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About three years since, my attention was first directed to this narrative of Wingfield in the Lambeth Library, by the reference made to it in the first volume of the Rev. James S. M. Anderson's " History of the Church of England in the Colonies," &c, first published in London in 1845. In lamenting the lack of definite information concerning the Rev. Robert Hunt, the first minister in the Colony, the author says, " I am thankful, however, to have found in the Lambeth Library a manuscript which throws some light, however faint, upon this latter point. It is marked in the catalogue as ' anonymous ' ; and the description is so far correct, that its author's name is not formally inscribed upon it. The dedication is not 4 INTRODUCTION. signed at all ; but, perceiving that it was a journal of the earliest proceedings of the Colony, I felt persuaded that it would well repay perusal. Nor was I disappointed; for I found it written by a person of no less importance than Edward Maria Wingfiel(J, — one of those to whom the patent was granted, and who, upon the arrival of the colonists in Virginia, was elected their first President. It contains a minute account of the transactions which chiefly concerned himself, from the time of their first landing in Virginia to his return to England, after he had been deposed from his office. ... I am not aware that its contents have in any shape been placed before the public" (vol. i. p. 1G7, second edition, London, 1856). The author, in the preface, expresses his obli- gation to the Rev. S. R. Maitland, Librarian at Lambeth, for the help which he afforded in deciphering the manu- script. The application for a copy of this manuscript, which I at once formed the purpose of making, Avas delayed until within a few months ; when one was promptly pro- cured for me through my friend, Mr. H. G. Somerby, of London, who, in a note respecting the original, thus writes : " The journal fills about twenty pages of fools- cap paper, and is closely written. Mr. Anderson is wrong in stating that it is marked 'anonymous' in the catalogue. That word refers to another manuscript. INTRODUCTION. 5 Mr. Wingfield's name is indorsed on the back of the journal." In a note accompanying the copy, he says, " I have carefully compared the copy with the original, and corrected several mistakes made by the copyist ; so that you can rely upon the document I send yon, verba- tim et literatim." The indorsement upon the journal, which is in vol. 250 of MSS. pp. 383 et seq., is, *• A Discourse of Virginia. Auct. Ed. Ma. Wingfield." Since the time of Pnrchas, who probably had seen this narrative (see vol. iv. p. 1706), it appears to have escaped the notice of historical students till the atten- tion of Mr. Anderson was attracted to it. As will be seen, the " Discourse " is written in part, if not chiefly, in defence of the author's course while President of the Colony, and in reply to the charges preferred against him ; and was probably drawn up soon after his return to England in May, 1608. The only original Histories of the Colony at James- town, hitherto published, covering the period embraced by this manuscript, are, — First, the one by Capt. John Smith, giving a history of the settlement from the ar- rival of the colonists in April, 1607, to the sailing of Capt. Nelson in the "Phoenix," June 2, 1608. This may have been sent over by that vessel ; as it was printed the same year, in a small quarto of thirty-six pages, in black letter, with the following title : — INTRODUCTION. "A True Relation of such occurrences and accidents of aoate as hapned in Virginia since the first planting of thai Cottony, which is now residenl in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Written by Captaine Smith, coronell of the said Collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. London, . . . 1608." It may be mentioned, that the title first issued with this tract, by a mistake of the printer, bore the name of Thomas Watson as the author. With the corrected title was added an explanatory preface. This is the first tract published relating to the Colony at Jamestown. Second, the description of Virginia by Capt. Smith, entitled -<- "A Map of Virginia. With a Description of the Countrey, the Commodities, People, Government, and Religion. Writ- ten by Captaine Smith, sometimes Govornour of the Countrey. Whereunto is annexed the Proceedings of those Colonies, since their first Departure from England, with the discourses, Ora- tions, and relations of the Salvages, and the accidents that befell them in all their Journeys and discoveries. Taken faithfvlly as they were written out of the writings of Doctor Rvssell, Tho. Stvdley, Anas Todkill, Iefira Abot, Richard Wil- fin, Will. Phettiplace, Nathaniel Powell, Richard Pots, . . . At Oxford, . . . 1612." Tho first part of this tract, purporting to be written by Smith, is, as its title indicates, a topographical de- INTRODUCTION. scription of the country. It was prefaced by his map of Virginia, first published here. In a letter addressed to the Treasurer and Council of the Virginia Company in England, written from Virginia after the arrival of New- port, in September, 1608, and probably sent home by him near the close of the year, Smith says, " I have sent you this map of the bay and rivers, with an annexed relation of the countries, and nations that inhabit them, as you may see at large" (" Generall Historie," pp. 71, 72). The appendix to this book, written chiefly by the companions of Smith, contains a history of the Colony, more or less minute, from its commencement to the time when Capt. Smith left the country in the latter part of the year 1609; and some incidents even of a later date are added. Third, Percy's narrative, in Purchas, vol. iv. pp. 1685-1690, entitled — " Observations gathered out of a Discourse of the Planta- tions of the Southern Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606. Written by that Honorable Gentleman, Master George Percy." The writer was a brother of the Earl of Northumber- land. He was one of the first colonists, and subse- quently a temporary governor of the plantation. To what period this narrative was brought down by the INTRODUCTION. writer, we have no means of knowing ; as Purchas has unfortunately preserved only an abridgment of it, in six of his folio pages, breaking off at September, 1607. This contains a minute and interesting account of the incidents of the first voyage, which are but briefly touched upon by the other narrators ; and some de- tails of the Colony are given, to be met with nowhere else. The above may be said to embrace all the original Histories of the Colony that have been published, cover- ing the period named; one of them extending over a longer period. A few additional incidents, here and there, may be gathered from other sources, particularly from some of Smith's later publications. His " Gene- rall Historie," first published in 1624, — which is chiefly a compilation of other works, — embraces the tract of 16 12, and some incidents from the earlier one ; and occasionally introduces matter not to be found in either. The work of Strachey, — first published by the Hakluyt Society in 1849, — so far as it relates to Southern Vir- ginia, is mainly a description of the natural history of the country, rather than an account of the English Colony there resident. He did not arrive in Virginia till 1610. A considerable portion of Smith's tract of 1612 has been adopted by him, and interwoven into his own narrative, without acknowledgment. Stith's INTRODUCTION. 9 volume I do not embrace in this category of original narratives for the early period covered by Wingfield's manuscript ; though he is referred to for the letters- patent and orders and instructions from his Majesty, under which the Colony was first settled. The history of the Colony, therefore, for the period which chiefly interests us here, — and, indeed, for a year or two beyond, — is mainly derived from the writings of Smith and his companions. Through these, Wingfleld, the first President, has been handed down in no favorable light. Several charges have been made against him, hitherto unanswered. His spirited narrative and de- fence, now for the first time published, will be read with interest. The letters-patent under which the settlement at Jamestown was made were granted April 10, 1606. Besides these, the King issued divers instructions and orders, under his sign-manual and the privy seal, dated Nov. 20, 1606. The charter established a Treasurer and Council, to be resident in England, to consist of thirteen persons ; and the same number was to con- stitute a Council resident in the Colony. The trans- portation of the persons designed for the Colony was committed to Capt. Christopher Newport, who had the sole charge and command of the same till they should land on the coast of Virginia. Three ships, whose names 10 INTRODUCTION. arc preserved by Purchas, transported the company, — the -Susan Constant," admiral, of one hundred tons, commanded by ('apt. Newport; the "God-speed," vice- admiral, of forty tons, commanded by Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold ; the " Discovery," rear-admiral (the pinnace), of twenty tons, commanded by Capt. John Ratcliffe. They set sail on the 19th of December, 160G ; but, by unprosperous winds, were kept in sight of England six weeks. They " watered at the Canaries ; " passed several weeks among some of the West-India Islands, where they " refreshed themselves ; " and did not reach the coast of Virginia till the 26th of April, 1607. On the night of their arrival, the box containing their orders for government was opened, and the papers, announcing who were appointed of the Council, were read. Until the 13th of May, the colonists were seek- ing a place for a settlement, about which all were not agreed. Finally " they resolved on a peninsula, on the north of the River Powhatan, about forty miles from the mouth." There the government was inaugurated ; the Council was sworn, and Wiugfield, one of that body, was chosen President. Before the colonists arrived on the coast, a modifica- tion of his Majesty's Council in England for Virginia had taken place ; and subsequently other charters were granted. INTRODUCTION. 11 This brief introduction to the narrative which follows is not intended to embrace an extended notice of the Colony. C. D. Boston, Dec. 1, 1859. 12 WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. •A DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA." Bight JVorp"" and more worthy: 1 — My due respect to yourselves, my allegiance (if I may so terme it) to the Virginean action, my good heed to my poore reputacon, thrust a penne into my handes; so iealous am I to bee missing to any of them. If it wandereth in extra vagantes, yet shall they not bee idle to those physitions whose loves have undertaken the saftie and advancement of Virginia. It is no small comfort that I speake before such gravitie, whose iudgement no forrunner can forestall with any oppro- brious vntruths, whose wisedomes can easily disroabe malice out of her painted garments from the ever reverenced truth. I did so faithfully betroth my best endeavours to this noble enterprize, as my carriage might endure no suspition. I never turned my face from daunger, or hidd my handes from labour ; so watchfull a sentinel stood myself to myself. I know wel, a troope of errors continually beseege men's actions ; some of them ceased on by malice, some by ignorance. I doo not hoodwinck my carriage in my self love, but freely and hum- blie submit it to your grave censures. 1 Addressed, doubtless, to his Majesty's Council, in England, for Virginia. WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 13 I do freely and truely anatomize the governement and governours, that your experience may applie medicines accordinglie ; and vpon the truth of this iournal do pledge my faith and life, and so do rest Yours to command in all service. 2 Here followeth ivhat happened in James Toivne, in Virginia, after Captayne Newport's departure for Engliund. Captayne Newport, 3 haueing allwayes his eyes and eares open to the proceedings of the Collonye, 3 or 4 dayes before his departure asked the President how he thought himself settled in the gouernment: whose answere was, that no dis- turbance could indaunger him or the Collonye, but it must be wrought eyther by Captayne Gosnold or M r Archer ; 4 for the one was strong w th freinds and followers, and could if he would ; and the other was troubled w ,h an ambitious spirit, and would if he could. 2 The above comprises the first page in the manuscript. Mr. Somerby writes that it "is in a different hand from the rest; and it wants the signature, as does the body of the manuscript." 3 Capt. Newport " was esteemed a mariner of ability and experience on the Ameri- can coasts: for he had, fourteen years before (anno 1592), with much reputation and honor, conducted an expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies; where, with three ships and a small bark, he took several prizes, plundered and burnt some towns, and got a considerable booty." — Stith, p. 42. He was a member of the first Colonial Council. — Ibid., p. 45. 4 The names of Bartholomew Gosnold and Gabriel Archer are too well known to students of New-England history to need further mention here. One of the writers in the Appendix to Smith's Virginia (Oxford, 1612) says that the former was the "first mover" of the plantation of Virginia. 14 WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. The Captayne gave them both knowledge of this, the Presi- dent's opinion ; and moued them, with many intreaties, to be myndefull of their dutyes to His Ma tie and the Collonye. June, 1607. — The 22 th , 5 Captayne Newport retorned for England ; for whose good passadge and safe retorne wee made many prayers to our Almighty God. June the 25 th , an Indian came to us from the great Pough- waton w th the word of peace ; that he desired greatly our freindshipp ; that the wyrounnces, 6 Pasyaheigh and Tapa- hanagh, 7 should be our freindes ; that wee should sowe and reape in peace, or els he would make warrs vpon them w th vs. This message fell out true ; for both those wyroaunces haue ever since remayned in peace and trade with vs. Wee 5 In the tract last named, the date given for Newport's return is June 15: and some later writers have adopted that. But the date in the text is confirmed by Smith, in his first tract on Virginia, entitled "True Relation," &c, 1608 (a black-letter volume, not paged); by Percy, in Purchas, vol. iv. p. 1689; and by the writer of the journal of Newport's " Discoveries in Virginia," in Archceologia Americana, vol. iv. p. 58. Newport left 104 colonists at Jamestown. — Percy, as above. In the Appendix to Smith's " Virginia," p. 8, the number of the "first planters" is stated to be 105; but in the list of names, so far as there given, that of Anthony Gosnold is inserted twice. 6 "His [Powhatan's] inferior kings, whom they call Werowances, are tied to rule by customs, and have power of life and death, as their command in that nature. But this word Werowance, which we call and conster for a king, is a common word whereby they call all commanders; for they have but few words in their language, and but few occasions to use any officers more than one commander." — Smith's Vir- ginia, p. 36. 1 The residence of Pasyaheigh, or, as the name is usually written, Paspahegh, may have been at the spot bearing that name, which is indicated on Smith's map of Vir- ginia as a few miles above Jamestown, on the James River. The name " Paspahegh " appears to have been applied by the Indians to the territory which embraced James- town. — See Hamor's True Discovrie, &c. (London, 1615), p. 38. For the residence of Tapahanah, see note 6, page 16. WING FIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 15 rewarded the messinger w th many tryfles w eh were great won- ders to him. This Powatan 8 dwelleth 10 myles from vs, upon the River Pamaonche, w ch lyeth North from vs. Tlie Powatan in the former iornall 9 menconed (a dwellar by Captn. Newport's faults 1 ) ys a wyroaunce, and vnder this Great Powaton, w ch before wee knew not. July. — Th 3 of July, 7 or 8 Indians presented the Presi- dent a dear from Pamaonke, 2 a wyrouance, desiring our friendshipp. They enquired after our shipping ; w ch the President said was gon to Croutoon. 3 They fear mucli our shipps; and therefore he would not haue them think it farr from us. Their wyrounce had a hatchet sent him. They wear well contented w th trifles. A little after this came a 8 He was the "chief ruler," or "emperor," of that part of the country. His principal residence, at this time, was at a place called Werowocomoco, " upon the north side of York River." — Stith, p. 53. " Some fourteen miles from Jamestown," says Smith, in his "Virginia," p. 34, where the reader will find a particular descrip- tion of this chief; and a more full one by Strachey, in his " Historie of Travaile in Virginia Britannia," pp. 48-50. 9 Perhaps the journal of Newport's Discoveries; Arehaeol. Amer., vol. iv. p. 40. It is not improbable that the Powhatan visited by Newport was a son of the emperor. — See Strachey, p. 56. Smith was with Newport at this time; and it is quite certain, from all the narratives, that the former first saw the Emperor Powhatan at Werowo- comoco, when brought before him as a prisoner, in December or January following. — See Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 14; True Relation. 1 Sic. 2 Probably Opechancanough, King of Pamaunkey, seated on the river of that name; the main part of which is now called York River. — See Smith's Virginia, Appendix, pp. 66, 67; True Relation; Stith, p. 53; Archmol. Amer., vol. iv. pp. 52, 53. 3 Croaton was an Indian town on the south part of Cape Lookout; the place to which it was supposed, the Colony, or the remnant of the Colony, left by Gov. White at Roanoke in 1587, had gone, and concerning whom all subsequent search had proved fruitless. 10 WJNGFIELD'S DISCOUBSE OF VIRGINIA. dear to tlio President from the Croat Powatan. IJo and his messingers wore pleased w th the like trifles. The President likewise bought diuers tymes dear of the Indyans ; beavers, and other flesh : w rh he alwayes caused to be equally deuided among the Collonye. About this tyme, diuers of our men fell sick. We myssed aboue fforty before September did see us; 4 amongsf whom was the worthy and religious gent. Captn. Bartholomew Gos- nold, 5 vpon whose liefs stood a grout part of the good succee and fortune of our gouernment and Collony. in his sicknes tyme, the President" did easily foretel his owne deposing from hiscomaund; so much differed the President and the other Councellors in mannaging the government of the Collonye. July. — The 7 th of July, Tapahanah, a wyroaunce, dweller on Salisbery 6 side, hayled us with the word of peace. The President, w th a shallopp well manned, went to him. He found him sytting on the ground crossed legged, as is theire cus- tom, w h one attending on him, w cb did often saie, " This is the wyroance Tapahanah ;" w ch he did likewise confirme w" 1 stroak- ing his brest. He was well enough knowne; for the Presi- 4 " About the 10th of September, there was about forty-six of our men dead." — True Relation. " From May to September, those that escaped Lived upon sturgeon and sea-crabs: fifty in this time we buried." — Studley, in Smith's Virginia, p. 10. 5 " The two and twentieth day of August, there died Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold, one of our Council. He was honorably buried; having all the ordnance in the fort shot off, with many volleys of small shot." — Percy, in Purchas, vol. iv. p. 1690. g " Coiacohanauke — which we commonly (though corruptly) call Tapahanock, and is the same which Capt. Smith, in his map, calls Quiyoughcohanock, on the south shore [of .lame- RiverJ, or Salisbury side " — was probably the residence "f this chief. — Strachey, p. 56. "Pophamside" was on the north shore. — See Archceol. Amer., vol. iv. pp. A'l. 57. WIXGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OP VIRGINIA. 17 dent had senc him diQse tymes before. His countynance was nothing cherefull ; for we liad not seen him since he was in the feild against vs : but the President would take no know- ledge thereof, and vsed him kindely ; giving him a red was- coat, w eh he did desire. Tapahanah did enquire after our shipping. He receyued answer as before. He said his ould store was spent ; that his new was not at full growth by a foote ; that, as soone as any was ripe, he would bring it ; w ch promise he truly pformed. The . . . 7 of . . . 7 M r Kendall was put of from being of the Counsell, and comitted to prison; for that it did manyfestly appeare he did practize to sowe discord betweene the President and Councell. 8 Sicknes had not now left us vj able men in our towne. God's onely mercy did now watch and warde for us : but the President hidd this our weaknes carefully from the sal- vages ; neuer suffring them, in all his tyme, to come into our towne. 9 ' Blanks in the original manuscript. 8 The first Council for the Colony, appointed in England, consisted of Edward Maria Wingfield, Bartholomew Gosnokl, Christopher Newport, John Smith, John Rait- cliffe, John Martin, George Kendall. — Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 3. Owing to suspicions entertained of Smith, lie was not sworn of the Council till June lo, — twelve days before the return of Newport for England. — Ibid., pp. 5, <3; ArchcedL Amer., vol. iv. j). 57. Kendall was deposed, probably, soon after the death of Gosnold. — See True Relation, and Percy as above. 9 Percy, one of the party, gives a sad picture of the sufferings endured by the colonists at this period. How striking a parallel is presented to the condition of the Pilgrims at Plymouth during the first winter and spring! He gives a list of the names of nineteen persons who died in August, and five who died in September. " Our men," he says, "were destroyed with cruel diseases — as swelling's, fluxes, burning 3 18 WJXGFIELP'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. Septem. — The vj th of September, Pasyaheigh sent vs a boy thai was run from vs. This was the first assurance of liis peace w th vs ; besides, wee found them no canyballs. 1 The boye obserucd the men & women to spend the most ])' of the night in singing or howling, and that euery morning the women carryed all the litle children to the river's sides ; but what they did there, he did not knowe. The rest of the wyroaunces doe likewise send our men runnagats to vs home againe, vsing them well during their being with them ; so as now, they being well rewarded at home at their retorne, they take litle ioye to trauell abroad w h out pasports. fevers — and by wars, and some departed suddenly; but, for the most part, they died of mere famine. There were never Englishmen left in a foreign country in such misery as we were in this new-discovered Virginia. We watched every three nights, lying on the bare, cold ground, what weather soever came; warded all the next day; which brought our men to be most feeble wretches. Our food was but a small can of barley, sod in water, to five men a day; our drinke, cold water taken out of the river, which was at a flood very salt, at a low tide full of slime and filth; which was the destruction of many of our men. Thus we lived, for the space of five months, in this miserable distress; not having live able men to man our bulwarks upon any occasion. If it had not pleased God to have put a terrour in the Savages' hearts, we had all perished by those wild and cruel Pagans, being in that weak state as we were; our men night ami day groaning in every corner of the fort, most pitiful to hear. If there were any conscience in men, it would make their hearts to bleed to hear the pitiful murmurings and outcries of our sick men, without relief, every night and day, for the space of six weeks; some departing out of the world, many times three or four in a night; in the morning, their bodies trailed out of their cabins, like dogs, to be buried. In this sort did I see the mortality of divers of our people." — Purchas, vol. iv. p. 1690. " The living were scarce able to bury the dead." — "As yet, we had no houses to cover us; our tents were rotten, and our cabins worse than nought. The President and Capt. Martin's sickness constrained me to be Cape Marchant, and yet to spare no pains in making houses for the company." — Smith's True Relation. 1 Smith believed that some of the Indians in the neighborhood of Jamestown were cannibals; anil he gives a strange relation in proof of it, in connection with an account of their yearly sacrifices. — Smith's Virginia, pp. 32, '•)■). WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 1!) The Councell demanded some larger allowance for them- selues, and for some sick, their fauorites ; w ch the President would not yeeld vnto, w th out their warrants. This matter was before ppounded by Captn. Martyn, 2 but so nakedly as that he neyther knew the quantity of the stoare to be but for xiij weekes and a half, under the Cap Merchaunt's 3 hand. He prayed them further to consider the long tyme before wee expected Captn. Newport's retorne ; the incer- tainty of his retorne, if God did not fauo r his voyage ; the long tyme before our haruest would bee ripe ; and the doubt- full peace that wee had w th the Indyans, w ch they would keepe no longer then oportunity served to doe vs mischeif. It was then therefore ordered that euery meale of fish or fleshe should excuse the allowance for poridg, both against the sick and hole. The Councell, therefore, sitting againe upon this proposition, instructed in the former reasons and order, did not thinke fit to break the former order by enlar- ging their allowance, as will appeare by the most voyces reddy to be shewed vnder their handes. Now was the comon store of oyle, vinigar, sack, & aquavite all spent, saueing twoe gallons of each : the sack reserued for the Comunion Table, the rest for such extreamityes as might fall upon us, w ch ~ Martin was one of the original Colonial Council. — Ante, p. 17, note 8. 3 His majesty's orders for the government of the Colonies provided for the appoint- ment of one person in each Colony to be " Treasurer, or Cape-merchant, of the same." — Stitk, p. 39. Thomas Studley was the first who filled that office in Virginia. Among the deaths this year in August, recorded by Percy, in Purchas, as above, is that of "Thomas Stoodie, Cape-merchant." This would seem to be no other than Studley: yet his name appears, in the Appendix to Smith's Virginia, as a narrator of events which took place after the above date. It is quite likely that the editor of these nar- ratives misapprehended, in some particulars, as to their authorship. 20 WIKGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. the President had onely made knowne to Captn. Gosnold; of w ch course he liked well. The vessells wear, therefore, boonged vpp. When M r Gosnold was dead, the President did acquaint the rest of the Counsell w ,h the said remnant: but, Lord, how they then longed for to supp up that little remnant ! for they had nowe emptied all their own bottles, and all other that they could smell out. A little while after this, the Councell did againe fall vpon the President for some better allowance for themselves, and some few the sick, their privates. The President ptested he would not be partial; but, if one had any thing of him, ouery man should have his portion according to their placs. Neuertheless, that, vpon their warrants, he would deliuer what pleased them to demand. Yf the President had at that tyme enlarged the pportion according to their request, whout doubt, in very short tyme, he had starued the whole company. He would not ioyne w th them, therefore, in such ignorant murder whout their own warrant. The President, well seeing to what end their ympacience would growe, desired them earnestly & often tymes to bestow the Presidcntshipp amonge themselues; that he would obey, a private man, as well as they could comand. But they re- fused to discharge him of the place ; sayeing they mought not doe it, for that hee did his Ma tie good service in yt. In this meane tyme, the Indians did daily relieue us w th corne and fleshe, that, in three weekes, the President had reared vpp xx men able to worke ; for, as his stoare increased, he mended the comon pott : he had laid vp, besides, prouision fur o weekes' wheate before hand. WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 21 By this tyme, the Councell had fully plotted to depose Wing-field, ther then President; and had drawne certeyne artycles in wrighting amongst themselues, and toke their oathes vpon the Evangelists to obserue them : th' effect whereof was, first, — To depose the then President; To make M r Ratcliffe 4 the next President ; Not to depose the one th' other ; Not to take the deposed President into Councell againe ; Not to take M r Archer into the Councell, or any other, w ,h out the consent of euery one of them. To theis they had subscribed ; as out of their owne mouthes, at seuerall tymes, it was easily gathered. Thus had they forsaken his Ma t8 gov- ernm 1 , sett vs downe in the instruccons, & made it a Trium- virat. It seemeth M r Archer was nothing acquainted w ,h theis artycles. Though all the rest crept out of his noats and comentaryes that were preferred against the President, yet it pleased God to cast him into the same disgrace and pitt that he prepared for another, as will appeare hereafter. Septem. — The 10 of September, M r Batcliff, M r Smyth, 5 and M r Martynn, came to the President's tennt with a warrant, 4 John Ratcliffe was captain of the pinnace on the voyage from England, and one o! the original Colonial Council. — See Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 3; ante, p. 17, note 8. He gave great dissatisfaction as President; which office he held one year, and was succeeded by Smith. He went to England soon after; but in May or June, 1609, set sail for Virginia as captain of one of the ships which accompanied Somcrs and Gates. He, with thirty or forty others, was slain by Powhatan in 1010.— See Smith's Virginia, Appendix, pp. 93, 105. Sinn lay, in Purchas, vol. iv. p. 1734. 5 Capt. John Smith, so famous in Virginia and New-England history. 22 WIXGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. subscribed vnder their handes, to depose the President ; saye- ing they thought him very unworthy to be eyther P e sident or of the Councell, and therefore discharged him of bothe. He answered them, that they had eased him of a great deale of care and trouble ; that, long since, hee had diuers tymes profered them the place at an easier rate; and, further, that the President ought to be remoued (as appeareth in his Ma ts instruccons for our government) by the greater number of xiij voyces, Councellors ; 6 that they were but three, 7 and therefore wished them to proceede advisedly. But they told him, if they did him wrong, they must answere it. Then said the deposed President, " I ame at your pleasure : dis- pose of me as you will, w ,h out further garboiles." I will now write what followeth in my owne name, and giue the new President his title. I shall be the briefer being thus discharged. I was comytted to a Serieant, and sent to the pynnasse ; but I was answered w th ; " If they did me wronge, they must answere it." The 11 th of September, I was sent for to come before the President and Councell vpon their Court daie. They had now made M r Archer, Recorder of Virginia. The President made a speeche to the Collony, that he thought it fitt to 6 The Charter of Virginia provided for a Colonial Council of thirteen; and his Majesty's instructions and orders authorized the major part of said Council, upon any just cause, to remove the President or any other of the Council. — Slilh, p. 37, and Ap- pendix, p. 3. There seems to have been a departure from this rule, at the first, in the appointment of only seven councillors. " Newport had sailed for England, Gosnold had died, Kendall had been deposed; and, setting aside Wingfield, there remained of the Council only the above-named three. WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 23 acquaint them whie I was deposed. I arae now forced to stuff my paper with frivolous trifles, that our graue and worthy Councell may the better strike those vaynes whore the corrupt blood lyeth, and that they may see in what manner of governm 1 the hope of the Collony now travayleth. Ffirst, Master President said that I had denyed him a penny whitle, 8 a chickyn, a spoonfull of beere, and serued him w th foule come ; and w th that pulled some graine out of a bagg, shewing it to the company. Then start up M r Smyth, and said that I had told him playnly how he lied ; and that I said, though we were equall heere, yet, if he were in England, he 9 would think scorne his man 1 should be my companyon. M r Martyn followed w th , " He reporteth that I doe slack the service in the Collonye, and doe nothing but tend my pott, spitt, and oven ; but he hath starued my sonne, and denyed him a spoonefull of beere. I haue freinds in England shal be revenged on him, if euer he come in London." I asked M r President if I should answere theis compP, and whether he had ought els to charge me w th all. W th that he pulled out a paper booke, loaded full w Ul artycles against me, and gaue them M r Archer to reade. I tould M r President and the Councell, that, by the instruc- cons for our governm 1 , our proceedings ought to be verball, 2 8 " Whittle," a small pocket-knife. 9 Probably it should read "/would think scorn," &c. 1 Name ? See p. 41, lines 27 and 2S. 2 "These judicial proceedings should be made summarily and verbally, till they come to the judgment, or sentence, which should be briefly registered in a book kept for that purpose," &c— See the king's instructions and orders in Slith, pp. 37-41. 24 wingfield's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. and I was there ready to answere; but they said they would proceede in that order. I desired a coppie of the articles, and tyme giuen me to answere them likewise by wrighting; but that would not be graunted. I badd them then please themselues. M r Archer then read some of the artycles ; when, on the suddaine, M r President said, " Staie, staie ! Wee know not whether he will abide our Judgment, or whether he will appoale to the King ; " sayeing to me, " How saie you : Will you appeale to the King, or no?" I apprehended presently that God's mercy had opened me a waie, through their igno- rance, to escape their malice ; for I never knew how I might demande an appeale : besides, I had secret knowledge how they had foreiudged me to paie hue fold for any thing that came to my handes, whereof I could not discharge myself by wrighting ; and that I should lie in prison vntil I had paid it. The Cape Marchant had deliured me our marchandize, w th out any noat of the perticularyties, vnder my hand ; for himself had receyued them in grosse. I likewise, as occation moued me, spent them in trade or by guift amongst the Indians. 80 likewise did Captn. Newport take of them, when he went up to discouer the King's river, what he thought good, w th out any noate of his hand mentioning the certainty ; and disposed of them as was fitt for him. Of these, likewise, I could make no accompt; onely I was well assured I had neuer bestowed the valewe of three penny whitles to my own vse, nor to the private vse of any other; for I never carry ed any fauorite over w th me, or intertayned any thear. I was all one and one to all. WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 25 Vpon theis consideracons, I answered M r President and the Councell, that His Mat ys handes were full of mercy, and that I did appeale to His Ma t9 mercy. They then comytted me prisoner againe to the master of y e pynnasse, w th theis words, " Looke to him well: he is now the King's prisoner." Then M r Archer pulled out of his bosome another paper book full of artycles against me, desiring that he might reade them in the name of the Collony. I said I stood there ready to answere any man's complaintt whome I had wronged ; but no one man spoke one word against me. Then was he willed to reade his booke, whereof I complayned ; but I was still answered, " If they doe me wrong, they must answer it." I have forgotten the most of the artycles, they were so slight (yet he glorieth much in his pennworke). I know well the last : and a speeche that he then made savoured well of a mu- tyny ; for he desired that by no means I might lye prysoner in the towne, least boath he and others of the Collony should not giue such obedience to their comaund as they ought to doe : which goodly speech of his they easilye swallowed. But it was vsuall and naturall to this honest gent,, M r Ar- cher, to be allwayes hatching of some mutany in my tyme. Hee might haue appeered an author of 3 seuerall mutynies. And hee (as M r Pearsie 3 sent me worde) had bought some 3 " This was the Honorable Mr. George Percy, of the ancient family of the Percys so renowned in story, and brother to the Earl of Northumberland. Neither did his actions here disgrace the nobility of his birth; for he justly obtained the reputation of a gentleman of great honor, courage, and industry. He seems to have come merely a volunteer upon the expedition, and bore no post or office of government." — Stith, p. 45. Percy subsequently became temporary Governor of the Colony, of which he wrote an interesting account from its commencement. The early portion was printed by Pur- chas, and is referred to above. 4. 26 WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. witnesses' handes against rne to diuers artycles, w ,h Indian cakes (w ch was noe great matter to doe after ray deposal, and considering their hungar), perswations, and threats. At an- other tyme, he feared not to saie openly, and in the presence of one of the Councell, that, if they had not deposed me when they did, he hadd gotten twenty others to himself w ch should haue deposed me. But this speech of his was likewise easily disiested. 4 M r Crofts 5 feared not to saie, that, if others would ioyne w th him, he would pull me out of my seate, and out of my skynn too. Others would saie (whose names I spare), that, vnless I would amend their allowance, they would be their owne caruers. For these mutinus speeches I rebuked them openly, and proceeded no further against them, considering thein of men's Hues in the King's service there. One of the Councell was very earnest w th me to take a guard aboute me. I answered him, I would no guard but God's love and my own innocencie. In all theis disorders was M r Archer a ring- leader. When M r President and M r Archer had made an end of their artycles aboue mentioned, I was again sent prisoner to the pynnasse ; and M r Kendall, take in ge from thence, had his liberty, but might not carry armes. All this while, the salvages brought to the towne such corn and fflesh as they could spare. Paspaheighe, by Tapa- hanne's mediation, was taken into freindshipp with vs. The 4 That is, digested. Disgest was a very common form, in early writers, of the word we spell digest. — See HalliwelFs "Archaic and Provincial Words." 5 Richard Crofts, who is classed among the " gentlemen " in the list of the first planters. — Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 7. WINGFIELD's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 27 Councillors, M r Smyth especially, traded vp and downe the river w th the Indyans for corne ; w ch releued the Collony well. 6 As I understand by a report, I am much charged w th staru- ing the Collony. I did alwaies giue eury man his allowance faithfully, both of corne, oyle, aquivite, &c, as was by the Counsell proportioned : neyther was it bettered after my tyme, untill, towards th' end of March, a bisket was allowed to euery workeing man for his breakefast, by means of the pulsion brought vs by Captn. Newport ; as will appeare here- after. It is further said, I did much banquit and ryot. I never had but one squirell roasted ; whereof I gave part to M r Ratcliff, then sick : yet was that squirell given me. I did never heate a flesh pott but when the comon pot was so used likewise. Yet how often M r President's and the Councellors' spitts haue night & daye bene endaungered to break their backes, — so laden w th swarms, geese, ducks, & c ! how many times their flesh potts haue swelled, many hungry eies did behold, to their great longing ; and what great theeues and theeving thear hath been in the comon stoare since my tyme, I doubt not but is already made knowne to his Ma ts Councell for Virginia. The 17 th daie of Septemb r , I was sent for to the Court to answere a complaint exhibited against me by Jehu Robinson ; 7 for that, when I was President, I did saie, hee w th others had 6 Smith appears to have been indefatigable in his efforts to serve the Colony at this time. An account of his various trading expeditions in search of corn will be found in the early tracts above cited. 7 John Robinson is classed among the "gentlemen," in the list just referred to. 28 WINGPIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. consented to run aware with the shallop to Newfoundland. At an other tyrne, I must answere M r Smyth for that I had said hee did conceal an intended mutany. I tould M r Re- corder, those words would beare no actions; that one of the causes was done w th out the lymits menconed in the Patent graunted to vs ; and therefore prayed M r President that I mought not be thus lugged with theis disgraces and troubles : but hee did weare no other eies or eares than grew on M r Archer's head. The jury gaue the one of them 100 H and the other two hundred pound damages for slaunder. Then M r Recorder did very learnedly comfort me, that, if I had wrong, I might bring my writ of error in London ; whereat I smiled. I, seeing their law so speedie and cheape, desired justice for a copper kettle w ch M r Crofte did deteyne from me. Hee said I had giuen it him. I did bid him bring his proofe for that. Hee confessed he had no proofe. Then M r President did aske me if I would be sworne I did not giue it him. I said I knew no cause whie to sweare for myne owne. He asked M r Crofts if hee would make oath I did give it him ; Av ch oathe he tooke, and wonn my kettle from me, that was in that place and tyme worth half his weight in gold. Yet I did understand afterwards that he would haue given John Capper the one half of the kettle to haue taken the oath for him; but hee would no copper on that price. I tould M r President I had not known the like lawe, and prayed they would be more sparing of law vntill wee had more witt or wealthe ; that lawes were good spies in a popu- lous, peaceable, and plentifull country, whear they did make wingfield's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 29 the good men better, & stayed the badd from being worse ; y* wee weare so poore as they did but rob us of tyme that might be better ymployed in service in the Collonye. The 7 . . . daie of 7 . . . the President did beat James Read, the Smyth. 8 The Smythe stroake him againe. For this he was condempned to be hanged ; but, before he was turned of the lather, he desired to speak with the President in pri- vate, to whome he accused M r Kendall of a mutiny, and so escaped himself. 9 What indictment M r Recorder framed against the Smyth, I knowe not ; but I knowe it is familiar for the President, Counsellors, and other officers, to beate men at their pleasures. One lyeth sick till death, another walketh lame, the third cryeth out of all his boanes ; w eh myseryes they doe take vpon their consciences to come to them by this their almes of beating. Wear this whipping, lawing, beat- ing, and hanging, in Virginia, knowne in England, I fear it would driue many well affected myndes from this hono blc action of Virginia. This Smyth comyng aboord the pynnasse w th some others, aboute some busines, 2 or 3 dayes before his arraignem', brought me comendacons from M r Pearsye, M r Waller, 1 M r Kendall, and some others, saieing they would be glad to see ' "> Blanks in the original manuscript. 8 "James Read, Blacksmith." — Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 8. 9 This account corresponds substantially with Smith in his True Relation, who says Kendall was tried by a jury. Studley, in Smith's Virginia (Appendix, p. 12), says that Kendall's crime had connection with a plot, formed in Smith's absence, to divert the course of the pinnace (which had been fitted up for a trading voyage), and "to go for England." i "John Waler" is in the list of " gentlemen." — Ibid., p. 7. 30 wingfield's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. me on shoare. I answered him, they were honest gent., and had canyed themselues very obediently to their goSnors. I prayed God that they did not think of any ill thing vnworthie themselues. I added further, that vpon Sundaie, if the weathiar were faire, I would be at the sermon. Lastly, I said that I was so sickly, starued, lame, and did lye so could and wett in the pj^nnasse, as I would be dragged thithere before I would goe thither any more. Sundaie proued not faire : I went not to the sermon. The 2 . . . daie of 2 . . ., M r Kendall was executed; being shott to death for a mutiny. In th' arrest of his judgm', he alleaged to M r President y' his name was Sicklemore, not Ratcliff; 3 & so had no authority to pnounce judgm*. Then M r Martyn pnounced judgm'. Somewhat before this tyme, the President and Councell had sent for the keyes of my coffers, supposing that I had some wrightings concerning the Collony. I requested that the Clearke of the Councell might see what they tooke out of my coffers ; but they would not suffer him or any other. Vnder cullor heereof, they took my books of accompt, and all my noates that concerned the expences of the Collony, and instructions vnder the Cape-Marchant's liande of the stoare of prouision, diuers other bookes tfc trifles of my owne proper goods, w ch I could neuer recover. Thus was I made good prize on all sides. 2 Blanks in the original manuscript. 3 " Ratcliffe, whose right name was Sickelmore." — Smi/li'* Virginia, Appendix, p. 93. His name appears in the second charter of Virginia as " Capt. John Sicklemore, alias Ratcliffe." — Slith, Appendix, p. 11. WINGFIELO'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 31 The 4 . . . claic of 4 . . ., the President comandecl me to come on shore ; w ch I refused, as not rightfully deposed, and desired that I mought speake to him and the Councell in the p°sence of 10 of the best sorte of the gent. W th much intreaty, some of them wear sent for. Then I tould them I was determined to goe into England to acquaint our Councell there w th our weaknes. I said further, their lawes and governm' was such as I had no ioye to liue under them any longer ; that I did much myslike their triumverat haueing forsaken his Ma ts instruccons for our government, and there- fore praied there might be more made of the Councell. I said further, I desired not to go into England, if eyther M r President or M r Archer would goe, but was willing to take my fortune w th the Collony ; and did also proffer to furnish them w th 100 H towards the fetching home the Collonye, if the action was given ouer. They did like of none of my proffers, but made diuers shott att mee in the pynnasse. I, seeing their resolucons, went ashoare to them ; whear, after I had staied a while in conference, they sent me to the pyn- nasse againe. Decern. — The 10 th of December, M r Smyth went vp the ryuer of the Chechohomynies 5 to trade for corne. He was desirous to see the heade of that riuer ; and, when it was not passible Av th the shallop, he hired a cannow and an Indian to carry him vp further. The river the higher grew worse and worse. Then hee went on shoare w th his guide, and left 4 Blanks in the original manuscript. 5 This river empties into the James River on the north side, a few miles above Jamestown. 32 WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. Robinson & Emmery, 6 twoe of our Men, in the cannow ; w ch were presently slayne by the Indians, Pamaonke's men, and lice himself taken prysoner, and. by the means of his guide, his lief was saved ; and Pamaonche, haueing him prisoner, carryed him to liis neybors wyroances to see if any of them knew him for one of those w ch had bene, some twoe or three yeeres before vs, in a river amongst them Northward, and taken awaie some Indians from them by force. At last he brought him to the great Powaton (of whome before wee had no knowledg), 7 who sent him home to our towne the viij"' of January. 8 6 John Robinson is in the list of "gentlemen," and " Tho. Emry" is in the list of "carpenters." — Sec Smith, as above. ' Sec p. 15. 8 It was while on this expedition, as we are told in one of the later publications of Smith, that his life, which was threatened by Powhatan, was saved by his daughter Pocahontas, just as he was about to suffer. The story is an interesting and romantic one. But the critical reader of the accounts of Smith's adventures in Virginia will be struck with the fact, that no mention whatever is made of this incident in his minute personal narrative covering this period, written at the time, on the spot, and published in 1G08; nor in the narrative of his companions, in the appendix to the tract of 1012; in neither of which is any attempt made to conceal his valiant exploits and hair-breadth escapes. In his "New England's Trials" (1022) is a brief incidental allusion, in an ambiguous form, to his having been "delivered" by Pocahontas, when taken pri- soner. But the current story first appears in the " Generall Historic," first pub- lished in 1024. This book is compiled chiefly from earlier publications of his own and others; and what relates to Virginia, for this early period, is taken for the most part from the tract of 1012; though there is an occasional variation in the text, and inci- dents related in the tract of 1008 are sometimes introduced. In the tract last named, written by Smith himself on the spot, it does not appear that he considered his life at all in danger while he was a guest or prisoner of Powhatan. The hazards which he had run when he was first surprised by the Indians, and while in the hands of the King of Pamaunkey — who took him prisoner after the slaughter of his only two companions — and of the Other minor chiefs, were ended. The whole bearing of the emperor towards him from the first, far from being hostile or even unfriendly, was in every respect kind and hospitable. The emperor, says Smith, "kindly received me. wingfield's discourse of vikginia. 33 During M r Smythe's absence, the President did sweat- M r Archer one of the Councell, contrary to his oath taken in the artycles agreed vpon betweene themselues (before spoken with good words, and great platters of sundry victuals: assuring me of his friendship, and my liberty in four days." A conversation then ensued between them, which evidently resulted in inspiring mutual confidence. The savage was curious to know what brought Smith into the country, and appeared satisfied with the answers he received, which were far from the truth. He informed Smith as to the extent of his dominions, the character of the neighboring tribes, &c; and his guest " requited his discourse" by "describing to him the territories of Europe which were subject to our great king, . . . the innumerable multitude of ships, . . . the terrible manner of fight- in»" under Capt. Newport, whose '-greatness he admired, and not a little feared. He desired me to forsake Paspahegh, and to live with him upon his river. . . . And thus having, with all the kindness he could devise, sought to content me, he sent me home with four men, — one that usually carried my gown and knapsack after me, two others loaded with bread, and one to accompany me." This simple story of Smith's interview with Powhatan, — here considerably abridged, — in which the name of the Indian child Pocahontas is not even mentioned, shows quite a different treatment from what is indicated in the following passage, subsequently interpolated in the most abrupt and awkward manner into the account in the " Generall Historic." After describing the statelv appearance of Powhatan in the midst of his courtiers and women, somewhat as in the former account, the latter narrative proceeds to say, that, on Smith's entrance before the king, the people gave a great shout. The Queen of Appamatuck was de- puted to bring him water to wash his hands; and another brought him a bunch of feathers, instead of a towel, to dry them. Then, "having feasted him after the best barbarous manner they could, a long consultation was held; but the conclusion was, two great stones were brought before Powhatan. Then as many as could laid hands on him, dragged him to them, and thereon laid his head; and, being ready with their clubs to beat out his brains, Pocahontas, the king's dearest daughter, when no entreaty could prevail, got her head in his arms, and laid her own upon his, to save him from death: whereat the emperor was contented he should live to make him hatchets; and her, bells, beads," &c. After some days, the emperor came to him, and told him they now were friends, and presently he should go to Jamestown; where, with twelve guides, he soon sent him. No one can doubt that the earlier narrative contains the truer statement, and that the passage last cited is one of the few or many embellishments with which Smith, with his strong love of the marvellous, was disposed to garnish the stories of his early adventures, and with which he or his editors were tempted to adorn particularly his later works. The name of Pocahontas, afterwards the " Lady Piebecca," had become 34 wingfield's discourse of vibginia. of), and contrary to the King's instruccons, and w th out Mr Martyn's consent; whereas there weare no more but the President and M r Martyn then of the Councell. somewhat famous in the annals of Virginia, since the time Smith knew her there at the age of thirteen or fourteen, when lie left the Colony for England. From her position, she had been the means of rendering the Colony some service. Through her, an influ- ence for good had been acquired over Powhatan. As the daughter of an emperor, — possessing, as is said, some personal attractions, and the first convert of her tribe to Christianity, — she had been, on her visit to England with her husband, John Rolfe, in 1016, an object of much curiosity and attention. The temptation, therefore, to bring her on the stage as a heroine in a new character in connection with Smith, always the hero of his chronicles, — and who, in his early adventures in the East, as he subse- quently claimed, had inspired the gentle Tragabigzanda with the tenderest emotions towards him, — appears to have been too great for him to withstand, and was not to be resisted by those interested in getting up the " Generall Historie;" and therefore, in reproducing the account of his imprisonment, this story — the substance of which Smith appears to have intimated to her majesty Queen Anne, in general terms, while the "Lady Rebecca" was in England ("Generall Historie," p. 121) — is introduced for the first time into the narrative of this portion of his adventures. It should be borne in mind, that Smith makes no claim to have been taken prisoner more than once by the Indians, during his residence of two years and a half in Vir- ginia. All his adventures during this period are related in detail, and there was but one occasion on which the service claimed to have been rendered by Pocahontas could have been performed. This marvellous story finds no proper place in any other adventure; and the introduction of it into the narrative in the " Generall Historie" is equivalent to setting aside the whole of the earlier account, so far as relates to the manner of his reception and his whole treatment by Powhatan, when brought before him a prisoner. In its connection with this subject, the passage in the text of Wingfield, at this place, becomes especially significant, as giving the main features of Smith's imprison- ment as they were understood at Jamestown at the time, and, of course, as told by Smith himself. According to this, as we have seen, his life was imperilled only at the time of his first falling into the hands of the Indians, — " Pamaunkey's men;" and he was saved by his Indian guide. The passage is silent as to Pocahontas; and the name of Powhatan is introduced only in connection with the fact, that, when Smith was brought before him a prisoner, he sent the captive home to Jamestown. To those familiar with Secretary Ilamor's rare tract on Virginia, published in 1615, which is largely devoted to Pocahontas, his silence will be deemed equally significant. WINGFIELD'S DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 35 M r Archer, being settled in his authority, sought how to call M r Smyth's lief in question, and had indited hirn vpon a chapter in Leuiticus for the death of his twoe men. 9 He had had his tryall the same daie of his retorne, and, I believe, his hanging the same or the next daie, so speedie is our lawe there. But it pleased God to send Captn. Newport vnto us the same evening, to o r vnspeakable comfort; whose arrivall snued M r Smyth's leif and mine, because hee took me out of the pynnasse, and gaue me leave to lye in the towne. Also by his comyng was p e vented a parliam', 1 w ch y e newe Counsailo r , M r Recorder, intended thear to summon. Thus error begot error. Captayne Newport, haueing landed, lodged, and refreshed his men, ymploied some of them about a faire stoare Without designing to impeach the general trustworthiness of Smith's original nar- rations, ami with no disposition to detract from the " Generall Historie " (a large part of which is compiled from writings of others) and the " True Travels," to the extent implied in Burk's designation of the former as an "epic history or romance" (see Burk's History of Virginia, preface), it must be admitted that the tendency to exagge- ration and over-statement in these later publications is evident. Referring to what has already been said, it would be curious to trace other variations in the two accounts of Smith's imprisonment especially referred to, — in the "True Relation" and. in the " Generall Historie." But this note is already too much extended. An admirable ana- lysis of Smith's " Generall History " and " True Travels" maybe found in Palfrey's History of New England, vol. i. pp. 89-93. 9 " Some, no better than they should be, had plotted with the President, the next day, to have put him to death by the Levitical law, for the lives of Robinson and Emry; pretending the fault was his," &c. — Smith's Generall Historie, p. 49. Smith, probably, was to be tried by the spirit of the law laid down in Lev. xxiv. 19-21. 1 If, by a parliament, is here intended the whole body of colonists or their repre- sentatives, it is certain that no authority for summoning such an assembly was vested in the Council or Colony. — Stith, pp. 37-41. 3G WINGFIELD's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. house, others about a stove, and his maryners aboute a church: 2 all w ch workes they finished cherefully and in short tyme. January. — The 7 of January, 3 our towne was almost quite - The narrative, in the Appendix to Smith, complains that the mariners spent much time hunting for gold; kept the ship long in the country (fourteen weeks), consuming their food, "that the mariners might say they built such ;t golden church, that we can say the rain washed to near nothing in fourteen days." Smith thus describes " what churches we had, order of service," &c, when he first went to Virginia: "When I went first to Virginia, I well remember, we did hang an awning (which is an old sail) to three or four trees to shadow us from the sun. Our walls were rails of wood; our seats, unhewed trees, till we cut planks; our pulpit, a bar of wood nailed to two neighbouring trees. In foul weather, we shifted into an old rotten tent, for we had few better; and tlii< came by the way of adventure for new. This was our church, till we built a homely thing like a barn, set upon cratchets, covered with rafts, sedge, and earth; so was also the walls: the best of our houses of the like curiosity, but the most part far much worse workmanship, that could neither well defend wind nor rain. Yet we had daily Common Prayer morning and evening, every Sunday two sermons, and every three months the holy Communion, till our minister [Mr. Hunt, the date of whose death is uncertain] died; but our Prayers daily, with an Homily on Sundays, we continued two or three years after, till more preachers came. And surely God did most mercifully hear us, till the continual inundations of mistaking directions, factions, and numbers of unprovided Libertines, near consumed us all, as the Israelites in the wilderness." — Smith's "Advertisements," &c, London, 1631, pp. 32, 33. 3 According to the dates in the text, this fire took place the day before the arrival of Newport; but Smith says, "Within five or six days after the arrival of the ship, by a mischance our Fort was burned, and the most of our apparel, lodging, and private provision. Many of our old men diseased; and [many] of our new, for want of lodging, perished." — True Relation. The inference from the account in the Appendix to Smith's Virginia is clear, that Newport had arrived some time before the fire took place. If the ship remained at Jamestown " fourteen weeks," as is stated in the tract last named, — sailing for England, April 10, — it would show that she arrived some days earlier than the date given in the text. Smith and Wingfield agree as to the arrival of Newport on the evening of the day of the former's return from his captivity among the Indians. wingfield's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. 37 burnt, 4 with all our apparell and prouision ; 5 but Captn. New- port healed our wants, to our great comforts, out of the great plenty sent vs by the prouident and loving care of our wor- thie and most worthie Councell. This vigilant Caj)tayne, slacking no oportunity that might advaunce the prosperity of the Collony, haueing setled the company vppon the former workes, took M r Smyth and M r Scrivenor (another Councellor of Virginia, vpon whose dis- cretion liveth a great hope of the action), went to discouer the River Pamaonche, on the further side whearof dwelleth the Great Powaton, and to trade w th him for corne. This River lieth North from vs, and runneth East and West. I haue < " The houses first raised were all burnt, by a casualty of fire, the beginning of the second year of their seat, and in the second voyage of Capt. Newport; which since have been better rebuilded, though as yet in no great uniformity either for the fashion or beaut}' of the street. A delicate-wrought, fine kind of mat the Indians make, with which (as they can be trucked for or snatched up) our people do dress their chambers and inward rooms; which make their houses so much the more handsome. The houses have wide and large country chimneys, in the which is to be supposed (in such plenty of wood) what fires are maintained : and they have found the way to cover their houses now (as the Indians) with the barks of trees, as durable, and as good proof against storms and winter weather, as the best tyle; defending likewise the piercino- sunbeams of summer, and keeping the inner lodgings cool enough, which before, in sultry weather, would be like stoves, whilst they were, as at first, pargetted and plastered with bitumen or tough clay. And, thus armed for the injury of changing times and seasons of the year, we hold ourselves well apaid, though wanting arras hangings, tapestry, and gilded Venetian cordovan, or more spruce household garniture and wanton city ornaments." — Strachey, in Purchas, vol. iv. p. 1753. 5 " Good Mr. Hunt, our preacher, lost all his library, and all that he had but the clothes on his back; yet none ever saw him repine. This happened in the winter of that extreme frost, 1607." — Smith's Virginia, Appendix, p. 20. 6 Matthew Scrivener, one of the second supply with Newport. He, with ten others was drowned in a skill", within a year from this time. — Ibid., p. 71. 38 wixgfield's DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA. nothing but by relation of that matter, and therefore dare not make any discourse thereof, lest I mought wrong the great desart w ch Captn. Newport's loue to the action hath deserued ; espially himself being present, and best able to giue satisfaction thereof. I will hasten, therefore, to his retorne. March. — The 9 th of March, he retorned to James Towne w th his pynnasse well loaden w th corne, wheat, Jbeanes, and pease, to our great comfort ' 'iMiliJi «? 'i'iIiM' ' WiV,< iW't! M'! 1 !' 'i 1 !' 'i!"!'!'!' 'I'l'iiit"!' 'I 1 'i' ' iiS!'!'! 1 '{' 'i!i!i!'!'!' 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