES. Fig. 99. Child's Bib. 14 TOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fig. lOO. Breast Pump. Fig. loi. Mattson's Improved Breast Pump. Fig. 102. Vibratory Breast Pump. Fig. 103. Fig. 104. Glass Nipple Shields. SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. 15 Fig. 106. Breast Shield. Fig, 108. Patent Manx Feeding Bottle. Pure Rubber Fittings. Fig. 107. Breast Pipe. Fig. 109. Fig. no. Fig. in. Nursing Bottles with White Rubber or Pure Gum Fittings. Figs. 112 and 113. Bottle Fittings. Fig. 114. Fig. 115. Fig. 116. Original. Davidson's. Maw's. Nipples, Pure Gum and White Rubber. Fig. 117. Burr's. SEND FOR PRICES. i6 JOHN W. GRAY & CO. Fi" iiS. Rattle. Fig. 1 20. Teething-Ring. Fig. 121. Foot-Ball. Fig. 122. Teething-Pad. Fig. 123. Medicine Dropper. Fig. 124. Eye Dropper. 60 Drops Distilled Wa- ter to a Fluid Drachm. Fig. 125. Fig. 126. Cupping Cup. SEND FOR PRICES. INDIA-RUBBER GOODS. s;,\6\6!^ Fig. 129. Family Syringe F E U C B lig. 130. Fountain Syringe. a J> o d Fig. 128. Eye and Ear Syringe. Fig. 131. Family Syringe. Fig. 132. Bag Syringe. Fig. 133. Vaginal Syringe. Fig. 134- Eye, Ear & Nasal Syringe. Fig. 135- P. Syringe. Fig. 136. Uterine Syringe. SEND FOR PRICES. JOHN W. GRAY & CO. BULBS. Fig. 137, B. Pump. Fig, 138. Cupping Cup. Fig. 139. B. Pump. Fig. 140, Atomizer, Pat. Valve. Fig. 141. Atomizer. Fig. 142. Syringe. Fig. 143- Syringe. URINALS. Y Fig. 150. Stem Ring. Fig. 151. Stem Oval. Fig. 152. Inflated Ring. Fig. 144. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. Fig. 147. Fig, 148. Fig. 149 Male. Male, Female, Male, Male, Female Day & Night. Day. Day & Night. Day. PESSARIES (Assorted Sizes). Fig. 153- Steel Spring. SEND FOR PRICES. 19 (y^-iuriize-^'n-i.^c^ c/''-e^^utz4^ /d-^/^ ./S' /'j^ . Yoti will please take notice that I have this day sold aitd transferred to SAMUEL L. FOX, {trading a s james w. queen & co.) all the Stock, Tools, Fixtures, Book Accoimts, Goodivill and Interest o/?ny BtLsiness. N. H. EDGERTON. \ M -g ."i « U -g •! c. ^ O ^ Ph C "S o ^ g ^■^'Is u 5! J3 CL. j: _• y-^s^ 5 S- ^I-e'w •s s 1 S-(2| <- s "2 3 ^ .-^ ^ s Wl — s. . S 5 ^-r r. 2 •^ 3 S ^ s" > > c wj 5* rt S U £ l!y llic aljoveiiolice you will oliseive tliat ihe Philosophical Instrument and Magic Lantern Business, which has been conducted by N. II. KuGiiRtoN since 1S75, has reverted to us. It is our intention to again add it to our business, and conduct it as Ihe Philosophical Instrument Depart- ment, under the managenK nt of an educated and experienced head, with skilled workmen. We shall strive to merit and secure the patronage of those desiring to purchase Scientific Instruments by promptness in filling orders, accuracy of the instruments furnished, and fairness of the prices asked. It will be our aim and intention to make and sell none but perfect instruments in each of the departments of our business, ami to supply to customers the exact articles ordered, or that which will be best suited for the purposes wislied to be accomplished. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue will be published in four parts, any or ail of which will be mailed on application. Part 1st — HIiithcitiHtical Ilistrunients, i6o pages ; contains list and prices of Drawing Instruments, Drawing Materials, Pocket Compasses, Surveying Compasses, Engineers' Transits and Levels, Surveying Chains, Tape Measures, Pocket Rules, and Books relating to Drawing, Engineering antl Mechanics. P.irt 2d— Optical Instruments, 144 pages; cortains list and prices of Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Lenses, Spy Glasses, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Graph oscopes. Stereoscopes, Camera Obscuras, Camera Lucidas, Microscope.', Microscopic Preparations, and Books on Optics and Microscopy. I'art 3cl — Mnflic Lanterns and SfUles, 112 pages; contains list and prices of Magic Lanterns for Toys, for Public and Private Exhibitions, Sciopticons, Siereopticons, Scientific Lanterns, and accessory apparatus to be used with them; Magic Lantern Slides, both colored and uncolored. i'art 4th — I'/ij/siral Jnsfrinnenfs, 1S3 pages; contains list and prices of Instruments to illustrate Lectures in every department of Physics and Chemical Science, Air Pumps, Electric Machines, Galvanic Batteries, Barometers, Thermometers, i