,0 c CHARACTERISTIC Materia Medica MEMORIZER BY WILLIAM H. BURT, M. D., Author of " Characteristic Materia Medica," "Physiological Mate- ria Medica," " Therapeutics of Tuberculosis or Pulmonary Consumption," and " Tuberculosis, or Pulmonary Con- sumption, Its Prophylaxis and Cure by Sur- alimentation of Liquid Food," Etc., Etc. OF CHICAGO: Halsey Bros. Company, 51 & 53 Dearborn St., 1895. \ COPYRIGHT, ISOd, BY WM. H. BURT, M. D. TO J. P. DAKE, A. M., M. D. IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MY HONORED TEACHER, WHO FIRST DIRECTED ME 'N THE STUDY OF MATERIA MEDICA, AND IN TOKEN OF MY WARM PERSONAL ESTEEM, THIS VOLUME IS MOST CORDIALLY DEDICATED. THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. The design of this work is to bring to- gether a sufficient number of the most prac- tical characteristics, or ''key notes,'' of our leading remedies, both as to drug pathol- ogy and therapeutics, to form a complete skeleton, ox framework, of each drug, so that the student may be better able to memorize them; for a physician, in order to be a good clinician, should have the leading character- istics of each d.XMplt>v with reluxcil muscles. unU sWvUly exhuus^cil *2. As'^iuvauou; la ooUi, v^pon v\ir; after- UiXMXs and evcuin^^s. 13. Amelk>rut>o»>- 0>v,- w.i: •.-, . .;..■,,. frv>m vomitioi: BAPTISIA. uerwusi siYSit«^m> lU^i:»^ GRA\r» ^ U \R \v^ IKRISTICS. 1. Septic, adynamic diseases^, with grreat depix^ssiooft of the cerebn>spinal system; putrescence: sottenins and breakings down of tis^sue. low fevers, 2. Low septic fever, mutterin^^ dcUruun: bruiseci feeling- of all the muscles of the K\!v. atul profound debility. BAPTISIA. 55 3. Face dark red, stupor, delirium; besot- ted expression; eyes injected; dull, stupefy- ing headache, with confusion of ideas. 4. Ton§;ue dry, coated brown, sordes on the teeth, and very offensive breath; mouth full of ulcers. 5. Soreness of the eyeballs; they feel as if they would be pressed into the head; con- fusion of sight. 6. Can swallow liquids only; has an aver- sion for solid food. 7. Ulceration of mucous membranes; ex- halations and discharges offensive, fetid, — breath, stools, urine, sweat, ulcers, etc. 8. Intolerance of pressure; in whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested on feel sore and bruised. 9. Desire for cool, fresh air; must be con- stantly fanned. 10. Great sinking sensation in the epigas- trium, with frequent fainting spells. 11. Stoojs fetid, watery, and exhausting; often of bloody mucus; tenesmus and septic fever. 12. Tonsils and soft palate red, covered with pseudo-membrane, with septic fever; 56 BARYTA CARBONICA. great soreness of all the muscles, and pro- found debility. (For the first stage of diph- theria, it is the best remedy we have.) 13. Loose, muco-purulent cough, high fever, and great debility. 14. Limbs ache; very weak and trembling. 15- Aggravation: In close, warm room. 16. Amelioration: In open, fresh, cool air. BARYTA CARBONICA. CARBONATE OF BARYTA. Through the organic nervous system, Baryta has two special centers of actioji : Lymphatic Glandular vSys. Hypertrophy ; Atony. Tonsils. Hypertrophy ; Ulceration. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Scrofulous children that do not grow; defective mentally and physically. 2. Chronic induration of the tonsils; the least cold produces inflammation and ulcer- ation of the tonsils. 3. Takes cold on the slightest change in temperature. BELLADOXXA. 57 4. Muscular structure of the throat greatly relaxed; very hoarse. 5. Paralysis in old people; the brain shrinks, and they become childish. 6. Dwarfish women; menses scanty, with troublesome weight about the pubes. 7. Agg;ravation: Especially by damp, cold air; nights. 8. Amelioration: Open, warm air; walk- ing;. BELLADONNA. DEADLY NIGHTSHADE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Belladonna has tivelve special centers of action : Cerebro- Spinal Sys. Motor and Sensory Paralysis. CiRC. Cardiac Inhih. Cen. Stim.; Capil. Contr. Temperature. Elevated^ froni One to Three Degrees. Pneumogastric Xerye. Respiratory Centers Stim. Mucous Membranes. Secretions Entirely Arrested. Muscles OF Hollow Viscera. (Abdomen.) Paral. Kidneys. Congestioti; I?iJla?n?nation. Bladder. Sphincter Muscle Paralyzed. Glandular System. Arrested Secretioiis ; Injlam. Generative Organs. Arrested Seer.; Cong. Injlam. Skin. Copious Perspiration; Erysipelatous Injlani. Eye. Mydriasis ; Congestion; InJla?n7nation, 58 BELLADONNA. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The inception, or primary starting point, of the affection, is in the brain; face flushed, eyes red; furious dehrium, wild look; wishes to strike, bite, or quarrel. 2. Irritability and acuteness of senses of taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing; de- lirium, with springing out of bed; laughing, constant talking, and desire to escape. 3. Rage; tears the clothes, kicks, bites, strikes, howls, and shrieks. 4. Violent congestion of blood to the head, with loss of consciousness; carotids throb violently; jugulars swollen; face bloated and red. 5. Throbbing headache, worse from mo- tion, touch, especially light and noise. 6. Constant moaning; child remains in a drowsy, sleepy state, starting and jumping while sleeping, with red eyes and flushed face. 7. Child cries out suddenly, and ceases just as suddenly. 8. Pains come on suddenly, last indefi- nitely, then cease suddenly. 9. Great liability to take cold; sensitive BELLADONNA. 59 to drafts of air, especially on uncovering; the head, or after cutting" the hair. 10. Great dryness of all the mucous mem- branes, especially of mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, and bronchi; cannot swallow fluids. IL Dry, hollow cough, aggravated from motion, pressure, touch, noise, uncovering the head, drafts of air, hot sun, while drink- ing, looking at bright objects, and at mid- night. 12. Great dryness of the fauces, with hoarseness, aphonia; must swallow often to relieve the dryness of the throat. 13. Fauces very red, with great dryness of the throat. 14. Dry, red tongue and throat, interfering with speech. 15. Sensitiveness of scalp; even pressure of the hair causes pain. 16. Eyes staring, projecting, and spark- ling; photophobia; pupils dilated; lids are swollen, with violent conjunctivitis. 17. Skin dry, hot, and scarlet color. 18. Urine retained, and only passed drop by drop, or involuntary discharges of the urine. 60 BELLADONNA. 19. Pain in abdomen, as if sore and raw; or griping, clutching; pains; very tender on pressure. 20. Paralysis of the sphincter vesicae and ani. 2L Peritonitis. The abdomen is swollen up like a drum; very sensitive to the touch, so much so that the bedclothing has to be removed, and the least jarring is intoler- able. The abdomen feels extremely hot; on raising the bedclothes there appears to issue hot steam from the body. 22. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin; the surface is smooth, shining, and tense, with lancinating, stinging pains, asso- ciated with much throbbing in the deeper parts, and a tendency to cerebral irritation. 23. Piles, with a feeling as if the back would break, so sensitive to the slightest touch that the patient has to lie with the nates separated. 24. Great pressure downward in the geni- tal organs of women, as if the contents of the abdomen would issue through the geni- tal organs, worse mornings; the vagina and OS uteri are rigid, hot, and dry. BELLADONNA. 6l 25. Breasts feel heavy, are very hard and red; acute and sudden inflammation of the mammae. (Best remedy we have.) 26. Glands inflamed, swollen, and indu- rated. 27. Inflammations that come suddenly and leave just as suddenly. 28. Fevers. The skin becomes so hot that it almost burns the examining- hand, with a great tendency to copious hot, sour per- spiration. If you raise the bedclothes there seems to come forth a hot steam from the patient; the patient soaks everything about him with the sweat, and the more he sweats the worse he grows. 29. Best suited to persons of a plethoric habit, who are subject to sudden conges- tions of blood to the head and to diseases of the right side of the body. 30. For common colds, with hard, dry, teasing spasmodic cough, fauces red, dry, and swollen, greatly aggravated at night, it is the best remedy we have, especially if the active principle, Atropine, is used, 3d deci- mal trituration. 3L Aggravation: Afternoons, evenings, 62 BORAX. especially at night, and motion, from the least jar of the bed, and touching the parts. 32. Amelioration: During rest, and in a warm room. BORAX. BIBORATE OF SODA. Through the organic nervous system, Borax \\^'s four special centers of action : Mucous Membranes. Aphthous Infanimatiou. Skin. UnhcaltJiy ^ Slight Injuries Suppurate. Sexual Organs, Women. Ecbolic ; Stimulates Mens. Locally. Powerful Antiseptic and Disi/fecta?it. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. In excessively acid and poorly nour- ished people, especially children, Borax will produce, at once, an alkaline blood pabu- lum, and strike at the cause of the suffering. 2. Child cannot bear a downward motion, not even during sleep; even the downward motion of putting it into bed or the cradle will surely awaken it, or lifting up its feet to put on its diaper. 3. Cannot bear a downward motion, as in a swing, in a rocking-chair, or in running down stairs. BORAX. 63 4. Very nervous; cannot sleep well; starts at the least noise. 5. Aphthae that appear suddenly, the whole buccal cavity covered with white fungous growth; limited to the mouth and fauces. 6. Great heat and dryness of the mouth and fauces; the child cannot nurse, the aphthous inflammation is so painful. 7. Sour, greenish diarrhoea; stools largely composed of mucus, but sometimes watery; associated with colic, and great irritability; the irritability is something terrible. 8. White, albuminous leucorrhoea, feeling hot to the patient. 9. Menses too soon, too profuse, with pain extending from stomach to back. 10. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, with la- bor-like pains. 11. Illy nourished people; flesh soft and flabby; the least scratch of the skin be- comes a running sore, with great irritability. 12. Aggravation: Morning, and in warm w^eather; on descending; sudden noises. 13. Amelioration: Evening, and in cold weather. 64 BRYONIA ALBA. WHITE BRYONIA. Through the cerel^ro-spinal nervous system, Bryonia \i2&four special centers of action : Serous Membranes. Rheu7natoid InJ?a7Ji.^' Effusions. Mucous Membrane. Arrested Secretions. Muscular System. Rheuinatoid Injiamination. Circulation. Accelerated, Temperature Elevated. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The sovereign remedy for all inflam- mations that have advanced to the stag;e of serous effusion. 2. The great characteristic for Bryonia is stitching, tearing pains, greatly aggravated by motion, and at night; relieved by rest. 3. People with a choleric temperament, bilious tendency, dark hair and complexion, with firm fleshy fiber. 4. Is exceedingly irritable, everything makes him indignant and angry; head aches as if it would split open; greatly aggravated by motion, opening the eyes, or stooping; relieved by pressure, and closing the eyes. 5. Congestion of blood to the head, as if BRYONIA ALBA. 65 the forehead would burst open, with epis- taxis. 6. Eyes very sore and feel as if they would be pressed out of the head; face deep red color, from cong-estion. 7. Patient cannot sit up, from nausea and faintness. 8. Lips dry and cracked, has to lick them all the time. 9. Mouth unusually dry, and everything- tastes bitter, with much thirst. 10. Tongue coated white or yellow, dark brown, and very dry. 11. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if there was a stone in it (from lack of the secretion of gastric juice); stomach ex- tremely sensitive to pressure; food vomited immediately after eating. 12. Obstinate constipation; stools dry and hard, as if burnt. 13. Diarrhoea and dysentery, brought on by cold drinks in hot weather. The Bryo- nia patient cannot tolerate the heat of the sun. 14. Inflammation of the liver, with stitch- ing pains, greatly aggravated by motion. 66 BRYONIA ALBA. 15. Peritonitis; stinging, burning pains; abdomen greatly swollen, and very sore to the touch. 16. Muscular rheumatism; muscles swol- len, very sore to the touch; greatly aggra- vated by the slightest motion. 17. Inflammation of serous membranes, brain, spinal cord, pleura, peritoneum, and synovial membranes; high fever, with severe stitching, tearing pains, greatly aggravated by motion, when exudation has taken place. 18. Typhoid conditions, first stages, with high fever; secretions arrested; tongue dry; great headache, and feeling as if pounded all over; great restlessness, but motion aggravates. 19. Respiratory organs greatly oppressed; breathing quick, slow, and unequal, with dry, racking cough, and rusty sputa; cannot expand the chest, it causes such tearing, stitching pains. 20. Stony hardness of the mammae; very sensitive to the least touch or motion; patient has high fever, but feels chilly. 21. Fevers. The patient has constant CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 67 high fever, but feels chilly most of the time; all the secretions are arrested, and a typhoid condition predominates. 22. Aggravation: Motion; sitting up; noises; night, and especially in intensely hot weather. 23. Amelioration: During rest; day-time; after perspiration. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cactus has tliree special centei'S of action: . ( Stijnulation ; Contraction of Cir- Heart, Arteries. \ ^ a , - 1 -r^-r ( cular Aj'teriai Jr'ibei's. Pneumogastric Nerve. Paresis ; Acid Stomach, Muscular System. Rh euinato id Injiamination. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Debilitated people, with indigestion, sour stomach, and a feeling of constriction, o*r as of an iron band, around the heart, neck of the bladder, and oesophagus, pre- venting their normal action. (Functional, not organic.) 2. Palpitation of the heart day and night; 68 CALCAREA CARBONICA. pulse intermittent and irregular; excessive acidity of the stomach, associated with melancholy. 3. Haemoptysis, with excessive palpitation of the heart. 4. Chronic bronchitis; much rattling of mucus, and difficulty in breathing. 5. Rheumatism, with much disturbance of the heart. 6. Aggravation: Morning, evening, and from motion. 7. Amelioration: In open air. CALCAREA CARBONICA. CARBONATE OF LIME. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Cal- carea has six special centers of action : Bones. Non- Ossification^ Rachitis^ and Caries. Lymphatic Glandular Sys. Atony; Hypertrophy, Skin. Atonic^ Flabby^ White; Copious Perspiration. Mucous Membranes. Catarrhal Mucorrhcea. Blood. Hydrcemia ; AncEinia; Water Increased. Sympathetic Nervous System. Atony. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially adapted to constitutional diseases in scrofulous people, particularly CALCAREA CARBONICA. 69 women and children of leuco-phlegmatic temperament, where the assimilation of the digested food and its chang^e into tissue do not proceed as they should. 2. People that are weakly in g;eneral; walking; produces great fatigue, especially when going" up stairs; is out of breath; has to sit down to breathe. 3. Fair and pale children, the muscles soft and flabby; hair dry, looks like tow; large, open fontanelles; much perspiration, in large drops on the head, which wets the pillow far around where the child is sleeping. 4. Tendency to early obesity. "The ac- tivity of the lymph glands is not proportional to the capacity for assimilation; oxidation is imperfect; hence there is a rapid deposit of fat in the cellular tissue, especially about the abdomen; but tissues are imperfectly nourished; though apparently robust, he is really sickly; his plethora is apparent; his blood is watery, and contains too many white corpuscles." — Dr. E. A. Farrington. 5. Cold, damp air seems to go right through the patient, and he is constantly *70 CALCAREA CARBONICA. taking- cold; much emaciation, and in chil- dren with bloated abdomen. 6. In children with slow, difficult denti- tion; delay of the power of walking; and fragilitas ossiitm. 7. The head very easily becomes cold, and seems affected thereby; the integuments become sensitive with headache. 8. The feet perspire, and feel constantly as if they had on cold, damp stockings. 9. In children the region over the stomach is swollen, and looks like a saucer turned bottom up; vomiting of sour matter, with extreme hunger. 10. Severe vertigo on suddenly turning the head or ascending a height, as going up stairs; head congested. 11. Toothache when cold air or drinks enter the mouth. 12. Menses too often, too profuse, and return too soon; the least excitement causes them to return. 13. Profuse leucorrhoea, like milk, in flabby women. 14 Cough loose, the bronchi are loaded with mucus, patient is emaciated, with CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. 7l constant tendency to take cold; sore pain in the chest, as if beaten. 15. Sour taste in the mouth, or of the food; sour vomiting: in children; sour diarrhoea; the whole child smells sour, and it strongly craves eg:g;s. 16. Healthy women, with defective lacta- tion. 17. Copious perspiration from slight exer- tion. 18. Aggravation: From cold, damp air, especially east w^inds; from getting wet or working in cold water; handling cold sub- stances; when ascending heights; loss of fluids; exertion, physical or mental; from touch, and from light. 19. Amelioration: In dry, warm weather; after breakfast, and from loosening the garments. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. COMMON ENGLISH MARIGOLD. •»• Through the cerebro-spinal vaso-motor nervous system, Calendula has one special cente?' of action : Vaso-Motor vSystem. Arterial Capillaiy Paralysis, 72 CAMPHOR. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Cut and lacerated wounds heal by first intention, in a most marvelous manner, when the remedy is used locally and inter- nally. Use the cerate, or keep the parts wet constantly with a weak solution of the tinc- ture. CAMPHOR. LAURUS CAMPHORA. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Camphor has Jive special ceiiters of action : „ ^ ( Senso7y and Motor Spasms. CEREBRO-bPINAL bvSTEM. ^ ^ , . ( I-'aralysis. Circulation. Stiniitlatcd ; Chilli?iess Predominates, Digestive Organs. Sti?nuIation. Urinary Ougans. Strangury ; Retention of Urine. Sexual Organs. Incr, Desire; Co?nplete Impotence, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete prostration of the vital forces; long-lasting chills; extremities cold and blue, with cramps. 2. Skin cold as marble; cannot bear to be covered; features distorted; eyes sunken; CAMPHOR. 73 great anguish, as though he would suffocate; stupid groans and moans; ratthng in the throat; hot breath; husky voice; burning in the stomach; cramps in the legs, with great faintness. 3. Tongue, mouth, and breath cold. 4. Copious watery stools; great prostra- tion, and coldness of the surface; first stages of cholera infantum; cholera, with watery diarrhoea. 5. Urine scanty, and deep red; retention of urine; strangury. 6. Excited, and great sexual desire. (Large doses.) " 7. Suffocative catarrh, with paresis of the lungs. (First stage.) 8. Sudden retrocession of eruptions; cold skin, and great prostration. 9. Antidotes almost all vegetable poisons. 10. Aggravation: From cold, or cold, damp air; motion, and at night. * II. Amelioration: From warm air in gen- eral; open air. 74 CANNABIS SATIVA. HEMP. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cannabis has tzvo special centers of action: Mucous Memb. (URETirRAL.) Acute Inflammation, Brain. Coi2gestio7t j Stupor ^ Intoxication. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Sub-acute stage of gonorrhoea, with copious, thick mucous discharge; violent burning pain in the urethra during and after urination; walks with his legs wide apart. This is the best known remedy we have in gonorrhoea. After the acute stage has been subdued by Aconite, the proper field iFor Cannabis is the sub-acute stage. If not suf- ficient to complete the cure, use Copaiba. 2. Over-sexual excitement in either sex. 3. Mucorrhoea of the lungs in bronchitis. 4. Aggravation: During forenoon; urina- tion; warmth and motion. 5. Amelioration: Cold air, and evening. 75 CANTHARIDES. SPANISH FLY. Through the cercbro-spinal nervous system, Canthari- des has seven special centei's of action : IMucous Membranes. (Urethral.) Viole7it Injlam, Sexual Organs, hiflam.; Excessive Sexual Desire, Gastro-Int. Canal. Violent Injlani.^ JSIouth to A?tus, Serous Membranes. Plastic Injlammation. Skin. Violent Acute Vesiciclar Tnjlammaticn, Gland. S. (Saliv., Testicles, Ovaries.) Injlam, Cerebro- Spinal System. Injlaiiunation ; Spasms. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great key for the use of this drug" is found in the urinary organs, as shown by the constant desire to urinate, with complete strangury; the tenesmus vesicae is fearful. 2. Urine high-colored, scanty, with con- stant desire to void it, but only passes a few drops at a time, associated with intense burning pain; urine bloody. 3. Scanty, high-colored, and albummous urine, loaded with casts and epithelial cells; severe strangury. 4. Pain in the loins, kidneys, and abdo- men, with so much pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without screaming. 76 CANTHARIDES. 5. Strong and persistent erections; pain- ful priapisms, with excessive desire for coition. 6. Violent itching in the vagina; swelling of the vulva; intense pruritus and sexual desire. 7. The thought of drinking, the sound of running water, or touching the larynx pro- duces spasms. 8. Mucous membranes red and covered with vesicles. 9. Burning pain in the mouth, throat, and stomach, with copious salivation; throat feels on fire. 10. Stools like the scrapings of the mu- cous membranes, mixed with blood; urine burning and scanty. 11. Chronic eczema, the body seems to be one raw sore, with vesication; elephan- tiasis. 12. Inflammation of serous membranes, with severe stitching pains; destructive in- flammations. 13. Aggravation: Drinking cold water; during and after urinating. 14. Amelioration: Friction and warmth. 77 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. CAYENNE PEPPER. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Capsicum has two special centei's of action : Mucous Memb. Acrid Irritant. Congestion; I ?ifiam. Spinal Cord. (Posterior.) Excessive Chilliness. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. ** Its extraordinary power to control the capillary circulation, to bring excess of blood [to the mucous surfaces], and then to scatter more than it has brought, enables it to remove congestion as promptly and as effectually as Belladonna." — Marcy and Hunt. 2. Smarting, burning pains in the mucous membranes, as though Cayenne pepper were sprinkled over them. 3. Excessive burning and soreness in the mouth and fauces; the mucous membrane dark red, and greatly congested. * 4. In tonsillitis and diphtheria, it is one of the best gargles we have; and in chronic catarrh, used once a day, ten to twenty drops in warm water, as a gargle, nothing can equal it. 78 CARBO ANIMALIS. 5. Atonic dyspepsia, relaxed mucous membrane; much flatulence; cold stomach. 6. Mucous diarrhoea; enormous disten- tion of the abdomen with gas; burning in the rectum, with tenesmus; thirsty after stool, and, after drinking, great chilliness. 7. Fever, where chilliness predominates. 8. Intense burning in the urethra; unsuc- cessful desire to urinate. 9. People with lax fiber, who do not respond well to medicine, from impaired digestion. 10. Aggravation: Cold atmosphere; from eating and drinking; at night. 11. Amelioration: Continuous exercise; warmth, and during the day. CARBO ANIMALIS. ANIMAL CHARCOAL. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Carbo animaUs has three special centej'S of action : Lymphatic Glands. Indui-ation ; Secretions Putrid. Digestive Organs. Indigestion ; Atoity. Skin. Acne; Copper- Colored Eruptions ; Boils, CARBO ANIMALIS. 79 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1 . People with enlarged, indurated glands ; fetid discharges, accompanied with great prostration. Putridity predominates. 2. Earthy, copper-colored face and body. 3. Teeth very sensitive to cold air; loose, and bleed much. 4. Weak, sore, empty feeling in the epi- gastrium. 5. In all female diseases, great prostra- tion, can hardly sit up; during menstruation, so weak can hardly speak. Menses too early, with excessive exhaustion. 6. Watery, offensive, acid leucorrhoea; much fetor, and exhaustion. 7. Great desire to be alone, sad, and avoids conversation. 8. Offensive, exhausting sweat at night; colors the linen yellow. 9. Great weakness of the ankles when walking. 10. Aggravation: From cold; in bed; after midnight. 11. Amelioration: From warmth; during the day. 8o CARBO VEGETABILIS. VEGETABLE CHARCOAL. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Carbo vegetabiUs has three special centers of action : Mucous Membranes. Atony and Mucorrhoca. Secretio7is Acid, Foul. Glandular System. . ,^ . ^ , , ) (Lymphatics.) Jbnlarged. Blood. Septic; Toxconic Condition, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Secretions excessively foul in adynamic diseases; great prostration; hippocratic face, cold breath, and cold limbs in bed; abdo- men filled to repletion with gas. 2. Patient wants more air, wants to be fanned all the time. 3. Gums spongy, and bleed from the slightest contact. 4. The most innocent food disagrees. 5. When eating or drinking, sensation as if the stomach and abdomen would burst from great accumulation of gas. 6. Stomach distended by the simplest food, with spasmodic pains. 7. Constant and unceasing emissions of flatulence by the rectum. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. 8l 8. Tendency to a slimy, faecal, and fetid diarrhoea. 9. Leucorrhoea acid, excoriating the parts. 10. Deep, rough, hoarse voice. 11. Greenish, fetid expectoration; in ca- chectic people, where there is a tendency for the chest to perspire; easily take cold. 12. Much bleeding from the nose. 13. The hat seems to be a great weight; head seems bound up after removing the hat; visions of black, floating spots. 14. Icy coldness of the parts; have a livid, purple look. 15. Aggravation: Morning; warm, damp weather; fat food. 16. Amelioration: Evening; cool air, and eructations of gas. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. BLUE COHOSH. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Caulophyl- lum has two special cente7's of actioit : Uterus. Motor St{?mila?it / Hysterical Hypercest hesia* Muscular System. Rheumatoid InJlammatio?i, 82 CHAMOMILLA. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Nervous, hysterical women, with irregular, spasmodic pains during menstrua- tion or labor; spasmodic affections gen- erally, and false labor-pains. 2. Abortion, pains are irregular and spasmodic; the motor power of the uterus seems almost entirely gone. 3. Hysterical women, with rheumatism of the uterus and ovaries. 4. Articular rheumatism of small joints. 5. Aggravation: Open air; afternoon and evening. 6. Amehoration: Warm room, and morn- ing. CHAMOMILLA. MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Chamo- milla has three special centers of action : Spinal Cord. Hyferccsthesia of Seittient Nerve Fila. Liver. Po7'tal Congestion. Digestive Organs. Torpidity and Excessive Acidity. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Acid patients, that are excessively CHAMOMILLA. 83 irritable; snappish, spiteful, fretful; can- not give a civil answer; always out of humor. 2. Become almost furious about pains; headstrong even unto quarreling; cannot speak a pleasant word. 3. Child is excessively fretful; must be carried all the time; wants different things, and repels them when they are offered; too ugly to live. 4. In children, one cheek red and the other pale. Fretfulness in children almost always depends on the state of the ab- dominal functions. The sour breath, the flushed cheek, the green stools, and colicky pains all point to excessive acidity of the abdominal organs. 5. Stools green as grass, like eggs and spinach, from excessive acidity. 6. Severe colic; abdomen distended like ^ drum; sour diarrhoea, smelling like rotten eggs, corroding the anus. ' 7. Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with labor pains in uterus; excessive rest- lessness and irritability; becomes furious about the pains. 84 CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. 8. Inflammation, brought on from a fit of passion; over-sensitive to open air. 9. Soles of the feet burn; has to put them out of bed. 10. Violent rheumatic pams at night, can- not bear them, drive him out of bed; is fearfully irritable. 11. Aggravation: From anger, cold, and at night. 12. Amelioration: Warm, wet weather; coffee, and fasting. CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. PIPSISSEWA. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Chimaphila has two special centc7's of action: Lymphatics and Mamm^:. Atrophied. Bladder. Catan^hal Injiamfnation, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Great quantities of fetid mucus in the urine, accompanied by vesical tenesmus, with frequent inclination to urinate. 2. Chronic vesical and renal troubles, with CHLOROFORMUM. 85 an enormous amount of ropy mucous sedi- ment in the urine. 3. Renal dropsy, especially after scarla- tina; urine very scanty. 4. Atrophy of the mammae (similar to Iodine); scrofulous people. CHLOROFORMUM. CHLOROFORM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Chloro- form has seven special centers of action : Cerebro-Sp. Sys. Seiis. and Mot. Paral. ; Ancesthesia. Pneumogastrics. Paralysis of Respiratory Ccizters. CiRC. Vaso- Motor Par aL, Arterial Pressure Lowered. Heart. Paralysis., and Death by Syjtcope. Blood. Contraction and D is solutio7i of Red Corpuscles. Muscular System. Co??iplete Muscular Paralysis. Eye, First., Picpil Dilated; Ancesthetic Stage^ Contr. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The g-reat use of Chloroform is as an AncBsthetic ; i. e., to produce insensibility to pain in surgical operations. 2. Chloroform narcosis. To resuscitate the patient, nothing" equals forcible dilata- tion of the anus. 86 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. BLACK COHOSH. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cimicifuga has three special centers of actio?! : „ f> r> ( Rheutnatic Hyper cemia. CEREBRO-bPINAL bYS. J _, _, ^ ^, . ( Lhorea; Jr'aralysis. CiRC. Febrile Irritatio7i ; Heart Irregular^ Peeblc. ^ „ T^ ( Rxcito-Motor. Sexual Organs, Female. ^ „, . ^^ , , ( Kheu7natic Hypercesthesia. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Hysterical hyperaesthesia of a rheu- matic character, in delicate females afflicted with ovario-uterine disease. 2. Profound melancholy predominates, with sighing, and severe headache. 3. Tremors over the body, with nervous shuddering; excessive restlessness and twitching. 4. Neuralgic and rheumatic affections of the uterus and ovaries, with bearing-down pains, and profound melancholy. 5. Nervous irritation of the ovaries; they are excessively tender when touched, pro- ducing amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, men- orrhagia, and great excitability, with spas- modic pains. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. 8? 6. All the pains in the head are from within outward, more in the vertex and occiput, often extending down the spine, associated with great heat, and hysterical restlessness. 7. Intense and persistent sore, aching pains in the eyeballs. 8. Chorea; trembling, spasmodic action of the weakened muscles. 9. Obstinate insomnia, irritability, and de- sire for solitude. 10. Excessive muscular soreness in all the limbs, with violent pain in small of the back, and great melancholia. Muscular rheuma- tism predominates. 11. Aggravation: Morning; motion; cold air, and during menstruation. 12. Amelioration: Rest; open, warm air; warmth in general. 88 CINA. WORM-SEED. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cina (especially Santonine) has ^i^^ special centers of action: Cerebro-Spinal Sys. Convulsions ; Coma. Eyes. JMydriasis / Xanthofsiaj Hypei'ccsthesia. Digestive Org. Pai'asiticide. Irritation ; Hypercemia, Kidneys. HypercE}nia; Hemorrhage, Bladder. Sphincter Paresis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially for children troubled with worms; absolutely specific for lumbricoides. Children that are exceedingly unamiable; nothing pleases them; fretting and crying constantly; too cross to live. 2. Cannot be quieted by any persuasions; proof against all caresses; wake in a fright, scream, and tremble. 3. Face pale, cold, bluish white about the mouth; picks and bores into the nose until the blood comes. 4. Grinding of the teeth and tossing about during sleep; always cross when awake. 5. Sensation as if there was a ball rising in the throat, that causes a frequent disposi- tion to swallow. CINA. §9 6. Tongue red on the edges, showing- prominent, large papillae, or coated brown. 7. Child is constantly hungry; wants to eat all the time. 8. Belly hard and distended; frequent colicky pains; mucous stools, often mixed with lumbrici. 9. Great itching of the anus at night, with restlessness. 10. Enuresis at night, from worms; have great difficulty in holding their water at night; wet the bed constantly, which turns the sheets yellow. 11. Urine turns milky after standing a little; saffron colored; becomes turbid in a few minutes. 12. Hoarse, gagging, croupy, nervous cough, lasting for months, caused by worms. 13. Convulsions in children from worms, associated with many nervous symptoms. 14. Urticaria from parasitic irritation of ttie intestines. 15. Worm fever; burning heat of the whole body; jerking of the muscles; fre- quent violent spasms; pupils widely dilated, and child exceedingly nervous. QO CITsiCHONA. i6. Aggravation: Night; when crossed the least, even looked at; when yawning", and external pressure. 17. Amelioration: During the day; cold, and motion. CINCHONA. PERUVIAN BARK. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cinchona has eighteen special centers of action : Brain. Intense Hypercemia; Burst. Headache ; Coma, Auditory Nerve. Paral.; Sing.^ Buzz.^ Deafness. Eyes. Mydriasis ; A?naurosis. Trigeminus. Hypercesthesia ; Intermittent Neuralgia. Spine. (Anterior.) Convulsions ^ Paralysis. Vagi. Tonic. Paresis ; Slow Digestion. Lungs. Venous Congestio?t; Dyspnoea; Ancemia. Spleen. Venous IIyperce7nia; Hyperfy ; IIydrce?nia. Liver. Paresis; Chronic Congestion; faundice. Kidneys. Urea and Uric Acid Greatly Diminished. Sexual O., Male. Debility ; Imp.; JExhaust. Pollut. Sexual O., Fem. Debility ; Metrorrhagia ; Pollufns. Muscular Sys. Ancemia; Paresis ; hitermit. Myalgia. Skin. Ac7ie; Hydrcemia; Anasarca. Blood. Ancemia; Pibrifie Increased. CiRC. Tonic. Cardiac and V^aso-Molor Paralysis. Temperature. First Increased^ then Lowered. Antiseptic. Arrests Permentation with GrU Rapidity. CINCHONA. Qi GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The system has been greatly debiHtated by the loss of vital fluids, especially of blood, semen, or by diarrhoea, over-lacta- tion, or copious night sweats. 2. In all diseases calling for Cinchona, periodicity is the greatest feature; symp- toms are intermittent, patient worse every day, or at a certain hour every other day. 3. The least draft of air causes great suffering"; slightest contact or motion causes great aggravation of the pain. 4. Malarial intermittents. The three stages are well marked, and the cases are of recent origin, not chronic. 5. Congestive, throbbing headache, as if the brain would burst, with singing", roaring, hissing" noises in the ears, after excessive hemorrhage, or loss of vital fluids; aggra- vated by a draft of air, in the open air, or the slightest contact; relieved by pressure. *6. Restlessness at night; he lies awake all night, restless and miserable, from con- gestion of blood to the head; is greatly de- pressed in spirits, too despondent to live; is filled full of malaria. 92 CINCHONA. 7. Sensitiveness of all the nerves, with general weakness. 8. Complete deafness, from malaria, or loss of vital fluids. 9. Bitter taste, with thick yellow coating on the tongue, and great longing for acids; in malarial diseases. 10. Canine hunger, or complete loss of appetite. 11. Stomach excessively acid, with sour vomiting, and greatly distended with gas. 12. Enormous distention of the abdomen, feels packed full of gas, as if stuffed, not relieved by eructations or dejections. 13. Violent thirst for cold water; drinks little at a time, but often. 14. Watery, sour diarrhoea, or of undi- gested food, mostly at night. 15. Urine dark, yellow, and scanty; throws down brick-dust sediment. 16. Nocturnal emissions that produce great debility and sadness. 17. Menses too profuse; abdomen greatly distended with gas; cannot bear to be touched; metrorrhagia where a great amount of blood has been lost, with fainting. CINCHONA. 93 i8. Congestion or neuralgia of any part of the body, with well-marked periodicity, worse every, or every other day, or by con- tact. 19. Copious, weakening" night sweats. 20. Intermittent fever, paroxysms come on a little earlier every day, or every other day; the three stages are sharply marked, — chill, fever, and sweat; there must be co- pious perspiration following the chill and fever, or China, or its Alkaloid, Quinine, will be utterly useless; and, as a rule, chronic cases are only aggravated by this remedy. 21. Jaundice from malaria is strongly marked, often with bilious vomiting. Has acted well in gallstones as a prophylactic. 22. Acute neuralgia, aggravated by con- tact. 23. Aggravation: From slightest touch; draft of air; from cold; motion; eating or drinking; mental exertion; from loss of vital fluids; every other day, and at night. 24. Amelioration: From warmth; after- noon, and during rest. 94 COCAINE. CINNAMOMUM. CASSIA CORTEX. Through the cerebro-spinal system, Cinnamon has one special center of action : Muse. Sys. (Non-Striated.) Blood- Vessels Stim. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. In menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, and uterine hemorrhage, it is of great value. (As a decoction.) COCAINE. FROM ERYTHROXYLON COCA. Through the cerebro-spinal system, Cocaine has eight special centei's of actio?i : Cerebrum. Highly Stimulated. vSpinal Cord. Sensory Nerve I^ilaments Paralyzed. Vagi. First., Stimulation^ Second., Paralysis. Mucous Membranes. Complete Ancesthesia. Heart. Greatly Stimulated. Arterioles. Active Coiztr action. Eye. (Locally.) Complete A?zcEsthesia; Mydriasis. Kidneys. Slightly Stiinulated. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. As a local anaesthetic, the Hydrochlo- rate of Cocaine is the most useful remedy COCAINE. 95 ever discovered in all surg-ical operations involving the mucous membrane of any part of the body, particularly that of the eye, nose, mouth, ear, g:enito-urinary organs, and rectum, as well as in many minor sur- gical operations. 2. As a local anaesthetic in ophthalmology, a two to four per cent, solution is instilled into the conjunctiva, three or four times, at intervals of five minutes, when the conjunc- tiva and the whole eye can be operated on without pain. 3. On the nasal mucous membrane, after it is thoroughly cleansed, use a four per cent, solution. 4. On the throat and larynx, use from a two to four per cent, solution. 5. In hay asthma, a four per cent, solution in the nostrils is of great value ; apply on lint. 6. Otalgia. A four per cent, solution on cotton will arrest it at once. 7. Upon the genito-urinary organs, use from a two to four per cent, solution; of great value in catheterization; in pruritus vulvae and vaginismus its local use cannot be dispensed with. q6 cocaine. 8. In rectal surgery, use a four per cent, solution. 9. To anaesthetize the skin, apply Cocaine with the positive electrode over the part de- sired, the negative being placed on some other part of the body, or inject hypoder- mically a two per cent, solution. 10. As an antidote to Morphine, this drug is of great value. 11. Internally, the 2nd or 3d decimal of Cocaine is one of the best haemostatics known; for haemoptysis, haematemesis, met- rorrhagia, and hemorrhages of the bowels. 12. Chorea, paralysis agitans, alcoholic tremors, and senile trembling. Cocaine internally is extremely valuable. 13. Cocaine should never be used in cases of heart or lung disease, or in persons of a very nervous temperament. During injec- tion the patient should always be in a recum- bent position, until anaesthesia is complete. The intradermic method is preferable to the hypodermic; by injecting into, not under, the mucous membrane or skin, the risk of entering a blood-vessel is avoided. 97 COCCULUS INDICUS. SEEDS OF ANAMIRTA COCCULUS. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, CoccuUis has three special centers of action : Cerebro-Sp. Sys. (Mot.) Convulsions ; Paralysis, Vagi. V^iolent Eniesis ; Syncope. Ovario-Uterine Organs. Hyperccsthesia; Spasms, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Excessive prostration of the animal nervous system; the patient is too weak to even talk aloud. 2. Especially suited to hysterical women and nervous children, afflicted with spas- modic diseases that have their origin in the motor tract of the cranio-spinal axis, from the corpora striata to the cauda equina. 3. Sneaking, insidious nervous fevers, with nausea and faintness; the nausea is felt from the epigastrium to the throat, with a sensa- tion of constriction around the waist; aggra- vated by eating, drinking, motion, mental exertion, and in the open air. 4. Great intolerance of fresh air; in fact, all the functions of animal life are pros- trated, and intolerant to any stimulus; gS COCCULUS INDICUS. constant disposition to sleep; in the morning still sleepy. 5. Vertigo on rising up in bed, with nau- sea, compelling him to lie down as from intoxication, with a feeling as if a board was across the forehead, and trembling of the head. 6. Griping in the upper epigastrium, taking away the breath. 7. Seasickness with nausea and vomiting when riding in a wagon, cars, or boat; much vertigo, great prostration and fainting. 8. Abdomen distended by flatulence, with griping pains, in nervous people. g. Menstruation too early, with distention of the abdomen, and colicky pains during every motion. 10. Trembling of the hands; the knees threaten to sink from weakness; feet and hands alternately asleep. 11. Locally, the ointment has long been used for the destruction of pediculi on the hairy portions of the body, especially the genitals. 12. Aggravation: By motion on a boat, in cars, or wagon; by the exertion of eating, COFFEA CRUDA. QQ drinking", talking", smoking-; especially by cold air. 13. Amelioration: Warm air, after sweat- ing", and at nig:ht. COFFEA CRUDA. ARABIAN COFFEE. "^ Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Coffea has seven special ce7zters of actioii : Cerebrum. Mentality StiiJi'lafd; Obstinate htsomnia. Cord. (Post.) Sensory JVerve Filaments Paralyzed, Circulation. Yaso-Mot. StimuVn^ Incr. BVd-Press. Vagi. Respiratory Center Powei-fiilly Stimulated. Digestive Orgs. First Stimulation^ tJie7i Prostration, Greatly Stimulated, Kidneys. (Arterial.) ,- , tt t^- • - j ^ ^ \ JDiureticj Urea Uiminished. Sexual Organs. Great Excitement ; Paresis^ GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The pains are insupportable; feels them most intensely; cannot bear to be touched, the parts are so sensitive. 2. Great sensitiveness, with general excit- ability. 3. Ecstasy, full of ideas, quick to act; can- not sleep on that account; the physical 100 COFFEA CRUDA. system is so exalted that it seems almost transported, the ecstasy is so great. 4. All the senses are greatly increased, particularly hearing, smelling, taste, and touch. 5. Adapted to neurotic diseases, in peo- ple with a nervous-sanguine temperament; especially if caused by sudden joy or violent emotions. 6. Headache as if a nail were driven into the brain, worse in open air. 7. Headache as if it would fly to pieces, aggravated by noise and light. 8. Great hunger before dinner, with hasty eating. 9. Burning, sour eructations; tension of the stomach, which is very sensitive to the touch. 10. Colic so painful as to drive the patient mad. 1 1 Constipation alternately with a watery diarrhoea; spasms of the sphincter ani. 12. Profuse flow of watery, nervous urine, 13. Great sensitiveness of the female or- gans of generation; they itch voluptuously; cannot bear to have them touched. COFFEA CRUDA. lOI 14. Intercourse in women is extremely painful to them. 15. Copious menorrhagia, with c^reat sen- sitiveness of the org-ans to touch. 16. Pains of labor are insupportable; la- ments and weeps fearfully. 17. Male sexual org-ans are greatly ex- cited. 18. Trembling of the hands, with heat in the palms. 19. In cardiac dropsy two grains of Caf- feine act with great rapidity as a diuretic and tonic. 20. Great sensitiveness to cold, chill pre- dominating*. 21. Aggravation: Open cold air; strong smells; touch; noise, and excessive joy. 22. Amelioration: From warmth; rest, and evenings. COLCHICUM AUTUMHALE. MEADOW SAFFRON. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Colchicum has s/x special centers of action : Gastro-Int. C. Violent Einesis and Catha7'sis ; Injlam. Kidneys. Congestion ^ Injlam. j Phosphates Increased. Liver. Congestion j Increased Biliaiy Secretion. Spinal Cord. Hypercesthesia ; Convulsions ; Paresis, Fibrous Tissue ; Serous Mem. Rheumatoid Injlam. Skin, Diaphoresis ; Hyper(Esthesia. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Arthritic or rheumatic diathesis; sub- acute and chronic rheumatism affecting the muscles and joints; great muscular weak- ness; diminution of vital heat, and great vital atony. Specific for gout. 2. Debility and paralytic weakness are very suggestive of the anaesthetic type; affected parts exceedingly painful; the skin looks rose-colored, and leaves a white spot under the finger pressure. 3. In warm weather the tearing pains are felt more at the surface of the body; as the air grows colder they seem to penetrate the deeper tissues and the bones. 4. Arthritic or neuralgic inflammation of 102 COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. I63 the intestinal canal where the mucous mem- brane is mainly involved. 5. Sero-mucous vomiting; and rice-water stools, thrown off with great force, with cramps of the abdominal muscles and of the flexors of the arms and feet; sunken feat- ures; worse in hot, damp weather. 6. Cold surface, tongue, and breath; skin mottled and bluish nails. 7. Sudden sinking of the vital forces; if the patient is raised up, the head falls back- ward, and the mouth opens wide. 8. Tenesmus, with only a little faeces at first, then transparent mucus, and blood, with relief of colic; stools contain many white shreds, with great exhaustion. 9. Great appetite, wants different things; but, as soon as he sees them, or, still more, smells them, he shudders from nausea, and cannot eat. 10. Thirst unquenchable; great distention of the abdomen. 11. Urine dark, scanty, resembling brick- dust; or bloody, with rheumatic pains in the lumbar region, extending down the thighs. 12. Body very weak, sore, and sensitive 104 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. throughout; arms and legs are paralyzed; patient can hardly walk, especially gouty subjects. 13. Dropsical effusions in gouty, rheu- matic people. 14. Dyspnoea, with oedema of the extrem- ities, from heart or kidneys. 15- Aggravation: Pains are greatly ag- gravated in damp, warm weather; at night; mental exertion or emotion, and by motion. 16. Amelioration: During repose and in- spiration. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. STONE ROOT. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, ColHnsonia has three special ce7tters of action: Gastro-Intest. C. Po7'tal Congestion; Hcemoi-rhoids. Kidneys. Increased Blood- Pressure ; Diuresis. CiR. Heart Tonic. (Veins.) Varicosis ; Hiemor'^ds, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. The great sphere of Collinsonia is in neurosis of the bowels where pain is very prominent, especially in diseases of the COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. IDS rectum, such as constipation, haemorrhoids, diarrhoea, and dysentery. 2. Passive congestion, constipation and haemorrhoids, with sensation in the rectum as if sticks, sand, or gravel had lodged there. 3. Old, obstinate haemorrhoids, with se- vere weight in the anus. 4. Chronic diarrhoea; stools mucous or bloody; severe colicky pains. 5. Copious watery stools, with nausea and fainting. 6. Haemorrhages, blood dark, with con- stipation. 7. Irritable heart, rapid and irregular beat- ing; aggravated by motion, excitement; at- tacks of syncope; faintness; dyspnoea and prostration, with constipation and haemor- rhoids. 8. Varicosis in any part of the body. 9. Aggravation: Open air; afternoon and eyening. 10. Amelioration: Warm air, and by rest. COLOCYNTHIS. BITTER CUCUMBER. Through the nervous gangUa in the muscular coats of the intestines (Auerbach's plexus), Colocynth has four special centers of action : Gastro-Intest. C Violent Hydragogue Cathartic. Intestinal Mucous Membrane. Violeiit Infam, Peritoneum. Congestion; Inflammation. Spinal Cord, (Post'r.) Hypercesthesia; Neuralgia. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great sphere of Colocynth Hes among the neuroses where pain is the most prominent symptom, and its greatest triumphs have been in acute sciatica and cohc. 2. Agonizing coHcky pain in the abdomen, causing the patient to bend over double to get relief, with great restlessness and moan- ing. 3. Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing something hard against the abdomen; feeling around the navel as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones; patient bent double, and very angry. 4. Bloody diarrhoea, with violent colicky 106 COLOCYNTHIS. I07 pains, aggravated by taking food or drink; located in the small intestines. 5. Inflammation of the bowels, with much colicky pain, intestines glued together by fresh formation of lymph. 6. Dysentery, where the disease is located in the small intestines; stools of mucus and blood, more colicky pains than tenesmus; taking food or drink renews desire for stool. 7. Green watery morning diarrhoea, with urging to urinate. 8. Sticking pain, now in the right, and now in the left, ovarian region. 9. Neurosis of the fifth pair of nerves; the pains are severe and tearing, with heat, swelling and much restlessness, increased by touch and motion, better from rest and warmth. 10. The nerves about the hip-joint suffer most severely; the pains are of a shooting and cutting kind, that run like lightning from the hip to the knee, more on the right side, much worse at night. (Acts better in acute cases.) 11. Muscles of the body often become painfully cramped. I08 CONIUM MACULATUM, 12. In choleric, rheumatic, g-outy temper- aments, following grief. 13- Aggravation: From mental trouble, anger, mortification; at night; from eating, drinking, and motion. 14. Amelioration: By being bent over double, with the head bent forward; hard pressure on the bowels; coffee and smoking. CONIUM MACULATUM. POISON HEMLOCK. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Conium has six special centers of actio?! : I:; ^ ^ f. , Motor JV. Pilai7ients Paralyzed, Cerebro-Spinal Sys. 1 , ^ . ^ Muscular Paresis. Eyes. Mydriasis , Oculo-Motor Paralysis. Circulation. Arterial Blood-Pressure Lessened. Temperature. Depressed. Urinary Org. Sphinc. Vesicce PUyzed; Urine Viscid. Gland. S. (Mamm.*:7 Ovaries, Testes.) Atroph'*d. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Adapted to the debility of old people, to diseases caused by a blow or fall, and to cancerous, scrofulous people with tight, rigid fiber. CONIUM MACULALUM. lOQ 2. Much troubled with vertigo, particu- larly when lying down, especially when turning over in bed. 3. Great concern about little things; easily excited; dreads being alone, but avoids society. 4. Mental effort produces great prostra- tion; morose, out of humor; pain in occiput with every pulsation, as if pierced with a knife; head too full of blood. 5. Lips and teeth have black crusts on them. 6. Vomiting that looks like black coffee- grounds, in cancerous subjects, with much distention of the abdomen. 7. Constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool, frequent stitches in the anus be- tween stools, and great vertigo on lying down. 8. Great difficulty in voiding urine; it flows and stops again, then flows and stops again at each emission. 9. Sexual organs very irritable; frequent emissions without erections, with induration of the testicles. 10. Great soreness and swelling of the no CONIUM MACULATUM. breasts preceding menstruation, greatly ag- gravated by walking or the least jar. 11. Induration of the breasts; hard as a stone. 12. Shriveling of the breasts, with in- creased sexual desire. 13. Ovaries indurated and greatly en- larged. 14. Scanty menstruation, and very painful. 15. Burning, aching, sore pain in uterus; rigid OS, with stinging pains; induration and ulceration of the os uteri; excoriating leu- corrhoea. 16. Spasmodic, dry, teasing cough, worse in the evening and especially at night; on lying down the patient coughs continually, producing great fatigue; there seems to be a dry spot in the larynx. 17. Aggravation: At night, during rest; the cough and the dizziness are sure to be aggravated by lying down, or rising up in bed, looking around, and from cold air. 18. Amelioration: From continued mo- tion; in the dark, and in dry, warm weather. COPAIBA. COPAIBA BALSAM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Copaiba has foiir special centers of action : Mucous Membranes. Inflammation ^ Mucorrhoea. Digestive Org. Slow Digestion; Intestinal Catarrh. Skin. Urticaria ; Roseola; Maculce ; CEdema. Cerebro- Spinal System. Convulsions ; Paresis, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The greatest sphere of usefulness of this remedy is centered in gonorrhoea. As soon as the acute symptoms have been sub- dued by Aconite or Cannabis, no remedy can finish the cure m^ore rapidly than Co- paiba. Five drops on sugar once in four hours will dry up the discharge in a few days; but it must be continued from one to two weeks afterward. In some obstinate cases, ten to fifteen drops will have to be used at a dose, ter in die. 2. Burning in the urethra, with frequent micturition; yellow, purulent discharge from the urethra; chronic gleet, with muco-puru- lent discharge; gonorrhoeal rheumatism, mostly in the knees. MX TT2 CORAT.T.IUM RUBRUM. 3. Bloody urine, with constant urging to urinate; haematuria in women; especially valuable in irritation of the urethra in old women. 4. Chronic catarrh of the bladder; copious mucous discharge. 5. Ascites and general anasarca, from renal disease, especially albuminuria after scarlatina. 6. Chronic bronchorrhoea (dilated bron- chi), with profuse expectoration of a green- ish, purulent, fetid mucus. 7. Urticaria from gastric irritation; fever, with intolerable itching. 8. Chronic catarrh of the intestinal tract, with diarrhoea. 9. Aggravation: In the morning. 10. Amelioration: From walking. CORALLIUM RUBRUM. RED CORAL. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Coral has one special center of action : Pneumogast. N. (Sensitive FiLA.) Hypercesthesia. GOTO BARK. II3 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Whooping-cough, with violent dry, teasing, spasmodic cough, so violent that the children grow black in the face and lose their breath; convulsive coughs; worse at night. 2. Feeling as if cold air were streaming through the air-passages in the morning on deep inspiration, with dry spasmodic cough. GOTO BARK. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system and the muscular gangha of the intestines, Cotoin has three special centers of action : ^ ^x ( Severe Vomitinp-, Pneumogastric Nerve. \ ^^. ^ , ^ . ^ . [ Violent hurning I^ains. Abdomen. Active Dilatation of the Abdominal Vessels. Skin. (Locally.) Great Heat and Redness. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Chronic tubercular, watery diarrhoea that is very copious and exhausting. This remedy is of great value, given in large doses. CROCUS SATIVUS. SAFFRON. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Crocus has three special centers of actio7i: Cerebro-Spinal S. Hysterical Emotional Exciteme7it. Sex. O., Female. Venous Cong.; Passive Hemo7'''ges. Blood. Dark a?id Stringy. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia; blood dark, clotted, and stringy; as it is discharged it forms itself into long strings. 2. Passive uterine hemorrhage; blood is dark and stringy; miscarriage at the third month, aggravated by motion. 3. False, nervous pregnancy, with sensa- tion as if something were alive in the ab- domen. 4. Abdomen greatly swollen, with rolling and bounding in it as from a live foetus. 5. Stitches in the anus affecting the whole nervous system. 6. Feeling as if there was a gauze before the eyes; aching pain in the muscles of the eyes; eye strain from over-study. 114 CROTALUS HORRIDUS. II5 7. Epistaxis of tenacious, stringy, thick, black blood. 8. Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, wants to kiss everybody; with congestion of blood to the head; great mental dejection. 9. Aggravation: Motion; evenings; fast- ing, and in the house. 10. Amelioration: In the open air; from quiet and eating. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. RATTLESNAKE POISON. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Crotalus has six special centers of action : Brain. Medulla and Sens'^y N. Life Insfly Destroyed. Pneumogas. N. Spasms of Throat ; Emesis j' Asthma. Blood. Rapid Septic Decompos'^n ; Fibrine Incoagu'ble. Circulation. Vaso- Motor Paralysis ; Asthenic Fever. Skin, faundice ; Hemor''ges ; Ecchymosis ; Ga^tgrene. Gi*ANDULAR S. Greatly Congested; Fatty Degen, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially adapted to all malignant, septic, asthenic diseases, with profound pros- tration and a tendency to rapid death; as, Il6 CROTALUS HORRIDUS. yellow fever, septicaemia, diphtheria, malig- nant scarlatina, putrid sore throat, carbun- cle, glanders, malignant pustule, pyaemia, purpura, erysipelas, and gangrene. 2. All fevers that assume a low, typhoid form, with rapid prostration of the vital forces, trembling of the whole body, and frequent fainting. 3. Hemorrhages from every orifice of the body, — gums, nose, stomach, lungs, urethra, bowels, womb, eyes, ears, and the pores of the skin. 4. Yellow, jaundiced condition of the whole body. 5. Vertigo, pain in the base of the brain, with great faintness. 6. Tongue scarlet red, or brown, dry, and swollen, with foul breath. 7. Great soreness in the stomach and liver, with violent nausea and vomiting of bile, or black, bloody matter; cannot retain anything on the stomach, with severe ver- tigo and excessive exhaustion. 8. The liver is painfully sore, with jaundice of the whole body. 9. Hemorrhage from the bowels and CROTALUS HORRIDUS. Il7 kidneys in low septic fever, with disorgan- ization of the red blood-corpuscles. 10. Diarrhoea excessively fetid; great prostration. 11. Unquenchable thirst for cold water. 12. Puerperal septicaemia; uterine hemor- rhages; tympanitis; typhoid symptoms, with great prostration. 13. Skin covered with yellow spots, or excessive jaundice, blood oozing from the pores of the skin; blisters with livid spots, filled with bloody ichor; gangrene; malig- nant inflammation of the cellular tissue. 14. General anasarca, the whole body swollen, excessive debility. 15. Old cicatrices break open again. 16. Acts on fat people better than on lean, on white better than colored. 17. Most of the symptoms appear on the right side. (Lachesis on the left.) 18. Aggravation: Morning and night, and in a close room. 19. Amelioration: From walking in the open air. CROTON TIGLIUM. CROTON OIL. Through the little ganglia in the muscular coat of the intestines and mucous glands of the canal, Croton Oil has Jive sj)ecial centers of action : Gastro-Intes. C. Most V^iolent Hydragogue Cathai-tic, Pneumogastric N. Nausea and Violeiit Vo?niti7ig. Intestinal Mucous Memb. Violent Injlammation. Liver. Hematic Sti7nuldnt. Bile Increased, Skin. (Locally.) Ecze?na^ Vesicular and Pustular. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Diarrhoea, stools copious, watery, and escape from the bowels suddenly, as if shot out of a gun, with much prostration. 2. Yellow, watery stool, sudden expulsion, and aggravated by drink or food, sometimes very excoriating. 3. Yellow, watery, greenish, and painless stools, with dry lips, nausea, and great faint- ness; abdomen much distended with gas, and painful on pressure. 4. Flatulence; watery, urgent diarrhoea; great gurgling and colic pains about the umbilicus, with much prostration. 5. Mucous stools; great burning in the H8 CROTON TIGLIUM. I IQ anus after stool, with constant urging- and protrusion of the anus. 6. Every time the child nurses, it causes a severe pain, running through from the nipple to the back. 7. Vesicles on the skin, with a yellow plastic exudation, that burn like fire. No drug causes such intolerable itching and violent burning of the skin, aggravated by contact, relieved by slight friction; urticaria. 8. Severe itching of the genitals; vesicu- lar and pustular eruptions. 9. Menses too scanty; with much itching and swelling of the vulva; and much ex- citement of the heart. 10. Feeling as if the lungs could not be expanded; burning stitches in the chest, with hard, frequent, dry cough. 11. Aggravation: By motion and in the morning. 12. Amelioration: By sleep. CUPRUM. COPPER. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Cuprum has six special centei's of action : Pneumogas. N. Violent Euiesis j Convtilsive Resftion. Digestive Organs. Violent Gast?'o-Enteritis. Liver, yaundice; Fatty Degeizei-ation. Kidneys. Albumiitio-ia j Sitpp7'ession of Urine. Cerebro-Spin. S. Cra?nps; Convjilsions ; Paralysis, CiRC. Blood-Press. Lessened; Vaso-Motor Paralysis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Adapted to neurotic, chlorotic, and gastro-intestinal diseases. 2. Cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels, with nausea and violent vomiting-; relieved by drinking- cold water. 3. When drinking, the fluid descends with a gurgling noise; in cholera infantum and diarrhoea. 4. Abdomen tense, hot, and tender to touch; intestinal spasms, with copious green- ish diarrhoea. 5. Convulsive vomiting; tendency to col- lapse; choleraic stools, not copious, with horrible cramps in stomach and abdomen. 6. Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera. 120 CUPRUM. 121 7. Urine dark red, or suppressed. 8. Cold face, blue lips; coldness all over. 9. Shrieks from fear; anxiety; convul- sions, with fearful cries; head moved from side to side; aggravated by contact. 10. Paralysis of the brain, caused by sud- den retrocession of some acute eruption; vomiting- and spasms; cold face, lips blue, coldness all over. 11. Long-continued paroxysms of con- vulsive coughing, with vomiting of mucus; sudden attacks of dyspnoea unto suffocation. One swallow of cold water relieves. 12. Nervous trembling, great prostration; cramps in legs and feet; great restlessness; flushes of heat, and burning of the soles of the feet. 13- Aggravation: By contact; vomiting; night; before menstruation. 14. Amelioration: By drinking cold water; perspiring. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. PURPLE FOXGLOVE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Digitalis has twelve special ceiiters of action : ( Musculo-Motor Stimulant. \ Ii'regular^ Firm Contractio7ts. Arteries. Vaso-M. Stimu. Firm Arfl Contractions. Vagi. Emesis ; Congesfn j Paralysis Terfn'^l Filam''ts, Stomach and Colon. Congestion ; Injlammation, Liver. Portal Congestioit ; yaundice. Salivary Glands. Salivation. Kidneys, hicreased Blood-Pressure ^ Diuresis. Sexual O. (/.) Sti7?iurnj (2.) Profound Prostration. Brain. Co?zgestion; Delirium ; Coma. Eyes. Mydriasis ^ Chromatopsia ; Glands Inflamed. Cord. Complete Loss of Reflex Action; Paralysis. Temperature. Greatly Lowered. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. All diseases where the heart is more or less involved, accompanied with slow, irreg"- ular, or intermittent pulse, excited by the least movement. Intraventricular pressure increased, is a marked therapeutic effect of Digitalis. 2. The least movement produces violent palpitation of the heart, intermitting every few beats. 122 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. I23 3. Org-anic diseases of the heart, with great anasarca. 4. The greatest cardiac tonic known; slow, feeble, intermittent pulse; the muscu- lar walls of the heart are very feeble. 5. Sinking- in the epigastrium; sharp pains about the heart; the patient is cyanotic; sleep restless; slow respiration, and a desire to take a deep breath; constriction of the chest. 6. Cardiac dropsy; cannot lie down in bed, obliged to sit up in a chair; jugular veins distended; face dusky livid; loose cough; haemoptysis; scanty urine, often albuminous; oedema of the face, scrotum, legs, and feet; general anasarca; great dila- tation of the left ventricle; often much hy- pertrophy; mitral regurgitation, and disease of the aortic valves; the muscular power of the heart is especially deficient; fears it will stop beating. V. Chronic bronchitis, and interstitial pneumonia, with loose, rattling, asthmatic cough; difficulty in breathing; dilatation of the right cavities of the heart and general anasarca. 124 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. 8. Haemoptysis from pulmonary conges- tion, caused by mitral regurgitation; con- tracts the arterioles, and slows the heart. Q. Jaundice from cardiac troubles, with white, ashy stools; liver enlarged, sore, and feels bruised; the urine scanty, high col- ored. 10. Profuse flow of frothy saliva, stinging in the throat. 11. Nausea in the morning as if she would die; motion causes vomiting with great faintness; smell of food excites nausea. 12. Feeling of goneness in the stomach as if he would die; deathly nausea and vomit- ing, with vertigo. 13. Whitish, or ashy gray stools; stools are extremely white in Digitalis cases, from lack of bile; obstinate constipation. 14. For nightly emissions, with great weakness of the genitals, lascivious fancies day and night, great despondency, utter despair, and fearful mood, use Digitaline 2d or 3d trituration; best known drug. 15. Longs to be alone; tearfulness, from troubled conscience. 16. Great sensitiveness to cold, from DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 125 anaemia; cold sweat at night, more on face and chest. 17. During the cHmacteric, sudden flashes of heat, followed by great debility; the least motion brings on palpitation. 18. General debility, with tendency to faint and perspire; the lower limbs very heavy, with great infiltration of serum. 19. Aggravation: From lying down; mo- tion; after sleep; from cold, and in a very warm room. 20. Amelioration: By sitting up; during rest; forenoons, and in medium warm air. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. WILD YAM^ ROOT. Through the little ganglia in the muscular coat of the intestines, Dioscorea has three special centers of action: Digestive Organs. Ijitense JVeurosis of the Boivels. Liver. Portal Congestion ; Torpor. Spine. Exalted Reflex Excitability ; Paralysis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Acute neurosis of the stomach and bowels, where the coeliac and umbilical 126 DULCAMARA. plexuses of nerves are in a state of intense hyperaesthesia; the spasms and pain are un- bearable. 2. Great faintness at pit of the stomach. 3. Distressing- pyrosis, with gastralgia. 4. Colic that comes on suddenly and leaves suddenly; spasmodic colic, with much flatulence. (Best remedy we have for bil- iary colic, to arrest the pain while the gall- stone is passing.) 5. Catarrhal diarrhoea and dysentery, with much colicky pain and tenesmus; the tenes- mus and pain not relieved by having a stool. 6. Aggravation: By eating and motion. 7. Amelioration: From copious eructa- tions of gas. DULCAMARA. BITTER SWEET. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Dulcamara has^ve special centers of action : Cerebro- Spinal System. Convulsio7is ; Paralysis. Mucous Membranes. Catarrhal Iiiflammaiion. Serous Membranes. Rheumatoid I njiammation. Kidneys. Inc''d BVd-Press.; Albuminuria ; Catarrh, §KiN. Eiythemaj Urticarial Vesicular Eczema, DULCAMARA. 127 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to catarrhal and rheumatic diseases brought on by cold, damp, rainy weather. 2. All symptoms are aggravated when the weather suddenly becomes colder, especially if it is damp. 3. Child gets worse at every cold change in the weather, or from exposure to cold, damp air. 4. Suppression of an eruption from ex- posure to damp, cold air. 5. Skin is delicate, and sensitive to cold, and liable to eruptions from exposure to damp, cold air. 6. From taking cold, the neck is stiff; back painful; feels sore all over, with draw- ing, tearing pains. 7. Diarrhoea in damp, cold weather; the stools mucous, green, and watery, with tear- ing, cutting pains before stool. 8. Nettle-rash all over the body; tetters oozing watery fluid. 9. Pain in small of back, as after stooping. 10. Aggravation: Always by cold, damp weather; evenings and during rest. 128 ELATERIUM. II. Amelioration: From warm, dry air; morning and daytime. ELATERIUM. SQUIRTING CUCUMBER. Through the little ganglia in the muscular coat of the intestines, Elaterium has two spec/a/ centers of action : M ucous Membranes. \ ^ioleizt Hydragogic c Cath a rtic. Stomach. Violent Fluid Vomiting. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Olive-green watery, gushing stools, pre- ceded by violent cutting in the abdomen; chilliness and prostration. 2. Dropsy of the pericardium or kidney, associated with intermittent (ever; much chilliness, gaping and prostration. ETHER. SULPHURIC ETHER. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous sj^stem, Ether has seven special centers of action : Cekebro-Spinal S. Complete Anccsthesia ; Acinesia. Heart. Stimulated y I )i creased Arterial Blood-Press. Circulation. V^aso-Motor Stimulation. Vagi. J^irst^ StimuVn j Sccoiid^ Paralysis j Asphyxia. Sexual Organs. Excessive Erotic Excite?nent. Gland. S. Incr. Secretions. (Liver.) Glycosuria. Skin. Complete Ancesthesia j Copnous Perspiration. GRAND CHARACTEPJSTICS. 1. The great field for Ether is as an an- aesthetic in all major surgical operations. It is, without doubt, the safest anaesthetic known in surgery. To administer it, use a cone made for this purpose, that will cover the nose and mouth closely; then pour into the cone about one-half ounce of Ether, and, if anaesthesia is not complete in five minutes, another half-ounce should be used, without removing the apparatus so air can be ad- mitted to the patient. 2. Great care should be taken when using Ether at night, its fumes being very inflam- mable. Have the light high, as the vapor of Ether falls to the floor. 9 129 130 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. 3. Local anaesthesia. For small surgical operations, or spinal irritation, chorea, neu- ralgia, lumbago, muscular rheumatism, etc., Ether spray may be used with a hand-ball spray apparatus, the rapid evaporation pro- ducing an intense degree of cold, and local anaesthesia. When used along the spine, many nervous diseases are rapidly cured. 4. Internally, it is best given in ice-cold water, or equal parts of brandy and fine cut ice, or in capsules. Dose, one drachm to one fluid ounce. To allay pain in many dis- eases, Ether is often of great value. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. AUSTRALIAN GUM TREE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Eucalyptus has eight special centers of actio?i : Mucous Membranes. (Of Throat, ) ^_ , ,^^ . \ Mucorrhoca. Lungs, Intestines, Kidneys.) ) ^ ^ 1 (^•) Tonic; (2.) Indirrestion. Digestive Organs. \ \^ , 7 7 7^ • 7 ( (catarrhal JJiari'hoca. Urinary O. Diztrcsis^ with Enormous Incr. of Urea. Spleen. Co7ttracted; Fatty Degeneration. Heart. Blood- Press2ire Lessened; Viole7it Palpitation, Temperature. Greatly Lowered; Asthenic Fever. Skin. Powerful Diaphoretic. Spinal Cord. Paralysis ; Muscular Motility Lost, EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. I3I GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great use of this drug; is found in sub-acute and chronic malarial intermittent fevers. Obstinate cases, where the patient has taken Quinine and it has failed, the patient much debilitated. 2. Atonic dyspepsia, chronic gastric and intestinal catarrh; the secretions are very fetid, with much flatulence. 3. Chronic catarrh of the bladder and kidneys; there is much mucus in the urine, which is extremely fetid. 4. At the climacteric, women who suffer much from flatulence, palpitation of the heart, and sudden hot flushes. 5. Uterine catarrh; secretions copious, fetid, and acrid. (Used locally and inter- nally, the fetor is destroyed at once.) 6. About the most important use of this drug is in the treatment of catarrhal affec- tions of the broncho-pulmonary mucous membrane; sub-acute and chronic cases, accompanied by copious muco-purulent ex- pectoration, very fetid and acrid. Also nasal catarrh, with copious muco-purulent discharge; takes cold easily. 132 EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. 7. As a disinfectant, the tincture, and especially the oil, when used locally, has no equal; foul-smelling ulcers and wounds are changed at once into sweet ones. It should be dissolved in water before it is applied. EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. WAHOO. Through the solar and hypogastric plexuses of nerves, Euonymus has three special centei's of action : Liver. Hepatic Stimulant. Bile Greatly Iitcreased. Digestive Organs. Hydr agog tie Cathartic. Kidneys. Increased Blood-Pressure j Albu77ii7iuria. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. This is one of the most valuable reme- dies we have for what is known as a g^eneral bilious state and for bilious fevers. 2. Cholera morbus, with profuse bilious stools; nausea and vomiting, with great prostration. 3. Dyspepsia, with arrested hepatic func- tion. 4. Gallstones. The great increase of the biliary secretion by this drug should make it one of our best remedies in gallstones. Give two grains of the active principle. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. I33 5. In albuminuria, with hepatic symptoms, the urine scanty and very high-colored. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. BONESET. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Eupato- rium perf oHatum has six special centers of action : Spinal Cord. Paralytic Mypercesthesia. Vagi. Excessive Nazis ea : Bilious ]^07mti7Z(s. Intestines. Excessive Hyper- Catharsis. Liver. Portal Cong-estio?z; Excessive Secretion of Bile. Skin. Copious Diaphoresis. Lungs. Congestion; Catarrhal Inflammation. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Its great field of action is in bilious intermittent fever, with intolerable aching in the back and legs, as if the bones were broken; soreness of all the limbs as if pounded. 2. These pains make the patient very rest- less; chill in the morning; great thirst be- fore the chill, which continues during the chill and heat, with much shivering during the chill. 134 EUPATORIUIVI PERFOLIATUM. 3. This great chilliness and intense aching" of the whole body show how prominently the posterior columns of the spinal cord are involved. 4. The absence of much sweat and the severe bone-pains especially call for the use of this drug. 5. The peculiar headache, the soreness of the eyes and their yellowness, the yellowish- red face, the vomiting of bile, the nausea and prostration, the soreness of the liver, and the external soreness all over the body, are especially characteristic. 6. Tongue coated thickly yellow. 7. Nausea, and vomiting of copious quantities of green liquid, with frequent green, watery stools; colic, and terrible thirst. 8. Coryza, the nose and eyes both stream- ing with water; intense headache; great soreness of the forehead and occiput; pain in the back and legs; skin bathed in perspi- ration, with a loose cough. 9. Dyspnoea very great, must lie with head and shoulders high; aches all over as if pounded. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. I35 10. Aggravation: Morning, noon, and in open air. 11. Amelioration: Indoors and at night. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Eupato- rium purpureum has three special centers of action : Urinary Organs. Diuresis ; Catarrhal Cystitis. Spinal Cord. Hypercesthesia. Muscular System. Rheumatoid Inflammation. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Of great value in vesicular irritability in women, with much burning in the urethra during urination. 2. Constant desire to urinate, passes but a few drops at a time, obliged to make the effort often. 3. Suppression of urine, and great rest- lessness. 4. Incontinence of urine, with irritable bladder. 5. Catarrh of the bladder, with ulceration, and many rheumatic pains in lumbar region. 136 EUPHRASIA. 6. Renal dropsy; body and extremities enormously swollen; scanty secretion of urine, with great dyspnoea. 7. Intermittent fever; paroxysms irregular, chills slight, but much shaking; no thirst; great nausea and vomiting; not much sweat. 8. Heavily furred tongue, brownish, with bitter taste. 9. Head feels light, cannot hold it up, with severe aching all over. 10. Great restlessness; tossing and moan- ing; tired and faint; with many rheumatic pains. IT. Aggravation: Mornings. 12. Amelioration: At night. EUPHRASIA. EYE- BRIGHT. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Euphrasia has one special center of action : ^T .^ ^T T N i Catar/'t. Muc. M. (Eyes, Nose, Lungs.) < ^ ^ ^ M Mucori- Catari'hal Injlani. hoe a GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Its great use is in acute catarrhal in- flammation of the eyes, with copious acrid FERRUM. 137 Secretions; congestion and inflammation of the conjunctiva; g;reat photophobia; excess- ive acid lachrymation, excoriating" the Hds, which swell, and ulcerate on their margins; cornea ulcerated. 2. The nasal mucous membrane is greatly inflamed, swollen, and secretes a copious acrid mucus. 3. The throat and bronchi are similarly affected, with abundant mucous secretion, a loose cough, and a loud bronchial rale, with chilliness. 4. Aggravation: In bed, in warm air, light, and evenings. 5. Amelioration: Open air; in the dark. FERRUM. IRON. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Ferrum has seveyi special centers of action : Blood. -! ""•""^""^"' ^"' ^^-^^^y Albumen Decreased; Water Increased. Ancemla ; Myd.rcemia. Spleen. At?:ophy and Loss of Functlo7i. Temperature. Augmented in Health and Disease. Digestive Organs. Tonic. Teeth. Destruction of the Enamel. Kidneys. Fatty Degeneration ; Albu?ninuria. Elimination. Through the Intestinal Mucous Mem, 138 FERRUM. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great use of Iron is found in anae- mia with plethora; pale face, lips, and roof of the mouth; great debility, and the least emotion causes a fiery red, flushed face. 2. The least motion or exertion causes a red, flushed face, with vertigo, ringing in the ears, and great palpitation of the heart. 3. Rush of blood to the head, with ham- mering and beating in the head so that she must lie down. 4. The muscles are feeble, easily exhaust- ed from slight exertion, with bellows sound of the heart, and anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins. 5. Great weakness of the entire muscular system, with weak digestion and cold ex- tremities. 6. Always better from walking slowly about, notwithstanding weakness obliges him to lie down. 7. Anorexia, dislike for all food; vomiting of food after eating, coughing, and after midnight. 8. Lienteria; stools of undigested food, without pain, or watery, with flatulence; FERRUM. 139 more frequent after the taking; of food or water. 9. Chronic watery diarrhoea, soon after eating or drinking, without pain or effort, mostly undigested food. 10. Menses too frequent, too profuse, and last too long, with fiery red face. 11. Corroding, watery leucorrhoea. 12. Haemoptysis, spitting blood, with fly- ing pains in the chest; better when walking slowly; general hemorrhagic tendency. 13. CEdematous swelling of the body; cool skin; constant chilliness; evening fever. 14. Rheumatism of the deltoid muscle, of a tearing, laming nature, worse in bed, can- not raise the arm. 15. Dropsy after loss of fluids, abuse of Quinine; intermittent fever; anasarca, with great debility. 16. Aggravation: Mornings, while at rest, when sitting still, and from noise. 17. Amelioration: From slow exercise, and during the day. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. YELLOW JESSAMINE. Through the cerebro-spinal system, Gelsemiiim has eight special centers of action : Cerebro-Spin. S. Mot. and Sens. Paral.; Congesfn. Lungs. Respiratory Center Paralyzed; Asphyxia. Heart. Paralysis ; Blood-Pressure Lesse7ied. Eyes. Diplopia; Pupils Contr.; Mus. ParaVd; Ptosis. Temperature. Pozvercd in Disease. Sex. O., Male. Emiss'^ns ; Impoteiice ; Mus. Paraly'^d, Sex. O., Fem. JSIotor Spasms ; Paralysis ; Neuralgia. Urinary O. Diuresis ; Sphincter ParaVd; Enuresis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to nervous, excita- ble, hysterical people, with an all-tired-out feeling", to male and female onanists, and to malarial diseases. 2. Hysterical women with spasms, feeling" as if there was a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed; palpitation of the heart; copious flow of nervous urine, and a general numbness of the extremities, with fear and apprehension. 3. Hysterical women with rigid os during labor, attended with much nervous excite- ment. 4. Dysmenorrhoea, with spasmodic neu- 110 GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIREXS. I4I ralgia, ovarian pains, and cramps in the uterus and legs; general hysterical condi- tion. 5. Male sexual organs weak and irritable, with much flaccidity and coldness. 6. Emissions without erections, followed by great languor, depression of spirits, and pain in the base of the brain; complete prostration, so tired cannot move. 7. Weakness and trembling through the whole system, with relaxed muscles and motor paralysis. 8. Great heaviness of the eyelids; impos- sible to keep them open. 9. Dilatation of the pupils; diplopia, with vertigo. 10. Nervous headache. The pain com- mences in the cervical portion of the spinal cord, and then spreads over the head. 11. Intense congestion of the brain in children during dentition; very restless, can- not sleep. 12. The tongue and glottis partially par- alyzed; speech thick, from congestion of the base of the brain; can hardly protrude the tongue, it trembles so, 142 GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. 13. Dysphagia; paralysis of the organs of deglutition, especially after diphtheria. 14. Painful sensation of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed. 15. Profuse, nervous urine in nervous people. 16. Enuresis, from paralysis of the sphinc- ter; wetting the bed, in children; paralysis of the bladder in old people. 17. Paralysis of the sphincter vesicae fol- lowing diphtheria. 18. This is of great value in intermittents where the nervous symptoms predominate; the chill and fever are severe; the patient feels as if he were pounded all over; not much sweat, but very great restlessness. 19. Nervous chills, much shivering, de- pending on some irritation of the nerves of motion; the blood-vessels are dilated full, but lack the firmness and resistance of a fully developed sthenic inflammation; great languor; muscular weakness, desire for rest. 20. Irritative remittent and intermittent fevers in very nervous, sensitive adults or children, with excessive erethism; no gas- tric, hepatic, or visceral complications. GELSEMIUxM SEMPERVIRENS. I43 21. Catarrhal fevers; chilliness up the back; cannot move away from the fire with- out ^reat chilliness. 22. Typhoid fever. It has cut many cases short; the nervous symptoms predominate; patient drowsy and stupid, with great debil- ity; legs and arms tremble, with some chilli- ness. 23. Cerebro-spinal fevers, with stupor and tendency to convulsions; intense passive congestion; wild and incoherent delirium; bruised pain in all the muscles; very weak and trembling; sweating relieves a little. 24. Congestive stage of pneumonia; ex- cessive restlessness; a feeling as if the heart would stop beating. 25. Cardiac neurosis in hysterical subjects. 26. Congestion of the spine; pains from spine to base of the brain; bruised feeling of the muscles, which will not obey the will; dull, heavy pains in the sacral region, with great prostration. 27. Numbness, feeling as if the limbs were going to sleep; general paralysis; loss of voluntary motion, with dull, aching, tired feeling of the legs. 144 GLONOINE. 28. Aggravation: By rest; warmth in bed; sudden emotions; fright; wine; and damp, changeable weather. 29. Amehoration: From open cold air; cold, and continued motion. GLONOINE. NITROGLYCERINE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Glonoine \\iA&four special centers of action : Ceke&ro-Spinal S. Centric Vaso-Motor Paralysis. Vagi. Circulation Excited; Inhibitory Fibers ParaVd. -. „ \ Greatly Stimulated. Heart and Its Ganglia. \ ^ -^ :r^., , ( Capillaries. Dilated. Gastro-Intest. C. Neurosis ; Congestion; Catharsis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Intense congestion of blood to the head, with a feeling as if the temples and the top of the head would burst; often ac- companied with violent throbbing headache. 2. A feeling as if the head were too large and full of blood; vertigo, fainting; often nausea and vomiting. 3. Flushes of heat in the head, with vio- lent throbbing headache; cold feet and hands. GLONOINE. 145 4. The best remedy we have for sunstroke, with bursting headache; dullness; delirium; stupor; palpitation of the heart; very rest- less. 5. Disturbance of the intracranial circula- tion, which obtains in menopausia, and men- strual suppression. 6. Violent headache with the catamenia, increasing with motion; has to tie the head up; with cold feet. 7. Alternate congestion of the heart and head. 8. First stage of meningitis of children; fever exacerbates morning and evening; frequent starting from sleep; grasping the head, and bending it back into the pillow; frequent pale, thin, flushed face; much ver- tigo; often vomiting. 9. Sensation of soreness through the whole head; afraid to shake his head; it seems as if it would fly to pieces. 10. Puerperal convulsions, with great cere- bral hyperaemia. 11. Flashes of lightning-like sparks before the eyes, with photophobia; pupils dilated, 12. Throbbing pain in all the teeth, 10 146 GRAPHITES. 13. Congestion of the chest; throbbing in epigastrium, and great incHnation to sigh. 14. Violent action of the heart, distinct pulsation over the whole body; even feels the pulsations in the fingers. 15. Angina pectoris, with violent action of the heart; heart easily excited, with sensa- tion of throbbing throughout the body. 16. Throbbing in the arteries, which feel like whipcords. 17. Aggravation: By motion and heat; cannot walk in the sun; cannot even bear the heat of a stove; head symptoms greatly aggravated by rising up and walking. 18. Amelioration: At night; open, cool air; gentle exercise; the head symptoms are relieved by pressure. GRAPHITES. PLUMBAGO. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Graph- ites h^-s four special cente7's of action : „ j Moist^ Sticky Eruptions ; Eczetna; Fissures ; ' \ Corns. Lymphatic System. Enlarged; Secretion Acrid. Sexual O. (7.) Excited; (2.) Prostrated; A7tce??zic^ Digestive Organs, Ato?iy; Constipation. GRAPHITES. 147 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Scanty, delayed menstruation, with ob- stinate constipation; especially in ladies in- clined to obesity. ' 2. Leucorrhoea, copious, watery, and very acrid; excoriation, with a feeling" as if the womb w^ould press out of the vagina. 3. Ovaries indurated; anaemic, and not able to perform, their functions. 4. Mastitis, where there are so many old cicatrices that the milk can scarcely fiow^; deep cracks in the nipples. 5. Sweet things are disgusting and nau- seous; aversion to meat. 6. Burning blisters on the side of tongue. 7. Lips and nostrils sore and cracked. 8. Stools hard and lumpy, from want of secretion, with urging and sticking in anus; itching; smarting, sore pains in anus on wiping. , 9. Abdomen greatly distended with gases. 10. Urine turbid, deposits a white sedi- ment. 11. Skin diseases in which the eruption discharges a sticky, glutinous fluid; oozing out constantly. 148 GRAPHITES. 12. Rhagades, excoriations, and ulcers on skin; soreness in bends of limbs, groins, neck, and behind the ears, discharging a sticky, glutinous fluid; unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates. 13. Much dryness of the skin, without perspiration. 14. Burning and swelling of the feet. 15. Swelling and induration of the lym- phatics and glands; very liable to take cold from the least cold air. 16. Eyelids inflamed, especially about the canthi; edges of the lids crack and bleed; many styes; lashes turn in, with an acrid discharge from the eyes. 17. Weakness of the whole body; sadness and great despondency; thoughts of death. 18. In general, Graphites is especially adapted to females with a tendency to un- healthy corpulence, with deformed nails, menstrual irregularities, obstinate constipa- tion, and great sadness. 19. Aggravation: At night; during men- struation; from light and motion. 20. Amelioration: In the dark; walking in the open air, and external warmth. GUAIACUM. GUAIACI RESINA. Through the cerebro-spinai nervous system, Guaiacum has four special centers of action : Salivary Glands. Sialagogue. ^ ^ _, ( Increased Secretions ; Catarrh. Gastro-Intest. C. •{ ^r ',' ^ J7 ( Vo7mting; Latharsis. Heart. Increased Action. Skin. Copious Diaphoresis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Rheumatic diseases, with stiffness and swelling" of the joints; chronic cases, with much soreness of all the muscles; painful on motion. 2. Tonsilitis, first stage. Will frequently abort it; used internally, and as a gargle GUMMI GUTTiE. * GAMBOGE. Through the Httle gangHa in the muscular coat of the intestines, Gamboge has three special centers of actiok : Vagi. (Stomach.) Nausea a7id V^o7niting. Intestines. Hydragogue Cathartic^ Gastro- Enteritis. Kidneys. Copious Diuresis , Ascites, 149 150 HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Nausea, with horrid vomiting; purging and fainting. 2. Profuse watery diarrhoea, with coHc and tenesmus; rapid expulsion of stool without haemorrhoids. 3. Urine greatly diminished, especially in dropsy. 4. Aggravation: Forenoon, or during the day. 5. Amelioration: In open air, during mo- tion, and on pressing the abdomen. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. WITCH HAZEL. Through the spinal nervous system, Hamamelis has six special centers of action : Venous S. Congest.^ Iiiflajn.^ Varicosis ^ Hemor'ges. Lungs. Hcemoptysis, Fibrous Tissue. Rheumatoid Injlammation. Digestive Organs. HcBinatemesis ; Hc€mor7'hoids. Sex. O., Fem. Ovarian Neuralgia ; Passive Hemor''ge. Sexual O., Male. Orchitis ; Neurosis j Varicosis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. L For passive venous hemorrhages from all parts of the body, — nose, stomach, lungs, HAMAAIELIS VIRGINICA. 15I or bowels, — it is our best remedy; depend- ing- upon the state of the blood-vessels, rather than on that of the blood. 2. In acute phlebitis, locally and internally, of great utility. 3. Varicosis. This is the prince of reme- dies, used locally and internally, when great tenderness predominates. 4. Orchitis, with great swelling and ten- derness. 5. Neuralgia of the testicles, worse nights and in damp weather. 6. Ovaritis and neuralgia; cutting-, tearing- pains in the ovaries; swollen and very ten- der on pressure. (Locally and internally.) 7. Varicose veins of limbs, with great ten- derness; cannot bear that they be touched. 8. Aggravation: By touch; damp weather, and at night. 9. Amelioration: By rest and fine, dry weather. HELLEBORUS NIGER. CHRISTMAS ROSE. Througn the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Helleborus has eight special centei's of actioit: Brain. Congestion; Injlammation ; Effusion. Spin. Cord. Congesfn; Injlain.; Effus'^n; Paralysis. Serous Membranes. Injlam.; Di-opsical Effusion. Circulation. Incr. Blood-Presstwe ; Heai't Slowed. Salivary Gl. ; Pancreas ; Liver. Incr. Secretions, Stomach. (Vagi.) Nausea and Violent Vomiting. Intestines. Gastro- Enteritis ; Hydragogue Cathartic. Kidneys. Congestion; Inflammation; Albuminuria. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to diseases that affect the serous membranes of the nervous centers; especially hydrocephalus when the stage of serous effusion has commenced. 2. Slow comprehension; soporous sleep, with screaming- and starting; shocks pass through the brain like electricity; forehead drawn in folds, and covered with cold per- spiration. 3. Squinting, pupils dilated; nostrils dry; chewing motion of the mouth, with frequent rubbing of the nose. 152 HELLEBORUS NIGER. I53 4. Typhoid and nervous fevers, with much restlessness and stupor. 5. Mouth and tongue very dry; tongue trembles and feels stiff; absence of thirst in all complaints. 6. Nausea and vomiting, with distended abdomen. 7. Stools of only clear, tenacious mucus, with tenesmus; or watery, with colic and burning in the anus after stool. 8. Urine very scanty and high colored. 9. Post-scarlatinal dropsy, with sudden anasarca. 10. Chest very much constricted; gasps for breath. 11. Severe convulsions, with great cold- ness, or complete loss of power of all the muscles. 12. Aggravation: Head symptoms in the morning; skin symptoms evenings; bowels after eating or drinking; during dentition, * exertion, and cold air. 13. Amelioration: In open warm air, and quiet. HELONIAS DIOICA. FALSE UNICORN. Through the abdominal sympathetic, Helonias has Jive special centers of action : Digestive Organs. E?nesis ; Catharsis ; Atony. Kidneys. Incr. Blood-Press.; Albumimiria ; Diabetes. Testicles, Ovaries, Mamm^. Increased Secretions. Glandular System. Secretions Greatly Increased. Blood. An(E?7iia fro77i Atony. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great field for this remedy is in anaemia and a general atonic condition of the whole body, similar to that of Iron. There is not so much anaemia as found in Iron, but a general atonic condition of the whole body, often associated with renal and uterine diseases. 2. Anaemia, torpid condition of the system, especially the generative organs; amenor- rhcea; passive menorrhagia. 3. Abortion from the slightest over-exer- tion, or irritating emotions. 4. Sterility from debility, especially from renal diseases. 5. Leucorrhoea, with anaemia and great debility. 154 HEPAR SULPHUR. I55 6. Breasts very tender during" menstrua- tion. 7. Albuminuria, first stage; sensation as if the kidneys were two bags of hot water, with profound debility. 8. Diabetes insipidus, first stages. 9. Very hypochondriac and depressed; memory weak; great anaemia. 10. Aggravation: Nights; sudden motion; long sitting. 11. Amelioration: Moving about, busily engaged. HEPAR SULPHUR. SULPHIDE OF CALCIUM. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Hepar sulphur has six special ceiiters of action : Glands. Congest.; Induration ; Siippur'ii ; Acridity. Blood. Excess of Flbri^ie ; Pseudo-^lembranes. Vexous System. Capillary Congestion; Scrofulosis. Skin. Unhealthy ; Acrid Ulceratio7is ; Fissures. Mucous Mem. Exiidations ; Ulcerations ; Mucorrhcva. Digestive Organs. Ato?iy ; Indigestio?i. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Adapted to scrofulous people, with en- larged glands that tend to suppuration, — the slightest injury suppurates, — and to all dis- 156 HEPAR SULPHUR. eases where suppuration seems inevitable, or where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. 2. Over-sensitiveness of the nervous sys- tem; exceedingly sensitive to the slightest touch; cannot bear the slightest draft of air on him, or the slightest noise; great sensi- tiveness to everything. 3. Cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of the body is uncovered; must be covered up to the face; chilliness predominates. 4. Whitlow. No remedy equals it; if given early, it will arrest it; if not, it will greatly hasten suppuration. 5. Rhagades of the hands and feet, very sensitive; takes cold easily. 6. Clammy, sour night sweats; sweats day and night; worse about the chest. 7. Chilliness predominates, with great sensitiveness to the open air. 8. Sticking in throat, as from a splinter, on swallowing, extending toward the ear on swallowing. Q. Hoarseness, with aphonia; rattling, choking cough, worse after midnight. HEPAR SULPHUR. 157 10. Croup with great hoarseness, when the cough commences to get loose and ratthng; very sensitive to cold air, water, or when any part of the body gets cold; takes cold easily. .II. Severe laryngeal catarrh, with rough- ness and pain in the throat; sensation as if a clot of mucus was in the throat when swallowing. 12. In chronic catarrh, affecting the nos- trils and back part of the fauces, with much secretion of mucus, no remedy equals this. 13. Chronic bronchitis; violent and loose cough; copious expectoration of muco-puru- lent substance; much hoarseness and sore- ness of the chest; dyspnoea, with suffocative attacks. 14. Rattling, choking cough; mucous rales very marked. 15. Chronic hepatization of the lungs; head and chest perspire constantly; sweats day and night; especially children, smelling excessively sour. 16. Great desire for acids; abdomen dis- tended; cannot bear anything tight about the waist. 158 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. 17. Soft, difficult stool, from lack of peri- staltic action of the large intestine. 18. Bladder weak, micturition impeded, must wait, and then the urine flows very slowly. 19. Ulcers have a bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese; bleed from the slightest touch. Bad effect of Mercury or tertiary syphilis. 20. Aggravation: At night, cold north or east winds; eating anything cold; uncover- ing any part of the body; from open air, motion; slightest touch, even from cool air. 21. Amelioration: From warmth in gen- eral; warm air and warm, wet weather; from wrapping the head up, and mornings. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. GOLDEN SEAL. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Hy- drastis has three special centers of action: Mucous M. Copious^ Stringy Mucorrhoea; Ulceration. Digestive O. Tonic j Incr. Secretions j Constipation,, Lymphatics, Perverted Secretions, HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. I59 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in stomatitis and con- stipation, in people very much debilitated. 2. Ulceration of the buccal mucous mem- brane; tongue large, flabby, slimy looking, with yellow, sticky fur. 3. Indigestion; bad appetite; weak diges- tion; sour eructations; great sensation of goneness in the epigastrium. 4. Chronic constipation, wdiere it stands alone and seems to be the cause of other ailments. (Give the tincture in five drop doses.) 5. Excoriations of the anus, and ulcers in the rectum. (Locally and internally.) 6. Epithelial abrasions of cervix, os, and vagina; pruritus vulvae with erotic furor, cancer of the os uteri. (Locally and inter- nally.) 7. Cracks, fissures, abrasions of the nip- ples and skin; first stage of cancer of the breast. (Use locally and internally.) 8. Gonorrhoea. Of great value as an in- jection, diluted one-half with water, after the acute stage has been subdued by Aconite, HOANG-NAN. TROPICAL BINDWEED. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Hoang-Nan has seven special ceitters of action : ,, ^ . Clonic and Tonic Siyasms ; ExirejuiLies vSpinal Corp ' ^ Brain. Congestion ; Vertigo. ' I Paralyzed. Muscles. Spasjns^' Trismus; Opisthotonos ; Paraly''s. Vagl Inte7isc Thirst ; Difficult Deglutition. Heart. Great Fall of Arterial Blood- Pressure. vSebaceous Glands. Greatly Stimulated, Lymphatic Glands. Tonic. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. It is especially useful in paralysis, ec- zema, prurigo, old ulcers, secondary syphilis, cancer, leprosy and serpent bites. 2. In prurigo and pustular eczema in parts well supplied with sebaceous glands, as the face, neck, back and genitalia, it is of great utility. 3. In furuncles and carbuncle, it subdues the inflammation and greatly sustains the strength of the digestive organs and pro- motes general nutrition. 4. In constitutional syphilis, it acts as a tonic, promoting general nutrition and 160 HOANG-NAN. l6l thereby greatly benefits the patient, but cannot take the place of Iodide of Potash. 5. In leprosy, through its action on the spinal cord, and the glands of the skin, the disease is greatly subdued, and there is much improvement of the patient, he be- comes more active, joyous and vigorous, in about two months, anaesthesia disappears and sensibility is restored. The ulcers change in nature and tend to cicatrize. In doses of from 5 to 30 drops ter die. 6. In cancer, affecting the glandular sys- tem, where the patient is debilitated, with great flaccidity of the muscles, it invigor- ates the nervous system and builds up the patient. 7. In serpent bites of the most malignant nature, this drug has a great reputation. 8. Aggravation: By motion. 9. Amelioration: By rest. 11 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. HEN-BANE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Hyoscy- amus has ni?ie special centers of action : ( Violent ^ ^uarrclsojne / Delij'iuni y Loquacious j \ Insomnia. Cord. (Mot. Tract.) Convulsions ; Paralysis. Eyes. Powerful Mydriatic. Ears. Paresis of the Auditory Nerves ; Deafness. Digestive Org. Paralysis of all Sphincter Muscles. Intestines. Involuntary Diarrhoea. Urinary O. Diuresis ; Sphijicter Paralysis. Circulation. Slowed^ with Increased Blood- Pressure. Temperature. (/ ) Increased j (2 ) Di?ninished. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in spasmodic affec- tions, where the sensorial functions are too active. 2. Involuntary loud laug-hter; convulsive trembling-; twitching of every muscle of the body. 3. Lascivious furor; without modesty; she wishes to uncover and expose herself. 4. Wishes to run away for fear of being- hurt; red face, wild, staring look, and throb- bing- of the carotids. 5. Sees persons who are not present; en- tire loss of consciousness. X62 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 163 6. Non-inflammatory puerperal insanity. 7. Excessive dilatation of the pupils, with loss of sensibility to touch; all objects ap- pear double, and often red. 8. Dryness of the throat; cannot swallow liquids. 9. Mouth and tongue dry; tongue dry, red, brown, and cracked; partially paralyzed. 10. Cough and hiccough, with pain in the stomach. 11. Much distention of abdomen; pain- less watery diarrhoea; involuntary stools in bed. 12. Involuntary passing of urine, from paralysis of the sphincter vesicae. 13. Hysterical females, whose bowels are apt to bloat, and who are subject to attacks of diarrhoea, with colicky pains, and fre- quent urging to stool, or where the sphinc- ters are weak, causing great difficulty in retaining faeces or urine, and where the least excitement brings on the attack. 14. Nocturnal spasmodic dry cough, ex- cited by a recumbent posture, relieved at once by sitting up. This is our most valua- ble remedy in incessant dry, spasmodic l64 HYPERICUM PERFOLATUM. cough, greatly aggravated at night, and especially by lying down, or in cold air. 15. Fevers in which torpor of the entire organism predominates. 16. Aggravation: Evenings and at night; cold air; lying down; eating or drinking; jealousy; menstruation, and mental excite- ment. 17. Amelioration: During the day; stoop- ing; cough from sitting up. HYPERICUM PERFOLATUM. ST. John's wort. Through the cerebro-spinal system, Hypericum has three special centei-s of action : Spin. Cord. Effects Similar to Mechanical Concussion, Venous S. Capillary Paralysis ; Congestion, Joints. Rheumatoid hiflammation. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in mechanical injuries of the spinal cord, and the nerves at their peripheral extremities. 2. Mechanical injuries, bites; wounds by- nails or splinters, needles under the nails, HYPERICUM PERFOLATUM. 165 squeezing; or hammering of the toes and fingers, especially their tips, railroad concus- sions; where the nerve-endings have been lacerated, wounded, bruised, or torn, attend- ed with excruciating pains. It prevents lock-jaw. All injuries of nerves attended with great pain, and sensitive to the touch. (Locally and internally.) 3. Next to the nervous system, the joints are affected; all the articulations feel sore and bruised. 4. Head feels elongated, as if it were drawn up to a point. 5. Bronchial catarrh, associated with asth- ma, aggravated in foggy weather. 6. Neuritis, either traumatic or idiopathic, with numbness, tingling and formication. Worse on motion. 7. Aggravation: By motion; damp air. 8. Amelioration: By rest. IGNATIA AMARA. ST. IGNATIUS' BEAN. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Ignatia has seve?i special centers of actioii : Cord. Hypercesthesia^ Spasms; Paralysis. Eyes. Hysterical Asthenopia. Throat. (Vagi.) Globus Hystericus. Stomach. Atony ; Gonc?iess ; Great E^nptiness, Intestines. Diarrhoea ; Prolapsus Ani. Kidneys. Nervous Hysterical Diuresis. Generative O., Women. Menorrhagia ; Hysteria. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The symptoms of the mind are most important. Patient is full of grief; silent grief, with frequent involuntary sighing, and a sensation of goneness or emptiness in the pit of the stomach; constant globus. 2. Strongly inclined to solitude; very pas- sive and secretive. 3. Disappointed affection, with silent grief preying upon the mind; great sleeplessness from grief. 4. Mental symptoms change often from joy to sadness, with a constant feeling as if there was a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed. 166 IGNATIA AMARA. 167 5. Sensitiveness; delicate conscientious- ness; inconstant, impatient, and irresolute; changeable mood; angry at slight blame or contradiction. 6. Great sensitiveness to external impres- sions; laughs and cries alternately, face flushes on emotion; spasmodic laughing, ending in screaming; globus hystericus; profuse, pale urine; flatulency; spasms. 7. Headache, as if a nail were driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it. 8. Nervous headache, when the eyes are involved; generally one eye, with burning lachrymation. 9. Great weight at the back of the head, with a tendency to fall backward; from con- gestion of the cerebellum. 10. Sticking in throat when not swallow- ing; the more he swallows, the more it dis- appears; globus hystericus. 11. Sensation as if the stomach was short- ened, or as if one had been fasting too long; great goneness, as if the stomach was empty, with excessive flatulence; stomach feels very flabby; from grief. 12. Stools difficult, because of seeming 168 IGNATIA AMARA. inactivity of the rectum; cannot strain at stool witliout producing- prolapsus ani. 13. Prolapsus of the rectum from slight straining at stool; sharp pains from piles; piles very sore, and aggravated when the bowels are loose. 14. Diarrhoea from emotional excitement, or grief; constant desire for stool; no stool, but prolapsus ani. 15. Nervous, pale, watery and copious urination. 16. Too frequent and too profuse men- struation. 17. Fever, chilliness predominates; heat seems almost external, with much sighing. 18. Feet and hands always cold; numb- ness of the feet and legs. 19. Great weakness and exhaustion of the whole body; very restless at night. 20. Hysterical and spasmodic diseases, from great grief. 21. Aggravation: By contact; open air; motion; artificial warmth; mental affections; anger; fright; anxiety, especially grief ; cof- fee; strong smells; tobacco; ascarides, and when yawning. IODINE. 169 22. Amelioration: From changing posi- tion; from hard pressure; near warm stove; from eating, and when lying on the back. IODINE. lODIUM. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Iodine \vd.s Jiff ecu special centers of action : „ ^ 1 \^') Hyfe)'- Secretion, Glandular System. ' ^ ^ -^^ I (2.) Atrophy. i^Iodism.) MAMM.^t. (z.) Incr.Secretio7i; (2.) Complete Atrop'^y. ^ ^ { (i.) Increased Secretio7i. Ovaries, Iesticles. •< ) : ^, ' i {2 ) Atrop/iy. Uterine Glands. Great Hypei'trophy. TirvROiD Gland. Great Hypertrophy. Lacteals. (7.) Stimulated; (2.) Atony a7id Atrophy. Salivary Glands. Salivation without Fetor. ^ { il.) Hyfer- Secretion. jr\.NCRE\S J ( (2.) Atrophy ; Loss of Fu7iction. C (/.) Sti?7iulated. ( (2.) Atrophy; yaundice; Emaciation. Kidneys. Tubular Nephritis ; Albuminuria. Mucous M. Congestion; InJla7n7nation ; Mucorrhcea. ., ( Acne- Like Nodes ; Ecze77ia. Skin. \ . tt .- • \ Anasarca; Urticaria. Serous Membranes. Plastic Infla7nmatio7i ; Effusion, Arteries. Prolonged Arterial Spas77i, Blqod. Anaemic; Fibrine Increased, 170 IODINE. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Scrofulous people, with a low, cachec- tic state of the system, profound debility and general emaciation; face dark brown. 2. A remarkable and unaccountable sense of weakness, and loss of breath in going" up stairs. 3. Great dwindling away of the mammae, in scrofulous women. 4. Mammae hang down heavily and lose their fatness; associated with tenderness. 5. Premature and too copious menstrua- tion; associated with profound debility, par- ticularly when going up stairs. 6. Long-lasting uterine hemorrhages. 7. Leucorrhoea, corrosive even of the thighs and linen; worse during menstruation. 8. Dropsical affections of the ovaries. 9. Complete loss of sexual power; testi- cles atrophied. 10. Acute orchitis, with great enlargement and pain in the testicles. 11. Ravenous appetite; hungry all the time, with great emaciation; the mesenteric glands enlarged; tabes mesenterica. 12. Constant taste of salt in the mouth. IODINE. I^i 13. Continual empty eructations, from morning till evening, as if every particle of food was turned into gas. 14. Great restlessness; cannot sit or sleep, but must change position constantly. 15. The stools mucus and bloody, watery, brownish or black; chronic cases where ex- haustion is a marked feature. 16. Dry, croupy cough; the mucous mem- brane of the larynx and trachea is dry, the mucus secreted is hard and tough. No remedy causes a more violent inflammation of the larynx, and with such certainty; there is much hoarseness, or complete aphonia. 17. Great shortness of breath; palpitation of the heart, and shortness of breath on going up stairs. 18. Great weakness of the chest; bron- chial and pulmonary congestion, with fre- quent hemorrhages; tightness of respiration; the slightest exertion causes great difficulty in breathing. 19. Phthisis pulmonalis, with constant tickling and inclination to cough, in the trachea and under the sternum; expectora- tion of transparent mucus, streaked with 172 IODINE. blood; emaciated; wasting fever; rapid pulse; diarrhoea, and copious night sweats; dry cough predominates, based on a ca- tarrhal, inflammatory, or organic origin; plastic exudations, and pleuritic effusions. 20. Very sad; melancholy mood; very cross and nervous. 21. Goiter that is soft, with swelling and induration of the cervical glands; hypertro- phies of all glandular structures, in scrofu- lous people. 22. Fever where the chill predominates; cold most of the time with debilitating, sour morning sweats. 23. Rough, dry, dirty yellow skin, inclined to be brown. 24. Tendency to small boils and abscesses. 25. Tertiary syphilis, with ulceration and nodosities of the skin. 26. All diseases calling for Iodine have great emaciation and profound debility at- tending them. Especially in plastic inflam- mations. 27. Aggravation: From warmth in gen- eral; from wrapping up the head; cannot even bear the hat on; from warm room, or IODOFORM. 173 any really warm atmosphere; from motion, noise, and at night. 28. Amelioration: From cold air; wash- ing in cold water; after eating and after sleep. IODOFORM. lODOFORMUM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Iodoform has seven special centers of action : Cerebro-Spin. S. Congestion^ ConvuPs; Anccsthesia. Vagi. Paralysis of Respiratory Centers ; Asphyxia. Liver and Kidneys. Fatty Degeneration. Temperature. Greatly Elevated. Circulation. Dim. BVd-Press.; Rapid., Weak Pulse. Skin. Local AiicEsthetic ; Ulceration. Gland. S. Congestion j Hyper- S ecref n j Hypertrophy. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Its great use is locally, as an antiseptic dressing, in wounds, especially about the mouth, rectum, and bladder, and in ulcera- tions of the skin. Infrequent dressings are sufficient, as Iodoform disappears very slow- ly; gauze impregnated with Iodoform re- mains aseptic for a long time. Cover the ulcer or wound with a thin layer of the 174 IODOFORM. powder, dusted from a pepper box; after- ward apply a thin layer of cheese-cloth, a coat of absorbent cotton, a piece of gutta- percha tissue, and a bandage. This dressing may be left on from two to twenty days. 2. For syphilitic ulcers, no drug can take its place as a local dressing; the more fetid the ulcer, the more it is indicated. The Ether solution is often the best form in which to use the drug. 3. For lymphatic and glandular tumors and goiter, inject the Glycerole of Iodoform. 4. For pruritus vulvae, and acrid ulcers of the uterus, nothing can take its place as a local remedy. 5. Locally, it has cured a number of cases of membranous dysmenorrhoea; it should be used twice a week in Glycerine or Bal- sam. 6. For uterine cancer, it is our chief reme- dy, mixed with Cocoa-butter, Ether, Collo- dion, Glycerine, or Eucalyptus oil. 7. For gonorrhoea, chronic form, apply it in the urethra with my corrugated sound. 8. For tuberculous inflammation of joints, inject Iodoform mixed in Glycerine. No IPECACUANHA. I75 known remedy can equal Iodoform in this disease. Use not more than one drachm at a time, once a week. IPECACUANHA. CEPHAELIS IPECACUANHA. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Ipecac has eight special centers of action: Mucous Mem. {\^\5^g?>^\ Catarrhal Inflammation, Stomach, Intestines.) \ Mucorrhoea. Stomach. (Vagi.) Violent Nausea a^td Vomiting, Intestinal Canal. Catarrhal Inflant.; Diarrhoea. Lungs. Asthma j Catar'^l Inflam.y Copious Mucorrhoea. Circulation. Lessened Blood-Pressure , Hcemostatic. Temperature. Lowered. Cord. (Motor Tract.) Paresis, Skin. Diaphoretic. (Locally.) Pustular In/lam. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great use for Ipecac is found in gastric diseases, with violent and long-con- tinued nausea, and vomiting of large quan- tities of tenacious white, glairy mucus. 2. A feeling of qualmishness, emptiness, and flabbiness about the stomach, with pro- fuse flow of watery saliva. 176 IPECACUANHA. 3. Nausea and vomiting- of blood; hae- matemesis. 4. Flat taste, with white, thickly coated tongue. 5. Great accumulation of saliva in mouth. 6. Aversion to all food; smoking causes vomiting-. 7. Clawing griping in the abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, greatly aggravated by motion, with constant nausea. 8. Frequent stools of greenish mucus, as if fermented; stools green as grass; copious and watery; stools of blood and mucus, or pure blood, with constant nausea. 9. In acute cases of dysentery, the bold use of Ipecac will save many lives. Give from ten to thirty grains at a dose. 10. Urine dark red and scanty; sometimes haematuria. 11. Menorrhagia, accompanied with con- tinued nausea. 12. Dyspnoea, with wheezing, anxious respiration; great weight about the praecor- dia; sighing, quick, anxious breathing, with much rattling of mucus in the chest. 13. The chest seems full of phlegm, but it IPECACUANHA. 177 does not yield to coug-hing^; loses breath when coughing-; turns pale in the face, and stiffens. 14. Incessant and moist spasmodic cough, with every breath, in delicate children, and great paleness of the face, with nausea. 15. For haemoptysis, with rattling cough and expectoration ot blood, with a feeling of constriction of the chest, it is about the best remedy we have. 16. The Ipecac cough has not an organic base, but is of simple catarrhal origin, mixed up with a neurotic element, loose and spas- modic in nature, with a large accumulation in the air-passages, and very apt to vomit after the paroxysm of coughing". 17. Irregular cases of intermittents, where the cerebro-spinal system is involved, and the vagi are the special centers affected, with continual nausea, vomiting, and great thirst; more chill than fever; worse during the sweat, which is very sour. 18. Hives of gastric origin. 19. Headache as if the bones of the head were crushed, with deathly nausea and very pale face. 12 178 IRIS VERSICOLOR. 20. Aggravation: After vomiting; lying down; dry wintry weather; catarrhs in warm, damp weather; warm room, and at night. 21. AmeHoration: By rest; closing the eyes, and at night. IRIS VERSICOLOR. BLUE FLAG. Through the abdominal sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nervous system, Iris has six special centers of action: Salivary Glands. Copious Salivatioit^ without Fetor. Vagi. Nausea; Vo7niting ; Copious Acid Secretions. Pancreas. Congestion; Copious Secretion ; InJlaiJi. Liver. Congestion; Increased Biliary Secretion. Intestines. Secretions Greatly Increased; Catharsis. Skin. Vesicular and Pustular Eruption. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in sick-headache; be- gins with a blur before the eyes; dull, heavy, shooting, throbbing pains in the forehead or right temple, with nausea and acid or bilious vomiting; aggravated by rest, cold air, or violent motion; the liver and stomach being much out of order; stupid headache. IRIS VERSICOLOR. 179 2. Cholera infantum; nausea, sour or bil- ious vomitinc^; stools watery, copious, green or yellow, and excoriate the anus; coming; on, or is greatly aggravated, at 3 a. m. 3. Great burning distress in the epigas- trium, with vomiting; watery, excoriating diarrhoea; the anus burns like fire. 4. Nausea and vomiting of sour food; the whole person smells sour; especially useful in acid people. 5. The characteristic pains are sharp, cut- ting, of short duration, and change often. 6. Aggravation: Evening; at night, be- tween 2 and 3 a. m.; when still. 7. Amelioration: From warmth, and gen- tle motion. JABORANDI. PILOCARPUS PINNATUS. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Jaborandi has eleven special ce^iters of actio7z : Glandular Sys. Salivation j Copious Perspiration. Mammae. Galactagogue. Kidneys. Diminished Urea. Bladder. Contracted. Stomach. Gastric yuice Increased. Liver. Secretions Lessened. Circulation. Excited^ Blood-Fressure Lessened. Heart. InJiibitory Nerve Centers Paralyzed. Temperature. (7.) Elevafd; (2.) Greatly Depres^d. Eyes. Pupil Contracted ; Incr. Inter- Ocular Pressure. Uterus. Slight Uterine Stimulant. Serous Membranes. Copious Dropsical Effusions. GPvAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great field of usefulness for this drug is in dropsical effusions, especially ascites, hydrothorax, and pleuritic effusions; and the best form of the drug to use is the active principle, Pilocarpin, in one-sixth to one-quarter of a grain, hypodermically. 2. Salivation. It arrests it at once. 3. For alopecia, used locally and inter- nally, it is the best drug we have. 4. For eye-strain, from too much study, it has no superior. 180 KALI BICHROMICUM. BICHROMATE OF POTASH. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Kali bichromicum has Jive special centei's of action: Muc. M. Copious Viscid^ Ropy Mucoi'rhcea ; Ulcer^fz. Liver. Congestion y' Hypertrophy ; Fatty D eg enerafn. Kidneys. Tubular Injlam.; Ulceration ; Albuminuria. Skin. Pustular Inflammation. ^ ^ ._. . ( Acute Inflam. r iBROUs 1 ISSUE. (Periosteum.) ■{ ^-. -^ . ^ ^ ( Hypertrophy, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to fat, lig-ht-haired people that are scrofulous, and to tertiary syphilitic diseases. 2. Discharges from nose, mouth, throat, stomach, uterus, vagina, and bowels, of a tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the parts and can be drawn out into strings three feet long". 3. Cough, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the throat, mouth, and lips; the cough is choking and croupy; worse in the morning; voice rough and hoarse. 4. Chronic hoarseness; complete aphonia; loose, rattling cough. 181 152 KALI BICHROMICUM. 5. Membranous and diphtheritic croup, invading- the larynx, trachea, and even the bronchi; voice hoarse, uncertain; cough hoarse, metalhc; deglutition painful; tonsils red, swollen, covered with false membrane difficult to detach, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus; coughs up casts of an elastic, fibrous nature; loud mucous rales; wheezing rattling in sleep. 6. Tedious cases of sub-acute and chronic cough, where the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and fauces are involved, with a smooth in- flammatory redness of the pharynx and fauces; the cough appears loose, but expec- toration is very difficult, and of a sticky, ropy character. 7. Morning dyspnoea, with moist, wheez- ing, stuffy cough. 8. Frequent hawking and expectoration of tenacious white or yellowish mucus, which accumulates in large quantities in the air- passages. 9. The whole nasal mucous membrane violently inflamed, or dotted with small ul- cers; septum narium completely ulcerated away, and the nasal mucous membrane in KALI BICHROMICUM. 183 a state of purulent inflammation; syphilitic ozaena; breath extremely fetid. 10. Fluent coryza, excoriating nose and lip; chronic catarrh, especially atonic cases. (Here no remedy equals this drug-.) 11. Chronic catarrh of the fauces, with hawking- of much tenacious mucus in the morning; ulcers in the fauces and pharynx; tongue coated yellow, sometimes red and dry. 12. Burning pain in pit of stomach; gas- tric catarrh, with vomiting; ulceration of the stomach and duodenum, with acid vomiting. 13. Stools of mucus, or mucus and blood; brown and watery. 14. Urine deep red and scanty, often albu- minous. 15. Menses too soon, with headache and vertigo. 16. Yellow, ropy leucorrhoea; can be drawn out in long strings; very acrid; vulva and vagina sw^ollen and raw. 17. Pustular diseases of the skin; large ulcers, as if cut out by a punch, with dark center, and overhanging edges. 18. Chronic periosteal and syphilitic 184 KALI BROMIDUM. rheumatism; tearing pains; the limbs stiff; worse mornings. 19. Aggravation: In the morning, after eating; from cold. 20. Amelioration: In the evening, and from heat. KALI BROMIDUM. BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, reaching over into the sympathetic, KaH bromiduni has eleven spe- cial centers of action : Bromism. Ati'ophy from Diminished Blood-Supply. Circulation. Vaso-Motor Arterial Capillary Spasms. T_. ( Blood- Pressure Lessened. Heart. \ ^ , . . -r^ , . ^ j r , [ Arterial Baraly SIS j Bulse i^essened. Temperature. Greatly Lessened. ^ ' ^ ( Sejzsory and JSIotor Paralysis. LEREBRO-bPINAL h. \ , , . ( AncBsthesia. Muscular System. Spasms ; Paralysis. Sexual O. Paralysis from Diminished Blood-Supply. Mucous Mem's. Ancesthesia^ Especially of Throat. Glandular System. Secretions Diminished. Kidneys. Congestion ; Elimination. Skin. AtJicesthesia; Aoie; Pustules j Boils ; Papules. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. L Especially adapted to fleshy people, and to diseased organs that are in an kALl EROMIDUM. 185 hypertrophic condition; great loss of flesh counter-indicates this remedy. 2. Nervous diseases, especially epilepsy, are the great field for Kali bromidum. It has been well ascertained that this remedy is most valuable in those cases of epilepsy characterized by frequent and violent con- vulsive seizures; :petit mal, or epileptoid seizures, are, as a rule, not so much bene- fited as are cases of grand mal. Cerebral congestion, with vascular fullness of the retina, as shown by the ophthalmoscope, is cured with this drug; but, if there is an- aemia of the brain, the Bromide aggravates. Alternate it with Iron. 3. Profound melancholy, from anaemia; loss of memory, forgets how to talk; great despondency, with insanity; religious delu- sions. 4. Memory absolutely destroyed, from an- aemia; patient very much emaciated. 5. Great difficulty in getting and keeping the right word, although the right idea is present in the mind. 6. Delirium tremens, first, or irritative stage; the face flushed; eyes red; delirium l86 KALI BROMIDUM. active; horrid illusions; hard, quick pulse. (Five to twenty grains once in two hours.) 7. Somnambulism, and night terrors of children. 8. Puerperal mania, when attended by ferocious or erotic delirium. (Give full doses.) 9. For reflex cerebral irritation, with act- ive congestion, in children during teething, or with cholera infantum or scarlatina, it is of great value. 10. For tetanus, this is the best known remedy, in one drachm doses. 11. This is a precious remedy in sper- matorrhoea, before the paralytic symptoms have set in; excessive sexual desire; amo- rous dreams; erections, and nocturnal emis- sions, and the nervous disturbances growing out of unsatisfied sexual desire (given in from five to twenty grain doses). 12. Scanty menstruation in fleshy women; excessive sexual desire during the menses. 13. Ovarian neuralgia from nervous unrest which grows out of ungratified sexual desire. 14. Climacteric, with painful flushings of the face, and palpitation of the heart. KALI BROMIDUM. 187 15. For sub-involution of the uterus, of great value. 16. Complete anaesthesia of the throat, so that the finger may be carried to the base of the tongue, touch the amygdalae or posterior nares, and tickle the uvula, without inducing an effort to vomit, or deglutition. Of great use in laryngoscopy. 17. Nausea and vomiting of drunkards and pregnant women. In some cases of pregnancy inject per rectum thirty grains twice a day. 18. Spasmodic, dry, croupy cough, or nervous, dry, hysterical cough, or especially laryngismus stridulus, from neurosis or re- flex irritation. 19. Spasmodic asthma; dry, nervous, spas- modic cough, with great tightness of breath- ing. (Large doses in beer.) 20. Large, indolent, and painful pustules; boils; acne. 21. Aggravation: In the evening. 22. Amelioration: Mornings. KALI CARBONICUM. CARBONATE OF POTASH. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Kali carbonicum \\2&fou7' special centers of action : Mucous Membranes. Co7igestlon. Serous Mem. Secretions Diminished.; Rheumatism, Bi.ooD. Flbrlne htcreascd ; Rheumatoid Affections. Generative Organs. (Female.) Ovarian Atony. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Adapted to aged people, inclined to be fleshy, and subject to rheumatoid affections. 2. Distressing", darting, sticking, shooting pains, especially in the joints and inner parts. 3. Especially characteristic is a stitching pain, or a series of sharp, stitching pains, which may be felt in any part of the body, as in colics, during labor, or in any troubles which are accompanied by these sharp, stitching pains. 4. Stitches in the liver; worse in cold air. 5. Dry hair, rapidly falling off, with much dandruff. 6. Swelling over the upper eyelid, in the morning, looking like a little bag; with ag- glutination of the lids. 188 KALI CARBONICUM. 189 7. Sticking" pains in the eyeballs, with conjunctivitis. 8. Nose swollen and red; nostrils sore and scurfy; stoppage of nose; frequent bleed- ing; pale face and debility. 9. Deglutition very difficult, from tena- cious mucus. 10. Great disgust for all food. 11. Intense thirst morning, noon, and night. 12. Obstinate constipation, wuth distress and stitching pains. 13. Dyspepsia of the aged; weak, anaemic, easily exhausted; always tired, and suffer greatly from backache; great faintness be- fore eating; much flatulence after eating, with sour eructations. 14. Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; of pungent odor and very acrid, with excessive aching pain in the small of the b^ck. 15. Acrid leucorrhoea, with much itching. 16. Dry, hard, racking cough, especially worse at 3 a. m., with sharp, cutting, stab- bing pains in the chest, aggravated by heavy breathing. igO KALI CARBONICUM. 17. Much weakness and weariness of the chest. 18. Much stiffness and bruised pains in the back; feehng- as if the small of the back would break; drawing", tearing, stitching pains in the limbs; chronic rheumatism. 19. Copious night sweats, without relief; perspires so much, takes cold easily; very much prostrated. 20. The least touch on the parts frightens him. 21. Aggravation: From 2 to 3 a. m.; in cold air, or getting cold; from rest; after sexual intercourse; during eating, and men- struation. 22. Amelioration: During the day; mo- tion; warm open air; w^armth, especially wrapping the head up, and sitting in a bent position. KALI CHLORICUM. CHLORATE OF POTASSIUM. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Kali chloricum hasfozcr special ce?ztcrs of action : Mucous Mem. Destructive InJia7?zmatio7i ; Ulceratio7t. Salivary Glands. Salivation. Kidneys. Congestion j Injlammation ^ He7no7'7'hage, Blood. Fibri7ie Inc7'easedj Scorbutic Condition. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in aphthae and stoma- titis; follicular ulcers in the buccal cavity and on the tongue; mouth full of saliva; glands enlarged and tender. (Put a large crystal in the mouth, and let it slowly dis- solve, once in three hours.) 2. Gums inflamed; very sensitive; bleed much; heat and dryness of the mouth; peel- ing off of the lips. 3. Breath excessively fetid; in ulceration an(J in diphtheria. (Internally and as a gargle.) 4. Catarrhal inflammation of the kidneys; albuminuria. 5. Secondary syphilis, affecting the fau- ces. 191 KALI HYDRIODICUM. IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Kali hydriodicum has 7iinc special centers of action: Mucous Mem. Congestion; Ulceration; Mucorrhcca. Kidneys. Congestion ; InflammaLioit ; Albuminuria. Air-Pass. Broncho-Pneujnonia ; Alucorrhcca; Asthma. Serous Membranes. Dropsical Effusions. FiBR. Tissue. Injiain.; Hypertrophy ; Nightly Pains. Blood. Ancej?iia; Fibriiie Increased. Glands. Congestion, Induration ; AtropJiy. Lymphatics. Hypertrophy ; Ulcer''n; Loss of Function. Skin. Acne Indurata; Pustules ; Hydroa. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to scrofulous peo- ple of lymphatic temperament, particularly if they are suffering with secondary or ter- tiary syphilis and chronic periosteal rheu- matism. 2. Syphilis. In the secondary and tertiary form, no known drug can equal the Iodide of Potash. It is particularly beneficial when the disease fixes on the periosteum of the bones, or fibrous tissue of the softer organs, and forms w^hat are called nodes; it soon subdues the pain, and the nodes, if not of long standing, quickly disappear. Of very 193 KALI HYDRIODICUM. IQ3 g^reat service in secondary syphilis of the deep-seated and important organs, as well as in tubercular syphilitic skin eruptions. Dose, from one to twenty grains of the crude drug ter die, if you want to make a cure. 3. Anxiety and great sadness; distressing depression of the mind and body; irritable, dejected, listless, and wretched; exercise soon produces fatigue and fainting. 4. Congestion of the brain, from suppres- sion of habitual catarrh, or secondary syphilis. 5. Most intense and violent headache, with hard syphilitic nodes on the cranium, 6. Falling out of the hair from secondary syphilis. 7. Irido-choroiditis or iritis from syphilis. 8. Effusion of water on the brain; dilated pupils; complete blindness; staring, watery eyes; frequent moaning and vomiting. 9. (Edema of the eyelids; pustules on the cornea; complete paralysis of the lids, from gummata. 10. Violent sneezing; acrid water run- ning from the nose; great redness of the 1-3 194 KALI HYDRIODICUM. nose, throat, and pharynx; copious lachry- mation. 11. Throbbing and burning pains in the nasal and frontal bones; ulceration of the cartilages; foul, sickening smell; discharge of a greenish-black or yellow pus; in tertiary syphilis. 12. Gums ulcerated, and recede from the teeth, which are loose; copious bloody sa- liva; very offensive breath. 13. Violent ptyalism, with ulceration of the mucous lining of the mouth; surface white like milk; submaxillary glands greatly swollen. 14. Vesicles on tongue, with great sore- ness and burning; can hardly eat any- thing. 15. Mucous membrane of stomach degen- erated, with vomiting; emaciation; diar- rhoea, and great emaciation; excessive thirst and bloated abdomen. 16. Chronic diarrhoea in syphilitics; green, watery stools. 17. Gummata of the liver. 18. Profuse flow of urine; albuminuria. 19. Inflammation of the testicles and KALI HYDRIODICUM. IQS penis; muco-purulent dischar§:e from the urethra, sometimes bloody. 20. Loss of sexual desire and erections; sexual congress impossible, from paresis. 21. Menses too scanty, with atrophy of the mammae. 22. Acrid, watery, corrodin.^ leucorrhoea. 23. Asthma in young people who have not gotten their growth, with many rheu- matic symptoms about the chest; oppres- sion of breathing, which awakens the pa- tient in morning hours; especially if there is oedema of the lungs. 24. Mucous phthisis, with purulent expec- toration; exhausting night sw^eats, and loose stools; many rheumatic pains. 25. Periosteal rheumatism of a syphilitic nature; the bones enlarge and are intensely painful at night; rheumatism of the back and chest. 26. Fever where chilliness predommates; *hot flashes; little perspiration; aggravated at night; great debility. 27. QEdematous infiltration of tissues, an- asarca, especially of a syphilitic origin, and the periosteum is much involved, 196 KALI HYDRIODICUM. 28. Hypertrophy of all the glands, espe- cially of the thyroid, mammae, and testicles. The enlargement is due to hypertrophy, and not to cystic formation. It is especially valuable in bronchocele. 29. Lead poisoning. No remedy can eliminate lead with such certainty and rapid- ity as the Iodide. 30. In Hydrargyrosis the Mercurial salts are deposited from the blood in an insoluble form in the animal structures. In such cases, the Iodide of Potash re-dissolves the Mercury back into the blood again, and eliminates it through all the glandular sys^ tem, especially the kidneys. 31. Aggravation: The bone-pains are per- fectly intolerable at night; from cold air, and during rest. 32. Amelioration: By motion; during the day, and warm air. KAVA KAVA. PIPER METHYSTICUM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Kava Kava has thirteen special centers of action : Brain. Dreamy Intoxicatio7i j Somnolence. ,, ^ ( Toxic Doses Paralyze Resi)i- Medulla Oblongata. \ . ^ r ( ration. Spinal Cord. (Sensory Nerves.) A?icesthesia. Spinal Cord. (Motor Tract.) Paralyzed. r (7) Greatly StimuVd Respiration. Vagi Filaments. ■/ (2) Toxic Doses Paralyze^ Through ( the Medulla Center. H{ (7) Sti?)2ulated. E A RT J ' \ {2) Arterial Blood-Pressure Loivered. Pulse. Alv:ays Greatly Lessened. Vaso-Motor System. Greatly Stimulated. nry ( ( -^ ) SUp'htlv Incrcascd. Temperature.; ^ ^ ^ ,/ t 7 { [2) Greatly Loivered. -^ ,^ ^ ( Co?nf>lete Ancesthesia of Con- Eyes. (Locally.)^ . ,. ^ ' \ junctiva. Salivary Glands. Copious Salivation. Mouth, Throat. (Muc's. M.) Complete A?icEsthesia. Kidneys. Powerful Diuretic. Urethra. Acute Urethritis j Blennorrhoea. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. It is especially useful in acute gon- orrhoea, spasmodic cystitis, urethritis, orchi- tis, and catarrhal affections of all mucous membranes. 197 iqS kava kava. 2. In acute gonorrhoea it should be given in twenty drop doses, four times a day, each dose with a full goblet of water. This in- creases the flow of urine, and, from a deep brown color, it becomes of a limpid, watery nature; the burning and pain during mictu- rition are relieved; the discharge gets less and less. In four to ten days the patient is about well, but the remedy has to be con- tinued longer. 3. Of Bright's disease, with great swelling of the legs, ankles, and feet, urine loaded with albumen and many casts, many cases have been cured; and in albuminuria, where the heart is involved, it has been of great service. 4. In urethritis and cystitis with excessive pain on voiding urine, it is of great value; and in suppurative inflammation and ulcera- tion from gravel, it has given good satis- faction. 5. Locally, its anaesthetic powers make it almost rank with Cocaine. KOLA NUT. STERCULIA ACUMINATA. Through the cerebro-spiiial nervous system, Kola nut has seven special centei's of actio7i : Genei'al Nerve Tonic. Mentality Stimulated; Wakefulness. Heart. Greatly Stimulated; Incr. Blood-Pressure. Vaso-AIotor Stimulation. Brain. \ Circulation. . Pulse Regulated. Digestive Organs. Greatly Stimulated. Liver. Increased Hepatic Secretion ; Bile hicreased. Kidneys. Greatly Augments the Secretion of Urine. Muscular System. Greatly Stinmlated. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Outranks China, as a reconstituent tonic, in diseases of the nervous system, and in chronic dyspepsia; the best remedy ever discovered to act as a tonic in persons of drinking habits. 2. Nervous dyspepsia, with excessive flat- ulence, and diminished functional activity of the liver, with great despondency (blue devils); palpitation of the heart, and inter- mittent pulse. 3. Indigestion with diarrhoea, and brood- ing melancholy; has acted well in tubercu- lar diarrhoea. 199 SCO KOLA NUT. 4. Migraine, and neuralgia of different forms, with cerebral disorder, much anaemia^ and melancholia. 5. Vaso-motor neuroses during and fol- lowing the menopause, with hot flushes, con- gestion of blood to the head, and palpitation of the heart; followed by much prostration. 6. In alcoholic inebriation, it is a specific, toning up the whole system as no other drug can; promoting the appetite and digestion, and lessening the craving appetite for liquor. " One of the investigators reported that he discovered a man — a European, not a Zulu — so drunk that he could neither walk nor even talk, but an infusion of Kola per- fectly sobered the fellow in thirty minutes." 7. As a tonic in the first stages of con- sumption, with haemoptysis, impaired diges- tion, and profound debility, it has done wonders. 8. Asthma with much dyspnoea. It is said to be an absolute specific, curing all cases, through its action as a tonic on the nervous system. 9. Convalescence from severe ailments, such as influenza, typhoid fever, pneumonia, KOLA NUT. 201 rheumatism, cholera, and any exhausting- disease. No remedy builds up and supports the strength in nervo-muscular debility so efficiently as the Kola nut. 10. Dr. A. Hudson affirms that he has ob- tained great relief in cardiac failure from chronic endocarditis by the administration of 150 grains of Kola paste a day. 11. A marvelous property, endowing its user with power to endure severe and pro- longed physical exertion without taking food and without feeling fatigue, is the par- ticular virtue which has attracted attention to the Kola nut. 12. Dose: Kola may be given, in doses of from five grains up to two drachms, three times a day. Five-grain tablets are an ele- gant form in which to administer the drug. The attenuations have not been used yet, but they will be found to have their place when the remedy is thoroughly proved. KREOSOTUM. CREOSOTE. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Kreo- sotum has ten special centers of action : Mucous Mem. C atari- hal Inflammation; Ulceration. Vagi. Nausea and Violent Vomiting. Intestinai. Canal. Congestion ; Injlam.; Catharsis. Kidneys. Strangiiry ; Diuresis ; Diabetes. Lymphatic System. Secretions Extremely Acrid. Sexual O., Female. Secretions Very Acrid. Skin. Humid Eczema; Livid., Copper Colored. Blood. Excess of Eibrine ; Liquefed. Cerebro-Spinal System. Convulsions ; Paralysis. Disinfectant; Antiseptic, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to putrid diseases, where the lymphatic system is involved, producing great acridity of the secretions; tall, slim, old people. 2. Menses too early, too profuse, and last too long-; she thinks she is through, when they return again and again. 3. Constant chilliness during menstrua- tion. 4. Acrid, bloody ichor from the womb, excoriating the labia, causing great itching; great tendency to hemorrhage. 202 KREOSOTUM. ^03 5. Very offensive, excoriating lochia; al- most ceasing-, then freshening up again and again; rapid decomposition of the secre- tions. 6. The pains are always burning like red- hot coals. 7. Uterine cancer, with fetid, bloody, acrid, rapidly decomposing secretions; ex- treme soreness of the vagina and labia. 8. Gums bleed readily; ulcerated, with excessively foul breath. 9. Teeth decay as soon as they appear. 10. Sympathetic vomiting, from uterus, kidney, or liver; obstinate vomiting in chil- dren. 11. Cold feeling in the stomach, as if filled with cold water. 12. Diarrhoea; stools very offensive, with much prostration. 13. Great urging to urinate, passing large quantities at a time. 14. Cough, very moist; expectoration, co- pious, of a very offensive, greenish yellow mucus; great shortness of breath, which is excessively fetid. 15. Burning and stitching pains in the 204 KREOSOTUM. chest, with loose cough, in chronic bron- chitis. It is one of the best remedies we have in old chronic cases of bronchitis, where the secretions of the bronchi are ex- tremely fetid and copious. i6. Sad, irritable disposition; complexion livid. 17. (Edema of the feet, with fetid sweat. 18. Great weakness of the body, with a tendency to excoriation of all the mucous membranes, is the key for the use of this drug-. 19. Aggravation: Cold air; cold weather; cold food; morning and night. 20. Amelioration: From warmth and mo- tion. LACHESIS. TRIGONOCEPHALUS LACHESIS. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Lachesis has eight special centers of action : ( Congestion; Coma. ' I Sensory Nerve Life Destroyed. Cord. Spas7ns; Convulsions ; Sudden Prostration. Vagi. Spasms of Throat ; Emesis. f Rapid DecojJiposition; Hemorrhage, ' \ Asthe7iic Fever. „ ( Vaso- Motor Paralysis ; Asthenia. Circulation. J \ r, 7 j [ (Heart.) Paralyzed. Skin. Ecchymosis ; Gangrene ; Hemo7'''ges ; yaundicc. Gland. S. All Glands Congested; Fatty Dege?teratio7i. Sexual O. Ovarian Atony; Scanty^ Delayed Meitses. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Malig-nant local inflammations; blood infection, with extreme nervous prostration, as in malignant scarlatina, diphtheria, pur- pura, pyaemia, and cerebro-spinal meningitis, are pre-eminently the field for Lachesis. 2. Especially suited to women at the cli- macteric period, where frequent hot flushes are the all-predominant symptoms, accom- panied with burning" vertex headaches, and pain in the back. ?05 206 LACHESIS. 3. She cannot bear any pressure, not even the clothes, upon the uterine region; fre- quently lifts them up, not that the abdomen is very tender, but the clothes cause an uneasiness. 4. Pain in the left ovarian region, which is swollen, increasing more and more until re- lieved by a discharge of blood from the uterus. 5. Inability to lie on the right side, on ac- count of a sensation as if something were rolling over to that side. 6. Menstruation at the regular time, but too short and scanty, with frequent fainting spells. 7. Of great service in the fainting ten- dency of women, but most of all in the flushings that occur at the critical age, with obstinate insomnia. Globus; sensation as of a lump in the throat that cannot be swal- lowed. 8.. The throat is so sensitive she cannot bear the least touch of the finger; great dry- ness of the throat, that impedes swallowing. 9. The throat seems swollen, as if two lumps as large as the fists came together, LACHESIS. 207 but only on empty swallowing, not on eat- ing; eating seems to relieve. 10. Diseases of the throat that commence on the left side. 11. Very painful empty deglutition, with feeling of great rawness; liquids are swal- lowed with much difficulty, but solids easily. 12. Inflammation, with destructive ulcera- tion of the tonsils and fauces; especially foul breath, and great prostration. 13. Malignant diphtheria that destroys the nerve-centers at once; throat greatly sw^ol- len, internally and externally; discharge from the nose and mouth, intensely fetid and excoriating; fauces covered with pseu- do-membrane that commenced on the left side; pulse quick and small; swallowing about impossible; gangrenous form; the prostration is alarming. 14. Can endure nothing tight on the throat; sensitive even to the touch of linen. 15. Much bleeding from the gums; they feel raw and burn; tongue dry, red, black, stiff, and cracked; much trembling of the tongue when protruding. 208 LACHESIS. i6. Speech very difficult; the tongue heavy, dry, and stiff; aphthous sore mouth. 17. Copious hemorrhages from the nose; face has an expression of great suffering. 18. Constant thirst, with great dryness of the mouth. 19. Much pain in the pit of the stomach; sensation as if a ball was in the stomach; cannot bear the clothes on the stomach; great discomfort from having clothes tight about the waist, must loosen them. 20. Vomiting of bilious matter, and blood. 21. Hemorrhages from the bowels in ty- phoid fever; flakes of decomposed blood, having the appearance and form of perfectly charred wheat straw, in longer or shorter flat pieces, with portions more or less ground up; abdomen greatly distended with gas. 22. Watery, fetid stools in typhoid con- ditions, with burning in anus after stools; excessive prostration. 23. Urine almost black; frequent; foamy urine. 24. When the larynx is touched, it is so sensitive, it is as though it would suffocate him; the larynx and throat painful when LACHESIS. 209 touched, and on bending the head back- ward, producing a dry, hacking cough. 25. Nervous sore throat; the sense of aching is out of all proportion to the visible mischief. When chronic, it is the irritable sore throat, always uneasy, and causing choking, hawking, and coughing, and trying to swallow; feeling as of a dry spot in the throat, or of a general dryness of the part, especially on waking from sleep; also a lump in the throat, causing empty degluti- tion. 26. The catarrh of Lachesis has but little secretion; great sensitiveness, with dry, spasmodic nightly cough. 27. Constantly obliged to take a deep, sighing breath, from nervousness. 28. Chronic nervous palpitation of the heart, in hysterical women, subject to fre- quent fainting spells, at the climacteric; great shortness of breath; attacks of anguish and suffocation. 29. Carbuncles and boils along the spine, with violent burning, throbbing pain; disap- pear without suppuration; bed sores with black edges; the scars open and bleed; 14 210 LACHESIS. yellow or lead-like color of the face and skin. 30. Asthenic cellulitis or erysipelas, often goes on to gangrene, and from thence pro- ceed blood-poisoning and great prostration of the nervous system. 31. Extreme weakness of the arms and legs; cannot raise the arms; sinking of all the vital forces, producing complete pros- tration, and all the signs of blood poison- ing in its worse form. 32. Very distressing aggravation of all the symptoms after sleep; awakens very much distressed, and unhappy. 33. Great sadness and sighing on awak- ening in the morning. 34. Head feels heavy as lead; apoplexy, followed by paralysis. 35. Retinitis apoplectica; hastens the ab- sorption of the hemorrhage, and controls the inflamm.atory symptoms. 36. Dimness of vision; much black flick- ering before the eyes; fiery rays before the eyes; photophobia; v/orse after sleeping. 37. Aggravation: After sleep; on rising from bed; morning and evening; open air; LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. 211 the throat and body from contact; exiremes of temperature; acids; alcoholic drinks, and from the sun's rays. 38. Amelioration: From warmth* while eating". LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. BLACK ROOT. Through the nervous plexus of the intestines, in the sub-mucous coat, Leptandra has two special centers of action : Intestinal Canal. ) ,^^ ^, ^ \ Lon^estioii : Jjifiam.; Lat/iarsts. (Mucous Mem.) ) ^ y J y Liver. Secretions Greatly Increased. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to congestion of the liver and chronic diarrhoea; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon; stools of mucus, muco-purulent, black and fetid, with much abdominal pain, and distention of the abdomen. 2. Stools of mucus, very fetid, with a great goneness in the epigastnum; showing portal congestion. 212 LILIUM TIGRINUM. 3. Very profuse black, fetid stools, that run in a stream from the bowels, with much colicky pain. 4. Congestion of the liver; aching- pains in the region of the gall-bladder, with much jaundice. 5. Tongue coated yellow; great languor. 6. Aggravation: Mornings, and during the day. 7. Amelioration: At night, and during rest. LILIUM TIGRINUM, TIGER LILY. Through the spinal nervous system, Lilium has three special centers of action : Sexual Org., Female. Congestion; Hypercesthesia, Posterior Spinal Cord. Hypercesthesia. Heart. Rejlex Excitability. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Prolapsus uteri, with bearing-down sen- sation, accompanied with ovarialgia, and palpitation of the heart. 2. Persistent bearing-down pain in the LILIUM TIGRINUM. 213 uterine region, and a feeling as if the pelvic viscera, indeed, the whole abdominal con- tents, were being dragged downward, even from the chest and shoulders, through the vagina, with a constant desire to support the parts by pressing the hand against the vulva. 3. Menses usually scanty; wants to die, and knows not why; with yellow-brown, ex- coriating leucorrhoea. 4. Ovarian and uterine neuralgia, relieved by pressure. 5. Morning sickness, with palpitation of the heart, and profuse urination, in females suffering with prolapsus uteri. 6. Great tenderness of the mammae. 7. Wants to urinate all the time, from constant pressure on the bladder. 8. Constant pressure in the rectum, with desire to go to stool. 9. Heart feels as if squeezed in a vise, or full to bursting, from congestion; much flut- tering and palpitation; a feeling of a load or weight in the chest. 10. Profound mental depression, with headache, from uterine displacement, is a great key for this drug. 214 LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. 11. Aggravation: At night, and motion. 12. Amelioration: Day-time; fresh air; keeping busy; and from pressure in uterine displacements. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. CLUB MOSS. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Lyco- podium \v^'~> Jive special centers of actioji: Mucous Mem. Atony ^ Catai-rhal InJ1am?nation ^ _. ( Slow Dis^estion : Flatulence. Digestive Organs.^ ^ . °. ( Lo72stzj)atto?z. Liver. Co7zg-estion; Hypertrophy. Lymphatics. Atony ^ Coitgestionj Induration. Skin. Brown Liver Spots j Eczema^ fapules. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The patient is suffering from an excess of hthic acid, or gravel; the urine is dimin- ished, and throws down a copious quantity of red sand in the vessel or diaper. 2. Great pain in the back before urmation, with great relief as soon as the urine begins to flow. 3. The child screams with pain before uri- nating; the urine is scanty, and filled with LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. 2l5 red sand, deposited in the diaper, which is stained yellow. 4. Calculus, with haematuria; urine dark and fetid, with renal colic; the pains are sharp and burning. 5. Excessive accumulation of flatus. 6. Constant sensation of satiety, takes no food, and, if asked why, says, '' I want noth- ing, because I am full;" the least morsel causes a sensation of fullness up to the throat. 7. Goes to meals with a vigorous appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill him up full. 8. Great accumulation of gas in the intes- tines, which presses up and causes difficulty in breathing. 9. Constant sensation of fermentation in the abdomen, like a pot of yeast working, with much borborygmus, particularly in the left hypochondrium. 10. Sour vomiting, with cutting pains in the stomach. n. Dyspepsia, with loud croaking in the abdomen. 12. Old hepatic congestions. The liver is very tender on pressure, with aching pains; 2l6 LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. very sensitive to contact; cannot stretch or stand upright, it pains the hver so severely, with much jaundice. 13. Constipation; almost impossible to evacuate the bowels, with spasmodic con- striction of the anus preventing; stool. 14. Rectum contracts, and protrudes dur- ing hard stool, with stitches in the anus; varices protrude, and are very painful to the touch; worse nights, with bleeding piles. 15. Menses too soon and too profuse, with much borborygmus. 16. Chronic dryness of the vagina, with discharge of wind from the vagina. 17. Physometra of the uterus, similar to pregnancy, with tympanitis of the whole abdomen. 18. This is a remedy of great value in organic diseases of the lungs. Persistent catarrh, with much general weakness; takes cold very easily; cold air chills him through and through. 19. Passive catarrh of the air-passages, with copious expectoration of muco-purulent sputa; the cough is loose, rattling, but ex- pectoration is not easy; cough sounds loose, LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. 21/' but the secretion remains in the lungs very tenaciously; sputa thick, yellow or greenish. 20. It has a vitalizing influence in those forms of bronchitis characterized by copious muco-serous or muco-purulent secretion from emphysema, or dilatation of the air- tubes, as well as in senile catarrh, with con- stant tickling cough, worse at night, and with numerous loud mucous rales and rare and scanty sputa. 21. Fan-like motion of the alae nasi in respiratory diseases. 22. Great emaciation of the upper portion of the body, while the lower portion is enor- mously distended. 23. Night sweats; perspiration cold, clam- my, sour, fetid, smelling like onions; more about the chest. 24. Great shortness of breath during sleep, in lung troubles; violent oppression of the chest, worse in the open air. 25. Neglected cases of pneumonia, *with hepatization and purulent sputa; hydrotho- rax. 26. Chronic inflammatory degeneration of the skin; plica polonica; eruptions bleed 2l8 LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. readily; suppurating- eczema of the head, with swollen cervical glands; dry porrigo. 27. Grayish-yellow color of the skin. 28. The mind confused about every-day things; speaks wrong words and syllables; great mental and nervous weakness; fear of being left alone; melancholia. 29. Chronic nasal catarrh; mucous mem- brane swollen, cannot breathe through it; great feeling of dryness of the nose, with yellowish-gray face. 30. Fever where the chill predominates; cannot get warm, even by a stove. Hectic fever, with copious night sweats, mostly on chest; also with profuse perspiration in the forenoon. 31. Aggravation: Especially from 4 to 6 p. m.; from eating or drinking; wrapping up the head; especially from getting cold; from lying down. 32. Amelioration: From continued mo- tion; after midnight; forenoon; warm food or drink; eructations, and getting warm in bed. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA. Through the filaments of the nervous ganglia in the muscular coats of the intestines, Magnesia has three spe- cial centers of actiofi : Intestinal Mucous M. Ificr. Secretions ; Catharsis. Kidneys. Lithiasis; Urine Alkaline. Sexual O., Female. Atony ; Alenses Scanty; Delayed. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The Carbonate of Magnesia is espe- cially adapted to acid constitutions; the whole child smells sour; sour vomiting;; sour stools; much thirst. 2. Watery, green, sour, frothy stools; much colic; excessive distention of the ab- domen with gas. 3. Sharp, burning pains in the rectum. 4. Bitter, sour taste, with much mucus in the throat. 5. Desire for acid fruit, or meat; aversion to green fruit. 6. Menses too late, or absent; has a sore throat during every menstrual period. 7. Sad, disconsolate; congestion of blood to the head, with pressive frontal headache, and very sour stomach. 220 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 8. From indigestion, great disposition to furuncles. 9. Sour-smelling- perspiration, difficult to wash off. 10. Aggravation: Morning; motion; and rainy weather. 11. Amelioration: In the afternoon; even- ing; and slight motion. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. MURIATE OF MAGNESIA. Through Meissner's plexus, or nervous ganglia in the submucous coat of the intestines, Magnesia muriatica has three special centers of action : Stomach. Catarrh; Nausea and Vomiting. ( Conprestion ; Catharsis. Intestines.^ ^j ,. , ^ ( Ubsti7iate Lonstipation. Liver. Congestion ; Hypertrophy ; yaundice. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Particularly useful in diseases of the liver and bowels, where obstinate constipa- tion, stools crumbling as they pass from the bowel, is the most prominent symptom. 2. Slow dentition, with large, distended abdomen and obstinate constipation. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 221 3. Bad taste in the mouth, with poor ap- petite. 4. Obstinate gastralgia, with constipation. 5. Sharp, burning pains in the Hver, with induration and jaundice; stools hard and crumbhng and passed with great difficulty. 6. Much excited at the menstrual period, with sleeplessness and fainting fits. 7. Swelling of the glands, with many boils following each other, from indigestion. 8. Takes cold very easily. 9. Aggravation: During the night; from cold, and out of bed. ID. Amelioration: In daytime; warmth; pressure, and in bed. MERCURIUS HYDRARGYRUM, OR QUICKSILVER. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Mer- cury has sixteen special centers of action : _. ( Paralysis ; Conrestion; Inflammation. Lymphatics. ■< rn ,- ^ -^ ( Ulceration. Salivary Glands. Salivation ; Excessive JFctor. Pancreas. Salivation; Injiammation ; Hypertrophy. Liver. Bile Greatly Incr.; Jaiuidice; Induration. Congestion; Inflainmation ; Albuminuria. Kidneys. . ^^ , , JJiabctes Mucous Mem. (Air-Passages.) CatarrJial Injlam. Intestinal Canal. Incr. Peristalsis ; Catharsis. Mucous J\L (Lntestinal.) Conges.; Injlam. ; Hem. Eyes. Congestion; Injlam.; Ulceratioji ; Iritis. Serous Membranes. Iijlammation ; Effusion. ( Conges.; Injlam. Periosteum, (tibrous 1issue.)-< ^, ' . ^ ( Kheitmatisni. Long Bones. Injlam.; Caries ; \ightly Bone- Pain. Decomposed; Fibrinc^ Albumen^ and Red Glob- Blood. ^ , ^ 7 utes IJecreased. Cerebro-vSpinal System. Neuroses ; Shaking Palsy. ^ ^^ _ ( Me?iorrhagia ; Amenorrhcca. Sexual Org., r emale. v _ ^. ( Aitscarriage. Skin. Jaundice; Vesicular and Pustular Eczema. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially a glandular remedy (sali- vary, liver, and lymphatics), and no drug- prevents suppuration, in the acute and sub- acute stage, as certainly as Mercury. 222 MERCURIUS. 223 2. All the symptoms are greatly ag-g:ra- vated at night, from warmth in bed, and cold, damp, rainy weather. 3. Profuse perspiration that does not re- lieve, accompanies most complaints where Mercury is indicated. 4. Congestion, and sluggish circulation of the portal system, and of the whole venous system, probably explain why the pains are so aggravated at night, and the evening air chills him so much, and why he perspires at every movement. 5. Hurried talking; slow in answering questions; intellect very weak; low mutter- ing delirium; no sleep after midnight. 6. Dull, stupid feeling, with dizziness, (biliousness). 7. Headache, compressive and constrict- ive in character, the eyes yellowish; partial or complete deafness (portal); congestion of the head, with a feeling as if it would burst. 8. Hydrocephalus; precocious children; sutures open; dirty color of the face; body bathed at night with copious sour perspi- ration. 224 MERCURIUS. Q. Exostosis on the scalp; very sore to touch; worse at night; the scalp is painful to touch, with falling- out of the hair. 10. Eczema, or scald head. Locally Cal- omel ointment, one drachm to the ounce of Lanoline, ter die. Best known remedy. 11. Lice on the head or on the pubes, are destroyed at once with Mercurial ointment. A five per cent, solution of oleate of Mer- cury in Oleic acid, with one-eighth part of Ether, will destroy pedicula at once. 12. Inflammations of the conjunctiva and cornea, ulcerative, phlyctenular, or catar- rhal; the ulcers of the cornea are very vascular; the dread of light is intense; lachrymation profuse, burning, and exco- riating; muco-purulent secretion is very thin, acrid, and always worse at night. 13. For iritis, especially if syphilitic, with sore, tearing pains around the eye, greatly aggravated at night, Mercury is the great remedy; the same in retinitis and choroidi- tis; either syphilitic or rheumatic. 14. If he attempts to look at anything, the eyes are involuntarily drawn together; the more he tries to restrain the contraction, MERCURIUS. 225 the less able he is to prevent it, must He down and close the eyes; intolerance of daylight or firelight. 15. Bloody and offensive matter flows from the ears, with tearing- pains; chronic catarrh of the middle ear, extending along the Eustachian tube; roaring, ringing, sing- ing, with deafness. (Use the Mercurius dul- cis 2d or 3d decimal.) 16. This is our best remedy for acute, sub- acute, and chronic catarrh of the nose, co- pious discharge of corroding mucus, and fluent coryza. (Use the Iodide.) 17. Copious hemorrhages in putrid diph- theria. 18. Offensive odor from the nose; acrid pus flows from the nose; inflammation and caries of the nasal bones. (Use the Iodide.) ig. Teeth decay and become loose; gums bleed from slightest touch, and ulcerate; teeth sore, loose, and feel too long; odon- talgia, especially at night; periosteal inflam- mation and ulceration. 20. Breath extremely fetid, from ulcers in the mouth. 21. Red, moist tongue, with much burning 15 226 MERCURIUS. and great thirst; heavy, thick, yellow, moist coating on the tongue. 22. Tongue swollen, and so soft on the margin that it shows the imprint of the teeth in scallops, which look ulcerated. 23. Profuse salivation, with great fetor of the breath; salivary glands greatly swollen; tongue shows the marks of the teeth. 24. The secretion of slimy, stringy mucus from the mouth is very characteristic, especially before ulceration in tonsilitis; this mucus can be drawn out into long strings. 25. Ulceration of the inner surface of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, and palate, with much flow of mucus. 26. To arrest suppuration of the tonsils, nothing can equal the local application of Mercurius cor., ist decimal, applied with a camel's-hair brush; suppuration of the ton- sils, with profuse flow of ropy saliva; con- stant desire to swallow, with sharp, sticking pains in the fauces when swallowing. 27. Dryness and pain in the throat, as if an apple-core was sticking in it, that causes constant inclination to swallow; unable to MERCURIUS. 227 swallow liquids, they return through the nose. 28. Diphtheria, especially the asthenic, putrid form; the pseudo-membrane is of a dark-gray color, characteristic of the drug; the exudate not only covers the tonsils, and the whole of the soft palate, uvula, and fau- ces, but extends up into the nares, com- pletely occluding the nostrils, and down into the larynx and trachea, with enormous pain- ful glandular swellings. In this form use the Cyanuret or Corrosive sublimate of Mercury. 29. Syphilitic angina, with much redness and swelling of the whole fauces; ulceration of the larynx and complete aphonia; the whole back part of the throat covered with a white, fetid exudate; the chronic catarrhal inflammation extends to the nose, with com- plete destruction of the nasal bones; the breath very fetid; tearing nightly pains. (Use the Iodide.) 30. Thirst, violent and constant, taking large quantities at a time; the patient can- not be satiated, but calls for water inces- santly. 228 MERCURIUS. 31. Excessive hunger, or loss of appetite, in bilious diseases. 32. Qualmishness and a peculiar sense of weakness and great tenderness of the pit of the stomach, and abdomen. 33. Chronic gastric catarrh, with disten- tion and soreness of the epigastrium and transverse colon, with frequent vomiting. 34. Inflammation of the liver; it is very tender; much jaundice; sub-acute and chronic suppuration; violent stitches in the hepatic region, preventing deep breathing; abdomen hard, and distended with gas; he cannot lie on the right side. 35. Torpidity of the liver, where deficient secretion of bile is indicated by white, cos- tive, and offensive stools, loss of appetite, and great depression of spirits; the patient is very languid, can hardly get around, with great melancholia. 36. Gallstones, with much jaundice and biliary colic. Cathartic doses of from ten to forty grains of Calomel will often dis- lodge the stones, when every other remedy fails. 37. Diarrhoea, copious, watery, or of green MERCURIUS. 229 mucus, with burning and protrusion of the anus; dysentery of great violence, stools of mucus and blood, or pure blood, with ex- cessive tenesmus and colicky pains before and during- stool, and tenesmus after. Cor- rosive sublimate is the specific. 38. The stool of Mercury is marked by the great characteristic that the desire for stool is not relieved by the evacuation; must sit and strain for an indefinite period; *' never-get-done feeling." 39. Urine scanty, red, with strong smell and highly albuminous; or suppression of urine; it is passed with great difficulty; filled with mucus; extremely turbid as soon as voided, depositing a heavy sediment. 40. Haematuria, with violent tenesmus of the bladder; urine mixed with blood, pus, and mucus. 41. Burning in the urethra when urinating. 42. Gonorrhoea, second stage; discharge thick, yellow, or greenish, not accompanied with much pain. 43. Phagedenic ulcerations of the glans penis; they eat deep in and spread. (Use Calomel locally.) 230 MERCURIUS. 44. Great inflammation and hypertrophy of the testicles. 45. Inflammation and ulceration of the inguinal glands. (Iodide.) 46. Vulva much swollen, raw and sore; burning, smarting, corroding leucorrhoea; discharges of flecks of pus and mucus as large as hazelnuts, worse at night; venereal ulcers. 47. Prolapsus of the vagina, with sensa- tion of great rawness in the whole organ. 48. Pain in the mammae as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period; suppu- ration of the mammae. 49. The menses too profuse, with much colic. 50. Miscarriage from secondary syphilis. 51. Adapted to a dry cough that is pass- ing into the moist stage, greatly aggravated at night; hoarse, rough voice, burning in the larynx. 52. Violent fluent coryza, with an acrid, watery discharge, making the nose and lip red and very sore. 53. Ulcerations and eruptions on the skin are swollen and have a raw appearance; MERCURIUS. 231 watery vesicles and blotches, turn yellow and suppurate. (Locally and internally.) Readily bleeding- ulcers. 54. Eruptions on the skin that itch greatly, and discharge an acrid secretion that exco- riates the adjacent surfaces. For tinea capitis, Calomel ointment, or glycerole, is the best known application. 55. Skin greatly jaundiced, with much itching of the abdomen; skin dirty yellow, rough, and dry. 56. Variola durin^g the suppurative stage. 57. Fever. Here the sphere for this drug is found in adhesive inflammations of serous membranes, to arrest suppuration, and heal ulceration. 58. Catarrhal fevers; frequent chills alter- nating with heat; violent and constant thirst for cold drinks; profuse and sour-smelling night sweats, staining the linen yellow. 59. Profuse sour-smelling, cold, clammy night sweats; sweating with all complaints gives no relief. 60. For worm fever caused by lumbrici, it is our best remedy. 61. Great trembling of the hands; legs are 232 MILLEFOLIUM. SO weak can hardly stand; arms and legs sore to the touch. 62. Nightly bone-pains, drawing" and tear- ing in all the limbs, aggravated by warmth and at night; periosteal rheumatism, with nodes. 63. Anasarca of all the limbs, particularly the feet. 64. Aggravation: In the evening, particu- larly at night; from heat of bed; during per- spiration; while lying on the right side; dur- ing stool; cold evening air; damp, cold weather; motion, and after sleep. 65. Amelioration: From rest; during the day; during work, and after breakfast. MILLEFOLIUM. YARROW. Through the spinal nervous system, Millefolium has one s-pecial center of action : Venous Capillaries. Hcemostatic Contraction. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Its special sphere of usefulness is in arresting active hemorrhages from the nose, MILLEFOLIUM. 233 lungfs, kidneys, bowels, and sexual organs in women. The hemorrhao-es are more active than those of HamameHs, and without the nausea and vomiting that attend Ipe- cacuanha. 2. Active haemoptysis, with oppression and palpitation of the heart, without much cough; in atonic constitutions. 3. Obstinate chronic hemorrhages from all the outlets of the body; malaise and great weakness. 4. Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, with congestive headache and much palpitation of the heart. 5. Typhoid fever; much tympanitis and active hemorrhage from the bowels. 6. Painful varicose veins during preg- nancy. 7. Aggravation: Evening and at night. 8. Amelioration: During the day. MOSCHUS. MUSK. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Moschus has three special centers of action : ^ ,, ^, ( Excite7ne7it of the Excito- Lerebro-Spinal System. K ,^ ^ -^ ( iMotor >Syste7n, Circulation. Incr. Vaso-Motor Capillary Excitement. Sexual Organs. Excessive Venereal Excitement. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Its great sphere of usefulness is in hysterical women, with great nervous ex- citement; spasms; uncontrollable laughter; fainting and violent palpitation of the heart; copious watery urine; coldness and fainting predominate. 2. Laryngismus stridulus; suffocative con- striction of the chest, and violent palpitation of the heart. 3. Violent sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in the genital organs, in both male and female. 4. Menses too early, too profuse, with in- tolerable itching of the genitalia, much chilliness, and great tendency to faint. 5. Coldness of the skin is a leading char- acteristic of this drug, with much nervous 234 MOSCHUS. 235 trembling- and frequent fainting. 6. Mouth and throat dry and hot; bitter, putrid taste; great thirst, and the sight of food makes her sick. 7. Spasmodic nervous hiccough; loud eructations, in nervous, hysterical people. (It is our best remedy.) 8. Nausea and vomiting, pressive burning pains in the stomach, which is greatly dis- tended with gas; excessive tympanitis of the whole abdomen, especially in hysterical women; watery, nightly diarrhoea. 9. Urine copious and watery, in hysterical women. 10. Diabetes; great thirst; profuse urina- tion, loaded with sugar; emaciation; and loss of sexual desire, especially in women. 11. Aggravation: From cold; in the open air, and especially after sleeping. 12. Amelioration: From warmth, and in a warm room. NAPHTHALIN. FROM COAL TAR. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Naphthalin has six special centers of action : n Q c J Co7igestio7i : Vertigo; Convulsions. \^ EREBRO- oPIN. o. \ j-^ ■, > . -r^ ( JDelirious Urunkeniiess. Vagi. Spasmodic Asthma; Bronchorrhoea. Urinary Organs. Hccmaturia ; Pyelitis ; Strangury. Eyes. (Dogs.) Cataract. ^ -r ^ ( Congestion ; Flatulence. Ltastro-Intestinal Iract. -^ ^. , ( Diarrhoea. Antiseptic. In Surgery : Ulcerations^ as a Dressing. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Inveterate cases of hay fever, or spas- modic asthma; spasmodic bronchitis and asthma, worse in the open air; fullness in the frontal region; soreness in the chest; often associated with emphysema; great dyspnoea and sighing respiration; exco- riating secretions. 2. Hydronaphthol, in the treatment of phthisis has been found of great value by Dr. C. B. Smith. The hectic fever disap- pears, the appetite returns, the cough less- ens, the lungs clear, and the patient gains in weight, some having gained four pounds in 280 NAPHTHALIN. 237 one week. A cure is made in the incipient stag^e, inside of three weeks; in the second stage, fifty per cent cured inside of five weeks; in the last stag"e, hfe is prolonged, and some cures are made. (Use a solution of five grains to one drachm of Glycerine hypodermically, at first twice daily, and then once a day, fifteen to thirty drops at a time.) 3. Whooping cough, with long continued paroxysms; cannot get an inspiration; puffi- ness of the face. 4. Ulceration of the bowels, producing chronic diarrhoea; obstinate cases of dys- entery. (Large doses of this drug have proved very efficient.) 5. Excellent as an antiseptic dressing in ulceration of the skin. NATRUM MURIATICUM. CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Na- trum muriaticum has eleven special centers of action: ^ ( Ance?nia : Great Loss of Kcd Corpiiscles. Blood. -^ ^ ( ocz^;"zr)/. Lymphatics. Secretions Excessively Excoriating. Liver. Hypertrophy j yaundice; Great Despondency. Spleen. Hypertrophy^ zvith Great Ancemia. Salivary Glands. Incr. and Perverted Secretions. Mucous Membranes. Congestion; Injlainmation. Digestive Organs. Incr. Secretions ; Constipation. { Eczema: Eoils : Urticaria ; Fissures. Skin. J / . ( Eoss oj Ilair. Eyes. Excoriating Secretions. c. r^ ^ \ Atony; Delayed Menses. Sexual Organs, i^ emale. i ^ ,- .> r 7^ • ( Eoss of 'h, where the epi- gastrium becomes exceedingly sore. The cough is of recent origin, not founded on an organic base, but of a simple catarrhal nature, or reflex from indigestion, or from the spine. 38. Dyspeptic asthma; attacks come on after eating, or in the morning, and the gas- tric symptoms predominate, with obstinate constipation, associated with haemorrhoids. 39. Softening of the brain and cord, with paralysis of the limbs; diminished tempera- ture; spasmodic pains in the neck and back; the back feels as if bruised; spine greatly prostrated from sexual excesses or from alcoholism. 40. Epilepsy, where the spinal centers are prominently involved, as shown by the shocks and jerks of the limbs. 41. Tetanic convulsions, excited by con- tact, noise, or any external stimulus. 42. Fever where the gastro-bilious symp- toms predominate; chill begins in the ex- tremities, with blue nails, gaping and yawn- ing; thirst with the chill, and, as the chill passes off, the patient vomits; the fever is 254 NUX VOMICA. especially in the upper part of the body, and is intermittent, with decided morning; aggravations, of malarial origin, and the motor nerves are greatly affected. 43- Aggravation: Especially during the morning; from mental exertion; in open air; dry weather; from slight touch; motion; from anger; from intoxication; from over- eating, especially spices and rich food; cof- fee and strong tea; narcotic medicine; from cold, cold food or water; and especially at 3 a. m. 44. Amelioration: From warm air; even- ings; during rest, and in damp, wet weather. Vaso-Motor System. ) OPIUM. POPPY. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Opium has fifteen special ce?zters of action : Brain. Intense Congestion ; Pj-ofound Coma. Spinal Cord. (Posterior.) Cojnpletc Ancestkcsia. Vagi. Paralysis of the Respiratoiy Center ; Asphyxia. ^ f Oculo-Motor Paralysis. ' I Pupils Greatly Contracted. Heart. Pulsations Lesse7ied^from Vagtis Paralysis. Small Doses Excite. ,arge Doses Paralyze. -^ „ ( A-ptetite Destroyed., with Great Digestive Organs. \ ^f-z • ( 1 hirst. Mucous Membranes. Secretions Completely Arrested. Stomach. (Centric.) Nausea and Vomitiiig. Intestinal Canal. Obstinate Constipation. ^ ( Diniinished Secretions j Solids Increased. ' \ Calculi. * ^, ^ ,^ ( (^) Venereal Ex citcjncnt. Sexual Organs, Male. \ ) [ -^ \\2) Impotence. ,, ^ ^ { {i\ Menses Increased. Sexual Organs, Female. \ ) i ^ w ^ o . . ( (2) Lomplete Suppression. ( Coiyfer Colored; Diaphoresis : Eczema. Skin, i ^ . ( Pru7'igo. Nutrifn Destroyed ^ Emacia''n; Imbecile; Chronic Liars. GRAND CHAPvACTERISTICS. I. In all diseases that call for the use of Opium, the central difficulty will be found in the brain. 256 256 OPIUM. 2. The brain is oppressed and profoundly comatose; pupils greatly contracted; ex- treme drowsiness, and coma with stertorous breathing; patient cannot be aroused from the stupor; the face is purplish and swollen; pulse full, labored, and very slow. 3. Diseases that originate from fright, the fear of the fright still remaining; very sleepy, but cannot sleep. 4. Face purplish and swollen; thinks she is not at home; this is continually in her mind. 5. Unrefreshing, soporous sleep, eyes half open; snoring during inspiration and ex- piration; congestion of the brain; delirious talking; eyes wide open; face red and puffed. 6. Puerperal convulsions, the spasms ush- ered in with a loud cry, purple face; coma between the spasms. 7. Cerebral hemorrhage, recent cases; slow pulse; stertorous breathing; tetanic rigidity of the body, especially in drunkards. (Follow with Apis mel.) 8. Twitching, trembling of the head, arms, and hands; jerks as if the flexors were over- acting; body cold, with stupor. OPIUM. 257 9. Ptosis; lids hang down as if paralyzed. 10. Total or partial paralysis of accom- modation; impaired sensibility of the retina; pupils greatly contracted. 11. Constipation is Opium's greatest key- note; stools composed of round, hard black balls. Opium renders the intestines so dry and sluggish that the most active purgatives lose their power. 12. Abdomen distended and tympanitic, from indigestion. 13. Colic, with great pressure downward upon the rectum and bladder, without any passing off of faeces, gas, or urine. (Very valuable in Lead colic.) 14. Paralysis of the muscles of the fundus of the bladder, rather than those of the sphincter; child makes no water with full bladder. 15. Renal colic, suffering intense, with cold sweat. (Use Morphine.) 16. Cough at night, dry, spasmodic, titil- lating; especially tormenting at night. 17. Bronchitis, with dyspnoea; suffocative attacks during sleep, threatening paralysis of the lungs; blueness of the face. 17 258 OPIUM. 18. Sudden retrocession of acute erup- tions; paralysis of the brain sets in, or con- vulsions, nervousness, diarrhoea, etc. 19. Coldness in the limbs; sleepy, but cannot sleep, from too much blood in the brain. 20. Bed feels so hard he cannot lie upon it; very characteristic of Opium. 21. The skin hot and damp, or sweating", even in the morning, with constant desire to uncover. 22. Morphine poisoning. Permanganate of Potash has just been introduced by Dr. Moore, of Chicago, as an absolute specific for Morphine poisoning, in four grain doses. Emetics; black coffee; friction; keep the patient moving, but especially dilate the anus. 23. Aggravation: During the night and morning; warmth; during rest; from anxiety or fear; from alcoholism, and while per- spiring. 24. Amelioration: From cold; -from mo- tion; during the day and evening. OSTRYA VIRGINICA. IRON WOOD. Through the spinal system, Ostrya has four special centers of action : Spinal System. Intermittent and Bilious Fever. Stomach. Atony ; Indigestion. Intestinal Canal. Congestion ; Incr. Secretiojis. T ^ ( Conrrcstio7i : Hypertro-pky. Liver and Spleen, i . . ' -^-l ^ ^ ( Jina^mia. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. In sub-acute or chronic cases of ma- larial intermittents with symptoms similar to those of Quinine, when it does not cure, Ostrya wdll often make rapid cures. 2. Bilious conditions, with languor, poor appetite, and great prostration. 3. In anaemia from malaria. (Of great value.) 359 PHOSPHORUS. AN ELEMENT. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Phos- phorus has thirteen special centers of action: ^ j Gastritis ; Gastralgia ; Hypertrophy, ' \ Hcematemesis . T /o \\ Congestion ; Inflammation. Intestines. (Small.) -^ ^,^ ^ ^/ i ^ { Watery Diarrhoea, -J. ( Congestion; Injlammation ; Icterus. ' \ Hypertrophy ; Fatty Degeneration. Spleen. Congest.; Hypertrophy ; Fatty Degeneration, Kidneys. Venous Stagnation; Fatty Degeneration. i Injlam.; Albu?ninuria ; Hemorrhage, ' I Fatty Degeneration. Arteries. Fatty Degeneration^ with Vast Hemor'*ges, Blood. Corpuscles Dissolved; Hydrccfnia ; Ecchy?nosis. ^ ^ ^ { (i) Stiniulation ; (2) Nutrition Cerebro-Spinal S. -^ ^ v^ , , Jt ■, t^ 1 - ( Destroyed; Jyeural Paralysis, „ n i\/r ( (^) Aphrodisiac. *' ' ( (2) Paralysis ; Impotence. „ ^ T-. \ Small Doses Stijnulate ; Lars^e. Sexual O., Female. -^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ( Paralyze. Bones. (Maxillae.) Periostitis ; Caries; Necrosis, Lungs. Congestion ; Inflammation ; Hepatization, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially indicated in tall, slender, red- haired people, with fair skin, sanguine tem- perament, sensitive disposition, quick and lively perceptions. Especially suited to 260 PHOSPHORUS. 261 fevers where death seems inevitable in con- sequence of the deep-seated injury inflicted upon the forces, and to acute, sub-acute, and chronic diseases of the brain, jaws, teeth, lungs, stomach, intestines, Hver, kidneys, blood, and sexual organs. 2. Sensation of weakness and emptiness in stomach and abdomen, which distresses and aggravates all other symptoms, and is the ruling key for the use of Phosphorus; probably depending on portal congestion. A step further is shown by jaundice from fatty degeneration of the liver. 3. Mental depression, sadness, anxiety, every evening; weary of life; melancholy, full of gloomy forebodings; the melancholy is relieved by weeping; from exhaustion of the cerebro-spinal system, caused by sexual excesses. 4. Disinclination to mental or physical exertion; apathy, unwilling even to talk; slow answers and slow movements. 5. Stupor; low muttering delirium, grasp- ing at flocks. 6. Brain-fag; softening of the brain, with much vertigo and heaviness of the head, as 262 PHOSPHORUS. if he had been lying with his head too low; the brain always feels tired, as if he could not get rested, and often there is a feeling of coldness of the cerebellum; cerebral hemorrhage. 7. Loss of hearing, with cold extremities. 8. Attacks of sudden blindness; objects appear veiled, with dilatation of the pupils, and darting pains in the eyeballs; numer- ous lesions of the retina and optic nerve, photopsies, chromatopsies, halo around the light, red appearance of objects, flashes of light; retinal apoplexy. Cataract has often been cured by Phosphorus. 9. Chronic dry nasal catarrh, with green, bloody mucus; swelling of the nose, painful to touch; ulcerated nostrils, with swollen nasal bones; cannot draw air through the nose. 10. Profuse and long-lasting nosebleed. 11. Face pale, sickly, and sunken, often icteric; eyes are sunken; face swollen and cedematous, with great weakness. 12. Neuralgia of the head; it has to be wrapped up night and day. 13. Bleeding and inflammation of gums. PHOSPHORUS. 263 14. Tongue swollen, dry, and black; or dry and red; or brown, and dry in the mid- dle. (Septic fevers.) 15. Great thirst, and dryness of the mouth; excessive tympanitis of the stomach, with mucous enteritis. 16. As soon as cold water becomes warm in the stomach, it is throw^n up; food rises back again into the mouth as soon as eaten. 17= Gastric neurosis, with dry, hard stool. 18. Pressure as from a hard substance in the stomach, with coldness. 19. Hemorrhage from the stomach, tem- porarily relieved by drinking cold water; inflammation of the liver, with vomiting of blood, and a gone feeling in the abdomen. 20. Dyspepsia, with excessive flatulence; frequent palpitation of the heart, and inter- mittent pulse; much belching of gas. 21. Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. 22. Sharp, cutting pains in the bowels; excessive flatulence, often with sour vom- iting. 23. The liver indurated and very much enlarged, with jaundice; fatty degeneration ^64 PHOSPHORUS. of the liver; malignant jaundice; catarrhal inflammation of the bile-ducts, with icterus; atrophy of the liver. 24. Stools are long, narrow, hard, and very difficult to expel. This is one of the great characteristics of this drug. 25. Profuse watery diarrhoea, pouring away as if from a hydrant; very exhaust- ing; worse in hot weather. 26. Green and bloody stools, the anus re- maining wide open; involuntary stools; the moment anything enters the rectum it pro- duces involuntary stools; violent burning in the rectum and anus. 27. Haemorrhoids protrude largely, are very painful; burn like fire, from inflamma- tion, and bleed profusely. 28. Urine turbid and very high colored; haematuria, discharge of blood from the bladder; urine filled with albumen, and con- taining fatty casts. 29. Sexual abuse, producing nightly emis- sions and dorsal consumption; trembling imbecility; mania; epileptic fits; and im- paired digestion; sexual mania, lascivious, strips himself naked; constantly tormented PHOSPHORUS. ^65 for coitus; and followed by complete im- potence. 30. Irresistible desire for sexual inter- course in both sexes. 31. Profuse menstruation, with ^reat sex- ual excitement. 32. Hemorrhages from the genital organs; the power of resistance of the parietes of the vessels is lowered by the fatty meta- morphosis, and the hemorrhages become more severe, often so severe that general anaemia ensues. 33. Acrid leucorrhoea, causing soreness of the vulva. 34. Cancer of the mammae, with lancinat- ing pains; bleeding much. 35. Great rawness in the larynx, with fre- quent dry, hacking cough; hoarseness, with a rough voice; irritability of the lower por- tion of the trachea, with suffocative press- ure in the chest. 36. Capillary bronchitis; severe, hard, dry, exhausting cough, worse in the evening, and coming from a warm room into the cold air; cough, with oppression of the chest; to expectorate must sit up in bed, when there 266 PHOSPHORUS. is great pain, with constriction under the sternum. 37. Pneumonia, with sanguineous infiltra- tion of the parenchyma, and red hepatiza- tion; face hvid; brickdust expectoration; great dyspnoea. 38. Haemoptysis; expectoration of blood, with fatiguing, dry, hacking cough; occa- sional profuse hemorrhages, pouring out freely; respiration very labored, anxious, panting, oppressed; great dyspnoea. 39. Hectic fever, with suppuration of the lungs; formation of cavities, purulent exu- dation into the cavity of the thorax, with in- filtration, and ulceration of the intestinal canal; hypertrophy of the mesenteric glands, with chronic tubercular diarrhoea; rush of blood to the chest, and oppression so great that the patient, during the attack of cough- ing, in order to expectorate, has to sit up in bed; great pain and constrictive sensation under the sternum. 40. Fatty degeneration of the heart; pulse rapid, weak, and soft; often intermittent; motion produces violent palpitation. 41. Typhoid or hectic fever that assumes PHOSPHORUS. 267 the adynamic type; perspiration so copious the patient is exhausted, especially at night; profuse, exhausting morning sweats. 42. Burning pain between the scapulae. 43. The spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae between the scapulae become ex- ceedingly sensitive to pressure, extending to the muscles; burning pains in the small of the back. 44. Degeneration and liquefaction of the brain and spinal cord, producing paralysis of motion and sensation. 45. Great weakness of the whole body, especially of the legs; so weak cannot walk, or so weak can scarcely raise the hands. 46. Great sensitiveness to cold air; takes cold easily; irritability from great weak- ness; general anaemia and anasarca; cold feet. 47. Neuralgia in many parts of the body, with great anaemia, in broken-down, emaci- ated constitutions. 48. Aggravation: Evening until midnight; from cold; motion; after eating; during a thunder-storm; reading aloud; drinking water; when lying on the back, or left side; 268 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. unpleasant emotional excitement; chang-es of the weather either way, and from light in general. 49. Amelioration: In the dark; cold food or water; lying on right side; during rest, and after sleep. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. POKE ROOT. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Phytolacca has nine special centers of action : ^ ^ , Violent Eiiiesis ; Stools Watery^ Mil- Digestive O. -' ^ •\ cous^ Bloody, Mucous M. (Throat, Stomach.) Violent Injlam, Kidneys. Congestion j Injlanunation ; Albuminuria, o r^ / A r r\ a- \\ Inflammation. bEXUAL O. (Mam., OVAR., iESTES.)-{ ^ ^ { c>uppuratio7z. Glands. (Tonsils, Parotids, ( ^ ^ ^^ ^ \ Infl.; Hypertrophy. iHYRoiD, Lymphatics.) ^ ./ ^ ^x x ^ Sero-Fibrous Tissue. Rheumatoid Infl.; Hyperfy. Skin. Furuncles ; Tinea Capitis ; Psoriasis. Blood. Pibrine Increased, Medulla Spinalis. Convulsions ; Paralysis, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. The patient is afflicted with sub-acute or chronic rheumatism, especially located in the periosteum or fibrous tissue, greatly PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 269 aggravated in damp, rainy weather, or is suffering from secondary or tertiary syphilis. 2. The neck and back are very stiff in damp weather; constant dull, heavy pains in the lumbar and sacral regions, aggra- vated by motion and at night. 3. Feels sore all over, from head to foot; muscles sore and stiff; severe rheumatic pains in lower extremities, with nightly bone-pains; rheumatism of the fingers, joints swollen, hard and shining; rheumatism affecting the periosteum, the sheaths of nerves and fasciae; rheumatism of scalp, much worse at night. 4. Dull frontal headache, with sensation of soreness in the brain, or as if the brain were bruised on walking; aggravation by damp weather. 5. Glandular inflammation of the lids, the glands swollen. 6. Ulceration of the margins of the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks, with thick, tenacious mucous secretions; great pain in the root of the tongue when swallowing. 7. Tongue feels as if scalded; coated grayish, or with a very red tip. 270 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 8. Great congestion and swelling of the soft palate and tonsils. 9. Salivation, with metallic taste; breath very fetid. 10. Congestion and inflammation of the whole back part of the mouth and the fauces; feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in the throat; tonsilitis or diph- theria; deglutition about impossible; fauces, tonsils, and pharynx covered with dark- colored false membrane, but it does not ex- tend to the nares or trachea; breath very fetid; parotids greatly swollen; high fever; great aching of the back and legs; feeling as if pounded all over, and great prostration; rheumatism is very apt to follow diphtheria. (The Phytolacca should be used as a gar- gle, as well as internally.) 11. Sensation as if there was a lump in the throat that causes constant efforts to swallow; globus; from nausea of the stomach. 12. Easy vomiting, without much nausea; vomiting of the ingesta, bile, and blood, with much flatulence; gastro-enteritis. 13. Much rumbling in the abdomen and PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 27 1 pain in the umbilicus, with stools of mucus and blood; stools more bilious than bloody. 14. Dark red urine; often albuminous. 15 Chronic orchitis of a rheumatic nature. 16. Menses too often, too profuse, with increase of tears, saliva, bile, and urine, in rheumatic constitutions. 17. Mammae full of hard, painful nodosi- ties, very similar to scirrhus, before ulcera- tion commences; mastitis where the' hard- ness is very apparent from the first, with much sensitiveness. 18. Eruptions from secondary and ter- tiary syphilis; squamous eruptions, eczema, herpes, boils, and barber s itch. 19. Rheumatic pains in the extremities; nightly periosteal pains. 20. This drug is now gaining quite a repu- tation for the reduction of obesity. 21. Aggravation: Evening, night; motion, especially in damp weather. 22. Amelioration: While lying down; dur- ing the day, and warm, dry weather. PICHI. FABIANA IMBRICATA. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Pichi hasy^^^r special centers of action : ._ ( Catai-rhal or Trauni. Cono-. • Inflani. zvit/i Kidneys. ■{ ... ( Excess of Lithic Acid and Urates ; Diurct. Bladder. Catarrhal Injiainjnation ; Mucus and Pus. Digestive Organs. Tonic. Catarrh. Liver. Stimulation. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Particularly adapted to the uric acid diathesis, where there is much irritation from the presence of urinary calculi, and the urine is very excoriating. 2. Inflammation of whole urethral tract; wants to pass urine often, but it is voided with great burning pains; the vesical tenes- mus is something terrible after urinating. 3. In vesical catarrh, acute or chronic, especially if caused from gravel, with copi- ous discharge of mucus and pus; urination very painful. 4. Gonorrhoea, sub-acute or chronic, where the whole urethra is involved, urination is extremely painful, the prostate is inflamed. PLANTAGO MAJOR. 273 and there is a discharge of mucus and pus. (Given in from one to twenty drop doses of the fluid extract.) PLANTAGO MAJOR. PLANTAIN. Through the cerebro-spinal system, Plantago has four special centers of action : Fifth Pair of Nerves. Excessive Hypcrccsthcsia. Skin. Prurigo ; Urticaria ; Papulcc. Digestive Organs. Parasiticide; Diarrhcea. Urinary Organs. Paralysis of Sphincter Vesiccc. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Best known remedy for toothache; great se'nsitiveness of the teeth; feel greatly elongated and sore to the touch; cannot bear cold air or contact; neuralgic form. (Locally and internally.) 2. Verminous affections; grinding of the teeth; colic and diarrhoea. 3. Especially useful in nocturnal enuresis of children, with very lax condition of the sphincter vesicae. 4. Great irritation of the nerve filaments 18 274 PLATINA. of the skin, with intense itching, pricking-, and burning of the skin; prurigo, urticaria, papulae. 5. Of great value locally in scalds, frost- bites, chilblains, bites of animals, bruises, erysipelas, and Rhus-poisoning. PLATINA. PLATINUM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Platina has three special center's of action: Cerebro-Spinal S. Depressioit; Paresis ; Ancesthesia. Congestion; Hypertrophy Menorrhagia; Neuralgia. Digestive O. Indigestion ; Flatzis ; Constipation. Sexual O., Female. ■! GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Females with dark hair, thin, of a sanguine or bilious temperament, and who suffer from too frequent and too profuse menstruation, and whose sexual organs are exceedingly sensitive. 2. The characteristic pain of Platina is a cramp-like, squeezing pain, — a kind of crush- PLATINA. 275 ing" together; it begins, gradually increases in severity, then gradually ceases, resem- bling Stannum; most of the symptoms are worse when the patient sits or stands, re- lieved by walking, and greatly aggravated at night. 3. Great melancholia in hysterical fe- males; the most joyful things distress her; life is wearisome, but she greatly fears death, which seems near at hand. 4. Out of sorts with the whole world, everything seems too narrow; weeping mood; trifling things produce extreme vex- ation; remains a long time in the sulks. 5. Arrogant, proud, contemptuous, pitiful, looking down upon people usually vener- ated; all persons seem physically and men- tally inferior, but she herself physically large and superior. 6. Sensation of numbness or a contraction of the brain accompanies nearly all of the headaches of this drug; face feels cold and numb; tense numb sensation in zygomata and mastoid processes. 7. Greedy, hasty eating, in hysterical fe- males. 276 PLATINA. 8. Fermentation in epigastric reg-ion, with great languor. Q. Stool exceedingly difficult, adhering to the rectum and anus like soft clay, requiring great effort of the abdominal muscles to expel the faeces. 10. Mons veneris cold and excessively sensitive to the touch, cannot bear the nap- kins usually applied. Hyper-sensitiveness of the generative organs is the great char- acteristic for Platina. 11. Voluptuous tingling in the vulva, with excessive sexual desire, associated with de- pression of spirits, anxiety, and palpitation of the heart. 12. Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia, the blood dark, thick, and tarry, without being coagulated, accompanied by great bearing- down feeling in the genitals; menses ap- pear much too early, and are very copious, with much hysteria. 13. Amenorrhoea, with much threatening of the menses to come on, and pain in the small of the back. 14. Ovaritis during climaxis, with menor- rhagia, and many hot flashes; the pain in PLATINA. 277 the ovarian region is of a burning- character, occurring in paroxysms, with excessive sex- ual desire. 15. Induration of the uterus, with excess- ive sensitiveness. i5. Weak, hysterical women that sigh much; the lungs feel so weak she cannot take a full breath; amorous dreams. 17. Nymphomania, especially in lying-in women, with voluptuous tingling from gen- itals into the abdomen; albuminous leu- corrhcea only in the daytime. 18. Weakness in the nape of the neck, with numbness. 19. Pain in the small of the back as if broken, with great weakness. 20. Tightness of the thighs, as if too tight- ly wrapped. 21. Aggravation: In the evening; warm room; in bed; at rest; when sitting, and from anger. 22. Amelioration: In open, cold air; from motion; during the day, and after sleep. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. MANDRAKE. Through the nervous ganglia of the muscular and mucous coats of the intestines, Podophyllum has four special centers of action : 'animation. Mucous Membranes. (Sto:m- ( ^ . ACir; Small Intestines.) ( -^ Intestinal Canal. Drastic Cathartic. Duodenitis. Salivary Glands. Copious Salivation. Liver. Hepatic Stimulant. Bile Greatly Increased. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. The great characteristic for Podophyl- Hn is morning diarrhoea; stools watery, green, undigested, or sHmy, with severe cohc and prolapsus ani. Sulphur has the same, without the pain, but has marked and ex- cessive excoriation of the anus, with great goneness in the epigastrium. 2. Severe colic every morning, with stools liquid green, or of mucus and blood, with fainting; w^orse in hot weather. Very use- ful in cholera infantum; the patient is great- ly exhausted. 3. The first remedy to be thought of in prolapsus ani; especially if there are present haemorrhoids and morning diarrhoea. 278 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. 27Q 4. Constipation, stools clay colored, for want of bile, with torpidity of the liver; jaundice and great languor. 5. Colic of a high grade, the pain originat- ing from a depraved and excessive secretion caused by a morbid state of the solar plexus. 6. Vomiting, with severe spasms of the stomach; the vomited matter is mixed with bile, and sometimes blood; gastro-enteritis. 7. Biliousness, with nausea; giddiness; bitter taste in the mouth; bilious vomiting and purging. 8. Food soon turns sour, with much flatu- lence. Q. Jaundice, with hyperaemia of the liver, and a hollow, sinking sensation in epigas- trium. 10. Gall-stones, for the expulsion of which it is the best known drug. The stones are removed by the excessive amount of bile secreted, and the increased peristaltic action of the gall-bladder and cystic duct, vomit- ing out, as it were, the foreign body. To get this action, toxic doses, of from one to five grains of the active principle, Podophyl- lin, must be given. Olive oil or glycerine 28o PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. should be taken, three times a day, for three days, one-half a pint at a time, before the Podophyllin is administered. I L Tongue full and broad, with pasty coat in center, and showing imprints of the teeth; or red tongue, feeling as if it had been burned. 12. Salivation, with offensive breath. 13. Great thirst for large quantities of cold water. 14. Great despondency, from biliousness. 15. Intermittent fever where the bilious symptoms predominate, with excessive headache and thirst; falls asleep and per- spires profusely. 16. Aggravation: In the morning from 2 to 4 o'clock, and from cold. 17. Amelioration: In the evening; from external warmth. POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS. LARCH AGARIC. Through the nervous gangha in the muscular and sub- mucous coat of the intestines, Polyporus has three special centers of actio7i : ^ -r ^ ( Concrcstion : Stools Watery. Gastro-Ixtest. Canal. ^ ,f 7 ^, , ( Mucous^ and htoody. Liver. Congestioji ; Torpidity j yaiuidice. Cerebro-Sp. S. Effects Similar to Those of Mali ana. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in endemic intermit- tent fever; type quotidian or tertian; sub- acute or chronic cases, with more or less org-anic lesions of the liver and abdominal viscera; the skin very much jaundiced, with night sweats; chill light and short; fever long, with, as a rule, not much perspiration; head feels light and hollow; frontal head- ache; bitter taste; tongue coated yellow; loss of appetite; often bilious vomiting; great languor, with severe aching pains in the large joints. 2. Loss of appetite, with a feeling in the epigastrium of great faintness, or all-gone feeling, probably from portal congestion; pale and anaemic. 281 262 POLYPORUS. OFFICINALIS. 3. Burning; distress in the stomach, with drag-ging pains in the liver. 4. The aching pains in the liver were very severe, and extended over the dorsal region. 5. Sudden distress in the hypogastric region, w^ith great desire for stool; stools that run from the bowels with great force,* of water, bile, mucus, and black faecal mat- ter; followed by great faintness, closely resembling Leptandra. 6. Lienteria; stools undigested; chronic anaemia. 7. Urine high colored and scanty; bilious urine. 8. Great physical prostration; the patient can hardly stand up; indisposed to any exertion, physical or mental. 9. All the joints of the body ache terribly, with disposition to yawn and stretch, show- ing that the posterior portion of the spinal cord is much prostrated, with indigestion. 10. Very restless and uneasy all night; sleep much disturbed. 11. The patient cannot bear the open air, it makes him so chilly; takes cold from the least damp change. PSORINUM. 283 12. Phthisis, with copious night sweats and watery diarrhoea. 13. Aggravation: Mornings, and damp, cold w^eather. 14. Amehoration: Eating; from acids; and warm, dry air. PSORINUM. PSORA SICCA. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Psori- num has tvjo special centers of action : Lymphatic Glandular System. Acrid Secretions. Cerebro-Spinal System. Profound Debility, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful where there is great debility, independent of any organic disease; debility from loss of vital fluids, or remain- ing after severe acute diseases, with copious sweats, and the patient despairs of ever getting well. 2. Herpetic eruptions, either moist or dry, accompanied by great itching; this itching becomes intolerable as soon as the patient gets warm in bed; the skin has a dirty, 284 PSORINUM. ding-y look, from defective action of the cutaneous glands. 3. Otorrhoea; discharge thin, ichorous, and horribly offensive, having an odor of rotten meat; often has boils. 4. Ulcers on the legs and ankles, very slow to heal. 5. Cholera infantum, the stools profuse and watery; dark brown, with a very offen- sive, putrid odor, worse at night; children much emaciated, and are very irritable. Patient gives out a nauseous, putrid odor from the body. 6. Aggravation: From motion, and es- pecially at night. 7. Amelioration: Morning, and during rest. PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. WIND FLOWER. Through the cerebro-spiiial nervous system and men- strual ganglia of the Fallopian tubes, Pulsatilla has twelve special centa's of action: Mucous Mem. Catarrhal Injlammation ^ jMucorrhcca. Eyes. Catarrhal Injiariimation ; Copious xlfucorrhoea. Ears. Sub-Acute Injl.; Otalgia ; Catarrhal Deafness. Stomach. Indiges.; Acidity; Tclloiv- Coated Tongue. Intestines. Flatidence ; Passive JSIucous Diarrhcea. Urinary O. Catarrhal Inflam.; IShiciis in Urine. Sexual O., Male. Orchitis ; V^aricocele ; Nettralgia. Sexual O., Female. Ovaritis ; Scanty^ Late Menstr. Venous System. Acute Varicosis. Synovial Mem. Rheumatico- Gouty Inflainination. Skin. Urticaria; Miliaiy Eruption. Cord. (Posterior.) Chilliness ; Hyperces.; Neural. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to females with blue eyes, very affectionate, easily' excited to tears, with fitful moods, of a very yielding- disposition, lymphatic constitution, round- ness of form, and inclined to quiet grief. 2. When the symptoms call for this drug, the temperament must not mislead the pre- scriber. The stereotyped doctrine taught, that Pulsatilla is not useful in choleric, san- 285 286 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. guine, malicious, irritable temperaments, who are energetic in their movements, is a great error, and led me astray for years. I believe Pulsatilla acts about as well in one as it does in the other. 3. Symptoms greatly aggravated in a close, warm room; craves fresh, cool air; all her symptoms are worse toward evening, and worse on returning to a warm, close room, and from rest. 4. Aggravated from fruits, ices, pork, pastry, and warm food; better from cold things, and in the open, cool air. 5. The forms of her symptoms are very changeable; she is very well one hour, and very miserable the next; fickle as the wind. 6. She cannot sleep in the early part of the evening, from indigestion, but sleeps late in the morning. 7. Very sluggish circulation, manifested by constant chilliness, coldness, and pale- ness of the skin. The pains from which they suffer seem to be accompanied by chilliness, the chilliness being more marked the more decided the pains, and, despite the chilliness, they find relief in the open air, PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. 287 because the cool air stimulates the venous system. 8. The woman is tearful, easily discour- aged; sometimes full of anxiety, with fore- bodings of some impending disaster. This anxiety comes from the epigastrium, and is associated with indigestion. 9. The pains constantly change their posi- tion, flying from one part to another; some- times being of intense severity, then sudden- ly becoming very mild, and vice versa. 10. Hypochondriac moroseness, is out of sorts with everything; she weeps very easily, can hardly give her symptoms without cry- ing. 11. Achin'g" of head, extending into eyes in evening, as from eating too much; semi- lateral headache, with bad taste in the mouth. 12. The headache is chiefly in the fore- head and supra-orbital region, and in the temples; pains heavy, bursting, and throb- bing, aggravated by mental exertion, stoop- ing, and in the evening; generally caused by indigestion. 13. Vertigo, coming on mostly while sit- 288 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. ting", and relieved by walking, and in open air; caused by indigestion. 14. Catarrhal ophthalmia, especially of the lids, with profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus; the inner canthus is agglutinated in the morning with mucus; burning and itching in the eyes, that pro- voke rubbing and scratching. 15. The eyes are full of water, especially in the wind. 16. Its action upon the lachrymal sac is very decided, and of great value. In blen- norrhoea, the discharge is profuse but bland. 17. As a remedy for styes, it has no equal; as, in a majority of cases, it will cause them to abort before pus forms. 18. Catarrhal otitis, with much pain, ag- gravated at night. It is our best remedy. Much pain in the ears, with deafness, the meatus red and swollen; relieved by a dis- charge of pus; otorrhoea. 19. Acute and sub-acute catarrh of the nose, second stage, with copious discharge; stoppage of the nose in the evening, relieved in the morning by a copious dis- charge. PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. 289 20. Tongue coated whitish yellow, with tenacious mucus and bad taste in the mouth, especially mornings; chronic indigestion. 21. Aching of the teeth as soon as any- thing warm is taken into the mouth ; relieved by cold drinks. 22. Mouth and pharynx dry in the morn- ing, and covered with insipid mucus, with very offensive breath. 23. Taste is bitter after eating or smoking. 24. Loathing, nausea, and retchings after eating greasy food, with sour eructations; taste as of rancid tallow after eating cakes, and as of bad meat after dinner, the taste remaining with nausea. 25. Sensation as if one had eaten too much, food rising into the mouth as if one would vomit. Slow and imperfect diges- tion; the taste of food, which is mostly sour, returns, and remains in the mouth a long time, with a great feeling of tightness of the stomach, especially after eating rich, fat food. 26. Feeling as if a stone lay in the epigas- trium; throbbing in the epigastrium; con- tracting sensation in the oesophagus, as if 19 290 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. one had swallowed too large a morsel of food; the same sensation extends over the hypochondria, then up over the chest, and impedes respiration. 27. Gastric derangements from rich, fat food or ice-cream; sour, bitter vomiting; cannot sit long, must walk about to relieve the pains. 28. Dyspepsia, with frequent chilliness; absence of thirst, constant nausea, with slight vomiting and little pain; feeling of distention after meals, forcing the patient to loosen her clothes; rising of water into the mouth in large quantities; tongue coated white; with bitter, putrid taste. 2Q. Neuralgia of the stomach, caused by indigestion; much flatulency; excessive con- tracting, crampy pains in the stomach; efforts to vomit, and great restlessness. It is our best remedy. 30. As might be expected where digestion is so slow, there is much flatulence moving from one part of the intestines to the other, with griping pains; rumbling and gurgling, especially in the evening. 31. Diarrhoea at night; stools of mucus. PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. 29I or mucus and blood, no two stools alike, they are so changeable; greenish, bilious, watery; brought on from fat, rich food, or eating" ice-cream. 32. Scanty urine and no thirst, or profuse, watery, hysterical urine; involuntary mic- turition at night in bed; involuntary urina- tion during coughing. 33. Orchitis; the testicles and spermatic cord greatly swollen, and extremely painful to the touch; caused from cold, but especi- ally from suppressed gonorrhoea. This is our best remedy. 34. Women that are inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and delayed menstruation; con- stantly complaining of chilliness; during the menses, many symptoms, such as weight and downward pressure in the abdomen and sacral region; nausea; getting black before the eyes; stomach-ache and faintness; chilli- ness; all worse in a warm room and from exertion; better in open air. 35. Dysmenorrhoea, with pains so violent that she tosses in every direction, with cries and tears; the blood is thick and dark, or pale and watery, flows by fits and starts; 292 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. much worse in a close, warm room, and better in the open air. 36. Amenorrhoea, in tearful, yielding" dis- positions; pale face; very chilly, and bad taste in the mouth from indigestion; dif- ficulty in breathing, especially in a warm room. 37. Labor; the pains excite palpitation; suffocating and fainting spells, unless the doors and windows are open; she must have them open. 38. Thick white, albuminous leucorrhoea, especially in young, tearful females. 39. Mild, tearful females who have but little milk; she is fearful, tearful, but not thirsty; weeps at every nursing. 40. Milk leg. After acute symptoms have been subdued by Aconite, this is our best remedy; limb pale, white color, swollen, veins hard, knotty, intensely painful to the touch, and motion impossible. 41. In pregnancy, the child turns over, and does not lie right, so that it pains her. Pul- satilla will right it, by regulating the uterine contractions. 42. This is a grand remedy for the second PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. 293 stage of catarrhal coughs, not depending upon an organic base. The cough is loose, with copious mucous expectoration; \'ery loose through the day, and tight at night, accompanied with great soreness of the epigastrium; and, if in a female, urine is emitted at each cough. 43. What could we do without Pulsatilla in the presence of copious m.uco-purulent expectoration, in lymphatic, anaemic fe- males, with nocturnal paroxysmis of dysp- noea, loud mucous rales, cough loose through the day, and very tight through the night, whose symptoms are aggravated in the evening, in a warm room, and relieved in the fresh air? 44. Sub-acute catarrh; the nasal mucous membrane, after a brief period of unnatural dryness, secretes abundant mucus, which be- comes thick, yellow, or green and offensive. 45. Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety and faintness; reflex from indiges- tion. 46. Rheumatism; pains shift rapidly from one part to another, unattended with any great swelling or redness; coldness and 294 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. vveig"ht in the diseased tissue; sub-acute and chronic cases. 47. Varicose veins swell up and bleed much; are very sore, with stinging" pains in them. 48. Urticaria from eating rich food; worse evenings. 49. Second stage of rubeola, with otalgia and loose cough. 50. Intermittent fever, where chilliness predominates; little heat, and no thirst; chilliness all over, without shivering; feels cold in the evening; head hot; lips are dry, patient constantly licking his lips to moisten them, yet he does not wish to drink; espe- cially if the case has been abused by the use of Quinine. 51. Aggravation: In a close, warm room; worse always in the evening, and forepart of the night; especially aggravated by re- turning to a close, warm room; from warmth of bed; while lying down, particu- larly on left side; in wet weather; before menstruation, and especially after rich, fat, greasy food, pastry, fruit, nuts, and ice- cream. RHEUM. 295 52. Amelioration: In the open air; craves fresh, cool air; in a cold place; from cold air and cold things; from midnig-ht to noon; in dry weather; from exercise; when lying on the back, and from external pressure. RHEUM. RHUBARB. Through the sympathetic gangha in the muscular coat of the intestines, Rheum has tivo special centers of action : Intestinal C. (Muse.) Incr. Peristalsis ; Diarrh. Liver. Hepatic Stimulant. Secretion of Bile Increased. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to acid children that cry a g:reat deal; restless at night; much colic, with very sour-smelling- stools; the child has a sour smell that cannot be removed by any amount of washing and care to keep it clean. 2. Cholera infantum; stools frequent, frothy, watery, or of a pea-green color, and very acrid; much colic, the whole child smelling sour. 296 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 3. Duodenal catarrh, and in catarrh of the bihary ducts, with jaundice; stools clay colored. (Similar to Calomel.) 4. Food soon becomes repulsive, but has a desire to eat. 5. Ag"gTavation : From uncovering: from cold; morning-, and before stool. 6. Amelioration: From warmth, and from wrapping up. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. POISON OAK. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Rhus toxi- codendron has eleven special centers of action : f Vesicular Eiysipelas ; Eczema. I Pemphigus ; Sour S\veat. Mucous Membranes. (Fauces, ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ , V Inftatnmation. Gastro-Intestinal Canal.) \ *^ Eyes. Rheumatic Conjunctivitis ; Strumous Ophthal. Lungs. Congestion; Injlam.; lyphoid Pneumonia. Mouth. Acute Piflamjuation of Fauces ; Sordes. Stomach. Loss of Appetite ; Nausea; Vomit.; Gastrit. { Typhoid Enteritis ; Tymlyanitis ; hivol- Intestines. J -^ , o, 7 ( untary Stools, Sero-Fibrous Tissue. ) _,. . - 1 t r, ,^ ^ - \ KheumaJoid Inflammation. (Tendons, rAsci^.) \ Lymphatics. Secretions Acrid; Congestion; Inflam. Cerebro-S. Sys. Profound Depression; Paralysis. Blood. Septic Eever ; Fihrine Increased. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 297 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to diseases that par- take of a rheumatic nature; the pains are greatly aggravated by rest and damp, rainy weather; relieved somewhat by motion. 2. The pains are greatly aggravated by rest; worse after midnight and before storms; relieved by motion; has to toss about constantly to get relief; cannot lie long in one position, but must shift about to get relief; the relief lasts but a short time, when the patient must move again. 3. The great characteristic peculiarity of the symptoms of Rhus is, that, with few exceptions, they occur and are aggravated during repose, and are ameliorated by mo- tion. In addition to the symptoms resem- bling paralysis, there are also groups of symptoms resembling muscular and articu- lar rheumatism. These rheumatic symp- toms come on with severity during repose, and increase as long as the patient keeps quiet, until they compel him to move. Now, on the first attempt to move, he finds himself very stiff, and the first movement is very painful. By continuing to move for a little 298 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. while, however, the stiffness is reheved, and the pains decidedly decrease, the patient feel- ing much better; but this improvement does not last long. After moving continuously for a longer or shorter period, and finding comfort therein, the paralytic symptoms interpose their exhausting protest, and the patient is compelled, from a sensation of lassitude and powerlessness, to suspend his movements and come to repose. At first this repose, after long-continued motion, is grateful, since it relieves, not the aching and severe pains, but only the sense of pros- tration. Before long the pains come on again during this repose, and the patient is forced to move again as before. 4. Bad effects from strains, lifting, par- ticularly from stretching arms high up to reach things, and from severe wetting in rain when heated; the limbs become very lame and stiff in damp air before storms; rheumatic fever. Acts especially on the right side of the body. 5. The child always gets worse after mid- night; more colic, more diarrhoea, more rheu- matism, more restless, than during the day. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 2gO 6. The patient is of a rather mild temper- ament; the dehrium is of a mild type, not violent; greatly depressed and despondent; averse to all exertion, full of sad anxiety and care-taking; anxiety is so great he thinks he shall die or lose his mind; the vital forces sink; he gets fits of trembling, with great restlessness; cannot remain in bed. 7. Delirium, sadness, and weeping, with- out knowing why; vertigo on rising up; hard headache, relieved by motion. 8. Redness of the eyes in the morning, with agglutination, and filled with purulent mucus; eyelids present a bladder-like ap- pearance. 9. Great external swelling of the lids and sub-mucous cellular tissue, with paralysis of the upper lids; erysipelas of the lids. 10. Soreness of tongue, with redness at apex; tongue cracked, with great dryness; tongue so stiff cannot talk. 11. Hard swelling of the parotid and sub- maxillary glands; fever-blisters around the mouth; hydroa on the lips. 12. Putrid taste; after the first mouthful 300 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. has no appetite; gxeat desire for cold milk, water, or beer; unquenchable thirst. 13. Enteritis or peritonitis; great disten- tion of the abdomen, with typhoid symp- toms, and involuntary stools. 14. Stools watery; thin, red, mucous; yel- low; bloody; of jelly-like mucus; yellow- ish white, faecal; involuntary, with g-reat exhaustion, in typhoid fever; cutting colic before stool; relieved after stool, by warmth and by continued motion. 15. Urine red and scanty, with pain in the loins, with paralysis of the bladder; urine discharged in drops, and often bloody. 16. Erysipelatous inflammation of the w^hole generative apparatus; the scrotum becomes thick and hard, with intolerable itching; swelling produced by serous infil- tration of the cellular tissue, and vesicular eruption. 17. Menses too early and too profuse; the discharge causes a violent pain in the vulva; rheumatic element predominates. 18. Particularly indicated where repeated drenchings in the rain have deranged the uterine functions. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 30I 19. Acute cases of cough, with much pros- tration of the whole system; terrible cough, which seems as if it would tear something- out of the chest; hard rheumatic coughs, where the case is apt to take on a low typhoid form; greatly aggravated at night. In pneumonia, with brick-dust expectora- tion, or bloody sputa raised with great diffi- culty; high fever and involuntary diarrhoea. 20. Skin burning, and redness over large cutaneous surfaces, which soon swell up and become covered with watery vesicles, ac- companied by almost intolerable itching, with a tendency to invade large surfaces rather than to penetrate deeply into the skin. 21. Vesicular eruptions on any part of the body; rubbing the affected parts increases the eruption. 22. All kinds of skin diseases, which threaten to suppurate, or which are charac- terized by the general restless fever and prostration of the drug. 23. Stiffness of the nape of the neck and entire back; pain, as if bruised in the small of the back, relieved by motion, 302 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 24. All the limbs feel stiff and paralyzed during and after walking; trembling of the arms; great weariness of the legs while walking in the open air; he is scarcely able to proceed because they are so heavy and weary. 25. Inflammatory rheumatism of the limbs and joints; joints swollen; greatly aggra- vated by rest, cold air, and at night; relieved by motion, for a short time, then compelled to change position frequently; sour perspira- tion. 26. Slow, adynamic fever, with mild delir- ium; tongue dry, red, or brown, as if it had been skinned; sordes of the teeth; bowels loose and tympanitic; great weakness; powerlessness of the limbs, so that he can hardly draw them up, with great restless- ness after midnight; has to move often to get relief. 27. Sour, musty, or putrid sweat, espe- cially mornings, in rheumatism; profuse sweat in the morning. 28. Acts especially on the right side of the body. 29. Aggravation: While at rest; on begin- ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA. 303 ning to move; before a storm of rain, espe- cially when getting" wet w^iile perspiring; cold, wet, foggy weather; after midnight; from anything cold; from sprains; at night, especially after midnight; from getting wet or damp in cold places; from bathing, or in winter. 30. Amelioration: From continuous mo- tion; on moving the affected parts; in warm, dry weather; from wrapping up the head or parts involved; from warm or hot things; after breakfast; during the day; change of position; from stretching out the limbs, and from motion in the open air. ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA. BLACK LOCUST. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Robinia has two special coders of action : Stomach. (Vagi.) Nausea; VomiVg {^Exces. Acid.') Intestinal C. htdigestion ; Excessive Iri-itability. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in gastric diseases, where acidity is the ruling symptom; vomit- 304 ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA. ing of intensely sour fluid, setting the teeth on edge. 2. In the case of infants, the whole child smells sour from the excessively acid secre- tions. 3. Sour eructations of infants; the whole child smells sour. 4. Great distention of the stomach and bowels with gas; the intestines distended almost to the point of rupturing, with violent colic, and acid diarrhoea. 5. Cholera infantum; stools green and watery; much tympanitis; colic; great irri- tability, and the whole child smells sour. 6. Low spirited, with excessive irritability, from indigestion. 7. Migraine, with eructations, acid vomit- ing, and extreme irritability; the pain in the head greatly aggravated by motion. 8. Aggravation: Motion; pressure; after- noon, and at night. 9. Amelioration: Quiet, and in the morn- ing. RUMEX CRISPUS. YELLOW DOCK. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Rumex \\2i'sfo2tr special centers of action : Mucous TvIem. (Larynx, Trachea. ) Ilypcjucsthesia. Skin. Herpes; Scabies; Greatly Aggrav.l>y Cold Air. Lymphatics. Hypertrophy ; Secretio?is Acrid, Digestive Organs. Morni7ig Diarrhoea. GRAND CHx\RACTERISTICS. L Its great field of usefulness is in affec- tions of the larynx and trachea, where the sensibility of the mucous membrane is extreme, and there is violent, incessant, dry, fatiguing cough, with but little expectora- tion; aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cool air, and at night. 2. Sense of excoriation behind the ster- num, with raw pain under each clavicle while havv'king; left chest most involved. 3. The most violent cough in a few mo- ments after lying down, especially at night, from breathing cool air, so that he has to cover his head to breathe. 4. In some cases, complete aphonia. 5. Very sensitive to the open, cold air, 1:0 305 306 SABAL SERRULATA. 6. Early morning diarrhoea, hurrying the patient out of bed; stools brown and watery, with catarrhal cough, and much debility. 7. Aggravation: From cold, damp, raw weather; the cough, from lying down at night, and especially by cold air, so that he has to cover the head up to breathe; diarrhoea in the early morning. 8. Amelioration: Through the day; after eating; cough from warm air, and covering up the head. SABAL SERRULATA. SAW PALMETTO. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Sabal has eight special centers of action : Mucous Mem. (Nose,) _ ^ 1 1 r n ^ ^ ^ r Latarr/iat luna7n7nation. i HROAT, LEUNGS.) ) Testicles. Increased Jictivity ^ Hypertrophy. Ovaries. Congestion ; Menstruation Increased. Mammae. Increased Secretion y Hypertrophy. _, ( Greatly Enlarged, with htcreased Prostate Gland. J ,r/-^- ( J\'7ttrition. Bladder and Urethra. Irritable^ InJlam?natio72. Kidneys. Diuretic. { Greatly Stimulated: Weight General Nutrition. \ t j ) liter eased. SABAL SERRULATA. 307 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in prostatic troubles, with painful or difficult urination; sub-acute and chronic prostatitis. 2. Atrophy of the prostate. It has a won- derful action to stimulate and restore the natural functions of the organ. In old men with enlarged prostate, where the urinary function is greatly interfered with, no rem- edy can take its place; but it should be given in large doses of the tincture, one tea- spoonful at a dose, bis die. 3. Wasting of the testes, and loss of sex- ual power. Sub-acute and chronic epididy- mitis; coitus very painful at the time of emission (15 drops ter die). 4. Atrophy of the mammae and uterus. 5. Mal-nutrition, with great emaciation. (Give the oil, fifteen to thirty drops, three times a day, in Maltine.) The oil extracted from the berries of the Saw Palmetto has extraordinary fattening powers. Hogs soon become fat when they can get the fruit of this shrub. 6. In catarrh of the nose, chronic bron- chitis, and phthisis pulmonalis, with copious 308 SABINA. expectoration, the oil has given excellent results. SABINA. COMMON SAVINE. Through the cerebro-spiiial nervous system, Sabina has six special centers of action : Gastro-Intestinal C. Violent Injl.^ Stools of Blood. ( Condylomata. Mucous Mem. a' ^^ "^ x a . t n ( (Intestinal.) Acute Inflammation. Urinary Organs. Acute hf animation ; Albuminuria. Sexual O., Female. Congestion ; Inflam.; Abortion. CiRCULA. Small Doses Stimulate; Large^ Paralyze. Fibrous Tissue. Arthritis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to plethoric, gouty women, whose menses are habitually pro- fuse, with drawing" and tearing pains from back through to pubes. This drawing pain is especially characteristic of this drug. 2. Especially useful in protracted cases of uterine hemorrhages arising from loss of tone in the vessels of the uterus, whether from disease or from the pressure of the foetus in utero; blood dark and clotted, with drawing pains from the back to the pubes. SABiNA. 3og 3. Hemorrhage after abortion or parturi- tion; the blood dark and clotted, mixed with thin, watery blood, with pains extending- from the back through to the pubes. 4. Excessive debilitating menses in ar- thritic females. 5. Very nervous and hysterical, and, if she becomes pregnant, is almost sure to abort about the third month. 6. Leucorrhoea, inclining to be ichorous, with much itching of the vulva. 7. Metritis after labor, with severe after- pains from back to pubes. 8. Inflammation of the kidneys, with re- tention of urine; albuminuria; ardor urinae; in rheumatic subjects. 9. Quivering in the abdomen as if there was something alive in it, resembling foetal movements. 10. Diarrhoea; stools of mucus and blood, with pains extending from the back through to the pubes. 11. Chronic arthritis; cannot bear a heated room, better in cold air; great w^eakness of the limbs, with tearing pains at night, espe- cially in the joints. 310 SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 12. Condylomata ;nodosities of the joints. 13. Aggravation: From warm air; in a warm room, or in bed; morning and night. 14. Amehoration: In open, cool air; dur- ing the day, and from cold generally. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. COMMON ELDER. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Sambucus has two special centers of action : Mucous Mem. (Lungs.) Catarrhal Inflammation. Skin. Powerful Sudorific. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in catarrhal affections of the air-passages, with suffocative attacks; much mucus in the bronchi, expectorated with difficulty. 2. In suffocating, wheezing cough of chil- dren, waking them up at midnight, accom- panied by great dyspnoea. 3. Hoarseness with much tenacious mucus in larynx. 4. Profuse debilitating night sweats. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. 3II 5. Ag-gravation: During- rest, and morn- ing's. 6. Amelioration: From motion, and sit- ting- up in bed. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. BLOOD ROOT. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Sanguinaria has eight special centers of actioii : Mucous Mem. (Lungs, Stomach.) Acute Iiiflam. Stomach. Violent Emesis ^ Acute Injl.; Incr. Secretion. Liver. Stiinulated ; Increased Biliary Secretion. Glands. (Salivary.) Copious Salivation. Cerebro-S. vS. Paral. of Resp. Center; Spiital Paral. Heart. Inhibitory Paral.; Blood-Presstire Lessened. Vaso- Motor Sys. (z) Sti?nulated; {2) Paralyzed. Temperature. Always Lessened. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful for cough, either in the sub-acute or chronic form, where the larg"er bronchial tubes are involved, and the stage of mucous secretion has been reached; the cough sounds very loose, but the secre- tion of mucus is expectorated with great difficulty. 2. Loose catarrhal cough, with offensive 312 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. breath, headache, sore throat, red cheeks, and pains in the chest. 3. Tough, rusty-colored sputa in the sec- ond or third stag'e of pneumonia; excessive dyspnoea. 4. Troublesome, harassing cough, with marked inflammatory action, where you are uncertain whether you are dealing with a chronic bronchitis or an incipient tuber- culosis. 5. Breath and sputa smell bad, even to the patient; circumscribed redness of the cheeks in the afternoon; patient lies on his back; pulse small and quick. (Use Nitrate of Sanguinaria 3d dec.) 6. Aphonia, with swollen larynx; rawness, burning ulcers, dry cough, with tickling in the throat-pit and crawling extending be- neath the sternum. Stinging, biting, pep- per-like irritation of the fauces and posterior nares. 7. Membranous croup, with whistling- cough; dryness of the throat and aphonia. (Use the Nitrate of Sanguinaria.) 8. In acute and chronic catarrh of the nasal mucous membrane, a snuff of the SAXGUINARIA CANADENSIS. 31^ Nitrate, as well as the internal administra- tion of the drug, will cure in many cases. g. Sick headache; pain commences in the back of the neck, rises, and spreads over the head, and settles down over the right eye, with nausea and vomiting; has to be in the dark, and perfectly still. 10. Annoying flushings at the climacteric age; goneness in the stomach; dyspnoea; very dyspeptic; burning of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; has to throw the bedclothes off the feet for the purpose of cooling them. 11. Ulceration of the mouth and fauces; gums and throat feel as if scalded; saliva- tion. 12. Sub-acute and chronic gastritis, with terrible burning; unquenchable thirst; pain; acid vomiting; much flatus, raised in large quantities, and sensation of goneness in the stomach. 13. Diarrhoea; stools watery, thin, faecal, and undigested. 14. Jaundice, with nausea and vomiting. 15. Urine scanty and high colored. 16. Menses too early, too profuse, associ- 314 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. ated with sick-headache, and annoying hot flashes. 17. Locally, the Nitrate of Sanguinaria is very useful for diseased mucous membranes, with inflammation and ulceration, especially in the mouth. 18. Aggravation: Morning, and especially evening; from noise, light, motion, and in the open air. 19. Amelioration: During the day; when quiet, and in the dark. SECALE CORNUTUM. ERGOT OF RYE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous S3^stem, Sccale has ten special centers of action : Heart. InJiibitoiy P aval.; Pulsation Greatly Lessened. Circulation. Tonic Arter. Contrac; Veins Dilated. Greatly Lowered^ Sometimes Five De- -I Temperature. , ^ grees P. I Abortifacie?zt ; Violent Tetanic Contractions Uterus. -J from Arterial AncEmia and Venous Hyper- ( cE7nia. Death of Poet us from Uterine Teta?i. Stomach. (Vagi.) Violent Einesis ; Hcematemesis. Small Intestines. Pier. Peristal; Watery Diarrh. Sphincter Muscles. All Paralyzed. Cerebro-S. S. Formication ; AIusc. Cramp; Epilepsy, Eyes. Pupils Dilated; Amaurosis fro7?z Arter. Ancemia. Diaphoresis ; Furuncles ; Eczema, Gangrene ; Purpura, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. KIN. ] 1. Especially useful in thin, scrawny, cachectic, dried-up looking women, of a passive character, afflicted with melancholy, anguish, dread of death; with constant sen- sation of pressure and bearing-down sen- sation in the uterus, and subject to passive and offensive hemorrhages. 2. Scrawny w^omen who have excessive and profuse discharges from all the secret- sis 3l6 SECALE CORNOTUM. ing" outlets of the body, and who are con- stantly cold; desire to be uncovered, even in cholera, with cold perspiration; intoler- ance of all covering;, with cold skin; worse from warmth. 3. Diseases that have a strong tendency to putrescence and gangrene. 4. Frightful anxiety, melancholy, and fear of death; consciousness seems to continue till the last breath. 5. Congestive headaches; the pain rises up into the head from the back of the neck; the occiput first suffers, then it extends all over the head, with great agonizing distress; face pale; extremities cold and livid; the head is often drawn backward. 6. Chronic congestion of the scalp; hair becomes dry, gray, and falls out, in scrawny women. 7. Eyes and face sunken; eyes surrounded by a blue margin; pupils dilated. 8. Bleeding of the nose; face pale and collapsed. Q. Unquenchable thirst. ID. Excessive hunger; cannot be satisfied; cravine for acids. SECALE CORNUTUM. 317 11. Haematemesis; very weak; lies still. 12. Vomiting of food; bile; mucus; blood and decomposed matter; with terrible dis- tress in the stomach. 13. Watery diarrhoea, sudden, with un- quenchable thirst. 14. Putrid, fetid, and colliquative diar- rhoea; cramps and cold, clammy perspira- tion; shriveled skin, with icy coldness, and a great aversion to being covered ; collapsed ; stools involuntary, urine suppressed; great tympanitis. 15. Paralysis of the rectum; anus wide open, with great exhaustion. 16. Skin dry, brittle, and shriveled; large ecchymosis; blood-blisters, becoming gan- grenous; senile gangrene; dry ulcers, and the slightest wound bleeds for weeks. 17. Excessive, offensive perspiration. 18. Limbs become cold, pale, and wTinkl- ed, as if they had been a long time in water. 19. Numbness of the fingers and toes; often followed by gangrene. 20. Anaesthesia of the limbs; paralysis, with convulsive shocks in the paralyzed limb. 3l8 SEPIA. 21. Aggravation: Especially by warmth; heat applied to any part of the body greatly aggravates, so much so that there is extreme aversion to covers; cannot be covered in fevers. At night, or during menstruation. 22. Amelioration: In cold air; from get- ting cold from being uncovered; from sweat; extending flexed parts, and during the day. SEPIA. CUTTLE FISH JUICE. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Sepia has seven special centers of action : Venous System. Congestion of the Portal Sy stein. Liver. Congestion^ Torpidity ^ Acid Secretions. Kidneys. Scanty Urine; Incr. Uric Acid; Lithiasis. Gastro-Intes. C. Portal Cong.; Torpidity ; Constip. Uterus. Ve7ious Coiig.; Leucorr.; Ulcer.; Prolapsus. Ovaries, Venous Congestion ; Atony ; Scanty Mens. { Cachectic^ Tellow^ Eai'thy., Waxy, ' I C/iloas?na; Eczema, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially adapted to sub-acute and chronic diseases in women with dark hair, SEPIA. 319 tight, rigid fiber, and who are very sensitive to cold air, with profuse night sweats. 2. Very fetid urine, depositing a clay- colored sediment, which adheres to the chamber with great tenacity. 3. The urine is so putrid that it cannot be suffered to remain in the room. 4. The urine deposits a reddish, clay- colored sediment, which adheres to the bot- tom and sides of the vessel as if it had been burnt on like burnt clay. 5. The child wets the bed during the first sleep. 6. Gonorrhoea in the male or female, after the acute symptoms have subsided; the urine is loaded with urates, staining every- thing red, and often excoriating and very fetid, associated with prostatitis. (Use the 30th attenuation.) 7. The chief use of Sepia, overshadowing all others, is found in sub-acute and chronic diseases of females; associated with chlo- asma of the skin. 8. Congestion and ulceration of the os and cervix uteri, with burning, shooting, stitching pains in the neck of the uterus, and 320 SEPIA. sensation as if everything would be forced out of the vagina; she has to cross her legs to prevent it. 9. Sensation as if she must cross her legs, sit close, to keep something from coming out of the vagina, with an empty, all-gone feeling in the epigastrium, is the greatest characteristic of Sepia. 10. Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, having a fetid smell, or like pus, with drawing pains in the abdomen, and induration of the cer- vix uteri. 11. Leucorrhoea, with stitches in the neck of the uterus, and much itching in the vagina. 12. Painful coition, with contractive pain in the vagina; almost continual stitches in the vagina. 13. Menses too early and too scanty, pre- ceded by violent aching in the abdomen; causing faintness, chilliness, and shuddering. 14. Menorrhagia, with a painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; urine very fetid, and a sediment like burnt clay upon the bottom of the vessel; yellow sad- dle across the nose, and spots on the face. SEPIA. 321 15. Chronic metrorrhagia, excited by the least cause; icy cold feet; flushes of heat; great sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach; constipation, with great sense of weight at the anus, not relieved by stool. 16. Sudden hot flushes at the climacteric, with momentary sw^eat, weakness, and a great tendency to faint. 17. Amenorrhcea in feeble, cachectic con- stitutions, with delicate, thin skin ; menstru- ation always irregular; sweats profusely when walking; particularly sensitive to cold air; painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; constipation, and sense of weight in the anus; swollen appearance of the whole body; face puffy, pale, or yellow; feeling of a lump in the throat. 18. Faint, sinking, empty, gone feeling at the pit of the stomach, relieved somewhat by eating. ig. Obstinate constipation; stools hard, knotty, voided with great difficulty, with sense of w^eight or of a ball in the anus. 20. The stool is voided with great diffi- culty, covered with mucus; sometimes im- possible to pass it, even with the most ter- 21 322 SEPIA. rible straining; with much burning at the anus and in the rectum, and sense of great weight as of a ball at the anus. 21. Piles; the portal circulation is retarded, causing an overloading of the portal vascu- lar system with venous blood (plethora venosa); protrusion of the piles and anus; continual straining pain in the rectum; heat, burning, and swelling of the anus; discharge of black venous blood. 22. Pot-belliedness in women, with yel- low saddle across the nose; very irritable and faint from the least exertion. 23. Functional diseases of the liver; sub- acute and chronic hepatitis, with stitches and fullness in the hepatic region. 24. Many brown spots on the abdomen; chloasma, with yellow saddle across the nose. 25. Loose cough in the morning, with efforts to vomit. 26. The least injury to the skin tends to ulcerate. (Like Sulphur.) 27. Eruptions very moist, almost con- stantly discharging pus-like matter. 28. Brown discolorations of the forehead, SEPIA. 323 cheeks, skin, and particularly across the bridge of the nose Hke a saddle. 29. Specific in herpes circinatus. 30. Sensation of coldness between the shoulders, followed by general coldness; difficult breathing-, with convulsive twitch- ing of the right side. 31. Sudden faintness, with profuse sweats and undisturbed consciousness, without being able to speak or stir. 32. Arthritic pains, with stiffness and cracking of the joints. 33. Aggravation: Morning and evening; ,especially cold air; wet weather; motion; sexual excesses; fat, greasy food, and dur- ing pregnancy. 34. Amelioration: From warmth; warm, open air, and middle of the day. SILICEA. SILICIC ACID. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Silicea has j^2^^ special centers of action : -r, ^ _ ( InJia77tf7tation : Ulcer- liONES AND 1^ IBROUS i ISSUE. J "^ . ^ . [ ation; Lanes, Lymphatics. Congestion; Hypej-trophy ; Suppu7-atio7i, Skin. Pustular l7ifl.; Cold Extremities ; Fetid Sweats, Mucous Mem. Catarrhal InJlam7nation ; Ulceration. Cerebro-S. S. Loss of Nutritio7i ; Neuras,; Spasms, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to people with san- guine, lymphatic temperaments, and to chil- dren with large bellies, weak ankles, much perspiration about the head, and disposition to cover the head up to keep it warm. 2. Chronic scrofulous, suppurative dis- eases, especially in rachitic children, where the nutrition of an organ is assailed rather than the functions. 3. V. Grauvogl mentions Silicea as a nu- trition remedy against the hydrogenoid con- stitution. It certainly has a very special bearing upon the organs of the vegetative system. Moreover, the fact that nutrition is poor — not, however, in consequence of poor 324 SiLICEA. 325 food, but of deficient assimilation (such patients are usually constipated) — argues in favor of the importance of Silicea as an anti-scrofulosum. Constitution feeble; skin thin, delicate; face pale, and aggravation of the whole morbid condition when the moon is waxing". 4. Induration and suppuration of the lymphatic glandular system in any part of the body. It has an extraordinary control over the suppurative process, seeming to mature abscesses when desired, and cer- tainly reducing excessive suppuration to moderate limits. 5. In chronic inflammation and caries of the joints, no remedy can equal Silicea, especially in the case of children with copi- ous perspiration of the head, and great ten- derness of the surfaces of the body. 6. Diseases brought on by exposing the back to any slight draft of air; want of vital warmth, even when taking exercise. 7. Vertigo is a very prominent symptom, when rising from the recumbent position, or from stooping, sitting, walking, or looking up. It seems to come from the dorsal 326 SILICEA. region up through the nape of the neck into the head. 8. Confusion of the head; mental exertion is very difficult; confusion in speaking; it is difficult to seize the right expression; a brief conversation causes confusion of the head and general lassitude; memory is enfeebled; dullness of the head, without pain, as if it were too full of blood. Q. Headache, the pain involving the occi- put, nape of the neck, vertex, and the eyes, most generally the right eye; greatly ag- gravated by motion, noise, or light, the senses of sight and hearing being unnatu- rally acute. The patient prefers to lie down in a dark, quiet room, is greatly relieved by warm applications to the head. The head- ache is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting; passes off during sleep. 10. She is occupied with pins, counts them, hunts for them, and is always worse during the increase of the moon; dreams about corpses, and dead persons generally. 11. Large, open fontanelles; in children, there is excessive perspiration about the head, wetting the pillow far around, and the SILICEA. 327 child must cover the head up to keep it warm. 12. The head is sore to the touch exter- nally; lumps rise on the head, hair falls out; tearing pains, with eczema of the scalp. 13. Coldness from nape of the neck to vertex. 14. Otorrhoea; foul, watery discharges, with caries; chronic, slow, painful suppura- tion; much roaring and loud noises in the ears, with deafness. 15. Ulceration of the cornea; pustular keratitis; opacity of the cornea; cataract after suppressed foot-sweat. 16. Inflammation of the lachrymal sac, with swelling;, pain, tenderness, and lachry- niation; suppuration seems inevitable. 17. Ciliary neuralgia has been often cured with Silicea. 18. Constipation with desire for stool; sensation as though faeces remained in the rectum, which has not pow^er to expel them; when, after much effort of the abdominal muscles, faeces have been nearly expelled, they suddenly recede into the rectum, the rectum not having power to expel the stool. 328 SILICEA. 19. Always great constipation before and during- menstruation. 20. Intensely painful haemorrhoids; pro- trude after stool, become incarcerated and suppurate; often accompanied with fistula. 21. Menses too frequent and too profuse, or very irregular; paroxysms of icy cold- ness over the whole body at the appearance of the menses, and icy cold feet during the menses; with constipation and very fetid foot-sweat. 22. Nipples ulcerate easily; fistulous ulcers of the mammae; the substance of the mam- mae seems to be discharged in the pus; one lobe after another seems to ulcerate and discharge into one common ulcer; often with great pain; or there may be several orifices, one for each lobe; hard lumps in the mammae. 23. In organic diseases of the air-passages, where suppuration has taken place, with a suffocative, racking, loose cough; copious expectoration of thick, yellow, greenish pus; accompanied with hectic fever; profuse night sw^eats, and great debility. 24. Pressing pain, stitches; general sen- SILICEA. 329 sation of weakness in the chest; can hardly speak, so weak; deep sighing respiration. 25. Dropsy of the chest, or empyema; motion produces severe palpitation of the heart; from anaemia and lack of nutrition. 26. Weakness in the back, and a paralyzed feeling in lower extremities, could scarcely walk; from lack of nutrition. 27. Spinal irritation, with constant aching at the spine; spinal curvature; painful to touch and motion; rachitis; nervous affec- tions following injuries of the spine; cannot bear pressure upon the spine. 28. Nails rough and yellow; sensation as if the tips of the fingers were suppurating. 29. Offensive foot-sweats, with rawness between the toes; carrion-like odor from the feet. 30. Caries of the femur and tibia, espe- cially of the joints. 31. Great weakness of lower extremities. 32. Profuse debilitating night sweats, from chronic suppuration. 33. Spongy, readily bleeding ulcers, with torpid, callous edges; fistulous ulcers, secret- ing a thin, ichorous, fetid, yellow fluid. 330 SILICEA. 34. Ailments following vaccination; great tendency to boils; malignant carbuncles and suppurations. 35. Small wounds in the skin easily suppu- rate, and heal with difficulty. 36. The skin of children is sensitive and irritable, and the whole body is painful as if beaten. 37. Aggravation: from cold air or water; during motion; at night, and morning; dur- ing the new moon; menstruation, and from uncovering, especially the head. 38. Amelioration: From warmth, espe- cially from wrapping up the head; in warm air; in the middle of the day. SPARTEINE. SCOPARIUS. (broom.) Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Sparteine (the alkaloid of Scoparius, or Broom) has six special centers of action : j Small Doses Greatly Stimulate. ' \ Large Doses Paralyze. Vagi. Respiratory Centers First Stim.^ then Paral. ^ _, ( Motor Centers Paralyzed; Por^nication Spinal Cord. -^ • 77 ^ w ^ 7 • ( tn Jlxtre7nities ; Lonvutsions. C Congestion; Vertigo; Flushed Face; Vaso- ' \ Motor Stimtilation. Gastro-Intes. C. Vomiting ; Mydragogue Cathartic. Urinary Organs. Powerful Diuretic. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in functional cardiac diseases, where irregularity of the heart's action is the most prominent symptom. It greatly increases the force of the cardiac beat, and regulates the heart's action with greater rapidity than Digitalis. In its thera- peutic action it greatly resembles the latter drug. 2. Organic valvular diseases of the heart, with weak, irregular pulse, associated with dropsy and general anasarca. (This is a powerful remedy in the ist dec.) 331 332 SPIGELlA. 3. Dyspepsia, with irregular pulse, angina pectoris, and great depression of mind, as- sociated with a great accumulation of gas in the gastro-intestinal canal. (Sparteine is one of my best remedies.) 4. Albuminuria, especially if from organic heart troubles or acute nephritis. (This is a grand remedy.) SPIGELlA. PINK ROOT. Through the cerehro-splnal nervous system, Spigelia \\2i'^foiir special centers of action: Digestive Organs. Mild Cathartic ; Vermicide. Cerebro-Spin. S. Neuralgia j Vertigo; Convulsions, Eyes. Mydriasis ; Rheu7natlc Ophthalmia; Neuralgia, Heart. Rheuniatlsm ; Excessive Palpitation, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in neuralgia, where the pain centers on the right eye, either in the eye, or above or below; fine, tearing, burning, pressive pains in the morning in bed, but still more after rising; brought on by cold, damp, rainy weather. Hyper- aesthesia of the filaments of the fifth pair of SPIGELIA. 333 nerves is the most prominent symptom of this drug". 2. When headaches take the form of supra-orbital neuralgia, especially on the left side; when the pain recurs at regular intervals, tends to spread to the face or neck, and to involve the eyes; is aggravated by the least concussion or motion, but espe- cially by stooping; associated with pale face, restlessness, and palpitation of the heart. 3. Does not dare to shake the head, for it hurts deep into the brain and he becomes dizzy; scalp very sore and sensitive to the touch. 4. Rheumatic ophthalmia; eyes feel too large, and pain greatly on motion; intoler- able pressive pain in the eyeballs. 5. Rheumatic pericarditis, with violent palpitation of the heart; the palpitation is so violent that the walls of the chest are raised. 6. Dyspnoea; can lie only on the right side, with trunk raised; the least motion produces great suffocation, anxiety of mind, and palpitation of the heart. 7. Much itching of the anus; ascarides 334 SPONGIA. and lumbricoides; about specific for lum- bricoides. 8. Tearing- pains in all the limbs and joints, with great weakness of the body, and much chilliness in the mornings. g. Very sensitive to cold air and to touch; the slightest jar or knock causes intense pain; acute inflammatory rheumatism. 10. Its great sphere of usefulness is in neuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, and rheumatic affections of the heart. 11. Aggravation: From motion, noise, touch, turning the eyes; from morning till midnight, and from cold, damp, rainy weather. 12. Amelioration: During rest; after mid- night, and warmth. SPONGIA. SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Spongia has jfour special ceiiters of action : Glands. (Thyroid, Tes- ) ^ ^ ^ . X Lonp-estion: Hy perry. TES, Lymphatics.) ) * ^ ^r ^ Mucous Mem. Secret. Arrested; Dry^ Hoarse Cough. Heart. Lack of Nutrition ; Valvular Deposits. Blood. Fibrine Increased ; Ancemia, SPONGIA. 335 GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. T. It is especially useful in croup, where the acute inflammatory symptoms have been subdued by Aconite, and the dry, hoarse, croupous, irritating cough is a con- stant symptom. 2. Cough dry and sibilant, sounding like a saw driven through a pine board, each cough corresponding to a thrust of the saw. 3. Great dryness of the larynx, with hoarse, hollow, wheezing cough; chronic hoarseness and cough; often complete aphonia. 4. Difficult respiration, as if a plug were sticking in the larynx, and the breath could not get through, on account of constriction of the larynx; dyspnoea and great weakness. 5. Goiter, where there is enlargement of the lymphatic glandular system, associated with a dry laryngeal or tracheal cough and suffocative attacks at night; the thyroid gland seems indurated. 6. Induration and enlargement of the ovaries. 7. Menses too early and too profuse, with much pain in the limbs. 336 STANNUM. 8. Testicles swollen, hard, with much pain in the cord, especially from maltreated gonorrhoea ; enlarg'ement of the inguinal glands. Q. Angina pectoris; contracting pain in the chest, heat, suffocation, faintness, with much perspiration, and palpitation of the heart; from valvular insufficiency. 10. Aggravation: In the evening until midnight; lying with the head low; when ascending stairs, or on over-exertion. 11. Amelioration: During the day; in warm air, and when eating. STANNUM. TIN. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Stannum has four special ce?tters of action : Cekebro-S. S. Nciwasthenia ; Neuralgia ; Paralysis, Digestive O. Verjuicide ; Eiiteralgia; Co7istipation. Sexual Organs. Profound Neurasthenia. Lungs. Catarrhal Iiflammation^ Bronchorrhoea. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Tin is especially useful where the great prostration of the cerebro-spinal system is STANNUM. 337 remarkable compared to the slight disturb- ance of the veg-etative sphere; the patient is so weak he must drop down, but can get up very well; coming down stairs produces great faintness. 2. Reading aloud or talking produces great exhaustion. 3. In almost all diseases the patient has a feeling of great weakness and exhaustion in the chest; is so weak cannot talk. 4. The pains commence lightly, increase gradually to a very high degree, and then decrease again as slowly. 5. Chronic catarrh of the pharynx, with hawking up of hard lumps of mucus. 6. Chronic gastralgia, characterized by gradual increase and decrease of pain. 7. Leucorrhoea with marked loss of strength, the weakness seeming to comiC from the chest. 8. Menses too early, too profuse, preceded by melancholy; pain in the malar bones, which continues during the menses. 9. Labor-pains produce great exhaustion from weakness in the chest; is all out of breath; cannot talk feels so weak. 22 338 STANNUM. 10. Chronic bronchitis, with profuse green- ish expectoration, and great debihty, the legs not being able to support the body; the cough and expectoration cause a great weakness in the chest. 11. Pale, anaemic subjects; short, difficult respiration, caused by weakness of the respiratory organs, with a feehng of great emptiness of the chest; dyspnoea from shght motion. 12. Arms so weak that he cannot hold anything; excessive prostration of mind and body, must sit or lie down; when about to sit down, falls upon the chair, for want of strength. 13. Swelling of the hands and feet in the evening, from general anaemia. 14. Aggravation: From cold; talking; motion; evening, and during rest. 15. AmeHoration: From warmth; lying or sitting down, and during the day. STIGMATA MAYDIS. CORN SILK. Through the sympathetic nervous system, Corn silk has t-i.vo special centers of action : Kidneys. DiiD'ctic. Uj-zc Acid Diathesis. Bladder. (Mucous Mem.) Congest. j InJla7n7natio7i. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in renal lithiasis, with nephritic colic and discharge of small cal- culi, red sand, and blood. Chronic pyelitis from calculi. 2. Chronic retention of the urine, with violent tenesmus after urinating. 3. Suppression of the urine, with great lack of solids, as shown by the low specific gravity. 4. Vesical catarrh, with much irritation and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder; the urine is loaded with mucus and is very ammoniacal. 5. In chronic gonorrhoea, where the pros- tate is involved; urination is very painful. (Given in 20 drop doses of the fluid extract.) 6. Organic disease of the heart, with much oedema of the lower extremities, and scanty 339 340 STRAxMONIUM. urination. It tones up the heart's action and gives great reHef. (In 20 drop doses.) STRAMONIUM. THORN APPLE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Stramo- nium has six special ce7tters of action : ^ ., r. \ Spasms; Purious Dcliriujn ; Cerebko-Spinal Sys. \ ^ . . ' ( Oast mate Inso?nnia. Eyes. ^Mydriatic. Injlainniation. Sexual O. Aphrodisiac ; Great Indccc7icy ; Inipotency. Digestive O. Spasms of Throat ; Dryness ; Constip. Vaso-Motor Circ. Tonic Capil. Contr.; Te.jnp. Incr. Skin. Fiery Kedness of Skin ; \^esicitlar Erysipelas, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. This drug is particularly useful in dis- eases of the brain and nervous system, where we have great congestion of blood to the head, and furious loquacious delirium; disposed to talk continually, with desire to escape out of bed. 2. Imagines all sorts of things; that she is double, lying crosswise; pangs of con- science; thinks she is not honest; does not know her friends, etc. 3. Delirium; noisy; frightened by strange STRAMONIUM. 34 1 objects that obtrude upon his fancy; start- ing* up in great fright. 4. TrembHng of the whole body; restless movements; subsultus tendinum; chorea- like movements; features continually chang- ing; at times laughing, at times expressing" astonishment. 5. Convulsions at sight of a lighted candle, a mirror, or of water, or when a cup of drink touches the lips; rage on attempting to administer liquids; spasms of the phar- ynx, like hydrophobia. 6. Restlessness and calling for water; swallowing difficult. 7. Vertigo when walking in the dark, day or night; he staggers and falls down every time he attempts to w^alk; the same wdien walking in a darkened room in the daytime. 8. In mania, it has less fever than Bella- donna has, more convulsions of isolated groups of muscles, more hallucination. It has more fever than Hyoscyamus, less lo- quacity; no quarrelsomeness, but, on the contrary, good nature. The hallucinations are real, not, as under Hyoscyamus, half real, bewildering the patient. 342 STRAMONIUM. 9. Produces no special headache, but has great congestion of blood to the head, with convulsive movements; the face swollen, flushed, and distorted. 10. Dilatation of pupils so great that vision is lost; everything is in a fog, and seems to be tipping over; double vision. 11. Very sensitive to noises; everything startles him. 12. Excessive dryness of the mouth; lips sore, and sordes on the teeth. 13. Speech stammering and difficult; tongue dry and swollen, or dry in the center. 14. Complete loss of taste. 15. Distressing dryness of the fauces, which are very red, with extreme difficulty in swallowing. 16. Violent thirst, unallayed by water; craves acids. 17. Diarrhoea of a cadaverous odor. 18. The urine dribbles away very slowly; urine suppressed in eruptive fevers, but great desire to urinate. Suppression of urine after labor; the desire to void it is great, but there is no power to accomplish it. 19. Menstruation excessive, with much STRAMONIUM. 343 loquacity, and great nervous excitability; pains unbearable. 20. Puerperal insanity; scanty lochia, and many hallucinations; extreme degree of nervous erethism; convulsions and restless- ness. 21. Not much cough, but respiration very difficult and constricted; great anxiety, and lividity of the face; hardly possible to draw in the breath; asthma. 22. Neurotic asthm^a, centering wholly in the lungs. Smoking the dried root or leaves, and inhaling the smoke into the lungs, has cured many cases; and it almost always gives temporary relief. Ten grains of the root, or twenty of the leaves, should be used at a time, and at the comm.encement of the attack. 23. Great sensitiveness along the spine in the cervical region; cannot bear the slight- est pressure. 24. In caries of the left hip-joint (morbus coxarius), Dr. Jeanes has given it with so much success that he recommends it as a specific for this destructive disease. 25. Intensely red rash on the skin, 344 STRAMONIUM. resembling" the rash of scarlatina, but hav- ing a more shining appearance, with great nervous erethism, trembling, and restless- ness. 26. Coldness of the whole body, especially the limbs; doesn't want to be covered; hot, red face, and cold feet. 27. Aggravation: Morning and night; when alone; in the dark; from looking at glistening objects; from being covered up, and from the sight of or attempting to swallow water. 28. Amelioration: From company; being uncovered; from warmth; and in the house. SULPHUR. FLOWERS OF SULPHUR. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Sul- phur has ten special centers of action : ^^ ^^ ^ ( Defective AssimiJatio7i. Sympathetic jNerv. Sys. \ ^/^ ^, ^ ( Hot I" las lies. ^ r. r^ { Vascular Con crest ion Sympathetic Spinal Gang. { r t^ - • [ oj J^er incur mm. Venous Sys. Capillary Cong.; Exud.; Suppuration. Portal Sys. Chronic Cong.; Hccmorrhoids ; Coiistip. Lymphatics. Acrid Secretions^ Excoriating All Parts. Serous Mem. Serous Effusions ; Exudative Injlam. Mucous ^Iem. Excessively Excoriatiitg Secretions. Blood. Fihrine Increased ; Rheumatoid Affections, Skin. Vesicular and Pustidar Tnjlammation ; Alopecia. ( Disinfectant ; Deodorizing. No Ani- SuLPHUR Fumes. \ mal Life Ca?i Continue in Sul- ( phurous Acid Gas, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Sulphur is especially adapted to people of either light or dark complexion, but especially to dark-complexioned people, and is one of our mainstays in the treatment of the negro. The skin is excessively sensi- tive, and most powerfully affected by changes of temperature. Scrofulous people that are full blooded, nervous, hasty in tem- per and motion; his hair is harsh and 345 346 SULPHUR. coarse; the skin readily breaks out with eruptions of various descriptions, from a simple erythema to a positive eczema; often an offensive odor is emitted from the body, and the patient walks rather stooped from weakness of the spine. 2. Lean people who walk stooped, and are filthy from dirt, with congestion of blood to single parts. Children who are much emaciated, with big bellies; cannot bear to be bathed, as it aggravates their complaints; cannot bear to be covered, and kick off the clothes; all the secretions acrid and excoriating. 3. Scrofulous chronic diseases that have been caused by some eruptive disease re- pelled from the surface; seem to get almost well, when they return again and again. They are apt to be dirty, filthy people, full of ulcers. 4. Standing aggravates; walks stooping, like an old man, and most of the symptoms are on the left side. 5. The most characteristic and ever-pres- ent symptom is, constant heat on the top of the head, and of the palms of the hands, and SULPHUR. 347 the soles of the feet; has to be constantly putting; the feet out of the bed to get them cool. 6. Feels suffocated; wants the windows and doors open. 7. Frequent hot flashes, with faintness, followed by perspiration and much debility. 8. Very weak and faint at 11 a. m.; great feeling of goneness at the pit of the stomach; cannot wait for dinner. g. Great irritability and melancholia, with congestion of blood to the head, and pulsat- ing headache. 10. All discharges are burning and acrid, be they from the ears, eyes, nose, kidneys, bowels, or vagina; the diarrhoea burns, the urine burns; all the secretions burn and excoriate the parts over which they pass. This is Sulphur's greatest characteristic. 11. The patient sleeps in "cat-naps," the slightest noise awakens, and there is great difficulty in getting to sleep again. 12. Chronic otorrhoea, discharges very excoriating. 13. Remedy par excellence for chronic pustular inflammation of the conjunctiva 348 SULPHUR. and cornea, with sharp, sticking, shooting" pains, the discharges being very acrid and excoriating; aggravated by bathing the eye, and going into the open air. 14. Sour, clammy taste; milk disagrees. 15. Child is voracious; wishes to put into his mouth everything it sees. 16. Diphtheria. The insufflation of the flowers of Sulphur has proved of great value in many cases. 17. Abdominal plethora, with obstinate constipation; the stools are hard, dark, and dry, and are expelled with great straining, even to such an extent that blood is dis- charged; with much itching and burning of the anus. 18. Extreme constipation; the first effort to stool is very painful, often compelling the patient to desist; unsatisfactory and scanty stool, voided every two or four days; after stool, sensation as if something remained; stool hard and dry, as if burnt, from dryness of the mucous membrane of the rectum. 19. Diarrhoea in the morning, driving the patient out of bed; has hardly time to keep from soiling himself; thin, watery diarrhoea. SULPHUR. 349 so acid as to produce great excoriation. No drug- has such acid, excoriating stools as Sulphur. 20. Piles, either blind or bleeding; the blood is dark, with great bearing-down pains in the small of the back toward the anus; burning and intolerable itching of the anus at night; the patient cannot sleep the itching is so great. 21. Ascarides; excellent to eradicate them. 22. Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea. 23. Menses too early, too profuse, last too long, and are very excoriating. 24. Chronic gonorrhoea; discharges white or yellow, and very acrid. 25. Weak sexual desire; or complete loss of sexual feeling; impotence in both sexes. 26. Much rattling of mucus in the lungs; catarrhal symptoms get worse and worse, with loose cough; feels suffocated, and wants the doors and windows open. 27. Plastic pleurisy, with copious serous exudations. Best known remedy. 28. Pneumonia, where there is no ten- dency to recuperation and resolution; the 350 SULPHUR. lung's tend to break down; rales all over the chest; muco-purulent expectoration; hectic fever; all symptoms much worse at night. 29. Brilliant results are obtained in chronic bronchitis, if the mucus is secreted in large quantities, or is very tenacious, and the symptoms point to a decided thickening of the mucous membrane, with excessive sensitiveness of the skin, so that every trifling change of temperature causes an exacerbation, and even if the patient re- mains in his room, he is still powerfully affected by changes in the weather. 30. Rheumatism; second stage; articular form, where deposits are to be removed, and where the feet in particular are very stiff; heat in the soles of the feet, or cold feet with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them; constantly puts them out of bed to cool them off. 31. Itch; the eruption is vesicular or pus- tular; much worse at night; warmth of bed greatly aggravates the itching. (It should be used internally and locally.) 32. Scrofulous people who are frequently troubled with boils, nettle-rash, and all SULPHUR. 351 kinds of skin diseases, where every little scratch has a tendency to fester; excessive sensitiveness of the skin; patient powerfully affected by changes of temperature, which aggravate all symptoms. 33. The itching is increased by scratching, between the fingers, on the palms of the hands; obliged to rub them, which causes great burning, especially at night. 34. Soreness in the folds of the skin, and all the outlets of the body are very red and sore. 35. Rhagades after washing; hangnails; child detests water, and cannot bear to be washed. 36. Profuse sour-smelling night sweats; perspires from the least exertion; very dis- gusting sweats in the axillae. 37. Chills and fever, the chills predomi- nating; an excellent remedy in chronic cases of ague; spleen enlarged. 38. When carefully selected remedies have failed to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases, one dose of Sul- phur high will frequently serve to rouse the reactive power of the system, so that the 352 SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM. true remedy will have the desired effect. Sulphur gives satisfaction from the crude drug up to the one thousandth potency; but the first six potencies are the most useful. 39. Aggravation: From warmth of bed; at night; during rest; from standing; from washing or bathing, or wet poultices; in a warm room; open, cold, damp air; from exertion; and especially from changes in temperature. 40. Amelioration: By warm, dry weather; by heat; during the day; drawing the affected limb up, and by scratching and rubbing the skin. SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM. JAMBUL. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Jambul has three special centers of action : Vaso-Motor Cen. Greatly Stim.j Nutrition Increa''d. Digestive Organs. Sti?nulated. ( Renal Arteries Greatly Sti?nulated. ' 1 Density and Quantity of Urine Di7ninished. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Its great use centers in diabetes. In this disease, it is the most useful remedy we SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM. 353 have, but its clinical indications are not yet fully known. Through its action on the great sympathetic and vaso-motor nerve- centers, there is at once a great improve- ment of nutrition, emaciation is arrested, and in some cases the patients have gained forty pounds of flesh. The density and quantity of urine voided is greatly reduced, the specific gravity falling from 1040 to 1020, and the intolerable thirst disappearing. The sugar disappears entirely, or is greatly reduced. In some cases a cure has been effected where the urine contained forty grains of sugar to the ounce. In one case seven and one-half quarts of urine was voided in twenty-four hours, and in one month the quantity was reduced to two quarts. It seems to me to do better in chronic cases in people who have passed the age of thirty years. Its action in young children does not seem so marked. (Dose from two to five grains of the powdered seeds ter in die.) 2. Its inhibitory influence upon the action of diastatic ferments outside of the body is very marked. A given amount of malt 23 354 TARANTULA HISPANA. extract converted 22.4 §:rains of starch imo sugar in the absence of Jambul, but only 6.3 grains in its presence. 3. Old ulcers of the skin are healed with great rapidity under its action. Probably of a diabetic foundation. (No case of diabetes should be treated without the aid of thorough orijicial surgery, removing all sexual and rectal irritation.) TARANTULA HISPANA. A VENOMOUS TROPICAL SPIDER. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Tarantula has four special ceiiters of action : Cerebro-Spinal System. Chorea; Hypercesthesia. CiRC. (Heart, Arteries.) Contraction of Vessels. Generative Organs. (Women.) Neuralgia. Blood. Toxcemia ; Anthrax ; Gaiigrene. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in malignant ulcers, anthrax, and gangrene, where the whole nervous system is profoundly prostrated, with much restlessness and nervous excite- ment. TARANTULA HISPANA. 355 2. Diphtheria, malignant type; throat much inflamed; deposit dark colored; breath very fetid; gums bleed; glands much swollen; low, septic fever, with profound prostration. 3. Toxaemic fevers of a typhoid form, with much chilliness, the chilliness pre- dominating; great weakness; restlessness; the limbs seem paralyzed; great thirst; anguish; nausea and vomiting; abdomen tympanitic; stools profuse, dark, and fetid, often bloody. 4. Choreiform affections, where the right arm and left leg are principally affected; constant movement of the legs, arms, and trunk; inability to do anything; preceded by malaise and oppression; the least excite- ment irritates. 5. Excessive hyperaesthesia; slight touch along the spine produces spasmodic pains in the chest, and indescribable distress in the cardiac region. 6. Neuralgia of the uterus, with hysterical nervous excitement. 7. Menses too early and too profuse; restlessness and hysteria, 356 TEREBINTHINA. 8. Aggravation: Morning and night, and by touch. 9. Amehoration: In open air, and during motion. TEREBINTHINA. TURPENTINE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Turpen- tine has eight special centers of action : Kidneys. Cong.; Injlain,; HcEinaturia ; Albuminuria, Intestines. Mucous Enteritis ; Uemorr.y' Tympanitis, Blood. Sepsis ; Copious Hemorrhages, Heart. Blood-Pressure Lowered. Vaso-Motor Sys. Stimulated; Large Doses Paralyze. ^ ^ ^ ( Toxcemic Fevers ; Insensi- Cerebro-opinal System.^ ..,., _, , \. { btUty ; Prostration, Air-Passages. Bronchitis ; Mucorrhoea, Skin. Vesicular Erysipelas, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, strangury, tenesmus of the blad- der, and albuminuria. 2. Albuminuria, sub-acute or chronic form, where, with the albumen, blood is found in the urine. If there is no blood in the urine, Terebinth will fail. TEREBINTHINA. 357 3. Burning, drawing- pains in the kidneys, with bloody urine; the blood is thoroughly mixed with the urine, like coffee-ground sediment. 4. Urine scanty and bloody; most dis- tressing strangury, with great loss of blood; soreness of the bladder, and pains in the region of the kidneys. 5. Puerperal metritis, and peritonitis, with burning and bearing-down in the uterus; excessive tympanitis; muttering delirium, and great prostration. 6. Tongue red, smooth, and glossy; stomatitis materna, the inflammation often extending from the mouth to the anus, burning like fire, with great prostration; entero-colitis. 7. Gastro-enteritis, with intense burning in the stomach; nausea and vomiting of mucus, bile, or blood; copious hemorrhages. 8. Meteorismus, with enormous distention from gas; in septic fevers. Q. Entero-colitis, and typhoid fever, with hemorrhages and ulceration of the bowels; stools of mucus and water, or dark-colored blood; pulse very weak. 358 terebinthinA. 10. Chronic diarrhoea; great prostration, with violent burning in the rectum and anus after stool; worse mornings. 11. Capillary bronchitis, and haemoptysis; breathing very much oppressed, and burn- ing in the chest; mucous membranes dry. 12. Intense neuralgia in the lower limbs; worse in damp weather. 13. Corns. (Applied locally every night, will cure in one week.) 14. Aggravation: Morning and evenings; when lying down; especially in damp, rainy weather. 15. Amelioration: Motion; during the day, and dry weather. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. ARBOR VIT^. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, Thuja has seven S'pecial centers of action : Skin. Fig- Warts ^ Condylojnata y Tubercles j Sycosis. { Acrid Secretions ; Corroding; Mucous Membranes. J ,^, r^ , . - \ Ulcers j Poly f I. ^ ^-r . ( Chronic Jylennorrhoea^ Sexual Organs. (Male.) ^ ^ , ,.,. ^ ^ ^ ( Prostatitis ; Sycosis. ^ ^ ^ ^ ( Delayed JMenses ; Leucor- Sexual Org. (rEMALE.)J / ^ ^ ' ( r/icea^ Ovaritis. Urinary Org Diuresis ; Sphincter Vesicce Paralyzed. Blood. Acridity ; Dissolutio7i. Lymphatic Glands. Acid., Perverted Secretions. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially adapted to diseases of the genito-urinary organs, anus, and skin, where the hydrogenoid constitution predominates, which possesses an increased capacity to contain water; hence rain, cold, damp w^eather, baths, and food that increases the number of molecules of water in the system, ag-gravate the symptoms. 2. It is our great antidote to diseases of a sycotic origin, which produce warts, condy- lomata, and cauliflower excrescences on the 359 360 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. mucous membranes of the genito-urinary organs, anus, and skin. 3. The vagina is filled with warty ex- crescences, with great burning and smarting pains, and is so sensitive that an embrace is intolerable. 4. Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, very acrid, with long, thin warts or fig-warts on the vulva. 5. Ulceration of the womb, vulva, and perinaeum, with green or bloody leucor- rhoea, and cramp-like pains in the vagina when rising from a seat, extending into the abdomen. 6. Ovaritis, especially left side; severe burning pain; aggravated during menstru- ation; by walking; riding; must lie down to get relief. 7. Menses too late and too scanty. 8. Polypus of the uterus and vagina; granulations and fleshy excrescences grow- ing from the mucous membrane of the uterus, soft and spongy, jutting out like warts, but easily detached, associated with frequent and long-continued hemorrhages, in fleshy, flabby women. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 361 9. Uterine cancer based on syphilitic con- stitution; the cauHflower excrescences bleed easily and emit a foul odor. 10. Frequent abortions; labor-pains very feeble; motion of the child causes cutting pains in the bladder, with urging to urinate. 11. Sexual power extremely elated or depressed; irresistible desire for mastur- bation, and she gives herself up to the vice, even during sleep; chronic impotence. 12. Of great value in sub-acute and chronic cases of gonorrhoea, especially when injections have been used, and the prostate IS involved; burning during and between acts of urination; red, smooth excrescences on the glans penis; fig-warts and condy- lomata all over the sexual organs of both sexes, that exude a glutinous, foul-smelling matter; mucous tubercles in the urethra; proliferating syphilis; thin green discharge^ especially in women, with great psychical depression. 13. Idiopathic condylomata, mucous tu- bercles, and sycotic excrescences, especially the humid form; of little use for dry, fili- form fig-warts. 362 THUJA OCCIDENTALiS. 14. Ulcers on the prepuce and glans, growing above the skin, clean looking, but suppurating profusely; vegetating ulcers on the glans penis; deep, humid furrows, covered with pus; the discharges excoriate. 15. Urine red, depositing a thick brick- dust sediment; cutting pains in the urethra during urination; incontinence of the urine from paralysis of the sphincter vesicae. 16. Anus fissured, painful to touch; often with warts; sometimes immense numbers of these flat, moist tubercles or condylomata surround the anus, especially in syphilitic subjects. 17. Painful contraction of the anus; un- able to void the constipated stool on account of the painful fissures of the anus; the suf- fering and pain in the anus are greatly in- creased during motion; the violent contrac- tive pain in the anus is followed by tearing pains in the bowels. Constipation is a marked symptom of this drug. 18. Chronic diarrhoea traceable to vacci- nation, forcibly expelled like water from a bunghole; great thirst. 19. Neuralgic headache in the occiput; THUJA OCCIDEXTALIS. 363 extreme soreness, and screaming; cannot sleep nor chew; very despondent. 20. Xasal catarrh, with quantities of thick green mucus, pus and blood; painful scabs in the nose; polypus of the nose. 21. Loathing of life; ill humored and depressed; feels as though she could not exist any longer. 22. Sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate, and could not resist the least attack; as if the continuity of the body would be dissolved. 23. For styes and tarsal tumors, indura- tion of the eyelids, and especially for ver- rucae and tumors, it is very valuable. 24. Old chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis, in which the granulations are large like warts or blisters, with burning in the lids; excessive photophobia; worse nights; syphi- litic iritis, staphyloma, episcleritis, sclero- choroiditis, and condylomata on the iris. (It is a grand remedy.) 25. Bleeding fungous grow^ths; epithe- lioma; painful pemphigus; blood-boils on the back, and flat ulceration of the skin; hair thin, grows slowly, splits, and falls off. 364 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 26. Skin looks dirty; brown spots here and there, with white spots, especially in tertiary syphilis; oedema about the joints; in fleshy people, where chilliness predomi- nates; chilly from the least change of weather. 27. In the treatment of variola of every degree, it aborts the pustules and prevents suppurative fever; is a grand prophylactic. 28. Strong perspiration in the axillae, and of the feet, with brown spots on the arms and hands; skin of the hands dry; sweats only on uncovered spots. 29. Sub-acute rheumatism, especially gon- orrhoeal, of the arms and legs, with a para- lyzed feeling of the limbs; drawing pains in the bones, as if the flesh were separated from the bones; boring in the joints; tin- gling in the fingers, as if they had gone to sleep; fingers red and swollen, with much cracking in the joints. 30. Aggravation: During rest; from heat of bed; mornings; from narcotics, and especially from cold, damp air. 31. Amelioration: In open air; from warmth, and warm, dry weather. TRILLIUM PENDULUM. BETH ROOT. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Trillium has tivo special centers of actio7i : Capillary Blood-Vessels. Relaxafiofz and Hemor?-. Mucous Mem. (Uterine.) Mzicorrhcea; Putrescence. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. It is especially useful in hemorrhages of the uterus and kidneys, either of an active or passive nature. Often better than Sa- bina, Secale or Hamamehs. 2. Passive uterine hemorrhages, with occasional clots, and much fetor; associated with fainting, from great loss of blood. 3. Profuse uterine hemorrhage, at the climacteric period, with prostration, vertigo, dimness of sight; palpitation of the heart, painful sense of sinking at the pit of the stomach, and pain in the small of the back. 4. Menses too soon, last too long, followed by profuse leucorrhoea. 5. Profuse, exhausting leucorrhoea, with anaemia; prolapsus of the uterus, and en- gorgement of the cervix. 6. Fetid, long-lasting lochial discharges. 365 366 URANIUM. 7. Hemorrhages from nearly all the mucous membranes, especially from the kidneys and nose. URANIUM. NITRATE OF URANIUM. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Uranium has^z^^ special ce?tters of action : „ ( Nausea. Vomitinfr ; Gastritis, Stomach.-^ -t-z • . tti .• ( I hirst ; Ulceratioji. Duodenum, htflammation ^ Ulceration. Kidneys. Inflammation ; Albuminuria ; Glycostiria, Serous Mem. Inflammation; Dropsical Effusio7is. Cord. (Motor Tract.) Complete Aluscular Paral, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. It is especially useful in diabetes, ulcer- ation of the stomach and duodenum, and dropsical effusions. 2. Diabetes, with great thirst; stomach very irritable; great emaciation, and pro- found debility; often found associated with diuresis. 3. Incontinence of urine at night; burning in the urethra, with excoriation. 4. Complete impotence, with nocturnal emissions. URANIUM. 367 5. During- menstruation, has frequent hot flushes. 6. Lacteal secretions greatly increased. 7. Enormous appetite and thirst, with great emaciation and prostration. 8. Great burning distress in the stomach, with vomiting- of food; ulceration of the stomach; much pain and flatulence. 9. Enteritis and peritonitis, with meteor- ism; great prostration; peritonitis followed by copious effusion. 10. Effusions of serum from all of the serous membranes, especially the pleura and peritoneum; great emaciation and pro- found debility. 11. Bronchitis, with copious mucous ex- pectoration, and great emaciation and de- bility. 12. Extreme debility runs through all the diseases calling for the use of Uranium nitricum. URTICA URENS. STINGING NETTLE. Through the posterior spinal cord, Urtica has four special centers of action : ' Skin. CEdema/ Erysipelatous Infain.; Urticaria. Mucous Mem. Gastro-Intestinal Infainmation. Mammae. Increased Secretion of Milk. Vaso-Motor System. Stimulant. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Its great sphere of usefulness is found in urticaria, dropsical effusions, burns and scalds. 2. Urticaria, where the skin becomes ele- vated, with a white central spot and a red areola, attended by stinging, burning pains; requires to be rubbed all the time; relieved by lying down, reappearing immediately after rising. 3. The upper part of the body enormously swollen, pale, dropsical, and covered with small confluent, transparent vesicles filled with serum. 4. Anasarca and dropsy following scarla- tina, where the kidneys are involved, with excessive oedema of the feet. 369 5- Extremely distressing burning heat and formication of the skin; the hands and fingers much swollen; erysipelatous inflam- mation. 6. Enteritis, with stools of mucus and blood. 7. Menorrhagia, and uterine hemorrhage. 8. Acid leucorrhoea, very excoriating. 9. Has often cured epistaxis, and haema- temesis. 10. Insufficiency or entire absence of the secretion of milk. (Elegant remedy to in- crease the secretion of milk.) USTILAGO MAYDIS. SMUT-CORN. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Ustilago maydis has seven special center's of action : Circulation. Long-Lasting Artcr. Capil. Contrac'^n. Veins. Dilatation ^ Passive IIe?7zo?'rkages. Skin. Loss of Hair ^ Teeth^ and Nails. Glandular System. Congestion j Llypertj'opky. Sexual O., Male. Prostrafn; Lmpotcitce; Neuralgia. c^ r^ ^ \ Oxytocic ; Venous Hejnor- Sexual Organs, r eimale. \ , _ . , . ( r/iages; Ovarialgia. AL vSystem. Congestion/ Paralysis. 24 370 USTILAGO MAYDIS. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Its great sphere of usefulness is found in female diseases where there is great relaxation and a general atonic condition of the genitalia. 2. Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia from chronic uterine congestion; general atonic condition of the uterus; the blood is dark colored, and the hemorrhage is of a passive nature. Ustilago is pre-eminently the Ergot of chronic uterine hemorrhages and passive congestions, where for many days there has been a slow but persistent oozing of dark blood with small black coagulse; when the uterus is enlarged, the cervix tumefied, the os somewhat dilated, swollen, and flabby. 3. Menorrhagia at the climacteric, from ovarian irritation; burning distress in the right ovary; flooding lasts for weeks; blood is dark colored, with many clots; vertigo, hot flashes, and a gone feeling in the epi- gastrium. 4. Menstruation too frequent, too profuse, and lasts too long. 5. Stippressio mensimn from ovarian USTILAGO MAYDIS. 37 1 inertia; much pain in the ovarian region; llatulence, and great soreness of the bowels. 6. Ovarian dysmenorrhoea, with severe pains in the ovaries, uterus, and back, every few minutes; spasmodic pain in the left ovary, which is very sore. 7. Intermittent neuralgia of the left ovary, which is greatly enlarged and very tender. 8. Between the menses, constant misery under the left breast. 9. Neuralgia of the testicles; every five minutes sharp pains in the testicles that pro- duce faintness; constant aching in the right testicle for days. 10. Profound prostration of the sexual organs; sexual dreams at night with emis- sions, followed by great sadness and mental prostration. 11. Great mental depression, with con- gestion of blood to the head. 12. The whole scalp is hot and dry, with loss of all the hair. 13. Faint, gone feeling in the epigastrium. 14. Constipation; stools dry and lumpy. 15. The whole skin is dry, hot, and con- gested. 372 VALE-RIANA. i6. Chronic urticaria, with much itching^; copper-colored spots on the skin; pustular ulceration; destruction of the nails. 17. Agg^ravation: From motion. 18. Amelioration: During rest. VALERIANA. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Valeriana has six special ce?iters of action : Cerebro-Spin. S. Hysterical Uyperccsthesia; Spasms. Digestive Organs. Stiinulation. Kidneys. Diuretic. Urine Loaded with Phosphates. Eyes. Mydriasis ; Fieiy Flashes. Circulation. Excited; Temperature Elevated. ^ -^ ( Aphrodisiac ; JSfeurasthe?iia. Sexual Org., \ emale. { tt . - ( Hysteria. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Of great value in hysteria, with excess- ive nervous excitability; hysterical spasms; palpitation of the heart, and great fear. 2. Nervous affections in excitable tem- peraments. In hypochondriasis it calms the nervousness, abates the excitement of the circulation, removes the wakefulness, VALERIANA. 373 promotes sleep, and induces sensations of quietude and comfort. 3. In globus, and nervous palpitation of the heart, with copious flow of nervous urine, we have no better remedy. 4. A feeling- as if a thread was nanging down in the throat, with much tickling. 5. Sensation as of something warm ris- ing in the throat, arresting breathing; the globus, or lump in the throat, is a constant symptom, that cannot be gotten rid of, and is a source of great trouble. 6. All diseases where the hysterical ele- ment predominates; frequent faintness; dyspnoea; much despondency; great rest- lessness, with copious urination. (Valeri- ana, or the Valerianate of Zinc, will act at once. 7. Aggravation: From evening till mid- night; after rest, as sleeping, and by standing. 8. Amelioration: From motion; after mid- night, and from walking. VERATRUM ALBUM. WHITE HELLEBORE. Through tne cerebro-spinal nervous system, Veratrum album has Jive special centei-s of action: Mucous M. (Gastro-Intestinal.) Congest.; Inflam, j Violent Nausea and Vomiting. ' \ Watety Diarrhoea. Heart. Blood-Pressure Lessened; Collapse and Death. Temperature. Greatly Lessened. Cerebro-Spinal Sys. ) ^ r^ , . ,^r rr^ s \ 'Spasms: Paralysis. (Motor Tract.) ) GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Especially useful in gastro-intestinal diseases, with sudden sinking- of innervation, causing loss of power to control one's move- ments; staggers about; feels dizzy; vision becomes obscure, and complete extinction of nervous power is going on at a fearful rate. 2. Cold, collapsed face; pinched-up, blu- ish nose; dry and cracked lips; lockjaw; grating of the teeth, with cold sweat on the forehead. 3. Copious vomiting, sweat, and diar- rhoea, and the cold sweat, the burning inter- 374 VERATRUM ALBUM. 375 nally, and the coldness and blueness of the body are marked characteristics. 4. Cold sweat on the forehead, with anguish and fear of death; wanders about the house; very taciturn; the headache causes wild delirium. 5. Puerperal mania and convulsions, with violent cerebral congestion; bluish, bloated face; protruded eyes; wild shrieks; with disposition to tear and bite. 6. Blood rushes violently to the head on stooping; headache, with vomiting of green mucus. 7. While in bed, face is red; after getting up, it becomes pale; neck too weak to hold up the head; leaden color of face; frequent nausea and vomiting, with extreme ex- haustion. 8. Tongue cold; voice feeble, in choleraic diseases; dry, blackish, cracked tongue; or yellow, with red tip and edges. 9. Unquenchable desire for cold drinks; wants everything cold; throat is dry and burning. 10. Craves fruits, juicy food, or salty jthings. 376 VERATRUM ALBUM. 11. Frequent nausea and vomiting-, with leaden color of the face, and cold perspira- tion, especially on the forehead. 12. Motion, or the least quantity of liquid, excites nausea and violent vomiting. 13. Violent and forcible vomiting- of food, g-reen mucus, or bile and blood, with contin- ued nausea, fainting, and great prostration. 14. Burning" and oppression in the epigas- trium; violent gastralgia, with nausea and vomiting. 15. Colicodynia, with sensation as if the bowels were tied up in knots; the suffering causes cold sweat on the forehead. 16. Burning in the bowels, like hot coals of fire; much flatulence and tenderness of the abdomen. 17. Very exhausting, copious involuntary watery diarrhoea, expelled with great force; weak and faint after each stool, with cold sweat on the forehead. 18. Involuntary watery diarrhoea, without the patient's knowledge; hippocratic coun- tenance, and cold extremities. 19. Urine red and scanty, often sup- pressed, in cholera. V'ERATRUM ALBUM. -^ll 20. Cold breath, with great prostration. 21. Spasmodic, loose cough; expectorates with great difficulty; capillary bronchitis; blue face; oedema of the lungs, and great fear of suffocation. 22. Palpitation; anxiety; rapid respiration; great dyspnoea. 23. Hands blue and icy cold; arms cold, and feel too full. 24. Great weakness of the legs; calves cramp much; complete muscular prostra- tion. 25. Skin is blue, purple, cold, wrinkled (cholera), with cold sweat. 26. Fevers, with great coldness externally, and violent internal heat; pulse thread-like; great craving for cold drinks; chill and cold- ness predominate, with cold sweat on the forehead; associated with profound nervous prostration. 27. Aggravation: After drinking, or eat- ing ice-cream; before and during stool; on rising; morning and evening. 28. Amelioration: While sitting, and ly- ing down; in open air, and during the day. VERATRUM VIRIDE. GP.EEN HELLEBORE. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Veratrum Viride has sixtecfi special centers of actio7i : ^ , . , ( Muscular Paralysis ; Loss of Cord. (Anterior.) \ -^ ^ , . -^ ^ ' ( Rcjicx Act 1071. Cord. (Posterior.) Slight A^icesthesia ; Neuralgia. Vagi. Paralysis ; Death from Asphyxia. vStomach. Violent Emesis ; Hiccough j Injlainination. Liver. Throtigh Vagi, Increased Secretions; Injlarn. Intestines. VenoiLS Congestion ; Watery Z)iarrhaa. Kidneys. Slightly Diuretic; Uric uAcid Increased. r Inhih. Card. JVerves (7) Stimul..^ (2) Paral. Heart. < Ganglia Paralyzed; Blood- Pressure Low g^-ed. [ Pulsafn Lowered j^ ^o ^o; Greatly Weak''7i'd. TT AT ^T r^ ( Paralysis; Capilla- Vaso-Motor Nerve Centers. \ - r^.. , { ries Dilated. Temperature. Greatly Lowered., 2 to ^ Degrees P. Skin. Diaphoresis ; Slightly A?iccsthetic ; Erythema. Eyes. Mydriasis from Paralysis of Third Nerve. Ears. Auditory Nerve Paralyzed. Lungs. Sthenic Co7?gestio?i; Infaminatio^i. Sexual Org., Female. Intense Acute Inflammation. Alucous Membranes. Catarrhal I)flajn7nation. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in sudden acute con- gestions of the brain, lungs, stomach, liver, and female genitalia. Where there is great arterial excitement; pulse rapid and full; 378 VERATRUM VIRIDE. 3*79 often associated with perspiration, nausea, and vomiting. 2. Intense cerebral congestion; feeling as though the head would burst open; with more or less nausea and vomiting. It is the most useful when the congestion arises from plethora, vascular irritation, coup de soldi, alcoholic stimulants, teething in chil- dren, or childbed fever. 3. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, first stage; comes on with great suddenness; great cerebral congestion; nausea and vomiting; hard, slow, full pulse, and marked opis- thotonos. 4. Dimness of vision from congestion of blood to the base of the brain; green and red circles around the candle. 5. Paralysis of the eyelids; complete ptosis. 6. Ringing in the ears, from congestion of blood to the head. 7. Face flushed; or cold and bluish, cov- ered with cold sweat. 8. Frequent and long-continued hiccough, with constant sensation as if a ball were rising in the oesophagus; acute inflammation 380 VERATRUAI VlRIDE. of the whole length of the oesophagus, with constant hiccough; nausea and violent vomiting. 9. Nausea and vomiting; violent and long-continued vomiting; vomiting from cerebral disease; vomiting of bile in bilious fevers, or eruptive diseases; vomiting of bile and blood; the empty, painful retching, with ejection of a little frothy mucus, or blood, with excessive thirst, is a marked symptom. 10. Gastralgia and spasms of the stomach, with great thirst and violent vomiting. 11. Acute hepatitis, with nausea and vio- lent vomiting of bile and mucus, with jaun- dice; hard, rapid pulse; high fever. 12. Menstrual colic, with cerebral conges- tion; nausea and vomiting. (Give large doses.) 13. Acute metritis and ovaritis, with high fever, full, bounding pulse, and delirium. 14. Puerperal peritonitis, or metritis; high fever, and much gastric irritability; temper- ature 3 to 6 degrees F. above normal. 15. Puerperal convulsions, with intense congestion of blood to the head; face blue VERATRUM VIRIDE. 381 and livid; wild delirium, or profound coma; nausea and vomiting. (No remedy can equal this drug, if given in nauseating doses.) 16. Pneumonia, sthenic form, during the first or congestive stage, with rapid, hard, full pulse; high temperature, in some cases, 6 degrees F.; in some cases copious per- spiration; rapid respiration; often associ- ated with gastric irritability. (If Veratrum viride is given in large enough doses to first produce slight nausea, it will abort the great majority of cases, but it must be given in full doses.) 17. Vesicular bronchitis, sthenic form, with high fever; full, bounding pulse; often with nausea and vomiting. (This remedy is of great utility.) 18. Asthma, with severe congestion of the lungs; great difficulty in breathing; loose, rattling, wheezing cough; often nausea and vomiting. (Lethal doses, so as to produce nausea, will often do w^onders.) 19. In carditis and pericarditis, with burn- ing distress in the cardiac region, great arterial excitement; the pulsations of the 382 ZINCUM. heart are loud and strong. (Give large enough doses to bring the heart's action down, and the disease will soon be arrested.) 20. Convulsions of all the limbs; trem- bling of the whole body; cramps in the legs and fingers. (Give full doses.) 21. Aggra.vation: Morning and evening. 22. Amelioration: Lying down, and bend- ing forward. ZINCUM. ZINC. Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Zinc has six special centers of action : Cerebro-Spixai. S. Tonic. Sensory and Motoi' Paral. Stomach. (^Sulphate.) Powerful Emetic. Intestines. Slozv Digestion j Platidcncy j Constipation, Blood. Hydrccmia y l'e?7o?is J-TemorrJiages ; Varices. Circulation. Vaso-AIotor Spasm ; Mal-N^utrition. Serous Mem. Inf animation; Dropsical Effusions, GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. Especially useful in cerebral exhaus- tion, with mental and physical depression, ZINCUM. 383 from anaemia of the brain; complete neuras- thenia; softening of the brain, with impend- ing" paralysis. 2. Cerebral depression; chronic head- aches; melancholia, and chronic atrophy of the brain in the insane. 3. Cerebral affections connected with exanthemata, where the vis inedicatrix natitrcB is too weak to throw the poison to the surface. 4. Child cries out during sleep; when awakened, expresses fear, and rolls its head from side to side. 5. Violent vertigo, cannot stand up; more in the occiput, with nausea, faintness, and trembling of the hands. 6. Chronic sick-headache; great weak- ness of sight; much pain in the back of the head. 7. Spinal irritation; dull aching pain in the lumbar vertebrae, worse when sitting than when walking, with burning along the spine. 8. Bitter taste, which seems to be in the fauces, and cannot get it out of the mouth. 384 ZINCUM. 9. Sudden oppression of the stomach, she has to loosen her clothes. 10. Great greediness when eating; cannot cat fast enough, from canine hunger; flatu- lent colic. 11. Terrible heartburn after taking sweet things; much nausea and vomiting, with fidgety feet. 12. Distended abdomen, with dry, hard, insufficient stools; stools expelled with great difficulty. 13. The flow of the menses always relieves all her sufferings, but they return again soon after the cessation of the menses. 14. During the menses, heaviness of the limbs, with violent drawing around the knees, as if they would be twisted off. 15. Menses too early; too profuse; lumps of coagulated blood pass away when walking. 16. A constant distressing boring pain in the left ovarian region, only partially re- lieved by pressure, or during menstruation, but returning again soon after the flow. 17. Strong sexual desire, with ulceration of the cervix, discharging blood and pus. ZINCUM. 385 18. Mammae swollen, and sore to touch. 19. Neuralgia of the testicles, with strong sexual desire or complete impotence; very nervous and fidgety feet. 20. Violent dry, spasmodic cough; flatu- lent asthma. 21. Burning in the chest; pain as if cut to pieces, with constriction of the chest; empty feeling behind the sternum. 22. Violent palpitation of the heart, from indigestion. 23. QEdema and general anasarca of the cellular tissue; dropsical effusions of all the serous cavities. 24. Great weakness of the limbs; chronic neurasthenia; formication and cold feet; paralysis of the feet from spinal or chronic nervous disease, as softening of the brain, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. 25. Sweaty feet; sore about the toes; fetid suppressed foot-sweat, with much nervous excitement. 26. One of the most characteristic symp- toms of Zinc is an incessant, constant fidgety feeling of the lower extremities; must move the feet continually. 25 386 CASCARA SAGRADA. 27. Ag-gravation: From wine; after din- ner; evenings; in bed, and indoors. 28. Amelioration: In open air; while eat- ing, and from heat. CASCARA SAGRADA. RHAMNUS PURSHIANA. Through the great sympathetic nervous system, and especially the solar plexus, and nerve terminals of the bov^els, Cascara sagrada has Jive special centers of action : Stomach. (Gastric Glands.) Inci-eased Secretions. Pancreas. Secretion Greatly Increased. Liver. Active Cholagogne. Inci''' d B iliaiy Secretions. Kidneys. Diuretic. r Gla?idular Secretions Greatly Augmented; Intestinal 75 Mi^tiins.^ Tonic Laxative; 20 to 50 Canal. ] j\Ii?ii?ns^ Cathartic. l-(Musc. CoAT.^ Increased Peristalsis. GRAND CHARACTERISTICS. I. In sub-acute and chronic constipation, where there is lack of the normal secretions, from atony of the liver and gastro-intestinal canal, the liver is stimulated, — through the action of this remedy on the solar plexus, and Meissner's ganglia, just under the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, — and the capillaries and intestinal glands are CASCARA SAGRADA. 387 flushed with blood, causing- great increase of their secretions, together with increased peristaltic action of the colon and rectum. In this way the normal action of the bowels is restored. It is claimed to cure eighty-six cases out of every hundred treated, if the drug is given in fifteen drop doses of the fluid extract ter die. Its effects are not seen at once, but its tonic action is well demon- strated in from four to seven days. 2. In atonic dyspepsia, through its action on the solar plexus, stimulating the secre- tions of the liver, pancreas, and entire ali- mentary canal, the whole digestive system is toned up, especially the muscular coat of the stomach and bowels. Gastric head- aches; excessive despondency; broad, flabby tongue, with thick yellow fur; foul breath; cardialgia, with a feeling of faintness, and obstinate constipation. 3. Haemorrhoids, with constipation, caused by portal congestion. As an hepatic stimulant it frees the ramifications of the vena portse, and in this way the hepatic en- gorgement is lessened, and the constipation and haemorrhoids are cured. 388 2INCUM. 4- In sub-acute and chronic rheumatism of the muscles and joints, associated with atonic dyspepsia, obstinate constipation and much debihty, Cascara has given good satisfaction. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Drs. Henry N. Guernsey, C. Hering-, C. Dunham, C. J. Hempel, E. A. Farrington, S. Lilienthal, E. M. Hale, T. F. Allen, J. P. Dake, P. Jousset, R. Hughes, A. Lippe, J. B. Bell, G. H. G. Jahr, E. H. Ruddock, A. C. Cowperthwaite, Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy, Compendium of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Marcy and Hunt, The Pharmacology of the Newer Materia Medica, H. C. Wood, R. Bartholow, Ring-- er's Handbook of Therapeutics, Sajou's Annual, J. B. Bell on Diarrhoea, C. G. Raue's Special Pathology, John Meyhoffer, Allen and Norton's Diseases of the Eye, Hull's Jahr, Record of Homoeopathic Literature, North American Joitmal of Homoeopathy, The Homoeopathic News, The Hahnemannian Monthly, Medical Era, Medical Century, The Clinique, Medical Ga- zette, The Homoeopathic Recorder, The Me- dical Current, Journal of Orifcial Surgery, The Clinical Reporter, Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, etc., etc. INDEX Aconitum napellus 7 Cannabis sativa 74 vEsculus hippocastanum II Cantharides - - . 75 Aloes 12 Capsicum annuum - n Alumina 13 Carbo animalis 78 Ambra grisea 14 Carbo vegetabilis 80 Ammonium carbonicum 15 Cascara sagrada - 386 Amyl nitritum - 17 Caulophyllum thalictroides ; 81 Antimonium crudum 18 Chamomilla - - - 82 Antimonium tartaricum 19 Chimaphila umbellata 84 Antipyrine 21 Chloroformum 85 Antifebrin 22 Cimicifuga racemosa 86 Apis mellifica 23 Cina . - . - 88 Apocynum cannabinum 25 Cinchona - - - - 90 Argentum nitricum 26 Cinnamomum 94 Arnica montana - 30 Cocaine - . - - 94 Arsenicum album - 32 Cocculus Indicus - 97 Arum triphyllum 37 Coffea cruda . - - 99 Asafoetida 38 Colchicum 102 Aurum .... 40 Collinsonia Canadensis - 104 Acidum benzoicum 41 Colocynthis - 106 Acidum carbolicum - 42 Conium ... - 108 Acidum fluoricuni - 44 Copaiba III Acidum hydrocyanicum - 45 Corallium rubrum 112 Acidum muriaticum 46 Coto bark 113 Acidum nitricum 48 Crocus sativus - 114 Acidum phosphoricum - 50 Crotalus horridus - 115 Acidum salicylicum - 51 Croton tiglium - - - 118 Acidum sulphuricum 52 Cuprum 120 Baptisia - - - - 54 Digitalis purpurea - 122 Baryta carbonica - 56 Dulcamara - 126 Belladonna 57 Elaterium - - - - 128 Borax . - . . 62 Ether - - - - I2g Bryonia alba 64 Eucalyptus globulus 130 Cactus grandiflorus ^1 Euonymus - - - 132 Calcarea carbonica - 68 Eupatorium perforatum - 133 Calendula officinalis 71 Eupatorium purpureum 135 Camphora .... 72 Euphrasia 136 890 INE )EX. 391 Ferrum - . - - 137 Opium - 255 Gelsemium sempervirens 140 Ostrya Virginica - 259 Glonoine - - - - 144 Phosphorus - 260 Graphites . - - 146 Phytolacca decandra - 268 Guaiacum - - - - 149 Pichi - 272 Gummi guttse 149 Plantago major - 273 Hamamelis Virginica 150 Platina - 274 Helleborus niger - 152 Podophyllum peltatum 278 Helonias dioica 154 Polyporus officinalis - 281 Hepar sulphuris calcareum 155 Psorinum 283 Hydrastis Canadensis 158 Pulsatilla nigricans - - 285 Hoang-nan - 160 Rheum - - . . 295 Hyoscyamus niger - 162 Rhus toxicodendron - 296 Hypericum perfoliatum 164 Robina pseudo-acacia - 303 Ignatia amara - 166 Rumex crispus - 305 lodium - - - - 169 Sabal serrulata 306 lodoformum 173 Sabina - 308 Ipecacuanha 175 Sambucus nigra - 310 Iris versicolor - 178 Sanguinaria Canadensis - 311 Jaborandi 180 Secale cornutum - 315 Kah bichromicum - 181 Sepia - 318 Kah bromidum 184 Silicea - - - . 324 Kali carbonicum 188 Sparteine - - . - 331 Kali chloricum 191 Spigelia 332 Kali hydriodicum 192 Spongia ... - 334 Kava kava - 197 Stannum 336 Kola nut - - - - 199 Stigmata maydis - 339 Kreosotum - - - 202 Stramonium - 340 Lachesis - - - - 205 Sulphur - - 345 Leptandra Virginica - 211 Syzygium jambolanum 352 Lilium tigrinum 212 Tarantula Hispana - - 354 Lycopodium - 214 Terebinthina 356 Magnesia carbonica 219 Thuja occidentalis - - 359 Magnesia muriatica 220 Trillium pendulum 365 Mercurius - 222 Uranium - - 366 Millefolium - 232 Urtica urens - 368 Moschus - - - - 234 Ustilago maydis - 369 Naphthalin - - - 236 Valeriana 372 Natrum muriaticum 238 Veratrum album - 374 Nux moschata 243 Veratrum viride - 378 Nux vomica 246 Zincum - - - - 382 I' '*^4J'^' o 0' c OO .V ■:/>. 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