n INDEX BASINS, 1 . BATHS, BIDET, .... DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FAUCETS, GREASE TRAP, GLASS HOLDER, HYDRANT, LAVATORIES, . The "Alpha," '• " Brighton." . •• " Capitol," '• "Pemberton," ■• " Royal" Porcelain, Roman French Sitz Porcelain Enameled Iron, . The " Persian." " "Parian," ■• "Arabian, " "Ionian," •• " Exian," Porcelain Enameled Iron Pool " Sitz Fooi Shower and Needle Spray, The " Em-Ess," The "Em-Ess" Doherty. . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Gfjap Qzwviv$ty Shelf _I_H(fi_ * , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SOAP HOLDER, SPONGE HOLDER, STREET WASHER, SUPPLY PIPES, TRAPS TOILET PAPER HOLDERS, TOWEL RACKS, . URINALS WASH TUBS, . WATER-CLOSETS, Royal" Porcelan Kitchen- London Buff," . Yorkshire" Kitchen Royal" Porcelain Slop, Model" Slop, The "Em-Ess" Murdock, Basin, . The "Surety," ■ Oxford," ' Royal" Porcelain Yorkshire," Brighton," . Vortex," ' Pemberton " Hellyer-Oxford," Servian." Pedestal Artisan, ' Adelphi," . Hellyer- Artisan," Hellyer" Short Hopper ' Em-Ess " Parsons, . 295-298 2S8-292, 301, 302 . 293, 303 5-73 . 5, 6-39 5. 6, 40-73 . 74, 75 . 76-137 . 77-91 . 92-110 . 111-116 . 117-124 . 125-132 133 . 134-136 137 . 141-151 152 313 . 348-351 66, 368, 369 . 367. 370 . 371-380 . 381-382 . 314-317 138 . 270-300 . 271-287 312 . 318-323 . 318-323 . 318-323 . 326-330 . 324, 325 311 . 309, 310 139 . 139, 140 . 336, 337 . 338, 339 . 331;335 . 331-335 . 153-191 . 192-230 . 231-245 246-253, 266 . 254-258 .259,260 . 261-265 267 ■ . 267, 268 . 340-347 il^s- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 5 9 "D The Meyer-Sniffen Co. limited No. 5" EAST 19TH STREET BRANCH SHOWROOM No. 180 DEVONSHIRE ST, BOSTON IN E W YORK Manufacturers axnd Importers of SANITARY SPECIALTIES SUPERIOR BRASS-WORK AUG 30 1895 A Entered according to Art of <-„ J. to Act of Congress ,n the year l8 g S , by The Mever-Sniffen Co., Limited in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wash mgton, D. C. ^O INTRODUCTION. APPROVED Plumbing Appliances, such as are used in the best modern practice, are so varied in character and construction, that we, at considerable expense, issue this catalogue " D," for the convenience of those who either plan or execute plumbing work; the intention being to illustrate and describe, in a concise manner, the line of appliances manufactured and sold by us for use in the plumb- ing of buildings. The illustrations show the combinations that are usually furnished together to form a complete apparatus, and will, it is hoped, enable those interested to make any desired selections. These combinations are, however, only types of those that may be made from the various styles, of fittings and appliances that we supply with baths, water-closets, showers, basins, etc., and though a selection may be readily made by reference to the plate numbers, we invite correspondence on this subject where special arrangements are required. The experience of a quarter of a century, added to a modern plant and skilled craftsmen, gives us unexcelled facilities for manufacturing an unsurpassed , grade of goods, and for furnishing to order special fittings and appliances that may be required in the best modern practice in this branch of sanitary engineering. In calling attention to the following illustrations, intended to show, so far as possible, the mechanical and structural details of our various manufactures, we desire to emphasize the fact that no illustrations, however skillfully the engraver's and printer's art may be employed, can adequately indicate the advantages of fine workmanship in every detail and part of a sanitary appliance. Yet this careful workmanship is of the utmost importance to secure the satisfactory working of any apparatus, and it is the attention and labor expended on every mechanical detail of our various specialties that has secured for our manufactures the reputation they have acquired. A critical examination and comparison, therefore, with other appliances said to be similar (and, as illustrated, apparently so,) is urgently requested. Such an examination of actual apparatus will show existing differences that more than justify the apparent difference in price. In conclusion, we respectfully ask intending buyers to be careful when specifying or ordering goods of our manufacture to give the number of the apparatus, and also the plate number, as shown on the succeeding pages, thus : "The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Plate No. — ." This course is calculated to obviate any possible misunderstanding on the part of contractor? or even by ourselves, in filling orders. Respectfully, the meyer-sniffen co., limited. New York, July i, 1895. TO THE TRADE 'T'HE prices applied to our Illustrated Catalogue "D," supercede all previous lists. Customers are requested to designate the plate numbers shown therein when ordering goods. The prices shown herein are for goods as they stand unpacked in our New York warehouse. Packing, boxing and carting are invariably extra items, and are charged at cost. All goods are shipped at the risk of the purchaser. Our responsibility ceases when the goods leave our store in good order and are properly receipted for by the transportation agent. All claims for corrections or deductions from invoices must be made within ten days from receipt of goods. Whenever an error in shipment occurs customers are requested not to return goods so shipped until they have conferred with the New York office ; other- wise they will be held responsible for damages sustained in transportation and must pay freight charges and incidental expenses. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, No. 5 East 19th Street, New York. BRANCH SHOWROOM: 180 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Baths. "T^OR the past sixteen years we have imported from the famous potteries of Rufford & Co., Stourbridge, England, a large number of their baths. Experience with the " Royal" PORCELAIN BATH justifies us in claiming great superiority over any other make of bath that is molded and glazed in one piece. In a sanitary point of view too much can hardly be said in favor of their use. The manufacturers, who are the pioneers in this industry, have profited by over thirty years' experience, and are, without doubt, producing the most perfect article of its kind in the world. It is absolutely non-absorbent, being composed of a peculiarly hard body and a glazing that is unsurpassed even in much smaller articles of other manufacture. The body being of the nature of a fire-brick is a good non-conductor of heat, and consequently the bath requires but little, if any, more hot water than an ordinary tub. The glazing is made of the world renowned Royal Worcester Clay. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. U The Royal" Porcelain Bath. ROLL RIM-GLAZED OUTSIDE. PLATE 1-C or 1-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Ri fittings, and " Capitol" waste, nickel-plated, and marble feet. Roman Bath, glazed outside, with hot and cold supply PLATE 2-C or 2-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Roll Rim French Shape Bath, glazed outside, with hot and cold supply fittings, and " Capitol" waste, nickel-plated, and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. PLATE 1-C or 1-D. 5-foot bath: length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 5y£ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings -foot bath: length, 5 feet 6 inches: width, feet 11 inches, feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. 5-foot bath: length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 5j^-foot bath: length, 5 feet 8 inches; width PLATE 2-C or 2-D. feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath: length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. , 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Rim Roman Bath, Plate 1-C or 1-D, as described, Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 2-C or 2-D, as described, Add, if fittings are silver-plated, lj^-inch Italian marble floor, 6 feet by 3 feet 5 Ft. $295.00 270.00 30.00 36.00 5y 2 Ft. $300.00 275.00 30.00 36.00 Ft. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. PLATE 1-C. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN ROMAN BATH, GLAZED INSIDE AND OUT. — i — : — r PLATE 2-C. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN BATH, GLAZED INSIDE AND OUT. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 3-D. ---^^^^ DIMENSIONS. l%l«7^X£ f&?£tf3£?£-. in ™ th of wS ™ y to indnd « ?*» 2 - " «~ ui, ., xeet a inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. SIZES, IdH "if R fi °J AL " P ° rce ! ain Glazed Ro11 R ^ Roman BatlJ Plate 3-D, as described Add, if fittings are silver-plated, ... Q 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab 6 feet by 3 feet! 5 Ft. 5'/ 2 Ft. $260.00 30.00 36.00 $265.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 4-D. PLATE 4-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process; " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5^ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. 5 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 4-D, as described Add, if fittings are silver-plated, 1 >^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $255.00 30.00 36.00 260.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 5-D. PLATE 5-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Him Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5% inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. SIZES, The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 5-D, as described Add, if fittings are silver-plated, . 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, G feet by 3 feet, 5 ft. 5 'A ft. $295.00 30.00 36.00 $300.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 6-D. PLATE 6-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, with ' ' Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5^ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5>£-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. SIZES, The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 6-D, as described Add, if fittings are silver-plated, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 8 feet, . . - . 5 Ft. 55* Ft. $295.00 30.00 36.00 $300.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 7-D. PLATE 7-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, with "Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5- foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5j^ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. b]/ 2 -ioot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. SIZES, • 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 7-D, as described, Add, if fittings are silver-plated, . l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $290.00 30.00 36.00 $295.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1S03, by The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 8-D. PLATE 8-D consists of the '■ Royal' Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, with » Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings-polished brass or nickel-plated-and turned porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5^ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches 5tf -foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 : PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 8-D, as described, Add, if fittings are silver-plated l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $235.00 30.00 36.00 5'/ 2 Ft. $240.00 30.00 36 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath GLAZED ROLL RIM. by The Meyer-! PLATE 9-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and pedestal porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath: length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5 y z inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. PRICES. SIZES, . * The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 9-D, as described, Add, if fittings are silver-plated, 1 ^ -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, 5 Ft. $235.00 30.00 36.00 5'A Ft. $240.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "'Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meykr-Snifken Co., ] PLATE 10-D. PLATE 10-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 5y£ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath, is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let thiough the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 10-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $295.00 36.00 $300.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath, glazed roll rim. Q f] ^^*t^| Copyright, 189.1, by The Meyer-Sniffem Co., Limited. PLATE 11-D. PLATE 11-D consists of the ' ' Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and turned porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5y£ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. ^ 5j^-foot bath : lengLh, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 11-D, as described l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $285.00 36.00 $290.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The 'Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. glazed roll rim. by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Lin PLATE 12-D. PLATE 12-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5- foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5 V2 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5j4-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. The " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 12-D, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $320.00 36.00 5^ Ft. $325.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1898, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 15-D. PLATE '15-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and pedestal porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet; width, 2'ieet'5}4 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath, is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. 5 Ft. 5;4 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 15-D, as described, $280.00 30.00 $295 . 00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893. liy Tin: Mf.ykr-Snikfes Co., Limited PLATE 16-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain ; •' Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel plated— and marble feet. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. SI/.ES 5 Ft. 5'/ 2 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Baih, Plate 16-D, as described 1^-mch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $320.00 36.00 $325.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW tUKK. The ' Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meter-Sniffen Co., Limited, PLATE 13-D. PLATE 13-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5- foot bath : length, 5 feet ; width, 2 feet 5^ inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 2 feet 11 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet 1 inch. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 13-D, as described l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $320.00 38.00 $325.00 3/ 2 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, Plate 20-D, as described $355.00 36.00 $360.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The 'Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath. glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniefen Co., Limited. PLATE 17-D. PLATE 17-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the temper- ature of the water. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5/ 2 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 25-D, as described, 1 i^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $375.00 36.00 $380.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Royal" Porcelain Roman Bath glazed roll rim. Copyright. 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 26-D. PLATE 26-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, shower and bath apparatus with douche and pull, large oval curtain ring and rubber curtain ; "Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. A feature of the shower combination is the arrangement of the hot and cold valves on the wall to supply both bath and shower, and the combination of the douche in connection with the shower. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 26-D, as described lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $370.00 36.00 $375.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 35 The ' Royal" Porcelain Bath. glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1S93, by The Meyer-Sniffex Co.. Limited. PLATE 29 - D. PLATE 29-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all niekei-p;ated — and turned porcelain feet. For dimensions see Plate 15-D. When ordering, state if needle spray is to be at right as shown, or at the left. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 29-D, as described. Add, if glazed outside and marble feet 1 ^-incliltalian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, ■ $525 . 00 60.00 36.00 hy? Ft. $530.00 60.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, ir.9D, by The Heyer-Sx:ffex Co.. Limited. PLA I E 30- D. PLATE 30-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 15-D. When ordering state if needle spray is to be at right as shown, or at the left. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5 J* Ft. The '• Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 30-D, as described 1 l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $545.00 36.00 $550.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyeh-Snitfen Co., Limited. PLATE 31 — D. PLATE 31-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 15-D. When ordering, state if needle spray is to be at right as shown, or at the left. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 31-D, as described, 1 14: -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet. $580.00 36.00 $585.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, Dy The Meyeii-Sniffex Co., Limited. PLATE 32- D. PLATE 32-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— all nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 15-D. When ordering, state if needle spray is to be at right as shown, or at the left. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 32-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet. ■ $585.00 36.00 $590.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The 'Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim. 39 Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sxiffex Co., Limited. PLATE 33-D. PLATE 33-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain; " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 15-D. When ordering, state if needle spray is to be at right as shown, or at the left. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. SIZES, 1 5 Ft. 5 ^ Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim Roman Bath, Plate 33-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $585.00 I 36.00 $590.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM CopyjiL'lil, I-'.f:: i.yTin Mkyf.u-Smffex < PLATE 34-D. PLATE 34-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel- plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. 5 Ft. ■ 5£-foot bath : length 5 feet 8 inches 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. idth, 2 feet 7 inches, width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5 Ft. 5£-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. 5 ft. 5;^ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Rath, Plate 38-D Add, if fittings are silver-plated, . as described $280.00 30.00 30.00 $285.00 30.00 36.00 $300.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, ISO:!, by Tni! Mi'ver-Sniffrn Co., Limited, PLATE 39-D consists of the 'Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel- plated — and marble feet, DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width. 2 feet 7 inches. 5>£-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. 5 ft. 5 M ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 39-D as described, $280.00 30.00 36.00 $285.00 30.00 36.00 $300.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. ISO.'!, by The Mfykii Sniff:: PLATE 40-D. PLATE 40-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embos White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings plated— and marble feet. i) and finished outside in -polished brass or nickel- DIMENSIONS. inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches -foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 teet 3 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5j£-fcot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. 5 Ft. 5 V 2 Ft. 6 Ft. ' The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 40-D as described $275.00 30.00 36.00 $280.00 30.00 36.00 $300.00 30.00 1i/ - \ li^ S T bl V fl lb 6f tb 3 feet 36.00 A mc - y THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1893, M::- K.R-svn :■:■■■ r iumvii PLATE 41 -D. PLATE 41-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process ; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel- plated— and pedestal porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5>£-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 41-D, as described, . Add, if fittings are silver-plated, ............. 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, .......... $235.00 30.00 36.00 $240.00 30.00 36.00 $255.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM ftex Co.. Limited. PLATE 42-D. PLATE 42-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim. French Shape Bath, paneled and finished outside ii White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath: length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. 5};>-foot bath: length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5'/ 2 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 42-D, as described .... Add, if fittings are silver-plated, 1 J^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $260.00 30.00 36.00 $265.00 30.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Royal" Porcelain Bath, GLAZED ROLL RIM Copyright, 1S95, byTnK Mkyeu-Snih-kx Co.. Limited. PLATE 43-D. 49 PLATE 43-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. Note. — The water is supplied to the bath near the top through a nozzle adapted to connect a rubber tube and hand srpay. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath: length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath; length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5j.„-foot bath: length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. 5 Ft. o% Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath Plate 43- D, as described, . $240.00 30.00 36.00 $245.00 30.00 36.00 $260.00 30.00 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, 36.00 50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, lRD.'i. Ijv The Meyer-Sntffen Co., Limited PLATE 44- D. PLATE 44-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. G-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5.!4-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. SIZES, 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 44-D, as described, 1 %Mnch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $275.00 36.00 $280.00 36.00 $295.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. by The Meyer-Sniffex Co., Limited PLATE 45-D. PLATE 45-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel- plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5 f^ -foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. SIZES, , 5 ft. 5 'A ft. 6 ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 45-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, 1270.00 36.00 $275.00 36.00 $290.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim. by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 46-D. PLATE 46-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel- plated — and turned porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5}4-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot- water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let thiough the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold watei is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. MZES, ....... ...... .... 5 Ft. 5V 2 Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal Porcelain Glazed Roll Run French Shape Bath, Plate 46-D, as described, 1 % -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $250 . 00 36 . 00 $255.00 36.00 $270.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, :R9fl, iiy The Mkykk-Sntffen Co., Limited PLATE 47-D. PLATE 47-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings- polished brass or nickel-plated — and pedestal porcelain feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches, 5jA-ioot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. sizes, ........:..'....... 5 ft. 5y£ ft. Oft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 47-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, . $260.00 36.00 $265.00 36.00 $280.00 CO. 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The ''Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. PLATE 48-D. PLATE 48-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with "Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings- polished brass or nickel plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-toot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5/ 2 -foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. 5 Ft. 5V 2 Ft. G Ft The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 48-D lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, G feet by 3 feet, .... as described, $310.00 36.00 $315.00 36.00 $340.00 36.00 - ' THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The '* Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. ffen Co., Limited PLATE 49-D. PLATE 49-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings- polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5j£-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. 5 Ft. 5>i Ft. 6 Ft The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 49-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $310.00 36.00 §315.00 36.00 $340.00 36 . 00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. PLATE 50-D. PLATE 50-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 6-foot bath : length, 6 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 5^-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown or at the right. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being, scalded. The hot- water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. SIZES 5 Ft. 5% Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 50-D, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, G feet by 3 feet as described. $305 . 00 36.00 $310.00 36.00 $335.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim Copyright. ISO.!, l>y Tin Mil r;i;-S\in- k s Co., Limited. PLATE 51 -D. PLATE 51-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, paneled and finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, automatic hand-spray, with " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings—polished brass or nickel plated— and marble feet. DIMENSIONS. 5-foot bath : length, 5 feet 2 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. 5j4-foot bath : length, 5 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet 7 inches. Add for space necessary to include fittings, 6 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it, and may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. The " Royal " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 51-D, as described 1 '4 -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet 5 Ft. $20i ').(><> m. oo 8295.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The ; ' Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. copyright, 1893, by The IIeyer-Sxiffex Co, Limited. PLATE 52 -D. PLATE 52-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the end of the bath and the ngedle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. PRICES. SIZES 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. The"RoYAL" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 52-D, < 1 !^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, ...... is described, $345.00 36.00 $350.00 36.00 $365.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. copyright, 1S93, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. P LA T E 53 — D. PLATE 53-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— all nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the end of the bath and the needle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 53-D, as described, 1% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $340.00 36.00 $345.00 36.00 360.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The '' Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. C..|,\ri-,-lit, lS'JIi, l,y Tub Mf.yi N Co., Limited. PLATE 54-D. dsts cf the " Rova-l " Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outsi ^ in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— all nickel- plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings arc to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the needle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. id of the bath and the PRICES. The " Koyal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 54-D, as described, 1 14: -inch Italia n marble floor s la b, 6 feet b y 3 feet, . . - $385. <><> 36.00 $390.00 36.00 $405. 00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The 'Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim. hy The Mfyer-Sxiffkn <'<>.. Limited. PLATE 55 -D. PLATE 55-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain, with "Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the end of the bath and the needle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. SIZES, 5 Ft. 5/ 2 Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 55-D, as described 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $380.00 36.00 $385.00 36.00 $400.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 56- D. PLATE 56-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to Le at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the end of the bath and the needle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. PRICES. SIZES, ' 5 Ft. 5'A Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Run French Shape Bath, Plate 56-D, as described, . 1 J^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, . .... ...... $385.00 36.00 $390.00 36.00 $405.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 6.3 U The Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1S03, by The Meyee-Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 57- D. PLATE 57-D"consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, Needle Spray Apparatus, shower and douche, large oval ring and rubber curtain, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— all nickel-plated — and turned porcelain feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower and Needle Spray Apparatus is the arrangement of the supplies at the end of the bath and the needle spray within the bath, ample room being provided within the curtain when in use for operating the needle spray. PRICES. SIZES, ... 5 Ft. 5* Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 57-D. as described 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $335.00 36.00 $340.00 36.00 $355.00 36.00 64 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. oopynght, IS'.i:;, In Tin Mj.;ykh-smi->-hn <■.. 1 ii-.i PLATE 58-D. PLATE 58-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain ; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. SIZES, 5 Ft. §y. Ft. 6 Ft. The "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 58-D, as described. . 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet $300.00 36.00 $305.00 36.00 $320.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. 65 Copyright, 1333, by The Meyer-Sniffe.v Co., Limited. PLATE 59— D. PLATE 59-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. SIZES 5 Ft. 5y 2 Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 59-D, as described, . 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by V, feet $295.00 36.00 $300.00 36.00 $315.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 60— D. PLATE 60-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, with " Capitol " waste and hut and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the temperature of the water. PRICES. SIZES 5 Ft. 5 Vz Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 60-D, \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, . . . as described, $330.00 36.00 $335.00 36.00 $350.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Ski: [Co., Limited. PLATE 61-D. PLATE 61-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, with " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions sec Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower appara'us is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the temperature of the water. PRICES. 5 Ft. 5 % Ft. 6 Ft The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate Gl-1 ■>, as described, $330.00 36.00 $33.) 00 36.00 $350.00 36 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The u Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Coijj'1-itjlu, l.v.i:;, ijy Tills JIli PLATE 62 -D. PLATE 62-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, embossed and finished outside in White or Ivory and Gold, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, with "Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. The" Royal "Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Piate62-D, as described, l^-ineh Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet bv 3 feet, ........ 5 Ft. S32O.00 36.00 $330 00 36.00 $345.00 36 . 00 THE MEYEk-SNlFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath glazed roll, rim. ?EN Co., Limited. PLATE 63 -D. Copyright, 1S93. by The Me PLATE 63-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, with "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and turned porcelain feet. For dimensions see Plate 36 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of the shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. SIZES ' . 1 5 Ft. 6-JiFt. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 63-D, as described, lJijMnch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet 1 $275.00 | 36.00 $280.00 36.00 $295.00 36.00 70 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO.. Limited, NEW YORK. a The ' Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 64-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, paneled and finished outside in While or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, with " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 42 D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparams is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 64-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet. ._ $315.00 36.00 $320.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffek- Co., Limited. PLATE 65-D. PLATE 65-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Grecian Gold Band, Enamel Paint Process, needle spray, shower, douche, ring and curtain; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — polished brass or nickel-plated — and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. The curtain may completely enclose the bather when taking a needle bath. It hangs within the tub and prevents the spraying of wall or floor. The arrangement of supply valves is unique and simple, special "Fuller" quick -opening Cocks being used. PRICES. SIZES, ..... 5 Ft. 5% Ft. 6 Ft. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 65-D, as described, \]l -inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet, $520.00 36.00 $525.00 36.00 $540.00 36.00 72 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK The ki Royal" Porcelain Bath. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, ISO.",, by The Mkyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 66-D. PLATE 66-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory with Gold Bands, Enamel Paint Process, needle spray, shower, douche, ring and curtain ;" Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and marble feet. For dimensions see Plate 34-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. The curtain may completely enclose the bather when taking a needle bath. It hangs within the tub and prevents the spraying of wall or floor. The arrangement of supply valves is unique and simple, special " Fuller " quick-opening Cocks being used. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 66-D, as described, 1 '.'-inch Italian marble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet. . . . . • •_ •_ 5 Ft. $515.00 36.00 5/ 2 Ft. 6 Ft. $520.00 $535.00 36.00 I 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Royal" Porcelain Bath, glazed roll rim. n-tffen Co., Limited. PLATE 67-D. PLATE 67-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, finished outside in White or Ivory Enamel Paint Process, needle spray, shower, douche, ring and curtain; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— polished brass or nickel-plated— and turned porcelain feet. For dimensions see Plate 34-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the fight. The curtain may completely enclose the bather when taking a needle bath. It hangs within the tub and prevents the spraying of wall or floor. The arrangement of supply valves is unique and simple, special ' ' Fuller " quick-opening cocks beine used. ; s PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Roll Rim French Shape Bath, Plate 67-D, as described, 1 '/jf-inch Italian m arble floor slab, 6 feet by 3 feet ' $495.00 36.00 $500.00 36.00 $515.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNlFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SITZ BATH, PLATE 3-C or 68-D. PLATE 3-C or 68-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Rim Sitz Bath, glazed inside and out, with polished brass or nickel-plated supply Actings, " Capitol " waste, and marble supports. PLATE 4-C or 69~D. PLATE 4-C or 69-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Glazed Rim Sitz Bath, decorated outside in ivory, with gold band, with polished brass or nickelplated supply fittings, " Capitol " waste, and brass legs. PRICES. Plate 3-C or 68-D, as described, $130.00 Add, if fittings are silver-plated, 25.00 Plate 4-C or 69-D, as above described, . . • . 105.00 Add, if fittings and legs are silver-plated, . . „ 30.00 " " marble supports are preferred, . ' . „ , 20.00 1 "/-inch Italian marble floor slab, size 31x25 inches, .............. 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. PLATE 3-C. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SITZ BATH, GLAZED INSIDE AND OUT . PLATE 3— C, consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Sitz Bath, Glazed inside and out, with Marble Supports, " Capitol " Waste and Brass Supply Pipes, all polished, nickel, or silver plated. PLATE 4-C. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SITZ BATH, DECORATED OUTSIDE IN IVORY TINT, WITH GOLD BAND. PLATE 4 — C, consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Sitz Bath, with Glazed Rim, decorated outside in Ivory, with gold band. Capitol " Waste, Brass Supply Pipes and Legs, all polished, nickel or silver plated. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK Porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. THE "PERSIAN," THE "PARIAN," THE "ARABIAN,' 1 THE "IONIAN," THE "EXIAN. r T"" , HE Porcelain Enameled Roll Rim Bath v/as first introduced in this country *■ by us. Their popularity was instantaneous, and the increased demand has induced many concerns to go into their manufacture. The Baths furnished by us and shown in the following illustrations are guar- anteed to be unsurpassed in quality, and warranted for five years. Special attention is called to our designs, sizes, and SUPERIOR supply and waste valves and trimmings, which make up the value of a complete bath. THE MEYER-SN1EFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. by Tin-: Mkvku-Smffen- Co , Limited. PLATE 70-D. PLATE 70-D consists of the "Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4}£ feet, 5 feet, 5>£ feet, and 6 feet over rim. Width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. PRICES. The "Persian" Bath, Plate 70-D, as described 1^-inch Italian marble floor slat), 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than bath, . Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. $140.00 $145.00 $150.00 $160.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. Copyripllt. 1RM. by The }! EYER-SJJIFFEN O PLATE 71 -D PLATE 71-D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the "Persian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4>£ feet, 5 feet, 5j£ feet, and G feet' over rim. Width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. PRICES. SIZES, The " Persian" Bath, Plate 71-D, as described 1 j^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet C inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, . . . . • . 4>£Ft. '5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. $130.00 $135.00 $140.00 $150.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath ROLL RIM, lillllKniH IIIIIH II ■ ■ilHII 1 Illl Co., Li.nileil. PLATE 72- D. PLATE 72-D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4>£ feet, 5 feet, 5'/£ feet, and 6 feet over rim. Width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. PRICES. SIZES, The " Persian " Bath, Plate 72-D, as described, lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct .... Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra 4j4 Ft. 5 Ft. 5y£ Ft. 6 Ft. $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. U The ' Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1804. by The JIeykb-Skifkex Co., I iinitcd PLATE 73-D. PLATE 73-D consists of the -'Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Grecian Band; automatic hand-spray, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4^ feet, 5 feet, 5)4. iee t, and 6 feet over rim. Width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. SIZES The "Persian" Bath, Plate 73-D, as uesenbed lX-mch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. $170.00 $175.00 $180.00 $190.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1S91. by Tiik Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limitea. PLATE 74- D. PLATE 74- D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands; automatic hand-spray, " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4>/£ feet, 5 feet, 5 V 2 feet, and 6 feet over rim. Width, 2 feet 8 inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. The "Persian" Bath, Plate 74-D, as described, l'^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5)4 Ft. 6 Ft. $160.00 $165.00 $170.00 $180.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright. 1S94, by Tub Meyek-Skiffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 75 — D PLATE 75-D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White ■ Ivory ; automatic hand-spray, " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the '■ Persian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stair besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Lengths, A]/ 2 feet, 5 feet, 5>£ feet, and 6 feet over rim. Width, 2 feet S inches. Width of space necessary to include fittings, 3 feet. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must oe turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. The " Persian" Bath, Plate 75-D, as described lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct .... Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5>/ 2 Ft. 6 Ft. $155.00 $160.00 $165.00 $175.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.0Q 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copyright, lS'Jl, by The Meyee-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 76— D. PLATE 76-D consists of the "Persian " Porcelain Enameled, Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtaiD, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. sizes, ... 4 '/ Ft. 5 Ft. 5'4 Ft. 6 Ft. The " Persian" Bath, Plate 76-D, as described $200.00 $205.00 $210.00 $220.00 1 J^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . . 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, . . . . . 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The 'Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright. lS9i, ljy The Meyer Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 77-D. PLATE 77-D consists of the " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plato 70-D. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot -water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES sizes, . . . . 4'% Ft. 5 Ft. 5 V 2 Ft. 6 Ft. The " Persian" Bath, Plate 77-D. as described $190.00 $195.00 $200.00 $210.00 1 'i-inch Italian marble floor slab. 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . . 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra, ........... 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0Q THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll rim. niiimii ■■'"!;;;;;; ji|;i;!;i. .. , .,:::ii!i!;!!:i!i|iii| ijLZIiili jfL_i*i(^Ji Copyright, 1894, by The Meyer-Snipfen Co., Limited. PLATE 73 — D. PLATE 78-D consists of the " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, " Capitol " waste and hot and cold' supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. sizes, . The "Persian" Bath, Plate 78-D, as described 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct . . . • . Nickel-plated supply pipes to floor, extra AV 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5 Vz Ft. 6 Ft. $185.00 $190.00 $195.00 $205.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 sc, THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. a The Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copyright, 1891, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 79 — D. PLATE 79-D consists of the " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band ; shower and bath supply apparatus with douche and pulls, large oval curtain ring and rubber curtain, " Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. A feature of the shower combination is the arrangement of the hot and cold valves on the wall to supply both bath and shower, and the combination of the douche in connection with the shower. PRICES. sizes 4'A Ft. 5 Ft. 5>/ 2 Ft. 6 Ft. The "Persian" Bath, Plate 79-D. as described $220.00 $225.00 $230.00 $240.00 \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . . 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll rim. The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 30-D. PLATR 80-D consists of the " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Batli, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; shower and bath supply apparatus with douche and pulls, large oval curtain ring and rubber curtain, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. A feature of the shower combination is the arrangement of the hot and cold valves on the wall to supply both bath and shower, and the combination of the douche in connection with the shower. PRICES. sizes, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5 '4 Ft. 6 Ft. The "Persian" Bath, Plate 80-D, as described, $210.00 $215.00 $220.00 $230.00 lj4"inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 30.00 J3.00 .()(.) 39.00 88 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO,, Limited, NEW YORK. The ''Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1804, by The Meyer-Sxikfen Co., Limited. PLATE 81 D. PLATE 81-D consists of the " Persian ,; Porcelain Enameled Iron Batli or Ivory ; shower and bath supply apparatus with douche and pulls, large oval c and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the "Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. A feature of the shower combination is the arrangement of the hot and cold valves on the w shower, and the combination of the douche in connection with the shower. finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White rtain ring and rubber curtain, " Capitol " waste possible corrosive stains, apply both bath and The " Persian" Bath, Plate 81-D, as described 1 '4"-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, G inches longer than Bath, f Bath is unfinished outside ^one coat of paint only), deduct . . . . 4y 2 Ft. $205.00 30 .t0 15.00 5 Ft. $210.00 33.00 15.00 5 V 2 Ft. $215.00 36.00 15.00 6 Ft. $225.00 39.00 15.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copj-righl, 1S95, by TnE Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 82- D. PLATE 82-D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band; Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain, ' Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— all nickel-plated. The supports of the " Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains beside enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. SIZES .• 4},' Ft. 5 Ft. 5% Ft. 6 Ft. The "Persian Bath, Plate 82-D, as described $425.00 $430.00 $435 00 $445 00 \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . , 30.00 33 00 36 00 39 00 90 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffes Co., Limited. PLATE 83~D. PLATE 83-D consists of the " Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands; Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain, "Capitol waste, hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated. The supports of the •■ Persian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-D. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. PRICES. SIZES . 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. The "Persian "'Bath, Plate 83-D, as described, $420.00 $425.00 $430.00 $440.00 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . . 30.00 33.00 36.00 39. UU THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Persian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Mkyer-Sniffes Co., Limited PLATE 84-D consists of the "Persian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, Needle Spray Apparatus, special shower and douche, ring and rubber curtain, with "Capitol" waste, hot and cold supply fittings — all nickel-plated. The feature of this shower and needle spray is the arrangement of the complete apparatus within the bath. The curtain is so adjusted that the spraying of wall or floor is entirely obviated. The supports of the " Persian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 70-EX PRICES. SIZES, The " Persian" Bath, Plate 84-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, . 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5'^ Ft. 6 Ft. $415.00 $420.00 $425.00 $435.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. I | j || | iff! ■ j' - ,|i ■ i,, '4., .uiJi HI! hi, lliiil'iil! ■ ' Ill ,»" J ;" i All .'I i"ii.:«I '!■■ IP- Hill ■;.:'■', 'M i "f I 1 "l 1 Wfl Copyright, 1894, by Thk Mkyek-Sniffen Co , PLATE 85-D. PLATE 85-D consists of the " Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band ; " Capicol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the ' ' Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains ; besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4J4 feet, 5 feet, 5'/ 2 feet, 6 feet, and G'/ 2 feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rir When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. SIZES AV t Ft. 5 Ft. 5£ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 86-D, as described, $120.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145.00 1,^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet G inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, U The Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath roll RIM. Copyright, LS'.'l, by Tim-: SlHrii-SMins Co., Limited. PLATE 87-D. PLATE 87-D consists of the " Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the ; ' Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4<4 feet, 5 feet, S'/i feet, 6 feet, and 6}4 feet length overbrim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes 4'A Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The " Parian " Bath, Plate 87-D, as described $115.00 $120.00 $125.00 $130.00 $140.00 \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited,, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. Copyright, IS'.i'i. l,y Tiik ]\1 \< yi:k-Smki- km Co., Limited. PLATE 88-D. PLATE 88-D consists of the "Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. — The water is supplied to the bath near the top through a nozzle adapted to connect a rubber tube and hand spray. The supports of the "Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4>£ feet, 5 feet, 5% feet, G feet, and &)4 feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5* Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 88-D, as described $120.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145.00 lj^dneh Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1S04, by The ! :-Sniffek Co., Li) PLATE 89-D. PLATE 89-D consists of the "Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band; automatic hand-spray, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4^ feet, 5 feet, 5^ feet, G feet, and Gyi feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. sizes 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 89-D, as described $155.00 $160.00 $165.00 $170.00 $180.00 l>(-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, Cinches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 I HE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copyright, 1S9J, by The Meyeb-Snh h d Co., Limited. PLATE 90-D. PLATE 90-D consists of the "Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands; automatic hand-spray, ' Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the ' Parian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 Vz feet 5 feet, 5^ feet, G feet, and 6 ^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. sizes,. 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. Q% Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 90-D, as described $150.00 $155.00 $160.00 $165.00 $175.00 l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1894, by The PLATE 91-D. PLATE 91-D consists of the " Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, "White Ivory ; automatic hand-spray, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Parian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. DIMENSIONS. Sizes: 4^ feet, 5 feet, 5^ feet, 6 feet, and6^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over ri When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. Note.— The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. PRICES. SIZES 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5% Ft. 6 Ft. Q'A Ft. The" Parian" Bath, Plate 91-D, as described, $145.00 $150.00 $155.00 $160.00 $170.00 lj^inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 80.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, lS'Jl, by The JIeter-S.vtffex Co , Limited. PLATE 92-D. PLATE 92-D consists of the "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 85-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. V PRICES. SIZES, The "Parian" Bath. Plate 92-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 incnes wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5m; Ft. 6 Ft. G'4 Ft. $180.00 $185.00 $190.00 $195.00 $205.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 !00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The ''Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM, Copyright, 1891, by The Meyer Sniffe.v Co., Limited. PLATE 93-D. PLATE 93-D consists of the " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, "Capitol" waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Parian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 85-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot-water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. sizes 4 V-, Ft. 5 Ft. 5 ^ Ft. 6 Ft. 6 '/z Ft. The " Parian" Bath, Plate 93-D, as described, $175.00 $180.00 $185.00 $190.00 $200.00 l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, Z feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36. 0Q THE MEYER SNIFFEN CO., Limited NEW YCRK. The . " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1894, by The Meyer-Smffen Co., Limited. PLATE 94-D. PLATE 94-D consists of the " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. The supports of the " Parian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains, besides enhancing the artistic effect of this elegant fixture. For dimensions see Plate 85-D. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot- water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES. sizes 4'^ Ft. 5 Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 94-D, as described $170.00 $175.00 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 teet 6 inches wide ; 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 5^ Ft. 6 Ft. Q'A Ft. $180.00 $185.00 $195.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. a The ' Parian^ Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. .■ !,',■' I I I I 1 . : ( ' . ■ , | i | , , i n ■ i i PLATE 95-D. PLATE 95-D consists of the " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " Capitol" waste, No. G " Em-Ess" Fuller double bath cock, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or pol- ished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, A]4 feet, 5 feet, 5^ feet, 6 feet, and 6^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. Width of rim, 3 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes 4j£ Ft. 5 Ft. 5)4 Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 95-D, as described, $110.00 §115.00 $120.00 §125.00 §135.00 l#-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet G inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MFYFR-SNIFFFN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll rim. Copyright, 1894, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., PLATE 96-D. PLATE 96-D consists of the " Parian " Porcelaia Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, Whi or Ivory ; with " Capitol " waste, No. 6 " Em-Ess " Fuller double bath cock, and pipes to floor— nickel-plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 V z feet, 5 feet, 5^ feet, 6 feet, and G<4 feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inch Width of rim, 3 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. es over run. PRICES. SIZES > ■ ■ • ■ 4^Ft. 5 Ft. 5 j* Ft. 6 Ft. 6}/ 2 Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 96-D, as described, $105.00 $110.00 §115.00 $120.00 $130.00 1 ^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct . .-- . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I HI MEYEP-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. r^iMB' m&m : .hi %:diiii ^■•>mm ■■■■■.-■m ■■ > .ma ■'": ■ «B '-.iilil ■ '1 Bill Copyright, 1801, by Tll~ HEl'Eli-SOTFEN Co., Limited, PLATE 97-D. PLATE 97-D consists of the "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in bnamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; No. G " Em-Ess" Fuller double bath cock, pipes to floor, and connected overflow and waste — nickel- plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4<4 feet,. 1 ) feet, 5%, feet, 6 feet, and 6^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. Width of rim, 3 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. r PRICES. sizes 4^Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. C Ft. %y 2 Ft. The "Parian "Bath, Plate 97-D, as described, $95.00 $100.00 $105.00 $110.00 $120.00 lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, Cinches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 80.00 33,00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 105 The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM, "■'* '■'*" *w *:wi :4MH' 'iwisiiii : ^*»imm 'ytimmm ■■ mm *ewm mm ill PLAVE 98- D polished brass. ' P ' pes t0 ttoor ' and connected overflow and waste — nickel- plated or ^X£^*'&%S^^*£Z^»^*-~*. T ^„ g , corrosive stains. Sizes, 4K feet, o^feet,^ feet, G feet, and Q yi feet length >ng, DIMENSIONS. ^si^ksss.- »C:rss,---»- SIZES, PRICES. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 98^D, as described ' ' " ' ' 4 / 2 PL 5 Ft ^ Ft - Ft. 6^ Ft. '^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide 6 inche* W " ♦*, ' n ', ' $ ° $ 95 - 00 ^00.00 $105.00 $115.00 If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of p^t on") dedS L^OO U ■„ * ^ , ^ 80 -°° 33 " 00 36 - 00 If connected overflow and waste are nickel-plated onVhe rough d duct $2 5C T iTf ***&**» ? ^ deduct «■«>. ougn , aeauct $2 . 50 , If furnished rough brass , deduct $5 . 00 . THE MEYER-SNIFEEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. WITH " YORK "WASTE. Copyright, ism, by Thk Me PLATE 99-D. PLATE 99-D consists of the " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band ; " York " waste combination, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. An important feature of this apparatus is the " York " waste. It is simpler and easier to operate than any other device and cannot get out of order. A slight turn of the handle (which is located on the rim) operates the stopper. The overflow is accessible and can be readily cleaned. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4'/2 feet, 5 feet, 5 y£ feet, 6 feet, and Qyi feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes i'/ 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5)4 Ft. 6 Ft. GV 2 Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 99-D, as described $130.00 $135.00 $140.00 $145.00 $155.00 l^-ioch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM, WITH "YORK" WASTE. Copyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sniff bn Co., Limited. PLATE 100-D. PLATE 100-D consists of the "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " York " waste combination, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. An important feature of this apparatus is the " York " waste. It is simpler and easier to operate than any other device and cannot get out of order. A slight turn of the handle (which is located on the rim) operates the stopper. The overflow is accessible and can be readilv cleaned. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat desigi claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrpsive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4c l / z feet, 5 feet, 5yi feet, 6 feet, and 6>^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 3 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes 4j^Ft. 5 Ft. 5^Ft 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 100-D, as described $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $140.00 $150.00 lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, G inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 108 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, ROLL RIM, WITH "YORK" WASTE. Copyright, 1S94, by Tub Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited, PLATE 101 -D. PLATE 101-D consists of the "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; with "York" waste and supply combination, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. An important feature of this apparatus is the "York " waste. It is simpler and easier to operate than any other device and eannot get out of order. A slight turn of the handle (which is located on the rim) operates the stopper. The overflow is accessible and can be readily cleaned. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS, Sizes, 4 V 2 feet, 5 feet, 5^ feet, 6 feet, and 6 Y 2 feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. over rim. PRICES. SIZES 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5 y 2 Ft. 6 Ft. 6-4 Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 101-D, as described $120.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145. 0C I14: -inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36. 0C If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct $15.00. If without supply pipes to floor, deduct $5.00. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll rim, with "york" waste. Copyright, 1594, by The MeverSmffen Co., Limited. PLATE 102-D. PLATE 102-D consists of the " Parian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Grecian Gold Band; automatic hand-spray, "York" waste combination, and pipes to floor — -nickel-plated or polished brass. An important feature of this apparatus is the "York " waste. It is simpler and easier to operate than any other device and cannot get out of order. A slight turn of the handle (which is located on the rim) operates the stopper. The overflow is accessible and can be readily cleaned. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. Note. — The automatic hand-spray (patented) illustrated with above bath is arranged and constructed so that the cold water must be turned on first, thus insuring the user against being scalded. The hot-water valve permits the control of the volume of cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shampoo may be regulated by it. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4yi feet, 5 feet, 5'A feet, 6 feet, and 6^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 5 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. sizes 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5)4 Ft. 6 Ft. Q>/ 2 Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 102-D, as described $160.00 $165.00 $170.00 $175.00 $185.00 1.^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath roll rim, with "york" waste. Copyrift-ht, 1804, by Tin: Mevii: Snifi i n Co., Limited. PLATE 103-D. PLATE 103-D consists of the "Parian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; shower and hand-spray, automatic regulating valve, ring and rubber curtain, "York" waste combi- nation, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. An important feature of this apparatus is the " York " waste. It is simpler and easier to operate than any other device and cannot get out of order. A slight turn of the handle (which is located on the rim) operates the stopper. The overflow is accessible and can be readily cleaned. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. For dimensions see Plate 102-D When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. A feature of this shower apparatus is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply to shower, in which the cold water is necessarily turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding. The hot -water valve can then be used to regulate the tem- perature of the water. PRICES sizes 4'^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5'^ Ft. 6 Ft. 6^ Ft. The "Parian" Bath, Plate 103-D, as described, $180.00 $185.00 $190.00 $200.00 $210.00 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 37.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. FLAT GLAZED RIM, Zi.i ilinll liBJI'illll -J.Z Wtm : ;, T #". ...» H ,in' ; iiaiBii ■m.mim 4H'"Wi If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct $15.00. If without supply pipes to floor, deduct $5.00. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. FLAT GLAZED RIM. an "■sh&aia m§mm ■■■,,ii\S '■•*;** i ■■*: „■ .**iun ■■* va -r^iffli "wm ■■■■■.. mm ■'■^■■Atm Copyright. 1891, by The Meyes-Sxiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 106-D, PLATE 106-D consists of the "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Dcth, Flat Glazed Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " Capitol" waste, No. 6 " Em-Ess" Fuller double bath cock, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS, izes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 10 inches, 5 feet 4 inches, 5 feet 10 inches, and 6 feet 4 inches length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. Width of rim, 2^ inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. The " Arabian " Bath, Plate 106-D, as described .... lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 35.00 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. $90.00 $95.00 $100.00 $105.00 $110.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. FLAT GLAZED RIM. Copyright, 1801, by The IIeyer-S.niffex Co., Limited. PLATE 107-D. PLATE 107-D consists of the "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, Flat Glazed Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory; with " Capitol " waste, No. 6 " Em-Ess " Fuller double bath cock, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 10 inches, 5 feet 4 inches, 5 feet 10 inches, and G feet 4 inches length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. "Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. Width of rim, 2*4 inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. S1ZES 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. The "Arabian "Bath, Plate 107-D, as described $85.00 $90.00 $95.00 $100.00 $105.00 1 (/-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct $15.00. If without supply pipes to floor, deduct $5.00. THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 115 a The Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. FLAT GLAZED RIM, f'upyrifjrlit, lM'-i, Ii.vThk M kyer-Sniffen ( PLATE 108-D. PLATE 108-D consists of the "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, Flat Glazed Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; No. G " Em-Ess " Fuller double bath cock, pipes to floor and connected overflow and waste — nickel-plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Enameled Iron Baths. They are of neat design, claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 10 inches, 5 feet 4 inches, 5 feet 10 inches, and 6 feet 4 inches length over Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. Width of rim, 2yi inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown or at the right. PRICES. sizes, The "Arabian" Bath, Plate 108-D, as described, .... 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath 25.00 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 10 in. $80.00 $85.00 5 ft. 4 in $90.00 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. $95.00 $100.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. FLAT GLAZED RIM. Copyright, ISOi, by The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 109-D. PLATE 109-D consists of the "Arabian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, Flat Glazed Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory; with No. G "Em-Ess " Fuller double bath cock, pipes to floor and connected overflow and waste— nickel-plated or polished brass. Special attention is called to the patent feet furnished with our porcelain Er claw pattern, holding a china ball, which protects the floor from corrosive stains. Baths. They are of neat design, DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 10 inches, 5 feet 4 inches, 5 feet 10 inches, and 6 feet 4 inches length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. Width of rim, 2)4. inches. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. 4 ft. 5 in. $75.00 lX-rach Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 25.00 If Bath is unfinished outside (one coat of paint only), deduct $15.00 sizes, The " Arabian" Bath, Plate 109-D, as described 4 ft. 10 in. $80.00 27.00 5 ft. 4 in. $85.00 5 ft. 10 in. $90.00 6 ft. 4 in. $95.00 If without supply pipes to floor, deduct $5.00. If connected overflow and waste are nickel-plated on the rough, deduct $2.50. If furnished rough brass, deduct $5.00. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 110-D. PLATE 110-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); " Capito' wastu and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4^ feet, 5 feet, and 5% feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rii When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. SIZES, . The " Ionian" Bath, Plate 110-D, as described, lj^-inch Italian marble floor, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 4'/ 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5j4Ft. $90.00 $95.00 $100.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 118 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1S95, oy The Meyer-Sniefen Co., Limited. PLATE 111-D. PLATE 111-D consists of the " Ionian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); " Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, nozzle inlet through top of the bath, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the bath. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4^ feet, 5 feet, and 5'/£ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. The " Ionian" Bath, Plate 111-D, as described, lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5% Ft. $90.00 $95.00 $100.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, roll RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 112-D. PLATE 112-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Troy Band; "Capitol "waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4:% feet, 5 feet, and 5]4 feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. SIZES The "Ionian" Bath, Plate,112-D, as described, l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than bath, . 4y 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft , $110.00 $115.00 $120.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. Cm.yi'ight, 1S95. byTHK Meyek-Sniffen Co.,Liii PLATE 11 3-D. PLATE 113-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process. White or Ivory, with Gold Troy Band; " Capitol " waste and special supply fittings, nozzle inlet through top of the bath, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the bath. Note.— The special roll rim o e the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the "Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, ky z feet, 5 feet, and 5^ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. sizes The "Ionian" Bath, Plate 113-D, as described 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 4^ Ft. 5 Ft. 5>4 Ft $110.00 $115.00 $120.00 ' 25.00 27.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 121 The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. ROLL RIM. Copyright, ISOo.'oyTHE Meyeb-Sxiffex Co., Limited. PLATE 114-D. PLATE 114-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); " Capitol' waste, trap above floor, and special supply fittings, nozzle inlet through top of the bath, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the bath. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian" Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4v£ feet, 5 feet, and 5'A feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. SIZES, , The "Ionian" Bath, Plate 114-D, as described, 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer tfyan Ba.th, 4'A Ft. 5 Ft. 5j4 Ft. $99.00 $104.00 $109.00 25,00 37,00 30,00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 115-D. PLATE 115-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White Ivory, with Gold Troy Band; " Capitol " waste, trap above floor, hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4^ feet, 5 feet, and 5 l A feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. sizes The "Ionian" Bath, Plate 115-D, as described 1 '/-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than bath, AV 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5^ Ft. $119.00 $124.00 $129.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, The " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath roll RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meter-Sniffes Co., Limited. PLATE 116-D. PLATE 116-D consists of the " Ionian'" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); " Capitol ; waste and No. 6 " Em-Ess" " Fuller" double bath cock, ivory celluloid trimmed, and nickel-plated. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " Bath is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inches. The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4>£ feet, 5 feet, and 5 >£ feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. The " Ionian" Bath, Plate 116-D, as described, If with pipes to floor, 1^-inch Italian marble floor, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than Bath, 4 ,'4 Ft. 5 Ft. 5]/ z Ft. $75.00 $80.00 $85.00 79.00 84.00 89.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 124 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The ' Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. roll RIM. Copyright, lS95,byTHE Heyer-Snlffex Co., Limited. PLATE 117-D. PLATE 117-D consists of the " Ionian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); No. 6 " Em- ; " " Fuller" double bath cock, ivory celluloid trimmed, with nickel-plated plug, chain and rubber stopper, and couplings. Note. — The special roll rim of the " Ionian " is smaller than the " Parian," reducing the width 2 inche The supports of the " Ionian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4>£ feet, 5 feet, and 5 V z feet length over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 3 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. The "Ionian" Bath, Plate 117-D, as described If with connected overflow and pipes to floor, lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 6 inches longer than bath, 4tV 2 Ft. 5 Ft. 5yi Ft. $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 74.00 79.00 84.00 25.00 27,00 30. 09 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM, Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 118-D. PLATE 118-D consists of the "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with hardwood rim, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); "Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, nozzle supply through top of bath, and pipes to floor — nickel-plated. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the tub. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The Capitol " waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. sizes The " Exian " Bath, Plate 118-D, as described, 4ft. 5 in. 4ft. 11 in. 5ft. 5in. 5ft. 11 in. 6ft.5in. $83.50 $87.50 $9J.50 $97.50 $102.50 126 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The ' Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 119-D. PLATE 119-D consists of the " Exian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with hardwood rim, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); "Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, supply near bottom of bath (bell inlet), and pipes to floor — nickel-plated . The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us, are guaranteed to be uusurpassed in quality by any other make. The " Capitol" waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. SIZES, The "Exian" Bath. Plate 119-D, as described. 4ft. 5in. 4ft. 11 in. 5ft. 5in. 5ft. llin. 6ft. 5in. $83.50 $87.50 $92.50 $97.50 $102.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 120-D. PLATE 120-D consists of the " Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with "Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, nozzle supply through top of bath and pipes to floor, nickel-plated, and hardwood rim; bath finished outside in White or Ivory (enamel paint process), with Gold Troy Band. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the tub. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The " Capitol " waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. SIZES 4ft.5in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5ft.5in. 5ft.llin. 6ft.5in. The •' Exian " Bath. Plate 120-D, as described $103.50 $107.50 $112.50 $117.50 $122.50 188 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 121-D. PLATE 121-D consists of the " Exian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with " Capitol " waste and special supply fittings, supply near bottom of bath (bell inlet) and pipes to floor, and hardwood rim; bath finished in White or Ivory (enamel paint process), with Gold Troy Band. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The •' Capitol " waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. SIZES, ........ The " Exian " Bath, Plate 121-D, as described, 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 5 in. $103.50 $107.50 $112.50 $117.50 $122.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Mf.yer-Sijtefen Co., Limited. PLATE 122-D. PLATE 122- D consists of the "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with hardwood rim, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); "Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, nozzle supply through top of bath, pipes to floor, and trap — polished brass or nickel-plated. The nozzle supply is indicated in the cut as showing through the tub. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The " Capitol" waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. PRICES. sizes, „ 4ft. 5in. 4ft.llin. 5ft. 5in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6ft.5in. The "Exian" Bath. Plate 122-D, as described, ..... $92.50 $96.50 $101.50 $106.50 $111.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. yrig'nt, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 123-D. PLATE 123-D consists of the "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, with "Capitol" waste and special supply fittings, supply near bottom of bath (bell inlet) pipes to floor and trap, polished brass or nickel-plated, and hardwood rim; bath finished outside in White or Ivory (enamel paint process), with Gold Troy Band. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The Capitol " waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the "Exian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at right as shown, or at the left. sizes, The " Exian " Bath, Plate 123-D, as described, 4 ft. 5 in. 4ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6ft. 5in. $112.50 $116.50 $121.50 $126.50 $131.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 131 The "Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 18U0, by Iue ilEYEn-SjvTFFEN Co., Limited. PLATE 124-D. PLATE 124-D consists of the " Exian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, unfinished outside (one coat of paint), with '* Capitol waste and No. 6 " Em-Ess" Fuller double bath cock, ivory celluloid trimmed, and hardwood rim. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. The Capitol " waste and specially constructed supply valves are the best that can be produced. The supports of the " Exian" Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches. 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. The " Exian " Bath, Plate 124-D, as described, Add for pipes to floor, 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 5 in. $71.00 $75.00 $80.00 $85.00 $90.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The u Exian" Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sneffen Co., Limited. PLATE 125-D. PLATE 125-D consists of the " Exian " Porcelain Enameled Iron Bath, French shape, unfinished outside (one coat of paint); No. 6 " Em-Ess" Fuller double bath cock, ivory celluloid trimmed, with nickel-plated plug, chain, and rubber stopper, and coup lings, with hardwood rim. The porcelain enameled baths furnished by us are guaranteed to be unsurpassed in quality by any other make. ^he supports of the " Exian " Bath rest on china balls (patented), which protect the floor from all possible corrosive stains. DIMENSIONS. Sizes, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet 11 inches, 5 feet 5 inches, 5 feet 11 inches, 6 feet 5 inches over rim. Add 4 inches to include fittings. Width, 2 feet 4 inches over rim. When ordering, state if fittings are to be at left as shown, or at the right. PRICES. SIZES The " Exian " Bath, Plate 125-D, as described, If with connected overflow and pipes to floor, . 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 5 in. $51.00 $55.00. $60 00 $65.00 $70.00 65.00 69.00 74.00 79.00 84.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Pool Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. 6 p PLATE 126-D. PLATE 126-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Pool Bath, with Hardwood Rim, Bell supply, and " Capitol" waste, fittings nickel-plated. This bath is especially designed for use in Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, etc., and is especially adapted for a shower bath as illustrated in Plates 78-D and 81-D. DIMENSIONS. J-.ength outside over rim, 4 feet 4 '4 inches ; width outside over rim, 3 feet 10 '■£ inches ; height from floor to top of rim, 21 inches; depth, 13 inches. Add 4 inches for space necessary to include fittings. PRICES. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Pool Bath, Plate 126-D, as described, $110.00 Add, foi white or ivory outside finish, enamel paint process, 15 00 If with shower apparatus, including ring and rubber curtain, as illustrated in Plate 78-D, add 60.00 " " " and douche, " " '• " " " " " " 81-D, " 80.00 134 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath. ROLL RIM. Plate 127-D. PLATE 127-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Roll Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory ; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings— nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. - This Sitz Bath is now supplied with patent feet holding a china ball similar to the " Parian " Bath. DIMENSIONS. Length over rim, 28 inches ; width, front to back over rim, 27 inches ; width of roll rim, 2^ inches ; height from floor to top of rim — front, 15 inches ; back, 21 inches. Add 4 inches to length for fixtures. PRICE. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Plate 127-D, as described, „ $78.00 If Bath is not finished outside, . . , 68.00 THE MEYER-SNIFPEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath. HARDWOOD RIM. PLATE 128-D. PLATE 128-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Hardwood Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory; " Capitol " waste and hot and cold supply fittings — nickel-plated or polished brass. Note. — This Sitz Bath is now supplied with patent feet holding a china ball similar to the " Parian " Bath DIMENSIONS. Length over rim, 28 inches ; width front to back over rim, 27 inches ; height from floor to top of rim — front, 16 inches ; back, 12 inches. Add 4 inches to length for fixtures. PRICE. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Plate 128-D, as described, If Bath is finished outside in ivory or white enamel paint process, |71.00 81.00 13b THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath. ROLL RIM. plate 129-D. PLATE 129-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Roll Rim, finished outside in Enamel Paint Process, White or Ivory, with Gold Bands ; " Capitol " waste, fitted with spray and wave attachment, nickel-plated. Note — This Sitz Bath is now supplied with patent feet holding a china ball similar to the " Parian " Bath. The hot and cold water valve or both may be opened and a regulating valve turned which leads to the spray or wave, 01 to fill the bath through the end. Fall directions are engraved on the handles. All the valves are one side and convenient to the bather. The arrangement is simple and will not get out of order. Furnished with hardwood instead of roll rim, if pre/erred. DIMENSIONS. Length, including fittings, 3 feet 1 inch ; width, 27 inches ; height in front, 15 inches ; height in back, 21 inches. PRICE. The Porcelain Enameled Iron Sitz Bath, Plate 129-D, as described, $117. CO THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 137 The Porcelain Enameled Iron Foot Baths. PLATE 130- D. PLATE 130-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Foot Bath, Roll Rim, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, with Bell supply and ' ' Capitol " waste, fittings nickel-plated. PRICE. The Porcelain Enamel Iron Foot Bath, Plate 130-D, as described, $55.00 PLATE 131-D. PLATE 131-D consists of a Porcelain Enameled Iron Foot Bath, Hardwood Rim, finished outside in White or Ivory, Enamel Paint Process, with Bell supply and " Capitol " waste, fittings nickel-plated. PRICE. The Porcelain Enamel Iron Foot Bath, Plate 131-D, as described, $45.00 138 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. SPONGE HOLDER. SPONGE HOLDER. PLATE 132-D. PLATE 133-D. Price, Nickel- Plated $2.00 Price, Nickel- Plated, $10.00 SOAP HOLDER FOR ROLL-RIM BATH. PLATE 134-D. Price, Nickel-Plated, SOAP HOLDER. GLASS HOLDER. PLATE 135-D. PLATE 13G-D. Price, Nickel-Plated, .,...„. $2.00 Price, Nickel- Plated, $1.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. ROLL-PAPER HOLDER. PAPER HOLDER. PLATE 137-D. Price, Nickel-Plated or Polished Brass, PLATE 138-D, $6.00 Price, Nickel. Plated, $6.00 TOWEL RACK. TOWEL RACK. PLATE 139-D. PLATE 140-D. Price, Nickel-Plated, $3.50 Price, Nickel-Plated, . $2.50 TOWEL RACK. PLATE 141-D. Price, Nickel-Plated, |1.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "EM-ESS 1 TOWEL RACKS. PLATE 142-D. PLATE 143-D. Length between center of flanges, 24 inches. Length between center of flanges, 24 inches. $2.00 Price, Nickel-Plated, ....... $2.50 Price, Nickel-Plated, PLATE 144-D. Length over all, ... 33 inches. " bstween center of flanges, 24 " PLATE 145 D. Length over all, . . . od inches. " between center of flanges, 24 Price, Nickel-Plated, ....... $4.5 Price, Nickel-Plated, $6.50 The "Em-Ess" Towel Racks are made of brass pipe, of unequalled finish and design. Note. — Special lengths are made to order, for which an extra price is charged, depending on the quantity made. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. COMBINATION NEEDLE AND LIVER SPRAY BATH, WITH SHOWER, DOUCHE AND BIDET. PLATE 146-D. PLATE 146-D consists of the Combination Needle and Liver Spray Bath, with Shower, Descending and Ascending Douche— nickle-plated. It represents a most complete apparatus intended for Turkish Bath establishments and Athletic Clubs. The arrangement of the valves is such that the cold water must be turned on first, thus avoiding the danger of the user accident- ally being; scalded The " Bidet." or ascending douche, is swung out of the way when not in use. A separate valve controls each feature independent ot the others. The vertical perforated pipes (needle spray) are readily detached for cleansing. Height to top of shr DIMENSIONS. 8 feet. Diameter of needle bath, 4 feet. PRICE. Plate 146-D, as described, $575.00 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. COMBINATION NEEDLE SPRAY, SHOWER, DOUCHE AND BIDET. TO STAND ON FLOOR. WITH RUBBER CURTAIN. PLATE 147-D. PLATE 147-D consists of the Combination Needle Spray, Shower, Descending and Ascending Donche, to stand on floor, with rubber curtain — nickel-plated. Hot and cold water is supplied to each feature of the Bath and can be controlled separately — z". e., needle spray, shower, descending douche, and bidet or ascending douche. The needle-spray pipes may be easily removed for cleansing if necessary. If this Bath is desired to be fitted in a marble stall or room, the upper ring and curtain may be dispensed with. The supply valves may be located on either side if preferred, instead of at the back. DIMENSIONS. Height to top of shower, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter of needle bath, 3 feet 4 inches. PRICE. Price does not induce marble. Plate 147-D, as described $235.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. COMBINATION NEEDLE SPRAY, SHOWER AND DOUCHE. TO STAND ON FLOOR. WITH RUBBER CURTAIN, PLATE 148-D. PLATE 148-D consists of the Combination Needle Spray, Shower and Douche, to stand on floor, with rubber curtain — nickel-plated. The illustration represents a simple and perfect apparatus. All the vertical pines are perforated, including- the two columns in the foreeround. On turning: on the hot and cold water valves the water enters the central vertical column, which acts as a mixing: chamber. A shower or douche mav ^e had by operating one or the other of the pulls. One valve controls the needle sprav. which is directed from each vertical column toward the center. The pipes are so constructed that they may be taken out for cleansing; if necessary. If desired the snnplv valves may be placed on either of the front columns instead of at the back. DIMENSIONS. Height to top of floor, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter >f needle bath, 3 feet 4 inches. PLATE 148-D, as described. PRICE. Price does not include marble $225.00 in THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. COMBINATION NEEDLE SPRAY, SHOWER AND DOUCHE, WITH RUBBER CURTAIN. PLATE 149 D. PLATE 149-D consists of a Combination Needle Sprav, Shower and Douche, with rod and rubber curtain — all pipes nickel-plated. The illustration represents an apparatus intended to be set up with marble sides and back. The curtain in front can be drawn across when in use. All the vertical pipes are perforated, forming the needle sprav. and a'e easilv removed, if necessary, for cleaning. The shower and douche are operated by a pull and chain for each, and a bidet, or ascending douche, can be added to the apparatus if desired. Needle Baths of this description will be made to order to suit any recess or corner. DIMENSIONS. Height to top of shower, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter of needle bath, 3 feet. PLATE 149-D, as described, PRICE. Price does not include marble. $200.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, SHOWER APPARATUS, WITH AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVE. PATENTED. 145 The Cold Water Valve Must be Opened Before the Hot Water Will Run. PLATE 150-D. PLATE 150-D consists of Combination Shower, Douche and Hand-spray, with automatic regulating valve, ring and rubbei curtain. PLATE 151-D. PLATE 151-D consists of Combination Shower, with automatic regulating valve and hand-spray attachment, ring and rubber curtain — nickel-plated. It is not only desirable but quite necessary, in a shower or shampoo apparatus, to provide against the user being accident- ally scalded. With the above illustrated apparatus this desideratum can be accomplished, as the arrangement is such that the cold water must be turned on first, and the hot water is mixed with the cold when the " hot " valve is opened. The construction of the hot water valve permits the control of the volume of the cold water also, so that the temperature 01 the water let through the shower or shampoo may be regulated by it. The construction is also such that the hot or cold water cannot pass back into the opposite pipe, and the apparatus may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. DIMENSIONS. Height, 7 feet 3 inches. Distance from wall to center of shower, 18 inches. PRICE. Plate 150-D, as described $74.50 •' 151-D, " .... 59.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. SHOWER APPARATUS, WITH AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVE. The Cold Water Valve Must be Opened Before the Hot Water Will Rut, PLATE 152-D. PLATE' 152-D consists of the Combination Shower, Douche, with Hand-spray and automatic regulating valve — nickel plated. PLATE 153-D. PLATE 153-D consists of the Combination Shower and Hand-spray, with automatic regulating valve — nickel-plated. It is not only desirable but quite necessary, in a shower or shampoo apparatus, to provide against the user being accident- ally scalded. With the above illustrated apparatus this desideratum can be accomplished, as the arrangement is such that the cold water must be turned on first, and the hot water is mixed with the cold when the hot valve is opened. The construction of the hot water valve permits the control of the volume of the cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shower or shampoo may be regulated by it. The construction is also such that the hot or cold water cannot pass back into the opposite pipe, and the apparatus may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. Plate 152-D, as described, • 153-D, " PRICE. Price does not include marble. $52.50 37.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK 117 HAND-SPRAY APPARATUS, WITH AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVE. The Cold Water Valve Must be Opened Before the Hot Water -will Ri PL4TE 154-D. PLATE 155-D. PLATE 154-D consists of the Combination Shampoo, with automatic regulating valve for supply pipes in wall — nickel- plated. PLATE 155-D consists of the Comoination Shampoo, with automatic regulating valve, with supply pipes to floor—, nickel plated. It is not only desirable but quite necessary, in a shower or shampoo apparatus, to provide against the jser being accident- ally scalded. With the above illustrated apparatus this desideratum can be accomplished, as the arrangement is such that the cold water must be turned on first, aud the hot water is mixed with the cold when the " hot " valve is opened. The construction of the hot water valve permits the control of the volume of the cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shower or shampoo may be regulated by it. The construction is also such that the hot or cold water cannot pass back into the opposite pipe, and the apparatus may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or a greater pressure than the hot. Plate 154-D, as described " 155-D, " $25.00 30- 00 148 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH DOUCHE AND HAND SPRAY. PLATE 156 D. PLATE 157-D. PLATE 156-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, PLATE 157-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, with douche, hand-spray, pulls and chains, ring and rubber with douche, hand-spray, pulls and chains. These showers are extra well made. The pipes are ^-inch size, and the hot and cold valves are specially constructed to seat easily and have large six-arm handles. They are adapted for use over a bath tub, or, as illustrated, for Bathing Establish- ments, Club Houses or Private Dwellings. The arrangement is such that in turning on the hot and cold valves the water enters the upright pipe, which acts as a mixing chamber, and will not descend from the shower until the pull is operated. An important feature with our showers is an arrangement preventing either the hot or cold water from passing back through the opposite pipe should the valves be left open accidentally. DIMENSIONS. Height, 7 feet 3 inches. Distance from wall to center of shower, 18 inches. Plate 156-D, as described, •' 157-D, " $71.50 49.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 149 NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH HAND SPRAY. PLATE 158-D. PLATE 158-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, ith hand-spray, pull and chain, ring and rubber curtain. PLATE 159-D. PLATE 159-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, with hand-spray, pull and chain. These showers are extra well made. The pipes are ^-inch size, and the hot and cold valves are specially constructed to seat easily and have large six-arm handles. They are adapted for use over a bath tub, or, as illustrated, for Bathing Establish- ments, Club Houses or Private Dwellings. The arrangement is such that in turning on the hot and cold valves the water enters the upright pipe, which acts as a mixing chamber, and will not descend from the shower until the pull is operated An important feature with our showers is an arrangement preventing either the hot or cold water from passing back through the opposite pipe should the valves be left open accidentally. DIMENSIONS. Height, 7 feet 3 inches. Distance from wall to center of shower, 18 inches. Plate 158-D. as described, " 159-D, " PRICES. $59.50 37.50 Price does not include marble. 150 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWERS, PLATE 160-D. PLATE 161-D. PLATE 160-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, PLATE 161-D consists of a Nickel-plated Brass Shower, with ring and rubber curtain. These showers are extra well made. The pipes are of 3^-inch size, and the hot and cold valves are specially constructed to seat easily, and have large six-arm handles. Adapted for use over a bath tub, or, as illustrated, for Bathing Establishments, Club Houses or Private Dwellings. DIMENSIONS. Height, 7 feet 3 inches. Distance from wall to center of shower, 18 inches. Plate 160-D, as described, »« 161-D, " |44.50 22.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 153 SHOWER APPARATUS, WITH AUTOMATIC REGULATING VALVE. The Cold Water Valve Must be Opened Before the Hot Water Will Run. § ..'>■ Copyright, 1895, by The MEYEB-SNUrcrEN Co., Limited. PLATE 162-D. Copyright, 1895, by The Meteb-Snuten Co., Limited. PLATE 163-D. PLATE 162-D consists of the Combination Ring Shower, with automatic regulating valve and hand spray attachment, ring and rubber curtain — nickel-plated. PLATE 163-D consists of the Combination Ring Shower and hand spray with automatic regulating valve — nickel- plated. It is not only desirable but quite necessary, in a shower or shampoo apparatus, to provide against the user being accident- ally scalded. With the above illustrated apparatus this desideratum can be accomplished, as the arrangement is such that the cold water must be turned on first, and the hot water is mixed with the cold when the hot valve i« opened. The construction of the hot water valve permits the control of the volume of the cold water also, so that the temperature of the water let through the shower or shampoo may be regulated by it. The construction is also such that the hot or cold water cannot pass back into the opposite pipe, and the apparatus may be used equally as well where the cold water is under the same or greater pressure than the hot. PRICES. Plate 162-D, as described. " 163-D, " Price does not include marble, $64.50 42.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Em-Ess" Bidet. PATENT REGULATING VALVE. Copyright, 1895. by The Meyer-Sniffen Co.. Limited. ;__ , PLATE 164-D. PLATE 164-D consists of the " Em-Ess" Bidet Apparatus for hot and cold Water supplied through wall, with patent regulating valve. The "Em-Ess" is furnished to fit any open water-closet. The special feature of this Bidet is the arrangement of the hot and cold supply valves, in which the cold water must be turned on first, thus avoiding the possibility of scalding the user. The hot water valve can then be used to regulate the tempera- ture of the water. The " Em-Ess " Bidet Apparatus does not interfere with the operation of the water-closet. When it is not in use the handle is pushed down, which turns the jet tube under the rim of the bowl. In ordering, the character and dimensions of water-closet that it is to be fitted to must be given. PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Bidet Apparatus, Plate 164-D, as illustrated, nickel-plated, No. 1, If with supply pipes from floor, " " No. 2, The " Em Ess" Bidet Apparatus for cold water only, supply through wall, nickel-plated, No. 3, • I .. .. ii .. Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved "Back-Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 168-D consists of the " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " A " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and curved "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 168-D, as described Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for l_^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $76.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright, 1895, by The Heyer-Snikfen Co.. Limited. Copyright, 1895, by The Heyer-Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 169-D. PLATE 170 D. PLATE 169-D consists of the " Brighton" Water-Closet, PLATE 170-D consists of the '■' Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush paneled tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with "Annex" Seat with cover, and curved "back-air" to wall. cover, and curved "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel- All trimmings nickel-plated. plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. For description of " Annex " Seat see page 161. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 169-D, as described, $76.00 " 170-D, " " 77.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .............. 5.00 Add, for lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . 8.00 THE MEYERSNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. , by The Keyer-Smf : Co., Limited. PLATE 171-D. PLATE 171-D consists of the " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " B " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and curved "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. Copyright, 1805, by The Heyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 172-D. PLATE 172-D consists of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " C " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and curved "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. For description of " Annex " Seat see page 161. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The ' Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 171-D, as described $81.00 " 172-D, " 86.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright. 1895, by The Meyer Snifken Co.. Limited PLATE 173-D. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or "back-air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. < 14 in. > Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved "Back- Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 173-D consists of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " D " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and curved "back-air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the ' ' Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 173-D, as described, $90.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 165 THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniefen Co., Limited. PLATE 174-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 174-D consists of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and 'straight "back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in' the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 174r-D, as described, . . . . . . , , . $71.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . . . . . ., . . . . . . , 5.00 Add, for l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright, 1895, by The fER-SNiFFEN Co., Limited. PLATE 175-D. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal Pat- tern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it, the trap vent or "back-air" being so located that it cannot become obstructed. In our No. 12 Seat all superfluous woodwork is dis- pensed with. Special brass adjustable brackets are designed to hold the seat firmly to the wall. The seat conforms to the shape of the bowl, leaving an unobstructed open space around the closet, so that all exterior parts may be easily cleaned, making it a perfectly sanitary as well as substantial fixture. Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Straight " Back-Air " to Wall and No. 12 Seat and Cover. PLATE 175-D consists of the "Brighton ' Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, No. 12 Seat with cover, and straight "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the "Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is si*rply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 175-D, as described $70.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for 1 % -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. THE NO. 12 SEAT. In our No. 12 Seat all superfluous woodwork is dis- pensed with. Special brass adjustable brackets are designed to hold the seat firmly to the wall. The seat conforms to the shape of the bowl, leaving an unobstructed open space around the closet, so that all exterior parts may be easily cleaned, making it a perfectly sanitary as well as substantial fixture. Copyright. 1S05. by The Meyer-Sniffex Co., Limited. PLATE 176-D. PLATE 176-D consists of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, No. 12 Seat without cover, and straight "back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the •■ Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet, Plate 176-D, as described, , $67.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Add, for \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or "back-air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyrigfit, 1891, by The Meyee-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 177-D. <----- 14 in. > Sectional View of the "Brighton " Water-Closet, Ii proved Pedestal pattern, with "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 177-D consists of the " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and straight " back air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation- and cannot get out of order. Tht jdwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 177-D, as described .„....•,.. $71.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, s 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . . . . , . , 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. im.Ii MNB . Dln- , by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 178-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. Itjis neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 178-D consists of the " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flash pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex '• Seat with cover, and straight "back-air 1 ' to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to tho closet and making- it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note.— Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 178-D, as described ..:....... $73.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 170 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or "back-air," being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. ^Copyright, 1894, by The MeyerSn-lffex Co.. Limited. PLATE 179-D. Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with "Annex" Seat and Cover, and Local Vent Connection. PLATE 179-D consists cf the " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, straight "back-air" to wall, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented), is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left, as indicated in the plan. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preterred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 179-D, as described $74.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .............. 5.00 Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYERSNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright. 1894. by The Meyer-Sxiffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 180-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the "hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of-the?'earthenware from improper use of the closet is{pfevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 180-D consists of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass Moor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, straight "back air" to wall, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or diit. Note — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain vaive, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented), is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left, as indicated in the plan. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 180-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, , $72.00 5.00 9.00 172 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or " back-air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1S94, by The MeyerSniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 181-D. Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, In proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved "Back-Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 181-D consists of the Embossed " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and curved " back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 181-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $79.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 182-D consists of the Embossed " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, paneled tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and curved " back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 182-D, as described, $80.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for 1,^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . ... 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or "back-air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. ^4 /j^^"^ c 3 R Copyright. ISO:, by The Meyi PLATE 183 -D. < 14 in. > Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved "'Back-Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Skat and Cover. PLATE 183-D consists of the Embossed " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, ' Annex " Seat with cover, and curved "back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note.— Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished -with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. The " Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 183-D, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, PRICES. described, $79.00 5.00 9.0G THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 175 THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. --\-, j rMJii' |! V i '"'HI"! 1 !!;,.] i j : \ ::„- -■■; bg Pi . ■t! J 1 - x , ■ ' ' : '- P :} N | 1 > :-3 £ HUH THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. copyright. ISO."), by The Meyer-Sxiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 184-D. PLATE 184-D consists of the Embossed " Brighton" Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "C" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and curved " back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 184-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1 r^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . 39.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN, Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or " back- air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1891, by The Meyer-?niffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 185-D. Sectional View of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal pattern, with "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 185-D consists of the "Brighton" Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and straight " back air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held, gee out of order. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 185-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1 j/-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $74.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 177 THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. i Copyright, 1894. by The Heykr-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 186-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 186-D consists of the "Brighton" Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, straight "back air" to wall, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left, as indicated in the plan. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preterred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 186-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches. $75.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNlFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 187-D. PLATE 187-D consists of the "Brighton" Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover, and straight "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. Copyright, 1891, by The Meykr-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 188-D. PLATE 188- D consists of the "Brighton" Water- Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover, and straight " back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton " Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note.— Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. For description of " Annex " Seat see page 177 The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 187-D, as described $71.50 " 1«8-D, " " 68.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for lV-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.0G THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 179 THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright; ISM, by The Meyer-Ssiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 189-D. PLATE 189-D consists of the " Brightcn " Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover, straight " back-air " to wall, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. Copyright, IS'ji. by Tine .Ui yi:k-s\iffek Co., Limited. PLATE 190-D. PLATE 190-D consists of the "Brighton" Water- Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain o£ brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover, straight "back-air" to wall, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. For description of ' ' Annex " Seat and local vent see page 177 The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 189-D, as described, ........... $72.50 " 190-D, " '■ , G9.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, , 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or " back- air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The ' 'Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. itopyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 2,191-D. < 14 in. > Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved " Back-Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 191-D consists of the "Brighton" Square Top Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and curbed " back air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. lOplain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 191-D, as described Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple. Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $82.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. 181 Copyright. 1894, by The Meyeb-Sntffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 192-D. sin. . TOKi tilNB THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 192-D consists of the "Brighton" Square Top Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection and curved " back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the "Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left, as indicated in the plan. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 192-D, as described . $83.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, ............ . 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Particular attention is called to the sectional cut below of the " Brighton " Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal pattern, showing how the trap is made and encased by the base of the closet, and formed in one piece with it. The trap vent or "back-air " being so located that it cannot become obstructed. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Sectional View of the "Brighton" Water-Closet, Im- proved Pedestal Pattern, with Curved " Back- Air" to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 193-D consists of the "Brighton" Square Top Embossed Water-Closet, Improved Pedestal form, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass -wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and curved "back air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. The Improved Pedestal form of the " Brighton" Water-Closet is constructed on the same lines and measurements as the former shape except that the trap is enclosed, as shown in the above illustration, adding great strength to the closet, and making it much easier to be kept free from dust or dirt. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Brighton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 193-D, as described, . , $82.00 Add. if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for lj/ -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, > 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " BRIGHTON " WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. WAIiLIiINB _.. __. Cover. PLATE 205-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel- plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 205-D, as described $71.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, ...... 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . .-..........', 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 195 THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. 1S00, by This JIeyer-Snlffen- Co., Limited. PLATE 206-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The " Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the- earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented— an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 206-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pnll of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by usj is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 206-D, as described, $73.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, ............... 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9,00 196 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Copyright, 1895. by The JIeyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 207-D. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented- — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. <: - - 12^ in. - - < Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water- Closet, with "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 207-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, paneled tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 207-D, as described $74.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for \% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. 107 Copyright, 180.".. by The Mkyku-Snikken Co., Limited. PLATE 208-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 208-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "B" tank, -brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel- plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 208-D, as described, $76.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNlFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright, 1891, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 209-D. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the clcset and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented- — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. < -' - 12j£in. - - > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Local Vent Connection and "Annex" Seat with Cover. PLATE 209-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water- Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 209-D, as described, ........... $72.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 210-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The " Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be in- spected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 210-D consists of the " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water. Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 210-D, as described, $74.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . . 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, ......,.„..,„ 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the howl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sko-fen Co., Limitei PLATE 21 I- D. < - - 12£ in. - - > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Local Vent Connection and "Annex" Seat with Cover. PLATE 211-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered design " E " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 211-D, as described $72.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright, 1S95, by The Mi iTEii-S-S'uU'XN Co., Limited. PLATE 212-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be in- spected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 212-D consists of the " Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, paneled tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 212-D, as described, $75.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5!oO Add for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, {LOO THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT, The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. ^l^AMf Copyright, 1S95, by The Mi vi.k-Smh i x Co., Limited. PLATE 21 3-D. < - - 12J^ in. - - < Sectional View of the "'"Vortex" Water- Closet; with "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 213-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 213-D, as described $74.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 2(i:j THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Copyright, ISM, by The Meyee-Snikeen Co.. Lii PLATE 214- C. THE "ANNEX" SEAT The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthtnware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed bv no otheT- closet seat on the market. PLATE 214-D consists , I)}' TlIK Ml-.Vl- PLATE 215-D. < - - 12y 2 in. - - > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Local Vent Connection and "Annex" Seat with Cover. PLATE 215-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 215-D, as described $75.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple 5.00 Add for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 205 THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT, Copyright, 1S94, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 216-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be in- spected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 216-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " A " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that the water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage o£ sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 216-D, as described, ........... $75.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple 5.00 Add for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and scat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is loft on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1895. by The Meyek-Sniffen Co.. Limit PLATE 217-D Sectional View of '■An; < - - l"% in. - - < •'Vortex" Water- Closet, with Seat and Cover. PLATE 217-D consists of the Embossed " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "C" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-Dlated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 217-D, as described, $84.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for lj/ -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT, 207 Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 21S-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 218-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "D" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 218-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .... Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $90.00 5.00 9.00 208 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, ISOt, by The Keyee-Sniffest Co., Limited. PLATE 219-Ll. Sectional View of the -'Vortex" Water-Closet, with. Trap Vent and Pipe to Wall, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 219-D consists of the " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and straight " back- air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap-vent" connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewei air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 219-D, as described, $75 00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .............. 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT., 209 Copyri-ht, ISO.-;, by Tin: 11 PLATE 220-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 220-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex" Seat with cover, and straight " back- air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap-vent" connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 220-D, as described, ...<,....„., $75.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .............. 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and scat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster s and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1S95, by The M PLATE 221 -D. < - - 1214 in. - - > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Trap Vent and Pipe to Wall, and "Annex " Seat and Cover. PLATE 221-D consists of the " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, paneled tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, ■ Annex " Seat with cover, and straight " back-air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap-vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air. atvl more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 221-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . . . . Add for ljj£-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x2? inches, . $76.50 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT Copyright, 1894, by'Lni: Mi ykk-Knim-kx Co., Limitec PLATE 222-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The ' ' Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be in- spected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any • possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented— an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 222-D consists of the " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water-Closet, trap vent and pipe to wall, patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" seac with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the "back-air" or " trap-vent" connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 222-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $78.00 5.00 9.00 212 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the .simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented- — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, :S91, by The Meyer-Sxiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 223 D. Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Trap Vent and Pipe to Wall, and "Annex " Seat and Cover. PLATE 223-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Wacer-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and straight "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the "back-air" or "trap-vent" connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 223-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .... Add, for 1 j^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $80.50 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited. NEW YORK. 213 THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Uopyngut, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 224-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 224-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and straight " back-air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap-vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 224-D, as described, $80 50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 214 '1 HE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE 'VORTEX ' SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirbale seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, iSfir,, bv Tin: Meyer-Sniffen Co.. Limit PLATE 225-D. nal View of the "Vortex" Water- Closet, with Trap Vent and Pii'E to Wall, and "Annex " Seat and Cover. PLATE 225-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "C" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover, and straight "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap- vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 225-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1)4* -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $90 50 5.00 IZ MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Smkkex Co..T.imiU PLATE 226-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point o£ view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 226-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "D" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide ."or pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and straight " back-air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air " or " trap-vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 226-D, as described, $94.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple * 500 Add for 1% -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, , . ' 9^00 216 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX"' SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the howl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. by The Heyer-Snikfen Co., Limited. PLATE 227- D. < ... 12^ ... > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Local Vent Connection, Trap Vent and Pipe to Wall, and "Annex" Seat with Cover. PLATE 227-D consists of the Embossed " Vortex " Syphon Jet Water-Closet, trap vent and pipe to wall, patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (■i inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air" or " trap-vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 227-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple Add, for lX-mch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . $79.00 5.00 9.O0 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. PLATE 228 -D. PLATE 228 -D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cor- nered, design " A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex" Seat without cover. All trim- mings nickel-plated. Cojiyright, 1891, by The Meyek-Sxiffen Co., Lin PLATE 229-D. PLATE 229-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, embossed, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " A " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 228-D, as described, ........... $68.50 " 229-D, •• " ........... 71.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .............. 5.00 Add, for l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches „«....... 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright. ISOi. 1 y The Meyes-Sxiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 230-D. PLATE 230-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Wa*er-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cor- nered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex" Seat without cover, and por- celain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. Copyright, 1S94, by The .Ueyfr-Sxiffe: PLATE PLATE 231-D consists of the "Vortex" Embossed Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex " seat without cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above appara f us. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to G inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, ani more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, PRICES. The " Vortex " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 230-D, as described, " 231-D, " Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj4f-i nc h Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, §69.50 72.50 5.00 9 : 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. 219 Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sntffen Co., Limited. PLATE 232- D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 232-D consists of the Embossed " Vortex " Square Top, Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "E' tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 232-D, as described, $79.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, , 9.00 «o THE MEYER-SN'IFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1895, by The Heyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 233-D. < - - 12K in. - - > Sectional View of the " Vortex" Water-Closet with "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 233-D consists of the Embossed " Vortex " Square Top, Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "D" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 233-D, as described, , $93.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Copyright, 1894, by The Meyer-Snifeen Co., Limited. PLATE 234 D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The " Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 234-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex, ' Square Top, Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with natent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex" seac with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. gainst the passage of sewer The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 234-D, as described, $77.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright, :89:, by The Meyer-Sniffex Co.. Limited. PLATE 235-D The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. < - - 12% in. - - > Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Local Vent Connection and "Annex" Seat with Cover. PLATE 235-D consists of the Embossed "Vortex" Square Top, Syphon Jet Water Closet, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover and porcelain local vent connection.. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 235-D, as described $78 00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT AND LOCAL VENT. Copyright, lsui, by The Meyer S.niffex Co., Limited. PLATE 236- D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 236-D consists of the Embossed " Vortex," Square Top, Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor con- nection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, "Annex " Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished right or left, as indicated in the plan. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 236-D, as described, $78.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 50ft Add, for \\i -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9,00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH ANNEX SEAT. Copyright, ISM, by The Meyer-Sxifff.n Co., Limited. PLATE 237-D. PLATE 237-D consists of the "Vortex" Embossed, Square Top, Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, and "Annex" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Copyright, 1891. by The JIeyeu-Sniffen Co., : PLATE 238-D. PLATE 238-D consists of the "Vortex" Embossed, Square Top, Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of wire, " Annex " Seat with- out cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. For description of local vent connection see page 8. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 237-D, as described, " 238-D, " Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for l>/-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $74.50 75.50 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 325 THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET PLATE 239-D. PLATE 240-D. THE "VORTEX," SQUARE TOP, PEDESTAL, SYPHON WATER-CLOSET, Ivory Embossed. PLATE 239-D consists of the Embossed, Square Top, "Vortex" Water-Closet, with Patent Brass Floor Connec- tion, Round Corner Tank (Design "A"), Brass Brackets, Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Ivory Celluloid Pull, and No. 16 Seat. All Brass Trimmings Nickel-Plated. PLATE 240-D consists of the Embossed, Square Top, " Vortex" Water-Closet, with Patent Brass Floor Connec- tion, Round Corner Tank (Design " B "), Brass Brackets, Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Ivory Celluloid Pull, and No. 16 Seat. All Brass Trimmings Nickel-Plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation and so simple that it is not liable to get out of order. The Wood-work furnished is either Cherry, Oak, Black Walnut, or Ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 239-D, as described, Nickel-Plated trimmings, " 240-D, " Add if wood-work is Mahogany or Birds-eye Maple, " for 1^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27, $77 00 82 00 5 00 9 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH NO. 12 SEAT. In our No. 12 Seat all superfluous woodwork is dis- pensed with. Special brass adjustable brackets are designed to hold the seat firmly to the wall. The seat conforms to the shape of the bowl, leaving an unobstructed open space around the closet, so that all exterior parts may be easily cleaned, making it a perfectly sanitary as wtll as substantial fixture. Sectional View of the " Vortex " Water-Closet, with No. 12 Seat and Cover. Copyright, 1895. by The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 241-D. PLATE 241-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design " A " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, No. 12 Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel- plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 241-D, as described, . . , $70.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH NO. 12 SEAT. 227 THE NO. 12 SEAT, In our No. 12 Seat all superfluous woodwork is dis- pensed with. Special brass adjustable brackets are designed to hold the seat firmly to the wall. The seat conforms to the shape of the bowl, leaving an unobstructed open space around the closet, so that all exterior parts may be easily cleaned, making it a perfectly sanitary as well as substantial fixture. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 242-D. PLATE 242-D consists of the "Vortex ' Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, No. 12 Seat with cover, and straight "back-air" to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the " back-air" or " trap-vent" connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 242-D, as described $74.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple .=,....... 5.00 Add, for l^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH AFFIX SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. Sectional View of the "Vortex" Water-Closet with "Affix" Seat and Cover. Copyright, 1895, by The Heyek-Snitfkn Co., Limited. PLATE 243-D. PLATE 243-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with pull and chain of brass wire, "Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex " (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage, of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 243-D, as described $68.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 The "Vortex" Water-Closet as illustrated, but with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets 60.00 with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets, without seat or flush pipe, . . , 42.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH AFFIX SEAT. WALL DM u , \*. .(®Qgj r ~~-(0©(S Kf THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. Copyright, 1895, by The HEYEK-SNiFifEN Co., Limited. PLATE 244 D. PLATE 244-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round^cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, "Affix " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The tanks furnished with the " Vortex" Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the " Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Vortex " Water-Closet, Plate 244-D, as described , $70.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's eye maple , 5.00 Add, for lX-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "VORTEX" SYPHON JET WATER-CLOSET WITH AFFIX SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. ^y - : — -^f- - ^ "^ •■ ; -Jl'^ Sectional View of the " Vortex " Water-Closet, with Trap Vent and Pipe to Wall, and " Affix " Seat and Cover. Copyright, 1895, by The Mf.yer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 245- D. PLATE 245-D consists of the "Vortex" Syphon Jet Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Affix" Seat with cover, and straight " back- air " to wall. All trimmings nickel-plated. There are often cases where it is advisable or necessary to have the "back-air " or " trap-vent " connection above the floor. As shown in the above illustration, our patented connection ventilates the trap without interfering with the operation of the closet, and is so located that it cannot become obstructed. The tanks furnished with the "Vortex " Water-Closets are so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. The syphon in the tank (recently improved and patented by us) is practically silent in operation, and so simple that it cannot get out of order. The great depth of water in the bowl of the "Vortex" (5 to 6 inches) forms an efficient seal against the passage of sewer air, and more than enough to thoroughly submerge any deposit of fecal matter. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Vortex" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 245-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, , Add, for l^jf-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches The "Vortex " Water-Closet as illustrated, but with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets, . " " with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets, without seat or flush pipe, $72.00 5.00 9.00 G4.00 46.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The Pemberton" Water-Closet. PATENTED. T T is often desirable to have the trap portion of a Water-Closet of metal, so that it may be connected to the soil pipe system and thus become a part of the same, with the result that the joint of the bowl, the earthenware portion, will then be on the house side of the trap, and an accidental leak at that point will not be of a serious nature. We offer the "PEMBERTON," as undoubtedly the first and most favorably known of . this class of water-closet, to meet all such requirements. The Bowl of the "PEMBERTON" is identical with the "BRIGHTON," and has all the special features peculiar to it, with the addition of a separate trap of different material and construction to suit the special conditions referred to. NOTE.— "VITREAN" WARE. All water-closets now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body, desig- nated as "VlTREAN" ware. This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the " Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware on the "house side "of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. "With the use of the " Annex" Seat an open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. An import- ant feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented— an advan- tage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. ;vnght.l 94,byTiiE Meyer Sxiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 246- D. Sectional View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 246-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull and wire, "Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gaining the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton "is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton." which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot gee out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 246-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .... Add, for 1.^ -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 885.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright, 1894, by The Mkyer-Snikmsn Co., Limited. PLATE £47-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 247-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel- plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of the water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 247-D, as described , $82.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . .............. 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 234 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " PEMBERTON " WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the " Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware on the " house side " of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. "With the use of the " Annex" Seat an open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. An import- ant feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advan- tage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 248-D. < lGin. > View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet, and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 248-D consists of the " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, paneled tank, brats brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of the water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 248-D, as described, $83.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.0C THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK- THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. 235 Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer -Sniffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 249-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 249-D consists of the "Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design " E " tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, with bracket guide for pull, and chain of brass wire, " Annex " Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-cioset in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of the water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 249-D, as described, $84.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple 5.00 Add, for l'.^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware on the "house side " of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. With the use of the " Annex" Seat an open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. An im- portant feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthen- ware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. Copyright, 189S, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 250-D. Sectional View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet and "Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 250-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gaining the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton "is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly (lushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 250-D, as described, $83.00 5.00 . . 9.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. jopyngnt, isai, by the heykr Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 251-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 251-D consists of the " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat with cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gaining the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the ' ' Pemberton " is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot srec out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton'" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 251-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $83.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the " Pemberton " Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware with the joint on the " house side" of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. With the use of the " Annex" Seat an open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. An import- ant feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture from improper use of the closet is prevented— an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. i The Meyeu-Sniffen Co., Lil PLATE 252- D. < 16 in. ----- => Sectional View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet, and "Annex" Seat without Cover. PLATE 252-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton " is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted wit'i a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 252-D, as described, $79.50 5.00 9.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. , by The Meyer Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 253-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — a:i advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 253-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water- Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design •• A ' tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex " Seat without cover, and porcelain local vent connection. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gaining the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton " is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. The arrangement of the local vent connection is one of the important features of the above apparatus. The opening (3 inches in diameter) is at the back of the bowl, and level with the flushing rim, so that water cannot overflow through the local vent pipe. The porcelain connection can be furnished either right or left as desired. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 253-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . . . . Add, for lj4Mnch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $80.50 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET, PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the " Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware with the joint on the " house side " of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. sectional View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet, and ' Affix " Seat with Cover. Copyright, 18'j.i, by The Meyer-Sniff?:* Co., Limited. PLATE 254-D. PLATE 254-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design " A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. — The " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-cioset in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed hy any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 254-D, as described, „ $79.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 The " Pemberton" Water-Closet as illustrated, but with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets 71.00 " with plain unfinished tank and japanned brackets, without seat or flush pipe, . . 53.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. WALL LINE THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. Meyer-Sniffkx Co., Limited. PLATE 255-D. PLATE 255-D consists of the '"Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design " E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 255-D, as described, $79.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. In the " Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet the trap is completely encased by the base of the closet, and is detachably connected to the earthenware with the joint on the ' ' house side " of the water seal. The trap being of extra heavy drawn lead, it is obvious that a perfect soldered joint can be made with the soil pipe. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. Copyright, 1895, by Thk Mkyer-Ssiffkn Co., Limited. PLATE 256-D. Sectional View of "Pemberton" Pedestal Water-Closet and "Affix" Seat without Cover. PLATE 256-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, " Affix" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton " Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton " is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Pemberton" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 256-D, as described, .......... $76.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for l'^-irch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " PEMBERTON " WATER-CLOSET, PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright, 1895, by The Mkyer-Snikfex Co., Limited. PLATE. 257-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The ' ' Annex " Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be in- spected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 257-D consists of the " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal Water-Closet, with flexible metal trap, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain of brass wire, "Annex" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Pemberton" Improved Pedestal is undoubtedly the best form of water-closet in which the base of the closet encases a metal trap. The base is so made as to completely cover the trap (which feature has been recently patented by us), thereby gain- ing the cleanliness of an all-porcelain water-closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton " is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. The flexible trap furnished (eight-pound lead) is of a special form, made to be easily and perfectly connected to the bowl. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Pemberton " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 257-D, as described, $71). 50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for 13/ -inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 244 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET, WITH IRON TRAP TO CALK IN. nvi The bowl of the " Pemberton " Water-Closet is now made so the "Annex " or "Affix " seat may be attached to it. The Trap of the Water-Closet is enameled inside, and, as shown in the sectional cut, is arranged to calk into the soil- pipe with the hub above the floor, making an unquestionably perfect joint. A loose flange is provided, if desired, to cover the end of the soil-pipe. The vent is located almost on top of the trap at the back, undoubtedly the best location for it, and may be used either to the right or left side of the closet to connect to the back air pipe. PLATE 258-D. PLATE 258-D consists of the " Pemberton" Water-Closet, with Iron Trap to calk in, No. 10 copper-lined tank, brackets, chain and pull — no flush pipe. Note. — The seats, tanks, and trimming as furnished with our other water-closet apparatus can be supplied with the above closet. The practical operation of the " Pemberton" is exactly the same as the Improved " Brighton," which, in regard to depth of water in the bowl and means of flushing all parts of the closet, is unsurpassed by any other make. PRICE. The " Pemberton" Water-Closet, Plate 258-D, as described, $35.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" WATER-CLOSET. WITH PATENT ADJUSTABLE TRAP. PLATE 259-D. PLATE 259-D consists of the " Pemberton " Water-Closet, with patent adjustable iron traps and support, copper-lined tank, japanned brackets, pull and chain. Either the %-S, 1/-S, or full-S trap can be furnished. It is often desirable to have the trap of the water-closet enter the soil-pipe above the floor on which it stands, or to have the closet set directly on a beam. This has heretofore been impossible with most of the better forms of water-closets. With the Ad- justable Trap (patented) here offered, the opening of the soil-pipe may be located on either side or back of the closet, above the floor line, or alongside of the beam (thereby avoiding the necessity of cutting same), and connected directly to the trap of the water-closet by calking into the pipe in the usual way. The trap is iron, porcelain-lined and securely bolted. The Trap is so constructed that a connection can be made to the soil-pipe at almost any angle. The seats, tanks, and trimming as furnished with our other water-closet apparatus can be supplied with the above closet. PRICE. The " Pemberton" Water-Closet. Plate 259-D, with either '/ 2 -S, ^-S, or full-S trap, $40.00 THE MEYERSNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "HELLYER-OXFORD" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. WITH ANNEX SEAT. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet may be de- tachably connected to the soil pipe by means of the brass curved fitting inserted into the earthenware, which is capable of being soldered to a lead pipe or bend, and when clamped to the bowl is encased by the same, the inlet to the soil pipe being at all times below the water line, which is practically the same as having the joint on the "house side" of the water seal. Copyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sneffen Co., Limited. PLATE 260-D. View of WITH the " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet, Annex" Seat and Cover. PLATE 260-D consists of the Improved " Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet, patent brass connection and coupling. No. 9 or 10 design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, and "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections for seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing practically silent in operation and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stoppinj the handle is released). ot the closet. It is j immediately when The " Hellyer-Oxford" Improved, as the illustration shows, is an all earthenware water closet, with bowl and trap portion in one piece, having the outlet at the back, and so constructed that the soil pipe may be connected to the closet in such a manner that the joint connecting the soil pipe is below the water line, thus making an indisputable and positive connection with the soil pipe, at the same time retaining the appearance and outside cleanliness of the all-earthen closet. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hingeito the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. The " Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Clo?et Apparatus, Plate Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab', 27x2? inches, PRICES. 0-D, as described, $63.50 5 . 00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK THE "HELLYER-OXFORD" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. WITH ANNEX SEAT. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet may be de- tachably connected to the soil pipe by means of the brass curved fitting inserted into the earthenware, which is capable of being soldered to a lead pipe or bend, and when clamped to the bowl is encased by the same, the inlet to the soil pipe being at all times below Hie water line, which is practically the same as having the joint on the " house side" of the water seal, Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 26! -D. PLATE 2til-D consists of the Improved " Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet, patent brass connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, and "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections for seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing ot the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). The " Hellyer-Oxford" Improved, as the illustration shows, is an all earthenware water-closet, with bowl and trap portion in one piece, having the outlet at the back, and so constructed that the soil pipe may be connected to the closet in such a manner that the joint connecting the soil pipe is below the water line, thus making an indisputable and positive connection with the soil pipe, at the same time retaining the appearance and outside cleanliness of the all-earthen closet. *The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is ney The llKTzn-SNTBTKN Co., Limit PLATE 266 -D. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet may be de- tachably connected to the soil pipe by means of the brass curved fitting inserted into th^ earthenware, which is capable of being soldered to a lead pipe or bend, and when clamped to the bowl is encased by the same, the inlet to the soil pipe being at all times below the water line, which is practically the same as having the joint on the "house side" of the water seal. Sectional View of the "Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet with "Affix" Seat without Cover. PLATE 266-D consists of the Improved " Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet, patent brass connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, and "Affix" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections ior seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). The " Hellyer-Oxford" Improved, as the illustration shows, is an all-earthenware water-closet, with bowl and trap portion in one piece, having the outlet at the back, and so constructed that the soil pipe may be connected to the closet in such a manner that the joint connecting the soil pipe is below the water line, thus making an indisputable and positive connection with the soil pipe, at the same time retaining the appearance and outside cleanliness of the all-earthen closet. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 266--D, as described. Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, .... 158.00 5.00 9.0Q THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "HELLYER-OXFORD" WATER-CLOSET. WITH AFFIX SEAT. WALLL1M *THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet may be de- tachably connected to the soil pipe by means of the brass curved fitting inserted into the earthenware, which -is capable of being soldered to a lead pipe or bend, and when clamped to the bowl is encased by the same, the outlet to the soil pipe being at all times below the water line, which is practically the same as having the joint on the " house side " of the water seal. Copyright, 1805, by The Heyeh-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 267- D. PLATE 267-D consists of the Improved " Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet, patent brass connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, and " Affix " Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections lor seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). The " Hellyer-Oxford" Improved, as the illustration shows, is an all earthenware water-closet, with bowl and trap portion in one piece, having the outlet at the back, and so constructed that the soil pipe may be connected to the closet in such a manner that the joint connecting the soil pipe is below the water line, thus making an indisputable and positive connection with the soil pipe, at the same time retaining the appearance and outside cleanliness of the all-earthen closet. *The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. The -'Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-ihch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, PRICES. '-D, as described, 58.00 5.00 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "SERVIAN" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. The depth of the seal and the position of water in the trap is indicated in the cut, showing a model that not only contains a large area and depth of water, but by its form adds greatly to the strength and solidity of the closet. The peculiar construction of the flushing rim operates to quickly and thoroughly flush out the contents of the bowl. The "back-air" or trap vent that protects the water seal is located at the back. The advantage claimed for the "Servian " is strength and solidity, making it especially desirable for servants' closet, depots, asylums, etc., where a strong and inex- pensive all-earthenware closet is preferred. Distance from wall to center of the outlet of the closet is 15 inches. Height from floor to center of vent coupling is 5^ inches. Copyright, 1S94, by The Meyer Sniffen Co., Limited PLATE 268-D. The " Servian " Water-Closet showing depth of seal and position of water in the trap, and the " Annex" Seat. PLATE 268-D consists of the "Servian" Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, " back-air " to wall, and "Annex " Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The " Servian " Water-Closet is a wash-down type, formed with a bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2y 2 '-inch depth of seal and a large body of water. It is made with unusual strength of material and is recommended where a strong and inex- pensive water-closet is required. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Servian" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 268-D, as described, $57.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 5.00 Add, for l'^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "SERVIAN" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN, Copyright. 1894, by The Meter-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 269-D. THE "ANNEX" SEAT. The "Annex" Seat is the simplest and most desirable seat from a sanitary and mechanical point of view. It is neat in appearance, and when raised swings clear from the bowl, leaving an open space between the back of the closet and seat so that all parts of the earthenware can be inspected and easily cleaned. An open space is left on all sides of the bowl for the broom or duster, and reduces the use of woodwork to a minimum. The most important feature is the method of attaching the hinge to the closet, whereby any possible fracture of the earthenware from improper use of the closet is prevented — an advantage possessed by no other closet seat on the market. PLATE 269-D consists of the "Servian" Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, pull and chain, "back-air" to wall, and "Annex" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The " Servian" Water-Closet is a wash-down type, formed with a bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2j£-inch depth of seal and a large body of water. It is made with unusual strength of material and is recommended where a strong and inexpen- sive water-closet is required. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Servian " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 269-D, as described, $60.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, .....' 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, 9.00 256 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "SERVIAN" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. WALL ONE THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The " Affix " Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. C"i>ynj,'ht, IS'.)",, 1,,-Tll ek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 270-D. PLATE 270-D consists of the " Servian " WaterCloset, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, "back-air" to wall, and "Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The " Servian " Water-Closet is a wash-down type, formed with a bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2^-inch depth of sea} and a large body of water. It is made with unusual strength of material and is recommended where a strong and inex- pensive water-closet is required. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Servian" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 270-D, as described, Add. if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . . The " Servian " Water-Closet as illustrated, but with plain tank and japanned brackets, . " " " with plain tank and japanned brackets without seat or flush pipe. $57.00 5.00 9.00 49.00 29.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "SERVIAN" WATER-CLOSET. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. WALL LINE THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. Copyright, lS'.lfi, by Tin-: IUkykk-Sxikkkn Co., Limited. PLATE 271-D. PLATE 271-D consists of the " Servian " Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cornered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, " back-air " to wall, and " Affix " Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The " Servian " Water-Closet is a wash-down type, formed with a bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2^-inch depth of seal and a large body of water. It is made with unusual strength of material and is recommended where a strong and inex- pensive water-closet is required. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, -black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Servian" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 271-D, as described, $54.50 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, 6.00 Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches (LOO THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "SERVIAN" WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. IMPROVED PEDESTAL PATTERN. Copyright. 1894, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. Copyright, 1894, by The Meyer-Sntffen Co.. Limited. PLATE 272-D. PLATE 273 D. PLATE 272-D consists of the "Servian" Square Top PLATE 273-D consists of the "Servian" Square Top Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cor- Water-Closet, with patent brass floor connection, round cor- nered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain nered, design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, "back-air" to wall, and "Annex" and ivory celluloid pull, "back-air" to wall, and "Annex" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. For description of the " Annex " Seat see page 255 Note. — Unless otherwise ordered the tank furnished with the above apparatus is fitted with a No. 10 plain valve, which it is simply necessary to hold until the closet is thoroughly flushed. If desired we will furnish a No. 9 syphon valve, which thoroughly flushes the closet without being held. This valve (recently improved and patented) is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The " Servian " Water-Closet is a wash-down type, formed with a bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2 '/-inch depth of seal and a large body of water. It is made with unusual strength of material and is recommended where a strong and inex- pensive water-closet is required. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The " Servian " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 272-D, as described $60.50 " 273-D, " 63.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, ... 5.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, , 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEDESTAL ARTISAN" WATER-CLOSET. PLATE 274- D. PLATE 274 — D consists of the "Pedestal Artisan" Water-Closet, with vent coupling, patent brass floor connec- tion, No. 10 " Em-Ess " copper-lined tank, pull and chain and No. 13 seat with galvanized-iron brackets. Sectional view of the bowl and scat of Plate 274-D. The depth of the seal and the position of water in the trap is indicated in the cut, showing a model that not only contains a large area and depth of water, but by its form adds greatly to the strength and solidity of the closet. The peculiar construction of the flushing rim operates to quickly and thoroughly flush out the contents of the bowl. The "back-air" or trap vent that protects the water seal is located at the back. The advantage claimed for the " Pedestal Artisan " is strength and solidity, making it especially desirable for servants' closet, depots, asylums, etc., where a strong and inexpensive all-earthenware closet is preferred. Distance from wall to center of the outlet of the closet is 15 inches. Height from floor to center of vent coupling is 5% inches. The No. 13 seat, patented, is provided with strong galvanized brackets to screw against the wall, the hinge of seat being arranged to permit its adjustment to different distances, if necessary. The " Pedestal Artisan " is a short hopper or wash down type of water-closet, formed with bowl and trap in one piece, having a 2>£-inch depth of seal, and a large body of water. It is made of unusual strength of material, and is provided with our patent brass floor connection. PRICES. The " Pedestal Artisan" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 274-D, as described, $33.50 Add, for hardwood tank in cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, cabinet-finished or round corner, with nickel or brass-plated brackets • . 6.00 Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, . 9.00 " " cover to seat, . 2.50 260 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK' THE "PEDESTAL ARTISAN" WATER-CLOSET. PLATE 275-D. PLATE 276-D. PLATE 275— D consists of the "Pedestal Artisan" Water-Closet, with vent coupling, patent brass floor connec- tion, No. 10 " Em-Ess " copper-lined tank, japanned brackets, pull and chain. PLATE 276— D consists of the "Pedestal Artisan" Water-Closet, with vent coupling, patent brass floor connec- tion, No. 10 "Em-Ess" copper-lined, cabinet-finished tank, *"Galvano" flush pipe, nickel or brass-plated brackets, pull and chain, and No. 13 seat with galvanized-iron brackets. Woodwork of Plate 276-D furnished in cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash. *The " Galvano " flush pipe is made of brass tube specially finished and coated with unpolished nickel. Being rustless it is much superior to galvanized or bronzed iron. PRICE. The "Pedestal Artisan" Water.Closet Apparatus, Plate 275-D, as described, , $28.00 " " " 276-D, " ......... 45.00 Deduct, if with stained cherry or black walnut tank instead of hard wood , 1.00 Add, for cover to seat, . 2.50 " 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, .' 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The "Adelphi" Water-Closet r T > HE "Adelphi" Water-Closet, illustrated in the following pages, is offered to meet the request of some of our customers for a front outlet water-closet of a better character than is usually found in the market. In thif water-closet we have carefully constructed the flush rim to obviate the difficulty of the splashing up of the water in front, even with a strong flush, which has hitherto been an objection to this style of closet. It is made in a solid piece of ornamental design, and can be recommended as being unsurpassed by any other closet of its kind in the market. NOTE.— "VITREAN" WARE. All water-closets now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body, desig- nated as "VITREA.N" ware. This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. PLATE 72-C OR 276-D. PLATE 72-C or 276-D, on page 262, consists of the "Adelphi " Water-Closet, ivory tint, ornamented in geld lines, with brass floor flange and " back-air" to wall; No. 9 or 10 cherry tank, ornamented with brass bands, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, cherry seat with brackets, and brass chain and celluloid pull. All trimmings nickel-plated. The woodwork can be furnished in oak, black walnut, or ash, if preferred. The "Annex " or "Affix ' seats are now supplied with this closet if desired, which, for description, see pages 25"i and 263 respectively. PRICES. The " Adelphi " Water-Closet, Plate 72-C or 276-D, as described $100.00 Deduct, if closet is preferred embossed only, without decoration 20.00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple 5.00 " for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ADELPHI" WATER-CLOSET. PLATE 72-C. THE "ADELPHI" WATER-CLOSET, IVORY TINT, DECORATED WITH GOLD LINES. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 263 THE "ADELPHI" WATER-CLOSET. WITH AFFIX SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. Sectional J£ew of the " Adelphi " Water-Closet, with Straight ''Back-Air" to Wall, and "Affix" Seat and Cover. Copyright, 1895, by The Meykr-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 277- D. PLATE 277-D consists of the "Adelphi" Water-Closet, patent brass floor connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "E" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, straight "back-air" to wall, and "Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections tor seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing ot the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). The "Adelphi" is an all earthenware water-closet, in a solid piece, having the outlet in front. Its lines are such that there is no splashing up of the water in front, which has been the objection heretofore to this style of closet. The ornamental design adds much to its appearance. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES The " Adelphi" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 277-D, as described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, The " Adelphi " Water-Closet as illustrated, but with plain tank and japanned brackets, . with plain tank and japanned brackets, without seat or flush pipe, $63.50 5.00 9.00 55.50 37.50 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ADELPHI" WATER-CLOSET. WITH AFFIX SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges, making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and .finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water- closet to be easily cleansed. Sectional View of the " Adelphi " Water-Closet, with Straight "Back-Air" to Wall, and "Affix" Seat without Cover. Copyright, 189. r >, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 278-D. PLATE 278-D consists of the "Adelphi" Water-Closet, patent brass floor connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, straight "back-air" to wall, and "Affix" Seat without cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections lor seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing ot the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). 8 y vv 5 y The " Adelphi" is an all-earthenware water-closet, in a solid piece, having the outlet in front. Its lines are such that there is no splashing up of the water in front, which has been the objection heretofore to this style of closet. The ornamental design adds much to its appearance. An important feature is the fact that on account ot the shape of the bowl the " Adelphi " closet takes much less water to flush it thoroughly than is usually required. We can furnish with this closet the same styles of tanks, seats, etc., that are illus- trated herein with our other water-closet apparatus. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or aph, as preferred. PRICES. The "Adelphi" Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 278-D, as described, $61\-00 Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, . 5.00 Add, for lj^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x2? inches, ........ 9-00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 2d5 THE "ADELPHI" WATER-CLOSET. WITH AFFIX SEAT. WALLUKE THE "AFFIX" SEAT. The "Affix" Seat is secured directly to the bowl by bolts passing through the hinges making a neat and substantial fastening. It is perfectly sanitary and finely finished. An open space is left between the seat and the wall, allowing all parts of the water-closet to be easily cleansed. CopyrisM. 1S0S, by The JIeyer-Sxiffen" Co., Limited. PLATE 279-D. PLATE 279-D consists of the "Adelphi" Water-Closet, patent brass floor connection and coupling, No. 9 or 10 design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe, chain and ivory celluloid pull, straight "back-air" to wall, and "Affix" Seat with cover. All trimmings nickel-plated. Water-closet bowls with connections ior seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The No. 9 tank is so constructed that a momentary pull of the handle effects the thorough flushing of the closet. It is practically silent in operation, and cannot get out of order. The No. 10 tank requires to be held a few seconds to thoroughly flush out the closet (the water stopping immediately when the handle is released). The " Adelphi" is an all earthenware water-closet, in a solid piece, having the outlet in front. Its lines are such that there is no splashing up of the water in front, which has been the objection heretofoie to this style of closet. The ornamental design adds much to its appearance. An important feature is the fact that on account ot the shape of the bowl the " Adelphi " closet takes much less water to flush it thoroughly than is usually required. We can furnish with this closet the same styles of tanks, seats, etc., that are illus- trated herein with our other water-closet apparatus. The woodwork furnished is either cherry, oak, black walnut, or ash, as preferred. PRICES. The "Adelphi " Water-Closet Apparatus, Plate 279-D, as. described, Add, if woodwork is mahogany or bird's-eye maple, Add, for 1^-inch Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, $63.50 5.00 9.0O, THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "HELLYER-OXFORD" WATER-CLOSET. OPERATED BY THE SEAT. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet may be de- tachably connected to the soil pipe by means of the brass curved fitting inserted into the earthenware, which is capable of being soldered to a lead pipe or bend, and when clamped to the bowl is encased by the same, the outlet to the soil pipe being at all times below the water line, which is practically the same as having the joint on the "house side" of the water seal. Sectional View of the "Hellyer-Oxford" Water Closei PLATE 280-D. PLATE 280-D consists of the "Hellyer-Oxford" Water-Closet, seat action, with No. 5 copper-lined tank (preliminary and after flush), galvanized legs and seat attachment, with brass working parts, hardwood seat, patent wire and brackets. Water-closet bowls with connections for seat ventilation are furnished if desired. The " Hellyer-Oxford " Improved, as the illustration shows, is an all-earthenware water-closet, with bowl and trap portion in one piece, having the outlet at the back, and so constructed that the soil pipe may be connected to the closet in such a manner that the joint connecting the soil pipe is below the water line, thus making an indisputable and positive connection with the soil pipe, at the same time retaining the appearance and outside character of the all-earthen closet. PRICE. Hellyer-Oxford " Water-Closet, Plate 280-D, as described, $42.25 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 2G THE "HELLYER ARTISAN" AND THE "HELLYER" SHORT HOPPER AND TRAP. AUTOMATIC WATER-CLOSET APPARATUS. (operated by the seat.) PLATE 281 -D. PLATE 281-D consists of the " Hellyer Artisan " Long Hopper, seat action, with No. 5 copper-lined tank (prelimi- nary and after flush), galvanized legs and seat attachment, with brass working parts, hardwood seat, patent wire and brackets. PLATE 282-D. PLATE 232-D consists of the •' Hellyer" Short Hopper and Trap, seat action, with No. 5 copper-lined tank (prelimi- nary and after flush) galvanized legs and seat attachment, with brass working parts, hardwood seat, patent wire and brackets. Water-closet bowls with connections for seat ventilation are furnished if desired. PRICES. The " Hellyer Artisan " Long Hopper, Plate 281-D, as described, . . , ; „ $36 25 " " Hellyer" Short Hopper, Plate 282-D, as described, .... „ . 39.25 Add for brass floor flange • 3.00 268 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "HELLYER" SHORT HOPPER AND TRAP. !.":iM PLATE 283-D. PLATE 283-D consists of the " Hellyer " Short Hopper and Trap, seat action, with No. 5 copper-lined tank (prelimi- nary and after flush), hardwood seat, attachment and patent steel wire. PLATE 284- D. PLATE 284-D consists of the " Hellyer" Short Hopper and Earthen Trap, with brass clamps and coupling, No. 9 or 10 copper- lined tank, japanned brackets, chain and pull. Water-closet bowls with connections for seat ventilation are furnished if desired. Plate 283-D is in all respects the same as 282-D, except the seat attachments or levers, which, in this case are arranged by means of a bar across from each partition, which carries the levers. When the partitions are not over 2 feet 6 inches apart, it makes a most desirable and substantial device, both simple, and, as years of experience has demonstrated, practical. PRICES. The "Hellyer" Short Hopper, Plate 283-D, as described $39.25 Plate 284-D, " . . . . 25.00 Add for brass floor flange 3.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. SEAT ACTION WATER-CLOSETS WITH CONTINUOUS TANKS. PLATE 285-D. PLATE 285-D illustrates an apparatus consisting of a row of Water-Closets, with special seat attachments and seats with a continuous tank, fitted, with separate brass service boxes. It is specially suited to hotels and institutions where it is desirable to have a quantity of water stored, on account of the supply being at times inadequate to the demand. Figure 1 shows the " Hellyer Artisan " Hopper. Figure 2 shows the " Hellyer " Short Hopper. Figure 3 shows the Improved " Brighton." The seat attachments arranged in this manner are, no doubt, the strongest and best to insure durability under severe usage, provided the distance between partitions is not more than 2 feet 6 inches ; other seat attachments of course can be substituted if desired, such as are illustrated in Plate 280-D. Prices PRICE, above apparatus, Plate 285-D, will be furnished on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK Lavatory Apparatus. TN THE following pages we illustrate several different types of wash-basins and complete lavatory apparatus. It is obvious that it is quite impossible to illustrate all the different combinations that may be made with our wash- basins and their appurtenances, as the sizes of slabs and their shapes are quite often preferred to conform to the size of the space in which they are to be located. The "York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory Lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. We desire to call special attention to the construction of the overflow in the " Brighton" Wash-Basin. It is well known that the weak point, in a sanitary point of view, of a wash-basin is the overflow; we believe, in the "Brighton" overflow we have devised one that is simpler and nearer to perfection in this point than any other wash-basin in the market. We invite careful inspection, and believe it will be found on comparison that our Lavatory Apparatus are not equalled by any other man- ufacturers. NOTE.—" V1TREAN " WARE. All basins now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body, designated as "VlTREAN" ware. This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PLATE 286-D. PLATE 286-D consists of the " Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with " Fuller" supply combination and "York" waste, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back and 5-inch aprons, No. 16 legs, and No. 8 " Spiro" trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The "York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the Lavatory. PRICES. Plate 286-D, as described, $100.00 If No. 15 legs are substituted for No. 16 74.00 Add, for supply pipes to floor, 5.50 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," deduct 3.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. 272 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PLATE 287- D. PLATE 287-D consists of the "Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with "York" waste and No. 1 "Em-Ess" swing faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back and 5-inch aprons, No. 16 leg, and No. 8 " Spiro" trap All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the Lavatory. PRICES. Plate 287-D, as described, . $98.00 If No. 15 legs are substituted for No. 16, . . . . . . , . . . „ . . . . . . 72.00 Add, for supply pipes to floor 5.50 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," deduct 3.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 273 THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. ff.n Co., Limited. PLATE 288-D. PLATE 288-D consists of the " Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with " York" waste and " Fuller" supply combination, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Victor" (offset legs) supporting apparatus, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Victor " supporting apparatus, for open lavatories, in dispensing with all superfluous corners and pockets is a develop- ment in the direction of utility as well as sanitary perfection. The rod connecting the legs and securing the slab to the wall is designed to be used as a towel rack. The apparatus as a whole combines in a simple outfit a most complete lavatory. The No. 2 " Victor " supports are in every way equal to the apparatus illustrated; being designed specially for economy, we are enabled to thus reduce the price. PRICES. Plate 288-D, as described, $98.00 If with No. 2 " Victor " supporting apparatus, 78.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, . 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright, 1S95, by The JIever-Ssitfes Co., Limited. PLATE 289-D. PLATE 289-D consists of the " Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York' waste and No. 1 " Em- Ess" swing faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Victor " (off-set legs) supporting apparatus, and No. 6 " Spiro" trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Victor " supporting apparatus, for open lavatories, in dispensing with all superfluous corners and pockets is a develop- ment in the direction of utility as well as sanitary perfection. The rod connecting the legs and securing the slab to the wall is designed to be used as a towel rack. The apparatus as a whole combines in a simple outfit a most complete lavatory. The No. 2 " Victor " supports are in every way equal to the apparatus illustrated; being designed specially for economy, we are enabled to thus reduce the price. PRICES. Plate 289-D, as described $94.00 If with No. 2 " Victor " supporting apparatus, 74.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 275 THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. Copyright, 1895, by The Me Co.. Limited. PLATE 290-D. PLATE 290-D consists of the "Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York" waste, and special No. 10 " Em-Ess" Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Victor" (off-set legs) sup- porting apparatus, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap, All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The "Victor" supporting apparatus, for open lavatories, in dispensing with all superfluous corners and pockets is a develop- ment in the direction of utility as well as sanitary perfection. The rod connecting the legs and securing the slab to the wall is designed to be used as a towel rack. The apparatus as a whole combines in a simple outfit a most complete lavatory. The No. 2 " Victor" supports are in every way equal to the apparatus illustrated; being designed specially for economy, we are enabled to thus reduce the price. PRICES. Plate 290-D, as described $98.50 If with No. 2 " Victor " supporting apparatus 78.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK:. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright, 1S90, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited, PLATE 291 -D. PLATE 291-D consists of the "Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with "York" waste and "Fuller" supply com- bination, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back and 5-inch aprons, No. 15 legs, No. 6 "Spiro" trap, and pipes to floor. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The "York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 291-D, as described ^76.00 If "Alpha" basm is substituted for the " Brighton," . 72.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, „ 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 277 THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 292-D. PLATE 292-D consists of the " Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with '• York " waste and No. 1 " Em-Ess " swing faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, No. 15 legs, and No. 6 " Spiro" trap and pipes to floor. All trmmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro" trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate °92-D, as described $71.50 If " Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," . , . . 68.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 S\abs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meter-Sntffen Co., Limited. PLATE 293-D. PLATE 293-D consists of the " Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with " York " waste and special No. 10 " Em-Ess' Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back and 5-inch aprons, No. 15 legs, and No. 6 " Spiro' trap, and pipes to floor. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro" trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 293-D, as described $76.00 If " Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," 72.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American r.iarbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK 279 THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. Copyright. 1895, by The MErER-SNiFFEN Co., Limited. PLATE 294-D. PLATE 294-D consists of the " Pemberton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, with " York " waste and special No. 10 " Em Ess " Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with lG-inch back and 5-inch aprons, No. 15 legs, No. 6 " Spiro ' trap, and pipes to floor. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro" trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 294-D, as described $76.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. 280 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. :-Sjjiffen Co., Limited. PLATE 295 - D. PLATE 295-D consists of the " Pemberton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York " waste and special No. 10 " Em-Ess*' Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Victor " (offset legs) supporting apparatus, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Victor " supporting apparatus, for open lavatories, in dispensing with all superfluous corners and pockets is a develop- ment in the direction of utility as well as sanitary perfection. The rod connecting the legs and securing the slab to the wall is designed to be used as a towel rack. The apparatus as a whole combines in a simple outfit a most complete lavatory. The No. 2 " Victor " supports are in every way equal to the apparatus illustrated; being designed specially for economy, we are enabled to thus reduce the price. PRICES. Plate 295-D, as described, $98.50 If with No. 2 " Victor " supporting apparatus, 78.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. PLATE 296-D. PLATE 296-D consists of the " Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York" waste and "Fuller' supply combination, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Quadrant" brackets, and No. 6 " Spiro' trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Quadrant" bracket (patented) is designed to secure great strength and rigidity, and the availability of the bracket for use as a towel rack adds much to its usefulness. The "York " waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 296-D, as described, . $77.50 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," . 74.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, , 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright, 1805, by The Meter-Sntffen Co., Limited. PLATE 297-D. PLATE 297-D consists of the "Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York" waste and No. 1 Em-Ess" swing faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, " Quadrant" brackets, and No. 6 1 Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Quadrant" bracket (patented) is designed to secure great strength and rigidity, and the availability of the bracket for use as a towel rack adds much to its usefulness. The " York " waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 297-D, as described, . . . . . $75.00 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," 71.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches , 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose, jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application, THE MEYER-3NIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright,, 1S95, by The JIeyer-Sntffen Co., Limited. PLATE 298-D. PLATE 298-D consists of the "Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with "York" waste and special No. 10 'Em-Ess" Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, "Quadrant" brackets, and No. 6 1 Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " Quadrant" bracket (patented) is designed to secure great strength and rigidity, and the availability of the bracket for use as a towel rack adds much to its usefulness. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 298-D, as described, $77.50 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," 74.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, . , 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose, jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application, THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY, PATENTED. Ciipj right. ISM, by Th PLATE 299-D. PLATE 299-D consists of the " Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with " York " waste and "Fuller" supply combination, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, ball brackets, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatorv. PRICES. Plate 299-D, as described, $64.50 If " Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," .............. 61.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. ■ V THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED . PLATE 300-D consists of the " Brighton" oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with " York" waste and No. 1 " Em- Ess" swing faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16 inch back trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. ball brackets, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap. All The " York " waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. ^ PRICES. Plate 300-D, as described, . . . . If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," If No. 9 Trap, Plate 331-D, is substituted for the " Spiro," deduct Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, J60.00 56.50 6.00 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. ' 386 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 301-D. PLATE 301-D consists of the " Brighton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with " York " waste and special No. 10 " Em-Ess " Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, ball brackets, and No. 6 " Spiro " trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro " trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability, and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 301-D, as described ...... $64.50 If "Alpha" basin is substituted for the " Brighton," =..,.*. 61.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 287 THE "EM-ESS" OPEN LAVATORY. PATENTED. Copyright, 1895, by The Meter-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 302-D. PLATE 302-D consists of the " Pemberton " oval wash-basin, 19x15 inches, embossed, with " York " waste and special No. 10 " Em-Ess " Fuller faucets, Italian marble countersunk slab, 33x23 inches, with 16-inch back, ball brackets, and No. 6 " Spiro'' trap. All trimmings polished brass or nickel-plated. The " York" waste we recommend as the most simple and satisfactory lavatory waste from a sanitary or mechanical point of view. Several years' experience has proven its entire practicability. The " Spiro" trap (patented) is unequalled in its depth of seal and adaptability and also adds much to the appearance of the lavatory. PRICES. Plate 302-D, as described, $64.50 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 33x23 inches, , 12.00 Slabs for the above Lavatory can be furnished in any of the American marbles, also in Mexican and African onyx, rose jasper, sienna, Numidian, and other imported marbles, for which special prices will be quoted on application. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON"' BASIN, THE "YORK :: WASTE* AND FULLER DOUBLE SUPPLY COMBINATION. PLATE 303-D. PLATE 303-D consists of the "Brighton" Oval Basin and "York" waste, with Fuller double supply combina- tion — nickel -plated. A feature of the " Brighton " Basin is the overflow, which is so arranged as to be readily inspected and cleaned. In this lavatory fixture the handles of the faucet only are above the marble, and the supply nozzle is at the center of the bowl, low down, so that there are no projecting parts " in the way." The handle of the " York " waste comes through the back of the nozzle and operates the stopper. A four-arm handle is now furnished with the " York" waste. 'The " York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin), is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put upon the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. For sectional view of " Brighton " basin and " York" waste see page 301. PRICES. Plate 303-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, , $23.00 " 19x15 " 24.00 " 21x16 " 25.00 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" BASIN, THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PLATE 304- D. PLATE 304-D consists of the "Brighton" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with No. 11 special " Em-Ess' 1 ' Fuller basin cocks, with white or black porcelain, lettered handle — nickel-plated. A feature of the " Brighton" Basin is the overflow, which is so arranged as to be readily inspected and cleansed, and when combined with the " York" waste it makes an ideal lavatory fixture from a sanitary standpoint. *The "York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put upon the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. For sectional view of " Brighton " basin and " York" waste see page PRICES. Plate 304-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, " 19x15 " 21x16 " $21.50 22.50 23.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" BASIN. THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS. PLATE 305-D. PLATE 305-D consists of the "Brighton" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with No. 1 "Em-Ess" compression large nozzle, four-arm handle, basin cocks — nickel-plated. A feature of the " Brighton" Basin is the overflow, which is so arranged as to be readily inspected and cleansed, and when combined with the " York " waste it makes an ideal lavatory fixture from a sanitary standpoint. A four-arm handle is now furnished with the " York" waste. *The " York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin), is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put upon the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. For sectional view of " Brighton " basin and " York" waste see page I Plate 305-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, " 19x15 " " 21x16 " $18.00 19.00 20.00 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 291 THE "BRIGHTON" BASIN, THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING SUPPLY COMBINATION. PLATE 306-D. PLATE 306-D consists of the "Brighton" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with " Doherty " self-closing double- supply combination cock. A feature of the '< Brighton " Basin is the overflow, which is so arranged as to be readily inspected and cleansed In this lavatory fixture the haridles of the faucet only are above the marble, and the supply nozzle is at the center of the .bowl, low down, so that there are no projecting parts " in the way." The handle of the " York " waste comes through the back of the nozzle and operates the stopper. This lavatory is recommended for hotels, office buddings, and other public places where a perfectly sanitary basin is desired without any liability of waste of water. The low-down nozzle prevents the use of the basin for drawing water into pails, etc. *The "York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut. beine revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of the kind ever put on the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. For sectional view of " Brighton " Basin and "York " waste see page 301. PRICES. Plate 306-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, nickel-plated, " 19x15 " " 21x16 Price does not include marble. $23.00 24.00 25.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORk. THE "BRIGHTON" BASIN, THE "YORK"' WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS. PLATE 307-D. PLATE 307-D consists of the "Brighton" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with "Em-Ess" Doherty self-closing basin cocks — nickel-plated. A feature of the " Brighton " Basin is the overflow, which is so arranged as to be readily inspected and cleansed. This lavatory is recommended for hotels, office buildings, and other public places where a perfectly sanitary basin is desired without any liability of waste of water. The " York " waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put upon the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. For sectional view of " Brighton " Basin and " York" waste see page 301 PRICES. Plate 307-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, " 19x15 " 21x16 " £20. 00 21.00 22.00 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "PEMBERTON" BASIN, WITH THE "YORK" STANDING WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" GROUND-KEY SWING BASIN COCKS. PLATE 308-D. PLATE 308-D consists of the " Pemberton " Recessed Basin, and the ground-key, swing basin cocks — nickel-plated. York" standing waste, with No. 1 "Em-Ess' *To those who prefer a standing waste in a recess basin, we commend the " Pemberton " Basin and '■ York" Waste. The illustration shows the basin fitted to a slab, and showing the recess in the basin with the overflow stand-pipe its entire length; that part of the apparatus in the cut in front of the recess being represented as transparent. A slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab raises or lowers the standing waste, and when lifted up can be easily removed and replaced without disturbing the mechanism in any way. All things considered, it seems to be the most perfect arrangement of its kind in the market, the means of lifting and holding the same in place being most simple and ingenious, and it seems to us to be most satisfactory, and, unquestionably, the most cleanly. For sectional view of the ' ' Pemberton " basin and ' ' York " standing waste see page PRICES. Size of basin, . The '' Pemberton" Basin, Plate 308-D, as described, nickel-plated trimmings, .... " " " " silver " " with " York " standing waste only, nickel-plated trimmings, ,. ., «. •. <• 'i " " " silver 19x15 620.00 24.00 14.50 16.50 E:.i-Ess " No. 1 Ground- Key Basin Cocks, nickel-plated ,i ,. ii .. .. << silver " Price does not include marble. 17x14 $19.00 23.00 13.50 15.50 5.50 7.50 294 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ALPHA" BASIN, THE "YORK" WASTE* AND FULLER DOUBLE SUPPLY COMBINATION. plated PLATE 309-D. PLATE 309-D consists of the "Alpha" Oval Basin and "York" waste, with Fuller double supply combination— nickel- In this lavatory fixture the handles of the faucet only are above the marble, and the supply nozzle is at the center of the bowl, low down, so that there are no projecting parts " in the way." The handle of the " York " waste comes through the back of the nozzle and operates the stopper. A four-arm handle is now furnished with the " York " waste. *The "York " waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown within as if the basin was transparent) is opened by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put on the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical and sanitary point of view. The feature of the " Alpha " Basin is the overflow, which is provided with a hinged strainer (patented), and is placed on the front of the bowl, making the opening quite invisible but capable of being easily cleansed. PRICES. Plate 309-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, , |20 00 " 19x15 " " ..'.'.'.'. 20.*50 " 21x16 " Price does not include marble. 21.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 295 THE "ALPHA" BASIN, THE "YORK ; ' WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PLATE 310-D. PLATE 310-D consists of the "Alpha" oval basin and the "York" waste, with No. 13 special "Em-Ess" Fuller basin cocks, with white or black porcelain lettered handles — nickel-plated. *The " York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put upon the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. A feature of the "Alpha" basin is the overflow, which is provided with a hinged strainer (patented), and is placed on the front of the bowl, making the opening quite invisible but capable of being easily cleansed. PRICES. Plate 310-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, . $18.50 " 19x15 " 1900 " 21x16 " " 20 0Q Price does not include marble. 296 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 'HE "ALPHA" BASIN, THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS. PLATE 311-D. PLATE 311-D consists of the "Alpha" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with No. 1 "Em-Ess" compression four-arm handle basin cooks — nickel-plated. A four-arm handle is now furnished with the " York " waste. The feature of the "Alpha" Basin is the overflow, which is provided with a hinged strainer (patented), and is placed on the front of the bowl, making the opening quite invisible but capable of being easily cleansed. *The " York" waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put on the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. PRICES. Plate 311-D, with 17xl4-inch basin $15.50 19x15 " 16.00 " 21x16 " ' • 17.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 297 THE "ALPHA" BASIN. THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING SUPPLY COMBINATION. PLATE 312-D. PLATE 312-D consists of the "Alpha" oval basin and the "York" waste, with " Doherty " self-closing double- supply combination cock. Nickel-plated. *The "York " waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown within as if the basin was transparent) is opened by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put on the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical and sanitary point of view. This lavatory apparatus is recommended for hotels, office buildings, and other public places where a perfectly sanitary basin is desired without any liability of waste of water. The low-down nozzle prevents the use of the basin for drawing water into pails, etc. The feature of the " Alpha" Basin is the overflow, which is provided with a hinged strainer (patented), and is placed on the front of the bowl, making the opening quite invisible but capable of being easily cleansed. Plate 309-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, " 19x15 " " 21x16 " $20.00 20.50 21.50 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK THE "ALPHA" BASIN, THE "YORK" WASTE* AND "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS. PLATE 31 3-D. PLATE 313-D consists of the "Alpha" Oval Basin and the "York" waste, with "Em-Ess" Doherty self-closing basin cocks. A feature of the " Alpha " Basin is the overflow, which is provided with a hinged strainer (patented), and is placed on the front of the bowl, making the opening quite invisible but capable of being easily cleansed. This lavatory apparatus is recommended for hotels, office buildings, and public places where a perfectly sanitary basin is desired, without any liability of waste of water. *The " York " waste takes the place of a plug and chain or the lifting hidden overflow. The stopper (shown open in the cut, being revealed by the transparent appearance of the basin) is opened and closed by a slight turn of the handle at the back of the slab, and may be taken out and replaced at will. The arrangement is perhaps the most simple and ingenious of its kind ever put on the market, and it is also most satisfactory from a mechanical or sanitary point of view. Plate 313-D, with 17xl4-inch basin, " 19x15 " " 31x16 " $17.00 17.50 19.00 Price does not include marble. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 399 THE RECESSED FRONT LAVATORY. ENGLISH 1'ATENT. SLAB AND BASIN IN ONE PIECE, WITH BRIGHTON OVERFLOW. PLATE 314-D. 299 PLATE 314-D consists of an all-earthenware slab and basin combined in one piece, with a very large peculiarly-shaped basin, soap and brush tray formed in the piece, with the " Brighton" Clean-out Overflow. Marble back, No. 2% " Fuller" basin cocks, No 2 brass trap, with waste, and bronzed brackets. This is a practical and inexpensive lavatory, and, having our " Brighton " Overflow, it is highly commended in a sanitary point of view. It is very strong, made of the best English earthenware, and either for office or private house its use is recom- mended by us as a most desirable, cleanly fixture. DIMENSIONS. Length, 25 inches; width, 20 inches, 8 inch marble back. .Size of basin, inside, 20 x 13 inches. PRICE. Plate 314-D, as described $37.50 If with " York" waste instead of plug and chain 46.00 Add, for ball brackets same as plate 301-D, 7.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE RECESSED FRONT CORNER LAVATORY. ENGLISH PATENT. SLAB AND BASIN IN ONE PIECE WITH "BRIGHTON" OVERFLOW. PLATE 315-D. PLATE 315-D consists of an all earthenware corner slab and basin combined in one piece, with a very large peculiarly shaped basin, with soap tray formed in the piece, and with the " Brighton" clean-out overflow, marble sides, No. 2 brass trap, and " Em-Ess" basin cocks. This is a practical and inexpensive lavatory, and having our " Brighton " overflow, it is highly commended in a sanitary point of view. It is very strong, made of the best English earthenware, and either for office or private house its use is recommended by us as a most desirable, cleanly fixture. 18 inches on the sides. PRICES. Plate 315-D, as described ......*...... $34.00 If with " York" waste instead of plug and chain : ................ 42.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" OVAL WASH BASIN WITH "YORK" WASTE. Sizes: 17x14 inches; 19x15 inches; 21x16 inches. PLATE 316-D. SECTIONAL VIEW. The "York" waste takes the place ot a plug and chain, and comprises a stopper and lifting mechanism. The handle at the back of the slab lifts and closes the stopper by a slight turn. Referring to the sectional cut, it will be seen that the stopper is guided within the opening by a thin sheet of metal, into which a slot is cut. A rod operating from the handle by an ingenious eccentric device enters the slot and raises or lowers the stopper as desired. The arrangement offers no obstruction to the escape of the water into the waste pipe, and permits the taking out of the stopper when it is desired to clean the overflow. In this apparatus the problem of dispensing with the chain and plug without interfering with the simplicity of the overflow, has been solved, and we believe it will commend itself as being the most simple and ingenious apparatus of its kind now on the market The " York " waste is capable of adjustment for anv ordinary variation in the depth of basin or position of handle. Several years' experience now justifies us in claiming the " York" waste the most satisfactory lavatory waste in the market. PRICES. The " Brighton " Basin and ' ' York' waste, Plate 316-D, nickel-plated, .... silver " . Add, for embossed outside, " " " and gold. 17x14 19x15 21x16 $13.50 $14.50 $15.50 15.00 16.00 17.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "BRIGHTON" OVAL WASH-BASIN. PATENTED. FURNISHED IN IVORY, MARHI.EIZED AND DECORATED. Sizes: 17 x 14 inches ; 19 x 15 inches ; 16 x 21 inches. PLATE 317 D. SECTIONAL VIEW. PLATE 317-D consists of the " Brighton " Oval Wash-Basin, marbleizeo. or Ivory tinted, with nickel-plated or polished brass plug, and 1^-inch couplings, chain, rubber stopper, and celluloid overflow strainer. (The strainer is now omiited unless specially ordered.) The " Brighton" Oval Wash-Basin is, without a doubt, a great sanitary improvement on any other Patent Overflow Wash- Basin. The waste is at the back, which brings the plug and chain entirely out of the way. The overflow is arranged within the basin, but occupies no appreciable room, and is provided with a hinged strainer that does not have to be removed to permit the cleaning and inspection of the overflow passage, a feature much appreciated by those who have used this basin. The waste is 1^-inch, which allows the basin to empty quickly. NOTE.-"VITREAN" WARE. All basins now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body, designated as " Vitrean" ware. This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. PRICES. Plate 317-D, with 17x14 inch basin $8.00 ' 19x15 " " „ 9.00 21x16 " 10.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 303 THE "PEMBERTON" BASIN WITH "YORK 1 ' STANDING WASTE. PLATE 318-D. We recommend the " Pemberton " Basin and "York" Standing Waste as the most perfect apparatus of its type on ths market. Several years' experience has demonstrated its practical value and impossibility of getting out of order. Sizes; 17x14 inches and 19x15 inches. SECTIONAL VIEW. Referring to the sectional cut, it will be seen that the stand-pipe is guided within the opening by a thin sheet of metal into which a slot is cut. A rod operating from the handle by an ingenious eccentric device enters the slot and raises or lowers the stand-pipe as desired. The arrangement offers no obstruction to the escape of the water into the waste pipe and permits the taking out of the stand-pipe when it is desired to clean the overflow. PRICES. sizes. inches, 17x14 19x15 The "Pemberton" Basin and "York " Standing Waste, Plate 318-D, nickel-plated, . . . . ' . . $13.50 $14.50 " silver " 15.50 16.50 Ada, for embossed outside, , 1.00 1.00 and gold 3.00 3.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "CAPITOL" OVAL BASIN AND WASTE. PLATE 319-D. SKI. I IiiNAL VIEW. PLATE 319-D consists of the " Capitol " Waste and Oval Basin, marbleized or Ivory tinted. The preference of some of our customers for a basin with an outside waste and overflow has induced us to offer the "Capitol." In this the overflow stand-pipe may be lifted out to be cleaned, and, as shown in the sectional cut, a screw is provided in front to give access to every part of the waste for cleansing, without the necessity of uncoupling any part of the fixture. NOTE— "VITREAN" WARE. All basins now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body, designated as " Vitrean " ware. This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. PRICES. Plate 319-D, with " Capitol" waste, nickel top and strainer, and 17xl4-inch basin, $11.00 « " 19x15 " 11.50 '« " " " " " " 21x16 " 12.50 Add, for silver-plated top and strainer for " Capitol " waste 1.00 " all-polished " Capitol" waste, 3.00 " " " nickel-plated " " 4.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PATENTED. PLATE 320-D. PLATE 320-D, consists of the No. 10 "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered black on white handles. PRICE. Plate 320-D, as described, polished brass or nickel-plated, per pair, ............ $10.00 PLATE 321-D. PLATE 321-D consists of the No. 10 "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered white on black handles. PRICE. Plate 321-D, as described, polished brass or nickel-plated, per pair $10.00 306 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PLATE 322-D. PLATE 322-D consists of the No. 11 " Em-Ess " Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered white on black handles. PRICE. Plate 322-D, as described, polished brass or nickel-plated, per pair, . $9.00 PLATE 323-D. PLATE 323-D consists of the No. 11 ' ' Em-Ess " Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered black on white handles. PRICE. Plate 323-D, as described, polished brass or nickel-plated, per pair, $9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PATENTED. ^^4*815 a PLATE 324-D. PLATE 324-D consists of the No. 12 "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered white on black handles. • PRICE. Plate 324-D, as described, nickel-plated or polished brass, per pair, . $9.00 PLATE 325-D. PLATE 325-D consists of the No. 12 ■ ' Em-Ess " Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered black on white handles. PRICE. Plate 325-D, as described, nickel-plated or polished brass, per pair, $9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCKS. PATENTED PLATE 326-D. PLATE 326-D consists of the No. 13 "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered white on black handles. PRICE. Plate 326-D, as described, nickel-plated or polished brass, per pair, . $8.00 PLATE 327-D. PLATE 327-D consists of the No. 13 "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cocks, nickel-plated or polished brass, lettered black on white handles. PRICE. Plate 327-D, as described, nickel-plated or polished brass, per pair, $8.00 THE MEYER-SN'IFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 309 THE "SPIRO" TRAP. No. 6. Adjustable Inlet Connection PLATE 328-D. HiaERSIilFFEN en No, 8. Adjustable Inlet Connection PLATE 329-D. THE " SPIRO" TRAP FOR OPEN LAVATORIES. The " Srmo " trap has an unusual depth of seal as well as important self-scouring properties. The arrangement of the outlet from the trap between the down and up leg permits an alignment of the waste pipe with the opening of the basin, which, aside from its attractive appearance, is an advantage in the adjusting of the waste pipe. A cleauout screw is provided for the waste, as well as the trap itself. The superiority of a continuous pipe trap over a casing or solid trap with partitions is well-known to sanitary experts. PRICES. Plate 328-D, with waste and vent thimble for back of wall, and escutcheon — polished brass, $11.00 " 329-D, " " pipe to floor, and " back-air" to wall, including vent thimble back of wall and escutcheon — pol- ished brass, 14.50 Add, for nickel-plating, to above prices, 1.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-SS" BRASS TRAPS FOR OPEN LAVATORIES. PLATE 330-D. PLATE 330-D consists of the No. 2 "Em-Ess" brass trap. It is made with slip joint at the inlet, has ground coupling at the waste end and rough bent thimble for lead pipe for waste and vent connection. PLATE 331- D. PLATE 331-D consists of the No. 9 "Em-Ess" brass trap. It is made slip joint at the inlet, has ground coupling at the waste and rough double thimble for lead pipe for waste and vent connection. PLATE 332-D. PLATE 332-D consists of the No. 4 "Em-Ess" brass trap. It is made slip joint at the inlet, has ground coupling at the waste, and rough bent thimble for lead pipe for vent connection. These traps are cast very smooth and are finely finished. They have ground couplings and are made first-class in every respect and can be threaded to fit any basin coupling or patent basin fixture. We make to order many shapes and styles of traps, not here illustrated, to suit special conditions and for special lavatories. PRICES. Plate 330-D, as described, " 331-D, " • 332-D, " [•OLISHED NICKEL' BRASS. PLATED. $8.00 $9.00 5.50 6.00 9.00 11.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. SUPPLY PIPES WITH VALVES AND AIR-CHAMBERS FOR OPEN LAVATORIES. ! MUFFIN. CO. LTJL LEFT, TO WALL. LEFT, TO FLOOR. PLATE 333 D. PLATE 334-D. RIGHT, TO WALL. nua.sniieFH.cii.uD. '■■]' RIGHT, TO FLOOR. PRICES. Plate 333-D or 334-D, as illustrated, polished brass, each . $7.50 " nickel-plated, " 8.50 without air-chamber, polished brass, each, ......... 4.25 nickel. plated, each, 4.75 Supply pipes to floor, without valves or air-chamber, polished brass, each, 2.50 " " " " " " " " " nickel-plated, each, .......... 2.75 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. BRASS LEGS FOR OPEN LAVATORIES, POLISHED BRASS OR NICKEL-PLATED. 1 I For Tube 5' Apron. Adj Flange (Corner.) For Offset 5' Apron For Apron. (Corner.) (Corner.) t t For 5" Apron. (Corner.) For 5" Apron (Center. Spiral For Adj. Flange. 5' Apron (Corner.; Plate 335-D. Piate 336-D. Plate 337-D. Plate 338-D. Plate 339-D. Plate 340-D. Plate 341 -D. Plate 342-D. Plate 343-D. Plate 344-D. PRICES. NICKEL PLATED OR POLISHED BRASS. Plate 335-D, each, $5.00 Plate 339-D, each tf5.50 " 336-D, " 3.50 " 340-D, " 5.00 " 337-D, " 7.00 " 341-D, " 5.50 " 338-D, '■ Plate 343- D, each, 12.00 " 342-D, " $4.75 8.00 Plate 344-D, each, $3.75 If with no apron and flange top and bottom, $3.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. DRINKING FOUNTAIN STORES, OFFICES, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, ETC. PLATE 345-D. PLATE 345-D consists of the finest Imported Marblcized Earthenware Basin formed to represent carved marble, and when fitted up as shown, with marble back, " Doherty " self-closing cock, drinking cups, etc., silver-plated, makes a complete and desirable fixture for the purpose intended. The Basin, if desired, can be furnished in plain white or ivory tint. DIMENSIONS. Width of Basin, 18^ inches; height of marble back, 12 inches; distance from center of the waste outlet of basin through the wall to the supply inlet, 16 inches. The marble back may be had in any desired shape. PRICE. Plate 345-D, as described . $35.00 Jf with nickel-plated trimmings, 30.00 314 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Tucker " Grease Trap. r I "HE necessity for the use of a Grease-Trap under kitchen and butler's pantry- sinks is too well recognized by sanitary engineers, architects, and plumbers to require any argument. The frequent stoppage of drain-pipes which receive the waste water from kitchens of hotels, restaurants, and private houses where much dish- washing is done, is well known to those who have suffered the annoyance and been obliged to pay for the frequent removal of the clogging grease. The "Tucker" GREASE-TRAP is the best device, in our opinion, yet designed for that purpose. It is believed that the money received from the sale of the grease obtained from this trap will in a very few months pay for the article itself. We can furnish testimonials from prominent parties, who have had this trap in use for the past five or six years. This is the only Grease-Trap made in which there is a separate chamber, through which cold water circulates with the effect of chilling the trap and congealing the grease so that it can be readily removed before it reaches the waste-pipe. These traps are made without seams, of heavy cast brass and iron, and are capable of standing any city water-works pressure that may be laid on to the chilling chamber. Experience of twelve years has fully proven what is claimed for them, and abundance of testimonials of their effectiveness can be furnished if desired. The grease, when congealed by the chilling of the trap, will float on the surface where it can be easily removed from the top after taking off the cover to the trap. The outlet of the trap being at or near the bottom, the grease cannot escape into the waste-pipe. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 315 THE "TUCKER" GREASE TRAP. PLATE 346-D. No. 1. PLATE 347-D consists of the No. 2 "Tucker" Grease Trap, made of cast brass, to stand on floor at the end of any- ordinary sink, the waste pipe of which is to be attached to the coupling D. The outlet of the trap is at E, which is a swivel coupling capable of being turned in any direction toward the waste pipe. The waste water from the sink will, of course, fill the trap to the level of the outlet E, which is shown by the dotted lines F. The cold water supply pipe to the kitchen boiler must be connected to the couplings A A, which communicate with and fill the chamber B; thus the entire surface of the trap may be kept the same temperature as the water supply, which, it will be understood, must be conducted to the chamber B, through the bottom coupling A and out of the upper. The circulating couplings are 1 inch in diameter; the- waste couplings are 2 inches. PLATE 346-D consists of the No. 1 "Tucker" Grease Trap, made of cast brass, for earthenware or soapstone sinks. In making use of this style of " Tucker " Grease Trap, the sink is cut out to receive the top of the trap inside of the sink. The waste pipe from the sink then passes down the center of the trap instead of outside. An additional lining is provided to lift out and facilitate cleansing. Much room is saved by using this pattern. The outlet is so arranged that when the trap is full of grease it causes a partial stoppage in the sink, thus giving notice to lift out the inner lining, which will remove with it, when raised, all the accumulated grease, and can be carried to a convenient spot. The circulating couplings are 1 inch in diameter ; the waste couplings are 2 inches. PLATE 347-D. No. 2. Cast Brass, to Stand on Floor. PRICES. The " Tucker" Grease Trap, Plate 346-D, No. 1, cast brass, for soapstone or earthenware sink, " iron sink " 347-D, No. 2, " " to stand on floor $60.00 57.50 55.00 316 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "TUCKER" GREASE TRAP. PLATE 348-D consists of the No. 4 "Tucker Grease Trap, which in all respects is the same as No. 2, except that it is made of cast iron. The No. 4 " Tucker" Grease Trap is also made similar to No. 1, for soapstone or earthenware cinks or for iron sinks. It has 1-inch circulating and 2-inch waste couplings. PLATE 348-D. No. 4. Cast Iron, to Stand on Floor PLATE 349-D consists of the No. 8 "Tucker" Grease Trap, which in all respects is the same as the No. 4 trap, except that the circulating chamber and the inside is porcelain- lined. The No. 8 trap is also made for soapstone, earthenware, or iron sinks. It has 1-inch circulating and 2-inch waste couplings. A PLATE 349-D. No. 8. Cast Iron, to Stand on Floor, with porcelain-lined circulating or chilling chamber. The The PRICES. ' Tucker " Grease Trap, Plate 348-D, No. 4, Iron with brass trimmings, to stand on floor, height on legs 22 inches, diameter 9 inches, ...... $28.00 " fitted for earthenware or soapstone sink „ 37.50 " iron sink, . 30.00 ' Tucker " Grease Trap, Plate 349-D, No. 8, Iron with brass trimmings, porcelain-lined chilling chamber and interior, to stand on floor 38.00 " " " for cast iron sink 43.00 " " " " " " " " " earthenware or soapstone sink, . 48.00 THE MEYER-SNIFF EN CO., Limited. NEW YORK. 317 THE "TUCKER" GREASE TRAP. PLATE 350-D. PLATE 350-D consists of the No. 3 " Tucker " Grease Trap, hotel pattern, made of cast iron and adapted for the use of restaurants, hotels, clubs, institutions, and large private houses, where one trap of the proper size can be connected to one or more sinks. We have been informed that sufficient grease has been saved by the " Tucker" Trap in a short time to pay the cost of the trap. DIMENSIONS. No. 3, hotel pattern, height 24 inches, diameter 16 inches, with 1-inch circulating and 2-inch waste couplings; No. 5, hotel pattern, height 21 inches, diameter 21 inches, with 2 inch circulating and waste couplings; No. 6, hotel pattern, height 23 inches, diameter 28 inches, with 2-inch circulating and waste couplings. The description of the workings of the No. 2 trap will also describe those of Nos. 3, 5. and 6. PRICES. The " Tucker" Grease Trap, Plate, 350-D, No. 3, iron with brass trimmings, to stand on floor, height on legs 25 inches, diameter 16 inches, " 5, hotel pattern, cast iron with brass fittings, height 21 inches, diameter 21 inches, " 6, " " " •' " '• " " without legs, 23 inches, diameter 23 inches, $60.00 65.00 125.00 318 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1805, by Thk Meyer-Shie PLATE 351 - D. PLATE 351-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Glazed Roll Rim, with Italian marble back, 18 inches high, brass legs with adjustable wrought iron frames, brass trap, and " Em-Ess " Fuller Bibbs. All brass trimmings nickel-plated. The " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal " Porcelain Baths. It is glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal" Porcelain Bath the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. We also offer the " London Buff " Kitchen Sink, of the same quality and make of earthenware as the " Royal," but with light brown glaze inside and out. PRICES. 30x20x7 36x23x7 42x24x7 48x24x7 The " Royal " Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 351-D, as described, " •' London Buff" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 351-D, as described, . as illustrated, but with bronzed iron legs, '■ "Yorkshire' ware, as illustrated, " " " " . $60.00 50.00 43.00 39.00 $66.00 $74.00 56.00 64.00 49.00 57.00 42.00 47.00 $86.00 76.00 69.00 52.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. "ROYAL" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyek-Snifeen Co., Limited. PLATE 352-D. PLATE 352-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Glazed Roll Rim, brass legs, with adjustable wrougbt-iron frames, brass supply pipes and air chambers, brass trap, and " Em-Ess" Fuller Bibbs. All brass trimmings nickel-plated. The " Royal " Porcelain Kitchen Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the "Royal " porcelain baths. It is glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is 'glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. We also offer the " London light brown glaze inside and out. Kitchen Sink, of the same quality and make of earthenware as the " Royal," but with PRICES. sizes 30x20x7 36x23x7 42x24x7 48x24x7 The "Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 352-D, as described $65.00 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 " "London Buff" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 352-D, as described, . . . . 55.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 as illustrated, but with bronzed iron legs, 48.00 53.00 63.00 72.00 ii " Yorkshire" ware, as illustrated, " " " " and without supply pipes or cocks ,..,...... 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 320 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright. 1895, by The Meteu-Snuten Co., Limited. PLATE 353-D. PLATE 353-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Glazed Roll Rim, brass legs, with adjustable wrought-iron frame, brass trap, and " Em-Ess" Fuller bibbs. All brass trimmings nickel-plated. The " Royal " Porcelain Kitchen Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal " porcelain baths. It is glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. We also offer the " London Buff " Kitchen Sink, of the same quality and make of earthenware as the " Royal," but with light brown glaze inside and out. PRICES. sizes 30x20x7 36x23x7 42x24x7 48x24x7 The "Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 353-D, as described $55.00 $60.00 $66.00 $76.00 " " London Buff" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 353-D, as described, . . . . 45.00 50.00 56.00 66.00 as illustrated, but with bronzed iron legs, 38.00 43.00 49.00 59.00 " "Yorkshire" ware, as illustrated, " " " " 33.00 35.00 39.00 43.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyur-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 354-D. PLATE 354-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Glazed Roll Rim, with Italian marble back, 18 inches high, brass legs with adjustable wrought-iron frames, brass " Tucker " grease trap, with waste to floor and back-air to wall, and " Em- Ess " Fuller bibbs. For description of " Tucker " grease trap see page 315. The " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal" porcelain baths. It is glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. We also offer the " London Buff" Kitchen Sink, of the same quality and make of earthenware as the " Royal," but with light brown glaze inside and out. PRICES. sizes 30x20x7 36x23x7 42x24x7 48x24x7 The "Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 354-D, as described $120.00 $126.00 $134.00 $146.00 " "London Buff" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 354-D, as described 110.00 116.00 124.00 136.00 as illustrated, but with bronzed iron legs 103.00 109.00 117.00 129.00 " "Yorkshire" ware, as illustrated, " " " " 99.00 102.00 107.00 112.00 Deduct from above prices if No. 8 iron " Tucker " grease trap is substituted for brass, ........ 12.00 No. 4 " " " " " 22.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1S95, by The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 355-D. PLATE 355-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Glazed Roll Rim, brass legs, with adjustable wrought-iron frames, brass supply pipes and air chambers, No. 1 brass " Tucker " grease trap with waste to floor and back-air to wall, and " Em-Ess " Fuller bibbs. For description of " Tucker " grease trap see page 315. The " Royal " Porcelain Kitchen Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal " porcelain baths. It is glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. We also offer the " London Buff " Kitchen Sink, of the same quality and make of earthenware as the " Royal," but with light brown glaze inside and out. PRICES. SIZES, The " Royal" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 355-D, as described " " London Buff" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, Plate 355-D, as described, . " " as illustrated, but with bronzed iron legs, .... " " Yorkshire " ware, as illustrated, " " " " and without supply pipes or cocks, 90.00 Deduct from above prices if No. 8 iron " Tucker " grease trap is substituted for brass, . No. 4 " " " " " "... 30x20x7 36x23x7 42x24x7 48x24x7 $125.00 $130.00 $140.00 $150.00 115.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 108.00 113.00 123.00 132.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 . 12.00 . 22.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SINK. FLAT RIM. PLATE 356-D. PLATE 356-D consists of the plated strainer. Royal" Porcelain Sink, with flat plain rim, two-inch brass coupling, and nickel- The "Royal" Porcelain Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the "Royal" porce. lain baths. As in the "Royal" porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make- PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Sink, Plate 356-D, as described, 24x17 30x20 36x23 42x24 $13.50 $15.00 $23.00 $27.00 48x24 &38.00 324 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "MODEL" SLOP SINK. PATENTED. PLATE 357-D. PLATE 357-D consists of the " Model " Slop Sink, with improved pedestal trap, patent brass floor connection, brass supply pipes to the flush rim and nozzle, with "Em-Ess " Fuller cocks. Height from floor to top of sink, 2 feet 1 inch. PLATE 358 -D. PLATE 358-D consists of the " Model" Slop Sink, with brass supply pipes to the flush rim, with " Em-Ess" Fuller cocks. Height from floor to top of sink, 1 foot 4 inches. NOTE.-"VITREAN" WARE. The " Model " slop sinks now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " Ware This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. Two sizes are furnished — namely, 21>£x21>£ inches and 18x18 inches. PRICES. The "Model" Slop Sink, Plate 357-D, as described, . ....... . ..... $65.00 " 358-D, " .......... 55.00 If with nickel-plated pipes and trimmings 5.00 Add, for Italian marble floor slab, 27x27 inches, „ „ 9.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "MODEL" SLOP SINK. PLATE 359-D. PLATE 359-D consists of the " Model " Slop Sink, with improved pedestal trap, brass floor connection, No. 7 copper- lined tank, pull and chain, and large " Fuller-Meyer" cock, with nozzle and brace — nickel-plated or polished brass. PLATE 360-D PLATE 360-D consists of the " Model" Slop Sink, with No. 7 cabinet-finished tank, bronzed brackets, chain and pull, brass flush pipe, brass supply pipes, with special " Em-Ess" Fuller cock, nozzle and brace — nickel-plated or polished brass. NOTE.-"VlTREAN" WARE. The "Model" slop sinks now furnished by us are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " Ware This ware is practically imperishable from use or age, and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or imported earthenware. Two sizes are kept in stock, 20^x20^ inches and 18x18 inches. Model" Slop Sink, Plate 359-D, as described $70.00 » 80.00 with pedestal trap, with patent brass floor flange, and brass trimmings, . 90.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. WITH BRASS FLUSH RIM. PLATE 361-D. PLATE 361-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, with brass flush rim. No. 10 cherry cabinet- finished tank and nickel or brass plated brackets, brass flush pipe, brass supply pipes to double "Em-Ess" Fuller cock with special nozzle and brace, and galvanized-iron frame and legs. PLATE 362-D. PLATE 362-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, with brass flush rim. No. 10 tank, japanned brackets, " Fuller-Meyer" double cock with large nozzle and brace, gal- vanized-iron frame and legs. (The supply and flush pipes in this apparatus are behind the wall.) The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink apparatus, with brass flush rim and tank supply, is indisputably the strongest and most durable of anything of its kind in the market. PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 361-D, as described $95.00 Add, for brass legs, finished or nickel-plated, ...,..,„ 12.00 " " nickel-plating flush pipe, supply and flush rim, 10.00 The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 362-D, as described, . 80.00 Add, for nickel-plating flush rim and double cocks, 5.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 327 THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. PLATE 363-D. PLATE 363-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, with brass flush rim on galvanized legs and frame, brass supply pioes, with hot and cold "Fuller" cocks to flush rim and to large nozzle, 3-inch brass strainer and coup- ling. Size of sink, 1 foot 10 inches long, 1 foot 6 inches wide outside, and 12 inches deep inside; height from floor on legs, 2 feet 4 inches. PLATE 364-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, fitted with hardwood rim with marble back, and hot and cold cocks and large nozzle, galvanized frame and legs, 3-inch brass strainer and coupling. Size of sink, 1 foot 11 inches long, 1 foot 7 inches wide outside, and 12 inches deep inside; height from floor on legs, 2 feet 5 inches. PRICES. The " Royal " Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 363-D, as described, $75.00 Add, for nickel-plated flush rim and and supply pipe , 10.00 The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 364-D, as described, • 50.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SLOP SINK WITH FLUSHING RIM. Copyright. 189S. )jy The Meyek-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 365-D. Copyright. 1895, by The Meyeh-Sniffen Co. . Limited. PLATE 366-D. PLATE 365-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Flush- ing Rim Slop Sink, with design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass f ush pipe, brass supply pipes and air chambers, " Em- Ess " Fuller cock for hot and cold water, with special nozzle and brace, and enameled iron trap standard. All brass trim- mings nickel- plated or polished brass. PLATE 366-D consists of the " Royal" Porcelain Flush- ing Rim Slop Sink, with enameled iron trap standard, brass supply pipes and air chambers, with special " Em-Ess" Fuller double cocks supplying hot and cold water to flushing rim and to large nozzle. All brass trimmings nickel-plated or polished brass. The "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal " porcelain baths. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. As in the " Royal" porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 365-D, as described, $100.00 80.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SLOP SINK ROLL RIM. fej ,A# Copyright. 1895, by Thk Meyer-Snifff.n Co.. Limited PLATE 367-D. PLATE 367-D consists of the " Royal " Porcelain Slop Sink, supported on an enameled iron trap standard, with brass supply pipes and air chamber, " Em-Ess" Fuller cocks. All brass trimmings nickel-plated or polished brass. Copyright, 1895, by The Mkykr-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 368-D. PLATE 368-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, supported on an enameled iron trap standard, brass strainers and brass "Em-Ess" Fuller cocks, flanged for iron pipe. The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sinks are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal" porcelain baths. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. As in the " Royal" porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. PRICES. The " Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 367-D, as described, $55.00 " •' 368-D, " . 47.00 The "Yorkshire" ware, Plate 367-D, as described 31.00 23.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. Zffi'l Sf If' & ■f - Si PLATE 369- D. PLATE 370-D. PLATE 369-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, with 3-inch brass strainer and coupling, galvanized frame and legs. Size of sink, 1 foot 10 inches long, 1 foot 6 inches wide outside, and 12 inches deep inside; height from floor on legs, 2 feet 4 inches. PLATE 370-D consists of the "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, glazed rim, with 3-inch brass strainer and coupling, gal- vanized frame and legs. The glazing on this sink extends over the roll rim. Size of sink, 1 foot 11 inches long, 1 foot 7 inche outside, and 12 inches deep inside; height from floor on legs 2 feet 5 inches. PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Slop Sink, Plate 369-D, as described, $30.00 " 370-D, " 35.00 Add for brass legs, polished or nickel-plated , 12 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 331 THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN WASH TUB. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyek-Sxiefen PLATE 371-D. PLATE 371-D consists of a set of three of the " Royal " Porcelain Roll Rim Wash Tubs, with bronzed iron standards and adjustable frames, horizontal brass supply pipes, air chambers, " Em-Ess" Fuller bibbs, brass waste pipe, and brass trap, plug, and couplings. All brass trimmings nickel-plated or polished brass. The " Royal" Porcelain Wash Tubs are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal" porcelain baths. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal" porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. Note.— These laundry tubs are arranged to stand free from the wall, the space back of the tub thus being accessible for dusting or cleaning. All pipes must necessarily be exposed, making the complete apparatus a perfect sanitary fixture. The "Royal" Porcelain Wash Tub, Plate 371-D, as described, " " Yorkshire " Wash Tub, with bronzed iron standards only, PER SET PER SET OF THREE. OF TWO. $175.00 $120.00 48.00 33.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN WASH TUB. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Hill' fl J 1HI! .ii'.'iBI iii'Vlii "■'■ Nlilllll "" " M, "':!i!ll]IIIIIBI „,;„', i; Vw«r» nil 1 ' « !l "' v "' " Iil air 'T'liimit Copyright, 1895, by The Meyek-Snuten Co., Limited. PLATE 372-D. PLATE 372-D consists of a set of three of the " Royal" Porcelain Roll Rim Wash Tubs, with bronzed iron standards and adjustable frames, " Em-Ess " Fuller cocks, brass waste pipe, and brass trap, plug, and couplings. All brass trimmings are nickel- plated or polished brass. The " Royal" Porcelain Wash Tubs are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal" porcelain baths. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. Note.— These laundry tubs are arranged to stand free from the wall, the space back of the tub thus being accessible for dusting or cleaning. All pipes must necessarily be exposed, making the complete apparatus a perfect sanitary fixture. The "Royal" Porcelain Wash Tub, Plate 372-D, as described, " Yorkshire " Wash Tub, with bronzed iron standards only, PER SET PER SET OF THREE. OF TWO. $140.00 $100.00 48.00 32.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN WASH TUB. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, by THE Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 373-D. PLATE 373-D consists of a set of three of the "Royal" Porcelain Roll Rim Wash Tubs, with bronzed iron standards and adjustable frames, horizontal brass supply pipes, air chambers, "Em-Ess" Fuller bibbs, brass waste pipe, and brass trap, plug, and couplings, and hardwood cap. All brass trimmings nickel-plated or polished brass. The "Royal" Porcelain Wash Tubs are made of the same material and have the same finish as the '-Royal" por- celain bath. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other mate. The " Royal Porcelain Wash Tub, Plate 373-D, as described, The "Yorkshire " Wash Tub, with bronzed iron standard only. 'ER SET OF PER SET OF THREE. TWO $178.00 $122.50 48.00 32.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN WASH TUB. GLAZED ROLL RIM. Copyright, 1895, by The Mh PLATE 374-D. PLATE 374-D consists of a set of three of the " Royal " Porcelain Roll Rim Wash Tubs, with bronzed iron standards and adjustable frames, " Em-Ess" Fuller cocks, brass waste pipe, and brass trap, plug, and coupling, and hardwood cap. All brass trimmings are nickel-plated or polished brass. The " Royal" Porcelain Wash Tubs are made of the same material and have the same finish as the " Royal" porcelain baths. They are glazed white inside and over the rim. The outside is glazed light brown, no further finish being required. As in the " Royal" porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make. PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Wash Tub, Plate 374-D, as described, . " "Yorkshire" Wash Tub, with bronzed iron standards only, , PER SET PER SET. OF THREE. OK TWO. $135.00 $95.00 48.00 32.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "ROYAL" PORCELAIN WASH TUB. Copyright, 1895, by The Meyer-Sxiffe.v Co., Limited. PLATE 375-D. PLATE 375-D consists of a set of three of the « Rov A , " Porcelain Wash Tubs, with bronzed iron standards and ash k «, Th f '•' RWAL " Porce lain Wash Tubs are made of the same material and have the same finish as the '« R„v„ " baths. As ,n the " Royal " porcelain bath, the quality is unsurpassed by any other make P ° rCelam PRICES. The "Royal" Porcelain Wash Tub, Plate 375-D, as described, " "Yorkshire" " " >• <• Brass waste plug and stopper, nickel-plated, extra, each, " " Em-Ess" W. T. cocks, waste pipe and trap, nickel-plated on the rough, with plug and chain, extra, PER SET PER SET OF THREE. OF TWO. $66.00 $44.00 44.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 14 50 11.00 17.50 14.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "SURETY" URINAL. PATENTED. The " Surety " Urinal, as the illustration shows, has the trap combined in one piece with the bowl, and is arranged to be connected without any metal parts being exposed. The section of the trap that holds the water-seal is of brass, encased by the earthenware, and is screwed into the waste fitting. This section forms the inlet to the waste and is pro- vided with a flange and bolts for making a perfect junction with the earthenware. The joint between the brass connection and the earthenware, being submerged, or below the water line, is absolutely gas-tight, and is equivalent in security to an all- metal trap, with the added cleanliness of a porce- lain one. Copyright, 1893, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 376-D. Sectional View of the "Surety" Urinal PLATE 376-D consists of the " Surety" Urinal, with " Em-Ess" design "A" tank, brass brackets, chain and pull, brass flush pipe 2 feet long. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Surety " Urinals are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " ware. This ware is practically imperish- able from use or age and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or im- ported earthenware. PRICES. The " Surety " Urinal, Plate 376-D, as described, each, . $42.00 " " and connections only, as illustrated in sectional view, 21.00 Stalls with countersunk floor slab for two urinals, height, 5 feet 6 inches; width inside of stall, 2 feet 2 inches; depth of end partitions, 2 feet 4 inches; depth of middle partition, 1 foot 8 inches; Italian marble. slate. with nickel-plated brass standard for middle partition and nickel-plated brass angle clamps, $140.00 $70.00 Each additional stall, 57.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "SURETY" URINAL. The " Surety " Urinal, as the illustration shows, has the trap combined in one piece with the bowl, and is arranged to be connected without any metal parts being exposed. The section of the trap that holds the water-seal is of brass, encased by the earthenware, and is screwed into the waste fitting. This section forms the inlet to the waste and is pro- vided with a flange and bolts for making a perfect junction with the earthenware. The joint between the brass connection and the earthenware, being submerged, or below the water line, is absolutely gas-tight, and is equivalent in security to an all- metal trap, with the added cleanliness of a porce- lain one. Oopyright. 1895. by The Meyeh-snutfen Co.. Limited. Sectional View of the ' ' Surety " Urinal. PLATE 377-D. PLATE 377-D consists of the " Surety" Urinal, with «' Em-Ess " design "A" automatic flushing tank, brass brackets, and brass flush pipe 2 feet long. All trimmings nickel-plated. The " Surety " Urinals are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " ware. This ware is practically imperish- able from use or age and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or im- ported earthenware. PRICES. The " Surety " Urinal, Plate 377-D, as described, $42.00 only with trap and connections, as illustrated in sectional view 21.00 Two Urinals with, No. 3 automatic tank, brackets, and flush pipe, as shown, ......... 63.00 Three Four Five Six 87.00 108.00 132.00 153.00 The above prices do not include stalls, for prices of which see page 338 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "OXFORD" URINAL. The "Oxford" Urinal was designed especially for use in connection with a system of local ventila- tion. As shown in the sectional view, the outlet from the urinal passes through the wall and is fitted to a T, the upper end of which is intended to be conrected with a heated flue, and the lower end to the waste pipe, which should be trapped and "back- aired" in the usual manner. The outlet in the " Oxford " has no strainer, is easily kept clean, and being so proportioned to the size of the waste pipe that no stoppage is possible with ordinary use. Several years' experience in railroad depots, hotels, office buildings, etc. has demonstrated its practi- cability The flush pipe coupling is furnished to connect either behind or in front of the wall. An elbow instead of a T to the waste connection is fur- nished if desired. Copyright, 1895, by The Mkyer-Snifiton Co., Limited. PLATE 378-D. Sectional View of the "Oxford" Urinal. PLATE 3T8-D consists of the "Oxford" Urinal and connections, "Em-Ess" design "A" tank, brass brackets, brass flush pipe 2 feet long, brass chain and pull. All brass trimmings nickel-plated. The "Oxford " Urinals are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " ware. This ware is practically imperish- able from use or age and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or im- ported earthenware. PRICES. The " Oxford " Urinal, Plate 37S-D, as described, each $34.75 with connections and thimbles only, as illustrated in sectional view 13.75 Stalls with countersunk floor slab for two urinals, height, 5 feet G inches; width inside of stall, 2 feet 2 inches; depth of end partitions, 2 feet 4 inches; depth of middle partition, 1 foot 8 inches; Italian marble. slate. with nickel-plated brass standard for middle partition and nickel-plated brass angle clamps, $140 00 $70.00 Each additional stall ' 57.00 30.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "OXFORD" URINAL. Copyright, 1895, by Tim Heyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PLATE 379-D. The " Oxford" Urinal was designed especially for use in connection with a system of local venti- lation. As shown in the sectional view, the outlet from the urinal passes through the wall and is fitted to a T, the upper end of which is intended to be connected with a heated flue, and the lower end to the waste pipe, which should be trapped and " back- aired" in the usual manner. The outlet in the " Oxford " has no strainer, is easily kept clean, and being so proportioned to the size of the waste pipe that no stoppage is possible with ordinary use. Several years' experience in railroad depots, hotels, office buildings, etc has demonstrated its prac- ticability. The flush pipe coupling is furnished to connect either behind or in front of the wall. An elbow instead of a X to the waste connection is fur- nished if desired. Sectional View of the "Oxford" Urinal. PLATE 379-D consists of the " Oxford " Urinal, with " Em-Ess " design "A" automatic flushing tank, brass brackets, and brass flush pipe 2 feet long. All trimmings nickel- plated. The •' Oxford " Urinals are made of a non-porous body designated as " Vitrean " ware. This ware is practically imperish- able from use or age and will not craze or discolor. Being non-absorbent it is considered superior to any other domestic or im- ported earthenware. PRICES. The " Oxford" Urinal, Plate 379-D, as described, » $34.75 with connections and thimbles only, as illustrated in sectional view, 13.75 Two Urinals with, No. 3 automatic tank, brackets, and flush pipe, as shown, 48.50 Three " " " 2 '' ' " 65.25 Four ...... 2 •' •. ...... « 79.00 Five " 1 " " ...... .. 102.75 Six 1 •> •' ...... .. 116.50 The above prices do not include stalls, for prices of which see page 338 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " EM-ESS PARSONS " SCHOOL WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. The " Em-Ess Parsons" School Water-Closet has been successfully used in schools, factories, etc., for several years past. The arrangement of each basin in the section at a slightly lower level, with its weir or dam toward the outlet, is novel and im- portant, securing an equal flush to each, with a minimum quantity of water— an important consideration when meter rates have to be paid. The flush is automatic at desired intervals. The "Em-Ess Parsons" School Water-Closet comprises a system of two, three, four, five or six to twelve part wash-out water-closets combined in one apparatus, operated by one tank up to a six- part closet; above six, and up to a twelve-part closet, the apparatus is operated by two tanks, one at each end, but with a single outlet. Hitherto water-closets for schools, factories, barracks, institutions and similar places have been confined to school-sinks, latrines, or vaults, which retain their filth for stated periods, until their contents are discharged by an attendant. The intro- duction of the " Parsons " system by us, however, eight years ago, and its unqualified success, leads us to believe that its general adoption in the above-mentioned places, where water-closets are exposed to very rough usage, is only a question of time. The results secured in the design of the " Em-Ess Parsons " School Water-Closet, are the advantage of having a body of water such as is found in a wash-out closet, that may be automatically removed with all its contents at predetermined intervals. The flush tank may be easily regulated to empty its contents with certainty at any given period; the quantity of water, also, may be con- trolled as desired. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 341 THE "EM-ESS PARSONS" SCHOOL WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. PLATE 380- D. PLATE 380-D consists of a six-part "Em-Ess Parsons" School Water-Closet, with periodical flushing tank and iron standards, showing the water in motion. Distance between centers of basins, 27 inches, PRICES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Plate 380-D, as illustrated, Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. without wood seat, painted. . $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $68.00 $76.00 $110.00 $120.00 $128.00 $136.00 $144.00 $152.00 " porcelain-lined, 55.00 70.00 85.00 100.00 120.00 155.00 170.00 185.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 Add, for seat as illustrated, for ash, per hole, $3.50 Add, for seat as illustrated, for cherry, walnut, or oak, per hole, $4.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS PARSONS" SCHOOL WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. PLATE 381-D. PLATE 3«1-D consists of a six-person "Em-Ess Parsons" School Water-Closet, with periodical flushing tank and iron standards, fitted up with seats and partitions. Distance between center of basin, 27 inches. PRICES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Plate 381-D, as illustrated, without Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person, wood seat or partitions, painted. $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $68.00 $76.00 $110.00 $120.00 $128.00 $136.00 $144 00 $152.00 " porcelain-lined, 55.00 70.00 85.00 110.00 120.00 155.00 170.00 185.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 Add, for seats and partitions as illustrated, for ash, per hole, $6.00 Add, for seats and partitions as illustrated, for cherry, walnut, or oak, per hole, $7.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE EM-ESS Parsons School water closets. y//////////)\ - J?7//////777^ -_ = 7Z/J////////f^ r- 77////// //ZZS, : r/77777ZZZZ \ $ 4-20-k--* ,<— -l7---> A V. '£<&.. . CQ-?. . _ _ _ _ _ ( CQ.# 9 t i — w < 9"9" Plan of four closet 77T?\ . _ {ZZZ//////////K - _ /7///////2 I i M/////////777?;,- -/77T / / / / / , /7 Txj z y ///////r n _ '^SECT - THREE CLOSET .<— -20t-->, j- c© ,<— 17--->, fC---20i-"--^ :a> cq; Plan of three closet <----l7-"--->, ^cs> go; 9i' 7- 7 - y Plan of two closet 5 l 4' :!44 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO„ Limited, NEW YORK. SECTIONS SHOWING THE ARRANGE; THE 7-8-9-10-11 & 12 PERSON "EZM-ESS 16' OUTLET FOR 4 '." SOIL PI PE uUTLET FOR -9 '!* 501 L PIPE C* <— 9'6' 19' ~ D% -9 '6" - 2r6" - ,<— 24' > ////////////7\ r S^//////7777S~qZ / /////< / //S\~ - 7W/W/SZ2Z -- 777777//////^ 1 ^7777, OUTLET FOR 5'? SOIL PIPE . 2 t OUTLET FOR 5 '? SOIL P/PE I4-2" ,<— 28'^' '^:///z//^~ ^<<^y7//Z^ Z ^7Z777^ OUTLET FOR 5 '." SOIL P/PE ' 14 '2 k C* 9'6' 'A TTZpSx . y7/ / ////////// /^ -- / ^zz7Z7Z277^!2^ Z 7f7 7777//////// ^ -_ jzZZZZZZZZZZZ < S PERSON CLOSET 9'6" ^.-^^zz^^S&r. -f2ZZ7777777?\ Z-'/2ZZZZZ t ._ /O PERSON CLOSET is- II PERSON 1 i CLOSET B* £* 12' -> ^"/'f/S"^ -- 7Z£u^ZZ Z2Z__gzZZA^ - fs IS" 12 PERSON I CLOSET M-'Z- °kRATE CAST/MG5. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE EM-ESS Parsons School water closets. W///^AA /- /?////^^^^ . A <----20f->; ; ( f^ 3P.._ m i .!■§■>.. _>$?.. C0*f — -r •' I4'5"- — >' A Plan of six closet /////////////^/v////^/^ ^^ Section of five closet <---20i — >, ,<--- 17- •--->, -ro r^piw m co.) ca.) 9,4 ' Plan of five closet iZ'3" ^ THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE EM-ESS PARSONS" SCHOOL WATER-CLOSET. PATENTED. PLATE 382-D. PLATE 382-D consists ot a four-person "Em-Ess Parsons" School Water-Closet, with periodical flushing tank and iron standards, fitted up with partitions, etc., showing the better class of work for which these closets are adapted. PRICES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Plate 382-D, as illustrated, Person. Person. Person. Person Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person. Person, without wood seat, painted, . $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $68.00 $76.00 $110.00 $120.00 $128.00 $136.00 $144.00 $152 00 " porcelain-lined, 55.00 70.00 85.00 100.00 120.00 155.00 170.00 185.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 Price does not include woodwork. Add, for seats as illustrated, per hole, ash, $4.50; cherry, walnut, or oak, $5.00. Price does not include partitions or doors. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Em-Ess" Doherty Self-Closing Faucet. repair. In New T^HESE FAUCETS have been used for the last eighteen * years, and although subjected to the most severe usage we have never had a complaint of their sticking open, this result being due to the care exercised in their manufacture and the ingenious application of the double lever. Numerous imitations have appeared on the market as the natural result of the reputation and popularity these Self-Closing Faucets have acquired, and of our guarantee to keep them in York and vicinity we keep the "Em-Ess" Doherty Faucets in repair for three years without charge. The curved handles shown in the illustration are a recent improvement (patented) we have adopted. This feature improves the appearance of the Faucet, makes it easier to hold open, as the levers may be grasped in the hand. It also prevents persons so disposed from tying the levers together. All Faucets that are genuine are will bear the stamp "Em-Ess" Doherty as shown. If this Self-Closing Faucet is wanted please plainly specify the " Em-Ess" Doherty and look for the stamp as above. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING FAUCET, PATENTED. PLATE 383-D. PLATE 384-D. PLATE 385-D. PLATE 386-D. (illustrations are one-third actual size.) The Em-Ess" Doherty Basin Cock, Plate 383-D per doz., Plain Bibb, " 384-D, for Iron Pipe, Plate 385-D, Plate 386-D, SIZE. POLISHED NICKEL- SILVER- BRASS. PLATED. PLATED. r doz., $42.00 $48.00 $56.00 Vi" 24.00 37.50 40.00 H' 27.00 40.00 48.00 % m 27.00 40.00 44.00 tt" 30.00 45.00 52.00 Vz 27.00 40.00 44.00 X' 30.00 45.00 52.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING FAUCET. PLATE 387-D. PLATE 388-D. PLATE 389-D. PLATE 390-D, (ILLUSTRATIONS are one-third actual size.) PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Doherty Hose Bibb for Iron Pipe, Plate 387-D, . Plain " with Flange and Thimble, Plate Hose " " " '•' " " ! Stop-Cock, Plate 390-D per doz., POLISHED NICKEL- SILVER- BRASS PLATED. PLATED %" $30.00 $45.00 $48.00 H" 33.00 48.00 56.00 %" 34.00 48.00 52.00 H" 37.50 52.00 60.00 %' 38.00 52.00 57.00 W 41.00 55.00 64.00 %' 24.00 37.50 40.00 H" 27.00 40.00 48.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 351 THE "EM-ESS" DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING FAUCET. PATENTED. PLATE 391-D. PLATE 394-D. PLATE 393-D. PLATE 392-D. (illustrations are one-third actual size.) The "Em-Ess" Doherty Stop-Cock for Iron Pipe, Plate 391-D, Pantry Cock with Hose End, Plate 392-D, . " Plain " Urinal Cock for Iron Pipe, Plate 393-D, " " " Lead " " " " with Flange and Thimble, Plate 393-D, Hopper Cock for Iron Pipe, Plate 394-D, " Lead " .in o per doz. OLTSHED NICKEL- SILVER- BRASS. l'LATED. PLATED. $30.00 $45.00 $48.00 33.00 48.00 56.00 04.00 73.00 76.00 GO. 00 69.00 72.00 44.00 49.00 66.00 35.00 45.00 60.00 48.00 60.00 72.00 30.00 42.00 48.00 28.00 40.00 46.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. The " Em-Ess" Fuller Faucets. CONSPICUOUS among the water supply fittings regarded as standard articles are the "Em-Ess" Fuller Faucets. For more than twenty years these faucets have stood the test of popular usage under the most severe conditions, and without regard to the character or tem- perature of the water passing through them, and they are to-day regarded with the utmost favor by experienced architects, plumbers, and householders, who do not look at first cost merely. If imitation be an indorsement we have had ample testimony as to their quality and reliability, in the imitations of the "Em-Ess" Fuller Faucets which have been placed upon the market since we succeeded in establishing a reputation for them. We give a guarantee to keep them in repair in this city for three years, but as there are several imitations, we would respectfully ask, that before sending to us to do repairs to faucets believed to be the " Em-Ess" Fuller, parties will make sure they are the genuine article, bearing our stainp. For the benefit of those interested, we mention some points of superiority which these faucets have : They have an elastic valve and a metal seat, and shut with the water pressure, hence, they will not leak. They have a tapered nut at the end of the stem, to avoid water hammer or concussion in the pipes. They open and close with extreme ease. They may be easily repaired, the body of the faucet may be unscrewed with the utmost ease. They are, all things considered, the most durable faucets made. To get the genuine article, specify the "Em-Ess" Fuller Work, manufactured by THE MEYER-SNIFFEN Co., Limited, and see that it bears that firm's stamp. THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 353 THE "EM-ESS" FULLER FAUCET. SECTIONAL VIEW. The valve is conical shaped and closes with the pressure. It is opened by turning the handle in either direction, one-half turn opening it to its full capacity. Its great durability arises from the fact that no amount of turning or twisting the handle creates any extra pressure on the valve. Some time ago we introduced a guide in the stem that completely corrects any tendency to rattle under heavy pressure. The body of the faucet is easily unscrewed, and the valve may be replaced when worn. 354 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER FAUCETS. PLATE 395-D. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Plain Bibb, (for lead pipe.) PLATE 396-D. Fuller Plain Bibb, (for iron pipe.) PLATE 397-D. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Hose Bibb, (for lead pipe.) PLATE 398-D. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Hose Bibb, (for iron pipe.) 395-D, finished, per doz. $14.40 $16.80 $21.60' $28.80 nickel-plated," 20.00 22.00 30.00 37.50 " silver " " 32.40 37.80 48.60 64.80 396-D, finished, 16.80 19.20 24.00 32.00 nickel-plated," 22.50 24.50 32.50 42.00 silver 35.00 40.50 51.30 68.40 397-D, finished, 16.80 19.20 24.00 32.00 " nickel-plated," 22.50 24.50 32.50 42.00 " silver " " 35.00 40.50 51.30 68.40 398-D, finished, 19.20 21.60 26.40 35.20 " nickel-plated," 24.80 27.20 36.80 45.00 " silver " " 37.50 42.50 55.00 75.00 I^ I>* 1^ 2 $54.00 $72.00 $108.00 $124.00 60.00 80.00 116.00 144.00 60.00 80.00 116.00 144.00 66.00 88.00 124.00 164.00 THF. MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. :to5 THE "EM-ESS" FULLER FAUCETS. PLATE 399-D. PLATE 400-D. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Plain Bibb, Flange and Thimble. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Hose Bibk, Flange and Thimble. The "Em-Es PLATE 401 -D. Fuller Bath Bibb, Flange and Thimble. PLATE 402-D. The " Em-Ess " Fuller Bath Bibb, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. PRICES. sizes, inch, y z H U i The ' ' Em-Ess " Fuller Faucet, Plate 399-D, finished, per doz. $21 . 60 $24.00 $28.80 $38.40 ' ' " " nickel-plated, 28.00 30.00 37.00 47.00 ' " " silver " 43.20 48.60 59.40 86.40 " 400-D, finished, 24.00 26.40 31.20 41.60 " " nickel-plated, 30.00 32.40 39.50 51.00 ' silver 48.60 54.00 65.00 95.00 ' " 401-D, finished, 21.60 24.00 28.80 38.40 ' ' " " nickel-plated, 28.00 30.00 37.00 47.00 " silver 43.20 48.60 59.40 86.40 " 402-D, finished, 32.00 36.80 44.80 nickel-plated, 38.00 40.00 54.00 ' " " silver 54.00 61.20 79.20 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER WASH-TRAY BIBB. FLANGE AND THIMBLE. PLATE 403-D. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER WASH-TRAY BIBB. FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. PLATE 404-D. The •' Em-Ess " Fuller Wash-Tray Bibb, Plate 403-D, finished, nickel-plated, silver " 404-D, finished, nickel-plated, " silver " inch, y 2 ji % : perdoz. $24.00 $26.40 $31.20 $43.20 30.00 32.00 39.50 51.00 48.00 54.00 65.00 95.00 34.40 38.40 48.00 40.00 47.00 57.50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 357 THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 405-D. No. 1. The " Em-Ess " Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 405-D, finished, nickel-plated, « "' silver « PRICES. , per dp?., $28.00 33.00 40,00 358 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PRICES. ■frjie "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 406-D, finished perdoz., $32.00 nickeJ-plaWL. ' " 370 ° - - " ■■ « «DTtt " " 45 -°° THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 407-D. , No. 2K. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 407-D, finished, „ perdoz., $35.00 " " " " " nickel-plated, . . . . " 42.00 " silver " .......,.." 50.00. THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 408-D. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 408-D, finished, . " " " " " " •' nickel-plated, . M f< h " " '« " silver perdoz., $38.00 45.00 54.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 409-D. No. 4. Made with ring cup if desired. PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 409-D, finished, . " " " " " nickel-plated, , " M " M " " M silver, , , perdoz., $42,00 49.00 58,00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE " EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 410-D. Made also with the base of same design as No. 4, designated as No. 4^. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 410-D, finished perdoz., $42.00 nickel-plated " 49.00 ■ • " silver, . " 58 00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 411-D, finished, " " " " " " " nickel-plated. per doz., $48.00 56.00 66.00 364 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER LOW DOWN BASIN COCK. PLATE 412-Dc PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Fuller Low Down Basin Cock, Plate 412-D, brass, ,, ., .< <• «i • » «' '« " nickel-plated, M ft h a » «• «♦ •» m silver ,; perdo^., $42.00 49.00 it 58.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 365 THE "EM-ESS" FULLER BASIN COCK. PLATE 41 3-D. No. 9. Height, H}{ inches. Width of flange, 3^ inches. Polished Brass, Nickel or Silver Plated. ' I'vrliV COCKS SAME SI YI.K. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Fuller Basin Cock, Plate 413-D, finished, . " " " " " " " nickel-plated, " " " " " silver each, $16.00 20.00 24.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER PANTRY COCK. PLATE 414-D. No. 2. Nor. 3, 4, and 5 " Em-Ess" Fuller Pantry Cocks are made with base and handles to correspond with the " Em-Ess" Fuller basin cock of the same number. PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Fuller Pantry Cock, Plate 414-D, finished per doz., $38.00 nickel-plated, " 45.00 " " " " " " " silver " " 54.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "FULLER-MEYER" DOUBLE BATH COCK. WITH EBONY OR CELLULOID HANDLES. PATENTED. PLATE 415-D. No. 1. This cock can be taken apart for repairs without disturbing the connections or the bath tub casing by simply unscrewing the nut marked A. Length over all, 12 inches. 1 inch delivery. Diameter of flanges, A% inches. Furnished in Polished Brass, Nickel or Silver Plated. PRICES. The "Fuller-Meyer" Double Bath Cock, Plate 415-D, nickel-plated each, $18.00 silver " " 24.00 No. 2. Same style and size as above but with smaller flanges, with metal handles, without soap cup, The "Fuller-Meyer" Double Bath Cock, Plate 415-D, nickel-plated each, $15.00 silver " " 20.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER DOUBLE SHAMPOO COCK. WITH TUBE AND SPRINKLER. PLATE 416-D. PRICES. The -'Em-Ess" Fuller Double Shampoo Cock, Plate 416-D, finished, . " " " •' nickel-plated. " " " " " " silver " LARGE. SMALL. each, $12.00 $10.00 14.00 12.00 21.00 18.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" FULLER COMBINATION DOUBLE SHAMPOO COCK. We make a Combination Pantry Cock for hot and cold water, same style of base as above. PLATE 417-D. PRICES. Em-Ess" Fuller Combination Double Shampoo Cock, Plate 417-D, finished, . " " " " " " " " nickel-plated, " " " " " " " silver each, $18.00 21.00 27.00 THE MEYER-SN1FFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK THE "FULLER-MEYER" DOUBLE BASIN COCK. PLATE 418-D, From center to center of inlet, 43/ inches. Width over all, 10 inches. Center of spout, & l / 2 inches. Diameter of flanges, 23/ inches. SWING SHAMPOO COCK. MADE SAME STYLE. The " Fui.ler-Meyf.r " Double Basin Cock, Plate 418-D, nickel plated or polished brass, silver each, $12.00 18.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. 371 The " Em-Ess" Ground Key Faucets. \ A / Fj herewitn illustrate a tew of the many styles of GROUND KEY FAUCETS which we manufacture. The GROUND KEY work made by us and bearing our stamp, is extra heavy in weight, and so proportioned as to secure the maximum of durability. The very best "steam metal" is used in these faucets; they are carefully ground by hand, and in this city (New York), they are guaranteed against leakage for three or more years, and when silver plated by us the plating is warranted for a like period. For convenience in use, no style of faucets for basins is more appreciated than that known as the "GROUND KEY " or " SWING " Faucet, and when properly made, none is better where the water is free of grit. Of late years competition, and the desire of some builders to sacrifice everything to low prices, has resulted in this class of work being made of cheap metal, from light and improperly proportioned patterns, and hastily ground by machinery. As a consequence these faucets soon leaked, and all GROUND Key work was looked on with suspicion. The remark has often been made, "Twenty-five year's ago we used to get GROUND Key work that would outlast anything made; why can't we do it now? " We make work of this character, and are prepared to guarantee it. When ordering or specifying, describe as the " Em-Ess" GROUND KEY work made by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., limited. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" BASIN COCK. GROUND KEY. PLATE 419-D. PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Basin Cock, Plate 419-D, brass perdoz., $32.00 nickel-plated . . . . " 36.00 silver " . » 46.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" BASIN COCK. PLATE 420- No. 2. The "Em-Ess" Basin Cock, Plate 420-D, brass, " " " " " nickel-plated, " " " *' " " silver " perdoz., $42.00 45.00 55.00 374 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, THE "EM-ESS" GROUND KEY FAUCET. PLATE 421-D. The 'Em-Ess" Plain Bikb with Flani;e and Thimble. ;round key. The illustration is full size of ^-inch bibb. The " Em-Ess" Ground Key Fauce\ Plate 421-D, plain, . nickel-plated, silver " flange, nut, and bent coupling, plain, " " " " " nickel-plated, " " " " " silver inch, y' 2 % % 1 perdoz., $22.00 $26.00 $30.00 $40.00 28.00 32.00 37.00 48.00 44.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 36.00 45.00 57.00 42.00 52.00 64. DO 08.00 71.00 87.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" PANTRY COCK. GROUND KEY. PLATE 422-D. PRICES. The "Em Ess' Pantry Cock, Plate 422-D, brass perdoz.. $40.00 nickel-plated, " 48.00 '' " " " •' silver " " 56.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" BRACKET BASIN COCK, GROUND KEY. PLATE 423-D. PRICES. The " Em-Ess" Bracket Basin Cock, Plate 423-D, brass, per doz., $52.00 nickel-plated, " 60.00 ' " silver " " 72.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK, 377 THE "EM-ESS" BATH COCK. GROUND KEY. PLATE 424-D. SIZE, 3^-INCH. Extra heavy bath-bibbs, upright pattern, loose flange, bent thimble. PRICES. The •• Em-Ess " Bath Cock, Plate 424-D, brass, per doz., $44.00 " " nickel-plated, . ■ ,. 48 00 " silver " ■■•■.'.'. I '.'. '. » 6400 378 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" PLAIN BIBB. GROUND KEY. PLATE 425-D. THE "EM-ESS" PLAIN BIBB (FOR iron PIPE). GROUND KEY. PLATE 426-D. PRICES. Ess" Plain Bibb, Plate 425-D, plain, . nickel-plated, silver 426-D, for iron pipe, nickel-plated, " silver inch, y z % 3/ i perdoz $13.50 $16.00 $20.00 $28.00 19.00 22.00 27.00 36.00 30.00 36.00 44.00 60.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 33.00 22.00 26.00 31.00 41.00 33.00 40.00 48.00 66.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" HOSE BIBB. GROUND KEY. PLATE 427-D. THE "EM-SS" HOSE BIBB, (for iron pipe.) GROUND KEY. PLATE 428-D. PRICES. -Ess" He se Bibb, Plate 427-D, plain, . nickel-plated, " " " silver 427-D, for iron pipe, nickel-plated, i .. i. .. silver " inch, % H X i per doz., $16.00 $20.00 $24.00 $33.00 21.00 26.00 31.00 41.00 34.00 40.00 48.00 66.00 21.00 24.00 28.00 38.00 27.00 30.00 35.00 46.00 42.00 48.00 50.00 76.00 380 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" PLAIN BIBB. (FLANGE AND THIMBLE.) GROUND KEY. PLATE 429-D. THE ^EM-ESS" HOSE BIBB. (FLANGE AND THIMBLE.) GROUND KEY. PLATE 430-D. The " Em-Ess" Plain Bibb, Plate 429-D, plain, . " nickel-plated, silver " ... flange, nut, and bent coupling plain , nickel-plated silver " 430-D, plain, . nickel-plated, silver inch, per doz. % % X i $22.00 $26.00 $30.00 $40.00 28.00 32.00 37.00 48.00 44.00 52.00 36.00 45.00 60.00 80.00 57.00 42.00 58.00 24.00 30.00 48 00 52.00 64.00 71.00 87.00 28.00 34.00 34.00 41.00 56.00 68.00 44.00 52.00 88.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" COMPRESSION BASIN COCK. WITH LARGE NOZZLE. PLATE 431-D. T— Handle. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Compression Basin Cock, Plate 431-D, finished brass, per doz., $24.00 " " " " nickel-plated " 27.00 silver " " 39.00 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" COMPRESSION BASIN COCK, WITH LARGE NOZZLE. PLATE 432-D. 4-Arm Handle. PRICES. The "Em-Ess" Compression Basin Cock, Plate 432-D, finished brass per doz , $27.00 nickel-plated " 30.00 silver " " 42.00 € m I 1 PLATE 433-D. WHEEL HYDRANT THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, NEW YORK. THE "EM-ESS" MURDOCK HYDRANT. PATENTED PLATE 434-D. SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. M B* H* HH PLATE 435-D, STREET WASHER. SECTIONAL VIEW OF THE VALVE. Street Washer. PLATE 436-D. HITCHING POST AND STREET WASHER COMBINED It is almost needless to call attention to the merits of this hydrant, which has been so many years known as the best in the market. As there are many imitations, alleged to be just as good, or the same, as the " Murdock," be sure to ask for the "Em-Ess" Murdock, manufactured by the Meyer-Sniffen Co., Limited. PRICES. SIZES, The " Em-Ess ' Murdock Hydrant, Plate 433-D, Self-closing, Plate 434-D, Street Washer, Plate 435-D " " " Hitching Post and Street Washer combined, Plate 436-D, feet, 3 4 each, $10.00 $11.00 $12.00 . " 12.00 13.00 14.00 . " 8.50 9.50 10.50 . " 18.00 20.00 22.00 m4MM .V~V"j ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllWillllllllll 021 213 039 4 ■