<14 - PROMINENT TEN? SSEAN SKETCHES PROMINENT TENNESSEANS CONTAINING BIOGRAPHIES AND RECORDS OF MANY OF THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE ATTAINED PROMINENCE IN TENNESSEE. COMPILED ANT) EDITED BY HON. WILLIAM S. SPEER. NASHVILLE &\?>S Entered according i! t w in the office of the Librarian ■ i Washington. INDEX TO SKETCHES. aJ A \n,li i h Mottley, M.D uh Rhea Willi) d T., D.D.S ... Atkins, Hon. J. I). C Ill B ■ ..■'. . Prof. \. I', i L.D \.M., D.D. Bate, ' R ; iV.G., M.D .:!-, M. D Blankenship, John P., M.D 1 .. M.D adford H . M A.M.. M.D William T.. MD ' W Bro« n, Col. A. J Brown, Hon. John Weslej .. . Hon. Neill S . P, W vmlri'W H h.i R., M.D Stanford G Burns, Hon. Michai 1 Burma, Hon. Fletcher K.... Butler, Hon. c Callender, John Hill, M.D pbell, Gen. Alexander W ... i !lapp, Hon. I. W Col. Moses II t bldwell, Judgi i il n. William [on, William I ' 286 257 90 152 216 190 131 7 158 40 14 12 :ili, M I I. . D KM., M.D Deaderick, Hon 5 tt, Hon. W 192 Kick. M.D 182 Dodd, Rev. rhomas .).. D.D.. 141 E Hon. Edward II lames...... 150 99 t, Hon. William V . . . . . 120 ■■ ; ' 153 ord M ... n, \ M . M.D. Ew iug, Hon. Edwin Hickm V Faio, u.' , nan, Ion. Thomas -I ..... Frierson Hon. 8 imuel !' •■■ ies 17 ell, jion. John 170 Fulkers Hon F. M 246 G rge 100 GalJa i n. E I rxn M.. 1 I D II I I H I ; • I 1 II. II. ' ,1 I 112 K i - '- loin Arthui I. ' l.iirki J • I [on. Hem . J . M Hon. Willi [., M.D MeD Willi;!,. 1-28 irlnnd, Hoi McMi I., M.D \i, v M,l- \ . 175 ■ M , M.D M i> 3 1 B., M. I 1 . w II M 1> • ell, K. W . M.D H . I . Hon. Willia, i; • Muse, 11. N u. Rufns I ! \ 1 > I-". X mi I, Williar Overton, Hun. John, jr P , Paim H id I Josiab - Pettibone, Hon. Augu Phillips, Be\ J. W., M D .., 161 Fitman, John, Ml' romee D., M.D Porter, I [on. James 1 1 Q Quai li ludgi [ames M . ... R Rainbaut, Maj. Gilberl V Randolph, Hon. William M 113 ; . Nick D., M D \i.X> ,...l> J'Rod n E..... s ,rd, .Tames M.rrill, A..M . Ml'.. !' ! D .. I ol. William Saun i D., M.I' 'I' r, Hon. D. W C . I i an, M.A., D.D . William C, D.D.S T irles Brysi Smitl ... Smith, . I„ In, IV. M.D th, Hon. William M Q. W [on. William B Stark 1 I.William I' Temple, Hon. Oliver P . Ili:i ' ; 241 Thuri Tinm > 505 •• Turm njamin W., M D V 264 w . Wats . Wild hn'J Willi Williamson, H ■ W<« i :>; 1 N DEX TO PORTRAITS \ i II. i 11, -s PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. GEN. WILLIAM (J. HARDING. \ i -uyii.i.i:. C^ EN. \\\ I.I.I \M G. HAKDING, the eminent j agriculturist and breeder of thoroughbr ■ i i epl imber 1">. 1808, in a log cabin, still stand- on his presenl celebrated and magnificent Belle Meade six miles From the city of Nashville. ■ , w up "M i bat place when the Indians « i ful in its neighborhood, and it has been his I since, except during the six j 1 planting on his Stone's river Farm. Said he, " I am to tlir manner born," and alluding to his birthplai 1 abii man. \ nd ic is a splendid illustrat ion of the vi 1 of thi • • as a factor of success He is 01 1 the few 1 personal records appear in this volume, who an yhere thej were born, and such men areas a rule, eminent examples of -urn-.- in life. 1 ., 1 I larding was 1 Id schools until he was Fourteen years old, when he went to the Cumberland College (predecessor of the Univcrs Nashville), under Prof. Philip Lindsley, and studied t\> 1 displaying the char 1 w hich foreshadowed his manhood, resolution. He then said to his Father, " I want to go off in search of an educa- tion, for I 1 one here, surrounded, as I am, by c chums, h ho do not -1 udj and will not perm udy." His Father, immersed in a largi could give neither time nor thought to his sou a req and not compreh -inline « h,\ he could no 1 ion nearer homi rjiluctanl !.\ j ielded to Ins req 1 ini funds, and told him to go to anj school he ect. lie \ isited 1 tie, II in trd, and Prince ton, inspecting their met I d at last Fo system, order and studiousness which hi the American Military Academy, at Middletown, Con neetieiit. tinder Capt. \hleii Partridge, then having two hundred and fifty students. He had no acquaint- ances there, and did nol want to find any. The ab id' acquaintances was to his liking, for those he w to form slowly and with proper care. Lfti c Fouj he graduated with the highest honors, h attained the first position in the I He to tl gratified >n of his father and mother, bringing with him as his guest old Capt. Partridge, this ; Inter- first visit to any of the ifter their ai j paid a visit to the Nero of the Hermitage," a man whom Capt. Parti d in man; Andrew .1. Donelson, the pri ta f Pi idenf Jack- son, w West Point when Capt. Pari i ■ was superintendent, prioi to his organizing the Military Academy at M idd ; of instruction at this institution combining, as it did, thi terns and ai methods of military ed with lit icrsed with the thoroughly practical, and consisted of marches over New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland, laying "lit roads ineering plans • anad locks, buildi 1 teducts, etc., and was of im- advantage to the n ho, at the age of sixteen, had the audacity tn inspect for himseli merit lucational insti- tutions of the country. In attendance at the military ai pith \ a Harding were ex Gov. Hai 1 3ej moui ...... Horati urbide, sou oftbe I [oxico 1 ol. M. H. Sandford, ofNew iTork; ex-Gov. Hoge, of North Carolina, and many equally distinguished in the military and of tl tion Th nation - apt. Partridge s own ham ug words: • l be uinicnd ffm. G. Harding as a scholar, a gentleman and a soldier. At the age of twenty Gen. Harding married Miss Selene McNairy, the history of whose family is else- where given, and 1 ! life on a tract of six hundi md with forty live dollars in money. Then close I'KOMINENT Tl I VNS applii methods wliieli I and In him a r:mk uni men in the ' licniaini patrimonial inheritance on ■ until 1830, hi ion of the hundi >l land nnd ■ hui II the i" his plantation, and adding adjoinii hi for ill Hi' « his fathci in had I" purchasin slaves to the i would Mn i in n cotl ■ kepi his slaves nuclei' his immediate suju ncrally thought to bi n ethod of working slave labor, but by him d the more humane. During the civil war his slavi faithful i" him, and a goodly numbi with him at tlii> wi iting, 1 1 kness and fill commentary upon the grasping, sordid times in which we live. This - I ml natural, when ' hi> life. II up ill man and man ■was almost universal, thi uired ; when good and neighborly feeling was the rule; when i neighbor to shuck his corn, roll dear bin; when the iucar- hvillc ii ripple i he public mind, ami when honesty and fair dealing were tin with He attaii fifty yi i . he belie\ ed thci iu the world who would l""k him in the Rice and tell him a man, illustrative h rather I .1 in him. All ien. Hard- PROMT NEN T T E N N ESS R A N S 3 in:;'* character by one fully competent to speak, will recognize it as a true picture of a, truly aoble Tennes- sean. Such iutegrity of life could not help producing like effecl on those surrounding him. During the war his negroes buried a barrel of solid silverware that had been awarded him at fairs as premiums, and when the danger was over unearthed the treasure and brought it home, every piece of it. Gen. Harding has lived as he was born, a "dyed in the wool" Dei sral of the Old Hickory school. When Tcnih i ded he was appointed a member of the State Military Board, which expended five million dol- lars in the equipment of the Tennessee soldiery of all arms for the Confederate service. He had i hei connection with the war, having been taken prisoner in April. 1862, and rel< ased on his parole of honor, which he observed most sacredly until the end of the war. His title came from bein d brigadier-general of militia, about I Though a leading t urfman forty years or more, enjoying the confidence, • steem and high regard of every man of his acquaintance who ever dealt, in thoroughbred horses, yet he has been absolutely Free from any of the attendant upon the race course. He lias never wa race, but has at all times taken a broad view of the high and important mission of the thor- oughbred horse, which is to improve all of the equine race; and believes that hi,- chief mission is not, as in ...... contl ibute to the amusement and pleasure of the public on tie rac. course, but sub- Scribing to the idea that without tin- t licit. F the world would ne\ i r have known those distinguished d< 'in of human character in all its phases, SO without the .' course — the theater of action and competition of the thoroughbred horse — the intelligent breeders of this animal would never have discovered the most valuable strains of blood to propagate. Gen. Harding has also been an advanced thinker as an agriculturist, keeping pace with the latest improve- ments in farming machinery and the most valuable modes tin- the recuperation and culture el' tlie soil. Occupying through life prominent positions in the different bureaus of agriculture of the State, he has at all times taken an .olive interest, in all measures tending to build up Tennessee. He was the first fa who ever shipped grain from Tennessee to the Ch ton market; the first to ship a load of hay to New Orleans; the first to Buggest the idea of building ile Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, opposing bin penditure of our money fur the building of roads lead- ing North, believing that we should connect with our natural markets of the South, and lei the North e spend her own money in reaching our sout&ern connections. ten Harding's lather was John Harding, a nativi • I Virginia, who came to Tennessee in 1805, with his father's family, consisting of two daughters (Sallie, who married a Mr. Page, am! Patsey. who married Matthew Johnson), and four sons, besides himself, Giles, William, Thomas, and David Morris, who all ee excellent farmer-, and were a hard) pii who did the first (faring in their respective localities, and were noted for their hospitality and fondness for field sports. They '-.ere all men of the strictest integrity, truth-tellers, and fair in their deal- ings, hut linn iii contending lor their rights. John Harding married in Davidson county. Novem her. 1806, Miss Susannah Shutc, daughter of .John S 1 1 nt.'. a farmer from the vicinity of Carlisle. Pennsyl- vania, and of German extraction. To this marriage were hum Amanda (win. married frank McGavOck), William Giles (subject of this sketch), and Elizabeth (who married Joseph Clay). Gen. Harding's father died in September, 1st;,"), at the age of 87; his mother died September 1-. 1845, at the age of 60. Prom a brief biographical sketch of John Harding in the His- tory of Davidson County, it appears that he wa- a warm friend of education, a member of the Christian Church, a prosperous farmer and stock raiser, a large land and slaveholder, and a man of energy, industry and \er-a- tility ..f talent.-. He purchased the Belle Meade place and built the log cabin in which his distinguished son. the subject of this sketch, was horn. No man in this country ever made fur himself so high a Reputation as a hard and constant worker Gen. Harding relates of his father that he was the only man. as the imported "Priam" was the only horse, whom he n saw resting, alternately, mi either leg. No one ever saw him in any positi I standing erect or sitting erect * hi this remark being repeated to the file veu- erahle Dr. W. K. Bowling, he quietly replied: "G n Harding might have said he never saw his father stand- ing on one foot or two, tor he wa- always going.'' lie a rocking chair or lounge up to the age of seventy. He was a tall man, six feet high, and of very gentle presence, mild in expression, careful of speech, never going above the mark in assertion. 1 1 i> motto was, " If you had tried a little harder, don', you think ould have got a little further?" He was possessed of indomitable will, and had an iron c institution, \t the age of seventy, at one end of a crosscut saw and the best negro man of two hundred and fifty pounds that he owned at the other, he would go through the toughest tree of H\e feel in diameter without stopping to blow. \ the age of seventy, having cleared up farms in Tennessee and one in Louisiana, he pro- ceeded to Arkansas w ith eight hands, and at that ad d age, chared anil put in successful i p. ration a magnificent cotton plantation, near Plum Point fiend. which he gave to his grandson, John McGavock, and for which he was offered and refused one hundred and fifty nid dollars in gold. In I860 In 1 to ille, ami lived in his city home, bewildered in his old age l..\ the war. lie could never he made to Mod lew people i Id take thin-- which did PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. not belong to them. Il< to the Christian < 'hurch, of ivh mem- ber, and Poi n. i i. \ ara w: its prominent support. Ilia name, wherever known, was the synonym of honor able and upright conduct. Such was John Harding, a factor in the earl) development of Middle Tenm and of more than our of ii- ndustries. He left hi- sturdy, vigorous lity impressed upon memories of thousands of his survivors, and is therefore a Tei i haraeter, more im Hit than hundreds of noisy politicians, his raries, who died and left neither sign nor name. The mother of Gen. Harding was likewise n person of strong el r, a lady of marked individuality, exceptionally kind and ■•. and of proverbial candor. 1( is reported of her that .-he would not. out nn.il courtesy, invite any one to visit her whom she did not want ; it was her devotion to truth, rt is e; ' of the old family back of ( !en. Hari ned in him a character which is but a reproduction of their Gen. Harding first married in Xashville, November 17. 1S20, .Miss Selene McNairy, daughter of Nathaniel McNairy, and niece of Dr. Boyd McNairy and Judge John McNairy, of a prominent North Carolina family • The count) of McNairy in Teni was named for Judge McNairy. Mrs. Harding's sister, Amanda, is now the widow of James Porter, a mer chant of prominence at Nashville, and is a lady re- markable as a business woman and manager of finance. Her youngest sister, Kittie, married John Kirkman, now president of the American National Bank ol Nashville. Her mother was Catharine Hbbson, of a Virginia family, sister of Nicholas Hobson, noti his sterling integrity and suci banker; a man who enjo) ed t lie unlimited of the i om munity; a man of simplicit) of character, truthfulness, and kindness of heart. Mrs. Harding ated at the old Nashville Female Ai rid was a lady id' domestic and • I habits, and a member of the Christian Church. She died in 1836, at the i twenty-four, having borne two children : (1). John, a graduate of the North Carolina University Hill; married first Miss Sophia Merritt, daughter of Embry Merritt. of I. lie. Virginia. She irs after marriage, leaving one child, Sophia Harding, now the wife of Granville S. Job i ami mothe! of two children. William Harding and Morgiana John Harding next married Mrs. Philip Owen, ne< Margaret Murphy, of Mississippi, who bore him three ehil ' lenc McNairy, William Giles, ■el John Selene McNairy Harding is now thi of Prof Charles P. Curd, of Washington University, St. Louis, author of several educational text-books, and a brilliant man oi iromisi They have one child. Ilayden T. William Giles married Mi-^ Bessie Caruthers, of N usl ville. (2) Nathaniel Mc- Nairy, t ten. Harding's second son, died at the age of ten years, his death being caused by a fall from a horse. Gen. Harding's second marriage, which occurred at Franklin, Tennessee. January 2, 1840, was with Miss Elizabeth Irwin McGavock, daughter of Randal Mc ck, a large landowner and farmer of Williamson county, and a large holder of city property in Nashville, ami the first county clerk of Davidson counts. The McGavocks are of Scotch-Irish descent, and are numer- ous in Williamson and Davidson counties, and in Vir- ginia. Her youngest brother, Col. John McGavock, one of the most prominent citizens of Williamson, is a highly educate, I i in i,.;u in. thoroughly posted in the careers of the public men and measures of the government, and hi n the private secretary of Hon. Felix < I rinelv while at Washington, he is regarded as a typical gentleman of the school of those days. Her mother's sister was the wife of Felix Grundy, and was the lady to whom Washington society deferred in all matters of etiquette and court manners. Mrs. Harding's lirother. .lames I!. McGavock, was a line fanner in Wil- liamson county, possessed of a m ile ;enerous heart, given to large charity and overflowing hospitality: of great sympathy for the struggling masses, the soul of honor, and a general favorite and standard man in hi- county. He married his first cousin. Miss Louisa Missouri, a lady of sterling qualities, .similar to those of her husband, :, t'd their sons and daughters are notable likewise for their RbcraHty ami hospitality. Mary Cloyd McGavock, Mrs. Harding's sister, mar; icil .1. .). I!. Southall, a nephew of Gov. Branch, of Florida, and lived in princely style at their Etosi nioiii." three miles from Nashville. Her striking characteristics were a strong will-power, a very highly cultivated intellect, and the highest order of Christian virtues. She gave her only son. Randal McGavock Southall, to the Confederacy, saying, "My son. you ai'- all I have to give to the Southern cause." and placing her hand on his head, added, " Go, with my blessing.'' Mrs. Harding's mother was Miss Sarah Dougherty Rogers, daughter of John Rogers and Mar M. Dougherty. Her father was a descendant ol' John Rogers, the Protestant martyr. By his marriagi with Miss McGavock, Gen. Harding has two children: i 1 ). Selene, bom April .">, 1846, at Belle Meade, where her father and her own children were horn. She was educated at the Nashville 1' Academy under Rev. C. D, Elliott until the war broke out. when she was .-.ail to Philadelphia, where she 1 a \ear in .Madame Ma se's private French il, She married December 15, 1868, Gen. William II, Jackson, a planter of West Tennessee, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume, and has three eh.il- Kunice, William Harding and Selene Harding. (2). Mary Elizabeth, born February 5, 1850, at Belle Meade, educated at Nashville, under Rev. Philip Fall ; married Judge Howell E. Jackson, present United PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. States Senator from Tennessee, and has three children, . Louise, and Harding Alexander. Si Jackson's sketch elsewhen in this volume. Thus surrounded by his children and his grand- children, and living upon the goodly inheritance bhed him by his father, Gen. Harding lias wisely made himself his own executor, and disposed of his among his heirs to theii passing the evening of his life in happiness un- alloyed, undisturbed by the cares of business or distress of mind caused by the bad conducl of any of his descendants, and is free from the petulance ami little - and weaknesses so often attendant upon old age. His i dually passing out smoothly, serenely and quietly, with (lie consciousness of years well and without a wrong inflicted on his fellow- man. (Jen. Harding professed relig the preaching uf Rev, Sam. Jones, in May, 1885, and immediately thereafter connected himself with (he Christian church in Nashville, being received into the same by Rev. 1!. Linn Cave, its paster. BON. JAMES W. DEADERICK. iBOROVGB. THE present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tennessee was born in Jonesborough, Wash- a county, on the 25th of November, 1812. lie is the youngest child of David Deaderick, a native of Winchester, Virginia, who died in 1823, at tie of sixty-five. Judge Deaderick's father was a soldier of the Revolution, and paymaster of a Virginia ment which served in that war. He moved to Jones- borough al hi early day after the close of the war for independ and was president of tin- branch of the first hank of the State of Tennessee located in that town, lie also at one time represented Washil county in the General Assembly of the State. He was a warm personal friend of Gi I son, who, when Circuit Judge in East Tennessee, made his home at Mr. Deaderick's house. He was one of the most intel- ligent men of his day. hut was chiefly noted for his unswerving integrity in all the relations of life. So marked was this characteristic that no higher praise could he bestowed upon a person than " He is as honest a man as David Deaderick," and this saying as to him passed into a proverb throughout the region in width he lived. During most of his life he was en in mercantile pursuits, and a common saying among his patrons was : " We can get as much for our money from him by sending a child as by going ourselves." He was possessed of a vast fund of information, was verj fond of reading, and made it a point to give all his children the benefit of the best scl Is accessible in those earlj days. Judge Deaderick's paternal grandfather and grand- mother were Germans, who settled in Winchester, Vir- ginia. They retained the German form of the family Deitrich — master-key — which has beer into Deaderick by their descendants. Besides the father of Judge Deaderick, this worthy couple had other children, one of whom. Michael Deaderick, set- tled in Nashville at an early day, as a merchant, and was also president of the old State Hank of Tennessee ihout 1810. Deaderick street in Nashville was so called in his honor. Another son, Thomas Deaderick. was also among the earlj settlers of Nashville and one of the pioneer merchants of thai i ity, as was a younger brother, John Deaderick. who was engaged in bush with his brothers, but who died quite young. Judge Deaderick's only paternal aunt was the wife of David Murrell, ol i. nchburg Virginia. Of her children, one is a physician of that city, one a tobacco merchant, and another, John Murrell. was at one time a million- aire cotton merchant in New ( hleans. The mother of Judge Deaderick, Margaret Anderson, was a native of Delaware, daughter of a Mr. Anderson of a German family. She had ^rx brothers in the Revolutionary army, all of whom were officers. Her oldest brother, Joseph Anderson, was the first United Slates Senator from '1 one ot the first federal judges in the Slate, lie was for main years, and up to a short time before his death. Comptroller of the Treasury at Washington, where he died. Another brother, William Anderson > I Congtt man from the State of Dela- ware, [nslee Anderson, another of the brothers, was killed in one of the battles of the Revolution. Dr. Thomas Anderson, of Tullahoma, Tennessee, is a son of Judge Joseph Anderson, mentioned above. Judge Deaderick's maternal grandmother was an Inslee. His mother died al Jonesborough in 1856, at the advanced age of eighty five. She was a lady of Hue literary tastes, of extensive reading, and possessed a remarkable of information upon a great variety of subjects. She was by nature kind, affectionate and generous, and a working member of the Presbyterian church. It was truthfully said of her, ' : No better woman ever lived than -1m In his youth Judge Deaderick enjoyed excellent educational advai a After a course of primary training at home, he entered Hast Tennessee Coif G PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. Knoxville (now the University of Tennessee) (id afterwards Centre College, al Danville, Kentucky, I lion miller tin- ptt i of John (' doling. While at Danville, be becam I to his wife, and married her before completing bis college course, being at the time under twenty years of age. Soon after his mar riage he settled at Cheek's Cross-roads, in Jefferson . Hamblen) county, where he commenced merehan disinu in Is:;:;, on a limited capital, carrying on a farm at the same time, Generous and confiding, without business experience or knowledge el' men. and fond of living and the manly sports of the day. he sunn ran through his moderate patrimony, most of ii goin to pay security debts for friends for whom he had endorsed. In 1841 he left Cheek's Cross-roads and weiii to Iowa, under an appointment from Pn ■ Tyler as Indian agent for the Pottawattomies. He remained there only some six or eight months, when he returned to Jonesboi'ough and commenced the study of law, Judge Linker lending him honks and him some instruction, lie was admitted to the bar in 1S44, at Jonesborough, by Judge Luckey and Chancel- lor Thomas L Williams. Judge L. remarking, when he presented himself in be examined tin- license. " You need no examination.'' lie opened an office at .) s- borough and practiced in that circuit with reasonable -s until the close of the civil war. [laving been a sympathizer with the South in that unfortunate u Ii he was, alter its close, subjected in much trouble and ai yance from the ''truly loyal'' pi of thai section, to avoid which he removed, in the spring of 1866, to Bristol, on the Tennessee ami Vir- ginia line, where he remained for about a year, when he removed to Knoxville, remaining there until In d i mi of the judges of the Supreme Court in 1870, under the present Constitution of the State, which was adopted in thai year. Since his elevation to the Supreme bench he has made his home at Jones- borough. [n the division of parties which prevailed from the majority til! the disruption of the old Whig organization, some years prior to the civil war, Judge Deaderick was an ardent follower of the great Harry of the West. Alter the war he allied himself with the Democratic party, but having been on the bench for most of the time, has taken no active part iii politics. I In has frequently occupied public stations, and always with honor in himself and ad\ those whom he served. From 1833 to IS41 he was postmaster at Ch Cross roads, and in the last-named year was agent for the Pottawattomie tribe of Indians. In KM -52, he was chosen Senator in the General Assembly from the dis- trict composed i tnties of Washington, Sullivan, Carter and Johnson. At thai session he served as chair mail of the committee on internal improvements. This was the session of the Legislature at which the internal improvement act. known as tin "omnibus bill,"' was passed, which loaned the credit of the State to sev railroad companies, The bonds issued under this a.t and subsequent enactments are the obligations that :ely into the polities and legislation of the Stai. si, me the war. Judge Deaderick advi and voted fir all thi internal inn .-urns adopted at that session. In I860 he was elector on the Hell and Everett ticket for the first congressional dis- l rint As before slated, he was (deeted to the Supreme bench in 1870, and re-elected in 1878. In 1875, upon the death of Chief Justice A. ( ). P. Nicholson, he was chosen Chief Justice by his associates on the bench, ami unanimously re-elected in 1878. Judge Deaderick is a member of the Presbyterian church— the church of his mothei a an also his wife and all their children, lie has never allied himself to hut one secret society, tin- Odd-Fellows, which order he joined in L845. He was married at Danville, Kentucky. Novemb 1832, to Miss Adeline McDowell, daughter of Dr. Ephraim McDowell, known in his day as "the great ion of Kentucky.' Dr. McD. was a Virginian by birth. He studied his profession in Edinburgh, Scot laud, and i- inn well and widely known in ni i d further mention hem. He died in 1829, at tin- age of sixty. Judge Deaderick and his estimable wife, who still sur- vives to bless hiu, in his old age, celebrated their golden ling in Jonesborough on the 8th of November, 1S82. Mrs. Deaderiek's mother. Sarah Shelby, the first white female born in Kentucky was the daughter of Gov. Isaac Shelby. Her death took place at Dan- ville, in that State, wl had always resided, at the ;.,' five. Shi' was a member of the Protestant pal church, ' the corner-stone of that church in Danville," a « rigorous mind, highly culti- vated, of fine presence, and prided herself greatly on her domestic qualifications. Her mother, Susan Hart, of North Carolina, was the daughter o! Nathaniel Hart, of thai State. Her brother, Nat. Hart, was a prosperous farmer at Versailles, Kentucky. The Harts were all wealth\ men. gentlemen of elegant leisure. Mrs. Deaderiek's only surviving sister, Catharine, married in. Addison A. Anderson, who repre- i ci tj in the Tennessee Legislature in 19. He died in 1883, in Monroe county, Missouri, where his widow- mm resides. Mrs. Dea lerick was edu- cated at I >anville and Lexington, Kentucky, and is a lady of most admirable trails of character, a wise and safe counselor, and a helpmate in everj en i her dis- tinguished husband. Even in her old age she is always busy, believing, as she says, it is a sin to be idle. To Judge Deaderick and his worthy wife have been born ten children, as follows: l 1 l. Arthur, a farmer in Washington county; married Miss Ad. lie Walker, of ter of James Walker a farmer of that place, and has six children, viz.: James William, McDowell, Lizzie. Lula, Charles and Monroe. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. Shelby, who was killed iii the battle of Chicamauga, September 21, 1863, leaving one child, a son, John Wallace; his widow, Louisa Brown Deaderick, is a daughter of Maj. Byrd Brown, of Washington county. (3 \ ii mi Mary, widow of William 1). VanDyke, form- erly a prominent lawyer of Chattanooga, who died in 1883, leaving four children, Annie Thomas Nixon, Fannie and Carey. (4). James G., a lawyer, now residing in California, engaged in fruit culture, who married Miss Lizzie Savers, of Virginia, and lias two children, Ella and Howe. (5). D. Frank, a commission merchant, and at this writing mayor of Quincy, Illinois, who married Miss Nannie Haynes. daughter of Col. J. G. lla> ■. of Washington county, by whom he has seven children, viz.: Mary. Fannie, Nannie, Frank. Lavinia, Carrie and Fred. (6) Wallace, a merchant and lawyer of Creeiieville. Tennessee, who married Miss Sarah Hardin, daughter of Chief Justice Morde cai Hardin, of Kentucky, and has two children, Sallie and Mary, (7). Allied Shelby, a lawyer, livin Jonesborough ; married .Miss Carter Luster, daughter of Rev. Mr. Luster, of Fincastle, Virginia; has four children, Kate. Lucy, A Idic and .lames. (S). I a farmer in Washington tounty ; married Miss Nannie Bayless, daughter of Byrd Bayless, a farmer of that county; has two children, Addie and Byrd. (9). Charles, a merchant at Hamilton, Missouri; married Miss Sue Anderson daughterof Addison A. Anderson, previously mentioned ; ha Id, Pauline. ( 10). Add'n Mc Howell, a graduate of Dr. Ward's Seminary, Nashville; unmarried, Judge Deaderick owes his success in life chiefly to a firm adherence to the principles of honesty instilled into him by his father, and to a faithful discharge of every duty devolved upon him in the various station,- he has been called to occupy. His steady persistence in this course through his whole life has made him troops of friends, and secured the unbounded confidence of the people of his State, who have elevated him to the high- est judicial position in their power to bestow. Natur- ally one of the most modest and diffident of men, he put himself forward — never seemed to know the value of himself: but the people, quick to discern true worth and ever ready to appreciate and reward the ex- ercise of noble qualities and high purposes, have singled him out and crowned him with the enviable distinction of their approval. When about to enter upon the practice of the law. he was somewhat despondent, in of the rather unpromising prospect which pre- I itself to him in the profession. At this time he was much Strengthened in his purpose by the late T. A. II. Nelson, who remarked to him: 'It seems to me you look discouraged; hut T know enough of the law and enough of you to feel sure that if you will persevere you will succeed." Taking courage From these wolds, he went forward and has achieved a ire of vii, cess attained by hut few men in the profession. It must have been peculiarlj -ratifying to the generous and noble hearted Nelson to find, in after ars, the young lawyer whom he had thus encouraged in his earl} struggles, occupying a seal on the Supreme bench with himself. HON. NEILL S. BROWN. ,\ i\//i //,/./•;. THE life of this gentleman may be considered as coeval with the history of Middle Tenni His father came to Giles county in 1809, ai born the next year. Then' is a wonderful unity of type in these early pioneers of Tennessee, who settled in its central valley during the first decade of the nineteenth century, and impressed their best qualities on their descendants, who arc now the leading families of the State. They cam< from the Carolinas or Virginia, ! re known to be of Scotch or Scotch Irish tit bhej were Presbyterians of the old school; plain, industrious farmers, who brought a moderate supply of the world's e Is with them, and with it their frugal, simple habits and well-directed industry. Discipline was strict in their families, and a plain Eng- lish education was usually attainable by the young, an education, however, which was largely into with work on the farm, in truth, it was general!} thi i system of six months' schooling and mx n ths' work on the farm; an arrangement contem- plated with high disdain hy those trained on the modern high pressure system, hut which gave our Websters to the North, our Clays to lh-' West, and our Wrights and Drown.-. Friersons. Coopers and Flemings, and a host of other great men, to Tennessee. In such a community Neill S. Brown manfully strug- gled on his way from obscurity to distinction. His sur- roundings were depressing and discouraging to youthful ambition beyond what was common, even in that modest settlement. The limitations of liis home must have amounted to actual poverty: for, whether from de- ficient of means or from the need of his labor on the farm, his education did not commence until his -. teenth year. Most mind- would have been crushed and deadened tnder such depressing circumstances: not so the indomitable spirit of Neill S. Brown. He was only 8 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. above the humiliating level in which he found hi From the little known about his boyln sei ins in have been thoughtful beyond his but eviden lie aspiral ions thai in more u fc. lie was, even then, in break through 'I,. . iment thai hemmed him in. W hen, at leugl I did commence his school education, it was by his own savin and, when these wci to acquire me rthor instruction. In 1831 he entered what was called the Manual Labor Academy in Maury county, and studied there two sessioi which he chool in ity for a short I [n 16 . the study of law w ith Chan- cellor Bramletl al I bar at the ! Irani- lett. and Stuart. 11 ened an office al Pn at w hicll place, « itll us, lie |tra< law till 1 S IT. The firsl interruption »,i \av in is:;."), to I"- tl lucrative pracl i< but not ui ttgemi n d to Tennessee the sane year. In lie enlisted in Armstrong for i he £■ mile war in Florida. lie was in the battle on the With! 13, IKit). lie went out as a private ami was promoted to of his regiment, the F 1 1 i- polil ii al li fi m u i i ..hi , turn from Florida lie was nominated by the Whig party candidate for presidential elector on the ticket of the Hon. Hugh L. White. Ill ill sire presidi ir the Whig i is in the same in 184(1, I'm- Cen. Harrison, and in 1S44, for Henr.\ ( 'lay. In 1837 he was a membei lature. wherein he served for a member in it. [n 1847hi one term and has since resided in Nashville, He was the youngesl man ever elected to the gub office. When it is taken into consideration that hi tn s,-h, ml for the first time in hi ' , tut in only twenty inn. e years had so impressed the people of Tennessee with his merits and live at their hands the highest office the) v of I i"\ . Brow n in.. unii|ii ■ in the records i I chief faculty by which this eminence was al matchless power of addressing crowds of men. Sprung himself from the very heart of the people, he knew what was in that mighty heart, ami could com every throb, ami hi ,,f a man rieuee had been the same. Tl trained orator cannot meet such a man bef< i pulaci without Hid at the In 1830 he was commissioned by President Taylor as minister to Russia, in which capacity he resided in that countr) tin Ctl ! tn the State member for Davidson county, and. when the \ hly met. n I by it Speaker of the llou lleprescntatn In ISoti he was ;( elcnienl pular >tate at large in the ; Mr. Fillmore, this time can nivcrsal n tion ■ ■ erful chau | i V\ hig .iles. In 1870 he was member for Davidson county of the to modify the instil n th ?o as tn adapt s which had been ht about by tin- abolition of slavery and the results el' the recenl This political pos ! by < fov. i from the dignified ami peaceful retirement which he had 5S0, when , mi in rel i question, the itforni and put in and honor Siate. lie n e old loquent, pleading w ith impaired pi but with undiminished lire, the cause of righteous dealing, and though that idea was unavailing, it will be remembered in the coming years, when the pi eration of politicians 1ms passed «"'•'*•, and a fn ■ ans may ! i econsider calml) 1 in the heat of party ani- mosity. In polities Gov. Brown has bcen-a life-long Wh least SO hum as the Whig party had an organized exist) n the war has acted with what is now styled the l'en, tarty. He has. however, nb stained for seme time from party conflicts, preferrii give his valuable SUpporl I measures which i party lilies. Among these the foremost is that ni popular education. Amonj icated fouud than that of observing how they look upon education. :ss delights in disparaging every better educated man than themselves is a pedant and dreamer: tl not the magnanimous elass. Another, on remembering the disadvantages which clogged their own early career, i by it to vow that mi meritorious j lie future shall .1 at the threshold of life i; ami to this class belongs Neill S. Bi alous and PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. M the Teni i of the present. The father of Gov. Brown was Duncan Broi rtson county, North Carolina, who mar- ried and emigrated to Gili I in 1809, where in 1810, he became father of the future I rovernor, hered from what has all said. thai he wa i man. lie was a farmer, and, from ti when the Whig party was firsl organized a \\ hig, ami to I if his death. lie was a man of stron bul of m i mal advanl II -,• m : man of poetical turn, a none of 1 1^ I h n e are I e published any poetry. It is the I i .nan was much, for both of men, Hi- fathei [I her to the Governor), was Angus i. horn in Scotland and settled in Rob county, N I I he middle of the last ■i-y. There he lived and died a farmer. He n in the Revolu i car iindi Marian. 1 1 ,■ lived m be abou All these people have bi farmers, in i L circumstan nd re- spected in their day- as fair dealing, upright citizens. Brown married at Nashville. December 26, 1839, di- Mart \im Trimble, daughter of Judge of tli. u city i posi- tion ami intlni nee. of a Virgin Her mother, Letitia Clark, was born in East Tenness Morris Clark, a merchant and farmer from Vii M . Brown's brother, Hon. John Trine a member of I L and once district attorney general. He was a noted leader of the Union pari}' in the days ol Her sister Lou i sa, died e. it.- of John l!eiil, a prominent lawyer at Nashville. Her sister, Eliza, married A. V. S. Lindsley, a la al \ i-h '. lie . -'in of I h. Philip Lind-Iey. I I er Susan, married Col. W. Ii. A. Ramsey, of Knnxville. f Tenness nov dead. M rs. . ii is a lad t, of pi amiable manners religious, and endow, d with thi I and native politeness which are beautifully manii in the practice of a gi nial and elegant hospitality. B; this in ii i iage < rov. Brown has had eighl (1). James Trimble, born al Pul . 25, 1842, a lawyer: married Miss Jennie I''. Niehel. sister of Dr. William L. Nichol, of Nashville; died M 1878; he ■ children, William Lytic. Elis I Trimble. i.:i). George Tully, born al Pulaski, December, 1843; a i at Nashville; married Miss Lou Ezell of P. II. I. I). Neill 8., born al Pu- 1, 1846; now reading clerk in the House of Representatives tl Washington; married MissSusan Walton, daughter of Col. W. B. Wall ". . has two children, Neill and Walton; army four year-. I I ). Dun- can, horn at Nashville, \- is i. 1848; died July 8, : he II ivid-oii ( 'oiini\ Ci ■ 1 ime of his death. (5.). Susan Louisa, horn at Nashville, November 5, 1850; nol married. (6). Henry A, born at Nashville, Maj 7. I s '"' I igent on the Atchison, Topeka k Santa Fc railroad, and was I ' -7, 1881 : unman ied Letitia, born at Nasi J line 27, \<\h ; wife of Capt. ' merchant at Nashville. John ('..horn at Nashville. December 28, 1858; ma 'I agenl ; unmarried. r of Go) Brow ii is confidently offered as a mi i-i in-t ructive lesson to -n men as, H themselves possessed of the abilit; above the ordinary level of humanity, find themselves impeded shackled b vantages of the Governor's youth were limited to a pure, simple and frugal home, with religious training and a necessity loi constant industry; itsdisadvanl i P educational I traitened finance, and distance from center of population. No in in who i- now complaining of hi ob tacles to self-elevation w ill find ling I lie abo^ e sketch, that they were greater tha which stood in the i Brown, who practiced no arts bul -ell' denial, industry and perse vera i lie : and yet, twenty I I education on the means, he was Governor ol the State three years alter that was ambassador in one of the How was it done? This question wa- pul to the ( io\ ernor hy tin md his answer shall be in his Is. He points out his first advanta being " the manner in which I was raised by my pai who were -triei 1 1 id pi iua rians, instilling correct morals." i. of himself : "1 had a native ambition " ity and make myself useful in i he world; to shine and be distinguished. A pains-taking father and mother inculcated moral and religious prin- ciples, without which no success is worth anything. - I started life on nothing, any man in Tennessee who i \ er became 11 known." erev ere no methods beyond taking hold do and doing it with all liis might, observing, the while, those principles ol strict morality in which he had been trained. That i- your method, young man; it never failed, and there is no other. Gov. Brown is six feet two inches in height, a little bowed rsofage; perfectly accessible, his manners those of a man who, being at ease himself, puts till who approach him al case and conciliates their confide: iners w liieh h i en him acceptance in the courts of great monarchs, and which make the WINKNT I'M NNKSS KAN'S 1 1\ ii ilio iiH.vi n \\ men r. AIUMI1 ' ■■■■ ii, \ \ n tho Mi ('had inuoli iiuitry niinonl . hood, nine in aimed S \ ^. 0^^£ *? I 'KM MINI-: NT TENNESSE VNS. 11 of law His 1 k i 1 few.bi ed. Tl: keen insight in er and mol i\ e, an impn ssive earnestness of manm :| in the expn is, combined « ith a po immending them i" the ju n. It has lieen re marked that, while his ju I nenl n the bench were charai ness and concentra tion of thought and language, his pleadings al tl lifft ivi u i i could have anj possibl and it should it if he commem moderate ainounl of book lore, his subsequent studies as his incea verj i ■ ; ii] i be issues before bim. ln 1835 • inole war, under Gen Armstrong, and in company with othi r noted 1 Dr. Cheairs, Gen. William Ti •> . Neill S. Broi\ ii, I [e and Brow n were at tl dential eh Burcn t ickel Demo n that of 1 1 ugh I,. White ( Whiji I Tl tied from the army to just before t be clo ie of i be war and, wit Ii military eai He married, in 1837, Miss M daughter of Dr. Elisha Eldrid f eini- ind a Methi New Hauip of tin- chii I ii 1847 be was Don ■ in i riles count . in, during which he held thi i ijI position F cha I iinitl • i r held polil ii : e to the rout ine i with or the ma rtisan tions, which he belii ■■ tipi liimeni to i hi if public i II is i lal pra i he da j hi i pon it, and planting, his plantation beinj ippi : lie also had ty in Tui nil at At i hundred and eighty I > lollars. \- ilthy man. his bad i un ndustry intelligently di and its notes or speculated, i ods of nly rich. 1858 he v m G ll.n ris to fill a vacancy, and v, scat, which he did al Knoxvillc in September of the his as-.., Robert I. Caruthers ami Robert J. McKinney. All threi d the me bench until the war. Judge Wright's term expired it he was arhitrarilj di pi d by Gov. IJrownlow in 18(55, and Vlvin Hawkins ap d in his pi of his life, J udge Wright once dit pari I ■ ■hi inn which nominated M r Fusscll for ■nor in 18 - ' indidate for the State In I mi 1 1 he v. defeat ust be looked ii] rat I i as a ieal can didaturc for office. The wifi lid Wright was, as lias !' a New Hampshire n and M I ied in 1833. On tin led from t he noble Irish family of Dillon, a memb I the close i ' the last century, I d was She was in Pulaski, Ti ii d is a prominent and Met hi dist church. Fo I i chil- ly by Jud I, nl.. E. Wright, educat of Mi a fine scholar and accomplished i . j : .■ .! . ner, a i. rady promi level of his fat her - high ! h married Miss I- ie Fat four . Anna, Luke E., junior, and icated by the widow of < len, uml and man 1 iw partner i lit.nl (3). Lizzi . ! right, named Elisha Eld iver- pel I till, I I first from the ham Buchanan a c Hawl I [Lstory of North a prize i' i He was killed "1 ni' his i . . M ur .1 ud was a di the Planters Hank at Pulaski irds of the Plat Memphis, i i tys looked md respon i powerful frame. .1 and mora and •IMMINENT TENNESSEANS. (inn of in i ind dishonesty. Ilis manner was -ii'li - to repi ! indiscrinii nati familiarity bul to al the friendship of the noble and the i I. tie bel to a ] i w hose ([ualities are now ;it n discount, bi by the more superfi- cial element of popularity. It will I" 1 well for 1 sec when her cl lers shall be nun stamped with the same high • I hat gave to Jud lit the powerful and extensive influence he exercised when alive. The opinions and deeri i from the Su] bench of Tennessee by -Indue Wright, in 1 1 be found in the Reports of Snoed and Head, and tin rsl \ \ armim. member of Congress from New Vork, many years in the New Vork liCgislatu Richard S. Donncl, member of Cot in North Carolina. (3). Wil- liam P. Lyndc, of Milv from Wisconsin. (4). William S. Fleming, chancellor of the Columbia district. (5 J, Knox Walker, pri- vate secretary to President Polk, ((i I tiin S Edwards, of Springfield, 1 llinois, man} that State. (7). Francis P. Blair, a general in the Fi army during the lati dent on the ticket n ' A fter the completion of hi was not Mr. Ci first love, but a brief flirtation with medicine preceded his i ourtship oi the profession to which he was finally wedded. He studied medicine two years at Columbia with Dr. Hayes of that city, and took one course of lectures in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, when he disci thai law rather than medicine was his true vocation. He thou studied law with S. If Frierson, afterwards the celebrated chancellor, and. on admission to the bar, became his partner. His admission to the bar w March, 1841, Judges Vuderson and Dillahunty partici- ■ in that cercun His partnership with hi~ i Mr, Frierson, lasted four years, and in 1845 he moved to Nashville, where he lias since resided. Here he became a partner with A 0. P. Nicholson, afterwards Chief Justice of ted to thai office 1870, died 187(5). This second partnership lasted only one year, and he prai I until 1851, when he became partner of the Hon. i\ Kwing I iced with him ten years. In 1 elected one of the judges oi the me Court of the Stale, but the war causing the closing of the courts, and Judge Cooper being stronglj southern in his sympathies, William G. Brownlow, as military governor, interdicted him froi t! exercise of Ills ofl Returning to the bar. he formed a partnership sue ccssively with Judge Robert I.. Caruthers and with his brother, Henry Cooper. This latter gentleman was elected United Slates Senator in 1870. After two gain removed from the bar by haucellor of the Seventh, or Nash- ville, district, bj (low John C. Brown. He was Mile post bj the people, and held it till 187S, when he « d to the Supreme bench for eight yi in this election -Judge John L. T. Slleed, who had beaten hilll ill 1853, when both of them were candidates for the office of attorney- ral. While nearly all his family connections were W [ havi It I -'ill are 1'iv- riaus, he has always been a D and has never joined ail} rel ation. Neither is he a member oi cl societ.\ . he is eminently an pendent thinker, and not willing to be bound in his thoughts by any organization, religious, political or .1 ml has been successful ill life in a financial point of view, his property 1" war amouiitiug r one hundred thousand dollars in value. He attribute- bis success in this respect to constant and PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 13 close attention to business, and always living within his means. These two obsei ranei rut h i he i tion of all success in lid . the exceptii i o rare ami accidental thai they form no guidi dint. Thejud In stating the ancestry and family conn William 1''. Cooper, Samuel l>. ! and W. S. Fleming separately, many repetitions must inevitably for the members of that Mi ntj colony, several tim ied so frequently with one another that the i of one arc the relation- of all. His maternal grandfather was one ol th iginal members of the colony, which sixteen sections . with the Presbyterian church in the middle, the first building ip on it. and the si hool I memoir on i thei pa eof'S. I 1 Frierson]. His father, Matthew D. ( looper, was born in 1793, in ' Ihestcr district, South ( Carolina. Hi of Cumberland College al Sashville, sine.- known as the University of Nash\ i 11.-. in the same class with the lion. John Bell, onci United W. l'> Tut hi. lie married in .Maury county, inklin, ami afterwards enga business in that town in partnership with Dr. William C. Dickenson. In 1822 he moved i" Columbia in the mercan- tile business till 1827 when he became a comm merchant in New Orleans. 1 for thirty-five years, but continued to make his home in Mam \ countj h hei e, "in il 1867, In tanner. I le died I lea ' lie was a lieutenant ami acting captain under Jackson in t he I Ireek war. He was a man oi well educated and of literary tastes. His whole prop- i lo commencement of the war vested in m . and men bandisi than one hundred thousand dollars, all the > ertions, His cred igh as a business man. From 1840 to 1862 I • was pi f the n liia branch of the Union Bank. His mother of Judge Cooper, was a daughter of William Frierson, the acknowledg of the Frii ii Maury county in 1805, and was first cousin to tl i of Chancellor S. 1 1. Frierson. She died in 1833, at Columbia, lea four children, v i/.. : (1). Will,.. if this sketch. (2). Edmund, a graduate of Jackson ( Jumbia, now a lawyer at Shelbyvilli Ii ral years a member of the State I.' both re and since the war, and assistant - if the i v under I 'resident Johnson. 1 3). Hen ated al Jackson College, Columbia; for many years practiced law in hip with bis brother Edmund, at Shelby ville; appointed circuit judge bj Gov. Brown- low, ami held the office three or four years, ami wards became a professor in the law school at Lebanon; ed tii Nashville, and practiced law there in partnership with his : William F. : in 1869 ami I ented I >a\ idson county in th. ted I ii i t . 1 1 rs; in ilumbia, retun of the law. He was killed by robbers near Culiacan, Mexico, on Februar, I. 1884, while returning from a silver miii' lountains. ( 1 1. .Mar Judge Cooper'.- only full -i ..| f r0 m the Columbia Female Ins rid married Richard S. Sansom, a ! where his still resides. 1 le was i member of the i -I it me : i, Idren : Edmund, who i lied a i when twenty yen- old. Cevantha, Uich- ard, Maryand William. JudgeCooper'shalfbrothersand sister- i : .. I ' presi nted Maury and Williamson counties in ihe Legislature of 1881 82 (2) lerk in a government offii 5). Martha Ami. Alice and Emma tie Columbia Female Institute, and are living in that city unmarried nil. Eloisc gl -1. ami man ied A. W. Stocli lawyer and edit I with the .i !. and residing at Nashville. 1 7 i F innie, died th I Mil net eaving du - eemoter paternal ancestors migrated from Tyrone county, in I •■ i n h of Ireland, considerably I ilutionary war. Thi of Scotch [rish derivation. Ai ig them we find a great grand father who died in South Carolina al the age of one humli nally an Irish weaver, hut iii this country The J ml e i ndfather, by Made a blacksmith, was a captain in Sumnerls brigade during the Revolutionary war. IF ... handsome man. and n. match with a Miss Hamilton, daughter of a rich Philadelphia merchant, who had a brand. I menl al Mobile. She was a lady highly ted and o baracter. She edu- her own children, and in 1803, after her husband's ii all in a carryall to Nashville, and i iii Davidson i ar the old town of 1 ' 5hi in Mississippi at the age of ninety tin- Sh gave birth to and raised twelve children, of whom Matthew I)., the .1 ud I or. wa- ii est The number of her distinguished descendants is a < Grma- li (' the general belief that intellectual qualities generally descend in the female Hue. J mother was also descended Prom Scotch [rish ancestors who emigrated from the north of Ireland. Dm lt the d u.i era ing in Europe, chiefly in England, Scotland and Switzer- land, visiting also the cities of Koine. Naples, Paris. Berlin, Vienna, Trieste and Venice. He has published three vulin ports of ca ed in his own II Toihh In'- S IHItl « ink of I'KOMINKN r TKXNKSSK ^NS An '• i>, compactly built, pounds . has lli> mol |uick. eon versa 1 1 is the nio.-i promi- TUOMAS 11. OOLDWELL. - I V I 01 v He - - ,:il ot the S I Re| 'ter of the. and in M i) the serving fen volumes of the I it pan of his \ w hili entered ;i lie to the Supreme out of the which, in ths summary nany of his if the M thod- - the M He 1 - iinty - - ritral Tenm of the which tron- J well i in tli' ; L the II. i- DOW ll<: if the ion held ii nit of tin; In . Coldv appoited comm the Centennial He i on man; of thi tni] lent of thi jr II e ■ I He ■ r and ■ He I firm i.' I '■] . M . who ;an. HENRY CRAFT. '■in. times an in their ili-tin' nd ii is i'i hod to the 61 himself, Ion i in virtue if the different i I., i the readi i with the !, now pi i him tli., of Col. I. Houl He will thus find, !i in hi-: i '•or is ikful- but diffei other of t !. It I. have IM10MIN i'\ r ti:w KSSK \xs II.- it has boon ili. i>t' tli tin. mi 1 In IS - '■ S ■ - 11 V.. £ CI ■■ .. \ N ' I ribu table illl ;l know His mot bod in law h .1 il rii Itor than nil i I'ailuro. mrts, his ill with my on the i nt tli ' Shiloh, but retired from th vith orable dis i health, it h. In ' ', n io the war. bill has er token \ er bold li nbi r of lut- he I'um- md an elder in the con- I itlj nplanted ambition beyond e of his the ami all ive ; life as a pi He i -tally iitment in if the So .it. li family, who stern . in ■ li from his un. w - at ant L > C *7K^r? PROMINENT TENNKHSKANS. 17 I merchant till the , i when be fa to Holly Spi Bere he was a land id died in He wan a si pic) < i ian of the old urcli work I hat of thi school. Judge Craft married in Nashville, No 1856, M i Ella D. Bodd of Elijah Bodi Sumner count] ] inent f 'y the - to the >!. letily, like that of liis fiither. II. ■ in >r{ tiino oontiimed to hold liis I I heen hoi v iroh 11 . lSiio. look • at tho ri ■lol 1. ll-.lil ;l md died that ii menibei ureh. His usrh ho li friendship for ih. ntial ilio war the ui whieh the beneh rally him i - tho nty, 'oluuibia h n i not - ss and - Inn. ■ - ■ kiu- - ■ PltOMINENT TK.NM V.t Jt vv'al wit ■ that li. and, ' ' coming than the H<> memory lf Samuel Fi r • > f ' 1 1 1 < • < lhancellor, irried Sarah Wilson in 17-7. who was a member of that Wil- which emigrated from South Carolina at the time with her husband. - i who )■ tch-Irish ith the A i at Ki.' I : whom J married < li J liege, larried M Pbilli commission mi i child) L Lucira of the Chancellor, i I .liua. I married M f John F. Moi - 1 dvin Mi of Knoxville. John F. John and , ; am ■ William ville. mnty. from Ireland. Willi rwards at ille, an') .Jam re he ■ tor from I. lucated in Her rial grandmothi amed Wil- liam I' -one. Lue vitli Mi-- Mi born June born Align jr., horn March nuary 26, 18! l>u<- Lodgi * lommander of DeMol il with the banking inl Columbia. I'ROMINKN I' TKNNKSSK l\s COL. KOHEUT l-O-H-NSTONE CHESTER. - \ C01- IUM5KUT I I'll KSTKl! tuarkable for I tioldiau manners, his ehi ■. lor el eount\ , Pennsylvania, .lul >d, iill tin- age of twoi in IVoembi old field -. under the lute Ho « w I' 1 ' 11 \ '. ■ m'ii. IK vehni Kenni - uiuel x fhird ■ into \ ;i. commenced bu lihea count} , in w hieh tl le M deelai hi Jul) for merch the firm name et Robert I. i business and 1 • made him mill on K lu ■ vii\ uf -tuil iiiii luitrter. 1 1 .1 . turned to Jackson May I ud deputy i- for the \\ tistriet, which latter gave him ipportuuil ■ i speculate in I Hi' lias been ell '.nils. > at night w ife, inis until both m their industry and i Reiug : n men ill built the Presbyterian ohurob le Institut i)d in form In ISCiT President \ appointed Col. Chester I irshal for ennes- ned undci iuiin- !. with three administration. During arried about him a trouble in the His high standing in this ed in letters, still in his n and man eould nade a His State is f the The em- When ■. - fifty all of rt IV Hurl - .re iu ! U'l 1 -71 ~ii I i the mi in!.- 1 ■ of ( i M - Pn id il I .ifi-. Col. * 'In -i' r, then Polk : " I ho wanted tomi I liin iod I lial.ii Tho ii h tn A mon and colli ' long life int. 1 1 with lii and d I thi him. What a bonanza of ii lie would i in politic campaign and I'n, in I ■ 1 t.i; Wa land and Hendrick man he -'hi in'" thl lip of paper. Mr. ' !leveland hull a glad • If an hour ' ion, Mr. ' tur Ii - the oh I I nil' V Hi Knit'lit Templar, Ii I ■I < 'ouncil Tennessee. II der in ti. church, which He mai i 3 '•I i i ^ 1 1 * ' • '.r Mi ■ ' -mi. Her in'. ili' . ...■ -I of Col. John I ' died in N She wae a beautifu tian, and I honoi children, Aphis I I ■ ; . tin: whom I l/ut ilitili: mplar I arried I —\ Dr. L. April John, 1 i. I) Ella I bland in the torn April 10, ' child, I. M. ■ rank W Her m l PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. i Welshman, born in Limerick, Ireland, He came to Pennsylvania, and was quartermaster in the Pennsylvania line in the Revolutionary war ; after the war a United States revenue officer. He m; Klizabeth Patterson, of Latark, near Carlisle P vania. He had lour children: (1). Dr. William Pal terson Chester, who moved in 1793 to Jonesborough, Tennessee: Ins wife was \li-s Mary Adams; died a m rj old man (ninety John Blair, a :r el' ( longress of some dist inetion, marric ■ lin. father of the snbji this sketch, was raised a coppersmith; married Mary Greer, in Carlisle. Pennsylvania. She was lie id' Samuel and Rebecca I freer. Samuel ( ireer was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was in the Revolutionary war. John Chester moved to Jonesborough, Tenner 1796; became a farmer and trader: died in ]x:;i>, in Hawkins county, Tent settled the phi as Bowling Green, near Jonesborough; was a man of great energy, self-sustaining and successful; of common sense, without the finish of an education. (.'!). Richard, a silversmith: married in Met '.da town, Pennsylvania, to a Dutch woman and childless. (4). Maty, married an Irishma William Contiell, a merchant at Huntingdon, Pennsyl- vania, and i family. ( !ol. * 'h grandmother, Elizabeth Patterson, lived with her daughter Mary, at Huntin ter the death of her md. Her two sons, William and John, being in Tennessee she rode horseback by herself seven hun- dred miles to see them when she was fifty old, and returned, after a few months, in the same way. She died at Jonesborough in 1810. It will thus be seen thai the Chester family on both -ides are long lived. All of Col. Chester's sous, John, Robert, William li. and Samuel, and his grandson, li. Bon in the Confederate army, and fought through the war. Jehu commanded the Fifty-first Tennessee regiment, and was in most of the hard foughl con the war in the \\ i Perr>"\ tile he lost one hun- dredandsi ded and had his horse killed and bat shut through at Murfreesborough. At the battle of Chickamauga Gen. Bragg put him into t he medical corps, ' I can make generals, hut I can't make doctors.' ^fter the Chickamauga fighl he and ('el. John 1". House and Gen. Poj5e Walker were tiir the Anny of Tennes- ind he held that posil ion until the .1 war. William l>. Chester was marshal to that court. The Chesters and the < irecrs were in the Revolution, and in every war since — a feailcssh brave people. II)'. John Chester, the second child and eldest sun uf ; '< whom brief reference is made in the family record, was a man of mosl am traits of character, high and in whose lih was and useful actions a- to deserve mure than a luei i notice in I di. I le died at hi, eii dune ). 1877, of small-pox, which di traeted in performing a charitable operation on a nnian He wa sful physician and skillful is at all times as ready to obe; the calls of whom he knew could never pay his fees, as of t whom fortune had showered her gifts. An intimate personal friend, the editor of the Jackson Whig Km/ Tribune., writing en the occasion id' his death, said of him: "Tie i suuviter in modo in and an electricity in his pleasant faci cheerful, witty word* which, it is proverbial, were sun- in the chamber of tl rid thrilled the suffer- of the patienl with something like the glow of health as soon as he entered the sick room ; and for many ip to the close of his career, he did a very large and in ractici His death threw lie whole into mourning, and the entire community ] out its grief al the loss of one of its nobles! citizens. The --house- were closed and dt mourning, and the ] pie, with one accord, assembled to commemo I uesofthedistinguised dead At thismeeting there was a large attendance oh ladies, who felt that in tlie death il Dr. Chestet almosl every family in the .ad been bereaved. The meeting wat 1 1 en. V lexander W i lampbell, who appointed the following gentlemen as a committee to give formal expression lumunity on the sad occurrence, viz. : B. A. Knloe, chairman, II. W. I taynes, Thomas S. Vincent, Rev. Iv McNair and d. L. II. Tomlin. The committee submitted the follo.wing The Id bly thai is here to-day portray.-, in a manner tent til. ui language can express, the heavy affliction that has fallen upon this community. The sail whispering of ovcry is, that "Dr. John Che d;" the noble man, the sincere triend, the disinterested philanthropist, the pure Christian, g embalmed himself in all hearts l»y his ui ish anil pic eminent life ol usi words that we can now employ could add anything to the universal sense of our great loss. H omplete and well rounded in every i of life, that the moment we touch it or attempt to express our appreciation of what he was, we are burdened with a of our inability to tell what is keenly felt by all, and is far more vividly spoken by the dark pall which hangs over us to-day. " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, the end peace," Dr. John < 'he -ter was horn in tin.' city of Jackson, May IS, 1827; was educated in West Tennessee College, where he i his first honorai - he graduated he ■ onded t t 1 mtry, then engaged in war with Mexico. Uaving served his country with distinguished gal lantry, I to his hotm a the en i o of los lite. In the late war he igain found ho knew him well, ai ro with him in the conflict, is that a braver heart 1 upon thi i han his. While affectionate companion in social life, he rose to the dignitj I rei rei :e of a the prudoni a a of a father ; as ' -n lie was over a. par' physician, he manifested the • professi to which he died a martyr; the magic inspiration of his faultless manner he eneour- PROMIN BNT TEN N ESSE ANS. 23 aged, comforted and blesied his patients, and demonstrated his own greatness and the influence of a great, mind aud character. Reaolved, That in the death of Dr. .John Chester suffering humanity has lost a nohle benefactor, whose ear was ever open to the call of distress as his h:;nd was willing to tender relief: society one of its brightest members; the medical profession one of its noblest and most devoted exponents; the church a true and tried member, whose life was a living witness to the beauty of Christian charity; the State a self-sacrificing and disinterested patriot; the world a man whose character justified the declaration that "an honest man is the noblest work of God." Resolved, That wo, the citizens of Jackson and Madison county, in mass meeting assembled, do, with one voire, give this expres- sion of our sense of the loss we have sustained in the death of a citizen so eminent and useful in all the walks of life, and we heg leave to tender to his bereaved family our profoundest sympathies in this hour of their deep distress, and to join our prayers witli theirs that the love of a merciful Father may bring the consolation of the Christian's hop'- to heal the stricken hearts of his family and friends. The preamble ami resolutions were adopted by a rising vote, every person in t in- vast assembly, many of whom were in tears, voting in the affirmative. Eloquent and heartfelt tributes to the memorj of Dr. Chester were also adopted by all tin 1 Masonic bodies of Jackson, the Ancient Order United Workmen and the Knights of Honor, of all which he was an active ami zealous membei HON. JACOB THOMPSON. \n \IPMS. THIS gentleman, like a great many prominent Trim. --rans. was lioni in North Carolina. His fa'her seems to have combined the business of a tannery and harness factory with agriculture on a considerable scale. The subject of this sketch was born in Caswell county, North ( 'avolina. May 111. 1810, -and was one of eight children, six male and two female. His education up to fourteen years of age was obtained in the com- mon schools of the county, and then he was placed at the Bingham Academy in Orange county, at that lime quite a renowned school. After a preparation hi re of three years, he was entered at the University of North Carolina, where he graduated in 1831. The graduating class of that year consisted of thirteen si udents, nearly all of whom became distinguished in after life. Among them were Chancellor Calvin M. Jones, of Tennessee, Judge James Grant, of Iowa, the Rev. W. W. Speare and Dr. Steadman of the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches respectively, the latter of whom died at Mem- phis, and Prof. Hooper, now of the University of North Carolina. That he had acquired the -nod opinion of the faculty was proved by his appointment as tutor in tlie University on the day of his graduation. This office lie held for eighteen months, when lie left the University and entered the law office of Judge Dick, of G-reensborough, North Carolina, as a law student. In 1834 he obtained his first license, and his second in 1835. The former authorized him to practice in the lower courts of the State and the latter in the higher. The same year (1835) he -emigrated to Pontotoc, Mississippi, where he commenced practicing, ami con- tinued to do so successfully till 1839, when he Was elected to Congn -- For the Northern District of Miss- issippi. He served uninterruptedly in Congress for 'twelve years, hut in 1851 was beaten by Mr. 1!. D. Nab irs, a Whig clergyman. Ii was'during this canvass that .Mr. Thompson made one of his characteristic humorous speeches. He commenced. "Gentlemen, I have now been your Representative in Congress for twelve years and understand all the routine of business there, and have ustained all the impressions which the life in Washington City is capable of making upon a man's character ami morals. Now, if you send Mr. Nabors there, you will spoil a good prearher and make a very poor Congressman, and I confidently predict that if you do send him there he will never preach again. I know the influence that society at the capital has upon new men.' Nabors was elected and the pre- diction was verified — he never preached again. To go hack a few years, when Polk was elected I'ns ident, in 1844, Gov. Brown of Mississippi appointed Mr. Thompson United States Senator to fill some n expired term and sent the appointment to the Secretary of State'. Robert ■!. Walker, for some unexplained reason Mr. Walker failed to communicate the appoint- ment to Mr. Thompson, which is the more remark- aide, as it was through the earnest solicitation of Mr. Thompson that Walker was admitted to the cabinet. ()n his return to Mississippi he was 1 unanimously re- nominated by his party for Congress, and, when Gov. Brown insisted upon his accepting his appointment as b.i dei lined, inasmuch as he had accepted the nomination, and was elected that fall to Congress by the largest majority ever given to a congressional can- didate in the Stair. Early in 1857 he was appo Secretary of the Interior in Mr. Buchanan's cabinet, entered upon the duties of the office in March of that year, ami made a peculiarly favorable impression by hi.- manner of conducting the business of the No recommendation made by him to Con failed of being prompt!) acted upon. In 1861, after the agitation of secession had corn- ed, an cent occurred productix e of much scandal at the time, and which was made the pretext of much IMIOMINKN l' ri'W i S! \ \ v \ tuont, 15m ill N hi .ui.l SluulkTs been to till' ill,' part of till ■ iho other li niimlotl f. Milrnu'u, i on ilu'iu thorn. One purpose prisoners ms in the x - ih, mul ii has been mpLitoil :iiil tn tlu'in iously lu-otigli tin- natural mmil tlu'tn- ional tu'i< rthern -lill of the limit in ' Mr, Thou Juriiij: iitiino. il s, Mr. - 1 1 ;i \ - I until the Maine. in he rmit- I'KO Mi l the C While I ' Mr, I. iir Thoiiipwon in j/' r ',n and infoi tn I ampli arid " i i. a, .'III'] Ol In:,' A III', lit' ill' II, A I'' iii Memph Hi: tin I. ding both Hi 'lii-M At ilp- time I' tlii: impre little ■ Will II 1 1 II' 1 III . j,piari ; I Hi: and I in in had rim.MINKNT TKNN KSSK \.\S MA. I. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. M\.i John w i in i . i > i : i uiio 1, ' raine I I 11 III' l II i M urfroi held till' a] Whii 1 \| i Chi Presi- dent -1 nines K.I Dr. Win. II l!i ne] 1'. in his it under Uev. Hubert I nugh. In Carolina, it ( 'hapel 1 1 ill i Ten tin office K Polk, ami remained under I. the offici > ndcr- I hildress, at Murf nineteen I as Stuart lie MurlVi bu ma, and -. hut in a lit of ill health, being threatened w i . ,1 his lite, with the linn i thrill - In 1855, Andrew -I idinson, then t in the I i li.' iw I ii ill inn was in a < if i ho lifleen din I tun \ i livill Col. John Mi <■ Min. When the Plant- 1 died a hraucli at M ur- '' I ■ Chili .at the r I .Mr. -itioti with tl draw n ■' .1. lie was line! i . i until the haul f Vlurt'ree lircctor of that banl until n . Mr. Kin and ten so inn " count <>f incr id was sueeeeded by Mr I'.. I.. Jordan, whose in this voltune. Durill me wed a dollar to 'I. and in ■ i OUgllt. I le Was also : a director of the Nashville. Chatta- llailroad, serving in thai capacity years in all, and in both instances the il houl pre i ' i t hi ii hi. ■ • it. and lived a in« his first vote for Andrew IS2S. I lr i.i'\ cr In ical office "k a lively Ii principle, patriotism, ami on his friends. In 1848 he wa ate to Baltimore, lent, in June, 1831, h, to Miss Sarah Williams, daugh- r in Ruth Philip Philips, of Pennsylvania, a largo land • here were mi • M, V\ent. I mother of . w ho mar- if Dr. Ben. W, nd died in Klisha, who ei fennessee ' \\ :n B Bate, and died if Shiloh. I t) John \\ .. \ Ii and junior Iress; mar- PROMINENT Tl. HANS. 27 ried Mi Wai L Di Jami Lyon, an eminent Pi count; I ilum- and for ten or in the ' I . ■ there an three children. At the beginning of tin ■ adel al I he vVi stern Military I Nashville, and left th> • in a- drill Ibi rl Sidni n, and joined th< command the d fore thi battli ; I ; i ' '■ ■ On with the rank of lieutenant, and held thai rank until the battle ol Bentonville, win ptain. ( >n i hi ions durin menl nt of the in v. regiment. < !apt. < 'Id) lirmau of thi Democratii wife John ' ii the the mother of four children of tin; war al the ■■<■- f fifteen ; aft< i I Vlollie, the ds f Hon. Edwin A I borough, at oni the Tenni of the Confederal man and in i >ci •hilipB, daughter of Jm h Philips, of E ty, uncle of the first Mrs. Childi j of 1812, and at the of that v.. in [llinoi le the i ritory of Illinois, and « t he Bupi i firs! married in lllin i l.i- Peo] He died in Rutherford count; eond mat riage Maj. I children: (1). William, a farmer of Ruthi ICS! Wad. Wad. helley < 'all- vo childn Smith i ueral of the V trict ; I his mcmbei church; but he ligation, with but little of and ' ti> the front. 1 1 dealt on a cash 1 prop- wners in Etui home when iIhj terized the 1 l.i- earlier manhood was brought to bi Maj. I'll in iin.iii' i l,j. f,.]),,v. i iherish the memory of his GEN. ALEXANDER W. CAMPBELL. JACl THE subject of this sketch was born in the city ol Nashville, June I. 1828 ' d, on the ! the north of Ireland, in 1--'-"' nettling first in Lani count; I Ann ! mdfather, with of the same colony, afterward* moved from Ami I n Virginia u the ow embraced in Wasl ind Wythe William Campbell, was born in Wythe i ^ i A ash- w hen ' born, in i i Willi , in of Col 1 PROMINENT TENNESSE W> who fell in the Revolutionary battle of Hut William Can;; lie time one of the merchant* lianies. his business eonnei - 1 the Ohio I \ important basin, >• n the t >hi The • tinaneial I his fortunes that he r from commercial pursuits ami accepted the ntendent of the mineral lands \A' the Nortl tendered him is hi- intimate ial ami political friend, bis boa- - being . ilena. Illinois. Whili here the ut, and lu maud volunteers from tl £ F 1 111- Whi'.e the father of youth William Cam pi to the Greeu mtry, in Kentucky, and made bis home in Greeneville, where lu d the first bank in that part oi' tin S which bo made his son, then only nineteen years obi. the cashier. Aftera eonsidera- ither's bank, the father of (ion. Campbell, who had ry educati kinsville, Kentucky, entered Pickii - Pennsylvania, from which In the meantime, Campbell had u " x - which place bis ire. and studied and comm in the study and practice of ' Peyton, lleun \ W is . l'\ in \'.' • n and Fran 527 Miss Jane K. Porter, da;.- m ler Porter, the pioneer merchai - Nash' re bo bad well . - n. in which bis talon; ellent training pron - i nion bank was chartered, and thei w who bad an iugh isitiou in w est Tennessee, to which point bo i and 533, bis _ family i S tuber. He i of the afl bank lor when bo retired and d himself to bis planting interest, dealing larj wild lands in V- his planta- tion. and one sister. The former, ] boll, lived for many years at Ashport. Ti d in plaut- milyof children, an which plaoo 1 Paducah, Keutuck pre\ ■ il war. 1 1 57 married firs - muel K. Campl Lieuteuaut < b orgi NY, McGehei \Yesl Point, who t an earl) S rwards married Mr. John Siddnll, of Illin died of yi r in New Orleai - with her only child. Johu McGehee, in ( 'oncn The maternal grandfather of impbell, \ auder Porter, was born in Ireland, and first settled at di. in K where he married 5 isan Massengill. While living at Jouesborough, the Irish rebellion out, and his eldest brother. Rev. J tor. a Presbyteriau minister, oue time i liemistry in the Universi Dublin, became involved in the troubles of the country, which determined him to return to his native island to look after the welfare of bis relatives. Hi- brother i • • i ■ a charge of treason, convicted and •d. His youuger brotl I and William, n making their escape from the country.and came to America with him. He afterwards brought over ' Alexander and James ert diod unmarried. His brother William first lived at Carthago, in Smith county, from which plaoo he re- . to Maury county, where lu died, leaving throe children, Louisa. Man and William. Louis:! married John Morgan, and Mary married Samuel Mayes, mer- chants ubia. William Porter, jr., died during the civil war. leavinga widow and several children uloi- and dan Rev. James Porter, both road law while living with the grand- father of Gen. Campbell, in Nashville, and after tl quisition of the territor) siana by the United I there and commenced the their < eruuii exander v the t he Supi t. and bis brother ; Attorney-General. They both ens ,nired la xan- iio State ot' Louisiana in the Senate of the United S intimate friend of Henry ('lay. Hi- only child, a daughter, married Mr. A South Carolina. . young, leaving no children. Thi James Porter, and now living in Attak isiana. Alexander P . married Mr. Allison, who loft, surviving her, ,udor All ! Irew Alii- \ ■ • noil, maternal grandfatl r, and his S Mas --ill. bad seven chil- dren, to-wit : James A. Por married Robert NY I niar- I John W. Campbell, bis illiam r first man ■ lly Ann M he had oue child, Ca J Porter, now living PROMINENT TENN1 in X:i.-]i\ ille, Hi- econd wife is also living in thai oil VI rs. Matilda Green died in l-.'!l in Decatur, Alabama, and left linn- children, ■ i Jane, A lexandi and Matilda I'., nil of whom arc dead except the last, wl o married < W. A rin in \ bi ] I I lliza, the mother "I ( len. ( lampbell in December 1849, i i children, viz.: Alexan- der W., Susan Ann. Ann Matilda, Pei Porter, .lane Eliza. Cynthia Roberta Mary Madeline, John -•it Porter,and Allison Woods. Ann Matilda Pi nclope Poi Sterling, died in L872, leavii < P. and Carrie M ; John Jami was killed at the bal Shiloh when n rt and Allison died in L850, ■ •! in Nashville; Jane Eliza ried Dr. Preston I!. Scotl , of Lot where she now resides ; the othei ■ I the exception ol Mary, whose home i- in \\ City. The subject of this sketch n is primary and riate training at I he -I ai ' m Male \ i Wt st Tennessee Colleg nd 1 i ation in the law department of Cumberland University, at Befori entering the law school he had pur- sued his 1 i more i ban a year under the late Judge A. W. 0. T On January 13, 1852, he married, at Lebanon, Mi^s Ann Dixnn Allen, a native of Nashvilli ir and only child of Dixon Allen, a lawyer, who ;uished himseli of a most bril- liant c Mrs. ( lampbell'e grandfather, Col. V lien. il thy merchant of Carthage, wi I terms a member of ' ' -n; his district. 1 1 was a daughter of George W. Gibbs, who Sparta Y>-I,ville about 1*12, where I, land bolder and as a la dii il the hi ad of his profession in i : artment. a native of Germany, who came earlj li : ttled in East nessee as a farmer. Mrs. Campbell ofJoseph \V. Allen, a retired banki h\ ille. I first married Judge William L. Brown, of one of the leading lawyei - wards Be the wif a Allen, and after his death married the fat lampbell. Mrs. Campbell red her education at the Jackson I titute, and the Columl I graduated at both of these schoi Is. She i- a lady of finished edu- cation, fine literary taste, am know] looks. Ber acquirements in this r< thorough irate as to enable hi ready referenc for her husband whi recur to a forgotb n quota- She is noted for her devotion to the dut n .ill the i h i ember of the Epi churcl i ily. In 1 upon I ii 1 -'.V i ied a tinned until the breaking out of the civil war. II appointed I Initi nted in i He ition in 1 - K aide Campbell's record during the civil wai ; nit of the and bclii ■ the pol doctrines and COnstil ill l ' I ht by the immortal author of the Declaration of [ndi and his ■ rary, Mr. '- the tl'i l.osii ion of the relal incut and the Suite,-, he did not hesitati ineiit upon which side he should taki 1 when the war I. < )n the first call .n of the South, he enro If as a private in the Inde- ion, which part of the Sixth T rvice, Assistant ■al in tie nal army i ' time in ii. izing the West GF, and remained on staff duty until ' ' year, when he « ii ty third Ti n The first battle in which he v 6t h and 7th of April, IHti.!. whi If for gallant hat fought in I the field. At this battle Gen. Campbell h the left arm, shoulder, , i. but did i I in the fi'-d 1 ' ded in the right foot, am his horse killed under hi. the head of his the battle of Perryville, fought on the Huh and 11th of October. 1863, where hi ightly in the thigh. At the battle of Mu OIIL'll. that eed in ii of a portion of Middle Tennessee, with headqua .ted until Jul; n < ien. 1 • nd fell ba II. was then sent to West T .'ill PROMINENT TENNESSEANS 1 ty. in u Septeu lie rii' i il Island until September 16. IN64, i day, when he was taken with othei nl and ex- changed While a prisoner al Johnson's Island, the authorities at 11 m inf'orii li npture, promoted him to (he rank ol General. Alter his ed to dun brigades, and served in that command until the surren- der of i !en. Forrest's t n i ille, Ala May ."). L8G5. This brief record ■ hell in the war between the Si intent. It ulls the simple stor.\ - duty, and w lin had made up his u sary, in its aceomplishment. It is if any man is pri | in any business or p intil he ha to himself affiriuativi Can you die it' duty call.- in the 1 r calling '.' Tlii- quest in tin affirmative, all the troubles im 111. HI The war over, ttpbell returned to his home at Jackson, and took n i • the in partnership with \V. < >. T ili nl' tin • ' 18G7 H until IS70 when he associated will U. \V. McCorry, formerly a law student under him, and practiced with him until IS75. when he formed a partnership with Hon. Howell K. Jackson, with win I until .1 udge Jackson ; uate, in 1881, After this lie v dnirt time in partner- ship with John I.. Brown, but since April. 1883, he has practiced alone. During his ; d career he has taut bank- brity in the * uum i mention of them here. Although he ha id lucrative practice, i i .! brtable circum- i of wealth Besides beir with almost the entire support of two or thn he has paid twenty thousand dollars of his father's His ni"' li life has been " Be honest ; .my. and let 1 1 lences take care of ( ien. t 'ainpbell has alw i a marked de- i he community in which he has spent his life. Jackson has been his iiu Nashville, in 1833, when he « I le « as mayor of I be city i president of thi Bank of Madison from -Tune, 1866, to February, IS81 ; was a director in the M id compari ; n 368 to to 1872; and is a director in the Jackson Gas light ny. In 1868, in New York, and in 1876, at St. Louis, he i "in Tennessee to the National In 1S70, he was a deb from Madi "ii the judiciarj committee of that body, of which the late Chief Jus n was chairman. IK served as specia i the Supreme b he State. Campbell is a man of span build, with keen black eyes ami a face and forehead the with 1 1 f thought. His niin : and whih bilities, he has about him tha I in the words, •■us." By his marriage with Miss Allen have been born six children: (1). Dixon Allen: died in infancy, ted at Jackson Female Institute: married I ' of Union City, Ti iniied to death iii 1S77, by her clothing accident- ally taking fire. (3). Anne. Mien; educated at Jackson ; married W. K. Mcintosh, a merchant and general southern freigh ' icsapeake and Ohio railroad company; has one child, Campbell. (4). W : born due Katharine Fi mder W. HON. ARCHELAUS M. Mi >Ni ! the nii n uished lav county HUGHES. J~\ the bar of Columbia famous during the middle of the pres illiant than that of \ . M ' He in Stokes county, North Carolina, nber 21, 1811. His t'atlu r ha\ iug moved to Maury n 1828 teen years oi in. and that county has been his home lie was principally educated at the Patrick Henry Academy, Henry county. Virginia, where he studied two years. After leaving school he engaged in teaching at Cedar PROMINENT TENNE6SEANS. 31 Springs, then in Maury county, but whic included in th< Marshall, and was lerk in the firm of Frier on for fou 1 !■• then rdner Friersou in mercantil This 12, hut did no< pn isful. II had itely studying law in his 1 lently looked forwai d to 1 And almost nil our lawyers wl in their pi era! busin r in othei them ])r:i(-t itb the knowledge which ; in a profession which brings men in ci ict « ili bi ill its forms. Hi study of law iii - thirtj Dillahunty. He comm practice at Columbia, which has been his , and where he still occasionally take- part in the conduct of importan In 1847 I I for Columbia judicial circuit, and a half after this the constitution was changed, and he thrown oul of office, but holding the ther I'm- thirt Be pre- when tli ;' the astitution of 'I nded him to private pract district attorney ui intment from Presi- dent ■ Hi- was a Whig before the war. and was m candidate for political office except in 1861, when he looted as a Union delegate to the constitutional ntion by the counties of Maury and Willian but the convention n iwn by the peo] ' loan. and has attended nearly all the State con' trty, and received many ballots for nomination as blican candidate for governor in the convent 1881, He attended as an alternate the cor mati which Dominated Mr. Hayes for president. Educated by Methodist pari nts, he j< ian church about L848, all h from the time that he fin lumbia having been 11. became a Mason at -. and Knight Templar He has been thi times Grand Master of t! is the oldest grand ma-tor in it. He has bi II In the ] Judge 1 1 -fid. having built up a ! fortune by his own unaided exertions; he 1. his children a fin His methods in the conduct ol life, d by hin ildren, at He m ■i ulation other in than tl m. The higl hundred The his life ha I her in private While eral he did lonvicl the guilty, is influeni - much his duty to let the innocent fn the guilty. In tale, indicted on a criminal cl he thought, I the at in favor of her whioh was granted by 1 tillahunty with ah ttor- ral. .1 mi- Hi- first man h <;.. daughter of Thomas B ful farmer oi a Virginia family. 1 1 Martin, d Matt. .Martin, now deceased. The first Mrs. Hughes' grandmothi f Rachel Clay, and sin of Henry Clay, of Kentucky. By his first marriage, Judge Hughes has had two children: (1 ). I I in her thirteenth ih, graduated at the Columbia Female Institute, and is still lit firsi Mrs. Hughes died in 1- hind ri putatio hiL'h moral elevation and all the accomplishments of a finished lady. Ili- -■ cond m Bed rd county. Mattie B., John L. Neil] . who was in the war of 1812, captured December 23, and a prisoner till after ttli of \ 1815. Her mother and he first Mrs. I ' being • of Capt. Matt. Martin, menti By his second marriage the Judge has five children A. M. I1ul ; Sidney, is a lawyer by proi dum- 2 William Neill Hughes, educated at Earl ham, Indiana: nam in the Thirteenth infantry. 1'niti - rmy. appointed from civil life. Edmond l>. Hughi 1 at the ity of .;■_' VIINEXT TEXXK in til. mi the lid now li\ Thi for i the 'i el' tli. ntury. 1 ill the J irt in nia. •In.; halt' i ~ lina, father - in the Mi William II. Hughes, :i Met] 'Id. their Ion ;i . ternal aunt ;ornal aunt ... .... Aunt, still alive at ninety.. ver 70 GEN. K. KIUI'.Y SMITH. THE 1 "n Cumberland the 'Kiine stands at th -t there 1 1 '^s for tli. - cliara than that of the reality with I What v . ial mid. I tleman who, at firsl ■ and his neighb. with fur acquaintam stern - ind truth. B such a ma. iph ; i; lias 1 by a st i. mnd Kirl.y Smith I in thi r'l:. II birtli- . when, his father bavins ;.. the lexandria, Virginia. ears, when, obtaining an ap- there and . John W, F. Smith. B. : iordon D I ■ - nd many other oflb military a n Indian campaign cannot I here: be tri- umphs ', the- warn- : ■ t his i bim _ illant and uduet. in the E ilia nt and The wai sed, however, it that the military authorities had 1 in him in • which attach ntry in the tield. for N PROMINENT TENNESSE \.\s. 33 Military Ai.nl. m and when, afterthe Mexican war.it ime necessary to survej the new Frontier established by the results of thai war. in L855, he acted as botanist military commission detailed for that purpose. Botany, entomology and conchology have been and are still his favorite studies. The professorship he held for three years. In 1855, he was appointed captain in the econd ■ avalry, and with this command was constantly engaged in frontier warfare from this time till the out- break of the civil war. Like many of the best soldiers of the Confederate army, he was opposed to secession until it was a fait accompli, but then offered his sword tnd liis life for the defense of the new government. His offer was gladly a icjepted, and his promotion rapid, as is testified by the following list of his commissions : (1.) Colonel of cavalry as the first organization of the Con- ite government and army at Montgomery, 1861. (2.) Brigadier-general, June 17. 1861. (3.) Major- it al, October 10, 1861. (4.) Lieutenant-general, October 9, 1862. (5.) Full-general, February 19, L864 Beheld important commands a ely in Virginia, Tenne ee Kentucky, and the trans Mississippi depart- ment; in the first In- was present at the first bat Manassas; in tin' two last fields of operation hi left to his own discretion, and conducted mas- terly campaigns in both of them. For his brilliant victory at Richmond, Knit ucky, I he Confederate Congress, on February 17. 1864, voted him a resolution of thanks, stylii i ion the only really decisive battle of the war." This expression points to the fact that his merits as a commander consist not so much in winning pitched battles, as in so disposing his troops, both before and lie fight, as not only to obtain victory but to i i tantial advantages to his government as its fruits. In his trans-Mississippi campaigns he had to create the resources with which he operated. II I not only his militai 3 command but thi iven ment. n his financial resources were raised by means of the State Legislature, which he in basing its operations upon the cotton at the disposal of th ernment. The Texas Legislature twice voted him itions of thanks for services in that State. It can not he doubted that the department administered by him was left in a better condition for future pros] i than any other which had been th. war- fare. When the end came, and the surrender at Appo- s proclaimed disarmament to the forces of the South which still kept the field, and while it was still uncertain whether criminal charges would nol bi Mist the let rs of I he Soul hern army, Gen. Smith found it necessary to lejtve the I nited States for a time, lie first surrendered his army to Gen Canby, Maj 26 1865, and bade farewell to h voted soldiers in a solemn and touching address from i we extracl I he foil wing ] ' four 5 present duty is plain ; return to your families, resume do' occupations of peace, yield obedience to the laws, labor to restore order Strive, both by counsel and to gi in 1 , to both life and liberty, and may Cod ill his mere;, direct ^ii aright and heal the wounds of our distracted country. Hi- own life dur- ing the last twenty years ha- been ti beautiful and im pressive realization of this counsel. \ftor doing all in his power for liis army, he went through .Mexico to Cuba, and alter two months, finding that it was safe to return, sailed for New fork and thence repaired to Lynchburg, Virginia, where hen joined his family and then moved to Louisville. Ken tucky. Here he assisted in organizing the Atlantic and Pa- cific Telegraph company, and became its pre- . which office he filled till thai -orbed by the Western Union company. In 1867, In became president of the Western Military my, Henry county. Kentucky, and held the office for two years, when had link again followed him: the buildings wen- burned down and he was again without employment. Hut his talents and great administrative abilil ■ I I known and he became chancellor of the University of Nashville. After six year.-' honorable service in this capacity, he was invited to take the chair of mathematics in the University of tic South, at Si wanei Tennessee, in the duties of which he ha- be I to the pri idolized by his pupils and comm ling the respect- ful esteem and sympathy of the whole South, for w hose hi gave hi.- splendid talents his powerful influ- and four of the besf years of his life. The military experience of Gen. Smith is in many respects unique. In constant military service for twenty years, holding commands in Mexico, On the Texas frontier, in Virginia, in Kentucky, in the States west of tile M ississippi, he never knew defeat. In the Mexi- can war he was pro-eni at every battle, both in Scott's and Taylors lim that of Buena Vista, when he i ed in the siege of Vera Cruz. He was never prisoner, and his command never retreated before i ho enemy : he was never in an unsuccessful engagement, ' as subaltern or as in chief command. I . i.v expedition he organized was successful, and he organized the brilliant raids of Morgan, Forrest and others. It was he who commissioned Forrest as briga- iii i al when organizing the expedition from his department which, dashing into Tennessee under For- rest, captured the entire brigade, infantry and cavalry, ... e .no of the ii. est bril- liant coups of the wai lie had thirteen relative- and is in the Mexican war: all hi- i pie for generations back have be i oldiers; all hi- nephews are graduates of West Point, as he is himself, and a- was hi- brother, Ephraim Kirby Smith, who fell in 1847, at Molinodel Hey. One PROMINENT IT NX - lie I I - i the - their - ■ He ■ it in ■ * - - - PROMINENT TENNESSEANS divines produced by this oountry, and especially noted as an itn|>i ■ Protestant Episcop He wasa lawyer in North Carolina before liisordi nation, and author of a well km ry of thai State. ( ren. Smith's Hint her was a 1 1 nplished : shr was educated ai Pennsylvania the Epi church, as were all Gen. Smith's relatives on both She kepi up with the litei tu the day of her death. 1 1 • < astonishing; when the first Fi boat arrived al St. Augustine, she wenl out and urged the citis Sgh id offered to command them, thou years old. When she found that they would nol she with her own hands, helped to cul down tin staff, then went to her room and locked In in. Refusing to take the oath, she was impris- oned by the Federal authoriti th she manifested ber extraordinary energj of will; I. luring life thai she would die, she finally i post ure in ber ti fourth year. Shi lefl two children, the general and his sister, Franci 3 Marvin, who died in 1881, widow ofCol. I. B. VVi bstcr, of thi I nited States artillery. Gen. Smith married al Lynchburg, in 1861, Miss born at Lynchburg, Virginia, dau of Samuel L. Soldi n, a lineal descendant of the lei Her ni" 1 : Miss of a wealthy tobacco manufacturer in Virginia. .Mrs. Smith b ted al the Catholii i, I listricl ' member of the Episcopal churoh, much esteemed in society, and the careful and conscientious mother ol imily. Theii Seldon.bi Lynchburg, Virginia, t >i 62 . Fra h born at Hampstead, Texas, July 7. L864; Edmund Kii'h.v. born at Louisville, Kentucl born at Louisville, B Men. born al N Kcntuck, lizabeth Chaplin, born at Nashvill see, Janui mild .Marvin, horn at Nashville, . 1 William Scldcn Scwauee, Tennessee, February 27, l s 7ie Josephine, born al Sewance, Tennessee, October 11, 1878; Joseph born ul e, Vpril 16, 1882; I m Kirbj I i ;. itors wen membi pal church, and has Mian, senior warden, lay reader and Sun ndenl in a great number ofchu in that communion. He is a Mason and Knight lar. [n politics he is a Democrat; was opposed to si when it v, lied, was the firsl to offer I be South, and th v. ii. 1 le was t be first Confi derate i Ificer t" enter \ irginia Mum i depots and tu muster in troops. Anion bosc were tin' Tenm i i iments of Tu and Mai igh has been stated to show that hi - oldier by inheritance, has always been a correct, conservative in! 1 .i ilways in i he hail. He began life on no capital, has supported his in tnd having been de voted to military life, has never gone into mercantile busin GOV. JAMES DAVIS PORTER. i//./,/:. IT has been said ol Gov. Porter that a promise from him is equivalent to its fulfillment, and thai a state nii'iii from him is a of its truth, h couragi I lissimulation or ■ ii. Hi' has n calm, judicial mind, and hisspi and written ear, concise and pointed. As of bi ing laborious, dei ! frank 1 1- owes his pi to no sort simulation not the i ir art, Inn lit tu for himself. His mind is more characterized by ih than brilliancy I !• n ceivu the firsl giving the sub ma! ure tin i I when he does i ic to a con elusion he can not I i from it. or persuaded to thei stubborn, Cor on minor matters of difference, no m ield for the sale of I he was painstaking and careful, whether in al sin. unosty and .'.'in.. \ r CStilliati IS a man .in his messages to the licgislitui . the mcnsui uno of which are imperishable in. .inn entitle him to the gratitude of ilii* and In his inaugural submitted the follow n lan- eharaeteristie of the philanthropist and builder: \ political revolution in public sentiment has ml in the - of the I ni. ni. What inlln evil it is to have on the eountrj remains to be but our dntj is a plain one to avoid the errors that have brought disaster to the best ii the coun ii \ foremost among them is iliai spirit which lined such an . . (ho mil a^ lias caused them to sul make them mvI. party approbation rather than tl '. an.l prosperity o{' the ■ will direct the popular energies to useful pursu if im- 1(1011 ill. agriculture tin school houses, an.l 1-iall.N is ill.- great b imor obli> i.l anini. ■- and tor tin ol brotherhood among the people lie S the I nion, " fhankin i . for the d ilii'\ have conferred upon me, 1 will lal \ ibis : .• dial tin fiiithfulb int to which the ilium is th theii rument, not onl> in ii> right*, bin ■ an.l influence Ii i^ vain to hope thai the prim i nin. an can I. <• pies. r\ cd or that in from i unnim. into the nbsolut lilcbed uway, an.l their d .■ I. .si In In-- in the Tliirtj ninth (ieneral Wemblj il inn us would all'.. i.l llm i he public schools to • hi tli he said : " I recommend thai you im i our |..'.> without i n ics I oil thai lb to im prove ilio M It 'umberlnnd ri\ ers; and deral L'on gross Mexican vol rans upon the p.'ii- dministral i euditiircs I n lii- Tli,' eurroii I ho State government for tin 0-1 I. II kOO mi of milium , I nenl shows n redue- if the cm i hi in ten years that be full of I'm- ther large redu i he made by the adoption of eertaii inmeiided in this nd in the able n the comptroller. The ourren I5S-0D amounted to er arc buried. John ] led from Do l ■ 1 627. 1 1 John Porti i . who came to A 1027, wa ii.. Put nun. and 'li\' Covington nofl III wife, Diana 1 1; r of Jami from whom Gov. Porter imc. Thi I •Ii(;r. for whom hi icd. Thi lattci was Prom the north nl Ireland, and Ivania. He icttled on Brandy'ine buried in the chui ndy- hurch. William Porter, the paternal grandfather of Gi . after his mat i first in franklin county, Kentucky, from which placi h I : intil his deaths in 1833. His wife died in 1820 1 i cond son, Thomas Kenned Porter, the father of Gov. J D. 1' 19, 1 -nl. II- O'J Kentucl < '■,! Tli odorc ''Ii tied 'i I in Pebru i in. Horl ■ i in II \ \ I \ I' Ills lie i Ill J - Whili did fjualil high* iual, of . L 1*. - - H . I > I - I rila|», riintl WMMINKXT TENXKSSK VXS lliam, ration iunty \ Otll- iko up the i never niakin He -" -- dent Sas St. Louis - - A: - - unanimously. The high coniplinn yed in his nttnent to the position ho n rthily and . by the consid- n that it I without solicitation or en an applicant tor this ither place under the administration of Mr. Cleveland. tor's methods ^\' life have been hile a lawyer, to - put into his hands ito the r the fullest preparation, ;t coursewhich enabled him to compete with any opponent. Third his income. In this his 1 him. an Iways been a rule with them never to buy anything until able to •• has paid s than any man in with his • - '-i of court when - vbich came from his — what he wills '1 without • ■■■. what ho oil. \Yh V ild as such w - da member of the the firs - r held. He was a mem- nvention - that nominated Mr. B - nt Ih never hold a civil office, - hat he did not derive di- • • - i to. hildren, viz. : S - innah M : — Fanny \ . 6. Bibb, who N'as - rland ' 376 ; resides at 2 • hools \ . \ - HON. J. W. CLAPP. • H- ■ s soon as W C. - - when he - - TKNN'l 41 disruption Whig and I » roken up and i eal or. nion and rhich followed. In of Mississippi which and b I for At tl. Mr. Memn : if the pi, part of Alal and pari of I. this cotto n fron which he ■ forward to Richmond, and which he turn< Richard He held this position d federate armies, and then turned his hands to the Federal Oanby very kindly insisted that he should retain the office, fixing his but the offer v. ned. Prei the war Judge Clapp had an about ten thousand dolli innm. and ov. land. lie lingly went to Memphis in June. ImJo'. am if law. Ii .ut in a Tilden • i the r the ■ during i nominated for I of tv, part in the ■ MemphU in which I of the leaders of thi While in thi - le chairman of the mi Federal rclati Mr. ■ at Abie. Virginia, in 1836, hut afl . r eon- . Holly Sprii and yards made an elder in thi rian church of madi in which up to the pi I Mr FIc ■ and tl idren and I tleman of ed in I Mr. ' P. W. Vir- ginia. ! partner of Frederick P. 8 Holly and owned ? By this children the wife of II. A. I the four chil SV. Clapp, born in fMeinpl childi iw firm of Clapp «t rried Miss Lamira M. Parker, and has four child. •• born ! I married Mi B. Kennedy, dai D.X. child. (5). Rva Walton Clapp, born in " .the A. M. A. M. Wi ■ Mem| married Alice D. P I 7 i. Leura L. CI ' ■ TKNN I HON. wn.i i \m STUAl? r im.i'.mim;. r i "MIS I ! I. the ■ II V' I'l'U'V . lor :i ii imliis I our wil until II i~ I, \\ s 1 . « - 1 > wn, Tlic lil'iil. Iiomo I culture. I lore ho P Tennessee in ir, wlion ii li'll into the n lire .iikI : with :il including mis r valuable .,'il to uul suspen ill, i';ltlll. - than n -\ 111 hoth- Ho hail eeuth ■lions I tlli> n tlio r tiio - « iii :' him. it ions they ?/ . ■ . ££ z^t PROMINENT TKNNK l.'i had lost, the details of which uf tin in 1 "Tii eellor of i chaiici ' elected for a second term In-ill'.' Judge T W, Tii! i. V, I includes the four iuiportaril eouni iet ■ if x l Williamson and Marshall. ii ure of J used him for public nial addn i d in his h of thi n!' a lit.,' political journal file* of which were anion burning of 1*1- are in ■ ith bench and bar generally been confirmed when referred to higl ier of tin byterian church, in which he and .-ill hi ruling elder in the Firsl V in church of Columb II. Odd 1 in which The family of Judge Fleming migrated from Scotland to the north of Ireland a( a period i thence to Williamsburg disti th Carolina in 1732 John Fleming i of the r date thi imily. He married a lady named Wil descent, and the fruit of that m Fleming, who ci lather from li when a boy He married tl I wife mother of J udgi Fh mil .< andfather - mentioned. By hi- second wife he bad of whom . in which ; ,i- -on. William B., and hi- l Fleming irt. Jami Flemii ''father of of this memoir, married Mai son, Thorn ming, fatl ming He, wil i. ; three younger brotl Williamson county, Tenm Here onion of the grant of twenl by the Rcvolution- I, Nathai military services. Theii the fa mi I I nele to •) udge Fl< n John l». Fleming, who. with hi- elder brothel Thomas, fol- lowed Jackson in all hi- war- participating in m includin William Stuart !■'!■ J iuan of fiin of all I memo hini- all who kl uiline I Ider in thi i eh. The firsl - I h Carolina he- with thi thru! and belovi r new I ! Ull Of him at his home in Maui 'I Mrs. .laiiie- Flemii Hi- lc: tth Carol: with his father, wh red in children,! of whom died in infancy. The surviving children Mary Whil arried A. N. 1' arnier Willi: - mar- er, half-bi m. F. r, and died Au ! F.. and who ri army, which in tin and afl hieli H II ri;mii\ i \ n \\ kssi-; ws I I I,' 111 \ liloi Mi-.-. li V :i ill,' III! I, \V. S I I 111-. lllllo III * A. I? of \ \ lll;lll\ x 11,1 \|;\V\ I : \ rtitll I ill ,- V ry I , I SS I , \| \ Nlav Wi 1 \\ I S S \\ \ \ J N ,-, llt'lll II ml Pill - KllU'lllil ly 1 riiilil'nl mini kl'> 1111,1 :1U,'-- I III - Ittltll i ill,- lips of ill,' ,1 if lu- should mu K lo li :i shrinking of ilu- iho i':iU,Ii,,,',I wlu'ii spokon l>> ilu- lip--. Inn which tho ,-,,uiu- - Thoro i^ no -1,1 iluplii illll'lll illtl \ |< mi, in, litmsotf :i llioivii: lilv ivh.il'l, wit SilUl 1,' ill, ihoso -k, ',, lios II, is olio of ill, , \ ilo n, "i in, .in Truth ii is vorj ,.i-> to ■ '. in In-- pi '• II,- to ilu' modioli In ho\ strict haw omloavotvil 10 msiko m\ lll> proill - :l,llllil';ll'h .ul.lpU',1 \i our first healthy I imuy ■■in. m other times a >lili Itool, iiiul in; in •m -ui,r \ Mill}! up a health :u is the ul iii - - lilllO of law, It than - itv the :; the S - ' I IK II 1101 \V II II II I ■ ■ ■ ■ilNKXT TI'.WKSSKAXS Sciltt, till II L'l llllllilll sliurl furlough, iluri time ho dropped li ndrin, proci on tin I the ordi- iianei Vpril IT Doing in I lined until lie i a littli liim threi liward. Immediately after 1 hi the ('"ii egulars by the authoritii goinery. < hi i . uiont, 'I'm and Holm it. He served with Tu 1801 . I" May 1 . 1802 ; was in the eanipn I'. Johnson in if \ irginia I eaehed Ma- - .Inly '_'l troops had taken place, and mo tin Peninsula, at which time his with the first Tenn II. was then assigned to duty with (leu. K. 1 Smith, win 'i commanding tin departim ■d with that army ii Tennessee ami instructor iian any other man in th< ut •) tily 1. 1SG3, 1" - in- valiy with Gen. Joseph Wheeler, a position whicl proini i Wheeler with the rank of colonel in tin dered on an expedition i On the retreat of I '■ diers ami small "1 tl" \ or, ami i nt u> collect thorn, with such could got, into pro> i nd operate with them until further instructions. On r L'.'J, n a fight neai' Win th infantry and cav- alry. In was captured by the .1 nded himself. II" was taki crd, where I tnmauder court-martial ami -hot. Afterwards I and oi urn the pi Vndrcw John- son, military goverm i the the I Holmau Id try the rope I'm- a .1 he would take I that he was a prisoner of war in the hands of the United ami claim uch, remarking that differently would certain aid which he declined tu further talk. He was then si I to the nor waited on him, and stated that he "would he per- mitted t" Johnson next morn 1 Hol- inan replied thai he did n ay man named John- \ ernor "(' Teni I if such a man wanted tu see him he would doubtless find him at th" penitentiary. The ■ II, but ouc marked that ti or had said that " Holman r being d Nashville penitentiary three • lllin. win was transferred i" Johi I, wh< re h" ren il ( >ctober, 1804, w hen he was put upon 1 1 ."li to Richmond, beii d until January 1. 1865. At 'iv. as .i-- I ,~. Kiiliy Smith, commanding the ind attached t" tin army I! Magruder, "!' tli" department of 'I inent until th" terms upon by i (ens. Kirhy Smith i what would be th" pol- ■ iii i In- I 'nil".! St I .1 the • 1 re- solved '.tain what that pi i dinglj he moved to the ■ ml remained there until he d that the government would nut deal with him, and then returned to Houston. • ami surrendered to Gen. Canby, Jul; gave his parole, and received | i 'ion, and returned to his father's ' in Li : his "iitii e..ii- I : i" clothing I: i lm\ ersack, and a shirt. ae li" commenced reading (hi November 21 married to Miss Eliza- beth ('. Kinibr . Bradley Kimbr \ ''■. his wife, like the noble woman she is, pro] make o support them until he couh law By the aid helpmate Col. Holmau su i in L867, at the March term of the Lin ty circuit rn in as a pi il" theu formed a partnership with his brother, Col. D. W. Holmau. who had been in th" war In \ Flolman was elected atto ral of the al circuit Inch office he tilled until (J -77 when li" tendered his n ' l' liter, in order I PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 47 civil practice, in which be has been active] ever since. After being elected attori leral he was indicted in the Dnited States circuil court for the middle die (net of Tennessee for holding office contrary to the fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the 1 States, \t the same time quo warranto proceedings instituted in thai court to remove him from the office. He was am -t< d and gave bonds for his ap] anci be! court, when a demurrer was filed, both to tin- indictment and quo warranto. Jud ding, sustained the demurrer, and discharged Col. Holman from further attendance on that court. The I fnited States disl rict atfc laled the ca -• to i hi United States supreme court, where it is understood the decision ol the district iudgi was affirmed, though no report of the case has ever been made. In 1878 Col. Holman was appointed by Gov. Porter a commissioner for Tennessei to the International Ex- hibition at Paris. He attended the exhibition, and while in Europe he and Mrs. Holm I the prin- cipal places of interest in Great Britain, France, Switz- erland, Italy. A ustria and < rei m > In politics Col. Holman is a Democrat, as wen paternal ancestors. His grandfather and people on his mother's side were Whigs. In 1880 hi was a "State credit" candidate for Conj but was defeated by Hon. Richard Warner. Col. Holman became a Mason in 1866, and is at pre cut a member of the council. Religiously he is inclined towards the Primitive Baptists, but is very liberal in lii- opinions, and belongs to no church. Mrs. Holman is a member ol the Missionary Baptist Church, gradu ated in 1860 at Mary Sharp College, Winchester, Ten and taught school some three yi ai tftcr her marria Col. Holman began life without property, and resoh ed never to go in debt nevei to pend money until hi had made it . never to contract an obligation until he knew hi could certa inly mi et it to trust nothing to luck ; to go without his supper lie tore he would a.-k credit for it ; to kee. ;i ions mile ! ble to lose the amount of money he invested; never to go security unless he could pay the liability of his principal; to comply with every monetai I y day promised; to deny himself none of the necessities of life, lie never linn ni foi a client who does not ti rst make out his case by his own statement ami | I that lie i- able to bring forward. He always accepts the statement ol h > client as prima facie true as to the Kiel-. Inn givi - the client no control in the conduct ol' his controversy. When he sees that a client i- about to lose his cause, or that he is likely to make nothing b litigation, he immediately so inform- him. ami if he re- fuses to ml. i ... . . in (hat 'He rgency the client is re- i 'I to employ other counsel ; Holman retires from the ease lie brings no law-suit, either civil or crimi- nal, for a client whose sole objeel is to annoy ami vex his onist, and will not be a party to his ill will towards an adversary. He always aids a your ' er, and has a reputation for i ving up the cause of his client -o long us he thinks he i- right. There is hardly any sacrifice he will not make for a meritorious cause. He throws hi- whole nature into his -nits, ami assumes All. Col. Holman's law library is one of the finest in the financially he is on a good footing, one of the t, w lawyers who are good financial -nee, GEN. WASHINGTON CURRAN WHITTHORNE. ' OLUMIilA. THIS gentleman is of mingled Irish ami A met i extraction; his father, William -I. Whittle, m, , me ,1 him after i he two ets of hi-- admiral ion in hi- native ami adopted i ountry, whose names he now hears. lie was horn April 19, 1825, near Petersburg, in Lin- coln county; thence he removed with his parent- to Parmington, Bedford county, and received an a country school education there, working at his father's trade when not in school. In his fourteenth year he was sent to an academy at Arrington, in Willia/nson county, where he studied eighteen months, and then,-, to the Campbell Academyin Lebanon, which was the nucleus of the now well- known Cumberland University. After studying there two sessions, he entered the Uni '. i-iiy of Nashville, then umhr I>r. Philip Lindsley, and after a session and a half there matriculated at the East Tennessee University, at Knoxvillc, under I'resi d,nt Joseph Esterbrook. Here he graduated after a two -ear- colli'- e. His father had by this time removed to a housi Nashville, and from college he made a visit of three month- there, and then went to Study law under Messrs. Polk and Thomas, the former gentleman being James K. Polk, afterward- President of the United I lei, he studied until 1845, when he was called to the far. i examination by Chancellor filial and Judge Dillahunty. This, it will he remembered, w n; ( >Mi\r\ V IT.NNKSSK VNS \ \\ ,\.v 1 S \ \ * \ V s : - - «hu-V, this - - S W hitthorne \ n . storn V ir \ imthor, IStil Uo> I Irtms :' iho ntli \. il Vlhorl Koh v. 1I;UM ■ : tor him loroo. i ;,.\ i \\ mlorsod l'> '•.il • . \\ liit \ .1,1 proiunuuvd l(im I ho \ immcnced, li<\ l! Harris, followed iho v S rim . lion, - ft' SUO- \ \ \ ,1 (1)0 ilitios N J ls> illo. \ s lasi hattlo ho iu:\ihI - horse, and i larily - - - - many \ - ss j •- - - - i I i Wai, - ■ ■ Fi I ! - : - ! ! I ■ : lady. ■ well 50 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS Cecil, a farmer and stock raiser near Danville, Ken tucky: they have three children, Charles P., Jan ic and Sarah. (3). Klla. married to Alexander Harvey, a manufacturer residing in Baltimore; they have one child. .Ian ie. (-1). The single daughter, Mary, attending Mount Vernon Institute, Baltimore. (.">). Washington ('.. jr.. ami (G), Harry, attending Center College, Dan- ville, Kentucky. The earliest principle Gen. Whitthorne adopted for his conduct in life was to live within his income, lie says that he has had many ups and downs in lite, and that his circumstances have uniformly been prosperous or adverse according as he adhered to thai rule or departed from it. In any undertaking, whether it was a lawsuit, a speech iii Congress, or committee work, or a stump speech, he was always successful, provided he had previously made himself thoroughly familiar with all the details iif the matter in hand ; on the other hand, whenever he has failed to do this, he has met with em- barrassment and uncertainty in the result. In all eases it lias been essential to success to give hi- undivided attention to the business before him. The revising editor ventures on tl pinion that an important element in this gentleman's political success has been fidelity to party leaders. In the earlier stages of his career he received valuable aid from President Polk and Andrew Johnson, ami these services he repaid by devotion to the interests of his party chiefs. The writer is aware that such c luct is in the present day est eein ed inconsistent with originality and independence of spirit, but he always suspects that independence which leads a young man to disdain the guidance of more experienced statesmen 'to arise much more from self-conceit tin riginality of intellect. lien. Whitthorne is five feet eight inches high; weighs one hundred and sixty-three pounds, ha graj eyes and hair, with features of a type partlj Grecian, partly Irish: his manners are graceful and easy, and may be pronounced those of the typical lawyer and conj man. HON. RODERICK RANDOM BUTLER. MOUNTAIN CITY. THIS gentleman, like his political associate, Mr. I [ouck, is one of the self-made men of East Ten- nessee. He was born in Wytheville, Virginia, April 8, L830. His father died while he was an infant, and he was raised in his mother's family till he was thirteen years old, when he was apprenticed to a tailor, John W. Ilauey, of Newbern, Virginia, with whom he served an apprenticeship of six years, and then emigrated to Johnson county, Tennessee, where he now lives, lie states that he arrived there with a bundle of clothing tied up in a handkerchief, on his hack, and seventy-five cents in his pocket. He commenced working at his trade at Taylorsvillc, the county seat of Johnson, which has recently adopted the inure romantic name of Moun- tain City. Here he worked till he was twenty-one years old, when he commenced studying law with Carrick W. Nelson. He was called to the bar in November, 1853, being licensed bj Chancellor Tl as L. Williams and Judge Seth Luckey. He was at te taken into part- nership by his preceptor, C. W. Nelson, with whom he practiced in Johnson and Carter counties from 1853 ti. 1861. When the war brok it . he tun], the Union side and was commissioned bj Gen. Burnside to raise a regiment of infantry. Col. Miller was at the same time similarly engaged, and when each had partially succeeded their respective contingents were consolidated into a single regiment, of which Miller became colonel, and Butler lieutenant colonel. He resigned at Nashville, in 1864, on account ol impaired health. Priorto actual hostili- ties he was several times arrested by the Confederate authorities, and tried for treason at Knoxville, but ac- quitted. , Prior tn the war he had attained the following posi- tions: (1). Elected major of first battalion of Tennes- see militia, about 1850, before be was of age. (2). Appointed brigade inspector on Gen. JamesT. Carter's staff. (3). Elected judge of the county court in L855, and held the office two years. ( I,). Elected to the Leg- islature from .loh 1 1 -on county, and served in the session of 1859-GO. (5). Re-elected and served in the session of 1801-62, and was one of the sixteen who voted against the military organization and the other meas- ures which resulted in the secession of the State. As soon as the war was over and the Legislature re- established, In- was elected ill) State Senator from the counties of Johnson, Sullivan. Washington and Carter, and .served in the session of 1865-66. During that session he was appointed by Gov. Brownlow (7) judge of the lirst judicial circuit, comprising the coun- ties of Sullivan, Washington, Johnson, Carter. Greene, Hawkins and Hancock. This post he held till (8) he was elected to Congress, in 1867, from the first congres- sional district, comprising the counties of Johnson, Carter, Sullivan, Washington, Greene, Hawkins. Han- cock. Grainger, Cocke. Jefferson and Sevier. (9). Elected to the four ensuing Congresses, serving eight years. Throughout this period he acted steadily with PKOMINE N T T E X X ESS E A X S. 51 the Republican party, and served mi many important committees, those on Indian affairs, elections, educa- tion, labor, and the revision of the laws: lie was the youngest member on the last-named committee, and was also chairman of the committee on military affairs, (lo>. In 1878 he was again elected to the State Legislature from Johnson and Carter counties, and served in the sessions of that year and 1879. He was re-elected in 1880, 1881, L883,and (11) in 1884 he was elected flotcrial representative from the district composed of the counties of Johnson, Carter, Sullivan, Washington, Greene and Unicoi. In all he has served fourteen years in the State Legisla- ture and eight in Congress. He was successively dele- gate to the national Republican conventions which nominated Lincoln, Grant, Hayes and .Garfield, though he was prevented attending the latter by ill health. He was a Whig before the war, and as sueh was ap- pointed postmaster of Taylorsville, and held the office for four years. When not serving in Congress or in the Siate Legislature he practices law, being a member of several law firms, sueh as Butler & McDowell, in Bris- tol; Butler & Donelly, in .Mountain City; and Butler & Emmert, at Erwin, in Unicoi county. Judge Butler is a man made for popularity, and has been recognized since Ids first entrance into public life as a political leader of consummate ability, second only in Bast Tennessee to Andrew Johnson, whose origin and early start in life present a remarkable parallel with his antecedents. In his own county there was but one vote east against him in each of two elections. He has a commanding presence, being six feet high, with a weight of two hundred pounds; upright in atti- tude and jovial in bearing, always ready to express his views and aide to defend them : knowing the people and known of them. In political work he is indefatigable, never resting while there is an end to lie accomplished to which he can contribute his efforts. In the State Legislature, while his influence is supreme with his own party, there is no man with whom his political an- tagonists are so ready to discuss points of common interest, and lie enters into sueh discussions with an engaging IVankno-s that disarms political animosity. He drinks no whiskey, uses no tobacco, sleeps barely six hours, and is never idle when awake. His rule id' life may be expressed in his own words: " Never de- sert a friend or pander to an enemy: especially never desert an old friend for a new oni — rivet your friends to you and let your enemies go." Judge Butler said to the editor, " If my time were to go over, I would attend to m\ profession and nothing else; I would never go into polities; there is no money in it, it is a dot's life; the politician is a pack-horse for everybody, has to go everybody's security and neglect one's private affairs." To all which this editor is profoundly skeptical, firmly believing that, if the time were to go over, if R. It. Butler were again only twenty years old, and a political opening were visible, lie would jump iii. even as young due!-- take to till' wale]-: yes, though lie knew all he does now: if lie knew, as lie does know, that politics involves much loss and but little profit; if he knew that he should meet with treacherous friends and un- scrupulous enemies: if he knew, as lie well knows, that the politician's merits are constantly nibbled at by de tractors and bis errors proclaimed from the house-top, lie would still lie a politician and nothing Imt a politi- cian. The strife of parties is the only element in which his faculties can find their field of action, the storm of political agitation, tli ly atmosphere in which he can breathe. B. R. Butler is a politician by nature and Naturam expellees f 'urea tamen itsqiu recurret. .Indue Butler married in Johnson county, Tenm January 7, 1849, Miss Emmeline Donelly, daughter of Richard Donelly, an old-style Virginian gentleman who emigrated from Albemarle county, Virginia ; noted in his day as a splendid horseman. His father emigrated from Dublin to Albemarle county. Virginia, and settled there ; he was a soldier in the war of 1812. .Mrs. Butler's mother, Rebecca Doran, was a daughter ofMaj. Alexander Doran. a large farmer of Washington county, Virginia. He, too, was a soldier of 1812. He served as a member of the Tennessee Legislature from ( 'arl ei- county, the first repre-eiitat i \ e of that part of' the counts' which lies east of the mountains. He was brig- ade inspector under Gen. Taylor. By his marriage with Miss Donelly. .Indue Butler has seven sons and two daughters: ( 1 i. Richard H., has been county court clerk; is a farmer and merchant at Mountain City. I'-'), .lames (I., married a Mi^s Gray- son, and is a physician of high reputation. (.'I). Ceo. ((..now in Oregon sheep farming. (I). William B.a prominent physician; married a Miss Grayson. (5). Samuel S. D. G., a fanner in Johnso unity; married a Miss Kiser. (ii). .John Bell, sheep farmingin Oregon, with his brother George. (7). Edward Bast, reading law. (8). Virginia, wife of James If. Church, a lawyer at Mountain City. ('.')■ Bessie, wife of W. B. Keys, a teacher and proprietor of the Tennessee Tomahawk. Judge Butler's father. George Butler, was horn in Maryland, raised and married in Virginia, and died in Wytheville, Virginia, in 1829, at the age of forty, lie was a school teacher, a graduate of a German college; tall and handsome: an independent man of decisive character. He was the only man ill his county who voted for Adams against Jackson for the presidency, he being sheriff of the county at the time. The grandfather of Judge Butler, the Rev. John George Butler, of Cumberland, Maryland, was a minis- ter of the Lutheran church. A grandson of his, the Rev. Dr. Butler, is known as pastor of the Memorial Lutheran church at Washington City, which was ''dedicated to Almighty God tin- the preservation of the union of the United States." The Butler- ale a tier- :c promixkxt texxessk vxs. man family, of which 1'nitod States Senator Butler, ol lie lias a 1 health and great constitutional v !i Carolina, is a member; another branch .'I the and promises to be si man of influence in political faniilv il to Ohio fairs lor many years. Judge Butler's mother, was of Scotch-Irish origin. \ prominent lawyer of Rasl Tenn ssei writes to the born in Tyr county. Ireland, neai Newton * litor as follows "I have known Judge Butler inti- ,| |)i Samuel Leiti I < Her matolj ever since tin- war. II' 1 went on the bench in mother, Rebecca Hay, of Tyrone county, Ireland, died lSlCi. and pn irtiality. AT w evillc \:i in. i 1817, leaving two children, terwardshe was four times elected to Congress. \ i i\\ Nancy, mother of J udge Butler, aiid Rebecca, yer, he stands al the head of the profession ; as an ndi Judge Butler's mother died in ISTiil, leaving four cate, he is superior ; sis a man, he is noble and generous, children, (ieorgi Gustsiv Olivei and Roderick Kan faithful to his duties, true to his friends, and liberal to dom, all of whom are now di i the last named, hi- i as a politician, he is shrewd and cunning, subject of this sketch. He has succeeded by hard and most general!} carries hi- point Socially, he has work and indomitable resolution; has given his chil- few. if any. superiors, lie is now, as he has been ever dren a good education ami trained them to work for since 1 have known him twenty years a consistent their living. By industry and economy he has acciimu- but linn, unflim Inn Bepublicaii, and a strong udv oeate lated a respectsible fortune in spite of the loss of fifteen for temperance in all iis forms, lie is a member of no thousand dollars security debts. Without disn church, vol attends church services more regularly public opinion, he has never yieldi than n >sod Christians In manners and in ions, policy or principles to it ; he accepts flatter} lie is an except ionsibly pleasant gentleman, what ii is worth sind laughs detract ion < • 1 1 1 ofeouiiteiianee. ami a man win' commands 'In- respect of all with whom IK' became a Mastei Mason al Taylorsville. in 1852. he comes in conl HON. HENRY J. LIVINGSTON. /; /.■ ■ ■ v - ■ r T^lIE iiumed I Ion. Hem I I the v I N Curb mer in Haywood eoui ingyton wore S lb I'arolina stock. Hi- ..•">'<, Thomas <>.. de< b"). Caroline I-'... w father, Thomas Price Livingston, was horn on \V. C. McCoiiico, a farmer in Haywood county. ,1 sillies Island, in front ol Char'. - nth Caro Henry J. Eivii sborninOi district, linn, March 29. lSt»7. II. was a cotton planter and South Carolina. Februarv 20, KM He was brought slaveholder; a class-leader rd'hi the Metho- up to work on his father's farm, picked cotton and dist church: a man >>( uncompromising integritx and a plowed corn there until 1 > 17. when his father removed strong advocate -l' the South during the war. He t" '! and the young man continued the same removed to Tennessee in 1847, locating first in Homy occupation, gsiiniug in health, muscle and industry, as county, and in IS4S settled in Haywood county, where he grew in years. His literary education was obtained he died. April l!>, 1877). at the best schools in Brownsville, and included a fair Judge I s mother was Rachel Livingston knowledge of Latin. Greek and mathematics, with au Slmler. The Shuler I'amih- are «{' German dness for the latter and subsequently for the riietion and one among the Herman fami- study of law. as early a* his tweutieth year. Hebe lies in the Palmetto Siato. Her father was Daniel reading law January 1, ISoti, under Gen. I.. M. Cauip- Shulcr. and her mother, Catharine Bin Brownsville, and after eight months' active and S uh Carolina. Mrs. Livingston was born in -notions preparation, entered the middli i the burg district. South Carolina. December 21. IS' Law Department oi' the Cumberland Cniversity at married there : and died in Haywood county. Tom Lebanon, Tenn. — . He remained al Lebanon from „ .June IT - was an excellent and most September, 187)ti to June. 1S7>7, at which time he gradu- inan. sxted under Pr IV Nathan tireen. Sr., Nathan Green, B\ this marriage there wi bildren : (1\ Jr.. .Vbram Caruthers. ami President Robert L. IV Janics I... now a farmer in Haywood county. Tennessee. ruthers. After graduating ho was licensed by Chan- this sketch. t,3V Lawrence eellor B 1. Ridley and Judges Robert L. Caruthers. \\\, who was a Confed lier under Gen. Price, Robert -I. McKinnev am! William R. Harris, of the and was killed in A; v I S nolo He began pract.ee at Brownsville, in fltOMINEN'J TENNESSEANS. 53 tuber, L857, and practiced there up to the war, and ;il-''. a ftei i lie war, unt il hi went on i he bench thus i si I' staj ing pow< r which in 1 1 ~t be reckoned always as a factor of Dur arly all iliis time he was a partner of \ tt ■ I tenj iinii! .1 Lea t be firm being Lea & 1 ton, 1 1 \ ii "ii-i. 1872, fiov. John ('. Brown appointed Hon. Henry J, Livingston chancellor of tin' tenth chancer; dh f I hi Si ati of I em e ■ compris- ing ( he counl ies of I [ardeman, Lauderdale, Fa Madison, Tipton and Haywood, and undi ■ mmis sion lir sen ed I w o of two I ! i"" and five hundred dollars per annum, He has sit elected to the same place: first, in 1874, to (ill out the unexpired term of Judgi James Fentress who had resigned I in 1 ^7* for a term of eight which ex) ires Sepl .1 udge Livingston also erved witl as a < lonfed i lier. He i he array in I -til , at Jai ! -"M Tenm Be, Hay- w I Range II. W. I laywood, and served in thi ill he This company I Si", mi li Ti i ■ i '. . ii" , egiment . Forr mand. Livingston was made a lieuti nun' i - I In ■ ■.in an tnd rcmai ida Hi utenanl then in until its Burn in I. r til < lainesville, Vial r\ ice in Tei • ■ M issouri, Ken Mississippi and \ labama, and in all tl battles where Forrest led. He command. iment in the li^lit at Wyatt, on tjie Tallah itchi in Mississippi, He was taken prisoner Ni L862, ;ii Lamar, M i nd exchanged at burg, December 3, L862. At Columbii I anessee November 25, 1864 in tin fightwhen Hood was moving upon Nashville, he was wounded in the left shoulder by a lninnic ball, an igementin « hii h he par ticipated he bore himself « ith i hi soldier, I n polit ii Judgi Livingston i m un- ring I democrat. I fe was a I >i dhood, a Breckinridge Democrat when the war came on, and uci i he war a n ;ular, st raight party man. squat el In the I democrat ic State convention of 1872, which nominated John C. Brown foi Judge Livingston opposed the nomination of C for president In I i 1 ith Hon. .Inn. i M, Fleming, of Knoxville; Hon, D. M, I- 1 1. n. William A. Quarles, I [on. T. I!. [vie, < !ol. M C. I lallav ay and others I on the committi i rm, and advocated I demo- crat as the national i I Messrs, Quarli [vii and Livin i ised the majoi .in, I pi , ,iit irl a minority report . -I udge Living >ton makii I ech on it, but the minority report wa hat time he since been i lb) men w ho opposed him in ,i ion I'm and he toi He ha i hr\ ed in or half .1 udge Livingston has n kind. In i having joined that church in 1873. He was raised in a Methodist fat i and I rut Ii of ( tianity. Judge Livingston married, at Stanton I 1 « I countj , Ten M is.* Tempe J. Si. in." North Carolina, November 10, 1850. Mrs. Li father was Joseph Brchon Soini rvell, a large planter, of firm character and son of lervell, it lawyer of abilit e in North Carolina. James Somervell was the son oi John ervell, who w;i< the son of John Somervell, mhi of II. of Ke x, the last being a licneal ndant.of A\ tner veil, who came from Nor- iili William, the Conqi 1066. ! :is the daugh- ter of William Dul a prominent citizen of North Carolina. William Duke ■' pan d mother Cook," the 1 Ann. ii- ' Imol her Cool , : I. J I 'I ' ! ' ' l I'll ll. ii. iii. and -I udge Thomas - 1 an, the lal the Supreme Cburl of the State Mrs. Livit graduated at the Memphi I emale I nstitute Dr. \ mos W. Jones. She it also a a lethodist chun :, ri i !h i tian lady. A i | lishments, id, indi '.I - omen, all who maki the : ;ht. Four chil i I his happy marriage : ( 1 ). 11 born \ ii 'ii ' 31 ' Henry J born Januarj 2, 1875 (3). Rosa Gibson, born V] 1877. In , Family, Judge Livin aid : " It out childi i nding ill not have been the fault of tl rvell, his wife's father, I Ihr hundred dollars' worth of prop mcher, if lir I m and lunds, and this, although ii v I'KOMIN, VNS, \ ml l,i 1 1 \M CI I 1 OM. N I? , li 1 1,.. i I the < 1 1 • n I I"- turn in of principle and inliood ili m hi r nini I Com I h (I) Tillman, who ran awaj from homi when fifteen n in the I I - 1 ..' to lllino father of II I. Cul or of the lllino, I • lited tor IVo in • (4). Al if tin: i ml, i-i i,l ' ' and tic and di Jam< » M the oi in public life. Hen < A. W 1 1 Totti ii ''I' ' he 'I i ■ and of Hoi B Alfred Phillip Illinois, and died th ■ one of tin bri men in the • n her P i, ili<"l thi Win. treme ,,r eon ii in |.i i'.n . ili<- wife ol CIO;. Will eh. (11) I. wil'i' of John Hart, i of ( I of i hi lorn. Cnllom when ' mcanwhili partmi nl of I hi up, tlio H ! the Wlii ■ '1 him for i fa hundred, and b In 1 - ■ 'lonl, ling I domi thi Hen net. In 1835 be had bi ',)'tli<: • i irhich hi held In l I from [1 .; ; I. I. ' for ili' ' of A n, i fill': i thi I hill hi lint lii- political li i' i n, bi bad any ■I, he had ('nil', in for ('!;, 1 1 l the timi H th': n llOlllil, I man, ' •' i few who In pol ,! tli'' W'ii III i to thi .(olin ' ' bi Of till; When 1 ellor. In Novembei him i . While men PROMINENT TKNNKSSE W-. Uitly show. <1\ hj plan ice I le began life hi liniilril iol .'ii rainy day I! ■ ■I'll, hi-< fl unirr. his re, liis ob> a ii.l I I I' his r and all mbor \v p. iii a hank childl'i n ty to lllc Ti i i a member of the S stitutional hildren. Perry, I 1 Kill wife of Rev. Dr. Booth, a Methodist minister in till Leslie, a lawyer at Coin \'\ I itrrod in White I h ii Ii M i iriflith Culloni has eight children ( 1 I Minnie, wife of Rufus chant at Clinton, Tcnm is two childi il I'M McCarthy. (2). Florence, wife of John Raster, a railroad engineer. (3). Clara. ney Johnson. (5). William. (6). Klla. ii llcndei U iili a^ great an amount ol s any one man i heart overflowing with kindness, with men and property, one of tin of tin most companional man . with hardy in debate and cour- ith an inherited mercurial tempera- Williani Cullnm's ,1 and financial- lia> been almost phenomenal. nd ~1.'\\ to go in debt. His numerous and warm. It i> said o\' his neighbors at Clinton, he never harmed a human being. Rrilliai rand, noble old man' The State has honored him, but not more than he has honored I JOHN W. MADDIN, A.M.. M.D. Di'll\ W M VP1HN lumbia . hood Kent ncky, ling liter of til) > una. where P Maddi a hall ! institution hi \ M and Ii Ilium uently \ < luates S unuel - Hutehi- mates uition ii his brother in-law, Or, Frank Steger.a distinguished prac- titioner of S\ ma, who is novi prac- tly he « iili Dr. I S'ashville, i iddin attended medical lectures in the medical department of th -hville. \\ . I'. in the - - under Paul I is R. Jennings, W. K. K. Winston, A. II. and Robert M. Porter. - J l>r. Maddin practiced medicine in \\ s. In February, ISil-J. he entered the n federate arm; on of the post inge ibama, where he had graduated. S 1 to duty in the general hospital th, Mississippi, pending the battle of Shiloh, i ial hos- pii ■ wounded at Corinth. H ordered f the Thirty-fifth Alabama r mental the first bombardmant irg, where he remained ii wth his command until it siana, where he estab- lished the first field hospital at the battle there. In PKOMINENT TENNESREANS. 57 A M ■nsi, L862, he was transfei i to the i pans Mississippi dep md ■ for duty to < fen. E. K irby Smith, al Louisiana. Here he was assigned to duty as surgeon of the Thirtieth Texas cavalry, and subsequentlj was made medical purveyor in the trans-Mississippi de- pai i mi in . « itli ( len. I feury E. Met lullough'e d of the army, headq 'ters al I '.-nIi.hu. Texas, al which place he was on duty al I hi clo e if the war. Iiiiini'ili.iii i cl e of i In' war. Dr. Vladdin remoi ed his family, in 1866 Nashville, Tennessee, and began the pi u u dicine in part- nership with his brother, Dr. Thomas L. Vladdin, one of i he foremost phj ■ ic id i ;eor th South, a full biogi aphj of w hom i h here in Dr. Maddin has in Nashville without rliaii ocation, and it is probable no two men in this peried of time have done more profes- sional labor in all the branches of medicine than these two brothers. Dr. Maddin was married, September 25, 1856, to Miss Annie Downs, daughter of Maj. W. W. Down many years an extensive r,chant and planter at Leigh ton, Alabama, a man ol high standing and public spirit, who infused himself into every publii en terprise in Alabama, and in Ins i i home in Maj. Downs attained large wealth and influence before I he war. and m<'\ '''I to W in 1856 i numbers ol persons who eeking hon aboul i hat i ime \ isited him for coun is to local in" in that distant State. He buill a Methodist church and a female college at Waci a present of the college to that city, together with an entire square of ground in the hearl ol thi With the excepti I Mrs. Maddin, all of Maj. Downs' connections arc .still residing al Waco represented in all departments ol trade and business, people of influence and position. .Mrs. Maddin's mother, net Henrietta Sparks, of a leading Q-e i family is still living at W ai the age of se\ enty six. By his marriage with Miss Downs, Dr Maddin has five children : (1), [da Belle Maddin, born at Waco ; uated from Ward's Seminary, Nashville, and fin her education al Mrs. Sylvanus Read's school, New York city; married, in 1878, to William J. Bass, son of Dr John Bass and \ rand on of Hon. John M. Bass, of Nashville. Hi- if the Hon, Felix Grundy. (2). Percy D. Maddin, I al Warn, iii 1861 : I in his i ducal i at the high school, Nashville, went through all its grades and graduated in 1878; next entered Vanderbilt University, remaining i trs, taking u ersity course and the degree of Bachelor of Science; next graduated from the Vanderbilt Universi chool, ■■ii m It- 1 P idenl Thomas II. Maloneand Profs. Ed. Bax- ter and William I!. Reese ; isa finished scholar, and, for ffine merit and promise John W. Maddin, Ji , M.D.,born al W: lucated in the Nashville high school and al Vanderbilt I 'niversity, and in 1884 jraduated M. D, from the medical di if thi I niversity of Nashville and Vanderbilt University, under Profs. W. T. B i Th as L. Maddin, Thomas Mcnees, Thomas A, Atchison, John II Callender, Van S. Lindsley, W. L. Nichol, Charles S. Briggsand Orville Menees. Dr. J. W. Maddin, jr., i inl clinical ii uncle and father. He is now assistant lecturer to the chair tetrics in the University in which he graduated. He lias fin> | 1 1 1 i i e (4) \ nnie Maddin, at Warn ; educated in i he high scl 1 of ind finished I" i udy at the Nashville Y'liur- Lad Rev. Dr. W.F.Price. (5). Lo Maddin, born at Nashville, now a little girl of eight years, a pupil of Dr. Price's Nashville College for Young Ladies. Dr. Maddin's family is a Methodist family. Politic- ally, the doctor has always l>een a Democrat, but has held civil office Financially, he is in comfortable circum I he income from his pr i- 1 ic always I" in - i er; I in a family of extremely 'il'. taught i hi less f frugality, life on no inheritance exi epl as good an cation a- could be afforded in that day in this country, and the legacy of a family character and family name ed all over the land. When asked how he had eded in life, Dr. Maddin replied I ba\ e made m.\ profession the exclusive business of my life; I have endeavored to prepare myself thoroughly for my work ; I have been kept busy in it, and il has amply compen- \- an ill ust mi ion of the retiring nature of Dr. Maddin, il m I thai al theoutbreak of i l cholera epidemic in Nashville, in L873, Hon. Thomas \ Kercheval, mayor of the city, selected and appointed Dr, Maddin as thi health officer of the city, but he dei lined ii because he preferred i he private walks of his profession to public position. I>r. Maddin has been an active member of all city, count)' ami State medical organizations with which he has been associated. He is a member of the American Medieal Association. He has contributed a number of scientifi i irganizations, and always ticipates, with much pleasure, in the discussions of medical subjects before i hese societies. I>r. Maddin has the air I he man of a modesi n tirin ; man of dignity and clearness of character, and carefulncsss, accuracy and promptness in business. He seems a combination of the rigid princi] bis father and the tenderness ol mot hi I 'oi a m 1 1 di tailed account of the life of Dr. Mad din's parents, see the sketch of Dr. Thomas I, Maddin in this \ olume, PROMINENT TENNESSEE \NS. HON. BEDFORD M. ESTES. Tl 1 1". - i splendid mor ii the liville I up to which time he \i ili the 1" rship with 11. C Warinu In the in Mr. K - nty in the I lo ■ In v .lames 1> " W 1-! 'I with L R 51 held the \ M 1 Sarah and the 'join died in 18U7, at the six ehildi ! in IS73 ' lie L. Female S is a supi i, and has n riter. (3). Emma A. I planter in Florida Female Semi- married James ('. Bell, of ; A ugustfl nton, Vii du ited al i nstitute, I i xiugton, Kent Female [nstitute, I • Air !. al Memphis, Mi^> I. r of II. Ii. Uuion, Esq., deeeased, of tli her was » M -- McMillan, duugh dcMillan, of a North Car- olina t'aini rteriau divine, who preael an sermon in Memphis. Walnut Hill. Rev. Dr. Hull ■ I, near Lexington, Kentucky, and also nt the Nashville Female Academy, under Re\ Dr. C, IV Elliott. B.> this marriage Mr. Estes has five children: Li sie, Henry With< Blanche and Mr. m elder in the Presbyterian church, and 1 nty-seveuth year. uul all of their children "1<1 enough are members of tli onuuunion Mr. Estes was a prime f the Lauderdale - tribu- the purchase of the lot and ! the 1 \\ ithoutdebt on it. In ' church of the United if the southern rubly called the erian church ol the if the war, the s chai G noral : church in the United The churcl i maintained i he war and shortly thereafter hurch had made delivi - f the luthern church. - ore " fraternal the churches, and in 1ST I each chun rnal relations. The Dr William Brown, 7Y ; v / PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 59 of Virginia, Rev. Dr, B M. Palmer, of New ( 'i Rev. Dr. I' rri ), of M Mr. B. M. Estes, of Mi comna sionei church in Baltimoi and spent aboil did nol comm |uently,in stubs pted. and \|. Bstc < : ■ \ ■ of tli«' ch il ■ and most lucrative pi and a d in th< Id his rank The distinguishing traits of Mi- ami thon No amount the I perfect ci mprehension i lit is based. When th applies t'p them a i i't. thon ined in tl Mr. K.-i' in the southwest a- he aen in th Mr. life. He bega d dol- lars, and is now among I he - >lid m f Memph only financially, but bo regard B Bank of < 'ommerce, and in i he Hen I hful and li>>ll I I in in ling worth, i le. W'li ■ speak i i \Vliii' until t! Tin nt. Mr. ■ edford r.v and pi Mr. Mary L. Haiti;. Villiam V. Tiptoi ' \\ ilson, - and his i plen- in public lif'-. Mr. men of or numbei him well. I MIL'. JOHN HILL CALLENDEB, M.D. 11. I.E. JOHN HILL CALLENDE] v Davidson count) Te Iphia, Penns i ishville in I li^ occupat He was an alderman of nt. His i ..ii. Id .. ,- the only son of James Thom Uallender, a native oi Scotland, wl political exile in Yl'sl, mi account of the publica- if radical! ititled II, ii'iin. Shortly administr i ill mils oppoi rendered liim Durin Ill) l'i;oMI\i:.\T TKNNESSKANS. John Vilnius admini i'nl e\ cuts, 1 1] IT'.'- Vdams nml ill Sedition Act. Ho was then \ i iniu. IJcii i by birth, he was this publication under i! deuounci d id was the firsl nf the few defended b,\ Will un \\ trial, Justice Chase of the I ni id fur man; i i in that 1806. The mother of John II. t 'allendi I I Her temher l. r i, 18 17. John II ;it Xasln ille, id. ntered the 1 N'ashville and i i until of his A Houston, S'ashvil i of the 1'im Louis Hie ill H -• if lii suspended and final St. Louis, and was em Christj ,\ ( '■ W est, 1 11 1 S5i the stin department oi the I I' n IS55. Deeembei i and editor of tin N and so In that year he was madi • ia mediea therapeutics in the Shelby Medical College, Nash- ville, I I filled that position until 1 1 pensii seel by the ei\ il Mar in 'flic same year he was appointed surgeon in 1 1 T un Miami of ( J-OIl. Zoll and then i ueky, wlr lie resigned in Cebruai with the v - 'inn until ISG'J. He v ' II anil .! ISGS which nomina Hair. I » 1 1 r I ;illil til if the Tennessee I lospitu the I nsane, which positio i dds. Tin the brain and in i 'in in the mi irtment nl the mil in 1880 was transferred to the chair i in the mi and Win- ni (he Tenni cal Congi ut I In 1881 In- \\ .i - made i itend- cuts ill American 1 nslititl imis for the Insane, ai i evi r li ■ i of ili«' ,n the hi the i|uestiou in pro ■ed him ii - itli a It will tli i to li;i> ii in mer I and indepcud- laiutainin I fully train the eln nl and reader, of Hess mem imiI figured i entitle of an idual and in his opinions and <- : incisive in ns. 1 1 \s :i - this bent In r than a l"\ e for pal tlirt that prompted Ii ship of ier of tli. i > a men ad nl' the Wli vents, lir prin ed hinisi of his dfather. \ • teacher he is tli i lassie in style, and purely didactic in Ls an essayist on many literal in Ti ed from hisassociati i ished honor, and in I which he presides, In ginal, equal to the best in the land. " Tl i I »r. Tl as \ i Dr. Callender, " i- the tj'pical man of our faculty. \ I,, culture .un! tine literary tastes ; he himself befor without due preparatiou. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 6] He composes rapidly and brilliantly, and speaks from miles from which he reads elegantly, as if peal ing im- promptu. He is one of the brainiest men in the State ilikI is a light in medical literal ure. 1 1 e has a lo analytical mind, an elegant presence and easj man ners. ' Dr. Thomas L. Maddin furnishes the following high Inn just estimate of Dr. Callender's character : " He is of liberal education and I id scholarship. His tastes run alter classical literature. There is no trash him. He has cultivated liis profession with industry and success. His tastes run more particularly toward medicine, and in cultivating ii for its science and literature. As a professor, he is profound in his teaching, 9uen( in his disc 'se, clear in his demonstra tions, and always commands a pre-eminent position in the esteem of his students and his colleagues in the faculty. At times he is eloquent in his diction and conception of his subject. As a man, he is of uublem ished integrity, of broad views and general cultivation, standing high in public estimation for his ability and familiarity, not only with his ina.re-~iuu.liut with the politics of the times. He has a ready command of his resources, both as a speaker ami a writer. In fact he is a man of high order of intellectuality, assisted b; a mi. -i extraordinary and remarkably retentive memory; but he does not excel simplj in memory, but in his conception of what he undi rtakes to learn Dr. Daniel F. Wright, of Ularksville, writes the Pol lowing tn the editor : " ^ ou request me to give you my impressions of the professional and personal character of Dr. John II. Callender. Y sould not set more grateful task ; in executing it I will coufine myself, as in such eases should always be done, to what I have known of him l..\ pers 1 observation. I was first made acquainted with Dr. Callender when I became his colleague in the Shelby Medical College, Nashville, he holding thi chair of materia medica and t herapeutics, and I that of physiologj and pathology. I have a lively recollection of his lectures, which had for their main subject the mode of the action of remedies in the human system. In treating this subject, he manifested a profound acquaintance for so young a man with the subject of pathology and therapeutics, and applied that knowledge with an originality ..I' thought still nun.' remarkable, At the dissolution of the college bj the events of the war, I lost sight of the Doctor tin- a long time: nil his lleeiililill^j -II peri II 1 1 Hi 1 1. -lit of the Insane Asylum, however, I had frequent business inter- course with him in the way ..I recommending path uts to i lie asj linn. This led to mj paj in ; ft [Ui at visits there, and enabled me t>> observe the combined intelli- genei and humanity with which he alleviated the sufferings of his unfurl uati pal icnts. ■■ A.dded to all this, Dr. < !allendcr's persunal cl ed upon principles of the strictest integrity, unites with a dignity and ;c of manner onlj combined in the person ..I a finished gentleman. I appreciate him as a faithful and reliable friend and as a '!>li .In Pul companion. "Of Dr. Callendei - standing in his profession, and of his eminence in the special department of il to « hic'h lie is devoted, it is superfluous for me to speak. He is facili priuciqjs in Tennessee as an authority in cases of .1 the nervous -\ stem, and among alienists of the United State whose really recognized experts may he counted on the finger peei annul.'-' the prone lii personal appearance Dr. Callendar is tall, portly and stately, with the air of a student rather than of a i of l.i- profession. Before lecturin I, iccus- i in pace the floor of the privai i as if preparing him elf for the ordeal of appearing audience u hei e every i ilpel. But i ures are plain, practical ami direct, setting forth the facts in his subject rather than making efforts at oratory. i'el h didactic, his fine literarj finish .and are delivered in scholarly style. Dr. Callender i- m .t a communicant of an; church, ugh his religious training was Presbyterian. It is rstood that he hold- liberal view.- on religious topics, but is not to be .' ! cs. In politics he was raised a Henrj Clay \Vhig,andstoo uiun until compelled to ay. Since the war his political affiliations have beeu with the Demo irty. Dr. Callender married at N'ashvillc, Tennessee, Feb- ruary 24, 1858, Miss Delia .Jefferson Ford, daughter of Dr. John Pryor Ford, of that city. Dr. Ford was born in Cumberland countj Virginia, in 1810, and rem to .Nashville from lluutsville. Alabama, iii 1842, and leading practioner and teaehei of medicine until his death in 1865— bein or of obstetrics and diseases of women and children from L858 to 1862. His wife. Ann Smith Jefferson, was born also in Cumberland county, \ it md was collaterally ndated to Thomas Jefferson, of Monticello. Mrs. Callender is a great grand-niece of I 're,- idem Jefferson, and a niece of Gen. John K. Jefferson, o Texas. Her religious connection is Protestant Episcopal By his marriage with Miss Ford, Dr. Callender has I, ui one child dan ' \nnie .Mary Callender. born August 5, 1864, and a graduate of the Nashville ( lollege for Young Lad: PROMINENT TKNNKssi: \\s. HON. JOHN NETHERLAND. RSI ,'/././:. II on JOHN m:tiii:i;i. \mi.«i,„mi|| i; V i his home in Rogersville. was born September 20 I SOS, iii Powhatan county, Virginia. I lis parents removed to Tennessee while he was yel an infant, settling ai Kingsport, in Sullivan eounty, in 1811, They were thus among the priniith eharaeter to the civilization of the eastern portion of our State. < M' a family of eleven children, of whom he was the youngest, he is now the sole survivor. 1 1 is early faeilities were fortunate in his daw He was -nit when quit is a pupil to the \ enerated Dr. Sam uel Doak, who was pioneer with the famous Dr. Coffin in education in Tennessee Completing his academic .our-,. ;n ihr of fourteen, he further prose- cuted hi> studies ai home, in the nature of a under the tutelage of Mr. Henry Hoss, a much celebritj In 1828 he entered upon the study of law in the office or under the instruction of Judge Samuel IV well, of Ro set s\ i Ho. ll>' was licensi d to 1821). In LS80, catching the fei a western movement, he left Blountvilh ik up his home in franklin, Williamson eounty, for the pr; profession. His residence in franklin w xtend ing onlj about two years. The sickne loath of his fathei in back to Kingsport. \t an carlj a a he manifested an interest in the political affairs f\' the State and nal capacity for public service. In IS'!!'., when he was but twenty-five years of age, he was elected to tin ? Senate from the district comprising the countii Hawkins, Sullivan and Carter. On a month's notice, he canvassed the extended district in horseback and was elected h rity of more than throe hundred votes. \- a State Senator he look a very high stand for a young man. One of the leading mea before the Legislature, which some philanthropic | have always considered harsh, was the hill extending the law over and finally resulting in the removal few remaining Indians from our State. Vgainst this measure he protested in an able and eloquent speech, which was extensive!} circulated in pamphlet Conn. The bill passed, but that speech of young Motherland will remain of record as a testimonial, i of his regard for constitutional rights, but for tli, of humanity. 'flu' State eon vent ion of 1834 to re\ ise the St ate consti- tution, inserted a pio\ ision in the constitution, as is well known, fixing the minimum age ^( State senators at thirty years. This gave a temporary pan-, i lolitical prospects as to State offices. llow- :u 1835 he was eleeted a> representative from Sullivan eounty in the Legislature, and it was while -en mil; in this capacity that a te-i was presented which developed John Motherland's independence of thou In and character. The famous resolution was pending in the I'uited Slate- Senate, known as the "expunging resolution," intended to strike from the journals of the Senate the vote of eel is ore previous!} passed upon 1 1 en. Jackson, then president of the Ini ted States. A resolu tion was introduced into the Tennessee Legislature in struct ing the senators from Tennessee to vote for the ex punging resolution. A primary convention of the people of Sullivan county passed a resolution instruct- ing him to vote lor this resolution. Believing that the 1 of the I'niteil State- Senate was designed to be a record of truth, and that mutilation was not to be tolerated, M.r. Motherland, in one of the most creditable aei- of liis life, surrendered hi.- commission as repre- sentative of his eounty and returned to private life. John Motherland is not a man who has had "an itching palm. Public office has occasionally come to him. but almost invariably without his seeking. Rack in the times when old parties were breaking up- when Jackson men and White men and Bel! men were taking their stand on u,w issues, John Metherland, true to his instincts, became a pronounced Whig. (Of course this biography is reciting facts, not proposing to propa- gate politieal ideas. ! In 1837 Mr. Metherland removed to Rogersville and opened his law office Two years afterwards he married Mi.-s Susan McKinney, daughter >>i' the late John \ McKinney, and has ever sini I in Kogersville. Of the six children l>orn to them only two are living, to wit : Eliza, the wife of Judge Carrick W. Heiskell, of Memphis, and Margaret, the wife of Mr. Joseph ('. Stamps, who, with his family, now occupies the family man-ion at Rogersville. Back in the old days of Whiggery and Democracy, Mr. Metherland was often called into service. In the LS39 10 II. when folk was defeating Cannon and James C. Jones was coming upon the politieal scene, there was a demand for local politicians of eharaeter and influence, folk had defeated Cannon and carried the Legislature. The next year the Whigs deterini 1 to secure the State. Hawkins eounty was missed battle ground. Mr. Metherland was pressed into the service as a candidate for representative, and although Gov. folk had carried the county by -ix hundred and twenty-five majority, Mr. Metherland was only defeated b} the seam majority »i' one hundred \ otes. It should have been stated that in 1S36 Mr. Mether- land was elector for Judge Hugh Law -on White tor PKOMINENT TENNESSEANS. 63 the presidency. Twelve year- later, in 1848, be was elector for the State at large for Taylor and Filln his associate on the ticket being James C. Jom The ticket was succi ful in thi 3tat< a in thi Union, by a handsome majority. In this contest Mr. Nether- land chief competitor was Judge William T. Brown, of Memphi I hough hi had - era! d with Hon. Aaron V. Brown, who was on the Ca ticket, In 1851 Mr, Netherland was elected reprt enl from Hawkins county, and served his county most honorably. In 1-5:1 the Whig or " Opposition " party, with but little prospect of success in the State, demanded a candidate, and Mr. Netherland, being unanimously nominated bj of the mosl creditable conventions ever assembled in Nashville, accepted the nomination, and was f course defeated But few of the intelligent men of his pai ty had expected any other result, nor had Mr. Netherland himself Upon the breaking out of the civil war Mr. Nether- land's convictions led him to adhere to the cause of the I Ihion. I ndeed, « hile 1 he quest ion >.-, as 3 • 1 an open one, his outspoken and eloquent opposition to thi secession movement, in co-operation with Andrew Johnson, Thomas A I!. Nelson and other popular leaders of like opinions, did much to develop and 1 on firm that devoted feeling with which a majority of the people of East Tennessee clung to thi Union through- out tin' war. After the conclusion of pi ici ho although he had keenly felt, in person and property, 1I1. consequences "I' his own personal position through out iIh- struggle, he became at once tin- champion of toleration ami Forgiveness. He approved the main features of President Johnson's administration, ami inci that period, though -till cherishing with knightly affection his "old Whig love," In 1 has given hi- ■ thies and support to the Democratic party. In 1870 Mr. Netherland was chosen a member of the convention i" revise the Stair constitution of Tennes- see. His services in that body were conspicuous for t heir conservative character. Mr. Netherland never held nor seriously sought any position in tin- Federal government. A foreign mission was tendered to him by President Johnson, hut ho re- spectfully declined it. 'I'ln- later years id' Mr. Netherland's life, until mis fortune in tin- shape of a serious bodily affliction pro n it'll him, were devoted to his profession of tin- law. In tin- brief space allowed to thi biographer full justice can scarcely be done to such a representative 'l''i 1 1 Hon. John Netherland. It is not solely as a lawyer that In- ha- iu.nl. his distinguished reputa- tion, although in his profession he has long command, d thi ery IV1.n1 rank a- an advocate at the bar Few ers in East Tennessee win. have .". er en it ri d him will in. 1 I'l.ni . .1.' 1 hat he is oni 1 most sue er made an appeal to an East Tennessee jury. But, as we have intimated, it is not a- a lawyer or politician that Mr. Sutherland's characti r best appears, [t is not too much to say that there is no man in all the State who has better ami more charming command of a social circle than John Netherland. A political rival, win. afterwards became hi- devoted friend, once deris- ed him "the tall and stately Netherland." ! ippellation has often been repeated in kindness by hi- friends. The designation was universally recog nized a- a most apt one. I'm- while Mr. Netherland — being but little abov. ... not of re- ' when in \ 'igorous health, he had a certain stateliness o\ bearing that rendered the de- scription nC " tall peculiarly appropriate, [ndeed, in hi- prime, I man of remarkable personal figure, one calculati d t.i attract attention on any promenade or 11 r throng [n addition, he had. in a mark, d di what may be call kh of physiognomy. His face wa- most striking and impressive -even- as wrath it-elf when indignation or other strong feeling moved him. ami yet. a- hi- imn.il chat tening into a counte nance thai attracted by it.- pli I char acteristics ally noticeable in his efforts at the bar, ami contributed much to his wonderful powei 1 1. •■.11!. I . If. et as much by a look and a nod, a- a^y man the writer ever saw. It was often remarked by those, who had seen both men. that in many respects he was ■ of Gen. Jackson, lie was fond uf polite society in which he was ever a favorite Hi- manners were always courtly. Gentility is a part nf his mil I' ' . None hold, or ever held, Mr. Netherland in higher e-i... m than hi- brethren of the bar. With him pro fessional courtesy was ev er a cardinal virtue, ami a breach of professional honor was abhorrent to his nat ure. lie-iil. lid .1 qualities, enliven- ing always the otherwise tedious hours of a slow drag- ging court term, or the long dreary rid.- around the circuit, as in the olden time, made him a favorite com- panion always among hi- associate lawyers, to whom his inimitably-told and continually-flowing stories were as food and drink along the way. In the traditions of the East Tennessee bar the "anecdotes" of John Netherland will live through get tions. 'I'll.- sum of his personal afflictions has been heavy. Tin- loss of children "m- a lovely daughter, under hocking accidental circumstances; the other, an only son. bearing his name, a noble, generous and gifted young lawyer, full of promise that he would worthily his father's nam.- these, added to a most severe personal injury, which has made him a per- manent cripple, won]. I -.-.-in tu have been enough to break the spirit of a man of si vi n. Yet, while this biography is being prepared, there is not a brighter spirit than John Netherland's, nor i- there a parlor in lil PROMINENT TENNESSE vNS Tennessee in which the visitor is greeted with a more liis charming discourse. Throughout his life he li genial entertainment. His fund of anecdote and wit. been a mosl " neighborly " man, having sacrificed most from which bis conversation was always most piquant l.\ of bis hard earned fortune in the interest of friends. and enjoyabl) enriched, remains still unexhausted. Of course bis lengthened span of life is now measured His memory of the events of his own life and of bis and has not much further extent. But his record is very extensive reading, remains undinuned, and bis secure lie will leave to his descendants a rich legae) old friends 1 neighbors find no icial pleasure in tin- memory thai he lived 1 died an honest i ban in "dropping in and listening to the real music of man. GEN. JOHN M. D. MITCHELL, LIVINGSTON. TIIK subject of this sketch, a nephew of Hon. W. \Y. Goodpasture, was born in Jackson (now Cla) I county, Tennessee, April 12, 1851, the sen of Dennis Mitchell. His mother, Margaret G [pasture, was the daughter of John Goodpasture and wife, Margery, nn B ry an . Mr. Mitchell was educated in the schools and acade- my of Overton county, and was himself superintendent of public instruction in that county some two years. lb- administration of ibis trust passed with most favorable criticism. After reading law one year#ith his uncle, Hon, \Y. W. Goodpasture, he entered the law department of Cumberland University, Lebanon, from which he graduated in 187(1, his diploma bearing the honored names of lions. Robert I.. Caruthers, Nathan Gr distinguished members of that faculty. In l^Tti, Gen. William Gullom having id the office o! attoi ral of the sixteenth judicial circuit, for the purpose of running for Congress in tin 1 Knoxville district, (!ov. James I). Porter coin missioned Mr. Mitchell to fill the vacancy. At the November. I87(i, lerm of the circuit court of Anderson county, Tennessee, Judge l>. K. Young presiding Mr Mitchell appeared for the first time, both as a 1. and attorm tl, wit bout an) practice as ;i I or experience He was somewhat awkward. being unfamiliar with court proceedings, and with nothing to recommend him but bom nrpose, the ability to succeed, and an unc picrable will to know and do his duty. By constant application, assisted [hilly by his admiring friend. Judge Young, the rough ashlar soon became the polished marble. In a rcmarkabl) short period in bis official career, he developed into a power that was felt in all the counties of the circuit. In the prosecution ofhis official duties i brought into contact « itb such ex d and • (Jen. William Cullom, of Clinton. Col, W. A. II orator. Col. Henr\ R. Gibson ami Ma.i. I.. A. Grata, of Knoxville. and ' an and ox-Jndffo John P. Murray, of Gainesborough, and proved himself on all dons a man among men. At the genera] election of 1878 be was a candidate for election before the people of the circuit, and made t be race against two gentlemen of acknowledged ability, ami by reason of the satisfactory manner in which be discharged lii- duties under (low Porter's appointment, he was triumphantly elected. Up to this time be bad developed into an efficient prosecutor, and was a terror to wrong doer-. He was admired most for stating his propositions of law clearly and in the fewest possible words, limiting his speeches to about ten minutes, riveting ' the facts upon the minds of his jurymen, and in an unusu- ally large number of ease- securing convictions. But the main characteristics of Gen. Mitchell as a prosecutor were, that be- knew bis eases, knew the facts, and would never let his grand juries make mistakes. He was as careful that the innocent should not lie falsely accused as thai the guilt) should be convicted. He stood like a wall of fire around the ii cent, but against the guilt) be proceeded as with a two edg< d sword. In a short notice ok bis death, written by Judge Young, occur these words: "The power of the man consisted not in education and culture, but in the force of native intellect, and the confidence tb<- people bad in bis integrity." As a friend be was genial and companionable. They loved him most who knew him best. His morals were good. It is said he never swore an oath. Shortly before bis death be professed religion, was baptized and received into the Cumberland Presbyterian church. lie never married. Hi- father having died when the -on was only four months old. be was raised by bis widowed mother, and was a self made man. His mother. Mrs. Margaret Mitchell, is still living at Tennessee, with her other son, Isaiah \V. Mitchell, a prosperous farmer. The subject of this si, i. b died dune 18, 1SS4, aged thirty-three years two months and six days, and was buried at Good Hope church, mar Livinsston. PROMINENT TENNESSE l\> 65 At the firsl court held in the judicial circuit of which he was attorney feneral. at Wartburg, Morgan county Tenne & after his death, a memorial meeting of the bar and people was convened in the eourl In. use, the first Monday in July, 1884, which adopted resolu- tions highly complimentary and heart-felt, which demonstrate his standing as a representative lawyer and representative Tcnnessean. He died in the prime of life, and it is -till said in judicial and legal circles, his circuil will scarcely ever see his equal as a pi cutor. Judge SToung, under whom he practiced during his entire official term, said of him: "He was the most efficient prosecutor I have known during mj cut ire life as a lawyer or as a judge." ROBERT FRANK EVANS, M. D. SHELBYVILLE. DR. ROBERT FRANK EVANS was born Vugu I 24, 1821, in Caroline county, Virginia, and re moved to Bedford county, Tennessee, in \<>'l. with his hither. David S. Evans. His mother was Judith Bowlware, and was a worthy representative el' that grand old family. There was a lane family, but Robert was the only son. His father enga d in farm- ing until 1837, when he tools charge ol the leading hotel at Shelbyville, the house, which still stands, ''The Evans House," having been built by him. The son was partlj educated in Virginia and partly at the Dixon Academy, Shelbyville, and in 1843 commenced the study of medicine with Dr. f provisions ami water, and meeting with severe storms, had to put into the Sandwich Islands, ami they spent ten days at Honolulu. They landed at San Francisco, August 12, 1851. Strikim.' out for the mines, they were soon in the rough and I mining region of th.it time. Tim kind of life they led working with pick and shovel and rocker, sleeping on the ground in the open air, and having only a very plain diet i restored Dr. Evans' health and strength, ami when the keen relish of the new life had Worn off. he returned to his home and resumed the practice of medicine in the summer of 1852. lie lias continued steadily at practice ever since, leading the life incident to the calling going at all time-, in all kinds of weather, trying to help the afflicted and dis- tressed, and do -nine good fir hi- fellow man. Dr. Evans has been a Mason for many years, and pre- sided as Master of Shelbyville Benevolent Lodge, No. 122, for sis or seven years, and as High Priest ol Tanne- hill Chapter, No. in. Royal Arch Masons about the -"ne length of time: was created a Knight Templar in Nashville < 'omnia, nlcry. No. 1. in 1859, ami retain- his membership in all the branches of Masonry at the presi tit time, and ha evertried to live up to the d standard taught by this noble order. Dr. Evans was an early advocate of county medical societies, ami upon the organization of the Bedford count\ society, served as secretary ami president for ! term-. He is also a member of the Shelbyville Board of Health, ami has I n since its organization in 1879. He became a member of the State medical society of Tennessi e mani years since, has been a regu lar attendant upon its annual meetings, and is a con- tributor to its literature, as well a- to the medical pros. At the State society meeting in .Memphis, in 1878, he was elected president, and served as such fir the year (re-election not being allowed under the rules). As pie ident, he had the good ami interest of the society at heart, ami desired that it might e doing good, benefitting the profession and the people of tin- State His medical reputation i- with the people of his own ami adjoining counties, where he i- content to leave it I,,, PROMINENT TEXXESSE VXS he < 1 i .1! I'll ■. : > i hi summons liini to rest from his lain In a financial -.ii- Dr. HIvans is in excellent cir- cumstances, nwi : : ! : ■ I ! \ closely applying himself. Dr. McBride has gained a good practice, and has. especially, the treatment of nearly all the chronic cases around him. More than this, he has built up a good name, as an honorable, straightforward man, correct in all his dealings, and is a citizen of first-class standing and urea! popularity. Asa politician Dr. McBride is known a- :i Democrat. staunch and true. In 1S70 be was a candidate for the State Senate, having a- his competitor Hon. George MeKnight and Col. -I. II. Hughes. Dr. McBride received a large majority in his county and everj x "i«' in hi- ci\ il district. In ISS2 he made a short canvass for representative, hut as there were so many candidates in the field, he withdrew before the election, so as not to defeat the partvlicket leain, ill 1SS4, he Was a Can- PROMINENT TENNESSE \N>. • IT didate for the Senate from his districl and wa elected I,-. .1 handsome majority, the full Democratic vote. He served with ability and influence in the Tenm Legislature of L885, and made many additional friends by his firm and unflinching stand on all vital quest tons. His faith has alwaj been in the Methodist church, of which organization lie bas been a member for forty years. His family is also "I' tin- same faith, excepl one sun. He has always heen a careful, prudent, econom ical man, though of a liberal ami hospitable nature, lie forms hie plans with deliberation ami caution, ami then concentrates bis vehole mind in accomplish them. Dr. McBride married, \nvn-i 17. 1848, Miss Eliza In ih S. Emerson, daughter of Gen. Hiram S. Emerson. She is a woman of manj 1 traits, religious in ber nature, and a model wife and mother Fivi children have been born to them, four sons and one dau 1 I). William II. McBride, born al Manchester, Ti n uessee; now merchandi ing al Noah, Tenm mar- ried Miss Ella Farrar, who died in January, L884, leaving two children I md Arthur. (2). Tl .M. McBride, born Maj 9 1850; now farming at Noah. (3). P. II. McBride, born Jai rj 24 L855; now a merchant al Morrison Station, Warren county, Ten- married March I. 1 385, Miss Mary Lee Keel, daughter of J. W. Kei I (4). B. II. McBride, born in now a farmer al Noah. (5). Mary C. McBride born July 2, 1862. The McBride familj are of Scotch-Irish descent. Dr. McBride mdfather was Dr. Daniel McBride, of Dublin, Ireland. His son, John McBride, i ami from Ireland, lived a while in Virginia, and then emi grated to Tennessee and was one of the firsl settlers of Bedford county. His son, William McBride, father of Dr. P. II. McBride was born December 28, 1791, at i.ni e Virginia. William McBride wa id propi iiy. and for many years was a magistrate and chairman of the countj court of Bedford county. From 1851 to 1855 be was revenue collector of Coffee county. Il«' wa married in Bi dford i i Miss Millie Conwell, daughter of John Conwell, who -■ the whole of the Revolutionary war as a private. HON. ROBERT McFARLAXl*. M OlililSTO WN. HON. ROBERT McFARLAND, at present one of the Supreme Judges of Tennessee, was born in Jefferson county, Tennessee, \|>nl 15 1832. He i- the -"ii of Col. Robert McFarland, a native of thi county, who in earlj life was a lieutenant in the regular United State armj serving during the war of 1812 at Lundy's L Fort Erii and other m ments. Soon after the wai bi resigned, and returned tu his native county, married, and settled down as a pri- vate citizen, following the occupation of a tanner. He wa colonel of militia, and for many years a justice oi the peace. He died in Kentucky in August, I- II while mi his return from Missouri, at the age of fifty- five years. He was a man of the highest personal in- tegrity, ami commanded universal respect when was known. One of his great purposes in life was to give bis children all the educational advantages with- in his reach. He was in religion a Presbyterian and in politics a WIhl'. His father was also known as Col. Robert McFarland, and was a native of Virginia, but removed to Tennessee at an early day: was thi sheriff of Jefferson county ; was a noted Indian fighter in the early settlement of tl tnt; a man of vigo run- character, and prominent in hie county during his life. His death occurred about 1838. The McFarland family originally came from the highlands of Sco Judge MeFarland's mother was born in Jeff county, Ti m ci I he da lighter of Jami - Scott, a Scotch Irish Presbyterian, who, with bis wife, emi- rated from Ireland and settled in Jefferson county at an - , In i e In- spent the remainder of his life, an ardent Presbyterian elder. His daughter, the mother of Judge McFarland oman of most '-■ celleni characti r, of quick mind and remarkable energy, and was loved and respected by every one. She was also a Pn rian. Her death occurred in February, 1866 at thi of sixty six. The brothers and sisters oi Judgi McFarland, in the order of their agi n follows: (1). Isaac B. McFar land, a half-brother, of Brenham, Texas, who for many ha - been judge of I he districl court in that Stati . (2). William McFarland, who, for a short time of the second Tennessee circuit by appointment of Gov. D. W. C. Set represented the first Tennes i | ii'ict in Congress Prom 1-71 to l v 7d. and is still a prominent and leading citizen, and resides at Morris town. (3). Mrs. II. M. Barton, the wife of Judge B M. Bi n. now oft Ihattai ?a. I I > Mrs Jom - w h many years ago, the wife of Thomas M. Jones. (5) Mr M C Smith thi f Rev. VV. II. Smith. (6 .Mrs. Emma Kidwell, the wife of R. J. Kidwell. 7 Robert McFarland, subject of this sketch. 8), Mar; A. McFarland, I tngesl who died in 1-7H. the wife of Wm. II. Turley. (58 PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s. There was nothing in the boyhood of Judge McFar land i" attract attention. He was regarded as a rather dreary, listless boy. An eccentric Irishman once made a remark about him that afforded infinite amusement to his brothers and sisters. Said the Irishman, "B poor boy, will never be wise. He attended the com- mon schools of the county, where he acquired such knowledge and instruct ion a- could not well be avoided : afterwards attended Tusculum College for ;i short time, ami also a high-school ai Greeneville, but bis school ell iicai ion was very incomplete. V i the age of nineteen In- began the study of law with hi- brother-in-law, Judge Barton, at Greeneville, making hi- house bis home. Ho does nol remember, however, that the se- lection of tin' law as bis profession was ever determined upon by himself; bis brother and brother-in-law merely determined to make a lawyer of him, nolens rolens, and be simply acquiesced. He gratefully acknowledges bis obligations to them, ami in fact to the entire family, for their assistance and encouragement. He resided sev- eral years at Greeneville, at the home of Judge Barton, ami tn the assistance received from him and Mrs. Bar- ton be attributes the greater part of whatever ;ui i with in after life. Mr was licensed in 1854 bj Judge McKinney, of the Supreme Court, and Chancellor Lucky, and I practice in the counties oi Greene, Jefferson, and others adjoining, his partner in Greeneville being Col. Robert Johnson, sun of the late President Andrew Johnson, and in the other counties he formed partnerships with bis preceptor, Judge Barton, and the late Montgomery Thornburgh. On May 17. 1859, he married Miss Jennie Baker, a daughter of 11. 1!. Baker, a merchant of Greeneville. They shortly after tool, up their residence at 1 landridge, Jefferson county, hut their home was soon broken up 1>\ the war, Judge McFarland volunteering in the Con- federate army in the hitter part of 1S61, Lie bi if Col. Bradford's regiment, Thirty first Teun infantry, afterwards mounted, and in thai capacity served to the end iA' tin- war. participating in tin- Ken- tucky campaign, the defense of \'icksburg, with Gen. Jubal Early in his raid mi Washington Citj in 1864, and in many cavalry engagements. After the war lie returned to his native county. where, however, it was verj difficult to remain, owing to prejudices engendered by the war. and the mob spirit prevailing against returned ) te soldiers, lie did remain, however, being countenanced and sustained by a few personal friends on the 1 uiou side, and be es- 1 tally acknowledges the generous and manly treat- ment be received from Col. J. M. Thornburgh, of the federal army. who. though an antagonist in anus, was a warm personal friend, lie also mentions oilier- to whom he is under like obligations, lie resumed the practice of the law in the same counties, in partnership with lv. M. McKci . Esq., of Greeneville. and Col. Thornburgh in the other counties. In 18(59 Tube was on two or three occasions appointed special judge of the Supreme Court bj Gov. Senter. On the resignation of I Ion. 'I' ho-. A. If Nelson, he was appointed bj Gov. John C. Brown, December 11. L871, to till the vacancy on the Supreme bench. In August following In elected to the ollioe. defeating Col. J. B. Cooke, an able and popular lawyer of Chattanooga. At the geucral election in August. 1878, he was again elected for the term expiring September 1, 18S6. The element- of success in Judge Mcl'arlands char acter, or such as his friends attribute to him, are i- h and simple, but they have enabled him to overcome many obstacles. In the first place he has steady, well- formed moral habits, and i- noted for bis perfei I hon- esty. He has succeeded in impressing those with whom be has come in contact with his faultless candor and high sense of fairness. In the next place, the -election of the law as hi- profession was. in the light of after developments, verj fortunate He think- it doubtful if he would have met with even moderate slice.-- in any other calling, hut. as was said of him by the late Chief Just ii < Nicholson, " He i- a horn lawyer." He possesses an almost intuitive perception of legal principles and the faculty of practically applying them. He i- not a systematic student, nor very industrious, : when actively engaged in the management of causes, or on the bench, wheu he works with earnest!] -- and vigor. At the ha r he was not an mat or or an advo- vocate, but was regarded as a close, zealous, intense, and logical legal debater, tn social life he is rather diffident and retiring, but in the management of causes he has sufficient self-confidence to enable him to act with promptness and decision. He is not of a popular turn, and mixes poorly with the general public, but he is apt to make fast friends of the few with whom he is intimately associated. In all his c luet there is an absence of anj effort at display, a contempt for .sham and pretense. As a judge he is laborious and careful. His mind i- well balauced and eminently judicial in its character. He has few, if any hobbies, and is as free from improper influences as a judge well can fe. [f bis judgment i- ever disturbed, it is by bis sympathy for or and oppressed, for notwithstanding his calm and quiet exterior, he has the gentlest emotions and tenderest sympathies. The controlling motive of his actions is a sense of duty, a love of justice aiTil the right. Judge McFarland has been most happy in his domes- tic relations. His wife is in every sense a congenial spirit- gentle, quiet, affectionate, and faithfully devoted to her husband and family. Thej have three children, Misses Anna and Emma, educated at Ward's Seminary, Nashville, and Henry, a youth of seventeen, w ho says he is destined for the law. Judge McFarland and his wife are Presbyterians, and he is in politic- a Democrat, and a lloyal Arch Mason, lie is live feet, ten inches PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 69 in beigbtj and of very light, slender build. For the past two years he has been severely afflicted with rheu- matism, but rarely misses his posl of duty. Judge Robert McFarland died at his home in Morris town, on the morning of the 2d of October, 1 - - 1 mi rounded by his wife and children, his brother and one of his sisters, and ;i few other friends, apparently in possession of his faculties almost to the moment of dis- solution. He had been laboring under an attack of rheumatism for nearly two years, and had visited riot Springs, Arkansas, and spent part of the previous winter in Florida, in the hope of .obtaining relief, but without success. The ri mi dies administered to ai the disease seriously affected l; ich, and at last, his lungs becoming involved death ensued. No man ever displa i pal ience oi moi e i esignation to his fate He was long confined to his room, and saw but few persons, excepl such of his personal friends as call* '1 upon him ; yet he \ ev< cru erful, and often, in his way, indulged in pleasantry with those who called to - " him. He was a quiet, unobtrusive, retiring man, distant and diflident in his inters h he world, ai formed for popularity with the ma o well was he known and appreciated by the people, thai he had the unbounded confidence and esl I al] | Dying in tin- midst of the people with whom In born and reared, he died without an enemy, [f there is a man in the limits of the State who ever doubted his honesty ami integrity, we have never heard of him. His brethren of the bar throughout the State have testified as to their appreciation of his character as a man. and as to his ability as a lawyer and a judge. From the tribute to hi.- memory, adopted l>\ the Supreme court bar of Easl Tennessee, shortly after his death, we copy the following .in si i si im tte of the character of J iidge McFarland : Considered, as nun or judge, the simplicity and purity of his character is a delightful object of contemplation. His sentiments were 1 of I I eanor modest and unassuming to diffidence. He was kind, liberal ai as, Blow to pi scrupulously faithful in performance ; grateful for personal favors, and never forgetful of obligation. Though lacking in effusive affection, there was unswerving fidelity in his friendship, Strong in convictions of right, he was singularly free from bigotry and fanaticism. Courteous and polite in his association, he had many friends; but his confidence and intimacy were reserved for a few. He met cordially men of all classes, but commanded respect for his office from all by the quiet dignity of hie character and unpre- tentious purity of his life. He was do politician, and do one ever ed him of fa ■ "' or policy in his judicial ol ( I without display or pi iri table witho ostontat on, 1 I con-seei ated to dul v. ace, vanity or sell : to the I exposition ; ■.; ; ; n tie I, in a remarkable degree, the trust o . He was a born lav mtnd, patient of invi than in i ' preju- dice, a ihI if as a judge ated for il til ■ . adgmi i sdom. En . 'iiiy ol i tatemen I tient, anriva led ever h > occai on to ■ His disposi a nd habit was, if p ■.-■ ible, to detennini cas< application of fundamental princi] law to the fa sts. In thi ■ 1 ; and like Mart wall, too, his judicial unadorned, void of slm \h will ever seek his opinioi Bui ho never failed to be ?; and though his 1 ■ ed in finish i i nstration or a Bylloi i His sense of ju tice of right pro above all to* ■ for la w. If" could i ■ to permit hard cases to make bad law. 1 n a mars ed io, be had the judicial tem] ent, and ilar freedom from the pride of opinion. He weighed and ments with n I be law and its re- quirements. If he had prejudice, he conquered it: if prei tion of the law, he I it, and listened patiently to adverse views; if he had erred, In was open to o rrection, and readily re- called an erroneous opinion. No impertinent sugges ion, Icration, i to divert bis mind from the matter to be decide I. entirely judicial was he, so de/oted to the solution of tin* legal problems before him, that nothint rupt his steady and even pi - conclusion; this was reached only after ;i painstaking investigation and impartial consideration of all the material facts in tin e him. Hi- personality never obtrusive, was lost, or rather absorbed, in legal refl so that when he announced his decision, i so much the opinion of the court, oin an \ - .. v y \ - s - v - i - S - - - - N - - \ . \ \ . ... PROMINENT TENNESSEE NS 71 borough and Nashville, and putting under contract tlic unfinished portion between Evansville and Nash- ville. He next, with the aid of his own and his friends' Murk, boughl fin- his company a controlling interest in the Western ami Atlantic railroad, from Chattanooga to Atlanta; afterwards contracting for his company to lease the Central railroad of Georgia, together with all its branches and leased lines, about one thousand miles, with its splendid steamship line. He then had control of two thousand miles uf road : but, having flanked his rival, the Louisville and Nashville railroad company, in the West and in the Smith, that company bought in New York city, in January, 1880, a majority id' the stnek in the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, and Mr. Cole resigned. He was for twelve years vice-president, and one of the lessees of the State road of Georgia since 1871, and siill holds the latter relation to that road. On May 27. 1880, he was elected president of the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia railroad company, having control also oi the Memphis and Charleston railroad. While president of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, he formed in New York the syndicate with Mr. George I. Seney and others, by which he extended the line of his road to .Meridian, Mississippi, and to Brunswick mi the Atlantic, and by extending the Knoxville branch to the State line of Kentucky, and by contracts with the Kentucky Central and the Louisville ami Nashville, secured connections from the West to the Atlantic, via Knoxville and Atlanta. Having large private interests requiring his personal attention, and desiring some recreation after many years of close attention to busi- ness, he resigned the presidency of the Mast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad in May. 1SS2. Since then .Mr. Cole has contributed largely to the prosperity of Nashville by the erection of several large business blocks. The one on the corner of Union and Cherry streets, the Cole building, is considered the handsomest in the South. In the room at the corner of this building, fitted up with all modern improve- ments and almost without regard to cost, Mr. Cole inaugurated and opened to public favor, September 1, 18S3, " The American National Bank," with a capital of six hundred thousand dollars. The rush to subscribe for stock in his bank was unprecedented in the history of banking in Nashville. He took the presidency himself, and after managing this financial institution tin- about six months, witli the assistance of his able cashier, he established its credit so high that lie was enabled to consolidate with it the Third National Bank of Nashville, an old and prosperous bank, well established iii the confidence of the public. This per- mitted him to withdraw from the details of hanking, which are not particularly tasteful to him. lie was mainly instrumental in reorganizing the American National Bank after its consolidation, with a capital of one million dollars, and electing John Kirkman presi dent, John M lea and Edgar -Jones vice presidents, ami \ W. Harris cashier, accepting himself the place of chairman of il xeeutive committee. I nder this strong organization this bank has become one of the most important financial institutions in the South. In the basement story below the American National Bank, a story absolutely lire-proof, with tiled tl ing. elegantly lilted up offices and coupon rooms, and an enormous burglar and fire proof vault for the public, containing eight hundred safes or apartments for pn lie use, Mr. Cole inaugurated the Safe Deposit, Trust and Banking company, which is destined to be a bli not only to Nashville but to die surrounding country. Nothing, however, seems too much for his indomitable will and energy to accomplish. Ili< powers of combi- nation are wonderful, and while not neglecting the minutest detail, his mind seems to grasp readily and with ease and to put together aggregates in harmonious relation- that would stagger and confuse most mind-. .Mr. Cole's persomu 1 is very striking, lie is fifty eight years old, id' tall, commanding figure, weighs two hun- dred and twenty-five pounds, is remarkably well pre- served: Ids manner is grave and polished. He has almost magnetic influence over men. which is partly accounted for by the justness and liberality of his opinions and actions. As an illustration of this may be mentioned his opposition to extreme railroad b-L-i -bi- timi by the Tennessee Legislature of 1882-83. Contrary to tic- advice of friend.-, he stood up against such legislation, ami in a most elaborate and exhaustive speech, at the grand opera house in Nashville, mi Feb- ruary 27, 1883, against the measures op the lull then pending in the Legislature, drew public attention to the matter : and what was known as the caucus railroad commission bill, with plenary powers, was superseded by one only advisory in terms. Mr. Cole has Keen pecuniarily a verj successful man. He is by long odds the largest owner of city property in Nash\ tile, besides having extensive real estate interests elsewhere. At the same time he has been a liberal and public-spirited citizen: there is scarcely one public enterprise, educational, religious or charitable, in the city built in his time to which he has not been a con- tributor. In politics In.' is a Democrat, in religion, as before said, a Methodist, but he is broad-minded, and never finds fault with others about either their political or religious views, lie is an active and influential member of the Slate Board of Health and of the Tennessee Historical Society, is a Mason, and a patron of literature, music and the fine arts. His home. Terrace Place, in Nashville, is noted for its elegant hospitably, and fully illustrates u ithin the motto. Salvt , over its entrance. I' has recently been remodeled and improved, and is now. beyond doubt, one of the hand -otiie-t and most truly palatial places in the South. Mr. Cole has been twice married. first, to Miss Louise McGavock Cytle, daughter of Archibald Lytic, \ \ SNKSSKWS VON \ \ \ ' - \\ < x - >f the i \ s - - - *ching ... - - ■ - - ... \ - \ \ I'liOWf I, I 'I i III |,;.i l • J ill ;ill the battll ■i, 'III 'ill tl R throw I In • In i raid into Ksutt 'I month A n inUjn ' n,i,i i Hi i i II and all the the 'I I r] tt,a». rould no) ndered, tl come ' mherland '/roc out, I - '.' ' lii'iuvli ill lie hundred men unhu I ■ with the army undi ' • • undci (it n Hi ■ cl ini id I i J iJciJowell lihea. daughter of <',,| .1 .,., |i |{ red at I f J / gallant Major gallanl !••. would Tli' ' ■ hi I fnion 1 1 .1 I: R Butlci in t.bi- volume), and wa* adini Bui ler and •( of th' bench. Hi till now in tli. illivan, W 1 I ill". In the fall '>( 1 >T'» l<« formed a oartuerghin with Judge K R R rliieh con mc. In ii'ilit i< hi- famil) I which the memory of man runneth no( to the • bul though a worli ing membi i r held 'ii he hag freo;ucn< I' n - VCOtion*, and i i ii in Political In I ■"'.'. ■I In 1-7 I . • illivan Lawl/nuirk published at Union D< not. In religion t. ched i 'i I I I : ■ ' i Tli' ell, a fa i ii, II I i ■ I I II'- then i I church, of limii II. I : man of their j i lifi II . proton ' liaoi / i rner • tl<: old I. and 1; R Carolina : I bild, John I ' William Mi ' I I r on :i 'UOMIXKNT TKNNKSSK \\< of .1 S s \ \ s 1 M i ' \ v 1 ■ . of Carter county, Ton v the family). He tnincnt man of t ha wealth Mrs M. Powell is ;t niece of ml of Landou Carter, he war by the wreck Vlfi I M Carter, v i iss Puftield, who became n and Elizabeth Carter. ? inuel l\ Carter, miral in the I'nited States navy; James I' T. I, and 1!>'\ \Y. 1$, Carter ibeth- nnty, Tennessee. Mrs. McDowell is also known Taylor family of East Uhea, is related to one of the - in that region. Blountville, be- rian church. :uul is belo\ ed for her Christian life. - - this man" S IStio; j radu- er in niber W ' • iwell, born All S. McP born December 13, •1 nne 19, , and what - appli- ■ , ominitted ity will be - - ly and nd theu when a w hiskey. GOV. ALBERT MAR - - THIS s \ - - - - ii the irly prefer- , and this >n, he .1 the I that . . ■11 his \\ inel - i the i hich, Vrter • PllOMINENT TENNESSKANS. t:» admitted i" the bar in the fall "I' 1858, and commcni ed I >i-.-t< • i ice in i ei ln|' with i iicm I n Jnnuur; 180! Mr Frizzcll retired from the linn, and Colyai A Mark pi d i her. The nexl month Mark was [>nt forward as the Union c lidatc for the c tul convention, the Hon, Peter Turncj being opposed to him as the secessi :andidatc, Mark liad hitherto been idenl ified wil li the Brcckinrid if the Dem- ocrat ie party. The 1 wo men had been inti irsonal friend and 1 1 gh diarael ricallj oppo ed in politics, made the canva s together, boarding lodging and riding togi 1 her 1 hroughoul 1 hi e 1st, li is well known thai Marl '...1 defeated and the State seceded. War bav ing broken oul in con equence the two friends ran a singular} parallel course. Both became cominaiidei ol regiments, bol b « ere 1 fcrel; ■•■ uunded md bol li » ■ e al 1 he ame 1 ime confi I to 1 heir beds I tn for their wounds al Winche tor. To complete the parallel, both I" 1 exactly the same number of men by 1 he ca 11 1I1 1' of war. ,1 udge Viark entered 1 he ' Confederate sen ii 1 captain of * ' pauj K Se> entei m li Tonne see regi ini'iii of infatitrj . Tin regimi ril was included in < ien, Zollicoffer's command, and was in all hi engage tn the date of his deal h, al 1 he di a I ba 1 Ie of Fishing Creek. In the affair al Llock Castle, oul of eleven thousand 1 ly eleven were killed, and six of these were members of Mark company. The rca on of this was thai thai part of the bill attacked which u.i opposite i" Mark command, was alone accessible, while the troops lither side of it were unable to ascend, so that the brunl of the battle was encountered l.\ 1 li.ii one company. \ fter 1 he defeal and di al h of Zollicoffer 1 he regimenl « a 1 ran ferred to 1 he com iii.ni'l of 1 ren. Bushrod Johnson of II irdee corp and participated in the engagements around Corinth, where Marks became major, May, I862,and in the June following assumed the command of the re al colonel. This was when the armj was reorganized, and the Seventeenth Tennessee formed part of Bucknei command during the Kentucky campaign of 18CI2. In this campaign he was appointed by Gen. Buckner to the honor of receiving the surrender of the Federal troops which were defeated at Mumfordsville, in Sep- tember, 1862. On the return of Buckuer's command to T Gen. Buekner himself was ordered to take chargi the depart me f V labama, with Mobile as hi head quarters, His division was transferred to thi command of < ren. Pat. < lleburne and with it, of cour 1 Marl 1 ni-iii. 1 11 1 his command 1 he regi 1 •■■■■ a 1 :m the battle of Murfreesborough, December 31, 1862 I there Col, Marks received a verysevere wound in his right li"-' from a canister-shot, which ned itated amputation below 1 he knee. To 1 he editor of 1 hi 1 ketches, on being a ked 1 he cause of his Iamene he answered " through trifling with the I 1 \i the same time hi compal ri nize in the mi the c\ idi iici that he did his duty in defen In 1 11 countr; I people. The Si 1 ntei nth incut in that battle captured thn • battel ii I two hundred and foi I) ix mi n I illed and wounded, and upon the 1 ecommendation of Gen < lleburne I , 1 . - 1 , t \)a; i f placed il colom I naim 11] 1 he roll of h ir. This terminated the milil 11 career of < lol. Marks. \ |'i, r 1 he close of the war he practici -I law for two , I,, partner hip with hi former pal tin r V. S. 1 !(,] iir tin n Mr. Colyar moved to Nashville, in I Wfl Mi partners then were! lapt. J. B. Fitzpatrick and I T. I>. Gregory, with whom he practiced until 1870. A.I 1 1 . 1 latter date he wa elected chanci llor of the fourth , hancer; divi ion of Tcnui cc to « hich offii e hi \ n - 1 1 ,11 he expiration ol his f i it term, 1878. II' gained great credit while on the bench bj the 1 n wit li which he pu died forward 1 he b hich had accumulated through the proverbially dilatory pr d ii,- of that court, but, though re elected, he did not : h rough ii -iccoiid term. The year of hii re elec nun I 110111 lateda 1 he Democratic candidate for governor of the State, and elected to that offie'e in the November of thai year. He served for two yi ar I, ut declined to alio' I nc to go before 1 In I leuioi i al ic convent ion for re elect ion. The dh ision in the Democratic party, occasi I by the State debt qui 1 ion, had alreadj manifi ted itself during the election of 1878, and he was . atisfied that, in 1880 hi could not, if nominated, obtain the united Democratic vote and would therefore be very probablj defeated. .1 udge Marl wa 1 he la 1 governor of Ti 1 e who received the united vote of the Democratic pi Hi- resumed the practi f law in Franklin and the adjoining counties until 1883, when he rejoined his relative and former partner, A. S. Colyar, al Nashville, where was established the firm now known as Colyar, Mark & Childress. In politics Gov. Marks is a Democrat by inherits 1 ;, I,- com ii-i ion. Prior to 1 heir -• tl lemenl in 1 hi family were Virginians, who lived near 1 h, , ,1 ,,!' Thomas Jefferson, and followed 1 he political fortunes of thai gentleman throughout, and when the old Republican pai iy separated into Whigs and Demo crats they gave in their permanent adhesion to the latter party. Gov. .Murks married, April 29, 1863 Miss Novella hi 1 vi of W ilson county, T - -- e He had been engaged to this ladj before he lost his li - and and when he recovered, tilated in body and broki 11 in fortune, he b rablj offered to release her from her engaj emenl Thi same offer was made to many southern ladic during and after ■ civil war, and this editor knows of no sinj I i e in which - of 1 hem in ailed herself of hei lovci [>ermi r,ii.,in! \li Davis was one of the last persons who I'Romint.nt tknnkssi-: \ns. could I ed to do m«. ami she cladh claimed the fulfillment nf |] inont. devoting hersell tli Mi redoubled affection to (lie happiness of her wounded : \n\ intelligent person en the pi an introduction to Mrs Marks, at once that ho 1im> formed tlio aoi)uaint;inoi superior woman; superior, that is. intollootually. mor all\ and in porson. Sho in faot combines the elements of a perfect lad) in person, elevated in mental qualities, a fine scholar, ami brilliant in conversation, the ornament of society, and Mill domestic ami prac tical in tin' management ''I her homo, sho seems now here out of place, but, whatever she undertakes, . ihly as il' (hat alone had the occupation of her life. It is said that when her husband was chancellor, and necessarily absent from hom. il. she managed the farm with the skill ami energy of a first rate practical tanner. On the other hand, that her intellect ami culture were made available in training the minds of her children is mani- fested by the high position tlicj too dars when sent to school, It is believed that her cultivated intel- lect stimulated that of her husband, ami that her tow ering ambition kindled his to it* !. Ports This estimate of the wife i f (i x ! . - stifles the editor. as he think-, in giving her a distinguished place among the eminent T. c included in this collection. revising editor also, having himself been mined to the honor of a brief acquaintance with this lady, cannot refrain from adding his testimony to the nobility i>t' her character and the fascination o\' her crsation. He r< in her a porfeet type of the grandeur with which the southern I to the oinorgi - - - ami. with- out ceasing to be refined ami cultivated ladies, showed them- l-saerificing and practical wonn coping with the ad\ i died on all by that terrible calau R) hi- marriage with this lady. (! M ',- ha- two Vrthur Handly. born at LaGrange. Georgia, March S. lSlvl . a scholar o\' high standing at the I'ni- versin of the South S Albert Davis, born at Winchester, 'fen- -- September 1. 1867 : now finishing his education at the Winchester Normal foil. Mrs Marks is a member oi the Cumberland Presby- terian church. Her father was the lion. John li. Davis Wilsoi county. Ten - member of the General Assembly - - : 62: a planter ami a major in the Confederate State- army: of a family .ally from North Carolina. Hi- father was Thomas Davis, one of the early settlers o( \\ x l - ) was Caroline Hunter, a Wilson county, and also of a North Carolina family. S Mai k- was i nai Loudon count) \ i, but emigrated in early life with his father to Daviess county, Kentucky, The father died there at the age of thirt) one years. Wish: his patrimony ami lived long on the farm in Daviess county, his mother living with him. Both inherited a comfortable fortune, hut made mi effort to increase it. No member of the famil) has ever boon insolvent. Hcmarried Klixahctli Lashbrook, whose mother was a Mi— Colyar. sister of the father >'\' \ S t'olyar. Gov. Marks' grandmother was a member of the Daniel t'aniily. of Virginia. Hi- mot her died in Da- viess county, Kentucky, in 1ST)!), leaving live daughters and two -ons. all now deceased except the governor's sister, Margaret, widow of Capl -i B I'itzpatriek, and Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Robert Handly. of Winchester, and Gov. Mark-' brother, Dr. Kdward C. Marks, who is practicing medicine at T Citj fennessei His father'- and grandfather's families were all pious ami devoted Methodists, The following letter from a ven erable Methodist minister will -how the estimation in which the} w.rc held by the ministers and members of that church : lU'SSKi.i.vu.LK, Kv.. August 21. 1-"-. - Dk.»r Sir 1 was greatly delighted to see from Iho p:ii- rs that ii n;> tol by the l.Uo Democratic convention of your State .is candidate governor, ami 1 write to con- rablc distinction. In 1812 I was appointed as preacher i shorough circuit, s State, where [remained two years. Your father's house . ptaces, an I y best homes. randmother. your father's m led with him, -:, of the ohi type, and one of the most pious persons I ever knew, site soemed very much to me a- my own in- t!i. r. 1 was thou a young man. and her counsels and ad- father and mother wore i in > wore distinguished for that warm hos- pitality . which Ion- I, moreeuiincntly, however, in > . than in I You were then a small boy, 1 would think., i rs of age t hildren, as 1 recollect. Yon were the favorite ol youi grandin ither. who had tue a Methodist preacher, the highest distinction, in her estimation, to which you could at- tain. You we:,- a great : mine, and you became very i You, like little hoys generally, wen' very Hoi nearly always when I would arrive, you would ride mv horse to water, and to the stable. I made it a rule 1 was allowed. But when 1 Would . to aid me. and i\o theridii of nearly forty year 1 with sadness, indmother : entered into her heav. also your lather and mother. Your father was a man ot more thai: » high-toned, hon- cman. Your mother was a model of all the virtues that make in. She was amiable and sprightly and remarkable for her personal beauty. Your maternal grand- ! s ■' . [or her fine sense and ex. eellel.: - . and a Methodist. 1 w ., s on the iched her fui ery large congregation. You will, I am su ivith me in thus writing to you. My Always been very strong, especially those . 1 feel an interest in the children of my early is if tiny were my kindn When, at Na-hvilU. in 1STS, I spent some days with Col, PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. Colyiir lation of yours, who gave mo your history in Ti an* see. I bad the pleasure al o "I Beoing two of your Bisters, who ea lied on mi' . I failed (strangely) t.'> inquire il you wore a prof B*or of religion, and a member oi the cburcb I would be happy to kn.-w if such bo the case ; l"i*. permit me to say, that whatever distinction ;i man may gain among men, I * i h lifcisa terrible failure il ae hs failed to I i %■ * ■ ;i religious lid', and thus prepare i"i ittei and higher ts te. Yours truly, X. II. I.F.K. Questi <] as to tin- methods observed by him in attaining success in life, Judge Marks answered I feel i hat labor and temperance havi been 1 1 in access. My course has been a strange one in one i I have never had to wait. Ever inci I have been al I he bar I ha ■ e been In II; occupied. I have always tried to perform the duties that lay nearest to in. RI< HARD B, MAURY, M.1>. MKMPUIS. R [CHARD B. MAURY was born in Georgetown, l>. ('.. February 5, 1834, but hi- father mo first to Norfolk, a few weeks after he was born, and ub i quently to Fredericksburg, Virginia, he grew up al the latter place. He curly manifested a desire to study medicine, and when but a lad of seven years, having heard a lecture by a Chinese missionary, he came I ■ and, with boyish enthusiasm, announced to his mothei thai he intended to become a physician and go to < Ihina. Id' had the advantaged a careful training b; i of the most faithful of mothers, a most refined and con scientious woman; and after leaving her hands all his Bchool boy day- urn- -pent under the instruction of Thomas II. Hanson, who for twenty five years was the prominent teacher in Fredericksburg. He then entered the Qniversitj of Virginia, of which he is an alumnus, having graduated from several of the literary schools of that institution, The next four years he taught school in Petersburg and Fredericksburg, at a salary of about six hundred dollars per annum. He then re-entered tbr University of Virginia, and in 1857 graduated thence in medicine, under Profs. James L Cabell, John S. Davis, S. 8. Maupin and Henry Howard. He iiixi went in New York, and, after standing a competi tive examination, was appointed an interne to Belle Vue hospital, and while holding that appointment took the degree of M.D. in t liui-<' a service and asacrifice" for the welfare of their fellow- men. Dr. Maury married, first in Port Gibson, Mississippi, Miss Ji S. Ellett, born in that town, June 14, 1840. Mrs. Maun was the daughter of Hon. Henry T. Ellett, a distinguished lawyer, now of Memphis, formerly on the Supreme bench of Mississippi, and a member of Congress from that State. Her mother, Rebecca C. Seeley, was a daughter of Gov. Seeley, of New Jersey. Mrs. .Maury was educated at Natchez, Mississippi. She died in Memphis, April 10, 1875, leaving six children : il ,i. Richard B., born March 25, L862, in Port Gibson ; educated in Virginia; now on a cattle ranch in Texas. (2). Kate Ellett, born August 27, 1864, in Greenville; graduated al Miss Higbj - high school, Memphis. (3). \ \ SNKSS VMS \ \ - . I I : and di [Jr. I ■ liild, <:h. Ill vill<: to Horn I ■ here on 1, mi and in 3Iein rille. II undei in<;r. wbi';li h<- c tered, JTork C P •I 'I if honor, ii • \ \ SNKSSK VXS N i, V - ' - \ . '.' and - \ WW \ .. > » ! \ \ Mrs s - - - - s - - - ? s - -- ... - - - - Jl r \ ] 1, ■ ! ■ Wluit ffi] ■ [Jpon / ■ ■ ■ ■ • \ \ NNKSS VNS \ v \ v \ \ 1 - v \ - - V (lis S - - - -- - v - i - - s f 2 "^OC ' ' ' . I / ' SI I'UOMINKNT TKNNKSSK VNS. heall li m all work save that of commissioner of agriculture, while he sought rest and reeo\ cry. Ilr returned to Nashville in January, 1874. and he tween that time and Jul} fourth, with sonit ; i d tin- " Resources of 1 twelve hundred most thorough and comprehen- sive treatment of all that w Inch m ti-i be the found of future material wealth, ot' all the connections of the wonderful resources of the world, and of the way to make thi ble. It is complete in general and in detail, 1 to be added, and y the till here and there o\' outlii , rhl} >k 1 ilii- most im- portant office of uiak ns know their own State and its value. It was for Teunessec tl ing the first step to iiiiui ' and sub- sequent intellectual and moral greatm i>n it, tho first Mop toward know thyself." It oughly circulated and sought for in all parts ^i' tho northern I'niti widely in demand and un :i any kind, and many. I'rof II uxlej . in . ber 7 1 am in l< bted work, of which a > report of the i ch, in my judgment, does infinite credit to tl tor it. and to the per* do not to have r which 1 have of tho structure of this Mr James t\ Baj said ; the world is indebt sition ot tho natural than, so far as I know, has bee only w ish that tho your people in seeurins: i ; cor. and in plac ''.and tho I ney to t! genuine emulation, fi is still in great demand. In It- with d, .Mr. K lished tho - in the public sehools In - ~ hapel niotu or merit, after graduatie -I he remained commisj thirty voluu the nam industries of the State. These include broehun husbandi baooo; tli m the mineral interests ot tho State, in the aggregate about ton show- i! and other mineral iphieal map of tho State, which i- now a standard authoi During Mr. Killebrew's term of office as commis- ulture, ho traveled in tho North, and ially in Now England, deliveri n the South as a field for immigration. These attra wide attention and received hi iums from many while they have fruit. In 1- \ Walker, superi irt on id traveled in all th tho Tin; tho result being tho publication ot a 4to volume by the nment which 1 oil with great favor by th. lustry and the In ■' for tho grand southern cotton and wot sition at Atlanta, that enterprise, with.>: irt. tendered Mr. Kille- . runout oi' min- -. With his characteristic promptness e the o. and although the time was far too .-In n uiplish tho great work in hand, ho - the mineral and forest wealth inborn States ever shown at one place and at one time. H oily was t 1 on. at that bitiou o( tl d natural wealth of •iieiit of i 1 the lit upon i nt, intelligence and skill, and w tho thou- - to that gri - tion. idmiuistration, ltural eomii: V K elf to his private it hich had somewhat IK has been re usouabl} ear than in ten I iron and eoal .hama. and is into: whither he made • back journi He liter S - PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. na). Il«- i and tn ' \- ili. re nil of hi ith Miss W berl Mr K [Hebrew lias an inti i Family of children, four sons and two daughter Iiiis in ■ died in in fane; Th in all Si physical, moral and intellectual manl '1 and woman hood. He from all parts of the South during I hi ummer taoti ■ Mi I Hebrew in life bol h as a n prac tical laborer, with keen jui private affaii as mi tic and di ited workei public weal To his practical ma the in'li-i i : imaginati control of a strong will and of thi | ide of his Notwiths i mathema benl which in his case, with the linguistic faculty , hi only rapidly sui si i il ion of ancie modern languages, but al own tongue Few ha h exa lied him ini i imple and i edingl; pure English style in writinj speaking, in 01 I powers, or in graphic description, and n b popularly called "word painting." With a mind well d to a rare d in the economical, industrial a il history of Ins own i iti ill illuminated I human progress in other land - a able to present, in attractive a lar form, the dry in- dustrial, productivi and practical ec nil al prob il question icriptions of n sourci - with a 1 development, and i i er he has undertaken to present to the public. From L865 to 1870, with a mind well from the study of law and from practical and skillful management of business under the sla oughl; ii Mi-. I ..III .' imical and industrial conditions, he was one "I" the firsl to adapl himself to thi The faculty of imagination, the power to li d and the habit of looking ahead, found him level witl times. It was becausi il quality which held lii rit successfully close to bus i well reined in a i ead him beyond bounds or into vagaries, had led him to I I and thus, with pro- ... though! he was abreast the times. With cash paymi ind kiudu with firmness he was om i - w itli the new labor, and al 't I'm i he public the i the i hi ■•■in. Dui uue period, 1865 to 1870, while attend- fully to pi Idi iliiiif and publishing pamphlet count} ten at hi own ex pi plete irith prac- t ical . eonomical tho insulating That hi ' hit ally in. that tin. i the timi public tn I/., generally kc] lit. He was widely i' field, ;i li own That i .tin- |-' uided in a wild |" many of In - him a dreamer as t< ; iiici1,s and materia] that he as multitudi nuns ] inja with plain judgn ■. n privati ( )ne of t he most strik ing facts in his eh I life the abilil nun it h rare it ami unerrii for the pu ir himself everything Tim hi ed svith a r pi ictical true liui for his people, and contenl If h ith using lii- own pr thought for himself within a narrow practical field, fi his icfore him. His a - ad- ' after, in the '-..11111111- of il. lie " Itcs'.i "I in lii.s niiiii' i iics. addresses and thirty odd pam] for Tennessee, the New South and the ■ I conditions, what the views of that eminently I ir Bow . wi re for the < >M b with tin ... That I >> Bow was able to see that nd slaver} alone) vitiated all while Mr. Killebrew saw clearlj the true il and inevitable lines of pro- which the Smith is now pursuing, with his own unlike tho ■ . were marred b} i heir realization, ilways present difficult} of ving fb.ssilisra I. To t nd nan South lias contributed more. He 1 in private business, Rarely with ima ■ him above the narrow, practii i and to sti ? TW - - - - - - • - - - ■ ■ - - - - - I ■ •- - x IN - - ■ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - N PROMINENT TKNNE -7 law at Clinton in Andi counl where h( resided thirti doing a lucrative practice fron II s first effort in polii m the Bell- Everett ticket in I860, and after tl of Lincoln he attended I ille, Ten- 1 1 1 political ■ interrupted by thi as a private in Company II. I ] infantry, Col. R. K. Byrd, and served in Ki W.-t Vir- ginia and i ee. He took part in the battle of Mill " id in the skirmishing that resulted in i i ,ii. of i Cumberland Gap (Gen. G. W. Moi campaign). Afl icating with hea at London, Kentucky, where, An; nt took plai >. ich he commanded. M'trr this battle he wen) to Cumberland Gap, thence with Morgan (x c West Virginia, and then Nashville. He was in the first two days' skirmishing in the battle of Ston i ards took part in what is knowi D • ■■ creek expedition, in pur- suit of Wheeler. After the battle of Murfn and -' (iii'iit -kinni i Tei I resigned. His firs sion was as lieutenant and quartermaster in the ■in-lit. He served on Gen. Thomas staff at the battle of Fishing Creek, and was immediately I I'liii-'l Ten- i 'J as colonel from February 3, 1862, to the day of hit > m, April 5, 1863. He ilid his duty as a good soldier, v, ithi tensions to militar; He attended, in 1865, the Republican convention or sailed by Andrew Johnson. Gov. Brown- low, Mr. Maynard and ol The pur- of till— in' eting was to consider the pi ,i up by these gentlemen and sub- d by them to the convention. Mr. Houk op] tlii- measure, especially the disfranchis I ■ '1 constit utional com ention. His proposition was defeated by a majority of eigh and Johnson's measure was carried. Had Mr. II acted upon, he belies et that Teni would have been Republican at this day. II tor 'in the Lincoln and Johnson ticket in 1864. In 1866 I iteenth judicial circuit of Tennessee, comprisii of Ander- ' Cumberland, Pent ress Mot gan and He held this ofiice for four years, when, finding apport bis family, he went to Knoxville in March, L870, and practiced law there till 1 In L868 he was a delegate from the State at lai the national Republican convention which nominated ( ren. < rrant for | In 1872 h and A nd in the Stati Li gislal ii- hairman of the financi committee. He introd and conducted through the House the measure on which publican nomim aker of the 1 1 ■:i 1-71 to 187 ioner under the In ! . with id four hundred and fifty [n with a I- I and ■ I. majority five thousand hundred and fourteen. Hi me of eight givin I iblican majorities in the United States. In I ited, with a rity of ten thousand three hundred and ei two. He served in 4 i of the war claims committee, and acquired much popularity with lii )ili- for tl, -ith which he advanced their interests. In 1884 he was also a dele- tion which nominated Frank luiil for governor, and to the national convention which nominated Blaine and Logan He was in favor of the Humiliation of Arthur, but returned a zealous iter of ' he Blaine ticket. Mr. Houk i- a member of scept the Knights of Pythias. II" is a member and ti of the Methodist E ipal church at Knoxville. Judge Houk possesses in an eminent degree the qualities which combine to make a successful party and self-assertive, the atmosphere of poli lement in which he breathes freely. He himself, when aski lead- ing principle of his life, answered that it was never to inflict a wrong and imit to one without • i 1 1 ir it. Risen from a position in which he earned his daily bread by his daily manual labor, he know million who —till occupy that position ; he knows their wants and wishes, their likim:- and animosities, and knov. : address them with effei always ion, conciliate then tonfidence and warm their sympathies. Always ready to converse with i iy grade, his conversation is genial and jovial, full of humor and reparb and adapted to every collocutor. Let him on the Other hand meet with an antagonist, and I till he has demolished nl all possibility of future opposition. The way in which i education maki say that he did not Bpend his time in frivolous He describes a dayin his sixteenth when lying on the root of a tree reading, he for the ketched out a definit of life for him- self. He determined that " hi body, that he had as many rights in the world asanybody, that he would do no man an intentional wrong, or if he did he would repair it. and that no man should do him PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. :i wrong without his resenting it, :i n >1 that he would impro From his earliest years he was fond of politics attended publi ud felt inspired to obtain the power to mould the policy of his country. Flis first read the Bible and Brownlow's ville Whig, to both of which lie freque in his speeches. His s; mversation, abound with anecdote and incident, told with tra. humor ; but th them coi of re set than from a ind keen m of current e\ ents. Thi the efforts i m, earnest of impressing his idea- upon his hearers. His ments from the bench v. and intelligent, and generally impartial, but I tl to a man of his temperament than the bench, and the polit- than either. The Republic: East Tennessee have had no such leader since the deaths of Brownlow and Andrew Johnson. Judge Houk's first wife was Miss Elizabeth M. Smith. whom he married in Knox county, ' 2S, 1858. Her fat! Bamet Smith. Carolina, her mother a Walker, als< ' h Carolina. By this marriage he had eight children, two of whom died in early childhood. The r are as irn Febru 10 : already- adroit party mat; most popular young men in Knoxville, win tiees law with success. bcrl8,18f>3; a law stud political speaker at Willi. mm ('.. born Februar (4). Ellsworth C, born May 18, 1-7 burn January 15, 1874. (0). Edmond Spence, horn The first Mrs Houk died exactly a month after the birth of this last child, at the ibout fortj She was a member of the Metl hureh, a woman of extraordinary good sense, and. as a mother. etiotialK devoted. He married his next wife in Baltimore, Maryland, her 20, 1880, - Miss Mary Belle Von- rn in Canada and educated in the island ol Jersey, in the British chann [■] father was an Austrian, and her mother an English lady. Her par- married by the father of the i I Mrs. try, and she wa 1 with that lady. Her mother died when she was two years old. Her father still lives at Jaci engaged in farming; i a skillful architect. The judge has one child by his second man! born Oct, .her 6, 1882 The present Mrs. Houk is a member of the E] pal church 5 highly educated and accomplished lady, speaks, read- and write- French, Germat Latin. She was raised by her grandmother, Mrs. Goldie, in affluent circuin ind prior to her mar- bool days, in travel. After her marriage, however, she devoted hersell duties her husband's first family, whose rued and i by sedulous and maternal .ids her winters with her husband in Washington, where her social tact and high breeding : her the ornament and delight of society. Her mplishmcnts, though brilliant, are icial, but 1 1 ind exact. The Houks are a German family, the name being originally spelt Haugch. The grandfather, John Adam ■ ni in Germany, emigrated to Pennsyl- vania, afterwards to Botetourt county. Virginia, and finally i East Tennessee, in that portion now ■ county. He raised a lame family, two hoys. John and Martin, and four girls, three of whom, Sally. Polly and Elizabeth, married three brothers named Hicks, and the fourth a Mr. Hunt. The old L'cn- tleman was a thrifty German farmer, one of the pio- " county. The father. John Houk, was horn in Virginia, and with his father when a small boy. uiii' to work. In- was sent out about the £ mean to watch for Indian.-, and warn the settlers if they approached. He died I 28, 1839, I .. his son. the subject of this sketch, being then ild. He was a man of sensi inform ter educated than the average settlers with v had some knowledge of law and ntly wrote deeds, etc., for his neighbors. He was a farmer and cabinet-mak rved two campaigns under .lack lin in the war of 1812-14, and was at the battle of the Horseshoe. After he returned iiiajor of militia : betook a promi- nent part in the lay, but was never a 1 ii man in the first cam- i supporter of Hugh Lawson White and a Whig to the end. Judge Houk'.- mother - uth Carolina lady, ter of Thomas Gibson, who died in South Caro- her moth I with her to Sevier county. where she married Maj. John Houk. She wa- a person 1 natural it of little education : 1. - though he had but slight school ad- Mrs. Houk. moth Methodist, originally a Lutheran. She died, in 1 Si IT , at the age of fifty-eight, leaving two children, viz.: ; of this paper, and, by her mar- with dames Ray, a son also named dame- Ray, an eminent criminal lawyer, late of Jacksborough, Tonnes- i« dead. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 39 DANIEL T. BOYNTON, M. D. KNOXVILLE. DANIEL T. BOYNTON was bom in Athens, Maine, February 8, 1837 ; the son of Joshua Boyn- ton, a nativeof that State, a farmer and cattle dealer, who moved to Elyria, Ohio, in the fall of 1837. Joshua Boynton was known as a man of iron clad integrity, of proverbial fidelity in friendship, a member of the Congregational church, a Whig, and afterwards a R,e- publican. He died in March, 1881, at the i seventy one. The grandfather of Br. Boynton was Capt. Joshua Boynton, a sea captain, who crossed the Atlantic in his sailing vessel sixty-two times, and was one of five brothers, all ship commanders, born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, where the family settled in lii:J7. The Georgia Bo; ntons are a branch of the same family, and the name is numerous in several other States. Capt. Joshua Boynton married a Miss Delano, of a New England seafaring family. The original ancestor was of Irish stock, and took his name from the celebrated river Boyne. Among the more distinguished members of the family are, Hon. W. W. Boynton. formerly chief justice of the Supreme court of Ohio, (Dr. Boynton's cousin), ami Gov. Boynton, ex-speaker of the Georgia Senate, ami the successor of Hon. Alexander II Stephens as governor of that State. Dr. Boynton's mother. Parmela Emerson, was a daughter of Daniel R. Emerson, who wa> born in 1774, at Haverhill, Massachusetts. He was a farmer and miller, and a religious and industrious man. He died in Elyria, Ohio, in 1846. Mrs. Boynton's mother was a Miss Cartel', of an old New England family. Mrs, Boynton died at Elyria in 184!*, at the age of thirty- lu\ rag borne nine children. Dr. Boynton's family were a religious | pie. much given to talking religion and quoting Scripture, espe cially on Sunday afternoons. In this respect they were typical of the New England families of fifty years ago. It is said his mother substantially knew the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and was famous as the " story- teller" of the family, often repeating the tales of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, stories of travel, etc.. fir the entertainment of children, hut the Bible was the liter, J lire of the family. Dr. Boynton grew up at Elyria. working on the farm, and when not at school, traveling with his father witli -fork from .New York to northern Wisconsin. He early acquired a taste lor literature, especially for biographj and history, and became astudi r of Shakspeare. At the age of fifteen he made up his mind to become a physician, and read am! studied somewhat with a view to that purpose. His literary education consisted of a range of English literature, history and the classics 12 illy. Heentered, August 1,1860, the medical office of Dr. Jamine Strong, at Elyria, Ohio; matriculated in the medical department of the Western Reserve Uni- versity, Cleveland, Ohio, October 7, 1860 ; attended the fall and winter coi ' 1860-61 L861 62and 1862-63, graduating in the class of February, 1863 lie imme diately entered the United States army as first assistant surgei f the One Hundred and Fourth Ohio volun- teer infantry, Twenty-third army corps, and wa- inn united to surgeon of that regiment in January, 1865 He served in Kentucky under Gen. Burnside the summer of 1863; in the East Tennessee expedition, tall of 1863; Lamar House hospital, Knoxville, in the winter of 1863-64, and throughout tin- Atlanta campaign on the operating staff of the Twenty-third army corps; was with Gen. Thomas in Middle Tennessee, the fall and winter of 1864-65, in the Twenty-third army corps, commanded by Gen. Schofield, including tin' batth - of Franklin and Nashville. After the battle of Nashville. which virtually terminated the armed struggle in the southwest, he was transferred via Cincinnati and Washington, and by ocean transport to North Carolina, and rejoined Gen. Sherman's army tit Goldsboro in March, 1865. After the war, he went to New York city and took the fell and winter course of 1866-67, in Bellevue College Hospital, under Profs, .lames R. Woods, Wil- lard Parker, Austin flint. sr.. Frank Hamilton, Doremus Taylor, Elliott. Fordyce Barker and Alonzo Clark, taking also a course in microscopy under Prof Austin Flint, jr. He returned to Knoxville, Te ines ee, mar- ried in January, 1866, located and has p there almost continually since. His natural taste runs toward surgery, hut he has done a general and leading practice. He served as adjutant - general of Tennessee and private secretary to Gov. Brownlow from October, 1807, to March, 1869. He was United States pension agent at Knoxville from April. 1869, to duly. 1883, and disbursed some fifty million dollars among seventeen thousand pensioners in the southern States. He also practiced his profession meantime. He is ranked among the prominent surgeons of Knoxville. Dr. Boynton married at Knoxville, January 17. 1866, Mrs. Sue Sawyers, who was horn iii Elizabethton, Carter county, Tennessee, July, 18.'!7. the eldest daughter of the famous editor, preacher, Whig politician ei nor and I Inited States senator, William < I. Brownlow. Her mother was Eliza Ann O'Brien, daughter of John O'Brien, of Pennsylvania, of Irish descent. Mis. Boynton was educated tit Knoxville, ami is characterized by fidelity as a wife tied daughter, and devotion as a mother, adopting her father's religious and political PROMINENT rKNN — W-> y now l>r. 1! M I the his appli- is the i\ indica- H \NIKL WILSON BAPTIST. > Tins m The nan - N . w . .ia, till - and ..- in the Tn F< - - - n months' ladder, and 11. G. from this « months, of deputy • - clerk I courts and tl - which tield and himself, in - ity, he put out Mason £ Ten- ;rs in ;' R. F. and then - tneut which t' the 378 "_ he at Ill 1 1 a M II'. nor. 1 1 . i r ied 01 III; ember ol l county of Mr. B I I citizen of Mecklenb Vir- by i. and I fun i ual n hap] II i- HON. MICHAEL BUI II. I.E. Tin - ier by birth, bi and has i finer repul and imj kindn r, and ly a leathi two railro Michael Bui land. -i:; Hi- fatl ' I I bis motber, Catharine Clark, were botl I and held of the hi and in [*>int of inl il mothi I Id when hie I i and i at the death of hie mother. I ool in Id country eholar. A- aaddli in July. 1831 (then ind shortly after went to Montreal. York city, and them main- ing in Nashvilli Rutherfon - . Idlery hardware and leather business until the civil war I out. In hi al make and his mental and manners, Mr. Bn n, of bro ind down- right in hi sunny in h ion. He has a bri ident. hville that Mike of the Nashvilh Iroad, and - two diffen - filled b; Froi tank of * the ' : ; In 187 ■ial Bank ville. Third National and American I for ville I • 'ompany. with T dr. Burii- •y in ■ "hairman of the and u that il 'tizen through lil I'UOMIXKN I' I'KXXKSSK \XS •opor lion to (ill i ll of (li, atou in i TotinOSSOO IK w i(li Andrew Johnson \t lien I wards \\ hen ho became president, cularly admit'i vo him an inton int. army called after hint \nill,i\ but he rebel, though lie 1 i \\ iili the Siad- in ilt>- rebellion, hi rt> all t the whon it seceded 1m ::a\ o lii^ aid in thai \ army t lii-ni :i shin, both iif the until iln- respect thai tll:iii.i from .ill n Tito lohn Si-tl, also has :lli illio: - « in rniinii , ■ i \ [,tNCOl.> \ ■ Mr. Burns were intintati atnal appi . il I ( \ irltu- of his 1 tied, lu-, hi S . with tli< M i Iturns 1 • n^t»-. I himself in n ItlOltS I the iiimii " \\ hi 1st ni W it, in IStU, I < ulled upon when I was promptly admitted to mil he ap| 1 had called on hint pi lilroad bn W hilst wo and t i hint, ' 1 >eni lor yon I w hat know have ol the prisoners \n ho are to bo il thai ho I,- nit, who was .t native of Khodo . that 1 1 i on liini a lasl ti r lii^ mother and sister, with whom ho tiled; had shed tea implored his rate. that, under :t ted nexl day . tellin of the eirenntsi their desertion I asked hint nit me to words in extenuation of their orime. He ask why the sentence when 1 *:iiil thai it iipp ,ut m the regular army, - wore stationed and thai I no thousand dollars for men « ho were drafted to in the army: thai (his appeared a very large sum id that thi i sent the mot mil wenl to the :lu the i e his ,nk in tin- itriiiy and liis ! for his filial act the • kill liini. Had neuty I would Mr. 1 • ,1, « iili aiiima- ti, 'ii. that ho would pardon them, they ^ It , > t» Kl not die, it oral kindness oC his I sil of a reason for i iime up whore ry instance y ■i 1 left, but \\a> urgently Mr Hums never took th of allogiaui either government, but \t s that lerate 11 1> policy during the \- in which he Durin iy the tin- mate- rial li, i the ipiav nt Johnson the ild be i ro the money In >* * Thomas I.. Maduin, M D. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 93 May, 1865, after Johnson became president, h order from him to bring out cotton, and secured about one thousand two hundred and fifty-four bales belonging to the road; sold some in Boston, depositing the money in a New York bank to pay interest on the road's in debtedness. The balance he sold in Liverpool, deposit- ing the money in the Bank of the Republic, New York. to pay coupons due there, all monies going to build tbe unfinished road and to pay its indi I His judg- ment and management gave him a place on the roll of honor which i'ew men ran boast. An investigation by a committee of the State senate in L870-71 resulted in a long report to the en tte show- ing, what his whole previous life in all relations, p and private, had already shown, that Mr. Burns is an honest, square man. The senate coi ittee in this re port says (see House Journal Appendix, 1870 7! 821, ' t Si q.) : "At the time said road was turned over to Mr. Burns, in September, 1865, of the ninety two miles west of the Tennessee river only about fifty had been constructed, and that bad not been operated for years. The iron bad been torn up by the I oiled States authorities and removed for about thirty miles of the route. The embankment had washed, cuts caved in, and cross-ties rotted, as well as all bridges and trestles of every kind and that part which was left had grown up in wild growth, so that it was as costly and difficult to rebuild that portion of the road which had been built as that which had never been touched. The committee here beg leave to call attention to the economical manner in which Mr, Burns, as president of said company, husbanded the small means at his disposal for the construction of said nim miles of road, to which must be added the immense bridge over the Tennessee river, and the committee deem it but just to .Air. Burns also to commend the dispatch with which said herculean task was accomplished. Ninety three miles of railroad built in eighteen i iths, with the bridge over the Tei ssee river, is a feat, the like of which is not often performed in building i and is not only in happy contrast with the tardy pro- made by his predecessors and others who have undertaken the construction of railroads ; it also com- pares favorably with the rapidity with which the Pacific was built." Mr. Burns was married in Nashville, March 14. 1842, tn Miss Margaret Gilliam, who was born in Ireland, daughter of William Gilliam, a quei merchant, who was lost in the ! in in 1856. Hermother was a Donnelly, also a native of Ireland. To his wife Mr. Burns attributes in a large degree his financial success, as he never did any good until he got married. After his marriage he managed to save one hundred and fourteen dollars, with which he began business and laid the foundation of his handsome fortune. His partner in all of his successes, the sharer of his strug- gles and the true helpmate of his life, departed this life after a brief illness, in Nashville September 1. L885. She was a member of the Methodist church atthe of her marriage, while Mr. Hums is a Roman Catholic, but she joined the Catholic church in 1844. When the writer asked Mr. Burns how much lie i> now worth he replied. Well. 1 am not in debt. When questioned a to what methods he had employed in succeeding, he answered: I never made a promise unless 1 intended to fulfill it. and did fulfill it. I never failed in business, and was never sued tor a debt of my own. Always ambitious to stand in the front rank among men, my credit in Nashville was above that of many men worth more than myself. When other men were frolicking around havingagot 1 time I was attend- ing to business. T kept my own books tin- a number of years, and did my own correspondence. My motto m business has a'\ Honesty. I never sold an article to a man for good unless it was good, or if the purchaser found it was not so 1 made it good. 1 did the heaviest business in my line that had ever been done in Nashville. 1 never kept a poor man out of his money. T had fairly e 1 youth; never abused mj system; read everything that, came in my way. Among my companions I was popular, and was something of a guide to them. 1 always felt that to meet great men as my equals and to control them was my right. I have been well treated by great and men, and through life never paid less than one hundred cents ou the dollar. THOMAS L. MADDIN, M.D. NASHVILLE. ^rMIlS gentleman, whose name will descend in the J_ medical history of Tonne-- eminent among the prominent members of the medical profession. Dr. Maddin. as co-editor of the Monthly Record of Mediciru try at Nashville, from 1857 to a- professor and lecturer in Shelby Medical college Nashville, Tenn meofthe most successful sur- geons in the South, having performed exceptionally diffi- cult and 1 operations; by the num- ber of yea en 1857 and L885, that hi ied various professorships in the Nashville medical schools, and asa successful private practitioner, . \ NNK^ SS - - ■ - - - - - - V • • - ■. - - - - N - - - - ■ • I 1 1 work child . 1 I ari'l I ■ - lie in ■ i fatn- - ■ " i hair and the len- HON. i ami's OR' s u \;;Ki'M.. i * I - - - - - - - - ; . himself ;• our but - uitation. - youth > the old party, taking >f the Mrate strik if the - - < the - \ \ and \ \:uen. - : sat. II :' ill— h he \ -• - 1'KO ■ wi'J- infem child. ' I ( APT. SAMUEL : Tin, America from [r< ll<: wn- a mill building and \ He :iU'J .' ' children, John •; . Will \' Job man He married ii and left two children, ■ ■ ! ll<- Di up] i i J him I ■ 1 in Brown. I PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s jusl forty five cents in n came ichor, because teaching paid b li than in the north. in Dyersb ent. He had taken boat for Memphis, intending \\ i him 1 sil nation nl I >ycrsburg. H [u that from Hickman, Ki ount ('apt. Latta often alls himself an ori He i. and is still living in t! ipied, (me half mile Ele began sti fifth year, under his I 'ol. T. E. ardson, and n ;i- John W. 1 and J d. He I in Dyersbnrg from the date of hi- till th thirty-fi te and in all ! n, but prefers chan liarity I il ion, and ; than most la\v\ on the merits of hi nid has always got along pleasantl; bench and bar. In May, ISM, he took a company, " The I 1 . of which he was captain, and joined Col. John V. Wright's (afl i \ J. Vaughn's) Thirteenth Tennessee inland. He fought at I ! Belmont and Shilol left the army af tint of domestic affliction which compel! t. Latta was raised by Presbyteria . and. indeed, hi hodox Presbyterians for two huudre d the i in IS38. and for the last twent; : ibly at Kuoxville i I imes in synods and pic-' time continuously lor fifti intendent. Cap I liar for dollar the It «■,- witli which he lias held his n havii tiin In 1S52 ('apt. Latta was m Mason in Hess Lodge taken the Chap 1 1 filled all is in both I and Chapter. H in 1851, and 1 all the d Kncam] lie 1 In 1S70 P.- was appointed a director in the Mississippi l!i\ . I nuite i ' sburg, feral unimproved tracts in Dyer county. Paying ion i" hi- btisiness and by tr : inciple i uniu- ag that it turn out cation and let hi' i " If 1 had ice said. " I do not belie i I ount. Bi ire pushed out ai rely on themselves, make better -i money." lit- has ry liberal eharitabl putatioi: in this lit him a lly. At no time in hi- life has hi -ipati'd. 1 n ii isincss he mostly lor lands. Inn lias mptly, and was never sued on his own married at Rati inly. Ten- Si 1852, Miss Mary r Grainger Guthrie, mty. East ■•■. tin- daughter of John Guthrie, a Scotchman, and an iron manufac- day. Her mother was Miss Minerva Wear, of Eas Mrs. Latta graduated in 1851 at the Columbia Female Institue, ( 'olumbia, Tennessee, under Rector Smith, and is a lady is the happy faculty of making everybody her -position, loved especially by theyoun popular with all her associates, and evil! and tine intellect. Losing her parents at an early i was raised amor -.and like her husband, had to make her way in the world. She taught --ion after her marl' By his marriage with Miss Guthrie ('apt. Latta has six children lin G. Latta. horn June 21. 1857; edueat Massachusetts, and ;'t Poughkeep- hers at home, and is tic Meri al ional 1! ink, Little Rock, Arkansas lie married Mi-- Lee Poland, at Marshall. 'I i- liter. 1. (2). K i. horn October IT. 1859: educated at home by private teachers; married Prof T, C. Gordon, ml has three children. Mary. Winfield ?arah K. Latta. horn February 12. 18b'2; educated by private teachers at home; Mary Sliar . Winchester. Tens Jary E "*) Latta. born March S), 1S64: educated by private teachers at home. (5) Frank Wal ta, born July 1. 1866: educated I Fniversity, Clarksville, I Samuel Grainger Latta. horn August 5. 1871. ('apt. Latta is a tall man with a flowing silvery beard, and has tie a the world and has 1 ' l',( ) M I N E N 'J" T E N N ESS E A NS . little ambition for inner, he i spoken, pointed and emphatic. In all his dealii tult. His and in hie children, whom he has happil raising with credit. Moral and great families make I i who client to mean or little things, or to dishonoral crooked methi JOHN WESLEY ELDER. TRENTON. JOHN WESLEY ELDER, the well know banker and man, was horn in Ruth /ford com -In!;.- 1. 1819. His education was ly in the counting-room. When only clerk in the store of Niles & Elder, at Murfreesburough, his broth Elder, 1" inior member of the firm. H mained with them four yi a few months with some relatives, then in a store at the villagi Milan now stands. Here he clerked eight months at ten dollars per mouth, one half of which he - From .Shady Grave he returned to Trenton and emplo; two hundred doll: er his brother, Benjamin 1 merchants of W W hile doing business for him, he 16 an invitation from a Rutheri friend to go to Jacl Alabama, and clerk for four hundred dollars per year. II d, and went by way of Florence, Tuscuml ir and Gunter's Landing, walking from tl nville, a disl sixty miles over the mountain- i. mained at Jacksonville until the latter part ol when lie went traveling to Mobile and New Orl and finally hack to Trenton with about MX hundred dollar.- that he had made and saved — a verj - for a hoy just turned nini On Januarj 1, 1840, he went into partnership with his brother, Benjamin, and these two did bus me twenty year.-, with In 1852 he v i the branch Bank of Ten elected president of the same institution, but res during tie year. When the war out Mr. Hide)- was in i handsome rty, the fruits of his exemplary industrj my. However, the hap] I of Mr. Elder's lif eurred in .June. 1841, % \. he married Miss Martha G i ! 'on. It was a true- match, and the newly married youi their life-Ion- 1 Jacksonville to Trenton, a distance of two hundred and sixty ra of rail r almost unknown in that section, and when it was diffi- cult to find houses at whi Mi.-s ighter of Maj. Matthew Mi I he Hou and McClung fami] grand- father of the • were Her mother. M ter of Esq. Joh i i of Blount county. 1 ed at Trenton Jul her with her father and mother, Maj. M. M. Mrs. Elder's only hi' i - M. lie iy reputable merchant, i - r was edu- Christian, wife, mother, friend and neighbor. Her I unerring, and to her husban 1. and all that a good woman with a i and a good heart could be. Ten children were born unto thei n are - and four dead. The latter were: (1). Henry Elder, horn August 17, 1M^: died M L854 (2). .Mary Eloise Eld< V) '• i ■ i- i 1 23, 1854. 1854; married Alexander B. Whit Paris. Tenneseee, Robert Elder, died in infam The children now i nder lie Elder, born duly 16, 1847; graduated at en ton ; and t" the In . a ; married, in 1876, Miss Mol 1 has three child: and G< 1 in ■ now ] I Martin I 1-7:! Dr. Thomas J. I and graduated in medicine at Belleruc Hospital Medical LOO PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. College, New Vork : has two children living, Tom and Horace. (3). Mattie I . > u isc Rider; graduated at Jack son, Tennessee, under Dr. -I. E. Bright ; married Robert I' Ross, a hardware merchant .-it Trenton, and has one child, Albert. (4). Lucie Belle Elder ; graduated at Clarksville, Tennessee, in L879. (5). Gracie Elder; ation at Pulaski under Prof Wil- liam K.Jones, (fi). Albert Sidney Elder, bom Janu- i. 1862; educated at Trenton, and since 188] in the banking business with his father. The Elder family i> from Virginia, but originally came from England. Mr. Elder's father, William Elder, came from Dinwiddie county, Virginia, to Ruth- erford county, Tenm iut 1810, and lived a er. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. In 1837, ■, i'il t<> < ribson count i and died I here j] . at the good old age of eighty-1 He was a passionate mat:, of florid complexion, high-strung temperament, and remarkable for integrity of chai fin- his word was liis bond. Mr. Elder's mother, net Miss Mary Towler, was the daughter of Benjamin and Martha Towler, of Charles City county. Virginia, dimond. B< ler was a soldier in tin' Revolutionary war. Mrs. Elder was a lady of remarkable pat most inflexible Christian, of great strength ami forti- tude of character, yet ol a singularl) calm ami disposition; deliberate and phil in her views of lite. She was a great lover of Christirn literature, and always had in herhouse her religious papers and period- icals. Sin- died in January, 1865, at her son's house in Trmton. leaving six children, only four of whom are now li ' Benjamin Elder, now eighty-one years old. living on his farm one mile from Trenton. ('_'). James Elder thi tit banker at Memphis, v portrait ami sketch i hei in this volume. and which should be read in connection with this biog raphy. (3). Monroe B. Elder, now a farmer and stock raiser, four and a half miles from Trenton. (1). John Wesley Elder, subject of this sketch. When the late war came on Mr. .John W. Elder, who although as has been seen, was a quiet, successful man. considered it his patriotic duty to volunteer in defense of the Confederate cause. He enlisted as a member oi Col. Hill's Forty-seventh Tenm ment, and at the bloody battle oi in April, 1862, was I i mded bj a minnie Kail, which made a permanent indentation in his I i , in acorn cup. A I'd having lo y> trs of time, as well as hi- nd most of his other property, he went icinnati, i ber, 1865, to try ami retrieve his fortunes. He did business for Duncan, ford ,v Co fs, three month.- in 1865, and 1866, on a -alary, at first, of two hundred dollai month, which was raised to five thousand doll On January I 1867, he was admitted as a mem the firm, which conducted business under the style of in, ford A; Eld lining in that firm in the wholi msiness until December 31, 1878 lie then returned to Trenton, and organized the Gibson county Hank, of which institution he was elected | iitiniieil in thai position ever sine" He is : lso a director in the Trenton Cotton Seed Oil Mills, ami in i he ! Cotton Factory Company. In polities Mr. Eldi r i- ■> Democrat, ami east his first vote for James K. I'olk for governor of Tennessi He belongs to the Methodist church, which hi joined in 1833, and has n class-leader steward, Sunday- superintendent . ami l.e i o, annual eon- He was one year lay delegate to the confer cue. at Paducah. lie is the only living member of the .: hoard of Trenton sti mized in 1839. Something in his 1 hich he is verj proi the fact that he has been superintendent of the Sundaj ■ 3i hool thirty-three years. Very early in life he became identified with his church ; his parents were pious, and he has from boyhood tried to walk worthily of the Chris- tian character, and to square his life by the Wi God, which leaches one to be both fervent in spirit and diligent in business. It may he said, he was horn indus- trious; there is not a drop of lazy blood in his system, ior he loves work, loves to hi' honest, and to deal on principles of square justice and equity. Asa business man he has sought to inform himself through all channels accessible to him, ami has kept wide awake, as the presence on his table of such works Merchants Magazine" " Tin Bankers Magazine, other such eminent authorities amply testily. His nd his methods furnish ashining example to the young business men of Tennessae CO I.. JAMES L. GAINES. NASHVILLE. COL. GAIN! - irn in Knoxvill lucated at the University of North Carolina, at CI 3, 1836, but in his thirteenth year moved with his Hill, ami graduated there in LS59. II course father to Buncombe county, North Carolina, where, as completed, he studied lav, lor a year under Judge Bailey, in Knoxville, he did I as a merchant, lie was at Black Mountain. North Carolina, and obl PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 101 license from Chief Justice Pearson, of the Supreme Court of that Slate; he never, however, practiced law in his life. He moved the same year to St. Ch: Missouri, and became professor of mathematics in the college of that name, but in 1861 returned to North Carolina and entered tin- Conf ti army, his father furnishing him a horse and equipments, and hurrying him off, ''lest," as he said. " he should be too late for the fight" (the first battle of Manassas) ; hi was too late, but participated in every other in which his comi was engaged. He commenced service in the first North Carolina cavalry as a private, tinder the command of Col. Robert Ransom, brother of the present. United States Senator from North Carolina, and was promoted sergeant, lieutenant, adjutant of his regiment, then adjutant of the North Carolina cavalry brigade, after- wards colonel of the second North Carolina cavalry. and was recommended by W. II. F. Lee for a brigadier's commission, too late for the recomn nda i bi acted on, the calamity el' Appomattox intervening. He at first in Wade Hampton's divi erwards in that of W. H. F. Lee, but always in the great cavalry corps of J. E. B. Stewart, under whose command he p: p.tted in the retreat from Centreville, the battles around Richmond, 'lie fight at Brandy Station, in the first Maryland campaign, the Pennsyvania campaign, includ- ing Gettysburg, and all the subsequent great battles, including Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and the campaign around Richmond and Petersburg. At the battle of Five Forks he was wounded in the elbow joint, and amputation became m cessary. This occurred onhj ten days before the surrender at Appomattox, at which he was present, having traveled thither in an bula nee. To anticipate matters a little, on arriving home he presented himself with an empty sleeve to the lady to whom he wis engaged, offering to release her o count of his mutilation and his poverty. She refused to be released and a mar: ■ followed. As soon as he was able to travel, Col. Gaines returned to St. Louis, covered with the honors of war, but stripped of every thing else. The marria alluded to took place. The lady was .Miss Belle Porter, a native of St. Marj 's, ' >hio, only daughter of Erastus Porter, a wealthy retired merchant of that place-. The marriage took place November 22, L865; Mr. ! died four years After his marriage Col. Gaines moved to New York and engaged in the whol QeSS, the style of the firm being Harris, Gaines & Co. The firm established a branch concern in Savannah, Georgia, and Col Gain ent to that city to m busi- ness I ' In 1869 he moved to Knoxville and n the ! in partnership with his brother, \ n Caines. and was so occupied till elected comptroller of the S: nv. when lie removed to Nashville. He I d to this office by the ire of in 1875, and r< I in 1877 and 1879, serving in all six years, under Govs. James D. Porter and Albert S. Marks. e his first electioi nptroller he has n in Nashvill tow ol the firm of Duncan & okers, miners and coal merchants. The grandfather of Col. Gaines was Ambrosi originally from Culpepper Court house, Virginia, but d in Sulln an cout 1 ee, and became i I as a pioneer and farmer there. He was of the sami family with Gen. Kdir 1 IYndloio,i il nines. Matthew Gaines, his -no. was the father of Col. Gaines, is born in Sullivan county, Tennessee, but was living in Knoxville when Col. Gaines was bom. Some years afterward i to Buncombe county, North Carolina, where he was long engaged in business. He is now living with his son in his seventy-ninth year. He is a member of the Methodist church, of which he ha and steward. He is also a Royal Arch Mason, and a Democrat. Col. Gaines' mother was a Miss Margaret Luttrel, a native of Knox county, Tennessee, daughter of dames C. Luttrel, a hug' farmer and slaveholder. She is now li\ ing in Nashv ille with Col. Gaines, in her sixty-eighth Her mother was Martha Armstrong, of the East Tennessee family of Armstrongs. Col. Gaines' maternal unci James C. the treasurj of Tennessee in 1855-6 7. Mrs ( 1-aines, wife of the colonel, wa educ ted at St. Charles, and at St Louis, Missouri. She is a member Episcopal church, and is noted for her bi and her remarkably youthful appearance. They have had three children : (1). Ambrose I'orter. born in New York. November 6, 1866; now a student at Nashville. .' . Lilli: ' born in Savannah, Georgia, December 17. 1868, died ;; f Nashville, April, 1876. (3). .lames L born in the Maxwell Hou ashville, Septet 1878. Col. Gaines is a member and vestryman of the Pro- testant Episcopal church, a Master Mason, a me of the Royal Arcanum, and of the Knights of Honor. he is a Democrat, but not an active partisan. Requested to state his method- of life he answered: "1 have always tried to do my duty in whatever posi- tion I h.n He is six fi ei high, if weighs one hundred and forty eight pounds, without his arm. has a long head cleat forehead. To this editor he appears an exceptionally modest and retiring i ontent to do his duty and take his share of the world's work. MINENT TK \.\S. THOMAS LIPSCOMB, M.D. THIS - - - - - - :ii the 331, and has UlIR-S some nan, .Tuhu II. Waters, -I * itham, \\ ■ " her. Dr. ' ink of ■-hel- byvill ictiee iville, filled the Bank • -itute. r fluuriug the war h< iter at - . when he I with the - • man. He _ iia, and r. Thomas .in in - anty, - child r if this 1 with 1 l>r. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 103 i first to Mississippi and then to Tarrant county 5, where he died, April 5th, 1885. I receh ssical education, he determim •i the language in which they were writ- mi after he bi a red Greek. Latin and Hebrew without a teacher. The mother of Dr. Lipscomb Cook, daughter William Cook, a Baptist inin- in Louisa county. Virginia. Dr. Lipscomb ha< been twi.-e married: Fir to Miss R< Ireland, who came to the Uni This union sed with ten children, all .lived to adult age: (1). Mary Ann. married John Davidson, and is now dead (2). Harriet E., who married her c Waltei 8 I , and died leaving two childrei in \Y: Sarah J., married to I . E. Peacock, of Shelbyville. (4). Virginia, who married William C. Little, and is now a widow with two children I Shelbyvilli William K.. who was a soldier in Forrest's com: and was killed during Hood's Tennessee cam James S.. now married to Miss Lula Allison, of Wil- liamson county. (8). Emma F., wife of Evander Shep- hard. (9). Tl i A. Columbia. Missouri. {V Mrs. Lipscomb died Deceml 382, Dr. L Mary A. t, and in families ille. Tin ue to rly traini: - prece] m prudeni 1 in a plain and ft s :rtue, and extra-. n evil. When he .ding ! he alwa; - ; .nd in the evenii - While at Philadelphia 1 thrown wit -. but he had gone there ■ly, and the only time he ever w> . Christmas-day. when h Peel's museum, and spent twenty-fir At night he would read over in the test-' rything that had leettii lay. He has alwaj - bard- student ; yi with faithfulness and honesty, discharged all duties devol him. BOX. FLETCHER E. BUR 1 - MURFREESBOh THIS gentleman was born. September 1G. 1K44, in Rutherford county, Tennessee, and has always lived in that county. The Burrus family are of Scotch- Irish origin. His great grandfather Burrus emigrated to America and Amherst county. Virginia, in the early part of the eighteenth century, and was a larire planter and slaveholder. His grandfather, Joseph Burrus. was born in Amherst county. Virginia, in 1765, and at the age of fifteen enlisted as a vol in the American Revolution, and participat 1 private soldier at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York town. He was >everal times a member of the House of Bui - S Virginia. He removed to Rutherford county, Tennessee, in and, upon the advice of Gen. Jackson, purchased lauds on Stone- river, and remained upon his plantation until hi< death, in 1821. He left a large family - daughters who have intermarried with prominent fami- lies in Tennessee and oth ; md his descendants are numerous, several of whom have figured with credit and ability in the political history of the >outhern He was a man of vei the hi ii-r of morality, and of cultivated Judge Burrus' second - Lafayette Burrus. father of Judge Fletcher R. Burrus. th :' this sketch. Lafayette Burrus married, wh Miss Eliza Ready, daughter of Ch;. , who 1 in Rutherford county, in 1 died at ville. in 1- ninety years. Char: wife wa- Miss Palmer, of a Maryland famib ol. Charles Ready, was, prior leading lawyer in Tennessee, and served three terms in the lower 1 >ne of his daughetrs. Miss Nancy Ready, married Joshua Haskell and became the moth.. William T. Ilask if the sifted ami brilliant orat .untry has ever produi ' W. C. J. Burrus. an in tcher R. Burrus, wasa prominent political man in Tenn and - -nil terms in ad an aunt on thi first wife laron V. Brown. The Burrus and ; inently kni additional matters of int. with the family of Fletcher R. Burru- mother, thi to thi J. B. Palmer. Hon. W. H. Williamson, and Hon. A. B. Martin.] ! Bur- rus was born in Amherst county, Virginia, S 21, 17',»7. and died in Rutherford county. Tenn TEXN - • - .... - ■ - I - - - j - ■ - - - ■ - - - - - - - - - I - Mur- >. \ - im to ■vhieh r the with He - ip with th ■ the law as we with I var on her splendid .tnberland i law ~..B. under lenry - - S wing w J. - • - Dcery .aken - 582 he was ... - - was _ - nr. \f.^3^ $ <& ' ■ where he taken fill<;'J ' and I' Y 'ia backward* in a patient tvr a half " " Multilobular Ovarian !rjal and .' - its I,' Injur! : — pampl. PKOMINKNT TKNNKSSK \NS \ ■■■ ■ s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H - x - - M.Wats - . li them - measured - tor work in tho uiost benevolent, \ more bund in all \ graphical, rail- mal I'ontor. ami it is from 1 up the name of :lii' t'.unily I and added luster, 1' rn ai Hov it, Kentucky, - - Itieation at 1 in medicine from the Tran- . when not [her three years ami upon his Anatomy in \ -hville. in !n">'_'. where he ' I ever - - Nashville, he formed medicine with the ' '■ - Jtetries nthor of a fest, t ! ' has ever pro- interru] a R : ' ■ 1 » --■ - In 1S.V! IV ssor of - R dennii . Sashvil i \\ ir *us- - t' the uni\ ersity until ? 5 and physi- \ 11. Buchanan, rred in IStk! to the Dr. Watson — the i and children. - -. . ■ .. ■ e had - • rt litems of the Nas \ uiderbilt University. ur different im. He has s>> tar. how- n with his tirst love. >f the i - Nashville. • - - lent of the i -- n. and in ' -~ - me of . the founders of the vss ion, and its president in sen president of the International Washing S tem- - he made the tour Vr. . .;. He ! - ieal library TEXNK 7 in ili'.- South, volumes, and i- -l man of careful and profound re* following the b nd im|>r<. In lii- youth Dr B principles, and it will % retain rid old H'-ii f I rid that during southern n II - financial though out of the impti Ij'r :i' tin, In 1850 icky. [n communicant. Hi mother, and to her I : : management of them. Dr. ttri'j'j- married in B - town, the daughter of Mr. - - IJ. r mothi I children have been born: H the |irominent youi * sal anatomy and o] partmi University, a fall bioj in this volume. (2). Dr. Wald < ir<-'-n. K' 2, 1854; f from ; ille and Vanderbill 1877 doner of surgery- '• and o] L born in Nashville, February 11 ville and at Baltimore, and is <;d in - Nashville, Juni and probably di medical life. \>r '.'■ .ii M. Briggs, M.D nativi and died April native of • With I tucky, and there worked on a farm in summer, going 'idi-d m< d B .mil). and graduated from ; lvania I 1 return* i medici generations of learned pi I Miss Harriet - Morel Dr. Bowling in his " Lii' I>r. I; - - dred m A.I'.. 127 I»r. ': turcr In ■ in reprima and ■a the ■ — and rked of which word hurr. of ali - MISKN l' TKNNKSSK VNS - - - - - iio or apply idiant blows ihm ho Knows what he - students ho is South. : \ nd< in the Confcdi After the v,ar he marrh Jil : county, and no children : Joseph, i ii. A n D I' If* :i large I rillc M. Arid* i Knoxvil] Clara Alexander, rl ■ ider of Dixon A ndt Cumberland I I our of 1 I II i • William I Lumpkin, of Memphis, . Kmma, Mar and Anna Lumpkin, all of I' . Emma and M. I. imberlnnd Cni- i !. ition. JJr. Audersoi I : ' B 'lr«:ii . Eugenia ;>nanon. II •;■ la 'li':'l tj'I )ii- -I l>r. Anderson'e fir-' child, Edwin P. Andi from the Jefferson Medical College, Phi lad died, unmarried, i r. 'I old. I»r Am Virginia, came to Wilso .-. and ! * U'il- an'l sfl'l t'< enth ..own for I honor, of . with men, firm and ' . RUFU8 POLK NEELY. GRCFUS POLK NKELY, of Boliva in hi me of the early settler* and no f llar (71 Catharine Xeoly, who married Pr Stephen Dox) (81 lil >da Nee - who married firsi Col, I 1 ' razor, first sheriff of Franklin Uabatna; ami secondly, l'i Si iiii '' .lane Neely, who married Thomas J. Friersou ■' Maury count; T The children of Hoi Neely's aunt, Sophia Neely ('■•Ik. I w idow of Alexander N who died at Bolivar. She is now living at Corinth, Mississ |>] Col. Charles Perry Polk, now living :ii Corinth, Mississippi. (3). Benigna, who m William II. W ■ Memphis (41 Hen. Edwin Polk, who was speaker of the Teni essee S at the time of his death, in 1850. His widow. Miss via Jones, daughter of (Jon. Cah North Carolina, is now living at Bolivar, and has one daugh Ter, Octavia, wife of T. I'. Brooks, of Si Louis. Capt. Charles N'eely, father of H en. K. IV \ horn in Botetort county, \ inia, and was an under Hen. Jackson through all li i^ . lie married Miss Louisa, daughter of Col. Ezekiel Polk, in Maun county, T His occupation was that of a farmer, but hi I the army soon after his marriage, In' engaged I'm little in the bin until alter the war of 1815, when he settled in Franklin county. Alabama, near Tuscumbia, where he died in 1820, thirty three years of age, loavin children : (1). Rufus P. Neely. subject of this sketch. Mar) i N'eely, now the widow of William W. A tweed. Austin, Texas. She has three children i Mary Josephine, wife of Major Burst, Austin, T Adelie. wit'e et Mr. Palm, near Austin; and Octavia, who married Prof. Bittle, of Roanoke College, Virginia. The only son oi' Mrs. Atwood (Rufus) died in hospital iii the Confederate service after being wounded and taken prisoner. (3). Vdelie C N"i who i- now living without children, the widow, first of James (i. Bel S unity. Vir- ginia; secondly, of Thomas Chanibliss, of Memphis, Tennessee; and lastly of Col. John Pope, the famous cotton planter ol Memphis, and author of articl the subject of cotton cultivation. (4). Col. dames Jackson Neely. who is now a leading physician at Boli var. He was a colonel commaudii gade (Rieh- ardson's) in the Confederate sen ice. He niarri. Fannie Stephens, daughter of Rev. Dr. Stephens, an Episcopal minister at Columbia and Bolivar, and of Judge William II. Stephens, now of Los \ California. On the maternal side also Hen. Nee]\ is of Irish descent. His mother, Mis- Louisa Polk, who said, was a daughter of Col. Ezekiel Polk, wln.se father was William Polk M cklenburg county, North lina. and whose mother w is Miss Wilson, of the same State both families of Irish origin and Loth of high standing in the early days of the Old N rth State." kiel Polk .lied at Bolivar, in \ S maternal uncles « I William Polk, born in North Carolina, lived in Maun county, Hardeman county, Tennessee, and then moved i Walnut Bend. Arkansas, where he died, a large cot- ton planter. (2) Maj Sam Polk, father of .lam. K dent ot the Foiled States. (3). Thomas of Robertson county, Tennessee, lien. Neely's maternal aim;- were Mar) Polk, who married ' Thomas Jones Hardeman, for whom Hardeman county is named. He was a captain in the war of 1815; ken prisoner by the British and whipped over the head with a sabre for refusing to give information as i" Jackson's position when Packenham attacked the Americans at New Orleans. (2). Clarissa Folk, who married Capt. Thomas MeXeal, of Bolivar. Her son, Maj I', ckiel Polk MeXeal. now living at Bolivar, is among the most prominent planters and capitalis Tennessee. His individual sketch appear- elsewhere in this volume. (3). Matilda Polk, who married John Campbell, of Maury county, Tennessee, Hen. Rufus Polk Neely was horn in Maury county, Tetiin - \ vember '_''i. 1808. He grew up there until nine years of age, and went to school on Car- ter's creek. In IS17 his father moved to Franklin county, Alabama, and died therein 1821, when, with his widowed mother. Unfits returned to Maury county. In 1823 he moved to Hardeman county with his uncles Hardeman and MeXeal, and has lived there ever since, being partly raised by his grandfather, Col. Ezekiel -: men of mark. Gen. Neely's earl) edu- cation was limited. He attended liurrtis Academy at llville Alabama, under the celebrated Dr. Cart- wright, and afterward- went to school in Maury enmity, Teinn He began his business career as a clerk in a dry blishment in 1825. selling goods to the earliest settlers of Hardeman count) and to the Indian- \ - soon as the county was organized, he was made register of deeds before he was of age, and had to wait until he attained his majority to be sworn in. He held that office until 1-."-".. when he was eleeted county court clerk, and served in all, as clerk and deputy clerk, thirty two years. Meantime he was in various other positions. In August. 1839, he was eleeted to the - '.at lire and served in the session of IS40. In 1>U he was appointed a commissioner t«> clean out and pay for the improvement of the Biu Hatchie river. to tit it for navigation. In isn' he went to farming, at which he was quite successful. After this he returned to hi- old office of county clerk. His elections were by the court up to 1832 is",, and by the people after 1S36. lien. Neely has seen considerable military life, having been connected with the war ; tween >l am! Texas, the Mexican war and the late war between the Siate-. In 1S36 he was eleeted brigadier-general of f "■ - 'iul Tennessee militia brigade, covering Shelhy. Fayette. Hardeman and Mc N Fiider the proclamation of Gov. Cannon in PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 111 1836 he raised I aid Gen. Edmond P. Gaines and ' i • : f j . Sam Houston, 1 1 ;ling for Texas inde- pendence "ii the Sabine. Gen. Neel "d a regiment al Jackson, Ten essei i leeted its colonel, Inn the troops were disbanded b, rnor, al the instance of President Jack he United States were then al peace with Mexico. After mustered out of si r< hi but kej companj he took from Bolivar 01 until Gen. called foi troops to remo^ e I hi * !hi roki Creek Indians. With his company he reported to Gen. Scott al Fort ( l rokee Nation), and (served in ig the Indians west of the Mississippi river until ifter which he was quiet till 1846, when h<- aided in raising a company for thi ■' in war. Although he red part of the troops into i it Memphis,he 'I i ' 1 not himself go int i ervice in M The - "'I Monday in May of every year the survivors of his old company have a reunion and dine with Gen. Neely at his hospitable home. There the members of the compan ng. In 1855-6 7 hi in building and operating the Mississippi Central and Tennessee railroad, now a part of the great Illinois Central system. He operated the road as president from 1856 until the warbrokeout, and has been connected with the road from the first of dirt (which he himself threw) until now. either retary, superintendent, president - er. in 1861, after a visit to Montgomery, Alabama, in company with Jefferson Davis, to be present at the uration of President I' Vici President nder II Stephens, he returned home and in company with Hon. Milton Brown, went to Nashville to confer with Gov. Harris and Gen. Zollicoffer on the , t . of secession, independence of the S ing of troops, •■•■ G at once set about raising a regiment for the Confederate Hi wentoutas captain of the " Pillow Guards" of Hardeman county, which com a part of the Fourth Ten infantry regiment, and at the organization of the regi- ment at German town, Tennet Gen. Neely was enthusiastically elected colonel, and under him that gallant regiment acquired it- celebrity. With Col. John V. Wright's Thirteenth Tenne i and Col Knox Walker's Second Tennessee regiments. Gen. Neely went with his command from Memphis to Randolph. r fortifying that place he was ordered to Fort Pillow, and it was he who struck the first lick there. ll<- remained there until relieved by Gen. Leonidas Polk, who ordered him to Island No. 10, but before he got there Gen. Pillow ordered him into Missouri in connection with the regiments of Col. John V. Wright and Gen. Preston Smith. He took his command to Bentonville and then back to New Madrid, and up the Mi sissippi river to Hickman and Columbus L the battle of Belmont, Missouri, ' len. Neelj commanded and the Twelfth L Al the battle of Shilofa Gen. Neely was conspicuous for lii nd eflicienc 1 I- i nl into the fight at the head of hi and cap- tured a Federal b 1 d day he also eom- mandi regiment, which bad been cut to piec I ml I hi i ■ hick and ! al additional i were his command, and in thi ittery off the field, which he of the unerring ril i Fourth Nol only at Shiloh but again at Perryville, the Fourth I distinguished itself, under command of Gen. :ing confined in prison at Alton. Illinois. T from Memphis with one thousand and sixty three men educed by il Shiloh to five hundred and odd. ' < Polk and Pillow both bad great faith iii the regiment, and il ced where it would get hurt. At the close of tb<; war the regiment surrendered with men. In the latter part of 1862, Gen. Neely was captured and kept a prisoner at Alton. Illinois, until released by special order froi rant. He returned home on parole to remain within the Federal lines until exchanged, but was rearrested shortly after and i to the Alton prison in the winter of H sent from Alton to Camp Chase, Ohio, in May. 1863, to prevent him from persuading Confed- erate prisoners against taking the oath of allegi From Camp Ch Point, Virginia, and exchanged in the fall of 1863. He report Richmond and was commissioned to gather up the troop- said to be behind the Federal lines in Tennessee and unable to get out. 11 iged in that -on of work until the close of the war. and surrendered at Bolivar in 1 365. Neely 1 ms in the war. William and Charles Rufus. Another ofhis - ns, Dr. James Neely, -.in to the war when under fifteen years of age, and came through unharmed. Since the war Gen. Neely has been prominently iden- tified with the railroad interests of Tennes ceiver and resident direct md also as direr-tor in the M. & T. : as president of the M. & K. (now M. &N.); and tor in the Canton, Aber- deen and Nashville, and the Yazoo Valley railroad-. i , '. Dei 1 oi In- family con- been, and in State politics he i- known :,. a ''sky blui He and - Gov. James I>. Porter were delegates at large from Tenne - to the national Demo nvention which nominated Gen. Winfield g Hancock l'<>r president in 1880 He has also been a member of the press, having owned several ni a! Bolivar— the Bolivar Democrat, the Bolivar Palla- 112 ITxOMlXFXT TKXXKSS"K VXS lie «as M M : His • ' ami s \ - \ V - \ - s M i" - - S ! • \ - in the - - She is s s old, but their Mrs \ bora m : 1 1). William H \ near Kl V - S J. H. rn- ui she - \ M ; ... . - 1 at Canton Mississippi, now is the wife of K L. Walker, a elaiui $ Central railroad, at Bolivar, by whom child, N. 1 iiiisa Xeely, now the I' \ \ Coleman, who died of yellow fever in : -7- she had five children, John R. and Fannie now \ n wife of Thomas Collins, a farmer nr children, Linda, Kathh \ IWilliam. [6). Elisabeth Xeely, who s Fentress au eminent law- is three children, Elizabeth, Frauk mes - 1 V - !, > . graduated at ppi, and at Bellevue Medical College, \ S ii" at Bolivar. He married om is II. Smith, of Memphis, I - mas and Frank \ lust in Miller, a lawyer and farmer at Bolivar; has one child, B Prudence Not \ lied iu childhood. Siu •' - - rd of this honorable and ily — a rei finch the venerable \-h may well '. - k upon with affection and \ _ life owning only a little tract of let the celebrated Davy Crockett, his : several yeai-s. In his busy career he .. / si much by insurance - war, and by going security. He did 1 men when he was young, was econom- '■ into wilduess and dissipation, but mself diligeutly to whatever he undertook. He has en ambitious to be merely a millionaire but in aecuuiul; - liad in view the laud- table, and above all. to uue His s - have boon - -me to him through salaries - t enhancement of stocks fair terms, honestly, without - wild speculation — a form - and a name that will never he cheeks of his offspring. EDWARD L. JORDAN. '~r~ , u is j I ?17. youngest $ - - -v is the oldest > William - - Mr Jordan's - Walker, daughter family and a na- mother was PR0MIXKN1 TK m a Mi-- Jeffries, of the family so well known in Virginia until tli<; present time Archer Jordan, father of the buI b, in 1794, and went with lii- father's family to Lexington, Ken- tucky, wi. remained on* year and then i to Davidson countj 'I ed in the Maxwell neighborhood. It is mentioned as an inl ing incident of their trip I hat they < the Cumberland river on tin all their After remaining in the Maxwell neighborhood foui they bought land near Triune, in Williamson county, and settled there permanently, and there died, I twelve surviving children, all of whom married and achieved ' - in life. Of these twelve children, five are now living, the oldest of v. ; oooga am railroad, is eighty!; of age. and the nei Jordan four, while ti. subject of this sketch, u ard L. Jordan was brought up on a farm until the death of his father, which took place in 1835. His rtunity for education was but moderate, being fined to the old fieli for he never went college or an academy, fn 1836 he entered tl Thomas F. PerkinsA: Co., at Trium rk. and re- mained with them until January. 1839, whi nection with Col. William I' : ' 'annon. ),< out the firm. continued together for I ■-. and then Cannon married and left the business, which was carried on by Mr. Jordan until 1844, at which time he sold of good-. He then retired from merchandising bought the old homestead of Hon. Meredith P. Gentry, in Williamson county, where he lived until 1351, when I following merchandising as well as farming, until the war. Immediately after the war Mr, Jordan Mnrfri ok, and w; ; -idem up to the time it was merged inu> the First National Hank of Murfreesborough. 3 made president of the last named institution, which re the war Mr. Jordan was a Whig, and during the war was a staunch Union man. though lie- did much to aid the soldiers of the Confed ading his for their relief. Since the war be- ing for 1. how . ■rat/; a' Tl and 1. Mr. Jordan has been tl 'laughter of M and uneh rk and r of the and her grand ; I of whom are m After the death ol liter of James franklin. '.' B children. latter pi ird wife. Mrs. Mildred Will if Dr. iunty, and v. f her Jren. V, jrch at K child, a so . with the railroad office at Murfreesborough. Mr. Jord children now i wife by her former marriage, and ti. grandchildren. Mr. Jord church far back in the fami;. member of that church f I thirty ow well known - have all ■ Jordan began life a poor boy with the idea a man should be industri alwa;. - hieved success in life and accumulated a hand- some pro)" HON. FRANK T. EEID. VILLK. Tiff* distinguished gentleman and one of it- best repi prominent notice in the sprit;. as the nominee of the Republican - vernor of 19 lulled de in the speech a' miua- tion. to carry the party banner placed in hi- •able defes 114 PROMINENT TENNESSE W- ■ in in. •!< than lwcnt\ seven thousand i ii 1 1 1 1 his '. principles were clearly ami l)i)ltll ited. llf was in the habit of statu that his lather and all hi- family being Whigs, he, as a uler that influenee; that he never drew a Democratic breath in I' ind that, following the rines of the old Whigs i.> their lo elusion, i-t hi- first presidential vote in 1872 for Gen. ( Irani . ami had been a Republican ever sin ating a protective tariff: the Blair educational bill; internal improvements by the general government : the payment ut' every dollar of the State debt : a free ballot ami a State railroad commissi >n : and denouncing the system of leasing out the labor - an iniquitous abomination. Judge Heid was born in Williamson county. Ti March !', 1S45, at bis uncle"s, Dr. Frank '1'. lb-id. ti'i- whom he was named, but crew up in Nashville, where bo has resided et except the war epis in bis life, ami twelve months' travel in Eur In I8li2 he joined company F. Startles' cavalry regi- ment, hut was transferred, just before the battle of Chickamauga, in the fall of IS63, to Capt. John W. Morton's battery, ami served in Ti da, Mississippi and Alabama till the close of the war. having taken part in all the battles ami skirmishes in which Forrest's command was engaged, from the battle of Thompson's S the end. When t; ferred from Starn ut he was promoted to first of the battery. Hi- father, John Ibid, was horn in Williamson county. Tennessee, in LSlli, at the In. mo ..I' hi- grand- father. Abram Maury (after whom Maury county was named). »ns of the early settlers of the State. He was a lawyer -having been State senator, ami occasionally having acted as special chancellor. Ho died at Nash- vill. \ - 11, 1SS5 Judge Reid's grandfather, Maj. John Reid. who mar- ried Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Abram Maury, above mentioned, was born in Bedford county, Virginia, in 17S4. He received a el - education, read law, and in 1807 removed to Tennessee, first settling at Jef- ferson, in Rutherford county: but on bis marrii in 1809, bo changed bis residence to Franklin, in Williamson county, where bo w :ed in the successful practice of bis profession when the war of 1S12 Judge Reid married in Nashville, June t. IS72. M - Jos : : Wi ds, who was born at her father's, ouH street, in that city, May 25, 1852, daughter of R F. Woods, a merchant, formerly a sugar planter of Louisiana, of an old family of early settlers in Davidson county, from Virginia. Her mother. Marina Cheatham, w as i- of Gen. George Cheatham, a raiser in Robertson county. The Cheathams of Ten- nessee are all of the same family, and originally from North Carolina. Mrs. Ueid ».i- educated at Nashville, ami i- a member of the Episcopal church. By his marriage with Miss Woods, Judge Reid has three children: th. Nina, born February 23, l v 77. (2). Louisa Trimble, born November 12. 1881 John, born February .">. 18S5 Ho began the study of law in 1860, under his father, Judge John Reid; was admitted to the bar in IS67, .1 by Judges Frazier ami Cooper. His first partner was Neill S ! ; rn,jr.,18t)8 1872. after which he became partner with his father. He inherited from hi- mother a quick, mobile ami emotional nature, combined with very great gentleness, exquisite sensitiveness, and the nicesl sense of honor. , man who revels in the luxuries of learning ami iCSthetics, lives in a world of ideas, ami if a man - library may bo taken as an index of his tastes, he is. by st, fond of p 'i try. works of imagination, tales ami essaj 8, rather than of metaphysics ami kindred subjects, For bis literary taste ami cast >>{' mind bo is more deeply indebted to Mr. Carlyle than to any other writer. It is probable that from him ho imbibed that hatred of sham, boldness of utterance, and keenness of satire that characterize him as a stump speaker. It is noteworthy thai in hi- • • he makes low quotations, either from prose or poetry, but delivers bis own :,ts in his own language. Hence, hi- public addresses are novel in conception, fresh in mak genuine in purpose, ami presented in forcible stylo. strengthening the strong, fixing the wavering, ami attracting an enthu Judge Ibid never had a collegiate education. When he attended primary schools, ami was a year or more in the military college or Cniversity of Nashville, but at the age of sixteen he joined the Confederate army, which closed hi- scholastic career. His informa- tion is due. not to the school-master, but to hi- efforts ..ate himself, and especially after the death of his mother in 1S4D (when ho was only four years old), to tlie rearing he had under the care of his maternal aunt. Mrs.Gov. Neill S. Brown, and to hi- association with tin best people in Davidson county. \t the twenty lour I IS6TI), he made a trip to Europe, and spent twelve months traveling over the continent " to see the rid." In August, 1878, he was elected circuit court judge ><^' the eighth judicial district, term expiring September 1. LS86, and his decisions on the bench have been given under a hiub sense of the moral responsibility of a tn mete out exact justice, according to the law and fait- in the case. Like Chancellor Kent, ho makes himself certain of the facts, and the real point in the controversy. Any judge with a clear head pursuing this course will have little difficulty in deciding a cause, for once the real facts are clearly established, the answer is at his elbow. The same rule applies to the bar; for if a lawyer once gets thorough knowledge PROMINENT TENNESSE \.NS. 115 of tlic facts of a case, he will readily discover the point of merit upon which it rests, and can then easily turn to his library for authorities, should they be needed, to fortify bis conclusions. But Judge Reid has very little sympathy for that class of the profession who have run mad after authorities after the letti r of the law rather than its spirit— for case and precedent lawyers, and he himself never decides a case unle he is clearly satisfied in his own mind what the right decision is. Judge Reid's gubernatorial canvass of the State in L884 made Republicanism respectable in Ten won For himself friends all over the State in both political parties, and fully sustained the reputation of Tennessee stump oratory. His style of oratory was earnest without vehemence, logical but not cold, and his delivery was stamped with the sincerity of convic tiim. The editor has heard but one opinion of Judge Reid as a speaker, and that is, that he ranks among the must finished orators of the State, an accomplished gentleman, a man of letters, a thinker, an original investigator, always speaking the thought that is within him, and loyal to his own convictions. The editor heard him three times, and noted that he never lacked foreword; was elaborate without prolixity or repeti tion; that his diction was scholarly and chaste; that lie enthused his audience without resort to anecdotes unbecoming the dignity of a statesman, and that his, tastes are very different from those of the ordinary politician, Though a candidate for high oilier .,, during the heated and hitter canvass, no reproach or tigma or suspicion oi taint was urged against his character. His opening address as the Republican candidate for governor abounds in passages of remarkable force and brilliance. A few are selected : "It was from under the roof of that honored and eloquent old Whig leader, ex-Gov. Neill S. Brown, where the greater part of my life had been passed, that, a sixteen year old hoy, I left to join the ranks of the Sum hern army. * * * Because I enlisted in that army did that commit me. for the' balance of my life, to the support of the political doctrines of John 0. Calhoun? Was it loyalty to the doctrines of nullifies tion, State sovereignty and the constitutional right of eci don that led those of us who were hied in the school of Henry ("lay to enlist under tie- Confederate flag? What was it that did lead US? It was the wild enthusiasm of that wonderful hour that preceded the uprolling of the curtain which disclosed the terrible four years' tragedy of a nation's struggle for life; when lie air throbbed with the tierce heat of drums, and was rent with the martial cries of war-intoxicated men." ******* " The impartial student of history now sees that for twenty years and more before the breaking out of the war, this country was rushing with awful velocity upon ruin and death-, [t was shooting Niagara. The storm of war purified the foul pestilence-breeding atmosphere that was sowing i ir political - 3ti m the i ed "l cor- ruption and death. Unwittingly we fought against oui Selves, and tied saved US from our own madlie--. The stars in their courses fought against Sisera." * * * * * * \ hoy. I fought in the ranks, undei the Confedi flag, bare footed in the depth of winter, and in rags; and because, upon mj restoration to American citizen- ship, a grown man, my matured reason said to me that ii was vastly better for the best interests of mankind that that flag had gone down in defeat, albeit covered with glory; that the Republican party was the true ■ ■■ poni nl and representative of the principles that had triumphed, and which we who had appealed to the sword were in hi ■ bound to accept, and which the God of I Jatt lc- had declared should mould the future historical development of tin- country; because I re- fused to live among the tombs and wear crape for the dead, believing it to be my duty to " live in the living present," forsooth, I am deno 1 i- a renegade, an apostate, a traitor ! After referring to the oppressive measures of the Republican party during the period of reconstruction, he said : " At any rate, when in 1869] lefl this country, and for a twelvemonth traveled through the countries of the old world; when I saw the condition of the masses of the people there and the character of the govern- n - under which they groaned; when I saw tyi tnl and aristocrats with their heels on the necks oi my brothers manhood abased and our common humanity di honored— and then saw in their seaports and towns the starry flag of the American republic, floating proudly and loftily among their emblazoned ensigns as though it felt the spirit of God and freedom consecrating its folds, proclaiming 'to tin- kin;;' on his throne, to the slave on his knee." the equality and brotherhood of till men, as Christ proclaimed it. and died to sanctify it with hi.s hlood ; proclaiming ' the rank i- but t he gxi stamp, the man's the gold for a that, I confess my heart leaped with a feeling for which \ can find no ex- pression in words in the proud consciousness of Ann ri can eit izenship. Discussing the national idea of the Republican party, and contrasting it with the Democratic doctrine, In said : " Mr. Tilden embodied the Democratic doctrine when he defined the Union as ' a federativi agency. What do tie survivors, on that side, think of this Democratic definition? What do those think of it win., when the tocsin of war sounded like an alarm bell in the n i i_- 1 1 1 . and the cry rang out from the capital, 'Arm, citizens, the country is in danger? 1 rushed forth by thou from their -Imps and farms to follow the great fla < oi ile Union ' down to the fields of glory? Again I catch in; PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. a glimpse of that awful vision. Again the earth trem- bles under the shock of struggling armies, and the air is wild with affright from the mad roar of the cannon and tin' fierce scream of the shell, Amid the storm of battle thai rages above the clouds on Lookout mountain the life-blood ebbs from the heart ol the color bearer of Tattersall's regiment, and away Minder on the west- ern prairies, as the sun sinks below the horizon, a little curly-headed girl plays with her doll, all unconscious that her father, who, but a year before, had trotted her nil his knee, is lying mi the yellow leaves with the pic tun- iif home and wife ami children risinu up before him nut nl' the gathering mists ami gloom of death. Oh' how the thought must comfort and strengthen him in that dark hour, that he yielded up his life in de- fense of — 'the federative agency.' Ah! it is a cruel slander, lie knows, if Mr. Tilden dues not, that he is dying for his country; that the Nation may live; that the great Vmerican republic, the mighty defender of the rights of man. whose mission it i- to Christianize the world, may not pass awaj from earth: may not he whelmed ' In that great ocean of Oblivion Where already, in numbers numberless, The graves of buried empires heave like passing waves.' It is that thought that lights up his poor wounded laee with a glad smile, and gi\ es him strength imi hisper his last words mi earth into the ear oi the dark, tender- eyed Angel of Death who stoops over him: ' Yes. it is SWeet to die tiif one S country.' " It was restored love of country, love of the Union, that led me into the ranks of the Republican party." The literary productions of Judge Reid would of themselves make a charming volume. Space can be given onh to a few passages in prose and in verse, lot- he writes both with equal facility and elegance : " l>oes it not cause iii US, at times, a fearful feeling to reflect that we can never he children again : no more, through all eternity, return to that quiet time when we lay mi a loving mother's bosom, or prat tied at her Lie 1 ******* "The great aim of our life should lie, to aggregate together ami to fuse into a whole all our particles of spirit ual intelligence ami strength. Mete vague, dreamy, spiritual aspirations are nothiug, except in so far as they indicate spiritual capabilities. We appear in that other world the same identical spirits we were in this. If we were to lose our identity, we would not I.,- our selves. The real spirit of anything is a portion of the universal Spirit, or God. If particles of spirit can grow and develop themselves into higher forms, would it not follow that the Universal Spirit is stantly growing ami developing into higher forms of spiritual being, ami consequently not all perfect?" " Fa ir flowers emanations are Ot Beauty's spirit everj ** hero : In .-uii an.t moon, and stars met sky. In streams and lakes, aid mountains high. Spirit ttiat lurks each form within, Bvoh in- life Irom death an.t sin. Life aid love, tin: lily ami rose Each to 'lark earth its beauty owes. Of tin' oyster is born the pearl. And high heaven <»t our low world. Spirit of beauty in everything, Always changing and fashioning — Gradually, slowly fitting its shell. In which higherliorms "f life shall dwell." Mans mission is to earn his bread — natural and spiritual bread — by the sweat of his brow and brain. This city-dotted globe was once but a waste- tangled wilderness, ami two human beings stood herein with only fig tree coverings; and see the change wrought by their >ons and daughters — by those of them that have worked' We are born children of order, and enemies of disorder. The carpenter makes smooth plank of rough, gnarled timber; tin 1 sculptor transforms flinty rocks into symmetrical, life-looking bodies; the me- chanic converts mountain ore into useful implements and machines. Thus are we engaged in bringing about that ' far off. Divine event, to which the whole creation moves.' If till men would but work, how much longer would we have to journey on through the Desert ; if all these innumerable yawning idlers, waiting for God to mend matters, would but help him to mend them'.' Work is man's mission, his highest act of wor- ship — ' its litany and psalmody the noble acts and true heart utterance of all the valiant of the sons of men: its choir music the ancient winds ami oceans, and deep- toned, inarticulate, but most speaking, voices of Destiny and History, supernal ever as of old.' " "What an Aceldama this world is 1 I sometimes wonder if it must not vex the ear ot' Heaven, the countless sighs and groans and shrieks that human hearts and lips pour out upon the empty air! If all that have escaped since time began could but be vol- unicd forth in one great cry that should go forth to search the universe for God, the fearful sound would crack the very globe it-elf. Or if each scene of human suffering, since first the pitiless sky vaulted this charnel- house, the earth, could be transferred, life-size, upon a canvas wide and high as heaven; and power of vision granted us to grasp each smallest object, what a picture would be unrolled to mortal eye-. God sees it thus: and yet there tire who say He is an angry and a jealous God." ******* "Thank God, some days the sky look- down upon me with a face a- noble and serene a- any Spartan mother's, and all the air is full of music, and the fall of feet upon PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 117 1 1 « < ■ pavement sounds like the tramp of armies marching onward. " One who has left behind him the ' dreams of his youth;' who has squandered his inheritance in carnal company and riot, or attained the end of his ambition in having secured great wealth, or fame, only to realize the desolate cry 'all is vanity!' passes along the street, of a calm Sabbath morning, and hears the voices of children singing an old, long-forgotten hymn, which he himself sang when a child, telling of a beautiful land beyond the valley of the dark Shadow, when' all tears will be wiped away, and the lather will again feel the little arms of the child he buried so many weary years before around his neck, can it lie that that within him which forces the tears into his eyes will heir no other fruit or blossoms than those which fade and wither or turn to ashes on the lip?" "A hot July day. The long, white, dusty macadam- ized turnpike, steaming. A drove of sheep panting, with tongues out, and with tender, appealing eyes. Little lambs, footsore, and limping by the side of mothers powerless to help (the unspeakable anguish in those supplicating eyes!), driven by human beings, made in the likeness of God, with heavy whips in their hands; and down in the town a red-faced butcher, with a sharp knife, waiting to draw it across their tender throats! But how would the world exist without spring lamb and green peas?" naturally lit up at tines with huge flames fire." d bursts of "Some -years ago I was in Naples. In front of the hotel, and lying along the sea, was a garden and public promenade. Here, in the cool of the evening, a fine baud of music would play for hours, and the elite and fashion display themselves. It was a rare pleasure, after returning from the day's ramble, to secure a good seat on the side nearest the bay, and listen to the music and the long ripple and splash of the waves on the clear white sand at one's feet: to watch the gaily- dressed, animated crowds, lovely ladies leaning on the arms of handsome gentlemen, and beautiful little boys and girls running hoops, or engaged in some other childish sport, while the hum of the wonderful and busy city in the distance came subdued and softened on the evening air. In the soft, mellow twilight, what a weird feeling would creep into one's breast while sitting here looking out upon the great sheet of water, undulating, rising and falling like a mighty carpet by gusts of wind underneath, carrying on its bosom white-winged sailing vessels, fish- ermen's smacks and ocean steamers ; at the great dark fire-mountain opposite, which one knew, and could not but recall, had in the past thrilled and horrified so many human beings with its terrible vomitings forth of fire and red-hot stones and ashes. One could see the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum fleeing, horror- struck, in all directions, in (he greal darkness, preter "The day 1 visited Mount Vesuvius was wonderfully clear and bright. A lew white, fleecy clouds drifted across the sky, which only seemed a. short distance overhead, and extraordinarily pure ami blue. All the ground we had come over lay immediately beneath us, ami could be distinctly viewed; the huge upturned. crested rocks; the serpentine windings of mig lit y streams of petrified lava, and vast fields of dust and ashes. Far off to the left, stretching for miles in a semi-circular form along the beautiful bay, lay Naples, its house-tops and cupolas and spires glittering under a brilliant mid day sun. Hundreds of sailing crafts lazily floated mi the blue waves, and steamers, leaving long lines of black smoke in their track, were coming and going. On the side nearest the sea could be seen charming villas, surrounded by the most picturesque fairy scenery; here standing out mi jutting promontories, at whose base the great waves lashed themselves into angry foam, and here, half hid in deep gorges, whose sides were covered with orange and lemon trees laden with golden fruit, the white rock turnpike leading from Castel- lemmare to Sorrento could be caught glimpses of now and then breaking from some deep ravine and winding like a silver thread along the sea-coast, up steep de- clivities, to where some iron or stone light-house stood lonely, looking out U] the sea, or where an old tine worn ruin spoke of long forgotten sieges and battles." " Hark! that heavy, pompous tread Tells of one well cloth 'd and fed. Here comes one whose cold heart ne'er To the eye can force a tear. Ragged children round him weep. ' Feed my sheep, oh feed my sheep!' But he counts his rich gains o'er. Robs and cheats to swell the store. And grinds the faces of God's poor. Lives respected, and will die In the odnr of sanctity." ON THE HEATH OK A CHILD. In a darkened room a mother kneels By the side of a trundle-bed, Where a little child with folded hands And closed eyes lies dead. Outside, the glare of the blinding sun, And the noises of the street, Shrill cries, and the rattle of vehicles, And the patter of children's feet. Hi.- torn straw hat brings op on a peg, And his well worn suit of gray, Th;it his mother will brush, with breaking heart. And (old and lay away. And dear grandchildren, in far-off years, Will gather around her knee, Their little dead uncle's suit of clothes, I ided and w-u n. tu -c . US I'KOMINKNT TI'WI-M VNS i turn out in I tnd mother »i"od That ■ « hero. By < iurs. Ho »\ ill, « ittlc child ■ S i He's ) - '.uvl: -sed to my h< ,-t night I .ley, Foi . you had di My - ar pure br ■ - and tears. Thes Why • . : tell? Did Hod, iu tru' - .'are. - Ou: While hunger and woe fiercely look out trough Ivor tear stain'd, lrl«htou'd eyes. Out on the street a reveller reels, » ■ ,, ■- nnee a stainless man, The dreams of his youth forever fled Or changed to nightmares wan. \ ,vay down .iiii . it thinks he he's practical, \ : . rotten and gi The hearth re left behind, and out white turnpike creeps The slow prooessiou ; the mourners talk and laugh. The poor sad moil Here where the tall gi • overgreous Stand hush'd and soleiuu round, ad uuooneern'd A pit dug in the ground. ■ the spoken words of prayer that The silence how profound '■ iff and heavy thud of clods Che only at • >uud. kinen crack theit race : Kach trie: unci ; family Mends arc in great h . I'o get hack home to dinner. The pall of night falls down ; the hot, foul stench From gutters and alleys And cool and pure and still the gravestones stand choking heart, in yon gas-lighted room, Sec here this peaceful grave ; I'pou it shims the light of all the stars- Be patient and be brave. bints have hid their heads : The dowers have gone to si. infinite serenity that's V-ut for the storm the rainbow would not arch But - u!t ■ Ue»i Vuderth. the loud voices of the day proclaim :ty. \ 5 d less reveal to the reader the utau's real character aud nature better than could any >urs. Judge Reid s lather was Johu Reid, au eminent mem- \ - - haracter is well de- scribed in an obituary notice, from the pen ot' rieud, that appeared in 7*A August ^- and from which we make this extract \ stead) - Wherever ht - walked, honor aud strength were by his side — a ineu priceless as the stars. "A ma u tence iu the world when it is known that v. • ; man •• Jar apj;]i that u •l)<; world • him -; of life I ■ impul •Judg - : lit M r .0 - ■ ■ • / At y who Sit - i ■ ■ 120 PROMIXKN f TKNNKSSK VXS HON. NY I LI 1 VM Y. ELLIOTT. - THIS ayntloman. one of the leading - of 11 in Rutherford county, N \ ii Carotin; out the year IS building mills. and in other useful enterprises in the thei - man in all his undei - ;1 iruij in tl) He was the - four brothers - - of William \ >rth Carolina a short time before the he father having pre- - S fated lands, to tht - ys. William Y. Klliott's mother's maiden name Idaline Bowman. She was tin Samuel Bowman, who earn '- herford county, Tennessee, \ Una about lSOt>. a- : in tin- no the celebrated t fhere the tan. .... S inuel Bowman the An.. tion and tool; ving's Mountain. - ok. and the ehureh, both in North Carolina and Tenness \lc . s iu coin for rvum- - tud kept him at the bes ... -: >>t' the time up to his li year. He 's at Mur irtner in the ti ru , \ in the dr\ ss of hostilities h\ e v " DUl : lepubliean wheu that party was .'din Tenness - uum the war ho has sisteiu Republi- eau. Ho ■■ • national . ■■ Inch ho w - rved a term . in that body. While in the Legislature s made ehairman ol the eounnittee on ways and moans, a posi- tion in which his tine business ^ualitioations were ably S~0 Mr KUiott was a director of the Murfn !i Savings Hank, and also served one year in the same capacity in the First National Hank of Murfreesborough. He « - director in the First \ mil Hank of Nashville tor five years, declining lection iu 1^7;: because of his appointment as i ■- ites pension agent at Nashville. This latter ■ii ho hold more than four veal's, at the expiration of which time, the ageney having boon consolidated with the Knoxville agency, ho wont out of office. Since that time he has not held public position of any kind, devotiug himself exclusively to his private interests Mr. KUiott was made a Master Mason in Mt. Moriah S 3 at Murfreesborough, dune 12, Nreh Mason in Pythagoras Chapter No. '_';;. Mur- freesborough. October 15, IS32, and a Knight Templar \ - Commandery No. 1, Nashville, 1S59. Mr. KUiott was married October 13, 1S70. at MeMinn- v -- V tret '• Johnston, daugh- t l imes W Johnston, a paymaster in the United States army during the late war. originally a lawyer at N - , Pennsylvania, who settled in Tennessee at the close of the war, and being made a register in . iptey, held that position until 1872. His father. Rev. b< hnston. was a Presbyterian minister and a pioneer iu Western Pennsylvania; of Scotch Irish it, and a man ot' strong character, being distin- guished among the ministers of his day. Mrs. Klliott's family, on her mother's side, wore Is v . h de- scent, her mother being Miss Ksther Loughry, daughter of Jol ".v. a native of " Auld Scotia." Mr. and J >tt have four children, all sons: ^1). William Y. KUiott. jr.. now fourteen years ol James Johnston Elliott, a - ; Kdward G. KUiott. aged ten years I Harry W. Elliott, tie - Mr. aud v :t arc both Presbyterians, he hav- ing boon a communicant of that church since lSi;i. Mr. Klliott's life presents • - ration of a self-made and successful bnsim SSI fortune has him as the legitimate reward of integrity and purpos ; cxj^rfl it ( (/ PROMINENT TENNESSEANS 121 COL. ROBERT F. LOONEY. ifEMPII/8. A distinguished gentleman of Memphis who baa known Col. Robert F. Looney long and intim ilii.- high, but just, estimati "Col. Loom though in business a pushing man, i- noted among his acquaintances for his modesty. I ;i man of great mavitj of manner,"who i- certain gratiate' himself into the favor of all whom he meets. He is of exceeding gentleness of nature, yet bold and decisive; a man whose heart is ever moved by the appeals of the oppressed or distressed ; a man hi- family, lii- friends, his country and his church. He ri churchman, and never fails to attend Sunday when there is a church to ached. As an orator, there are but few, if any, in the State who excel him r of fine imaginative powers, while classical and finished in lii- style, hi . that gift of eloquence that influences the multitude like power over the masses, enthusing an audience of thousands by the tor- i his eloquent logic in a single address. Hi- i- the •■hi of firing the popular heart. In lii- family rela- tions, In: may well be termed the youngest member. He i- the one man "!' m li"- who has not a black sheep in lii- flock or ;i skeleton in lii- closet. He has and three sons, nil of whom are now n and neither of whom have in any waj violated the mandates and • f Christian parents. He i- by nature endowed with an intellect and a physique that give him prominence as a man of mark in any company. In busi relations In- is quick of concep tion, bold and venturesome, and when he sustains losses In- sleeps well over them, and troubles neither himself, lii- family or hi- friends with hi- fai bile, on the other hand bis succi ssee He is a inin of .■lilt enthusiasm in In- undei I lli^ differences of opinion in business, in politics, or in the other relations of life, occasion no severani friendship. II" may oppose you ever so bitterly on a matter of princ bis In-art will ever In- o] ■.on. and hi- latch string hangs on tin- outsi ll«- i- peculiarlj adapted to large enterprises. Ili- powers of persuasion, together with hi- earnestm com iction, often enlist tin- co operation of large bodies of influential men. He was the first inaugurator and nizer in this of the immense mining corpo- rations now operating in Mexico, out of which he has realized large sums. Robert V I." born in Maury county, Ten- nessee, August 5, 1824, and grew up there, going to school in that county until the age of twent II" then commenced reading law under lion. Edmund Dilla- huniv. (who had married hi- sister, Mi-- Sarah G. 18 I h- was admitted to the bar in 1 - 15 by •! udge Dillahunty and Chancellor Terry II. Cahal, and at once In the sprii 1-17 1 to Memphis, bul r;k to Columbia, married and settled there, practicing at Columbia from tin- fall of 1847 lo the summer of 1852 fully- niakiu In 1 %2 he moved hack to Memphis and. omitting the hiatus of the war. prac- law there until 1870. Sit in a thousand things, the recital of which would fill a hook. In l-'il he ■■•"lit into the Confederate army as captain of a compan i colonel of the Thirty-eighth I regiment, and commanded it twoyears in the I IG gia campaigns. He was at the bat- tle of Shiloh, where he won great distinction the battles of Farmington, Corinth, and other engagements. II" surrendered at Oxford, Mississippi, in 1865 Col. Loone. has ui er held a civil office in his life. In politics he was a Henry Clay Whig before the war. opposi on, and made about the last Union speech that wa- ever mad" in Memphis before the com mi mi-nt of hostilities. II" also spoke in vari places in West I ion and for the Union, hut after the £ I with her and ea-t hi- lot with her. Sim-" the war he with the Democratic party, one of the most zealous of it- members, and highly valued for his great organizing and. ibility. He was a delegate to the Chicago Democratic convention, in 1884, which nomi- nated Cleveland and Hendricks, and at which conven- tion Col. Loonej was made the member of the National Democratic executive committee from Tenm Col. Loon iblic-spirited citizen in it- highest and proves hi- faith by his works, subscribing liberally to enterprises to improve the "ii. of Memphis, to advance it- school facilities, and to church bei tion-. II. i- a member of tin- Presbyterian church, as are also the other members of hi- family. He joined 1 i Id Fellows wlnn a a, but has never be- come a member of any other secret order. Col. Looney's ancestors are of Irish origin. His grandfather, David Looney, emigrated from Ire- land and located iii Maryland, and afterward- in Vir- ginia, long before the Revolutionary war. His son, D L grandfather of Col. Looney, was a colonel in the American army, a native of Virginia; afterwards removed to Ten is a member of the convention that framed the first constitution of Ten- i «a> often a member of the Legislature from Sullivan county. II mer, and left a large landed i , SKN ,- 'j>KNNKSSK W< -- \ Ho - i N -- - - ' - 1 V '• - \' I lio I ho s - - the \ -. - - - hat s - r in - - - ... : . • IT. JOIJ J/J f/j JW/7 I! ■ I JJ'r : i in ! and • fV'/Jly - ' ■ . ■ ■ ■ - I I 124 PROMIXEXT TEXXESSE VXS. busiiH ■-- - real est and fortune favored him, ipplied to Vdaius for a which « - i His practice has been in tlu' ch hit. where h is knowledge of the land and tit U-s in i ga has been of to liiin. Notwithstanding his -- - by war and irity, he has accumulated a nice property. When hi R> iss 1. nding I Li terry and steamboat found no post-office i - Is. tie 1 to tlu' ; department for a which ted. and he was appointed ■ without compensation. The name of the post office Chattanooga in 1838. I - held ship until IS44. when he h; 1 - James K In IS32 he r I Jen. Jackson ; his I. White, and thenceforward he the Whbj '-•.•m Harrison to Bell, since which time he has been a Democrat. He attended the tiveutiou at Murfri - uominati - - •• i. but when President Lini He was a] s a States rights man. a - ■e him. He has. however, never been so warm a partis • the party ticket unh -- liked the men : always considered it a duty to vote, but equally a duty to scratch ible names from the Tn 1845 lie was elected to take his fathi - is an in the Pp - church, which he had j in 1843. He was a eomn u of Chat- _a when the land t • • ry, and the ants were entitled to pi Qtry. The three commissioners. Aaron M. Rawli i W Williams and (.'apt. Long, entered the sold the lots, and made I the purchas 20, 1839, which was the day on which the town of Chattauooga had its birth < power i> illustrated in the fact that lie hi - - n the i river, and of the large cities only a few. ■ Long was married to Miss Eliza Smit! \ < Dayton), Mrs. L a January "J.">. 1813, at Washington, B Her was William Smith, a native of Massachusetts, BOS; was as and had for om • Dr. J. 4. at Dalton, Georgia : participated in all the fights from there to Atlanta, and on Ji led by a shell taking his foot off; died March 1. 1880, unmarried. (5). Milo Smith Long, born May In. 1850; graduated in medicine at Nashville, and is now in Dakota. (6). Marcus Bearden Long, born January 27, 1>54: now a civil engineer, and was for a while • r in Mexico on the Atchison, 3 llta Fe railroad: unmarried. < Ine of the aims of ('apt. 1. one's life has been t his children somethiug to start upon and to help them attain a standing ty, and he believes that every man ought to have a home and a family, and next, that he has duties to perform a.- a citizen, lie has di - 1 has been sometimes up and sometimes down. but has always made it a rule to pay his debts. With one ion he has always made a profit on whatever he - - Id. He never swore an oath in his life, and was jht up to regard the Sabbath. He ha- never been I'll' >.M I XEXT TEXX ESS EA XS. dissipated, though not always strictly I He If- assertive man, and of quick temper. Beii - oldest citizen of Chattanooga, resorted an oracle on m -"II-. families and property in that now important - been a public-spirited man all along, and i- uniformly spoken of as the bes( representative man of the city where he located when it was -imply a river landii rrounded appro] - His uted in ti - ■ tnher, ! and ral. REV. JAMES HOLMES, D.D., AND PROF. GEORGE D. HOLMES. (fathee and son.) CO: ^ I * I J I i Hi James Holmes, well-known as a niis- J[ sionary and preacher, a- well ■■ educator, was ordained to the ministry in 1846. He wa- the son of Abraham Holmes, of Carlisle, Penn- sylvania, in which place he was born in 1801. He attended Princeton C ne or two years, and after- wards graduated af Dickinson I thi- he entered the theological department at Pri> hut. on account of tailing health, m ipleted his theological course there. He now became a lay mu ary to the Chickasaw Indian- in North Mississippi, and among them taught and preached from IS^o When the Chickasaws were removed west, Mr. Holmes ved to Tipton county. Tennessee, where, in 1834, stablished the Mountain Academy, in which he _ • for fifteen year- This establishment was atti , by a large number of pupils from Tennessee, Ark ssippi, Louisiana, and other surroundii \ ~ In ]s4!.i he was appointed president of the Tennessee College, at Jackson, and after filling this office with credit for eight years, returned to Tipton county, being elected principal of the Tipton Female Seminary. Here he taught till 1868, when he retired from active professional life, and himself to ministrations of religion and humanity, visiting afflicted and bereaved, and administering the solace of religion to all who would receive it from him. Thus employed, he died, February 4. 1-7 ing behind him a name blessed by innumerable survivors who had received from him either the prh Christian education, or the consolation of Christian sympathy in affliction. Many ministers oi I el are now doing good service in pulpits throughout the southwestern States who owe their first religion- impressions I early training and teaching- of thi- man fG I Those who remember his conversation, genial and sympathetic, unanimously agree in the testimony that no one was ever intimate! d with him without being the better for it. Hr. Holme- married Sarah A. Van '•'■ who - -lien and - - 1 living with !. s I--. Hall gton, en all her life, witl eli I'r. Holn of hildren, a- foil Emma, D. 11. < founder and for mi r of th d church Dr. W. M. Hall, D. Hoi' t of the s -ketch. (4). Mary A., wife of Rev. L. McXeely. (5). William ft., mer- chant at Danvi p.. book- r in a bank and insurance agent at Bonham. T 7 Anna W., widow of Capt. T. F. Patt Mem] Abraham Holmes, the father of I>r. Holmes, wa- one of the children of Andrew Holmes of Pei vania. This Andrew was the son of an emigrant from the north of Ireland, who may I the founder of the familv in America. Prof. George D. Holmes was third child and ■ f the above. He was born in Marshall county, while his father was pursuing his missi labors in that State, Xovember 13, 1831. He was brought to Tipton county when two years old, and grew up thi He received 1 ;tory education in his fathers 1, and in 18 Xew y, where he graduated in 1849. Alter graduation, he had charge, for ■ 5, oi the preparator; partment of West T . In 1857 he settled at I unty, and t . 1857 ciated with his father in the conduct of the Tipton CKO.MINKXT TEXN ESSE VXS to his : Vrcl Maso Knight "t' lie i \ "Jl, unt} . merchant and planter, of a South Carolina tamilx Her mother was M rtha Crenshaw !> h Carolina was edm 11 ehureh of thi Bj this 11 the father of three el N \ , born in •1 uly Blind N'ash- W alter, rsity. \ i<» ■ rman, s \ '■ • ■ I 18. IS Miss S L > I'ol. U. 11. Mil lerk and tint \ ll« settled at Randolph, in ty, in 1S:28, and engaged in trade there, and ton, « heir he died Man h 10, ISS-l leaving behind him a reputation for the strictest ll\s son, Br. M. Munford, has. for over ten md proprietor "I the Kansas Citj Vnother son, Richard IV Munford, is teller in the Southern Bank of I at Savannah. His daughter, Ermine, is the widow of 4.V1. John txraeey Hall, of Covington. The mother of the second Mrs Holmes was Sarah B., daughter of IV I.. Morrison, who died at Covington in 1ST.'!, at tin \ty. Mrs Holmes was educated in iho Tipton Female Seminary, partly by I'rof. Holmes himself. She is a member *<\' the Presbyterian church, anil is noted for her energy and for the womanly virtues that endear home to husband and children. By his second mar- Brof Holmes has two children: ilv Embry M.. born Jul} 27, ISGT now at school in Kansas City, Missouri 1 \.m\a Van, horn October 14, died \ - attributes his success in life to the methods and principles he inherited from his father. which ma\ be summed up in the simple words, "a eon- scienti of duty from day to day." COL. A. J. BROWN. THIS w ti and been born r man. th id then mountain - ulitig \ Wythevilh \ - He was .1 ehildtv ■eu in any \\ His '. While - nt to the bar. He under Chi ics W Beaderiefc, support himself while studying law, and r cclusivel; lit. He was ad- mitted to the I - rough, in 1S58, by. Indue John C. (!aut and Chancellor Seth •' W. I.uekey. and - 'ii at Jonesborough until the war came up. He then, in company with Col. > K \ raising the Tenth East Ten: -- y. and in February is iuchoate regiment hth Tennessee cavalry at N nel and Brown lieu- mel. The regiiueut saw ser\ ice in Tenu< ss North Carolina Virgi I South Carolina. Col. ued in tin - '.' I ! reetieville. Bull's Morris - lisbury aud Morgan- tou. North Carolina, aud iu almost numberless skir- - From March L'J to May 1. 1>iM. Col. Brown laded the regiment. Eighth Tennessee, in the the war. from Kuoxville through East Ten- \ ' i \ riuia, as far as and returned to North Caro- uiuiai led it at the battles of Salisbury and ■ - law i - ari'J li eoma in thai a nan. ■ I of wl. it. bu( I of th< whom - and pow< r. 1 ■ kiii<3r<-. 1855, She was a Methodist, and a woman of strong native intellect, which had been developed by a good education : indus- trious and domestic in her habits, and devoted to her children. The foundation of the son s success was laid when a bov around his mother's knee. She was ln- walkcd thirteen miles to recite his law lessons to Judge Deaderick. Mis rule of life has been to accomplish and encompass all he could by habits of sobrietj and industry Too poor to buy candles while at school in Carter county, he gathered pine-knots and studied by the light of their fitful and flicki ring blaze To daj he is a man of strong intellect, of eloquent oratorical ability, of wide and remarkable legal attainments, uuos- guide and teacher, and knowing the disadvantages tentatious in his mi ers, 1 lesl almost to diffidence, under which her sun must be reared, she earl} inspired him with an ambition to improve himself and avail himself of every opportunity for improvement. He was raised to habits of industry and economy. When mi the road wagoning he carried bis books with him ami read them by the camp fires at night, or while his horses were feeding at noon, lie embraced every opportunity he found for the education and cultivation of his mind- While leaching school in the country he yet n man of power, willing and competent to freely discuss all subjects, except himself. His is but the his- tory of nearly all the men ol success whose lives are w fit ten in this vol time. Indeed, ii seems to be a law of success, that no man shall become prominent in Ten- nessee and worthy to be enrolled among " Prominent Tennesseaus," unless he begins al the bottom and works his way up, with courage in himself and fidelity to his ditties. HON. WILLIAM WALLACE McDOWELL. MEMPHIS. CHANCELLOR WILLIAM WALLACE Mc- DOWELL was born in tiibson county, Tennessee, June 2d, 1S35, and grew up there on a farm, receiving his education at Andrew College, Trenton, Tennessee He entered the law department of Cumberland Univer- sity at Lebanon, Tennessee, in 1857. and graduated in the summer of 1858, after which he read law one year longer at Trenton, with Judge T. J. Freeman, now of the Supreme bench of Tennessee, and iii lstiti began to pract ice with him. He has always been a Democrat ; in 1860 belonged to the Douglass' wing rn < i\, Tonnes \ - de his homo in 1 1 ■ « - lames Byars, a tine Kuglish and el holar, ;»s their teacher by many of th. men of mty. I'ndor this eminent teacher he aei|iiired a know f lireek, Latin and mathematics, and then, at tli menced th law in the office of ! ; Here he studied irt of the time as deputy clerk of the eh mrt through the appointment of .1 \Y. M Smith, now of Memphis 11. was licensed to iv Smith ami •' ud.se John C llimii ' inoe with 'in tlir Hi Vt the commencement of the . ; .\il war. he entered ntederati States ilunteer, enlisting as in Company 1. Capt. J, ti. Hall, of the Kitty- first Tennessee regiment, in lien. Paniel S. Ponel- i 'heatham - He remained in me command throughout the war. an promoted to the rank of first lieutenant and adjutant of the regiment. He served with his command ii \i -- -- . ', ia, and participated in the battles of Shiloh, Murfroeshorough, Chiekamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, and all the bal cam- from Palton to Atl i From Atlanta he was il at Columbus, i loorgia, where bo remained on post duty ti! raid, when l u > surreti - paroled at Maeon, Ho was elected major of his regiment in lStG, but declined the rank. He returned homo. In' \ and formed a law partnersip with Col. 11 R. Bate, which has continued sent day. Tins firm has bei i I in all the important cases which have tor twenty years arisen in th. ton and the neighboring conn In politics, bo cast bis ; Millard Fillmore. ami in tin the war. hasacted with the 1'. IK' several times declined i the Legislature. In 1ST-! bo wasacand >ro the nono : :i Humboldt I- failed to receive the nomination by one vote. In lS7l> bow sidential elector on the Tilden ticket. In 1S> iported the Wilson wing of the demo- cratic party ag;\iust John \ Wri hi foi tovernor. and lidate for the Legislature on that ticket, hut was defeated In ISS^ ho n a candidate, and in the State convention of that year made persev oring efforts to harmonize the divided part\ ; bo was nominated and • i with the united support of both wings of the (•any but the party was not harmoni ed In the iinio In- was chairman of the committee on pub- uul a member of several other important commitees. lie ha- served as alderman of Covington for ton In religion In 1 of hi- ai that of the I'resbytcrian church. Mr. T. Smitheal, the father of (!. \V. Smitheal, was bom in Rowan county. State of North Carolina, tli of John I.. Smitheal, of that county. Ilo continued to in North Carolina until ho became of age, and then migrated to Tipton county, Tennessee, in tin- year being among the first settlers of the county. In ic was married i Miss Caroli 10 Voting, daughter bert and Sarah Young. Mr. T. Smitheal died in a the seventieth year ol his age, a deacon in the .torian church, a consistent ami pious member of that communion. 11 strict but kind parent, and a faithful and trusted man in all the relations <! this sketch. (-). William T . a mer- ehant, N fesas Nareissa C. wife oi \Yil linn Hamilton, merchant, Covington. Tennessee I Bet tie T.. now living unmarried with her sister, Mr-. Hamilton. Mr. U. \Y. Smitheal married. first in Covington, Teu Miss Florence Strother Menefee, daughter of Br. B S Menefee, of that place, originally from Yir- nnl a family distinguished for it.- refinement and culture. By this marriage Mr. Smitheal had one child, beth Maud, who died in childhood in 1S74. The mother herself died the year following. Mr Smitheal married next in Memphis, January 27, t-,^,1 \|,„ Susan Dalton Jackson, daughter of Capt. - PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. Shepherd Jack on t ( lorinl h in ( hi of the war. Mi -I u I son was Mi Vlai II tiris, :t native of Fayette county, Tennessei a lad) of great of heart, particularly noted for bei ho pitality. Mrs. Smitheal was educated in a Catho- lii i hool at Memphis and is a member of the Episcopal church, a lady of intelligence, refinement and cul By th man I lil beal has three children, pherd, Florence Jacl on and G. W. Hmitheal, jr. He has been a sober, self-contained man, who lived within hi through cl ttention to business has been successful in life, his • make a safe and honest living, preferring a quiet dom< - tic life to public position. II' i self-made; was unable throuj dent of law, manifested a degree of industry and talent which induced iter, Mr. Bal b offer him a partnership at the cl< Hi i- a high toned, moral gentleman, and hi- influ- i mi the side of right, is good and sal u tn I ; vord or simple who know him for truth. He has natural rhetorical gifts which constitute him a fine speaker, powerful especially before a jury : for this i he has been largely employed in criminal As a friend, a neighbor, a church member and a man. mmands the high et with him. CHARLES 8. BRIGGS, A.M., M.D. NASHVILLE. THIS eminent young surgeon, son of the illustrious eon, Dr. W. T. Bri biography ap- in another place in this book, was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, March29,1851. Hi educated in of A.M. in the regular course from the literary department ofthi I ill.-, in 1873. Accustomed from his earl; hood to think of becoming a physician ai m, the whole bent of his mind was trained in that direction. Evi .1 hie classical eour ■■ studied with that end in view. This,ofcours( . his father enthusiastically endorsed raged, and although the history of the B family has been given elsewhere in this volume, the Bubject of this sketch has risen to such promineni a practitioner, medical professor and • ditor, it is due to him to have special mention made. Immediately after graduating from the literary de- Briggs began the study of medicine, and particularly surgerj . under his father, and graduated in 1 375 i- an M I*, from the medical department of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University. In 1875 hi I to the clinical staff of Prof S. I>. Gross at Philadelphia, and worked with him for .six months, devoting himself while- there to surgery, path 1 hospital work. During hi at Philadelphia, Dr. Briggs was elected demonstrator of i tomj of his alma maU turned to Nashville and began work in that position in the autumn of 1875. [n this he ;ed three years. I n 1 378, in addi- tion to that position, he was elected adjunct professor of anatomy and held that place one year. On account of sickness he resigned the demonstratorship in 1880 and ii after was tendered the adjunct professorship of-surgery, in which chair he lectured three years on genito-urinary surgery. In 1883 he was 'elected to the position hi olds -professor of Burgieal am and operat ry in the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University. I„ 1876 Hi • lharles S. Brigg d with l>r. \V. L. Nichol as editor of the Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery,a.ii able periodical, found Dr. W. K Bowling. In this position Dr. Briggs suc- d his father, and so Dr. Nichol retiring, Dr. Briggs is a memh the State, county and city medical soi d has contribute. 1 many valuable articles iniza- tions, in addition to the able work he has done on his journal. He is also a member of the American Asso i tbr tin- Advancem.-nt of Science, and sion at Nashville, 1878, took an active part in the microscopical department. hi Briggs has risen rapidly in his profession, and already performed most of the major operation- in hem, amputations of the shoulder joint, ovario phining, ligation of the princi- pal vessels, removal of the upper jaw (twii sion of the elbow joint, and amputation of all the limbs. Having had the ad fthe instruction, and of witnessing, assisting in, and studyin _' surgeons of this coui father and Dr. it is not a matter of astonishment that hi in life prominent in the line of his inherited and chosi ii prof. --ion. Dr. Briggs' private practii and rapidly increasing, his col now amounting to about five thousand dollars per annum. Financially \\'l, he was a leader in athletic, boyish Now he is a well-rounded man of large propor- tions, standing five fi inches high, and weighs two hundred pound.-. His remarkabl ather, [•KOMI \ l \ I' TKWI'ssi: \\s. I 'i i i| ii M Uri nl How li li K , m nek I!) this (list in mushed i.i m 1 1> inws it- standing in i lu' medical world, while m lii- oig In uili year, -aid to the subject of this sketeh, then si mere lad Charles, I i live in mh 1 1 a wa) ili a i when yon are i old, as 1 am, you max sa\ of yourself wind I can sa,\ of myself, that 1 eanuol recall instance of toy life of which I am ashamed That itdvici > .'in will ultimately ennoble any family. Pi Hriggs married in Louisville, Kentucky, V.pril Miss Carrie ('arter, it native of that city, edn Hill Wadent) Shclhyville, Kentucky, and ai the Louisville I'Ymale High School, Her lather i- a member of the large wholesale dn lirnt of i i Hros At' Louis\ die. I Icr mother, i Miss Hiunh I clativt of the Toombs famil) of i . .iii.l remarkable for her charities and piti life. H) In- ii. .'ili Miss Carter Dr. Hriggs has hildreu I h Klsio. (2) liiiiiih I \) illianiT ,jr l>r li spoken of a- one of the best cdui -. 1 1 Nashville, and is a student in ever) sense, but make- his learning subserve the one pit of his life, to excel in hi- profession, lie is a strong man, of broad, comprehensive mind, and empha ever he undertakes, lie has n (rated look, with it chin -mA general physit|tic iudicatitt push, self-poise and boldness ((Utilities essential in a -in' '...ii 1 1 1- future i- brilliant MOV Wll.l.lAM M. BRADFORD. . // 1 .-■ \ Till"- nished jurist, now chain ellor of the Third chancery divisi il renuessec, was born in McMinu county (now Hoik), Tennessee, I'Yhru ,n\ II. IS'_'T lie i- tin' son of Col. Hour) Bradford, and was the youngest ivjj n, nine sons and one daughter. Hi- father. Col, Hour) Hradford, was born in Rurko county, North I December -I, ITTti, r . . in 1TSHI marrii l ■ hel \L Karl ind, of the I the Supreme Court of Tennessee, lion Uoberl MoFarland. She died in 1 STiL", • II.' ancestors were from Scot land, but no detailed history of tin- famil) has been preserved Col Henry Hradford was an excellent gun smith, and made the inn that Dav\ Crockett called his " Lous! Hess." IL' was also a justice of the peace, and performed the mart Davy I lekett. He was an elector on the Madison ticket in 1812; and represented .IctVerson county in tin tine from ISM to 1821. II.- removed i" I'.dk county in 1821 and died there M i) 10, IST1. at the advam . ol ninety live years, lie was a man of extraordinary . and decision of character, and. tin' hi- time.-, el' superior intelligence His father was Joseph Heunott liia.l: Kaunuier county, Virginia, who died in ly, North Carolina, in ninety ti\e years Joseph Hi father was Joint Hradford, of Kaiuinier county, \ ■die tradition k^' the family , w its a tun Wi lliam Hradfot d i M \ How i Icr H Hradford, w ho « id in tin- Florida war. and a major in Col. Jefferson I' vis incut in tin Mexican war, was a double-cousin •■'[' Maj Henri Hradford in the Revolutionary war in Harry Lee's brigade, who wished himself lie was a cousin of Judge Hrad lord- lather Man) of hi- descendants tin- Niehob Cowden, Kail and Foster liunilios, ol Nashville, are members ol the Hradford family There are also I'anii lu- of Hradfords ai Iluntsville, Alabama, who are idants of Judge Hradford's father's half-brother, William Hradford, who had four sons, Joseph, Morgan, Larkin and Fielding Hradford, who settled at Hunts ville, Vlabailia. The early lite ol J i- idford was spent iii the healthy and salubrious mountain atmosphere >^' Hoik county, Tennessee. Here be strew up, di I istes and habits in the direction o\' attaining the best eduea tiou thai could bo obtained in the rural distrii which be li\ cd. He attended an excellent school, from 1 S li » to 1814. at "Forest Hill." Athens, Tennessee, under the supervision ol' Charles P. Samuel, :i line scholar and educator. \t tin' ag< >'i' seventeen be was eleeted eoinuy surveyor ol' I'olk count) ; al eighteen was appointed postmaster at Columbus, Tennessee, and the same year began the stud) "[' law under the late Charles K. Keith, lie obtained license to prao tiee his profession at the age of twenty, from Judges Thomas L. Williams and K M. Anderson, and als< married the same year to Miss K K Inman at Han dridgv, Tennessee, lie located at Dandridge, and the next >iar, being but twenty one years eld, was elected a justice of the peace. Vt twenty-four It runted clerk and master of the chancery court at Dandridgo, and held that position from 1851 te 1859. During this period In- wa- also a merchant for five years, but never of bis legal profession, studying and praetie- ntinually. In i nominal W volition for I'UOMI I. 'I 'II.'- I. i senator from JefFcr on II d II ivithou tion, At the clone '/I the rn<;in< ,., of ill' I.' "' la( Hi'- I > ■ onfederab ai hi . and in I'VI/i'i colonel of the'Fhirty lii i Tenm mounted in! and - 1 II" participated in m. in I,:. ill- and kirmi In and bore him •••If witlj i In I ||r< \) uf Mori i itown, T'-nii- H flap and Marion i Ibampion II ! i, and othi A i tin- terminal ion of thi ■■■ ar, in ; I . i| tO A I In n I ill be practice of la tner wit l> i be able Col. A. l!liz^,! d tinued until Augutri 19, l-:7.">. On ' date the Hon. I). M. K< llor of the Thil rl el 'hi of 'Pel n ap- pointed to i be United J irrn I ' V ited Col. Bradford to fill the place hithcrb [ eleeti peoph Hon. i). t '■ I being bin competitor. In Vugu ' 1-7- In • led for the full tei ni of eight rear Hon I' B VIa> K< Id bi competitor II- in now | al ' 'bal.ta Judge Bradford married Mi- Klizabeth K. In man. • |i; ni Dandridgi Teni ill' daughter of Shadraeh and Harab Inrnari Hei mother'* family wa» named II- Bradford i - a ladj ■<) r< n i portment, fine appearance, and of great puritj of eh elated in nd under inble to I round her in the fam Bradford are both membei ofthi P anchurch, .-'until, ai Chattanooga. When Judge Bradf in life a married man he had no When the war broke out he had accumulated ab and dollai fortune« which befell him al the elo eofl ; liim pennile - Hi bi gan life anew with nothing for heo eh have all been paid in full, and be i He never promised a dollar thai be did not , demanded, Such fortum mul;. :,:„■ he l>- noble wife, for hi r ' !hi i stian forbi de in rearing their children during thai trying and eventful I; hi .i. ! [nman J : : dford lia ■ fi .<- children living of el< in infanc childhood. 'I (1) Way Bradford, born in Jcfl ili<:n: rial roof Bradfo 'i,.:, 'I . . ' I I. f'n of A tin i I ■ . , ', i. iln- firm of Whitfield I' belli " dford, born in Jeff , , , II. I a furiiitiin children, William and VXvi. 1 : Chattauoo ■ which he bi ned the I. hipful M I : - He drunk in I 'I in all 1 1 d for and pi 1 1 ether with an I eir i imparl!: life and (food m J Iford. In \\i. ii of the 'I of the old I* u'iihi-. With and direct for bi- inn rid liberality. A fin gentleman and prom fine opinion of b of human maim from bim- Witb all ' inal men of all and rneeli the enviab ■Ii him. Hi • I him am f me- chanii ■ \ \ \ \ \\ \l \ I \ v ,. , \ \\ \ - * ■ ■ - ■ \ ■ ■ w \ . N I 1 1 ,, . \ . VV. M \ ,. 1 ■ ,11, M ,, I ll llu' \\ \ ,, i \ : I PROMINENT TENNESSEAN8. 135 allowed his children to grow up in idleness, bul always Pound something for them to do during vacation, and George was taughl all kinds of farm work. Al this time he made much betfc handles than he did in the school-room. When hi about fifteen years of agi • senl to the Male Academy of Dresden, Weakley county, and board ih the family of Maj. Alfred Gardner. Here hestudied better, and began to feel the im] an education, and was popular with his \ftir to the academy in Dn sden fi senl to Bethel College, al McLem I ai that time one of tin/ mosl flourishing schools in tin- Here In- found aboul three hundred youn from all parts of the South; a will selected library of ,\ thousand books, a will filled laboratory, and a corps of competent teachers. Her took place in George. He joined one of the literal took a greaf interest in tl d al once began id books. Ili> taste first led in the direction of light biography, then to history. The first ten months fii a volumes < i 'I his de dI a full course of studies. If fond of books and reader since this period. After remaining at Bethel Collegi years, he "/ Union (Inn i Murfreesborough, Ten- nessee took a full English course, and studied Latin, French and German; belonged to the Calliopean so and was elect* iver the commencement address for < hal In a few months after leaving Union Uiii joined the Ninth Tennessee regiment, and in May, 1861, was mustered into the s«; lu Stall of Tcnnessei for twelve monl hs, al Jackson. T i I nii'iit was al ' lolumbus, Kent u ttle of Belmont was fought, bul was held in reserve, and did not cross the river. When the battle of Shiloh was fought, G. W. Martin was in the hospital in Mississippi. II is term in the service of tin pired in M and he did not enlist in the Confed- .<•>■. If went to bis home in Weakley county, and remained there for a few months, but soon found he could not live there in peace, and re d to leave th< until the war was He left New Vorkfor Europe earlyin 1863, and remained there until about the close of the war. He visited all of tli' countries of Europe, and remained long enough in each to become well a© d with the manners and customs of the people. After an extended tripof more than a year, he went to Paris ami t.n.k rooms in the Latin quarter, near I he unn - i enienl to the library of St. G e. He made this his head- quarters for about ten months, and when uol en in short excursions in and around the city, he ■ the library, reading up the b try he Kad visited. Here he a < Alfred Townsend (Gath), and for several months they roomed together. peak i lie French and Cerman lang speak either so a.- to In- under- stood v. lien In first entered the i i lia,. Mr. Martin took a bridal tour to Europe, and - the remainder of the visitii position of Paris, and all the principal European cil Mr. Martin I i prominent part in politics, and is a Democrat. II the Thirtj eighth General Assemblj of oi 'I em essee, foi - 1873 71. He the public school - uuty when unpopular, and aided in passing a law allowing count .I purposes, and that law basis of tin | m 'A the - He introduced, in ed in \ \ PKXXKSSK VXS - s - - - - - » s S \ \\ (1 s - - s - - - - - - II-- tho IVm invention, . from tho ooun v ■ "-■» • ^!>. and - Ho ul two iii \ : tho State, nwcod hii . opted tho . Hilarity, hut 1>. Kent merit ai I u his - « - boon t-> do pular. Ho de- - - show - - i eft'ort at \- - • - ! and . of his » muoh • billed with . lor him a most warm iui) to i ho k ■ with tnmiital on Martin host Ho j swifel x 5 s uh — v - interest in -• \\c itiiig ss ■ ■ • uvirht M Ho a to all kinds of w. 5 , nia," '.'• - [ the - -- - tho \ % Ho .;- he suits. :vm 5 stock - - s and tho DU Til l - undei fitmth I ' \)i ■ ■ ■ 1 ' I - - ] - <;h'M.' ■ \ \ SNKvSS \- s N ■ \ > - ■ i - - - - s k ■ - - ■ \ \ kwi\ ; N . - - - - ? PROMINENT Tl. I I - W be i ii villi; in favor of the election of Gen. William H son to the pre* • which he got into divers diffie D e politicians and editors. Judge Iv.viii'j - prominence and abil if making bim a standing f the Demoi iders. In \Hl- be was a membi tare from Davidson com opposition. When be '•'. chairman of the committee on .'■ relatii if 1845 h< Dr. -Ill Pi ton brother of I had been el< eted to repn ! ■ and Macon counties in the In Judge E i in oppositioi dale. He took bin seat in J comn I been formed. In ' nn in 1 . the Mexican war. and t li«- river and harbor bill, J and at e bim a whicl Hun. Alexander Stephens, then ii ' of his tariff, it was tin- best he bad ever heard on tl; nued with hi- brother until April. ii. hi- health failing from hi- largi laborious law b ■. a trip to Ku - !!■ risited England. Scotland, Ireland, Fi land, traveling try six hundred mil':.- on foot, meanwbil ini' his health. Hi ad up the Nile a- fa' pyramids, the temples and other noted ruins; and, then making a detour to S I down the Gulf of £ - ii, which ed : them of Akabab u. on the borders of Palestine, and the home of the pa': Abraham. I I Jerusalem ; to the river Jordan, and bathed in i( thlehem, to tl. i, and then no — the oldest of ci( Vbana and Pharphar, and ascended to the I be famous a. On thi took in Baalhec and measured a eon in its wall- - From Beirout I - ; ma. thi-ii' tantinople, Trieste, Paris, London and home. These travels in the E who i- alv much sought after bj ted in oriental plaa historical intei Not Ion:: after his arril died addr< .Mr. and Mrs. !. - ball. In I ■ 1 I Af'ti-r the war ■ E. D. ■ ■ d the - ■ : I during ,ther member- of the . J J a v. :. ■ - ■ ■ IcFarlai ■ and di - four ; 110 MINKN r I' 1 NNKSSF \NS W iud up ' only a few \ sh\ illo. in iJvti Miss Re \\ - iiuity, daughter \\ ■ - ,at one iinu- Sheriff of Da\ nior on (In- splendid I N randtathor died in North Willi mi w illiams, iturv from l'ho Williams family came from N ivlina, and wort' quite prominent people in unty »They are of Welsh ox soph Phil Mrs Ml - John F< v illo, '<( ^ . .hior of Joseph Phillips, as is Mrs V - - i Warnoi Mrs. Km ami his thers, Andrew ami sisteis, daughtois w I ho Iv the " - \ and a k .'toh. His daughter of Andrew Kwing. is tl in Watterson, tho famous editor ol tho l.ouisvillo - fivo hrotln - John Kwing - ian of imu'h merit ami prominence, hut - \ .■■..: ls'_V His son. John 0.. married a daughter \ ■ \ uidor Campbell, the famous West Virginia preacher, and afterwards marrii hn M. Pass ^ - Henry Km t>rk ot tho county court o\' Pavid- ii Nem V,>rk. \o> Albert I ichor, and died at Kureka. Illinois, lie married .1 line, da ugh- rated Alexander Campbell, v.4 V Orville he Planters Rank \ shville for in broil a lawyer ho never prae- \ as a member ol • as a Democrat from w listriei lie died at At- lanta. ■ Confederate ot the permanent military - Army of tho Tennessee. \\? left a reputation for being one of the best common law lawyers the State over had. \\c iker. and being a prominent ■i' the Democratic Ten- -- H\ I with Miss Williams .lud.se 1 has had four cl\ Josiah \V. Kwing. born in luated from Rethany College, Wesi \ irginia. undei ..nipbell ; married, in 1nV>. f Thomas Hortl, a wealthy and h : tanner and ret trod lawyer of Rut h- ■. children, Thomas II . Iiumct and. ■ I \ Female Vcadomy . married Kmiiiot Kakin, who died durini! tho war, and by hi in had four children, Rowena, Florence, Sallie i 1 o\ \ thuv P The latter died al Mem phis, at the ago of twenty, a professor in the medical of that city. Viler the war Mrs Kakin became Pr .lames V. Wendell, of MurfYoesborough, ire him one child, a daughter, Jane, who died at The mother died in 1 •- Florence Kwiug, educated at Nashville ami married, first, Andre* Fletcher, by whom she had iildivu. F.dwiu, and one who died in intnnoy Ulor Mr. Fletcher's death she married Pan P. Perkins, of a prominent Williamson county family, and by this marriage has two children, Rebecca and Sarah Lou, , r Orvilh Kwing, who wont into the Confederate army in Col. Joel \. Rattle's Twentieth Tennessee regiment cant-major, and was badly wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Mill Springs, He was killed in the battle .>f Murfi ; \. Wednesday, December 111, 1S<>_. the very day he was appointed to a position on W illiam Preston. J ml has one groat grandchild, Kthol Heed, daughter of Florence Pood, who is the daughter of Jane Caroline Kakin and wife of James 11, Reed, a hardware merchant at Murfreesborough. J ml - father, Nathan Kwinj: was clerk o( unty court o\' Davidson county, a man who mi> tained a character of exceeding honesty, diligence and attention to business lie was the son o( Andrew Kwing, who came from Rockbridge county, Virginia, to Tennessee, in 17S0, and was the tirst clerk of the county court of Davidson county, which, with Sumner county, then embraced nearly all of Middle Tennessee. Judge s father was born in Virginia in 177i>. The Kwings are of Scotch- Irish, deep dyed. Presbyterian origin. Judge Kwings mother, whoso maiden name was Sarah Hill, was a daughter of Dauiel Hill, a farmer, a native of North Carolina, who came to Tenni when she was nine years old. l.iout. Con. D. II. Hill, one of Hi Lee's most distinguished corps command- ers, belongs to the same family. Mrs. Kwing's mother Hickman, of North Carolina? Hickman county, Tennessee, was named for the brother of J mi. maternal grandmother, and for him Judge Kwing, him- self, was named Kdwin Hickman. He was prominent as an Indian fighter, was a surveyor and pioneer settler in Tennessee. H ed in camp at night by the Indians. Judge Kwing's mother died in 1S,V>. at the age of five, a model woman, of fine sense, of extensive reading, a well-balanced mind and fascinating conver- sational talents, fond of poetry and of quoting the - imlarvl poets. She. too. - Irish origin, but in her religious faith a staunch " Cainpbollito." She h:i « to manhood, and made some . ire in life, and there has never been ,; ,iin- Irunkeniiess tttaehed to their old. church, arid ri \ \ \ \ -- w-> v « \\ - - - - s i. \ - - - : - SN. \ - \ - s \ - . . , . .- - i, - - - - x r J 77* ■ ' ■ - 1 tl 'ROMINENT TENNESSE VNS ears, having professed religion in 1817. ni'l ii is said the church bell never rang that he did not answer it. lli> daughter, with filial piety, has n the Pulaski Methodist ehureh, in whieh irsliipped so man} years, a memorial window, a perfect gem of stained l_' la^^. in honor of him ami his good wife, her mother. The window represents the four evangelists with their several emblems the i tli.' ox, tin' lion inn! the angel. These air expressed in four medallions, twined together with oak leaves and lilies, the whole representing the strength of the father ami the purity of the mother. for years Mr. Martin was a pillar in the church at Pulaski, and attended to it- financial interest with the same system and punctuality with which he mai hi- own business. He was a man quick to decide, firm in his purpose and prompt t<> execute. It is believed thai to his influence is due in great measure the spread ill' Methodism o\ er * riles count} . Tin' financial revul 1837 38, a matter of no interest now, is recalled here mil) for the purpose ol showing Mr. Martin's splendid abilities as a manager. During that crisis hr bei am.' accommodation endorser for his rs to the amount of one hundred thous- and dollars, ami the hank- having given him entire con- trol "I' the paper, not a dollar was lost. In IS lo II he, in connection with Andrew M. Ballen- 1 milt the turnpike road through Giles county, ami at a later day he eo operated with Thomas Buford in constructing the Southern Central railroad, ami after the death •>(' Mr. Buford, was president of that com- pany until after tin- war. Tim older citizens of Pulaski still have reminiscences to relate of his kindness to the iii.l sick, ami his efforts t.. reclaim the profligate ami dissipated. The first high scl I for girls in Giles count} . organized in 18 — . ami t.i whieh lie gave an en- dowment fund of thirty-five thousand dollars, still hears li.len name of ;l Martin female College," and is oue o rished institutions of the Tennessee Con ncc. The moral of his lit'. — for there is much logic in a life like this -was the illustrated fact that integrity, ity ami persevering industry will, in the end. reap amensurate reward. Few young men -tart in life with slimmer advant I m he had, yet he became One of the most influential citizens of the Slate, and a standard man el' the time- Vs a financier, he had no superior in Tennessee. Vcademies, school houses ami hes received liberal subscriptions from him. lie loved te aid industrious ami timral young men who struggling te rise in tin- world. His benefactions were, seme public, - : personal and private. lie not only left his immediate descendants in comfortable sur- roundings, hut. among other bequests, upon hi- elder sister ami her sou-, he settle. I a tine estate of five hundred acres of land in Sumner county. The secret lay in his intense personality, energy, system. tireless application, foresight, liberality ami total abste- miousness from all sorts of spirituous drink- ami from evil-speaking. lie was cheerful and buoyant almost to gayety, and a hearty laugher. Gambling he detested, ami car.!- he called "the Devil's darning needles," for if used in sport they took up time, and if in play they led to serious consequences. Mr. Martin married in Davidson county, Tennessee, October 12, 1S24, Mi- N. II. Topp, daughter ol John S. Topp, an Indian fighter ami pioneer from North Carolina, and a wealthy planter and mill owner. An anecdote is told of the old pioneer, occurring early in lite. While descending the Holston river, the Indians tiled on him from the ambush of the dense forest that, dark and still, grew even to the water's edge. He fell from the boat desperate]} wounded staining the stream with his blood. Hi- friends picked him up ami supposed him dying, but he opened his eyes ami said, with a brave smile and cheery accents, " Do not grieve I shall not die I am not ready to leave yet.'' His lather. ( 'of Roger Topp, was a colonel in the Revolu- tionary war. and with his five brothers won meat dis- tinction at the battle ..f King's Mountain. Col. Roger Topp was a tine civil engineer, and he and hi- five brothers wet.' rewarded by the I'nited State- govern- ment with a large grant of land near Nashville. Col. Topp was subsequently killed by a Tory, whose father he had taken captive iii battle. The Topp family are of English origin, and came to America from York- shire. Dr. VV. \V. Topp, brothcf to Mrs. Martin, was- on the staff of Con. Jackson ill his Indian war-. John S. Topp (the tirst named i. also served under Gen Jackson throughout the Seminole war. Another brother, C.d. Robertson Topp, was a very successful lawyer and railroad president at Memphis. She had two other brothers who were lawyer- — I. Jin S. 'I'..].], and Dixon C. Topp. Mrs. Martin's mother, net Comfort Everett, was a very remarkable lady, combining the finest attri- butes of a woman with the strong intellect of a man. Upon the first arrival of her family at the fort near "Nash- Lick," — now Nashville — the little orphaned brother and sisier. under charge of Mrs. Topp (then a staid matron of sixteen years), -trolled from the pro- tection ol the fort, being enticed by the birds ami the beauty and Id.. ..in of the surrounding wood-. They were missing hut a short time when a party, beaded by their fearless sister, went to seek and rescue them. They were -ecu approaching, presenting a dread appear- like two fountain- ..f 1.1 1' — having 1 n Scalped and left for dead h\ the Indians. Mrs. Topp gathered them to her loving heart, and with untiring affection nursed them through long hours of pain and delirium, back to life. The young girl thus tortured became tamo us in after years for her beauty. Her rich bronze brow n hair fi 11 a- a mantle about her. and none dreamed that beneath the wavy tresses lurked the mark of the 1 ndian tomahawk. PEOMIN ENT T ENN ESS EA NS. 14.') By tliis marriage of Miss Topp and Mr. Martin, five children were born: (1). Laura E.Martin; graduated in Nashville; died in 1864, the wife ol Gen. Thomas G. Blewett, of Columbus, Mississippi, leaving one child, a sun. Claude Blewett, now a planter in Mississippi and Louisiana, and living <>n the splendid estate liim by his grandfather Martin. (2). William Mar- eellus Martin ; edueated at Vale; married Lizzie Otis : died December 13, 1867, leaving one child, a daughter, Laura Marcel la Martin, now the wife "I Solon E. F. Rose, a planter at Columbus, Mississippi ; living on the splendid estate left her by her grandfather Martin. (3). Cornelia Ann Martin, born in December, 1830 died August 10. 1832. (4). Ophelia Jane Martin; educated at Pulaski by Rev. Robert Caldwell, and at Nashville by private teachers; married Hon. Henry M. Spofiford, of Louisiana, January 7. 1861, and has three children, Eleanor Spofford, Thomas Martin Spofford and Nina Spofford (5). Victoria Martin, at Nashville; died single in 1858, aged twenty years. Judge Abram Martin, brother of the subji ct of this sketch, was circuit judge at Clarksville, Tennessee. Hon. Henry M. Spofford, win. married Miss Ophelia .J. Martin, was burn at Gilmanton, New Hampshire, Si ptx mber -. 1821. lie was a graduate, with hi honors, of Amherst College Massachusetts, and located in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1845. and at once entered upon the practice of law. He early gave promise of a brilliant future, and rose rapidly at the bar. In 1 >-.">4 he was elected to the Supreme bench of Louisiana, and filled that exalted station with signal credit until he resigned in 185K. returning to the practice of bis profession and to the achievement of those honors which cluster so thickly about his name and make his memory imperish- able. Possessing great wealth, and having risen to the highest attainable eminence in his profession, politics had little that could allure him; he neverthoh cepted an election to the United Stat'-,- Senate, in 1877, by the almost unanimous vote of the Nicholls Legisla- ture, but in the complication of the politics of the times, he was cheated out of his seat, through no fault of his, however, for he pursued it with unwavering vigor from a sense of loyalty to the people ami Stati who had conferred the trust upon him. After his death the Senate admitted his title to tin.- senatorship by [lay- ing to his widow the eighteen thousand dollars attach- ing to the office up to the date of hi- demise. He died at lied Sulphur Springs, Virginia, August 20, 1880. Judge Spofford was one of the grand men of these lator time's: profound in the sciences ; versed in history and literature : eminent in law and politics; an eloquent speaker; a beautiful writer, and a lecturer character- ized not less by the penetration of hi- research and the close analysis of the subjects h<- handled — notably his lectures on Goethe, Dante and Milton — than by the eh gance of his diction. He was a fine Greek and Latin scholar, and often wrote hi- briefs entirely in French. 19 But tie grandeur of the man was most conspicuo hi- finely balanced character, in tin- refinement of his manners, his truthfulness, and a modesty that betrayed absolute purity of mind, lie had tie- ran- abilit veil the keenest sarcasm with a tenderness so delicate that it reminded on.- of a Persian -s<- i m i t «■ j- tempered with perfume. With resolute firmness to carry his point, his manners were those of a French statesman — soft, dignified, pleasing, of exquisite tact and consum- mate address II is was a repi - i both in ii- symmetry and solidity, whether he- be viev ii Amherst Col law- yer in successful practice, a jurist handing down his decisions from tin- Supreme bench, an author, a - man. or a family man Rev. Dr. W. M. Leftwich, who pronounced Judge Spofford - funeral oration at Pulaski, give- a- the- factors of hi- noble character, self-reliance, decision of charac- ter, self-control, force of will, exclusive devotion to his profession, a sense of responsibility, and great learning. His was a separate- and distinct individuality, yet ho was if i of centuries of English history. His genealogy dates back eight hundred years to Gambolier de Spofford, the Saxon thane, who built the Spofford castle, -till standing in the West Riding of Yorkshire. •John Spofford. a descendant of Gambolier de Spofford, and the ancestor of Judge Spofford, came over in the Mayflower, and became a factor in the religious and political history of New England. Judge Spofford's only brother, Ainsworth Spofford, is the well-known and popular librarian of Congress, author of a series of "American Almanacs." valuable a- books of political reference, and is also co-editor, with Charles Gibbon of the " Library of Choice Literature.'' The Spofford mausoleum, in Metairie cemetery. New Orleans, is a Greek temple, cut of the purest Carrara marble, and situated on a gently graduated mound. The dome of the temple is supported by elaborately chiseled pillars and capitals, and beneath is a lovely- angel of large proportions, with graceful wings and a wonderfully beautiful expression of up-turned face. while it record- a favorite passage from the Holy 15ook with its marble pen. A large gilt cross crowns tin- mon- ument. This monument was designed and erected by Mrs. Spofford and executed by celebrated Italian artists in Massa-Carrara. Injustice would be done the memory of Mr. Martin, if more particular mention wen- omitted here of his only surviving child. Mrs. Judge Spofford, and her family. Mrs. Spofford, more than the wealth he accu- mulated and the public enterprises he set on foot, is the monument to his worth as a man and wisdom as a father. Mrs. Spofford i- among tie- most brilliant women of the South, remarkable for the reach of her learning, and her tine judgment a- a business woman. She is an accomplished artist in oils and pastels; a fine musician and musical composer, and wields tin- pen of a ready PKOMINKNT PKNNKSSKAXS \ ■ S Ic tho daughters are n<<( un : \\ uli ill.- Mood ublio :.\vo IK- maw:,'.! Mi-.- Jano \ \\ n Pin, tho old earl of Chatham. She ! hor to i she ran fol- \ if tho fitlh v •- muol -- Vtlee, s \\ \ I Hook House, in tho parish V V - in tho ballads and the ho surname of the \ \ ! md \ Or \ u in '•.tor sheriff of \ Her mother was - md. Dr. Vth - nod at Bethlehem, una, is a . to \ - nflu- v - with the mother of ton ohildren; \ \ : \ :' . \ \nna \ - x t-boll, t 5 ah Catharine At loo. im Luther, formerh 'J I/.- J J': I of D I b'.-r 21, 1 - Marel • I I S \ SXKSj* VNS PKOF WPKFW U lU'OH W W 1- v \ .11 ! \ ■ - - ■ s - s - . \ . - \ \ S \ s 1 1 o L Ark - - \\ \ . - - I \ . - up \K- Viulh'W II. l> \\ \ - • ■ • - luaunl S - \ - v I ho s :u llu> and aftor- ss ■'. in tho has iur- round him- . \ - \ Jn a •UlltV. Vrkansas - of tho - I I lari'l V ■ All i I I II': amof i ll':'J »// d< I ' ! \ \ W -v \\v IAMKS El r - . s - s - } - - ■ - - - - - \ \ \ \ \ '■ U \\ -- : V \ - ! - - \ - 5 CZs0U6€-<£- , 18159, al Sidney, on the Union Pacific id, thru iii Wyoming Territory, but now in N braski Samuel T., born September .'!»•. 1870, in k county, Tennessee. (4J Willie, bom June I. 1872, in Knox county, Tennessee of two names. Upon the Irish side the family comes from St. Leger; upon the English side from a family named Wood. \11 the rv\ Is in the I uited States are of the same family, oi Irish and English mixture. Capt Ledger- randfather, James Ledgerwood, came from England and settled in Botetourt county, \ ir- was in the Revolutionary war and also t lie war of 1812. He was a farmer and married a Miss Pierce, of V irginia. ('apt. I. randfather was also named He was born in Botetourt county. Virginia, and was also a soldier in the war of 1S12, from Knox under (.'apt. Gibbs. He married in Greene county, Tennessee, and moved back and located in Knox as a tanner. His wife was tlso named Pierce, but no relation to bis mother's family. He nwn Southern Illinois and died there, in IS46, aged sixty- eight years, leaving four daughters (1). Mary, wife of Caleb Treeci - Sallie, wife of Henry Johnson. (3). Darthula, « aham Haukley. ( I). Luartha, if Jefferson Bayless. Tin 1 first three daughters named married in soul Illinois, and the fourth married in Knox county, Ten- nessee, and afterwards moved to Illinois. .lames I. id, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, also letl James. (2) Samuel, father of the subject of this sketch. (3). John. (4). William. (5). David. (IS] Joseph. It was a family of farmers. Joseph, the youngest son, losl his lite in the Mexican war. The father of Capt. Ledgerwood (Samuel Ledgerwood), was born in Knox county in 1808, and died October IS, 1884. He was a magistrate for a number of years, and was a man of incorruptible honesty, leaving behind him an es cellent reputation as an honest, upright and useful citizen. Capt. Ledgerwood's mother, hci Miss Scena N. Ruth- erford, was horn in Knox county, daughter of Absalom Rutherford, a large farmer. He had been a soldier in the Revolution from Virginia, was at the battle of Monmouth, and afterwards under Gens. Hates and e, in their southern campaigns, including the battle of Camden, where he was wounded, having his right leg broken below the knee, lie was a brother of lien. Rutherford, of Virginia, who distinguished him- self in the Revolutionary war. ('apt. Ledgerwood's mother died in 1867, aged sixty v < irs She was a woman of great industrj and deep and undoubted piety. She was the mother of seven children: (1). Elliott. (2). .lames I, \nnie. I Absalom P. (5). Mary. (6). Darther. (7>. Wash ington Lafayette, subject of this sketch. Of these, Elliott Ledgerwood married Peggj Delap, and is now a farmer in I nion county, Tennessee. James erwood was captain of compauj F, Third Tenues see I tilted States infantry in the late war; married Margarena Hansford, and i- now a tanner in Union county, Tennessee, on a part of the old homestead. Annie Ledgerwood died the wife of John Bayless. Absalom IV Ledgerwood was a member of his brothel - (James I,. Ledgerwood company, and died in the war. lie married Elizabeth Ska-j-. and left three children, Orlando, Granville aud Lafayette. Mary and Darther ru ood died in infancy. 'I'he only money Capt. Ledgerwood ever had given to him was live hundred dollars, presented b,\ hi- father after his marriage. All else that he lias handled he has made himself by close application to business, bj hard work, and by practicing strict economy. Although \ erj cautious about eudorsing, he has lost some by security debts. lie never Sued a client or anybodj else in his life on hi- on ii account, ami has never been sued by any man. A close collector of fees, by niakinu his clients believe he thinks them honest they make unusual ex- ertions M pa\ him. Hi- standing as a lawyer ami a politician comes of his ha\ illg been always a true man. never lying to or deceiving any one. and fulfilling all promises he makes. He is a man of strong like- and dislikes. His tone of voice indicates a man of decision ^i' character and great self-reliance. COL. lll'Ml'IlKKV R. BATE. his. HUMPHREY 1!. BATE was born in Bertie county, North Carolina, December 23, 1813. lie studied law in the office of Thomas 1' Devereux, esq., h. North Carolina, and in 1836 moved to the wes tern portion of Tennessee. In 1838 he commenced the practice of the law at Covington, in Tipton county. where lie continued to reside till the .war 1884, when, from ill health, he ceased to practice, ami moved to Memphis. \-.i lawyer he stood at the head of the Covin bar, and is second to no lawyer in West Tennessee, or perhaps in the State, as an advocate, in the thorough PROMINENT INN ESSE Wv 153 knowledge of hi8 profession, or in the successful man- i i men* of difficult i In politics he has al« Democrat, and a great admirer of Jefferson and Calhoun, and their theo- ries of government, He casl his first presidential 1'ote lor Hugh L White, and has stood hy the Demoi through thick and thin, ever since. Althou :m office seeker, he was prevailed upon l>y his friends to me a candidate for the Legislature in 1847, and was elected to represent Tipton and Lauderdale counties; w.i- ri elected in 1849 again in 1851, and again in 1 357 i he latter I mi n presenting Shelb; I Tipton counties In 1870 he represented Tipton, Fayette and Shelbj counties in the State convention that revised thi stitution, lii- great abilities as a lawyer making him one 'if the most usi fu] and pi omi lent members oi I hat 'li- tinguished body. 'Id. qualities of his heart equal those of his head. Although raised a Protestant he becami er of tli.- Roman Catholic church in 1862, and i- ■-. in hi- religion. A- a neighbor, :i cit said to be almost without a fault. 11'- has always taken great in in all enterprises for tin- pub modest to mil.'- himself i carrying them forward. II constitution is naturally d d his h Las never been robust, but with will power and fortitude he has accomplished a fine professional sue- er married and being without the chief motive for the : iimulation of property, he has is freely for his own comfort ; ha- I however, to others, and i- now in independent circumstances. Hi- townsmen speak of him with en thusiasm as a pure-minded, lovely man erous impulses, whose bearing and virtues illustrate "the grand old nam" of gentleman, debased by many a charlatan ALEXANDER ERSKINE, M.D. ill: il/'HIS. THIS gentleman, who. for twei a years, has been a general practitioner of medicine in theeity of Memphis, Inn devoting himself more particularly to tin- diseases of women and children, and who-' sm financial and professional, has given him rank among the foremost nun of tin- city, was born at Huntsville, Alabama. September 26, 1832. Hi- father, Dr. Alexander Erskine, who died in 1857 at thr age of sixty-six, in Huntsville, where he had '••■'1 from l>l!i till hi- death, was a native of Mon- roe county, ii'''.'' in W '•-: Virginia. He graduated in 1-17 at th' I in . ' r-ity of Pennsylvania, and spent the two subsequent years in practice in the almshou th. city of Philadelphia, and then settled at Huntsville, where he made his mark on tin- profession in Alabama, notably by his being one of th.- first to discover and introduce into practice the virtues of Secah ' linn, upon which In- left a thesis, a- yet unpublished, but showing depth andcarefulm f research. 1 1 » - was also a pioneer in th.- usi- ..f quinine. Th.- character of this remarkable physician deserves a careful study by the younger men of the profession even at this late day. Hi- was a taciturn man. especially reticent in regard to Hi. secrets "f tin- sick-room. With phenomenal powers of endurai linj mperal si tidying his with careful discrimination, In- was ot f tin- best diagnosticians "f hi- time. He was th.- father of eleven children, the two eldest of whom died in infancy. Of th.- others, Mary .Ian.- Erskine i- now the wife of James 11. Mastin, a prominent citizen of Huntsville; Dr. 20 Albert It. Erskine, now a prominent physician at Huntsville; Alexander Erskine, the subject of this -ketch : Laura E. Erskine, who died the wife of Dr. Wilkin-. hi. at Huntsville; Thomas Fearn Erskine, .lam.- A. Erskine and Miss Kate A. Erskine, now liv- ing at Huntsville; William M. Erskine. now I and Dr. John 11. Erskine, who died of yellow fever in Memphis, September IT. 1878. Further mention should be made of Dr. John H. Erskine. He and his brothers, Albert and Alexander, through tin- wat- as surg i- in tin- Confed army. He was acting medical director in Gen. Joseph I-!. Johnston's army in North Carolina at the time of tin- surrender, having risen from tin- position "I assist ant surgeon, and was to have received bis comni a- dical director. At the time of his death hi health offici ity of Memphis, a position which In- had filled for some time pi He fell a sacrifi. the duties of his office, working night and day to stay the spread of th.- epidemic of thai year. II.- was a man of high character, bold, determined, decided in his judg- ments, and fearless in tin- .11-' his duties. It took a man of his stamp to compel compliance on the f unwilling citizi ns with sanitary ordinances. He gentleman much esteemed in Memphis, and hed to himself warm friendships. His lib- and character are an interwoven part of the history of that city, and hi- name and memory among its rarest jewels •'.'! J. M. Keating, the cautious, discriminating, yet brilliant author of the history of yellow fever in Mem- 15 f 1'ltOMI X FAT TENNESSEA XS. phis, pays the following just tribute to the mci y of I >r John Erskine: " Another ease, a t.\ i f the home physician, is recalled. 1 1 < • was a man of large mold. Physically he was perfect . verj tall, ver) stout, he was the picture of health. Ilis handsome face was lighted li\ :i perpetual smile. Hood nature, good heart, and a cheerful soul were the convictions his manner carried to e\ cry beholder. Me was a manly man. lie had been a soldier, and he bore about him the evidences of gal- lant service. Nervous and eager, devoted and anxious, lie went down to bis grave the victim of overwork lie was an inspiration to bi^ friends, an example of con- stancy, steadiness, unflinching courage, and unflagging zeal. To the sick-room he brought all these qualities, supplemented by an unusual experience, an inexhaus- tible stock "i knowledge, and a sympathy as deep as the sad occasion. Tender as a woman, his heart ached at the recital of miseries he could not cure. Besides bis duties as health officer, John Erskine was earnest in his attentions to patieiits, whose demands were inces- sant. For days before he succumbed, observant friends fell that he must fall. He bad tasked bis powers far | beyond endurance. His heart was, to the last, keenly sensitive to the sorrows about him; the mitigation of them was bis anxiety. Me chided himself because he could not do more for the people who loved him, and by whom he will ever be remembered: and. In the last, was questioning himself for a remedy for a disease that has so often conquered the ablest of a noble profession. No better man ever laid down his life in the cause of humanity." Dr. Alexander Erskine's grandfather, Michael Ers- kine, a native of Pennsylvania, emigrated from Lancas- ter county, that State, to Monroe county, Virginia, w here be married Mrs. Margaret Paulee, net Manly. b\ whom he bad five children, Dr. Erskine's lather being the third son. The early history of Dr. Erskine's grandmother (Handly) is among the most romantic Qf family tradi- tions. Her first husband, Paulee, was killed by the Indians, and herself taken captive and kept a prisoner lor four years by the Shawnee tribe, in Ohio, the chief adopting her as bis daughter. At his death she was ransomed, returned to her family and afterwards mar- ried Michael Erskine. [For an interesting account of the incidents of her captivity, see I lardesty s Historical and < teographical Encyclopedia, page 371]. She died at the age of ninety years. Dr. Erskine's mother. Susan Catharine Russcl, now living, eighty years old, in Huntsville, Alabama, was born in 18(15, in Loudon county, Virginia, near the city of Leesburg, the daughter of Col. Albert llussel, who was a lieutenant -colonel in the Revolut ionary army, and was with Washington in bis marches. Me moved from Virginia to Alabama in the early days of the latter Siate. where he resided till his death. Me left five children, of whom l>r. Erskine's mother is the third. She is a woman of remarkable common sense, of fine judgment, of high Christian character and principle, and has been an ornament to the town of Huntsville from her earliest years. She married in IS'JO at the earl\' age of fifteen. She is a noble tj pe of the southern women of the past time. She has been a member of the Presbyterian church since I ">'_''_'. Her mother's maiden name was Nancy II of an old Virginia family. Her brother. Mr. Albert llussel. who died at Huntsville in 1844, was a partner of her husband, Mr. Alexander Erskine, lather of the subject of this bio graphical sketch. Mr. Erskine grew up at Huntsville, taking his aca- demic course lor eight years under James M. Davidson, t he ' [rish orator, alter which he studied four years in i he I Diversity of \ irginia, where he graduated in chem- istrj and German. He then studied medicine in 1855- .">(! iii bis father's office at Huntsville. and returning to the University of Virginia, took a medical course therein the same class with Dr. R. 1!. Maury, who-,. sketch see elsewhere iiu this volume. He then want to the University of the city of New York, and grad uated there in 1S5S, and in October of that year set- tled iii Memphis. In 1859-00 he. in connection with Dr. D. D. Saunders, (whose biography see elsewhere), and the Mrs. Lunsford P. Yandell. sr. anil jr., late of Louisville, reorganized the Memphis Medical College, Dr. Erskine taking the chair of obstetrics. After the breaking out of the war this faculty disbanded, but in 1SH7 the college was again reorganized with Dr. Erskine, Dr. D. D.Saunders, Dr. It. It. Maury, Dr. G. B. Thorn- ton and Dr. It. AY. Mitchell as the faculty. Dr. Erskine being dean. These gentlemen carried on the institution till 1872. Dr. Erskine. though raised by a Whig father, has always affiliated with the Democratic party. Mis family. on both sides, have been Presbyterians from time im- memorial, and he has for many year- been an elder in that church. Me has been connected with the Second Presbyterian church of Memphis for twenty-six years. Me is a member of the Knights of Honor, of the Shelby county and Tennessee State medical societies, and is an occasional writer for tin' medical journals. Me is now professor of obstetrics in the Memphis Hospital Medical College. The following is a bri ef resume of his army experience He served with Gens. Cleburne, Cheatham. Bragg ami Polk in the campaigns in Tennessee. Mississippi, Ken- tucky and Georgia. He was with Gen. Bragg at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky: was taken prisoner and placed in charge of the sick and wounded at Harrods- burg for six weeks, but was afterwards sent via Louis- ville and Cairo to Vicksburg, where he was exchanged, and from which place he soon rejoined the army at College Grove, Tennessee. Me was at the battle of Murfreesborougll, and upon the retreat of tin' army, spent the winter tit Tullahoma, being at that time PROMINENT TK.\.\ ESSEANS. 1 55 brigade surgeon in Gen. Polk's command. He was next in charge of the Law hospital at LaGrange, Georgia, and continued with it till the surrender. Dr. Erskine iirst married, at Memphis, December 10, 1861, Mrs. A. L. White nee .Miss Law. She died in 1868. By this lady l>r. Erskine has two children, Alex- ander and John II. Erskine. His second marriage, which occurred at Columbia, Tennessee. December 19, 1872, was with a cousin cit' his first wife, .Miss Margaret L. Gordon, daughter of Wash- ington Gordon, of Columbia. By this marriage he has lee! seven children, Mary (who died in infancy), Louisa, Washington < rordon, William, Albert Russel, Elizabeth and Laura. Mrs. Erskine's lather. Washington ( rordon, was a fanner in Maury county, and died in the Con- federate service at Vicksburg. Lieut.-Gen. John B. Gordon, of Georgia, is her cousin. Her mother was a Miss Bradshaw, of Columbia. Throughout his life Dr. Erskine has been guided by the highest sense of conscientious rectitude, fidelity to his trusts, energy, zeal and promptitude in execution, and above all by high religious principles. He- has always been a Very close student; has always tried to be kind to the poor, and has instilled into his children the same principles by which he was reared. His personal boast is that his parents were of the strietesl integrity and loftiest moral and religious character, II i- mother is a deeply pious woman, and while his father was less demonstrative, he was nevertheless upright in all his life, anil died a Christian, in communion with the Presbyterian church. Tic has left the impress of his high character on that of his entire family. His son, Alexander, has ever endeavored to emulate his father's virtues, and has always stood among the foremost in the ranks of his profession in Memphis. His name, with that of his lamented brother, Dr. John H. Erskine, has been long identified with the city, and will he handed down to his children with pride, as pure, un- sullied and elevated. W. G. BIBB, M.D. NASHVILLE. THIS gentleman comes of one ol the most distin- guished families in the South. Its members have filled tic responsible and honorable positions of gover- nor, circuit and supreme judges, State senators and legislators, congressmen, United States senator, colonel and secretary of the treasury. Of the subject of this sketch, it may he said in the language of the challenge given by the hero in the " Patrician's Daughter": " It may be by the calendar of years you are the elder man. But 'tis the sun of knowledge on the mind's dial shining bright, That makes true time." W. G. Bibb was born iii Montgomery, Alabama, June 25, 1854, He received his literary education at the University of Georgia and the University of Alabama, from which latter institution he graduated in 1S72. He began the study of medicine in 1874, and attended one course, in 1876, at the University of Virginia. He then came to Nashville, and, in 1877, was valedictorian of his class and graduated as an M.D., from the medical de- partment of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University. Me spent the summer of 1877 in Paris, France, visiting the hospitals there, and upon his return went to New York city, and in 1K7S, graduated from the Bcllevue Hospital .Medical College under Profs. Austin Flint, sr. and jr., Sayre, Barker, Mott, Yan- Buren, Janeway and others. Tn March, lsTs. he settled at Montgomery, Alabama, in practice and remained there until the spring of 1881, when he moved to Nashville, having been in that year elected professor of materia medicaand therapeutics in tic medical department of the University of Tennessee and Nashville Medical College. In 1882 he was ap- pointed surgeon of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, a lucrative position, which he held during Gov. Porter's presidency of the road. Dr. Bibb is a thoroughly enthusiastic lover of his profess- ion, and his address on " Progressive Medicine," lately delivered, is a credit not only to himself but to the insti- tution in which he is a professor. As a lecturer his style is rather conversational than rhetorical, his object being to instruct in matters of fact rather than make display. His manners are frank and cordial, and such as characterize the typical physician. In personal appearance Dr. Bibb is a man of medium height ami weight. He is a zealous Mason and a member of Nashville Commandery Knights Templar. He isalso a Knight of Pythias. In politics, he always votes the Democratic ticket, as he believes that ticket represents the southern white man's idea. Nor could he well vote otherwise ami conform to the examples and teachings of his brilliant and distinguished ancestry. Dr. Bibb's father. Col. Joseph B. Bibb, was a lawyer at Montgomery when the war between the States began, when he raised a company of volunteers, went to Mobile and seized Fort Morgan and garrisoned it until the State of Alabama seceded, when he returned to Mont- gomery and, with Col. Beck, raised the Twenty-third Alabama regiment, of which he became lieutenant- I.lli PROMIXKXT TEXN KSSK VXS. nel. < hi the death of ( I ! lie succeeded to the command of the regiment anil served us its colonel in all tin us of the western arm) in Mississippi; with (Ion Bragg in the Kentucky e;unp;ii,an ; with Gen. Joseph K Johnston in the Palton campaign; \\ i t lx [looil in his Nashville raid, and at i 1 ini/.ation of the arm) served with (ion. Johnston in North I Una, surrendering with thai commander at G li Returning home In 1 in planting in Moi county. Alabama, until September 14, 18G0. when he died of consumption, broughl on b) ;i wound from the fragment of a shell lie received at the battle Nashville Me was a man brave, generous and philanthropic, with a hand open as amnion board a vessel on the Potomac river during an inspection by the president's cabinet manyyeai She was also a great niece, on her mother'.- side, of Gi ti \ i i.l i vw Lew i- of the Revolutionary army Dr. Bibb wa- married at Nashville. Juue 25, 1878, to Miss Susie Dun lap Porter, who wa- bom at Paris. Ten- nessee, September 17. IS5S She is the grand-daughter ..I Dr. Thomas Kenned) Porter, of Paris, Tennessee, and the only daughter of lion James P. Porter, ex governor of Tennessee, ex president of the Nashville. Chatta ga and St. Louis railway, and at present first assistant secretary of State in President Cleveland's cabinet. Her mother, originally Miss Sue Dunlap, is a . i, John I 'uulap, of I'm i-. Tenui --. i PROMINENT TENNESSE \\>. 157 niece oft ten Richard I 'unla | iiished T< gean the confidential friend of Gen. Andrew Jackson. Mrs. Bibb was educated al Nashville and is a lady of in , ee, remarkable for ber wot il; ■. her love of home and devotion to her family, and in all thai constitutes true womanh I, she is as true as the ii. edle i" i he pole. Bj I his man iagi there a i ehil dren (1). James Porter, born December I. 1879. (2) Mattie Gilmei boi n June 26 1 382. Dr. Bibb i- al present junior member of the medical if Cain & Bibb. Dr. Cain is from Okolona, Miss- issippi, where i iterative praetiei He is from the medical department of the Univer- sity of Nashville, and served with credit and ability as i of Tucki r's Mississippi war. P S Since this sketch was written, Dr. Bibb has re "''1 to his old home in Montgomery, Alabama, important private busiues atten- tion t hi n F. S. NICHOLS. \n \l ru is. '"T~MI K subject of tlii- sketch is, in ruanj respects, a ± remarkable person a true type of the self-madi man. The family from which he came was of English origin. His great grandfather William Nichols, came from England and settled in Connecticut, Hi father, William Nichols, removed from Litchfield, Connecticut, to Michigan and thence to Iowa, where he engaged in farming and died in L840. His mother, originally Miss Sammons, was a native of Duche county, New York. Her father Frederic Sammons, was a man of ] in ai ■ in Revolutionary times, and was an officer in the American army. He was made a prisi ,vhen New Ynrk was invaded by Sir William Johnson, who had been a neighbor of the family on the Mohawk river, and he was confined three .Mar- at Quebec, after whicb he made his escape. His brother, Thomas Sammons, was a member of Congress from New York for several i. mi during the administrations of Jefferson and Mad- ison. I S Nichols was born in McCombe county, Michigan, February 27, 1828, and lived there until 1838, when he went, with his father's family, to Davenport, Lowa and grew up there, working on a farm till he was twenty years of age. Reared in a new country, he was deprived ul early school privileges, but from his boyhood he had a great fondness for reading, and read everything that fell into bis hands. Through this desire, which in ■ reased as he grew, he was led to cl se (In- printer's trade, and his education was received in a printing office. In 1848 he entered the office of the Rock [stand i 111 | Advertiser, a Whig journal, and there rem till 1851, when he established a Democratic papei in the ami- town, and continued as its editor and publisher till 1853. lie then took the gold fever and went to Australia, where he experienced the ups and downs of a miner's life for six years. Returning to the I nited States, he settled in [owa and engaged in farming for three years, at the end of which tinii he went into the offii I' tin ( 'liiraL'u Times, h here he remained till I 36 I Hearing that then tl demand for printers in Memphis, he decided : " so to thai cit; I pon arrival there he purchased an interest in the Memphis Bulk/hi, owned by -I I! Bingham, editor, assuming the positi m of foreman, and continued with that paper till it sus- pi nded publication in 1870. He t hen b< i man of the Memphis Avalanche. In 1877 he becain of its i ctors, and in 1879, bei f proprie- hi ii position. .- : ha bad control of the Avalanche, it has improved in i in chat ' journal, in circulation and in value as a newspaper property. II" has always been a Democrat, but has taken im part in politics except through his journal. Il< is in- clined towards indepi ndi nee and the expressions of opinion tl h hi papei are not controlled by party machinery. He supports a measure not because it is Democratic, but because it is in itself good. Toej | ii briefly, the Avalanclu is not a " party organ, but wield.- a free lance 'in all subjects, bristling at all times with original, unique and pungent paragraphs. Mr. Nichols became a Master Mason at Rock Island, Illinois, in 1851, and a Knight of Honor at Memphis, in 1881. He was married. August 20 I860, to Miss Josephine Hughes, daughter of Harvey Hughes, a descendant of a Virginia family, one branch of v. hi eh settled in Ohio and another in Tenm ssee, where the family i- still rep- ed. lie i- an architect h> i rade, and -till In ing in Missouri. One of Mrs. Nichols' uncles is the oldest banker in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the president of Hughes Haul. A nut her uncle is judge oi the circuit court in Ohio. To Mr. Nichols and wife there was horn one child, a daughter, now wife of William H. Forrest . of Memphis. Mr. Nichols belongs to a class of men who are rarely appreciated at their full worth by their fellow-citizens, who pass through life quietly, often in a subordinate capacity, and never displaying their real power unless I'KOMIM'N [• rKXNKSSK VN8. S \ \ - - •iu ho him many personal enemies, bring liim into general n bravo iliink u, ho I ability anil in- ln thi Mr. N - " sky .■I no ehampiou than tho ! 1' v S I, Mr. F.S.N . n with paralysis, has died, and i!u' .1 I into oilier hands, though it still !■ - pendent Democratic tor it acquired under his management. REV, STANFORD G. lU'KNKY. WW. L.L.D Tills r. and I with - . by as - - v i n his !i the -- - >•, tho \ Unman 1' him at an - lunvh. and has s to the learned Or. ■ - th mon. - - found - man and his relations to hi- Creator, ho could have who to tho highest plaeo in that direction. Hut his ability was well ri loaders iu uvoh, and ho was in duo time called to tho most ion in tho leading theological school of nomination, whore to-day ho r of the ' lumberlaud Pi terian chui :ford, Mississippi. ' Burney, graduated at I nion ! and i- now living '. m, Tennessee, with her I I >. Burue; -• udent in Cum- id University, Lebanon rinne 1 ni Leb; Dr. Bun irdained in March, 1836. in Wilson county. Tennessee, a minister of the Cumberland Pres- Mi church, in which he 1 ince. He first located in Nasi August, 1841, and preached there eighteen months. In January, 1843, he toi demy anklin, Tennessee, and taught He then became the first agent for the Cumberland I ndowment of that institution. In December, 1844 I dona farm near Memphis, and preached several months for the First Cumberland IV ->. terian church in Memphis, while the first church hou Iding. 1 1 ears preaching to a country church, and associated with Rob ! editor and publisher of the /»'■ llgiou* Ark, a Cumberland Presbyterian paper. In 1848 he accepted the presidency of Mount £ county, Mississippi, and ducted that institution two years In .la unary. 1 350 cepted the pastorate of the Cumberland Pn church in Oxford, Mississippi, and filled the i".~iti'm twenty-five years, with the exception of the year I860, when Dr. C. H Bell was pastor. After the war Dr. Bell and Dr. Burney filled the pulpit, alternately, until 1873. 'KOMINK.NT TKNNKSSK \.NS [>i his ■ \ itn I COIH h tho those In ■ farm In S - 1*1". '' \ ' ■ -Liu ■ ■. llilU' i In distinguished si 1 Ion. Hi |iui his tirsi vote In thnt V. iVili'd IIS .1 \\ ince the » hi' has been voting I > IK hi- uo\ 1 1 hold political office, >st mastership ,ii |)i liuruev although ».|' delicate health, icily, loving fun and pleasure, but avoided He loved wine, loved ml on one iHi-.i-.ion was present ai a 1. . ii iniioi- was drank pretty I and mi I tin In- ivtUvii-il that, pleasure ran ilf lor a man, it anil lie then ami there resolved mi a ud right I i the principle ii the line ol' duty, hi i- that In- lite has suioothl.\ run IK- has not seleeted his lields of labor, hut has heeu urged into tln-in by friends ami force of Hi-- father, who was a man ■ <( some m- him two thousand dollars fur a start; by is much more, ami during life he lias il of money, hut like most ^( students, uli- money a secou uderatiou. He Cro- at eighteen years ol' age, commenced u enty was ordained at twenty two, ami fifty years, mostly in Mississippi, from in- twenty- seven years flic 1 male College founded by him. i- tho oldest institution oi' ii- Mississippi, |h !'. i- ii mostly re> iew «r made him unite famous. The late 1>: fli mas Summers, of tho Methodist church, ilio first men of the died ili-i . aeoted mid theology, ami his v distinctively MA-i. E. V. M N'EAl El'. MrN V, \ L. thi - Mo ^ k. ^<\' \orth - -in in September In IS in which county ho grew into manhood, alternat- :n with going to school, until his ami family moved to Hardeman county, West Tennessee, in Is.'- Hi- family were among the first to iio country west •.>( the Ten lii- grandfather, and also William Polk, -•I Hardeman, and Thomas M Xeal litis father), -in Hardemau county in the year IS22, by tt hands to work, in advance of their arrival. / yl >. f. u PROMINENT TRNNESSRAN.^ 161 on land* near the i of the town of Bolivar. Thi the first ear of the i ttlement of Hardeman count 'lii ,' nized in 1 23 and on the ! I, ..in. i VIcNi .I. one mile north "I i do pi en1 site of Bolivar, a log courl house was built, and I hi eounl i ibli hi 'I and kepi there unl il re moved to l!<>lr ar in 1825. In 1823 lv P. McNeal, then nineti made a crop of hie own near where Bolivar i- nov ated I n I 324 25 26 hi cu pied a* a su West Tennessee district. In 1827 and 1828, he y 1 1., en ice of the I nited - in ii li.ii undi r < ..ii Purdj marshal for the district_ In 1829 he mployed in a dry t I e in Bolivar, which had t hen grown into a tow n. In i 1829) he was placed in chai er, of i he inter- etion with Col. ■Inli n Preston, of Virginia, and in the winter of 1830 31, in connection with J. II. Bills, he buill and cai from Bolivar to New < >rli I with n to -.11 for there Upon In- return home in 1831, lv P. McNeal formed antile pai I nei hip w ith his broth* r in la .■. Maj. John H. Bills and in April of thai yeai Vlaj McNeal went in New Vnrk and Philadelphia by river and to lui goods, which in those days was a tedious under- taking, The firm of Bills & McNeal, merchants, < i i it i if I in prosperous business from 1831 to 1846, wheu i olved ■ ach partner going into em c intile busini oi ! i ii hi. K P McNeal conl inning therein in Boli \ ar up to I 356. I n I he meanwhile Maj. McNi in Tennessee Miss- issippi and \ rkans is, and I in farming in I In-. I. -in, in county, gi\ ing to lii- farm- ing interest* the greater | time and attention. Hi- closed out all of his mercantile business in 1856, incc 1 1 1 nt date li d his attention exclusively I ■■■ i estate in Tonnes In this pur- suit lie has been after the immense I war in slaves, one hundred and fifty In number, and other | he has kept Ii oek to a IiIl-Ii standard, which but few farmer* in the Soutl en able to do. lv P, McNeal, in J . 'I to Miss Ann Will of •). •) . Will i |.. of Tin l Priscilla, who died just "ii arrival at womanhood at the eight* ■ " II >\ od wife, who had made home I l'*,v fbi died in I 375 Thro II of his life Maj K I' McNeal has t and modest man. I !• n charitable and ■ I with lii- means, w itl I ostentation. He has -ihil'Iii public place. He has made and preserved from yout Ii to manhood and old n to four scon mi enviable record ofenci i mptness in busi sincerity and truth in speech ; uprightness and honesty in conduct, and in al with his fellow men, and at tin- time he stands in the front rank of the men of and strengthened, as the years wenl b ilden n pul ition he has earned and kepi tintarni hi da om am hi r pio REV. J. W. PHILLIPS, M.I). / T HIS prominent physician and ui was born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, Januarj II 1820, worked in the corn field iill he was eighteen old taught chool in hi^ nineteenth year at Durham- ville, 'I i nm i e read medicine under Dr. \\ I > at Trenton Ti nm ind graduated M I' in Ma 1 .- \i hi i In I in ■ i n of him-- ]■ ia, under Profs. Nathan Chapman William B. Gibson. Roberl Hare, Hugh I, I lodge William lv I Conn i 3am uel Jai and George B Wood, in a fch Dr. A. L. C. Ma gruder and Dr. Ill' Walton, of Norfolk, Virginia. Be tween the sessions be attended Wills' Hospital for i li<- and Blind, and Warrington's Obstetrical Deparl mi-Hi. from each of which institutions he took a diploma In addition to his regulai degrei He practiced medi cine at Salem. Mississippi, from June, 1842, to Decern ber, 1845 next practiced twi i in Hinds and Madison counties Mississippi doin in i eepl onally 21 ; e wealthiest people in thai Ii i- fee - for eight dollars per annum. He was in the yellow fever epi demic at Brownsville, Mississippi, and in the cholera epidemic of 1866 al Memphis. When Missi sippi enlisted her minute men for the ( ',mli di i i ice, he h as .-',1111111- sioned b; Rev. T. W. Casl igen ppoin d b the Legislal ui 1 1 ui Bolton Depol Hinds county, Mississippi. Rx-officio he became surgeon of Gen Charles B Smeed - brigade and served om then refugeed to ^mitli 1 ril Texa to save hi and there practiced medicine till the war was over; then came to Memphis practiced om year; next ai Mason's depot three years: al Brownsville three mi, 1 atDyei ears He located al Tul- lahoma \piil 15, 1884. He was al an early day a mem ber of the Mississippi State Medii - ty, and in \ ?> . s s . - ■ - - - - -• \ -- . •J - \ - - - • . f Hit 'KttMINKVF TKNNKSSKANS. of twelve or fourteen, going to school and farming In ISOS. lie wriit tn MoMinn Academy, Rogersville, in which lie studied some two years, after which he was ;i student about fourteen months in the Hiawassee Col lege, Monroe county, Tennessee. In l s 7f he began the study of law under Judge K. E. Gillenwaters, at Rogers- ville. and was admitted to the bar in 1ST."), licensed by Judge Gillenwaters and Chancellor II. ('. Smith, and practiced at Kogersvillc From I87f> to 1881, when he became founder and editor of the Kogersvillc /Vcs* and 'Finns. \ Iter editing that pupci* something over a year, he spent six months traveling in the northwestern States, lie then returned home and resumed editorial control "I his paper. November 15, 1881. he was ap- pointed ti> a clerkship in the Nashville post-office, a position which he resigned Vpril 30, 1882. to accept a position in the Pension Bureau at Washington, District of Columbia. This latter place lie resigned in < >ctober> 1882, to accept the position of file clerk ol the Forty- seventh Congress. The political complex] f the House changing with the incoming nf the forty-eighth Congress, he went out ol' that office, and returned to the management of his paper and to the practice of law. in March, 1884. In the Republican convention held at Jonesborough in July, 1884, he was nominated for the State Senate, and at the general election. No- vember I. 1884, was elected to represent the Second Senatorial district, comprising the counties of Hawkins, Hancock and Greene, in the Forty-fourth General As- sembly of Tennessee, being the junior member of the Senate, and the only unmarried man in it. lie has been a delegate to every Republican State convention since 1ST! I; was an alternate delegate to the Republican National convention at Chicago, in July. 1880, from the First congressional district of Tennessee, and cast the vote of that district: was also a delegate from the same district to the Republican national con- vention of 1884, and was one of Mr. Blaine's warmest supporters. From 1870 to 1881, inclusive, he was chair- man of the Republican executive committee of Haw- kins county, and in 1880 was elector for Hawkins county on the Garfield and Arthur ticket. lie has been unswervingly Republican in politics from his boyhood, and is ultra, aggressive, ami uncom- promising in all his political views. He has never sought an elective office except that of senator, and to that be was elected by a vote of some four hundred above the party strength. He has. however, a decided taste fol' political life, and has taken a very active part in the various campaigns. His speech in the Senate on the bill pensioning Confederate soldiers was noted for its vehemeuce and aggressiveness, particularly in that portion where he denied the constitutionality of the measure proposed. There chanced to be present on that occasion a large number ol' visitors from northern States, on their waj to the New Orleans exposition, who. utter listening to the speech, expressed their astonishment that he should dare to niter views so an tagonistic to the doctrines entertained and taught by the op p. is it ion. To use his own language, "my polities have been everlasting]} Republican, and I have lived and worked that way. .Mr. Brown belongs to no secret organization, nor to any church, though he is a firm believer in the Chri in religion, and occasionally has acted as Sabbath sel I teacher. He began life without means, and is now in independ- ent circumstances, the result of a rule to which he b adhered, never to owe anything, and to limit his ex- penditures to his actual necessities. If he makes but little he also makes it a point to know he is clearing money. With these views, by clear-headed judgment, rigid economy and judicious! fading, be has accumulated a respectable property. I le has never been given to dis- sipation, and has never bet on anything. Though ruth lessl.N assailed by politicians, his character is unblem- ished. It is a singular fact that few persons are indif ferent to him — being either his warm friends or bitter enemies, a fact fir which it is difficult to account. Senator Brown's father, Rev. Iredell ( 'am pi all Brown, ol' the Methodist church, was born in Hawkins county. Tennessee, and bad only the advantages of a common school education. lie has been a local Methodist preacher from his young manhood, and has the reputa- tion of being one of the finest vocal musicians on the continent. His business is that of farming and stock- raising, and lie is now living at "High Oaks," three miles east of Morristown, on the East Tennessee, Vir- ginia and Georgia railroad. His charity, sympathy for the poor, and his perfect good will for mankind in geueral, have attached all who know* him as bis friends. His father. Thomas Brown, a native of North Carolina, came to Hawkins county. Tennessee, early in the present century, married there ; lived a firmer, and died at about (lie age of seventy-live, leaving ten chil- dren: (li. Mar} Brown, married Rev. William Wyatt, and has seven children. Iredell Campbell, Thomas Pendigrass, Samuel Pattoil, Sarah. Matilda. Nannie and John. (2). Rev. Iredell Campbell Brown. (3). Jesse Brown, who married Miss Nancy Charles, daughter of Col Rogers Charles, of New Canton, Tennessee: died in ISTf. Iea\ ing five children. ( 'harles. Solomon, Sarah, Susan and Nancy. (4). Thomas Iv Brown: married first Miss Eliza Dodson, who died, leaving no issue. He then married Mrs. Mary Kyle, willow of Dr. Robert Kyle, by whom be has two children, .Mice and Thomas, jr. to). Dr. Owen M. Brown, married Miss Nannie Fortner, daughter of Rev. Isaac Fortner, of Hawkins county, and has four children, Luther Fairchild, Para- lee, Emma and Owen M.,jr. Dr. Brown was the sur- geon of the First Tennessee light artillery (Federal) in the late civil war. (6). Clinton A. Brown, married Miss Laura \. Crawford, daughter of l!e\ Roberi Crawford, of Hawkins county, and has eight children, TT.i >MINENT TENNESSEANS. Robert A., Clinton, Thomas, Frank, Sallie, ^.ga and a pair of twin boys. (7). Nancy Brown; died in 1885, wife of Samuel Edison, leaving four children, Joseph, Sallie, Matilda and Samuel, jr. (8). Sarah Brown: died childless, wife of Joseph Anderson, of War Gap, Hawkins county. (9). James Brown, married Miss Rebecca Vermillion, daughter of William Vermillion, and lias ten children, Theophilus, George and I'' rank (twins), Tlnnnas. Clinton, Walter, Nannie, James, Fan nic and John. (10). Matilda Brown, wife of Hiram Herd, of Manchi ster, Kentucky : has one child, John. Senator Brown's greal grandfather, Samuel Brown, came from North Carolina to Ten f'ter his son came. Hi' was a farmer, and had been a Revolutionary soldier. Senator Brown's mother was Mary Ann Willis, daughter of James and Sally Willis, of Lee Valley, Hawkins county. She is the grand-daughter of Larkin Willis, ,-i native of Scotland, a uoted philanthropist, espi 'dally kind and liberal in his donations to strangers. It is said that be, on three different oci isi m . gave horses to men who were complete strangers to him. His wife was Elizabeth Sizemore, of North Carolina Of the Willis family, Maj. W. W. Willis, was major of the Eighth Tennessee Federal cavalry, and n Hawkins county in the Tennessee Legislature after the war. about 1866. Summerville I!. Willis, sister to his mother, married Dr. 11. K. Legg, and lives at Selig- man, Missouri. Another member of the family, Silas Willis, is now a telegraph r at Stevenson, Ala- M r. Bro ■ ■' ln-r was Sallie Wilson. Senator Brown has two bro! five sisters, all I (1 Franci ^.sbut Bi - : > m Maj 15. 1851 ; now practicing medicine and farming al Lee Valley, Hawkins count; ed Miss \ r and lias two children (2) Larkin Willis Brown, born December 1,1854: studied law; was joint editor and proprietor with his brother in the Rogersville Press and Timrs on now farming; is unmarried. He wa eel d i ounty supi i of public instruction for Hawkins county; was assistant teacher three years in t hi • ater Male Aca Prof. J. L. Bachman. (3). Sarah Elizabeth Brown; married James M. Johns of the firm of Fulkerson & Johnstone, manufacturers of boo and harness, at Rogersville; has four children, Charles < Matilda, Mary Annie Jackson and Mattie. Mrs. Johnstone is noted fur her prai i i itali- ties with the grace and dignity of the Laily Bountiful. (4). Annie Rathbone Brown, now wife of J. J. Starnes, a farmer and stock trader of Hawkins county. (5). i ( 'athari , now wife of J. ii. I > farmer near Whitesburg, Hamblen county,'! (6). Mary Artemesia Brown, now wife of Win. A. Orr, a lawyer at Jonesville, Virginia. (7). Mattie E. Brown, now living with her parents at " 1 1 igh < taks. JAMES M. LARKIN, M.I). CLARKSVILLE. THIS gentleman, an impressive conversationalist, entertaining by the variety of subjects he dis cusses, the scope and accuracy of his knowledge ol and things, the remarkable tenacity of his memory of names, dates, incidents and personal histories, and dis- tinguished also for the magnetism with which he fixes the attenti f his hearers, the many agreeable acquaint ances he has formed, the earnestness with which he enters into the discussion of any subject which the occasion or the company may suggest, appears in rinse pages as a representative of the medical profession in Clarksville, and as one of the standard men of Tennes- see. To the writer he appears as one of those men about whom there is an air and manner of reserve force and energy, ready to be brought into action at will. thereby making him equal to almost any emergency. Quick, clear, logical and forcible in his arguments, he warms up with enthusiasm until he becomes oblivions to all subjects excepl the ■ under discussion, his interest in which is manifested by a flashing eye, ani- mated gestures and a flow of words at once eloquent and interesting. I me of his brother physicians in Clarksville says of him: "Dr. Larkin is a close student. and possesses a prodigious memory. Thoroughly honest in word and deed, with no flattery for any man, he is held in high esteem by a wide circle of acquaint! s. Possessing a vast stock of general information on his- torical subjects, as well as upon the general topi the day. he is ever ready in conversation, and has at the same time an amount of practical common sense which makes him ready in carrying out the views which he expresses. In spite of his feeble constitution, he is a master of his profession, both in medicine and surgery, and had not ill health put hounds to his progress, he must have stood at the top round of the ladder. \- a surgeon in the Confederate army he was faithful to e\ ery t rust." The subject of this sketch was horn ou the waters of PKO.M1XKNT TKXNKSSK W- ! irkin and carried out, and became the moans of groat good to Me_\ ' - - . ■ wouuded soldi the war, finding the iron works where he had and his oKl practice gone, he ■ ks\ ille, « has since resided in nit :i^ hi* liealth would all I'r Larkin became Mastei Mason at Charlotte in 1847; was - nior Warden under a special dispen- sation tout uioni lis after initiation ; i wards i if liis I.' became : lun m Vrch Mason in Clarksville Chapter. Ual! II:- In earl \ life he voted for Martin YauBureu, a civilian, -; Gen. Harrison, a military chieftain, casting no it to ,;• Fillmore, and \ -'on- then for John Bell, always refusing to vote for a inili- '■■ : ■ x hi iii- tary candidate tor a civil office. All I » i — sentiments i • ii from principle, he however i sidcred Mr. these Lincoln's call for troops, without the consent of Congress, II tyranny, and entered most heartily into the x '•'. u the war closed, and he came to choose attend i where ho between parties, he was forced to vote with the Pemo- < but since that party assumed its present policy on rued to his the public debt ho lias refusi operate with any iii.l in the a party, but voted for Cleveland and Hendricks, trip - in the Dr Larkin's father, Joseph Larkin, was the sixth 11 lly, in the child and fourth son of John Larkin. who was horn in - - re in Dublin. Ireland, thi i linen draper, and who. war. Hi- practice when a boy, while spreading linen was. together with - of the iron work- : S h lads, kidnapped and brought to I'liila- I hi~ delphia. where he was apprenticed to a manufacturer, financially and prol -- and learned the art oi weaving. After attaining his s>7. the 1 S rity he moved to Guilford county. North Carolina, him an In i .. iiue a member of the Alamance congregation of He married Sarah McAdow. daughter May. 1861. nth of James McAdow, who. together with his brother Tennes commanded b.\ Col John, born in Ireland, came to North Carolina at an - 1 • K l'i - ii that capacity until his early day. The family name was afterwards changed to 1 1 rate In 17!'ti. as remembered by this writer. John Larkin and his brothers-in-law, John McAdow, his wife havi li . Samuel McAdow, ami the family of James Mc Gen. Zollicoffer, Adow moved from Guilford county, North Carolina, to return ami did ami settled in Dickson county, and founded i w ith the regiment. However, rejoining the the Larkin and McAdow sett lenient on Jones' creek. army, he refus ind The Rev. Samuel Mi \i> authography chauged to ■ 1 under a contract, doing hospital service und " McA isly mentioned, grand unci of Dr. Dr. D. D. Satin i Mi bis, as post i, and Larkin, was a Presbyterian minister, and he, together - medical director. In November, with Lev. Fiuis Ewiug and Kphraiin McClain. of k, he obtained li Kentucky, and San. [\ \lahama. met al Mi 1'uia. ami was at Marietta Adow's residence ami constituted a presbytery, thereby a his way to join thi news organizing and founding the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Dickson county, Tennessee. February 1. the Eleventh T 1S10. Si ■■. 1'. K Cossitt, chapter ami si am. he conceived the idea 1 t. | Joseph Larkin. father of Dr. Larkin. who died Sep- thcii i liis plan to Gen. Fostet il was teniber '-'■•. IS37, in his ti 1 1 > second year, was married. PROMINENT TENNESSEANF. " tharine Dark rn iu Guilford county, North Carolina the daughtei : Hance Clark and Ma • ('lark was an Irishman, and. so the writer i- informed, in of Hr. Adam 'lark, tl cal commentator. M • and Alexandei - tland. Dr. Larkin was married in i 1 ■ 7 Hiss D • [well, of I f - . j . Thomas H. Cold^ villi.-.; daughter of Abiram Coldwell, of Hawk Tennessee, and his wife, Nancy Montgomery, formerly of Richmond, Virginia. M - : augb- ter ol the niece of Gen. Richard M ry, who ' Qui ■ .Mr-. Larkiu died Aug - lady of firm and decided character, but in her manners, and by h many friends. Four children were bon (1). Josephine, born August 22, 1 352 ; died July 10. Dr. i. Til! H in all ar. His JOHN It. FRAYSER, M.D. Dl: -JOHN I: FRAYSER was born February 15, 1815, in Cumberland county, Virginia grew to manhood, or till he was twent Be is descended from : -J. family. His grand- father Fra 5 itehman, i and settled in Hanover county, Virginia, : mond, and a farming. Hi- -on. Rol of the subject of this rnan of charaeter. and rose from the anvil to the bench, 1. it fir.-t a blacksmith and afterwai f the court of Cumberland eounty. He died at Staunton, Virginia, in 1831, a' I rs, leaving six children, one of whom. Robert, went to St. Charles count. M • tii he became iveplanter, and married Miss Spear.-, niece of Judge Edward j who was a member of President Lincoln's cabinet. Another son, William, went from Virginia to Memphis, where he remained a few years, and then removed to Lexington, Holme- eounty. Mississippi, wh came prominent a- a lawyer. II- re in 1842. A third son, Albert, wa- a merchant in Powhatan county, Virginia. Benjamin F., another son, graduated with honor at the University of Virginia, and successful practitioner of medicine till hi- death in l -:.:; John Ii.. our subject, was brought up on a farm in his native eounty. obtaining his earliest education in the "old field schools " of the neighborhood, and,* for ille. Virgii His :' that ■ At qu formed the intentioi Med- ical I ailed " tl if whom wa- William G of the ui He era in medicim md in the foil "dem- and month in I H Memphis by tl brothen then li ther a law- yer and editor of a paper in tl He lauded in Memphis with just three dollar- in hi t, and stopped at the old City Hotel, of which Tl . - D. Johnson was proprietor. He toot the landlord into told him that he was without m and at ODi Ipathy and a prom help. He boarded for three years with Mr. Jol who became hi- warmest friend, and charged him only lollars in irs ; board, taki balance out in practice in his family. He did not enter 1840, '-hip with Jeptha Fowlk 168 PROMINENT TENNESSE \\S Durinu the year Isin he formed a partnership with | born in L857. now shipping clerk to Lynn & Lewis, Xew Orleans. (6 David, law partner of his brother, l». Dudley Frayser. In politics, Dr. Frayser was raised an old line Whig. Dr. Hugh Wheal ley, who had solicited him to join him in tin 1 practice of medicine when he first came to Memphis. At the expiratii f one year, Dr. Frayser entered into partnership with Dr. Solon Borland, who, after remain ins; witli liim one year, turned his attention to politics, moved to Louisville, and, after practicing medicine there for a time, went to Arkansas, took a prominent pari in Democratic politics in that State was elected I'nited States senator and afterwards ap- pointed minister to Central America. At the beginning of the late eh il Borland) entered the Confede- rate army with the rank of colonel, and died while in the service. In 184!) Dr. Frayser formed a partnership with Dr. James Chase, who con tinned with him till his death in 1850. lie then entered into partnership with Dr. E. Willett, which lasted till 1878. when he took as a partner Dr. B. 11. Helming, his son-in-law, who is now professor ill the Memphis Hospital Medical Col- lege. ' Dr. Frayser was married November I 1837, to Miss Pauline A. Brown, daughter of William Brown, a native of Virginia. Her mother was Miss Saunders, sister of Romulus M. Saunders, of North Carolina, who was a member of Congress from that Stair for several terms, and afterwards minister to Spain. One of Mrs. Fray- ser's half-brothers, Capt. Henderson, was an officer in the I'nited States army and adjutant on the shift' of (Jen. (iaiucs. Mi's. Frayser was left an orphan at tin earl} age, but was tenderly cared for by Mrs. Dunn, wife of Dr. Dudley Dunn, near Memphis. She received her education at Huntsvillo, Alabama, and was a lady of unusual intellectual powers and unblemished Chris- tian character. She was a consistent member oi the Methodist church from her sixteenth year to the time of her death, which occurred February 28, 188-1 'fhe union of Dr. Frayser and wife was a most happy one, and from il were born six children: (I). K. Dud- ley, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in tin- vol nine. 2 . Emma I,., born in 1846, now the wife of Col. II. M. Smith, formerly of Xashville, now of New Orleans; they have three children. (■'!'. Julia ( I). Cornelia, born in 1852, now the wife o,f Dr, B. a|itisi minister. John Kerr, who, for several terms, was a member of Congress from Virginia; and she was also a cousin of John Kerr, jr., who represented a North Carolina dis- trict in Congress several years, and died in 1878, while on the superior bench of that State. Her father was a North Carolina farmer. Her mother, originally Miss Cantrell, was of a North Carolina family. The Kerrs are of Scotch-Irish origin. Judge B. J. Lea was born in Caswell county, North Carolina, January 1. L833. lie was raised in that county, working on the farm and going to school alter- nately, until he entered Wake Forest College, from which institution he was graduated in June. 1852 Having, at quite an early age, formed the determination to become a lawyer, on quitting college he removed to Haywood county. Tennessee, when' he engaged in teaching school, carrying on his legal studies in the meantime. In 1850 he was licensed to practice by Judge John Reed and Chancellor Isaac B.Williams, and at once opened a law office in Brownsville, where he lias resided ever since. From 1858 to 1872, he was law partner with Hon. II. J. Livingston, now chancel- lor of that division. In 1859 he was elected represent- ative from Haywood county, and served in the Legislature id' 1859-60, being a member of the commit- tees on the judiciary and federal relations. While still a member of the Legislature, he was appointed by Gov. Isham G. Harris, commissary in the provisional (Con- federate) army of Tennessee, and, a few months later, was elected colonel of the fifty-second Tennessee regi- ment, ami remained its colonel till the close of the war. having been re-elected upon its reorganization in 1863 by an almost unanimous vote. Judge Lea was taken prisoner in West Tennessee, in .March. 1865, and kept on parole until after the final surrendei The war over, lie resumed the practice of law at Brownsville, with great success. Like most ol his southern brethren of the liar, he had then but little left, beyond his profession, upon which to build for the future, hut. with courage and hop. •fulness, he set him- self to work in the new life. In 1876 he was appointed by Gov. Porter special judge of the Supreme court on account of the illness of oi f the judges, and served ill that office about eight months. In September, 1S7S. he was appointed by the Supreme court to tic position of attorney-general and reporter for the State. This posi- tion he still holds, and, during the seven years he has held it. he has served the State with signal ability and fidelity. The work of the Supreme court since he has been in office has been unusually heavy, and his reports are quite voluminous, though exceedingly well pre- pared. Judge Lea was married in Haywood county, June 15 1853 — the first year of his residence then — to Miss Mary C. Currie, a native of that county, and daughter of George and Judith Currie, both of North Carolina families. Her mother was a Chandler. Mrs. Lett wtts educated tit Brownsville. She is a member of the Methodist church, and is a woman of much force of character, possessed of sound practical judgment, gentle manners, kind disposition, and skilled in till the better ways of the g 1 housewife. There Lave been born to Judge Lea and wife four children: (1). Swannanoa, born October 20, 1854; grad- uated from Ward's Seminary, Nashville. She married Thomas I 1 . Baynes, now deceased, a lawyer of Browns- ville. He was a lawyer of great promise and very in- dustrious, having probably hastened his death by excessive work. She lias since married Mr. J. I'. East- man, of Lebanon, a lawyer. She litis two children. Thomas F. and Effie Baynes. (2). Mary F., born in 1859, and died in infancy. (3). Katie I!., born in 1860, graduated at Brownsville and Nashville, and married John C. Sanders, a lawyer at Lebanon. She has two children. Mary Lea and Richard. (4). Alvis G., born April s. 1868 Judge Lea is a man of marked personal characteris tics. Physically, he is a splendid specimen of his race. In height lie measures over six feet, while in weight he "tii>s the beam'' usually at two hundred and forty- five pounds. His robust, hale and hearty look is always suggestive of good living. His eyes are dark and keen. ami fairly blaze on occasions of excitement, while his heavy projecting brows impart to his countenance an air of gravity that commands respect, a- by authority. Yet austerity is not a characteristic of Judge Lea. In temper, usually, he is as gentle as a woman, and. in the 170 •ROMIXEXT TEXXESSK \.XS enial. Hi' lo\ es the his friends, and, in friendly devotion, ill no man more prompt or true. *, Judge I. i.i has been a life-long Democrat, cception ol'tlie legislative service al ready inetltioned, lias never held political office. In 1872 lie was made chairman of the Democratic State iition. In 1ST).") he Master Mason, and afterw - the Chapter degrees, lie has served as Master, King and High Driest. He is also a member of the Order of the Knights of Honor, of the United Workmen, and of the Golden Rule, lie is a member of the Methodist church, in which he has been steward ami lay delegate to the annual conference. Hi- per sonal life is. in all respects, exemplary, regulated at all times l'\ ilir highest standards of propriety ami morality. \- a lawyer, Judge Lea has been verj successful. His qualities are of the solid, rather than of the bril- liant order. Hi- reputation is that of the safe coun- selor. Strong common sense, subjected to a rigid con- scientiousness, is tin- sub-stratum of his character. His ■in- of professional duty are lofty and liberal. There is nothing of the pettifogger in his nature. When a man becomes hi- client, lie becomes hi- pnttegi ami is e cause becomes his own Where a remedy i- possible without litigation he invariably urges it. though adversely to his own in- terest. Kver since lie came to the bar lie has upon the belief that very many of the suits brought before the courts might be compromised by the par- tie-, or their lawyers, more profitably to all concerned, than by a warfare in the court-room; ami suit has long been Judge Lea's custom, wheu consulted or re taiued, to endeavor first to effect a settlement of the matters in controversy, before resorting to legal process. This failing, however, his zeal in the fighl i- quite as marked as his previous desire for peace. Ami in the court room Judge Lea is very effective A.s an advo- cate he ha- few equals. Besides, his conduct before court ami jury is marked bj a degr if candor and fairness that wins confidence and secures couviction. Smart tricks and "sharp practice are foreign to his met hods. Judge Lea isyel in hi- prime, physical b and mentally. The future should have much laid up in store for him. HON. JOHN FRIZZELL. JUDGE JOHN 1'KIZZKI.I. i- of Scotch origin. r> The original family emigrated to Ireland ami thence Hi- grandfather, were tobaeco plant- America, settling in Virginia Mm ■am Krizzoll. ami hi- brothers er- in Maryland and Virginia, and from these descended all the Frizzells in the United States, who -pell their names in that way. Mu-aiu Frizzell's wife was a Mi- William-. She die. 1 at the age of fort; five, he at the about ninety. Judge Frizzell- father, Nathan Krizzoll. wa- horn in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, September 3, 1S08, and moved with his father's family to Bedford county, Tennessee, in 1825, where In- father liyed a few years, returned to Virginia, married again, ami died in ISoS or 185fl Judge frizzells father mar- ried. November 27, 1827, Miss Mary Jones, daugii 1 1 ugh .lone-, living near Beech I rrove, then in Bedford, n..\\ Coffee county, Tennessee The Joneses were from Buncombe county, North Carolina. Hugb -lone-, i lie time over age, was a volunteer under Gen. Jackson, at N'ew Orleans. He was a great lover of hi- rifle ami passionately fond oi hunting, lie .lied between eighty-five and ninety years of a ; i I'riz- zell's maternal grandmother, .lone-, was of a North Caro- lina family, ami. with her husband, settled in Coffee county. Hugh Frizzell. Judge Frizzell's brother, was elected, in 1870, clerk of the criminal court of David son county, ami died in office, a tier two years' sen ice. .Indue Frizzell- lather started out in lite a poor man. lie worked on a farm, a- a day laborer, until, becoming corpulent, he taught -<■! 1 for several years in Bedford ami Rutherford counties. His teaching did not extend beyond reading, writing and arithmetic, lie had the reputation, among other attainments, of being an excep- tionally correct speller, a very rare accomplishment even among scholars. He received his education in Virginia. In isil he removed to Winchester and sold goods for a time. Shortly after going to Winchester, he was elected magistrate, and served as chairman of the county court. In March, 1844, he was elected clerk of the circuit court, and was re-elected four times success- sively. holding the office for twenty years without in- terruption. When the courts were reopened after the war he declined a reappointment to the clerkship tendered him by Judge 1 [ickerson, then presiding, lie ii honest man. faithful to every trust, benevolent and just. He was a moral, temperate man. and. in Democrat, lie N-p- polities, wa- a Jeffersoniau tember 21. 1871. .1 udge Frizzell- mother was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and died in May. 18S2, at the PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. seventy four, leaving lour children surviving her, eight having di her. Judge Frizzell s experience in boyhood was somewhat an usual, and it i- hardly too much i" the ef fects of that experience are -nil seen in thi -tiikinL' domestic virtues which characterize the man. II rained in the homestead and ti do all manm household work, in assistance of lii- mother. Id- had hut little advantage of farm l.-* - eommiss as captain and placed in charge of tran i and the auditing of railroad accounts. He remained in department of the Confederal mainly en- (] in auditing accounts, till th f the war. The rank of major m bim just before the war ended. During his term of service, he disbursed over millions of dollars, and had his accounts a and pas-ed "0 K" up to January 1, 1865, a i that few disbursing officers of the Confederacy can present. In the rank- of Masonry Judge .John Frizzell is a conspicuous figure, not only in Tennessee, but through- out the t 'nio n. From the period of his intiation, his " heart received the beautii - of Masonry," and hi charmed with its work and its principles. There are but two other men in T ssee, than .1 udge Frizzell, who have presided over all the grand bodies of Masonry Tenn Ma Wilbur F. Foster, Nashville, and II. M. Aiken. Knoxville. Judge Frizzell's petition to Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville, is dated - tember 8, 1850, his twenty-first birth-day. He was initiated in October, passed in November, and I December 21, 1850. Hi ! Junior War- den and Master of Lodge, as Junior Grand Warden (in 1853), Deputj Grand Master (in 1854 , Grand Mas- ter twice 1858 59), Gr I Si cretary since 1868, and as one of the committee to compile the Masonic Text- ile was made a Royal A.reh M April 27, 1852, served as High Priest of thi [years; was Grand High Priest one year. He received the Council degrees in 1852, and has been Most [llustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Tennessee; was made a Knight Templar, Nashville Commandery No. 1, December IT. 1852, and was elected Grand Commander of the State in 1867; re- ceived the order of IIiliIi Priesth I in 1860, and has been Grand President of the Order of High Priesthood of Te — e. Sim-, 1868, be has been continuously ri;<>\ii\i:\ r n wr— r w- i rand Chapter, uu.l t J ran riiirty- third i \ >ui-h Rite i ! cnera 1 Grand ml Chapter of the -^ . .■ - etoil I loin i', '\\ Masons in the world ran pi -iuli .. 11 Supreme \ ■ . • i • ■ : . i \ ! in mi In politii -. - ! i her, and , I'n a Di moerat. lie li s, hut has never held any politieal offiee. In 1S.V. he ma criment tor the Legislature as a candidate in Franklin county, and hundred and seventy votes. This n the county on the prin >u. Since then the count) - • hree teni| men to the Cuder the act of ISSo. authorizing thi - s the three S ill Was ap] - John L. T. Sueed and S Kirk] - - Kasi Tern 7. he determined to study for the ministry. Therefore, after leaving King College, he entered the theological miliary at Columbia. South Carolina, and remained there two and a half vear-. being called in the middle of hi- third year to take charge of the Presbyterian church ai Tallahassee, Florida. Here he remained four rs. ai tin- expiration of which he was called to Pu- laski, Tennessee, staying there' one vear. He then took charge of Lauderdale street Presbyterian church, Memphis, one year, and was next called to the Park V venue church in the same city. In :i short time he which had - ! on, arid fa Due ehurch. Though brought up it ■ ' . religion, and never submi doctrines of hi- church. W seminary he difl When being admitted. U third- vote, in t) there elders him U federation of the matter the eh I ■ ■ <:. ion .Mr Li October, 1882 ■ tidicial case, and au appeal \ Mi \ was horn \ lip tho l.l" II.' 'I iu isi iiis t'at i'i ! \ Maun : . ■ '. iiis Ixox Mr \ | iifli lishod M M iss Quinlaud. S and John I li (ho lirsi IVxas » n , the M > i,l. altlun inmaudod .1 1 I hi the 1 uothor Maurx oountx ii srraduatod Nashvill W. I -sit!, ami utarriod, in IM>. (.VI Nioholas l.ony. who slat. -.1. diod in I Sill In IS.">S, -In- mar Ulsin, 1 amos l> lilu v ouuix . Max 17. ISSO Sho was a la.lv ilont. ami \\ roto Humorous inanx of xx In. li xxoro pub in ill.- nvs us I'rosbx lorian and S ill lu-r HI.'. Il.'i I'alltrr was ■ ..I'I'. ■■ of 1I1. - in 1I1.' Si, u,'. II,' was il\.' author if th.' Mn how Kh.'.i s m. 'ili. 1 » M ■ ' 11I' I 'ol llol 1 ' Ion, of 1I1. \ that nann M it I how ".mi, ,1 Mattlu " 1 iii.l Mr, I i'i .1 in ili.' Ixox olutiou, an, I itod a sword bx lion Naili.nn.'l (iroono for 1,1 ai iho hattlo of l i mil, 'i.l Court N rth Carolina His faihor, llox dosoph Khoa, ' niinistor, « lio , 1111,' I -■ IVniios lii I.111, 1 hoforotho devolution, \ Ixoah " I : I'l'.'ll, « ho » as 1 imos 1 1 , .'I' i ,1 11.- wis a oollsin of ill.' Ihikr .'I Vvsyl, and look I'lii with liini iii 1I1.' 1 .-I" -Hi. «n of I"-' I from 1 Wan, ho llod 1.' Iroland and ..1 hi- nam.- hx dl'0|>| 1 in pin : and Irons ili,- " li, in I'.uinK nanio thereafter \i 1 . M I I.OIIl! S llll, I.', v nil,' Ill's! lioiltoiialll in Capl Uur xx lii.-li u.i- raisod H inor\ ill,', and forniod a pail of tho Thirteenth Tonnossoo Confederate in II.' took uilli It t lit llir sword ulii.li had boon presented to lib inoostor, h,\ In tiroono, and .11 ill, Sox ember 7, IStil , \x hile in i'. un ma ml of lii- oompaux . was killed, and lii- ( , on pain .in to llor rofiisinx! to surrender The sword i.l has never hoon found. Tho event xxa- ..'inn hoailtiflll piH'in. xvi'ittOU and pub lishod a short time after the battle, bx Mrs I \ ivoote ! •■ ' esses ili.' S.'inli has lion. . I, dm Ixl ■ > ii .in Klir. 1 . 'ouiitx . 'I', 'nil, - a hrothor of ilii' dfathor of kotoh 1 1,' x\ a> ilii' lirsi inomhor of ' 1 . ami roprosontod tlio oastoru roars Ho was 0110 of sovon lawyers \ of x\ lii.'li I mad.- iu Kill, -Iu, m 's v . lYnilossoo Pi Vhrani Ixl ithor of Mr Louis's nn,'l,'\ i a pan of tho Tliit'ii'i'iith and ii'l iinni— ion. xx.'in iu a- a Vftor ilic lioltnoiit haul.' ho x\a- oallod Iroin ili.' rank- for dui.x a- a suryoon, and aftowards heoaino uoral undor 1 ion H 'li 1I10 rank oi' lior, and xxa- regarded a- nil.' .'I' ill.' host -Hi iu ih, 11 IV I 'Unix , Vnothor uuolo, Walt or Ixhoa, oonunandod a ooiii|«iiix <>[' - in iho lato xvar 11.' x\a- a proniinoiit 1 of Kayot to oounty. whore bodied in 1881 llobort llhoa, unolo of Mr, lionjj's mothor, served tlll'oiltfll llu- xx.tr .'I 1ST' II, was oapturod a( llu- haul,' ,.(" Qui ipod from prison, was rooapturod in tho \x, „,,!-.>: M other with his hrothor, dosoph Hhoa, and xx a- ohaiuod upon his hack iu a prison ship lor throe in, null-. Vftor iho war ho wont on hoard a Spanish privatoor and sorvod sovoral yoars IVwards tho olose TEXXI of the wai o and England, hi* burnt off the coast of Virginia, and the < He tl he ren ight the ' ' 3 th him. Though ■ d in a bom': guard company during MAJ. A. J. McWHIRTEE. IVILLE. WE donbt if t1 popular gentleman in Tennessee than Maj. A.J. McWhirter. Full) hundred and ninety pom , blue a large head with expressing a kind and bi ;rtly, winning manners that invariably convert friends, this gentlen to many people. Be irai born in Wilson county, Tenm ■ 15, I -_'- '.f Scotch-Irish pa - farm, wh< liool of his grandfather, George McWhirter, who died in 1836, after which he attended ' ':= n< r - *»*- 1 1 - Acad- • Lebanon, until old enough I I imberland University, where he remained for twoand a half and only withdrew to accept the depul clerkship under Josiah MeClain, who rk of Wilson county for fo In 1-17- II John Bell tendered him a cadetship at W !' t, which he declined, preferring I wmmereial life, which he shortl lid with the wholesale dry of H. & B. Don at luable did he become to this then famous firm. that on the first January, 1850, he was admitted into the concern as a junior partner, and continued with them in busim ing considerable wealth, until 1856 Retiring from this firm, he formed a ship with Col. Thomas I. Bransfbrd an" i stinguishod He '.ekiah Mocklonl I ' tdarati >n of \ ! Ii of Balch. lioo M . Whirter man widow. Mrs. Raich, who became - sketch. Ho was man who taught tho classics ill Tontiosseo; was • mlont aii> i lilyoduoatod lint time. 1 1 i me from us whom were the I Ions John Boll, .' nines (' - ; V. I iuild, the Vcr- I' nndfather changed MacWl irter to M. \\ hirti r Mrs Baleh's 11 nnine w - M -. of Philadelphia, I'onn syl\ was martyred on I' byterian M;i M Winner's William Mae- Wii in, fl a- bor South her ami mother eamc over from the north of Ireland in tin of the so\ enteenth rent tin . Tw i V\ . :: M o-\\ ; ■ i i . i - brothers eon mid South (.'arolina, where their deseendants are now living, and have changed the spelling of the family name to McWherter and Me Whorter. he niaternnl side, our subject's mother was a Miss She was born in l7!Vi, at Mul llerron Fort, about ii Nashville, and is now living Her father, Samuel Blair, one of the first settlers in Ten born in Meeklenli - \ orth ( 'aro- lina. in ITii' 1 . partieipnted in the defense "I' Buehanaifs fert ami the battle of Nickaiaek. ami lived to the ripe et\ six Hi- wife, Ma.i MeWhirter's mater iiidrnotlior, was die daughter el' (Ion. Simpson, a celebrated Indian tighter. He was killed ami soalped l>\ I lie India n^ in IT! 1 1, near a tort oil what is HOW a part of the \ 'auk est ito, on the Franklin pike. Maj MeWliirter married, in K"i.".. Elizabeth Mm shall Bransford at Glasgow, Ken tueky. daughter of Col. Thomas \. Bransford, who was then a wholesale mer- chant, at once in Louisville, Kentucky, Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee. Col. Bransford was a prominent ami influential politician ; was the first president of the Naslu Danville railroad; ofteu in the State tun. mi, I a i times a Stale elector. He was hern ami raised in Virginia. Col. Bransford's wife was Miss Settle. Her mother was .Miss Pickett, of Virginia, who ■i . 1 to the Picketts ami Marshalls el that State. Mai MeWliirter has two sons, Louis ami George. HON. JOHN OVERTON, JR. •■ Till-', history el' the Overton lamily is intimatel.\ con ■'• nli that el' Tennessee. Hon. John ■ I l lei' 1. 1' the sllK h is sketch, was oni irly Supreme judges el' Tennessee, and a rene ui personal friend "I' Vndrew in. He was the founder "I' tie' cit.\ el' Memphis. and at em- time owned th" land upon which the ,ii\ - ha\ ing purchased ■• tract of ii\ e liundred acres from Elijah Rice for the sum cf five thousand dollars. At a subsetiuent period Andrew Jackson and lames Winchester were associated with Judge Overton in thoow nership of this tract. It wns conveyed my, ami the tow n of Menipliis was plain Judge Overton was "I' Scotch-Irish descent, and from Virginia about the tin hi ui' N'asln ill.-. II i- s,,i: Col ; of Xnsll\ lie 1- I he t'al her of I leu J oh 11 I ohn t (verton i- cue of the lending the State. He is an extensive real estate owner, was the founder and is still one of the owners of the Maxwell House, Nash- ville, and is also he a\ ih interested in the eitv el' Mem- phis. lieu. John Overton, jr.'s, mother was Mi" Rachel Harding, daughter ol Thomas and Elizabeth Harding, and a cousin el' (leu. \\ . r Porter ,- elected president of the taxing district and I until the expiration of the term of office, when he declined to be a candidate for re election, although known he could have had the position without ition. He has taken no part in politics except at the solicitation of his friends, and has never been didate for an office to which h ted. Hon Jol married on < >ctober 23d, Matilda Watkins, of Davidson county, Tenm ghter ofWilliam and Jane Watkins, and grand- daughterol Col. Murk R. Cockrill, the well-l stock raiser of Middle Tenn ■<■. Mrs. Overton was educated in Davidson county, Tennessee, and in Phila- delphia. She i- ii woman of strong and sterling traits of character, and one who never neglects her duty. She delights in the cultivation of flowers and the perform- t household and family duties. She is a member ol the Presbj terian church. Hon. John Overton, jr., began business after the war. barehanded, lii- father's property had been confiscated but he took charge "f lii- business in the city oi Mem- phis, and has been actively engaged for himseli and for others ever since that time. He now possesses a com fortable fortune. He has ever given close and enei attention to his business. Whatever he had to do he has done thoroughly. If.- has always dealt on a cash basis, engaging in no reckless speculations, but going gradually up the hill. First-class credit, a protection of business character, and a thorough knowledge of his business in all it- details, Ls tl t his sue Moreover, he has b minently public-spirited citizen, and has always taken a lively interest in the prosperity of the city of Memphis, ever ready to do lii.< duty in whatever promoted her welfare and advanced her lines along the way to prosperity and metropolitan - ism. A gentleman ol Memphis who has had amph port unity to observe Hon. John ' >verton, jr., during the whole of his business eareer,says of him : Th cretofJohnO his strict integrity, sober habits, close attention to lii- profession, rare g 1 judg- ment, perseverance, and a strong and determined nature. \ \ SNKSS VNS \ '-; s M *.Ri i\v w s- I - ■ - - - -- - - ' - - • - - - - i Ho - - • - - s - ■ - - s - \\ x -- \ M -- \ - .. . . - > N I" v Vt the 1 1 e \ . .. .. ■ . - I and - .... , - W \Y - \ McCUiin. and o and - - .... pesur- - . and - s ,. - uid is ■ » - " - . - ivhioh . \ Statistics -- r the .. ho made I H I all hi* inff II' BUperi / ■ : I - -' I and SI Mr. Marchbank* man count; who m- born .'. a merchant Her ■ of w: Cullom : William Cullom el Mr-. Marchbalik- had two broth';.' both no - I. • i - ■ - JOHN PITM M.D. DM -JOHN' PITMAN •■'..- bori Virginia, October 14. 1807. II brought np on a fan Creek, i pre- I tared for the I he entered in 1H31, and there He made up bis mind I entered the medical dep ■ A lab I ISO PROMINENT TENNESSEANS fidelity and zeal he has made the practice of medicine his lite work. Since going to Memphis he lias never been "in ol harness, remaining al his post of duty all the lime, and passing through all the epidemics — five ill' yellow fever and several of cholera, notwithstanding id tin fc\ cr himself in IS73, At one time, previous to the late war, he Kllnl the chair of the practice of medicine in the medical college ,ii Memphis for two years, occupying the position up to the time the college was dissolved. Dr. Pitman became a Mason at Holly Springs, Miss issippi, and took all the degrees of Ancient York Masonry there, and filled nearly all the offices in the lodge, but after going to Memphis did not connect him- self with any lodge. lie was raised a Whig, and like must other Whigs, was opposed to secession, but when the war actually came on he sympathized with the South. Since the war he has voted the Democratic ticket, though not considering himself as belonging to that party. He has never held any political office, always refusing to become a candidate, though often solicited to run. At one time, while residing in Uabama, he was solicited tn become a candidate for Congress, but declined to do so, as he has all other political preferment. Ih\ Pitman's father was Lawrence l'itinan. a farmer, of Shenandoah county, Virginia. He was a man of plain education, but was distinguished for his fine com- mon sense, and noted a- one of the best farmers in his community. He died about 1860, at an advanced age. Dr. Pitman's grandfather, a native of Saxons, came tn America at an early day and settled in \ irginia. The late Philip Pitman, of Virginia, who was a mem- ber of the convention which framed the former consti- tution id' his Stale, ami also of that which framed the present constitution, was a brother of the subject of this sketch. Dr. Pitman's mother was Miss Catherine Wills, of a family of German descent, who settled first in Pennsyl- vania, and moved thence to the valley ul Virginia at an early day. I>r. Pitman has been twice married. His first mar- riage took place in Alabama, in 1836, to Miss Mary Ragland, daughter of John Ragland, a native of Hali- fax ci unity. \ irginia, who moved from there to Georgia, and thence to Alabama, and finally, after the marriage i! hi Pitman, settled at Holly Springs, Mississippi. Mrs. Pitman's grandfather was Lipscomb Ragland, of Halifax county. Virginia, a merchant and a farmer, who was noted lor his love of line stock. By this man i there wen lour children, three of whom died in in fancy. The other, a son, Warren T. Pitman, entered the service of the Confederate Stales, and was killed at the sanguinary battle of Franklin, Tennessee, in 1864. Mrs. Pitman died in 1846. In April. IS.")]. Dr. Pitman was married to his second wife, Mrs. Watkins, who wasa .Miss Martha Armistead Booth, a daughter of William Booth, of Virginia, a wealthy farmer. This was the same Watkins family to which Benjamin Lee Watkins belonged. Mr. William Booth's wife was a daughter of Col. Green, ol Virginia, and the mother of Mrs l>r. John Pitman, of Mem phis, Tennessee. Mrs. Booth was the only daughter of Col. Green by his seem id wife, whose maiden name was Armistead, Mrs. Booth was the niece of the Amblers, P lletous, Aliens, Pegrams, Seldons, Carys; and re lated to a number of distinguished "Old Dominion' families. l>r. Pitman was raised a Presbyterian, but has been a Methodist for man) years. His wife is also a member of that church. In early lili 1 Dr. Pitman was a close and hard student, and it was his love and desire for study that led him to choose the noble profession of medicine, lie has fol- lowed its requirements with commendable fidelity, and kept fully abreast of the progress made in this branch of science. His life has been one of constant labor and conscientious discharge ofduty towards his patients. Inspired by a love of humanity and a desire to amelior- ate the condition of the suffering and the afflicted, he has attended to the calls of the rich and poor alike thus illustrating the nobility of " Tillan the merciful " — for when the angel of affliction L deed at some suffer- ers door, the first to hear and the sei 1 to call was ''Tillan the merciful. In his profession he has always been successful, and has all the time had a large prac- tice. In the cit) of Memphis al he has received more than on., hundred thousand dollars in lees, though much of the fortune he has made has been lost by sympathising too closely with friends, and by endorsing for those who failed to meet their obligations with him. JUDGE CAERICK W. FJEISKELL. MEMPHIS. ONE of the youngest col Is in the Confederate lived there upon a farm and attended the common service, who won his title by his bl 1, was Col. ' schools until he was thirteen yen-- of age. He then (now Judge) Carrick White Heiskell, of Memphis. He entered Kasl Tennessee University, now the University was burn in Knox county, Tennessee, July 25, 1836. lie ! of Tennessee al Knoxville, and remained \ year. WNESSEANS. 181 was abolished in 1879. He was an earnest colaborer frith those who had the old government abolished, and worked faithfully and ardently to have the present ad- mirable system of city government adopted. He con- Enued as city attorney under the new regime, brought [be legal battles of the taxing district through its in- fency, and served till March. 1884, when lie returned to tin- practice of his profession. Judge Heiskell was an old line Whig and a thorough Union man up to the firing on Port Sumpter. He took Ip arms in defense of his State, and though he voted to call a convention to decide cm the question of seces- sion, he also voted after he was in the army for Union Relegates to the convention, being unwilling to go nut of the Union till a majority of the people of Tennessee hail decided that it was best. When the war went on he hail no hesitancy in standing with his people. Since tln> war he has co operated with the Democratic party, hut has never been an ultra-partisan. The Heiskell family is of German descent, Judge I lei-hell's father. Frederick Heiskell, was born at Fred- brickstown, Maryland, in 17*ii. and moved to Knox county, Tennessee, in 1815. lie \va^ one of the pioneer printers of Tennessee, ami established the Knoxville Register in 1816, ami published it till 1836, All of the statutes of Tennessee from 1820 to 1836, were printed by him at Knoxville. In 1836 he gave up printing and retired to his farm. He served several terms in the Legislature of Tennessee, and died in 1882, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-six. He was a. man of Strong, practical, common sense, and met with tine success in business. His brother, William Heiskell. was also a memberof the Tennessee Legislature for several terms. lion. .1. B, Heiskell, brother of the subject of this sketch, was a member of the Confederate States' Con- gress during the whole period of the existence of the Confederacy. He was also attorney-general for the State o!' Tennessee since the close of the war. and is regarded a- d' the allies! lawyers in the State. Judge Heiskell's mother, nee .Miss Eliza Brown, was ol' Scotch-Irish descent, and a daughter of Joseph Brown, of the earliest sheriffs of Washington county, Tennessee, ami resided at Jonesborough. She married Frederick Heiskell at that town in 1816, and died in 1854, Her brother, Hugh Brown, was a professor in East Tennessee University during its early years, and was also the partner of Frederick Heiskell in the print- ing business. Her father emigrated from Ireland fco I his country in his youth. Judge Heiskell was married at Rogersville, Tennes- see, < Ictober 21, 1861, to Miss Eliza Netherland, daugh- ter of Col. John Netherland, an eminent lawyer of Rogersville. He was a member of the Legislature for several terms prior to the war : was several time- elector on the Whig ticket, and ran against Hon. [sham (i. Harris for governor in 1859. He is now living at Rog- ersville. His father was a native of Virginia. Mrs. Heiskell's mother was Miss Susan McKinuey, 182 PROMINENT daughter of John A. McKinncy, a prominent lawyer in I East Tennessee, during the early days "I the State, tlerl cousin, Judge Robert MtKinncy, was on the Supreme! bench of Tennessee for several years prior to tin and was the colleague of Judge Archibald Wright oi Memphis, and Judge Robert L. Caruthers, of L.eba iihm By his marriage with Miss Nether] 1, Judge Heis- kell has seven children now living, four sons and four! daughters. Mrs. Hciskell ha< been a member of the Presbyterian church for many years. She is a lady of I a remarkably genial disposition and possesses all the! < ■ 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 < - 1 1 1 - of a ^ood wife and ;i stood mother. Judge! [Ieiskell has also been a member of the Presbyterian church for many years. The secret of Jn Ige Ileiskell - success is energy. He believes that |iersistenl hard work is the only talisman in lili'. and thai we should unite with tins morality, hon- est) and integrity of purpose, together with a Christian walk and conversation. < >ne ol.l ud ljc [Ieisk ell's brother-lawyers says of him: I "The key-note of his character and hi~ success is his! JAMES H. II DR. JAMES II. DICKENS was bom in Ruth erford county, Tennessee, June 11, 1823. His father was I!. 1!. Dickens, a farmer, in moderate eircum-| stances, a justice of the peace and an elder in the Chris- tian church. He was a native of North Carolina, and came with his widowed mother from that State when in his fifteenth year ; lived in Warren and Bedford counties until grown, when he settled in Rutherford county. lie was a man of firm character, of conscientious conduct and sterling integrity. lie married in Rutherford! county, raised a family of eight children, and died in I860, at the age of sixty-five. Of these children, only! three sons ari' now living, James II. Dickens, subject of this sketch, and .1. F. and W. B. Dickeus ; both of the latter farmers. Two of Dr. Dickens' paternal uncles,! William and John Dickens, settled in Jackson county, i Tennessee, as fanners. William Dickens, the grand-] father of Dr. Dickens, was a farmer in North Caro-I lina. Dr. Dickens mother, whose maiden nann' was Miss Nancy Holt, was the daughter of Fielding Huh. a far- mer in Rutherford (no\A Cannon) county, by birth a Virginian, and i f three brothers born and raised in Henry county, in the''01d Dominiun." Dr. Dickens' mother was one of those kind, honest, unassuming, true hearted hole- of the old school, so famous and so hon- ored in Tennessee pioneer history. She died in 1855, at the age of fifty-three. PROMINENT Leaving there he entered Maryville College, at Mar; villi', Blount county, Tennessee, and graduated und< Dr. [saae Anderson in 1855. II.' was I'ond of 1 1 inn! had little taste for farm lili'. His favorite studi were mathematics and tin' languages, ami when he le college hr was a good Greek ami Latin scholar, besid' being well grounded in English, the natural scienci mathematics ami kindred branches. Shortly after grai uating he went to Kogersville. Hawkins county, Te nessee, and Jtaught for two years in McMinn Aeadem in the meantime studying law with his brother, J. . Heiskell. At the expiration of the two years, he w admitted to the bar at Elogersville, by Judge Pattersi and Chancellor Luckey, and practiced there until tl breaking out of hostilities between the States. Young Carrick Heiskell was one of the earliest enlist in his county, and became first-lieutenant ofcoi pany K. Nineteenth Tennessee infantry regiment, tl first company that went from his county into the Co federate service. When the regiment was organized 1 was elected captain of his company, and served wi this rani; through the Kentucky campaign with G< Zollicoffer, and was with him when he fell at l-'ishi Creek. After the battle of Murfreesborough he w made major of his regiment, and served as such till t battle of Chickamauga, where he was severely wound in the foot, which compelled him to leave the servi for twelve months. Rejoining the army before he w able tu throw aside his crutches, he took command his regiment on the retreat from Tennessee, alter t II 1 campaign in 1864. The colonel and lieutenai colonel of his regiment both having been killed. became colonel of the Nineteenth Tennessee infam regiment. He was with Gen. Forrest and command the remnant of the brigade of Gen. Strahl, who fell the battle of Franklin; participated in all the skir islirs mi that retreat: remained with the army till I close of the war ; took part in the battle of Benton\ i North Carolina, and surrendered at High Point, Noi Carolina. April 26, L865. After the war Col. Heiskell located at Memphis a engaged in the practice of law in partnership with brother, Hon. J. I!. Heiskell, and Col. Muses White Kiiiixville, Tennessee. Alter this linn had existed several years he and his brother went into partners with Judge W. I-. Scott, now id' St. Louis, the style the firm being Heiskell, Scott & Heiskell, and wh lasted till May 28, IsTU. He was then elected judgi tin' first circuit court of Shelby county, ami held position fin- eight years. That part of his history wh illustrates his career as a judge has been written in judicial records of the State, and will be found ill // kell's Reports (volumes 1 tu 12), edited by Hon. J. Heiskell. Before leaving the bench Judge Heiskell was ele< city attorney id Memphis, and as soon as his tern judge had expired he entered upon the duties the office ami served till the old city governn CXKSSK v.XS irnest, enthusiastic pursuit of what he believes to be ght and a fearless discharge 'if what he feels to be his it}'. It' lie has a fault it is over earnestness, but that rnestness is always directed towards the right side ling upon the beuch at a very early age, he made a reful, faithful and eapable judge, and his decisions in my difficult and important cases were sustained by e Supreme court. Filling the office of city attorney Memphis at a time when the- difficulties of the posi- ni were greatest, he helped to engineer the affairs of .e taxing district during the stormy period of its in ncy, and fought and won for it many battles in the arts at a time when many were doubting the success this new form of government, and were asking the icstion, " Will the taxing district stand th 'deal of ■ !uts? His life has been but a fulfillment of the omises of his yout h. Entering tin' t ! onfe lerate army a very early age. he was one of the youngest colonels the service, and it was this same earnestness and en- msiasm that made him a good soldier. United with ese traits he has a positive, decided nature-, habits of rii t morality, and talents of a high order." :ens, m.d. •lames II. Dickens was raised on a farm and had a ugh and tumble farmer boy's life. His early oppor- nities were quite limited. Outside of the schooling got in the county schools of his neighborh 1. his ueation was obtained at \V Ibury and at the Milton :ademy, under Moses W. McKnight, where he learned it i 11 and mathematics, lie was a quiet and studious ■y, and obediently did all he could at whatever he un- ■rtook, bringing all of his ability to bear upon his ^k — a trait that has characterized him through life. e was free from the vices common to boys, having en trained bj his parents to control and keep himselt thin hounds. lie began the study of medicine in 1844, in the office Dr. M. \V. Armstrong, at Milton. Rutherford county, d read with him a little over two years, meanwhile icticing a little. He attended two courses of lectures the Memphis Medical College, in the years 1846-7-8, tduating as an M.D., in 1S4S. under Profs. Cross, ■ant, Miller, Doyle, Donn, and Ramsey. lie began ictice without a dollar of capital, at Readyville, in arch, 1848, remained there till January. 1849, when went to Carollton, Mississippi, in March, 1849, and ictiecd there till Xoveinber, 1830. lie then returned Readyville, settled permanently, and has been ac- cly engaged in practice in Rutherford countj ever ce— now about thirty-five years. His practice up to Ts was \ en heavy, his attention being de\ oted exclu- I'l!< >M I N BNT TKN X ESS EA XS. 183 sively to his profession, with the excepti f running a farm, which at present consists of some eight hundred acres, of which about five hundred acres arc in eultiva tinii. Dr. Dickens' success in life lias conic to him as a natural sequence of his merit, and because he has first gained the approval of his own conscience and judg- ment, and has followed out his business on that line, with whatever energy and ability he possessed. lie has never used money to bring money in, but invested it in property, mostly real estate, and before the war owned a few negroes. During the year 18(10 he was president of the Ruther- ford County Medical Society, and was one year vice- president of the Tennessee State Medical Society. In politics, he was an old line Whig, and gave his first vote for Henry Clay, but since reconstruction has been a Democrat, at least lias acted with that party. In 1844 he joined the Christian church, of which he is still a member. Dr. Dickens married in Rutherford county. Tennes- see, January '25. 1*40. Miss Melissa McKnight, daughter of Capt. James McKnight, a farmer, originally from Virginia. Her mother was Nancy Doran, also of A ir- ginia. Mrs. Dickens was educated al the McKnight Academy, in Rutherford county, is a member of the Christian church, and is noted for her di stic virtues ami especially for her industrious habits. It is said of her, she is a self-supporting woman, and has made more money than she has spent, which entitles her to the dis- tinction of filling woman's divine mission, as expressed in the words of the Creator. " I will make an help-meet for man.' Her kindness and devotion to home duties and relations are her chief characteristics. Dr. Dickens has been a close student and a hard- worker all his life, doing an active and laborious prac- tice. Since early manhood he lias lived at one place and filled all tin uditiuiis of success, and is an ex- ample i.t' what a man can do for himself by the right kind of a life, it is all a mistake that success conies by chance. Ii follows a law. A man must be a g 1 financier and a money saver, without being miserly; must be energetic and industrious, and taking Di . Dickens as an illustration, must marry a woman of simi- lar qualities, lie has been wise enough to avoid going security. He has not been a close collector, bis disposi- tion being to indulge debtors — resorting to persuasion and not to coercion for collecting debts, and the result is that he has not lost more than one-third of his professional fees; before the war not more than one- tourth. In personal appearance Dr. Dickens is a man to 1"' noted. He is about six feet high, looks tall ami slender- lias blue eyes and plentiful gray hair, worn in a high roach. He has always been a temperate man. and though not totally abstemious has never been in the habit of even taking toddies, and lias not used tobacco for thirty years. He lias never gambled, know- nothing practically about dissipation, and lias never bad a fight since boyhood. He is literally surrounded by troops of friends. He is the most successful physician in Ruth erford county in point of property. His standing in every way is very high as a citizen, a gentleman and a physician. THOMAS BLACK, M.D. McMINNVlLLE. THE original family of Blacks came from Scotland. The great-great-grandfather of I>r. Thomas Black was a Scotch clergyman. The great-grandfather emi- grated to America and settled in Kentucky. The grandfather, Samuel Black, a Kentuekian, moved to Warren county, Tennessee, and there died. The father, Alexander Black, was born in Kentucky, in 1804, came with bis father to Warren county, and after bis father's death was bound to Alexander Shields, a merchant, and was raised in mercantile life, clerking for Shields, at McMinnville. He also clerked, a year or two for Kirkman & Irwin, merchants in Nashville, then re- turned to McMinnville. went into business with P. H. Marbury, as a merchant, until the year 1856, after which he retired to his farm in the country, and died in 1 359 at the age of fifty-five. He was an elder in the Cumber- laud Presbyterian church, lived a very exemplary life, and left a name of which both bis family and town -re justly proud. Henry Watterson, the distinguished editor of the Louisville Courier- Journal, is a descend- ant of the same stock, his mother. nee Talitha Black, and Dr. Black's father being cousins. Dr. Black's mother, net .Miss Mary A. Smith, was the daughter of Meriwether Smith, of Kingston. Tennessee, and, like her husband, left a reputation that is at once an honor and an incentive to her descendants. She died in Nashville, in 1873, at the am- of sixty-live, leaving seven children— six sons and one daughter: (1). Samuel Black, now a farmer. (2). John Black, now a lawyer at Bentonville, Arkansas. (3) Thomas Black, subject of this sketch ( i). Mary L. Black, now wife of K il Mason, a merchant and farmer at .McMinnville. (5). Robert Black, a merchant and manufacturer of stone- ware at Smithville, Tennessee. (U). Alexander Black. a merchant at Leiper's fork, Williamson county. (7). Meriwether Smith Black, now in the hotel business at Cincinnati. Dr. Thomas Black wasbornat McMinnville, Tennes- 1-1 ['ROM IX EXT TEXXESSK \.\s see, June 13. 1837, and was educated there in the old Can. ill Academy, -asionally clerking in his father's store, and '• idness for general literature, ami es- pecially for botany and chemistry, in which branches of scicn.c he ha- since made line reputation. He began the study of medicine in L857, in the of I) is Hill \ Smart! at McMinnville Alter lea. 111!" with them one year he began practice and continu until the war. when he went int.. the medical depart ment of the Confederate army, ami was detailed as a hospital steward, bul sometimes acted as assistant sur .-'•"ii- Having liploma at that time, he could net be c missioned as surgeon or assistant surgeon, though he practiced through the entire war and until the sur- render at Greensborough, North Carolina. May Hi. 1865. He served the entire tunc in Col. John II. Savage's Sixteenth Tennessee regiment, and his history in con- nection with that gallant command runs through Vir ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi. Kentucky and Tennessee, ami includes the battles of Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, ami the Georgia campaign from Hal- ten te Atlanta. After the war he practiced two years in Warren county and then removed to Nashville. In 1868 he graduated as M.D. from the medical department of the University of Nashville, under Profs. Paul F. five. Thomas R. Jenuings, W. T. Briggs, C. K Winston, j! II Lindsley and Joseph Jones, lie lived in Nashville eight year.-, practicing medicine and teaching chemistry tn private classes in the medical department of the Uni- versity of Nashville Part of this time he was professor el' analytical chemistry and materia medica in the Ten ncssi e College of Pharmacy at Nashville. Dr. Black passed through the cholera epidemic at Nashville in 1-7::. and iii November, 1-71. moved to McMiuuville, where he has been doing a general practice as physician ami -ur: rver since, ami occasionally has contributed articles themistry and kindred topics to the medical journal.-, lie is now a member of the fac- ulty of Cumberland Female College, at McMinnville, and is highly esteemed as a clear and forcible lecturer on scienl ific subjects. Dr. Black married at McMinnville. February 13, L867, Miss I'imnia .1. Young, daughter of the late Dr. John S of Nashville, formerly for eight years, from 1840 to IS48 secretary of State, during which time he superintended the building of the Tennessee Hospital for the Insane and other noted public edifices Mrs Black was horn May !i. 18 15. on tin- site w here the State capitol now stands. Her mother .< Miss Jean L. Col ville, was the daughter oh Mai. Joseph Colville, one of the founder- of the town of McMinnville. Samuc Colville, Esq., the hanker at McMinnville, i- tin' son of Lusk Colville, brother of Mrs Black's mother. Mrs. Black was educated at Cumberland female College McMinnville, and at the famous and dearly beloved old Nashville Female Academy, under Rev. Dr. ('. D. Elliott. She is a Cumberland Presbyterian, and to tl xcellencies of tut intelligent Christian lady she has added those domestic virtues that make home happy. By his marriage with Miss Young Dr. Black has eight children: 1). .lean Young Black, born March Ii'. 1868. (2). Mary Alice Black. (3). John Voung Black, born Deci tuber 20, 1871. t). Sallie Colville Black (5). Susan Black Hi). Emma Black. (7). Clara Josephine Black ami i - 1 Leah Black Dr. Black isi Ider in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, which denomination he joined when a youth. In politics he i- a Democrat. He i- the mayor of the town of McMinnville; a Knight of Honor: a Mastei Ma-ou. and medical examiner for several insurance com- panies. He is a man of handsome personnel, a gentle- man of most affable manners and social attainments — a s 1 companion, n 2 1 citizen ami a most excellent phy- sician. He has succeeded in life by always trying to do the right thiug and to help along his fellow man. It is a pleasure to write ol one who possesses such sterling trait- of a noble manhood. < AIT. JAMES HARVEY MATHEi VEMPniS. TIIK Mathes family i- of Scotch-Irish extraction The remote ancestor of ('apt. .lames Harvey Mathes. subject of this -ketch, was Alexander M (or Matthews, as he spelt the name), who came tu America about 1720, first settling in Pennsylvania, and afterwards removing to Virginia. Seme forty years after, four Matthews brothers, and their families, includ- 1 apt. Mat he- great grandfather, George Matin-. ed to Washington county. East Tennessee i d long anterior to the admission of the Si Tennessee into the Union, and it is a tradition that even Up to this time tin- family name was spelled Matthews. They settled near what i- now known as Washington College, then known as Martin's Vcademy, an iu-titu tion in the establishment and support of which they and the Doak family, and other pioneers, took an active part. The Mathes family has been very prolific in preachers and doctors, and as their history show- they have, from early times, been the friend- of education and the up- n;< i.m in ent tenn esseans. 185 builders ol society. During the late war. must of the I descendants were on the Union side. There was an Ebenezer Mathes, a very wealthy man for that country, years ago, who " set his negroes free" before the war. by sending some of them to Liberia and sonic to the "free-soil States of the north." He also gave liberally for the endowment of institutions of learning and char- ity, and to colonization societies. At his 'hath, since the war, he left all his property to charitable causes, excepting some small legacies to relatives. George Mathes. great grandfather of ('apt. Mathes, was a Virginian by birth, and, as stated, removed to Washington county when a young man, subsequently removed to Blount county, and was killed by a fa- mous Indian chief, John Watts, a few miles west of where Maryville now stands. His son. William Mathes (('apt. Mathes' grandfather), was horn in Washington county, and is said to have been the lirst white child born iu Jouesborough. He grew up to be a prosper- ous farmer and a man of line character, noted for his high sense of honor and fair dealing. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church at Dandridge ; was a mag- istrate and held the office ol county trustee. He mar- ried in Jefferson county. Miss Rachel Patton Balch, of an old Revolutionary family, niece of one of the signers of the Mecklenburg declaration of [ndependence. He reared a large family, but only one of his children now survives, Rev. William Alfred Mathes, father of ('apt. J. Harvey Mathes. ('apt. Mathes' father inherited the old homestead, and the deed to it, by some means, was signed by James K. Polk. He still lives, aged seventy one years, in the home which his father built when he was an infant. He is a Presbyterian minister and a farmer; has always been a strictly religious man, devoted to Sunday-school work and to the cause of temperance. The mother of Capt. Mathes was Miss .Margaret Ma- ria Hart, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Hood Hart, the latter a relative of Lieut I ten. John B. Hood. She was born three miles east of Maryville. Blount county, Tennessee; married in 1837,' and died in Decem- ber, 1881. She was a true, good wife ami mother, and of a peculiarly sweet temperament. She was the mother of eight children: (1). James Harvey Mathes. subject of this sketch. (2). A daughter, who died in infancy. (3). Dr. George A. Mathes, who was a member of the Thirty-seventh Tennessee Confederate regiment; died in Memphis, July 31, 1881. (4). Rachel Emma Mathes, now wife of J. S. Barton, a lawyer at McMinnville, Ten- nessee. (■">). Edward H. Mathes, now a lawyer at Ozark, Arkansas. (6). John T. Mathes, now a lawyer in Uvalde county, Texas. (7). Nathaniel Beecher Mathes, now a theological student at the Southwestern University at Clarksvillc Tennessee. (8). Cordele Mathes, now in- structor in painting in a college at Pine Bluff, Ar- kansas. The history of the Hart family is exceedingly iuter- 2-t esting. The remotest direct ancestor of Capt. Mathes' mother that can now In 1 traced, was a merchant in Lon- don, extensively interested in shipping and a trader in the Levant. About the year 1606 he was captured by pirates, hail his eyes put out, ami was made a galley slave tor fourteen years. He, however, escaped with others in a boat, was picked up in mid ocean by a trading ship, and brought to Norfolk, iu the colony of Virginia, lie afterwards married there and had one son, Thomas Hart, from whom sprang a very numerous family that subsequently settled in Kentucky and other States west, and intermarried with the Clays, Bentons, Breckin- ridges, ami other prominent families. One branch of the family came to Tei ssee at a very early day, one of whom was Joseph Hart (Capt. Mathes' maternal great grandfather), who became the head of a very large fam- ily, consisting of ten sons and two daughters. He removed to Bartholomew county, Indiana, about 1834, and died there. One of his sons, Samuel Hart, now lives at Carrollton, Mississippi; another, James II. Hart, lives at Shawneetown, Illinois; another, Rev. Charles II. Hart, is a Presbyterian minister in Logan county, Ohio. Another son, Edward Hart (('apt. Mathes' maternal grandfather), was born, lived and died in Blount county, Tennessee. Of tin' sons of Edward Hart (('apt. Mathes' maternal uncles), oneof them, Thomas Hart, still lives at theold homestead in Blount county; another, Joseph Hart, lives in Knox county; another, Dr. Nathaniel Hart, formerly surgeon in Orr's first South Carolina regi- ment, now lives near Brooksville, Florida. Two daugh- ters of Edward Hart. Mrs. Abigail Boyd and Mrs. Hettie Aiken, now live in Blount county. Capt. James Harvey Mathes was born June 29, 1841, iu Jefferson comity, Tennessee, ami grew up on his father's farm, leading the life and doing the work of a farmer's boy. His parents being upright, strictly hon- est and prudent people, his early moral training was in the right direction. He attended the neighboring country schools until his sixteenth year, when he en- tered as a student Westminster Academy, East Ten- nessee, then under control of Prof. A. W. Wilson, a Presbyterian minister and a noted educator, now presi- dent of a college at Dodd City. Texas. He remained there three years, during which time he assumed espe- cial prominence in rhetoric and composition, wherein he evidenced the instincts and preferences which, in after life, led him to embrace the profession of journal ism, in which he has achieved enviable distinction. During bis scholastic days he enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best read young men in Jefferson county, and he was always known to seize with avidity- only the healthiest literary productions, both modern and ancient. When nineteen years of age he accepted a position as teacher in tin Alabama school, where be pursued his duties as tutor in the daytime, read law at night, and at the same time prepared himself for col In. IMIOMIXKNT y\ w kssk \\> H was never reeeh oil. for on the very .lay thai Fort Sumpter fell ho closed his . ami start inn llovo he I nhnson, 1 1 ' ■ . . . ■ M . nard Go\ Urown- low . T. A. H. Ncls n.l ..t hrr noted in. I ' si some of which si the South that hi* sympathies wore at onee v the southern oause. notwithstanding hi- father ami the majority of his relatives had a.i I nion \ iew s II. at onee raised a company for the Confedorati vice, was made captain, and drilled his men for two months, but lib - finally distributed into different branches .'I the arm. N l listed as a private in the eonipany commanded by ('apt. S M Cocke, which afterwards became a pan of the Thirty-seventh regiment. He was first elected orderly sergeant of his company, and al (J uiantown. near Memphis, was appointed sergeant-major i ^afterwards brigadier general) William II roll. The regiment encamped at Knoxvilh time and did guard duty around the jail while Carson W U Brownlow was a prisoner there, but there was no bitterness or iinkinduoss shown the | which Mi Brownlow kindly n in a book v he afterward*, p although he « in bis opinion- of Con. Carroll, an.] ntl\ refused to allow him t.. return home from Canada, where ho 2. he "a- elected first-lieutenant of his company, ami soon after was oommissioned as taut »i' tlio fli th i'l'iim ■-■ tion he held until the close of ilio war. At the battle of IVrryville. where the regiment lost nearly one-half it- strength in - .unded, he took an a. -live and conspicuous pan. At the battle of Murtr. Moses White ami Lieut. Col. Frayser wore wounded ami Maj, J. S. Mclleynolds was killed, ami the young adjutant was practically in command of the ,nt after tin- field officers toll. Subsequently the regiment was stationed at Chattanooga ami other points down the railroad to Dalton, Georgia. After being re- cruited they were sent to the front neai Wartraci at a later period, consolidated with the Fifteenth 'I'. n regiment that had been Charles Carroll, a brother of Col. William II. Carroll, of the Thirty-seventh. The colonel commanding at that tinn was t 'ol. II t ' T) lor. win to the command ol' the consolidated regiment. The colonel of the Thirty seventh ami Adjutant Mat lies, nber of other officers, wi to duty elsewhere. Capt Mat lie- being sent on detached il months in north Georgia, at Knox ml Jouesborough, I'.a-t Tennessee, ami finally Virginia, the Carolinas ami Georgia. Returning to the army he was assigned to duty in southern \ bauia. After two or three months' perilous service in chasing down deserters ami breaking up bauds of hush whackers, who had tied from Loth tin' Federal ami Confederate armies to the swamps and wild- ol' southern MaLania. along the Florida line, be made appli. tin- permission to return to the army front. 'I'lie request wa- granted, and during the latter part ol ii."> lie rejoined hi- old regiment and declined a captaincy in favor of his old position, where he would not have I- I and taithfnl war horse Shortly after he was appoin ted inspector of Tyler's brig a.le. Col. Tyler having in the meantime become briga eneral, succeeding lien Kate. win. bad been promoted to a ti ralship. succeeding < ion. John i Breckinridge in command of the division Capt. Matin- participated actively in the Georgia campaign all the way from Dalton. being under tire fully seventy days out of seventy five, and although in all the prominent engagements a- a stall officer, he yet found time to write freipientl.v to the Memphis Appviil Itlion published at Vtlantah over the hwm I . and was i isited bj In- aunl M r> Dr. X. [Tart, of N'itn South Carolina, who :i mother - care and olicitude, nursed him through the Vet he impi I on M irch 11. I -JC5 I'l'i for I ■ ! inimu- nicatc with his parents, from whom he had nol heard months. Wli I urren- der came. Gen. Marcus J. Wright was in corn m thai district, and ' • were there awaiting result", keeping their I died and hitchi ind night in i)i nol did v. hen the confii i ■ ■ ■ i I ninand which had nol Capt. Mathes went on through to Memphis b Ma; 13 1 365 and was paroled by tin- I i in irshal on < ''Hill stn el Tl parole, and his ( lonfi del rst lieutern Scatc signed by Dr I [all, -I ul 23, 1864, a testament from his father, carried thi ;h the >var, and about l,i -ul souvenirs of thi cept a vord be captured at the battle of Muri borough, which i- now at hi- old'home in East Ten- Th ' C'apl Mat he has been through the fii nl war needs no further attestation from this chronicler. 'I'll, lost limli i- an eloquent reminder of the fearless ion with which he ti Bui the disturbed condition of things in Bast Tennessee just after the war made it unsafe for him to return to his old home, and at this period his ex peril tood him in good stead, and hi d in securing the eity editorship of the Memphis li.nl, i Irgu a position he held with credit to himself and employers from December 25 1865 until the eea ed to i early in 1867. During his service on the Argun (which toward the last 1 ' cialand Argun), he received severe injuries in a terri- ble railroad accident near [uka, Mississippi, which hasti ii'-'l what he had felt would come sooner or later another amputation of hi- wounded leg which had ti( i ei enl irelj healed afti r I hi gang] i ne This was performed in Memphi b; I *r. V the pr< -'■iK'' of :i number of prominent phj sician ,ii-. in the latter pai 1 1 i ber, 1 366 A i month - confinement i" !ii- bed, and a trip to New Or- |i .,,, I, boat hi went on d in December 1 u,,i , - latei was able to dispense with his crutches and use an artificial limb Id- in tea ' his fortunes with the Louisville Courier, ned nearly a , Mm- 'in its editorial staff was again >nt of ill hi and a< I ndianapoli Cllicil Mem- phis ,\ vii In win- . On March I. I- lie Memphis /' appointed chief edit I'. V. Roekett. died in the summer of tli N and rnon ' n the , of the f'u/flii I ■ the i i ami ti'iii- I j, ro- 'l himself. The paper ha- Imost without a precedent in the South, i- now I afternoon journal in a dozen n financial condition. Cnder I Matin iken high consi ground on lead- ons of the day, and whili [J tic in poli- tics, i- very independent a- well as liberal, fearli well as bold, a leader in progress, development, and the social and educational advancement of Tennessee. The noble people of Memphis have quick to i ni/,1' his efforts and \n hold up his hands in tl truth and iustii heir trust, but grown with iblie-spirited city and become one of the standard men in their m C'apt. Math"- was married I' For- est Hill, near Memphis, to Miss Mildred 5; 1 daughter of < !ol. Benjamin ' North Carolina, and a planter, who died December I 1. 1-71. The mother of Miss Cash was Mildred S. Dand- ridge, from near Richmond, Virginia. By blood con- Mrs. Ma , number of leading and time-honored families in Virginia, Mississippi, i Vlabama and the C She is highly educated and a graduate of the best schools of Memphis. The m Capl Matin-- and Mi-- < lash was the romantic result of an acquaintance formed during , ar of the war. whi mere child of or thirteen. The bright eyes, sweet face and winning manners of the little southern n the heart of thi oldier, and his manly and chivalrie bearing fired her tenderest sentiments even then. The distress of war did not disturb the (flowing pictu future happiness drawn by the young people, and one hen she was told that her hero was frightfully wounded and had lost a limb, shi ■ >l if she - him should 1 i eturn. " Vi •-. she replied, " bring him on, if he has onl left to hold his heart \ noble sentiment direct from the true heart of a noble woman. Thi ame form- ally engaged shortly after I.- ■ - surrender and were married nearly four years latei B this marriage five children have been born : CI). Mildri thes, born Jul; 28, 1870 2 Lee Dandridgi M ithes, born January VI. 1872. •'■'■ Benjamin Cash Mnthes born January 1, 1875. (4) James Hai • Mathes born Di - i'komima r phnnkssi: \ns comber I 'J l s 77 , .'< I'albot Spol \ thos. horn i hi i huroh. ailvr of tho S .; ■. \ \| Memphis, and line a Mas. ion from tli<- 1 1 rami I i \ Vrch Mas - .id Moni| \ « hioh ho hot amo an affiliated mom « - K was the first I' x v| mphis and ' This is now tho lai in tl;, Stai II lor member of .lolin \ '1 . \ i ' I \\ i ho lirsl lo \ I J rami 1 both thos \ ash\ illo. \| \\ but siin has boon a IVniot i ai Soon after tho w ai proui State politi. under tho il inohisomont. In Vpril. IS70. Sholby i old tho position two ami in ISTl! was i - unani n\ or fourteen thou In 1^7 I ho was elected to the lower house of tho dature. and son hairman of the committee on priutin i member of other - In W7 V li. \ isi li >1 Km' i(>i \ > \| m kji renuossoo to tho Paris Kxpositiou. This tour was taken on his own ae- oount. mainly I ion and health. W bile abroad ho wrote a series of letters from Scotland, Kngland. Ireland and V ranee, which were published in tho Mem phis 1 IK returned to \| mphis in August. ISTS, after tho yellow fever broke out, resumed his editorial .hair on the I but was taken with the level- September 7. and had a very vio lout case, but with the advantages of hmhh lion, the best of medical attention, the kind offices "I his lodge brethren, and tho devoted nursing of his faith fnl wife, he partially recovered, onl\ in time. too. to uid caring lev the wife who was idc just a< he had passed the crisis. Mrs Mathes also had a vor\ violent case of tin and for three days was entirel) speechless. I'wo ol their nurses died, one in tin' house and the otlu where, and ii was some mouths before either husband or wife were wholly themselves again. \\ hile slill weak from the fever and scarcely aide to walk i i' Mathes was again uoni r tho l.ogis lature. and was elected b.\ a hands,. me majority, in No vember, l>7s II. became a candidate for spoakei ol the House, but being physically loo weak lor the and in order i" break a .1. ■ n i. iv or of II 1' l'ow Ik,-, of Willi. mis, mi count) who was uiun.'.i ted. and subsequent I) appointed I 'apt Mathes chairman of tho committee on tin -and With other members from Sholh) he took an part in pi il of the charter of Memphis, and in passing ihe act under which the pros cut taxing district el' Memphis was ostablisbod In wiih his political historj as a legislator, it ma.v 1 li.u in ih. I islal me of 1877), |u< w as one of the "immortal nine.'' comprising the Shelby it ion, which voted lor Vndrow dohuson for I States i ami ,.1,1 oomni Hate, ft i icy his constituency, who virtual!) instructed him to cast his way or ri Sin, his lasi term in the Legislature, h didate for no office en his own account, but hi. devoted bis attention entirely to li is editorial dunes 1 low e\ ei in 1ST!', lie v. a- ed by (i o Marks as a member ol tho board of visitors to the University of I ' i v I uiv orsit) of Tonuoss. i w as reappointed in ISSo l.v ii..v. Hal.- for another term, it fficc w ii bout compcnsal ion. With out being an aspirant for office he has attended as a most el' lh.' Si. U.' Domoi ran,' .. ir In lli. S d une. IsSI. he was nnauituously, and without solicita lion on his part. chosen as. i N tional Horn ocratic ticket for tho Tenth (Memphi c donal ilistrii " rds made a brilliant canvass as such in behalf ol Cleveland ami Hendricks. \i the sum,. ntion he was appointed an alternate delegate to ih. Chicago National Homooratio convention and at- i in thai \ I'lilar speaker, ('apt, Mathes is hold in very high esteem for his eloquence, information, logical and well balanced view- He i- an excellent r. a line " after dinner man. au.la plea forsatioualist. besides his visit to K il rope, he ha- i raveled exlensivelv in I he l' idled S Canada. New and old Mexico, a on lli villi; a lai .|UaiiUauee wiih men and mallei's, which he never (ails 1,, ru I Use lie has Mi.-, .v. led well in a financial sou-,-, i- ■ « dire, tor in the Vandorbill Insurance company, Mem phis, and has a fair property. He has always takei care ol' hi- family, is charitable to tho unfortunate, has lived within his income, and avoided debt with a holy horror. His greatest fortune has been his wife, who, although reared in luxury, ha- <\' I If ; ' I : ■ ir':'u II I ■T in H Her m » the rwr, and no t.h<: W H an I in "■'.'. (J. Hi 7 . ■ tner in J I CVI. ''lift wa- born H the Tenni C'/r hi- iintirinj In the war hi u\i> ."■ in' i dnllal h "in II n It brave, tondor hoartoil . ' is to a pro\ orb, [To risks his own jud i il ion and in. 'Hi will a. . until for his li rial Mir cess Vs a lawyer ho consults ets on his own opinion, ami keeps hisown counsel Soil' relialil always, ho first Irani- ill.' facts of a oaso Ironi whioh ho I'orms a> I., tho rights .'I' In- olioni and tin- law applh - .- 1 1 > I . ii i- thon ili.' object to sustain those conclusions by authorities, II.' refuses to take a oaso uiih'ss li,' think- hi- client hi - to will In I. 'I i-.i l'i Oslo i.Tiaii, ami ha- been an older in thai church some fourteen years. In poli- tics li.- i- a I 1 , ni". Ml II.' ha- hold the positions of alderman, notar> public, special judge, and was a ite to the National hemocratic convention at Si. I. ..ui-. in 187li, and al « 'incinnati, in 1 880. ('apt. ('lift first married in Monroe county, Tonm in September. IStiti, M iss \i i ■. if Or. It. f. Cooke, ,i distinguished physician, whose tin her was for two terms a member of Congress from f'.a-i Ten- nessee, and originally from S nuh Carolina Mi'-, Clift's uncle, lion. -I. H. Cooke, is now on tho Supremo bench of the State, Her mother was Charlotte Kimbro, of Monroe count) Mrs ('lift died at Chattanooga, in I'Yhru ni 187(1 ivontj inn,'. loin in; three . hildreu (1). Vttio Arwin (l'i Murj Roberl t (3) M ■ "• II .. the latter d.\ ing in infam \ Col. I id man in .■ m . uri oil al ( 'arters\ illo. iimtj ' icor ii .1 mi.' 28, 1883, « iih M i>- l''loroiioo V, I'arroti who was born in that town, Vpril 1858 She was the daughter ol .huh e .) l\ I'arrotl . tnty. Tennessee, born Februar,\ 25, 17, and died al Moutvalo Springs, Blount county, Tennessee, .lune 10, 1872, lie was cdm tted til Kmorj I Henry I \ irginia ; mo\ cd to i leorgiii in 18-18; wonl to tho bar in 187)1; was a delegate from Cordon inty, i lent "i.i i" i Ii" I uion r"n\ cut ion of 1850, and was tho youngest member of that body. In 185(1 lie w s an elector on the Fillmore liekot, and in IStiO on the Hell and Kverctl ticket; was a member of the con inventions of 18(!5 and IS(58, and was presi dent of the latter. In IS(i3 he was appointed quarter master, with the rank of major, of Con Wolford's brigade, and was afterwards solieilot i neral of the Cherokee ('loorgia) circuit in the latter par) of that year In 18(58 ho \\a- appointed judge of (he Cherokee circuit, and filled thai position until his death. In politics he was n II, publican . in religion n Frotc tanl Methodist In everything in his life's i luet he en dottvorod to rely mi reason, common sense and fact ; his -1 dies were pointed, forcible, eloquent, and in his bearing he was a line typo of the cultivated gentleman. M r- t 'lilt'- trand tat her. Jacob Barrett, was a native of Tennessee, and died at I'arrottsville, a town named I 'arret family, a member of which invented the famous Barret I Mi- ('lifts mother's maiden name was Man Tram moll, and -ho is now living in < 'arters\ ill.', i leorgia. She was born in Nacoooheo \'alle\ (leorgia. a daughter of John Traininell. Her mother was Kli/.abcth l-'ain. Mrs. Clift's maternal uncle, Loander \ Tranimell, i- a promiuonl politician, and now a railroad commissioner of the Siato oftieorgia, Mrs, Clil'l was educated at the \n :ti i i Female Seminary, Staunton, Virginia, and re- ceived ili.- l" li. ■ medal given for Knglish composi Hon She is distinguished for her superior mental on dowments, high literary attainments ami her gracious i ion ami graceful ners l'.\ In- second mar- i ',,1 Clifl li i- one child, Rhoton Barrett, born Vuirusl 0, 1881 JOHN I'. r.l.ANKKNSlllC. Ml' M Di: JOHN BATTON 111. \\ K i:\SII I I' wa- studying from early boyhoad, with a view of becoming born al Friendsville, Hlouni county. Tennessee, a physician. Ili- habits in boyh I were s 1 iber ii. 1830, ami grew up there, working on his duo in part to In- "",,,1 mother's admonitions, For father ng to school during' winter months, and four and a half vears he was a student iu the Friends PROMTXEXT TEXXESSEAXS. 101 villi- lii i it Mif i,, I in ire in i hi langua ■■ 'I hi last term he attended i hat college he studied ph iolo md chcinistrj under Dr. Da id Vloi n, the "'I founder ■•! I In- chord. I [c bi gan i hi ' "I of medii in tin- office of Dr. 1 I ( and read with him two years, | In February, 1862, In- was appointed ' L. C Hunk in the position of as istant urgeon of the Third, Tenni e< Ped< ral inlanl rj i egitm 1 1 in,- tit from I ;anization t hroughout il cam in Tenni I gia and Kenl ucl ■■ lien I charged al W m Free boroug h 'I enrn ei ml of ill health [n the fall ol 1862 he occasionally attended medical lectures at Louisville. In Jane, 186'G he returned to \| n -. ille, and again enti red into practice i here I 1874 75 he studied medicine in the Vanderbill I ni vet il and graduated March, I i Paul I'. Eve, W. T Brij Thomas I,. Maddin, W. L. Xiehol, Van H. Lindslcy, Thomas Mcnees, •'. M. Safford, Thomas \ Atchison and John II. Callender. In March 1883, tin- Na 1,-. ille Mi dica Colli - con t'.i i .il upon him tin- ad i »»-'l in 1875, al the igi of i rlii; four. Mi- man ied i hree I imi his hi^t wife being Elizabeth Hughes He left eleven children by the three wives Dr Blankenship father [sham Blankenship, being a son of the fit i « if! Bertha Davis, .i ii 'i la . of Vi -mi. i I 'jlit I" BloUI] ll ill' here her father and mo died I lor fat her '■■■;,- a fai mi IM Blankenship's father, fshain U hip, died, thirty eigl i ille, Blount county, w hen i In- -'ni '•■. i ild. He wa born in i ; irmcr. \\ hen ;i young niiin Ii-- was a lieutenant in the army" which re i the I ndians from i he > I men Hon of win c in Harm < >/ .1 nrtah oj '/■ n The Blanl 'it" the Mi prominent people and among the eat -I i li i Dr, Blankenship's mother, nee Marj McClain, of Scotch Irish descent, was horn near Morganton, n Loudon county daughter "I John McClain, a farmer from Virginia If I Ste- phens and came either from Mar; land or Virginia. Mi Blanken hip's brother, Andrew McClain, was count er of U In 1 -c. hi i 'in-' ' 'I i" Lincoln count T ' here he 'Ii- I der .McClain, is prosperous farmer near I I ille, Tenni |i, Blankenship mother 'li'-. P. Baldwin a merchant and miller at Clover Hill. Blount children. Hi Blankenship , it Clover Hill, Blount county, May 10, I860 v . Edmondson, daughtei of John II Edn up in the neighborhood v. ith thi ' ■■ Sam Houston. Mr. Edmondson was an original abolitionist and Republican, and is now li me years rm in Blount county. His son, Matthew II m Edmondson, is now sheriff of Blounl county, brother Capt. James P. Edmondson, was for lour I 1] he most popular man in Blount ' -"111,1. The Edmondson family in Virginia arc a wmewhal noted family, one of whoi eolo nel in the Confedi ra - Mi Blankenship's mothi i wa Mai - irel Dunlap, daughter of John Dun lap. Mrs. Blankenship ' i Hill and Baki i Creel ran a Pr, i and noti 'I for trict piety, kindliness of disposition, her talent for mical man i ing nature. She died Ji arj 24 1884 By his marriage with Miss Edmondson, four children were born to Dr. Blankenship: (1 ). Leonidas I Blankenship, born June 10, 1801; educated at Mary- ville Colli ow reading law in Knoxville; married in Jum 1-- 1 Mis Bi tha \'l.,m-. of [ndiana J.,hn Horace Blankenship, born March 24 1865: now ing in Maryville Collegi >1 Lillie Blank nship, bi ■ mber 7, 1867; now in same l!'L' PKoMiM'.vr Ti:\\r-i. w i Minnie Blaukcnship. bom February 'JO, 1870 Or. Blankenship was married tho second time at Ma S lior I l vv .\ to Miss \ ' . , v I ■ tries Taylor, Ksq., at his residence. The T lated to the Brantl} family of ^ ilina . and also to li. I li\ inc, ol' Hiehmond. \ now i Koine. 1 1 .i 1 \ M i- \ S Blan- kenship is a member of the episcopal ehureh. Mr. Blankenship is a member of the Presbyterian ehnreh. an Odd Fellow, and a Prohibition- ist and Republican, though a Memoerat before thi In ISS'i. hi ■ i County Modi cal Society, and member of the State Medical Society. In l ss 'J li. he was the temperance and educa tional editor of the , : -« \ s, published at Man \ ill.- Fi - rved at Maryville as for pensioners, under appointment from the i i eminent. S Kir Br Blankenship has made a success of his He owes no man a dollar, has raised a family, has a comfortable property, ami is contented and happy in tho practice >>t his profession. His success is duo to perseverance and application to his calling; to staying at ono place: being honest in his dealings with mankind. ami liberal to the poor, lie began without inheritance and owes hi- position to his own efforts On April 7. 1SS4, In- delivered an address before the Blount count} Medical Soeiet} which attracted atten- tion from tho leading medical journals of the country. The following extracts show l'r. Blankenship's esti niati' of medicine as a science, the duties of a physician, and the honors to which lie i- entitled: " A pro:, that has such uoble objects in view must be noble, 'fhe good that ha,- been conferred on mankind by it is 1 all human calculation. Rven among the an- cients it was believed to be it gift from liod. There are those to da} who hold the same opinion, ami are sus tained in their belief by the following: 'Honor the physician, because he is indispensable, tor the Most High hath created him. tor all medicine is a gill from Hod, and the physician shall receive homage from the kin;;.' Christ said on a certain occasion, 'They that are whole need not the physician, but the} that arc medicine, regardless o\' sell'. !ia\ c c\ or been the friends of humanity. The ph} sieian must seem calm and serene though his heart be troubled. He must not lose his reason, hut on the contrary think well ami apply his remedies promptly and under all cir- cumstances, 'I'lie physician is not only entrusted with the life of his patient, but also, to some extent, tin so eial. moral and intellectual welfare of the people he practices his profession among are in his hands, for sometimes the domestic curtain is drawn aside, and the troubles arc confided to him by the family, as a peace- maker and moral guardian of those interested, whose words of advice and consolation restore hope and bring a calm to the troubled heart, and lite is made bright again. How great, then, should be his acquirements, xtensive his knowledge •>( medicine. Should it be the love of mone} alone that tiroes the physician on in the discharge of his duty, his expectations in lite, in a certain sense, will he realized; but his lite will go out in the end. and the profession will be made no better tor his living, for other fields offer more gold. But money cannot pay tor the labor that the . entious physician performs, nor the blessings he be gold cannot buy what charity gives. There is a l' ami nol.lcr impulse that prompts the physician to do his duty to his fellow man and his high ami re sponsible calling in life that he has the conviction in i\ u heart that he is doing his duty in relieviii fering humanity, and has the consolation t>> know that his labors arc appreciated by some of the human race, it' not In many, by the tears shed by some poor woman, and that emanate from an angelic heart and How out to soothe the sorrow within, ami are like the pearls of the ocean, ami more precious than all the gold of earth. Humanity calls the physician from the mansion of the rich to the hut of the poor; and the : physician will receive his reward here and after lie crosses the river of time. Then he will be paid for all his labors. HON. WILLIAM 11. IH'.W 1 II Til IS sturdy, self-made lawyer was born October 24, 1827, in Smith county. Tennessee, ami is well known in the legal and political history of the State. Horn of parents who were far from wealthy, his father being a preacher and small farmer, young DeWitt, en- ured in boyhood to the toils of farm life, was in the habit of studying to improve In- mind at uight a- well us in the day. when not otherv I md in this way became, in a great measure, his own school -master. and learned almost a- much without an instructor as with one. mastering some of the branches of mathemat ies and the first books in Latin without scholastic as si-tame. In search of kuowledge he worked his passage on a flat boat to Nashville, ou his way to Korea Acad- emy, near Chapel Hill, Tennessee, where he studied ten months under Rev. John M. Barnes, one of the best I'lM.MIM.VI I i '.M time educat I ' > rn he r] In l,i.'.l. and clothin i In., • I. fu -I footed i. and .'.itl' 'l',l rid a half in bin wallet, hi e W. A In i he ■<• ■• to manhood hi IT - it Ga Academy Tbi '■', mil I roin I -.">'» I-, 1856 I hirig in the academ In law became hi • the time liu he determined in eai edit cation a pel evcrarn mited peei Thin rnel the approval rrf hi lore he reached manhood, he "Ii in comrn h the mon, tig. Hit 1850. I. J B. L. 1 ,,'! William [}. Campbell, and if the A mcrican f>c gal A - delation in 1851 , In 1856-5 r one he practiced lav Lcbai on I i om ! -'■•- to I -""> On -I urn. ii - 1-7.7 lii- ' ttled in Chattan Bot h ■■' .in'- of ill' ),, ■ educated and most intellectual men of the becan In- r< In '-'I compi H-. ii i'Mi Ii i a i reputation, and "ii" i" i "ii Poi h I bat he has been ready to aid and encourage all worth aspirin nun. Meanwhile, Judge l>"Witt i 'I the com ..I Hmith. Macon and Sumner in the T< nm ei II of Representative in 1855 6 mat renominated in 1857, but declined, He * d ■■< member of the i iiiii",: ition of 1861 , he oppo in ■• 1 1..- ""i, "Nt io n, which v,;i voted down. hi An -I in the Confederate Congress. The Tom .1 ion i" 1 1," ' 'onfedi ' '"','1 among the in" i di i ingui bed men in the v, hole count) I of W II. DeWitt, Robert L. Uaruthcrs, James II Thorn i i,. oi ■ H Joni John I Hou e. John D I tl i n'l David M, Currin (Hcc Mi indcr 11 8tephen II", Between th: Slate* Vol 2,p M,l, The that bod are com] I rjge DeWil a memhei In 1872 '."•. John! Brown appointed him special chancellor in the fifth chancery division ofi pending 1 1 • » - contest of the election of W. W. Ward by ' "ml, and ' 'ox. In politic -I ad •• DeWitt was a Whi one of those n ho lingi r< d long ind wor hiped di 26 the abandoned altai lit till tbi ' l<-'l hi in tli" ' with I fill in arid C',r p came on of llOUgll '" life. In I 1 1 :, for the i Jink". DeWitt i- a riicmberoft.be Methodi ll«. became ■< Mason at I. I year Worshipful Master of the lodj ' II ' ' Martin I. d all the '-li:iir- of that <,r'l<-r. J udge l)eWi( Km ilia Price, daught 'I'Ik. in I'i I. II. i ni"i hei ■ a a Mi - '■ an II io 'I th n arriage children, I th tl," mother, in ! ■ in in- I. DeWitt, horn In \-~tl educated at the Catholic Kent ■ nber .">. 1 -71 . in .Smith < Kent J Monroe Fi hei Carthage, and I D I:- Judge DcWit which oi .7 '■ a direct descendant in the paternal line -.: I ' I .1' rfnghlettc Wilso Barren i I H Wooten, of a leading old .Mr- De Witt - ({randfal I I Ham Wil I tin.- pioneers in -ii. land in Kent ucky and I I ; Kate, now living at Nashville, i- the wide • I M. Fit". II ■ 'I II. M. 1 J if Carroll Denny, a farmer in .--tiii': Mi- DeWitt v.. .| in Kenl Ri I > I 'I Ri in i I. nt finished hi ion under Rev. I>r. L of ii" Method- ist church B M Wilson •) DeWitt ha* two children: (1). William Kugene and 2) II - hi Judge li'-Witt - pa rent.' were l„,tli horn in 1792, in ISM IMIOMINKNT I'FNNF.SSKANS "is father, l\o\ Samuel IVWitt, was in tho Ian In his career of life ho was given I «■> ""' of I t. W il rami evil habits whatever Truthfulness and Wilkinson*, in tho wai mdor tho stars that guided him He resolved in early man ludgo l»e\\ t's t'athor hood to hooomo it loast tho o<|unl of any one in ; ution of 17Tl! Judge pndession, if hard study «ood murals, energy ami itili " u N| u ' ■■■ " ; would accomplish ii II, , hosi lossion lathor MoWhirler, was killed >at tie of King's oarly ami hont ovor.v offon to sncoooil Inthistimool' ntonntain Hoc uncle II- -mm Wakefield, was shot tlnmght and actum he drew much inspiration and last through ili.' hreast in that war. Inn lived to (ho ago of ing henelil IVom the teachings of Ins venerated lather, trs iiml front the " l.eotun »l K i I'- Uawes , ^ In addition to'his attainments as a lawyer. Judge IV M \\ itt's literary eulture has 1 highly approoial Oi It of h liowc ml of li:it In- has oHon heeu seleeted to deliver addresses on kindly nature or In- want of power to say no, i- that Masouii - fourth of July celebrations, college ho has from time to time, lost heavily by endorsing for iimeneements. and othei >r varied others, though he is now. notwithstanding this, in vi historical, philosophical, li independent oireumstanees Vs a lawyer, he stands in and [high order, Ili- memorial the front rank ..fin- profession in the highest courts of addresses on the'deaths of memhers of the bench and har the State and of the nation, before which li«' has been have also helped to spread k h is reputation .11 ig the almost uniformly successful, though he ha- never first 1 for lir ha- few equals for brought all hi- intellectual resources into full pla,\ path v lii' is not infrenuontly except upon occasions that demanded it Vs a man he spoken of as a ripe scholar and a gentleman of elegant 1- upright ami iu-i in all hi- transactions, allow es and manners, but had he cultivated the talent nothing to cotne between him ami the discharge ol which ex self in his n essays what he believes correct and honorable, The elements in verse, In' might have been classed among the poets, of his character are so fashioned a- to imbue him with \ vn only of In- poetical attempts remain. the strongest sympathies for the poor and the nnfortuu ''■■U is truly a -ilt' 111. nlv man lly perse ate through all the grades of society , while his veranee ami industry he overcame all obstacles ami rity and chivalry command the admiration of all who obtained a classical education and finalh beeatue learned know him HON. THOMAS I. 1'KITM \\. I IH< K PHOMAS .1 FllKKMAN 1- a native of o rn in Smith county, Tennessee, but raised in Maury, t' W . -1 lYnnossee having been born in Uibson county, 'where she man , \| - ^'. She was the da ugh on the llhh day of July. 1827 His parents wore of tho ter of Capt. Thomas Jones, originally from Wake best I mis, \ rth Carolina, a cousin ol' II, .n Yn Mai Freeman isnn Kuglish name, and the Vmericau fami United States senator from North Carolina, at an early the name are descendants from an Kuglish day. Her grandfather, Thomas Jones, was a captain in ancestry The iseuealogy ol iln- family, however, i- not the Revolutionary war Sin- died in Oibsou clearly traceable for more than three or four ^iterations 1n>7, leaving ion children, of whom the subject ••( this hack. The grandfather of our subject, John II l'i,v sketch is the oldest man. was a Virginia planter ami slaveholder 'flu- J udgo Freeman received a common school education father, Or. John II Freeman, was a native ol' limns up to the age of fifteen His early opportunities wore wick, Virginia, and, about 1SI!>, removed to Nashville, limited to the country schools and tho county academy where he w d for a time in a mercantile cstab liy tho time he was seventeen, he had taken a course of lishment From Nashville, he went to Columbia an, I medical reading, but In' soon determined not to adopt merchandised, marrying there in IS2Ji Ho died in that profession, In March, I845,,he began the private 11 county, in IS7!\ at the ago of seventy lour He study ol' law in i\ ' hooks, toaehin lorhood man of strong ami active intellect .ami nervous schools in the meantime, until he reached the n temperainenl, devoting himself the greater part of his twenty one. \i that period he obtained front Judges life to lii- practice ^>\' medicine, without much thought Turley, ol' the Supreme court, ami Calvin Jones, ehau mutilating pro] eel lor of the district, a license to practice law II 1 r li . • wi >uee opened an office in Trenton, where ho practiced IMUJ till ] ••' !: futun 11 I I > "ll 1)1- 1 1 ; ( 1 1 thai of lawyei and I .1 I 1848,1 witli tl)'- Derooi of the Jeffi In 1853 he made 'li' ' I). 1 neinuati natj. that nom - : : lianan for tin I ; political feeling, !>■ h, he refrained from anj participation in thi the elective fra of lii- opinion on all of publ time* and plai .11 'I ' llt'/ll. J ll I Martha J.- 11 daughter of the leading law- thc Trci I' 1' ' • i. but who vr>--n up .-it Winchi I Her mother, originally I. / !. H Alabama. I I rid it famed for her excellent domestic ijuali( .1 I reemati and wife have ha/1 In children, all at 1 (1). Willi* J., born J Willie of .). M I ' Ten in one child, Irene (2J Helen • the Method! -'■ mar ried W. )/. Hall, of) U l //.'/'/. dh'J li.-i- 'in II li<- returned ho Ith. of hi )i<: i» HOW ill f: Jn |/'-r-'\||\ IN I' I'KNNKSSK \NS ill> i- r the lid l hem tt was ontinonll} II, \\ J. :|| ill the ■ :l -killflll ail linioal |>l \i lie bar, iho loose uii plead I'dllfC. \ .M then li unless In Chilly. \ S iti\ o i>l' i ho \\ ild I lamented S rt". 11. S 1 1 was \ demurrer was hoard line ii plea ami i lun a rohutt< \ ' more 4illful duellists than did ihoso in admiring court in tho hands ot" tl >uiplishod picadors. I recall tho ih li whioh 1 witnessed the contest \, to iho rules of practice, either mi.sdu olainii and dola} al an} step of (ho pro hut. no, in oaoh succeeding step, the plea was drawn without a moments to the itiou whioh iliuljio I'reeinan lined on the Sir Hi- !,.\ , ' wot k seems to sphere ot' a rs have proven that I i ho bar h i his loam- has there boon an,\ disappointment rayal of the -I lionorabl li o ho would in iptil hiinsolt' on tho hoiioh a- an able and u II oommand i ' -\ people Tho oritieism anetinios niado !>} -noli :i- prel'or the blunt, mint phrases of a Wriuhl or a Ttiruey, or the sharp, olear and oonolusivo sontonoos of a Mo ml, that •' ion- .no usual I \ ion elaborate. Km logical ol ible to m sullioii i. an and anthoi it} i >no "I' tho ifos-sional I lo this lino ol' oritieism on h nl} says ' IJul hi and strict adhereiu the tra \ in law, as they have conic down filtered through the mm. I- ol' Marshall, Story, r and Kent, In- friends believe, with all duo the merits .'I' hi- assoi iales and con temporaries ai tho bar, that ho will hear comparison with i >'l Toniu s s The . .'I no man arc porf 1'he xoellencies in the best must make compensation for some minor is a marked compliment to the -u implishiuents I I'Veeman thai tho merciless eye of criticism ha- detected no fault in hi- splendid work than the studious elaboration aim in h} whioh ho ha- taken care to sustain his ons His opinions, recorded in the annals ol tho Supremo court of Tennessee, will bo his imperishable monument, than whioh hi- ambition could demand iiothins worthier or more honorable, Tin' influences of .Indite I'recman's personal lifoliavo over I' am on the side ol' morality ami religion. \- he stated, ho i> a devoted member "( tho Baptist church, strom:!} attached to iis doctrines, and a thor ver in the divinity of Christ ami his reli lie is fond of tli Sin \ school and noji'loots no oppor tnnit} witlrchildren and addressinj! them. 1 1 v - i- al-o an ardent friend of the temperance cause. Though ho has it fortune in worldly li in tlu -no-- of a life well -pom. ami. as hi- been well said, has achieved lor his children the heritage of a " srood name,'' which Solomon rather to ho chosen than isreat riel HON, K0\> \i;n ii. r 1ST V V Till' inn II Ivist, has, for years, • hi tho roll of eminent lav in To: II - nai in Davidson county, emigrated from Vii ly as I St Hi farm 1> riculiural pursuits. Ho w.i- a man o\' strong mental cliaracteris much looal influence, lie was chosen jus r ai an early day, ami a- far back as me chairman of tho county court of David nitty, a position whioh ho hold for many j With tho first appearance of the Whig l'avt> in the ^ /^^ * c/ Q^>t ^^y - political arena, he b< H nan White in 1 - . 1 r hand The grai I land. He cam* ed in Vii. I ' ! Her bi '. ; i K., ' and Tl; [J unobtrosi with those domi of the mod id mother " 'tilled in) hildren, from of virtue that I. died ni.' f'o'ir of ten childri / of John •/. '/•.." n, who 'li'-'J in ] - VI (2 Louisa wife of Alexandei FJ farmer of Davidson counl i. ' 1 . I»r. A. A. E of Nashville. The yonth of Judg though hi - 1 u it*; good and irere by no means neglected. When red the old V. Institute in l> iduated in from that school in 1850. II »olved to become a lawyer, h< red the la partment of Lebanon Uni om which institution dnated in ]*.">4. with the li<-ior of Laws in a class of eight \>r W. E. Ward (a sketch of whom appe I. '•'. i ma; Alfred Elliott, of N' I ly,jr., and Bichard A. Ki jr.,of Murfreesborough. Thetwol I died dur- ing the late civil war. From the date of his grade to the present time, he 1. eed law in Nashville, with the exception of the interrupt ind the period during which be occupied the bench ;>- chancellor. During this period, he has held positions of honor and trust. Indeed, thi of lii- age to be found anywhere upon whom have been .-. «r'J -', r ji ;< 1 1 ;.- mark* of confidence and esteem by their fellow-citizi nt He was fot several dent of the board of direi the Tenn< Hot! pita) for tlji- J i » - in He one of the original mem- ard of trust of Vanderbilt I and, for a timi as the first president of that board. He has been for man member of the l.'.ur '1 of trustees of tin; University of Nashville, which institution, in 1880, conferred on him the honorat I.I. D II <• I ■ - - of W< B initi'i birth an only be pr and under of A ■ tain the federal I and of rep r the time, subjected. H hand it hern bn Id he | iced to di which hi* ■ in the - I. . ■ i - elections were not I >w, h'-M The Si until A re in office at the time of Mr. Tl - I. ture- -ion. Judge East hadopi . but whei 11 for he found he I by a ma- ul tende ernor He withdrew from public position and, part in the war. - n;oMi\r\ r rKNNKssK vxs S N '■ S .1 Iiiimain On it the - i N Hiding « in - . ithal. s ■v tho \ t Si. Li I'-inj, .1 further In l v 7 I, iriiuiii of the eoniiuiti ho performed with ilistiii II,' w o and oarm - iti«- honor :ii of the - . ,1 tho It wan durin after n our S In |S7S \ ornor by ■ but, although lie w make tho potential than the u that nominated him Id not bo induced to tako tho Sold. otos tho lis uts in tho li is l"' l> - nits in lii- |>orsoual lifo may a> married in Mrs. 1 i \\ \| iss ssippi, da ugh tor of Henry T lb N ohuroh. South. Thoy havo two ii daughters. II . inul lies* and thoir family thou happy ono. iroor. dial a uis lifo arc not patihlo, but, on die contrary, nia> bo rendered I'r.Mii an early period, li,' lias i moinbor of the Methodist K| a |';i«n,' layman, making easy, his us by periodical ooutributions to its ulcus inoinbor. taking a livoly - and institutions ol tho II,' 1 uuiuboi' of yoars, boon one ,,t' thi Is ol MoKendreo ohuroh, Nashville, and ! mnual eon for- me from the general confer \| liodisi Kpisco|>al ohuroh. South, to the 1 iiinil, at I. on, I, >ii. in ISS1 \- .- of iln- original inonihoi-s of \ aitderbilt I'nivorsit) \Y liai .- iln- ohuroh may •■ hi- hands dorod with genuino II ,1 by tin- authoritii .r,-i an,l « i-e-t of their In i - Judge K -i is of tall, slender ill,- " loan and hu LI indieato a man w ho II >f the inality and thoughtful oss i-kliod o'er." indeed, but el' die ooustam working of the brain within. 11:- oonvorsational gifts are charming, whioh his explorations into oxen field of literature, and if lmmanii> and ii. keep continually supplied with riehest ma- terial upon whioh to on ■■ - ' bil - ilielienieeiiele.be. renter delight than when finding himself in the midst el' a genial and responsive company of friends. 11, ■- . \. . ssivoly fond of literary and si - While he has neglected no b o\' iln- law in iln- range el bis eoiiseieutious study, neither has he slighted any opportunity for test n,« author, or of in\ esi igating lioal problem Km after all - - and jurist that he is known. In the ohoson profession of his life, lie has iid the foundations of a groat eharaetor, to whieh other pors oinplishinents are but ornaments. The way to eniinoneo at the Nashville bar has been all easy one Only that merit whieh ha- been tried and proven through a lone, hard series o( labo yoars, in daily eoinpetition with (he best products of the profession, who, themselves, have only devi through (he like Ion;, hard series of laborious \ er boon permitted to stand preeminent at the bar of the capital city of Tom, -- I'lnre i- no royal road x divide lawyer, and that any one ha- attain - thin the line ol' bis profession, that be ha- deserved ii That l';-i ha- already justly, aehieved the reputation o( a great lawyer is the unanimous verdict o\' hi- pro I'KOMI l. i M. 109 final brethren of '• • the To nffei pi oofi "ii i hal point i he H I'. ii notable triumph* In- hi Id not ■ ■ill bi up* i Huou but would extend I li far bit limit A In .• i i i bi ' I no* i and it tn ii ' be aid to ' he honor of the legal profi that, while it i uhjecl t" the ji thai afflict Ii ii muii i< in all it branch*; there i amon bet i' r cJa of I hi prof ■ r it du i w p uider 'I fl ci of which the trui in hi to 1 1" ' "i i Ii of an honorahl oeiati -I I . i > could wi Ii affoi 'I to commit bi- rcputal ion bol h a a loan and lav ei to tin memben of lb- bai an - •■■■ hom for t he la t thirl ha pent hi prof ional life. S<>>- can the writer of ' In ketch do .1 "'i • I.;, t '.i t he truth u bcttei < ban t" lc( .i few of i hi him One h ho often ere - yrd with -I ud " K and h b" 1 1 j in 'If ha ilwa ii bled n Dam blade '■■■ bo, I"' i'l' critic among i thu« peal of -I "-I ' I ■ i ' \ an a*b ocate he ha peci if an in the Ktatc of Tern lie i a I "I ■ i and iried al lainmi til and i e*| ce I'm I in .ill i he depai I tiicnl of hi prof bother ii be in i he ~ii|'i • tm i he i ii cuil I he chancer) or the criminal ce I I tie ■• no lawyer o icci I a» to combine all ( hi thai arc neei u f ocate. Bi ide i hi In i a man of i id sci- entific calturi and one of the finenl con ei ationali»U I . . er I new. In thi he i ab olut* I fa final Did he can be ii i i ■ in linn, andtoold age to the moot ignoranl and the tno i intelli ' to whit* n take i In- in" i ignoranl negi a I hal ever lived in the ■ and can charm and fa cinate him, and will f ;> k < • pli in ib, in" ho and in a m ti ill bi i m neti ; I inter c i in" and ' ni' < i ■ fin' 'I elegant lit - erai and cii nl ific circh Thi of hi- ll- - i ., pi ndulum between ■■< tn id :■ frown . t he frown impn int. olenin mile illuminating pleananti Hi i tniabb and tender ; and et po ■ ' ; thi ni" i " and the mon( v. itherint irca ni I [( ha thi in-ill i, ' null of i . Iiim-'ir i rial frii tid de piti political and pa 1 1 « I!"' I. i i I' both partii I n i heated con ti I in which all pal tii foi t he ''"ni i"l "I tin In I - hi di I meed .ill I mi petit, , i- without ii pledge to anj line of poliej or an enunciation ol pinion on any question involved in t he can i and in t he II of Kepri t In ■ fticient '"nt rolling if thi n eleel i f An- drew John "ii i " 1 1 ti of i be ' nited States. No in. in ' "ul'l I- i - I rn - icceMsi cian Inn politi* ion for him, I "Hi,-' tied. I!' i .i lirm bi lie i;i in ■ Methodi ' and In. f the JJihh m ad miration, and ■ .,ubl " 'I llilll to tin . |,ll|- itor. I I- kind and noble heart, and an eloquence thai i peculiar in bim "11 and thai le, on tin- ront in m. and in the forum In < word, I think he in in in., . , . .. . ;td in 'I'm.' The chancelli tied him on ll J I. Hi both in point of and ability. \- a practitioner. he i in the St man in it, Hi learning and attenl ion to II amiab popular u n ;ill "In man I know. Hi- | in bi- kind and affable man accommodating and that amount- to Hclf sacrifice, A ii ,-/ senator of i I elf a pro found - i, iii'-t Jud - I ■ iiin-'-'l and characteristic opinion I, - I,:,-. ■■ te ted the strength of •! i i the bar, apologize for their defei . > k i 1 1 jr <»f* lii iii mean (but I, picture in the "l',r-. bring "ni tin in the b<-t lighl and make ti- ll ondcrfully powerful in 1 1 I,- in reducing ion to mi absurdity. Though he - office he can I," found anywhei - it h a* much - he philos- opher, he pendfi bin time in tl with men engaged in t he I umhlc of bu in which common hciisc and the dominant traiti of hu- man character have fullest pla; and it i- doubtli h hat he owe* much - In this rcHpect, he re emblc the late Judge Archibald VVrighl of Metuphi , who seemed never to study, but i faci ii in" but of men and A distingu i hi 'I member of tin irl of hi honorable ti timon Some eel in "Ii - - me in land lit igation, n the eellin in rtmenl -I udgc I ! A mere bio) rapher can add nothing t" luch I ! I tothing that need." to be added except a hi iei refer* nee t" hi PKOMINKXT TKXNKSSK VNS than - - . V .'111 - I upon :i moral char- 'U an able ) from the bench, (titled mind, rap irated the chat! - ami tlio uno. Tlio • id him. nor could . s ':-. from the line of duty. The rich litigant ami the met "on the level :, and his a head and hi I and thor- \ ery aiuing time, not ui ; There was in Judge lom from the - t\ too eonilll - n. that rendered him. at all tii:. - - ess - .1 fra- ternity. It has been said of him that in light or per iry matter.-, he would "sit at chambers in a harbor shop, a counting room, or oven on a street corner, «hen. neonvenienee of repairing to the eourl eined rather greater than the ini if tin- manor involved In short, lie had not a partiolo of the vanity or a (footed dignity of office, the heneh or oil' the heneh, towards the u.i- always marked h\ eourtesy, affability and patience Hi- retirement from the chancellorship wasa source of unusual regret. •Iiul - yet comparatively young just of the which Knglish lawyers reach their prime, and Knglish statesmen come to ho regarded a.- tit to deal with the graver matters of state. Though by no means physically robust in appearance, his compositioi that tough and sinewy sort whose capacity tor endu- rance is uiimcas \ iding to the probabilities of vital statistics, ho has yet many if good life ahead of him. He has pro-pored financially . and taken bond against the too frequent calamities of old ago. •.lities are yet great, and his capabilities are sufficient i them into probabilities and these la-t into realisations, lie i- yet one of the live, pro- men of Tenness HON. ROBERT J. MORGAN. MKM '"T^HK paternal an sti R hert .1 Morgan 1 - if Knglish origin. Threi M rgan brother- ted from England to America in colonial settled, one in Connecticut, one in Pennsylvania, and the third, from whom .1 udge M - ided. i A ' } New York - nded from the Connecticut branch of the family, and Daniel M : ilntionary fame, from the Vir- ginia branch. The x Virginia h came con- ; rbours. a family well and w known in that State. M - .indfather. John K. Morgan. \ nian by birth, and lived and died in that v Other members of the family removed to Kentucky in both of which State- there are now number of living representatives of the name. M s father was also named John K M He was a wealthy merchant and banker at l.ato ia, and als - ssful planter. Ho was a prom inent member of the Methodist church for titty and wa.- noted for hi- tine business capacity and the character. During the late war. dined by President Davis commiss the t" I He died in lSUS - ntv years, - Miss M ir\ T Bi daughter of . Tore Drown, a native of North Carolina, who moved to (Jeorgiu. Her mother wa- a Miss Beas :' a well known Georgia family. Mrs Morgail cared by her uncle, Hon. Jarre) Beasley, a man of -oine distinction a.- a member of the Georgia 1 latino Judge Robert J, Morgan wa- born in LaGrauge, a. March 2,">. I82ti. lie was educated at the I'liiver-ity of Heorgia, and graduated there in 1--I7 Having previously determined to study law. he entered the otliee of Dull \ Ferrell. al Laltnui.se: was ad- mitted to the bar in 1SI!» by Judge Edward Young Hill, and taken as a partner by his preceptors. Shortly - I Bull went upon the bench, and the firm became Ferrell A Morgan, continuing a- such un- til 1S.V. when Morgan removed to Memphis with a ■f practicing law ami engaging in planting in the rich Mississippi bottoms. Ho ».i- at that time ill afflu- ent eireumstanees, having been very successful in his --ion as well as inheriting a comfortable estate. Opening an otfn-e in Memphis, ho remained there until the beginning of the war. In IStil. he raised and organised at Chattanooga, the Thirty sixth Tennessee Confederate regimeut of infan- try, and being made colonel, held the command for two wheu the regiment was consolidated and he wa- /£# ' fosy. / ' ■ '. . Poll and bad - llimattdcd II i- iniil tbi ■ and nerved in I ' I ■. if : ■ 'I nbcrland pari of tbi the battli ■ of M W'lljcll ll< irith fjen, I'olk. After tin i I :ill thi* time In In fill tbi II Win. M Smith, and af I bar of Mem pb dered in .) . . fill tin John V ' • filled until thi ■ uii'/ii of I -To II the offii II - under tli< ; and beld the of) Jfe tin' i llor within -\y. in',: ante appoint* d pevpli -I ud •■ Wo t-ban- cellor of the cbam abouf ten then by popul; I • I -7- from the bench and of bin M tration of the to the |i«:ojil'-. and reflect* honor upon He qualification* for • added to lii- cultun the b itural gift* of fine common criminating tion of the right, fitted him peeuliai eqni( ■ 'I hi equa nable him ' the law and to reach almowt oncrringl . of the cane brought before him; and il fely affirmed thai no inferii 'A' hi- d< ■ appellate During the period of bin incum- ffice tin confidi In I ■ t|<-. 'I; In - OH tin pOplll; I I I ' the railroad from .'. -)i in I •in impoi ". from North Carotin the I!' with I LHOMINKXT tkxxkssk vxs hi ami will, and hor impress upon odists for several generations, and ho ami his wife are her t . u 1 > i 1 > lias boon I', ncticial and lasting She died both members of that church, II.- was made a Mil toi at Macon, tl of her Mrs Mor j;i was educated at Milledgeville, Ueor ind is distinguished for hoi' gifts in conversation and writing, lor In t oloar conception ol' ever} question thai is pn ml the vigor of hor olnoidation. I", w ladies in Tonnossoo Inn o bettor claims to bo oallod iutollootual, while hor oulturod mind is scarooh sur v al l.ai ii in , (Jeoi ia w here In' also took all 1 lie CI I oes In lii- personal appoaranoi Judge Morgan \\ . > u 1 < 1 attraot attention in any assoinhlago. He i- a man ol lino, portly physiipti : shouldered, ami with a well balanoeil head that at onee deelares him a man of \- a speaker, he has few equals in tin whore By ihi- marriage, .link,' Morgan South. Hi- voioe i- deep, rioh, sonorous of has t\\ Mar.\ I. Morgan, bom in lSTio", oompass and power. Both at the bar and on the stump, now the wife of Mr •lolm A Koightly. formerly .'I' bo is a quick, ready, weight} debater He has always i-illo. Kentucky, now ol Loos I ('2), done a largo and lucrative praetieo, and when he brings John L Morgan, born February .">. IStil ; now in his strong will power ami determination in full play, iness with Orgill Brothers, Memphis his client can almost oertainl} count on a verdict in Judgi Moi tu's family on both sides have boon Moth- his favor HON. WILLIAM GIBBS McAlHHL - \ n //././:. H< '\ W I 111 \M i,l UBS M, \DOO wa- horn at Island Kurd, nine miles northeast from Clin ion. Tennessee. Vpril I 1820 Hi- ancestor, John M, \ loo i tin from the old world about the be- ginning of tlio eighteenth century, landing al Nor fork. \ i flic grandfather of the subject of this sketch, John Me Vdoo, was born in the valley ol' Vir ginia, I'Ybruarj (i. 17.~>7. came to Mast Tennessee in its tails settlement, and wa- with Sevier at the battle of King s mountain. Ho wa- also a follow,!' of Soviet through main a blood} fight with the Indian-, ami wa- a participant in the rencontre between the forces of Tip- ton and Se\ ei March 1788. resulting in the downfall of the "State of franklin His homo in the latter part of hi- life wa- a i ibo mouth of I L ii.l- crook, two miles east from Clinton, Tennessee, whore bo wa- the owner ami cultivator of valuable lauds, ami where bo died, Hecoinber 2ti. I SI-JO He was married to Man ha (i rills, September I. 17 s 7. by whom he had two -on-. William, born May 28, 1788, and John, born .In no l'l. 170(1 Here his wife died Januar> v 18I-J8. and they are buried to gether in the family burial ground near by John Mc Vdoo. i bo father of William (Jibbs Mo \doo, together with his brother, responded to the first call lor volunteers occasioned b\ the outbreak ol the hostile lick Indian- in ISl.'J, and participated in the bloody conflicts through which lion. Andrew Jackson broke tlio power of the Creek n rover, Soon after his return, bo again enlisted, wa- made lieutenant, ami i iiiulcr the leadership of his gallant commander, remained in service until tlio the war by the glorious victor} of Now Orleans on Jauuar} 8, 1815 I n A n o> 1 SI."), ho uiai ried Mi: Man Vnn I daughter o\ John ami Anno (Jibbs, »o< Anno Howard. of Anderson count} Hon William Morrow, of Nash n ill.-, formerl} treasurer of Tennessee, i- a grandson of John ami Mar} McAdoo, being (bo onl} son of Mrs. Kmnia Morrow (the oldest sister of W U Me Ad and her husband, Hubert Morrow Tlio Uibbs famil} deserves mention. Nicholas (lil, I,- wa- a native ol Baden Baden, Uermany, lnu was descended, on bis father's side, from an English famil} Norman I'ronch extraction, which had its rcpresen tativo with the Conqueror at Hastings; an. I a devoted follower of Charles the First, a member of ibis family, on the triumph of Cromwell, sought refuge in Her man} There Nicholas Uibbs was born about the year 17.",.Y Joining a recruiting regiment, he came to Amor ioa in ilio I'r, n, h service; in 17.~>"\ shared in the glory won l,\ the gallant Montcalm in the repulse of the Brit ish ai Ticondoroga, ami coming to the 1 nit-cd States, took part once more against the British, He moved to Knox county in the earliest settlement of that region, ami loli a largo famil} of sons ami several daughters, Ono of these -on-. Capt Nicholas Uibbs, loll at the head of his company in the battle al Tohopeka; and others were in the -a mo war One of his >,,us. I .. W. Uibbs, wa-. for a long time, a prominent citizen, lawyer and Lank or a I \ ishvillo llld on,' of the -on- ol' ih.' latter, lion C. N Uibbs, wa- recently of the State of Tennessee, Xicholas Uibbs diod in 1810, ami lies buried at his old homestead, in Orass} vallc} Knox count} His son, John Uibbs, Lorn. 17ii!'. diod. 1840, look part in man} of the earl} struggles with the Indians . was a leading Ian, I owner ami slaveholder . m Anderson county, and was au honored count} PROMINENT TKNNKSSR VNS He I'll 01 W illiara 1 1 o ward ' I ibb and i end daughtei be idc Mai . \ nu < ■ ibb aln ady mi ril in the wife of John McAdoo, and mother of W C Me Moo I Ion. William < '• ibb Vic \ 'I"" pent hi . oul h on i.M l>> i plantation al I land I '01 'I and al ' he n hoi in" ■ i • I I I' ai ii' 'l to i ■ ltd and evinced thai fondness for books which ha I" i n .1 I' ading ehui icter istic of his life. 1 1 is father removed to Knoxville in ' m'I resided 1 here two eai to afford his children better facilities to acquire education. II r • the daj following In graduation Mi Vic \.l."i wa • ■ lected to I he Legit lal urc to repri enl the counties of Campbell and Anderson. He was a member of the old Whig party a party then ha\ ing a decided Democratic majority : 1 1/ ; t i 1 j - 1 ii in the Legi la inn . In this period, he was one of a committei in Memphis ;it the time "I the meeting of the greal in- ternal improvemenl convention of 1845, over which linn. John C. Calhoun pre ided, and where he uttered his famous doctrine in relation to the dutj and the power of 1 he general goi ei nnienl to mal 1 intei rial im provements, wherein he ipoke of the Vli 1 ippi river 1 ,i grea! 1 nland 1 a On the opening of the Mexican war, in the prin ol 1846 Mi- McAdoo hastened home from an ab enci I .1 com pan j of \ olunteers as a pi i\ ati and ought the Rio Grande. Before man hing into the interior, he elected to the first lieutenancy ol the compan His friend, John L, Kirkpatricl wa captain. A long march of the regiment the econd regiment of Ten ...luiii. . 1 1 1 he brave and 1 loq 1 William T, 1 1., l.ll being 1 he colonel la, through I hi vallej at tin eastei 11 base of 1 he Sierra Vladre 11 1 limn "b Victoria, the capital of 'I am il..' in ' I inipico, .1 1I1 live hundred miles, Thence the regimenl embarked lor V. ra Cru«, and took part in tin in 1 he en pi urc of 1 hal Mm Ii, I - IT. After a long illm John U. Kirk pal rii Vu\ ' ■ ifter h hieli M r Vie Vdoo d tin ' "-ii I'" and led ii in 1 he chai 1 be bal 1 Ic of ' ''-it.! Gordo in \ pril I ■- 17 Tin . became 1 he ubjeel . oon afti rw ard, "I aci iinonioii controver j Let wi en IJri/ r] Gen G -I Pillow and • '"I W T, I l.i I'll The war a umii 1 catoi pro portion tl a anticipated 1 ufhcienl i|uota of vol unteei for thr led to I he field, and the twelvi rnontl fen il charged : n rat ion of service, and were -< ml hi n H "In rward Mr. Vic Vdoo entei 1 .1 I In of Judge Edmund Dillahunty, of Columbia, and in I in received license to practice law. Early in 1850, he opened a law office in Knoxville; was elected by the Li gi lature attoi rn 1 m ral for 1 hi second jud circuil "I Tei u was afterward re-elected by the p oph iin.l held the office until the spring of I860. In n Mm . he won a distinction for vigor and impai 1 ii lil in 1 he .Ii eh 11 f his dutii fell 1 m ted nth tin admini tl ation of justice al 1 hal pi riod In thi Stal convent ion to iioniinati a candidate of the Whig pari foi rovei m I •■ IT. he .'. .1 offered 1 he 1 tidid b I he commit tee on nomi na linn, bul being 1 ei 1 to polil ical -1 rugglcs declined 1 he honor. The war between the State found Mr. VIcA. heall Ii bal tered b dangerous disea 1 'II" bettei to protect .1I1. property, he removed to Georgia, he ei id 1 he oul hi e in 1 %'3, and continued I In rein unt il 1 he v at clo ed lie participated in 1 he struggles "i Kennesaw mountiau, about Vtlanta, :ii Macon, and throughout the rest of of the war in ' ■ gia. On its close, he opened a law office in Milli Villi'. * > 1 1 it., i ' "i 11 i.'.ii ion of the State ■"'■ eminent, he 1 . .-. ived 1 be ap] il mi m of disti icl attorney, and af terward was made judge of the Twentieth judicial dis- I I i.'i , 1 1.- 1 1-. "'ii' "I 1 hese i" accepl I he presidency of the Si M.ii, and Western railroad company In 1877 Im was offered ;i position in the corp< of instructoi bi- old ahnu maU r, 1 he I in .1 it; "I Ti nni ee, al Knoxville, which he et hoi us returning to the worl which most delighted hi early life teaching. Judge Vie Vdoo is the author of an EU /». ntury (leoloyy of Tl mi. ' . mini' 1 "" 'I Um ' I'"' in. inn .1 poem etc etc. He has h ritten much for the press, contributing to the journals of tin editorials, criticisms and news letters. lie has unpub lished manuscripts intended for publication, sufficient in make a large volumi FR0M1NF.NT ITwr-M W- ■ Mr I! v x ; Miss 1 1, si \ Miss \ - \ i M< l> S N MeO x rrli Hampton county, - it the South Cai i'ii in father of Mrs M o A d oo !!.■ ' ' - • I \ OSS S M \ s ••.ih iiun. - \\ ii mi \ \ San Francisco. California. M • v \ Mr John :' llornoeh. Soot land, ami in Mis> Isabella K nth. .lama MoAdoo has in h. r orosoout ap l>y In raudtather, Charles v Hi lona liuards. ami hoar ' I 1 1 »-i- grand i Floyd. was commander in .hi. I - called ill lit break II, lod In- troops into tho id fought tho Indians iii the li nd Autossoo . was afterward in tho American foroos in Savannah uniil tli< Ho was a momhor I lantor: and his hospitable mansion, on tho border of tho sea, was tho resort 1 1> died .In Mi- son, Charles It Floyd, while .i youth of sixteen years, took i in the li In with the Indians in the Crook For his jRilla I to a oadol West V where I .1 a military edu In 1>_1. In' traveled in F.nropo and \ i>i t o.l \\ ml other 1.10:11 hattlo fields. He w is \\ I v ;i to the ehief oomniand of the Coorgia 1 in the removal of the koo Indians in IS'v<. and performed tho duty with i oloritj an mi eommeiidation of Con. Seott. painter, and noted tor his ohivalry, whioh never know a stain llo died at mo in Camden oounty. in Maroh. lS4o .In.!.. \\ li N i \. * his sooond niarriagv, is the father of tl John Floyd. William Cibbs, ami in Ross; and of four daughters: Caroline Black- shear. Kosalio Floyd. Nona Howard ami I. aura Storrotl. \- adjunct |i of Knglish ami modern la n - Mo Woo has under his instruction tho i Knglish grammar, rhotorie, ami Kng lish literature ami history, in our State 1'nivorsity; and lie still retains tin- full measure ol his vigor am) promp- titude in tho discharge of duty. HON. SOLON E. ROSE. Till! lineal am Solon K, Hose, - authentically, back IT HI Frior to that, how . that tin !ose.< thirty miles from ln\, v >tland. and that tln-y were a little in heir intermarriages with the Campbells and Crahams. The mother ol \\ ited in the history of tho family .oat. of arm • bar, having three it. tf ig tho \ rtue kindles the Tin Ivos ituily, reaching back throe hundred - lestroyed during the late civil war. It was transmitted to the youngest son x<{' the oldest sen. in continued succession, and in its absence the data I irded is given from family tradi- tion. Rev, IV Robert Rose, the executor of tl e-tate of Cov. Spottswood. id' Virginia, a man of emi- nent ability and social worth, came over to Vuicrica with tl S tswood, who died about 1 T I < * He had four sons, Henry. Hugh, William and Charles, one of whom, probably Henry Ritse, was tho direct unci of the subject of this sketch, lie was related to many prominent families of Virginia, PROMINENT TENNEHHEANS. " II. in Row grandson, John R< the father of William Rose, the father of Solon K Rose John R married Elisabeth 1 1 ttled on crecli •'■ Virginia old, and there died when near the 1 1 I ii Robei 'II I: .I.iiii. Madison, Col. William \\<>-<-, father of Solon R. llo born 01 R Virginia, December 19, 177!t. and i » i - . •. ed to ' I I II" mar in Virginia Mi Klizabeth Winficld Meredith, mol bi i ■ a a VVinfield, and an ' Jen, Winfield Seott. Col. William Ro elected colonel of il I <■ ■ a Mel hodi I from earl outh ; a man who ne\ ei di drop of liquor in lii- lifi II rounded character. distinguished for hi to lii- church, for In- numcrou charitii able, social manm ill of the first alder men of the town of Pula ki and iated with \:ii.,ii V. Brown and others, who afterwards b< prominent ' me of lii- : I itchman who - intleman him; he'll do to trust." He died May 25 1851 at the 1 1 i- wife, a mo l\ minded and I nan, I'.n^ preceded him to the ing in Giles county, Tennessee, December 81, 1820, at al t the age thirt] Ii e. Hhc was born in Brunswick \ irginia daughter of David Meredith, r from Wall I >1. William I: mi children, all sons, to-wit: Mi. Edward Winfield llosc, who was chairman and county judge of i .il. - coun) I wenty thrt ■ mem- ber of th< I. lature, and nex( to Thomas Martin, filled i In' in the co (2J William Meredith I: living in Nashville, wan long ii merchant and farmer in Gili One of his daughters, Henrietta is the wife of Col. Hume Field, of Confederate army fame. (3), Alfred Hicks Re . now :i fanner in Hardeman county, Tenn ;■ nr his legal learning and facilit) of speech, than for his liter. nuirements. I le has long be< of the most eloquent i : while he ha n himself exceedingly felicitous with the pen, 1 - 1 1 15, he edited foi itli-. the Academisl, a Hi L eburg, lemonstrated h -ii--, and home among the standard Kl- erali. He has been al ipporter of id other public enterprises. He i- a member of tli" American Legion of Honor, and in religion, his procli Methodistic, though li" is not a "..m- municant ; and while t J • - - rubric of his faith is not so diversified as that of some, yet he is orthodox. .Jink"- Rose '■ by a Democratic father, but up to the war I, was a W big i \ ■ r; drop ..I i in him. In 1848, he canvassed h -sional \ \ \ [T.NN — w- lity material wealth, ami with \ a ithstanding : \ - II I,,.,.,, ( « u.,- \ S \ • ; senator there - u l>ut opinion.-; i. maulj - - m of pluek and generous lliug. altornatii i the disti ian. ami the line save - V men.' lie r\ was m\ defeat. Then van- the earnest wish of my of my declining years. Hut ,j his with ill.- i! '.. 1 ean well afford I lie down to Wh\ regri I I'aine is hut the - nd like the eloud pavilion in -.mi winds. md their zeal in my x eksoii, with my hand •:. 1 thank him for his - induct .; during the tleuien of the ird to party 1 hope your lives ,. ;m . ... |\,1 ;,nd happy. May the - leviousjour- .,., 1 ;,,„ may "all j ways of pleasantness and j-;, r thi • N L was ill your p - May your roof-trees distil i, u liff 01 - - ilu sky «■!' Ilermon. and around your endearinents. t the S' a memoral - . in the life of held political office, „tvy. I should havt he was unanimously elected hy the my snppoi ■ that were nai t State P I as a dele- in -au- for the State at large to the national Democratic Not that I would forget my own > ' rhieh nominated Cleveland and Thou land of my nai llendrii ,,..., imtation as an orator, which has caused the day on numerous notable .... i i - us. was enhanced l» the eloiiuent and lirilliaut "' '*' , , 1 I. M 1- ... i'ii l speeeli ho delivered on titles county I lay, Maj 1.. has kept id with the graced ' ... .,..-.. . , , e Nashville I entennial hx| sition the oc rvthm ot huiuai stinyatid her . . ■ . ..., easion hems the dedication ot lilies county 8 tribute, i with tli. ntry. I he election , . , , . . . .. „ , , .. ... the liunhen ot the speech being the history ot the n will add luster to the name ol I en- , .,,.,. . . , i i ii luntv. and especially ot the three governors that the man! tion 1 hope will re- ■ , . , , , „>, ,, . , . . . , , , ,, ,. • armshed the Male. I lie / 'iltiski Citizen, , , 1 that speeeli : < the spring • ' , , ,. , i ■ ,i i lilies eountv has reason t.> be p heard m the land. . , , ,t ' !• in whieh t ol. >o on I-. hose represented her people at \ ; to the hi" 1 1 ramie, troin I sound from lake to gulf, and from sea Roderick Random Butler (RcpubH- - that defeated Jndg« K " tides eountv has reason t.> he proud ol the manner I'KO ' th< ' I on finished • ' refined • and triotic p turn U) ;■ either written 01 ■ ii birth i". I'm- di evatiou of thought, brilli vor, r production ■ of the da !■ on of a scholar, a poet and i patriot the time, and one that 'ii pride in j < lol. Bow iii- i rii d in L November I I. 1843 .Mi-- M IJ born in that eoun Mil. Buchanan I. heriffof ' I bolder. II William Buchanan ■;■■■<■ from South Carolina, and ii Buchau med for ! county, about 1 -!0. Hi- n of miliau II- thi South Carolii an historical character. B Miwi El ba i da Bi m daughter of Dr. James Bun Gabriel Bumpas* -the! markablel ric physician, who afti I where he died, nit ■ r, Franklin Buchanan, was speaker of 'h> in-- ee House of B brother, I'j Bobert M. Buchanan, i- now a proraim ■ inn at Oka]. inn. Mississippi, and I ■ bricl J. Buchanan, i- a brilliant in the same State. Her nephew, Col. John M. Siin ton (son of her oldest -I th Simonto was a colonel in the Con fedi nt of the Mississi] Mrs. Rosi a-ki. and has all her life borne the reputation of being ar- ndsome and wally lovi i-l..ii.i'-i' r, from v. hat i- the brigl life hi i devotion to duty. Through all Iii- trials in life, Col B mfesses to have found in her an admit ble aid Though a comfortable and hospitable I per, -Ii' i- noted tor her The children born of this union are four in number: (1). Solonia Marcell B nber 16, 1844 I tdii d I ii ndei Vli it Di Prettyman'fi Female Collej I. the Columbia Athe- naeum; married Capt. John D. I hier of the Giles National Bank has four children, Marcella Rose, Solon J., Mary Lizzie, and John II 2). William II I: born April 23, 1847 educ-at Pulaski: now a farmer in Giles • nt; married M I. bter of Major J B. - i k and 11 - ! I). Mrs. O. M. fc M. M Atchison, of • . ' Idren time I dueed minished. On tli him- self in Iii- prof impt in ii.- obli- ■i faithful in tin In rjuired a reputation, and when li<; lia. ! I'll! N nilciiian ' N lesirain your temper, Iml the head ami i! f the '.'• i ill I hi' e\ hut mot misfortune willi fortitude; for hu i sliould be >'.|ii;il to liuinati calamil \ Vvoid lie temperate Vid religious pi tnplary life, rather than by doetrinal theo I lily, In the spread of t It < roud all other ereeds, is alone sufficient to ins|)ire faith in its truth, and command our zealous COL. JOS1-MMI 1 THK A - ll-ll i| igin 'flic lineal an I ' oh Rhea \nderson. i of this sketch, were rebels in Scotland, settled in the nortl md, and subsequently emigrated to Augusta county Vir iuia The grandfather, John son, in 177.1. moved to what i- known as the "Block House,"' an old fort, at the head of Carter's valley H when the country was a : sed a family of lour sons William, ■ I. dm. Vmllcy and [saae.and four daughters, Mar, 1 ibeth who married Wil- Hani Christ - ih who married Kin. Andre' braitli '. and Jaue (who married Rev. John lleniger). was twice run out from their dwelling there by tin n fort ( ' !:« |>!>. near \ \ iu in John Anderson died October 13, 181 'i His « i Rebecca Max « el « ■ ant of the Campbell family, of whom Vlexander Camp- bell was the m< - ebruary 21. IS2-I 'fhe you n \ ' Vnder- son, lather of the subject of this sketch, who I lised u family of twelve children on the old homestead lie never accumulated much pro| »t in land- His character was that of a careful, Hod fearing man lie was a !« I teacher, - lay e\ cning he asked and rehearsed the nuestions in the catechism - family, and it was the regular Sunday work children to get those lessons. He was known county, Virginia. ha\ ing itrol of the militia of hi- day lie tilled unty over twenty ti\ e II trait of character was unswerving I I man tell I d ipt to tell him of it if he did Hi- death occurred February 7. 1872, was Miss M Khca, « ho B ii k creek, Sullivan county, Tenm -- \ ust 7. I7!>1. She was the d i I .loseph 111 id .loseph Rhi ofthi Presbyterian church. Her moth : : freland to this ;U1V ANDERSC/N intry, a widow with live daughters, and settled at what i- now known as 1 1 1 . Byai - farm Washington \ Mrs. A nderson was well educated in the common Knglish branches. Her characteristics wei n, indusl ry and persi In tin- rearing of her children she made persistent effort in teaching them to he self-sustaining and -elf reliant, and always to keep out of debt, She was exceedingly iiiouiical and taught her children economy and -r. habit.-. She died April 24, 1S73, having been the mother twelve children I 1 I. Rebecca, who married .loseph New la ud , _ ' Joseph Rhea, subject of this sketch John, died March 12, LS4H i I Vudley, married Miss Cornelia \le\ander. - married Miss M IS ti) Frances, married -I -I II u lies 1 7 married If -I Can S) Sarah Ann. married H S. Kam < iroline. died unmarried, June 27, 1830 Mary, married J II Karnest. t 1 1 i. [saai V married Nannie Stuart. (12). Jane, married William Stuart The most of those -urvi\ ing are now li\ ing in Sullivan and Washington counties, Tennessee. Joseph Rhea Anderson was horn October 25, 1819. His first fourteen and a half year- were spent on the in with his i 1 1 in - Hi- principal hook tah-ut was in mathematics, and he studied the rudimentary branches by himself, a- also grammar, dictionary, geography and astronomy later on. when he went to live with his uncle. The first money he ever made was fifty cents, reci lor a bushel of Irish potato,-, which he raised on his own patch on the farm, lie kept that half-dollar two or three years, thu- laying the foundation of hi- future banking house. In March 1834 being not yel fifteen Id. he began as n clerk in the store of his uncle, Samuel Rhea at Ulouiitville. Tennessee, on a salaryof J , ud. and remained there until October, 1842 eight years in which he acted as sales man and deputy postmaster, During this time he saved seven hundred and fifty dollars, hi- -alary having been gradually increased. When twenty one year- of age he borrowed five bundled dollar- from his father and five hundred dollars from an uncle, and went into bus for himself on one thousand, seven hundred and lift) PROMINEN'J I BNNESSEAN'S. dollars capital, al Eden I: l II mained there till March, 1844, paid back the five hun dred dollars borrowed from his uncle, bul his father would ii' ■ the money borrowed from him, as hi- intended, an he said, to give ii to his son, bul tl redeemed the note, '.'.iili interest, in February, 1872 after hi- father - death, and the monej wenl to the heirs of thi In March, 1844, he wenl into partnership al Blount- ville, with hi- uncle, Samuel Rhea, and remained partner, taking charge and conducting the bu until September, 1853, when they di partnership, he having previously purchased of his father-in law, Rev, Jann I one hundn f laud at « now known as the town of Bristol. Col. Andei the founder of the town of Bristol. He laid out the lot* and made a plat of the town in I 352, and i- now the only man living there that was there al the time, This one hundred a< i partly in Virginia and partlj ee, he named Bristol, after the great manu- facturing eit; of Bristol, England, in the hope ihat it might someday become a great iron manufacturing In Septembei 1853, he moved his family to Bristol, when it was a large meadow, and commenced business as a merchant, in the house now standing at the corner of fourth :in. I-!,", Miss Melinda W. King, bom June 27, 1821, daughter of I!' ' -lane- King, a I' minister, of a Virginia family. II Miss Mourning Micajah Watkins, was horn in .North lina. daugl I I Watkins, a planter, near Halifax. Mrs Anderson on her mother's side, is related I Williams family, of Tenm ssei Mr-. Anderson gradu- ated at the Young L miliary. Knoxvilh.-. under J » j Esterbrook. She is noted for 1 of kindness and her work with the infant i and h tied the Presbyterian church in 183C, has been a faithful and constant Christian worker from thai tning. I: this man r en horn : 1 1 j. hi April +. 1846: -till living with hi.s father. an afflicted child. 2 Ann, born August 1-17 died : ,.; .'; John Campbell, born March 27, 1850: graduated at Princeton, Ni 372 a merchant al Bristol; married his cousin, Sarah Ann Anderson, daughter of Smile.'. Anderson. She died in Sept- aving five children, Audley King, ■ I !il: V] Melinda, Alice Floreuci an infant, who died the week after the moth, i I Samuel, born December '■>. 1854; attended Kin". Collegi Bristol, and graduated al Hani] Sidney College, Virginia; unmarried: i- now a Presbyterian minister, and has been an evangelist -i . years in Lei and Scot! •-•-untie-, \ irginia ; presi ville, Virginia. (5). Margarel Micajah, born November I. I 357 gi aduated at Rogers 1 afterwards at Oxford, Ohio; married John H.Caldwell, son of Rev, George A. Caldwell; now book-keeper in the l-'ir-t .National Bank. Bristol : has three 'children, ret Melinda, John Hardin, and Joseph Rhea. 6 Joseph King. 1 tsl 10,1861; died January 3, 1863 Col. And- -.hood was exemplary, so much -•• 210 PHO.MIXKN I' I'KXXKSSI \ n- thiil ho thought himst II' sis good as members of tho I ho .li.l not soo tho ii i\ lion eighti o, ho attended ;i revival in I S3S, at the Presbyterian ohuvoli in Mount - Hi \ Daniel BoglUl Hi' kept up miootion wiih tho Blountvillo church from ihon ho removed to Bristol, am) joined tho church there II ii .in older for tho past t\vent\ ivl a Sabbath sohool teaehor fort) I'illtOlldollI of tho Sohool :ll B StiO He regularly attends tin Sabbath I to this da.v ; however, proton leli. loving --.'lis ami to investigate the B Vnderson does not know the taste of brand) >>i whiskey; never drank a drop of intoxicating liquor in his life, and has . wine, only in the saora mow of tho I. .nil - Supper II. lias never ehewed to 1 1. smoked isionally, after hi- : ; ity. 1'iu sinoe hi- marriage lias not used tobaeeo in any I'.. nn \\ lu'ii a ho\ lii' never dissipated his nights, but in ai iln' store, st ml) ing, 1 1.' has never been sick in bed a day in hi- lite, all attribu- table in lii- regular habits of eating and drinking whole some diet. In personal appoaranee, ho looks glad and grateful . stands ti\ e foot ten inohes high, and w eighs one hundred ami sixty eight pounds lu polities. In- began as a Denioerat, Inn a- is nat ural to suppose, he believes in paying every dollar of tin' Siair debt, and opposed the 50 ■'! settlement. The only office of a politieal nature he has ever held was from 1858 to IsTii. when In- was either tho nuw a member of the hoard .>l aldermen .-! Bristol. In ISt!2 lu- beeamo a Mason, ami has taken twelve do greos, including Knight Templar, ami i- now Kmincnt Commander of Johnson Commander) at Bristol, ami has served as Worshipful Master ami Captain of the Host Sinee 1842 he has been a S f Temperance, ami has occasional!) lectured mi temperance lie is llrand Worth) Patriarch of iln- State ol Tonnes I in i >i toboi I88.'l ami again in IS8-I t hit side of tho church, lii- principal work lias boon that of advocating temperance, ami ion ducting " Hands "t Hope taking little boys into the -.nnr of whom aia- now grown men, and fre- i|uentl) write him letters of thanks for lii- care in sot tiuu [limit. in in life on a temperance basis. Xiiiot) per cent, of the members of his "Hands of Hope ' have i faithful to tin- pledge. Col. Vnderson was a railroad director from I8l>3 Ui having at that time charge of the funds ol tin- Ka-t Tennessee and Virginia road. In ISliS he became a direct or again and continued such until 1883. under tlie auspices of the Kast Tennessee and (ieorgia rail II - life is one of great simplicity ami directness of manner ami unimpeachable integrity, lus object ami aim being to elevate tin- moral- of the people ami bring them up to i higher standard As a rule he ha- few intimate, personal friends outside of lii- family, ami von few persons know much about lii- business, Hut hi- philanthropic life lias won for him iln- reputation of being " a good man, ami what title i- higher or more honorable than that '.' VUOV. A. T. BARRETT. LL.D. \ II' Vl'll V. K whoso pupil- in their junior year can . V calculate eclipses, ami develop all the formulas of plain- and spherical trigonometry, i- entitled to tin- notiee'of a biographer, and iln- attention of those who would assist in moulding the institutions of the eountn ami leave their impress on iln- times Prof. A. T. Barrett i- such a man. Ho wa- born at a sville. Ohio, April 12, 1S|7. ami there -pout hi- boyhood. working on a (arm in iln- summer ami n tho winter till 1858, when lu- went to Ho troit. Michigan, ami -pout one year with hi- oldest brother, Myron K Barrett, then president of the Bryant tton [Mercantile College, that eit) He then re turned to^Kingsvillo. entered tin- aeadeui) there, under tho'tuition of Prols. C. AY Hoywood and \ ' Barrett, 1.1. D.. r _the'latter being hi- brother, a graduate of tho I'nivorsity ai Bochoster. Xcw York, ami now pastor of iln Baptist church in that eit) Cnder their tuitiou he -tiiiliod fou.r years, but for lack ol' means did not go to Instead, ho went t.. Sites, Michigan, in 1863, ami entered tin- sen ice of •' . S Tuttle, where he -pout two years, when in- again returned to Kingsville, where his parents lived, ami studied in the aeadeni) another 1 -' 15, In- entered iln- I r ni\ or-ity of Boehest-er, remained there four years, ami graduated in 1SC0, lia\ night school, at odd times, to get means to pay his wa\ On graduating he look tin- highest prize given in tho university iln 1 Davis gold medal a prime giveu for excellence in scholarship ami oratory, \\i~ thou wont to Loweville, Now York, and became eonneoted with tin- howoville Academy, occupying the chair of licllcs-httira, tlfeneo to Brio, Pennsylvania, where he became associated with lii- brother in law. M, I! War nn- 1 who hail married his sister, Kmily Barrett), as gen nal insurance agent, his Held being western Pennsylva nia ami eastern t Hi Mter remaining in this positiou PHOMTXKXT THXXKSSKAXS. !I1 nearl of Mai - h trp College, Winchi Tenne sec professor of mathematic arid ha* filled that chair ever since, with honor to himself, to the insti- tution and the Soul li In politic* Prof Barn ■ I >■ inoerat . in reli ii Baptist II' ■ member of the Knigl Honor and of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, fie joined the church at the age '.)' fifteen, and h lived t he life of a consi stent and devoted mem 'lli ii he I id induction and a good "send off, wll quipped for the contest with a rough roll and t limbic world. Prof Barrett married at Kingsville, Ohio \ 22, 1871, Yliss KateC. Stanton, born Pebruar; _'.; 1-1- daughter of Warren Stanton, a merchant of that place, who was arrested by the Federal authorities during the For hurrahing for Jeff Davis and was confim the Columbus military prison, where he eontrai cold, which resulted in hit deal h II i fal hei ..I 'I resident and one of the earl; settlers of Kingsville, Ohio. Iii. -I there from Xew Sfork in 1817. Mr Barretl t mother, net Vli Vlai Wellman, of a New York hum living with Prof Barrett at Winchester. Her other children, Jimmj and died in early life Mrs. Bai i at King* ville, is a lady of rare culture, and i- noted for her i eepl ial good judgment and administrative ability. Befoi ' in. ii i in "■ hi li id i ucccssful i i ui'l i- now :i member of I hi faculi Shai i> College. To lii- union with .Mi-- Stanton, three children been bornto Prof Barrett, all born at Winchester: (1). D L, born September 18 1872. (2). Maud S., born September 6, 1-71. (3j Ro W.,born August 7, 1-77. The Barretl . Knglish people. One of Prof. Bar retl ii' i Sred the first gun in the A mi in. hi There were two division* of the family; one came south; one remained in Xew England, and from this latter branch Prof Barrett is descended. His father, Amos Barrett, was a native of Oneida county New York, moved to Ohio, a single man, and en in farming He has held iffices in the town of Kingsville, is a man of fine brain scholarly I of un- doubted integrity, lli- life has been consistent, and he has been a leader in the Baptist church at Kingsville lor a •." i" rati in and i one of I he standard men of I hat He married (1827) M Maria Brown, of a Xew family, by whom hi had ten children, eight of whom are living M ron Perry, Judson, Stephen, Clinton. Kmily (will- of M. I!. Warner b tioned), Susan Adelaide and Albert I abject of thi- sketch. The two children that died were Cla- iii, -li and Adelaide the latter Prof, Barrett's twin istei Prof. Barrett - mother died in August L881 at the i lad; i "in ii kable for devotion to her children, makiti life being one of toil for tl.i- purpose till her <■! < -;« 1 1> A II the qualities which adorn in her. Shi ■ hich were present her children ;i 1 1 ■ 1 nin lehildren B inning lil'- without Prof Barrett ha* • ■'I financial sin n hi.-! profession. Strict economy and a in the |" of lli moderate income, and with an eye - i r > •_' 1 < - to the accom- plishment of one thing; turning a deaf ear to I 1 itieaty from other directions, and with a deter- mination to maki cr in hi* chosen pi mathematics, he ha* won a most enviable fame teacher of rare culture and excellence, and possi ibility, which opens the future in most prom ising aspect. of hi- methods are somewhat n and peculiar. The fundamental principles to which he - in all lii- instructions are: I. To generate in the student a love for the nuhjerj under considera and not to in heel until that. '1 ident ii di tion. a rather than as a means rsing the thi mg held by educators of the past '■'■ To upon the principle that education is the gri of the individual mind, and not mere mental accretion. I. That instruction, unless assimulated, i- food undi- gested. ."), That ed from within outward, and an essential element of thi- growth i- the consent of tin- pupil's will. He holds that you can no more educate a child than you can grow an oak. The child is the germ of the man, a* the acorn i- the germ of the oak : as we m and light to the one, to induce growth furnish in- struction to the other, by means of which the mind is Instruction is food; but it must betaken, gjjmilated as material food is. 6 In thi government of his school he throw- the responsibility upon the honor of the pupil, while i/.inL' the wisdom of Solomon liild left to herself will bring her parents to shame. It was through the personal persuasion of Dr. /. I that Prof. Barrett accepted the chair of mathe- . M Sharp Collegi II" reci ived the di \ B in 1869, that of A.M. from the university at Roch- ester, Xew York, in 1871, and that of I.L.I), from the Southwestern Ba I Jacl son, Tenm Two of hi- brothers, •! udson and Stephen, graduated at the same universit; Rochester), the former in 1854: the latter in 1859 Stephen Barrett is now principal of ili. high school it Lincoln, Xebraska. Perr; B i- ii physician of considerable emine in Oregon. Clinton Barretl is a prominent and efficient railroad •2V2 ;viu>mixkxt tkxxessk \\s ed at Chattau Myron est rank as a musician, both as a pianist and vocalist. - a |>cuman and Even member "I tbe family are Christians in tact as - ' • is a lad\ of high lit- well as in name, and adorn society wherever they jro. ulture. and his sister. Susan, stands in the high- h is a talented and hrainv familv. « APT. \V. D. HAYXES Till'. Haynes family is of German origin, as the family features so plainly indicate. Tli German name was // The celebrated Robert V Hayn. - I lina. was of the same family though the nam.' is spelled somewhat differently. \\ \i Haynes grandfather. (Iconic Haynes. was a native of east Virginia, Westmoreland county: fanner: a soldier in the Bevolutionan war. and a ngton's body guard. His son. John Haynes. father I Haynes, »;i- horn in Car tor count} . and was a millwright by occupa tion. He married Miss Elizabeth Hyder and moved to Mi-Minn county, where he died in 1 >.">."». at the age of thirty-tive. leaving four children 1 James. IV Haynes. who married Miss Margaret Elliott, and now live- at Dayton, V ■_' ■ Martha .1. Haynes, now if John \V. Hyder. Carter county. [3) William l> Haynes, subject of this sketch i John T. Haynes. who died in 1SG5, unmarried. ('apt. Haynes' mother, >m Klizabeth Hyder, was born in Carter county, Tennessee, daughter of Michael Hy der. a farmer, who lived to his ninety-ninth year on the where he was born, liis father. John Hyder, came from Germany : was a Revolutionary soldier, and i iniy. near < ion f i.\ lor's, among the first settlei ininty. ('apt. Haynes' mother (who afterwards married John Hill) is now living at th of seventy-eight, in McMinn county, and is as stout and active as most women are at fifty. She is a Southern Methodist, and is a lady of straightforward, unpretend ina manners, of simple piety, and strong i ommon sense She had three brothers; Ben. Hampton and John Hyder. The latter was trustee of Carter county, and also repre sented his county in the Tennessi I islature, and won for himself the name of " Honest Jtdin Hyder.' Her sister. Eleanor Hyder. married James P. Haynes, (.'apt. Haynes' paternal uncle. Her half-brothers, by her father's second marriage (with Sarah \i i), were Samuel Hyder. Joseph Hyder, and her half-sister was Catharine Hyder. The hitter married Hampton Edcns, of Carter county. William l>. Haynes. subject of this sketch, was born in Mi Minn mnt\ Tennessee November 15, 1833. Ili- father dying when he was two year- old, his mother re- turned with her tour children to Carter county, aud there he lived with his grandfather, Michael Hyder, till 1844. going to school i mill, tending stock, making sugar, grinding apples to make apple brand) in short, a farmer's boj of all work. In the meantime. In- mother having married John II ill in Carter county. and moved hack to the homestead in McMinn county, ten miles west of Vthens. on li rs .-reek, in 1844, William went to McMinn count) and worked on his mother's farm the following five years. The best part of his early life was -pent in this way. His step father, John Hill, was an industrious, thrifty man. without education, who kept him at hard work, and frequently against his inclination. Voung Haynes had an ambi .ate himself. 1 1 i- step lather tried t hue to remain on the farm, but William ran awa\ to Georgia and worked with the Irisli laborers near Tunnel Hill, in getting out string timber for the Western and Atlantic railroad, then in course of con struction. At this employment he received eight dol- lars a month for four months, but he had resolved to accumulate money with which to educate himself, and ahead) determined to become a lawyer He then came to Bradley county. Tennessee, and worked several months as a common laborer at ten dollars per month, in helping to grade the East Tennessee and Ge railroad. In [850 he entered Hiawassee College in Monroe county, Tennessee, and remained there till June. 1853. when he began teaching his first school, ten month- term, being on Chatata creek, five miles from Charleston, in Bradley county. In [854 he taught ou Chickamauga creek, iu Hamilto unity, at forty dol- lars a month. In 1855 he joined the "copper craze" at i.wn. Tennessee, but after operating there sis months was unsuccessful in his speculations, the com- pany spending fifteen thousand dollars, "all for noth- I'ndaunted, however, he still persisted in his determination to be< ome a lawyer. So, after selling his interest in the farm iu McMinn county for the purpose of educating himself, and being still three hundred dol- lars in debt for his college expenses, he eonimi reading law in March, IS56, with his cousin, Hon. Lan- ilonC. Haynes. at " the old Tipton plac hi miles f Jonesborough, and alter reading with him two year-, and iu the meantime acting a- private family i utor, preparing his cousin's sons for college, he obtained PROMINENT TENNESSE INS. 213 topractici in 1 358 from ( lhanci lloi 3i th I . W. Lackey and Judge D. T. Patterson. When he al last obtained possession of his much coveted law licen srrote on it " Nil Desperandum, a fitting motto, and one i"". h bich l.i- guided him in his manly struggles all through life. He at once located al Blountville, Ma; 1859, and has successful!} practiced there ever since, cepl during the war. In May, 1862, he was commissioned a captain in the quartermaster's department of the Confederate army, iimI assigned to post duty at Knoxville, Morristown, • I jborough, and other places; in 1863 was assigned in duly as brigade quartermaster on the staff of Gen. William E. Jones, and served in East Tennessee and southwestern Virginia from the summer of 1863 to the spring of L864, when he was transferred to the army of northern Virginia ; assigned to dutj as quartermaster oi the Sixteenth Virginia cavalry, Col. Ferguson, and part of the time, in 1864, as brigade quartermaster with Gen. McCausland's cavalrj brigade, and as such was in the last raid made into Pennsylvanin in 1864, when Me C'ausland was ordered to burn the town of Chambers- burg. In December, L864, he came home on furlough. and was captured bj Gen Stoni m: n his Sail Works raid near Bristol, December II. 1864. He was then sent as a prisoner, via Nashville, Cleveland, Ohio, Buf f'alo, N'-\\ Vijik. and Philadelphia, to Fort Delaware, where he was kept in confinement till June 17. 1865 [n July, 1865, he resumed his law practice at Blount- ville, and has continued there, practicing in that and the adjoining counties, and in the Supreme court. In 1870 he was nominated on the Democratic judicial ticket for attorney-general, with Hon Robert McFarland (after- wards Supreme judge) for chancellor, and Hon. Felix \. Reeve for circuit judge, l>ni was defeated by Hon. Ni'wiiiii Hack'er, who obtained two hundred and fifty- six majority, the usual Republican majority being a!. run two thousand. Capt. Haynes was chairman of the Democratic execu- tive committee of the First congressional district from l876tol882; has attended about all the State conven- tions of his part}', and generally taken an active and more or less conspicuous part in the proceedings. He was originally a Whig, voted for Bell and Everett in L860. He became a Mason in 1868, in Whiteside Lodge, No. 13, Blountville; lias taken the Chapter degree and served as Master of his lodge sixteen years, from 1869 to 1884, inclusive. He is a Southern Methodist, and has been for ten years a Sunday-school superinten- dent. Capt. Haynes married 1i r>t in Carter county, Tennes- see, his firsl cousin, Miss Margaret Haynes, youi sister of Hon. Landon C. Haynes, daughter of David Haynes, a plain, unlettered farmer, trader and iron master, who was at one time a man of isiderable wealth. Her grandfather, G ge Haynes (also the grandfather of Capt, W. I>. Haynes), lefl nine sons and three (laughters The ns were David. James, John, - Joseph, Jonathan, William. Christopher and Of these Da' id II a, lies married Rhoda Taylor. a first cousin of N'at. M. Taylor's father. Andrew Tay- lor, who was a brother of I lor. For a history of the Taylor family, see sketch of X. M. Taylor in thi- volume i. I >a\ id Haynes had - and five daughters The sons were Landon C G Matthew I Da id James, N'apoleon and N'al T., and the daughters were Lavinia, wife of George F. G moii Mar; T wife of Lawson Gifford ; Edna, wife of Alexander Harris; Emma, wife of Nat. G. Taylor, and Margaret, wife of Capl W. I >. Haynes. ( )f the sons, Hon Landon C. II noted ofthe family. He ran two unsuccessful races for Congress against Am hew .John, -on and one against Hon. T. A, I!. Xelson. He was a member of the Tenni Legislature at one time, and speaker of the Senate: member oi the Jonesborough bar, and prominent a g such disl i lawyers as Judge Deaderick, Gen. Thomas D. Arnold. Hon. T. A. R. Xelson, Judge Milligan, lion. John Netherland, and Hon. Joseph l>. Heiskell. He was an elector for the State at large in 1860, on the Breckinridge ticket. Heservedwith Hon. Gustavus A. Henr} as a Confederate senator from Ten- n during the war. and left a reputation as one of the finest orators of Tennessee, ranking in eloquence ami ability with Bailie Peyton, Meredith I' Gi William II. Polk, tin-. A Heurj do. ('. Guild, -I ('.Jones and Andrew Johnson, with all of whom he- made canvasses. His son, Hon. Robert W. Haynes, now living at Jackson, Tennessee, has twice represi Madison countj in the Legislature. Of David Haynes daughters, Emma is the wile of Rev. N. '•. Taylor, ami mother of Hon. Robert I.. Taylor, both ex-members of Congress. Her son, Hon. A. A. Taylor, made a brilliant canvass as elector for the State al large for Garfield in 1880 ; has once repres Carter and Johnson counties in the Legislature, and i> now engaged in the practice of law and in f'armii; Nolachucky river. Mrs Hayne? sister, Edna, is the wife of Rev. Dr. A. X. Harris, a prominent Southern Methodist minis- ter, ami her son. Xat. E. Harris, is now a leading lawyer at Mai '.'i I leorgia By hi.- firsl marriage Capt. Haynes has three child (1). Rhoda E.. born June 1\. 1860; graduated from Sullen - College, Bristol, 1882. (2) Mary T., born De cember 25, 1861. (3). William Lee, born March 2. 1865. Capl Haynes next married al Blountville, Tennes- - ptember 30, 1869 ond cousin, Miss M Haynes daughter of .Matt. T. Haynes, a lawyer, and brother of Landon C. Haynes. Her mother, ne> Miss Margaret Dulaney, was the daughter of Dr. William E. Dulaney, of Blouutville. Her grandfather, Dr. Elkana Dulaney, of " Medical Grove," his home near Blount- \ \ NNKSSKANS - : \ \ : - - > hereV - I lor .unit. St. .1 ... '' \ . . v ... ■ i his \ \ ffON WHUTIKI.P ' ANFl.l. - • ATON WHITFIF. N'N - - • - - - - S \ < with this - t!on. \ mited Fob- •r two months. held with to ivtalia- - men, who from son's Ishnd in the s ■ le made his ssins Saiulusk - - i. and huiond, March IS m wont ; vkin- \ \ Wheu led his ner to \ ; - intent), in \ Til ti, \ i irious • N - the army hi^ - S ;toni- " ' to her lather's until the war uiilv back to 11 Jit in the aeadeuu ■ ', .; |j ■■ - In pling and i)i ill' 1 I) J r~i I I which i, III how to take care of ;■ man than he Polil tleConw cratic milk when a 1 uinee. When i ireh and :ed a- a I. tli«: church. Kai#ed and in that eh tin ii lib- era) in hi* churchman, an indeed I thing he ;>• J not well hi i in comfbi He ha* been hi guided no feet alot , : ')ti- taught ttie mra* right and unfalteringly d< But tlii- biographical el without a more specific notice ol In hi- 'i of both the civil and criminal law. In- bag shown n In civil ■ •ti-f'yetiun. And when appeal* have been | cuted. to the Supremt court ; borne the ■■! ' ' mind thorough umenl of the mo»t into difficult - 1 1 ■ the fa drunkard atuoi •J ud - I ' finer, - I ' a plain, utij with • - 1 1 - - who k 5 erful, '■i I Quells outh- f'ul and happy doi l; ■i II. born Janua - \ \ NNRJV< \\v " - V - - \ ' ■> - J - V l> M - \ - s - ' - - - - s - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT. WALTER S. BEARD x T - s -- - - -- - ... . - . . . .. -- s .. . . . . Ji not \ \ field, the the i\->m- ment PROMINEM •)). Corn,' through one of tli<: toughest campi 1 1 • • . . I : to .)• cli tirn<- I woundi ill 20 1 -'»! : on 'n' • I i he reeei ound in t)i<- tl bled him and put liii/i on crul the war. After the Jon A berdeen - [>pi, and 1 1n i. r During the latter part of the war Ca] '■ en or- / 'I a bodj of men and ] in a ion of th< before tfie ai trooj pec-ting to find it would laid waste the country if di H ..t tin; pi would be held accountable for all oi i that ought to be in that n ' '■ whom he i md him, protected it. until tl rival of the Federals and thus saved manj plant from pillage and destruction. At the close of tl nl to Meridian, Mississippi, to get Li- parol vice by tli e Federal commander to and made them out for i five thousand Confederate soldiers. Bis twin brother, Edwin li. Beardcn, who was a lieutenant in l>i- com pany, and had commanded it at Chickam iere he rely wounded, was with him on thi and was also pressed into tli< roling Conf< ii returned to ' irg, Tenm nf'ti.-r thi ■' nd being in very poor health took to doing all sorts of hard work, such an cutting and hauling wood, in hope of restoring iii- health. In tip cr part of 1866, h< moved to Shelbyvilli i Maj. Randolph in Dixon Acadci months, teaching ;> part of each day and spending the of his time reading law in the office of Samuel Whitthon ; Early in WJ7 he was admitted to ■ I idgi Henry < !ooper and Chancellor Si and ;>t once bi etiee in partnership with Mr. SVhitthorne, continuing with him a little more than a ince which time I doing a large business and leading ive lili-. Pri ous to the war all of C ]io]iti<-.-,] predilections were in favor of the W" li i u- party; in later he has been a Democrat, but never an " offi hi II' ii chairman of the Bedford county Democi committee, has pn hi numerous political meetings and attended various iking :i li i in poli- inions on 28 ; I ■r, h not offic ml, and wrote for il 1 1 and effecti He 1 irance f'"r ;i nun I. London and Globe, the Phila- delphia, as well :i- numerous other com done a larj • for them in h He h shville, <'• and St I. railroad for I the promoters of the Sylvan mills, near Shelbyville - anza- tion ; rof the Charter mU}< at Wart B Dr. li. F. Bearden, a i. of South Caroli I ||, !i of mind, a leader in his pro- i'l a man ithal '. II.- died in lf?70. All ol in tin scended from the early French settlers of South Caro- "ii remarkable for their sound, practical, common sensi I B M. B of Lincoln county, a -•li blood f Pm Dr. T. C B Of Nn-lr. i]l(;. Capt. Bearden married in February, WJ. Miss 1 Whitesidi r of Thomas C. Wl well-known if Shelbyville. Her mothei M I: : I To this union have been born tv Capt. Bearden has been a member ol rian church al IT.OMIM'N r n\\ SSI VNS He 1 I, but ■ - * business, as - - - the rights of 1 • ami then -top the ease, ami Rut whenever there are hard roil, whenever wrong doing i- to he Ige hammer blows Sm\- tll nun. lie never eharges li what they are worth, hut lev the - and no more. 11. i to he a eaudidate i'or the rhancollor- I urth chain I ssoe, at HEX. -HMIN FAIN. r I MIE I in whom : - - -retell I Vmer- \ The tain, neai hy an ■ 'in the in ot the - s .lohu K. F - ,. usee, lie was for a time ham at D and afterward- at Rlouutville. aving - -, Thomas, 1 : i:' 1 1 1 and J \ - three - , ■ ' . : \ • M Of tl the father's death. Nancy married II. \ rs th married \V R \ unmarried. The father. Thomas 1' ~ luerehant ami farmer all time. justice of the pea< e 11. has a reputation uubleuiished, his charity and unostentatious benevo- \ - . eholder. he was I uion man during the civil war an In polities is Republican. Ho is a man of great firmness ami has loug been -lied as an earnest advo- niperanee. He was the principal foun (.'reek Academy, ami is f edu- The mother, formerly Rachel A uderson. was born in Sullivan count}". February 14, 1814, and died Her life was devoted to her domestic duties S member of the Fresbyte rian church, and i> remembered by her family ami :■ her firmness of principle and pi and her uniform and unfailing kindnt — She was the ten ehildi .lohn. th, f this Ellen R W ill. 11.. who i- a uiei'ehant. lawyer ami clerk and master at Rlouutville. He married Alice on ami has tour children. Rachel. Maggie, Sam- and Carrie ."• Hugh, who is unmarried ii his lather. .t ; > Hannah \ .who is unmarrii 7 Samuel \ who married •lennie K. ami has five children. Thomas II. , KUen. Hugh Mary and Mattie Bell iSl Relic H., who is the wife of -lohn l\ Hardner. and ha- six children, l!a ehella, x l .. Mattie. Thorn - \ ami William. \melia. who died in infan. e Thomas, also died in infancy. •lohn Fain was horn in Sullivan county, I see, December 20, IS35. and grew up there till - - when he went to Collin county, Texas, and there en- in farming and teaching -oh. ml. He remained there until the breaking out of the war. when he en- tile Confederate service (.though against his will' rivate in Man s K - ill'} I He in the Indian Territory, in Arkansas and in southern Texas. He was in a number of battles am! skirmishes, among them the tights at Elk creek ami Saline river, Arkans - 'fhe war over, he returned to Collin county, T and r, . in tanning and teaching. lu October, - - lie moved back to Sullivan county, Tennessee. In lie resumed the study ot' law. which he had par- tially read in early boyhood. In 18(59. he was li. hy Judge Cillonwaters ami Chancellor Smith to prac- tice law. was admitted to the bar and immediately commenced the praei Blountville, whore he lias resided up to the present time It should have been stated that he received his early education at Washing- ton College and Rotherwood. In politios (Jen. Fain was originally a Whig, a- were her and grandfather. Since the reconstruction o\' the southern States, however, the old Whig party having disappeared, he ha- been a pronounced lu August LS7S, he was elected attorney- PROMTXKXT TKXXKSSEAXS. ! for i he I' ii i judicial circuit of Tciiih term i ■ 1 1 tin- ci, 1 1 n til -• of Johnson, Carter, Sullivan, VVa Unicoi, Greene, Hawkins and Hancock. In rcli Gen, Pain i- a member of the Pn b terian church. Pain married tieai ' In r 17. I 357 I Carrie V. Bii 7 1842, the daughter of William Bi irmer and owner of mill Virginia. Ifcr mnt lii r was Jane I i Virginia family . Mr* W. I. Bick b if brilliant attainment - and a |>leatsi n mous .,- the founder of the order of the Knight* of the Gol- den ' lirele, that bad for it - object I h 1 ! ancle, Hiram K ilgore, frequent ly i ii ii t< 'I Scott count in the Virginia I. A u- other uncle Dr. William Kilgo promii ician at Pranklin, I. II- died in Milam count I Her father died whil oung. I fer mot hi r died in 1 -7.Y bein e, and b i ehildn n, viz. : John Joseph I' Kli/.abeth (wife of Judge II C. Bruce. Wise county, Virginia - rried John M Ballow) Malinda (now wife of Peter Day), Hiram \ and ' 'ii i i'- V. Mr-. Fain at hlstell ville, Virginia, and Reedy ( I She i- a member of the Methodist ehurch, i culture and Ii'- and is noted for her splendid domestic qualities. '■ i Fain and wife have had born to them I children: (1). William Thomas, died in infancy (2 May K. J Bloui W. K. I three children, John W., Claud* Henry, and ' : , i: . I. ■ ■■ e d, \pril 22, 1--I Walter II Wiley, a farn P nab A Ii lillen Malin ■ old. 7 'I II ' (11). A ummeneins i- diligent, but bumatie. While ■. •! the crimina of multiplied Pain was trained to habits of industr; II being a man of fair fortun in comparath •• idleness, but he wisi irk. He put him rking in I and occasionally to work on the farm. I been all bi- life, keep- ing himself posted in general I i r < . bi- profession. He began life with but a small outfit and now he i- comf -II off. the result of dili- imy in bi- good man 1 his wife, who brought to hit dowry a ban m of mom ' ■ n his liritnc. and there i- but little danger that he will retrograde, either professionally or financially. C. B. McGUIRE M.D. I A YI.TII.VII.I.I.. TIIK McGuin famil an of Irish extraction. John McGuire, the grandfather of Dr. Calvin I! McGuin et of this sketch, was born in Ireland, mill came, when a child, with his father to Charleston, South Carolina. He was one of three brothers, one ol whom went to Kentucky, one to Virginia, while he, John McGuire, cami G ount Tenn where be located at an early day in the settlement of that county. Cornelius Wesley McGuire, father of Dr. McGuire, was bom in Lincoln January ] 1801. He was i-tratc in Lincoln county for nearly tv Ii hi- edm ts limited to what he acquired to school. He ■ oted Mi thodisl and < moral and strictly upright man. If man of fine common sense and much native tali m was much sought aft< r as the business man of his neigh borh l i uch m m .-, riting di eds and bills of ■•'■< II- dii d 3i pti mber 18, Dr. McGuire's mother was Miss Sallii Mi Scotch descent. Her father, John Melon manufact urer of cedar ware in Linn Ala- bama, where hi died Dr McGuire's mother died in April, !>?;;. ;ii the aj nine, having borne thir- nd six d (1). Elizabeth .1. McGuire, unmarried. (2). " William II. Mi Guire, died in 1 375 ■:. Sarah L. Mc'.i the wife of .(. c. Butler. (4). N'ancj II McGuin the wife of .lame. X. George. (5). I B McGuire, subject of this sketch. (C). John P.*McGuire, now a wholesale grocer and corun terchant in . ill'-. He was colonel of the '' I Ten- Confederate infant • ime of the surrender, and i llant mil ■ full account of which maj be found in Dr. J. B. Linds- Militan II if T McGuire died a farmer in North Alabama. - I' I! McGuire residing in Giles count I I'ROMINKNT II S'NI I . \ | • : ; i .1 \ . ■ ded. .11 [)r MtMiiiirc tcj In this nhieli Hi inly of in • i hi M I' I' r. Ii tml led | In- in , i ."i i;. M 1 1 in a! l\ i . | ('.I .1 I Mill l>r. .Mi' 1 \\ i i I) 15, is I.'! \ I! 1 1 M I-- ! . ncoln ■ Mi 1 ' i : II I l>r. (I horn Who- n. nun i - I I Mi' 'I _ ' - 7 >l \\ I ■ i horn Jill) - I »i Mi. '■! i Idd I'YlloM lit of Hu I 1 ill < hvlcr of I nited Workmen 1 1 I li of ill-- ; hcli ill the I III ill |li)lil IliT II. : 1 1 1 1 < - r 1 1 1 iii of I lie. I le hetMii life s* n houl |ml i imoi f t lit- war « ith inithiiiL', luil in In- c hu .iii.i heinii :i holy horror of ov mini B\ lii- wili i- ii ind dm i dollur in tin; world, lie made hi- in I ' he saved w Ii nipt in in I »i M ■ i ■ II- 1 1 lii- i I in In- path, mid i- n 1 1 II with tl ii. I lad I led, il ii"i nal ioiml. 1 1 and i i i I U PROMINENT I'KNNl SSK VNH M UOR w n.l'.ii: I i ER. \ I riLBl i: I FOSTKH « born Vpril 13 V \ iii Springfield, M I thai State Hi- father, Dexter Poster, originally u of ill'- lcn : 1 1 1 > ruilrond, iij which In Ktructcd the fii id tunnel ever liuill u II i Poster, 'Hi in busetts in 1764. Mig. 1 Mi Allin. daughter of I ' \ llin, who also belon I'm ii hi -i While yet in his youth M with his father to Monl ml Mai land miles from Washington City. Here bis latbei afterward died, leaving him :i 'phan nine years \ ir or two later be rel uriied to M educated thanipton radii- it the lal I le obtained a position undci i n ( 'bible, chief ' i ibile and ( >hio raili md laj ing "in thai Transferred, In il arly pari of IK,">3, i" the Tenn and Alabama (now the Nash\ ille and Decatur) railroad, he was, from that time till the b ■ I in the location and construction of the I ' itur, the Edgefield and Kcntuck the Hcndi ids, and had i ' durin ustructinn of the bridge S liville, the firsl Be giuuii ion of firsl In April, 181)1, be joined the Firsl Tenm ■ a private in the Itoek ( !ity < luards. tailed duty and intend i h | : back to 1 built, 1 \ with ii r \ it, in three ■ pointmei I I'limbcrlaud Gap Whi into K • ■ duty with (ten Mel the return from tl made chii \ll.l the I' work with ' I i led to ■ 1 M I. '.Villi I Is rnniii : tbe I'll ill ip- .\ R I- r ■■'■ in i ' i • '' Templar in ISb'.">. II ! ' in I S71 7_\ and I uplar in 1S7-S 1 1 filled all 1 1 ! Maj. Fn 1 . \| - ■ i iii I M I ■ irk till In ally. I 'KOMIXKN1 \- llo\. \VM. M RANDOM*!! ? i i.i.i \m \i i: win >i.ri! \ \ I I ills. Ill .\ lilt' ■ IN. • III I M ' I. will tilt - *l limn lie \|i • lull M i i M Mr. II I 1 I then J thai \ - pro- i r- \ '■ '■ |{ ||: t lut t firm - mtiii- i Dili) llll'l ; ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - . ■ ' i pari tiim Mi II I ' .Ionian « us n mi ml Mr. S I S. \\ i--. 11. tnor in i In- firm. M II ilonc rship with Mr. 1'. li M II llial firm i-iiiit iiiuril I I .|).li A II' i fol- il the right in tin- li. lance*, the i' the iilod in his "» n I that ii shotili He did he be- lli) In- ii hia \ 11 Ills. ) . ■. . ■ . / f//.\'e^ i i I I I •I III' I i;n\||\l\l I'KXXKSSKANS 1 1 lllllluT I I I ^ -Ill 1 1 II : \\ lit tin u I 1 Unwed lln - 1 I iot liii'llilii illld pl'i\ ' >l wlll'll tl 1 1, iinir II in | ho II 1814. .\ il' ilir II. first - us horn in Lav n. - i ' II 1 when in until il when In his M I - He I \\ i il mulct ' I' Mitchi II in*] il.. n (>. II. P. B, Klgul Kip with ' ...il n;ii\|l\i.\ i mam lie, although ju ■ locted to tin? Ti in I .1 II n few months | (jounl count) 1 1 ustt • i" fill I . -:» ~ i I h li of I \o \\ \ ■ I, I This tiuexpircd i hi filled w il I He entered the (1 med anil ii Uiined m tin nnghnul tin W liilu ille, (lie Fort Donelsou Mem phis, I ■ ltd in — . ■ — i • • ■ i i here . 1 1 1 • I ii| ii- adjournment *im " March following Capt. I'i \ returned to lii- limne in Law rence count) . w licre lie lit and w.i- i li : tin of ii eomp i Iry, « hieli he reported to Lieut Col < 'oopei id Hiftlc with » I ■ • • i a ■ he served, with lii- for Home time on i ■ en iee In M iddle Tcnm n hieli he repoi i. .1 to ( 'nl. • ■ II \ md In- be- c urn .ili ■. , I 'onfederati - I 1 ed in that « - > » 1 1 1 maud iiniil it- surrender, under (Sen. I in the 3tio \ considerable pi Capl P nior offieer, »m- in command of the ni . Col Nixon being on del r\ ice or in command of the brigade, and the lieutenant i and major being pris >rs of win lie was in • ■ \\ iili this ' imand durin uiaindcr of pari in man) of the brilliaul rations of Gen. Forrest in Tennessee, Alabama. M issipi r, instead Ian . h ■ ailed upon b) the trust ckson \ Law rencebui ouie princip il o) that institution, and held thai position until ted to the Legislature in November, 1870 [mmediatel the adjournment of thai I was ■ sidcnl of Savannah t '• innah, which position ho filled until .1 une I -7 1 when he resigned, and k ifter nomi b) the Dei iratic convention m- :> candidate for the mil senatorial disti which he I m the I daturc hi of tin - - inking thai bod) with marked dignit) abilit) and imps \ - hi ■ ■. id ' the Ihl'Ii ion of his r, the following complii tion, | Ellis, a Repu unau illluU I ii|".ii iIk' journal I 1 1 1 1 i . | ( hi which he of » liieli he h In Feliru in the i mil hi of Hon -I I'i' Vtkins and Hon \V C. \VI III. Mil ' In- Ti hi ' ■ I II' and divided his district into hiimli one eiiuuieration 'I; li nf which In pointed one on inner i I i kably in iii'hil' i! I busiui ir tlii- im - June I he had blank scheduli i and nil a -irk I >i i ii 1 1 I dail) i from these ol to the progress of the work. the el f il" : * tii iii- ; I ;ill the accounts fin lllllli'll.l. ll III all tlii-. and in tin to the ■ in. m ..f the int. rim-, hi ■ I but little, In- time \ in the urn her and .-tiiiin is portions of tin - ..!' the \:ili"U Dei i al IL i 11 \ i.-li and ' ;i member ..I the Method ipal chui i :i Km ..I thai ord I nicnibi I ll Paine mm I I 1 .li.lin .1 Kell) III 1 1 ' \| i I I i ■ Thomas H I I! I \| K I I. nil. I iiml I II ■ II k ..| tlic > i i ! ^ ' ' '■ III" lii- II I |, of lii- li Till lli- father tallL'Ilt I H itlinii -i ii< •( It i ii llll> I > 1 1 1 illed w itli credit tu 1 t" i I il |.i illl well wlllll ill inilusl i in iiilci-tiikin faithful I mils V GEORGE GIBBS DIBIiELL. Till- iiml civilian, Charles IHbrell I'ostnn. who n I- 1 I i-iti ritnn in ( 'oniircss two nr ihn ill in. n t lie I* •• it Iiml in civil lien llibrell's lather, Vuthoii) IMhrell, i Made In f tin' n|i| " \ uluiiti ~ W l\. nl nek; Hid richh iontii time ol lii- I to Whiti county, Tennessee, in IK11 ; was a|i|Hiiiited receiver of the land and thrilli ' Icrk of tin hihrellV l'i' Christopher ! « a member of tlic I ; i - ■ ! tied mi i lie .lames ri> cr li I - ted bj to Am ' ■'. urc \ fter tin- late war I linted I ii lii ill ■• lei k of the circuit i n. He di m style of ortboprapli; - 1 i : S7n in 1 H i warm, devoted friend; a moral, Christian man, an I' II family in tli from liberal to the | r and ■! II that ;i man \\;i- not ;i fi iij one whom he would i |)ibrell, was a not help when in need II' II I * iiii- in tin II Methodist, a lunik director and successful farnn n 1 1 to lii- death at I ni ler. ,l,.i, \\ (tilths who had married lii- The motl M S\ I I >i l't< 11 - lirsl daughter nl \\ Ml- Lee fan I i blacksmith and Id man ed her in 1! soldier in His second mer. Tli m lie had foui children : 1 lohn Carter, matei u;il uncle, <|i. | in Monroe eou I ' II known 1 ' ■ children - I and I l>h. Tli I' PROMIXKNT i ■ he ' •■Hiii \ ■ . I ■ tli. r i I i II Then i .in.l tin re ilic married ildrcn in tile |'I"|mt walk- of life. innl- - whi She wit ted Mel id of i In- i eh in - -li. liberal and i haritabl Ic. She died in 1883, in In She w • her »f ten children I M |)ibrcll, dci Elizabeth Dibrell, now widow u II i Sullivan i."!. Crockett Dibrcll, now in 1 1 » . - mie ll \ hiindn stoek biisiin t Austin, 1 |). .1 li B I'ili rell, il • Dibrell Mr. (I sketch ■■ I. in -ind. i Dibrell, widow ; II ' ' itli her -nil. Jti h I! Herd, ill I Hid five hundred ihi I I 7 - li li Dibrell. widow id tin I • l lm U Whitfield . now living in I I - William (' Dibrell, now in the eattlc busi II- :n Coleman county, I I John Vntlimi) called in I Dibrell, deceased 1(1 Martha V Dibrell, widow of hnvii led down, never met Dibrel .1 \ Kill, i now li ing near Sparta, T the m 1 1 ' ribhs, li. ■ r of Texas, if promi> I hal if tin nd cousin officii. Dibrell, bciu.t rovc bin 'I Gibbs, who married Gen. Dibrells aunt, Lee Vim elected to the L Dibrell Col Charles X. Gibbs, now of Chnttaii ipposition. bill son of li, : Stati of 'I', -i n itli In- i ire, is a cousin to (ten Dibrell. Charles Vn broken out tl y Sullivan, who was chancellor a l Starksville, ' Dibrell entered tl I \| I I - nephew, beiii f lSu'l He enl II. S lii- -: i ibeth I- me Sullivan, another of hei I nc) . Ii.i\ in Col. Sidney S. S II poi I bj i. .li -I I' i' \tkin- rcll's elected lii '■ ■* II brothi M Dibrell, who died J ■ o", 1881, ' ' ky undei I ;\t\ nine is clerk and in Sparta, was in the battle ol I Tennc before the war. and clerk of the circuit and afterwards al tl his death. N l < 18G2 V In I iibbs Dibrell was born Vpril 12, 1822 Corinth, he was defeated lor the 1 int i > schools in winter and whereuiHin he went honn worked during the sumun r. In tl '. 1838, hi n to tin- inn Know ill.-, ami was madi '■ studied under president Esterbrook The fall bi inent. but - linn to Virginia with cattle, and in the winter following he went to M ----- ippi with a drove of hogs [n 1839 he worked on the Dibrells : the Bret in Mississippi, Alabama, South | is in that year, his father hn\ Sort h Carolina and A II id work in j and in tin fall - ,|d the 1 me hundred and fort} dollars' Vlabama, in t : Ue tl If In i, l*|o. 1 :. rk ..( tl,, branch of the and I Bank of I 1 held tin I until Man li 184 nun, i II. . .ii.ii,. hi . 1 life with dehl II N and li I. M IMloMINKN i»i .1 i; i tli.' i in ihiiiiIm r. iiiiiI 1 1 '■ 1 1 ■ \ than - lie I M lol I 'i.-tll.T 1 [•no.Mi bill i hundred | !<>>i ■■• I ! I I 1 ilium ' I ' I i \i i lie M I. I I ! clerk (I I iber uf the Hon \ i 1 1 ■ . - i \| , ! . I i he iMiiiin ill.- • I III' II. 1 'Ill' lull I" II I'll. I. II lit the II 1 1 i 1 1 I Dibrell ll'l llMlkn lllllill Ilk. I H I'll I" 'I" I l.ii I i plain lift II i i iii liundri I i Iii- i.v mid il «h be I -, ||,M I I I I lipid I \| I i II I I lit I In I -' • d till tin I i" the Yi-ln ill. in. I mil Mil. ' I- nil IT I - i -- i II, ml | w In. I. I I! J i ill ii I l: ! ' ||, ' ! 1 1 I in. i. 1 I I I \\ i\ in «iii i'-. A - w \i s V M ■ - 1 ■ I ■ I 1 ! - ■ s i S u N ■ V \ D - • I - Ml I'l IP • \ 1 n 1 "■ s "* - 1 1 \ \ : N ■ U N 1 1 M I 1 1. N v • I . 236 PROMINENT TENNESSE \NS quite a number of men distinguished among the In dians, notably Hon. Israel Folsom, who, for main years, was agent of the Choctaw tribe ai Washington, ami also acted as government agent in its dealings with the trili,'. Enough has been said, probably, to carry a pretty clear idea of Maj. Folsom's character as a man ami lawyer [f anything be lacking in this regard, how e\ er, the opinion of one of the judges of our Supreme court, before whom Maj. Poison) has practiced for manyyears, maj well round up this sketch. The distinguished jurist says: " .Maj. Folsom is a man of more than ordinary modesty, but calm and self-possessed in debate, always having perfect command of his faculties. Within the range of his investigation, he is one of the most accu- rate and thorough lawyers in our State."] [His prepara- tion of his cases is thorough — his master} both of details and the principles governing them, always full. His briefs are among the best in form, neatness of ar- rangement and precision of statement, that come before our court. He is always clear and underst 1 at once, and at times rises to the height of a chaste ami well- tempered eloquence. If he had a larger field, with his habits of thorough mastery of all he undertakes, he would rise to the front rank of useful men in the State. His eminent fairness and truthfulness of statement, as well as argument, always give him command of the earnest attention of the court. He is incapable of any trickery or cunning. Ml he does is the work of a man who seeks to win his cause by manly grapple. What cannot be done by fair argument and the force of truth, would not be sought bj him, for either himself or cli- ents. Take him altogether, he is an ornament to the bar ol his section, and he would grace any court in our State, as a judge, by his fine judicial qualities, both of head and heart, especially the latter. His nice sense of right is the equivalent of a large share of simple intel- lect. Hi' is emphatically a specimen of God's noblest workmanship — an honest man." 'I'lir ordinary language of panegyric could add noth- ing to such a testimonial as that. That it is deserved is abundantly proven by the success that has attended Maj. Folsom s professional labors, Ami he is yet, in reality, a comparatively young man. Though fifty-four years of age, there is not a silvered hair on his head, ami he seems to be yet in his physical prime. He may well still look ahead and aloft, for there are no doubt greater triumphs yet awaiting bint. HON. GEORGE K. FOOTE. JACKSON- THE Footes came originally from England before Rev. William Foote, father of the subject of this the revolt of the colonies, and settled first in Con- sketch, ami a prominent minister ol' the Methodist tieut. Thence most of them moved south, some Episcopal church, was born at Guilford Court-house, taking up their abode in Virginia, and others settling North Carolina. lie was a farmer as well as preacher. in North Carolina. From the Virginia branch of the He was married in Indiana, where the greater portion family was descended the late lion. I lenry S Foote, for of bis life was spent, and where he died in 1846, in the many years a conspicuous figure in polities. From the North Carolina branch, the subject of this sketch is" descended, [lis grandfather, (leorge Foote, was born in North Carolina and became a firmer in thai State. Hi' was a soldier of the Revolution and fought with distinction in the battle of Guilford Court-house. He removed at an early day to Kentucky, being one of the first settlers in that State About the year 1818, he pushed still further west, locating in Indiana, not far from the residence of Gen. William Henry Harrison. Here he spent the remainder id' bis life, dying at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. He was a man of solid character— a true type of the old-school gentle- man. His wife was Lucretia Nance, daughter of Thomas Nance, of South Carolina, a relative of the Ruffin family id' North Carolina. She was a worthy helpmeet to her husband, whom she outlived, having died at the extreme age of ninety years. She left four children surviving her: William. Kinehloe, George ami John Foote t'ortj sixth year of his age. In politics he was an ardent Whig His wife, the tlier of our subject, was Naomi Bell, daughter of Samuel Bell, of Kentucky. She was horn near Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Her mother was a Ross 1 became noted as one of fourteen women who volunteered to venture out ol' the fort near Harrodsburg, to get water for the famishing garrison when it was sur- rounded by Indians, knowing it would lie certain death for the men to expose themselves within range of the savages' rifles. She lived amid the tragic events that gave to the soil of Kentucky the name of " the dark and bloody ground.' Her father was Judge ltoss, one ol the most noted of the blue-grass pioneers Judge Foote s mother lived but about a year after the death of her husband. She was a woman of much fortitude ami energy, a devoted wife and mother, ami exceedingly careful in the training of her children. She died at Corydon, Indiana, November, 1 ^ fT, :it the age of forty-six. leaving three children: (1). George K.. subject of this sketch. (2). Robert, now in Memphis. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 237 (3). Jabez, who lost his life by the explosion of the steamer "Andrew Jackson," on the Ohio river, near Shawneetown, Illinois. Judge Foote grew to manhood in Harrison enmity, Indiana. He was a farmer boy, and learned to lay brick and plaster when a youth, and was especially fond of field sports, hunting, fishing and fox-chasing, though he was free from the too common vicious habits of youth. He was educated in the old Uorydon University. When twenty-one years of age. he married, settled in Corydon and engaged in general speculation. In 1847 he removed to Leavenworth, Indiana, where he began the practice of law. He remained there but two years. however, when he removed to Cannelton, Indiana. Here he practiced his profession about eighteen months, when he moved to Golconda, Illinois, where, in addi- tion to the practice of law, he engaged in the real estate business and lead-mining for ten years, doing a very prosperous business. In 1866 he removed to Decatur- ville, Tennessee, where he remained about eighteen months. Next he moved to Lexington, Tennessee, and thence, in 1S7M. to Jackson, where he has resided ever since, engaged chiefly in the practice of law. Tn politics, Judge Foote was a Whig until the disin- tegration of that party. In 1860 he voted for Abraham Lincoln, and has been a Republican ever since. The first office he ever held was that of constable, in Can- nelton, Indiana. In 1870 he was appointed special com- missioner of the Southern Claims Commission, and dis- charged the duties of that position some four years. In .June, 1881, he was appointed by President Garfield postmaster at Jackson, and on the 14th of October fol- lowing, was reappointed by President Arthur to the same position, which, at the time this sketch is pre- pared, he still holds. In June, 18G3. Judge Foote was mustered into the United States volunteer service, as a member of the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Illinois infantry, but on account of his business qualities he was assigned to permanent duty in the commissary department and was not engaged in battle afterward. He remained with the army in Kentucky and .Missouri until 1864. Judge Foote was an alternate district delegate to the national Republican convention at Chicago, in 1884 ] and favored the nomination of President Arthur by that body, lie became a Mason in Cannelton. Indiana, in 1851. He i- also an Odd Fellow. In 1846, October 16, Judge Foote was married, in Harrison county. Indiana, to Miss Mary Falkenburgh, who was born and reared at Cape May. New Jersey. She is a member of the Christian church, ami is a holy noted for her piety and charity to the ] r and dis- tressed. Mrs. Foote's father was a captain in the war of 1812. Her mother was Elizabeth Sullivan, also a na- tive id' New Jersey. There were limn to Judge Foote and wife the follow- ing children, none of whom arc now living: (1). Samuel, who was in the gunboat service during the war. He married a Miss Clore and died in 1868, aged twenty- four. (2). William, died February, 1874. (3). Mozella, died the wife of William Wilson, a merchant, of Lex- ington. Tennessee, leaving one child. George. (4). George, died March. 1884, at the age of twenty-three. (5). Ada, died in 1884. This daughter contributed to various periodicals and was remarkably gifted. Three children died in infancy. Judge Foote began life with no resources but his own talents, lie had plenty of pluck, however, and struck boldly out into the world with the determination to succeed. The first money he ever earned was as a hired plow-hoy. at eight dollars a month. Being paid off at the end of three months, lie went proudly home and laid his twenty-four silver dollars in his mother's lap. He was never after that cither ashamed or afraid of work. Whenever the practice of the law became a dragging business ( as it will periodically in nearly all communities), lie did not sit down, fold his arms and wait fin- business to come to him. lie turned his hand at once to whatever honorable enterprise promised rea- sonable profits. His first substantial profits were real- ized as contractor in brick-laying and plastering in the town of Cannelton, Indiana. Industry and economy have ever been bis leading characteristics, and these constitute the secret of his success. He is now in quite independent and comfortable circumstances, and is reek d one of the solid men of his county. CAPT. WILLIAM STOCK ELL. NASHVILLE. CAPT. WILLIAM ST( ICK L'LL. the veteran "fire chief," the successful merchant and bushier man, and one of the most popular citizens of Nashville, whose face and form have long been familiar to almost every man. woman and child in that city, well deserves a place n these pages. He was bom in Malton, Yorkshire, England, October 17. 1815. His grandfather, William Stockell, born at Malton. sprang from an old English family that lived for many years in that vicinity. He raised a large family of sons ami daughters, the sons being chiefly distinguished as successful merchants. One of his daughters, Margaret Stockell. married a Mr. PROMINENT TENNESSK VNS Jo-wot l, ami I i veil lo the a I old age of oiirhtj four 1 * iiiimeil William Stockell, " Mai li 11- urand- l)orn in the same town. farina man. came to Am, : uilv w itli hi in, in 1824. an i led in l>altii -.- I n 1X20 he mo\ ed to i rs, then pnrchasd a farm in Brown ml lived there until 1 >." I: ». In lie removed to Nash lessee, and ; ion of the buildinj • I Xasln i!le, then under the Rev. l>r. 1 In 1845. while walkil :i rusty nail, which | ener lived in it. II \ •■ his t'hil divn i s. '! -' was horn in Pickering. Yorkshire. 1 She was n tin of tin ' nd re- am! domestic nian- nt. She '■ ai the home ol her daughter. Mrs. Carrie Might, wife of Capt. O. II. [light, diville .Merchants' Exchange. She was the ill William J Eliza) ell. died the v ' I Mary Ann Stockell. who /■ ne the wife I ith, married Howell II uddles- ton A I). Jane • low of David l ' . I . cuit eourl rink at Xashville. 5). Caroline S II now wife of Oliver II I i I in his hnyh 1 had l»ut limited ed bricklayer's and [ n ( 'ineinnati, and carried it on there until l v !' - and during I d himself closely to such 1 ks as would qualify him in making calcu r a husin |ition. 1 1 sly and diligently ap- plied himself in learning drawing, designing and mod- eling ornali every conceivable pattern tor the interior di if churehi - ml line private buildings. In the latter particular he was ng numberless exquisitely beautiful lerful botl I workmanship. The fili- ation of the State N lie Masonic Hall, the Maxwell House, the I I isane. and numerous other - in Tennessee are specimens oi' hi- i time when he was the only decorator of the interior of buildings in stucco work at Xashville, aud all of the parties now I in that business in the city learned their n with him. and arc recognized as master workmen in tin ir In n house in which he now lives, N*i 63 South Cherry street, was one among the first modern houses in the cin of Xashville, the interior finish of which would do credit lo any city in America, and is recognized b\ architects who conic to see ii as of supe- ir finish and original i : apt. Stockell's entire business lit'.- in Nashville, hi- relation- with all he ever worked for or with, have been ol' the most plea-ant character. To a mail do ivy a busil for so many period of time, it must l>e a nio-t happy reflection that he has never had t>- for his , not marred or embittered by unpleasant memories. Every- d\ know- : H I; even the children cannot meet or pass him on the street, without giving him that hearty salute that only kindly natures and long estab- lished characters can command: an incident recalling I [tuner's lines : I late in li! Hut it is perhaps chiefly from his honorable record as a fireman, and as chief of tin- tire department of the city of Xashville tin' many year-, ('apt. Stockell is best known by the general public. His gallant r\ and bravery on tryill i wisdom and , \ ecutive ability in hour- of p ( ril: his main sacrifices of d comfort to save the lives and property id' others: his promptne; the first tap of the alarm lull in rain or >hine. night or day. winter or summer praise tor two gen- eratio md must bring to the fearless "old chief" many pleasant recollection- of well aud faithfully done. In i v !" i president of the Independent Western Fire Company of Cincinnati, and filled th hi until November 12. IS46, when he left ('ineinnati to make hi- houn al Nashvilh -hist before his departure, the- u his eh! company li took from their pockets a silver dollar and had i In m melted into a beautiful ami heavy silver speaking trumpet, which they pre-. him "in remem- brauee of his s - It is a souvenir which the tain shows with much pride, and regards as an heir- m money could not buy. lie connected himself with the volunteer fire de- partment of Nashville in IS47. soon after his arrival in S ivjlle. joining " Broad-street Fire Company, N 2, and a few mouths thereafter was elected it- president and remained as such until 1850, when the paid Steam tire department was organized Being in a lucrative business which he could not sacrifice, he retired at that time from the department, having been requested, how- ever, at all times to attend tires and give his counsel. which he did. always having the confidence aud good PROMINENT TENNESSEANS 239 will of the chief in charge and "I the firemen. He was appointed by the city council December 28, 1866, to go East and purchase steam fire apparatus for the city, a lciicr of credit being given him by the city authorities for the purpose to the amount of twenty thousand dol- lars, lie made the purchase, which resulted in a large saving to the city, the apparatus then bought beingstill in use and in a I condit ion. In July, L869, Hon. John M. Bass having been ap- pointed by the chancery court receiver of the city of Nashville, called to his aid and counsel the wisest men of undoubted character and standing highest in public esteem, among thcro Anson Nelson, whom heappointed treasurer, and Oapi William Stockell, whom he placed in charge of the fire department, Capt. Si nek el I accept- ing the position at tin urgent request of leading citi- zens, ami especially of the insurance companies. His appointment by Mr. Bass, dated July 28, 1869, empow- ered him " to organize the fire department as his agent and conduct the same on the most economical plan, having a due regard to efficiency.' From that date until his final retirement in L883, he was elected by the city council from time to time, and served altogether in thai capacity fourteen consecutive years. During this time he was also secretary of the board of building commissioners, making annual reports of the lumber business, buildings erected and progress of the city in general, many id' his reports having been commended very highly by the press. He wa- one of tl rganizers of the national conven- tion of chief tire engineers of the United States at Baltimore; has been president of that body, and is now chairman of its finance committee. At the meeting of the association at Chici September 9, 1884, ('apt. Stockell read two remarkable papers, one "an essay on the best methods of supplying cities with water tor fire purposes." and one ''on the importance id' introducing tire drills into all the schools. In L884, by request of the Tennessee Historical Si. ciety, of which he is a member, ho prepared and sul>- mitted an elaborate " history of the fire department of Tennessee," which was replete with many pleasant reminiscences and practical suggestions, and was re- ceived with great la\ or. Hi' is a member of the A. 0. M. C, now styled the Robertson Association, and in L884, in connection with Anson Nelson, Esq., and Dr. John Berrien Lindsley, revised its constitution. Capi. Stockell was made a Mason in Claiborne Lodge in Nashville; is now a member of Cumberland Lodge, No. 8, and is president of the h a] of trustees, having charge of the property of that lodge. On October 24, 1882, In was made a 32 Mason by-Gen. Albert Pike. He i- also a Knight of Pythias of the endowment rank: was one of the organizers of Myrtle Lodge, and is a member of the Grand Lodge of that order. He is a membei ol the Cumberland Presbyterian church. In politics he was a Whig till the Know-nothing issue came up, when he voted for Andrew Johnson for go\ ernor, and has been n Dei iral ever since. In 1850 he was elected from a Democratic ward— the Sixth a member of the city council, and re-elected in 1852-3. He was a member of the citj hoard of education with such men as Francis II. Fogg, Return J. Meigs, Col. M. II. Howard and W. F. Ban;;, in the carl j organiza tiou ol the public schools of Nashville. He was for a Ion;;: time a director in the State Bank of Tennessee, appointed by Gov .Johnson and afterwards by Gov. Harris, lie was also a director and one of the organ izers of the Mechanics National Bank of Nashville; also a member of the State Agricultural Bureau, ap pointed by Gov. Johnson and also by Gov. Harris, lie was one of the organizers of the first mechanics' fairs ever held in the city of Nashville. The first fair was held in a si ore on the Public Sip ta re. He has also been connected with all the industrial expositions that have been held in the eit.\ oi Nashville, being president of the exposition in 1873, aud chairman of the Nashville Centennial Exposition in 1880. In L 885 he was assist- ant commissioner for Tennessee at the Cotton Centen nial Exposition and Worlds Fair held at New Orleans. Capt. Stockell married first in Brown county, Ohio, in 1838, Miss Gelina Records, daughter of Josiah Records. She died June 11. 1839. lie next married in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 3, 1840, Miss Rachel Wright, daughter of Joseph Wright, formerly from New Jersey. Her mother, Sarah Bowers, was also a native oi New Jersey. Mrs. Stockell was horn, raised and educated in Philadelphia, and moved to Cincinnati, in 1839. Her father was a farmer, who lived to be eight) three years old. active to the very la.-t. She is a devoted and active member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Nashville. By his marriage with Miss Wright, ('apt. Stockell had nine children, four of wl died in childhood. Those who reached maturity were. (1). Charles Henry Stockell, horn iii Cincinnati, April 8, 1841 ; was a mem- ber of the Rock City Guards, and afterward an officer in the Tenth Tennessee, and served in tin/ Confederate army four years; married December 19, 1ST."). Miss Winnie 1 1 oil is. id' Louisville. Kentucky, and has one child, Hake; now residing in Atlanta. Georgia, and ci cted with an extensive commercial firm. (2). Louisa J. Stockell, born in Cincinnati, June II. IMC graduated at Loretta and at Nashville: married W. R. Rankin, an attorney at law. J uK 18 1865 : has live chil- dren, David, Charles, Mary. Albert and Turley. (3). William Franklin Stockell, born in Cincinnati. March 7. 1846; enlisted in the Confederate army and was drowned while crossing a river, December 25, 1863. i I) Albert W. Stockell. born in Nashville. August 8, 1848; graduated from the literary and law departments of Cumberland University; practiced law successfully at Columbia, Tennessee; married. January I. 1876, Miss 210 PKOMIN K\T TKNN KSSK \NS Kloi I lit or ill' Matthew l» Cooler, and sister of Judge William V and Kx I nited States Sen ator I l.iii \ Cooper; has tour ehildren, Marian. Patty, Allien and Henry, (5). 1 5 eor.se \V. Stoekell, born ;ii Nashville, April 2, 1S52; now liead of the firm ot (ieor.se M Stoekell & Co in the w liolesale a,srieultural iui|ilemenl business al Nashville. ((>) Orville Kwing Stoekell, born September I I. IS55: now a partner in the bouse with bis brother, (ieor.se W . married Novein bcrS, 1S77. Miss Ida I' (lower has one child, Kachel. Capt. Stoekell began married life with ninet\ six dollars. :mn.' doing well and standing high in good society This result is largely due i" the mother, who, nat u rally of a sunny and benig mint temper. ver.\ earl} adopted the policy of making her home happ\ and attractive to her children. For this purpose she herself, when thirt.\ years old, took music lessons with her daughter, that she might amuse and entertain her sons and theii visiting friends. She encouraged her sons to have a chili room at homo, and their principal evening amusements there, she making liersell one of the company, and by hot' presence both enlivening and adding dignity and graee to their enter taimnciits. The results justify one in commending her example to young mothers desirous of seeing their boys cssfu) and honored. In declining years ii is a gratifying reflection that no one can call up wrong nit him . more pleasant still, to have, as Capt. Stoi kell has, a scrap book full of the most friendly and flattering notices the result of a hus.\ life conducted on manly, benevolent and Christian principles. Hi- old friend, Anson Nelson, Ksq.. who has known him intimately for main years, gives this estimate of ("apt. Stockell's character: "dipt. William Stoekell .am.' to Nashville in IS-lli. and soon showed himself a good. stead} mechanic. His industry and faithfulness were developed to such an extent that he soon obtnim d as much work as he could do, even with the -killed workmen lie employed Ho acquired, as a natural result, a fine propertj of his own, and a competency to live on. He was happily married, and reared a family of ehil- dren. of which any man might be proud. His children are all married and well settled in life. i Stoekell was a natural fireman, and his services as i uptain of the old volunteer eompauy, Broad street, No 2. wore relied upon in all . uses of fire, in anj part of the i it\ After the organization of the paid -team fire department, he was not . tin' several years, actively engaged in this arm of public service. I pon tli a out of the notorious Mden administration, in 18(50, the Hon John \| lla-- was appointed receiver for the city, and be at once selected Capl Stoekell to take charge of the tire department of Nashville. Ho was elected chief b\ the incoming Morris administration, and re-elected year after year, during different administration- of the city government, for fourteen consecutive years. This was a wonderful compliment, considering tin' fact that there ni re always so man} applicants for ever} office in the gift of the municipal government, lie was selected solel.\ on account of his superior qualifications for the position for ii was well known that, a- a matter of pe eunian consideration, ho did not need the office. While fire chief, he made man.\ advantageous improvements, among the most notable being the introduction of the fife alarm telegraph, w Inch has worked successfully since its introduction. The management ^\' the department, under his wise and careful supervision, was n source of gratification to bis fellow-citizens, He retired from this service in the autumn of ISS3 \- a member of the Association of Fire Chiefs of the United State-, ('apt. Stoekell has boon for several year- one of the most prominent and useful. His paper-, read before ih.it body, have attracted more than ordinary attention. In all the public offices of the city, in every impor taut movement for tin' public good, Capt Stoekell lias always been a prominent factor, lie never failed to do his whole duty, and never shirked any labor or pecu- niar} demand to aid his people. Ili- services as a di- : in many mechanical and other associations, were invaluable, lie was one of the working directors of the Centennial Exposition of Nashville, in ISSO, and no one did mote to insure the successful accomplishment of that -rand enterprise V- an active member of the Tennessee Historical Society, and in the Robertson As- sociation, his services are well known and duly ap- iled. "('apt. Stoekell- reputation a- a man of progressive idea.-, as a stirring, active member ' ] i it It is bul jus! in note thai Dr. Thornton was the youngest division surf n in the Confederate army. Being fond of operative surgery, and having acquired a i' i ii M I theoretical knowledge of its principles prior to the war, his position afforded him the amplest opportunity for practicing thcarl in bis field hospitals. This large and valuable experience rendered him tin fail subse quently, when in charge of the City Hospital al Mem phis, or as occasion offered, in private practice The knowledge gathered and the experience acquired in these four years of active military life were likewise beneficia I to I the ad i i rat ion ol t he civil of liees he held. lie returned to Memphis in August, 1st;."), ami n siimeil practice. In September, 1866, he was elected assistant physician for the City Hospital of Memphis, then under the chat of l>r .1 . M. Keller, now of Hoi Spring Vrkansas, tl ffice of assistant resident phy- sician being made necessary to moot the demands ci d by an epidemic of cholera which occurred in Memphis thai year. He resigned this position in 1867, and was elected physician in charge, October, 1868, l>.\ tl iiy c cil, which position he held until February, 1879, when he resigned, This was i ncral hospital for the i real nieiii of all kind of n dical and in gical cases. The official reports show an average of al I two thou sand patients treated annually. During Dr. Thornton's administration, Memphis was visited by four epidemics nt infect imis diseases: One of smallpox, iii the winter of 1872 .'!; a limited epidemic of cholera in the spring of IsT.'I. an epidemic of yellow fever in the latter pari of t be si i miner ami early fall of 1873, ami I lie great epi- demic of yellow fever in 1878, i unencing in Vn-u i and ending in No\ enibi r, in h hich Memphis losl uol less ill. iii three thousand of its population by death I h: Thornton profe ional ex periencc during the years of his official connection with this institut was ccrtainlj varied I extensive, and bis abilities as a profe ional man and administrative officer are fullj al ii ted bj bi- being retained for nearly elc\ en cot i i\ e \ ear- i hrough all t he i hange incident to munici pal government, and that, too, when its local political iii. were very unstable. In February, 1879, he re igned In offii i i [)h ician to tin Citj Hospital hi I'll PHOMINEXT TEXXESSE VXS. lu'ahli 1 ■ . ■ 1 1 1 l: hi lull impaired b) his duties during the last luiiued epidemic, witli the determination to ■ himself oxelush el) to private practice I uler the uewl) organized cit) iroveriinient lie was ottered and accepted the positi if president of the Pit) Board of II ealth. The sanil i adit ion "I' the it this tiniewas dreadful The following extract from the first annual report of the Board of Health, published in 1880. for the year LS79. but partial I) ex presses its i audition "( In the subsidence of tin demic of ls7s. command, was more than could lie reasonabl) expected of the new board eti hi .1 til) of 1 v 7'.'. \ el lew fever again appeared and la-ted until frost lite in * >etober. This office Mr. Thornton has held to the pn - cut time. The same earnestness ol purpose and fidelity to dut) has characterized him in this, as in the preeed- iii office \\ ithin the period of live years, from being one of the most uiisanitan places in the country, Mem phi- i- now one ol the most cleanly, and is full) abreast with the most advanced in all thin-- pertaining to lie hygiene. As president ol' the Board of Health, he hi- enjoyed the full support of the city government and the confidence ol' the people, \-nle from hi- official life. Dr. Thornton ha- devoted his time to private practice, and taken active part in the medical organizations of the daw lie was a member of tin' Memphis Medical Society during its existence before and after the war . i- a member of the Shelb) Count) Medical Socict) from it- organization: one year was it- re-iilent : i- a member of the Medical Society of tin- Siate of Tennessee, since May. IS7S, and was made vice president from West Tennessee in April, lS7!),and was its president in 1SS1 S2: is a member of the \nieri can Medical Association since l>77: a member of the American Public Health Association since 187!): was a member of the advisory council of this association in 1883 v l of its executive committee for 1SS1 5, and one of its vice presidents for 1885 SG. In the fall of LS70 he was appointed a member of the Ten - i: of Health, b) Gov. \ S Marks, to lill a vacancy occa- sioned b\ the resignation of l>r. It. B. Maury, and on the expiration "l' hi- term, was re-commissioned by I \u\ \\ B Kale. April I. 1883 [)r. Thornton i- the author ol several essays which have attracted fa\ orable comment from the medical and sanitary journals, ami were received with great favor by those interested in these subjects oue on yellow fever, its patholog) and treatment, with clinical note- on one hundred and forty eases treated in City Hospital in 1878, which he read before the Stato» Medical Societ) at its annual meeting in Nashville, April. 187!', and which wa- published in the transactions of that year . oue on "open treatment for amputation-, py.emia ami septi- cemia, with noie- on a number of cases illustrating this method, trealed in the same hospital; read before the socict) at Knoxville. and published in it- transac- tions i. i 1880; an address a- president o\' the society, r delivered at the annual meeting in Memphis. May. 18S2, ami published in transactions of that year: an on the yellow fever epidemic of 1-7'.', a- it occurred in Memphis that year, and read before the Public 1 1 ealth Vssociation at ii- seventh annual meeting in Nashville, November, 1870, ami published in vol. 5 of '"Reports ami Paper- of that societ) . one on '"Memphis sani- tation and iiurantine. 1870 and 1880." read before the same body at it- meeting in New Orleans, December, 1880, and published in vol. ti ; one on "negro inor tality of Memphis," read before the same society at In- diana poli-. October, 1882, and published in vol. 8 ; also five annual reports to the Legislative Couucil of the cit) of Memphis, as president of the Board of Health; a report to the State Board of Health on the epidemics in Tennessee in 1881 and 1882. 1 le has also contributed se\ era] other paper- to medical journals on professional subjects. Dr. Thornton married Miss Louisa Hullum, of Mem- phis, in December, lSo'9, a lady of culture and refiue ment : a true type ni' a Southern gentlewoman, ami a member of the Protestaut K pi -en pal church. She died in .1 um. 1 -7o. Iea\ ing him two young children— a daugh- \ una May Thornton, and a son,GustavusB. Thoru- . both at present at school in \ irginia. In polities Dr Thornton has been a Democrat all his life, a- were his ancestors before him. since the organi- zation of the party. He was never a member of any church: ha- been a Master Mason about (went) years. JUDGE SAMUEL A. RODGERS. THIS prominent jurist, whose time off the bench is present- a fine type of a judge who ha- attained a coin- "l'ied in farming on scale pctenc) by method- of strict integrity, know- the value orn and cattle, and in rearing his family of success and how to enjoy it in tb I eouutr) style He was born in K 1 in ssec. Ma PROMINENT TKNNKSSK VNS m L830. tie was brought uj a farm ul Liurtl labor lii father being a solid, well to do farmer ; :i man of unu sual energy and firmness of character, who taughl bis children to work and to avoid idleness as one of the direst evils. In this way young Itodgers' earliest strug gles began in driving wagons and following the plow, in hauling I and assi ting al i bis father's mills I > > these means he built up a g I constitution, grew to manhood a strong, hearty, robust specimen of the young i intaineer. He was fond of the chase and rifle, but his early prevailing tastes were for literary pursuits and the practice of law. His early school opportuni lies were limited until lie was sixteen years old, when he was sent to the private county schools of the neigh- borhood some three or [bur years, Afterward becoming tired of school, in the winter of 1851 2, he went to t'al Hernia, where he stayed until 1853, spending a year in the gold mines. In the fall of l s ">'! he returned, and remained through the year 1854 on Ins father's farm as genera] manager, [n September, 1855, he entered the literary depart incut of Cumberland University, Lei n, remained there three years, graduated in 1858, completing a course of Latin, Greek, French and Spanish, besides the regu 1 ; 1 1 curriculum. While al college he was president of his society The Amasaga ian and passed through the course with honor. He returned to Knox county, studied law al I a year under linn. John Baxter, present United Slates circuit judge; in the fall of 1859, ob lainod license to practice from Chancellor T. Nixon Van Dyke, and .Indue George Brown, and entered into pari nership with Hon. 0, P. Temple (whose sketch see elsewhere), and with hira practiced until the c 'ts were closed, in L862, by the presence of the armies and the disturbing influences of the war. During the war he remained in East Tennessee, taking no pari in the con test, believing that course his duty as a private citizen. His attachment to the governmenl of the United States was firm and unwavering during the entire struggle; he not believing in the doctrine of secession, either upon legal principles or principles of sound policy. Upon the return ul' order and the re-opening oi the courts, he again went into the practice of his profession in pari nership with Judge Temple. After a few months' prac tice, the firm found it necessary to take in another part ner, which they did in the person of Judge Andrews, since oi f the supreme judges of the State. After a still further continuance of the business until the be ginning of the winter of 1867 s he withdrew from the firm, sold nut his interest in the partnership in his pan ners. ami took hi.- wife and lur grandmother to Califor nia, via New York and Panama for the wife's health. Alter spending something over a year in Santa Cruz county, California, his wife's health being restored, he returned to Tennessee and opened a law office al Leu don, where he remained till 1878, when he was elected to the office of judge ol the Third judicial circuit, em bracing t he count n - i>j K nox Blount . Loudon, Monroe and I Inane, ter xpiriug September 1 . 1880. Before the war Judge Rodgei> voted the Whig ticket, 1 :e i he war lie has been a Republican ' 1 1 eh never actively engaged in politics, lie is a .Master Ma son, a Cumberland Presbyterini£"and an elder in his church, I le slates with emu me in la hie pride thai lie has been for sumo fifteen years a Sundaj school superin- tendent. A distinctive characteristic of Judge Rodgors in the ethics of a praei it i ii' of law is to compromise nil and thus remov ' sul'ion the asperities oi life between fellow citizens. This he has often dune from a senseof loyalty to duly, and oftentimes, too, at his own pecuni ary sacrifii c It is said he has kept hundreds of peopl it of law suits by advice of this kind. He himself refers to liis course in this pari of his historj as the most pleasant of his life, The Masterof us all. in his wonderful scr on the mount, said: "Blessed are the peace makers.' Judge Rodgers father, William Rodgors, was born and raised, lived and died in Knox county, Tennessee He accumulated considerable property as a farmer and mill owner. 1 1 1- i rity was beyond question, and he » a a leading 1 1 ong minded man. n ho forced his way and left his impressii n the world. He was a soldier in the war oi 1812; for twenty five years was a justice of the peace, I was an elder in the Concord church, the first Cumberland Presbyterian church planted east of Cumberland intaiiis. Judge Rodgers' grandfather, Joseph Rodgers, was an Irishman, who early immi grated to this country, and lived and died a farmer in Knox county, His wife was formerly Miss Elizabeth D 1-' hi. an immediate relative of the well known family nl that name living in Jefferson county, Tei ssee. Judge RodgerN mother, ue< Miss Mahala Lowe, was born iu Knox county, daughter of \lu,nn and Elizabeth Lowe, and lived from an early day at what is now known as Lowe's Ferry, on the Tennessee river in a block I se built al thai plaee, ami which »a a general ren dezvous for the while settlers, who had often to defend themselves from the incursions of the Choctaw Indians, A brain Lowe came over to I his e. i ii n I ry from Germanj His wife was the di liter of an Englishman named Martin. Gen.S. D.W. Lowe, of Knox county, is Judge Rodgers' maternal uncle, He is a large farmer and stock raiser. and new owns ami occupies 1 1 hi homestead describi d above. He is distinguished for his elevated bearing a a milil ia man and for his splendid ehara. ti r Judge Rodgers' only sister, Ann Amanda Rodgers, is now the wife of S. L. Russell, i rchant and far- mer at (' oiil, Knox county, Judge Rodgers had five brothers, viz.: .lane M., Joseph \. \l.ram W.. George l» and William l>. Rodgers, all of whom ex cept -In i i .Ii Y Rodgers, wenl to California to reside at various dates since the war \hram W. Rodgei dud 'II liOMINKNT I'KNXKSSK \NS n \| i iiIjiii Mexico Si i ISSIl ol' yellow seven children (1 ' ' born in Tli,' otln r lluve hrotluM-s J mm lionrijo and Santa I I'Vhi " ' M 11 William ivot i iek raisers in N l horn in l.omlou. July . '-'7, IS7I (-\) Smnuel ,lose|ih N liodjjors still lives a farmer in lihea, lioni October S. .|S7:i (11 Mary Uoll, horn Oeto I , < i . i; . \ imie I! Inn n .1 nne '''' IS1 \ i , i I mni M William Arthur, horn Nm lilts i linel i. hi us n lsi\v,\ er ill S in l''r in Mini i-. one .'I' ill.- i'.' soul 'i the I ii\ orsit.i "I' ( 'alifor II,' s)ienl some i" nroiin Id 1 1 , i line speaker unil u ;| in |i m ,■ ( In,' II IllltlvjOI'S, .III. 'ill, ,,|' .1,1111,--. \| I!,,. I ' i ','■ mil ineii |>l ll Sail i minute ol' Hello no Medii ill Col Now York .1 mini K i ) i ilien eo. May 10, ISti.'!, Mi S Illicit, who witsborn in ih.it county, Mi i i ISI.">, ,1 mi "hi, •!■,. I' .lolin \Y Kli.' i. i ii ilive ■" iil.it, ,1 II,' i - 1 1 1 1 1 ro ii lil; ■ 1 illianl ii,'i omiiii i ' ilniosl in- liiin In a|i|ily the pi in ■ 1 1 >1, o him. Ilo has , hero ean In- in I mii lev n so near nni\ ersally |io|uil ililo, 1 1 i~ impossible i how l i —. i I lie ileeisioi : I inakiii" eiiomios, Ii ln—( families in i he Slate l'i, many .Indue IVoslons, of Vii iia M rs. li usin, hi ol' Hi,' linn ol' rowan, M, Vim X i l\ ■. \ ill,-, mar Miss Hi t-r of the late -lam on the hem h ol'tlie 11 loll he is in i hi ami ii, -n lie, no or noisy, a Inn pi or seolilin (lint oit\ M I - Ii"! ioi - un Miss Vilaliuo Ihiilsoi , i ami mill - miler rariner ami stm ; I 'riion Dirt, ami yol no a Tin moral |iorllll|)S, hi-- piell Ii Carolina, v fhis is in (ho hijrhosl si llohoi ami imii\ iillialitv el' eh II \ llliloi' I ',',1 . i-m ' \|. . i; . ; , ■ i I'ls, was a |irominonl Methodist minister in North M I! •,; ,": ,.',-. luotlioi Vloxai K'l' I'. development ami nolivity. To ,1" riyhl seems to lie his lir-i ami hiuhest aim ilarity, hut li, on prinoiple ami liir the love of rishl His oonsoion lllliosl in: \ i lied le llii--. na lure hlessoil him with a kiml heart, a sorono leniper. now ol fchtiai mi Texas i Cannot' ami stock happx sympatliotio lioart, v ■ r 1 1 : ,, M ,iinn . i ivanl ill W ithal he is ! : .lohn. linn, sincere ami truthful Ilo does not wear all those Nellie, Louise li".i ■•■■■ in iiialitios as a cloak to win popularity, hut they are the \| ' i; ,,: . ■ , \ i hens I'Yiu th I ions of his nai hi II . . i . : :- a moiuhor el' (ho I'liniborhind l'i of the success of.lud • li ■■ 1 era a- a public man. I church; is a lad\ of hri>;hl, sunnj disp ml is shouli truthfulness, justice, einineiiil.i iitilitnriau ill I ami tiilolitj to duty ami friends, combined with i |'»i ] li Miss ll lildso li I'ROMTNRNT TI'A \ KSSK \\S 'i i CAPT. ■! \ VIES M. GOODH \R. Ml I: VMKSM OOODUAIl wn bo Ivor o I old mil to .1 L ami \ I) (I Ihm iiml tin linn I lion 'I',. ei! Mil !!) I ; I lived tliort! iml.il lie boi iimi! (J Hi u ( Co In Jul 18' Mi (J Ilmi , eleven , vein oi igi II' I 1 1 1 ■ i - 1 - 1 1 1 < - /oil to again piii'duiscd i Ici'i-mI. in llio I noil i I VVhil lit; T >. w lioi c lie lived on n I'm in .ii.ii.n i lie tow n "I imrlfi urn ill • lii < ■< ■ 1 1 .1 i ■■■ I iil i oft lie inon h lio li I' • In ■ i lie did not lm i I In In in 111 of u i olli • eoiu i Imi roeoh ''I In odiioal ion in privnti chool 1 1 1 In i tonchor \i ii W illiitm II Mai t|ue foi moi Ij ol IiihIi villi' Voting Coodbui rutin n 1 1 liaiil in i lie tow ii of iSpurtii mid I" in" ili'iui i lie ton fi oin lii enrlj youl Ii. lie, i"". rial urall iici|i I i turtle foi i linn in. I in. mined to make i lint hi culling I n 1857 lie went to Niwhvillo and began lii n n eli 1 1 foi I'.i .in fin i| VlcWbirti i' . v . ' '" h bob all di ■ id Iianl Im "ii • ivitli i ilury of loin I Ji i d dollar n . ear With tlii lii in lie 1 1 maim 'I i ill I ,.'i rt In n ii ii. inn' v, i ' limigi 'I i i \ .1 McWb 1 ■ and h ii It i lie new linn be ined till I (50 lii (ilnrj ba ving heen in th ■ I in 1 1 d five biindred dollal I eui In I III) be vvelil in Vli mphi •. ii li Tli. .in i I I ;, mi i.. i d lio li.nl been In head o I tin i b vh i ch In wa li i I cngngi I mil lii ,,i, '! . i .1 ..i.i. Uran Cord ii" . "i In li villc Ten Tin tin ".i" 1 'I in tin v. bole id i 1 i mid hoi bu 'i" Mi'. 1 1 Ibur had been in bit ini long h"!i I. tlii ' mi i" li • In up i li "I "I I in 'I i lr .m"Ii hi had but littli capital In . i taken ii ,i pari in ill, M r, Hi an foi 'I on account of hi bu i in i Hi in of lii hi Ini 'I < '• Ibar \ Co, h ii I'm mi 'l 'li ' i in , , cry Houi l, n in, ['oi u littli rnoi - i bun one year, and i ben do i 'I up tin ii In H account of i be vvai Marly in I H(>2 Mr i loodb ir i he Confederal iTvii" .i ' licutci In conij i (' pi ' • of i be I'l.nii li T ' n "ii' ni "I ■ ' -ili ( 'n| John I' Mm; :r. commanding lie hi I in Ken tucl I n ■ ■ ' i .'"'I i idered i .. , ; ... ; . unmand al Wnnhiiigtoii Oeoi [ia in II, tool pari in the battle ol Mui I borough Pen ilb md ill 'I" othci fighl ol Krn Kent ud gn, in 1862 [n I he latti r pari ol thai year I" ■ li ■: i i mi I' hi " menl with the rank of cuj ' ■ ci mtil i hi i cginn ill ■ rg mizi d during ' In iiniun I I i,.; when he i led to d the i rn ■ i In cd till the cl f I he war, \ In i 1 1 'render of t he < !onfl d In turned to Mcrophi and I I b«. •■•■ lioh nh ' :,ii,| doe 1. ■ ■ J. 11 Oillil md in the fi if d lliiirA Oillihind M'i'i a few montlm I, i wit li them in the (ii rn Vli Con mi.. I, .). I,, i ,... id continued undei I In me firm name till 1876 Mpmth. I Cillil Villi I III' Ill II .1 III 1 li H I Ill | Ml II villi \ II Hi. M he Iniiigl i I t' " ' ' I li I h ' md nilii I ii pi i William I, I 'lark mid J I i . I i lb. 1 1 Tin h i in i now I'ompo ed of I In i Hi' mi.' \l i '. .""1 1. 1 1 i .i tin I 1 1 1 !• 1 1 ' 1 1 i mid 'I ' I" I 'l.ini rn I ii i ■ in ninl lin 1 1 " I '1 lioldei '1 1 1 ' ' i "i ii ' i ' I'M nli ni id' i In' Meri'itnlili Haul ie ii Mr ' Ilmi Ini ilwn been > Dei al I li'i'i in" In i , ii . I "i. upon hi bu 'in lin ii ii. ill i 1 1 ' n littli purl in polil ii II ' livi pari i" il" i i i to - 1" 'I i h tin old I I of \ I ' 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 I . I 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' I'.I II ill. i 1 1 trie! I' "I ifovi ' inn I b hi i H'oi i coul ribuli d III) 1 ill If) to till | J i mi in ■ ,i '.'ill i i i ■ ',1 I li i ini ni i". 1 1 mi i" Mi inpbi W lieu ' I" eiti ' Vleinpbi 'Im mi In di i ion b 1 1" i iiudil ion of i heii cil u ni In Id .i pu '-li- li o di ■ 'I ' In pi npi ii i of nlioli In In • i ' ■ oinmil im of • ■ n ip| led to prepari i in form "I i I i ., I.. ■ ,i ||>d i i. I Im I .. 'I li i ' oin hi j I lee drafted tin pri mil I'm in "I -" ni I w hi el i id ■ I ' I •' i !• mid I in bei ii in. lii.' miinieipiilil Wtor tin in mlopl id Mr < ■ Il.ii - i . I ■ i ■ 'i i ni' mi I' i he board if publii u'l mil thu had tin np| I ol In 1 1 .i i. ■ i i i he plan whii h In hud a iwti 'I in foi in flip! i loodb .1 i inn I |iteinber 10, 18(1 \| i Vlitrj I'' Moi - hi of 1 1 - i n mdo M i i ippi I lei fathei -I ".I I ... i II Morgan originall fi oin I, in.". 1 i . . ■ 'I.. ..I' IMempli i ' ■ ' ii of lion John M Uri hi ol I v ill.' he ' ■ ■ ippi el i in tl Mi i ....... ', i on, i ln-r . i Mi I .'I ' I il Ni li Tenin ' ■ . lliroe bri i ' 1 1 1 '.in i" * Col. vv, 1-1 Morgi 'I ' 'i|.i .Inliii II Mm fell at i be I, ni tie of Murf'i li llei ' i', lion .1 I ; VI o i "I 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I - ' Mi 1 1 . i . i 1,1 .i. I. ni i. ,ii. i il.. iged in I In II. ir of In .li 1 1 ni To i In inn, ni I, liildreu (I) Wil lie Morgan I I imii Oliver Co ; ! id . . lied hi -I ul follow I), Jan \| i X M V HON 1 M II t Kl . \ II 1 I 1 1 ; III ■ml i i i I • 1 I i I l id.- i I HI I I \ \\ \ I I I I ' \\ . I I I II I I I I I I I II 1 1 1 1 I I ..I ill' I III I I ! ! 1 1 1 ' I I 248 PROMINENT th\\i:-i: \.\- ilia. Slu' is now the' widow of Dr. I'\ (' . I ' nul by him lias two i ■ 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ■ < 1 1 . I 1 ' rank 1'. and Annie Bell. (21 Mar,\ C -I ; 1 1 1 1 1 ; i ) > 15, 1858: educated al Rogersville Female Col Ma\ 2(1. 1881. to John K Shields, a lawyer, and son of' lion, dames T. Shields, of H Stati< r 1. 1SS1 ' lion. James T Shii where in this volun i ii -I une 21, 18(10 ed uea in whieh draw : ~ lueated in these arts in ili at Bosl hi, Mass I N*i ill. horn April IT. I8(i3; • : ' pal inusie Female Coll Kate P., i in . 1 SliC, and edueai i I al Lloj: - ille Female Colli I i i e S Iiui H \1 n I. ISo'3 m was next married al R igersi ille No r IS, 1ST I. : i Miss Penelope Elizabeth N'eill, • s\ ille. and ui ! Neill, hanker at same place. She ier 21, 1 v 12. an tnd-daughter of Samuel Neill. - 1 chant of 11 herine I ' Hal. Her only full sister. - n ife of James • I. Mitchell, secretary and treasun Easl Ten \ irgin ia mid Georgia ra iiy, at i\ >i ille. Her t\\ re Eva, wife of C. \. Dossi - tli. wife of John Grisham. Her tun full brothers are George II. Xeill. of Columbus, Geoi William II. Neill, of I Kentucky. Her her, Alfred T.. u. M rs. Fulkerson i- a graduate lb i - le Female College, and is a zealous meuil the Presbyterian church i lady of pronounced character, energetic in whatever sin- undertakes, and is sts. Two chil- dren have been the result of the second mar Elizabeth S rn August 24.1875. i2>. Frank Xeil ; IT. l^TT W . return now to the principal subject of i ut ten years old. Francis M. Fulkerson came witli his lather's family t ; Te m where he grew to the age of twenty, working on the farm and atl hool. lie then ent ersville as clerk, on the not ver\ princely salan of one hundl iard. At the end of the year he found himself with hut little money, though with wledge of business. Tin M, -. can war i died throu i .1. in IS47, I 1 1 'apt James II. : I Col Richard W, ; If' sen war in the capacity ofordi ion he was appointed : lit. 'file men! uz. Jalapa, Puebla. and the r Mexie stationed at the last named place at the time the treaty of peaee was COllclll Returnin 11 184S, ( 'el. Fulkerson read V land for about two - licensed t" practice by Chancellor Thomas L William- and'Judge Seth J. \V. if I he eil'el \ JCaVS p: removed t" Tazewell, r J about eight \ ears. In ing live of I he i inie clerk and master by appointmi : I n I 35!) In' nt nrned te Rogers\ ille. where In- has ever since residi i ix years he practiced in pan in with lion. John Nethcrland and .lame- T. Shields, and ai different I inies sinci ha- had S. 1 mitt. I. C. Walker ami A. D. lluffniaster. th nami I him. In 18(33 Mr Fulkerson was elected to tin nate, luit owing ie the disturbed state of the country, by reason of the war. the General Assembly failed to ii' Mr, Fulkerson was a 1 temocrat, dur- he war he « ,- a pronounci hern man.' and Democrat. In 18(11 he was i' for the Tenth district, on the Davis am phens ticket, but made no canvass, there being no o ing ticket. In 1883 I he represented Hawkins county in tie I are. ha\ tug been elected by si ity. notwithstanding tie steady or the opposite party in the county. One term seemed te have satisfied him with legislative ser vice and honors, since no amount of persuasion could induce him te stand foi ion, which he could certainly have secured. In IS5:i Col. Fulkerson became a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, and in 1883 of the Knigli II iv. lie i- now president of the board of trusi the I! Female I ollege. lie i- an ael h e niem- of the Pre church. Inn i the church at Tazewell, in IS52 lie was for live years a 1 'Well, and ha- been such fur tour years at 1!" Cnl. Fulkerson may justl.i he called a successful man. lie ha- always -teed deservedly high in his profession. His devotion to his clients interests is proverbial, and yet he would scorn te advance his client's cause by any nt the "sharp practice-" characteristic of the pettifogger. While conscientiously attending to his -ional engagements, hi- busiuess education has I him a good purpose him to carry profitable interests in several enterprises. He is a suc- cessful fanner, a- well a- lawyer, and takes real pride in his herd of Jersey cattle, lie ha- also been engaged in the tanning business, and ha- an interest in a 1 t and shoe factory in Rogersville. Besides, he is a mem- ber of the firni of Fulkerson Chesnutl a Ci in ijuarrying the beautiful Hawkins county marble. PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s 249 Col. Fulkerson is a man of pleasing manners and honest methods. There is probably nol a man in the whole State who enjoys to a higher degree than he the esteem and confidence of the community in which he lives. Asa citizen and neighbor, he is prompt to 'I" whatever a sense of duty suggests to I"' right. As a lawyer, while he is zealous, he is also conscientious, neither grinding the unfortunate with exorbitant fees, nor leading the litigiously-inclined ini<> lawsuits which his own judgment condemus. When called by the people of his county to represent them in the Leg islature, he showed that he could lay aside the mere partisan anil vote and act according to the dictates of his judgment ami conscience. Mis personal iufiuence is ever on tin' side of virtue ami in the interest of lau ami order. The Christian church has no better friend than t'nl. V. M. Fulkerson, nor the Stair a more purr ami upright citizen. COL. WILLIAM F. TAYLOR. Ml: Ml' II IS. THE gentleman whose name heads this biographi- cal sketch presents a splendid type of a gallant soldier, an excellent civilian, a successful merchant of high-toned integrity, and a modest, sincere Christian, whose good fortune has been carved out mainly through his own indomitable energy ami business probity. William P. Taylor was born in Madison county, Ala- bama, -Inly 11. 1835, ami remained there until Feb- ruary, 1848, when he moved with his grandfather, Charles Taylor, to Shelby county, Tennessee, ami with the exception of four years spent in the war, has lived in that county ever since, residing in Memphis since January, 1853, The Taylor family is distinctly connected with the family of which President Zachary Taylor was a mem- ber — a fact, however, which Col. Taylor's grandfather, Charles Taylor, refused in his modesty to admit, ami used tn say. with pride, that he " was not a member of a branch of the Taylor family; was never indicted or sued in his life, and never ran for office," traits which have been transmitted and are characteristic of the family, who are rather retiring in their disposition, avoiding all publicity nut necessarily incident to the post of duty. Charles Taylor was born in Granville county. North Carolina: w'as a farmer, and. indeed, almost the entire family were agriculturists, lie mar- ried .Miss Mary Turner, and died near Hernando, Miss- issippi, in his seventy-sixth year. lie was the father of six children, three of wl preceded hint ill death. Of hi> children who survived him: (1). Lucy Ann Taylor, died the widow of Stephen W. Rutland, DeSoto county, Mississippi. (2). Edmund .1. Taylor, is now living, a farmer, at Elgin, Arkansas; was a soldier in tin' .Mexican war from Alabama, and merchandised in Memphis a number of years. (•'!). Martha J.Taylor, died the widow- ol George Douglass, a farmer, Erst in Alabama and then in Mississippi. ( H t he children who died before their father: (I). Charles Taylor, died in DeSoto county, Mississippi. (-). John T. Taylor, father of the subject of this sketch, died in Alabama when 32 the sou was only five years old. (•'!). lioberl H.Taylor, died in DeSoto county. Mississippi, John 'I'. Taylor, the father of ( 'of Taylor, was born in Granville county, North Carolina; moved to Alabama when quite young; there married, lived a planter and school teacher, ami died at the age of thirty-three, leaving four children: (1). John II. Taylor, now in Memphis in mercantile life. (2). Charles X. Taylor, died forty five years of age, a successful planter in Shelby county. Tennessee. (3). William I''. Taylor, subject of this sketch. (4). .Mary T. Taylor, died in childhood. Col. Taylor's mother, net Miss Martha A, Ford, was bom in Cumberland county, \ irginia; was a Methodist; a lady of quiet, unpretending nature ; a noble character, endowed will] goodness of heart, and was noted for allaying of strife in her circle, and blessed by all who knew her as a Christian peace-maker. She managed the small estate left her by her husband s, , as to give her children a liberal education. She was herself a good biblical scholar, fond of reading, and set her chil- dren the example of self-denial and almost of self-ab- negation, and was one of those intelligent, practical women, all devotion, who lill the world with sunshine ami with happiness. She died at her home in .Mem phis, in March, L872. at tin age of sixty-three. She was a paternal niece of Dr. Hezekiah Ford, a celebrated physician of Virginia. She bad no sister, and but one brother, Newton Ford, a mercl t at Memphis, and a member of several firms in that city : in L847-8 of the firm of Ford, Taylor & Robins drj goods); from L849 to L859, a planter in Shelby county, Tennessee: from 1859 to 1862, of the firm of F. Lane & Co., grocers and cotton factors; after the war. L865 to 1870, of the linn of Newton Ford & Co., in the grocery and com mission business; from L870 to L873, of the firm of Ford, Porter & Co. He died in 1st:;, at t he a f sixty two. He w i at one time vice president of the first National Hank of Memphis. William F. Taylor, under the benign infli [OMINKN'I ll \ ■ '■' - * \Y. It. Miller \ I N I • i |) \\ : • 1 M i I I ' I. ■ I'nl i-ki. th Miss \|. ni|thi i M -i I! I Mililan June IjsoiiI In 1-. n July ■' 1-7 1 Alii W llrll ill S || M, in; ! I III mil 'I. I 1 1 I ' ■■■ 1 1 II until- i 1 1 '.. \V. I». HOBISi 1 1 H I Willi.. i 1 II . \\ It. H 1 until tli to hi I the orford While in the . I I ilir ■ tli. \ lliir.l M I 1 - i I : i 1 1 hi 111 ' I ' i • hi M II. 1 I ■ ■ limit. |l PROM I X KN T T K N \ KSS K A XS Memphis, anil ai Soulo Female College, Murfreesbo- oluiion to live within his income ami keep out of debt. n mi which latter institution she graduated in As a man ol" business he is correct, careful ami atten Ib'bisoii died liih ilaj of M u , ,1] !,i, ,r \ soldier, he was the ,vs: ' Thus idol of his comrades, ami never ordered his men into Christian woman, a true and faith sit ion of danger he was not willing to lead them. 1,1,1 !l '>e\ They had lle| esses that calm, quiet, cool ami collected bravery hildren. ,!,.„ distinguishes the hero, challenges the admira- P»'' l; " ! i member of the Methodist tion of the historian, and enkindles anew in the 1 Mr. Bohinson was a Presbyterian uriot the tires tism Beloved by all Col. Rohb i with nothing, and has made v. i man of strong friendships, and with a mself a competeuey, and is now in comfortable host of strong friends such a man cannot fail to be a circumstances If rs adhered strictly to a res a I eiti COL. R. IH'Ol.l'Y FRAYSER, TIM' sub eel "I this sketch belongs to that lion nithlul hopes and plans were rudely smitten by the 1 Ic was born in the riiy of Memphis. .1 une I, I s 10, I l»r .lohn It Frayser, an eminent physician of thai city. ili> itiou w as Memphis, though he w 1 teacher, I ii the fall of 1858 he entered the Kentucky Military Institute. and graduated ii - lietorian in wo, nearly all ot' whom lost their i war, holding some rank, some on the ino on the Federal side. Voting Pray set' had determined, at an early day. to be a lawyer, and during dn- summer vacations, had been reading law at the school of the celebrated Thomas P. Monroe, Tinted - district judge lor the Louisville district, lie of Bachelor of Laws at ibis school, and the degree of Rachel Vrts at the Institute lie returned to Memphis, where he had hoped to embark at once in the practice of his ■ rind that the dread i of impending war had ma) business in his chosen depart- ment, as well as in most others, and that the only of a young man was in ' [| ingly company P. .'iTtli iment of infantry, first commanded by Polonel, afterwards ral, William 11. Carroll, of Memphis- he was m .nt of the meut, and - such until the reorganization of the army ai Corinth, in the summer of ISlC when he was made lieutenant colonel. After the battle t>\' Mu ' ' inber ol , ISlfcJ, to January ' ; dated w ith the Fifteenth I and li inued as lieutenant colonel till tin of the war. lie surrendered at Cli North Caro- lina, being at the time, a- fieer, in command \'\' T 1> Smith's, formerly Tyler's, brigade. R inn 'fhe firs! battle in which he « - I was that at Pishing Creek. Kentucky, in which lien. Zollieoffer lied. January, 1802, at Murfreesborough, he was lined in tlie neck, ! i| from his horse as he went into the fight on the first day of the battle. After this, on account of his wound, he «:i- L-ominandant a: Ringgold, Catoosa Springs and Paltoi i, until just before the battl Chickatuaiiga, when he became engaged in active ser- i rain, took part in the battle "f Chiekaiuauga and all til. of the Oalton and Atlanta campaign. \ 'lie batth \ nta, he was taken severely ill which kept him from the field until ju-t after the bat- tle of Beiltonville, North Carolina, when he rejoined mmand. Re< i iving his parole at Charlotte. North Carolina, he. with several other officers, rode across the country to Columbus, Mississippi, where they sold their mules and wagons, and took the cars for Memphis. where he lauded in Ma) : v '>"> Shortly afterward he resumed the study of law with -Indue 1!. J. Morgan, ■ ■iiiently became chancellor, was admitted to the bar in the tall id formed a partnership with I tor in the linn of Morgan A Frayser, which firm continued until 1S70. when they took into partnership Mr. Milton P. Jarnagin. and formed the firm ol M Jarnagin A Frayser. The firm always and lucrative practice. \fter -Indue Mor- gan went upon the bench, the firm of Javuagiu & Fray- ser was formed, and continued until the fall of l 1 -'-."- when Mr Jarnagin gave up law. moved to Fast Ton- :n farming and stock raising Col Frayser then took into partnership his younger brother, David, a recent graduate of the Harvard law school. and Mr. Thomas M. Scruggs, a graduate of the Pniver- sity of Virginia, 'fhe linn of Frayser ,\ ; - was formed and has continued to tin- present time, one of the leading firms of the Memphis bar. » i- raised a Democrat, but was op- S>^_9 ^ Q^fe^^*^^^* PliOMINENT TENNESSEANS. 25: . ion, and while at college would often tell lii- associates wha the results ' ich a ■ rid oft reli rred to the proclam of Andrew Jackson during the nullification struggle, lint when he returned to Tennessee he went with his people, and fought through the war, to find at it- close that his j i classmates, four years bi een fulfilli d. He ha ■ m v< r held office, and has been a candh : except 1872 when his name tin conven ion for <•' i ation for the Li isla ire. 1 1 ha fi i f|uent ly it ion ■. but has lolitician. < In the i h to avoid complicat ii If with tin of politii that whatever attention he e in that direct ion would be bestowed at I he f lii- professional and --. While i hi- i- so, he has never been indiffi ilitical condition of the country, nor has he been positi political opinion. II" i- a man ol view-, and during the agitation <>i' the debt question in T i operated with what whs known as the wing of the Demo eratic part] II 1 n a -:■ rnly opposed to an; adjustment " th tided the i reditors ol the State from an) participation in He renni i mrse in rej ard to her debt, but is willing now to let by-g - I"- ( and join I i he majority. Col. Frayser became a Mason in 1863 a a lodge in DeSoto ci inty, Mis issippi, where he was raised to the degri e of Master Mason. He is now a meml ! nphis. I le joined I hi Order of Odd Fellows, at Memphis, in 1873, filled all the subordinate offices of the order, and became Grand Master of the Stan- in October, 1880. During the summer of 1881, he visited the different d of tli ■ cturing upon the principles and ceremo- nies of the order, to which he i- much He is now on< of the trustees in the Odd Hull and Li Liu r \ nation of Mem phi.-, and a member of Chickasaw Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. He is ilso .< member of the Knights of Honor. II" is large!; interested in rail- prises. 1 1" was, for -'■■'. eral . i in the Memphis and Charleston railroad company. II" valuable in id Tennessei railroad, and is ot f the chief owners of the Vlen city railwaj it controlli ity of its stock, ■ ind has sin >nl of the company, which position he now holds. II" i a stockholder in several banks, being a director and at- torney for the Union and Planters' Bank of Memphis, one of the largest and most reliable, monied corpora- tions in the southwest. II" i- a director in the Van- derbilt Insurance Company, the Pioneer Cotton Mill, and has filled tl sition in several other com par If i- also a director of the Memphis Law Librarj Asso on, and president of the Odd Fellows' Reliei ciation, and Memphis Abstract Com pat mere that i ''.I no common m was man u :. I8t>7 '■■ Miss daughter ol Fletcher Lane, of Memphis, who of tin- Ii an d ,.,„„. mission im of the ei connected with many of the most important I. auk- and iusuranci man in all MIM L tive of (ii ni man in that State Col. Frayser has three children : (1). Paul I I!. Dudli .-. jr. Mrs Fi nd of her home, I" r hush hildren. She i- remark- able for attrac of manners and amiability of disposition, and is a ,-orite in the social circle, an earnest and consistent member of tli" Metho- dist church, which she joined in her girlhood, and while always taking a great interest in church m and always willing to assist and do her utmost in her church, al the same time she docs not forget homi hold duties. ('..I Frayser is strictly orthodox in and. while not a member of any religious organization, believes in encouraging all d de- nomina He is charitable n hen a proper present); itself; and has an abhorrence for displ any kind in I ters. When Co er returned to Memphis after the war, h i from the "ground floor," having noth h ch In- feels sufficient start for any young man, and a for obtaining a compcti II" has mad" an independent fortune by his Kcrtions, owning, in addition to his railroad and banking interests, a large plantation in -■ 'Unty, and another in connection with Col. John Overton, jr., in Tipton county; also a large interest in the Bon Aqua Sprii iciation, in Hickmau county, Ten - nl u hiil I try and tri He is i li"li"\ er in life insurance, and ea I ies to the amount of over $30,000. : n er to buy any I - he needi d it I hen ui he had the money to pay for it. He has always had an abhorrence of indebted nd of promises to pay without paying. Col iund. nil business. He i- a m •in-- and posii of character, guided rather by convictions of right than i erations of policy. II position on questions that concern equivocal or doubtful. He is a man of small stature, weighing now only about one hundred and nine pounds, and never having exceeded hundred and twenty pounds in v Besses am amount of energy and capacity for work. IMxOMIXKN I' TI'.W KSSK \NS He and .! in at. ! ] Moni] - i 1885, \\ ho 1 i' war I! ' I l 1 hat i I] I8U0, 11 - I if ■ 'in habits, eschewing strong \ i iimiiii nt Mi in phis • nf liini : " lie is remarkable for his close attont ss, his de\ rj mail!- riuln-. ih] power with which In undertakes. II. mark- lity in hanilliii '. matters. 1 lo 1 pos uting his plans. When ill hesitancy, i trait hard, daily in hi> i For I !!. Dudley inline the sketch of 1 11. 1'r.iy-, r, which aiipears else- wli . . in i lii- i .It'LHlE T, \V. TURLEY. T-r was When tlie v. invali . Ural' I I ' The; \ • 1 1 ere li I. Miss I and here I leaving with When a cam ns. under in 1>1_ lie v lis and tin or his hem any i - I \ ille ; oin at called Niokaiack. N - i_dit ahout rear l~!>0. - jnal virion acliieved by the ] erward that same I I Judge Turley's under peculiar circuiiistanees. d, ho left Virginia at the age of eigh- When In lied the Ti n •, or, at the moutl it what is now I irainger county, 1 « ith Mich merchandise as I to 1 ndian traffic, which, w iili the ., ho li\ i'd in the neighborhood. It N k cave, and was put in charge nl' throe men, with instructions to float down to the i-t one hundred miles west of any of the i ' x . citing Turley they pushed oft", and asked permis- 11 is ind in due time the voyagers readied tli led their hoy securely iastenod, intendii I with such barter as thet uiigli their trinkets, ami carry bark to tin- owner. Although a time of ~ he Indians were \ he cat e the first day. but tin:; rocks in almost all din mil a very noticeable ta, scalping knives in their belts. The first night one of the tod without notice to his companions. The n< he Indian- seemed still shy. but more numerous. The two men wli •ROMINENT TENNHSSF V.XS. uiained became \> ry uneasy and made some rocounoi ance md found i hat the < 'hei okee h In i w ere sitting around at so manj points not onlj bad their scalping knives, but all seemed engaged in whetting them and Peeling the sharp edges. The men told whal the.') bad seen, bul never disclosed to Turley their intentions. The nexl morning both of Turley s companions were .- '' and be was left alone to barter with i In sa\ i and perha p to bi come i be victim of their i i - eachcr\ Bul be boldly faced the responsibility and remained ai In- post. Three weeks afterward other men were sen! down who reloaded the g Is and returned with i lu-m Turley, although very young, bad had some experience in [ndian life, and said he w a - I be least afraid of them. He took care of the goods, and not an article was stolen or otherwise lost. He trafficked with the In dians a lit tie and rel urned with I he boal . h hen he re ceived the warm thanks of Col. Ore, He died thirty three years afterward within half a mile of the bank where he boarded the keelboal for the Nickajack cxpe dition. Judge Turlej - mother was a splendid speei u of the pioneer women who acted such conspicuous and heroic parts in the settlement of the western country. She was born in V irginia, bul was brought by her fal her also a Revolutionary soldier, to the banks of the Hoi stun, in Ivist Tennessee, while the territorial govern in. 'Mi of Tennessee was in force, and upon, or near the 1 milks of thai rivet he lived for more than eighty years, dying in 1879, in the ninetieth year of her age. For robusl health and the ai mt of household labor she could and did perform, she had no superior in her day. For a period of fifty eighl consecutive years, she never used ;i particle of medicine, such as doctors prescribe, In 1876, a family reuniou was held a( her house. She had raised nine children, all al thai time living. It had bi in thirty eighl ■ ears since thej were all « it h her al the same time. She and her descendants on thai daj numbered precisely one hundred, quite a remarkable coincidence, il being the centennial year of American I ndependence The literary and legal attainments of Judge Thomas \V. Turlej were acquired by solitary study. It maybe t rut Ii I'nlK said he was a scholar without a teacher, and a lawyer without a preceptor. Fifteen dollars would cover nil tuition fees paid his school masters, lie was, from a child, remarkably fond of reading, Mini eagerly devoured every book he could find or borrow. In East Tennessee, fifty or sixty pineknots, usually called "lightwood," were the princi- pal illuminator in t he absence of t he sun, Vlosl fami lies made il a poini to keep pint on hand as regularlj i they did meal or meal. Ii was well iindersl I in the family thai Tom's seat was in the chimney corner on the pine. Seldom of winter nights IV the ii he was a small boy to eighteen years old, was he absent from bis si il in thi corner, on or near the pine, keeping up his o\\ n lighl . and reading - I k a i \ 1 , mi at tent ion to the eon versa! ions ;in.\ t be rest of I he family. I n this way a habit of absl rai i while feuding, from whal might be passing in his presence, was formed, which was utili/.ed to much ad i'antagi in after life when his business bad to be trans- acted in the bustle and confusion of a eourt-h He thinks In' has nut met any one who could more <-ll ■ i I u :ill.\ confine his mind to reading or writ in : without di turl ■ I'', things in sighl or hearing arou nd him. Although In- had almost no advantages of scl I- public scl Is were not in I'oguo in that daj and had lived ,i very laborious life, working on the farm, and in saw and grist mills reading only at night, on Sundays and during such rest hours as could be snatched up; yet al the age of twenty he was a pretty accurate English scholar, and had few superiors in English grammar, geography, history I arithmetic. After leaving his mother, the first business he was engaged in was teaching scl I. w Inch was s whal in the line of his taste. ( hi the 20th of June, 1840, he heard the first politi cal speech he ever listened to from any speaker of note. It was delivered bj Hon Kphraim II. Foster, .-it that time :i senator in congress from Tennessee, made in ad vocacj of (Jen Harrison, the Whig candidate for pn dent, He has heard iddress since that intere ted or impressed him so much. He asked a bystander w hat thai man followed as a business, and was answered thai he wa ;i lawyer, instan tly he determined to devote his life to thai profession, and from pursuit of that put he never afterward faltered for a moment. Up to that i i mi' he had formed no phi n of Ii Ii , and n a only drift ing along, simplj gratifying a taste for reading and a de- sire for all such information as was to be found in I ks. I een cident, and in an instant , a plan of life wa fixed, and the destiny of the man wa shaped, So soon as the crowd dispersed he went straight to a law yer office and asked to borrow the book first to be read by one intending to become a lawyer. He was handed Blackstone's Commentaries, which he read thai night after ret urning home a 'Ii- tancc of fifteen miles, till a late hour, I has been reading, with more or less a id nit\ 1 1 mi and other law I ks from thai daj to this. \- a means of support while reading law, he taught era! little schools of the "old field' char 1 was admitted to the bar in his native county, January 1, 18 13. 1 1 is receipts for the first I from his | tice did not amount to fifty dollars a year. The follow in" amu in " ii" ident rei entlj published in the Nash- ville Banner, illustrates some of the trials and tribula- tions t hrough which -I udge Turley passed n hen a young barrister: " Judge T. W. Turley, an eminent barrister of Franklin, w ho began t be pracl ice of law so forty ye if ago, in an Ka si Ti nne see town, has now in his possession t he fi ved He had just I out his shingle " i' er, who, passin i In tow n, became in\ oh cd in ;i lawsuit md i illed on \ S I* s - I v I . I' III II I "III- ' ' ' \ \ \\ — vNS \ N ■ - - ^ - . - • .. , - - -- -- - ' s - - • - \ - \ - - \ v - \ hun- - - - - - - - \ - - Vtkins - - • - .... - - - - The ?e. and - - - ill the l»U. H - .... I - - : . _ ... Ill thai lli'ln \j':r '/fill' 1 : Ifo ii. A. If - ii . i; inn,. and ing aid. In men, he founded publixln Jd the meantime he retui j upon ■ 'I'h' - ing . Dai ■ appropi - Iiomic refon hen tli' D j a wa ippointed bj the D< which final] thi idential difficulty, and war and bloodshed. II ppointed on thi 'en Thurman, I I chairman. - hat for O'-u. William Ii B 1882 I by Got. financial difficult) In]---' I iluntarily i iblie I _ I I I - i table - med - : . and Willia:.' r WILLI vM 11. M< S M.D.. O.D.S y Sill ic -.Iin.-rr M x ■ ' . ■ • PROMINENT TKNNK \NS ;\ ucky, \ Sarah A. N s born in SI \ icky. dan - I larnett B. \ ■ IKt mother. Miss I : V\ illiam Mrs. M M - - - v Mrs. ? M and nient. and her husband lit au- - th her when he sitteth at of tin - ih the three h skill. - in IV in the Nashville S - : and iadel- )>hia ' irried. \ •! the M IV \'.\ :i is. a il \ Vork. - Me- \ i McN dry. au \ . 1. 1 Fayette men. I >. this mar- M - - V\ [ret '. 1'/' N - \ • - " liKin- \ . 7 Miss \ \ . \ - \ .... Per this - \ ulty. - - - rlievim lei dways cheerful and full of business Moreover, inpaiiioiiable gentleman: affable without and p.. lit - suavity is inherent with lie is in comfortable. independent circumstances, .1 valuable buildings in Nashville. By - twenty t hous Id liars, yet Bradstreet thousand dollars, with redit. A determination to excel, and the titration of his powers upon the work of his pro- ds success 1 i - universally tst man. In the commu- nity where lie i- best known ai • I, hi- integ- rum \- a dentist he has never in a simple business card. The eharai - - rn W elsh - ince. not easily -'illy illustrated in li • litics I' M _ I line Whig, and in though of d mainly with the Democrats. He has n an ortho >erat : has for principles and not for party: I - ires in to men. It was. therefore, a matter oi - I •euioc- when tin- ou Not ember 11. land had appointed Dr. Mor- dian commissioners, M signed The appoint- by Dr M iraaii. aud was ivas to the spoilsmen irial from the Naslr. \ 14. 1S83. will show, how- ever, the wis - " The appointment \V II Morgan, bj - lent of the United '.as a member of the I Indian comuiis- - - - - ituieut. so i ned The office is one I wl s limited to a \ and very simple duties, the ; :i being ineor- - retion. Where the Dr M rgan nobody but if he was simply 1. for a man whose character was a guarantee that there would . where li - s. then the pr - • the right man in taking Dr W . 1 1 M PROMINENT TENNESSE W- 2G3 REV. A.CHILLES D. SEA.RS, D. D. TIIK venerable and devoted man of God, who is the subject of this sketch, now in charge of a pastorate in Clarksville, is of English descent, both his grandparents having immigrated from England andset tied in Virginia. His paternal grandfather, William I!. Sears, who was a cousin of Gen. Charles Lee, of Lev olutionary lame, was al one time, sheriff of Fairfax county, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Whaley, and their oldest son, Charles Lee Sears, who died in \ ir- ginia during the late civil war, married Elizabeth Worster, daughter of John Worster, an English gentle man who had settled in Virginia. From this marriage was born the subject of this sketch. The Whaley and Worster families are -till numerously represented in Fairfax county, while the Searses are plentifully scat- tered throughout the thwestern States. The ances tors of William I!. Scats li\ ed in Normandy, before the Norman invasion. One of the mum' came to England with William the Conqueror. The name, under va- rious moil ill cat inns, is found numerously spread through- out England. Two of them are known to have come to America. One, Richard Scars, landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1640 The other. William B. Sears. came to Fairfax county, Virginia, in IT.")."), Dr. Scars was horn in Fairfax county. Virginia, Jan- uary 1. 1804. He was brought up to work on a farm, and derived his early education from the common English schools of the neighborh 1. his principal teachers being Profs. Klepstein and Richardson, two well known instructors in their lime. The only one of his early school matesnoit known tobeliviug, is Henry Millan. of Lucas county, Iowa. In 1823, being then but nineteen years of age, Dr. Sears removed to Kentucky, and settled in Bourbon county, where he engaged in teaching school for about five years, in the meantime studying lavi with Lucien J. Feemster. In 1828, he married and removed to Faj ette county, near Lexington, and engaged in farming for several years. In 1838 he became a member of the Baptist church, was ordained for the ministry al Davis Fork church, by Revs. Darnaby Leake ami Dr. Dillard, in L839, and began his labors as a home missionary in northern Kentucky, with headquarters at Flemings- burg. In L842, he was called to take charge of the First Baptist church of Louisville, where he remained for seven years. He then beca general agent ol the Baptists for Kentucky, in which capacity he served for two years, after which he took charge of the chinch al Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in L851, where he remained till the beginning of the war of secession. Being an ardent supporter of thi South, he was forced to leave Kentuckj when the Federals, occupied the State, and. retiring to Mississippi, spent the nexl four years in the South, most ol' the time supplying the Baptist church at Columbus, Mississippi. Tin remainder of the time, under the auspices of the Southern Baptist Board of Missions, he was a missionary to the Confederate sol- diers, to many of whom he administered baptism. While endeavoring to reach his family in Kentucky, he gol as far as Clarksville, Tennessee, but was nol al lowed to enter Kentucky until martial law was abolished by President Johnson, lie was ealled to the Baptist church in Clarksville, ami ha- continued in chargi ol it up io the present time a period of twenty years. The church during that lime has increased from twenty five to two hundred and twentj five members, while a lew house of worship ha- lately keen erected at a cost of twenty live thousand dollars. During the forty -i\ years ol' his ministry, he has baptized between two and three thousand persons, ami. though now upwards of eighty years of age, he is in good health ami performs the regular duties of his church with as much ease to himself as he did twenty years ago. lie has been a delegate to the following general conventions of the southern Baptists: At Richmond, Virginia, in 1846; at Nashville. Tonncsssee, in 1851; at Baltimore, Mary- land, in 1853; al Montgomery, Alabama, in 1855, where he preached the conventional sermon; at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1857; at Russellville, Kentucky, in L866; at Memphis, Tennessee, in 1867. He has frequeuth, keen ealled to deliver commence ment sermons to various female colleges, including those at Lebanon, Bowling Green, Ban 1st own. Hopkins- ville and others. He was for four year- moderator of the Cumberland Baptist Association, after which he declined a re-election. Prior to the war. he was. for se\ eral years, associate editor of t he II . sit m /.'. cordt /■, published at Louisville. Politically, though never conspicuous as an " offensive partisan," Dr. Sears has ever had verj decided convic- tions. He was reared a Calhoun Democrat, ami was, ami still is, a thorough believer in the doctrine of Slate's rights. As a matter of course, he was a warm sympathizer with the South in the late civil struggle 'flic warm interest Dr. Scars ha- taken in .Masonry. and the number of high positions he has held in the onlcr.rcnilcrlh.il portion of his history specially im- portant. He became a Master Mason, a Royal Arch Ma-on anil Knight Templar, at Hopkinsville, Ken tucky, in L850, ami affiliated with Clarksville Coin- mandery, No. 8, in 1867. He was Commander of a Com- mamlery in Kentucky for twelve year-, ami tin' a like number of years in Teunessee. He ha- been Worship PK0M1NKN I TENNKSSK v\>. idery. I - ■ - • S - Pr. Soars - - \ B. B » i; N • \ v K - - - V. P. Soars - - - - ineni- - - - Soars is - - ; He- i fortunes, ho has made himself by ssion. ho iK get and lliug His - fere both free-thinkers, of the seh I ho hhns > i in an atmosphere lion by tami' - . the Bible, got all his donomi- I, and .roh without ha\ - nod attentively - V - lent, writing of a reeeut "The j Re\ A. P. S - I' P.. who is - ? yet halo an in all ss . II is s their st's k _ . in. wore ro- •ntion If all the pastors in - -- s thoroughly missionary in d now. -pent the night with in his - I \ euture to much 1 find that 1 have and I wish all , \ - - hrist came I never - iu His blood and shall . J. 11. VAN DEM W A.M.. M.D. Di 11. VAN PKMAN - - - - - - H \ \ kley. .1 \ '■ Ih uity, financial difficulties, for when - without a dollar - horse, his . -- -- - -| :' more real value — • -" 7 when, in order line a candidate terms, - - S ilmon P. I hus made he - - - ised ion, and was made ( \ - - PROMINENT TENNESS KAN'S. 265 infantry. He participated with gallantrj in the battles of Winchester, Port Republic, Larue and Cedar Moun tain, Virginia, In the latter e igemenl he was slightly wounded in the head and was captured, while leading a reconnoissanee, at ten o'clock ;ii night. 1 1 « ■ was then taken to Libby prison, kepi five months, pa- roled, and exchanged January In. 1863, after which he rejoined liis command, resigned his captain's commis- sion 1 wiiii into the medical department. Ann; of I he Cumberland. He was assigned in duty as assistant- surgeon, and joined the Tenth Ohio infantrj regiment at Tullahoma, Tennessee, May 5, 1863. He re incd with that regiment i year, when, on May 5, 1864, he was promoted in be chief surgeon andmedical purveyor nl' the United States military railroad department, ili vision nl' the Mississippi, and remained al Chattai ga in thai capacity until October, L865. In December, 1865, he took charge al Chattai ga as surgeon of the nil: ■ Mini freedmen's department nl' the United Shiics government, of which he had charge until the following July, when that division of the department was abolished. A short time after this he was made post surgeon nl' the regular United States army, sta- tioned hi Chattai a, and acted us such most of the time until L879, when the post was discontinued and i In- t roops moved in the Wesl . During his residence in Chattanooga, Dr. Vim Deman has passed through three epidemics of small i>"\, two of cholera, I one of yellow fever, remaining nl. his post during the existence nl' each. Dr. Vnn Deman was president of the Tennessee State Medical Society in IsT.'!. ami presided over that body two years, time bj rilling the vacancy caused by the absence nl' Dr. •). 15. Murfree, nl' Murfreesborough, president of the society at thai time, and who was de tained al home on account of sickness in hi- family. Dr. Van Deman is also a member nl' the American Medical Association, and was I'm- three years, 1876 in 1879, a member nl' its judicial council. He has bei n a member of the American Public Health Association since L874; is an honorary member of the Delaware (< Hi in) ( 'mi niy Medical Society ; has served as examin- ing sin n I'm- the United States pension bureau nl Chatti iga for eleven years, being surgeon now; I has also been surgeon of the marine ho pital service since April, 1879, appointed by Hon. John Sheri i, secretary of the treasury. Meanwhile, he has frequently contributed in medical literature notablj tw 'tides, mi cholera in 1873 and one on the yellow fever ep idemic of 1*7* published in tin- reports ami papers nl' the American Public Health Association. Here- tired from active practice in L883, except a to urgei which he still continues. Dr. \ .in Deman joined tin' Masonic order in 1867; has ink rn the Chapter and Council degrees, and is now serving his seventh i. -, ui as W-ershipful Master of I !hal tat ga Lodge, No. L99, He has also served as High Priest of Hamilton Chapter, No, 19, two ycari and a Thrice Illustrious Master of Mount VIoriah Council, No. 50, four years, and is thought to have conferred more degree than any other Masonic officer in the city of < 'haiiai ga. I te is also a Knighl of I '■, i Inn wai the first presiding officer of the lodge al Chattani a ami has served four terms in that capacity . also is a member of the endowment rank and has been it president five years, or ever since i^s oi nidation. He is also a member of the Grand Armj of the Republic ami was tin- first Post Commander ol Lookout Post, No. 2 ; indeed, of whatever local body of similar char acter of which he is a member, he has been its presid- ing officer inn' or more terms. The first political vote Dr. Van Deman ever cast was for the Whig ticket in 1852. Bui when the Whig party of the North was merged into the Republican party he wcni wit h I he Democracy, and, singular to say, his emu |ian\ was the only one in the many that gave a majority for Hon. Clement L. Vallandigham, for governor of Ohio, in 1863. Dr. Van Deman was a member of the Chatl a city council in 1871. With the exceptions named in the for in- record, he has been engaged in nothing Imi his profession, to v\ hieh he has devoted his life with zenl I fidelity, his medical library being hi only com- pany in a literary point of view, and his ehiei forte operative surgery. One nl' his grand passions is to have the finest library and the finest set of surgical instru- ments of any doctor in the town, and he has them, and their use is free In any physician who ma\ ask them. Dr, Van Deman married in hi.^ native town, Maj 27, 1854, Miss Rebecca VI, Norris, daughter oi Hon. Wil liani G. Norris, of New England descent, a leading judge a prominent citizen and a large farmer, of Dela ware county, Ohio. Mrs. Van Deman's mother was Miss Phoebe Main, formerly of Connecticut. She died of cholera in 1869 lea; ing e; en children < Inc of VI i Van Deman's brothers, Dr. James I!. Norris, was for six years, from 1872 to 1878, Dr. Van Deman's partner in the practice of medicine at Chattai ga, from which place he wenl in L878, with a corps of sixteen nurses, to Vicksburg, during the yd lew fever epidemic, and there ■the brave and noble fellow died. By special order of President I! I!. Hayes and the secretary of war, hi mains were removed IV Vicksburg and buried in the national cemetery al Chatti a in 1879, in compli- ance with a wish Dr. Norris, expressed prior to his de- parture for Vicksburg. The record of his noble life closed with his martyrdom to his profession, in the cause of humanity, and his is an honesl fame that should long outlive the boasted deeds of reckless valor Mrs. Van Deman wa educated at Granville female College, Ohio. She in an ardent membei of the Pro te fcanl Episcopal church, lakes active interesl in chari table enterprises, and is a leader in social circles, Dr. I Mi- Van Deman have no children, but in 1881 2(i(i PROMINENT TENNESSE ANP adopted Alice Elrod, an orphan girl, born in Hamilton county, Tennessee, August 23, IS6S, and now being ted in Notre Dame Academy, conducted by the of the Roman Catholic church, at Chattai g;i Dr. Van Denian's father, [\c\ II Van Deman, a lyterian minister, preached thirty-nine years to one eo iu in ] Delaware, < Hiio. He n as born in Holland, but was raised in Ohio, and lived and died, at the age of seventy eight years, in Delaware, Ohio. In life, li<' served as private in the war of 1S12 Dr. Van Denian's paternal grandfather, John Van Deman, a native "I' Holland, died a wealthy farmer, near Chil- licothe. Ohio, eightx years old. Hi- wife, who died in the same year, immigrated from Holland to America with him. Dr. Van Denian's mother, net Miss Sarah Darlin i- now li\ i 1 1 ui . eighty- three years old, at Delaware, Ohio, where she has lived since 1S24. She was born in Vir- ginia, daughter of Joseph Darlington, who was for tiftv five years, count) clerk oi Adams county, Ohio, and was also a member ol the convention that framed (lir first constitution of the State of Ohio. His wife, Miss Sarah Wilson, was also a Virginian. Dr. \ an Denian's mother is a Presbytcriau, and noted as a pious, consistent ( 'hristian woman. Our peculiarity of the entire Van Dcmau family is. thai neither within the memory of man, or in written record or tradition, has there ever been known a single member who drank intoxicating liquors. They have all been temperate men Dr. Van Deman has never yet, in all hi- life, drank a glass "!' liquor; ami being now a man of considerable property, in everj lease he makes he inserts a clause that no liquors shall he sold mi the premises, yel lie belongs to no temperance organization. Perhaps, also, hi- temperate habits great!) account for his robust and vigorous health for he stands ^ix feel high, weighs one hundred ami ninety nine pounds, ami w .i- ne\ 01' sick a week at nne time. I n business, Dr. \ an Deman attends to hi- own affairs, lives up to the Golden Rule, pays what he owes, ami demands what i- due He attended, while in practice, to calls when the) came; if he got his money, well and good : if not. he forgave those who were unable to pay. lie has never had a note go to protest, and as a physician lives strictly up to the code of ethics of the American Medical Association never having a secret renied) he is not willing to impart to an) medical man for the benefit of the sick 1 1 i^ chief ambition has been to make prop- erty enough to support his wife should he die first, and his greatest desire is to stand well through lite, in the community where he has east his fortunes. Comforta- ble in hi- circumstances, he now ha- a rent roll income of o\ or live thousand dollars a year, independent of his professional fee-, owe- no man anything, and enjoys the i and i onfideni c "1' his fellow-citizens. Would that our State had many more such native horn or adopted sous, quite a- worth) to lie enrolled among " Prominent Tennesscans.' (OL. JOSIAH PATTERSON. ■ Tl 1 1 ^ gentleman, who ranks among the foremost lawyers of Tennessee, and whose reputation as an advocate of popular rights is eo extensive with the borders of his adopted State, first saw the light in Mor gan county, Alabama, April 1 I. L837. There he I,, manhood, doing all manner of work on his father's farm lie received a fair English and classical educa- tion in the aeadeui) at Somerville, Alabama, and his tastes being in the direction of the law, from a boy of fifteen he stood on tiptoe, looking eagerly forward to the lime when, a- a man. he should take his place among men. In order to accomplish this cherished desire, he taught school several sessions, studying law in leisure hour-, [n April, 1850, he began practice in his native county, having been admitted to the bar b) ■' John F. Moore. Although quite young when In nieiiced practice, he soon had a good clientage, but the war comin 1 5 fort unes w ith those of the Confederacy. I [i entered the Confedi e a- tii -t li. ut in Clanton's celebrated First Alabama cavalry regiment. participated in the battle of Shiloh, and was there pro- moted to captain of company D. Clanton's regiment. After the evacuation of Corinth he was detached from the regimeut, and. in connection with Capts. Roddy ami Newsome, ordered to operate on treu. Buells con- nections through North Alabama, over the Memphis ami Charleston railroad. During the summer of 1862, and up to ill,' time of the evacuation of North Ala bama. these three companies liarrassed the Federals at every point, captured two trains, over live hundred prisoners, over three hundred horse- ami mule-, over two hundred wagons, and three hundred thousand rounds of fixed animation, camp equipage, baggage, etc.. effectually destroying the connection- of the Federal army between Decatur and Corinth, for which the) were complimented iu a general order issued to the army. Next he participated in the battles of [uka and Corinth, and iu December, 1862-, f.lthough only twenty- five, years old. was pro mot < d to the full rank of colonel PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s 267 and placed in command of the Filth Alabama cavalry regiment. In 1863, Col. Patterson operated in Middle Tennessee until the army fell back from Tullahoma, when he re tired into North Alabama with his regiment, [n the fall of 1863, just after the battle of Chickamauga, Col. Patterson crossed the Tennessee river, al what is known as the "Tow-head," uear Larkinsville, above Gunters- ville, Alabama, and made a daylight attack on a force of between four hundred and live hundred Federal troops, stationed at Hunt's Mill, engaged in gathering in all the grain in that section and grinding it up for Rosecrans' army, which was then penned in at Chatta- ga. Col. Patterson succeeded in surprising the enemy, completely routing them, capturing one hundred and fifty prisoners, all their horses, arms and munitions of war. and burnt the mill, making a clean sweep, and gaining a most brilliant little victory. Reporting his achievements to Gen. Bragg, he was then ordered to take a force, composed of picked men of his own regiment, ami these of the Fourth Alabama cavalry regiment, commanded by Col. W. A. Johnson; to recross the Tennessee river; make a forced march to the tunnel running through the Cumberland mountains, at Cowan, on the Nashville and Chattai ga railroad; drive away the force guarding the tunnel, and SO oh struct it as to prevent trains passing through to supply the federals cooped up at Chattai ga. The tunnel was guarded by a regiment of Federal infantry, so dis- tributed as (o protect the three shafts which had heel] sunk down from the top of the mountain to the track below. Col. Patterson disposed his troops so as to attack the three garrisons simultaneously, which was done with great gallantry by the men under his command, a large number of prisoners being captured and the mountain cleared of federal soldiers. The load was then ob- structed by rolling huge stones, which hail been exca- vated out of the mountain, down the shafts to the track below. Returning into North Alabama, after a hot pursuit on tin' pari of a large body of Federal cavalry. Col. Patterson next participated in repelling Sherman's at- tempt to reinforce Grant, by passing through North Alabama, over the Memphis and Charleston railroad. 'I' he entire force of the Confederate cavalry operating in that section was commanded by Gen. Stephen D.Lee, and the resistance was so effective, and the railroad so completely destroyed, that Sherman abandoned the at- tempt, crossed the Tennessee river, and made his way by forced marches, overland to Chattanooga. In 1864, Col. Patterson was in command of the di- trict ofNorth Alabama, when Gens. Forrestand Roddy were engaged in the .Mississippi campaign, in which Gen. Sturgis and ton. Smith, commanding the Federal forces, were so signallj defeated. While in command id' this district he was very active in his operations. Crossing the Tennessee river at Gillsport, with less than three hundred and fifty men, at nine 'o'clock in the morning he attacked the Thirteenth Illinois infantry regiment, numbering over five hundred men. at Madi- son Station. Alabama. So sudden was the attack, that the enemy, although they were entrenched in a stockade, threw down their arms and fled. He captured two hun- dred and fifteen prisoners, a number of wagons and ambulances, a large amount of army supplies, and such as In- could not take with him he burned. That t < n ing, while recrossing the river, he was attacked bj a large force of Federal cavalry, hut SUCC led in repell- ing them and gaining the south hank with all his pris- oners and booty, with the loss of only one man killed and one man wounded. lie commanded the post at Corinth, in December, 186 1, when < i-en. I [ood made his campaign in Tennessee, rejoining the defeated army at Bainbridge, on the Ten- nessee river. After the retreat of the < Confederate army from Tennessee, in view of the general demoralization that took place. Col. Patterson was directed by lien. Hood to go on a mission through the counties of North Alabama, addressing the people at various points, and persuading the discouraged soldiers to return to the service. The s] ches made by Col. Patterson in this crisis were thought to betheablest of his life, his whole soul being thrown into this effort, and resulting in thousands of men rejoining the army. Returning to his regiment at Moulton, Alabama, about the latter part of March, L865, he operated in front ol' Gen. Wil- son's celebrated cavalry raid from the Tennessee river to S.lma. burning bridges, felling tree-, and resisting Wilson's progress al every step, He was captured at lie battle "f Seltna, Owing to a se\'ere wound in the left knee, which he had received by a fall from his horse, during a night attack at Salem chui eh. the night before, while on I he retreat, and which incapacitated him from making his escape otherwise than on horseback, lie made his escape, however, the first night the enemj marched with him. and returned, as best he could, into North Alabama, to find the country overwhelmed with the news of I on Robert F. Fee's surrender. The most of his regiment having escaped capl Selma, he rapidly reorganized them, and learning that President Mavis was attempting to make his escape through the mountains of North Alabama, he held his troops iii hand, refusing to surrender until May L9, 1865, hoping that lie would he aide to assist in the flight of the president. After the war. Col. Patterson practiced law with marked success in hi- native county one year , next for live years at Florence. Alabama, and iii March, 1872, located at Memphis, lie has been remarkably success ful in his profession in his new homo, being now the junior member of the well known firm of Gantt & Patterson. Col. Patterson has always been a Democraton princi- ple, believing, a- he does, in the absolute right of the * PROMINENT I'ENNESSK \NS ! \\ ; : ■ - G. Harris, he eons - - ltd* - Uundl - - - e prominent in tl \ ! - \ ■ . ! \ M ss ss Mrs, \ \ - Patterson, uov edu- Vanderbih Pniv Nashville: and ■ .at prominence at Memphis. Institute, V - \ !. VOt and t'amib art Presh\ teria re them. His lather was an church t o years before - n became . M - Souier- V . i' i>rson, «.i^ born \ South) S itch Irish pareutage. lie was \ \ it, until his death, in seventy. Pol. Patterson's \ Patterson, was a pa- ir, and was wounded at the I : . - s a tanner. Miss Mai - ■> s boi St ne's river. mty. Tennessee, and emigrated with her - hi eounty, Alabama, vvomanho r> - is born in - family. Her elder lie. was a s lion. srhout his Indian wars Patterson's i he, was a tanner iu - nd highly - - He n which the city of Bir- Vlabai stands. The v both sides, have been u - tu time im- HO\ BENJAMIN J. rARVER. THIS - -- - \ ' -. but came \ to Wife ssee, when thr and there has - I - - - ■ He Vinous: his classmates W ikl J. P. I roodpastnre, E. II 1' Hatton, Judge Abe SS : : V 1 M ! iwliug u. Kentuek lis A. ami Judge Wm. S, McLe- \ luation he opened an office at Lebanon, and > - strong bar hi - f such men as - ': V- 11 Jordan Stokes. Hon. Charles . lb>.,. Jo. P. Gu V\ liam I.. Martin. Nathan (ireen. Be- ginnii - fith only ten dollars, three dollars shingle." and three dollars \ he is his county 1 1 PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s vi directoi in the Tennessee Pacific railroad company, and a director in the Second National Bank, at Lob anon. Prom the early pari of 1852, to J 'y, 1878, he was in partnership with Hon. Ed. [.Golladay. This partnership was dissolved l>y his going on the bench as chancellor of the Sixth division, under appointment from Gov. James D. Porter, ;i position which he held nine months, and for which lie was an unsuccessful candidate before i he people in 1878. Judge Tarver's practice'has been confined mostly in civil cases in 1 1 hancery, referee an 1 Supreme cm iris. Inn In' has occasionally appeared in important criminal i ;i es. His professional and financial success is due, nol to outside influences or family connections, bul to the facl thai he has never dissipated any; was never in politics; has made il a poinl to be always at his office or a! the oourl house in business hours, instead of h: in" aboul the streets and loafing, A similar history will be found in the biography of Gov, John [reland, nl Texas. Judge Tarverhas made ii a rule to be frank with courts and never to mislead; consequently hi practice before courts has invariably won their confi dence, and his success before jurors is largely attribut- able to the same fact, He never submits propositions ol law or facl unless he believes them himself to be true. Ii is lawyers of this class who give high moral tone and credit ton bar and add dignity to a profession the mosl important known to society or the history of nations. As a speaker, Judge Tarver is neither noisy or florid, bul aims lo convince the judgment and to awaken and strengthen the conscience of the courl or jnrv lo decide on the conviction his logic has carried to their minds. Before the war, •IikIl'o Tarver was a Whig of the Henry Clay and J ohn Bell school, and made speeches in opposition to secession. Bul when the war had ac- tually begun al Fori Sumter, he soon after joined the i Confederate army, enlisting as a private in Col. Roberl Hatton's Seventh Tennessee regiment, and staying in thai regiment until the spring of 1862. He was made ;i lieutenant ol lii.se pany while in the camp of in- struction at Camp Trousdale, Sumner county, He served in Virginia and Tennessee, and look pari in the battle of Murfreesborough, four days, and numerous other engagements, In the summer of 1863, his health failed and he lefl the sen ice. In 1866, he was a delegate from his congressional district, with Gov. William It. Campbell, to the Phila- delphia convention, called to organize a national politi c:il partj with which the South could affiliate. Since then, Judge Tarver has voted the Democratic ticket. .1 udge Tarver is a Methodist, as were his parents. He joined i he church when i welve j ears oil ami has sen <■< I as trustee, steward and delegate to the annual confer enee ; has lieen a Sunday school leaeher twenty five years, mid is now president ol the Wilson countj Aux- iliary American Bible Society. In L865, he became a Mi tor .Mason, ami is also an Odd Fellow. Occasion ill, he contributes to the agricultural, political ami rel literal ure ol' t he I imc and ha now and i hen taken the place ol' an absent or sick editor ol' his town papers, editing I hein I'm ,i ii Ii il n lime, lie ha frequently delivered agricull ural ami literary addn ■ mostly the former, as he u.i n I a farmer and always delighted in agricull mal pursuit Judge Tarver married in Wilson county, July 28, 1875, Mis,- Sue While, daughter of Dr. James B White, a prominent physician and agricultui i of thai county, originally f \ irginia Her mother was a Miss Shelton daughter of .lame Shelton, of a Virginia family. Mrs. Tarver is a niece ill' Rev. Dr, William Shelton, of Nashville, and of Daniel Shelton, a promi- nent lawyer al Jackson, Mississippi. Her aunt, Martha, is the widow of Hon. II. V. Riddle, formerly member of Congress from the Lebanon district. VIrs. Tarver's paternal I age i traced hack to the Marshall, Jeffer son ami (' lodore Baron families ol' Virginia. Mi Tarver graduated in Rev. Dr. ('. I). Elliott's Academy ai Vi In ille ami is a lady of high culture and in all I lie rekil nni ok life i .ill ii called \ ii. I his . Ii.umiI it niul . lik. hi- physical make up, i- that iif a well rounded in .11 li. in inners In i liable, ami m phy- i In I. .11. i ■ i mid I • I It Mn will 1 • I »i M II nun. I Id • -I iidi-iil- I Inn. I of k .v In. li In' i- llu thill hi' I in.li ..ii- 1 1 hi. I until mnl ii. m. ult ■ 1.1 clironi mklo liieli demands wisdom, -kill MM. I |ll fl . -h .iii.I » Inn lli> ihinl I i linn and faithful friend i" the sick, whatsoever he their troubli tunale niaj h ho, « III rihle in.il;id\ or lueets with souk fearful injury, if he 11 i.. Iii- aid the » ise counsel mid md of 1 I), Smith. II.' never deserts or forsakes, bul I Iii- aid and skill ilurill I d. in • he the w ill "I' an .ill w ise lenee that Iii- patient mu-i go, then I sole lli..-.' win. need consolation, ■'• those who uli thai Christian spirit which should chm .. JAMES I", (ii; W I M. I> N IN// I Tl I I - 1 1 i s I .|'l| of '' I >ln county, I I 1 1 it her, 1 ' • * led in .In count) uhoiii I ■ - |i r . w hen In 1 1 I ! Ill- nw n me In- hired hii If to th II. ■ , cd » uli M 1 Mel . i \| Mr. tl Kuyl i k on I. nili \i ilii- time In could neither read nor writi Return Tennessee in IN5U for the nexl a private school lauglil inerly : I der this fine scholm In. an. .ii. I. ni In had i.' work hard "ii Snttii ami inomincs, to pa) hi Diuplish the mi thai of I • I li the Is. i ■ ■ of l>l .1 SI II law . In- 1 1 i..ni five years in Philadelphia 1*1 .lam. I Jl, I ! ' ! ' I I \ n in.dii'ii in t lif I'ennsv 1-. I I'. -. M i ' i-iitnii.iii in )s.'i<;. under r, M. D 1 II 1 I I ' II I i I l; I 27 4 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. circumstances. The natural impulses of his nature are liis friends, and the result ad very many security debts to pay. By don he has made over one hundred thousand dollars, but being ;t poor collector, never asking any man for money, even when ■luc and having a bound- less charitj and overwhelming hospitality aiul iiy. he has imulated a large property. IL is said to be w holly unfitted for any business in the world except medicine He is actively absorbed in hi^ pro- : charitable to the limit : entirely forgetful of self where others are concerned; a firm, true friend ; a ins hater of \n< enemies ; warm-hearted and im to prodigality. \- a physician and surgeon, he stands in the front rank of the medical nun of the South. DR. .1. II. HOWELL, M. D. i. vm / /././:. DR. J. II. HOWELL was born in (Ireensborough, Mai' .mi, ( Ictober 11, 1824. V I it five years of age, his fath H iod county. Ten- nessee, and there h I up on a farm and taught to do all manner of farm work, lie went to school in the "1.1 field schools: and his teachers wen Maj Thomas Owen and Dr. Elijah Slack. His physician, and through his example and infill the sou was led to choose medicine as his own life-work and profession. In 1841, he entered thi Medical Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1844. lie then located at Brow n-\ ille, met w ith fine success, built up a large practice, and remained there until the war came on. In lMl.'i. he went to Memphis and m in merchai ith Nixon, Wood \ ('o. I [en hi n ■ 1 for six years, and not having been prosperous in his mercantile life, returned to his profession, going back to Brownsville in IS(>9 Fi i m that time on he has been von successful in his calling, and has built up and and lucrative practice. When Brownsville was desolated by an epidemic of yellow fever in 1878, he was one of the few physicians wl mained there and bravely fought it. and was himself taken down with the fever, though he had previously suffered from an attack of that dreadful disease while li\ ing in Memphis, in 1873. Dr. Howell has been a faithful, conscientious worker, and a clove student in the field oi medicine, since he first adopted it a- a profession. He has passionately I it. not only for the sake of science, but on account of thi d he was thus enabled to do for his suf- fering fellow mortals. He began life with nothiu his education, yet, by his own individual efforts, had property when the late ei\ il war Much of his means was invested in slave prop- erty, I, - -wept away by the results of that war. and when he resumed practice in IS69, he did so with an unconquerable determination to build himself up. and has been steadily succeeding. Dr. Howell was raised an old line Whig. When the war came on he was a Union man, and since then has with the Republican parry. He has, however, taken i part iii politics, and though often solic- ited, has always refused to become a candidate for any political office. He was made a M son at Brownsville, in IS46; has taken all the degrees of the order up to and including Royal Arch Masonry, and has held most of the off the subordinate lodge, He i- a charter member of Ivan- hoe I. Igi x 14, Knights of Pythias, and is now tig the otfue of Chancellor Commander. Dr. Howell's father, Dr. William Howell, who was born in 1801, ami died in 1S44. was a native of Kasl Tennessee, lie practiced medicine very successfully at Ureeusborough, Alabama, for several years, and then 1 to Brownsville and engaged in farming, contin- uing also the practice of lii~ profession, in which he achieved considerable prominence. The Howell family i- of Kuglish desceut. Dr. Howells mother was Miss Sarah Jane Bell, daughter of John Hell, a prominent citizen of North Carolina in Revolutionary times. She is a sisfc Commodore Henry Bell and of Iren. William Bell. I lei mo! her was Mis^ Haywood, daughter of Judge John Haywood, one o\' the Supreme judges of Tennessi i Dr. Howell was married, in December. 1845, to Mi" Virginia L Scott, daughter of Robert Scott, a native of Virginia, who moved to Haywood county. Tennessee, in IS33, ami became a large and successful farmer. Dr. and Mrs. Howell are both members of the Bap- tist church. Their only child, a daughter, died of yel- low fever in l v 7^ PROMINENT TENNESSE \.\s, JAMES D. RICHARDSON. MURFREESBOROUGH, ON V, of the al'lcsi. as well as one of the most promising, men of his age in Tennessee, either as lawyer, politician, pai'liamentarian and statesman, is the brilliant ami distinguished gentleman whose nam.' heads this sketch— Mr. .lames I). Richardson, of Murfrees- borough. He was born in Rutherford county, Tennes- see, March 10,1843. After attending Central Academy from the age <>t' six to seventeen, he entered Franklin College, near Nashville, under President Tolbert Fan- ning, ami studied there one year. The civil war broke out and young Richardson, at the age "I' eighteen, at once volunteered as a private in the Confederate service, joining Mitchell's (afterwards Sear- cy's) company, Forty-fifth Tennessee regiment of in- fantry. In this regiment lie served as a private nil the battle of Shiloh, when he was made adjutant-major of the regiment, ami tilled that position till the surren- der at Bentonville, North Carolina, lie served in the campaigns in Tennessee. Kentucky, Mississippi, Ala- bama. ( reorgia and Louisiana, taking part in the battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesborough Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and the battles of the Johnson and Sherman campaign, "in which he was wounded at Resaca, by a minnie ball, through the left arm. which, for some time, disabled him for service, lie wore his arm in a sling n|i to the surrender. Two lit' the tinkers el' his left hand appear noticeably drawn and cannot he straightened, as the result of this wound, but making only a slight disfigurement. In 1865, he married, before the surrender, ami in the same year just after the surrender, read law with .1 udge Thomas Frazier, was admitted to the bar by judges Frazier and Henry Cooper, in 1866, and commenced practice at Murfreesborough, fin- twelve years as a partner with Gen. Joseph I!. Palmer, and since that time as a partner with his younger brother, John E. Richardson, the firm style being dames D. & John E. Richardson. In politics, Mr. Richardson is a reformed Whig, being a descendant of an old line Whig who never went into any nf the " isms. " Nut being old enough to vote in the days of the Whig party, he has never east any but a Democratic vote. In 1870, he was elected to the Legislature from Tint h- erford enmity, ami on the assembling of that body, was elected speaker of the House, being then about twenty- eight years old, probably the youngest speaker in the history of the State. In 1873, he was elected State senator from the enmities of Rutherford and Bed find, and in the senate was a member of the judiciary committee. Like Henry Clay, of Kentucky, he was eleeted by his people before constitutionally of age. In 1876, he was a delegate to the national Democratic convention at St. Louis, which nominated Samuel -I Tilden for president. As a political speaker, he has eamassed almost every portion of the State, electrifying the Democracy with his superb oratory, his brilliant eloquence, bis graceful mastery of forensic arts, while at every State convention of the party held within the pa>t fifteen years, the towering figure of the " tall cedar of Rutherford" has risen above the storms of party and commanded attention as few other men in the State are able to do In 1884, in the nominating convention held at Tulla- homa to select a Democratic candidate for Congress from the Fifth congressional district of Tennessee, after a stormy session of several days, the convention enthu- siastically united on Maj. Richardson as their standard- bearer, and at the ensuing election he defeated his op I mt by a handsome majority, and at the writing of this volume is serving his admiring constituency at Washington. Mr Richardson became a Mason in October, 1867, in Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 18, at Murfreesborough, and has been in one or another Masonic office ever since. He has taken all the degrees of ancient craft .Masonry. Knight Templar, and Scottish Rite, to the thirty-third inclusive, is now the active member for this Kite in Ten nessee, ami has boon .Master. High Priest. Illustrious Master and Eminent Commander of the Commander}', ami for ten years filled the latter station In 1873, he jvas Grand Master of Masons of the State, ami in 1883, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of the State, and has delivered various Masonic addresses over the State invitation. He delivered the address be- fore the Grand Lodge in 1872. His most fami.u- Ma- sonic speech was his eulogy on the life and character of Hon. Robert L. Caruthers, delivered before the Grand Lodge in 1883. He has been, for many years, chairman of the Masonic committee on jurisprudence. He is the author of a handsome volume, entitled "Tennessee Templars," two hundred and fifty pages, illustrated with steel engravings of some nineteen of the most eminent Masons in the State. Mr. Richardson married in (Irene county, Alabama, January 18, 1865, Miss Alabama Pippen, a native of that county, bom the daughter of Eldred Pippen. a large cotton planter, originally from North Carolina. He died when the daughter was twelve years old. Her people are mostly planters. Her brother. Eldred If Pippen. was a member of bowler's battery from Tusca loosa, and fell in the battle of Chickamauga. Her brother. Samuel C. Pippen, is a planter and Stock dealer in Phillips county, Arkansas. Mrs, Richardson PROMINENT TKXXFSSF VXS the Howard Institute, at Tuscaloosa. in his wisdom and integrity. He had the reputation of and Judson Institute. Marion. Alabama. By his mar- Whig ranks in the State. M i has five chil- I led many pamphlets on political, medical and v ">l>.") graduated i His last production was an essay on female Institute. (2). Ida, born puerperal convulsions, r< 3 ite Medical the same college. ■ .". - I' which he had been president two or more Allie, I John W., born times lie was a very modesi 111:111; was several times April :J7. 1872. died N\v 1S73 J r when his party was in the minority D. jr.. born Januar.v 1.1875. in tl * not elected. Hewasa ined the Christian church while 1' tioal man. quiet in his manner, firm in at Franklin in that church. his pri liaracter, not given to saying things Hi- wife is a member of the - hard of any one. temperate and methodical in his v i •• \ N ' II habits, and had s personal friends who visited man in all l him, such men a- John Bell, Meredith I'. Gentry, favor a re statement of tl James I John Marshall. 1-'. K. Zollicoffer, Tol- Mr Kichardso bert Fannina my others of the most eminent and acquii which men of the State in - lb- was kind bo has a. 1.1. been hearted, affectionate, and his children regarded him 11 led a busy life, ami hard left s .mo forty sand dollars t" hi- children. Ho was an ardent yond tl With the very I'nion man ami ne\ • nted to t 1 lerate 1..11- ho has had in the tiro. In form 1 when ho told his friends, 'We must He was a man of clear- ot'tim. email ness, dignity and simplieil N'o man was ami 11 '■ 111 making ■ . There was no affectation vide his about him. commanded much of his time. Uohas': Mr. Richardson's mother, Augusta Miry Stames, a director ami treasurer *•( the lair on of hi- sister of Hon. i - the Supreme court couuty; was dii Stones River N ■ n-gia. and a cousin of the late Gi : •' W.Starnest Bank, ami Safe 1 frusl if Williamson count; C cavalry tamo, is anil Bank Nashville. the daughter of Daniel Starues, of Georgia, who died Mr. Richardson i- ■ Hi- in 1^17. when she was only two years old. Her pater- grandfather. Jan ' 1 niaii. - ry was ol Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Rich- who moved, in 1815, to Ruthe cttled ardsons mother i> now liviug with her sou at Mur- lived and died there a farmer, li m W freesborough. Mr. Richardsou's only brother, John E. Richardson, father of th nrn January. IS.*>7. i- his law partner, born in ('■ \ Hi- oldest sister. Susan W., i- the widow of Col. John ated in medicine al Transylvania University, L .1 J oil.' colonel ol the Forty third Alabama regiment, Kentucky, in livUV He man ml lived at who died in 1S82 His sisi r Mary, married John B. 11 Rutherl - Batey, a farmer in Rutherford couuty. His oldest settled where In m eight miles from brother. William T, Richardson, was a physiciau of -li. lie |i inc from the time much prominence, who entered the Confederate army of his graduation till his death. N 1. 1872. In ami died in 1 St>2. He was a graduate of Franklin Col- in, ho was a member of the Chi liurch ' d* the medical department of the University from 335. and his whole 1 S'ashville. by 1 ion. He was a trustee of Franklin During Mr. Richar - - ngressional candidacy, in -tain the al ami be 1884, the Shelbyvilh ed the following nomination. In politics. well merited estimate of hi- character: " Mr. Rich- old line Whi ardson is r to the people of this congressional 1 'ature in 1843. district, nor, iu fact to the people - State, as he - . I8.il and 1 S57 . and of the 8 has been prominently connected with the politics of m 185 ■ •, He was a political speaker of great Tennessee from hi- early manhood, and has already won Hi- for hiin-o 3 reputation. When quite a young manner was im ] and convincing, and man. he was triumphantly elected a member of the he v life, the leader of his lion- resentatives of our Legislature, by the party in hi- county, so great was the public confi >le of hi- native couuty, and although it was his PROMINENT TENNERSE \\s 177 first experience in public life, he was honored with the position of speaker, being elected over the Hon. An drew I!. Martin, of Wilson, after n spirited contesl which position he filled with signal ability, presiding witli such grace, dignitj and impartialitj as to secure to him high rank among the best parliamentarians of the land. His constituents, being so well satisfied with his course during Ins firs! term, promoted him in a seat in the senate of the next General Assembly, electing him by a handsome majority over two of the most popular citizens of his county, During iliis session, by his close application in business, untiring energj ami rum manding influence, he soon became one of the leaders of the senate, ami iliil much towards shaping the legis Ian, .n nl' that General Assembly, The brief political career of this distinguished gentleman has clearly illus- trated two things: That he has natural gifts, as a pre- siding officer, possessed by bul row men, ami thai a legi lator, he is faithful, honest ami capable. So that if the people nl' this district should confide their inter ests to his hands in the next Congress of the I nitcd Stairs, they can draw assur :es from hi^ past faithful services as a public servant, thai he will be eminently conscientious in the discharge of his trust. Judge E. II. East, of Nashville, in speaking of Mr, Richardson, saiil : "He is a reliable, safe, eons tious lawyer; stands high in his profession; is endowed with unusually attractive powers of personal address ami polish of style; is gentle ami undei istrative in his manners, ami entirely sincere his forte before a jury is his sincerity, He is of a kindly, generous na ture, dignified and elegant, without the least trace "I' arrogance or affectation, and without haughtiness of chat acter or manner. WILLIAM L. NICHOL, M. D. COMPARATIVELY few men rise to eminence mi their native heath. The transplanting process is mil less successful with the human species tluvn in tin' lower natural kingdoms, ami the young man ul' I , . I 't \ ambition, upon attaining his majority, usually concludes that it is better to escape the besetting conditions ami occurrences of his youthful inu-inil ami take his chances in a new field of enterprise. The old saying that "a prophet is tmt without honor save in his own country " applies wiih peculiar force to the young man w li> > un- dertakes in rise tn professional distinction in the com- munity where the days of his boyh ! have 1 n spent. In such case success can spring only from genuine merit. No false veneering, however plausible, can avail tn win it. The subject til' this sketch, Dr. William I,. Nichol, has achieved his success in the town of his nativity, literally growing up with the city ami holding his place iu I he I'n. nt rank nl' ils citizens ami in the highest grade of his profession. If, like most others, he had com- mitted his share of youthful I'nllies, he boldly I'aeed them ami lived them down. The oldest inhabitant of Nashville at this time, can scarcely remember when the name id' Nichol \\ I closely associated with the success ami material pros perity of the city. The grandfal her of Dr. Nichol came from Ireland, lie settled at King's Salt Works (now Saltville), insouthern Virginia, where he married. Sub- sequently, he became a wholesale merchant in Knox- ville, where, for several years, he carried on a successful business. Thence he removed in Nashville, where he soon became a leading commercial man. Mis business qualifications were nl' a very high order. They soon attracted the attention of President Andrew Jackson — than whom there was no heller judge id' men -who ap- pointed him to the presidency of a branch of the Lnited States Dank at Nashville, lie continued successful in business until his retirement, ami died, leaving a handsome patrimony tn his children. William Nichol, the lather nl' \h\ Nichol, was born at King's Salt Works, Virginia, in the war 1800. lie removed, when quite young, with his parents tn Knox- ville. and thence to Nashville, where he grew in man- hood under the excellent business training nl' his father, lie married, in Rutherford county, Miss Julia Lytle (now living in Nashville at the age of seven tj four), daughter <>i' William Lytic, a farmer, originally from North Carolina, where he served in the Revolu- t inn a it war as captain, lie amassed a large fortune bj land speculations in Rutherford and adjoining counties. William Nichol, a i the time of his father's death, was already a well equipped business man, the peer nl' any in Nashville. Among (he incidents of his training, illustrating the strict methods of his kit her, it is related thai, i in occa ion, according to the modes of travel in those days, he made a sixteen days' horseback imir ney in Baltimore to make purchases for the house; hut. ii was discovered, on his return, that he had neglected tn purchase a certain article that had been set down in his list. His father started him Lack in Baltimore the * next morning tn gel ii. which he did. thereby acquiring a lesson which made a life-impression, lie was long a must successful merchant, ami was for a time a partner nk 1 larry Hill, the famous New Orleans merchant, with whom it is said he never had any written articles ^i' partnership. He was atone time mayor of Nashville. lie served for many years with conspicuous ability as president of the State Bank of Tennessee, and wound 278 PROMIXKXT TEXXESSK VXS ,,,, 1,^ ■ i> dson I Sirs DeBow. widow of the late -I I"). I! Dc ' |„ ,., i n Arkansas |: ' wished editor of the once well-known II. Sashvillc. in 1878 "'"' i* the daughter of Dr William I. Xichol was horn in Xashville, Ten- the late John Johns ssful farmer of Davidson 8, 1828. He was educated in the county. She is a lady of presence and man - 1'iiiv. ■ i, and re llers representinir the classic style le beauty in President ' ' 'ess conspicuous in so- Philip I. in. 1-1.;. Vfter a three years' i study cietx for the uniform display of those refined virtues i in medicine in 1840. from the I'niver- which are. the guarantees and the ornament of then under cli k ,|1 " 1 ' •■ sl "' '•* ""' only the light of the son. Horner. Wood. Hods : dc. but home is always the brighter for Iter private pupil of Dr. W. W. Gerhard. After sradua- ! '• ,l " 1 '- » member of the Missionary is. in 1S40, elected f the Baptist church. The result of the third marriage is Phil nl Almshouse, win son. William I,., born at Xashville, July 5. 1S72 mained about ei i then entered the lh ' Nicliol's devotion to fession has been al- ['nited States Xavy : rders :i ' ; ' , ■■ He chose to liimself to its from the navy department, he labors and its duties at a time when it was fashionable plorins i Riuggohl and &»' ,; ,f l 'ieh men,' as he then was. to pass I' ... Atlantic and through the forms of a ci i a, to gain a Indian China. Japan. Capetown and smattering ol the classics, and cram their heads with as Australia. In 1850 ml of ill health, he re- many excerpts from the ] lieir memories would , returned to N'asln lie and '" jr perhaps obtain a professional degree by way of practice, which he personal ornament, and rely upon the father's ex- continuod till tl ;inj; out of the war. when he chequer for support. Dr. Xichol might have made ,| himself that style of man and been an elegant gentle- mental surs in his day. u for a' that." But there is an activity „ J,, e ],arge at nature, that, from boy- hood, has iv The win private practice. In sibility in his life. At quite an early day the desire to II the chair of «1 physician became the ruling ambition of his N'ash- He began his professional studies at the age of ville. In 1870. he chair of " " '"' I,:m1 S radu ' mater and therapeutics, and, a s74,to :lt, '' 1 ;1 "' 1 entered upon bis lit'.' duties and business. To retries. I ofthe the pi ' medicine he dedicated his life, and, if Iron, he wa 1 t1 " 1 expression be allowable, he has been true to bis to fill I e, which he now holds. From 18(59 to 1 " "'' i,:|v always been fully alive to 1874 he was in partn the du , and taken a lively interest in Dr. W. T. Brigs sketch appeal n whatever concerned the welfare of the community He this volume) For several years, between ISGO and 1S73. has ever been a man of posit i\ il convict he was editor ii the N shville .)/., , "•'■■<< a Whig, then and now a Den but he has \ never allowed himself to be tempted from the true ti U u with n ion of course of his professional career. Few men have been the profession He is a member ol - more successful than he in the practice of medicine— medi none more prompt and accurate as a diagnostician. In \. •.•■-,. . ... ;,.,! [ife. Dr. Xichol hash, mar- ''"' lecture room he is perfect 1) at home His method in ied. He first married in Xashville, 185S, Henrietta, the treatment of his subjects is thoroughly and severely daughi ? R. Cockrill. a planter, now at Pine analytical, and bis own enthusiasm inspires zeal on the Bluff, Arkansas. Her m Ann II. McDonald, P al 't of his classes in their investigations. He is schol- daughter of Col M D if the Foil - irmy, arly in his profession, yet he scorns all pedantic show in ,,- Uj this marriage* Dr. the lecture-room. He is fluent without verbosity, and Xichol has one child, Henry, born April 26, W''. 1 Mrs. copious without redundancy. He is apt in illustration, \ i in lSoil, at tl [n 1804 and fre. Martin's mother, nee Miss Matilda Crow who died in L876, was hern in 1804, in Ireland, daugh- ter of Jane Crow, net Porter. She was a lady of culture for her times, and was noted tin' her vigorous mind, practical turn ami energy. Her first husband was Wil- liam Walton, of Smith county, Tennessee, by whom she had four daughters, Sarah, Penelope, Matilda and .Mary. His education was obtained under very embarrassing circumstances. I le attended common schools until the death of his father, which occurred in 1849, hut shortly after that event, it became necessary for him to take care of himself, ami. acting upon this necessity, he left home with thirteen dollars in money, which he had earned h> working in a brickyard. Having never been from home before, circumstances directed him to Lebanon Tennessee, where he was wholly unknown, hut where, although (inly fifteen years of age, his manly manners and his straightforward way of acting, soon secured for him a clerkship in a drug store. This business was distasteful to him, hut it was the only thing that was open. He took hold of it, however, with the well de- fined purpose in his mind to some day become a lawyer. Perhaps the legal atmosphere that surrounds the place stimulated his ambition; perhaps it was destiny that directed him thither. However that may he. it was up-hill work with him for a while, but still the ambi- tious hoy persevered, ami he held his position for five years, pursuing at odd intervals a course of Study, ami thus completing a fair academic education -his stud- ies being directed by the curriculum of Cumberland University, with the students of which institution he was thrown in daily contact [n 1856, without having added anything to his finances, but largely to his expe- rience and knowledge of the ways "I' the world, he entered the law school of Cumberland University, paying his wa> as host he could by labor performed at night and on Saturdays as book-keeper for two or more business houses in Leba i. \i length, after studying in the university two years, be graduated in June, 1858, receiving his diploma from those eminent jurists and legal educators, Judges Abram Caruthers and Nathan Green, sr. and jr. When he had completed his course in the law he had neither money nor hooks, hut had made many friends, and had met with nothing to seri- ously discourage a brave young fellow in hi- purpose to conquer success. Shortly alter graduation, he became a candidate for attorney general of the Seventh judicial circuit, hut was defeated, being second, however, in the race against sonic twelve or more candidates. The I ime taken up by his canvass and the excitement at that period, just preceding the war, prevented him from meeting with a in marked success in the practice of the law. On May 20, 1861, he enlisted in ('apt, John K. Mow ard's company (II), which afterwards became a pari ol Col. Robert Hatton's Seventh Tennessee Confederate infantry regiment, lie was elected lieutenant in the company. He remained in the regiment until Col. Hat- ton became brigadier-general, when he was made ad- jutant general on (leu. Hattou'.s staff— a position very pleasing to both gentlemen, as they had been intimate personal friends for many years. Mi'. Martin being a special favorite of Gen. Uatton's from boyhood. Mr. Martin served in Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina ; participated in the hat- ties ol' t'heai Mountain and the Romnej expeditions in the early pari of the war; afterwards at Seven Pines, Murfreesborough, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Resaca, Dalton and Kennesaw Mountain. When the lines of battle were drawn around Atlanta, Mr. Martin was sent on detached service with Wheeler's cavalry, which made a raid in rear of the enemy, passing through the Stale of Tennessee, Mr. Marl in serving on this raid as adju- tant-general on the stall of Cen George C Dibrell. After this he was I ran:- 1 'erred to the Staff of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, and continued with that commander until the close of the war. participating in the last battle at Bentonville, North ( Jarolina, and surrendering at Char- lotte, North Carolina, in April, 1865. After the surrender Mr. Martin returned to his home ai Lei n, and resumed the practice of law, hut he was still without funds and had to borrow money to buy clothing to lake the place of his Confederate jeans. His determination to succeed as a lawyer was still un- shaken. The condition id' the country was favorable to litigation, and his gallant record during the warrecom- in en i led him to the favorable considerati if the people of his county, and a- uiscquence, practice begau to set in in his direction. He formed a partnership with 2S0 PliOMLXEN i i'i:nm>- i: \n>. M William II. Williamson, which con- tinued sin lliaurson was elected I I Murfri Hi ad\ . il Charles Beady, an eminei and lor many years a mon in thai district. I lor mother, \| .. \| - < \] \| Mattie Heady, first married Cen. John II Morgan, the William 11. Williamson, oi whoso sketeli a Marti * brothel Col Hoi e Bi ady. w ho eomui iimy regi- ment, is now a lumber merchant in Mrs Martin i from Patapseo Institute, Maryl n iment upon all sul is in- •- lady of in eulture. [ndeed, lew ir road more profitably than i ler fai In nlth and high I not alone by her pro- uouue it by all the graces that make a beautiful woman atti and better than in all the walks of life. ami her husband credits her with havi iiini a better man ami helped him i: She lias the She is a William 'I'. Haskell, his mother her father - llasl I' the most By 1 tvith Miss Heady. M \ i Ella ' died in The surviving children are Mary. Man ha, \ In politics Mr. Martin was originally a Whig, but since the war has been in full accord with the Demo- cratic pan> In 1871, he was elected to the Legislature ounty. ai: li airman of the ommittee of the House, in which capacity he , reputation over the State, lie was a del to the national Democratic convention at Baltimore, in ind at Si. Louis, in 1876, casting his vote in the former for Horace Creeley (under instructions), ami in the latter for (ion. Hancock. In ISSO, he was Demo- tor for iho State ai large on the Hancock ticket, and canvassed the State, adding greatly to his reputation as an effective speaker. In duly. 1878, he was elected professor of law in Cumberland I niversity, a position ho has filled ever since. In ISSo, In- was elected by the literary societies o\' Lincoln 1 niversity, Illinois, to deliver the com- tn.iit address, li was on this occasion that the trusteos and faculty of that university conferred upon him the degree •>( LL.D. Mr. Martin became a Master Mason in 1S61, has taken all the Chapter. Council and Commando: as Master, King, High Priest, Eminent Commander. Ceneralissimo and Prelate, and in delivered the address at the meeting of the l! N 'ille. Mr. Martin and hi- wife are members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church, of which he is a ruling In 1SS3. 1 li sate to the general as- he church at Xashv Thus honors have clustered thick about the brow of thi- man. who started out in life a poor ami friendless lint his ri -hows that determination and purpose, backed by a w Murfreesborough, joined the army under Gen. Albert Sidnej Johnston, and was l>\ liim assigned in dutj as surgeon of Col. Stanton's Fourteenth Mississippi regi iiicni ul Zollicoffer's brigade, and was, by seniority "I' his commission, brigade surgeon until after the battle ofShiloh, when, at his own request, he was detached in rejoin the Fortj second Tennessee, which had just been exchanged and was then at Jackson, Mississippi \r riving there, he was ordered to report to en Bragg ii Chattanooga, where he was appointed by Gen, Polk as assistant medical inspecter of his corps. He served in this capacity seven months, after which, his.health being broken down by dysentery, he was transferred in hos pi tal service at Lagri Georgia byorder of Adjutant- Gen, Cooper, Confederate States Army, and remained there eleven months as a member ot the reserve sur- gical corps and in charge of a hospital of three bundred I H 'ils. lie was then ordered in Atlanta ami participated in the surgical duties nl' the battles nl' -I uly -'■'< ami lis, 1864. Returning in his post at Lagrange, lie remained three months in charge nl' the sick ami wounded who could nni In' moved after the battle nl' Atlanta. \i the end "!' this time he was ordered in West Point, .Miss issippi, with his hospital, ami there remained three months in comparative idleness, After Gen. Hood retreated from Tennessee, he removed his hospital in Enterprise, Mississippi, where 1* remained in charge till the surrender, having done service at the battles of Knri Donels Shiloh, Corinth, Stones River, Chicka i iga, Missionary Ridge, and Atlanta. At Fort Don rlsiiii hi' was sin ii through the clothing and also stunned by the bursting of a shell in such rinse proximity in him that ii produced severe bleeding at the nose. The war over, Dr. Ussery returned in IMonl erj (■mi niy. completely broken down in fortune, but resumed practice and has been practicing lill this time, a g I deal of the time, however, trading successfully in in bacco ami land. Mr is now in partnership with -I Edwards, dealing in leaf tobacco, al Clarksville, Dr. Ussery speul four years of the besl part of his life preparing for his profession, studying nothing rise. lie next wi in in whal he considered tin 1 best scl I as a private student under one of the oldest ami most widely known professors in the United States, his ambi 36 1 I "' 111 " m give him elf b) this means, a professional standing, subscribing wholly, cordially and practically to the code of ethics of the American Medical Associa- tion, « hirh has been his uniform guide in his relal ions with the profession Vdding to this lirst class training his methodical habits of study, and by means of his honesty ami fair dealing, he has made a name i ng the standard physicians ol hisc try Ho is a member of the Mont crj County Medical Society, and m formerly a member of the Tennessee Medical Associa- tion Politically, Dr. [Issery was an old line Whig until the revoluti ind breaking up of parties by the war. which threw him i ho Democratic party, with which he has acted and voted since thai time, While tali ing no active pari in politics, he has fell a sufficiently warm interest to vote intelligently. He is a director in the Orange Warel se Vssocia ii at Clarksville, a position he has held since 1877, when the association was organized, and when he was the purchaser of the building which the; now oceupj This association ha been eminently successful, and its sales of tobacco, which were eleven limn- I hog head in 1878, now average s e seven il sand hogsheads per annum, Hi' was mail.' a Masnn iii Clarksville Lodge, No. 89, in 1854, and has taken all of the Chapter degrees. He has been a member of the Methodist church since his sixteenth year; was at one time class-leader, is now stew ard, and has been i \\ ice elected a laj delegate to annual conferences of his church, sen ing once in 1873 His parents were zealous Methodists, and all ol their children and grandchildren, who have lived to adult years, have joined that church. No member of the family has r\i'i- been known to be drunk or to have sworn an oath Familj pride, based on such a record as this, is ai once pleasing and honorable Dr, Ussery's father, John W. Ussery, a native ol Lunenburg county. Virginia, born in 17!is. immigrated to Tennessee in 1816, purchased a farm in Montgomery ci unity, where he lived until his death, in April, 1879 at the age ol eighty-one. He married, in 1822, a ladj who had I n rai ed in \ irgiuia with him, boy and girl together, and who had e i to Tennessee in the same wi am He was a verj successful trader in land, ami was punctiliously honest in all his dealings. His characteristics were promptness and decision. His father, William Ussery, of English blood, died in Lu- nenburg county, Virginia, in middle age Dr. Ussery's mother, net Miss Rebecca Neblett, was a daughter of William Neblett, who died in Franklin county, Virginia. He was a soldier in the war >>\' 1812, as was also his son, John L. Neblett, Her mother was a Miss Love, of Irish stock The Neblett familj i- ol i he most nun i in Moi j count; and were among ii< earlj settlers. Thej are still numerous in Virginia, and ire largely and creditably represented in 2S2 I ' 1 ; ( I \ I r X E N T T E N N ESS E A S P I i Dr. Ussery's mother, ciglity-two Alexander Lyle), Sterling, Wilmur, Lewis, Katharine years of age, is now li\ ing with her son. A Methodist. ^ Marj . Benjamin and William, the sti the strict, tolerating nothing mean, dis John I! I sserj married Miss America Smith, of honorahle or prevaricating in her children, she is still Montgomery eouuty, also has ten children, [da (now Ions a- ever for her church and all its institu- wife of John R. Steele, Esq.), George, William, Eliza- tions, giving freely to all its charitable enterprises. | beth. Maud, Robert, Edwin, Eloise, Frank and Xorman. Dr. I sscry was tin- fourth of seven children, and is Dr. Ussery's sister, Sarah Ussery, married Rev. James now the youngest living. His brothers, William ami M. Smith, a Methodist minister ami a magistrate of John R. Ussery. are successful farmers in Montgomery Monti unity. Thej have eight children, Euge- couuty. nia. Johu. William. Dean, Benjamin, Faunie, Rebecca, William Ussery married his cousin. .Mi— Ann El .lam- ami Mary, ^nothei sister, Main Ussery, died the beth Neblett, daughter of Dr Josiah Xeblett. a promi wife of 1'. II. Kcesee, leaving three children, two of iniit physician of Montgomery county, ami has tin whom survive. Charles C. and Virginia Lee children, Josiah Xeblett. Ethclbert. lain (now wife of Dr, Ussery himself has never married. JABEZ P. DAKE, A.M., AI. D. V [SHV1LLE. DR. DAKE was born at Johnstown, Xew York. Pennsylvania, near which city he now resides in retire- April 22. 1827. His father, Dr. Jabez Dake, was ment, with an accumulated competency. Uhauncy M. born al Saratoga, New Vork, and his paternal grand- Dake, M.D.. was one of the earliest practitioners of father at Bcnningl m Vermont, where he took part in homoeopathy iu this country, having settled at Geneseo, the famous battle with .the British. His mother was New Vork, when there were hardly a dozen physicians fern al Smithficld. Rhode Islaml. as also were her an- of thai faith west of New Vork city, lie died at Roch- eestry tin- several generations. i s New Vork. a tew years The paternal stock was English, first located at Hop Beside these brothers Dr. Hake had one other. A brain kinton, Rhode Island, about 16S0; ami die maternal B., who died at Xnnda, while yet a young man. He had was Welsh, first entering Rhode Tslaml with the colony three sisters, the eldest married to James McClellan, of Roger Williams. Hi- father emigrated to what was the second to Lyman Hoppins, both having several called " the West,'' locating in the fertile valley of the children, mostly residing in Michigan. The parents Genesee, about the year 1830. have passedaway, Mrs. Hoppins leaving a son. Chauncy Of relatives there was quite a large settlement in the I. Hop]. in-. M.D., at present a successful physician at town of Portage, ami village of Xunda, Livingston Geneseo, Illinois. county, a- there had been for tv bi fore at Dr, Dake - youngest sister was married to .lame,- D. field. Saratoga eouuty. His mother's maideu Crank, a prominent merchant for many years, at Gene- name was Sophia Bowen : and the Bowens, like the seo, New York. She died several years ago, at Cinein- Dakes. were numerous ami will known in Saratoga nati. Ohio, leaving six children. Mr. Crank is now county. The hake- ami Bowens of Chicago, Pittsburg residing al Pasadena, California, where he is interested ami Michigan sprang from tin S ick. in orange groves ami vineyards. His eldest son, Hon. The subject of this sketch inherited from his father .). F. Crank, member of the California Legislature, is the sturdy enterprise of the English, and from his one of the leading capitalists of the Los Lngeles region, mother the untiring industry and perseverance of the Hi- second son. Charles D. Crank, 31. D., is practicing Welsh. I le al-o. if such a thin- he possible, inherited medicine at Cincinnati, and holds a professorship in the the gift of healing from his father, who \\a- regarded a- Pulte Medical t ollej of that city. I lis youngest son almost a natural healer, so great wa- hi- success, with is. also, a physician, located at Los Angeles, California. limited educational advantages. Hi- eldest brother, It maj be mentioned that Dr. D. M. Dake- only son David M., and the next, Chaune\ M .. v is an eminent physician at Belleville, Illinois, and his the firmer graduating al Castleton, Vermont, and the son-in-law, F. W. Skiles, M.D.. till the time of his re- latter at Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Hi- fourth cent retirement, was iu a large ami lucrative practice brother. William II. wa- al-o a graduate in medicine. in the city of Brooklyn, Xew Vork. The only son and hut followed dentistry, when that art wa- new, a- a child of Dr. ('. M. Dake. is at present a well-known specialty. David M. Dake. M D., was well known as a practitioner of the healing art in New Vork city, most , and mi opathy, the national soeiet\ of 1 lie new school, in Chi the latter, one al the World's Convention, in London, in cago, in K">7. he was elected to the presidency of that 1881. I!.\ bis efforts in this country, and those of Dr. body. The following year he delivered the annual ad Richard Hughes, in England, a large Cyclopaedia of dress before the same, in the city of Brooklyn. In the Drug Pathogenesy U being published, of which Dr, year 1855, while general secretary of the institute, by an Hughes is editor for (ireat Britain, and Dr. Dake for earnest appeal, he succeeded in rail} ing the profession America, each being designated for that position by his so .is 1,1 increase the attendance largeh at the following respective national society meetings in \\ ashington. Chicago and ether cities | n |; m ,,,,, .,] one ;,, medicine has the Doctor been inter that same year be was one of the orators in Philadel ested and at work. At an annual meeting of the man- phia. at the great celebration of the centennial birthda.N agers and friends of the Nashville Woman's Mission "I' Hahnemann Rut, notwithstanding all these public Heme, the lute Rev. Dr. Raird moved the appointment duties, he was constantly build business of Dr Dake as chairman of the advisory board, in order, al Innne In 1850. he wrote a small work on Acute as 1,,. s : ,i,l. (l , secure the building of a hospital, an - for domestic use chiefly, which Inn i addition greatly needed by that institution. Very soon in several en la rued editions since, thereafter the new chairman had each manager supplied Much work tin. illy took effect upon his health, ami in \ V i t li a small subscription hook, bearing his own name lSo"5 he was forced to retire 1,. hi- farm, at Salem. I >hio. and that of his n if e for a liberal sum each, and bj the Leaving the choicest medical clientele, up to that time. time the architect had his plans and specifications thered ,n Pittsburg, he turned his mind ami made, money ei di was subscribed on the little books worn down physical cner lie cultivation -(tine to warrant the giving out of the contracts for the build- fruits, especialh the grape. Succeeding in that, as in i,,n : and in less than a year the hospital addition was medicine, he was soon at the bead of the Crape Crow readv for use. ei- Association in (Hue. During bis administration Vnd, in 1S83, the Doctor, always fond of paintings and Mr. Charles Downing, Mr. Barry ami other distin other products of the fine arts, believing that the time sruished potnologisls, were brought to the south shores had come in Nashville for fostering the interests of art, of Lake Krie to see tin 1! display of grapes, called a meeting of all the artists in the vicinity, and of But the declining health of his wife and the need of a the friends of art, tin- the organization of a .society. The milder climate, led him to think again of Tennessee. I n result « as the Nashville Ait Association, an institution the spring of ISGO, he removed to Nashville ami opened made up of the Lest people in the community, already a medical office ai ig strangers. Tt was not long, how- grown beyond the question of success, with him at its till the reputation made at Pittsburg followed hi 111 head as president. here. One of his earliest clients s. :) i,l 10 him one da Dr. Dake has for years contended agaiust legislative " Doctor, you haven't sent me any hill tin- your services enactments for the regulation of the practice of nicdi- don't you need some money ? — to which he replied, cine b\ boards of censors, ami has written much on the \ -il-. 1 brought some money along.'' He came to subject. He objects to the drawing of a line, or basing Nashville, ma ;e a mendicant 11 what a license to practice, en the possession of a diploma. be proposed to do l!u-iiess came mere rapidly than since, as he contends, the most dangerous medical ini- he expected, not through any tricks or adroit advertis- irs and quacks have diplomas. He advocates a law m because he bad earned it by study and close requiring each practitioner to write his personal history attention to business for many years, D \y i(s soon dis en a register, kept for the purpose and open to public covered that 1, a horse-trader nor a saloon inspection, in the office of the couuty clerk, under oath, r. ami that he was ,, physician. telling what In' has done 10 qualify himself for practice \ ■ - !: 1 n idle, lie soon issued a revised ami and to merit the confidence of the sick, His mo enlarged editi if his work on "Acute Disi ises." a " Light for the people and freedom for the physician.'' pamphlet on the " Remedies \\ e I se. a larger one en 'fine; ssed of as many and as good diplomas: as " Therapeutics in < hitlinc.' this latter being a display any medical man in the State, he saj s " let every man of the leading principles and methods of tin -. stand en his pi nerits, not on the small gather- icially showing the true position and relationships ings of his school-boy days." of the lav He has written In tie - 1875, I'r Dake broke down, from PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s. 285 over-work, and went to Europe, traveling through the British islands, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzer- land, [taly and Prance. His active brain found work of a most agreeable and refreshing character in those (i lil countries, with cathedrals, palaces and collections of art. He returned, fully restored, late in the following autumn, and resumed his accustomed work. The fol lowing winter he was called to the chair of principles and practice in the old college at Philadelphia, and went there, lecturing through the winter to a large class. At the close of* the course, he resigned the chair, being convinced that his wife s liealth would not allow her to reside so far north in winter, and he not willing to go there alone. [n the summer of 1881, he again went abroad, more for medical purposes, to attend the World's Convention in London, and to visit the hospitals of the old world. He traveled much in England, visiting the great seats of learning and the best hospitals there and in Holland, North Germany, Denmark and Sweden He traveled, also, in Norway, Finland and Russia, as far as St. Petersburg. He was especially inquiring into the " Swedish movement cure." ami the "massage" treat meiit. Iii London he visited Dr. Roth, the great trans lator and writer on those subjects, and Dr. Metzger in Amsterdam, who was treating more patients by those methods than any other physician in Europe. Dr. I>ake has no military record nor political history, having devoted his whole mind and energies to the healing of the sick. He has never sought office and is thoroughly independent in the use of his rote. I le has been a Royal Arch Mason for twenty livcyears. though now for several years not an active or affiliated one. On arrival in Nashville he refrained from visit- ing the order, determined thai no one should license him of making use of such introductions to gain Imsi ness. Going hack, we find he was married, April .'I, L851, to Miss Elizabeth Church, daughter of Dr. Wil liam Church, a prominent physician at Pittsburg, who died in the year 1829. Her paternal grandfather was also a physician. Her father's brother, Samuel Church, was a leading iron manufacturer and merchant at'Pitts- burg, a bosom friend of Alexander Campbell, and a great promoter of his Baptist reform. \lf his k I! . I I I I IllTS, •].'. Mil.) i- I 'l ' ' church n hen lif •■■ i - his carl}' i ii-. I durii i with ili«' 1 himself upon In- suliini(.s mil than in torn : 1 1 | . ..I' W llirll f I • only ili. in -nun- ret in 1 life. .i-.| tin- inten linnl .'I' n ially in i if tlio yellow fever commission, in 1878, -. lin- nl in I hat I in Kill ' -' fin- ished ! i In- new sell know ii in Knglaud l!i sides holilii nf lii- -i-lni.il .iii-l his State and loeal in ■■> member of nun other which in Mes- I' 1 ' iinl othel " 1 1 ■ .- member "I tbe Am Public II ion |)r I'.il. - ently 'ii- tbinl i w i tli In- - ! ' 1 I'. Dak in tin- interest of health for botb. In this n tn matti - well ■ published in London, tl ditorsbip of l»: II md himself. He at work, with tl w i i.i.i \m t. \i;i;i\<. n >N. i» D.s. \ii:\irin>. Wll.l.l \M T \Ki:iM. I" now ii t In- ith in (bat 1 1 « llirll I I: I' \ up tbe study. following - brother. In tin- fall of Ipbia Colh ■ 1 1 with hi -i of I'liiladelpl ill up a I uutil ■ -, mill,-. I. villi tin II .Ith I I / . «_• ;;;> z^cc -* z PROMINENT TENNESSE \.NS 287 spring of 1864. Il<' then went to Hickman, Kentucky, and engaged in commercial enterprises until the close cil' the war. Alter the war lie went to Memphis and again resumed the practice of In* profession, since which time he hasremained there, enjoying a very large and lucrative practice. During all his changes of resi deiiee and business he has been uniformly successful and prosperous. In 1867, he was called to Cincinnati to (ill a chair in the Cincinnati College of Dental Surgery, hut remained there only during one course, when hi' resigned. In 1869, together with Dr. William II. Morgan, of Nashville, and other prominent dentists, he organized the Southern Dental Association, and was elected its first president, at Atlanta, in August of thai year. In connection with Dr. Morgan, he was also one of th e organizers of the Tennessee Dental Association, in L867, and was it- firsl secretary and afterwards its pres- ident, lie is also a member ol the .National Dental As- sociation. In recent years. Dr. Arrington has become largely connected with mining interests, and is secretary and treasurer of the Indus Mining company, of New Mexico, ami also secretary and treasurer ol' several large enter prises in old and New Mexico. Dr. Arrington was raised an old line Whig, but, like most men at the South, abided the wishes of his State and went with her when she lefl the Union. Since the War he has heeii a Democrat. Hi' has, however, always avoided politics, shrinking from public life and refusing to hold any political office, preferring to devote himself to his profession. He became an odd Fellow in 1879 : and is also a member of the Royal Arcanum, the Itoyal Asylum, and the Knights of Honor, lie passed through all the chairs of three of these in the year in which he was initiated. lie and his wife are both members of the Protestant Episcopal church In 1S76, he was elected a member of the public school hoard of Memphis, and. being re elected from time to time, served until January, 1882, when he resigned, lie was an earnest advocate ol equal rights and equal com- pensation for male and female teachers Dr. Arrington 's father was James II. Arlington, a gentleman of Scotch-English descent, horn in .North Carolina. January 4, 1801. lie was a planter, and in 1S2(>, moved to Tennessee, settled at Paris, and engaged largely in that occupation, lie died in L862, leaving one daughter and five sons, three of whom are now living: (1). Dr. B. F. Arrington, a dentist, and now resident of Goldsborough, North Carolina. (2). Dr. .John Arrington, also a dentist, at Jackson. Tennessee. (3). Dr. William T. Arrington. subject ol' this sketch. Another son. J. J. Arlington, went Co California dur- ing the "gold fever,' and subsequently took an active part in politics, serving in the State senate of California for several terms. lie was the first brigadier general commissioned in California, and at the beginning of the war .-tailed south to join Breckinridge's army, was de- tained in St. Louis by the Federal authorities, ami while there met with an accident which resulted in his deal h Dr. Arlington's mother's maiden name was Mary Sproiiillc. She was tin' daughter ol' Dr. Sprouille, of Dublin, Ireland, who was educated in that city, came to America, settled in North Carolina, on Albemarle Sound, and there achieved success and distinction as a medical practitioner. .Mrs. Arrington was the sister of I ! en. Samuel S i iron i lie and Col. Ben, Sproui lie. of North Carolina. Her mother was .Miss Mary W. Blount, a member of - the Blount family, of North Carolina, from which Gov, Blount, of Tennessee, was descended. On January 18, 1859, Dr. Arlington was married to Miss Emilia ('. Levy, daughter of Archibald Levy, then a merchant at Trenton, Tennessee, formerly of Georgia. Mrs. Arlington s mother was M iss Overall, a member of the well known Rutherford county family of that name. Her grandfather was Louis Levy, a merchant at St. Mary's, Georgia; and her grandmother was .Miss Ann Patterson, daughter of Col. John Patterson, of Philadelphia, one of the old Revolutionary patriots. Mrs. Arlington's grandmother was remarkable For her Christian and womanly virtues. She died in Philadel- phia at a verj advanced age. At the time of her death there were living of her descendants thirteen children, fifty-three grandchildren, and thirty-six great-grand- children- -in all one hundred and two direct descendants. By his marriage with Mis- Lew. Dr. Arrington has two children : (1). William T. Arrington, born in 1868. (2). Guy Arlington, horn in 1874. Dr. Arrington has always loved his profession and faithfully de\ oted the best J ear- of bis life to it. strictly adhi ring to the policy of having no partner, and saying hut little of his successes or failures. While socially inclined, he has never formed manj confidential friend ships, hut ha- confided in his wife for counsel and assistance. Delias always conducted his business oil the principle of never. putting off till to-morrow what can he done to-day ; has si udiously a\ oided all lawsuits or controversies of any sort, believing in tin' settlement of disagreements bj milder means. He ha- alw •-• temperate in his habits, and has hut few troubles, study- ing always to avoid them, lie is fond of scientific in ve.-tigatioii. which he follows as a labor of love. Cour- teous to all men. respecting rich ami poor alike, he never makes discriminations under any circumstances, A member of the medical profession in Memphis says of him: "lie stands at the head of his profession, and is a gentleman of the highest ton,' — of veracity, integ rity and morality. He has a line store of general information, ami i- perfectly at home upon a great variety of subjects. In disposition genial, and inclined toward social conver- sation, he is also scrupulously particular about treating all men. high and low with the utmost courtesy, which HINKVI I KNNKSSK \\> 1 1 \ \| 1 1 \\ ||, i the Mc iiipliis i. in 1 1 - ntli , RING .!. ROBKR I'S, M l>. DKKKlMi .1. HOI I. Ii I" III- : I s I I I" liirtli ■mi i I \ nl' - ■I tin- I : I II s ■villc, - II, l V IN//I until \ - I ) \ Holier! lv I " I ■lurksoii \ \\:l- III' l>\ IT kllUU II I" -llll • Willi illli. Illl 01 unions In April l his is the n, ill I until the ■ \ nslon, ill 1 ! \| \ \ il It-. lev n tli- I ; : I nl i- lii- : fori lines, ii» toils willi i en him » itli ' to lli- ' I III tl I when I I uonfldi t; I ii \i\ Hi Mcdic-nl Col I which In I In i title "I I : - i |i I i the mil ' ilcr lii- 'Ii In l - . I to meml I I I 1 1 II II. IT | i 1 1 I Willi - ■ I . ■ II i i I I 1 I • i John ' I I ■ HON JOHN < KERIUSS n||\ r | ||;i:i -- \\ \ u tli. JOHN r II It HI third Vt ll 2!>0 PROMIXEN r TEXXESSE vXS \ sh\ ille. Hi re Jed in obtaining mtion in the office of the pub- I I>\ Knives, Marks \ Co., where In- remained long J.i to acquire a pretty fair knowledge of the print - tsiness. Ho then became publisher of the old Rutherford Telegraph. for Xorthcott ,V Ott. proprie- Ih 1859, he wont to l'ino Blutt", Arkansas, and became publisher of the • ■■'. a Dem oeratic org-an. For some years his heart had been set on the profession of law, and at odd times he had been availing himself of the opportunities afford* such elementary works as he could uet hold of. In the fall oi - iving made sufficient accumulation to justify him in the enterprise, he entered the law depart mem of Cumberland Cnivershy as a student. Ho had made sufficient advancement in his private study t.> render his collegiate course a brief one, so thai, on the L'Tth of June, 18l>0. ho was graduated from the in shy with the degree of Bachelor of Law s. ' >n the 7th of Septein he began the practice of law at Xashville. The civil war between the States - i afterward ho gan. and anion- the earliest volunteers. Ferriss enlisted as a private ill compam i 8 I Tennessee infantryi William IV Bate, colonel. Ferriss was promoted to a captaincy for gallant conduct on the battlefield of Murfr sborough, or Stone* River, as it is called by the I'uion army. For his gallantry on this - on. his name was placed on the " Roll o\' 11. .nor" by tin ite war department. After the war. peunil - resumed the practice oi' his profession, and with zoal and industry followed it a period of six years, when ho was olootod the first public administrator of David- son county. This office he filled for half the term, to the satisfaction of the public, when in a hotly contested with highly popular and worthy competitors, ho was elected to the office of county judge, in 1872. Is the office until September, IS86 By a life of rectitude and strict morality, Judge For actor for integrity and as and righteous judge. In the discharge of the du- tates of duty and of a benevolent heart, he has it into the city and the country, aud gathered in the neglected orphans, and provided for thorn homos, and in instances numberless, had them adopted into reputable families. In this, he -hod for himself a monument more enduring than uiarbh Had he dis no other of the va- rious functions ot his office (all of which ho has dis- - ■! with efficiency, ability ami great fidelity), this one duty, performed so well, would crown him with laurels. 8 .rod through Teunessee, here and there, are bright eyed orphan girls and youths, whoowe to this hearted man the first ray of sunshine that brightened the threshold oi' their existence. Judge Ferriss is a - - it member ot the Meth- odist Kpiscopal church, South. In politics, ho is con- servative and liberal, a true Democrat. Ho married, while a soldier in the Confederate army. M ss M. I.. Nolon. ot' Triune, an excellent lady, ot' re- markable eulture ami intelligence. By this marriage they have nine children, all of them liberally endowed with pluck, energy andgood promise. If it bo true that those are great whose lives benefit their fellow men ami who shall gainsay it?), then is John C. Ferriss' title to greatness already well estab- Better than warriors wreath or monarch's crown will be such a title, when the grand final adjust- ment oi' human accounts shall come to be made. HON. WILLIAM R. MOORE. / ~r" , HK subject of this sketch was born in Huntsville. 1 Alabama. March 28. 1830. the son of Robert ('. . who died the same year, at the age of twenty- leaving two children. William R. Moore and Martha -L Moore, the latter of whom married Alney 11 McLean, ot' Middletou, Rutherford county aud died there in ls<;; Her husband >till re- ..n a farm which has been in his family t'..r more than a hundred years. Mr Mi on s grandfather was Charles M v. a i of Virginia, born near Charlottesville. Mr. Moore is a man of pure southern blood, never bavin- had a rel- ative born north of the Ohio river. His family on both ' ville, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Lynchburg, and the country arouud them. Very few surviving relath - his family name are now living. The family has been made up chiefly of fanners for the last one hundred and fifty years, who have never had much to do with public lite, being content to live as quiet, unostenta- tious agricultural people; well to do. but not wealthy; land and slave-owner-, belonging to the self-sustain- ing class: never pretentious, but modest and retiring men of' busiuess, who [.aid their debts, kept their ; -. and retained plenty of this world - - iboul them. A principle which has pervaded the whole fam- ily . ha.- been a great pride oi' integrity, and a firm adher- J £ 7 • 7 in « — c r ' ' PROMTNKNT TENNESSR \N> >01 Mr. Moore's mother, yet liviug, was Miss Mary !•'. Lingow, daughter of Archibald Lingow, descendant of another old Virginia family. Her mother was Miss Martha Cleveland, daughter of Jeremiah Cleveland, de- scendant of Col. Ben Cleveland, a Revolutionary soldier, who bore a conspicuous part in the battle of King's Mountain. The characteristics of Mr. Moore's family on his mother - side, have been much the same as those of his paternal ancestry. They have always 1 n n peace ful, strifeless people, never mixing with troubles, per sonal or political, and peculiarly free from military or official ambition. The family on both sides leu e been re- ligionists -members of the Presbyterian and other Pro- testant churches, and always consistent in their faith. After the death of his father, which occurred when William was six months old, Mr. Moore's mother me veil to Tennessee and settled at Beech Grove, then in Bed- ford (now Coffee) county, and lived there, a widow, seven years, at the expiration of which time she mar- ried John M. Watkins, near Fosterville, Tei -see. where she has -inee lived in the • f house for the past fifty years. Mr. Moore was brought up on a farm, receiving only partially the advantages of the common schools, and in the log school 1 ses of his day laid the foundation upon which he built his self taught education. 1 a early boyhood he had a strong desire to a it in the world and make his own way. and at fifteen his mother finally consented for him to go. Fortunately, he found employ- ment in the store of Mr. William K, McFadden mer chant and postmaster at Beech Grove, Coffee county ; fortunately, because Mr. McFadden was one of the kindest and most fatherly of men. id' fine business ca- pacity and integrity, whose persona] character was a tine model for the ambitious young business man. 1 1 i- salary, for the first year was only twentj five dollar-. hut lieina quick, active and willing to work, he soon learned to ma mine the store and to keep the post-office. When he had hecii there about a year, he was sent by .Mr. McFadden with a four-horse team to haul goods from Nashville to Beech ( Jrove, and for the first time in his life saw a city. After this he was dissatisfied with his life in a country store, and desired to go to Nashv ill,. for business. His employer consented to his leaving, proffering him letters of introduction to merchants in Nashville, which he declined, holding that a hoy who could not set a situation himself, did not deserve one. and never once doubting his ability to succeed, a feel- ing which he has carried through life. Having saved enough money to pay his way, in 1847, he traveled by Stage to Nashville, and arrived there knowing no one, and with no clearly defined purpose bgyond seeking em- ployment and connecting himself with some liiu house. With this view he visited the principal business firms. The first maii who noticed him was Maj. I!. ('. McNairy, then a leading retail drj e I< merchant . who con-en lei I to employ him if he would bring a letter of recommen- dation from hi- last employer, lie wrote for the letter and -ecu red the position at a salary id' one hundred and fifty dollars for the first year. His strong point was his willingness to work, which -non gained lor him the favor of his employer, lie would rise before the other clerks were up. sweep the store, and go out ai ig the marketers drumming for custom. At the end of the year. Maj. McNairy. unsolicited raised his salary to three hundred dollar-, which stimulated him to greater exertion, and the next year he received live hundred dollars. lie remained with this linn three year-. lie was find of reading, and invested his spare money in books, and in this profitable manner, -pent most .if his evenings leisure time. Having no one to direct him, he read promiscuously, thereby acquiring a fund of miscellaneous information, which proved of steal ben- efit to him in later years. Tn the meantime, gaining experience in business, he became reflective, and began to cast about for a permanent pursuit for himself Noting that many of the rich men of Nashville were wholesale dry goods merchants, he resolved on that branch, and accord- ingly applied to Ivikiu & Co., then the largest house of the kind in Nashville, for a situation, which he ob tained, as a salesman, and remained with them six years, with a salar.v beginning with six hundred dol- lars per year, which was gradually increased to two thousand dollars. It was here that his views of bus- iness began to widen. Twice a year,. during this pe riod, he was sent out by his employers as a drummer through Middle Te ssee. Often regretting his own meager opportunity for an education, when only twenty- one years of age he save to Rev. W. I>. Chadick, of the Cumberland University, at Lebanon, Tennessee, five hundred dollars from his earnings, to aid in the endowment of a professorship in that school, hoping that thereby some young man like himself might be benefitted. t 'miceiv ing a desire to go into business fin- himself, in yet a wider field, he made up his mind in a single night to go to New York. Having learned the value of lei ters of introduction, he procured these from (he Nash- ville merchants to several New York firms, ami on pre- senting them wa- offered a situation bj each house. Informing himself of their respective characteristics, he found one firm, S. I!. Chittenden & Co., a reputed anti-slavery house, which had no southern trade To this house he offered his services, hoping to build up a custom from the South which would show lor itself, the firm agreeing to give him live thousand dollars for the first two years, and a partnership thereafter, on Condition (hat he realized his expectations. He re- mained ill New York hut one day. when he returned to canvass the southern States in the interest of this house. Succeeding beyond hi- expectations, at the end of two years he received his live thousand dollars and the partnership in the firm fir three years, hut after he ■2'M IM10MIXKXT rKXXKSSKAXS had 1 •. .mi ilui.' about two, wars ho mot Mr ilosepli II. ' The lollov rom n letter written h> Mr. I' the linn of - l the Memphis I8ti4, will show liis \ sit ion ai thai time B\ I miry. 1 do not ville. who iohl hitn he hail sold ont at Charleston and mean an attaehment to some particular spot, because in to Memphis, and named him to go with him, we max happen to have lived upon it, :i* for instance, which, after much persuasion, Mr Moore reluctantb v; pi, hut an abiding love of the Mr. Cliittcmh > his w ith ouutry." drawal iVom the firm. paying him sixteen thousand dol- In May. 18(ir>. he introduced, in a mass meeting iu i hiv interest, Meni| of resolutions, accepting the results ol The firm of Shepherd ,V Moore was estal the war. During the war. he was made military alder- Memphis, in December, ISo!>, and had a is man in Memphis. year in IStiO, hut the war coming on unox- In 18(58, ho was a I slature on him, tli. the platform of " reduced taxes. Sen tor and suffrage." among count r> merchants, The partners i and was the fourth man on the list, hut as there were in their political views Mr. Shepherd was aim three to he elected, and the third man had not taken the in, while Mr \l who "iron-clad oath. Mr. Moore was, by law. entitled to natural horn I nion ma sly in the seat, but desiring to take no advantage of an infbr- elined the other wa> Vfter : was mality. he wem to Xashville. was sworn in and then passed b\ the Southern t'oufederaey, Mr Shepherd impelled (iov, Urownlow to order an- te the (' in ns you would have others do to you." His creed is personal control, o he tin kepi oul of public corpora besl expressed in th nplet: t ions and com panics lie was al one timo a member of " For modes of faith, let graoolost onlol llnht, the Chamber of Comincrcu, and took u proininenl pari 1,1 <"W)'t bo wrong, whosi lifo i in tho right." in ,.v.i n i,- i ,,■■ and currying ii lb gh, during its days Believing thai ever) man should worship according to jusl uller the n n lie i .1 quiet, earne 1 . ca|)ablo bus the dictates of his conscience, he entertains no preju ss man, of unimpeachable integrity, of great force of dioi aooount of religion, for Protestant, Jew or character and itrikiug individuality lie has, under Catholic, and desires, after his death, no bettor epitaph all circumstances, intained lii liuaucial and com than the six i syllables, " He did the best he could.'' morcial standing lie is also ami I decided opin He belongs to no society or secret organization hold and of outspoken convictions, frequently arraj in" the same views in regard to them as ho does toward ing himself in opposition to current public sentiment, churches not through prejudice, bul beoause he does not desire to bind himself by am oath or obligation bul never flinching from what he believes to be right. Mis patriotism take in hi whole country, and his ro His preference has always been for .1 business uuder hi^ ligion all mankind COL. EDWARD \Y. MUNFORD. M 1/ \ \ THE Munford family sprang from Knglish Welsh blood. Thomas Bowling Munford grand father of Col. Kdward VV, Munford, was a member of the Virginia House ol Burgesses from Amelia count) He left four sons, William. Richard, Thomas and James, who settled in Hart and Green counties, Kentucky. Richard Munford built the town of Munfordville; was a farmer, a merchant, and several times a member of the Kentuckj Legislature. James Munford settled in ( j-reen county. Kent uckj William Munford, father of Col. lildward W, Mun ford, was born in Amelia county, Virginia, went to Ken- tuckj when a young man, was one of the early settlers, and died :it Lebanon, Tennessee, in 1844, at the age of sixtj six. lie was a very successful farmer; 1 in who lived in his affections, greatly beloved by his family and friends, and was the peace maker of his neighborhood. Col. Munford says of his father, thai he, Albert Sidnej Johnston, and William B Munford, of Clarksville, Tennessee, were 'ally the three purest men he ever met, combining all the terner virtues with amiability and sweetness of character; true manhood, without double dealing or chicanery, and without n particle of deceit in their natures or transactions, Willhim Munford, a 1 sin ol Col. Munford's father, was a finished scholar, author of a very celebrated lite ral translation of Homer' » Iliad, which gave him a I'n rope: 1 n re put at ion ; author of other able lit erary pro ductions, and was as ociated with Henning as reportei of the decisions of the Supreme 1 rl of Virginia I see Munford's Reports, and Munford & Henuing's Reports), a library of themselves. Geoi Wythe Munford, son of William Munford, just 1 ti d, was, for many years, librarian and secretary of the State of Virginia, and was distinguished as a polished scholar and fine orator; a man of intellect and culture, universally re- spected as one of tho firsl gentle n ol' Virginia, pure in principle and refined in manners and tastes. Col. Munford's mother, una .Miss Lcttice Hall, was horn in Lincoln 1 ty, Kentucky, daughter of Thomas Ball, originally IV Virginia, bul who earl) started oul for himself, wenl to Kentucky, look up the carpen ter's trade, ai which he worked al Lexington, became a proininenl farmer and owner of a large tanner) Ho married 11 Miss Reid, of a family distinguished in the legal profe ion in the early history of Kentuck) and through his maternal grandmother, Col. Munford is c icctcd with the Marshal Is. Roids and Greens of that State Col. Munford's maternal grandfather Thomas Ball, wis a man of decided force and integrity of char acter \ cry cccenl ric n great humoi isl . uni\ cr wll) re peeled, and possessed of a con tern pi for worldl) honors. Col. Munford's mother died at her hoi 11 the farm in Lincoln county, Kentucky, when he was only five ycai old. She was a most loveable woman, very devout and her daily ha hi I was to lake her children with her into a 111 and pra) for them. When on her death bed, she pointed to heaven, and said to her husband, "meet me with the children there." She left cighl children, one having died previously: 1 I ). Matilda Munford, who die. I the widow ol' Maj. Mooney, a Uni ted States officer in the Mexican war. Her first husband was Joseph \ Hudson. She was phenomenall) gifted, brilliant with pen and tongue, of resplendent hi a uty, I had n 111 ig netisni that drew people ar I her and made her the center of attraction. Her son. Samuel, was a soldier in the Me ioan war, was prostrated with sickness in tho oit) of Mexico and the mother made her way to that city, 'sed him to health and b rough I him home, w [iich for 1 1 1 1 - was 1 he acl of a heroine, < l'i !!)-! PROMINENT TENNESSEANS Mary Jane Munford, married Albert G. Ward, in Da I lerked in his store some three months, but inty. Tei eo, near the Hermits hi- inclination ' iward the law, he read under i - .1. Munford. married three times. Though Judge Robet I Caruthcrs one year, made a journey isr l>ut one hundred and forty-five pounds, he was to Kentucky to visit the : his mother and see a remarkably athletic man. of almost superhuman aetiv- the old home, when he next joined his brother, Wil- n.sth. lie was a fine elas> i liam I!. Muuford. at Clarksville, where he studied law member of the Tenu ite From Wilsoi <• C. Boyd, at the same time that James I master of the chancery K. Bailey was a law student under Boyd. Heobtained at Clarksville, Tennessee, and died on his planta- in 1840 (before his majority), from ti.in in Kentuck : William 1! Muuford. reprc Judge Mortimer A. Martin, ami in 1841, from Judge county in the Tennessee L William I'.. Turley. He practiced at Clarksville till llr was a \ ery conscientious m d man through 1850. " reeei\ ing employment," ho says, " far beyond bis ami through, like a pur.' diamond, without fleck or Haw. merits, ' he and James E. Bailey being on one sii Hi was an elder in tl ' tcrian church, a praying, the other of t 1 1 < > — t ol the important eases in the courts devout member without affectation, with a fine, manly, there ipposite sides < >] K-ii tare, with implicit faith in the Bible and tranquil In 1S4G. he unwisely endorsed notes and bills to the confidence in the Christian religion. He literally amount of some sixty thousand dollars. Out of this walked with his God. and when he died those who knew impulsive venture he came out with the clothes on bis him said. W. man so pure, so back, bis law library, and a large amount of very valua- grand. s so symmetrical. (5), Sarah Wat- hie experience. While thus involved, he told his bride kin- Muuford. rennessee's fa- elect that it money was essential to her happiness she in. hi- Whig oral I nited States senator, must discard him. She nobly replied, she would marry This lady was (anion r fine :v mini and not his estate. In IS49 they married. She humor, her fund of - her charming manner was Miss Vnielia A., daughter of Paul -I. Watkins, of of relating family histories, ami her i i nter- Alabama, tainiii" company by her brilliant conversational powers, In December, 1850. Co] Munford moved to Memphis and yet was withal a superb - woman, (li). and practiced law there till 1858. with the exception of Munford. died early in life. (7 . Kitty Ann 1858 54. which he spent on his plantation in Lawrence Munford. '•• Mil.- McCorkle. who formerly county, Alabama, for the sake ol his health. In 1855, represented Wilson the Legislature, a very liis wife died, leaving him two children, oue having died prominent physician, distinguished in his profession. i the mother's death. Thesole (8) Bichard Munford, died early in Edward surviving child, Paul Edward Muuford, lived to be W Munford, subject of tliis sketch. nearly twenty-one years old, and died in 1S73, having Edward W Munford was born in Lincoln (now Boyle) made a most enviable business reputation. In 1858, county, Kentucky, near Danville, October l'i. 1820. ('..1. Munford closed business in Memphis, having made Edward was placed in the primary department of ('en- , sal sfai l rj fortune, with the intention of taking his ter College. Danville, at eight years old, and among bis son, Paul Edward, to Europe t>. he educated orally, were John C. Breckinridge and Beriah particularly in the French ami German, but tin war M igoffin. the latter, afterward governor of Kentucky. coming on soon after, he gave up the ti Edward soon became irregular, got ahead of hi Very soon after the br< of the war. be was in some studies, was advau iher classes, believed offered the command of a t, but declined it, say- everything he heard or read with blind eredulity.be- insj ;■< the men : " I do not feel competent to lead you — tiered eren <>\hl- stories, made himself a master of 1 might gel you killed, ami will not accept the trust." tin- Latin, ami I. without graduating, but with Afterward he accepted the position of major on the staff in hi- pr - o his father very 1 Uberl Sidney Johnston, joined that commaud creditable to the young student. With all liis college in Oc 3t»l, at Bowling Green, and served with learni lit the multiplication him till he was killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. "The English grammar i greatest man the South had fell that .lay. -a : .lay being exceedingly del'. - to Mi nfi fd, "and Shiloh was the only battle 1 waseverin the r ut 1835. hi- father came on a visit where true military genius was displayed by thi to 1 hi- children. Mrs. -lam.'- s, mander He served in tin- campaigns in Tennessee, -.1 Munford and Mrs Kitty Mel ! Ed- Mississippi. Alabama and Georgia, and with the Army ward accompanied him. ami the latter was entered at of Tennessee generally : was in the haul.- of July 22 Cam pi under Be\ Thomas \ ami 28, IS64. at Atlanta, ami in many minor engage- terward pr Cumberland Cniver-ity. to per- ments, not nei mention in this sketch. In feet hi- E [dies, Euclid ami the natura l-ol. he was by President Davis euces. Oi m of his brother, William l> Mun- the military court of the department of which Gen PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. _".C) Dick Taylorwas chief, aud in thai capacity served till the close of the war. After the war, he became a director in the Carolina Life Insurance company . al Memphis, of which Jeffer sonDaviswas president. His physical health being too feehle to justify regular practice of the law, be moved in McMinnville, in 1^72. as president of the Tennessee Company. In 1877, he moved back to Memphis, and in 1880, back again to McMinnville, on account ol litil- ing health, and i here set i led for life, and is »w so stput and robust as to not appear a day o\ er fifty years old. In L867, Col. Munford married at Memphis, Mrs. Man E.Gardner, widow ol' William Ross Gardner, a liuetenant in the United States Navy, a meritorious officer, who had served through the war with Mexico with considerable distinction. Mrs. Munford is the daughter of John Kerr, an old merchant of Augusta, Georgia, wli" removed to Memphis aud died there. Her mother was Miss Catharine Burke, of Augusta. Mrs. Munford is descended Pr Gov. Elbert, of Geor- gia, an old Revolutionary soldier. Mrs. Munford was educated at Augusta; is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and is beloved for her unswerving loyalty to truth. She is a woman of much intellectual culture and fine social character, with a face fascinating by its sweetness and innocence of expression. Hei losl a sweetheart in the wife, nor she a lover in the hus- band, and their lives are beautifully domestic and happj Col, Munford was a Whig up to Know Nothing times, when lie began voting " striped tickets." Since the war he has been a Democrat, there being no other alti rna tivc for a true southerner, lie has been occasionally appointed special judge to hold court when the presid- ing judge was sick, but with these exceptions and his military commissions, he has never held office. Re is a Master Mason, In religion, he believes in God as a Heavenly Father, but is 11011 sectarian. Nature gave him energy; a fine constitution; a cheerful, social dis- position ; a manly, generous, keen ambition to attain excellence, in hannonj with an unsullied honor, which he would inn exchange for profit, position or power, lie would never besmirch a spotless citizenship by demagogism. He wen his success by honest, hard work, and by a life of trnili and candor, and a scorn of hypocrisy and pretense, fie is a man elastic in his or •janizaiiiin, a brilliant conversationalist, an eloquent orator, with a boundless command of language, which, together with his sympathetic, friendh manners, make him a I. nun companion and a man much sought aftei as a friend. HON. AUGUSTUS H. PETTIBONE. NR I ILLE. T1IK ancestry of Augustus II. Pettibone is English Puritan. Scotch i elan ( iraut ). and French Hugue- not, lie is the sixth in descent from John Pettibone, a Huguenot Frenchman, who was admitted a freemau in the colony of C cticut, in 1658, and from whom all the American family of the name have signing, < )n his mother's side, he is the seventh in descenl from John Adden, the clerk, of the Mayflower, immortal- ized in Longfellow's "Courtship of Miles Standish." He is also a descendant of Capt. Matthew I Irani, who was the first American ancestor of Gen. U. S. I Irani, through his (('apt. Matthew Grant's) daughter, Priscilla Grant Augustus II. Pettibone's grandfather, Elijah Petti- bone, a native ol" Norfolk, Connecticut, horn iii 1748, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. from Bunker 1 1 ill to i he surrender ol' Burgoyne, ami drew a pension till he died, in 1818. His thirteenth child and youngest son was Augustus N. Pettibone, father of the subject of this sketch; horn .January 29, 1802, at Norfolk, Con- necticut; was a clothier ami cloth dresser: moved in 1822, to Ohio; built the first cloth dressing and carding mill in northern Ohio, at Newburg, now a part of Cleve- land; was sheriff of Cuyahoga county Ohio, and held several other eounl ■ offii bough 1 manufacturer of cloth. He died in 1849, in Greene county, Wisconsin, where he had removed in 1840'. He was an old line Whig, ami was noted a- a elf-taught elocut ionist ami a line reader Maj. Pettibone's mother, »"< Nancy L Hathov was horn near Burlington, Vermont, in 1803, daughter of Zephaniah Hathoway, a native of Taunton, Massa chusetts, who afterwards became a pioneer in the woods of Ohio, and died i xtensive farmer in that State. He married Mi-- Silence Alden, descendant of John Alden before mentioned, Mai. Pettibone's mother wa- a woman of decided force of character, as were ill lea- sisters Sally, wife of George Comstock ; Demari.s, wife 'if Samuel Barney, ami Hartie, wife of William Barney — two sisters who married two brothers. Mrs Pettibone was a member of the Christian Baptist church, and die. I in I - 12 leaving three children i 1 Julia, now wile of Reuben Parkinson, Bedford, Ohio. (2) Augustus Herman, subject of this sketch Lorette II., now wife of William Green Waukesha. \ \ • -in. Maj. Augustus II Pettibone, was horn at Bedford Cuyahoga couuty, Ohio January 21, 1835 He attended I ' Col and Ex I ! • farfield rKo.MlNKNT IEXXESSE vN- - - - N .1 : ' \ ' - I he a S - - -- In IS • • - - - - - I - ; - - - \ - . - - - - - States - 576: was gress 57; ; - 5a 582 - - - - -- '•'. :' ttibone ' -- -- -hi in for internal Palmyra. ihe Christian 1 1 - - \ - ' iwyer, ier. he has had n - - - • - lithe. • urage. in: N aurally he is brave, and - man. He has been a hat lollar is worth : - - - ihe last leiter: - . - - iivid- hout a dollar. - •- - • iioruy ami ss I first at Twinsbu liss Sarah lie ssee. dy 16. ■ - - - . -- . :' - Jack- 512. Mrs i : front 5 a highly edit- ed no human n an evil her, because she _:ood- -- - - id sprigh: • By this l:'i. Herman, bom I under his father's rifted r a youth. student -—a talent which - - ndfather 1 B • pub- s in Tennessee, from 1SJ iblican na - ! - PROMINENT TENNESSE S.NS. .I()l IN K. HIT 1ST, M. D. T V [SIIVII./.I- HE Buist family uaine-is French, and was origi- nally I >e Buest . but the ancestors of the subjei > of this biographical sketch moved to Scotland, in the time of Man. Queen of Scots, where the " De was dropped and the name became Buist. Dr. John It. Buist was born in Charleston, South Carolina, February 13, 1834, and graduated in literature from the South Carolina College, at Columbia, in the year 1854. \ltor studying medicine two wars at the Charleston Medical College, under Profs. Geddings, Dickson, Frost and Moultrie, he entered the medical department of the University of New i r ork, whence he graduated M.D., in March, 1857, under Profs. Paine, Metcalf, Draper and Mutt. He served as interne fifteen months, 1857-8, in Bellevue Hospital, Nevi York, He next attended medical lectures in the University of Bdinburg, Scotland, during the winter of 1858-9. In the latter year he went to Paris, France, and was a stu- dent under the celebrated Trousseau, Nelaton, and ether distinguished professor's. In January, lstiii, lie settled at Nashville, Tennessee, and began practice In May, 1861, the war having broken out, he was appointed assistant surgeon of the First Tennessee regiment, Con- federate States army, but was promoted surgeon, May, ls(i2. and assigned to the Fourteenth Tennessee regi ment, Col. Forbes, of Clarksville, commanding, and in a few months was again promoted, this time to brigade -in -eon. and transferred to Gen. George Maney's Ten- nessee brigade, under Gen. Bragg, with which he con tinned until tile close el' the war. During the time of his connection with Maney's brigade. Dr. Buist was chief surgical operator in Gen. Frank Cheatham's division. lie was present at the battles el' Shiloh, the seven days' battles around Rich- mond, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Perryville, Johnson's retreat from Dalton, and at the battle of Franklin, in all of which he had the very arduous duties of a surgeon to perform. Several of Dr. Buist's more difficult surgical operations in the army, together with his views as to the proper treatment of wounded soldiers, both in transitu and in hospitals, are iv corded in the "Surgical II i story of the War.'' bySurgeon- Gen. Woodward, of the United States army. Dr.' Buist was left in charge of the Confederate wounded at Perryville, Kentucky, alter Gen. Bragg's fel leal . in October. 1862, and remained with them until February. 1863. After the battle of Nashville, in De- cember, 1864, he was taken prisoner at Franklin, while in charge of the wounded of lien. Hoods army, and was detained a prisoner at Nashville, Louisville and Fort Delaware, in all three months, lie rejoined the army in North Carolina, and surrendered at Greensbor ough, under Gen. Joseph Iv Johnston. 38 After the .surrender he went to Richmond, in June L865, and iii the senate chamber took the oath of alle •jiaiice to the United States. Returning to Nashville, he formed a partnership and practiced medicine one year with Dr. R. C. Foster, son of Hon. Ephraini H.Foster formerly United States senator from Tennessee. I'r Foster retiring, he next formed a partnership with Dr. John H. Callender, which continued until Dr. Callen der was elected superintendent of tic Tennesssee Hospital for the Insane, in 1869. Since that date. Dr. l!ui-t has practiced alone, giving his undivided atten tion to private practice, except when engaged in the sanitary affairs of the city of Nashville, he being a member of the city hoard of health from its foundation in 1ST I. to . I nee L880. He was at times both secretary and president of the board. lie was active in the dis charge of his duties through the cholera epidemics of IStili and 1873, and a member of the board of health during the exciting times of the threatened yellow fe\ or epidemics of ]s7s -79. He was also professor of oral surgery for three sue cessive sessions, from 1879 to 1883, in the dental depari ment of Vanderbilt University, but retired in thespring of 1883, on account of the arduous duties of his increas itig private practice. Dr. Buist is a member of the Edinborough, Scotland. Medical College Society ; the State Medical Society of Tennessee, and the City Medical Society of Nashville. In personal appearance Dr. Buist is of medium height and weight, is compactly built, has light gray eyes, and the in i Id. benevolent line of the typical physician, lie is modest and quiet in demeanor, but a gentleman of culture, rare social attainments and of great popularity. Dr. Buist married in Nashville. .Inly .'!, 1876, Mi" Laura Woodfolk, a great beauty and a rei'jiiine belle. She is the daughter of Gen. W. W. Woodfolk, ol'a lead ing North Carolina family. Her grandfather, Maj William Woodfolk, of Jackson county, Tennessee, was. a pioneer of that section. I a large planter and influ- ential man. ( ien. \\ oodfolk, her lather, was a member of the Legislature from Jackson count): served on < lo\ . Carroll - stafl ; was a man of tine ability and large fort line, being one of the richest men in Tennessee when the war broke out. Mrs. Buist's mother, 1in Ellen Ilorton. was a daughter of .Joseph W. Morton, a sheriff, count) court clerk and otherwise prominent in the early history of Davidson county. Mrs Buist was educated at the famous old Nashville Female Academy, under Rev. Dr. C. D. Elliott. By this marriage Dr. Buist has one child, a son. William Edward Buist, born De- cember 27, 1871. Dr. Buist and uifearelioth members of the Presbj teriau church Bom and raised m South Carolina. Dr. Buist ha- • \\ - - . • - - - - - - s - - - - - • - - s - - V - I \ - c - • - ? - - PROMTXKNM iTwr-i w- tion of all causes except Felonies and ejectments. ll< was then elected clerk of that court, and ti 1 Km I thai office until the abolishment of the court, under il eration of the constitution of 1834. The public career of George \V. Jones may be said to have commenced wit h the adoption of the constitu- tion of 1834, in the State of Tenm ratification by the people taking place in March, 1835, and hi- elec- tion to the house of representatives of the General Assembly in Atigustof that year. The cardinal features of that instrument, as contrasted with that of IT'.'ii. were distinctively democratic, in that it framed a govern- ment more immediately responsible to Hi.' through popular elections. This was in entire accord wttli the ruling principle "t Mr. Jones' political faith, viz.. that the people are fully capable of self-govern- ment, ami are the rightful source of all political power, ami that the honest mistakes of which they may sionally he guilty are more tolerable and of less harm t.> the cause of good government than the view which assumes the people to In- ignorant, ami would permit them hut a remote and indirect control over their laws ami the functionaries appointed to administer them. lie wa> a firm believer in the doctrine thai everybody ser than anybody. The chief duty of the I.. - tare of is.",,") was to organize the State government under the new constitution, and harmonize its law- with the principles therein set forth. Mr. Jones participated actively in that work. His service was acceptable to his constituency, and in 1>.'!7. he was returned to the popular brunch ol the General Assembly. One of the important measures of that year was the project tor the establishment of the Bank ol Tennessee, and ii was zealously opposed by Mr. Jones, though ineffectually. He had been an opponent of the Bank of the United Stale-, and was antagonistic ernmental banking institutions ou principle, and as promotive of favoritism and corruption, and the fiscal advantages claimed for them, prone to become political agencies and of dcirim.au to the public In Au-ust. 1839, Mr. Jones was -cm to the State senate from the district of Lincoln and Giles. In the meantime, the Hank of Tennessee had beeu organized, it- .apital being the State school fund, the Federal surplus revenue deposited under the act of Congress ol l-::ii with the State, ami the proceed- of two and a half million of Siate bonds issued tin- the purpose. The re- port of ii- president to the Legislature showed that one million of these bonds were -lill held by tile hank Mr, Jones promptly introduced a hill directing their return to the secretary of State, and that they should hi' cancelled by the governor of (he State. At thi- -e- siou, he opposed a recommendation of the messaj Gov. Polk, that bonds of the State should he payable in Sterling mouey, and in the citj of London and coll tributed to the defeat of the proposition in the General \--cmhl\ . Among the most signal .- while scrvn the 8 slature. was his earnest support id' a lull abolishing imprisonment for debt, and there i- none ll he recalled with a louder satisfaction than the pan he bore in obliterating from the statute hook that odious heritage from the days when the personal liberty ol tree citizen- wa- sordidly set in ihe-.alc- of dollars and cent-, and mi-lake ami misfortune Were made as infamous a- crime. In 1840. while a candidate for presidential elector on the Democratic ticket, a vacancy occurred in the office of county court clerk of Lincoln county, and the count) court, in August of that year, elected Mr. -lone- to till the unexpired term, to March. IS42. when he was elected l'\ the people for a lull term of four years. This office he resigned, however, at the J nly term of the court, in 1843, and a; the State election in the month following' was elected the representative ■>( hi- Congressional dis triet in the house :'\' representatives of the I'nited Stales, and look hi- seat ill the December follow a member of the Twenty eighth Congress. This ( 'ongress « itnessed the advent on the theater of national affairs of quite a number of men who were destined to attain distinction and exert a wide influence in subsequent years— among them Andrew Johnson, Stephen A. Douglas, Robert Toombs and Alexander 11. Stephen-. Of the subject of thi- .-ketch it may h, that while not rivaling these and other- of hi- Con sional contemporaries in brilliancy of attainments and oratorical uifts, no man preceding him in the popu lar branch of Congress, or then or since entering it, surpas-ed him in efficient usefulness as a legislator, and none of those named, and but one or two in the history of the government, ever, for so long a term of service in that body, and -o implicitly, held the confidence of an iin mediate constituency and that of the country at large. I le wa- continued in membership by sueces tions tor sixteen years, or until 1859, in the most of the elections tli ti "ii being nominal ami hi- ma- jorities always overwhelming. It i- doubtful it there is another instance in the history of Congress unless it he thai of John Quinc} Adams ami his constituency in which the relation-hip between the representative and the represented was more thorough and cordial. The most important national question, during the first ress of his service, was the annexation of Texas, of which he was a staunch advocate, and gave -upport. both to the resolution of the house of representatives on the subject, and the alternative hill from the senate, lor a commission to negotiate the matter, when the two prop ositions were conjoined. I u the Twenty ninth Congress — the first of the Polk administration— he advocated, by speech and vote, the act declaring a state of war with M.M.o. and in that ami the succeeding Congress, ar- dently supported all measures for its vigorous pro-ecu tion. lie voted for the act organizing the territory of Ori on, in which tin Missouri compromise line was |'i;m\h\i:\ i rK.WKssK w- iii nf iii. i • I! I , '■ I | Ml I •UllliTII 1 UK Ml III iiiul >ul M .11. in ui'l in tin i|.|...rt * jlllOII \ H Hi- H thru u Purine M r -I |IIIIIC- ■ in tin- di lul II • well mi the committc llu I) I ( 'oluinhia ; mi that * I li lirlil tin- i '- « iili A liraliam I. n that which In- was I'hairmaii in the « iiliin ili ii. I on ili.it I n l-.M. ili. I I. of Kclittlcl M r the liip ut' ili. with Mr. < n the 1 if the ii ii|" In tl lien- the committee with Mr Houston This l ■I |j nl I -."in. M i J 1 i .ih the -■ soiitln * Hers in the count nl II 357. In 1 -•">•';. William R, K ; i. tit thai hi- seclinii In island of I 'uh t I • h nf i. iii. • ■ Mr. 1 II ' - the official wit ix »s to Mr. K ion to th- in. Tin '' >l in his ih .- his the will of tin lid in turn su|»- lishnii • h.ir II- held thai thin liiiiii i I n Ih I ! : lure I : ■! lie held thai I ; I r.ink II r implicitly . » iili I h or the publ I and thai I h md ■ ' lai I ti rm 1 \ in Jol |'!i- phili - ■ cmmi ml tlir'>ML'li which with Mr l Mr I) i the -'•I . he III tl: - and, I I i ■ In 18*7 with ■ lli- ■ and li I : IT.NNHSSF. \XS way. An vIiil: .in opinion, of sterling good sense, of compre then ilities icter in the i';irl\ d tlit- 1 Carolina. Sim|>l all. modest in ap| - : 1 1 _ .in I'l'iiui'ii. < ' I Ml lull. £ 1 ~< IIJ>C, 01 I- ' 'ill J '1 I . knowledge of men, "(' unbending integrity, ami rated devotion i" the cause "I' popular govern- ment, die useful ami blameless records "I' both of tlieui l\ illustrate the truth, that the best type of public officials is no! always found in association with brilliant intellectual sifts ami acquirement*. Inn rather in lurid judgment, honest coin iction ami unostentatious courage. .TAMES RODGEKS, M.I\ DK Hi HXJKR^ scended from Scotch Irish \vl\ an ian. 1 lames -a 11a- uiiity. 1 man. in t lit- lii - Ix 1 I larinii -mith. lie li old intmeiil from ' • fwo 1 - were l\ in Mis.- ssippi. cinda. died nun. \ > unity Dr ; omas 1> - 'ii in 17'.' I life, ami I: \ now ille. when ii the blacks IS40. Hi- tin and rrni"\ farmer, and !''_'. 1, Elizabeth, married James Randies, from >■ county, moved to Texas and died, leaving several chil- dren. Ih\ .lames Rodgers was .born in Knoxville, Jul) 2, - s ' and lia> lived in that town ever since. He was to work until he entered Knoxville College, in which he studied some three or four years under Pres- ident Joseph Kstabrook. Leaving college, he clerked in a drug store six years, during which time he studied iue under Dr. James Morrow. He took lectures in Lexington. Kentucky, in 184:2 13. under Dr. Ben Dudley, and has been practicing medicine ever since. In 1870. the faculty of the University of Nashville conferred the degree of M. 1). upon him. on account of - ire and experience. The names attached to his diploma are a sufficient guarantee of the merit of its recipient, to wit : Professors \\ . T. Briggs, T. L. Madden. Paul F. Kve, W. L. Xichol. Van S. Lindsley, Johu II. Calleuder. W K Bowling. C K. Winston and I !i rrien Lindsley. Both professionally and financially. Dr. Rodgers has been a success, lie began life 011 mulling, and after [laying fifteen thousand dollars security money, is now in independent circumstances. He is a member of the County and State Medical Societies, of the American Medical Association, and of the National Board of Health, and has been president of the Hast Tennessee Medical Society, and of the KlIOX county Medical So- il is nobler mention to say that he st 1 by his people through every epidemic that lias visited the town: of cholera in 1854, and of small-pox during the war. In politics. Dr. Rodgers was first a Whig, but has Republican ever since the disintegration of the W big party. He was postmaster at Knoxville four - under appointment from President Grant, in 1S69. He was appointed by Go\ Brownlow State director of \ loxville and Kentucky railroad, and served three He was examining surgeon of the United States - 11 department from 1S70 to 1S83. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and lias held all the offices in the Inde- PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS 303 pendent Order of Odd Fellows, including thai of Grand Master of the State. In religion, he is a Preshyterian, was ordained elder June L6, L872, is clerk of the ses aion; has frequently been delegate to the synods, and was delegate to the General Assembly al its session in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1880. Dr, Rodgers married ;ii Knoxville, in November, L843, Miss Rosanna McMul- lin. who was born in that town, July 20, 1820, daughter of Daniel McMullin, a native [rishuian. Her mother was a McCaughan, also a native of Ireland, where she married her husband. She died young, leaving three children: (I). Rosanna, wife of Dr. Rodgers. (2). Thomas, a merchant at Waco, Texas. (.">). Isabella, who died al Knoxville, wife of David Solomon, leaving three children, William, a printer ; .lames, new ill Kan sas City, .Missouri, and Fannie, unmarried. Mrs. Rodgers was educated at Knoxville, is a Pres- byterian, and is notably domestic in her ways and habits. By his marriage with Miss McMullin, Dr. Rodgers has ten children : (1). Isabella, wife of M. C. Wilcox, who came to Knoxville from Ohio in the Federal army. They are now living at Mt. Airy, Georgia. (2). Thomas, a druggist at Knoxville: married Miss Lucie White and has six children, .lames. Margaret, Charles. Cowan. Flora and Don, (3) -lame- in mercantile life in St. Louis: married Miss Lillian Branner, in Knoxville, and has two children, (iuoi and Ruth. (I). Samuel, graduated in medicine in Vanderbilt University, Nash- \ tile now prael icing at Ml \ irj . t leorgia. (5) Charles, in the drug business, al Knoxville, (13). Wal- lace, fanning in Knox county; married Miss Jewie Jackson, lias three children, Lizzie. Rose and Jewie. (7). Anna, wife of Iv i and having the universal esteem ami confidence of his city, where he has lived sixtj six years, and of which I iresentative phy- sician, he is presented to the distinguished companj whose biographies fill this volume as a standard Ten nessce man. J. .). HARRISON, M.D. THE Harrison family is of Scotch-Irish stock, the ancestors ol this branch coming to America from "Anld Seotia's flinty glebe." Dr. Harrison's grand- father, John Harrison, moved from Virginia to Easl Tennessee, at an early day in the settlement of that section. He married Miss Susan Jackson, in Roane County, and by her had onl\ one child, .lames F. I larri son (father of the subject of this sketch ). who was horn near London, in 1809; raised on a farm . read medicine under Dr. Tom Anderson ; attended one course of lee tures in Washington City; graduated at Lexington, Kentucky, and located at Loudon, where he had an extensive practice until his death, in 1861. lie was a very positive, determined man, and upright in all his dealings and transactions in life; was an elder in the Presbyterian church; horn and raised a Whig; sympa- thized with the southern cause, and was a member ol the Masonic fraternity. Dr. Harrisons mother, net Miss Sarah l>. Merrick, was horn in New Orleans: was educated in Roane county; was a member of tin Presbyterian church, and noted for her overflowing hospitality, ami a charity limited only by her means ami opportunities for doing a 1. She died from the effect of injuries received in being thrown from a buggy at Red Clay, Georgia in 1859, at the age of forty six. and left three sons and two daughters: (1). John tlenrj Harrison, who be- came a captain in the Confederal arm), and was killed at the battle of Piedi t (2). Josiah -I. Harrison. subject of this sketch. (I!). .lames M Harrison, died at Huntsville, Alabama, ol heart disease. (4). Rachel Susannah Harrison, widow successively of Dr. I!. \\ . ^.dams and George W. Mayo. 5) Sarah Adaline Har- rison, now wife of John II VI cGhee, of Monroe county Tennessee nephew of C, M. McGhee, of Knoxville. I>r Harrison was horn in Roane (now Loud county, Tennessee, February 13, 1834, and there grew up, working on his fathers farm, and going to school in the winter i ths. He c menced the study of medi cine when eighteen years of age under his fathei al Loudon ; attended the medical department of the Uni- versity of Nashville two sessions, and graduated in the winter of 1853 I under Profs W. K. Bowling, A. II Buchanan. I'aul F. Eve, C. K. Winston. .1. Berrien Lindsley, John M Watson, and Robert M. Porter. In ls.il he located at London, associated in practice with his father, and in 1858 returned and took auothet course in the University of Nashville. He has had a successful practice ever since, including a ctensive surgical practice. He was a i tract surgeon in the . '.' > 1 PROMINENT TKNNESSK W» i "liilo during the war. hut be- that time, was exempted from l'r me .1 Mason 1. >ud n .hteen ship . - - Knights of II I'hureh. Whig hy a \^ ' en an nan. and ■ "- ■ Miss l.i . v M \ l\. H. A \ Iter l was a Miss l'i i died in lStiti, at Hunts '. - ■ at SI l»r which occurred at -7 Miss Man B. M - II MeCray. v. - ate army, and afterwards ral. Her mother. Miss Galbreth. was a daughter of Rev. Johu T. I ialbreth. a Methodist preacher. Mrs. Harrison is the elder H sisl ■:•. Alice MeCray. is 1 le, a tanner in Monroe county, Mrs Harrison was educated in Bishop - - hool in (Jeorgia.and is a Presbyterian. Her crowning charm • - to make home home-like and < table, am! to raise her children correctly. She he reputation - i kind and di ility as between her step- daughter and her own children. She has bori children, all horn in London : Frank Rhea. Henr> M . Fai \ Joe •'.. Thomas 11.. Km inett M.. and John McUhee. IV. Harrison has made a success in life by self-reli- His father had accumulated ■ • inds and uegroes, r whieh was swept away by the war. or went i rit> debts. This left his childrei life where he hi _ •. about nothing. Dr. Harrison, there- has made what he now ss ssi - by faithful and nt attention to his - n. to whieh he has exelus - nine, his talents and his in- fluence. ANSON NELSON. Til IS _ - s voltil without a title, but as he has my man in the author is half-ten in, Ans \ \ than honest i ss - - - him the unlimite -- \ - tch that \ - - Auson Nelson, the He Sas - - - \ - . ■ , \ - - or checks more than two hundred thousand times, and - -nature has ever been protested or thrown out vf bank or unpaid on demand. In all this immense business with officials and private iudividu; - s said no corn- has been heard, either on accouut ttlement. - - at— iudeed. ity. he had bond in the sum in fifty th - nty-five thousand dollars. while - m one thousand five -.nd dollars per annum. j Mr. Nels - - ntial, t diffidence: but when duty or honor demai - - - -- ind unflinchingly faithful to him. The net re- sults - - - not honest from - to do right for right s - long a time in the - the public, iu \ - I termined I he ha :. and in the f Nashville." returned to them, with clean bands and unsullied name, the trust they had PROMINENT TENNESSEANS, imposed upon him: "It has become generally known that I am not a candidate for re election to the office of Si: \\- ively lor so long a period, now in office. Before the war, Mr, Nelson served as revenue collector over eight never had any opposition for either treasurer or collector, except on one o< easion A- treasurer, Mr. S hi lias liandled over half a million dollars a year, making about fifteen millions during the fourteen in office. Hi- bond has been variously fixed at from thirty thousand dollars to seventy-five thousand dollars, which he has never had any trouble in making. The bond at the present time is fifty thousand dollars. His tnts have been passed on annually by an auditing committee, with tin exception of the past year, which "ill be done in a few days. In retiring from the office In 1 desires to tender hi- profound gratitude to all the members of all councils during the time he has served, and to the citizens of S'ashville, lor the continued con lice anil honor shown him." The cvenii i-said: '" The announcement that Mr. Anson Nelson ha- determined to retire from the service -I' the city is received with regret a- deep as it is universal. For fourteen years ho ha- faithfully dis- charged the duties ni treasurer, receiving and dishurs ing millions of dollars, and during that long period not "iic word of criticism of In- official anion has uttered. His close attention to business and his affa- bility toward all with whom he ha- come in contact, won I'm- him tin- hearty commendation and the uo.nl will of his fellow officials, the conductors of the government and the general public. Wearied with years of con- stant toil. Mr. Ncl-on will short]; n.l lake a rest, to which he is ju-tly entitled, ami which hi- friends hope will be full of enjoyment, li i- his intention to resume work in another spher eral months hence, and we cordially join the citizens of this city in wishing him the greatest success The Artisan contained the following tribute, which but reflects the love and sentiments of thousand- of his t' How citizens " As a rule the resignation of a public occurrence) is no loss to the public service, but ally there is a very marked i tion. One of these is the resignation of An-. \ a- city treasurer. His experience and knowledge of that office would have been of very great value to the new government, and hi- example as an honest ami upright financier, of inestimable worth, for twenty two consecutive years he has served this city, eight as collector, and fourteen as treasurer, and hut for his refusal, would have continued to do so a- long as his life was spared to us. Except once, his election from time to time has been unanimous, and that time the opposition was but trifling; his unblemished integrity. ah and uprightness, ami eminent titne-s. were such that no one ever ventured to suggest a change, and after all these years of service ami handling of public funds, he retires from office without the slightest taint on his character, or a breath of suspicion attached to him. an 1 m that the strictest or most sus- picious could intimate was not justly or righteously his own, Of what immense value in these times of - lation ami shortage i- such a record . such a finaucial career and such a record is worth a- an example, and a il to tin young business men. more than a thousand as or essays'on honesty and integrity. We trust we max long continue to met him and his good wife - one of the very few mated, and not merely matched, couple- in tin- world in our daily walk, and that for many, very many years, they may together reap the hap- piness of a w.jl spent life, and w.jl earned comforts, and that fir distant may he the time when cither will lie called to mourn for the other, or to vainly long for ' Til.' touch >>:' ;t vanished h And tii<- s.'iimi of a voice that i- still.* " Mr Nelson was horn in Washing-ton county, Tennes see N 10, 1821, and spent the first seven years of hi- life in the " lliawas.-ee Purchase," now .Mc.Minn county, and at Maryville, and his next twelve years at Knoxville. When only ten year- old he entered the office of Mai. I-'. S llei.-kcir.- Knoxville Regit learn the printer's business. Vmong the boys employed at that time in the same establishment were others who cards became prominent men Hen. V. K. ZoUi- eofter, Midshipman Harrell, William fields (editor of F s .') and William Clayton, of Alabama. Having completed his apprenticeship and become a full-fledged journeyman printer at Knoxville. Mr. Nel- son went to Nashville, in 1840, and soon aftqj took charge <<( the Nashville Whig as foreman. In 1849, he bought the Daily Gazetti and established a job office in connection with it. publishing by contract the Pres- byterian Record and the IJosftrw Boatman. He pur- chased the Organ and edited that paper in the interest '•i' tern] as ad\ ocate I by tin 5 Temperance, of which order he was elected Grand Treasurer, and subsequently tilled all the higher offices of that organization. But the general public had need of his energetic ami reliable services, and, as before stated, from 1853 to 18o'2, he was, by successive elec- tions, revenue collector of the city of Nashville. From 1864 to 18b'9. he engaged in the real estate business. lion John M. Bass became receiver of the cor- poration of Nashville, which had ? u rescued from a plundering hand of irresponsibles who drifted \ i-hville during the war. Mr. Nelson was appointed to take charge of the city tax 1 ks. In ( Ictober lie wa- elected treasurer of the city by the new council, and held the office continuously until November L6, 188 In 1853. he was elected recording secretary of the -- i Historical Society, and has held that office e\ er since. In 1880, the society had hi- portrait painted and hung in the library room of the State capitol, in appreciation of hi- services a- their secretary for twenty-five years. At the organization of tin Mt < »' I -cry com- PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS :so7 pauy, in ls,V)— tlic principal burying ground of the city — he was elected a director of the company and is still a director. He was instrumental in building the South Nashville street railroad, in 1865 the firsl street rail- way in Nashville — and was president oi the company the first year of its existence. He was a director in the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad company for three years, under the administration of Hon. M. Burns, its president, and was one oi the executive c mittee for the term of his directorship. He was a director of the Second National Bank oi Nashville, in ls(i."> 6, He was one of the board of managers of the city's Centen- nial Exposition, in L880, and prepared and bad read by W . K. McAllister, jr., esq., a sketch of the history of Nashville for its first one hundred years. That sketch, with the author's addenda, was deposited in the corner- stone of Wesley Hall, at Vanderbilt University, in 1881. A Statistical View of Nashville, a magazine article by Mr. Nelson, was deposited in the corner-stone of the State Capitol, in 1845. He is vice-president of Good- man's business college, Nashville, and for thirty years, has been one of the business advisers of Mrs, ex-Presi- dent James K Polk, For forty two years Mr. Nelson lias been a member of the Baptist church, for twenty-seven years one of its deacons, and was for four years its Sunday-school su- perintendent—during the war. In 1847, be became a .Master Mason, and has taken all the degrees up to and including Knighthood. For many years he has been treasurer of Phoenix Lodge, No. 131, Nashville, and has served as Warden in the lodge, and as King in the chapter, lie is also a mem her of the Royal Arcanum. He was an old line Whig until that party ceased to exist, but since the war, has eo operated with the Democrats. He was a delegate, in ls,">7. from Davidson county, to the State convention that nominated Gen. Robert Hatton for governor. Mr. Nelson first married, in Knoxville; February is, 1840, Miss Eliza Ann Grady, a native of Hawkins county, Tennessee, daughter of John Grady, a farmer, of a Virginia family. She was a handsome woman, of intelligence and strong convictions, and a member of tin' Baptist church. She died at Nashville. February 1. 1866, leaving one son, Henry, horn in Nashville. No \ ember I'o. 1844; educated at the Nashville high school ; was at onetime auditor of the Nashville and Chatta- nooga railroad, and previously a clerk fin- the Adams Express company; married Miss Henrietta Cheney, daughter of II. .1 . Cheney, and maternal granddaughter of Col. Samuel D.Morgan, the noted wholesale mer- chant of Nashville. He died December 12, 1879. Mr. Nelson's next marriage, which oceurred August li. 1868, was with the lovely Miss I'aiinie Dickinson Howell, eldest daughter of liov. Robert Uoylo C. Howell, D. D., the famous pastor of the first Baptist church, id' Nashville. She was born December 29, 1838 educated at Nashville and Richmond, Virginia ami is a spirited lad} graceful in person and inn r and noted for being a fluent and elegant writer, having contributed articles, occasionally, both prose and poetry, to the newspapers and magazines. She reads French and German, understands music thoroughly, and is a very devoted member ol the Baptist church. In the ladies' weekly devotional meetings of that church, she is a leader, and has 1 n for several years past In the Sunday-school she is also a teacher, having a class of some fifteen youiiji men clerks and students in the normal and dental and other schools of the city, the} attending that class on account of her intellectual vigor and high culture. Withal, she is a thoroughly domes tie woman. Dr. Howell, her father, was born in Way sounty, North Carolina, March 10, 1801; died at Nashville, April 5, 1867, and was followed to the grave le. an immense concourse of his fellow -citizens, who respected, loved and venerated him, He was one of the most re- markable ministers of his times. In his pulpit, whether praying or preaching, he was a magnificent man. of varied and profound learning, and of deep and un- doubted piety. In his style 1 of oratory, hi' was a man to whom one had to listen with his eyes. No man of his day in Tennessee did so much to increase the num- bers of the Baptist denomination, to make it respec- table, or to elevate the standard of ministerial educa- tion. An evidence of Dr. Howell's personal popularity is found in the fact that he performed the marriage ceremony fir five hundred and forty-six couples. lie was, for forty years, a distinguished divine in Virginia and Tennessee, and was the most celebrated Baptist preacher in the South. lie was also the author of a number of valuable works. One of his published vol- umes, "Terms of Communion," went through several editions in the United States ami four in Great Britain. Besides a number of pamphlet addresses on various oc casions, he was the author of " The Deaconship," "The Cross," "The Covenants," "The Way of Salvation." " Evils of Infant Baptism," and "The Marly Baptists of Virginia," standard dei inational works. One of his unpublished works, "The Christolog} of the Pen- tateuch," may yet be given to the public Mr* Nelson's oldest brothel'. Alfred T. Howell, is now" a lawyer near (Iranlierry. Hood count), Texas, Her brother, lion. Morton I!. Howell, a lawyer at Nashville, was formerly clerk and master in chancery, and mayor of Nashville in [874, and is a gentleman of much culture ami line literary attainments. Her brother, Robert II. Howell, for a long time a leading publisher, is now secretat'} of the ((man A Stewart Sinn,' company. Her brother, Joseph T. Howell, is cashier of the Fourth National Bank. Nashville. Her sister. Jennie Howell, is now wife of Rev. Dr. I>. W. Gwin, pastor of the first Baptist church. Atlanta. Georgia. Her sister. Anna Howell, is now wife id' Dr. I'KOMIM'NT fKNNKSSK v.\s . Hollow ell phj sit i in ill i . In \ shv ille | Howell ■■ ' I sh,\ , business malinger ol' the \ 1 illo .S utrnal. 1 II l'o\ . •; 1 1 i ■ ■ Mrs Nol Mi Nel m's paternal aneestt\\ is of Kuglish exi II H ti'.v man Nelson, was, how l>oni in \ ■ a laniirr and a patriot sold ili,' IJe\ oln Mr Nelson s till Iter I ' Nelson, ».b 11 uativ e ol' Vii N 1 1 ■. i : an, I lliere followed his oeeu|>!itioi> as a millwright an, I titty tiv e 1 1, was a Iviptist ami a W l\i II. Ii id an extreme fond in 1 " lor 1I 1 and went one nip w iili the celebrated Hr. C on bis v through Kast Tennessee, m order 1 that direction, an mneli 1 mm ol' his knowled its minerals, lie left l>nt little prop • n has humorously remarked, " lie bad ill,' lienor of h ami has kepi his inher n Miss I loward I , N ■aili m Kilts, 1 imih \ ■ ! 1 \ form 1 \ \ Care ina, She died in Iowa, at 1 owes his first love of learning to Iter, though she lonnd n him an lor know lodge and for I'roni earliest chihlli Ke\ W illiatn \ Nelson, IV I) North ina, is a hrother n \li \i Xel His hrotlier, W, \ Haniel I! Nelson, is a retired minister in Henderson county, North Carolina His brother, lohn 1 1.'" \ m, is a I'armer .11 I'arinon illo, I hi Vnother l>rother, II. II. Ni U: liland, Iowa, is one of the three super \ iknk comity, Iowa, ami still another hrother, Samuel K. Nelson, is a farmer ai IVIta, K kuk county, Iowa. Ol his stsua-s | Nelson died the wife of Mr. Stone, at Rlooinington, Illinois, lea\ ing two children; ami Mary Nelson died in Iowa, wile of Mr. v hildren In personal ap \\ N m may he described medium hi in pact 1\ built, and , ; ' ml en,' ! po m.'is \ study et his portrait shows a projecting brow, keenness of p id corrugated with tho of earnest thought. II m is that et' in tentuess, as it' following Solomon's advice, " Let thine eyes look right en, ami thine eyelids straight b • ' iitlil at once proclaim him a man of fixed et' charat incially, he has been a fail • man who seems never to have " made haste to be rich, or even ti suite. When be first entered public office he adopted for his \ rather to he chosen than great • and this his greatly intlueneed his lite, ami, in nun, the influence of such a man must and will sun ive li i 111 tor genera! HON P. W. E\ • !0\ 1H-W Iff t 'I. IN l'i'\ SKNTKU, . March .' the s \\ to leek e, ■ntitry He .111," ' ■'. _ 11, • '.', under tl I' \\ :n a IK- » I SENTKR, sted by the Confeder- ate authorities and made the grand southern tour, as a six months. Returning heme and remainiii ce months, lie \ md remained there until quiet was pai- rs! occupation, \ alien of the State government in s ■ S senate from the eoun- \ I nion, Claiborne and I from the same counties, and when thai ' ' 5 SI , ted to the Cnited v v . S filled out his uu < uhernato- •• of 'I'enn, --. In ';• nor by the people by the thousand w lliam 1> Stokes This campaign was one I'KOMI I. Illl I m him i notahh in fchi i of 'I'' mi' The differ* ecu (h id hi enmi Dll tllC fl'llIM for tile repeal of tin law upon ' In ground i hai i/i.ii. On hi hi nli .' hold p| i tel ! iitfl |l".|H .' mill hi from the hai if men •■■■ h hei to il li oppri don and hitt A li' i iidueed the Li i utional com ■ hi ion "l IWl - li In hud i-i' vi to the ri organization of ' i menl in tin hand of loj »l men Hi* pal i fcali ehalli dowi '.I ■ I with a change of ' In wd ciremi ■ !' the ),• ople mid tin iipietion ol ( ii la rni i i ed in the li'/M-i of repn and three and a hall Prior to I and ■ d in the prim dvocatcd hj ' I !■ I J)| public fhr .hi; oflii I II I --.I'll im the Lincoln and John *on I 1 I !' .... .ii feeling* thai he d from pol HeCtiOIJ Upon llilljx -If 'il from lit ■ f ; lie ' whom hi faithfully. 'I'll', u'li .i mow thing dd he 1 thout would confidence in tl can peoph i ' althy and ii 1 -I,, ('I,, , from I di il,, i „,, i , ; ■ tO III'- mull ever in Ka 1 •li' i ill of 1 1 I ll< hie for I hold mil addii fine liionuhlc i he 'I ipiaotily and nicer buttci than n the conn 1 ■I and old and died i TcmicKxei ''.>.;,'■ lie 1 1 1 < tin of the 1 I and I in church. Id \ ■ - - - - E . • ! - I : !■ - - .... - - • - i PROMINENT it\\in. Tl 1 1 - I i ■ i ' I I K. M \ \ o ■ f- <. I'UOMINKN'I M. S'NI "i W- ter "i Kichard Fleti h( r i oal * : \ • ill. i - in \ died in children, nine "f w I sun ived hci I ■' M \| .lolill Malonc Dr. John I! M in i d ns M (5 I ' i I Martini Moon whu died the wife of John M N l (7 Matth M I iias K Mooi was raised at II untsvilli i hoi • \ he )»■■_•: 1 1 1 the stud) of medicine uiili his hrotli •T i >li ii I! M i Ii him iv ivcnt to tl i Ivaniii l in the spring of 1842, under I'rols, Dudley, liush, Mitchell, X. It. Smith, Cross and I'eter Itctun hi. in .1 inn'. 1 fi 12 I fterw urd renn l!uli\ I mil permanently located, w In has practiced ■ now fort} four years. Ili- the war he invested his surplus income in laud and in finan- cial success, and tlii. i twithstandi I that tin' Ii fraternitj is not protected in I udinc in so-called physi tall) i miietcnt, hut patron tin- comity of the neighborhoods where they live. Whether the Legislature or tin- uiedi ision i- I. or rather so badly misi ■ no i. yet i' I'll Mini life in. in w ith- n h stly earned diploma should be allowed to ■i. I that ilir standard of i|iialifii fur :i diploma should be measured by the ra - I'll.- -kill. . and learn I ' Nl M widely appreciati .1. 1 •• ■ 1 1 » i ininill him, but I ken min I 1 1. ■ ill. hi I I in ISoliviir in .1 1 .' 1 1 Mi M I! II M Dr. M issippi, March 2 M • III M l . II. T Hi Ln.-ii •' i [)ecemh( r 25, 1 S7U born M I' the South - I I I M stand* i half inches in I • two hundred and twenty-five pounds. II lure- hit -i i- that ..I' :i ii lilli in hi* and . II with much of ill.- milk of hum. in kindness in his DAVID JOBE G1BS< >X, M. I'. Till' I. ill: what i- now Jol ! in Hi it Hi. Dr. (i • Ii the W In. Ii III other childi I'ltO.MINT.NT I i:\\l-l \ lit unil « 1 1 I) ill. lii-i - ■ with liiin I : MLsS j« I 1 ■ ■ i ■ Luke \ -h. , ill. \ lor tl I I! hi. n luis it ; in lS"i I r i | Mel >iSI : is ii in h, mid n. Ii. in. I.' ii ii I' I - II ' ■ tile Wnii . - ■ "^ I i - ami leader nf the .1 M --i.in.in I'll nt' I uiti * liir :i|.|.li i .1 -1 ~ -I --.V I liir .lohii \V. Heron, M.I' ' n Knglish- iii. in li_\ liirtli. ami in M r. followin ,i|i him t'.ir I' I nuler tin i l.ni | .i.-.- nt' the |'i i M ■ I s .Inlin 1 1. Ill ;, i . il>-.. lie .-Ii :ii ili. -I ■ \-lmi ille. II ieeii an eliler in that chureli tin I I'aviil -I liibson. jr., bom . 1-7:; hi i. Iismii married, lirst. in A >lina. 1'lie < I iLs shire, now ■ shed for those sterlin 11 i.l.i 1 1 . ni . \ |\ ind truthfulness, ami t..i ■ tin- | r I ■ turned M M \ikin want awaj from In- lily by Mrs. (I i ' 1 iik the I ruth, hut uniformly ni id. r the I ' i lint w Ihii- ivork, in w Inch • told them |ii in in ri;M\ii\i:\ i itwi ssk w~ 1 when ■ i child I ihph know n :i- .1 <>li ii ' I "ii w liui • l.irin III' » llf I'Mll I ' I'l 111 mil kiinl llj tu tli. Hi-Hi ■ I. -nil. H nli - i les thai lii- mother -mil k lut i her, ■ ' if the few illel i" ilii- i- in tin i. ' ■ K • whom In- 1 ■!••_■ i 1 1 .Ii i ■ i- thai he 1 1 . \ ii disol \ II honor an. I bli the promise to sons » ho thus Ii father anil mot In - lied ill tli the mother of bul hild, the subject "I ilii- -I. Iioul iuhi In- i- now in sidcrahlc n ' much 'I pride thai some young men hecome failures, hul from i- -. the law ..I thrift. Di ' i k in i In- world 1 1 in. I in I ■ .in.l .n II child li.i|.|.> hj ii kiln to .i fault He I. ■mI plentiful I. it inii-i he itscll u'l ;i hup ludecd, > i liuii'lri .1 thousand such in IH»Y < BARLES BRYSOS SIMOS l"N Tli K follow iphical -I ■ harles Simonton, oi f the most distinguished .-nil) promising of i hi ample of v i do t.. rise superior to lii- circumsuinci -. and, bi merit whii : npcl publi ■ .in inherited maul I Ii i- .iiit t i|\ so when flu- id w hen i hi ord will i and insl Charles B - irenl ! i unity. I S rand 1 I III. I :ll I IT."'? when bul w ith I tiled in ^ 1 I Littli I four || tophi - ' ' .nun 1 1 \ id Mississi| I 'i.-k-uii and Bow V larj : n day in - in .1 the i I names that Im e figured in useful i (f the latter, no ,.| In- people, than I II. S -,,ii nf l i : - B if wealth their children I 'Iih les. II. S fourth I ( 'aroli I !■ mid I iMISKN \- : all .1 \ I ' Miss K i' - i limil tlir S ■' three in the lii in ' Hi ■ 1 - I • M : n i ' i . ■ I ' McDill. ■ I 1 1 : i ■ NICK I' RICHARDSON, Mi' 1 1 - ! I 1 I 1 1 I I I > I eh ilil i 1 ■ ■ | i II I ' ; i • ■ ' i I ' II I i I.I) ! ■ linchc. Mutter, IJ ' ■ ■ Dr. 1 1 -i I II i | ii. x| in tli' i J \\- lln\ III. »\| VS < Ml -I 11 I - 1 1, Hi. ■" \ II (III' ■I l> \l I I I ■ •I I ' I ' \ 1 II. * and li IK M ill. \ : 1 hi* lm>tl Mr>. 1 .1 ii M urn \ Hon •' .li M \\ id. 1 s II. 1 in ! M CWo^S— - dt. ff> 6a46,' n:u\||\i m i i i i ! ' I I I i 1 Wlicii 1 1 ' I ■nd i Mi' 'I I ■ \ ln- i I n I Hcud I ' hi. I I: li he 1 1 i In- i ..I il. Dyer, I I In till tin 1 1 : r li. I -, I '. 1 II II I I I I I I : 1 1 Bill] II with • \ri. r.i.vi \\n\ i\ ii m.i.i.i: Bll \l.ll i: PBoMINKNT I'F.N \ — \\- ton In M there :. '11:11'- ill hatnl ' and other tile hieh place ho retained until when ho wont into t: my, ho " Shol whioh afterward became \ l\ nnesseo infantry regiment K I' \ ; with that command \ -; w lion hi icd. ho merged into tho "Sampler \ tho Thirty-eighth ■ ■ 1! F \\ this 01 nini:iinl 1: till after tho haul S when tho company « dota< hod and as- I arm hat lumbus.and ihoro ("apt. Ilallor was ' ■ ,„.„ . Hooding from M liau Mississippi, and remained tin till early in - ■ - -- ,lv.. ■ ith him remained till - .">. w lion tho at ■ Ilallor returned to Mow] hi; - • ; ,n : tho ensuing tall, hut altov February H in , j. in whioh he tinned i - try and ''•■ uv. v ' u, . v " ^ N . v - _ r . wars in tho army, ho ha- rison t'rotu - - an a thousand and tinam and ,' ion. but hy hard work, hy lak- at ho ma's - txvolvo . - !1 " n ol 1U< ' bank- rupt i\ ho ha.- tho .1 a niokol - behind v :i- him. Mis '•' tho » with tho 1 ■ '. - - is also his tortus • s Mas I 11 > . i Utah r lu- Stato of Temiesi x nl Ma-tor of tho (Irand Council Select ) e: tirand Pres idem of tin High Priesthood of Tonnes tirand Commander of Knights Templar of Tonm - 1 S sh Kite . ha- had tho hon- I on him. of Knight Commander: i ith tho rank ^i' Inspector licncral. uu) is tieneral (irand Principal Sojourner of il tiran.l Chapter of tho I'nitod Stan- I oral tirand Beoordor "\' tho (ionoral tirand Council of tho I'nitod S - epresonts tho (irand Commandery tho jurisdiction id' Tennessee, and also • land ('on mil of Maryland in the tirand Chapter, and tho tirand l.odgi ' fexas. and member ^i' tho standing committee on Appeal- and rand Lodge of Free and Accepted M - Ilallor marrii I Moi his. Oi tohor 10. : - !• MissClemmie Fisher. daught< x i '■ ^ Fisher. i Shelby and Fayette counties in tho State sonati throe terms before the war. He illy from Pennsylvania, and was a wealthy planter Her mother i- now living in Memphis at tho ihi M ; - llallor's brother, John II. .. a cotton buyer at Memphis, married Miss Bet four children. Cora. Henry. Thou - Mrs llallei - sister, Kluabeth Fisher, died in 1SS.">. wit, of d (' Johnson, leaving children, Ida. Carrie. Kdwin. Lily, Anna. Wil- liam and I - lister loft a reputation, almost national, for her liberality to the poor, and for being an effective worker in benevolent enterprises. She was lent of the Woman's National Christiat \- n tho time o( her death Mrs Hal'!,: - - - I ira Fisher, i- now tl hn K. liar- - 'no child living, John It. Her - 'ishor. is the wife of B u - Memphis. By hi- n th Miss I Miller has horn July 11. i at Memphis. llallor's father. I' V\ Ilallor. was •.il Wytln \ 1S00 \tter taking raduatod in medicine at Jeffer- \ Philadelphia. stinguished \ nia: married at Lib- \ - ttlod at Marion. Yir- iiod in Wit*, while on a visit to his alland Ilallor. in Texas He loft nine children. B . Mary, 15 land. Jai \\ , Jane i I bert II. Woodson), min 1' . - - - ■ " v M - \\ Hi; ins f North ,i ' alland Halh v Smith's W llaller. was killed in battle, in i o iilinm v PHOMTNKNT TKNNKSSK \NH in i 57; Mary Hallei died in 1850 it Tazewell, C 'I disLi-ir-i n i,ln Virginia Legislature a number of terms. hou i \ ii "iin. i u ife of Dr. J. li. Doak, lea to tin Edmund on of lialifa i children, Nannie, William, llecsc and Rachel Pour to tin if Danville and the M man of I'ill of the brothe 1 in the Confederate arm two I till of English iIchcco I md among the i with Stonewall Jack on Richard -I and Jame !■' ettlei of tin Old Dominion Ol < '.. ( .i Hallei I l.i II' i tin i i' i i inajoi teriial 1 1 r i < • I . h ' C'apt. Mailer' mother, wk Mi \nn Kullerton H'ehh The character of (,'apl llaller nni I" Johnson was the daughtci of Richard Jo i il from the fad that In Iin in ei el lasted one d Liberty, Virginia, and grand-daughter of Maj. Jame*, beer or ardenl pirii i,l' the Revolutionai inn vho died in Kebru cptcd a* a factor in 1 li i 1827, and maternal grand-daughtei of Maj White, the pi |diei to msi also of the Revolut : I Her the editor feel itfi in i in . cnl brothci Jame P. Johnson ra i p linenl la ei through foui eai ci ice in the army wi thou i and politicii t Liberty, Virginia, and rci id his ■■ bi iduccd to bci tin item REV. JOHN BUNYAN SHEARER, M. A.. I). I). THIS i nun' mi i heologian edu bol professor of biblical instruction in the Soutl ern Pre byti rian I I at Clarl ■. ille, Tenin a mi bor of " Bible Com i fyllabu a Pi dated C of Stud in i he English Bible, etc properl taki rank ;i m< >n " the I no I Chri iin. educal f i he South. John Bun; an Shearei « a born in A ppom countj V n "iin. i -I ill;, 19 I 332, and ri ci i cd his pri i ation in I inion \ cadem; in tl II' mill b Henry V. Bocock (brother of Hon Tli'ini;.- V BoCOck . I In- distingui 111 tl CO II ) "li the principle of learning one thing al a time. I ample hi i lit Latin, excln -i\ ely, fi thirteen, until p ige of Latin cl ■ i id wit b of English : then Greek, direct, from thirteen to fifteen; then mathematics from fifteen to seventeen, when he entered the junior class of [lamp den Sidney College -I unc, I Bol under I hi pri idi nc of ' he distingui bed lie Lewis W.Green, D.D., and I' • Venablc and < li 'i li Martin. Hi tie i entered the L'niversitj of \ - i he aeadi mrse and taking I he ma ti i in 1 354, under Prol IcC Gn IJarri -nn. < ' iin.i and "t her distingui hed edm h them. A f'ter thin h ~>l 5 a- principal of Kemper's boarding school I'm- In. msville, Virginia, which positioii he lefl i" stud; theology ai Union Theological Seminar; Virginia He remained i In re threi fi om I 355 i ;radu atiiiL' the latter year, and was ordained to the ministry in December, '< to 1802, In- was pastor of the Presbyterian church al Chapel Hill. North Carolina. While a student at the Theolo Seminary, he preached I Betlih hem and ti Prince I during which time i be mi ri churches .•..I more than doub I irn 1802 to I 370 I pring Hill church lialifa outit; Vii and al the ame time principal and proprietor of the i : , . . Dr. Shearer came to T< rim 1870 at (,'lai 1 ille ;i [in ident ol Collegi ■■ Inch n In held nil from I -To to 1879 until i bal i ern Presbyterian I ni I with the institution alto • II for I -579 30 i En L'li-b literature in thai institution, but has taught biblical science during the whole period of h tion with the school I 370 to I 385 al pri enl fillii chair of biblical instruction. College o i I he Ma i f Ten ... founded il about I in'/-'. I to mei I .-. ith ferred the who paid t hi di bl of tin i and in I urn I il to ' he P nod ol Na-lr. ille, The ci med i h iioi of Prof. William M ~ > i ■ irt, who leading | md who ■ the iu-tii ution, ■_- 1 - ; j t uitously, a f natural hiev- 1 1 lihrarii md cabinets and other appli arid the buildings dismantled di N'o efforl .■ni until the ai of Dr. Shearer, in 1870 MTNKXT TKNNt-- - - -- - \ - • - - - ■ - • - - . - - .1 \ - - - - - - - - - -- - - .... - a usually - - - - - -- - - I - - more eun- ... ... - . - . . ... - - - that h we - - - _- ■ - - - - .' ... uieut PROMINENT TEN X ESSE W> 325 of the Abrahaniic covenant, through the Mosaic econ oiny. and through the later superadded synagogue sys tem, into Christianity, this last being a continuation of the organic life of the church, set up in the family of Abraham, and now become universal. Teaching seems to have been a sorl of second nature with l>r. Shearer from very early life He was eiu- ployed, when sixteen years old, as assistant in the acad- emy where he was educated ; and at the University of Virginia he was employed two years of his course b} the professors to teach their sons and daughters, besides having private classes among his fellow students during the whole of the three years he remained there. This work was whollj unsolicited on his part, but most wel- come, on account of the necessity of relieving hi- father from the burden of a protracted attendance al school. This private teaching was kept up to the end of his theological course so successfully that b} this means, and by preaching and colporteur work, he earned 1 spoiu two thousand five hundred dollars on his educa- tion, losiug only one year from actual attendance at school. In boyhood he had no bad habits— never using pro- fane language nor contracting any of the usual youthful vices. He was consecrated from birth to the gospel ministry by a devotedly pious mother, but never made up his mind to preach until his twentieth year, lie joined the church at the age of ten. From fifteen to nineteen he had a varied religious experience, in which he encountered all the difficulties, doubts 1 battles of Ids life. Since coming to Tennessee, Dr. Shearer has uol had a regular pastorate, though, in 187] 72, he had charge of the Presbyterian chvirch at Clarksville. While he never misses an opportunity to preach a sermou, and in fact preaches nearly every Sunday, most ot bis work is missionary work. Dr. Shearer is descended from Whig ancestry, bul since the disastrous results of secession, has advocated Democratic doctrines and politics. He, however, draws his views of republican government largely from the model divinely given in the Hebrew c mon wealth, and iii w hieh. he holds, is to be found all ihe safe guards of civil and social liberty, in perfect adjustment; that apart from the theocratic features of the Hebrew com- monwealth, there is found the earliest and highest form of a confederated republic of sovereign State- (the twelve tribes), with perfected constitution; and, that the exacl adjustments of their executive, judicial and legislative bodies have been unequalled by any republic of mere human origin. \ proper understanding of these things, he insist.-, furnishes a safe guard against the Jacobite on the one hand and a licentious de i mo on the other; and, besides, in that commonwealth wa> found the only perfect adjustment of civil and ec- clesiastical law, which secured liberty of worship on the one hand and freedom from priestcraft on the other. I>r, Shearer married, in Prince Edward county, Vir ginia, September 5, KM Miss Lizzie Gessner, who was horn at Minister. Westphalia, Germany, Novem- ber 10, 1832, the daughter of Johan Gessner, who , no igrated to Texas, where he died in IS39. Her mother was Katrina Bluinenthal, with no blood-kindred li\ iii— The same is true of Mrs. Shearer. A lady of indomitable energj and perseverance, her husband as cribes to Mrs Shearer no small part of his success in life, and he is frequently guided by her judicious counsel, and aided by her strong womanly help. She shares absolutely in every project he undertakes, and cutes it as her own. They have do children, but their house has 1 n Idled with the childrei of others during almost the entire period of their married life. The siek, the suffering and the poor bless her in ever} community in which she has ever livi d The family name. Slu arer. is Irish, but it came through William the ( 'on. pier to England, and the Irish ances tors of the family In America are descended from mem- bers of Cromwell's famous [ronsides, whom he settled in Inland. Wherever those descendants are found, either in this country "i abroad, are found man} of the host characteristics of thai devoted hand. No one who bears the name has ever been known to disgrace it by drunkenness or any other form of vicious indulgence, The L;ra ml fa i her of Dr. Shearer, James Shearer, a sol- dier of the war of LS12, died in Appomattox county, Virginia, in ls7'J. aged ninety six years, lie was born in Pennsylvania, and married Miss Elizabeth Akers, daughter of Peter Akers. whose grandson, Rev. Dr. Peter Akers, now ninety-four years old. hut with eye uudimiued and force unabated, is the great apostle of Methodism and president of a college in the northwest. Bol h of Dr. Shearer's grandmothers were sisters of the same family, and out of a family of eleven, who all lived to be o\ er eightj years old. Dr. Shearer's father, now living in Appomattox county, Virginia, at the age of seventy seven, and in full vigor- ous health, is one among few men who has devoted his life wholl} to the raising of his family aud the service of his church and community, without ever seeking or accepting civil office, or ever engagiug in any enter- prise for the increase of his fortune, lie has always been considered free foi an} ervice thai was needed by his fellow men. Dr. Shearer- mother, net Miss Ruth \ker- Webber, w ho died in Appomattox couuty, Virginia, at the age of thirty seven, was the daughter of John Webber, She was the mother of seven children, six of whom, John B. (subjeel of this sketch), Elizabeth M., Richard I!.. • lames W., Mary I!, and Henry I'., survived her. Of these, Elizabeth M. Shearer died the wife of V\ \ LeGrand, leaving three children, John A., Richard 15. and Lillie 1! . who married Eldridge P. Carson, and has one child, Lizzie Gessner. Richard B. Shearer was a Confederate -older and was killed at Monocacy, \ \ KNNKSSKVNS • - - - - - - i > - - . • - - - ■ - - - - - - \ ) \V. I [WAY A - .. -_ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -■ - - - - - - ..... - - - - ■ ■ - - PROMINENT TENNESSK \NS 1843 Willi ;i few dollars which he had scraped to gether, and a few more which had beeu gonerousl} sent him by an older brother, 1!<\ William II Brockwa} then chaplain in the United States army, and stationed hi Fort Brady, at the outlet of Lake Superior, ho started for that place, more than n thousand miles dis taut, near]} all b} water, except seven tj miles, from Malone to ( (gdensburg. This distauce he made, mostly mi foot, in the space of two days, his little blue 7x9 trunk having preceded him by stage, at a cost of fifty cents, Toward the close of this trip, a pleasant incident occurred, When about eight ov ten miles from » tgdens burg, he was overtaken b} the mail stage, a lour horse r rd coach, the grandest and most rapid style of inland travel in all that region in those days. The driver, who knew him well, halted the stage and invited him to mount the box with him. and he so rode into town, much refreshed b} the ride and thankful for the kindness Fi r this act of kindness to him, tired, loot and almost discouraged, as he was, the name of Irwin Heath, the stage driver, has ever been held in grateful remembrance, hut from the time that he boarded the "1,1 steamer Ontario, the same night, and took an affectionate farewell of his friend, the} have never met. He took a deck passage lor Detroit. The voyage, which lasted a week, was attended with hard fare sea sickness, and almost starvation toward the latter part. There were then onl} a few old-fashioued steamers on the lake and the"deck passengers'' had to sleep on deck and take their meals at the second table* for twent} five cents each. When he reached Detroit he was out of money and had beeu without food for thirty - sis hours \ rascall} restaurant beeper had passed a counterfeit dollar upon him, which left him without means to procure anything to eat duriug the latter part of tin' trip. Though he had n draft for twent} dollars, which his brother had sent him, on a house in Detroit, yet, with the timidit} of a countr} boy, he was afraid i" show ii i" the captain, thinking he would be put down as a humbug. In Detroit he put up at the old City Hotel, on Woodbridge street, and went to bed sup- perless. Rising early next morning, he found the firm on which he had the draft John Owen .V Co., drug- gists—on Jefferson avenue, had his draft cashed, and felt that he »;i- in possession of untold wealth. He remained in the city a few days, and was very kindly treated by his brother's friends, Mr. Owen, his partner, Mr. Henchman, and the Re\ Mr. Fitch He then em- barked on a sailing vessel I'm' .Mackinaw, ami arriving there safe, coasted with French Canadian voyagers to Fort Brad} . being several days on the way, camping out at night, and coining near being wreckea"iii a storm. \i Fort Brady he remained for two or three years, doing all sorts of work, not hesitating to seize anj op portunity that presented itself. He was employed in clerking at the military post exploring and working in the popper mines, and gonerall} roughing it Ml of that countr} was then strictl} Indian lauds, but the year after he went there the Indian title was extin guished, and then people bo unto Hock thither, from ever} nation and every climo, to the copper mines, which had just been discovered, and have since proven by far tin- richest in the world Mr Brockwa} was in the midst of all tlii^ movement from its ver\ inception, and experienced all the incidents of eamp life "all of which he saw and a part of which he was. He was n friend of Dr, Houghton, Stal ologisi of Michigan, by whom the copper mines were brought into notice, and was one ol the first to go into the enterprise, lie attended to transportation, exploration, keeping the accounts of the company, and a great variety of other work connected with the business in in ever} depart ment. While there he fell in with John Hays, of Pitts- burg who was representing the Pittsburg and Boston Mining compan} Mr. Hays took a great fancy to him and one day made the, to him, verj startling proposition thai he should come to Pittsburg the next year to be bis partner in the drug business This offer, which was made on an nl of his known honesty and integrity, was accepted. He went down to Detroit and went into the bouse of John Owen & Co (who had cashed his drafl when lie firsl came to Detroit), as a clerk, and remained IV fall till spring. Willi onl} such experience as be had gained here, he went to Pittsburg and became the^mrt- M,i of Mr. Hays, in the firm of Hays A Brockwa} His capital was only two hundred dollars and his experience Mr Hays' capital was five thousand dollars, but the} were equal partners. This was the vc which first brought liim out of the position of a working man and introduced him to mercantile life. \i Pittsburg he remained for several years in a flourishing business \lier awhile, at the request of Mr. Hays. Dr. C. J. Hussey, and other wealth} gentlemen, who controlled the Pittsburg and Boston Mining company, Mr Brock- wa} was sent hack to the Lake Superior copper regions to attend to the transportation of a mass of copper which had just been taken out of the compau} s mine. This piece of copper, weighing nboul four tons, was the largest mass , it native copper that had \ • ' ■ ' ' I t i PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s 329 jewelrj store, but when he was aboul to resign ou ac- count of ill health, brought on by hard work in such quarters the stockholders and directors buill the pre mi handsome bank building, al acostofabout twenty thousand dollars, it tn-in u one among the finest in the State, and was designed bj Mr. Brockway and erected under his personal direction. Mr. Brockway is now the owner of a controlling interest in this bank, besides having other property, altogether making up si comfort able estate. \ natural born Union man, Mr. Brockway lias usually voted the Republican ticket, but has taken no active pun in politics. 1 1 1 ■ was a delegate from Michigan to the great conservative Republican convention which met at Philadelphia, in 1866, with a view to organizing a new party out of the better elements of the two old s. and healing the breach between North and South. Mi' was one of a committee sent by iliis convention to Washington to wait upon President Andrew Johnson, who tendered them a reception at the White House. Mr Brockway was first married al Malone New York, in December, 1851, to Miss Juliet Meigs, daughter of Guy Meigs, of the firm of Meigs iV Wead, old and prominent lumber ami dry-goods merchants. The only child living, by this marriage, William Guy Brockway, is new a banker in Gadsden, Alabama; was born al Cleveland, in 1858. .Mr. Brockway was married a second time, al Detroit, in October, 1868, to .Miss Nellie Scott, daughter of ('apt. .lames I'. ScOtt, of I lie United Stales arm \ . who died in the service, after the war. To this union have been born three children : (1). Frank Thatcher Brock way. born in 1873; died in infancy. (2). AJon/.o W. Brockway, jr., born in 1875. (.'!). Violette Mary Brock- way, born in ls77. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brockway are members of the Methodist church, and lie has been an official member for many years. [n his business principles, the views of Mr. Brock way have corresponded with his actions. Beginning lil'e with noney, and without the advantages of a liberal education, his success has 1 n the result of 1 est, hard work. lie is a man for holiest labor, in any field in which i can be useful ; has a morbid horror of idleness; would lake in sawing wood to prevent being out of employment. Added to this, he has a firm self-reliance, lie has never waited for a posi (inn. in sal under a shade tree and enl off coupons whenever there was a canal of w 1 in he sawed, lie believes that life is tun short to be wasted in trifling, lie can find nn excuse for a lack of faithfulness to any trust reposed, and feels that integrity and a faith I'nl discharge of duty, are the greatest essentials el' success. During his forty years of an active business life, in which industry ami faithful devotion in his business have been Mr Brockway's chief characteristics, it is net saying tun much In add, that during all this time Only a small portion oi it has been spent elsewhere than iii the midsl of a loving family, surrounded by the comforts of a model home, with a well selected li hrary of Standard works, where the innsl of his leisure hours are spent in perusing their contents, and where his hand ami his purse are. ami ever have been, open in every legitimate business enterprise, t" every call "1' religion, or any benevolent object, local or otherwise. In connection with this last, ami showing the esti- mation in which he is held, we add. that Mr. Brock way was recently appointed and commissioned h,\ Go> ernor Bate, as one of the three commissioners for the building of the West Tennessee State Hospital for the tnsane, a positiou of much responsibility, I'm- which he is peculiarly fitted, by reason of considerable expe rieiicc iii the construction el' buildings, both public and private. Here, as in everj other trust, he will he found in the conscientious discharge of his duty to the pub lie. and in the satisfaction of having contributed his hot talents for the comfort and amelioration of that most iiiil'nrtniiaie class el' his fellow men I'm- whom tin' instil ni inn is designed, will consist his highest ami most satisfactory reward XAl'OLLON HILL. .1.'/ I//7/7.S, ^11 IS gentleman, whose history illustrates mi well 1 the fact that well directed energj leads to success in life, appears in these panes as a representative Ten nessee merchant. 'I' he following sketch of Mr. Hill, as a business man. from a work entitled " Mi in phi- I ',i -i Present and Future," is strong testimony as to his worth and the regard the people of Memphis have for him " No pleasanlor task tails to the duty of the editor and statistician than that of presenting t" the world the 42 character and personnel of the leaders of thought ami action, and reviewing the results of their energj and enterprise in the busy drama of every day life. Men who give both impress ami impulse In commercial his im\ are mil only ' the abstract chroniclers of their day, but they are the guides of the people in mercantile edu- cation and heralds of the br I | ress which marks American trade and commerce, for broad ami compn hensive executive abilities for leadership, men moving I'ROMIXKXT TKXXESSK VXS upon tl of business life, have proven their superiorin in the estimation >■!' the Vtneriean people, rdinarv pursuits of business, but to grap pie with and manage the most abstruse points and parts ial ami political eeonomy. The true Amerieaii statesmen .'f broad views ami successful action are the leading merchants the founders and heads of great commercia - - - rin firm of which Mr. Hill is a member has made a rare reeord of bus sitiou among commercial lead crs throughout the country. The history of the com- mercial advancement ami progress .'1' the city of Mem l>liis has produced ft « i xaui] - - ss so marked and substantial as that which lias attended the efforts' of Messrs. Hill. Fontaine existence, this house has taken a position ami achieved a success which would be surprising but for the knew n ability of its man. Mr \ : ' the head of this firm, has resided in Memphis for twenty-five years. He is one of the \ known and highly esteemed citizens of the community in which he lives, ami closely identified with Memphis in the development ether various finan- cial, commercial ami productive enterprises, he exerts an active influence in the development of her resources and the fostering of Iter best interests As viewed by Col ■' M Keating, the brilliant editor of the Memphis .1 ... Mr. Hill appears- as M \ ipoleon Hill i- - one of the ver.v success shed by the South since the war. He is a type of the class that leads in all our industrial and commercial purs - Self-reliant, ener- prudent. pushing, thoughtful, conservative, full cpedient. always ready, broad and liberal, cheerful in disposition, thoroughly democratic in manner and habit, carrying the details and cares of his with a light heart, because he never steps beyond the limit- - ipital. and - fore him constantly a md ma nl\ sense of i gations that rest s the head uiniereial house, tl ond in point ol sales in the world. He learned ss ms in the mining camps of Califor- nia in the early days of that State. These were invalu in. the best o\' them being the - him break through. His event: -- temper and manner an - - to his relatives and - with h>>. ks - His s - "> that year - I o\ erwh, . S nth. is on< - I our time. V ;h bare hands; to-day. ti millionaire. This r« - lirected an l . the concentration of all I u one channel : the mas- ter) ■ •(" all technical difficulties, and a stern determina- tion always to be at the head of the cotton busi Placable, pleasant a iiatured. he is beloved in life. There his utter simplicity <>\' character and his ingenuousness are felt to be the products of a lean He i- the idol of Ids home circle, in which he finds - r all the cares of a life whose burdens have been in proportion to the rapid growth of his business. Xapoleon Hill is winning the title o\' merchant prince. Far seeing, he is far reaching : hence his name is listed among the railroad, bank and insur- ance officers and directors, and those who have invested in and control great mechanical enterprises in Tonnes- see ami Alabama. His life is a lesson for the genera- tions to come, as it is an example for that which is contemporary with him Honored by all men. he is I to by all classes of his fellow-eitizeus as one worthy the highest public tri - \ Icon Hill was bom in Maury county. Tenness near Columbia. October 25. ISoO. When he was about five yi - - his father moved to Marshall county, where he grew up. living on a plantation until his seventeenth year. He received his education in the old field schools of Mississippi, never attending any college When he was about fourteen years ol the death of his father put an end to his school da; - he was tli - son, and had to take charge of the plantation. Determining to adopt a mercantile life, he went, in 1-17 1 '■ ir. Tennessee, and began his business career a- a clerk in the store of his uncle. John 11. Kills, and there remained till April - 'flic California fever having broken out. he left Ten- -- < and went across the plains to that State in search I For twi years he lived the life of a miner. working in the placer diggings Gettiug tired of this -- iu which he had met with partial - the end ■ rs he left it. After this he opened a trading post at the junction of the Trinity rivers. mining streams in the northern pan of California. There lilt boats and established ferries across the two streams, opened ami conducted a ranehe. Gold had . that stream, and miners were hither from every nation and every clime. esc he built up a flourishing trade, and re- mained there about tour ami a half yea) - IS57, he returned to Tennessee, having accumulated about ten -aid dollars during the California trip. He settled at Memphis at 'ton and eonin. -- busim - - I the firm of Hill \ Dorion, till the beginning of the war. At tin - lie war. he Mem| his. as a factor and r. in the firm of Williamson. Hill a which - spring of IStiS. when the partuer- - red by the death of Mr. Williamson. The name of the firm was then changed to 1 1 line & PROMINENT TENXESSE \\S :::•,! Mr. Hill has been identified with all the commercial and financial enterprises of Memphis for many years, and has been an officer in numerous banks, railroad and insurance companies. A few years subsequent to the war. he filled the position <>l president of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce for two terms, and was president of the Cotton Exchange for two terms, during the years 1880 81 Hi' is now president of the Memphis City Fire and < leneral I usurance company, the largest in the State, and is also a director of the Memphis and Charles ton railmad. lie was one of the organizers of the Union and Planters Bank of Memphis, the largest hank in the State and has been one of its directors since its foundation, lie is largely interested in the Pratt Coal and 1 ri ii i company of North Alabama, he and his pact ner holding about one-fourth of the stock of the com- pany, which owns and operates the largest bituminous coal mines in the United States, produciug over two thousand five hundred tens of coal daily, besides oper- ating iron furnaces of which the daily product is from one hundred and fifty to two hundi'ed tons, in addition to which he is the owner of a large area of iron lands in Franklin county, Alabama, and coal lands iii the ad- joining counties. He is the bead of a house which does the third cotton business in the world, handling as much as one hundred thousand bales per annum. The firm has also a large branch establishment at St. Louis, and their trade in the departments of their business — groceries and cotton— is more than five and a half millions id" dollars per annum. Up to the war, Mr. Hill was a Whig, and since the war lias voted with the Democrats, but has never been a candidate for office, and seldom takes any part in politics, devoting his whole time to bis business. Me is essentially a business man. Mr. Hill was married, in Hardeman county, Tennes- see. July 8, 1858, to Miss Mary W. Wood, whose rather. William II. Wood, a gentleman of lame success as a banker and planter, now lives in Memphis, and is engaged in planting in Arkansas. lb' was born in Albemarle enmity, Virginia, in 1S1 I. anil earn,' to Ten nessee in 1833. The family is of Scotch descent. Mrs. Hills mother, im .Miss Benigna Polk, daughter of Col, Ezekiel Polk, one of the earliest settlers of Hardeman county, belongs to a family of Scotch Irish descent, which traces its ancestry through many generations back to [reland and Scotland. She was a half-sister of the father of James K. Polk. Mrs. Hill's sister, Miss Nina W I, is now the wife of James II. .Martin, of Memphis. By his marriage with Miss Wood, Mr. Hill has four children: (1). Olivia P. Hill, married Charles Gros venor, of the prominent real estate linn, Overton & Grosveuor, Memphis. (2). Napoleon Hill. jr. (.'it. Mary M. Mill. '4). Frank Fontaine Hill. Mrs. Hill has been a member of the Presbyterian church since her youth. She is a lady of genial, sunny disposition, fond of her household, and is a u I nci h bor, a e I w i fe and n I mot her. Mr. Hill's father, Dr. Duncan Hill, a gentlemi I' English descent, was born in North Carolina, and came to Tennessee in his youth, lie was a planter as well as a physician, and met with marked success in both lines. He died in 1844, at the age ol forty years. .Mr. Hill's mother was Miss Olivia L. Bills, daughter ol' Isaac Hills, and sister of the late Maj. John II. Pills, a prmni nent citizen of Bolivar, Tennessee. Her grand parents. Daniel ami Deborah Bills, were natives ol North Caro- lina, and were Quakers. She was born in Maury county. Tennessee, in .1 line. I SI IT, and dieil at St. Louis, Missouri, in September, iss:; Her mother, Miss Lilian 1 1 on -ton. was a daughter of John Houston, a first cousin of Gen. Samuel Houston. Aftei the death of Dr. Hill, she married Col. Josiah DeLoach, of Si. Louis, Mi- souri. She was a member of the Christian church, ami an earnest, faithful Christiau, She was characterized by the sweetness, and, at the same lime. I lie Strength of her character, ami exercised a great influence upon her family. Her aneestrj on her father's side were Welsh, while the HouStOllS were of Scotch descent, and settled on the Susquehanna river, in Pennsylvania, about 1730. Mr. Hill's brother, Jerome Hill, is the head ol' the branch bouse of 1 1 ill, Fontaine A Co., in St. Louis, and another brother, Harry M. Hill, is a lawyer in Mem phis. Mr. Hill has also two sisters now living, Mrs. Joy, of St. Louis, and Miss Emily E. Hill, of St. Louis, Missouri. Winn Mr. Hill began life, be was ambitious to make money, and when the gold fever of California broke out , be thought there was the place to make it. lint after working in the mines for a while, be came to the con elusion that a man could succeed in anything if be would bring all his energies to ben- upon it and per- severe in il. He has kept ever before him a determina- tion lo suiieed. and feels that, without a motive in life and an object to work for. no man can be either happy or successful, but having these, ami backing them with perseverance and energy, he is certain to achieve bis object. He believes that for a man to be a financial success, he must be liberal: that a penurious man is seldom a success, ami that liberality is always well rewarded. He thinks that any business well con- ducted leads to fortune, while the best business poorly followed will eventually lead to ruin. The reports which have come to the winters ears, in Memphis, of the liberality of Mr. Hill, bear ample testimony to the truth of his theory, that liberality is an essential of success. Memphians say that he is as liberal as he is successful. PROMINENT TF\\ ^ VN? PROF. HUNTER NICHOLSON Til 1> - - , was V. O.P.N Was I - - \ I* - - - - ss rrv 11 - - - - ■ - - \ - - - - \ V - i - - . . . - - - - - - - James 11- Thomas, M. S - W. P. x - - - y the - - :' this known as Nieh- \ - I and isina any coui- up his class - itions. Such v .s his uni- • - if the riend- mong , . .' - \ Nichols 5 x - - and ant: ^ . and Nichols - nimander, - \ V. Nichols \ d in st settlers He was - I had : he people \ rhol- hant - ■ - : \ , Nicholson, the fkt Nicholson's -- - - States - > hile - PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS 333 senator Prom Georgia, and of Gen. James l> Gordon, who I'cll in the Confederate service in Virginia. Prof Nicholson's mother was educated al the » > 1 « J Nashville Female Academy, is a Methodist, and though fond of society and ;i great reader, is thoroughly domestic in her tastes and habits She is the mother of seven children, namely: (I). Osburn P. Nicholson. (2). Hunter Nicholson. (3). A. 0. I'. Nicholson, jr. I h. Andrew J. Nicholson. (5). Charlie O'Reilly Nichol- son. (6). Mary Nicholson (now Mrs. A. B. Estes). (7), Anna Nicholson (now wife of Hugh Gordon). Prof. Nicholson graduated, first, al Franklin College, Tennessee, in 1852, under President Fanning, and next, in 1855, al ilif University of North Carolina. After graduation he became associate editor with his father of the Washington Union, and \\ 1 1 i 1 < ■ al the capital studied law with Hon. Caleb dishing, then attorney- general of the United States. From ls.">7 to 1861, he practiced law al Columbia as a member of the firm of Nicholson, Sykes & Nicholson, meantime editing the Columbia Herald, from 1858 to the breaking oul of the war. In ls,">7. when Hon. [sham G. Harris becami ernor of Tennessee, young Nicholson was appointed on his stall' as adjutant general of the Slate. From the battle ill' Fori I ttiiiclsiiii to the surrender of Forrest's command al Gainesville, Alabama, he was actively en- gaged as major and assistant ailjnlanl general, anil saw servico in Tennessee, Virginia, Alabamsi and Mississippi. (See History id Forrest's Campaigns by Jordan and Pryor). The war over, Prof, Nicholson returned to the editor- ship of the Columbia Herald. In 1868, he established and edited the Dirie Farmer al Columbia, but subse- quently moved the paper to Nashville, Paul & Tavel becoming the publishers. In 1869, he was called to the chair of agriculture in the East Tennessee University, ai Knoxville, and has been connected with the college ever since, at present being professor of natural history and geology. Iii 1871, he was actively instrumental in organizing the bureau of agriculture of Tennessee, and was ap- pointed by Gov. .luliii ( '. Brown one of its commission- ers, and continued as such during four years, i lie exis tenee of the bureau. (See Resources of Tennessee by .1 , I!, Killcbrew) lie has been continuously connected wit li i ho pre from In hoj h I to i he presenl , either us editor, conl ributor or am hor, lie married, first a I llarinnr, Ohio, in 1855, Miss L\ol lie Stone, a graduate of the lii'-di school al thai place and daughter of Col, \uiiiisiiis Stone Her mother, ( 'harlot ie Put nam, wa n lim al tie i endanl of i he celc bratcd Israel Putnam, of llovolutionar} fi Her uncle, Col, A VV. Putnam, was for many years presi- dent of the Tennessee Historical Society, and is the author of a mosl excellent and valuable work, " The History of Middle Tennessee ' Mrs, Nicholson died, January 7, 1873, leaving five children (1) Caro Xich idsiiii, (2). Maur} Nicholson. (3), Augustus S'ichol son. (4). liorini; ( " I, ora i Nicholson. (5). Rebecca N icholson. Prof. Nicholson's nexl marriage which occurred Oc tober 1875, was with Miss Kate l>. Martin, daughtei ..I' Hi-. Robert Martin, of Nashville. Her mother, Miss Eliza Dickinson, is the daughter of Dr. J. Dickinson, of Williamson county, Tennessee. Mrs Nicholson was educated al Dr. Elliott's female Academy, al Nash ville. is an Episcopalian and i bines, in a remark aide degree, domestic and literal - } taste.-. By this mania"!' I'i jiI' Nicholson has two children : (1). linn hi Nicholson, jr. (2). Bessie Nicholson. Prof. Nich nlsiiii is also an Episcopalian, and in polities a Dem ocrat. Prof. Nicholson has been governed in his whole life by a conscientious desire to occupy no position which li<' did mil feel himself competent to fill, seeking by preference those in which lie could do most good to ni hers, lie li iver u ed wine, brand} or tobacco and yet never belonged to a temperance society, lie has been an inveterate reader from nine years of age 1 1 is omnivorous reading, his inordinate fondness for books, and his wide and intimate knowledge of them acquired for him the appointment of librarian of the university, in addil ion to his regular dul ics as professor, lie pays a severe penalty for Ins revels in the luxuries of so nian\ branches of learning, fur by reference to the catalogue of the university, it will be seen that he has at present assigned to hin less than twelve topics, an amount ofbraiuwork that would breakdown i V men. PROF. ZUINGLIUS CALVIN GRAVES, A.M., LL. D. WINCHESTER. M\KY SHARP COLLEGE, fo led in 1849, which has given it success mainly to Prof. Z. C. Graves, which has brought one million dollars to Win who has been at its head for thirt} five years. His Chester, and now stands in the fronl rank of the female theor} of female education is thai culture gives both colleges of the Union, owes the system of discipline tone and direction to the charms oi womanhood; that PROMINENT TF.NNKSSF. iNS - thinking : thai lial - g. and id. liberal, tin - [ with I is teai : • it has st 1 tin iid aequir union that 1 • wide en it> uiidergraduat - n in the : - aphy, '/. C ' ' ra \ ■ • 'I think o\ • those xtra - M try Sharp. S53. it woiueu in who had received such diplomas. Miss Nannie Meredith (mm Mrs- Miss ] \ Falun : that rim. ladies havi e Mary Sharp Colli a The - rhether women can be ediu-ated in the ■ - M'ptic that tl -mly rehio. wh unded and be- came priueipal of Kingsville Academy. lie had taught eoinn: - Is. winter - - -. in Vermont. His ■ - k was brilliant — his pupils coming from man; S - >me of them bi s listin- guisln - them Prof. Lucie ' '- horn, forty year- a -- in Madison I niversity; •1 YV Fowler, p resident of Michigan University; J. W. Knopp ai I E William Ward, mission- aries to Burma!. 1'. :V. Daniel Bliss, president of Bry- ant College, in Syria, and oth - Kings years, he was called to the founding of Mary Sharp College, where - - ut the remainder of his life, so that since he formally entered upon his jsiou. he has been in only two places \- previously stated. Mary Sharp College was in its inception a new departure, its purpose leuioustrate the problem whether the female mind is ipment in science equal to that of the male mind. It was once thought excep- tional that Caroline Herschel should he the equal of her brothers, as a mathematician, hut Prof Graves has demonstrated the fiet that the feminine mind generally .. - tible of the saun a f development as the - .line in the abstruse sciences — mathematics, meta- physii - - - That his - d this direction have met with si - I due recog nition by other eminent educators, the honors that have been i upon him bear testimony. The degree of \A1 was couferred upon him in 18i6, by i'uiversit} \ Y -rk. and later, that of PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS ;:;:, LL. D., bj tbe Union University of Murfreesborough, Tennessee Prof. Graves is one of three children, be being the eldest. Ili> sister, net Louisa M. Graves, is now the widow of Prof. W. P. Marks, late superintendent of the Edgefield schools in Nashville. His brother, Rev. J. R. Graves, is the celebrated Baptist preacher, editor, author and polemic, now of Memphis. The family is of Huguenol descent, and it was always a custom in each branch of the family to name its first born male Zuinglius Calvin, the name Prof Graves bears, though he himself has departed from that rule. The most re mote known ancestor of the family fled to America at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and settled in New England. The grandfather, Graves, was a mer chant, a member of no church, and of no special note above that of an ordinary business man. The father of Prof Graves, also named Zuinglius Calvin, was also a merchant, and died at the age of thirty, leaving a widow and the children above nun tinned, tin- mother at that time being about twentj eight years old. ami, although remarkably beautiful, never married again, but devoted herself wholly to the education of her children, with results that must have been highly gratifying to her, as witnessed in their brill- iant careers. The mother, Lois M. Snell, was horn in Hopkinsville, Massachusetts, daughter of Samuel Snell, a Revolutionary soldier, a manufacturer, ami of New England Puritan stock. She was remarkable tin- her decision of character. When she bad once Conned a plan, she executed it. Her mind was given to all the theological questions that agitated her times, being a great reader of theological works. That her mind was of a metaphysical east, is evident from the tact that one of her favorite books was " Edwardson the Will. Her method of training her children was to cultivate their will power by seeing that they executed any plans they bail formed. She was a member of the Baptist church, and very zealous. She died at the age of seventy-eight years, and if it be true, that the good works of this life follow the saints departed, how true ill her case must be the poet's words : " Who to dumb forgetfalness :i prey, This pleasing:, anxious being e'er resigned ; Left the warm precincts of ethereal day. Nor cast a longing, lingering look behind '.' " Prof. Graves married, in Kingsville, Ohio, Julj •'!. 1841, .Miss Adelia ('. Spencer, a native of that place, born in 1821, daughter of Dr. Daniel M. Spencer, and a niece ill Piatt It. Spencer, author of the Spencerian system of penmanship. Her mother, nee Miss Marian T. Cook, was the daughter of Erastus Cook, a graduate of Williamstown College, a very eccentric man. spend- ing most all his time in reading Latin, Greek and the old masters. Mrs. Graves education was completed in the Kingsville Academy, under Prof. Graves. She is familiar with French and Latin, excels as a writer, and is classed among southern poets. She is the author of " Jeptba's Daughter," and " Seclusaval, or the Arts , ,f Romanism,'' of which ten thousand copies have been printed and sold, For her literary labors she has re ceived more than three thousand dollars. She is the author of twelve volumes of Sabbath school literature, a ml is known as the editor of the " Child's Book," under the ihiiii ill jiliiini of "Aunt Alice. " She has. for more than thirty years, been matron of Mary Sharp College, and is professor of literature in that institution. She is one of the few women of high literary cult ure who is a good business manager, lays hold with her hand, and knows how to manipulate and materialize the ad- vantages and forces within her reach. She owes noth- ing, and will not permit her husband to owe a cent if she can help it ; he being so absorbed in his profession. it became a necessity that she should b me the linan cier of the firm. Mary Sharp College is as much in debted to her for its life as to Prof Graves'himself. By his marriage with Miss Spencer, Prof. Graves has four children: (1). -lames R. Graves, a freshman in Dartmouth College at the breaking out of the war. when 1 II tercel the Confederate army and lost his life at Ringgold, Georgia, in 1863, at the age of twenty-one years. ('_'). Florence M. Graves, a graduate of Mary Sharp College: married Henry Green, of Columbus, Georgia. (3). Zuinglius Dickinson Graves, an invalid- now thirty-six years old. (4). Hubert A. Graves, a grad- uate of Mary Sharp College, in 1877; now a farmer in Franklin county. He was, for two years, principal of the .Masonic Academy, at Wooley's Ford, Georgia. Prof. Graves, when a student, became an investigator and made up his mind that the presentation of science, i. i.. school culture, was on a wrong method, ami lie conceived a method by which the minds of studeuts might become interested in the sciences, if they were presented correctly— that is. if the then mental food was cooked rightly. Having formed his plan, with him original, he entered the profession, and in his own pe- culiar manner presented the sciences iii such a way that he litis in his whole professional life had till tbe patronage he desired or could possibly attend to. both in Ohio ami Tennessee. He introduced the first Mack board ever seen ill the Western Reserve. He iutro ililecil the object method system of teaching in licit section. His method ma\ he styled tact. He insists that teachers, like poets, are born, not made. Median ical teachers are not successes. (hi the death of Rev. Dr. Joseph Eaton, he was elected chancellor of the Union University at Mill freesborough, and has been called to at least fifteen other places, hut he kept his eye single to this one in- stitution, thus developing a staying power which is a principal factor ofhis success. He has given ten thou sand dollars of his earnings to the institution to pri serve it. He has given his life and his earnings to his college. 38(5 prominent lnnesse vNs In religion he is a Baptist. At the age of niuel he was licensed to preach, hut having a talent to be a teacher, he fell more called to be a teacher than to be a preacher Consequently, he lias always refused to be ordained, as be fell he could do only one thing, thou h during bis licentiate be has delivered perhaps hundreds of sermons. In politics be is Democratic, but has held political office, bis <\\ e being kept single to his pro Cession. Prof. Graves is a man of medium height, weighs one hundred and fourteen pounds. Ikis a benevolent and au- thoritative expression, without the appearance of either lit \ or arrogance. 1 1 « - is a man of intensity of will, Has much work young prop' IliaV lie set I clearness of purpose, and a tireless worker The wonder has been expressed that a man of his age can do so ami enter with spiril into the studies of Perhaps his enthusiasm and longevity lown as cause and effect \-.i class, the greatest students. >. ,•/.. jurists, are the longest lived nun in the world. Is it not the mens nana that pre serves the carport stino / When the mind gives way to despair the body sinks. When business men retin their wealth they die of ennui. Mental activity in the direction of public benefaction lead.-- to lent: life— a deduction which this single instance, in the absence of facts to tin :outrary. clearly supports. CHARLES R. VANCE, ESQ. CHARLES K V \Ntlv the prominent and well- known attorney of Bristol. who i- descended from leading East Tennessee families on both sides, was bom at a place called Cherokee, in Washington county, Ten- nessee, August 'I'l. 1835. Prom infancy until fourteen years of age. be grew up in Jonesborough. and then bis father, a physician, moved to Kingsport. and there the son was reared, alternately working on the farm and going to school. In IS5U. lie entered upon the study oi law under Hon. Thomas A. 1!. Nelson, read under him until 1858. when be was licensed to pra by Judge D. T Patterson and Chaueellor Seth J. W. Luokoy. and began to pracl ice in the courts of the First judicial circuit, embracing the counties of Hawkins in and Washington, bis office being at Kin purl Shortly after admittance to the bar be ran for the office of attorney-general of his district against Sam Powell, bul was defeated h\ a small majority. He enn tin ited to practice law until the war broke out, when he entered the Confederate army as a private in company K Nineteenth Tennessee regiment, but not being aide to do Held duty, was appointed agent for the First congressional district, to make out the claims of citizens for forage taken by the Confederate soldiers \lmiit twelve months before the (dose of the war. he was appointed by the Confederate secretary of war. under an act of the Richmond ( 'ongress, agent for mak ing out and reporting the claims of citizens for property taken or destroyed bj the Confederate armies, in this position he continued until the close of the war. when he was indicted lor treason at Kuowille. on account oi his connection with the Confederate army, but thi was dismissed upon payment of costs. When Mr, Vance began life as a young lawyer, he did - ne hundred dollars, which he borrowed to pure] : B\ ISG1 he had made enough to buy a residence in Bristol for one thousand five hun- dred dollar-, got it paid for. but during the war. in 1863, was compelled to sell the property to keep it from being damaged b.\ the Federal soldiers, lie sold it for ten thousand dollars in Confederate money, which he in vested in tobacco at Lynchburg, had the tobacco shipped to Bristol, just before the Stoneuian raid, and the soldiers of Stoneinaii's command helped themselves to it. and so it was all lost. When he resumed business as a lawyer, after the war. he Was five hundred dollars in debt. Having located at Bristol, he again ; practice in the same counties as previously, and with the addition of Washington and Scott counties, Vir- ginia, and in the Su prone nrt at Knoxville. He has continued there ever since, engaged in i ther business. From lsTl to 1S77, he was attorney for the East Ten- nessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, for the counties of Sullivan, Washington and Carter, lie now owns a residence in Bristol, one hundred and forty acres of good farming land within a mile of that town, and is in independent circumstances. Prior to the war. and until the reorganization of po litical parties, Mr. Vance was a Whig. Inn after the close of the war. he espoused the cause of Democracy. The only active political work he did. however, was in the campaign of LS80, » hen he cam assed the First con- gressional district for Hancock and English. He was a member of the board of aldermen for Bristol from 1870 to 1877. He became a Mason in 1862, in Shelby Lodge, Bristol, and has taken the Chaptet He joined the Presbyterian church at eighteen years ,,f age: has been an elder in the First Presbyterian church, Bristol, since 1S74; was a delegate from Holston pres- bytery to the general assembly in New Orleans, in 1876, and was superintendent of the Sunday-school for sis ending January, 1885, PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. Mr. Vance married, in Sullivan county, Tennessee, October 16, 1860, Miss Margaret J. Newland, who was born on Reedy creek, Sullivan county, at the <>M New- land homestead, March 28,1838. Her father, Joseph Newland (now dead), was born on the same place, of a Virginia family of Irish and Scotch hi 1. He was a farmer and large land owner, a magistrate, an active worker as a member of the Presbyterian church, and was noted for his Christian piety. -Mrs. Vance's mother, in i Rebecca II. Anderson, is the daughter of Isaac An- derson, of Scott county, Virginia, and sister of Joseph I!. Anderson, the Bristol banker, in whose sketch, else- where in this volume, will be found a lull account of the Anderson family. Mrs. Vance was educated partly at an academy on Reedy creek, but finished her educa- tion at Abingdon, Virginia. At an early age, she joined the Presbyterian church, at Blountville, under the min- istry of Rev. Daniel Rogan, from which time she has lived a devoted and consistent Christian life, hi her girlhood, she was educated in all the domestic duties, is an economical manager, conscientious and strict in the performance of duty, and enforce- that principle in her family, and relies devoutly upon earnest prayer to Al- mighty Cod. She has taught her children the cate- chism with diligence and regularity, and is an active worker in the church and a teacher in the Sunday- school. By his marriage with Miss New land, Mr. Vance has five children: (1). .lames Isaac Vance, born September 25, 1862 ; graduated at King College, Bristol, in 1883, and has just completed his course of theology in the Union Theological Seminary, Hampden Sidney College, Virginia. (2). Joseph Anderson Vance, born November 17. 1864; graduated at King College, in 1885, and is also preparing for the ministry, in the Theological Seminary. Hampden-Sidney College. Vir- ginia, having just passed his first year in the same (3) Charles I!. Vance, jr., born October 1. 1867. i I). Mar- garet J. Vance, born December 9, 1869. (5) Rebecca M. Vance, horn .January 20. 1874. Mrs. Vance's brothers and sisters are: (I). Martha Newland. who married William A. Dooley and is now living on their farm on Reedy creek. Sullivan county. Tie v have four children, Joseph. Earnest, Rebecca, and Nellie. (2). Isaac Anderson Newland. married Miss Mattie Lewis, of Georgia, and is now farming in Scott county, Virginia. (3). Ellen A. Newland. now wife of Prof. James P. Doggett, of King College, l!ris- tol. They have five children, Eliza, Hallie. Fannie, Jo- seph and Maggie Nell. (4). Joseph M. Newland, mar- ried Miss Jude Leslie, and is now living on his farm in Sullivan county. Tennessee. (.">). Samuel A. New- land, who has recently married Miss Helen IJrown. of Sullivan county. Tennessee, and is living with his mother on the old homestead. Sullivan county. (6). Fannie A. Newland, married Cain Pence, a farmer and cabinet maker, Sullivan county. (7). Robert Newland. who has recently married Miss Bettie Welford, of Sul 13 livan county, Tennessee, and C living with his mother. (8). Eliza B. Newland. married William I'. Duff, a farmer in Leu count} . Virginia. Tic history of tlo> Vance family dates back beyond the lime- of .lames the first of England, and is of Scotch-Irish descent, 'fhe Tennessee Vances are re- lated to the Vances of North ( larolina. Three brot hers came to this country from England, Patrick. David and William. Prom Patrick Vance the Te — family is descended. Patrick Vance was a physician, and graduated af Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a native ot Ireland, hut came to America from England, and settled in Campbell county, Virginia. His son, Wil- liam K. Vance, grandfather of Charles IT Vance, sul. ject of this sketch, was horn in Virginia, and married MissKeziah Robertson, daughter of Charles Robertson, prominent in the early history of Tennessee as a pio- neer, who made large surveys on the Holston, Nola- chucky and Tennessee rivers, and was a brother of the Secretary of State of Franklin. (See Ramsey's History of Tennessee). William K. and Keziah Vance left eight children, viz.: Dr. .lames II. Vance, father of the subject of this sketch; Charles It. Vance and Mona Vance, both of whom died in early life: David G. Vance, who died in Georgia; Dr. William N. Vance, nnw a prominent physician at Bristol, where he settled in 1866; Patrick II. Vance, who died in Cincinnati during the war; Caroline Vance, married P. 31. Craig- miles, a hanker at Cleveland, Tennessee, and died there in 1883, leaving two children, Walter audfitts- sie; Keziah Vance, married Dr. ( >. P. Herndon, of Barboursville, Kentucky; Harriet Vance, married — Thornton, and is now living in Arkansas: Susan Vance, married James S. Patton, and died in Kingsport, leav- ing two children, William ami Florence, the last named being dead. Dr. .lames II. Vance (father of Charles 1!. Vance), was born at Greeneville, Tennessee, educated at Tus culum College, under President Doak, and took his medical degree at Transylvania University, Lexing ton. Kentucky. He first practicedat Greeneville; then at Cherokee, Washington county, two years; next at Jonesborough, fourteen years, ami then moved to Kingsport, where he is now living on his farm, at the age of seventy-six. He is a leading East Tennessee physician, a man of excellent memory, of line intellect, and extensive information on scientific, literary and po- litical subjects. He is a Presbyterian ami an Odd Fel- low; during the war was a conservative Union man. and since the war a Democrat. His 'wife was .Miss •lane Sevier, who has home him eleven children : i 1 i Charles 1!. Vance. (2). Maria C. Vance, now wife of Rev. John I!. Kin". Leesburg, Virginia. (3). Anna Elizabeth Vance, who died at the age id' six years. (4). Keziah Vance, unmarried, at home. (5). .lame- N Vance, who graduated a! King College; completed his theological course at the Union Theological Seminary k\S N '• \ •> S s s U lu- ll. N I 1 I \ N K - I \ I - lloury S \ 1 tin- in. inn. nil In I 1 1 ni. in ml iiiiiiu judge jesse ii G vi r 1 Hi uiiiy, '- J < W. 0»ccC PROMINENT TENNESSEANS 339 The sons were all farmers, and every one but Samuel lived to be seventy-five years old. Their descendants arc mainly in Arkansas, Missouri and Texas. Of these uncles of Judge Jesse II. Gaut, Joseph Gaut is yet living at the age of eighty-five. He lias three suns, John, Rufus and S. P. < •aut. the latter an able and suc- cessful lawyer at Cleveland, Tennessee. James Gaut, father oi Judge Gaut, was born in Washington county, Tennessee. September I!', 1786, and died February 13, 1ST."), lie followed for many years the tanning business. He married, in 1810, in Jefferson county; in 1820, moved to McMinn county, where for many years he operated a tannery, hut finally went to farming, which lie continued until his death. lie was a man of exceeding line murals, a strict mem- ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, very tem- perate in all 1 1 i — - habits, did but little outside or specu- lative trading, and was for those times successful in business. In polities, lie was a remarkably strong Henry Clay Whig. He was in all things, a straightfor- ward, honest, plain man. forming his own opinions, to which he adhered with great tenacity. His wife, net Miss Rosamond Erwin, was born in Jefferson county. Tennessee, August 25, 17!>2. an only daughter, having an only brother. Jesse Erwin, who went to Indiana and served several terms in the Legislature of that State. The subject oi this sketch was named Jesse for him. .Judge Gaut's mother's half-brother, Dr. Joseph Erwin. was a physician id' prominence, and practiced in Texas, where he died. .Indue Gaut's mother was a woman of strong intellect, a Cumberland Presbyterian, and a leader in her neighborhood in church and social matters. She died in Bradley county, July 12, 1869, having borne nine children, only three of whom survived her. namely: (1). Judge John C. Gaut, of Nashville, horn February 27. 1813; graduated from the University of Knoxville, in ls:j7; read law- one year in Athens, Tennessee, under lion. Spen- cer Jarnagin, afterward United States senator from Tennessee ; was admitted to the liar in 1838; settled in Cleveland, in 1839, when there were only a few houses in that place, and practiced law there until 1853, when he was elected by the Legislatue judge of the Fourth judicial circuit, to fill the vacancy left by Judge Keith Under the amended constitution of the State he was elected by tic people to the same position in 1854, and re-elected in 1862, and held the office till he moved to Nashville, where he has practiced law ever since. He stands prominent among the eminent lawyers of the State, and has several times sat on the Supreme bench to try special cases. He has been twice married. First, to Miss Sarah Ann McReynolds, near Athens. Tennes- see, in 1837, and had by her two children. John M. Gaut, now an able lawyer at Nashville, and Anna E. Gaut, who married Patrick 1 1. 31 an love, a leading Nash- ville merchant. J udge Gaut's second marriage, was on February 16, 1875, to Mrs, Sallie A. Carter, of Franklin Williamson county, Tennessee, a lady of much beauty, and intellectual and social attractions. (2). George W. Gaut, horn December 9, 1816; married in McMinn county. Tennessee, in 18-11, Miss Adeline Dorsey, daughter of Rev. Micajah horsey, a Methodist minis- ter; followed farming in McMinn county until 1855, when he moved to Missouri, where he died. July It. 1874, leaving nine or ten children. (3). .Indue Jesse II. Gaut, subject of this biography. Of the children who died before the mother, two died ill infancy. A daughter. Mahala Gaut, died the wife of John Dorsey, son of Dimmon Dorsey, a farmer, leaving two children, James A., and Celina Jane, the latter now wife id' John Selvidge, of Bradley county. Nancy and Mary Gaut both died unmarried. Minerva Cant, died in 1852, in Arkansas, wife of A. 'fall Jesse II. < raut was born near Athens, McMinn county, Tennessee, November 25. 1824, and grew up in that county; was required to work on bis father's farm till seventeen years of age, going to the common schools of the neighborhood, which lasted only a tew months each year. By this means, and by studying at home, he ac- quired a good rudimentary education. When seventeen, he taught school a year at twenty dollars a month. He then attended school at Cleveland one year, under a teacher named II. W. Yon Aldehoff, a Prussian, of fine education. He next attended the university at Knox- ville two years, studying Latin, geometry, chemistry, surveying, philosophy, etc. March 1. 1848, he began to read law with his brother. John C. Cant, in Cleveland and after reading with him closely for two years, ob- tained law license from Charles F. Keith, judge of the circuit court, and Thomas L. Williams, then chancel- lor of all East Tennessee. He then went into the prac- tice of law at Cleveland, and formed a partnership with his brother, John C. Gaut, which lasted till his brother became judge in November. 1853. Has lived there ever since, in the practice of his profession, and has practiced before the Supreme court of the State every year from L853 till the present. He has also practiced before the circuit, district and Supreme courts of the United States. He was, lor thirty-two years, attorney for what is now the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, and was attorney for the branch Bank of Tennessee, at Athens, from IS.Yi till 1861. Among the most noted cases in which he was leading attorney, may be men- tioned the ease of Thomas Hopkins' heirs against Thomas H. Calloway, known as the "Jolly Island case," he being of counsel lor Calloway. Another noted case was the Union Consolidated Mining company of Polk county against Black, McCauley and others, involving over hall a million of dollars. The Jolly Island case was in the Supreme court several times, where he ar- gued it twice alone. The last time it was argued, his brother. John C. Gaut, and John M. Gaut, nephew of Jesse II. Cant, aided him and rendered valuable ser- vice. The ea-e was finally compromised and settled MINKNTTl'.w — - - ■ - - 1 1 - - . .. - - ... - - - ! - V M M - I - - - - - - Miss - . na- ^ 5 Sarah •- - - ■ ... - - - i S - Her . . . x - - ' - - .. da. and has .... - - - - - - - ■ - .... - - - •ROMINENT TENNESSE \\S m ducing any. His mind is essentially of the judicial oast, Hi' eliminates all surplusage From the proof, anil addressing himself directly to the judgment of the courl or jurj . selects the strong point in the case to argue and argues that well. An old lawyer once said of him in open court, " He has >mli an affidavit fare ii is impos- sible i" answer him successfully." His personal habits from boyhood have been good. Ilr has ncvei played cards iir been intemperate. His greatest ambition is to provide for In family and educate his children well. Ilr is a most sociable man in liis manners, and very Fond of anecdotes and reminiscence, HON. PRESLEY T. GLASS. RIPLEY. PRESLEY T. G LASS was born in Halifax county, Virginia, October L6, 1824. His parents, Dudley Glass and Nancy Carr, were of Scotch [rish descent, bis remote ancestors having settled in \ irginia during the colonial period. His grandfather, Dudley Class. was .1 farmer by occupation, a Frugal man. of practical good sense, ami a Baptist in religion. Ilr was n captain in the Revolutionary war. as was also Maj. Glass' ma- ternal grandfather. Ilr died in 1*27. His father, who also bore the name of Dudley, was raised on the farm ami inured to habits of industry, thrift ami economy. In ( (ctober of the year Following his Father's death, he removed with his wife and younger children, three in number, Elizabeth, Presley 1 1 lie subject of this sketch I, and John, the youngest, then an infant, to Tennessee, and settled three miles west of Dresden, tin 1 county scat of Weakley county. That section of the State was at that time an almost unbroken wilderness, and the new settlers went to work vigorously to make homes I'm' themselves. Mr. Glass was the owner of a few slaves, w horn !ir put tu work clearing land and building houses. \ Few cabins were erected, ami about ten acres of land cleared in time for the next year's planting. He was successful in his farming operations, his economical habits ami sound judgment standing him in good stead in his new home. At that early period, neither cotton ur tobacco were grown in that section as market crops, the cereals ami forage, together with hogs and such vegetables as the immigrants required, being raised. Mr. Glass generally sold his corn and oats to his mer- chants in sacks, and the first 1 ey his sun Presley ever earned was for sewing up these sacks at a cenl apieee. The lather never held office id' any kind, but devoted himself wholly to his farm, and soon accumu lated a competency, and was regarded as a prosperous mail. lie was nut permitted tu enjoy the fruits uf his well directed labors in his new home but a short time, having died in I he winter uf 1834, a hunt six years after his removal tu Tennessee, lie was prompt and Faithful in the discharge uf every public and social duty, and his death was a severe luss, nut only tu his family, fill tu the new community, in the development <>\' which he bad taken an active ami useful part. Mai Glass' mother was a daughter of Thomas Carr. a well to do firmer, w I in lived and died in Halifax county, Virginia. Like her husband, she vyas industrious ami frugal, engaging with great energy in all the household duties and industries oi' the early days, superintending ami aiding with her own hands in the spinning and wea\ ing of the cloth which clothed her entire family, both white and black, at least during the milder seasons of the year. In those early times in West Tennessee, a pat eh uf tl ax was cultivated by almost every family, and ihe lihre manufactured For homo use. Man,\ hours of her children's early life were spent in listening to the whirr o\' Mrs, Glass' little old fashioned flax wheel, watching the unwinding of the fibres From the reel and the thread taking shape under the dexterous manipu lations of her fingers This flax was often woven into cloth by the colored women, and made into garments for her two small boys. This truly good woman died in 1859, at a ripe old age, respected and beloved by her children and neighbors. She was never a devotee o\' fashion, her sphere being the domestic circle, and she justly prided herself upon her skill and taste in the management uf her household affairs, She was a mem- ber "I the Baptist church, Industry and piety were her leading characteristics. (>l nine children burn in her, she left six surviving her, viz.: Thomas, Dabney, Dudley, Elizabeth, Presley T. (subject ><\' this sketch), and John. Elizabeth is the widow of Jeptha Rogers, and has nine children. John, the youngest child, served in the Confederate army, ami after the war, was a prominent newspaper editor at Trenton fur sixteen years, lie died in April. 1882. Dabney was a mer- chant, and Thomas and Dudley were fanners. The oldest daughter married \V Martin, who came from Virginia tu Weakley euiinly, Tennessee, about 1835, and accumulated there a large estate. Their descend ants now reside in the town uf Mart in and vicinity, and are among the most intelligent and influential citizens uf that section One uf the suns, llw in what high esteem he has always Id by his - \ ■ of eigh- pal. i I Lex State inili- unty. and hcl iirs, Ur !s i S44, In I - ' ■ ted Weakley Mel ' law in l>i - ieral \-- the State, having this time he was only ing- lu IS IS. he was pres mty. i ■in. Lew i- ("ass bring linn. at 1 the ticket. D • itive \1 December 20, 1848, in f the committee on the Si im. of which Hon. John M. Bright i in the n. At thi the plan for the estab- \ ; ited and urged by the _ success- si Miss 1'ix. of New York, was ful Palmer, ' - earnestly ith in committee and in the \,la ho r. lie regards with a 2). J im • N in- ding that grand char- : Wells. in • Hos| ital for the Insane. o Lauderdale county, which was in Miss Mi - P - to whom March. IS4!1 - of the magistrates of he was married August !■"> IS several years from 1851 to 1857; from 1850 Miss S " mi in II, 1857 lie was stees of the Ripley Male October 18. 1 of 8 1!. Partee Vi : my. and was an alderman svn of Ripley M U. of that county. By from 1851 to 1855. Cpon the breaking out of the civil re two children 'an- war. he joined the forces of the Confederacy, and in lale county. June 18.1857: edu- May. 18dl. was appointed commissary with the rank of : ; md major, which position he held until May 1 His Bi \ it which latter was with Gen. Cheatham, at Cnion City, 1877. to W. 1'. II. B from May. 18lil. until the removal of the fori es to Co- [\ ky. in the autumn following. After Irene, the evacuation of Columbus, he went with the army to • Ten as commissary on tin staff of Gen MeCown, \ ■■- where he remai i until shortly before it fell into the 1 Ieral forces. He was with MeCown at - - Corinth, until that place was evacuated, in July. 1862, • l when hi was rdered to Chattanooga, where hi I PKOMINENT TENNESSE \\s 343 one million of rations for the subsistem f Gen. Bragg's army on its campaign iuto Kentucky. He ai companied Gen, McCown on his march from Knoxville, and was with him at the battle of I Yn-w i 1 1 < ■ . returning t<> Knoxville, in October, 1862, going thence to Ready ville, and s afterward engaging with McCowu - rum maud in the memorable battle of Murfreesborough. On the evacuation of Murfreesborough, li«' was ordered to Shelbyville, traveling all night in the rain. Si afterward he was relieved Prom duty with Gen. McCown and ordered by Gen. Polk'to report to Gen. Pillow, at 1 1 iinisville. Alabama, where he remained on duty until the place was evacuated, July 4, 1863 Prom Hunts- ville he went to Marietta, Georgia, where he was sta tinned until Xoveniber, when he accompanied Gen Pillow to Montgomery, Alabama, where lie remained until the following June, going thence t" Talladega in the same State. He accompanied Gen. Pillow in his expedition to Tunnel 1 1 ill. near Dalton, Georgia, where the latter had been ordered to proceed and do what he could toward damaging (he tunnel on (he Western ami Atlantic railroad, in order to cut nil supplies from Sherman's army, then commencing its march to the sea. While on the march, Gen. Pillow, learning there was a brigade of Federal troops at LaFayette, determined to make a night attack upon them. The enemy was Forti lied in the COUrt-hoUSe at LaFayette, and after eight oi- ten hours of fruitless fighting, and the' loss of several valuabl en, Gen. Pillow concluded to retire. Owing )o considerable random firing by the enemy, the horses belonging to the Confederates, which were being held bj a small mini her of men detailed for (he purpose, became restive ami finally stampeded. The enemy keeping up a damaging lire all the time, the retreat became almost a rout. Maj, Glass, having engaged actively in the con- flict, rode among the disordered and scattered troops, composed ol Tennesseans and Alabamians, endeavoring to restore order. The first field officer he met was Col. Ball, of Alabama, and Laving asked him if he could do anything to stop the wild stampede, Ball replied : " Help me to rally them behind this feme Failing in this effort, Maj. ( ilass rode a lit lie further and met I'ol. Neely. who had his brigade drawn up in good order. On putting the same question to him, he replied " Yes ; let the Alabamians get to the rear and I will put a stop to the stampede." Maj. (ilass rode down Neely s lines and appealed to the men as Tennesseans to stand linn and do their duly, which they did. Order was soon re- stored ami the Confederate troops marched quietly off. the enemj giving do further pursuit. Gen. Pillow being released soon after this, .Maj. (Ilass was ordered to report to Gen. Han Adams, then on duly at Talla- dega, ami was then charged with procuring supplies for the commands at Cahaba and Opelika. lie was with (leu. Adams when Gen. Wilson assaulted and captured Selnia, hut succeeded in crossing the river and making his way to Montgomery. Being separated from his offi eial papers, which had boon sent with his servant to De- tnopolis. Alabama, Maj. Glass was permitted by G en. Adams to go in that direction, with Lieut. Donelsou, of Forrest s staff, and made his way to Uniontown, where he found his papers ami servant, and remained a few weeks, \\ liilc thine he heard minors ol the surrender of Gen. Johnston, and later on. officii. Lee In the meantime, (Jen. Adams had Lame to Meridian. Missis- sippi, from which point Mai Glass received a dispatch to report there immediately. To thai place he repaired promptly, and was paroled. Ma\ In. 1865. The war over, Maj. (Ilass returned to hi. home at Ripley, ami spent the remainder of the year in trying to collect up the remains of a once prosperous mercan- tile and fanning business. After settling up his old mailers he removed to Memphis and engaged in tie co ission business fin- two years. He then moved to Trenton, anil conducted editorially the Trenton Guzrtti tin- >car. Marrying his present will- about this time he spout one year I 1869) on a farm, returning in September of that year to Ripley, and resuming his mercantile business. The business proved a pros peruus one, and he continued in it until 1877, when he turned it over to his son and devoted himself exclu- sively in farming, in which he is at present engaged In 1882, he was elected representative from Lauder dale county in the State Legislature. He was made chairman of the committee on agriculture, and was recognized as the leader in the house of the agricul- tural interests of the State He was the author of the bill making important and valuable changes in the fish laws of the State, and also of the act creating the ultural experiment station at Know i He. nn dcr the direction of the University of Tennessee, at that He supported by his vote and advocacy the act creating a railroad commission, ami took an active and leading part in all tin- important legislation of the session. He was the friend and advocate of all measures looking to the suppress! f the use of ardent spirits, and intro- duced and warmly supported the bill to pay in full all bonds of the State held l>\ educational institutions, in or out of the State, including especially the three hundred thousand dollars of Tennessee Slate bonds held by the Peabody Insiitiiic. of Baltimore. The advocacy of these measures attracted public attention to Maj. Glass, and gave him a position among the fore most of Tennessee legislators, He voted tin- the 50 ■'! settlement of the Stale debt, but Would have preferred a settlement at 60-6, if such a settlement had feet practicable; but tin- temper of the public mind was such thai fear was tell upon the pari of conservative Stati credit men thai, should the proposition to settle at 50-3 fail, from am cause, repudiation of the entire debt would probably he the final result. Maj Glass was a candidate for the Democratic nom- ination to Congress before the convention of that partj at Dyersburg September 9, 1884 \licr more than :;n PROMINENT TENNESSE \.\>. two thousand ballots hail been taken, he withdrew from the contest, although he had frequently come within three or tour votes of the necessary two-thirds of all lb.' \.M.- casl \fi. r a session "I five days, the con- vention adjourned, late on Saturday night. September 13. having failed to make a nomination. The adjourn- ment was to the following Thursday, and the conven tion met pursuant thereto at Trenton. Tennessee Maj Glass was nol present at Trenton, nor was his iiaui.' placed before the convention until after several hundred ballotings had taken place II. ■ was then In forward by the delegations from Gibson and Crockett counties, and nominated under the majority rule, it having been found impossible to effect a nomination under the two-thirds rule, lie imme- diately entered the field ami made a thorough canvass of the entire district lion, Kmerson Ktheridge became his competitor, hut no proposition being made by him for a joint canvass Mai, ilia-- being already in the field they each canvassed separately. .Mr. Ktheridgc being decidedly the strongest Republican in the dis f rit-t . brought out the entire strength of hi- party, increasing his vote more than three thousand over that of Cap; Lyle, who had i le the race against Hon [{ \ I'ierce. two years previously. Maj. (ilass was also strongly opposed by two of the Democratic news - iA' the district, on account of the manner in which he was nominated, ami many of the personal friends ol lion Rice \ Pierce opposed him \\ i t li in- tense bitterness Notwithstanding all this opposition, he was elected by a majority of nearly twenty five hundred over his competitor, ami the two papers of hi- own party that opposed him ceased to exist imme- diately after the election. Maj tila-- politics began to take shape when he was very young Ili- father was a Jackson man. When Crockett and Fitzgerald made the race for Congress. Maj Class took sides with Fitzgerald's follower- and as he investigated the political history of the country he began to allign himself with the Democratic parly. lie li.i- always taken a leading interest in politics, hut has been uniformly conservative: for example, he did not believe in the expediency of secession, and doubted the constitutionality of it. In hi- contests for the Legislature ami lor Congress his sp -lie- have been mainly on the agricultural ami business interests of the country first, to -h.w that agriculture is tin- great industry of the country: that more than one halt the population are engaged in it; and. consequently, are entitled to a 1 ognition at the hand- of the al government. He is in f a tariff for revenue, so adjusted within revenue limits as to I American industries, nol believes that the protective policy, together with our navigation law,-, has been the chief cause of the loss to America of the carrying trade which we enjoyed in 1S55. In other words we have fostered our manufacturing industries to tin' great detriment of our carrying trade, building up the one as hot house plant-, and almost destroying the other. His election to Congress by a brilliant majority, i- to be accounted for on two grounds First, his moral character; and. secondly, the interest he ha- always manifested on the -tump, in the Legislature, and as editor, in the agricultural interests of the State, and ially of his own district, comprising the counties of Haywood. Lauderdale. Dyer, Obion, Lake, Weakley, Gibson, and Crockett- one of the most productive ag rieultural districts in the State, Secondly: In I860, he supported Stephen A Douglas, believing he was one of the few men living who was able to prevent war between the State-, and being devoted to the union of the State-. Maj. Glass did not favor secession till the integrity of the I nion was broken by the secession of South Carolina, when he thought it was better for the South to stand together, and favored the -.cession of Tennessee \- a speaker, he has g 1 command of language, and -talc- hi- propositions with a clearness that -how- he has mastered the subjects he handles, ami is familiar with the hi-iory of political iiuestions. His ambition seems all unselfish, and he aim- only at the s 1 of the country with which his own interests arc identified. His character was formed on the farm. His parents were never rich, and their children were required to do soine farm work. He had but little money during his minority, and wa- never disposed to be extravagant. Hi- tastes were simple ami hi- habit- economical. Hi- patrimony was quite small, ami he early recognized the fact that he must use both economy ami industry in order to rise in the world; and in not having the advantage .>! a collegiate education, he was put at a disadvantage with many of hi- contemporaries: but having ambition to .1.. good and make himself useful, he engaged in mercantile business, ami pursued it with diligence and energy, ami whilst he gave up the practice oi law very early, he kept up his habits of reading, and studied closely the history of his own country, and especially the lives of the founder- of American institution- lie mingled freely with the masse-, learned their struggles and difficulties, and was always in sympathy with them. He studied closely the industrial interests >•( the people, ami was always opposed to monopolies, and regarded with keen apprehension the growing corporations of the land. believing that there is intelligence ami virtue enough in the masses to govern the country successfully, ami that capital in the hands of a very small minority ought not to be allowed to direct the legislation of the country in its interest, to tin' detriment and partial en- slavement of the majority, Being a practical man. on the stump lis does not say sharp things, nor tell anec- dotes, but any assemblage of people that listens to him must see clearly hi- positions, and the reason- that PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. sustain them. Hence, bis powerful influence a a speaker. He ia always calm, collected, dealing in facte and Qgures, and draws his illustrations of an idea or a policy from the results of its own history, and back through American history, and into the depths of an- tiquity, where it first began, He never possessed greal money-making capacity, and worked harder than mosl men to accomplish what he has in i he way of property He has drawn around himselfa following, because the people (Mine to have confidence in his honesty and integrity; and when in office he always guarded tin public treasury with great vigilance. Hence, lie was nut looked 'in wiili great favor by those having jobs; and never considered popularity worth tin' cost, unh it followed as the reward of correct conduct, In religion he is a Baptist, ami has been liberal to the Baptists ami Methodists especially, as his wife is a member of the Methodist church, lie is a Sunday- school teacher, but not an officer in hi- church As a speaker ami conversationalist, he is always instructive, and always a surprise, for the reason that hi is mi original in his expressions ami modes el' thought. Very clearlj he i- a man that wears his own head, does hi- own thinking, ami is utterly free from pretense ami mere sham ami show, lie appears in this volume, not onlj a- a representative Tennessee congressman, but a representative Tennessee man. el' the best type. During his brief service in Congress, Maj, f the seven million six hundred and seventy thousand farmers, about tour millions own the ('arms they cultivate, and nearly four millions are farm labor- ers. Let us dignity this meat industry by giving to it a larger and broader recognition in the legislation of thi- body. Let tardy justice be done that elass w ho toil ill the field and the shop, and are the most law-abiding, patriotic and useful .las- in the land. This country is pre eminently agricultural, ami in the very nature of things must continue to remain such." COL. MATTHEW C. CALLAWAY. Til K eminent editor whose name stands at the bead oft phy. and who i- recognized as oue of th. erudite, and most successful jour- nalists ,.f the South, was born in Iluntsville. Alabama. March o. 1820. but was raised in Morgan and Law] counties of that State. His father. Wiley G alia way, Oglethorpe county, Georgia, came t.. Alabama, in LSI.- 1 at Huntsville, moved from that place i county, in 1822, and settled near where Danville in that county now is. and was one of the first school teachers in the State of' Alabama. IK married, at Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 1S17. In 1>L'I. oiii Morgan to Law;-, in-, county, and taught school there until [830, when he was elected probate judge of Lawrence county, which office he held about twenty-seven years. In ls.VA he moved to Texas with his two daughters. Mrs. .lames Townseud and M - .lames \\ ise. and there died and was buried at a place called Lone Pine, in his seventy-fifth year. Judg. laway was known as the finest scholar of his day and State. He was also a most popular man, a- is e\ ideneed b\ hi- having held an elective offic nig a time, his integrity, honesty and inflexibility of character wiu- - for him the implicit confidence of the entire com- munity, 'fhe family strength in the county is also -ecu in the remarka that at one time, while he was the probate judge, hi- -on. William M. Gallaway. was ircuit judge, elected by the Legislature, and his nephi S - ' ' ' .way. was. at the same time, sheriff of the same county. This concenirati in his family, however, defeated him at the succeeding election, but at the election next ensuing, he w judge by an almost unanimous vot. iting his services until the., had a trii a without them four years. He w; ...I by his brother-in-law. .Indue Charles •Lime- 11. McDonald, his son-in-law. - that the offici in the family ever si. - ll t the brief interval before mentioned. The Gallaway family is I s h Irish origin, and came ..\er to Oglethorpe county, Georgia, just prior to the Revolution, in which three brothers took parr on the patriot -ide. Many descendants vt' the stock now live in North Carolina and Georgia. Col. Gallawav's paternal grandfather, Matthew Cal- laway, a native of Oglethorpe county, Georgia, died in iunty, Alabama, in 1S22. He married Mary East, who lived to the advanced age of ninety-six. and died in Oglethorpe county. Georgia, having gone back to that State after the death of her husband. Hon. K. 11. East, o\' Nashville, whose -ketch appears elsewhere in thi- volume, is a descendant of the same East family. 'fhe "C in t'ol. Gallawav's name stands for Camp- bell, he having been named for Colin Campbell, a con- spicuous character in Scottish history, and the Galla- ways and Campbells being of kith and kin. C..1. Gallawav's mother, hi Miss Mary McDowell was the daughter of John McDowell, a native Irishman. who came to this country, the only one of his family when a boy. He settled first in Oglethorpe county. aria, moved to Bowling Green. Kentucky, thence iinty. Alabama, and thence to Moulton, where he engaged in the hat trade and made a hand- some property. In early manhood, he served as an American soldier in the Revolutionary war. for which he drew a pension till his death at Moulton. Alabama, iu L841. eighty odd years of age. Col. Gallawav's mother was a member of the Baptist church, and was celebrated lor her piety, charity and tine practical sense, just the wife, indeed, for an educated man like her hus- band. The fine vein of broad. everyday business sense that characterizes the son. was derived from the mother, whom, in this respect, and in hi- keen sense of the ludi- - as well as in physique, he more resembles than - his father. As will be seen, however, from his PROMINENT TKWKSSK \\S ::i7 portrait accompanying this sketch, Col. Gallawaj takes also after his father's side, whose mother was an Wast, and there is a striking resemblance between Judge East and Col. Callaway, as will appear on comparing their portraits in (his volume. Col. Gallawaj s mother died mi Moulton, Alabama, in 1855, :ii the age of fifty seven, leaving six children, all of wh 'e dead, except the oldest, the subject of this sketch He has adopted two of his nieces, Lucille and Mary Mc. Wise, daughters of his sister. Elizabeth Gallawaj Wise, who died in lsii", leaving these two daughters to his care. Lucille Wise is now the wife of James V. Fussell, a leading merchant ;it Forrest City, Arkansas, and has one child living, Annie, and one dead, Fanny Gallaway, named in honor of Col. Gallaway's wife. Mary Mc. Wise mar ried James A. White, a stock dealer at Pulaski, Ten- nessee, and lias three children, one, Fanny Wilkes, also named for Mrs. I iallaway. One of Col. Gallawaj s cousins, Mrs. John Malone, «■ i Miss Sallie A. Reedy, is distinguished for having writ ten more poetry of a high order than any poetess in the South. Having received the advantages of a common school education up to the age of sixteen. Col, Gallaw ij father then placed him in his office as deputy clerk, and there his history begins, which, in passant, il may he well tn say, was rather boisterous ami tempestuous, [ndeed, he was celebrated as being the wildest boy in the county. When his father found he could nut man- age him, he entered into a conspiracy with linn, Thomas M. Peters, since chief justice of Alabama, for the pur- pose of bringing about a reformation in the wayward youngster. The terms «it' the conspiracy were, that In father should disinherit hint and .Indue Peters, then editor ill' the Monltun News, should take him into his printing office In see what could he made id' him. They did not have iii wait long fur the opportunity, for one day young Gallawaj whipped a youngster about his own age most terribly. According in the programme, then, when ( iallaway went to his lat her s oilier as usual, his father look him to the door and told him In go; never in pill his fool in his fat her s house or office again ; that he had tried In control him and had failed, and now he must hoe the world and lake care of himself Galla way Hew in his mother for comforl and intercession, hut she being in the secret also, ordered bin i of the house. Here was a perplexity. Although the mother permitted him to get his clothes, she would not relent in her banishment, Taking a seal mi the c t house fence steps, the young man seriously contemplated the situation, anil was lost in wondering what he would do. w Inn Judge Peters, answering to his cue, saw him, and, as if by accident, passed by, and inquired, " Why so sad 7 What's the matter?' The matter was explained, Peters seemed greatly distressed, offered his sympathy ami promised i" intercede, provided Gallawaj would go lo work in his office and change his wild course of liv- in- lie promised i<> give him one hundred dollars for his services the first year, without hoard, and try and induce his parents to let him hoard at home, provided he pi oinised to do bol ti t Thai night i he arrangements were perfected, and next morning younj (iallaway was duly installed in the printing office. Ii was in Movent her. 1836, the day of the presidential election between \\ liitc and \ an Buren, The foreman tied :i newspaper around him and put him to rolling off election tickets, Three hours' wank blistered his hands till they hied. Next day he was put to learning the cases, and in three months from that day lie could heal any man in the office setting type, and did set upmost of the type for the weekly paper that year. He nol only did that, but rolled the forms, did most of the press work on an old fashioned hand press, mailed the papers to subscrib- ers, and was so energetic and so changed in his c lucl for a year, that, at tl ml of his engagement with Peters, his father purchased the office and made him a present of it. Accordingly, he became a newspaper proprietor and publisher, in November, 1 s.;7. when only i \ enteen years old, and continued to publish his paper in Moulton from thai date until August, 1840. Vboul thai nine he was visited by John H. Tice, since cele- brated as a meteorologist, and who recently died at St. Louis, who came at the instance of the Democrats of Tuscumbia, Alabama, and induced him to remove his office to Tuscumbia, at which place he and Tice started the first Democratic paper, the Fran/din Democrat, in opposition to the North Alabamian, then edited bj \si Messenger. The contest of 1840 was celebrated for its excitement and bitterness, and Gallaway, young as he was, took an active pan in that canvass, and made quite a reputation in it as an editor. In 1841, he sold out the Democrat to A. t'. Matthews, removed to De- catur. Alaha , and bought an interest in the Southern Wurcury, in i nection with William G.Stephenson. There he ma i ried . .1 ii ly 21 , 1842, Miss Fanny B. Barker, al the residence of her uncle. Col. L. S. Hanks, In December, I^L'. he sold out and did nol again engage in the newspaper business lill January, 1844, when he purchased the Florence Gazette, the oldest paper in the Stale, having been established in 1819 Ai that place, he was eminently successful in the nev, paper business. Then' were many bitter contests for Congress in the Florence district, in which he always look a prominent pari. In 1850, there was much ex- eiicuieiit iii regard to the passi of the compromise measures. Gen. < leorgc S. Houston, afterward governor and United States senator, had long represented thai district in Congress, but had retired and was succei ded bj David Hubbard, wh unced himself an avowed disuuionisi, mi account of the compromise measures. Gallaway, although a secessionist, did not believe those measures cause sufficient for a dissoluti f the Union, ,md determined 1 1 ubbard should be beaten. ( >n ac count of bis ability as a canvasser and slump speaker, PROMINENT TENNESS \- - i'tlie - -- -- - - - -- - - Ho Missis - lit - Memphis - - \ - . . - - - - - - - Out of a li> < - - - _ - - - - - - i 1 - - • ibia. Ten- - a prouiineut part iu - tihern sen- t'rom ir the inted .man. Ho was - tston- • He s - lutil the s - - - F. and i I - Missis- taking - in thi ttles of Nas _ii : at - slightly • - while iiitary • - r." by - - nkrupt. he r this - - \ ? .nuel -- mak- - He told isand when they - ind dollars. used. - I'ho money IHcht en in - rolliug the •ho white - PROMINENT TENNESSE \\s 349 arrested— probably a dozen times— I confined in j:iil one night, only for utterances in a free and unshackled press, which, however, the judge, a carpel I !i re garded as contempl of irt. The citizens of Memphis came to tear the, jail down, Inn Gallaway forbade them. These events, and the fierce and bitter i of his arti cles, made the Avalunch the most noted paper of the South for the time This war of the Avalanclu con tinued till August, l*»i!». when lion. D. W. <'. Senter having been elected governor with tin- avowed purpose of enfranchising the rebels, the tone of the Avalanche was modified, having gained the important poinl for which it 1 1 ;h I mi persistently contended, the enfranchise ini'iit i if the rebel soldiers and their sympathisers. In the meantime, ''"I. A. J. Kellar, who had become a pari owner in the Avalanche, seemed disposed to go tun far in the opposite extreme. This produced a dis agreemenl between Gallaway and Kellar, resulting in the latter purchasing the former's interest in the Ava liiiicltt . ill April. ISTlt. Cnl. Gallaway thru bought stock in the Memphis Appeal, ami became connected with that paper in May, L870, at which time there wrrv thirt} stockholders. He and Col. J. M. Keating, his present partner,! an pur chasing tin' interests of the other stockholders, I these two now own tin 1 entire paper and edit it. To show tin' success of tliis paper, reference need only be made tn i lir fact that, in 1868, the Appeal sold at pub- lic auction for twenty-one thousand dollars, ami that in August, 1883, ntic hundred thousand dollars was offered for it ami refused. Col, Gallaway lias become celebrated in tin' South as authority on the codi duello, ami has acted as second in two affaires •/» honeur. He lias favored ami still advocates duelling as a peace measure, believing that when the code is established and punctiliously observed ii prevents instead of causing tin' shedding of bl I. Hewassecond in tin- celebrated duel in which H. C. ( 'ha in I icrs killed Col. W. II. Lake, both of Mississippi; was also sec I in the duel between George I! Phelan and James Brazzallaire, in which the latter was badly wounded. On account of his recognized familiarity with the code, he lias been selected as referee during the last twenty years in scores "I' personal difficulties, which were-all satisfactorily settled, except in the two cases named, ami which were considered impossible to adjust amicably. Col. Gallaway i- an extremist in everything— friendships, enmities ami charities but is very magnanimous ami forgiving, and without malice \- long as t In' cause exists he is pugnacious, but as soon as that is removed, he relents and shows a ibounded generositj [n politics, he has always l"-''ii a Democrat without variation, ami though he lias made more office hi than any man in the South, has neve -'lit nr In-Ill office himself i icepl that of postmaster, before men- tioned II' 1 lias been a delegate i" nearly all the party State 'Mir, mi .mil twice a delegate to national Dem ocral ic ■•'•ii ■ • hi ion I Ic lias never been a public speaker, for the rea mi thai lie can never think con sccutivel} on In feel beco ■ bewildered a- sunn as he ii es i" -| irak On this account, a - well a • for other rea on he In novel I" en a i andidate liir offici and declined nomination for t he Lcgi lal ure. As an r\ idence of hi mnicm it} md I; indues lie ami his wife, i bough i In ha \ i no children of I heir ow n have raised, during the fort} years of their married lili-. some thirty children, who needed protcctoi orphan kin, either on bis or her side. Col, Callawa} joined the (hlil Fellows when a young man, but has not taken an} interest in secret societies, Though a firm be- liever in the Christian religion, be belong* to no church, entertaining liberal views, and oppo ing ectarianisiii. [n his younger days, he lived a stormy life thai led to excesses. but for several year pa i has been living in quietnee I tranquillity. The conflicts which he used formerly to engage in, and which were suited to hi na ture. are now abhorrent to him in his anxiet} for peace and a serei hi age When i In- war began, he bad. as postma ter ti n thous and dollar* belonging to the I nited -in, vern- ment. This amount was seized by military force of the Confederal vernment, but so soon as peace was declared, he was sued for the recovery of this n i b i be I nited State government and judgment obti id which was subsequently paid by him. Per contra, the federal force u ed his house in Memphis as headq ■ ters for nearly two years after the war, took aboul two il sand dollars' worth of furniture and silverware when they left, and did him other damage bul for all this he has never receh ed an} t lung. The episode in his life, when his father disinherited him, marks the beginning of the manhood of Col. Gal- laway. From thai day, he resolved to be a man. ami by and • lose attention to business, has succeeded in ever} newspaper with which he has been connected, nni il now he is hall owner of one of the finest new p i per properties in the South, and is classed among the solid men of his city. His caustic style of writing ba given hi in his success, for il ;ave notice to all the world that tin editor is a man true to himself, swearing in no nun s word, librata guu pondcribn The following extracl from a biographical work, re cently published in Memphis, shows how he is estimated as an editor in that city "Col. M. C. Gallawa.} com raenced his editorial career in 1837, when only seven teen years of age and has been c icted with the in, evei since and during that time has written more than an} southern journalist now living. In Ma; 1870, he purchased an inti resl in the Appeal, which, ou of Louisville, is regarded a the ablest and most popular of all the southern Democratic newspapers, as is at- ti b 'I by ii- lai circulation. Col. Gallaway is anient, and enthusiastic in his temperament and is then 3,)(l promixkxt rEXXESSF \\s friendships and his enmities 1 1 tends Is with tin I hat lie ai :' Prentice, he move ,i Kentucky editor in with- i irony, and crushing ridicule, than - mtli. Mrs. Hallawa; ai Huntsville. Alabama. ami « school when Col. (iallaway married She is a lady of extraordinary character, of s uient almost infallible, and is consulted, not only by her husband, but by frit-n- ; - j\ ice in in matti rs Shi is n stroii lits. but has :■' ■ 'A i sink rather than elevate 1 il ..1' man. and consequent tin - I ter charity has been unbounded. She was elected presi- dent of the 11 nne for the Homeless prior to the war. ami which to build a charitable institution. whicl 1. on account of the war coming m\ erted this institution into a maimed li. for irs. she kept up by soliciting contributions from the public, ami often from 1; The first few years after tl States, her door was the hamnierin.s place for maimed Confederate soldiers, their orphans ami widow-. In order to 1 this up what was called the "Fanny Thrusi S ty, and invited distinguished lecturers lion: the South t" address the public, and From Is of these Ic itures, she raised thousands of dollars, which were appropriated for the benefit of this class. In :■ conceived the idea of erecting a monument to the Confederate soldiers, and by persistent importunities, succeeded in raising about five thousand ■s. which built the splendid monument now in Elmwood cemetery, Memphis. •• the memory of ten. Mrs. Hallawaj is first and foremost in all work- of . in Memphis: is the oldest communicant of the nd Presbyterian church in that city; when ilar teacher in the Sund ij'-school ; and h president or controller of societies ictii of the church. Justice is the star that steps, and her regard for truth and her aver-ion for falsehood, are leading traits in her charac- ter. Her sense of duty coutrols her in everything. Every one who knows her — SO implicit is their faith in ;nse of justice and her tine judgement refers to her for opinions. But tl ill is. that though married forty two year-, -lie has never given her husband a cross word. Her motto seem- to have been. Beware of the first quarrel." Xowomanin the South ter known or more respected than she tor a char- which all who know her regard as faultless, and in Memphis she is treasured as one ot the jewels of the city. MA.l. GILBERT Y. RAMBAUT. Mt.Ml'lUS M\.l CILBEBT V. BAMB \1 I" rn in Bei rsburs Virginia, February !•">. 1>.">7. and there until his twenty-first year, lie never at- tended college, but took a thorough course in the acad- emies of Petersburg,- beginning hi- education under Melihee, continuing it under Prof Thomas IV l'a\ idson. now of Abingdon. ^ irginia. ami finishing at a. mil' 1 under Lieut. Bass, at til teen. His tastes all ran in the direction of a mercantile life, and as soon as he left school, lie w. the to- ss with his father al 1 ' Wishing I into a newer and wider field of enterprise, he to take tl' l!i ireeley I we-t and grow up with the country. In February. ISiSS lii i . '1 to Memphis, Tennessee, and et in tb which be followed fo He tl ill and went into the hotel business as clerk at m House, and shortly afterward prietor and formed the firm ofBam- baut \ Cox. who carried on the hotel until the ning of tin- war. In the meantime, he bad become en- gaged in railroading, in company with the firm of nd bad taken a contract to build a rail- road thn ugh Attala county. Mississippi, the road being «n-ion of the Xew Orleans. Jackson ami Great Northern railroad, which was projected from Canton, I ■ VI ma. When the war broke out. he left Mr, ( 'ox in charge of the hotel and enlisted for the Confederate service, en- tering Forrest's old regiuieut asa private in company H. commanded by t'apt. McDonald. He served through the war with Forrest, and took part in all his battles and campaigns, with two brief exception-: once during the Fort Pillow raid, when be had been left in command at Columbus. Mississippi, and the other time at the Mem- phis fight, when, having been ordered back to Macon. Mississippi, from Oxford. Mississippi, on business, and though telegraphed by bis general, failed to join his command before they left. After the battle of Fort Donelson, when Forrest, who PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. ,i had out through the enemy's lines and escaped with his regiment, was called upon by the war department to make a report, it was written l>y Mai. Rambaut, at the dictation of Forrest. After the battle of Shiloh, where he was slightly wounded in the hand, he was one of ten men who went with Forrest, who had been brevetted brigadier-general and sent into .Middle Tennessee, and when Forrest was put In command of a brigade of cav- alry and sent with Bragg on his Kentucky campaign, he aeted as cominissarj of the brigade, lie and his friend, Maj. John P, Strange, and Gen. Forrest were all promoted for gallantry in the battle of Murfreesbo rough, which was fought on Gen. Forrest's birth day .lul.\ 21, 1862 but their commissions were not received before going into the Kentucky campaign, and after the the return to Murfreesborough, Strange and Rambaut were offered commissions as colonel and lieutenant col onel, respectively, in the field, in the new command which Forrest was forming. On the morning that they were tn he assigned to duty, they were a hunt to part from Gen. Forrest, in the office of Gen. Joseph I!. Palmer, at .M urfreesborough, when Forrest, who had become deeply attached to them while thej had served on his stall', expressed with great feeling bis regret that their rela- tions were to be severed. Moved by i his. they threw up their appointments as field officers, and continued on the stall'. Maj. Rambaut starting tor Richmond thai night to bring out the commissions lor the whole staff, his, Strange's and Forrest's bearing date July 21, 1862. In February, 1 Si I."., while returning from the second fight at Fort Donelson, he was captured near Kinder hook. 'I'ei ssee, by tin' command of Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, whom he had known at Fortress Monroe, Vir- ginia, when Davis was a lieutenant in the regular United States army. He was treated with meat kind ness. and after being kept at Nashville on parole for about three weeks, was sent to Camp Chase and thence to Fort Delaware. After two weeks at Fort Delaware, he was exchanged at City Point. Virginia, reported to the war department at Richmond, and rejoined his cairn mand during the Streight raid, having been in the hands ol the enemy about three months. Maj. Strange, who was his most intimate friend before, during and since the war. was with him in prison In a skirmish al Dillard's plantation, between Pon totoc and Harrisburg, July 12, 1864, Maj. Rambaut was wounded in the knee, hut did not leave the Held. Dur ing the campaign in the "western district," he was in seventeen fights in thirteen days. On one occasion, he was in command, with Gen. Forrest serving on In- stall', Forrest had left him al Trenton, Tennessee, in command id' one company, a lot id' dismounted men and Morton's battery of four guns and seven ammuni- tion wagons, the whole force amounting to about one hundred and twenty-five men. with orders to proceed to Kenton station, while he. with the rest ok the com mand, was engaged in tearing up the railroad. When within about two miles ok Kenton, he was informed DJ a citizen that il was occupied by the enemy, two hundred and fifty strong, entrenched in a stockade. Having his orders to camp at the place, and being con viueed thai lien. Forrest was aware ol' tin- fact that il was in possession ok the enemy, he concluded to make an attack and dislodge them, if possible. Having made Ins plans, he was advancing to the attack, having driven in the Federal skirmishers, when (leu, Forrest galloped up and called to him to know what he had done, and being informed, told him to carry out his designs, hut instead ok taking command himself, acted as a member of Maj llainbaut's staff during the fight. This very neat c plinient from a gallant commander to an equally gallant subordinate. Mai, ('. S. Seay, of (Jen Forrest 3 staff, acted as Maj. Rambaut's adjutant The enemy were driven in. and tire from the arlilh r.\ being opened upon them, they surrendered al the sei d dis- charge lie served through the II I campaign in Tennessee in L864, and when Gen. Forrest, commanding the rear guard on the retreat from Nashville, after holding the town of Columbia for live days, had fallen hack and routed il nemy between the Te -sec river 1 Pu- laski, thus putting an end to the pursuit, he sent Maj. Rambaut to bear the dispatch to Gun. II I Surrendering til Gainesville, Alabama, on the 13th ok May, 1865, he returned to Memphis with tin- intention of going at once to Mobile, Alabama, to enter into bus iness with Mr Weaver, ok Columbus, Mississippi. Changing his plans, he wenl into the grocery and coll i iii business with his father-in-law, Mr, K. M. Epperson, at .Memphis, and remained with him up to June 1, 1885, and is now devoting his time to the management ok tin' I nion Stock Yard ami Fertilizer Company, ol' which company he is the largest stockholder. Previous to the war, Maj, Rambaut was a Whig, and twice voted against secession, hut went into the war in defense of his adopted State, Since the war. he has voted with the Democrats, but has never sought or held political office. lie has been actively connected with I he public inter estS and public education in Memphis, and has served as a m em her ol the city Scl I hoard for the past twelve years, lie served a- president of the hoard for two years, under tl hi system, and when the charter was amended, in iss.'i. vacating all the offices, he was one ok live commissioners appointed by the governor, was elected bj them president, and served until dauu arv . L884, w hen he was elected by the people, and again made president, lie was re-elected a commisioner bj the people in January, 1886, with the present taxing district officers, for a term of four years, lie was a di- rector in the Planters Insurance Company of Memphis, from its organization till 1882. lie has keen president ol the Mechanics' Building and Loan Association from its organization, in 1877, to the present time He i oni - - - - - M v . ~ - - • \ • - N - " • . - " -" -"_ - - - - rn at ■ - - _ • So- . the - - i i " ■ ■ - - , ? ago. and - - - - _ ■ - raiyat- • - • .bant. - • ■ ■ - • - tier had - man. - jo estates _ - » . - -- - . ; \] - ■ son of t - 3 - • ... - ------ - - - - - .. -. ... . .... - - . . - - - - - - . - ^.aain - before - - PROM I N E N T T E N N ESS E A N S 353 Paris. Richard Rambaut, a merchant al Petersburg, wciii to Baltimore to buy his flour, met the young and beautiful widow at the house of a friend, also a French emigre, and courted and married her. The mother married again, a Captain La Touche, of the French navy, whom she also met in Baltimore, at the house of Madame LaMoricire, one of those unfortunate refugees also. Thefamous French philosopher, the Duke DeLa- Rochefoucald, was a direct ancestor. The early history of the family is that of the " LaRoche" who founded the town of LaRochelle, in France. It is relate. 1 of the Due De Tout- LaRoche that he was considered the must polite gentleman at the court of Louis XVI., and that he walked on the scaffold with a rose-bud in his button hole, for which he spent his last franc, and tak ing his laced chapeau from his head, placed it under his left arm and bowed with inimitable grace to his executioner. This incident is related in an account in Harper's Magazine of famous French aristocrats. Maj. Rambaut's grandmother was the Countess Elize Warrenne De LaRoche, and the Duchess LaRochefou- eabl. at the time of her second marriage, but as all titles had been done away with by the Revolution, she was only called Mademoiselle and .Madame. Maj. Rambaut's mother, Miss Jane Hammond, was tlie dan-liter of Joel Leroy Hammond, who was born in South Carolina, at Hammond's Mountain, and was of the same family with Senator Hammond. He moved to Petersburg Virginia, in earl] manhood, and was for many years a merchant in that city, and held, for a long time, an office in the civil service of the United States. His wile (Maj. Rambaut's maternal grandmother) was a Miss Durell, the daughter of Rebecca Douglas, the only daughter of Sir Robert Douglas, of Tiddesdale, Scotland. She was accustomed to wear the old Doug las crest, and at the burial place of the family, in old Blandford church, Petersburg, one of the tombs also bears the crest of the Douglases. A picture of the old family home is painted on a panel over the mantel in the dining-room of the old Rambaut homestead in Pe- tersburg Maj. Rambaut began lite with nothing but bis talents anil bis energy. He received no inheritance, but has made wdiat he has by working for it. He is upright in his transactions, looking well to bis reputation. He has i'rK enemies. Ho is characterized by strength of deter- mination and tenacity of purpose. When he under- takes an enterprise be brines all bis energies to hear upon it. His strong points are perseverance and the power of concentration. GEN. JOSEPH B. PALMER MURFBEESB THIS gentleman, distinguished as a lawyer, a po- litical orator, a Confederate general, a Mason of prominence, and a man of high-toned honor and fidelity to principle in all the walks of life, appears in this vol- ume as one of the best specimens of the native-born, representative Tennessean. He first saw the light in Rutherford county, Tennessee, November 1, 1825. His father, Dr. W. II. Palmer, a native of Halifax county. Virginia, came to Tennessee and married about the year 1822, and settled in Rutherford county. His uncle, Dr. Jeffrey Palmer, of Halifax county. Virginia, was a man of considerable distinction as a physician and scholar in his day, and died leaving an only daughter, now residing in Richmond. Virginia, lien. Palmer's grandfather, Moses Palmer, was a man of prominence and ability in the "Old Dominion," and by his exer- tions, and through his means, the thriving town of Halifax Court-house was chiefly built. The mother of Gen. Palmer was Miss Mildred Johns. Her father was Joseph I>. Johns, a native of Halifax county. \ irginia, who married in Virginia, and came to Tennessee about the beginning of the present century. He first settled near Nashville, but subsequently moved to Rutherford county and became a large planter. He died, leaving four sons and five daughters 15 OROUGH. Gen. Palmer's parents both died when he was very young, leaving him their only surviving child, conse- quently he was raised by bis grandfather. The mother died first, and sliortK after the father went to the Northwest country and look a prominent part in the Black Hawk war, settling, at its (dose, in Illinois, where he practiced medicine until the time of his death. Thus left an orphan, he was brought up by his grand- parents, on their farm, and was taught to do all the work incidental to the life of a farmer's boy up to the aire of seventeen, which was the means of inculcating habits of industry, and laid the foundation of bis splendid physical constitution. His educational advantages were at first confined to the old field schools, which were then so common in the country. < hi January 1, ls|| he entered Union I Fniversity at Murfreesborough, where lie pursued bis studies more than two years. After leaving the university, he was under the private tutorage of Rev. Dr. Joseph Eaton for several years. He then began life fin' himself as a school- teacher, bis institution being located about four miles west of Murfreesborough, where, for one year, he con- ducted one of the largest and most successful schools ever taught by any one man in Rutherford county, the scdiool often reaching over one hundred pupils, lie 354 PROMINENT TENNJ — S'S studei tcred all over Ruth- erford county, heads of families, and -till greatlv at- illy and otherwise. After this 1 \ - ,.h. in the Hardy M. Burton, who died in IS52, United Mil at the island of St. John. II rat the March term of the circuit court of Murfret - ?4S. by S iel Ander- st circuit judges who ever pn - h the exceptiou of the i of the war. continued to practice- - -- illy, with a full practice in all the courts up to this time. He has always been fond id' hi.- . very stu very attentive to the eaus - In the si - rife which of thi r. who had always >t \Vhia .u man. and made uiauj - • : Rutherford and a 1 he Union, and agains to an. the difficulties of the country, maiu- tainii - - e n m en t implied a settlement by reason and diplomacy, and not e. but when I ami Pr< • neolu - nto the field to settle the difficulty, as a melancholy tact he re that the Union was n. and that there was no other ehanci : the held. When this assurance came, he unhesitatii - • - with the South, and ce. first a company, and then a regiment, of which he was in. I by unani- mous vote. This was tl ith Tenn — mentof infantry, a gallant bod; - rs, whieh ward became - - guished for it- under him. He continued to command the Eighteenth till the sumii $64. when he was m •ed in command of the b by him. and. previous to that time. commandi i C. Brown. After this motion, there were added to his command the Fifty- fourth an ? . \ _ -incuts, and the _ ;ii and Sixtieth North Carolina regimeuts. which nave him tin ; ., in the Confederate army of T( -- H immaud of this xh a part of what is known as the I' and Atlanta campaign, and in Gen. Hood - am] Tenuessee. in the fall of 1S04. and on down t it ion of the Army of Teuness K Johnston, at which time he was placi imand ot all the Tenn, -- ■' I -■ the 6 - tinned till the date of the surrender x \ , - " 1 till tin i ing. After the surrender he marched all tl I delivered them to their homes the mouth of May. - the ban', and \ kners army. February 16. 1S62. and was imprisoned in Fort Warr X! ssachusetts. until a general exchange of prisoners, which took place in September. - - wheu he was re -eh mel of his old ment. Ilewasacti'. - sred in the battles of Muf- freesborough from December 28 - - January 1*. - his home, and as the whole country miliar to him from early boyhood, lien. B -- relied upon him very largely for information. On the la-t day of the battle, he was in the celebrated fight known as the Breckinridge charge, during which his - was shot under him. and he was himself three times wounded, though he n - leave the Held till the fight was over. Though a colouel in rank at the time, he was in command of a brigade in this tight. most desperate battle : more than two thou- sand men. including several field officers, being killed and wounded in one brief hour. By the wound- re- i at this battle he was disabled till the 12th ot April toll, .win-, when he again took the field. In the battle of Chickamauga. September 19, ' • he wa- desperately wounded while leading a successful charge against the enemy, on the first day of the fight, a litt. - This wound was for a long time - lered mortal, but from it he finally recovered. leavii . .t shoulder badly injured and his right arm partly paralyzed, which 1: • - .tinned thl life. He rejoined his command on the 12th of July % part in all the battles in front of Atlanta, and the battle of Joni - gh, where he was again slightly wounded. Alter this he. with his com- mand, came into Middle Tennessee with (ten. Hood, and in connection with lien. Forrest's cavalry. Hi- re a conspicuous and gallant part in the .. battle at Franklin, in November, after which he _ inst the strongly fortified town of Murfreesborough. 11 s engaged in a heavy fight near Murfreesborough. December 7. 1S64, in which tight the division of Gen. William B. Bate also partietpated. r the battles around Nashville, he retreated with - mthward. I i VI -- ssippi, •. Alabama, and thence by way o\' Augusta. da. Columbia. South Carolina, into North Caro- lina, where he took part in the battle oi' Bentonville. uudei -ph K. Johnston, March 20, 1S65. In thi- battle his brigade was made the directing column. and drove the enemy before them, successfully leading a charge of more than one mile, and carrying two strongly fortified Hues. His brigade lost heavily, and he himse' - in slightly wounded, but did not the field. His ins jn tor-g • '• '.mil. - killed at his side, and his horse was shot from under him. Among others killed on this day were Col. - - both of the Tw.enty-sixth Tenn. ss - ment. Thus ends the military career of Palmer, in which - him well PLoMINKNT TENNE8SK WS 355 says, he "made a record of which any man would have a right i" be proud. In military affairs he was essen dally a man of duly. He never got a furlough, never missed a fi^ht or a drill, or any other camp duty, except when actually shot away from his colors. He always gave the strictest obedience to orders, and when he received instructions from his commander, carried them out, it' he could, not stopping to count up the difficulties. About the beginning of the war, one of (Jen. Palmer's Whig friends met him on the public square, in Nash ville, and observing his Confederate uniform, asked him. "What dues this mean?'' "It means," said he, "that I am doing my duty by going as my people are going." His men would follow him anywhere, for the hive which they bore their trusted and idolized com niaiider. In Hood's Tennessee campaign, in November and December, 1804. Gen. Palmer'smen, many of them barefooted and half naked — some of them with old blankets tied around their feet by way of shoes — fol- lowed him as enthusiastically as ever, and when he drew them up and made a speech to them, cold and shivering and hungry as they were, they cheered him to the echo, and bade him lead them forward once more to face the guns of the enemj . Gen. Palmer has been twice married. His first wife, to whom he was married February 15, 1854, was Miss Ophelia M. Burrus, daughter of Fayette Burrus, a farm- er, of Rutherford county, who was socially highly con- nected throughout Middle Tennessee, being related to the Browns, Ilaskells and Readys, names so familiar throughout the State. Mrs. Palmer's ther was Miss Eliza Ready, daughter of the late Charles Ready, sr., of Readyville. .Mrs. Palmer died in July. 1856, leaving an only son, Horace E. Palmer, now the law partner of his father, at Murfreesborough, an attorney of unusual ability, and a gentleman worthy of his distinguished sire. Mrs. Palmer was a graduate of Soule College, at Murfreesborough, and was noted for her many accom plishnients and for her great personal beauty, being one of the most beautiful women that Tennessee has ever produced. The second marriage of Gen. Palmer, which took place in June, 1869, was to Mrs. Margaret •). .Mason, of Pulaski, Tennessee, a daughter of Andrew M, and Mary T. Ballentine, of that place. The Ballentine family is well known in Tennessee, and has produced some distinguished men. One of Mrs. Palmer's broth- ers, John . Elliott, and is well known in the social circles of Nashville ami throughout Middle Tennessee, as a well- read, highly accomplished and intellectual woman. Cen, Palmer was made a Master Mason in Mount Moriah Lodge.No. 18,al Murfreesborough, July, 1^17. lie,-, mie a Royal A nil Mason in Pythagoras Chapter, No, 23, in 1848; a Knight Templar in Nashville Com- mandery, No. 1, in 1850; is a charter member of M urfreesborough ( 'ommandery, No. 10 ; has I n Ma.* ter of Lodge, High Priest, Eminent Commander of Commandery, Grand Commander of Knights Templar, in 1872, and is a charter member of Sinai Lodge of Perfection, No, I. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. I'm lore the war, (Jen. Palmer was a straight Whig, and was opposed to the Know Nothing movement of In- party, but remained in the party, and took an active part in every presidential campaign from 1851 up to and including I860, and made many speeches for the Whig presidential candidates. In 1849, lie was elected to the Legislature, from Rutherford county, on the Whig ticket, with Dr. George D. Crosthwait as colleague, and was re-elected in 1851, with Dr. John W . Richardson as colleague, and remained in the Legislature till 1853, four years in till. While in that body he was a mem- ber of the committee on federal relations and the com- mittee on ways and means. During the sessions that (Jen. Palmer was in the Legislature, many important measures were before that body, and much of the legis- lation out of which has grown the subsequent debt troubles of Tennessee, was done, (Jen. Palmer always voted against issuing a large amount of bonds, and im- posing ;1 large debt upon the | pie of his State. (Jen. Palmer was mayor of Murfreesborough from 1855 to 1859, inclusive, serving four successive terms in that office. Since the war. lie has been a Democrat. zealous, faithful and unswerving, but uever a seeker of office. In 1845, lie joined the Methodist church, and has been, to quote the words of a gentleman who has known him well, "a most consistent Christian all his life.'' His first wife was a Methodist, while the present Mrs. Palmer is a Presbyterian in faith. In his business, as in military affairs, (Jen. Palmer has always been a man of duty, of constant labor, and of marked devotion to business in preference to pleas- ure. Moreover, he is temperate in his habits, and it is to these things that he owes his success, socially, finan- cially, as a lawyer, and as a general. His object in life has been usefulness to his country and love to his race. and in these conscientious reflections of a well-spent life. he finds ample compensation. His friendships arc linn and lasting. \ man of soul, men love him for his ready outflow of sympathy. His face gladdens when he meets you. and his whole manner, while you are with him. seems to say, " 1 am glad you ale here, and would like to contribute to your happiness." \ wonderfully re- tentive memory, he often recalls incidents of meetings with friends many years before, which al one... reminds riJOMlNFN" ITWI-'SSK \NS ilu'iii ho has not forgotten (hcni, ami hinds them i with hooks of stool Uravo as si soldier, he its a woman indisposition Modosi in tnatntor. ill- publicity, and shrinks Ironi seeking those po silions to which ho i- richl.\ entitled by reason of his splendid abilities lit is a self made, sell' educated man of the highest type, For a mail so gentle, so amiable, and so peaceful in private life, ii amazed all his sol .■ how utterly careless of himself he was in battle, exposing himself on even field, and receiving numerous won nds, which arc liis badges of an lion. li- able and patriotic gallantry. 1 1 <• was a magnificent soldier Tennessee bad none bis superioi II is a su perb gentleman Tennessee has few his equal. HON. WILLIAM M. SMI 111 urui'ins. THIS well know nli-. . '.ii « .i~ '•! , \ Max s . 1830 In IS.'>1 In- father moved to Haywood county. Tennessee, whore th re receiving his education in the common schools ol the county and at I, a(i>. - Uabama, graduating from thai in- stitution in 18-18 Vfter leavin ■ ho returned to Tenni n the study it Rrowii with his brother, Thomas (i. Smith the law court in Memphis, Ihiring the year 181!), lie was engaged in liool in Haywood county, Tennessee, In Septoniber. 1850, In' entered the law and graduated in the summer ol' 1S51, in a class with Hot \ W Campbell, of .lai dudge John A MeKiunoy, of Knoxville. dames II ... of Knoxville, Col, Edward I Hollada \ hville, d ml W S Mi liomoro. of Franklin, Hon. Atlia Thomas, ex State treasurer of Tennessee, and other prominent men. He received hi- license from dudge Nathan Croon, of the Supremo court, and professor in Cumberland Cniversity. and Chancellor Ridley, ol Murfreosborough, and began the pra iif law in partnership with hi- brother, Thoit Smith. In IS53. he was elected to the I isl iture from I lay county, and served one term, the colleague o\' Hon. James K. Bailey, Hon. Henry I dudge dame- Iv Cooke, now on the Supremo bench of Tonnes- see, William .1. Sykos, Maj. tieorgi W Winchester, Col John V \\>>n^ and others, since prominent in the Stale. llesmuing the praetieeof law at Ni wnsvillo, hi tinned there until I s -! JO, when he was eleetod chancellor t'.u- the division composed ol the counties of Henry. Weakley. Obion, tlibson, Dyer, Haywood. Lauderdale. Tipton and Fayette, and held the chancery courts of those counties until they were suspended b> the war. From W>7 to lsiio, he was attorney in Haywood county 1 e Memphis and Ohio, now the Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. After the war he was State director in tin' sain. inning in lSOti. He took no part in the war, though a 1'nion man throughout. Judge Smith was raised a Whig, and continued up to the linn (he party broke up. hut did not appi of the Know Nothing movement in hi- party, and never that organization. When the Republican party was S ate he joined it. and has been a consistent Republican ever since. In ISti-l, he wa- appointed by liov Viulrew Johnson a- judge of the common law and chancery court of Memphis, moved to that city in December of thai year, ami continued a- chancellor until December, IStiO, v\ hen signed. In ISttS, upon the resignation of Judge II aw kin-, he wa- offered the position of Supreme ju Inn declined. After hi- resignation he resumed tin- law in Memphis, In 1S7-I, he formed a partnership with Mr W V Collier, which lias con tinned till the present time. In 1S70, he was nominated for Supreme judge by the Republican convention, but declined the nomination, and in 1878, declined a nomination for chancellor. In 1880, he v 1 io the State senate from Shelby county, and when the Legislature assembled, re, the Republican nomination for speaker o\' the senate, and also received the Republican vote for United State- senator on several ballots. In ISSi!. he wa- the Repub- lican nominee for Congress in the Tenth district. Judge Smith was married. September 2S, IS53, to M ,— .1 nlia 'fay lor, daughter of Edmund Taylor, of Fay lunty, 'feline— ee. who was descended from a A'ir- ginia family, which removed to West Tennessee and settled in Haywood and Fayette counties. The family wore noted for their honesty, modesty and piety f this union have been born six children, four son- and two daughters (\). Paul, born in 1851 : died at Mem phis. February3, ISSl. He was a promising young law yer, _' Edmund J., born in - Hum Macon, born in February. lSlIO, died. July I. 1885; intelligent, pure, and deeply lamented by a large circle of friends. i Willie \ , born in 18 Julian, born in Oc- tober, ISO-Land died at West Point, New York. Feb- ruary '.'I. 1884, while a cadet at the United Stale- Mil itary Academy. He wa- a young man of great promise. Martha Augusta, born in duly. 1S67; died in January. I8t>8 PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS. 357 Judge Smiih's father was Rev. James Smith a Moth odisl preacher, who was one of the earliesl ettlei oi Haywood county. His mother was Martha Macon, niece of the Hon. Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina, al one time speaker of i lie lower hou i ol Congrc and afterward president pro tetnpon of the enate a vei able and disl inguished man The following Prom the leading members of the VI em phis bar is the best and true i estimate of Judge Smith character, formed, as il wa by nun who knew him well The extract is taken from a series of re olutions passed I.' the lawyers of Memphis when hi n igned th< office of chancellor in 1869: " The retirement of Judge VVil liam M.Smith from the bench of the chancery court of Memphis, I the termination of the relations thai have so Ion gent leman, who has long been identified h il h 1 he educational inti re 1 of Ten- tat. born in at Li banon, in Wilson countj , Ten !, -I 1, 1 B3 1 He was the son of John l>. Seobey, a native of the same county, whose father Jami "1 1 imi to Ti am • • from North Cari before Tenm - • id mitted to the I nion settling al Station Camp Fort, in what is now Sumner county. Prof. Seobey 3 mother was Miss Sallh - I lugh- Edward Sweatt, who moved to Tennessee from North Carolina, in 1-_'l' Her fathci 1 prominent PROF. JAMES E. SCOBEY. Ml RFRL I 'BOROUGH. ii'uiiiiiM nll.\ in in in \i»ri li I the Legislatun ning to Tennessee he became 'li tingui hed 1 ti cher and a preacher. He \ >od man, of broad scholarship. Prof Sci ' andfather, on his mat side, came from Ki indmother from Ireland. 'I hi ttled in M md moved from then to Norl b < larolina, '■■■ hence the familj migrated to Ti Paternal anci nil from I reland. Prof Sci I brought up on a farm ai I'KOMix |\ T\\ KSSK \NS ai the tuaincd the h tho Pr. T, K Powell, a proli \ the Wi'l'k \ ' klaud S ■ tittuthi - S \ - S State Normal I - SS ■ -- \ - ' - - - i - Pur- - an honorable dis from the service, signed by ] I llowevi ■• ■ l 1 . . IS62, he red the si a commissary, with the itioncd at Cartorsvillo, i- nearly - s for the army. He remained in t In- service this time till near Prof S V\ he war. and in ' S late for tl it ure from Wil- led to the war. and in t'a\ lie canvass on that issue, and h a young man, an very able \\ mi I. Martin and - 1 Vbram Carnthers, : a triumphant election until l of affairs was changed by the battle vf feated by a majority- of eighty- \ « is found that the war was a fixed ih the South. Since the war, he ' in polities, but when voting ■ ith the P Vugusl 31, M ss \ mghter of Maj -'.it - S Wilson unty, and a Her mother was Miss Waters, county family, Mrs Scobey ed under Mrs, Charlotte Fanning, at Frank - \ luated there in - s before her marriage. She ss - 1 her - in the time of their -"_ - cvout member of the -■> eet and amiable and her chai v \ _>: 29 .on the mother of six children: vlV i- in Paynes Institute. Mm >\v a teacher iu Haynes Iusti- 1 hu K, 5). A '■'■ S Mas fraternity, fit made a N - Mas ebanon, in 1S5& if the Christian church since Mrs. S - s ue church. Vs .; m m, S has ieudliuess ; - him popular with all who know \- s a success - Sue scholar and 1 - nourishing schools with f s is tl those who lie has I hiiu- i has tendon. K - ,dy to ineut. He has been s-. and Such a man. s»> e - important, is worth serves to be lion PROMINENT TKNM'.ssi; ANS. ifi REV. .I()l IN BERRY McFERRIN, D. I). 7 A I I IS remarkable man, w liosc name 1 n ■ 1 1 enecd and beloved ii 1 1 1 of household ■ nol onlj in Tennessee, bul througboul the length and breadth of the country, is one of the bcsl and puresl types of the native Tennessean ITe was born in Rutherford oounty, June 15, 1807, Pic was n mosl extraordinarj child, grew verj rapidly, and walked when onlj seven months of age; was never sick :i day, never took ;i dose up medicine, and never had n headache until after he was eighteen. I [e was placed in scl I at 1 he \ crj earl) ol Pour years, and he has no recollection of the time when lie oould nol read the alphabet, lie learned moderately fast, and received a plain education in the English branches only, al such country scl Is ai wi re then ae cessible, supplemented by studious habits and sclf-cul ture ai 1 ie 1 \ ai i' hi in 1 he living lie ha been 1 w ice honk agon I Ibi the Method i 1 Kpiscopal id h Smith, serving in thai capacity eighteen \ em « :iry of the board of missions, for 1 he same church twclvi ■ 1 1 ha been a inembei of the (cueral ennfereue il 11 l\ from I83(! to 188(5. lie 1 the author of Pho Hi tor; nl VIethodism in Tonnes ec which has been printed in throe volumes, octavo, of live hundred page 1 in h and has mi -I with extensive sale 1 al aiithoi of c\ oral publi hod er uimormis iiildre.' and in in contributions to the press of Te issee and other States, Accompanied by his daughter, Miss Kiltie Lou Me Fcrrin (now Mr lloberl \\ Bryan) Dr. McFcrrin wcnl as a delegate in 1 he Ken mimical Conference » huh ini't in I, Ion I'iiigland in September, 1881 During this tour, he visited and held servi in various Ho joined the church al thirteen, and I' his early churches in Loudon, Dublin, Kdinburgh, Paris, and days led a life of stricl morality and obcdiei Mis habits have always been as regular as the measure of well written music a time to rise a time to eat, and a time i<> sleep, lie never committed a wr in tout ion ally, never swore an oath, was never in a circus, never witnessed a theatrical performance, and such was his early moral training, and so thoroughly did his parents impress upon him the value ami importance of truth that, if he ever 1 < > 1 < I a lie, he has no recollection of it, lie never received but one correction at school, and but niie punishment from his parents, and thai was ad ministered with a small twig, nol more than cighl incln in length, [n after years, Dr. McFcrrin ruled his own children b.\ the laws of love and kindness, and never chastised them, cxcepl with a straw, 1 1 is early life wa - made up nl' 1 In- ordinary routii I' farm work, following the plow, going in mill, driving wagons, eie He first fell thai he was called in preach ai tin- age of eighteen, and became a licensed minister of the Methodisl Episcopal church, October 8, ISl!.">. Mr became .1 member of the Te ssee con feronce, as a traveling preacher, in November, 1825, ami preached his firsl sermon at Tusoumbia, Alabama lie then traveled three circuits Franklin, Lawrence ami Linii'-i ■ Alabama was two years am the Indians, as a missionary; was. stationed al Muni '.ill Alabama, al Pula.-ki. To SSee, and three limes al Nashville; was presiding elder of the Florence Ala b; 1 district, and nl' i he Cumberland di trict, in Ten nessee; was editor of the Nashville Christian Ailvoc.ati from 1840 in lsr>s. was missionary in th"c Confederate army, and faithfully ac ipanied 1 In- Tennessee 1 roops throughout the arduous campaigns and perilous trug "Ii nl' tin- lati' war. adniini -hi ing In I he sick and wounded, helping to Ian.. 1 In di .el, and pi . ai Inn al New castle mi Tyne and wa 01 f the editors "I the history of 1 he mccl ii f this con fcroncc, Ho was earl j connected with the missionary ucietj ami intcrc I'd in all ib moral inoveinentH of tho 'Pen nessee conference and of hi church and wn onoofthe prime movers in originating and building La Grangi Coll in Alabama. The title of Doctor of Divinity wi ('erred u| hinibythi collcgi in 1847, and by Ii amliilph Macon 1 'nil \ irginia, 1 he ame yi ar I Ie has In 1 1 1 11 general conference officer longer than any man in the church, North or South, a period nl fort) four years, lb' was never nominated for anj office in which he wa nol elei ted 1 nil w .1 neve 'ed I'm' In official conduct in m po il ion he has held, While editor of the t 'hristinn I dvocnli; he, through the press. entered into all 1 lie 1 heologica I conl ro\ or ii disc •■ the dogmas thai divide the dc dilations, ami c i" cially 1 hose conflicl ing with In ow 11 crci d lb' ha • made no departun 1 In- Methodi 1 creed 11 taughl hj tho standard writers, and set forth in the l'i cipline. he lioldi now, without any abatements or innovations. But, as ho grows older, he become more catholic in his feelings; nol less a Methodist, bul more philan thropic, and 1 a, charitable toward other denoniino I inns. Personally, and in phj iipie. Dr, McFcrrin bcai' oul the sturdy quality of hi.^ moral character, the sturdy puritj of his piety, lie has a large frame, strongly built, stands six feel in his I ts, and ha an avert weigh I of two hundred and ton 1 nds. His features are all pr incnl and pr meed era ■ projecting brow - . oj c blue and pencl rating capa ble ol \ aried expre I cmol inns, ami ici m in spi ak ami emphn 1 to the languagi In ul tci < Capable of great endurance, hard woi I. and elm 1 applii al ion In hi 11 PROMINENT TK\NI>- 1. \N> liant. and ho has the appear- all weathers, have doubled his eapaeii ■ en temperament, he has the man I. and \ • .'.hi ha\ . ': tar and a man \vl - sueh '■ ssion, and whose manner - - R man . - the memory of the writer, and tl . the uiir- ■ - lie in- MeFerrin. why his In N - thai he and Rev Dr A. L. P. • both. - he ehureh. and und S," - his friends - sition. - \ is Dr. Mc-F M - . . - - - make th< - - d man. Dr MeFi rriu has ' - mar- - v .. \ • I 5 hn A.. J \ - He i - x \ . sent Mrs. M - H e r si s t or . M ary M P V \ - and at one time a member of the Legislature from .::;. . Ti -- Mrs MeFerrin wa- red at the old Nashville Female Academy. - eheerful. active, iudustrions home-loving woman, and I the offices of wife, stepmother and mother to her husband- perl - actiou. She is the n three children- Kittie Lou. Mai Dr MeFerri S ih .lane MeFerrin, • lS4iJ i at Columbia. Ten- 1 married \ i? James Anderson, from Vii ruierly a school teacher, in Sumner count} Their hn MeFerrin \ Nashville. s Douglass Kv \ ■ ■ ■ N l Mira. A .nd Frank hild, James William M Ferrii - urate arm\ seventeen mded and captured by tin - the battle of Nashville, i eembi - - n at Camp Douglas, near ( lose of the war He was for house '. \ rd. at Nas He married in - S. Miss 1 ' N shville, and - amer I - s when it the An. k in the < ' sville. 11 - April The father met -ham.Ala- S SSI. The third hn A. MeFerrin, was \J _ S4S - ted at Nas - I with ted license \ - He m - M ss Martha Uiston. Ju • re child: \ 'mini. James \A»ston and Virs it the MeFerrin. tuber. - lie child- rin. - \ Lou McF . ember -I. - - N - mar- t TV Bryau, of the S - \ >l MeFerrin, ried. Juni .' .11 \ - Dr. MeF MeFerrin, m Ireland uuty. Pem - - i I volu- C_Cc hi « /!' ?/*-« t 77\ PROMINENT TKNNESSE VNS. 361 tionary war. and was ai the batllc of King's M tain. IK' died in Mississippi, more than ninety years of i The Doctor's paternal grandmother was the daughter of James Laughlin, whose fi 1} eame from Belfast, 1 1. I, i ml. His maternal grandmother was a Miss Camp bell, of an extensive Virginia family, The parents of Dr. McFerrin, James McFerrin and JaneCampbell Berry, were born in \\ ashington county, Virginia. Both families came from [reland more than ■ hundred and fifty years ago, 1 stopped in VTork county, Pennsylvania, where the} separated, pari going to Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, and the immediate family coming to Kentucky and Tennessee. Dr. Mc Ferrin's parents settled in Rutherford county, Tennes- see, in 1804, jusl one year after the count} was organ- ized. The McFerrin family were originally Presbyterians, but became Methodists in 1820. James McFerrin, Dr. McFerrin's father, was with Gen. Jackson, in the Creek war; was. for a number oi years, col 1 of the Fifty-third Tennessee regiment ; became a Metho- dist preacher, in 1821, and preached twenty years, tie died in September, 1840, at the age of fifty-six, and « as buried with Masonic honors. He left two daughters and four sons, three of whom were Methodist preachers, and four of his grandsons are now licensed ministers of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. The family is noted for its preachers, there having been thirteen in the immediate family, all Methodists. Dr. John l>. McFerrin is a double cousin to James McFerrin Berry, whose son ex-Gov. Berry, of Arkan- ai, is n iw one of the United States senators from that State. He is also a double cousin to l>. II. Berry,whose son, linn. ( '. P, Berry, is a member ol Conj n from ( lalifornia. If the young men of to day. who read thi I raphy, ask how Dr. McFerrin became a leader, and one ai g i Ik grcal men of In- church, they may be an wered I. He has lived a long time and usefully. -. He is en- dowed by nature wii li a strong mind .'; 1 1 ■ i devoted in doing ( i nd's work, and from thi consecration In I- age. Truth and right, in all their power havi taken I mid upon him. and lir i like John the Baptist, a " voice; not proclaiming liimseli Inn giving utterance to the truth thai has inspired him. I. He has followed i i ill ami given all hi.-, powers iii tin- work of the ministry. Asa pulpil orator, his success is largelj al tributable in the facl that he knows humanity, h rows and sufferings, its passions and prejudices, as the musician knows the stop of the church organ. 5. And lastly, lull In. I In lie lightl} ' n i med, una' it is also a 'j ifi of God, comes Ins physical powei and capability of endurance, which have enabled him in work on un- tiringly, where other men musi have faltered ami suffered defeat. No man in Te issee has impre ed himself more deeply and permanent!} upon the public mind than John I!. McFerrin, because he is justly regarded as a g I man. He is a profound thinker a ready writer, a forcible preachcr,a man of faith, amus- cular Christian, a first-class financier and business man. as the general conference ha moi i rea on in know, from his superb management of the publishing house. He will go down as an historic character, eminent among the mosl prominent Tennesseans of his time, and his memory will be embalmed in the hearts of his people, ami fui mi' general inn- will rise up and call him Id' ed. GEN. MATT. MARTIN. rri.i.MioMA. THIS distinguished orator, soldier and patriot, whose mother was a cousin of Henry Cla} of Kentucky, and whose paternal grandmother, Betty Marshall, was a cousin of Chief Justice Marshall, id' the supreme court id' the United States, was born the youngest of a family of thirteen, in Bedford county, Tennessee, June 18, 1812 mi the same day that the formal declaration of war was le against Great Britain In Congress, which \\a- proclaimed by Presi driii Madison mi the follow ing day. lir was educated — partly at the Manual Labor School at Princeton, Kentucky, and partly ai tin' Uni versit} of Nashville, under President Philip Lindsle} Ai the age of twent} three, he married weul to farming in Bedford county, made money very fast, ami became, for thus.' times, very wealthy. Hut having mi power t" 4>i refuse a friend a favor, he went security tun liberally, and, pei sequence,! h of his wealth took wings and flew away. II'' became nol only eminent as a farmer, hut was urn' of tin- IllOSl prnmi mail citizens in his section, occupying a position so reputable that his political party urged him repeatedl} to accepl a muni nation l''<\- Congress when it was useless to run — he being a Win-', and the congressional d I J K. Polk's) overwhelmingly Dei sratic. Again, his personal party friends urged him to announce himself a candidate foi governor against Hon [sham G. Har- ris bul t hie he also declined. [n the meantime, he had devoted his leisure to the study "I law, and having been licensed to practice, he opened an office at Shelbyville, in 1851, and practiced with much success until 1861; his great popularity as PROMINENT TENNESSE W- ;tu or-.i if human nature, his adroit uiaiuii - war he 1 Manel i si r until ' ~77 - - tinned to r< - ; his time mainly t in Independence and I counties. Arkansas. This - - - of laud purchased by him and on whieh are rich mi - Smith, thi V.rk it State - tony years ago. Samples of l \ f ] old teaehi - - - nineed the ore very rich, ai - pupil to purchase. But from the • 'it. who I - sale. It was I u. Martin, who killed du 2 to my ears, said tl I and adn - u the • led to his lives Martiu has - - _ man. While a tanner i. \ . a; the fin- in the State. ' - - he was - - F K ... \ . ... . . s bridge was des - ; - Marti Whei ■ • but with - savins - '. ■ " We mus - I nominati - -. \ - ... - I States - part. In .1u - died upon t.> command the " V.rv - - ptain. but in a tew days sition. he • ilonel third Tenuessee volunteer infantry, which fas s - I under t ien. l'a; ut this time, the call of the militia - - ited !■! allow his name t" >t' the thi ssee Stai s. His aus "In time man should seek or ik up his name and triumphantly elected him their s ueral. He was s;i!l at \ ;>-ky. in camp, eonimandi \venty-thi ne of the st disciplined regiments then in the I - when il.'\ . Harris .11 on him for one-half of his militia divisi - - the draft. On re- ceivii - in doubt as tn his exact duty. . then performii a s - in the army, he could not determine the "any — whether be riulu I ;k in the in the mil • - her rank. He consulted with' --.ring htm that he was unde- - prom s his e i . that the cause was thiug. the mau nothing;, and he would abide the advie his s - that, while un« his s he was tm- . ve. and referred him t He went to Gen. Hardee, who was unwilling Ubert Sidney Johus - - not a time n. He v. .-. and [resign his rank in th ate army and a cd him by the andt; - - - but it ha] me that the - asm in his - :e. and he found that the mi', it his division had entered the arm; - -that. rtiu hast- ruent and - - He take part in the 1 of Shiloh and - e. in win M irtin manded M. Prentiss, who was - when - s the The limbs on th- PROMINENT TENNESSE \XS 363 out down by the cannonade, and were verj destructive to the men. Gen. Martin was wounded in this part of the battle in seven plan's. A 1 i ml > fell on him, doub ling him up on his horse. His won mis were severe and his sufferings extreme. The slope of tin* ravine was very steep, but the Confederates made the descent into the chasm, the banks being over one hundred feel high, when Prentiss, holding liis positioi the cresl of the ridge, delivered a plunging fire from his batteries on their heads, which was very destructive and murderous. Gen. Prentiss held his position with dogged bravery, standing as firm as a rock, until subsequently, being surrounded by a superior force, he had to surrender. The following anecdote, published in the Detroit free Press, illustrates so well, ami so truthfully, Gen. Martin's conspicuous braverj on the field of Shiloh, il seems very appropriate in this connection: "During the battle of Shiloh, as the First Tennessee regiment of Confederate infantry was advancing to attack, lying on the edge of the battlefield, some of the boys say a big, fat colonel, badly wounded. He proved to be the gallant .Mexican and Confederate veteran, Col. Matt. Martin, of the Twenty-third Tennessee. As the col until came up on the double-quick, and. with a yell, Col. Martin lifted his head and roared out in sten torian tunes, 'give 'em goss, boys— that's right, my brave First Tennessee -give 'em Hail Columbia!' The regiment halted but a moment, and one of the boys inquired, 'Colonel, where are you wounded?' lie answered in a deep bass voice, .My sun, I am wounded in the arm, in the leu. in the head, [in the hoily. and in another place I have a delicacy iii men- tioning; hut don't mind me; go ahead, give 'em tits! And the truth of it is. he was wounded in seven places, and. besides, a limb had fallen upon him, doubling him up on his horse In the subsequent struggle of the Confederacy, Gen. Martin tilled various positions of honor and responsi hility. Hi' remained with the Twenty third until after tin' battle of Chickamauga, being called upon by the men to command them, and thus he served with 'the hoys through the campaigns ill Tel ssee, Miss- issippi, Alabama and Georgia. The remainder of the time after Chickamauga, he was mostly with Gen. Clan ton, upon Clanton's request. His bravery during the war was recognized by Generals Cleburne and Har- dee in the most complimentary terms. His conduct throughout the struggle was reckless of danger — ex- posing himself at the most dangerous points of the conflict win-never necessity required. More particu- larly, however. i~ Gen. Martin gratefully remembered by the people, both for his bravery and for the prompt ness wiih which he gave his name, his eloquence and his commanding influence to the cause of the South. Gen. Martin was first married in .Maury c t\. Tennessee, September -t. 1835, to Miss Sarah Quincy Williams, daughter of Hen. Samuel II. Williams, a a large fanner, and a gentleman prominent in that county as a sheriff, brigadier general of militia, and member of the Legislature. Mrs, Martin's mother, m ■ Miss Ruth Davidson, was a relative ofGen. William Davidson, of Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, an intrepid officer of the American tinny, who lost his life at the battle of Cow pons. South Carolina, and in whose honor Davidson county, Tennessee, was named. Mrs. Martin was one of eight sisters, all noted as ladies id' great refinement and model housekeepers. She was a Presbyterian, and a graduate ot the Nashville female Academy, a remarkably fine mathematician and aci plished in music. She died in 1 s."> I . having borne nine children, four of whom are now living: (1). Barclay Martin, married Miss Kate Fogleman, of Shelbyville, and has three children, Barclay, Louie Queen, and Johnnie. He is now living at Wichita Falls, Texas, a lawyer. (2). Sarah Clay Martin, now wife of William .1. Armstrong, of Maury county, has seven children. Quincy, Matt., Mary Cordon. Maria Barclay. George, William and Maury D. (3). Margaret F. Martin, now wife of A UgUStUS F. Sow ell. of Maury county, has three children, Jennie Pearl, Augustus, and Lizzie Martin. (4). Marshall Abram Martin, now practicing law tit Burnett. Texas; married Miss Emma Walker, daughter of Thomas Walker: litis six children, Barclay. Thomas Walker, Matt., Anna. E a J. and Armstead Fisher. Gen. Martin has four great-grandchildren : Quincy Armstrong, oldest daughter of William J. Armstrong, married J. T. Cochran, and has three children, Wil- liam, Thomas, and Matt .Martin. Mary Gordon Arm- strong married Milton Bunch, and has one child, Hugh. Gen. Martin's present wife was Miss Elizabeth D. Martin, his second cousin, whom he married March .">. 1865, in Montgomery. Alabama. She was born in Shelbyville. Tennessee, February 2, 1824, daughter of Hon. Abram Martin, war tax collector of the Confed- erate States for the State of Alabama, and for man\ years a circuit judge in that State. Her mother, .lane Patton, Wits the daughter of Thomas and Jane I'atton, both native I rish. The Martin family is of Scotch Irish descent, as Gen. .Martin's portrait, accompanying this sketch, plainly shows in its Strong Scotch I rish I i ilea Incuts. II is grand lather, Abram Martin, commanded a company under Washington at Gen. Braddock's defeat. A short time before the Revolution he moved from Virginia to Edgefield district. South Carolina, and was killed h\ the Indians, in the State of Georgia, while with a sur- veying party locating lands. He left his widow with eight sons and daughter. All of these sons were officers in the American army during the 1! tvolution an war, except Man. Martin, the youngest, Gen. Mar tin's father, w ho was ;l private, lien. Martin's oldest uncle. William Martin, was a captain id' artillery, and was killed at Augusta, Georgia. Barclay Martin was a captain in a cavalry regiment, and afterwards becan Mi 'ROMIXENT TEXNESSE VXS a captain II Martin Martin will md animation he recalls and f his anc< - and there may b ? an ex- aud dauntless i - name • ited with his own ; • pity. The Martin bl tie at -•a. in which t 'hi t. Wil the l>riti>h ite to Ninety-six. in S - their eommandi r. \ rder srrand- fter her - sked her - Martin, and u - red in the affim r that he had seen - - :tt. ■he wished s -and sons - into tliu house, and - - in .uniing that she was - _ht ind her property It is but the anon: 5 position 1 uipelled til OS " W r- • ed - ■k him witl - ■ The personal - hiring $ isii. a thrilling adventi n. Mar- tin > dish \ William Martin, who had maiden name was Miss V, ur. - - \ themselves - i if the; • - ire. promptly replied: " If you can't swear. 1 can. killed m;> I. and d — n them. 1 can them with all my heart."' Concealing 1 in an ambush near the way along which they knew the itches must pass, they sprang men rede up. pointed their rdered them to surrender. They took fficer and his escort pi ■ them, icted their ca] rtintown. to the house of their mother-in- Mrs Hetty Martin. Geu. Martin's grandmother. Id holy twitted the officer that he and his orderly Why. madau e. "they atta - - suddenly we had no time to defend ours - The wicki ■uthful soldiers were s<> determined and pit 1 am coutideut they would have run us through or shot red the least r< - There- . ly turned to her daughters-in-law and - what ar - with your They replied : t to have killed them at first, but now we know not what to do with them, unli -- mfiue them as - rs in the swamps m. x il the war is sugs that -they ' ■ !. which i the lie! Martin, beiug tl an officer, . ibout the paroling of prisoners, put them under oral obligation not to fight any more during the war. and tect the women hildren wherever they went, and not rob them of the necessaries I begg for the dis- it the ladies kept them, and had them de- i. Nathaniel Greene, and the r and fuller iuformati - - it's " \\ omen ^l' the Revolu- Martius father. Matt. Martin, the youngest of the eight broil. - - tu in Ch tnty. Vir- !? mth Carolina, but went back to da, and married after the Revoluti V- r this. _",mization S ;th Carolina militia. he was captain of an artillery company. He several years, theu moved itity, Kentucky, remained two years, and then, with his brotl ; Martin, settled in what i- now B nuty, Teni -- shortly after -, and Klk river purchase was made from the that count I r 16, 1S46, in his He was a man noted for firm (•at ; and - tment in lift - • h that he had the unbounded confidence audi- he whole community, and great influ- hureh affairs, though not mion. 11 - sed to candidate for any trust, though he - Barclay Martiu. Geu. Martin's uncle, after his I'KO.MINKNT TEXXKSSE WS 365 settlement in Bedford county, was a member of the Tennessee Legislature for that county. He was a very popular man, and of high character. He died child- less, and now lies buried alongside of his wife, Rachel, and Gen. Martin's father and mother, Matt, and Sally Martin, in the family graveyard on the old homestead ii) Gen. .Martin's father, in Bedford county. Gen. Martin's mother, originally Miss Sally Clay. sister of Rachel Clay before mentioned, was born in Charlotte county, Virginia, da null tor oi Henry Clay, "the tobacco maker." He became very wealthy, and emigrated to Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he died. As before stated, she was a cousin of Henry Clay, the great Whig Orator and statesman, and it is through his mother and paternal grandmother, Marshall, that Gen. Martin has inherited the oratorial power for which he has been so long distinguished in Tennessee. Gen. .Martin's maternal grandmother was Miss Rachel Puvall, a Virginia lady. Gen, Martin's mother was a member of the Baptist church, and a lady noted for great energy and industry ami tine common sense. She died at the age of seventy-nine, having borne thirteen chil- dren — four sons and nine daughters. Of Gen. Martin's brothers and sisters, it may he said : Barclay Martin was a member of the Tennessee house of representatives and of the senate, and also a mem- ber of congress from that State .Miss Lucy G. Martin married Theodrick Bradford, who represented the Bedford county district in the Tennessee senate lor many years, in the early history id' I he State. 1 1 is sister, Miss Rachel I'. .Martin, married Hon. John Tillman, a member of the Legislature from Bedford county for many years. She was the mother of Hon. Lewis Tillman. M. C. and Judge B. M. Tillman, chan- cellor. Her grandson (son of Lewis Tillman). Col. Samuel Tillman, is now a distinguished professor in West Point Military Academy. Another grandson, Col. .lames I). Tillman, was a colonel in the Confederate army; afterwards represented Lincoln county in the lower house, and Lincoln and Franklin counties in the Siate senate. Another grandson, George Newton Tillman, is now United States marshal for .Middle Ten- nessee, and a lawyer who, perhaps, has no superior of his age in the State. Gen, .Martin's oldest sister, .Miss Polly Marshall .Mar- tin, married her cousin. John Marshall, a gentleman of high standing and culture. Their son. Rev. Matt. Martin Marshall, is a noted Presbyterian clergyman and revivalist. His son, also named Matt. Martin Marshall, is a prominent lawyer at Dyersburg, Tennes- see. A grandson of Rev. M. M. .Marshall. Matt. -Mar- shall Xcill. is a rising lawyer of much promise at Tren- ton, Tennessee. < ren. Martin's sisters. Rebecca Martin and Betty Mar- shall Martin, married brothers, both farmers. Rebecca married Thomas 15. Mosely, and Betty M., married Edward \ Moselj both gentlemen of respectability and wealth, lien. Mart ins sist cr. Mat-tie Bedford Mar- tin, married Samuel It. Rucker, a lawyer of distinction, who was formerly in the State senate from Rutherford county. Gen. Martin's seventh sister, Sally Clay Mar- tin, married Col. John L. Neill. a lieutenant under .la civ son. lie was captured by the British on the even- ing of their landing below New Orleans, in the night attack made by Jackson uj them. He was a popular man. and at one time sheriff of Bedford county. Many members of the Martin family have been prom- inent. William I*. Martin (Gen. Martin's cousin), was a member of Conuross. and afterwards judge of the South Carolina supreme court. A Li am Martin was a circuit judge in Alabama. Edward Martin was a mem- ber of the South Carolina Legislature, and a very suc- cessful planter in Beaufort district oi that State. These were the sons of Gen. John Martin, oi South Carolina, one of the eight patriot brothers. Two of Gen. John Martin's daughters married gentlemen of prominence. The youngest, Sarah, was the wife of governor and United States senator. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama. The eldest, Susan, married Dixon II. Lewis, United States senator from Alabama. John A. Elmore (Gen. Mar- tin's cousin), was an eminent lawyer at Montgomery, Alabama. His repuation was such that the supreme judgeship of the State was repeatedly tendered him, hut he uniformly declined it. The county of Elmore, in Alabama, was named for him. By way of anecdote, it might be related here that prior to the war Gen. Martin's brother, Barclay, had a wide reputation as a Democratic speaker, and the General himself as a Whig orator. Frequently Barclay would have appointments in various parts of the State, and the Whigs would send for Matt, to answer him, and in like manner Barclay was often sent for to answer Matt., hut neither would accept the invitation, so high was their mutual brotherly regard. They differed politi- cally till the war came up: since that they are one in politics, as always in brotherly love, family pride is a characteristic of tin' entire family, and their adherence to each other has never been equalled outside of the elans of Scotland. After the war, ( leu. Martin returned home ami advised everybody to abide by the result or leave the country, as he was anxious to see the Union brought hack to the standard id' the fathers. He refused to take a fee, either from a rebel or a federal soldier, when arrayed against each other for injuries done during the war. on the ground that such suits would reopen wounds that should he given time to heal. In this way he did a great public service. Gen. Martin is a man distinguished, not alone for personal courage and public spiritedness, hut for firm- ness of character and line social qualities. He is a true man. Inn- to his friends, true to principle, and true to his Stati — an honorable, hightoned, high- aw: I'Ki >M in I'M TENNESSE VNS. minded, r. li n. .1 sontloin 11 it favorite in soi'isil flow Hois a man of largo build, frank and outspoken, reus »nli anecdote, wit ai m the unmistakable lines Though lii'livo man, his repartee, of an honest man. a man of pusli and nerve and sin- wlien attacked, i- si I withering. Ilissympa eerily, In appearance lie resembles Gen. Roberl K. dly excited, and, when defend I i So striking is the likeness that it is frequently al- l rem ulous with emotion, and often his tears luded to, ,1. Ill" NY W ST V I in 1 THIS distinguished gentleman is presented in these mental, moral and pliys- ;,..,] :in height, eoinp let build, lai (•,..,„ il and sex enty li\ e pounds : ir brow n ndiaut wit li into', nd with a serene, eolleeted appoar- flio sees hi- way before him, ami lias lijs ,i or suttet dot} niaj demand. The impression lie make- on one seeing him - i man of posit i ,,.,■ i ion he ha- made for him- ,1,,. N N ehair whieh he has a- editor of the /■' eminent pi iln- Primitive Baptist ehureli. Hi- loeation in * ville was : Br. dohn \1 Watson, wl iii- own end approaohii ' i, mi- I'.n- his sueeessor inehar.se of the in that eity. V iolding to hi- - lieu-, he settled there in March, IStiT. and by a very i name anions the standard men ,'f the State, and acquired a comfortable fortune. Of the menial nuke up of Prof Stephens, a tail male max be formed from I ll he made te ': of 1 ■ " Vnot 'fhe mainspring of all individual growth and visor, tin- all difficulties in t! iletermina your own helper, 'fhe men who have won distim in the mat the intellectual lirniament the stars that shine with steadx radiance through th medical literature. from tlte chilling depl on. 'f hey are men of humble pa luitl'eted t! lie and worked out theii irdor that could not be quenched, save upon the i. and thi \ i all. a deep and burning enthu- om 'line." Tin-. milar niomorahle utterances in the EPIIEXS. M. IV ll, nude a deep impression, and were much talked of in Nashville. They tell from the lips of a nun who had himself experienced what ii i-. ami how it pays, to w it li the rough roll and tumble of practical life. Dr. Stephens, undoubtedly, o\x - much of hi- solidity of character to hi- parentage, ami much ^\' hi- -i io a judicious marriage. He was born in Marshall county. Tennessee February 5, 1836, and as his name. Bunyaii. indicates, of liaptist parents. His father, Jeremiah Stevens, a native also of the same county, and now venty years old. is a liaptist minister, a fanner in moderate circumstances, a son of .lame- and France- Stephens, originally from North Carolina. His mother was linn line E/.ell, daughter of II lulauni Iv/.ell, an old Baptist minister of emi- nence, also i^' North Carolina -took. Thus the I 1 i- ai once tin- son and srandson of Baptist preachers. 'fhe Primitive Baptist people are proverbial for their stability of character. There is less of volatility among them than among the Scotch themselves, [n Tennes- - elsewhere, tiny are noted for their loyalty to their creed and church; lor honesty in their commer- cial tran-a lions, and tor being the only people whose will admit it- bearer into any communion xvhat- Their ministry and baptism are almost turner- I Cl" heard a story about town that on at least two occasions Dr. Stephens, not long after settlins in Nashville, applied to a in the eity to cash drafts from Gen. xnderson Gordon, of Arkansas, upon a Memphis house. The broker declined, as he knew neither Stephen-. Gordon, nor the Memphis firm. The Doctor brought in a jew- eler, who vouched for him. "Well, but.'' -aid the "1 don't know Gordon, nor those Memphis people either." " Neither do 1." replied Dr. Stephens. "but 1 know (hat Gen. I - an old Baptist of high standing in .Vrkaus - he case," inter] eweler. " I'll vouch for Cordon and I'll vouch for that Memphis hows fash the draft, and it' it comes back to you dishonored, brine it to me, and I'll pay it." The Hector sot the money. After this tin applied to the same man for accommodation. The broker humorously replied. " Well. 1 suppose it PROMINENT TENNKSSK \\s. 3C7 was predestinated I V< im the Foundation of the world i li.ii I should lei .m>i{ Ili \ e ii ' and he did, The writer is nol trying to picture a rough man. Dr, Stephens has the happy faculty of refusing without n repulsive air, but even a book agent knows from the tone of voice with which he declines, the discussion is closed. \ i a meeting of preachers of several denominal in a merchant's store in Nashville, Dr. McFerrin, Methodist, pointing to Dr. Stephens, said : " Ami licre i Dr Stephens, who belongs to a church thai always pay their debts; I never knew one of them in Tail. " Yes," said the merchant, " I never losl u ccnl l>.\ one of them in my life." Dr. McFerrin then inquired, " llnw aliniii 3 own people? "Why, the merchant responded, " I hey have broken me up I hree i inn Dr. Stephens' mother died when he was only four years old, leaving tin diildreu, himself, James I' ami Joseph Iv.ilir latter now also an old Baptist preacher, and all three practicing physicians. In boyl il Dr. Stephens received only a limited education, and the learning he has was acquired since he became his own man. He was a moral boy, having a father and stepmother who knew how to "train a child in the way he should go." From early childh I he inclined to be a physician, anothei proof of n vain able truth, thai wl ver would succeed in life must lii himself for some particular line of business that is suited to liis natural bent. Like many successful men, Dr. Stephens had no collegiate education, yet his repu tation forboth literary I scientific attainment i vcrj high. At ili s of eighteen, he began reading medi cine under Dr. Edward Swenson, at Chapel Hill. Ten- nessee, tie attended two courses of lectures in 1856 7, ami received his diploma in I867,and lias been practic ing medicine in Nashville ever since. Ho began to read medicine with onlj one half dollar in his pocket, and in debl sixteen dollars. With some assistance from his uncle. George W. Ezell, he made his way through. In L875, he was elected first to lill the chair of theory ami practice of medicine in the medical department of the Nashville Medical College (now University of Ten- nessee), but soon after became professor of obstetrics, a position which he still ably fills. In addition to his professorship, and large private practice, he has been for fourteen years physician in the small pox hospital, at Nashville, by election of the county court. In 1862, Dr. Stepens became a Master Mason, hut dimitted in 1868. He has also been connected with the Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is a Democrat, I ' i Stephens married, in Marshall county, Tennc ee August 28, 1856, .Miss Amelia L. Ferguson, who was born November I. L835, daughter of John Fleming Per lmisoii. a farmer and a magistrate in his di trict for many years. Her grandfather, John Fleming Fergu on was of Scotch descent, a native of North Carolina. Her gr [mother was of Irish stock. Her mother was Amelia I ■ 1 1 1 1 ■ . 1 1 di Im r of Josi ph Britten, originally from North Carolina, ol English descent. Mrs. Steph- ens has a I English ed ilea I ion and the I'eputati f he possessed of evul'j '-'race I hat adorn- a lady. She is a woman of great limitless and decision of character ami I mil e and is noted Idr her unerring judgment of human mil ure. I!\ In- marriage with Miss Ferguson, Dr. Stephen has two children : (1). Jeremiah Fane Stephens, born June 15, 1857; graduated in medicine in 1876, and in deiitisin in 1877, and is now practicing dentistry in Nashville, and has already made a sterling reputation, lie man led In .\ash\ille, September 5, 1878, Miss Willie Mallory, daughter of William Mallory, of Nad. ville. (2). Ophelia Elizabeth Stephens, born June 30, I860; graduated at the high school at Nashville; mar 1 1 1 • I March, 1881 , Robert \| I Kidlej a merchant of the firm of Dudley Bros. A; Lipscomb, of Na hvillo, and has one child, Bunyan Stephens, horn February •_'. 1882. I>r. Stephens was baptized into the ( lid Bapl i t el h iii October, 1854; began preaching In 1850, and was pastor oh Mount 01 i vol church, in Lincoln county from I860 to 1866, when he took chat if the church ai Nashville, of which he is still pastor, In. some re speets he is in advance of his church in mallei of faith, lie believes in the renovation oi (he earth and the personal i e'u f Christ on earth, which w ill he I he Kingd spoken of in the Bible, lie believes in the resurrcctii f the bodj and the actual existence of soul and body on the earth alter resurrection. The first resurrection he holds i- from among the dead- thai is, the resurrection of the saints and no others. " The rest of the dead," he understands, will live not again until tl no thousand years are ended. More succinctly stated, he believi in the personal return of Christ to t his earth, at which time will occur the resur- rection of the saints, and thai thereafter the earth will he the home of i he Redeemer and His n deemed ■-. Mi Stephen i also a Primitive Baptist, I in full harmony with her husband, though her parents were attached! i denomination. To lill at once the diffi cull and delicate position of wife to a man who is both physician and preacher, is an h ■ equalled onl\ by thai oiler honor she has achieved -of raising up chil- dren w ho have always been obedient and court is In (heir parents; n n i form]} respectful to their authority and deferential to their superior experience and wisdom Dr, Stephens' motto has been to live a Christian life, to live at t he head of lii profess ion i medicine I and to die the death of the righteous. Honest dealings, an energetic, earnest life, account For hi II never had a note to goto protest, and has mad.- it a rule to In punctual to meet his promises, and he says, with laudable pride, uo man has ever suffered to the amounl of U dollar on his account I'ROMINKN l I I \M SSK W- U ■ I l.l.l \M l SHEL'PARD, D. D.S I "Ml I II I'liclii' M |<| "II I I 1 I hi- lio would 1 1, had illy, Sally, rk i li.it tlit' III' I III' illlll'i II. Tin lures, Inii liililren or L'raudchildren have I idle (ami- S ubtful ? with in lands, and liy ti \ ' i made of li The iilv lull in n 111:111 w ho hi 1 Idier and build, and ■ .1 in 1 1 ■ in:in - tl |i| I) 11 the i- U>\ invK 1 I: l'i " indiiiothi 1 i ehild iliink> the wisest |>hil She v m prnhahl Vrkan I N l Tennessee, and elsew here t If In Dr. Sheppai the > nine children, died in Columbia, it the : forth ( 1, .iii.l grew up in Warren anil Williauisoi II ; • he had live ehildri both, « li" married Mr W M i ,lo) ee an 1 J — phine, \\ I. M l!> In- second » M M SI l-I.Y he had three children (1 William (.'Hi sketch, horn in Columbia, Teiin iher I. I' nil. 1. 1. ili.il tl Thomas Whitl il ur child 1 1 i I'.iniu.i months old I h - ous impulses, and ii with his in \\ ial, ijualil lit ...it lb. 1 1 1 living il hip of the old block I down in the world.' Columbia, « In 1 life, w I'.' li\ ed ' I ami indulgent t" his children fond of his kin. and la\ i-b in - 1 - I I ■ I * I - II .1. C. 1 D.fi i i ■ - I »' i I'liOMlNKN l l l wi SSK W- •l\ llllllllll'.l III 1 S21 |, t . |l \\ I, l,,,., Hul lor "t ^l i -lirll.w ill.-. K .in in k \ - i :ill ll\.'.| to 111 lit llcnltll COIIl|H II. -.1 'I'lu ' II II' i li II. H IH18, I || N k> . in 18-IU II. h ir hor motherly ki< 1 liurch, In II i- lirni i \\ death, ii ill 1 1 - ,. |,i, ' •i|..il .liili.li. I i I, in ] Im- with him I' II I »i- I ; . — I, iii IIh lloss born •'•Hi: \ |(i |sii*2 died iiwii Danville, Kentucky wil U - 'II •l.'lm I' Ki».|>rentieeil i" .. m furniture, in i which business In ished himself hy such si which hi riorit,\ and excellence of workmanship, thai before the II. him? in business lie married expiration of his he was in -■■■I rapidly, and tin II remained in the furniture busiiiesN until tl his married lit it after thai twenty two, when he began tin linn ; i him, and he wen) on from the stud) of which In had eon He was for some vioiis II I , in time .i merchant, and was i I I till the time of his mat lure of Mich was president of 1841 lie praeti Ill in Frankfort and tl the town ! ■ tehanan. I. Kentui k>. Dr. Ko.ss brother, William li II In WIT. In removed to Nashville, win ttled, M •' minister, preaching in <>lii.. and and has with tin i Indiana, bin livin the time, al Newport, ception of the time bel d June, Kentuck II lost his life in attempting to stop a 1850, which he spent in Uuntsville, Alabama I run II ,1 - 1 1 , I,, u is I. the llgC of twi and • S levoted .ill his to thai business in Cineiun pursuit II. has now been | II < next brothet I) II I. Koss hum ;, M .l i> the oldest practitioner of dentistry in wasaphysician.pl S Kentucky, mid Nashvill ly in the Stat< II me held tl I tin \ the dental department of the Vanderbill I i nal. under the 1'uiti - iimenl i lof the original faculty, bavin. ted with II - child of the family I 'r \\ II M in rhos born in 1SIK) ; married, in 1.821, Kdward Noble md others, in tin . ntal farmer, and died in 182.") Vfter her death Mi Noble departmi I II • t that time prol ■ ile business o|h I dental I. I ] •r.-~i.l«i i ■ ami i. .ii which he has filled > H< ilk contributed t.> the lit. hi I \nnii Itoss, is now wife of 11 I n I -7.: hi I I I ' >f the Kentui - 1 1 .,■ . -ii. which i at Ii, .in. I is li\ ii \ ,-li\ ill,., in - 1 i»l i : .in the I -111 I , , 1 1 . the wil '• |.b l.inill ry 12, 1841 I'- lloss was united in man I 11 .an, * iinn.l ( ' I: : man. an in ichiliisl ami mill : ..ml educated int. II m. Sarah 1 ' "in. I. ni i t in ned [ mi | wit ill , ■ Kcutuel PROMTS'] H ( I i u I Maney. II '•' ipl'i. ' M II M 1 Mary I Dr. CD. Elliol child, A l ' I .1 mi ~ I: ■ ind in in the S public ' ■ I. Horace I Ml, in mi the hville, J --: i! .- . '. i '• • II 1 1' - ■ 1 i> <• I |».D ! 1 1 . their ri«li - ■ ami I - PROMINENT TEXXESSEAXS. home the - in. \s • •• - it ;i mat i without ri i * if the man. it that he has . - ' ■ - 184S he has r his children, that Dr. i: >ss - blue character. H - • n rather than i -- He is • s the ny in whi i. and doing service a leader. The impression he man who waul - :t. He ha- the ap- I man : a! r in a hurry. Dr. William 11. Morgan, wl >wu him iuti- - --iuiate , ' man : a man wh - traits. - ssentially a man. The n -- mil and - which 1: - ttaiued i- largely due t" ^ -ity of purpose. Th his s -- ;1 character is mvie- - WILLIAM -L McMURRAY, M. D. y.lSIl'- T EI IS s entith - itivi T ru in the Sixteenth i illiaui- inty. T ■ -- __ 1542. and _ rm. Wh old, he entered : ■ . j n the - Guards." which was mustered int - . May 17. - 1 1 e remaii - ■ gimeut fr \ - - ■ 1 first at the rinth. a! 1' 1 ^ - 'ill. 11. at Mu - - hun- - I . _'■;'■' i minnie ball, and I .field, in the dead of winter. irt and a Bible which he from this wound he months. At th< battle of Chiekamauga. he was wounded by a i the right groiu, and was again li this wound he was He i third wound at _'a. in - . a minnie ball striking him in the li - He 1 mish in front of Atlanta, ... ler down, is a silent but eloquent reminder that he has • • uutry. and is entitled to tl. - rave man. cool and intrepid, doing ity with unflinching - M Mr; i- a tall, trim-made, handsome man, 1 with an ■ i that pn - iiis military history. H I the army that pride that characterized - iitthern ti - . is a fine - and man!;. a men who them chivalry, and many of whom now - -here the flag of the South I Ho si rved in T --a \ ' irolina, an , , part in the battles of Laurel Bridge. October, 1S61 ; PBOMINFNT TENNESSE W'S 373 Wild Cat; Pishing Creek, January 19, L862; Shiloh April (I and 7. 1862; around Corinth, in 1862; Vicks burg, 1862; Baton Rouge, 1862; Murfreesborough , De- cember 31, 1862, and January 1 and 2, 1863; Hoover's G-ap, in the spring of 1863; Bethpage Uriiliro, June. 1863; Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863 ; Kocky- faee Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Pine mountain, Kennesaw mountain, Peach Tree creek, and in the various skir- mishes before Atlanta, lie surrendered at Marion, Alabama, .May 17, 1865. His regimenl wenl out nine hundred and ninety-eight men strong, was recruited to one thousand three hundred, but surrendered with only thirty-four. His company, which numbered, first and last, one hundred and fifty three, surrendered with seven men. For a fuller account of Dr. McMurray's military career, see "History of Davidson County," pages 457-8-9. Up to the time of the war, Dr. McMurray had only received the limited educational advantages of a country school, his father having died when the son was only twelve years old. After the war, he studied one year and a half in the academy at Nolensville, under Prof. Joseph D. Didiot, of Paris, France, and graduated in 1SG7, having the honor of delivering the valedictory address. He next read medicine two years under Drs. William Clark and Thomas G. Shannon, and then attended two courses of lectures in the medical depart- ment of the University of Nashville, graduating Feb- ruary 26, 1869, under Profs. William K. Howling. Paul F. live, Thomas L. Maddin, T. B. Buchanan, J. Ber- rien Lindsley, Van S. Lindsleyand W. T. Briggs. lie also had the honor of the unanimons vote of his class for valedictorian. After graduation. Dr. McMurray began practice three miles south of Nashville, but on January 1. 1872, moved into the city, as from the effects of his wounds In was unable to endure the fatigue of saddle practice. In 1S72. he was elected jail physician for the county of Davidson, and appointed physician to all the Supreme court prisoners held for trial in the .Middle distrii I of Tennessee, and kept that position eight years through successive appointments and elections. During the first thirteen years of his practice, he only lost twelve days from his professional business. He was at one time a member of the city hoard of health ; at one time ( 1876) a member of the board of aldermen, and is now vice- president of the Nashville Medical Society, and is a member of the Tennessee State Medical Society. He is the author of the historical sketch of the Twentieth Tennessee Confederate regiment, in Dr. J. 1!. Lindsley 's Military Annals of Tennessee, 1 is at this writing the efficient chairman of the Democratic executive com- mittee of Davidson county. Financially, Dr. McMurray has made a fine success. He started in life in 1869, with two hundred and fifty dollars less than nothing, and is now thought to be worth forty thousand dollars, liaised by a mother who always taught him to guard well his credit, he has acted upon her a 1 advice, and has made it a rule when he earned a dollar to have something to lay by of that dollar, i. e., never allow his expenditures to overrun his income. Five cardinal points in life he has always tried to work to: first, competency ; second, strict attention to bus- iness; third, frugality ; fourth, integrity and preservation of character; fifth, hope in the midst of direst defeat. On this line he has fought the battle of life. He has been heard to say, with filial gratitude, that he owes these principles to his mother, and. with a gallant pride, to his wife for her tine judgement, whom he has uni- formly consulted on the propriety of business invest- ment — like Lord Brougham, who uttered the memora- ble words, " Were I about to embark in some important enterprise my first step would he to consult a sensible woman." Dr. McMurray is fortunate in having ■ of those sensible women for a wife. Dr. McMurray's great grandfather, of Scotch- 1 1 Mi stock, was one of the early settlers of Kentucky. His great-grandmother was a Miss Kinkade, whose father was Irish and her mother Welsh. In 17110. thej settled near Nashville, where the great-grandfather was killed by the Indians, in 1792. His sec 1 son. Samuel McMur- ray, married Levicy Morton, and had eight children, the eldest of whom, John McMurray, by his marriage with Miss Mary J. Still, became the father of seven children •. (1). Sarah A. McMurray, died in 1863. (2). Samuel .1. McMurray, was sergeant-major of the Twenty-fourth Tennessee Confederate regiment, and was killed at the battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, at the age of twenty-four. (.'!). William J. McMurray, subject of this sketch. (4). Liny Ellen McMurray, wife of Wil- liam Smith, a farmer near Trenton, Tennessee. (5). John 11. McMurray, graduated in pharmacy at Nash- ville; now a druggist in that city; married Miss Mary Morton, a daughter of George Morton, a Williamson county farmer of high standing and wealth. (6). Joel A. McMurray. died in 1856. (7). Thomas M. McMur- ray, now a practicing physician at Nolensville, Tennes- see; married MissSallie King, daughter of David King, who fell at Dr. McMurray's side, at the battle of Chick- amauga. The McMurray family has had many participants ill every war in which the United States have been en- gaged, from the Revolutionary struggle down to the recent strife between the States. In the latter they fought exclusively on the Southern side. Of five of Dr. McMurray's brothers and cousins, two were slain outright on the Held, and the other three disabled for life. A cousin. Col. Sam. McMurray. is now in com- mand of all the Texas Slate troops. Dr. McMurray's mother, also of Irish descent, was born iieai- Danville, Virginia, hut from the age of nine months, grew up in Williamson county, Tennessee, where she married and reared her family. She is now living at Nashville, experiencing a mother's highest am- 371 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. bition- tin gratitude "I a son whose early trainii so n Lsel\ planned, and which has made of him a su Her i Stills, are mostly in Virginia. Dr MeMurrays uncle. Mr. Thomas M. McMurray, helor, in 1SG4, at Spring Hill. Maury county, where he had practiced twenty years had the reputation of being a most excellent physician, and tlu neatest man in hi* dress in his county. Dr. McMurraj married in Davidson county. Oi 22. 1872, Miss Fannie .May MeCampbell, who was born in Nashville, November — . 1854, but w m her father's farm near the Hermitage. Sin- is the daughter Hon. Thomas MeCampbell. who. when quite was a State senator from the Knoxville J ■ She is paternally desei in the MeCampbells and An : gal talent they have given r. Mrs. McMurra\ - mother, was a Miss 1 of Thomas Cow- N - ille, who, in early life, \\ ■ llington al W aterl M - M M . is I; h i ' Qui iduated fron seminary. Nashville, in 1871. By his mar- ge with this lady. Dr. McMurray has one child: i 1 i. Addie Mortou McMurray, born June 550. 18 Mrs. McMurray i- sin on her fatl to the lai John Trimble: a paternal eousiu to the wife of Gi S 8. Bn ivn, and a second cousin of Judge Frank T. Reid, of the Davidson county cir- cuit court. Her brother, John MeCampbell, is a clerk in tin i the Louisville and Nashville railroad 'iv. Her Miss M irv Lou MeCampbell. the wife of Kdward Gaines, a hardware mer- chant, at Nashville. Her brotl I mas and Arthur mpbell. an- farmers in ' ' tnty. She also has a - *s N'annie MeCampbell, living with her. Her aunt. Mary MeCampbell, died the wife of Enoch Kiislc.v. a wealthy merchant and planter in Mississippi ami West TennesseCi hut who resided at Na-h\ ille. In polities, Dr. McMurray is a strict Democrat, though his father and uncles were Whigs. In 1S69, he I ' I Fellow. Dr. McMurray and his wife are Methodists, but in religion a* in other matters eepting only politii - ndent thinker, tolerant of the opinion- of others. 11- is ■ liiuker, a philosophi r, a determined man. 2 faith in the ultimate issue, and of -olid character. Whoever and whatever the MeMurrays have been, the name of the brave young Confederate lieu- tenant, thi if this biography, will doul mtinue to be mentioned with pride by the family - members. JAMES D. PLUNK ET, M. I>. SASnVJLLE. THIS gentleman, now in the meridian of life, ap- pears i'.. not only as a prominent Tenuessean, but - st widely known rep- resentatives of the 11! - Til il appearance he is tall and somewhat slender, but of strong build, and well titled for the activities of ah::- U and the look of a man of system, promptness and pru- lli< manners are frank and easy, without lion, yet his character is bold and essentially ssive. He was horn in Williamson county. T -- ■. of wealthy parentage, and received his primary education under private tutors and at academic sch three from 1854, In was a clerk in the wholesale dry \\ Co., at Nashville, and rear with D'Arman & Co., commission mer- chants. New ( Means. In the fall of 1850, he study of medicine in the offii \ -I Mayfield. at Nashville. In Willi, le- went to Philadelphia, where he became the privat Dl Jos oh Leidy. pr anatomy, and entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated, in 1S63, taking his degree under Profs. Wood. Jackson, . Agnew, Hoi--- and Henry II. Smith. During : - -• y in Philadelphia he spent the summers a- an interne in the city hospitals. On his return home 1: 1 the invitation of M ' -liter into the medical service ifederate Si ......._ duty - |y in the I Frank A. 11 ispital, : Knoxville, and afterward at Cassville. Georgia, and then " in the field " with the Fortieth Georgia regi- ment of infantry, Gen. Stovall'.- brigade, and lastly with the Fifty second Georgia regiment, in the same brigade, lb served until the close of the war. when he began practice, in May. 1S65, at Nashville. He is entitled to the honor of having first agitated and taking a leading part in the establishment of the Nashville Board of Health, of which, from its organi- zation. June 1. 1S66, to the tine it ceased to exist, in tary and president. In 1873, in view o\' a threatened epidemic of Asiatic cholera, which soon afterward burst in all its fury upon ilii- community, the mayor of Nashville appointed a PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 375 sanitary commission, composed of seven leading medical practitioners of the city, and of this commission l>i\ Plunket was made president. In May, 1874, the Boardof Health was reorganized and Dr. Plunkel again made president. In June, 1876, he was elected city health officer, but declined the position. In 1879, he retired IV the Board oi Health, his private practice taking up ;ill his time. At his instance the Stair Medical As- sociation petitioned the Legislature to establish the State Board of Health. In March. 1877, the bill for thai purpose passed, and Gov. .lames IV Porter, after ap- pointing Dr. Plunket as a member of that board, asked him to name the other four physicians of skill and ex" perience, regular graduates of medicine, and who had been engaged in practice not less than ten years," as the law required, and he would commission them, which was accordingly dune. The board, as first organized, was composed of Drs. T. A. Atchison and .1, M, Sal' ford, oi Middle Tennessee. K. M. Wiuhi.nl East Ten- nessee, and It. B. Maury, of West Tennessee; and Dr. Plunket was elected president, and served as such four consecutive years, till May, 1880, when he resigned, as before, on account of the steadily increasing duties of his private practice. As president of the State Board of Health, he, in 1879, had the city oi Memphis quaran- tined, ( -count of an epidemic of yellow fever devel oping there, a measure that met with vehement oppo- sition from traders, and the local press in their interests but public opinion finally endorsed his action, as it re- sulted in confining the pestilence to the city limits, and applauded the courage of an official, who, for the safety of the public health, did his duty at the cost of being hung and burnt in effigy by the rabble in the streets of Memphis. Upon the motion of Dr. Plunket, then president of the State Board of Health, there was assembled for conference, at Memphis. .1 nne 30, L879, represental i\ es from the several hoards of health in the Mississippi valley, in which eighteen States were represented. The convention resolved itself into a permanent organization as the Sanitary Council id' the Mississippi Valley, and Dr. Plunket was chosen president, lie is a member ol the American Public Health Association, and has been twice elected a member of its executive commit- tee He is a member oi the American Association for the Advancement ol Science, and in L878, was chairman of the committei meteorology. He is a member of the American Medical Association, and of the Medical Society of the State of Tennessee, of which latter body he was, from 1865 to 1875, the permanent secretary, and for sixteen years its treasurer. He is a member of the Davidson County Medical Society, and id' the Nashville Medical Society, [n 1868, he was elected to the chair of surgical anatomy in the medical department ofOum berland University. In 1870, he was elected president of the city council of Nashville. To the medical journals of the country he has eon tributed a lai number of interesting and valuable papers, notably at e: them, one on" Disinfecti I Sewers by Oz ," "Cotton as a Foinite," " Vital Sta tistlCS in Tennessee,'' " Bovine Tuberculosis ; a bruit I ii 1 Source .d' Human Disease and Death," and "Oz and n- Relation to the Public Health. He is regarded as one of the foremost authorities In the Soutl sani itary mat ters. Of I rish parentage, his character is naturally persist cut and self- assertive. In the "lliston of Davidson County," from which the editor has culled most of the foregoing facts, it appears that on the paternal side, he is descended from bind Plunket of Queen's counsel in the trial of Hubert I'bnmet, in 1805, and that In the collateral branches of his ancestral family have been priests and bishops of the Catholic church in Ireland 1 1 is mot her, net Miss Anna Smyth, was a well rounded character; possessed of many noble womanly attributes, and a mental strength and range of culture seldom found. She died in her sixty second year, upon He eember 7, 1S77. She. as also all his maternal ancestors, were Scotch Irish Presbyterians. The Magee Colli at Derry, Ireland, was endowed by his great aunt. Magee. One of his near relatives a Plunkel is a member of the present British I'arli cut. Dr. Plunket s father. James Plunket. was a native of Edgeworthstown, county Longford, Ireland, and a grad- uate of Trinity College, Dublin. lie was a man of superb education and skilled In scientific mechanics- Coming to this country, he was, for many years, a manu- facturer of cotton mill machinery at Paterson, New Jersey, whence he moved in Dayton, Ohio, lived there four years, and finally settled at Franklin, Tennessee, where he took charge of and finally became a leading member of the firm that owned the large cotton mill and mercantile establishment connected with it at that place, He was a Well read n had a line memory of names, dates and authorities, and did business on the old time principle t hat honesty is the best policy. In religion he was a Roman Catholic. He died January 31, 1 sT 4 , at the age of sixty eight. His brother, Judge Joseph Plunkel, resides at St. Maries. Ohio. Dr. Plunket married, in Danville, Kentucky, Novem- ber 19, 1872, Miss Jennie E. Swope, a native of thai place daughter of Col- John B. Swope, who died .June 28, 1 SSI, i men ft he standard men ol Kentucky,.! scholar and a retired merchant. Her mother, nee Miss Fannie Hunton, of a Virginia family originally, was a. sister of Mrs. Judge Fox, of Danville, of Judge Logan Hunton, ofSt. Louis, and Col. Thomas II. Hunton, of New Or leans. Mrs. Plunket's brother, Col. Thomas II. Swope, is a capitalist at Kansas City, Missouri. Her brother, i 0. Swope. is a large stock farmer near I ndepend ence, Missouri, and her brother, John Swope. is a stock raiser at Midway. Woodford c ty, Kentucky, llei- sister, nee Miss Margaret Swope, is now tic wife of William M. Fleming, a farmer of Maun county. Ten •INKNT TF.N.V — -- ■ - - - He - . - \ . - • - - -""_ He ith. - - • •• - . ' N \ .. - - - >J ss Ann - the \ simile, who *s 5. Is Anna, Dr.] - - - \ - ■ * - ■ \ M SS A'.:. I : P. - • :.»n at S - V THOMAS WASHINGTON N'EAL. COL THOMAS W. XEAL . ■ ■ N - = friends by legions - -- He 5 Wrn in Nasi _ • of age. H - - He ... - - Sas - mplary and Rieh- lerate k in the Pavid- - _ iffiee I. he may be taken - - m that iu~- - atld \ PROMINENT TENNESSE V.NS 37 the Trenton, Tennessee, Southern Standard. From there he went to Hickman, Kentucky, and edited the Times. In 1858, he edited the Dyersburg, Tennessee, Recorder in conjunction with F. G. Samson, a lawyer and clerk and master of the chancery court. He then crossed over the river and founded the Warren Sun at Warren, Arkansas, and was engaged in thai occupation until the breaking out of the war. He then laid aside the "shooting stick " and took up the "shooting iron," enlisting as a private in the Ninth Arkansas Confederate infantrj regiment, under Col. John M. Bradley. Upon the expiration of his term of enlistment, he returned to Nashville and became city editor of the Daily Press for six months. He left Tennessee on account of the war troubles, and went to New York where, for several months, he was employed as proof-reader. Alter this he returned to Memphis, was city editor of the Daily Bulletin, and at the same time edited the Play Bill, a theatrical sheet, devoted to fashion, gossip, societj on dits, etc. We next find him at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, as editor of the Dispatch, and then he returned to Dyersburg, in October, 1865 and established Neafs Stat< Gazette, with which he has had unbroken connection, as editor and proprietor, e\ er since. So far this sketch reads like the record of a newspaper man. given to roaming and without li.xed aim in life. This usually tails to the lot of the Bohemian, who, like the migratory bee, sips honey on the wing, and goes on and on in his happy pursuit of sweeter flowers; hut the truth is. Col. Xeal has heen remarkably devoted to one line of thought and action, and lor a newspaper man has developed tine Staying power, having remained a fixture at Dyersburg more than twenty years, and made a name as the most successful country newspaper man in Te jssee. lie has tilled every position in a print- ing office, from roller-hoy to the editor s chair, and, as a consequence, the S/at< Gazette is not only one of the best weeklies in the State, hut from it* foundation has been a financial success. In ante-bellum times, Col. Xeal was a Henry Clay Whig, hut post-bellum has heen a Democrat, yet with a considerable dash of independence, lie founded the State Gazette during Brownlow's administration in Ten- nessee, when it took some nerve to edit a Democratic newspaper in this State. In the meantime, the people of his town, county and district have called him to occupy various positions id' honor and trust. He has been mayor of Dyersburg two years, president id' the Dyersburg Town Board of Education, president of the Dyer County Fair Association, secretary of the Sunday- school (though not a member of anj church), and, as an evidence of his popularity among the younger "hoys." president of the Dyersburg Base Ball Club. lie is an Entered Apprentice Mason, an ( Md Fel- low, and a Knight of Honor. In L883, he was elected Dictator of the Knights of Honor, at Dyersburg, and i- mm Grand Assistant Dictator of the Grand Lodge of that order for the State. In 1882, In elected president of the Dyersburg Building and I Association, lie has also been president of the Ten uessce Press Association, and no annual meeting or annual jaunt across the country " is complete without the presence of " handsome Tom Ncal." In 1877,hcwas elected to the Tennessee Legislature from Dyer county bj the largest majority ever received by anybody in that county. In 1884, he was nominated by acclamation, in the convention at LTuion City, as the Democratic can date for joint representative of Dyer, Lake and Obion counties, in the forty-fourth General Assembly of Teunessee, and was triumphantly elected, having re ceived the largest majority of any Democratic member of that body. In that Legislature he was appropriately made chairman of the commit! n public printing, being the onlj editor in that body. He has heen a delegate from Dyer countj to every Democratic State convention held at Nashville since the war. and was alternate delegate for the State at large to the national Democratic i vention at Chicago that nominated Cleveland and Hendricks. As a speaker, he is earnest and forcible, with considerable of the brilliancy of the finished orator. Thoroughly posted in Stale and na- tional politics and appreciative of the wants and feel- in- of the people; painstaking, yet quick and persever ing in all his undertakings, he may be regarded as eon servative and liberal, yet firm and unyielding in his positions on questions of right. Honest and sincere, especially in taking the weak side early, which after ward became the strong side, gave the | pie confi- dence in him, and hence his large majorities. He has frequently been on the right side in his judgment, even against popular judgment, and has at times succeeded in producing a revulsion of sentiment in his constitu- ency, thus showing that his first opinions were correct. He began life without patrin y. and without capi- tal, save his brain and brawn. He now owns valuable real estate in Dyersburg, a farm in Dyer county, and is in very comfortable circumstances. Liberal in spirit I energetic bj nature, he has never regarded stinginess as an element of success. He is not a close collector, has lost some money by going security, but he never ap pears overanxious about debts due him. He thinks kindness will collect a deft from a certain class of peo pie more promptly than "dunning," or otherwise press ing his claims. Hence, he frequently gets his money, and at the same time extends his friendship and his popularity. His object and de-ire is to live pleasantly and to make those around him pleasant, without vault ing ambition for either riches or honor. His home at Dyersburg is an ideal one. as all who have enjoyed its generous hospitality will testily. Col. Neal ha- been twice married: first, at Dyers- burg, December, 1859, to Miss Fannie Benton, daugh ter of Dr. Aimer Benton, of Dyersburg, a promi PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. physician, at one time State senator froni that end of tile State, and a near kinsman of the celebrated United St: r, Hon Thomas 11. Benton, of Mis souri. Her mother, now living at Dyersburg, at the age of fifty seven, was originally Miss Maty Ann Wardlow, bter of Joseph Wardlow, a very wealthy farmer, uderdale county, Tennessee Mr-. Seal was edu- at Brownsville, Tennessee, Female College, ami was a pure, good woman, noted for her sense of right and justice and conscientious disch Inn. She was a Methodist from early girlh 1. She died it at the age of thirty-nine, bavin- borne two children: 1 Ella Neal, born in Nashville ; finished I tion at Greenwood Seminary, mar I, el. anon. 1 under Mrs. N Lawrence Lin Isli . is an exceptionally fine vocalist, and a ealous Methodist - Lillian \ ;!. born in Dyersburg; now in school. Col. N .nl next married in Saudgate, Vermout, June 1."). 1SS1, Mi— Al 11 ■■•:. if William and r llovt. Her father is a farmer. Her mother comes of a literary family. Mrs. Xeal i- a meml thi L'resbyteriau church, ami an accomplished per- former on both the piano ami organ. She graduated with honor from the Fort Edward Institute, New York. ami is of line literary attainments. \>al is a very attractive gentleman, personally, ami was voted "the handsomest ami most polished member" of the Legislature of 1SSJ 5 Courtly in bis manners, refilled in his tastes, with the air of a king, yet the dash of a cavalier, yon know when he looks yon in the face ami gives you his band you are taking the hand of a loyal-hearted gentleman. He is of me- dium height, " live feet, eight ami three-quarter inches, by Confederate measure,' and weighs one hundred and sixty pouuds. His hair, moustache ami imperial, lib- erally sprinkled with iron -gray, give to him a nameless aii' of srrai I illantry. Benignity of disposition, sincerity of conviction, impulsive generosity, yet mod- est) of mein — these are written in indelible lines upon Ltnres. for a kindlier nature it were difficult to find. His carei >r, legislator and business man has been built up by industry, fidelity and ability, ami this is why he has attached to himself whole troops of friends. Mil. JOHN MrLEOD KEATING. MEMrms. Till', scholarly gentleman whose name beads this sketch, ami whose position i- in the front rank of the ablest and most refined and polished American nalists. is a native of Ireland, a - of Scotch-Irish stoek. He was born in Ireland. Kings county, June L2. 1S30, grew up and was educated in Scotland until bis ninth year, and afterward in Dublin. \\ :'. of thirteen he was apprenticed to the printer's trade, entered the office of the Dublin World, and at the eml of five years reached the highest position- man of the office — when only eighteen years of age. 11 was also an amanuensis to the editor-in-chief He was -Millions and very rapid in acquiring the dextrous facilities of a printer, a knowledge of newspaper work —composition, press work. etc. [n 1846, he became a member of the Young Ireland Club, of which John B. Dillon was president. After the wed in 1S48. he emigrated to America. and settled at New York, where he resided until De- cember, 1854. In New York lie was foreman illustrated weekly paper, known as the New - •.reman, six months, of the /. a noted political newspaper. is residence iu New York city, of nearly eight served six years and three months in the New York State militia, more than two years of that time iu the famous Seventh regiment. He was induced to this service in the hope that by completing seven service, he would be exempt from certain duties itizeu, and would thus be free to prosecute his labors and purposes in bis profession. But on account of ill health, he went to New Orleans December, 1854. There he worked for a short time in the printing business, then went to Baton Rouge, ami thence to Nashville, where, as foreman of the com- a room, he helped to open the Methodist BookCon- cern, now known as the Methodist Publishing B ly after, he re-turned to Baton Rouge and became superintendent ..('State printing, a position he held two years. In 1S56. he returned to Nashville and married, and went back to B R a In IS")", he returned to Nashville for the third time, and became managing editor of the Daily V -. of which Allen A. Hall was the editor-in-chief. The next year, 1858. he went t.. Memphis, was employed as commercial and city editor of the Bulletin, and that city has been bis home e\ er since. He remained with the Bulletin until the commence- ment of hostilities, when he was employed as a clerk, and aeted for a short while as private secretary on the staff i - Polk, and was with that com- mander from the beginning of the war until October, 1S61, when he was taken ill with a serious attaek of typhoid fever, which confined him to his Led four months and incapacitated him for military duty of any kind, as per report of Dr. Joseph Newnan. Partially PROMTXKNT TENNESSE W'S 379 recovering his health, he engaged with the Southern Express company, as money clerk, and so continued until the capture of Memphis by the Federal army. After that event he was employed as city editor of the Argus, the only Democratic paperthen published there, and known as the " secesh organ," with which lie re- mained until tlic cli isc nl' i he war. He then established the Daily Commercial, which existed for over one year, when it was merged in the Argus and was published some months as the Commercial and Argus. Mr. Keating spent the winter of 1867 8 in Washing- ton in confidential relations with President Andrew .liiliiisi.n. ami returning to Memphis in August, 1868, purchased Gen, Albert Pike's interest in the Memphis .!/y the civil war. I lis advocacy of ma nil factures; of diversity of pursuits of good turnpikes as ,i necessity to facilitate inter -county traffic: ol' common scl Is, ami tbe utmost stretch of freedom in opposition to all class restrictions and legislation, and the dogmatic bigotrj of sects, is known far and wide, lie believes, as he says, that the less government has to do with the people, tl reater their advance; that, thrown upon themselves, there is a direct appeal made to the indi- vidual conscience, and each man is more or less upon In- good behavior. The progress ol' tin- United States, as compared with anj of the nations ol' Europe in the last one hundred years, proves the correctness of his position. He says that no man can rise above himself, and thus In- cannot be freer than nature made him. Hence, the diversity and division- among men. He loves America, and believes in American methods, in social as in political life, as inc parabbj superior to those of European countries. ' >f the history of Tcnnes sec he has been a close student, and he loves to strengthen his defense of the common people, among n bom he count - bimseli bj pointing to the heroic self sacrifices of the fathers and founders of the State and the uperb legacy they have left their sons in their -a! lination to a self-elected government, when the first colonj was but a puling infant, surrounded by In- dian- t hirst ing for its annihilation He is proud of his citizenship and position in a State, the founders of which PROMINENT TENNESSE \\< . ■ I fearing men. I< berty, ' and ni iiiprehension of the po\\ - rnnient. and that it irs to inak< amen I -h ai « ill. In 1874, Mr. Keating weut.bj special invitation from son Davis, as his friend and com- panion, on a tri] H icky mountains through Mis- souri, Kansas aud Colorado, a trip during which Mr. .. through the reserve he had imposed upon hiuiselt after the war. and on agriculture. Mr. Davis counts Mr. Keating among stanch friends, though not a partisan one: that he could not In' with any man. He sees and admits the I points of all public men. lowanee for their surroundings, tin >cial conm tions. and tl. -- li ty of their judgments warped aud sometii red. He was thus enabl to be. and ei ■ nd of President An- drew - : ' as tlie antipodes in ma of Mr. Pi Senator Ishamti. Harris, whom he manly and truth the public men id' the country : a fear- right ami l'elie\ ing him- self to In', pusl ■ the conclusion, res; d -- il Mr. Keating, a positive character hiiu- ' men with definite aims, and has always traetod to them, holding the other -on in contempt. Mr. Keal - married, in Y - i uess Sati. by the Rev. Dr. Edgar, of the First yterian church, t.> Miss Josephine Essehnan Smith, daughter of Mr. John Smith, a native of Penn- sylvania. ] his mother- side, to the N fauiih \ istown, Pennsylvania. Mrs. K 1 le In- stitute, in r Smith, when - 1 with a diploma that sis scholarship which -he has al- -; and fail notwithstanding her abs mother and i ? "lie faithful friend, companion and counselor of her husband: ha- led all his ambitions for success and distinction in hi > py • with him in all the channels of culture and eulth the most accomplished women in the State. In music, i s tli - , pianiste and harpist, and ex- it a knowledge K'i' French history ate! Handsome oi face and form, and dignified in e; '.1 who know her tor her w md brilliancy - md for her - writer. S d for her c sense— and her in little thin::-. She was herself with sil - of her husband and children, a -on. N K and a dai I line Morton Keating \. with her husband that their children should he taught to work at what they were best fitted for. Mrs. Keatingi i ral years, resided in New York, and there intended the studies ^\' the daughter as a pian- iste in preparation for an artiste's career, and of the son. who i- now in Pari-, whence he went from the Art Student'.- League School, of New York, where. last \ear. In- « ! by Prof. Dewing, tin' president of the school, to be the leading and best pupil, hi- work being regarded as equal to the best im- ported French work. Doth the children of Mr. Keat- ing have a promising career before them. Mr. Keating traces hi- lineage back to the first of his name, llali- Keating, who landed with FitzStephens in Ireland, in 1169, one among the first of the Norman invaders, who. a- he says, had once been murdering and plundering the people of that unfortunate coun- try. Dr. '.! Seating, who was the first historian of Ireland alter the "Four M and who wrote much id many religious work-, was of the same family, the origin o\' which is thus traced by the late Michael I' i John O'Mahouey's transla- tion *■{ Keating's " History of Ireland. " According to the tradit ions of the family, adopted ami. so to -peak. 'I Heraldry in Ireland, the founder of the housi - lal name is now un- ■ !' the pioneers of the Norman invader-, who kindled the beacon tire that lit the way of iito the Puan-au-Bhainbh. The s i- he lay by his watch-fire, a wild boar, chancing iwl that way. was proceeding to attack him. until frightened b\ the sparkling of the tire, when he tied in dismay. The watcher, thus providentially - ted tbr his crest a wild boar rampant rushing through a brake, with the motto. - ltdelis, and not told how. Keating or Ket- froni the Irish —first tire.'' Iu all his lite in Tennessee, Mr. Keating ha- been true to this li - tously noted, in 1S7S, for md fidelity. The Keal - 1 through maii\ iu Ireland during the civil wars aud r> !, iit furnished many distinguished priests to the Catholic church in Ireland: general officers in the British army: a great many judges to the Eng- lish and Irish bench, and several diplomatic i - notable among them Pol. Keating, who. after twenty- four years at the court of Persia, wrote a history of that country that is yet highly valued as a standard. Another colonel of the same name, wrote a compeudi- tistory of India, tren. Keating, who commanded the expedition that captured the MauritUS, and was af- terward governor of that island, was a distinguished military and civil servant o\' Great Britain. In this country the Keating- of Philadelphia. New Orleans and ted themselves in the i of engineering and medicine, - ispieu- i the latter. One of the name. Dr. J. M. Keating. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 181 of Philadelphia, traveled with Gen. (Irani t In h tndia, and on his return home published his impress tons of the tour. The branch of the Keating family to which the subject of this sketch immediately belong was of the yeoman or farmer class, ami was settled in the -ih of Ireland, where its members were identified with the Tory or dominant faction, and were ardenl church- men. Mr. Keating early imbibed from his Scotch Pres- byterian mother the love of liberty and breadth of view that has always distinguished him in public life. Her teachings and explanations, her promptings and the au- guries of her ambition for her boy, sent him into the world thirsting for knowledge in the solemn conviction that it is power. She. like his father, was of humble origin, but of the sturdy stock that stood behind John Knox in his contest as the great Reformer. The spirit of freedom burned brightlj in herbreast, and she hated i he oppressions which her husband's Tory kindred aided in inflicting upon their own i pie, blinded, as they were, by bigotry and the intolerance horn id' il. Mr. Keating, profiting by these lessons learned at his moth- er's knees, availed himself of the first opportunity to manifest his love of country and, as before stated, joined the SToung Irelainl'Ts. in 1846, when yet scarce six teen, uniting with the Curran club of Dublin, and pledging himself to help in the regeneration and for the liberty of his native land. .Mr. Kealin.'j was a director, in 1867, in a company which formed to bridge or tunnel the Mississippi river , at Memphis, and which made extensive surveys lor that purpose. Hi- was also secretary and treasurer ol the first elevator companj in Memphis, in that year, and in is?.!, was a director in the Mississippi railroad com- pany, which anticipated the line recently constructed to New Orleans, via Vicksburg, from Memphis, lie was also about that time a director in a company to build a railroad from Memphis to Jeffersonville, Texas, and another to build a railroad to Kansas City. lie was also a director of the companj that turned over the charter and right of way to the present Kansay City, Springfield and .Memphis railroad. This latter road has been completed, .and .at a banquet given in Kansas City, iii June, 1884, to the guests from Memphis. Mr. Keating was selected to respond to the toast, ''Cotton, corn and cattle, the links of destiny that bind us in commercial unity." His response was not only able and brilliant, but elegantly eloquent, worthy ol' repro- duction here, if space would admit, and in its perora- tion was a- follows : " Cotton, Com and cattle hi ml the cities we represent in i imercial unity through the medium of the Memphis, Springfield and Kansas City laili I. and we ca iver be separated again. We are the latest expression of America ii g] it. pluck and enter- prise, and our future is assured. With the Union re stored, and sectional bitterness entirely wipedout,greater possibilities tire to come as u result of I hi enterprise of the people of the whole country. With the curse of shiver\ removed, the incubus that weighed upon the energies of the white man and limited his horizon, there has come to the South a wonderful quickening. W e are now free indeed. Diversity of pursuit, a more crri, in, knowledge of our duties and best possibilities, have come to us. and we are ready for them." In 1876, Mr. Keating was a member of the committee, appointed by Mayor Loague, lo compromise the debt of Memphis with the creditors. He has never held office, and was hut once before a convention as a candidate. In 1868, his name u as sent lo the United States senate. by President Johnson, for the postmastership of Mem phis, but I he mere i net it ion of h is name created a storm, and it was promptly, and by a full vole of the Republi- cans present, refused the onurlesy of being -cut to the Committee. It went in at one door and was sent out at the other, and in not more than live minutes. .Mr. Keating passed, unscathed, through the yellow fever epidemics at Mem phis, in 1868, 1873, 1878 and 1879. During 1*7*, he edited the Appeal, and when tin' com positors I pressmen, the business manager and others, went down or perished, he nobly stood til his post, and. with the assistance ol' but one man. Mr. Henry M I. set up I he type and made il p t he forms every day, for several weeks, besides doing the reportorial and editorial work, and responding to all his duties as a member of the executive committee, which really governed the city during those trying and distressful days. Thus was he true to the motto of his family, " Fortis etjidclis." In the spring of 1879, alter he had written and put to press his "History of the Yellow Fever," he de livered tin address at the theater, before an audience composed ol' i he merchants, bankers and manufacturers of the city, and tit which all the physicians of the city were present, in which he explained, with technical ac curacy. I In- necessity for sanitary reform, painting in truthful colors, at the same time, the then very un- sanitary condition of Memphis, which he was enabled to do from a personal inspect ion , This was the begin ning of the sanitary work that has made Memphis one ol the model cities of the world iii a sanitary point of \ iew. Mi. Keating is president of the Memphis branch of the International A.ssociati f the Red Cross of Ge nova. lie is also a member "I' the American Health Association, and has contributed to the papers pub- lished by thai organization, in 1880, "The Value of Sanitation from an Economical Standpoint," in 1882, "The Crematii f Excreta and Household Wastes," and. in 1884, "Tin- Ultimate ol Sanitation by Fire," a paper that has attracted attention in Europe as well as throughout America, and has generally been endorsed by tin- press. In September, L881, he published a re porl on the sewer system of Memphis, a ml the epidemics of preventable diseases that have visited that cit its site since 17 10. He is an honorary member ol the Memphis Society IMtOMlXKXT M\' i ■ I I t|ii, > tivcr | ; : \\ ! - i ihli tin- Soul li li \l 1 i II.. ' > . . I . i tlu« lii» stiulini K«r tl ' i ' 1 I : lllll'll til li II. ojltory illy t<> f the li mnkc mentnl notes "I hid which * M in I which he n ions, II ■ I w ho ' him, tluil he w ntonl until with li little I I || 1 1 imiis I '■ • the i i . . . , lie hii.s nol 111. .>r riclit ili.it \| i I . II On this 1 - built the U'tM but i i h it u nirily 6 Latin, Greek, mathematics and the natural sciences. After leaving college, he continued his studies privatelj al home one year, when betook charge of the Livingston Academy and taughl school one year. In 1838 It, he studied law under Judge Cullom, and obtained license to practice, in August, 1839, before Judges Caruthers and \ndrrw J. Marchbanks. From this time, lie read diligently until L844, in the early pari of which he be gan practice at Livingston, and did an exceptionally large and remunerative practice, making six thousand dollars a year. From the very beginning, he refu ed bad drills. II' a man would not pay him, unless it was a charity ease, lie refused liis serviees. Novelnlier 27, 1851, he moved to Sparta, Tennessee where he resided until 1876, when he settled permanently al Carthage. At the breaking out of the war he was worth in negroe lands, good debts and money in bank, some forty thou sand dollars. By the war he lost, not less than thirty I I and dollars. Since that time, however, lie has recovered his fortune, by dint of hard work and close application to his business, and is now in very inde- pendent and comfortable circumstances. In August, 1849, Judge Gardenhire was elected State senator from the counties of Fentress, Overton, Jack son, White and Van Buren, and served in the Tennes sec Legislature of L849 50, and was chairman id' the committee on public grounds and public buildings. In .May, 1858, lie was elected judge of the Fifth judi- cial circuit, comprising the counties of Scott, Morgan, Fentress, Overton, White, Bledsoe, Sequatchie and Mir and held thai position until December I. 1861, when lie resigned on accounl of the impossibility of holding courts during t he war. In Novcinlicr, 1861, he was elected to the Confederate Congress, and served in the sessions of 1st;:: and L863. In this Congress he urged and voted for every mea ure which he thought would promote the interests of the South, and was regarded as an aide legislator. M'ti ir the war, iii L875, he represented White and I'm nam enmities in the Tennessee Legislature, and in that body served as chairman of the commitl u judi- ciary. In the spring of L877, Gov, .lames I). Portei appointed him one of the Supreme court of arbitration, which position he filled one year. October II, 1883, he was appointed by the unanimous vote of the Supreme court one of the judges of the c 'i of referees for \\ e i Tiniic ce thi po il ion in which the editor hereof found him. Iii politics, Judge Gardenhire has always been a Democral of the strictest and atraighest sect, being very decided in his political views but always respect ing the views and feelings of gentlemen differing with him on part) 1 issues. In L856, he was a delegate from the State at large to the Cincinnati convention that nominated Buchanan for president, and on bis return homi ui nominated presidential elector for the Fourth congressional district, canvassed the district, and was elected over his \V h i l' com pel i 1 1 ir. Judge William I lickcrson. Judge Gardenhire was made a Master Mason in Sparta Lodge, N". I 1 !', in 1866. Iii religion, he is a believer in the doctrine- of the Christi r Camp- bellite church ol which his wife ami children are members, He has had some editorial experience, hav- PROMINENT TI'WF-I' \\> S ner of ii. a native - nioiiil \ ntucky Legislature, noted for his i '; I Miss K - :' the - > ue of - n the J. Wright II - - .1 . 5 llin. She h:is three children : Ella, and John H. 7 Rosalee (tardeuhire, mar- farmer near Carthage, and has ' : ry. b Garden- hire, 1'iuany to Pen His - ted in in Washiin man. fond of his . his hounds and his children. He moved to Ten- • S tion, Kuox inty. where he had moved in win. the c I soldier in arentle- 111:111. *- ,ife »i' rdenhire. born ssful fanner, Igmeut. five thousand dollars, and -iieal. moi - man. had a lawsuit oil his '.italde. and a Meth- \ ' - William, Thomp- - r tine ■ii. Ill— pater- l. and lived -- ' • j'l'et. ! N I na, was • the Revo- war. He was a man ol - iwned 1 [er mother. \ I rden- . .other 7 -7 i. and to her ne- • -i church - before hones than ordi- ■ than demonstrative. is that distin- I news . iiey unpro- :'s detriment, and never takes His on is that he deals men. and this r ■ - - ed by which he has - PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 9 now tiiomas I DISTINGUISHED for hie eminenl rank in the medical profession, for the high political honor he has won, and for being the oldesl living represents tive of a familj I hal a i ted in la ing I he foundal i f i he civil 1 social fabric of M iddle Tennessee, Thoma Menees first saw the light in a cabin on Mansker's creek, in Davidson c< ty, Tennes ec, June -'i. 1823, under circumstances little prognostic of the distin guished career he was to run. The family is of sterling Scotch origin, and I he nal way of spelling the name was McNecs, bul ol the history of the clan there now remains no accurate tra dition. Benjamin Menees, great grandfather of Dr. Menees, was a native of Amhei I county, Virginia .i ed with credit as a patriot soldier in the American Revolution ; emigrated as a pioneer and settled on Sul- phur fork of Red rivei in v hat i now Robertson e ty, Tennessee ol which countj he was county court judge in L791. "He died in his block house in 1811.' A fuller account of his life and ser ici well as of the Menees family,may be found in Putnam i History of Middle Tennes e< and ( !laj ton's 1 1 1 story of Da- vidson County." Dr. Menees' grandfather, James Menees wa a noted I ndian fighti r and Tennessee pioneer, I te hio, I hen up the Ohio, and up the Cumberland to the French salt spring, where the city of Nashville now stands. The buoyant i heerful spirit of the women on that memorable ■ seemed never to fail, and they permitted not the i to do all the hard labor in the navigation, often would not be denied the privilege of lending a helping hand, for, a it i- told : " They worked with paddle, pole, and oar; i 'i v. i band wfl ore; They worked with cheerful nearl and more — They worked wit. I paddle, ] >] ad oar, Until they m i k no more, i . aded al I be ■ ■■ Such were thi pi mol hers and fathers who laid the foundations of a city 30 beautiful I so beloved. Maj their noble examples stimulate » 1 j ' ■ pre - ul geni ra and I"' not lost to posti rity ! James M .■■ of the boldest and bravest of this daring party, became a sue i! farmer, and for many years was sheriff of Rob ertson county. His wife, tm Miss Ri becca W was a most excellent woman, well educated and < MENEES, M. I». I LIE. uatc of the Moravian Female Coll al Salem, North Carolina. She died when her onlj child, Benjamin VV. Mi nee ' I h Vlenci fal I)' r . « i an infant. Dr. Menec father, Benjamin VV, Menees, was born and raised in Tenne e and died in Robci i on & ty, in 1863, al i he age of seventy four eai I le i with his father and everal uncle. 1 under Jackson, in the war of 1812 15. He was a thrifty, hard worl pu hing farmer and stock-raiser, and left, be idi comfortable estate, the more valuable heirloom of n charactei foi inti ril md 1 id common sense. Fam- ily pride, founded on an inheritance of this kind, is a potent factor in the formation of the manhood of chil- dren .-11111 of their ucci - and high standing in life. Dr. Menee mother, nee Mi Elizabeth Harri on was the daughter of Thoma Harrison, ;i successful Sumner county farmer, and i ter of the late Judge Orville Harrison of Panola county. Mississippi. She broad brained, intellectual woman, highly edu cated of deep and p i I de; oted to her hu b ind and children and i arnesl in ti iching I I raining I hem in religion, in morality, integrity and energy. It is to hi i '-"""I influence I he on i i o a i .■■ hal he i and 1ms been, and to his fal hei i hose habits of industry and ■ tj by which he iecami tei c and I like i en a bo Dr. Oeorgi tt VI brother of the ubjei I of this sketch, is now one of the leading practitioners of medi cine at Springfield I Their only living Emily Elizabeth Menees is now the wife of Dr. J. W. Dunn, of Turnersvillc Tennessee, and has but one child, l>r. J. VV. Dunn, engaged in practice with his Dr. Menees lost two sisters and one brother, all dying in childhood, within ten days of each other. His sister, Rebecca VV. Menees, lived to be a young lady, was rei 'kablj brilliant and gifted, the most in tellectual member of the family. She died, in 1852, as she was blooming into a li a inhood. Ali li iu) li born in Davidson - nl j Dr V] raised in Roberl t, and lived I here until Feb- ruary, 1862. He was brought up mm his father's farm in habits ol i matic indu fed a co jchool < ducat ion, and taugl ool himself one term, « hen a oung man. In 1841, he commenced the study of medicine in the office of I *r, Robert K. Hicl Springfield, Tenm — e; next took of lectures in the medical department of Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and from 1842 to 1845, practiced in hi- father's I I with exceptional! I urned to Transylvania I Imver . ed the degree of M.D . March 6, 1846. From thai date hi> profi i wa- satis irily successful ; from 1845 to 1855, in partnei hip ri;n\ii\i-\ r nwr- w- . \ \ \ M i i ho "> I 1 in in g 1 1 > 1 1 I v nlli ; - ■ 1 \| [I 1 1 i \\ || s 1 ! «i thhii | ■ S| \ ; \ \ . \i • ; I • -■it 1 1 ' in llio I >il li i in il illu-n W "i thfl l M I 1 »f the i \ i 1 1 \| 1 > I 1 » noble » ho Pell in i)i«' opiilomio i I I I I I 1 1 1 1 t I li M ri;itMi\|-\T ii N'NI -I vns 1 1 m \ • u iiii» 1 »»f ill' i iiiul worn in tin ■ ill' I timl mis of ■ u hii'li • I lime ! I 1 th or - w III. Ii hold \ ii " 'I'liiii hIioiiIiI - w lii.li ii ira\ !• to I li\ MIL' itlitinn in. 'in \\ • wliirli Ji lllllllloil (I ill i II lt W illi ill.- I \ i PROM I rrl'lll i I : ■ 1 I of |ll which ! i brilliant tbi in i In \\ i I tin N;«>MI\l \ i l I wi —I VNS \ this and li II IllT triuui| li until -'"ti slit' was in the vorj Iront ranks in tli> ili. in i * mlilili their ■ ■ i • • 1 * c - - iil. in lln tin' sun. tlio c\ nosure of the rid.' . \ icissitll crippled hut ii"i enn-hed. Cato. when informed thai iIiihl; likr tin- ' I - and |imsi " Tin nil in tin honorable liirimi.- ri ■■ those fortunately situated in i"i h with the from i. in "In miii. iii. >n. - than tw nd added thirl unex med that tl would lmil.i lii.l to til " Already, with all modern inipro t it'u I I'll 1 1 ~ fully }\ the a|>| .In kimll bohll honorahli if fortuui iir the • 1 five r which, ' lie nolilc i 1 u In. h i ' I s \\ c h iili the the degree of d > i\ all lli 1 1 . > \\ li I u. the Hid with what lidclin . should -Hill ! nil. in- i, inauliood an with the Id nth. li in- stitutions, tw ih ■ i the Hiilv rivalry known auioiu noble emulation of irk and who li \\ " While yet in it- in fancy it rears ii- n ii architi ■ uty within ( 'har- M thodisl I opal dun - li, the im| ill' till M'l- in tin liiinl- lor il ition, and thri the h - when, in ' 'orneliu.- \ I iitimi five Imii- dred thousand dollars, t II. mill- ion dollar? ampli ■ii- first .1" naii'. n i w hich tilted him it- ; u|.i.ii hi- | institution hi- honored i in full 1. 1 timi in all it- departments, of theol ■ id the lion " It iiiiinl.ir.il. in i: hundred studi n . It now h l|. I voliu .ii fifty th ■ in the tin i In- minis! i PROMIN l>ri! 1 1 'lnlll ' ■ - III. mourn with ■ H tiril- ti life 1 - I ■ I TKNN1 1 i inpli'. I tlir 1 1. 1 1 I \ I lll'lll r the . 1 1 • I I'KOMINKNI i 1 1 mil ill.' I J -li.ill i Ion i I ■ « In. i, ill. JUDGE M I. II \l.l- Hi . i; I l-i I i ii ■ 1 i i 1 IMtOMINI vi II AM SSI VNS II In in hi ; I -i. I 1 1. a mil in . I i \ 1 — T« • »' which I It w i 1 1 l h I ill' llicii n ilil >*•.», . ili ii I I illus ; - lor tin : i ili.it .1 uiIkc 1 1 ill « i ' luck III IKtli, lloWl'N IT, III' I I ii Ii I. V\ till tho i.i In i- in untlim in, hill has llii III.- ill' III- IYn-11'1- lllllll 'l"lll^ Ili- lllll Hi ili-nl.nl ji.in in N |i, |s ,.|..i inti-i I liy (i In nwilliiH ■ K > I] ml Keul in kj railroad |ipro> ■ the tin 'thuds nf iln' direi tor) with whiiin'li .link. 1 1 nil in. in 'in I. in thcSecond Ji> l\ I i \. I. lllll. Mil ':llll|'l>rll. W ll" W.l- lllll I i "t .l-'llli Mol' miphcll, whu K ■ K I hit in tlir : Mel ■ \ of th N l ' Hull -] iii"ili.i . Mnrthn . n ith Jul husband t" K I I M M cl '.ini|' I.. II. I M \ ! ; I I I ' VI I Imtli .Ii Mi li Mill I in ili. I,ik. I .11 In- s rhiirii i i •iiliinitiiiiL' In In i l "I'llli.'li a- I" till' I i .1 I lie I. tli.it M lllll - sill' kl. I ' .it Kit linn id die III I Inn nv li li.'in. Hy I li.Mis.OlH iin|ilii'll .1 udge II. ill II. .1 ill Hi! I - lllll. I lllll \ I'lllV. sons, Willi. mi. . I, ilin ni. I 11 k> .in.l joined ili. \i ili. ..I tin i \\ illintn u.i- kill K uined tlir tirmj in K.niiirk. captured ill ('mill. ii Ian. I (in|i hut with t In- .ii in K (I II in tin - \ mid i'i-n-1. i li all .mi hoard, tho ship heinii lost in n storm John mid Wi li.itli in tin battle ni '.■»■■ i; In that battle Wil 1 1 1 in w.i- wounded, ami wax lame till In- death i Lciubcr, I8ti%") John n-'k pari in ill with Admiral I I Mobil. Ilobcri joined tl from nnl tin. ill n veuibi named Su ' ' ill.- J u Martha, twin child with Willian ipbcll county She died iu 1871, nl ih .ii infant thai I cliild ■ i I - 1 1 I I ll<>\ JO - STARK. I I DOE JO C 31 \l ■ I ■ him M John J. M U, .in. I Mil III - IMIUM1M NT I l NNI -- 1 VN> \ i ; i M \ '■ i - .in 1 1 i \ i \ 1 \ I I 1 f .. I //// ( IMtOMINI M i ■ n iliiir |>li thri'i- hundn '1 mid I 1 1. • ). II:- PROF. V \N S. LINDSLEY M D. ; //,/./. PROF \ W SIXDKKKN UNPSLM i ■ numb of tin - we find hi for 1 1 if the 1 II H il lit- and . it the () 1 1 ' I blind II i ■ ml. 1 1 1 I | I I ' I'Hu.MINKNT TKXXKSSK VXS <| till' I SlU- i i | I II III" I Col. J low ii . M This I union. II. has lour chil- \ 1 old. Mrs I. in. I- ■ i ilir nil in of tin- Xiisln ili in tlii— i-itj . in 1S72. Tin lilc lil 1 it IIIMIiIm T.-.l in,. I I ] ' I I i 1 1 II. in; \\ hilf i lii- work I I ' l.iinl N il iho with |iuhlii on in which ii the hi- it of tin nn triblll i » lii.li 1 1 lied forth. Comin -trirl, and - S dcrhill Ci I I || I nuiu- ; Im Mi S lamps M ! \\ I \ \ I (). II. Met i I'ROMINKNT TKNN follow ^ I' .1 W VV I I; |) u .1 M I. J.F.I .1 VV. \\ \ S. Allen, J. . II 11 II M I ' I I 1 .1 I. WntkiiiM M the high liivh the I, lull ill. tin- liiui A commit • nil In I \\ \\ \ \ .1 Mi Mi who i. w r .i.,,,, . w ■ .i vv. J i: II u rell I' -I J l> ■ would held. il in the '1 Dr. 1 Ti ■' endui : ind < 'In wiili lull unci 1 nobic n hieh hi and had and tin di I • Mi Mi h I .|i > ■ Mil M l» M I' \V. A. A Ml' VI I' .1 w 'i I 1 1 .1 I. VV I ut ion " VV1 . bril- iii I'll. in our di m| pro familj iini- family and to tl l.i CiAttl Wiiii' i the niorial in i N 1 famil) whom wax Hiil I ri\ il w . I ■till I'lloMINENT TENNESSEANS. in its halls, and at the time of his death was professor of diseases of the eye. oar and throat. For a number ol years he had practiced that specialty, and had achieved a high reputation for diagnostic and operative skill. " In September last, while on a visit of recreation to the eastern cities, he was stricken with a painful illness, and was unable to meet the class now in session at the institution, and at length, in the morning of life, com- paratively, he succumbed to its ravages. The numerous alumni of the medical department of the University of Nashville and Vanderbill University, who have gone forth during the long period of his professional eonnec tion therewith, will lieai" the announcement with Jeep regret, and hold him in appreciative remembrance as a faithful and capable instructor, and an urbane and ac- complished gentleman. " I lis associates in the faculty, while bearing testimony to the estimable qualities of his character, his abilities as a teacher, his correct and dignified deportment in that relation, and to the just distinction his pen and tongue had acquired for him as a devotee of medical science, and in recording their sense of the less the institution has incurred in his death, would tender to his bereaved family their condolence in the great grief which overwhelms them in the removal ol a beloved husband and lather, and in respect to his memory adopt the following resolutions : " Resolved, that the exercises of the medical depart - incut of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University be suspended until the day after the funeral services of Prof. Van S. Lindsley, and that the faculty and members of the class attend in a body at their performance; that the lecture desk be draped and the faculty and class wear mourning on the occasion, and that a copy of this minute be transmitted to the family of the deceased and entered on the records of the faculty. John II. Callender, M.D. Thomas Menees, M.D. T. A. Atchison, M.D. \ m i:i:<>-k Morrison, M.D. W. G. Ewing, M.D. J. W. 1 1 li V -v.. of Arkansas. If L. V.\i i.iri.of vVest Virginia. J. G. Fki erson, of Alabama. .1. S. PALRIE, of Kentucky. Nolan Stewart, of Mississippi. J. II. WAY, of North Carolina. Ira Bowman, of Georgia. W. (i. Noble, of Texas. W. W. Thompson, of Tennessee (I. .1. Gi 1. 1.. of Virginia. S. I'. Bark er, of Missouri. D. G. I. \ss. of Iowa. The faculty of the Vanderbill denial department met to take suit a 1 ile action with regard to the death of Prof- Liudsley. It was decided to suspend the exercises for the day. Dl'S. I*. II. St ubblrtiold and I!. 1!. Freeman, the committee appointed to draft resolutions, reported the following, which was received and adopted: " Whereas, inscrutable Providence has taken away I '1 of. Van S. Lindsley, of the medical department, this depart- ment tenders its sympathy for the loss of such high moral and intellectual worth, also heartfelt condolence is offered the bereaved family upon whom the irre- parable blow has fallen. At a called tin:: of the faculty of the medical and dental departmo] lie University oi Tennessee, to take action in regard to the death of Van S. Lindsley, M. D., professor of diseases of the eye and ear in the medical department of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University, the president, W. P.Jones, VI I)., appointed a committee to draw up suitable resolu- tions, consisting of Drs. Deering J. Roberts, J. Bunyan Stephens and Paul F. Eve, who submitted the follow ing, which were unanimously adopted : 'A\ hereas, it has d the infinite wisdom ol an all-wise Providence to call from the scenes of his earthly labors our friend and professional brother, Prof. Van Sinderen Lindsley, M. D.; to remove from our midst, we may hope, to the full enjoyment of a blissful eternity, one who, by strict probity, integrity of character, and all that make, up a true Christian gentleman, and has well earned and justly merited the glorious award of ' Well done, thou g 1 and faithful servant:' therefore, be it ; ' Resolved, that in the death of Prof. Lindsley we sincerely mourn the loss of one whose medical skill, whose professional attainment-, gentle, kind and cour- teous manners, and high sense of professional honor. have justly won our sincere admiration and esteem. '■ Resolved, that, regarding him in his life as an ac- complished Christian gentleman, refined, modest and courageous, a skillful physician, endowed with a logical, earnest and penetrating mind, we heartily commend his example as one well calculated to advance the progress and uphold the h r of a most noble science. " Resolved, that we tender to his bereaved family and relatives, to his colleagues, and to the students of his college, our most sincere sympathies in their great loss. " Resolved, that our faculty attend his funeral in a body, suspending the regular exercises in our institu- tion for that purpose, and that a copy of these resolu- tions be published in the daily newspapers and medical journals of this city. W. D. Haggard, M. If. Secretary of the Faculty. At a called meeting of the Tennessee Historical So- ciety, there were present the Hon. John M. Lea. .Indue .lames Whitworth, Col. E. W. Cole. Rev. M. M. Moore, Col. A. S. Colyar, Dr. W. J. McMurray, J. A. Cart- wright, Rev. Dr. W. C. Cray. Capt. Thomas II. Paine, Dr. N. If Richardson, Col. W. If Gale, Gen. G. P. Thruston, Judge Pitkin C. Wright, Rabbi -I. S. Go! dammer, W. A. Goodwyn, ('apt. William Stockell, Rev. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 405 Dr. C. D. Elliott, Dr. C. C. Fite, A. (i. Adams, Rev. Dr. Dodd, Anson Nelson and several others. The fol- lowing paper was read and adopted, to-wit : " The Tennessee Historical Society lias been exceptionally fa- vored in escaping the loss of members by the hand of death. Very seldom has the twin brother of sleep gathered to himself any one from those we are accus- tomed to welcome at our social meetings. But sud- denly he has extended his icy grasp and taken from our midstone who was near and dear to us all. Dr. Van S. Lindsley was one of those who, very often, was present, and always was interested in our meetings, and aided in the discussions which usually arose. And, although a quiet member among us, he was one whom we will sadly miss. He was always conservative, always thoughtful, always firm in his opinions, yet not insisting mi their acceptance by others. We have taken counsel together more than once in his hospitable mansion, at regular meetings, and we have frequently enjoyed the luxury of his hearth and home, lie exhibited at all times an earnest interest in the great work in which we are en- gaged. lie was a true-hearted, noble Christian gentle- man, a ripe scholar, devoted to the profession which he adorned, and in which he had promise of great use- fulness; a friend, whose kindly, courteous greeting and genial, hearty hand-clasp will never fade from our minds, lie was bom in North Carolina, in 1840, the descendant of a long line of distinguished educators, physicians and divines, showing an untainted and ever useful and honored American ancestry for eight gen- erations, and two hundred and fifty years, and of that line of ancestry he was a worthy and true representa- tive. He was married, in 1868, to the only daughter of our esteemed personal associate, (Ad. Jeremiah George Harris, a retired officer of the United States navy. This union was a happy one, in every respect, and its sever- ance brings great grief to the companion of his bosom and to their four bereaved children. lie was truly a devoted husband and a tender, loving father. At the early age of ten years, our departed colleague gave his heart to Christ and united with the Presbyterian church. He was a genuine disciple, and always walked worthy of the profession he had made when a boy. He was, too, a true adherent of the doctrines of the church to which he, and his fathers before him, were so ar- dently attached. He died the death of the righteous. We, as a society, tender to his bereaved family and rela- tives our most earnest and heartfelt sympathy, and we set apart a page in our records to the memory of our loved and departed associate. His life's duty is done. His work is accomplished, and he waits to welcome us on the other side of the dark valley. May we all be as faithful in the discharge of every trust and duty as was the dear departed one.'' The above, on motion of Rev. Mr. Moore, was or- dered to be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and the city papers were requested to publish the same. Tlie learned and venerable Chancellor Garland, in illustrating the idea that no man should live unto him- self, said to the graduating class of Vanderbilt Uni- versity, on the occasion of Dr. Lindsley's death : "As an illustration of this truth, to what an illustrious example can I point you in our lately deceased colleague, Dr. Van S. Lindsley. He was every inch the physician, learned, skillful, successful, meeting all the require- ments of his ever enlarging profession. These, how- ever, were but a small partof the qualities that adorned his character and made him the idol of his home and the admiration of the circle in which he moved. As husband, lather, neighbor, friend and citizen, as well as physician, he has left us a model for our imitation. And, most of all, does he deserve to lie imitated in that early consecration of himself to Christ, which brought to his spirit tranquility in life and peace in death. His name does not appear upon those parchments which you are presently to receive, but it is engraved upon the tablets of our hearts, not thence to be effaced by the lapse oftime. In his charge to the graduating class of the medical department of the Vanderbilt University, Dr. Menees said : " That insatiate archer, who spares neither age, sex nor condition, has invaded our faculty, and stricken down, in the midst of his usefulness, one of its youngest. members, Prof. Van S. Lindsley. lie was young, cul- tured, and justly ambitious, an ornament alike to his profession, which he loved and cultivated, and to so- ciety, which he honored and adorned. His death was a public calamity, and the providence which ordered it to us inscrutable. 1 1 is ways are past our finding out. Let us, in this sad bereavement, as in all things else, bow submissively to the divine will. I knew Prof. Lindsley long and well, and had much professional, as well as professional and social contact with him, and it affords me a mournful pleasure to bear testimony, to- night, to the fact that in his professional relations, he was one of the most scrupulously ethical and honorable gentleman I ever knew. It is sad to see one already so distinguished and useful, so full of future promise, and with rapidly growing fame, cut down in the bloom of his manhood; but our loss is his eternal gain. Then we sorrow not as those who have no hope. Sleep on, Lindsley. 'Though thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee, lie gave thee. He took thee, and soon will restore thee, where death hath no sting, since the Saviour hath died.' " 106 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. HON. NOBLE SMITHSON. N T OBLE SMITHSON was born near v ?ville, i unity. Ti i i mber 7. IS41 : n sided in that county until January. ItCwi. when hi- parents ti on, I. ami. Vlabama. IK- resided tliere until 1865. when ; i. i liles county. Tennessi - His father was the Rev. John (.! - if the Methodist Episcopal ehureh. South, Dauville, !' 1820. and immigrati Si « M .letters ' ' - ■ 0. ren there : rs. when the family came to Williamson He now residi • farm, near and i: irmer, h;i\ in- beeu ijuii i in that pursuit. paternal was Hezekiah Powell Smithson. who was born in l'itt- sylvai \ ia. He w in the 1812. ai rift" of Pittsylvania He was th i 'apt. Powell, of the Litiouary army. 11. P. Smith ton, Alabama, in 1S70. Mr. Smithson iraud- father was Francis Smithson, born in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, ami died in Maury county. Ti I - Smithson was descended from the Sniith- itmily of Northumberland county. England. Mr. Smiths Tnal grandmother was Henri a member of tin tmily of li : Mr. Smith-on - - hu Ladd: born in Williamson county, Teunessei \ feu ber 10, ISIS. Site was the daughti ' le Ladd ami Man Bur- unl her mother was the d if Peter !! an Irishman. Her parents were horn in Rockingham ami S • \ th Carolina, ami were married in that State. She i- >till living, in good health and spirits. Mr. Smithson is the oldest of fifteen children, all ol "He. The earl\ life ol Mr. Smithson was the farm. Hi- father being in humble circumstances, lie 1. . him in supporting and rearing the family. But from early childhood he evinced a strong desil tion and kuowledge, ami diligently applied him- self I ks. readins ry day. and school whe- ould he -pared out In tlii- way he acquired a - tion. - mathematics, hut did ly the Wl ol age, he taught nia and Tennessee, in I860 61. In 1S65, [in near Pulaski, and then read law wed from Pulaski lawyers. In December, 1866 in .1 udges Da\ i'l Campbell ami Hillary Ward, and at in practice at I'u- 7< ' to 1872, his Pontaine Smith-on. w: ted with him in the practice of the law at Pul lie was district attorney-general for the Eleventh eir- cuii kVilliamson, Maury, Marshall, Giles. Lawrence. Lewis and Hickman. S T ovi ■>67, to September, 187(1. ,\l this til bar of that circuit v. . having among it- m - in the State. This - - drool for the young attorney general. Since then he has, on - eral 1 chancellor, appointed by the s b ir. He was elected State senator, in the thirty-eighth icral Assembly for the Fifteenth senatorial district, ei'-, the counties of (tile-. Lawrence, Wayne ami Lev - V ruber 6. 1 -7 J - 1873 and 1S74. ami was chairman i>f the seual judiciary, lie was .,:-.. chairman cial joint committee to ii drs ol the Bank of which -at at Nashville, after the adjourn- ment ol* ilii Le - .lure, lie was an industrious and efficient member of the senate, his committee doing rk of the session. He was one ol' the thirteen senator.- who voted tor the pub- liool law ol' 187;!. under which the presenl tern ol popular education has grown so efficient and beneficial to tin S( Of the measures introduced by him that became statute law. may he mentioned the act for the better enforcement of -. ami an- other, allowing at: appeal f . tnents striking them from the roll art. lie ha- been a member of Pulaski Lodge, No. 12. In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Encamp- ment, in which he held the chief offid - He i- now a member of the Knights of Honor, American Legion of Honor. Ancient Order of United Workmen, Pulaski M sons, and of Pulaski Coniniandery, No. 12. Knights Templar, having held the offices of Captain -General and Generalissimo in said Command- ery. He is a member of the Tennessee Historical So- ciety, ami of the Bar Association of Tenm - In polili independent. He was always slavery. Having read Wayland's Moral Phil- y. when a boy, he was tbereby convinced that slavery was unjust and morally wrong: that it was im- politic and ruinous to the country. He has ever since held these views. He ha- always held that all citizens, . rich ami poor, great ami -mall, should have equal rights PROMINENT TENNESSE WS 107 before the law; that the legal rights of each and all should be precisely the same. He also advocates worn aii's right (o vote, to hold property independent!} of their husbands, and to participate in the a Hairs of State, believing that the restrictions upon them and their subjection to 1 1 » < r men arc relics of barbarism, tie be- lieves in the utmost freedom of thought and action, in society, politics and religion, consistent with the rights of others, He wasa delegate to the national Greenback ventiou which convened at [ndianapolis, Indiana, in June, I' s 7. Summers to be editor at Charleston, Dr. Summers at that time being pastor of the principal church at Mobile. 5Toung McTyeire being at tin 1 conference to see the great men of the church, Bishop Andrews picked him up there and sent him to take Dr. Summers place at Mobile. He reached Mobile July L, everybody assuring him he would have the yellow fever, lie was at once intro- duced to the quarterly conference, which he found in session, occupied in discussing the startling questi I' buying a lot in the new city cemetery for the purposi of burying preachers who might die of the fever. The lot was not bought in vain, for, in L854, three preachers were buried in it who had did of t he yellow fever, lie preached there until il ml of the year, ami although he did not take the fever himself, the first man he was called on to Lilly had died id' il. While in Mobile he made the acquaintance of the lady who became his wife, a cousin of the lady whom Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt afterward married. This is one of the secret links of a chain of causes that ultimate!} origin to the great Vanderbilt University, located at Nashville. His next station after Mobile wa- Demopolis, Ala- bama, in ISIT: next at Columbus, Mississippi, in ISIS. He was then transferred to New Orleans, where he -pent ten consecutive years, first as pastor of Felicity Street church, which he built, and then, from 1851 to 1858, as editor of the New Orleans < 'hristian Advocate, which he founded in 1851. In 1858, he was elected by the general conference to edit the Nashville Cliristian [dvocate, a position which he filled until February Itts I'KOMINKNT TKNNKSSKAXS n. I Tli' ily ! i the i tin M I n M I ' It, of ' i 1 1 mtl i \ ,J|. ill, [| villi I H hop M i rlni ■ he II '! ivimtcdhii - Il»« III ll ! ' I plin, added five hundred thousand dollars, and his son, Wil- li ilution. which he liani II. Yandcrbilt, subsequent! ii, tr , and fiftj thousand dollars, inakit lunation „„,] million two huml thousand doll . . i M . I ivc hundred thousand ind il t In' 1T1 nrtTi IVuiii apparatus of the institutio I Iter the I have nil the I'olliiweil in Imi n nuuiber The institul \tu'l I addition loin all the with its inunifieenl endowment, learned ind tin chin It is thai ^i I nivei church douhl -hip in li 'I"' 1 1n- stroi - * nd equal i" the famous old il i tiuiis ill 1 1" \"i ill and K S'ew O S Bishop \| T L-ire married, in Mol VI Mi I literary life otherwise In vemher !• I - IT Miss Vn ' km. thi II ' Iiii W wo hiiudi mi ill' duties Tow nsend I ' the ! : Mohili V Mobile, un iblished under the title of ill I 'oik Th I id family w 1 1 nest ,.!' 1 1 from the Indians < >i i |) I Mrs. Mel rnal i nnniial eraiidftii Im V I the volume I II n of church died ill ither survived him II work, written in 1 S 7I. was \ < nd died in I I . un- til' i Mil -7 1. tin d. .Mrs. Mel .lane In- \ i '.n Church ll I • Bishop MeTyeiro't HI in., i In |XK4, he wrote lii- II x ill lh7(», at thi Mel liodisui M i M I fudge 1 froi II x l I i Mel \ '■ I Mel i her V • 1 1 1 1 t cultival her. l'i;o\||Ni:\T TKNNI M I 1 whom 'i • The -nr\ i >i ■ . Mi mi in I - I- . I . I. .tin ToW IIHCIld M I r. i \ ind ii ' tor M '•! i Irnad busim I Vm Ml manual labor bcI 1 it Talhotton (i where be studied and worked I He then went to Ii dolph Macon I opho- under President I laud, now chancellor of the Vandcrbill I In 1844, he graduated fourth in a class of twelve \'< ti..ii Ii utor of muthem ancienl Ian nd, after Bllii n one ited, Ml 1 1 i«h. The Bishop's grandfather, John M I >orn in the northern m Lucy I • I her, Johu Mc'l i i 'ap( Mi I ami drilled > company in 1832 - ith Caroli the nullification cause, he being a Calhoun man, II;- politics and hit I that lined John Calhoun and another I William I He wax .hi. I r. m. ii 'kabli iii-i.in. . is related of thai decision which made him a men < >n< e w bill ; in i he stop|M .1 .ii .i villa I ' I) kni.H ing m liu hi and the fii i ' Ml i I Ii ! i I on ■ I ■ lii. I liil- dn and infirm anion » ill.-.l n ... pair ti f llollai ti. I nd Willia in [] portions, blended in thi one, the iron will inherited from lli- in. nil;, man . a thinker prompt with force. Ii will in'- thi in nk- illy. II i- father had a fin make lii- children abhi n industi her would ■ 1 1 i.nilil till the - h honor, certain i would i i.|iii>r in lii- I ■ dolph M I tin- in * will i 1(1 I'lKtMl \ K\T TENNESSEANS. thai is tlic rule the Bishop laid down for himself: To undertake, not what he thought he could do, or would like tu do, but what he thought ought to be dour. This often involved him in perplexities and troubles, and subjected him to the criticism of being wanting in prescience; but once committed to a work, he must pull through it, always finding it was nearer the shore he started for than the one he left. JUDGE JOHN C. GAUT. THE subject of ibis biography was born in Jeffer son county, Tennessee, on French Broad river, about seven miles below Dandridge, February 27, 1813. When the sun was eight years old, his lather moved to the tliawassee district, and settled four miles southeast of Athens, Te issee. There our subject was reared, working upon his father's farm until he was twenty- one, going to school very little. I'| reaching his ma- jority, he hired out to get money to go to scl 1. In 1833-34 he attended Forest Hill Academy, then under CI ailes 1'. Samuels; taught a school himself, in Mon- roe count)', five months, and. at the request of bis em- ployers, continued the session three months longer. In April. ls.'!.y he went to the Theological Seminary, at Mari \ ille, presided over by the distinguished Dr. Isaac Anderson, and remained there one year. In April, 1836, he entered the Hast Tennessee College, til Knox- ville (now the University of the State of Tennessee), but his funds having been exhausted by the fall of the same year, lie left school, and again taughl near his li in McMinu county, until the spring ot 1837, w Inn he returned to college at Knoxville, and remained until the following ( )ctober, leaving without graduating. He commenced studying law, Januarj I, 1838, with Hon. Spencer Jarnigan, at Athens. Tennessee 1 No- vember 13, 1838, was admitted to the bar by Judges Charles F. Keith ami Edward Scott lie practiced around the circuit till February 19, 1839, when he located at Cleveland, and practiced there until Octo- ber, is."):;, at which time he 'was elected, as a Whig, over his competitor, George W. Rowles, by the Ten- nessee Legislature, to the circuit judgeship of the Third (now Fourth) judicial circuit, comprising lb unties I Bradley, Polk, McMinn, Meigs, Rhea, Bledsoe, Ma- rion and Hamilton. In May, 1854, under the changed constitution, he was elected lo the same position by over ■ thousand one hundred majority, having the same opponent. Again, in May, 1862. be was re-elected by the popular vote. In April, 1865, he resigned his judgeship, moved to Nashville, and resumed his private practice, after hav- ing been on the bench nearly twelve years. During that long period be missed only one court, and that from the extreme illness of his daughter, Mary L., who afterwards sickened and died tit Nashville, in June, 1865, aged twenty-four. From 1846, to 1854 (seven years and eight months), he was a director, in behalf of the State dI Tennessee, in the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad company. Under this directory the mad was built from Dalton, Georgia, to Knoxville. At a time when railroads were not very popular, be was their friend, joining with James Whitesides and others in advocating the granting of charters to them over the State. Though an old line Whig, when he came to Nashville, he opposed many of the measures of the Brownlow administration as being "too extreme.' among which were the disfranchisement of ex-rebels and rebel sympathizers, and the enfranchisement of the negroes. This rendered him obnoxious to the then Slate government, causing him to be threatened with arrest by Gov. Brownlow for his published articles in opposition to these measures. At Nashville, in 1867-68, Hon. Robert L Caruthers, ex-judge of the Supreme court of Tennessee, was asso- ciated with .Indue Caul in the practice of law. This partnership was dissolved by Judge Caruthers accept- ing a position in the Lebanon law school, in the latter part of 1868. Judge Gaut became a Mason at Cleveland, in 1853, and has taken the Royal Arch degrees. In religion. he is a Cumberland Presbyterian. The Cants are of Scotch and Irish descent, and blue-stocking Presby terians. Judge Cant's great-grandfather died a soldier in the Revolutionary war. The grandfather, John Gaut, was bound out to learn the tanner's trade, iii tin' State ol Pennsylvania. Being pret ty self willed, and not liking his employer, he left him and went to Virginia, where he married a .Miss Irwin. He moved to Tennessee and settled, first, in Washington county, and next, on the French Broad river. Judge Cant's father, dames Caul, was born in Wash- ington county. Tennessee. He died. February 13, 1875, nearly ninety years old. He was a farmer, a strictly honest man, ami did not like anybody that was not hon- est or refused tO pay bis debts. lie was one of the commissioners to locate the county site and lay oil the town of Athens. Judge Gaut's mot her. net Miss Rosamond Irwin, was bom in Washington county, near Jonesborough, and - /: ■ . PROMINENT TENNNHHEANS. m reared on Little river, in Blounl county, Tonne eo. She died in June, 18(59, aged sevent) seven years, ten nilis and five days. For morality, mildness, dis- creetness and propriety, and For the assiduity with which she inculcated principles of intogi it) and I ir in her children, she was a modol ther, and a woman of verj excellent judgment. Judge Gaul was the oldest of nine children, namely, .lull 1 1 ('., Mahala S., George W , Nancy, Mary, Jesse II., Minerva, James < '. and Robert D, For a fuller hi tor) of the family, see sketch of Hon, Jesse II. <<:mi else where in this volume. Judge Gaut was first married in McMinn county, September26, 1839, to Miss Sarah V.nn Mclloynolds, a grand daughter of Fsaac L , of that county, who was in the battle of K in a Vlountain. I lei' gr indmot her was a daughter of Major Russell, of Virginia. Mr Gaul was a member of the Cumberland Pre byterian church, a gentlewoman in :ill her ways, very affable and popular and the possessor of the verj fir i order ol di oretion and a 1 sense. She died, June 9, 1*7.'!, ol cholera, in Nashville, aged fifty four. By this mar riage were born seven children: (I). Mary L Gaul born July II. L840; graduated al Mary Sharp Coll gi In I860; died June 12, L865. (2). John VI Gaut, born October 1. 1841 ; graduated from Rutgers Coll i, New Jersey, 1866, and is now ;i law partner with his father, He married, May 5, 1870, Miss Michel M. Harris, a very accomplished lady. She died in the fall of 1K7I. He married the second time, October 25, 1876 Mi Sallie Crutchfield, the only daughter of Thomas and Amanda Crutchfield, of Hamilton county, Tenm Thomas Crutchfield was ;t distinguished farmer and stock raiser, near Chattanooga, and ;> prominent and leading man ol his county. He died al the residenci ol his son in law, John M. < laut, near Nashville, March 29, 1886 Mi Sallie C. Gaul is a graduate of Mary Sharp College. John M, Gaul lia~ had four children, Thomas C., Sarah M., Amanda K., and Mary Ann. The oldest son, Thomas <'.. died of diphtheria, July 24, 1885. Mi Gaut is an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian church :iinl president of the publication board of that church (.'!). Ann E. Gaut, born October 15, 1843, and graduated :ii Mary Sharp College, in June, 1861. Shew I May 5, 1870 to Patrick II. Manlove a Nashville mer chant, and has had two children, Joseph E. and Horace ('., the last named dying of diphtheria, March 30, 1886. Her husband is an rider in the Cumberl I Presbyte ii. in church 1 is also a membei of the publication I 'd, i I). IIul'Ii Lawson Hunt, born November 22 1- I.Y and died, Ma) 28 L854 of carlel fever. (5). Al- bert Coleman Gaut, b August 23 1851, and died Maj 24, L854 of scarlet fever. (6). \n infant, unnamed. (7). Horace C. Gaut, born December I!'. L856, died of scarlet fever, •) uly 17. 1863 Judge Gaut married the second time in Franklin, Tennessee Mrs Sallie A. Carter, who, al the - ol ixloon, in May, 1843, married Boyd M Him a lawyer, and b,i I h id i wo children \ nnie \ Sim who in. I in I i.i John W. McFadden, who is now with the firm ol Thompson A Kelly, mi rchanl in Nash villr, and li.i one child, Sarah II . born January 5, 1879; Mai ic 1 1 Sim w Im mai ried, in 1871 I! \ II ichardson n la • oi al Franklin, Tennc ce who I i i i farm, ;i porl ion of hi wife lti andl il hei - old e tatc Bo; d M Sim died in I I and in Maj 1853, hi.- widow married Joseph W Carter a prominent law yer I polil ician of W iridic ter Tennc ce a K Templar Mason, a Democrat who repn en ted Frank lln and l.iiN'uIn counties in the Tern c Stati i n iti threi coiisccutivi term To Col. Carter were born two sons, William K now in mercantile life al Na liville, and Joseph VV now a railroad officer; married Mi K al ii- I! French and I ne child, -I" eph VV*., jr. Col, Carter died, July 16, 1856, from which time Mi Carter lived a widow lill her marriage with Judgi Gaul in 1875. The pre enl M i Uaut i a cull ivated lad ol fine i.i te greal -. ivai it) and bi iut) • liigh en e of honor, liberal and charitable to a fault. She is a de scendanl of Revolutionar) took wa born in Frank lin. Teni I - ii [liter of A lexander Ko ing a lai gc stook farmei of wealth and prominence in Williamson county, Tenne ee Her grandfather, Alcxandei I in-- i rai er of fine tock h a oi f t he pioneei i I Davidson county, where he ettled after his service in the Revolutionary war. He built and owned the fir I brick house in Davidson county. He married Mi Sarah. Smith, also of a Virginia Revolutionar) family : r of Mi II l!ll ightower, one of i he fir I el tiers of William on county, Mrs, Gaul mother, Chloe Saunders, daughter ol Herberl S. Saundci also of a \ ii im i family "I Ri volul ionary fame. Mr Gaut's father died in 1835, and her mother, in I 39 leaving five children Sallie V.nn (Mrs. Gaut); \l'-\ anderC, whodied al twentyyearii old ; Herbert S., now i i. er, in Williamson county, on a part of the old homestead; Melviua, who died the wife of fl I! Til comb ii druggist and capitalist al Columbia, Ten I'i in" one child, \ lexander Titcomb, now a farmei neai I 'olumbia William I!.. who m Mi Johnnie Brown, of Franklin, Tennessee, died of hearl disea e 1880 al Franklin, leaving one child, William Wheless, born November 22, 1869, and who with his ni"i her i ill reside* in Franklin. Mrs. i laul - most marl ed trait of charai tej i liei Ii- in-- up to i he < lolden !•' uli hi i al nding ch iril and devol ion to principle. Shi ha I" en pn idi nt of ' 'I bem . oh ni i ic in W illiam oi int and .i proi ced prohibitionist. During thi ni Soul hi i N and Kind to oldici on bol Ii idi and after the war wa oni of t he mosl pi omirrcnl mem bers and ruling piril of i he Ladii - Tennc e< Me- morial \ oci tion which had for il object the care of maimed old - md upplied artificial limb j iMtoMi: \s Willi \M v MMi'i: M >XKS M n Tn i v y 1 1 \ | V Oil iii, ill I V II. I N His lilV in 1 1 - S s \ III I STl v "• In 1 - II I I i . • ■ i'i;o\ii\i \ i ri \\i \ - • N \ 1 M ■ M S 1 1 M I i I I I I'm in * I I llii» \ - i In- UOBKRT \. VOI KG v M . M D., 1' lv * 1 1 ^ 1 s in tin I I i \ i v NK.MI 1 1 ll 1 1 1 : who 'i I I I I I rlnl'll, i \ M ■ I ! » i i I III I ill I ■ li I I ! I ■ I iu; PROMISES r TEXXESSE S.XS luuibia. T •- In the I - '■ ; church, t -- e.and which met in Xew ma. and has boon a member, eleei from that In the - - - McKendn \ • . whore ho ron \ Re \ - In the tall of 1S70. he which was the he has bt - In 1S74. he \i - - f the - (See until \ . .. ... i which he has - 1 five hn 11. - • - -I in pani- M louse : - \ . ... . . \ ■ \ L X as . . \ . Mas - the A - - - - Pr - His s I at Xas \ _ . - " . ' . \ 1.. P. ■ P. P., 1.1. IV. the most influential man in the southern Methodist church <>t' hi> day. the bishop excepted. It u- • '•' , en speaks, the meetin" ' ' ■ thiest Mi ih- ier in the South. He died, July 15, 1S74, at thi Mrs. ^ s moth - the only child of. John T El- \ - hville. The his ? It Fort nan. in which they lived. Mrs. Young's mother I M arel ■ . - — irs. a lady re- markable tor a very high lea tellig nee, and • hounded influence in society and in the ureh. Mrs. Young graduated from the Xashville 55S - venteenth year. Pr. \ - children. Mrs. Young, by her first hus- bai R. P. Hunter, has throe children. Mary Hunter. Alexander liv ? - 11 til the Moth - tre her m \V i ; reel ■ \ . SI. Green, pas at Franklin. -- sister. 1 - 1 ' Fit i - firni in Xash- tion. that all the des - >n. are - - ■ ^ all his \ I only is he a man it, to i - is one ss is at- and the scrupulous one who gaiu." but paid it then and His distinguis a; trait of eharact - nviuc- l a charge iu which he did .... -- :1 p»s- meous g, and this - him a •er and obsen or. In per- tention -,.nd men. Ho .... S . v . hren. PROMINENT TENNESSE \ns. IT does not often occur thai a teacher lives to become the biographer of his pupils. This volume, how- ever, contains sketches of three gentlemen of distinction u In. were mice students under the editor, to-wit: Hon. James D. Richardson, now member of Congress from Tennessee, Hon. Ethelbert 1!. Wade, and Dr. John II. White, subject of this article. John II. White was born, October 6, 1849, at Mill ersburg, Rutherford county, Tennessee, grew up and has lived there all his life, on the same plan' where his father was born, lived and died. He took his firsf les- sons in literature at Zimmerman [nstitue, a school founded and taught by William S. Speer, At the age of twenty he attended college Eve months at the Ash land University, Lexington, Kentucky. He next at tended Union University, at Murfrcesborough, Tennes see, ten months, and then began the study r. B. \. White, al Christiana. Tennessee. lie graduated M.D. from the medical department of the University r White's mother, originally Miss Mary Donelly, no« livii al the age of sixty-three, was bom Dei ber 11. IS21, in Dublin, [reland. She is the daughter of Peter Donelly, a wealthy Irishman, who cauie from Ire- land and settled at Shelbyville, Bedford county, Ten nessee. [Ie died of cholera, in IS33, leaving six chil- dren: I. iic> Douelly, who died the wife of Dr. John W. Wilburu, a member of Congress from Missouri: M.Li . Donelly, mother of Dr. While; Bartley Doi a captain in the Mexican war; Catharine Donelly, now wiilew el' Thomas Jameson; Elizabeth Donelly, who died the wile of Dr. Thornton Matson, of Louisiana, \1 - mi. [lonora Donelly. new the will' of Or. P. II. Manier. of Wartrace, Bedford county, Tennessee Dr. White's mother is a lady of very positive char- acter and pronounced opinious; i- very frank ; of un- usual mental ability; and is both progressive and ag gressive. Honesty, sobriety, veracity, and attention to business and with a determination, even in boyhood, to make life ssible these are the distinguishing char- acteristics of Dr. White, Hi- fat Iter and mother stimu- lated his ambition to be something and to do something for himself. From them he had a most excellent edu cation : from them he had wise advice and good exam- ple. Thus he had a good send oil', and he has made a man of himself. The editor knew his family well, and furthermore knows whereof In- speaks. Dr. Whites father married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Miller, daughter of Esq. Robert Miller, bj whom lie had three children : Robert While ; William White; Elizabeth White, who died the wife of Thomas D. White, her cousin. She left one son, Otie It. White. Dr. White's own brothers are Bartley and Frank, and his own sister, Catharine, wife of Benjamin Fugitt, all of whom have'.been previously mentioned. W. M. VERTREES, M. D. D' R. WOODFORD MITCHELI VERTREES, professor of materia uiedica and therapeut the medical department of the 1 uiversity of Tennessee' was horn in Brownsville, Kentucky, March 23, IS27, the \i, son of Jacob and Catharine \ en His grandfather, Johii Vertrees, was a tanner, of .J^enusylvania-German stock, and emigrated to Ken. «jC V -I tuekV in the same party with the lather of Gov. Helm. Y Haycraft and other well-known pioneers, shortly after the arrival of Daniel Boone on that extreme frontier- The Vertrecs-Helm party built a fort a very short dis- tance from what is now known as the public square of Elizabethtown. The family name at the time of their emigration to Kentucky was Von 'free-., which was afterward. Vertrees John Yertrees, there- fore, was the tii'st to spell the name in its modern form. He was. also, the tii'st judge of the Hardin county court (Hardin being one of the three counties into which the territory of Kentucky was then divided), and he tried the first murder ease in Kentucky, which resulted in the hanging of the murderer. John \ ertrees and hi- sons, in the early days of their settlement, were engaged in many tierce battles with the Indian-. One of their battles, which was fought near Rolling Fork, eight miles from Elizabethtown, is said to have been the hardest fight which evei curi'cd on the "dark ami bloody ground." John and rtrees, with a party of eleven other white men. were pursuing a band of Indians, numbering thirteen, who had committed some depredations near Elizabethtown. Daniel Vertrees, being an expert in wood craft and the modes of Indian warfare, was ILLE. ''trailing'' the savages when he suddenly came upon them in a sink-hole, where they were cooking their breakfast. He at once tired upon them, but on turning tin the protection of a tree he himself fell dead. ed by the bullets of the Indians, who. running out dp him. were themselves fired upon by the remain- der of the whites who came up at that moment. A hand to baud fight ensued, and in the desperate Strug- gle all of the Indian- and five of the white men were killed. John Vertrees being one oi' the survivors. Some time after. Joseph Vertrees — son oi' John Vcr- - -when nine years of age. was captured by the In- dians near where the public square at Elizabethtown now i-. His captors started with him to cross the Ohio river on a raft. John \ illowed witli a hand tie the little fellow, hut when the Indians, hotly pursued, threatened to kill the hoy if they were tired upon, the white men desisted from the pursuit and the Indians pushed off and crossed the river with their prisoner. The ho) was kept in captivity nine years, hut finally made his escape at the ace o\' eighteen, returned to Kentucky, married and brought up a large family, all of whom have Indian peculiarities — love of hunting and fishing, love of solitude and life in the Joseph Vertrees was an uneducated man. hut lived to accumulate considerable property, after his re- turn. Jacob Vertrees, son of John Vertrees, and father >7. the wife of Charles Wortham. (II). Elizabeth Vertrees, died at the age of sixteen. Dr. Vertrees attended literary scl 1 at Brownsville, Kentucky, until he was twenty years old, when he en- tered Wirt College, Sumner county, Tennessee, remain- ing there two years, under President Tl tas Patterson. During his collegiate course among his class mates were lion. Alha Thomas, ex treasurer of Tennessee, and I km. Thomas I!, [vie, of Shelliyville. lie then lend medicine under Dr. John Sweeney, at Smith's Grove, Kentucky, and afterward attended the medical depart- ment of the University of Louisville, where he gradu- ated, in 1851, under President James Guthrie, lie practiced at Smith's Grove one year, then moved lo Elizabethtown ami remained there until 1857, when he went to Mattoon, Illinois, and practiced until the he ginningof the war. He was elected mayorof Mattoon in I860, on tin' Democratic ticket, hut resigned and removed to Franklin, Kentucky, remaining there until he removed to Nashville, in 1871. Dr. Vertrees was one of the founders of the Nash- ville Medical College (now medical department id' the I (niversity of Tennessee), the charter being granted to Drs. Duncan Eve, J. B.Stephens, W. F. Clem,, W. C. Cook and W. M. Vertrees. At the organizati f the faculty, he was elected professor of materia medica and therapeutics, hut resigned in L881. In 1883, he was elected to the chair of medica] chemistry and toxicol- ogy, and iii hss,"), was transferred to the chair of materia medica and therapeutics, which he now till-. Dr. Vertrees was a charier member of Tennessee Lodge, No. 20, Knights of Honor, the lodge [being or. ganized about six n ths after the founding of the order, and at a time when il had not more than five hundred members. He afterward withdrew and was a charter member of Cumberland Lodge, Edgefield. He has been a member of the Christian church twenty live years, and was on the building committee id' the first Christian church built at Mattoon, Illinois. In a Slate where he is so well-known, it is almost superfluous to saj he is a Democrat of the loyalest and most unswerv- ing type. He east his first vole for Franklin 1'n ice and has voted the Democratic ticket ever since. Dr. Vertrees married, in 1857, Miss Martha Ford, daughter of Dr. William Ford, of Dripping Spring, Warren counts, Kentucky. By this marriage In I i O^ I'ROMIXl VNS • I 1 .1 I. - K niedi- II . '| Iron. \ - ■ i w hom In' I |1 , Inn ..« ii will I, the WILLIAM K. WARD, A. M.. D. 1» i U.IK. THIS ill ;lll I I \ fu II n- - ill his I V. V i i prominent I' mil] an influential m 1. Mel and other i !iini ehai ■ii thai hi eh he 1 Ian . In 1- IT. 1 : I \ \l Dublin. Ii owner in tl lin. ' >n tl and n ii < Mi tl ■-. he ■ Id i; . kHkJfo v. I'KOMl.VKNT TKNNI I I •■ ■ r 1 1 in I 1 i II. r in ' ; I 1 I and Cough) with il nil In I l'i \\ lull li. i I mi H M uliilii . und I ■ William I 1 W nl - liirlcy fornin I I imc 1 i i lit- •ii. in II. I' politician and oi ninth T< i from the Aili. Col, i ille, for ii Wil- li ohn V. V I)- 1 from I. William I V\ 1 1 W CmiiiI ' I I Annie All i through which I '■i '.'. 1 ! 1 lllln 1 W ird II in the 1 I the x intod, ■ l< I. with II.. n. William ■ II \\ In I -."i.'i i under th< thai 1 a pr< i i ■ ■ and ii II. had .i libi ,ii odd I" i . ill.- /■' I I i : ill. I 1 I'l!«»\||\r\ r II N'NRSSI \NS : - know ii I * \ I * I ' I 1 1 \ lii- I ml itl this ! llu M lll.ll I ll i The school I I which • iiutl ill 111 w hioli \ South: t the S talilishcil nf lli.-. l- W i|Ullll \ In tile i»i w r u n ii mli In nl I um i" 1 1 I iidi'rful 1 nun. n.l i V I in tin- South Ml :n| ..I M \| I * : 1 1 li I. I in ili i In in in \ I ;iii'l |- I I I I M I II ,l I I I I i ii ii 1 1 k I li;<»N|l\l \ l II am —I VNS ll< >N. IK »\VI'I.I. I I'M 1 SDS .1 \< KS< '\ Tl 1 1 - i 1 'i V. .1 A ill llC found in tl I" II llll- voluil i field -'1 ' ksoll, ninl I: \\ ' In ISSfl 1 i uated with di^ I shed kinsman, •' ml \ \\ 1 1 « urt uf I Judge M ■ S l.ehaw iii Ti ii hi tlic the -mini a school, he and lii> kson, \\ Ii m tin \\'i inter- A illiam < i. when ii is stated that the two 1 11 K nun Nasi h i.i their li> filled with us should li;i\ '■ filled the full II |iientl> . in 1XV\ Kip w itli 1 1 ■ I • J 51 ' in (1 - M i with him Ii M I i I M |i|ii under the firm hanki Her ni To ihi Henry, \\ II II Mrs..] in \pril, I In April, 1S74 M M II \\ i. II S .-. ille, ither no n in publie life who ilinarily sueeessTul, lie I faithful and sympathi M .1 • 1 in »' - liberal in the ehureh and all eheerful ai fluetti il and pleasant in .ml in short, i- all Christian household should '•■■ U ,1 ,1 ',-.ii has three ehildren I Short I) after I I ' i here rship in law « itl. I 1 hell, under the firm I ' mtinued the f law thi -fully the full of lS^O, when he w i ujkiu w lutl is know inven- ! I mem that 1 ' ■ ; - ■ r i 1 1 v in ISS7 1 the •••>iiii i ,1 minds in tin ' 1 1 I'ROMIXI ■ - i of the bil III of ill' of « liich I ami «r< .1 .1 i mind I ■ tin' I 1 men) he hold> wliil. lid be 1 1 well knit 1 1 i : - I -I : ; ■ 1 HON. WILLIAM HENRY WILLI \\|- II [X] >) I . i". i: u i i.i.i \ ms< i\ il, Ilia i i l MINKM I I \\i -i \\ i - i A I M ill.' \ \ \ ! || - \ v 1 i i v VI onl,\ i : \ \ V( the \ w II. M I K. I in, hi ill. V\ I i , N \ I I I ! i II \' \' ' \ . , \ \ - ii. >\ iu\ n r h \ p \ - II. ' s 1 1 V M PROMINENT TENNESSI VNS i M II Ki'l m ' i i In- ■ II. A: < I) m whom ■ ill- ilurii M ' - I ■iily 1 the M ' I'll-- firm , \ |i II unl \ I I l-."m. l.uiiisvil health, ri-- Inn i highly I if «rhom rior '> -'-.' illy with ' In 1-i ;n Mr. K del M i phis, t'larksville and Louisville i 1 -i::, his r \ II I .r. in i I rill and internal iuipro tnr in the branch hank of I M |< ' i dent, in ili' 1 st!1 . thai ili i mid not I he wcnl with in' i In 1-1'i. tin- I th the secessionists, and v 1 8l t.i flint, nnd diagnosticians that I uperiors on the continent. The more prominent phj - of their i" but men of broad culture, and of the hi I r, making themselves to use tin- 1 i most eloquent of them .ill " both hi. I to honor their work the only It honor from it. The mi > idy i-i itiiin.iii.il hi- to the \tn,-i ican Medical A -- president tothi m of superintendents of insane asj I urns of the I 'nitcd H credited I to the World M I it he ( '• m. nil! il Medii V at I'hiladclphia, and, tin • II, ore ; udents from tin- immed "I- ..I' older institutions, and even from localitii them Ider medical men tin- nnlj i of tin- profession 1 1 I itled t.. n pi tin- I imong the I ili- 'li.ii ili,- standard of the diall liol I"' I" -. unlit.-. I to tin it Of tl I ' .1 tin . iniln-nt pi Dr. 1 II. - ingficld, Tcnni ■ .1 hi- In '• i. rhilt I i \ ' raduatcd M.D Brsl from the medical .1. -|i.u inntii of tin \ Icrbilt, in 1879, nnd I M l> in id. I '■ brother, I h, Th - w M - mon del ititution. on the lii.-li plai I an inherited , played and grew up and -t n ■ 1 i t-.">, he was captured by the Federal General Wilson at Macon, Georgia, and paroled. In company with hundreds of other Tennesseans be started home, but at Chattanooga he and they were perfidiously arrested and imprisoned by the Federal authorities, and detained prisoners till they took the oath of allegiance, ten days afterward. While in prison they were treated contemptuously in all ways, with one exception. A sergeant of the Federal army, finding that Judge Geeen was destitute of money and of all things, gave him a horse on which he made his way home to Lebanon, after two years' absence. On arriving home, his beard having become gray, and his clothing being the regulation rebel gray, rather coarse gray at that, his children did not know him. Although the country was in a desolate and dis- rupted condition, the mails had been stopped and the means of communication were limited, Judge Green and his father, who was then in feeble health, reopened the law school in September, 1865, Judge Abram Ca- ruthers having died during the war. They succeeded in collecting some twenty-five young men, every one of whom had been an officer or soldier in one or the other of the contending armies. All of them being be- ginners, the work of the law school necessarily devolved on Judge Nathan Green, jr. His father having at- tempted to teach law a few months, sickened and died, March 3d, 1866. On his death-bed the eminent gen- tleman called the son to him and said, " If you fail to get Judge Ridley or Judge McKinney to take my place your law school is gone.'' He got neither, both having declined. He, however, in September, 180G, secured the services and co-operation of Hon. Henry Cooper, late United States senator, and the law school, instead of dying, as the father had predicted, doubled in numbers within six months after his death — so true it is that the success of no enterprise is depend ent upon any one man, however great he may be. There is always somebody raised up in the providence of God II \\l - i \NS I \\ || I ilinl I ■ In 1". U I I' Hi . , I. ill) i 1 ■ . inrm II l< 111. nl- I M lllll :lll V 1 1 \ .1 l.h \\ \ ■ \\ lion I .'I hi* I : I \ ! ■ I I N .tiiiiii y \i . \ \ .iiiii ! II \ ; u , i iii;. I ili. \ \ I ' u | I • I ■ lll'..ll ll 1 1 . 1 ■lii M ili. lli I nil I i llu' church of 1'lu J ml < S'orih I llor influ ; Mill, ll In do « illl ill hu ' l> III till' lllll I < \ I I 1 inolhci \\ I. Ill III ill. luiiil M ,1 III ill. I • ' A hi. I: I: ■ • l. I I l; i - PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. L>etu"- er.it ii i ! sixty-four in 1- Mr. Wilson's mothi is a native nty. the daught f David Rice, who canie unty, Virginia, and settled in fanner. 3 -7 at the - John Wilson, now a merchant at U • Mary Wilson, wife of Dr. G. II. K 2 near merchant at Eufalha. Alabama this skei I 1 ;- D. W. Rankin, now in W ity. Arkan- sas. (6). S ... ville. 7 . Bt He V. . J. L. > _ . tia railroad. 5 m - Th Wilson, who died" in 135. N is Mi W - - lawyer, but he East T ry practice, and his name is associated with many of the most imj ins in his section Bis - upright and honorable. II strictly temperate — was never even a dram iker: ih\ n games of chance: has always • .p. and be prompt and ready for tl Without - q on his part, he was nominated to the Legislature and served one term, but has refused to a :in under any circumstances. In his 1 that he has staid at one place; acentrated his energies upon one bus friendly man — and has fixed habits and 1 principles — and thus has secured the full confi- dence of the public. A gentleman of culture, he is not the mere lawyer, but stands high in social circles also. As - - forcible: is a thoughtful, stu- ::iselor. and as a lawyer, is ;ful and energetic in the management of - 5. Living among people who have wn him all his life, h is - med by them for Dal ability and personal integrity, which is num. perhaps, than anything an editor can MAJ. JOHN T. WILLIAMSON. MBIA. MAJ. -T(»HN T. WILLIAMSON, lawyer, editor and - • the s three child: - nry county, Ten - • 11, 1339. and. with the exception - f his early boyhood, that county has - lifelong home, •eived hi- Academy. in Maury county, an -• sing in the > -- Iu May. 1361, he enlisted i: _ - i in Maury county fir the Confederate service, and was made brevet second lieutenant in that company, wheu it was organ iz John C. Brown's Third Tennessee infantry regiment. Hu saw the war to its - - rough. North Carolina, in April. 1S(>5. having served iu Ten- Kt-ntueky. Alabama. Miss s gia and - - ph E. .Johnston and Hood. He took pan in th - Perryville, Muri :-h: iu Hardee's tight ii July 22 - and in the numi unded by a tuinnir ball through his left arm. and disabl . through his arm mash • if it had been hammered there of purpose. On the reorganization of the Fifty-first Tennessee regi- ment, at Shelbyville. Tennessee, he was elected major of the regiment, and served in that capacity the balance of the war. After the great civil struggle had closed, finding - If without property, and without trade or pr hefirsttaug ' five months, i: : ' Brick Church, i: unty. Tenness which he clerked twelve months at the same place. In 1S67, he commenced studyiug law with Friers"n & Fleniini: at Columbia : was licensed to practice in March. 181 - . - II. II. Harrison and A. M. Hughes: began practic ■ lumbia, where he has since continued with fair financial success In politics, Mai. Williamson is a Democrat, and has part in the political contests — national, State and county — that have come before the public in me. The first civil office he held was that of al- derman of his t"wn. of which, in 1877-8 I \ 382 he was elected State sena- B Democrat.," from Maury and Lewi- counties, and during the session of the senate 0' airman of the committee on new issue Tf.ii. -• Be has been frequently =s:ut as a delegau- to . - ul and State conventions of his party, and was chairman of his county executive committee. PROMINENT TENNUSSEANS. 139 He was president of the Tilden and Hendricks clul> of Columbia, in 1S7H. While always a warm friend of the Democratic party, and active in it. he has worked in a quiet way rather than as seeking its honors. He took the ]>nsitiiin iif Stair senator somewhat against liis wishes, and only made the canvass, upon the represen tation of his party friends that the success of the i test depended upon liis making the fight. He became a -Mason, in lsi;7. in Pleasant Grove Lodge, No. 138, and lias taken all the degrees up to and including Knight Templar, and has served as .Master, High Priest and Eminent Commander. He is also a member of the Royal Arcanum. He married, in Charlotte county, Virginia, June 22, 1809, Miss AlbinaG le Bugg, a native of that county. horn the daughter of Zachariah Bugg, a tobacco planter and trader, also a native of Virginia. Her mother was .Mary J. Goode, daughter of a Mr. Goode, of the family of Coodes who for many years have furnished members of Congress from that State. Mrs. Williamson was edu- cated at Danville, Virginia. By this marriage, Maj. Williamson has five children : Mary G. Williamson, born August 12. 1S70; Ella Vernor Williamson, horn in April, 1873, and died in August of the same year ; George Bugg Williamson, horn September li, 1ST! ; Lucy Mildred Williamson, horn October 8,1877; Lotta Gray Williamson, born August 21, 1880. Maj. Williamson and lady and their daughter, Mary, are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, of which he is a deacon. His parents having started in life poor, their children were brought up to work anil labor on the farm ; some were sent to school, while the others were kept at home to " keep the plows a-going," yet, by alternating work and schooling, the boys managed to get as good an edu- cation as any of the hoys in the neighborhood. From an early age, our subject had an inclination to the law, was a studious boy and raised under strict moral train- ing of Presbyterian parents. His father, (I. ('. William- son, now living on his farm in Maury county, is in his seventieth year, but quite stout and active, and in com- fortable circumstances. He was raised in Giles county. He is a fine specimen of the Tennessee farmer, and throughout life has maintained a reputation for honor. integrity and industry, and for devoted attachment to his family — watching and following even his grown chil- dren with paternal help, assistance and counsel. Maj. Williamson's grandfather. Samuel Williamson, was a Virginia farmer; married, in that State, Miss Judith Woodfin, and settled in Giles county at an early date. Maj. Williamson'smother, formerly Mildred Angeline Brown, now living at the age of sixty-six years, was horn in Maury county, the daughter of Charles Brown, a firmer, and a native of Virginia. Her mother, Eliza- beth Akers. a native Virginian, was the daughter of Peter Akers. who settled twelve miles south of Colum- bia, where he lived and died a. farmer. The whole family, after settling in Tennessee, seem possessed of ex- ceptional staying power. Maj. Williamson's father is now living on tlie place settled by his great-grandfather, Peter Akers, and many of the old generation now lie buried in the same graveyard. Maj. Williamson's brother, Charles S. Williamson, is a farmer in Maury county, and his brother. Dr. James G. Williamson, is a practicing physician near Culleoka. Both these broth- ers were in the Confederate service, Charles S. in the cavalry, and Dr. James G. in the same regiment with our subject. In 1882, .Maj. Williamson, immediately after the nomination of (ien. Bate for governor, in connection with others, purchased the Columbia Independent and changed its name to the Maury Democrat, of which be and Col. .1. L. Bullock were tin.' editors, Maj. William- son being also the business manager. Subsequently they sold the paper and both resumed their law practice. In personal appearance, Maj. Williamson is a very attractive man. He stands live feet nine inches high, has a Grecian cast of face, with large perceptive and eoncentrative power, and makes the impression of a kindly-natured man, making his way in the world in moderation, without the restlessness, worry and hurry that characterize too many of our business men. and which shorten the lives of half that die. The purposes of his life, he said to the editor, have been " to put myself and family in comfortable circum- stances, but I have never sought or craved riches; In be liberal and fair with everybody with whom I have dealings. I have never had hut little security money to pay, and never had a note to go to protest. I have endeavored so to act as to merit and retain the confi- dence and esteem of my associates. The history of my family has been that of a tight to come up in the world. One of the ruling motives of my father's life has fern that his children might not have to start where he did; one of his desires that they might have advantages he never had, and my feelings are the same toward my family.' On such foundations noble families are built. " To found a noble family is a noble ambition— for great families make great States." 140 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. DAVID A. NEILSON, M. D. 'H'.V. THIS geutleinau was born in Greene county, Ten- nessee. March 25, 1S25, the son of Col. William IV Neilson, a soldier in the Indian wars, under -lark sou, a native of Virginia, who came with his father to Greene county when he was quite young. He married. in Claiborne county, Tennessee, lived a fanner, was a \\ big in politics, a colonel *>i' militia, and a man of great energy. He went into business, as a merchant, when very young, bad a partner, broke for thirty-six thousand dollars, and. in seven years, paid up his in- debtedness, thus showing both energy and honesty. He lived to the good old age of eighty, and died, in 1S64, respected and beloved by all who knew him Dr. Neilson'- grandfather was Hugh Douglas Neilson, a na- tive Scotchman, and a man of fine education. He mar- ried Miss Sarah Hale, of Virginia, came as a pioneer settler to Greene county, Tennessee, and died there a large farmer. Dr. Neilson's mother, ho Mis- Eliza Evans, was born in Claiborne county, Tennessee, daughter of Gi Evans, of lii-h descent. She was a woman of sterling character, noted for her industry, economical habits, and model housekeeping. Neither she nor her husband were members of any church, nor is tin- son. though all are believers in the Christian religion. She died at the old homestead, in Greeue county, in September, 1843, lcaviug five children: David Alexander Neilson, sub- ject of this sketch; William l>. Neilson. died, unmar- ried, while mining in California : Sarah -lane Neilson. married John D. McCurly, a merchant, at Greeneville, Tennessee, and ha- nine children; .lame- S. Neilson. who married Mi-- Martha Baker, is now a very sue cessful farmer, in Greene county, has two children, J. T. and Jessi \ Isou, the former of whom is a phy- sician, practicing at Emory. Virginia; Eliza Neilson, married dame- L. Cain, a farmer, in Greeue county, now merchandising in Mississippi. The Neilson family are a thrifty people, mostly fann- ers and merchants. Hugh D. Neilson, an uncle of Dr Neilson. was a well-known and prominent merchant, at Somen ille, Tennessee. Dr. Neil.-on. from infancy till thirteen year- old. be- ing afflicted with a skin diseasi • . was confined to the house in winters, and only went to school in summer. From that time on. continuously, he went to school, attending Tusculum C .1 years, and two years at the college in Greenville, lie began reading medicine when twenty year- old, under Dr. F. M. Compton. In 1S46, he entered the University of the City of New York, took his medical decree in IS48, under 1'' Valentine Mott, Samuel Henry Dickson, Granville S. Pattison, Martin Payne and Gunning S. Bedford. Alter serving a- assistant sur- geon in the hospital attached to that institution some four months, he returned home, married, ami went to practice at his father's, in Greene county. Practicing there till 1S53, he moved to Wheelock, Robertson county. Texas, where he practiced two years ; moved to Williamsburg, Kentucky, ami practiced till 1857, when he moved hack to Greene county, Tennessee, to a farm given him by his father, ami practiced medicine ami finned till 1S6S, when he settled in Morristown. where he ha.- practiced ever since, with the exception of the year LS70, when he was in the commission business at Chattanooga, a venture that proved financially disas trous. During the war. he was a Union man. hut prac- ticed medicine all the time, not going into either army a.- a soldier. Since the war he has voted with the Democrats. For a number of years he was exam- ining surgeon for the pension office at Morristown. He also served as an alderman, at Morristown, several years. Dr. Neilson first married in Knox county. Kentucky, October 2S, IS4S Mi-- -lane R. Herndon, who was horn December 24, 1^21. the only daughter of Benjamin F. Herndon. a farmer and stock-trader, originally from Virginia. Her mother. Theodosia Renfro, was the daughter of William Renfro, also a Virginian, Mrs. Neilson's only brother, Dr. 0. 1'. Herndon. is now a prominent physician at Barboursville, Kentucky. Mrs. Neilson was educated at Greeneville, Tennessee, was a woman of great energy, of decided domestic taste-, a member of the Christian [Campbellite) church, ami .lied. tary '24. 1876, leaving her husband three children living: \\). Nellie Neilson. educated at Morristown, married George S. Crouch, cashier of the Fourth Na- tional Bank of .Morristown. has three children. Katie, Jennie and Lillie. (2). Sallie Neilson. educated at Mor- ristown, married A. G. Stewart, now at Buffalo. New York, a tine business man. They have two children. Alexander and Gaines. (3). William B. Neilson. now a practicing physician at Whitesburg, Tennessee. Dr. Neilson's second marriage, which transpired at Russell- ville. Tennessee. September 11. 1877, was with Miss Mollie M. Burt-, daughter of John Buns. Her mother Miss Finch. By this marriage. Dr. Neilson has two children : (11. Ludie Neilson ra Neilson. Dr. Neilson became a Mason, in Greeneville, Ten- has taken the Chapter degrees, ami has served as Captain of the Host. He is a quiet, pleasant- mannered man. sociable, friendly, hut not obtrusive, is not a man to take trouble to heart, is devoted to his practice, with a ruling ambition to educate his children tor advancement in life. A peculiarity of this gentle- man is that, when a patient badly need.- hi- attention, PKOMINENT TENNESSE WS. ill he stays with him, treating him conscientiously, and will not leave him to go to a new patient. This has always 1 n his course, and by this means he has saved the life oi many a man who, had he left him to attend to another call, must have died. It occurs to th litor that if a physician should leave a patient needing hi attention, and he should die, that the doctor must evi r i hereaftei I"- a miserable man. Dr. .Wilson is about medium height, weighs one hun dred and seventy pounds, is of broad, compact build, is very dressy, and impresses one as a man content to do lii j duty and given to i he enjoj men! of life. HON. JAMES \n \ir JUDGE GREER, though comparatively young, lias made for himself a fine reputation as a criminal judge, and lias, besides, the distinction of being the youngest judge in the State. The secret of his emi- nence is attributable not only to what he believes, but to that which he enforces by praetiee. Criminal law, he hold-, is the enforcement of the demands of a com- munity, that every man shall observe a decent respect for the opinions and rights of mankind. It is not less the prerogative than the duty of man to obey law. ( (bedience is the expression of his man! 1 and of his love of liberty. It measures the value he sets on free dom. A criminal judge, sitting to determine whether men properly obey the law, should himself be a man of high moral tone, fine character, a man oi mark, quick tu perceive, and prompt to art upon his conceptions. The administration of his court should not be harsh, nor yet merciful, but rigid and directed t" the sup- pression of crime and immorality in whatever form they manifest a contempt for organic society, and should guard the statutes designed tu protect the pub- lic. Though a kind-hearted man. he should be a firm judge, punctual in attendance tu business, granting and insisting mi the speedy tidal of prisoners, and keeping his docket cleared. These are tin- leading traits in the intricate character of Judge Greer, and which, the law- yers "!' Memphis say, peculiarly lit, him I'm- a criminal judge, especially because he is fearless and cannot he swayed in thought or speech or aetion by what has be- come known as the "popular breeze." lie is of that (dass of men who are not for the moment merely, hut have lasting qualities, and are destined to live. Re- markable for his skill in the analysis ol character, he is likewise distinguished for his discriminating esti- mates of men. Tn the administration of his office lie has never been swerved by public clamor. When old evils that had fastened as a sore mi the body politic had been given over as incurable, mild salves being applied by others, he, with the boldness of a skilllnl surgeon, cut them out — gambling, for instance and received as his immediate reward much hostile criticism and bitter condemnation. The one he accepted good humoredly, and followed tin- path of duty, unmoved by the other. I'ii equence he instituted many reforms which were 06 M. GREER. HIS. at first conde 1, but in six months the papers that had censured, applauded him for his achievements. .lames M. Greer was born in Holly Springs, Miss- issippi, October l'T, 1847, and there grew to the age of sixteen, \.fter receiving an academic education at Holly Springs, he became a cadet in the Virginia Mili- tary Institute, 'the West Point ol the Smith." Early in 1864, the battalion of cadets, of which he was a member, went into the Confederate army. Col. Shipp commanding tin- battalion of four companies, serving in Virginia until April ::, 1865, when, upon the evacuation of Kidi id, the battalion was disbanded. Vnitnu Greer served throughout as a private, and the gallant body of young soldiers, of which he was a mem- ber, served under Gen. Breckinridge in the charge at New Market, in I he Shenandoah Valley, in the engage mem at Lexington, in defense of Lynchburg when it was attacked by Hunter, and in a number of skirmishes around Richmond. The war over, he returned, at the age of eighteen, to bis father's home in Holly Springs, finding the family so impoverished as to render it necessary to leave their town home and go to their plantation, in 1 »e Solo county, Mississippi. There he spent five years, work- ing on the farm, studying law at such intervals as he could find between plowing, scraping cotton, and other work incidental to a Mississippi plantation. For- tunately, he had the assistance of his father, an able, retired lawyer, and, therefore, his nights and odd times were spent profitably, lie went in Memphis, completed his law studies, and was licensed to practice by Judges ('. W. Heiskell ami W. L. Scott, and began practice with three acquaintai - ami one hundred and fiftj do! lars in his pocket, showing the confidence he had in himself I the stuff that was in him. While waiting tor tin- coming client, he helped to ek it his exist- ence by writing anonymous articles for the New \ <>vk Ledger. After a while, however, clients did come and his j ;, rradually increased until .March lit. 1883, when he was appointed judge of the criminal court of Shelby county, his present position. Like his family for thne generations before him, Judge Greer is a I >• mocrat but not a strict partisan, nor has he taken an active part in polities. He is a Knight of II Ill' PROMINENT TENNESSE W- and of the Royal V.syluui. In religion, he is a Prot- estant I v liseopalian, as is also his wife. Judge Greer married in St. Charles, Missouri. 5 t cm her 27, l x 77. Mi.-s Betty Buekner Allen, a native of Lexington, Kentucky, a daughter of Dr. John R. Allen, who, from IStiO to his death, in 1877, was a prom- inent practitioner at Memphis, formerly physician in charge of the Insane Asylum at Les Kentucky. He was a member of the Iowa State senate, from Kei kuk. in 1S56, and distinguish If in thai by introducing measures for the care of the ins i which was a specialty with him, and for which he became widely km By his marriage with Miss Vlli J r has three children, all born si Memphis: Allen James li er, Autry Greer, and Rowan VdamsGn Judge Greer's great -real grandfather, Jam came from the north of 1 reland, win re some nicmbers of tin' lau i lie settled in v . ii the Potomac river. His son. .lames Greer was born the! after the arrival of the family in Virginia. He became a lieutenant ill the American army in the Revolution- ary war. married a Miss Ilayne, of the celebrated South Carolina family of that name, and after the war tanner in Virginia. His son. also named James Greer (Judge Greer's grandfather^, was hern and gri manhood in Virginia, married a Miss Searcy, emigrated lirst to Georgia, thence to Sumner county, Tern where .lames M. Greer, Judge Greer's father, was hern. Januarj 22. 1SK3. Shortly alter the birth of Judge Greer's father, the grandfather moved to Paris, Ten- nessee, and there the son was reared. The family quently moved to Holly Springs, Mississippi. where .lames A] Greer, having studied law. entered upon practice, and won much distinction in hi> pro- i. lie married Miss Mary Elizabeth Autry. De- cember 22, IS41, and soon alter retired from tiee. engaged in planting, and subsequently represented I 1 , Soto county in the Mississippi Legislature. He re- moved te Corsicana, Texas, in March, lS7t>, and there died. March 21, 1S79. He was noted for his keen ap- preciation of humor, for the great strength with which good humored ridicule as a weapon, and for li - of accurate information, historical and political. His m ol -ham and his sincerity of speech, made him the champion oi' the weak, but gave him a large number o amoug the strong. He had no patience with anything that approached pretense, fraud and hypocrisy, lie man of strong character, but without the train- ing of a mother, as she died when he was onlj three old. One of his brothers, Hon. Robert S. i of Marshall county, Mississippi, was for twenty-five years in the State senate, and during that long period of service was identified with the early law-making of that and, without being a meat man. was conspii for his clear, common sense and devotion to honest and iinical government. Another brother, Gen. Kb : : Greer, was a lieutenant in Jeffersou Davis' regi- ment in the Mexican war. and afterwards a major- ral in the Confederate army, under Gen. Price. Judge Greer's motl er. •■ Miss Mary E. Autry. was in Jackson, Tennessee, February 7. 1>iI7. daugh- : Maj. Micajah Autry. whose name is the first on the monument that marks the Alamo, where he died in the struggle for Texan independence. He was of French stock. Born to fortune and reared in easy cir- cumstances, having no business aptitude, he spent his inheritance early in his married lite. With Crockett he went to Texas, at the time of the revolution there, in the des] i rate I lining tame ami fortune for his family. A desi soldiers, he naturally to il is calling. When the blood.v massacre at the Alamo came, be fell with Crockett, Travis, Bowie, and the remainder of the one hundred, and as Leonidas and his gallant hand at Thermopylae immortalized Spartan history, so the\ gave an illustrious page to that of America. Hi- s grandmother), was Miss Martha Wyche Put itive of A irginia, and iidant of an English family. When a widow, she removed to Holly Spnn^s. and with an indomitable will that nothing could conquer, 1 in raising ami educating her -on and daughter. The daughter ne the mother of Judge Greer. The son. ("ol. James 1.. Autry, graduated at St. Thomas' Hall. Holly •ted to tin I. »isla1 ure, ami made speaker of the Mississippi house of representatr the age of twenty-two, the youugest speaker in the Cnited States, lie was the military govi \ icks- - -.'. and at the demand of Vdmiral Farragut for surrender, made the celebrated response, " Mississippians don't know- how to surren- der." He was afterward colonel of the Twenty-seventh Mississippi regiment, and was killed at the head of his command, in the battle of Murfreesborough, December :il. I8ti3. Judge Greer's mother is now living at Corsi- cana, Texas. She has four children, all lawyers: Hal. Wyche Greer, at Beatimont, Texas, Robert Autry Greer, and He Edward Greer, at Corsieaua, Texas, and the eldest, James M. Greer, the subject of this sketch. She inherited from her French ancestry the enthusiasm and courage which marks that people, ami has sobered it by taking from her Euglish stock common sense and unflinching ranee. SL - f rare mu- sical and poetic talent, which she has cultivated to an extreme, but used neither, except tin- the training ot her children and the entertainment of her friends. A religionist, whose faith in Jesus as the Son of God has never wavered, she ha- anxiously read and studi that Darwin. Huxley and Tyndall have said about the material world, believes in evolution, and reconciles it with Christianity. Judge Greer has not accumulated a large property. I ' I ; ( ) M I N K N T T E N N ESS E A XS. 1 13 Like many other lawyers, he seems to have accepted Sydney Smith's idea, to live happily, bring up his family, and seek to do no man harm. Necessarily, i herefore, he lias spent for them his professional inc ■ i he made it, yet he is in quite independent circum stances. His first ambition has been to hand down to his children the same thing he received from his fa- ther a clean ami honestname; his second has heen to win for himself the reputation of being a just and a truthful man. [ncident to these ambitions he has de sired, by study and reading, to know whal the wise have thought and to apply that thought to his every- day life, so that he might remember that whilst the world was made for him, it was also made for his neigh bor. His desire for political distinction,- which in- spired him in his younger days, he has had to lay aside for the duties devolved upon him as the head of a family. His leading characteristic is dogged, unflinch- ing persistence, which amounts at times to tin' appear- ance nl obstinacy. His course points out clearly that he does what lie deliberately thinks is right. He is in- flexibly honest, and has a reputation as a dispassionate, logical and upright jurist. During the short time that Judge Greer has presided in the criminal court, he has made a distinct and indi- vidual impression as a judicial officer. Coming after .Indue llorrigan, his career was watched with more than usual interest, and he lias not disappointed his many warm personal friends and that element of the people who desire to see the fearless administration of justice. Sentiment has played too large a pari in the administration of the law in the South, and the ten- dency has been toward the exaltation of the criminal. Sympathy for a man in distress, no matter how heinous or disgraceful his offense, not unfrequently plucks the prisoner from a merited punishment, but surrounds him with a halo of glory and innocence. It is hardly in 1 1 an to say that Judge Greer has at no time shown any inclination to yield to sentimentalism, instead of enforcing the law. The tendency oi his mind and taste i- pre eminently judicial. He is a cool, fear- less and clear-headed thinker, with one guiding star before him, and that is the conscientious and intel- ligent enforcement of the laws. When he assumed the bench, tin-re was no laxity in the prosecutions against panic-, carrying concealed weapons, [f any- thing, he was even stricter than hi predecessor, and nothing but good character could mitigate the im- prisonment of the criminal. .Men high in social posi tion, have been sentenced to the jail, and have bad to go there. It is in his stand against gambling that Judge Greer has, probably, in the most conspicuous way, earned the gratitude of the] pie of Shelby county. When he announced that he intended enforcing the laws against gaming, there were thobe who sought to ridicule him li> calling him a crusader, a moral judge, a vis- ion he bad the consolation of knowing that the gamblers have all scattered and tied, and that the last resorts of the guild, maintained in secret and dark places, were raided and almost broken up. This movement has been of lasting benefit to the working- men nl Memphis, many of whom spent all their wagi in the professional gambling hells. It is unnecessary to call at ten i ion to .1 udge Greer's administration of jus- tice in detail. In brief, he does not know what it is to temporize Or Compromise with crime, and his One eon viction is thai there is no need of law unless it is In lie enforced, and lie has shown the requisite courage, the requisite indifference to unpleasant personal conse quences, and the requisite intelligence to enforce it. Though some of bis positions on law questions have seemed extreme, vet t he results have shown that he is no legal heretic, and it can be fairly said of him that his law is as sound a- his administration of justice is fearless. HON. DAVID M. KEY. CHA TT< I HON. DAVID M. KEY, ex-United State i n tor from Tennessee, ex-postmaster-general of the United Stat.--, and now United States district judge, was bom in ( rreene county, Tennessee, January 27, 1824, the -mi of Rev. John Key, a Methodist preacher and farmer, a native of Greene county, who died in Mon- roe county, at the age of fifty six. Rev. John Key was a man of very ardent and enthusiastic tempera- ment, rather distinguished as a revivalist, in the neigh bold I of his operations, and of great power Over the audiences he addressed, though having bul a limited education. He was remarkable for his adherence to principle, and his reputation for I -t\ was never as- NOOG I. sailed. His grandfather was a pioneer settler in East 'fei ssee, came fr Scotland, and settled in Greene county in Revolutionary times, or before. David Key. Judge Key's grandfather, was horn, lived and died in Greene county, a farmer. In politics, the family were always Democratic Jeffersonian and Jacksonian. They were plain country folk, farmers of the middle class, none rich, none without property, and all bad comfortable homesteads and lived in quiet, i asj rural simplicity. Judge Key's mother, wh maiden name was Mar- garet Armitage, was a native also of Greene county. born February 18, 1804, the daughter of Isaac Ann itage of an English family. Her mother was Elizabeth lit PROMINENT TENNESSK W- if Easl Teuin ssee. The Arn family eauie from Pennsylvania, were of good reputa- tion in the localities of tl hut ii"t known far from home. Judge Key's mother died April 12, '--_' iving four children : the suhjeet of this sketch ; ' -I 1 1 Brunner, president of Uiw;i- i Monroe county, Tennessee: John V. Key, who married Miss Margaret Pi couuty, and is now farming in Texas Summerfield A. \ i leading lawyer of Chattanooga. The latter mar- ried Miss Mary K. Devinc, daughter of John 1.. De vine, a merchant and planter of that city. Tli hrother, though not an aspiring man. served in the Tenness L slature. tl -77 S Judge Key was brought up on a farm and worked in- dustriously, a business that - got in him those simple ui nd plain tastes that have distinguished him through life. Morally, he was always oxenr, 'me habits, owing to the in- fluenc irents. The •' r that hem-. - an oath in his life His i lucatiou be- gan in the bai common - county. His father vein iinty, Ten- . when the son was only t\\ - Id. hut he and finally be- came the firs :e oi II: IS50. He had read law in the private office H ?te] hens, while attending school, and was licensed to practice in 1S50, by Chancellor Thomas 1. .ms and Circuit - 1 ; r Ales shed in their day. In is.").'!, he reu . where he has resided ever since, in the practice of law. in which he I Judge Key uiarri R I July 1, 1S57, Miss 1 I iir, who was horn iu Chat- 28. lc tS, the dauj I en. Albert S|. came from North Cai -- father's ma- ternal side, shi still Avery, who was a member of tl a that ni:, '. n declaration oi pendenee: was the first attorney-general of North Caro- lina after her separation from tin' mother country, and noted as < ten. - ! luel he neither of the combatants were hurt, and \ r after a warm politico M - 'andfather. \ irth Carolina senate, and impany a; the battle of King - M tain. Mrs. Key's mother was a Welcker. of German h Henry Welcker, who earn. many ane county, T Mrs. \ - James M. Weleker. was I the Knoxville circuit court, and his term 1 office. Her uni Welck haneellor of the Chattanooga ehaneerv division, at the commencement of the war. but was from his office when the Federals took possession of Kasl Tennessee, in 1863 M - Key reci lueation, and is noted for ; considerate and cautious. It 1 ?aid of her that si • rush to her conclusions a- women are supposed to do. generally, but reasons her \v;n them. She i> doubtless entitled to no small share of the credit for her husband's success. She is quite a hat man. tall and graceful, and of commanding presence: a firm, resolute woman, but of a disposition amiable that it is said all who know her are her friends. Her principal characteristics are stability of character and loyalty to her convictions. By this uiarri Key has nine children, all :n during the family residence in Chattanooga: Emma Key, educated at Salem. North Carolina, and afterward graduated at Baltimore. She married, dune 20. 1883, to \V. B. Thomps - ral superintendent the railway mail service of the diked State.-, a nati New York. She died March S, 18S5. A the New York World, writing from ill City, upon the occasion of the death of this most estimable lady say> : "The death oi Mi's. Emma Key Th fhieh was anuounced here this great surprise. It was a shock to a large number of pi Mrs. Thompson was the daughter of .Indue Key. postmaster-general of the Hayes administration. Miss Emma Key was the belle that period in Washington. She was a tall, well- developed, regular featured blonde. She had very blue ear complexions, while her yel- low hair was slightly inclined to red. She was a very matter-of-fact young lady, without the slightest affecta- She was thoroughly well educated, and would have been at ease in any society. After her father retired from the cabinet, she went back with him to Chattanooga, Tennessee She returned here - alter marrying Mr. Thomp- who '.' - - rintendeut of the railway mail service, under Judge Key. Mr. - m is a capitalist. He afterwards established himself in Wash- ti. doing a general speculative business. Mrs. Thompson was the most conspicuous of the young matrons of Washington society. She went home for a visit early in the winter. When she went away -he was apparently in perfect health. Several years sin - ere injuries by being thrown from a carriage. It is probable that some latent develop- ment of the injuries at that time has resulted in her has been ill nearly all of the time since she went home. N f the time has her illness been re- - - - until very recently.' _' Albert Le- ft rn July — ,1861, graduated from the Annapolis United States Naval Academy, and is in the naval service now. in the Asiatic water- Kate Key. graduated at Baltimore, with her sister Emma, PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 115 after attending with her the Salem sol 1. (I). Sallie C Key, educated al Salem, North Carolina. (5). Mag gie Key. now attending school at Chattai ga. (6). John S. Key. (7). David M. Key, jr. (8). Lenoir Key. (9). Lizzie Kej In the war of the rebellion, the firsl positi ludge Kej held was that of adjutant general, on Gen. Cas- well's staff, in the Confederate army. He afterward be- came lieutenant colonel of the Forty third regiment of Tennessee volunteer infantry, which office he held till the end of the war, refusing all promotion, he having loyally assisted in raising the regiment, and many fathers having sanctioned their sons going into the service be- cause lie was its lieutenant-colonel, James W. ( rillespie, an old Mexican soldier, being its colonel, lie was with Gen. E. Kirby Smith and Gen Bragg, in their Ken tucky campaigns, and was captured in the siege of Vicksburg. lie was at the siege of Vicksburg, and was wounded by a minnie ride ball. .Indue Key, like his ancestors were, is Democratic! but betakes no part in politics. In 1856, he was on the Tennessee State electoral ticket when Buchanan was elected, and in 1860, was mi the Breckinridge ticket, but has never aspired to become a candidate for any political office. In 1870, he was sent, with- out opposition, to the constitutional convention of Ten- nesssee, from the counties of Hamilton, Meigs, Rhea, Bledsoe and Sequatchie. In August, 1870, after the adoption of the new constitution, he was elected chan- cellor of the Chattanooga chancery division, and served until August, 1875, when Gov. -lames D. Porter ap- pointed him United States senator for Tennessee, to succeed Andrew Johnson, who died in that position. He remained in the senate until January, 1S77. In March following, he was appointed postmaster- general of the United States by President Rutherford B. Hayes, and served until August 25, 1880, when he resigned d> accept the office <>l United States district judge for the districts of Eastern and Middle Tennessee, which office he still holds. Neil her .1 udge Key or his wife belong to any church, though both were brought up by Methodist parents, are orthodox in their views, and understood to be Methodistic in their leanings. As to property, Judge Key is in comfortable circumstances. From boyl '1 he has been a close economist, from necessity and in- clination ; was never sued mi a note, except as security fur ethers, and has never been a borrower of money. Like all Confederates, he came out of the war with nothing, ami, indeed, is not- believed to be very ambi- tious to he rich, lint, only for excelling in his profession ami to discharge his duties to his clients ami the public, when iii public position. 1 1 is methods have been to keep out of debt. Office? he ha- held, Imt he never sought one of them; he had not ci gh audacity. Always honest ami truthful, never deceiving the public or individuals, he has so demeaned himself as to win the confidence of the people, of the governor, and the president, lie was never a politician, though a party man, and often endorsed by political opponents. He has always sought to he right— never sacrificing a prin- ciple for partj consistency or party advantage. In fact, as Col. Jeremiah George Harris, of Nashville, has said of Judge Key, "Put him in a company ol great men, and he will he the only man present that will not know' that he is himself a great man.'' Judge Key stands six feet high, is erect, and some- what corpulent, weighing two hundred ami forty pounds. 1 1 is silver gray hair, which he wears roached, is luxuriant. His look is like his reputation, quiet, serene, and von benevolent. He appears, also, a large- hearted, public-spirited man. His eyes are dark, with a clear, mild expression. He is a man collected, alia ble, approachable, and of uniform dignity. The quali- ties of his make-up are so blended in harmony, it is difficult to name the one that is his differentiation. GEN. WILLIAM H. JACKSON. BELLE MEADE, NEAR NASHVILLE. TO a. phrenologist, a study ol this gentleman's pic- ture reveals a neck and chin indicative ol' push and force, compressed lips, that speak of determina- tion ; arched nostrils, which belong to those who were horn to command; eyes of a discoverer, "looking right on and thine eyelids straight before thee;'' a brow of depth and breadth, showing quickness of perception ; a forehead of concentration ol' purpose, not given to change, and a coronal denoting dignitj and clearness of character. Moreover, one would find in him an illus- tration of the theory that justifies biographical worki to-wit : that native talent, stimulated by family pride, is the chief factor of individual excellence. Closely akin to this incentive to distinction and success in other di rections, is State pride, which blossoms into the activi- ties called public spiritedness, and prompts to lending a helping hand to whatever will elevate and advance ones own native Stale. In ether words, that love of country, which men call patriotism, of the loftiest char- acter and most superb organization. William II. Jackson was horn, October 1. 1835, at Paris, Tennessee, hut when four years old. his lather 146 PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. moved to the vicinity of McLemoresville, in Carroll county. Tennessee, the motive leading him there being his father-in-law, Rev. Robert Hun. Re niaining there one year, he removed to Jackson, Ten nessee, in 1840, and in that town the subject of this ■ ill was raise). (If the incidents of his boyl life, one might cull from his father's sketch of 1 number of interesting facts. Hi- life I i some what eventful, fie is a mau of strong individuality, both of thought and action. By no manner of means i- he a man of dash ami diofl and light weight. His father used to compare that - in to a " syllabub," from nn,' of Davy Crockett's unique expressions, who, when lie had taken his first spoonful] of " syllabub,'' remarked, " I snapped at it. but by hokey, I believe I missed it. fien. Jacksot md manner make tin impression that he might have adopted I'm' his life's motto,"' Fcs/iiia hntr. lie is deliberate and slow and farmer-like, ami tin- that reason a man of force and a md marshaler of affairs. lie - i amid good and wholesome precepts in tin' home circle ami sound instruction in ilm school, ami in the Methodist church, of which his parents were members, lie gained fast friends tut' his high spirit ami the zeal with which ho espoused the cause of the weak or younger children, in hi- school-boy days, be- ' ten ami sixteen. Hi- numerous - broils originated in his fervor in defending the weak against the strong. Naturally of a sanguine tempera- ment, in later years he strove to correct his combative tendencies, never carrying weapons, lest that dangi ratnent might impel him to the use "1 them, ho might, in cooler moments, regret. 1 quired the litary training of West Point, where I in hi- twenty-first year, to subdue this fiery spirit. The future of his manhood was early fore- shadowed in the impetuous youth, noted more for en- ergy of art ion than intensity of appl 1 1 i- fond- ness for field sport- often conflicted with the strict irge of the duty required in his early school days. In tin- spring of IS52, being at that time a member of nior class in West Tennessee College, at Jackson, ho received thi nient of cadet to West Point from his member of Congress, Hon, Kit. Williams. This change brought about higher aspirations, stron ter efforts and new associations. Ho had not applied him- self to books, being surrounded by clever chums who were not studious. On enteringthc Military Academy, he determined to stay where so many from hi- di had failed, the impelling motive being a desire to hi- father, whom ho 1 itedly while liv- ing, ami whose memory is kept over green and fresh in his mind. There was never greater i ity in thought, language and sentiment between lather and son than between Gen. Jackson ami his father. \: nine years of age he heard hi- father remark, in conversa- tion with Judge Turley, of the Supreme bench, -I \ . W 1 1. Totten, Con. William T. Haskell ami Judge Milton Brown (the educational institutions of the eountn being under discussion), that he would be per- fectly satisfied to have oi f his sons graduate at the (*niversity of Virginia, ami the other at the Military Academy at West Point. At the time of his entrance to thai institution, hi- brother. Howell 1-1. Jackson, late United States senator, now Pnited States circuit judge i who was always a hard student), was progressing finely, ami therefore he determined to carry up hi- end row towards gratifying his father by graduating at West Point, which lie did creditably, in 1856, in a i la--, man)- ..f whom ha\ e been \ cry distinguished, among them Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee ami Gen. Lomax, of Virginia, on the Confederate side, ami (Jen. i. Bayard, mi the federal side. During his term at West Point, i Ion. Robert P. lee was superintendent of the academy, whom Gen. Jackson speaks of a- being the grandest man. in hi- whole make-up, of any man he ever know. U'tiT the usual furlough, ho went to the camp of instruction, at Carli-le barracks, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, ami reported to Col. Charles May, of Mexican war fame, then commanding at that cavalry school of in- struction. While there, Gen. Jackson was detailed to e Inct a hatch of recruits to Fort Leavenworth, Kan- nd turned them over to Gen. Harney. Returning via Washington City, he -pint three days in company with Cen. Pit/. Hugh Pee. at Arlington, where he met am! was greatly interested in old Mr. Custis. the pro- prietor. In 1857, he cro 1 the plains, from Leavenworth to Fort Union, New Mexico, to join his regiment of mounted rifles, two months . the trip full of nov- elty ami adventure, encountering, as he did. for the first time, the bufialo, the grizzly hoar and the ante- just suited to hi- ardent temperament ami love of field sports. a; 1857 to 1S61 I ugaged in the principal Indian fights of that territory, with such men a- Kit Car-oii. Larue ami others, as his guides ; was compli- mented several times in mil. rs from department head- quarters, also from headquarters of the army, for gal- lantry, tact and g 1 judgment in Indian fighting. When war wa.- threatened between the States, he awaited the action of his native State, subscribing to the idea that in a sectional conflict his allegiance was one primarily to his State and his people, the only con- sideration that caused him to tear himself away from the Federal flag which he had ever cherished ami hon- ored, and from those social ties that bound him as with link- of Steel to hi- old army a-soeiates. He had no voice in precipitating the war, and regretted very much the outbreak of hostilities. Vet. for this act of loyalty to the State which save him birth, ami to the people of In- State, whom he has always loved, he remains yet an unpardoned rebel of the government tin' which he once PROM 1 NBNT TKNNESSEA NS. ■117 fought gallantly, often risked his life, and for which, if circumstances rendered it necessary, he would risk his life again. Raised under the Methodist dispi tion, he would never apply to the government for pai don, because, under that dispensation, a condition pre- cedent was a confession of enormity of guilt and deep repentance for the humble part that he had performed, neither oi which has he ever admitted. And it is a source of proud satisfaction to him that he is in a po- sition where lie ran stand this implied stigma as long as a great government may see lit to continue it. Of all the participants on the losing side in that great strug- gle, Gen. Jackson and some thirty others, alone, are thus under the ban. Tn 1861, when the war broke out, he was in the Dnited States regular army, stationed at Fort Staun- ton, New Mexico, with the rank of second lieutenant, in a regiment of .mounted riflemen, Col. William Lo- ring then commanding the department of New Mexico, and Lieut. Col. George 15. Crittenden, of Kentucky, commanding the regiment. When the first shut was fired on Sumter, he tendered his resignation, turned over to the government every cent of money in his hands, as assistant quartermaster, something over twenty-eight thousand dollars, and proceeded, in com- pany with Col. Crittenden, to Galveston, Texas, where he found the port blockaded. Together with Col. Crit- tenden, Maj. Longstreet, and Missis. Terry and Lub- bock, of Texas, he ran the blockade and proceeded to New Orleans, from which place he sent a tender of service to the Confederate government, through Maj. Longstreet. Previous to that time, however, he had been appointed by Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, to a captaincy of artillery. On arriving at bis home in Jackson, Ten- nessee, he reported by letter to the governor, who or- dered him before the military hoard of the State, r. im- posed of Gov. Harris, ex-Gov. Neil! S. Brown, James E. Bailey and Gen. William G. Harding. This board retained him a week, interviewing him in regard to cav- alry and artillery equipments, arms. etc. Thence he was ordered to report to Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, then eom- mandingthe Confederate forces at Memphis, and sen i d in the capacity of a staff officer to Gen. Pillow, in the army ol occupation in Missouri and Kentucky, with headquarters at Columbus. He organized a light bat- tery at Columbus. In the battle of Belmont, whicb soon after followed, he was ordered with his battery to report to Gen. Pillow, lint could not land his guns by reason of the flying Confederate troops, who would have swamped the boat. But he went ashore himself se- cured a horse, reported to Gen. Pillow, and was ordered to the duty of conducting three regiments of infantry in rear of Grant's army. While in the discharge of that duty, his horse was shot from under him, receiv- ing eight bullets, while he received a minnie hall in the right side, supposed, at the time, to he a mortal wound. The ball was never extracted, and Gen. Jack- son -mII carries it as a memento. That move, however. was a successful one. routing Grant's army and saving the day to the ( lonfederates. When the troops were concentrated at Corinth. Miss- issippi, under Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, Jackson's battery was ordered there. \ week before the battle of Shiloh. Jackson was promoted to a colonelcy in the Confederate service for gallantry at the Belmont battle, and ordered into West Te issee to take command ol' all cavalry in that section. He commanded all the cavalry in the minor conflicts in West Tennessee and north Mississippi, frequently capturing trains on the Memphis and Charleston railroad, ami on o :casion came nearer capturing Gen. Grant than, according to den. Grant himself, he ever was at any time during the war. In the fights about Holly Springs, Mississippi, and Bolivar, Ten I lessee, and in I he \ icinity of Corinth, Jackson's command frequently captured whole regi- ments. He was in that severest of all battles during the war. the attack of the combined forces of Van Horn ami Price on the fortified position of Corinth, commauded bj Liosencrans. Subsequently Van Horn was assigned to the command of all the cavalry in that department, and Jackson was placed in command of a brigade of cavalry under him. his c land consisting of one thousand five hundred cavalry, when he moved in the rear of Grant's army and attacked Holly Springs, < Irant's depot of supplies. Jackson led the charge upon that place, and with his command capl ured and paroled one thousand eight hundred infantry with arms in their hands. The command also captured a great manj i •■, airy, ami destroyed all tie- commissary, quartermaster and ordnance Stores, estimated at six million or eight million dollars. They also secured all of Gen. (irant's private papers, maps, carriage and baggage, l>.\ -ending a staff officer into the room of Mrs, Grant, who was present. This brilliant and dashing raid had the elf cl of changing the plan of the movements of that army, by orders from Washington, caused Grant to retrace his Steps and make the river campaign against Vicksburg, his plan before being to dest roy Jackson and proceed by land against Vicksburg, in the rear. For this service. Jackson was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general by President Davis, then at Jackson, Mississippi, and assigned to a division of cavalry under (Jen, Van Dorn. Cen Jackson's next sen ice was .ii Spring Gill, Ten- nessee, on the left of Bragg's army, in 1862, Gen. For- ommanding the First division of Cen. Van Horn's corps, and Gen. Jackson commanding the Sffeond di- \ ision. Jack-on planned and made the fight at Thump son's Station, his command consisting of Gen. Frank Armstrong's brigade of Mississipians and Tennesseans, and Cen. Sul. Etoss' Texas brigade. He lost in that fight, in twenty minutes, two hundred and sixt men. killed and wounded, but succeeded in capturing Col. Coburn's federal brigade ol' one thousand six hundred infantry. Us PROMINENT TENNESSE \\> skirmishes with the enemy in front of I join Gen. n, in the tall of lSlio. at ('anion.' --ippi. He commanded the cavalry of that army in all the movements on the Big Blaek river, for the relief of Vii • Sherman's attempted marches to Meridian, capturing a goodly muni oners, army trains, and destroying much of Sherman s supplies. When G en. Joseph K -1 illusion the Army of Tennessee, then at Daltoi ■ iiu'st. J omniaiid was transferred tl previously, at Join - . he was transfer! from Tei - \lississ Johnston to dim us ider of tl. the left wing of his army. ■ i In- held the entire m di- rectly t. ' icmber ol war thai a all the mouts. His eounnand performed very faithful servii among other i - the defeat of Kilpatri at 1. v ition. ami again, in conjuncti Wheeler, at Xewnan, I ture of oiii - I live hundred Federal cavalry, mmaud partici) gallautly in the desperate f: . vtlanta. wh the army ; also in I memorable battle (Jen 11 iht against Sher- man's army, at • I iei) - I [] company him in hi- move around Sherman int On reaching Florence. Alabama, he was put under command of Gi -t. Jackson's column led the :. nto Tenness ously the retreai ral army. Cnaided. and alone, it held Sehofield's army at bay at Spring 11 Tennessee, all night, after 1 - - dlure to attack that army with his whole force, that afternoon. It participated in the bloody battle of Franklin, one the most desperali • of the whole war. and pursued the fl lerals. leadim I crate ad- van, three miles of the strongly fortified city of Nashville. Thence it moved witl - md md Murfn - ih. where ■ ,- de- feated and drove back the enemy to their entrench- ments, after the infantry, commandi had fled the field. . while there, in^ v - - tlu-r with a lai number of pris - - \ - to the Colun Franklin turnpike, to sit in front of the vi ral- - 11 Tl) Unas. \\ ho w< advanci - - bis cumin; bore the brunt of the retreat from there to within twenty- • - ver. and to their en maud in pre- venting the capturi ire armv ing the Tenness - 1 order and as well as when they made their march into ss Jackson's eounnand was noted for its discipline and famous for it- true fighting qualities. For this service 1 to tin' eounnand of all of rigade, making three brigades, and was recommended for promotion by [tick ' \\ B. Forrest, as he had previously often been recommended by ' Johnston, den. Hardee and lien. Leonidas Polk, motion, hov r given him. while M - (Jen. Jacksou arrested a young friend of Mr. J iseph 1' thcr of Presideni Davis, for eminent cottou. earning it ling it. and declining to aecede to tin ir the release of his friend. This handed off st the said Jo- seph Davis, who was all-powerful with his brother Jeff., I in by President Davis. ilen. .la. ; served with his command in the Alabama campa - lieu, Croxton ami 1 McCook. of the Federal army, and arrived at Marion Junction. Alabama, where he lean rrest's de- feat at Selma. Forrest then moved his forces to Gaines- Alabama. at which time • '.'rendered u. Canby ihe - that department. Hen . Dick Taylor, corn- ier on the part of the Confederate States. SS. 1 with lien. Dennis, of the Federal army, for the derate troops at Gainesville, Ala- bama, and Columbus, li Hiis was Gen. Jack- - last military service. The war had ended. The ss cavalry leader • - ithed. th the services he saw in the field were to serve him well in the peaceful pursuits of the farm. He rei ssee, after the surrender, and his father turned oxer two i - to him. which lie mana- ssfullv until the fall of IS - - - Miss Sel ne llard- ! M \ -' -. ill* , Tennessee, daugh- William G. !', a very full ami inter. - teh of whose life and family connections . . . Miss M II rding, is the wife Howi - States s uator from Tennessee, and tor the Sixth i rothers inarryi; - - - ..ted at the old Nashville Fe- \ lemy, under Dr C P Elliott, and completed ducation in Mine. Masses private French school. iu Philadelphia SI - i highly cultivated lady, speak - French fluently, and. while domestic in her and habits, and ng her household department, PKOMINENT TENNERSE VN8. ir.i her active housekeeper is her cousin, Miss Lizzie I [oovei \ ladj of true refinement in every pulsat ion and i nought culth ated and well read, Mrs. Jack on i also the most devoted daughter, wife and mother. Her sphere and her glory is the home circle Sociable in her nature, and fond of the company of her friend her healt li yet forbids her being a lad; oi ociet She loyally and lovinglj subscribes to the idea thai liei duty is first to the dear ones at home, and the nearer she can attain perfect happiness in this true sphere the more bright are the glimpses of heaven. Thoroughly imbued w it h i he i rue ipiril of < Ihrisl ianitj , he i sympathetic in her nal an , I gi \ en to large . el un ostentatious charity. No one po sesses a more tender heart for the ] \ the needy and distressed than she. Possessed of principle of the highest order, and the per sonifieati f t rut li pure and unembellished ; a Ti n nessean, highly charged with pride of ancestry and of State; intensely southern in her feelings, and without concealment in i he e •. pn - si f I hem de^ oted to i he Confederate soldier, and sympathizing with and urging on every movement looking to the perpetuation of the memorj of the fallen heroes of the Confederate cau e sin' is endeared, not alone to her family and friends, but is claimed as \ of the jewels of tl ommonwealth, a t rue lil led outhern ladj of i he faire I and mo I deli cate organization. How eividly apt, in contemplating this happy anion, are the poet's words, " None bul the brave deserve the fair." Born, as her father was, on < rod's beautj pol of earl li i he l<>\ ely Belle M ade estate, which is her home as il w a and is her fal I" r and was her grandfather's, she i- very pronounced in her preference of a farmer - life for her son, in spite of all i he allurements of polit ical or fashionable exi By his marriage with Miss Harding, Gen, Jai has three most interesting, bright and happy children, all born at Belle Meade: (1). Eunice Jackson, was born February 8, 1871. This daughter, now enti her " teens," is distinguishing herself bj conducting a Sunday-school for the colored children on the Belle Meadi - I and a charitable society in Nashville bears her name, " The Eunice Jackson Society," in the interest of which a monthly periodical, entitled Woman hi Home, is published. I [er fal hi t said ol her, • r< mi are apt to be partial to their children, but if this daughter has a fault .■>■ bai e not 'I It. which is saj in- a gn al di al." With figun and modest manners, Bhe promises to In- an honor to the name she inherits. (2). William I ing Jackson, born July 17, 1874. (3). Selene Ha Jackson, born A agust 20 1 876 inn. Jackson and wife, and thi r Eunice, if McKendree church ("Methodist copal, south), of which he i- also trustee. Originally, Gen Jacl n his father and brother, was a Whig, but since the war he has acted with the Democratic part; Hi ha r held any office, sub to the 67 in the 1 1 I ,1 I I I i • [XEXT TEXXESSEAXS - - - - - - - • - - - • - - - - - - - • - ar the ■ and ma- - - - - .... ... - - ■ - ? and the oil -- - - - - i - i - : - - ... - ■ - - - - ... .... ... n the ! - - .... . nun - - - - _ - - . . ... than - this PROMINENT TENNESSEANS 155 distinguished Tennessean (Gen. William G. I Carding I is an household word. His life has been a complete suc- cess, and Furnishes an incentive for high endeavor on the part of the youth of the South. In his quiet re- treat, surrounded by those who love him, this venerable man can have a pleasing retrospect. The book oi his life is without :i blot or a slain. His word is as good as his bond, and that is beyond valuation. No whisper has ever been heard against his name or his character. From a small beginning he has made Belle Meade, as the commissioners of the French government lately said, tin' most splendid race horse uurseryin the world. His career exhibits the rich results of a life anchored to a never-dying purpose. There ai - e ambitious young men in Tennessee, here and there, who have com menced their career in the same line, who can gain immense advantages by a close study of Gen. Harding's lite and methods, [n the hey-day of youth he caught tin 1 spirit of "Old Hickory," and from him lie learned tu Tear "the -tain of dishonor as a wound." From him he imbibed the loyalesl of loves for the pure bred horse. With an unflagging energy, and with an elastic hope, he set about the development of the gloi ics of Belle Meade, his ancestral home. Its broad acres and its famous denizens show what a hrave and honest i i can do. How rich is his experience! How beneficial would he his autobiography! What a talc he could tell of Priam, ol Lexiugton, of Jack Malone, of Bonnie Scotland! In his younger days, Gen. Harding wielded a I'acileand fascinating pen. In the evening of his life, if so mini led. he ci H i Id enrich the literal lire ol' his State by deathless reminisceuces of his contemporaries and his horses. He could not withstand the appeal of his friends on this score. 1 we trust requests may pour in upon him to begin the work, lie is the pioneer in one of the most remunerative industries of the South, and his book would he read by all with increasing in- terest. Besides, his words of experience would ureal l> aid the rising establishments all over Tennessee, which are destined to bring ureal revenue to our people, HON. JOHN A. TINNON. PULASKI. THE TINNON family is of Scotch-Irish origin. dames Tinuon, the grandfather ol' the subject of this sketch, came from Ireland with his father when only three years old, settled first in Pennsylvania, after- ward in North Carolina, and, in 1806, emigrated with his family to Williamson county, Tennessee, when the country was aothing hut a dense wilderness, lie re- mained in Williamson county two years. Cutting his way through the almost impenetrable canebrakes he finally settled on the fertile lands of II iclilaml creek, live miles north of Pulaski. Here he died, in 1844, at the age "f eighty six, leaving sis children, ol whom Robert Tinuon. .Indue Tinnon s father, was the young- est. His wife, nee Hannah McCracken, was a native of North Carolina, and of Scotch parentage. She died eight j j ears of age. Robert Tinnon was about nine years of age when his father took bim to Giles county. He grew up to lie a good, plain firmer, a good conveyancer, thoroughly posted in the lands of that section, lie was a justice of the peace and a member of the county court for twenty years, up to the time of his death, in April, 1862, at the age of sixty-live. He was a class leader in the Methodist church, a perfectly upright man, geuinely good, quiet in every way, not wealthy, but widely respected. Judge Tiunon's mother, Elizabeth Ahermilhy, was the daughter of Joseph Abernathy, from North Caro- lina, a surveyor and conveyancer in that State, and in Giles county, Tennessee. He was connected with Judge 1 1 : i > \\ I and the Sliephanls in surveying large bodies of land on Richland creek, in Giles county, at an early day— from 1800 to 1810. .Indue John A. Tinnon was horn in Giles county, Tennessee, November 28, 1822, and was brought up in that eount.w mi his father's farm, going in the old field scl Is until sixteen or seventeen years old, when he entered Wirtemburg Academy, in Pulaski, under Profs. Meiiduin and llartwell Brow n. in 1841-2, and Studied there nearly two years. Then he read law about two years with Judges T. M Jones and Goode, at Pu- laski. In 1S|S, he taught school one year at Lawrence burg, as an assistant to Prof. .1. \\ . Dana, in the mean- time studying mathematics and the languages, and reading some in the law. He obtained license to practice, in the spring of 1848, from Chancellor T. II. Cahal and Judge Scott, and practiced from Lawrence burg from 1848 to the fall of 1854, when he moved hack to Pulaski, and has practiced ami resided there from L855 to the present time lie was in partnership with Col. Solon Iv Rose from 1858 to 1882 In May, 1883, he was appointed by the judges of the Supreme court one of the judges of the court of referees, a position he now holds, at a salan of three thousand dollars per annum. I le has three or four times been com- missioned by the governor as special chancellor to hold court at ( 'oliimliia to try causes in w hieh (he chancellor, Fleming, was incompetent, and also as special judge, to hold court when the sitting judge, W. P. Martin. «;i< sick. SI IN KM fKNNKSSI w- ■ I i V i II \\ A (In- ■ if the ! i s i i ; Mrs It M T hi 1 S S \ S\ I I \ I I I . w 1 \ 1 I. M - I l I M | .1 mine Tiniioii ! I Iniilil, i i ■ I I stuff ' ii i in II I ainl ! M him 1 I niimblo ui PROMINENT TENNESSE \N> 157 REV. GEORGE WHITE, D. D. MEMPHIS. WHEN the compiler of this sketch was seeking information concerning Dr. White, he was told, •■ Vim have one of the richest subjects for a biography, but it will take but Pew words to tell of him." An I, indeed, it does not require volumes to portray the life of a man, who is sn uniformly kind ami courteous t<> all: so universally popular with all sects, creeds ami all conditions of society ; so unflinchingly devoted to duty; so earnest, faithful ami tireless in the Master's cause a man, whose whole existence may be summed up in the sweetest phrase that over fell on mortal ears, "Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth. I will to man.'' A.11 the virtues of a man and a Christian are so har moniously blended in him and formsueha symmetry of character that in looking about i<> get an estimate of him.it is difficult to find which of the noble traits of manly, menial and spiritual make up predominates the other. lie was horn in Charleston, South Carolina. March 12, 1802, and lived there until he was eighteen years of age. He l in his education in Charleston under John Wrench, a very eminent teacher of that day. ami sub- sequently went to stdiool tin- sometime near Statesburg, in Sumter county, South Carolina. When the venera ble gentleman now more than fourscore years of age and lasi traveling toward the nonagenarian period was asked where he was educated, he replied, with vivid recollection, and with a merry twinkle in his eye: "I WCllt to school lor se\ en years to ;i leaeher who whipped the hoys every day, no matter whether they were good oi' had ; and to this day the sound of lire bells is sweetest music to my ears, because our teacher was a member of the fire hoard, and whenever there was an alarm of fire, it meant a brief cessation of hostilities, lor the teacher's words were—" Go home hoys ; you have a holiday." After leaving the scl 1 near Statesburg, young While entered a law office in Charleston, and devoted two years to the study of the legal profession, which he had determined to pursue. While in this oflice he, with a number of other young men, went to a camp-meeting, and becoming deeply and seriously interested in the subject of religion, joined the Methodist church, gave up the har for the pulpit, immediately went to exhort- ing, and shortly thereafter to preaching. He remained in the .Methodist ministry about ten years, during which time he was the contemporary of Dr. Capers, afterward the celebrated .Methodist bishop, and other eminent Methodist divines. 'Though hut a boy in years when he began his ministerial labors, his fame as a preacher spread abroad, and he was known as the " beardless preacher." In 1822, he Went to Savannah and there opened a 58 scl I, called at first Sava ih Academy, and afterward Chatham Academy, a school which he conducted for mure than a quarter of a cent ury, meeting all the nine with remarkable success, few men have been accorded the privilege of laboring so long and so successfully in the cause of education in one place as he did at Savan nah. During this period he educated the children of many of the first families in the State of (i 'gia the BartoWs, Berriens, Laws, Andersons. Bullocks, Scre\ ens, llahershams. Sheflcls. Lamars their name is legion. Many of the men who have been most promi unit in the State of Georgia since that time the great and virtuous in divinity, in judicature, in statesmanship, in commerce and war, have been trained under him. and to day their children and Lira ml eh ih lien refer \\ il li pride to the fact that their fath grandfathers went to school lo Dr. While. Alter remaining in the ministry of the Methodist church for about ten years, as a mailer of conscience and conviction of duty, he joined the Protestant Epis- copal church, prepared for that ministry, and was or- dained f\ Bishop Bowen in St. Michael's church at Charleston, South Carolina. December 31, 1*'!.'!. Dur- ing all the years of his teaching at Savannah, he wa also engaged in preaching. Indeed, it might he said of him here thai he has preached every Sunday of his life tin- the lasi sixty four years, except when prevented I'.', sickness. Likewise, it may he said thai .me of his strong characteristics, which developed itself then, has sluck to him throughout life, ami thai is. In- extn me kindness to the colored race. Much of his timi spent in ministering to them. Mis plain, simple, effect ive and forcible style of preaching suited these people, and they always called upon him. when any prominent member of their congregation died, to preach the fun- eral. 1 1 is labors among these humble people were \ ery effective, for moved bj the gentleness of his manner, the simplicity and kindliness of his words, they would oome about the altar and ask for i he praj ers of the minister. Mis years of disinterested labor ng them brings out in hold relief strong element of his character a genuine ami unaffected desire to do good to all men. to lift up the lowly and comfort (he humble. For several Mir- ol' this same period lie also preached to tin- sea men al their chapel, erected by .Mr. I'eulield. and made many friends among the sailors and sea captains, The founder of this chapel, by his will, left money in hank to employ a pastor, but during the time of Dr. White's pastorate, the hank failed yet he continued to labor among his charge without money and without price, other than lie reward which an approving COnsi brings In duty done. In the meantime he had established, in Effingham I'ROMINKNT TKXNKSSK VNS \\ wllll'll I WBS mil ill lui was protniiiciitl) n nli tlic lil if tlti' iiiui'li ( i nit- uiul stud) ii|h>ii ih. in In 1852, lie published W I . volume of « ii which wit endorsed by the firsl in In t left i Ik- field in » Inch I -,. Ion 1 lii— 1 1 which honk w.i- :.| was widely eireulnted in mid il • * - i" this lie wenl in 1 \ liilianin, t.»'k eluireli there, ami h) I n, \t i ihuted I trgcly to building ii up In 1X58, lie wenl I" Mempli I ilvnrj ehureh, which he has made lii- field of labor up i" the nl time I >■ Whiti ■ descended from an old 1 1 1 tmil) . « ho were among tin South ( where descendants of the famil) are -nil living, in the vicinity of Charleston His I'athei was i ■ White, u .-..ii"!! factor al < 'harleston. hi White was in. ni i., I. January INI. 1823, b ing his twenty first year, to .Mrs Klixabcth :i children, only tinir of « Ii are now Ir \| \\ - John Mill. n. .in Kiiglisliniaii, who came i.. Charleston and became an in. li- mit. .n plant. ' ll> mother was M no old and ari ulina famil) N l White was bom November 23 18112, md was lirsl mar 1 - ivanmih, in 1822. She is rcmurku ble for fin id is a woman ol sunn) disjunction. I ' ; her Ini- she has been « iili him, his counsel and lii- helpmeet, through all the vicissitudes of life thr.m I now, hkr ,i|.- returning full I into port, tin joumc) ing I'.s^ lie dott n I while tin lions of tli \| Whil f,, r tl, mind for one of her I in. i i- in her early youth I tide old eoupli M full) I ' Wl M I all I Md I I M II took th. K Templai it Mel < in. hi. I. r> for more than twenl M T •! No i femplar, H Ii ' the I 1 < 1 the ili 1 in tlii- I 'ommundcry on tli i i ii the 22nd of September follov which hi held uiiiii' Tli. in. in i the t'..i under) him b) iln ties of kuighth I. an. I I rhim tin- \ enerablc 1'relute of our I '..nun u al-.. tin- tlir pnrit) ..I' lii- lit.- and eli I >i W liite always loved tin I adhered strictly t.. ii- Chris t iiiti and kniulith tenets, and his brother Kn always shown a more than ordinar; tl ..(' his \ iri n. • II n warmly attached to th I'YIIi.u-. of which order It i Uieuibi i ami in which he ward filled tin x tnd !' \\ >i » here he has spent I thai has won for him the love "I all, for he hoa proved f n l.l.--iii. to .11 II.' i- loved, in .t only by hia own denomination, bul has the confidence and all. of all tunl of hit I lib- erality. Combining the t|ualities "t the gentleman with those of the Christian philanthroj - 1 1 1 « - tnd conditions, Tl ity of inr. tin ■ affability of his manners, and a bi ,1.1.- and dignified, make an impression upon all blest wiili tli.' hallowing influence of hi." "I his minisl i M md lull of usefulm -- Vs a I profound an. I ripe scholar, lii- nam.' ranks among the foremost in lii- church ami Statt In mi .ml i ■ i - • • 1 1 » erl) I Ii. iii.-nl li.'.l during tin long years of his ministry, add triple iu ms II i I Memphis are * « nl i a i ' the members who had N l ii well liked thai ' called ili. i ubalmed lii- uiemor) in the hi pie foi i if. Ii iiniii iri-li ami has always flourished while under Ii Hi i tithful i I'ROMINI church, ami I Thmu • I ■ i ■ I ■ i i ln- ohurch ..|" n Through i In tin idf'ul • in \ biting the tick h indeed, tin- I 'i ue of him ill nil I uii'li i ' • blous i iinr his hi In i I ' White, .it i time when i hi with the pi pic wcnl 01 u'l « hile I here nn incident I which beautifully illu i M lii to the ci n. iiterineul thi ministci asked the | ind » hen tnt< d, in ■■• lingly uttered, and amid tern - and ill. ii nil. i \- ii,. -...I u.i- lulling ii|»ni the grove he was ap • .1 Im in to rend i he ... : I. Tin kind old man consi m. .1 Inn tii — t asked thnl he m lii- own son. In a few moments hi was requested to eonducl tli I in i hat I i in. I -ill « In ii I I to the grove lii- n« ii < 1 1 ; 1 1 1 \ beli ho 'li'l ii"i fail I of In* i 'h lling. \ I '• \\ I. i. plicit; 1 1 what i ction. H n. If ■I ii . if hi lii- people, he told them ..l it, but nC dut) he alwaj - did lii- dul lie I prominent in 1 1 - l.|. an. I eloquent adi moiu mven if the church ' n in 1-77 i ' V.nk. in 188 1 at I'lnl. 1. 1. Iphia, in I di nomii ict i Ii it ho has Mcmphir ched iln eloqui I of him then uraph ll all lln i I ii \\ bite I I In impaired I » Ii. .r miil'Ii! ile he I I I i i lln|"l I pi it Up. with nnturalui II U illi a -mill- I ll Iviml «..r.l II e for the child li k ■■ ■ i, V .■■,. been known to | < the pi iniHii men in his calling, Inn in iln -...ill .mil financial world I ..ili.i i I i for children and li.r animal- i- aim cinlly i- lii- \o\ '< ' with aim youth II ■ i lii I • . Inn. Ii. I ■ inn) tin- lil- ■ • hit he in I » i I ■ D PROMTXEXT TEXXESS] w- - - n hieh ■ of th - - Subs of tilt ? •• His n the - ■' the - - in a "Hist - - ; - -- - - . - - . -- - _ :>. and mark truth - - - - - iuwa: the li ini their growth ii r that he lias made as a true ssurai his honor - whieh his M - r will !> - '.. the venerable and on earth. r many virtues. - mphis _t;>- _ lus to this ther in Israel fallen. Mr- K White, loi - away "uttered in her - - and months, and her fr _ when It may ' - I her that - - ! - Soul Una. - _ - ?t families - - _ ;y. intelligence and many a fa- irly in life. • married Rev. Pr. ite and roll rent to the 1, ten- , sunshine and - forth ! at the i -i and moonlit - the stars , their children as to the hich the ] wall, and with heaven and th. irth that it would brighten : -- - rnity. Tl - heir lives ke them t ■- - . But the l. and tht A never trod tin were one i:: -iu mutu ■ 1 trust. United iu years, they lived in -or by . uniuten • vl — the i ... grant as the IMiOMINKNT TKNNESSEANS. IC1 nuptial salutation. Both husband and wife were pros trated for weeks, and they Could not minister to eaeli ether's wants, 1 m t they transmitted love and sympathy, and each sigh seemed to ask : ' Ono of us, love, must stand Where the ware are breaking leath's dark strand. Ami watch the boat from the silent Land Bear the other away, Which will it be?' Natural endowments and high accomplishments made .Mrs. Elizabeth White a must lovely character. Men tally, sin' was strong, had the best culture of her day, ami was eminently practical in all the relations of life. Sound in judgment, she was a wise counselor. The Orient is rich in striking symbols, and one of them is tn lake the veil of a liride when she Lays it aside u|idii her marriage day; to fold it carefully, to lay ii ten- derly away in a hex of sandal or camphor w I; to keep it until the bride who wore it ceases to live, when it is brought forth and wrapped around the face of the dead. And the belief which is taught is that if I lie bride, as she matured in womanhood and motherhood, was true to her wifely trust, beneath the veil the pinched and withered and wrung face will he restored to bridal freshness and loveliness, and when her eyes shall open in the Beautiful Bey 1. they will be filled witli (heir old luster, the lips will call hack their car- nation, and as youth and purity were on the earth, so the eternal youth will begin. The symbol means that what is beautiful and good cannot be lost; that if the WOman causes smiles to he horn when. sorrOVt hr led. like the children of the .".oils, those smiles will he iln mortal ; that if from weeping eyes she has wiped away tears, those tears will turn to diamonds, which .all the abrasions of time cannot make dim or wear away; that if the voice has 1 n lifted up in sweet accents for lo\ e, duty and charity, it will change t lote of celestial music the echoes ol which will forever swell the grand melodies ol eternity, and that the beauties of heaven will be but a magnified splendor of the bride's deeds on earth. If this beautiful custom of the ( trient were observed by our people, under the bridal veil that wraps the pallid lirow of the deceased the lace would grow roseate, and take on a celestial light which till the darkness of death and all the damps of the grave can not extinguish, lor her religion was a living sentiment and a conscious reality, and her whole life was set to the music of sympathy, affection, charity, and duty to husband, children and the world. To all who knew her she realized the conception of a faultless, lovely wo- man. While highly gifted, her spirit was ol' the most feminine gentleness. She was a devoted and loving mother, maternal affection ever bubbliffg from her lips. She has been gradually sinking lor I he past six luoul Its. Heath seemed to he more the result of a general break- ing down and wearing out ol' the vital machinery than any well defined malady. She here her long sufferings with a patience and I kne-s that were sublime. Her mind was occasionally clouded, hut it would soon burst forth in all its splendor and beauty. Her sufferings were a whole drama ol' pathos, but she preserved the harmony ol' her like to the end, and entered the dark, starless night of death bravely, knowing that the jour- ney to eternal day would he swift, anil that the sad wails ol' loving husband and children would soon lie losl in the melody ol' heaven. The sympal hy of the en- tire community centers .around the family of the de- ceased, and it is especially lavished upon the husband, Rev. Hr. George While. As tin- clods this morning rattle upon the grave of his lost idol, he will no doubt. fee] that he has lieeti al the funeral ol' all his hopes — seen them entombed one by one. In youth he gave his heart to the church, and ever since it has been sweetly ati uned to those lofty themes and sublime aspirations which lift man into the splendors that dwell above the earth and beyond the grave. Known and loved alike lor unostentatious simplicity, spotless life and the great powers he has consecrated to the highest and best in- terests of humanity, he will have the sympathies of the whole South in his great bereave nt, Rev. Dr. George White has lived through three generations, ministering holy things, and his memory will survive the tomb and ever remain a living presence, fragrant with holy in- cense, lie lingers on the stage, the theater of his use fulness and his triumphs, and with the Bible in his hand, its sacred teachings in his heart, and its sublime promises animating and inspiring his soul, he nobly, bravely labors on. Hut. tottering with the weight of years upon the brink of the grave, be cannot long sur- vive his irreparable loss. His refrain for the future will be — ' Sleep on, ray love, in thy cold bed, Never to be disquieted ! My last good night 1 Thou wilt not wake Till I thy fate shall overtake ; Till ago or grief or sickness must Marry my body to that dust [tsomuch loves, ami lilt the room My heart keep! empty in thy torn to Stay tor me there, 1 will not fail To meet thee in that hollow \ ale ; A lot think not in uch of my delay, 1 am ;i Iready mi the way, Ami follow thee with all the 9| I lie in can make or jon on breed ; Bach minute is :i short dog I ee, Ami every hour a. step toward theo. At night w hen I betake to rest. Next morn I rise nearer my west Of lilo. :i Imosl by eight hours' Bail, Than when Sleep breathed his drowsy {.'ale. Thns from the sun my slow barque -leers. Ami my day': compass downward hears ; Nor labor I to stem the tide Through which to thee l Bwiftly tTidc. Km lurk ! my pulse like :i soft 'Irum. Pen! my approach, tells thee I come ; Ami -low how'er my marches lie I shall at last sit Town hy thee. lam kneeling .it the threshold, weary, faint and -ore. Waiting I'm- the dawning, lor the opening of the dour ; I'ROMINKN r TKNN1 SSI VNS I l UT. HEN in II \ BO H N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in tlio Indian \ in tin .'>. ISI « illl .ill 1 :'>•! llool, ho W ill..- V .1.1 i I II I \ In tin' »; ■ ho went to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and tin : t ho jiniii books and all thought* of stud.\ the in lli. I dun r II. Filth 1 in. in. I 1\>1. \\. Mi'Kon/.ii II turoil < lotobi r 11, ISUJ, on tin - iiitiiniuloil ins t K ind tho I \ I the time of li M II M I ,|ii:iri Ma W B II idjutmil iiorul . M I ndley Henderson . - Inland, I Hi N where he u,i ■ ■ I.'. ISG5, when he I lir war li.i\ iug iii minni Hi h is in tin several fi his around < 'uinherlund • when it w at ili- iii tin ii w iili Hragg, and in tl 1 ' ! S liams, in u| '• n the -iiinii RKISON I \> LOR. ii. 1 thirty five men, while nd i".' hundi from the wimo count) in n .ii. .ii .ml it l . w In ii tho war was ' I . . lor wonl i . \| \ l.i« » iili i ■ \\ 1 1 1 oi.l I icon.' i i i J \ i lull, ami then I J rhomn W i im< lie .1 Columhin mini I rO, when ho K i ax\ ill'-, w I - |iremc and 1 mrts, but doii initial pi The law firm K Hood, « the Ki y I, and al x nil li.uiL. tnpe . of their Capi I but has been a !• I 'i n J rum ention ..| 1 - \ ishvillo, ho hi Knox iin ml i in. Mid in (Ii . ■ Icmeul of tho debt of tho to » hut is called the " -k.\ -blue " I " .i t) His ! Itllilj : isl) in the |'"1 iinong 1 1 \ I I I ' lie. t for the i K --•"•. but ill ■ I I I i ': \\ i ,1 .1 i i ; < iii i i li II I i i children eth(" U I Vlfrcd W I ! I I I 1 1 I ■ \| || i I ■ i I n the • I - 1 j 1 1 1 1 ■ cbildi i : A lli< I H I fnl on ili. 1 1 i I II. I I I I I ||. 1 while i I i I ■ I d t !»•■ II 1 1 I.. I I'KOMINKNT TKNN1 • ait. JAMES \ \\ UiDER. Sill I ALT I i < 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 Ki'tiliK'kian hj I ml v. nl' ili iilriii died with Ti-inii --..■ tn I.. j m - 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 < 1 1 1 ami prominent 111-, iliicul ion «.i- 'I- in Ili- n. il i\ .- i-.. mil \ . an. I ... ' I Kcntuck « 1 ■ i<-li latter in-iiiiii inn hi' I I . enlist a- a soldier in the I He wont "in n l'i 'l.r.il L'lilvury, iiml fought I attaining tlic rank nf .apt. I i: lii- II : . , n!'. ami 1 1 | "' 1 1 i"ii "I I he time with tlm • -• • 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 :■ 1 1 > 1 ill (it'll I'llil. II Sinai. Ian, ami t....k pari in I In- had ^1 ar.v Kit] close of the war found him at Sin Ihj \ ill... Ten h here he hail mini, i], anil adopt ing the ' ul which In- wife wa- a n his fill in ha- made Shelhyville his |ilaee of residonee ever sinee. During a visit i Ki ntui-kj honu . in 181)5. he in read Ian with II n -I lin < . 11:1. in in, ami r«-t u in i ; T was a.lm liar ami immediately 1" in |>artnershi|) with II. hi. Thomns II t'oldwell, under the linn name nl t'oldwell \ Warder, which partnership lasted until ftcr h hiih In; n.ni inued hi- |'iM until 1-7'. ( 'a|.t Win -1. i" i- a Itcpuldii in "I' 1 1.. stanehesl ami truest t\ pe, I ii 1 StJ7, he was eomiu .1 of hi- district I. nnlow, Inn declined I n 1 B7t) hi ite to the ( 'iiicinnati ntion which n. .inin. iir. I I hi md Wheeh ippoiutcd elector for his congressional disti tlm Republican ticket, and during the campaign that followed, made uu aide canvass o I his district When na- made president he was appointed I nil.. I district attorney for Middle T. This office In' continued I" lill uninterruptedly during the administrations ..l' II r the expiration "I 1. i ved for under a -p latthews While holding this position he In. I to deal with illicit .li-i illiug In the in i nd he virt husi il t In' " in shiners in i hit -. 'ci ion. II. ; nmcut in i In- I i.i\ i- rem from itense ui'iii in Tennessee til tin- t inn. ami passed into I oral anili'.i itii i pt. Warder maiiiUiiiied thai in 1 .nil.. I ill. I tin I uited Si I ion "I tlm 1 .1 Ha- liition on. \ l'i. i 1 1 !..n nf hi- tei m ..I office, I 'apt. in which In • ii ueti\ 'l.\ ami -lire --lull; h it Ii a large I.m ! ... cm M iddlc Tin II. began his professional t lioul came into Tennes ■ i llcpubl id I'lici'. I. in by hard work, earucsl effort, ,-ti nf will ami decided n circum .''I reputation, firmly impl himself in the respect and i lidence of the people, ami accumulated a handsoun I ! . rdi d a- a sound man. tiiiamialK mid has been vice president of the Shelbyvilli Hank lin irs. Tin' \\ ardi i Ihuiilj i- of Knglish origin, ami the name means " guard o ' ipt. Warder's father, Dr. Wal- ter \\ anl. r, was a proiiiiueiil and successful practitioner lieine in Mn nit) Kentucky. Several of Dr. Warder's uncle.' dso the Doctor himself, uenl in t he Daptisl al- of Kentucky, in il thai State, w hen 1 were dedi- cated a- churches. < 'apt. Warder's Iiei Vfiaf A ft us, was a .lam. liter nl' -I tin- early setl I " dark ami bli ..I ( 'apt Warder was married, J aim i ■ ling, daughter of William Gosling, a cotton manufacturer al Shelbyville, and of an old ami highly respectable Middle Tennessee family. To tlii- union has been hon diild tcr ( 'apt. \\ arder i- n • of th II,- name has frequently been mentioned as a I.' ■. candidal • mor nf Tenn ami the Supreme bench In 1884, tin Republicans i .11.. it t.i carrj thi - nd a- pan • •! il., Warder na- requested ami unanimously nominated for i in lii- district. •I I' KirlianlM.n was the Democratic nominee The il the i nowu, ■ n. il friends, thorou ted in political ( 'apt. Warder v, I « ith making tin -i ntati'.li nl' Republican maili- in 'I', in ami I. iii tlm 1 1, in. ■ m-H-i .in ait defi ml.'i' of bi- faith. Ii is quite certain the future bears for him additional distinction. IMtOMINl VI i I w i HON. WILLI \M \ III \hl KSON. ALT IK 'I Gil thirty tbi Hon. \\ illiam A I loud nath . ..I i i i. mi i i count I i 'i hoi ii In ii .1 uly 1 1 . I $Mi 1 1 i from :ui old and who ■ and of I'lnglisli anoo 1 1 . 'I hi the I'll ronj in i c Horn which wai chai of the ud name, \ ndi i h ■ 1 1 \ ii i West I m Tin two families iii.i and camped near each other, at the place now know n a- i 'hi I 1 1 niil'I'M ci Voting Tl ins bi VI • I in iln they «■ d, left their respi I led at thai place, and i here li i d. Kldridgc II' i of the ' this sketi l 1 1, died when i In nili- old, Mr. IIun Kmeliue Kelt -. !' Willi. in, i in the r 1 8 1 2 , u 1 1 lii) lived t" bi His wife VI ! children were born to William and v ! .i i i \ i-li\ illr. the latter ii K i and v ' ■ .1 the wil l. A ville, « iili I had hut two" 'lii' and William \ M ll.il.'l I ! I I. I hildn n, V. Vim \| i II i-liilili I -In .' of her children, mid « it in. In-' [| then i odd in In I- In. i there, and In i In and wi 1 1 of wh ne manly I I I" make Illlllll III tl it the I ni ji Kn II ii Will the pi in hl from while to the bur I i hieh lliehard 1 ; ' K 1 1 1 i ■ UIXEXT TEXXES^ \~ - - - • - - He was - - • - - - - \ - ' - - - ... ... - - 5 - - \ - \ - - - ■ _ - - - - - Mrs . - \ - - - ; - - - ' strongly marl . . . State. As ... 5! . . - - - - a his *■ scapes from the • - - - - N - ■ aiany - - s - - - ... ...... 4* \ ! ) c-ithjhi*, J..- ' n i I I i 1 1 ii . i i i i 1 1 ■ ■ ■ i ■ i I'ROMINKNT TKNXI i i lor mi re Tin' i \ in 1 1 • - 1 ■ ■ i || - ! ill tin' Yi-livill.' I'Ymuli unci niaiTicil Hurry Idren, i I .luiiu's I' Stokes, the III Wilson M ml in \~. I'l'i. where lie hu.s Iturul |>ursuit.« lie i ! ion heli! in ■ ml, in I iiihI I h hi* I i '•' I ! ''i I i ! ' l>ll it tliirii \ he lieell ker nl' lli In the S his ] district, I. in sluirl I Ml Mil i II mill ih in the iirenii of i I t" tin !■ hill introduced in I I islutui : the i liiiu \v i . I . Il li of il Iii~ tini I dell I'hil that men in the South would illny ii irth mill Soul li \ \\ friend inn iii nil il V lit 1 \ II imii'ir (Vitteiiden resolutioi of hi* polil whieh | ■ I i ivil i the i ;i|>ital . thnt ill tl»i— I will : iipoii mi; I'HOMFNKNT Tl 1 i 1 1 NtitUti ind ili'- ■ ntion with the I ' rani I ad little Durin I in. I n. 1 ! with lit 1 1 « - opportun i .' prom in shunned him, | ■< I -• . 1 1 ;i 1 1 \ until, i lit !l lie limit. In In- i make u| while lii- • Itahle. II equall n in nr del < I nil tli' I mill | - ii. .I |'i i \ fitthei i I'KNNI M I N I \ I TKNNKSSI VNS II 1 1< [ION. llloM V.S Mi KISSK K .ION] - Hi in TIIOM \- M JON I - I l„r III, 1 - 'li hi* In lli<> I From tli. i in tli' nd ho volunteered Pol n I'll- I ('..tin ; I I | . i in. it \\ lid v ill s. r i: through tl lie |irinci| 1 ■ John W ' Ic 1 1 the I' he -tiitni In 18-15 thai hod nd iml M V| rut' I' ' till iilli-r tin ' ' ■ ! nok him i i li i in 1 ■ • \ idrew . I. dm-.. ii. who r ii ti ii i ■ ."inn m tided by tin- ill, ir nril with- n.l. although not :i till the close of the I doski, whieli M the meimwhili lintmcnta : i if the count ii ' x l hall, a n months in I - J II 1 r. which he held over twelve months. Hi nppointn M l\ ing tnill- tllc lit t.. tax tl. State of S ■ ii.it tribu- n:il. .1 ■ the court - I. pidly i in i . i li and prosperity. In all • iltld- ■ lilli li. ill. ill III IStiO, li. m to til" nal ,6> 0j7;i^ I T>< ) M T N E N T T E N N ESS E A NS. 475 convention at Charleston, which adjourned to Baltimore and nominated Breckinridge, and in the Charleston convention he was a member of the committees on cre- dentials and on permanent organization. In 1880, he was a delegate to the national Democratic convention at Cincinnati, which nominated Gen. Hancock, and lie lias been a delegate to every State convention held since the war. In 1870, he was a delegate from Giles county to the State constitutinnal convention, of which his colleague, Gov. John ( '. Brown, was president. Judge Junes served mi the judiciary committee and advocated the appoint- ment by the governor of the judges of the Supreme court ami the chancellors, with a view of keeping the judiciary out of polities, but this the convention overruled, lie also favored the insertion of a clause in the constitu- tion forbidding the charge of more than six per cent, interest per annum for money under any circumstances. This also was defeated. Judge Jones has been a railroad director from 1855 to the present time ; was a director in the old Planters Bank eighteen years; director of the National Bank of Pulaski ten or twelve years, and a director of the Co- lumbia, Pulaski and Elkton turnpike company from 1842to 1855. He has been repeatedly mayor of Pulaski . president of the board of trustees of Giles College from its incorporation till the building was destroyed, and has been for twenty years a vestryman of the Protestant Episcopal church at Pulaski, of which church lie is a member. In 184H. he became a Mason, since which time he lias taken all the degrees up to and including that of Knight Templar. The splendid engraving of him accompany ing tliis sketch represents him in his Knight Templar uniform. Judge Junes first married, in Williamson county, Tennessee, December -~K 1838, Miss .Marietta Perkins, a grand- daughter of Col. Nicholas Tate Perkins, and daughter of Dr. Charles Perkins. She was a niece of John Prior Perkins and Constantine Perkins, members of a large family in Williamson county. Her mother, nee Harriet Field, was the daughter of Judge Hume Field, of Tuscaloosa. Alabama, formerly judge of the superior court in Virginia. She was a cousin of Col, Hume R. Field, of Confederate war fame, as colonel of the first Tennessee regiment. By this marriage, Judge Jones had nine children: (1). Calvin Jones, born November 1,1839; graduated from Nashville University ; was adjutant of the Thirty- second regiment, Tennessee volunteers — Col. Cook — was captured at Fort Donelson : was taken sick at Port Warren, but was nursed to health by the Federal Maj, Dimmick and his daughters ; returned home, remained a while and rejoined his regiment, but his health being too feeble for active service, after the battle of Chicka- mauga, in which he took part, he was assigned to post duty at Macon, Georgia. After the war he practiced law at Pulaski, but quit law for farm life. He died in 1872. (2). Charles P. Jones, horn November 20, 1842! graduated at the Nashville University; served in the army from 1802 to the surrender, most of the time on the staff of < len. Bushrod I!. Johnson with the rank of lieutenant and captain. He was captured .-it Petersburg and held prisoner till the war closed. He is now law partner with his lather, lie married Miss Cora Reid, daughter of Rev. Carson P. Reid, a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and has one child, Cora. (.'!). Thomas W. Jones, born May 22, 1845; en- tered the army at sixteen in the Third Tennessee regi- ment, under Col. John C. Brown ; served till the sur- render; is now in Colorado in the cattle business, after having practiced law at Pulaski several years. (4). Hume Field J s, born January 26, 1848; graduated from Giles College ; now practicing law at Lewisburg, Tei ssee. (5). Harriet Jones, horn January S, 1852; graduated from the Columbia Female Institute; mar- ried, in 1871, Hon. '/,. \V. Ewing, formerly State senator from Giles, Wayne and Lawrence counties; State as- sessor of railways ; visitor to the University of Tennes- see. and now chairman of board of education ofPulaski. have one child, Marietta. (6). Edward S. Jones, born December 29,1853; graduated at Nor walk, Con- necticut ; now a professional teacher, lie married Miss Anna Bright, daughter of Hon. John M. Bright. They haveone child, Mary. (See Judge Bright's sketch elsewhere in this volume). (7). Lucy Anne Jones, born December -•">. IS.")."); graduated at Columbia Female Institute; now wife of James Polk Abernathy, a lawyer at Pulaski, and has two children, Robert Andrew and Thomas Marietta, (8). Lee Walthal Jones, born March, 1857; now connected with the Nashville and Florence railroad. (9). Nicholas Tate Jones, born March 8, 1st;:'.: graduated at the Knoxville University, ami now a civil 'ii- r on the Nashville and Florence railroad. 'flie first Mrs. Jones died July 18, 1872. She was a most exemplary Christian woman, a member ot the Episcopal church. She was a lady of great firmness and strength of character, of rare intellectual endow- ments, highly cultured and refined. She shone as a bright light in society and around the fireside. During the war she remained at home and took care of her family, and managed affairs with excellent skill and judgment. Judge Jones' second marriage occurred at Browns- ville, Tennessee, May 9, 1883, to .Mrs. Anne G. W 1. an own cousin of his first wife, daughter of Nicholas T. Perkins. Her mother was Lucy P. Turner, daughter of Simon P. Turner, of Raleigh, North Carolina. Mrs. Jones is a graduate of the old Nashville Female Acade- my. By her first husband, Mr. James Proudfit Wood, a merchant and railroad president, she has one child, Mary, who married .1. W. E. Moore, a prominent lawyer of Brownsville, and has three children, Annebel, May and Wood. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Episcopal 170 ROMINENT TENNESSE ws church. :\n eat favorite in society, remarkably kind, gentle and affectionate in Iter nature, and beloved by the entire community •lu>. idfather, Wilson Jones, was bom in Brunswick county, Virginia, and \va< an American of- : the Revolutionary \\ ;i i-. The Judge's lather. named Wilson Jones, was likewise .1 native of Brunswick county, Virginia, lb- moved i" North I where he married Miss Rebecca McKissick, the J ttdge's mother, « I; She " .1- the daughter of Thomas McKissick. who had been a patriot soldier in the Revolution, and 1 One of bis wouuds v the battle of Brandy wine, the ball passing through entering under the I. 'ft shoulder and coming out at the right. Tl gentleman received a pension until his death, in 182(). family meanwhile bad immigrated to Teum ami titter the death of his father and mother, Judge .1 with his maternal grandparents. The Judge's grandmother, nn Lucy Hudson, was of an ■ h family. She was a member of the M church, and \vi rict in raising her grandson. After the death of the grandparents In I 1 live with 1 1 i — oldest sister, Mrs. Lucy Clack, wife of Sp Clack, an earh settler in < < il-s county, son of Clark, author of what is known as the "preference right bill" in the Tennessee Legislature, lie lived with this family until be went stated. J nd - had three sisters, Lucy, who mar ried Spencer Clack: Bermelia, who married John Walthal. and Susan, who married Gray II. Edwards, lie has one brother, lion. Calvin Jones, now of Som- erville, Tennessee, who was educated at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and was chancellor in West Tennessee for eight years. He married a Miss Williamson, of \ Till Carolina. Before the war Judge Jones' am hit ion was t,, be sue --lit! as a lawyer, and he « ssful, accumulating a very handsome fortune f eighty odd s and nearly one thousand acres of splendid fanning land. I le never had any great fondness for poli- tic-, ami when nominated for office, it was for positions wholly unsought and only accepted as a matter of duty, lie was, In. we. ded iii his political views, and liis friends pressed him forward, notably Thomas Martin, who was one of his stanches! and truest friends. The key to his success i- bis rule to do honest labor and I moderate and reasonable fees nee his large and lucrative practice Mop >ver, lie has made it a rule never to engage in speculation, but to invest in productive property. He never charged 1 six percent, interest for the use of his money; and was never exi He has lost by security debts lifte, 11 thousand dollars since the war. He is noted for his charity to the poor and his liberality toward all I'lie hospitality of the Jones family mansion re- minds one "t the old times, when men kept open house for the stranger a- well as their friends, for under that roof tree there is an old fashioned, ante bvllttm welcome lor all. GEN. MARCUS J. WRUiHT. MKMrillS. Till! scion of a sturdy, sterling, and intell -try. this gentleman ha- been brie! 1 nan "gifted with sound judgment, cutive ability, and a correct literary 1 us .1. Wright was horn June 1. IS31, in Me- Nairy county, Tennessee. He was educated at the common schools and at the academy in his native county, and became a tine classical scholar, with a de- cided penchant for a literary life, lie was a hard stu- dent, ami from his early boyhood manifested the literary bent of his mind. Befori - an able and valued contributor to southern literature, and his clies. etc. were highly prized in the South. \\ hen he readied hi- majority he went to Memphis to li\> clerk iii a commission house, and afterward spent some time at New Orleans. Return- ing to Memphis, he studied law. was admitted to the bar. and commenced practice with Col. Leroy i Soon afterward, however, he was elected, a- an old line Whig. the common law and criminal court of Memphis, which position beheld up to the war. When the war came, he espoused the cause of the South. I lieutenant colonel of the One Hundred and fifty fourth (senior) Tennessee regiment of infantry, April I. 1S|>1. and went with that regiment into the Confederate service. Hi- promotion w a- rapid and brill- iant for so young a man. (hi April 29, 1861, he com- manded a battalion of the One Hundred and Fifty- fourth regiment and the Steuben artillery at Randolph, Tennessee, where he built Fort Wright, named by the command in bis honor. He commanded hi- regiment in the battle oi' Belmont. November 7. IS61, and was mili- tary governor of Columbus, Kentucky, from February .".. 1S62, to March S, 1S62 He also commanded his regiment at the battle of Shiloh. From June lit to Ulber 1. 1802, he was a lieutenant colonel a: sistant adjutant general on the staff of Mai. -Hen. If I' Cheatham, and as such served with gallantry and dis- PROMINENT TENNESSK \NS 177 tincliiin.it the battle of Perryville. He was c tnis- sii i brigadier-general December 13, 1862. He was assigned to the command of Hanson's Kentucky bri ;ade January 10, 1863, which he relinquished February I, 1863, to assume command of Donelson's Tennessee brigade, Cheatham's divisi to which he was pcrma nently assigned. His brigade was composed of the Eighth, Six nth, Twenty eighth, Thirty eighth, fifty- first, and Fifty second regiments of Tennessee infantry, Murray's Tc ssee battali f infantry, and W. W. Games' battery of lighl artillery. He led this brigade into action at Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, and was twice wounded. He commanded the district and post ill Atlanta, Georgia, when it was evacuated by the ( lonfederate armies ; also commanded the post at Macon, Georgia. From February '■>. 1865, to tl ml of the war, he commanded the district of North Mississippi and West Tennessee, with headquarters at Grenada, \l ississippi. A.fter the war he returned to Memphis, and shortlj after was elected sheriff oi Shelby county. At the expiration of his term, he removed to Jackson, Tennes see, ami went into the newspaper business, and From Jackson to Columbia, Tennessee, where he became the editor of the Columbia Journal. Leaving Columbia! he located in St. Louis, but was only there a short while, when, on July 1, 1878, he was appointed by the secretary of war to collect for the uje of the govern- ment such records of the late war (on the Confederate side) as could I" 1 obtained. This is his present occupa- tion, and the fidelity, zeal, and intelligence he has brought to bear upon his work has not onlj enriched the war annals of the nation, Init added many invalu- able volumes to the archives of the government which otherwise might never have been secured. It is said in Washington, where Gen, Wrighl now resides, that he is the best, known man all over the United States now resident at Washington. His home is the Mecca, not onlj of Tenne eans and Southerners, hut ol' literary people from the North, and especially those seeking information in regard to the war. His wife, formerly Miss Pauline Womack, of Mali una. en ters fully into all of his work, and enchants his victors by her grace as a hostess. Gen. Wrighl is identified with the hardy pioneer set- tlers ol McNairy county, whose efforts have not only made that section one of the most prosperous ol our Si. iic Inn whose lives and characters are ornaments of our (Minim (ountry. His mother was twice married hei first husband being Herbert Harwell, by whom she had five children : Richard S. Harwell, of Purdy, Ten nessee; Dr. Rufus S. Harwell, of Arkansas; Littleton Harwell, deceased: Amanda, now wid-iw ol' Burrell B. Adams, of Corinth, Mississippi; and Julia Harwell, deceased. By her set I marriage, with Maj. Benjamin Wright, she had 1 1 nee children : Hon. John V. Wright, ol Nashville, Te ssee; Mr-. Elizabeth Crump, now dead; and Gen. Marcus .1. Wright, subject of this sketch. otion to the gentler sex was, perhaps, unsur passed. He was the embodiment of what the poet calls "social eloquence," and in his conversation there sparkled ever the bla/.e of wit and flash of bright in- telligence To young men he was especially kind, and they were always In- warmest friend and mosl supporters. ludecd, he exhibited in his daily life a ready sympathy with all classes, ami both his right and left hand were devoted to charitable uses. II id the period allotted b.\ the Psalmist to frail hu- manity, ami at the very thresh. .1,1 tiarian man- h 1. "death touched his tired heart \ shaft placed there by filial hands marks the sp .1 where he lies, and on its base, in the chiseled tracery of the sculptor's art. is written in fadeless letters the si his life. It rises in full view of the small village, and overlooks the little stream whose sunny waves were traits of character. Marcus J. Wright's half-brother, Richard Har- well, v person and in dress, and had excel- lent .i He followed mercantile pursuits, and lis man until the ill fortunes ol war i his business. Rufus Harwell was a physician, and \ ery popular, lie was a remarkably handsome man, i b\ his carriage and his conduct that good and true blood coursed his veins. Hon, John V. Wright, brother of Gen. Wright, and .' Benjamin and Martha A. Wright, was i Purdy, •! une 28, 1828. I le was once a candidate for the lower house of the General Assembly of Tennes- iliuty, but was defeated by one \ote -the vote of his opponent. He served three terms in ed States, from the I then) Sev- enth district, in wl ich Mi Xairj county is situated. In 1 861. h< raised the Thirteenth regiment of Tennessee in- fantry for the Confederate army, and commanded it as Belmont, Missouri, where he was wounded. He was soon afterward elected to the Confederate Congress, w here he served until the end of sided for a number of year- at Columbia, Tennessee t ]S ash\ ille. He has held the offices of judge of the circuit, criminal, and chancery courts in his judicial district, and has been several tinn - appointed b\ the governor as special judge of the Supreme eourt of the State. He was the candidate of the State-eredil Democracy for governor ai the election in 1880. but, by reason of t he -C. Crump. She was a lady of great nd refinement, who, after a few happy years, leath her husband removed to Mill.', i l>r. Crump died at his residence in Spring Hill, Tennessee, August 7. IS82. lie left three children by his firs! marriage Mrs. Alexander, of Spring Hill: Marcus V. Crump, of Brownsville, Ten- e. and Richard 0. Crump, i>i' Milan, Tennessee and one daughter by his last marriage, Lula Crump. BON. WILLIAM E. B. JONES. :le. Al.TliOlt; II a Marylander by birth, the subject of this sketch has been so long ami so prominently identified with its. he is quite as much a Tennessean as one "native here and to the manner born." The place of his nativity was Annapolis, Mary- land, where, on December 21, 182S, he first saw the light. His lather. Maj. Richard Ireland .1 ones, a major in the United States armv of 1812, was a native En PROMINENT TENNESSBANS. 470 glishman, born in I Ion, served as a British midship- man, Imt resigned and came to Maryland when twenty one years old. He was married three time and died in Maryland in 1844, al thi I i ?entj four, when the sun was only fifteen years old. Mr. Jones' mother, nee Lucretia J Ball, was a native of Kentneky, born the daughter of William and Leti tia Ball, of a Virginia family. The grandfather, Ed- win Ball, moved from Virginia to Kentucky al an early day. Miss Lucretia Ball was teaching school al Fay etteville, Tennessee, when Maj. Richard Jone mei liei and there they wen' married, she being his third wife. She died in 1840, leaving five children, only three of whom survive: (1). Ada, now wife of Dr. Vuiof Han- cock, of Overton i ty, Tennessee (2). Emma, now wife of James McMillan of Monroe county, Kentucky. (3). William Edwin Ball Jonei . subject of this ketch. W. E. I!. Jones, was educated al St, John's col Annapolis, Maryland, bul he received all of hi school ing before the age of fifteen. At al t the a seventeen, he entered the clerk's office of Bracken county, Kentucky, as a deputy clerk, where he remained six months, meantime reading law. Continuing his law studies a year or more after this, he was licensed to practice by Judges Crenshavt and Tompkin , al Glas- gow, Kentucky. He began practice al Living ton Overton county, Tennessee, in September, 1848, and practiced there with con iderable success up to the time of the war. In 1861, lie entered the Confederate armj joined Bledsoe's cavalry company, and remained in thai cum pany until the latter pari of the year, when he mustered out of service, his time of enlistment having expired. After the war he moved to McMinnville, Tennessee, where he has practiced law ever since in partnership, two or three years, with W. J. Clifl years with W. V. Whiteon and ten years with T. C. Lind, his presenl partner. A Jeffersonian Dei sral in polities. Mr. Jones ha never deviated from the principles of thai party. In 1800, lie was a deleg ite to the I democratic national con- ventions al Charleston and Baltimore, at Charleston voting I'm- .1 ill in si in. .in '1 ;it Baltimore for Douglas. He was mayor of Livingsti ind in L859-60, represented Overton county in the lower house of the Tennessee Legislature, serving on the judiciary and banking committees, lie belongs to no secret society and to no church, though formerly a member oi the Christian church, the doctrines of which he still believes. Mr. Jones first married in Fentress county, Tennes sec December 29, 1850, MissVestina Bledsoe, daughter of William Bledsoe. Her mother was, originally, Miss Elizabeth Tro per, of a Kentucky family, Her brothers, Willis S.and Roberl II. Bledsoe, were both gallant Con ite officers, I he former a major and the latter a captain, in Col. Baxter Smith's Fourth Confederate n -me mi Mrs. Jones was of the same family a - the \ Hi li niiy Bledsoe family, of Sumnei county, Ten iiessee. By his marriage with Miss Bledsoe, Mr. Jones ha five children : (1). Emma Jones, educated at Naz areth Academy, Bardstown, Kentucky. (2). Lama. I. •I is, educated al the Cumberland Female ''"II 1 McMinnville. (3), William B. Jones, born February 18, 1857; educated al the East Tennessee University; cd Miss Allic in Dallas, county, Texas, where he new resides. Thej have one child, Alice Bell. (4). .Mary Lucretia Jones, educated at the Cumberland Fe- male College McMinnville. (5). Minnie Lee Jones, educated al the same school. The first Mrs. Jones, died Februarj 13, 1867, al the age thirty-two; a mem- ber of ; In- t 'In im inn church. Mr. -lone-' second marrii which took place in V"an Buren county, Tennessee, March 29, 1870, was with Miss Ann L. Page, daughter of Dr. John S. Page. Her mother was M i,-- Louise Turner. By this marriage, Mr. ■I s has four children. (1). Richard Edwin .Lines. born April 29, 1872. ''!). Llalia Ermine Jones, born iary 1. 1875. (3) innie May Jones, born May 22, 1878. ( I). John Meredith Jones, born February 26, 1882. Mr. Jones lias had I he e ■ perience of beginning life on nothing twice, first when a youth of nineteen, and -li' i ilc war. lie i- new in independent circum 1 us two valuable li and has an interest in cue 1 , :i,|. real estate in McMinnville. He is also a director in the National Bank at McMinn- ville. He has always made it a rule to be in his office foi bu i 1 tu In- prompt and attentive, and lei tie reputation of being a hard student. He is a of -I niici u il] ;nel a man of individuality. III nian- i i he is plain and unassuming, and in address delib erate and positive. Entegrity of character and fixedness of purpose are the factors of his prosperity. ISO PROMINENT TENNESSE VNS Ci )|. TRI »ISI> \ I.K was bor.n in Robertson county, . Februar} 12. l v l!.'i.at his father's farm. Springfield, tin seat. Wheu lie was three years old hi* father moved to Jackson, in M county, of the same State, then a pi :er distrii eeiving it* first generation of white settlers. At the 11 he commenced attending such scho were accessible in that half reclaimed country, a n i in- commenced the study of Latin. His print-i] structor was Samuel McClanahau. a graduate of the South Carolina College, at Co - ' With this gentleman he - when hi* teacher » abandoned tin' scholastic profession 11 tor litem sition. having edited a n paper at thirt. - irculated among his school-fellows in manuscript. At sixteen another journal, also circi pt. At the f twelve In- returned to his birth-place. Spring field, and attended school at Liberty Academy for two s, under a good das.- lar. In 1S37, at the ' fourteen, he entered the Cniversity of Nashville, Dr. Philip Lindsley, president. \ empo- raries there were .1 Berrien Lindsley. " M Walker. William T. Haskell (the well-known or John 51. Lea (afterward juds court and mayor of Nashville), (low Ruunells, of Texas, and Hardy 51. Burton, ;i lawyer. In the fall 339, he entered the East Cniversity, of which Joseph Estabrook was at, and here he gradu LB., in 1S41. 3 m after graduation, 1 unty. M ssissippi, where In school for two years and a half, wheu he was appointed depun clerk of the chan- cer} court. In thi> capacity, how i only a few months, when, the war with Mexico hat out, he enlis • volunteer in the First 5Iiss regiment, whose colonel was the sin son Davis. The regiment first served under (Ion T lor, at the mouth of the Rio (iraude, where, a* always happens with newly recruited soldiers, the troops were almost decimated by diarrhea. The First 5Iiss- formed | which also included the First Tenn Campbell; the division commander was Gen. William 0. Butler. While in this command he participated in the storming ' Monterey, with it* succession o guiuary street fights, and then, after Ampudia had capit- ulated and marched out of the city, the regiment was order. - itt's army at Vera Cruz. It had. however, only marched as far as Victoria, when it was ordered back to Agua Nueva, and found its under Taylor's command, at the battle of Buena \ where four thousand five hundred American* i COL. LEONIDAS TROUSDALE. twentv-three thousand 51exiean under Santa Anna. At this battle the First Mississippi regiment had at one time a very important position, the whole event of the ement turning upon it* maintaining it* part si very disproportionate numbers. After this hat- tie he was elected second lieutenant of his company. At the close of the war he returned to the I'nited • and was mustered out of the .- il New Or- leans, where III Iii t ' 7 ng a paper 1 ssippi, ; ill. in the w inter of IS 19- 50, he was lie Miss ud at the adjournment of that bod} he returned to his native State. He now took up his residence in Gallatin, where, for a tew months, he edited a Del -ratio paper called the Tenth Movinj from thence to Little Hock, Arkansas, he was for twelve month* editor of th After gaining experience and self-confidence, with reputation, by these fugitive efforts, he moved to his. and there purchased an interest in the Mem- phis .1 f which he was co-editor for eight years. In ISGll. occurred tin vision in the Democratic party, which lost it its power for a quarter of a century, and. together with a parallel split in the Whig party. Jit on the civil war. The conflicting claims of Breckinridge and Douglas to the presidential nomina- tion occasioned this di\ ision, and also a division between the proprietor* of tin and this necessitated the ition by him of rship. At this time the success ;ter and Eastman, of the Nash\ ille ssitated an addition to the staff of that paper, and he sold out hi- in the Appi-ul and transferred his paper, where he had for his .-oil, well-known journal n C. Burch, F. ('. Dunniiigton. .1. (>. Griffith and Thomas S. Marr. The fall of Fort Donelson, in February, 1 Nil', and the con- sequent occupation of Nashville by the Federal forces. suspended the publication of the paper for some years. He was now- appointed aid-de-camp on the staff of Gov. [sham \n in i tlif i mini i II ii ilir t' tin' ril liim ' i llir fuitlif I'lii' | tii'al i ill. u I 1 i iri'ii- show - Im- ih! iiiflin n I tin III] W ill In ~ tl I lll'll] lli." i n tl i | t i mi ami in ll .-Imulil ■ t'' mill in\"k> id iiiilui- ■ uC die tuli'iil - \ ' nlilwell, H ,1 . I I V ||i w i rroll, I ' i \V M i ■ \ I I i I .1 U I . rii'll. , I'llMM'I'll I I I II I S l 1 i m)>Ii I M Mr I . Inn iilwn) - liillini! "ii In lility .Mill illllullli I ' w In' Ii ill ' liim ' mi ckburnT '.i - inn. r i 1 1 William Hall, I H mill) . ami m. i " : I I hi' I \ II. ni » ialliitiii, ilioil ( 'iiii-inn.it u ■-. n |iri>minuiil : tl \ man of coll H a li.iu.ii ml in lln M ..i'lii Alii iuiup VI i' (lie S ll InT ii the IOW llollld, ami I PROMINENT TENNESSN VNS 183 means slender, he spared no cxponso in the eduoal of his children. A delicate constitution and extreme youth prevented him From participating in Jackson's military exploits. He died al Nashville, in 1878, at tin age of eighty five. Hi* father (grandfather of Leoui das Trousdale) was a Revolutionary soldier of the North Carolina line. He settled, about the close of the last century, in Sumner county, Tennessee, on the spot where now stands the northern pan of the town of Gal- latin, Tennessee. His father (great grandfather of Leonidas), was a Scotch Irishman, who migrated from the north of Ireland to Pennsylvania, and thence to North Carolina, Relatives of the same name may still be found in I reland. The mother of Col. Trousdale was born near Peters burg, Virginia, daughter of James and Martha Hicks. She died before her children were grown. His paternal grandmother was Miss Dobbins, of North Carolina, a relative of Hon. -lames ('. Dobbins, who was secretary of the navy under Mr. rioter. His uncle, William Trousdale, was a lawyer in good practice, n soldier in both the Indian and Federal wars of Jackson, and colonel of the Fourteenth United States infantry in the Mexican war. lie was wounded al the battle of Chapultepee. Both as a soldier and as a civilian, he was recognized as a man of tried courage and unimpeachable honor. In 1850, he was elected governor id' Tennessee. A. son of Gov. Trousdale, Julius A. Trousdale, of Gallatin, Tennessee, served under Gen, Bate in the late war. and has been twice elected to the house of representatives and once to the senate of Tennessee. Another son of Gov. Trousdale, the eldest, Charles W. Trousdale, served under Forres! in the late war, and lost a leg at Chickamauga. Here ides now at Gallatin, Tennessee. Judge John V. Wright and Gen. Marcus J. Wright are also cousins of Col. Tron dale on the maternal side. Memoirs of these goilt leineii ale "i\ en iii i li i- vol Col, Trousdale married, December -I. 1853, Virginia IV. nu , ., daughter of Le\ i unil Marl ha Joj . ol Bolivar, Tennessee 1 > \ which marriage he has five children: 1 1 ). Lula, a kindergartener al Dycrsburg, Tcnuc ei She studied that system of education al Worthington Ohio, and is very successful in imparting it in practice. (2), Jennie Joy, (3), Susie, died i I'ancj i h Leon, jr. (5). Levi Joj Col Trousdale attributes bis success in life to having striven to do h hatc^ or he did well, w orli inj; tomatic ; 1 1 1 \ and persistent ly : and, by no means least, to the in- spiring enthusiasm, sympathj and assistance of his wife. lie is a Mason id' i he seventh degree, a member of the Episcopal church, and a conscientious believer in its doctrines . he considers it his highest privilege in life io enjoy a fixed religiou - fail h, The testimony of all who have been associated with him is, as is expressed by a friend: " He is one of those noble, warm hearted men. whom it is rare to unci with; a man of unbending integrity, and gen- erous, even to a fault." \ll concur in placing im- plicit confidence in his integrity, and in expressing the warmest regard for his social qualities. Especially is the kindliness and urbanity of his disposition in. mi tested inward those who go to his office for information or advice. With an unwearied patience he listens to the most prolix and tedious, as well as the intelligent and considerate, and no expression of inip.it ieiice or irritation ever clouds his countenance, but the infor- mation is always reliable and the advice sound and wise, and given with a cheerful courtesy which makes il doubly acceptable. To have business with Leonidas Trousdale is to be sure of a pleasant interview and profitable counsel. JAMES MERRILL SAFFORD, A. M., M. D., Ph. D. \ asiiyii.i.i;. PROF. SAFFORD was horn August 13th, 1822, in Putnam (now a pari of Zanesville), Muskingum county, < thin. His parents were Harry Safford and Patience Van Horn, the former the s I' Dr. Jonas Safford, who was a distinguished physician in Galli- opolis, Ohio, the hitler a daughter of Gen, Isaac Van I lorn, one of i he first settlers of Ohio, and an officer in the Revolutionary war In Islti he entered the Ohio University, al Athens, when, under the presidency of Dr. William II. McGuffey (afterwards professor of moral and mental science in the University of Virginia), that institution was in its most prosperous condition. From this university he received the degrees of both Baehelorand Master of Arts. In L846, he entered Vale College, mostly for the purpose of studying chemistry, natural history and geology. His studies there were pursued with success. During vacations he worked in the Held and traveled much on foot over a latge part of the New England States and New York. Some years afterward he received the degree of Doctor of Philoso 1 - 1 1 > from Vale Colli Before leaving the latter col- lege, tWO professorships were tendered him; one, the chair of mathematics, in i he Ohio University, the other, that of chemistry, natural history and geology, in Cum berl 1 University, at Lebanon, Tennessee. He .,,■ cepti d the latter, and entered upon his duties al Lebn IM \ I' rKNNKSSKWS. II It. 4 1 - | i s 1 1 : 1 1 I '■ 1 I |l .1 I' - ! I • I. I - i ii the the 1 1 M ! I * I I I ; i i 1 1 \ •Irrll. 1 1, the • , '-y/;//;// PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. 185 wide circle of her friends she is frequent ly spoken oi n "a famous liousckecpcr." She i vorj f'nnd of litem ture, music and society, and especially of good com I .any a i her own home. Affectionate and kind, uoted for charity, she is 1 » « ► 1 1 » a hum Id wife and mother, friend and neighbor. While Prof. Safford was yel a student al Yale Col I. his instructor, the celebrated Prof. Sillii re ceived a letter from Dr. Anderson, president of Cum- berland University, at Lebanon, Te ssee, requesting him to recommend some young man qualified to lill the ohair of chemistry, natural history 1 geology, who might be induced to come to Tennessee. In the mean time Prof. Safford had received notice' of his election to the chair oi mathematics in the Ohio University, at Alliens. Prof. Silliman advised him to prefer the call in Tennessee, and there pursue, ii iwer field, hi: favorite geological studies. To this advice Tennessee is indebted for the possession of one of the foremost scientists of the country, and the interests of the State have Keen benefited by his intelligent labors bey 1 calculation. I'rnm early hoyli I. ho was fond of hooks .mil mechanical invent inns, I ml his studies of chemist ry and ilogy in college gave the final turn to his mind, I with the zeal of an enthusiast he lias devoted his busy life to that which his eminent fitnes eem to have foreordained him. A- a teacher oi logy, he found the "■ ological maps in use in the State verj mi ager and defective, and he sunn made a geological map of his own of Middle Tennessee, and, at the urgent solicitation of his friends, applied for and obtained the position of State geologi i Prof. Safford an of great energy and vital force; is determined, and possessed of i - will powei and perseverance, yet he is modest and retiring, love study, but is not without ambition, Physically, he is of me ilinni height, stoul build, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds; has hazel eyes, silver graj hair I beard, and is the picture of health. 1 1 is expression is a combiua tion of gravity, -o\ eritj and content ment. T GEORGE HARRIS, a gentleman who first dis- tr . tinguished himself in Tennessee as the brilliant political editor of the old Nashville Union, the organ, while in his hands, of Gen. Andrew Jackson and Pres- ident .lames K. Polk, and who is now living, a retired pay director of the limed Slates navy, at the home of In daughter, Mrs. Dr. Van S. Lindsley, at Nashville, was born a i Groton, C lecticut, a town of Revolution ary historic memories, which Mr. Harris was chiefly instrumental in reviving by a centennial celebration, in L881, of the battle of Groton Heights, fought Sep temliei 6, 1771. in which no less than eleven of bis an ce tors, of the \\rry family, were killed and as manj wounded. Eight successive generations, moreover, of the \\erys lie in the same graveyard, at Pequonnock, a village in the town ol < '• roton. Up to the time of his mother's death, February 2, L881, at the great age of ninety two, Mr. Harris was in the habit of spending pan of his time every year al his smnmer home, al Groton, opposite New London, at the n ili of the Thames. It was mi the occasion of his summer visit there, in 1879 that he determined to get up the centennial celebration of the traitor Arnold's assault on the place. A committee was appointed, of which he was made president, and after two years' id' preparation — thegover ent contributing ten and the State three thousand dollars succe crowned their ef forts with the presence of one hundred thousand people, including the attendance of a large fleet of United States men ol war. of all the military of Connecticut, with the J. GEORGE HARRIS. UNITED STA TES NAVY. governor and staff at the bead, of Gen, Sherman and his stall' of the United States army, of the chief justice of i be I inied State and numerous ot her dignitaries During the celebration a sham fig] icurred, in imi- lati f the massacre, which engaged all the militia and volunteer corps from abroad. I an attack by the ships from the rivi r gave eclat to the scene as i of national importance. There were certain features of the original battle that rendered it peculiarly local. It lughl on Groton soil, and three fourths of its vic- tims were well-known citizens of the town, h- forty widows in this one town, and the weeping of o manj families for the loss of fathers and sons, some falling side bj side, made it ever memorable and sorrowful. But the losses in New L Ion, and the desolate homes in Other towns, made the calamitj more widespread. The celebration was distinguished bj a parade of j Heel lelll K 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 - Templar, by .- | II I e 1 1 IV< .III l.rll.Sln r man, Gen. Hawley, .1 . T. Wait, Kdward Everett II ale I >r. Bacon, and i he presence of < 'ol, J . W. Barlow ,of 1 he United Si ales army, as chief marshal. I'.ni to i ther man there was i inn occasion so significant and grateful as to Mr. 1 1 arris, whose ancestors, the \ verys, were among il arliest settlers of the place There has I n pub lished a large i| 'to volume on the battle of Groton Heights, containing i ;c i of thi centennial cele braiion; and of the speeches mad the occasi i one surpasses the address of Welcome delivered by Mr. Harris, as president of the com mil tee, as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : [n behalf of thi committei I'ROMINKXT TKNXl ill ili. i i w his- iiintry iitury, \ nil i!'. in l i niKli' I lllclll til.- - nil.' -I..I , (if lllc W - il kin. lii. I In r Jo r I lull I I ill. Mill. 1 tin I tied I ivn liiindi I Mr II i lm« in in I'liy. I. hi ili.. ili.' snli luit A I Mr ll;irri- in.iv I..- !'..nii.| in ili.- II i .nty. tber ill.' lullnv I 1 ' ■ the iii'ii In . ■ li him in lii* -I I i '■nil lii' i down tl| wl under tl Mr. II I nown In I II \ In •! .inn I'ROMINKNT TKNNKSSK VNS ■ editor "i ,i ii. w K I'olk I ill' ill. ! ! II nil iii til | to libido 1 1 the W i Hull, I! ill. I. [tush for 1 1 i in i opposed \\ tin Mi i i ■ ' and t""l> the s( uiup ii ( '; n Ml II three iu< -ti' the lutui i 1 1 uf lii.H friends. Thi iwned i h 1 1 >t .1 m ■ 1 for him liim often it tin Elerniil liiru tin tional mid timi v Mr. II I inptly I which, i- mak idi Mi H deli vi i I : I ill. n >1 I ■ and v. I in his *tcud Mi ! ■ of V ii an ' I VI I ■ ' IMIOMINKN'T TKNNKSSI \ i 1 in . . : I i : I i: \|| || III! I lll'l | 1 Ion, M ' lor llir -.")th ■ ." ' ; II i; John J 1 7 1 1 . i i II IT ll II J 1 1, ' miiili II li.'iii. lticliiin] M I in in tin ir youth, i - on the . _'. 1 SSl •_'] - ■.. while mm hi- II \\'i -i I ml ICOI). died Mr. II her in li - I .1 ..In, I irn lion in 1 1 riic I in 1T.M liTcmiiih 11 hcd , ■ Isiii; .Ji " II" >| : i Jid not lill : true n in I SO! I .1. . in the hritn. where will you find a i M i I lith, hujio :ind , li Wi] which, if followi in i : entitled I 1 1 - 1 1 . • I in the legislature hands, eternal in tin I'UOMINKNI TKNN1 il<>\. .I\MI- 1 i \ I 1:1 — r T , 1 1 K I '• ii' i'k .1- i In \ ■ - i ■ now, a ! ". 1 1 1 1 1 1 > ii ill.- Il, I"- i .if ill. dau lutel) refused theii consent to the u I couple contrh i-'l t.. make their w unci were married in .1- I dtion. I room, with cli d to claim, nor would lie consent il mild claim, any which \v:i- hers in her own right. \ hy ii like motive, lii- descondanl Prom ' urn to tin ilii- sketch, « i- .i i --ii- i in his il ■ iluin- dantl chair lll.lt Ii lllcl ill mi 1 ? I'll c I part of his 1 I lardcman count He was a la liility, ami practiced lii~ | n the K brilliant icutcd lii I lardc El d 1 i t - I ■ Jed as an irrepressible i tempt ! populni m in his count} . and thoroughly 1 He di\ idualitj I le died in ill.- in. .il I ■ \\ . ndi ' VI nornl and ' She ! I ■ M : 1 in (In- in ' may I delpli ; ' i . ' i ■ • I l.ilivar; , s her I .1 . i ■ 1 || il.'ll are well km ' : 'Ii II v S \\ i lid. II known • lii.l II ' I for tin lain ol • l"l|-li ii in \ | i:mi l'l;il\||\| \ | T| \\: ■ I ii I S"0, III' iiiu|>haiitl.v i Willi man. 1 1 was in lln >ii w liiili i iiinl which i I lu' in in 1 lined tin ■ i lu' Ti ni Ii ii and w.i i 'liaui'i'llor llm T i n iili inui'li lion nf 1 1 i the ehaiicolli ami resin I hi >n, which lie liiunrl inui'li more I n I ~7i> i | i I N'ortli M i mill v - for i! riiis position ho held from lour liiiiit.li Iroail r.. Mi- ll, tli in tliu Si '] Koiituek} anil Lniiisi:iii:i i I - ' I ■ mil I Jo, ill. 1 1. 1 1 llllll in 1 1 ille, w Im w.i» kil II Mrs. 1 I iwi in I >n v i J ; ill n W i-iiili'll, w In I Willi u nli tin I • I ' i fall ..I i ■ -..■ill Ju i (ill \ • he Idol In - known, have ;ill I : i- on II- though |lii|. in II. inli in II t V //,-,<.- 7 i-l W .iull\ l: (H il»\\ l\ ' ! I I I I | i M ■ - ■ . rilOMINI \ I I I \M -l \\- ■ .1 \\ \ I \ • \l \l. till till Hi- 1 1 Willi V III ■ liiill' inn i \ i -I of li\ e i Imlf i | ml 1 1 I ■ Mr. i x * I \ 1 Martini Ann Mc< S I || .1 n|j i. : ill Viifiii M N|i .1 .1 Mr ' 1 1 ■ i | nnd h I Utll| I 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ii.; I ■ OMINKNT TKNNKSSKA in mi. II II.' M \ i li. 1 i It N i I ! I V i ■ I i ll ll H llil'li A itlluul I I - I.I '■ I I All th i 1 i i ! I ■ I'KOMINKN l rKNNKSSI \ 111 v ri i i i; \i \- »N i; UtTLKTT, \ M., D i' ■ ■ ■ . - s ||. '■ ii It i in I N i : ■ II i 1 1. \ l II. v tin Id v ' 1 1 i II Luui| : I > [j I n ill.- I I ' i imii (1 l;l V. I H0MA8 W. III'MI - 3.T. D. . //././.-. RTIIIIJI \- W III Ml> - T D villi lie ■ all of father, II II i i i iil> the ' : I l 1 1 Idi r in the II I i 1 1 : II .! || VI ehlin ; 1 I'KOMINKN I Tl S'NKSSI VNS ' iiion K \ M uld ■' II. 'Ill V.I! I ' n i i nl S I ml : \ ! . i ii the chin 1 i . he l>r. Hum 1 I'll ! 'illy. i nid huildii ('.'l ; i - ii mid pin Di h 1 1)0111, mi With tli help ol V D \ ii k r. elm Tin "■ : : . "lu- w i 1 1 church Ii Mr. Kdwnrd J. - 1 1' thru tional fund 1 i i r tin' until the stimuli when hi il I S |n \ i i t n 1 - him in r< tin Hi. lull llirulU'll llnii I 1 mid n the in. I held III church fi purpose |.i I. II 111 IIKIIkI - which In v \ ||. (I i i \ || lie is n !" i I - \ • ville \ ■ I Dumb \ K ■ ub i'i:n\ii\i \ i i i in | - > 1 1 1 1 ■ ) 1 1 ■ i i.. i in 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 u o M ' I at tli of w I I'll I: v W'il 1 member • •! the I ! lit D II mil. - I ( llOHl died in in' I I >i II i IHcfllllJ "I |"i to Hi - ''■ without lith.ll ..I Ij indebt* 1 1 In I It. N II (>. V.I 1 1. had in HON. JOHN I'. Ilui -l AVOLUM K, purpoi 'I'liin. ithful lid it orail ' W ho»C n "i ;...| of life happily d nth of old age he ; with the I ,11 trrtn ••• Ii|<- an. I ex ill' 'I ' within and with the worthiest of hi i son.t w 1 ud to oherish No( unambitiou inatincl with th rod w ith uncommni tid "I him, thai t li Ml.. I III- nd « ilhoi tli. in t.. the oublii deemed 'I H li the - II - M ill th' mi wl 1 PROMINENT TENNESSEA i - liiin i I I I ; I"'! Iliml, « hi. ll \\:i- |)llll I laid tin' !■ in Mil ii -■ -I il U.I- Ill-Ill clinic imp- miIi iimli which i I I nun Mutably in thai ■Ninth, under tl Mr. 1.. 11. H \Jr.« II hint wid - in which ■ i I in the * l'l:n\||M \\« ill. I . I M II ml ill.' | > j 1 1 . i til li..ll-lil|. ol I III. UNI |>ular » ill. 1 1 1 i L- 1 1 1 I. with ili.' i months What ppc I i' M i II ami m would have upheld an. I did ii in i lial I" until .ill •II. ii- in. I i ■ linn- imp of In .nil 'II true line "I' dut) in the unilicntioii ..I' the ; him Will pillar \.. - x 1 1 I i ili.- pi i ii I ii ili.- Geld '■ i and ll Sherman i I ' Iton, until I 'linivli v d, in tin I ->•! At thai point In' " ii the ■ lir milil i until ili. ' rolcd, ii < lolumli M than I i llir lilli I . '- ■ . In 1 1 1 all cnl I 1 a Ht Ii- in the I 1 ili.- t'..ii i all tli -•hi « the I In 1 --T I . he ii 1 1 1 1 ■ I I'liuMiM \ i rKNNKSSI I ■ ln.nl In i 1 ni i.i whi Htlicrv iii.- r II. ■ ut' tin \ mod His committee work While i from the floor, from i the attention mid ini i in brief eurrent .1 I > ni with tli and .1 in I -7 i iliflkiill - irth and Soul h I ' « n :iinl masterly mniiiier, mid was pi it i mciilikc ili in tin • of the in mlii ern I' < Mier n inline iidrelism mently ' ii. iurolvii and Inhor mid the burden of the publ n the if the diffi ' in . nil i Ii ! | S . II ill! 1 iln- r it lut] the \ n in ' • i in publii liti f 1 -- 1 i in thai I n. i impul • Ii \\ I ii the t li r< -Ii rty iiinl. i tin in. nt. until tl Hi. r. ni. nd faith- ful ' la in. ■ li.tt the I ifliel and ermm-iil i tin h w.i- the tin \VI ini'ii ■ i i tin - I'ROMFNKXT TKNNKSSK VNS in. mi ■ ii mpl .1 -■•ill 1 1 • 1 1 > u i \ I"- tho adopt i P pi incipl n Inch in nmenl and im i ii ■ I that ncnl I nf ill.' i|U, uion ro tin ('..I II. .ii-. Ii ,- I.. . ii infl ;ill ini. 1 1" -n i I I : inn. ni n it Ii .■■■' I r ■ i I, I publish. t.. -ii bill now pcndin 1 thai I "nit. . - nivenew i il In r ne to I In of thi II noi hold ■ |...».T ol lo !-!.;: i| n the i. ili. i rl the ■ | ii -i the |".» iiiniii. lull Ii the iniin. d h iilnii i In- inalienable i Though holding lli.i.il ■ n iih (hi - urn. 'ni -ii. I lian thirty in her |.H 1 u ii Ii ou which ' I since tho •■■ position ol final adjust menl , del convention ol 1882 upheld bj Col. 1 1 it »;i- susceptible, I lii- courai 1. 1 by u In. h In- had held public and who coincided w ith him, know ii h i that the composition ol n public dcbl ild be on i. -ini- i Icar the time when Ic had n i. •....- ibl ■ |. .--. i ml "t popular fe< ling and the i lipid I utiro .1. Li wan imniini nl I I the I ' pie, « Hi. II \\ III. Il III'. Ill II ! I and ill ■ I I ■ i but In I in him II ■ of mind and l>" prom | md to the d ■ mniu- if tin M I ili. in » I Id in alike ' i i I A I'KOMINKNT Ti:\ 1 i 1 | i i 1 ul In I'l li i ii man an ml ; in Knoxvilli lu .lihkv Trrwlii I \ liclil till : I'OUIItN II 1 1 \| K .1 ii. I.'. 1 1. mit 1 I ' Tri'W lull, li ■ III II m \ ■■■■'.■ n I 1 \\ In ii jusi luriii'il ! Ill 1 " III I* I " ' II of till ' Iliiinil tul i u.l In ! s ■ 1 .liul I'ROMINI Up lllll I I I. ! ! I .III. I: I I ' II. While ■ VLFRKD E JACK RKIN(i now tin mill nuar.v II I - 1 ■. M I'liilip ■) I - muel I ' - 1 Chin l Hi i ' I dclpli I II' i i 1 h tin- 508 PROMINENT TENNESSE \NS. which lie held until turned mil by ['resident Fillmore. Samuel I* Jackson was a very decided man, a suc- cessful business man, excitable and passionate in his temperament, and much, in these respects, like the old (ieneral, a quality which appears in a milder form in the son, the subject of this sketch. (Jen. "Stonewall" Jackson, of Virginia, was a descendant of the same [rish stock. The men of the family are all tall. The subject of this sketch stands six feet three inches in his stocking feel, and is a fair representative of the family. Gen. Alfred E. Jackson has been more or less intimately associated with the most distinguished men of Ten- nessee that have lived his contemporaries, among whom he mentions with some pride, Bailie Peyton, Ephraira II. Foster, A. 0. P. NicJbokson, William'Cullom, Robert I. Chester, Chief Justice Deaderick (whom he nursed when a little buy). Neill S. Ib-own. Aaron V. Brown* Gustavus A. Henry, .John Bell, Paul F. Eve, sr., Thomas Menees, Davy Crockett, .Meredith P.Gentry, T. Nixon Van Dyke. Robert Nation and Daniel S. Donelsoti. ( Jen. Jackson's mother, m < Klixa ( 'atharine Woodrow, was of a. New Jersey Quaker family, but a native of Philadelphia, and a highly educated woman. She wr.s the bridesmaid of Mrs. President Madison, when she first married (to Mr. Todd). She was a member of the Presbyterian church, at Jonesborough and Salem, under old Dr. Samuel Doak, founder of Washington College, and at Jonesborough, under Rev. Charles Coffin, founder of Greeneville College. Of her sis- ters, Susan Woodrow married Dr. Binney, of Phila- delphia, father of Horace Binney, a distinguished lawyer, member of Congress, director in the old United States Bank, and attorney tin- that bank, under Nick Middle; Julia Woodrow married James Duncan, id' Gettysburg, and another sister married Dr. Spring, of Boston. Gen. Jackson's grandmother, Susan Woodrow, net Finnan, was a woman ol great business capacity. Benjamin Franklin and William Duncan, of Philadelphia, were her business advisers. She had re- markable economic business talent, and accumulated a handsome property. The mother id' i len. Jackson was a woman of brilliant intellect, had line conversational powers, was notably intelligent on a wide range id' sub- jei ts, and aid.' in prayer in church. She was also re- markable for the beauty of her person, a handsome woman, as were her daughters. She mixed in the best society at Philadelphia, and was iii the habit of attend- ing the levees of Presidents Washington and Adams, given while that city was the eapilal >. Henry W Iron Jackson. born June 29, 1834; died at an earlj age. 'd'. Susan Evalina Jackson, born March 3, 1836; married Judge William V. Deaderick, nephew of Chief Justice Dead- erick; died, leaving eight children, Alfred Eugene, Cora. John Franklin. Laura (who married John J. of Sullivan county, and died in 1885, leaving one child, a son). Henry (.'., Edward, Claude Taylor and Charley Fuller, t wins, (7). James Fatten Taylor Jack- son, horn November (i. is: IT ; named for his uncle, James I'. Taylor, a gallant soldier in i he ( lonfederate service, from the beginning to the end of the war. was wounded 1'KOMINKXT TK.W'PSSP \.\S 509 at Shiloh, and died in Mississippi in 1881, unmarried. (8). William Woodrow Jackson, born September 16, 1839; died in infancy. (9). Julia Adelaide Jackson, born April 22, 1841; married Charles L. Fuller, of Nashville, and has four children, Lillie, William. Nellie and Alfred Eugene. (10). Alfred Eugene Jackson, born May 29, 1843; died al Millborough, Tennessee, adjutant of the Twenty-ninth Tennessee regiment, soon after the battle of INI ill Spring (Fishing creek). (11). Seraphina Cordelia Jackson, born February 25, 1845; died September 18, 1858. (12). Henry Clay Jackson, born February 2. 1847, is a farmer, in Washington county; for four years was in mercantile business with Hugh DouglasA Co., and three years with Evans, Kite, Porter & Co., of Nashville. ( 13). Lorena < Hivene Jack- son, born September 21. 1849; died March 27. 1853. (14). Olivia Lillie Jackson, born May.';. 1852; married Rev. -lames W. Elogan, now living at Savannah, Georgia, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, (ien. Jack- son has about thirty six grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Gen. Jackson's Hie lias been a very eventful one and full of adventure. He was educated at Washington and Greeneville Colleges, under Rev. Samuel Doak, D.D., who founded the first institution id' learning in Ten- nessee, and Charles ( loffin, president oft Ireeneville Col- lege. He maried in his twentieth year, and went to farming on Chucky river, confining his life to farming till 1830, when he commenced boating to North \la bama, which he followed for twenty three consecutive years, making considerable money by dealing in pro- duce, iron, etc. In 1834, he commenced merchandising, in connection with boating to the south and running wagons to South Carolina, North Carolina ami Georgi i He merchandised eighteen years, owning mills and blacksmith shops. In LS48, he moved to Jonesbor- ough, still carrying on the store at his farm. In 1846, he made a contract with Elijah Embree, who had built a rolling-mill and nailery, to take everything he made at a stipulated price, the contract terminating upon the death nl' Embree, in 1S47. By this contract he made a good deal oi money. Previous to 1846, he commenced merchandising at Taylorsville, Johnson county, lie conducted this business fourteen years, meantime run- ning two stores in North Carolina, one in Watauga county, and one at Burnsville, Yancey county. In 1847, he bought up all the com in East Tennessee, along the Tennessee river, from the mouth of Clinch to Chat- tanooga, with a view id' supplying the demand in Ire- land, during the famine there. He took it to New Orleans in flat boats and sold it to an English purchaser fur the Dublin market, and on this venture made one thousand five hundred dollars. <>n that enterprise he was six months and sixteen days "one. on duty all the time, often workingall night mi the river himself, steel- ing his boats, which were lashed together. About 1850, he contracted with Bishop Ives, of North Carolina, to put up a chapel, seminary, boarding bouse and store- house al Valle Crucis, in Watauga county, North Caro- lina, lie continued merchandising at Taylorsville, Watauga and Burnsville up to 1861, all at the same time, carrying en. besides, a tannery, a shoe shop and a saddlery simp at Taylorsville. Not only has his life been very active, but one of much exposure and laboriousness. lie has ridden all nver East Tennessee and over large portions of Ala- bama and South Carolina after night, in prosecuting bis business — always making personal enjoyment sub- servient to business duty. He rode from Greeenville, Smith Carolina, to his home, a distance of one hundred and twenty miles without stopping to rest or to sleep, and twice only to teed his horse. Night after night he has ridden all night in pursuit of business. He once weni three hundred miles in a canoe, from Battle Creek to Decatur, Alabama, poling and paddling night ami day. sleeping a- the canoe floated, rather than be balked in the sale of some West Tennessee lands: then rode tintx six miles at night from Decatur to Tuseumbia, to catch the stage, and got to his destination in time to prevent the loss of his lien and to buy the lands in. In 1840, he walked sixty-three miles in one day, in the month of June, from Asheville, North Carolina, to his farm mi Chucky river, to procure a team to lighten a load of five thousand six hundred weight of goods bought in Charleston, and which was being drawn by a team too weak to pull it. A man of wonderful physical endurance, in Alabama he was called "the iron man,' partly from his great strength, and partly because of his dealing so extensively in iron, in which he made the bulk of his fortune. An important part of his life, from 1848 to 1S58, was in connection with the origin, organization and con- struction of the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad from Bristol to Knoxville. He became a director of the road in 1850, was the financial agent from 1850 to 1858, ami disposed of three hundred thousand dollars of the bonds issued for building the bridges and ma- sonry, besides other contracts, amounting to one hun- dred and forty thousand dollars. He was author id' the bill passed by the Legislature, February 20, 1852, pro- viding for the building of the bridges and masonry, and labored zealously with that body until they passed it. Always a manipulator of men and a marshaler of affairs, during these ten years hi' neglected his own private business in the interest of the railroad and for the progress of Past Tennessee, indirectly thereby enhanc- ing the value of his real estate, some twelve thousand acres, lie bought the first locomotives ami the first passenger cars on the road, and gave his individual note for one bundled and forty thousand dollars for the iron fir thirty miles ot' the road. In 1861, he went into the Confederate service as quartermaster on Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer's staff. As brigade quartermaster he continued up to the death of I'HOMINI N l 11 N - 1 1 Mi i • \ i i ill' 'I \ M 1 1 i • Will ii i In ■ .11 1 \ ! ii.. i i iliii>i> Ini I ' ' i i .ill In III)) In I, I I. ink III III Inn In' Ii >i > I N i| \\ i ! miiil Ii I \ 1 1 1 i llj III III I i IIIm III lllllllll.il llll-ll. .ill III III I . I i 1 : ' III I'M . IJ o II Di |)inl I) 1 1 II 1 1 i i I ■ • I i ! ■ I l'l;i»MIM \ I TKNXKSSI VNS I ill In' I Mi - iS. I * i ml wils - iruthl i ill) in I In' i ii'ln di I? I K ISU-I I n I it' his |) ■ - \ ' Hi niplli- - ' 1 ' i . \ uglily nil km •I his \ llim Tin 1 1 i ■ » 1 the maul) truthful. i i it In i A I r Mom pi II. in a mm Mi would iiny li Hi 1 1 ! ■ II llr I I Hon jamks i. -mi ( II'IMSK .1 VM ; : il lii- - in ill ■ ■ in ()' - ■ ■ i land t i I with ; . In r ; and -I . I - ['ROMIN1 \ s ~ 1 n i I'c.r the regular i I ' . 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 In 1 - ntire kill. i I \ i: '• ofthi "■ hi till thl Inn di ■ i . im i> .iihl Southdowi i 1 1 1 i -~ ' i nlili - - h now ■ ■ him hi. tbr< I .ill I in He i - - ■ - ■ all 'I 1 in il I llo\ JOHN V WRIGHT. Till}" ■ 1 ■ ! V. 0. P. N I. 1 ' x i - PROMIN 1 1 Ilia Whig I I B in thi ■ ■ r , . I - * - I I I - ■ I nii'l : ■ u () ■ ■ ■ I .man. •1 wo I - I ■ I 1 ■ 1 ■ I I «7 I 1 - ■ PROMINENT TENNESSEANS. iir army with the rank o He was killed by the I li li rhornburgh's nieces, Mary Ariana, the daugl - 11 Peck, is the wife of Allen Tate, ! of the Second jud lit. The great-grandfather of our subject came from nia. The grandfath min Tl !i. was among the first settlers of Jeffer- iuiity, when the country was full of wild Indians: ars. and died at the age of ninety odd years. The father, Ai Thorn- county ; was a merchant and fill for many years, and a member of the Presbyteriau church. He was a man ofhigl | r; had the repu- tation of an honest man. and \ luring the war. In politics he was a Whii after the war becaun a U publican, lie died at about the ;■ irs. mother, whose maiden name was Man Late-down, cai Una. an orphan child Christian, and lember of the Metliodi- pal church half a cen- tury. She raised all her children riling labor as honorable and eh ither than and self-re- liant. She died at the age of eighty eight yi 'fie rn at N T e« M 'feme ruary Id. 1832, and there grew up and illS when he moved to Knoxville, when nil .vers-; :d in mercantile pur- suits. His edueatiou was limited to the comi of the country as they were in his early boyhood. He nor a. ,.,1 or gambled. I) full of : ,,,1 youthful S| His n was that of a farmer until the war n. when herefugeed to the Federal lines in Ken- aud, with Col. Pickens, raised the Third dry. and commanded tin- regiment in - uimanded the fourth brigade of the Cumberland, lie continued in service until the latter part of 1864, li n Tennessee. Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi, and was in the battles .if irough >. and numerous smaller N .ar ( 'orinth, he had his shoulder-straps off ill an i i on the skirmish line. Iu 1865, : ted from Jeff mty to the rved in th 7 - He was chairman of the committee on elections and of the committee on claims. The newspapers ofNash- '•i" c ' » ak of him as the " Thad fthe Legislature, so radical and uncompro- a Republican member. He was afterward special claims commissioner of tl ument al ket. He married in Nashville, June 26, 1866, Miss Ubany Rien Samuel. Her grandmother, Belinda Scott, of Virginia, was a Winfield - Mrs. Thornbui Ward's seminary, Nashville Sle tuber of the Methodist church, is lively in her disposition and diffusi I her husband says ol her, a whole team in the kitchen, a whole team in the garden, a whole team in the parlor, a whole team when ii literature -and is DOti her charity and readiness to help the poor and distl By his marriage with Miss Samuel Col. Thornburgh has six children : Charlie. Mary Florei i Dela Rien. Callie Lavinia (died two years old), Blanchieand Frank Perm 1 In politics ho was first a Whig and i> now a Republican — never having east a Democratic vot< . Ho was at one time a dele-ate to the national Republican com eiitioti at He was made a Mason in 1852, in New Market I. \ 246, and is now a mem ; Royal Arch Chapter al Knosvill if the charter ni de Lion Commandery, N 9 Inights Templar, at Knoxville. He served as Worshipful Mas' Market Lodge foi three years. He is the senior mem- the mercantile firm of Thornburgh & Daniel, . ille. Thornburgh was raised to hard work on a farm. His father never laid a nickel in his hand and said, spend it as you pleas.. What lie has he made h\ hard lieks. He says of himself : "I never had any pleasure trips." He made some money on the farm, and by trading in stoek ; traded in real estate after the war. and made some profit by his speculations. When a boy working for his fathi r, he used to raise potatoes in the missing corn hills, and would buy pigs and calvi fatten them fin- market, and instead of drinking whisky and living extravagantly, took care of the- money he thus made. His rule lias been never to take the advantage of a man iu a trade or in any other way. but to aet honestly and honorably in all his dealings. He irity. never sued a man. and was never sued: never had a note to go to protest: always kept his business so that he could put it together in twenty- four hours, if it should become necessary. He never went in debt unless he knew he could pay out of it at the appointed time. Above all things he desires to live an honest man. and to leave a record his posterity will have no cause to be ashamed of. He -land- six feet two inches high: Weighs two hun- dred pounds; has an unpretentious air. and looks as much like a well-to-do farmer as a city merchant. PROMINENT TENNESSEANS HON. DAVID T. PATTERSON. Iln Ml,. WHEN Judge Patterson began his career lawyer, he a marked att> of ill I young men al ; In- mind was tested by th< multitude of eases entrusted to him and the reraai I liarity which he exhibited in courts with the minuti of them all. His reliance upon his own jud throi ual remark of his to riter aud Mr. A. I!. Wilson April 6, IS Whin I was mind from t he facts, and never list ument ■ of i he lawyers unl point was presented. TheD I madi is a rule, as t hi i answer him in my own mind; if 1 ! not answer him I thought his ca I sometime us when i hi oud I ut I hi 3 were seldom n A - a bu i ; i his su< i | erior ment. But his greatest hc.ior is his family; a wife universally admired most promising business young men in the country, and a daughter, who is in nil her qualities, a splendor. ill T. Patter on was born in Greeue county, Ten- miles smith of < rreene\ ille, February 28, 1819 and there lived until he was fifteen yeat when his father moved to Greeneville district, South J34, The son, however, after spi in the old < S-reenevilh eturned to Greeneville, Tennessee, January, 1838, foT the pu of reading law, which he 'liil in the office of Hun. Rob- ert J. McKinney, late the State. After reading with him and also witho ceptor about two years, he was admitted to the bar in 1841. his ' Samuel Powell and II. hi. Robert M. Anderson, the former of the First circuit, the latter of the Twelfth judicial circuit. He commenced practice in 1841, at t. including tli" First judicial circuit, and practiced law thet May. 18! i the First judi- cial circuit, a position which he tilled till ig re 1 in 1862 At the first election his opponet I I [mi. James VV. I >ead e of Ten- nessi In 1863, Gen, Burnside came into East Tenni with the F 1 furnished rudge Patterson for the purpose of getting thi the lines tn Nashville, Pi i Johnson thru being military governor of Tennessee, and Jud I rson's of President Johnson : anxiui her lather. Judge" Patterson took his family, consisting of his wife and two children, Andrew lie, to M irriving there in No- ii aud ille, Kent ucky, thetn Louis' ill Nashville railroad. He I at Nashville until •l 365, when I i I the assassination of President President Johnson wanted his daughter, Mrs. Pati in take charge of the white-house, which her mother, :m invalid, was unable i .1 udge I ' i I lemoci it h is b irn a Democrat, but se t he Democratic part' hi was pre with the I 1 with the Democracy. I \< never held , for one, i n April. 1865. Hor- ace Maynard, by a n il i e Thi 1 i- in t he ' didates, Horace Maynard, N. G ind \. \ I like himself, Union men, tl. sonal contest rather ■ In the - if the committee on com nd of 1 ommittee for the ' Columbia. He a member of the court on An- drew ■ ; I , truction n ■ ministratii lie was a delegate from thi imore National Republican convention, in which nominated Pi term, hut did not attend, bein Point Military \ a member of the board of vis Tn earlier lif< for members of the South Carolina Legislatui le to the Martin Van Buren, and voted the Democratic ticket i i in 1856, he did nut vote for Buchanan nor did he vote in 1872 for Mr. G ise he thought his nomination a blun Dui stood unwaveringly by the Union. He was arrested in November, L8( of Gen. Zollicoffer, under eh aving had something to do with the burning of the bridg Tennessee, when the truth h is he did all he could to burnt, believing ii would in the Union men of East Tennessee in trouble, which it did. After arrest, he was ordered to Tuscaloosa was finallj released ig three times to the I to start for 'I'll.-' r from Richm I on honor and liberated, be h ide it that he had no hand in the bridge bn On March 4,1869, President Johnson's pn term and Judge Patterson's senatorial I unied io < id in the manufact- 1 I ■ \ W'il ii 1777 • lie - 19 nil r 1 1 \ ndi - I - 1 ■ and i 1 John I ily. tribul When the three liui cJnllarw in debt, which In 1 1 ■ Mr- ! April : i Mi-. Churl Lpril I. !-• Johni - M (hi WILLI \\l ■ i i \ ii - ■ .1 nhn I M 1 1 ; |{:i nicy, of Virginia. I 1 i 1 I. I 1 1 ■ I then ■ ■ ■ I ■ ' I I Hi - i: the I I I 1 1' 1 1 ! .1 D. I 1 1 I I I 1 i ; \\ \ I I ■I ill' I TIuiiii Ann Wiftgintou ; April ami I ■ in tli' I oh n I \ I I III i II. 1 1 i 1 ! i \ He I : : rill. II I III i:ri; I. I M D H" M [) 1 ■ s lllliiW I ■ 'I ■ ■ i I I WAY] i I I ■ l li ■ ■ ■ i I ■ ,1 1 I ■ : 1 ' I i I He i K. II 1 ■ II. - (.' II Mr. H M r I M 1 I M r. M i \ ■ i little in lii— I .1 I 1 I ! I 1 1 i ' < ill. 'Ill ill! Ill I ' I ■ 111 I I I tinn i ■ I 1 ; 1 with 1 h I. uflu- ■ I Kin (|i Jurii ■ I I iii lli- - all fol Aii'li I m ■ I n ! - • . 1 1. 1 I I ll III' III I ■ I mid .1 i WILLI Wl i: PT \ l ' I I ■ HON. \\ II. 1. 1 \M - - I I iii ; Ill I - I - i • 1 1 I ■ ■ ■ DANIEL F. WRIGHT, M.D. ■ '■ I II' r and in I I of ill' ■ I'ROMINI \- i ri -■'!' ■ In ! • I 1 1' - HON. DAVID KIN'. YOUXi i - ! ; i I I f 1 1 I - I I ■ Id ■ \ I I'KO.MI \V. II. WOOD i .1 iili In tile I I J I 1 I ■ - WILDER Till ' 1 II '■ : 1 I I 1 ■ 1 1 1 I; W. MITCHELL, M. D. NVTI II. MjI i i .1 \l i \ \\ \\ ; M I) i ■ He ■ i II - i 1 i 1 1 . M ■ in th Thii I'KOMIN ll< >N. I'll' (MAS MXON VAN 1 I I 1 I II, tlll'll II 1 < nd :ill In I I '■ ; II' ^ 1 1 II ■ - - I ■ In i In ! - - 1 I - ! I I - I I ■ ■ ■ ' M i ;ll<\ I'Imiii, I Hill > cbildi I - ■ in I hi iiil.l In I I 1 M - *l I \ - I I Hum • ith, I ' I ' wl «hc - . . iried in the ■ ■ Ml him \\'< i I Jul I dor thi bills. ! ; i I 1 •KOMI l|u\ \ I'll \ llloM Till 1 1 I win I Imitted : ! I in the 1 : roth ! I \l I i 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 Humphreys and H and i. 'I II Mil,]. I n| |Ui, in t« ill hi i ■ ii 1 1 W illiani aud I ■ | - \vl|.. ■ iii l lie .i ' i ! I M i (i .iml H 'I'll. in. -• I . w illi fil law i I He I ii i - ; In tl - i : 1 1 • i : n I'I:mM|\| VI I I \\| —I VNS Mr. H Ml' I - mii|' unity, \\ I \| - 1. 1 ,,(' iicoln II in.. ill. i . M M \\ I :i( the Ciilllllllj Til tlli \ ili, i Thou Ml I ihIIj ii in. ml., i of I In Hi- " imi lv, faithful • ..I in hiu >il Mi Thomas has achieved hi ii life Tlir.i null. .in lii- life he Iiiim made it n rule Bud KOIUCtl illowcd I kn.. h 1 ill the fnrni 1 1 \\ hi ii to ilrink ii ill mil Ii i- ki |.i 1 i ■ i- ;i II] - III' \ l. In- -t.in.l nd .i half inehi hundred mid n i mini mid, will ii.-. I. honest gentle in. in COL. NATHANIEL M. fAYLOR. ONE of the best known and ablest attorin I of tlii- sketch, Col. Nathaniel M I Bristol U >rn in ( 'm- intj 'I'iiii - [itcnibcr _' ew up there on his father'* farm II i- I on he W ishingtoii ( '..II. II idu ited in the law shool hi Lebanon, under J ad \ [ ini Carutbers. II i- pan hi- were in e I uircumt I ' -I in> 'i. in. w lii.li uij Hull' make II it nol con i with : 1 1 1 > church until l-i,:i. when he .joined the ii church .it B in that church for I H nil lu- lit. dcr tweh ind is 'I public I prohibition luation, he began 1 1 Kliuibethton, Tennessee, and there up to the r In n he went into the < 'onfi followed it- fortum I and \ I the tun bed duty At ■ u inl" l»iliti- I now Though In- father had Bank, for some ■■ torne} for the East 1 I road, mill i- now attornej for th t '.ii"liii.i railroad ■ Whig, I him mi both -ill.'-, were Whigs but he has b I'roui the close of thi Hi 1 il office Bi ■ i the ».ir b inin. iti. hi ' it II. was foi i the Duffield V.cadeni\ ■it Klizabcthton He joined the Masons in 18b'l, in I llizabetl i inty Tem ■ imi - ■ and -I unior W 1 1 married, in Kichm 1, \ " i r i.- i i ■ M M K. Jones, who v is born in three m the "(.'lay Slashes in Hanover county, A hi i ' I: lin died in 18S5 I ler i" M ■ \\ . Gi Id, of Ii \ - rdom ill. verj Hi nun kablc for tl -Mil. Ill t the in church Tl ; "tir children t 2, 187U d April '.«. I). .1 s - M u . i» 1 1 1 ~ . born - ]-:■. rh« • I i mi.' from Itoekbi idge .-"11111: '■ (Jen. N I'KOMINKS I fKNNKSSKANS iii. mi. i r.n loi Jonel in i h ili.' b (I ii He m ■■ lit- in farming ll Jan • il w iikI \ ithaniel K I daughters Vniui, who mm ■ lina M . : who in - ied I h v - l»nl I • \ I I ii the Port) foui tli 1 ■■ i 1 \ in Sul I B,. Jack I sketch il-.wli. -tv in this volume); Elizabeth, who int. married with Thoinus I \\ Ii i how ili.- I named T • d t 1 1 tli . ■ 1 < I . w i- I... i n in i Ten ii up I died April 18 1881 - the dan I. ..I Philadelphia, I'. 'nu- ll, in' milt) -■ ill. -iin.-ni ind appointed ho n territories but in .. *horl lime resigned tl ni-.l home II 1812, and t"..k pari in the bnti PN II left three children Klixaheth (.' mothci ofthi ..I tlii- sketch; Samuel I. Nuffield I Nuffield, .i physician, who died « hen man Col l lil.-r of • ■. n I. 1 the most proinim men in the settle) t, ind the father ol II Willi, un m Ii... for ii from the Pirsi di-iri.-i I • in. I ili.- town ,i. .1 for In- « ii. w In ii i M nil uncle Jan I 1 I Inn. 1 1 1 B. I H : \ i. I i ! ■ 1 : I ' M 1 ■ I • II II i In .1 II \ u \ \ \\ \ m . ■ , ll ll ; him i ! ! 1 1 i k tlir I I I 111 V. - Willi. \\ A I ui 1/ Tl 1 1 .- • ■ M I - Mil) i - Will it, tin- I 1 1 1 in tli' i Spirit tli-r • Hy th I Struck • VI Volutin I 1 \ll th din rot i I i Id. 1 I'r V. I I I 1 i ■ ■ I Wll ■> I I ■ i i I ! I He - ■ * - 71 I'KoMIM- VI TKNNI II i lie ! 1 I. I W., II i'ii ry Mi- 1 - 1 W I II 1 nnd hi HON. JERE BAXTER Hi )\ JERE BAXTI I this h in nil only in it I I 1 u I \\ i ii nd IV. .|in-ini ■ i under h 1 1 II- I h tin- ■ I Clllll' Iiuil.ii I In ill.' fall of 1 I h hen bu l 1 John I' ^ Ull.l I iiihI ii ■ hi ill M I h II. U i, I ■ ■ II ■ - I I .1 II. II :.!.. ■ I li - I ; ■ .. II. II 1 I II ' • - ■ iii lii:* 1 s I. II. I il II, - II. i ■ ■ This ,1 I I I ind ' ''i II Jud ■ I I I 1 ' 1 ■ [ tl '■'. I < in 1 i i hath | ■ L). M. Ill Wl\<.. Ml'. Di; i ! - : ' ■ I r I'm u re iiilln than 1 1. II 1 - 1 1 i M i I uuii I ' I 1 ■ 1 - ■ . and di II I B. ( J . 1 1 1 [ELBERT BARKSDALE WADE AHOl'Ull 1 1 will b M the 'u II White, « hi ill he I h r the with tlirir and n ■• .1 in i ford under - I ' I, Illi I I '■' I clerk Fron the United £ In ■ In ! I 'lir. dricke II l I ■ I ■ ■ II