c .ti 3RODie UdL Ice T^rlc SalenvN.H LiBHARYof C0;vG«ES5 Twn Cooips Received , Cop>ni£lil Entry _ Canobie ILakt ^arfe GANOBIE LAKE PARK comprises fifty acres of land and forest, having Its frontage on Canobie Lake, and is easily reached by trolley, from all points in New England The Park is located in the town of Salem, N . H., forty-five minutes' ride from the cities of Lowell, Haverhill, and Nashua, and thirty minutes' ride from the city of Lawrence. Its great natural beauties have been utilized to the best advantage, and it is doubtful if any inland amusement resort in New England affords greater opportunity for rest and quiet for the old, and healthy amusement for the young. The attractions are in a complete state and afford a combination of amusements that is found in but few parks in the country. Among the many features are: the Mammoth Roller-coaster, one quarter mile in length; the Merry-go-round, with a fine orches- trion; the Incline Slide, free to all children; the enclosed Deer Park, with fine herd of Deer; the Shooting Gallery; the Circle Swing; the Penny Arcade; the Dancing Pavilion; the Restaurant, which has a seating capacity of six hundred persons; the Ice Cream Pavilion, built out into the lake; Lunch Room and refreshment booths; the Electric Fountain; the Photograph Gallery; the Boat House, equipped with boats and canoes, and Power Launches which make regular trips around the Lake; the Regulation Bowling Alleys, nine in number, equal in equipment to those in the large cities; and the Rustic Theatre where two performances are given every day during the season. The Park includes a large, enclosed Athletic Field, for out-door sports of all kinds, equipped with dressing rooms and two grand- stands of large seating capacity. Inside the enclosure is a large shelter tent containing tables and chairs ready for use when wanted. Besides this Field, the grounds include a number of large groves, any one of which may be set apart for the exclusive use of private parties. The management caters especially to Societies, Churches, and Organizations, to whom special inducements are offered. A competent force of police keep the Park free from objectionable characters; no intoxicating liquors are sold; women and children may come unattended and be assured of protection from annoyance. General Offices ^o Met* nnack Slreet Haverhill, Maaachusetts Copyrighted . igog, by The SporrcU Pnnl, Boston, US. A. THE THEATRE ENTRANCE CHILDREN S DAY IN TUE I'UEATUE ONE OF THE PICNIC GROVES RUSTIC PERCH WESI PKOMENADE KLIAl 1;1C FOUNTAIN ENTRANCE TO GROVE NEAR ATHLETIC GROUNDS This grove will easily accomraoJale une ihous-inj people UM- UF THE FINEST BOWLING ALLEYS IN NEW ENGLAND ANOTHER PICNIC GKOVE AND PAN'ILION CANOBIE LAKE HOTEL FKOM THE LAKE FLUME ROAD — ^LEADING TO CANOBIE LAKE HOTEL SHOOTING GALLERY PENNY AKCADE MERRY-GO-ROUND HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CHILDREN CIRCLE SWING THE DANCINO PAVILION WEST PROMENADE w^ BUILDING CONTAINING BOWLING ALLEYS PROMENADE ON SHORE OF THE LAKE women's cottage MATRON IN ATTENDANCE PICNIC GROVE AND PAVILION ENTRANCE TO MAMMOTH ROLLER-COASTER LAKE SCENE LARGE RESTAURANT SEATING CAPACITY SIX HUNDRED EAST PROMENADE THE BOATHOUSE FROM THE LAKE ANOTHER PICNIC GROVE AMUSEMENT BUILDING PROMENADE ON SHORE OF THE LAKE SODA AND REFRESHMENT BOOTH ONE OF THE BEAUTIFUL GROVES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 065 157 6 %